GIFT OF heodore Benedict Lyinan /sj"? WORKS of Professor MANSFIELD MERMAN PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS, 43-45 East Nineteenth Street, New York. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED. Elements of Sanitary Engineering. For the use of Engineering Students and Municipal Officers. Octavo, cloth. Price $2.00. Treatise on Hydraulics. A Text-book for Students and a Manual for Engineers. Octavo, cloth. Price $4.00. Elements of Precise Surveying and Geodesy. For the use of Students and Civil Engineers. Octavo, cloth. Price $2.50. Text-book on the Method of Least Squares. Octavo, cloth. En- larged edition. Price $2.00. Mechanics of Materials and of Beams, Columns, and Shafts. Octavo, cloth. Enlarged edition. Price $4.00. Strength of Materials. An Elementary Text-book for Manual Training Schools. Duodecimo, cloth. Price $1.00. Text-book on Roofs and Bridges. By Professors MERRIMAN and JACOBY. In Four Parts. Octavo, cloth. PART I. Stresses in Simple Trusses. Price $2.50. PART II. Graphic Statics. Price $2.50. PART II J, Bridge Design. Price $2.50. PART IV. Higher Structures. Price $2. 50. Handbook for Surveyors. By Professors MERRIMAN and BROOKS. Pocket-book form, morocco. Price $2.00. Higher Mathematics. A Text-book for Classical and Engineering Colleges. Edited by Professors MERRIMAN and WOODWARD. Octavo, cloth. Price $5.00. A TEXT-BOOK ON THE MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND OF BEAMS, COLUMNS, AND SHAFTS. v >;.** ;.' -..' ;\ ;'>; ; MANSFIELD MERRIMAN, PROFESSOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING IN LEHIGH UNIVERSITY. NINTH EDITION, REVISED. FOURTH THOUSAND. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED. 1903. COPYRIGHT, 1885, 1890, 1895, 'MANSFIELD ' M'ERRIMAN. G'*c r r r e I TT ^ T v <^ \ c\ ROBERT DRUMHONO, KLECTROTYPBR AND PRINTER, NBW YORK PREFACE. The following pages contain an elementary course of study in the resistance of materials and the mechanics of beams, columns and shafts, designed for the use of classes in technical schools and colleges. It should be preceded by a good train- ing in mathematics and theoretical mechanics, and be followed by a special study of the properties of different qualities of materials, and by detailed exercises in construction and design. As the plan of the book is to deal mainly with the mechanics of the subject, extended tables of the results of tests on different kinds and qualities of materials are not given. The attempt, however, has been made to state average values of the quanti- ties which express the strength and elasticity of what may be called the six principal materials. On account of the great variation of these values in different grades of the same material the wisdom of this attempt may perhaps be questioned, but the experience of the author in teaching the subject during the past eleven years has indicated that the best results are attained by forming at first a definite nucleus in the mind of the student, around which may be later grouped the multitude of facts necessary in his own particular department of study and work. As the aim of all education should be to develop the powers of the mind rather than impart mere information, the author has endeavored not only to logically set forth the principles and theory of the subject, but to so arrange the matter that students will be encouraged and required to think for them- selves. The problems which follow each article will be found iii M23925 IV PREFACE. useful for this purpose. Without the solution of many numer- ical problems it is indeed scarcely possible for the student to become well grounded in the theory. The attempt has been made to give examples, exercises, and problems of a practical nature, and also of such a character as to clearly illustrate the principles of the theory and the methods of investigation. MANSFIELD MERRIMAN. SOUTH BETHLEHEM* PA., December, 1889. NOTE TO THE NINTH EDITION. The sixth edition contained double the matter of previous ones, Chapters VIII to XI being new. In the seventh edi- tion Arts. 6 1, 62, 117, 1 1 8, 149, 150, and 151 were rewritten. In the eighth edition medium steel was substituted for wrought iron in the discussion of all rolled I beams. In this edition all known errors have been corrected and some former state- ments and problems replaced by better ones. New matter on eccentric loads on columns will be found in Art. 62, on formulas for repeated stresses in Art. 92, on spherical and cylindrical rollers in Arts. 106 and 107, on the oscillations of bars and beams under impact in Arts. 103 and m, on com- bined stresses in Art. 137, and on the International Associa- tion for Testing Materials in Art. 152, several of these articles being entirely rewritten. These changes and other minor ones have been made not only for the purpose of keeping the book abreast with modern progress, but also to better adapt it to the use of students and engineers. M. M. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGES RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS.... 1-21 Art. i. Average Weights. 2. Stresses and Deformations. 3. Experimental Laws. 4. Elastic Limit and Coefficient of Elasticity. 5. Tension. 6. Compression. 7. Shear. 8. Fac- tors of Safety and Working Stresses. CHAPTER II. PIPES, CYLINDERS, AND RIVETED JOINTS 22-35 Art. 9. Water and Steam Pipes. 10. Thin Cylinders and Spheres, u. Thick Cylinders. 12. Investigation of Riveted Joints. 13. Design of Riveted Joints. 14. Miscellaneous Exercises. CHAPTER III. CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS 36-84 Art. 15. Definitions. 16. Reactions of the Supports. 17. The Vertical Shear. 18. The Bending Moment. 19. Inter- nal Stresses and External Forces. 20. Experimental and Theoretical Laws. 21. The Two Fundamental Formulas. 22. Center of Gravity of Cross-sections. 23. Moment of Iner- tia of Cross-sections. 24. The Maximum Bending Moment. 25. The Investigation of Beams. 26. Safe Loads for Beams. 27. Designing of Beams. 28. The Modulus of Rupture. 29. Comparative Strengths. 30. Iron and Steel I Beams. 31. Iron and Steel Deck Beams. 32. Cast-iron Beams. 33. Gen- eral Equation of the Elastic Curve. 34. Deflection of Canti- lever Beams. 35. Deflection of Simple Beams. 36. Compar- ative Deflection and Stiffness'. 37. Relation between Deflec- tion and Stress. 38. Cantilever Beams of Uniform Strength. 39. Simple Beams of Uniform Strength. Vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PACKS RESTRAINED BEAMS AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. 85-110 Art. 40. Beams Overhanging One Support. 41. Beams Fixed at One End and Supported at the Other. 42. Beams Overhanging Both Supports. 43. Beams Fixed at Both Ends. 44. Comparison of Restrained and Simple Beams. 45. General Principles of Continuity. 46. Properties of Continuous Beams. 47. The Theorem of Three Moments. 48. Continuous Beams with Equal Spans. 49. Continuous Beams with Unequal Spans. 50. Remarks on the Theory of Flexure. CHAPTER V. COLUMNS OR STRUTS 111-134 Art. 51. Cross-sections of Columns. 52. General Princi- ples. 53. EULER'S Formula. 54. HODGKINSON'S Formu- las. 55. RANKINE'S Formula. 56. Radius of Gyration of Columns. 57. Investigation of Columns. 58. Safe Loads for Columns. 59. Designing of Columns. 60. The Straight- line Formula. 61. RITTER'S Rational Formula. 62. Ec- centric Loads. CHAPTER VI. TORSION AND SHAFTS I35-I43 Art. 63. The Phenomena of Torsion 64. The Funda- mental Formula for Torsion. 65. Polar Moments of Iner- tia. 66. The Constants of Torsion. 67. Shafts for Trans- mission of Power. 68. Round Shafts. 69. Hollow Shafts. 70. Miscellaneous Exercises. CHAPTER VII. COMBINED STRESSES 144-161 Art. 71. Combined Tension and Compression. 72. Stresses due to Temperature. 73. Combined Tension and Flexure. 74. Combined Compression and Flexure. 75. Shear Combined with Tension or Compression. 76. Com- CONTENTS. Vll PAGES bined Flexure and Torsion. 77. Combined Compression and Torsion. 78. Horizontal Shear in Beams. 79. Maxi- mum Internal Stresses in Beams. CHAPTER VIII. THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.. 162-196 Art. 80. Mean Constants. 81. Historical. 82. Testing Machines. 83. Timber. 84. Brick. 85. Cement and Mor- tar. 86. Stone. 87. Cast Iron. 88. Wrought Iron. 89. Steel. 90. Other Materials. 91. The Fatigue of Materials. 92. Repeated Stresses. CHAPTER IX. THE RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS 197-221 Art. 93. Sudden Loads and Impact. 94. The Modulus of Resilience. 95. External Work and Resilience. 96. Elastic Resilience of Beams. 97. Ultimate Resilience. 98. Early History of Resilience. 99. Modern Experiments. CHAPTER X. TENSION AND COMPRESSION 222-240 Art. ico. Elongation under own Weight. 101. Bar of Uniform Strength. 102. Longitudinal Impact. 103. Oscil- lations after Impact. 104. Centrifugal Stress. 105. Shrink- age of Hoops. 1 06. Spherical Rollers. 107. Cylindrical Rollers. 108. Eccentric Loads. CHAPTER XL FLEXURE OF BEAMS 241-271 Art. 109. The Work of Flexure, no. Static and Sudden Deflections, in. Deflection under Impact. m|. Oscilla- tions after Impact. 112. Pressure due to Impact. 113. Cen- trifugal Stress. 114. Live-load Velocity. 115. Work of the Vertical Shear. 116. Deflection due to Shearing. 117. Flex- ure and Compression. 118. Flexure and Tension. viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. PAGES SHEAR AND TORSION ,272-287 Art. 119. Stresses due to Shear. 120. Resilience under Shear. 121. The Coefficient of Elasticity. 122. Resilience under Torsion. 123. Hollow Shafts. 124. Shaft Couplings. 125. A Crank Pin and Shaft. 126. A Triple-crank Pin. CHAPTER XIII. APPARENT STRESSES AND TRUE STRESSES... 288-309 Art. 127. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. 128. Lateral Deformation. 129. True Tensile and Compressive Stresses. 130. Normal and Tangential Stresses. 131. Resultant Stresses. 132. The Ellipsoid of Stress. 133. The Three Principal Stresses. 134. A Numerical Case. 135. Maxi- mum Shearing Stresses. 136. The Ellipse of Stress. 137. Formulas for True Combined Stresses. CHAPTER XIV. STRESSES IN GUNS. 310-327 Art. 138. LAMP'S Formulas. 139. A Solid Gun. 140. A Compound Cylinder. 141. CLAVARINO'S Formulas. 142. BIRNIE'S Formulas. 143. Hoop Shrinkage. 144. Hooped Guns. CHAPTER XV. PLATES, SPHERES, AND COLUMNS.. . 328-343 Art. 145. Circular Plates. 146. Elliptical Plates. 147. Rectangular Plates. 148. Hollow Spheres. 149. Experi- ments on Columns. 150. EULER'S Modified Formula. 151. The Deflection of Columns. APPENDIX 344-362 International Association for Testing Materials. The Ve- locity of Stress. Advanced Problems. Answers to Prob- lems. Description of Tables. Tables of Logarithms, Squares, and Circles. Weights of Wrought-iron Bars. INDEX , 363-368 CONTENTS. IX TABLES. PAGES Average Weights and Specific Gravities i Constants for Tension 9 Tensile Test of a Wrought-iron Bar 1 1 Constants for Compression 14 Constants for Shearing 15 Factors of Safety 1 8 Centers of Gravity of Cross-sections 52 Moments of Inertia of Cross-sections 53 Properties of I Beams 65 Properties of Deck Beams 67 Cantilever Beams and Simple Beams 79 Cantilever, Simple, and Restrained Beams 95 Continuous Beams with Equal Spans 104, 105 Average Constants for Columns 122 Radii of Gyration of Cross-sections 1 23 The Straight-line Column Formula f . . . . 128 Experiments on Rupture of Columns 130 Weights and Coefficients of Expansion 163 Elastic Limits and Coefficients of Elasticity 163 Ultimate Tensile and Compressive Strengths 164 Ultimate Shearing Strength and Modulus of Rupture 164 Strength of Timber 171 Strength of Cement and Mortar 175 Strength of Stone 177 Strength of Wrought Iron 183 Strength of Steel 187 Ultimate Resilience of a Steel Bar 206 Velocities of Stress 347 Logarithms of Numbers 356 Squares of Numbers 358 Areas of Circles 360 Weights of Wrought-iron Bars 362 Evolvi varia problemata. In scientiis enim ediscendis prosunt exempla magis quam praecepta. Qua de causa in his fusius expatiatus sum. NEWTON. Nous avons pour but, non dc donner un traitecomplet, mais de montrer, par dcs exemples simples et varies, I'utilit6 et 1'im- portance de la theorie mathematique de 1'elasticite. LAM* MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. CHAPTER I. THE RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. ARTICLE i. AVERAGE WEIGHTS. The principal materials used in engineering constructions are timber, brick, stone, cast iron, wrought iron, and steeJ. The following table gives their average unit-weights and aver- age specific gravities. Average Weight. Material. Average Specific Gravity. Pounds per Cubic Foot. Kilos per Cubic Meter. Timber 4 600 0.6 | Brick 125 2000 2.0 Stone TOO 2 560 2.6 Cast Iron 450 7 200 7.2 Wrought Iron 480 7700 7-7 Steel 49 7 800 7.8 These weights, being mean or average values, should be care- fully memorized by the student as a basis for more precise knowledge, but it must be noted that they are subject to more or less variation according to the quality of the material. Brick, for instance, may weigh as low as 100, or as high as 150 pounds per cubic foot, according as it is soft or hard pressed* RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. I. Unless otherwise stated the above average values will be used in the examples and problems of this book. In all engineering reference books are given tables showing the unit-weights far different qualities of the above six principal materials, and also for copper, lead, glass, cements, and other materials used in construction. \ For\cpiji^*4t4ng the weights of bars, beams, and pieces of uni- t t e form < cross-section,. J:he following approximate simple rules will A I ii' bft^n, be; fauhd^CenVenient. A wrought iron bar one square inch in section and one yard long weighs ten pounds. Steel is about two per cent heavier than wrought iron. Cast iron is about six per cent lighter than wrought iron. Stone is about one-third the weight of wrought iron. Brick is about one-fourth the weight of wrought iron. Timber is about one-twelfth the weight of wrought iron. For example, consider a bar of wrought iron i X 3 inches and 12 feet long; its cross-section is 4.5 square inches, hence its weight is 45 X 4 = 180 pounds. A steel bar of the same dimensions will weigh 180 + 0.02 X 180 = about 184 pounds, and a cast iron bar will weigh 180 0.06 X 180 about 169 pounds. By reversing the above rules the cross-sections of bars are readily computed from their weights per yard. Thus, if a stick of timber 15 feet long weigh 120 pounds, its weight per yard is 24 pounds, and its cross-section is 12 X 2.4 = about 28.8 square inches. Problem I. How many square inches in the cross-section of a wrought iron railroad rail weighing 24 pounds per linear foot ? In a steel rail? In a wooden beam? Prob. 2. Find the weights of a wooden beam 6x8 inches in section and 13 feet long, of a steel bar one inch in diameter and 13 feet long, and of a common brick 2X4 inches and 8 inches long. ART. 2. STRESSES AND DEFORMATIONS. 3 ART. 2. STRESSES AND DEFORMATIONS. A 'stress ' is a force which acts in the interior of a body and resists the external forces which tend to change its shape. If a weight of 400 pounds be suspended by a rope, the stress in the rope is 400 pounds. This stress is accompanied by an elongation of the rope, which increases until the internal molec- ular stresses or resistances are in equilibrium with the exterior weight. Stresses are measured in pounds, tons, or kilograms. A 'unit-stress' is the amount of stress on a unit of area; this is expressed either in pounds per square inch, or in kilograms per square centimeter. Thus, if a rope of two square inches cross- section sustains a stress of 400 pounds, the unit-stress is 200 pounds per square inch, for the total stress must be regarded as distributed over the two square inches of cross-section. A ' deformation ' is the amount of change of shape of a body caused by the external forces. If a load be put on a column its length is shortened, and the amount of shortening is a deformation. So in the case of the rope, the amount of elongation is a deformation. Deformations are generally meas- ured in inches, or centimeters. The word ' strain ' is often used in technical literature as synonymous with stress, and sometimes it is also used to desig- nate the deformation, or change of shape. On account of this ambiguity the word will not be employed in this book. Three kinds of simple stress are produced by forces which tend to change the shape of a body. They are, Tensile, tending to pull apart, as in a rope. Compressive, tending to push together, as in a column. Shearing, tending to cut across, as in punching a plate. The nouns corresponding to these three adjectives are Tension, Compression, and Shear. The stresses which occur in beams, 4 RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. I. columns, and shafts are of a complex character, but they may always be resolved into the three kinds of simple stress. The first effect of an applied force is to cause a deformation. This deformation receives a special name according to the kind of stress which accompanies it. Thus, Tension produces an elongation. Compression produces a shortening. Shear produces a detrusion. This change of shape is resisted by the stresses between the molecules of the body, and as soon as these internal resistances balance the exterior forces the change of shape ceases and the body is in equilibrium. But if the external forces be increased far enough the molecular resistances are finally overcome and the body breaks or ruptures. In any case of simple stress in a body in equilibrium the total internal stresses or resistances must equal the external applied force. Thus, in the above instance of a rope from which a weight of 400 pounds is suspended, let it be imagined to be cut at any section ; then equilibrium can only be main- tained by applying at that section an upward force of 400 pounds ; hence the stresses in that section must also equal 400 pounds. In general, if a steady force P produce either ten- sion, compression, or shear, the total stress produced is also P+ for if not equilibrium does not obtain. In such cases, then, the word * stress ' may be used to designate the external force as well as the internal resistances. Tension and Compression are similar in character but differ in regard to direction. A tensile stress in a bar occurs when two forces of equal intensity act upon its ends, each in a direc- tion away from the other. In compression the direction of the forces is reversed and each acts toward the bar. Evidently a simple tensile or compressive stress in a bar is to be regarded as evenly distributed over the area of its cross-section, so that ART. 2. STRESSES AND DEFORMATIONS. 5 if P be the total stress in pounds and A the area of the cross- P section in inches, the unit-stress is -j in pounds per square inch. A Shear requires the action of two forces exerted in parallel planes and very near together, like the forces in a pair of shears, from which analogy the name is derived. Here also the total shearing stress P is to be regarded as distributed P uniformly over the area A, so that the unit-stress is -r- And A conversely if ^S represent the uniform unit-stress the total stress Pis AS. In any case of simple stress acting on a body let P be the total stress, A the area over which it is uniformly distributed, and 5 the unit-stress. Then, (i) P=AS. Also let A be the total linear deformation produced by the stress, / the length of the bar, and s the deformation per unit of length. Then this deformation is to be regarded as uni- formly distributed over the distance /, so that also, (i)' \ = Is. The laws implied in the statement of these two formulas are confirmed by experiment, if the stress be not too great. Unit-stress in general will be denoted by 5, whether it be tension, compression, or shear. S, will denote tensile unit- stress,. S c compressive unit-stress, and S t shearing unit-stress, when it is necessary to distinguish between them. Prob. 3. A wrought iron rod ij inches in diameter breaks under a tension of 67610 pounds. Find the breaking unit- stress. Prob. 4. If a cast-iron bar i X 2 inches in size breaks under a tension of 60 ooo pounds, what tension will break a bar if X if inches in size? RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. L ART. 3. EXPERIMENTAL LAWS. Numerous tests or experiments have been made to ascertain the strength of materials and the laws that govern stresses and deformations. The resistance of a rope, for instance, may be investigated by suspending it from one end and applying weights to the other. As the weights are added the rope will be seen to stretch or elongate, and the amount of this deforma- tion may be measured. When the load is made great enough the rope will break, and thus its ultimate tensile stress is- known. For stone, iron, or steel, special machines, known as testing machines, have been constructed by which the effect of different stresses on different qualities and forms of materials may be accurately measured. All experiments, and all experience, agree in establishing the five following laws for cases of simple tension and compression, which may be regarded as the fundamental principles of the science of the strength of materials. (A) When a small stress is caused in a body a small de- formation is produced, and on the removal of the stress the body springs back to its original form. For small stresses, then, materials may be regarded as perfectly elastic. (B] Under small stresses the deformations are approxi- mately proportional to the forces, or stresses, which pro- duce them, and also approximately proportional to the length of the bar or body. (C) When the stress is great enough a deformation is produced which is partly permanent, that is, the body does not spring back entirely to its original form on re- moval of the stress. This permanent part is termed a set. In such cases the deformations are not proportional to the stresses. ART. 4. ELASTIC LIMIT AND COEFFICIENT OF ELASTICITY. / (D] When the stress is greater still the deformation rapidly increases and the body finally ruptures. (E) A sudden stress, or shock, is more injurious than a steady stress or than a stress gradually applied. The words small and great, used in stating these laws, have, as will be seen later, very different values and limits for different kinds of materials and stresses. The 'ultimate strength ' of a material under tension, com- pression, or shear, is the greatest unit-stress to which it can be subjected. This occurs at or shortly before rupture, and its value is very different for different materials. Thus if a bar whose cross-section is A breaks under a tensile stress P, the ultimate tensile strength of the material is P -r- A. Prob. 5. If the ultimate strength of wrought iron is 55 ooo pounds per square inch, what tension will rupture a bar 6 feet long which weighs 60 pounds? Prob. 6. If a bar I inch in diameter and 8 feet long elon- gates 0.05 inch under a stress of 15000 pounds, how much, according to law (B), will a bar of the same size and material elongate whose length is 12 feet and stress 30000 pounds? ART. 4. ELASTIC LIMIT AND COEFFICIENT OF ELASTICITY. The ' elastic limit ' is that unit-stress at which the permanent set is first visible and within which the stress is directly propor- tional to the deformation. For stresses less than the elastic limit bodies are perfectly elastic, resuming their original form on removal of the stress. Beyond the elastic limit a permanent alteration of shape occurs, or, in other words, the elasticity of the material has been impaired. It is a fundamental rule in all engineering constructions that materials can not safely be strained beyond their elastic limit. The ' coefficient of elasticity ' of a bar for tension, compres- sion, or shearing, is the ratio of the unit-stress to the unit- 8 RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. I. deformation, provided the elastic limit of the material be not exceeded. Let 5 be the unit-stress, s the unit-deformation, and E the coefficient of elasticity. Then by the definition, (2) E = - and 5 = Es. By law (B) the quantity E is a constant for each material, until S reaches the elastic limit. Beyond this limit s increases more rapidly than S and the ratio is no longer constant. Equation (2) is a fundamental one in the science of the strength of materials. Since E varies inversely with s, the coefficient of elasticity may be regarded as a measure of the stiffness of the material. The stiffer the material the less is the change in length under a given stress and the greater is E. The values of E for materials have been determined by experiments with testing machines and their average values will be given in the following articles. E is necessarily expressed in the same unit as the unit-stress S. Some authors give the name ' modulus of elasticity* to the quantity E. Another definition of the coefficient of elasticity for the case of tension is that it is the unit-stress which would elongate a bar to double its original length, provided that this could be done without exceeding the elastic limit. That this defini- tion is in agreement with (2) may be shown by regarding a bar of length / which elongates the amount A under the unit- P \ stress -j. Here the unit-elongation is 7 and (2) becomes, P A PI (20 -_=-+-=-, p and if \ be equal to /, E is the same as the unit-stress -r. A Prob. 7. Find the coefficient of elasticity of a bar of wrought iron \\ inches in diameter and 16 feet long which elongates \ inch under a tensile stress of 21 ooo pounds. ART. 5. TENSION. Prob. 8. If the coefficient of elasticity of cast iron is 1 5 ooo ooo pounds per square inch, how much will a bar 2X3 inches and 6 feet long stretch under a tension of 5 ooo pounds ? ART. 5. TENSION. The phenomena of tension observed when a gradually in- creasing stress is applied to a bar, are briefly as follows : When the unit-stress .V is less than the elastic limit 5,, the unit-elon- gation s is small and proportional to 5. Within this limit the ratio of 5 to s is the coefficient of elasticity of the material. After passing the elastic limit the bar rapidly elongates and this is accompanied by a reduction in area of its cross-section. Finally when 5 reaches the ultimate tensile strength S ( , the bar tears apart. Usually S t is the maximum unit-stress on the bar, but in some cases the unit-stress reaches a maximum shortly before rupture occurs. The constants of tension for timber, cast iron, wrought iron and steel are given in the following table. The values are average ones and are liable to great variations for different grades and qualities of materials. Brick and stone are not here mentioned, as they are rarely or never used in tension. Material. Coefficient of Elasticity, E. Elastic Limit, S e . Ultimate Tensile Strength, St . Ultimate Elongation. Pounds per square inch. Pounds per square inch. Pounds per square inch. Per cent. Timber, I 500000 3 000 IO OOO 1-5 Cast Iron, 15 ooo ooo 6 000 20 000 o-5 Wrought Iron, 25 oooooo 25 ooo 55 ooo 20 Steel, 30 ooo ooo 50 ooo 100 000 IO The values of the coefficients of elasticity, elastic limits, and breaking or ultimate strengths are given in pounds per square inch of the original cross-section of the bar. The ultimate elon- gations are given in percentages of the original length ; these 10 RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. I. express elongations per linear unit; they should be regarded as very rough averages, which are subject to great variations depending on the shape, size, and quality of the specimen. The ultimate elongation, together with the reduction in area of the cross-section, furnishes the means of judging of the duc- tility of the material. The reduction of area in cast iron and in hard steel is very small, while in ductile materials like wrought iron and soft steel it may be as high as 50 or 60 per cent of the original section. A graphical illustration of the principal phenomena of tension, is given in Fig. I. The unit-stresses are taken as ordinates and 100,0001 0390,000 g 80,000 a 70,000 "60,000 I JS 50,000 p, 40,000 a S 30,000 | 20,000 10,000 Elongations per unit of length= s :ht Iron 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Fig. i. 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 the unit-elongations as abscissas. For each unit-stress the cor- responding unit-elongation as found by experiment is laid off, and curves drawn through the points thus determined. The curve for each of the materials is a straight line from the origin until the elastic limit is leached, as should be the case accord- ing to the law (S). The tangent of the angle which this line makes with the axis of abscissas is equal to S -=- s, which is the same in value as the coefficient of elasticity of the material. At the elastic limit a sudden change in the curve is noticed and the elongation rapidly increases. The termination of the curve ART. 5. TENSION. II indicates the point of rupture. These curves show more plainly to the eye than the values in the table can do the differences in the properties of the materials. It will be seen that the elastic limit is not a well defined point, but that its value is more or less uncertain, particularly for cast iron and timber. It should be also clearly understood that individual curves for special cases would often show marked variations from their mean forms as represented in the diagram. As a particular example a tensile test of a wrought iron bar f inches in diameter and 12 inches long made at the Pencoyd Iron Works will be considered. In the first col- umn of the following table are given the total stresses which were successively ap- plied, in the second the stresses per square inch, in the third the total elonga- tions, and in the fourth the elongations or sets after re- moval of the stress. The unit-elongations are found by dividing those in the table by 12 inches, the length of the specimen. Then the coefficient of elasticity can be computed for different values of .$ and s. Thus for the fourth and seventh cases, Total Stress in Pounds. Stress per Square Inch. Elongation. Load on. Load off. 2 245 5 000 .001 .000 4490 10 000 .004 .000 6 735 15 ooo .005 .000 8 980 2O OOO .008 .000 9878 22 OOO .009 .000 10 776 24 ooo .OIO .000 ii 674 26 ooo .0105 .000 12 572 28 ooo .Oil .000 13470 30000 .013 .000 14368 32 000 .014 .000 15 266 34 ooo .015 .002 16 164 36 ooo .022 .007 17 062 38 ooo .416 3995 17 960 40 ooo 5445 523 25 450 50 ooo 1.740 1.707 21 17^ CT fOO 2 j68 ~J */D *; - ~~~ Specimen broke with 51 600 pounds per square inch. Stretch in 12 inches, 2 468 inches. Stretch in 8 inches, 1.812 inches. Stretch in 8 inches, 22.65 P er cent. Fractured area, o 297 square inches. for S = 20 ooo, s 0.008 12 0.0105 for S = 26 ooo, s = - 12 and = 30000000; and E = 29 700 ooo. 12 RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. LH. 1. The elastic limit was reached at about 33 ooo pounds per square inch, indicated by the beginning of the set and the rapid increase of the elongations. The ultimate tensile strength of the specimen was 5 1 600 pounds per square inch. The ultimate unit-elongation in 8 inches of the length was 0.226 inches per linear inch. It hence appears that this bar of wrought iron was higher than the average as regards stiffness, elastic limit and ductility, and lower than the average in ultimate strength. The ' working stress ' for a material is that unit-stress to which it is, or is to be, subjected. This should not be greater than the elastic limit of the material, since if that limit be ex- ceeded there is a permanent set which impairs the elasticity. In order to secure an ample margin of safety it is customary to take the working stresses at from one-third to two-thirds the "elastic limit S e . The reasons which govern the selection of proper values of the working stresses will be set forth in the following articles. To investigate the security of a piece subjected to a tension P t it is necessary first to divide P by the area of the cross-sec- tion and thus determine the working stress. Then a com- parison of this value with the value of S e for the given material will indicate whether the applied stress is too great or whether the piece has a margin of safety. For example, if a tensile stress of 4 500 pounds be applied to a wrought iron bar of f inches diameter the working unit-stress is, P 4500 o -j= - = 10 ooo pounds per square inch, nearly. A 0.442 As this is less than one-half the elastic limit of wrought iron the bar has a good margin of security. To design a piece to carry a given tension P it is necessary to assume the kind of material to be used and its allowable p ^working stress S. Then -^ is the area of the cross-section ART. 6. COMPRESSION. 13 of the piece, which may be made of such shape as the circum- stances of the case require. For example, if it be required to design a wooden bar to carry a tensile load of 4 500 pounds, the working stress may be assumed at I ooo pounds per square inch and the required area is 4.5 square inches, so that the bar may be made 2 X 2j inches in section. The elongation of a bar within the elastic limit may be com- puted by the help of formula (2). For instance, let it be re- quired to find the elongation of a wooden bar 3X3 inches and 12 feet long under a tensile stress of 9000 pounds. From the formulas (2) and (i), SP X Pl Substituting in this the values E = i 500000, A = g, t= 144, and P = 9 ooo, the probable value of the elongation X is found to be 0.096 inches. Prob. 9. Find the size of a square wooden bar to safely carry a tensile stress of 20000 pounds. Prob. 10. Compute the elongation of a wrought-iron bar, ii inches in diameter and 24 feet long, under a tension of 10000 pounds. Also that of a cast-iron bar. ART. 6. COMPRESSION. The phenomena of compression are similar to those of ten- sion, provided that the length of the specimen does not exceed about five times its least diameter. The piece at first shortens proportionally to the applied stress, but after the elastic limit is passed the shortening increases more rapidly, and is accom- panied by a slight enlargement of the cross-section. When the stress reaches the ultimate strength of the material the specimen cracks and ruptures. If the length of the piece exceeds about ten times its least diameter, a sidewise bending or flexure of the specimen occurs, so that it fails under different circum- 14 RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. I. stances than those of direct compression. All the values given in this article refer to specimens whose lengths do not exceed about five times their least diameter. Longer pieces will be discussed in Chapter V under the head of 'columns.' Owing to the difficulty of making experiments on short specimens, the phenomena of compression are not usually so regular as those of tension. The constants of compression for short specimens are given in the following table, the values, like those for tension, being rough average values liable to much variation in particular cases. Material. Coefficient of Elasticity, E. Elastic Limit, S e . Ultimate Compressive Strength, S c . Timber, Lbs. per sq. in. i 500 ooo Lbs. per sq. in. 3 ooo Lbs. per sq. in. 8 000 Brick, 2 500 Stone, 6 OOO OOO 6 ooo Cast Iron, 15 ooo ooo 20 OOO 90 ooo Wrought Iron, 25 ooo ooo 25 ooo 55 ooo Steel, 30 ooo ooo 50 ooo 150 ooo The values of the coefficient of elasticity and the elastic limit for timber, wrought iron, and steel here stated are the same as those for tension, but the same reliance cannot be placed upon them, owing to the irregularity of experiments thus far made. There is reason to believe that both the elastic limit and the coefficient of elasticity for compression are somewhat greater than for tension. The investigation of a piece subjected to compression, or the design of a short piece to be subjected to compression, is effected by exactly the same methods as for tension. Indeed it is customary to employ these methods for cases where the length of the piece is as great as ten times its least diameter. ART. 7. SHEAR. Prob. ii. Find the height of a brick tower which crushes under its own weight. Also the height of a stone tower. Prob. 12. Compute the amount of shortening in a wrought iron specimen I inch in diameter and 5 inches long under a load of 6000 pounds. ART. 7. SHEAR. Shearing stresses are developed whenever two forces, act- ing like a pair of shears, tend to cut a body between them. When a plate is punched the ultimate shearing strength of the material must be overcome over the surface punched. When a bolt is in tension the applied stress tends to shear off the head and also to strip or shear the threads in the nut and screw. When a rivet connects two plates which transmit tension the plates tend to shear the rivet across. The ultimate shearing strength of materials is easily deter- mined by causing rupture under a stress P, and then dividing P by the area A of the shorn surface. The value of this for timber is found to be very much smaller along the grain than across the grain ; for the first direction it is sometimes called longitudinal shearing strength and for the second transverse shearing strength. The same distinction is sometimes made in rolled wrought iron plates and bars where the process of manufacture induces a more or less fibrous structure. The elastic limit and the amount of detrusion for shearing are dif- Material. Coefficient of Elasticity, f Ultimate Shearing Strength, S t . Timber, Longitudinal, 40OOOO 600 Timber, Transverse, 3000 Cast Iron, 6000000 20 OOO Wrought Iron, 10 000 OOO 50000 Steel, II 000000 700OO 16 RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. L ficult to determine experimentally. The coefficient of elas- ticity, however, has been deduced by means of certain calcula- tions and experiments on the twisting of shafts, explained in Chapter VI under the head of torsion. The investigation and design of a piece to withstand shear- ing stress is made by means of the equation P = AS, in the same manner as for tension and compression. As an instance of investigation, consider the cylindrical wooden specimen shown in Fig. 2, which has the following dimensions : length ab = 6 inches, diameter of ends = 4 inches, diameter of central part = 2 inches. Let this specimen be subjected to a tensile stress in the direction of its length. This not only tends to tear it apart by tension, but also to shear off the ends on a surface whose length is ab and whose diameter is that of the central cylinder. The force P required to cause this longitudinal shearing is, P = AS, = 3.14 X 2 X 6 X 600 = 22 600 pounds, while the force required to rupture the specimen by tension is, P AS t = 3.14 X i 2 X 10 ooo = 31 400 pounds. As the former resistance is only about two-thirds that of the latter the specimen will evidently fail by the shearing off of the ends. When a bar is subject either to tension or to compression a shear occurs in any section except those perpendicular and parallel to the axis of the bar. Let Fig. 3 represent a bar of cross-section A subject to the tensile stress P which produces 7 F ig. 3 . in every section perpendicular to the bar the unit-stress . Let mn be a plane making an* A ART. 8. FACTORS OF SAFETY AND WORKING STRESSES. 17 angle 6 with the axis, and cutting from the bar a section whose area is A l . On the left of the plane the stress P may be resolved 'nto the components P l and P t , respectively parallel and nor- mal to the plane, and the same may be done on the right. Thus it is seen that the effect of the tensile stress P on the plane mn is to produce a tension P^ normal to it, and a shear P, along it, for the two forces P l and P l act in parallel planes and in opposite directions. The shearing stress P t has the value P cos 6, which is distributed over the area A l whose value is A -+- sin 0. Hence the shearing unit-stress in the given section is, P P S l =- = - f s /i , A When 6 = o, or 6 = 90, the value of 5 X is zero. The maxi- p mum value of 5, occurs when = 45, and then 5, = J , or A a tensile unit-stress 5 on a bar produces a shearing unit-stress of $S along every section inclined 45 degrees to the axis of the bar. The above investigation applies also to compression if the direction of P be reversed, and it is sometimes observed in experiments on the compression of short specimens that rup- ture occurs by shearing along oblique sections. Prob. 13. A hole } inches in diameter is punched in a wrought iron plate J inches thick by a pressure on the punch of 78 ooo pounds. What is the ultimate shearing strength of the iron? Prob 14. A wrought iron bolt i inches in diameter has a head inches long. Find the unit-stress tending to shear off ihe head when a tension of 3 ooo pounds is applied to the bolt. ART. 8. FACTORS OF SAFETY AND WORKING STRESSES. The factor of safety for a body under stress is the ratio of its ultimate strength to the actual existing unit-stress. The factor of safety for a piece to be designed is the ratio of the ultimate i8 RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. I. strength to the proper allowable working stress. Thus if S t be the ultimate, 5 the working stress, and / the factor of safety, then / = , and S t =fS. The factor of safety is hence always an abstract number, which indicates the number of times the working stress may be mul- tiplied before the rupture of the body. The law (E) in Art. 3 indicates that working stresses should be lower for shocks and sudden stresses than for steady loads and slowly varying stresses. In a building the stresses on the walls are steady, so that the working strength may be taken high and hence the factor of safety low. In a bridge the stresses in the several members are more or less varying in character which requires a lower working strength and hence a higher factor of safety. In a machine subject to shocks the working strength should be lower still and the factor of safety very high. The law (E) from which these conclusions are de- rived is not merely the result of experience, but can be con- firmed by theoretical discussion (Art. 103). The following are average values of the allowable factors of safety commonly employed in American practice. These values Material. For Steady Stress. (Buildings.) For Varying Stress. (Bridges.) For Shocks. (Machines.) Timber, 8 IO 15 Brick and Stone, 15 25 30 Cast Iron, 6 15 2O Wrought Iron, 4 6 10 Steel, 5 7 15 are subject to considerable variation in particular instances, not only on account of the different qualities and grades of the ART. 8. FACTORS OF SAFETY AND WORKING STRESSES. 19 material, but also on account of the varying judgment of designers. They will also vary with the range of varying stress, so that different parts of a bridge may have very different factors of safety. The proper allowable working stress for any material in tension, compression, or shearing, may be at once found by dividing the ultimate strength by the proper factor of safety. Regard should also be paid to the elastic limit in selecting the working stresses, particularly for materials whose elastic limit is well defined. For wrought iron and steel the working strength should be well within the elastic limit, as already in- dicated in previous articles. For cast iron, stone, brick, and timber it is often difficult to determine the elastic limit, and experience alone can guide the proper selection of the working strength. The above factors of safety indicate indeed the con- clusions of experiment and experience extending over the past hundred years. The student should clearly understand that the exact values given in this and the preceding articles would not be arbitrarily used in any particular case of design. For instance, if a given lot of wrought iron is to be used in an engineering structure, specimens of it should be tested to determine its coefficient of elasticity, elastic limit, ultimate strength, and percentage of elongation. Then the engineer will decide upon the proper working stresses, being governed by its qualities as shown by the tests, the character of the stresses that come upon it, and the cost of workmanship. The two fundamental principles of engineering design are stability and economy, or in other words : First, the structure must safely withstand all the stresses which are to be applied to it. Second, the structure must be built and maintained at the lowest possible cost. 20 RESISTANCE AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. CH. 1. The second of these fundamental principles requires that all parts of the structure should be of equal strength, like the celebrated 'one-hoss shay' of the poet. For, if one part is stronger than another, it has an excess of material which might have been spared. Of course this rule is to be violated if the cost of the labor required to save the material be greater than that of the material itself. Thus it often happens that some parts of a structure have higher factors of safety than others, but the lowest factors should not, as a rule, be less than the values given above. .For the design of important structures specifications are prepared which state the lowest allowable unit-stresses that can be used. The factors of safety stated above are supposed to be so arranged that, if different materials be united, the stability of all parts of the structure will be the same, so that if rupture occurs, everything would break at once. Or, in other words, timber with a factor of safety 8 has about the same reliability as wrought iron with a factor of 4 or stone with a factor of 15, provided the stresses are due to steady loads. The assignment of working stresses with regard to the elastic limits of materials is more rational than that by means of the factors of safety, and in time it may become the more important and valuable method. But at present the ultimate strengths are so much better known and so much more definitely determinable than the elastic limits that the empirical method of factors of safety seems the more important for the use of students, due regard being paid to considerations of stiffness, elastic limit, and ductility. As an example, let it be required to find the proper size of a wrought iron rod to carry a steady tensile stress of 90 ooo pounds. In the absence of knowledge regarding the quality of the wrought iron, the ultimate strength S t is to be taken as ART. 8. FACTORS OF SAFETY AND WORKING STRESSES. 21 the average value, 55 ooo pounds per square inch. Then, for a factor of safety of 4, the working stress is, S = - =13 750 pounds per square inch. The area of cross-section required is hence, 90000 A = 6.6 square inches, which may be supplied by a rod of 2|$ inches diameter. Prob. 15. Determine the size of a short steel piston rod when the piston is 20 inches in diameter and the steam pressure upon it is 67.5 pounds per square inch. Prob. 16. A wooden frame ABC forming an equilateral tri- angle consists of short pieces 2X2 inches jointed at A, B, and C. It is placed in a vertical plane and supported at B and C so that BC is horizontal. Find the unit-stress and factor of safety in each of the three pieces when a load of 5 890 pounds is applied at A. 22 PIPES, CYLINDERS, AND RIVETED JOINTS. CH. LL CHAPTER II. PIPES, CYLINDERS, AND RIVETED JOINTS. ART. 9. WATER AND STEAM PIPES. The pressure of water or steam in a pipe is exerted in every direction, and tends to tear the pipe apart longitudinally. This is resisted by the internal tensile stresses of the material. If / be the pressure per square inch of the water or steam, d the diameter of the pipe and / its length, the force P which tends to cause longitudinal rupture is/ . Id. This is evident from the fundamental principle of hydrostatics that the pressure of water in any direction is equal to the pressure on a plane perpen- dicular to that direction, or may be seen by imagining the pipe to be filled with a solid substance on one side of the diameter, which would receive the pressure / on each square inch of the area Id and transmit it into the pipe. If / be the thickness of the pipe and 5 the tensile stress which is uniformly distributed over it, as will be the case when / is not large compared with d, the resistance on each side is //. 5. As the resistance must equal the pressure, pld 2tlS, or pd = 2/5, which is the formula for discussing pipes under internal pressure. The unit-pressure/ for water may be computed from a given head h by finding the weight of a column of water one inch square and h inches high. Or if h be given in feet, the pressure in pounds per square inch may be computed from / = 0.434^. Water pipes maybe made of cast or wrought iron, the former being more common, while for steam the latter is preferable. ART. 9. WATER AND STEAM PIPES. 23 Wrought iron pipes are sometimes made of plates riveted to- gether, but the discussion of these is reserved for another article. A water pipe subjected to the shock of water ram needs a high factor of safety, and in a steam pipe the factors should also be high, owing to shocks liable to occur from con- densation and expansion of the steam. The formula above deduced shows that the thickness of a pipe must increase directly as its diameter, the internal pressure being constant. For example, let it be required to find the factor of safety for a cast iron water pipe of 12 inches diameter and f inches thickness under a head of 300 feet. Here /, the pressure per square inch, equals 130.2 pounds. Then from the formula the unit-stress is, pd 130.2 X 12 5 = * = - 5 = i 250 pounds per square inch, 21 2 X and hence the factor of safety is, 20000 which indicates ample security under ordinary conditions. Again let it be required to find the proper thickness for a wrought iron steam pipe of 18 inches diameter to resist a pres- sure of 1 20 pounds per square inch. With a factor of safety of 10 the working strength 5 is about 5 500 pounds per square inch. Then from the formula, pd 120 X 18 / = = - = 0.2 inches. 25 2 X 5 500 In order to safely resist the stresses and shocks liable to occur in handling the pipes, the thickness is often made somewhat greater than the formula requires. Prob. 17. What should be the thickness of a cast iron pipe of 1 8 inches diameter under a head of 300 feet? Prob. 1 8. A wrought iron pipe is 3 inches in internal diame- 24 PIPES, CYLINDERS, AND RIVETED JOINTS. CH. II. ter and weighs 24 pounds per linear yard. What steam pres- sure can it carry with a factor of safety of 8 ? ART. 10. THIN CYLINDERS AND SPHERES. A cylinder subject to the interior pressure of water or steam tends to fail longitudinally exactly like a pipe. The head of the cylinder however undergoes a pressure which tends to separate it from the walls. If d be the diameter of the cylin- der and / the' internal pressure per square unit, the total pres- sure on the head is ^nd* . p. If 5 be the working unit-stress and t the thickness of the cylinder, the resistance to the pres- sure is approximately ndtS, if t be so small that 5 is uniformly distributed. Since the resistance must equal the pressure, \nd* .p = 7tdt.S, or pd tfS. By comparing this with the formula of the last article it is seen that the resistance of a pipe to transverse rupture is double the resistance to longitudinal rupture. A thin sphere subject to interior pressure tends to rupture around a great circle, and it is easy to see that the conditions are exactly the same as for the transverse rupture of a cylin- der, or that pd 4tS. For thick spheres and cylinders the formulas of this and the last article are only approximate. A cylinder under exterior pressure is theoretically in a simi- lar condition to one under interior pressure as long as it re- mains a true circle in cross-section. A uniform interior pres- sure tends to preserve and maintain the circular form of the cylindrical annulus, but an exterior pressure tends at once to increase the slightest variation from the circle and render it elliptical. The distortion when once begun rapidly increases, and failure occurs by the collapsing of the tube rather than by the crushing of the material. The flues of a steam boiler are the most common instance of cylinders subjected to exterior ART. 10. THIN CYLINDERS AND SPHERES. pressure. In the absence of a rational method of investigating such cases recourse has been had to experiment. Tubes of various diameters, lengths, and thicknesses have been subjected to exterior pressure until they collapse and the results have been compared and discussed. The following for instance are the results of three experiments by FAIRBAIRN on wrought iron tubes. Length in Inches. Diameter, in Inches. Thickness in Inches. Pressure per Sq. Inch. 37 9 0.14 378 60 14* 0.125 125 61 iSf 0.25 420 , From these and other similar experiments it has been concluded that the collapsing pressure varies directly as some power of the thickness, and inversely as the length and diameter of the tube. For wrought iron tubes WOOD gives the empirical formula for the collapsing pressure per square inch, /2.l8 / == 9600000--. The values of / computed from this formula for the above three experiments are 397, 120, and 409, which agree well with the observed values. The proper thickness of a wrought iron tube to resist ex- terior pressure may be readily found from this formula after assuming a suitable factor of safety. For example, let it be required to find / when p = 120 pounds per square inch, / = 72 inches, d = 4 inches and the factor of safety = 10. Then ,,.., = 10X.20X 7 2>M = g 9600000 from which with the help of logarithms the value of / is found to be 0.22 inches. 26 PIPES, CYLINDERS, AND RIVETED JOINTS. CH. IL Prob. 19. What interior pressure per square inch will burst a cast iron sphere of 24 inches diameter and | inches thickness. Prob. 20. What exterior pressure per square inch will col- lapse a wrought iron tube 72 inches long, 4 inches diameter and 0.25 inches thickness? ART. ii. THICK CYLINDERS. When the walls of a cylinder are thick compared with its interior diameter it cannot be supposed, as in the preceding articles, that the stress is uniformly distributed over the thick- ness /. Let Fig. 4 represent one-half of a section of a thick cylinder subject to interior pressure over the length /, tending to produce longitudinal rupture. Let r and r l be the interior and exterior radii, then T-, r = t the thickness. Let 5 and S, be the tensile unit-stresses at the inner and outer edges of the annulus. Before the application of the pressure the volume of the annulus is n(r* r 2 )/, after the pressure is applied the radius r l is increased to r l -\- y l and r to r + y, so that its volume is n(r l + y$l n(r + yJL The an- nulus is however really changed only in form, so that the two expressions for the volume are equal, and equating them gives,, or, since y and 7, are small compared with r and r, their squares may be neglected, and hence or - = ~ Now if the material is not stressed beyond the elastic limit the unit-stresses 6" and ^ are proportional to the corresponding unit-elongations. The elongation of the inner circumference is 27ty and that of the outer circumference is 27ty lt and divid- ART. II. THICK CYLINDERS. 2/ ing these by 2nr and 2nr l respectively the unit-elongations are found; then, = 2 -*.** = ?* . L. S, r ' r, r ' y^ Substituting in this the value of the ratio as above found, that is, the unit-stresses in the walls of the cylinder .vary in- versely as the squares of their distances from the center. The total stress acting over the area 2t . / is now to be found by summing up the unit-stresses. Let S x be any unit-stress at a distance x from the center, and 5, as before, be that at the inner circumference, which is the greatest of all the unit-stresses* Then by the law of variation, The stress acting over the area /. dx ?*s then 5, Idx = SSl?jr, and the total stress over the area 2t . I is 2 5rV r~, = J r ** - = 2SlJ* This is the value of the internal resisting stress in the walls of the pipe ; if / be neglected in comparison with r it reduces to 2Slt which is the same as previously found for thin cylinders ; if t = r it becomes Sit or only one-half the resistance of a thin cylinder. The total interior pressure which tends to rupture the cylin- der longitudinally is 2rl . /, if p be the unit-pressure (Art. 9). 28 PIPES, CYLINDERS, AND RIVETED JOINTS. CH. II. Equating this to the total internal resisting stress gives from which one of the quantities S, p, r, or / can be computed when the other three are given. The above formula was deduced by BARLOW. Although more accurate for thick cylinders than the formula of Art. 10, it is not in practice considered so reliable as the formula of LAME which is deduced in Chapter XIV. If ' r = 6 inches, / i inch, and/ = 400 pounds per square inch, BARLOW'S formula gives 5=2800, while LAME'S formula (page 314) gives 5 = 2620 pounds per square inch. Prob. 21. Prove when the thickness of a pipe equals its in- terior radius that the exterior circumference elongates one-half as much as the interior circumference. Prob. 22. If a gun of 3 inches bore is subject to an interior pressure of I Soc pounds per square inch, what should be its thickness so that the greatest stress on the material may not exceed 3 ooo pounds per square inch ? ART. 12. INVESTIGATION OF RIVETED JOINTS. When two plates which are under tension are joined togethei by rivets, these must transfer that tension from one plate to another. A shearing stress is thus brought upon each rivet which tends to cut it off. A compressive stress is also brought sidewise upon each rivet which tends to crush it ; this particu- lar kind of compression is often called "bearing stress." The exact manner in which it acts upon the cylindrical surface of the rivet is not known, but it is usually supposed to be equiva- lent to a stress uniformly distributed over the projection of the surface on a plane through the axis of the rivet. ft Case I. Lap Joint with single riveting. Let P be the tensile stress which is transmitted from one plate to the other by ART. 12. INVESTIGATION OF RIVETED JOINTS. 2 9 means of a single rivet, t the thickness of the plates, d the diameter of a rivet, and a the pitch of the rivets. Let S t , S ft and S c be the unit-stresses in tension, shear, and compression ^N produced by P upon the plates " s^ and rivets. Then for the ten- sion on the plate, -* P = t(a- d)S t , for the shear on the rivet, and for compression on the rivet, Fig. 5- From these equations the unit-stresses may be computed, when the other quantities are known, and by comparing them with the proper working unit-stresses the degree of security of the joint is estimated. Case II. Lap Joint with double riveting. In this arrange- ment the plates have a wider lap, and there are two rows of rivets. Let a be the pitch of the rivets in one row, then the tensile stress P is distributed over two rivets, and the three formulas are, P=t(a-d}S ty \ from which the unit-stresses may be computed and the strength of the joint be investigated. The loss of Fig . 6 strength is here generally less than in the previous case since a can be made larger with respect to d. 30 PIPES, CYLINDERS, AND RIVETED JOINTS. CH. II. Case III. Butt Joint with single riveting. For this arrange- ^ ^ / x. ment the shear on each of the rivets comes on two X^X X^x cross-sections, which is said Fig. 7. to be a case of double shear, and the formulas are, P= t (a- d)S ty = 2 . i-7r = o, ^ from which R^ ^P. Again the equation of moments, with the center at the right support, is 13^ gP=o, from which R l = ^P. As a check it may be observed that R, + R, = P. For a uniform load over a simple beam it is evident, without applying the conditions of equilibrium, that each reaction is one-half the load. The reactions due to both uniform and concentrated loads on a simple beam may be obtained by adding together the reactions due to the uniform load and each concentrated load, or they may be computed in one operation. As an example of the latter method let Fig. 9 represent a simple beam 12 feet in length between the supports and weighing 35 pounds per . linear foot, its total weight I 300 60l 1501 t IT , , t ... > J being 420 pounds. Let H 3 -4^-2 4<- 3- -*[; 4 A A' there be three concentrated \E! -K 2 | loads of 300, 60, and 150 Fig - 9 - pounds placed at 3, 5, and 8 feet respectively from the left support. To find the right reaction R^ the center of moments is taken at the left support, and the weight of the beam regarded as concentrated at its middle ; then the equation of moments is, R t X 12 = 420 X 6+ 300 X 3+6o X 5 + 150 X 8 from which ^ = 410 pounds. In like manner to find R } the center of moments is taken at the right support, and R l x 12 = 420 x6 ART. 17. THE VERTICAL SHEAR. 39 from which R t = 520 pounds. As a check the sum of R l and R 9 is seen to be 930 pounds which is the same as the weight of the beam and the three loads. When there are more than two supports the problem of find- ing the reactions from the principles of statics becomes inde- terminate, since two conditions of equilibrium are only sufficient to determine two unknown quantities. By introducing, how- ever, the elastic properties of the material, the reactions of continuous beams may be deduced, as will be explained in Chapter IV. Prob. 28. A simple beam 12 feet long weighs 20 pounds per linear foot and carries a load of 500 pounds. Where should this load be put so that one reaction may be double the other ? Prob. 29. A simple beam weighing 30 pounds per linear foot is 1 8 feet long. A weight of 700 pounds is placed 5 feet from the left end and one of 500 pounds at 8 feet from the right end. Find the reactions due to the total load. ART. 17. THE VERTICAL SHEAR. When a beam is short it sometimes fails by shearing in a vertical section as shown in Fig. 10. The external force which produces this shearing on any section i is the resultant of all the vertical forces | ^J J^ on one side of that section. Thus, in the second diagram the resultant of all these external forces is the loads and the weight of the part of the beam on the left of the section ; in the third dia- gram the resultant is the loads and the weight on the right, or it is reaction at pi g . i . the wall minus the weight of the beam between the wall and the section. 'Vertical Shear ' is the name given to the algebraic sum of all external forces on the left of the section considered. Let , . T2~ 40 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. it be denoted by V, then for any section of a simple or can tilever, beam, V= Left reaction minus all loads on left of section. Here upward forces are regarded as positive and downward forces as negative. V is hence positive or negative according as the left reaction exceeds or is less than the loads on the left of the section. To illustrate, consider a simple beam loaded in any manner and cut at any sec- P\ I IP tion by a vertical plane mn. Let ^ rh * * 1 R 1 be the left and R, the right re- action. Let 2P, denote the sum of all the loads on the left of the Fig - " section and 2P 9 the sum of those on the right. Then, from the definition, r=R l --sp l . Since R, + R, = 2P, + 2P> it is clear if R, 2P, = + V that R t 2P 9 = V, or that the resultant of all the external forces on one side of the section is equal and opposite to the resultant of those on the other side. They form, in short, a pair of shears acting on opposite sides of the section and tend- ing to cause a sliding or detrusion along the section. The value of the vertical shear for any section of a simple beam or cantilever is readily found by the above equation. When R 1 exceeds 2P^ , the vertical shear V is positive, and the left part of the beam tends to slide upward relative to the right part. When R 1 is less than 2P t , the vertical shear V is negative, and the left part tends to slide downward relative to the other. In the upper diagram of Fig. 10 the shear in the left hand sec- tion is positive and that in the right hand section is negative. The vertical shear varies greatly in value at different sections of a beam. Consider first a simple beam / feet long and weigh- ing w pounds per linear foot. Each reaction is then \wL Pass a plane at any distance x from the left support, then from ART. 17. THE VERTICAL SHEAR. 