THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT \y /y //j /''" ' SCHOOL EDITION.— With Denman's Questions. IMPROVEMENT THE MIND BY ISAAC WATTS, D. D. " Whoever has tne care of instructing others, may be charged with defi. ciency in his duty, if this Boolf is not recommended,"— Dr. Johnson. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY A. S. BARNES & 00 CINCINNATI: H. W. DERBY §• CO. 1849. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849, By a. S. BARNES & CO. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. CONTENTS. PART I. Page. The Introduction, 5 Chap. I. — General Rules for the Improvement of Knowledge, 7 Chap. II. — Five Methods of Improving, described, and compared; viz. Observation, Reading, In- struction by Lectures, Conversation, and Stu- « dy, with their several Advantages and Defects, 21 Chap. III. — Of Observation, either by the Senses or the Mmd, 22 Chap. IV. — Of Reading and Books, with Direc- tions relating thereto 38 Chap. V. — The Judgment of Books, both Approba- tion and Censure, 49 Chap. VI. — Of living Instructions and Lectures, of Teachers and Learners, 61 Chap. VII. — Of learning a Language, particularly the Latin, 65 Chap. VIII. — Of inquiring into the Sense and Meaning of any Writer or Speaker, whether human or divine, 73 Chap. IX. — Of Conversation, and profiting by it, and of Persons fit or unfit for free Converse, . 11 Chap. X. — Of Disputes, and general Rules rela- ting to them, 92 Chap. XI. — Of Socratical Disputation, by Ques- tion and Answer, 103 Chap. XII. — of Forensic Disputes, in Courts of Justice or Public Assemblies, 106 Chap. XIII. — Of Academic or Scholastic Disputes, and tlie Rules of them, and how far they may be useful, 109 IV CONTENTS. Page Chap. XIV.— Of Study, or Meditation, and the final Determination of Things by our own Judg- ment, 118 Chap. XV.— Of fixing the Attention, 129 Chap. XVI. — Of enlarging the Capacity of the Mind, 133 Chap. XVII. — Of the Memory, and the Improve- ment thereof, 150 Chap. XVIII. — Of determining a Question; several Cautions about it; of Reason and Revelation; ■ of Argument and Ridicule; of Assent only in Proportion to Evidence, &c 171 Chap. XIX. — Of inquiring into Causes and Effects, 189 Chap. XX. — Of the Sciences, and their Uses in particular Professions, 192 PART II. The Introduction, 221 Chap. I. — Methods of teaching, and reading Lec- tures, 223 Chap. II, — Of an instructive Style, 229 Chap. III. — Of convincing of Truth, or delivering from Error, 235 Chap. IV.— Tlie Use and Abuse of Authority, . 242 Chap. V. — Of managing the Prejudices of Men, . 251 Chap. VI.— Of Instruction by Preaching, . . . 260 Chap. VII. — Of writing Books for the Public, . . 272 Chap. VIII. — Of writing and reading Controver- sies, 276 IMPROVEMENT OF THE MIND. PART I. DIRECTIONS FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF USEFUL KNOW- LEDGE. INTRODUCTION. No man is obliged to learn and know every thing; this can neither be sought nor required, for it is utterly impossible; yet all persons are under some obligation to improve their own understanding; otherwise it will be a barren desert, or a forest overgrown with weeds and brambles. Universal ignorance or infinite errors will overspread the mind which is utterly neglected, and lies witliout any cultivation. Skill in tlie sciences is indeed the business and pro- fession but of a small part of mankind; but there are many ntiiers placed in such an exalted rank in the world, as allows them much leisure and large opportunities to cultivate their reason, and to beautify and enrich their minds with various knowledge. Even the lower orders of men have particular callings in life, wherein they ougiit to acquire a just degree of skill; and this is not to be done well, witliout thinking and reasoning about them. Tlie common duties and benefits of society, which be- long to every man living, as we are social creatures, and even our native and necessary relations to a family, a neighbourliood or government, oblige all persons what- 1* b INTRODUCTION. soever to use their reasoning powers upon a thousand occasions; every hour of hfe calls for some regular exer- cise of our judgment, as to time and things, persons and actions: without a prudent and discreet determination in matters before us, we shall be plunged into perpetual errors in our conduct. Now that which should always be practised must at some time be learned. JJesides, every son and daughter of Adam has a most important concern in the aftairs of the life to come, and therefore it is a matter of the highest moment, for every one to understand, to judge, and to reason right about the things of religion. It is vain for any to say, we have no leisure time fur it. The daily intervals of time, and vacancies from necessary labour, together with the one day in seven in t!ie Cluistian world, allows sufficient time for this, if nien would but apply themselves to it with half so much zeal and diligence as tliey do to the trifles and amusements of this life, and it would turn to infinitely better account. Thus it appears to be the necessary duty and the in- terest of every person living, to improve his understand- ing, to inform his judgment, to treasure up useful know- ledge, and to acquire the skill of good reasoning, as far as his station, capacity, and circumstances furnish him with proper means for it. Our mistakes in judgment may plunge us into much folly and guilt in practice. By acting without thought or reason, we dishonour the God that made us reasonable creatures, we often become injurious to our neighbours, kindred, or friends, and we bring sin and misery upon ourselves; for we are accounta- ble to God, our judge, for every part of our irregular and mistaken conduct, where he hath given us sufficient ad- vantages to guard against those mistakes. GENERAL RULES, ScC. 7 CHAPTER I. GENERAL RULES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF KNOWLEDGE.* Rule 1. — Deeply possess your mind with the vast importance of a good judgment, and the rich and inesti- mable advantage of right reasoning. Review the in- stances of your own misconduct in hfe; think seriously with yourselves how many follies and sorrows you had escaped, and how mucii guilt and misery you had pre- vented, if from your early years you had but taken due pains to judge aright concerning persons, times, and things. Tliis will awaken you with lively vigour to address yourselves to tiie work of improving your reason- ing powers, and seizing every opportunity and advantage for tliat end. II. Consider the weaknesses, frailties, and mistakes of human nature in general, which arise from the very con- stitution of a soul united to an animal body, and sub- jected to many inconveniences thereby. Consider the many additional weaknesses, mistakes, and frailties, which are derived from our original apostasy and fall from a state of innocence: how much our powers of un- derstanding are yet mors darkened, enfeebled, and im- posed upon by our senses, our fancies, our unruly pas- sions, &,c. Consider the depth and difficulty of many truths, and the flattering appearances of falsehood, whence arises an infinite variety of dangers to which we are exposed in our judgment of things. Read with greediness those authors that treat of the doctrine of prejudices, prepossessions, and springs of error, on pur- pose to make your soul watchful on all sides, that it suf- fer itself, as far as possible, to be imposed upon, by none of them. III. A slight view of things so momentous is not suf- ficient. You should therefore contrive and practise some * Thour:;h the most of these following Rules are chiefly addressfd to those whom th«ir fortune or their station require to addict them- selves to the peculiar improvement of their minds in greater degrees of knowledge, yet every one who has leisure and opportunity to be acquainted with such writings as these, may find something among them for their own use. S GENERAL RULES proper methods to acquaint yourself with your own igno- rance, and to impress your mind with a deep and pain- ful sense of the low and imperfect deofrees of your present knowledge, that you may be incited with labour and activity to pursue after greater measures. Among others, you may find some such methods as these successful. 1. Take a wide survey now and then of the vast and unlimited regions of learning. Let your meditations run over the names of all the sciences, with their numerous branchings, and innumerable particular themes of know- ledge; and then reflect how few of them you are ac- quainted with in any tolerable degree. The most learned of mortals will never find occasion to act over again what is fabled of Alexander the Great, that when he had con- quered what was called the eastern world, he wept for want of more worlds to conquer. The worlds of science are immense and endless. 2. Think what a numberless variety of questions and difficulties there are belonging even to that particular science in which you have made the greatest progress, and how few of thern there are in which you have ar- rived at a final and undoubted certainty; excepting only those questions in the pure and simple mathematics, whose theorems are demonstrable, and leave scarce any doubt; and yet, even in the pursuit of some few of these, m.inkind have been strangely bewildered. 3. Spend a few thouglits sometimes on the puzzling inquiries concerning vacuums and atoms, the doctrine of infinites, indivisibles, and incommensurables in ge- ometry, wherein there appear some insolvable difficul- ties: do this on purpose to give you a more sensible im- pression of the poverty of your understanding, and the imperfection of your knowledge. This will teach you what a vain thing it is to fancy that you know all things, and will instruct you to think modestly of your present attainments, when every dust of the earth, and every inch of empty space, surmounts your understanding, and triumplis over your presumption. Arillimo had been bred up to accounts all his life, and thought himself a complete master of numbers. But when he was pushed liard to give the square root of the number 2, he tried TO OBTAIN KNOAVLEDGE. 9 at it, and laboured long in millesimal fractions, till he confessed there was no end of the inquiry; and yet he learned so much modesty by this perplexing question, that he was afraid to say it was an impossible thing. It is some good degree of improvement, when we are afraid to be positive. 4. Read the accounts of those vast treasures of know- ledge which some of the dead have jjossessed, and some of the living do possess. Read and be astonished at the almost incredible advances which have been made iii science. Acquaint yourself witli some persons of great learning, that by converse among them, and comparing yourself with tliem, you may acquire a mean opinion of your own attainments, and may thereby be animated with new zeal, to equal them as far as possible, or to ex- ceed: thus let your diligence be quickened by a generous and laudable emulation. If Vanillus had never met with Scitorio and Palydes, he had never imagined him- self a mere novice in philosophy, nor ever set himself to study in good earnest. Remember tliis, that if upon some few superficial acquirements you value, exalt, and swell yourself, as though you were a man of learning already, you are thereby building a most unpassable barrier against all improvement; you will lie down and indulge idleness, and rest yourself contented in the midst of deep and shameful ignorance. Multi ad scientiam pervenissent si se illuc pervenisse non putassent. IV. Presume not too much upon a bright genius, a ready wit, and good parts; for this, without labour and study, will never make a man of knowledge and wisdom. This has been an unhappy temptation to persons of a vigorous and gay fancy, to despise learning and study. They have been acknowledged to shine in an assembly, and sparkle in a discourse on common topics, and thence they took it into their heads to abandon reading and labour, and grow old in ignorance; but when they had lost their vivacity of animal nature and youtli, they be- came stupid and sottish even to contempt and ridicule. Lucidus and Scintillo are young men of this stamp; they shine in conversation; they spread their native riches 10 GEKERAL RULES before the ignorant; they pride themselves in their own lively images of fancy, and imagine themselves wise and learned; but they had best avoid the presence of the skilful, and the test of reasoning; and I would advise them once a day to think forward a little, what a con- temptible figure they will make in age. The witty men sometimes have sense enough to know their own foible; and therefore they craftily shun the attacks of argument, or boldly pretend to despise and renounce them, because they are conscious of their own ignorance, and inwardly confess their want of acquaint- ance with the skill of reasoning. V. As y<»u are not to fancy yourself a learned man because you are blessed with a ready wit; so neither must you imagine that large and laborious reading, and a strong memory, can denominate you truly wise. What that excellent critic has determined when he decided the question, whether wit or study makes the best poet, may well be applied to every sort of learning: Ego nee studimn sine divile vena, IVec rude quid prosit, video, ingenium: alterius sic Altera poscit opem res, et conjurat amice. ^^ Hor. de Art. Poet. Thus made English: Concerning poets there has been contest, Whether they're made by art or nature best; But if I may presume in this affair. Among the rest my judgment to declare, No art without a genius will avail, And parts without the help of art will fail: But both ingredients jointly must unite. Or verse will never shine with a transcendent light. Oldham. It is meditation and studious thought, it is the exer- cise of your own reason and judgment upon all you read, that gives good sense even to the best genius, and affords your understanding the truest improvement. A boy of a strong memory may repeat a whole book of Euclid, yet be no geometrician; for he may not be able perhaps to demonstrate one single theorem. Memorino has learned half the Bible by heart, and is become a living concordance, and a speaking index to theological folios, and yot he understands little of divinity. TO OBTAIN KNOWLEDGE. 11 A well furnished library, and a capacious memory, are indeed of singular use toward the improvement of the mind; but if all your learning be nothing else but a mere amassment of what others have written, without a due penetration into the meaning, and without a judi- cious choice and determination of your own sentiments, I do not see what title your head has to true learning above your shelves. Though you have read philosophy and tlieoiogy, morals and metaphysics in abundance, and every other art and science, yet if your memory is the only faculty employed, with the neglect of your rea- soning powers, you can justly claim no higher character but that of a good historian of the sciences. Here note, many of the foregoing advices are more peculiarly proper for those who are conceited of their abilities, and are ready to entertain a high opinion of themselves. But a modest, humble youth, of a good genius, should not suffer himself to be discouraged by any of these considerations. They are designed only as a spur to diligence, and a guard against vanity and pride. VI. Be not so weak as to imagine, that a life of learn- ing is a life of laziness and ease; dare not give up your- self to any of the learned professions, unless you are resolved to labour hard at study, and can make it your delight, and the joy of your life, according to the motto of our la-e Lord Chancellor King: .... Labor ipse voluptas. ' It is no idle thing to be a scholar indeed. A man much addicted to luxury and pleasure, recreation and pnstime, should never pretend to devote himself entirely to the sciences, unless his soul be so reformed and refined, that he can taste all these entertainments eminently in his closet, among his books and papers. Sobrino is a temperate man, and a pliilosopher, and he feeds upon partridge and piieasant, venison and ragouts, and every delicacy, in a growing understandmg, and a serene and healthy soul, though he dines on a dish of spiouts or turnips. Languinos loved his ease, and therefore chose to be brought up a scholar; he had much indolence in his temper; and as he never cared for study, he falls 12 GENERAL RULES under universal contempt in his profession, because he has nothing but the gown and the name. VII. Let the hope of new discoveries, as well as the satisfaction and pleasure of known truths, animate your daily industry. Do not think learning in general is ar- rived at its perfection, or that the knowledge of any par- ticular subject in any science cannot be improved, mere- ly because it has lain five hundred or a thousand years without improvement. The present age, by the bless- ing of God on the ingenuity and diligence of men, has brouglit to light such truths in natural piiilosophy, and such discoveries in the heavens and the eartli, as seemed to be beyond the reach of man. But may there not be Sir Isaac Newtons in every science? You should never despair therefore of finding out that which has never yet been found, unless you see something in the nature of it which renders it unsearchable, and above the reach of our faculties. Nor should a student in divinity imagine that our age is arrived at a full understanding of every thing which can be known by tlie Scriptures. Every age since the Reformation hath thrown some further liglit on difficult texts and paragraphs of the Bible, which have been long obscured by the early rise of antichrist: and since there are at present many difficulties and darknesses lianging about certain trutlis of the Christian religion, and since several of tliese relate to important doctrines, such as the origin of sin, the fall of Adam, tlie person of Christ, the blessed Trinity, and decrees of God, &c. wliicli do still embarrass the minds of honest and inquiring rea- ders, and which make work for noisy controversy; it is certain there are several things in the Bible yet un- known, and not sufficiently explained; and it is certain that there is some way to solve these difficulties, and to reconcile these seeming contradictions. And wliy may not a sincere searcher of truth in the present age, by la- bour, diligence, study, and prayer, with the best use of his reasoning powers, find out the proper solution of those knots and perplexities which have hitherto been unsolved, and which have afforded matter for angry quarrelling.' Happy is every man who shall be favoured TO OBTAIX KNOWLEDGE. 13 of Heaven, to give a helping hand towards the intro- duction of the blessed age of light and love. VIII. Do not liO\tr always ou the surface of things, nor take up suddenly with mere appearances; but pene- trate into the depth of matters, as far as your time and circumstances allow, especially in those things which re- late to your own profession. Do not indulge yourselves to judge of things by the first glimpse, or a short and su- perficial view of them; for this will fill the mind with errors and prejudices, and give it a wrong turn and ill habit of thinking, and make much work for retraction. Subito is carried away witli title pages, so that he ven- tures to pronounce upon a large octavo at once, and to recommend it wonderfully when he has read half the preface. Another volume of controversies, of equal size, was discarded by liim at once, because it pretended to treat of the Trinity, and yet he could neither find the word essence nor subsistencies in tlie twelve first pages; but Subito changes his opinions of men and books and things so often, that nobody regards him. As for those sciences, or those parts of knowledge, which either your profession, your leisure, your inclina- tion, or your incapacity, forbid you to pursue- with much application, or to search far into them, you must be con- tented with an historical and superficial knowledge of them, and not pretend to form any judgment of your own on those subjects which you understand very im- perfectly. IX. Once a day, especially in the early years of life and study, call yourselves to an account what new ideas, what new proposition or truth you have gained, what further confiruiation of known truths, and what ad- vances you have made in any part of knowledge; and let no day, if possible, pass away without some intellec- tual gain: such a course, well pursued, n)ust certainly advance us in useful knowledge. It is a wise proverb among the learned, borrowed from the lips and practice of a celebrated painter. Nulla dies sine linea, " Let no day pass without one line at least;" and it was a sacred rule among the Pythagoreans, That they should every evening thrice run over tiie actions and alTairs of the 2 14 GENERAL RULES day, and examine what tlieir conduct had been, what they had done, or what they had neglected: and they assured their pupils, that by this method they would make a noble progress in the path of virtue. MyiS y-vov i/.^\v.-AOt) Traes^yn'i T» S' i^i^x; '» jUO» Stov oox' sTsXe(rS)i; Nor let soft slumber close your eyes, Before you've recollected fhrite The train of action through the day: Where have my feet chose out their way? Whtt have I learn'd, where'er I've been, From all I've heard, from all I've seen? What know I more that's worth the knowing? What have I done that's worth the doing? What have I souj^ht that I sljould shun? What duty have I left undone? Or into what new follies run? These self-inquiries are the road That leads to virtue, and to God. I would be glad, among a nation of Christians, to find young men heartily engaged in the practice of what this heatlien writer teaches. X. Maintain a constant watch at all times against a dogmatical spirit: fix not your assent to any proposition in a firm and unalterable manner, till you have some firm and unalterable ground for it, and till you have ar- rived at some clear and sure evidence; till you have turned the proposition on all sides, and searched the matter through and through, so that you cannot be mis- taken. And even where you may think you liave full grounds of assurance, be not too early, nor too frequent, in expressing this assurance in too peremptory and posi- tive a manner, remembering tiiat human nature is al- ways liable to mistake in this corrupt and feeble state. A dogmatical spirit has many inconveniences attending it: as 1. It stops the ear against all further reasoning upon that subject, and shuts up the mind from all further im- provements of knowledge. If you have resolutely fixed your opinion, though it be upon too slight and insutfi- cient grounds, yet you will stand determined to renounce the strongest reason brought for the contrary opinion, TO OBTAIN KNOWLEDGE. 15 and grow obstinate against the force of the clearest ar- gument. Positive is a man of this cliaracter; and has often pronounced his assurance of tiie Cartesian vor- texes: last year some furtlier light broke in upon his un- derstanding, with uncontrollable force, by reading some- thing of mathematical philosophy; yet having asserted his former opinions in a most confident manner, he is tempted now to wink a little against the truth, or to prevaricate in his discourse upon that subject, lest by admitting conviction, he should expose himself to the necessity of confessing his former folly and mistake: and he has not humility enough for that. 2. A dogmatical spirit naturally leads us to arrogance of mind, and gives a man some airs in conversation which are too hauj^lity and assuming. Audens is a man of learning, and very good company; but his infallible assurance renders his carriage sometimes insupportable. A dogmatical spirit inclines a man to be censorious of his neighbours. Every one of his own opinions appears to him written as it were with sunbeams; and he grows angry that his neighbour does not see it in the same light. He is tempted to disdain his correspondents, as men of a low and dark understanding, because they will not believe what he does. Furio goes furtlier in this wild track; and charges those who refuse his notions with wilful obstinacy and vile hypocrisy; he tells them boldly, that they resist the truth, and sin against their consciences. These are the men that, when they deal in contro- versy, delight in reproaches. They abound in tossing about absurdity and stupidity among their brethren; they cast the imputation of heresy and nonsense plenti- fully upon their antagonists: and in matters of sacred importance, they deal out their anathemas in abun- dance upon Christians better than themselves; they de- nounce damnation upon their neighbours, without cither justice or mercy; and when thev pronounce sentences of divine wrath against supposed heretics, they add their own human fire and indignation. A dogmatist in religion is not a great way off from a bigot, and is in high danger of growing up to be a bloody persecutor. ib GENERAL RULES XI. Though caution and slow assent will guard yo\i against frequent mistakes and retractions; yet you should get luamility and courage enough to retract any mistake, and confess an error: frequent changes are tokens of le- vity in our first determinations; yet you should never be too proud to change your opinion, nor frigiitened at the name of changeling. Learn to scorn thuse vulgar bug- bears, which confirm foolish man in his old mistakes, for fear of being charged with inconstancy. I confess it is better not to judge, than to judge falsely; it is wiser to withhold our assent till we see complete evidence; but if we have too suddenly given up our assent, as the wisest man does sometimes, if we have professed what we find afterwards to be false, we should never be ashamed nor afraid to renounce a mistake. That is a noble essay which is found among the occasional papers " to encour- age the world to practise retractations;" and I would re- commend it to the perusal of every scholar and every Cinistian. XII. He that would raise his judgment above the vul- gar rank of mankind, and learn to pass a just sentence on persons and tilings, must take heed of a fanciful tem- per of mind, and a humorous conduct in his atfairs. Fancy and humour, early and constantly indulged, may expect an old age overrun with follies. The notion of a humourist is one that is greatly pleased, or greatly displeased with little things; who sets his heart much upon matters of very small importance; who has his will determined every day by trifles, his actions sel- dom directed by the reason and nature of things, and his passions frequently raised by things of little moment. Where this practice is allowed, it will insensibly warp the judgment to pronounce little things great, and tempt you to lay a great weight upon tiiem. In short, this temper will incline you to pass an unjust value on almost every thing that occurs; and every step you take in tliis patli is just so far out of the way to wisdom. XIII. For the same reason have a care of trifling with things important and momentous, or of sporting with things awful and sacred: do not indulge a spirit of ridi- cule, as some witty men do on all occasions and subjects- TO OBTAIN KNOWLEDGE. 17 This will as unhappily bias the judgment on the other side, and incline yon to pass a low esteem on the most valuable objects. Whatsoever evil habit we indulge in practice, it will insensibly obtain a power over oiir un- derstanding, and betray us into many errors. Jocander is ready with his jests to answer every thing that he hears; he reads books in the same jovial humour, and has gotten the art of turning every thought and sentence into mer- riment. How many awkward and irregular judgments does this man pass upon solemn subjects even when he designs to be grave and in earnest! His mirth and laugh- ing humour is formed into habit and temper, and leads his understanding shamefully astray. You will see him wandering in pursuit of a gay flying feather, and he is drawn by a sort of ignis fatuus into bogs and mire almost every day of his life. XIV. Ever maintain a virtuous and pious frame of spirit; for an indulgence of vicious inclinations debases the understanding and perverts the judgment. Whore- dom and wine, and new wine, take away tlie heart and soul, and reason of a man. Sensuality ruins the better faculties of the mind: an indulgence to appetite and pas- sion enfeebles the powers of reason; it makes the judg- ment weak and susceptible of every falsehood, and espe- cially of such mistakes as have a tendency towards the gratification of the animal: and it warps the soul aside strangely from that steadfast honesty and integrity that necessarily belongs to the pursuit of truth. It is the vir- tuous man who is in a fair way to wisdom. " God gives to those that are good in his sight wisdom, and know- ledge, and joy," Eccles. ii. 26. Piety towards God, as well as sobriety and virtue, are necessary qualifications to make a truly wise and judi- cious man. He that abandons religion must act in such a contradiction to his own conscience and best judgment that he abuses and spoils the faculty itself It is thus in the nature of things, and it is thus by the righteous judg- ment of God: even the pretended sages among the hea thens, who did not like to retain God in their knowledge they were given up to a reprobate mind, £s, for his own humour as a traveller, or pursue his diversions in what part of the world he pleases as a gentleman: let pros- perous or adverse fortune call him to the most distant parts of the globe; still let him carry on his knowledge and the improvement of his soul by wise observations. In due time, by this means, lie may render himself some way useful to the societies of mankind. S6 RULES HEI.ATING TheobaJdino, in his younger years, visited the forests of Norway on the account of trade and timber, and be- sides his proper observations of the growth of trees on those northern mountains, he learned there was a sort of people called Fins, in those confines which border upon Sweden, whose habitation is in the woods; and he lived afterwards to give a good account of them and some of their customs to the Royal Society for the im- provement of natural knowledge. Puteoli was taken captive into Turkey in iiis youth, and travelled with his master in their holy pilgrimage to Mecca, whereby he became more intelhgent in the forms, ceremonies, and fooleries of the Mahometan worsiiip, than perhaps any Briton knew before; and by his manuscripts we are more acquainted in this last century with the Turkish sacreds, than any one had ever informed us. IV. Let us keep our minds as free as possible from passions and prejudices; for these will give a wrong turn to our observations both on persons and things. The eyes of a man in the jaundice make yellow observa- tions on every thing; and the soul, tinctured with any passion or prejudice, diffuses a false colour over tiie real appearance of things, and disguises many of the com- mon occurrences of life: it never beholds things in a true light, nor suffers them to appear as tliey are. Whensoever, therefore, you would make proper obser- vations, let self, with all its influences, stand aside as far as possible; abstract your own interest and your own concern from them, and bid all friendships and enmities stand aloof and keep out of the way, in the observa- tions that you make relating to persons and tilings. If this rule were well obeyed, we should be much better guarded against tliose common pieces of miscon- duct in the Observations of men, viz: the false judg- ments of pride and envy. How ready is envy to min- gle with the notices which we take of other persons! How often is mankind prone to put an ill sense upon the action of their neighbours, to take a survey of them in an evil position and in an unhappy light! And by this means we form a worse opinion of our neighbours than they deserve; while at the same time pride and , TO OBSERVATION. 37 self-flattery tempt us to make unjust observations on ourselves in our own favour. In all the fiivoiirable judgments we pass concerning ourselves, we should al- low a little abatement on this account. V. In making your observations on persons, take care of indulging that busy curiosity which is ever inquiring into private and domestic affairs, with an endless itch of learning the secret history of families. It is but sel- dom that such a prying curiosity attains any valuable ends: it often begets suspicions, jealousies, and distur- bances in households, and it is a frequent temptation to persons to defame their neighbours: some persons cannot help telling wliat they know: a busybody is most liable to become a tattler upon every occasion. VI. Let your observation, even of persons and their conduct, be chiefly designed in order to lead you to a better acquaintance with things, particularly with hu- man nature; and to inform you what to imitate and what to avoid, rather tlian to furnish out matter for the evil passions of the mind, or the impertinencies of dis- course and reproaches of the tongue. VII. Though it may be proper sometimes to make your observations concerning persons as well as things the subject of your discoui-se in learned or useful con- versations, yet what remarks you make on particular persons, particularly to their disadvantage, should for the most part lie hid in your own breast, till some just and apparent occasion, some necessary call of Provi- dence, leads you to speak to them. If the character or conduct which you observe be greatly culpable, it should so much the less be published. You may treasure up such remarks of the follies, inde- cencies, or vices of your neighbours as may be a con- stant guard against your practice of the same, without exposing the reputation of your neighbour on that ac- count. It is a good old rule, that our conversation should rather be laid out on things than on persons; and this rule should generally be o!)served, unless names be conceah^d, wheresoever the faults or follies of mankind are our pre^icnt theme. Our late Archbishop Tillotson has written a small but 4 38 OF BOOKS AND READING. excellent discourse on evil speaking, wherein he admira- bly explairrs, limits, and applies, that general apostolic precept, Speak evil of no man, Tit. iii. 2. VIII. Be not too hasty to erect general theories from a few particular observations, appearances, or e.xperi- ments. Tliis is whattiie logicians call a filse induction. When general observations are drawn from so many particulars as to become certain and indubitable, these are jewels of knowledge, comprehending great treasure in little room: bnt they are therefore to be made with the greater care and caution, lest errors beconre large and diffusive, if we should mistake in these general notions. A hasty determination of some universal principles, without a due survey of all the particular cases which mav be included in them, is the way to lay a trap for our own understandings, in their pursuit of any subject, and we shall often be taken ca[)tives into mistal^ie and falsehood. Niveo in his youth observed, that on three Christmas Days together there fell a good (piantity of snow, and now hath writ it down in his almanac, as a part of his wise remarks on the weather, that it will al- ways snow at Christmas. Enron, a younff lad, took no- tice ten times, that there was a sliarp frost when the wind was in the north-east, therefore, in the middle of the last July, he almost expected it should freeze, be- cause the weatlrer-cocks showed him a north-east wind; and he was still more disappointed, when he found it a very sultry season. It is the same hasty judgment that hatli thrown scandal on a whole nation for the sake of some culpable characters belonging to several particular natives of that country; whereas all the Frenchmen are not gay and airy; all the Italians are not jealous and re- vengeful; nor are all the English overrun with the spleen. CHAPTER IV. OF BOOKS AND READING. I. The world is full of Books; but there are multi- tudes which are so ill written, they were never worth OF BOOKS AND READING. 89 any man's reading; and there are thousands more which may be good in their kind, yet are worth notliing whetj the month or year, or occasion is past for which tliey were written. Otliers may be valuable in themselves for some special purpose, or in some peculiar science, but are not fit to be peruse^ by any but those who are engaged in that particular science or business. To what use is it for a divine or physician, or a tradesman, to read over the huge volumes of repoils of judged cases in the law? or fur a lawyer to learn Hebrew, and read the Rabbins? It is of vast advantage for improvement of knowledge, and saving lime, for a young man to have the most proper books for his reading recommend- ed by a judicious friend. II. Books of importance of any kind, and especially complete treatises on any subject, siiould be first read in a more general and cursory manner, to learn a little what the treatise promises, and what you may expect from the writer's manner and skill. And for this end I would advise always that the preface be read, and a sur- vey taken of the table of contents, if there be one, be- fore the survey of tiie book. By this means you will not only be better fitted to give the book the first read- ing, but you will be much assisted in your second peru- sal of it, which should be done with greater attention and deliberation, and you will learn with more ease and readiness wliat the author pretends to teach. In your reading, mark what is new or unknown to you before and review those cliapters, pages, or paragraplis. Un- less a reader has an uncommon and most retentive me- mory, 1 may venture to aflirin, that tiiere is scarce any book or chapter worth reading once, that is not worthy of a second perusal. At least to take a careful review of all the lines or paragraplis which you marked, and make a recollection of tlie sections which you thought truly valuable. There is another reason also why 1 would choose to take a superficial and cursory survey of a book, before I sit down to read it, and dwell upon it with studious at- tention; and that is, that there may be several difficul ties in it which we cannot easily understand and con- 40 OF BOOKS AND READING. qner at the first reading, for want of a fuller compre- hension of the autlior^s whole scheme. And tiierefore in such treatises, we sliould not stay till we master every difficulty at tiie first perusal; for perliaps many of these would a'jipear to be solved when we have proceeded fur- ther in t!iat book, or would vanish of themselves upon a second reading. III. If three or four persons agreed to read the same book, and each brings his own remarks upon it, at some set houis appointed for conversation, and they commu- nicate mutually their sentiments on the subject, and de- bate about it in a friendly manner, this practice will ren- der the reading any author more abundantly beneficial to any one of them. IV. If several persons engaged in the same study, take into their hands distinct treatises on one subject, and appoint a season of communication once a week, they may inform each other in a brief manner concern- ing the sense, sentiments, and methods of those several authors, and thereby promote eacii other's iniprovement, either by recommending the perusal of the same book to their companions, or perhaps by satisfying their in- quiries concerning it by conversation, without every one's perusing it. V. Remember that your business in reading or in con- versation, especially on subjects of natural, moral, or divine science, is not merely to know tiie opinion of the author or speaker, for this is but the mere knowledge of history; but your chief business is to consider whether their opinions are riglit or no, and to improve your own i'olid knowledge on that subject by meditation on the themes of tlieir writing or discourse. Deal freely with every author you read, and yield up your assent only to evidence and just reasoning on the subject. Here I would be understood to speak only of human authors, and not of the sacred and inspired writings. In these our business is only to find out the true sense, and understand the true meaning of the paragraph and page, and our assent then is bound to fullow when we are before satisfied that the writing is divine. Yet I OF BOOKS AND READING. 41 might add also, that even this is sufficient evidence to demand our assent. But in the composures of men, remember you are a man as well as they; and it is not their reason but your own that is given to guide you when you arrive at years of discretion, of manl}' age and judgment. VI. Let tliis therefore be your practice, especially after you have gone through one course of any science in your academical studies; if a writer on tliat subject maintains the same sentiments as you do, yet if he does not explain his ideas or prove his positions well, mark the faults or defects, and endeavour to do better, either in the margin of your book, or rather in some papers ot your own, or at least let it be done in your private meditations. As for instance: — Where the author is obscure, enlighten him: where he is imperfect, supply his deficiencies: wiiere he is too brief and concise, ampHfy a little, and set his notions in a fairer view: where he is redundant, mark those para- graphs to be retrenched: when he trifles and grows im- pertinent, abandon those passages or pages: when he argues, observe whether his reasons be conclusive: if the conclusion be true, and yet the argument weak, en- deavour to confirm it by belter proofs: where he derives or infers any proposition darkly and doubtfully, make the justice of tlie inference appear, and make tut ther inferen- ces or corollaries, if such occur to your mind: where you suppose he is in a mistake, propose your objections and correct his sentiments: what he writes so well as to ap- prove itself of your judgment, both as just and useful, treasure it up in your memory, and count it a part of your intellectual gains. Note, Many of tiiese same directions, which I have now given, n)ay be practised with regard to conversa- tion as well as reading, in order to render it useful in ^he most extensive and lasting manner. VII. Other things also of the like nature may be use- fully practised witii regard to the authors which you read, viz. If the method of a book be irregular, reduce it into form, by a little analysis of your own, or by hints m the margin: If those tilings are heaped together, 1 4* 42 OF BOOKS AND READING. which should be separated, you may wisely disting-uish and divide them: if several thing's relating- to the same subject are scattered up and down separately t'iirongh the treatise, you may bring them all to one view by references; or if the matter of a book be really valuable and deserving, you may throw it i.!)to a better method, reduce it to a more logical scheme, or abridge it into a lesser form: all these practices will have a tendency both to advance your skill in logic and method, to improve your judgment in general, and to give you a fuller survey of that subject in particular. When you have finished the treatise with all your observations upon it, recollect and determine what real improvements you have made by reading that autiior. VIII. If a book has no index to it, or good table of contents, it is very useful to make one as you are read- ing it: not with that exactness as to include the sense of every pawe and paragraph, which should be done if you designed to print it; but it is sufficient in your index to take notice only of those parts of the book which are new to you, or which you tliink well written, and well worthy of your remembrance or review. Shall 1 be so free as to assure my yoimger friends, from my own experience, that these methods of reading" will cost some pains in the first year of your study, and especially in the first autiiors which you peruse in any science, or on any particular subject: but the profit will richlv compensate the pains. And in the following years of life, after you have read a few valuable books on any special subject in this manner, it will be easy to read others of the same kind, oecause you will not usually find very much new matter in them which you iiave not already examined. If the writer be remarkable for any peculiar excellen- cies or defects in his style or manner of writing, make just observations upon this also; and whatsoever orna- ments you find there, or whatsoever blemislies occur in the language or manner of the writer, you may make just remarks upon them. And remember that one book read over in this manner, with all this laborious rnedita.- OF BOOKS AND READING. 49 tion, will tend more to enrich your understanding, than the skinitning' over the surface of twenty authors. JX. By perusing books in the manner I have de- scribed, you will make all your reading: subservient not only to tiie enlargement of your treasures of knowledge, but also to the improvement of your reasoning ()nwers. There are many who read with constancy and dili- gence, and yet make no advances in true knowledge by it. They are deliglited witii the notions which they read or hear, as they would be with stories that are told; but tliey do not weigh them in their minds as in a just balance, in order to determine their truth or falsehood; they make no observations upon them, or inferetices from them. Perltaps tlieir eye slides over the pages, or the words slide over their ears, and vanish like a riiap- sody of evening tales, or the shadows of a cloud tiying over a green field in a summer's day. Or if tliey review them sufficiently to fix them in their remembrance, it is merely with a design to tell the tale over again, and show what men of learning they are. Thus they dream out their days in a course of reading, without real advantage. As a man may be eating all day, and, for want of digestion is never nour- ished; so those endless readers may cram themselves in vain with intellectual food, and without real improve- ment of their minds, for want of digesting it by proper reflections. X. Be diligent therefore in observing these directions. Enter into the sense and arguments of tlie authors you read; examine all their proofs, and then judge of the truth or falsehood of their opinions; and thereby you shall not only gain a rich increase of your understand- ing, by those truths which the author teaches, when you see tfiem well supported, but you shall acquire also by degrees a habit of judging justly, and of reasoning well, in imitation of the good writer whose works you peruse. This is laborious indeed, and the mind is backward to undergo the fatigue of weighing every argument, and tracing every thing to its original. It is mucii less la- bour to take all things upon trust: believing is much easier than arguing. But when Studentio had once 44 OF BOOKS AND READING. persuaded his mind to tie itself down to this method which 1 have prescribed, lie sensibly gained an admira- ble facility to read, and j»idge of wimt he read by his daily practice of it, and the man made large advances in the pursuit of truth; vviiile Plumbinus and Pliimeo made less progress in knowledge, though they had read over more folios. Plumeo skimmed over the pages like a swalluw over the flowery meads in iM.ay. Planibinus read every line and syllable, but did not give himself the trouble of thinking and judging about them. They both could boast in company of their great reading, for they knew more titles and pages than Studentio, but were far less acquainted with science. I confess those whose reading is designed only to fit them for much talk, and little knowledge, may content themselves to run over their authors in such a sudden and trifling way; they may devour libraries in this man- ner, yet be poor reasoners at last; and have no solid wisdom or true learning. The traveller who walks on fair and softly in a couise that f)oints right, and examines every turning before lie ventures upon it, will come sooner and safer to iiis journey's end, tiian he who runs through every lane he meets, though he gallops full speed all the day. The man of much readujg, and a large retentive memory, but without meditation, tnay become, in the sense of the world, a knowing man; and if he converse much with the ancients, he may attain the fame of learning too; but he s()ends his days afar ofl" from wisdom and true judgment, and possesses very little ol the substantial riches of the mind. XI. Never apply yourselves to read any human author with a determination beforehand either for or ;igainst him, or with a settled resolution to believe or disbelieve, to conflrm or to oppose, wiiatsoever he saith; but always read with a design to lay your mind open to trutli, and to cm-brace it wheresoever you find it, as well as to reject every falsehood, though it appear under ever so fair a disguise. How unhappy are those men who seldom take an author into their hands but they have deterinined before tliey begin whether they will like or dislike him! They have got some notion of his name, his character. OF BOOKS AND READING. 45 his party, or his principles, by general conversation, or perhaps by some slight view of a few pages; and liaving all their own opinions adjusted beforehand, they read all that he writes with a prepossession either for or against him. Unhappy those who hunt and purvey for a party, and scrape together out of every author all those things, and tiiose only, which favour their own tenets, while they despise and neglect all the rest! Xll. Yet take this caution. 1 would not be under- stood here, as though I persuaded a person to live with- out any settled principles at all, by which to judge of men, and books, and things: or that I would keep a man always doubting about his foundations. The chief things that 1 design in tiiis advice, are these three: 1. That after our most necessary and important prin- ciples of science, prudence, and religion, are settled upon good grounds, with regard to our present conduct and our future hopes, we should read with a just freedom of thought all those books which treat of such subjects as may admit of doubt and reasonable dispute. Nor should any of our opinions be so resolved upon, especially in younger years, as never to hear or to bear an oppo- sition to them. 2. When we peruse those authors who defend our own settled sentiments, we should not take all their arguments for just and solid; but we should make a wise distinction between the corn and the chatF, between solid reasoning and the mere superficial colours of it; nor should we readily swallow down all their lesser opinions because we agree with them in the greater. 3 That when we read tliose authors which oppose our most certain and established principles, we should be leady to receive any informations from them in other pomts, and not abandon at once every thing tiiey say, though we are well fixed in our opposition to their main point of arguing. Fas est ab hoste doceri. Virg. Seize upon truth where'er 'tis found, Amongst your fiiends, amongst your foes, On Christian or on heathen ground; The flower's divine where'er it grows: Neglect the prickles and assume the rose. 4t3 OF BOOKS AND READING. XIII. What I have said hitherto on this subject, re- lating to books and reading, must be chietJy understood of that sort of books, and those hours of our reading and study, whereijy we design to improve the intellectual powers of the mind witli natural, moral, or divine know- ledge. As for those treatises which are written to di- rect or to enforce and persuade our practice, there is one thing further necessary; and that is, that when our con- sciences are convinced tiiat these rules of prudence or duty belong to us, and require our conformity to them, we should then call ourselves to account, and inquire seriously wiiether we have put them in practice or no; we should dwell upon the arguments, and impress the motives and methods of persuasion upon our own hearts, till we feel the force and power of tliem inclining us to the practice of the things which are there recommended. If folly or vice be represented in its open colours, or its secret disu-uises, let us search our hearts, and review our lives, and inquire how far we are criminal; nor siiould we ever think we have done with the treatise while we feel ourselves in soirow for our past misconduct, and aspiring afier a victory over those vices, or till we find a cure of those follies begim to be wronglit upon our souls. In all our studies and pursuits of knowledge, let us remember that virtue and vice, sin and holiness, and the conformation of our hearts and lives to the duties of true religion and morality, are things of far more conse- quence than all the furniture of our understanding, and the richest treasures of more speculative knowledge; and that because they have a more immediate and edectual influence U[)on our eternal felicity or eternal sorrow. XIV. There is yet another sort of books, of which it is proper I should say something, while I am treating on this subject; and these are iiistory, poesy, travels; books of diversion or amusement: among which we may reckon also little common pamphlets, newspapers, or Buch like: for many of these 1 confess once reading may be sufficient, where there is a tolerable good memory. Or when several persons are in company, and one reads to the rest such a sort of writing, once hearing may be sufficient, provided that every one be so attcn- OF BOOKS AND READING. 47 live, and so free, as to make their occasional remarks oh such lines or sentences, such periods or paragraphs, as in their opinion deserve it. Now all those paragraphs or sentiments deserve a remark, which are new and un- common, are noble and excellent for the matter of them, are strong and convincing for the argument contained in tliem, are beautiful and elegant for the language or the manner, or any way worthy of a second rehearsal; and at the request of any of the company let those para- graphs be read over again. Such parts also of these writings as may happen to be remarkably stupid or silly, false or mistaken, should become subjects of an occasional criticism, made by some of the company; and this may give occasion to the repe- tition of them, for the confirmation of the censure, for amusement or diversion. Still let it be remembered, that where the historical narration is of consideral)le moment, where the poesy, oratory, &,c. shine with some degrees of perfection and glory, a single reading is neither sufficient to satisfy a mind that has a true taste of tiiis sort of writings; nor can we make the fullest and best im[)rovement of them without proper reviews, and tliat in our retirement as well as in company. Who is there that has any gout for polite writings that would be sufficiently satisfied with hearing the beautiful pages of Steele or Addison, the ad- mirable descriptions of Virgil or Milton, or some of the finest poems of Pope, Young, or Dryden, once read over to them, and then lay them lay for ever? XV. Among these writitigs of tiie lat'er kind we may justly reckon short miscellaneous essays on all manner of rubjects; such as the Occasional Papers, the Tatlers, the Spectators, and some other books that have been compiled out of the weekly or daily products of the press, wherein are contained a great number of bright thouglits, ingenious remarks, and admirable observations, which have had a considerable share in furnishing the present age witii knowledge and politeness. I wish every paper among these writings could have been recommended both as innocent and usefa'. I wish every unseemly idea and wanton expre^ion had bees 48 OF BOOKS AND READING. banished from amon,^st them, and every trifling page had been excluded from the company oi' the rest wlien they had been bound up in volumes: but it is not to be expected, in so i/iiperfect a state, that every page or pi«ce of sucii mixed public papers should be entirely blameless and laudable. Yet in the main it must be confessed, tiiere is so much virtue, prudence, ingenuity, and goodness in them, especially in eight vidumes of Spectators, tliere is such a reverence for things sacred, so many valuable remarks for our conduct in life, that they are not improper to lie in parlours, or siunmer- houses, or places of usual residence, to entertain our thoughts in any moments of leisure or vacant iiours that occur. There is such a discovery of the follies, iniqui- ties, and fashionable vices of mankind contained in them, that we may learn much of the humours and madnesses of the age and the public world, in our own solitary retirement, witliout the danger of frequenting vicious company, or receiving the mortal infection. XVI. Among other books which are proper and re- quisite, in order to improve our knowledge in general, or our acquaintance with any particular science, it is necessary that we should be furnislied with Vocabularies and Dictionaries of several sorts, viz. of common words, idioms and phrases, in order to explain their sense; of technical words or the terms of art, to show their use in arts and sciences; of names of men, countries, towns, rivers, &c. which are called historical and geographical dictionaries, &c. Tliese are to be consulted and used upon every occasion; and never let an unknown word f)ass in your readir)g without seeking for its sense and meaning in some of these writers. If such books are not at hand, you must supply the want of them as well .as you can, by consulting such as can inform you: and it is useful to note down the matters of doubt and inquiry in some pocket-book, and take the first opportunity to get tliem resolved, either by persons or books, when we meet with tliem. XVII. Be not satisfied with a mere knowledtj-e of the best authors that treat of any subject, instead of ac- quainting ourselves tiioroughly with tiie subject itself. JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. 