THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Engravcd.h\ • Scriyen rrom a Sfiruaturs l\ ■ Comoro r. i /n'&immv. June fi. tfin $s#tf)e, WITH OTHER POEMS. BY THE LATE MRS. HENRY TIGHE. THE FIFTH EDITION. LONDON : PRINTED TOR LONGMAN, IHHST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1816. T. Daviaon, Louibard-slreet, Whitefriars, London. TO THE READER. To possess strong feelings and amiable affections, and to express them with a nice discrimination, has been the attribute of many female writers ; some of whom have also participated with the author of Psyche in the unhappy lot of a suffering frame and a premature death. Had the publication of her poems served only as the fleeting re- cord of such a destiny, and as a monument IV of private regret, her friends would not have thought themselves justified in displaying them to the world. But when a writer in- timately acquainted with classical litera- ture, and guided by a taste for real excel- lence, has delivered in polished language such sentiments as can tend only to encou- rage and improve the best sensations of the human heart, then it becomes a sort of duty in surviving friends no longer to with- hold from the public such precious relics. The copies of Psyche printed for the author in her lifetime were borrowed with avidity, and read with delight; and the. partiality of friends has been already out- stripped by the applause of admirers. The smaller poems which complete this volume may perhaps stand in need of that indulgence which a posthumous work al- ways demands when it did not receive the correction of the author. They have been selected from a larger number of poems, which were the occasional effusion of her thoughts, or productions of her leisure, but not originally intended or pointed out by herself for publication. $0£d)e, on, THE LEGEND OF LOVE, Castos docct et pios amores. Martial PREFACE TO THE COPIES OF PSYCHE WHICH WERE PRINTED IN 1805 The author, who dismisses to the public the darling object of his solitary cares, must be prepared to consider, with some degree of indifference, the various reception it may then meet. But from those who write onlv for the more interested eye of friendship, no such indifference can be expected. I may therefore be forgiven the egotism which makes me anxious to recommend to my readers the tale with which I present them, while I endeavour to excuse in it all other defects but that, which I fear cannot be excused — the deficiency of genius. In making choice of the beautiful ancient allegory of Love and the Soul, I had some fears lest my subject might be condemned by the frown of severer moralists ; however, I hope that if such have the condescension to read through a poem which they may perhaps think too long, they will yet do me the justice to allow, that I have only pictured innocent love, such love as the XI purest bosom might confess. " Les jeunes femmes, qui ne veulent point paroitre co- quettes, ne doivent jamais parler de F amour comme d'une chose ou elles puissent avoir part/' says La Rochefoucault ; but I be- lieve it is only the false refinement of the most profligate court which could give birth to such a sentiment, and that love will al- ways be found to have had the strongest influence where the morals have been the purest. I much regret that I can have no hope of affording any pleasure to some, whose opinion 1 highly respect, whom I have heard profess themselves ever disgusted by the veiled form of allegory, and yet Xll Are not the choicest fables of the poets, Who were the fountains and first springs of wisdom, Wrapt in perplexed allegories ? But if I have not been able to resist the seductions of the mysterious fair, who per- haps never appears captivating except in the eyes of her own poet, I have however remembered that my verse cannot be worth much consideration, and have therefore en- deavoured to let my meaning be perfectly obvious. The same reason has deterred me from using the obsolete words which are to be found in Spenser and his imitators. Although I cannot give up the excellence of my subject, I am yet ready to own that XI] 1 the stanza which I have chosen has many disadvantages, and that it may, perhaps, be as tiresome to the reader as it was dif- ficult to the author. The frequent recur- rence of the same rhymes is by no means well adapted to the English language ; and I know not whether I have a right to offer as an apology the restraint which I had im- posed upon myself of strictly adhering to the stanza which my partiality for Spenser first inclined me to adopt. The loves of Cupid and Psyche have long been a favourite subject for poetical allusion, and are well known as related by Apuleius : to him I am indebted for the outline of my tale in the two first cantos; XIV but even there the model is not closely copied, and I have taken nothing from Mo- liere, La Fontaine, DuMoustier, or Marino. I have seen no imitations of Apuleius except by those authors ; nor do I know that the story of Psyche has any other original. I should willingly acknowledge with gra- titude those authors who have, perhaps, supplied me with many expressions and ideas; but if I have subjected myself to the charge of plagiarism, it has been by adopt- ing the words or images which floated upon my mind, without accurately examining, or being indeed able to distinguish, whe- ther I owed them to my memory or my imagination. XV Si id est peccatum, peccatum imprudentia est Poetae, non qui furtum facere studuerit. Terentius. And when I confess that all I have is but the fruit of a much indulged taste for that particular style of reading, let me be excused if I do not investigate and acknow- ledge more strictly each separate obliga- tion. M. T. SONNET ADDRESSED TO MY MOTHER. Oh, thou ! whose tender smile most partially Hath ever blessed thy child : to thee belong The graces which adorn my first wild song, If aught of grace it knows : nor thou deny Thine ever prompt attention to supply. But let me lead thy willing ear along, Where virtuous love still bids the strain prolong His innocent applause ; since from thine eye The beams of love first charmed my infant breast, And from thy lip Affection's soothing voice That eloquence of tenderness expressed, Which still my grateful heart confessed divine: Oli ! ever may its accents sweet rejoice The soul which loves to own whateVr it has is tlmit Lm pensa quanta un bel desio d'amore Un spirto pellegrin tenga sublime ; Non vorria non averne acceso il core ; Chi gusta quanta dolce il creder sia Solo esser caro a ehi sola ne cara, Regna in un stato a cui null 1 altro e pria. Ariosto, Eleg. xii. $S£tf;e, ARGUMENT. Proem — Psyche introduced — Her royal origin — Envy of Venus — Her instructions to Cupid — The island of Pleasure — The fountains of Joy and of Sorrozv — The appearance of Love — Psyche asleep — Mutually wound- ed — Psyche reveals her dream to her Mother — The Oracle consulted — Psyche abandoned on the Rock by its decree — Carried by Zephyrs to the island of Plea- sure — The Palace of Love — Banquet of Love — Mar- riage of Cupid and Psyche — Psyche's daily solitude — Her request to her Lover — His reluctant consent. 