41 the definition the vertical shear for that section is F \wl wx. Here it is seen that V has its greatest value \wl when x = o, that V decreases as x increases, and that V becomes o when x \L I I When x is greater than /, V is negative and becomes \wl when x = /. The equation F= ^ee'/ wx is indeed the equation of a straight Fig. ia. line, the origin being at the left support, and may be plotted so that the ordinate at any point will represent the vertical shear for the corresponding section of the beam, as shown in Fig. 12. Consider again a simple beam as in Fig. 13 whose span is 12 feet and having three loads of 240, 90, and 120 pounds, situated 3, 4, and 8 feet respectively from the left support. By Art. 16 the left reaction is found to be 280 and the right reaction 170 pounds. Then for any section between the left support and the first load the vertical shear is F=-|-28o pounds, for a section between the first and second loads it is V = 280 240 = + 40 pounds, for a section between the second and third loads V= 280 240 - 90 = 50 pounds, and for a section between the third load and the right support V = 280 240 90 120 = 170 pounds, which has the same numerical value as the right reac- tion. By laying off ordinates upon a horizontal line a graphical representation of the distribution of vertical shears throughout the beam is obtained. For any section of a simple beam distant x from the left support, let R t denote the left reaction, w the weight of the uniform load per linear unit, and 2P t the sum of all the con- 42 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. IIL centrated loads between the section and that support. Then the definition gives, as a general expression for the vertical shear at that section. A cantilever beam can be so drawn that there is no reaction at the left end, and for any section V = wx 2P 1 . Thus, in Fig. 14, the vertical shear for a section in the space a is V = wx, and for a section in the space b it is V = wx P, and the graphi- cal representation is as shown Fig. i 4 . below the beam. The vertical shear for any section of a beam is a measure of the tendency to shearing along that section. The above ex- amples show that this is greatest near the supports. It is rare that beams actually fail in this manner, but it is often necessary to investigate the tendency to such failure. Prob^. 30. A simple beam 12 feet long and weighing 20 pounds per linear foot has loads of 600 and 300 pounds at 2 and 4 feet respectively from the left end. Find the vertical shears at several sections throughout the beam, and draw a diagram to show their distribution. ART. 1 8. THE BENDING MOMENT. The usual method of failure of beams is by cross-breaking or transverse rupture. This is caused by the external forces producing rotation around some point in the section of failure, Thus, in Fig. 14, let a be the distance between the end and the load P, and b be the distance between P and the wall. Then the tendency of Pto cause rotation around a point in the section at the wall is measured by its moment Pb ; if, however, the ART. 1 8. THE BENDING MOMENT. 43 load were at the end its tendency to produce rotation around the same point would be measured by the moment f\a "+ b). 1 Bending moment ' is the name given to the algebraic sum of the moments of the external forces on the left of the sec- tion with reference to a point in that section. Let it be de- noted by M. Then, for a cantilever or simple beam, M =. moment of reaction minus sum of moments of loads. Here the moment of -upward forces is taken as positive and that of downward forces as negative. M may hence be positive or negative according as the first or second term is the greater. For a simple beam of length /, uniformly loaded, each reaction is \wl. For any section distant x from the left support the moment is M = \wl . x wx . \x, , j^- X" x being the lever arm of the re- r-f action Jze'/, and \x the lever arm of the load wx. Here M = o when x = o and also when x = /, and M is a maximum when x = \l. Fi s- s- The equation, in short, is that of a parabola whose maximum ordinate is w/ f and whose graphical representation is as given in Fig. 1 5, each ordinate showing the value of M for the cor- responding value of the abscissa x. Consider next a simple beam loaded with only three weights P, , P^ , and P 3 . Here for any section between the left support and the first load M = Rx, and for any izj |P 2 ,;> section between the first and second _t! 11 \ loads M = kxP, (xd). Each of ; these expressions is the equation of a straight line, x being the abscissa and J/the ordinate, and the graphical representation of bending moments is as shown in Fig. 16. It is seen that for a simple beam all the bending moments are positive. 44 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. For a cantilever there is no reaction at the left end and all the bending moments are negative, the tendency to rotation thus being opposite in direction to that in a simple beam. For instance, for a cantilever beam uniformly loaded and having a load at the end the bending moment is M = Px^wx 1 . Here the variation of moments may be represented by a parab- ola, M being o at the free end and a maximum at the wall. For any given case the bending moment at any section may be found by using the definition given above. The external forces on the left of the . section are taken merely for conven- ience, for those upon the right have also the same bending moment with reference to the section. The bending moment in all cases is a measure of the tendency of the external forces on either side of the section to turn the beam around a point in that section. The bending moment is a compound quantity resulting from the multiplication of a force by a distance. Usually the forces are expressed in pounds and the distances in feet or inches ; then the bending moments are pound-feet or pound-inches. Thus if a load of 500 pounds be at the middle of a simple beam of 8 feet span, the bending moment under the load is, M = 250 X 4 i ooo pound-feet = 12 ooo pound-inches. Again let a simple beam of 8 feet span be uniformly loaded with 500 pounds and have a weight of 200 pounds at the mid- dle. Then the bending moment at the middle is, M = 350 X 4250 X 2 = 900 pound-feet. Hence the tendency to rupture is less in the second case than in the first. Prob. 31. A beam 6 feet long and weighing 20 pounds per foot is placed upon a single support at its middle. Compute the bending moments for sections distant I, 2, 3, 4, and 5 feet from the left end, and draw a curve to show the distribution of mo- ments throughout the beam. ART. 19. INTERNAL STRESSES AND EXTERNAL FORCES. 45 Prob. 32. A simple beam of 6 feet span weighs 20 pounds per linear foot and has a load of 270 pounds at 2 feet from the left end. Find the vertical shears for sections one foot apart throughout the beam, and draw the diagram of shears. Find the bending moments for the same sections and draw the dia- gram to represent them. ART. 19. INTERNAL STRESSES AND EXTERNAL FORCES. The external loads and reactions on a beam maintain their equilibrium by means of internal stresses which are generated in it. It is required to determine the relations between the ex- ternal forces and the internal stresses ; or, since the effect of the external forces upon any section is represented by the ver- tical shear (Art. 17) and by the bending moment (Art. 18), the problem is to find the relation between these quantities and the internal stresses in that section. Consider a beam of any kind which is loaded in any manner. Imagine a vertical plane mn cutting the beam at any cross-sec- tion. In that section there are act- i | I I ing unknown stresses of various in- tensities and directions. Let the beam be imagined to be separated into two parts by the cutting plane and let forces X, Y, Z, etc., equiv- Lu; i x T alent to the internal stresses, be /\ j applied to the section as shown in , i Fig. 17. Then the equilibrium of x *j m *- *- each part of the beam will be undis- r^x^ 1 turbed, for each part will be acted ~f^ upon by a system of forces in equi- librium. Hence the following fun- Pig . I7 . damental principle is established. The internal stresses in any cross-section of a beam hold irk equilibrium the external forces on each side of that section. I 46 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. This is the most important principle in the theory of flexure. It applies to all beams, whether the cross-section be uniform or variable and whatever be the number of the spans or the na- ture of the loading. Thus in the above figure the internal stresses X, Y, Z, etc., hold in equilibrium the loads and reactions on the left of the section, and also those on the right.' Considering one part only a system of forces in equilibrium is seen, to which the three necessary and sufficient conditions of statics apply, namely, 2 of all horizontal components o, 2 of all vertical components = o, 2 of moments of all forces = o. From these conditions can be deduced three laws concerning the unknown stresses in any section. Whatever be the inten- sity and direction of these stresses, let each be resolved into its horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal com- ponents will be applied at different points in the cross-section, v II some acting in one direc- 1 1 tion and some in the other, or in other words, some of the horizontal stresses are tensile and some compres- Fjg. 18. sive ; by the first condition the algebraic sum of these is zero. The vertical components will add together and form a resultant vertical force F which, by the second condition, equals the algebraic sum of the exter- nal forces on the left of the section. As this internal force Facts in contrary directions upon the two parts into which the beam is supposed to be separated, it is of the nature of a shear. Hence for any section of any beam the following laws concern- ing the internal stresses may be stated. 1st. The algebraic sum of the horizontal stresses is zero ; or the sum of the horizontal tensile stresses is equal to the sum of the horizontal compressive stresses. I ART. IQ. INTERNAL STRESSES AND EXTERNAL FORCES. 47 2nd. The algebraic sum of the vertical stresses forms a re- sultant shear which is equal to the algebraic sum of the external vertical forces on either side of the section. 3rd. The algebraic sum of the moments of the internal stresses is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of the external forces on either side of the section. These three theoretical laws are the foundation of the theory of the flexure of beams. Their expression may be abbreviated by introducing the following definitions. 4 Resisting shear* is the name given to the algebraic sum of the internal vertical stresses in any section, and ' vertical shear' is the name for the algebraic sum of the external vertical forces on the left of the section. 'Resisting moment' is the name given to the algebraic sum of the moments of the internal hori- zontal stresses with reference to a point in the section, and * bending moment ' is the name for the algebraic sum of the moments of the external forces on either side of the section with reference to the same point. Then the three laws may be thus expressed for any section of any beam, Sum of tensile stresses = Sum of compressive stresses. Resisting shear = Vertical shear. Resisting moment == Bending moment. The second and third of these equations furnish the funda- mental laws for investigating beams. They state the relations between the internal stresses in any section and the external forces on either side of that section. For the sake of uniform- ity the external forces on the left hand side of the section will generally be used, as was done in Arts. 17 and 18. Prob. 33. A beam of weight W which is 6 feet long is sus- tained at one end by a force of 280 pounds acting at an angle of 60 degrees with the vertical, and at the other end by a ver- tical force Y and a horizontal force X. Find the values of X and Y, and the weight of the beam. 48 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. ART. 20. EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL LAWS. From the three necessary conditions of static equilibrium, as stated in Art. 19, three important theoretical laws regarding internal stresses were deduced. These alone, however, are not sufficient for the full investigation of the subject, but recourse must be had to experience and experiment. Experience teaches that when a beam deflects one side becomes concave and the other convex, and it is reasonable to suppose that the hori- zontal tensile stresses are on the convex side and the compres- sive stresses on the concave. By experiments on beams this is confirmed and the following laws deduced. (F) The horizontal fibers on the convex side are elongated and those on the concave are shortened, while near the center is a ' neutral surface ' which is unchanged in length. (G) The amount of elongation or compression of any fiber is directly proportional to its distance from the neutral surface. Hence by law (B) the horizontal stresses are also directly proportional to their distances from the neutral surface, provided the elastic limit of the material be not exceeded. (See Art. 50.) From these laws there will now be deduced the following im- portant theorem regarding the position of the neutral surface : The neutral surface passes through the centers of gravity of the cross-sections. To prove this let a be the area of any elementary fiber and z its distance from the neutral surface. Let 5 be the unit-stress on the fiber most remote from the neutral surface at the distance c. Then by law = unit-stress at the distance unity, c z = unit-stress at the distance 2, ART. 21. THE TWO FUNDAMENTAL FORMULAS. 49 therefore - az = the total stress on any fiber of area a, Sciz and 2 = algebraic sum of all horizontal stresses. But by the first law of Art. 19 this algebraic sum is zero, and since 5 and rare constants the quantity 2azmust be zero. This, however, is the condition which makes the line of reference pass through the center of gravity as is plain from the defini- tion of the term 'center of gravity.' Therefore, the neutral surface of beams passes through the centers of gravity of the cross-sections. -!-_,_.,_ _Neutr.lSurf. The * neutral axis ' of a cross- section is the line in which the neutral surface intersects the plane of the cross-section. On the left of Fig. 19 is shown the neutral axis of a cross-section and on the right a trace of the neutral surface. Prob. 34. A beam 3 inches wide and 6 inches deep is loaded so that the unit-stress at the remotest fiber of a certain cross- section is 600 pounds per square inch. Find the sum of all the tensile stresses on the cross-section. Prob. 35. A wooden beam 6 x 12 inches and five feet long is supported at one end and kept level by two horizontal forces X and Z acting at the other end in the median line of the cross- section, the former at 2 inches from the top and the latter at 2 inches from the base. Find the values of X and Z. ART. 21. THE Two FUNDAMENTAL FORMULAS. Consider again any beam loaded in any manner and cut at any section by a vertical plane. The internal stresses in that section hold in equilibrium the external forces on the left of 5O CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CK. HI, the section, and as shown in Art. 19, the followirg fundamental laws obtain, Resisting shear = Vertical shear, Resisting moment = Bending moment. The principles established in the preceding pages can now be applied to the algebraic expression of these four quantities. The resisting shear is the algebraic sum of all the vertical components of the internal stresses at any section of the beam. If A be the area of that section and S s the shearing unit-stress, regarded as uniform over the area, then from formula (i), Resisting shear = AS S . The vertical shear for the same section of the beam being V (Art. 17), the first of the above fundamental laws becomes, (3) AS. = F, which is the first fundamental formula for the discussion of beams. The resisting moment is the algebraic sum of the moments of the internal horizontal stresses at any section with reference to a point in that section. To find an expression for its value let 5 be the horizontal unit-stress, tensile or compressive as the case may be, upon the fiber most remote from the neutral axis and let c be the shortest distance from that fiber to said axis. Also let z be the distance from the neutral axis to any fiber having the elementary area a. Then by law (G) and Fig. 19, - = unit-stress at a distance unity, z = unit-stress at distance z, hence -- = total stress on any fiber of area a, ART. 21. THE TWO FUNDAMENTAL FORMULAS. $1 and - = moment of this stress about neutral axis. c Hence 2 -- = resisting moment of horizontal stresses. Since 5 and c are constants this expression may be written 5 -2az\ But 2aif, being the sum of the products formed by multiplying each elementary area by the square of its distance from the neutral axis, is the moment of inertia of the cross- section with reference to that axis and may be denoted by /. Therefore, 57 Resisting moment = -- The bending moment for the same section of the beam being M (Art. 1 8), the second of the above fundamental laws becomes, (4) ~ = M, which is the second fundamental formula for the discussion of beams. Experience and experiment teach that simple beams of uni- form section break near the middle by the tearing or crushing of the fibers and very rarely at the supports by shearing. Hence it is formula (4) that is mainly needed in the practical investigation of beams. The following example and problem relate to formula (3) only, while formula (4) will receive detailed discussion in the subsequent articles. As an example, consider a wrought iron I beam 15 feet long and weighing 200 pounds per yard, over which roll two locomo- tive wheels 6 feet apart and each bearing 12 ooo pounds. The maximum vertical shear at the left support will evidently occur when one wheel is at the support (Art. 16). The reaction will then be 500 -f- 12 coo + T V X 12 ooo = 19 700 pounds. Ac- cordingly the greatest value of V in the beam is 19 700 52 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. pounds. As the area of the cross-section is 20 square inches the average shearing unit-stress by formula (3) is 985 pounds, so that the factor of safety is about 50. Prob. 36. A wooden beam 6x9 inches and 12 feet in span carries a uniform load of 20 pounds per foot besides its own weight and also two wheels 6 feet apart, one weighing 4 ooo pounds and the other 3 ooo pounds. Find the factor of safety against shearing. ART. 22. CENTER OF GRAVITY OF CROSS-SECTIONS. The fundamental formula (4) contains c, the shortest dis- tance from the remotest part of the cross-section to a hori- zontal axis passing through the center of gravity of that cross- section. The methods of rinding c are explained in books on theoretical mechanics and will not here be repeated. Its val- ues for some of the simplest cases are however recorded for reference. For a rectangle whose height is d, c \d. For a circle whose diameter is d, c = %d. For a triangle whose altitude is d, c = \d For a square with side d having one diagonal vertical, c = d yf" For a I whose depth is d, c = %d. For a JL whose depth is d, thickness of flange , width of flange d, and thickness of web t', t 'd + t(b - t'} For a trapezoid whose depth is d, upper base , b + 2b' a and lower base b , c = -j. 77 b + b 3 The student should be prepared to readily apply the principle of moments to the deduction of the numerical value of c for any given cross-section. In nearly all cases the given area may be divided into rectangles, triangles, and circular areas, ART. 23. MOMENT OF INERTIA OF CROSS-SECTIONS. 53 whose centers of gravity are known, so that the statement of the equation for finding c is very simple. Prob. 37. Find the value of c for a rail headed beam whose section is made up of a rectangular flange } X 4 inches, a rect- angular web \ X 5 inches, and an elliptical head J inches deep and i inches wide. ART. 23. MOMENT OF INERTIA OF CROSS-SECTIONS. The fundamental formula (4) contains /, the moment of in- ertia of the cross-section of the beam with reference to a hori- zontal axis passing through the center of gravity of that cross- section. Methods of determining / are explained in works on elementary mechanics and will not here be repeated, but the values of some of the most important cases are recorded for reference. r / For a rectangle of base b and depth d, I = -- nd % For a circle of diameter d y I =. = 64 For an ellipse with axes a and b, the latter nab* vertical, I? - 64 bd* For a triangle of base b and depth d, /= For a square with side d, having one diag- onal vertical, /= For a I with base b, depth d, thickness of flanges t and thickness of web /' ', bd* (b f)(d 2t) % 12 For a JL with base b, depth d, thickness of flange /, thickness of web /' and area A, /= - * - k*^, 4 Ac* 54 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. The value of / for any given section may always be computed by dividing the figure into parts whose moments of inertia are known and transferring these to the neutral axis by means of the familiar rule /! = / + Ah*, where 7 is the primitive value for an axis through the center of gravity, I I the value for any parallel axis, A the area of the figure and h the distance be- tween the two axes. Prob. 38. Compute the least moment of inertia of a trape- zoid whose altitude is 3 inches, upper base 2 inches, and lower base 5 inches. Prob. 39. Find the moment of inertia of a triangle with ref- erence to its base, and also with reference to a parallel axis passing through its vertex. ART. 24. THE MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENT. The fundamental equation (4), namely = M, is true for any section of any beam, / being the moment of inertia of that section about its neutral axis, c the vertical distance from that axis to the remotest fiber, 5 the tensile or compressive unit- stress on that fiber, and M the bending moment of all the ex- ternal forces on one side of the section. For a beam of con- stant cross-section S varies directly as M, and the greatest 5 will be found where M is a maximum. The place where M has its maximum value may hence be called the * dangerous section,' it being the section where the horizontal fibers are most highly strained. For a simple beam uniformly loaded with w pounds per linear unit, the dangerous section is evidently at the middle, wl* and, as shown in Art. 18, the maximum Mis -$- o For a simple beam loaded with a single weight P at the dis- l p tance/ from the left support, the left reaction is R P , ART. 24. THE MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENT. 55 p\p and the maximum moment is - ~ . If Pbe movable the distance/ will be variable, and when the load is at the middle the maximum M is For a beam loaded with given weights, either uniform or concentrated, it may be shown that the dangerous section is at the point where the vertical shear passes through zero. To prove this let P^ be any concentrated load on the left of the section and/ its distance from the left support, and w the uni- form load per linear unit. Then, for any section distant x from the left support, M=R l x-wx.-- 2P,(x -/). To find the value of x which renders this a maximum, the first derivative must be put equal to zero ; thus, ~ = R.-wx 2P, = o. dx But RI wx 2P { is the vertical shear V for the section x (see Art. 17). Therefore the maximum moment occurs at the section where the vertical shear passes through zero. To find the dangerous section for any given case the reac- tions are first to be computed by Art. 16, and then the verti- cal shears are to be investigated by Art. 17. For a cantilever, however it be loaded, it is seen that the dangerous section is at the wall. For a simple beam with concentrated loads the point where the vertical shear passes through zero must usually be ascertained by trial. Thus, referring to Fig. 9 and the example in Art. 16, the vertical shear just at the left of the first load is V = 520 3 X 35 = + 4 r 5 pounds, and just at the right of the first load it is F= 520 3X35 300 + 115 pounds. Again for the second load the vertical shear just at the left is V= 520 5 X 35 30x3 = -f 45 pounds, and just at the right it is V= 520 5 X 35 360 = 15 pounds. Hence in this case the vertical shear changes sign, or passes 56 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. through zero, under the second load, and accordingly this is the position of the dangerous section. When the dangerous section has been found the bending moment for that section is to be computed by the definition of Art. 1 8, and this will be the maximum bending moment for the beam. Thus, for the numerical example of the last para- graph, the maximum bending moment is, M= 520 X 5 175 X 2j 300 X 2 = + 1562.5 pound-feet. Again, let a cantilever beam 8 feet long be loaded with 40 pounds per linear foot and carry a weight of 1 50 pounds at the free end ; then the maximum bending moment is, M = 320 X 4 150x8= 2 480 pound-feet. The bending moment for simple beams is seen to be always positive and for cantilever beams always negative. That is to say, in the former case the exterior forces on the left of the section cause compression in the upper and tension in the lower fibers of the beam, while in the latter case this is reversed ; or the upper side of a deflected simple beam is concave and the upper side of a deflected cantilever beam is convex. Prob. 40. A simple beam 12 feet long carries a load of 150 pounds at 5 feet from the left end and a load of 150 pounds at 5 feet from the right end. Find the dangerous section, and the maximum bending moment. Prob. 41. A simple beam 12 feet long weighs 20 pounds per foot and carries a load of 100 pounds at 4 feet from the left end and a load of 50 pounds at 7 feet from tlie left end. Find the dangerous section, and the maximum bending moment. ART. 25. THE INVESTIGATION OF BEAMS. The investigation of a beam consists in deducing the greatest horizontal unit-stress 5 in the beam from the fundamental for- mula (4). This may be written, **' surpassed the elastic limit. It is however very customary in practical computations to apply (4) to the rupture of beams. The ' modulus of rupture ' is the value of 5 deduced from formula (4) when the beam is loaded up to the breaking point. It is always found by experiment that the modulus of rupture does not agree with either the ultimate tensile or compressive, strength of the material but is intermediate between them. If formula (4) were valid beyond the elastic limit, the value of 5 for rupture would agree with the least ultimate strength, with tension in the case of cast iron and with compression in the case of timber. Ductile materials like wrought iron and soft steel have no modulus of rupture because they continue to bend indefinitely under increasing transverse loads and failure does not occur by breaking. The following table gives values of the modulus of rupture, all in pounds per square inch, as found by tests on rectangular beams. 62 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. Material. Tensile Strength, S t . Modulus of Rupture, S r . Compressive Strength, S c . Timber IOOOO 9000 8000 Brick 800 2 500 Stone 2000 6 ooo Cast Iron 20000 35000 90000 Wrought Iron 55000 . 55000 Steel IOOOOO 150000 By the use of the experimental values off the modulus of rup- ture it is easy with the help of formula (4) to determine what load will cause the rupture of a given beam, or what must be its length or size in order that it may rupture under assigned loads. The formula when used in this manner is entirely em- pirical and has no rational basis. Prob. 48. What must be the size of a square wooden beam of 8 feet span in order to break under its own weight? Prob. 49. A cast iron cantilever beam 2 inches square and 6 feet long carries a load P at the end. Find the value of P to cause rupture. ART. 29. COMPARATIVE STRENGTHS. The strength of a beam is measured by the load that it can carry. Let it be required to determine the relative strength of the four following cases, 1st, A cantilever loaded at the end with W, 2nd, A cantilever uniformly loaded with W, 3rd, A simple beam loaded at trie middle with W, 4th, A simple beam loaded uniformly with W. Let / be the length in each case. Then, from Art. 24 and for- mula (4), For ist, M=Wt and hence W = -. ART. 29. COMPARATIVE STRENGTHS. 63 Wl SI For 2nd, M= - and hence W = 2-,-. 2 1C Wl SI For 3rd, M = - and hence W = 4-7-. 4 lc Wl SI For 4th, M = -5- and hence W= 8-7-. o lc Therefore the comparative strengths of the four cases are as the numbers I, 2, 4, 8. That is, if four such beams be of equal size and length and of the same material, the 2nd is twice as strong as the 1st, the 3rd four times as strong, and the 4th eight times as strong. From these equations also result the follow- ing important laws. The strength of a beam varies directly as 5, directly as 7, inversely as c, and inversely as the length /. A load uniformly distributed produces only one-half- as much stress as the same load when concentrated. These apply to all cantilever and simple beams whatever be the shape of the cross-section. When the "cross-section is rectangular, let b be. the breadth and dfthe depth, then (Art. 23) the above equations become, where n is either i, 2, 4, or 8, as the case may be. Therefore, The strength of a rectangular beam varies directly as the breadth and directly as the square of the depth. The reason why rectangular beams are put with the greatest dimensions vertical is now apparent. To find the strongest rectangular beam that can be cut from a circular log of given diameter D, it is necessary to make bd* a maximum. Or the value of b is to be found which makes b (D* F) a maximum. By placing the first derivative equal to zero this value of b is readily found. Thus, b = DV and dDV- 6 4 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. ClI. III. Fig. 21. Hence very nearly, b\ d\ : 5 : 7. From this it is evident that the way to lay off the strongest beam on \ the end of a circular log is to divide the diameter j into three equal parts, from the points of divi- J sion draw perpendiculars to the circumference, and then join the points of intersection with the ends of the diameter, as shown in the figure. The beam thus cut out is, of course, not as strong as the log, and the ratio of the strength of the beam to that of the log is that of their values of -, which will be found to be about 0.65. Prob. 50. Compare the strength of a rectangular beam 2 inches wide and 4 inches deep with that of a circular beam 3 inches in diameter. Prob. 51. Compare the strength of a wooden beam 4 X 6 inches and 10 feet span with that of a wrought iron beam I X 2 inches and 7 feet span. ' ART. 30. IRON AND STEEL I BEAMS. Medium-steel I beams are rolled at present in about thirteen different depths or sizes ; of each there is a light and a heavy weight, and weights intermediate in value may also be obtained. They are extensively used in engineering and architecture. The following table gives mean sizes, weights, and moments of inertia of those steel beams most commonly found in the market. The sizes of different manufacturers agree as to depth, but vary slightly with regard to pro- portions of cross-section, weights per foot, Fig. aa. an( j mO ments of inertia. Fig. 22 shows the proportions of the light and heavy 6-inch beams. Wrought-iron I beams were extensively used prior to 1890, but are now rarely ART. 30. IRON AND STEEL I BEAMS. rolled ; the table for wrought-iron sections given in previous editions of this book is hence here replaced by one for steel. The moments of inertia in the fourth column of the table are taken about an axis perpendicular to the web at the center, this being the neutral axis of the cross-section when used as a beam. The values of /' are with reference to an axis coincid- ing with the center line of the web and are for use in Chapter V. Depth. Weight per Foot. Section Area. Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. Moment of Inertia. Inches. Pounds. A Sq. Inches. Inches*. c Inches 1 . I* Inches*. 24 IOO 29.4 2380 198 48.6 24 80 23.5 2088 174 42.9 20 75 22.1 I 269 127 302 20 65 *I9.I I 170 iif 27-9 18 70 20.6 921 102 24.6 18 55 15.9 796 88.4 21.2 15 55 15.9 511 68.1 I7.I 15 42 12.5 442 58.9 14.6 12 35 10.3 228 38.0 10. 1 12 31* 9-3 216 36.0 9.50 10 40 u. 8 159 31-8 9.50 10 25 7-4 122 24.4 6.89 9 35 10.3 112 24.8 7-31 9 21 6.3 85.0 18.9 5-16 8 25* 7-50 68.4 17.1 4-75 8 18 5-33 56.9 14.2 3.78 7 20 5-88 42.2 12. 1 3-24 7 15 4.42 36.2 10.4 2.67 6 17^ 5-07 26.2 8-73 2.36 6 I2 i 3-61 21.8 7.27 1.8 5 5 I4f 4-34 15.2 6.08 1.70 5 ti 2.8 7 12. 1 4.84 1.23 4 xoi 3.09 7-1 3-55 1. 01 4 7* 2.21 6.0 3.00 0.77 3 74 2.21 2.9 1-93 0.60 3 5i 1.6 3 2.5 1.71 0.46 66 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. In investigating the strength of a given I beam the value of - is taken from the table and 5 is computed from formula (4). In designing an I beam for a given span and loads the value of - is found by (4) from the data and then from the table that I is selected which has the nearest or next highest corresponding value. Intermediate weights between those given in the table can also usually be obtained ; thus, if the computed value of - should be 37.0 a 12-inch beam weighing about 33 pounds per foot might be chosen. For example, let it" be required to determine which I should be selected for a floor loaded with 1 50 pounds per square foot, the beams to be of 20 feet span and spaced 12 feet apart be- tween centers, and the maximum unit-stress 5 to be 16000 pounds per square inch. Here the uniform load on the beam is 12 X 20 X 150 = 36 ooo pounds = W. From formula (4), - HL 36 000 X 20 X 12 _ ~ c ~~~- S " 8X16000 7 ' 5 ' and hence the heavy 1 5-inch I should be selected. In the following examples and problems the ultimate tensile strength of medium steel is taken as 65 ooo pounds per square inch, and factors of safety are based on this constant. Prob. 52. A heavy 15 inch I beam of 12 feet span sustains a uniformly distributed load of 41 net tons. Find its factor of safety. Also the factor of safety for a 24 feet span under the same load. Prob. 53. A floor, which is to sustain a uniform load of 175 pounds per square foot, is to be supported by heavy 10 inch I beams of 15 feet span. Find their proper distance apart from center to center so that the maximum fiber stress may be 1 2 ooo pounds per square inch. ART. 31. IRON AND STEEL DECK BEAMS. Q ART. 31. IRON AND STEEL DECK BEAMS. Deck beams are used in the construction of buildings, and are of a section such as shown in Fig. 23. The heads are formed with arcs of circles but may be taken as elliptical in computing the values of c and /. The following table gives di- mensions of a few of the steel sections found in the market. By means of formula (4) a given deck beam may be investigated or safe loads be determined for it, or one may be selected for a given load and span. Sometimes T irons are used instead of deck beams ; the values of c and / for these are given in the handbooks issued by the manufacturers, or they may be com- puted with an accuracy usually sufficient by regarding the web and flange as rectangular (Arts. 22 and 23). Fig. 23. Size. Depth. Weight per Foot. Section Area. Moment of Inertia. From Top to Axis. ~i Section Modulus. / A / e c Inches. Pounds. Sq. Inches. Inches*. Inches. Inches*. Heavy 9 30 8.8 93-2 4-75 19.6 Light 9 26 7 .6 8 5 .2 4.81 17-7 H 8 24.5 7-2 62.8 4-45 I4.I L 8 2O. I 5-9 55-6 4-56 12.2 H 7 23-5 6.9 45-5 3-89 II.7 L 7 18.1 5-3 38.8 4.00 9-7 Prob. 54. A heavy 7 inch deck beam is loaded uniformly with 50 ooo pounds. Find its factor of safety for a span of 22 feet. Also for a span of 1 1 feet. Prob. 55. What uniform load should be placed upon a heavy 7 inch deck beam of 22 feet span so that the greatest unit-stress at the dangerous section may be 12 ooo pounds per square inch? 68 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. ART. 32. CAST IRON BEAMS. Wrought iron beams are usually made with equal flanges since the resistance of wrought iron is about the same for both tension and compression. For cast iron, however, the flange under tension should be larger than that under compression, since the tensile resistance of the material is much less than its compressive resistance. Let S' be the unit-stress on the re- motest fiber on the tensile side and S that on the compressive side, at the distances c' and c respectively from the neutral axis. Then, from law c' ~ S' ' Now if the working values of 5 and S' can be selected the ratio of c to c' is known and a cross-section can be designed, but it is difficult to assign these proper values on account of our lack of knowledge regarding the elastic limits of cast iron. According to HODGKINSON'S investigations the following are dimensions For a cast iron beam of equal ultimate strength. Thickness of web = /, Depth of beam = 13.5^, Width of tensile flange = \2t, Thickness of tensile flange = 2/, Width of compressive flange = 5/, Thickness of compressive flange = i%t y Value of c = gt, Value of / = 923^. Here the unit-stress in the tensile flange is one-half that in the compressive flange. Although these proportions may be such as to allow the simultaneous rupture of the flanges, yet it does not necessarily follow that they are the best proportions for ordinary working stresses, since the factors of safety in the flanges as computed by the use of formula (4) would be quite different. The proper relative proportions of the flanges of ART. 32. CAST IRON BEAMS. 69 cast iron beams for safe working stresses have never been definitely established, and on account of the extensive use of wrought iron the question is not now so important as formerly. As an illustration of the application of formula (4) let it be required to determine the total uniform load W for a cast iron JL beam of 14 feet span, so that the factor of safety may be 6, the depth of the beam being 18 inches, the width of the flange 12 inches, the thickness of the stem I inch, and the thickness of the flange i inches. First, from Art. 22 the value of c is found to be 12.63 inches, and that of c' to be 5.37 inches, From Art. 23 the value of / is computed to be I 031 inches 4 , From Art. 24 the maximum bending moment is, wl* M = - = 2 1 W pound-inches. 8 Now with a factor of safety of 6 the working strength S on the remotest fiber of the stem of the dangerous section is to be ^7: pounds per square inch. Hence from formula (4), 2lW = 9QQQQX 103^ whence w _ 53 300 pounds. Again with a factor of safety of 6 the working strength S' on the remotest fiber of the flange at the dangerous section is to be - pounds per square inch. Hence from the formula, 2 1 w = 2Q ^ OX I031 , whence W = 30 400 pounds. The total uniform load on the beam should hence not exceed 30400 pounds. Under this load the factor of safety on the tensile side is 6, while on the compressive side it is nearly 12. Prob. 56. A cast iron beam in the form of a channel, or hollow half rectangle, is often used in buildings. Suppose the thickness to be uniformly one inch, the base 8 inches, the height 70 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. 6 inches and the span 12 feet. Find the values of 5 and ' at the dangerous section under a uniform load of 5 ooo pounds. ART. 33. GENERAL EQUATION OF THE ELASTIC CURVE. When a beam bends under the action of exterior forces the curve assumed by its neutral surface is called the elastic curve. It is required to deduce a general expression for its equation. Let // in the figure be any normal section in any beam. Let mn be any short length dl, measured on the neutral surface, and let qmq be drawn parallel to the normal .section through n. Previous to the bending the sec- tions pp and tt were parallel ; now they intorsect at o the cen- ter of curvature. Previous to the bending pt was equal to dl, now it has elongated or shortened the amount pq. The distance Fig - 34> pq will be called A and the dis- tance mp is the quantity c (Art. 22). The elongation A is pro- duced by the unit-stress 5, and from (2) its value is, A = where E is the coefficient of elasticity of the material of the beam. From the similar figures omn and mpq, om _ mp R __ c where R is the radius of curvature om. Inserting in this the above value of A, it becomes, S__E L f ~ R ' ART. 33. GENERAL EQUATION OF THE ELASTIC CURVE. /I But the fundamental formula (4) may be written in the form S_M 7~ = 7* and hence, by comparison, M EI M=. This is the formula which gives the relation between the bend- ing moment of the exterior forces and the radius of curvature at any section. Where M is o the radius R is oo ; where M is a maximum R has its least value. Now, in works on the differential calculus, the following value is deduced for the radius of curvature of any plane curve whose abscissa is x, ordinate y, and length /, namely, ~ dx . d*y Hence the most general equation of the elastic curve is, dr = I dx . d*y ~ M ' which applies to the flexure of all bodies governed by the laws of Arts. 3 and 20. In discussing a beam the axis of x is taken as horizontal and that of y as vertical. Experience teaches us that the length of a small part of a bent beam does not materially differ from that of its horizontal projection. Hence dl may be placed equal to dx for all beams, and the above equation reduces to the form, (5) ^ = - dx* EI' This is the general equation of the elastic curve, applicable to all beams whatever be their shapes, loads or number of spans. M is the bending moment of the external forces for any sec- 72 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. tion whose abscissa is x, and whose moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis is /. Unless otherwise stated /will be regarded as constant, that is, the cross-section of the beam is constant throughout its length. To obtain the particular equation of the elastic curve for any special case, it is first necessary to express M as a function of x and then integrate the general equation twice. The ordinate y will then be known for any value of x. It should, however, be borne in mind that formula (5), like formula (4), is only true when the unit-stress 5 is less than the elastic limit of the material. Prob. 57. A wooden beam inch wide, f inch deep, and 3 feet span carries a load of 14 pounds at the middle. Find the radius of curvature for the middle, quarter points, and ends. ART. 34. DEFLECTION OF CANTILEVER BEAMS. Case I. A load at the free end. Take the origin of co-ordi- ^ I Jp ... [ t _ nates at the free end, and as p =7 I I/ in Fig. 25, let m be any point ^^^_^_ __$ of the elastic curve whose Fig- 25- abscissa is x and ordinate jr. For this point the bending moment M is Px and the general formula (5) becomes, . dx* By integration the first derivative is found to be E g-=-**+C. dx 2 d * But ~- is the tangent of the angle which the tangent to the dx elastic curve at m makes with the axis of x, and as the beam is ART. 34. DEFLECTION OF CANTILEVER BEAMS. 73 dy fixed at the wall the value of -y- is o when x equals /. Hence C = J/Y 2 , and the first differential equation is, 'dx~ 2 2 The second integration now gives, But y = o, when x = o. Hence C' = o, and 6EIy = P($rx - **), which is the equation of the elastic curve for a cantilever of length / with a load P at the free end. If x = I the value of y will be the maximum deflection, which may be represented by A. Then, and for any point of the beam the deflection is A y. Case II. A uniform load. Let the origin be taken at the free end as before, and x and y be the co-ordinates of any point of the elastic curve. Let the load per linear unit be w. Then for Fi - any section M = \wx* and formula (5) becomes, wx* Integrate this, determine the constant of integration by the dy consideration tjiat -r- = o when x = /, and then, ~-=wr -wx\ dx 74 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. Integrate again, and after determining the constant, the equa- tion of the elastic curve is, which is a biquadratic parabola. For x = /, y = A the maxi mum deflection, whose value is, where W is the total uniform load on the cantilever. Case III. A load at the free end and also a uniform load. Here it is easy to show that the maximum deflection is A _ spr + 3 wr 2 4 7 which is the sum of the deflections due to the two loads. Hence it appears that, as in cases of stress, each load produces its effect independently of the other. In order that the formulas for deflection may be true, the maximum unit-stress 5 produced by all the loads must not exceed the elastic limit of the material. Prob. 58. Compute the deflection of a cast iron cantilever beam, 2X2 inches and 6 feet span, caused by a load of 100 pounds at the end. Prob. 59. In order to find the coefficient of elasticity of a cast iron bar 2 inches wide, 4 inches deep, and 6 feet long, it was balanced upon a support and a weight of 4 ooo pounds hung at each end, causing a deflection of 0.401 inches. Com- pute the value of E. ART. 35. DEFLECTION OF SIMPLE BEAMS. The deflection of a simple beam due to a load at the middle, or to a uniform load, is readily obtained from the expressions just deduced for cantilever beams. Thus, for a simple beam of span / with a load P at the middle, if Fig. 27 be inverted it ART. 35. DEFLECTION OF SIMPLE BEAMS. 75 will be seen to be equivalent to two cantilever beams of length \l with a load \P at each end. The formula for the maximum deflection of a cantilever beam hence applies to this figure, if pr I be replaced by / and P by \P, which gives J = ,, - for the deflection at the middle of the simple beam. It will be well, however, to use the general formula (5) and treat each case in- dependently. Case I. A single load P at the middle. Let the origin be taken at the left support. For any section between the left support and the middle the bending moment M is \Px. Fi e- Then the general formula (5) becomes, dy Integrate this and find the constant by the fact that -7- = o when x = J/. Then integrate again and find the constant by the fact that 7 = when x = o. Thus, 4&EIy = P(AfX* $l*x), is the equation of elastic curve between the left hand support and the load. For the greatest deflection make x = J/, then, z>/ 8 A = Case II. A uniform load. Let w be the load per linear unit, then the formula (5) becomes, d^y _ wlx wx* hl d? = T ~^~- Integrate this twice, find the constants as in the preceding para- graph, and the equation of the elastic curve is, 76 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. from which the maximum deflection is found to be, = 384^7 ==: 384^7* Case III. A load P at any point. Here it is necessary first to consider that there are two elastic curves, one on each side of the load, which have distinct equations, but which have a common tangent and ordinate under the load. As in Fig. 28, let the load be placed at a distance kl from the left support, k being a number less than unity. Then the left reaction is R = P(\ k). From the general formula (5), with the origin at the left support, the equations are, On the left of the load, (a) EI = (c) On the right of the load, (a)' EI d - = Rx~P(x- kl\ (b) r EI = \Rx* - \Px* + Pklx + C 3 , (c)' Ely = %Rx* - \Px* + \Pklx* + C,x + C t . To determine the constants consider in (c) that y = o when x o, and hence that 7, = o. Also in (c)', y = o when x l\ again since the curves have a common tangent under the load, (b) = (b) f when x = /, and since they have a common ordinate at that point (c) = (c) f when x kl. Or, o = ART. 36. COMPARATIVE DEFLECTION AND STIFFNESS. // From these three equations the values of C lt C it and C^ are found. Then the equation of the elastic curve on the left of the load is, 6EIy = P(i - k)x* - P(2k - 3/P To find the maximum deflection, the value of x which renders y a maximum is to be obtained by equating the first derivative to zero. If k be greater than , this value of x inserted in the above equation gives the maximum deflection ; if k be less than , the maximum deflection is on the other side of the load. For instance, if k = , the equation of the elastic curve on the left of the load is, = i6/V - This is a maximum when x = 0.567, which is the point of great- est deflection. Prob. 60. Prove, when k is greater than \ in Fig. 28, that the pr maximum deflection is A = =r- r (i k)($k Prob. 61. In order to find the coefficient of elasticity of Quercus alba a bar 4 centimeters square and one meter long was supported at the ends and loaded in the middle with weights of 50 and 100 kilograms when the deflections were found to be 6.6 and 13.0 millimeters. Show that the mean value- of E was 74 500 kilos per square centimeter. ART. 36. COMPARATIVE DEFLECTION AND STIFFNESS. From the two preceding articles the following values of the maximum deflections may now be written and their compari- son will show the relative stiffness of the different cases. i wr For a cantilever loaded at the end with W, A = - . . 78 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. Cll. III. i wr For a cantilever uniformly loaded with W, A = - . -=rjr. 8 El i wr For a simple beam loaded at middle with W, A = . ~ . 48 El t J^/7 3 For a simple beam uniformly loaded with W y A = 1~ . _ . 384 hi The relative deflections of these four cases are hence as the numbers I, f , T V, and These equations also show that the deflections vary directly as the load, directly as the cube of the length, and inversely as E and /. For a rectangular beam I = , and hence the de- flection of a rectangular beam is inversely as its breadth and inversely as the cube of its depth. The stiffness of a beam is indicated by the load that it can carry with a given deflection. From the above it is seen that the value of the load is, where m has the value 3, 8, 48, or ^-f^ as the case may be. Therefore, the stiffness of a beam varies directly as E, directly as 7, and inversely as the cube of its length, and the relative stiffness of the above four cases is as the numbers i, 2f, 16, and 25f . From this it appears that the laws of stiffness are very different from those of strength. (Art. 29.) Prob. 62. Compare the strength and stiffness of a joist 3X8 inches when laid with flat side vertical and when laid with nar- row side vertical. Prob. 63. Find the thickness of a white pine plank of 8 feet span required not to bend more than ^f^th of its length under a head of water of 20 feet. ART. 37. RELATION BETWEEN DEFLECTION AND STRESS. 79 ART. 37. RELATION BETWEEN DEFLECTION AND STRESS. Let the four cases discussed in Arts. 29 and 36 be again con- sidered. For the strength, W = n-, where n = I, 2, 4, or 8. For the stiffness, EIA W=m , where m = 3, 8, 48, or 76^. By equating these values of W the relation between A and 5 is obtained, thus, 5 = mEcA or A = nl*S mcE ' These equations, like the general formula (4) and (5), are only valid when 5 is less than the elastic limit of the materials. This also shows that the maximum deflection A varies as - for beams of the same material under the same unit-stress S. c From the preceding articles the following table may also be compiled which exhibits the most important results relating to both absolute and relative strength and stiffness. Case. Max. Vertical Shear. Max. Bending Moment. Max. Stress S. Max. Deflec- tion. Relative Strength. Relative Stiffness. Wlc I Wl* Cantilever loaded at end, W Wl I I I 3 El Cantilever loaded uniformly, W km Wlc 7.1 I Wl* 2 n Simple beam loaded at middle, itr 1 M/7 Wlc I Wl* 4 16 Simple beam loaded uniformly, ** 1 M/7 Wlc 5 Wl* 8 25* 80 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. Here the signs of the maximum shears and moments are omitted as only their absolute values are needed in computa- tions. Evidently the moments are negative for the first and second cases, and positive for the third and fourth, the direc- tion of the curvature being different. Prob. 64. Find the deflection of a medium-steel heavy 10- inch I beam of 9 feet span when stressed by a uniform load up to 30000 pounds per square inch. Prob. 65. A wooden beam of breadth &, depth d, and span x is loaded with P at the middle. Find the value of x so that rupture may occur under the load. Find also the value of x so that rupture may occur by shearing at the supports. ART. 38. CANTILEVER BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. All cases thus far discussed have been of constant cross- section throughout their entire length. But in the general formula (4) the unit-stress 5 is proportional to the bending mo- ment M y and hence varies throughout the beam in the same way as the moments vary. Hence some parts of the beam are but slightly strained in comparison with the dangerous section. A beam of uniform strength is one so shaped that the unit- stress S is the same in all fibers at the upper and lower surfaces. Hence to ascertain the form of such a beam the unit-stress S in (4) must be taken as constant and be made to vary with M. The discussion will be given only for the most important practical cases, namely, those where the sections are rectangular. / 1 72 For these equals ?- , and formula (4) becomes, ' In this bd* must vary with M for forms of uniform strength ART. 38. CANTILEVER BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 8 1 Elevation For a cantilever beam with a load P at the end, M = Px and the equation becomes \Sbd* = Px, in which P and 5 are constant. If the breadth be taken as con- stant, d* varies with x and the profile is that of a parabola whose vertex is at the load, as shown in Fig. 29. The equation of the parabola is d* = x from which d may be found for given values of x. The walk- Fig> 29> ing beam of an engine is often made approximately of this shape. If the depth of the cantilever beam be constant then b varies directly as x and hence the plan should be a triangle as shown in Fig. 30. The value of b for given values of P, 5, d, and x may be found from the 6Px expression b = Sd'' Fig. 30. For a cantilever beam uniformly loaded with w per linear unit M = %wx*, and the equation becomes \Sbd* = \wx*, in which w and .S are known. If the breadth be taken as constant then d varies as x and the elevation is a triangle, as in Fig. 31, whose depth at any point is If however the depth be Fig. ifi taken constant, then b = -| x* which is the equation of a parabola whose vertex is at the free end of the cantilever and whose axis is perpendicular to it. .Or the equation may be satisfied by two parabolas drawn upon opposite sides of the center line as shown in Fig. 32. The vertical shear modifies in practice the shape of these forms near their ends. For instance, a cantilever beam loaded 82 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. at the end with P requires a cross-section at the end equal to p -^r where S c is the working shearing strength. This cross- ^c section must be preserved until a value of x is reached, where the same value of the cross-section is found from the moment. The deflection of a cantilever beam of uniform strength is evidently greater than that of one of constant cross-section, since the unit-stress 5 is greater throughout. In any case it may be determined from the general formula (5) by substituting for -M and / their values in terms of x, in- tegrating twice, determining the constants, and then making x equal to / for the maximum value of y. For a cantilever beam loaded at the end and of constant breadth, as in Fig. 29, formula (5) becomes, d*y \2Px _2 dx*~ Ebd* ~ E Integrating this twice and determining the constants, as in Art. 34, the equation of the elastic curve is found to be, In this make x = /, and substitute for 5 its value -- , where bd* d^ is the depth at the wall. Then, spr ~^bd~^ which is double that of a cantilever beam of uniform depth d. For a cantilever beam loaded at the end and of constant depth, formula (5) becomes, d*y _ \2Px _ 2S ~-~Ebd*~~~~Ed* ART. 39. SIMPLE BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 83 By integrating this twice and determining the constants as before, the equation of the elastic curve is found, from which the deflection is, which is fifty per cent greater than for one of uniform section. Prob. 66. A cast iron cantilever beam of uniform strength is to be 4 feet long, 3 inches in breadth and to carry a load of 15 ooo pounds at the end. Find the proper depths for every foot in length, using 3 ooo pounds per square inch for the hori- zontal unit-stress, and 4000 pounds per square inch for the shearing unit-stress. ART. 39. SIMPLE BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. In the same manner it is easy to deduce the forms of uni- form strength for simple beams of rectangular cross-section. For a load at the middle and breadth constant, M = \Px> <>p and hence, Sbd* = \Px. Hence d* ^ x, from which values 00 of d may be found for assumed values of x. Here the profile o.f the beam will be parabolic, the vertex being at the support, and the maximum depth under the load. For a load at the middle and depth constant, M \Px as \P before. Hence b = -FT^ an d the plan must be triangular or Ow lozenge shaped, the width uniformly increasing from the sup- port to the load. For a uniform load and constant breadth, M = %wlx and hence, ^/ 8 = ^- (Ix x*\ and the profile of the beam must be elliptical, of preferably a half-ellipse. 84 CANTILEVER BEAMS AND SIMPLE BEAMS. CH. III. *J*70) For a uniform load and constant depth, b = -^ (Ix x*) and ow hence the plan should be formed of two parabolas having their vertices at the middle of the span. The figures for these four cases are purposely omitted, in order that the student may draw them for himself ; if any dif- ficulty be found in doing this let numerical values be assigned to the constant quantities in each equation, and the variable breadth or depth be computed for different values of x. In the same manner as in the last article, it can be shown that the deflection of a simple beam of uniform strength loaded at the middle is double that of one of constant cross-section if the breadth is constant, and is one and one-half times as much if the depth is constant. Prob. 67. Draw the profile for a cast iron beam of uniform strength, the span being 8 feet, breadth 3 inches, load at the middle 30,000 pounds, using the same working unit-stresses as in Prob. 66. Prob. 68. Find the deflection of a steel spring of constant;, depth and uniform strength which is 6 inches wide at the mid- dle, 52 inches long, and loaded at the middle with 600 pounds, the depth being such that the maximum fiber stress is 20 OOQ pounds per square inch. ART. 40. BEAMS OVERHANGING ONE SUPPORT. __________ ? ________ x-- m CHAPTER IV. RESTRAINED BEAMS AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. ART. 40. BEAMS OVERHANGING ONE SUPPORT. A cantilever beam has its upper fibers in tension and the lower in compression, while a simple beam has its upper fibers in compression and the lower in tension. Evidently a beam overhanging one support, as in Fig. 33, has its over- / hanging part in the con- & dition of a cantilever, and the part near the other end in the condi- tion of a simple beam. Hence there must be a point i where the stresses change from tension to compression, and where the curvature changes Fg. 33- from positive to negative. This point i is called the inflection point ; it is the point where the bending moment is zero. An overhanging beam is said to be subject to a restraint at the support beyond which the beam projects, or, in other words, there is a stress in the horizontal fibers over that support. Since the beam has but two supports, its reactions may be found by using the principle of moments as in Art. 16. Thus, if the distance between the supports be /, the length of the 86 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. overhanging part be m y and the uniform load per linear foot be w, the two reactions are, wl wm* n wl . u'm* *> = T- ^' R, = - + wm^--, whose sum is equal to the total load wl -\- wm. Here, as in all cases of uniform load, the lever arms are taken to the cen- ters of gravity of the portions considered. When the reactions have been found, the vertical shear at any section can be computed by Art. 17, and the bending mo- ment by Art. 1 8, bearing in mind that for a section beyond the right support the reaction R^ must be considered as a force acting upward. Thus, for any section distant x from the left support, When x is less than /, When x is greater than /, V= R, - wx, JS=R 1 + R,- wx, The curves corresponding to these equations are shown on Fig- 33- The shear curve consists of two straight lines ; F R, r> when x = o, and V = o when x = - ; at the right support V =R l wl from the first equation, and V= R l + R t wl from the second ; V = o when x = l-\- m. The moment curve consists of two parts of parabolas ; M = o when x =. o, M is a r> maximum when x = l -, M = o at the inflection point where w x = - l , M has its negative maximum when x = /, and M = o w when x = /+ m. The diagrams show clearly the distribution of shears and moments throughout the beam. For example, if I = 20 feet, m = 10 feet, and w = 40 pounds per linear foot, the reactions are R t = 300 and R, = 900 pounds. ART. 40. BEAMS OVERHANGING ONE SUPPORT. 8/ Then the point of zero shear or maximum moment is at x 7.5 feet, the inflection point at x = 15 feet, the maximum shears are -(- 300, 500, and -f- 400 pounds, and the maximum bending moments are -\- I I2 5 and 2 ooo pound-feet. Here the negative bending moment at the right support is numeri- cally greater than the maximum positive moment. The rela- tive values of the two maximum moments depend on the ratio of m to /; if m = o there is no overhanging part and the beam is a simple one ; if m = \l the case is that just discussed ; if m = I the reaction R^ is zero, and each part is a cantilever beam. After having thus found the maximum values of Fand M the beam may be investigated by the application of formulas (3) and (4) in the same manner as a cantilever or simple beam. By the use of formula (5) the equation of the elastic curve be- tween the two supports is found to be, From this the maximum deflection for any particular case may be determined by putting -~- equal to zero, solving for x, and then finding the corresponding value of y. If concentrated loads be placed at given positions on the beam the reactions are found by the principle of moments, and then the entire investigation can be made by the methods above described. Prob. 69. Three men carry a stick of timber, one taking hold at one end and the other two at a common point. Where should this point be so that each may bear one third the weight ? Draw the diagrams of shears and moments. Prob. 70. A beam 20 feet long has one support at the right end and one support at 5 feet from the left end. At the left end is a load of 180 pounds, and at 6 feet from the right end is a load of 125 pounds. Find the reactions, the inflection point, and draw the shear and moment diagrams. 88 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. ART. 41. BEAMS FIXED AT ONE END 'AND SUPPORTED AT THE OTHER. A beam is said to be fixed at the end when it is so restrained in a wall that the tangent to the elastic curve at the wall is horizontal. Thus, in Fig. 33, if the part m is of such a length that the tangent over the right sup- --*-- >! i i i port is horizontal, the part / is in the same condition as a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other. Fig. 34 shows the practical arrange- ment of such a beam, the left sup- Flg * 34 ' port being upon the same level as the lower side of the beam at the wall. The reactions of such a beam cannot be determined by the principles of statics alone, but the assistance of the equation of the elastic curve must be invoked. Case I. For a uniform load over the whole beam, as in Fig. 34, let R be the reaction at the left end. Then for any section the bending moment is Rx \wx*. Hence the differential equation of the elastic curve is, Integrate this once and determine the constant from the neces- dv sary condition that ~ = o when x = I. Integrate again and find the constant from the fact that y = o when x = o. Then, Here also y = o when x = /, and therefore R = The moment at any point now is M = \wlx %wx*, and by placing this equal to zero it is seen that the point of inflection is at x = |/. By the method of Art. 24 it is found that the ART. 41. BEAMS FIXED AT ONE END. 89 maximum moments are+yl-g-w/ 8 and \wl*, and that the distribution of moments is as represented in Fig. 34. dv The point of maximum deflection is found by placing -*- equal to zero and solving for x. Thus 8* 8 glx* + / 3 = o, one root of which is x = +0.42157, and this inserted in the value of y gives, J = 0.0054 j, for the value of the maximum deflection. Case II. For a load at the middle it is first necessary to con- sider that there are two elastic curves having a common ordi- nate and a common tangent under the load, since the expres- sions for the moment are different on opposite sides of the load. Thus, taking the origin as usual at the supported end, On the left of the load, (.) (*) / On the right of the load the similar equations are, (a)' EI^^Rx-P^-V), (6)' E/& (c)' To determine the constants consider in (*:) that y = o when x = o and hence that C, = o. In (&)' the tangent = o when x = / and hence C^= \Rr. Since the curves have a common 90 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. tangent under the load (b) = (&)' for x =%!, and thus the value of C v is found. Since the curves have a common ordinate under the load (c) = (c)' when x = /, and thus C t is found. Then, _ RJ_ Prx Rl*x (c) Ely- g-+ g 2 , Rx* Px* Plx* Rl*x , Pr (c)' Ely-- - + ~+' From the second of these the value of the reaction is R = The moment on the left of the load is now M = -^Px, and that on the right M = \%Px + \PL The maximum posi- tive moment obtains at the load and its value is ^Pl- The maximum negative moment occurs at the wall, and its value .is -f^Pl. The inflection point is at x = -f^l. The deflection un- der the load is readily found from (c) by making x /. The maximum deflection occurs at a less value of x, which may be found by equating the first derivative to zero. Case III. For a load at any point whose distance from the left support is kl, the following results may be deduced by a method exactly similar to that of the last case. Reaction at supported end = %P(2 $k -f- k?). Reaction at fixed end = \P(^k k*\ Maximum positive moment = \Plk(2 ^k-^-k*}. Maximum negative moment = %Pl(k 3 ). The absolute maximum deflection occurs under the load when Prob. 71. Draw the diagrams of shears and moments for a load at the middle, taking P =. 