STACK ANNEX N INDEX FORBIDDEN BOOK S.BETTEN 5 ACKANNt The Roman Index of Forbidden Books BRIEFLY EXPLAINED FOR CATHOLIC BOOKLOVERS AND STUDENTS BY FRANCIS S. BETTEN, S.J. FIFTH EDITION ENLARGED B. HERDER BOOK CO., 17 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo., and 68 Great Russell St., London, W. C, 1920. NIHIL OBSTAT St. Louis, August 15, 1915 A. J. Burrowes, S. J., Praep. Prov. Missour. NIHIL OBSTAT Sti. Lujoiici, die 6. Aug. 1920 F. G. Holweck, Censor Librorum IMPRIMATUR Sti. Ludovici, die 7. Aug. 1920 ^Joannes J. Glennon, Archiepiscopus Sti. Ludot'ici. Copyright, 1909 by Joseph Gummersbach All rights reserved Printed in U. S. A. VAIL-BALLOU COMPANY IHaXANTON AD NC1D TOU* NOTE This short treatise was written for the benefit of those who cannot devote much time to the study of the Index. The fol- lowing books will serve to obtain a more detailed information. Rev. Timothy Hurley. A Commentary on the Present Index Legislation. Dublin, Brown and Nolan. New York, Ben- ziger Bros. $1.25. Rev. Arthur Vermeersch, SJ. De prohi- bitione et censura librorum. St. Louis, B. Herder. $0.85. Rev. Jos. Hilgers, S.J. Der Index der verbotenen Biicher. St. Louis, B. Herder, $3-25- Rev. Jos. Hilgers, S.J. The Roman In- dex and its Latest Historian. A Critical Review of " The Censorship of the Church of Rome" by George Haven 2063353 NOTE Putnam. Techny, 111. Society of the Divine Word. 10 cents. "Censorship of Books" and "Prohibited Books," articles by Rev. Jos. Hilgers, S.J., in the Catholic Encyclopedia. An English translation of the Constitu- tion " Officiorum ac munerum " is con- tained in The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII, with Preface by Rev. John J. Wynne, SJ. New York, Ben- ziger Bros. $2.00. FRANCIS S. BETTEN, S.J. St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, O. A short summary of this book, entitled, " Ten Elementary Questions Concerning the Roman Index of Forbidden Books," is published by the Society of the Divine Word, Techny III. (5 cents.) It will be found serviceable for distri- bution in clubs and societies, for sale at the church doors, and for supplementing the religious instruction in the higher classes of educational institutions. CONTENTS PAGE SECTION I. COMMENTARY. 1. The Index I 2. The Power of the Church .... 4 3. Book Prohibitions Antedating the Roman Index 7 4. The Roman Index II 5. Books Forbidden by General or Par- ticular Decrees 13 6. Duties Imposed by Law and by Nature 18 7. Who Puts Books on the Index? . . 24 8. The Method of Examination ... 28 9. The Spirit of the Index Congregation 33 10. Further Explanations 35 a. Why an Author is not Permitted to Defend His Book ... 35 b. The Index does not Advertise Bad Books 37 c. Index Decisions not Omitted for Fear of Apostasies .... 39 d. The " Good Catholic " . . . .41 e. A Mortal Sin 43 CONTENTS. PACK f. The Galileo Case 44 g. Non-Catholic Book-Laws ... 46 h. Some Examples of submission to the Index 48 SECTION II. A SUMMARY OF THE INDEX. 1. Our Duties in Relation to Forbidden Books 51 2. Forbidden Books 53 a. Books Forbidden by General De- crees 53 b. Books Forbidden by Particular Decrees 62 APPENDIX: LITERARY GUIDE-BOOKS ... 72 SECTION I COMMENTARY i. The Index. In 1901, a reviewer of the Roman Index of Forbidden Books opened his criticism by congratulating himself upon having before him a genuine copy of that book, of which, he says, only a very limited number were printed for the exclusive use of " the lead- ers of the Church." Owing to its scarcity, he thinks, the owner of the volume, which he had borrowed, must have paid at least two hundred dollars for it. He could have bought a brand new copy for $2.25. The Index of which he speaks, issued by order of Leo XIII, in 1900, is for sale in this country by B. Herder, St. Louis, Mo. So I 2 COMMENTARY are the three later editions (1901, 1904, 1907), the last two issued under, and by order of, our gloriously reigning Pontiff, Pious X. When the critic felt his heart beat with joy upon being allowed to view with his own blessed eyes a book so rare, so expensive, and so jealously guarded by " the leaders of the Church," a whole edi- tion of that same book had already been sold, and a second was about to be put on the market. Its title is now: Index librorum prohibitorum, Leonis XIII Sum. Pont, auctoritate recognitus SS. D. N. Pii P. X iussu editus. Pramit- tutitur Constitutions Apostolicce de ex- amine et prohibitione librorum. (Index of forbidden books, revised by the authority of Pope Leo XIII, and issued by order of His Holiness Pope Pius X. Preceded by the Apostolic Constitutions on the exami- nation and prohibition of books.) A glance at the neatly printed volume will disclose the reason why it is called " Index " ; almost nine-tenths of it con- sists of a catalogue of books condemned by the Roman authorities. Of still greater THE INDEX 3 importance than this catalogue are the first thirty-four pages, which give, in the " Apostolic Constitutions," the general laws of the Church regarding books. There are only two " Constitutions." But the whole work is introduced by a brief of Leo XIII, in which the Pontiff de- clares that this edition is to be the authen- tic one for the whole Church. It is to be binding on all the faithful of the universe, regardless of race or language, nationality or country, education, learning or station in life. In a preface headed " Lectori S.," the Secretary of the Roman " Congregatio Indicis " compares this edition of the " In- dex " with the former ones, points out the changes that were made, and explains the technical arrangement of the book. After these preliminaries follow the "Constitutions." The first is the " Offi- ciorum ac munerum " of Leo XIII, dated Jan. 25, 1897. This document recasts the whole legislation of the Church regarding the production, dissemination, reprinting and prohibition of such books as the Church may and must concern herself with. It ab- '4 COMMENTARY rogates all former laws and regulations of General Councils as well as of Sovereign Pontiffs, with one exception : the Constitu- tion Sollicita ac provida of Benedict XIV, also reprinted here, by which this great pope established or rather sanctioned a method the one still in use of exam- ining and passing sentence on the books submitted to the Roman authorities. These two Constitutions contain the en- tire general legislation of the Church on the head of books. There is no " Index expurgatorius." If there were, it would consist of books con- demned conditionally, donee corrigantur, " until amended." But such books are all entered in the ordinary Index, with those two Latin words added. In Pope Leo's edition they are, besides, marked with an asterisk. 2. The Power of the Church. That the Church has the right to legis- late on the publication and use of all books that touch on questions of faith and morals, must be evident to every Catholic. It is POWER OF THE CHURCH 5 a truth clearly contained in the words of Christ to St. Peter : " Feed my lambs, feed my sheep," and in the duty imposed on the Apostles of " teaching the faithful to observe all, whatsoever I have com- manded you." The fact that general councils as well as many popes have issued laws and de- crees regarding books, is sufficient evidence of their power and of their commission to do this. This very fact must also convince us that the observation of these laws must be salutary and conducive to the welfare of the Church at large and of the individual Christian. The inventions, discoveries and progress of our times can introduce no change in this respect. The human mind is still as prone to err and as much subject to the persuasive influence of books as it ever was. Good books are as useful to-day as they were in olden times, and objectionable writings have the same deplorable effects they had a thousand years ago. Nor can the Church, possessing the power to watch over our reading, neglect 6 COMMENTARY to make use of this power when the salva- tion of souls calls for its exercise. Bad literature is one of the worst enemies of mankind. The Church can never allow it to corrupt the hearts of her children or to undermine the foundation of their faith, without at least raising a warning voice. How great are the precautions the civil authorities take in case of an epidemic ; yet, no matter how seriously the precautions hamper traffic and trade, we find them rea- sonable. We should even censure our ex- ecutive and legislative officers if they omit- ted to take proper precautions. But, says Pope Leo, in the Constitution Officiorum ac munerum, nothing can be conceived more pernicious, more apt to defile souls than uncurbed license in the writing and dissem- inating of bad books. " Therefore," he continues, " the Church, whose office it is to watch over the integrity of faith and morals, has ever striven, as far as in her power lay, to restrain the faithful from the reading of bad books as from a deadly poison." 3. Book Prohibitions Antedating the Roman Index. " The early days of the Church witnessed the earnest zeal of St. Paul," when the Christians at Ephesus brought together all the superstitious books they had in their possession and burned them publicly. This example of loyalty to the Church cost them, as Holy Scripture says, between eight and nine thousand dollars. Such was the policy in regard to bad books at Ephe- sus at a time when the Apostle whom many love to call the most liberal and broadminded, ruled that part of the Church. Every subsequent age records similar measures of vigilance. The first General Council of Nicaea, in 325, besides proscrib- ing the heresy of Arius, also issued a de- cree prohibiting the use of Arius' book Thalia, which contained his heresy ; indeed, at all times the condemnation of a heresy by the Church entailed the prohibition of the works propagating it. Pope St. Leo the Great, 440-461, does not hesitate to declare that one who reads forbidden 7 8 COMMENTARY books cannot be considered a Catholic. In the early days the Church had to direct her attention largely to the many so-called apocryphal books, falsely claimed to have been inspired by God and to form part of Holy Scripture. In 496, Pope Gelasius issued his famous decree, in which he enumerates the true books of the Bible, a number of the writings of the Fathers, (which he recommends,) together with a short list of apocryphal and heretical books, the reading of which he forbids. In 745, by order of the Pope, a Roman synod examined and forbade a number of superstitious books sent by St. Boniface, who had found them among the Germans. In fact, already in those days the entire present-day book legislation of the Church existed in all its essential features, though there were few written decrees. It seems the loyal Christian's duty of avoiding bad books, and the power of the Church to pro- hibit them, were held to be so self-evident that the need of written laws was not felt. The