43 There is many a young' student that is fond of enlarging his knowledo-e of books, and he contents himself with the notice he has of their title-page, which is the a'ttain- ment of a bookseller rather than a scliolar. Such per- sons are under a great temptation to practise these two follies. (1.) To heap up a great number of books at a greater expense than most of them can bear, and to furnish their libraries infinitely better than their under- standing. And (2) when they have gotten such rich treasures of knowledge upon their shelves, they imagine themselves men of learning, and take a pride in talking of tiie names of famous authors, and the subjects of which they treat, without any real improvement of their own minds in true science or wisdom. At best their learning reaches no further tlian the indexes and table of contents, while they know not how to judge or reason concerning the matters contained in those authors. And indeed how many volumes of learning soever a man possesses, he is still deplorabl}' poor in his under- standing, till he has made those several parts of learn- ing his own property by reading and reasoning, by judg- ing for himself, and .-emembering what he has read. CHAPTER V. JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. I. If we would form a judtrment of a book which we have not seen before, the first thing that offers is the title-page, and we may sometimes guess a little at the import and design of a book thereby; though it must be confessed that titles are often deceitful, and promise more than the Dook performs. The author's name, if it be known in the world, may help us to conjecture at the performance a little more, and lead us to guess in what manner it is done. A perusal of the preface or intrcjduction (which I before recommended) mav further assist our judgment; and if there be an index of the con- tents, it will give us still some advancing liglit. If we have not leisure or inclination to read over the 5 50 JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. book itself regularly, then by the titles of chapters we may be directed to peruse several particular chapters or sections, and observe whetiier there be any thing valua- ble or important in them. We shall find hereby whether the author explains his ideas clearly, whether he reasons strongly, whether he methodizes well, whether his thought and sense be manly, and his manner polite; or, on the other hand, whetiier he be obscure, weak, trifling, and confused; or, finally, whether the matter may not be solid and substantial, though the style and manner be rude and disagreeable. II. By having run through several chapters and sec- tions in tliis manner, we may generally judge whether the treatise be worth a complete perusal or no. But if by such an occasional survey of some chapters our ex- pectation be utterly discouraged, we may well lay aside that book; for there is great probability he can be but an indifferent writer on that subject, if he affords but one prize to divers blanks, and it may be some down- right blots too. The piece can hardly be valuable if in seven or eigiit chapters wiiich we peruse tiiere be but little truth, evidence, force of reasoning, beauty, in- genuity of thought, &.C. mingled with much error, ignorance, impertinence, dulness, mean and common tiioughls, inaccuracy, sopliistry, railing, &c. Lile is too short, and time is too precious, to read every new book quite over, in order to find that it is not worth tho reading. III. There are some general mistakes which persons are frequently guilty of in passing a judgment on the books which tliey read. One is tiiis; when a treatise is written but tolerably well, we are ready to pass a favourable judgment of it, and sometimes to exalt its character far beyond its merit, if it agree with our own principles, and support the opinions of our party. On the other hand, if the aiithor be of different sentiments, and espouse contrary principles, we can find neither wit nor reason, good sense, nor good language in it; whereas, alas! if our opinions of tilings were certain and infallible truth, yet a silly author may draw his pen in the defence of them, JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. SI and he may attack even gross errors with feeble and ridiculous arguments. Truth in this world is not al- ways attended and supported by the wisest and safest metfiods; and error, though it can never be maintained by just reasoniivg, yet may be artt'ully coveied and de- fended. An increnious writer may put excellent colours upon his own mistakes. Some Socinians who deny the Atonement of Christ, have written well, and with much appearance of argument for their own unscriptural senti- ments; and some wi iters for the Trinity and Satisfaction of Christ, have exposed themselves and the sacred doc- trine by their feeble and foolish manner of liandling it. Books are never to be judged of merely by their subject, or ihe opinion they represent, but by the justness of their sentiment, the beauty of their maimer, the force of their expression, or tiie strength of reason, and the weiglit of just and proper argument wliich appears in theui. But this folly and weakness of trifling, instead of arguing, does not happen to fall to the sliare of Christian writers; there are some who have taken the pen in hand to support the Deistical or Antichristian scheme of our days, who make big pretences to reason upon all occasions, but seem to iiave left it all beliind them when they arc jesting with the Bible, and grinning at the books wliich we call sacred. Some of these performances would scarce have been thought tolerable, if they had not assaulted the Chris- tian faith, though they have now grown up to a place amongst the admired pens. I much question whether several of the rhapsodies called the Characteristics, would ever have survived the first edition, if they had not discovered so strong a tincture of infidelity, and now and then cast out a profane sneer at our imly religion. I have sometimes indeed been ready to wonder how a book, in the main so loosely written, sliould ever ob- tain so many readers among men of sense. Surely they must be conscious in the perusal, that sometimes a patrician may write as idly as a man of plebeian rank, and trifle as much as an old school-man, though it is in another form. 1 am forced to say, there are tew books that ever 1 read, which made any pretences to a great 52 JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. genius, from which I derived so little valuable know- ledge as from these treatises. Tliere is indeed amongst them a lively pertness, a parade of literature, and much of what some folks nowadays call politeness; but it is hard that we should be bound to admire all the reveries of this author under the penalty of being unfashionable. IV. Another mistake which some persons fall into is this: when they read a treatise on a subject with which they have but Ii-ttle acquaintance, they find almost every thing new and strange to them: their understandings are greatly entertained and improved by the occurrence of many things which were unknown to them before; they admire the treatise, and commend the author at once; whereas if they had but attained a good degree of skill in that science, perhaps they would find that the author had written very poorly, that neither his sense nor his method was just and proper, and that he had nothing in him but what was very common or trivial in his dis- co'irses on that subject. Hence it comes to pass that Cario and Faber, who were both bred up to labour, and unacquamted with the sciences, shall admire one of the weekly papers, or a little pamphlet that talks pertly on some critical or learned theme, because the matter is all strange and new to them, and they join to extol the writer to the skies; and for the same reason a young academic shall dwell upon a Journal or an Observator that treats of trade and politics in a dictatorial style, and shall be lavish in tl>e praise of the author: while at the same time persons well skilled in those different subjects, hear the impertinent tattle with a just contempt: for tliey know how weak and awkward many of those little diminutive discourses are; and that those very papers of science, politics, or trade, which were so much admired by the ignorant, are perhaps but very mean performances; though it must also be confessed there are some excellent essays in those papers, and uiat upon science as well as trade. V. But there is a danger of mistake in our judgment of books, on the other band also: for wlien we have made ourselves masters of any particular theme of know- ledge, and surveyed it long on all sides, there is perhaps JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. 53 scarce any writer on that subject who muc]i entertains and pleases us afterwards, because we find httle or no- thing- new in him; and 3'et, in a true judgment, perhaps his sentiments are most proper and just, his explication clear, and his reasoninor stronof, and all the parts of the disconrse are well connected and set in a happy litjht; but we knew most of those things before, and therefore they strike us not, and we are in danger of discommend- ing them. Tiius the lenrned and the unlearned have their several distinct dangers and prejudices ready to attend them in their judgment of the writings of men. These which I have me?itioned are a specimen of them, and indeed but a mere specimen; for the prejudices that warp our judg- ment aside from truth are almost infinite and endless. VI. Yet I cannot forbear to point out two or tliree more of these fillies, tliat I may attempt something to- wards t!ie correctioti of them, or at least to guard others against them. There are some persons ofa forward and lively temper, and who are fond lo intermeddle with all appearances of knowledge, will give their judgment on a book as soon as the title of it is mentioned, for they would not willingly seem ignorant of any thing that others know. And especially if they hap[)en to have any su[)erior character or possessions of this world, they fanc}' they have a right to talk freely upon every thing that stirs or ai)f)ears, tliough tliev have no other pretence to this freedom. Divito is worth forty thousand pounds. F^oli- tulus is a fine )'oung gentleman, who sparkles in all the shinincf things of diess and equipage. Aulinus is a small attendant on a minister of state, and is at court almost every day. These three happened to meet on a visit where an excellent book <»f warm and refined de- votions lay in the window. What dull stuff is here! said Divito; I never read so much nonsense in one page in my life; nor would I give a shilling for a thousand such treatises. Aulinus, thousrh a courtier, had not used to sueak roualily, yet would not allow tiiere was a line of good sense in the book, and pronounced him a madman that wrote it in his secret retirement, and de- 5^ 64 JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. clarod him a fool that published it after his death. Poli- tulus had more manners than to dilier from men of such rank and character, and tlierefore he sneered at the de- vout expressions as he lieard tiiem read, and made the divine treatise a matter of scorn and ridicule; and yet it was well known, that neither this fine gentleman, nor the courtier, nor tlie man of wealth, had a grain of de- votion in tliem beyond their horses that waited at the door with their gilded chariots. But tliis is the way of the world; blind men will talk of the beauty of colours, and of the harmony or disproportion of fitfures in paint- ing; the deaf will prate of discords in music; and those wiio have nothing to do vvitii religion will arraign tiie best treatise on divine subjects, though they do not un- derstand the very language of the scripture, nor tlie com- mon terms or phrases used in Christianity. VII. 1 might here name another sort of judges, who will set theuisflves up to decide in favour of an author, or will pronounce him a mere blunderer, according to the company tiiey have kept, and the judgment they liave heard passed upon a JDOok by others of their own tilamp or size, though they have no knowledge or taste of the subject themselves. These, with a fluent and voluble tongue, become mere echoes of tlie praises or censures of other men. Sonillus happened to be in the room where the three gentlemen just mentioned gave out their thoughts so freely upon an admirable book of devotion: and two days afterwards he met with some friends of his, where this book was the subject of con- versation and praise. Sonillus wondered at their dul- ness, and repeated the jests which he had heard cast upon the weakness of the author. His knowledge of the book, and his decision upon it, was all from hearsay, for he had never seen it; and^f he had read it through, he had no manner of right to judge about the things of religion, having no more knowledge or taste of any thing of inward piety than a hedgehog or a bear has of politeness. When I bad written these remarks, Probus, who knew all the four gentlemen, wished they might have an opportunity to re«ul their own ciiaracter as it is repre- JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. 55 Bented here. Alas! Probus, I fear it would do them very little good, though it may guard others against their folly: for there is never a one of them would find their own name in these characters if tliey read them; though all tlieir acquaintance would acknowledge the features immediately, and see the persons almost alive in the picture. VI 11. There is yet another mischievous principle whicli prevails among some persons in passing a judg- ment on the writings of others, and tliat is, when from the secret stimulations of vanity, pride, or envy, they de- spise a valuable book, and throw contempt upon it by wholesale: and if you ask them the reason of their severe censure, they will tell you, perhaps, they have found a mistake or two in it, or there are a {"ew sentiments or expressions not suited to their tooth and humour. Bavius cries down an admirable treatise of philosophy, and says there is atheism in it, because there are a few sentences that seem to suppose brutes to be n)ere ma- chines. Under tlie same intiuence, Momus will not al- low Paradise Lost to be a good poem, because he lias read some flat and heavy lines in it; and he thought Milton had too much honour done him. It is a paltry humour that inclines a man to rail at any human performance, because it is not absolutely perfect. Horace would give us a better example: — Sunt delicta tameii quibus ignovisse velimus, IVain iif(jue cliorda sotiuin rtddit quemvult manus et mens, IVec semper leriet qundcunque iniiiabilur arcus: V{ rum ubi plura iiiteiit in carmine, iioii ego paucis Offendar macuiis, quas aiil incuria fudit, Aul humaiia parum cavil natura. Hor. de Art. Poel. Thus Englished: — Be not two rigifT OF BOOKS. 57 him reflect a^ain, what an easy matter it is to find a mistake in all liuman authors, who are necessarily fal- lible and imperfect. I confess, where an author sets up himself to ridicule divine writerp, and things sacred, and yet assumes an air of sovereignty and dictatorship, to exalt and ahnost deify all tl>e pagan ancients, and cast his scorn upon all the moderns, especially if they do but savour of miracles and the gospel; it is fit the admirers of this author should know, that nature and these ancients are not the same, though some writers always unite them. Reason and nature never made these ancient heathens their standard, either of art or genius, of writing or heroism. Sir Richard Steele, in his little essay, called the Christian Hero, has shown our Saviour and St. Paul in a more glorious and transcendent light than a Virgil or Homer could do for tlieir Achilles, Ulysses, or ^^neas: and I am persuaded, if Moses and David liad not been inspired writers, these very men would have ranked them at least with Herodotus and Horace, if laot given them the superior place. But where an author has many beauties consistent with virtue, piety, and truth, let not little critics exalt themselves, and shower down their ill nature upon him without bounds or measure; but rather stretch tlieir own powers of soul till they write a treatise superior to that which they condeum. This is the noblest and surest manner of suppressing what they censure. A little wit, or a litlle learning, with a good degree of vanity and ill, nature, will teach a man to pour out whole pages of remark and repruacli upon one real or fancied mistake of a great and good author: and this may be dressed up by the same talents, and made enter- taining enough to the world, which loves reproach and scandal: but if the remarker would but once make this attempt, and try to outshine the author by writing a better book on the same subject, he would soon be con- vinced of his own insufficiency, and perhaps might learn to judge more justly and favourably of the performance of other men. A cobbler or a shoemaker may find some httle fault with the latchet of a shoe that an Apellea 58 JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. had painted, and perhaps with justice too, when the whole figure and portraiture is such as none but Apelles could paint. Every poor low genius may cavil at wliat the lichest and the noblest hath performed; but it is a sign of envy and malice, added to the littleness and poverty of genius, when such a cavil becomes a sufficient reason to pronounce at once against a bright author, and a whole valuable treatise. X. Another, and that a very frequent fault, in passing a judgment upon books, is this, that persons spread the same praises or the same reproaches over a whole trea- tise, and all tlie chapters in it, which are due only to some of them. Tiiey judge as it were by wholesale, without making a due distinction between the several parts or sections of the performance; and this is ready to lead those who hear them talk into a dangerous mis- take. Florus is a great and just admirer of the late Archbishop of Cambray, and mightily commends every thing he has written, and will allow no blemish in him; whereas the writings of that excellent man are not all of a piece; nor are those very books of his, vvliicli have a good number of beautiful and valuable sentiments in them, to be recommended throughout, or all at once without distinction. Tiiere is his demonstration of the Existence and Attributes of God, which has justly gained a universal esteem, for bringing down souie new and noble thouglits of the wisdom of the creation to the un- derstanding of the unlearned, and they are such as well deserve the perusal of the man of science, perhaps as far as the 30th section; but there are many of tlie follow- ing sections which are very weakly written, and some of them built upon an enthusiastical and mistaken sclieme, akin to tlie peculiar opmions of Father Malebranche; such as sect 51, 53, "That we know the finite only by the ideas of the infinite." Sect. 55, 60, "That the superior rea- son in man is God iiirnself acting in him." Sect. 61, 62, "Tliat tile idea of unity cannot be taken from crea- tures, but from God only:" and several of his sections, from 65 to 68, upon the doctrine of liberty, seem to be inconsistent. Again, toward tiie end of iiis book, he Bpends more time and pains than are needful in refuting jrrPGMEXT OF BOOKS. 59 the Epicurian fancy of atoms moving eternally through infinite changes, which miglit be done etiectually in a much shorter and better way. So in his postliuuions essays, and his letters, there are many admirable thoughts in practical and experimental reliuion, and very beautiful and divine sentiments in devotion; but sometimes in large paragra|)lis, or in whohj chapters tuofetiier, you find him in the clouds of mystic divinity, and he never descends within the reach of comn)on ideas or common sense. But remember this also, that there are but few such au'hors as this great man, who talks &i very weakly sometimes, and yet in otiier places is so much superior to the greatest part of writers. Tiiere are otiier instances of this kind, where men of good sense in the main set up forjudges, but ihey carry too many of their passions about tiiem, and tiien, like lovers, tiiey are in rapture at the name of tiieir fair idol: Ihey lavisii out all iheir incense upon tiiat slirine, and cannot bear tiie thouglit of admitting a blemish in them. You siiall iiear Altisono not only admire Casimire of Poland in his lyrics, as tlie utmost purity and perfection of Latin poesy; but he will allow nothing in him to be extravagant or taulty. and will vindicate every line: nor can 1 inucli wonder at it, when 1 have heard him pro- nounce Lucan the best of the ancient Latins, and idolize his very weaknesses and mistakes. 1 will readily ac- knowledge tlie Odes of Casimire to have more spirit and force, more magnificence and fire in them, and in twenty places arise to more dignity and beauty than I could ever meet with in any of our modern poets: yet I am afraid to say that " Palla sutilis e luce" has dignity enough in it for a robe made for the Almighty: Lib. iv. Od. 7, 1, 37, or tiiat the man of virtue in Od. 3, 1. 44, " under the ruins of heaven and earth, will bear up the fragments of the falling world with a comely wound on his shoulders." Late ruenti Subjiciens sua colla caelo Muiidum dtcuro viilnere fulcie; Interque caeli fragmina. 60 JUDGMENT OF BOOKS. Yet I must needs confess also, that it is hardly possi- ble a man should rise to so exalted and sublime a vein of poesy as Casimire, who is not in danger now and then of such extravagances; but still they should not be admired or defended, if we pretend to pass a just judg- ment on the writings of the greatest men. Milton is a noble genius, and the world agrees to con- fess it: his poem of Paradise Lost is a glorious perfor- mance, and rivals the most famous pieces of antiquity; but that reader must be deeply prejudiced in favour of the poet, who can imagine him equal to himself through all that work. Neither the sublime sentiments, nor dignity of numbers, nor force or beauty of expression, are equally maintained, even in all those parts which requn-e grandeur or beauty, force or harmony. I can- not bi]t consent to Mr. Diyden's opinion, though I will not use his words, that for some scores of lines together there is a coldness and flatness, and almost a perfect absence of tliat spirit of poesy which breathes, and lives, and flames in other pages. XI. When you hear any person pretending to give his judgment of a book, consider with yourself whether he be a capable judge, or whether he may not lie under some unhappy bias or prejudice, for or against it, or whether he has made a sufficient inquiry to form his justest sentiments upon it. Though he be a man of good sense, yet he is incapa- ble of passing a true judgment of a particular book, if he be not well acquainted with the subject of which it treats, and the manner in which it is written, be it verse or prose: or if he hath not had an opportunity or leisure to look sufficiently into the writing itself. Again, though he be ever so capable of judging on all other accounts, by the knowledge of tlie subject, and of the book itself, yet you are to consider also whether there be any tiling in the author, in his man- ner, in his language, in his opinions, and his particular party, which may warp the sentiments of him tiiat judg- eth, to think well or ill of the treatise, and to pass too favourable or too severe a sentence concerning it. If you find that he is either an unfit judge because of I JUDGMENT OF BOftKS. 61 his ignorance or because of his prejudices, his judcrrnent of that bock should go for notliiiig. Piiilographo is a good divine, a useful preacher, and an approved exposi- tor of scripture; but lie never had a taste for any of the polite learning of the age; he was fond of every thing that appeared in a devout dress; but all verse was alike to him: he told me last week there was a very fine book of poems published on the three Christian Graces, Faith, Hope, and ("iiarity; and a most elegant piece of oratory on the four last things. Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. Do you think I sliall buy either of those books merely on Philographo's recommendation? CHAPTER VI. OF LIVING INSTRUCTIONS AND LECTURES, OF TEACHERS AND LEARNERS. I. There are few persons of so penetrating a genius, and so just a judgment, as to be capable of learning the arts and sciences without the assistance of teachera. There is scarce any science so safely and so speedily learned, even by the noblest genius and the best books, without a tutor. His assistance is absolutely necessary for most persons, and it is very useful for all beginners. Books are a sort of dumb teachers; they point out the way to learning; but if we labour under any doubt or mistake, they cannot answer sudden questions, or explain present doubts and difficulties: this is properly the work of a living instructor. n. There are very few tutors who are sufficiently furnished with such universal learning, as to sustain all the parts and provinces of instruction. The sciences are numerous, and many of them lie far wide of eacli other; and it is best to enjoy the instructions of two or three tutors at least, in order to run through the whole ency- clo[)a3dia, or circle of sciences, where it may be obtained; then we may expect that each will teach the few parts of learning which are committed to his care in greater 6 62 OF LIVING INSTKUCTIOVS perfection. But where this advantage cannot be had with convenience, one great man must supply the place of two or three common instructors. III. It is not sutlicient lliat instructors be competently skilful in those sciences wiiich tliey profess and teach; but they should liave skill also in the art or method of teacliing, and patience in tiie practice of it. It is a great unhappiness indeed, when persons by a spirit of party, or faction, or interest, or by purchase, are set up for tutors, who have neither due knowledge of science, nor skill in the way of communication. And, alas! there are others who, with all their ignorance and insutHciency, have self admiration and elFroiitery enough to set up tlieinselves; and the poor pupils fare accordingly, and grow lean in their understandings. And let it be observed also, theie are some very learned men, who know much themselves, but have not the talent of communicating their own knowledge; or else they are lazy, and will take no pains at it. I^ither they have an obscure and perplexed way of talking, or they show their learning uselessly, and make a long periphrasis on every word of the book they explain, or they cannot condescend to young beginners, or they run presently into the elevated parts of the science, because it gives themselves greater pleasure, or they are soon angry and im()atient, and cannot bear vvitii a few im- pertinent cpiestions of a young inquisitive and sprightly genius; or else they skim over a science in a very slight and superficial survey, and never lead their disciples into the depths of it. IV. A good tutor should have characters and qualifi- cations very dirterent from all these. He is such a one as both can and will apply himself with diligence and concern, and indefatigable patience, to eHect what he undertakes; to teach his disciples, and see that they learn; to adapt his way and method, as near as niay be, to the various dispositions, as well as to the capacities of those vvliom he instructs, and to inquii'e often into their progress and improvement. And he should take paiticular care of his Ovvn tem- per and conduct, that there be nothing in hirn or about BY TEACHERS. 63 him wliich may be of ill example; nothing that may savour of a haughty temper, or a mean and sordid spirit; nothing' tliat may expose him to the aversion or to the contempt of his scholars, or create a prejudice in their minds against him and his instrnctions: but, if possible, he should have so much of a natural candour and sweet- ness mixed with all tlie improvements of learriiiiir, as might convey knowledge into the minds of iiis disciples with a sort of gentle insinuation and sovereign dchglit, and may tempt them into the highest improvements of their reason by a resistless and insensible force. But I shall have occasion to say more on this subject, wlien I come to speak more directly of tiie methods of the com- munication of knowledge. V. The learner sliould attend with constancy and care on all the instructions of his tutor; and if he happens to be at any time unavoidably iiindered, he must endeavour to retrieve the loss by double industry for time to come. He should always recollect and review his lectures, read over some other author or authors upon t!ie same subject, confer upon it with his instructor, or with his associates, and v/rite down the clearest result of his present thoughts, reasonings, and in(juiries, which he may have recourse to hereafter, either to re-examine them and to apply tliem to projier use, or to improve them farther to his own advantage. VI. A student should never satisfy himself with bare attendance on tlie lectures of his tutor, unless he clearly takes up his sense and meaning, and undeistands the things which he teaches. A young disciple should be- have himself so well as to gain the affection and ear of his instructor, that upon every occasion he may, with the utmost freedom, ask questions, and talk over his own sentiments, his doubts, and difficulties with him, and m an humble and modest manner desire the solution of them. VII. Let the learner endeavour to maintain an hono- rable opinion of his instructor, and heedfully listen to his instructions, as one willing to be led by a more ex- perienced guide; and though he is not bound to fall in I with every sentiment of his tutor, yet he should so far 64 OF LIVING IKSTRUCTIONS, &C. comply with him as to resolve upon a just consideration of llie matter, and try and examine it thorouglilv with an honest lieart, before lie presume to determine against him: and then it shuuld be done with great modesty, with an humble jealousy of himself, and apparent un- willingness to dirter from his tutor, if the force of argu- ment and truth did not constrain him. VIII. It is a frequent and growing folly in our age, that pert yoimg disciples soon fancy tliemselves wiser than those who teacli tliem: at the hist view, or upon a very little thought, they can discern the insignificancy, weakness, and mistake of what their teacher asserts. The youth of our day, by an early petulancy, and pre- tended liberty of thinking for themselves, dare reject at once, and that with a sort of scorn, all those sentiments and doctrines which tiieir teachers have determined, perhaps, after long and repeated consideration, after years of mature study, careful observation, and much (^jtrudent experience. IX. It is true teachers and masters are not infallible, nor are they always in the right; and it must be ac- knowledged, it is a matter of some difficulty fur younger minds to maintain a just and solemn veneration for the authority and advice of their parents and tlie instruc- tions of their tutors, and yet at the same time to secure to tiiemselves a just freedom in their own thouglits. We are sometimes too ready to imbibe all their sei»ti- metits williout examination, if we reverence and love them; or, on the other hand, if we take all freedom to contest their opinions, we are sometimes tempted to cast otF that love and reverence to their persons which God and nature dictate. Youth is ever in danger of these two extremes. X. But I think 1 may safely conclude thus: Though the authority of a teacher must not absolutely determine the judgment of liis pupil, yet young and raw and un- experienced learners should pay all proper deference that can be to the instructions of their parents and teachers, short of absolute submission to tlieir dictates. Yet still we must maintain this, that they should never receive any opinion into their assent, whether it be conformable OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. 65 or contrary to the tutor's mind, without sufficient evi- dence of it first given to their own reasoning powers. CHAPTER VII. OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. The first thing required in reading an author, or in hearing lectures of a tptor, is, that you well understand the lajiguage in w'hicli they write or speak. Living lariguag(;p, or such as are the native tongue of any na- tion in tlie present age, are more easily learned and taught by a few rules and much familiar converse, joined to the reading some proper authors. Tlie dead languages are such as cease to be spoken in any nation; and even these are more easy to be taught (as far as may be) in tiiat method wherein living languages are best learned, i. e. partly by rule, and partly by rote or custom. And it may not be improper in this place to mention a very few directions for that purpose. I. Begin with the most necessary and most general observations and rules which belong to that language, compiled in tlie form of a grammar; and tliese are but few in most languages. Tiie regular declensions and variations of nouns and verbs should be early and thoruuglily learned by heart, together with twenty or thirty of the plainest and most necessary rules of syntax. But let it be observed that, in almost all languages, some of the very commonest nouns and verbs have many irregularities in them; sucli are the common auxiliary verbs — to be, and to have — to do, and to be done, &c. The comparatives and superlatives of the words — good, bad, great, small, much, little, &c.; and these should be learned among the first rules and variations, because they continually occur. But as to other words, which are less frequent, let but few of the anomalies or irregularities of the tongue be taught among the general rules to young beginners. Tliese will come in afterwards to be learned by advanced 6* 56 OF LEARNING \ LANGUAGE. scholars in a way of notes on the rules, as in the Latin Grammar, called the Oxford Grammar, or in Ruddi- man's notes on his Rudiments, &c. Or they may be learned by examples alone, when they do occur; or by a larger and more complete system of grammar, vvliich descends to the more particular forms of speech; so the helero -lite nouns of the Latin tongue, which are taught in the soiiool-book called Quae Genus, should not be touched in the first learning of the ruduuents of the tongue. II. As tlie grammar by which you learn any tongue should be very short at first, !»o it must be written in a tongue with which you are well acquainted, and wliich is very familiar to you. Therefore I much prefer even the commou English accidence (as it is called) to any grammar whatsoever written in Latin for tliisend. The English accidence has, doubtless, many fiuits; but those editions of it which were printed since tlie year ll^S, under the correction of a learned professor, are the best; or the English rudiments of the Latin tongue, by that learned North Briton, Mr. Ruddiman, which are per- haps the most useful books of this kind I am acquainted witli; especially because I would not depart too fir from the ancient and conmion forms of teaciiing, which seve- ral good grammarians have done, to the great detriment of such lads as have been removed to otiier schools. The tiresome and unreasonable method of learning" the Latin tongue by a grammar, with Latin rules, w^ould appear, even to those masters who teach it so, in its proper colours of absurdity and ridicule, if those very masters would attempt to learn the Chinese or Arabic tongue, by a grammar written in the Chinese or Arabic language. Mr. Clarke, of Hull, has said enough in a few pages of the preface to his new grammar, 1123, to make that practice appear very irrational and improper; though he has said it in so warm and angry a manner, that it has kindled Mr. Ruddiman to write against liim, and to say what can be said to vindicate a practice, which, I think, is utterly indefensible. III. At the same time when you begin the rules, begin also the practice. As, for instance, when you decline OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. 67 musa, mus8B, read and construe the same day some easy Latin author, by the help of a tutor, or with some Eng- lish translation: choose such a book whose style is simple, and the subject of discourse is very plain, obvi- ous, and not hard to be understood: many little books have been composed with this view, as Corderius's Col- loquies, some of Erasmus's little writings, the sayings of the wise men of Greece, Cato's moral distiches, and the rest which arp collected at the end of Mr. Ruddiman's English Grammar; or the Latin Testament, of Castel- lio's translation, which is accounted the pmest Latin, &c. These are very proper upon this occasion, together with /Esop's and Phaedrus's Fables, and little stories, and the common and daily affairs of domestic life, writ- ten in the Latin tongue. But let tlie higher poets, and orators, and historians, and other writers whose lan- guage is more laboured, and whose sense is more re- mote from common life, be rather kept out of sight till there be some proficiency made in tlie language. It is strange that masters should teach children so early Tully's Epistles or Orations, or the poerns of Ovid or Virgil, whose sense is often ditHcult to find because of tlie great transposition of the words; and when they have found the grammatical sense, they have very little use of it, because they have scarce any notion of the ideas and design of the writer, it being so remote from the knowledge of a child: whereas little common stories and colloquies, and the rules of a child's beliaviour, and such obvious subjects, will much better assist the memo- ry of the words by their acquaintance with the things. IV. Here it may be useful also to appoint the learner to get by heart the more common and useful words, both nouns and adjectives, pronouns and verbs, out of some well formed and judicious vocabulary. This will furnish 1 im vvitli names for the most familiar ideas. V. As soon as ever the learner is capable, let the tu- tor converse with him in the tongue which is to ba learned, if it be a living language, or if it be Latin, which is the living language of the learned world: thus he will acquaint lihnself with it a little by rote, as well as by rule, and by living practice, as well as by reading tha b» OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. writing's of the dead. For if a child of two years old by this method learns to speak his mother tonofue, I am sure the same method will greatly assist and facilitate the learn- ing of any other language to those who are older. VI. Let the chief lessons, and the chief exercises of schools, V. c. where Latm is learned (at least for the first year or more,) be the nouns, verbs, and general rules of syntax, together with a mere translation out of some Latin author into English; and let scholars be employed and examined by their teacher daily in redu- cing the words to their original or theme, to the first case of nouns or first tense of verbs, and giving an ac- count of their formations and changes, their syntax and dependencies, wliich is called parsing. Tliis is a most useful exercise to lead boys into a complete and thorough knowledge of what they are doing. The English translations, wiiich the learner has made, should be well corrected by the master, and then they should be translated back again for tlie next day's ex- ercise by the child into Latin, while the Latin author is withheld from him; but he should have the Latin words given him in their first case and tense; and should never be left to seek them himself from a dictionary; and the nearer he translates it to the words of the author whence he derives his English, the more sliould the child be commended. Thus he will gain skill in two languages at once. I think Mr. Clarke has done good service to the public by his translations of Latin books for this end. But let the foolish custom of employing every silly boy to make themes or declamations and verses upon moral subjects, in a strange tongue, before he under- stands common sense, even in his own language, be abandoned and cashiered for ever. Vn. As the learner improves, let him acquaint him- self with the anomalous words, the irregular declensions of nouns and verbs, the more uncommon connexions of words m syntax, and the exceptions to the general rules of grammar. But let them all be reduced, as far as possible, to those several original and general rules, OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. 69 which he has learned, as the proper rank and place to which they belong. VIII. While he is doing this, it m-ay be proper for him to converse with autliors which are a little more difficult, witli historians, orators, poets, &c.; but let his tutor inform him of the Roman or Greek customs which occur therein. liCt the lad then translate some parts of them into his mother tongue, or into some other well known language, and thence back again into the origi- nal language of the author. But let the verse be trans- lated into prose, for poesy does not belong to grammar. IX. By this time he will be able to acquaint himself with some of the special emphases of speech, and the peculiar idioms of the tongue. He sliould be taught also the special beauties and ornaments of the language; and this m-ay be doi::3 partly by the help of authors, who have collected such idioms and cast them into an easy method, and partly by the judicious remarks which his instructor may make upon tlie authors which he reads, wheresijever such peculiarities of speech or special ele- gancies occur. X. Though the labour of learning all the lessons by heart that are borrowed from poetical authors which they construe, is an unjust and unnecessary imposition upon the learner, yet he must take the pains to commit to memory the most necessary, if not all the common rules of grammar, with an example or two under each of them: and some of the select and most useful periods or sentences in the Latin or Greek author which he reads may be learned by heart, together with some of the choicer lessons out of their poets; and sometimes whole episodes out of heroic poems, &c. as well as whole odes among the lyrics, may deserve this honour. XI. Let this be always carefully observed, that the learners perfectly understand the sense as well as the language of all those rules, lessons, or paragraphs, which they attempt to commit to memory. Let the teacher possess them of their true meaning, and then the labour will become easy and pleasant: whereas, to impose on a child to get by heart a long scroll of unknown phrases or words, without any ideas under them, is a piece of 70 OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. useless tyranti}?, a cruel imposition, and a practice fitter for a jackdaw or a parrot, than for any thing that wears the shape of a man. XII. And here, I think, I have a fair occasion given rne to consider that question which has been often de- bated in conversation, viz. whetlier the teaching of a school full of boys to learn Latin by the lieathen poets, as Ovid in his Epistles, and the silly fables of his Meta- morphoses, Horace, Juvenal, and Martial, in their im- pure odes, satires, and epigrams, &c. is so proper and agreeable a practice in a Clu-istian country. XIII. (1.) I grant the language and style of those men, who wrote in their own native tongue, must be more pure and perfect, in some nice elegancies and peculiarities, than modern writers of other nations who have imitated them; and it is owned also, that the beau- ties of tiieir poesy may much excel; but in either of these things boys cannot be supposed to be much im- proved or injured by one or the other. XIV. (2.) It shall be confessed too that modern poets, in every living language, have brought into their work so many words, epithets, phrases, and metaphors, from the heatlien fables and stories of their gods and heroes, that in order to understand these modern writers, it is necessary to know a little of those ancient follies: but it may be answered, that a good dictionary, or such a book as tlie Pantheon or history of those Gentile deities, may give suflicient information of those stories, so far as they are necessary and useful to school boys. XV. (3.) I will grant yet further, that lads who are designed to make great scholars or divines, may, by reading these heathen poets, be taught better to under- stand the writings of the ancient fathers against the heathen religion; and they learn here what ridiculous fooleries the Gentile nations believed as the articles of tlieir faith, what wretched and foul idolatries they in- dulged and practised as duties of religion, for want of the divine revelation. But this perhaps may be learned as well either by the Pantheon, or some other collection at school; or after they have left the school, they may OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. 71 read what their own incUnations lead them to, and whatsoever of this kind may be really useful for them. XVI. But the great question is, whetlier all these ad- vantages which have been mentioned will compensate for the long months and years that are wasted among their incredible and tridii.o; romances, their false and shameful stories of their gods and goddesses and their amours, and the lewd heroes and vicious poets of the heathen world. Can these idle and ridiculous tales be of any real and solid advantage in human life.^ Do they not too often defile the mind with vain, mischievous, and impure ideas? Do they not stick long upon the fancy, and leave an unhappy influence upon youth? Do they not tincture the imagination with folly and vice very early, and pervert it from all that is good and holy? XVII. Upon the whole survey of things it is my opinion that, for almost all boys who learn this tongue, it would be much safer to be taught Latin poesy (as soon and as far as they can need it) from those excellent translations of David's Psalms, which are given us by Buchanan in the various measures of Horace; and the lower classes had better read Dr. Johnston's translation of these psalms, another elegant writer of the Scots nation, instead of Ovid's Epistles; for he has turned the same psalms, perhaps with greater elegance, into elegiac verse, whereof the learned W. Benson, esq. has lately published a noble edition, and I hear that these psalms are honoured with an increasing use in the schools of Holland and Scotland. A stanza or a couplet of these writers would now and then stick upon the minds of youth, and would furnish them infinitely better with pious and moral thoughts, and do something towards making them good men and Christians. XVtIl. A little book collected from the psalms of both these translators Buchanan and Johnston, and a few other Christian poets, would be of excellent use for schools to begin their instructions in Latin poesy; and I am well assured this would be richly sufficient for all those in lower rank, who never design a learned profes- sion, and yet custom has foolishlv bound them to learn that language. 72 OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. But lest it should be thought hard to cast Horace and Virgil, Ovid and Juvenal entirely out of the schools, I add, if here and there a few lyric odes, or pieces of satires, or some episodes of heroic verse, with here and there an epigram of Martial, all which sliall be clear from the stains of vice and impiety, and which may in- spire the mind with noble sentiments, fire the fancy w'ith bright and warm ideas, or teach lessons of morality and prudence, were chosen out of those ancient Roman writers for the use of tlie scliools, and were collected and printed in one moderate volume, or two at the most, it would be abundantly sufficient provision out of the Roman poets for ihe instruction of boys in all that is necessary in that age of life. Surely Juvenal himself would not have the face to vindicate the masters who teach boys his sixth satire, and many paragraphs of several others, when he him- self has charged us, Nil diclu foedum, visuque, haec limina tangat Intra quae puer est. Sat. 14. Suffer no lewdness, nor indecent speech, Th' apartment of the tender youth to reach. Dryden. Thus far in answer to the foregoing question. But I retire; for Mr. Clarke, of Hull, in his treatise on education, and Mr. Philips, preceptor to the Duke of Cumberland, have given more excellent directions for learning Latin. XIX. When a language is learned, if it be of any use at all, it is a pity it should be forgotten again. It is proper, therefore, to take all just opportunities to read something frequently in that language, when other ne- cessary and important studies will give you leave. As in learning any tongue, dictionaries which contain words and phrases should always be at hand, so they should be ever kept witliin reach by persons who would re- member a tongue which tliey liave learned. Nor should we at any time content ourselves with a doubtful guess at the sense or meaning of any words which occur, but consult the dictionary, which may give us certain infer- OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE. 73 Illation, and thus secure us from mistake. It is mere sloth which makes us content ourselves with uncertain guesses; and indeed this is neither safe nor useful for persons who would learn any language or science, or have a desire to retain what they have acquired. XX. When you have learned one or many languages ever so perfectly, take heed of priding yourself in these acquisitions: they are but mere treasures of words, or instruments of true and solid knowledge, and whose chief design is to lead us into an acquaintance with things, or to enable us the more easily to convey those ideas or that knowledge to others. An acquaintance with the various tongues is nothing else but a relief against the mischief which the building of Babel intro- duced: and were I master of as many languages as were spoken at Babel, I should make but a poor pretence to true learning or knowledge, if I had not clear and dis- tinct ideas, and useful notions in my head under the words which my tongue could pronounce. Yet so un- happy a thing is human nature, tliat this sort of know- ledge of sounds and syllables is ready to puff up the mind with vanity, more than the most valuable and solid improvements of it. The pride of a grammarian. or a critic, generally exceeds that of a philosopher. CHAPTER VIII. OF INQUIRING INTO THE SENSE AND MEANING OF ANY WRITER OR SPEAKER, AND ESPECIALLY THE SENSE OP THE SACRED WRITINGS. It is a great un happiness that tliere is such an ambi- guity in words and forms of speech, that the same sen- tence may be drawn into different significations: where- by it conies to pass, that it is difficult sometimes for the reader exactly to hit upon the ideas which the writer or speaker had in his mind. Some of the best rules to di- rect us herein are such as tliese: I. Be well acquainted with the tongue itself, or lan- 7 74 OF KNOAVING THE SENSE guage, wlierein the author's mind is expressed. Learn not only the true meaning of each word, but the sense which tliose words obtain when placed in such a par- ticular situation and order. Acquaint yourself will) the peculiar power and empliasis of tlie several modes of speech, and the various idioms of the tongue. The secondary ideas wliich custom has superadded to many words should also be known, as well as the particular and primary meaning of them, if we would understand any writer. See Logic, part 1. cap. 4. § 3. II. Consider the signification of those words and phrases, more especially in the same nation, or near the same age in which tliat writer lived, and in what sense they are used by authors of the same nation, opinion, sect, party, &.c. Upon this account we may learn to interpret several phrases of the New Testament, out of that version of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, which is called the Sep- tuagint; for though tiiat version be very imperfect and defective in many things, yet it seems to me evident that the holy writers of the New Testament made use of that version many times in their citation of texts out of the Bible. III. Compare the words and phrases in one place of an author, with the same or kindred words and phrases used in other places of the same author, wliicli are generally called parallel places; and as one expression ex- plains another wliich is like it, so sometimes a contrary expression will explain its contrary. Remember always that a writer best interprets him- self; as we believe the Holy Spirit to be the supreme agent in the writings of the Old Testament and the New, he can best explain himself. Hence the theologi- cal rule arises, that scripture is the best interpreter of scripture; and therefore concordances, which show us parallel places, are of excellent use for interpretation. IV. Consider the subject on which the author is treat- ing, and by comparing other places where he treats of the same subject, you may learn his sense in the place which you are reading, though some of the terms wiiich he uses in those two places may be very ditFerent. OF WRITERS OR SPEAKERS. 75 And on the other liand, if the author uses the same words where the subject of which he treats is not just the same, you cannot learn his sense by comparing those two places, though the mere words may seem to agree: for some authors, when they are treating of a quite ditferent subject, may use perhaps the same words in a very ditferent sense, as St. Paul does the words faith, and law, and riofhteousness. V. Observe fiie scope and design of the writer; in- quire into his aim and end in that book, or section, or paragraph, which will help to explain particular senten- ces: for we suppose a wise and judicious writer directs his expressions generally toward his designed end. VI. When an author speaks of any subject occasion- ally, let his sense be explained by those places where he treats of it distinctly and professedly: where he speaks of any subject in mystical or metaphorical terms, explain them by other places where he treats of the same subject in terms that are plain and literal: where he speaks in an oratorical, atfecting, or persuasive way, let this be explained by other places where he treats of the same theme in a doctrinal or instructive way: where the author speaks more strictly and particularly on any theme, it will explain the more loose and general ex- pressions: where he treats more largely, it will explain the shorter hints and brief intimations; and wheresoever he writes more obscurely, search out some more per- spicuous passages in the same writer, by which to de- termine the sense of that obscure language. VII. Consider not only the person who is introduced speaking, but the persons to whom the speech is direct- ed, the circumstances of time and place, the temper and spirit of tiie speaker, as well as the temper and spirit of the hearers: in order to interpret scripture well, there needs a good acquaintance with the Jewish cus- toms, some knowledge of the ancient Roman and Greek times and manners, which sometimes strike a strange and surprising light upon passages which were before very obscure. VIII. In particular propositions, the sense of an au- thor may sometimes be known by the inferences which 76 OF KNOWING THE SENSE lie draws from them, and all those senses may be excluded which will not allow of that inference. Note. This rule indeed is not always certain, in read- ing' and interpreting^ human authors, because they may mistake in drawing their inferences; but in explaining scripture it is a sure rule; for the sacred and inspired writers always make just inferences from their own propositions. Yet even in them, we must take heed we do not mistake an allusion for an inference, which is many times introduced almost in the same manner. IX. If it be a matter of controversy, the true sense of the author is sometimes known by the objections that are brought against it. So we may be well assured, the apostle speaks against our "justification in the sight of God, by our own works of holiness," in tlie 3d, 4th, and 5th chapters of the epistle to the Romans, because of the objection brought against him in the beginning of the 6th chapter, viz. "What shall we say then? shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?" which objec- tion could never have been raised, if he had been prov- ing our justification by our own works of righteousness. X. In matters of dispute, take heed of warping the sense of the writer to your own opinion, by any latent prejudices of self-love and party spirit. It is this reign- ing principle of prejudice and party, that has given such a variety of senses both to the sacred writers and others, which would never have come into the mind of the reader if he had not laboured under some such pre- XI. For the same reason take heed of the prejudices of passion, malice, envy, pride, or opposition to an au- thor, whereby you may be easily tempted to put a false and invidious sense upon his words. Lay aside there- fore a carping spirit, and read even an adversary with attention and diligence, with an honest design to find out his true meaning; do not snatch at little lapses and appearances of mistake, in opposition to his declared and avowed meaning; nor impute any sense or opinion to him which he denies to be his opinion, unless it be proved by the most plain and express language. Lastly, remember that you treat every author, writer, OF WRITERS OR SPEAKERS. 