600 pounds and /= 12 feet. Prob. 72. Find the position of load Pwhich gives the maxi- mum positive moment. Find also the position which gives the maximum negative moment. ART. 42. BEAMS OVERHANGING BOTH SUPPORTS. QI ART. 42. BEAMS OVERHANGING BOTH SUPPORTS. When a beam overhangs both supports the bending moments for sections beyond the supports are negative, and in general between the supports there will be two inflection points. If the lengths m and n be equal the reactions will be ^ m -^~ equal under uniform load, each being one half of the total load. In any case, whatever be the nature of the load, the reactions may be found by the principle of moments (Art. 16), and then the vertical shears and bending moments may be deduced for all sections, after which the formulas (3) and (4) can be used for any special problem. Under a uniformly distributed load, and m = n, which is the most important practical case, each reaction is wm -\- %wl, the maximum shears at the supports are wm and \wl, the maxi- mum moment at the middle is + w(^r %m*), the maximum moment at each support is $wm*, and the inflection points are distant J V T 4m 3 from the middle of the beam. Fig. 35 shows the distribution of moments for this case. If m = o, the beam is a simple one ; if / = o, it consists of two cantilever beams. Prob. 73. If m = n in Fig. 35, find the ratio of / to m in order that the maximum positive moment may numerically equal the maximum negative moment. Prob. 74. A beam 30 feet long has one support at 5 feet from the left end, and the other support at 10 feet from the right end. At each end there is a load of 156 pounds and half-way between the supports there is a load of 344 pounds. Construct shear and moment diagrams. 92 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. ART. 43. BEAMS FIXED AT BOTH ENDS. If, in Fig. 35, the distances m and n be such that the elastic curve over the supports is horizontal the central span / is said to be a beam fixed at both ends. The lengths m and n which will cause the curve to be horizontal at the support can be determined by the help of the elastic curve. For uniform load n = m and the bending moment at any section in the span / distant x from the left support is, M = (wm + %wl)x %w(m -f- which reduces to the simpler form, M = M f in which M' represents the unknown bending moment \wn? at the left support. Again, for a single load P at the middle of /in Fig. 35 the elastic curve can be regarded as kept horizontal at the left sup- port by a load Q at the end of the distance m. Then the bend- ing moment at any section distant x from the left support, and between that support and the middle, is, which reduces to, in which M ' denotes the unknown moment Qm at the left support. The problem of finding the bending moment at any section hence reduces to that of determining M' the moment at the support. Case I. For a uniform load the general equation of the elastic curve now is, ART. 43. BEAMS FIXED AT BOTH ENDS. 93 Integrating this twice, making -jj- = o when x = o and also when x = /, the value of M' \ ^ --- ^i is found to be - , and the equation of the elastic ^tll^ curve becomes, m? 2EIy = w(-l*x* + 2lx* - S). Fi *- 36- From this the maximum deflection is found to be, ~ The inflection points are located by making M = o, which gives x 4/ /A / The maximum positive moment is at wr the middle and its value is - - ; accordingly the horizontal 24 stress upon the fibers at the middle of the beam is one half that at the ends. The vertical shear at the left end is %w/, at the middle o, and at the right end Case II. For a load at the middle the general equation of the elastic curve between the left end and the load is, and in a similar manner to that of the last case it is easy to find that the maximum negative mo- Fi &- 37. ments are -J/V, that the maximum positive moment is -J/Y, that the inflection points are half-way between the supports and the pr load, and that the maximum deflection is - -=-=: - 192^7 : Case III. For load P at a distance kl from the left end let 94 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. M' and V denote the unknown bending moment and vertical shear at that end. Then on the left of the load, M=M'+ V'x, and on the right of the load M= M' + V'x P(x - kl). By inserting these in the general formula (5), integrating each twice and establishing sufficient conditions to determine the unknown M' and V and also the constants of integration, the following results may be deduced, Shear at left end = P(\ $tf + 2>P), Shear at right end = Pk\^ 2k). Moment at left end = Plk(\ 2k + JP), Moment at right end = Plk\\ k\ Moment under load = + Plk\2 4& -\- 2&). If k =. \ the load is at the middle and these results reduce to the values found in Case II. Prob. 75. Show from the .results above given for Case III kl that the inflection points are at the distances - - and i + 2k th left end Prob. 76. What medium-steel I beam is required for a span of 24 feet to support a uniform load of 25 ooo pounds, the ends being merely supported? What one is needed when the ends are fixed? ART. 44. COMPARISON OF RESTRAINED AND SIMPLE BEAMS. As the maximum moments for restrained beams are less than for simple beams their strength is relatively greater. This was to be expected, since the restraint produces a negative bending moment and lessens the deflection which would other- ART. 44. COMPARISON OF RESTRAINED AND SIMPLE BEAMS. 95 wise occur. The comparative strength and stiffness of canti- levers and simple beams is given in Art. 37. To these may now be added four cases from Arts. 41 and 43, and the follow- ing table be formed, in which W represents the total load, whether uniform or concentrated. Beams of Uniform Cross-section. Maximum Moment. Maximum Deflection. Relative Strength. Relative Stiffness. I Wl* Cantilever, load at end Wl I I 3 ~I I Wl* Cantilever, uniform load l yyi 2 2| 8 ~f 8 Simple beam, load at middle i f^/y 48 ~EI 4 16 Simple beam uniformly loaded \Wl 384 El 8 25f Beam fixed at one end, supported at Wl* other, load near middle 0.192^7 o.o, 8a _ 5-2 18.3 Beam fixed at one end, supported at other, uniform load \Wl W7 0.0054-^ 8 62 Beam fixed at both ends, load at i Wl* middle i Wl 8 64 192 El Beam fixed at both ends, uniform i Wl* load T^f W/ 12 128 p4^7 This table shows that a beam fixed at both ends and uni- formly loaded is one and one-half times as strong and five times as stiff as a simple beam under the same load. The advantage of fixing the ends is hence very great. Prob. 77. Prove, for a uniformly loaded beam with equal overhanging ends, that the deflection at the middle is given by the formula ' ($/' 24^'). 354/i/ 'Prob. 78. Find the deflection of a g-inch I beam of 6 feet span and fixed ends when loaded at the middle so that the tensile and compressive stresses at the dangerous section are 1 6 800 pounds per square inch. 96 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. ART. 45. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF CONTINUITY. A continuous beam is one supported upon several points in the same horizontal plane. A simple beam may be regarded as a particular case of a continuous beam where the number of supports is two. The ends of a continuous beam are said to be free when they overhang, supported when they merely rest on abutments, and restrained when they are horizontally fixed in walls. The general principles of the preceding chapter hold good for all kinds of beams. If a plane be imagined to cut any beam at any point the laws of Arts. 19 and 20 apply to the stresses in that section. The resisting shear and the resisting moment for that section have the values deduced in Art. 21 and the two fundamental formulas for investigation are, (3) S,A = V, (4) ^=M Here 5 S is the vertical shearing unit-stress in the section, and S is the horizontal tensile or compressive unit-stress on the fiber most remote from the neutral axis ; c is the shortest dis- tance from that fiber to that axis ; / the moment of inertia, and A the area of the cross-section. V is the vertical shear of the external forces on the left of the section, and M is the bending moment of those forces with reference to a point in the section. For any given beam evidently 5 S and S may be found for any section as soon as V and M are known. The general equation of the elastic line, deduced in Art. 33, is also valid for all kinds of beams. It is, (5) UJ ART. 45. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF CONTINUITY. 97 where x is the abscissa and y the ordinate of any point of the elastic curve, M being the bending moment for that section, and E the coefficient of elasticity of the material. The vertical shear V is the algebraic sum of the external forces on the left of the section, or, as in Art. 17, V = Reactions on left of section minus loads on left of section. For simple beams and cantilevers the determination of V for any special case was easy, as the left reaction could be readily found for any given loads. For continuous beams, however, it is not, in general, easy to find the reactions, and hence a different method of determining Fis necessary. Let Fig. 38 represent one span of a continuous beam. Let V be the vertical shear for any L j * h^- .* -X- __ ^_ ^4 section at the distance x __ _J p i from the left support, and ) \ V the vertical shear at a ^r' section infinitely near to Fig. 38. the left support. Also let 2P t denote the sum of all the con- centrated loads on the distance x, and wx the uniform load. Then because V is the algebraic sum of all the vertical forces on its left, the definition of vertical shear gives, (6) V= V -wx-^P^ Hence V can be determined as soon as V is known. The bending moment M is the algebraic sum of the mo- ments of the external forces on the left of the section with ref- erence to a point in that section, or, as in Art. 18, M -=. moments of reactions minus moments of loads. For the reason just mentioned it is in general necessary to de- termine M for continuous and restrained beams by a different method. Let M' denote the bending moment at the left sup- port of any span as in Fig. 38, and M" that at the right sup- 98 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. port, while M is the bending moment for any section distant x from the left support. Let P l be any concentrated load upon the space x at a distance / from the left support, k being a fraction less than unity, and let w be the uniform load per lin- ear unit. Let V be the resultant of all the vertical forces on the left of a section in the given span infinitely near to the left support, and let m be the distance of the point of applica- tion of that resultant from that support. Then the definition of bending moment gives, But Vm is the unknown bending moment M' at the left support. Hence (7) M=M f +V'x-%wx* 2*P l (x-kl), from which M may be found for any section as soon as M' and V have been determined. The vertical shear V at the support may be easily found if the bending moments M' and M" be known. Thus in equa- tion (7) make x = /, then M becomes M", and hence, The whole problem of the discussion of restrained and con- tinuous beams hence consists in the determination of the bend- ing moments at the supports. When these are known the values of M and V may be determined for every section, and the general formulas (3), (4), and (5) be applied as in Chapter III, to the investigation of questions of strength and deflec- tion. The formulas (6), (7), and (8) apply to cantilever and simple beams also. For a simple beam M' M" = o, and V = R. For a cantilever beam M' = o for the free end, and M" is the moment at the wall. The relation between the bending moment and the vertical ART. 46. PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS BEAMS. 99 shear at any section is interesting and important. At the sec- tion x the moment is M and the shear is V. At the next con- secutive section x -)- dx the moment is M -\- dM, which may also be expressed by M-\- Vdx. Hence, dM ~ dx' This may be proved otherwise by differentiating (7) and com- paring with (6). From this it is seen that the maximum mo- ments occur at the sections where the shear passes through zero. Prob. 79. A bar of length 2/ and weighing w per linear unit is supported at the middle. Apply formulas (6) and (7) to the statement of general expressions for the moment and shear at any section on the left of the support, and also at any section on the right of the support. ART. 46. PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS BEAMS. The theory of continuous beams presented in the following pages includes only those with constant cross-section having the supports on the same level, as only such are used in engin- eering constructions. Unless otherwise stated, the ends will be supposed to simply rest upon their supports, so that there can be no moments at those points. Then the end spans are somewhat in the _ h _ la _ h _ i* condition of A ? A 3 4 A a beam with one overhanging end, Ulflflllft^ and the other spans somewhat Fig. 39- in the condition of a beam with two overhanging ends. At each intermediate support there is a negative moment, and the distribution of moments throughout the beam will be as repre- sented in Fig. 39. IOO RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. As shown in Art. 45, the investigation of a continuous beam depends upon the determination of the bending moments at the supports. In the case of Fig. 39 these moments being those at the supports 2, 3, and 4, may be designated M t , M z , and M 4 . Let V^ V^, V 9 , and V^ denote the vertical shear at the right of each support. The first step is to find the moments MI , M 3 , and M 4 . Then from formula (8) the values of V l , F 2 , F 3 , and F< are found, and thus by formula (7) an expression for the bending moment in each span may be written, from which the maximum positive moments may be determined. Lastly, by formulas (3) and (4) the strength of the beam may be in- vestigated, and by (5) its deflection at any point be deduced. For example, let the beam in Fig. 39 be regarded as of four equal spans and uniformly loaded with w pounds per linear unit. By a method to be explained in the following articles it may be shown that the bending moments at the supports are, From formula (8) the vertical shears at the right of the several supports are, etc. And from (6) those on the left of the supports 2, 3, 4, etc., are found to be, %%wl, \\wl, ^wl, etc. From formula (7) the general expressions for the bending moments now are, For first span, M= For second span, M= For third span, M= ' For fourth span, M = From each of these equations the inflection points may be found by putting M=o, and the point of maximum positive moment by putting -- = 0. The maximum positive mo- ART. 46. PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS BEAMS. IOI ments are found to have the following values, T V 2 *W. Ttfcr*"' 1 . iHiw' 1 . and T^W/'. For any particular case the beam may now be investigated by formulas (3) and (4). The reactions at the supports are not usually needed in the discussion of continuous beams, but if required they may easily be found from the adjacent shears. Thus for the above case, = ftwl, etc., and the sum of these is equal to the total load The equation of the elastic curve in any span is deduced by inserting in (5) for M its value and integrating twice. When dv x = o, the tangent -~ is the tangent of the inclination at the left support, and when x = I it is the tangent of the inclination at the right support. When x = o, and also when x = /, the ordinate y = o, and from these conditions the two unknown tangents may be found. In general the maximum deflection in any span of a continuous beam will be found intermediate in value between those of a simple beam and a restrained beam. In the following pages continuous beams will only be inves- tigated for the case of uniform load. The lengths of the spans however may be equal or unequal, and the load per linear foot may vary in the different spans. Prob. 80. In a continuous beam of three equal spans the negative bending moments at the supports are -fawl*. Find the inflection points, the maximum positive moments and the reactions of the supports. IO2 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. ART. 47. THE THEOREM OF THREE MOMENTS. Let the figure represent any two adjacent spans of a continu- ous beam whose lengths are I' and I" and whose uniform loads per linear foot are w' and w" respectively. Let M' , M", and M'" represent the three unknown mo- af tVi^ cnrrrrfc clL LJnC SUL)L)Ol Lz> &* v > ^jv" Let V and V" be the vertical shears at the Fig - 4 " right of the first and second supports. Then, for any section distant x from the left support in the first span, the moment is, M=M' + V'x-\wx\ If this be inserted in the general formula (5) and integrated twice and the constants determined by the condition that y = o when x o and also when x /, the value of the tan- gent of the angle which the tangent to the elastic curve at any section in the first span makes with the horizontal is found to be, dy _ \2M\2x - dx Similarly if the origin be taken at the next support the value of the tangent of inclination at any point in the second span is> dy_ _ dx 24^7 Evidently the two curves must have a common tangent at the support. Hence make x = I' in the first of these and x = o in the second and equate the results, giving, "-*e//"= - \2M"l" - V"l' n w"l"\ ART. 48. CONTINUOUS BEAMS WITH EQUAL SPANS. 103 Let the values of V and V" be expressed by (8) in terms of M f , M" , and M"' , and the equation reduces to, 7f//" 7J/'I"* (g) M'l' + 2M"(r + t") + M'"i" = - -, 4 4 which is the theorem of three moments for continuous beams uniformly loaded. If the spans are all equal and the load uniform throughout, this reduces to the simpler form, M' + ^M" + M"' = . In any continuous beam of s spans there are s -f- I supports and s I unknown bending moments at the supports. For each of these supports an equation of the form of (g) may be written containing three unknown moments. Thus there will be stated s I equations whose solution will furnish the values of the s I unknown quantities. Prob. 8 1. A simple wooden beam one inch square and 15 inches long is uniformly loaded with 100 pounds. Find the angle of inclination of the elastic curve at the supports. ART. 48. CONTINUOUS BEAMS WITH EQUAL SPANS. Consider a continuous beam of five equal spans uniformly loaded. Let the supports beginning on the left be numbered I, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. From the theorem of three moments an equation may be written for each of the supports 2, 3, 4, and 5 ; thus, 104 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. ClI. IV. Since the ends of the beam rest on abutments without restraint M l = M 6 o. Hence the four equations furnish the means of finding the four moments M^, M 3 , M t , M 6 . The solution may be abridged by the fact that M.. = M 6 , and M 3 = M^ which is evident from the symmetry of the beam. Hence, From formula (8) the shears at the right of the supports are, etc. From (7) the bending moment at any point in any span may now be found as in Art. 46, and by (3), (4), and (5) the complete investigation of any special case may be effected. In this way the bending moments at the supports for any number of equal spans can be deduced. The following tri- angular table shows their values for spans as high as seven in number. In each horizontal line the supports are represented by squares in which are placed the coefficients of wl*. For example, in a beam of 3 spans there are four supports and the bending moments at those supports are o, -fowl*, and o. Equal Spans. Moments. Fig. 41. The vertical shears at the supports are also shown in the following table for any number of spans up to 5. The space representing a support shows in its left-hand division the shear on the left of that support and in its right-hand division ART. 48. CONTINUOUS BEAMS WITH EQUAL SPANS. 105 the shear on the right. The sum of the two shears for any support is, of course, the reaction of that support. For ex- ample, in a beam of five equal spans the reaction at the second support is Fig. 42. It will be seen on examination that the numbers in any oblique column of these tables follow a certain law of increase by which it is possible to extend them, if desired, to a greater number of spans than are here given. As an example, let it be required to select a I beam to span four openings of 8 feet each, the load per span being 14000 pounds and the greatest horizontal stress in any fiber to be 12000 pounds per square inch. The required beam must satisfy formula (4), or, 7 = M C~~ 12 000 where M is the maximum moment. From the table it is seen that the greatest negative moment is that at the second sup- port, or ~w/*. The maximum positive moments are, 2o V* max M = = For fust span, For second span, max M = 77 r , + = 2W 106 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. The greatest value of M is hence at the second support. Then, / = 3 X 14 OOP X 8 X 12 = I2 c 28 X 12 ooo and from the table in Art. 30 it is seen that a light 7-inch beam will be required. Prob. 82. Draw the diagram of shears and the diagram of moments for the case of three equal spans uniformly loaded. Prob. 83. Find what I beam is required to span three open- ings of 12 feet each, the load on each span being 6 ooo pounds, and the greatest value of 5 to be 12000 pounds per square inch. ART. 49. CONTINUOUS BEAMS WITH UNEQUAL SPANS. As the first example, consider two spans whose lengths are /,,/,, and whose loads per linear unit are w l and w^ . The theorem of three moments in (9) then reduces to, and hence the bending moment at the middle support is, M From this the reaction at the left support may be found by (8) and the bending moment at any point by (7). Next consider three spans whose lengths are / x , /, , and / 3 , loaded uniformly with w l , w^ , w 3 . The bending moments at the second and third supports are M 9 and M 3 . Then from (9), and the solution of these gives the values of M^ and M a . A very common case is that for which ^ = /, /, = / 8 = /, and w l =w 9 = w,= w. For this case the solution gives, ART. 50. REMARKS ON THE THEORY OF FLEXURE. IO/ Here if n = I, these two moments become -fowl*, as also shown in the last article. Whatever be the lengths of the spans or the intensity of the loads, the theorem of three moments furnishes the means of finding the bending moments at the supports. Then from (8), (7), and (6) the vertical shears and bending moments at every section may be computed. Finally, if the material be not strained beyond its elastic limit, formula (5) may be used to determine the deflection, while (4) investigates the strength of the beam. Prob. 84. A continuous beam of three equal spans is loaded only in the middle span. Find the reactions of the end sup- ports due to this load. Prob. 85. A heavy 1 2-inch I beam of 36 feet length covers four openings, the two end ones being each 8 feet and the others each 10 feet in span. Find the maximum moment in the beam. Then determine the load per linear foot so that the greatest horizontal unit-stress may be 12000 pounds per square inch. ART. 50. REMARKS ON THE THEORY OF FLEXURE. The theory of flexure presented in this and the preceding chapter is called the common theory, and is the one universally adopted for the practical investigation of beams. It should not be forgotten, however, that the axioms and laws upon which it is founded are only approximate and not of an exact nature like those of mathematics. Laws (A) and (B) for instance are true as approximate laws of experiment, but probably not as exact laws of science. Law (G) has been established by the observed fact that a vertical line, drawn upon the side of the beam before flexure, remains a straight line after flexure, even when the elastic limit of the material is exceeded. IO8 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. Ql. IV. When experiments on beams are carried to the point of rup- ture and the longitudinal unit-stress 6" computed from formula (4) a disagreement of that value with those found by direct experiments on tension or compression is observed. This is often regarded as an objection to the common theory of flexure, but it is in reality no objection, since law (G) and formula (4) are only true provided the elastic limit of the material be not exceeded. Experiments on the deflection of beams furnish on the other hand the most satisfactory confirmation of the theory. When E is known by tensile or compressive tests the formulas for deflection are found to give values closely agreeing with those observed. Indeed so reliable are these formulas that it is not uncommon to use them for the purpose of computing E from experiments on beams. If however the elastic limit of the material be exceeded, the computed and observed deflec- tions fail to agree. On the whole it may be concluded that the common theory of flexure is entirely satisfactory and sufficient for the investi- gation of all practical questions relating to the strength and stiffness of beams. The actual distribution of the internal stresses is however a matter of very much interest and this will be discussed at some length in Chapter VIII. The theory of flexure is here applied to continuous beams only for the case of uniform loads. It should be said however that there is no difficulty in extending it to the case of concen- trated loads. By a course of reasoning similar to that of Art. 48 it may be shown that the theorem of three moments for single loads is, M'l' + 2M"(l' + /") + M'"l" = - P'l'\k - &) Here as in Fig. 37 the moments at three consecutive supports are designated by M', M" , and M"' and the lengths of the two spans by /' and I". P' is any load on the first span at a dis- ART. 50. REMARKS ON THE THEORY OF FLEXURE. IOQ tance kl' from the left support and P" any load on the second span at a distance kl" from the left support, k being any frac- tion less than unity and not necessarily the same in the two cases. From this theorem the negative bending moments at the supports for any concentrated loads may be found, and the beam be then investigated by formulas (6) and (4). For ex- ample, if a beam of three equal spans be loaded with P at the middle of each span, the negative moments at the supports are each $-Pl. 20 The Journal of the Franklin Institute for March and April, 1875, contains an article by the author in which the law of in- crease of the quantities in the tables of Art. 48 is explained and demonstrated. A general abbreviated method of deduc- ing the moments at the supports for both uniform and concen- trated loads on restrained and continuous beams is given in the Philosophical Magazine for September, 1875. See Text-book on Roofs and Bridges, Part IV. Exercise 4. Consult BARLOW'S Strength of Materials (Lon- don, 1837), an d write an essay concerning his experiments to determine the laws of the strength and stiffness of beams. Con- sult also BALL'S Experimental Mechanics. Exercise 5. Consult Engineering News, Vol. XVIII, pp.309, 352, 404, 443; Vol. XIX, pp. 11, 28, 48, 84; and Vol. XXII, p. 121. Write an essay concerning certain erroneous views re- garding the theory of flexure which are there discussed. Con- sult also TODHUNTER'S History of the Elasticity and Strength of Materials. Exercise 6. Procure six sticks of ash each -J X f inches and of lengths about 8, 12, and 16 inches. Devise and conduct experiments to test the following laws : First, the strength of a beam varies directly as its breadth and directly as the square of its depth. Second, the stiffness of a beam is directly as its breadth and directly as the cube of its depth. Third, a beam fixed at the ends is twice as strong and four times as stiff as a 110 RESTRAINED AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. CH. IV. simple beam when loaded at the middle. Write a report describing and discussing the experiments. Exercise 7. In order to test the theory of continuous beams discuss the following experiments by FRANCIS and ascertain whether or not the ratio of the two observed deflections agrees with theory. "A frame was erected, giving 4 bearings in the same horizontal plane, 4 feet apart, making 3 equal spans, each bearing being furnished with a knife edge on which the beam was supported. Immediately over the bearings and secured to the same frame was fixed a straight edge, from which the de- flections were measured. A bar of common English refined iron, 12 feet 2j inches long, mean width 1.535 inches, mean depth 0.367 inches, was laid on the 4 bearings, and loaded at the center of each span so as to make the deflections the same, the weight at the middle span being 82.84 pounds and at each of the end spans 52.00 pounds. The deflections with these weights were, At the center of the middle span 0.281 inches. At center of end spans, 0.275 and 0.284 inches, mean 0.280 inches. A piece 3 feet uf inches long was then cut from each end of the bar, leaving a bar 4 feet 4f inches long, which was replaced in its former position and loaded with the same weight (82.84 pounds) as before, when its deflection was found to be 1.059 inches." Prob. 86. A beam of three spans, the center one being / and the side ones nl, is loaded with P at the middle of each span. Find the value of n so that the reactions at the end may be one-fourth of the other reactions. Prob. 87. Let a beam whose cross-section is an isosceles tri- angle have the base b and the depth d. Prove that if 0.13^ be cut off from the vertex the remaining trapezoidal beam will be about 9 per cent stronger than the triangular one. ART. 51. CROSS-SECTIONS OF COLUMNS. Ill CHAPTER V. COLUMNS OR STRUTS. ART. 51. CROSS-SECTIONS OF COLUMNS. A column is a prism, greater in length than about ten times its least diameter, which is subject to compression. If the prism be only about four or six times as long as its least diam- eter the case is one of simple compression, the constants for which are given in Art. 6. In a case of simple compression failure occurs by the crushing and splintering of the material, or by shearing in directions oblique to the length. In the case of a column, however, failure is apt to occur by a sidewise bending which causes flexural stresses. The word * strut ' is frequently used as synonymous with column, and sometimes also the word ' pillar.' Wooden columns are usually square or round and they may be built hollow. Cast iron columns are usually round and they are often cast hollow. Wrought iron columns are made of a great variety of forms. I beams may be used, but most columns are usually made of three or more different shape-irons riveted together. The Phcenix column is made by riveting together flanged circular segments so as to form a closed cylinder. It is clear that a square or round section is preferable to an unsym- metrical one, since then the liability to bending is the same in all directions. For a rectangular section the plane of flexure will evidently be perpendicular to the longer side of the cross- section, and in general the plane of flexure will be perpendicular to that axis of the cross-section for which the moment of in- ertia is the least. In designing a column it is hence advisable 112 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. that the cross-section should be so arranged that the moments of inertia about the two principal rectangular axes may be approximately equal. For instance, let it be required to construct a column with two I shapes and two plates as shown in Fig. 43. The I beams are to be light lo-inch ones weighing 30 pounds per linear foot, and having the flanges 4.32 inches wide. The plates are to be inch thick, and it is required to find their length x so that the liability to bending about the two axes shown in the figure may be the same. From the manu- facturer's table it is found that the moment 43- of inertia / of the beam about an axis through its center of gravity and perpendicular to the web is 150, while the moment of inertia I' about an axis through the same point and parallel to the web is nearly 8. Hence, for the axes showji in the figure, the moments of inertia are, For axis perpendicular to plates, / * 3 /^ I _ . v > O I , . v > 12 For axis parallel to plates, * X 0.5" 12 + 2 X 0.5* x 5-25' + 2 X 150. Placing these two expressions equal, the value of x is found to be between 14 and 14^ inches. Prob. 88. A column is to be formed of two light 1 2-inch eye- beams connected by a lattice bracing. Find the proper distance between their centers, disregarding the moment of inertia of the latticing. Prob. 89. Two joists each 2X4 inches are to be placed 6 inghes apart between their centers, and connected by two others each 8 inches wide and x inches thick so as to form a closed hollow rectangular column. Find the proper value of x. ART. 52. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. ART. 52. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. If a short prism of cross-section A be loaded with the weight P, the internal stress is to be regarded as uniformly distributed over the cross-section, and hence the compressive unit-stress S e p is --. But for a long prism, or column, this is not the case; A P while the average unit-stress is r , the stress in certain parts of the cross-section may be greater and upon others less than this value on account of the transverse stresses due to the sidewise flexure. Hence in designing a column the load P must be taken as smaller for a long one than for a short one, since evi- dently the liability to bending increases with the length. Numerous tests on the rupture of long columns have shown that the load causing the rupture is approximately in- versely proportional to the square of the length of the column. That is to" say, if there be two columns of the same material and cross-section and one twice as long as the other, the long one will rupture under about one-quarter the load of the short one. The condition of the ends of columns exerts a great influence upon their strength. Class (a) includes those with ' round ends/ or those in such condition that they are free to turn at the ends. Class (c) includes those whose ends are ' fixed ' or in such condition that the tangent to the curve at the ends always remains vertical. Class (b) includes those with one end fixed and the other round. In architecture it is rare that any other than class (c) is used. In bridge construction and in machines, however, columns of classes (b) and (a) are very common. It is evident that class (c) 114 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. is stronger than (), and that (b) is stronger than (a), and this is confirmed by all experiments. Fig. 44 is intended as a sym- bolical representation of the three classes of columns, and not as showing how the ends are rendered 'round' and 'fixed' in practical constructions. The theory of the resistance of columns has not yet been perfected like that of beams, and accordingly the formulas for practical use are largely of an empirical character. The form of the formulas however is generally determined from certain theoretical considerations, and these will be presented in the following articles as a basis for deducing the practical rules. Prob. 90. A column of \\rouHit-iron shapes weighing 186 pounds per yard is 1 1 inches square and 3 feet long. Whc*c load will it carry with a factor of safety of 5 ? ART. 53. EULER'S FORMULA FOR LONG COLUMNS. Consider a column of cross-section A loaded with a weight P |p under whose action a certain small sidewise bending 4 occurs. Let the column be round, or free to turn at both ends as in Fig. 45. Take the origin at the upper end, and let x be the vertical and y the horizontal co- ordinate of any point of the elastic curve. The gen- eral equation (5) deduced in Art. 33, applies to all bodies subject to flexure provided the bending be slight and the elastic limit of the material be not ex- ceeded. For the column the bending moment is Fig. 45. Py, the negative sign being used because the curve is concave to the axis of x ; hence, . The first integration of this gives, ( ^ ART. 53. EULER'S FORMULA. dy But when y = the maximum deflection ^, the tangent ~- = o. Hence C = P4*, and by inversion, dx = (^^=, The second integration now gives, =(?)' arc sin ~ 4- T'. ' Here C"' is o because / = o when x = o. Hence finally the equation of the elastic curve of the column is, This equation is that of a sinusoid. But also y = o when / P\* x = I. Hence if n be an integer, IVJ^T] must equal nn, or, p =&-. which is EULER'S formula for the resistance of columns. This reduces the equation of the sinusoid to, y = A sin nn-j. The three curves for n = I, n = 2, and n 3 are shown in Fig. 46. In the first case the curve is entirely on one side of the axis of x, in the second case it crosses that axis at the mid- dle, and in the third case it crosses at \l and \ /, the points of crossing being also inflection points where the bending mo- ment is zero. Evidently the Fig. 46. greatest deflection will occur for the case where n = i, and . 1 16 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. this is the most dangerous case. Hence, n*EI (a) p=j r - ) is EULER'S formula for long columns with round ends. A column with one end fixed and the other round is closely represented by the portion b'b" of the second case, b' being the fixed end where the tangent to the curve is vertical. Here n = 2, and the length b'b" is three-fourths of the entire length, hence, is RULER'S formula for long columns with one end fixed and the other round. A column with fixed ends is represented by the portion c'c" of the case c. Here n = 3, and the length c'c" is two-thirds of the entire length, hence, ... is EULER'S formula for long columns with fixed ends. From this investigation it appears that the relative resist- ances of long columns of the classes (a), (), and (c) are as the numbers i, 2j, and 4, when the lengths are the same, and this conclusion is approximately verified by experiments. It also appears that, if the resistance of three columns of the classes (a), (b), and (V) are to be equal, their lengths must be as the numbers I, if, and 2. The moment of inertia 7 in the above formulas is taken about a neutral axis of the cross-section perpendicular to the plane of the flexure, and in general is the least moment of inertia of that cross-section, since the column will bend in the direction which offers the least resistance. If A be the area of the ART. 54. HODGKINSON'S FORMULAS. 117 cross-section and r its least radius of gyration, the value of / is Ar* t and EULER's formula may be written p y where m = i, 2j, or 4, for the three end conditions. The value of P in EULER'S formula gives the load which holds the column in equilibrium when it is laterally deflected. If the load be less than this value of P the column, if deflected, will return to its original straight position. If the load be slightly greater than P the bending increases until failure occurs. EULER'S formula is hence the criterion of indifferent equilibrium or the condition for the failure of a column by lateral bending. The maximum deflection A is indeterminate, since it cannot be found from the equation of the elastic curve. EULER'S formula is little used in practice, except in Ger- many. When so used it takes the form P _ rnrfE S A~ ~7~'T" in which f is an assumed factor of security and P is the load on the column. Prob. 91. Show that the value of the constant m for a long column which is fixed at one end and entirely free at the other is m = J. ART. 54. HODGKINSON'S FORMULAS. EULER'S formula gives valuable information regard- ing the laws of flexure of long columns. For cylindrical columns it shows, since /= Ttd'/G^., that the load P which causes lateral failure varies directly as the fourth power of the diameter and inversely as the square of the length. HODGKINSON in his experiments observed that this was approximately but not exactly the case. He therefore Il8 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. Cli. V. wrote for each kind of columns the analogous expression, and determined the constants a, /?, and 6 from the results of his experiments, thus producing empirical formulas. Let P be the crushing load in gross tons, d the diameter of the column in inches, and / its length in feet. Then HODG- KINSON'S empirical formulas are, For solid cast iron cylindrical columns, P = 14.9- for round ends, for flat ends, For solid wrought iron cylindrical columns, ^3-76 P = 42-7^ for round ends; ^3.76 P = 134- for flat ends. These formulas indicate that the ultimate strength of flat-ended columns is about three times that of round-ended ones. The experiments also showed that the strength of a column with one end flat and the other end round is about twice that of one having both ends round. HODGKINSON'S tests were made upon small columns and his formulas are not so reliable as those which will be given in the following articles. For small cast iron columns however the formulas are still valuable. By the help of logarithms it is easy to apply these formulas to the discussion of given cases. Usually P will be given and d required, or d be given and P required. By using assumed factors of safety the proper size of cylindrical columns to carry given loads may also be determined. These formulas, it should be remembered, do not apply to columns shorter than about ART. 55. RANKINE'S FORMULA. 119 thirty times their least diameters. The word flat used in this Article is to be regarded as equivalent to fixed. Prob. 92. A cast-iron cylindrical column with flat ends is 3 inches diameter and 8 feet long. What load will cause it to fail? Prob. 93. A cast-iron cylindrical column with flat ends is to be 7 feet long and carry a load of 200 ooo pounds with a factor of safety of 6. Find the proper diameter. ART. 55. RANKINE'S FORMULA. The columns which are generally employed in engineering practice are intermediate in length between short prisms and the long columns to which EULER'S formula ap- plies. They fail under the stresses caused by combined flexure and compression. Fig. 47 shows the flexure very much exaggerated. The P load P produces an average unit-stress on any A horizontal cross-section whose area is A, but in consequence of the bending this is increased on the concave side and diminished on the convex side by an amount S^ The value of S l depends upon the bending moment PA, where A is the lateral deflection at the middle of the column. The total unit-stress on the concave side is then p Fig. 47. + S lt and it isnatural to suppose that failure A. will occur when this is equal to the ultimate strength of the material. Many formulas have been proposed for the investi- gation of such columns, but all of them are more or less em- pirical, as certain constants are derived from the results of ex- 120 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. periments upon the rupture of columns, or assumptions are made regarding the form of the formula. The formulas of EULER are unsuitable for practical cases of investigation because they contain no constant indicating the working or ultimate compressive strength of the material, and because they apply only to long columns. HODGKINSON's formulas are unsatisfactory for similar reasons, and because they do not well agree with later experiments. The formula which appears to have the best theoretical foundation will now be presented. It is sometimes called GORDON'S formula, and occasionally it is referred to as " GOR- DON'S formula modified by RANKINE," but the best usage gives to it the name of RANKINE'S formula. (The formula deduced by GORDON differs from (10) in that it applies only to rectangular or circular cross-sections, r being replaced by d, the least side or diameter, and q having different values from those given in the table.) Let P be the load on the column, / its length, A the area of its cross-section, / the moment of inertia, and r the radius of gyration of that cross-section with reference to a neutral axis perpendicular to the plane of flexure, and c the shortest dis- tance from that axis to the remotest fiber on the concave side. The average compressive unit-stress on p any cross-section is , but in consequence A of the flexure this js increased on the concave side, and decreased on the con- vex side. Thus in Fig. 48 the average p unit-stress - is represented by cd, but on the concave side this is increased to aq, and on the convex side decreased to bq. The triangles pdq and qdp represent ART. 55- RANKINE'S FORMULA. 121 the effect of the flexure exactly as in the case of beams, pq indicating the greatest compressive and qp the greatest ten- sile unit-stress due to the bending. Let the total maximum unit-stress aq be denoted by 5 and the part due to the flexure be denoted by S 19 Then, New, from the fundamental formula (4) the flexural stress is Me , where M is the external bending moment, which for a col- umn has its greatest value when M = PA, A being the maxi- mum deflection. / = Ar* is the well-known relation between / and r. Hence the value of S l is, PAc PAc By analogy with the theory of beams, as in Art. 37, the value ^ of A may be regarded as varying directly as . Hence if q be a quantity depending upon the kind of material and the con- dition of the ends, the total unit-stress is, P This may now be written in the usual form, P _ S (10) A = which is RANKINE'S formula for the investigation of columns. The above reasoning has been without reference to the ar- rangement of the ends of the column. By Art. 53 it is known that a column with round ends must be one half the length of one with fixed ends in order to be of equal strength, and that a column with one end fixed and the other round must be 122 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. three fourths the length of one with fixed ends in order to be of equal strength. Therefore if q be the constant for fixed ends, (fq will be the constant for one end fixed and the other round, and 2*q will be the constant for both ends round. The values of q to be taken for use in formula (10) for the examples and problems of this chapter may be the following rough values, unless otherwise stated, while the values of the ultimate compressive unit-stress 6" will be taken from the table in Art. 6. Material. Both Ends Fixed. Fixed and Round. Both Ends Round. Timber, Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, Steel, I I. 7 8 4 3 ooo i 3 ooo 1.78 3 ooo 4 5 ooo i 5 ooo i.78 36 ooo 1.78 5 ooo 4 36 ooo I 36000 4 25 ooo 25 ooo 25 ooo Very wide variation in the values of q is found from experi- ments on the rupture of different types of columns. Formula (10) when used with such experimental values is an empirical one only. In Art. 61 it is shown how a theoretic value of q may be derived which renders (10) a rational formula. Prob. 94. Plot the curve represented by formula (10) for cases of wrought-iron columns with fixed and with round ends, P I taking the values of as ordinates, and the values of as ab- jrL T scissas. ART. 56. RADIUS OF GYRATION OF CROSS-SECTIONS. The radius of gyration of a surface with reference to an axis is equal to the square root of the ratio of the moment of iner- ART. 57. INVESTIGATION OF COLUMNS. 123 tia of the surface referred to the same axis to the area of the figure. Or if r be radius of gyration, / the moment of inertia, and A the area of the surface, then I =Ar*. In the investigation of columns by formula (10) the value of r a is required, r being the least radius of gyration. These values are readily derived from the expressions for the mo- ment of inertia given in Art. 23, the most common cases being the following, For a rectangle whose least side is d, r* = . For a circle of diameter d, r* = -^. 16 For a triangle whose least altitude is d, r* = $. Io For a hollow square section, r 1 = For a hollow circular section, r* = 12 d'+d" 16 For I beams and other shapes, r 9 is found by dividing the least moment of inertia of the cross-section by the area of that cross- section. For instance, by the help of the table in Art. 30, the least value of r a for a light 12-inch I beam is found to be g= 1.02 inches'. Prob. 95. Compute the least radius of gyration for a T iron whose width is 4 inches, depth 4 inches, thickness of flange J inches, and thickness of stem f inches. ART. 57. INVESTIGATION OF COLUMNS. The investigation of a column consists in determining the maximum compressive unit-stress 5" from formula (10). The values of P, A, /, and r will be known from the data of the given case, and q is known from the results of previous experiments. Then, p 124 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. and, by comparing the computed value of 5 with the ultimate strength and elastic limit of the material, the factor of safety and the degree of stability of the column may be inferred. For example, consider a hollow wooden column of rectangu- lar section, the outside dimensions being 4X5 inches and the inside dimensions 3X4 inches. Let the length be 18 feet, the ends fixed, and the load 'be 5400 pounds. Here P = 5 400, A S square inches, ! = 216 inches. From the table q = 3 -^. From Art. 56, - - **** = - Then the substitution of these values gives, 5400/ 2r6X2i6\ 5 = g (i + 3000X22 J = 5430 pounds per square inch. Here the average unit-stress is 675 pounds per square inch, but the flexure has increased that stress on the concave side to 5 430 pounds per square inch, so that the factor of safety is only about i. Prob. 96. A cylindrical wrought iron column with fixed ends is 12 feet long, 6.36 inches in exterior diameter, 6.02 inches in interior diameter, and carries a load of 98 ooo pounds. Find its factor of safety. Prob. 97. A pine stick 3X4 inches and 12 feet long is used as a column with fixed ends. Find its factor of safety under a load of 4 ooo pounds. If the length be only one foot, what is the factor of safety? ART. 58. SAFE LOADS FOR COLUMNS. To determine the safe load for a given column it is necessary to first assume the allowable working unit-stress 5. Then from formula (10) the safe load is, r ART. 59. DESIGNING OF COLUMNS. 12$ Here A, /, and r are known from the data of the given problem and q is taken from the table in Art. 55. For example, let it be required to determine the safe load for a fixed-ended timber column, 3X4 inches in size and 10 feet long, so that the greatest compressive unit-stress may be 800 pounds per square inch. From the formula, 800 X 12 P = - = = about i 300 pounds. 120' 3 ooo X | A short prism 3X4 inches should safely carry seven times this load. Prob. 98. Find the safe load for a heavy steel I beam of 15 inches depth and 10 feet length when used as a column with fixed ends, the factor of safety being 4. Prob. 99. Find the safe steady load for a hollow cast iron column with fixed ends, the length being 18 feet, outside dimensions 4X5 inches, inside dimensions 3X4 inches. ART. 59. DESIGNING OF COLUMNS. When a column is to- be selected or designed the load to be borne will be known, as also its length and the condition of the ends. A proper allowable unit-stress 5 is assumed, suitable for the given material under the conditions in which it is used. Then from formula (i) the cross-section of a short column or P prism is -=-, and it is certain that a greater value of the cross- section than this will be required. Next assume a form and area A, find r 2 , and from the formula (10) compute 5". If the computed value agrees with the assumed value the correct size has been selected. If not, assume a new area and compute .S again, and continue the process until a proper agreement is attained. 126 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. For example, a hollow cast iron rectangular column of 18 feet length is to carry a load of 60 ooo pounds. Let the working strength .S be 15 OOO pounds per square inch. Then for a short length the area required would be four square inches. Assume then that about 6 square inches will be needed. Let the sec- tion be square, the exterior dimensions 6x6 inches, and the in- terior dimensions 5^ X 5i inches. Then A = 5.75, 1= 18 X 12, P 60000, q ^5, r 2 5.52, and from (10), 5 = 6oooo/ i8 2 X 12' \ -- 1 1 + -- j = about 30 ooo, 5.75 \ [ 5000 X 5-52' which shows that the dimensions are much too small. Again assume the exterior side as 6 inches and the interior as 5 inches. Then A = n, r 2 = 5.08, and 6oooo/ i8 2 X 12" As this is very near the required working stress, it appears that these dimensions very nearly satisfy the imposed conditions. In many instances it is possible to assume all the dimensions of the column except one, and then after expressing^ and r in terms of this unknown quantity, to introduce them into (10) and solve the problem by finding the root of the equation thus formed. For example, let it be required to find the size of a square wooden column with fixed ends and 24 feet long to sus- tain a load of 100000 pounds with a factor of safety of 10. Here let x be the unknown side ; then A = x* and r* = . From (10), 100 ooo/ 24" X i: 800 = 5 i H x v 3 ooo x By reduction this becomes, Sx 4 i ooo*' = 331 776, the solution of which gives 16.6 inches for the side of the column. ART. 60. THE STRAIGHT-LINE FORMULA. I2/ Prob. ioo. Find the size of a square wooden column with fixed ends and 12 feet in length to sustain a load of 100000 pounds with a factor of safety of 10. Find also its size for round ends. ART. 60. TrtE STRAIGHT-LINE FORMULA. In 1886 a straight-line formula for columns, as a substitute for RANKINE'S, was proposed by THOMAS H. JOHNSON, which has since been extensively used on account of its simplicity when expressed in numerical form. The notation being the same as in Art. 55, this formula is, p -s k l ~A~ r' in which k is a constant whose value is, t S ' 3 where m is I, 2j, or 4, depending on the condition of the ends, as in EULER'S formula (Art. 53). This formula is not a rational one, the equation of the straight line being assumed merely as a good representation of the results of experiments on the rupture of columns. The value of k is deduced by making the straight line tangent to the curve which represents EULER'S formula. Thus, let the values of P I and - be regarded as the ordinates and abscissas of a curve, /i T and be designated by u and v respectively. Then the equa- tions of EULER'S curve and of the assumed straight line are, ~ u - 5 and u = S kv. By placing equal the values of u in these two equations and also the values of the first derivatives, the ordinate and abscissa of the point of tangency are found to be, i o * = S and z/ 128 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. and then the value of k, as above ghnen. results. The value of i\ is the limiting value of -, within which the straight-line formula is to be used. The values of 5 to be used for cases of rupture are such as make the straight-line agree best with experimental results. The values derived by JOHNSON in his discussion are given in the- following table, together with the corresponding values of k and limiting values of - , which are computed by taking m as 2j, if, and I for the given cases. Kind of Column. 5 k Limit r Wrought iron: Flat ends, 42 ooo 128 218 Hinged ends, 42 ooo 157 178 Round ends, 42 ooo 203 I 3 8 Mild steel: Flat ends, 52 500 J 79. 195 Hinged ends, 52 500 220 159 Round ends, 52 500 284 123 Cast iron: Flat ends, 80 ooo 438 122 Hinged ends, 80 ooo 537 99 Round ends, 80 ooo 693 77 Oak: Flat ends, 5400 28 128 It will be noticed that the values of S in the above table are less than the average values of ultimate strength given in Art. 6. For ductile materials, like wrought iron and mild steel, this should be the case in columns, since when the elastic limit is passed a flow of metal begins which causes the lateral deflec- tion to increase, and failure then rapidly follows. Reference is made to JOHNSON'S paper in Transactions of ART. 6l. HITTER'S RATIONAL FORMULA. 129 American Society of Civil Engineers for July 1886, for a fuller discussion of the straight-line formula. Although much used for computing values of P/A, it is inconvenient for find- ing S, since this quantity is included in k and a cubic equa- tion in 5 results. Prob. 101. Solve Problems 99 and 100 by the straight-line formula, using the values given in the table. ART. 61. RITTER'S RATIONAL FORMULA. Several attempts have been made to establish a formula for columns, which shall be theoretically correct, like formula (4) for beams, when the material is not stressed beyond the elastic limit. The most successful attempt is that of RlTTER, who in 1873 proposed the formula P S in which Pis the load on the column, /its length, A the area and r the least radius of gyration of the cross-section, E the coefficient of elasticity, S e the unit-stress at the elastic limit, and 5 the greatest compressive unit-stress on the concave side, while m = 4 when both ends are fixed, m = 2\ when one end is round and the other fixed, m = i when both ends are round, and m = i when one end is fixed and the other free. The form of this formula is the same as that of RANKINE'S formula, (10) in Art. 55, but it deserves a special name because it completes the deduction of the latter formula by finding for q a value which is closely correct when the stress 5 does not exceed the elastic limit S t . To justify RITTER'S formula let it be noted that EULER'S formula (Art. 53) gives the value of P which causes the failure of a long column by lateral bending. In the actual long column, however, the load must be less than given by 130 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V EULER'S formula, since it is required that stable equilibrium shall prevail. Now, if there be written P _ S r* A~~s e ' mn '7* for the long column, stable equilibrium prevails when S is less than S e , while failure occurs when 5 equals S e , because then the column will not spring back if laterally deflected by a slight force. S e /S is hence the factor of security /for a long stable column, as noted at the end of Art. 53. Now RlTTER' I formula reduces to the above form for long columns when l/r is so great that unity in the denominator may be neglected in comparison with the following term. It also reduces to the form P/A = 5 for short blocks, when / = o. The formula hence satisfies the two limiting conditions, and its general form is justified by the reasoning of Art. 55. Another demonstration may be given as follows: Let P/A be denoted by y and l/r by x. Then the formulas of RAN- KINE and of EULER for stable equilibrium are 5 mifE y = , .1. ^ and y = -yy-- Now let the curves which these equations represent be tan- gent to each other. For the point of tangency the two ordinates are equal, as also the two derivatives of y with respect to x. Solving these two equations there results x^ = oo for the point of tangency, while Sf S< mn*E ~ is the constant in RANKINE'S formula. Thus, P 5 A - S e /" which is the rational formula of RITTER. ART. 61. HITTER'S RATIONAL FORMULA. To find the mean theoretical values of q the mean values of S e and E, as stated in Art. 6, may be used, whence results the following table: RATIONAL VALUES OF q FOR FORMULA (to). Material. Both Ends Fixed. Fixed and Round. Both Ends Round. Timber I 1.78 4 20000 20 ooo 20 ooo I 1.78 4 30000 30 ooo 30000 Wrought Iron I 40000 1.78 40 ooo 4 40000 C-,,1 I 1.78 4 24 ooo 24 ooo 24 ooo These theoretical values of q are smaller than the empirical values given in Art. 55, except that for steel. Values of/ 1 computed from RITTER'S formula are hence generally larger than those found from the empirical formulas in common use. In specifications, however, the values of q and 5 to be used are generally stated, so that the designer is free from the responsibility of selecting them. It should be noted that this rational formula, having been deduced from the laws which govern the behavior of materials within the elastic limit, is not necessarily true for cases of rupture. In RANKINE'S formula (10) the unit-stress 5 may be the ultimate strength or any smaller value, but in RlTTER'S formula 5 cannot exceed the elastic limit S e . This rational formula cannot hence be justified or disproved because it agrees or fails to agree with the results of experiments on the rupture of columns. Prob. 1 02. Compute by RITTER'S formula the safe steady load for a hollow cast-iron column with fixed ends, the out- side dimensions being 4X5 inches, the inside dimensions 3X4 inches, and the length 1 8 feet. 132 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. Prob. 103. Find by RlTTER's formula the size of a square wooden strut with fixed ends, and 12 feet long, to carry a load of 100 ooo pounds, taking .S as 800 pounds per square inch. ART. 62. ECCENTRIC LOADS. In all that precedes, the load on the column has been sup- posed to be applied at the center of gravity of the cross- section. Let now the case be considered where the load P is applied at the horizontal distance / from that center of gravity and in the same vertical plane with the least radius of gyration r. The reacting load at the other end is similarly situated with respect to the cross-section at that end. Let an origin be taken at the upper end of the column and let x be the vertical and y the horizontal co-ordinate of any point in the elastic curve. The column having round ends, the bending moment for the end is PP, and for any other point *\p-\-y)- Then from (5) the differential equation of the elastic curve is where the negative sign is used because the curve is concave to the axis of x. This may be written, , g =-/?'(/ + .,), where P = ^ ~, and by two integrations there is found, p I * as may be proved by differentiating the last equation twice. The deflection at the middle of the column is found by making x = / and y = A, whence "- i). ART. 62. ECCENTRIC LOADS. 