3Npcf)e* Let not the rugged brow the rhymes accuse, Which speak of gentle knights and ladies fair, Nor scorn the lighter labours of the muse, "Who vet, for cruel battles would not dare The low-Strung chords of her weak lyre prepare; But loves to court repose in slumbery lay, To tell of goodly bowers and gardens rare, Of gentle blandishments and amorous play, And all the lore of love, in courtly verse essaj . 6 And ye whose gentle hearts in thraldom held The power of mighty Love already own, When you the pains and dangers have beheld, Which erst your lord hath for his Psyche known, For all your sorrows this may well atone, That he you serve the same hath suffered ; And sure, your fond applause the tale will crown In which your own distress is pictured, And all that weary way which you yourselves must tread. Most sweet would to my soul the hope appear, That sorrow in my verse a charm might find, To smooth the brow long bent with bitter cheer, Some short distraction to the joyless mind Which grief, with heavy chain, hath fast confined To sad remembrance of its happier state ; For to myself I ask no boon more kind Than power another's woes to mitigate, And that soft soothing art which anguish can abate. And thou, sweet sprite, whose sway doth far extend, Smile on the mean historian of thy fame ! My heart in each distress and fear befriend, Nor ever let it feel a fiercer flame Than innocence may cherish free from blame, And hope may nurse, and sympathy may own ; For, as thy rights I never would disclaim, But true allegiance offered to thy throne, So may I love but one, by one beloved alone. That anxious torture may I never feel, Which, doubtful, watches o'er a wandering heart. Oh ! who that bitter torment can reveal, Or tell the pining anguish of that smart ! In those affections may I ne'er have part, Which easily transferred can learn to rove: No, dearest Cupid ! when I 1'eel thy dart, For thy sweet Psyche's sake may no false love The tenderness I prize lightly from me remove! CANTO I. Much wearied with her long and dreary way, And now with toil and sorrow well nigh spent, Of* sad regret and wasting grief the prey, Fair Psyche through untrodden forests went, To lone shades uttering oft a vain lament. And oft in hopeless silence sighing deep, As she her fatal error did repent, While dear remembrance hade her ever weep, And her pale cheek in ceaseless showers <•!' sorrow steep. 10 "Mid the thick covert of that woodland shade, A flowery bank there lay undressed by art, But of the mossy turf spontaneous made ; Here the young branches shot their arms athwart, And wove the bower so thick in every part, That the fierce beams of Phoebus glancing strong Could never through the leaves their fury dart ; But the sweet creeping shrubs that round it throng, Their loving fragrance mix, and trail their flowers along. And close beside a little fountain played, Which through the trembling leaves all joyous shone, And with the cheerful birds sweet music made, Kissing the surface of each polished stone As it flowed past : sure as her favourite throne Tranquillity might well esteem the bower, The fresh and cool retreat have called her own, A pleasant shelter in the sultry hour, A refuge from the blast, and angry tempest's power. 11 Wooed by the soothing silence of fae scene, Here Psyche stood, and looking round, lest aught Which threatened danger near her might have been, A while to rest her in that quiet spot She laid her down, and piteously bethought Herself on the sad changes of her fate, W r hich in so short a space so much had wrought, And now had raised her to such high estate, And now had plunged her low in sorrow desolate. Oh ! how refreshing seemed the breathing wind To her faint limbs ! and while her snowy hands From her fair brow her golden hair unbind, And of her zone unloose the silken bands, More passing bright unveiled her beauty stands ; For faultless was her form as beauty's queen, And every winning grace that Love demands, With mild attempered dignity was seen Flay o'er each lovely limb, and deck her angel mien. 12 Though solitary now, dismayed, forlorn, Without attendant through the forest rude, The peerless maid, of royal lineage born, By many a royal youth had oft been wooed ; Low at her feet full many a prince had sued, And homage paid unto her beauty rare ; But all their blandishments her heart withstood ; And well might mortal suitor sure despair, Since mortal charms were none which might with hers compare. Yet nought of insolence or haughty pride Found ever in her gentle breast a place ; Though men her wondrous beauty deified, And rashly deeming such celestial grace Could never spring from any earthly race, Lo ! all forsaking Cytherea's .shrine, Her sacred altars now no more embrace, But to fair Psyche pay those rites divine, Which, Goddess ! are thy due, and should be only thine. 13 But envy of her beauty's growing fame Poisoned her sisters 1 hearts with secret gall, And oft with seeming piety they blame The worship which they justly impious call; And oft, lest evil should their sire befal, Besought him to forbid the erring crowd Which hourly thronged around the regal hall, With incense, gifts, and invocations loud, To her whose guiltless breast ne'er felt elation proud. For she was timid as the wintry flower, That, whiter than the snow it blooms among, Droops its fair head submissive to the power Of every angry blast which sweeps along, Sparing the lovely trembler, while the strong Majestic tenants of the leafless wood It levels low. But, ah ! the pitying song Must tell how, than the tempest's self more rude, Fierce wrath and cruel hate their suppliant prey pursued. 