77 or speaker, just as you yourselves would be willing to be treated by others, who are searching out the meaning of what you write or speak; and maintain upon your spirit an awful sense of the presence of God, who is the judge of hearts, and will punish those who, by a base and dishonest turn of mind, wilfully pervert the meaning of the sacred writers, or even of common authors, under the influence of culpable prejudices. See more. Logic, part I. cap. 6, § 3, " Directions concerning the deftni- tions of names." CHAPTER IX. RULES OF IMPROVEMENT BY CONVERSATION. I. If we would improve our minds by conversation, it is a great happiness to be acquainted with persons wiser tiian ourselves. It is a piece of useful advice therefore to get the favour of their conversation fre- quently, as far as circumstances will allow: and if they happen to be a little reserved, use all obliging methods to draw out of them what may increase your own know- ledge. II. Wliatsoever company you are in, waste not the time in trifle and impertinence. Ifyou spend some hours amongst children, talk with them according to their capacity; mark the young buddings of infant reason; observe the diflerent motions and distinct workings of t!ie animal and the mind, as far as you can discern them; take notice by what degrees tlie little creature grows up to the use of his reasoning ])owers, and what early pre- judices beset and endanger liis understanding. By this means you will learn to address yourself to children for their beneflt, and perhaps you may derive some useful philosophemes or theorems for your own entertainment. III. Ifyou happen to be in company with a merchant or a sailor, a farmer or a mechanic, a milk-maid or a spinster, 15ad them into a discourse of the matters of their own peculiar province or profession; for every one 7* 78 OF CONVERSATION. knows, or should know, their own business best. In this sense a common mechanic is wiser than tlie philoso- pher. By this means you may gain some improvement in knowledge from every one you meet. IV. Confine not yourself always to one sort of com- pany, or to persons of the same party or opinion, either in matters of learning', religion, or civil life, lest, if you should happen to be nursed up or educated in early mistake, you should be confirmed and established in the same mistake, by conversing only with persons of the same sentiments. A free and general conversation with men of very various countries and of different parties, opinions, and practices, so far as it may be done safely, is of excellent use to undeceive us in many wrong judg- ments which we may have framed, and to lead us into juster thoughts. It is said, when the king of Siani, near China, first conversed with some European merchants, who sought the favour of trading on his coast, he in- quired of them some of the common appearances of summer and winter in their country; and when they told him of water growing so hard in their rivers, that men and horses and laden carriages passed over it, and that rain sometimes fell down as wliite and light as feathers, and sometimes almost as hard as stones, he would not believe a syllable they said; for ice, snow, and hail, were names and things utterly unknown to him and to his subjects in that iiot climate: he renounced all traffic with such shameful liars, and would not suffer them to trade with his people. See here the natural effects of gross ignorance. Conversation with foreigners on various occasions, has a happy influence to enlarge our minds, and to set them free from many errors and gross prejudices we are ready to imbibe concerning them. Domicilliis has never travelled five miles from his mother's chimney, and lie imagines all outlandish men are papishes, and worship nothing but a cross. Tityrus, the shepherd, was bred up all his life in the country, and never saw Rome; he fancied it to be only a huge village, and was therefure infinitely surprised to find such palaces, such streets, such glittering treasures and gay magnificence as his OF CONVERSATION. 79 first i(;urney to the city showed him, and with wonder he confesses his folly and mistake. So Virgil introduces a poor shepherd, Urbein quam dicunt Romam, Meliboec, pulavi Stulius tgo huic nostra; siiiiilein, quo sa;pe solemus Pastorcs ovium teneros depellere ioetiis, &c. Thus Enghshed: — Fool that I was! I thought imperial Rome Like market-towns, where once a week we come. And thither drive our tender lambs from home. Conversation would have given Tityrus a better notion of Rome, though he had never happened to travel thither. V. In mixed compan}'^, among acquaintance and strangers, endeavour to learn something from all. Be swift to liear; but be cautious of your tongue, lest you betray your ignorance, and perhaps offend some of those who are present too. The scripture severely censures those who speak evil of the things they know not. Ac- quaint yourself therefore sometimes with persons and parties which are far distant from your common life and customs: this is a way whereby you may furm a wiser opinion of men and tilings. Prove all things, and hold fast that which is good, is a divine rule, and it comes from the Father of light and truth. But young persons should practise it indeed with due limitation, and under the eye of their elders. VI. Be not frighted nor provoked at opinions different from your own. Some persons are so confident they are in the right, that they will not come within the hearing of any notions but their own: they canton out to themselves a little province in the intellectual world, where they fancy the light shines; and all the rest is in darkness. They never venture into the ocean of know- ledge, nor survey the riches of other minds, which are as solid and as useful, and perhaps are finer gold than what they ever possessed. Let not men imagine there is no certain truth but in the sciences which they study, and amongst that party in which they were born and educated. VII. BeUeve that it is possible to learn something 80 OF CONVERSATION. from persons much below yourself. We are all short- sighted creatures; our views are also narrow and limited; we often see but one side of a matter, and do not extend our sight far and wide enough to reach every thing tliat has a connexion with the thing we talk of; we see but in part, and know but in part; therefore it is no wonder we form not right conclusions; because we do not survey the whole of any subject or argument. Even tlie proud- est admirer of his own parts inight find it useful to con- sult with others, though of inferior capacity and penetra- tion. We have a different prospect of tiie same thing (if I may so speak) according to the different position of our understandings towards it: a weaker man may sometimes liglit on notions which have escaped a wiser, and which the wiser man might make a happy use of, if he would condescend to take notice of them. VIII. It is of considerable advantage, when we arc pursuing any difficult point of knowledge, to have a society of ingenious correspondents at hand, to whom we may propose it: for every man has something of a different genius and a various turn of mind, whereby the subject proposed will be shown in all its lights, it will be represented in all its forms, and every side of it be turned to view, that a juster judgment may be framed. IX. To make conversation more valuable and useful, whether it be in a designed or accidental visit, among persons of the same or of different sexes, after the ne- cessary salutations are finished, and the stream of com- mon talk begins to hesitate, or runs flat and low, let some one person take a book which may be agreeable to the whole company, and by common consent let him read in it ten lines, or a paragraph or two, or a few pa- ges, till some word or sentence gives an occasion for any of the company to offer a thought or two relating to that subject: interruption of the reader should be no blame; for conversation is the busmess: whether it be to confirm what the author says, or to improve it, to en- large u[)on or to correct it, to object against it, or to ask any question that is akin to it; and let every one that please add their opinion and promote the conversation. OF CONVERSATION. 81 When the discourse sinks again, or diverts to trifles, let him that reads pursue the page, and read on further para- graplis or pages, till some occasion is given by a word or sentence for a new discourse to be started, and that with the utmost ease and freedom. Such a method as this would prevent the hours of a visit from running all to waste; and by this means, even among scholars, they would seldom find occasion for that too just and bitter reflection, " I have lost my time in the company of the learned." By such a practice as this, young ladies may very honourably and agreeably improve their hours; while one applies herself to reading, the others employ their atten- tion, even among the various artiflces of the needle; but let all of them make their occasional remarks or inqui- ries. This will guard a great deal of that precious time from modish trifling, impertinence, or scandal, which might otherwise afford matter for painful repentance. Observe this rule in general, whensoever it lies in your power to lead the conversation, let it be directed to some profitable point of knowledge or practice, so far as may be done with decency; and let not the discourse and the hours be suffered to run loose without aim or de- sign: and when a subject is started, pass not hastily to another, before you have brought the present theme of discourse to some tolerable issue, or a joint consent to drop it. X. Attend with sincere diligence, while any one of the company is declaring his sense of the question pro- posed: hear the argument with patience, though it differ ever so much from your sentiments, for you yourself are very desirous to be heard with patience by others who differ from you. Let not your thoughts be active and busy all the while to find out something to contradict, and by what means to oppose the speaker, especially in matters which are not brought to an issue. This is a frequent and unhappy temper and practice. You should rather be intent and solicitous to take up the mind and meaning of the speaker, zealous to seize and approve all that is true in his discourse; nor yet should you want courage to oppose where it is necessary; but let your 82 OF CONVERSATION. modesty and patience, and a friendly temper, be as con- spicuous as your zeal. XI. When a man speaks with much freedom and ease, and gives his opinion in the plainest language of common sense, do not presently imagine you shall gain nothing by his company. Sometimes you will find a person who, in his conversation or his writings, delivers his thoughts in so plain, so easy, so familiar, and per- spicuous a manner, tliat you both understand and assent to every thing he saith, as fast as you read or hear it: hereupon some hearers have been ready to conclude in haste, Surely this man saith none but common things; I knew as much before, or 1 would have said all this my- self This is a frequent mistake. Pellucido was a very great genius; when he spoke in the senate, he was wont to convej' his ideas in so simple and happy a manner as to instruct and convince every hearer, and to enforce the conviction througli the whole illustrious assembly; and that with so much evidence, that you would have been ready to wonder, that every one who spoke had not said the same things: but Pellucido was the only man that could do it; the only speaker who had attained this art and honour. Such is the writer of whom Horace would say, Ut sibi quivis Speret idem; sudet multumj frustraque laboret Ausus idem. De ^rt. Poet, Smooth be your style, and plain and natural. To strike the sons of Wapiiing or Whitehall. While others think this easy to attain, Let them but try, and with their utmost pain, They'll sweat and strive to imitate in vain. XII. If any thing seem dark in the discourse of your companion, so that you have not a clear idea of what is spoken, endeavour to obtain a clearer conception of it by a decent manner of inquiry. Do not charge the speaker with obscurity, either in bis sense or his words, but entreat his favour to relieve your own want of 'penetra- tion, or to add an enlightening word or two, that you may take up his whole meaning. If difficulties arise in your mind, and constrain your OF CONVERSATION. 83 dissent to the things spoken, represent what objection some persons would be ready to make against the senti- ments of the speaker, without telhng him you oppose. This manner of address carries something more modest and obhging in it, than to appear to raise objections of your own by way of contradiction to him that spoke. XIII. When you are forced to differ from him who dehvers liis sense on any point, yet agree as far as you can, and represent how far you agree; and if there be any room for it, explain the words of the speaker in such a sense to which you can in general assent, and so agree with him, or at least, by a small addition or alteration of his sentiments, show your own sense of things. It is the practice and delight of a candid hearer, to make it appear how unwilling he is to differ from him that speaks. Let the speaker know that it is nothing but truth constrains you to oppose him; and let that differ- ence be always expressed in few, and civil, and chosen words, such as may give the least offence. And be careful always to take Solomon''s rule with you, and let your correspondent fairly finish his speech before you reply; "for he that answereth a matter be- fore he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Prov. xviii. 13. A little watchfulness, care, and practice in younger life, will render all these things more easy, familiar, and natural to you, and will grow into habit. XIV. As you should carry about with you a constant and sincere sense of your own ignorance, so you should not be afraid nor ashamed to confess this ignorance, by takingvall proper opportunities to ask and inquire for farther information; whetlier it be the meaning of a word, the nature of a thing, the reason of a proposition, the custom of a nation, &c. never remain in ignorance for want of asking. Many a person had arrived at some considerable de- gree of knowledge, if he had not been full of self-con- ceit, and imagined that he had known enough already, or else was ashamed to let others know that he was unacquainted with it. God and man are ready to teach the meekj the humble, and the ignorant; but he that 84 OF CONVERSATION. fancies himself to know any particular subject well, or that will not venture to ask a question about it, such a one will nut put himself into the way of improvement by inquiry and diligence. A fool may be "• wiser in his own conceit than ten men who can render a reason;" and such a one is very likely to be an everlastiriir fool; and perhaps also it is a silly shame renders his folly in- curable. Stultorum incurata pudor malus ulcera celat. Hor. Epist. 16. Lib. i. In English thus: If fools have ulcers, and their pride conceal them, They must have ulcers still, for none can heal them. XV. Be not too forward, especially in the younger part of life, to determine any question in company with an infallible and peremptory sentence, nor speak with assuming- airs, and with a decisive tone of voice. A young man, in the presence of his elders, should rather hear and attend, and weigh the arguments which are brougiit for the proof or refutation of any doubtful proposition: and when it is your turn to speak, propose your thoughts rather in tiie way of inquiry. By this means your mind will be kept in a fitter temper to re- ceive truth, and j-ou will be more ready to correct and improve your own sentiments, where you have not been too positive in affirming them. But if you have magis- terially decided tlie point, you will find a secret unwil- lingness to retract, though you should feel an inward conviction that you were in the wrong. XVI. It is granted, indeed, that a season may hap- pen, when some bold pretender to science may assume haught}'^ and positive airs, to assert and vindicate a gross and dangerous error, or to renounce and vilify some very important truth: and if he has a popular talent of talking, and there be no remonstrance made against him, the company may be tempted too easily to give their assent to the imprudence and infallibility of the pre- sumer. They may imagine a proposition so much vili- fied can never be true, and tliat a doctrine whicli is so boldly censured and renounced can never be defended. k OF CONVERSATION. 85 Weak minds are too ready to persuade themselves, that a man would never talk witii su mucli assurance unless he were certainly in the right, and could well maintain and prove what lie said. By this means truth itself is in danger of being betrayed or lost, if there be no oppo- sition made to such a pretending talker. Now in such a case, even a wise and a modest man may assume airs too, and repel insolence with its own weapons. There is a time, as Solomon, the wisest of men, teaches us, " when a fool should be answered ac- cording to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit," and lest others too easily yield up their faith and reason to his miperious dictates. Courage and positivity are never more necessary than on such an occasion. But it is good to join some argument with them of real and convincing force, and let it be strongly pronounced too. When such a resistance is made, you shall find some of those bold talkers will draw in their horns, when their fierce and feeble pushes against truth and reason are repelled with pushing and confidence. It is pity in- deed that truth should ever need such sort of defences; but we know that a triumphant assurance hatli sou)e- tinies supported gross falsehoods, and a whole company have been captivated to error by this means, till some man with equal assurance has rescued them. It is pity that any momentous point of doctrine should happen to fall under such reproaches, and require such a mode of vindication: though if I happen to hear it, I ought not to turn my back and to sneak otF in silence, and leave the truth to lie baliled, bleeding, and slain. Yet I must confess, I should be glad to have no occasion ever given me to figlit with any man at this sort of weapons, even though 1 should be so happy as to silence his in- solence and to obtain an evident victory. XVII. Be not fond of disputing every thing pro and con, nor indulge yourself to show your talent of attack- ing and defending. A logic which teaches nothing else is little worth. This temper and practice will lead you just so fir out of the way of knowledge, and divert your honest inquiry after the truth which is debated or sought. In set disputes, every little straw is often laid hold on 8 eb OF CONVERSATION. to support our own cause; every thing tliat can be drawn in any way to give colour to our argument is advanced, and that perhaps with vanity and ostentation. This puts the mind out of a proper posture to seek and re- ceive the truth. XVIII. Do not bring a warm party spirit into a free conversation which is designed for mutual improvement in the search of truth. Take heed of allowing yourself in those self-satisfied assurances which keep the doors of the understanding barred fast against the admission of any new sentiments. Let your soul be ever ready to hearken to farther discoveries, from a constant and rul- ing consciousness of our present fallible and imperfect state; and make it appear to your friends, that it is no hard task to you to learn and pronounce those little words, " I was mistaken," how hard soever it be for the bulk of mankind to pronounce them. XIX. As you may sometimes raise inquiries for your own instruction and improvement, and draw out the learning, wisdom, and fine sentiments of your friends, who perhaps may be too reserved or modest; so, at other times, if you perceive a person unskilful in the matter of debate, you may, by questions aptly proposed in the Socratic method, lead him into a clearer knowledge of the subject: then you become his instructor, in such a manner as may not appear to make yourself his superior. XX. Take heed of aftecting always to shine in com- pany above the rest, and to display the riches of your own understanding or your oratory, as though you would render yourself admirable to all that are present. This is seldom well taken in polite company; much less should you use such forms of speech as should insinuate the ignorance or dulness of those with whom you converse. XXI. Though you should not affect to flourish in a copious harangue and a diffusive style in company, yet neitlier should you rudely interrupt and reproach him that happens to use it: but when he has done speaking, reduce his sentiments into a more contracted form; not with a show of correcting, but as one who is doubtful whether you hit upon his true sense or no. Thus matters may be brought more easily from a wild confusion into OF CONVERSATION. 87 a single point, qu-^stions may be sooner determined, and difficulties more easily removed. XXII. Be not so ready to charge ignorance, prejudice, and mistake upon otiiers, as you are to suspect yourself of it: and in order to show how free you are from preju- dices, learn to bear contradiction with patience; let it be easy to you to hear your own opinion strongly opposed, especially in matters which are doubtful and disputable, amongst men of sobriety and virtue. Give a patient hearing to arguments on all sides; otherwise, you give the company occasion to suspect that it is not the evi- dence of truth has led you into this opinion, but some lazy anticipation ofjudgment, some beloved presumption, some long and rash possession of a party scheme, in which you desire to rest undisturbed. If your assent has been established upon just and sufficient grounds, why should you be afraid to let the truth be put to the trial of argument.'' XXII I. Banish utterly out of all conversation, and especially out of all learned and intellectual conference, every thing tliat tends to provoke passion or raise a fire in tlie blood. Let no sharp language, no noisy excla- mations, no sarcasms, or biting jests be heard among you; no perverse or invidious consequences be drawn from each other's opinions, and imputed to the person: let there be no wilful perversion of another's meaning; no sudden seizure of a lapsed syllable to play upon it, nor any abused construction of an innocent mistake: suffiir not your tongue to insult a modest opponent that beigns to yield; let there be no crowing and triumph, even where there is evident victory on your side. All these things are enemies to friendship, and the ruin of free conversation. The impartial search of truth re- quires all calmness and serenity, all temper and candour; mutual instructions can never be attained in tiie midst of passion, pride, and clamour, unless we suppose, in the midst of such a scene, there is a loud and penetrating lecture read by botii sides, on the folly and shameful in- firmities of human nature. XXIV. Whensoever, therefore, any unhappy word shall arise in company, that might give you a reasonable 88 OF CONVERSATION. disgust, quash the rising resentment, be it ever so just, and command your soul and your tongue into silence, lest you cancel the hopes of all improvement for that hour, and transform the learned conversation into the mean and vulgar form of reproaches and railing. The man who began to break the peace in snch a society, will fall under the shame and conviction of such a silent reproof, if he has any thing ingenuous about him. If this should not be sufficient, let a grave admonition, or a soft and gentle turn of wit, with an air of pleasantry, give the warm disputer an occasion to stop the progress of his indecent fire, if not to retract the indecency and quench the flame. XXV. Inure yourself to a candid and obliging manner in your conversation, and acquire the art of pleasing ad- dress, even when you teach, as well as when you learn; and when you oppose, as well as when you assert or prove. This degree of politeness is not to be attained without a diligent attention to such kind of directions as are here laid down, and a frequent exercise and prac- tice of them. XXVI. If you would know what sort of companions you should select for the cultivation and advantage of the mind, the general rule is, choose such as, by their brightness of parts, and their diligence in study, or by their superior advancement in learning, or peculiar ex- cellency in any art, science, or accomplishment, divine or human, may be capable of administering to your im- provement; and be sure to maintain and keep some due regard to their moral character always, lest while you wander in quest of intellectual gain, you fall into the contagion of irreligion and vice. No wise man can venture into a house infected with the plague, in order to see the finest collections of any virtuoso in Europe. XXVII. Nor is it every sober person of your acquaint- ance, no, nor every man of bright parts, or rich in learn- ing, that is fit to engage in free conversation for the in- quiry after truth. Let a person have ever so illustrious talents, yet he is not a proper associate for such a pur- pose, if he lie under any of the following infirmities: 1. If he be exceedingly reserved, and hath either OF CONVERSATION. 89 no inclination to discourse, or no tolerable capacity of speech and language for the communication of his senti- ments. 2. If he be liaughty and proud of his knowledge, im- perious in his airs, and is always fond of imposing his sentiments on all the company. 3. If he be positive and dogmatical in his own opin- ions, and will dispute to the end; if he will resist tiie brightest evidence of truth, rather than suffer himself to be overcome, or 3'ield to the plainest and strongest reasonings. 4. If he be one who always affects to outshine all the company, and delights to hear himself talk and flourish upon a subject, and make long harangues, while the rest must be all silent and attentive. 0. If he be a person of whiffling and unsteady turn of mind, who cannot keep close to a point of controversy, but wanders from it perpetually, and is always solicitous to say something, whether it bo pertinent to the question or no. 6. If he be fretful and peevish, and given to resent- ment upon all occasions: if he knows not how to bear contradiction, or is ready to take things in a wrong sense; if he is swift to feel a supposed offence, or to im- agine himself affronted, and then break out into a sudden passion, or retain silent and sullen wrath. 7. If he aflect wit on all occasions, and is full of his conceits and puns, quirks or quibbles, jests and repartees; these may agreeably entertain and animate an hour of mirth, but they have no place in the searcli after truth. 8. If he carry always about him a sort of craft, and cunning, and disguise, and act rather like a spy than a friend. Have a care of sucli a one as will make an ill use of freedom in conversation, and immediately charge heresy upon you, when you happen to difler from those sentiments whicli authority or custom has established. In short, you should avoid tiie man, in such select conversation, who practises any thing tliat is unbecom- ing tlie character of a sincere, free, and open searcher after truth. Now, though you may pay all the relative duties of 8* 90 OF CONVERSATION. life to persons of these unhappy qualifications, and treat them with decency and love, so far as religion and hu- manity oblige you, yet take care uf entering into a free debate on matters of trutii or falsehood in tlieir company, and especially about the principles of religion. I con- fess, if a person of such a temper happens to judge and talk well on such a subject, you may hear him with at- tention, and derive what profit you can from his dis- course; but he is by no means to be chosen for a free conference in matters of learning and knowledge. XXVIII. While I would persuade you to beware of such persons, and abstain from too much freedom of discourse amongst them, it is very natural to infer that you should watch against the working of these evil qualities in your own breast, if you Imppen to be tainted with any of them yourself. Men of learning and inge- nuity will justly avoid your acquaintance, when they find such an unhappy and unsocial temper prevailing in you. XXIX. To conclude, when you retire from company, then converse with yourself in solitude, and inquire what you have learned for the improvement of ymir under- standing, or for the rectifying your inclinations, for tlie increase of your virtues, or tlie ameliorating your con- duct and behaviour in any future parts of life. If you have seen some of your company candid, modest, h'um- ble in their manner, wise and sagacious, just and pious in their sentiments, polite and graceful, as well as clear and strong in their expression, and universally accepta- ble and lovely in their behavio^ir, endeavour to impress the idea of all these upon your memory, and treasure them up for your imitation. XXX. If th.e laws of reason, decency, and civility, have not been well observed amongst your associates, take notice of those defects for your own improvement: and from every occurrence of this kind remark something to imitate or to avoid, in elegant, polite, and useful con- versation. Perhaps you will find that some persons present have really displeased the company, by an ex- cessive and too visible an affectation to please, i. e. hj giving loose to servile flattery or promiscuous praisej OF CONVERSATION. 9] while others were as ready to oppose and contradict every thing that was said. Some have deserved just censure for a morose and affected taciturnity; and others have been anxious and careful lest their silence should be in- terpreted a want of sense, and therefore they have ven- tured to make speeches, though they had nothing to say which was worth hearing. Perhaps you will ob- serve tliat one was ingenious in his thoughts, and bright in his language, but he was so topful of himself that ho let it spill on all the company; that he spoke well indeed, but that he spoke too long, and did not allow equal liberty or time to his associates. You will remark that another was full charged, to let out his v^^ords before his friend had done speaking, or impatient of the least oppo- sition to any thing he said. You will remember that some persons have talked at large, and with great con- fidence, of things which they understood not, and others counted every thing tedious and intolerable that was spoken upon subjects out of their sphere, and they would fain confine the conference entirely within the limits of their own narrow knowledge and study. The errors of conversation are almost infinite. XXXI. By a review of such irregularities as these, you may learn to avoid those follies and pieces of ill conduct which spoil good conversation, or make it less agreeable and less useful; and by degrees you will ac- quire that delightful and easy manner of address and be- haviour in all useful correspondencies, which may ren- der your company every where desired and beloved; and at the same time, among the best of your companions, you may make the highest improvement, in your own intellectual acquisitions, that the discourse of mortal creatures will allow, under all our disadvantages in tliis sorry state of mortality. But there is a day coming when we shall be seized away from this lower class in the scliool of knowledge, where we labour under the many dangers and darknesses, the errors and the incum- brances of flesh and blood, and our conversation shall be with angels and more illuminated spirits, in the upper regions of the universe. 92 OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. CHAPTER X. OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. I. Under the g^eneral head of conversation for the improvement of the mind, we may rank the practice of disputing; that is, when two or more persons appear to maintain different sentiments, and defend their own or oppose the other's opinion, in alternate discourse, by some methods of argument. II. As these disputes often arise in good earnest, where the two contenders do really believe the different propositions which they support; so sometimes they are appointed as mere trials of skill in academies or schools by the students; sometimes they are practised, and that with apparent fervour, in courts of judicature by law- yers, in order to gain the fees of their different clients, while both sides perhaps are really of the same senti- ment with regard to the cause which is tried. III. In common conversation, disputes are often man- aged without any forms of regularity or order, and they turn to good or evil purposes, chiefly according to the temper of the disputants. Tliey may sometimes be suc- cessful to search out truth, sometimes elTectual to main- tain truth, and convince the mistaken; but at other times a dispute is a mere scene of battle in order to victory and vain triumph. IV. There are some few general rules whic'i slionld be ol)served in all debates whatsoever, if we would find out truth by tliem, or convince a friend of liis error, even though they be not managed according to any settled forms of disputation; and as there are almost as many opinions and judgments of things as there are persons, so when several persons happen to meet and confer to- gether upon any subject, tliey are ready to declare their different sentiments, and support them by such reason- ings as they are capable of This is called debating or disputing, as is above described. V When persons begin a debate, they should always take care that they are agreed in some general princi- ples or propositions, which either more nearly or remote- OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. 93 ly affect the question in hand; for otherwise they have no foundation or hope of convincing eacli other; they must have some common ground to stand upon, while they maintain the contest. When they find they agree in some remote proposi- tions, then let tliem search farther, and inquire how near they approach to each other's sentiments, and whatso- ever propositions tliey agree in, let tliese lay a founda- tion for the mutual hope of conviction. Hereby you will be prevented from running at every turn to some original and remote propositions and axioms, which practice both entangles and prolongs dispute. As for instance, if there was a debate proposed betwixt a pro- testant and a papist, whether there be such a place as Purgatory.' Let them remember that they both agree in this point, that Christ has made satisfaction or atone- ment for sin, and upon this ground let them both stand, while they search out tlie controverted doctrine of Pur- gatory by way of cojiference or debate, VI. 1'lie question should be cleared from all doubtful terms and needless additions; and all things tliat belong to the question sliould be expressed in plain and intelli- gible languaij-e. This is so necessary a thing, that with- out it men will be exposed to such sort of ridiculous con- tests as was found one day between the two unlearned combatants Sartor and Sutor, wlio assaulted and defend- ed the doctrine of transubstantiation with much zeal and violence: but Latino happening to come into their company, and inquiring the subject of their dispute, asked each of them what he meant by that long hard word transubstantiation. Sutor readily informed him that lie understood — bowing at the name of Jesus: but Sartor assured liim that he meant nothing but bowing at tlie higli altar. "No wonder, then," said Latino, " that you cannot agree when you neither understand one anotlier, nor the word about which you contend." I think the whole family of the Sartors and Sutors would be wiser if they avoided such kind of debates till they understood the terms better. But alas! even their wives carry on such conferences: the other day one was heard in the street explaining to her less learned neigli- 94 OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. bour the meaning of metaphysical science; and she as- sured her, that as physics were medicines fijr the body, so metapliysics were physics for the soul; upon this they went on to dispute the point — how far the divine excel- led the doctor. Audilum admissi risum teneatis, amici? Rideiitcm dicere verutnquid vetat? Can it be faulty to repeat A dialogue that walk'd the street' Or can my gravest friends forbear A laugh, when such disputes they hear? VII. And not only the sense and meaning of the words used in the question should be settled and adjust- ed between the disputants, but the precise point of in- quiry should be distinctly fixed; the question in debate should be limited precisely to its special extent, or de- clared to be taken in its more general sense. As for in- stance, if two men are contending whetlier civil govern- ment be of divine right or not: here it must be observed, the question is not whether monarchy in one man, or a republic in multitudes of the people, or an aristocracy in a few of the chief, is appointed of God as necessary; but whether civil government in its most general sense, or in any form whatsoever, is derived from the will and appointment of God. Again, the point of inquiry should be limited further. Thus the question is, not whether government comes from the will of God by the liglit of divine revelation, for that is granted; but whether it is derived from the will of God by the liglit of reason too. This sort of specification or limitation of the question hinders and prevents the disputants from wandering away from the precise point of inquiry. It is tliis trifling humour or dishonest artifice of chang- ing the question, and wandering away from the first point of debate, which gives endless length to disputes, and causes both disputants to part without any satisfac- tion. And one chief occasion of it is this: when one of the combatants feels his cause run low and fail, and is just ready to be confuted and demolislied, he is tempted to step aside to avoid tlie blow, and betakes him to a dif- ferent question: thus, if his adversary be not well aware OF DISPCTES IK GF.KERAL. 95 i.'f him, he begins to entrench himself in a now fastness, and holds out tiie siege with, a new artillery of thoughts nd words. It is the pride of man which is the spring if this evil, and an unwillingness to yield up their own tpinions even to be overcome by tru^h itself. VIII. Keep this always theretore upon your mind as an everlasting rule of conduct in your debates to find out truth, tliat a resolute design, or even a warm affec- tation of victory, is the bane of all real improvement, and an etiectual bar against t!ie admission of the truth which you profess to seek. This works witii a secret, but a powerful and mischievous influence in every dis- pute, unless we are much upon our guard. It appears in frequent conversation; every age, every sex, and each party of mankind, are so fond of being in the rigiit, that ti)ey kiiov,- not how to renounce this unhappy prejudice, this vain love of victory. When truth with briglit evidence is ready to break in upon a disputant, and to overcome his objei'tions and mistakes, how swit't and ready is the mind to engage wit and fancy, craft and subtlety, to cloud and perplex and puzzle the truth, if possible! How eager is lie to throw in some impertinent question to divert from the main subjeetl How swit\ to take hold of some occasion- al word, thereby to lead the discourse ori' from the point in hand! So much atraid is human nature of parting with its errors, and being overcome b}- truth. Just thus a hunted hare calls up all the shifts tliat nature hath taught her: she treads back her mazes, crosses and con- founds her former track, and uses all possible methods to divert the scent, when slie is in danger of being seiz- ed and taken. Let puss practise what nature teaciies; but would one imagine that any rational being should take such pains to avoid truth, and to escape tiie im- provement of its understanding.^ IX. When you come to a dispute in order to find out truth, do not presume that you are certainly possessed of it beforehand. Enter the "debate with a sincere design of yielding to reason, on which side soever it appears. Use no subtle arts to cloud and entangle the question; hide not yourself in doubtful words and phrases; do not 96 OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. affect little shifts and subterfuges to avoid the force of an argument; take a generous pleasure to espy the first rising beams of trutli, though it be on the side of your opponent; endeavour to remc ve the little obscurities that hang about it, and suffer and encourage it to break out into open and convincing light; that while your opponent perhaps may gain the better of your reasonings, yet you yourself may triumph over error; and I am sure that is a much more valuable acquisition and victory. X. Watch narrowly in every dispute, that your oppo- nent does not lead you unwarily to grant some principle of the proposition, which will bring with it a fatal con- sequence, and lead you insensibly into his sentiment, though it be far astray from the truth; and by this wrong step you will be, as it were, plunged into dangerous errors before you are aware. Polonides, in free conver- sation, led Incauto to agree with him in this plain pro- position: That the blessed God has too much justice in any case to punish* any being who is in itself innocent: till he not only allowed it with an unthinking alacrity, but asserted it in most universal and unguarded terms. A little after, Polonides came in discourse to commend the virtues, the innocence, and the piety of our blessed Saviour; and thence inferred, it was impossible that God should ever punish so holy a person, who was never guilty of any crime: then Incauto espied the snare, and found himself robbed and defrauded of tlie great doctrine of tlie atonement by the death of Christ, upon which he had placed his immortal hopes according to the gos- pel. This taught him to bethink himself what a dan- gerous concession he had made in so universal a manner, that God would never punish any being who was inno- cent; and he saw it needful to recall his words, or to ex- plain them better, by adding this restrictioa or limita- tion, viz. unless this innocent being were some way in- volved in another's sin, or stood as a voluntary surety for the guilty: by this limitation he secured the great and olessed doctrine of the sacrifice of Christ for the sins * The word punish here signifies, to bring some natural evil upon a person on account of moral evil done. OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. 97 of men, and learnt to be more cautious in his conces- sions for the time to come. Two months ago Fatalio had ahnost tempted his friend Fidens to leave oti' prayer, and to abandon his dependence on the providence of God in the common affairs of life, by obtaining of him a concession of the like kind. Is it not evident to reason, says Fatalio, that God''s immense scheme of transactions in the universe was contrived and determined long before you and I were born? Can you imagine, my dear Fi-dens, that the blessed God changes liis original contrivances, and m^es new interruptions in tlie course of them, so often as you and I want his aid, to prevent the little accidents of life, or to guard us from them? Can you suffer your- self to be persuaded that the great Creator of this world takes care to support a bridge which was quite rotten, and to make it stand firm a iew minutes longer till you had rode over it? Or, will he uphold a falling tower, while we two were passing by it, that such worms as you and I are might escape the ruin? But you say, you prayed for his protection in the morning, and he certainly hears prayer. I grant he hears it: but are you so fond and weak, said he, as to suppose that the universal Lord of all had such a regard to a word or two of your breath, as to make alterations in his own eternal scheme upon that account. Nor is there any other way whereby his providence can pre- serve you in answer to prayer, but by creating such per- petual interruptions and changes in his own conduct, according to your daily behaviour. I acknowledge, says Fidens, there is no other way to secure the doctrine of divine providence in all these common affairs; and therefore I begin to doubt whether God does or ever will exert himself so particularly in our little concerns. Have a care, good Fidens, that you yield not too fan take heed lest you have granted too much to Fatalio. Pray let me ask of you, could not the great God, who grasps and surveys all future and distant things in one single view, could not he from the beginning foresee your morning prayer for his protection, and appoint all second 9 98 OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. causes to concur for tlie support of that crazy bridge, or to make that old tower stand firm till you had escaped the danger? Or could not he cause all tlie mediums to work so as to make it fall before you came near it? Can he not appoint all iiis own transactions in the universe, and every event in the natural world, in a way of per- fect correspondence with his own foreknowledge of all the events, actions, and appearances of the moral world in every part of it? Can he not direct every thing in nature, which is but his servant, to act in perfect agree- ment with his eternal prescience of our sins, or of our piety? And hereby all the glory of providence, and our necessary dependence upon it by faith and prayer, are as well secured, as if he interposed to alter his own scheme every moment. Let me ask again; did not he in his own counsels or decrees appoint thunders and lightnings and earth- quakes, to burn up and destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, and turn them into a dead sea, just at the time when the iniquities of those cities were raised to their supreme height? Did he not ordain the fountains of the deep to be broken up, and overwhelming rains to fall from heaven, just wlien a guilty world deserved to be drown- ed; while he took care of the-security of righteous Noah, by an ark which should float upon tliat very deluge of waters? Thus he can punish the criminal when he pleases, and reward the devout worshipper in the proper season by his original and eternal schemes of appoint- ment, as well as if he interposed every moment anew. Take heed, Fidens, tliat you be not tempted away, by such sophisms of Fatalio, to withhold prayer from God, and to renounce your faith in his providence. Remember this short and plain caution of tlie subtle errors of men. Let a snake but once tln-ust in his head at some small unguarded fold of your garment, and he will insensibly and unavoidably wind his whole body into your bosom, and give you a pernicious wound. XI. On the other hand, when you have found youi opponent make any such concession as may turn to your real advantage in maintaining the truth, be wise and watchful to observe it, and make a happy improvement OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. 99 s^f it. Rhapsodns has taken a great deal of pains to de- tract from the lionour of Christianity, by sly insinua- tions that the sacred writers are perpetually promoting virtue and piety by promises and threatenings; whereas neither the fear of future punishment, nor the hope of future reward, can possibly be called good affections, or such as are the acknowledged springs and sources of all actions truly good. He adds further, that this fear, or this hope, ca nnot consist in reality with virtue or goodness, if it either stands as essential to any moral performance or as a considerable motive to any good action; and thus he would fiin lead Christians to be asliamed of the gos- pel of Christ, because of its future and eternal promises and threatenings, as being inconsistent witli his notion of virtue; for he supposes virtue should be so beloved and practised for the sake of its own beauty and loveliness, that all other motives arising from rewards or punish- ments, fear or hope, do really take away just so much from the very nature of virtue as their influence reaches to; and no part of those good practices are really valua- ble, but what arises from the mere love of virtue itself, without any regard to punishment or reward. But observe, in two pages afterwards, he grants that — this principle of fear of future punishment, and hope of future reward, how mercenary and servile soever it may be accounted, is yet in many circumstances a great advantage, security, and support to virtue; especially where there is danger of the violence of rage or lust, or any counter-working passion to control and overcome the good affections of the mind. Now the rule and the practice of Christianity, or the gospel, as it is closely connected with future rewards and punishments, may be well supported by this con- cession. Pray, Fi hapsodus, tell me, if every man in this present life, by the violence of some counter-working passion, may not have his good affections to virtue con- trolled or overcome? May not, therefore, his eternal fears and hopes be a great advantage, security, and sup- port to virtue in so dangerous a state and situation, as our journey through this world towards a better.' And 100 OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. this is all that the defence of Christianity necessarily requires. And yet further let me ask our rhapsodist, If you have nothing else, sir, but the beauty and excellency and loveliness of virtue to preach and flourish upon, before such sorry and degenerate creatures as the bulk of man- kind are, and you have no future rewards or punish- ments with which to address their hopes and fears, how many of these vicious wretches will you ever reclaim from all their variety of profaneness, intemperance, and madness? How many have you ever actually reclaimed by this smooth soft method, and these fine words? What has all that reasoning and rhetoric done which have been displayed by your predecessors the heathen moral- ists, upon this excellency and beauty of virtue? What has it been able to do towards the reforming of a sinful world? Perhaps now and then a man of better natural mould has been a little refined, and perhaps also there may liave been here and there a man restrained or re- covered from injustice or knavery, from drunkenness and lewdness, and vile debaucheries, by this fair reason- ing and philosophy: but have the passions of revenge and envy, of ambition and pride, and the inward secret vices of the mind been mortified merely by this philoso- phical language? Have any of these men been made new creatures, men of real piety and love to God? Go dress up all the virtues of human nature in all the beauties of your oratory, and declaim aloud on the praise of social virtue, and the amiable qualities of good- ness, till your heart or your lungs ache, among tlie looser herds of mankind, and you will ever find, as your hea- then fathers have done before, that the wild passions and appetites of men are too violent to be restrained by such mild and silken language. You may as well build up a fence of straw and feathers to resist a cannon ball, or try to quench a flaming granado with a sliell of fair water, as hope to succeed in these attempts. But an eternal heaven and an eternal hell carry divine force and power with them: this doctrine, from the mouth of Christian preachers, has begun the reformation of multi- tudes; this gospel has recovered thousands among the OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. 101 nations from iniquity and death. They have been awa- kened by these awful scenes to begin rehgion, and after- wards their virtue has improved itself into superior and more refined principles and habits by divine grace, and risen to high and eminent degrees, though not to a con- summate state. I'he blessed God knows human nature much better than Rhapsodus doth, and has throughout his word appointed a more proper and more effectual method of address to it by the passions of hope and fear, by punishments and rewards. If you read on four pages further in these writings, you will find the autiior makes another concession. He allows that the master of a family, using proper rewards and gentle punishments towards his children, leaches them goodness, and by this help instructs them in a virtue which they afterwards practise upon other grounds, and without tliinking of a penalty or a bribe; and this, says he, is what we call a liberal education and a liberal service. This new concession of that author may also be very happily improved in favour of Christianity. — What are the best of men in this life' They are by no means per- fect in virtue: we are all but children here under the great master of the family, and he is pleased, by hopes and fears, by mercies and corrections, to instruct us in virtue, and to conduct us onward towards the sublimer and more perfect practice of it in the future world, where it shall be performed, as in his own language, perhaps — without thinking of penalties or bribes. And since he hath allowed that this conduct may be called a liberal education, and a liberal service, let Christianity then be indulged the title of a liberal education also, and it is admirably fitted for such frail and sinful crea- tures, while they are training up towards the sublimer virtues of the heavenly state. XII. When you are engaged in a dispute with a per- son of very different principles from yourself, and you cannot find any ready way to prevail with him to em- brace the truth by principles which you both freely ac- knowledge, you may fairly make use of his own princi- 9* 102 OF DISPUTES IN GENERAL. pies to show him his mistake, and thus convince or si- lenceliim from his own concessions. If your opponent should be a Stoic philosopher or a Jew, you may pursue your argument in defence of some Christian doctrine or duty against such a disputant, by axioms or laws borrowed either from Zeno or Moses. And though you do not enter into the inquiry how ma- ny of the laws of Moses are abrogated, or whether Ze- no was right or wrong in his philosophy, yet if from the principles and concessions of your opponent, you can support your argument for the gospel of Christ, this has been always counted a fair treatment of an adver- sary, and it is called argumentum ad hominem, or 7'utio ex co7icessis. St. Paul sometimes makes use of tliis sort of disputation, when he talks with Jews or heathen phi- losophers; and at last he silences if not convinces them: which is sometimes necessary to be done against an ob- stinate and clamorous adversary, that just honour might be paid to truths which he knew were divine, and that the only true doctrine of salvatoin might be confirmed and propagated among sinful and dying men. XIII. Yet great care must be taken, lest your debates break in upon your passions, and awaken them to take part in the controversy. When the opponent pushes hard, and gives just and mortal wounds to ourovvnopin- ons, our passions are very apt to feel the strokes, and to rise in resentment and defence. Self is so mingled with the sentiments which we have chosen, and has such a tender feeling of all the opposition which is made to them, that personal brawls are very ready to come in as seconds, to succeed and finish the dispute of opinions. Then noise, and clamour, and folly, appear m all their shapes, and chase reason and truth out of sight. How unhappy is the case of frail and wretched man- kind m this dark or dusky state of strong passion and glimmering reason! How ready are we, when our pas- sions are engaged in the dispute, to consider more what loads of nonsense and reproach we can lay upon our op- ponent, than what reason and truth require in the con- troversy itself! Dismal are the consequences mankind are too often involved in by this evil principle; it is this THE SOCRATICAL WAT OF DISPUTATION. 