133 From this equation the load which holds the deflected column in equilibrium with the deflection A is found to be which reduces to EULER'S formula for round-ended columns when/= o, since the value of cos^o is \n. It thus appears that the deflection of a column is perfectly determinate when the load is applied eccentrically. The above formula for A is, however, a very inconvenient one for practical computations. An approximate formula giving closely the same numerical results may be deduced by assum- ing that the curve of the deflected column is a parabola; the equation of this curve with respect to an origin at the end is y = (lx x*)4.A/r. Inserting this value of y in the first ex- pression of this article, integrating twice, determining the constants, and then making x = %l and y = A, there will be found A = 9.6EIPI" as a practical formula for the deflection of a round-ended column under a load P having the eccentricity/. Resuming now the reasoning of Art. 55, the maximum compressive unit-stress S on the concave side of the middle of the column is P Me P, pc . Ac and from this S may be computed for any value of A. By inserting in this expression the above value of A, there results 134 COLUMNS OR STRUTS. CH. V. pr PI , pc i + v \ = A( I + S'---&)> where V '- = from which 5 may be found without computing A. For example, let a steel column with round ends be loaded with 168000 pounds. Let A = 16.8 square inches, r = 3.01 inches, = 4.45 inches, /== 192 inches, and /= I inch. Then P/A = 10000 pounds per square inch, E = 30 ooo ooo pounds per square inch, /= 151.4 inches 4 . Then the second formula for the deflection gives A = 0.197 inches, and the first formula for 5 gives 16900 pounds per square inch. In this case the eccentric load increases the mean unit-stress about 69 per cent. By the use of the exact formula for A the same numerical values- are also obtained. The value of P/A cannot be obtained from the above formula for S, since it is contained in v. By transformation, however, a quadratic equation results from which P/A may be computed when 5 is given. A more convenient way will be to compute 5 for an assumed value of P/A, then insert this assumed value and compute again, and so continue until the computed and assigned values of 5 agree, which they will do when the correct value of P/A has been found. Prob. 104. Show that (/+ A)c equals r* for a column so deflected that there is no stress on the concave side. Prob. 105. A wooden strut with round ends is 18 feet long, 4 inches square, and has a load of 5000 pounds applied half-way between the center and corner of the cross-section. What is the direction and amount of deflection? ART. 63. THE PHENOMENA OF TORSION. 135 Fig. 49- CHAPTER VI. TORSION, AND SHAFTS FOR TRANSMITTING POWER. ART. 63. THE PHENOMENA OF TORSION. Torsion occurs when applied forces tend to cause a twisting of a body around an axis. Let one end of a horizontal shaft be rigidly fixed and let the free end have a lever / attached at right angles to its axis. A weight P hung at the end of this lever will twist the shaft so that fibers such as ab, which were originally horizontal, assume a spiral form ad like the strands of a rope. Radial lines such as cb will also have moved through a certain angle &cd. Experiments have proved, that if P be not so large as to strain the material beyond its elastic limit, the angles bed and bad are proportional to P and that on the removal of the stress the lines cd and ad return to their original positions cb and ab. The angle bed is evidently proportional to the length of the shaft, while bad is independent of the length. If the elastic limit be exceeded this proportionality does not hold, and if the twisting be great enough the shaft will be ruptured. These laws are but a particular case of the general axioms stated in Art. 3. The product Pp is the moment of the force P with respect to the axis of the shaft, / being the perpendicular distance from 136 TORSION AND SHAFTS. CH. VI. that axis to the line of direction of P, and is called the twisting moment. Whatever be the number of forces acting at the end of the shaft, their resulting twisting moment may always be represented by a single product Pp. A graphical representation of the phenomena of torsion may be made as in Fig. I, the angles of torsion being taken as abscissas and the twisting moments as ordinates. The curve is then a straight line from the origin until the elastic limit of the material is reached, when a rapid change occurs and it soon becomes nearly parallel to the axis of abscissas. The total angle of torsion, like the total ultimate elongation, serves to compare the relative ductility of specimens. Prob. 1 06. If a force of 80 pounds at 18 inches from the axis twists a shaft 60, what force will produce the same result when acting at 4 feet from the axis ? Prob. 107. A shaft 2 feet long is twisted through an angle of 7 degrees by a force of 200 pounds acting at a distance of 6 inches from the axis. Through what angle will a shaft 4 feet long be twisted by a force of 500 pounds acting at a distance of 1 8 inches from the axis? ART. 64. THE FUNDAMENTAL FORMULA FOR TORSION. The stresses which occur between any two cross-sections of a bar under torsion are similar to those of shearing, each sec- tion tending to shear off from the one ad- jacent to it. When equilibrium obtains the external twisting moment is exactly bal- anced by the sum of the moments of these resisting internal stresses, or, Resisting moment = twisting moment. The law governing the distribution of these 5. internal stresses is to be taken the same as in beams, namely, that they vary directly as the distance from ART. 64. THE FUNDAMENTAL FORMULA FOR TORSION. 137 the axis, provided that the elastic limit of the material be not exceeded. If Pbe the force acting at a distance/ from the axis about which the twisting takes place, the value of the twisting moment is Pp. To find the resisting moment, let c be the distance from the axis to the remotest part of the cross-section where the unit-shear is 5, . Then since the stresses vary as their distances from the axis, - =. unit-stress at a unit's distance from axis, S z - = unit-stress at a distance z from axis, / = total stress on an elementary area a y ' = moment of this stress with respect to axis, a ^ = internal resisting moment. This may be written 2az\ But 2 at? is the polar moment of inertia of the cross-section with respect to the axis, and may be denoted by /. Therefore, (ii) which is the fundamental formula for torsion. The analogy of formula (11) with formula (4) for the flexure of beams will be noted. Pp, the twisting moment, is often the resultant of several forces, and might have been expressed by a single letter like the M in (4). By means of (u) a shaft subjected to a given moment may be investigated, or the proper size be determined for a shaft to resist given forces. Prob. 108. Three forces of 120, 90, and 70 pounds act at distances of 6, n, and 8 inches from the axis and at different 138 TORSION AND SHAFTS. CH. VI. distances from the end of a shaft, the direction of rotation of the second force being opposite to that of the others. Find the three values of the twisting moment Pp. Prob. 109. A circular shaft is subjected to a maximum shearing unit-stress of 2 ooo pounds when twisted by a force of 90 pounds at a distance of 27 inches from the center. What unit-stress will be produced in the same shaft by two forces of 40 pounds, one acting at 21 and the other at 36 inches from the center? ART. 65. POLAR MOMENTS OF INERTIA. The polar moment of inertia for simple figures is readily found by the help of the calculus, as explained in works on elementary mechanics. It is also a fundamental principle that, /=/, + /,, where / is the polar moment of inertia, 7, the least and 7 2 the greatest rectangular moment of inertia about two axes passing through the center. The following are values of J for some of the most common cases. For a circle with a diameter d, J = , For a square whose side is d, J =. -^-, For a rectangle with sides b and d, / == -J . 12 12 The value of c in all cases is the distance from the axis about which the twisting occurs, usually the center of figure of the cross-section, to the remotest part of the cross-section. Thus, For a circle with diameter d, c -= %d, For a square whose side is d, c = d y^, For a rectangle with sides b and d, c = % -\/& -(- d*. ART. 66. THE CONSTANTS OF TORSION. 139 It is rare in practice that formulas for torsion are needed for any cross-sections except squares and circles. Prob. no. Find the values of J and c for an equilateral tri- angle whose side is d. Prob. in. Find, from the data in Art. 30, the values of J and c for a light 6 inch / section. ART. 66. THE CONSTANTS OF TORSION. The constant 5 S computed from experiments on the rupture of shafts by means of formula (u) may be called the modulus of torsion, in analogy with the modulus of rupture as com puted from (4). The values thus found agree closely with the ultimate shearing unit-stress given in Art. 7, viz., For timber, S, = 2 ooo pounds per square inch, For cast iron, S t = 25 ooo pounds per square inch, For wrought iron, 5, = 50 ooo pounds per square inch, For steel, S, = 75 ooo pounds per square inch. By the use of these average values it is hence easy to compute from (11) the load P acting at the distance / which will cause the rupture of a given shaft. The coefficient of elasticity for shearing may be computed from experiments on torsion in the following manner. Let a circular shaft whose length is / and diameter d be twisted through an arc 6 by the twisting moment Pp. Here a point on the circumference of one end is twisted relative to a corre- sponding point on the other end through the arc or through the distance \Qd, so that the detrusion per unit of length is _ From the fundamental definition of the coefficient of elasticity E t as given in (2), _S,_2S,l * t? 7 ~8P 140 TORSION AND SHAFTS. CH. VI. and inserting for S s its value from (u), there results, E __ &Ppl ' ntid* ' from which E t can be computed when all the quantities in the second member have been determined by experiment, pro- vided that the elastic limit of the material be not exceeded. The numerical value of must here be expressed in terms of the same unit as n. Prob. 112. What force P acting at the end of a lever 24 inches long will twist asunder a steel shaft 1.4 inches in diameter? Prob. 113. An iron shaft 5 feet long and 2 inches in diam- eter is twisted through an angle of 7 degrees by a force of 5 ooo pounds acting at 6 inches from the center, and on the re- moval of the force springs back to its original position. Find the value of E for shearing. ART. 67. SHAFTS FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. Work is the product of a resistance by the distance through which it acts, and is usually measured in foot-pounds. A horse- power is 33000 foot-pounds of work done in one minute. It is required to determine the relation between the horse-power H transmitted by a shaft and the greatest internal shearing unit-stress 5, produced in it. Let a shaft making n revolutions per minute transmit H horse-power .The work may be applied by a belt from the motor to a pulley on the shaft, then, by virtue of the elasticity and re- sistance of the material of the shaft, it is carried through other pulleys and belts to the working machines. In doing this the shaft is strained and twisted, and evidently S, increases with H. Let P be the resistance acting at the circumference of the pulley and/ the radius of the pulley. In making one revolution the ART. 68. ROUND SHAFTS. 141 force Pacts through the distance 2np and performs the work 2npP, and in n revolutions it performs the work 27tpPn. Then if P be in pounds and / in inches, the imparted horse-power is, H _ 2npPn 33 ooo X 12 The twisting moment Pp in this expression may be expressed, as in formula (11), by the resisting moment -^-. Hence the equation becomes, (12) H = 198000^ This is the formula for the discussion of shafts for the trans- mission of power, and in it / and c must be taken in inches and 5 S in pounds per square inch, while n is the number of revolu- tions per minute. Prob. 114. A wooden shaft 6 inches square breaks when making 40 revolutions per minute. Find the horse-power then probably transmitted. ART. 68. ROUND SHAFTS. For round shafts of diameter d, the values of J and c are to be taken from Art. 65 and inserted in the last equation, giving, TT 5, = 321 ooo--, or na The first of these may be used for investigating the strengt- of a given shaft when transmitting a certain number of horse- power with a known velocity. The computed values of S s , compared with the ultimate values in Art. 67, will indicate the degree of security of the shaft. Here d must be taken in inches and S, will be in pounds per square inch. The second equation may be used for determining the di- ameter of a shaft to transmit a given horse-power with a given 142 TORSION AND SHAFTS. CH. VI. number of revolutions per minute. Here a safe allowable value must be assumed for .S s in pounds per square inch, and then d will be found in inches. This equation shows that the diameter of a shaft varies directly as the cube root of the transmitted horse-power and inversely as the cube root of its velocity. Prob. 115. Find the factor of safety for a wrought iron shaft 2^ inches in diameter when transmitting 25 horse-power while making 100 revolutions per minute. Prob. 116. Find the diameter of a wrought iron shaft to transmit 90 horse-power with a factor of safety of 8 when mak- ing 250 revolutions per minute, and also when making 100 revolutions per minute. ART. 69. HOLLOW SHAFTS. Hollow forged steel shafts are now coming into use for ocean steamers, their strength being greater than solid shafts of the same sectional area. If D be the exterior and d the interior diameter, and A the area of the cross-section, the polar moment of inertia is, and the discussion of any case can be made by formula (12), c being replaced by %D. For example, let it be required to determine the interior diameter of a nickel-steel shaft, when D = 17 inches, to trans- mit 16 ooo horse power at 50 revolutions per minute, with a stress of 25 ooo pounds per square inch on the exterior circum- ference. Here everything is given except d, and by solution its value is found to be n inches nearly. Shafts are subject to flexural stresses due to their own weight and to applied loads, as well as to torsional stresses. The effect of these will be discussed in Art. 76. ART. 70. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. H3 Prob. 117. Find the diameter of a solid shaft for the con- ditions of the above example, and compare its weight with that of the hollow one. Prob. 1 1 8. Find the horse-power transmitted by a hollow shaft, when D 15! inches, d = o> inches, and S s = 12 500 pounds per square inch, the number of revolutions per minute being 50. ART. 70. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. Exercise 8. Make experiments to verify the phenomena of torsion stated in Art. 63. Show by your experiments that the strength of a round shaft varies directly as the cube of its diameter, and is independent of its length. Exercise 9. Make a theoretical investigation to ascertain if the strength of a square shaft can be increased by cutting off material from the corners. If such is found to be the case write an essay explaining the reasoning, the computations and the conclusion. Exercise 10. Go to a testing room and inspect THURSTON's testing machine for torsion. Ascertain the dimensions and kind of specimens tested thereon. Explain with sketches the construction of the machine, the method of its use, and the torsion diagrams. State how the quality of the specimens is inferred from the torsion diagrams. Prob. 119. Compare the strength of a square shaft with that of a circular shaft of equal area. Prob. 1 20. Compare the strengths of two shafts when stressed to their elastic limits; the first shaft is solid, 21 inches in diameter, and has an elastic limit of 25 ooo pounds per square inch; the second shaft is hollow, 18 inches outside and 9 inches inside diameter, and its elastic limit is 45 ooo pounds per square inch. 144 COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VII. CHAPTER VII. COMBINED STRESSES. ART. 71. COMBINED TENSION AND COMPRESSION. Tensile and compressive forces acting upon a bar in the direction of its length, produce a resultant stress equal to their numerical difference, which may be either tensile or compres- sive. This case is of frequent occurrence in the members of bridge trusses. A tensile force acting upon a bar produces a tensile unit- stress 5 and unit-elongation s. It is found by experiment that the lateral unit-contraction of the bar, when 5 is within the elastic limit, is about -J^, and hence the internal compressive unit-stress normal to the length of the bar is about ^S. Thus internal stresses may exist in a body in directions which do not correspond with any of the applied exterior forces. In general, if s be any unit-deformation, the corresponding internal unit- stress is sE (Art. 4). If three tensile forces P l , P^ , and P 3 act normally upon the sides of a rectangular prism whose areas are A l , A^ , and A 3 , the unit-stresses apparently produced upon those sides are S l = P 1 -^A 1) S, = P^^-A,, and 5 3 = P 3 -^ A, ; but the real effective internal unit-stresses are much smaller, their values, by the principle of the last paragraph, being T l = S l J5 5 -J5 3 , T, = S, - to - iS, , and T t = S, - fS, - fS t . These for- mulas apply when some or all of the external forces are com- pressive as well as tensile, if the apparent unit-stresses be taken positive when tension and negative when compression. For example, let a cube whose edge is unity be subject to a ART. 72. STRESSES DUE TO TEMPERATURE. 145 compression of 60 pounds upon two opposite sides and to 45 pounds tension upon two other opposite sides, the third pair of sides having no forces applied to them. Then the effective internal unit-stress normal to the first pair of sides is 75 pounds compression, that for the second pair is 65 pounds tension, and that for the third pair is 5 pounds tension. Prob. 121. A common brick 2X4X8 inches is subject to compression of 3 200 pounds upon its top and bottom faces, 500 pounds upon its sides, and 60 pounds upon its ends. Find the effective internal unit-stresses in the three directions. ART. 72. STRESSES DUE TO TEMPERATURE. If a bar be unstrained it expands when the temperature rises and contracts when the temperature falls. But if the bar be under stress, so that the change of length cannot occur, an ad- ditional unit-stress must be produced which will be equivalent to the unit- stress that would cause the same change of length in the unstrained bar. Thus if a rise of temperature elongates a bar of length unity the amount s when free from stress, it will cause the unit-stress S = sE (see Art. 4) when the bar is prevented from expanding by external forces. Let / be the length of the bar, a its coefficient of linear ex- pansion for a change of one degree, and X the change of length due to the rise or fall of / degrees. Then, ;t = atl. and the unit-deformation s is, A s = -, = at. The unit-stress produced by the change in temperature hence is, 5 = atE which is seen to be independent of the length of the bar. The total stress on the bar is then AS. 146 COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VII. The following are average values of the coefficients of linear expansion for a change in temperature of one degree Fahren- heit. For brick and stone, a = oo 50, For cast iron, a = oo 62, For wrought iron, a = oo 67, For steel, a = oo 65. As an example consider a wrought iron tie rod 20 feet in length and 2 inches in diameter which is screwed up to a ten- sion of 9 ooo pounds in order to tie together two walls of a building. Let it be required to find the stress in the rod when the temperature falls 10 F. Here, 5 = oo 67 X 10 X 25 ooo ooo = i 675 pounds. The total tension in the rod now is, 9 ooo + 3.14 X i 675 = 14 ooo pounds. Should the temperature rise 10 the tension in the rod would become, 9 ooo 3.14 X i 675 = 4000 pounds. In all cases the stresses caused by temperature are added or subtracted to the tensile or compressive stresses already existing. Prob. 122. A cast iron bar is confined between two immovable walls. What unit-stress will be produced by a rise of 40 in temperature ? ART. 73. COMBINED TENSION AND FLEXURE. Consider a beam in which the flexure produces a unit-stress S l at the fiber on the tensile side most remote from the neutral axis. Let a tensile stress P be then applied to the ends of the bar uniformly distributed over the cross-section A. The ten- p sile unit-stress at the neutral surface is then - and all the longitudinal stresses due to the flexure are increased by this ART. 73. COMBINED TENSION AND FLEXURE. 147 P amount. Then 5 = + 5, is an approximate value of the A maximum tensile unit-stress. In designing a beam under combined tension and flexure the p dimensions must be so chosen that 7 -j- 5, shall not exceed si the proper allowable working unit-stress. For instance, let it be required to find the size of a square wooden beam of 12 feet span to hold a load of 300 pounds at the middle while under a longitudinal stress of 2000 pounds, so that the maxi- mum tensile unit-stress may be about I ooo pounds per square inch. Let d be the side of the square. From formula (4), c _ 6J/_ 6 X 150 X 72 '" ~- Then from the conditions of the problem, 2 ooo , 64 800 _ ~d^ ~^~ ^ from which results the cubic equation, d* - 2^=64.8, whose solution gives for d the value 4.25 inches. In investigating a beam under combined tension and flexure the maximum combined unit-stress 5 is computed, and the factor of safety found by comparing it with the ultimate tensile strength of the material. The method here given is approximate; more accurate methods are in Art. 118. Prob. 123. A heavy 12-inch I beam of 6 feet span carries a uniform load of 200 pounds per linear foot, besides its own weight, and is subjected to a longitudinal tension of 80000 pounds. Find the factor of safety of the beam. Prob. 124. What I beam of 12 feet span is required to carry a uniform load of 200 pounds per linear foot when subjected to a tension of 50000 pounds, the maximum tensile stress at the dangerous section to be loooo pounds per square inch ? 148 COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VII. ART. 74. COMBINED COMPRESSION AND FLEXURE. Consider a beam in which the flexure produces a unit-stress .S, in the fiber on the compressive side most remote from the neutral axis. Let a compressive stress P be applied in the direc- tion of its length uniformly over the cross-section A. Then at p the neutral surface the unit-stress is and at the remotest A p fiber it is - + 5 1 ,. The discussion of this case is hence exactly A similar to that of the last article. If the beam is short the total working unit-stress is to be taken as for a short prism ; if long it should be derived from RANKINE'S formula for columns. The method of investigation explained in this and the pre- ceding article is the one ordinarily used in practice on account of the complexity of the formulas which result from the strict mathematical determination of the moments of the applied forces. Although not exact the method closely approximates to the truth, giving values of the stresses a little too large for the case of tension and a little too small for the case of compression. (See Arts. 117 and 118.) A rafter of a roof is a case of combined compression and flexure. Let b be its width, d its depth, / the length, w the load per linear unit, and the angle of inclina- tion. To find the horizon- tal reaction H the center of moments is to be taken Flg " 5I< at the lower end, and TT , . , j I COS 0, rr Wl H , I sin = wl . , whence ff= cot 0. 2 - 2 ART. 74. COMBINED COMPRESSION AND FLEXURE. 149 For any section whose distance from the upper end is x, the flexural unit-stress now is from (4), c _ 6M _ 6(Hx sin \wx* cos 0) ^~W ~~bd^~ and the uniform compressive unit-stress is, c _ H cos -f- wx sin 6> - ~w"~ The total compressive unit-stress on the upper fiber hence is, c o o 3W/COS0,, ^ , w/cot0cos0 = 5 ' + 5 '~ -~^~ (lX ~- bd This can be shown to be a maximum when * = i/+f from which S x may be computed for any given case. Prob. 125. A roof with two equal rafters is 40 feet in span and 1 5 feet in height. The wooden rafters are 4 inches wide and each carries a load of 450 pounds at the center. Find the depth of the rafter so that 5 may be 700 pounds per square inch. Prob. 126. A wooden beam 10 inches wide and 8 feet long carries a uniform load of 500 pounds per linear foot and is sub- jected to a longitudinal compression of 40 ooo pounds. Find the depth of the beam so that the maximum working unit-stress may be about 800 pounds per square inch. ISO COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VIL ART. 75 SHEAR COMBINED WITH TENSION OR COMPRESSION. Let a bar whose cross-section is A be subjected to the longi- tudinal tension or compression P and at the same time to a shear Fat right angles to its length. The longitudinal unit- p stress is - which may be denoted by/, and the shearing unit- A stress is - which may be denoted by v. It is required to find the maximum unit-stresses produced by the combination of p and v. In the following demonstration P will be regarded as a tensile force, although the reasoning and conclusions apply equally well when it is compressive. Consider an elementary cubic particle with edges one unit in length acted, upon by the horizontal tensile force p and p., and by the vertical shear v and v, as shown in Fig. 52. These forces are not in P y equilibrium unless a horizontal couple be > applied as in the figure, each of whose forces is equal to v. Therefore at every Fig. 52- point of a body under vertical shear there exists a horizontal shear, and the horizontal shearing unit- stress is equal to the vertical shearing unit-stress. Let a parallelopipedal element have the length dm, the height dn, and a width of unity. The tensile iorc.Qp.dn tends to pull it apart longitudinally. The vertical shear vdn tends to cause rotation and this is resisted, as shown above, by the horizon- tal shear vdm. These forces maybe resolved into rectangular components parallel and perpen- dicular to the diagonal dz, as shown in Fig. 53. The compo- nents parallel to the diagonal form a shearing force sdz, and \ v.dn dm v.dn dn \ Fig. 53. ART. 75. SHEAR COMBINED WITH TENSION. I$I those perpendicular to it a tensile force tdz, s being the shear- ing and t the tensile unit-stresses. Let be the angle between dz and dm. The problem is first to state expressions for sdz and tdz in terms of 0, and then to determine the value of 0, or the ratio of dm to dn, which gives the maximum values of s and t. By simple resolution of forces, sdz = pdn cos -[~ vdm cos vdn sin 0, /*/ = ^/# sin -|- w/w sin -\- vdn cos 0. Divide each of these by dz, for -=- put its value sin and for -T- its value cos 0. Then the equations take the form, s = p sin cos -|- z/(cos a sin a 0), t =. p sin 2 -|- 2z sin cos 0. 1'hese may be written, s = %p sin 20 -f- z; cos 20, / = /(i cos 20) + ?' sin 20. By placing the first derivative of each of these equal to zero it is found that, P s is a maximum when tan 20 = , 2it 2V t is a maximum when tan 20 = -- . / Expressing sin 20 and cos 20 in terms of tan 20 and inserting them in the above the following values result : jm.,==^+ / max. t = irf + */* These formulas apply to the discussion of the internal stresses in beams, as well as to combined longitudinal stress and vertical shear directly applied by external forces. If p is tension / is 152 COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VII. tension, if/ is compression / is also compression. If when/ is tension the negative sign be used before the radical, the re- sultant value of t is the maximum compressive unit-stress. Prob. 127. A bolt f-inch in diameter is subjected to a tension of 2 ooo pounds and at the same time to a cross shear of 3 ooo pounds. Find the maximum tensile and shearing unit-stresses and the directions they make with the axis of the bolt. ART. 76. COMBINED FLEXURE AND TORSION. This case occurs when a shaft for the transmission of power is loaded with weights. Let 5 be the greatest flexural unit- stress computed from (4) and S s the torsional shearing unit- stress computed from (12) or by the special equations of Arts. 67 and 68. Then, according to the last article, the resultant maximum unit-stresses are, max. ten. or comp. / -J5+ y 5/ max. shear s = For wrought iron or steel it is usually necessary to regard only the first of these unit-stresses, but for timber the second should also be kept in view. For example, let it be required to find the factor of safety of a wrought iron shaft 3 inches in diameter and 12 feet between bearings, which transmits 40 horse-power while making 120 revolutions per minute, and upon which a load of 800 pounds is brought by a belt and pulley at the middle. Taking the shaft as fixed over the bearings the flexural unit-stress is, 5= -js = 5 40 pounds per square inch. Ttd From Art. 68 the torsional unit-stress is, IT S s = 321 ooo --j- 3 = 4 ooo pounds per square inch. ART. /6. COMBINED FLEXURE AND TORSION. 153 The maximum tensile and compressive unit-stress now is, / = 2 700 4- ,y/4 ooo 2 +~2~70o a = 7 600 pounds per square in. and the factor of safety is hence over 7. As a second example, let it be required to find the size of a square wooden shaft for a water-wheel weighing 3 ooo pounds which transmits 8 horse-power while making 20 revolutions per minute. The length of the shaft is 16 feet, and one-third of the weight is concentrated at the center and the remainder is equally divided between two points, each 6 feet from the center. Here the greatest flexural unit-stress is, _ 6(1 500 X 96 i ooo X 72) _ 432000 ~~d*~ d* ' and from Art. 67 the torsional unit-stress is, _ 267 500 X 8 _ 107000 J, 7". 7T . 2od d From the formula of the last Article the combined tensile or compressive unit-stress is, 470400 d 3 Now if the working value of / be taken at 600 pounds per square inch the value of d will be about 9 inches. From for- mula (13) also s= 254400 and if the working value of s be taken at 1 50, the value of d, is found to be about 12 inches. The latter value should hence be chosen for the size of the shaft. ,. By similar reasoning it may be proved that the formula for finding the diameter of a round iron shaft is, \6M 16 I M* 402 500 ooo//' 8 154 COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VIL where M is the maximum bending moment of the transverse forces in pound-inches, H the number of transmitted horse- power, n the number of revolutions per minute, and / the safe allowable tensile or compressive working strength of the material. Prob. 128. Find the factor of safety for the data of Prob. 115 when the shaft is in bearings 12 feet apart and carries a load of 200 pounds at the middle. ART. 77. COMBINED COMPRESSION AND TORSION. In the case of a vertical shaft the torsional unit-stress 5, com- bines with the direct compressive stress due to the weights upon the shaft, and produces a resultant compression t and shear s. From formulas (13) the combined unit-stresses are, s ~ v S* + i-S; 1 . The use of these is the same as those of the last Article, S 9 being found from the formulas of Chapter VI, while S c is com- puted from formula (i) if the length of the shaft be less than ten times its diameter and from (10) for greater lengths. In order to prevent vibration and flexure it is usual to place bearings at frequent intervals on a vertical shaft so that prob- ably the use of formula (10) will rarely be required, particularly if / be taken at a low value. For a round shaft the expression for t becomes, / = -' 7 ~ ~^' in which P is the load. From this the diameter d may be found when / and the other data are given. Prob. 129. A vertical shaft, weighing with its loads 6000 ART. 78. HORIZONTAL SHEAR IN BEAMS. 1 55 pounds, is subjected to a twisting moment by a force of 300 pounds acting at a distance of 4 feet from its center. If the shaft is wrought iron, 4 feet long and 2 inches in diameter, find its factor of safety. Prob. 130. Find the diameter of a short vertical steel shaft to carry loads amounting to 6 ooo pounds when twisted by a force of 300 pounds acting at a distance of 4 feet from the center, taking the unit-stress against compression as 10000 and against shearing as 7 ooo pounds per square inch. ART. 78. HORIZONTAL SHEAR IN BEAMS. The common theory of flexure as presented in Chapters III and IV considers that the internal stresses at any section are resolved into their horizontal and vertical components, the former producing longitudinal tension and compression and the latter a transverse shear, and that these act independently of each other. Formula (3) supposes further that the vertical shear is uniformly distributed over the cross-section of the beam. A closer analysis will show that a horizontal shear exists also and that this, together with the vertical shear, varies in intensity from the neutral surface to the upper and lower sides of the beam. It is well known that a pile of boards which acts like a beam deflects more than a solid timber of the same depth, and this is largely due to the lack of horizontal resistance between the layers. The common theory of flexure in neglecting the horizontal shear generally errs on the side of safety. In a few experiments however beams have been known to crack along the neutral surface and it is hence desirable to investigate the effect of horizontal shear in tending to cause rupture of that kind. That a horizontal shear exists simulta- neously with the vertical shear is evident from the considera- tions in Art. 75. Let Fig. 54 represent a portion of a bent beam of uniform 156 COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VII. -r " v y *% ^' t \ m m' -*. ^ 1 i fr- ~- section. Let a rectangular notch nmpq be imagined to be cut into it, and let forces be applied to it to preserve the equilib- rium. Let H be the sum of all the horizontal components of these forces act- ing on mn and H' the sum of those acting on qp. Now H' is greater or less than H, Fig ' 54> hence the differ- ence H' H must act along mq as a horizontal shear. Let the distance mq be dx, the thickness mm! be , and the area mqmm' be at a distance c' above the neutral surface. Let c be the dis- tance from that neutral surface to the remotest fiber where the unit-stress is 5. Let a be the cross-section of any fiber. Let M be the bending moment at the section mn and M' that at the section qp. Now from the fundamental laws of flexure, - = unit-stress at a unit's distance from neutral surface, c c- - y unit-stress at distance y from neutral surface, aSy _ c = total stress on fiber a at distance y, = sum f horizontal stresses between m and . M The value of H hence is, since - -- , and likewise for the other section, ART. 78. HORIZONTAL SHEAR IN BEAMS. 157 The horizontal shear therefore is expressed by M r -M H' -H=- - ^ay. Now since the distance mq is dx, the value of M* M is dM. Also if S k be the horizontal shearing unit-stress upon the area bdx the value of H 1 H is SJbdx. Hence, dM Again from Art. 45 it is plain that - - is the vertical shear V at the section under consideration. Therefore, (14) S h = --^a yi lo is the formula for the horizontal shearing unit-stress at any point of any section of the beam. This expression shows that the horizontal shearing unit-stress is greatest at the supports, and zero at the dangerous section where V is zero. The summation expression is the statical moment of the area mm'nn' with reference to the neutral axis ; it is zero when cf = c, and a maximum when c' = o. Hence the longitudinal unit-shear is zero at the upper and lower sides of the beam and is a maximum at the neutral surface. The formula for the maximum horizontal shearing unit-stress at any section therefore is, Here / is the moment of inertia of the whole cross-section with reference to the neutral axis (Art. 23), b is the width of the beam along the neutral surface, and ^ C ay\s the statical mo- ment of the area of the part of the cross-section on one side of the neutral axis. Let A l be the area of the cross-section on 158 COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VII. one side of the neutral axis and c l the distance of its center of gravity from that axis; then 2 c ay = A^, and the formula becomes, VA c A , - (I 4 y S.= -j', k i u*rvWH\ A^Mq O which gives the maximum shearing unit-stress, both horizontal and vertical, at the neutral surface. The mean unit-stress given by (3) is always less than this maximum. For a rectangular beam of breadth b and depth d, the valu* . bd* bd d bd* _, of / is , and A.c. = . = . Then, 12 248 By inserting in this the value of V for any section the co*re- sponding value of 5, at the neutral surface is found. In this particular instance it is seen that the approximate formula (3) gives values of 5 S which are 33 per cent lower than the true maximum value. Prob. 131. In the Journal of the Franklin Institute for Feb- ruary, 1883, is detailed an experiment on a spruce joist 3j X 12 inches and 14 feet long, which broke by tension at the middle and afterwards by shearing along the neutral axis at the end when loaded at the middle with 12 545 pounds. Find the ten- sile and shearing unit-stresses. ART. 79. MAXIMUM INTERNAL STRESSES IN BEAMS. From the last Article it is evident that at every point of a beam there exists a horizontal unit-shear of the intensity S h and also a vertical unit-shear of the same intensity, whose value is given by (14). At every point there also exists a longitudinal tension or compression which may be computed from (4) with the aid of the principle that these stresses vary directly as their ART. 79. MAXIMUM INTERNAL STRESSES IN BEAMS. 159 distances from the neutral axis. Let v denote the unit-shear thus determined and / the tensile or compressive unit-stress. Then from Art. 75 the maximum unit-shear at that point is, and it makes an angle with the neutral surface such that, tan 2=^_. 2V Also the maximum tensile or compressive unit-stress at that point is, and it makes an angle with the neutral surface such that, tan 20=-^. P From these formulas the lines of direction of the maximum stresses may be traced throughout the beam. For the maximum shear v is greatest and p is zero at the neutral surface, while v is zero and p is greatest at the upper and lower surfaces. Hence for the neutral surface is o, it increases with p, and becomes 45 at the upper and lower surfaces. For the maximum tension t is greatest and equal to p on the convex side where v = o and 6 = o. As the neutral sur- face is approached v increases, / decreases, and increases. At the neutral surface v is greatest, / is zero, and = 45. Here the maximum tension and compression are each equal to v. For the maximum compression in like manner 6 is o at the concave surface and 45 at the neutral surface. The lines of maximum tension if produced beyond the neutral surface would evidently cut those of maximum compression at right angles and be vertical at the concave surface. l6o COMBINED STRESSES. CH. VII. The following figure is an attempt to represent the lines which indicate the directions of the maximum unit-stress in a beam. The full lines above the neutral surface are those of maximum compres- sion, while those be- low are maximum tension. The broken lines are those of Flg ' 55 ' maximum shear. On any line the intensity of stress varies with the inclination, being greatest where the line is horizontal and least where its inclina- tion is 45. The lines of maximum shear cut those of maxi- mum tension and compression at angles of 45. The lines of maximum tension above the neutral surface and those of maxi- mum compression below it are not shown ; if drawn they would cut the others at right angles and become vertical at the upper and lower edges of the beam. It appears from the investigation that the common theory of flexure gives the horizontal unit-stress correctly at the dan- gerous section of a simple beam where the vertical shear is zero. At other sections the stress S as computed from (4) is correct for the remotest fiber, but for other fibers the unit-stress t is greater. It is hence seen that the main practical value of the theory of internal stress is in showing that the intensity of the shear varies throughout the cross-section of the beam. For a restrained beam, where the vertical shear suddenly changes sign at the dangerous section, the common theory gives the horizontal stress 5 correctly for the remotest fiber only, and it might be possible in some forms of cross-sections for the maximum stress / to be slightly greater than S for a fiber nearer to the neutral surface. All that has here been deduced ART. 79. MAXIMUM INTERNAL STRESSES IN BEAMS. l6l justifies the validity of the common theory of flexure as a correct guide in the practical design and investigation of beams. Prob. 132. A joist fixed at both ends is 3 X 12 inches and 12 feet long, and is strained by a load at the middle, so that the value of 5 as computed from (4) is 4000 pounds per square inch. Find the value of t for points over the support distant 3, 4, and 5 inches from the neutral surface. Prob. 133. Show, fora point between the neutral surface and the convex side, that there exists a maximum compression as well as a maximum tension. Deduce an expression for the value of this maximum compression and its direction. Draw a figure showing the curves over the entire beam for both these stresses. 1 62 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII, CHAPTER VIII. THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. ART. 80. MEAN CONSTANTS. The term ' strength of materials ' is generally understood to refer to stresses caused by slowly applied loads, where the conditions are those of statics only. The ultimate tensile strength of timber, for example, is obtained by placing a speci- men, like that shown in Fig. 2 of Art. 8, in a testing machine and pulling it by a force which gradually increases until rup- ture occurs. When forces are applied suddenly or with shock, the condition is one of work or resilience (see Chapter IX). The following tables recapitulate the mean values of the con- stants of the strength of materials which have been given in the preceding pages. It is here again repeated that these values are subject to wide variations dependent on the kind and quality of the material, and for many other reasons. Tim- ber, for instance, varies in strength according to the climate where grown, the soil, the age of the tree, the season of the year when cut, the method and duration of the process of seasoning, the part of the tree used, the knots and wind shakes, the form and size of the test specimen, and the direction of its fibers, so that it is a difficult matter to state definite numerical values concerning its elasticity and strength. The quality of the material causes a yet wider variation, so wide in fact that in some cases testing machines alone could scarcely distinguish between wrought iron and steel ; for while the higher grades of steel have much greater strength than the tables give, the mild structural and merchant steels may have values almost as low ART. 80. MEAN CONSTANTS. as the average constants for wrought iron. In general, there- fore, the following values should not be used in actual cases of investigation and design except for approximate computations. Detailed tables giving the results of experiments upon numerous kinds and qualities of materials may be found in the various engineers' pocket books, in THURSTON'S Materials of Engineering (New York, 1884), in BURR'S Elasticity and Strength of Materials (New York, 1888), in JOHNSON'S Materials of Construction (New York, 1897), and in the works noted at the end of the next article. It is, however, impos- sible to ascertain the exact strength of any particular lot of material by reference to books, but tests must be made. TABLE I. Mean Weight. Coefficient of Linear Expansion. Material. Pounds per cubic foot. Kilograms per cubic meter. For i Fah. For i Cent. Timber, 40 600 0.0000020 0.0000036 Brick, 125 2 000 0.0000050 0.0000090 Stone, 160 2 560 0.0000050 0.0000090 Cast Iron, 450 7 200 0.0000062 O.OOOOII2 Wrought Iron, 480 7 700 0.0000067 O.OOOOI2I Steel, 490 7 800 0.0000065 O.OOOOII7 TABLE II. Material. Elastic Limit. Coefficient of Elasticity. Pounds per square inch. Kilograms per square centimeter. Pounds per square inch. Kilograms per square centimeter. Timber, 3 000 210 I 500000 105 ooo Cast Iron, 6 000 420 15 000000 i 050 ooo Wrought Iron, 25 ooo 1750 25 oooooo I 750000 Steel, 50000 3500 30000000 2 100 000 104. THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS TABLE III. CH. VIII Material. Ultimate Tensile Strength. Ultimate Compressive Strength. Pounds per square inch. Kilograms per square centimeter. Pounds per square inch. Kilograms per square centimeter. Timber, 10 000 700 8 000 560 Brick, 200 14 2 500 175 Stone, 6 000 420 Cast Iron, 2O OOO I 400 go ooo 6 300 Wrought Iron, 55 ooo 3850 55 ooo 3850 Steel, 100 000 7 ooo 150 ooo 10 500 TABLE IV. Ultimate Shearing Strength. Modulus of Rupture. Material. Pounds per square inch. Kilograms per square centimeter. Pounds per square inch. Kilograms per square centimeter. Timber, ( 600 ) ( 3 ooo f \ 42 I ( 210 ) 9 ooo 630 Stone, 2 000 140 Cast Iron, 20 000 I 4OO 35 ooo 2 450 Wrought Iron, 50 ooo 3 500 Steel, 70000 4900 ART. 81. HISTORICAL. Some topics in the mechanics of materials were discussed and partially developed in advance of precise knowledge re- garding elastic resistance and ultimate strength. The first investigations were those by GALILEI in 1638 on the flexure of beams and on forms of uniform strength. In 1678 HOOKE announced the law " ut tensio sic vis," namely, that the elon- gation of a spring is proportional to the force which causes it ; three years earlier he had performed experiments in the pres- ence of the king of England illustrating the law, which indeed ART. 81. HISTORICAL. 165 he had published in 1660 concealed in the anagram " ceiilnosssttu v." During the eighteenth century but slight advances were made in practical knowledge, although the theory of flexure was improved by BERNOULLI, LEIBNITZ, COULOMB, EULER and others. The few experimental results during this century were on the rupture of timber by flexure and by tension, ques- tions of ultimate strength being only investigated while that of elastic limit was scarcely recognized. Early in the nineteenth century appeared the * Lectures on Natural Philosophy ' by YOUNG in which is found a clear pres- entation of many of the laws of flexure both under static forces and under shock. It also introduces for the first time the coefficient or modulus of elasticity, , but fails to note that it can only be deduced or applied when the elastic limit of the material is not surpassed. A little later BARLOW, TREDGOLD, and HODGKINSON experimented on timber and cast iron, both in the form of beams and of columns ; their methods and re- sults, although now seeming rude and defective, are deserving of praise as the first of real practical value. The complete theory of the flexure of beams and the equa- tions of the elastic curve are due to NAVIER, who from 1820 to 1833 established the modern mathematical theory of elas- ticity on a solid foundation, which by his followers LAME, ST. VENANT and BOUSSINESQ has been applied to very complex problems, a full account of which is given in TODHUNTER and PIERSON'S History of the Elasticity and Strength of Materials (3 volumes, 1886-1892). In 1849 was published the ' Report of the Commissioners on the Application of Iron to Railway Structures/ which may be regarded as the landmark of the beginning of modern methods of testing. It contains the records of valuable tests by WILLIS, JAMES, HODGKINSON and GALTON on the strength of cast l66 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. and wrought iron as well as upon the resistance to impact, investigations of the increase in stress caused by a rolling load on a beam, experiments on the fatigue of metals, and the evi- dence given by leading British engineers as to their opinions on proper factors of safety under different conditions. The immediate result of this report was the decision by the English board of trade that the factor of safety for cast, iron should be twice as great for rolling loads as for steady ones, while throughout both Europe and the United States it excited a marked interest and impetus in the subject of testing materials. A volume would be required to outline the progress and the results of the experimental work done since 1850. The main conclusions will be noted in subsequent articles, and many others will be found in the books noted in Art. 80. The fol- lowing additional references to works of the principal experi- menters will enable students to consult original authorities as well. It should be noted, however, that very important contri- butions have appeared in technical periodicals and in the trans- actions of engineering societies ; for the titles of many of these see * Descriptive Index of Engineering Literature,' published in 1892, 1896, and 1901. WADE, W., and RODMAN, T. J.: Reports of Experiments on the Strength and other Properties of Metals for Cannon. Two volumes, quarto: Philadelphia, 1856, pp. 482; Boston, 1 86 1, pp. 308. KIRKALDY, D.: Experiments on Wrought Iron and Steel. Second edition, London, 1861, octavo, pp. 227, plates xvi. FAIRBAIRN, W.: An Experimental Inquiry into the Strength, Elasticity, Ductility and other Properties of Steel. London, 1869, octavo, pp. 51. STYFFE, K.: The Elasticity, Extensibility and Tensile Strength of Iron and Steel. London, 1869, octavo, pp. 171, plates ix. BAUSCHINGER, J.: Mittheilungen aus dem mechanisch- ART. 82. TESTING MACHINES. l/ technischen Laboratorium der polytechnischen Schule in Munchen. Munich, 1873-1890, folio; usually published annu- ally, each part dealing with a special subject. GILMORE, Q. A.: The Compressive Resistance of Free- stone, Brick Piers, Hydraulic Cements, Mortars and Concretes. New York, 1888, octavo, pp. 198, plates viii. Reports of the U. S. Board appointed to Test Iron, Steel, and other Metals. Washington, two volumes, 1878 and 1881, octavo, pp. 592 and 684, with many plates. Bulletins of the Forestry Division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture since 1892. Also, Report of Tenth Census on Forest Trees of North America. U. S. Ordnance Bureau : Tests of Metals. Annual records of tests at Watertown Arsenal since 1883. Baumaterialienkunde. A semi-monthly journal published at Stuttgart since 1896; the official organ of the International Association for Testing Materials. Prob. 134. Consult Engineering News, Aug. 17, 1899, and ascertain the history and objects of the International Associa- tion for Testing Materials. ART. 82. TESTING MACHINES. Tests on the flexure and rupture of beams were made in the seventeenth century, and machines for this purpose are com- paratively simple. The load is usually applied at the middle of a beam supported at its ends and gradually increased until rupture occurs, the deflection being measured also as a test of stiffness. The apparatus for determining the deflection should be attached to the supports so that the compression of these may not affect the observed values. In the simplest case weights are hung upon a ring or stirrup placed upon the mid- dle of the beam, and are added in regular increments of 100 pounds, more or less, depending upon the size of the beam. When the elastic limit is not exceeded the coefficient of elas- ticity E may be computed from the observed deflection by the l68 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. formula in Case I of Art. 35. From the breaking load P the modulus of rupture S r may be computed by the formula (4) of Art. 21 ; the value of this lies between the ultimate tensile and compressive strengths of the material. As a method of comparison of different qualities of materials this test is an excellent one. Machines for tensile tests are usually arranged so as to operate on a specimen of the shape shown in Fig. 2 of Art. 8. The heads are either griped in jaws or are provided with threads so that they may be screwed into nuts to which the tension is applied. The power may be furnished by a lever in machines of small capacity, in others by a screw or by hydrau- lic pressure, the total tension being weighed off on a compound lever. In commercial tests the ultimate elongation is alone measured ; this is done by marking inch spaces on the speci- men and measuring them after rupture. In scientific tests an extensimeter is attached to the specimen so that the elonga- tion can be read at each increment of weight. The elongation is usually expressed as a percentage of the original length between two marks whose distance apart is more than eight times the diameter of the specimen. In the case of ductile metals a marked diminution in diameter occurs at the point of rupture, and the two parts of the specimen are seen to have a taper on each side of the fracture. On this account the per- centage of ultimate elongation will depend upon the distance between the two marks. As no standard proportions have yet been adopted, it is desirable that the actual distance on which the elongation is measured should be always stated. In ductile materials, like wrought iron and mild steel, the final strength is less than the maximum strength, owing to the rapid flow of metal which is the cause of the taper and con- traction. The maximum strength is usually alone recorded, and in this volume the term ' ultimate strength ' is to be un- ART. 82. TESTING MACHINES. 169 derstood, not as that at the instant of rupture, but as the maxi- mum unit-stress observed shortly before rupture. The contraction of area, introduced by KlRKALDY as an element to be noted in tests of ductile metals, is now regarded as of equal importance with the ultimate elongation, since it is subject to less variation with the length of the specimen. This is expressed as a percentage of the original area of the cross- section. According to KlRKALDY, the tensile strength and ultimate contraction of area, when considered jointly, furnish the best index for judging the quality of wrought iron and steel. In all these tensile tests the load is applied gradually, and not suddenly or with impact. A test, however, may be made slowly or quickly, and it is found that the degree of rapid- ity has a marked influence upon the results. In general, a quick test gives a higher elastic limit and a higher strength than a slow one, while the ultimate elongation is less. Attempts have hence been made to specify the degree of rapidity with which the test should be conducted, and undoubtedly some uniformity in this respect will in time be required in standard specifications. (Art. 88.) Compressive tests are mainly confined to brick and stone, and are but little used for metals on account of the difficulty of securing a uniform distribution of stress over the surfaces. Rupture in these cases rarely occurs by true crushing, but by a diagonal shearing or splitting, and it is not easy to obtain precise measures of the amount of shortening. Cement, which is always used in compression; is indeed usually tested by ten- sion, and this is found to be the cheaper and more satisfactory method. The first testing machines in the United States were those built by WADE and RODMAN between 1850 and 1860 for test- ing gun-metal for the government. About this time the 1/0 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIIL rapid introduction of iron bridges led to experiments by PLYMPTON and by ROEBLING. About 1865 machines were made by FAIRBANKS, which have since been developed into forms applicable to all classes of work, as also have those made by OLSEN and by RIEHLE. A machine devised by THURSTON soon after 1870 has done excellent work on stresses of torsion. The machine built by EMERY for the United States Board of 1878-81, and now in the Watertown arsenal, is the most pre- cise one ever devised, and its work has been of great value in advancing our knowledge of materials. Large machines for testing eye-bars have been built by bridge companies since 1880, and several testing laboratories now exist provided with machines for every kind of work. The capacity of a testing machine is the tension or pressure which it can exert. A small machine for testing cement need not have a capacity greater than 1000 pounds. Machines of 50000, looooo, and 150000 pounds for testing metals are com- mon. The Watertown machine has a capacity of I ooo ooo pounds and can test a heavy bar 30 feet long and a small hair with equal precision. The eye-bar machine at Athens, Pa., has a capacity of I 244 ooo pounds, and that at Phcenixville, Pa., a capacity of 2 160000 pounds. For descriptions of the principal testing machines the stu- dent should consult ABBOTT'S papers in Van Nostrand's Magazine, Vol. XXX, reprinted as Van Nostrand's Science Series, No. 74. KENT'S Strength of Materials, No. 41 in that Series, contains also valuable information and discussions of methods of testing. JOHNSON'S Materials of Construction, 1897, and MARTENS' Handbook of Testing Materials, .1899, treat fully of testing machines and of the methods of making tests so that the results shall be reliable. Prob. 135. A steel eye-bar, 10 X 2f inches, tested at Phce- nixville in 1 893, broke under a tension of I 626 322 pounds, with ART. 83. TIMBER. 171 20.5 per cent elongation in 47 feet, and a reduction of area of 50.4 per cent. Compute the ultimate tensile strength per square inch of original area, and also per square inch of frac- tured area. ART. 83. TIMBER. Good timber is of uniform color and texture, free from knots, sapwood, wind-shakes, worm-holes or decay ; it should also be well seasoned, which is best done by exposing it for two or three years to the weather to dry out the sap. The heaviest timber is usually the strongest ; also the darker the color and the closer the annular rings the stronger and better it is, other things being equal. The strength of timber is al- ways greatest in the direction of the grain, the sidewise resist- ance to tension or compression being scarcely one fourth of the longitudinal. The following table gives average values of the ultimate strength in pounds per square inch of a few of the common Kind. Pounds per Cubic Foot. Tensile Strength. Modulus of Rupture. Compress- ive Strength. Hemlock 2C 8 ooo 6000 5 ooo White Pine 27 AQ 8000 12 OOO 60OO 7 OOO 5500 e OOO Red Oak 42 Q OOO 7 OOO 6 OOO Yellow Pine... White Oak 45 48 I50OO 12 OOO IIOOO 10 OOO 9OOO 8000 kinds of timber as determined from tests of small specimen carefully selected and dried. Large pieces of timber such ai are actually used in engineering structures will probably have an ultimate strength of from fifty to eighty per cent of these values. Moreover the figures are liable to a range of 25 per cent on account of variations in quality and condition arising from place of growth, time when cut, and method and duration 172 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Ctl. VIII. of seasoning. To cover these variations the factor of safety of 10 is not too high. The shearing strength of timber is still more variable than the tensile or compressive resistance. White pine across the grain may be put at 2500 pounds per square inch, and along the grain at 500. Chestnut has 1500 and 600 respectively, yellow pine and oak perhaps 4 ooo and 600 respectively. The elastic limit of timber is poorly defined. In precise tests on good specimens it is sometimes observed at about one half the ultimate strength, but under ordinary conditions it is safer to put it at one third. The coefficient of elasticity ranges from i ooo ooo to 2 ooo ooo pounds per square inch, I 500 ooo being a good mean value to use in general computa- tions. The ultimate elongation is small, usually being between I and 2 per cent. The tests published in the Census Report on the Forest Trees of North America (1884) are very comprehensive as they include 412 species of timber. Of these 16 species have a specific gravity greater than i.o and 28 species less than 0.4. Even in the same species a great variation in weight was often found ; for instance white oak ranged from 42 pounds to 54 pounds per cubic foot. The heaviest wood weighed 81 pounds per cubic foot and had a compressive strength of 12 ooo pounds per square inch; the lightest wood weighed 16 pounds per cubic foot and had a compressive strength of 200 pounds per square inch. ART. 84. BRICK. Brick is made of clay which consists mainly of silicate of alumina with compounds of lime, magnesia, and iron. The clay is prepared by cleaning it carefully from pebbles and sand, mixing it with about one half its volume of water, a'nd temper- ing it by hand stirring or in a pug-mill. It is then moulded in ART. 84. BRICK. 173 rectangular boxes by hand or by special machines, and the green bricks are placed under open sheds to dry. These are piled in a kiln and heated for nearly two weeks until those nearest to the fuel assume a partially vitrified appearance. Three qualities of brick are taken from the kiln ; ' arch brick ' are those from around the arches where the fuel is burned these are hard and often brittle ; * body brick,' from the interior of the kiln, are of the best quality ; ' soft brick,' from the exterior of the pile, are weak and only suitable for filling. Paving brick are burned in special kilns, often by natural gas or by oil, the rate of heating being such as to en- sure toughness and hardness. The common size is 2 X 4 X 8J inches, and the average weight 4^ pounds. A pressed brick, however, may weigh nearly 5^ pounds. Good bricks should be of regular shape, have parallel and plane faces, with sharp angles and edges. They should be of uniform texture and when struck a quick blow should give a sharp metallic ring. The heavier the brick, other things being equal, the stronger and better it is. Poor brick will absorb when dry from 20 to 30 per cent of its weight of water, ordinary qualities absorb from 10 to 20 per cent, while hard paving brick should not absorb more than 2 or 3 per cent. An absorption test is valuable in measuring the capacity of brick to resist the disintegrating action of frost, and as a rough general rule the greater the amount of water absorbed the less is the strength and durability. The crushing strength of brick is variable ; while a mean value may be 2500 pounds per square inch, soft brick will scarcely stand 500, pressed brick may run to 10 ooo, and the best qualities of paving brick have given 15000 pounds per square inch, or even more. Crushing tests are difficult and ex- pensive to make on account of the labor of preparing the speci- men cubes so as to secure surfaces truly parallel. 1/4 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. A flexural test for brick is often used. The brick is sup- ported at the middle of the flat side upon a fixed steel support about one half inch in width, and around its ends are placed stirrups to which is hung a vessel for holding weights. The loads being applied until rupture occurs, the modulus of rup- ture can be computed from the formula in which / is the length of the brick between stirrups, b its breadth, d its thickness, and W the breaking load. For ex- ample, if / = 8 inches, b 4 inches, d 2 inches, and W = 1000 pounds, then S r = 750 pounds per square inch. This modulus of rupture is intermediate between the ultimate ten- sile and compressive strengths, and although not a physical constant it serves the means of making excellent comparisons of different qualities of brick. Tensile and shearing tests of bricks are rarely made and but little is known of their behavior under such stresses. The ulti- mate tensile strength may perhaps range from 50 to 500 pounds per square inch. As for elastic limit and coefficient of elas- ticity, so little is known that nothing can be said. ART. 85. CEMENT AND MORTAR. Common mortar is composed of one part of lime to five parts of sand by measure. When six months old its tensile strength is from 15 to 30, and its compressive strength from 150 to 300 pounds per square inch. Its strength slowly in- creases with age, and it may be considerably increased by using a smaller proportion of sand. Hydraulic mortar is composed of hydraulic cement and sand in varying proportions. The less the proportion of sand the greater is its strength. If 5 be the strength of neat cement, that is, cement with no sand, and S l be the strength of mortar ART. 85. CEMENT AND MORTAR. 