14 Indignant quitting her deserted fanes, Now Cytherea sought her favourite isle, And there from every eye her secret pains 'Mid her thick myrtle bowers concealed a while ; Practised no more the glance, or witching smile, But nursed the pang she never felt before, Of mortified disdain ; then to beguile The hours which mortal flattery soothed no more, She various plans revolved her influence to restore. She called her son with unaccustomed voice ; Not with those thrilling accents of delight Which bade so oft enchanted Love rejoice, Soft as the breezes of a summer's night : Now choked with rage its change could Love affright ; As all to sudden discontent a prey, Shunning the cheerful day's enlivening light, She felt the angry power's malignant sway, And bade her favourite boy her vengeful will obey. 15 Bathed in those tears which vanquish human hearts, " Oh, son beloved !" (the suppliant goddess cried,) " If e'er thy too indulgent mother's arts " Subdued lor thee the potent deities " Who rule my native deep, or haunt the skies ; '* Or if to me the grateful praise be due, " That to thy sceptre bow the great and wise, " Now let thy fierce revenge my foe pursue, " And let my rival scorned her vain presumption rue. " For what to me avails my former boast ' • That, fairer than the wife of Jove confest, " I gained the prize thus basely to be lost ? " With me the world's devotion to contest " Behold a mortal dares; though on my breast " Still vainly brilliant shines the magic zone. " Yet, yet I reign : by you my wrongs redrest, " The world with humbled Psyche soon shall own " That Venus, beauty's queen, shall be adored alone. 16 " Deep let her drink of that dark, bitter spring, " Which flows so near thy bright and crystal tide ; " Deep let her heart thy sharpest arrow sting, " Its tempered barb in that black poison dyed. " Let her, for whom contending princes sighed, " Feel all the fury of thy fiercest flame " For some base wretch to foul disgrace allied, " Forgetful of her birth and her fair fame, " Her honours all defiled, and sacrificed to shame/"' Then, with sweet pressure of her rosy lip, A loss she gave bathed in ambrosial dew ; The thrilling joy he would for ever sip, And his moist eyes in ecstasy imbrue. But she whose soul still angry cares pursue, Snatched from the soft caress her glowing charms ; Her vengeful will she then enforced anew, As she in haste dismissed him from her arms, The cruel draught to seek of anguish and alarms. 17 'Mid the blue wsxes by circling sons embraced A chosen sj>ot of fairest land was seen; For there with favouring hand had Nature placed All that could lovely make the varied scene : Eternal Spring there spread her mantle green ; There high surrounding hills deep-wooded rose O'er placid lakes ; while marble rocks between The fragrant shrubs their pointed heads disclose, And balmy breathes each gale which o'er the island blows. Pleasure had called the fertile lawns her own, And thickly strewed them with her choicest flowers; Amid the quiet glade her golden throne Bright shone with lustre through o'erarching bowers: There her fair train, the ever-downy Hours, Sport on light wing with the young Joys entwined; While Hope delighted from her full lap showers Blossoms, whose fragrance can the ravished mind Inebriate with dreams of rapture unconlined. c 18 And in the grassy centre of the isle, Where the thick verdure spreads a damper shade, Amid their native rocks concealed a while, Then o'er the plains in devious streams displayed, Two gushing fountains rise; and thence conveyed, Their waters through the woods and vallies play, Visit each green recess and secret glade, With still unmingled, still meandering way, Nor widely wandering far, can each from other stray. But of strange contrast are their virtues found, And oft the lady of that isle has tried In rocky dens and caverns under ground, The black deformed stream in vain to hide; Bursting all bounds her labours it defied ; Yet many a flowery sod its course conceals Through plains where deep its silent waters glide, Till secret ruin all corroding steals, And every treacherous arch the hideous gulph reveals. 19 Forbidding every kindly prosperous growth, Where'er it ran, a channel bleak it wore ; The gaping banks receded, as though loth To touch the poison which disgraced their shore : There deadly anguish pours unmixed his store Of all the ills which sting the human breast, The hopeless tears which past delights deplore, Heart-gnawing jealousy which knows no rest, And self-upbraiding shame, by stern remorse opprest. Oh, how unlike the pure transparent stream, Which near it bubbles o'er its golden sands ! The impeding stones with pleasant music seem Its progress to detain from other Lands; And all its banks, inwreathed with flowery bands. Ambrosial fragrance died in grateful dew: There young Desire enchanted ever stands, Breathing delight and fragrance ever new, And bathed in constant joys of fond affection true. 20 But not to mortals is it e'er allowed To drink unmingled of that current bright ; Scarce can they taste the pleasurable flood, Defiled by angry Fortune's envious spite ; Who from the cup of amorous delight Dashes the sparkling draught of brilliant joy, Till, with dull sorrow's stream despoiled quite, No more it cheers the soul nor charms the eye, But 'mid the poisoned bowl distrust and anguish lie. Here Cupid tempers his unerring darts, And in the fount of bliss delights to play ; Here mingles balmy sighs and pleasing smarts, And here the honied draught will oft allay With that black poison's all-polluting sway, For wretched man. Hither, as Venus willed, For Psyche's punishment he bent his way: From either stream his amber vase he filled, For her were meant the drops which grief alone distilled. 