103 common and dangnrous practice that carries the heart aside from all that is fair and honest in oar search after truth, or the propagation of it in the world. One would wish from one's very soul that none of the Chrisliaa fa- thers had been guilty of such follies as ttiese. But St. Jerome fairly confesses this evil principle, in his apology for himself to Pammachius, " ttiat he had not so much regarded wliat was exactly to be spoken in the controversy he had in hand, as what was fit to lay a load on Jovinian." And, indeed, I fear this was the vile custom of many of the writers even in the church af- fairs of those times. But it will be a double scandal upon us, in our more enlightened age, if we will allow ourselves in a conduct so criminal and disI)onest. Hap- py souls, who keep such a sacred dominion over their inferior and animal powers, and all the influences of pride and secular interest, that the sensitive tumults, or these vicious influences, never rise to disturb tlie supe- rior and better operations of the reasoning mind! XIV. Tiiese general directions are necessary, or at least useful, in all debates whatsoever, whether they arise in occasional conversation, or are appointed at any certain time or place: whether they are managed with or witiiout any formal rules to govern them. But there are three sorts of disputation in which there are some forms and orders observed, and which are distinguished by these three names, viz. Socratic, Forensic, and Aca- demic, i. e. the disputes of the schools. Concerning each of these it may not be improper to discourse a little, and give a few particular directions or remarks about them. CHAPTER XL THE SOCRATICAL WAY OF DISPUTATION. I. This method of dispute derives its name from Soc- rates, by whom it was practised, and by other philoso- phers in his age, long before Aristotle invented tiie par- 104 THE SOCRATICAL WAT OF DISPUTATION. ticular forms of syllogism in mood and figure, which are now used in scholastic disputations, I]. The Socratical way is managed by questions and answers in such a manner as this, viz. If I would lead a person into the belief of a heaven or hell, or a future state of rewards and punishments, I might begin in some such manner of inquiry, and suppose the most obvious and easy answers. Q. Does not God govern the world.' A. Surely he that made it governs it. Q. Is not God both a good and a righteous gover- nor? A. Both these characters doubtless belong to him. Q. What is the true notion of a good and righteous governor? A. That he punishes the wicked and rewards the good. Q. Are the good always rewarded in this life? A. No surely; for many virtuous men are miserable here, and greatly afflicted. Q. Are the wicked always punished in this life? A. No certainly; for many of them live without sor- row, and some of the vilest of men are often raised to great riclies and honour. Q. Wherein then doth God make it appear that he is good and righteous? A. I own there is but little appearance of it on earth. Q. Will there not be a time, then, when the tables shall be turned, and the scene of things changed, since God governs mankind rigliteously? A- Doubtless there must be a proper time, wherein God will make that goodness and that righteousness to appear. I Q. If this be not before their death, how can it be done? A. I can think of no other way but by supposing man to have some existence after this life. Q. Are you not convinced then that there must be a state of reward and punishment after death? A. Yes surely; I now see plainly, that the goodness OF DISPUTATION. 105 and righteousness of God, as governor of the world, ne- cessarily require it. III. Now the advantages of this method are very con- siderable. 1. It represents the form of a dialogue or common conversation, which is a much more easy, more pleasant, and a more sprightly way of instruction, and more fit to excite the attention, and sharpen the penetration of the learner, than solitary reading or silent attention to a lecture. Man, being a sociable creature, delights more in conversation, and learns better this way, if it could always be wisely and hajipily practised. 2. Tliis metliod hath something very obliging in it, and carries a very humble and condescending air, when he that instructs seems to be the inquirer, and seeks infor- mation from him who learns. 3. It leads felie learner into the knowledge of truth as it were by his own invention, which is a very pleasing thing to human nature; and by questions pertinently and artificially proposed, it does as effectually draw him on to discover his own mistakes, which he is much more easily persuaded to relinquish when he seems to have discovered them himself 4. It is managed in a great measure in the form of the most easy reasoning, always arising from something eisserted or known in the foregoing answer, and so pro- ceeding to inquire something unknown in the following question, which again makes way for the next answer. Now sucii an exercise is very alluring and entertaining to tlie understanding, while its own reasoning powers are all along employed, and tliat without labour or diffi- culty, because, the querist finds out and proposes all the intermediate ideas or middle terms. IV. There is a method very nearly akin to this, which has much obtained of late, viz. writing controversies by questions only, or confirming or refuting any position, or persuading to or dehorting from any practice, by the mere proposal of queries. The answer to them is sup- posed to be so plain and so necessary, that they are not expressed, because the query itself carries a convincing i06 OF FORENSIC DISPUTES. argument in it, and seems to deternaine what the answer must be. V. If Christian catecliisms could be framed in the manner of a Socratical dispute by question and answer, it would wonderfully enlighten the minds of children, and it would improve their intellectual and reasoning powers, it the same time that it leads them into the know- ledge of religion: and it is upon one account well suited to tiie capacity of children; for the questions may be pretty numerous, and the querist must not proceed too swiftly towards the deterinination of his point proposed, that lie may with more ease, with brighter evidence, and with surer success, draw the learner on to assent to those principles, step by step, from whence the final conclusion will naturally arise. The only inconveni- ence would be this, that if children were to reason out all their way entirely into the knowledge of every part of their religion, it would draw common catechisms into too large a volume for their leisure, attention, or me- mory. Yet those who explain their catechisms to them may, by due a[)plication and forethought, instruct them in this manner. CHAPTER XII. OF FORENSIC DISPUTES. I. The forum was a public place in Rome where lawyers and orators made their speeches before the proper judge in matters of property or in criminal cases, to accuse or excuse, to complain or defend: thence all sorts of disputations in public assemblies or courts of jus- tice, where several persons make their distinct speeches for or against any person or thing whatsoever, but more especially in civil matters, may come under the name of Forensic disputes. II, This is practised not only in the courts of judica- ture, where a single person sits to judge of the truth or OF FORENSIC DISPUTES. 107 goodness of any cause, and to determine according to the weight of reasons on eitiier side; but it is used also m pohtical senates or parHarnents, ecclesiastical synods, and assemblies of various kinds. In these assemblies, generally one person is chosen chairman or mediator, nut to give a determination to the controversy, but chiefly to keep the several speakers to the rules of order and decency in their conduct: but the final determination of the questions arises from the majority of opinions or votes in the assembly, accord- ing as they are or ought to be swayed by tlje superior weight of reason appearing in the several speeches that are made. III. The method of proceeding is usually in some such form as this. The first person who speaks, when the court is set, opens the case either more briefly or at large, and proposes the case to the judge or the chair- man, or moderator of the assembly, and gives his own reasons for his opinion in the case proposed. IV. This person is succeeded by one, or perhaps two, or several more, who paraphrase on the same subject, and argue on the same side of the question: they confirm what the first has spoken, and urge new reasons to en- force the same: then those who are of a diflerent opinion stand up and make their several speeches in succession, opposing the cause which others have maintained, giving their reasons against it, and endeavouring to refute the arguments whereby the first speakers have supported it. V. After this, one and another raises up to make their replies, to vindicate or to condemn, to establish or to confute what has been offered before on each side of the question; till at last, according to the rules, orders, or customs of the court or assembly, the contioversy is de- cided, either by a single judge, or the suffrages of the assembly. VI. Where the question or matter in debate consists of several parts, after it is once opened by tlie first or second speaker, sometimes those who follow take each of them a particular part of the debate, according to their inclination or their prior agreement, and apply themselves to argue upon that single point only, that so 108 OF FORENSIC DISPUTES. the whole complexion of the debate may not be thrown into confusion by the variety of subjects, if every speaker should handle all the subjects of debate. VII. Before the tinal sentence of determination is given, it is usual to have tlie reasons and arguments, which have been offered on botli sides, summed up and represented in a more compendious manner; and this is done either by the appointed judge of tlie court, or the cliairman, or some noted person in the assembly, that so judgment may proceed upon the fullest survey of the whole subject, tliat as far as possible in human affairs nothing may be done contrary to truth or justice. VIII. As this is a practice in which multitudes of gentlemen, besides those of the learned professions, may be engaged, at least, in their maturer years of life, so it would be a very proper and useful thing to introduce this custom into our academies, viz. to propose cases, and let the students debate them in a forensic manner in the presence of their tutors. There was something of this kind practised by the Roman youth in their schools, in order to train them up for orators, both in the forum and in the senate. Perhaps Juvenal gives some hints of it when he says, et nos, Consilium dedimus Syllae, privatus utaltum Dormiret Sat. 1. Where with men boys I strove to get renown, Advising Sylla to a private gown, That he might sleep the sounder. Sometimes these were assigned to the boys as single subjects of a theme or declamation: so the same poet speaks sarcastically to Hannibal: I demens, et saevas curre per Alpes, Ut pueris placeas et declamatio fias. Sut. 10. Go climb the rugged Alps, ambitious fool. To please the boys, and be a theme at school. See more of this matter in Rennet's Antiquities of Rome, in the second Essay on the Roman education. OF ACADEMIC, OR &C. 109 CHAPTER XIII. OF ACADEMIC, OR SCHOLASTIC DISPUTATION. The common methods in which disputes are managed in schools af learning are these, viz. I. The tutor appoints a question in some of the sciences, to be debated amongst his students: one of them undertakes to affirm or to deny the question, and to defend his assertion or negation, and to answer all objections against it; he is called the respondent: and the rest of the students in the same class, or who pursue the same science, are the opponents, who are appointed to dispute or raise objections against the proposition thus affirmed or denied. II. Each of the students successively in their turn be- come the respondent or the defender of that proposition, while the rest oppose it also successively in their turns. III. It is the business of the respondent to write a thesis in Latin, or short discourses on the question pro- posed; and he either affirms or denies the question, ac- cording to the opinion of the tutor, which is supposed to be the truth, and he reads it at the beginning of the dispute. IV. In his discourse (which is written with as great accuracy as the youth is capable of) he explains the terms of the question, frees them from all ambiguity, fixes their sense, declares the true intent and meaning of the question itself, separates it from other questions with which it may have been complicated, and distin- guishes it from other questions which may happen to be akin to it, and then pronounces in the negative or af- firmative concerning it. V. When this is done, then, in the second part of his discourse, he gives his own strongest arguments to con- firm the proposition he has laid down, i. e. to vindicate his own side of the question; but he does not usually proceed to represent the objections against it, and to solve or answer them; for it is the business of the other students to raise objections in disputing. 10 110 OF ACADEMIC, OB VI. Note, in some schools the lespondent is admitted to talk largely upon the question, with many flourishes and illustrations, to introduce great authorities from ancient and modern writings for the support of it, and to scatter Latin reproaches in abundance on all those who are of a different sentiment. But this is not al- ways permitted ; nor should it indeed ever be indulged, lest it teach youth to reproach instead of to reason. VII. When the respondent has read over his thesis in the school, the junior student makes an objection, and draws it up into the regular form of a syllotrism : the respondent repeats the objection, and either denies the major or minor proposition directly, or he distinguishes upon some word or phrase in the major or minor, and shows in what sense the proposition may be true, but that sense does not affect the question : and then declares, that in the sense which affects the present question, the proposition is not true, and consequently he denies it. VII [. Then the opponent proceeds by another syllo- gism to vindicate the proposition that is denied : again the respondent answers by denying or distinguishing. Thus the disputation goes on in a series or succession of syllogisms and answers, till the objector is silenced, and has no more to say. IX. When he can go no further, the next student be- gins to propose his objection, and then the third and the fourth, even to the senior, who is the last opponent. X. D iring this time the tutor sits in the chair as presi- dent or moderator, to see that the rules of diputation and decency be observed on both sides; and to admonish each disputant of any irregularity in their conduct. His work is also to illustrate and explain the answer or distinction of the respondent where it is obscure, to strengthen it where it is weak, and to correct it where it is false: and when the respondent is pinched a strong objection, and is at lo s for an answer, the mode- rator assists him, and suggests some answer to the ob- jection of the opponent, in defence of the question, ac- cording to his opinion or sentiment. XI. In public disputes, where the opponents and re- spondents choose their own side of the question, the OF SCHOLASTIC DISPUTATION. Ill moderator's work is not to favour either disputant; but he only sits as president, to see that the lavvs of dispu- tation be observed, and a decorum maintained. XII. Now the laws of disputation relate either to the opponent or to the respondent, or to both. The laws obliging the opponent are these. 1. That he must directly contradict the proposition of the respondent, and not merely attack anv of the argu- ments whereby the respondent has supported tliat prop- osition; for it is one thing to confute a single argument of the respondent, and another to confute the thesis it- self. 2. (Which is akin to the former) he must contradict or oppose the very sense and intention of the proposi- tion as the respondent has stated it, and not merely oppose the words ofthe thesis in any other sense; for this would be the way to plunge tlie dispute into ambiguity and dark- ness, to talk beside the question, to wrangle about words, and to attack a proposition different from what the respondent has espoused, wliich is called ignoratio elenchi. 3. He must propose his argamenta in a plain, short, and syllogistic form, according to the rules of logic, without flying to fallacies or sophisms, and, as far as may be, he should use categorical syllogisms. 4. Though the respoiident may be attacked either Uf»- on a point of his own concession, which is called argu- mentam ex concessis, or by reducing him to an absurdity, which is called reductio ad absurdam, yet it is the neat- est, the most useful, and the best sort of disputation, where the opponent draws his objections from the nature of the question itself 5. Wiiere the respondent denies any proposition, the opponent, if he proceed, must directly vindicate and confirm that proposition, i. e. he must make ihat propo- sition the conclusion of his next syllogism. 6. Where the respondent limits or distinguishes any proportion, the opponent must directly prove his own proposition in that sense, and according to the member of the distinction in which the respondent denied it. XIII. the laws that oblige the respondent are these. 112 OF ACADEMIC, OR 1. To repeat the argument of the opponent in the very same words in which it was proposed, before he at- tempts to answer it. 2. If tlie syllogism be false in the loorical form of it, ho must discover the fault according to the rules of logic. 3. If the argument does not directly and effectually oppose his thesis, he must show this mistake, and make it appear that his thesis is safe, even though the argu- ment of the opponent be admitted; or, at least, that the argument does only aim at it collaterally, or at a distance, and not directly overthrow it, or conclude against it. 4. Where the matter of the opponent's objection is faulty in any part of it, the respondent must grant what is true in it, he must deny what is false, lie must distin- guish or limit the proposition whicli is ambioruous or doubtful, and then, granting the sense in wliich it is true, he must deny the sense in which it is false. 5. If an hypothetic proposition be false, the respon- dent must deny the consequence; if a disjunctive, he must deny the disjunction; if a categoric or relative, he must simply deny it. 6. It is sometimes allowed for the respondent to use an indirect answer after he has answered directly; and he may also show how the opponent's argument may be retorted against himself. XIV. The laws that oblige both disputants are these. 1. Sometimes it is necessary there should be a men- tion of certain general principles in which they both agree, relating to tiie question, that so they may not dis- pute on those things which either are or ought to have been first granted on both sides. 2. When the state of the controversy is well known, and plainly determined and agreed, it must not be al- tered by either disputant in the course of the disputa- tion; and the respondent especially should keep a watch- ful eye on the opponent in this matter. 3. Let neither party invade the province of the oth- er; especially let the respondent take heed that he does SCHOLASTIC DISPUTATION. 113 not turn opponent, except in retorting the argument upon his adversary after a direct response; and even this is aliowed only as an illustration or confirmation of his own response. 4. Let each wait with patience till the other has done speaking. It is a piece of rudeness to interrupt another in his speech. Yet, though the disputants have not this liberty, the moderator may do it, when either of the disputants break the rules, and he may interpose so far as to keep them in order. XV. It must be confessed there are some advantages to be attained by academical disputation. It gives vi- gour and briskness to the mind thus exercised, and re- lieves the languor of private study and meditation. It sharpens the wit, and all the inventive powers. It makes the thoughts active, and sends them on all sides to find arguments and answers both for opposition and defence. It gives opportunity of viewing the subject of discourse on all sides, and of learning wiiat inconveniences, diffi- culties, and objections, attend particular opinions. It furnishes the sou! with various occasions of starting such thoughts as otherwise would never have come into the mind. It makes a student more expert in attacking and refuting an error, as well as in vindicating a truth. It instructs the scholar in the various methods of warding off the force of objections, and of discovering and re- pelling tlie subtle tricks of sophisters. It procures also a freedom and readiness of speech, and raises the mod- est and difKdent genius to a due degree of courage. XVI, But there are some very grievous inconvenien- ces tliat may sometimes overbalance all these advanta- ges. For many young students, by a constant habit of disputing, grow impudent and audacious, proud and dis- dainful, talkative and impertinent, and render themselves intolerable by an obstinate humour of maintaining what- ever tliey have asserted, as well as by a spirit of contra- diction, opposing almost every thing that they hear. The disputation itself often awakens the passions of am- bition, emulation, and anger; it carries away the mind 10* 114 OF ACADEMIC, OR from that calm and sedate temper which is so necessary to contemplate truth. XVII. It is evident also, that by frequent exercises of this sort, wherein opinions true and false are argued, supported, and refuted on both sides, the mind of man is led by insensible degrees to an uncertainty and fluctu- ating temper, and falls into danger of a sceptical hu- mour, which never comes to an establishment in any doctrines. Many persons, by this means, become much more ready to observe whatsoever is offered in searching out truth; they hardly wait till they have read or heard the sentiment of any person, before their heads are bus- ily employed to seek out arguments against it. They grow naturally sharp in finding out difficulties; and by indulging this humour they converse with the dark and doubtful parts of a subject so long, till they almost ren- der themselves incapable of receiving the full evidence of a proposition, and acknowledging the light of truth. It has some tendency to make a youth a carping critic, rather than a judicious man. XVIII. I would add yet further, that in these dispu- tations the respondent is generally appointed to main- tain the supposed truth, tliat is, tlie tutor's opinion. But all the opponents are busy and warmly engaged in find- ing arguments against the truth. Now if a sprightly young genius happens to manage his arguments so well as to puzzle and gravel the respondent, and perliaps to perplex the moderator a little too, he is soon tempted to suppose his argument unanswerable, and the truth en- tirely to lie on his side. The pleasure which he takes in having found a sophism which has great appearance of reason, and which he himself has managed with such success, becomes perhaps a strong prejudice to engage his inward sentiments in favour of his argument, and in op- position to the supposed truth, XIX. Yet perhaps it may be possible to reduce scho- lastic disputations under such a guard as, may, in some measure, prevent most of these abuses of them, and tlie unliappy events that too often attend them; for it is pity that an exercise which has some valuable benefits atten- ding it, should be utterly thrown away, if it be pos.sible SCHOLASTIC DISPUTATION. 115 to secure young minds against the abuse of it; for which purpose some of these directions may seem proper. XX. General directions for scliolastic disputes: 1. Never dispute upon mere trifles, things that are utterly useless to be known, under a vain pretence of sharpening the wit; for the same advantage may be de- rived from solid and useful subjects, and thus two hap- py ends may be attained at once. Or if such disputa- tions are always thought dangerous in important mat- ters, let them be utterly abandoned. 2. Do not make infinite and unsearchable things the matter of dispute, nor such propositions as are made up of mere words without ideas, lest it lead young persons into a most unhappy habit of talking without a mean- ing, and boldly to determine upon things that are hardly within the reach of human capacity. 3. Let not obvious and known truths, or some of the most plain and certain propositions, be bandied about in a disputation, for a mere trial of skill; for he that oppo- ses them in this manner will bo in danger of contracting a habit of opposing all evidence, will acquire a spirit of contradiction, and pride himself in a power of resisting the brightest ligiit, and fighting against the strongest proofs; this will insensibly injure the mind, and tends greatly to a universal scepticism. Upon the wliole, therefore, the most proper subjects of dispute seem to be, those very questions which are not of tbe very highest importance and certaint}', nor of the meanest and trifling kind; but rather the interme- diate questions between these two, and there is a large sufficiency of them in the sciences. But this I put as a mere proposal, to be determined by the more learned and prudent. 4. It would be well if every dispute could be so or- dered as to be a means of searching out truth, and not to gain a triumph. Then each disputant might come to the work without bias and prejudice: with a desire of truth, and not with ambition of glory and victory. Nor should the aim and design of the disputant be to avoid artfully and escape the difficulties which the op- IIG OP ACADEMIC, OR ponent offers, but to discuss them thoroughly, and solve them fairly, if they are capable of being solved. Again, let the opponent be solicitous not to darken and confound the responses that are given him by fresh subtleties; but let him bethink liimself whether they are not a just answer to the objection, and be lionestly ready to perceive and accept them, and yield to them. 5. For this end let both the respondent and opponent use the clearest and most distinct and expressive lan- guage in which they can clothe their thoughts. Let them seek and practise brevity and perspicuity on both sides, without long declamations, tedious circumlocu- tions, and rhetorical flourishes. If there happen to be any doubt or obscurity on eith- er side, let neither the one nor tiie other ever refuse to give a fair explication of the words they use. 6. They should not indulge ridicule, either of persons or things, in their disputations. They should abstain from all banter and jest, laughter and merriment. These are things that break in upon that philosophical gravity, sedateness, and serenity of temper which ought to be observed in every search after truth. However an argument on some subjects may be sometimes clothed with a little pleasantry, yet a jest or witticism should never be used instead of an argument, nor should it ev- er be suffered to pass for a real and solid proof But especially if the subject be sacred or divine, and have nothing in it comical or ridiculous, all ludicrous turns, and jocose or comical airs, should be entirely ex- cluded, lest young minds become tinctured with a silly and profane sort of ridicule, and learn to jest and trifle with the awful solemnities of religion. 7. Nor should sarcasm and reproach, or insolent lan- guage, ever be used among fair disputants. Turn not off from tilings to speak of persons. Leave all noisy contests, all immodest clamours, brawling language, and especially all personal scandal and scurrility, to the meanest part of the vulgar world. Let your manner be all candour and gentleness, patient and ready to hear, humbly zealous to inform and be informed: you should be free and pleasant in every answer and behaviour, SCHOLASTIC DISPUTATION. 117 rather like well bred gentlemen in polite conversation, than like noisy and contentious wranglers. 8. If the opponent sees victory to incline to his side, let him be content to show the force of his argument to the intelligent part of the company, without too impor- tunate and petulant demands of an answer, and witliout insulting over his antagonist, or putting the modesty of the respondent to the blush. Nor let the respondent triumph over the opponent when he is silent and replies no more. On which side soever victory declares her- self, let neither of them manage with such unpleasing and insolent airs, as to awaken those evil passions of pride, anger, shame, or resentment on either side which alienate tiie mind from truth, render it obstinate in the defence of an error, and never suffer it to part with any of its old opinions. In sliort, when truth evidently appears on either side, let them learn to yield to conviction. When eitiier par- ty is at a nonplus, let them confess the difficulty, and desire present assistance, or further time and retirement to consider of the matter, and not rack their present in- vention to find out little shifts to avoid the force and evi- dence of truth. 9. Might it not be a safer practice in order to attain the best ends of disputation, and to avoid some of the ill effects of it, if the opponents were sometimes en- gaged on the side of truth, and produced their arguments in opposition to error? And what if the respondent was appointed to support the error, and defend it as well as he could, till he was forced to yield at least to those arguments of the opponent which appear to be really just, and strong, and unanswerable? In this practice, the thesis of the respondent should only be a fair stating of the question with some of the chief objections against the truth proposed and solved. Perliaps this practice might not so easily be perverted and abused to raise a cavilling, disputive, and sceptical temper in the minds of youth. I confess, in this method which I now propose, there would be one amongst the students, viz. the respondent, always engaged in the supposed error; but all the rest 118 OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. would be exercising their talents in arguing for the sup- posed truth: whereas, in the common methods of dis- putation in the schools, especially where the students are nume^-ous, each single student is perpetually em- ployed to oppose the truth, and vindicate error, except once in a long time, when it comes to his turn to be re- spondent. 10. Upon the whole it seems necessary that these methods of disputation should be learned in the schools, in order to teach students better to defend truth, and to refute error, both in writing and conversation, where the scholastic forms are utterly neglected. But after all, the advantage which youth may gain by disputations depends much on the tutor or moderator, he slioiild manage with such prudence, both in the dis- putation and at the end of it, as to make all the dispu- tants know the very point of controversy wherein it consists; he should manifest the fallacy of sophistical ob- jections, and confirm the solid arguments and answers. This might teach students how to make tiie art of dis- putation useful for the searching out the truth and the defence of it, that it may not be learned and practised only as an art of wrangling, which reigned in the schools several hundred years, and divested tlie growing reason of youth of its best hopes and improvements. CHAPTER XIV. OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. I. It has been proved and established in some of the foregoing chapters, that neither our own observations, nor our reading the labours of the learned, nor the at- tendance on the best lectures of instruction, nor enjoying the brightest conversation, can ever make a man truly knowing and wise, without the labours of his own rea- son in surveying, examining, and judging concerning all subjects upon the best evidence he can acquire. A good genius, or sagacity of thought, a happy judgment. OP STUDY OR MEDITATION. 119 a capacious memory, and large opportunities of observa- tion and converse, w^ill do much of themselves tovv^ards the cultivation of the mind, where they are well im- proved ; but where, to the advantage of learned lectures, living instructions, and well cliosen books, diligence and study are superadded, this man has all iiuman aids con- curring to raise him to a superior degree of wisdom and knowledge. Under the preceding heads of discourse it has been already declared how our own meditation and reflection should examine, cultivate, and improve all other methods and advantages of enriching the understanding. What remains in this chapter is to give some further occasional hints how to employ our own thoughts, what sort of sub- jects we should meditate on, and in what manner we should regulate our studies, and how we may improve our judgment, so as in the most effectual and compendious way to attain such knowledge as may be most useful for every man in his circumstances of life, and particu- larly for those of the learned professions. II. The first direction for youth is this — learn betimes to distinguish between words and things. Get clear and plain ideas of the things you are set to study. Do not content yourselves with mere words and names, lest your laboured improvements only amass a heap of un- intelligible phrases, and you feed upon husks instead of kernels. This rule is of unknown use in every science. But the greatest and most common danger is in the sacred science of theology, where settled terms and phrases have been pronounced divine and orthodox, which yet have no meaning in them. The scholas- tic divinity would furnish us with numerous instances of this folly ; and yet for many ages all truth and all heresy have been determined by such senseless tests, and by words without ideas : such Shibboleths as these have decided the secular fates of men : and bishoprics or burn- ing mitres or faggots have been the rewards of different persons, according as they pronounced these consecrated syllables, or not pronounced them. To defend them was all piety, and pomp, and triumph ; to despise them, or to doubt or to deny them, was torture and death. A 12U OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. tliovisand thank-offerings are due to that Providence which has dehvered our age and our nation from these absurd iniquities! O that every specimen and shadow of this madness were banished from our schools and churches in every shape! III. Let not young students apply tliemselves to search out deep, dark, and abstruse matters, far above their reach, or spend tiieir labour in any peculiar subjects, for which they have not the advantages of necessary ante- cedent learning, or books, or observations. Let them not be too hasty to know things above their present powers, nor plunge their inquiries at once into the depths of knowledge, nor begin to study any science in the middle of it; this will confound rather tlian enlighten the understanding; sucli practices may happen to discourage and jade the mind by an attempt above its power; it may balk the understanding, and create an aversion to future dilligence, and pcrliaps by despair may forbid the pur- suit of that subject for ever afterwards: as a limb over- strained by lifting a weight above its pov^'cr may never recover its former agility and vigour; or if it does, the man may be frighted from ever exerting its strength again. IV. Nor yet let any student, on the other hand, fright himself at every turn with insurmountable difficulties, nor imagine that the truth is wrapt up in impenetrable darkness. These are furmidable spectres which the un- derstanding raises sometimes to flatter its own laziness. Those things which in a remote and confuted view seem very obscure and perplexed may be approached by gentle and regular steps, and may then unfold and explain themselves at large to the eye. The hardest problems in geometry, and the most intricate schemes or diagrams, may be explicated and understood step by step; every great mathematician bears a constant witness to this observation. V. In learning any new thing, there should be as little as possible first proposed to the mind at once, and that being understood and fully mastered, proceed then to the next adjoining part yet unknown. This is a slow, but safe and sure way to arrive at knowledge. If the OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. 121 mind apply itself at first to easier subjects, and things near akin to what is already known, and then advance to the more remote and knotty parts of knowledge by slow degrees, it would be able in this manner to cope with great ditficulties, and prevail over them with amaz- ing and happy success. Mathon happened to dip into the last two chapters of a new book of geometry and mensuration as soon as he saw it, and was frighted with the complicated diagrams whicli he found there, about the frustums of cones and pyramids, &c. and some deep demonstrations among conic sections; he shut the book again in despair, and imagined none but a Sir Isaac Newton was ever fit to read it. But his tutor happily persuaded him to begin the first pages about lines and angles; and he found such surprising pleasure in three weeks time in the victories he daily obtained, that at last he became one of the chief geometers of his age. VI. Engage not tiie mind in the intense pursuit of too many things at once; especially such as have no re- lation to one another. This will be ready to distract the understanding, and hinder it from attaining perfec- tion in any one subject of study. Such a practice gives a slight smattering of several sciences, without any solid and substantial knowledge of them, and without any- real and valuable improvement; and though two or three sorts of study may be usefully carried on at once, to entertain the mind with variety, that it may not be over- tired with one sort of thoughts, yet a multitude of sub- jects will too much distract the attention, and weaken the application of the mind to any one of them. Where two or three sciences are pursued at the same time, if one of them be dry, abstracted, and unpleasant, as logic, metaphysics, law, languages, let another be more entertaining and agreeable, to secure the mind from weariness and aversion to study. Delight should be in- termingled with labour as far as possible, to allure us to bear the fatigue of dry studies the better. Poetry, prac- tical mathematics, history. Sic. are generally esteemed entertaining studies, and may be happily used for this purpose. Thus while we relieve a dull and heavy hour u 122 OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. by some alluring employments of the mind, our very diversions enrich our understandings, and our pleasure is turned into profit. XII. In the pursuit of every valuable subject of knowl- edge, keep the end always in your eye, and be not di- verted from it by every petty triJle you meet with in the way. Some persons have such a wandering genius that they are ready to pursue every incidental theme or occasional idea, till they have lost sight of the original subject. These are the men who, when they are en- gaged in conversation, prolong their story bj' dwelling on every incident, and swell tlieir narrative with long parentheses, till they have lost their first designs; like a man wiio is sent in quest of some great treasure, but he steps aside to gather every flower he finds, or stands still to dig up every shining pebble he meets with in his way, till the treasure is forgotten and never found. VIII. Exert your care, skill, and diligence, about every subject and every question, in a just proportion to the importance of it, together with the danger and bad consequences of ignorance or error therein. Many excellent advantages flow from this one direction: 1. Tliis rule will teach you to be very careful in gain- ing some general and fundamental truth both in philoso- phy, and religion, and in human life; because they are of the highest moment, and conduct our thoughts with ease into a thousand inferior and particular propositions. Such is that great principle in natural philosophy — the doctrine of gravitation, or mutual tendency of ail bodies towards each other, which Sir Isaac Newton has so well established, and from which he has drawn the solution of a multitude of appearances in the heavenly bodies as well as on earth. Such is that golden principle of morality which our blessed Lord has given us — Do that to others which you think just and reasonal)le that others should do to you, which is almost sufficient in itself to solve all cases of conscience wliich relate to our neighbour. Such are those principles in religion — that a rational creature is accountable to his Maker for all his actions — that the soul of man is immortal — that there is a fu- OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. 123 ture state of happiness and of misery depend ingr on out behaviour in the present life, on which all our religious practices are built or supported. We should be very curious in examining all proposi- tions that pretend to this honour of being general prin- ciples: and vie should not without just evidence admit into this rank mere matters of common fame, or com- monly received opinions; no, nor the general determina- tion of the learned, or the established articles of any church or nation, &c. for there are many learned pre- sumptions, many synodical and national mistakes, many established falselioods, as well as many vulgar errors, wherein multitudes of men have followed one another for whole ages almost blindfold. It is of great impor- tance for every man to be careful that these general principles are just and true; for one error may lead us into thousands, which will naturally follow, if once a leading falsehood be admitted. 2. This rule will direct us to be more careful about practical points than mere speculations, since they are commonly of mucli greater use and consequence: there- fore the speculations of algebra, the doctrine of infini- ties, and the quadrature of curves in matliematical learn- ing, together with all the train of theorems in natural philosophy, should by no means entrench upon our stu- dies of morality and virtue. Ev6n in the science of divinity itself, the sublimest speculations of it are not of that worth and value, as the rules of duty towards God and towards men. 3. In matters of practice we should be most careful to fix our end right, and wisely to determine" the scope at which we aim, because that is to direct us in the choice and use of all the means to attain it. If our end be wrong, all our labour in the means will be vain, or perhaps so much the more pernicious as they are bet- ter suited to attain that mistaken end. If mere sensible . pleasure, or human grandeur, or wealth, be our chief end, we shall choose means contrary to piety and virtue, and proceed apace towards real misery. 4. Tliis rule will engage our best powers and deepest attention in the affairs of religion, and things that re- 124 OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. late to a future world: for those propositions which ex- tend only to the interest of the present life, are but of small importance when compared with those that have influence upon our everlasting concernments. 5. And even in the affairs of religion, if we walk by tlie conduct of this rule, we shall be much more labori- ous in our inquiries into the necessary and fundamental articles of faith and practice, than the lesser appendices of Christianity. The great doctrines of repentance to- wards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, with love to men, and universal holiness, will employ our best and brightest hours and meditations, while the mint, anise, and cummin, the gestures, and vestures, and fiinges of religion, will be regarded no fartlier than they have a plain and evident connexion with faith and love, with holiness and peace. 6. This rule will make us solicitous not only to avoid such errors, wliose influence would spread wide into the whole scheme of our own knowledge and practice, but such mistakes also whose influence would be yet more extensive and injurious to others as well as to ourselves: porliaps to many persons or many families, to a whole church, a town, a country, or a kingdom. Upon this account, persons who are called to instruct others, who are raised to any eminence either in church or state, ought to be careful ih settling their principles in matters relating to the civil, the moral, or the religious life, lest a mistake of theirs should diffuse wide mischief, sliould draw along with it most pernicious consequences, and perhaps extend to following generations. These are some of the advantages wliich arise from the eighth rule, viz. Pursue every inquiry and study in proportion to its real value and iniportance. IX. Have a care lest some beloved notion, or some darling science, so far prevail over your mind as to give a sovereign tincture to all your other studies, and dis- colour all your ideas, like a person in the jaundice, who spreads a yellow scene with his eyes over all tiie objects which he meets. I have known a man of peculiar skill in music, and much devoted to that science, who found out a great resemblance of the Athanasian doctrine of OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. 125 the Trinity in every single note, and he thought it car- ried something of argument in it to prove that doctrine. I have read of another who accommodated the seven days of the first week of creation to seven notes of mu- sic, and thus the v/hole creation became harmonious. Under this influence, derived from mathematical stu- dies, some have been tempted to cast all tiieir logical, their metaphysical, and their theological and moral learning into the method of mathematicians, and bring every thing relating to those abstracted, or those prac- tical sciences, under theorems, problems, postulates, scholiums, corollaries, &c. whereas, the matter ought always to direct the method; for all subjects or matters of thought cannot be moulded or subdued to one form. Neither the rules for the conduct of the understanding, nor the doctrines nor duties of religion and virtue, can be exhibited naturally in figures and diagrams. Things are to be considered as they are in themselves; their na- tures are inflexible, and their natural relations unaltera- ble; and therefore, in order to conceive them aright, we must bring our understandings to things, and not pre- tend to bend and strain things to comport with our fan- cies and forms. X. Suffer not any beloved study to prejudice your mind so far in favour of it as to despise all other learn- ing. This is a fault of some little souls, who have got a smattering of astronomy, chymistry, metaphysics, his- tory, &c. and for want of a due acquaintance with other sciences, make a scofl'at them all in comparison of their favourite science. Their understandings are hereby cooped up in narrow bounds, so that they never look abroad into other provinces of the intellectual world, which are more beautiful, perhaps, and more fruitful than their own: if they would search a little into other sciences, they miglit not only find treasures of new knowledge, but might be furnished also with rich hints of thought, and glorious assistances to cultivate that ve- ry province to which they have confined themselves. Here I would always give some grains of allowance to the sacred science of theology, wiiich is incompara- bly superior to all the rest, as it teaches us the knowl- 11*^ 126 OF STUDY OR MEDITATION. ed^e of God, and the way to his eternal favour. This is that noble study which is every man's duty, and eve- ry one who can be called a rational creature is capable of it. This is that science which would truly enlarge the minds of men, were it studied with that freedom, that unbiased love of truth, and that sacred charity which it teaches; and if it were not made, contrary to its own nature, the occasion of strife, faction, malicrnity, a nar- row spirit, and unreasonable impositions on the mind and practice. Let tliis, tlierefore, stand always chief. XI. Let every particular study Jiave due and proper time assitrned it, and let not a favourite science prevail with you to lay out sucli hours upon it, as ouo-ht to be employed upon the more necessary and more imp(rtlio I'^pistles of St. l*;nil, nfliiliiiii- to tlic Jtnvisli law and tlio Christian gosjuil; a li;i|)|)y siihitiiiii whciecir will n^quiio such an c.\tt!iisivo view oCthiiijis, and the roadiiiir of thest; happy solutitms will (Milnijiro this faculty in youuo'tM- studiMits- lu moral and |)(dilical subjects, rullcMdorir's Law of Natures and Nations, and several (hUenninations therein.. will promote tlie same am|)litude of mind. An atten- dance on public trials, and ariruments in the civil courts of justice, will In; of j^ood advanta^ii! for this purpose.^ and after a man has studied the fjcni^ral ])rinciples of the law of nature, and the laws of Knijland, in proper books, the reading the reports of adjudired cases, col- le( ted by men of f^reat saderstanding, especially in younger years. The Indulgence of some one silly opinion, or the giving credit to one foolisli fable, lays the mind open to be im- posed upon by many. The ancient Romans were taught to believe that Romulus and Remus, the founders of their state and empire, were exposed in the woods, and nursed by a wolf: this story prepared tlieir minds for the rece[)tion of any tales of the like nature relating to other countries. Trojns Pompeius would enforce tlie belief, that one of the ancient kings of Spain was also nursed and suckled by a hart, from the fable, of Romulus and Remus. It was by the same influence they learned to give up their hopes and fears to omens and soothsaying, when they were once persuaded that tlie greatness of their empire, and tlie glory of Romulus their founder, were predicted by the happy omen of twelve vultures appearing to him when he souglit where to build the city. They readily received all the following legends, of prodigies, auguries, and prognostics, for many ages together, with which Livy has furnished his huge history. So the child who is once taught to believe anv one occurrence to be a good or evil omen, or any day of the month or week to be lucky or unlucky, hath a wide inroad made on the soundness of his imderstanding in the following judgments of his life; he lies ever open to all the silly impressions and idle tales of nurses, and im- bibes many a foolish story with greediness, which he must unlearn again if ever he become acquainted with truth and wisdom. XV. Have a care of interesting your warm and re- ligious zeal in those matters which are not sufficiently evident in themselves, or which are not fully and thoroughly examined and proved; for this zeal, v. hether right or wrong, when it is once engaged, will have a powerful influence to establish your own minds in those doctrines which are really doubtful, and to stop up all the avenues of further light. This will bring upon the 178 OF DETERMININ6S A QUESTION. soul a sort of sacred awe and dread of heresy, with a divine concern to maintain whatever opinion you have espoused as divine, tliough perhaps you have espoused it without any just evidence, and ought to have renounced it as false and pernicious. We oug'ht to be zealous for the most important points of our religion, and to contend earnestly for the faith once dehvered to the saints; but we ought not to employ this sacred fervour of spirit in the service of any article till we have seen it made out with plain and strong con- viction, that it is a necessary or important point of faith or practice, and is either an evident dictate of the light of nature, or an assured article of revelation. Zeal must not reign over the powers of our understanding, but obey thein: God is the God of light and truth, a God of reason and order, and lie never requires mankind to use their natural faculties amiss for the support of his cause. Even the most mysterious and sublime doc- trines of revelation are not to be believed without a just reason for it; nor should our pious affections be engaged in the defence of them till we have plain and convinc- ing proof that they are certainly revealed, though per- haps we may never in tliis world attain to such clear and distinct ideas of them as we desire. XVI. As a warm zeal ought never to be employed in the defence of any revealed truth, till our reason be well convinced of the revelation; so neither should wit and banter, jest and ridicule, ever be indulged to oppose or assault any doctrines of professed revelation, till reason has proved they are not really revealed; and even then these methods should be used very seldom, and with the utmost caution and prudence. Raillery and wit were never made to answer our inquiries after truth, and to determine a question of rational controversy; thougli they may sometimes be serviceable to expose to contempt those inconsistent follies wliicli have been first abundantly refuted by argument, they serve indeed only to cover nonsense with shame, when reason has first proved it to be mere nonsense. It is therefore a silly and most unreasonable test which some of our deists have introduced to judge of divine OP DETERMINING A (iUESTION. 179 rsvelation, viz. to try if it will bear ridicule and laugliter. They are effectually beaten in all their combats at the weapons of men, that is, reason and argument; and it would not be unjust (though it is a little uncourtly) to say that they would now attack our religion with the talents of a vile animal, that is, grin and grimace. I cannot think that a jester or a monkey, a droll or a puppet, can be proper judges or deciders of controversy. That which dresses up all things in disguise is not likely to lead us into any just sentiments about them. Plato or Socrates, Cfesar or Alexander, might have a fool's coat clapped upon any of tliem, and perhaps, in this dis- guise, neither the wisdom of the one, nor the majesty of the other, would secure them from a sneer; this treat- ment would never inform us whether they were kings or slaves, whether they were fools or philosophers. The strongest reasoning, the best sense, and the politest thoughts, may be set in a most ridiculous light by this grinning faculty: the most obvious axioms of eternal truth may be dressed in a very foolish form, and vvrapped up in artful absurdities by this talent; but they are truth, and reason, and good sense still. Euclid, with all his demonstrations, might be so covered and overwhelmed with banter, that a beginner in the mathematics might be tempted to doubt whether his theorems were true or no, and to imagine they could never be useful. So weaker minds might be easily prejudiced against the noblest principles of truth and goodness; and the younger part of mankind might be beat off from the belief of the most serious, the most rational and important points, even of natural religion, by the impudent jests of a pro- fane wit. The moral duties of the civil life, as well as the articles of Christianity, may be pamted over with the colours of folly, and exposed upon a stage, so as to ruin all social and personal virtue among gay and thoughtless part of the world. XVII. It should be observed also, that these very men cry out loudly against the use of all severe railing and reproach in debates, and all penalties and persecutions of the state, in order to convince the minds and con- sciences of men, and determine points of truth and error. 180 OF DETERMINING A QUESTION. Now I renounce these penal and smarting methods of conviction as mucli as they do, and yet 1 think still these are every whit as wise, as just, and as good for this purpose as banter and ridicule. Why sliould public mockery in print, or a merry joke upon a stage, be a better test of trutli than severe railing sarcasm, and public persecutions and penalties? Why should more light be derived to the understanding by a song of scurrilous mirth, or a witty ballad, than there is by a rude cudgel? When a professor of any religion is set up to be laughed at, I cannot see how tiiis should lielp us to judge of tl)e trutli of his faith any better than if he were scourged. The jeers of a theatre, the pillor}', and the vvhi})pingpost are very near akin. When the per- son or his opinion is made the jest of the mob, or his back the shambles of the executioner, 1 think tiiere is no more conviction in the one than in the other. XVIII. Besides, supposing it is but barely possible that tlie great God should reveal liis mind and will to men by miracle, vision, or inspiration, it is a piece of contempt and profane insolence to treat any tolerable or rational appearance of such a revelation with jest and laughter, in order to find whether it be divine or not. And yet, if this be a proper test of revelation, it may be properly applied to the true as well as the false, in order to distinguish it. Suppose a royal proclamation was sent to a distant part of tlie kingdom, and some of the sub- jects should doubt whether it came from tiie king or no; is it possible that wit and ridicule sliould ever decide the point? Or would the prince ever think himself treated with just honour to have his proclamation canvassed in this manner on a public stage, and become the sport of ' buftbons, in order to determine the question, Whether it is the word of a king or no? Let such sort of writers go on at their dearest peril, and sport themselves in theii own deceivings; let them at their peril make a jest at the Bible, and treat the sacred articles of Christianity with scoff and merriment: but then let them lay aside all their pretences to reason as well as religion; and as they expose themselves by such writings to the neglect and contempt of men, so OF DETERMINING A QUESTION. 