175 having/ parts of sand to i part of cement, the formula 5 - 5 gives a rough approximation to the strength of the mortar. A common proportion is 3 parts of sand to I of cement, the strength of this being about one-fourth that of the cement it- self. The strength of hydraulic mortar also increases with its age. There are two classes of hydraulic cements, the Rosendale or natural cements, and the Portland or artificial cements. The former are of lighter color, lower weight, and lesser strength than the latter, but they are quicker in setting and cheaper in price. The following table gives average ultimate tensile strengths in pounds per square inch of mortars of both classes of different ages and different proportions of sand. Propor- tion of Sand. ROSENDALE. PORTLAND. One Week. One Month. Six Months. One Year. One Week. One Month. Six Months. One Year. O 1 2O 200 300 350 300 400 450 500 I tO I 70 125 200 250 125 200 300 350 2 tO I 30 60 120 180 100 ISO 250 300 3 to i 20 30 70 130 80 5 200 250 4 to i 10 2O 60 100 50 70 120 150 These figures are obtained from tests of briquettes carefully made in molds, and are probably higher than mortar made under usual circumstances would give. The briquette is re- moved from the mold when set, allowed to remain in air for one day, and then put under water for the remainder of the time. As cements and mortars are only used in compression, the tensile test may seem an inappropriate one. Compressive tests, however, are expensive and unsatisfactory to make under or- 176 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. dinary conditions. It may be taken as a general rule that the compressive strength of a material increases with the tensile strength, and it is certain that the universal adoption of the tensile tests has done much to greatly improve the quality of hydraulic cements. For neat cement a one-day test is frequently employed, the briquette being put under water as soon as it has set. For Rosendale cement a briquette one square inch in section should give a tensile strength of 75 pounds, while one of Portland cement should give 125 pounds. To secure these results, how- ever, the material should be thoroughly rammed into the moulds, no more water being used than necessary, and the quality of the cement must be good. . The compressive strength of hydraulic cements and mortars is much higher than the tensile strength, and it increases more rapidly with age. A common statement is that the compressive strength is from eight to ten times the tensile strength. Neat Portland cement when one month old has a compressive strength of about 3 ooo, and when one year old about 5 ooo pounds per square inch. Rosendale cement mortar when three or four years old has about 2 500 pounds per square inch. The adhesion of cement to stone or brick is somewhat less than the tensile strength. The shearing strength of cement or mortar is much less than the tensile strength usually only about one-fourth. The strength of cement and mortar is influenced by many causes : the quality of the stone or materials from which the cement is made, the method of manufacture, the age of the cement, the kind of sand, the method of mixing, and even the amount of water used. Tensile tests of briquettes, more than all others, are valuable on account of the ease with which they can be made, and the reliable conclusions that can be drawn from the results. ART. 86. STONE. 177 ART. 86. STONE. Sandstone, as its name implies, is sand, usually quartzite, which has been consolidated under heat and pressure. It varies much in color, strength, and durability, but many varie- ties form most valuable building material. In general it is easy to cut and dress, but the variety known as Potsdam sand- stone is very hard in some localities. Limestone is formed by consolidated marine shells, and is of diverse quality. Marble is limestone which has been re- worked in the laboratory of nature so as to expel the impuri- ties, and leave a nearly pure carbonate of lime ; it takes a high polish, is easily worked, and makes one of the most beautiful building stones. Granite is a rock of aqueous origin metamorphosed under heat and pressure ; its composition is quartz, feldspar, and mica, but in the variety called syenite the mica is replaced by hornblende. It is fairly easy to work, usually strong and dur- able, and some varieties will take a high polish. Trap, or basalt, is an igneous rock without cleavage. It is hard and tough, and less suitable for building constructions than other rocks, as large blocks cannot be readily obtained and cut to size. It has, however, a high strength, and is re- markable for durability. The average weights and ultimate compressive strengths of these four classes are as follows : Kind. Weight per Cubic Foot. Compress- ive Strength. Modulus of Rupture. Sandstone Pounds. 150 Lbs. per sq. in. 5000 Lbs. per sq. in. I 500 Limestone 1 60 7000 I 5OO Granite I6 5 12000 2000 Trap 175 I6OOO 1^8 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. ClI. VIII. These figures, however, refer to small specimens such as can be used in a testing machine, and it is known that the strength of large blocks per square inch is materially less. The rupture of a cube or prism of stone under compression often occurs by splitting, or rather shearing, in planes making an angle of about 45 degrees with the direction of the pressure (see Fig. 3, Art. 8). In order to insure a perfect distribution of pressure over the surfaces, cushions of wood, leather, and lead are often placed upon them, but the advantage of using them is doubtful. The coefficient of elasticity of stone has been found to range from 5000000 to 10000000 pounds per square inch. The elastic limit is difficult to observe, if indeed any exists. Little is known of .the tensile and shearing strengths of stone, except that they are smaller than the compressive strength in some varieties. Tests to determine the modulus of rupture by loading a stone beam to destruction are easily made, and will probably serve to compare the quality of different specimens better than other tests of strength. Slate is an argillaceous stone consolidated under very heavy pressure so as to form a marked cleavage at right angles to the direction of that pressure. It is split into plates J inch in thickness for use as roofing slate, and in larger blocks is used for pavements and steps. Its weight per cubic foot is about 175 pounds, its compressive strength about 10000 pounds per square inch, and its modulus of rupture about 7 ooo pounds per square inch. Unfortunately it is liable to corrode under the action of the atmosphere, and its marked cleavage and grain render its strength variable in different directions. See Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, Sept. 1892 and Dec. 1894. The quality of a building stone cannot be safely inferred from tests of strength, as its durability depends largely upon ART. 87. CAST IRON. 179 its capacity to resist the action of the weather. Hence cor- rosion and freezing tests, impact tests, and observations of the behavior of stone under conditions of actual use are more im- portant than the determination of crushing strength in a com- pression machine. See BAKER'S Masonry Construction for full information regarding these subjects. ART. 87. CAST IRON. Cast iron is a modern product, having been first made in England about the beginning of the fifteenth century. Ores of iron are melted in a blast furnace, producing pig iron. The pig iron is remelted in a cupola furnace and poured into moulds, thus forming castings. Beams, columns, pipes, braces, and blocks of every shape required in engineering structures are thus produced. Pig iron is divided into two classes, Foundry pig and Forge pig, the former being used for castings and the latter for mak- ing wrought iron. Foundry pig has a dark-gray fracture, with large crystals and a metallic luster ; forge pig has a light-gray or silver-white fracture, with small crystals. Foundry pig has a specific gravity of from 7.1 to 7.2, and it contains from 6 to 4 per cent of carbon ; forge pig has a specific gravity of from 7.1 to 7.4, and it contains from 4 to 2 per cent of carbon. The higher the percentage of carbon the less is the specific gravity, and the easier it is to melt the pig. Besides the carbon there are present from i to 5 per cent of other impurities, such as silicon, manganese, and phosphorus. The properties and strength of castings depend upon the quality of the ores and the method of their manufacture in both the blast and the cupola furnace. Cold-blast pig produces stronger iron than the hot-blast, but it is more expensive. Long-continued fusion improves the quality of the product, as also do repeated meltings. The darkest grades of foundry pig ISO THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. make the smoothest castings, but they are apt to be brittle ; the light-gray grades make tough castings, but they are apt to contain blow-holes or imperfections. The percentage of carbon in cast iron is a controlling factor which governs its strength, particularly that percentage which is chemically combined with the iron. For example, the fol- lowing are the results of tests by WADE of three classes of cast iron for guns, the tensile strength being expressed in pounds per square inch : VT c & r* Percentage of Carbon. Ultimate No. Specific Gravity. Graphite< 8 Combined. Tensile Strength. 1 7.204 2.06 1.78 28800 2 7.154 2.30 1.46 24800 3 7.087 2.83 0.82 20 ioo Here it is seen that the total carbon is about the same in the three kinds, but the smaller the percentage of combined carbon the less is the specific gravity and the ultimate strength. As average values for the ultimate strength of cast iron, 20000 and 90000 pounds per square inch in tension and com- pression respectively are good figures. In any particular case, however, a variation of from 10 to 20 per cent from these values may be expected, owing to the great variation in quality. For first-class gun iron WADE found a tensile strength of over 30000 and a compressive strength of over 150000 pounds per square inch. On the other hand medium-quality castings often have a tensile strength less than 16000 pounds per square inch. In tensile tests the elongations increase faster than in the simple ratio of the applied stresses, so that the elastic limit is poorly defined, and the coefficient of elasticity may range from 10 ooo ooo to 20 ooo ooo pounds per square inch. HODGKIN- SON deduced formulas for finding the elongation for different stresses, but these are of little practical importance. The flexural test is a good one for comparing the strength ART. 88. WROUGHT IRON. 181 of different bars of cast iron. A bar 2 X I inch in cross-section and 27 inches long, laid flatwise on two supports 24 inches apart, should carry a load of 2000 pounds, or more, applied at the middle ; that is, the modulus of rupture should be 36 ooo pounds per square inch, or more. The high compressive strength and cheapness of cast iron render it a valuable material for many purposes, but its brittle- ness, low tensile strength, and ductility forbid its use in struc- tures subject to variations of load or to shocks. Its ultimate elongation being scarcely one per cent, the work required to cause rupture in tension is small compared to that for wrought iron and steel, and hence as a structural material the use ot cast iron is very limited. POLE'S Iron as a Material of Con- struction (London, 1872) is an elementary work which the student may consult with advantage. ART. 88. WROUGHT IRON. The ancient peoples of Europe and Asia were acquainted with wrought iron and steel to a limited extent. It is men- tioned in Genesis, iv., 22, and in one of the oldest pyramids of Egypt a piece of iron has been found. It was produced, prob- ably, by the action of a hot fire on very pure ore. The ancient Britons built bloomaries on the tops of high hills, a tunnel opening toward the north furnishing a draught for the fire which caused the carbon and other impurities to be expelled from the ore, leaving behind nearly pure metallic iron. Modern methods of manufacturing wrought iron are mainly by the use of forge pig (Art. 87), the one most exten- sively used being the puddling process. Here the forge pig is subjected to the oxidizing flame of a blast in a reverbera- tory furnace, where it is formed into pasty balls by the puddler. A ball taken from the furnace is run through a squeezer to expel the cinder and then rolled into a muck bar. The muck 1 82 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VI I L bars are cut, laid in piles, heated, and rolled, forming what is called merchant bar. If this is cut, piled, and rolled again a better product called best iron is produced. A third rolling gives * best-best ' iron, a superior quality, but high in price. The product of the rolling mill is bar iron, plate iron, shape iron, beams, and rails. Bar iron is round, square, and rectan- gular in section ; plate iron is from i to I inch thick, and of varying widths and lengths ; shape iron includes angles," tees, channels, and other forms used in structural work ; beams are I shaped, and of the deck or rail form (Art. 31). Wrought iron is metallic iron containing less than 0.25 per cent of carbon, and which has been manufactured without fusion. Its tensile and compressive strengths are closely equal on the average from 50000 to 55 ooo pounds per square inch. The elastic limit is well defined at about 25 ooo pounds per square inch, and within that limit the law of proportionality of stress to deformation is strictly observed. It is tough and ductile, having an ultimate elongation of from 20 to 30 per cent. It is stiffer than cast iron, the coefficient of elasticity being 25 ooo ooo pounds per square inch. It is malleable, can be forged and welded, and has a high capacity to withstand the action of shocks. It cannot, however, be tempered nor can it be melted at any ordinary temperature. The cold-bend test for wrought iron is an important one for judging of general quality. A bar perhaps | X f inches and 15 inches long is bent when cold either by pressure or by blows of a hammer. Bridge iron should bend through an angle of 90 degrees to a curve whose radius is twice the thick- ness of the bar, without cracking. Rivet iron should bend through 1 80 degrees until the sides of the bar are in contact, without showing signs of fracture. Wrought iron that breaks under this test is lacking in both strength and ductility. The tensile test on a small specimen not less than 12 inches ART. 88. WROUGHT IRON. 183 in length and 0.5 square inches in cross-section is mainly em- ployed. The elongation should be measured on a length not less than 8 inches. The following requirements for structural iron in tension are those recommended by a committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1895 : Kind of Wrought Iron. Yield Point. Lbs. per sq. in. Maximum Strength. Lbs. per sq. in. Ultimate Elongation. cent. Reduction of Area. Per cent. Bars 26000 50000 20 30 Tension Plates and Shapes 26000 48000 15 20 Compression Plates and Shapes 26000 48 ooo 12 16 Web Plates 26OOO 46000 8 12 The term 'yield point ' is here used instead of elastic limit, as the latter is strictly the point at which the elongation ceases to be proportional to the applied load, and it is not easy to de- termine its exact value. On a delicate machine, however, the sudden increase of elongation soon after the elastic limit is passed cannot fail to be noticed by the drop of the scale beam, and this is called the yield point. It is further recom- mended that the stress be applied to the specimen at the uni- form rate of from 4 ooo to 5 ooo pounds per square inch per minute below the yield point and 7 ooo to 8 ooo pounds per square inch per minute above the yield point. The process of manufacture, as well as the quality of the pig iron, influences the strength of wrought iron. The higher the percentage of carbon the greater is the strength. Best iron is 10 per cent stronger than ordinary merchant iron owing to the influence of the second rolling. Cold rolling causes a marked increase in elastic limit and ultimate strength, but a decrease in ductility or ultimate elongation. Annealing lowers the ultimate strength, but increases the elongation. Boiler- plate iron will generally have an ultimate strength greater than 55 ooo pounds per square inch. Iron wire, owing to the pro- 184 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. cess of drawing, has a high tensile strength, sometimes greater than 100 ooo pounds per square inch. Good wrought iron when broken by tension shows a fibrous structure. If, however, it be subject to shocks or to repeated stresses which exceed the elastic limit, the molecular structure becomes changed so that the fracture is more or less crystalline. The effect of a stress slightly exceeding the elastic limit is to cause a small permanent set, but the elastic limit will be found to be higher than before. This is decidedly injurious to the quality of the material on account of the accompanying change in structure, and hence it is a fundamental principle that the working unit-stresses should not exceed the elastic limit. For proper security indeed the allowable unit-stress should seldom be greater than one half the elastic limit. In a rough general way the quality of wrought iron may be estimated by the product of its tensile strength and ultimate elongation, this product being an approximate measure of the work required to produce rupture. A more precise measure of this work K is, however, given by the formula (15) K=WS. + 2$) in which s is the ultimate unit-elongation, S e is the elastic limit, and S t the tensile strength. For example, take two wrought- iron specimens, the first having S e = 27 ooo, 5 = 66000, s = 13 per cent = 0.13, and the second having S e = 24000, S t = 51 OOO, s = 24 per cent = 0.24. Then the values of K are K, 6 890, K., = 10 080, which shows that the work required to rupture the second specimen will be much greater than for the first. Thus high tensile strength is not a good quality when accompanied by low elongation. The value of K is the number of inch-pounds of work required for the rupture of a specimen one square inch in section- and one inch long. ART. 89. STEEL. 185 Wrought iron has no proper modulus of rupture since, ow- ing to the change of molecular condition after the elastic limit is exceeded, bars can be bent to almost any extent without fracture. The same is true of soft and medium steel. ART. 89. STEEL. Steel was originally produced directly from pure iron ore by the action of a hot fire, which did not remove the carbon to a sufficient extent to form wrought iron. The modern processes, however, involve the fusion of the ore, and the definition of the United States law is that " steel is iron produced by fusion by any process, and which is malleable." Chemically, steel is a compound of iron and carbon generally intermediate in com- position between cast and wrought iron, but having a higher specific gravity than either. The following comparison points out the distinctive differences between the three kinds of iron: Per cent of Carbon. Spec. Grav. Properties. Cast iron, 5 to 2 7.2 Fusible, not malleable. Steel, 7.8 Fusible and malleable. Wrought iron, 0.30 to 0.05 7.7 Malleable, not fusible. It should be observed that the percentage of carbon alone is not sufficient to distinguish steel from wrought iron ; also, that the mean values of specific gravity stated are in each case subject to considerable variation. The three principal methods of manufacture are the cruci- ble process, the open-hearth process, and the Bessemer pro- cess. In the crucible process impure wrought iron or blister steel, with carbon and a flux, are fused in a sealed vessel to which air cannot obtain access ; the best tool steels are thus made. In the open-hearth process pig iron is melted in a Siemens furnace, wrought-iron scrap being added until the proper degree of carbonization is secured. In the Bessemer process pig iron is completely decarbonized in a converter by 186 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. an air blast and then recarbonized to the proper degree by the addition of spiegeleisen. The metal from the open-hearth furnace or from the Bessemer converter is cast into ingots, which are rolled in mills to the required forms. The open- hearth process produces steel for guns, armor plates, and for some structural purposes ; the Bessemer process produces steel for railroad rails and also for structural shapes. The physical properties of steel depend both upon the method of manufacture and upon the chemical composition, the carbon having the controlling influence upon strength. Manganese promotes malleability and silicon increases the hardness, while phosphorus and sulphur tend to cause brittle- ness. The higher the percentage of carbon within reasonable limits the greater is the ultimate strength and the less the elongation. THURSTON proposes the formula (16) S t = 60 ooo -f- 70 oooC for the ultimate tensile strength in pounds per square inch, C being the per cent of carbon. Thus, with 0.40 per cent of car- bon the value of S t is 88 ooo pounds per square inch. The ultimate elongation is approximately inversely proportional to the tensile strength, a formula frequently given being : 150 1500000 elongation in per cent = 2- r -^ = F ; thus when C = 0.70, the tensile strength is about 109 ooo pounds per square inch and the elongation about 14 per cent. These approximate formulas refer only to unannealed steel. A classification of steel according to the percentage of carbon and its physical properties of tempering and welding is as follows : Extra hard, i.oo to o.6o# C., takes high temper, but not weldable. Hard, 0.70 to 0.40* C., temperable, but welded with difficulty. Medium, 0.50 to 0.20* C., poor temper, but weldable. Mild, 0.40 to 0.05^ C., not temperable, but easily welded. ART. 89. STEEL. 187 It is seen that these classes overlap so that there are no distinct lines of demarcation. The extra-hard steels are used for tools, the hard steels for piston rods and other parts of machines, the medium steels for rails and beams, and the mild or soft steels for plates, rivets, and other purposes. The influence of annealing, or keeping the metal in contact with a light fire for some days, is marked in reducing the ulti- mate strength and increasing the elongation. As an example the following table gives some of the results of a large series of tests exhibited by the Bethlehem Iron Company at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, all being flat bars of Per cent of Carbon. Tensile Strength. Pounds per square in. Ultimate Elongation. Per cent. Unan- nealed. Annealed. Unan- nealed . Annealed. 0.08 58 ooo 56000 27 31 0.25 &40OO 75000 21 25 0.50 125 ooo 9QOOO II 19 0.67 136000 112 OOO 6 16 1.04 153000 I2800O 3i II Bessemer steel. The process of annealing is thus seen to greatly improve the capacity of the high-carbon steels to resist work, since the product of tensile strength and elongation is materially increased (Art. 88). For bridges and buildings the following requirements are recommended by the committee report of the American So- ciety of Civil Engineers in 1895, for ultimate tensile strength : For low steel, 60 ooo 4 ooo, For medium steel, 65 ooo 4 ooo, For high steel, 70000 4000, all being in pounds per square inch. The yield point is re- quired to be 55 per cent of the ultimate strength, the per cent of elongation to be I 500000 divided by the ultimate strength, 188 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. and the per cent of reduction of area to be 2 800 ooo divided by the ultimate strength. Specimens of medium steel cut from bars or plates must stand bending through 180 degrees to an inner radius of one and one half times the thickness of the specimen without sign of fracture, while for the high steel the same must be the case to a radius of twice the thickness of the specimen. The strength of steel may be greatly increased by com- pressing it while fluid, by the use of nickel as an alloy, and by the processes of forging. Nickel steel has been made with an elastic limit over 100000 and with an ultimate tensile strength of 277 ooo pounds per square inch. By tempering both strength and hardness are increased, and by annealing its re- sistance to shock is improved. See paper by R. W. DAVEN- PORT in Engineering News for Nov. 23, 1893. The compressive strength of steel is always higher than the tensile strength. The maximum value recorded for hardened steel is 392000 pounds per square inch. The expense of com- mercial tests of compression is, however, so great that they are seldom made. The shearing strength is about three-fourths of the tensile strength. Soft and structural steels have no modulus of rupture, since bars can be bent through 180 degrees by transverse pressure. The elastic limit is usually well defined and closely coinci- dent with the yield point. In tension, as a rough rule, it may be taken as one-half of the ultimate strength, in compression at somewhat less than one-half, perhaps one-third, for the hard steels. The coefficient of elasticity is subject to but little variation with the percentage of carbon, and the mean value of 30000000 pounds per square inch may be used in ordinary computations both for tensile and compressive stresses that do not exceed the elastic limit. In shearing the coefficient of elas- ticity may be taken as a mean at two-fifths of that for tension. ART. 90. OTHER MATERIALS. 189 Steel castings are extensively used for axle boxes, cross- heads, and joints in structural work. They contain from 0.25 to 0.50 per cent of carbon, ranging in tensile strength from 60000 to looooo pounds per square inch. Steel has entirely supplanted wrought iron for railroad rails, and largely so for structural purposes. Its price being the same, its strength greater, its structure more homogeneous, the low and medium varieties are coming more and more into use as a satisfactory and reliable material for large classes of engi- neering constructions. ART. 90. OTHER MATERIALS. Concrete, composed of hydraulic mortar and broken stone, is an ancient material, having been extensively used by the Romans. It is mainly employed for foundations and mono- lithic structures, but in some cases large blocks have been made which are laid together like masonry. Like mortar, its strength increases with age. When six months old its mean compressive strength ranges from 700 to I 500 pounds per square inch, and when one year old it is probably about fifty per cent greater. Beton is an artificial stone made of hydraulic cement and sand which has been subject to prolonged trituration. Its strength is about double that of ordinary concrete. Ropes are made of hemp, of manilla, and of iron or steel wire with a hemp center. A hemp rope one inch in diameter has an ultimate strength of about 6 ooo pounds, and its safe working strength is about 800 pounds. A manilla rope is slightly stronger. Iron and steel ropes one inch in diameter have ultimate strengths of about 36000 and 50000 pounds respectively, the safe working strengths being 6 ooo and 8 ooo pounds. As a fair rough rule, the strength of ropes may be said to increase as the squares of their diameters. IQO THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. Phosphor bronze is an alloy of copper and tin containing from 2 to 6 per cent of phosphorus. It is remarkable for its complete fluidity so that most perfect castings caii be made. It has been used for journal bearings, valve seats, and even for cannon. It is hard and tough, and its ultimate tensile strength may range from 40000 to 100000 pounds per square inch. Aluminum is a silver-gray metal which is malleable and duc- tile and not liable to corrode. Its specific gravity is about 2.65, so that it is light, weighing only 168 pounds per cubic foot. Its ultimate tensile strength is about 25 ooo pounds per square inch. It has a low coefficient of elasticity, and its ultimate elongation is also low. Alloys of aluminum and copper have been made with a tensile strength and elongation exceeding those of wrought iron, but have not come into use as structural materials. Numerous brasses and bronzes composed of copper, tin, and zinc have been made. The strongest was ascertained by THURSTON to be that composed of 55 parts of copper, 43 of zinc, and 2 of tin, its ultimate tensile strength of 68 900 pounds per square inch, with an elongation of 48 per cent and a reduc- tion of area of 70 per cent. See THURSTON'S Materials of Engineering, Vol. III. Brass, which is composed of copper and zinc, is almost the only alloy which has come into extensive use in the arts and which at the same time is a fully reliable material. In the form of castings it has a tensile strength of about 20 ooo pounds per square inch, in the form of rolled sheets or wire it has a much greater strength. Brass water-pipes are now frequently used in houses by those who can afford to pay as high a price as 20 cents per pound. The strength of lead is only about one-tenth of that of brass, and it attains a permanent set under a small tensile stress. ART. 91. THE FATIGUE OF MATERIALS 19! Glass has a tensile strength of about 5 ooo and a compres- sive strength of about 8 ooo pounds per square inch. ART. 91. THE FATIGUE OF MATERIALS. The ultimate strength S u is usually understood to be that steady unit-stress which causes rupture at one application. Experience and experiments, however, teach that if a unit- stress somewhat less than S u be applied a sufficient number of times to a bar rupture will be caused. The experiments of WOHLER have been of great value in establishing the laws which govern the rupture of metals under repeated applica- tions of stress. For instance, he found that the rupture of a bar of wrought iron by tension was caused in the following different ways. By 800 applications of 52 800 pounds per square inch. By 107 ooo applications of 48 400 pounds per square inch. By 450 ooo applications of 39 ooo pounds per square inch. By 10 140 ooo applications of 35 ooo pounds per square inch. The range of stress in each of these applications was from o to the designated number of pounds per square inch. Here it is seen that the breaking stress decreases as the number of appli- cations increase. In other experiments where the initial stress was not o, but a permanent value 5, the same law was seen to hold good. It was further observed that a bar could be strained from o up to a stress near its elastic limit an enormous number of times without rupture. From a discussion of these numer- ous experiments the following laws may be stated. 1. By repeated applications of stress rupture may be caused by a unit-stress less in value than the ultimate strength of the material. 2. The greater the range of stress the less is the unit-stress required to produce rupture after an enormous number of applications. 3. When the unit-stress in a bar varies from O up I9 2 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. to the elastic limit the number of applications required to rupture it is enormous. 4. A range of stress from tension into compression, or vice versa, produces rupture with a less number of applica- tions than the same range in stress of one kind only. 5. When the range of stress in tension is equal to that in compression the unit-stress that produces rupture after an enormous number of applications is a little greater than one-half the elastic limit. The term * enormous number ' used in stating these laws means about 40 millions, that being roughly the number used by WOHLER to cause rupture under the conditions stated. For all practical cases of repeated stress, except in fast moving machinery, this great number would seldom be exceeded during the natural life of the piece. In Art. 8 it was recognized that the working stress should be less for pieces subject to varying stresses than for those car- rying steady loads only. For many years indeed it has been the practice of designers to grade the working stress accord- ing to the range of stresses to which it might be liable to be subjected. WOHLER's laws and experiments afford however a means of grading these values in a more satisfactory manner than mere judgment can do, and formulas for that purpose will be deduced in the next Article. After the working stress S w is determined the cross-section of the piece is found in the usual way, if in tension by formula (i), and if in compression by formula (i) or (10) as the case may require. Prob. 136. How many years will probably be required for a tie bar in a bridge truss to receive 40 million repetitions of stress ? ART. 92. REPEATED STRESSES. Consider a bar in which the unit-stress varies from S' to S, the latter being the greater numerically. Both S' and 5 may ART. 92. REPEATED STRESSES. 193 be tension or both may be compression, or one may be ten- sion and the other compression ; in the last case the sign of 6" is to be taken as minus. Consider the stress to be re- peated an enormous number of times from S' to S and rupture to then occur under the greater unit-stress S. By the sec- ond law above stated 5 is some function of 5 S' ; this is equivalent to saying that 5 is a function of 5(i S'/S), or more simply a function of S'/S. Now if P' and P be the total stresses on the bar the ratio S'/S equals P'/P, and hence the unit-stress 5 which causes rupture after an enor- mous number of repetitions is a function of P'/P. LAUNHARDT'S formula for 5 applies to the case where the limiting stresses P r and P are both tension or both compres- sion, so that P'/P is always positive. Let the values of this ratio be taken as abscissas ranging from o to I, and those of S as ordinates. Let the function of P'/P be supposed to rep- resent a straight line whose equation is 5 = m -f- n-p- , in which m and n are constants to be determined. Let u be the ultimate strength of the material under one application of stress, and e the unit-stress at the elastic limit. Now if P'/P is unity, then 5 is u and hence u = m -f- n. Also, from the third law of the last article, if P'/P is zero, then 5 is e and hence e = m. Accordingly the value of m is e, that of n is FlG - 56. u e> and the equation of the straight line becomes 1.0 -0.5 -H).5 +1.0 which gives the unit-stress 5 that ruptures the bar after an 194 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Cli VIII. enormous number of repetitions of stress ranging from P' to P. For mean values of u and ^, this becomes for wrought iron S= 25000(1 +ff For example, let a bar range in tension from 80000 to 160000 pounds; then the value of P'/P is % and, from the formula, S = 40 ooo pounds per square inch is the rupturing unit-stress. WEYRAUCH'S formula for 5 applies to the case where the bar ranges in stress from P' to P, one being tension and the other compression, and P being the greater numerically. Here P'/P is always negative, and the law connecting it with S is taken to be the same as before. Let e be the unit-stress at the elastic limit and /the unit-stress which, under the fifth law of the last article, causes rupture when P' and P are nu- merically equal. By the third law, if P'/P is zero, then 5 is e and hence e = m. By the fifth law, if P'/P is I, then 5 is /and hence /= m n. 'Accordingly the value of m is e, that of n is e /, and the equation of the straight line is For example, taking / = %e, this becomes for wrought iron in which the value of P'/P is to be inserted as negative. Thus if P 1 = 80 ooo pounds compression and P= 160000 pounds tension, then P'/P= , and 5=18750 pounds per square inch is the rupturing unit-stress after an enormous number of repetitions. In Fig. 56 the ordinates u, e, and / represent the values of 5 for the values + I, o, and I of the ratio P'/P. The straight line joining the tops of the ordinates u and e repre- sents LAUNHARDT'S formula, while that joining the tops of the ordinates e and f represents WEYRAUCH'S formula. ART. 92. REPEATED STRESSES. IQ5 Another formula may be established by assuming the law of variation of 5 to be that represented by a curve joining the tops of the three ordinates u, e, and f. The simplest curve is a parabola whose equation is P' P'\* To determine ;//, n, and/, consider first that if P'/P= -f- i, then S=u and hence um-\-n-^-p\ second that if P'/P=o, then S=e and hence e = m\ third that if P'/P i, then 5=/and hence/= m n+p. From these three conditions the values of m, n, and p are found and accordingly 2e is a formula for the rupturing unit-stress in a bar whose total stress ranges between the limits P' and P. If P' and P are both tension or both compression the ratio P'/P is positive, if one is tension and the other compression the ratio P'/P is negative. It is seen that (17) always gives values of 5 a little smaller than those found from the straight-line formulas. For structural steel where u = 64000, e = 32 ooo, and/ = 16000 pounds per square inch, the formula (17) becomes For a bar of such steel whose stress ranges from 1 80000 pounds tension under dead load to 540000 pounds tension under live load the value of P'/P is + , and the formula gives 5 = 40900 pounds per square inch. If the stress ranges from 180000 pounds compression to 540000 pounds tension, then the value of P'/P is , and the formula gives 5 = 24900 pounds per square inch. In using these formulas in cases of design a factor of safety 196 THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. CH. VIII. is applied. Thus with a factor of 4 the straight-line formulas for structural steel take the form = 8000(1+ -, the first being used when P'/P is positive and the second when it is negative, while the parabolic formula reduces to These formulas give the allowable unit-stresses to be used in designing bridge members of structural steel. As an example let it be required to find by help of the last formula the proper sectional area for a bar of structural steel subject to repeated tension ranging between 29000 and 145000 pounds; here P' /P =. -f- O.2, 5 = 9280 pounds per square inch, and P 145000 A= S'~ 9280 = IS sc l uare mches. In like manner if a short steel bar ranges in stress from 29000 pounds compression to 145000 pounds tension the value of P'/P is 0.2 and S = 6 880 pounds per square inch ; then the cross-section required is 21.1 square inches. Prob. 137. A short bar of wrought iron is subject to re- peated stresses ranging from 16000 pounds compression to 80 ooo pounds tension. What should be the area of its cross- section for a factor of safety of 5 ? Prob. 138. A wrought-iron bar has a tension of 3000 pounds per square inch as its least unit-stress. For a factor of safety of 4 what is the greatest tensile unit-stress 5 to which it should be subjected when the unit-stress is often repeated from 3 ooo up to 5 ? ART. 93. SUDDEN LOADS AND IMPACT. 197 CHAPTER IX. THE RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. ART. 93. SUDDEN LOADS AND IMPACT. When a tensile load is slowly and uniformly applied to a bar it increases slowly from o up to the final value P, and the stress in the bar at any instant is equal to the tensile force existing at that instant; the elongation of the bar increases propor- tionally to the stress from o up to the final limit A, if the elastic limit is not exceeded. The work done upon the bar by the external force is then equal to its mean intensity %P multi- plied by the distance A, or \P\ ; the work of the molecular forces is also equal to this same quantity PA. A load P is said to be suddenly applied when its intensity is the same from the beginning to the end of the elongation. The stress in the bar, however, increases from o up to a limit Q. Let y be the elongation produced by the sudden load P\ then the work of this external force is Py. If the stresses are within the elastic limit so that they increase proportionally to the elongation, the mean stress is \Q and the work of the re- sisting forces is \Qy. Hence, as these two works must be equal, \Qy = Py or Q = 2P. Now let A be the elongation due to the load P when gradually applied, then by law (B), i=s or A Therefore is established the following important theoretical law, A suddenly applied load produces double the stress and double the deformation caused by the same load when applied slowly with uniform increments. 198 THE RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. CH. IX. This law is only true when all the stresses are within the elastic limit of the material. The sudden load P thus causes the end of the bar to move from o to 2A, when the stress becomes 2P the resultant force tending to move the end is P 2P or P and hence the end moves backward, until after a series of oscillations it comes to rest with the elongation A due to the static stress P. The time of this oscillation, as also the velocity of the end of the bar at any instant, can be computed by the principles of dynamics. Impact is said to be produced upon the end of a bar when a load P falls from a height h upon it. Here the stress in the bar will increase from o up to a certain limit Q and the defor- mation from o up to a certain limit y. If the elastic limit of the material be not exceeded, the stress at any instant will be proportional to the deformation, so that the work of the in- ternal stresses will be %Qy. The work done by the exterior force P in the same time is P(h -\- y). Hence But if A be the deformation due to a static load P, the law of proportionality gives Q y p ~A* Combining these two equations there is found, If h = o these formulas reduce to Q = 2P and y = 2A, which is the case of a suddenly applied load ; if h = 4A, they become Q = 4P and y = 4/1 ; if h = I2A they give Q = 6P and y = 6A. Since A is a small quantity for any metallic bar, it follows that a load P dropping from a moderate height may produce great ART. 94. THE MODULUS OF RESILIENCE. stresses and deformations. Experiments made upon springs show that the theory here presented is correct, provided the elastic limit of the material is not surpassed by the stress Q. The effect of loads applied with impact is therefore to cause stresses and deformations greatly exceeding those produced by the same static loads, so that the elastic limit may perhaps be often exceeded. Moreover the rapid oscillations and the rapid variations in the stresses cause a change in molecular structure which impairs the elasticity of the material. Generally it will be found that the appearance of a fracture of a bar which has been subject to shocks is of a crystalline nature, whereas the same material, if ruptured under a gradually increasing stress, would exhibit a tough fibrous structure. Shocks which produce stresses above the elastic limit cause the material to become stiff and brittle, and hence it is that the working unit-stresses based upon static loads should be taken very low (Art. 8). Prob. 139. In an experiment upon a spring a weight of 14.79 ounces produced an elongation of 0.42 inches, but when dropped from a height of 7.72 inches it produced a stress of 102.3 ounces and an elongation of 2.90 inches. Compare theory with experiment. - ART. 94. THE MODULUS OF RESILIENCE. When an applied stress causes a deformation work is done. Thus if a tensile stress P be applied by increments to a bar, so that the stress gradually increases from o to the value P, the work done is the product of the average stress by the total elongation A. This product is termed the resilience of the bar. If the stress does not exceed the elastic limit of the material the average stress is \P y and the work or resilience is \P\. If the cross-section of the bar be A and its length /, the unit- stress is P - A = S and the unit-elongation is X -- / = j, S o that the work of the internal resisting stresses performed 200 THE RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. CH. IX. on each unit of length of the bar per unit of cross-section is From formula (2) the value of s is -, and accordingly this work may be written, (.8) K= 1 -^. If 5 be the unit-stress at the elastic limit, the quantity K is called the modulus of resilience of the material. Resilience is often regarded as a measure of the capacity of a material to withstand impact, for if a shock or sudden blow be produced by a falling body, its intensity depends upon the weight and the height through which it has fallen, that is, upon its kinetic energy or work. Hence the higher the resilience of a material the greater is its capacity to endure work that may be performed upon it. The modulus of resilience is a measure of this capacity within the elastic limit only. The following are values of the modulus of resilience as computed from (18) by the use of the average constants given in Art. 5. For timber, K= 3.0 inch-pounds, For cast iron, K= 1.2 inch-pounds, For wrought iron, K = 12.5 inch-pounds, For steel, K = 41.7 inch-pounds. The ultimate resilience of materials cannot be expressed by a rational formula, because the law of increase of elongation be- yond the elastic limit is unknown. In Fig. I the ultimate resilience is indicated by the area between any curve and the axis of abscissas, since that area has the same value as the total work performed in producing rupture. For timber and cast iron the ratio of these areas is about the same as that of the values of K, but for wrought iron and steel the areas are nearly equal. Prob. 140. What horse-power engine is required to strain 250 ART. 95. EXTERNAL WORK AND RESILIENCE. 2OI times per minute a bar of wrought iron 18 feet long and 2 inches in diameter from o up to 12 500 pounds per square inch. ART. 95. EXTERNAL WORK AND RESILIENCE. When a body is deformed by applied forces the work done by these forces is called the external work. For example, if a bar is subjected to a tensile force which is slowly applied until it reaches the intensity P, an elongation A is produced, and the external work is %PX. Again, if a beam be subject to a concentrated load P gradually applied, a deflection A occurs under the load and the external work is $PA. If the load is applied suddenly so that its full intensity is P during the entire time of application, then the external works in the two cases are P\ and PA respectively. If P falls from a height // above the top of the bar or beam the external works are P(Ji + X) and P(h + ^) respectively. If a beam be uniformly loaded with w per linear unit the load on any short length dx is wdx y and if y be the deflection at the point whose abscissa is x, the elementary external work for a gradually applied load is \wy . dx. The integration of this over the entire length of the beam will give the total ex- ternal work of the uniform load. As external force is resisted by internal stress so external work is resisted by internal work. Each elementary stress multiplied by its displacement gives a corresponding elemen- tary work, and the sum of all these products is the total inter- nal work. By the law of conservation of energy, Internal Work = External Work, provided that no work is lost in heat by the application of the external forces. Now the word * resilience ' is used to denote the internal work of the stresses, and hence Resilience = External Work, 202 THE RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. CH. IX. or the resilience of a body is its capacity to resist the work of external forces. Elastic resilience is internal work when the body is not stressed beyond the elastic limit. Non-elastic resilience is in- ternal work when the stresses range from the elastic limit to the point of rupture. In Art. 94 an expression for resilience within the elastic limit was deduced for a bar of unit length and unit cross-sec- tion. If a bar of cross-section A and length / be subject to a tensile or compressive force P, the deformation A is produced. If the load be gradually applied the external work is ^P\. Let S be the unit-stress produced, and E be the coefficient of elasticity of the material. Then, from Arts. 2 and 4, P=AS, K=^; and accordingly the internal work or elastic resilience is (18)' K=~.Al; that is, the elastic resiliences of bars of the same material un- der the same unit-stress are proportional to their volumes. If 6" be the stress at the elastic limit the quantity S 1 /2E is the modulus of resilience, and accordingly the maximum elastic resilience of a bar is the product of its modulus of resilience by its volume. A theoretic expression for non-elastic resilience cannot be deduced, but in Art. 97 it will be shown how this can be esti- mated when sufficient experimental data are given. Non- elastic resiliences, however, are generally closely proportional to the volumes of bodies, the material and the maximum stress being constant. Prob. 141. How many foot-pounds of work are required to strain a wrought-iron bar, 4 inches in diameter and 54 inches long, from 6000 pounds per square inch up to 12000 pounds per square inch ? ART. 96. ELASTIC RESILIENCE OF BEAMS. 2O3 ART. 96. ELASTIC RESILIENCE OF BEAMS. When a beam deflects under the action of a load the fibers on one side of the neutral surface are elongated while those on the other side are shortened. If the elastic limit is not ex- ceeded the stress in any fiber is proportional to its distance from the neutral surface (Art. 20). The internal work or elastic resilience of the beam is the half-sum of the products formed by multiplying the stress upon each elementary area by its corresponding change of length. The half-sum instead of the sum is taken, because the stress uniformly increases from o up to its maximum value as the load is applied. Thus, if T be the unit-stress under the elongation e, the unit-stress Tx for an elongation x is , and the work in the distance dx is dx; integrating this between the limits o and e gives \Te as the internal work. Using the same notation as in Chapter III, the horizontal unit-stress upon the remotest fiber at the dangerous section of the beam is called S, and the distance of that fiber from the neutral surface is called c. Let a single concentrated load W be gradually applied to the beam, and let A be the deflection beneath it. The external work of the load is then | WA % and this equals the elastic resilience if the unit-stress 5 does not surpass the elastic limit. If / be the length of the beam, and 7 the moment of inertia of the cross-section, the value of W is, from Art. 29, *-% where n is I for a cantilever loaded at the end and 4 for a simple beam loaded at the middle. Also from Art. 37, nsr A = pr, mcE 204 THE RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. CH. IX. where m is 3 for the cantilever and 48 for the simple beam. The internal work of the beam hence is : . 2 E me* or, putting for / its value Ar* where A is the area and r the least radius of gyration of the cross-section, o* *-=?" which is a general expression for the elastic resilience of a beam under a single concentrated load. 1 5* If the beam be strained to the elastic limit the factor - -7, 2 E is the modulus of resilience of the material (Art. 94). For a either the cantilever or the simple beam the value of is J. m r* . For a rectangular beam a is J. Thus for a rectangular beam the internal work is (19)' K = l 2 ^ Al= L*. Al , that is, the work required to deflect a rectangular beam by a concentrated load is proportional to its volume Al y and the work required to cause the stress 5 to reach the elastic limit is the product of the modulus of resilience and one-ninth of its volume. For a cantilever loaded uniformly with w pounds per linear foot the load on any short length dx is wdx, and if y be the deflection at that point the elementary external work is \wydx. Inserting for/ its value from Art. 34, there is found 2 4 o7 8afi/ for the total external work of the uniform load. This must be ART. 96. ELASTIC RESILIENCE OF BEAMS. 2O5 equal to the internal work. Substituting for W its value in terms of 5 from Art. 29, the elastic resilience of a rectangular cantilever is then which is nine-tenths of that found for the concentrated load, and also proportional to the volume and modulus of resilience. A similar result is easily deduced for a simple beam uniformly loaded. Formula (19) shows that the internal work or resilience de- veloped within the elastic limit is proportional to the product of the volume of the beam and the ratio r'/c*. As, however, this ratio always has a numerical value which is the same for similar sections, it may be stated as a general law, that the elastic resiliences of beams of similar cross-section are propor- tional to their volumes. As a numerical example let it be required to determine the horse-power necessary to deflect 50 times per second a rectan- gular wrought-iron beam 6 feet long, 2 inches wide, and 3 inches deep, so that at each deflection the unit-stress 5 may range from 5000 to 10000 pounds per square inch, the beam being a cantilever with the load applied at the end. From formula (19)' the work in fifty deflections is K = S an ^ the consequent stiffening of the material under several such appli- cations of stress, is also observed in cases of repeated impact. Thus MARTENS, in 1879, tested a railroad rail by a ram falling alternately on the head and base ; the second blow produced only 95 per cent of the deflection caused by the first, and after four or five blows only 90 per cent was obtained. Here, of course, a large part of the work of each blow was dissipated in heat due to the change of molecular structure, so that the total work expended gives no valid numerical measure of the true ultimate resilience of the material. Our knowledge as to what occurs under such repeated impacts is of the most uncertain kind. Most of the stresses are no doubt injurious, as the final result proves, but a few may perhaps be beneficial in improv- ART. 99. MODERN EXPERIMENTS. 2I/ ing the quality of the material like the process of cold-hammer- ing and cold-rolling in manufacture. BAUSCHINGER'S discovery in 1885, that the raising of the tensile elastic limit is accom- panied by a lowering of the compressive elastic limit, is a most important one, which is likely in connection with future inves- tigations to lead to a clearer knowledge of the laws of stress in materials under repeated impact. The investigations of WoHLER between 1860 and 1870, and the later ones of SPANGENBERG, on the resistance of materials under repeated stresses applied with little impact, have been of the greatest value in influencing the rational design of bridges and other structures subject to variations of load. They establish the facts that repeated stresses below the elas- tic limit do not injure the material, that repeated stresses be- yond this limit cause injury in proportion to the range between the maximum and minimum limits, and that the greater the range the less the number of repetitions required to produce rupture. (Art. 91.) The prompt adoption of rules for design- ing based on these conclusions, in place of the arbitrary methods of adding 20 or 30 per cent to the static stresses, indicated that the engineering profession appreciated the importance of pro- viding for the resistance to impact in a rational way. Yet prob- ably greater impacts occur on bridges than these repeated stresses, for failures are not infrequent, and the life of a bridge under heavy traffic scarcely exceeds a dozen years. The fur- ther study of the effect of repeated impact is thus imperative, for what we now know is but little compared to what is to be learned. MAITLAND, in 1887, showed by many experiments on tensile specimens subject to many blows of a falling ram that the ulti- mate elongation was greater than in static tests, it being in some cases nearly doubled. This might, perhaps, be expected from what has been said regarding the beneficial influence of 2l8 THE RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. CH. IX. some of the stresses. He also exploded powder and gun-cot- ton between two cylinder heads joined together by rods, and found their ultimate elongation to be more than double the corresponding ones under static stress. This, on the other hand, might not have been expected from the general conclu- sions regarding the effect of time on stress and elongation, and it seems not to be the case for the impact of a single blow in later experiments. Thus it appears in problems of ultimate resilience, where no theory has yet been developed, that gen- eral principles derived from static tests should be applied with caution. The tests made by E. D. ESTRADA, in 1893, have recently led to much interesting discussion on the subject of impact. Specimens of wrought iron and steel were tested by the usual tension machine, and also under the blow of a ram weighing 100 pounds falling through vertical heights ranging from 5 to 25 feet. Over 40 specimens were broken under repeated blows, they being so arranged that they were brought into ten- sion by the pressure caused by the impact. The number of blows ranged from 2 to 14, the height of fall varying in differ- ent cases. These valuable experiments show clearly that the ultimate elongation under repeated impact is greater than for static stresses, the average of all being about one-third greater, while the contraction of area shows only a small increase ; but no conclusions regarding the elastic limit or the maximum strength under impact can be derived from them. The impact was not directly applied to the specimen, but through a num- ber of plates and bolts through which it was transmitted, and thus much of the work was spent in acting against their inertia and resilience. This, however, in no way invalidates the im- portant deductions regarding the influence of repeated impact on ultimate elongation and contraction of area, and the con- clusion of KlRKALDY regarding the value of the latter as an index of toughness and ductility is thoroughly confirmed. ART. 99. MODERN EXPERIMENTS. 2 19 The elongation before rupture appears to vary approximately as the amount of work expended by the ram, but the work re- quired to produce rupture does not give a satisfactory com- parison of the ultimate resilience of different specimens, except in those cases where the height of fall was the same. The experimental work thus briefly reviewed has been done by special improvised apparatus, and with little or no uniform- ity of method ; but the time may come when machines for impact tests will be put on the market and be in common use. At present almost the only one that can be mentioned is that devised by W. J. KEEP, about 1889, for testing jthe resilience of cast iron. The blows are delivered by a hammer weighing 25 pounds, falling like a pendulum through heights less than 6 inches, and produce horizontal flexure at the middle of a small bar i foot in length. Beginning with a fall of inch, successive blows are applied, each with a fall -J inch greater than the pre- ceding, until rupture occurs. The deflections and sets of the bars are graphically recorded by the machine itself, and thus excellent comparisons of the ultimate resilience of different grades of metal may be obtained. Impact tests are most important in the case of railroad rails, car wheels, tires and axles, and other forms liable to shock. Such rail tests have been carried on for many years in Europe, and since 1890 in the United States by P. H. DUDLEY. Already at least three prominent railroads require drop tests of steel rails to be made at the mill. One rail butt 4^ feet long is to be taken from each heat, placed on solid supports with either head or base upwards, and a weight of 2000 pounds is dropped upon it, the height of fall being 16 feet for rails lighter than 70 pounds per yard and 20 feet for heavier ones, while the dis- tance between the supports is 3 feet for the former and 4 feet for the latter. Under this test 90 per cent of the rails must not break, and the elongation of the base or head under the 220 THE RESILIENCE OF MATERIALS. CH. IX. greatest tension must be more than 5 per cent. This require- ment of testing by a single blow is in every respect more satis- factory than by several repeated ones, as the deflection and de- formation are produced by a known quantity of work and the complex phenomena of stiffening and the loss of work in heat are largely avoided. Aside from the physical qualities of the metal, impact tests on rails and wheels promise to give important conclusions re- garding the influence of temperature, of chemical composition, and of methods of manufacture, and thus to lead to a better, more uniform, and cheaper product. The discovery by GOSS, in 1 892, that the driving wheels of a locomotive lift up from the rail during a part of each revolution when moving at high speed shows that impacts are of more common occurrence than generally supposed, and to satisfactorily resist these an in- creased resilience in wheels, rails, and bridges is required. At the closing session of the Engineering Congress held in 1893 in Chicago, a resolution was offered by DEBRAY that uni- form methods of testing are desirable for purposes of compari- son, and it was adopted unanimously. For common static tests of tension and compression the time has certainly arrived when rules to secure uniformity should be framed and followed. The conferences held at Munich in 1884 and at Dresden in 1886 made a good beginning, and the later work done in 1891 by the Committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers will undoubtedly bear good fruit. With respect to impact, however, our knowledge is not yet sufficient to frame uniform rules. The recommendation that the weight of the anvil, or supporting blocks which hold the specimen, should be at least ten times that of the ram is an excellent one, but others fully as important will doubtless be developed by fur- ther rational investigation and experiment. The influence of the inertia of the resisting body in modify- ART. 99. MODERN EXPERIMENTS. 221 ing the effect of the impact should not be forgotten. If the ram be light, local damage in the body struck will be the re- sult rather than the development of its resilience. COTTERILL has suggested for the case of transverse impact that if the total work of the ram be taken as proportional to its weight plus one-half the weight of the beam, then the work spent in de- veloping resilience may be taken as proportional to the weight of the ram and that spent in local damage to one-half the weight of the beam. This is a good rule to keep in mind, for longitudinal impact producing pure tension, one-third being the fraction to be used instead of one-half. The fall of the ram should not be too great, for a high velocity of impact is also apt to cause the work to be spent locally, since time is re- quired for the transmission of internal stress. The cutting of hard steel plates by the impact of particles of sand at high velocities is an example familiar to engineers, and that drops of water will wear away stone is known to all ; hence a low fall combined with a heavy ram seems best adapted for con- ducting impact tests where the most satisfactory numerical results are desired. It may further be suggested that the blow should be de- livered directly to the beam or specimen without the interven- tion of intermediate blocks or parts which may absorb work. At the same time the surface of contact should be sufficiently large so that the compression of the ram may not, if possible, exceed the elastic limit, and thus loss of work in heat be avoided. In elastic resilience the applied work is not trans- formed into heat, in resilience accompanied by permanent de- formation it is ; and hence the tests should be so conducted that the specimen and not the ram may be heated. Lastly, it may be noted that the rebound of the ram should be subtracted from the total fall to give an exact measure of the work actually performed by it upon the body which is tested. 