21 His quiver, sparkling bright with gems and gold, From his fair plumed shoulder graceful hung, And from its top in brilliant chords enrolled Each little vase resplendently was slung : Still as he flew, around him sportive clung His frolic train of winged Zephyrs light, Wafting the fragrance which his tresses flung : While odours dropped from every ringlet bright, And from his blue eyes beamed ineffable delight. " Wrapt in a cloud unseen by mortal eye, He sought the chamber of the royal maid; There, lulled by careless soft security, Of the impending mischief nought afraid, Upon her purple couch was Psyche laid, Her radiant eyes a downy slumber sealed ; In light transparent veil alone arrayed, Her bosom's oj>ening charms were half revealed, And scarce the lucid folds her polished limbs concealed 2rl A placid smile plays o'er each roseate lip, Sweet severed lips ! while thus your pearls disclose. That slumbering thus unconscious she may sip The cruel presage of her future woes ! Lightly, as fall the dews upou the rose, Upon the coral gates of that sweet cell The fatal drops he pours ; nor yet he knows, Nor, though a God, can he presaging tell How he himself shall mourn the ills of that sad spell ! Nor yet content, he from his quiver drew, Sharpened with skill divine, a shining dart : No need had he for bow, since thus too true His hand might wound her all-exposed heart ; Yet her fair side he touched with gentlest art ? And half relenting on her beauties gazed ; Just then awaking with a sudden start Her opening eye in humid lustre blazed, Unseen he still remained, enchanted and amazed. 23 The dart which in his hand now trembling stood, As o'er the couch he bent with ravished eye, Drew with its daring point celestial blood From his smooth neck's unblemished ivory : Heedless of this, but with a pitying sigh The evil done now anxious to repair, He shed in haste the balmy drops of joy O'er all the silky ringlets of her hair ; Then stretched his plumes divine, and breathed celestial air. Unhappy Psyche ! soon the latent wound The fading roses of her cheek confess, Her eyes 1 bright beams, in swimming sorrows drowned, Sparkle no more with life and happiness Her parents fond exulting heart to bless ; She shuns adoring crowds, and seeks to hide The pining sorrows which her soul oppress, Till to her mother's tears no more denied, The secret grief she owns, for which she lingering sighed. 24 A dream of mingled terror and delight Still heavy hangs upon her troubled soul, An angry form still swims before her sight, And still the vengeful thunders seem to roll ; Still crushed to earth she feels the stern control Of Venus unrelenting, unappeased : The dream returns, she feels the fancied dole ; Once more the furies on her heart have seized, But still she views the youth who all her sufferings eased. Of wonderous beauty did the vision seem, And in the freshest prime of youthful years ; Such at the close of her distressful dream A graceful champion to her eyes appears ; Her loved deliverer from her foes and fears She seems in grateful transport still to press ; Still his soft voice sounds in her ravished ears ; Dissolved in fondest tears of tenderness His form she oft invokes her waking eyes to bless. 25 Nor was it quite a dream, for as she woke, Ere heavenly mists concealed him from her eye, One sudden transitory view she took Of Love's most radiant bright divinity ; From the fair image never can she fly, As still consumed with vain desire she pines; While her fond parents heave the anxious sigh, And to avert her fate seek holy shrines The threatened ills to learn by auguries and signs. And now, the royal sacrifice prepared, The milk-white bull they to the altar lead, Whose youth the galling yoke as yet had spared, Now destined by the sacred knife to bleed: When lo ! with sudden spring his horns he freed, And head-long rushed amid the frighted throng : While from the smoke-veiled shrine such sounds proceed As well might strike with awe the soul most strong; And thus divinely spoke the heaven-inspired tongue. 26 " On nuptial couch, in nuptial vest arrayed, " On a tall rock's high summit Psyche place : " Let all depart, and leave the fated maid " Who never must a mortal Hymen grace : " A winged monster of no earthly race " Thence soon shall bear his trembling bride away; " His power extends o'er all the bounds of space, " And Jove himself has owned his dreaded sway, a Whose flaming breath sheds fire, whom earth and heaven obey.'" With terror, anguish, and astonishment The oracle her wretched father hears ; Now from his brow the regal honours rent, And now in frantic sorrow wild appears, Nor threatened plagues, nor punishment he fears, Refusing long the sentence to obey, Till Psyche, trembling with submissive tears, Bids them the sacrifice no more delay, Prepare the funeral couch, and leave the destined prey. 27 Pleased by the ambiguous doom the Fates promulge, The angry Goddess and enamoured Boy Alike content their various hopes indulge ; He, still exploring with an anxious eye 'The future prospect of uncertain joy, Plans how the tender object of his care He may protect from threatened misery ; Ah, sanguine Love ! so oft deceived, forbear With flattering tints to paint illusive hope so fair. But now what lamentations rend the skies ! In amaracine wreaths the virgin choir With Io Hymen mingle funeral cries : Lost in the sorrows of the Lydian lyre The breathing flutes 1 melodious notes expire ; In sad procession pash tin- mournful throng, Extinguishing with tears the torches 1 fire, While the mute victim weeping crowds among, Hv unknown fears oppressed, moves silently along. 28 But on such scenes of terror and dismay The mournful Muse delights not long to dwell ; She quits well pleased the melancholy lay, Nor vainly seeks the parents' woes to tell : But what to wondering Psyche then befel When thus abandoned, let her rather say, Who shuddering looks to see some monster fell Approach the desert rock to seize his prey, With cruel fangs devour, or tear her thence away. When lo ! a gentle breeze began to rise, Breathed by obedient Zephyrs round the maid, Fanning her bosom with its softest sighs A while among her fluttering robes it strayed, And boldly sportive latent charms displayed : And then, as Cupid willed, with tenderest care From the tall rock, where weeping she was laid, With gliding motion through the yielding air To Pleasure's blooming isle their lovely charge they bear. 29 On the green bosom of the turf reclined, They lightly now the astonished virgin lay, To placid rest they sooth her troubled mind ; Around her still with watchful care they stay, Around her still in quiet whispers play; Till lulling slumbers bid her eyelids close, Veiling with silky fringe each brilliant ray, While soft tranquillity divinely flows Cer all her soul serene, in visions of repose. Refreshed she rose, and all enchanted gazed On the rare beauties of the pleasant scene. Conspicuous far a lofty palace blazed Upon a sloping bank of softest green ; A fairer edifice was never seen ; The high-caused columns own no mortal hand, But seem a temple meet for Beauty^ queen. Like polished snow the marble pillars stand In grace-attempered majesty sublimely grand. 