necessity of watching over the men- tal food of the faithful became more urgent LAWS ANTEDATING THE R. IND. 9 when, in the fifteenth century, was invented printing, which popes and bishops hailed as a " divine art " and eulogised as the greatest blessing of God's providence in the natural order. It spread rapidly. Before the year 1500, the city of Rome alone had one hundred and ninety printing establish- ments. The oldest of them, in the first seven years of its existence, produced not less than twenty-eight works in forty-seven editions, the total number of pages being one hundred and twenty-four millions. As to the moral quality of the books printed at that period, a German, Wimphel- ing, writes with pardonable pride in 1507: " We Germans practically control the whole intellectual market of civilized Europe; the books, however, which we bring to this market are for the most part high-class works, tending to the honor of God, the sal- vation of souls, and the civilisation of the people." How soon, alas, was this to change! Even while these words were written, the evil was already striking root, and steps had been taken by the civil as well as by the ecclesiastical power, to pre- 10 COMMENTARY vent the printing and spreading of noxious books. But it was not until the beginning of the so-called Reformation that the boundless increase of heretical and other pernicious literature called for radical and extensive measures. They began in 1520 with the solemn condemnation of Luther's doctrine and the prohibition of his writings. About that time the first indexes or catalogues of forbidden books appeared. They were not issued by the popes, but emanated mostly from bishops, provincial councils, or uni- versities. The civil power was expected to enforce them. In some cases the princes themselves or the magistrates of cities and republics issued their own indexes, in full harmony and after consultation with the clergy. As the object of these measures was to safeguard the faithful against imminent danger, we can easily understand that cata- logues of forbidden books were most nu- merous in those countries that were most exposed to heresy, namely, Germany, Bel- gium, France, and Northern Italy. ROMAN INDEX II It is remarkable that Henry VIII of England, who afterwards fell away from the Church, was among the first to legis- late against heretical books, his index of forbidden books appearing as early as 1526. After his apostasy he continued with in- creased severity the policy of prohibiting books which he deemed objectionable. 4. The Roman Index. More than thirty years after the first index of Henry VIII had appeared, the first Roman Index of Forbidden Books was compiled and issued by Paul IV, 1559, It remained in force only a few years, till 1564, when the so-called Tridentine Index was published under Pius IV. It was called " Tridentine," because it had been drawn up by a commission appointed for this purpose by the Council of Trent. It was milder than the Index of Paul IV, and contained divers " Index rules," the fore- runners of the general decrees embodied in the Constitution " Officiorum ac munerum." The Tridentine Index remained the Ro- man Index for more than three hundred 12 COMMENTARY years. Its " rules " were occasionally mod- ified, new regulations were added or old ones abrogated, other books were inserted in the catalogue; but the essential features remained the same. In 1897, Leo XIII took the matter up again. The index of forbidden books was thoroughly revised. About a thousand titles were dropped. The " rules," too, were revised, "to make them milder, without altering their nature, so that it cannot be difficult or irksome for any person of good will to obey them." This, then, represents the whole book legislation of the Church. There are no other documents, except the decrees by which, as occasion demanded, individual books were forbidden. The encyclical of Pius X on Modernism merely enjoins on the bishops special vigilance in regard to publications infected with modernistic views. This universal legislation, however, does not preclude the local prohibition of books by bishops or other ecclesiastical authori- ties. Thus Spain had, until 1820, its own GENERAL AND PARTIC. DECREES 13 Index, controlled by the Spanish Inquisi- tion. 5. Books Forbidden by General or Par- ticular Decrees. As we have already mentioned, the Con- stitution " Officiorum ac munerum " estab- lishes the general laws by which books are forbidden. As will be seen in our Sum- mary, these laws deal with classes of books. The only one named expressly is the Bible. But all the books clearly contained in these classes are as strictly condemned as those listed singly in the second part of the Index, sometimes even more strictly. Pope Leo changed the Tridentine rules " without altering their nature." It is, in- deed, difficult to see how the nature of these regulations could have been changed. They simply express the point of view from which the Church must look upon objec- tionable publications. While opposing and condemning spoken error, the Church surely cannot allow full sway to the printed. In regard to the second part, or Index proper, many wrong notions are current. 14 COMMENTARY One of these is, that this Index contains all the books forbidden by the Church, and that there are no others which we are obliged to avoid. From the foregoing re- marks, it must, on the contrary, be con- cluded that there are many other books for- bidden by the laws of the Church. The worst of them are not in this special Index at all, because they fall under the general decrees. It is by no means the intention of the Roman authorities to catalogue all the liter- ary virus that has been vomited forth by printing presses all over the world in the course of four and a half centuries. By means of the general laws laid down in the " Officiorum ac munerum " we are in all cases able to see our duty. There are especially two purposes for which books are prohibited separately and by name. Whenever there is a doubt about the na- ture of a book, recourse may be had to Rome; sometimes the Roman authorities appointed for this purpose, will take up the GENERAL AND PARTIC. DECREES 1$ matter without being appealed to. They will investigate and decide by putting the book on the Index, or, by dismissing it. This is the case with most books publicly censured. It was the case with the books of Schell and Loisy, which, it was strongly urged by learned men, propagated ideas contrary, or at least dangerous, to the faith, though a host of followers admired them as orthodox masterpieces. Rome had to speak, and settled the controversy by con- demning the books in question. Dismissal does not always mean that a book is unobjectionable. The authorities may refrain from pronouncing deserved condemnation for reasons of prudence and expediency. Sometimes the preservation of discipline or religious unity necessitates this step. Thus about two hundred years ago the Pope had imposed silence on two factions that were carrying on a theological feud. This silence was violated on both sides, a book appearing for the defence of either position. What was more natural than that both 16 COMMENTARY books should be put on the Index? These and similar cases could not be covered so clearly by the general decrees. What has thus far been said, offers a partial solution of another current error. The Index is not a studiously selected, not even a systematically arranged catalogue of objectionable books. It was the need of the moment, doctrinal blunders, cavillations and heresies, grievous trespasses against discipline and charity, proceeding from ani- mosity or want of tact, that caused the in- sertion of most of the books. In nearly all cases the Roman authorities confined them- selves to books concerning which they were appealed to ; and as there was no system in the making of these appeals, there could be no system in the condemnations. In the new Leonine edition of the Index the books are enumerated alphabetically by au- thors or pseudonyms; anonymous books are listed according to titles. It must now be obvious to the attentive reader why most of the books put on the Index are works on theology, or on the his- tory and government of the Church, and GENERAL -AND PARTIC DECREES 17 why (as may be expected in the case of such publications), a considerable percentage are written in Latin. However, a goodly number of books are on the Index because they are detrimental to good morals. There are very few there which treat of the nat- ural sciences. The Index will not busy it- self with publications on electricity or X-rays, unless an author on a subject of this sort devote a considerable part of his work to attacks upon religion. There are some well-meaning people who, while agreeing that the productions of Zola, Dumas and other writers of the same sort, fully deserve condemnation, can- not understand why works like Ranke's History of the Popes, which is an acknowl- edged authority in its line, should be pro- scribed. Such works are not on the Index for the good things they contain, but for the poison they mix with the wholesome food so cleverly that it takes more than ordinary scholarship and discretion to sep- arate the one from the other. The Roman Committee of Cardinals, which has charge of this part of ecclesias- l8 COMMENTARY tical discipline, is not at all bent on pro- scribing books. Works like the one men- tioned are never put on the Index unless it is quite clear that the mischief to be feared from them will far outweigh the good they may do. Scholars and students well grounded in their faith, who have a real and legitimate cause for reading a forbid- den book can easily obtain a dispensation. It is clear from the preceding explana- tions that a book may sometimes be dropped from the Index. This is done when a book has long ceased to be danger- ous, or a cause of dissension, or if it has fallen into oblivion. Thus Pope Leo XIII caused to be expunged about a thousand titles. This does not imply a reproach for the authorities of former centuries, much less the giving up of an iota of the old prin- ciples. 