181 ^et them prepare to meet the majesty and indignation of God without timely repentance. XIX, In reading philosophical, moral, or religious controversies, never raise your esteem of any opinion by the assurance and zeal wherewith the author asserts it, nor by the highest praises he bestows upon it; nor, on the other hand, let your esteem of an opinion bo abated, nor your aversion to it raised by the supercilious contempt cast upon it by a warm writer, nor by the sovereign airs with which he condemns it. Let the force of argument alone influence your assent or dissent. Take care that your soul be not warped or biassed on one side or the other by any strains of flattering or abusive language; for there is no question whatsoever but what hath some such sort of defenders and opposers. Lea-ve those writers to their own follies who practise thus upon the weakness of their readers without argu- ment; leave thern to triumph in their own fancied posses- sions and victories: it is ot\entimes found that their pos- sessions are but a heap of errors, and their boasted vic- tories are but overbearing noise and clamour to silence the voice of truth. In philosophy and religion the bigots of all parties are generally the most positive, and deal much in this sort of argument. Sometimes these are the weapons of pride, for a haughty man supposes all his opinions to be infallible, and imagines the contrary sentiments are ever ridiculous and not worthy of notice. Sometimes these ways of talking are the mere arms of ignorance: the men who use them know little of the opposite side of the question, and therefore they e.xult in their own vain pretences to knowledge, as thougli no man of sense could oppose their opinions. They rail at an objection against their own sentunents, because they can find no other answer to it but railing. And men of learning, by their excessive vanity, have been sometimes tempted into the same insolent practice as well as the ignorant. Yet let it be remembered too, that there are some truths so plain and evident, that the opposition to tliem is strange, unaccountable, and almost monstrous: and in vindication of such truths a writer of good sense may 1(5 182 OF DETERMINING A QUESTION. sometimes be allowed to use a degree of assurance, and pronounce them strongly with an air of confidence, while he defends them with reasons of convincing force. XX. Sometimes a question may be proposed which is of so large and extensive a nature, and refers to such a multitude of subjects, as ought not in justice to be de- termined at once by a single argument or .answer: as if one should ask me, Are you a professed disciple of the Stoics or the Platonists? Do you receive an assent to the principles of Gassendus, Descartes, or Sir Isaac Newton? Have you chosen the hypothesis of Tycho or Copernicus? Have you devoted yourself to the senti- ments of Arminius, or Calvin? Are your notions epis- copal, presbyterian, or independent, &c.? 1 think it may be very proper in such cases not to give an answer in the gross, but rather to enter into a detail of particu- lars, and explain one's own sentiments. Perhaps there is no man, nor set of men upon earth, whose sentiments I entirely follow. God has given me reason to judge for myself; and though I may see sufficient ground to agree to the greatest part of the opinions of one person oJ party, yet it does by no means follow that I should re- ceive them all. Truth does not always go by the lump, nor does error tincture and spoil all the articles of belief that some one party professes. Since there are difficulties attend every scheme of human knowledge, it is enough for me in the main to incline to tiiat side which has the fewest difficulties; and I would endeavour, as far as possible, to correct the mistakes or the harsh expressions of one party, by soft- ening and reconciling methods, by reducing tlie ex- tremes, and by borrowing some of the best pnticiples Or phrases from another. Cicero was one of tlie greatest men of antiquity, and gives us an account of the various opinions of philosophers in his age; but he himself was of the eclectic sect, and chose out of each of them such positions as in his wisest judgment came nearest to the truth. XXI. When you are called in the course of life or re- ligion to judge and determine concerning any question, and to atfirm or deny it, take a full survey of tlie objec- OF DETERMINIKG A QUESTION'. 183 tions against it, as well as the arguments for it, as far as your time and circumstances admit, and see on which side the prepoiideration falls. If either the objections against any proposition, or the arguments for t!ie defence of it, carry in tliem most undoubted evidence, and are plainly unanswerable, they will and ought to constrain the assent, though there may be many seeming proba- bilities on the other side, which at first sight would flatter the judgment to favour it. But where the reasons on both sides are very near of equal weight, there sus- pension or doubt is our duty, unless in cases wherein present determination or practice is required, and there we must act according to the present appearing prepon- deration of reasons. XXII. In matters of moment and importance, it is our duty indeed to seek after certain and conclusive ar- guments (if they can be found) in order to determine a question; but where the matter is of little consequence, it is not worth our labour to spend much time in seek- ing after certainties; it is sufficient here, if probable rea- sons otfer themselves. And even in matters of greater importance, especially where daily practice is necessary, and where we cannot attain any sufficient or certain grounds to determine a question on either side, we must then take up with sucii probable arguments as we can arrive at. But this general rule should be observed, viz. to take heed that our assent be no stronger, or rise no higher in the degree of it, than the probable argu- ment will support. XXIII. There are many things even in religion, as well as in philosophy and civil life, which we believe with very different degrees of assent; and this is, or should be, always regulated according to the different degrees of evidence which we enjoy: and perhaps there are a thousand gradations in our assent to the things we believe, because there are thousands of circumstances relating to different questions, which increase or dimin- ish the evidence we have concerning them, and that in matters both of reason and revelation. I believe there is a God, and that obedience is due to him from every reasonable creature; this I am most fully 184 OP DETERMINING A QUESTION. assured of, because I have the strongest evidence, since it is the plain dictate both of reason and revelation. Again, 1 beheve there is a future resurrection of the dead, because scripture tells us so in the plainest terms, though reason says nothing of it. I believe also, that the same matter of our bodies which died (in part at least) shall arise; but I am not so fully assured of this circumstance, because the revelation of it is not quite so clear and express. Yet further, I believe that tlie good men who were acquainted here on earth shall know each other in heaven; but my persuasion of it is not absolutely certain, because my assent to it arises only from circumstantial reasonings of men upon what God has told us, and therefore my evidences are not strong beyond a possibility of mistake. Tiiis direction cannot be too often repeated, that our assent ought always to keep pace with our evidence; and our belief of any pro- position should never rise higlier than the proof or evi- dence we have to support it, nor should our faith run faster tlian right reason can encourage it. XXIV. Perhaps it will be objected here. Why then does our Saviour, in the histories of the Gospel, so much commend a strong faith, and lay out both his miraculous benefits and his praises upon some of those poor crea- tures of little reasoning who professed an assured belief of his commission and power to heal them? I answer, the God of nature has given every man his own reason to be the judge of evidence to himself in particular, and to direct iiis assent in all things about wliich he is called to judge; and even the matters of revelation are to be believed by us because our reason pronounces the revelation to be true. Therefore the great God will not, or cannot, in any instance, require us to assent to any thing without reasonable or sufficient evidence; nor to believe any proposition more strongly than what our evidence for it will support. We have therefore abundant ground to believe, that those persons of whom our Saviour requires such strong faith, or whom he commends for their strong faith, had as strong and certain evidence of his power and commission from the credible and incontestable reports they had heard of his OF DETERMINING A QUESTION. 185 miracles, which were wrought on purpose to give evi- dence to his commission.* Now in such a case, both this strong faith and the open profession of it were very worthy of pubHc encouragement and praise from our Saviour, because of the great and public opposition which the magistrates, and the priests, and the doctors of the age made against Jesus the man of Nazareth, when he appeared as the Messiah. And besides all this it may be reasonably supposed, with regard to some of those strong exercises of faith which are required and commended, tliat these believers had some further hints of inward evidence and immedi- ate revelation from God himself; as when St. Peter con- fesses Ciirist to be the Son of God, Matt. xvi. 16, 17, our blessed Saviour commends him saying, "Blessed art tlum, Sitnon Barjona;" but he adds, " Flesh and. blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven." And the same may be said concerning the faith of miracles, the exercise whereof was sometimes required of the disciples and others, i. e. when by inward and divine intluences God assured them such miracles should be wrought, their obedience to and compliance with these divine illuminations w:is expected and commended. No A' this supernatural inspiration carried sufficient evi- dence with it to tiiem, as well as to the ancient prophets, though we who never felt it are not so capable to judge and distinguish it. XXV. What is said before concerning truth or doc- trines, may be also confirmed concerning duties; the reason of both is the same; as the one are truths for our speculation, the others are truths for our practice. Duties which are expressly required in the plain Ian- * When our Saviour gently reproves Thonnas for his unbelief, John, XX. 29, he does it m these words, " Because thou hast seen me, Tliomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed," i. e. Blessed are they who, though they have not been favoured with the evidence of their senses as thou hast been, yet have been convinced by the reasonable and sufficient moral evidence of the well grounded report of others, and have believed 10 me upon that evidence. Of this moral evidence Mr. Ditton writes exceedingly well in his book of the Resurrection of Christ. 16* 186 OF DETERMINING A QUESTION. guage of Scripture, or dictated by the most evident reasoning upon first principles, ou.glit to bind our con- sciences more than those wiiich are but dubiously inferred, and that only from occasional occurrences, incidents, and circumstances: as for instance, I am certain that I ought to pray to God; my conscience is bound to this, because there are most evident commands for it to be found in Scripture, as well as to be derived from reason. I believe also, that 1 may pray to God either by a written form or without one, because neither reason nor revelation expressly requires either of these modes of prayer at all times, or forbids the other. I cannot, there- fore, bind my conscience to practise the one so as utterly to renounce the other; but 1 would practice either of them as my reason and other circumstances direct me. Again, I believe that Christians ought to ren>ember the death of Christ by the symbols of bread and wine; and I believe there ought to be pastors in a Christian church some way ordained or set apart to lead the wor- ship, and to bless and distribute the elements; but the last of these practices is not so expressly directed, pre- scribed, and required in Scripture as the former; and, therefore, I feel my conscience evidently bound to re- member the death of Christ with some society of Clirist- ians or other, since it is a most plain command, though their methods of ordaining a pastor be very dilferent from other men, or from my own opinion; or whetlier the person who distributes these elements be only an occa- sional or a settled administrator; since none of these things are plainly determined in Scripture. I must not omit or neglect an express command, because some un- necessary circumstances are dubious. And 1 trust 1 shall receive approbation from the God of nature, and from Jesus my judge at the last day, if 1 have endea- voured in this manner to believe and praerve carefully all the events which happen either by an occasional concurrence of various causes, or by the industrious applications of knowing nien: and when you see any happy effect certainly produced, and often repeated, treasure it up, together with the known causes of it, amongst your improvements. 6. Take a just survey of all the circumstances which attend the operation of any cause or causes, whereby any special effect is produced: and find out as far as pos- sible how far any of those circumstances had a tenden- cy either to obstruct or promote or change those opera- tions, and consequently how far the effect might be in- fluenced by them. In this manner physicians practise and improve their skill. Tliey consider the various known effects of par- ticular herbs or drugs, they meditate what will be the ef- fects of their composition, and whether tlie virtues of the one will exalt or dim'nish the force of the otlier, or correct any of its nocent qualities. Then they observe the native constitution, and the present temper or cir- cumstances of the patient, and what is likely to be the effect of such a medicine on such a patient. And in all unconmion cases they make wise and cautious experi- ments, and nicely observe the effects of particular com- pound medicines on ditferent constitutions and in differ- ent diseases, and by these treasures of just observations 192 OF THE SCIENCES, they grow up to an honourable degree of skill in the art of healing. So the preacher considers the doctrines and reasons, the precepts, ihe promises and threaten- ings of the word of God, and what are the natural ef- fects of them upon the mind; he considers wliat is the natural tendency of such a virtue, or such a vice; he is well apprized that t[ie representation of some of these things may convince the understanding, some may ter- rify the conscience, some may allure the slothful, and some encourage the desponding mind; he observes the temper of his liearers, or of any particular person that converses with him about things sacred, and he judges what will be the et^ects of each representation on such persons; he reviews and recollects what have been the effects of some special parts and methods of his minis- try; and by a careful survey of all tliese he attains great- er degrees of skill in his sacred employment. Note — In all these cases we must distinguish those causes and effects which are naturally and necessarily connected with each other, from those which have only an accidental or contiiioent connexion. Even in those causes where the effect is but continofent, we may some- times arrive at a very high degree of probability; yet we cannot arrive at such certainty as where the causes ope- rate by an evident and natural necessity, and t!ie ef- fects necessarily follow the operation. — See more on this subject, Logic, Part ii. chap. v. sect. 7. CHAPTER XX. OF THE SCIENCES, AND THEIR USE IN PARTICULAR PRO- FESSIONS. I. The best way to learn any science is to begin with a regular system, or a short and plain scheme of tliat science, well drawn up into a narrow compass, omittinrr the deeper and more abstruse parts of it. and that also under the conduct and instruction of so.-ne skilful teach- AND THEIR USE. 193 er. Systems are necessary to give an entire and com- prehensive view of the several parts of any science, which may have a mutual influence toward the explica- tion or proof of each other: whereas if a man deals always and only in essays and discourses on particular parts of a science, he will never obtain a distinct and just idea of the whole, and may perhaps omit some important part of it, after seven years reading 'of such occasional discourses. For this reason young students should apply them- selves to their systems much more than pamphlets. That man is never so fit to judge of particular subjects relating to any science, who has never taken a survey of the whole. It is the remark of an ingenious writer, should a bar- barous Indian, who had never seen a palace or a ship, view tlieir separate and disjointed parts, and observe the pillars, doors, windows, cornices, and turrets of the one, or the prow and stern, tjje ribs and masts, the ropes and shrouds, the sails and tackle of the other, he would be able to form but a very lame and dark idea of eillier of those excellent and useful inventions. In like manner, those who contemplate only the fragments or pieces broken off from any science, dispersed in short uncon- nected discourses, and do not discern their relation to each other, and how they may be adapted, and by their union procure the delightful symmetry of a regular scheme, can never survey an entire body of truth, but must always view it as deformed and dismembered; while their ideas, which must be ever indistinct and of- ten repugnant, will lie in the brain unsorted, and thrown together witiiout order or coherence: such is the knowl- edge of those men who live upon the scraps of the sci- ences. A youth of genius and lively imagination, of an ac- tive and forward spirit, may form within himself some alluring scenes and pleasing schemes in the beginning of a science, which are utterly inconsistent with some of the necessary and substantial parts of it wliich ap- pear in the middle or the end. And if he never read and pass through the whole, he takes up and is satisfied 17 194 OF THE SCIENCES, with his own hasty pleasing schemes, and treasures these errors up amongst his sohd acquisitions; where- as his own labour and study farther pursued would have shown him his early mistakes, and cured him of his self-flattering delusions. Hence it comes to pass that we have so many half- scholars nowadays, and there is so nmch confusion and inconsistency in the notions and opinions of some per- sons, because they devote their hours of study entirely to short essays and pamphlets, and cast contempt upon systems under a pretence of greater politeness; whereas the true reason of this contempt of systematical learn- ing is mere laziness and want of judgment. II. After we are grown well acquainted with a short system or compendium of a science, which is written in the plainest and most simple manner, it is then proper to read a large regular treatise on that subject, if we design a complete knowledge and cultivation of it: and either while we are reading this larger system, or after we have done it, then occasional discourses and essays upon the particular subjects and parts of that science may be read with the greatest profit: for in these essays we may often find very considerable corrections and im- provements of what these compends, or even the larger systems may have taught us, mingled witli some mis- takes. And these corrections or improvements should be as remarks adjoined by way of note or commentary in their proper places, and superadded to the regular trea- tise we have read. Then a studious and judicious re- view of the whole will give us a tolerable acquaintance witli that science. III. It is a great happiness to have such a tutor, or such friends and companions at hand, who are able to inform us what are the best books written on any science, or any special part of it. For want of this advantage many a man has wasted his time in reading over per- haps some *i lole volumes, and learnt little more by it than to know that those volumes were not worth his reading. IV. As for the languages, they are certainly best I AND THEIR USE. 196 learned in the younger years of life. The memory is then most empty and unfurnished, and ready to receive new ideas continually. We find that children, in two years time after they are born, learn to speak their na tive tongue. V. The mere abstracted sciences, which depend more upon the understanding and judgment, and which deal much in abstracted ideas, should not be imposed upon children too soon; such are logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, er the depths and difficulties of grammar and criticism. Yet it must be confessed the first rudiments of grammar are necessary, or at least very convenient to be known when a youth learns a new language; and some general easy principles and rules of morality and divinity are needful in order to teach a child his duty to God and man; but to enter fir into abstracted reasonings on these subjects is beyond the capacity of children. VI. There are several of the sciences that will more agreeably employ our younger years, and the general parts of them may be easily taken in by boys. The first . principles and easier practices of arithmetic, geometry, plain trigonometry, measuring heights, depths, lengths, distances, &c. tlie rudiments of geometry and astronomy, togetlier with something of mechanics, may be easily conveyed into the minds -f acute young persons, from nine or ten years old and upward. These studies may be entertaining and useful to young ladies as well as to gentlemen, and to all those who are bred up to the learned professions. The fiiir sex may intermingle those with the operations of the needle and the knowledge of domestic life. Boys may be taught to join them with their rudiments of grammar, and tlieir labour in the lan- guages. And even those who never learn any language but their mother-tongue, may be taught these sciences with lasting benefit in early days. That this may be done with ease and advantage, take these three reasons: 1. Because they depend so much upon schemes and numbers, images, lines, and fingers, and sensible tilings, that the imaginatio^i or fancy will greatly assist the 196 OP THE SCIENCES, understanding, and render the knowledge of them much more easy. 2. These studies are so pleasant that they will make the dry labour of learning words, phrases, and languages more tolerable to boys in a Latin school by this most agreeable mixture. The employment of youth in these studies will tempt them to neglect many of the foolish plays of childhood, and they will find sweeter entertain- ment for themselves and their leisure hours by a culti- vation of these pretty pieces of alluring knowledge. 3. The knowledge of these parts of science are both easy and worthy to be retained in the memory by all children when they come to manly years, for they are useful through all the parts of human life: they tend to enlarge the understanding early, and to give a various acquaintance witli useful subjects betimes. And surely it is best, as far as possible, to train up children in the knowledge of those things which they should never for- get rather than to let them waste years of life in trifles, or in hard words which are not worth remembering. And here by the way I cannot but wonder that any author in our age should have attempted to teach any of the exploded physics of Descartes, or the nobler in- ventions of Sir Isaac Newton in his hypothesis of the heavenly bodies and their motions, in his doctrine of light and colours, and other parts of his physiology, or to instruct children in the knowledge of the theory of the heavens, earth and planets, without any figures or diagrams. Is it possible to give a boy or a young lady the clear, distinct, and proper apprehensions of these things, witliout lines and figures to describe them? Does not ineir understanding want the aid of fancy and im- ages to convey stronger and juster ideas of them to the inmost souP Or do they imagine that youth can pene- trate into all these beauties and artifices of nature, with- out those helps which persons of maturer age find neces- sary for that purpose? I would not willingly name the books, because some of the writers are said to be gentle- men of excellent acquirements. VII. After we have first learnt and gone through any of those arts and sciences which are to be explained by I AND THEIR USE. 197 diagrams, figures, and schemes, such as geometry, ge- ography, astronomy, optics, mechanics, &c. we may best preserve them in memory, by having those schemes and figures in large sheets of paper hanging always before the eye in closets, parlours, halls, chambers, entries, staircases, &c. Thus the learned images will be per- petually impressed upon the brain, and will keep the learning that depends upon them alive and fresh in the mind through the growing years of life: the mere dia- grams and figures will ever recall to our thoughts those theorems, problems, and corollaries, which have been demonstrated by them. It is incredible how much geography may be learnt this way by the two terrestrial hemispheres, and by par- ticular maps and charts of the coast and countries of the earth happily disposed round about us. Thus we may learn also the constellations, by just projections of the celestial sphere, hung up in the same manner. And I must confess, for the bulk of learners of astronomy, I like tliat projection of the stars best which includes in it all the stars of our horizon, and therefore it reaches to the thirty-eighth and half degree of southern latitude, thougli its centre is the north pole. This gives us a better view of the heavenly bodies, as they appear every night to us, and it may be made use of with a little in- struction, and with ease, to serve for a nocturnal, and show the true hour of the night. But remember, if there be any colouring upon these maps or projections, it should be laid on so thin as not to obscure or conceal any part of the lines, figures, or letters; whereas most times they are daubed so thick with gay and glaring colours, and hung up so high above tlie reach of the eye that should survey and read them as though their only design were to make a gaudy show upon the wail, and they hung there merely to cover the naked plaster or wainscot. Those sciences which may be drawn out into tables may be also thus hung up and disposed in proper places, such as brief abstracts of history, chronology, &c,; and indeed the schemes of any of the arts or sciences may be analvzed in a sort of skeleton, and represented upon " 17* 198 OF THE SCIENCES, tables, with various dependencies and connexions of their several parts and subjects that belong to them. Mr. Solomon Lowe has happily thrown the grammar of several languages into such tables; and a frequent re- view of these abstracts and epitomes would tend much to imprint them on the bram, when lliey have been once well learned; this would keep those learned traces always open, and assist the weakness of a labouring memory. In this manner may a sclieme of the Scripture history be drawn out, and perpetuate those ideas in the mind with which our daily reading furnishes us. VIII. Every man who pretends to the character of a scholar should attain some general and superficial ideas of most or all the sciences: for there is a certain connexion anjong the various parts of human knowledge, so that some notions borrowed from any one science may assist our acquaintance with any other, either by way of explication, illustration, or proof: though there are some sciences conjoined by a mucli nearer affinity than others. IX. Let those parts of every .science be chiefly studied at first, and reviewed afterwards, which have a more direct tendency to assist our proper profession, as men, or our general profession, as Christians, always observ- ing what we have ourselves found most necessary and useful to us in the course of our lives. Age and ex- perience will teach us to judge whicli of the sciences, and which parts of them, have been of greatest use and are most valuable; but in younger years of life we are not sufficient judges of this matter, and therefore should seek advice from others who are elder. X. There are three learned professions among us, viz. divinity, law, and medicine. Though every man who pretends to be a scholar or a gentleman should so far acquaint himself with a superficial scheme of all the sciences, as not to stand amazed like a mere stranger at the mention of the common subjects that belong to them; 3'et there is no necessity for every man of learning to enter into their difficulties and deep recesses, nor to climb the heights to which some others have arrived. The knowledge of them in a proper measure may be happily useful to every profession, not onl^' because all AND THEIR USE. 199 arts and sciences have a sort of communion and connex- ion with each other, but it is an angelic pleasure to grow in knowledge, it is a matter of honour and esteem, and renders a man more agreeable and acceptable in every company. But let us survey several of them more particularly, with regard to the learned professions; and first, of the mathematics. XI. Though I have so often commended mathemati- cal studies, and particularly the speculations of arithme- tic and geometry, as a means to fix a wavering mind, to beget a habit of attention, and to improve the faculty of reason; yet I would by no means be understood to recommend to all a pursuit of these sciences, to those extensive lengths to which the moderns have advanced them. Tliis is neither necessary nor proper for any students, but those few who shall make tliose studies their chief profession and business of life, or those gen- tlemen whose capacities and turn of mind are suited to these studies, and have all manner of advantage to im- prove in them The general principles of arithmetic, algebra, geome- try, and trigonometry, of geography, of modern as- tronomy, mechanics, statics, and optics, have their valuable and excellent uses, not only for the exercise and improvement of the faculties of the mind, but the sub- jects themselves are very well worth our knowledge in a moderate degree, and are often made of admirable service in human life. So much of these subjects as Dr. Wells has given us in his three volumes, entitled The Young Gentleman's Mathematics, is richly sufficient for the greatest part of scholars or gentlemen; tiiough per- haps there may be some single treatises, at least on some of these subjects, wiiich may be better written and more useful to be perused than those of that learned author. But a penetration into the abstruse difficulties and depths of modern algebra and fluxions, the various me- thods of quadratures, the mensuration of all manner of curves, and their mutual transformation, and twenty other tilings tliat some modern mathematicians deal in, are not worth the labour of those who design either of 200 OF THE SCIENCES, the three learned professions, divinity, law, or physic, as the business of life. This is the sentence of a considera- ble man, viz. Dr. George Cheyne, who was a very good proficient and writer on these subjects: he affirms tliat they are but barren and airy studies, for a man entirely to live upon, and that for a man to indulge and riot in these exquisitely bewitching contemplations is only pro- per for public professors, or for gentlemen of estates, who have a strong propensity this way, and a genius fit to cultivate them. But, says lie, to own a great but grievous truth, though they may quicken and sharpen the invention; strengthen and extend the imagination, improve and refine the reasoning faculty, and are of use botli in the necessary and the luxurious refinement of mechanical arts; yet having no tendency to rectify tlie will, to sweeten the temper, or mend the heart, tliey often leave a stifi'ness, a positiveness, a sufficiency on weak minds, which is much more pernicious to society, and to the interests of the great end of our being, than all their advantages can recompense. He adds further, concerninof the launch- ing into the depths of these studies, that they are apt to beget a secret and refined pride, an overweening and overbearing vanity, the xnosi opposite temper to the true spirit of the Gospel. This tempts them to presume on a kind of omniscience in respect to their fellow crea- tures, who have not risen to their elevation; nor are they fit to be trusted in the hands of any but tliose wlio have acquired an humble heart, a lowly spirit, and a sober and teachable temper. See Dr. Cheyne's preface to his Essay on Health and Long Life. Xn. Some of tlie practical parts of geometry, as- tronomy, dialling, optics, statics, mechanics, &c. may be agreeable entertainments and amusements to students in every profession, at leisure hours, if they enjoy such circumstances of life as to furnish them with conveni- ences for this sort of improvement: but let them take great care lest they entrench upon more necessary em- ployments, and so fall under the charge and censure of wasted time. Yet I cannot help making this observation, that where AND THEIR USE. 201 gtudents, or indeed any young gentlemen have, in theii> early years, made themselves masters of a variety of ele- gant problems in the mathematical circle of knowledge, and gained the most easy, neat, and entertaining ex- periments in natural philosopliy, with some short and agreeable speculations or practices, in any other of the arts and sciences, they have hereby laid a foundation for the esteem and love of mankind among those with whom they converse, in higher or lower ranks of life; they have been often guarded by this means from the temptation of innocent pleasures, and have secured both tlieir own hours and the hours of tlieir companions from running to waste in sauntering and tritles, and from a thousand impertinences in silly dialogues. Gaming and drinking, and many criminal and foolish scenes of talk and action, have been prevented by these innocent and improving elegancies of knowledge. XIII. History is a necessary study in the supreme place for gentlemen who deal in politics. The govern- ment of nations, and distressful and desolating events which have in all ages attended the mistakes of politicians, should be ever present on their minds, to warn them to avoid tiie like conduct. Geography and clironology, which precisely inform us of the place or time where such transactions or events happened, are the eyes of history, and of absolute necessity in some measure to attend it. But history, as far as relates to the affairs of the Bible, is as necessary to divines as to gentlemen of any profes- sion. It helps us to reconcile many ditticulties in Scrip- ture, and demonstrates a divine Providence. Dr. Pri- deaux's Connexions of the Old and New Testament is an excellent treatise of tliis kind. XIV. Among tlie smaller histories, biography, or the memoirs ofthe lives ofgreat and good men, lias a high rank in my esteem, as worthy of the perusal of every person who devotes himself to the study of divinity. Therein we frequently find our holy religion reduced to practice, and many parts of Christianity shining with a trancen- dent and exemplary light. We learn there how deeply sensible great and good men have been of the ruins of 202 OF THE SCIENCES, human nature by the first apostasy from God, and how they have toiled and laboured, and turned tlieinselves on all sides, to seek a recovery in vain, till they have found the Gospel of Christ an all-sufficient relief. We are there furnished with etfectual and unanswerable evi- dences that the religion of Jesus, with all its self-denials, virtues, and devotions, is a very practicable thing, since it has been carried to sucli a degree of honour by some wise and holy men. We have been there assured that the pleasures and satisfactions of the Christian life, in its present practice and future hopes, are not mere rap- tures of fancy and enthusiasm, when some of the strict- est professors of reason have added the sanction of their testimony. In short, the lives or memoirs of persons of piety, well written, have been of infinite and unspeakable advantage to the disciples and professors of Cliristianity, and have given us admirable instances and rules how to resist every temptation of a soothing o*: frowning world, how to practice important and difficult duties, how to love God above all, and to love our neighbour as ourselves, to live by the faith of the Son of God, and to die in the same faith, in sure and certain hope of a resurrection to eternal life. XV. Remember that logic and ontology or metaphys- ics, are necessary sciences, though they have been greatly abused by scliolastic writers, who have professed to teach them in former ages. Not only all students, whether they design the profession of theology, law, or physic, but all gentlemen should at least acquire a superficial knowledge of them. Tlie introduction of so many sub- tleties, nice distinctions, and insignificant terms, without clear ideas, has brought a great part of the logic and metaphysics of the schools into just contempt. Their logic has appeared the mere art of wrangling, and their metaphysics the skill of splitting a hair, of distinguish- ing without a ditFerence, and of putting long hard names upon common tilings, and sometimes upon a confused jumble of things which have no clear ideas belonging to them. It is certain that an unknown heap of trifles and im- pertinences have been intermingled with these useful AND THEIR USE. 203 parts of learning, upon which account many persons in this pohte age have made it a part of their breeding to throw a jest upon them; and to rally them well has been esteemed a more valuable talent than to understand them. But this is running into wide extremes, nor ought these parts of science to be abandoned by the wise, be- cause some writers of former ages have played the fool with them. True logic teaches us to use our reason well, and brings a light into the understanding: true meta- physics or ontology casts a light upon all the objects of thought and meditation, by ranging every being, with all the absolute and relative perfections and properties, modes and attendants of it, in proper rank and classes, and thereby it discovers the various relations of things to each otlier, and what are their general or special dif- ferences from each other, wherein a great part of liuman knowledge coRsists. And by this means it greatly con- duces to instruct us in method, or the disposition of every thing into its proper rank and class cf beings, attributes, or action. XVI. If I were to say any thing of natural philoso- phy, I would venture to lay down my sentiments thus: I think it must needs be very useful to a divine to understand something of natural science. The mere natural history of birds, beasts, and fishes, of insects, trees, and plants, as well as of meteors, such as clouds, thunder, lightnings, snow, hail, frost, &c. in all their common or uncommon appearances, may be of consid- erable use to one who studies divinity, to give him wi- der and more delightful views of the works of God, and to furnish him with lively and happy images and metaphors drawn from the large volume of nature, to display and represent the things of God and religion in the most beautiful and affecting colours. And if tlie mere history of these things be useful for this purpose, surely it will be of further advantage to be led into the reasons, causes, and effects of these natural objects and appearances, and to know the established laws of nature, matter, and motion, whereby the great 204 OF THE SCIENCES, God carries on his extensive works of providence from the creation to this day. I confess tlie old Aristotelian scheme of this science will teach us very little that is worth knowing about these matters; but the later writers, who have explained nature and its operations in a more sensible and geo- metrical manner, are well worth the moderate study of a divine; especially those who have followed the princi- ples of that wonder of our age and nation, Sir Isaac Newton. Tiiere is much pleasure and entertainment as well as real profit to be derived from those admirable improvements which have been advanced in natural philosophy in late years, by the assistance of mathe- matical learning, as well as from the multitude of ex- periments which have been made and are still making in natural subjects. XVII. This is a science which indeed eminently be- longs to the physician: he ought to know all the parts of human nature, what are the sound and healthy func- tions of an animal body, and what are the distempers and dangers which attend it; he should also be furnish- ed with a large knowledge of plants and animals, and every thing which makes up the materia medica, or the ingredients of which medicines are made; and many other things in natural philosophy are subservient to his profession, as well as the kindred art of surgery. XVIII. Questions about the powers and operations of nature may also sometimes come into the lawyer's cognizance, especially such as relate to assaults, wounds, murders, &c. I remember I have read a trial of a man for murder by drowning, wherein the judge on the bench heard several arguments concerning the lungs being filled or not filled with water, by inspiration or expiration, &c.; to all which he professed iiimself so much a stranger, as did not do him any great honour in public. XIX. But I think no divine, who can obtain it, stiould be utterly destitute of this knowledge. By the assistance of this study he will be better able to survey the various monuments of creating wisdom in the heavens, the earth, the seas, with wonder and worship: and by the AND THEIR USE. 205 use of a moderate skill in this science, he may commu- nicate so much of the astonishing works of God in the formation and government of this visible world, and so far instruct many of his hearers, as may assist the trans- fusion of the same ideas nito their minds, and raise them to the same delightful exercises of devotion. O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all! They are sought out by all that have pleasure in them. Besides, it is worthy of the notice of every student in theology, that he ought to have some acquaintance with the principles of nature, that he may judge a little how far they will go; so that he may not be imposed upon to take every strange appearance in nature for a miracle, that he may reason the clearer upon the sub- ject, that he may better confirm the miracles of Moses and of Christ, nor yield up his faith to any pretences of prodigy and wonder, which are either the occasional and uncommon operations of the elements, or the crafty sleights of men well skilled in philosophy and mechan- ical operations to delude the simple. XX. The knowledge also of animal nature, and of the rational soul of man, and the mutual influence of these two ingredients of our composition upon each other, is worthy the study of a divine. It is of great importance to persons of this character and office to judge liow far the animal powers have influence upon such and such particular appearances and practices of mankind; how far the appetites or passions of human nature are owing to the flesh and blood, or to the mind; how far they may be moderated, and how far they ought to be subdued; and what are the happiest methods of obtaining these ends. By this science also we ma}' be better informed how far these passions or appetites are lawful, and how far they are criminal, by considering how far they are subject to the power of the will, and how far they may be changed and corrected by our watchfulness, care, and diligence. It comes also very properly under the cognizance of this profession to be able in some measure to determine questions which may arise relating to real inspiration oi 18 « 206 OF THE SCIENCES, prophecy, to wild enthusiasm, to fits of a convulsive kind, to melancholy or frenzy, &c. and what directions are proper to be given concerning any appearances of this nature. XXI. Next to the knowledge of natural things, and acquaintance with the human nature and constitution, which is made up of soul and body, I think that natu- ral religion properly takes its place. This consists of these two i)arts, viz. 1. The speculative or contempla- tive, which is the knowledge of God in his various per- fections and in his relations to his rational creatures, so far as may he known Ijy the light of nature, which Iiereto- fore used to be called the second part of metaphysics. It includes also, 2. Tliat whicli is practical or active, that is, the knowledge of the several duties which arise from our relation to God, and our relation to our fellow creatures, and our proper conduct and government of ourselves; this has been used to be called ethics, or moral philosophy. XXII. The knowledge of these things is proper for all men of learning; not only because it teaches them to obtain juster views of the several parts of revealed religion and of Christianity, which are built upon them, but because every brancli of natural religion, and of moral duty, is contained and necessarily implied in all the revealed religions that ever God prescribed to the world. We may well suspect that religion does not come from God which renounces any part of natural duty. Whether mankind live under the dispensation of the patriarchs, or of Moses, or the prophets, or of our Lord Jesus Christ, still we are bound to know the one true God, and to practise all that adoration and rever- ence, all that love to him, that faith in his perfections, with that obedience and submission to his will, which natural religion requires. We are still bound to exer- cise that justice, truth, and goodness towards our neigh- bours, that restraint and moderation of our own appe- tites and passions, and that regular behaviour towards ourselves and all our fellow creatures around us, wiiich moral philosophy teaches. There is no sort of revealed religion that will dispense with these natural obligations; AND THEIR USE. 207 and a happy acquaintance with the several appetites, inchnations, and passions of human nature, and the best nietliods to rule and restrain, to direct and govern them, are our constant business, and ought to be our everlasting study. Yet I would lay down this caution, viz. That since students are instructed in the knowledge of the true God in their lectures on Cliristianity, and since among the Christian duties they are also taught all the moral dictates of the light of nature, or a complete scheme of ethics, there is no absolute necessity of learning these two parts of natural religion, as distinct sciences, separate and by themselves; but still it is of great importance for a tutor, while he is reading to his pupils these parts of the Christian religion, to give them notice how far the light of nature or mere reason will instruct us in these doc- trines and duties, and how far we .a re obliged to divine relation and Scripture, for clearing up and establishing the firm foundations of the one, for affording us superior motives and powers to practice the other, for raising them to more exalted degrees, and building so glorious a superstructure upon them. XXII I. The study of natural religion, viz. the know- ledge of God and the rules of virtue and piety, as far as they are discovered by the light of nature, is needful to prove t!ie truth of divine revelation or scripture, in the most effectual mariner: but after the divine authority of Scripture is established, that will be a very sufficient spring from whence the bulk of mankind may derive t.heir knowledge of divinity, or the Christian religion, in order to their own present faith and practice, and their future and eternal happiness. In this sense theology is a science necessary for every one that hopes for the favour of God and the felicity of another world; and it is of infinitely more importance than any of the arts and sciences which belong to any of the learned professions here on earth. XXIV. Perliaps it will be thought necessary I should say sometliing concerning the study of the civil law, or the law of nature and nations. If we would speak with great justness and propriety, 208 OF THE SCIENCES, the civil law signifies the peculiar law of each state, country, or city; but what we nowadays usually mean by the civil law, is a body of laws composed out of the best of the Roman and Grecian laws, and wliich was in the main received and observed through all the Roman dominions for above twelve hundred years. The Romans took the first grounds of this law from what they called the twelve tables, wliich were the abridgments of the laws of Solon at Athens, and of other cities in Greece, famous for knowledge and wisdom; to which they added their own ancient customs of the city of Rome, and the laws which were made there. These written laws were sub- ject to various interruptions, whence controversies daily arising, they were determined by the judgment of the learned: and these determinations were what tliey first called Jus Civile. All this by degrees grew to a vast number of volumes; and therefore the emperor Justinian commanded his chancellor Tribonian to reduce them to a perfect body, and this is called the body of the civil law. XXV. But that which is of most importan* e for all learned men to be acquainted with, is tlie law of nature, or the knowledge of right and wrong among mankind, whether it be transacted between single persons or com- munities, so far as common reason and the light of na- ture dictates and directs. This is what Puffendorft' calls the law of nature and nations, as will appear if you con- sult sect. 3, chap. iii. of that most valuable fulio he has written on the subject; which is well worthy the study of every man of learning, particularly lawyers and di- vines, together with other treatises on the same theme. If any question proposed relate to riglit and property, and justice between man and man, in any polite and civilized country, though it must be adjudged chiefly ac- cording to the particular statutes and laws of that country, yet the knowledge of the law of nature will very considerably assist the lawyer and the civil judge in the determination thereof And this knowledge will be of great use to divines, not only in deciding of cases of conscience among men, and answering any difficult inquiries which may be proposed to them on this sub- ject, but it will greatly assist them also in their studies AND THEIR USE. SJU9 relating to the law of God, and the performance or vio- ■;iiion thereof, the nature of duty and sin, rewards and ■nmishmenls. XXVI. I have spoken something of the languages before; but let me here resume the subject, and put in a few thoughts about tliose studies which are wont to be called philological; such as history, languages, gi'ammar, rhetoric, poesy, and criticism. An acquaintance with some of the learned languages at least is necessary for all the three learned professions. XXVII. The lawyers, who have the least need of foreign tongues, ought to understand Latin. During many ages past, very important matters in the law were always written and managed in that language by the lawyers, as prescriptions in medicine by the physicians, and citations of the Scriptures in divinity were always made in Latin by the divines. Prayers also were ordained to be said publicly and privately in the Roman tongue; paternosters and ave-marias were half tiie devotions of those ages. These cruel impositions upon the people would not suffer thein to read in their own mother tongue what was done, either to or for their own souls, their bodies, or their estates. I am ready to suspect this was all owing to the craft and policy of the priesthood and church of Rome, which endeavoured to aggrandize themselves, and exalt their own profession into a sove- reign tyranny, and to make mere slaves of the laity among mankind, by keeping them in utter ignorance, darkness, and dependence. And they were willing to compound the matter with the physicians and the law- yers, and allow them a small share in this tyranny over the populace, to maintain their own supreme dominion over all. But we thank God the world is grown something wiser; and of late years the British parliament has been pleased to give relief from that bondage in matters re- lating to tlie law also, as in the age of reformation we were delivered from saying our prayers in Latin, from being bound to read the word of God in a tongue un- known to the people, and from living in everlasting 18* 210 OF THE SCIENCES, subjection to the clergy in matters of this life and the life to come. But to return, there are still so many forms of pro- ceedmg in judicature, and things called by Latin names in the profession of the law, and so many barbarous words with Latin terminations, that it is necessary lawyers should understand this language. Some acquaintance also with the old French tongue is needful for the same persons and professions, since the tenures of Lyttleton, which are a sort of Bible to the gentlemen of the long robe, were written in that language: and this tongue has been interwoven in some forms of the English law, from the days of William the Conqueror, who came from Normandy in France. XXVllL Physicians should be skilled in the Greek as well as in tlie Latin, because their great master Hip- pocrates wrote in that tongue, and his writings are still of good value and use. A multitude of the names, both of the parts of the body, of diseases, and of medi- cines are derived from the Greek language: and there are many excellent books of physic, both in the theo- retical and practical parts of it which are delivered to the world in the Roman tongue, and of which that pro- fession should not be ignorant. XXIX. Such as intend the study of theology should be well acquainted also with the Latin, because it has been for many hundred years the language of the schools of learning: their disputations are generally limited to that language, and many and excellent books of divinity must be entirely concealed from the students, unless they are acquainted with Latin authors. But those that design the sacred profession of theolo- gy should make it their labour of chief importance to be very conversant with their Bibles, both in the Old and New Testament: and this requires some knowledge of those original languages, Greek and Hebrew, in which the Scriptures were written. All that will pursue these studies with honour should be able to read the Old Testament tolerably in the Hebrew tongue ; at least they should be so far acquainted with it as to find out the sense of a text by the help of a dictionary. But scarce i AND THEIR USE. 211 any man should be thought worthy of tlie name of a solid divine, or a skilful teaclier of tiie Gospel, in these days of light and liberty, unless he has pretty good knowledge of the Greek, since all the important points of the Ciiristian religion are derived from the New Tes- tament, wliich was first written in that language. XXX. As for the Syriac and Arabic tongues, if one divine in thirty, or in three hundred, travel far into these regions, it is enough. A few learned men skilled in these languages will make sufficient remarks upon them for the service of the whole Christian world ; which re- marks may sometimes happen to be of use to those di- vines who are unacquainted with them in reading the Bible. But the advantage of these tongues is not of so great importance as it lias been too often represented. My reader will agree with me, when he considers that the chief uses of them are these: The Arabic is a language which has some kindred and affinity to the Hebrew, and perhaps we may now and then guess at the sense of some uncommon and doubtful Hebrew word, which is found but once or twice in the Bible, by its supposed affinity to the Arabic: but whatever conjectures may be made by some kindred of a Hebrew word to an Arabic root, yet there is no cer- tainty to be gathered from it: for even words of the same language, which are undoubtedly of the same theme or primitive, will give us but very doubtful and sorry information concerning the true sense of kindred words which spring from the same theme. Let me give a plain instance or two of this uncertain- ty. The word strages signifies slaugiiter; stratum is Latin for a bed ; stramen is straw ; and stragiUum is a quilt or coverlid : they are all drawn and derived from sterno; which signifies to throw down, to kill, or to spread abroad. Let the critics tell me what certain sense they could put upon either of these four words by their mere cognation with each other, or their deriva- tion from one common verb. Again, who can tell me the certain meaning and precise idea of the word honest in English, and assure me that it signifies a man of in- tegrity, justice, and probity, though it is evidently 212 OF THE SCIENCES, derived from honestus in Latin? Whereas honeslus has a very different idea, and signifies a man of some figure in the world, or a man of honour. Let any man judge then how httle service toward explaining the Hebrew tongue can be furnished from all the language of Arabia. Surely a great part of the long learned fatigues and tiresome travels of men through this country is almost vain and useless to make the Hebrew Bible better un- derstood. As for the Syriac language, it is granted there may be some small advantage drawn from the knowledge of it, because there is a very ancient translation of the New Testament in that tongue; and perhaps this may some- times give a proper and apposite meaning to a difficult and doubtful text, and offer a fair hint for recovering the true meaning of the Scripture from the perverse glosses of other writers. But there are several com- mentators and lexicographers who have been acquainted witli the Syriac language, and have given us the chief of these hints in their writings on Scripture. And after all, since none of these assistances can yield us a sufficient proof of a true interpretation, and give a certain sense of a text, who would be persuaded to waste any great number of his better hours in such dry studies, and in labours of so little profit? XXXL The Chaldean language, indeed, is much nearer to the Hebrew, and it is proper for a divine to have some acquaintance with it, because there are several verses or chapters of Ezra and Daniel which are written in that language: and the old Jewish targums or com- mentaries, which are written in the Chaldean tongue, may sometimes happen to cast a light upon a little doubtful Scripture of the Old Testament. But it must be still owned that the knowledge of these Eastern tongues does not deserve to be magnified to such a degree as some of the proficients in them have indulged; wherein they have carried matters beyond all reason and justice, since scarce any of the most impor- tant subjects of the Gospel of Christ and the way of salvation can gain any advantage from them. XXXII. The art of grammar comes now to be men- AND THEIR USE. 213 lioned. It is a distinct thing from the mere knowledge of the languages; for all mankind are taught from their infancy to speak their common tongue, by a natural imitation of their mothers and nurses, and those who are round about them, without any knowledge of the art of grammar, and tlie various observations and rules that relate to it. Grammar indeed is nothing else but rules and observations drawn from the common speech of mankind in their several languages; and it teaches us to speak and pronounce, to spell and write with propriety and exactness, according to the custom of those in every nation who are or were supposed to speak and write their own language best. Now it is a shame for a man to pretend to science and study in any of the three learned professions, who is not in some measure ac- quainted with the propriety of those languages with which he ought to be conversant in his daily studies, and more especially in such as he may sometimes be called upon to write as well as read. XXXIII. Next to grammar, we proceed to consider rhetoric. Now rhetoric in general is the art of persuading, which may be distinguished into these three parts; viz. 1. Conveying the sense of the speaker to the under- standing of the hearers in the clearest and most intelli- gible manner, by the plainest expressions and the most lively and striking representations of it, so that the mind may be thoroughly convinced of the thing proposed. 