30 Gently ascending from a silvery flood, Above the palace rose the shaded hill, The lofty eminence was crowned with wood, And the rich lawns, adorned by Nature's skill, The passing breezes with their odours fill ; Here ever-blooming groves of orange glow, And here all flowers which from their leaves distil Ambrosial dew in sweet succession blow, And trees of matchless size a fragrant shade bestow. The sun looks glorious 'mid a sky serene, And bids bright lustre sparkle o'er the tide ; The clear blue ocean at a distance seen Bounds the gay landscape on the western side, While closing round it with majestic pride, The lofty rocks 'mid citron groves arise ; " Sure some divinity must here reside," As tranced in some bright vision, Psyche cries, And scarce believes the bliss, or trusts her charmed eyes. 31 When lo ! a voice divinely sweet she hears, From unseen lips proceeds the heavenly sound ; " Psyche, approach, dismiss thy timid fears, " At length his bride thy longing spouse has found, " And hids for thee immortal joys abound ; " For thee the palace rose at his command, " For thee his love a bridal banquet crowned ; " He bids attendant nymphs around thee stand " Prompt every wish to serve, a fond obedient band." Increasing wonder filled her ravished soul, For now the pompous portals opened wide, There, pausing oft, with timid foot she stole Through halls high domed, enriched with sculptured pride, While gay saloons appeared on either side, In splendid vista opening to her sight ; And all with precious gems so beautified, And furnished with such exquisite delight, That scarce the teams of heaven emit such lustre bright. 32 The amethyst was there of violet hue, And there the topaz shed its golden ray, The chrysoberyl, and the sapphire blue As the clear azure of a sunny day, Or the mild eyes where amorous glances play; The snow-white jasper, and the opal's flame, The blushing ruby, and the agate grey, And there the gem which bears his luckless name Whose death by Phoebus mourned ensured him death- less fame. There the green emerald, there cornelians glow, And rich carbuncles pour eternal light, With all that India and Peru can shew, Or Labrador can give so flaming bright To the charmed mariner's half-dazzled sight : The coral-paved baths with diamonds blaze : And all that can the female heart delight Of fair attire, the last recess displays, And all that Luxury can ask, her eye surveys. 33 Now through the hall melodious music stole, And self-prepared the splendid banquet stands, Self-poured the nectar sparkles in the bowl, The lute and viol touched by unseen hands Aid the soft voices of the choral bands ; O'er the full board a brighter lustre beams Than Persia's monarch at his feast commands : For sweet refreshment all inviting seems To taste celestial food, and pure ambrosial streams. But when meek Eve hung out her dewy star, And gently veiled with gradual hand the sky, Lo ! the bright folding doors retiring far, Display to Psyche's captivated eye All that voluptuous ease could e'er supply To sooth the spirits in serene repose: Beneath the velvet's purple canopy Divinely formed a downy couch arose, While alabaster lamps a milky light disclose. n 34 Once more she hears the hymeneal strain ; Far other voices now attune the lay ; The swelling sounds approach, a while remain, And then retiring faint dissolved away : The expiring lamps emit a feebler ray, And soon in fragrant death extinguished lie : Then virgin terrors Psyche's soul dismay, When through the obscuring gloom she nought can spy, But softly rustling sounds declare some Being nigh. Oh, you for whom I Avrite ! whose hearts can melt At the soft thrilling voice whose power you prove, You know what charm, unutterably felt, Attends the unexpected voice of Love : Above the lyre, the lute's soft notes above, With sweet enchantment to the soul it steals, And bears it to Elysium's happy grove ; You best can tell the rapture Psyche feels When Love's ambrosial lip the vows of Hymen seals. 35 " Tis he, "'tis my deliverer ! deep imprest " Upon my heart those sounds I well recal," The blushing maid exclaimed, and on his breast A tear of trembling- ecstasy let fall. But, ere the breezes of the morning call Aurora from her purple, humid bed, Psyche in vain explores the vacant hall, Her tender lover from her arms is fled, While sleep his downy wings had o'er her eye-lids spread. Again the band invisible attend, And female voices sooth the mournful bride ; Light hands to braid her hair assistance lend, By some she sees the glowing bracelet tied, Others officious hover at her side. And each bright gem for her acceptance bring. While some, the balmy air diffusing wide, Fan softer perfumes from each odorous wing Than the fresh bosom sheds of earliest, sweetest spring. 