6. Duties Imposed by Law and by Nature. Suppose a person were so well grounded in faith and virtue, so thoroughly versed in theology, philosophy, and the natural sciences, that the reading of books e. g. LAW AND NATURE 19 on Christian Science, or the works of Vol- taire, would not harm him. The Index pro- hibits these books; would he whom they could not harm be allowed to read them? As we put the case, he would, by reading them, not commit the sin of seriously en- dangering his soul. Yet he would sin by disregarding a positive law of the Church. These laws are like the precautionary measures taken by the civil authorities in times of epidemic; if they are to have the desired effect, they must be observed by all. When the community is under quarantine, those who declare themselves free from the disease must observe the regulations as well as the rest. Let those who think they have a good reason for reading a forbidden book, and who are not mistaken in supposing that there is no danger for them, humbly ask for permission, as did the Saints. By do- ing so they declare that the standpoint of the Church is theirs, and that they willingly submit to a power which was entrusted with the care of " teaching to observe what- soever I have commanded you." " We 20 COMMENTARY have to develop a loving habit of loyalty and obedience to the Church as to Christ, our Savior." Suppose, on the other hand, there were no Church laws prohibiting pernicious reading. In that case should we be al- lowed to read any book we pleased? By no means. We should then, it is true, by reading, e. g., Zola's novels, not commit an act of disobedience to the Church. But, as already hinted, there is another duty im- posed on us by God Himself the grave duty to guard our soul from serious danger. This duty does not depend on any positive law or decree of authority, and it equally binds the Christian and the non-Christian. It is expressed in the fifth commandment: " Thou shalt not kill." This duty corres- ponds on our part to what we ask of God in the sixth petition of the Our Father : " Lead us not into temptation." We should undoubtedly violate it by reading Zola's filthy works. The prohibition of these works by the Church merely adds another obligation to that imposed by the natural law, thereby considerably strength- LAW AND NATURE 21 ening our will and enabling us to resist every enticement to read what can be read only at a serious risk to our soul. This grave duty, therefore, is not im- posed by the Church and cannot be taken away by the Church. It is a natural duty and as such remains in force even after we are granted a formal permission, which is neither intended nor able to suppress temptations that may arise from the pe- rusal of bad books. If we have a good rea- son to apply for permission curiosity is not a good reason then and then only can we expect a special protection from Divine Providence. Of course, this protection does not dispense us from the necessity of using all the means of self-protection, both natural and supernatural. I know of a priest who was in every way a model man. He fell suddenly away from the Church, married, and is now a foremost champion in the ranks of the enemy. His apostasy is, not without rea- son, attributed to the reading of infidel books, though no doubt he had the neces- sary dispensation. 22 COMMENTARY There was another priest, who has mean- while died the death of the just, a cele- brated author and art critic. In writing a work on Voltaire he had to study the books of that arch-agnostic. He obtained the req- uisite permission, but, while perusing Vol- taire's writings, he was on his knees, to implore, as it were, by this humble posture the protection of God against the wicked influence to which he was exposed. St. Francis of Sales, the great and learned Bishop of Geneva, had obtained permission to read the books of heretics in order to refute them, and he is careful to let his readers know the fact, at the same time thanking God in pathetic words that his soul had suffered no harm in so great a danger. This grave natural duty in the choice of our reading matter extends much farther than the legislation of the Church. Par- ents and priests do not comply with their obligation of controlling the reading of their charges if they merely look up the In- dex to see whether a certain book is men- tioned there. If an otherwise unobjection- LAW AND NATURE 23 able book contains an obscene passage of a page or so, no one will claim that it falls under the general law prohibiting obscene books. Nor is it likely to be put on the In- dex. Yet such a book is apt to work havoc in the innocent soul of your daughter or son, perhaps in your own. As long as that passage is in it, the book even though it is not on the Index cannot and must not, under pain of sin, be allowed in the hands of children. Would that this twofold duty were al- ways faithfully complied with, especially in our large cities, where books of every sort are within easy reach. Do not many, per- haps all, public libraries offer among other books such as are " derogatory to the Church, the hierarchy, the religious state," and especially novels which " defend as lawful or tolerable, freemasonry, suicide, divorce " ? How can we expect our young people to have Catholic views on courtship and marriage, on the priesthood, on the veneration of the saints, if we allow them to imbibe the ideas of such writers as Bal- zac or Dumas? It is deplorable enough 24 COMMENTARY that the modern novel is the catechism of millions outside of the Church. We must not allow it to displace the Catholic cate- chism or to unteach, totally or in part, the truths taught by it. 7. Who Puts Books On The Index? The popes have at all times exercised the prerogative of their supreme office as guardians of the faith by condemning books opposed to the faith. The latest of such condemnations is that, in 1862, of the works of the Munich professor, Frohschammer, who answered this condemnation by falling away from the Church. There are in all 144 books that were individually proscribed by a papal document. In Pope Leo's edi- tion they are marked with a dagger. Yet only in cases of the utmost importance did the popes act themselves. To facilitate the government of the world-wide Church, in the course of centuries special commit- tees of cardinals were appointed, to whom part of the pontiff's various duties were entrusted. These committees are styled Congregations. A larger or smaller num- WHO PUTS BOOKS ON THE INDEX? 25 ber of learned priests and bishops, gener- ally called Consultors, assist the cardinals and practically do the greater part of the work, though the final decision in all cases is reserved to the cardinals. Outside of the Congregations there are also several Ec- clesiastical Courts in Rome, one of which will be named later on. The highest of the Roman Congregations is the Sacrum Officium, the " Holy Office," the prefect of which is the Pope himself. It was founded in 1542. Its purpose is to watch over the purity of Faith and to judge of the doctrines propounded in any part of the Church whether by word of mouth or by printed publications. For a number of years after its organization there was no other authority entrusted with the task of examining and passing on books. When Paul IV intended to publish the Index of Forbidden Books mentioned on page n, the Holy Office did the preparatory work and drew up the list of books to be inserted. Fourteen years later, however, it was thought that a separate Congregation would be better able to attend to the examination 26 COMMENTARY and, if necessary, condemnation of books. The new Congregation of the Index of For- bidden Books was planned and devised by St. Pius V in 1571, and was formally es- tablished in the following year by his suc- cessor, Gregory XIII. Henceforward the Holy Office confined its activity concerning objectionable books to the most important cases, as when, in 1903, it proscribed the works of the French priest Loisy, which practically denied the supernatural character of Holy Writ. But the bulk of the work was performed by the Congregation of the Index, from which indeed more than eighty percent ot all prohibitions of individual books have emanated. This Congregation consisted of seven or ten cardinals with about thirty con- suitors, many of whom were bishops. Be- sides passing on books which were submitted to it for decision, it also had to register all condemnations pronounced by either the Holy Office or the Pope himself, and to see that they were duly entered in the new edi- tions of the Index. WHO PUTS BOOKS ON THE INDEX? 27 Under Pope Pius X was brought about a long desired reform of the central govern- ment of the Church. The competency of many of the Roman Congregations was more clearly denned, and several of those originally instituted were either suppressed or united with others. The Congregation of the Index received a wider sphere and greater power. While formerly it passed only on books in regard to which it was expressly appealed to, it now became a reg- ular vigilance committee for the whole Church. Pope Pius X says : " For the fu- ture it shall be the province of this Sacred Congregation, not only to examine diligently the books reported to it, to prohibit them if this should seem well, and to concede dis- pensations ; but also to investigate officially in the best available way, whether writings of any kind, that should be condemned, are being circulated; and to remind the Ordi- naries, how strictly they are bound to con- demn pernicious writings and to denounce them to the Holy See." After the great Pontiff's death it became publicly known, 28 COMMENTARY that he had cherished a further plan, which, however, for special reasons he left to his successor to carry out. Although the most weighty considerations prompted both St Pius V and Gregory XIII to form the separate Congregation of the Index, times and circumstances have changed in these more than three hundred years. In A. D. 1917 Pope Benedict XV reunited the Congregation of the Index with that of the Holy Office, to form a special section of that body. The aim and activity of this section remain unchanged, but its acts and decrees will now be invested with the authority of the Holy Office. Only the affairs which refer to Indulgences will be handled by the Tribunal of Penance, the Sacra Poenitentiaria, one of the Courts of the Church, because of their close relation to the Sacrament of Penance. Practically the Holy Office is the successor of the former Congregation of the Index. It is natural, the Pope says, that a Congregation whose purpose it is to supervise the teaching of Faith and Morals, should also be com- missioned to watch over the publication of METHOD OF EXAMINATION 29 books and writings. It performed this task in the beginning and has always exercised the power of passing on books. By this transfer, the Pope points out, every danger of a collision, which might become very em- barrassing, is evaded. The prevention of such collisions has indeed been one of the chief reasons for Pius X to undertake the complete reorganization of the Roman Curia. (See Acta Apostolicae Sedis, vol. IX, pp. 162, 167.) Only a few verdicts concerning objectionable books have ema- nated from the Holy Office since the sup- pression of the Index Congregation. The Roman Congregations are not infal- lible. But they represent the Pope in his capacity as shepherd of the entire flock of Christ. Therefore we owe them obedience. Their regulations and orders must find us even more willing to obey than those of our bishops and pastors, to whom only a small portion of Christ's kingdom is committed. 