2. Persuading the will effectually to choose or refuse the thing suggested and represented. 3. Raising the passions in the most vivid and forcible manner, so as to set all the soul and every power of nature at work, to pursue or avoid the thing ia debate. To attain this end there is not only a great deal of art necessary in the representation of matters to the auditory, but also in the disposition or method of intro- ducing these particular representations, togetlier with the reasons which might convince, and the various methods which might persuade and prevail upon the hearers. There are certain seasons wherein a violent torrent of oration, in a disguised and concealed method. ^I'i OF THE SCIENCES, may be m.ore elTectual than all the nice forms of logic and reasoning. The fig^ures of interrogation and excla- mation have sometimes a large place and happy effect in tliis sort of discourse, and no figure of speech should he wanting here where the speaker has art enough hap- pily to introduce it. There are many remarks and rules laid down by the teachers of this art to improve a young genius in those glorious talents whereby Tully and Demosthenes ac- quired tliat amazing influence and success in their own age and nation, and that inmiortal fame through all nations and ages. And it is with great advantage these rules may be perused and learned. But a happy genius, a lively imagination, and warm passions, together with a due degree of knowledge and skill in the subject to be debated, and a perpetual perusal of the writings of the best orators, and hearing the best speakers, will do more to make an orator, than all the rules of art in the world, without these natural talents, and this careful imitation of the most approved and happiest orators. XXXIV. Now you will presently suppose that plead- ers at the bar have great need of this art of rhetoric; but it has been a just doubt, whether pleading in our British courts of justice, before a skilful judge, should admit of any other aid from rhetoric than that which teaches to open a cause clearly, and spread it in the most per- spicuous, complete, and impartial manner, before the eyes of him who judges: for impartial justice being the thing which is souglit, there should be no artifices used, no eloquence or power of language employed to per- suade the will or work upon the passions, lest the de- cisive sentence of the judge should be biased or warped into injustice. For this reason Mr. Locke would banish all pleaders in the law for fees out of his government of Carolina, in his posthumous works, though that great man might possibly be too severe in so universal a cen- sure of tlie profession. XXXV. But the case is very different with regard to divines: the eloquence of the pulpit, beyond all contro- versy, has a much larger extent. Their business is not to plead a cause of right and wrong{ AND THEIR USE. 216 before a wise and skilful judge, but lo address all the ranks of mankind, the high and low, the wise and the unwise, the sober and the vicious, and persuade thern all to pursue and persevere in virtue with regard to them- selves, m justice and goodness with regard to their neigh-bours, and piety towards God. These are affairs of everlasting importance, and most of the persons to whom these addresses are made are not wise and skilful judges, but are influenced and drawn to tlie contrary side by their own sinful appetites and passions, and bribed or biased by the corrupt customs of the world. There is therefore a necessity not only of a clear and faithful representation of tiungs to men, in order to con- vince their reason and judgment, but of all the skill and force of persuasion addressed to the will and the passions. So Tully addressed the whole senate of Rome, and De- mosthenes the Athenian people, among whom were ca- pacities and inclinations of infinite variety; and tlierefore they made use of all the lightning and thunder, all the entreaties and terrors, all the soothing elegancies and the flowery beauties of language, which their art could furnish them with. Divines in tiie pulpit have much the same sort of hearers, and therefore they should imi- tate those ancient examples. The understanding indeed ought to be first convinced by the plainest and strongest force of reasoning; but when this is done, all the powerful motives should be used which have any just influence upon human nature; all the springs of passion should be touched, to awaken the stupid and tlie thought- less into consideration, to penetrate and n>elt the hard- est heart, to persuade the unwilling, to excite the lazy, to reclaim the obstinate, and reform the vicious part of mankind, as well as to encourage those who are humble and pious, and to support their practice and tlieir hope. The tribes of men are sunk into so fatal a degeneracy and dreadful distance from God, and from all that is holy and happy, that all the eloquence which a preacher is master of should be employed in order to recover the world from its shameful ruin and wretchedness by the Gospel of our blessed Saviour, and restore it to virtue and piety, to God and happiness, by the divine power 216 OF THE SCIENCES, of this Gospel. O may such glorious masters and sacred oratory never be wanting in the pulpits of Great Britain! XXXVI. Shall I now speak something of my senti- ments concerning poesy? As for books of poesy, whether in the learned or in the modern languages, they are of great use to be read at hours of leisure by all persons, that make any pre- tence to good education or learning; and that for several reasons. 1. Because there are many couplets or stanzas writ- ten in poetic measures, which contain a variety of mor- als or rules of practice relating to the common pruden- tials of mankind, as well as to matters of religion; and the poetic numbers (or rhyme, if there be any) add very considerable force to the memory. Besides, many an elegant and admirable sentiment or description of things which are found among the poets are well worth committing to memory, and the partic- ular measures of verse greatly assist us in recollecting such excellent passages, wiiich might sometimes raise our conversation from low and grovelling subjects. 2. In heroic verse, but especially in the grander lyrics, there are sometimes such noble elevations of tliought and passion as illuminate all things around us, and convey to the soul most exalted and magnificent images and sublime sentiments: tliese furnish us with glorious springs and mediums to raise and aggrandize our con- ceptions, to warm our souls, to awaken the better pas- sions, and to elevate tliem to a divine pitch, and that for devotional purposes. It is the lyric ode which has shown to tlie world some of the happiest examples of this kind, and I cannot say but this part of poesy has been my favourite amusement above all others. And for this reason it is that I have never thought the heroic poems, Greek, Latin, or English, which have obtained the highest fame in the world are sufficiently diversified, exalted, or animated, for want of the intersper- sion of now and then an elegiac or lyric ode. This miglit have been done with great and beautiful proprie- ty, where the poet has introduced a song at a feast, or the joys of a victory, or soliloquies of divine satisfac- AND THEIR USE. 217 tion, or the pensive and despairing agonies of distressing sorrows. Why should that which is called the most glorious form of poesy be bound down and confined to such a long and endless uniformity of measures, when it should kindle or melt the soul, swell or sink into all the various and transporting chances which human na- ture is capable of? Cowley, in his unfinished fragment of the Davideis, has shown this way to improvement; and whatever blemishes may be found in other parts of that heroic essay, this beauty and glory of it ought to be preserved for imitation. I am well assured that if Homer and Virgil had happened to practise it, it would have been renowned and glorified by every critic. I am greatly mistaken if this wise mixture of numbers would not be a further reach of perfection than they have ever attain- ed to without it: let it be remembered, that it is not na- ture, and strict reason, but a weak and awful reverence of antiquity, and the vogue of fallible men, that has established these Greek and Roman writings as absolute and complete patterns. In several ages there have been some men of learning who have very justly disputed this glory, and have pointed to many of their mistakes. 3. But still there is another end of reading poesy, and perhaps the most considerable advantage to be obtained from it by the bulk of mankind, and that is, to furnish our tongues with the richest and the most polite variety of phrases and words upon all occasions of life or reli- gion. He that writes well in verse will often find a necessity to send his thoughts in search through all the treasure of words that express any one idea in the same language, that so he may comport with the measures or the rliyme of the verse which he writes, or with his own most beautiful and vivid sentiments of the thing he describes. Now by much reading of this kind we shall insensibly acquire the habit and skill of diversify- ing our ideas in tiie most proper and beautiful lan- guage, whether we write or speak of the things of God or men. It is a pity that some of these harmonious writers have ever indulged any thing uncleanly or impure to 19 218 OF THE SCIENCES, defile their paper and abuse the ears of their readers, or to offend against the rules of the nicest virtue and politeness: but still amongst the writings of Mr. Dry den, and Mr. Pope, and Dr. Young, as well as otiiers, there is a sufficient choice in our own language, wherein we shall not find any indecency to shock the most modest tongue or ear. Perhaps there has hardly been a writer \n any nation, and I may dare to aflirm there is none in ours, has a richer and happier talent of painting to the life, or has ever discovered such a large and inexhausted variety of description, as the celebrated Mr. Pope. If you read his translation of Homer's Iliad, you will find almost all the terms or phrases in our tongue that are needful to express any tiling that is grand or magnificent; but if you peruse his Odyssey, which descends much more into common life, there is scarce any useful subject of discourse or thought, or any ordinary occurrence, which he has not cultivated and dressed in the most proper language; and yet still he has ennobled and enlivened even the lower subjects with the brightest and most agreeable ornaments. I should add here also, that if the same author had more frequently employed his pen on divine themes, his short poem on the Messiah, and some part of his letters between Abelard and Eloisa, with that ode on the Dy- ing Christian, &c. sufiSciently assure us that his pen would have honourably imitated some of the tender scenes of penitential sorrow, as well as the sublimer odes of the Hebrew Psalmist, and perhaps discovered to us, in a better manner than any other translation has done, how great a poet sat upon the throne of Israel. After all that I have said, there is yet a furtlier use of reading poesy; and that is. when the mind has been fatigued with studies of a more laborious kind, or when it is any ways unfit for the pursuit of more difficult sub- jects, it may be as it were unbent, and repose itself awhile on the flowery meadows where the muses dwell. It is a very sensible relief to the soul, when it is over- tired, to amuse itself with the numbers and the beauti- ful sentiments of the poets; and in a little time this AND THEIR USE. 219 agreeable amusement may recover the languid spirits to activity and more important service. XXXVII. All this I propose to the world as my best observations about reading of verse. But if the ques- tion were offered to me, Shall a student of a bright ge- nius never divert himself with writing poesy.' I would answer, Yes, when he cannot possibly help it; a lower ffenius, in mature years, would heartily wish that he had spent much more time in reading the best authors of this kind, and employed much fewer hours in wri- ting. But it must be confessed or supposed at least, that there may be seasons when it is hardly possible for a poetic soul to restrain tlie fancy or quench the flame, when it is hard to suppress the exuberant flow of lofty sentiments, and prevent the imagination from this sort of style or language: and that is the only season I think wherein this inclination should be indulged, especially by persons who have devoted themselves to professions of a different kind; and one reason is, because what they write in that hour is more likely to carry in it some ap- pearance above nature, some happy imitation of the dic- tates of the muse." XXXVIII. There are other things besides history, grammar and languages, rhetoric and poesy, which had been included under the nameof pliilological knowledge; such as an acquaintance with the notions, customs, man- ners, tempers, polity, &c. of the various nations of the earth, or the distinct sects and tribes of mankind. This is necessary in order to understand history the better; and every man who is a lawyer or a gentleman ought to obtain some acquaintance with these things, without which he can never read history to any great advantage, nor can he maintain his own station and character in life with honour and dignity, without some insight into them. XXXIX. Students in divinity ought to seek a larger acquaintance with the Jewish laws, polity, customs, &c. *The rnuse,in the ancient heathen sense, is supposed to be a god- dess; but in the philosophic sense, it can mean no more th^n a bright genius, with a warm and strong imagination elevated to an uncom- mou degree. 220 OF THE SCIENCES, &C. in order to understand many passages of the Old Testa- ment and the New, and to vindicate the sacred writers from the reproaclies of infidels. An acquaintance also with many of the Roman and Grecian affairs is needful to explain several texts of Scripture in the New Testa- ment, to lead sincere inquirers into the true and genuine sense of the evangelists and apostles, and to guard their writings from the unreasonable cavils of men. XL. The art of criticism is reckoned by some as a dis- tinct part of philology; but it is in truth nothing else than a more exact or accurate knowledge or skill in the other parts of it, and a readiness to apply that knowledge upon all occasions, in order to judge well of what re- lates to these subjects, to explain what is obscure in the authors which we read, to supply wliat is defective, and amend what is erroneous in manuscripts or ancient copies, to correct the mistakes of authors and editors in the sense of the words, to reconcile the controversies of the learned, and by this means to spread a juster knowledge of these things among the inquisitive part of mankind. Every man who pretends to the learned professions, if he doth not arise to be a critic himself in philological matters, he should be frequently conversing with those books, whether dictionaries, paraphrasts, commentators, or other critics, which may relieve any difficulties he meets with, and give him a more exact acquaintance with those studies which he pursues. And whensoever any person is arrived to such a de- gree of knowledge in these things as to furnish him well for the practice of criticism, let him take great care that pride and vanity, contempt of others, with inward wrath and insolence, do not mingle themselves with his re- marks and censures. Let him remember the common frailties of human nature, and the mistakes to which the wisest man is sometimes liable, that he may practise this art with due modesty and candour. IMPROVEMENT OF THE MIND. PART II. INTRODUCTION. The chief design of the former part of this book is to lead us into proper methods for the improvement of our own knowledge. Let us now consider what are the best means of improving the minds of others, and of communicating to them the knowledge which we have acquired. If the treasures of the mind should be hoard- ed up and concealed, they would profit none besides the possessor; and even his advantage by the possession would be poor and narrow in comparison of what the same treasures would yield, both to himself and to the world, by a free communication and diffusion of them. Large quantities of knowledge acquired and reserved by one man, like heaps of gold and silver, would contract a sort of rust and disagreeable aspect by lying in everlasting secrecy and silence; but they are burnished and glitter by perpetual circulation through the tribes of mankind. The two chief ways of conveying knowledge to others are that of verbal instruction to our disciples, or by writing and publishing our thouglits to the world. Here therefore I shall propose some observations which relate to the conveyance of knowledge to others, by regular lectures of verbal instruction, or by conver- 19* 222 INTRODUCTION. sation: I shall represent several of the chief prejudices of which learners are in danger, with directions to guard against then); and then mention some of the easiest and most effectual ways of convincing persons of their mis- takes, and of dealing with their understanding when they labour under the power of prejudice. I shall after- wards add, by way of appendix, an essay, written many years ago, on the subject of Education, when 1 designed a more complete treatise of it. I METHODS OF TEACHING, &C. 223 CHAPTER I. METHODS OF TEACHING AND READING LECTURES. He that has learned any thing thoroughly, in a clear and methodical manner, and has attained a distinct per- ception, and an ample survey of the whole subject, is generally best prepared to teach the same subject in a clear and easy method: for having acquired a large and distinct idea of it himself, and made it familiar to him by frequent meditation, reading, and occasional dis- course, lie is supposed to see it on all sides, to grasp it, with all its appendices and relations, in one survey, and is better able to represent it to the learner in all its views, with all its properties, relations, and consequences. He knows which view or side of the subject to hold out first to his disciple, and how to propose to his understanding that part of it which is easiest to apprehend; and also knows how to set it in such a light as is most likely to allure and to assist his further inquiry. But it is not every one who is a great scholar that always becomes the happiest teacher, even though he may have a clear conception, and a methodical as well as an extensive survey of the branches of any science. He must also be well acquainted with words, as well as ideas, in a proper variety, that when his disciple does not take in the ideas of one form of expression, he may change the phrase into several forms, till at last he hits the understanding of his scholar, and enlightens it in the just idea of truth. Besides this, a tutor should be a person of a happy and condescending temper, who has patience to bear with a slowness of perception or want of sagacity in some learners. He should also have much candour of soul, to pass a gentle censure on their impertinences, and to pity them in their mistakes, and use every mild and engaging method for insinuating knowledge into tb'^r^ who are willing and diligent in seeking truth, as well as reclaiming those who are wandering into error. But of this I have spoken somewhat already in a 224 METHODS OF TEACHING, chapter of the former part, and shall have occasion to express somewhat more of it shortly. A very pretty and useful way to lead a person into any particular truth is, by qtiestions and answers, which is the Socratical method of disputation, and therefore I refer the reader to that chapter or section which treats of it. On this account dialogues are used as a polite and pleasant mode of leading gentlemen and ladies into some of the sciences, who seek not the most accurate and methodical measure of learning. But the most useful, and perhaps the most excellent way of instructing students in any of the sciences, is by reading lectures, as tutors in the academy do to their pupils. The first work is to choose a book well written, which contains a short scheme or abstract of that science, or at least it should not be a very copious and diffusive treatise. Or if the tutor knows not any such book al- ready written, he should draw up an abstract of that science himself, containing the most substantial and im- portant parts of it, disposed in such a method as he best approves. Let a chapter or section of this be read daily by tlie learner, on which the tutor sliould paraphrase in this manner, namely, — He should explain both words and ideas more largely; and especially what is dark and difficult should be opened and illustrated, partly by various forms of speech, and partly by apt similitudes and examples. Where the sense of tlie author is dubious, it must also be fixed and determined. Where the arguments are strong and cogent, they should be enforced by some further paraphrase, and the truth of the inferences should be made plainly to appear. Where the arguments are weak and insufficient, they should be either confirmed or rejected as useless; and new arguments, if need be, should be added to support that doctrine. What is treated very concisely in the author should be amplified; and where several things are laid closely AND READING LECTURES. 225 together, they must be taken to pieces and opened by parts. Where the tutor differs from the author which he reads, he should gently point out and confute his mis- takes. Where the method and order of the book is just and happy, it should be pursued and commended: where it is defective and irregular, it should be corrected. The most necessary, the most remarkable and useful parts of that treatise, or of that science, should be pecu- liarly recommended to the learners, and pressed upon them tliat they would retain it in memory; and what is more necessary or superfluous should be distinguished, lest the learner should spend too much time in the more needless parts of a science. The various ends, uses, and services of that science, or of any part of it, should also be declared and exem- plified, as far as the tutor hath opportunity and furni- ture to do it; particularly in mathematics and natural philosophy. And if there be any thing remarkably beautiful or de- fective in the style of the writer, it is proper for the tutor to make a just remark upon it. While he is reading and explaining any particular treatise to his pupils, he may compare the different editions of the same book, or different writers upon the same subject: he sliould inform them where that subject is treated by other authors which they may peruse, and lead his disciples thereby to a further elucidation, con- firmation, or improvement of that theme of discourse in which he is instructing them. it is alluring and agreeable to the learner also, now and then, to be entertained with some historical remarks on any occurrences or useful stories which the tutor has met with, relating to the several parts of such a science; provided he does not put off his pupils merely with such stories, and neglect to give them a solid and rational in- formation of the theme in hand. Teachers should en- deavour, as far as possible, to join profit and pleasure together, and mingle delight with their instructions; but at the same time they must take heed that they do 226 METHODS OF TEACHING, not merely amuse the ears and gratify the fancy of their disciples without enriching their minds. In reading lectures of instruction, let the teacher be very solicitous that the learners take up his meaning; and therefore he should frequently inquire wliether he expresses himself intelligibly? whether they understand his sense, and take in all his ideas as he endeavours to convey them in his own forms of speech? It is necessary that he who instructs otliers should use the most proper style for the conveyance of his ideas easily into the minds of those who hear him; and though in teaching the sciences, a person is not confined to the same rules by which we must govern our language in conversation, for he must necessarily make use of many terms of art and hard words, yet he slioiild never use them merely to show his learning, nor affect sounding language witliout necessity, a caution which we shall further inculcate anon. I think it very convenient and proper, if not abso- lutely necessary, that when a tutor reads a following lecture to his pupils, he should run over the foregoing lecture in questions proposed to them, and by tliis means acquaint himself with their daily proficiency.* It is in vain for the learner to object, Surely we are not school- boys, to say our lessons again: we came to be taught, not to be catechised and examined. But, alas! how is it possible for a teacher to proceed in his instructions, if he knows not how far the learner takes in and remem- bers what he has been tauglit? Besides, I must generally believe it is sloth or idle- ness, it is real ignorance, incapacity, or unreasonable pride, that makes a learner refuse to give his teacher an account how far he has profited by his last instructions. For want of this constant examination young gentle- men have spent some idle and useless years, even under * Tills precaution, though never to be neglected, is of especial importance when a pupil is entering on any new branch of learning, where it is absolutely necessary that the fundamental definitions and principles should not only be clearly understood, but rendered very familiar to the mind; and probably most tutors have found young persons sadly bewildered as they have gone on in their lecture*, for wautof a little more patience and care in this respect. AND READING LECTURES. 227 daily labours and inspections of a learned teacher; and they have returned from the academy without the gain of any one science, and even with tlie shameful loss of their classical learning, that is, the knowledge of Greek and Latin, which they had learned in the grammar- school. Let the teacher always accommodate himself to the genius, temper, and capacity of his disciples, and prac- tise various methods of prudence to allure, persuade, and assist every one of them in their pursuit of knowledge. Where the scholar has less capacity, let the teacher en- large his illustrations; let him search and find out where the learner slicks, what is the difficulty, and thus let him help the labouring intellect. Wliere tlie learner manifests a forward genius and a sprightly curiosity by frequent inquiries, let the teacher oblige such an inquisitive soul by satisfying those ques- tions as far as may be done with decency and conveni- ency; and wliere these inquiries are unseasonable, let him not silence the young inquirer with a magisterial rebuff', but with much candour and gentleness postpone those questions, and refer them to a proper hour. Curiosity is a useful s))riug of knowledge: it should be encouraged in children, and awakened by frequent and familiar methods of talking with them. It should be indulged in youth, but not without a prudent mode- ration. In tliose who have too much, it should be limited by a wise and gentle restraint or delay, lest by wandering after every tiling, they learn nothing to per- fection. In those who have too little, it should be ex- cited, lest they grow stupid, narrow-spirited, self-satis- fied, and never attain a treasure of ideas, or an ampli- tude of understanding. Let not the teacher demand or expect things too sub- lime and difficult from the humble, modest, and fearful disciple: and where such a one gives a just and happy answer, even to plain and easy questions, let him have words of commendation and love ready for him. Let him encourage every spark of kindling light, till it grow up to bright evidence and confirmed knowledge. 228 METHODS OF TEACHING, &C. When he finds a lad pert, positive, and presuming, let the tutor take every just occasion to show him his error ; let him set tlie absurdity in complete light before him, and convince him by a full demonstration of his mistake, till he sees and feels it, and learns to be modest and humble. A teacher should not only observe the different spirit and humor among his scholars, but he should watch the various efforts of their reason and growth of tlieir un- derstanding. He should practise in his young nursery of learning as a skilful gardener does in his vegetable dominions, and apply prudent methods of cultivation to every plant. Let him with a discreet and gentle hand nip or prune the irregular shoots; let him guard and en- courage the tender buddings of the understanding, till they be raised to a blossom, and let him kindly cherish the younger fruits. The tutor should take every occasion to instil know- ledge into his disciples, and make use of every occur- rence of life to raise some profitable conversation upon it; he should frequently inquire something of his disciples that may set their young reason to work, and teach them how to form inferences, and to draw one proposi- tion out of another. Reason being that faculty of the mind which lie has to deal with in his pupils, let him endeavour by all pro- per and familiar methods to call it into exercise, and to enlarge the powers of it. He should take frequent oppor- tunities to show them when an idea is clear or confused, when the proposition is evident or doubtful, and when an argument is feeble or strong. And by tliis means their minds will be so formed, tiiat whatsoever he propo- ses with evidence and strength of reas(m they will readily receive. "When any uncommon appearances arise in the natu- ral, moral, or political world, he should invite and in- struct them to make their remarks on it, and give them the best reflections of his own for the improvement of their minds. He should by all means make it appear that he loves OF AN INSTRUCTIVE STYLE. 229 his pupils, and that he seeks nothing so much as their increase of knowledge, and their growth in all valuable- acquirements; this will engage their affection to Ids person, and procure a jiLst attention to his lectures. And indeed there is but little hope that a teacher should obtain any success in his instructions, unless those that hear him have some good degree of esteejji aiul re- spect for his person and character. And here I cannot but take notice by the way, that it is a matter of infinite and unspeakable injury to the people of any town or parish where tlie minister lies under contempt. If he has procured it by his own conduct he is doubly crimi- nal, because of the injury he does to the souls of tliem that hear him: but if this contempt and reproach be cast upon him by the wicked, malicious, and unjust censures of men, they must bear all tlie ill consequences of re- ceiving no good by his labours, and will be accountable hereafter to the great and divine Judge of all. It would be very necessary to add in this place (if tutors were not well apprized of it before) that since learners are obliged to seek a divine blessing on their studies by fervent prayer to the God of all wisdom, their tutors should go before them in this pious practice, and make daily addresses to Heaven for the success of their instructions. CHAPTER II. OF AN INSTRUCTIVE STYLE. The most necessary and most useful character of a style fit for instruction is that it be plain, perspicuous, and easy. And here I shall first point out all those errors in a st) ?e which diminish or destroy the perspicuity of it, and then mention a few directions how to obtain a perspicuous and easy style. The errors of style, which must be avoided by teach- ers, are these that fullow: 20 230 OF AN INSTRUCTIVE STYLE. 1. The use of many foreign words, which are not sufficiently naturalized and mingled with the language which we speak or write. It is true, that in teaching the sciences in English, we must sometimes use words borrowed from the Greek and Latin; for we have not in English names for a variety of subjects which belong to learning; but when a man atfects, upon all occasions, to bring in long-sounding words from the ancient lan- guages, witliout necessity, and mingles French and other outlandish terms and plirases, where plain English would serve as well, he betrays a vain and foolish genius, unbecoming a teaclier. 2. Avoid a fantastic learned style, borrowed from the various sciences, where the subject and matter do not require the use of them. Do not affect terms of art on every occasion, nor seek to show your learning by sound- ing words and dark phrases; this is properly called ped- antry. Young preachers, just come from the schools, are often tempted to fill their sermons with logical and meta- physical terms in explaining their text, and feed their hearers with sonorous words of vanity. This scholastic language perhaps may flatter their own ambition, and raise a wonderment at their learning among the staring multitude, without any manner of influence toward the instruction of the ignorant, or the reformation of the immoral or impious: these terms of art are but the tools of an artificer, by which his work is wrought in pri- vate: but the tools ought not to appear in the finislied workmanship. There are some persons so fond of geometry, that they bring in lines and circles, tangents and parabolas, theorems, problems, and postulates, upon all occasions. Others who have dealt in astronomy, borrow even their nouns and their verbs in their common discourse from the stars and planets. Instead of saying Jacob had twelve sons, they tell you Jacob had as many sons as there are signs in the zodiac. If they describe an in- constant person, they make a planet of him, and set him forth in all his appearances, direct, retrograde, and Btationary. If a candle be set behind a screen, op AN INSTRUCTIVE STYLE. 231 they call it eclipsed; and tell you fine stories of the or- bit and the revolutions, the radii and the limb or cir- cumference of a cart-wheel. Otliers again dress up their sense in chymical lan- guage. Extracts and oils, salts and essences, exalt and invigorate their discourses: a great wit with them is sub- limated spirit, and a blockhead is a caput mortuum. A certain doctor in his bill swells in his own idea, when he tells the town that he has been counsellor to the counsellors of several kings and princes; that he has arrived at the knowledge of the green, black, and golden dragon, known only to magicians and hermetic philosophers. It would be well if the quacks alonp had a patent for this language. 3. There are some fine affected words that are used only at court; and some peculiar phrases that are sound- ing or gaudy, and belong only to the theatre; these should not come into the lectures of instruction; the language of poets has too much of metaphor in it to lead mankind into clear and distinct ideas of things: the business of poesy is to strike the soul with a glaring light, and to urge the passions into a flame by splendid shows, by strong images, and a pathetic vehemence of style: but it is another sort of speech that is best suited to lead the calm inquirer into just conceptions of things. 4. There is a mean vulgar style, borrowed from the lower ranks of mankind, the basest characters, and meanest affairs of life: this is also to be avoided; for it should be supposed, that persons of liberal education have not been bred up within the hearing of such lan- guage, and consequently they cannot understand it; be- sides that it would create very offensive ideas, should we borrow even similes for illustration from the scul- lery, the dunghill, and the jakes. 5. An obscure and mysterious manner of expression and cloudy language is to be avoided. Some persons have been led by education, or by some foolish preju- dices, into a dark and unintelligible way of thinking and speaking; and this continues with them all their lives, and clouds and confounds their ideas, perhaps some of these may have been blessed with a great and compre- 232 OF AN INSTRUCTIVE STYLE. hensive genius, with sublime natural parts, and a tor- rent of ideas flowing in upon them; yet for want of clearness in the manner of tlieir conception and lan- guage, they sometimes drown their own subject of dis- course, and overwhelm their argument in dari^ness and perplexity: such preachers as have read much of the mystical divinity of tiie papists, and imitated their man- ner of expression, have many times buried a fine under- standing under the obscurity of such a style. 6. A long and tedious style is very improper for a teacher, for this also lessens the perspicuity of it. Some learned writers are never satisfied unless they fill up every'sentence with a great number of ideas and senti- ments; tlicy swell their propositions to an enormous size by explications, exceptions, and precautions, lest they should be mistaken, and crowd tiiem all into the same period: they involve and darken their discourse by many parentheses, and prolong their sentences to a tire- some extent, beyond the reach of a common compre- hension: such sort of writers or speakers may be rich in knowledge, but they are seldom fit to communicate it. He that would gain a happy talent for the instruc- tion of otliers must know how to disentangle and divide his thoughts, if too many of them are ready to crowd into one paragraph; and let him tather speak three sen- tences distinctly and perspicuously, which tlie hearer receives at once with his ears and his soul, than crowd all the tlioughts into one sentence, which the hearer has forgot before he can understand it. But this leads me to the next tiling I proposed, which was to mention some methods whereby such a perspi- cuity of style may be obtained as is proper for in- struction. 1. Accustom yourself to read those authors who think and write with great clearness and evidence, such as convey their ideas into your understanding as fast as your eye or tongue can run over their sentences: this will imprint upon the mind a habit of imitation: we shall learn the style with which we are very conver- Bant, and practise it with ease and success. 2. Get a distinct and comprehensive knowledge of OF AN INSTRUCTIVE STYLE. 233 the subject which you treat of, survey it on all sides, and make yourself perfect master of it; then you will have all the sentiments that relate to it in your view and un- der your command; and your tongue will very easily clothe those ideas with words which your mind has first made so familiar and easy to itself. Scribendi recte sapere est et principium et foris: Verbaque provisam rem non invita sei}ueiitur. Hor. de Art Poetiea. Good teaching- from good knowledge springs; Words will make haste to follow things. 3. Be well skilled in the lanfl^uage which you speak; acquaint yourself with all the idioms and special plirases of it, which are necessary to convey the needful ideas on the subject of which you treat in the most va- rious and most easy manner to tlie understanding of the hearer: the variation of a phrase in several forms is of admirable use to instruct; it is like turning all sides of the subject to view; and if the learner happen not to take in the ideas in one form of speech, probably anoth- er may be successful for that end. Upon this account I have always thought it a useful manuer of instruction, which is used in some Latin schools, which they call variation. Take some plain sentence in the English tongue, and turn it into many forms in Latin; as for instance, A wolf let into the slieepfold will 'devour the sheep: If you let a wolf into the fold, the sheep will be devoured: The wolf will de- vour the sheep, if the slieepfold be left open: if the fold be not shut carefully, the wolf will devour tiie shuep: The sheep will be devoured by the wolf, if it find the way into the fold open: There is no defence of the sheep from the wolf, unless it be kept out of the fold: A slaugh- ter will be made among the sheep, if the wolf can get into the fold. Thus, by turning the active voice of verbs into the passive, and the nominative case of nouns into the accusative, and altering the connexion of short stintences by ditTerent adverbs or conjunctions, and by ablative cases with a preposition brought instead of the nominative, or by particles sometimes put instead of the verbs, the negation of the contrary instead of tho 20* 234 OF AN INSTRUCTIVE STYLE. assertion of the thing first proposed, a great variety of forms of speech will be created which shall express the game sense. 4. Acquire a variety of words, a copia verbonim. Let your memory be rich in synonymous terms, or words expressing tlie same thing: this will not only attain tiie same happy effect with the variation of phrases in the foregoing direction, but it will add a beauty also to your style, by securing you from an appearance of tautology, or repeating the same words too often, which sometimes may disgust the ear of the learner. 6. Learn the art of shortening your sentences by dividing a lorig complicated period into two or three small ones. When others connect and join two or tiiree sentences in one by relative pronouns, as, which, where- of, wherein, whereto, &c. and by parentheses frequently inserted, do you rather divide them into distinct periods; or at least, if they must he united, let it be done rather by conjunctions and copulatives, that tliey may appear like distinct sentences, and give less confusion to the hearer or reader. I know no method so effectually to learn wliat I mean, as to take now and then some page of an author, who is guilty uf such a long involved parentlietical style, and translate it into plainer English, by dividing the ideas or the sentences asunder, and multiplying the periods, till the language become smooth and easy, and intelli- gible at first reading. 6. Talk frequently to young and ignorant persons upon subjects which are new and unknown to them, and be diligent to inquire whether they understand you or no: this will put you upon changing your phrases and forms of speech in a variety, till you can hit their capacity, and convey your ideas into their under- standing. OF CONVINCING OF TRUTH, &C. 286 CHAPTER III. OF CONVINCING OTHER PERSONS OF ANT TRUTH, OR DE- LIVERING THEM FROM ERRORS AND MISTAKES. When we are arrived at a just and rational establish- ment in an opinion, whether it relate to religion or common life, we are naturally desirous of brinoring all the world into our sentiments; and this proceeds from the affectation and pride of superior influence upon the judgment of our fellow creatures, much more frequent- ly than it does from a sense of duty, or a love of truth; so vicious and corrupt is human nature. Yet there is such a thing to be found as an honest and sincere de- light in propagating truth, arising from a dutiful regard to the honours of our Maimer, and a hearty love to man- kind. Now, if we would be successful in our attempts to convince men of their errors, and promote the truth, let us divest ourselves, as far as possible, of that pride and affectation which I mentioned before; and seek to acquire that disinterested love to men, and zeal for the truth, vvhicii will naturally lead us into the best meth- ods to promote it. And here the following directions may be useful: 1. If you would convince a person of his mistake, choose a proper place, a happy hour, and the fittest con- current circumstance for this purpose. Do not unsea- sonably set upon him when he is engaged in the midst of other affairs, but wlien his soul is at liberty and at leisure to hear and attend. Accost him not upon that subject when his spirit is ruffled or discomposed with any occurrences of life, and especially when he has heated his passions in the defence of a contrary opinion; but rather seize some golden opportunity, when some occurrences of life may cast a favourable aspect upon the truth of which you would convince him, or which may throw some dark and unhappy colour or consequen- ces upon that error from whicli you would fain deliver him. There are in life some mollissima tempora fandi, some ver}' agreeable moments of addressing a person, which, if rightly managed, may render your attempts 236 OF CONVINCING OF TRUTH, OR much more successful, and his conviclion easy and pleasant. 2. Make it appear, by your whole conduct to the person you would teach, that you mean him well; that your design is not to triumph over his opinion, nor to expose his iijnorance, or his incapacity of defending what he asserts. Let him see that it is not your aim to advance your own character as a disputant; nor to set yourself up for an instructor of mankind; but that you love him, and seek his true interest; and do not only as- sure him of this in words, when you are entering on an argument witii liim, but let the whole of your conduct to him at all times demonstrate your real friendship for him. Truth and argument come with particular force from the mouth of one whom we trust and love. 3. The softest and gentlest address to the erroneous is the best way to convince them of their mistake. Sometimes it is necessary to represent to your opponent that he is not far from tlie truth, and tliat you would fain draw liim a little nearer to it. Commend and es- tablish whatever he says that is just and true, as our blessed Saviour treated the young scribe, when he an- swered well cojicerning the two great commandments, "Thou art not far," says our Lord, "from the kingdom of heaven," Mark, xii. 34. Imitate the mildness and conduct of tiie blessed Jesus. Come as near your opponent as you can in all your propositions, and yield to him as much as you dare in a consistence with trutli and justice. It is a very great and fatal mistake in persons who attempt to convince and reconcile others to their party, when they make the ditlerence appear as wide as possi- ble; this is siiocking to any person who is to be convin- ced; he will ciioose rather to keep and maintain his own opinions, if he cannot come into yours without renoun- cing and abandoning every thing that he believed be- fore. Human nature must be flattered a little as well as reasoned with, that so the argument may be able to come at his understanding, which otherwise will be thrust off at a distance. If you charge a man with nonsense and absurdities, with heresy and self-contra- DELIVERING FROM ERROR. 237 diction, you take a very wrong step toward convincing him. Always remember that error is not to be rooted out of the mind of man by reproaches and raihng, by flash- es of wit and biting jests, by loud exclamations of sharp ridicule: long declamations, and triumph over our neigh- bour's mistake, will not prove the way to convince him; these are signs either of a bad cause, or a want of argu- ments or capacity for the defence of a good one. 4. Set therefore a constant watch over yourself, lest you grow warm in dispute before you are aware. The passions never clear the understanding, but raise dark- ness, clouds, and confusion in the soul: human nature is like water which has mud at the bottom of it, it may be clear when it is calm and undisturbed, and the ideas, like pebbles, appear bright at tlie bottom; but when once it is stirred and moved by passion, the mud rises upper- most, and spreads confusion and darkness over all the ideas: you cannot set things in so just and so clear a light before the eyes of your neighbour, wliile your own con- ceptions are clouded with lieat and passion. Besides, when your own spirits are a little disturbed, and your wrath is awakened, this naturally kindles the same fire in your correspondent, and prevents him from taking in your ideas, were they ever so clear; for his passions are engaged all on a sudden for the defence of his own mistakes, and they combat as fiercely as yours do, which perhaps may be awakened on the side of truth. To provoke a person whom you would convince, not only arouses his anger, and sets it against your doctrine, but it directs its resentment against your person, as well as against all your instructions and arguments. You must treat an opponent like a friend, if yon would persuade him to learn any thing from you; and this is one great reason why there is so little success on either side be- tween two disputants, or controversial writers, because they are so ready to interest their passions in the sub- ject of contest, and thereby to prevent the mutual light that might be given and received on either side: ambi- tion, indignation, and a professed zeal, reign on both 238 OF CONVINCING OF TRUTH, OR sides: victor)' is the point designed, while truth is pre- tended; and truth oftentimes perishes in the fray, or re- tires from the field of battle: the combatants end just where they began, their understandings hold fast the same opinions, perhaps witli this disadvantage, that they are a little more obstinate and rooted in them, without fresh reason; and they generally come off with the loss of temper and cliarity. 5. Neither attempt nor hope to convince a person of his mistake by any penal methods or severe usage. There is no light brought into the mind by all the fire and sword, and bloody persecutions, that were ever in- troduced into the world. One would think both the princes, the priests, and the people, the learned and the unlearned, the great and the mean, should have all by this time seen the folly and madness of seeking to propagate the truth by tiie laws of cruelty: we compel a beast to the yoke by blows, because tiie ox and the ass have no under- standing: but intellectual powers are not to be feUered and compelled at this rate. Men cannot believe what they will, nor change their religion and tlieir sentiments as they please: they may be made hypocrites by the forms of severity, and constrained to profess what they do not believe; they may be forced to comply with external practices and ceremonies contrary to their own con- sciences; but this can never please God, nor profit men. 6. In order to convince another, you should always make choice of those arguments that are best suited to his understanding and capacity, his genius and temper, his state, station, and circumstances. If I were to per- suade a ploughman of the truth of any form of church government, it should not be attempted by the use of Greek and Latin fatljers; but from tlie word of God, the light of nature, and the common reason of things. 1. Arguments should always be proposed in such a manner as may lead the mind onward to perceive the truth in a clear and agreeable light, as well as to con- strain the assent by the power of reasoning. Clear ideas, in many cases, are as useful towards conviction as a well formed and unanswerable syllogism. 8. Allow the person you desire to instruct a reasonable DELIVERING FROM ERROR. 239 time to enter into the force of your arguments. When you liave declared your own sentiments in the brightest manner of illustration, and enforced them with the most convincing arguments, you are not to suppose that your friend should be immediately convinced, and re- ceive the truth: habitude in a particular way of think- ing, as well as in most other things, obtains the force of nature; and you cannot expect to wean a man from his accustomed errors but by slow degrees, and by his own assistance; entreat him therefore not to judge on the sudden, nor determine against you at once; but that he would please to review your scheme, reflect upon your arguments with all tlie impartiality he is capable of, and take time to think these over again at large; at least, that he would be disposed to hear you speak yet further on this subject without pain or aversion. Address him therefore in an obliging manner, and say, I am not so fond as to think I have placed the sub- ject in such lights as to throw you on a sudden into a new track of thinking, or to make you immediately lay aside your present opinions or designs; all that I hope is, that some hint or other which I have given is capa- ble of being improved by you to your own conviction, or possibly it may lead you to such a train of reasoning, as in time to effect a change in your thoughts. Which hint leads me to add, — 9. Labour as much as possible to make the person you would teach his own instructor. Human nature may be allured, by a secret pleasure and pride in its own reasoning, to seem to find out by itself the very thing that you would teach; and there are some persons that . have so much of this natural bias toward self rooted in them, that they can never be convinced of a mistake by the plainest and strongest arguments to the contrary, though the demonstration glare in their faces; but they may be tempted, by such gentle insinuations, to follow a track of thought which you propose, till they have wound themselves out of their own error, and led themselves hereby into your own opinion, if you do but let it appear that they are under their own guidance rather than yours. And perhaps there is nothing which 240 OF CONVINCING OF TRUTH, OK shows more dexterity of address than this secret influ- ence over the minds of others, which they do not discern even while they follow it. 10. If you can gain the main point in question, be not very solicitous about the nicety with which it shall be expressed. Mankind is so vain a thing, that it is not willing to derive from another; and though it cannot have every thing from itself, yet it would seem at least to mingle something of its own with wliat it derives elsewhere: therefore, when you have set your sentiment in the fullest light, and proved it in the most effectual manner, an opponent will bring in some frivolous and useless distinction, on purpose to change the form of words in the question, and acknowledge that he re- ceives your propositions in such a sense, and in such a manner of expression, though lie cannot receive it in your terms and phrases. Vanillus will confess he is now convinced, that a man who behaves well in the state ought not to be punished for his religion, but yet he will not consent to allow a universal toleration of all relinions which do not injure the state, which is the proposition T had been proving. Well, let Vanillus, therefore, use his own language; I am glad lis is con- vinced of the truth; he shall have leave to dress it in his own way. To these directions I shall add two remarks in the conclusion of this chapter, which would not so properly fall under the preceding directions. I. Remark. — When you have laboured to instruct a person in some controverted truth, and yet he retains some prejudice against it, so that he doth not yield to the convincing force of your arguments, you may some- times have happy success in convincing him of that truth, by setting him to read a weak author who writes against it: a young reader will find such pleasure in being able to answer the arguments of the opposer, that he will drop his former prejudices against the truth, and yield to the power and evidence of your reason. I confess this looks like setting up one prejudice to overthrow another; but where prejudices cannot be fairly removed DELIVERING FROM ERROR 241 by the dint of reason, the wisest and best of teachers will sometimes find it necessary to make a way for reason and truth to take place, by this contrast of pre- judices. II. Remark. — When our design is to convince a whole family or community of persons of any mistake, and to lead them into any truth, we may justly suppose there are various reigninor prejudices among them; and therefore it is not safe to attempt, nor so easy to effect it, by addressing the whole number at once. Such a method has been often found to raise a sudden alarm, and has produced a violent opposition even to the most fair, pious, and useful proposal; so that he who made the motion could never carry his point. We must therefore first make as sure as we can of the most intelligent and learned, at least the most lead- ing persons amongst them, by addressing them apart prudently, and offering proper reasons, till they are con- vinced and engaged on the side of truth; and tiiese may with more success apply themselves to others of the same community: yet the original proposer should not neglect to make a distinct application to all the rest, so far as circumstances admit. Where a thing is to be determined by a number of votes, he should labour to secure a good majority; and then take care that tiie most proper persons should move and argue the matter in public, lest it be quashed in the very first proposal by some prejudice against the proposer. So unhappily are our circumstances situated in this world, that if truth, and justice, and goodness, could put on human forms, and descend from heaven to pro- pose the most divine and useful doctrines, and bring with them the clearest evidence, and publish them at once to a multitude whose prejudices are engaged against them, the proposal would be vain and fruitless, and would neither convince nor persuade; so necessary it is to join art and dexterity, together with the force of reason, to convince mankind of truth, unless we 21 242 USE AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY came furnished with miracles or omnipotence to create a conviction.