36 With songs divine her anxious soul they cheer, And woo her footsteps to delicious bowers, They bid the fruit more exquisite appear Which at her feet its bright profusion showers : For her they cull unknown, celestial flowers ; The gilded car they bid her fearless guide, Which at her wish self-moved with wondrous powers The rapid bird's velocity defied, While round the blooming isle it rolled with circuit wide. Again they spread the feast, they strike the lyre, But to her frequent questions nought reply, Her lips in vain her lover's name require, Or wherefore thus concealed he shuns her eye. But when reluctant twilight veils the sky, And each pale lamp successively expires ; Again she trembling hears the voice of joy, Her spouse a tender confidence inspires, But with a fond embrace ere dawn again retires. To charm the languid hours of solitude He oft invites her to the Muse's lore, For none have vainly e'er the Muse pursued, And those whom she delights, regret no more The social, joyous hours, while rapt they soar To worlds unknown, and live in fancy's dream Oh, Muse divine ! thee only I implore, Shed on my soul thy sweet inspiring beams, And pleasure's gayest scene insipid folly seems ! Silence and solitude the Muses love. And whom they charm they can alone suffice; Nor ever tedious hour their votaries prove: Thi> Bolace now the lonely Psyche tries, Or, while her hand the curious needle plies, - She learns from lips unseen celestial strains; Responsive now with their soft voice she vies, Or bids her plaintive harp express the pains Which absence sore inflicts where Love all potenl reigns 38 But melancholy poisons all her joys, And secret sorrows all her hopes depress, Consuming languor every bliss destroys, And sad she droops repining, comfortless. Her tender lover well the cause can guess, And sees too plain inevitable fate Pursue her to the bowers of happiness. " Oh, Psyche ! most beloved, ere yet too late, " Dread the impending ills and prize thy tranquil state." In vain his weeping love he thus advised ; She longs to meet a parent's sweet embrace, " Oh, were their sorrowing hearts at least apprised " How Psyche's wondrous lot all fears may chase ; " For whom thy love prepared so fair a place ! " Let but my bliss their fond complaints repress, " Let me but once behold a mother's face, " Oh, spouse adored ! and in full happiness " This love-contented heart its solitude shall bless. 39 " Oh, by those beauties I must ne'er behold ? " The spicy-scented ringlets of thine hail : " By that soft neck my loving arms enfold, " Crown with a kind consent thy Psyche's prayer ! " Their dear embrace, their blessing let me share ; " So shall I stain our couch with tears no more : " But, blest in thee, resign each other care, ** Nor seek again thy secret to explore, " Wliich yet, denied thy sight, I ever must deplore." Unable to resist her fond request, Reluctant Cupid thus at last complied, Ami sighing clasped her closer to his breast. " Go then, my Psyche ! go, my lovely bride ! " But lit me in thy faith at least confide, " That by no subtle, impious arts betrayed, " Which, ah ! too well I know will all be tried, " Thy simply trusting heart shall e'er lie swayed " The secret veil to rend which fate tliv screen hath made. 40 " For danger hovers o'er thy smiling days, " One only way to shield thee yet I know ; " Unseen, I may securely guard thy ways, " And save thee from the threatened storm of woe ; " But forced, if known, my Psyche to forego, " Thou never, never must again be mine ! " What mutual sorrows hence must ceaseless flow ! " Compelled thy dear embraces to resign, " While thou to anguish doomed for lost delights shalt pine. " Solace thy mind Avith hopes of future joy f " In a dear infant thou shalt see my face ; " Blest mother soon of an immortal boy, " In him his father's features thou shalt trace ! " Yet go ! for thou art free, the bounds of space " Are none for thee : attendant Zephyrs stay, " Speak but thy will, and to the wished-for place " Their lovely mistress swift they shall convey: " Yet hither, ah ! return, ere fades the festive day. 1 ' 1 .» 41 " Light of my soul, far dearer than the day P (Exulting Psyche cries in grateful joy) " Me all the bliss of earth could ill repay " For thy most sweet, divine society ; " To thee again with rapture will I fly, " Nor with less pleasure hail the star of eve " Than when in tedious solitude I sigh ; " My vows of silent confidence believe, Nor think thy Psyche's faith will e'er thy love deceive/ Her suit obtained, in full contentment blest, Her eyes at length in placid slumbers close. Sleep, hapless fair ! sleep on thy lover's breast ! Ah, not again to taste such pure repose ! Till thy sad heart by long experience knows How much they err, who, to their interest blind, Slight the calm peace which from retirement flows ! And while they think their fleeting joys to bind, Banish the tranquil bliss which heaven for man designed ! CANTO II. ARGUMENT. Introduction — Dangers of the World — Psyche conveyed by Zephyrs awakes once more in the paternal mansion — Envy of her Sisters — They plot her ruin — Inspire her with suspicion and terror — Psyche's return to the Palace of Love — Her disobedience — Love asleep — Psyche's amazement — The flight of Love — Sudden banishment of Psyche from the island of Pleasure — Her lamentations — Cnmf>rted by Love — Temple of Venus — Task imposed on Psyche conditional to her re- conciliation with Venus — Psyche soothed and attended by Innocence — Psyche wandering as described in the opening of the first Canto. CANTO II. On happy you ! avIio, blest with present bliss, See not with fatal prescience future tears, Nor the dear moment of enjoyment miss Through gloomy discontent, or sullen fears Foreboding many a storm for coming years ; Change is the lot of all. Ourselves with scorn Perhaps shall view what now so fair appears ; And wonder whence the fancied charm was born Which now with vain despair from our fond grasp is torn! 16 Vain schemer, think not to prolong thy joy ! But cherish while it lasts the heavenly boon ; Expand thy sails ! thy little bark shall fly With the full tide of pleasure ! though it soon May feel the influence of the changeful moon, It yet is thine ! then let not doubts obscure With cloudy vapours veil thy brilliant noon, Nor let suspicion's tainted breath impure Poison the favouring gale which speeds thy course secure ! Oh, Psyche, happy in thine ignorance ! Couldst thou but shun this heart-tormenting bane : Be but content, nor daringly advance To meet the bitter hour of threatened pain ; Pure spotless dove ! seek thy safe nest again ; Let true affection shun the public eye, And quit the busy circle of the vain, For there the treacherous snares concealed lie ; Oh timely warned escape ! to safe retirement fly ! 