8. The Method of Examination. Our confidence in the fairness of the ver- dicts of the Roman authorities will be much 30 COMMENTARY increased if we acquaint ourselves with the method they follow in carrying out their task. This method was outlined by Pope Benedict XIV in 1753 in his bull, Sollicita ac Provida for the Holy Office and the then existing Index Congregation. With the ex- ception of a few slight differences suggested by the Order of Business adopted in each of the two Congregations, it is the same for both. The Holy Office proceeds in the fol- lowing way. There is regularly a session on Monday comprising only those members of the Con- gregation who are not Cardinals, in order to deliberate about the matters to be pro- posed to the latter. The Cardinals hold their meeting on Wednesday, and in this session the final step is decided upon. But the decree of the Cardinals must still be re- ported to the Pope, without whose consent no verdict of any Congregation may be published. Now when there is the question of the condemnation of a book, it is first handed to one of the consultors, who must study and examine it carefully. He must draw up a METHOD OF EXAMINATION 31 detailed report, noting exactly the passages which he finds objectionable, and pointing out redeeming features. The book with his report next goes to the other consultors, so that each one can satisfy himself whether the first examiner's view is well founded, and has an opportunity to formulate his own judgment. The matter is then proposed in one of the Monday sessions -, ind publicly discussed. A vote is taken the step to be recommended to the Cardinals. Then the book together with the first report, the notes of other consultors, -and the vote ar- rived at in the preliminary Monday session goes to the Cardinals, who in the Wednes- day session will give their final verdict. Lastly, the matter is laid before the Pope for his sanction. Nobody will deny that this is an excellent method. A book is examined at least three times, before a verdict is reached, and a large number of picked scholars participate in the proceedings, each of whom has taken an oath never to allow himself to be swayed by sympathy or antipathy, and to have noth- ing in view but the welfare of souls. 32 COMMENTARY It has been customary to give the verdict in one of these four technical phrases : Datnnetur, " condemned " ; dimittatur, " dis- missed " ; donee corrigatur, " forbidden un- til amended " ; res dilata, " the case is post- poned." The verdict donee corrigatur can of course be given only when a book admits of correction. If it is thoroughly bad (if written for instance for the sole purpose of eulogizing Freemasonry or maligning Cath- olic bishops), a donee corrigatur would have no meaning. If the author is a Catholic, he must be informed before the decree is published. If but a few copies of the book have been sold, and the author promises either to sup- press it, or to issue an amended edition, if possible, the decree is not published. But even when this cannot be prevented, e. g. when a whole edition is already in circula- tion, credit is given to the author in the decree itself for declaring his submission, by adding the words: auctor laudabiliter se subjecit, " the author has praiseworth- ily submitted." Great care is taken to have all books ex- SPIRIT OF THE EXAMINERS 33 amined by men who are not only well versed in the subject matter, but who also understand thoroughly the language in which they happen to be written. Nor does the Congregation in important cases confine itself to its regular consultors; whenever it seems advisable, the services of other competent critics are enlisted. All the members of the Congregation are bound by oath to keep absolute secrecy with regard to every detail of the official transactions, no matter whether a book un- der discussion is finally condemned or not. By this means each feels more free in giv- ing his opinion, and the reputation of the author is spared as long and as much as possible. 9. The Spirit of the Examiners. As to the spirit that should actuate the examiners of publications, some further rules are laid down by Benedict XIV in the Bull " Sollicita ac provida " which are very instructive. " Ipsos . . . monemus ac vehemen- ter hortamur ut in examine iudicioque lib- 34 COMMENTARY rorunt sequentes regulas diligenter inspic- iant accurateque custodiant." " We wish to admonish and exhort them most urgently to study carefully and observe accurately the following rules for examining and judg- ing books : 1. Let them not imagine that it is their duty to use every means to bring about the condemnation of the books submitted to them. They ought rather to study such books conscientiously, without passion or anxiety (sedato animo), in order to fur- nish such well-found observations, such objective reasons, as will enable the Con- gregation to pass a just verdict. 2. Should a consultor find that he is not competent to judge a book which he is asked to examine, let him know that he will not be free from guilt, either before God or man, unless he at once confesses his incompetence. Far from damaging his rep- utation with the pope or the cardinals, such an avowal will rather gain their esteem and praise for his straghtforwardness and hon- esty. 3. Let them set aside absolutely all prej- SPIRIT OF THE EXAMINERS 35 udice in favor of nation, family, school or order; let them relinquish all party spirit, and keep before their minds the undoubted doctrine of the Church, as laid down in the decrees of the councils, in papal documents, etc., knowing that there are opinions that, while they seem certain to one nation, school, or order, are, with the knowledge of the Holy See, opposed by others; the Holy See leaving all these opinions in their degree of probability. 4. It must also be borne in mind that it is impossible to judge fairly the meaning of a passage, unless the entire book is stud- ied, and unless the various statements found in different sections are compared with one another, and the whole purpose of the book is steadily kept in view. 5. If an author who enjoys the reputa- tion of sound theological learning, has used expressions which might be under- stood in a wrong as well as in a right mean- ing, fairness demands that they be, as far as possible, interpreted in his favor. These and similar rules . . . must be kept before the minds of the consultors, 36 FURTHER EXPLANATIONS in order that they may have due regard for their own conscience, the good name of au- thors, the interests of the Church, and the welfare of souls." 10. Further Explanations. A. Why an Author is Not Permitted to Defend His Book. If an author could accompany every copy of his work that leaves the bookstore or library, he would be able to explain ob- scure passages and to show what meaning he wished doubtful phrases to convey to the reader. It is precisely because he can- not multiply himself that he employs print- er's ink to convey his ideas to others. It must, therefore, be supposed that his words mean what he intends to say. The reader, at any rate, has no corrective. He has only the book, not the author to fall back upon. It is impossible to recur to the au- thor when there is question of the correct- ness or incorrectness of a book. If the au- thor has to be called upon to explain the meaning of his book, he should have left it unprinted. AUTHORS 37 Moreover, it is hardly credible, as Pope Benedict XIV points out, that anything an author might advance in his favor, should escape so many examiners without receiv- ing due attention and emphasis. The whole procedure is primarily not in- tended as a measure against the author, although pecuniary loss may ensue, but to protect the faithful. A condemnation is rather a warning to the would-be reader, than a punishment inflicted upon the au- thor. It is not an act of jurisdiction. Were the author's personal views under investigation, he would be summoned per- sonally before another tribunal and tried according to a method that would give him the amplest opportunity to defend him- self. These considerations also show that the condemnation of a book after its author's death is not unreasonable. A book remains what it is independently of its author. Nor would it change the nature of a book were the author afterwards to prove his ortho- doxy to the satisfaction of the authorities, or to do penance in sackcloth and ashes, 38 FURTHER EXPLANATIONS or for the rest of his mortal life consort with the Trappists. Were it morally cer- tain, however, that almost all the copies of a book were destroyed, a prohibitory decree would fail of its purpose. B. The Index Does Not Advertise Bad Books. Now and then there is expressed an ap- prehension lest the Index, far from sup- pressing, rather advertises bad books and arouses a desire to read them. It is even maintained that in some cases evil-minded authors have intentionally written so as to get their books put on the Index. Now, every prohibitory law may have the effect of increasing the inclination of men towards the prohibited thing or act. Thus a person may possibly feel a stronger appetite for meat on Friday than on any other day of the week. We have inherited this tendency from Eve, who, when tempted, saw that the forbidden fruit " was good to cat and fair to the eye and delight- ful to behold," and then proceeded to vio- late the first prohibitory law ever given. INDEX DOES NOT ADVERTISE 39 But is that a reason to do away with every prohibitory law? Who does not see at once that the Index must prove a very poor advertising me- dium ? Those who have it are certainly not the prospective buyers of immoral novels or of works which propagate heretical views in theology; while those who hanker after sensationalism or doubtful theology will not invest $2.25 for a book list which contains, e. g. for the year 1898, fully eight titles, four of which are German, and for 1903 fifteen, all French. This side of the question, as we have re- marked elsewhere, is also in each case care- fully weighed by the Sacred Congregation, before it resolves upon a prohibition. Even if the sale of a book should be in- creased by the fact of its condemnation, the Index would nevertheless achieve its main purpose, namely, to warn the faithful that the ideas advocated in the proscribed book are contrary to faith and morals. This is enough for all men of good will to enable them to shun the poison. Those who re- fuse to heed the warning will have to blame 40 FEAR OF APOSTASIES their own ignorance or malice if the read- ing of a condemned book results in spirit- ual hurt. C. Index Decisions Not Omitted for Fear of Apostasies. A book, we are reminded, often repre- sents the opinions not only of its author, but of many of his disciples and admirers. By forbidding it and thus branding such opinions as erroneous, it is said, many in- fluential men may become embittered and may even