* CHAPTER IV. OF AUTHORITY. OF THE ABUSE OF IT: AND OF ITS REAL AND PROPER USE AND SERVICE. The influence which other persons have upon our opinions is usually called authority. The power of it is so great and widely extensive, that there is scarce any person in tlie world entirely free from the impressions of it, even after their utmost watchfulness and care to avoid it. Our parents and tutors, yea, our very nurses, determine a multitude of our sentiments,, our friends, our neig-libours, the custom of tlie country where we dwell, and the establislied opinions of mauliind, form our belief: the great, the wise, the pious, the learned, and the ancient, the king, the priest, and the philoso- pher, are characters of mighty efficacy to persuade us to receive what they dictate. These may be ranked under ditferent heads of prejudice, but they are all of a kindred nature, and may be reduced to this one spring or head of authority. I have treated of these particularly in Logic, Part ri. Chapter iii. Section 4; yet, a few other remarks occurring among my papers, I thought it not improper to let them find a place here. Cicero was well acquainted with the unhappy influ- ences of authority, and complains of it in his first book De J^atnrd Deorum: " In disputes and controversies (says he) it is not so much the authors or patrons of any opinion, as the weight and force of argument, which should influence the mind. The authority of those who * Tlie conduct of Christ and his apostles, armed as they were with supernatural powers, in the gradual openings of truths, against which tiie minds of their disciples were strongly prejudiced, may not only secure such an address from the imputation of dishonest craP.but may demonstrate the expediency, and in some cases the necessity, of attending to it. USE AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY. 243 teach is a frequent hinderance to those who learn, be- cause they utterly neglect to exercise their own judg- ment, taking for granted whatsoever others whom they reverence have judged for them. I can by no means ap- prove what we learn from tlie Pythagoreans, that if any tiling asserted in disputation was questioned, they were wont to answer, Ipse dixit, that is, He himself said so, meaning Pythagoras. So far did prejudice prevail, that authority without reason was sufficient to determine disputes, and to establish truth." AH human authority, though it be never so ancient, though it hath had universal sovereignty, and swayed all the learned and the vulgar world for some thousands of years, yet has no certain and undoubted claim to truth: nor is it any violation of good manners to enter a caveat with due decency against its pretended dominion. What is there among all the sciences that has been longer established and more universally received ever since the days of Aristotle, and perhaps for ages before Jie lived, than this, that all heavy bodies whatsoever tend toward the centre of the earth? But Sir Isaac IVewton has found, that those bulky and weighty bodies, the earth and all the planets, tend toward the centre of the sun, whereby the authority of near three tliousand years or more is not only called in question, but actually refuted and renounced. Again: Was ever any thing more universally agreed among the nation of poets and critics, than that Homer and Virgil are inimitable writers of heroic poems? and whoever presumed to attack their writings, or their reputation, was either condemned for his malice or de- rided for his folly. These ancient authors liave been supposed to derive peculiar advantages to aggrandize their verses from the heathen theology, and tliat variety of appearances in which they could represent tiieir gods, and mingle tiiem with the affairs of men. Yet within these few years Sir Richard Blackmore (whose prefaces are universally esteemed superior in their kind to any of his poems) has ventured to pronounce some noble truths in that excellent preface to liis poem called Alfred, and has bravely demonstrated there, beyond all possible 244 USE AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY. exception, that both Virgil and Homer are often guilty of very gross blunders, indecencies, and sliameful im- proprieties; and that they were so far from deriving any advantage from the rabble of heathen gods, tiiat their theology almost unavoidably exposed them to many of those bhmders; and tiiat it is not possible upon the foot of gentile superstition to write a perfect epic poem: whereas the sacred religion of the Bible would furnish a poem with much more just and glorious scenes, and a nobler machinery. Mr. Dennis also had made it appear in his essays some years before, that there were no images so sublime in the briirhtest of tiie lieathen writers as those with which we are furnished in the poetic parts of the Holy Scripture; and Rapin, the French critic, dared to pro- fess the same sentiments, notwithstanding the world of poets and critics had so universally and unanimously exalted the heathen writers to the sovereignty for so many affes. If we would find out the truth in many cases, we nmst dare to deviate from the loiifr-beaten track, and venture to think with a just and unbiassed liberty. Though it be necessary to guard against the evil in- fluences of authority, and the prejudices derived thence, because it has introduced thousands of errors and mis- chiefs into the world, yet there are three eminent and remarkable cases wherein autliority or the sentiments of other persons must or will determine the judgment and practice of mankind. I. Parents are appointed to judge for their children in their younger years, and instruct them what they should believe, and what tliey should practise in civil and religious hfe. This is a dictate of nature, and doubtless it would have been so in a state of innocence. It is impossible that children should be capable of judg- ing for themselves before their minds are furnished with a competent number of ideas, before they are acquainted with any principles and rules of just judgment, and be- fore their reason is grown up to any degrees of matu- rity and proper exercises upon such subjects. I will not say that a child ought to believe nonsense rSE AND ABUSE OP AUTHORITY. 245 and impossibility because his father bids him; for so far as tlie iinpossibihty appears he cannot beheve it: nor uiil I say he ouglit to assent to all the false opinions of his parents, or to practise idolatry and murder, or mis- chief, at their command; yet a cliild knows not any bet- tor way to find out what he should believe, and what he should practise, before he can possibly judge for him- self, than to run to his parents and receive their senti- ments and their directions. You will say this is hard indeed, that the child of a heathen idolator, or a cruel cannibal, is laid under a sort of necessity by nature of sinning against the light of nature; I grant it is hard indeed, but it is only owing to our original fall and apostasy: tlie law of nature con- tinues as it was in innocence, namely, That a parent should judge for his child; but if the parent judges ill, tlie child is greatly exposed by it, through that univer- sal disorder that is brought into the world by the sin of Adam our common father; and from the equity and goodness of God, we may reasonably infer, that the great Judge of all will do right: he will balance the ig- norance and incapacity of the child with tiie criminal nature of the otiience in those puerile instances, and will not punish beyond just demerit. Besides, what could God, as a Creator, do better for children in tlieir minority, than to commit them to the care and instruction of parents? None are supposed to be so much concerned for the happiness of cliildren as tlieir parents are; therefore it is the safest step to happi- ness, according to the original law of creation, to fol- low their directions, their parents' reason acting for them before they had reason of their own in proper ex- ercise; nor indeed is there any better general rule in our fallen state by which cliildren are capable of being gov- erned, though in many particular cases it may lead them far astray from virtue and happiness. If children by Providence be cast under some happier instructions, contrary to their parents' erroneous opin- ions, I cannot say it is the duty of such children to fol- low error when they discern it to be error, because their father believes it: what I said before is to be interpreted 21* 246 USE AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY. only of those tliat are under the iiDmediate care and education of their parents, and not yet arrived at yeara capable of examination. 1 know not how these can be freed from receiving the dictates of parental authority in their youngest years, except by immediate or divine inspiration. It is hard to say at what exact time of life the child is exempted from the sovereignty of parental dictates. Perhaps it is much juster to suppose that this sovereign- ty diminishes by degrees, as the ciiild grows in under- standing and capacity, and is more and more capable of exerting his own intellectual powers, than to limit this matter by months and years. When childhood and youth are so far expired that the reasoning faculties are grown up to any just mea- sures of maturity, it is certain tliat persons ought to be- gin to inquire into the reasons of their own faith and practice in all the affairs of life and religion: but as rea- son does not arrive at this power and self-sufficiency in any single moment of time, so there is no single mo- ment wiien a child should at once cast ofl'all his former beliefs and practices; but by degrees, and in slow suc- cession, he should examine them, as opportunity and advantage offer, and either confirm, or doubt of, or change them, according to the leading of conscience and reason, with all its advantages of information. When we are arrived at manly age, there is no per- son on earth, no set or society of me.n wliatsoever, that have power and authority given them by God, the cre- ator and governor of the world, absolutely to dictate to others their opinions or practices in moral and religious life. God has given every man reason to judge for himself, in higher or lower degrees. Where less is given, less will be required. But we are justly chargeable vvitli criminal sloth and misimprovement of the talents with which our Creator has intrusted us, if we take all things for granted which others assert, and believe and practise all things which they dictate witliout due ex- amination. II. Another case wherein authority must govern our assent is in many matters of fact. Here we may and USE AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY. 247 ought to be determined by the declarations or narratives of other men; though I confess this is usually called tes- timony rather tlian authority. It is upon this foot that every son or daughter among mankind are required to believe that such and such persons are their parents, for they can never be informed of it but by the dictates of others. It is by testimony that we are to believe the laws of our country, and to pay all proper deference to the prince and to magistrates in subordinate degrees of authority, though we did not actually see them cho- sen, crowned, or invested with their title and character. It is by testimony that we are necessitated to believe there is such a city as Canterbury or York, though per- haps we have never been at either; that there are such persons as papists at Paris and Rome, and that there are many sottish and cruel tenets in their religion. It is by testimony that we believe that Christianity, and the books of the Bible, have been faithfully delivered down to us through many generations; that there was such a person as Clirist our Saviour, that he wrought miracles, and died on the cross, that he rose again and ascended to heaven. The authority or testimony of men, if they are wise and honest, if they had full opportunities and capaci- ties of knowing the truth, and are free from all suspicion of deceit in relating it, ought to sway our assent; espe- cially when multitudes concur in the same testimony, and when there are many other attending circumstan- ces which raise the proposition which they dictate to the degree of moral certainty. But in this very case, even in matters of fact and af- fairs of history, we should not too easily give into all the dictates of tradition, and the pompous pretences to the testimony of men, till we have fairly examined the several things which are necessary to make up credible testimony, and to lay a just foundation for our belief. There are and have been so many falsehoods imposed upon mankind with specious pretences of eye and ear witnesses, that should make us wisely cautious and justly suspicious of reports, where the concurrent signs of truth do not fairly appear, and especially where the 248 USE AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY. matter is of considerable importance. And the less probable the fact testified is in itself, the greater evi- dence justly we may demand of the veracity of that testimony on which it claims to be admitted. III. The last case wherein authority must govern us is when we are called to believe what persons under inspiration have dictated to us. This is not properly the authority of men, but of God himself; and we are obliged to believe what that authority asserts, though our reason at present may not be able, any other way, to discover the certainty or evidence of the proposition; it is enough if our faculty of reason, in its best exercise, can discover the divine authority which has proposed it. Whero doctrines of divine revelation are plainly pub- lished, together with sufficient proofs of their revela- tion, all mankind are bound to receive them, though they cannot perfectly understand them, for we know that God is true, and cannot dictate falsehood. But if these pretended dictates are directly contrary to the natural faculties of understanding and reason which God has given us, we may be well assured these dictates were never revealed to us by God himself. When persons are really influenced by authority to be- lieve pretended mysteries in plain opposition to reason, and yet pretend reason for what they believe, this is but a vain amusement. There is no reason whatsoever that can prove or es- tablish any authority so firmly, as to give it power to dictate in matters of belief what is contrary to all the dictates of our reasonable nature. God himself has never given any such revelations: and I think it may be said with reverence, he neither can nor will do it, unless he change our faculties from what they are at present. To tell us we must believe a proposition which is plain- ly contrary to reason, is to tell us that we must believe two ideas are joined, while (if we attend to reason) we plainly see and know them to be disjoined. Wliat could ever have established the nonsense of traiisubstantiation in the world, if men had been fixed in this great truth, That God gives no revelation con- tradictory to our own reason? Things may be above USE AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY. 249 our reason, that is, reason may have but obscure ideas of them, or reason may not see the connexion of those ideas, or may not know at present the certain and ex- act manner of reconciHng sucli propositions, either with one another or with other rational truths, as I have ex- plained in some of my logical papers: but when they stand directly and plainly against all sense and reason, as transubstantiation does, no divine authority can be pretended to enforce tlieir belief, and human authority is impudent to pretend to it. Yet this human authori- ty, in the popish countries, has prevailed over millions of souls, because they have abandoned their reason; they have given up the glory of human nature, to be tram- pled upon by knaves, and so reduced themselves to the condition of brutes. It is by tiiis amusement of authority (says a certain author) that a horse is taught to obey the words of com- mand, a dog to fetch and carry, and a man to believe inconsistencies and impossibilities. Whips and dun- geons, fire and the gibbet, and the solemn terrors of eternal misery after this life, will persuade weak minds to believe acrainst their senses, and in direct contradic- tion to all their reasoning powers. A parrot is taught to tell lies with much more ease and more gentle usage: but none of all tliese creatures would serve their masters at the expense of their liberty, had they but knowledge and the just use of reason. I have mentioned three classes wherein mankind must or will be determined in their sentiments, by au- thority; that is the case of children in their minority, in regard of the commands of tlieir parents; the case of all men, with regard to universal, and complete, and suffi- cient testimony of matter of fact; and the case of every person, with regard to the authority of divine revela- tion, and of men divinely inspired; and under each of these I have given some such limitations and cautions as were necessary. I proceed now to mention some other cases wlierein we ought to pay a great deference to the authority and sentiments of others, though we are not absolutely concluded and determined by their opinions. 250 USE AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY. I. When we begin to pass out of our minority, and to judge for ourselves in matters of civil and religious life, we ought to pay very great deference to the sen- timents of our parents, who in the time of our minority were our natural guides and directors in these matters. So in matters of science, an ignorant and unexperienced youth should pay great deference to the opinions of his instructors; and though he may justly suspend his judg- ment in matters whicli his tutors dictate till he perceives sufficient evidence for thejn, yet neither parents nor tu- tors should be directly opposed without great and most evident reasons, such as constrain the understanding or conscience of those concerned. II. Persons of years and long experience in human affairs, when they give advice in matters of prudence or civil conduct, ought to have a considerable deference paid to tfieir authority by those that are young and have not seen the world, for it is more probable that the elder persons are in the right. III. In the affairs of practical godliness there should be much deference paid to persons of long standing in virtue and piety. I confess, in the particular forms and ceremonies of religion, tliere may be as much bigotry and superstition among the old as the young; but in questions of inward religion, and pure devotion or virtue, a man who has been long engaged in the sincere practice of these tilings, is justly presumed to know more than a youth with all his ungoverned passions, appetites, and prejudices about him. IV. Men in their several professions and arts in which they have been educated, and in which they have em- ployed themselves all their days, must be supposed to have a greater knowledge and skill than others; and therefore there is due respect to be paid to their judg- ments in those matters. V. In matters of fact, where there is not sufficient testi- mony to constrain our assent, yet there ought to be due deference paid to the narratives of persons wise and sober, according to the degrees of their honesty, skill, and op- portunity, to acquaint themselves therewith. 1 confess, in many of these cases, where the proposi- OP MANAGING THE, &C. 251 tion is a mere matter of speculation, and doth not neces- sarily draw practice along with it, we may delay our assent till better evidence appear; but where the matter is of a practical nature, and requires us to act one way or anotlier, we ought to pay much deference to authority or testimony, and follow such probabilities where we have no certainty; for this is the best light we have; and surely it is better to follow such sort of guidance, where we can have no better, than to wander and fluctuate in absolute uncertainty. It is not reasonable to put out our candle, and sit still in the dark, because we have not the light of sun-beams. CHAPTER V. OF TREATING AND MANAGING THE PREJUDICES OF MEN.* If we had nothing but the reason of men to deal with, and that reason were pure and uncorrupted, it would then be a matter of no great skill or labour to convince another person of common mistakes, or to persuade him to assent to plain and obvious truths. But alas! man- kind stands wrapped round in errors, and entrenched in prejudices; and every one of their opinions is support- ed and guarded by something else besides reason. A young bright genius, who has furnished himself with a variety of truths and strong arguments, but is yet unac- quainted with the world, goes forth from the schools, like a knight-errant, presuming bravely to vanquish the follies of men, and to scatter light and truth through all his acquaintance: but he meets with huge giants and enchanted castles, strong prepossessions of mind, habits, customs, education, authority, interest, together with all the various passions of men, armed and obstinate to de- fend their old opinions; and he is strangely disappointed m his generous attempts. He finds now that he must * For the nature and causes of prejudices, and for the preventing or curing of thenj in ourselves, see the Doctor's excellent system of Logicj Part ii. Chapter iii. Of the spnngsof false judgment, or the doctrine of prejudices. 252 OF MANAGING THE not trust merely to the sharpness of his steel, and to the strength of his arm, but he must manage the weapons of his reason with much dexterity and artifice, with skill and address, or he shall never be able to subdue errors, and to convince mankind. Wliere prejudices are strong, there are these several methods to be practised in order to convince persons of their mistakes, and make a way for truth to enter into their minds. 1. By avoiding the power and influence of the preju- dice without any direct attack upon it: and this is done by choosing all the slow, soft, and distant methods of proposing your own sentiments and your arguments for them, and by degrees leading the person step by step into those truths whicli his prejudices would not bear if they were proposed all at once. Perhaps your neighbour is under the influence of superstition and bigotry in the simplicity of his soul: you must not immediately run upon him with violence, and show Jiim the absurdity or folly of his own opinions, though you might be able to set them in a glaring light; but you must rather begin at a distance, and establish his assent to some familiar and easy propositions wliich have a tendency to refute his mistakes, and to confirm the trutli; and then silently observe what impression this makes upon him, and proceed by slow degrees as he is able to bear, and you must carry on the work, perhaps at distant seasons of conversation: the tender or diseased eye cannot bear a deluge of light at once. Therefore we are not to consider our arguments merely according to our own notions of their force, and from thence expect the immediate conviction of others; but we should regard how they are likely to be re- ceived by the persons we converse with; and thus man- age our reasoning, as the nurse gives a child drink by slow degrees, lest the infant should be choked, or return it all back again, if poured in too hastily. If your wine be ever so good, and you are ever so liberal in bestowing it on your neiglibour, yet if his bottle, into which you attempt to pour it with freedom, has a narrow mouth, you will sooner overset the bottle than fill it with wine. PREJUDICES OP MEN. 253 Overhasliness and vehemence in arguing is often- times the effect of pride; il blunts the poignancy of the argument, breaks its force, and disappoints the end. If you were to convince a person of the falsehood of the doctrine of transubstantiation, and you take up the con- secrated bread before hiin, and say — "You may see, and taste, and feel, this is nothing but bread; therefore while you assert that God commands you to believe it is not bread, you most wickedly accuse God of commanding you to tell a lie." This sort of language would only raise the indignation of the person against you, instead of making any impressions upon him. He will not so much as think at all on the arguments you have brought, but he rages at you as a profane wretch, setting up your sense and reason above sacred authority; so that though what you atfirm is a truth of great evidence, yet you lose the benefit of your whole argument by an ill manage - ment, and the unseasonable use of it. II. We may expressly allow and indulge those preju- dices for a season which seem to stand against the truth, and endeavour to introduce the truth by degrees, while those prejudices are expressly allowed, till by degrees the advanced truth may of itself wear out the prejudice. Thus God himself dealt with his own people the Jews after tlie resurrection of Christ; for tiiough from the following days of Pentecost, vvlien the Gospel was pro- claimed and confirmed at Jerusalem, the Jewish cere- monies began to be void and ineffectual for any divine purpose, yet the Jews who received Christ tlie Mepsiah were peruiitted to circumcise their cliildren, and to prac- tise many Levitical forms, till that constitution, wiiich then waxed old, should in time vanish away. Where the prejudices of mankind cannot l3e conquered at once, but they will rise up in arms against the evi- dence of truth, there we must make some allowances, and yield to them for the present, as far as we can safely do it without real injury to truth: and if we would have any success in our endeavours to convince tlie world, we must practise this complaisance for the benefit of mankind. Take a student who has deeply imbibed the princi- 22 254 OF MANAGING THE pies of the Peripatetics, and imagines certain imma- terial beings called substantial forms to inhabit every herb, flower, mineral, metal, fire, water, &c. and to be the spring of all its properties and operations; or take a Platonist, who believes an aniina mundi, a universal soul of the world to pervade all bodies, to act in and by them according to their nature, and indeed to give them their nature and their special powers; perhaps it may be very hard to convince these persons by argument, and constrain them to yield up these fancies. Well then, let the one believe his universal soul, and the other go on with his notion of substantial forms, and at the same time leach them how by certain original laws of motion, and the various sizes, shapes, and situations of the parts of matter, allowing a continued divine con- course in and with all, the several appearances in nature may be solved, and the variety of effects produced, ac- cording to the corpuscular philosophy improved by Descartes, Mr. Boyle, and Sir Isaac Newton; and when they have attained a degree of skill in this science, they will see these airy notions of theirs, these imaginary pow ers, to be so useless and unnecessary, that they will drop them of their own accord: the Peripatetic forms will vanish from the mind like a dream, and the Platonic soul of tlie world will expire. Or suppose a young philosopher, under a powerful persuasion that there is nothing but what has three dimensions, lengtli, breadth, and thickness, and conse- quently that every finite being has a figure or shape (for shape is but the term and boundary of dimension:) suppose this person, through the long prejudices of sense and imagination, cannot be easily brought to conceive of a spirit or a tliinking being without shape and dimen- sions; let him then continue to conceive a spirit with dimensions; but be sure in all his conceptions to retain the idea of cogitation, or a power of thinking, and thus proceed to philosophize upon the subject. Perhaps in a little time he will find that length, breadth, and shape have no share in any of the actions of a spirit, and that he can manifest all the properties and relatious of such a being, with all its operations of sensation, volition, PREJUDICES OF MEN. 265 &c. to be as well performed without the use of this sup- posed shape or these dimensions; and that all these operations and these attributes may be ascribed to a spirit considered merely as a power of thinking. And when he further conceives that God, the infinite Spirit, is an almigiity, self-consistent, tliinking power, without shape and dimensions of length, breadth, and depth, he may tlien suppose the human spirit may be an inferior self-subsisting' power of thought; and he may be inclined to drop tlie ideas of dimension and figure by degrees, when he sees and is convinced they do nothing toward thinking, nor are they necessary to assist or explain the operations or properties of a spirit. I may give another instance of the same practice, where there is a prejudicate fondness of particular words and plirases. Suppose a man is educated in an unhap- py form of speech, whereby he explains some great doc- trine of the gospel, and by the means of tins phrase he has imbibed a very false idea of that doctrine: yet he is so bigoted to his form of words, that he imagines if those words are omitted, the doctrine is lost. Now if I cannot possibly persuade him to part with his improper terms, I will indulge them a little, and try to explain them in a scriptural sense, rather than let him go on in his mistaken ideas. Credonius believes that Christ descended into hell: I think tlie word hell, as now commonly understood, is very improper here; but since the bulk of Christians, and Credonius amongst them, will by no means part witli the word out of tlieir English creed, 1 will explain the word hell to signify the state of the dead, or the sepa- rate state of souls; and thus lead my friend into more just ideas of the truth, namely, that the soul of Christ existed three days in the state of separation from his body, or was in the invisible world, which might be ori- ginally called hell in English, as well as hades in Greek. Anilla has been bred a pap st all her days, and though she does not know much of religion, yet she resolves never to part from the Roman catholic faith, and is ob- stinately bent against a change. Now I cannot think it unlawful to teach her the true Christian, that is, the 256 OF MANAGING THE protestant religion, out of the Epistle to the Romans, and show her that the same doctrine is contained in the catholic epistles of St. Peter, James, and Jude: and thus let her Jive and die a good Christian in the belief of the religion 1 teach her out of the New Testament, while she imagines she is a Roman catholic still, because she finds tlie doctrines she is taught in the catholic epistles and in that to tiie Romans. I grant it is most proper there should be different words (as far as possible) applied to different ideas; and this rule should never be dispensed with, if we had to do only with the reason of mankind; but their various prejudices and zeal for some party phrases sometimes make it necessary that we should lead them into truth under the covert of their own beloved forms of speech, rather than permit them to live and die obstinate and unconvincible m any dangerous mistake: whereas an attempt to deprive them of their old established words would raise such a tumult within Ihem, as to render their conviction hopeless. III. Sometimes we may make use of the very preju- dices under which a person labours in order to convince him of some particular truth, and argue with him upon his own professed principles as though they were true. This is called argumentum ad Iw7ninem^ and is another way of dealing with the prejudices of men. Suppose a Jew lies sick of a fever, and is forbid flesh by his physician; but hearing that rabbits were provided for the dinner of the family, desired earnestly to eat of them; and suppose he became impatient because his physician did not permit him, and he insisted upon it that it could do him no hurt. Surely rather than let him persist in that fancy and that desire, to the danger of his life, 1 would tell him that those animals were strangled, which sort of food was forbidden by tlie Jew- ish law, though I myself may believe that law is now abolished. In the same manner was Tenerilla persuaded to let Damon her husband prosecute a thief who broke open their house on a Sunday. At first she abhorred the thoughts of it, and refused it utterly, because, if the PREJUDICES OF MEN. 257 thief were condemned, according to the Enghsh law he must be hanged, whereas (said she) the law of God, in the writings of Moses, doth not appoint death to be the punishment of such criminals, but tells us, that a thief should be sold for his theft. — Exod. xxii. 3. But when Damon could no otherwise convince her that the thief ought to be prosecuted, he put her in mind that the theft was committed on Sunday morning: now the same law of Moses requires that the sabbath-breaker shall surely be put to deatii. — Exod. xxxi. 15; Numb. xv. 35. This argument prevailed with Tcnerilla, and she con- sented to the prosecution. Encrates used the same means ot conviction when he saw a Mahometan drink wine to excess, and heard him maintain the lawfulness and pleasure of drunken- ness; Encrates reminded him that his own prophet Ma- homet had utterly forbidden all wine to his followers, and tlie good man restrained his vicious appetite by this superstition, when he could no otherwise convince him that drunkenness was unlawful, nor withhold him from excess. When we find any person obstinately persisting in a mistake in opposition to all reason, especially if the mistake be very injurious or pernicious, and we know this person will hearken to the sentiment or authority oi^ some favourite name, it is needful sometimes to use the opinion and authority of that favourite person, since tiiat is likely to be regarded much more than reason. I confess I am almost ashamed to speak of using any influ- ence of autliority while I would teach the art of reasoning. But in some cases it is biitter that poor, silly, perverse, obstinate creatures should be persuaded to judge and act ariglit, by a veneration for the sense of others, than to be left to wander in pernicious errors, and continue deaf to all argument, and blind to all evidence. They are but children of a larger size; and since they persist all their lives in their mmority, and reject all true rea- soning, surely we may try to pereuade them to practise what is for their own interest by such childish reasons as they will hearken lo: we may overawe them from pursuing their own ruin by the terrors of a solemn sha- 22* 258 OF MANAGING THE dow, or allure them by a sugar-plum to their own hap- piness. But after all, we must conclude that wheresoever it can be done, it is best to remove and root out those prejudices wiiich obstruct the entrance of truth into the mind, rather tlian to palliate, humour, or indulge tliem; and sometimes this must necessarily be done before you can make a person part with some beloved error, and lead him into better sentiments. Suppose you would convince a gamester that gaming is not a lawful calling or business of life to maintain one's self by it, and you make use of this argument, namely, " That which doth not admit us to ask the blessing of God that we may get gain by it, cannot be a lawful employment; but we cannot ask the blessing of God on ga.ming, therefore," &c. The minor is proved thus: " We cannot pray that our neighbour may lose; this is contrary to the rule of seeking our neiglihour's welfare, and loving him as ourselves; this is vvisiiing mischief to our neighbour. But in gaming we can gain but just so much as our neighbour loses: therefore in gaming we cannot pray for tlie blessing of God that we may gain by it." Perhaps the gamester shrugs and winces, turns and twists tiie argument every way, but he cannot fairly answer it, yet he will patcli up an answer to satisfy himself, and will never yield to the conviction, because he feels so much of the sweet influence of gaming, either toward the g-ratification of his avarice, or the sup- port of his expenses. Thur. he is under a strong preju- dice in favour of it, and is not easily convinced. Your first work therefore must be to lead him by de- grees to separate tlie thoughts of his own interest from the argument, and show him that our own temporal in- terests, our livelihood, or our loss, hath nothing to do to determine this point in opposition to the plain reason of things, and that he ought to put that consideration quite out of the question, if he would be honest and sincere in his search after truth or duty; and that he must be contented to hearken to the voice of reason and truth, even though it should run counter to his PREJUDICES OF MEN. 259 secular interest. When this is done, then an argument may carry some weight or force with it towards his con- viction. In like manner if the question were, whether Matris- sa ought to expose herself and her other children to pov- erty and misery in order to support the extravagances of a favourite son? Perhaps the mother can hear no ar- gument against it; she feels no conviction in the most cogent reasonings, so close do her fond prejudices stick to her heart. The first business here is to remove this prejudice. Ask her therefore, Whether it is not a pa- rentis duty to love all her children so as to provide for their welfare? Whetlier duty to God and her family ought not to regulate Iier love to a favourite? Whether her neiglibour Floris did well in dressing up her daugh- ters with expensive gaudery, and neglecting the educa- tion of lier son till she saw his ruin? Perhaps by this method she may be brought to see that peculiar fond- ness for one child should have no weight or force in de- termining the judgment in opposition to plain duty: and she may then give herself up to conviction in her own case, and to the evidence of truth, and thus correct her mistaken practice. Suppose you would convert Rominda from popery, and you set all the errors, absurdities, and superstitions of that church before her in the most glaring evidence: she holds them fast still, and cannot part with them, for she hath a most sacred reverence for the fiith and the church of her ancestors, and cannot imagine that they were in the wrong. The first labour must be therefore to convince her that our ancestors were falli- ble creatures; that we may part with their faith without any dishonour done to them; that all persons must choose their religion for themselves; that we must an- swer for ourselves in the great day of judgment, and not we for our parents, nor they for us; that Christiani- ty itself liad never been received by her ancestors in this nation, if they had persisted always in the religion of their parents, for they were all heathens. And when she has by these methods of reasoning been persuaded that she is not bound always to cleave to the religion 260 OF INSTRUCTION of her parents, she may then receive an easier convic- tion of the errors of Rome.* CHAPTER VI. OP INSTRUCTION BY PREACHING. Section I. Wisdom better than Learning in the Pulpit. Tyro is a young preacher just come from the schools of logic and divinity, and advanced to the pulpit; he was counted a smart youngster in the academy for ana- lysing a proposition, and is full even to the brim with the terms of his art in learning. When he has read his text, after a short flourish of introduction, he tells you in how many senses the cliief word is taken, first among Greek heathen writers, and then in tlie New Testament, he cites all the chapters and verses exactly, and endeavours to make you understand many a text before he comes to let you know fully what he means by his own. He find? these things at large in the critics which he has consulted, where this sort of work is necessary and beautiful, and therefore he imagines it will become his sermon well. Then he informs you very learnedly of the various false expositions which have been given by divines and commentators on this part of scripture, and * But perhaps of all these different methods of curing prejudices none can be practised with greater pleasure to a wise and good man, or with greater success, where success is most desirable, than attempting: to turn the attention of well meaning people from some point in whicli prejudice prevails, to some other of greater impor- tance, and fixing their thoughts and heart on some great truth which they allow, and which leads into consequences contrary to some other notion which they espouse and retain. By this means they may be led to forget their errors while attentive to opposite truth, and in proportion to the degree in which their minds ojjcn, and their tem- pers grow more generous and virtuous, may be induced to resign it. And surely nothing can give a benevolent mind more satisfaction than to improve his neighbour iu knowledge and in goodness at the Game time. BY PREACHING. 2G1 it may be the reasons of each of them too; and he re- futes them with much zeal and contempt. Having thus cleared his way, he fixes upon the exposition which bis judgment best approves, and dwells, generally, five or ten minutes upon the arguments to confirm it: and tfiis he docs not only in texts of darkness and difficulty, but even when scarce a ciiild could doubt of his meaning. This grammatical exercise being performed, he applies himself to his logic. The text is divided and subdivi- ded into many little pieces; he points you precisely to the subject and predicate, brings you acquainted with the agent and the object, shows you all the properties and the accidents which attend it, and would fain make you understand the matter and form of it as well as he does himself When he has thus done, two-thirds of the hour is spent, and his hearers are quite tired; then he begins to draw near to his doctrine or grand theme of discourse, and having told the audience with great formality and exactness in what method he shall man- age it, he names you one or two particulars under the first general head; and by this time finds it necessary to add, *' He intended indeed to have been larger in the il- lustration of his subject, and he should have given you some reasons for the doctrine, but he is sorry that he is prevented: and then he designed also to have brought it down to the conscience of every man by a warm ad- dress, but his time being gone he must break off." He hurries over a hint or two which should have been wrought up into exhortation or instruction, but all in great haste, and thus concludes his work. The obsti- nate and careless sinner goes away unawakened, un- convinced; and the mourning soul departs uncomfort- ed: the unbeliever is not led to faith in the gospel, nor the immoral wretcii to hate or forsake his iniquities: the hypocrite and the man of sincerity are both unedified, because the preacher had not time. In short, he hath fin- ished his work, and hath done nothing. When I hear this man preach it brings to my remem- brance the account which I have heard concerning the Czar of Muscovy, the first time his army besieged a town in Livonia: he was then just come from his trav- 262 OF INSTRUCTION els in Great Britain, where he and his ministers of state had learned the mathematics of an old acquaintance of mine: the Czar took great care to begin the siege in form; he drew all tlie lines of circumvallation and con- travallation according to the rules of art; but he was so tedious and so exact in these mathematical performan- ces, that the season was spent, he was forced to break up the siege, and retire without any execution done upon the town. Ergates is another sort of preacher, a workman that need not be ashamed: he had in his younger days but few of these learned vanities, and age and experience have now worn them all off. He preaches like a man who watches for our souls, as one that must give an account; lie passes over lesser matters with speed, and pursues his great design, namely, to save himself and them that hear him, 1 Tim. iv. 16, and by following this advice of St. Paul, he happily complies with that great and natural rule of Horace, always to make haste towards the most valuable end: — Semper ad eventutn festinat. — He never affects to choose a very obscure text, lest he should waste too much of the hour in explaining the lit- eral sense of it: he reserves all those obscurities till they come in course at his seasons of public exposition. For it is his opinion, that preacliing the gospel for the salva- tion of men carries in it a little different idea from a learned and critical exposition of the difficult texts of scripture. He knows well how to use his logic in his composi- tions; but he calls no part of the words by its logical name, if there be any vulgar name that answers it: read- ing and meditation have furnished him with extensive views of his subject, and his own good sense hath taught him to give sufficient reasons for every thing he asserts; but he never uses one of them till a proof is needful. He is acquainted with the mistaken glosses of exposi- tors, but he thinks it needless to acquaint his hearers with them, unless there be evident danger that they might r"in into the same mistake. He understands very BY PREACHING. 263 well what his subject is not, as well as what it is; but when he would explain it to you he never says, first, negatiA'ely, unless some remarkable error is at hand, and which his hearers may easily fall into, for want of such a caution. Thus, in five or ten minutes at the most; he makes his way plain to the proposition or theme on which he designs to discourse; and being so wise as to know well what to say and what to leave out, he proportions every part of his work to his time; he enlarges a little upon the subject by way of illustration, till the truth becomes evident and intelligible to the weakest of his hearers; then he confirms the point with a few convincing argu- ments where the matter requires it, and makes haste to turn the doctrine into use and improvement. Thus the ignorant are instructed, and the growing Christians are established and improved: tlie stupid sinner is loudly awakened, and the mourning soul receives consolation: the unbeliever is led to trust in Christ and his Gospel, and the impenitent and immoral are convinced and sof- tened, are melted and reformed. The inward voice of the holy Spirit joins v.'ith the voice of the minister; the good man and the hypocrite have their proper portions assigned them; and tlie work of the Lord prospers in his hand. This is the usual course and manner of his ministry; this method being natural, plain, and easy, he casts many of his discourses into this form; but he is no slave to forms and methods of any kind; he makes the nature of his subject, and the necessity of his hearers, the great rule to direct hiin in what method lie shall choose in every sermon, that he may the better enlighten, con- vince, and persuade. Ergatos well knows that wliere the subject itself is entirely practical, he has no need of the formality of long uses and exhortations: he knows that practice is the chief design of doctrine; therefore he bestows most of his labour upon this part of hig of- fice, and intermingles much of the pathetic under every particular. Yet he wisely observes the special dangers of his flock, and the errors of the times he lives in, and now and then (though very seldom) he thinks it necea- 264 OF INSTRUCTION sary to spend almost a whole discourse in mere doctri- nal articles. — Upon such an occasion he thinks it proper to take up a little larger part of his hour in explaining and confirming the sense of his text, and brings it down to the understanding of a child. At another time perhaps he particularly designs vo entertain the few learned and polite among his auditors, and that with this view, that he may ingratiate his dis- courses with their ears, and ma)' so far gratify their cu- riosity in this part of his sermon as to give an easier en- trance for the more plain, necessary, and important parts of it into their hearts. Then he aims at, and he readies the sublime, and furnishes out an entertainment for tiie finest taste; but he scarce ever finishes his sermon without compassion to the unlearned, and an address that may reach their consciences with words of salvation. I have observed him sometimes, after a learned dis- course, come down from the pulpit as a man ashamed and quite out of countenance: he has blushed, and com- plained to his intimate friends, lest he should be thought to have preached himself, and not Christ Jesus his Lord; he has been ready to wish he had entertained the audi- ence in a more unlearned manner, and on a more vul- gar subject, lest tiie servants and the labourers and tradesmen there should reap no advantage to their souls, and the important hour of worship should be lost as to their improvement. Well he knows, and keeps it upon his heart, that the middle and the lower ranks of man- kind, and people of unlettered character, make up the greater part of the assembly; therefore he is ever seek- ing how to adapt his thoughts and his language, and far the greater part of all his ministrations, to the instruc- tion and profit of persons of common rank and capacity; it is in the midst of these that he hopes to find his tri- umph, his joy, and crown, in the last great day, for not many wise, not man}"^ noble are called. There is so much spirit and beauty in his common conversation, that it is sought and desired by the ingeni- ous men of his age; but he carries a severe guard of piety always about him, that tempers the pleasiuit aii of his discourse, even in his brightest and freest hours; BY PREACHING. 265 and before he leaves the place (if possible) he will leave something of the savour of heaven there: in the parlour he carries on the design of the pulpit, but in so elegant a manner, that it charms the company, and gives not the least occasion for censure. His polite acquaintance will sometimes rally him for talking so plainly in his sermons, and sinking his good sense to so low a level: but Ergates is bold to tell the gayest of them, — " Our public business, my friend, is chiefly with the weak and the ignorant; that is, the bulk of mankind: The poor receive the gospel: The mechan- ics and day-labourers, the women and the children of my assembly have souls to be saved: I will imitate my blessed Redeemer in preaching the gospel to the poor, and learn of St. Paul to become all things to all men, that I may win souls, and lead many sinners to heaven by repentance, faith, and holiness." Sect. II. A Branching Sermon. I HAVE always thought it a mistake in the preacher to mince his text or his subject too small, by a great number of subdivisions; for it occasions great confusion to the understandings of the unlearned. Where a man divides his matter into more general, less general, spe- cial, and more particular heads, he is under a necessity sometimes of saying, firstly or secondly, two or three times together, which the learned may observe; but the greater part of the auditory, not knowing the analysis, cannot so n)uch as take it into their minds, and much less treasure up in tlieir memories, in a just and regular order; and when such liearers are desired to give some account of the sermon, they throw the thirdlies and secondlies into heaps, and make very confused work in a rehearsal, by intermingling the general and the spe- cial heads. In writing a large discourse this is much more tolerable,* but in preaching it is less profitable and more intrit^te and offensive. * Especially as words may be used to number the generals and fig. ures of different kinds and forms to marshal the primary or secon- dary ranks of particulars under them. 23 286 OF INSTRUCTION It is as vain an afFectalion also to draw out a long rank of particulars in the same sermon under any one general, and run up the number of them to eighteenthly and seven-and-twentiethly. Men that take delight in this sort of work, will cut out all their senses into shreds; and every thing tiiat they can say upon any topic shall make a new particular. This sort of folly and mistaken conduct appears weekly in Polyramus's lectures, and renders all liis dis- courses lean and insipid. Whether it proceeds from a mere barrenness of thought and native dryness of soul, that he is not able to vary his matter and to amplify beyond the formal topics of analysis; or wliether it ari- ses from affectation of sucli a way of talking, is hard to say: but it is certain that the chief part of his auditory are not overn)uch profited or pleased. When I sit un- der his preaching, I fancy myself brought into the val- ley of Ezekiel's vision; it was full of bones, and behold, there were very many in the valley, and lo, tliey were very dry. — Ezek. xxxvii. 1, 2. It is tlie variety of enlargement upon a few proper heads that clothes the dry bones witli flesh, and ani- mates them with blood and spirits: itis this that colours the discourse, makes it warm and strong, and renders the divine propositions brigiit and persuasive; it is this brmgs down the doctrine or the duty to the understanding or conscience of the whole auditory, and commands the natural affections into the interest of the gospel: in short, it is this that, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, gives life and force, beauty and success to a ser- mon, and provides food for souls. A single rose-bush, or a dwarf-pear, with all their leaves, flowers, and fruit about them, have more beauty and spirit in themselves, and yield more food and pleasure to mankind, tiian the innumerable branches, boughs, and twigs of a long hedge of thorns. The fruit will feed the hungry, and the flower will refresh the fainting, which is more than can be said of the thickest oak in Bashan, when it has lost its vital juice; it may spreadiits limbs indeed far and wide, but they are naked, withered, and sapless. BY PREACHING. ZQl Sect. III. The Harangue. Is it. not possible to forsake one extreme without run- ning into a worse? Is there no medium between a ser- mon made up of sixty dry particulars, and a long loose declamation without any distinction of the parts of it' Must the preacher divide liis work by the breaks of a minute-watch, or let it run on incessant to the last word, like the flowing stream of the hour-glass that measures his divinity? Surely Fluvio preaches as though he knew no medium; and having taken a disgust heretofore at one of Polyramus's lectures, he resolved his discourses should have no distinction of particulars in them. His language flows smoothly in a long connexion of periods, and glides over the ear like a rivulet of oil over polished marble, .and, like that too, leaves no trace behind it. The attention is detained in a gentle pleasure, and (to say the best thing possible of it) the hearer is soothed into something like divine delight; but he can give tlie inquiring friend scarce any account of what it was that pleased him. He retains a faint idea of the sweetness, but has forgot the sense. Tell me, Fluvio, is this the most effectual way to in- struct ignorant creatures in the several articles of faith, and the various duties of the Cliristian life? Will such a long uniform flow of language imprint all the distinct parts of Christian knowledge on the mind in tiieir best form and order! Do you find such a gentle and gliding stream of words most powerful to call up the souls of sirmers from their dangerous or fatal lethargy? Will this indolent and moveless species of oratory make a thought- less wretch attend to matters of infinite moment? Can a long purling sound awaken a sleepy conscience, and give a perishing sinner just notices of his dreadful ha- zard? Can it furnish his understanding and his memory with all the awful and tremendous topics of our religion, when it scarce ever leaves any distinct impression of one of them on his soul? Can you make the arrow wound where it will not stick? Where all the discourse vanishes from the remembrance, can you suppose the soul to be profited or enriched? When you brush over the clo- 2ba OF INSTRUCTION sed eyelids with a feather, did you ever find it give hght to the blind: Have any of your soft harangues, your continued threads of silken eloquence, ever raised the dead? I fear your whole aim is to talk over the appointed number of minutes upon the subject, or to practise a little upon the gentler passions, without any concern how to give the understanding its due im- provement, or to furnish the memory with any lasting treasure, or to make a knowing and a religious Christian. Ask old Wheatfield, the rich farmer, ask Plowdown, your neighbour, or any of his family, who have sat all their lives under your ministry, what they know of the common truths of religion, or of the special articles of Christianity? Desire them to tell you what the gospel is, or what is salvation? wiiat are their duties toward God, or what they mean by religion' who is Jesus Christ, or what is the meaning of his atonement, or redemption by his blood? Perhaps you will tell me yourself, that you have very seldom entertained them with these sub- jects. Well, inquire of them then, what is heaven; which is the way to obtain it; or what hope they have of dwelling there? Entreat them to tell you wherein they have profited as to holiness of heart and life, or fitness for death? They will soon make it appear, by their awkward answers, that they understood very lit- tle of all your fine discourses, and those of your prede- cessor; and have made but wretched improvement of forty years attendance at church. They have now and then been pleased perhaps with the music of your voice, as with the sound of a sweet instrument, and they mis- took that for devotion; but their heads are dark still, and their hearts earthly; they are mere heathens with a Christian name, and know little more of God than their yokes of oxen. In short, Polyramus's auditors have some confusion in their knowledge, but Fluvio's hear- ers have scarce any knowledge at all. But you will tell me your discourses are not all made up of harangue; your design is sometimes to inform the mind by a train of well connected reasonings, and that all your paragraphs, in their long order, prove and sup- port each other; and though you do not distinguish BY PREACHING. 