222 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. CHAPTER X. TENSION AND COMPRESSION. ART. 100. ELONGATION UNDER OWN WEIGHT. When an unloaded bar is hung vertically by one end there is no stress on the lower end, while at the upper end there is a stress equal to the weight of the bar. In many practical cases this stress is so small that it can be neglected in comparison with that caused by the applied tension. The elongation of a vertical bar under its own weight is one- half that caused by the same load applied at the end. To show this, let / be the length of the bar, A the area of the cross-section, and W the weight ; let x be any distance from x the lower end, then Wj is the weight of this portion. The elementary elongation caused by it on the length dx is, from Art. 5, Wxdx and the integral of this between the limits o and / gives Wl A ' == ~2~AE> which is one-half of that caused by a load W at the end. The work performed by gravity in elongating the bar is one- third of that done by the same load applied at the end. For, the elementary work done upon the element dx by the lower portion of the bar is \Wx Wx^dx ~2~T d ^ - 2AEI* ' ART. 101. BAR OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 223 the integral of which, between the limits o and /, gives while that done by Wat the end of the bar is %W\ or The total elongation caused by the weight W and a load P at the end hence is and the total work of elongation is These formulas, let it be remembered, are only valid when the unit-stress (P + W)/A is less than the elastic limit of the material. They apply also to the case of compression within the elastic limit, A. being the amount of shortening. Prob. 144. Find the length of a wrought-iron bar, and its elongation, when suspended at the upper end so that the unit- stress at that end may be equal to the elastic limit. ART. 10 1. BAR OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. A suspension bar of constant cross-section is stressed at the lower end by the load P, and at the upper end by P plus the weight of the rod. When the bar is very long and heavy its section should be less at the lower than at the upper end in order to economize material. The bar in such cases is some- times made in parts, the cross-section of any part being less than that of the one above it. The theoretic form for a bar of uniform strength may be determined as follows : Let P be the load applied to the lower end, and let 5 be the allowable working unit-stress. Then the area of the lower end is 224 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. Let A be the area of any section at a distance y from the lower end, then A + dA will be the area at the distance y + dy, and the area dA must provide for the weight in the distance dy. Let w be the weight per cubic unit of the bar, then dA = ^, from which by integration, and observing that A = A, when y = o, there is found S* iv Replacing for S its value P/A 9 , this may be FIG. 57. written wA = log, -4. + --y, where the logarithms are in the Naperian system. Passing to common logarithms, it becomes log A = log A. + 0.43429 -ply, which is the form for practical computation. For example, let P = 10000 pounds, S = $ ooo pounds per square inch, and w = 0.25 pounds per cubic inch. Then A 9 = 2 square inches, and the formula becomes log A = 0.30103 + O.OOOO2I7/. Now for y = 100 inches, log A = 0.30320, and A = 2.01 square inches; for y = 1000 inches, log A = 0.32274 and A =2.10 square inches ; while when/ = lOOOO inches, A 3.30 square inches. Thus it is only in the case of very long bars that an appreciable increase in cross-section is found. Prob. 145. Let a pier whose top section is a rectangle of length / and breadth b support the load P, as in Prob. 26. Deduce the value of log x in terms of b, /, and P. ART. 102. LONGITUDINAL IMPACT.' 22$ ART. 102. LONGITUDINAL IMPACT. By longitudinal impact is understood the impinging of a moving body upon the end of a bar so as to produce in it either tensile or compressive stress. In Art. 93 this subject was discussed and formulas were deduced for the elongation and stress under impact. These formulas, however, take no account of the resisting influence of the inertia of the bar, which may modify the results when the weight of the bar is large compared to that of the moving body. Let a body of weight P be free to move along a horizontal bar, and let v be its velocity when it reaches the end of the FIG. 58. tf bar. The work then stored in it is P } or Ph, if h be the height due to the velocity v. This work is expended in over- coming the inertia of the particles of the bar and in elongating it through a distance y. A series of oscillations then results until finally the end of the bar comes to rest at its original position, provided that the elastic limit be not exceeded by the maximum stress produced. The load P has the velocity v before it strikes the end of the bar. When in complete contact both P and the end of the bar are moving with the velocity V which is less than v. At this instant any element of the bar dW\s moving with a velocity u. Thus the work stored up by P and the bar at this instant of complete contact is F a C l u 9 K = P + I dW.. ** Jo 2 S 226 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. Now u o for the fixed end, and u = V for the free end of the bar, and in general u is proportional to the distance x from the fixed end. Thus and and introducing these values, the integral in the above expres- sion is found to be \W , or one third of that which would obtain if the entire bar were in motion. Then is the work stored up by load and bar when the end of the bar and the load are moving with the common velocity V. Now at this instant the impulse of the two bodies is equal to the impulse of P before striking, whence Pv or F =/> + ^ and hence the work K is P* v* Pv* Ph ~ P + ^W 2g " 2g(i + P) == i + \V in which k denotes the ratio of W to P. This work is ex- pended in elongating the bar through the distance y, the inter- nal stress increasing from o up to Q y so that the entire internal work is \Qy. Hence ifi^rpp is the equation between external and internal work. If the elastic limit be not exceeded the forces Q and P are proportional to the elongations they can produce. Let \ be the static elongation due to P. Then Q/P = y/\ and the equation gives ~2hK~ I 2h y = ART. 102, LONGITUDINAL IMPACT. from which the elongation y and the stress Q are deter- mined. The static elongation \ due to a load P and a cross-section A is, from Art. 5, and this may be inserted in the above formulas either in literal or numerical form. The formulas apply equally well to the case of compression where the load P impinges upon the end of the bar, provided that / be not so long that lateral flexure occurs. If the bar be placed in a vertical position the additional work Py is performed while the load descends through the dis- tance /, and the equation of work is Ph which leads to the formulas (20) and these are the same as those of Art. 93 if the ratio k be made equal to o. The influence of the weight of the bar is hence to diminish the elongation and stress under impact. For instance, in the case of the horizontal bar let 5" be the unit-stress produced if the weight of the bar be very small ; then / = is the unit- VI + & stress when the weight of the bar is k times that of the load. Thus if W = P the unit-stress is 0.8/5, and if W = gP the unit-stress is 0.56"; but these high values of k are unusual. 228 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. As a numerical example, let it be required to find the stress produced in a vertical wrought-iron bar, one square inch in section and 18 feet long by the impact of a body weighing 30 pounds falling through a height of one foot. Here W = 60 pounds and k = 2. The static elongation is PI A = ~r- = 2592 inches. Then, as h = 12 inches, formulas (20) give y = 2592 X 236.7 = 0.0614 inches, Q = 30 X 236.7 = 7100 pounds, which shows that very high stresses may be produced by the impact of light bodies falling through moderate heights. Prob. 146. A weight of 60 pounds moving horizontally im- pinges upon the end of a bar of wrought iron 2 inches in diam- eter and 12 feet long. Find the velocity v which will stress the bar up to the elastic limit. ART. 103. OSCILLATIONS AFTER IMPACT. Referring to the case of longitudinal impact shown in Fig. 58', it is clear that the velocity of the weight P decreases after it strikes the end of the bar, and that the Velocity at any instant is a function of the corresponding elongation x. When x equals the final elongation y, the velocity is zero ; the end of the bar now springs back so that the velocity becomes negative, and this increases numerically until x = o, and then decreases until it becomes zero at x = y ; the oscillation is next performed in the opposite direction. These oscillations would continue indefinitely were it not for resistances of fric- tion, but owing to these they become less and less in ampli- tude until finally the bar comes to rest. Let v x be the velocity of the end of the bar when the elon- gation x is attained, and let Q x be the corresponding stress in the bar. The kinetic energy.of the moving bar and weight ART. 103. OSCILLATIONS AFTER IMPACT. 22Q then equals the internal work still to be performed in increas- ing x to y, or Replacing Q by P.y/^ and Q x by P. x/\, this becomes which gives the velocity of the end of the bar for any value of x. When x = -\- y or x = y this velocity is zero. To find the time in which the oscillation from -\- y to y is performed, let / be the time counted from the instant when x = o. Putting v x = dx/dt, the last equation becomes dt = g vy - **' the integration of which gives -V When ^r = y the arc is \n, and when x = y the arc is f TT. Hence the number of seconds in one oscillation is =V- which is the same as the time of oscillation of a pendulum whose length is A(i + \K). As a numerical example let the data of the last problem be considered. Here P = 60 pounds, W= 125.7 pounds, k = 2.09, ^ = 0.00011 inches, g = 32.2 X 12 inches per second per second. Then the time of one oscillation is t = 0.022 230 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. seconds, and about 460 oscillations would be performed in one second were it not for frictional resistances. For the case of the vertical bar the first equation of this article will be modified by subtracting P(y x) from the second member, this expressing the potential energy to be expended by the weight in falling through the distance^ x. The expression for the time is found to be t = \ / - ' versin g y - A' which shows that the middle of the oscillation occurs at x = A and that the bar finally comes to rest with the elongation A. The time of one oscillation is the same as before If a weight W^ be fixed at the end of the bar and the weight P impinge upon it, then the formulas of this and the last article apply if I + t^ De replaced by I + k, . + \k, in which k, is the ratio WJP. ART. 104. CENTRIFUGAL STRESS. When a body of weight P revolves around an axis with the uniform velocity v y and r is its distance from the axis, a cen- trifugal force Q is generated whose value, as deduced in theo- retical mechanics, is and which acts as a stress in the cord or bar that connects the body with the axis. The case shown in Fig. 59 is that of a FIG. 59. bar of uniform cross-section and length / having a weight P ART. 104. CENTRIFUGAL STRESS. 231 attached to one end while it revolves around an axis A at the other end. It is required to find the centrifugal stress in the bar at A when the speed of n revolutions per second is main- tained. Let x be any distance from the axis the velocity at this distance is 2nxn, or, if GO be the angular velocity, the velocity at the distance x is XGO, and oo GO = 27tn, or n = . Now let Wbe the weight of the bar, and dW 'an element at the distance x. Then the centrifugal stress at A is Q = P oo 9 + \ dW & I/O g* But dW = Wdx/l\ inserting this and integrating, o which gives the centrifugal stress at the axis. As an example let a bar of wrought iron 2X2 inches and 6 feet long have a weight of 400 pounds attached at 6J feet from the axis of revolution. It is required to find the number of revolutions per second in order to produce rupture. Solving the last equation for a?, there results, . Qz - Pr + twr in which Q = 2 X 2 X 55 ooo = 220000, P = 400 pounds, W = 80 pounds, g = 32.16 feet per second per second, / = 6 feet, r = 6 J feet; then GO = 50.8, and 50.8 n = -- =8.1 revolutions per second, 27T which is the speed required. Another case is that of a thin circular rim or hoop of mean radius r and thickness / which revolves uniformly around its 232 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. center as an axis. Let W be its weight, which is closely equal to 2nrtw y if w be the weight of the material per cubic unit and the length perpen- dicular to the plane of the drawing be unity. The total radial centrifugal force due to the angular velocity GO is FIG. 60. Q = o and the centrifugal force per square unit is Q which acts upon the hoop in the same manner as the internal pressure of fluid in a pipe (Art. 9). Let 6" be the tangential tensile unit-stress caused in the hoop ; then for equilibrium 2rp = 2/5, and hence the value of 5 is Tb w w S=f = -^=-(2nrn)\ which shows that the tensile unit-stress in a thin hoop is r times the centrifugal force of a cubic unit of the revolving material. For example, let it be required to find the unit-stress in a cast-iron hoop 2 inches thick, 4 inches wide, and 62 inches outer diameter when making 300 revolutions per minute. Here w = 450/1728 pounds per cubic inch, g 32.16 X 12 inches per second per second, r = 30 inches, n = 5 revolutions per second ; then 5 is found to be 630 pounds per square inch, which is a safe value for cast iron in tension under such con- ditions. Prob. 147. A cast-iron bar is 3 X 2 inches in section, and 9 feet long. Through the middle and normal to the flat side is a hole f inches in diameter. If the bar be revolved around an axis through this hole, how many revolutions per second will produce rupture? ART. IO5. SHRINKAGE OF HOOPS. 233 ART. 105. SHRINKAGE OF HOOPS. * Hoops and tires are frequently turned with the interior diameter slightly less than that of the wheels or cylinders upon which they are to be placed. They are then expanded by- heat and placed in position, and upon cooling are held firmly in position by the radial stress thus produced. The effect of this radial stress is to cause tension in the hoop, and compres- sion throughout the mass that it encircles. When the hoop is thin compared to the diameter of the cylinder upon which it is to be shrunk, the entire stress due to the shrinkage may be practically regarded as confined to the hoop. The tangential unit-stress in the hoop will then be due only to the increase in length of the circumference, and this will be proportional to the increase in its diameter. Let D be the diameter of the cylinder upon which the hoop is to be shrunk, and d be the interior diameter to which the hoop is turned. Supposing that D is unchanged by the shrink- age, d will be increased to D y and the relative change in length or the unit-elongation of the hoop will be D-d ~~d~' and hence the unit-stress produced will be where E is the coefficient of elasticity of the material. A very common rule for the case of steel hoop shrinkage is to make D d equal to yVfrrA that is, the hoop is turned so that the interior diameter is T^ryth less than the diameter of the cylinder. Then D-d i or s may be taken also as y^. Thus the tangential unit- 234 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. stress S will be 20 ooo pounds per square inch. For wrought iron s may be taken as 2 fa Q and S will be 12 500 pounds per square inch. These values of 5 are too high, because a part of the effect of shrinkage is expended in producing compression in the cylinder. In Art. 142 the subject will be further discussed, and the final decrease in D as well as the increase in d will be determined. Prob. 148. Upon a cylinder 18 inches in diameter a wrought- iron hoop 2 inches thick is to be placed. -The hoop is turned to an interior diameter of 17.98 inches and shrunk on. Com- pute the tensile unit-stress in the hoop. ART. 1 06. SPHERICAL ROLLERS. Let a sphere of radius r be placed between two plates of equal thickness r, and be subject to compression by a load W. The vertical diameter DD is thus shortened to BB, while any vertical line dd is short- ened to bb. Let the total shortenings CD be called A, and the shortenings cd at any point be called y. Let the unit-stresses at B and b be denoted by 5" and S y . Then, if the elastic limit is FIG. 61. not exceeded, 5 X S s,=y or ^ = i* The unit-stress 5 is evidently the maximum, and it is required to express it in terms of W, r, and r r This will now be done approximately, assuming that each vertical element acts inde- pendently of the others and that no lateral bulging of the sphere occurs. ART. I06. SPHERICAL ROLLERS. 235 The value of A may be expressed by noting that BD is the shortening of the radius r, and CB that of the thickness r l ; thus in which E and E l are the coefficients of elasticity of the sphere and plates respectively. Also the sum of all the verti- cal stresses in the spherical segment PDF must equal the total load, or = ydA, where dA denotes an elementary area of the circle whose radius is CF. Thus two equations have been found connect- ing the two unknown quantities 5 and A. To solve these equations consider that y is any ordinate cd of the spherical segment corresponding to an abscissa Cc or x. Thus fydA is the volume of the segment, which is very nearly equal to one-half the cylinder having CF as the radius of its base and CD as its altitude, since the arc of contact FBF is very small. Now CD = A and CF = i/2r\ A' = nearly, and hence W = T - 7T2r\ = A. 2 Inserting for \ its value, this becomes which is an approximate formula for the investigation of spherical rollers when the upper and lower plates are of equal thickness. Compression tests made upon spheres between plane sur- faces show that usually the plates are not indented as shown by FBFC in Fig. 61, but that the sphere alone suffers mate- 236 TENSION AND COMPRESSION, CH. X. rial deformation. In this case BC is zero, and thus the last formula applies independently of the thickness of the plates if r l /E l be made zero. The practical formula for spherical rollers of radius r then is W = nS*r*/E, or, the strength of a sphere varies with the square of its radius. Strictly this formula only applies when the elastic limit is not exceeded, but for cases of rupture W= Cr* is an empirical formula, C being a constant found by experiment for each kind of material. Prob. 149. How many steel spherical rollers are required for a load of 6 ooo pounds and a working stress of 1 5 ooo pounds per square inch if r = 2 inches, and also if r = 6 inches? ART. 107. CYLINDRICAL ROLLERS. The reasoning of the last article applies also to a cylindrical roller included between two plates of equal thickness. Let Fig. 6 1 represent a cross-section perpendicular to the axis of the roller whose length is /. Then, as before, are the two equations for determining 5. The area A is that of a plane with width FF and length /, so that jydA is the volume of the cylindrical segment whose cross-section is FDF. Since the area of FDF is very small, it is closely two-thirds of the rectangle whose base is FF and altitude is CD. Now CD = A and FF = 2 ^2r\ very nearly, and hence . 2 ART. ID/. CYLINDRICAL ROLLERS. 237 and this becomes, after inserting the value of \ , which is an approximate formula for the investigation of cylindrical rollers. In making tests on rollers it is found that the plates are usu- ally but little indented, most of the deformation being in the roller. The above investigation may be adapted to this case by making r l / 1 equal to zero, and the last formula then becomes =M/ V E which shows that the strength of a cylindrical roller varies directly as its radius. If w be the load per unit of length, then 'Is 5 Taking 5= 15000 and E = 30000000 pounds per square inch for steel or cold rolled iron, this reduces to w = 6$or or w = 315^, where d is the diameter of the roller. It should be noted that a common rule used in proportion- ing cylindrical rollers for bridge seats is to take the safe load in pounds per linear inch as 500 V d, thus making the strength vary with the square root of the diameter. This practice seems to be based upon the authority of GRASHOF, who was the fisst to deduce the formula at the top of this page, but who appears to have placed a doubtful interpretation upon it. In general, the true rule is that the load should be nearly proportional to the diameter of the roller. Prob. 150. A load of 192 ooo pounds is carried on wrought- iron rollers 16 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. How many rollers are required if 5 is to be 12 ooo pounds per square inch ? 2 3 8 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. ART. 108. ECCENTRIC LOADS. Let a load P be applied to the end of a short bar at a hori- zontal distance / from the center of gravity of its cross-section, as shown in Fig. 62. If two forces equal to P and acting in opposite directions be supposed to be applied to the end of the bar, the equi- librium is undisturbed, and it is seen that the downward force produces pure tension, while the couple formed by P and the other force produces flexure. Let A be the cross-section of the bar and >S the maximum unit-stress caused by the flexure ; then the resultant unit- stresses are P _P 1 ~~ A ' ' * ~~ A '" ' the former being on the side of the bar nearest FIG. 62. to p anc j tne latter on the other side. Let / be the moment of inertia of the cross-section with respect to an axis through the center of gravity and normal to the direction of the arm /. Let r be the radius of gyration of the cross-section so that./ = Ar*. Let c l and c t be the dis- tances from the axis to the sides of the section nearest to and farthest from P. Then from the formula (4) of Art. 21 the two values of S are found, and the above expressions reduce to the practical formulas which give the greatest and least tensile stresses under the eccentric application of the load. These formulas apply also to compression under an eccen- tric load, provided that the bar be short so that no lateral flexure can occur. As an example let a short block have a ART. 1 08. ECCENTRIC LOADS. 239 rectangular section, the dimension parallel to the arm p being d, while the one normal to it is b. Then the formulas reduce and in Fig. 63 are shown the distribution of stresses for several values of /. In the first sketch P is applied at the center of the section so that the unit-stresses are uniform and both S and S, are equal to -j. In the second sketch/ is taken as p c p c p c c /flll \ I 1 m JIP 1 * ' p JP* Si ( f f FIG. 63. 3 P l P which gives ,= --- and S, = - . In the third sketch / is 2 si 2 A p taken as \d, so that S t = 2 and S 9 ^= o. As the load moves A further away from the center C, the stress 5", increases, while S t becomes negative, showing that it is tension. Thus in the last sketch where p is equal to \d the compressive unit-stress P P 5, is 3 -r, while the tensile unit-stress 5, is 2 -j. In all these ./i A P cases the unit-stress at the center C is the mean value -r. It is thus seen that the eccentric application of a load may materially increase the direct stress of tension or compression. In the case of a rectangular masonry pier the greatest devia- tion of P from the center should never be greater than \d, in 240 TENSION AND COMPRESSION. CH. X. order that no tension may be brought upon the joint. In other words the point of application of P should be kept within the * middle third ' of the base. In both the cases above discussed the body under tension or compression has been supposed to be very short, so that no material lateral movement can result. If in Fig. 62 the bar be long the arm / will be different for different parts of the length, and the greatest bending moment will occur at the lower end, so that the formulas given apply only to that end, while for other sections they give results too large. For compression, however, the reverse is the case, and application can only be safely made to blocks whose length does not exceed ten times the thickness (see Art. 62). Prob. 151. A bar of circular cross-section, 2 inches in diam- eter, is under tension by a load of 12000 pounds which is applied at 0.5 inches from the center. Compute the maximum tensile unit-stress. ART. 109. THE WORK OF FLEXURE. 241 CHAPTER XL FLEXURE OF BEAMS. ART. 109. THE WORK OF FLEXURE. This subject was treated in Art. 96, but it will now be dis- cussed again in order to deduce a more general relation be- tween the work of the external forces and that of the internal stresses. Let P be a load upon a beam and A the deflection under it. The load being gradually applied the work done by P is %Pd 9 and this must be equal to the internal work or resilience of the molecular stresses. For a beam loaded uniformly with w per linear unit let y be the deflection at any point whose abscissa is x. Then the load wdx on the short distance dx deflects the amount j, and the elementary external work is \wydx. Thus the integral of this, if y is known in terms of x, will give the total work of the uniform load, if the integration^ be extended over the entire length of the beam. This will be equal to the internal work, or resilience. A general expression for the resilience, or internal work of the horizontal fibers, in terms of the bending moment M of the applied forces will now be deduced ; it is applicable to all cases in which the elastic limit of the material is not surpassed by the maximum fiber stress S. When a beam deflects under the action of a load the hori- zontal fibers upon one side of the neutral surface are elongated and upon the other side are compressed. The internal work will be found by taking the sum of the products formed by 242 FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XI. multiplying the stress upon any elementary area by its elonga- tion or compression. Using the same notation as in Chapter III., the horizontal unit-stress at any distance z from the neutral axis is represented by . In the distance dx the elongation or compression due C* ^7 to this unit-stress, is by (2) found to be . The elementary work of a fiber of the area a under this gradually applied unit- stress hence is, i Saz Szdx ~2'~7~ cE * The work done in the distance dx by all the fibers in the cross- section now is, , S'Zaz* , dK = - irr-dx. 2?E S* . M* Here ^a = /and from formula (4), the value of 5- is - TM f 77^- * Therefore dK = . 2EI This is the formula for the work done in the distance dx. By expressing M as a function of x, and integrating, the total in- ternal work K between assigned limits can be found. For example, consider a cantilever beam loaded at the end with a weight P. Here M = Px. Inserting this and in- tegrating between the limits o and /, gives, for the total internal work in the beam due to a load which is gradually applied. ART. 109. THE WORK OF FLEXURE. 243 The preceding furnishes a new method of deducing the de- flection of a beam loaded with a single weight P. Let A be the deflection under the weight. Then \PA is the external work done by the load P upon the beam, and this must equal the internal work K. Hence the formula, PA- C M * dx from which A may be found for particular cases. For example, consider a cantilever beam loaded at the end with P. Then the internal work is, as shown above, Hence the deflection A is, A =-. Pl * which is the same as otherwise found in Art. 34. Px For a simple beam loaded at the middle the value of Mis 2 and then from which the deflection is, which is the same as found in Art. 35 by the use of the elastic curve. Prob. 152. Prove that the internal work caused by a uni- formly distributed load on a cantilever beam is ^ths of that caused by the same load applied at the end. Prob. 153. Deduce by the method of Art. 35, and also by the use of the principle of internal work, the deflection under a load P which is placed upon a simple beam at a distance / from one end. 244 FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XI. ART. 1 10. STATIC AND SUDDEN DEFLECTIONS. A static deflection is one produced by the gradual applica- tion of the load, so that at each instant the beam is in a condi- tion of static equilibrium and hence no oscillations occur. The formulas for the deflection of beams deduced in Chapters III and IV, as well as the discussion of the last Article, are all static deflections where the elastic limit of the material is not sur- passed. In such case the load increases from o up to its maxi- mum value P, and simultaneously the deflection increases from o up to its maximum value A. If Q be the load at any instant and 8 the corresponding deflection, then the deflections are proportional to the loads or 6/A = Q/P. A load is said to be suddenly applied when it acts with uni- form intensity during the full period. For instance, let a load be attached to a ring which is placed around the middle of a beam, and let the load be supported so .that the ring just touches the upper surface of the beam ; then if the support of the load be suddenly withdrawn the force of gravity acts upon the load with uniform intensity during the entire period of de- flection. In this case the maximum deflection is greater than for a static load, but as soon as it is reached a series of oscilla- tions occurs until finally the beam comes to rest with a deflec- tion due to the static load. The maximum stress in the beam evidently occurs at the instant of greatest deflection. If S be the unit-stress due to the static load P under the deflection A, and if T be the unit-stress due to the sudden load P under the deflection tf, both loads being applied at the same point on the same beam, then from Art. 37 the stresses are proportional to the deflections, or 6/A = 775. The deflection under a sudden load is double that under the same static load, and the stress under a sudden load is double that under the same static load. In order to prove this refer ART. 1 10. STATIC AND SUDDEN DEFLECTIONS. 245 to Art. 96 and note that the total internal work or resilience due to the maximum unit-stress S in the beam is K=\? E .C.Al, where Al is the volume of the beam, and C is a constant de- pending upon the shape of its cross-section and the arrange- ment of its ends. Thus for a given beam the internal work varies as S 2 . Now for the gradually applied load P the deflec- tion is A and the external work is \PA. Hence as internal work equals external work, which gives the relation between A and 5. Again for the sudden load the deflection is d and the maximum unit-stress is T\ the external work, however, is P3, since the load acts with full intensity during the entire period of deflection, while the stress increases gradually from o up to T\ hence i r f PS = - -jCAl, which gives the relation between d and T. By comparing these two equations there is found and remembering that T/S = V Ph ~~~-~- i + qk> in which k is the ratio W/P and q is a number whose value is to be determined. The above value of K being placed equal to J<2#, as before, there are found (22 y * = X /^g, T=S^^ } , , as the modified formulas for deflection and stress due to hori- zontal impact. It now remains to determine the value of ^, and this will de- pend upon the arrangement of the ends of the beam. The general value of q is seen to be and the integration is to be extended over the entire length of the beam. Now dW/W = dx/l\ also if y be the deflection at any point and y^ the deflection at the point whose velocity is F, then u/ V = y/y r Thus the integral becomes />v f = J y ;i> FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XL which may be applied to any particular case where y/y^ can be expressed as a function of x. For a beam supported at the ends and loaded in the middle the ordinate y of the elastic curve in terms of the maximum deflection^ and the abscissa x is, from Art. 35, and for this case the integral becomes Therefore for a beam supported at the ends and impinged upon in the middle there obtains which is the value to use in formula (22)'. This result was first established theoretically by Cox in 1848, but HODGKIN- SON had previously found by experiments on cast-iron beams that the value of q was about \. As a numerical example let a cast-iron beam on supports 9 feet apart be I inch wide and 2 inches deep, and have a static load of 50 pounds at the middle. The deflection and stress at the middle due to this load are A 0.131 inches, 5 = 2025 pounds per square inch. Now suppose that this load of 50 pounds moves horizontally with a velocity due to a fall of inch. Then from (22) d = 0.362 inches, T= 5590 pounds per square inch, which are the results, supposing that the beam has no weight. Taking this into account, the weight W is 56.4 pounds, whence ' = 1.128, and by (22)' d = 0.290 inches, T = 4470 pounds per square inch, which are more exact results. It is seen by this investigation that very small velocities of ART. III. DEFLECTION UNDER IMPACT. 2$ I impact may produce very high stresses in a beam. Thus in (22) the static deflection A is always small, and if h = 2-J, Tis 28. It is also seen that the influence of the resisting inertia of the beam increases with k, that is, with the ratio of the weight of the beam to the impinging weight. When the weight falls vertically upon the horizontal beam, h being the height of fall to the top of the beam, the formulas (22) and (22)' are to be modified slightly, since the external work is P(h -f- 6). Thus are found which are seen to be the same in form as those deduced for longitudinal impact in Art. 103. For instance, if the load in the above example drops % inch, then $ = 0.295 inches instead of 0.290 inches. The interesting experiments made by KEEP in 1899 enable a comparison of theory and practice to be made. A hori- zontal bar of cast iron I X i X 24 inches was loaded with weights of 25, 50, 75, and 100 pounds, and the corresponding static deflections were found to be 0.0448, 0.0896, 0.1344, and o. 1792 inches. They were then struck laterally by ham- mers of the same weights which swung like pendulums and had a vertical fall of 2 inches. The dynamic deflections due to these weights, as carefully measured by a graphic recording apparatus, are given below. From the given data the theo- retic deflections under impact have been computed from formula (22)', and the following is a comparison of observed and theoretic values : Swinging P = 25 50 75 100 pounds Observed 3 = 0.122 0.150 0.175 0.200 inches Theoretic d = o.ioo 0.145 0.180 0.209 inches FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XI. Experiments were also made by allowing the same weights to fall vertically on the bar through heights of 2 inches. For- mula (22)" applies to this case, and the following is a com- parison of the dynamic deflections as observed and computed : Falling P = 25 50 75 100 pounds Observed 8 = 0.130 0.159 0.181 0.209 inches Theoretic S = 0.103 0.152 0.188 0.220 inches It is seen that the comparison is very satisfactory ; it would be expected, however, that the observed values should be always slightly less than the theoretic ones, because some of the work of impact is probably expended in producing heat. Prob. 155. Check some of the above values of theoretic and then the maximum fiber stress is e 3 X 61 X (8 X I2) a 5 = - f. - = 13 200 pounds per square inch, 4 X 2 x 10 which is not probably sufficiently low when it is considered that the parallel rod is subject to vibrations and shocks. The connecting rod moves in a circle of radius r at the crank pin, while the other end moves only in a straight line. Thus ART. 114. LIVE-LOAD VELOCITY. 257 at the end A there is no centrifugal load, while at B the cen- trifugal load is the same as given by the above expression for/". When the rod is in the position shown in Fig. 65, it is a beam acted upon by a centrif- ugal load which varies uni- formly from o at A to / at B. The total load is hence \fl, the ' ' FlQ 6 reaction at A is \fl and that at B is 4/7. The bending moment for any section distant x from A is and the maximum value of M occurs for x = // 1/3, which gives max. M = 0.0638/7*. Hence from (4), // ^ = 0.383^,, in which f is given by the same expression as above. By comparing this with the value of 6" for the parallel rod it is seen that the former is about twice as great, if the length and cross-section be the same in the two cases. The parallel rod needs the greatest cross-section at the middle, while the connecting rod needs the greatest cross-section at about o.6/ from the cross-head. Prob. 158. The connecting rod of an engine is 2 feet long and it is attached to a crank pin at a distance of 6 inches from the axis of a fly-wheel. If the wheel makes 750 revolutions per minute, find a square cross-section for the connecting rod so that the centrifugal unit-stress 5 may be 4200 pounds per square inch. ART. 114. LIVE-LOAD VELOCITY. It is well known that when a live load moves over a beam or bridge the deflections and stresses are greater than those 258 FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XI. due to the same load at rest. In general the greater the veloc- ity the greater also are the deflections and the stresses. The exact theoretical investigation of this question is one of very great difficulty, as differential equations arise which cannot be integrated except by an unsatisfactory tentative process. Approximate formulas have, however, been established, and one of these will here be deduced. Let a static load P rest on the middle of a simple beam. From Chapter III the deflection and the maximum unit-stress under the load are A C - ~' : ' where / is the length of the beam, 7 the moment of inertia of the cross-section with respect to the neutral axis, c the dis- tance from that axis to the remotest fiber where the unit-stress is S. Now, let the load P be moving horizontally across the beam with the velocity v, and when it reaches the center let the deflection be d and the maximum unit-stress be 71 It is required to find $ and T in terms of A and 5. When the load P runs over the beam, the curve in which it moves is found by putting kl=. x in the first equation on page 77, or Differentiating this twice, and then making x = /, gives d*\ i PI as the reciprocal of the radius of curvature of this curve at the middle of the beam. It is assumed that when P reaches the middle of the beam it produces the same deflection A as if it were at rest, and also that it causes a downward pressure F due to the centrifugal force arising from motion in the curve. This pressure F gives ART. 114. LIVE-LOAD VELOCITY. 259 rise to an additional deflection, thus increasing A to d, and 5 to r- Then, Now, to find TS the expression for centrifugal force is known from mechanics, and inserting in it the above value of R, there results /V _ P'tv* 2P*lh ~~ == in which i?/2g has been replaced by h, the height of fall which will produce v. In this last expression P/EI may be replaced by its value in terms of A or by its value in terms of 5 from the first equations given. Making these substitutions in the formulas for tf and S, they become (23) which give the approximate deflection and maximum unit- stress at the middle of the beam due to a load P moving with the velocity v = ^/2gh. As an example let a wrought-iron plate girder have a span of 80 feet, a depth of 7 feet 2 inches, a flange cross-section of 38 square inches, and a moment of inertia of about 134000 inches. Let it be required to find the deflection and maximum unit-stress when a single load of 60 ooo pounds crosses the girder at a velocity of 80 miles per hour. Here P = 60 OOO pounds, /= 960 inches, 7= 134000 inches, c = 43 inches, and E 25 ooo ooo pounds per square inch. Then when the load is at rest at the middle of the beam, ^ = -33 inches, S = 4620 pounds per square inch. 26o FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XL Now, a speed of 80 miles per hour corresponds to a velocity of 117 feet per second, and the velocity head is Then from (23) are found the increased deflection and unit- stress, 6 = 0.33(1 + 0.029) = 0.34 inches, T = 4620(1 + 0.029) = 4750 pounds per square inch, which show the influence of the velocity to be small. When a uniform live load is moving over the beam or bridge, a similar investigation may be made, regarding the centrifugal force at each point as a vertical load. Let w be the uniform live load per linear unit ; then when this extends over the whole beam, 5^/ 4 ~ 87 ' are the static deflection and maximum fiber stress at the mid- dle. Let 8 be the deflection and T the unit-stress when the entire uniform load is moving with the velocity v, and let h be the head due to this velocity. Then by a method similar in principle to the above, it may be shown that ,1 + (23/ -X. which are the approximate deflection and unit-stress at the middle of the beam due to the moving load wl. As an example take the plate girder whose data are given above and let a uniform load of 1800 pounds per linear foot be moving over it. Then A = 0.495 inches, 5=5 545 pounds per square inch, are the static deflection and unit-stress at the middle. As before, h = 213 feet, and then from (23)' ART. 114. LIVE-LOAD VELOCITY. 26l 6 = 0.506 inches, T = 5 670 pounds per square inch, which are only about 2.2 per cent greater than the static values. It should be remarked that the allowance made for velocity of a live load in practice is much greater than the above for- mulas indicate. It is often customary to add from 10 to 30 per cent to the statical stresses in order to cover the effect of velocity, the greater values being used for the shorter bridges. It should also be said that experiments indicate a greater increase in deflection than these formulas give. The most ex- tensive set of experiments in this direction is that made by JAMES, WILLIS, and GALTON, for the British board of 1848, and in some of these the statical deflection was more than doubled under heavy loads. It may be further noted that a perfect formula for the effect of velocity of live load would show in the case of very high speeds that there would be no increase in deflection, since there would then not be sufficient time for the load to fall through the distance tf. This was recognized by the board above mentioned, and the fact ascertained in several tests. For instance a wrought-iron beam 9 feet long, I inch wide, and 3 inches deep was subjected to a load of 1778 pounds moving at different velocities, with the following results : Velocity in feet per second, o 15 29 36 43, Deflection in inches, 0.29 0.38 0.50 0.62 0.46. Here it will be seen that the deflection for 43 feet per second is less than that for 36 feet per second. Unfortunately these experiments were made without regard to the elastic limit of the material, and hence the results are of little use as a test of theory; for instance, the static load of 1778 pounds causes a unit-stress of 32 ooo pounds per square inch on the middle of the wrought-iron beam, and thus at all velocities the elastic limit was surpassed. The formulas of this article are confessedly imperfect, as 262 FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XL they do not take into account the influence of the inertia of the beam which will tend to modify them materially. This very complex question cannot here be investigated, but the student is referred to Appendix B of the Report of the Com- missioners on the Application of Iron to Railway Purposes (London, 1849) f r an excellent general discussion. It may also be noted that the above formula (23) agrees with the first two terms of the series given on page 203 of that Report. Prob. 1 59. Deduce the values of $ and T given in formula (23)' for the uniform moving load. Prob. 160. What velocity v must the load P have so that, in crossing the above plate-girder, there would not be sufficient time for it to fall through the vertical deflection of 0.33 inches ? ART. 115. WORK OF VERTICAL SHEARS. In the discussion of Art. 109 the entire external work of the load P was supposed to be expended in the work of elon- gating and compressing the horizontal fibers of the beam. In reality, however, a part of the external work is expended in the slipping or detrusion due to the vertical shears throughout the beam. As in Chapter III suppose the vertical shear to be uniformly distributed over the cross-section of the beam. Let Fbe the vertical shear at any distance x from an origin and be the angle of detrusion in the distance dx. Then taking the shear to increase slowly from o up to its value V, the work done by it in the distance dx is, since is very small, dK=\V.dx. tan = %V(J)dx, in which in the last value is to be taken in circular measure. FIG. 66. Let A be the cross-section of the beam, 5 S the shearing unit-stress, and E s the coefficient of elasticity for dx ART. US. WORK OF VERTICAL SHEARS. 263 shearing. As is the amount of detrusion per unit of dis- placement, its value is found by the same process as the unit- deformation s for tension or compression, namely s, v *--.=-- ~AE; This being inserted, the expression for dK becomes V ' d * which is the elementary work of shearing in the distance dx. By expressing V as a function of x and integrating over the entire length of the beam, the total work of shearing is found. For instance, a simple beam loaded with P at the middle has the shear V constant throughout and equal to \P. Then K > = is the internal work or resilience due to all the shearing forces over the span /. In Art. 109 the internal work of the horizon- tal stress was found to be so that the ratio of the former to the latter is K^ 12EI Ef K' in which r is the radius of gyration of the cross-section with respect to the neutral axis. For example, let a cast-iron beam have a square cross-section of side d\ then r a = T VA and E = %E S approximately (Art. 121). The ratio of the internal work of shearing to that of the fiber stresses is then 5*/ a /2/ 3 . If the length is 30 times the depth, or / = 30^, then this ratio is -^ ; if / = 6o*/, the ratio is 4 * 4 . For a very short beam, such as / = 2d, the ratio is , showing that in such cases the work of shearing is greater than that of the horizontal fiber stresses. 2b4 FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XI. Prob. 161. Deduce an expression for the work of shearing in a beam supported at the ends and uniformly loaded. ART. 116. DEFLECTION DUE TO SHEARING. The treatment of the deflection of beams in the previous pages has been solely from the standpoint of the horizontal stresses as expressed by the external bending moment. The last Article shows, however, that the resisting work of shearing may be a material amount for short beams, and it hence appears that the former investigations are more or less incom- plete. Let a load P produce the deflection A beneath it. The ex- ternal work, if P has been gradually applied, is %P4, and this must equal the internal work, or resilience, of the molecular stresses. The work of the horizontal stresses of tension and compression is deduced in Art. 109 and that of the vertical stresses of shearing in Art. 115. Then the [external work equated to the sum of these, gives C M*dx . CVdx J in which M is the bending moment and V the vertical shear at any section distant x from the origin. To apply this to a par- ticular case, M and V are to be expressed in terms of x and the integration extended over the entire length of the beam. For example, let a simple beam of span / have a load P at the middle. Then M= \Px and V = \P. Inserting these and bearing in mind that each integral is equal to twice the value between the limits o and /, there is found, A- Pr . Pl ~ 4 87 ~ h 4^' which is the deflection under the load. The second term here gives the deflection due to the vertical shears. By placing ART. 1 1 6. DEFLECTION DUE TO SHEARING. 265 A = 7/r a , where r is the radius of gyration, this becomes = which is the formula for deflection, taking into account the effect of the vertical shears. For long beams the deflection due to shearing is scarcely appreciable ; for short beams, how- ever, it may be larger than that due to the bending moment. Attention was first called to the inaccuracy of the ordinary formula for deflection in the case of short beams in a paper by NORTON read before the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science in 1870. A number of experiments on white pine beams of different lengths and sizes were made, and it was shown that the deflections were directly proportional to the loads and inversely proportional to the breadth of the beam, as the common formula requires. The deflections were, however, not directly proportional to the cubes of the spans nor inversely proportional to the cubes of the depths of the beams, as the formula requires. An examination into the reason of these discrepancies showed that it was due to influence of the vertical shears, and NORTON deduced the formula ~~ as applicable to beams of breadth b and depth d, where C was a constant whose value he did not theoretically determine. From one series of experiments he found for the white pine beams E = 1 428 ooo, C = 0.0000094, and using these values the deflections for other series com- puted from the formula agreed very well with those observed. From the theoretic formula for A deduced above, it is seen that NORTON'S value of C is 1/4 E s , or E s = ^ = 266 ooo pounds per square inch, 4C 266 FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XL which should be the coefficient of elasticity for the shearing of white pine across the grain. This is probably not far from the actual value of that coefficient, since THURSTON, by experi- ments on torsion, found E s = 220 ooo pounds per square inch for white pine. The experiments of NORTON, therefore, con- firm the theoretic formula above deduced for the true deflec- tion of a simple beam loaded at the middle. When a uniform load extends over the beam and it is de- sired to find the deflection at a particular point, let M and V be the bending moment and vertical shear due to the uniform load, and M' and V the bending moment and vertical shear due to a load P' placed at the particular point. Then the deflection at that point is given by CV'Vdx I ^JP'E^ in which both bending moments and vertical shears are to be expressed in terms of x, and the integration extended over the entire length of the beam. For instance, let a simple beam have the uniform load wl, and let it be required to find the deflection at the middle. Here M' = fP 'x, M=\w(lx x*\ V' = \P' > and V '= \wl wx. Inserting and integrating between the limits o and /, there results wl* which is the deflection at the middle, the first term being the deflection due to the horizontal stresses of tension and com- pression and the second that due to the vertical stresses of shearing. The ratio of the second term to the first is seen to be slightly greater than in the case of a single load at the middle. Prob. 162. Prove formula (24)' by considering that the work due to the imaginary load P ' is equal to the stress caused by ART. II/. FLEXURE AND COMPRESSION. 267 that load multiplied by the deformation caused by the stress due to the total uniform load. ART. 117. FLEXURE AND COMPRESSION. Let a beam be subject to flexure by transverse loads and also to a compression in the direction of its length. If the longitudinal compression be not large the combined maximum stress due to flexure and compression may be computed by the approximate method of Art. 74. It is clear, however, that if the compression be large the deflection A will be increased, and hence the effective bending moment and maxi- mum fiber stresses will be greater than given by that method. A closer approximation will now be established. Let P be the longitudinal compressive force and M the bending moment of the flexural forces. Let M l be the actual bending moment for the section where the deflection is A ; this is greater than M, on account of the moment PA of the force P, or M^ = M -{- PA. Now the maximum fiber unit- stress 5, which results from this moment M l is, from (4), _ M,c _ (M+PA)c * l = / 7~ "' where I is the moment of inertia of the cross-section and c the distance from the neutral axis to the remotest fiber. The value of A may be expressed in terms of 5", regarding A to vary with Sj in the same manner as for a beam subject to no longitudinal compression. Inserting then for A its value from Art. 37, and solving for S 19 gives Me ~ = _ mE where n and m are numbers depending upon the arrangement of the ends and the kind of loading. This formula was first deduced by J. B. JOHNSON, who regarded m/n as 10 for all kinds of loading. Art. 37 shows, however, that m/n depends 268 FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XL on the arrangement of the ends as well as on the load ; for a simple beam uniformly loaded m/n = 9.6, and for a load at the middle m/n =12. The maximum compressive unit-stress on the concave side of the beam is 5 = 5 X -|- P/A. For example, let a wooden beam 8 feet long, 10 inches wide, and 9 inches deep be under a compression of 40 ooo pounds, while at the same time it carries a total uniform load of 4000 pounds. Here M = \WL 48 ooo pound-inches, c = 4^ inches, / = -r^bd* inches 4 , / = 96 inches, P = 40 ooo pounds, n = 8, m = and E = I 500 ooo pounds per square inch. Inserting these values in the formula the flexural stress S l is found to be 371 pounds per square inch. The compressive unit-stress due directly to P is P/A = 40 000/90 = 444, so that the total stress 5 = 371 -{- 444 =815 pounds per square inch. While the above method is better than that of Art. 74, it is not exact, and gives in general values of 5 which are too small. The exact method of dealing with combined flexure and compression is by the help of the elastic curve. The results will now be developed for the most common case. Let a simple beam of span / be uniformly loaded with in per linear unit, and at the same time be under the longitudinal compression P. The bending moment for any point whose co-ordinates are x and y is, M = \wlx %wx* + />, and the differential equation of the elastic curve is, where the negative sign of the bending moment is taken because the curve is concave to the axis of x. By two integrations results wlx wx* wEI /cos fi(x J/) \ ~~2P " ~2P + ~7*~\ ~ V f ART. 117. FLEXURE AND COMPRESSION. 269 in which /?, as in Art. 62, is an abbreviation for (P/EI}*, or is an arc expressed in terms of the radius as unity. In this equation of the elastic curve let x = i/, then^ = J, and Inserting this in the expression for S t , there is found which is an exact expression for the maximum compressive flexural unit-stress. Lastly, 5, -f- P/A is the total unit-stress 5 due to the combined flexure and compression. To illustrate this method let the data of the above numeri- cal example be again used. Here w = 4000/96 pounds per linear inch, and the other quantities as before. The arc /?/ is found to be 0.318, and the corresponding angle is 18 13', whence sec \ftt = 1.0545. Then from the formula the flexural unit-stress S l is 416 pounds per square inch. Lastly, the total unit-stress is 416 + 444 = 860 pounds per square inch. A comparison for this numerical example shows that the rough method of Art. 74 gives 799, and the method of JOHNSON 815, while the exact method gives 860 pounds per square inch for the maximum unit-stress. If w = o in the above formulas the case reduces to that of a column where sec i/?/ = oo , and hence both A and 5, are indeterminate. If on the other hand P = o, the case is that of a simple beam uniformly loaded, and it may be shown that A and 5, will reduce to the expressions for that case. Prob. 163. Show, by the calculus method of evaluating indeterminate quantities, that the statement in the last sen- tence is correct. 270 FLEXURE OF BEAMS. CH. XL Prob. 164. Let a simple wooden beam 32 feet long, 9 inches wide, and 10 inches deep, carry a total uniform load of 2000 pounds while at the same time it is under a longitudinal compression of 9000 pounds. Compute the maximum unit- stress S by the three methods. ART. 118. FLEXURE AND- TENSION. Let a beam be subject to flexure by transverse loads and then to a tension in the direction of its length. The effect of the tension is to decrease the deflection, and thus also the tensile flexural stress. If M be the bending moment of the transverse loads, and M l that of the combined flexure and tension, then M^ = M PA. Let S, be the resulting unit- stress on the fiber most remote from the neutral surface; then, JOHNSON'S formula in the last article gives S, , if the minus sign in the denominator be changed to plus. Finally, S, -f- PI -A is the total unit-stress on the convex side of the beam resulting from the combined flexure and tension. As an example take a steel eye-bar 18 feet long, I inch thick, and 8 inches deep, under a longitudinal tension of 80000 pounds, E being 29000000 pounds per square inch. The weight of the bar is 490 pounds, and M = j- X 490 X 18 X 12 = 13 230 pound-inches. Also c = 4 inches, /= 42.67 inches 4 , m/n= 9.6, P =. 80000 pounds, /= 216 inches. Then the maximum flexural tensile stress S l is 943 pounds per square inch. Finally, the total tensile stress is 5 = 943 -f- 10 ooo = 10 943 pounds per square inch. As in the last article, a more accurate way of dealing with this case is by use of the general equation of the elastic curve. The expression for the bending moment is, M = \wlx \ivx* />, which is the same as before, except in the sign of P. Hence by changing the sign of P in the expressions for A and 5, , they apply to the case of combined flexure and tension. In ART. Il8. FLEXURE AND TENSION. doing this \fil becomes ^filV-- i, and this changes the cir- cular secant to the hyperbolic secant; thus, is the deflection of the beam, and S, = ~(i - sech is the unit-stress due to the flexure. Finally S t + P/A is the total unit-stress due to the combined flexure and tension. Since many students are unacquainted with hyperbolic functions, it may be here noted that they are closely analogous with the circular functions. Thus for circular functions cos* -f- sin a = i, but for hyperbolic functions cosh' sinh" = I. A table of hyperbolic sines, cosines, and tangents is given in " Higher Mathematics" (Wiley & Sons, 1896). In the absence of a table the hyperbolic cosine and secant can be computed from e 6 + e~ e cosh 6 r - , sech = where e is the base of the Naperian system of logarithms. As an example, for the above eye-bar w = 2.267 pounds per linear inch, and i/?/ = 0.868 = #; then sech 6 = 0.714, and the flexural stress S, = 940 pounds per square inch. Lastly, the total unit-stress 5 = 940 -f- 10000 = 10940 pounds per square inch, which differs but little from the result found before. Prob. 165. Compute the deflection A for the above eye- bar before and after the tension is applied. Prob. 166. Show that the deflection of a cantilever beam loaded at the end with W and under the longitudinal tension P is J = WP-\l - ft' 1 tanh /?/), where ft = (///)*. 272 SHEAR AND TORSION. CH. XII CHAPTER XII. SHEAR AND TORSION. ART. 119. STRESSES CAUSED BY SHEAR. It is shown in Art. 8, and also in Art. 75, that forces of ten- sion or compression acting upon a body produce not only internal tensile or compressive stresses, but also internal shear- ing stresses. Conversely, an external shear acting upon a body produces in it not only internal shearing stresses, but also internal tensile and compressive stresses. For example, the rectangle ABCD in the web of a plate girder, shown in Fig. 67, may be considered. Let V be the shear at the sections AB and CD, which are taken very near together so that the weight in the rectangle itself can be dis- regarded. This vertical shear or couple must be accompanied by a horizontal shear F,, which in this case is caused by the resistance of the flange > rivets. Let the thickness of the material be one unit ; then if 5 and S l be the shearing unit- stresses, A f} y i A f~V ^1Z> ./I// and it is now to be shown that 5 and 5 X are equal. Taking either A or D as a center of moments, the equation of mo- ments is, V X AD = V, X AB, FIG. 67. ART. 119. STRESSES CAUSED BY SHEAR. 2/3 and hence by division V V AB = AD> r 5=5 that is, the shearing unit-stresses on adjacent sides of the rec- tangle are equal. This is without regard to the weight of the rectangle itself, which will cause a slight modification, because the V on the left will then be greater than the V on the right. But if AD be very small the conclusion is strictly true that the vertical shearing unit-stress is equal to the horizontal shearing unit-stress (Art. 79). The resultant of V and F, acts as a tension on the diagonal BD and as a compression on the diagonal AC, thus tending to deform the rectangle into a rhombus. The maximum value of this resultant will be when F, = F, that is, when the rectangle is a square.. The resultant tension or compression then acts at an angle of 45 degrees with the length of the beam, and its value is VjH. The tensile or compressive unit-stress is ob- tained by dividing F\/2 by the area normal to its direction, or that is, the tensile or compressive unit-stress caused by shear is equal to the shearing unit-stress. This may also be proved from the discussion in Art. 75. Thus in formula (13) let / = o; then max. / = v y which is the same result. The action of tension or compression on a bar produces a shearing unit-stress equal to one half the tensile or compressive unit-stress, but the action of a shear \ oduces tensile and compressive unit-stresses equal to the sheai ng unit- stress itself. This may be regarded as a most fortunate arrange- ment in view of the fact that the shearing strength f materi- als is usually less than the tensile or compressive strength. Prob. 167. A square bar is subject to a tension of 6000 274 SHEAR AND TORSION. CH. XII. pounds per square inch in the direction of its length and to a lateral compression of 2000 pounds per square inch on two opposite sides. Show that the maximum shearing unit-stress in the bar is 4000 pounds per square inch. ART. 120. RESILIENCE UNDER SHEAR. The resilience of a body under the action of shear is gov- erned by similar laws to that of tension and flexure, namely, it is proportional to the square of the maximum unit-stress and to the volume of the body. Thus in Fig. 68 let a shearing unit- stress S g act upon a parallelepiped of length / and cross-section A, deforming it into a rhombus and causing each right angle on the side to be increased or decreased by the amount 0. The external work done by the total shear V, supposing it be gradually applied, is VI tan 0, or since is a very small angle, simply F/0, if be expressed in circular measure. This is equal to the internal work or resilience of FIG. 68. all the shearing stresses. But F= AS,, and if E t be the coefficient of elasticity for shearing, then 5, = ,0(Art. 4). Therefore is an expression for the work of shearing. The first factor .St/2E t may be called the modulus of resilience for shearing, in analogy with that for tension (Art. 94), and the second fac- tor Al is the volume of the body. This expression, however, is only valid when the stress S s is within the elastic limit of the material. Practically a shear cannot act upon a body of any consider- able size without causing flexure or torsion, and thus only a part of the external work will be expended in the internal work of shearing. Hence the above rule for resilience under ART. 121. THE COEFFICIENTS OF ELASTICITY. 275 shear is of limited application, unless the effect of the accom- panying flexure be considered. In the case of long beams the work of shearing is indeed but a small part of that due to the flexure (Art. 115). The ultimate resilience of shearing is far more difficult to estimate than that of tension or flexure. It can, however, be experimentally determined by the power required to punch a hole through a plate, although even in this case some of the applied work is lost in heat and friction. Prob. 168. Estimate the horse-power required to punch 50 holes per minute in a wrought-iron plate } inch thick, the diameter of the holes being 2 inches. ART. 121. THE COEFFICIENTS OF ELASTICITY. The coefficient of elasticity for shearing has a certain rela- tion to the coefficient of elasticity for tension, which will now be deduced. Let abed represent one side of a cube which un- der the tensile unit-stress 5 is elongated into the parallelepiped o D FIG. 69. A BCD, the length ab being increased to AB, and the breadth ad being decreased to AD. The ratio of the lateral decrease to the longitudinal increase is designated by e, a mean value of which for iron and steel is , as already mentioned in Art. 71. The distance AB ab is the unit-elongation s, and the distance ad AD is the lateral unit-contraction es. The distortion of the square into the parallelogram may be regarded as caused by the shearing stresses acting along the 2/6 SHEAR AND TORSION. CH. XII. two diagonals AC and BD. The angle cab, originally JTT, is changed into CAB, which is \n J0 ; the total change of angle between the two diagonals of abed being the distortion due to shearing. Now BC i es , and since is very small, the value of tan (J?r 0) is i 0. very nearly. Hence I GS i = Tqrj' or > = ( r + e ) s > since after reduction s can be neglected in comparison with I. Lastly, replacing for its value S S /E S , and for s its value S/E, and remembering that S s = %S, as shown in Art. 7, there is found the important formula, ' 2(+)' which gives the coefficient of elasticity for shearing in terms of the coefficient of elasticity for tension. The abstract number e is called the factor of lateral contrac- tion. For cast iron its value is found to be about i, and thus E s = f E. For wrought iron and steel e is about , and for these materials E s = %E. For fibrous or non-homogeneous materials, however, formula (25) often fails to apply, for the reason that E is not the same in all directions as it is in a homogeneous body. Using the mean values of E given in Art. 80, the mean values of the coefficients of elasticity for shearing are, For cast iron, E s = 6 ooo ooo, For wrought iron, E s = 9 400 ooo, For steel, ,= 11 200 ooo, all being in pounds per square inch. By means of experi- ments on the torsion of shafts (Art. 66) these values have been verified. ART. 122. RESILIENCE UNDER TORSION. 