be driven into an attitude of open hostility. However, the Church is in duty bound to exercise her guardianship; which she cannot do if every one is to have his own way. Nor can the Church neglect the mass of her children in order to accommodate this or that coterie or school, whose opin- ions are manifestly wrong. Moreover, to be a trustworthy guide, the Church must state the truth clearly and un- mistakably. The faithful are not guided by ambiguous circumlocutions, by terms that may be understood in two or perhaps THE "GOOD CATHOLIC" 4I more ways. Neither may she keep exclu- sively in the lofty heights of theory; but she must instruct with regard to the facts of everyday life. The dangers arising from books are concrete not abstract, and they must be met by concrete measures. This can be done effectively only by an ener- getic and unmistakable " thou shalt not," which makes men realize that they are " under authority." No one has ever stated the truth more clearly, more unmistakably than Christ our Lord. Was it not precisely for this very fact that " many of His disciples went back and walked no more with him"? (John 6, 67.) D. The "Good Catholic." " I am a Catholic. I live up to my re- ligion and go regularly to the sacraments. I have had a good Catholic education and hear a sermon every Sunday. I do not see why I should be afraid to read any book, even if it belonged to those forbid- den by the Index." You may do so; but you may fare in 42 FURTHER EXPLANATIONS consequence as David fared David who was a saint and yet committed adultery and murder. If you read a forbidden book without permission, you are as good a Cath- olic as one who eats meat on Friday. The object of the law of abstinence is to make sure that every Christian performs at least a certain minimum of penance. Now there are saintly persons who, in imitation of our crucified Savior, do more penance on ordi- nary days than the average Catholic does by abstaining from meat on twenty or more Fridays; and yet they are not exempted from the law of abstinence and would be the last to claim such an exemption. Similarly the object of the Index is to make sure that every Christian avoids at least the worst books. By obeying its laws we declare that our standpoint is that of the Church of God. This result cannot be obtained unless the prohibition is made uni- versal, exempting no one, no matter how pious or learned he may be. Therefore, all Christians, good and bad, priests, reli- gious and lay people, students and profes- sors, unless they have a dispensation, are A MORTAL SIN 43 bound by the ecclesiastical laws regarding books. By asking for a dispensation we im- plicitly acknowledge and approve of the official position of the Church on the sub- ject of wicked books, and, so far as in us lies, ratify and sanction the reasons which lead to their condemnation. You say you are a good Catholic, and therefore this law does not bind you. Are there any commandments of the Church that bind only bad Catholics ? E. A Mortal Sin. " I am told that a transgression of the Index law is a mortal sin. Can it be true that the Church, the kindest of mothers, should load us down with such a severe ob- ligation ? " According to the theologians, the reading of a forbidden book, or part of it, is a mor- tal sin. (See p. 51, Rule i.) The selection of the books on which our souls feed is a matter of no small importance. True, the Church is the kindest of mothers ; but she is also the wisest. To direct the consciences of her children and " to restrain them from 44 FURTHER EXPLANATIONS the reading of bad books as front a deadly poison/' is the great object of her legisla- tion. Under the leadership of a master- mind like that of Leo XIII, the Roman authorities have labored for years in formu- lating the present ecclesiastical laws about books. These laws are the voice of the su- preme pastor, the successor of St. Peter. Let us not spurn it like the heathen and the publican. F. The Galileo Case. The Roman Congregations are no more infallible than our bishops and pastors. And yet there is practically but one case, during more than three centuries, in which they are accused of having made a mis- take. It is the condemnation, by both the Holy Office and the Index, of Galileo Gal- ilei (died 1639) for defending the theory that the earth moves around its own axis and around the sun. This teaching was according to the com- mon belief of Catholics and Protestants, at that time, clearly opposed to Holy Scrip- ture, which the Church was bound to vindi- THE GALILEO CASE 45 cate. If Galileo's theory was true, the tra- ditional interpretation of sundry Bible texts would have had to be abandoned. The Church had weighty reasons for not allowing this. The new theory was not at all certain. Galileo himself admitted he could not establish more than a probability. Several very obvious objections he was unable to explain satisfactorily. None of the real proofs used in our days were known to him. He was told by the Jesuit Cardinal Bellarmin, if he could advance any convincing proof for his theory, the tradi- tional interpretation of those passages would be given up. But all Galileo had to offer was an ingenious hypothesis. Had he advocated it as such with due respect for the time-honored interpretation of the Book of Books, had he not used bold, some- times bitter and defying language, no steps would have been taken against him, who had until then been a favorite of the pope and of many dignitaries. As matters stood, " the Church could wait for the elucidation of a physical system, but she could not allow a change in the universally accepted 46 FURTHER EXPLANATIONS interpretation of Scripture, before the ne- cessity of such a change was proved." ( Guggenberger, History of the Christian Era. Vol. II, pp. 456, etc.) The decree was repealed in 1757 (Cath. Encycl. under "Boscovich"). " The marvelous unanimity of the ene- mies of the Church in concentrating all their attacks against the Roman Congrega- tion on the case of Galileo, is a striking neg- ative testimony to the value of the decis- ions of courts which have been at work for centuries." G. State and Protestant Book laws. As we have already remarked, Henry VIII continued his policy of proscribing books opposed to his views long after he had constituted himself the head of the English Church. Between 1526 and 1546 there were issued by the King's authority nine catalogues of books which English- men were forbidden to read. Among these books were the works of the continental " reformers " ; for some years the English STATE AND PROTESTANT LAWS 47 Bible; also writings against the King's matrimonial projects. The Protestants on the continent fol- lowed the same system. Calvin condemned a Spanish physician, who happened to come to Geneva, to be burned at the stake, be- cause he had written a heretical book. The Protestant princes and republics had each its special book-legislation, which was made to serve not only religious but also political purposes. After the middle of the eighteenth cen- tury, in almost all Catholic countries, the civil power usurped the monopoly of pro- scribing books, and practiced it in a truly despotic way. Thus in Austria 639 books were forbidden within five years. No book was allowed to be printed without previous permission, not even on forestry or cattle- raising. Bishops were severely reproved for enforcing the prohibitions of the Ro- man Index in their seminaries. Napoleon I had a publisher shot, prac- tically without trial, for issuing a work contrary to his political plans. One book was publicly burned because it contained 4 8 FURTHER EXPLANATIONS the picture of Pius VII. To enable the authorities to control the book trade more effectively, no printing establishment was allowed to have, in Paris more than four, and in the provinces more than two, presses. Needless to remark, the civil authorities have the right to prohibit books that se- riously endanger the common welfare. If they use this right in a reasonable way, their measures are likely to bring about good and prevent evil. We all have occa- sional opportunities to observe this in the measures taken against immoral literature by the police or the post-office department. H. Some Examples of Submission to the Index. The first Roman Index, that of 1559, was considered rather severe. One of the influ- ential men who tried hard to have its pro- visions softened, was Blessed Peter Can- isius, the " Second Apostle of Germany." Yet the very letters he wrote to Rome for this purpose show that he scrupulously ob- served all the regulations, though he him- self, called the " Hammer of Heretics," EXAMPLES OF SUBMISSION 49 surely incurred little personal risk by read- ing forbidden books. About 1698, a book by Archbishop Fene- lon was under investigation at Rome. Fe- nelon was a great scholar and one of the greatest preachers of all centuries, but he was also a loyal son of the Church. He knew a condemnation of his book would mean his own condemnation in the eyes of Catholic France. His friends as well as his antagonists were eagerly awaiting Rome's decision. At last the verdict was pronounced in the most solemn way by the Pope himself, and it was a condemnation. The great archbishop was just ascending his pulpit, March 25, 1699, when his brother broke the news to him. Without a mo- ment's hesitation he proceeded to read to his own flock the papal document and preached an eloquent sermon on the obedi- ence every Christian owes to his superiors. We can imagine what a profound im- pression his words must have made. His was a truly heroic example of self-abnega- tion. In 1 86 1 there died in Munich Ernest von 50 EXAMPLES OF SUBMISSION Lasaulx, a famous professor of the Univer- sity. In his writings he had now and then been very bold, and it was rumored that the Congregation of the Index thought of cen- suring some of his books. Von Lasaulx knew this. A few weeks before his death he made an implicit retraction of the errors he might have involuntarily committed, which was forwarded to Rome by his friends. Even some years earlier he had declared that he had never intended to con- travene the doctrine of the Church, but that he feared there were many errors in his books. " If Rome would think it ad- visable to put my books on the Index, I should consider the verdict perfectly just, since I firmly believe that such measures are truly in the interest of the Catholic Church in our times." Four of his books were really condemned after his death. In July, 1906, an Italian novel, // Santo, (The Saint) by Fogazzaro, was put on the Index. The author " submitted himself." An American edition of the book had mean- while appeared ; " but the prohibition by the Roman authorities was duly respected by EXAMPLES OF SUBMISSION 51 the publishers of the leading Catholic papers of America, which declined to accept adver- tisements of the book" (Putnam.) Under date of