47 Bright shone the morn ! and now its golden ray Dispelled the slumbers from her radiant eyes, Yel still in dreams her fancy seems to play, For lo ! she sees with rapture and surprise Full in her view the well-known mansion rise, And each loved scene of first endearment hails; The air that first received her infant sighs With wondring ecstasy she now inhales, While every trembling nerve soft tenderness assails. Sec from the dfidr pavilion, where she lav, Breathless she- flies with scarce assured feet, Swift through the garden wings her eager way, Her mourning parents 1 ravished eyes to greet With loveliest apparition strange and sweet: Their days of anguish all oYrpaid they deem By one blest hour of ecstasy BO great : Ye\ doubtmgly they gaze, and anxious seem To ask their raptured >ouls, " Oh, is this all a dream '' 48 The wondrous tale attentively they hear, liepeated oft in broken words of joy, She in their arms embraced, while every ear Hangs on their Psyche's lips, and earnestly On her is fixed each wonder-speaking eye ; Till the sad hour arrives which bids them part, And twilight darkens o'er the ruddy sky; Divinely urged they let their child depart, Pressed with a fond embrace to each adoring heart. Trusting that wedded to a spouse divine Secure is now their daughter's happiness, They half contentedly their child resign, Check the complaint, the rising sigh suppress, And wipe the silent drops of bitterness. Nor must she her departure more delay, But bids them now their weeping Psyche bless ; Then back to the pavilion bends her way Ere in the fading west quite sinks expiring day. 49 But, while her parents listen with delight, Her sifters' 1 hearts the Furies agitate : They look with envy on a lot so bright, And all the honours of her splendid late, Scorning the- meanness of their humbler state; And how they best her ruin may devise With hidden rancour much they meditate, Yet still they bear themselves in artful guise, While "mid the feigned caress, concealed the venom lies. By malice urged, l>y ruthless envy stung, With secret haste to seize their prey they flew, Around her neck as in despair they clung; Her soft complying nature well they knew, And trusted by delaying to undo; But when they found her resolute to go, Their well-laid stratagem they then pursue, And, while they bid their treacherous sorrows flow, Thus fright her simple heart with images of woe. E 50 " Oh, hapless Psyche ! thoughtless of thy doom ! " Yet hear thy sisters who have wept for thee, " Since first a victim to thy living tomb, " Obedient to the oracle 1 * decree, " Constrained we left thee to thy destiny. " Since then no comfort could our woes abate ; u While thou wert lulled in false security " We learned the secret horrors of thy fate, " And heard prophetic lips thy future ills relate. " Yet fearing never to behold thee more, " Our filial care would fain the truth conceal ; " But from the sages' cell this ring we bore, " With power each latent magic to reveal : " Some hope from hence our anxious bosoms feel " That we from ruin may our Psyche save, " Since Heaven, propitious to our pious zeal, " Thee to our frequent prayers in pity gave, " That warned thou yet mayst shim thy sad untimely grave. u 51 " Oh ! how shall we declare the fatal truth ? " How wound thy tender bosom with alarms ? " Tell how the graces of thy blooming youth, " Thy more than mortal, all-adored charms " Have lain enamoured in a sorcerers arms ? " Oh, Psyche ! seize on this decisive hour, " Escape the mischief of impending harms ! " Return no more to that enchanted bower, Fly the magician's arts, and dread his cruel power. " If, yet reluctant to forego thy love, " Thy furtive joys and solitary state, " Our fond officious care thy doubts reprove, " At least let some precaution guard thy fate, " Nor may our warning love be prized too late; " This night thyself thou mayst convince thine eyes, " Hide but a lamp, and cautiously await " Till in deep slumber thy magician lies, " This ring shall then disclose his foul deformities. 52 " That monster by the oracle foretold, " Whose cursed spells both gods and men must fear, " In his own image thou shalt then behold, " And shuddering hate what now is prized so dear ; " Yet fly not then, though loathsome he appear, " But let this dagger to his breast strike deep ; " Thy coward terrors then thou must not hear, " For if with life he rouses from that sleep " Nought then for thee remains, and we must hopeless weep." Oh ! have you seen, when in the northern sky The transient flame of lambent lightning plays, In quick succession lucid streamers fly, Now flashing roseate, and now milky rays, While struck with awe the astonished rustics gaze ? Thus o'er her cheek the fleeting signals move, Now pale with fear, now glowing with the blaze Of much indignant, still confiding love, Now horror's lurid hue with shame's deep blushes strove. 53 On her cold, passive hand the ring- they place, And hide the dagger in her folding vest ; Pleased the effects of their dire arts to trace In the mute agony that swells her breast, Already in her future ruin blest: Conscious that now their poor deluded prey Should never taste again delight or rest, But sickening in suspicion's gloom decay, Or urged by terrors rash their treacherous will obey. While yet irresolute with sad surprise, 'Mid doubt and love she stands in strange suspense, Lo! gliding from her sisters" wondering eyes Returning Zephyrs gently bear her thence; Lost all her hopes, her joys, her confidence, Hack to the earth her mournful eves she threw, As if imploring pity and defence; While bathed in tears her golden tresses flew, As in the breeze dispersed they caught the precious dew. 54 Illumined bright now shines the splendid dome, Melodious accents her arrival hail : But not the torches 7 blaze can chase the gloom, And all the soothing powers of music fail ; Trembling she seeks her couch with horror pale, But first a lamp conceals in secret shade, While unknown terrors all her soul assail. Thus half their treacherous counsel is obeyed, For still her gentle soul abhors the murderous blade. And now, with softest whispers of delight, Love welcomes Psyche still more fondly dear; Not unobserved, though hid in deepest night, The silent anguish of her secret fear. He thinks that tenderness excites the tear By the late image of her parents 1 grief, And half offended seeks in vain to cheer, Yet, while he speaks, her sorrows feel relief, Too soon more keen to sting from this suspension brief ! 