LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, BY DUFFIELD ASHMEAD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. DEDICATION- To the ABSENTEE 5, with heart -felt hopes for their speedy recovery and return, f / fc/ these sketches, f without: their Tcind permission] are dedicated Ij the A UTHOR. > The f arson sneezes j and, in, great fear -for his precious */ I life thinks he'd letter a o to Europe for the of his health. And his Family's I The. Parson a Ht consults one of the. pillars > 0,1 wL tttls him, or his threatene rnalady - Pillar j uog esrs lak^ Superior, J*a,rson thinks kc couldn't stand the, climate. The 1/estry meets - one of Pillars proposes to send, their 'Jteloved Pastor to more. Balmy Climes ~ u,/ n *o ft on was carried* ffe hastily aat/iers together ntccssa-rU^ for his roy^ye - (The. above sketch shows at, art of the. baoyaoe.J par The Parson ?-ectives an offerina from his flock to defray /its travelli. expanses- f~ft is much touched, by it cirid con(jroitu,la-tcs hin\self that A.II the. fouls are not dca.d yet.*- ng Comrn.<:?icts his. -farewell ffe descries his at the thought of J / / j "from the, loved ones who so substantially hoive their devotion,. h* bids them all a.doo~ effect on some of the J A few letters of credit and M left a i ir. t A a use of He '& afloat ,' He 's some of their retinue are znacuaed in, the V/ 4*/ On arriving in London,, he fiimsefr and family on one. of the, Znfluc7itial citizens To the intense of tfie "influental citizen who considers himstlf "in for it ft i s l* t the reverend J)octo7* .Dust i>$ a- Tus sus&czssor