June 12, 1911, the Con- gregation of the Index proscribed three writings of Dr. Ottokar Prohaszka, Bishop of Stuhlweissenburg, in Hungary, a prelate highly esteemed for his zeal and energy. The news caused great commotion, and peo- ple eagerly looked forward to some ex- planation from the bishop. They did not have long to wait. On June 24 appeared a pastoral letter in which the bishop declared : " Since we acknowledge the Holy See to be the supreme teaching authority and obey the decisions and directions of its central organs, I comply with my duty by submit- ting to the judgment of the Holy See, and respectfully heeding the directions of the supreme teacher in the present-day conflict of truth with error, withdraw my books from the market." (Cath. Fortnightly Re- view, Vol. 1 8, page 48.) SECTION II A SUMMARY OF THE INDEX i. Our Duties in Relation to Forbidden Books. Rule r. We are not allowed to read any forbidden publication. Father Genicot, S.J., a reliable and mod- erate theologian, says : " Were one to read only a few lines which he sees contain doctrine directly opposed to faith or good morals " (and, it must be understood, in a manner highly dangerous to the average reader), "he would sin grievously. But when nothing so extraordinarily harmful occurs, good moralists hold that as much as six pages may be read without mortal sin." He also quotes the opinion of F. Vermeersch, a very good authority, that when a book becomes dangerous only through a long perusal of it, quite a con- 52 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 53 siderable portion must be read to incur grievous guilt, and that the reading even of a great portion of a condemned book may be excused from mortal sin, as long as the part read is not injurious in itself and does not tempt one to read further. As to forbidden newspapers, it would of course be a mortal sin to become a sub- scriber to them or to indulge in reading such sections as are especially dangerous, though each of them may not be very long. Minor offenses would be venial sins. Rule 2. No one, whether he be the owner or not, is allowed to keep a forbid- den book. He must either destroy it or give or sell it to some one who has per- mission or he must obtain permission for himself. Rule 3. It is not lawful for a Catholic publisher or printer to issue or print, or re- print forbidden books. Nor may a book- seller keep such books in stock, unless he has obtained leave to do so; and he may sell them only to those whom he can reasonably presume to have permission for their perusal. 54 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 2. Forbidden Books. Rule 4. General Rule. Translations of a forbidden book into any language are also forbidden, if they faithfully reproduce the original. i. The General Decrees Prohibit the Follow- ing Publications. Rule 5, a. Books defending heresies, i. e. doctrines contrary to divine revelation. b. Books derogatory to God, the Blessed Virgin, the Saints. c. Books vilifying the sacraments, the clerical or religious state, the hierarchy, the Church. Rule 6. Books professedly treating of, narrating or teaching lewdness and obscen- ity. Rule 7. Books teaching or recommend- ing sorcery, spiritism, Christian Science, or other superstitions. Rule 8. Books defending as lawful or harmless, Freemasonry, divorce, Socialism, suicide, duelling. Rule 9. Those neiuspapers and periodi- cals which not merely now and then, but SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 55 regularly and of set purpose, attack re- ligion or morality, or propagate anti-Catho- lic views. Rule 10. The following classes of pub- lications require the approbation of the bishop of the place where the work is to be published, or of some higher authority, which is to be printed in the beginning or at the end of the work and must be re- newed for every new edition. a. Books on theology, Church history, canon law, natural theology and ethics, and all editions of the Bible or parts of it in any language. b. Books and pamphlets of devotion, re- ligious instruction, and practical and mys- tical piety. c. Books, pamphlets and leaflets, printed or reproduced in any other way, which re- late apparitions, visions, revelations, mira- cles, etc. 1 not yet passed on by the Church ; the plea that they are destined for private circulation does not exempt these publica- tions. 1 This prohibition does not affect newspapers, which are allowed to report strange and uncom- mon occurrences as they do other happenings. 56 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS d. Books, pamphlets and leaflets, which give catalogues of indulgences or new grants of them; also all writings which treat of subjects that are evidently of un- usual importance for faith or morals at the time being. Without ecclesiastical approbation the publications mentioned under b and c as well as all Bible editions in the vernacular are forbidden, though they may have been issued by most pious and learned men. The failure to obtain the approbation for the rest that fall under rule 10 would be a sin for the author (and publisher), but the works themselves would not be forbidden, provided they are not, on account of their contents, proscribed by other rules. An author who is a member of a reli- gious order must add the permission of his " praelatus " to the approbation of the bishop. NOTES Note i. Although all the members of a Catho- lic family should endeavor to keep forbidden books out of the home, the head of the household SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 57 is chiefly responsible before God. It is to be re- marked, however, that Catholic librarians or servants do not violate this law, by keeping, handling or cataloguing forbidden books for their employer in the latter's house, or, for in- stance, in a public library. Note 2. If a book or any particular issue of a forbidden periodical calls for a speedy public refutation, and if permission to peruse it cannot be waited for, any educated Catholic, who may be reasonably presumed to be competent to refute it by lecture or newspaper article, may read such book or periodical without special permission. Note 3. In all other cases, each and every Catholic, be he priest or layman, professor or student, must first obtain permission. Neither piety, nor learning, nor position exempts one from this law. The permission is granted by bishops and their vicars general, who can also delegate this power to others. When asking for this permission the applicant should mention the book which he thinks he has a good reason to read. Note 4. The bishop's approbation is commonly given in the Latin word Imprimatur, " it may be printed," or some similar expression, over the date and his own signature or that of his vicar general. The formula Nihil obstat, " there is no objection," is as a rule only the verdict of the censor deputatus, the priest who was commis- sioned by the bishop to examine the book. Catho- 5 8 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS lie books are sometimes reprinted or translated from other languages by Protestants, who not un- frequently change the text to suit their own er- rors, for instance the excellent "Imitation (Fol- lowing) of Christ." The bishop's Imprimatur is always the test of orthodoxy. Books printed be- fore the promulgation of the bull Officiorum ac Munerum in 1897 and, contrary to Rule 10, not furnished with the Imprimatur, need not be con- sidered as forbidden, provided they are really good. (Ojetti II, p. 162.) Note 5. The legislation of the Church con- cerns itself chiefly with BOOKS in the strict sense of the word, i. e. with publications which have been multiplied by the process called (type-) printing, which are too bulky to be designated pamphlets in ordinary speech, and which do not consist of detached sections but form one or- ganic whole. Therefore neither pamphlets nor leaflets nor any publications reproduced by hand- writing or authographing or similar methods will fall under the ecclesiastical prohibition unless they are expressly included, as in Rule 10, or for- bidden by particular decrees. If several pamph- lets treating of different subjects are bound to- gether they will make up a "volume" but not a "book." Of course this does not free from the ban of the Church the bound volumes of the periodicals which are forbidden by Rule 9, be- cause there is in them both bulk and unity enough to make them "books." (Noldin, S.J. SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 59 De Praeceptis, n. 690.) If on the other hand, a forbidden book is bound together with others, the entire volume is prohibited. If a book or volume is prohibited on account of one or another ob- jectionable passage, the prohibition ceases as soon as these passages are destroyed or rendered illegible. Note 6. It is not the intention of the Church that the prohibition be understood to include the reading of small sections torn or cut from pro- hibited works or the perusing of articles clipped from forbidden newspapers, even if it would be unlawful to read the same amount of matter while still in the book or paper. Nor is a sin against the law of the Church committed by listen- ing to the reading of proscribed publications, or by witnessing a play which is the dramatization of a prohibited novel. Finally, productions printed or otherwise multiplied, which are meant to be private communications and can in no way be said to be " published," do not fall under the law of the Church. Yet, as explained on pp. 18, etc., this does not do away with the duty of spiritual self-preserva- tion; unless a person is excused by a reason which is in proportion to the personal danger, and unless scandal is excluded, such a listening or reading is always a fault and may become a serious violation of a natural law, which binds us independently of all Church legislation. Note 7. In case a prohibited work consists 6o SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS of several volumes which form but one organic whole, as the sundry volumes of a novel, each of them is forbidden; otherwise only those are pro- scribed, which contain the objectionable matter. The volumes of a large history of the world or similar works treat of matters sufficiently dif- ferent to make each an independent book. (Geni- cot, Theol. Mor. I., page 404.) The phrase ALL WORKS includes each and every book on religion by the respective author, but only those other publications which either are forbidden by special decrees or evidently fall under one of the general decrees. (Ver- meersch, De Prohib. et Cens. Libror. 