55 Allowed to settle on celestial eyes Soft Sleep exulting now exerts his sway, From Psyche's anxious pillow gladly flies To veil those orbs, whose pure and lambent ray The powers of heaven submissively obey. Trembling and breathless then she softly rose, And seized the lamp, where it obscurely lay, With hand too rashly daring to disclose The sacred veil which hung mysterious o'er her woes. Twice, as with agitated step she went, The lamp expiring shone with doubtful gleam, As though it warned her from her rash intent : And twice she paused, and on its trembling beam Gazed with suspended breath, while voices seem With murmuring sound along the roof to sigh; As one just waking from a troublous dream, With palpitating heart and straining eye, Still fixed with fear remains, still thinks the danger nigh. 56 Oh, daring Muse ! wilt thou indeed essay To paint the wonders wliich that lamp could shew ? And canst thou hope in living words to say The dazzling glories of that heavenly view ? Ah ! well I ween, that if with pencil true That splendid vision could be well exprest, The fearful awe imprudent Psyche knew Would seize with rapture every wondering breast, When Love's all-potent charms divinely stood confest. All imperceptible to human touch, His wings display celestial essence light, The clear effulgence of the blaze is such, The brilliant plumage shines so heavenly bright That mortal eyes turn dazzled from the sight ; A youth he seems in manhood's freshest years ; Round his fair neck, as clinging with delight, Each golden curl resplendently appears, Or shades his darker brow, which grace majestic wears. 57 Or o'er his guileless front the ringlets bright Their rays of sunny lustre seem to throw, That front than polished ivory more white! His blooming checks with deeper blushes glow Than roses scattered o'er a bed of snow: While on his lips, distilled in balmy dews, (Those lips divine that even in silence know The heart to touch) persuasion to infuse Still hangs a rosy charm that never vainly sues. The friendly curtain of indulgent sleep Disclosed not yet his eves' resistless sway, Hut from their silk\ veil there seemed to peep Some brilliant glances with a softened ray, Which o'er his features exquisitely play, And all hi- polished limbs suffuse with light Thus through some narrow space the azure day Sudden its cheerful rays diffusing brieht. Wide dart- its lucid beams, to gild the brow of night. 58 His fatal arrows and celestial bow Beside the couch were negligently thrown, Nor needs the god his dazzling arms, to show His glorious birth, such beauty round him shone As sure could spring from Beauty's self alone ; The gloom which glowed o'er all of soft desire, Could well proclaim him Beauty's cherished son ; And Beauty's self will oft these charms admire, And steal his witching smile, his glance's living fire. Speechless with awe, in transport strangely lost Long Psyche stood with fixed adoring eye ; Her limbs immoveable, her senses tost Between amazement, fear, and ecstasy, She hangs enamoured o'er the Deity. Till from her trembling hand extinguished falls The fatal lamp— He starts — and suddenly Tremendous thunders echo through the halls, While ruin's hideous crash bursts o'er the affrighted walls. 59 Dread horror seizes on her sinking heart, A mortal chillness shudders at her breast, Her soul shrinks fainting from death's icy dart, The groan scarce uttered dies but half exprest, And down she sinks in deadly swoon opprest : But when at length, awaking from her trance, The terrors of her fate stand all confest, In vain she casts around her timid glance, The rudely frowning scenes her former joys enhance. No traces of those joys, alas, remain ! A desert solitude alone appears. No verdant shade relieves the sandy plain, The wide-spread waste no gentle fountain cheers, One barren face the dreary prospect wears; Nought through the vast horizon meets her eye To calm the dismal tumult of her fears, No trace of human habitation nigh, \ sandy wild beneath, above a threatening sky, 60 The mists of morn yet chill the gloomy air, And heavily obscure the clouded skies; In the mute anguish of a fixed despair Still on the ground immoveable she lies ; At length, with lifted hands and streaming eyes, Her mournful prayers invoke offended Love, " Oh, let me hear thy voice once more," she cries, " In death at least thy pity let me move, " And death, if but forgiven, a kind relief will prove. " For what can life to thy lost Psyche give, " What can it offer but a gloomy void ? " Why thus abandoned should I wish to live ? » " To mourn the pleasure which I once enjoyed, The bliss my own rash folly hath destroyed; Of all my soul most prized, or held most dear, " Nought but the sad remembrance doth abide, " And late repentance of my impious fear; " Remorse and vain regret what living soul can bear ! a a 61 " Oh, art thou then indeed for ever gone ! " And art thou heedless of thy Psyche's woe ! " From these fond anus for ever art thou flown, " And umegarded must my sorrows flow ! " All ! why too happy did I ever know " The rapturous charms thy tenderness inspires ? ft Ah ! why did thy affections stoop so low ? " Why kindle in a mortal breast such fires, " Or with celestial love inflame such rash desires? " Abandoned thus for ever by thy love, " No greater punishment I now can bear, " From fate no farther malice can I prove; " Not all the horrors of this desert drear, " Nor death itself can now excite a fear; " The peopled earth a solitude as vast " To this despairing heart would now appear ; " Here then, my transient joys for ever past, " Let thine expiring bride thy pardon gain at last!" 62 Now prostrate on the bare unfriendly ground, She waits her doom in silent agony ; When lo ! the well-known soft celestial sound She hears once more with breathless ecstasy, " Oh ! yet too dearly loved ! Lost Psyche ! Why " With cruel fate wouldst thou unite thy power, " And force me thus thine arms adored to fly ? " Yet cheer thy drooping soul, some happier hour " Thy banished steps may lead back to thy lover's bower. a Though angry Venus we no more can shun, " Appease that anger and I yet am thine ! " Lo ! where her temple glitters to the sun; " With humble penitence approach her shrine, " Perhaps to pity she may yet incline ; " But should her cruel wrath these hopes deceive, " And thou, alas ! must never more be mine, " Yet shall thy lover ne'er his Psyche leave, " But, if the fates allow, unseen thy woes relieve. 63