269 your discourse into particulars, yet you have kept some invisible method all the way; and by some artificial gra- dations you have brought ycur sermon down lo the concluding sentence. It may be so sometimes, and I will acknowledge it; but believe me, Fluvio, this artificial and invisible method carries darkness with it instead of light; nor is it by any means a proper way to instruct the vulgar, that is, the bulk of your auditory: their souls are not capable of so wide a stretch, as to take in the whole chain of your long-connected consequences; you talk reason and religion to them in vain, if you do not make the argu- ment so sliort as to come within their grasp, and give a frequent rest for their thoughts; you must break the bread of life into pieces to feed children with it, and part your discourses into distinct propositions to give the ignorant a plain scheme of any one doctrine, and enable them to comprehend or retain it. Every day gives us experiments to confirm what I say, and to encourage ministers to divide their sermons into several distinct heads of discourse. Myrtilla, a little creature of nine years old, was at church twice yesterday: in tlie morning the preacher entertained his audience with a running oration, and the child could give her parents no other account of it, but that he talked smootlily and sweetly about virtue and heaven. It was Er_gates' lot to fulfil the service of the afternoon; he is an excellent preacher, both for the wise and for the unwise: in tlie evening Myrtilla very prettily enter- tained her mother with a repetition of the most consid- erable parts of the sermon; for " Here (said she) I can fix my thoughts upon first, secondly, and thirdly; upon the doctrine, the reasons, and the inferences; and I knov^ what I must try to remember, and repeat it when my friends shall' ask me; but as for the morning sermon, I could do nothing but hear it, for I could not tell what I should get by heait," This manner of talking in a loose harangue has not only injured our pupils, but it makes several essays and treatises that are written now-a-days less capable of improving the knowledge or enriching the memory of 23* 270 OP INSTRUCTION the reader. I will easily grant, that where the whole discourse reaches not beyond a few pages, there is no necessity for the formal proposal of the several parts before you handle each of them distinctly; nor is there need of such a set metliod: the unlearned and narrow understanding can take an easy view of the whole, vv'ithout the author's pointing to the several parts. But where the essay is prolonged to a greater extent, confu- sion grows iipon the reader almost at every page, with- out some scheme or method of successive heads in the discourse to direct the mind and aid the memory. Jf it be answered here. That neither such treatises nor sermons are a mere heap, for there is a just method observed in the composure, and the subjects are ranked in a j)roper order, it is easy to reply. That this method is so concealed, that a common reader or hearer can never find it; and you must suppose every one that pe- ruses such a book, and much more that attends such a discourse, to have some good knowledge of the art of logic before he can distinguish the various parts and branches, the connexions and transitions of it. To an unlearned eye or ear it appears a mere heap of good things, without any method, form, or order; and if you tell your young friends they should get it into their heads and hearts, they know not how to set about it. If we inquire how it comes to pass that our modern ingenious writers should affect this manner, I know no juster reason to give for it, than a humorous and wanton contempt of the customs and preaching of our forefa- thers: a sensible disgust taken at some of their mistakes and ill conduct at first tempted a vain generation into the contrary extreme near sixty years ago; and now, even to this day, it continues too much in fashion, so that the wise, as well as the weak, are ashamed to oppose it, and are borne down with the current. Our fathers formed their sermons much upon the model of doctrine, reason, and use: and perhaps there is no one method of more universal service, and more easily applicable to most subjects, though it is not neces- sary or proper in every discourse; but the very names of doctrine and use are become now-a-days such stale and BY PREACHING. 271 old fashioned things, that a modish preacher is quite ashamed of them; nor can a modish hearer bear the sound of those syllables. A direct and distinct address to the consciences of saints and sinners must not be named or mentioned, though these terms are scriptural, lest it should be hissed out of the church like the garb of a roundhead or a puritan. Some of our fathers have multiplied their particulars under one single head of discourse, and run up the tale of them to sixteen or seventeen. Culpable indeed, and too numerous! But in opposition to this extreme, we are almost ashamed in our age to say thirdly; and all fourthlies and fifthlies are very unfashionable words. Our fathers made too great account of tlie sciences of logic and metaphysics, and the formalities of defini- tion and division, syllogism and method, when they brought them so often into the pulpit; but we hold those arts so much in contempt and defiance, that we had rather talk a whole hour without order, and without edification, than be suspected of using logic or method in our discourses. Some of our falliers neglected politeness perhaps too much, and indulged a coarseness of style, and a rough or awkward pronunciation; but we have such a value for elegancy, and so nice a taste for what we call polite, that we dare not spoil the cadence of a period to quote a text of Scripture in it, nor disturb the harmony of our sentences to number or to name the heads of our discourse. And for tliis reason I have heard it hinted, that the name of Christ has been banished out of polite sermons, because it is a monosyllable of so many conso- nants and so harsli a sound. But after all, our fathers, with all their defects, and with all their weaknesses, preached the gospel of Christ to the sensilde instruction of whole parishes, to the con- version of sinners from the errors of their way, and the salvation of multitudes of souls. But it has been the late complaint of Dr. Edwards, and other worthy sons of the establislied church, that in too many pulpits now- a-days there are only heard some smooth declamations, while the hearers that were ignorant of the gospel 272 OF WRITING CONTROVERSIES. abide still without knowledge, and the profane sinners are profane still. O that divine grace would descend, and reform what is amiss in all the sanctuaries of the nation!* CHAPTER VII. OF WRITING BOOKS FOR THE PUBLIC. In the explication and distinction of words and things by definition and description, in the division of things into their several parts, and in the distribution of things into their several kinds, be sure to observe a just me- dium. We must not always explain and distinguish, define, divide, and distribute; nor must we always omit it: sometimes it is useless and impertinent, sometimes it is proper and necessary. There is confusion brought into our argimient and discourse by too many or by too few of these. One author plunges his reader into tlie midst of things without due explication of them; another jumbles together, without distinction, all tliose ideas wliicli have any likeness; a tliird is fond of explaining every word, and coining distinctions between ideas wiiicli have little or no difference; but each of these runs into extremes, for all tiiese practices are equal liinderances to clear, just, and useful knowledge. It is not a long train of rules, but observation and good judgmenr can teach us wlien to explain, define, and divide, and when to omit it. In the beginning of a treatise it is proper and neces- sary sometimes to premise some prfficognita, or general principles, which may serve for an introduction to the * It appears by the dale at the bottom of this paper, in the manu- script, that it was written in the year 1718. The first and perhaps the denond section of it may seem now to be grown, in a great mea- sure, out of date; but whether the third is not at least as seasonable now as ever, may deserve serious consideration. The autlior has, since this was drawn up, delivered his sentiments more fully in the hrst i>art of that excellent piece, entitled " An Humble Attempt for the Revival of Religion," &.c. OF WRITING CONTROVERSIES. 273 subject in hand, and give light or strength to the fol- lowing discourse; but it is ridiculous, under a pretence of such introductions or prefaces, to wander to the most remote or distant themes, which have no near or neces- sary connexion with the thing in hand; this serves for no other purpose but to make a gaudy show of learn- ing. There was a professor of divinity who began an analytical exposition of the Epistle to the Romans with such prcBcognita as these: first he showed the excellence of man above other creatures, who was able to declare the sense of his mind by arbitrary signs: then he haran- gued upon the origin of speech; after that he told of the wonderful invention of writing, and inquired into tlie author of that art which tauglit us to paint sounds; when he had given us the various opinions of the learn- ed upon this point, and distributed writing into the sev- eral knids, and laid down definitions of them all, ut last he came to speak of epistolary writing, and distin- guished epistles into familiar, private, public, recom- mendatory, credential, and what not: tlience he descend- ed to speak of the superscription, subscription, &c.; and some lectures were finished before he came to the first verse of St. Paul's Epistle. Tlie auditors, being half starved and tired with expectation, dropped away one by one, so that the professor had scarce any hearer to attend the college or lectures which he had promised on that part of Scripture. The rules whicli Horace has given in his Art of Poe- try would instruct many a preacher and professor of theology, if they would but attend to them. He informs us that a wise antlior, such as Homer, who writes a poem of the Trojan war, would not begin a long and far distant story of Jupiter, in the form of a swan, im- pregnating Leda with a double egg; from one part whereof Helen was hatched, who was married to Mene- laus, a Greek general, and then stolen from him by Paris, son of Priam, king of Troy; v/hich awakened the resentment of the Greeks against the Trojans: Nee gemino bellum Trojaiuun orditur ab ovo. But the writer, says he, makes all proper haste to the event of things, and does not drag on slowly, perpetu- 274 OF WRITING CONTROVERSIES. ally turning aside from his point, and catching at every incident to prolong his story, as though he wanted matter to furnish out his tale: Semper ad eventum festinat. Though I must confess I cannot think Homer has always followed this rule in either of his two famous epic poems; but Horace does not hear wliat I say. There is also another rule near akin to the former. As a writer or speaker should not wander from his subject to fetch in foreign matter from afar, so neither should he amass together and drag in all that can be said, even on his appointed theme of discourse; but he should consider wliat is his chief design, wliat is the end he liath in view, and then to make every part of his discourse subserve tiiat design. If he keep liis great end always in his eye, he will pass hastily over those parts or appendages of his subject whicli have no evi- dent connexion with his design; or he will entirely omit them, and hastefn continually toward his intended mark, employing his time, his study, and labour, chiefly on the part of liis subject whicli is most necessary to attain his present and proper end. This might be illustrated by a multitude of examples; but an author who would iieap them together on such an occasion miglit be in danger of becoming himself an example of the impertinence he is cautioning others to avoid. After you have finished any discourse whicli you de- sign for the public, it would be always best, if other cir- cumstances would permit, to let it sleep some time be- fore you expose it to the world, that so you may have opportunity to review it with the indifference of a stranger, and to make the whole of it pass under a new and just examination: for no man can judge so justly of his own work, while tlie pleasure of his invention and performance is fresh, and has engaged his self-love too much on the side of what he has newly finished. If an author would send a discourse into the world which should be most universally approved, he should consult persons of very different genius, sentiment, and party, and endeavour to learn their opinions of it: in \ OF WRITING CONTROVERSIES. 276 the world it will certainly meet with all these. Set it therefore to view among several of your acquaintance first, who may survey the argument on all sides, and one may happen to suggest a correction which is en- tirely neglected by others; and be sure to yield yourself to the dictates of true criticism and just censure where- soever you meet with them, nor let a fondness for what you have written blind your eyes against the discovery of your own mistakes. Wiien an author desires a friend to revise his work, it is too frequent a practice to disallow almost every cor- rection which a judicious friend shall make. He apolo- gizes for this word, and the other expression; he vindi- cates this sentence, and gives his reasons for another paragraph, and scarcely ever submits to correction; and thus utterly discourages the freedom that a true friend would take in pointing out our mistakes. Such writers, who are so full of themselves, may go on to admire their own incorrect performances, and expose their works and their follies to the world without pity.* Horace, in his Art of Poetry, talks admirably well on this subject: Quintilio si quid recitares, Corrige, sodes, Hoc, aiebat, et hoc: melius te posse negares, Bis terque expertum frastra, delere jubebat, Et male lornatos incudi reddere versus. Si defendere delictum, quam vertere, malles; Nullum ultra verbum, aut operam insuraebat inanem, Q.uiu sine rivali teque et tua solus amares. Let good Q,uintilius all your lines revise, And he will freely say. Mend this, and this. Sir, I have often tried, and tried again, I'm sure I can't do better; 'tis in vain. Then blot out ev'ry word, or try once more, And file these ill turn'd verses o'er and o'er. But if you seem in love with your own thought, More eager to defend than mend your fault, He says no more, but lets the fop go on, And rival-free admire his lovely own. Creech. * To cut off such chicanery, it may perhaps be the most expe- dient for a person consulted on such an occasion, to note down in a distinct paper, with proper references, the advised alterations, re ferriug it to the author to make such use of them as he, ou due de- liberation, shall think fit. 276 OP WRITING CONTROVERSIES. If you have not the advantage of friends to survey your writirurs, then read them over yourself, and all the way consider what will be the sentence and judgment of all tiie various characters of mankind upon them: think what one of your own party would say, or what would be the sense of an adversary: imagine what a curious or malicious man, what a captious or an envious critic, what a vulgar or a learned reader would object, either to tlie matter, the manner, or the style; and be sure and think with yourself what you yourself could say against your own writing, if you were of a ditferent opinion or a stranger to the writer: and by these means you will obtain some hints whereby to correct and im- prove your own work, and to guard it better against the censures of the public, as well as to render it more use- ful to that part of mankind for whom you chietly de- sign it. CHAPTER VIII. OF WRITIKG AND READING CONTROVERSIES. Sect. I. Of writing Controversies. When a person of good sense writes on any contro- verted subject, he will generally bring the strongest ar- guments that are usually to be found for the support of his opinion; and when that is done, he will represent the most powerful objections against it in a fair and can- did manner, giving them their full force; and at last will put in such an answer to those objections as he thinks will dissipate and dissolve the force of the.n: and herein the reader will generally find a full view of thvi contro- versy, together w ith the main strength of argument on both sides. When a good writer has set forth his own opinion at large, and vindicated it with its fairest and strongest proofs, he shall be attacked by some pen on the other side of the question: and if his opponent be a wise and OF WRITING CONTROVERSIES. 277 eensib'e writer, he will show the best reasons why tJie former opinions cannot be true; that is, he will draw out the objections against them in their fullest array, in order to destroy what he supposes a mistaken opinion; and here we may reasonably suppose tiiat an opponent will draw up his objections against the supposed error in a brighter light, and witli stronger evidence than the first writer did. who propounded his opinion, which was contrary to those objections. If, in the third place, the first writer answers his op- ponent with care and diligence, and maintains his own point against the objections which were raised in the best manner; the reader may then generally presume, that in these three pieces he has a complete view of the controversy; together with the most solid and pow- erful arguments on both sides of the debate. But when a fourth, and fifth, and sixth volume appears in rejoinders and replies, we cannot reasonably expect any great degrees of light to be derived from them, or that much further evidences for truth should be found in them; and it is sufficiently evident, from daily expe- rience, that many mischiefs attend this prolongation of controversies among men of learning, which, for the most part, do injury to the truth, either by turning the attention of the reader quite away from the original point to otlier matters, or by covering the truth with a multitude of occasional incidents and perplexities, which serve to bewilder rather than guide a faithful inquirer. Sometimes, in these latter volumes, the writers on both sides will hang upon little words and occasional expressions of their opponent, in order to expose them, which have no necessary connexion with the grand point in view, and which have nothing to do with the debated truth. Sometimes they will spend many a page in vindica- ting their own character, or their own little sentences or accidental expressions, from the remarks of their opponent, in which expressions or remarks the original truth has no concern. And sometimes again you shall find even writers of igood sense, who have happened to express themselves 24 278 OP WRITING CONTROVERSIES. in an improper and indefensible manner, led away by the fondness of self-love to justify those expressions, and vindicate those little lapses they were guilty of, rather than they will condescend to correct those little mistakes, or recall those improper expressions. O that we would put off our pride, our self-sufficiency, and our infallibility, when we enter into a debate of truth! But if the writer is guilty of mingling these things with this grand argument, happy will that reader be who has judgment enough to distinguish them, and to neglect every thing that does not belong to the original theme proposed and disputed. Yet here it may be proper to put in one exception to this general observation or remark, namely, When the second writer attacks only a particular or collateral opinion which was maintained by the first, then the fourth writing may be supposed to contain a necessary part of the complete force of the argument, as well as the second and third, because the first writing only oc- casionally or collaterally mentioned that sentiment which the second attacks and opposes; and in such a case the second may be esteemed as the first treatise on tliat con- troversy. It would take up too much time should we mention instances of tliis kind which might be pointed to in most of our controversial writers, and it mijrht be invidious to enter into the detail.* * Upon this it may be remarked farther, that there is a certain spi- rit of modesty and of benevolence, which never fails to adorn a wri- ter on such occasions, and which generally does him much more ser- Tice in the judgment of wise and sensible men, than any poignancy of satire with which he might be able to animate his productions; and as this always appears amiable, so it is peculiarly charming when the opponent shows that pertness and petulaiicy which is so very common on such occasions. When a writer, instead of pursuing with eager resentment the antagonist that has given him such provo- cation, calmly attends to the main question in debate, with a noble negligence of those little advantages which ill nature and ill manner* always give, he acquires a glory far superior to any Iropliies whicii wit can raise. And it is highly probable that the solid instruction his pages may contain will give a continuance to his writings far be- yond what tracts of peevish controversy are to expect, of which the much greater part are borne away into oblivion by the wind they raise, or burned in their own flame. OF READING CONTROVERSIES. 279 Sect. II. Of reading Controversies. When we take a book into our hands wherein any doctrine or opinion is printed in a way of argument, we are too often satisfied and determined beforehand whether it be right or wrong; and if we are on the writer's side, we are generally tempted to take his arguments for solid and substantial. And thus our own former sentiment is established more powerfully, without a sincere search after truth. If we are on the other side the question, we then take it for granted that there is nothing of force in these ar- guments, and we are satisfied with a short survey of the book, and are soon persuaded to pronounce mistake, weakness, and insufficiency concerning it. Multitudes of common readers, who are fallen into any error, when they are directed and advised to read a treatise that ! would set them right, read it with a sort of disgust which they have before entertained; they skim lightly over the arguments, they neglect or despise the force of them, and keep their own conclusion firm in their assent, and thus maintain their error in the midst of light, and grow incapable of conviction. But if we would indeed act like sincere searchers of j the truth, we should survey every argument with a care- ful and unbiassed mind, whether it agree with our for- mer opinion or no: we should give every reasoning its I full force, and weigh it in our sedatest judgment. Now ' the best vay to try what force there is in the arguments which are brought against our own opinions, is to sit down and endeavour to give a solid answer, one by one, to every argument which the author brings to sup- port his own doctrine: and in this attempt, if we find there some arguments which we are not able to answer fairly to our own minds, we should then begin to be- think ourselves whether we have not hitherto been in a mistake, and whether the defender of the contrary sen- timents may not be in the right. Such a method as I this will effectually forbid us to pronounce at once ' against those doctrines and those writers which are con- trary to our sentiments; and we shall endeavour to find 260 OP READING CONTROVERSIES. solid arguments to refute their positions, before we en- tirely establish ourselves in a contrary opinion. Volatilis had given himself up to the conversation of the freethinkers of our age, upon all subjects; and being pleased with the wit and appearance of argu- ment, in some of our modern deists, had too easily de- serted the Christian faith, and gone over to the camp of the infidels. Among other books which were recom- mended him, to reduce him to the faith of the Gospel, he had Mr. John Reynolds's three Letters to a Deist put into his hand, and was particularly desired to peruse the third of them with the utmost care, as being an un- answerable defence of the truth of Christianity. He took it in hand, and after having given it a short sur- vey, he told his friend he saw nothing in it but the com- mon arguments which we all use to support the religion in whicii we had been educated; but tliey wrouglit no conviction in him; nor did he see sufficient reason to believe that the Gospel c? Christ was not a piece of enthusiasm, or a mere imposture. Upon this, the friend who recommended Mr. Rey- nolds's three letters to his study, being confident of the force of truth which lay there, entreated Volatilis that he would set himself down with diligence, and try to answer Mr. Reynolds's third letter in vindication of the Gospel; and that he would show under every head how the several steps which were taken in the propagation of the Christian religion might be the natural effects of imposture or enthusiasm, and, consequently, that it deserves no credit amongst men. Volatilis undertook the work, and, after he had en- tered a little way into it, found himself so bewildered, and his arguments to prove the apostles either enthusi- asts or impostors so muddled, so perplexed, and so in- conclusive, that, by a diligent review of this letter to the deists, at last he acknowledged himself fully con- vinced that the religior' of Jesus was divine: for that Christian author had made it appear it was impossible that that doctrine should have been propagated in the world by-sinipiicity or forty, by fraud or falsehood; and OF READING C OKTROVERSIES. 281 accordingly he resigned his soul up to the gospel of the blessed Jesas. I fear there have been multitudes of such unbelievers as Volatilis; and he himself has confessed to me, that even his most rational friends would be constrained to yield to the evidence of the Christian doctrine, if they would honestly try the same method. QUESTIONS TJPOJf AVATTS» IMPROVEMENT OF THE MIND. Y J. S. DENMAN. INTRODUCTION. Page. 5— Why are all persons under some olilJL'ations to improve their undersMndingl What will overspread the uncultiva- ted mind ? How can know- ledge and skill be acquired? What do the various relations of life impose upon all per- sons? S— In what have all persons an important concern ? What appears to be the necessary duty and interest of all |)er- sons? What is the conse- quence of acting without thought or reason ? CHAPTER I. '—What does the first chapter contain ? What is required by the first rule? What should we review ? What would be the result? What should we consider as causes of the frailties and mistakes of the mind ? Why should we read works which treat of the doctrine of prejudices,&c.? ^Why should we realize our own ignorance ? What me- thods are mentioned in the third rule as sTiited to impress the mind with its imperfect degrees of knowledge 1 Paffp.. 9— What would be the conse- quence of i)ri(ling ourselves oa account of superficial attain- ments? What is the substance of the ftmrth rule ? 10— What is said, in the fifth rule, of reading? What gives good sense to the reader, and im|)roves his un— What are the teachings of the sixteenth rule 7 Mention some of the reasons and argu- ments given in this rule, for uniting industry, study, and devotion, in the pursuit of knowledge and true wisdom. CHAPTER n. SI- What five methods are men- tioned by which the mind is improved in knowledge? What is observation? What Pntre. do we gain In' observation from infancy ? Mention some fects which we know by ob- servation. When is observa- tion called experience ? Hovr do we know we have the power of thinking. fearingi&c? 22 — What does observation in- clude ? When is it called ex- periment? What is said of reading? What of lectures 1 What of conversation ? Is conversation always nuitually beneficial ? 23 — What does nieditation in- clude ? Mention some of the results of meditation. What | furnishes the mind with its first ideas ? On what does the foundation of knowledge deiiend ? What is said of the impossibility of being taught by n)en and books, if we had gained no knowledge, by ob- servation, of external objects, and the operations of our own minds ? 24 — What is the second advan- tage mentioned of obtaining | knowledge by observation? Why are ideas gained by ob- servation generally clearer and more distinct than those ac- quired by reading, conversa- tion, &c. Mention the third'* advantage of acquiring know- ledge by observation. What is said of the advantages of dj! reading ? 26 — Mention some of the advan- tages of gaining knowledge by means of lectures. 27— What of the advantages of conversation ? 28 — What is the second ad-K vantage mentioned? Third! %. Fourth? Fifth? 29— Sixth? Seventh? 30— Mention some of the bene- fits derived from meditation. QUESTIONS. 285 CEIAPTER III. I Paffe. >2— What is the subject of this chapter? Does observation, strictly speaking, include any reasonings of the mind "? Why are thoughts relating to rea- son included in the rules for observation 1 What should be our constant design in life? '3 — How can we acquire know- ledge by observation, when alone, in darkness and si- lence 1 How, when in compa- ny ? In the country 1 Whence should we derive instruction ? 4 — What should we learn from , the vicissitudes of individuals I and nations'? What from the coffin and funeral? The vices and follies of others 1 Their virtues? Deformity, distress, &c. ? What from our natural powers and faculties ? From our p:iins and sorrows? Sins and follies? Why should the laudable curiosity of the young be gratified ? i — What opportunities for ob servation should be given to the young? What observa tions should be written down, and for what purpose? What will be the effect of such prac- tice ? Should we ever neglect toimpr' disputant? 116— Of what should every op- ponent be solicitous? How should' all disputants clothe their thoughts ? What is here said of indulging in ridicule, jest, and merriment? What 292 QUESTIONS. Page. of sarcasm, insolent language, personal scandal, &c. ? 117 — What is here recommend- ed to both vanquished and victorious disputants ? 118 — Why does it seem neces- sary tliat these methods of disputation should be learned in schools ? CHAPTER XIV. 118— What has been establish- ed in some of the foregoing chapters? 119— What will do much of themselves toward the cult vation of the mind? Who has ail human aids concurring to raise him to a superior de- gree of wisdom and know- ledge ? What direction is here given to the young? With what would scholastic divinity furnish us ? 120 — Mention the substance of the third rule? What effect is liable to be produced on the mind, by its attempting to search out and comprehend matters far above its power " What is the substance of the fourth rule 1 What should be observed in learning any thing new ? 121 — How may the mind cope with great difficulties ? What is said of Mathon ? What of engaging the mind in too many things at once 1 What of a variety of studies ? Mention some studies which are es- teemed entertaining ? 122 — In the pursuit of know ledge what should we alway; keep in view ? In what man ner should we exert our skill and diligence ? Why are the fundamental truths of phi losophy and religion of the Page. highest importance ? Mention some of these prit;ciples? 123 — Why should we be very careful in examining all pro- positions which claim to be general principles ? Which are most important in the pur- suit of knowledge, practical points, or mere speculations? Of what should we be most careful in matters of practice ? What will advance us apace toward real misery? 124 — In what comj)arison are the interests of this world of small importance? Mention what is here stated relative to our religious inquiries? What is the substance of the eighth rule? Of the ninth rule ? 125 — How must things be con- sidered ? To what must we bring our understanding? What is here said of becom- ing strongly prejudiced in fa- vor of one study, and despis- ing others? 126 — What science shotild al- ways be regarded as of first importance? What will be secured by order and method? Mention the substance of the twelfth rule. Of the thir- teenth. 127 — Should we expect to arrive at certainty in every subject we pursue ? How should we balanceourarguments? What would prevent our ever form- ing a wise resolution ? To what are we bound to assent and act ? How should we ap- ply every study, however spe- cula tive? 128 — To what should researches in Natural Philosophy lead us? What advantage may be se- cured by pursuing nmthemat- ical speculations ? W^hat should guard us against re- QUESTIONS. 2d3 hage. jecting any revealed doctrine, though we cannot fully un- derstand it? When should we change our sentiments ? Is there equal necessity of our changing methods of study and practice? How is this illustrated ? CHAPTER XV. 129 — What is highly necessary in order to the improvement of the mind ? 130 — Why do we judge falsely of many things ? For what should we obtain a liking ? What is said of the study of mathematics ? Of history ? 131 — Mention the substance of the second rule. What is the objection to representing moral subjects by pictures? What authors should we read ? What is the substance of the fourth rule ? 132 — What counsel is given in the fifth rule ? In the sixth ? What considerations should serve to engage and fix the mind in the pursuit of know- ledge ? CHAPTER XVI. 1 133— Of What does this chapter I treat ? Mention the three ' things which go to make up that amplitude of mind which constitutes the noblest char- acter of the understanding? What is said of the mind which can readily take in vast and sublime ideas ? What is said of those whose minds have been confined to the connuon affairs of hfe ? j 134--Ho\v do persons who have I acquired such contracted hab- ' its of thought regard tlie most glorious and sublime truths? Page. What is the first step recom- mended to be taken for the re- lief of such minds ? 135— What might lead them to believe there are bodies ama- zingly great or small? How may such minds be taught to take in some of the vast di- mensions, spaces, and motions of the heavenly bodies ? 136— What writings are men- tioned as having a natural tendency to enlarge the ca- pacity of the mind, and famil- iarize it with sublime ideas? 137 — Where may some of the most exalted ideas, elevated language, and glorious descrip- tions be found? Of whom does this enlargement of mind lead us to form exalted concep tions? When will it entertain our thoughts with holy won- der and amazement ? Of whom beside God does this enlargement of mind enable us to form more just concep- tions ? 138— What ideas are here ad- vanced of the various ranks of beings ? Of whom shall we thus obtain more just ideas? What is a second evi- dence of the amplitude of the mind ? 139 — Who are justly charged with a narrowness of soul ? What is here said of those who have never travelled? How may this narrowness of mind be cured ? What causes the religious prejudices of ma- ny people ? 140— Who think it just to cen- sure all those severely whose religious opinions are difierent from their own ? How is this defect to be relieved? To what test should we bring all doctrines ? What will enlarge our charity toward others ? 294 QUESTIONS. Page. 142 — Mention a third qualifica- tion of the ani|ililiule of mind ? How does the ample mind survey subjects? What is a great im|)ediment to wisdom and ha|)i)iness? What is a sign of a large and capacious mind ? 143 — When are we in danger of passing a false judgment ? What things nuist necessarily be taken in view in order to determine whether an action is wise or fooUsh, good or evil? 144 — Do incompetent jjersons frequently pass judgments up- on |>rivate and public affairs? 145 — Why is it needful to i)OS- sess a capacious mind? Wh it is here said of the natural ca- pacity of mind V Who should apply themselves to arts and professions which are easily learned ? What of those whose minds are a little more capacious ? 146 — What makes a great man ? What should we labor to g i in ? To what should we accustom ourselves ? Mention what is said of one obscure idea ? What should we further con- sider? 147 — For what should we use all diligence ? How may we furnish ourselves with useful truths, axioms, and observa- tions to assist and direct our judgment ? To what should we continually inure our minds ? 148— W^hat is here said of the science of ontology ? How should we commence, and in what manner should we ad- vance in the acquisition of knowledge 1 149-By what process does the ge- ometrician obt iin that know- ledge and skill which enables Pacre. him to judge at one glance of the most complicated diagram? Is the advantage of this pro- gressive method confined to mathematical learning? What is here said of Plato, Locke, and others? Mention another means of acquiring amplitude of mind. Where may such difficult questions be found ? CHAPTER XVII. 150 — When are we said to re- member a thing ? Can we re- men)ber that of which we never had any knowledge ? What must be done in order to make our learning really u-eful ? What is here said of the excellency of the memory? 151 — How does the memory en- rich the mind ? What would the soul of man be without memory ? What is here said of the memory of hearers? Of speakers? What is said to give life and spirit to every- thing spoken ? 152 — Is a good memory- always united with a good judgment? Upon what does a gwid judg- ment in some measure de- pend ? How do we learn to judge of the future ? 153 — What is said of Penseroso? What advice relative to hasty judgment is here given to all? How are some persons of mod- erate abilities enabled to excel those of the brightest genius? Why is it that persons of a bright genius are often found to have but a feeble memory? 154 — What is here said of crowd- ing the memory and thus abus- ing other faculties of the mind? When may the mind be said to have large posses- sions but no true riches ? Men- tion Milton's simile of the QUESTIONS. 295 books of the Fathers. What are said to compose the intel- lectual possessions of the greatest purt of mankind ? 155— What constitute a wealthy and h.ippy mind ? What joys are mentioned as not belong- ing to mortality? 156 — What does the mind em- ploy in all its operations? How does it obtain a knowledge of external objects? What is here said of the memory ? Of the brain in early life? Whatdoes the improvementof the memory require? What is said of impressions made upon the mind ? What of persons of advanced agp ? How is the memory atfected ? 157 — What three cases are here mentioned of the influence of disease upon the mind ? What of impressions which are deeply engraven on the mind? Whnt prevents last- ing impressions from being made on the minds of aged persons ? Wh<;t may help to preserve the memory ? Whn t excesses may impair it ? Men- tion the four qualifications of a good memory? 158 — What general direction is here given for the improve- ment of the mental faculties ? How will the memory be im- proved or injured ? Why should words be remembered as well as things? What caution is here given ? 159— Should the memory be crowded with many ideas at one time? Why do those things which are read or heard make but a slight impression upon many minds ? Will sloth and indolence bless the mind with intellectual riches? Why does Vario treasure up but little knowledge ? Pnfre. 160— Why is it necessary to have distinct ideas of things ? How should everything we learn be conveyed to the un- derstanding ? Why do many forget what has been taught them ? 161 — What is essential in teach- ing the principles of religion to children ? What is the hap- piest way to furnish the mind with a variety of knowledge? 162 — Does the nmtual dei)end- ence of things aid the memo- ry? Why are some writings more easily learned than oth- ers? What is said to be a fault in some preachers ? What is here said of reviews and abridgments ? 163 — Mention the practice of Mnemon. In what particular is the art of short-hand useful? 164 — What are we here coun- selled to avoid ? What is a mostuseful manner of review? Mention the practice of Herme- tas. What is said greatly to assist the memory? What of the natural inclination of the learner? 165-How was Spectorius taught? What is said of teaching child- dren in rhyme and in way of play? 166 — Why have moral rules and precepts been written in rhyme ? 167— What is of great import- ance in aiding the memory? Mention the practice of Ma- ronides. OfAnimato. What is said of associating a new idea with time and place ? 168— What is said of associating kindred or similar ideas « What of contraries? Wha of local memory? What meant by local memory ? 169— What sense conveys th» most perfect ideas to the miiid 296 QUESTIONS. Page. Mention what Horace affirms of the si<,'ht. What is here said of the use of tables, dia- grams, maps, charts, &.C.? 170 — What is here said of wri- ting, map drawing, &.c. ? CHAPTER XVIII. 171 — Of what does this chapter treat ? What should we con- sider when a question is pro- posed V 172 — What should constitute a second suhjoct to be consider- ed? A third? A fourth ? 173— A fifth ? How may some questions be rendered less ob- scure ? What caution is given relative to new statements? What frequently goes a great way towiird answering a ques- tion ? In wliat does the great- est part of true knowledge He ? What often shows the mind where the truth lies? 174 — What caution is here giv- en relative to questions which relate to axioms, or first jirin- Ciples? What is insufficient to determine the truth of a proposition ? When may a proposition be considered an axiom? What should we observe in searching after truth in questions of a donbt- ful nature ? What is here said of inheriting opinions ? 175— What is the effect of in- heriting local truths, and be- coming i)ositive on proposi- tions whose evidence we have never examined? What is said of determining questions of difficulty and importance ? In examining objects of sense, when is the examination par- tial? When, in the examina- tion of those which are to be determined by reason ? .tye — When are examinations partial is ciestiooa depending Page. on human testimony? What is SHid of determining ques- tions by natural reason, where we might be assisted by reve- hition ? What of determining questions by doubtful revela- tions? What is the substance of the thirteenth rule? Of the fourteenth ? 177 — Of what should we take heed, and be watchful ? What is here related of the ancient Romans? What is said of the belief in good and evil omens, unlucky days, &.c.? What will tend to establish our minds in doubtful doctrines, and close theavenuesof future light? 178— Of whnt should we be zealous ? To what should our zeal be subject? What is here said of jest and ridicule ? What of raillery and wit? What of a silly practice? 17»— How may the strongest reasoning, the best sense, and the most obvious axioms be made to appear foolish and absurd? Does this deprive them of their real character? What is said of Euclid ? Of the moral and religious duties? 180 — To what is banter and rid- icule here compared ? What is here said to be a piece of contempt and profane inso- lence ? 181- What should alone influ- ence our opinions in contro- versies? What is oftentimes found to be true ? Who are usually most positive ? Whal has sometimes tempted men of learning to adopt these practices of the haughty and ignorant? When may wri- ters of good sense be allowed to use a degree of assurauco and confidence? 182 — Should we decide all ques- tions with one answer ? What QUESTIONS. ^97 Page. is here said of Cicero ? What is the substance of the twen- ty-first rule ? 183 — Substance of the twenty- second rule? What general rule should be observed ? 184 — What direction cannot be too often repeated ? Should we be required to give our as- sent where we have not suffi- cient evidence? 186 — What duties should exert most influence over our minds'? " What is here said of prayer and other Christian duties ? lb" — What is the substance of the fir-t rule for judging of probabilities ? Of the second ? Of the third ? 188 — What is here said of stand- ing firm in well established principles? Should we de- termine, positively, things wherein we may possibly mistake 1 Why are we lia- ble to err in our interpreta- tions of passages of scripture ? CHAPTER XIX. 189 — Of what does this chapter tcegnil What should first be considered in tracing effects to their causes 1 What shtnild be the second point of inquiry 1 .90— The third! The fourth 1 What should be the first point of inquiry in tracing causes to their effects 7 91— The second 1 The third ? The fourth 1 The fifth ? The sixth ? What is here said of \ the practice of physicians ? r92 — What is said of causes and effects which are neces- sarily connected ? CHAPTER XX. )2— What is the best way to le:irn any science '! Png-e. 193— To what should studenfe apply themselves? Are we cipable of judging^correclly of a science until we have taken a survey of the whole? Men- tion the illustration ? 194 — Why do some persons cast contempt on systematic learn- ing? What should be done after learning a short compen- dium of a science? When sliould we take a judicious review of the whole 1 Why do some persons waste their time in reading scientific treatises which are of little value? 195 — When are languages most easily learned .? W hat is here said of abstract sciences 1 Mention some of the sciences wliich are considered suitable for3'oung children ? Mention the first reason for considering that these sciences may be pursued by those of tender age with ease and advantage. What is the second reason 1 The third ? How is it best to train up children 1 What is here said of the use of dia- grams, &c. ? 196 — How may knowledge thtis obtained be retained in the memory ? 198 — Who should gain some idea of most of the sciences ? What parts of science should be chiefly studied at first? Of whom should the young ask advice? Name the three learned professions. Who should have some knowledge of each of these 1 199— What is said to be an an- gelic pleasure? Mention some of the advantages of mathe- matical studies. What are often made of admirable ser- vice iii human life? 200— What are the remarks of 298 QUESTIONS. PaffC. Dr. Cheyne in relation to the Hhstruse dei)ths and ditticul- ties of niatheiiiatics 7 What iiiiiy be made agreeable anmse- nients to all young persons? 201— How have many young persons secured their time from running to waste, pre vented foolish scenes and actions, and laid a foundation for the esteem and love of mankind? What is said of the study of history ? What are called the eyes of history V What is said of biography 1 Mention some of the l)enetits to be derived from reading biography. 202— What is here said of chris- tian biographies ? Uf what sciences sliould all persons have some knowledge ! 203— What does true logic teach us ? Metaphysics ? What is here said of the benefits to be derived from the study of natural philosophy, and na- tural liistory 1 204 — From what may much pleasure and profit be deriv- ed { What science eminent- ly belongs to physicians 1 What is here said of lawyers 1 Of divines? 205 — What science is here re- presented as worthy the study of a divine? Of what may we be irtformed by this sci- ence 1 206— What is the first part of natural religion V Second part 1 What is contained and necessarily implied in revealed religions .' Whom should we know, and what are we bound to jjractice un- der whatever dispensation we live? 207— What is said to be needful to prove the truth of divine revelation most eflectually ? Paffe. What science is of most im porlance ? 208— Strictly speaking, what does the civil law signify 1 Whence did the Romans ob- tain their laws ? What was called the body of the civil law ? With what law is it most important we should be acquainted ? Who (kfined the law of nature to be " the ■ knowledge of right and wrong ' among men" ? 210— Who is said to be the great master of physicians ? With what book should theologians be most conversant ? 213 — How are all mankind taught to speak their common tongue ? What is granunar 1 Rhetoric? Mention the first part of rhetoric. The second. The third. 214— What rules may be peru- sed and learned with great advantage ? What will do more to make an orator than all the mles of art ? 215— What is the business of divines ? How should the understanding be convinced 1 When that is done what mo- tives should be used ? How may the world be restored to virtue and happiness ? 210 — Mention the first reason for reading poetry. The se- cond. What is said of the lyric ode ? 217 — Mention a third reason for reading jwetry ? 218— What is here said of Pope? Mention a fourth reason for reading poetry. 219— Wiiat is here said of wri- ting poetry ? What is the meaning of muse 7 What is necessary to enable us to read historv to advantage ? 220— What is criticism ? What I should all critics remember ? PART n INTRODUCTIOxV. Page. 821— What has been the chief design of the first part of this book ? What is to be consid- ered in the second parti Do those who hoard up their in- tellectual treasures enjoy the greatest advantage their pos- session is capable of yielding? How may intellectual treas- ures be made to giitter 1 Men- tion the two chief ways of conveying knowledge to oth- ers. CHAPTER I. 223 — Who is generally best pre- pared to teach 1 Are all good scholars successful instruc- tors 1 W h y must a com pe te n t teacher have a good command of language 1 What is said of the disposition of the teach- er 1 225— What is here said of his- torical remarks, and of joining profit and pleasure 1 226— What should be the style of instructors ? What is here said of questioning learners ? !J27— To what should teachers accommodate themselves 1 What is here said of curiosi- Pa^e. ty 1 Of commendatory' words 1 228 — What course should be pursued with positive and pre- suming pupils ? What should the teacher watch ? How shocld he strive to instil know- ledge into the minds of his pupils 1 What faculties of the mind should the teacher endeairor to call into exercise! What of uncommon occur- rences ? 229 — How may the affections and attention of pupils be se- cured 1 CHAPTER II. 229 — Of what does this chapter treat 1 What style is most fit and useful for instrnction ? 230— What is the first error of style to be avoided 1 The second 1 What is said of learned terms ? What of the lovers of geometry and astron- omy 1 231— Mention a third error to be avoided, A fourth. Fifth. 232— A sixth. What is the first method mentioned for acquir- ing a perspicuity of style suit- able for instruction 1 The second ? 800 QUESTIONS. CHAPTER III. Poi Page. 233— The third ? 234— The fourth ? Fifth 1 Sixth ? 235— Of what should we divest ourselves in order to iiroiiiote truth ? What should we seek to acquire ? What is the first thing to be observed ? 236— The second ? The third ? What must be flattered ? Why ? 237— VVhat should we always reiueniber? Why should we set a constint w.itch over our- selves? To what is human nature likened? What does a wrathful spirit beget in oth- ers? How sh ,uld we treat opponents? Why is there sf) little success in convincing disputants ? 238 — May we reasonably hope to convince others of their 24 mistakes or errors by persecu tion or severe usage ' Car men believe what they will? Mention the sixth direction to be observed in convincing oth- ers of any truth. The seventh. The eighth. 23»— The ninth. 240— The tenih. What is the substance of the first conclu- ding remark? 241— Of the second ? CHAPTER IV. 242— Of what does this chapter treat ? From what sources do we derive our sentiments and belief? To what head may these influences be reduced ? 843- What is frequently a hin- drance to learners? Why? Has human authority any cer- tain and undoubted claim to truth? What ancient andi long established doctrine was refuted by Sir Isaac Newton ?| What is here said of the poems of Homer and Virgil ? 244 — What would furnish a poem of jnst and glorious scenes ". What must we do in many cases in order to find out the truth ? What is here said of three eminent cases of authority? What is the case first mentioned ? 245 Are children bound toadopt all the opinions of their pa- rents? 246 — Is any individual or society commissioned with authority to dictate opinions toothers of mature years? In what cases may we be justly charged with criminal sloth ? Men- tion a second case of author- ity which must govern our as- sent? What is this usually call ed ? When shfuild testimony operate most forcibly on our minds ? Should we readily yield our assent to the most forcible testimony without fairly examining its claims to credibility ? 248-Mention a third case where- in authority nuist govern us. Of whom is this properly the authority? When are all man kind bound to receive the doc trines of divine revelation? Has God ever given any reve lations which are contrary to the dictates of reason ? 249 — Mention, again, the three cases wherein authority must determine our sentiments. 250— What is the first case in which we should pay great deference to the authority and sentiments of others ? The second ? Third ? Fourth ? Fifth ? 251 — Under what circumstances should we follow probabili- ties? QUESTIONS. 801 CHAPTER V. Page. 251— Why is it so difficult to convince otiiers of common mistakes, or to persuade tliem to assent to plain and obvious truths 1 252— What is the first method to be practised in order to convince those whose preju- dices are strong 1 253— The second 1 254 — What were the principles of the Peripatetics ? What was the belief of the Platon- istsl How may these be- lievers in substantial forms and a universal soul, be led to give up their notions 1 How may a person be convinced of his error, who is fully per- suaded there is nothing but what has length, breadth, and thickness 7 256— Why may we ever dis- pense with the rule which requires different ideas to be expressed by different words ? What is the third method to be practised ? CHAPTER VI. 260 — Mention the principal ideas advanced in the first section of this chapter. 265— What are the chief ideas advanced in the second sec- tion ? 267 — What ideas are advanced in section third 1 CHAPTER Vn. 272 — Of what should every wri- ter observe a just mediiun?! Paffe. What will teach us when to explfin, define, &c. ? 273 — What rule of Horace is here given 7 274 — On what should the study, time, and labor of every wri- ter be chiefly employed ? What is here said of consult- ing the opinions of others, and reviewing our own pro- ductions 1 276 — How may we obtain hints for improving our own wri- tings ? CHAPTER VIII. 276— What should be the first thing done by a good writer on any controverted subject ? The second ? The third ? What will be the course of an able opponent ? 277 — If the first writer answers his opponent in an able man- ner, what may the reader gen- erally presume ? What is usually the eflect of greatly prolonged controversies ? 278 — What exception is here given ? Substance of note ? 279 — How should the sincere searcher for truth survey every argument 1 What is the best way to try the force of arguments which are brought against our opinions 1 What if we find arguments which we are not able to an- swer 1 280— What is here said of Vola- tilis? ( ^ Los Angeles This book b DUE on the last date stamped below. — . ^\a^'^'^ i f'OCT i999 OCT 3 2000 315 iilllilllilM i 3 1158 00701 5091