45.) This explains the exceptions under Dumas and Zola. Note 8. There is a kind of publications now perhaps more common than ever: the antholo- gies, which are made up of selections from various authors. They are arranged from a literary or historical or some other view-point, or simply alphabetically. Are such collections for- bidden to the Catholic, if they contain writings from proscribed authors? The principles ex- plained above will give the answer. Any volume of them is forbidden which contains at least one selection taken from one individual author in which the description of " book " given in Note 5 is verified, and as stated in Rule i, the removal of the objectionable section would also remove the prohibition. Note 9. Though not necessary, it is highly ad- SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 6 1 visable to obtain the bishop's sanction for pious leaflets as well, and were it only to forestall the just suspicions of conscientious Catholics. (Wernz, Jus Deer. II, p. 127, note 74.) It is gratifying that one comes across very few if any of such leaflets in this country which have not been submitted to higher authority before publi- cation. On the other hand there is no reason to extend this caution to the usual First Mass me- mento pictures or the customary mourning cards, as long as the prayers, indulgenced or not, that are printed on them have been taken from approved sources. Note 10. All editions of the Bible, issued by no n- Catholics, in ancient as well as in modern languages, are permitted to those and those only, who are engaged in serious theological or Biblical studies, provided, however, that the PROLEGO- MENA and annotations do not of set purpose impugn the Catholic faith. Note n. An exception has also been made in favor of those classics, ancient and modern, which on account of their obscenity fall under Rule 6. In as far as they are models of style they may be read by persons engaged in teaching university or higher college classes of literature, by those, who are preparing for such a position in the near future and by those who, on account of their profession, e. g. as critics or authors of literary works, cannot well do without them. Note 12. Whenever we know or discover 62 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS while reading that a work undoubtedly belongs to any of the above mentioned classes of forbid- den publications, we may be sure that our Holy Mother, the Church, does not wish to see it in our hands, and we must then act according to the words of Christ : " He who heareth you heareth Me, and he who despiseth you despiseth Me." No need of first looking up the catalogue of prohibited books; whether the volume in ques- tion is mentioned there or not, makes no dif- ference. Nor does it matter what the literary character of the book is. An apparently learned history of the seizure of Rome in 1870, written with the obvious intention of maligning Pius IX, is forbidden just as well as a novel composed for the same purpose, or the prayer book of some Protestant sect. Note 13. All who are dispensed from the Church law regarding forbidden books, must use every precaution, not to suffer injury to their faith or purity of heart. Such precautions are: the hearing of sermons, the reading of Catholic books, the frequenting of Catholic society, regu- lar prayers, and above all the humble reception of the sacraments. The same holds good as to those objectionable publications which on account of their smallness or for other reasons escape ecclesiastical prohibition. By reading them one would not violate a positive law, but he may seriously endanger his soul, which is a sin in itself. Only a grave reason can induce us to pe- SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 63 ruse such productions. All that has been said in the chapter " Duties Imposed by Law and by Nature" applies to them. Faithful Catholics will make no difference, neither for themselves nor for those entrusted to their care, between these publications and those expressly prohibited. " He who touches pitch shall be defiled by it." (Eccli. 13, i.) 2. Books Forbidden by Particular Decrees. The following list contains a number of titles which it might be practical for Eng- lish Catholics to know. Nearly all those put on the Index during the last few years have been mentioned, because they contain the palmary heresy of our times, namely: Modernism, and among its various errors especially the un-Christian treatment of the Bible. Some of these books have been and others may soon be translated into English. Their titles as well as those of most other foreign books are given in English. Place and date of publication have been added to those prohibited after the appearance of the first edition of this booklet. Addison, Jos. Remarks on Several Parts of Italy. Adveniat Regnum Tuum. (i) Christian Read- ings and Prayers. (2) The Christian's Rit- ual. (3) The Christian Year. Rome, 1904-5. Annals of Christian Philosophy, founded by. A. Bonnetti, Paris, 1905 to 1913. Avancini, Damian. Modernism. A Novel. Mi- lan, 1913. Bacon, Francis. De dignitate et augmentis scien- tiarum. (On the Dignity and Increase of Science.) Balzac, Honore de. All novels. Batiffol, Peter. The Eucharist, the Real Pres- ence, Transsubstantiation. Paris. Begey and Favero. Records and Letters of Archbishop L. Puecher-Passavalli, 1870-97. Milan, Turin, Rome, 1911. Bentham, Jeremy. Three Tracts, etc. Deontology or the Science of Alorality. Bergson, Henry. Matter and Memory. Creative Evolution. An Essay on the Immediate Data of Conscience. Bingham, Jos. Origines Ecclesiastics, or The Antiquities of the Christian Church. Blunt, John James. Vestiges of Ancient Man- ners and Customs, etc. Bois, Jules. Satanism. Bonnefoy, J. de. The Lessons of Defeat, or the End of Catholicism. Paris, 1907. Towards the Unity of Belief. Paris, 1907. The Catholicism of To-morrow. Paris, 1908. Bremond, Henry. Saint Chantal. Paris, 1912. Bruno, Giordano. The Conflict of Religion, Morals and Science in Contemporary Educa- tion. Bunsen, Christian Chas. J. Hippolytus and His 64 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 65 Age, or the Doctrine and Practice of the Church of Rome under Commodus and Alexander Severus, etc. Buonaiuti, Ernest. Researches in Philology and the History of the New Testament. Rome, 1910. Genesis of the Augustinian Doctrine on Original Sin. Rome, 1916. Saint Augustine. Rome, 1917. Bureau, Paul. The Moral Crisis in Modern Times. Preface by M. Alfred Croiset. Burgess, Richard. Lectures on the Insufficiency of Unrevealed Religion. Canal, Melchior. Elements of Concrete Psy- chology and Metaphysics. Paris, 1907. Claraz, Jules. The Marriage of the Priests. Paris, 1911. Chouilly, L. The Little Citizen's Note Book : A Summary of Morale and Civique Instruction. Middle and Higher Courses. Verdun, 1910. Coube, Stephen. Jewish Souls. Paris. Coulevain, Peter de. The Wonderful Novel. Paris. Cudworth, Ralph. The True Intellectual System of the Universe, etc. D'Annunzio, Gabriele. All novels and dramas. Prose Selections, Milan. Darwin, Erasmus. Zoonomia or the Laws of Organic Life. DeCauzons, Th. History of the Inquisition in France. Paris, 1909. Denis, Chas. An Apologetic Lenten Course on the Fundamental Dogmas, 1903. Church and State: The Lessons of the Pres- ent Hour, 1903. Descartes, Rene. Meditations on Original Phi- losophy. Dimnet, Ernest. Catholic Thought in England. 66 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS Db'llinger, John Joseph Ignatius. The Pope and the Council. Janus. Dolonne, Abbe. The Clergy of Our Times and Celibacy. Paris. Draper, John William. History of the Conflicts Between Religion and Science. Duchesne, L. Ancient History of the Church. Paris. Duggan, James. Steps towards Reunion. Dumas, Alexander (father and son). All nov- els, except The Count of Montecristo. Earle, John Chas. The Spiritual Body. The Forty Days, or Christ Between His Resurrection and Ascension. Fenelon, Francois de Salignac. The Principles of the Saints. Feracci, Valeriano. Biographical Notes on the Servant of God Paula Mandatori-Sacchetti. Rome, 1905. Fernandez, Angel Pulido. Spaniards without Country. Madrid, 1005. Ferriere, fimile. The Soul a Function of the Brain. The Apostles. Darwinism. The Scientific Blunders of the Bible. Matter and Energy. Paganism of the Hebrews. Life and Soul. The Myths of the Bible. Ffoulkes, Edmund S. Christendom's Divisions. The Church's Creed or the Crown's Creed. Fogazzaro, Antonio. The Saint ; Leilia. (Nov- els). Forty-Five Theses concerning the Encyclical on the Workingman's Unions. Herford, 1912. Frohschammer, Jacob. Origin of the Human Soul. SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 67 Frohschammer. Introduction to Philosophy. On the Liberty of Science. Christianity and Modern Science. The Right of One's Own Conviction. The New Knowledge and the New Faith. Funk, Philip. The Church of the Spirit. Mu- nich, 1913. Gambia, Louis. Sociology. Barcelona, 1909. Criminal Sociology. Barcelona, 1909. Criminal Anthropology. Barcelona, 1909. Criminal Psychology and Anthropology. Bar- celona, 1909. Gelli, Sostene. Psychology of Religion. Rome, Georgel, Michel. Matter : Its Deification, Its Rehabilitation, and Its Ultimate Destiny. Germanicus, Clericus. (Pseudon.) The Anti- Modernist Oath. Augsburg, 1910. Giacomelli, Antonietta. For the Renewal of Christian Warfare. Milan, 1913. Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Goblet d'Alviella, Eug. The Idea of God. Goldsmith, Oliver. An Abridged History of England From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Death of George II. Gonzalez Y San. Venancio, The Bankruptcy of Protestantism. Graf, Arthur. The Devil. Gregorovius, Ferdinand. History of the City of Rome During the Middle Ages. The Sepulchral Monuments of the Popes. Urban VIII in Opposition to Spain and the Em- peror. Athenais: The History of a Byzantine Em- press. Wanderings in Italy (fifth volume), Scenes in Apulia. Guernica, Juan de. The Pearl of Havana: 68 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS Sister Mary Anna de Jesus Castro. Sara- gossa, 1914. Hallam, Henry. The Constitutional History of England, etc. View of the State of Europe During the Mid- dle Ages. Heine, Heinrich. De rAllemagne. De la France. Reisebilder. Neue Gedichte. Herzog, William. The Blessed Virgin in His- tory. Paris, 1908. Hilaire de Paris. Exposition of the Rule of St Francis. Hobbes, Thomas. All works. Holzhey, Karl. Short Textbook of the Special Introduction to the Old Testament. Pader- born, 1912. Houtin, Albert. The Biblical Question among the Catholics of France in the XIX Cen- tury. The Biblical Question in the XX Century. My Troubles with My Bishop. Americanism. The Crisis of the Clergy. Hugo, Victor. Notre Dame de Paris. Les Miserables. Humbert, Augustine. The Beginnings of Mod- ern Theology. Paris, 1910. Hume, David. All works. James I, King of England. Basilikon doron (Royal Gift) divided into three books. Triplici nodo triplex cuneus, etc. Meditatio in Orationem dominicam. Meditatio in caput XXVII evangelii S. Mat- thaei. Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. Keller, Louis. The Spiritual Foundations of Masonry and the Public Life. Todi, 1915. SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 69 Koch, Dr. W. and Dr. O. Wecker. Catholicism and Christianity. Rottenburg, 1910. Konrad, Alois. John the Baptist. Gratz and Bi- enna, 1911. Laberthonniere, Lucien. Essays on Religious Philosophy. Christian Realism and Grecian Idealism. On the Way to Catholicism. Paris, 1913. The Testimony of the Martyrs. Paris, 1912. Lacaze, Felix. To Lourdes with Zola. Lang, Andrew. Myth, Ritual and Religion. Lasaulx, Ernest von. Theological foundations of the Systems of Philosophy. The Prophetic Power of the Human Soul in Poets and Thinkers. Socrates' Life, Doctrine, and Death. New Attempt at an Old Philosophy of History. Lasplasas. A baker's dozen of writings, printed 1895-1907 at San Salvador, on a great variety of subjects, as, Origin of Man, Church and State, St. Thecla, Evolution, Wisdom, etc., and finally on " My Concept of the World." Lasserre, Henri. The Holy Gospels. Lefranc, E. (pseudonym). The Conflicts of Sci- ence and the Bible. Le Morin, Jean. Truths of Yesterday? Lenau, Nicolaus. Die Albigenser. Lenormant, Frangois. The Beginnings of His- tory. LeRoy, Edouard. Dogma and Criticism. Letters to His Holiness Pope Pius X. By a Modernist. Chicago, 1910. Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. The Reasonableness of Christianity, etc. Loisy, Alfred, Gospel Studies. The Gospel and the Church. The Fourth Gpspel. Apropos of a Little Book. The Religion of Israel. 70 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS Loriaux, Henry. The Authority of the Gospels, the Fundamental Question. Paris, 1907. Maeterlinck, Maurice. All works (Prohibi- tion dated Jan. 26, 1914.) Macaire, C. The Divine Constitution of the Church. Geneva, 1913. Manaresi, Alphonso. The Roman Empire and Christendom, Vol. I. Rome, 1910. Mari, Francis. The Fourth Gospel. Rome, 1910. Mariave, Dr. Henry. The Lesson of the Hos- pital of Notre-Dame of Ypres. Exegesis of the Secret of La Salette. Maurice, Frederick D. Theological Essays. Merkle, Sebastian. Past and Present of the Catholic Theological Faculties (in the Uni- versities). Leipsic, 1912. Mill, John Stuart. Principles of Political Econ- omy. Milton, John. Literae pseudo-senatus Anglicani, Cromwellii reliquorumque perduellium nom- ine conscriptae. Mivart, St. George. Happiness in Hell. Montesquieu, Chas. de Secondat de. The Spirit of the Laws. Persian Letters. Miiller, Joseph. Reform Catholicism. Murri, Romolo. The Problems of the Italy of To-day, Vol. I. The politics of the Clergy and Democracy. Rome, 1908. Battles of To-day. 4 vols. Rome, 1903-4. Democracy and Christianity; General Princi- ples. Rome, 1906. Religious Life in Christianity. Rome, 1907. The New Philosophy and the Encyclical against Modernism. Rome, 1908. Negri, Ada. Fatalism. Olive, Jos. Letters to the Members of the Pious and Devout Society of the Heart of Jesus, etc. SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 71 Ormanian, Malachia. The Armenian Church, its History, Doctrine, Government, Liturgy; Its Present. Paris, 1910. Osborne, Francis. Miscellaneous Works. Palmarini, Mario. Since we Shall not Die. (Novel.) Milan, 1911. P. A. S., Catechism of Sacred History. Cre- mona, 1910. Payot, Jules. About Faith. Before Entering Life. Petre, M. D. Autobiography and Life of George Tyrrell. London, 1912. Planchet, Franc. Regis. Episcopal Absolutism in the Mexican Republic. Program of the Modernists, An Answer to the Encyclical of Pius X " Pascendi Dominici Gregis." Rome, 1908. Prohaszka, Ottokar. The Limit of Intellect. Budapest, 1910. More Peace. 1910. Modern Catholicism. (See p. 50.) Budapest, 1907. Pufendorf, Samuel von. Introduction to the History of the Principal States of Europe. (Also four Latin works.) Quievreux, Camille. Paganism in the XIX Cen- tury. Ranke, Leopold. The Roman Popes: Their Church and Their State in the XVI and XVII Centuries. Renan, Ernest. Practically all his works (the Index names nineteen). Renouf, Peter LePage. The Condemnation of Pope Honorius. Renzetti, Louis. Human Struggles. Novel on Russian Life. Rome, 1911. Review of the Science of Religions. Rome. Press of the Senate, 1916. 72 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS Richardson, Samuel Pamela, or Virtue Re- warded. Robertson, Wm. The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. Rohling, August. The Kingdom of the Future. (Der Zukunftsstaat.) Roscoe, William. The Life and Pontificate of Leo X. Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio. The Constitution ac- cording to Social Justice. Of the Five Wounds of Holy Church. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Emile, or About Edu- cation. The Social Contract. Letter to Christopher de Beaumont, Archbishop of Paris. Letters Written from a Mountain. Julia, or the New Helolise. Russo, Fortunate. The Roman Curia in its Organization and Complete Workings. Sabatier, Paul. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. Saintyves, P. The Intellectual Reform of the Clergy and the Freedom of Education. The Saints as Successors of the Gods. Miracles and Historical Criticism. Miracles and Scientific Criticism. Saltzmann, A. Divine Remedies for Soul and Body. Paris and Brussels, 1912. Salvatorelli, L. (Ed. E. Hiihn). The Bible. In- troduction to the Old and the New Testament. Milan. Sand, George (pseudonym). All novels. Schell, Hermann. Catholic Dogma. Catholicism as a Principle of Progress. The Divine Truth of Christianity. The New Time and the Old Faith. Scotti, Tomaso Gallarati. History of Sacred Love and Profane Love. Milan, 1911. " Scriptures," True Science of the Scriptures, SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS 73 or: the Errors of Scholasticism and of the Official Instruction of the Church on the True Sense of the Bible. Annonay, 1909. Seymour, Michael H. A Pilgrimage to Rome. Smyth-Vaudry, T. C. Pr. The Christ-Founded Order of the Secular Priesthood. Montreal, 1906. Soulie, Frederic. All novels. Stendhal, H. B. de. All novels. Sterne, Lawrence. A Sentimental Journey. Strauss, David F. The Life of Christ. Stroud, William. Treatise on the Physical Cause of the Death of Christ. Sue, Eugene. All novels. Taine, H.-A. A History of English Literature. Ten HompeL Uditore Heiner and the Anti- Modernist Oath. Miinster, 1910. The Priest. A Tale of Modernism in New Eng- land. By the Author of Letters to H. H. Pope Pius X. Boston, 1911. Tolstoy, Dmitry. Roman Catholicism in Russia. Turmel, Joseph. The History of Dogma and the Papacy; from the Beginning to the End of the Fourth Century. Paris, 1908. History of the Dogma of Original Sin. Macon, 1900. Eschatology at the End of the Fourth Century. History of Positive Theology from the Begin- ning to the Council of Trent. Paris. History of Positive Theology from the Council of Trent to the Council of the Vatican. Paris. Tertullian. Paris. Saint Jerome. Paris. Uribe Uribe, Raphael. Why the Political Lib- eralism of Colombia is not sinful. Bogota, 1912. Van Dalsum, H. A. There is no Opposition be- tween the Principles of the French Revolution and those of the Gospel. The Hague, 1912. 74 SUMMARY: FORBIDDEN BOOKS Vericour, L. R. de. Historical Analysis of Christian Civilization. Viollet, Paul. The Infallibility of the Pope and the Syllabus. Vogrinec, Anton. Nostra maxima culpa. Voltaire, F.-M. Arouet. Practically all his works. Vrai, John, Daybook of the Papacy. Paris, 1904. What has been made of the Church, a study in religious history. Paris. Whateley, Richard. Elements of Logic. White, Thomas. All works. Wieland, Francis. " Mensa and Confessio"; the Altar in the Church Before Constantine. Munich, 1906. My Work, " Mensa and Confessio " and Rev. Emil Dorsch, SJ. Munich, 1908. The Concept of Sacrifice Before St. Irenaeus. Munich, 1009. Wiese, Sigismund. Jesus (drama). X. True Science of the Scriptures, or: The errors of Scholasticism and official ecclesi- astical instruction on the true sense of the Bible. Annonay, 1909. Zenner, John K. The Psalms according to the Original Text. Completed and edited by H. Wiesmann. Part I., Translation and Expla- nation. Miinster, 1906. Zola, fimile. All works, except: The Dream. (Ob rationes pastorales et practicas omissa est tota quaestio de incurrendis censuris ec- clesiasticis.) LITERARY GUIDE BOOKS FOR BOOKLOVERS AND STUDENTS Reading and the Mind, With Something to Read. By F. X. O'Connor, SJ. (John J. McVey, Philadelphia, $1.00.) This book con- tains a number of good lists for systematic reading and study. Books and Reading. By Brother Azarias of the Chr. Schools. Several chapters of general nature, and essays on six classics. (Cathedral Library Association, New York, $0.75.) Why, When, How, and What We Ought to Read. By J. L. O'Neil, O. P. (Benziger Brothers, New York, $0.50.) Catalogue of all The Catholic Books in Eng- lish, with the exception of pamphlets, prayer- books, and school-books. 1912. A copy of this comprehensive and reliable publication is sent gratis by Benziger Brothers, New York. The same firm will send gratis to any address Catholic Book Notes, a periodical appearing several times a year. One Hundred Best Catholic Books. (America Press, New York, 5 cents.) Introduction to Catholic Reading. By J. H. Richards, S J. A classified suggestive list of select Catholic Publications. Single copies 10 cents; special prices for lots of ten or more. B. Herder, 17 So. Broadway, St Louis, Mo. Six Hundred Good Books. By B. L. Conway, C. S. P. (The Paulist Press, 120 W. 6oth St. New York, 5 cents.) Reader's Guide to Irish Fiction. By S. J. Brown, S.J. (Benziger Brothers, New York, 76 LITERARY GUIDE BOOKS Catholic Literature on the Social Question. An Introduction. With notes. (Central Bureau of the Central Verein, Temple Building, St. Louis, Mo., 5 cents.) A Partial Bibliography of Church History. By F. S. Betten, SJ. Sent gratis by the Secre- tary of the Cath. Educational Association, the Rev. F. W. Howard, 1651 East Main Street, Columbus, Ohio. Catholic Mission Literature: A list of Books, Pamphlets, and Periodicals, dealing with Home and Foreign Mission Work. Compiled for the Libraries of our Parochial Schools, Colleges, Academies, and Religious Com- munities, by Bruno Hagspiel, S. V. D. Sent gratis by the Society of the Divine World, Techny, 111. Catalogue of Pamphlets and Tracts. Sent gratis by International Catholic Truth Society, 407 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Those who wish for a reliable guide in the Ger- man literature should acquire Was soil ich lesen? By Rev. Herman Acker, SJ. (About $0.45.) It covers all branches of literature and has met with a phenomenal success in German-speaking countries. B. Herder, 17 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo., is prepared to furnish all the publications rec- ommended in this book. The same will send gratis to any address his copious annotated catalogue of (Catholic) publications. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC'OLO-URL OCT 1 Form L9-Series 4939 3 115801095 5317