277 Prob. 169. Prove that tan (\TT 0) is I very nearly, when is small. Prob. 170. A cast-iron shaft 60 inches long and 2 inches in diameter is twisted through an angle of 7 degrees by a force of 2500 pounds acting at 12 inches from the center, and on the removal of the force springs back to its original position. Compute the factor of lateral contraction e. ART. 122. RESILIENCE UNDER TORSION. When a shaft is twisted by a force P acting with a lever arm /, as in Fig. 49 of Art. 63, each element of the cross-section is subject to a shearing unit-stress S. The stress being slowly developed, the internal work, or resilience, is equal to \S mul- tiplied by its displacement 0, or if E t denote the coefficient of elasticity for shearing, the work of any elementary area a and length dx is dK = 5 .adx= l - adx. Now let S t be the shearing unit-stress at the part of the cross- section most remote from the axis, and let c be its distance from that axis ; also let z be the distance of S from the axis. Then 5 = S, -, and . i S; a* dK = - -=- . r . dx 2 E t c* is an expression for the internal work. To integrate this over the entire volume of the shaft all cross-sections being similar, 2 at? is the polar moment of inertia J, and 2dx is the length of the shaft /. Thus /^\ r l S * J i I S * ^ AJ '"iy-p'-ii-?^* where r is the polar radius of gyration of the cross-section de- fined byy = Ar*. Now Al is the volume of the shaft, and it is thus seen that the resiliences of shafts of similar cross-sec- SHEAR AND TORSION. CH. XIL tions are proportional to their volumes. Hence the resilience of a shaft under torsion is governed by laws similar to those of a beam under flexure (Art. 96). The formula here established is only valid when the greatest unit-stress 5 5 does not surpass the elastic limit for shearing. 1 >S a When .S s corresponds to the elastic limit, the quantity - ~ may 2 &* be called the modulus of resilience for torsion or shearing, in analogy to the modulus of resilience for tension or compres- sion (Art. 94). As an example, let it be required to find the work necessary to strain a steel shaft 12 inches in diameter and 30 feet long up to its elastic limit, supposed to be 30000 pounds per square inch. Here 5 S = 30000 and E s = n 200000 pounds per square inch (Art. 121); also, c = 6 inches, A 113.1 square inches, / = A 7 ^' \Ad* = 2O 3^ inches 4 , / 360 inches. Inserting all values, K is found to be 818000 inch-pounds or 68 200 foot-pounds. Thus to produce this stress in the shaft in one minute more than 2 horse-powers are required. Prob. 171. Compare the resilience of a square shaft and a round shaft, the cross-sections and lengths being equal. ART. 123. HOLLOW AND SOLID SHAFTS. It was mentioned in Art. 69 that a hollow shaft is stronger than a solid shaft of the same sectional area. A general com- parison will now be made with respect to strength, stiffness,, and resilience. Let A be the ara of the cross-section in both cases, let D be the outer and d the inner diameter of the hol- low shaft; then A = \n(D* d*\ and the diameter of the solid shaft is d, = -/>' d\ The strength of a shaft under torsion is measured by the twisting moment it can carry under a given unit-stress, and by ART. 123. HOLLOW AND SOLID SHAFTS. 279 Art. 64 this is seen to vary as J/c, or as its polar moment of inertia divided by its radius. Hence for the hollow shaft and for the solid shaft L - ?*L - c ~ i6d^ ~ 4 Therefore, dividing the first of these by the second, and letting k denote the value of D/d, there results hollow _ P+i solid ~ kJ~P~-~\ which is the ratio of the strength of a hollow shaft to a solid one of the same sectional area. The stiffness of a shaft under torsion is measured by the twisting moment it can carry with a given angle of torsion. As seen in Art. 66, this angle is SJ_ Ppl_ - -- and hence the stiffness varies directly as the polar moment of inertia. For the hollow shaft / = A*(/> ' - d ') = \A(D ' + * d*/D, if d l be large enough to have any influence. The case shown at CD in Fig. 70 is one that would not occur in practice, but it is here introduced in order to indicate that the bolts would be subject to a flexural as well as a shearing stress. It is clear that the flexural stress will increase with the length of the bolts, and that they should be greater in diameter than for the case of pure shearing. The flexural stress will ART. 125. A CRANK PIN AND SHAFT. 283 also depend upon the work transmitted by the shaft. This case will be investigated in Art. 126 in connection with the dis- cussion of the pin of a crank shaft. Prob. 173. A solid shaft 6 inches in diameter is coupled by bolts li inches in diameter with their centers 5 inches from the axis. How many bolts are necessary ? Prob. 174. A hollow shaft 17 inches in outer and II inches in inner diameter is to be coupled by 12 bolts placed with their centers 20 inches from the axis. What should be the diameter of the bolts ? ART. 125. A CRANK PIN AND SHAFT. A crank pin, CD in Fig. 71, is subject to a pressure W from the connecting rod which is uniformly distributed over nearly its entire length. This pressure varies at different positions in the stroke of the engine, but for ordinary computations may be taken at from 10 to 20 per cent greater than the total mean pressure on the steam piston ; to this may be added the weight of the connecting and piston rods in case these should be ver- tical in position. This maximum pressure W causes a cross-shear in the crank pin at the section C, and it also causes a flexural stress at C due to a uniform load over the cantilever CD. These may be computed by the methods of Chapter III, and their com- { A bined influence can be determined by formula (13) of Art. 75. The compressive or bearing stress on the surface of the pin is usually also to be considered, this being estimated per square unit of diametral j area. Owing to the constant alternation of these stresses as the crank arm revolves, the allowable working unit-stresses should \w 284 SHEAR AND TORSION. CH. XII. be taken low in designing the pin, arm, and journal bearing. The crank arm is under flexure as a cantilever loaded at the end, while the part of the shaft AB which rests in the journal is subject to combined shearing, flexure, and torsion. The methods of Chapters VI and VII give all required to thor- oughly discuss these cases. See UNWIN'S Elements of Machine Design for the special formulas generally used in practice. Prob. 175. The crank CD in Fig. 71 is 8 inches long and 4 inches in diameter, the maximum pressure W being 60000 pounds. Compute the bearing unit-stresses, the shearing unit - stress and the flexural unit-stress. Compute the maximum unit-stress due to combined shear and flexure. ART. 126. A TRIFLE-CRANK PIN. Double and triple cranks are used when several engines are to be attached to the same shaft, as is usual in ocean steamers. With the triple arrangement the cranks are set at angles of 1 20 degrees with each other, thus securing a uniform action upon the shaft. Fig. 72 shows one of these cranks, AB and B C k # XT' C3 F { c ^ D [ (J i vL FIG. 72. EF being portions of the shaft resting in journal bearings, CD the crank pin to which the connecting rod is attached, while BC and DE are the crank arms or webs which are usually shrunk upon the shaft and pins. The complete investigation of the maximum stresses in such a crank shaft and pin is one of much difficulty. A brief ART. 126. A TRIPLE-CRANK PIN. 28$ abstract of such an investigation will, however, here be given for the crank pin. There are three cranks, and the one to be considered is the nearest to the propeller, so that the torsion from the other two cranks is transmitted through the pin CD. This steel crank pin is hollow, 18 inches in outer diameter and 6 inches in inner diameter, its length between webs being 24 inches, the thickness of each web 12 inches, and the distance from the axis of the shaft to the center of the pin being 30 inches. The three engines transmit 7200 horse-power to the shaft EF, of which 4800 horse-power is transmitted through the shaft AB and through the crank pin CD. The maximum pressure W brought by the connecting rod upon the crank pin is 156000 pounds. It is required to determine the stresses when the crank makes 80 revolutions per minute. The pressure W is distributed over about 17 inches of the length of the pin, so that the bearing compressive stress on the diametral area is 156000 5 ' == YffiS _ 6 ) = 7 6 5 pounds per square inch, which is a low and safe value. The shearing stress due to W, taken as uniformly distributed over the cross-section of the pin, is _ 78000 5 ' = oTs^cTs'"^ 3 ) = 345 pounds per S( * uare mch ' which is low, but will be much increased by the other stresses acting on the end section. The shearing stress due to the horse-power transmitted through BC has its greatest value on the side of the pin farthest from the axis. The twisting moment Pp due this 4800 horse-power is found, from the first equation on page 141 of Art. 67, to be 198000 X 4800 Pp = 3.1416 X 80 = 3 782 ooo pound-inches, 286 SHEAR AND TORSION. CH. XII. and this is equal to the resisting moment of the crank pin, or to SJJc l , in which J l is the polar moment of inertia of the cross-section with respect to the axis of the shaft and c l is the distance from that axis to the side of the pin where the stress 6" is to be found. Now, c = 30 + 9 = 39 inches, and then /, = 0.0982(18* 6') + 0.7854(18' - 6') X 39'. Hence, from formula (i i) of Art. 64, Pp,c, 3 782 ooo X 39 o, = =- = - = 420 pounds per square inch, /i 354000 which is the maximum shearing stress due to the transmitted power. The flexure of the pin due to the torsion carried through it falls under a case not heretofore considered, except in the brief mention in Art. 124. The twisting moment Pp is equivalent to a force P acting at a distance of 30 inches from the shaft and normal to the crank arms ; the value of P is 3 782000 P = =126 100 pounds, and this produces a bending moment in the pin which may be taken as a beam fixed at both ends while P acts in opposite directions at those ends. Hence there is a bending moment M' at each end, opposite in sign but equal in value, and the moment at any section is M =. M' -f- Px ; but when x = /the value of M is M' and therefore M' = J/V, which is the maximum bending moment. Thus from (4) of Art. 21 . M'c _ 63000 X 18 X 9 _ .. **- I ^,r(i8 4 -6 4 ) which is the flexural stress in pounds per square inch. All of these stresses are light, but the pin is necessarily made heavier than they would require on account of the additional stresses due to the shrinking of the web upon the pin. The data here given are not sufficient to determine these with ex- actness, but there is a radial compressive unit-stress 5 6 brought ART. 126. A TRIPLE-CRANK PIN. 287 by the web upon the pin of probably 3 ooo pounds per square inch, and this is accompanied by a tangential compressive unit- stress S 6 of about 4000 pounds per square inch (Art. 142). These take effect in the fillet of the pin on the inside of the web at D, where also all of the other stresses concentrate except 5,. In Art. 134 it will be shown how these several values may be combined in order to obtain the maximum tensile, compressive, and shearing stresses. Prob. 176. Draw the shear and moment diagram for the lateral flexure of the pin due to the transmitted torsion. 288 APPARENT AND TRUE STRESSES. CH. XIII. CHAPTER XIII. APPARENT STRESSES AND TRUE STRESSES. ART. 127. THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF ELASTICITY. In Art. 5 are stated several laws, derived from experiment, which are the foundation of the science of Mechanics of Ma- terials. Of these (A) and (B) relate to elasticity and are the basis of all discussions concerning stresses that do not surpass the elastic strength of the material, the latter being usually re- ferred to as HOOKE'S law (Art. 81). All the theoretic formulas of the preceding pages are derived by the help of this law, and these hence constitute a part of the mathematical theory of elasticity. This theory is one of vast extent and far-reaching conse- quences, and its full development would require volumes. It includes not only the complete investigation of the stresses and deformations produced in every part of a body by gradu- ally applied exterior forces, but also those arising under condi- tions of impact. It deals not only with elastic solids, but with fluids, gases, and the ether of space. The discussion of stresses and deformations, both in homogeneous and crystalline bodies, leads to the investigation of wave propagations, the time and velocity of elastic oscillations, and numerous other phenomena of physics. In this Chapter will be presented a few of the fundamental principles with reference to homoge- neous materials only. Statics proper is concerned only with rigid bodies, while the theory of elasticity deals with bodies deformed under the action of exterior forces and which recover their original shape on the ART. 127. MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF ELASTICITY. 289 removal of these forces. All the principles and methods of statics apply in the discussion of elastic bodies, but in addition new principles based upon HOOKE'S law arise. The amount of deformation being small within the elastic limit for common materials, it is allowable to neglect the squares and higher powers of a unit-elongation in comparison with the elongation itself. Thus if / be the length of a bar, which under the action of stress is increased to the length l(\ + s\ the square of this new length may be taken as l\i -\- 2s) and the cube as l\i + 3*). For a substance like india rubber, where this as- sumption does not apply, some of the conclusions of the theory of elasticity are not necessarily valid. Another axiom derived from experience is the following: Under tensile forces the volume of a body is increased and under compressive forces it is diminished. This is the case for the common materials, although bodies may exist for which it is not true. Thus if a cube be compressed upon two opposite faces the edges parallel to the forces are decreased while those at right angles to the forces are increased in length ; on the whole, however, the volume of the cube is slightly decreased. The student should consult the article on Elasticity by KELVIN in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, as also the History of TODHUNTER and PlERSON. The works of CLEBSCH (Elas- ticitat fester Korper, 1862), WlNKLER (Elasticitat und Festig- keit, 1867), GRASHOF (Theorie der Elasticitat und Festigkeit, 1878), and FLAMANT (Resistance des Materiaux, 1886) maybe mentioned as treating the subject both from the theoretical and the engineering point of view. Prob. 177. Consult TODHUNTER and PlERSON'S History of the Theory of Elasticity and of the Strength of Materials, and ascertain something about the investigations of SAINT VENANT. 290 APPARENT AND TRUE STRESSES. CH. XIII. ART. 128. LATERAL DEFORMATION. It has already been noted, in Arts. 71 and 121, that a bar under tension not only elongates in the direction of its length, but is subject to a lateral contraction. So if a bar be under compression there occurs a longitudinal contraction and a lateral elongation. If P be the applied force and A the area of the cross-section the unit-stress is P/A =5; if / be the length. and A the longitudinal change of length, then A// = s is the unit-elongation or unit-contraction. In the case of tension each unit-length of the bar is increased by s, but each unit at right angles to the length is decreased by the amount es, where e is an abstract number less than unity, called the factor of lateral contraction. In the case of compression es is the lateral unit-elongation. Let a cube in the interior of a bar under tension have each of its sides unity before the application of the stress ; under this tension the cube is deformed so that its sides are i -{-s, l es, and I es. The volume of the deformed body is, if the squares and cubes of s be neglected in comparison with the first power, (l+*Xl-eO' = I +(1-26)5. Now in order that the volume may be increased, (i 2e)s must be positive, or e must be less than J. When e is o no lateral contraction occurs, when e = the lateral contraction is a maximum. Thus for all bodies whose volume is increased under tension the factor of lateral contraction must lie be tween o and J. The same reasoning applies in the case of compression, for which as far as known e has the same value as for tension. By precise measurements of bars under stresses within the elastic limit it has been found that e generally lies between 0.2 and 0.4 for wrought iron and steel, a mean value extensively used being -J. For cast iron e is about J or a little less. ART. 129. TRUE TENSILE AND COMPRESSIVE STRESSES. 291 Prob. 178. A bar of steel 2X2 inches and 6 feet long is pulled by a force of 50 ooo pounds. Compute the percentage of increase of length, and the percentage of increase of volume. ART. 129. TRUE TENSILE AND COMPRESSIVE STRESSES. If a parallelepiped be subject to a unit-stress 5 in the direc- tion of its length this is the true stress on all planes normal to its length. In directions at right angles to the length there exists, however, a lateral contraction which implies an internal stress of compression. If s be the unit-elongation due to S, the lateral unit-contraction is es, and this is the same as would be produced by a lateral compressive unit-stress eS. Thus it is clear that the deformation at right angles to 5 is the same as that produced by an actual unit-stress eS. In a similar manner if forces act upon all the sides of the parallelepiped the true internal stresses are different from the apparent ones. All the stresses computed thus far in this volume are appar- ent stresses, for the influence of lateral deformation has not been taken into account. In this Chapter the letter 5 will denote the apparent unit-stresses, while the true unit-stresses corresponding to the actual deformations will be designated by T. The true resistance of a body depends upon the actual deformations produced, and these are measured by the true internal stresses. Let a homogeneous parallelopiped be subject to normal forces of tension or compression upon its six faces, those upon oppo- site faces being equal. Let the edges of the parallelopiped be de- signated by 01, 02, 03, as in Fig. 73. Let S t be the normal unit-stress upon the two faces perpendicular to the edge 01, and 5, and S t those upon the faces normal to 02 APPARENT AND TRUE STRESSES. CH. XIII. and 03 ; thus the directions of S l 9 S a , 5, are parallel to 01, 02, 03, respectively. Then, supposing that these stresses are all tensile, and that the factor of lateral contraction e is the same in all directions, the true internal unit-stresses in the three directions are, T, = S, - eS, - eS, , (27) r, = S f - eS, - eS l9 T, = S> eS, e-S, , in which e lies between o and , as shown in Art. 128. If any apparent stress 5 be compressive, it is to be taken as negative in the formulas, and then the true stresses 7",, J!,, T 9 are tensile or compressive, according as their numerical values are positive or negative. For example, let a cube be stressed upon all sides by the apparent compression 5 ; then the true internal unit-stress T is S(i 2e), or about 5, and its linear deformation is only about one-third of that due to a compressive stress 5 applied upon two opposite faces. Again, if a bar have a tension S^in the direction of its length, and no apparent stresses upon its sides, then T l = 5, while 7", = T t = eS,. The true deformations corresponding to the true internaV stresses will be denoted by ^ , /,, /,. If the coefficient of elasticity in all directions be , then T T T /_j /_!_ /____ ** E' ' ' ' "" E \ are the unit-elongations or unit-contractions parallel to the three coordinate axes. As a simple example, let a steel bar 2 feet long and 3X2 inches in cross-section be subject to a tension of 60000 pounds in the direction of its length and to a compression of 432 ooo pounds upon the two opposite flat sides. Here S l = 60 000/6 = 10 ooo pounds per square inch, 5 a = 432 000/72 = 6000 ART. 130. NORMAL AND TANGENTIAL STRESSES. 293 pounds per square inch, and .S, = o. Then from (27), taking as the true internal stresses are 7\ = +12 ooo, 7; = -9330, r, = and it is thus seen that the true tensile unit-stress is 20 per cent greater than the apparent, while the true compressive unit-stress is more than 50 per cent greater than the apparent. If the parallelepiped in Fig. 73 be subject to the action of oblique stresses R t , R t , R t , each may be resolved into a stress normal to the face and into shearing stresses parallel to the edges. In such a case the true unit-stresses T l , 7", , 7", can- not be directly found, but it will be shown in the following articles that three planes can be determined upon which the apparent stresses are wholly normal, and that these are the maximum apparent tensile and compressive stresses due to R t , R tJ R % \ these being found, formulas (27) are directly applicable. Prob. 179. In Fig. 73 let a plane be passed through the edge 02 and through the edge diagonally opposite to it. Let the edges 01, 02, 03 be equal in length. Show that the apparent shearing unit-stress on this plane is J(5, S,). ART. 130. NORMAL AND TANGENTIAL STRESSES. The general case of internal stress is that of an elementary parallelepiped held in equilibrium by apparent stresses applied to its forces in directions not normal. Here each oblique stress may be decomposed into three components parallel re- spectively to three coordinate axes, OX, O Y, OZ. Upon each of the faces perpendicular to OX the normal component of the oblique unit-stress is designated by S x and the two tangential components by S^ and S xx . A similar notation applies to each of the other faces. An 5 having but one subscript denotes a tensile or compressive stress, and its direction is parallel to the 294 APPARENT AND TRUE STRESSES. CH. XIIL axis corresponding to that subscript. An 5 having two sub- scripts denotes a shearing stress, the first subscript designating the axis to which the face is perpendicular and the second designating the axis to which the stress is parallel ; thus S gx is FIG. 74. on the face perpendicular to OZ and its direction is parallel to OX. In Fig. 74 the six components for three sides of the parallelepiped are shown. Neglecting the weight of the par- allelepiped the components upon the three opposite sides must be of equal intensity in order that equilibrium may obtain. An elementary parallelepiped in the interior of a body is thus held in equilibrium under the action of six normal and twelve tangential stresses acting upon its faces. The normal stresses upon any two opposite faces must be equal in intensity and opposite in direction. The tangential stresses upon any two opposite faces must also be equal in intensity and opposite in direction. A certain relation must also exist between the six shearing stresses shown in Fig. 74 in order that equilibrium may obtain. Let the parallelepiped be a cube with each edge equal to unity ; then if no tendency to rotation exists with respect to an axis through the center of the cube and parallel to OX it is neces- sary that S yz should equal S gy . A similar condition obtains for each of the other rectangular axes, and hence (<>Q\ C _ C C _ C C _ C \ ^/ *^xy ~~~ *-^yx t *-^yz ~~~ *^xyi ^xz *^sx t ART. 131. RESULTANT STRESS. 295 that is, those shearing unit-stresses are equal which are upon any two adjacent faces and normal to their common edge. The apparent unit-stresses designated by 5 are computed by the methods of the preceding Chapters ; it is rare, however, that more than three or four of them exist, even under the action of complex forces. The general problem is then to find a parallelepiped such that the resultant stresses upon it are wholly normal. These resultant normal stresses will be 5, , .5, , S 9 , from which by (27) the true normal stresses T t , 7,. T 9 can be found. It will later be shown that these stresses 5, , 5, , 5", are the maximum apparent stresses of tension or compres- sion resulting from the given normal and tangential stresses. Prob. 1 80. Let a, b, c be the angles which a line makes with the axes OX, OY, OZ, respectively. Show that the sum of the squares of the cosines of these angles is equal to unity. ART. 131. RESULTANT STRESS. The resultant unit-stress upon any face of the parallelepiped in Fig. 74 is the resultant of the three rectangular unit-stresses acting upon that face. Thus for the face normal to OZ the resultant unit-stress is given by R: = S:-\-S'^ + S\,, and the total resultant stress upon that face is the product of its area and R 9 . The resultant unit-stress R upon any elementary plane hav- ing any position can be determined when the normal and tan- gential stresses in the directions parallel to the coordinate axes are known. Let a plane be passed through the corners I, 2, 3, of the parallelepiped in Fig. 74, and let a, b, c be the angles that its normal makes with the axes OX, O Y, OZ, respectively. Let a, ft, y be the angles which the resultant unit-stress R makes with the same axes. Let A be the area of the triangle 296 APPARENT AND TRUE STRESSES. CH. XIII. 123; then the total resultant stress upon that area is AR, and its components parallel to the three axes are AR cos a, AR cos ft, AR cos y. The triangle whose area is A, together with the three triangles 012, 023, 031, form a pyramid which is in equilibrium under the action of R and the stresses upon the three triangles. The areas of these triangles are A cos a, A cos b, A cos c, and the stresses upon them are the products of the areas by the several unit-stresses. Now the components of these four stresses with respect to each rectangular axis must vanish as a necessary condition of equilibrium. Hence, can- celling out A, which occurs in all terms, there results R cos a = S* cos a -f- S yjf cos b -f- S zx cos c, (29) R cos ft = S^y cos a -\- S y cos b -\- S, y cos c, R cos Y = S xz cos a -f- S y , cos b -\- S s cos c, in which the second members are all known quantities. From these equations the values of R cos <*, R cos ft, R cos y can be computed ; then the sum of the squares of these is R* since cos* a -f- cos a ft-\- cos 3 y = i. The value of cos a is found by dividing that of R cos a by R, and similarly for cos ft and cos /. Now the angle between the directions of R and the normal to the plane is given by cos B == cos a cos a + cos b cos /? -|- cos c cos ^, and then the tensile or compressive unit-stress normal to the given plane is R cos 0, while the resultant shearing unit-stress is R sin 8. This shearing stress may be resolved into two com- ponents in any two directions on the plane. As a simple numerical example, let a bolt be subject to a tension of 12000 pounds per square inch and also to a cross- shear of 8 ooo pounds per square inch. It is required to find the apparent unit-stresses on a plane making an angle of 60 degrees with the axis of the bolt. Take OX parallel to the tensile force and OY parallel to the cross-shear. Then S x = ART. 132. THE ELLIPSOID OF STRESS. 297 -f 12000, Sjej, = 8000, Sy* = 8000, and the other stresses are zero ; also a = 30, b = 60, and c = 90. Then from (29) R cos a = + 14 390, R cos /? = -f- 6930, 7? cos y = o, and the resultant stress in the plane is, R = -/I4 390' + 693' = 15 970 pounds per square inch. The direction made by R with the axis is, cos a = -_ = 0.901, a = cos ft = = 0.434, ft = 25t, and the angle between the resultant R and the normal to the plane is given by cos 6 = 0.866 X 0.901 + 0.5 X 0.434 = 0.997. Lastly, the normal tensile stress on the plane is found to be R cos 0= 15 920 pounds per square inch, while the shearing stress on the plane is R sin 6 = 1200 pounds per square inch. Prob. 1 8 1. Find for the above example the position of a plane upon which there is no shearing stress. ART. 132. THE ELLIPSOID OF STRESS. The resultant unit-stress R upon any plane makes an angle B with the normal to that plane. If at any point this plane be supposed to vary its direction the intensity of R will be represented by the radius vector of an ellipsoid. Let R t , RI , R t be the resultant unit-stresses upon the three faces of the parallelepiped in Fig. 74, and let 0, , 0, , 0, be the angles which they make with the coordinate axis OX\ then cos 0, = J?, cos 0, = ?, cos 0, = %^, K i K * 9 cos 9 + 5 a 2 sin' 0. The diagrams in Fig. 77 give graphic representations of these values as the angle varies from o to 360 degrees. In the first diagram S, and 5 9 are both tension or both compression, in the second diagram one is tension and the other compression. The broken curve shows the locus of the point N, and the dotted curve the locus of 5. For every value of the lines OS and ON are at right angles to each other, and OR is their resultant. As a numerical illustration take the case of a bolt subject to a tension of 2 ooo and also to a cross shear of 3 ooo pounds ART. 130. THE ELLIPSE OF STRESS. 307 per square inch. Here S x = + 2 ooo, S xy = 3 ooo, and S y = o ; the above quadratic equation then gives 5, = +4 160 and S 9 = 2 160 as the two maximum unit-stresses of tension and compression. The direction made by 5, with the axis of the bolt, as found by the value of cos a in Art. 133, is about 54^ degrees. From (31)' the maximum shear is 3 160 pounds per square inch. These are the apparent maximum stresses. To find the true maximum stresses formulas (27) give, tak- ing as the factor of lateral contraction, T t = + 4 880, 7", = 3 550, 7", = 670 pounds per square inch as the prin- cipal tensions and compressions; then from (31) the greatest shearing stress is 7^=4220 pounds per square inch. Here the true maximum tension is 17 per cent greater than the apparent, the true compression is 64 per cent greater, and the true shearing stress is 33 per cent greater. The true stresses cannot be represented by an ellipse, but an ellipsoid of internal stress results of which the second diagram in Fig. 77 may be regarded as a typical section. Cases can, however, be imagined in which one of the true principal stresses is zero. If 5, , 5, , S t are the apparent stresses in three rectangular directions, it. is seen from (27) that when 5, eS l eS, is zero, the true stress T t is also zero. For instance, let a cube be under compression by three nor- mal stresses of 30, 24, and 18 pounds per square inch and let e = ; then T, = 16, T t = 8, and T t = o. Here the ellipse of true stress has its correct application and there are no true stresses in a plane normal to the plane of T t and 7",. Prob. 1 86. A body is subject to a tension of 4000 and to a compression of 6000 pounds per square inch, these acting at right angles to each other. Construct the ellipse of apparent stresses and find the positions of two planes on which there are no tensile or compressive stresses. 308 APPARENT AND TRUE STRESSES. CH. XIII. ART. 137. FORMULAS FOR TRUE COMBINED STRESSES. In the preceding articles it has been shown how the true stresses for all cases may be found. For the most common case, that of shear combined with tension or compression, it is well, in conclusion, to write the formulas by which the true maximum unit-stresses may be computed, as these will in general give higher values than the expressions deduced in Arts. 76 and 77. Let S x be the apparent tensile unit-stress and S xy be the apparent shearing unit-stress, the first being found from (4), and the second from (3) for the case of a beam or from (12) for the case of a shaft. Then in the quadratic equation of the last article S y is zero, and the two roots are which are the apparent maximum tensile and compressive unit-stresses due to the combination of S x and S xy . Substi- tuting these in (27) there results >*y > >xy > which are the true maximum unit-stresses, the first being ten- sile and the second compressive. These formulas apply also when S* is a compressive stress, its sign being then taken as negative. The true maximum shearing unit-stress is in both cases given by 4(7", 7!,), that is, by the second term of the formulas. For metals, the factor of lateral contraction e lies usually between $ and J. For instance, taking the numerical example on page 152, let it be required to find the factor of safety of a wrought- iron shaft 3 inches in diameter and 12 feet between bearings, ART. 137. TRUE COMBINED STRESSES. 309 which transmits 40 horse-powers while making 120 revolu- tions per minute, and upon which a *load of 800 pounds is brought by a belt and pulley at the middle. Here the flexural stress on the outer fiber is 5 400 pounds per square inch and the torsional stress is 4 ooo pounds per square inch, both acting at the circumference of the shaft. Thus %S X is 2 700, and V^S 2 X + Sly ls 49; tnen T } = f X 2700 + f X 4900 = + 8 300 pounds per square inch, and accordingly the factor of safety is 6.6, whereas by consid- ering the apparent stresses only it was found to be 7.5. Finally, it may be observed that the formula deduced in Art. 78 for the maximum horizontal shearing unit-stress in a beam is not changed by the introduction of the idea of true stresses, since there is no longitudinal unit-stress at the neutral axis. Along this axis there exists the horizontal shear and at right angles to it another of equal intensity, these com- bining to cause tensile and compressive unit-stresses of the same intensity in directions bisecting the lines of shear. Prob. 187. Solve Problems 129 and 130 by the application of the methods of this Chapter. STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. X.IV, CHAPTER XIV. STRESSES IN GUNS. ART. 138. LAMP'S FORMULA. Let a thick hollow cylinder, shown in longitudinal and cross-section in Fig. 78, be subject to a pressure p l on each square unit of the inner surface and to a pressure /, on each square unit of the outer surface. The inner pressure may be f ? FIG. 78. produced by the expansion of a gas and the outer pressure by the atmosphere or by other causes. It is required to deter- mine the internal stresses produced by these pressures at any point in the cylindrical annulus. The outer pressure on the end of the closed cylinder is nr \P* an d * ne i nn er pressure on the end is nr*p r If the inner be greater than the outer pressure, as is often the case, the differ- ence of these, or 7t(r^p l r, 8 /,) is the longitudinal tension on the annulus. For any part of the cylinder, not very near the end, this must be uniformly distributed over the cross-section. The longitudinal unit-stress on the annulus is hence a constant for all points, and its value is found by dividing the total stress by the area of the cross-section, or ART. 138. LAMP'S FORMULA. 311 which may be either tension or compression according as the numerator is positive or negative. This longitudinal stress, together with the radial pressures, causes a longitudinal elongation of the cylinder, which also is to be regarded uniform for all parts of the annulus. Let x be the distance from the center to any point within the annulus. Any elementary particle is here held in equilibrium by the longi- tudinal unit-stress q, a tangential unit- stress S, and a radial unit-stress /. The value of / is evidently intermediate be- tween /, and /, ; in Fig. 79 it is, like S, drawn as if a tensile stress. Now from FlG - 7 ^ Art. 129 the effective longitudinal unit-elongation of the cylin- der due to these three stresses is, in which e is the factor of lateral contraction whose mean value is about -J. But, as above noted, both q and / are con- stant for all parts of the annulus, and it hence follows that S-{-p is also a constant, or which is one equation between 5 and p. Let an elementary annulus of thickness dx be drawn ; its inner radius is x and its outer radius is x -\- dx. The pressure for one unit of length in a direction perpendicular to any diam- eter is px upon the inner surface and (/ + dp)(x -f- dx) upon the outer surface of this elementary annulus. Thus, exactly as in the case of a thin pipe (Art. 9), the equation of equilib- rium is, + dx) -px = Sdx, 312 STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. XIV. and, neglecting the product dp . dx, this reduces to xdp -\-pdx Sdx, which is a second equation between 6" and /. The solution of these two equations gives for 5 and / the values where 7, is a constant of integration. To find the values of 7, and C 9 it may be noted that / becomes p l when x = r t , and that / becomes p^ when x = r a : thus, and these being inserted give (32) . _ A ~ A P ' which are LAME'S formulas for the stresses in hollow cylinders under inner and outer pressures. In deriving these both S and / have been supposed to be tension. This will be the case if the formulas give positive values ; if, however, either 3 or / has a negative value the stress is compression instead of tension. The tangential unit-stress 5 is usually greater than the radial stress /, and is the controlling factor in the design of guns. It is seen to increase as x decreases, and hence it is the greatest at the inner surface of the cylinder. It may be either tension or compression, depending upon the relative values of the radii and pressures. The radial pressure / is always compres- sion, its value ranging from /, at the inner to /, at the outer surface. ART. 139. A SOLID GUN. 313 As a numerical example let a cylinder be one foot in inner and two feet in outer diameter, the inner pressure being 600 and the outer 15 pounds per square inch. Here r l = 6 inches, r, 12 inches,/, = 600, /, = 15, and the formulas become, 28 080 28 080 For the inner surface x = 6 inches, whence 5 = -f- 960 and p = 600 pounds per square inch ; at the outer surface x == 12 inches, whence 5 = + 375 and/ = 15 pounds per square inch, -f- denoting tension and denoting compression. Prob. 1 88. A solid cylinder is subject to a unfform outer pressure of p % pounds per square inch. Prove that the radial compression is uniform throughout. Prove that the tangen- tial stress 5 is compressive and equal to the radial compression at all parts of the cylinder. ART. 139. A SOLID GUN. A gun tube without hoops is a solid hollow cylinder, sub- ject upon the outer surface to atmospheric pressure and upon the inner surface to the pressure of the gas arising from the explosion of the powder. The outer pressure /, is so small compared to the inner pressure /, that it may be neglected. Then making x equal to r l in (32) they become, which give the greatest tensile and compressive unit-stresses caused by the interior pressure. The tangential tension and the radial compression decrease as x increases, and at the outer surface where x = r t their values are 2r/ = . ' A / = <>> STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. XIV. which are the least tensile and compressive unit-stresses caused by the inner pressure. As a special case let the outer radius be twice the inner radius or r 9 = 2r 1 . Then the tension for the inner surface becomes S l = ^p l , and for the outer surfaces it is 5 t = |/ A . FIG. 80. Thus the different parts of the annulus are quite unequally stressed, and hence the material is not utilized to the best advantage. The shaded area in Fig. 80 shows the manner in which the tangential tension varies in this case throughout the annulus. The maximum stress in a solid gun is hence the tangential tension at the inner surface which is given by the formula, and this is the expression frequently used in cases of investi- gation and design. As an example of investigation let a cast-steel gun have an inner diameter of 7.5 inches at the powder chamber and the thickness of the tube be 1.75 inches. What is the greatest tension produced when the inner pressure arising from the explosion is 10000 pounds per square inch ? Here r, = 3.75 inches, r a = 5.50 inches, /, = 10000 pounds per square inch. Then from the formula S t is found to be 27 300 pounds per ART. 140. A COMPOUND CYLINDER. 315 square inch, which is less than the elastic limit of steel, and hence not too large. As an example of design let the inner diameter be 3.25 inches, the inner pressure caused by the explosion 15000 pounds per square inch, and the allowable working strengthen tension be 30000 pounds per square inch. What should be the outer diameter? Here r l = 1.625 inches, /, = 15 ooo and S l = 30000 pounds per square inch. Then solving the last formula for r t there results from which the outer radius r t is found to be 2.815 inches; thus the thickness of the tube is 1.19 inches, and its outer diameter is 5.63 inches. Prob. 189. A solid gun tube is 6 inches in diameter and 3 inches thick. What is the inner pressure that will produce a maximum tangential tension of 30000 pounds per square inch? ART. 140. A COMPOUND CYLINDER. In a solid gun the maximum tension occurs at the inner sur- face during the explosion, rising suddenly from o up to its greatest value 5",. If now the metal near the bore can be brought into compression, this must be overcome before the tension can take effect, and thus the capacity to resist the inner pressure is increased. One method of producing this compression is by means of a hoop, or jacket, shrunk upon a tube so as to produce an outer pressure /, over the surface of the tube. This arrangement may be called a hollow com- pound cylinder. In its normal state of rest the inner cylinder, or tube, has no pressure on its inner surface and/, on its outer surface. Mak- 3l6 STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. XIV. m g A = o in (32), and also x = r l and x = r, in succession, there are found which are the tangential unit-stresses at the inner and outer surfaces of the tube due to the external pressure/,,. Both of these are compression, but the former is numerically greater than the latter, since 2r, 2 is greater than r a 2 -f- r*. If the hoop is shrunk on so as to produce a compressive uniSstress S c at the inner surface of the tube, the pressure p % upon the outer surface must be, A= -57-*' and, if S c be assumed, the shrinkage may be so regulated as to produce this pressure / a in the normal state of rest. Then the tangential stresses throughout the tube are all compression, while the radial pressures range from /, on the outer surface to o on the inner surface. As an example, let r, = 2 inches, r a = 3 inches, and let it be required to find the outer pressure which will cause a tangen- tial compressive unit-stress of 18000 pounds per square inch at the inner surface of the tube. Here, and hence the hoop must be shrunk on so as to produce this outer pressure on the hoop. When the gun is fired the explosion of the powder causes an internal tangential tension 5 given by (32), whose greatest value is at the inner surface of the tube. Making x = r l , this tensile unit-stress is, (32 y St=B fcL ART. 141. CLAVARINO'S FORMULAS. 317 which is LAME'S formula for the investigation of the tube of a compound gun. This tension first overcomes the initial com pression S c due to shrinkage, so that the effective tension at the bore during firing is 5, S c . For example, let a tube whose inner and outer diameters are 4 inches and 6 inches be hooped so that a tangential com- pression of 18000 pounds per square inch is caused at the bore, while the inner pressure caused by the explosion is 25 ooo pounds per square inch. It is required to find the tangential stress at the bore during the explosion. Here r l = 2 and r, = 3 inches,/, = 25 ooo, and/, = 5 ooo, as seen above. Then S l = 47 ooo pounds per square inch is the tension due to the explosion, but before this can take effect the initial compres- sion of 18000 pounds must be overcome. Hence the result- ant tension at the bore during the firing is 47 ooo 18 ooo = 29 ooo pounds per square inch. If this tube be without a hoop the tension at the inner sur face, found by the method of the last article, is 57 200 pounds per square inch. The very great advantage of the hoop in diminishing the internal stresses during the firing is hence apparent. Prob. 190. A gun-tube 3 inches in diameter and 1.5 inches thick is hooped so that the tangential compression on the inner surface is 30 ooo pounds per square inch. What inner pressure/, will produce a resultant tangential tension on the inner surface of 30 ooo pounds per square inch ? ART. 141. CLAVARINO'S FORMULAS. The preceding method of investigating the strength of gun tubes is defective in that the two stresses 5 and / of formula (32) are only apparently the internal stresses. It was shown in Art. 71 and also in Art. 129 that the true internal stresses are those corresponding to the deformations produced. These 318 STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. XIV. deformations are influenced by the factor of lateral contrac- tion of the material, which for steel and gun metal is usually taken as J (Art. 128). At any point in the annulus (Fig. 79) the apparent tangen- tial, radial, and longitudinal unit-stress are S, p, and , respec- tively. Let T be the true tangential unit-stress ; then from (27) of Art. 129 its value is, r=s-i/-fe. Inserting in this the values of S,/, and q from Art. 138, it re- duces to, t,,\ T- r -&-ll& + -JfiSL A -A 3(n'-O 3(r,' -*-,') * which is CLAVARINO'S principal formula for the investigation and design of guns. This formula shows, as before, that the tangential stress is greatest at the inner surface of the cylinder. Making x = r^ , this maximum tension is T - which is the practical formula for the discussion of the most common cases. 7i may be either tension or compression, de- pending upon the relative values of the pressures and radii. CLAVARINO'S formulas are now frequently used in the investigation and design of guns, instead of those of LAME. In order to compare them, the particular case where the outer diameter is double the inner diameter may be considered. Here r a = 2r t , and (32)' and (33)' reduce to c __ 5A 8/ T - *#' - 2QA Of ---- 2 -- . 3 9 Now if / 3 = o, the first formula gives a smaller stress than the second ; if /, = p lt the first gives a stress three times as large as the second ; if /, = o, the first gives a little larger stress ART. 142. BIRNIE'S FORMULAS. 319 than the second. Thus, since the second formula gives un- doubtedly a better representation of the true stress than the first, it follows that LAMP'S method errs on the side of danger in a solid gun and on the side of safety in a hooped tube. The value here used as the coefficient of lateral contrac- tion is that employed in the United States by both the Army and the Navy in ordnance formulas, and also generally in Europe. In France, however, the value e = J is adopted. Prob. 191. Solve Problem 189 by the formulas of this ar- ticle, and compare the two results. ART. 142. BIRNIE'S FORMULAS. The preceding articles present an outline of the methods of investigating stresses in guns by the formulas of LAM and CLAVARINO. The formulas of LAM refer to apparent stresses only ; those of CLAVARINO, although referring to true stresses, contain an error which renders them not strictly correct for hooped guns. This error lies in taking for the longitudinal unit-stress q the value given in first equation of Art. 138. That value of q is correct for a hollow cylinder subject to pressure upon its ends as well as upon its curved surfaces. For a gun, however, q has a different value. When the gun is at rest q is zero, for then no exterior longitudinal forces act upon it. For the investigation of a gun at rest the true tangential stress T should be deduced by making q = o. Thus, in Art. 141 the correct value of T is 5 \p, or, 3 W - o r which is BIRNIE'S formula for the investigation and design of hooped guns. Making x = r t , this becomes, / 7 ,y T - (34) r '^~ 3(r.'-0 320 STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. XIV. which is the tangential unit-stress at the inner surface of a hoop whose radii are r l and r a . These formulas are used in the Ordnance Bureau of the United States army, not only for hoops, but for jackets and tubes, both at rest and during the firing. Strictly speaking, BIRNIE'S formulas apply only to hoops and tubes upon which the exterior longitudinal stress q is zero. For a solid gun, or for a tube attached to the breech block, a more correct formula may be found by considering the actual value of q due to the inner pressure. Here the longitudinal pressure is nr^p l , and this produces longitudinal tension upon the area n(r* r, a ), so that q ~ r** l r* *9 T \ is the apparent longitudinal unit-stress. Then the true tan- gential stress T is .S \p \q, or, r?r; *. -A '" and making in this x = r l , it becomes which is the true tangential unit-stress upon the inner surface of the bore. To compare the formulas of CLAVARINO and BIRNIE the particular case where r a = 2r, may be considered. Then (33)' and (34)' reduce to __ i/A ~ so/, T _ i8A - 24A "T" "T" Now, if A = o> as f r a solid gun during firing, the second for- mula gives a stress 6 per cent larger than the first ; if A = > as for a hooped gun at rest, the second gives a stress 25 ART. 143. HOOP SHRINKAGE. 321 per cent greater than the first. Thus for this case, at least, CLAVARINO'S formulas give the stresses somewhat too low. Prob. 192. Solve Problem 189 by the formulas of this ar- ticle and compare the results with those of Problem 191. ART. 143. HOOP SHRINKAGE. Let A be the elongation or contraction of any radius x due to inner or outer pressure, then 2n\ is the elongation or contrac- tion of any circumference 2nx. Now 2n\/2nx is the change in the circumference per unit of length due to the unit-stress T\ hence \/x = T/E, or is the change in length of any radius to the circle where the tangential unit-stress is 71 If x = r t the deformation A, is that of the radius of the bore due to the unit-stress T v : if x = r 9 the change A, is that of the outer radius of the tube where the unit-stress is T f Suppose a compound cylinder to be formed by shrinking a hoop upon a tube. The inner radius of the tube is r l and its outer radius r, ; the inner radius of the hoop is r, and its outer radius r t . In consequence of the shrinkage the radial pressure /> a is produced between the two surfaces ; this causes the tube to be under tangential compression and the hoop to be under tangential tension. It is required to find these stresses when the original inner radius of the hoop is less than that of the outer radius of the tube by the amount A. Let A, be the decrease in the outer radius of the tube and A,' the increase in the inner radius of the hoop ; then A = A, -f- ^/ ^ n Fig- 8 1, which is much exaggerated, cd represents A, and be repre- 322 STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. XIV. sents \J. Also, let T t be the tangential compression at the outer surface of the tube due to the shortening A a , and let 77 be the tangential tension at the inner surface of the hoop due to the elongation A/. Then or T, + T,' = Q, 't which gives one equation between 7!, and 7",'. Formula (34) is applied to the tube by making p l = o and x = r t ; thus the tangential compression Js, Formula (34) is applied to the hoop by replacing /, by /, , /, by o, r, by r, , and r t by r, ; then making x = r, , there results, 2 ~ which is the tangential tension. Dividing the first of these by the second, gives L. f = a - or r,=7>, which is a second equation between 7", and 7 1 /. The solution of these equations gives the values A a , _E\. b ' r, 'a + 6' ' r, ' in which a and b are the known quantities, _2 2r t a + r, g ,__^ r, a " * and thus the tangential compression at the outer surface of the tube and the tangential tension at the inner surface of the hoop may be computed. The tangential compression at the bore is, ART. 143. HOOP SHRINKAGE. 323 however, greater than 7" a , and it may be found from (34)' by substituting the value of/,, now known ; thus, T J which is the greatest compression in the tube. As a numerical example let a compound cylinder be formed of a steel tube whose inner radius is 3 inches and outer radius 5 inches, with a steel hoop whose thickness is 2 inches. It is re- quired to find the stresses produced when the original difference between the outer radius of the tube and the inner radius of the hoop is 0.004 inches. First, the sum of the two tangential stresses at the surface of contact is, E\ _ 30 ooo ooo X 0.004 _ -- -- 24 ooo. r* 5 Second, since r t = 3, r, = 5, and r t = 7 inches, l8 + 2 5 __ 43 h - 2 5 + 9 8 _ 82 " 3 25 - 9 "" 24' "349-25 "24 Third, the tangential compression at the outer surface of the tube is, T % = X 24 ooo = 8 260 pounds per square inch. 43 -r 82 Fourth, the tangential tension at the inner surface of the hoop is, ft? TV = - - X 24 ooo =15 740 pounds per square inch. 43 + 82 Thus it is seen that the hoop tension is nearly double the com. pression on the outer surface of the tube. At the bore of the tube, however, the tangential compression is found to be 14 400 pounds per square inch. The decrease in the outer radius of the tube is next com- puted; thus, A, = ^ = 0.00138 inches, 324 STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. XIV. and the increase in the inner radius of the hoop is, T'r A,' = ~ 0.00262 inches. h Hence if the radius of the common surface of contact is to be exactly 5 inches after the shrinkage, the tube should be turned to an outer radius of 5.0014 inches, and the hoop to an inner radius of 4.9974 inches. The radius of the bore, however, will then be less than 3 inches by the quantity, T A, = ^ = 0.00144 inches, , and hence if its final radius is to be exactly 3 inches, it must be turned to a radius of 3.0014 inches. If this example be solved by using the formulas of CLAVA- RINO instead of those of BlRNlE, the following values will be found: J", = 7 030, 7 1 / = 16970, 7^ 14400 pounds per square inch; A a 0.00117, \' = 0.00283, an d ^, 0.00144 inches. The shrinkages thus agree within 0.0002, which is as close as measurements can be relied upon. Prob. 193. A solid steel shaft, 6 inches in radius, is to be hooped so that the greatest tensile stress in the hoop and the greatest compressive stress in the shaft shall be 15 ooo pounds per square inch. Find the thickness of the hoop and the radius to which it should be turned. ART. 144. HOOPED GUNS. A hooped gun should be so constructed that neither the stresses due to hoop shrinkage nor those developed during the firing shall exceed the elastic limit of the material. The sim- ple case of a tube with one hoop can here only be considered. If the radii be given, as also the inner pressure /, due to the explosion, it may be desired to find the shrinkages so that this requirement will be fulfilled. As p l is very large, it is desir- ART. 144. HOOPED GUNS. 325 able that the given dimensions should be such as to require the least amount of material. The condition of minimum amount of material will be in general fulfilled when the stresses during the explosion are as great as allowable and as nearly equal as possible. The dia- gram in Fig. 82 represents the distribution of the internal stresses under this supposition. O is the center of the gun, b FIG. 82. OA the inner radius r l , while AB is the thickness of the tube and BC that of the hoop. The shaded areas show the stresses due to the hoop shrinkage, Aa and Bb being the tangential compressions T l and 7", of the last article, while Bb' is the tan- gential tension 7 1 /, and Cc is the tangential tension at the outer surface of the hoop. When the explosion occurs the two cylinders are thrown into tangential tension, Aa l and Bb v being those at the Inner surfaces of the tube and hoop. The above principle indicates that both Aa t and Bb l should be equal to the maximum allowable unit-stress 7*, which for guns is often taken nearly as high as the elastic limit of the material. In designing a gun the radius of the bore and the thickness of the tube may be assumed, and it may be required to find the thickness and shrinkage of the hoop so that the stresses Aa y Aa l , and Bb l in Fig. 82 are each equal to the elastic limit of the material. Or, given the radius of the bore and the outer 326 STRESSES IN GUNS. CH. XIV. radius of the hoop, it may be required to find the intermediate radius under the same conditions. These problems can be solved as well as more complex ones relating to guns with several hoops. The stresses in guns are greatest near the powder chamber, since the gas expands and its pressure decreases as the pro- jectile moves outward. Hence the hoops increase in number toward the powder chamber, each being shorter than the one beneath it. Guns with seven or more hoops have been built. Wire has been used instead of hoops, but not with good results. The longitudinal stress is mostly borne by the tube if that be attached to the breech block. In this case the longitudinal internal pressure during firing is 7tr*p^ and this divided by n(r* r?) gives the apparent longitudinal unit-stress q. This, however, is decreased by the influence of the tangential and radial pressures. Thus, from Arts. 129 and 138, which is the true longitudinal unit-stress on the tube. When the jacket is attached to the breech block, which is more often the case, it is subject to the inner pressure / from the tube, to the outer pressure /, from the hoop, and it carries the entire longitudinal stress 7tr?p l ; thus T is the longitudinal unit-stress on the jacket. Reference is made to the excellent work of MEIGS and INGERSOLL, The Elastic Strength of Guns (Baltimore, 1885), for a detailed presentation of the formulas and methods used in the United States Navy for the design of guns. The for- mulas used by the Ordnance Bureau of the Army will be ART. 144. HOOPED GUNS. 327 found set forth in a thorough manner in STORY'S Elements of the Elastic Strength of Guns (Fort Monroe, 1894). Prob. 194. Prove that a gun tube with one hoop is most advantageously designed when the common radius of tube and hoop is a mean proportional between the other two radii. (To solve this problem derive an expression for /, in terms of r lf r 9 ,r t , and T e . Then the most advantageous value of r, is that which renders/, a maximum.) 328 PLATES, SPHERES, AND COLUMNS. ClI. XV. CHAPTER XV. PLATES, SPHERES, AND COLUMNS. ART. 145. CIRCULAR PLATES. Let a circular plate of radius r and uniform thickness d be subject on one side to a pressure / on each square unit of area and be supported or fixed around the circumference. The head of a cylinder under the pressure of water or steam is a circular plate in such a condition. The maximum stress caused by the flexure will evidently be at the middle, and this is required to be determined. As the simplest case let the plate be merely supported around the circumference. The total load on the plate being 7tr*p, the total reaction of the support is also nr*p, or the reaction per linear unit is \rp. Now let a strip having the small width b be imagined to be cut out of the plate, so that its central line co- incides with a diameter. The reaction UUIUUUU at each end of this strip is b.^rp, and the j^m T ** : nj jt rp? load on the strip is b.2r.p. The sum of the two reactions being only one half the load, an upward shearing force equal to b.r.p must act along the sides of the strip to maintain the equilibrium. At the center of the circle there can be no shearing stress and the most probable assumption regarding its distribution on the sides of the strip is to take it as varying uniformly from the center to the circumference, as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 83. ART. 145. CIRCULAR PLATES. 329 The strip whose width is b and length 2r is thus a beam acted upon by two vertical reactions, each equal to tyrp, a downward load 2brp y and two vertical shears on the sides each equal to \brp. The bending moment at the middle of this imaginary beam hence is, M \brp . r + \brp . \r brp . \r = \br*p, and the maximum unit-stress on the upper or lower fiber at the middle of the strip is, _ Me _ 6M _ r^ S >~ f = bd'- 2p - gd> if the factor of lateral contraction e be taken at -J, as usual for iron plates (Art. 128). While the numerical coefficients, as deduced by different authors, vary somewhat, it is well established that the unit- stress at the middle of the plate varies directly as its area and the unit-pressure /, and inversely as the thickness of the plate. The strength of a plate as measured by the pressure / that it can carry varies directly as the square of the thickness and in- versely as the area. Prob. 197. Prove that the maximum unit-stress caused by a given uniform load Wis independent of the size of the plate. ART. 148. HOLLOW SPHERES. Hollow spheres are used in certain forms of boilers under inner steam-pressure. The ends of steam and water cylinders are sometimes made hemispherical instead of plane, in order to avoid flexure (Art. 145). If the thickness of the sphere is small compared to its radius, the investigation is simple. Let r be the radius and t the thickness. Let p be the inner press- ure per square unit, and 5 the tensile unit-stress on the an- nulus. Then on any great circle the total pressure is nr'p, and 334 PLATES, SPHERES, AND COLUMNS. CH. XV, this is resisted by the tension 2nrtS in the section of the an nulus. Equating these gives rp = 2/5, or S = 2, which is the formula generally used for thin spheres under inner pressure. But in strictness 5 is the apparent stress, while another equal in intensity acts at right angles to it. Thus from Art. 129 the true stress on the inner surface is which gives the maximum true unit-stress, since that on the outer surface is f S. The usual formula thus errs on the side of safety. The investigation of a thick hollow sphere under inner and outer pressure will be similar to that of the thick cylinder in Art. 138. Let r l be the inner and r t the outer radius, p l and /, being the corresponding pressures per square unit of surface. Fig. 79 of Art. 138 may represent a partial section of the sphere, x being the radius of any elementary annulus where the radial unit-stress is / and the tangential unit-stress is 5. From the symmetry of the sphere it is seen that another stress 5 acts at right angles to the one shown in the figure. Thus an elementary particle at any position in the annulus is held in equilibrium by three principal stresses /, S, and S. The sum of these is regarded as constant throughout the annulus, or is one equation between 5" and /. Now the inner pressure on a great circle whose radius is x is nx?p, and the outer pressure on a great circle whose radius is x-\-dx is n(x -f- dx)\p + dp). The difference of these is equal to the resistance of the elementary annulus, which is Zitxdx.S, or (x + dx)\p + dp) - x*p = *Sxdx\ ART. 148. HOLLOW SPHERES. 335 and this, omitting quantities of the second order, reduces to xdp + 2pdx = 2$dx, which is a second equation between 5 and /. Substituting in the second equation the value of 5 from the first, and integrating, the value of / in terms of x is found, and thus 5 also ; the results are s=c ' + ^' * = c >- 2 i?< in which C 9 is a constant of integration. To find the values of C l and C % > the value of/ becomes /, when x = r lt and /, when x = r % ; thus and these are the formulas for thick hollow spheres deduced by LAME. It is seen that they are analogous to those for thick cylinders, the radii being cubed instead of squared. It is also seen that the formula for 5 is the important one and that its greatest value occurs at the inner surface of the sphere. For the common case of inner pressure, let/ t =o, and make x = r l9 then the greatest tangential stress is .* * <**** which is the common formula for hollow spheres. This gives the apparent tensile unit-stress at the inner surface. The true unit-stress at the inner surface is, by Art. 129, T = S - IS 4- \i> = 2r * "*" T * - ^ ? l r* r' 3 which will usually be found to be less than S,. As an example, let a cylinder 4 inches in inner and 8 inches in outer radius have a hemispherical end with the same radii, 336 PLATES, SPHERES, AND COLUMNS. CH. XV. and be subject to an inner water-pressure of 4000 pounds per square inch. Then the apparent tensile stress on the inner surface of the hemisphere is 256 -4- 64 5, = ^- . 4000 = 2 860 pounds per square inch, while the true tensile stress is i 024 + 64 4 ooo , T.= ~^^ ~ = 2640 pounds per square inch, 512 04 3 which shows that the true value is about 8 per cent less than the apparent. For the cylinder the apparent and true tensile unit-stresses at the inner surface are, from Arts. 138 and 140, _ r ; 4- r' 4r,* + r,S. s '-^ r ^ 7/ " l= '"^^7' which L *ive S l = 6 700 and T t = 7 600 pounds per square inch, so that the true stress is 13 per cent greater than the apparent. If the end of the cylinder be a flat plate of the same thick- ness as the cylinder, or 4 inches, and be fixed around the cir- cumference, the true stress on the outer side is T = -f^ X 4 ooo = 16 ooo pounds per square inch, which is 6 times as great as for the hemisphere, and more than double the greatest stress in the cylinder. The advan- tage of hemispherical ends in reducing the stresses is thus seen to be very great. It may be remarked, in conclusion, that the theory of internal stress in cylinders and spheres is not perfect, for it fails to give the same results for the common surface of junction of a cylinder and hemisphere. Prob. 198. A hollow sphere is to be subject to a steam- pressure of 600 pounds per square inch, its inner radius being 8 inches. Find its thickness so that the greatest stress may be i ooo pounds per square inch. ART. 149. EXPERIMENTS ON COLUMNS. 337 Prob. 199. Investigate the discrepancy between the formu- las for hollow cylinders and hollow spheres for the following numerical case. A hollow cylinder with hollow hemispherical ends, the inner diameters being 8 inches and the outer diameters 12 inches, is subject to an inner water pressure of 2400 pounds per square inch. Compute, by Art. 141 and by this article, the true maximum unit-stress T for the common plane of junction of cylinder and hemisphere. ART. 149. EXPERIMENTS ON COLUMNS. It is impossible to present here even a summary of the many experiments that have been made to determine the laws of re- sistance of columns. The interesting tests made by CHRISTIE in 1883 f r tne Pencoyd Iron Works will however be briefly described on account of their great value and completeness as regards wrought iron struts, embracing angle, tee, beam, and channel sections. See Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, April, 1884. The ends of the struts were arranged in different methods; first flat ends between parallel plates to which the specimen was in no way connected ; second, fixed ends, or ends rigidly clamped ; third, hinged ends, or ends fitted to hemispherical balls and sockets or cylindrical pins ; fourth, round ends, or ends fitted to balls resting on flat plates. The number of experiments was about 300, of which about one-third were upon angles, and one-third upon tees. The quality of the wrought iron was about as follows : elastic limit 32 ooo pounds per square inch. Ultimate tensile strength 49600 pounds per square inch, ultimate elongation 18 per cent in 8 inches. The length of the specimens varied from 6 inches up to 1 6 feet, and the ratio of length to least radius of gyra- tion varied from 20 to 480. Each specimen was placed in a Fairbanks' testing machine of 50 ooo pounds capacity and the power applied by hand through a system of gearing to two 338 PLATES, SPHERES, AND COLUMNS. CH. XV. rigidly parallel plates between which the specimen was placed in a vertical position. The pressure or load was measured on an ordinary scale beam, pivoted on knife edges and carrying a moving weight which registered the pressure automatically. At each increment of 5 ooo pounds, the lateral deflection of the column was measured. The load was increased until failure occurred. The following are the combined average results of these care- Length divided by Least Radius of Gyration. Flat Ends. Fixed Ends. Hinged Ends. Round Ends. 20 46000 46000 46000 44000 40 4000O 40000 40000 36500 60 36000 36000 36000 30500 80 32000 32000 31500 25000 100 29800 30000 28000 20500 1 20 26300 28000 24300 16 500 ,140 23500 25500 21 000 12800 160 20000 23000 16500 95oo 180 16800 20 OOO 12800 7500 200 14500 17500 I0800 6000 220 12 700 15000 8800 5000 240 II 200 13000 7500 4300 260 9800 II OOO 6500 3800 280 8 500 10 000 5700 3200 300 7200 9000 5000 2800 320 6000 8000 4500 2 5OO 540 5 ioo 7000 400O 2 IOO 360 4300 6500 3500 I 9OO 380 3500 5 800 3000 I 700 4 00 3 ooo 5 200 . 2500 I 500 420 2 500 4800 2300 I 300 440 2200 4300 2 IOO 460 2000 3 800 I 900 480 I 900 I 800 ART. 150. EULER'S MODIFIED FORMULA. 339 fully conducted experiments. The first column gives the values of l/r and the other columns the values of P/A, the latter being the ultimate load in pounds per square inch. From the results it will be seen that there is little practical difference between the strength of the four classes when the strut is short. The strength of the long columns with round ends appears to be about 3^ times that of those with round ends. EULER'S formula fairly represents the results of the tests on the long round-ended columns. Taking E = 25 ooo ooo pounds per square inch for wrought iron, and * = 10, Art. 53 g^es, P S -^ = 250000000^,, from which are computed, for l/r 300, 340, 380, 400, P/A = 2800, 2 200, 1700, 1400, while the experiments give the values P/A = 2800, 2100, 1700, 1300. Since EULER'S formula is deduced under the laws of elasticity, it must be concluded that the elastic limit was not exceeded when these long columns failed by lateral flexure. Prob. 200. Plot the above experiments on round-ended columns, taking P/A as abscissa and l/r as ordinate. Also plot on the same sheet EULER'S curve and the straight line given by T. H. JOHNSON'S formula. ART. 150. EULER'S MODIFIED FORMULA. EULER'S formula for columns expresses the condition of indifferent equilibrium or that state which borders between stable and unstable equilibrium. In all cases of indifferent equilibrium slight causes produce marked effects, and hence it seems important to inquire whether EULER'S formula, as 340 PLATES, SPHERES, AND COLUMNS. CH. XV. given in Art. 53, represents the exact relation between P/A and l/r. It will be apparent on reflection that, while the formula contains but one length /, there are really three different lengths that should be taken into consideration. Let / represent the length of the straight column in its un- strained state, /, the length of the straight column after com- pression by the unit-stress P/A, and / 8 the chord of the deflected curve after lateral bending. Referring now to formula (5) of Art. 33, it is seen that this does not include the effect of the longitudinal compression P/A. To introduce this let 5 be the total unit-stress pro- duced by both flexure and compression ; then in the demon- stration the first four formulas will be thus modified : dl .* S ~ P ' A E S^P/A M di,~\> ~7~ ~ R' c ~ r and from these there results, dx*~ Eldl, "~ Ell? which is the correct differential equation of the elastic curve for a body under combined flexure and compression. Passing now to EULER'S deduction in Art. 53, Mis replaced by Py, and the equation of the elastic curve for a round- ended column is A ' y----A sin Here y = o when x = 7 9 ; hence by the same reasoning as before, P=n>EI or 5=*'^ is the exact condition for the state of indifferent equilibrium. To complete the investigation /, and / a are to be expressed in terms of /. Now / /, is the deformation due to the longitudinal compression P/A, and hence from the fundamen- ART. 150. EULER'S MODIFIED FORMULA. 341 tal definition of the coefficient of elasticity (Art. 4), which gives the length of the straight column after longitu- dinal compression. To find /, it is plain that /, /, is the fall of the end of the column due to the lateral flexure and that P(/ t /,) is the work done in this fall. This external work must equal the internal work of the flexural stresses. From Art. 109, JT s_ _ _ '' ~~ 2EI ~~ 2EI s and integrating this between the limits x = o and x = /, , the internal work K is found to be P*d*lJ^EI. Thus, equating the two works, and from this, in connection with the above value of /, , i-P/AE , ~ i P4'Ar** which gives the length of the chord of the deflected curve. The quantities P/AE and PA*/^Ar* are small in comparison with unity, and hence their squares and their product may be neglected; also the reciprocal of I P/AE may be taken as i -f- P/AE. Introducing the values of /, and /, into the above expression for P it reduces to P -r* P P and since n*Er*/l* is a close approximation to the value of P/A it may replace the latter in the parenthesis, giving finally P which is EULER'S modifie'd formula for round-ended columns, By writing 2\n* instead of nr a it applies to a column with one 342 PLATES, SPHERES, AND COLUMNS. CH. XV. end round and the other fixed, and by writing 4^ a instead of 7r a it applies to a column with both ends fixed. A modification of EULER'S formula by use of the / t and / was given by WlNCKLER in 1867, by GRASHOF in 1878, and by PRICHARD in 1897 (see Engineering News, May 6, 1897). The formula as given by them can be obtained from the above by making / 2 = /, or by making A = o. Since the quantities TrV 2 // 2 and ifA/T are small compared with unity, EULER'S modified formula gives numerical results but little larger than the usual ones. It shows, however, that P really increases slightly as A increases, and that hence A is in strict- ness not wholly indeterminate, as the common theory teaches. Prob. 201. Show that the fall of the load P, due to direct compression of the column, equals the fall due to the lateral flexure when A = 2r. ART. 151. THE DEFLECTION OF COLUMNS. An ideal column always remains straight under the action of an axial load W, provided that this load is less than the value of P given by EULER'S formula. If a slight lateral force be applied it will deflect, recovering its straight condi- tion, however, as soon as this force is removed. Under the action of such a slight lateral force there is a definite relation between the deflection A and the maximum unit-stress 5 on the concave side. This relation, as given by Art. 55, is s and it shows that 5 increases with A. Now if ^becomes so great that the column does not spring back, but remains in indifferent equilibrium, its value is the P given by EULER'S formula, and SI' Here 5 is indeterminate, and the column may remain in in- ART. 151. DEFLECTION OF COLUMNS. 343 different equilibrium with many different values of A. How- ever, if A be so great that 5 becomes equal to the elastic limit S e , failure at once follows, and hence the greatest possi- ble deflection is found by using S e for 5 in the last equation. When a steadily increasing load W is applied to an actual column it may, on account of being non-homogeneous or not perfectly straight, begin to bend without the application of any lateral force long before W reaches the value P given by EULER'S formula. Suppose, for instance, that the column is slightly crooked so that it has an initial deflection 6. The actual deflection A will now be measured, not from the axis of ordinates, but from the original position of the axis of the column. Then for an ideal column with the deflection A the bending moment is PA, while for the actual column the bend- ing moment is W(d + J), and equating these there is found, W * = pW*< Thus here the actual deflection increases with W, and no in- determinateness occurs. This case in fact is closely analogous with that of a column when the load is eccentric with respect to the axis, the deflection A being always perfectly determi- nate (Art. 62). Even if d be very small A may become a considerable quantity, and as it increases the unit-stress 5 also increases, failure being practically complete as soon as .S reaches the elastic limit. These conclusions, it will be seen, are essentially the same as those already derived in Art. 62. For a detailed discussion of columns based on these considerations see an article by MONTCRIEFF in Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers for March, 1900, or in its Transactions, Vol. XLIII, 1900. 344 APPENDIX. APPENDIX. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR TESTING MATERIALS. In 1882 a number of German professors of engineering met at Munich and discussed the question as to how uniformity in the methods of testing materials might be promoted. Formal conferences were held in other German cities in 1884, 1886, 1888, and 1893, at which engineers frpm other Europ'ean countries were present. The reports of these conferences attracted wide attention and the movement assumed an international character. , In 1895 the fifth conference met at Zurich, all European countries, except Turkey, being represented, as also the United States. At this meeting the International Associa- tion for Testing Materials was formally organized, its object being " the development and unification of standard methods of testing for the determination of the properties of materials of construction and of other materials, and also the perfection of apparatus for that purpose." This may be called the first congress of the Association. The second congress met at Stockholm in 1897, there being present 361 members, repre- senting eighteen countries. The third congress was intended to be held at Paris in 1900, but this was omitted on account of the Exposition Congress on the same subject which had been organized by the French government. In 1899 the total number of members of the International Association was about I 700, of which 393 are credited to Russia, 384 to Germany, 213 to Austria, 140 to the United States, 87 to England, 82 to Switzerland, 77 to France, 60 to Sweden, 42 to Holland, 41 to Norway, and the remainder to twelve other countries. VELOCITY OF STRESS. 345 The official organ of the Association is the journal Bau- materialienkunde, published semi-monthly at Stuttgart, Ger- many. The American Section of the Association, organized in 1898, publishes occasional Bulletins containing its papers and proceedings. Bulletin No. 4, published in September, 1899, contains an address on the work of the Association by the Chairman of the American Section, delivered at the sec- ond annual meeting of the Section, in which may be found detailed information regarding the work and plans of the Association. Bulletin No. 5 contains a valuable report on the present state of knowledge regarding impact and impact tests. The technical work of the Association is done by Interna- tional Committees which study definite problems and make reports on them to the congresses. At the congress to be held in 1901 or 1902 it is expected that many of these committees will make valuable reports. The report of the American branch of the Committee on International Specifications for Testing Iron and Steel may be found in Bulletins Nos. 8-18 of the American Section, issued in May, 1900. These are accompanied by tables showing the requirements of American manufacturers and consumers regarding the chemical compo- sition and physical properties of wrought iron and various grades of steel, and they also contain standard specifications proposed by the Committee. VELOCITY OF STRESS. When an external force is suddenly applied to a body the stresses produced are not instantaneously generated, but are propagated by a wave-like motion through the mass. Hence there is a velocity of transmission of stress which wiL be shown to depend upon the stiffness and density of the mate- rial. In fact, a sudden stress is propagated through a body in the same manner as sound is propagated through the air. 346 APPENDIX. Let v be the velocity with which stress is transmitted in a body whose coefficient of elasticity is E, and whose weight per cubic unit is w at a place where the acceleration of gravity is g. It is required to find v in terms of E, w y and g. If F be a force which acting continuously for one second produces the velocity #, and if a body of the weight W ac- quires under the action of gravity the velocity^ in one second, then the forces are proportional to the accelerations that they produce, or # Fg = Wu, whence F = W, o which is one of the well-known formulas of mechanics. Now let a unit-stress 5 be applied to the end of a bar, pro- ducing the unit-elongation s upon the first element of its length. The elongation of the first element transmits the stress to the second element, and this in turn produces an elongation of the second element, and so on. At the end of one second of time the length v is stressed, and the total elongation in that length will be sv. Thus in one second the center of gravity of the bar is moved the distance %sv, and its velocity u at the end of the second is sv. Now referring to the formula Fg = Wu, the value of F is S, which is equal to Es, the value of W is wv, since the cross-section considered is unity, and hence Esg = wv . sv, whence v = which is the formula for the velocity of wave propagation in elastic media first deduced by NEWTON. Taking for E and w their mean values given in Art. 80, and also g as 32.16 feet per second per second, since the unit-weights w are given for the surface of the earth, the mean values of the velocity of transmission of stress for different materials are found to be as follows : ADVANCED PROBLEMS. 347 For timber, v = 13 200 feet per second, For stone, v = 13 200 feet per second, For cast iron, v = 12 400 feet per second, For wrought iron, v = 15 500 feet per second, For steel, v = 17 200 feet per second. In making this computation E must be taken in pounds per square foot, since both w and g are expressed in terms of feet. The velocity of sound, light, and all wave propagations in elastic media is given by the above formula for v. The ratio of w to g is a constant for the same material at any point in space, and it expresses the density, while E is an index of stiff- ness. The ether that transmits waves of light must be lighter than air and stiffer than steel, in order that v may be the high value found by observation. Prob. 203. What time is required for sound to travel a dis- tance of 5 miles in water, the linear unit-compression for water being 0.00005 ? ADVANCED PROBLEMS. Many questions relating to flexure and torsion have not been treated in the preceding pages, as their discussion prop- erly belongs to special works on special branches of applied mechanics. A few of these are here noted as advanced exer- cises that may be assigned by teachers as prize problems. Prob. 204. Prove that the maximum bending moment caused by two equal loads rolling over a simple beam occurs at the section distant a from the middle, a being the distance be- tween the two loads. Prob. 205. Prove that the maximum bending moment at a given section in a simple beam, due to a given system of mov- ing loads, occurs when the sum of those on the left of the sec- tion divided by the distance of the section from the left end equals the total load divided by the length of the span. 348 APPENDIX. Prob. 206. Prove that the maximum maximorum bending moment in a simple beam, due to a given system of moving loads, occurs at a section so located that the distance between it and the center of gravity of the loads is bisected by the middle of the span. Prob. 207. Let a helical spring consist of round wire, let r be the radius of the coil, d the diameter of the wire, and P the tensile and compressive load upon the spring. Show that i6Pr S ~'-~^d* is the shearing or torsional unit-stress in the wire. Prob. 208. The data being the same as in the last problem, and n being the number of coils, show that is the elongation or compression of the spring. Prob. 209. A simple beam of given rectangular cross-section carries a load of w pounds per linear unit in addition to its own weight. If 5 be the allowable working stress show that the greatest possible length of the beam is /= - - s * + bdu) ' where u is the weight of a cubic unit of the material, b is the breadth and d the depth of the beam. Prob. 210. If the flanges of an I beam be considered to carry all the bending moment and the web all the vertical shear, show that the most advantageous proportions are such that the cross-section of the flanges equals the cross-section of the web. Prob. 211. If y be the elongation of a spring or bar under longitudinal impact, prove that is the time of one oscillation. ADVANCED PROBLEMS. 349 Prob. 212. Show that the percentage of weight saved by using a hollow instead of a solid shaft is -TTT if tnev are made of equal resilience, n being the ratio of the outer to the inner diameter of the hollow section. Prob. 213. Show, for a shaft of square cross-section, that the formulas for investigation and design are S t =26 7S oo^-,, d-- in which the letters have the same meaning as in Art. 68. Prob. 214. A load P is supported by three strings of equal size lying in the same vertical plane. The middle string is vertical and each of the others makes an angle with it. If S be the stress on the middle string and 5, the stress on each of the others, show that 5 - P S - P COS> " I + 2 COS' ' l ~ I -f- 2 COS' P (Note : To solve this problem the condition must be intro- duced that the internal work of all the stresses is a minimum.) Prob. 215. A load P is supported by three strings of equal size lying in the same plane. The middle string is vertical, one string makes with it the angle 6 on one side, and the second string makes with it the angle on the other side. Find the stresses in the strings. Prob. 216. A circular ring of radius R is pulled in the direc- tion of a diameter by two tensile forces each equal to P. Show that the maximum bending moment is at the section where P is applied, and that its value is M- PR * in which r is the radius of gyration of the cross-section of the ring. Deduce also an expression for the maximum negative bending moment. Prob. 217. A continuous beam of five equal spans has a load 350 APPENDIX. P on the second span at a distance kl from the second support. Show that the reaction of the first support is and that the reaction of the second support is J?, = ^(209 - 45^ - 38i Prob. 218. Discuss the formula tan20=//2z/ in Art. 75 and show that it represents two sets of shear curves, each being at right angles to the other. Draw the two sets of curves for the case of a simple beam of rectangular cross- section. Prob. 219. A beam of two equal spans has a joint at the middle of the first span so that the moment there is always zero. Find the reactions due to a load P on the first span ; (a) when k is less than ; (b) when k is greater than \. Draw for each case the diagrams of shears and moments. Prob. 220. A cantilever bridge has three spans, the length of each end span being / and that of the middle span m. The middle span has two joints, the distance of each from the nearest support being n. Find the reactions at the supports ; (a) when the load P is on an end span ; (b) when it is on the middle span between a pier and the nearest joint ; (c) when it is on the middle span between the two joints. Prob. 221. A beam is fixed at the ends A and C, and loaded at B with a load P ; the end C, however, being free to deflect, while B and C are kept on the same level. Show that the re- actions at A and C are 4* -3* R __ P fr-sr * - p ~^Jt' R '- P -J=W in which k represents the ratio of BC to AC. Prob. 222. A continuous beam of three spans has each end span of length / and the middle span of length /. Find the reactions due to a load P in an end span. ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS. 35 l ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS. Below will be found the answers to about nine-tenths of the problems stated in the preceding pages, the number of the problem being in parenthesis and the answer immediately fol- lowing. It has been thought well that some answers should be omitted in order that the student may struggle with them to ascertain the truth, according to his best knowledge of the subject, rather than to make his numerical results agree with given figures. However satisfactory it may be to the student to know the result of an exercise he is to. solve, let him remem- ber that after commencement day the answers to problems will never be given. The unit-stresses to be employed in solutions will be, unless otherwise stated in the problem, uniformly taken from the tables given in the text and in Art. 80. Considering the great variation in these data it has not been thought best to carry the numerical answers to more than three significant figures, but in making the solution four significant figures should be retained through the work in order that the third may be correct in the final result. Chapter I. ( A ) 7.2, 7.06, and 86.4 square inches. (2) 173, 34.7, and 4.44 pounds. (3) 55 100 pounds per square inch. (4) 44700 pounds. (5) 165000 pounds. (6) 0.15 inches (7) 26250000 pounds per square inch. (8) 0.004 inches. (9) About 4^ inches X 4i inches. (10) 0.065 and 0.108 inches. ', (12) 0.00153 inches. (13) 52900 pounds per square inch. (14) 849 pounds per square inch. (15) About 1} inches in di ameter. (16) 9 for AB and 23 for BC. Chapter II. (17) 0.88 inches if/= 15. (18) I 170 pounds per square inch. (19) 2 500 pounds per square inch. (20) I 620 pounds per square inch. (22) 2| inches. (23) 57 per cent ; /= 7.7. (24) 3^ inches; about 0.72. (25) 0.0032 inches. 352 APPENDIX. Chapter III. (27) 2\ inches. (29) 998 and 742 pounds. (3) + 800, + * 60, and 180 at I, 3, and 5 feet from left end. (31) 10, 40, 90, 40, 10 pound-feet. (33) Y= 140 and X = 242 pounds. (34) 2700 pounds. (35) X Z 375 pounds. (36) About 28. (37) 4.20 inches. (38) c 1.714 inches, 7= 7.39 inches 4 . (39) -fabd* and %bd\ (41) At 5.37 feet from left end ; M= 689 pound-feet. (42) No. (43) The bar will break. (44) 294 pounds per linear foot. (45) About 6000 pounds. (47) 8.87 inches. (48) 0.0178 inches. (49) About 610 pounds. (51) Ultimate strengths about as 4 to I, while working strengths for a steady load are about as 3.7 to i. (52) 3.0 and 1.5. (53) 6 feet, 5 inches. (54) The beam will break. (56) 5=5610 and S' = 3 170 pounds per square inch. (57) 209 inches, 418 inches, and oo. (58) 0.622 inches. (59) J 4 5 o pounds per square inch. (62) As 8 to 3 ; as 64 7 72 to 9. (63) 7^ inches. (64) 0.243 inches. (65) x 6 ooo p for the first case ; the shear at supports is independent of x. (68) 0.72 inches. Chapter IV. (69) The diagrams should always be drawn on cross-section paper. (70) R i = 290. (72) =0.366, and =0.577. (73) /= 2.828 m. (74) Max. positive M= 120 pound-feet. (76) A light 1 5-inch beam ; a heavy 12-inch beam. (78) 0.0269 inches. (80) R^ R. = -&wl\ R, = R 9 = \\wl. (81) o 25' 47". (83) - = 7.2 which requires the light 6-inch beam. (84) -fowl. (86) n =0.6095. Chapter V. (88) 9.42 inches. (89) 2 inches. (90) 205 ooo pounds. (92) 69.7 tons. (93) 5.05 inches. (95) r = 0.86 inches. (96) if. (97) 2.35 and 24. (98) 168 ooo pounds. (99) 23 ooo pounds. (100) 13^ and i6f inches square. (104) Draw Fig. 48 so as to make bq = O', then state the equation of moments and reduce it by the relation between the similar triangles. ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS. 353 Chapter VI. (106) 30 pounds. (107) 105 degrees. (108) 720, 270, and 290 pound-inches. (109) I 876 pounds per square inch. (no) /= 0.0361^* and <:= 0.577^. (in) J = 23.6 and =3. 41. (112) I 680 pounds, (i 13) 9 380000 pounds per square inch, (i 14) 65 horse-power. (115)9.7. (116)2.65 and 3.58 inches. (118)6500. ( 1 19) As V^n to 3. ( 1 20) As 100 to 1 06. Chapter VII. (122) 3720 pounds per square inch. v I2 3) 8 100 pounds per square inch. (124) The light 9-inch beam. (125) Nearly 8 inches. (126) 9 inches. (127) / = 9 420, - 54 13'; S== 7160, 0-9 13'. (129) 5.4. (130) 2j inches. (131) S = 5 660 and S s = 205 pounds per square inch. (132) At 3 inches from neutral surface S = 2OOO, S k = 250, and / = 2 030 pounds per square inch. Chapter IX. (139) Theoretic stress is 3.3 per cent and theoretic elongation is 3.5 per cent greater than the observed values. (140) 1.34 horse-power. (141) 122 foot-pounds. (142) For the second case K= S*Al/\$E if section is rect- angular. Chapter X. (144) 7 500 feet and 3.75 feet. (145) log x wbl lg b + -4343 p-y- (146) About 101 feet per second. (148) Nearly 28000 pounds per square inch. (149) 64 rollers 2 inches in diameter, or 7 rollers 6 inches in diameter. (150) 6. (151) 1 1 500 pounds per square inch. Chapter XI. (152) For uniform load M = \wx* and K = W*l*/4pEI. (153) Deflection = T \th of that for load at middle. (154)^ = o. 1 74 inches, 5 4030 pounds per square inch. (157) 1420 pounds, (158) About 1.4 inches. (160) Over 600 miles per hour. (161) W t l/2^E s A. (166) See Higher Mathematics,' Chap. IV, Art. 36. Chapter XII. (167) (6000) *( 2 ooo) = 4000. (168) About 12 horse-power. (170) , = 9380000, then find e 354 APPENDIX. from formula (25). (171) As 2 to 3. (172) As 100 to 307. (173) 8 bolts. (174) 2 T V inches. (175) Bearing unit-stress i 880 pounds per square inch. (176) Shear is uniform through- out, while moment is zero at middle. Chapter XIII. (178) 0.042 and 0.014 per cent. (181) S6I9' with axis of bolt. (183) See Theory of Equations in Algebra. (184) Greatest tension = 36.3, compression = 87.1 pounds per square inch. (185) Apparent = 53.7, true = 61.7 pounds per square inch. (186) 54 44' with greater and 3 5 46' with lesser stress. (187) Maximum true compression = 12900 pounds per square inch, or 27 per cent more than the apparent. Chapter XIV. (188) Make r l = o. (189) 18000 pounds per square inch. (190) 54000 pounds per square inch. (191) 15900 pounds per square inch. (192) 15000 pounds per square inch. (194) Deduce an expression for p v in terms of the given radii and S e ; then find the value of r 9 which renders p l a maximum. Chapter XV. (195) See the books mentioned in Art. 127. (196) About 50 pounds per square inch with factor of 10. (198) Thickness = 1.6 inches. (201) See the demonstrations in Arts. 55 and 108. Appendix. (202) See Railroad Gazette, June 7, 1895. (205) See Roofs and Bridges, Part I. (217) See London Philosoph- ical Magazine, September, 1875. (218) See Engineering News, August I, 1895. (221) See article by J. L. GREENLEAF in Journal of Franklin Institute for July, 1895. ^DESCRIPTION OF TABLES. Tables I, II, III, and IV, in Art. 80 (pages 163 and 164) give mean constants of the elasticity and strength of the prin- cipal materials used in engineering. Other tables, not num- bered, are noted in the Table of Contents (page ix). DESCRIPTION OF TABLES. 355 Table V, on the next two pages, gives four-place logarithms of numbers which will be found very useful and sufficiently accurate for all computations in the mechanics of materials. Table VI gives four-place squares of numbers from i.oo to 9.99, the arrangement being the same as that of the logarithmic table. By properly moving the decimal point four-place squares of other numbers may also be taken out. For example, the square of 0.874 is 0.7639, that of 87.4 is 7*639, and that of 874 is 763 900, correct to four significant figures. Table VII gives four-place areas of circles for diameters ranging from i.oo to 9.99, arranged in the same manner. By properly moving the decimal point four-place areas for all circles maybe found. For instance, if the diameter is 4.175 inches, the area is 13.69 square inches; if the diameter is 0.535 inches the area is 0.2248 square inches ; if the diameter is 12.3 feet, the area is 116.9 square feet, all correct to four significant figures. Table VIII gives weights per linear foot of wrought-iron bars both square and round, the side of the square or the diameter of the circle ranging from -J to lof inches. Approximate weights of bars of other materials may be derived from this table by the following rules : For timber, divide by 12; For brick, divide by 4 ; For stone, divide by 3 ; For cast iron, subtract 6 per cent ; For steel, add 2 per cent. For example, a cast-iron bar 6 inches square and 8 feet long weighs 8(157.6 0.06 X 157.6) = I 185 pounds. In like man- ner a steel bar 2 T 3 T inches in diameter and 4 feet 9 inches in length weighs 44(12.53 +0.02 X 12.53) = 57'9 pounds. 356 APPENDIX TABLE V. COMMON LOGARITHMS. n 01234 56789 Diff. IO oooo 0043 0086 0128 0170 0212 0253 0294 0334 0374 42 ii 0414 0453 0492 0531 0569 0607 0645 0682 0719 0755 38 12 0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 IO 38 1072 1106 35 14 1139 1173 1206 1239 1271 1461 1492 1523 1553 1584 !33 T 335 !3 6 7 1399 '43 1614 1644 1673 J 7Q3 1732 32 3 15 1761 1790 .1818 1847 J 875 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 28 16 2O4I 2O68 2095 2122 2148 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 27 17 2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 2 5 18 2 553 2577 266l 2625 2648 2672 2695 27*8 2742 2765 24 T 9 2788 28lO 2833 2856 2878 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 22 20 3010 3032 3054 3075 3096 3 IlS 3139 3 J 6o 3181 3201 21 21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 33 6 5 3385 3404 2O 22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 354i 35 60 3579 3598 19 2 3 3617 3636 3655 3674 3692 37ii 3729 3747 3766 3784 18 24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 18 25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 17 26 4150 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 17 27 4314 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 4456 16 28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 15 2 9 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 '5 30 4771 .4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 14 4914 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 5011 5024 5038 14 32 5051 5065 5079 5092 5105 5119 5132 5145 5159 5172 13 33 5185 5198 5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5289 5302 13 34 53*5 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 5391 5403 5416 5428 13 35 544i 5453 5465 5478 5490 5502 5514 5527 5539 555 1 12 36 5563 5575 5587 5599 5^n 5 6 23 5635 5 6 47 5658 5670 12 37 5682 5694 5705 5717 5729 5740 575 2 5763 5775 5786 12 38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5888 5899 II 39 5911 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 II 40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 II 4 1 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 II 42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294 6304 6314 6325 IO 43 44 6335 6 345 6355 6365 6375 6435 6444 6454 6464 6474 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 6484 6493 6 53 6 5 r 3 6522 10 IO ^!5 6532 6542 6551 6561 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 10 46 6628 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 9 47 6721 6730 6739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 9 48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6893 9 49 6902 6911 6920 6928 6937 6946 69^5 6964 6972 6981 9 5 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 7033 7042 7050 7059 7067 9 7076 7084 7093 7101 7110 7118 7126 7135 7143 7152 8 5 2 7160 7168 7177 7185 7193 7202 7210 7218 7226 7235 8 53 7243 7251 7 2 59 7267 7275 7284 7292 7300 7308 7316 8 54 73 2 4 7332 7340 7348 735 6 7364 7372 7380 7388 7396 8 n 01234 56789 Diff. COMMON LOGARITHMS. 357 TABLE V. COMMON LOGARITHMS. n 01234 56789 Diff. 55 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7443 7451 7459 7466 7474 8 56 7482 7490 7497 755 75 '3 7559 7566 7574 7 582 75 8 9 7634 7642 7649 7657 7664 7520 7528 7536 7543 7551 7597 7604 7612 7619 7627 7672 7679 7686 7694 7701 59 7709 7716 7723 7731 7738 7745 775 2 776o 7767 7774 60 61 7782 7789 7796 7803 7810 7853 7860 7868 7875 7882 7818 7825 7832 7839 7846 7889 7896 7903 7910 7917 7 62 79 2 4 793 1 7938 7945 795 2 7959 7966 7973 798o 7987 63 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 7 66 8195 8202 8209 8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 67 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 68 832? 8331 8338 8344 8351 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 6 7 r 8513 8519 8525 8531 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561 8567 72 73 8573 8579 8585 8591 8597 8633 8639 8645 8651 8657 8603 8609 8615 8621 8627 8663 8669 8675 8681 8686 74 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 75 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 6 76 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 77 8865 8871 8876 8882 8887 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 78 79 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 9004 9009 9015 9020 9025 80 9031 9036 9042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 5 81 82 9085 9090 9096 9101 9106 9i3 9M3 9M9 9 T 54 9'59 9112 9117 9122 9128 9 r 33 9165 9170 9175 9180 9186 83 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 85 9294 9299 9304 9309 9315 9320 9325 9310 9375 9340 5 86 9345 9350 9355 936o 9365 9370 9375 938o 93 g 5 9390 87 9395 94oo 9405 94:0 9415 9420 9425 9430 9435 9440 88 9445 9450 9455 946 > 9465 9469 9474 9479 9484 9489 89 9494 9499 954 959 95 ' 3 95 l8 9523 9528 9533 953 s 90 9542 9547 9552 9557 9562 9566 9571 9576 9581 9586 5 91 9590 9595 96oo 9605 9609 9614 9619 9624 9628 9633 92 9638 9643 9647 9652 9657 9661 9666 9671 9675 9680 93 9685 9689 9694 9699 9703 9708 9713 9717 9722 9727 94 973 i 9736 9741 9745 975 9754 9759 9763 9768 9773 95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 9800 9805 9809 9814 9818 4 96 9823 9827 9832 9836 9841 9845 9850 9854 9859 9863 97 9868 9872 9877 9881 9886 9890 9894 9899 9907 9908 98 9912 9917 9921 9926 9930 9934 9939 9943 994 995 2 99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 9978 9983 9987 9991 9996 n 01234 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 358 APPENDIX. TABLE VI. SQUARES OF NUMBERS. 7Z. 01234 56789 Diff. .O 1.020 1.040 1.061 1.082 1.103 I - I2 4 I - I 45 1.166 i.iSS 22 .1 1.210 1.232 1.254 1.277 I -3 1.323 1.346 1.369 1.392 1.416 24 .2 1.440 1.464 1.488 1.513 1.538 1.563 1.588 1.613 1.638 1.664 26 3 1.690 1.716 1.742 1.769 1.796 1.823 1.850 1.877 1.904 1.932 28 -4 1.960 1.988 2.016 2.045 2.074 2.IO3 2.132 2.l6l 2.I9O 2.22O 3 i 2.250 2.280 2.310 2.341 2.372 2.560 2.592 2.624 2.657 2.690 2.403 2.434 2.465 2.496 2.528 2.723 2.756 2.789 2.822 2.856 32 34 7 2.890 2.924 2.958 2.993 3- 02 8 3.063 3.098 3.133 3.168 3.204 36 1.8 3.240 3.276 3.312 3.349 3.386 3.423 3.460 3.497 3.534 3.572 1.9 3.610 3.648 3.686 3.725 3.764 3.803 3.842 3.881 3.920 3.960 40 2.O 4.000 4.040 4.080 4.121 4.162 4.203 4.244 4.285 4.326 4.368 42 2.1 4.410 4.452 4.494 4.537 4.580 4.623 4.666 4.709 4.752 4.796 44 2.2 4.840 4.884 4.928 4.973 5.018 5.063 5.108 5.153 5.198 5.244 46 2-3 2.4 5-290 5-336 5.382 5.429 5.476 5.760 5.808 5.856 5.905 5.954 5-523 5-570 5.617 5.664 5.712 6.003 6.052 6. i oi 6.150 6.200 4 8 5 2 -5 6.250 6.300 6.350 6.401 6.452 6.503 6.554 6.605 6.656 6.708 52 2.6 6.760 6.8 1 2 6.864 6.917 6.970 7.023 7.076 7.129 7.182 7.236 54 2.7 7-290 7-344 7-398 7-453 7-5 8 7.563 7.618 7.673 7.728 7.784 56 2.8 7.840 7.896 7.952 8.009 8.066 8.123 8.180 8.237 8.294 8.352 2.9 8.410 8.468 8.526 8.585 8.644 8.703 8.762 8.821 8.880 8.940 60 3- 9.000 9.060 9.120 9.181 9.242 9-303 9-3 6 4 9-425 9-4S6 9.548 62 3.1 9.610 9.672 9.734 9.797 9.860 9.923 9.986 10.05 I0 - ir IO - T 8 6 3-2 10.24 10.30 10.37 10.43 IO -5 10.56 10.63 10.69 10.76 10.82 7 3-3 10.89 10.96 11.02 11.09 ii-i6 11.22 11.29 IT -36 1142 11.49 7 34 11.56 11.63 II -7 JI -7 ^1-83 11.90 11.97 12.04 I2 .II 12. l8 7 3-5 12.25 12.32 12.39 12.46 12.53 1 2.60 12.67 I2 74 12.82 12.89 7 3-6 12.96 13-03 13.10 13.18 13.25 !3-3 2 1340 1347 13-54 13-62 7 3-7 13.69 13.76 13.84 13.91 13.99 14.06 14.14 14.21 14.29 14.36 8 3-8 14.44 M-S 2 H-59 M-67 14-75 14.82 14.90 14.98 15.05 15.13 8 3-9 15.21 15.29 15.37 15.44 15.52 15.60 15.68 15.76 15.84 15.92 8 4.0 16.00 16.08 16.16 16.24 16.32 16.40 16.48 16.56 16.65 J 6-73 8 4.1 16.81 16.89 J 6-97 17.06 17.14 17.22 17.31 17.39 17.47 17-56 8 4.2 17.64 17.72 17.81 17.89 17.98 1 8.06 18.15 18.23 l8 -3 2 18.40 9 4-3 18.49 18.58 18.66 18.75 l8 - 8 4 18.92 19.01 19.10 19.18 19.27 9 44 19.36 19.45 19.54 19.62 19.71 19.80 19.89 19.98 20.07 20.16 9 4-5 20.25 20.34 20.43 20.52 20.61 20.70 20.79 20.88 20.98 21.07 9 4.6 21. 16 21.25 21.34 21.44 21.53 21.62 21.72 21.81 21.90 22.00 9 4-7 22.09 22.18 22.28 22.37 22.47 22.56 22.66 22.75 22.85 22.94 10 4.8 23.04 23.14 23.23 23.33 23.43 23.52 23.62 23.72 23.81 23.91 IO 4-9 24.01 24.11 24.21 24.30 24.40 24.50 24.60 24.70 24.80 24.90 IO 5-o 5- 1 25.00 25.10 25.20 25.30 25.40 26.01 26.11 26.21 26.32 26.42 25.50 25.60 25.70 25.81 25.91 26.52 26.63 26.73 26.83 26.94 IO IO 5-2 27.04 27.14 27.25 27.35 27.46 27.56 27.67 27.77 27.88 27.98 II 5-3 28.09 28.20 28.30 28.41 28.52 28.62 28.73 28.84 28.94 29.05 II 5-4 29.16 29.27 29.38 29.48 29.59 29.70 29.81 29.92 30.03 30.14 II n. 01234 56789 Diff. SQUARES OF NUMBERS. 359 TABLE VI. SQUARES OF NUMBERS n. 01234 56789 Diff. 5-5 30.25 30.36 30.47 30.58 30.69 30.80 30.91 31.02 31.14 31.25 I! 5.6 31.36 31.47 31.58 31.70 31.81 31.92 32.04 32.15 32.26 32.38 II 5-7 32.49 32.60 32.72 32.83 32.95 33.06 33.18 33.29 33.41 33.52 5.8 33.64 33.76 33.87 33.99 34. rr 34.22 34.34 34.46 34.57 34.69 5-9 34-8i 34.93 35.05 35.16 35.28 35-40 35.52 35.64 35.76 35.88 6.0 36.00 36.12 36.24 36.36 36.48 36.60 36.72 36.84 36.97 37.09 6.1 37-21 37.33 37.45 37.38 37.70 37.82 37.95 38.07 38.19 38.32 6.2 38.44 38.56 38.69 38.81 38.94 39.06 39.19 39.31 39.44 39.56 13 6-3 39-69 39-82 39.94 40.07 40.20 40.32 40.45 40.38 40.70 40.83 13 6.4 40.96 41.09 41.22 41.34 41.47 41.60 41.73 41.86 41.99 42.12 U 6-5 6.6 42.25 42.38 42.51 42.64 42.77 43-56 43-69 43-82 43-96 44-09 42.90 43-03 43- '6 43-3 43-43 44.22 44.36 44.49 44.62 44.76 13 U 6.7 44.89 45.02 45.16 45.29 45.43 45.56 45.70 45- 8 3 45-97 46.10 U 6.8 46.24 46.38 46.51 46.65 46.79 4692 47.06 47.20 47.33 47.47 14 6.9 47.61 47.75 47-89 48.02 48.16 48.30 48.44 48.58 48.72 48.86 14 70 49.00 49.14 49.28 49.42 49.56 49.70 49.84 49.98 50.13 5027 U 7- 1 50.41 50.55 50.69 50.84 50.98 51.12 51.27 51.41 51.55 51.70 M 7.2 51.84 51.98 52.13 52.27 52.42 52.56 52.71 52.85 53.00 53.14 15 7-3 53-29 53-44 53-58 53.73 53.88 54.02 54.17 54.32 54.46 54.61 15 7-4 54.76 54-91 55-o6 55- 2 o 55.35 55-50 55.65 55.80 55.95 56.10 15 # ft 56.25 56.40 56.55 56.70 56.85 57-76 57.91 58.06 58.22 58.37 59.29 59.44 59.60 59.75 59.91 60.84 61.00 61.15 61.31 61.47 C7.oo 57.15 57.30 57.46 57.61 58.52 58.68 58.83 58.98 59.14 60.06 60.22 60.37 60.53 60.68 61.62 61.78 61.94 62.09 62.25 IS 15 1 6 16 79 . 62.41 62.57 62.73 62.88 63.04 63.20 63.36 63.52 63.68 63.84 16 8.0 8.1 64.00 64.16 64.32 64.48 64.64 65.61 65.77 65.93 66. 10 66.26 64.80 64.96 65.12 65.29 65.45 66.42 66.59 66.75 66.91 67.08 16 16 8.2 67.24 67.40 67.57 6773 67.90 68.06 68.23 68.39 68.56 68.72 17 8-3 68.89 69.06 69.22 69.39 69.56 69.72 69.89 70.06 70.22 70.39 17 8.4 70.56 70.73 70.90 71.06 71.23 71.40 71.57 71.74 71.91 72.08 17 & 72.25 72.42 72.59 72.76 72.93 73- 10 73-27 73-44 73-62 73-79 17 8.6 8.7 73-96 74-13 743 74-48 74.65 75.69 75.86 76.04 76.21. 76.39 74.82 75.00 75.17 75.34 75-52 76.56 76.74 76.91 77.09 77.26 11 8.8 8.9 77.44 77.62 77.79 77.97 78.15 79.21 79.39 79.57 79.74 79.92 78.32 78.50 78.68 78.85 79.03 80. 10 80.28 80.46 80.64 80.82 18 18 9.0 8 1. oo 81.18 81.36 81.54 81.72 81.90 82.08 82.26 82.45 82.63 18 9.1 82.81 82.99 83.17 83.36 83.54 83.72 83.91 84.09 84.27 84.46 18 9.2 84.64 84.82 85.01 85.19 85.38 85.56 85.75 85.93 86.12 86.30 i9 9-3 86.49 86.68 86.86 87.05 87.24 87.42 87.61 87.80 87.98 88.17 19 94 88.36 88.55 88.74 88.92 89.11 89.30 89.49 89.68 89.87 90.06 19 9-5 90.25 90.44 90.63 90.82 91.01 91.20 91.39 91.58 91.78 91.97 19 9.6 92.16 92.35 92.54 92.74 92.93 93- i 2 93.32 93.51 93.70 93.90 19 9-7 94.09 94.28 94.48 94.67 94.87 95.06 95.26 95.45 95.65 95.84 20 9.8 96.04 96.24 96.43 96.63 96.83 97.02 97.22 97.42 97.61 97.81 20 9-9 98.01 98.21 98.41 98.60 98.80 99.00 99.20 99.40 99.60 99.80 20 n. 01234 56789 Diff. APPENDIX. TABLE VII. AREAS OF CIRCLES. d 01234 56789 Diff. .0 .7854 .8012 .8171 .8332 .8495 .8659 .8825 .8992 .9161 .9331 .1 .9503 .9677 .9852 1.003 1. 021 1.039 L057 1-075 1.094 1. 112 .2 1.131 1.150 1.169 1.188 1.208 1.227 1.247 1.267 1.287 1.307 19 -3 1.327 1.348 1.368 1.389 1.410 1.431 1.453 1.474 1-496 I.5I7 21 4 1.539 I -5 61 I -5 8 4 i. 606 1.629 1.651 1.674 1-697 1.720 1.744 22 5 1.767 1.791 1.815 1.839 1-863 1.887 1.911 1.936 1.961 1.986 24 .6 2.0II 2.036 2.061 2.087 2. 112 2.158 2.164 2.190 2.217 2.243 26 7 2.270 2.297 2.324 2.351 2.378 2.405 2.433 2.461 2.488 2.516 27 .8 2-545 2.573 2.602 2.630 2.659 2.638 2.717 2.746 2.776 2.806 2 9 9 2.835 2.865 2.895 2.926 2.956 2.986 3.017 3.048 3.079 3.110 30 2.0 3.142 3.173 3.205 3.237 3.269 3-301 3.333 3.365 3.398 3.431 32 2.1 3.464 3.497 3.530 3.563 3.597 3.631 3.664 3.698 3.733 3.767 34 2.2 3.801 3.836 3.871 3.906 3.941 3.976 4.012 4.047 4.083 4.119 35 2-3 4.155 4.191 4.227 4.264 4.301 4-337 4-374 4-412 4.449 4.486. 36 2. 4 4.524 4.562 4.600 4.638 4.676 4.7M 4-753 4-792 4-831 4-8/0 38 2-5 4.909 4.948 4.988 5.027 5.067 5.107 5.147 5.187 5 228 5.269 40 2.6 5.309 5.350 5.391 5.433 5.474 5-5I5 5-557 5-599 5-641 5.683 4i 2.7 5.726 5.768 5.811 5.853 5.896 5.940 5.983 6.026 6.070 6.114 43 2.8 6.158 6.202 6.246 6.290 6.335 6.379 6.424 6.469 6.514 6.560 44 2.9 6.605 6.651 6.697 6.743 6.789 6.835 6.881 6.928 6.975 7.022 46 3-0 7.069 7.116 7.163 7.211 7.258 7.306 7.354 7.402 7.451 7.499 48 3-1 7.548 7.596 7.645 7.694 7-744 7.793 7.843 7.892 7.942 7.992 49 3-2 8.042 8.093 8.143 8.194 8.245 8.296 8.347 8.398 8.450 8.501 5i 3-3 8.553 8.605 8.657 8.709 8.762 8.814 8.867 8.920 8.973 9.026 52 3-4 9.079 9,133 9.186 9.2.40 9.294 9.348 9.402 9.457 9.511 9.566 54 3-5 9.621 9.676 9.731 9.787 9.842 9.898 9-954 IO.OI IO.O7 IO.I2 56 3-6 10.18 10.24 10.29 10.35 10.41 10.46 10.52 10.58 10.64 10.69 6 3-7 10.75 10-81 10.87 10.93 10.99 II.O4 II- IO II. l6 11.22 11.28 6 3-3 11.34 H-4O 11.46 11.52 11.58 11.64 11.70 11.76 11.82 11.88 6 3-9 11.95 12. or 12.07 12.13 12.19 12.25 12-32 12.38 12.44 12.50 6 4.0 12.57 !2.63 12.69 12.76 12.82 12.88 12.95 13.01 13.07 13.14 7 4.1 13.20 13.27 13.33 13-40 13-46 13-53 13-59 13-66 13.72 13-79 7 4.2 13.85 13.92 13.99 14-05 14.12 14.19 14.25 14.32 14.39 14-45 7 4-3 14.52 14.59 14-66 14.73 14.79 14.86 14.93 15.00 15.07 15.14 7 4-4 15.21 15.27 15.34 15.41 15.43 15.55 15.62 15.69 15.76 15.83 7 4-5 15.90 15.98 16.05 16.12 16.19 16.26 16.33 16.40 16.47 16.55 7 4-6 16.62 16.69 16.76 16.84 16.91 16.98 17.06 17.13 17.20 17.28 7 4-7 17.35 17.42 17.50 17.57 17.65 17.72 17.80 17.87 17.95 18.02 8 4.8 18.10 18.17 18.25 18.32 18.40 18.47 18.55 18.63 18.70 18.78 8 4-9 18.86 18.93 19.01 19.09 19.17 19.24 19.32 19.40 19.48 19.56 8 5-0 19.63 19.71 19.79 19.87 19.95 2O.O3 2O.II 2O.I9 2O.27 2O.35 8 5-1 20.43 20.51 20.59 20.67 20.75 20.83 20.91 20.99 21.07 21. 16 8 5-2 21.24 21.32 21.40 21.48 21.57 21.65 21-73 2I.8I 2I.9O 21.98 8 5-3 22.06 22.15 22.23 22.31 22.40 22.48 22.56 22.65 22.73 22.82 8 5-4 22.90 22.99 23.07 23.16 23.24 23.33 23-41 23.50 23.59 23.67 9 d 01234 5 6 7 89 Diff. AREAS OF CIRCLES. 3 6i TABLE VII. AREAS OF CIRCLES. d 01234 56789 Diff. 5-5 23.76 23.84 23.93 24.02 24.11 24.19 24.28 24.37 24.45 24.54 9 5-6 24.63 24.72 24.81 24.89 24.98 25.07 25.16 25.25 25.34 25.43 9 5-7 25.52 25.61 25.70 25.79 2 5- 88 25.97 26.06 26.15 26.24 26.33 9 5-8 26.42 26.51 26.60 26.69 26.79 26.88 26.97 27.06 27.15 27.25 9 5.9 27.34 27.43 27.53 27.62 27.71 27.81 27.90 27.99 28.09 27.18 9 6.0 28.27 28.37 28.46 28.56 28.65 28.75 28.84 28.94 29.03 29.13 9 6.1 29.22 29.32 29.42 29.51 29.61 29.71 29.80 29.90 30.00 30.09 10 6.2 30.19 30.29 30.39 30.48 30.58 30.68 30.78 30.^8 30.97 31.07 10 6-3 31.17 31.27 31.37 31.47 31.57 31.67 31.77 31.87 31.97 32.07 10 6.4 32.17 32.27 32.37 32.47 32.57 32.67 32.78 32.88 32.98 33-08 10 6.5 33.18 33.29 33.39 33.49 33.59 33.70 33.80 33.90 34 oo 34.ii 10 6.6 34.21 34.32 34.42 34-52 34-63 34-73 34.84 34-94 35.05 35.15 10 6.7 35.26 35.36 35.47 35.57 35.68 35.78 35.89 36.00 36.10 36.21 10 6.8 36.32 36.42 36.53 36.64 36.75 36.85 36.96 37.07 37.18 37-23 ii 6.9 37-39 37.50 37-6r 37.72 37.83 37.94 38.05 38.16 38.26 38.37 ii 7.0 38.48 3S.59 3?- 70 38.82 38.93 39.04 39.15 39.26 39.37 39.48 ii 7-1 39-59 39-70 39.82 39.93 40.04 40.15 40.26 40.38 40.49 40.60 ii 7.2 40.72 40.83 40.94 41.06 41.17 41.28 41.40 41.51 41.62 41-74 ii 7-3 41.85 41.97 42.08 42.20 42.31 42.43 42.54 42.66 42.78 42.89 ii 7-4 43.01 43.12 43.24 43.36 43.47 43-59 43.71 43.83 43-94 44-o6 12 7-5 44.18 44-30 44-41 44-53 44.65 44.77 44.89 45.01 45.13 45.25 12 7-6 45.36 45-48 45.60 45.72 45.84 43.96 46.08 46.20 46.32 46.45 12 7-7 46.57 46.69 46.81 46.93 47.05 47-17 47-29 47.42 47.54 47-66 12 7-8 47.78 47.91 48.03 48.15 48.27 48.40 48 52 48.65 48.77 48.89 12 7-9 49.02 49.14 49.27 49.39 49.51 49.64 49.76 49.89 50.01 50.14 12 8.0 50.27 50.39 50.52 50.64 50.77 50.90 51.02 51.15 51.28 51.40 13 8.1 51.53 51.66 51.78 51.91 52.04 52.17 52.30 52.42 52.55 52.68 13 8.2 52.81 52.94 53.07 53.20 53.33 53.46 53.59 53.72 53.85 53.98 13 8-3 54.11 54.24 54.37 54.50 54.63 54.76 54.89 55.02 55.15 55-29 13 8.4 55.42 55.55 55.68 55.81 55.95 56.08 56.21 56.35 56.48 56.61 13 8.5 56.75 56.88 57.01 57.15 57.28 57-41 57.55 57.68 57.82 57.95 13 8.6 58.09 58.22 58.36 58.49 58.63 58.77 58.90 59.04 59.17 59.31 14 8.7 59-45 59.58 59-72 59-86 59-99 60.13 60.27 60.41 60.55 60.68 M 8.8 60.82 60.96 61.10 61.24 61.38 61.51 61.65 61.79 61.93 62.07 14 8.9 62.21 62.35 62.49 62.63 62.77 62.91 63.05 63.19 63.33 63.48 14 9.0 63.62 63.76 63.90 64.04 64.18 64.33 64.47 64.61 64.75 64-90 14 9.1 65.04 65.18 65.33 65.47 65.61 65.76 65.90 66.04 66.19 66.33 14 9.2 66.48 6662 66.77 66.91 67.06 67.20 67.35 67.49 67.64 67.78 15 9-3 67.93 68.08 68.22 68.37 68.51 68.66 68.81 68.96 69.10 69.25 15 9.4 69.40 69.55 69.69 69.84 69.99 70.14 70.29 70.44 70.58 70.73 15 9-5 70.88 71.03 71.18 71.33 71.48 71.63 71.78 71.93 72.08 72.23 15 9.6 72.38 72.53 72.68 72.84 72.99 73 14 73.29 73.44 73.59 73.75 15 9-7 73.90 74.05 74.20 74.36 74-51 74.66 74.82 74.97 75.12 75.28 15 9.8 75-43 75.58 75.74 75.89 76.05 76.20 76.36 76.51 76.67 76.82 16 9-9 76.98 77.13 77.29 77.44 77.60 77-76 77.91 78.07 78.23 78.38 16 d G I 2 3 4 56789 Diff. 362 APPENDIX. TABLE VIII. WEIGHT OF WROUGHT-IRON BARS. Side or Diam- eter. Inches. Pounds per Linear Foot. Side or Diam- eter. Inches. Pounds per Linear Foot. Side or Diam- eter. Inches. Pounds per Linear Foot. Square Bars. Round Bars. Square Bars. Round Bars. Square Bars. Round Bars. 2 13.33 10.47 5 83.33 65.45 ft 0.013 O.OIO ft 14.18 11.14 i 87.55 68.76 i 0.052 O.O4I 1 15,05 11.82 * 91.88 72.16 ft O.II7 0.092 ft 15.95 12.531 1 96.30 75.64 i 0.208 0.164 i 16.88 13.25 i 100.8 79.19 & 0.326 0.256 ft 17.83 14.00 f IQ5.5 82.83 1 0.469 0.368 1 18.80 14-77 i 110. 2 86.56 ft 0.638 0.501 TV 19.80 15.55 1 II5-I 90.36 * 0.833 0.654 i 20.83 16.36 6 120.0 94-25 A 1.055 0.828 & 21.89 17.19 i I25.I 98.22 f 1.302 1.023 f 22.97 18.04 i 130.2 102.3 tt 1.576 1.237 H 24.08 18.91 1 135.5 106.4 f 1.875 1-473 i 25.21 19.80 1 140.8 no. 6 it 2.2OI 1.728 if 26.37 20.71 f 146.3 114.9 1 2-552 2.004 1 27-55 21.64 f I5I.9 II9-3 if 2-930 2.301 it 28.76 22.59 1 157-6 123-7 i 3-333 2.618 3 30.00 23.56 7 166.3 128.3 TV 3.763 2-955 i 32.55 25.57 i 175-2 137.6 i 4.219 3-3I3 i 35-21 27.65 1 187.5 147-3 ft 4-701 3.692 f 37-97 29.82 f 200.2 157-2 i 5.208 4.091 i 40.83 32.07 8 213.3 167.6 T 5 * 5.742 4.510 f 43.8o 34.40 i 226.9 178.2 1 6.302 4.950 f 46.88 36.82 i 240.8 189.2 T 5 * 6.888 5.410 1 50.05 39-31 f 255.2 200.4 i 7.500 5.890 4 53-33 41.89 9 270.0 212. 1 ft 8.138 6.392 i 56.72 44-55 i 285.2 224.0 1 8.802 6.913 i 60.21 47-29 i 300.8 236.3 9.492 7-455 1 63.80 50.11 f 316.9 248.9 f 10.21 8.018 i 67.50 53-01 10 333-3 261.8 it 10.95 8.601 1 71.30 56.00 i 350.2 275-1 1 11.72 9.204 f 75-21 59-07 i 367.5 288.6 it 12,51 9.828 1 79.22 62.22 f 385.2 302.5 INDEX. 363 INDEX. Advanced problems, 347 Aluminum, 190 Angle iron, 127 Angular velocity, 233 Annealing, 183, 187 Answers to problems, 351 Apparent and true stresses, 288-309 shears, 305 Appendix, 344-362 Areas of circles, 355, 360 Army, gun formulas, 319, 320 Average constants, 163 BACH'S formulas, 332 Bariron. 182, 362 BARLOW'S formula, 28 Bars of uniform strength, 227 resilience of, 202 under centrifugal stress, 233 under impact, 229, 231 weights of, 2, 355, 362 Beams, 36-110, 146-161, 243-271 bending moments, 42, 347 cantilevers, 36-94 cast iron, 60 center of gravity of sections, 52 combined stresses, 146-149, 267-271 continuous, 99-110 deck, 67 definitions, 36 deflection, 72-77, 95,245, 249, 265 deflection and stiffness, 74 deflection and stress, 79 designing of, 58 elastic curve, 70 elastic resilience, 203 experimental laws, 48 fixed, 88-98 flexure of, 107, 243-271 flexure and torsion, 152 fundamental formulas, 49 GALILEI'S investigations, 162 horizontal shear, 155 impact on, 249 internal stresses, 45, 158 internal work, 203 maximum moments, 52, 347 modulus of rupture, 61 moments of inertia, 53 Beams, moving loads, 259, 348 overhanging, 85, 91 reactions, 37, 85 resilience of, 96, 243 restrained, 85, 95 safe loads for, 58 simple, 36-84 stiffness, 74 sudden loads, 248 theoretical laws, 48 uniform strength, 80-84 vertical shear, 39, 262 weights of, 2, 355, 362 Bending moment, 42-44 maximum, 54 maximum maximorum, 348 tables of, 79, 95, 104 triangular load, 257 Beton, 189 BIRNIE'S formulas, 319 Boilers, 25, 31, 333 ends of, 328 joints in, 28-34 tubes in, 25 Bolts, 17, 34, 281, 307 Books of reference, 163, 166, 289, 326 Brass, 190 Brick, 172-174 modulus of rupture, 62, 174 strength of, 14, 173 weight of, 2, 173, 355 Brick tower, 15 Bridge iron, 182 rollers, 239 Briquettes, 175 Bronze, 190 Butt joints, 30, 31 Cantilever beams, 36-110 deflection of, 72, 82 elastic curve, 73 fundamental formulas, 49 internal work, 244 resilience, 204 tables for, 79, 95 uniform ftrength, 80 Carbon in steel, 180, 183, 186 Castings. 179, 189 Cast iron, constants for, 163, 179 INDEX. Cast iron, factors of safety, 18 in compression, 14, 180 in shear, 15 in tension, 9, 180 modulus of rupture, 61, 181 pipes, 22, 23 resilience of, 199, 219 weight of, i, 355 Cements, 174 Center of gravity, 52 Centrifugal stress, 232, 255 Chestnut, 171 CHRISTIE'S experiments, 129, 341 Circles, areas of, 355, 360 Circular plates, 328 CLAVARINO'S formulas, 317 Coefficient of elasticity 7, 8, 163 compression, 14 shear, 15, 275 tension, 9, 163, 165 Coefficient of expansion, 145 Cold bend test, 182, 214, 224 rolling, 183, 217 Columns, 111-134, 337~343 deflection of, 133, 340 design of, 125, 337 eccentric loads, 133, 343 ends of, 113, 120 EULER'S formula, 114, 340 experiments on, 337 GORDON'S formula, 119 HODGKINSON'S formula, 117 investigation of, 123, 337 JOHNSON'S (T. H.) formula, 127 modified EULER formula, 339 radius of gyration, 122 RANKINE'S formula, 119 RITTER'S formula, 132 rupture of, 113, 127 safe loads for, 124 sections of, in theory of, 131 Combined stresses, 144-161, 288-309 compression and flexure, 148, 269 flexure and torsion, 152 shear and tension, 150, 296 tension and compression, 144, 290 tension and flexure, 146, 267 torsion and compression, 154 Comparison of beams, 62, 77, 94 shafts, 279 Compound cylinder, 315, 323 Compression, 3, 4, 13, 226 and flexure, 148, 269 ^ and shear, 150 and tension, 144, 290 and torsion, 154 Compression, cast iron, 180 cement, 176 eccentric loads, 241, 342 mortar, 176 steel, 188 stone, 177 Concrete, 189 Connecting rod, 256 Constants, tables of, 163 Continuity, 96 Continuous beams, 36, 76-110 equal spans, 106 properties of, 99 tables of, 104, 105 three moments, 102 unequal spans, 106 Contraction of area, 169, 215 Couplings for shafts, 281 Crank arm, 283 pin, 283, 285, 301 Cross-sections, 52, in, 124 Cubic equation, 299, 302 Curve, elastic, 71 of stresses, 10 Cylinders, 22, 118, 310 compound, 310, 315 exterior pressure, 24, 316 interior pressure, 22, 313 thick, 26, 310 thin, 24 with hoops, 235, 321 Cylindrical rollers, 238 Deflection of beams, 36, 79, 95, 173 cantilever beams, 72-75 restrained beams, 85-95 simple beams, 75-99 sudden loads, 246 under impact, 251, 253 under moving load, 259 under shearing, 264 Deflection of columns, 115, 133, 340 Deformations, 3-6, 290-292 Description of tables, 355 Designing, 12, 195 beams, 58 columns, 125, 337 guns, 325 shafts, 141, 280 Detrusion, 3, 15, 262 Ductile materials, 162 DUDLEY'S tests, 219, 344 Eccentric loads, 134, 240, 342 Efficiency of a joint, 31 Elastic curve, 36, 165 cantilever beams, 73 INDEX. Elastic curve, columns, 115, 343 continuous beams, 73 general equation, 70 restrained beams, 85-95 simple beams, 75 Elastic limit, 7, 165 cast iron, 180 compression, 14 shear, 15 steel, 188 tension, 9 timber, 172 wrought iron, 183 Elasticity, laws of, 6 theory of, 288 Elastic resilience, 197-225 Ellipse of stress, 305 Ellipsoid of stress, 297 Elliptical plates, 331 Elongation, 3s 5, 8, 183 ultimate, 9, 13, 168 under impact, 218, 229 under own weight, 226 ESTRADA'S tests, 218, 223 EULER'S formula, 114, 340 Exercises, 34, 109. 143, 347 Experimental laws, 6, 48, 191 Experiments, 130, 134, 143, 164, 213 External work, 201, 243 Factor of lateral contraction, 276, 290, 319 of safety, 17-21, 166, 213 Fatigue of materials, 191 Flexure, 36-110, 146-161, 243-271 and compression, 148, 269 and tension, 144, 267 and torsion, 152, 283 erroneous views, 109 of brick, 174 of cast iron, 180 of crank pin, 286 under impact, 210. 251 under live load, 259 work of, 201, 243, 263 Floor beams, 66, 87 Forge pig, 179 Formulas, principal: (1) P=AS, 5 (2) S = s 8 (3) AS, = V, 50 Formulas, principal : (id) P Sc a . 123 * ' A 7 ' 1 (.,)^=// C . 137 (I2) *=-^L 198 ooof , . 141 (13), 151 (M), 157 (15), 184; (16), 186 (17), 194 (18), 200; (19), 204 (20), 231 (21), 240; (22), 250 (23), 259 (24), 264 ; (25), 276 (26;, 277 (27), 292 ; (28), 294 (29), 296 (30), 299; (31), 304 (32), 312 (33), 318; (34), 319 (35), 337- Foundry pig, 179 (4) 7 = 51 (5) ^.T=^7 71 (6), (7), (8), (9), 97-103 Glass, 191 GORDON'S formula, 119 Granite, 177 GRASHOF'S formulas, 239, 330 Gravity, center of, 52 specific, i, 180 Gun metal, 169 Guns, 28, 310-327 hooped, 315, 324 solid, 313, 320 Gyration, radius of, 124 Helical springs, 348 Hemispheres, 333 Hemlock, 171 Historical notes, 162, 208 HODGKINSON'S formula, 117 Hollow cylinders, 24, 26, 310-327 shafts, 142, 278 spheres, 24, 333 HOOKE'S law, 6, 164, 288 Hoops, centrifugal stress, 234 for guns, 315, 321, 324 shrinkage of, 235, 316 Horizontal impact, 210, 229 shear, 155, 273 Horse-power, 140, 205 Hydraulic cement, 174 I beams, 51, 87, 106 India rubber, 289 Inertia of a bar, 220, 229 of a beam, 250, 262 moment of, 53, 138 Impact, 162-225 on bars, 210, 229 on beams, 211, 249 pressure due to, 222, 253 366 INDEX. Impact, tests on, 215-220, 248, 344 Impulse, 230 Inflection point, 85 Internal stresses, 4, 45, 158, 288 work, 201, 209, 213, 244 Investigation, 12, 14 of beams, 56, 259 of columns, 125, 337 of guns, 314, 323 of joints, 28 of shafts, 141, 284 Iron, 168, 179, 181, 329 Jacket for guns, 315 Joints, riveted, 28-34 efficiency of, 31 KEEP'S impact machine, 219, 251 KIRKALDY'S tests, 215, 249 LAME'S formulas, 310, 335 Lateral contraction, 275, 290 factor of, 276 Lateral deflection, 134, 341 deformation, 290 LAUNHARDT'S formula, 194 Laws, experimental, 6, 7, 48 of fatigue, 191 of internal stresses, 46, 288 of resilience, 204, 208 Lead, 190 Limestone, 177 Live loads, 258 Loads, 36, 240 safe, for beams, 58 safe, for columns, 126, 337 sudden, 245 Locomotive, 255 X-ogarithms, 356 Longitudinal impact, 229 Manholes, 331 Materials, constants of, 162 factors of safety, 18 fatigue of, 191 resilience of, 197-225 strength of, 162-196 weights of, i, 355 Maximum internal stresses, 158, 299, 303, 306 moments, 54, 347 strength, 168 Modulus of elasticity, 8 resilience, 165, 199, 278 rupture, 61, 174, 181, 185 Moment of inertia, 53 for beams, 65, 67 Moment of inertia, for columns, 116 for shafts, 138 Moments, 42-107 bending, 42 for continuous beams, 104 maximum, 54, 347 resisting, 50, 136 theorem of three, 102 twisting, 137 Mortar, 174 Navy, gun formulas, 319, 326 Neutral axis, 49, 116 surface, 48 Nickel steel, 188 Oak, 171 One-hoss shay, 20 Ordnance formulas, 310-327 Ores of iron, 179 Oscillations of a bar, 199, 210, 229 of a beam, 246, 252 Overhanging beams, 85, 91 Parabola, 43, 81, 133, 194 Parallel rod, 255 Paving brick, 173 Phenomena of compression, 13 shear, 15 tension, 9 torsion, 135 Phosphor bronze, 190 Piers, 35, 228 Pig iron, 179 Pine, 171 Pipes, 22-27 thick, 22 thin, 26 Piston rod, 21 Plate girder, 259, 272, 308 iron, 182 Plates, 328-333 on cylinders, 238 on spheres, 237 Polar moments, 138 Portland cement, 175 Power, shafts for, 140 Pressure due to impact 222, 253 Principal stresses, 299 Problems, 2-350 answers to, 351 Puddling furnace, 181 Radius of gyration, 122, 277 Rafters, 148 Railroad rails, 2, 59, 219, 252, 254 Range of stresses, 191-196 INDEX. 367 Reactions, 37, 85, 101, 148 Rectangular beams, 63, 205 plates, 332 Repeated stresses, 191-196, 217 Resilience, 197-225 of bars, 202 of beams, 203, 243 of shearings, 274 of torsion, 277 Resistance of materials, 1-22, 162-196 Resisting moment, 50, 136 Restrained beams, 85-95 comparison of, 94 Resultant stress, 295 Riveted joints, 28-35 design of, 32 efficiency of, 31 Rivet iron, 182 Rivets, 28-34, 272 Rollers, 236, 238 Ropes, 189 Round shafts, 141, 279 Rosendale cement, 175 Rupture, 4, 7, 9, 165 of beams, 51 of columns, 129 in repeated stress, 191 modulus of, 61, 164 Safe loads, 58, 123, 337 Safety, factors of, 17-21, 213 Sandstone, 177 Set, 6 Shaft couplings, 281 Shafts, 135-143, 277-287 for power, 140 hollow, 142, 278 round, 141, 279 square, 143 resilience of, 280 stiffness of, 279 strength of, 141, 278 Shape iron, 66, 182 Shear, 3, 5, 15, 16, 172, 272-287 and tension, 16, 150 horizontal, 155 longitudinal, 15 resilience of, 274 resisting, 47 stresses due to, 272 vertical, 39 Shearing stresses, 294, 303 coefficient of elasticity, 266, 275 deflection due to, 264 ultimate strength, 15, 308 work of, 263 Shears for cantilevers, 42 Shears for continuous beams, 105 for simple beams, 40 Shocks, 7, 1 8, 199 Short beams, 265 Shrinkage of hoops, 235, 321 Simple beams ; see Beams. Slate, 178 Solid shafts, 141, 278 Sound, 347 Specific gravities, I Spheres, 24, 236, 333 Spherical rollers, 236 Springs, 199. 348 Square plates, 333 shafts, 143 Squares of numbers, 355, 358 Static deflections, 246 resilience, 208 Statics, 288 Steam boilers, 24, 31, 333 pipes, 22, 23 Steel, 185-189 constants of, 163 factors of safety, 18 hoop shrinkage, 235 resilience, 200, 206 Steel beams, 66 cranks, 284 plates, 329 rollers, 239 spheres, 237 Stiffness of beams, 77 of shafts, 279 Stone, 163, 177 Straight- line formula, 127 Strain, 3 Strength of materials, 1-21, 162-196 history of, 162 tables, 164 ultimate, 7, 168 Stress, ellipse of, 305 ellipsoid of, 297 velocity of, 345 Stresses, 3-21 apparent, 288-309 centrifugal, 232, 255 combined, 144-161, 290, 308 in guns, 310-327 repeated, 193 sudden, 197, 247 temperature, 145 true, 288-309 working, 17-21, 194 Sudden deflections, 246 loads, 197 Tables ; see page ix 368 INDEX. Temperature, 145, 235 Tensile tests, n, 168 Tension, 3, 4, 9, 226-242 and flexure, 146 and shear, 150 apparent and true, 288-309 cast iron, 9, 180 cement and mortar, 175 eccentric, 240 steel, 9, 187 tangential, 312 timber, 9, 171 wrought iron, 9, 183 Testing machines, 167-170, 213-220 capacity of, 170 Tests, ash sticks, 109 brick, 173, 174 cast iron, 180 cement, 175 cold bend, 182 columns, 127 compression, 169 continuous beams, no fatigue, 191 impact, 211-224 steel, 187 stone, 178 tension, 6, n timber, 172 torsion, 143, 170 uniform methods, 220 wrought iron, n, 183 Theorem of three moments, 102 Thick hollow cylinders, 26, 310 spheres, 334 THURSTON'S torsion machine, 143, 214 Timber, 9, 14, 171 factors of safety, 18 modulus of rupture, 62 resilience, 200 weight, i, 171, 355 Torsion, 135-143, 272-287 coefficient of elasticity, 139 combined, 152, 154, 285 modulus of, 139 phenomena of, 135 resilience of, 277 Transmission of power, 140, 285 t Trap rock, 177 True deformations, 292 stresses, 288-309 Tubes for boilers, 25 for guns, 315 Ultimate resilience, 200, 206 Ultimate strength, 7, 168 compression, 14, 169 shear, 15 tension, 14, 168 Uniform strength, 20 bars, 227 beams, 35, 80, 83 Unit-stress, 3, 5 repeated, 193 working, 17 Velocity of live load, 257 stress, 345 Vertical bar, 226 Vertical shear, 39-42, 105 deflection due to, 264 stresses caused by, 272 work of, 262 Vibration strength, 196 Vibrations of a beam, 252 Volume, change of, 289 resilience of, 205, 212 Water pipes, 22, 23, 190 Wave propagation, 346 Weights of bars, 2, 355, 362 materials, i, 163 WEYRAUCH'S formula, 194 Wheel, revolving, 234 Wire, 183 Wire guns, 326 W^HLER'S tests, 191 Work of flexure, 243 rupture, 184 shearing, 274 tension, 202 torsion, 278 vertical bar, 226 vertical shear, 262 Working stress, 12, 17, 192 Wrought iron, 163, 181 factors of safety, 18 resilience, 200 shear, 15 tension, 9, 183 weight of, i, 362 work of, 184 Wrought-iron bars, 2, 36* Yield point, 183 YOUNG'S laws, 208 ; ,,. o5 CJ&***" r -pfNE O* QET-UKN v/eoDVJ- ^^=== :=:::==:= ^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARV