>. IN MEMORIAM FLOR1AN CAJORI &*-, THE ELEMENTS GRAPHICAL STATICS AND THEIR APPLICATION TO FRAMED STRUCTURES, WITH NUMEROUS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF A CRANES BRIDGE, ROOF AND SUSPENSION TRUSSES BRACED AND STONE ARCHES PIVOT AND DRAW SPANS- CONTINUOUS GIRDERS, &c., TOGETHER WITH THE BEST METHODS OF CALCULATION, AND CONTAINING ALSO NEW AND PRACTICAL FORMULAE FOR THE Pivot or Draw Span Braced Arch Continuous Girder, Etc, A. JAY r>U BQI^ r ,.;, p Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF CIVIL AKP. iI 1 ECHA.'SI T rA Report to the III. and St. Louis Bridge Co., May, 1868 (App.), will not, we feel sure, be slow to recognize the advantages of the present method. The subject in its present state is thus fairly brought within the reach of the practical Engineer and Constructor. To simple girders, contrary to usually received opinions, by the means of apex loads, the above method applies directly, and without the aid of analytical results a fact which has been too generally passed over without sufficient notice by. writers upon the subject. We have devoted considerable space to the subject of the continuous girder, but not, we feel sure, more than its impor- tance demands. The subject deserves more attention at the hands of the practical engineer and constructor than it has hitherto received. That the present indifference upon the sub- ject is due chiefly to lack of information can hardly be doubted, when the opinion is current, and is even endorsed by those who are considered as authorities, that the complete solution of the /problem is " probably impossible by reason of its complexity," and " too complex for mathematical investigation." * Opin- ions like these are best met by the complete solutions of par- ticular examples, and in Chapter XII. will be found the com- plete calculation and tabulation of the strains in every piece due to every apex load, for the central span of seven continu- ous successive spans, and, as far as any inherent difficulties are concerned, we might as well have taken 50 or 100 spans. * OrapJiiccd Method for the Analysis of Bridge Trusses. Greene. Vlll PREFACE, When engineers shall have become convinced of the fact that there is in the continuous girder a saving of material amount- ing usually to from 25 to 30 per cent, per truss, and in the ex- treme case even reaching as high as 50 per cent., as compared with the si^rle girder ; and that the only objection which can be urged viz., the influence of small variations in level of the supports has, when properly considered, no force whatever, we shall probably hear less often of designs contemplating many successive and independent spans of considerable length such as, for instance, for a bridge over the Hudson at Poughkeep- sie, consisting of five separate spans of 525 ft. each. Such a design would find little favor in France or Germany, where continuous girders are more favorably considered, possibly be- cause the ability to calculate them is less rare, and reflects in this respect little credit upon the American profession. About the facts in the case there can now be no dispute ; the subject has been too thoroughly investigated to admit of it, and we refer the reader to the Appendix for the results. The mathe- matician and theoretical engineer have done their part ; it remains for the practical engineer and constructor to do theirs. The present work contains the only complete graphical and analytical presentation of this subject in English professional literature, and should it succeed in causing a change of view in the above respect alone, will not have been in vain. In this connection the list of literature upon the continuous girder appended to Chap. XIII. may also be of service. We notice with pleasure in this direction the admirable little treatise of Clemens Herschel, C.E., upon draw spans.* This subject is at least of admitted practical value, and we have treated it with a fullness which, in our opinion, leaves little to be desired. We have borrowed from the above work the con- ception of the " Tipper" or draw with secondary span, which is both new and, as it would seem, most adequately represents the true state of the case, and alluded to the idea, also original with Mr. Herschel, of weighing off the reactions at the supports of a continuous girder, instead of measuring the differences of level. In this case, as in that of the continuous girder gene- rally, we have clearly brought out the method of calculation ~by * Continuous, Revolving Drawbridges. Little, Brown and Company, Bos- ton, 1875. PREFACE. IX apex weights, and here, indeed, lies the whole secret of thorough practical solution. In fact, from this point of view* the com- plete solution of a continuous girder for any number of spans, equal or unequal, offers no more essential difficulty than the calculation of so many separate simple girders. That this is not exaggeration, but accurate statement of fact, a perusal of Chaps. XII. and XIII. will suffice to prove. We cannot leave this part of the subject without acknowledg- ing our indebtedness to Mansfield Merriman, C.E., Assistant in Engineering in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College, for the formulae of the latter chapter. Mr. Merriman has done for the practical solution of the continuous girder what Weyrauch has for its theoretical discussion. We refer the student to the Supplement to Chap. XIII. for a specimen of his method of discussion. By the proper use of " indeterminate multipliers," the whole analytical discussion is most remarkably simplified. The only one of the many writers upon the subject known to us who seems to have hit upon this treatment is WinMer (Die Lehre von der Elasticitdt und festigJceit). In Art. 144 of the above work he gives formulae similar to Mr. Merriman's for the moments at the supports of a continuous girder for all spans equal only. He seems, however, to have failed to realize the true significance of the method, or the important part played by the Clapeyronian numbers. Independently of Winkler, Mr. Merriman has reproduced these formulae in their true light, and applied the method to any lengths and number of spans, with any differences of level and any method of loading. His formulae are simple, entirely free, even in general form, from integrals, and are given in just the shape required in practice. This compactness renders it possible for the engineer to enter upon a couple of pages of his note-book all the for- mulae required for the thorough calculation of a continuous girder of any number of spans, equal or unequal ; and this cal- culation in any particular case proceeds iu a manner precisely similar to that of the simple girder, directly and without refer- ence to authorities, tables, points of inflection, elastic line, methods of loading, or any of the " other paraphernalia with which the subject is usually encumbered." It will be observed that here and throughout we have no- where left out of sight analytical processes or methods. The X PREFACE. reader who considers the present work as an attempt to super- cede^ or even subordinate analytical investigation, misjudges entirely our aim. So far from this, we indulge the hope that its perusal cannot fail to render familiar the use of both methods, to bring out their points of difference and relative advantages, to illustrate the one by the other, to enable the reader to check the results of the one by the other, and in any case apply one or both, or a judicious combination of both, as may in such case be most advantageous or desirable. This will be especially noticed in the discussion of the simple and con- tinuous girder and of the braced arch. (Chaps. XII., XIII., XIY. and XVL, and Appendix.) As to the use of the work, the practical engineer will find in Chap. I., and that portion of the Appendix relating to this chapter, an easy and simple method of solution applicable to any framed structure having simple reactions, and including thus all varieties of bridge and roof trusses of single span. In the Appendix he will find detailed examples calculated to illus- trate every practical point of importance, and also a full expo- sition of Hitters "method of moments" The principles of this chapter alone will enable him to solve readily, both by cal- culation and diagram, every case usually arising in practice. In problems involving the moment of inertia of areas, in the case of the continuous girder, the braced arch and stone arch, as also the suspension system, he will find Chaps. VI., XII., XIII., XIV. and XVI. of value; and in the perusal of any or all of these he will, it is hoped, find no trouble by reason of logical connection with preceding principles. They are in this respect, as far as possible, complete in themselves. We may also call his attention to Chap. XV._, upon the stone arch, though it is to be regretted that the practical importance of the subject, in the present age of iron, renders the ease with which it is graphically treated of less importance than formerly. For his benefit also frequent practical examples are given in detail, so' that in all important applications he can easily select a parallel case, and follow it out, step by step, in the case in hand, without studying up the whole process of development in order to place himself in a condition to make use of the methods employed. We would also refer him to THE NEW METHOD or GRAPHICAL STATICS (Van Nostrand, 1875) a reprint of a series of articles contributed by the author to Van Nos- PREFACE. XI trand's Engineering Magazine during the present year, where lie will find such a condensed presentation of the more essen- tial principles of the subject as will enable him to follow the practical examples in the present work without the perusal of the more lengthy preparatory portion here given. For the student much of the practical applications may well l>e at first omitted. Notably Chaps. VII.-XIL, inclusive. Chaps. I.-IY. and XIII.-XVL will put him in complete pos- session of the method, and, moreover, enable him to solve with ease any structure, including the continuous girder, braced arch, suspension system, and stone arch, as well as all the more ordinary forms of bridge and roof trusses, cranes, etc. Indeed, if the first-named structures, which are of comparatively rare occurrence, are at first omitted, Chaps. I.-IY. alone will con- stitute a complete course upon framed structures so far as usually taught in our schools at the present day. Afterwards, in practice, and in the solution of the particular problems treated of, he will, in common with the practical engineer, find in the other portions of the work and in the Appendix just such assistance as he needs. We would also call the attention of the mathematician more especially to the investigation in Chap. V., Arts. 47-51, of the effects of a given recurring system of moving loads., the analytical treatment of which would be almost impracticable by reason of the complexity of the for- mulas obtained, and in this respect certainly worthless, even if possible, but the geometrical treatment of which gives rise to some of the most elegant constructions of the graphical statics; also to the Supplements to Chaps. /IIL and XIV., in which the analytical treatment of the continuous girder and braced arch is given. Finally, if our purpose in writing these pages is accom- plished, the principles and methods here set forth will be found easily acquired, accurate in their results, and amply sufficient for the ready determination of the strains in the various pieces of any framed structure which the civil engineer can legiti- mately be called upon to design. With this much of introduction and explanation, we present our work to the engineering profession in America and to American technical colleges, in the hope that the spirit which has led to its production, if not the method of its execution, may win for it a favorable reception. Xll PREFACE. In this spirit and in this hope we may, we trust, be allowed to appropriate the closing lines of Culmanrfs preface " Und nunftlhre hin gem hdtte icJi dich zum Fundament einer auf wissenschaftlicherer Basis gegrundeten IngenieurJciinde ge- mac/itj allein Jcaum darf ich die Hcffnung hegen, so viel Kraft in mir zu finden, um das Game dieses umfangreichen Fachen umzuarbeiten : das ist ein Werk, das mir vor Augen sc/iwebt, wie einer jener alien mittelaUerlicJien Dome sick vor dem Kunstler erhob^ der ihn entwarf und der der Hoffnung sick nicht hingeben konnte, ihnje in seiner Vollendung zu scJiauen. " Dock es mogen dich A.ndere benutzen und weiter bauen" nnd was ich nicht kann, werden nieine Nachganger voll- bringen. NEW HAVEN, April nth, 1875. GElsTEEAL CONTENTS. PAOB INTRODUCTION xxv PART I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. CHAPTER I. FORCES IN SAME PLANE COMMON POINT OF APPLICATION. ILLUS- TRATED BY PRACTICAL EXAMPLES 1 CHAPTER II. FORCES IN SAME PLANE DIFFERENT POINTS OF APPLICATION. PRO- PERTIES OF FORCE AND EQUILIBRIUM POLYGON 16 CHAPTER III. . CENTRE OF GRAVITY 29 CHAPTER IV. "MOMENT OF ROTATION OF FORCES IN SAME PLANE IN GENERAL 33 CHAPTER V. MOMENT OF ROTATION OF PARALLEL FORCES PRACTICAL APPLICA- TIONS 36 CHAPTER VI. MOMENT OF INERTIA OF PARALLEL FORCES PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. . 61 PART II. APPLICATION TO BRIDGES. A. THE SIMPLE GIRDER. CHAPTER VII. THE SIMPLE GIRDER OR TRUSS SUPPORTED ONLY AT ENDS 84 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER VII. THE THEORY OF FLEXURE. CHAP. I. Methods of calculation 98 CHAP. II. Principles of the calculus 102 CHAP. III. Theory of flexure , . . 110 XIV GENERAL CONTENTS. B. THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER OF CONSTANT CROS&SECTION. CHAPTER VIII. PAGE GENERAL PBINCIPLES 125 CHAPTER IX. LOADED AND UNLOADED SPANS. 141 CHAPTER X. SPECIAL CASES OF LOADING 147 CHAPTER XI. METHODS OP LOADING CAUSING MAXIMUM STRAINS 155 CHAPTER XII. COMBINATION OP GRAPHICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS 168 CHAPTER XIII. ANALYTICAL FORMULAE 198 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER ,XIIL DEMONSTRATION OF ANALYTICAL FORMULAE. . . 239 PAET III. APPLICATION TO THE AKCH. CHAPTER XIV. THE BRACED ARCH. COMBINATION OF GRAPHICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS 251 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER XIV. DEMONSTRATION OF ANALYTICAL FORMULAE 271 CHAP. I. General considerations and formulae 271 CHAP. II. Hinged arch in general 277 CHAP. III. Arch hinged at abutments only 283 CHAP. IV. Arch fixed at ends no hinges 287 CHAP. V. Influence of temperature 299 CHAP. VI. Partial uniform loading 304 CHAPTER XV. THE STONE ARCH 31 1 CHAPTER XVI. THE INVERTED ARCH SUSPENSION SYSTEM. . 327 APPENDIX.. 339 TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. ABT. PAGE I. Upon mathematical investigations generally xxvi II. Analytical and geometrical mechanics xxvii III. Geometrical statics xxix IV. The graphical calculus xxxi V. Graphical representation xxxiv VI. Graphical statics xxxv VII. The methods and limits of the graphical statics xxxvii VIII. The modern geometry xxxix IX. The modern geometry in engineering practice xlii X. Practical significance of the graphical statics xliii XI. Literature upon the graphical statics xlv XII. Graphical dynamics PAET I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. CHAPTER I. FORCES IN SAME PLANE COMMON POINT OF APPLICATION. 1. Notation Representation of forces by lines 1 2. Resultant of two forces 2 3. Resultant of any number of forces 2 4. Conditions of equilibrium 3 5. Properties of force polygon 3 6. Order of forces in force polygon a matter of indifference 4 7. Forces acting in same straight line 5 8. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS 5 9. Braced semi-arch 6 10. Roof truss 8 11 . Diagram for wind force 8 12. Application of method to bridges 11 13. Braced arch 12 14. Ritter's u Method of Sections " 14 CHAPTER II. FORCES IN SAME PLANE DIFFERENT POINTS OF APPLICATION. 16. Resultant of two forces 16 17. Case of forces parallel 18 XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS/ AKT. PAGE 18. Perpendiculars let fall upon components from intersection of outer polygon sides, are inversely as the components 18 19. Equilibrium polygon 19 20. Case of a couple Conditions of equilibrium 20 21. Properties of a couple 21 22. Force and equilibrium polygons for any number of forces 22 23. Influence of a couple 24 24. Order of forces in force polygon, a matter of indifference 25 25. Pole upon the closing line Failing case for equilibrium.. 25 26. Relation between two equilibrium polygons with different poles .... 26 27. Mean polygon of equilibrium 27 28. Line of pressures in an arch 28 CHAPTER III. CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 30. General method for determination of centre of gravity 29 31. Reduction of areas 30 32. Reduction of triangle to equivalent rectangle of given base 31 33. Reduction of trapezoid to equivalent rectangle 31 34. Reduction of quadrilateral generally 31 CHAPTER IT. MOMENT OF ROTATION OF FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE IN GENERAL. 35. Definition of moment of rotation 33 36. Culmann's principle 33 37. Application to equilibrium polygon 34 CHAPTER Y. MOMENT OF RUPTURE PARALLEL FORCES. 38. Equilibrium polygon Ordinates to give the moments of rupture. . . 36 39. Beam with two equal and opposite forces beyond the supports 38 40. Beam with two equal and opposite forces between the supports 39 41. Special cases of importance 41 1st. Beam load inclined to axis. ... 41 2d. Force parallel to axis 42 3d. Forces, in different planes ' 42 4th. Combined twisting and bending moments 43 5th. Application to crank and axle 44 42. Loading continuous Load area 45 43. Beam uniformly loaded 46 44. Moment curve a parabola 46 45. Beam continuously loaded and also subjected to action of concen- trated loads 48 46. Influence of moving load 50 47. Load systems 53 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV11 ABT. PAGE 48. Properties of the parabola included by the closing line 54 49. Application of the above principles 54 50. Most unfavorable position of load system upon a span of given length 56 51. Greatest moment at a given cross-section 59 CHAPTER VI. MOMENT OF INERTIA OF PARALLEL FORCES. 52. Application of moment of inertia in proportioning any cross-section. 61 53. Graphical determination of moment of inertia 62 54. Signification of the area of the equilibrium polygon 63 55. Radius of gyration 63 56. Inertia curves Ellipse and hyperbola of inertia 66 57. Construction of curve of inertia 69 58. Example 69 59. Central curve Central ellipse 71 60. Centre of action of the statical moments considered as forces 73 61. Cases where the direction of the conjugate axes of the inertia curve can be at once determined 75 62. Practical applications 76 1st. The parallelogram 76 2d. The triangle 77 3d. The trapezoid 78 4th. The parabolic segment 80 C3. Compound or irregular areas 81 64. Cases where there is no axis of symmetry 83 PAET II. APPLICATION TO BRIDGES. A. THE SIMPLE GIRDER. CHAPTER VII. THE SIMPLE GIRDER. 66. Forces which act upon a bridge 84 67. Bridge loading 85 68. Shearing force Moment of rupture, etc 85 69. Concentrated loads Invariable in position 87 70. Concentrated loads Variable in position 88 71. Position of a given system of loads causing maximum shear. 88 72. Construction of the maximum shear 89 73. Maximum moments 90 74. Construction of maximum moments 91 75. Absolute maximum of moments 92 76. Continuous loading 93 77. Total uniform load 93 78. Method of loading causing maximum shear 94 79. Live and dead loads. . 95 XV111 TABLE OF CONTENTS. SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER VII. CHAPTER I. METHODS OP CALCULATION. ABT. PAGE 2. Hitter's method 99 3. Method by resolution of forces 100 CHAPTER II. PRINCIPLES OP THE CALCULUS. 4. Differentiation and integration 102 5. Powers of a single variable 105 6. Other principles 106 7. Illustrations 107 a First differential coefficient 109 CHAPTER III. THEORY OF FLEXURE. 9. Coefficient of elasticity 110 10. Moment of inertia 110 11. Change of shape of axis 112 12. Beam fixed at one end, load at other 113 13. Beam as above Uniform load 117 14. Beam supported at both ends Concentrated load 118 15. Beam as above Uniform load 119 16. Beam fixed at one end, supported at other Concentrated load 120 17. Beam as above Uniform load 121 18. Beam fixed at both ends Concentrated load 122 19. Inflection points, etc. 124 B. THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER OP CONSTANT CROSS-SECTION. CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 80. Mohr's principle 125 81. Determination of tangents to the elastic curve 127 82. Effect of the moments at the supports 128 83. Division of the moment area 129 84. Properties of the equilibrium polygon 130 85. Polygon for the positive moment areas 131 86. Construction of the fixed points, and of the equilibrium polygon ... 132 87. Construction of the moments at the supports 135 88. The second equilibrium polygon 136 89. Determination of moments at the supports.. 138 90. Comparison with girder fixed horizontally at both ends 139 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX CHAPTER IX. LOADED AND UNLOADED SPANS. ABT. PAGE 91. Unloaded span 141 92. Two successive unloaded spans , 141 93. The fixed points 142 94. Shearing- force Reactions at the supports, and moments in the un- loaded spans 143 95. Loaded spans 143 96. Two successive loaded spans 144 97. Arbitrary loading 145 CHAPTER X. SPECIAL CASES OF LOADING. 98. Total uniform load 147 99. Practical examples Girder of four spans 148 100. Partial uniform load 149 101. Concentrated load 153 CHAPTER XI. METHODS OF LOADING CAUSING MAXIMUM STRAINS. 102. Maximum shearing force 155 103. Maximum moments 157 104. Determination of the maximum shearing forces 159 105. Determination of the maximum moments 161 106. Practical simplifications of the method 162 107. Approximate practical constructions 163 1st. Beam of two spans Moments 163 Beam of two spans Shearing forces 164 2d. Beam of three or more spans Moments 164 Beam of three or more spans Shearing forces 165 108. Method by resolution of forces Draw spans 166 CHAPTER XII. CONTINUOUS GIRDER CONTINUED COMBINATION OF GRAPHICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS. 111. Method of finding shearing forces, when inflection points are known 168 1st. Loaded span 168 2d. Unloaded span 169 112. Determination of inflection points Inflection verticals 170 113. Beam fixed horizontally at ends 171 114. Example 172 1 15. Counterbracing 174 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. ART. PAGR 116. Beam fixed at one end, supported at the other 175 117. Practical construction 178 118. Beam continuous over three level supports 178 119. Practical construction 170 120. The pivot draw with secondary central span 181 121. Supports not on a level Reactions 182 122. Beam over four level supports 184 123. Practical construction 186 124. Pivot span Example 187 125. Method of passing in construction, from one span to another 190 126. Method of procedure for any number of spans 192 127. Example Central span of seven spans 193 128. Method of calculation by moments 196 CHAPTER XIII. ANALYTICAL FORMULA FOR THE SOLUTION OF CON- TINUOUS GIRDERS. 129. Introduction 198 130. Notation 200 131. Theorem of three moments 201 132. Example Total uniform load Moments 202 133. Triangle of moments 203 134. Total uniform load All spans equal Reactions 205 135. Triangle for reactions 205 136. Clapeyron's numbers 206 137. Uniform live load over any single span Moments at supports 207 138. Triangle for moments Loaded span 208 139. Unloaded spans Moments 209 140. Practical rule and table for finding the above 210 141. Reactions at supports Loaded span 212 142. Triangle for reactions 213 143. Reactions for unloaded spans Tables for 214 144. Concentrated load in any span Moments 216 145. Application of above formulae 216 1 46. Triangle and table for moments 218 1 47. Reactions at supports Concentrated load , 219 148. Shear at supports 219 149. Recapitulation of above formulae 221 150. Continuous girder with variable end spans 224 151. Application of formulae for 225 152. Continuous girder with fastened ends 22t'> 153. Beam of single span Fastened at both ends Fastened at one end, etc. Examples 22f> 154. Tables for moments End spans variable 229 155. Continuous girder All spans different General formulae Exam- ples 233 156. General method of calculation . . 237 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXI SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER XIII. DEMONSTRATION OF ANALYTICAL FORMULA FOR THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER. IRT. PAGfi 1. Conditions of equilibrium 239 2. Equation of elastic line 240 3. Theorem of three moments 241 4. Determination of moments Supports all on level 42 5. Uniform load w 244 0. Formulae for the " Tipper " [Art. 120] 244 7. Example of two span tipper 245 8. LITERATURE UPON THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER. . 247 PART III. APPLICATION OF THE GRAPHICAL METHOD TO THE ARCH. CHAPTER XIV. THE BRACED ARCH. 157. Different kinds of braced arch 251 158. Arch hinged at both crown and abutments 251 159. Hinged at abutments only Continuous at crown 253 1st. Parabolic arch 254 2d. Circular arch, Tables for solution of 255 160. Arch fixed at abutments Continuous at crown 257 1st. Parabolic arch 258 2d. Circular arch 260 162. General method of solution 262 163. Analytical formulae for horizontal thrust, and vertical reactions 264 164. Arches with solid web 266 165. Strains due to temperature, Formulae for 267 166. Effects of temperature 269 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER XIV. DEMONSTRATION OF ANALYTICAL FORMULA FOR THE BRACED ARCH. CHAPTER I. GENERAL, CONSIDERATIONS AND FORMULAE. 1. Fundamental equations ; 271 2. Displacement of any point 275 CHAPTER II. HINGED ARCH IN GENERAL. 3. Notation The outer forces in general 277 4. Intersection line 278 5. Parabolic arch Concentrated load 278 6. Circular arch Concentrated load 280 7. Integrals used in above discussion 282 XX11 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. ARCH HINGED AT ABUTMENTS ONLY. A. Parabolic arc. ART. PAGK 8. Horizontal thrust 283 9. Intersection curve 283 B. Circular arc. 10.- Horizontal thrust 283 11. Intersection curve 285 CHAPTER IV. ARCH FIXED AT ENDS. 12. Introduction 287 13. Concentrated load General formulae 287 A. Parabolic arc. 14. Determination of H, V and M 289 15. Intersection curve 291 16. Direction curve 291 B. Circular arc. 17. Fundamental equations 291 18. Determination of H, V and M 293 19. Intersection curve 297 20. Direction segments 297 20 (b). Transformation series 297 CHAPTER V. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE. 21. General considerations 299 22. Influence of temperature on the arch 299 23. Fundamental equations General 300 24. Arch with three hinges 301 25. Arch hinged at ends 501 26. Arch without hinges 301 CHAPTER VI. PARTIAL UNIFORM LOADING. 27. Notation 304 A. Arch hinged at crown and ends. 28. Vertical reaction 304 39. Horizontal thrust 305 B. Arch hinged at ends only. 30. Vertical reaction 305 31. Horizontal thrust Parabolic arch 305 32. Horizontal thrust Circular arch 306 O. Arch without hinges continuous at crown. 33. Parabolic arch. Formulae for V, H and M 307 34. Circular arch. Formulae for V, H and M 308 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XX111 CHAPTER XY. THE STONE ARCH. ART. PAGB 167. Definitions, etc ; 168. Pressure line 311 169 . Sliding of the joints 311 170. Forces acting upon a cross-section Neutral axis 312 171. Kernel of a cross-section 313 172. Position of kernel for different cross-sections 314 173. Proper position of resultant pressure 316 174. Pressure line True pressure line 317 175. Support line 318 176. Deviation of support from pressure line 319 177. Dimensions of the arch 320 178. Construction of the pressure line 322 179. Practical example " 324 180. Proper depth of arch at crown 324 181. Increase of depth due to change of form 326 CHAPTER XYI. THE INVERTED ARCH SUSPENSION SYSTEM. 183. Methods of construction 327 184. Rear chains, and anchorages 327 185. Cable with auxiliary stiffening truss 329 186. Method of loading causing maximum strains 330 187. Example ,, 333 188. Analytical investigation of the forces acting upon the stiffening ooo truss 066 189. Concluding remarks 335 APPENDIX. NOTE TO CHAP. VIII. OP THE INTRODUCTION UPON THE MODERN GEOMETRY. NOTE TO CHAPTER 1 346 2. Bent crane 346 3. Character of strains in the pieces as indicated by the strain diagram, 347 4. Pieces in equilibrium Points to be avoided in constructing the strain diagram 347 5. Roof truss Method of checking the accuracy of the diagram 348 6. The French roof truss Solution apparently indeterminate Method of solution Method of calculation by moments 348 7. Application to bridges Bowstring girder Method of tabulation illustrated. 350 8. Strains in the flanges Table 353 9. Method of calculation by moments 354 10. Girder with straight flanges Howe or Murphy Whipple system of . bracing 355 XXIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. ART. ,PAGB 11. Lenticular girder, or system of Pauli 358 12. Remarks upon above system The most economical system for long spans 359 NOTE TO CHAPTER II. 14. Equilibrium polygon considered as a, frame 362 NOTE TO CHAPTER V., ART. 51. 15. Beam subjected to given force system Maximum moment at any cross-section 364 NOTE TO CHAPTER XII. 16. Pivot or draw span Practical example Solution by diagram By method of moments By resolution and composition of forces .... 365 17. Relative economy of the continuous girder 374 18. Continuous girder supports out of level 377 NOTE TO CHAPTER XIV. THE BRACED ARCH. 19. Practical example of the braced arch 382 20. Arch hinged at both abutments and crown 383 21. Arch hinged at abutments only 386 23. Temperature strains for above 391 26. Arch continuous at crown Fixed at ends 394 27. Temperature strains for above 398 28. Advantage of arch with fixed ends for % long spans Comparison with the St. Louis arch. . 399 INTRODUCTION. HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL.* I ^/t? I X^ ' THE subject of Graphical Statics has, since the appearance of (/ulrnann's work (Die grapliisclie Statik, Zurich, Meyer and Zeller, 18#t>), excited considerable attention, but an accurate and just estimate of its methods and practical value is still wanting. Thus there are some who oppose it; others willingly accept it as an efficient and valuable aid in practical inves- tigations of stability ; still others even profess to see in it a future rival of Analytical Statics. This last somewhat remarkable claim seems apparently justified by a passage in Culniann's preface, where it is asserted " that the Graphical Statics will and must extend, as graphical methods find ever wider acceptance but in such case, however, its treatment will soon escape the hands of the practitioner, and it will then be built up by the geometer and mechanic to a symmetrical whole, which shall hold the same relation to the new geometry that analytical mechanics does to the higher analysis." These various and conflicting opinions find their supporters in technical schools and among engineers throughout Germany. In the consideration of the subject, we shall endeavor especially to give an objective presentation, but shall also feel at liberty to present our own opinions as well, and generally to venture such reflections as seem suited to throw light upon the matter. For both reasons it will sometimes be necessary to make apparent deviations, in order to point out the various fields in which these new investigations take root, to define their limits, and to decide in what directions and to what extent impulse and sustenance for further development may exist. In such a manner only can we satis- factorily ascertain how far the graphical statics may safely count upon more than a passing recognition and brief existence. We have therefore to ask of the reader who wishes to obtain a just and accurate estimate of this new and, as we venture to think, highly important subject, patience for the following general considerations. * Ueber die graphische Statik zur Orientirung. By J. I.Weyrauch. Leip- zig, 1874. XX Vl MATHEMATICAL INVESTIGATIONS. [iNTIiOD. L y UPON MATHEMATICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN GENERAL. Mathematical truths may be attained in two essentially different methods by synthesis or by analysis, by composition or by resolution. In synthe- sis, we ascend from particular cases to general ones ; in analysis, we descend from general cases to particulars. By synthesis we pass from the simplest or admitted truths, by combination and comparison, to more complicated phenomena. Analysis seeks to refer back such phenomena to their fun- damental relations, or to deduce special properties from the general con- ditions. The analysis of a phenomena presupposes, then, an accurate comprehen- sion of all its elements. So far as these last stand in relations of cause and effect to the whole and its parts, or so far as such relations exist be- tween the parts themselves, they may be expressed by equations. Thus the operations which are necessary in analysis become independent of con- crete phenomena, and are governed only by the laws of abstract quantities as included by algebra in the widest sense of the word. Algebra, then, is not analysis itself, but only its instrument, " instrument precieux et neces- saire sans doute, parce qu'il assure et facilite notre marche,"mais qui ri>a par lui meme aucune vertu propre ; qui ne dirige point I' * esprit, mais que V esprit doit diriger comme tout autre instrument' 1 '' (Poinsot, Theorie nouvelle de la rotation, pre"s a" T Acad., 1834). Ordinarily the higher branches of algebra, with which numberless really analytical investigations are connected, are designated as analysis. More properly, all investigations which rest upon equations of condition may be termed analytical investigations. Synthetic investigation rests mainly upon geometrical conceptions, and attains to the knowledge of phenomena through concrete conditions, which latter may be designated as space relations and processes. Hence the usual division into analytical and geometrical methods, even in applied mathe- matics. We have thus with equal appropriateness an analytical geometry as also a geometrical analysis. When pure geometry (in distinction from analytical) makes use of the symbols and operations of algebra, it is only to express with corresponding generality and more concisely than in words truths attained to by abstraction, and independent of the dimensions of the auxiliary figure ; or so to formulate such truths that they may be applied in analytical investigation. Accordingly, such use of algebraic formulae has as little effect upon the synthetic process as from the above it would seem essential to the analytic treatment. In either case, algebra is but the instrument, the method lies back of and directs it. If analytical formulae and operations are entirely excluded from the more complicated geometrical investigations, we are at once restricted to general laws of metrical relation. There remains only the faculty of INTROD.] ANALYTICAL AND GEOMETRICAL MECHANICS. XXV 11 abstraction and graphical construction. The power of abstraction alone suffices, indeed, to comprehend in full generality metrical relations in ele- mentary geometry and its simplest applications, but fails when the relations sought must be attained step by step by the application of a number of principles, or in the auxiliary figure by a number of constructions. If, indeed, we take the relation sought directly from the auxiliary figure itself, and even if it were possible to take out the required distances with absolute accuracy, still this result obtained would stand to the general law desired only in the same relation that the result of a particular numerical computation does to the more general algebraic formula. Investigations by the aid of graphical figures can, however, make known general relations of form and position, and have in this respect their special advantage. So far also as by them metrical relations are sought, then, by the exclusion of algebraic formulae, only the process of deduction the routine of construction remains of general significance. Sciences, then, which proceed in this manner, furnish indeed, with respect to metrical relations, no general laws, but for the deduction of these relations do give general methods. In this category we may place descriptive geometry and the more recent graphical statics. -it ANALYTICAL AND GEOMETRICAL MECHANICS. It is hardly necessary in these days to call attention to the advantages of a geometrical treatment of mechanical problems. This, however, was not always the case, and the most important developments of geometrical mechanics belong to the present century. It is to Poinsot, Chasles, Afobius, etc., that these developments are due. By the Calculus of Newton and Leibnitz (1646-1714), and its subsequent development, analysis became such a powerful instrument that the activity of mathematicians was for a long time solely directed towards analytical investigations. The power of analysis was in mechanics carried to its highest point by Lagrange (1736-1813), in his Mechanique analytique. He undertook the problem of reducing mechanics to a series of analytical operations : " On ne trouvera point de figures dans cet outrage. Les methodes que fy expose ne demandent ni constructions ni raisonnement geo- metrique ou mecanique, mais seulement des operations algebriques assujeties a une marche reguliere et uniforme" (Mechanique analytique. Paris, 1788.) The principle of virtual velocities formed his point of departure. A number of text-books upon theoretical mechanics still follow the method of Lagrange. The revival of pure geometrical investigations by Monge (1746-1818), the creator of descriptive geometry, and his followers, could not well have been without its influence upon mechanics. In the year 1804 appeared the Elements de Statique, by Poinsot, in which, in contrast to Lagrange, XXviii ANALYTICAL AND GEOMETRICAL MECHANICS. [iNTKOD. we find : " que tons les theoremes de la Statique rationeUe ne sont plus au fond que des theoremes de Geometric" This work was the beginning of a series of treatises in which the advantages of the synthetic development and geometrical treatment of mechanics were defended and, by most important results, strikingly demonstrated. At this time the views as to the best method of treating mathematical problems were sharply opposed. Carnot (1753-1823), to whom, however, the modern geometry itself owes no slight impulse, gives the preference to analysis. For synthesis " est restreinte par la nature de ces procedes ; elle ne peut jamais perdre de vue son objet, ilfaut que cet objet s^offre tou~ jours d V esprit, reel et net, ainsi que tons les rapprochements et combinaisons qu'on en fait" 1 (Oeometrie de position. Paris, 1803.) That which here Car- not considers as a defect in the synthetic and geometrical method, Poinsot claims as its special advantage : " On peut bien par ces calculs plus ou moins longs et compliques parvenir d determiner le lieu ou se trouvera le corps au bout d'un temps donne, mais ou le perd entierement de vue, tandis qu'on vou- drait V observer et le suivre, pour ainsi dire, des yeux dans tout le cours de sa rotation' 1 ' 1 (Theorie nouv. d. I. rot. d. corps}. The example of Poinsot found numerous followers. In Germany, Mo- bius followed with his " Lehrbuch der Statik." Mechanics as well as geometry thus received enrichment. Mobius gives the preference always to the synthetic method, and also endeavors to interpret geometrically, analytically deduced formulae " because in investigations concerning bodies in space the geometrical method is a treatment of the subject itself, and is therefore the most natural, while by the analytical method the sub- ject is concealed and more or less lost sight of under extraneous signs " (Lehrb. d. StatiTc. Leipzig, 1837.) Even in analytical operations, geometrical considerations came more and more in the foreground. On all sides the development of Kinematics, the theory of motion without reference to its cause, was prosecuted. But. neglecting the cause of motion, there remains only its path ; that is, geo- metry proper (Kinematical geometry, or the geometry of motion}. The in- vestigations of Chasles, Mobius, Rodrigues, Jouquiere, and others, may yet be still further pursued ; and when by the aid of geometry a certain com- pleteness has been given to the theory of the motion of invariable systems, the geometrical theory of regular variable systems (to which the flexible and elastic belong) will be possible. For the discussion of such branches of mathematics, the synthetic geometry is necessary ; for their foundation lies in a theory of the relationship of systems. The advantage of the synthetic method in mechanics is denied by no one. Wherever it is possible, we obtain more comprehensive conclusions as to the nature of the phenomena, while all the properties of the same fol- low directly from the simple and known truths premised. In analytical investigations it is necessary, even when definite equations are obtained, to deduce the actual laws singly and in a supplementary manner, although they are indeed all contained in the equations themselves. It is not, however, always possible to preserve the synthetic process throughout. From the first truth the ways diverge in all directions, and TNTROD.] GEOMETRICAL STATICS. Xxlx a special ingenuity is often needed to reach the goal. Just here analysis comes to our aid with its rich treasures of developed methods, and here it is most certainly not for geometry to " undervalue the advantage afforded by a well-established routine, that in a certain degree may even outrun the thought itself " (F. Klclu : Vrrglaichemle JRetrachtungen aber neuere geome- trische Forschung^en. _ Erlanggn-, 1 ft72 T p. 41). Algebraic operations are thus, however, not the chief thing, but only the instrument a most excel- lent instrument indeed, which can be almost universally applied, and which, by reason of its connection with an extensive and independent mechanism, often needs only to be set in action in order to work of itself. Geometrical mechanics, moreover, can never entirely free itself from analytical formulae and operations. For though it may be both interesting and useful to follow, with Poinsot, the body during its entire rotation, yet practically this is of minor interest, and the chief problem remains still, " d determiner le lieu ou se trouvera le corps au T)out cTun temps donne" In the present day all those familiar with both methods of treatment hold fast the good in each ; they supplement each other. Often in the course of the same investigation we must interrupt the general analytical process with synthetic deductions, and inversely. Thus we may well close these considerations with the sentence with which Schell begins his " Theo- rie der Bewegung und der Krdfte " both methods, the analytic and the synthetic, can only, when united, give to mechanics that sharpness and clearness which at the present day ought to characterize all the mathemati- cal sciences. III. GEOMETRICAL STATICS. Statics is a special case of dynamics, though earlier treated as indepen- dent of the latter. The principle of d'Alembert furnishes the means of passing from one .to the other. In technical mechanics the distinction is still preserved, and indeed, in view of the distinct branches in which the applications on either side, are found, not without propriety. After the mechanics of the ancients, as comprised in the mathematical collections of Pappus; the first great step towards our present geometrical statics was made by Simon Stemnus (1548-1603), when he represented the intensity and direction of forces by straight lines. Stevinus himself gave a proof of the importance of his method, in the principle, deduced from it, that three forces acting upon a point are in equilibrium when they are pro- portional and parallel to the three sides of a right-angled triangle. A main discovery was the parallelogram of forces by Newton (1642- 1727). The composition of two velocities in special cases was long famil- iar. Galileo made use of it for two velocities at right angles, and exam- ples also occur in Descartes, Roberval, Mersenne, and Wallis, but the funda- mental principle was first established when Newton replaced the theories XXX GEOMETRICAL STATICS. [iNTEOD. of special by that of universal causation (Philosophic^ naturalis principia, mathematica. London, 1687). Varignon in his "Projet d'unenouvelle mecanique," in the same year (1687), and independently of Newton, applied for the first time the general princi- ple of the composition of motions. From this he passes, in the Nouvelle mecanique ou Statique, dont le projet fat donne en 1687 (published after his death, Paris, 1725), by means of the axiom that " les effets sont toujours proportionnels d leurs causes ou, forces productrices " to the composition of forces also. The Statique of Varignon is purely geometrical. He postulates nothing beyond books 1-6 and 11 of Euclid, and even explains the significance of + and signs. In this work, the first founded upon the parallelogram of motion and of forces, we find also the force and equilibrium polygons (Funiculaire, Section II.), to the application and development of which almost the whole of Graphical Statics is to be attributed. Varignon recog- nized the value of the equilibrium polygon, and gave it as the seventh of the simple machines. After the great Interim of Geometry, Monge wrote a Traite elementaire de Statique (Paris, 1786). The work claims to contain for the first time everything in statics which can be synthetically deduced. In a later edi- tion we learn that synthetical statics must be taken up as preliminary to analytical, just as elementary geometry before analytical geometry. Thus the work of Monge contains the necessary preparation for Poisson 1 s "Traite de mecanique" (Paris, 1811). The greatest influence upon the development of geometrical statics was exercised by Poinsot. By the introduction of force pairs, he solved in the most elegant manner the fundamental problem of any number of forces acting upon a body (Elements de Statique, Paris, 1804, and Memoire sur la composition des moments et des aires dans la mecanique). Chasles completed the solution by the proof that the contents of the tetrahedron, which is determined by the resultant forces, is constant, how- ever the forces may be composed. In the hands of Mobius, geometry and geometrical statics were most com- pletely developed. Of the greatest importance, for later applications, was the introduction of the rule of signs. The germ of this had existed already in the preceding century.* Mobius recognized its significance, extended it to the expression of the contents of triangles, polygons, and three-sided pyramids, and applied it systemati- cally (Barycentrischer Calcul. Leipzig, 1827). A new impulse, extended field of action, and numerous additions were given to geometrical statics by the Graphical Statics of Culmann. * Mobius alludes to this, and we find, for example, in Kastner ( Geometrische Abhandlungen, I. Saml., 1790, p. 464), the equation A B + B A = o. INTROD.] THE GRAPHICAL CALCULUS. XXxi IV. THE GRAPHICAL CALCULUS. The most extended applications of statics are in the Held of engineering. Here, not only general properties of form and position are required, but in a large number of cases numerical relations are also necessary. General results of the latter character can, as we have seen, only be embraced by algebraic formulae (I). The pure graphical theory of construction is there- fore in this respect lacking in completeness, as it is unable to furnish gen- eral metrical relations. The practical engineer has almost always, however, to do with special problems; dimensions and acting forces are numerically given. Geometry in such cases could give no general relations, because the results desired are the consequences of the special proportions of the figure. In any de- terminate case, however, we may obtain a result holding good for that case, and it only remains to show how generally to obtain such a result. The graphical calculus treats of such methods, and so, although not exclusively, does graphical statics. As soon now as practical use is made of the actual proportions of the figure, everything depends upon the exactness of the drawing. One condition for the application of the graphical method is, therefore, skill in geometrical drawing a requisition, indeed, which the practical engineer can most readily meet. The idea at bottom of the graphical calculus is simple. The modifica- tions of numbers in numerical calculations correspond always to similar modifications of the quantities represented by these numbers. The measure of a quantity can be as well given by a line as a number, by putting in place of the numerical the linear unit. In order for a graphical calculus, then, the modifications of lines answering to corresponding numerical operations are necessary, and these are furnished by geometry. They con- sist of graphical constructions, and rest upon the known properties of geometrical figures. The scale furnishes the means of converting directly any numerical quantity into its corresponding linear representation, and inversely any graphically obtained result can be at once transformed into numbers. The graphical determination of desired or computable numbers is natu- rally nothing new. From the " Traite de Q-nomonique " of de la Hire (1682) to the " Geometric descriptive' 1 ' 1 of Monge (1788), many examples are to be found. The graphical calculus, however, goes further than this. It aims to found a method, a routine, which shall not only apply to bodies in space, but which shall also, like the arithmetical or algebraic calculus, be independent of concrete relations and of general application. It seeks further to obtain its results (products and powers) in the shape of lines convertible by scale into numbers. (Hence the important part which area XXXM THE GRAPHICAL CALCULUS. [iNTROIX transformation plays in the graphical calculus.) Such was the problem which Cousinery proposed, and whose solution he attempted in his " Calcul par le trait" (Ses Elements et ses applications. Paris, 1839). Cousinery applied the graphical calculus to powers, roots, proportion and progression; to the measure of lines, surfaces, cubes, graphic inter- polation, and the strength of retaining walls. The presentation is nat- urally by no means complete, and labors also under a prolixity and minuteness of detail to which the results obtained are by no means com- mensurate. It sounds somewhat comic when Cousinery, in his " Calcul par le trait," claims the then already-existing graphical solutions of Poncelet (" Memoire sur la stdbilite des revetements, in Memorial de Toff du genie") as an elegant example of the application of his graphical calculus. While Cousinery thus sought to apply geometry in a direction where until then analysis had held sway, he acted in entire accordance with the spirit of his age, though without making use of those means for aid which lay at his disposal. " Without effect upon him," says Culmann, " were the researches of Steiner, already published in 1832, as well as those of his predecessor; and instead of simply premising the elementary prin- ciples of the modern geometry, he laboriously sought to deduce them in- dependently by the aid of perspective." The works, at least, of the French predecessors of Steiner were, at any rate, well known to Cousinery. In his preface we read: " Peut-gtre mihne nos efforts eussent-ils 6t6 complete- ment infructueux, sans les ressources que nous ont procurers et les annales de M. Gergonne et les travaux de M. Brianchon, et ceux plus re"cents de M. Poncelet. Nous avons envers M. Chasles une obligation encore plus droite, car outre les pr6cieux documents que reufernie son ' Histoire des methodes en geometric? nous avons a lui faire agre"er un tgmoignage par- ticulier de reconnaissance pour la maniere dont il a bien voulu mentionner nos premiers essais sur le systeme de projection polaire." Why Cousinery made use of perspective and not of the modern geome- try, is easily understood. The development of geometry at that time, as to- day, proceeded in various almost independent directions, and Cousinery himself had the pleasure of seeing his " Geometric perspective " (Paris, 1828) designated by the reporters for the Academy, Fremel and Matthien, as new and ingenious, as well as favorably noticed by Chaxles.* He sought, therefore, naturally to develop and render fruitful his own method, so much the more as the true significance and value of the various growing branches of geometry could not then, as now, be correctly estimated. Ac- cordingly, the Inge"nieur-en-chef. B. E. Cousinery, wrote avowedly for his colleagues, and did not feel justified in directly premising a knowledge of the newest investigations, more especially of his own. i We have noticed the above somewhat in detail, because it bears directly * Its newness, at least, is not without doubt. According 1 to Fiedler, the principles are completely given in Lambert's celebrated work, " Die freie Perspective" (Zurich, 1759). Poncelet also takes issue with the estimation of the " Geometrie perspective" by Chasles (" Traite des propr. proj.^ II. , ed. 1865, p. 412). INTKOD.] THE GRAPHICAL CALCULUS. XXXI 1 1 upon a point of our discussion ; for the introduction of the modern geometry in the graphical method by Culmann, is still, thirty years after Cousinery, a chief hindrance to its rapid spread.* After Cousinery, no one occupied himself with the graphical calculus till Culmann gave it a place in his GrapJiische Statih The presenta- tion is here far better, and especially shorter. The rule of signs, which was unknown to Cousinery, is at once brought out. Instead of such long and tedious applications as the graphical interpolation, a few examples from engineering practice are given, among which we may especially notice earth-work calculations. In the extensive earth works of roads, canals, and railways, the method shows not only most plainly the extent and best arrangement of transport, but also allows, with the aid of the planimetre, the cost of transport to be determined. As to the rest, it would appear as if the graphical calculus should play an important part in engineering practice. This circumstance, as well as the interesting problems which present themselves in connection, has gained for the Arithmograpliy many friends. Several publications have since sought to win for it a wider recognition without furnishing anything essentially new. [IT. Eggers : " Grundziige einer graphischen Arithmetic," Schaffhausen, 1865. J. ScUesinger : " Ueber Potenzcurven," Zeitschr. d. osterr. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1866. E. Jdger : " Das graphischen Rechnen," Speier, 1867. K. von Ott : " Grundziige des graphischen Rech- nens und der graphischen Statik," Prag, 1871.] Recently the method of the graphical calculus has been applied to Dif- ferentiation and Integration. A treatise by Solin show the first exact, so far as possible in a construction, the last approximate only (" Ueber graph. Integr. ein Beitrag z. Arithmographie, Abhand. d. konigl. bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissenbach." VI. Folge, 5 Bd. Separate reprint by Rivnac, Prag, 1871). It is to be remarked, also that examples of double integration and differentiation were given by Mohr in 1868. The graphical construction of the elastic line, and the determination of the moments at the supports of a continuous girder, are essentially examples in point (Mohr: "Bei- trag zur Theorie der Holz und Eisenconstructionen, 1 ' Zeitschr. d. Hannov. Ing. und Arch. Ver., 1869 ; or W. Hitter : " Die elastische Linie," Zurich, 1871.) As to the importance of the graphical calculus as an independent study or discipline, it is, as we believe, often exaggerated. The theoretical value is but little, and for graphical constructions, as given by the graphical calculus, offer in no respect anything new. That which pertains to practical applica- tions may be easily based directly upon geometry, and is nowhere found as a consequence of the method itself. If it is considered advisable to call special attention to a few general points before making such applications, all that can be desired can be easily presented in ten or a dozen pages octavo. * See Preface ; also Chaps. VII. and VIII. of this Introduction. c GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION. [iNTROD. V. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION. Graphical representation, in the widest sense of the word, includes every visible result of writing or drawing. The written sentence is the graphi- cal representation of a thought the drawn line the graphical indication of an idea. In such generality we naturally do not here regard graphical representation. In a narrower sense we understand the graphical represen- tation of the diversity or dependence of numerical quantities. In this sense we cannot speak of the graphical represention of pure geometry. This last was introduced into analysis by Vieta (1540-1603). Here 'the figure merely aids the conception, while the equation embraces the charac- teristics of the phenomena (I.), and ensures the independent character of the drawn lines. Thus the clearness of geometry is combined with the fruitf ulness of analysis. If the graphical representation is constructed frcm a number of suitably chosen and calculated values, the intermediate values can be directly meas- ured and. by means of the scale, reconverted into numbers. The graphical representation, then, replaces numerical tables. Illustrative examples often occur in practice. We instance, for example, the graphical representation of maximum moments and shearing forces in the continuous girder. If the several values are calculated from a formula, their graphical union gives a simultaneous view a picture of the law which the formula represents. If these values are merely known observed, for example their graphical combination may enable us to deduce the law which connects them. Thus the graphical representation is of assistance in the deduction of empirical formulae, and indirectly in the discovery of exact relations. Illustrations of such application occur frequently in applied mathematics, especially in astronomy and meteorology. In this connection we may also remark that graphical representation plays also an important part in statistics. By its aid a comprehensive view is obtained of a series of separate results. Or it may be applied to still higher problems for example, from comparison of simultaneous but differ- ent series of observations to determine an inner connection. In engineering practice, graphical representations have in recent times notably multiplied. All graphical constructions, so far as they do not de- pend upon analytical formulae, and therefore are not directly given by geometrical laws, are nothing more than consequences of graphical repre- sentation. INTROD.] GRAPHICAL STATICS. XXXV VI. GRAPHICAL STATICS. The few text-books upon graphical statics and the more numerous works upon its applications, afford us no definition, and can afford none, because neither the method nor scope of this new study are anywhere sufficiently indicated. If, following Culmann, we speak of it in contradistinction to the appli- cations of a pure graphical statics, we may define it somewhat as follows : Graphical Statics comprises the theory of those geometrical constructions which occur in the graphical solution of statical engineering problems ; it treats further of the general relations deducible from such constructions. This limitation, so far as it does not follow from the preceding, we shall seek in the course of these remarks still further to establish. Graphical representations of analytically obtained results have, as has been already noticed, long been used in engineering practice. They served also the purposes noticed in the preceding chapter. Often also certain values, whose analytical determination is somewhat complicated, have been sought by graphical constructions. Examples of this may be found in many text-books upon the theory of structures, and we notice only, as one of the most notable of recent date, the construction of lever arms and limits of loading in A. Ritter's "Theorie und Berechnung eiserner Dach und Briickenconstructionen " (Hannover, 1862). Poncdet applied analy- sis in general to practical investigations, but sought in several complicated cases to elucidate the deductions of formulae by geometrical constructions, and to deduce graphical solutions from analytical relations. This pro- cedure found considerable acceptance, and the investigations of Poncelet were afterwards resumed upon more general assumptions by Saint Guil- liem (Memoir e sur la poussee des terres avec on, sans surcharge, aim. des ponts et chauss., 1858, sem. 1, p. 319). The first, however, to give pure geometrical determinations of stability in structures was Cousinery. He gave a number of examples as applica- tions of his graphical calculus, but his ideas appear to have found in France little acceptance. On the other hand, the graphical construction of the curve of pressure in the arch by Mery (Memoir e sur V equilibre des voutes en bwceau ann. d. ponts et chauss., 1840, sem. 1, p. 50) was extensively used, and has since been extended by Durand-Claye to iron arches also (Ann. d. ponts et chauss., 1867, sem. 1, p. 63, and 1868, sem. 1, p. 109). Special prominence was given to graphical investigations of stability by Culrnann's " Graphische Statik " (first part, Zurich, 1864, entire work, 1866 ; second edition, 1st part, 1875.) This work of Culmann must be considered as original in all those parts relating to structures. Poncelet and Cousinery, beyond the general idea, furnished only unessential contributions. Culmann recognized the fruit- XXXvi GRAPHICAL STATICS. [iNTROD. fulness of the relations between the force and equilibrium polygon, upon which most of the practical solutions depend. He developed these rela- tions, applied them in the theory of moments by the introduction of the closing line (Schluss Linie), and, accepting the rule of signs, obtained gen- eral points of view for the discussion of the most diverse figures which could arise in the same problem. In this and in many other respects even geometrical statics can profit from Culmann' s work, as, for instance, in the investigation of the projective relations between the force and equilibrium polygon. The fundamental importance of the force and equilibrium polygon was also recognized by those who, after Culmann, occupied themselves with the graphical method. Here we may notice two works of special influence upon the development of the graphical statics those of MoTir and Cre- mona. The idea of Molir, that the elastic line is an equilibrium polygon or curve (" Beitrag zur Theorie der Holz und Eisenconstructionen." Zeitschr. d. Hannov. Ing. und Arch. Ver., 1868) is of special significance forgraphi. cal statics. That from it MoJir obtained the graphical determination of the moments at the supports of a continuous girder, is an example both useful as well as interesting. Already it has been endeavored to utilize the same idea in other cases (Frankel : " zur Theorie der Elastischen Bogentrager," Zeitschr. d. Hannov. Ing. u. Arch. Ver., 1869, p. 115), and by it an impulse has been given to similar investigations. Cremona, has kept more especially in view the geometrical side of graphi cal statics. Starting from the theory of reciprocal polyhedrons, he gave the reciprocal relations between the force and equilibrium polygon with a generality and elegance to be expected from this distinguished Italian mathematician (Le figure reciproche nelle statica graficu,. Milan, Langer, 1872). By this investigation the theoretical development of the graphical statics is essentially anticipated. It was under the most unfavorable circumstances that Culmann intro- duced his graphical statics in the engineering department of the Ziirich Polytechnic in the year 1860. It was finally, indeed, admitted as a regular study, but not the geometry of position which he premised. It was not till 1864 that this last was given in a series of lectures by Reye, and then the time at disposition for both courses was insufficient. Meanwhile the method spread, crept into the construction department of the engineering school, and wherever it came, even in the other departments of the Poly- technic, gained friends. Finally, at the present time, it is to be found, to- gether with the modern geometry of position, upon which it was based, in every Polytechnic throughout Germany. According to the above given definition of graphical statics, the methods of the graphical calculus, as far as applied in statical investigations, may also be regarded as belonging to graphical statics, and justly so ; for these methods follow directly from geometrical principles, and can be ap- plied by any one acquainted with geometry, without being collected under the special name of the " graphical calculus." Thus, for instance, Bausch- inger, in his " Elemente der graphischen Statik" (Miinchen, 1871), disre- INTROD.] METHODS AND LIMITS OF GRAPHICAL STATICS. XXXvil gards entirely the graphical calculus, and also cuts loose from the modern geometry ; he develops the elementary principles of the subject in a logi- cal and easily comprehended, if not purely geometrical manner, and thus brings the subject within the reach of those persons for whom it seems so especially designed. The work is remarkable for clear presentation, but expressly avoids all special investigations and practical applications, for which it is merely intended to prepare the way. In the present work, also, a similar plan is pursued, but all such applications as are of most value to the engineer or mechanic find likewise a place. Thus, combining the method of presentation of Bauschinger and the practical applications of (Julmann, it has been endeavored to make it a practical manual, as well as a text-book of elementary principles to serve the wants of the practical engineer, and also meet the requirements of the engineering student. How far this twofold design has been realized, the judgment of the reader must decide. VII. THE METHODS AND LIMITS OF THE GRAPHICAL STATICS. The most perfect method of the graphical statics is the synthetic or geo- metric; since in geometrical statics the solution must always, when possi- ble, rest upon pure mechanical or geometrical reasoning. Culmann pre- sents his graphical statics to practitioners "as an attempt to solve by the aid of the modern geometry such problems pertaining to engineering prac- tice as are susceptible of geometrical treatment." The graphical statics, however, is not in and of itself the product of endeavors to make the modern geometry of service in applied mechanics ; graphical solutions merely were required. How to obtain these, was another question. Thus it is that Poncelet's solutions consist almost en- tirely of graphical representations of analytical relations ; that Cousinery avoided all use of formulae ; that Culmann made use of the new geometry wherever it was possible ; that Bauschinger and others make use only of the ancient geometry ; and that the latest graphical solutions in a certain degree, those of Mohr also entirely in the spirit of Fencelet's, rest again upon analysis. The pure geometric solution is, indeed, desirable, but is not always attainable. If now we review all the cases in which direct and exclusively geomet- rical solutions are not possible, we see at once that this occurs when it is required to make use of the physical properties of bodies, as elasticity, co- hesion, etc. Why? The actual condition of a body after equilibrium 18 attained, is a consequence of the motion of a variable system of points. The theory of the motion of variable systems has, however, by no means, as yet, been brought to practical efficiency (II.). We are therefore obliged to start from an hypothetical condition or state of the body (in the theory of flexure, for instance, we rest upon the assumption that all plane cross-sec- tions made before the action of the outer forces remain plane after their XXXVlii METHODS AND LIMITS OF GRAPHICAL STATICS. [iNTEOD. action). To deduce now from this general condition the special relations necessary for solution, demands an essentially analytical process (T) Hence the dependence of the graphical solutions in such cases upon ana- lytical relations relations which, when the body is assumed to be rigid, as in the arch, in frame work, or the simple girder, no longer exist. The sphere of action of an independent graphical statics is, then, con- fined to those problems which, under the assumption of inflexibility, are determined by a sufficient number of conditions. Beyond this point we have chiefly graphical interpretations only. It has been already noticed that graphical statics, without the application of algebraic operations, can furnish no general laws (IV.). From relatively simple figures, indeed, here and there, general formula of metrical relations have been derived, as is, in fact, not theoretically impossible (I.), but such formulae were always previously known. Such a result holds, in general, immediately good only for that form of figure which has been discussed, Or, according to the terminology of Carnot, only for the existing " primi- tive figure," and must be proved or transformed for all " correlative figures " which can occur in accordance with the conditions of the prob- lem. When the graphical investigation is guided by analytical opera- tions, it is these last which render possible the deduction of general metri- cal relations. Thus, in the theory of structures, there remains subject to pure graphical treatment only the general relations of form and position. Here we have the elegant deductions upon unfavorable loading, and here the graphical method often attains its end in a more elegant manner than the analytical. A complete exploration and development of such form and place relations, without a geometry of position, would evidently be impossible (IX.). The scientific future of the graphical statics, therefore, rests essentially upon the influence of the modern geometry. To endeavor to separate the higher geometry from the graphical method would be as unwise and fruitless as the attempt to exclude the higher analysis from analytical investigations. As, however, for certain purposes an elementary presentation of analytical theories relating to engineering practice will ever be acceptable, so also an elementary development of graphical methods is not without justification, the more so as long as the modern geometry itself is not sufficiently well known. Culmann says of the graphical statics : " It includes, thus far, only the general part which we need in the investigation of problems in construc- tion, but it must and will extend, as graphical methods find ever wider acceptance. Then, however, it will escape the hands of the practitioner, and must be built up by the geometer and mechanic to a symmetrical whole, which shall bear the same relation to the new geometry that analyti- cal mechanics does to the higher analysis." Such an estimation does not appear to be entirely correct. It is geometrical statics (or mechanics) for which the above relation may subsist, and to this, indeed, Culmann's valu- able work has itself greatly contributed. It was, moreover, developed quite independently of and much earlier than graphical statics (III.). In this respect, therefore, the spread of graphical methods is of less inipor- INTROD.] THE MODERN GEOMETRY. tance than that of geometrical views and knowledge ; for when practical calculations are disregarded, and the deduction of general truths alone occupies us, then, first of all, we must exclude from the drawn figure all special relations that is, strike out of graphical statics the essentially graphical part. A truth comprehended only in the abstract holds good for all figures which can be drawn in accordance with the given condi- tions. We place, then, in one line geometry and geometrical statics (mechanics). From geometry we obtain a method of construction, or descriptive geome- try, which finds its practical applications in architecture and machine drawing. From geometrical statics we obtain also a construction method or routina viz., graphical statics which finds its practical applications in the graphical calculation of structures and machines. Both descriptive geometry and graphical statics have still, with reference to these practical ends, to develop and make use of the general relations which subsist be- tween the geometrical constructions to which they give rise, and thus each, according to its means, contribute to the discovery and spread of geo- metrical and mechanical truths. From this co-ordination of descriptive geometry and graphical statics we must not, however, infer an equal importance ; for, while in geometri- cal drawing we have always to represent an ideal image, and the graphical method is therefore directly suggested, we have for statical calculations the analytical process also at our disposal, and everything depends then upon the relative advantages and disadvantages of the graphical and ana- lytical methods. We have thus noticed all the most important points which occur in a theoretical consideration, and there only, remains to make a comparison from a practical standpoint (X.). VIII. THE MODERN GEOMETRY. Geometry treats of figures or constructions in space. These figures and their properties are not always regarded and treated in equal extent and generality. Geometrical knowledge found its origin in practical needs, and the ancients confined themselves almost exclusively to special investigations of individual figures and bodies of definite form, such as presented them- selves to the eye. In the pTiorisms of Euclid (-285), according to Pappus (end of the fourth century), the mutual relations of the circle and straight lines were, indeed, given with a certain degree of completeness, but these have not come down to us. Properties thus determined had naturally only a limited significance, and could neither count upon permanence nor give satisfactory conclu- sions. Investigators sought, therefore, assistance where it was best afforded, in analysis. This was, in the sixteenth century, by the algebra of Vieta (1540-1603), notably enriched. Xl THE MODERN GEOMETRY. [iNTROD. From this period geometry, for a long time, served merely as an aid to analysis, interpreting graphically its results (V.). From this union the greatest advantages were derived, as analysis led to the infinitesimal cal- culus of Newton and Leibnitz, and geometry to the analytical geometry of Descartes (1596-1650). But the extension and generality which geometrical truths received by this great creation of Descartes was essentially due to analysis. Desaryucts (1593-1662) and Pascal (1623-1662) extended pure geometrical considera- tions, and made the first step towards the modern geometry when they regarded the conic sections as projections of the circle, and deduced the properties of the first from those of the last. Then De la Hire (1640-1718), Le Poivre (1704) and Hnygens (1629-1695) occupied themselves with geo- metrical investigations. While the two first developed the methods of Desargues and Pascal, Huygens and, later, Newton (1642-1727) applied pure geometry in optics and mechanics. Soon, however, the Calculus of Newton and Leibnitz (1684 and 1687) showed itself so wonderfully fertile in analytical geometry, that geometry proper was put in the background. Only a few, as Lambert (1728-1777), still regarded it with favor. Then appeared Monge (1728-1777), and gave the impulse to a complete revolution in geometrical views, and to the reconstruction of the science upon a new basis. In his Lemons de Geometric descriptive (Paris, 1788), all those problems previously treated in a special and uncertain manner in stereotomy, perspective, gnomonics, etc., were referred back to a few gen- eral principles, and, without the aid of analysis, the most important prop- erties of lines and surfaces were deduced. While descriptive geometry taught the relations between bodies in space and drawn figures, it strength- ened the power of abstraction ; introducing into geometry the transforma- tion of figures, it gave to its deductions an advantage till then possessed only by analysis; and while, finally, it owed its comprehensive results to the application of projections, it pointed the way for the further develop- ment of geometry itself. Meanwhile, in the field of analytical geometry, the conclusion had been reached that the desired truths admitted of a still more general compre- hension. All properties had been obtained only with respect to and by means of a determinate co-ordinate system. But already Godin (1704- 1760) had announced " que I" art de decouvrir les proprietes dss courses est a proprement parler, I 1 art de changer le systeme de co-ordonnees" (Traite den proprietes communes a toutes les courses). This idea Car not seized upon (1753-1823), and in the sixth chapter of his Geometric de position (Paris, 1803) he sought to obtain a more general comprehension of figures by analysis, and to avoid the indeterminancy of this last by the introduction of the idea of position, and by many solutions after the method already pointed out by Liebnitz and d'Alembert. Now began a veritable race in the condensation and promulgation of geometrical truths, in which the pure geometrical method obtained the palm. The scholars of Monge Brianchon, Servois, Chasles, Poncelet, Ger- gonne working with him and in his spirit, filled the Annales des mathe- matiyues and the Correspondance sur Vecole polytechnique with new re- INTBOD.] THE MODERN GEOMETKY. xli suits the two last named discovering the general law of reciprocity or du- ality. The foundation proper of the modern geometry was his Traite des proprietes projectiles des figures (Paris, l828fi"Aggrandir les resources de la simple Geometrie, en generaliser les conceptions et le langage or- dinairement assez restreints, lesrapproclier deceuxde la Geometrie analytique, et surtout offrir des moyens generaux, propres a demontrer et a fair e decouvrir, d'une maniere facile, cette classe de proprietes dont jouissent les figures quand on les considere d'une maniere purem'ent abstraite et independamment d'au- cune grandeur absolue et determinee, tel est Vobjet qu'on s'est speciolemejit propose dans cet ouvrage." 1 " 1 The new ideas found in Germany especially fruitful soil. Mobius, Pliicker, Steiner, Grassman, and many others, proceeding in part from entirely different points of view, opened out an abundance of new direc- tions which have not yet been thoroughly explored, and which, in union with other investigations, have caused a thorough change in our concep- tions of space relations, whose latest phases are indicated by the names of Riemann, Helmlioltz and Lie-klein. In this development period, also, still existed the two parties in analyti- cal and synthetic, or pure geometry. Plucker held the analytical relations as the most general, and which were with advantage to be illustrated and interpreted geometrically ; while Steiner recognized in the space figure itself the true object and most efficient aid of investigation. Both direc- tions the modern analytic and synthetic lead naturally to the same results. "With reference to the methods, however, they diverge the nearer the ideas and transformations of geometry approach the generality and ease of the alg3braic method, thus rendering possible an abandonment of this last. Thus, while analytical geometry, through the theory of determinants of Hesse, came into ever closer connection with analysis a direction in which English and Italian investigators as Salmon, Cayley, Cremona brilliantly assisted, the Erlangen Professor von Staudt cut loose from algebraic formu- la and metrical relations, and gave us the geometry of position (Nilrnberg, 1847, Beitr. z. Geom. d. Lage). After von Staudt, the strict geometry of position remained a long time disregarded, while the synthetic geometry of Steiner has enjoyed, without intermission till the present day, a special preference on the part of mathe- maticians. One reason may indeed be that mathematicians take little in- terest in an independence of geometry to which analysis can lay no claim ; but another, still more potent, is the extremely condensed, almost schematic presentation of von Staudt, which has not exactly an encouraging effect upon every one. Culmann gave the impulse to a change in this respect. In his graphical statics he rests directly upon the work of von Staudt, and, with something more than boldness, assumes a knowledge of the geometry of position among all practical men. Such a course was not indispensable for the foundation of his method, and impeded the spread of the graphical stat- ics ; but by it the geometry of position gained. This last had next, of necessity, to be introduced into the Zurich Polytechnic, and thus' arose the MODERN GEOMETRY IN ENGINEERING PRACTICE. [iNTROD. first, until now, only complete text-book upon the subject, the " Geometric der Lage," by Reye (Hannover, 1868), as the direct result of the graphical statics of Culmaun. Since then, the modern geometry has been introduced into all technical institutions throughout Germany, and thus placed at the disposal of the arts and sciences. As, according to its founder, Poncelet, it reaches the highest range of speculation, so also in the most practical relations it acts to simplify and condense : " Pen d peu les connaissances algebriques deviendront mains in- dispensdbles, et la science, reduite d ce qu'elle doit etre, d ce quSelle devrait etre dejd, sera aimi mise d la portee de cette classe d' homines, qui n'a que des mo- ments fort rares d y consacrer." [For illustrations of the method of the modern geometry, the reader may consult the Appendix to this chapter.] IX. THE MODERN GEOMETRY IN ENGINEERING PRACTICE. One who should infer that a science created thus from its very inception with reference to the needs of practice* must have found access, above all, in technical circles, would be much mistaken. As Culmann sent out his graphical statics, deep silence prevailed, and if the modern geometry ap- peared here and there in the lecture plan of one and another polytechnic, it was, without doubt, due to the zeal of some enthusiastic privat docent who had undertaken the thankless task of holding forth to empty benches. Whence came this indifference to a discipline proceeding from the Ecole polytechnique ? It is hard, indeed, to find a sufficient reason. We often hear it said that by reason of the colossal extension which engineering sciences have experienced, students are already overburdened. Most true ! and it is just here that the modern geometry comes to our assistance. It is precisely to this that the learned critic of Monge, Dupin, alludes : " II (terrible que dans Vetat actuel des sciences mathematiques le seul moyen d'ern- pecher que leur domaine ne devienne trop vaste pour notre intelligence, c'est de generaliser de plus en plus les theories que ces sciences embrassent, afin qu'un petit nombre des verites generates et fecondes soit dans la tete des Tiommes I 1 expression abregee de la plus grande variete des f aits particuliers" The modern geometry in its present form starts with a small number of elementary constructions whose properties are first set forth, and then, pro- ceeding from these by combination and comparison, it covers the entire department of space. The engineer, during and after his preparation, has to do with space problems, with geometrical principles and constructions ; * Poncelet himself set upon the title-page of his work : " Ouvrage utile d ceux qui s^occupent des applications de la Geometric descriptive et d' operations geometriques sur le terrain." INTBOD.] PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF GEAPHICAL STATICS. xliii "how many superfluous definitions and demonstrations could not be spared, if they were already completely comprehended and recognized by the scholar as parts of a higher whole" (Gulmann "Die Graphische Statik "). At no very distant day it will no* longer be possible to read a scientific work upon applied mathematics without familiarity with- the principles of the modern geometry.* Permitting pure graphical applica- tions, without the aid of analytic symbols, it forms the common point of view for descriptive geometry, practical geometry, and graphical statics. Descriptive geometry existed before the modern, and this last has sprung from it. Now, reversely, the geometry of position comes to the aid of descriptive geometry, and offers in return its most fruitful principles and efficient aid. Thus in descriptive geometry we may refer to the works of Pohlke, tichlesinger, and Fiedler. The effect of the geometry of position in this direction to simplify and condense may be seen from the work of Staudigl ("Ueber die Identitat von Constructionen in perspective, schiefer und orthogonaler Projection' 1 ), where it is proved that "all problems of the descriptive geometry, in which neither linear nor angular measure are considered therefore all problems which belong to the geometry of posi- tion can in similar manner and by precisely similar constructions be solved as well in perspective as in oblique and orthagonal projection." In shades and shadows and in geometrical drawing, Burmeister and Paulus owe to the modern geometry the simplicity of their constructions. In the department of practical geometry also, in geodesy, perspective, surveying, we mark the influence of the modern geometry in the works of Mutter and Spangeriberg, of Franke and Baur. In mechanics and physics, we see it again in the works of Lindemann, Burmeiater and Zech. PEACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GBAPHICAL STATICS. We have already remarked (VII.) that the importance of graphical statics is in great part dependent upon its advantages as compared with the analytical method, and have reserved for this place a comparison from a practical point of view. Here, first of all, we have to notice the independence of the graphical construction of the regularity or irregularity of the given relations. Whether the forces are equal or not, whether they act at equal or varying distances, even their relative position, are matters of indifference. Centre of gravity, central ellipse, kernel for all, even the most irregular figures, are found in similar manner, with equal ease, even when exact analytical solutions are hardly conceivable. Thus a process, a routine almost mechanical is rendered possible in many investigations of stability, with- out losing sight of interior relations ; for in the repeated and independent compositions of the forces we always perceive the origin, connection and * Well illustrated in Gillespie's Land Surveying. New York, 1870. PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF GRAPHICAL STATICS. [iNTKCD. reason of the result obtained, which, in the substitution of numbers in a formula, is not always the case. With this advantage goes hand in hand a disadvantage. This very regularity of the process is a consequence of its special, we might almost say numerical, character (I.). In a numerical analytical example greater or less regularity has also but little effect. This numerical character has also for consequence that we can never attain to general laws and relations (IV., VII). The practical engineer becomes with time ever more familiar with the dividers and rule, while facility in analytical operations gradually disap- pears. A graphical construction once completed is not easily forgotten, or a single glance at a similar figure suffices to recall the whole process. It is indeed easy in clearly given formulae to substitute special numerical values ; but formulas unfortunately are not always clearly given, in some cases can- not be so given, without presuming upon the thorough familiarity of the reader with the processes involved ; these and the very many and various systems of notation in use leave to the constant, easily acquired and remembered graphical solution many advantages. But here we may remark that graphical solutions can only be easily acquired, retained or quickly recovered when the constructions are based upon methods purely geometric, and not when they are simply the interpre- tation of previously obtained analytical results. In the latter case we must recall the process of development of the formula as well as the graphical construction, and the method is thus too often confusing instead of simple. Often it is desired to make visible the results of an investigation, as in the case of the arch, where the graphical method is especially advan- tageous, and has in France been long used (VII.). Errors relating to the mutual relation of strains are more easily discov- ered in graphical solutions than in analytical, as a certain law of regularity is always visible, which breaks abruptly for an error in construction. By calculation, on the other hand, we can more easily select any one place in the structure, and determine the strain there independently of the others. As to which of the two methods demands the least time is a matter of minor importance. In a construction costing from thousands to millions, it matters little whether the calculations require one or several days, more or less, if only the results are clear and correct. It is a question also which can hardly be decided in favor of one or the other, dependent as it is upon elements other than those pertaining to the methods themselves such as varying individual skill and capacity in either direction. The declaration which is already sometimes encountered, that the numerical calculation of a continuous girder requires about three times as much time as the graphical solution, sounds questionable. Why not at once furnish the statement with decimal places f In general, for ordinary cases, the ana- lytical solution requires less time ; for irregular and more complicated cases, the graphical. The exactness of the graphical solution is sufficient, but it, too, depends upon the care and skill of the draughtsman. The greater the forces and IXTEOD.] LITERATURE UPON GRAPHICAL STATICS. xlv dimensions with which one works, the better the results obtained. The scales should not, then, be taken too small. It is hoped that these considerations, now drawing to a close, will suffice to give the reader clear ideas upon the nature and origin, advantages and disadvantages, of the graphical statics. The determination whether he will enter more fully into the subject it may be, even take part in its develop- ment (there is abundance of room for workers), and in this case the choice of direction may thus be facilitated. The graphical statics is certainly suited, especially in extended applica- tions of the geometry of position, to furnish many new points of view, and in a practical respect it can often greatly simplify. Whoever has really studied the new methods must admit this. On the other hand, the importance of the graphical statics is sometimes exaggerated. It appears out of place when in works designed for practice graphical solutions are given of problems which any reasoning being can almost solve in his head. Such solutions may find a place in special text-books upon the subject, where they may, indeed, be desirable for completeness. If it is desired to make two independent investigations of stability, as for large and important constructions is always desirable, it will be found of advantage, if a suitable graphical solution exists, to make the first deter- mination graphically. Nothing more ensures a conviction of the correct- ness of an investigation than a correspondence of the graphical and cal- culated results. XI. LITERATURE UPON GRAPHICAL STATICS. We have already referred in VI. to the most important contributions in the branch of graphical statics, and now annex a list of the literature upon the subject so far as known to us. Where several works treat of the same subject, we have allowed ourselves a brief critical notice. Opportunity is thus given to those who would take part in the development of graphical statics to make themselves acquainted with all existing works, and at the same time the practical man is enabled in any case that may come up to inform himself as to where assistance may best be sought. A short remark to specify the contents may in this respect often help in the right direction. The succession is in each division chronologically arranged Although the literature of the subject would seem from the following tolerably extensive, still the number of pure geometrical solutions in which no analytical formulae appear is much less. Publications upon the subject would, moreover, beyond doubt, be still more numerous were it not for the difficulty and cost of production of lithograph plates. LITEKATUliE UPON GRAPHICAL STATICS. I. TEXT-BOOKS UPON GRAPHICAL STATICS. Culmann, K." Die graphische Statik." With Atlas of 36 Plates. Zurich, Meyer and Zeller, 1866. [I. Part, 1864: Elements and Graphical Investigations of Structures. Also, second edition, first volume, 1875, with 17 Plates. General Principles, second volume, to follow shortly.] Bauschinger "Elemente der graphischen Statik." With Atlas of 20 Plates. Miinchen, 1871. [Without the aid of modern geometry, and without practical applications. Admirable exposition of the Princi- ples.] lleuleaux. An outline of the graphical statics is to be found in " Der Con- structeur," by Reuleaux, third ed. Braunschweig, 1872. Levy " La Statique Graphique et ses Applications." Paris, 1874. With Atlas of 24 Plates. [Principles and several applications; clear and elegant exposition of the subject.] n. PAPERS UPON THE GRAPHICAL STATICS. Most " Ueber eine allgemeine Methode, geometrisch den Schwerpunkt beliebiger Polygone und Polyeder zu bestimmen." Archiv d. Math, und Phys., IL. (1869), p. 355. [Also applicable to curve areas, with- out equilibrium polygon.] Culmann, K. "Ueber das Parallelogram und iiber die Znsammensetzung der Krafte." Vierteljahrsschr. d. Naturforsch. Ges. zu Zurich, 1870. [Correspondence of the graphical statics with the Statics of Pliicker.] Mohr " Bsitrag zur Theorie der Holz- und Eisenconstructionen." Zeitschr. d. Hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1870, p. 41. [Relation between the neutral axis and centre of strains.] Grunert, J..A. "Ueber eine Graphische Methode zur Bestimmung des Schwerpunktes eines beliebigen Vierecks." Arch. d. Math. u. Phys., LII. (1871), p. 494. [Simple and brief. Compare also L., p. 212.] Cremona, B. " Le figure reciproche nelle statica grafica." With 5 Plates. Milan, 1872. German translation in Zeitschr. d. Ost. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1873, p. 230. [Force and equilibrium polygon as reciprocal figures.] Du Bois, A. J. " The New Method of Graphical Statics." Van Nostrand's "Engineering Magazine," Vol. XII., Nos. 74, 75, 76, 77, 78. [General properties of force and equilibrium polygons, with practical applica- tions to bending moments, and several important mechanical problems. Also, Maxwell's Method applied to bridges, roof trusses, etc.] Sepa- rate reprint, 1875. Van Nostrand, New York. LITERATURE UPON GRAPHICAL STATICS. III. APPLICATION TO THE SIMPLE GIRDER. Culmann, K. "Der Balken." Third chap, of d. graph. Statik, 1866. [Contains also the construction of the inner forces.] I Vojdcek " Graphische Bestimmung der Biegungsmomente an kurzen Tragern." Zeitschr. d. Vereins Deutsch. Ing., 1868, p. 503. [Graphi- cal interpretation of analytical relations.] Cotterill, J. H. "On the Graphic Construction of Bending Moments." "Engineering," 1869 (VII.), p. 32. [Equilibrium polygon for the sim- ple truss, with references to Rouleaux and Culmann.] Winkler, E. "Einfache Trager," "Theorie der Brticken," "Aeussere Krafte gerade Trager." Wien, 1872. [Simultaneous presentation of analytical and graphical methods.] Ott, K. von "Wirkung paralleler Krafte auf einfache Trager mit Gerade Langenachse." In die Grundziige d. graph. Reclmens u. d. graph. Statik. Prag, 1872. p. 28. [The most elementary principles pertain- ing to composition of forces in a plane are prefaced.] IV. APPLICATION TO THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER, Culmann, K. "Der continuirliche Balken." Fourth chap, of the Graph. Statik, 1866. [With examples the moments at the supports are analytically determined.] MoJir " Beitrag zur Theorie der Holz- und Eisehconstructionen." Zeitschr. d. hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1868, p. 19. [Completion of Culmann' s method the moments at the supports are graphically determined.] Lippich "Theorie des continuirlichen Tragers Constanten Querschnitts." Wien, 1871. Separate reprint from Forster's Bauzeit., 1871, p. 103. [Graphical method, together with elementary analytical.] Hitter, W. " Die elastische Linie und ihre Anwendung auf den continuir- lichen Balken." Zurich, 1871. [Mohr's method given as a supple- ment to the Graph. Statik of Culmann.] Winkler, E. " Continuirliche Trager. Theorie der Bracken aeussere Krafte gerade Trager." Wien, 1872. [The Mohr-Culmann method, together with analytical.] Solin, J. " Geometrische Theorie der continuirlichen Trager." Mitth. d. Arch. u. Ing. Ver. in Bohmen, 1873. Greene, Chas. E. " Graphical method for the analysis of Bridge Trusses ; extended to Continuous Girders and Draw Spans." New York, 1875. [Moments at supports found by successive approximation, or balancing of moment areas.] V. APPLICATION TO FRAME WORK. Culmann, K." Das Fachwerk." Fifth chap. Graph. Statik, 1866. [Most general form of parallel truss, suspension truss, Pauli's truss, roof trusses.] LITERATURE UPON GRAPHICAL STATICS. Keck, W. " Ueber die Erinittclung der Spannungen in Fachwerk tragern mit Hulfe der graphischen Statik." Zeitsclir. d. hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1870, p. 153. Separate reprint, Hannover, 1872. [Presentation of the method with reference to practice.] Jenkin " On the Practical Application of Reciprocal Figures to the Cal- culation of Strains in Frame-work. Transact, of the R. Soc. of Edin- burgh, 1870, (XXV.) p. 441. Maxwell, Prof. Cleric " Reciprocal Figures, Frames, and Diagrams of Forces." Trans, of R. Soc. of Edinburgh, 1869-70. Uhwin " Iron Bridges and Roofs.' 1 London, 1869. [Application to roof trusses, wind force, etc.] Banfon,F.A."The Strains in Trusses." New York, Appleton, 1872. [Examples of simple trusses drawn to scale.] Bow, Robert H. "Economics of Construction in Relation to Framed Struc- tures." London, 1873. [Application of Maxwell's Method only to roof trusses, etc.] Ott, K. von " Das Fachwerk." In Grundzuge d. graph. Rechnens u. d. graph. Statik. Prag, 1872. [Roof trusses, truss fixed at one end and free at the other, bridge trusses.] Reuleaux " Hilfslehren aus der Grapho statik." Second chap, of the Con- structeur, third ed., 1872. [Compound truss, roof trusses, etc.] Scliaffer "Graphische Ermittelung der Ordinaten des Schwedler'schen Tragers." Zeitschr. fur Bauwesen, 1873, p. 237. [Proceeding from the equation for the same.] Heuser "Graphische Ermittelung der Ordinaten des Schwedler'schen Tragers." Zeitschr. f. Bauwesen, 1873, p. 523. [Preceding method simplified another by means of equilibrium polygon.] VI. APPLICATION TO THE IRON ARCH. Culmann, K." DerBogen." Sixth chap, der graph. Statik, 1866. [Con- tains also the inverted or suspended arch. The arch as a rigid body.] Durand-Claye, A. " Sur la verification de la stabilite des arcs m&alliqucs et sur 1'emploi des courbes de pression." Ann. d. ponts et chauss., 1868, sem. 1, p. 109. [Mery-Durand pressure curves, but with refer- ence to the absolute resistance of the material.] Frankel, W. " Zur Theorie der elastischen Bogentrager." Zeitschr. d. han- nov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1869, p. 115. [Following out Mohr's idea of the equilibrium polygon as elastic line. ] MoJir " Beitrag zur Theorie der elastischen Bogentrager." Zeitschr. d. hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1870, p. 389. [Criticism of the preceding method, and giving another.] Beitrage zur graphischen Berechming elastischer Bogentrager mit Kampfergelenken." Mitth. d. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., in Bohmen, 1873. LITERATURE UPON GRAPHICAL STATICS. VII. APPLICATION TO THE ARCH. Cousinery, E. B. " Application des proce'de's du calcul graphique a" divers problemes de stability." Fourth chap, of Calcul par le Trait. Paris, 1839. [With especial reference to the strength of abutments pure graphical treatment.] M&ry " MSmoire sur I'Squilibre des voutes en berceau." Ann. d. ponts et chauss., 1840, sem. 1, p. 50. [Geometrical determination of every possible pressure curve.] Culmann, K. " Der Bogen.". Sixth chap, of Graph. Statik, 1866. [Con- taining also arch centerings ; exact discrimination of support and pressure line.] Durand-Claye, A. "Sur la verification de la stability des voutes en maconnerie et sur 1'einploi des courbes de pression." Ann. d. ponts et chauss., 1867, sem. 1, p. 63. [Reference to relative resistance of material. ] Harlacher, A. R. "Die Stiitzlinie im Gewolbe." Tech. Blatter, 1870, p 49. [Practical method by inscription of support line, according to Culmann.] Heuser "Zur Stabilitatsuntersuchung der Gewolbe." Deutsche Bauzeit. 1872, p. 365. [Also methods for unsymmetrical form and load.] VHI. APPLICATION TO RETAINING WALLS. Poncelet. J. V. " Me'moire sur la stabilite des reve'tements et leur fonda- tion." Mem. de 1'off. du Ggnie, 1838 (XIII.) ; separate reprint, Paris, 1840. [First analytical graphical theorie.] Cousinery, E. B. " Application des precedes du calcul graphique & divers problemes de stability." Hourth chap, of " Calcul par le Trait," 1839. [Pure graphical, without formulae.] ^aint-G-uilhem " MSmoire sur la poussSe des terres avec ou sans sur- charge." Ann. d. ponts et chauss., 1858, sem. 1, p. 319. [Further development and generalization of Poncelet's Theory.] Rarikine "Manual of Civil Engineering." London, fourth ed., 1865. [Containing graphical construction of pressure parallel to earth sur- face upon vertical wall.] i Culmann, K. " Theorie der Stutz- und Futter-Mauern." Eighth chap, of Graph. Statik, 1866. [With use of equilibrium polygon, pressure upon tunnel arches.] JMzhey, E. " Beitrage zur Theorie des Erddrucks und graphische Bestim- mung der Sta'rke von Futter-Mauern." Mitth. iiber Gegenst. d. Artill. und Geniewesens; separate reprint, with two plates, Wien, 1871. [Point of application of earth pressure for complicated contour.] MoJir "Beitrage zur Theorie des Erddrucks." Zeitschr. des hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1871, p. 344. [Point of application of earth pres- sure and new analytical theory.] 1 GRAPHICAL DYNAMICS. WinTder, K-" Neue Theorie des Erddrucks." Wien, 1872. [Containing graphical methods according to the old theory.] Haseler, 0. " Beitrage zur Theorie der Futter- tmd Stiitz-Mauern." Zeit- schr. d. hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1873, p. 36. [Graphical deter- mination of earth pressure according to Culmann.] MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS. Reuleaux" Die graphische Statik der Axen und Wellen." Published by polytech. Ver. in Zurich, 1863. [Autograph copy of lectures.] Culmann, K. " Der Werth der Constructionen." Seventh chap, of Graph. Statik, 1866. [Best and cheapest systems under given conditions, especially for bridges.] Reuleaux " Graphostatische Berechnung verschiedener Axen, Kranpfosten, Kurbeln," in the Constructeur, third ed., 1872. Scattering graphostatical constructions are to be met with in many text- books upon construction, especially since the appearance of Culmann's work, a second edition of which is in course of preparation, and expected soon to appear. XII. GRAPHICAL DYNAMICS. The scientific or practical value of graphical solutions once recognized, there remains no reason for limiting them to statical problems only, and endeavors in the above direction are already forthcoming. We limit our- selves to a passing notice. First, we have an attempt to employ graphical constructions in the theory of the overshot and breast- wheel (Qeeberger, " Arbeitung der Theo- rie der oberschlachtigen Wasserrader auf graphischen Wege." Civil Ing. 1869, p. 398, and 1870, p. 339). We cannot here notice the value of the solutions given, but the very sparing applications of geometry hardly jus- tify the title of the work. A short article, which gives the graphical determination of the force at every position of a moving point, may also be noticed. (Rapp, " Zur graphischen Phoronomie," in Zeitsch. f. Math. u. Phys., 1872, p. 19.) The genuine foundation of a graphical dynamics has been first attempted by Proll (" Begriindung graphischer Methoden zur Losung dynamische Probleme," in Civil Ingenieur, 1873). From the fact that the effects of forces in dynamics are measured by the changes of velocity of any point or points of a machine system, Proll concluded that it must be possible to represent these force effects by geometrical relations, such as kinematic geometry teaches. His investigations, since published in independent form ("Versuch einer graphischen Dynamic," with 10 plates, 1874), fall into thr.ee parts. The first part treats of the action of the " outer forces " in machines whose GRAPHICAL DYNAMICS. 11 motion is in a plane, the outer forces being also in this plane. In the sec- ond part he subjects to graphical treatment the action of outer forces upon a free movable material point. The third part, finally, considers the motion^ of rigid- invariable systems acted upon by given forces. In the course of the development extended use is made of analytical formulae. The work is but the beginning of the future structure, but this beginning will be thankfully received by all those with whom graphical methods have found acceptance. PART I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. CHAPTEE I. FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE COMMON POINT OF APPLICATION. 1. Notation, etc. In order that a force may be " given " or completely determined in its relations to other forces, we must know not only its intensity, but also its direction, and the posi- tion of its, point of application. These three being known, the geometrical expression of our knowledge is very simple. We have only to assume a certain length as the unit of force, and then any force is at once given by the length, direction, and position of a straight line. This method of force representa- tion is so obvious, that it is in fact used in mechanics, even where the treatment itself is essentially analytical. Unless expressly stated, all the forces with which we have to do, will be considered as lying and acting in the same plane. Graphically then, any force is completely determined by a straight line, the beginning of which represents the point of application, and the length and direction of which give the in- tensity and direction of the force. We shall indicate a force in general by the letter P, its point of application by A. When we have several forces we repre- sent the points of application by A 1? A 2 , A 3 , etc., and the ends of the corresponding lines by P 1? P 2 , P 3 , etc. The direction in which a force is supposed to act is thus unmistakably indi- cated. When, however, lines representing several forces are laid off one after another, the beginning of each at the end of the pre- ceding, it will be sufficient to put at the beginning of the first, and 1, 2, 3, etc., at the end of each. No confusion can arise, as each force acts and reaches from the point indicated by the figure which is one less than its index, to the point indi- cated by that index. When, finally, we designate a force by the two letters or fig- ures which stand at the beginning and end, we shall always indicate by the order in which the letters or figures are written, 2 FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. I. the direction of action of the force, first naming the point of application, and then the end. A force due to the composition of several forces, as P l5 P 2 , P 3 , we denote by Pi. 3 or R^. Thus R^ denotes the resultant of the forces P l5 P 2 , and P 8 . 2. Parallelogram of Force. If two forces, P^ and P 2 , given in direction and intensify by the lines OP X OP 2 [Fig. 1, PL 1], have a common point of application O, the resultant Ri.2 is found by the well known principle of the " parallelo- gram of forces," by completing the parallelogram as indicated by the dotted lines, and drawing the diagonal. OR then gives the resultant of the forces P l and P 2 . If this resultant acts in the direction from O to R, as indicated by the arrow, it replaces P! and P 2 ; that is, it produces the same effect as both forces acting together. If it were taken as acting in the opposite direction i.e., from O outwards, away from R it would hold the forces p t and P 2 in equilibrium. Now, we see at once that it is unnecessary to complete the parallelogram. It is sufficient to draw from the end of the force P 2 the line P 2 R in the same direction that P l acts in, and make it equal and parallel to P lf The point R thus found is the end of the resultant R, or is a point upon the direction of the resultant prolonged through O. As to the direction of action of the resultant if we follow round the triangle from O to P 2 and from P 2 to R and R to O i.e., if we follow round in the direction of the forces the direction for the resultant from R to O thus obtained is, as we have already seen, the direction necessary for equilibrium. 3. If, instead of two forces, we have three or more, as P 1? P 2 , P 3 , P 4 [Fig. 2] we still have the same construction. Thus com- pleting the parallelogram for P x and P 2 we find R^. Complet- ing the parallelogram for R^ and P 8 , we find R M , and again, with this and P 4 we obtain R w . Again, we see it is unneces- sary to complete all the parallelograms. We have only to draw lines P! Rj.2, Ri_ 2 R^, Ri_ 3 R M , parallel to the forces P 2 P 3 and P 4 respectively, and equal in length to the intensities of these forces, and then, no matter what may be the number of forces, the line drawn from the point of beginning to the end of the last line laid off will give the intensity and position of the resultant. As to direction, the same holds good as before. If the end of the last line laid off as above, should coincide CHAP. I.] COMMON POINT OF APPLICATION. 3 with the point of beginning, there is, of course, no resultant, and the forces themselves are in equilibrium. 4. The polygon formed by the successive laying off of the lines parallel and equal to the forces, we call the "force poly- gon" Hence we have the following principles established : If any number of forces having a common point of appli- cation and lying in the same plane, a,re in equilibrium, the " force polygon" is closed. If the "force polygon " is not closed, the forces themselves are not in equilibrium, and the line necessary to close it gives the resultant in intensity and direction. This resultant, if considered as acting in the direction ob- tained ~by following round the " force polygon " with the forces, will produce equilibrium acting in the opposite direction, it replaces the forces. The resultant thus found in intensity arid direction can be inserted in the force diagram at the common point of applica- tion. 5. Thus, required the position, intensity, and direction of the resultant of the forces P 1? P 2 , P 3 , P 4 , P 5 . These forces are given in position, direction, and intensity by the force diagram, Fig. 3 (a). The resultant of all these forces must have of course the same point of application A as the forces themselves it remains to find then its relative posi- tion and the direction of its action, so that we may properly insert it in the force diagram. We have simply to draw the force polygon, Fig. 3, (b) by lay- ing off successively O P 1? P t P 2 , etc., equal, parallel, and in the same direction as the forces P 1? P 2 , etc., as given by Fig. 3 (a). Then the line P 5 O necessary to close the force polygon gives the intensity of the resultant, and in order to replace P^ it must act in the direction from O to P 5 ; i.e., contrary to the order of the forces. If then in Fig. 3 (a) we draw A R w equal and parallel to O P 5 , we have the resultant applied at the com- mon point of application A, and given in position, intensity and direction. Moreover, it is evident that any diagonal of the force poly- gon as R^ [Fig. 3 (b)] is the resultant of P 8 ^, and acting in the direction from P 4 to P 2 , it holds P^ in equilibrium. But it is also the resultant of Pj, P 2 , P 5 , and R^, and acting in the same direction as before, it replaces these forces. The force polygon FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. I. thus shows that the force which replaces P 1? P 2 , P 5 , and R w , at the same time holds P 3 and P 4 in equilibrium, just as it should do. If, on the other hand, we had originally only P 1? P 2 , R^, P 5 , and RLS forming a system of forces in equilibrium, we could decompose Rg^ into two components by simply assuming any point as P 3 [Fig. 3 ()] and drawing P 3 P 4 , P 3 P 2 . Then follow- ing round this new polygon in. the direction of the forces, or, what amounts to the same thing, taking the direction of the components P 3 P 4 , opposed to the direction of R 34 for equilibri- um, we obtain the direction of action of P 3 and P 4 as shown by the arrows in Fig. 3 (b). These forces inserted in Fig. 3 (a), in the place of R 3 . 4 and in these directions, will not disturb the equilibrium. Hence, any diagonal in the force polygon, is the resultant of the forces on either side, holding in equilibrium those on one side and replacing those on the other, according to the direction in which it is conceived to act. Also, any force or number of forces may be decomposed into two others in any desired direction, ~by choosing a suitable point in the plane of the force polygon and drawing lines from this point to the beginning and end of the force or force polygon. 6. It matter not in what Order we lay off the Forees in the Contraction of the force Polygon. Thus, in Fig. 1, whether we draw from the end of P 2 the line P 2 R^ equal and parallel to P! or from the end of P x the line P! R^ equal and parallel to P 2 , in either case we obtain the same resultant and the same direction for the resultant. But by a similar change of two and two, we can obtain any order we please. For exam- ple, we lay off in Fig. 3 (c) the same forces in the order P 3 P 2 PI, P 5 P 4 , and obtain precisely the same resultant, in the same direction as before. For, the resultant of P 3 and P 2 must be the same as that of P 2 and P 8 in the first case. The resultant of R 3 . 2 and P t must then be the same in both polygons, and so on. Generally, then, no matter what the order in which the forces are laid off, the line necessary to close the force polygon is the resultant of the forces, and the diagonals of the force polygon give us the resultants of the forces on either side. By assuming a point at pleasure, and drawing lines from this CHAP. I.] COMMON POINT OF APPLICATION. 5 point to the beginning and end of any side of the force poly- gon, and taking the direction of these lines opposed to the direction of that side, we can decompose any force in the force polygon into its components. Thus the force polygon gives ns complete information as to the action of the forces. 7. If the Force act in the same straight I-ine, the force polygon of course becomes a straight line also, and the result- ant is the sum or difference (algebraic sum) of the forces. Thus, if we have P l5 P 2 , P 3 , all acting at the point A, as shown by the force diagram Fig. 4 (a), we form the force poly- gon by laying off from 0, Fig. 4 (&), the intensity of P 1? from the end of this line P l P 2 equal to A P 2 and from P 2 , P 2 P 3 equal to A P 3 . Then the line necessary to close the polygon is evidently P 3 P^ + P 2 P 8 . A single force acting then at A in the direction of and having the intensity represented by the line P 3 would replace P 1? P 2 , and P 3 . If acting from P 3 to 0, it will produce equilibrium. If we again choose an arbitrary point as C [we shall hereaf- ter call this point the "pole" of the force polygon], and draw lines S S 3 from this pole to the beginning and end of the force polygon, we can decompose the resultant into two forces in any required direction. If the resultant is supposed to act down, then the arrows show the direction in which these components must act in order to replace the resultant. If then at A we draw lines parallel arid equal, we have these components in posi- tion, direction, and applied at the common point of application. . Practical Applications. Simple and even self-evident as all the preceding may seem, we have already acquired all the principles requisite for a rapid, accurate, and very elegant method of finding by diagram the strains in the various mem- bers of all kinds of framed structures, such as roof trusses, bridge girders, cranes, etc., no matter how complicated the structure, or what special assumptions are made as to the load- ing, provided only, that all the exterior forces are known. A complicated or unsymmetrical arrangement of parts increases greatly the labor of calculation, but has no effect upon the ease or accuracy of the graphical method. The method moreover checks its own accuracy, does not accumulate errors, and shows in one view the relation of the strains to each other, and the variations which would be caused by a change in the manner of load distribution, or in the form of construction. 6 FORCES IN THE SAME P^ANE. [CHAP. I. As this method is not as well known as it deserves to be, it will perhaps be of advantage to pause for a moment in the development of our subject, and make this direct application of the principles already established. BEACED SEMI-AKCH. 9. Stoney, in his " Theory of Strains," Yol. I., page 123, gives the following example of a " braced semi-arch," repre- sented by Fig. 5, PL 1. The dimensions are as follows: pro- jecting portion, 40 ft. long, 10 ft. deep at wall. Lower flange, circular, with a horizontal tangent 2 ft. below the extremity of girder. Radius of lower flange, 104 ft. Load uniform and equal to one ton per running foot supposed to be collected into weights of 10 tons at each upper apex, except the end one, which has only 5 tons. Fig. 5 shows the arch drawn to a scale of 10 ft. to an inch. This scale is too small in this case to ensure good results ; in general the larger the scale to which the frame can be drawn, the better; but for the purpose of illustration it will answer well enough. With a large scale for the frame diagram, a scale of 10 tons to an inch will in general be found to answer well. Fig. 5 (a) gives the strains in the various members to a scale of 10 tons to an inch and Fig. 5 (b) 20 tons to an inch ; the first for the load at the extremity alone, the second for a nniform load. Fig. 5 (a) is thus obtained. We first lay off the weight, 5 tons, to scale, in the direction in which it acts ; i.e., down- wards. Now this weight and the strains in diagonal 1, and flange A, are in equilibrium ; therefore by article (4) the force polygon must close. Drawing lines therefore from the ends of the line representing the weight of 5 tons, parallel to these pieces and prolonging them to their intersection, we obtain the strains in A and 1. Commencing with the beginning of the weight line and following down around the triangle thus formed, we find that A acts from right to left, as shown by the arrow. A acts then aioay from the apex ; it is therefore in tension. Diagonal 1 acts towards the apex and is hence com- pressed. We pass now to apex a, of the frame. Here we have the strains in E and diagonals 1 and 2, and these three strains hold each other in equilibrium. The strain in 1 we have already, CHAP. I.] COMMON POINT OF APPLICATION. 7 and know it to be compressive. We have then simply to draw lines from and b parallel to E and 2, and follow round the triangle, to obtain the intensity and quality of the strains in E and 2. We must remember that as 1 is in compression, and we" are now considering apex #, we must follow round from o * to b in Fig. 5 (#), and so round. We thus find 2 acting away from apex a and therefore in tension, and E acting towards this apex, and hence com/pressed. Pass now to apex c. We have the strains in A and 2 in equilibrium with B and 3. [No weights are supposed to act except the one at the end.] But A and 2 we already have. We draw 3 and B. Diagonal 2 has been found to be in ten- sion. With reference to apex c it must therefore act away fromc; i.e., from d to b in the force polygon. This is suffi- cient to give us the hint how to follow round. We pass from d to b for 2, from b to e for A, then from e to B and from B to d for B and 3. B is therefore tension and 3 compression. And so we proceed. For the next apex g, we have E and 3 in equilibrium with F and 4. AVe draw parallels to F and 4 so as to close the polygon of which we have already two sides, E and 3, given, and remembering that as 3 is in compression, it must therefore act towards g, we follow round the completed polygon with this to guide us, and find 4 tension and F com- pression. Thus we go through the figure, and when all is ready we can scale off the strains. The strains in the lower flanges it will be observed all radiate from o. The upper flanges are all measured off on the horizontal e C, and the dia- gonals are the traverses between. We see at once that however irregular the structure, we can always easily and readily deter- mine the strains at any apex, provided no more than two un- known strain^ are to be found. If more than two pieces, the strains in which are unknown, meet at an apex, we can evi- dently form an indefinite number of closed polygons. The problem is indeterminate, and the structure has unnecessary or superfluous pieces. Fig. 5 (b) gives the strains for a uniform load, taken, for con- venience of size, to a scale of 20 tons to an inch. Here until we arrived at apex c of the frame the strains are evidently the same as before. Observe the influence of the weight at c. Here we have the strains in A and 2 given in the diagram, in equilibrium with B, 3 and the known weight acting at c\ viz., 8 FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. I. 10 tons. We lay off therefore 10 tons downward from e, Fig. 5 (), and follow down from e around the polygon. We thus find B tension and 3 compression. Then 4 and F are found as before for apex <7, 4 tension and F compression ; and then we come to the next apex and the next weight. This is laid off downwards from the end of the preceding, and then we follow round, finding C tension and 5 compression ; and so on. 1O. As another example, let us take the given in Fig. 6, PI. 2. This truss is given by Stoney, Yol. I., page 128. Dimensions : span, 80 ft. : rise of top and bottom flanges, 16 and 10 ft. respectively. Kadii, 58 and 85 ft. The figure shows two different kinds of bracing. In the left-hand part the extreme bay of the lower flange is half as long again as the others. The upper flange is divided into 4 equal bays. In the right-hand section, both flanges are divided into 4 equal bays, and every alternate brace is therefore nearly radial. Each upper apex in both cases is supposed to sustain a weight of one ton. The strains in the various pieces are given in Fig. 6 (a). We form the force polygon by laying off the weights from to Y and then laying off the reactions 3.5 apiece, upwards, we come back to 0, and the force polygon is closed as it should be, since the sum of the reactions must be equal and opposite to the sum of the weights. Starting then with the reaction at the left support A, we go through from apex to apex in a manner precisely similar to the previous case. The operation is so simple that it is hardly necessary to detail it again, but we recommend the reader to go over it with the aid of Fig. 6 (#), lettering the figure as he proceeds. The dotted part gives the strains for the right-hand half. DIAGRAM FOR WIND FORCE. 11. It is of considerable importance to investigate the influ- ence of a partial load, such as that caused by the wind blowing on one side of the roof, and this by the aid of our method we can easily do. From the experimental formulae of Hutton,* * Iron Bridges and Roofs. Unwin. p. 120. CHAP. I.] COMMON POESTT OF APPLICATION. P n =P sin. i P h =:P sin. i 1 - 84cos - i P v =Pcot. isin, i 1 - 84008 - 1 where P is the intensity of the wind pressure in Ibs. per sq. ft. upon a surface perpendicular to its direction, i is the inclination of any plane surface to this direction ; P n is the normal pres- sure, P h the horizontal component of this normal pressure, and P v its vertical component. That is, if the wind blows horizontally, P h is the horizontal and P v the vertical component of the pressure on the roof. If we take P=40 Ibs., which probably allows sufficient margin for the heaviest gales, we have the following values of the nor- mal pressure and its components for various inclinations of roof surface : Angle of Koof Lbs. per square foot of surface. Pa Pv Ph 5 5.0. ... 4.9. 0.4 10 9.7.... 9.6. 1.7 20 18.1 17.0. 6.2 30 26.4.... 22.8. 13.2 40 33.3.... 25.5. 21.4 50....... 38.1 24.5. 29.2 60 40.0.... 20.0. 34.0 70 41.0.... 14.0. 38.5 80 40.4.... 7.0. 39.8 90" 40.0.. 0.0. 40.0 The load at each joint may be taken as equal to the pressure of the wind striking a surface whose area is equal to that por- tion of the roof supported by one bay of the rafter, and inclined at the same angle as the tangent to the rib at the joint. Thus we can calculate P 1? P 2 , P 3 , P 4 , (Fig. 6), resolve these forces into their horizontal and vertical components, and find the reactions at the supports as well as the horizontal force at the left abut- ment, which in our construction is supposed to be fixed. Should the wind be supposed to blow from the right side, the strains would be entirely different, and it would be necessary to form a second diagram. Each piece must be proportioned to resist the strains arising in either case. The forces P^ and their horizontal and vertical components, as also the reactions, being known, we can now form the force polygon. Thus in Fig. 6 (&), we lay off the forces P 4 . l5 make a c equal 10 FOKCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. I. to the vertical reaction at A, a b = the sum of the horizontal components, or the horizontal force at A, and o 1) the vertical reaction at the right snppprt. This last line should close the force polygon and bring us back to o. Now starting at the left support, we have the vertical reac- tion a c, the horizontal force a b, and the wind force P l5 in equilibrium with A and E. Closing the polygon by lines par- allel to A and E, we obtain the strains in these pieces, E ten- sion and A compression. At the next apex we have A and P 2 in equilibrium with 1 and B. Completing the parallelogram, we find 1 compression and B compression. At the next apex 1 and E are in equilibrium with* 2 and F, and we find F and 2 tension and so on. The upper flanges are in compression and start from the ends of the forces P l5 P 2 , etc. The lower flanges radiate from b. If we were to carry out the construction for the rest of the frame, the upper flanges after D would radiate from o. A comparison of Fig. 6 (a) and (b) shows that whereas under uniform load the strain in 1 is tension, for wind force the same brace is in compression. In fact in the first case all the braces are in tension, while in the second 1, 3, and 5 are compressed, and 3 and 5 quite severely. The strains in the bracing gener- ally are much greater in the second case. Were we to consider the wind as blowing from the other side, or what is the same thing, suppose the right end fixed and the left supported on rollers, then the horizontal reaction a b will be applied at the right abutment. In this case the lower flanges will radiate from a instead of &, and the first upper flange will start from o. Supposing the first two lines of this new diagram drawn, as indicated by the dotted lines, and fol- lowing round from b to o, and so round to a and back to 5, it may easily happen that the last upper flange is in tension and the last lower flange in compression; that is, a complete reversal of the ordinary condition of strain. For an excellent presentation of the above method, we refer the reader to Iron Bridges and Roofs, by W. C. Unwin, pp. 128-140. The above method is there referred to as "Prof. Clerk MaxweWs Method" and as such is known and used in England.* * Phil. Mag., April, 1864, and a Paper read before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, by Prof. Maxwell, in 1874. CHAP. I.] COMMON POINT OF APPLICATION. 11 BRIDGES. 12. For bridges the strains due to a uniform load are of course easily found. In most cases a rolling load can be man- aged also, without making a separate diagram for each position of the load. Thus, if we diagram the strains for the load at the first and last apex, the strains due to intermediate loads will be multiples or submultiples of these. A calculation for a simple Warren girder of small span, and a consideration of the reaction for each position of the load, will at once illustrate what is meant. [Compare Stoney, Theory of Strains. Pp. 99-111, Yol. I.] Thus Stoney, in his Theory of Strains, Yol. I., p. 99, gives the girder represented in Fig. 7, PL 2, span 80 ft., depth of truss, 5 ft., 8 equal panels in upper flange, 7 in lower. For the first weight of 10 tons, P 1? the strains are given by Fig. 7 (a] to a scale of 10 tons to an inch. We form first the force polygon by laying off from o, 10 tons, to P^ From the end of this line we lay off upwards the reaction at right abut- ment = $ of 10 tons, or 1.25 tons ; and then the reaction at the left abutment = -J of 10 tons, back to 6>, thus closing the force polygon. [Note. In any structure which holds in equilibrium outer forces, the force polygon must close. If it does not, there is no equilibrium, and motion ensues (see Art. 20).] Com- mence now with the reaction at a in the frame diagram, Fig. 7, because here we have a known reaction, a o (force polygon), and only two unknown strains to be determined. Drawing lines parallel to A and 1, we obtain the strains in A and 1. Then pass on to apex b. With the now known strain in 1, we can determine 2 and E. Passing now to the next apex, we have A and 2 known, and also the weight P t . Join therefore P l and E [Fig. 7 (a)~\ by lines parallel to B and 3. B and 3 are both in compression. We find diagonal 2 also in compression, and 1 in tension. That is, ~both the diagonals under the weight are compressed, as evi- dently should be the case. From 4 on we have tension and compression alternately. Fig. 7 (b) gives the strains due to the last position of the load P 7 . The strains in the diagonals are evidently all equal, and alternately tension and compression. Now it is not necessary to construct more than these two dia- grams. From these two alone we can determine the strains fur 12 FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. I. any intermediate weight. Thus scaling off the strains in Fig. 7 (a) and (&), we can tabulate them under P x and P 7 , as shown by the table. DIAGONALS. Pi P 2 P 3 P4 P 5 P 6 PT C + T 1 12 4 10 6 89 71 53 35 1 8 49 6 2 + 12 4 + 10 6 +89 ' + 71 + 53 + 35 + 18 + 49 6 3 + 1.8 10.6 8.9 71 53 3.5 18 + 18 37 2 4 18 + 10.6 + 89 + 7.1 + 53 + 35 + 18 + 37 2 18 5 .... + 18 + 35 89 7 1 5.3 35 1.8 + 53 26 6 6 18 35 + 89 + 7.1 + 53 + 35 + 18 + 26 6 53 7 + 18 + 35 + 53 71 53 35 18 + 10 6 17 7 8 - 1.8 35 53 + 7.1 + 53 + 35 + 1.8 + 17.7 10 6 Now the reaction at the left abutment due to P 6 is twice as great as that due to P 7 . Hence the values in the column for P 6 will be twice as great ; in the column for P 5 three times as great, and so on. For similar reasons the strain in 5 for P 2 will be twice that for P^ In column P 2 , then, from 5 down we multiply the strains in P 1 by 2. In P 8 from 7 down by 3. Thus we fill out the table of strains completely, and find the maximum tension and compression. A similar procedure will give the flanges.* APPLICATION TO AN AECH. 13. For a " braced arch " (Stoney, p. 136) as represented in Fig. 5 (c) PL 2, the strains in every piece due to any load are in similar manner easily found by first finding the components of the load acting at the abutments, and then proceeding as above. Thus for a load P 2 , the left half of the arch is in equi- librium with the forces acting upon it ; viz., a horizontal and a downward force at a, and a horizontal and an upward force at A. The resultant of the forces at a must then pass through * The reader not familiar with the above method of tabulation will find it further illustrated in Art. 7 of the Appendix. He cannot do better than to refer to it here and now. CHAP. I.] COMMON POINT OF APPLICATION. 13 a and A, and be equal and opposite to the resultant at A. The resultant at the right abutment must pass through that abutment, and also through the intersection of P 2 with A a. So for any other force, as P 6 , we have simply to draw B a to intersection with P 6 , and then P 6 A. We can now decompose P 6 or P 2 along the resultants through the abutments thus found. Thus resolv- ing P 2 along A a and P 2 B, Fig. 5 (e\ we find the force acting at apex a. This force resolved into A and 1 gives the strains on these pieces both compressive. Passing then to the next apex, we obtain the strains in 2 and E. Then to the next, and we get 3 and B, compression and tension respectively, and so on, as shown by diagram, Fig. 5 ( 2 respectively. Hence we have from the above proportion, since c m = n d, 1 : 1 2 ; : n d x p z : n d x p t or 01:12 ::p z :p,. That is, the perpendiculars let fall from any point of th/>, CHAP. II.] DIFFERENT POINTS OF APPLICATION. 19 resultant upon the components, are to each other inversely as the components. Regarding any point of the resultant as a centre of moments, the moments of the forces then are equal, and of course the forces themselves are inversely as their lever arms. 19. Equilibrium Polygon. If we consider the forces P t P 2 , Figs. 8, 9, and 10, held in equilibrium by their components C 0, 1 C, and 2 C, C 1, which act parallel to the lines S S x and S 2 ; then regarding the line S t or c d as part of the mate- rial plane in which the forces act, C 1 and 1 C balance one another, and cause either tension or compression in c d. Sup- pose the resultant R is to act so as to cause equilibrium, or prevent the motion of the plane due to P t and P 2 . Then R must act upwards in Figs. 8 and 9, and downwards from 2 to in Fig. 10. In Figs. 8 and 9 then, S and S 2 act away from c and d (Art. 4), and in Fig. 10 towards c and d. Following round the force polygon, we find in the first two cases c d in tension, in the last c d in compression. In the first two cases, the points of application c and d of S P! and S 2 P 2 if* connected by a string stretched between c and d will be perfectly fixed and motionless ; while in the lat- ter case, the string must be replaced by a strut. In case of three or more forces the polygon or broken line which we thus obtain, by choosing a pole, drawing lines to the beginning and end of the forces in the force polygon, and then parallels to these lines intersecting the lines of direction of the forces in the force diagram, we call the " string " or "funicular polygon" or the " strut polygon" according as the forces act to cause tension or compression along these lines. We can apply to both cases the general designation of polygon of equilibrium or " equilibrium polygon" The perpendicular let fall from the pole C upon the direction of the resultant in the force polygon, we call the "pole distance "and shall always designate it by H. The straight line joining the points c and d, or the begin- ning and end of the equilibrium polygon, we call the "strut" or " tie line " or generally the " closing line " and designate it by L. The convenience and ' application of these terms and conceptions will soon appear. In the present case of only two forces, the equilibrium polygon becomes a straight line and coincides with L, or c d. [XoTE. We repeat that in order to determine the quality of 20 FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. II. the strain in c d, we have only to follow round the force poly- gon in the direction of the forces, and then refer to the force diagram. Thus Fig. 9, at c, P x S and S x act, and are in equi- librium. The corresponding closed figure is given in the force polygon (a). S acts away from c, P x acts downwards from 1. Continuing this direction we find S x acting from 1 towards C. Reversing this direction (Art. 4), we find that the resultant which replaces S and P t acts from C to 1. Referring now to the force diagram (&), and transferring this direction to the point c, we find this resultant acts to pull c away from d or contrary to the direction of the force 1 C which replaces S 2 and P 2 . The strain in c d is therefore tension. A much better way of arriving at the same result is to con- sider the triangle c b d as a jointed frame which holds in equi- librium the forces P! P 2 and R^. Then the strains in any two pieces c d, c ft, meeting at a point, are in equilibrium with the force or forces acting at that point. We have then the force Pj acting at apex c, decomposed into strains along c b and c d (Art. 5). represented by C and 1 C in the force polygon. All three are in equilibrium. P l acts down. Follow down then from to 1 from 1 to C and C to 0. Refer back now to apex c of the frame and transfer these directions. The strain in c d acts away from the apex c and is therefore in tension, while the piece c b would be in compres- sion, since the direction of C is towards apex c. See also " practical applications " of the preceding chapter for illustrations of this. In the same way follow round 1 C Fig. 10 (a) and refer to (b) and S is in compression^ 2O. Cae of a Couple. In Article 18 we remarked that the pole can always be chosen in such a position as to give S and S 2 intersecting within desired limits, provided that S and 83 or the point and 2 do not coincide. This case however actually happens, with a pair of equal and opposite forces that is, with a couple. Thus in Fig. 11, PI. 3, we have two equal and opposite force's PI, P 2 - The force polygon closes : therefore the resultant is zero. S and 83 are parallel, hence their point of intersection in the equilibrium polygon is infinitely distant. By changing the position of the pole, we see that S and S 2 may take any posi- tions in the plane. CHAP. II.] DIFFERENT POINTS OF APPLICATION. 21 Two forces therefore which form a couple cannot be replaced by a single force. Their resultant is an indefinitely small force situated in any position in the plane of the forces, at an infinite distance. Conditions of Equilibrium. If then, similarly to Art. 4, any number of forces lying in the same plane and having differ- ent points of application, are in equilibrium, the force polygon always closes. For this reason, as already repeatedly seen in the practical applications of our last chapter, the force polygon form'ed by the exterior forces must always close. But inversely, if the force polygon closes, it does not follow that the forces are in equilibrium a couple may result. To determine whether this is the case inspect the " equilibri- um polygon." If this also closes [i.e., if S and S n intersect] the forces are in equilibrium. If this does not close [i.e., if S and S n are parallel] there is no single resultant, but the forces can be replaced by a couple, and this couple, as we have seen, may have any position in the plane. 21. Thus if we suppose in Fig. 11, PI. 3, P t and P 2 decom- posed into their components S , S 1? and S 1? S 2 , the compressive strains in S l at c and d are equal and opposite [see (a)]. We have then S and S 2 remaining, which again form a couple which must have the same action as the first. Hence we see that one couple can be replaced by another with- out changing the action of the forces. It is easy to determine a simple relation between any two couples. If from c we lay off c a equal to o 1, and c o equal to Co, we have o a parallel to C 1 or S 1? and therefore to c d. Join a d and o d. The triangles c d a and c d o having a common base c d and their vertices o and a in a line parallel to c d, are equal in area. The side c a of one is known, and the opposite apex lies in the line of the force P 2 . Its area is then ca.= P l multiplied by half of the perpendicular distance of P t from P 2 , and is therefore completely determined. So also for the other trian- gle, one side of which o c is one force of the new couple, and the opposite apex of which lies in the other force S 2 . Hence a couple can be turned at will in its plane of action, and the intensity and direction of its forces can be changed at will if the area of the triangle the base of which is one of the 22 FOSCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. II. new forces, and whose opposite apex lies in the other force, is constant; or when the product of the intensity of the forces into their perpendicular distance remains the same. The di- rection *of rotation, of course, must also remain the same. We shall see further on the significance of this area, or of this product so much is clear, that a couple (or infinitely small, infinitely distant force) is completely determined in its plane when the direction of rotation is given, and the area of the tri- angle or value of the product to which it is proportional, is known. The couple itself can be replaced by any two parallel equal and opposite forces whatever, if only the triangle having one force as base, and the opposite apex in the other, has a given constant area.* 22. Force and Equilibrium Polygons for any Number of Force in a Plane. In PL 3, Fig. 12 (b) we have the forces P w acting in various directions and at different points of application. P 2 and P 3 form a couple ; that is, are equal, parallel, and opposite in di- rection. Required the position, intensity and direction of action of the resultant. First, form the force polygon, Fig. 12 (a\ by laying off the forces to scale one after the other in proper direction. Thus we have 1, 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 4 5 in Fig. 12 (a) parallel respec- tively to P! P 2 P 3 , etc., in Fig. 12 (b). The line necessary to close the polygon, 5, is the resultant in intensity and direc- tion. In intensity because the length of 5 taken to the scale of force, gives the intensity of the resultant ; in direction because acting from 5 to it produces equilibrium, while act- ing in the opposite direction, from to 5, it replaces the forces. "We have, therefore, only to find the position of the resultant in the plane of the given forces in Fig. 12 (b). Hence : Second, choose anywhere a "pole " as C, and draw the lines or rays, or " strings " S S t S 2 S 3 S 4 , etc. S and S 5 are evi- dently components of the resultant, since they form with it a closed figure in the force polygon. Third, form the equilibrium polygon a b cde o', Fig. 12 (J), as follows : Draw a line parallel to S intersecting T? (produced if neces- sary) at any point as a. From this point draw a line parallel * Eltmente der Graphischen Statik. Bauschinger. Munchen. 1871. Pp. 11, 12. CHAP. II.] DIFFERENT POINTS OF APPLICATION. 23 to Si to intersection with P 2 (also produced if necessary) at b. From b parallel to S 2 to c, then parallel to S 3 to d, and finally parallel to S 4 , to intersection e with P 5 . Through this last point draw a line parallel to the last ray S 5 . Now S and S 5 are com- ponents of the resultant 5 [Fig. 12 (a)~\ and are found in proper relative position. Produce them, therefore, to intersec- tion o '. Through this point the resultant must pass. Drawing then through o', a line parallel to 5, we have the resultant in proper position, and acting in the direction indicated in the fig- ure, it produces equilibrium. Any other point than a, upon the direction of P 1} assumed as a starting point, would have given a different point o' ; so also for any other assumed position of the pole C. But in every case we shall obtain a point upon the line of direction of R^ already found. The reader may easily convince himself of this by making the construction for different poles, and points of beginning. ISTow the polygon or broken line, a b c d e, we call the equi- librium polygon that is, it is the position which a system of strings or struts, S Si S 2 , etc., would assume under the action of the given forces at the assumed points of application. Thus P t acting at a, is held in equilibrium by the forces along S and S 1? P 2 acting at , by Si and S 2 and so on. If we join any two points in the line of direction of S , and S 5 , as m n by a line, we have then a jointed frame, which acted upon at the apices a. . .e by the forces P!. . .P 5 , and at m and n by S and S 5 is in equilibrium. For S acting at m, we see from the force polygon may be replaced by a force a parallel and opposed to the resultant R and a force C a acting along the line L. In like manner S 5 may be replaced by a C and 5 a parallel and opposed to the result- ant. The two forces a C and C a being equal and opposed balance each other through m n, while the sum of a and 5 a is equal and opposed to the resultant 5. There is, therefore, equilibrium, and m and n may be considered as the points of support of the frame acted upon by the forces P t . . .P 5 at the apices a. . .e, a Q and 5 a being the upward reactions at the points of support. As to the quality of the strains in the different pieces ; as before the reaction at m, viz., a 0, is in equilibrium with the strain in m n and m a. Following round, then, in the force 24: FOKCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. II. polygon from a to 0, to C and C to a, and referring back to the frame, we find strain in in n acting towards apex ra, there- fore compressive ; strain in m a acting away from m, theref ore tensile. In like manner Sx S 2 S 3 are in tension, while S 4 or d e and S 5 or e n are compressed. Hence we m&jfix any two points of the equilibrium polygon by joining them by a line. The forces acting at these points are at once found by drawing from C in the force polygon a parallel to this line to intersection with resultant. Thus a C (since we have taken m n parallel to S x ) is the force in m n and a 0, 5 a, are the forces opposed to the resultant at m and n. 23. Influence of a Couple. Among the forces in Fig. 12 there are two, P 2 and P 3 which are equal, parallel and opposite, the direction of rotation being as indicated by the arrow. Ex- amining the equilibrium polygon, we see that the influence of the couple is to shift S t through a certain distance parallel to itself, to S 3 . Now suppose the forces composing the couple were not given, but the value of the couple known, from the direction of rotation and the area of the triangle A 2 P 2 P 3 , which has its base equal to one of the forces and a height equal to their perpendicular distance. In this case the lines 1 2, and S 2 in the force polygon, would disappear, but we can none the less find the point d, and from this point continue the polygon by drawing S 4 and S 5 , and thus find the same points e and o' as before. To do this we have simply to apply the principle deduced in Art. 21, that one couple can be replaced by another provided the area of the triangle is constant. In the present case we must replace the given couple by another whose forces are Si and S 3 , having the same direction of rotation. Lay off then from a, a i equal by scale to S 1 as given in the force polygon. Describe upon S t the triangle a g h equal to the given area A 2 P 2 P 3 . Draw g i, and then through h, h 7c parallel to g i. The point Jc is upon the line of direction of S 8 , or in other words the area of the triangle i J& a is equal to a g h. The proof is easy. The two triangles ig hvxAigk are equal, since they have the same base i g, and height. But if from the triangle a i g we subtract i g h, we obtain a g h. If from the same triangle a i g we subtract i g k, which is equal to i g A, we obtain i k a. Equals subtracted from equals leave equals. Hence ik a is equal to a g h. CHAP. II.] DIFFERENT POINTS OF APPLICATION. 25 If then through 7c we draw a line parallel to S 3 and produce it to d. we have the same point as before, and thus from d, can continue the polygon. \_Note that the direction of rotation shows the side of Sj upon which the point 7c must fall. S t acts away from a [from 1 to C in (a)] hence for rotation as shown by the arrow, g must fall above S 1? and $! is shifted upwards. 24. Order of Forcc Immaterial. As in the case of a com- mon point of application, so also here, the order in which the forces are laid off is immaterial. To prove this for two forces is sufficient, as by continued interchange of two and two, we can obtain any desired order. Let the two forces be P 4 and P 5 (Fig. 13, PL 3) existing either alone, or in combination with others preceding and following. Taking the forces first in the order P 4 P 5 , we have the equi- librium polygon S 3 S 4 S 5 , (b) giving the point a in the result- ant. Taking them now in reverse order, P 5 P 4 , we have the polygon S 3 S' 5 S' 4 giving the same point a in the resultant. The resultant in the force polygon (a), viz., 5, is of course un- changed in intensity and direction in either case. It is required to prove that in the second case the last string S' 4 is not only parallel to S 5 in the first, but coincides with it. This is easy. The resultant of P 4 P 5 goes through a, the in- tersection of S 3 and S 5 . The same resultant in the second case must also pass through the intersection of S 3 and S' 4 . But S 3 is the same in position and direction in both cases. If the second point of intersection does not coincide with a, still it must lie somewhere upon S 3 . Hence as the resultant must pass through both points, it must coincide with this last line ; viz., S 3 . But this is not possible, as the resultant must also pass through d, the point of intersection of the forces, or when these do not intersect must be parallel to them. As therefore S' 4 must be parallel to S 5 (shown by the force polygon), the intersections in each case must coincide, as also the lines S' 4 , S 5 themselves, and the polygon from e on has the same course in either case. 25. Pole taken upon closing line. We have seen (Art. 20) that when any number of forces are in equilibrium both the force and equilibrium polygon must close. There is one exception to this statement. Since the pole may be taken any- where, suppose it taken somewhere upon the line closing the force polygon. This line, as we know, is the resultant, and 26 FORGES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. II. holds the other forces in equilibrium. But now the equilibrium polygon evidently will not dose. On the contrary the first and last strings will be parallel. This position of the pole should then be avoided. For any other position of the pole our rule holds good ; viz., If the force polygon closes as also the equilibrium polygon, the forces are in equilibrium. If the equilibrium polygon however does not close, the forces cannot be replaced by a single force but only by a couple. The forces of this couple act in the parallel end lines of the equilibrium polygon, and are given in intensity and direction of action by the line from the pole to the beginning of the force polygon [beginning and end coin- ciding] . 26. Relation between two equilibrium polygons with different poles. We may deduce an interesting relation be- tween the two equilibrium polygons formed by choosing differ- ent poles, with the same forces and force polygon. Thus with the forces P! P 2 P 3 P 4 , we construct the force polygon Fig. 14 (a), PL 4. Then choose a pole C and draw S M , and thus obtain the corresponding equilibrium polygon S a b c d S 4 Fig. 14 (b). Choose now a second pole C'. Draw S^ and construct the corresponding polygon S' a! b' c' d' S' 4 . [In our figure c and c' fall accidentally nearly together.] Join the two poles by a line CO'. Then any two corre- sponding strings of these two polygons intersect upon the same straight line M N parallel to C C'. Thus S and S' intersect at g, S'i and Sj at k, S' 2 and S 2 at I, S' 8 and S 3 at n, S' 4 and S 4 at m and all these points g, k, I, n and in, lie in the same straight line M N parallel to the line C C' connecting the poles. The proof is as follows.* If we decompose P t into the com- ponents S Sj and S' S'^ these components are given in inten- sity and direction by the corresponding lines in the force poly- gon. If we take the two first as acting in opposite directions from the two last, they hold these last in equilibrium. The resultant therefore of any two as S and S' must be equal and opposed to that of the remaining two, S t and S'^ and both re- sultants must lie in the same straight line. This straight line must evidently be the line gk joining the intersections of S S' * Ekmente der Graphischen Statik. Bauschinger. Miinchen, 1871. Pp. 18-19. CHAP, n.] DIFFERENT POINTS OF APPLICATION. 27 and Si S\. But from* the force polygon we see at once that the resultant of S and S' is given in direction and intensity by C C', and this is also the resultant of Si and S\. The line join- ing g and k must therefore be parallel to C C'. For the second force P 2 we can show similarly that the line joining k and I is parallel to C C'. But k is a common point of both lines hence g k and I lie in the same straight line parallel to C C'. [NOTE. The pure geometric proof is as follows : The two complete quadrilaterals 1 C' C and g k a' a have five pairs of corresponding sides parallel, viz., 1 and a a', a a' 1 C' and a! k, C and a g, o C' and a' g, 1 C' and ak' hence the sixth pair are also parallel, viz., C C' and g k. In like manner for 1 2 C C' and lkb r b and so on.~\ We can make use of this principle in order from one given equilibrium polygon S a b c d S 4 and pole, to construct another, the direction of C C' being known. For this purpose, having assumed the position of the first string S' we draw through its intersection g with S a line M N parallel to C C'. The next string must therefore pass through the intersection a' of S' and P! and through the point k, of intersection of the second string of the first polygon and the line M N. It is therefore deter- mined. The next side must pass through V and Z, and so on. [Note. Observe that the intersections r and r' of the first and last lines of both polygons must lie in a straight line parallel to 4, the direction of the resultant.] 27. Mean polygon of equilibrium. Since the pole may have any position, let us suppose it situated in one of the angles of the force polygon. It is evident that the first line of the corresponding equilibrium polygon, then coincides with the first force. If now the pole be taken at the beginning of the first force in the force polygon, then the first side of the correspond- ing equilibrium polygon will coincide with the first force, and the last line will be the resultant itself in proper position. Take for instance, the pole at o in the force polygon, Fig. 15 (a\ PL 4. The first side S reduces to zero. The next S t coin- cides with 1. In (b) 'therefore P t is the first side of the equi- librium polygon. The next side S 2 corresponds with S 2 in (a). Thus we obtain the polygon a b c d e, the last side of which S 7 , is the resultant itself. That is, S 2 is the resultant of P t and P 2 , S : >, of P^, S 4 of P 14 and so on. Every line in the polygon then 28 FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE. [CHAP. II. is the resultant of the forces preceding, and we call such a polygon the mean polygon of equilibrium. If we wish to find the mean polygon for P^ we have only to take the new pole C' at 2 in the force polygon (a). According to the preceding Art., each side of the new polygon must pass through the intersection of the corresponding side of the first with the line S 2 which passes through a and is parallel to C C'. Thus S' 4 must pass through ~b' and o. S' 5 through d and n, and so on. S' 7 is the resultant of P S7 , and since S 2 is the resultant of P^; S 7 , the resultant of P 1Jr , must pass through the intersec- tion m of S' 7 and S 2 . We observe here again the influence of the couple P 5 and P 6 . S 4 and S 4 are simply shifted through certain distances, without change of direction, to S 6 and S' 6 ; and as we have seen above, knowing the direction of rotation, and the moment of the couple, we might have omitted it in the force polygon and still obtained S 7 and S' 7 as before. 2. Line of pressures in an arch. The practical applica- tion of the above will be at once seen in the consideration of an arch. Thus with the given horizontal thrust applied at a given point of the arch, and the forces P w , we construct the force polygon C o 5, and then the line of pressures abed. [Fig. 16, PI. 4.] Required with another thrust H' = o C' acting at another point, and the same forces P w , to construct the corresponding line of pressures. To do this we have only to lay off o C' equal to the new horizontal thrust, then choose a point of the force line, as 3, as a pole and draw the corresponding polygon, Jc op Jc the point of intersection, &, is a point upon the line m n parallel to o C, and upon this line will be found the inter- section of corresponding sides of the two polygons. Thus from the intersection of the side ap of the first polygon with m n, draw a line to o and we have a'. From the intersection ~b of the second line of the first polygon draw a line to a', and we have b' #', and so on. 29. The preceding articles comprise all the most important principles of the Graphical Method which can be deduced in- dependently of its practical applications. Future principles will be best demonstrated, and at the same time illustrated, by considering the various special applications of the method, and to these applications we shall therefore now proceed. CHAP. III.] CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 29 CHAPTER III. CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 30. General Method. One of the most obvious applica- tions of the new method as thus far developed, is to the deter- mination of the centre of gravity of areas and solids. We shall confine ourselves to areas only, merely observing that all the principles hitherto developed apply equally well to forces in space. The forces being given by their orthographic pro- jections upon two planes after the manner of descriptive geo- metry, the projections upon each plane may be dealt with as forces lying in that plane, and thus the projections of the force and equilibrium polygons, the resultant, etc., determined. A body under the action of gravity may be considered as a body acted upon by parallel forces. The resultant of these forces being found for one position of the body [or the body being considered as fixed, for one common direction of the forces] may have its point of application anywhere in its line of direction. For a new position of the body [or another direction of the forces] there is another position for the resultant. Among all the points which may be considered as points of application of these two resultants there is one which remains unchanged in position, whatever the change in direction of the parallel forces. This point must evidently lie upon all the resultants, and is therefore given by the intersection of any two. It is hardly necessary to give illustrations of the method of procedure. Generally, we divide up the given area into triangles, trapez- oids, rectangles, etc., and reduce the area of each of these fig- ures to a rectangle of assumed base. The heights of these reduced rectangles will then be proportional to the areas, and hence to the force of gravity acting upon them ; i.e., to their weights. Consider then these heights as forces acting at the centres of gravity of the partial areas. Construct the force 30 CENTRE OF GRAVITY. [CHAP. III. polygon by laying them off one after the other. Choose a pole and draw lines from it to the beginning and end of each force. These lines will give the sides of the funicular or equilibrium polygon. Anywhere in the plane of the figure, draw a line parallel to the first of these pole lines (S ). Produce it to inter- section with the first force (P^, prolonged if necessary. From this intersection draw a parallel to the second pole line (S^, and produce to intersection with second force (P 2 ). So on to last pole line, which produce to intersection with first pole line. Through this point the resultant must pass, and of course it must be parallel to the forces. Now suppose the parallel forces all revolved say 90, the points of application remaining the same. Evidently the new force polygon will be at right angles to the first, as also the new pole lines, each to each. It is unnecessary then to form the new force polygon. The directions of the new pole lines are given by the old, and this is all that is needed. Anywhere then in the plane of the figure, draw a line (S' ) perpendicular to the first pole line (S ) previously drawn, and prolong to intersection with new direction of first force (P/). Through this point draw a perpendicular (S/) to second pole line, to intersection with new direction of second force (P 2 ') and so on. We thus find a point for new resultant, parallel to new force direction. Prolong this resultant to intersection with first and the centre of gravity is determined. [NOTE. If the area given has an axis of symmetry, that can of course be taken as one resultant, and it is then only necessary to make one construction in order to find the other.] The given area of irregular outline must, as remarked above, be divided by parallel sections into areas so small that the out- lines of these areas may be considered as practically straight lines. The forces are then taken as acting at the centres of: gravity of these areas. This division will give us generally a number of triangles and trapezoids. It is therefore desirable to reduce graphically to a common base the area of these triangles and trapezoids, and for this pur- pose the following principles will prove of service : 32. Reduction of Triangle to equivalent Rectangle of given Base. Let b be the base and h the height. Then area = . Take a as the given reduction base, and let x represent CHAP. III.] CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 31 the height of the equivalent rectangle. Then bfi k x ax = or = -. 2, a %b Now a, , and h being given, it is required to find x graphi- cally. Let A B C be the triangle, and D the middle of the base. [Fig. 17, PL 5.] Lay off A E = h and A F = a. Draw F D, and parallel to F D draw E x. Then A a? is the required height. -r, A a? A E x h For: AD = AF r p = a As to the centre of gravity of the triangle, it is evidently at the intersection of the lines from each apex to the centre of the opposite side ; since these lines are axes of symmetry. 33. Reduction of Trapezoid to equivalent Rectangle. In the trapezoid A B C D, Fig. 18, PL 5, draw through the middle points of A D and B C perpendiculars to D C, and pro- duce to intersections E and F with A B produced. Then lay off F g a the given reduction base, and draw g E intersecting D C in a?. Then H x is the required height. T, EF H x EF x H Yyp (\Y F^~HE a ~HE' hence ##=:EFxHEi= area. To find the centre of gravity , draw a line through the mid- dle points of the parallel sides A B and D C. This line is an axis of symmetry. Prolong A B and C D and make C a A B and A b = C "D and join a and ~b. Then the intersection of a ~b with the axis of symmetry gives the centre of gravity. The construction for the reduction of a parallelogram is pre- cisely similar. [Fig. 18 (5).] The points F and E here coincide with A and B, and we have A x AB T- = = , or # # h x A B =: area. h, B g The same construction also holds good, of course, for a rect- angle or square. The centre of gravity in each case is at the intersection of two diameters, since these are axes of symmetry. 31. Reduction off Quadrilaterals Generally. In general 32 CENTRE OF GRAVITY. [CHAP. III. any quadrilateral may be divided into two triangles which may be reduced separately, or into a triangle and trapezoid. It is also easy to reduce any quadrilateral to an equivalent triangle, which may then be reduced by Art. 32 to an equiva- lent rectangle of given base. Thus we reduce the quadrilateral A B C D [Fig. 18 (c)] to an equivalent triangle by drawing C C x parallel to D B to intersection C t with A B, and joining C t and D. The triangle D B Ci is then equal to D B C, and hence the area A D C x is equal to A B C D. The triangle A D C^ can now be reduced to an equivalent rectangle of given base by Art. 32. The centre of gravity of the quadrilateral may be found as follows : Draw the diagonals A C and B D and mark the intersection E. Make A E x = C E and B E 2 = D E, also find the centres Q! and O 2 of the diagonals A C and B D. Join O 2 E t and O l E 2 ; the intersection S of these two lines is the centre of gravi- ty required. The above is sufficient to enable us to find the centre of gravity of any given area of regular or irregular outline. The method may be applied to finding the centre of gravity of a loaded water-wheel (as given in Der Constructeur, Reuleaux, Art. 47), and many similar problems. The reader will have no difficul- ty, following the general method indicated in Art. 30, in mak- ing such applications for himself. The method itself is so sim- ple that it is unnecessary to give here any practical examples in illustration. We shall, moreover, have occasion to return to the subject in the consideration of moment of inertia of areas. "We pass on therefore to the moment of "rotation of forces in a plane. CHAP. IV.] MOMENT OF ROTATION OF FORCES. CHAPTEE IY. MOMENT OF ROTATION OF FORCES IN THE SAME PLANE. 35. The "Moment" of a Force about any Point is the product of the force into the perpendicular distance from that point to the line of direction of the force. The importance and application of the " moment " in the determination of the strains in the various pieces of any structure will be evident by referring to Art. 14, where Ritter's " method of sections " is alluded to. In general, when the moments of all the exterior forces acting upon a framed structure are known, the interior forces, or the strains in the various pieces, can be easily ascer- tained. As we shall immediately see, these moments are given directly in any case by the " equilibrium polygon" 36. Ciilmann's Principle. If a force P be resolved into two components in any directions as b C, b C^ (Fig. 19, PL 5), and these components be prolonged, it is evident that the moment of P with reference to any point as a situated any- where in the line c d parallel to P, is P x b a. But if from C we draw the perpendicular H to P, then by similar triangles, P : H ; : c d : I a ; Pxb a = Hxc d. That is, the moment ofP with respect to any point a is equal to a certain constant H multiplied by the ordinate c d, paral- lel to P and limited by the components prolonged. The con- stant H we call the "pole distanced This holds good for any point whatever, and we have only to remember that if we assume the ordinates to the right of P as positive, those to the left are negative. "We can choose the pole C where we please, and thus obtain various values for H, but for any one value the corresponding ordinates are proportional to tlie moments. 34 MOMENT OF KOTATION OF FOKOES. [CHAP. IV. The above principle is due to Culmann, and will be referred to hereafter as Culmann' s principle. 37. Application of the above to Equilibrium Polygon. Let P 14 be a number of forces given in position as repre- sented in Fig. 19 (a) PL 5. By forming foa force polygon Fig. 19 (b), choosing a pole C, and drawing S S 1? S 2 , etc., we form the equilibrium polygon abed ef, Fig. 19 (a). The resultant of the forces P 14 acts in the position and direc- tion given in the Fig. How, as we have seen in Art. 22, regarding the broken line a b c d e as a system of strings, we may produce equilibrium by joining any two points as a and/" by a line, and applying at a and f the forces S and S 4 . Let us suppose this line a f perpendicular to the direction of the resultant.- Since we can suppose the broken line or polygon fastened at any two points we please, this is allowable, and does not affect the generality of our conclusion. Then the compression in the line a f is given by H, the "pole distance" or the distance of the pole C from the result- ant in the force polygon. We have therefore at a the force H and Vi = H acting as indicated by the arrows. At a then Y! acting up, H and S acting away from a, are in equilibrium, or Vx is decomposed into H and S , as shown by the force polygon. According to Culmanrts principle then, the moment of V t with reference to any point, as m or o, is equal to H x o m. Therefore H being known, the ordinates between a f and S are proportional to the moment of V t at any point. V x acting upwards gives positive rotation (left to right) with respect to m. At the point b, P t may be replaced by a force K parallel to R and a force K 1 along S t [see force polygon]. This we see at once from the force polygon where K and K 1 make a closed polygon with P 1? and taken as acting from to K and K to 1, replace P lt But these two forces are in equilibrium with Si and S , or 1 C and C [see force polygon], and since K 1 and 1 K balance each other, all the forces acting at b may be replaced by S , K and K C. We have then at b the force K resolved into components in the directions S and S^ By Culmanrfs principle, therefore, the moment of O K about any point as m, is proportional to the ordinate n m, and since K acts downward this moment is negative. Hence the CHAP. IV.] MOMENT OF ROTATION OF FOKCES. 35 resultant moment at m or o of the components at a and b par- allel to R, is proportional to the ordinate o n. So for any point, the ordinate included by the polygon ab c d ef, and the dosing line af, to the scale of length multiplied by the "pole distance " H to the scale of 'force ;, gives the mo- ment at that point of the components parallel to the resultant. The practical importance and application of this principle will appear more clearly in the consideration of parallel forces in the next Chapter. 36 MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. [CHAP. V. CHAPTEE Y. MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES, 3. Equilibrium Polygon. Since the forces acting upon structures are generally due to the action of gravity, these forces may be considered as parallel and vertical, and in all practical cases therefore, we have to do with a system of paral- lel forces. Given any number of parallel forces P^, PL 6, Fig. 20 ; required to find the direction, intensity and position of the resultant, and the moment of rotation at any point. 1st. Draw the force polygon, in this case it is, of course, a straight lino. 2d. Choose a pole C, and draw the lines S . S 1? S 2 , etc. 3d. Draw the string or equilibrium polygon a b c d e f. Considering this polygon as a system of strings, the forces will be held in equilibrium if w r e join any two points, as a and g^ by a strut or compression piece, and apply at a and g the up- ward forces Vj and V 2 . 4th. Prolong a 1} and f g to their intersection o. Through this point the resultant must pass. It is of course parallel and equal to the sum of the forces. Now, if a g is assumed horizontal, the perpendicular H to the force line, or the "pole distance" divides the resultant 5 into the two reactions Y! and V 2 (Art. 22). All the forces in the equilibrium polygon have the same horizontal projection H, in the force polygon. Let a g represent a beam resting upon supports at a and g. We have then at once the vertical reactions V 1 and V 2 or ~k and 5 &, which, in order to cause equilibrium, must act up- For the moment at any point, as 0, due to V 1? we have, by Culmann's principle, m o multiplied by H. The triangle formed by a 5, a g, and P l5 gives then the moment of rupture at any point of the beam as far as Pj. For a point o, beyond Pj, the CHAP. V.] MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. 37 moment due to V 1? must be diminished by that due to P 1? since these forces act in opposite directions, and rotation from left to right upon the left of any point is considered positive. We see at once from the force polygon that P t is resolved into S and Sj or into a b and b c. Hence the moment at o due to P! is m n multiplied by H. The total moment at o is then mo m n = n o, multiplied by H. Hence we see that the ordinates to the equilibrium polygon from the closing line a g, are proportional to the total mo- ments ; while the ordinate at any point between any two adja- cent sides of this polygon, prolonged, represents the moment at that point of a force acting in the vertical through the inter- section of these two sides. [The reader should make the construction, changing the order in which the weights are taken, and thus satisfy himself that the order is a matter ' of indifference. As to the direction of the reactions Vi, Va, it must be remembered that a & is to be replaced by Vi and H, hence Vi must be op- posed to C 0, the direction obtained by following round in the force poly- gon the triangle 1 O. Force and distance scales should also be assumed. Thus the ordiuates to the equilibrium polygon scaled off say in inches, and multiplied by the number of tons to one inch, and then by the "pole dis- tance " taken to the assumed scale of distance, will give the moments of any point.] The resultant of any two or more forces must pass through the intersection of the outer sides of the equilibrium polygon for those forces (Art. 16). Thus, the resultant of P t arid P 3 must pass through the intersection of a b and c d. Of V t and P b through the intersection of a g and b c ; of P t P 2 and P 3 , through intersection of a b and d e, and so on. In every case the intensity and direction of action of the resultant is given directly by simple inspection of the force polygon. Thus from the force polygon we see that the resultants Tc 2 and Jc 3 of Vj. P! P 2 and V x P! P 2 P 3 , act in different directions. Their points of application are at the intersection of c d and d e respectively with a g, or upon either side of d in the equilibrium polygon. At d the ordinate and hence the moment is greatest, and at this point the tangent to the polygon is parallel to a g. If we had a continuous succession of forces ; if a g, for in- stance, were continuously or uniformly loaded ; the equilibri- um polygon would become a curve, and the tangent at d would then coincide with the very short polygon side at that point. 38 MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. [CHAP. V. The points of application of the resultants of all the forces right and left of d are then at the intersection of this tangent with a g, or at an infinite distance. At d then we have a couple, the resultant of which is as we have seen (Art. 20), an indefinitely small force acting at an indefinitely great distance. That is, with reference to d, the forces acting right and left cannot be replaced by a single force. Hence generally : at the point of maximum moment (" cross section of rupture"), the resultant of the outer forces on either side reduces to an indefinitely small and distant force, the direction of which is reversed at this point, and the point of application of which changes from one side to the other of the equilibrium polygon.* The " cross section of rupture " then, is that point where the weight of that portion of the girder between it and the end is equal to the reaction at that end, or where the resultant changes sign. The value of the moment at this point, is therefore equal to the product of the reaction at one end into its distance from the point of application of the equal resultant of all the loads between that end and the point. Thus for a beam uniformly loaded with w per unit of length, the reaction at each end is -^-* From the above, the cross sec- tion of rupture is then at the middle. The point of application of the resultant of the forces acting between one end and the A I , . w I I w Z 2 middle is at -r, hence the maximum moment is-^- x~: = -5-. 4: A 4: O 39. Beam with Two Equal and Opposite Forces beyond the Supports. The ordinates to the equilibrium polygon thus give, as it were, a picture or simultaneous view of the change and relative amount of the moments at any point. The point where the moment is greatest, i.e., where the beam is most strained, is at once determined by simple inspection. Let us take as an example a beam with two equal and oppo- site forces leyond the supports. Thus, Fig. 21, PL 6, suppose the beam has supports at A and B, the forces being taken in the order as represented by P! P 2 . We first construct the force * Die GrapMscJie Statik. Culmann, p. 127. CHAP. V.] MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. 39 polygon from to 1, and 1 to 2 or 0. Next choose a pole C, and draw S Si and S 2 . Draw then a parallel to S till intersec- tion with first force, P t , then parallel with Sj to second force, P 2 , then parallel to S 2 or S to intersection with vertical through support B, and finally draw the closing line L. A line through C, parallel to L, gives as before the vertical reactions. Follow- ing round the force polygon, we find at A the reaction down- wards, since S acts from C to and is to be replaced (Art. 4) by L and V x ; at B reaction upwards, since P 2 acts up, and fol- lowing round, S 2 acts from to C. .Both reactions are equal to a 0. At A then the support must be above, and at B below the beam. The shaded area gives the moments to pole distance H. Had we taken the pole in the perpendicular through o, S would have been parallel with the beam itself. This is, however, a matter of indifference. The moment area may lie at any in- clination to the beam. We also see here again the effect of a couple (Art. 23). S is simply shifted through a certain distance to S 2 , parallel to S , and therefore the moment at any point be- tween P 2 and B is constant. This is generally true of any couple, as we have already seen, Article 21, and may be proved analytically as follows : Let the distance between the forces be a = A B, Fig. 22. Then for any point o, we have P X (& + B 6>) PxBo P [a + ^B o B o] = P a. For o' between A and B, P x A o'+P x o' B= P [A an d therefore with C 2 as centre revolving C 2 C' to C 3 , we find the point C 8 , C C 3 being equal to f M b + f \/M^ 4- MjL In the same way we find any other point as/3, by laying off//',, equal to// , joining/ 3 and/' and making f 2 fs equal to f% f Q . The line C 3 f$ b thus found is a hyperbola, and the ordinates between' it and b C give the com- bined moments [for pole distance O Jc] at any point. [NOTE. We suppose the axle to turn freely at A, and the working point or resistance beyond B ; hence the moments left of the wheel are given by the ordinates to a O.] / 5TH. APPLICATION TO CRANK AND AXLE. The above finds special and important application in the case of the crank and axle. Thus in PL 8, Fig. 29, let E D C B be the centre line of crank and shaft. Lay off a P equal to the force P acting at A, choose a pole o and draw o a o P and the parallels o a and a E. Join E and d and draw o Pj parallel to E d. Then P P! is the downward force at E and P 1 a the upward reaction at D. The ordinates to E d a to pole distance o P, give the bending mo- ments for the shaft. Make a F equal to the lever arm R, then F G is the moment P R, and we unite this as above with the bending moments and thus find the curves c' d' e' the ordinates to which give the combined moments at every point of the shaft [see 4th]. For the arm B C, make the angle a Q B C equal to D a d, and then the horizontal ordinates to a Q B give the bending mo- ments for the arm. Make C c equal to C G and we have the torsion rectangle C C Q b Q B, and as in the previous case we unite the two and thus find the curve b h F, the horizontal ordinates to which from B C give the required combined moments, to * Der Constructeur, Reuleaux, p. 52, Art. 18. CHAP. V.] MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. 45 polo distance o P. Thus h'h^ = f H A 0j H i f B 5 , and H h = h, h' + ti i = f M b + | /MS + M?. The application of the method when the crank is not at right angles to the shaft, as also when thecrank is double, and gener- ally in the most complicated cases, is equally simple and satis- factory. Our space forbids any more extended notice of these applications, and we must refer the reader to Der Constructeiir, by F. Reuleaux, Braunschweig, 1872, for further illustrations and applications of the method to the solution of various practi- cal mechanical problems. 42. Continuous Loading Load Area. Thus far we have considered only concentrated loads. But whatever may be the law of load distribution, if this law is known, we can represent it graphically by laying off ordinates at every point, equal by scale to the load at that point. We thus obtain an area bounded by a broken line, or for continuous loading, by a curve, the ordinates to which give the load at any point. This load area we can divide into portions so small that the entire area may be considered as composed of the small trapezoids thus formed. If, for instance, we divide the load area into a number of trape- zoids of equal width, as one foot one yard, etc., as the case may be, then the load upon each foot or yard will be given by the area of each of these trapezoids. If the trapezoids are suffi- ciently numerous, we may consider each as a rectangle whose base is one foot or one yard, etc., as the case may be, and whose height is the mean or centre height. The weight therefore for each trapezoid acts along its centre line. We thus obtain a system of parallel forces, each force being proportional to the area of its corresponding trapezoid, and equal by scale to the mean height or some convenient aliquot part of this height. We can then form the force polygon / choose a pole ; draw lines from the pole to the forces ; and then parallels to these lines, thus forming the string or equilibrium polygon; and so obtain the graphical representation of the moments at every point. Since, however, the polygon in this case approximates to a curve, that is, is composed of a great number of short lines, the above method is subject to considerable* inaccuracy, as errors multiply in going along the polygon. This difficulty can, however, be easily overcome. Thus we may divide the load area into two portions only, and 46 MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. [CHAP. V. then draw the force and equilibrium polygon, considering each portion to act at its centre of gravity, and so obtain an equili- brium polygon composed of three lines only. These lines will be tangents to the equilibrium curve. (Art. 76.) We thus have three points of the curve, and its direction at these points. In this manner we may determine as many points as may be necessary, without having the sides of the polygon so short or so numerous as to give rise to inaccuracy. 43. The above will appear more plainly by consideration of a BEAM UNIFORMLY LOADED. The curve of load distribution becomes in this case a straight line. The load area is then a rectangle, and hence the load per unit of length is constant. Let us now divide this load area [Fig. 30, PI. 8], into four equal parts, and considering each por- tion as acting at its centre of gravity, assume a scale of force, and draw the force polygon. Since in this case the reactions at the supports must be equal, we take the pole C, in a perpendi- cular to the force polygon at the middle point. This causes the closing line of the equilibrium polygon to be parallel to the beam itself, which is often convenient. We now draw C 0, C 1, etc., and then form the polygon a c e g h. The lines a, a c, c e, etc., of this polygon, are tangent to the moment curve at the points 5, d,f, and A, where the lines of division prolonged meet the sides. The curve can now be easily constructed, as will appear from the next Art. 44. moment Curve a Parabola. Suppose we had divided the load area into only two parts, of the length x and I x [Fig. 30, PL 8]. Then the moment polygon would be o a k h, and the horizontal projection of the tangent a Jc would be % x 4- i (txj-ll. That is, the horizontal projection of any tangent to the mo- ment curve is constant. But this is a property of the parabola. The moment curve for a uniform load is therefore a parabola, symmetrical with respect to the vertical through the centre of the l>eam. If, then, we divide o C and C h into equal parts, and join cor- responding divisions above and below, we can construct any number of tangents in any position. ["NOTE. We may prove analytically that the moment curve is a parabola, CHAP. V.] MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. 47 and hence that the line a Tc must le a tangent. Thus the moment at any point is p being the load per unit of length, I the length, and the reaction at sup- f) 1 f) port therefore ~-. Hence y = (Ix x 1 } for origin 0. a a H When the origin is at d, representing horizontal distances by y' and ver- tical by x 1 , we have x = - y', and y = h #', k being the ordinate at 9 ^ 72 middle = Hence by substitution or reducing 2H f = T x which is the equation of a parabola having its vertex at <#.] We may of course take the pole anywhere, and hence H may have any value. It is in general advantageous in such cases (i.e., for uniform load) to take H = * We have then f = I so, and for y %, or for the middle ordinate. we have x = j* To draw the moment curve we have then simply to lay off the middle ordinate equal to Jth the span. The curve can then be constructed in the customary way for a parabola. Any pi ordkiate to this curve multiplied by H = ^ will then give the moment at that point. Enough has probably now been said to illustrate the applica- tion of our method to the determination of the moment of rota- tion, bending moment, or moment of rupture. The reader will have no difficulty in applying the above principles to any practical case that may occur. It will be observed that the customary curve of moments in the graphic methods at present in general use, comes out as a particular case of the equilibrium polygon for uniform load. This polygon has other interesting properties, which we shall notice hereafter. For instance, just as its ordinates [Fig. 30] are proportional to the bending moments or moment of rotation, 4:8 MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. [dlAP. V. so also its area is proportional to the moments of the moments, or the moment of inertia of the load area. As to the shearing force at any point of a beam submitted to the action of parallel forces, the reactions at the ends being easily found as above by a line parallel to the closing line in the force polygon, we have only to remember that the shear at any point is equal to the reaction at one end, minus all the weights between that end and the point in question. Thus for a uniformly distributed load we have simply to lay off the reactions which are equal to one-half the load, above and below the ends, and draw a straight line, which thus passes through the centre of the span. The ordinates to this line are evidently then the shearing forces. If we have a series of con- centrated loads, we have a broken line similar to A\ 1' 1" 2', etc., Fig. 32, PI 7, where each successive weight as we arrive at it, is subtracted from the preceding shear. 44. Beam continuously Loaded and also Subjected to the Action of Concentrated Loads. In practice we have to consider not only a continuously distributed load, such as the weight of the truss or beam itself, but also concentrated forces, such as the weight of cars, locomotives, etc., standing upon or passing over the truss. In PL 8, Fig. 31, we have a continuous loading represented by the load area A a b B, and in addition four forces P' w . Now, since the total moment about any point is equal to the sum of the several moments, we can treat each method of load- ing separately and then combine the results. Thus with the force polygon (b) we obtain the equilibrium polygon A' 1 2 3 B' for the continuous loading, and with the force polygon (a) the equilibrium polygon A' I" 2" 3" B" for the con- centrated loads. If now in (b) we draw C L parallel to the closing line A' B', and in (a) C" L' parallel to the closing line A' B", we obtain at once the reactions at the supports for each case. Thus for continuous loading we have L for reaction at A, and 10 L for reaction at B ; for the concentrated loads, L' 0' at A and 4' L' at B. These reactions hold the beam in equi- librium. For any cross-section ^, the shear to the right is composed of the two components L 7 and I/ 3' (i.e., is equal to the reactions minus the forces between cross-section and support). The mo- CHAP. V.] MOMENT OF KUPTUKE OF PARALLEL FORCES. 49 ment of L 7 is given by the ordinate o y to the corresponding polygon, and we may consider L 7 as acting at the point of intersection a of the side 7 8 with A! B' (Art. 38). In the same way L' 3' acts at b. We may unite both these reactions and find the point of application of their resultant , by laying off in force polygon (b) 7 b equal to I/ 3', and then constructing the corresponding equilibrium polygon e a d c. The resultant R passes through c. This construction remains the same evi- dently, even when the points a and b fall at different ends of the beam, as may indeed happen. The components will then have opposite directions, and must be subtracted in order to obtain the resultant. The total moment of rotation at y is proportional to the sum of m n and o y. The greatest strain is where this sum is a maximum. In order to perform this summation and ascertain this point of maximum moment it is advantageous to construct another polygon instead of A' 1" 2", etc., whose closing line shall coincide with A' B'. This is easy to do, by drawing in force polygon (a), I/ C' parallel to A' B', and taking a new pole C' the same distance out as before, that is, keeping H constant, and then constructing the corresponding polygon A.' V 2' 3', etc. Thus the ordinate p y gives the total moment at y. We can make use here also of the principle that the corresponding sides of the two polygons must intersect upon the vertical through A' (Art. 26). We have thus the total moment at any point, and can easily determine the point of maximum moment or cross- section of rupture. This point must necessarily lie between the points of maximum moments for the two cases, or coincide with one of them. In the Fig. this point coincides with the point of application of P' 2 . 45. Case of Uniform Load. If the continuous load is uni- formly distributed we can obtain the above result without being obliged to draw the curve. As in this case we have a very short construction for the determination of the point of greatest moment, it may be well here briefly to notice it. If we erect ordinates along the length of the beam as an axis of abscissas, equal to the sum of the forces acting beyond any cross-section, the line joining the end points of these ordinates has a greater or less inclination to the axis according as the uniform load is greater or smaller. At the points of applica- tion of the concentrated loads this line is evidently shifted 4 50 MOMENT OF RUPTTJKE OF PARALLEL FOKCES. [CHAP. V. parallel to itself. Since at the point of maximum strain the sum of the forces either side is zero, this point is given by the intersection of the broken line thus found with the axis. Thus in PL 7, Fig. 32, let A B be the beam sustaining a uni- form load, and also the concentrated loads P t P 2 P 3 P 4 . The reaction of the uniform load at the supports is equal to half that load. To find the reactions for the concentrated loads we draw the force polygon 01234, choose a pole C, then con- struct the equilibrium polygon A' 1 2 3 4 B', and parallel to A' B' draw C L. L and L 4 are the reactions at A and B. ISTow through L draw A L horizontal, make it equal to the length of the beam, and take it as axis of abscissas. [It is of course advantageous here to lay off the forces along the verti- cal through B, as done in the Fig. Then A falls in the vertical through A and 1 2 3 4 are directly under the forces them- selves.] The ordinate to be laid off at A is equal to L + half the uniform load. Between A and 1 the line A' x 1' is inclined to the axis at an. angle depending upon the uniform load. Lay off L U equal to this load and draw A U. A\ 1' must be parallel to this line. At 1' the line A.\ I' is shifted to 1", so that 1 1 " is the load P t . Then 1" 2' is parallel as before to A U, and 2' 2" is the load P 2 , and so on. The intersection 2 with A 1* gives the point of maximum moment or cross-section of rup- ture. The force P 2 at this point in our Fig. is divided, as shown by L in the force polygon, into two portions, one of which is to be added to the forces left, the other to the forces right. The ordinate y y' at any point gives the shear or sum of the forces acting at that point. This force acts up or down according as the ordinate is above or below the axis. Moreover, the area between the broken line and axis A L, limited by this ordinate, gives the moment of rotation of the forces beyond the section y, areas below the axis being nega- tive. For a section at 2, therefore, we have area A A\ 1' 1" 2' 2 , minus 2 2" 3' 3" z' 2 , or what is the same thing, the area ZQ z' 4' 4" B\ L, since the sum of the moments of all the forces is zero. 46. Influence of a Concentrated Load, paiiig over the Beam. If in addition to the already existing uniform and concentrated loads, a new force operates, we have by (44) simply to construct for this new force its force and equilibrium poly- CHAP. V.] MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. 51 gon, and unite the forces and moments thus found with those already existing. In PL 7, Fig. 32, we have assumed a new force P\ near the left support. The force polygon is 0' 1' C', the pole distance being taken the same as before. For any one position of this force we have then the equilibrium polygon A' 1' B ;/ , and drawing a parallel C' L' to A' B" we obtain the reactions 0' I/ and L' 1', which must be added to the reactions already ob- tained. If now we take a section y between P\ and the point of max- imum moment 2 before found, the sum of the forces either side of this section undergoes the following changes : Upon the side where P^ lies, and the point 2 does not lie, where therefore the sum was originally an upward force, we have the downward force I/ V (equal to algebraic sum L' 0' 4- 0' 1'). The sum of the forces at the section, or the shearing force, is therefore diminished. The total rotation moment is, however, increased by the amount indicated by m n. Both changes, that of the sum of the forces and the moment 'of rotation, increase as P\ ap- proaches y, and are therefore greatest when P\ reaches y. If P\ passes ?/, this point is in the same condition as z with reference to the former position of P\ ; that is, the force and point 2 are now both on the same side of the section. For z, then, the original downward force to the left is increased by the force I/ V. To the right the upward force is increased by 1' L'. In like manner the moment of the forces beyond z is increased by the amount indicated by op. This change is greatest when P\ reaches z. Therefore when a load passes over the beam the sum of the shearing forces is diminished in all sections between it and the original point of greatest moment, and increased m sections be- yond this point, while the moment of rotation, or bending moment, for all cross-sections is increased. These changes moreover increase for any section as the load approaches that section. The shear at any point is therefore least, and the mo- ment greatest, when the load reaches that point. As soon, how- ever, as the load passes this point, the shear passes suddenly from its smallest to its greatest opposite value, and then dimin- ishes as the load recedes, together with t'he moment of rotation. On the other side of the point 2 of original greatest moment, 52 MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. [CHAP. V. the shear and moment increase as the load approaches, and become greatest for any point when the load reaches that point. At the moment of passing, these greatest values pass to their smallest values, and increase afterwards, as the load recedes. Since by the introduction of the load the shear for points upon one side of 2 is diminished (between 2 and the load), and on the other side increased, and the greatest moment is at the point where the shear is zero, it follows that the point of greatest moment moves in general towards the load. At a certain point, then, both meet. As the load then advances this point accom- panies it, passes with it the original position, and follows it up to the point where it would have met the same load coming on from the other side. From this point, as the load continues to recede, it returns, and finally reaches its original position as the load arrives at the further end. It is evidently of interest to learn the position of these two points, where the load meets and leaves the point of greatest moment, or cross-section of rupture, and this in Fig. 32 we can easily do. When P\ arrives at 1', we have evidently the reactions by laying off L E equal to P' 1? drawing A E, and through its intersection with the vertical through the weight drawing the horizontal A' B' . L B' is then the increase of reaction at B due to P\. The entire reaction is B' B' 1? and the broken line A\ 1' 1", etc., holds good still, if we merely change the axis from AO L to A' B' . The point of greatest moment, which is still the intersection of the broken line with the new axis, in the present case is not changed by reason of the overpowering in- fluence of P 2 . It does not move to meet the load, but awaits it until it reaches P 2 , and until, therefore, the new axis takes the position A" B" . If, however, the force P\ comes on from the right, we have the reactions for any position as z, by laying off A E' equal to P'u drawing L E', and then the horizontal A'" B'" through the intersection of L E', with the vertical through z. Then A A'" is the reaction at A, due to this position of the load. The in- tersection #', corresponding to a?, shows the point to which the point of greatest moment 2 moves to meet the load. As the load passes towards the left, this point moves towards the right, and both come together evidently at the point V^ correspond- ing to the new axis A iv B iv . The point of greatest moments CHAP. V.] MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. 53 passes then from 2 to V , and beyond these two limits it can never pass. Our construction, then, is simply to lay off the load in oppo- site directions perpendicularly from each end of the axis A L, and join the end points A E and L E'. The intersections of these lines with the diagram of shear give the points 2 and V required. 47. Load Systems.* Concentrated loads occur in general in practice in a certain succession, as for instance the forces acting at the points of contact of the wheels of a train of cars passing over the beam, and it is necessary then to investigate the influence of different positions of the train. It evidently amounts to the same thing whether we suppose the weights to move over the beam, or suppose the weights stationary and the beam to move. In either case we obtain every possible posi- tion of every weight relatively to the ends of the beam. The severest load to which we can subject a railway truss, for example, is when the span is filled with locomotives. If we suppose, for illustration, in round numbers, the distance between the three axles of the locomotive 3 ft. 6 in., between the axles of the tender 5 ft. 6 in., between the foremost tender and the back locomotive axle 4 ft., and the entire length of locomotive and tender 34 ft. 6 in., and then suppose the weight upon each locomotive axle 13 tons, and upon each tender axle 8 tons, we have a system of weights in fixed order and at fixed distances, and the truss should be investigated for a series of these systems, as many as can be placed upon the span, passing over it from one end to the other. In PL 9, Fig. 32 (a), we assume two such locomotives as shown by P!_ IO , and construct the force and equilibrium poly- gons. The forces are symmetrically arranged with respect to a central point, and the pole in the force polygon is therefore taken perpendicular from the middle of the force line. Now the system of forces being as represented, suppose the span to shift. Thus suppose the span of a given length repre- sented by Sj Si in the Fig. Then 6 is the line closing the polygon for this position of the span, and a parallel to 6 in the force polygon, viz., C L gives the reactions at the ends. Let now the span move from Si S x to s 5 s 5 ; we have a new po- * Elemente der Gra/phitchen StatiJc, Bauschinger. 54: MOMENT OF KUPTTJKE OF PAEALLEL FOKCES. [CHAP. V. sition for the line closing the polygon and new reactions. As the span continues to shift to the right, the lines closing the polygon revolve, and as their projections are always constant, viz., equal to the span, they are all tangent to & parabola, which they therefore envelop. 48. Properties of tills Parabola. This parabola has sev- eral important properties which will aid us in the investigation of the case above proposed.* In PL 9, Fig. 32 (d), let XX be the line along which the span is shifted ; a M and a N the outer sides of the polygon, intersecting at a, along which the closing lines slide as they revolve. For a given position s s of the span, or cr is the corresponding line. S Q s is the position of the span, for which the centre, C , lies in the vertical through a. In this position cr cr is tangent to the parabola at o> , its middle point, and upon this line lie the centres of all the other lines (taken of course as reaching from a N to a M). Now the point of tangency, /3, of any other line, as cr cr, with the parabola, is as far from the centre of that line, 7, as the centre of that line is itself from C Q . We have then only to make c b equal to c CQ, and drop a perpendicular through 1} to find /3. Thus for the position ^ s t and the line ^ ar^ to find the point of tangency c\, make c d l equal to c C Q , and draw d c^ perpendicular to intersection with cq ar^ Inversely we may find that position for the span s s, for which the vertical through a given point, b, shall pass through the point of tangency. We have only to move the span so that its middle point c shall be as far from C Q as it is already from the given point, or make c c equal to c b. (See Art. 75.) If we shift now the span s s, and at the same time the point ft through an equal distance, the intersections of the vertical through b, with the corresponding closing lines of the polygon, will all lie upon the same line a cr. If therefore b\ is such an intersection, b has been moved from b to b\, and hence the span from s s to s l s^. 49. Different Cases to be Investigated. We are now ready to investigate the effect of a live load such as represented in PI. 9, Fig. 32 (a). For the determination of the proportions of the truss the following points are specially important : * See Memente der Graphischen Statik, Bauschinger, pp. 108-114. Also, Die GrapliiscJie Statik, Culmarm, pp. 136-141. CHAP. V.] MOMENT OF RUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. 55 1. When a certain number of wheels pass over the truss, but without any passing off, or new ones coming on ; what position of the system gives the maximum moment at any given cross- section not covered by the system, and how great is this moment? 2. Under the same supposition as above, what position of the load gives the greatest moment for a given point covered by one of the load systems ? 3. Among all the various points of the span, at which is found the greatest maximum moment, for what position of the load does it occur, and how great is it ? 4. If the number of wheels is indeterminate, how many must pass on, and what position must they have to give at any point the greatest maximum moment; where is the corresponding cross-section, what position must the load have, and how great is this maximum moment ? The three first questions are easily solved by the aid of the above properties of the parabola, enveloped by the closing lines of the equilibrium polygon, corresponding to different positions of the span. Thus, as regards the first question, let the given cross-section be , PL 9, Fig. 32 (df), and suppose the span s s in the position where the vertical through ~b intersects a a at the point of tan- gency 0. When now the span shifts, the intersection of the ordinate through 5, with the corresponding tie line, will always lie upon a cr. But this ordinate gives the reduced moments for 1) (reduced to pole distance H.) The greatest of these moments will then be simply the greatest of the ordinates between a cr and the polygon, and will always be found at an angle of the same. When found, we have at once the position of t>, and of course of the span with reference to the given loads. This is always such that a wheel stands over the given section. Thus in Fig. 32 (a\ supposing the * four wheels P 6 to P 9 to pass over the span t ^, we seek the position of the load to give the greatest moment at a point of the span from the left, therefore -g-th from the middle. We lay off the span in such a position, ^ t ly that its centre is distant from the intersection a of the outer lines of the poly- gon by Jth of the span. The ordinate through the given point now passes through the point of tangency of the tie line and parabola. We draw this 56 MOMENT OF KUPTURE OF PARALLEL FORCES. [CHAP. Y. tie line ^ 9, and seek the greatest ordinate between it and the polygon. This we find at 7, and directly above 7 the given point must lie, and hence we have the position of the span, viz., 1 1. If the scale of tons is ten tons to an inch, of distance 5 ft. to an inch, and the pole distance H is assumed 12^ ft. = 2-J inches, the scale of moments will be 10 x 2.5 x 5, 125 ft, tons to an inch. As to the second question; the position of the span required, is that where the vertical through the given point of the system S Fig. 32 (a), intersects the corresponding tie line at its point of tangency with the parabola ; all other tie lines intersect this vertical in a point between the tangent point and the polygon. The middle of the span must then lie midway between the in- tersection a of the outer polygon sides and the point s, where the vertical through S meets the line X X. Thus the span has the position t 2 t 2 . The third question, finally, is easily solved if the parabola en- veloped by the tie lines is drawn. The greatest ordinate be- tween this parabola and the polygon gives the greatest moment, and the point and the position of span required, since the middle of the span must be half-w r ay between the point given by this ordinate and a. The greatest moment is always found upon an ordinate through an angle of the polygon. If, however, the parabola is not drawn, we find by trial at several angles, drawing the tie lines and comparing the corre- sponding ordinates, the ordinate required. Here the following considerations may aid : When the load is uniformly distributed, the maximum mo- ment is in the middle of the span, and at the same time in the vertical through the intersection a of the outer polygon sides. The polygon itself becomes a parabola. The less uniform the load is. the more this point approaches the heaviest loaded side, as also the intersection a, though not in the same degree. For loads not exceedingly unsymmetrical the point may be sought for, then, in the neighborhood of a, i.e., near the resultant of the forces acting upon the truss. Thus in our example we are jus- tified in selecting the corner 7 of the polygon, nearest the point of intersection a. 5O. Mot unfavorable Position of Load upon a Beam of given Spun. The fourth question above requires a somewhat CHAP. V.] PARALLEL FOECES. 57 more extended consideration. The most unfavorable position of a system of given concentrated forces is when it causes the greatest moment at the cross-section of rupture. This position is from the preceding, given by taking the centre of the beam midway between the vertical through the point of intersection of the outer sides of the equilibrium polygon and the nearest angle of the same. If with this centre we increase the span, the maximum moment increases until the span has the greatest length possible without more wheels coming on. Thus for the two wheels P 4 and P 3 , PL 9, Fig. 32 (a), a is the intersection of the outer polygon sides, and 4 the nearest polygon angle. The almost equally near angle 5 gives at any rate no greater moment. In order then that these two weights may cause the greatest maximum moment, the middle of the beam must lie half-way between a^ and 4 ; and as the span increases in length this moment increases, and is then greatest when the span reaches to $i or P 3 . If now the span still increases so as to also include P 3 , the point of intersection of the outer polygon sides recedes to a 2 , where in our Fig. it coincides almost exactly with the polygon angle 4. Here then, approximately at 4, we must locate the centre of the beam. If we take the same length of span a before, that is, make the half span 0% s 2 equal to the distance from Si to the point midway between a^ and 4, we see by draw- ing the closing lines for these two positions of the span, that the maximum moments measured upon the vertical through 4 are almost exactly equal in each case. For a smaller length of span including the three weights, the maximum moment de- creases, and is less therefore than the maximum moment already caused by the t\vo wheels. The span ^ ^ may then be regarded as the greatest for which the two wheels P 4 P 5 give the greatest possible maximum moment. As the space s 2 &>, upon which we have now three wheels, increases, the moment increases, and is greatest when the span, its centre always remaining now at 2 reaches to s' 2 or to P 2 . If now it still increases so as to also include P 2 , the intersec- tion of the outer polygon sides retreats to a%. The nearest polygon angle is still 4, and midway then between a$ and 4 we must now locate the middle of the beam. If from this centre we lay off the half span equal to a% s'%, to s 3 , and draw the clos- ing line for this position of the span, we see as before that the 58 MOMENT OF KUPTFRE. [CHAP. V. moment given by the ordinate at 4 is for either case almost exactly the same. Any less span including the four weights would give a less moment ; less, therefore, than the moment already caused by the three weights. The span s' 2 s' 2 then precisely as before, is the extreme limit upon which the three wheels P 3 to P 5 cause the greatest possible maximum moment. In a precisely similar manner we find that the span s' 3 s' s with a centre midway between a 3 and 4 is the limiting span for the four wheels P 2 to P 5 . If now the span still increases so that P! comes on, the inter- section of the outer polygon sides falls in our Fig. nearly at s 1? and since this point also happens to correspond almost exactly with the angle 3, we take the centre of the beam at s^. The greater the span now becomes, the greater the maximum moment. The greatest length, however, which the span can have without including P 6 , is twice ^ 6, or twice the distance between ^ and P 6 . If P also comes on, the intersection of the polygon sides is found at 5 , and the nearest polygon angle is 4. Midway then between a 5 and 4 is the new centre of the beam, while before P 6 came on, it was nearly at s. But for centre s t the half span was Si 6, while now it is somewhat less than 4 6 ; therefore considerably smaller. Since, however, we wish to follow the span as it continues increasing, we must compare those two spans which are equal before and after the coming on of P 6 . The right-hand ends of these spans, viz., s' 4 and s 5 must evidently be distant each side of 6, by the half distance of their centres s l and 4, or 0% (more accurately the point half- way between a 5 and 4, but a 5 and 4 lie in our Fig. so nearly to- gether that the centre cannot be indicated more exactly). We make then ^ ' 4 = o^ = M x 6, provided that M L is taken half- way between the centre ^ and 0%. An exact construction shows that the maximum moments for these two spans, the one given by the ordinate through 3, the other by the ordinate through 4, are almost exactly equal, and moreover, that the maximum moment for the span Si S l of equal length whose centre is at M t is also almost exactly equal, when measured upon the vertical through M!. We can therefore take Si S t as the limit of those spans for which the five wheels P t to P 5 cause the greatest maximum moment. Taking on now the seventh wheel, the intersection of the CHAP. V.] PARALLEL FORCES. 59 outer polygon sides is at a 6 and the nearest polygon angle is 5. Half-way between a 6 and 5 we must then take the centre, while before it lay at a^ (nearly). If we take then M 2 half-way be- tween 0-2 and this new centre, we find precisely as before the span S 2 S 2 with centre M 2 , and right end at P 7 , as the limiting span for the six wheels P l to P 6 . The same holds good for the span S 3 S 3 with centre M 3 , for the seven wheels Pi to P 7 , and so on. If, according to supposition, P 8 P 4 P 5 are 3 ft. 6 in. apart, P 2 and P 3 4 ft., and P! and P 2 5 ft. 6 in. apart; then for spans up to ^ S L = say 8 ft., the two wheels P 4 P 5 will give the greatest maximum moment, and their place upon the beam is given by the position of the centre (half-way between a^ and 4). From about 8 ft. to 15 ft. span, or s 2 s 2 the three wheels P 3 to P 5 give the greatest maximum moment, and the centre of the span is located at a%. For spans from 1 5 ft. to 19 ft. span, or s' z 8\, the four wheels P 2 to P 5 give the maximum moment, and the centre is at ^ ; and so on. Thus for a span of any given length we have at once the weights and their position, in order to cause the greatest maximum moment, as also the -place of this moment, viz., the point vertically over that angle of the equi- librium polygon nearest the centre of the span. The ordinate through this point included by the equilibrium polygon, and the closing line for the given span, taken to the moment scale gives this moment at once ; or this ordinate taken to the scale of force must be multiplied by the previously assumed jpale distance. 51. Oreatet Moment of Rupture caused by a Sytem of Moving ILoads at a given Cross-Section of a Beam of given Span. For beams or trusses of long span, which are as a rule caused to vary in cross-section, it is not sufficient merely to find the greatest maximum moment which a given system of con- centrated forces can cause ; we must also know for a number of individual cross-sections, the maximum moments which can ever occur. For this purp6se the force and equilibrium polygons being first constructed, we shift as above the given span along a horizontal line, and draw for each successive position of the span the corresponding closing line in the equilibrium polygon, marking the point where each closing line is intersected by a vertical through the given cross-section, which of course moves with the span, keeping always the same position with reference 60 MOMENT OF RUPTURE. [dlAP. V. to the ends. The points thus obtained form a curve, and the greatest ordinate between this curve and the polygon gives the greatest moment which can act at the given cross-section. This greatest ordinate will always be found at an angle of the polygon, and hence a weight must always rest upon the cross- section. Since the cross-section itself must lie upon this ordi- riate, we have directly the position of the span with reference to the given forces. The closing line for this position being then drawn, a parallel to it in the force polygon gives the reac- tions for this position. The reader will do well to make the construction indicated for an assumed span and system of weights, to convenient scales, checking the results by computation.* The above method applies more particularly to solid or "plate " girders, beams, or trusses. It may of course be applied to framed structures also, such as those illustrated in chapter first. Thus the moment at any point, divided by the depth of truss at that point, gives the strain in flanges. The more pre- ferable, as perhaps also the simplest method of determining the strains in such cases, however, is to find the reactions due to each individual weight. Each reaction can then be followed through the structure, as explained in that chapter, and the strains in every member for every weight in every position can thus be obtained and tabulated. An inspection of the table \^11 then give at once the strains due to the united action of any desired number of these weights. We have thus two methods for the solution of such cases ; first, by the composition and resolution of forces, and, second, by the equilibrium polygon and moments of' rupture, and may, if we choose, check the results obtained by one method by the other. In most practical cases involving framed structures, however, the first method is preferable as being simpler, quicker of application, and of superior accuracy. For solid-built beams or "plate girders," etc., the second method comes more especially into play. The determination of the strains in a structure of this kind from the known mo- ment of rupture at any point, requires a knowledge of the moment of inertia of the cross-section at that point, and this may also be found by the Graphical method. * This construction is given in Art. 15, Fig. VIII., of the Appendix. CHAP. VI.~| MOMENT OF INERTIA. 61 CHAPTER VI. MOMENT OF INERTIA OF PARALLEL FORCES. 52. THUS far we have seen that by the graphic method we can in any practical case determine the moment of the exterior forces acting upon a piece at any cross-section of that piece. But the exterior forces give rise to and are resisted by molecu- lar or interior forces. Now the moment of the exterior forces being found, the cross-section of the piece at any point being known, and one of the dimensions of this cross-section being assumed, it is required to find the other dimension, so that the strain per unit of area of cross-section shall be less than the recognized safe strain of the material as found by experiment. The moment of the exterior forces at any cross-section we call the moment of rupture ; and designate it by M. Let d = the depth of cross-section.* y = the variable distance of any fibre above or below the neutral axis. /3 =; 'the breadth of the section at the distance y from the neutral axis, and consequently a variable, except in the case of rectangular sections. s = the horizontal unit strain exerted by fibres in the cross- section at a given distance c from the neutral axis. o Then since the fibres exert forces which are proportional to their distance from the neutral axis or to their change of length, the unit strain in any fibre at a distance y from the neutral o n i axis will be . Let the depth of this fibre be d y, then, since c the breadth of section is /9, the total horizontal force exerted o by the fibres in the breadth /?, will be f3y dy. The moment C Q of this force about the neutral axis will be /3 y* d y, and the c Thewy of Strains, Stoney, p. 43, Art. 07. 62 MOMENT OF INERTIA. [CHAP. VI. integral of this quantity will be the sum of the moments of all the horizontal elastic forces in the cross-section round the neu- tral axis, that is, equal to the moment of rupture of the section in question. We have therefore For a rectangular cross-section, for instance, (B is constant and equal to the breadth b. Representing the depth by d we have M = y^ , or if we make c the distance of the extreme d fibres - from which M being known, as also s, if we assume b we can find d or the reverse. The integral //? y* dy is the moment of inertia of the cross- section, and may be defined as the sum of the products obtained ~by multiplying the mass of each elementary particle by the square of its distance from the axis. [See Supplement to Chap- terVIL.Art. 10.] From the above, we see its importance in determining the strain at any distance from the neutral axis, or in proportioning the cross-section, so that the resulting strain shall be less than a given quantity at any point. We see also that for a rectan- ~b d z gular cross -section the moment of inertia is -^-, where b is the breadth and d the depth. 53. Graphical Determination. "We have already seen that the moment of a force, as P t (PI. 6, Fig. 20) with reference to any point, as 0, is given by the ordinate n m multiplied by the constant H (Art. 38). The ordinate n m then represents the product of P t multiplied by the horizontal distance of b from n. But the area of the trianle ~b n m\$>mnK b n = PI x -^ b n*, that is, the area of the triangle b n m represents one-half the moment of inertia ofl?i with respect to o. Just as the exterior ordinates of the equilibrium polygon have been shown to have a certain significance, and to represent the mo- CHAP. VI.] MOMENT OF INEETIA. 63 ments of the forces, so the exterior areas of the equilibrium polygon represent the moments of the moments, or the moments of inertia. Thus in PI. 8, Fig. 30, the exterior parabolic area oC/i should be one-half the moment of inertia of the rectangle or load area o p r h. Let us see if this is so. The area of the triangle o h C is o h x the ordinate S C. This ordinate S C gives, as we have seen, the moment, with respect to S, of the reaction. "We can therefore find its value. Thus if p is the load per unit of length, and I is the length, ^~ is the reaction, and ~ this moment. I pi 2 p 1 B The area of the triangle o c h is therefore -~ X r = -- . The parabolic area odh is f of the circumscribing rectan- gle. This rectangle is I x S d. The ordinate S d is equal to S C dC. We have already found SC and dC is the sum of the 7} I I* 'D 1? T) ft moments of P! and P 2 , or ~* x -. ^r~. Hence S d -- A 4: O 4: p p p p ^ = Q~~~- The area f * ne circumscribing rectangle is then 7} 1? 2 V 1? T) 1? p Two-thirds of this is -~ 9 which subtracted from &&- gives for half the moment of inertia ~-j p Z 8 . Hence the 2i^c. moment of inertia is p P, as should be. 54. We see therefore the significance of the area of the equi- librium polygon. If, when a number of forces are given, we form the force polygon, and then the equilibrium polygon, the ordinates to this last give the moments to the assumed pole distance. If now we take these moments themselves as forces applied at the same points, form a new force polygon with new pole distance, and new equilibrium polygon, the ordinates to this new polygon to the new pole distance will give the moments of the moments or the moments of inertia of the forces. The same method is applicable to moments of a higher order, but in practice we have only to do with those of the second order alone. 55. Radius of Gyration. The moment of inertia of a system of parallel forces P! P 2 etc., in a plane, with reference 64 MOMENT OF INERTIA. [dlAP. VI. to an axis from which the points of application are distant q l $>, etc., is then 2 P or &, we have Jc = a x e = ft y^ whence K Q K a p = e y* and these values substituted in the above equation give where ^ is essentially positive in the second term. Hence, If we suppose the axis M to change its position revolving about O, the segments x e y & cut off from the axes of x and y by M 7 and M" alone will change in this equation. It is therefore the equation of the curve enclosed by M 7 M". If this curve is known for a given force system, then the moment of inertia for any axis passing through its centre is easily found. We have only to draw parallel to the axis two tangents to this curve, one on either side, and measure their distance from M, in the direc- tion in which the distances q of the points of application from the axis are taken. This distance is the radius of gyration, and the moment of inertia is simply the product of its square by the algebraic sum of the forces. 68 MOMENT OF INERTIA. [CHAP. VI. We call the curve represented by the above equation there- fore, the curve of inertia. If we refer the curve to co-ordinate, axes which coincide with the conjugate diameters, the equation becomes ^ + I 2 = i o ' o - 1 * a? y 2 where x and y are the new ordinates, and A, B, the conjugate semi-axes of the curve. A and B are therefore the radii of gyration of the force system, measured in the direction of the co-ordinate axes, and hence where x and y are the co-ordinates of the points of application of the given forces. . Since 2 P B N being made equal to C E. If we describe then a semi- J / ' 7iy*dy+ I *h a -^-y^y 80 MOMENT OF INERTIA. [CHAP. VI. circle upon F U = -~ F N, and make F W ^ F N, F V is the semi-diameter sought. We thus find 3 and 4, and can now construct the central ellipse. This being constructed we can find the centre of gravity of the moments with reference to any axis parallel to A B or E F, according to Art. 60, or the moment of inertia for any axis through 0, by drawing a parallel tangent to the ellipse. The distance from to the point o tangency gives then the radius of gyration for that axis. Uh. Segment of Parabola. PL 11, Fig. 39. Let the segment be limited by B C = 2 A, and A D = I. Then it is evident that these two axes are conjugate (Art. 61), and the centre of the central curve is 0, the ratio of A to OD being as 3 to 2. Hence AD and E'F', parallel to CD through 0, are conjugate axes of the central curve. To find the length of the semi-diameters along these axes we find first the moment of inertia of the segment with reference to an axis Y Y parallel to E' F' and tangent to the parabola at A. We have then for this moment of inertia /' Jo where p is the parameter of the parabola, and I A D. Since 4 3 4 the area of the segment is -~ h I, we have for the square of the radius of gyration The square of the radius of gyration then for E' F' whose distance from A is i = I is o . a being the semi-diameter along A D. It is easier here to com- pute a, viz., a = 0.26186 I, and lay it off from O, thus finding 3 and 4. For the other, semi-diameter we find the moment of inertia for A D and the direction E' F'. Thus CHAP. VI.] MOMENT OF INERTIA. 81 The radius of gyration squared is, therefore, and hence the radius of gyration is & = 0.44721 A. Laying this off from 0, we obtain 1 and 2, and can therefore now draw the central ellipse. 63. Compound or Irregular Cro-Section. Every cross- section may be divided up into trapezoids, triangles, parallelo- grams and parabolic segments, and the above cases will aid us, therefore, in the application of the graphic method to compound or irregular cross-sections. The engineer is often called upon to determine the moment of inertia of such sections as the T, double T, or different combinations of these in proportioning the different pieces of bridges, such as chords, struts, floor-beams, etc., as also in many other constructions. The calculation for such cross-sections is sometimes very laborious. As an example ' of the application of the graphical method best illustrating the above principles, we take the cross-section shown in Fig. 40, PL 12. First we divide the cross-section into a series of trapezoids. The first segment, bounded by a curve, we may consider a para- bolic area. These trapezoids we reduce to equivalent rectangles of common base a [Art. 32], and take the corresponding heights as forces. These forces we lay off in the force polygon and choose a pole C at distance H from force line, drawing CO, 01, C 2, etc. Parallel to these lines we have the first equilibrium polygon I II III VIII, the intersection of the two outer sides of which gives the point of application of the resultant. The intersection S of the resultant with the axis of symmetry gives the centre of gravity of the cross-section [Art. 30]. The segments o 1', 1'2', 2'3', etc., cut off from o S, give the statical moments of the forces with reference to o S to the basis H. We now choose another pole C' at distance H', and form another force polygon, considering these moments as forces, and applied at the centres of action of the moments of the separate areas into which the whole cross- section has been divided. These centres of action can be determined by forming the central curve for each area according to Art. 62, and then applying the 6 82 MOMENT OF INERTIA. [CHAP. VI. principle of Art. 60. A little consideration will show that these centres of gravity will coincide approximately with the centres of gravity of the areas themselves, except for areas (3) (4) (5) and (6). Finding then for these areas the centres of action of the moments considered as forces, we construct the equilibrium polygon O' I' IT. . . .VIII'. The distance 0" 8" cut off by the first and last sides of this polygon gives the moment of inertia to the pole distances H and H' and the reduction base a. Thus 0" 8" measured to scale of force and multiplied by a H H' is the moment of inertia of the cross-section with reference to o S. In TI H' (V'8" The radius of gyration is then k=\J = . a 8 The division will be performed if we take H' = 8 = 2 P. This we can easily do now without drawing a new polygon, since what is required is the intersection of the outer sides only. Thus take a new pole C/ distant from o S, H' = 8. Now we know that each side of the new polygon for this pole distance will intersect the corresponding side of the first in a line paral- lel to o GI [Art. 27]. Since the new polygon may start from any point, we may take the first side to coincide with O VIII'. Then the line of intersection of any two sides is O VnT 8". Produce any side as IV' V 7 to intersection e with this line ; from e draw e a/ parallel to C/ 4'. Through a! the intersection of o' I' and V IV, the resultant of (1) (2) (3) and (4), must pass. The change of pole cannot affect this resultant, which must therefore pass through a/, the intersection of . It is easy, then, to construct them, as shown in the lower shaded area of the Fig. (See also Art. 46.) If in the equilibrium polygon we let fall at any point a ver- tical as I K, and from K draw K L perpendicular to A B, and indicate by H the horizontal pull, by L the strain in A B, and by M the sum of the moments of all forces left of I K, then, for equilibrium about K, we have M^LxKL^LxIK cos I K L, or, since the angle I K L = L O H in force polygon, L x cos I K L = H, and hence M = H x I K, or representing the variable ordinate I K by y : M = Hy. But H is the distance of the pole O from the force line ; the moment at any point is therefore proportional to the verti- cal height of the equilibrium polygon. (See also Art. 38.) If we take H equal to the unit of force, we have 88 SIMPLE GIRDERS. [CHAP. VII. so that in this case the moment at any point is directly given by the ordinate of the polygon at that point. It is this impor- tant property of the equilibrium polygon which renders it espe- cially serviceable in the graphical solution of this and similar problems. 70. Concentrated Load Variable Position Shearing Force. If the load lies to the right of any given cross-section, then the shearing force at this cross-section will be S^V^ or, since we regard a force to the left acting up as positive, S is positive. As the load P moves towards the left, V t or S in- creases. When the load is to the left of the cross-section, the shearing force at the cross-section is S = V^ P, and since P is always greater than V l5 S is negative. The nearer P ap- proaches the cross-section, the smaller is S. Hence : a concentrated load causes a positive or negative shear, according as it is to the right or left of the cross-section considered, and the shearing force is greater the nearer the load is to the cross- section. Moments. If the load lies to the right of the cross-section, the moment is M = V\ x, x being the distance of the cross- section from the left support. M is therefore negative and in- creases with Y! ; that is, as the load .approaches the cross-sec- tion. If the load is on the left of the cross-section, M V 2 (I #), V 2 being the reaction at the right support. Here also M is negative and increases with V 2 ; that is, as the load ap- proaches the cross-section. Hence : a concentrated load wherever it lies causes in every cross-section a negative moment, which for any cross-section is a maximum, when the load is applied at that cross-section. 71. Position of a given System of Concentrated Loads causing Maximum Shearing Force. If P! is the sum of all the loads to the left of any cross-section, the shear at that cross- section is S = Vj P x . As the system moves to the left with- out any load passing off the girder or any load passing the cross- section, Y! and therefore S increases as long as S is positive, or as long as V x > P l8 If a load passes off the girder, then for the remaining loads S increases anew as the system moves to the left, until a load of the system passes the cross-section in ques- tion. The same holds good for a system moving to the right, where S is negative. Hence : the shearing force is a maximum for any point, CHAP. VII.] SIMPLE GIRDERS. 89 when there is a load of the system at that point, and the maxi- mum is positive or negative, according as the load lies just to the right or left of the point. Since for a single load (Art. 70) S is positive or negative, ac- cording as the load is to the right or left, S will be in general a positive or negative maximum when all the loads lie to the right or left, and the heaviest nearest the cross-section. Only in cases where a small load precedes, can S be greatest when the second load lies upon the point in question. If P is the resultant of all the loads and j3 its distance from the right support, V t = P and therefore S = P p le L L Now the position of the loads of the system or @ remaining unchanged, P x will vary as the first power of x, the distance of the cross-section from the left support. Therefore, between any two cross-sections for which the load on the girder remains the same, the shear S is represented by the ordinates to a straight line. 72. Construction of the Maximum Shearing Forces. Construct the force polygon with the given loads ; choose a pole O [PL 13, Fig. 42 (a)~\ and draw the corresponding equi- librium polygon. It is required to determine the shear S at a crossrsection distant x from the left support, under the suppo- sition that the first load P L of the system, moving towards the left, acts at this cross-section. Determine upon the outer side P! A of the polygon passing through the point P l5 a point A distant from P lt by the distance x, and then find the point B upon the polygon distant from A by I, the length of span, and draw A B. Parallel to A B draw O L in the force polygon, then A L = V t = S, the shear at P t . Drop a vertical through B intersecting P! A produced, in M ; then the triangles O A L and P l M B are similar, and there- fore S = A L = B M , when a is the pole distance. If we if choose a = I, then S = B M. Hence : the maximum shearing forces are proportional to the vertical segments between the equilibrium polygon and the prolongation of the outer side taken at the end of the system, or are equal to these segments if the pole distance is taken equal to the span ; provided that the last load is at the cross-section. 90 SIMPLE GIKDEKS. [CHAP. VII. We have, therefore, the simple construction given in PL 13, Fig. 42 (b). The broken lines are parallel to the various posi- tions of A B for corresponding positions of P t . The positive and negative values of S equally distant from the right and left supports are equal, so that it is only necessary to construct S for one value. If the second load is to be at the cross-section, and if e is the distance between the first and second, we draw first a line & _-_.-L- np whose equation is 2/ PI -, , and construct, as above, a' I/ polygon, for which the second load lies on the right support B, and whose second side (between second and third loads) coin- cides with the above line. The ordinates to this line above the axis of abscissas will give maximum of + S. 73. Maximum Moments. Since, according to Art. 70, a concentrated load causes a negative moment at any point, wherever it may lie, we must have evidently loads upon both sides of any point, in order that the moment may be a maxi- mum. Since a single load causes a greater moment at any point the nearer it lies to that point, the greatest load must lie nearest the cross-section in question. The method of loading, causing maximum moments, can be best determined for a dis- tributed load (not necessarily uniform). In this case the equi- librium polygon becomes a curve [PL 13, Fig. 43]. If in this curve we draw A B, and take C so that A C : C B \;x : I #, then C D = M f or x. Suppose A B to take the position A! B', the horizontal protection of C C' being indefinitely small, then C' D' = M + d M. In order now that M may be a maximum, C' D' must be equal to C D or C C' parallel to D D'. If in the force polygon O A l is parallel to A A', O B x to B B'. and O D t to D D', then A^ ^ and E>! B 1 are the loads upon A C and B C. Draw through C a vertical, and through A, A', B, B', paral- lels to C C 7 or D D' intersecting this vertical in E, E', F, F'. Then CE:CF::AC:BC;:a;:Z-tf, C E' : C F' ; ; A' C' : B 7 C' : ; x : I - x; therefore C E : C F ; ; C E' : C F', or C E' : C E ; : C F' : C F ; also CE' CE:CF'-CF;:CE:CF, that is, E E 7 : F F' \\x\l- x. If now we draw through A' and B' parallels to C C', or D D' to CHAP. VII.] SIMPLE GIRDERS. 91 intersections H and I, we have A H = E E', I B' F F'. Since the triangle A A' H is similar to O A! ^ and B B' 1 to O B 1 T> ly and since A 7 H = B I, we have A! D t : B! D! ; ; A H : B' I ; ; E E' : F F 7 ; ; x : lx. Since A 1 D x equals the load P t on A C, and B! "D^ the load P 2 on B C, we have P l : P 2 ; ; x : lx. The same will hold true approximately for concentrated loads. Hence, in order that the moment at any point may be a maximum, the system of loads must have such a position that the loads either side of this point are to each other as the portions into which the span is divided. In PI. 13, Fig. 44, let C D give the moment at C. If the line A B moves so that the horizontal projections of A C and B C remain equal to x and I x, then as long as the ends A and B move on the same straight lines, the point C will also move in a straight line. The point C describes, therefore, a broken line. The verticals between this line and the polygon correspond to the moments for various positions of the load and a given value of x. Evidently the greatest ordinate will be over an angle of the equilibrium polygon which is not under an angle of the line described by C that is, for M maximum a load must lie upon the cross-section. For any cross-section, then, the moment is a maximum when a load is applied at this cross-section. Which of the loads must be so applied is determined by the preceding rule. 74. Contraction of Maximum Moments. After the equilibrium polygon has been constructed, in order to find M for a point C (PI. 13, Fig. 45), we determine two points P and G upon the polygon which are distant horizontally from the load on the given. cross-section corresponding to the angle E by distances A C, B C. Then draw F G-, and the vertical K E is equal to M when the pole distance is unity. We make C I = E K. In this way we can construct the moments for different loads of the load system at the given cross-section, and thus determine that position of the load which gives the maximum moment at the cross-section. Generally when K E = y, and the pole distance is a, we have JML = ay. The pole distance a is measured to the scale of force, and then y is given by the scale of length. The unit for M, in order that M may be equal to y, is evidently -th part of 92 SIMPLE GIRDERS. [ CHAP - VIT - the unit of length (when the pole distance is a force units), or, what is the same thing, one unit of length is equal to a moment units. The same equilibrium polygon can be used for any number of girders of various spans, hence the method is of very rapid application. 75. Abolute maximum of Moments. Since for any cross- section M is a maximum when a load lies at that section, a load must also lie upon the cross-section for which M is an absolute maximum. , If the line A B slides upon the equilibrium polygon, altering its length so that its horizontal projection is constant and equal to I, it will envelop a portion of a parabola so long as its ends move in the same sides of the polygon. [PL 13, Fig. 46.] The curve thus produced is therefore composed of portions of a parabola. Let the ordinate D C correspond to the moment at the point of application of the load P. DC will be evidently greatest when A B is tangent to .the curve at C, so that the maximum of the moments occurring at D is given by the dis- tance C D between the polygon and curve enveloped by A B. Let the prolongation of the sides upon which A B slides meet in E, and F G be the tangent to the parabola at the point H in the vertical through E, so that F H = H G-, and let I be the in- tersection of A B and F G. Draw through A a parallel to E B, intersecting F G in K. Then the horizontal projections of A F and A K are equal, since those of E F and E G are equal. Since, however, the projections of F G and A B as also of A F and G B are equal, A K must be equal to G B. Hence A I = B I. In a parabola the distances of the three diameters passing through two points and the point of intersection of the corresponding tangents are equal, hence the projections of H I and C I are equal. The middle point I of the tangent A B lies, then, half way between the angle D vertically below the point of tangency and the intersection E of the sides upon which it slides. Since the projection of A B is I, its construction is easy. The construction must, of course, be repeated for each angle, in order to determine that for which M is an absolute maximum. The above principle may, then, be thus expressed : The mo- ment at any load is a maximum, when this load and the result- ant of all the loads are equally distant from the centre of the girder. (See also Art. 48.) CHAP. Vn.] SIMPLE GIRDERS. 93 76. In Arts. 46 to 50 the above principles have been already deduced so far as relates to the moments alone, and a reference to Art. 49 will show their application to the investigation of the effect of a system of loads moving over the girder. We pass on, therefore, to CONTINUOUSLY DISTRIBUTED LOADING. Suppose the load p per nnit of length laid off as ordinate. The area thus obtained we call the load area. PI. 13, Fig. 46 {). The equilibrium polygon becomes here a curve, for which the same law holds good. If we draw tangents to the curve at the points D / and E' corresponding to D and E, intersecting in C', then the resultant of the load upon D E passes vertically through C', or C' is vertically under the centre of gravity of the area D D" E" E. If we consider the load area divided into a number of parts, the resultant for each will pass through the intersection of the tangents at the points vertically under the lines of division. Since these tangents are parallel to the lines in the force poly- gon corresponding to these lines of division, they form the equilibrium polygon for the concentrated loads, or resultants of the portions into which the load area is divided. Hence : if we divide the load area into portions, and replace each ~by a single force, the sides of the corresponding polygon are tangent to the equilibrium curve at the points correspond- ing to the lines of division. (Art. 42.) 77. Total Uniform Load. In this case the reactions at the supports are V t = V 2 = p I. Hence, for any cross-section dis- tant x from the left support, the shearing force is For a? = -~ Z ; S = 0. Sis greatest for x = and for x = I ; that is, maximum S = -f -p Z, and S = ^ p I. The moment at any cross-section is M = V x + -px* = -^px (lx). M will be greatest for x = -= l> and 94 SIMPLE GIRDERS. [CHAP. VII. Max. s^ The shearing forces are, then, given by a straight line inter- secting the span in the middle, the ordinate at either end being Ip I [PI. 14, Fig. 47.] The moments, as we have already seen [Art. 44, Fig. 30], are given by a parabola whose vertex is in the centre of the span and whose middle ordinate is -p 1?. Since we have seen [Art. o 70] that a load at any point causes at every point a negative moment, the maximum moment at any point will be when the whole span is loaded. 78. Method of Loading causing Maximum Shearing Force. We have seen [Art. 70] that a single load causes at any point a positive or negative shear, according as it lies upon the right or left side of the cross-section at that point. Hence, for a uniform load, The shearing force will be a positive or negative maximum according as the load reaches from the right or left support to the cross-section in question. For the positive maximum we have Y! p (l%) ^r-y ~^P - T~^- Therefore, max. + S = a L 2i o 1 (l-xf For the graphical determination we can apply the method given in Art. 72, Fig. 42, by which we have for max. + S and max. S two parabolas whose vertices are at the ends of the span, and whose ordinates at these points are +~r and *- 2i 2i Since, however, each point is found thus from the preceding, the construction is not very exact. We may deduce a better construction as follows. [PI. 14, Fig. 48.] Through any point F of the curve drop a vertical intersecting A B in C and the line B K parallel to the tangent at F in G. Let the tangent at F intersect A B in H. Then C H = B H ; hence, C F = - C G-. 2 We have, then, A E = i A D =-1^ Z. Since C F = - C G-, a A 2 we have also AI =- . AK ; therefore, A I : A E ; ; AK : A D. a CHAP. VII.] SIMPLE GIRDERS. 95 Hence the following construction : Make A E = \.p I. \ Divide A E and A B into an equal number of equal parts, and draw lines from B to the points of division of A E, and verticals through the points of division of A B. The curve passes through the points of intersection of corresponding lines. 79. Live and Dead Loads. Let p be the load per unit of length for dead, and m for live load. The maximum moment for any point will be as before. M -(j?-f ra) x (#); that is, will be a given by a parabola whose middle ordinate is - (p+m) P. o For the shearing force, we have Max.+S = Ip (Z-2 2 Indicate A C [Fig. 49, PI. 14] by x^ for which max. S = 0. then =p I (I 2 Xi) m a?! 2 , or m hence I m m 2 m For the point D for which max. +S = 0, B D = a^. The shearing force within A C ia positive, within B D negative, while within C D it is both positive and negative. For Z = 5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100, 150. 5=0.12 0.19 0.31 0.64 1.05 1.55 3.12 m :0.24 0.29 0.33 0.38 0.42 0.44 0.46Z CD =-.0.52 0.42 0.34 0.24 0.16 0.12 0.08Z; that is, C D diminishes with increasing span. O. Recapitulation. For girders of a length of about 100 feet or more, then, we may consider the live load as distributed per unit of length. The maximum shearing force can then be 96 SIMPLE GIRDERS. [CHAP. VII. easily found according to the preceding Art., while the maxi- mum moments will be given by the ordinates to the parabola for full live and dead load [Fig. 30, Art. 44]. For a framed structure, we have simply to multiply the shear at any point by the secant of the angle which the brace at that point makes with the vertical, in order to find the strain in that brace. The moment, divided by the depth of truss at the point in question, gives the strain in the flanges. For opiate girder, the moment being found as above, and one dimension as the depth given, we can, from Art. 52, so proportion the other di- mension as that the strain in the outer fibre shall not exceed the amount allowable in practice. The preceding Art. as also Arts. 78 and 44 and 52 are all that we need to refer to for all practical cases of parallel flange girders of large span. The preceding will complete our discussion of the simple girder. We have only to remark here that the strains due to rolling load will, in general, be most satisfactorily found by the method of resolution of forces, as illustrated in Art. 12. By this method we first find the reactions at the supports for a sin- gle apex load, either graphically or by a simple calculation , and then follow this reaction through the girder, arid find the resulting strains. We can thus find and tabulate the strains in every piece due to a weight at each and every apex. The maximum strains can, then, be easily taken from the table thus formed. When the live load is supposed thus concentrated at each apex, it is, as we have seen in Art. 12, unnecessary to follow through every reaction. The reactions due to the first and last weights are sufficient to fill out the table. For solid-built beams or plate girders, the principles of the present Chap., therefore, come more especially into play. (See also remarks at close of Chap. Y.) The preceding principles will, it is hoped, be found sufficient to enable the reader to find the maximum moments and shear at each and every cross-section of a beam of given span rest- ing simply upon two supports, and acted upon by any given forces or system of forces in any given position. The reader will do well to take examples of simple trusses, and check the results obtained by the method given in Chap. I. by the above principles. The method of tabulation of single apex loads CHAP. VII.] SIMPLE GIRDERS. 97 upon which we lay so much stress is fully given by Stoney [" Theory of Strains," vol. i.], and the examples there given will be found of service. Finally, then, the strains in upper and lower chords are great- est for full load over whole span. We have, therefore, only to erect upon the given span a parabola whose centre ordinate is -~- , where p is the load per unit of length for dead, and 8 m for live load [Art. 44]. ,The ordinates to this parabola at any point give at once the maximum moment at that point. The depth of truss at this point, if a framed structure, or the moment of inertia of the cross-section at this point, if it is a solid beam [Art. 52], being known, the strain in the flanges or outer fibres may be easily determined. The strain in the web is given by the maximum shear. For dead load alone this is given by the ordinates to a straight line passing through the centre of span, whose extreme ordinates are^ - [Art. 77]. The 2i maximum shear due to live load alone- (m I) will be given by the ordinates to two semi-parabolas, convex to the span, having their vertices at each end, and the extreme ordinates - - [Art. A 78]. At any point, the greatest of the two ordinates to these para- bolas is to be taken. For live and dead loads together, Art. 79 may also be useful. The shear being known, the strain in any diagonal is equal to the shear multiplied by the secant of the angle made by the diagonal with the vertical [Art. 10 of Ap- pendix] i.m parallel flanges. For flanges not parallel, we must find the resultant shear as given in Art. 16 (4) of Appendix, or, better still, the flanges once known, the diagonals can be diagrammed according to the principles of Chap. I. For the investigation of load systems, the principles of Arts. 70-75 will be found sufficient, and the application of these principles we have already sufficiently illustrated in Arts. 49-51. 7 $8 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. [CHAP. \. SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTEK VII. CHAPTER l' METHODS OF CALCULATION. 1. In Chapter I. of the text we hare already obtained a method of dia- gram which will be found both simple and general, and by which we can readily determine the strains for any given loading in any framed struc- ture, no matter how irregular in its shape or dimensions, provided only that all the outer forces are Tcnown. In Chap. VII. we have also been put in possession of another method of diagram, by which we may for any structure of the above class, framed or not, determine the moment at any point, and can then properly proportion the cross-section. Thus far, indeed, we are unable to apply these methods to the continuous girder or braced arch, as in these cases there are not only upward reactions but also end moments, and in the latter case a thrust also, which must first be determined. The determination of these requires that the elasticity of the material and cross-section of the structure be taken into account. But with these exceptions, and they are of rare occurrence in practice, we can already solve any case which may present itself. In the Appendix, if he has attended to our numerous references to it, the reader will have already become familiar with two corresponding meth- ods of calculation, viz., that by resolution of forces and that by moments. It is, however, in many cases desirable to know not only the strains in every piece of a structure, but also the deflection of the structure, and this also requires a knowledge of the theory of flexure or of elasticity. For the sake of completeness, therefore, aiming as we do to put the reader in pos- session of methods of calculation as well as of graphic determination, we shall devote a few pages here to a brief notice of these two above-men- tioned methods of calculation, and then pass on to the theory of elasticity itself. This latter has been too generally considered by those unacquainted with the methods of the calculus as difficult and abstruse. It is true that the calculus must be called into requisition ; but so simple are the processes for beams of single span and it is with these only we have at present to do that we indulge the hope that by going back to first principles we may enable even those at present unacquainted with the calculus to follow our CHAP, l'] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 99 I demonstrations intelligently, and to comprehend perfectly and even apply readily the method for themselves. We cannot, indeed, make the reader familiar with all the principles of the calculus, but all these principles are by no means needed. Its funda- mental idea, a few of its terms and applications, are all that he need be familiar with in order to perform the simple integrations we shall encoun- c er, as readily as the most skilled mathematician. This portion of the present Supplement may, perhaps, be considered by many as unnecessary and superfluous. We are, indeed, justified in assuming such knowledge. But as we believe our plan practicable, we cannot resist the desire of making our development intelligible to all, and thus rendering our treatment of the simple girder at least complete. The practical man as well as the mathematician may thus have at his disposal the powerful aid of the calculus, so far at least as his purposes require it, and be able to deduce for himself the formulae which hitherto he has accepted " upon faith." It may also not be improbable that here . and there one may be found who, pleased with the simplicity of the prin- ciples and the f ruitf ulness of their application, may be led to further prose- cute the study for his own satisfaction. We shall first, then, notice briefly the two methods of calculation above referred to ; then devote a few pages to the development of those prin- ciples and rules of the calculus of which we shall make use, and finally apply these principles to the discussion of the curve of deflection of loaded beams. 2. Hitter's Method. This method is referred to in Art, 14. It rests simply upon the principle of the lever, or the law of statical moments ; requires no previous knowledge, and converts the most difficult cases of strain determination into the most elementary problems of mechanics. Ritter, 'in his " Theorie eiserner Dach- und Briicken-Constructionen," has applied this simple principle in such detail and fullness, and so clearly set forth its elegance and simplicity, that it very generally, and justly, goes by his name. " Its results are clear and sharp as the results of Geometry, and of direct practical application. There is hardly another branch of engineering mechanics which, for such a small amount of previous study, offers such satisfactory results, and which is so suited to engage the interest of the beginner." We have given in the Appendix to Chap. I. (Arts. 6, 9, 10) detailed ex- amples of its application. Throughout this work similar illustrations of its use will be met with, so that it is only necessary here to state more fully than in the text its general principle. If any structure holds in equilibrium outer forces, it does so by virtue of the strains or inner forces which these outer forces produce. Now the outer forces being always given, we wish to find the interior forces or strains. If, then, the structure is framed, and we conceive it cut entirely through, the strains in the pieces thus cut must hold in equilibrium all the outer forces acting between the section and either end. Thus, in Fig. 6, PL 2, a section cutting D, 7 and H completely severs the truss. Then the 100 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. [CHAP. 1.' strains in these three pieces must hold in equilibrium the reaction at A and all the forces between A and the section. Now the principle of statical moments is simply that, when any number of forces in a plane are in equilibrium, the algebraic sum of their moments with respect to any point in that plane must be zero. The application of this principle is simply so to choose this point of moments as to get rid of all the unknown strains in the pieces cut, except one only ; and then the other forces being known in intensity, position, and direction of action, we can easily find this one ; since, when multiplied by its known lever arm, it must be equal and opposite to the sum of the moments of the known forces. In a properly constructed frame it will, in general, always be possible to pass a section cutting only three pieces. Then, by taking as a centre of moments the intersection of any two, we can easily find the strain in the third. Even if any number of pieces are thus cut, if all but one meet at a com- mon point, the strain in this one can be determined. Thus, in Fig. IV., PL 1 of the Appendix, a section may be made cutting 2 3, d h, h c and c Y. But all these pieces, except the last, meet in 2, and the strain in this last piece may, therefore, be easily determined. The above is all that is necessary to be said as to this method. The ex- amples already referred to will make all points of application and detail plain as we proceed. We see no reason why the reader who has mastered Chapter I. and diligently followed out the examples as given in the Appen- dix, should not now be able to both calculate and diagram the strains in any framed structure all of whose outer forces are known. 3. Method by Reolutioii of Forces. We have also yet another method of calculation, based upon the principle that, if any number of forces in a plane are in equilibrium, the sum of their vertical and hori- zontal components are respectively zero. In structures all the forces acting upon which are vertical, and such are all bridge and roof trusses, etc., of single span, we have only to regard the vertical components. In this connection we have to call attention to the following terms and considerations. The shear or shearing force at any point is the algebraic sum of all the outer forces acting between that point and one end. These outer forces are the weights and reactions at the ends. At any apex of a framed structure, where several pieces meet, the horizontal components of the strains in these pieces must balance, or the structure would move ; and for the same reason, the algebraic sum of the vertical components must be equal and opposite to the shear. The shear being known, if the strains in all the pieces but one are also known, that one can be easily found. Thus the algebraic sum of all the vertical components of the strains in the other pieces being found, and added or subtracted from the shear, as the case may be, the resultant shear, multiplied by the secant of the angle made by the piece in question with the vertical, gives at once its strain. This method is also fully explained in the Appendix, Art. 16 (4), and a practical rule is there given for properly adding the vertical components and determining whether the result is to be added to or subtracted from J. CHAP. I.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 101 the shear. This rule we owe to Hiuriber* We have thus two methods of calculation, which, for the sake of convenience, we may speak of as Bitter's and Humberts. Corresponding to Humberts method we have also a graphic solution, based upon the same principles precisely. This we have set forth in Chapter I., and may call Prof. Maxwell's method. In Chapter II. and the following we have also become acquainted with the graphic solution corresponding to Hitter's method, or the method of moments, which we may speak of as Culmanrit*. It is to this method, based upon the proper- ties of the equilibrium polygon, that the graphical statics properly owes its value and fruitfulness, and to it is due whatever pretensions it can claim as a system. It will be seen hereafter that it alone can furnish a general method applicable to all structures, whether framed or not ; whether all the outer forces are known or not. By the same general method we are enabled to find the centre of gravity and moment of inertia of areas, and to solve thus a great variety of practical problems through which, how- ever different, runs one universal method, one simple routine of construc- tion. * Strains in Girders, calculated ~by Formulas and Diagrams. 102 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII . [CHAP. II. CHAPTER II. PRINCIPLES OF THE CALCULUS NEEDED IN OUR DISCUSSION. 4. Differentiation and Integration. We need but a very few simple ideas and conclusions in order to have at our disposal the whole theory of flexure for beams of single span. Those to whom these ideas are not familiar already may find them indeed new, but will not find them difficult or even abstruse, and with attention to the following will, we venture to think, make a valuable acquisition. The sign / is called the " sign of integration, 1 ' and integration means simply summation. It arises merely from the lengthening of the original letter S, first used by Leibnitz for the purpose. The letter d is called the "sign of differentiation-;'' in combination with a letter, as d x, it reads " differential of #," and signifies simply the incitement which has been given to the variable x. So much for terms. Now suppose we have the equation y = 5x\ . . ....... (1) in which x and y, although varying in value, must always vary in such a way that the above equation holds always true. This being the case, let us give to y an increment that is, supposing it to have some definite value for which, of course, x is also definite in value, increase this value by d y. Then x will be increased by its corresponding amount d x, and as the above relation must always hold true, we have y + dy = 5 (x + dxy . . . ... . (2) or y +dy = 5 (x*+Zxdx + d a; 2 ). Inserting in this the value of y from (1), we have dy = 5 (2xdx + dx*), ...... (3) which is the value of the increment of y or d y, in terms of x and the in- crement of x or d x. That is, the increments are not connected by the same law as the variables. The variable y is always 5 times the square of the variable x, but the increment of y is greater than 5 times the square of the increment of x by an amount indicated by 5 x 2 x d x. From (3) we have (4) which gives the value of the ratio of the two increments. Now, if we assume a certain value for x, we find easily from (1) the corresponding value of y. If we increase this value of x by a certain assumed increment, d x, we find easily from (3) the corresponding increment of y, or d y. Then (4) would give us the ratio of these two increments. CHAP. II.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 103 Now we see at once from (4) that the smaller we consider d x to be, the nearer this ratio approaches the limiting value 5 x 2 x. We may suppose d x as small as we please, and then this ratio will differ as little as we please from 5 x 2 a. This value, 5 x 2 x, forms, then, the limit towards which the value of the ratio ~ approacfies as d x diminishes, but which limit evi- Ou X dently it can never actually reach or exactly equal. Because, in order that this should bo the case, d x must be zero. But if d x is zero, that is, if # is not increased, y also is not increased; d y is, therefore, zero, and there is no ratio at all. Now, just here comes in what we may regard as the central principle of the calculus. If two varying quantities are always equal and always approaching certain limits, then those limits must themselves he equal. The principle is too obvious to need demonstration. "Two quantities always equal present but one value, and it seems useless to demonstrate that one variable value cannot tend at the same time towards two constant quantities different from one another. Let us suppose, indeed, that two variables always equal have different limits, A and B ; A being, for ex- ample, the greatest, and surpassing B by a determinate quantity A. The first variable having A for a limit will end by remaining constantly comprised between two values, one greater, the other less than A, and hav- ing as little difference from A as you please; let us suppose this difference, for instance, less than A . Likewise the second variable will end by re- 6 f maining at a distance from B less than A. Now it is evident that, then, the two values could no longer be equal, which they ought to be according to the data of the question. These data are then incompatible with the existence of any difference whatever between the limits of the variables. Then these limits are equal." * Now let us apply this principle to equation (4). In this equation -y is a variable always equal to 5 (2 x + d x). But 5 (2 x+d a>), as we diminish d x, approaches constantly the limit 5 x 2 x; and as -= is always equal to 5 (2 x + d x), it also constantly approaches the same limit. These limits, dy then, are equal, and the limit of -= = 5 x 2 x. d x Now, if we conceive, and such a conception is certainly possible, d x to lie the difference between x and its consecutive or very next value, such that between these two values there is no intermediate value of d x ; then d y will be the difference between two consecutive values of y ; and regarding, then, d x and d y in this light, -= will be the limit of the ratio of the in- CL X * The Philosophy of Mathematics. Bledsoe. 104 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. [CHAP. II. crements, since the increments are then limiting increments, and can be no smaller without disappearing. We have thus ^ = 5x2,, d x which is an exact relation between the increments upon this supposition. From this we have d y = 5x2 x d x. If now we sum up all the increments d y, then by virtue of the supposi- tion we have made, / d y must equal y. We thus suppose y to flow, as it were, unbrokenly along by the consecutive increments d y, just as the side of a triangle moving always parallel to itself, and limited always by the sides, describes the area of that triangle, while the change d y of its length is the difference between two immediately contiguous positions. Upon this supposition, we repeat, -= is the limit of the ratio of the increments, a os which limit is, as we see from (4), equal exactly to 5 x 2 x. We do not re- ject or throw away d x from the right of that equation " because of its small size with reference to 2 a,' 1 but simply pass to the limit, and then, ac- cording to our fundamental principle above, equate those limits them- selves. But if / d y = y, then the integral of 5x2xdx, or / 5x2 xdx=y =5 & 2 . By " differentiating," as we say, equation (1) we get (5), and by " integrating " (5) we obtain (1). Hence we see the appropriateness of the term "fluent" given by New- ton to the quantity d y or 2 x d x. So also we see the appropriateness of the term "ultimate ratio " * for - itself. d x * Liebnitz undoubtedly discovered the calculus independently of Newton, but he considered d x as a quanity so " infinitely" small that in comparison with a finite quantity it could be disregarded " as a grain of sand in compari- son with the sea." We see, indeed, from eq. (4) that if d x upon one side be zero, we get the same value for - as before. But if d x is zero on one side, it should be zero on the other side also. No matter how small we suppose d x to be, we have no right to get rid of it by disregarding it. That Liebnitz rec- ognized this cannot be doubted, and he was therefore inclined to consider his method as approximate only. But to his surprise he found his results exact, differing from the true by not even so much as a " grain of sand." There was to him ever in his method this mystery, nor could he conceive what these quantities could be which., though disregarded, gave true results. Bishop Berkeley challenged the logic of the method, and adduced it as ac evidence of k ' how error may bring forth truth, though it cannot bring forth science." Strange to say, even the disciples of Newton were unable to answer Berkeley without taking refuge in the undoubted truth of their results. And yet New- ton in his Principia lays it down as the corner-stone of his method, that 44 quantities which during any finite time constantly approach each other, and CHAP. II.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 105 The whole of the calculus is but the deduction of rules for finding from given equations as (1) their " differential equations " as (5), or inversely of finding from the differential equation by "integration," or summation, the equation between the variables themselves. Such of these rules as we need for our purpose we can now deduce. 5. Differentiation and integration of powers'of a single variable. We have already seen that the / d y = y and / 2 xd x = a?, hence d (x 2 ) = 2 x d x. If we should take y = x ?> , we should have, in like manner, as before, y + d y (x + d x) 3 = x* + 3 a 8 d x + 3 x d x z 4- d z 3 , or dy= 3x*dx + 3xdx 2 + dx*, or ~ = 3z 2 + 3xdx + dx' 2 , dx and passing to the limits, as before, - = 3 x 2 , or d y=3 x 2 d x. Hence the differential of x 3 or d (a? 3 ) =3 x 2 dx, it 3} and reversely, the integral of 3 x z d x or / 3 x z d x = x 3 . In similar man- ner, we might find d (x 5 ) = 5 x* d x and A x*dx = x 5 . Comparing these expressions, we may easily deduce general rules which will enable us at once upon sight to " differentiate," that is, find the rela- tion connecting the increments ; and " integrate " or sum up the successive consecutive values of the variable; for any expression containing the power of a single variable. These rules are as follows : To differentiate: " Diminish the exponent of the power of the variable by unity, and then multiply by the primitive exponent and ~by the increment of the variable." Thus, d(x z ) = 2xdx, d (x*) = 3 x* dx, d (a? 7 ) = 7* 6 dx, d(x$) = ^X2dx, d (#") n a; " 1 d x, etc. To integrate : "Multiply the variable with its primitive exponent increased "by unity, by the constant factor, if there is any, and divide the result by the new exponent." before the end of that time approach nearer than any given difference, an eguaV There can be little doubt that Newton saw clearly that although the quantities might never be able to actually reach their limits, yet that those limits them- selves were equal, and hence the increment could be left out in the equation, but not because by any means it was of insignificant size. His terms ' ' ultimate ratio" and '''fluent' 1 ' 1 are alone sufficient to indicate that he understood the true logic of the method he discovered ; while Liebnitz seems to have stood gazing with wonder at the workings of the machine he had found, but whose mechanism he did not understand. [See Philosophy of Mathematics. Bledsoe. Lippincott & Co., 1868.] 1U() SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. [CHAP. TI. Thus A xdx= 2 -j-=x* f$afdx = -|" = *' /V dx = X ~ /i as* 2 f / n x x dx=- = 5-s / nx*-idx = = a, etc. i a / It is of this latter rule that we shall make especial use in what follows, 6. Other Principles Integration between limits, etc. We may observe from (1) and (4) that a constant factor may be put out- side the sign of integration. Thus / 5x2 x d x = 5 I 2 x d x = 5 x\ It is also evident without demonstration that the integral of the sum of any number of differential expressions is equal to the sum of the several integrals. Thus / he d a + 2 s d z + y*dy + x* is the same as / x d x + I z 3 d z + I y* d y, etc. If in (1) we had y = 5 x*+a, where a is a constant, we should have y + d y = 5 (x + d x)* + a = 5 (x* + 2 x d x+d a?) + a, or d y = 5 (2 x d x + d afy or ^| = 5 (2 x + d x) ; whence -^ = 5x2 a?, ordy = 5x2xdx, or d x just the same as before. The integral of this will then be y = 5 x 1 as before, whereas it should be y = 5 x* + a. If two differential equations, then, are equal, it does not necessarily follow that the quantities from which they were derived are equal. We should, then, never forget when we integrate to annex a constant. The value of this constant will in any given case be determined by the limits between which the integration is to be performed. We indicate these limits by placing them above and below the integral sign. Thus the integral ofx*dx between the limits of x = + h and x= h is r +h r x* I x 3 dx. If we integrate a; 2 d x, we have, then, / a 2 d x = + C, J-h J where O is a constant whose value must be determined by the conditions of the special case considered. If we introduce the value of x = h for one limit, we have + O. For x = 2 h for another limit, we have - + O. We have, then, two equations, viz. : when x h, c J r ~h x ~ 3~ CHAP. H.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 107 rx = 2h JZ.J* n the other, w r h 7 x = h, I x'dx=- *s h and when x = 2h I x*dx= - + C ; and by subtracting one from the other, we have for the integral between r 2h 7 the limits x = 2 h and x li, I x' 2 dx 7* s , and O thus disappears. We have, then, only to substitute in succession the values of the variable which indicate the limits, and subtract the results. If also there is but one limit, we could determine O if there were also a condition, such, for instance, as that / x 1 d x should equal h when x = 2 h. The ratio ^ is called the "first differential coefficient ; " if it were to d x be differentiated again, the next ratio, viz., that of the differential of the differential of y to differential of or 2 , or -, is the " second differential co- d x efficient," and so on. dy Thus, y = x 5 ; dy = d (x 5 ) = 5 x*d x, or.-= = 5 x* ; differentiating again, -i = 20 x 3 d x, or - 20 x 3 , and so on to third differential coefficient, etc. dx dx* 7. Example. As an example of the application of our principles, let it be required to determine the area of a triangle. Let the base be b and the height h. Take the base as an axis, and at a distance of x above the base draw a line parallel to &, and at a very small distance d x above this line draw another, thus cutting out a very small strip. (Let the reader draw the Fig.) Now for the base y of this strip we have the proportion h x : y 7) T ~h 'JC (L i/ 1 :: h : 5, or y = b , hence the area of the strip is b dx . But n n the area of this rectangular slip is not equal to the area of that portion of it comprised within the triangle. It projects over at each end, and is, therefore, somewhat greater. Thus for the small trapezoid actually within the triangle we have for the upper side y', h(x+d x) : y'::h : b, or y' = b - (x + d x). Hence yy' , and the area of the projecting portion h, h of the rectangle, that is, its excess over the trapezoid, is then (yy') d x, or bdx" 1 __ , ,, bxdx b d x* , da , bx bdx Therefore, bdx = d , or - = b , where h h Ti d x h h d a is the area of the small trapezoid itself. Now these latter two quanti- ties are always equal for any value of d x. But as d x decreases, one side of the equation approaches the limit & , and , therefore, approaches h d x this same limit. The rectangle itself is, then, the limit of the ratio of the area of the small trapezoid to its height, and we can then equate the limits themselves, remembering that in this case d a is the area passed over by the 108 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. [CHAP. II. side y in passing from one position to the consecutive or very next. We have, then, da = bdx , and if we integrate this expression, that is, sum up all the d a's, we have the area of the triangle. Therefore, x d x 5 x 1 =j i -IT- ) m .-ji+* where O is the constant of integration, which we must never forget to annex. Now, in the present case we wish to sum up all the areas d a, or " integrate," between the limits x o and x = Ji. But for x o, A must be zero, and hence we have O = o for the condition that x starts from the base. If in addition to this condition we make x = h, we have the sum of all the areas between x = o and x = h. , , & h & h A = & h . = , as should be. The above reasoning is somewhat prolix. If we thoroughly appreciate that d x is the difference between two con- secutive values of x, we see at once that we obtain the limiting value of the rectangle directly by multiplying its base by d x. The sum of all these must be the area. This conception ofdx enables us to curtail much of our reasoning. Let us take the same problem again, but this time take the axis through the centre of gravity of the triangle ; that is, at $h above the base. Then for the base y at any distance x above this axis, we have -A-av "h'l or = -l>-*J!L 3 3 h Multiply this by d x upon the above conception of d x, and we have at once not for the rectangle upon y, but for its limiting value, that is, for the area of that portion of the rectangle included within the triangle, , -. 2, b x d x ~ y = 3 h ' Integrating this, then, we have 2 , & x d x 2 , bx* where O is a constant to be determined by the limits as before. For one limit, x = 7i, and hence we have 3 A'=-l 2 For the other limit, x = + h, and hence we have 3 If we subtract the first from the second, O disappears, and we have A = 9 1 A" A' = & h = & A, as before. 18 2 o We might also have integrated first between the limits x = and x h. 3 CHAP. H.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 101) 4 For x = 0, C = 0, and the area above the axis is then b Ji. For x = and lo x = h, we have for the area below the axis b h. This area has a dif- 3 18 ferent sign because below. If we give it the same sign as the other, and then add it, we have the total area. If it also had been above, the total area would have been the difference. Generally, then, we subtract accord- ing to our rule. 8. Significance of the first differential coefficient. Any equation between two variables of the first degree is the equation of a straight line. If of the second degree, it represents one of the conic sec- tions, an ellipse, circle, parabola, or hyperbola, Of a higher degree, a aurve generally. If, then, we take the axis of x horizontal and y vertical, and if d y and d x are the consecutive increments of y and x, that is, the dif- ference between any value and the very next, the ratio ~ is evidently the d x tangent of the angle which a tangent to the curve at any point makes with the horizontal. If, then, we make = 0, and find the value of the variabb x corrc- d x spending to this condition, we find evidently the value of x for which the tangent to the curve is "horizontal. If now the curve is concave towards the axis, this value of x, substituted in the original equation, will give the maxi- mum or greatest value of the ordinate y ; because for the point just one side of this the tangent slopes one way, and for the point just the other side it slopes the other. The point where the tangent is horizontal must then be the highest. If the curve is, on the other hand, convex to the axis, the value of x, which makes - = 0, substituted in the original equation, will give y a minimum d x value for similar reasons. By setting the first differential coefficient, then, equal to zero, we may find that value of x which corresponds to the maxi- mum or minimum value of the ordinate, as the case may be. In the case of the deflection of simple beams upon two supports, the curve is always concave to the axis, and hence we obtain by this process always the maxi- mum deflection. The above comprises all the principles of which we shall make use in the discussion of the theory of flexure. With a little study, we believe that any one familiar with analytical operations, even although he may never have studied the differential or integral calculus, can follow us intelligently in what follows. Whatever points may still be a little obscure will clear up as he sees more plainly than now their application. 110 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VH. [CHAP. III. CHAPTER III. THEORY OF FLEXURE. 9. Coefficient of EIaticity. Let us now take up the theory of flexure, and see if it is not possible so to present the subject that, in the light of the preceding principles, we may be able to solve all such prob- lems as present themselves. If a weight P acts upon a piece of area of cross-section A, and elongates or compresses it by a small amount I, we know from experiment that, within certain limits, twice, three times, or four times that weight will produce a displacement of 21, 31, 4 I, etc. These limits are the limits of elasticity. Within them practically, then, the displacement is directly as the force. If we assume this law as strictly true for all values of the dis- placement, and if we denote the original length by L, then, since the force per unit of area is -r, and since this unit force causes a displacement I, in order to cause a displacement L equal to the original length, this unit force must be T time* as great, or equal to T . This force we call I At the modulus or coefficient of elasticity. It is always denoted by E. Hence The coefficient of elasticity, then, is the unit force which would elongate a perfectly elastic body BY ITS OWN LENGTH. It is a theoretical force then ; but as the law upon which its value is based is true practically within cer- tain limits, by experiments made within those limits, knowing P, A, and L, and measuring I, we can find what the force would have to be if the law were always true. Such experiments have been made, and the values of E for different materials are to be found in any text-book upon the strength of materials. From (6) we have for the unit force of displacement These expressions will be found useful as enabling us to replace often expressions containing an unknown displacement by a definite or experi- mentally known value. 1O. Moment of Inertia. This is also a convenient abbreviation, and enables us to replace unknown expressions by a, in any given case, perfectly determinate value. The moment of inertia, with respect to any axis, is the algebraic sum of the CHAP. III.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. Ill products obtained ~by multiplying the mass of every element of a given cross- section T)y the square of its distance from that axis. If a parallelogram stand on end, and then its support be suddenly pulled away from under it, it will fall over backwards. But to knock it over thus requires force. The force which, in this case overturns it is that of inertia. At every point of the surface there is, then, a force acting, depend- ing upon the mass of this point. But not alone upon the mass. A force at the top acts evidently with more effect to turn the body over than one at the bottom, which merely tends to make it slide. The moment of each ele- ment of the area is. then, a measure of the force which at each point causes rotation, and the sum of these moments is, then, the measure of the over- turning action of the whole force of inertia upon the surface. The moment of this latter force, or the sum of the moments of the moments, is, then, the moment of inertia of the cross- section. Each element of the surface must then be multiplied by the square of its lever arm, and the sum of all the results thus obtained taken. In other words, the moment of each element is itself considered as a force, and then its moment again taken. The sum is denoted by I. ' For any given dimensions and axis it is a perfectly defi- nite quantity, and may thus often replace expressions containing unknown quantities. The principles of the calculus just developed will enable us to deter- mine it in some cases, at least, very readily. Its value for various forms of cross-section, in terms of the given dimensions, is given in every text- book upon the strength of materials. Let us suppose a rectangular cross-section of breadth 5 and height h, and take the bottom as axis. The area of any elementary strip is, then, b d x. If its distance from the bottom is x, we have for its moment b x d x, and for its moment of inertia, then, & # 2 d x. Integrating this expression, we have _ &> - 3 +0. This integral is to be taken between the limits x = and x h. For x = 0, 1) x' d x = 0, and hence C 0. For x = h, then, we have -. If the axis 3 had been taken through the centre of gravity, we should have the above integral between the limits + -and . For+ we have h O. For 2 2 2 24 , + O. Subtracting one from the other (Art. 6), we have for the moment of inertia. For a triangle of height h and base Z>, we have for axis through centre of gravity, from Art. 7, for the area of the very small strip at distance a?, -Idx - x d x. Multiplying this by x*, we have o fl for its moment of inertia -lx l dx -x*dx. The integral of this is o h 2 T) x 4 O A For x = h, this becomes I o 243 112 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. [CHAP. ITT. For x =71, we have & 7i 3 + C. 27 1 Subtracting one from the other (Art. 0), we have -^ & A 3 , or _ & A 3 for the moment of inertia. The moment of inertia of the rectangle I = may be written = - x Ax , or the moinent of inertia of the half parallelogram is equal to its area, into the distance of its centre of gravity multiplied by f ds. of its height. We see at once that when we consider, then, the statical moments as themselves forces, the centre of action, of these moment forces does not coincide with the centre of gravity of the area. This principle we have already noticed in Chap. VI., Art. 60. I A 2 /I \ 2 1 We can also put --=_ = (_ - A ) . This value A is called the A 12 \2V 3 ) 3y radius of gyration. It is evidently the distance from the axis to that point at which, if the mass were concentrated or sum of all the forces were con- sidered as acting, their moment of inertia would be that of the cross-sec- tion itself. The value of is, in general then, the square of the radius of JA gyration. We have already shown in Chap. VI. how to find it graphically for various cross-sections. We are now ready to take up the case of a deflected beam, and to find the differential equation of its curve of deflection. 11. Change of SUiape of the Axis. In the Fig. given in the Supplement to Chap. XIV., we have represented a beam deflected from its original straight line by outer forces. Let the two sections A C, B D be consecutive sections, parallel before flexure, and remaining plane after. Let the length of the axis m a be s, then n a d s, and let d

is a very small angle, it may be taken equal to its d x tangent, or equal to ; hence - and M = B I . dx d x d or d x* But v d cf) : v :: d x : r, where r is the radius of curvature ; v d & d x d in any fibre distant from the centre. For v , T is the tensile strain in 2 O *p T Jj the outer fibre, and M = . For v = we have the compressive 7i 2 2 C T strain in the outer fibre upon the other side, or M = - . Theoretically the two should be equal. Practically they are not. In fact, if we put for .Pa = Tbh 2 2 T I M its value, we have P x = - , or for a rectangular cross-section P x = h i T & h 2 . This is greatest for x = I, hence the breaking weight P = . ft TTJ 7 From this we have T = -r-rr' Now experimenting with beams of various o fi CHAP. III.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 115 materials, known dimensions and given weights, we may find experimen- tally T. It would seem that this value thus found should equal either the tenacity or crushing strength of the material, but the results of experiment show that it never equals either, but is always intermediate between T and C. Calling this intermediate value R, we have The formula is based upon the condition of perfect elasticity, while R is determined by experiments made at the breaking point when the condition of perfect elasticity is no longer fulfilled. In the following table the tabu- lated values of R are correct for solid rectangular beams, and sufficiently exact for those which do not depart largely from that form. If instead of we use the values of T or C, whichever is the smaller, we shall always T)e on the safe side, since R is invariably intermediate between these. In general we shall refer to the equation when we have occasion to find the breaking strength. But it must be always remembered that in any practical example we should replace T by R for rectangular beams, or by T or O, whichever is the smaller, for others. We give also the values of the coefficient of elasticity E. (Wood's Resist. of Materials.) TOR E Cast-iron ....................... 16.000 96,000 36,000 17,000,000 Wrought-iron .................. 58^200 30,000 33.000 25,000,000 English Oak .................... 17,000 9,500 10,000 1,451,200 Ash ............................ 17,000 9,000 10,000 1,645,000 Pine ........................... 7,800 5,400 9,000 1,700,000 All in pounds per square inch. 2. Beam of uniform strength. Suppose the cross-section or I is not constant, but varies so that at every point the strain T is constant. From (11) we have 2 T I M = P x ,' - for the outer fibre, whence h T = -. For a rectangular cross-section T = , ' . Now suppose the 21 o h ' 2 breadth and height at the fixed end are &i and hi. Then at this end T = n ~p 7 But this must be equal to T at any other point ; hence 6Pa QPl IV x i A, 2 If we suppose the height constant, we have for the varying breadth at any point b = li X . That is, the breadth must vary as the ordinates to a straight I line, and the plan of the beam is a triangle with the weight P at the apex. 116 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. [CHAP. III. If the breadth is constant, h = hi./ ., or the elevation of the beam is a parabola with the weight at apex. If the cross-section is always similar, that is, if = -, we have 5 = -\, and substituting in the equation above hi h hi h = hi ? / . , which is a paraboloid of revolution. (a) Change of shape From (8) we have d z y _ P x _ P x where & and h are variable. If we suppose the height h constant and always equal to hi, then, as we have seen, & = &i yj hence for rectangular cross-section d 2 y _ 12 PI d x 2 E hi* 5i /I nj Integrating, since for x = I, = 0, we have (L (K dy _ 12 P Ix _ 12 F Z 2 d x E hi* &i E hi 3 &i* Integrating again, since f or x = Z, y = 0. we have _ 6P?a 2 _12PZ 2 a 6P E hi 3 &i E hi z bi E h^ For the maximum deflection x 0, and . ^ ^^ The above value of y can be written but is , the deflection of a beam of constant cross-section &i A lt as already found. Calling this deflection A , we have Q for the deflection at any point, or A = A for the maximum deflec- tion. In a similar manner, for constant breadth, we have CHAP. HI-.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 117 For similar cross-sections, we have 9 r 5 x 3 I \5 ~ 9 36 P I 3 If we call the volume of the beam of constant cross-section V, then in 1 2 the first case the volume Vj = V ; in the second, V 2 = V ; in the third, 6 O V 3= ?-V; or V : V 2 : V 3 : V: = 30 : 20 : 18 : 15. The maximum deflections, as we see above, are as 2 Ao, - Ao, - Ao, or as 20, 18, and 15. o /* That is, the deflections at the ends for a beam of uniform strength in the three cases are as the volumes. 1.3. Beam a before fixed at one end Uniform load- Constant cros-sectioii. If p is the load per unit of length, we have for the moment at any point distant x from the free end, x p x z p x z d z y M = * x Sf = -a-.and hence =^ r . ;.:.,. . p p This moment is greatest for x = I, and hence Max. M = . For the breaking weight, then, from (11) pi 2 2TI 4 T I T = or pl =-hT> or twice as great as for an equal weight at the end. For the change of shape, we integrate twice, precisely as before, the ex- d 2 y p x z pression -= j and obtain thus * 24 B I The maximum deflection, then, is _ 4 p x or A = 8EI' or only fths as great as for an equal load at the end. 2. ontant strength. We have, as before, from (11) M = * = ^, whence T = ^f- for rectangular cross-section, I = i I & and T = *-~. If h A, are the breadth and heighth of the fixed end section, then, since T must be always constant, 3 px 2 _ 3p I 2 I h* __ x 2 5 A 2 far*? or &7^7 = I s "" For lieight constant, 5 = &j | X - \ 118 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VH. [CHAP. HI. 7 rti Inserting the value of C in the value for above, and placing the value of equal to 0, we have for the value of #, which makes y a maxi- d x mum, x =* / (2 Z Zj) Zi, an expression holding good only for x less than Zj. Inserting this in the value for y, we have for the maximum deflection itself If the load is in the middle, we have for the curve of deflection P Z 3 and for the deflection itself A = 48 El The greatest deflection is not, then, at the weight, except when the load is in the middle. When this is the case, the deflection is only ^-th of the deflection for the same length of beam fixed at one end and loaded at the other free end. 15. Beam as before supported at the end Uniform load. For a load p per unit of length, the entire load is p Z. The reac- tions at each end are -, and the moment at any point is is evidently greatest at the centre, and hence Mar. M = - 120 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VH. [CHAP. IH. For the breaking weight, then, from (8) 16 T I or 4 times as much as for a beam of same length loaded uniformly and fixed at one end. For the change of shape, we have d z y _^px (lx} dx*~ 2EI The constants of integration are determined by the conditions that, for X = W'dx = ' ^ ' y~'-> and x = l,y = 0. Integrating, then, twice under these conditions, we have This is greatest at" the centre, or for x = ; hence the maximum deflection is 2 A = - -, or only i&ths of a beam of the same length fixed at one end and uniformly loaded. 16. Beam supported at one end and fixed at the other Constant cross-section Concentrated load. Let the left end be fixed horizontally so that the tangent to the deflected curve at that point is always horizontal, and therefore = 0. a x Let the distance of the weight P from left be a, and the distance of any point x. Then, for x less than a, we have M = V (l-x) + P (a-x) for x greater than a, M' = -V(Z-aO, where V is the reaction at the free end, and is so far unknown. If we put M = - and M' = '{, and integrate as usual, and remem- d x d x* ber that f or x = 0, ^ = 0, and for x = a, -^ ' = ~, we have d x dx dx* Integrating again and determining the constants by the conditions that, for x = 0, y = 0, and for x = a, y y\ we have V = ~~ [V (3 -aO-P (3 -*)] y 1 = -^ [V * (3 Z_a)-P (3 x-a} a*]. CHAP. III.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 121 Now, for x = I, y = ; hence V = P L_ - -. If the load is in the middle, V = P. , . V, or the reaction at the free end, is now known, and substituting it in , the value of y' above, we have the equation of the deflection curve between the weight and the free end. y' --\ (3 x a) a 2 Substituting it also in the value of above, and placing then ^- equal dx dx to zero, we find for the value of x, which makes the deflection a maximum, when x is greater than #, x = I 1\/ j . ' 3 & o> Substituting this value of x in the value of y' above, we have for the maximum deflection itself P Z 3 1 When the weight is at the middle, this becomes A = - x = , or 48 E I y/5 only = , as much as for a beam of same length fixed at end and with tC y 5 load at other end, and only - as much as for same beam simply sup- y5 ported at ends. Breaking weight. Having now V, we know M and M'. Rupture will occur where the moment is greatest, that is, either at the fixed end or at the weight. Now the moment at P is V (I a) V 1 + V a. The moment at the fixed end is V l + P a. Now, as V is always less than P, we see at once that for any value of a less than I, the moment at the weight is greatest. We have for the moment at the weight from (8) 2 (3Z~a) /7 , 2TI ... ij - (I- a) = , and hence 4 T 1 1 3 for the breaking weight P = - ha* (3 I a) (l-o)* 64 T I If the weight is in the middle, P -=-.-, o fi l or fths as much as for the same beam supported at the ends. IT. Beam as before fixed at one end and supported at the other Uniform load. In this case the moment at any point is M V (l)-r-p (l-x)* = E I --Jj. Integrating twice and determin- ing the constants by the conditions that, for x = 0, - = and y = 0, we d x easily obtain 122 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VH. [CHAP. III. (B l -**-P (6 Z2 ~ o For x = 1, y = 0, and hence V = p 1. 8 Substituting this value of V j r _ V'-iR Putting this last equal to zero, we find x - - Z, or x = 0.5785 Z, lo for the value of a*, which makes the deflection a maximum, and this in- serted in the value of y gives for this maximum deflection itself, 16 4 El El For the "breaking weight, we have, since the greatest moment is at the fixed 1 72 __ 1 72 2 T I , . 16 T I end and equal to p I 2 , M = p I 2 - ; hence p I = - - . 8 O fl hi The strength is, then, f times as great as for the same load in the middle, but no greater than for a beam of same length and load supported at both ends. 18. Beam fixed at botli euds Coiitant cros-section Concentrated load. Taking our notation as before (Art. 12), we have in this case not only a reaction at the right end, but also a positive 'moment there as well, both of which must be found. If h be the distance from left end to weight, and h from weight to right end, and if Vj and V 2 are reactions, Mi and M 2 the moments' at left and right ends respec- tively, then for equilibrium we must have Vi + V 2 = P, Mj + Vi ^ = M 2 -V 3 Z a . For x less than ^ we have M = Mj +V 1 x = EI |. Integrating cL x once, since the constant is zero, because, for = 0, ~ 0, we have a x d x 2 E Integrating again, since, for x = 0, y = 0, and the constant is zero, x\ For the distance from the right end to the weight we may obtain similar expressions, if we take that end as the origin, only we should have V 9 and M 2 in place of Vi and MI. At the weight itself - and y must in (L x each case be equal, but *=- of opposite sign. Therefore we have the equa- CL $ tions (2 MX + V, Zx) li = -(2 M 2 -V 2 Z 2 ) Z 2 , (3 Mi + Vx Zx) Zx 2 = (3 M 2 -V 2 Z 2 ) Z a 2 . CHAP. III.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. 123 From these two equations, and the two equations above, viz., ~ Vi + V 2 = P and Mi + Vi li = Mo V 2 Z 2 , we can determine Vi, V 2 , Mi and M 2 . Thus from the last two we have Vi Zi+V 2 ? 2 = M 2 -M: =V, k + PZa + Vi Z 2 =Vi Z + FZ 2 , or Vi I = Ma-Mi-P Z 2 . So also V 2 Z = M 2 -Mi +P Zi, and substituting these in the equations above, we have (Mi+Ma) ZrrFZj Z 2 , M! Z (2 Z X -Z 2 )-M 2 Z (2 Za-ZO = P Zi Z 2 (k - Z 2 ) ; and from these we have, finally, and then from the values of Vi Z and V 2 Z above Vl = -P" 2 v"^/ v ^ = Z 3 Z 3 Change of shape. Substituting these values, we can now find 077 Hence y is a maximum for x = ^-, and the maximum deflection , 3 Zi + ly itself is 2 P Z x 3 Z 2 2 A = 3 E I (3 This expression will be itself a maximum for Zi = Za or Zi = \ Z, that is, the maximum deflection for a weight in the middle is at the weight and equal to PZ 3 A = 192 E I This deflection is greater than the maximum deflection for any other position of the weight, which in general is not found at the weight itself, but at some other point between the weight and farthest end. We see above that the deflection in this case for load in middle is only one-fourth as much as for same beam and load when supported at the ends. Breaking weight. For the greatest moment, which we easily find to be at the end, we have _PZ 1 Z 2 2 _ PZ, (Z-ZO ~~ ~ This is a maximum for Zi = Z. That is, the greatest moment at the end occurs wlien the load is distant one-third of the length from that end. The 124 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VII. [CHAP. in. value of this greatest moment is - P 1. Hence we have from (11) P I A t 27 2 T I 27 T I 27 = 7 or P = , or as great as for the same beam supported at /i d> fi I lo p 7 the ends only. If the weight is in the middle, however, we have 8 2 T I 1 6 T I - or P = , or twice as much as the same beam supported at the tl ii L ends. 19. The above is sufficient to introduce the reader to the theory of flexure. He can now discuss for himself the above case for uniform load, and prove that the maximum deflection is at the centre and equal to pi 2 1 . That the greatest moment is at the end and equal to p l\ 24 T I and that the breaking weight is p I = . We may also observe that ft v both in the beam fixed at one end and supported at the other, and fixed at both ends, the moment at the fixed end is positive. From this end it de- creases towards the weight, and finally reaches a point where the moment is zero. Past this point the moment becomes negative, and in the case of the beam, free at the other end, increases gradually to a maximum and then decreases to zero. In the beam fixed at both ends, it increases to a maxi- mum, then decreases to zero, then changes sign and becomes positive and increases to the other end. These points at which the moments are zero are points of inflection, because here the curvature changes from convex to concave, or the reverse. They can be easily found from the equations for the moments by finding the value of x necessary to make the moments zero. Thus, for a beam fixed at one end and supported at the other, uniform load, the inflection point is at a distance from the fixed end x . For both ends fixed, we make M p [I* 6 (I x) x] = 0, and find x = 12 V (3 T VW) I = 0.21131 I and 0.7887 Z. The reader will also do well to b discuss the curves of moments. He will find the moments represented by the ordinates to parabolas, and limited by straight lines similarly to Figs. 73 and 75, PI. 18. We shall give in the Supplement to Chap. XIV. much more general formulae, from which, for one or both ends fixed or free, the moments and reactions at the supports may be found, when any number of spans of vary- ing length intervene, for single load anywhere upon any span, or uniformly distributed over any span. CHAP. VIII.] CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 125 CHAPTER VIII. APPLICATION OF THE GRAPHICAL METHOD TO CONTINUOUS GIRDKRS GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 8O. Mohr's Principle. Thus far, in addition to the general principles of the Graphical method, we have noticed more or less in detail its application to the composition and resolu- tion of forces, and the corresponding determination of the strains in the various pieces of such framed structures as Bridge Girders, Roof Trusses, etc. We have also illustrated the graphical determination of the centre of gravity and moment of inertia of areas, as also of the bending moments and shear- ing forces for simple girders, including several important cases in practical mechanics. (See Art. 41.) Lastly, we have taken up the subject of Bridge girders more in detail, and developed in order the principles to be applied 'in the solution of any par- ticular case. Although brief, it is hoped that this portion will be found sufficient to illustrate fully the method of procedure to be followed in practice. As regards simple girders, the principles referred to are so easy of application that the reader will find no difficulty in diagraming the strains in any structure of the kind, as explained in the " practical applications " of Arts. 8 to 13 ; or he can find the maximum moment at any cross-section for given load- ing according to the last chapter. In the case of beams or girders continuoii,s over three or more supports, however, we meet with difficulties which for some time were considered in- superable. Thus Cidinann, in the work which we have so often quoted, says : * " The determination of the reactions at the supports for a continuous beam, which depend upon the deflection, the law of which is given by the theory of the elastic line, is impossi- ble by the graphical method, at least so far as at present de- veloped. The theory rests upon the principle that the radius of *Culmann?8 GrapMsche8ta.Uk, p. 278. 126 CONTINUOUS GIKDERS. [CHAP. VIII. curvature of the deflected beam, for any cross-section, is in- versely proportional to the moment of the exterior forces. 'Now the deflection at any point is so small, and the radius of curvature so great, that its construction is impracticable, and will so remain until Geometry furnishes us with simple rela- tions between the corresponding radii of curvature of pro- jected figures whose projection centre lies in the vertical to the horizontal axis of the beam. If such relations were known, we could by projection exaggerate the deflection of the beam until the radius of curvature became measurable. Since we are not yet able to do this, we must have recourse to calcula- tion" He then enters into a somewhat abstruse analytic dis- cussion of the continuous girder, and deduces formulae for the reactions at the supports. These being thus known, the graph- ical method is then applied. Concerning this difficulty, Mohr* remarks that it has but little weight, and may be easily overcome if the same simplifi- cation of the graphical method is made which is considered allowable in the analytical investigation, viz., when we take in- stead of the exact value of the radius of curvative as given by the calculus, the approximate value Thus, let PL 14, Fig. 50 represent a perfectly flexible cord A B D loaded by arbitrary successive forces. The variation of these forces per unit of horizontal projection dvwe represent by p. Take the origin of co-ordinates at the lowest point B. If the cord is supposed cut at B and D, we have at B a horizontal force H, and at D a strain S, which may be resolved into a horizontal force Hj and a vertical force V. Since these forces are in equilibrium with the external forces, the conditions of equilibrium are (1) ....... H = H! and px (2) ..... V= / pdx. Jo * Zeitsoh. fas kannov. Arch,-u. Ing. Vereim. Band xiv., Heft 1. CHAP. TUT.] CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 127 Moreover, Cx I p dx (3) . . *La = = dx H! H Differentiating : d 2 y p d x 1 ryp ~7 6? X Now, had we formed a force polygon by laying off the forces, then taken a pole at distance H and drawn lines from pole to ends of forces, the corresponding equilibrium polygon would, as we have seen, Art. 43, be tangent to the curve A B D at the points midway between the forces. The greater the number of forces taken, the shorter, therefore, the sides of the polygon ; the nearer it will approach the curve A B D. This curve is therefore the equilibrium curve, found according to the graph- ical method. Its equation is given above by (4). But the equation of the elastic line is, as is well known, (y) >'** 7 'o ~r~ ? a (E> J- where E is the modulus of elasticity of the material, M the moment of the exterior forces, and I the moment of inertia of the cross -section. Comparing now this equation with equation (4) above, we see that the elastic line is an equilibrium curve whose horizon- tal force H is E, and whose vertical load per unit of length p is represented by the variable quantity -- This simple relation, first given by Mohr, renders possible the graphical representation of the elastic line, and not only solves graphically almost all problems connected with it, but in many cases simplifies considerably the analytical discussion also. 81. Elastic Curve. If we choose the pole distance H at -th n E instead of E, the ordinates of the elastic line will be n times too great. If the scale of the figure is, however, - th the * Stoney Theory of Strains, p. 146. Wood Resistance of Materials, p. 98. Also Supplement to Chap. VII , Art. 11. 128 CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. [CHAP. VIII. real size, then in the diagram the ordinates of the elastic line will l)e given in true size. Equation (5) may also be written that is, the elastic curve is an equilibrium curve, or catenary, whose horizontal force H is E I or F, and whose corresponding variable load per imit of length is M or respectively. If we divide, then, the moment area by verticals into a number of smaller areas, and consider these areas as forces acting at their centres of gravity, these forces determine, as we have seen (Art. 43), an equilibrium polygon which is tangent to the elas- tic curve at the verticals which separate the areas. Thus we can construct any number of tangents to the elastic curve ; areas, which are positive or negative, must, of course, be laid off in the force polygon in opposite directions. If we divide the moment area by lines which are not vertical [PL 14, Fig. 51], the directions of the outer polygon sides are the same as for vertical divisions, because the vertical height between the corresponding outer sides in the force polygon is in any case always equal to the total load. The two outer polygon sides for any method of division are, therefore, tangents to the elastic curve at the- ends of the same. Here also we can, of course, have negative areas. 82. Effect of End Moments. A beam or girder continuous over three or more supports differs from a beam simply resting upon its supports, in that, in addition to the outer forces, we have acting at each intermediate support a moment or couple. But, as we have seen, Art. 23, the effect of these moments or couples will be simply to shift the closing line of the equilibrium polygon through a certain distance. Thus [PL 14, Fig. 52 ()], if the span ^ were uniformly loaded and simply supported at the extremities A and B, the equilibrium curve, or curve of mo- ments, would, as we know (Art. 44), be a parabola A D B. If, however, the beam is continuous, we have at A and B moments or couples acting, and the closing line A B is shifted to some position as A' B'. If now w r e consider the moment area, we see that by the shifting of the closing line the former moment area, which we shall call \\\Q positive area, is diminished, while to the right and left we have negative areas A A' C and B B' C.' CHAP. VIII.] CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 129 It is evident that these areas have also a corresponding action upon the elastic line. For a positive moment area this last is concave upwards, while for negative areas it is convex upwards. At the points of transition C and C' we have the inflection points. This follows easily if we only hold fast the manner in which the elastic line is constructed, viz., by dividing the mo- ment area into laminae and regarding the area of each as a force. The forces thus obtained must plainly act, some upwards and some downwards, and the corresponding equilibrium poly- gon or elastic line must be in part convex upwards and in part convex downwards, and hence at the points of transition we must hav r e points of inflection where the moment is zero. 83. Division of tne Moment Area. We shall assume the cross-section of beam constant. Regarding the elastic line simply as an equilibrium polygon, we can apply the principle that the order in which the forces are taken is indifferent (Art. 6) when the resultant only is desired. Since in the considera- tion of a single span only the first and last sides are of impor- tance, we can, so long as we consider a single span only, take then the laminae or divisions of the moment area in any order we please. More than this, we can, as we have seen in Art. 81, divide the moment area into laminae not vertical ; for example, we may in any span distinguish three parts, one positive and two negative, and consider each as a force acting at the centre of gravity of the corresponding area. [This holds good only for constant cross-section. For variable cross-section the hori- zontal force E I is variable.] Still further, we can divide the moment area for a single span into a positive area, which is pre- cisely the same as for a non-continuous beam, and into a nega- tive area, which will be evidently a trapezoid. This is of great importance. To understand it fully we refer to PL 14, Fig. 52. Here, in the second span, we see that the real moment area consists of a positive part, viz., the parabola C D C', and two negative parts A A' C and B B' C'. Instead of these we may take the entire parabolic area A D B and the tra- pezoid A A' B' B, or, finally, instead of this trapezoid, we may take the two triangles A A' B' and B B' A'. The parabolic area is positive, the triangular areas are negative. If we assume the load as uniformly distributed, the first area will be always parabolic, and we may, therefore, call it the parabolic area. 130 CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. [ciIAr. Vm. By this division of the moment area we have obtained a great advantage. While the three areas C D C', A A' C and B B' C' are all three dependent upon the moments at the supports A A! and B B', we have by his new division to do with three areas, of which the first is entirely independent of the moments at the supports, the second depends only upon that to the left, and the third only upon that to the right. 84. Properties of the Equilibrium Polygon. Let us con- sider now the case of a beam over four supports, that is, of three spans Z , 4 and 4 the first and last being, as is usually the case, equal, and the two first loaded with both live and dead load, the last with dead load only. The parabolas for the ver- tical loads [PL 14, Fig. 52] may be constructed by means of a force polygon, or the ordinates at the centre calculated, and the parabolas then drawn. The moments at the supports are A A' and B B'. Although these are unknown, it is not necessary to assume them at first. They may be directly constructed. Thus, if we conceive the moment areas in each span divided into positive parabolic areas and negative triangles, we have in the first and last span one, in the middle two triangles. If we consider these areas as forces acting at the corresponding centres of gravity, we shall obtain an equilibrium polygon of the form given in Fig. 52 (b). That is, this polygon must have eight sides, and its angles must be somewhere on the verticals through the centres of gravity of the parabolic and triangular areas. The parabolic areas act downwards, the triangular areas up- wards. The problem is, to make these last so great that this polygon shall pass through all the points of support. One of the properties of the polygon we have, therefore, just noticed, viz. : its angles must lie in the verticals through the middle points of the spans and through the points distant from A and B one-third of the spans on each side (i.e., the centres of gravity of the triangles). If we prolong the second and fourth sides of the polygon, they intersect in a point M, the point of application of the resultant of the two contiguous triangular area forces (Art. 44). The areas of these two triangles are - A A' Z and - A A' ^, that is, the areas are as the spans 4 and ^. Then by the principle of Art. 18 the resultant divides the distance between the forces into two portions, which are to each CHAP. VHI.] CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 131 other as ^ to 4> or inversely as the forces. Since the entire dis- tance is - + 7: ^i> the distance of the resultant or of the point o o of intersection M from L is - ^ ; from N it is - 1 Q . The point O t> M, therefore, must lie somewhere in the vertical at - ^ from L, o the point of application of the triangular area force for the span 4- The verticals through the centres of the parabolic areas we call the parabolic or middle verticals / those through the centres of gravity of the triangular areas, the third verti- cals / those through a point as M, the point of application of the resultant of two contiguous triangular area forces, the lim- ited third verticals. Upon these verticals two sides must always intersect. 85. Polygon for tlie Positive Moment Areas. It will be found best to take as the reduction base for areas ^, i.e., half 2 the second span, and for pole distance l. Reducing the 3 areas of the parabolas to this basis, and considering the heights thus obtained as forces, we can form a force polygon with pole distance - \. It is not necessary to draw this polygon ; our ob- 3 ject is to find the corresponding equilibrium polygon. This last, since we consider the entire parabolic area as a'force act- ing at its centre of gravity, consists of two lines which inter- sect in the vertical through the middle of the span. We pro- long each of these lines and obtain two lines as shown in PL 14, Fig. 52 (c). The segments cut off by these lines from the verti- cals through the supports are the moments of the parabolic areas with respect to the supports. These moments we can easily find. Thus, let the deflection of the parabola in the second span at o the centre be f, then its area is fl^. This reduced to the 3 1 4: basis - 4 gives -/ as the force. The moment of this force A o 4: 1 1 with reference to the supports is f x li = 2fxli. This 32 3 moment is equal to the segment sought multiplied by the pole 132 CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. [CHAP. VIII. distance. This last is - ^. The segment, therefore, is 2/! "We o do not need, therefore, to draw the force polygon, but have sim- ply to take off with the dividers the middle or din ate of the para- / D $ bola f = ~rr , and lay it off twice on the verticals right and left 8 through the supports, and join the four points thus obtained by lines crossing each other under the centre of the span. The equilibrium polygon for the positive parabolic area is then ready for the middle span. ["We advise the reader to construct it for himself.] For the two side spans the construction is different. Here 2 4 I the area of the parabola is -f 1 0) the reduced area -f j, and 3 3 L\ the moment x = 2' . Dividing by - ^, we have for the segment required 3 Therefore, in the end spans, or generally in any span not equal to the standard span, or that which furnishes the constants - l 2 and - Zj, we must multiply the middle ordinate of the parabola o by the square of the ratio of the " standard n span to the span in question, and then lay the product off twice upon the verti- cals through the supports. This multiplication is easily per- formed graphically. If from the middle of span 4 we lay off If horizontally and join the end with the end of y, then lay off 4 2 in same direction and draw a parallel to the first line, the l z segment on/" 7 will bejf'~& For we shall have h 79 / / V O /*/ ''0 4 2 :/ :: tf:^ or os=f 'A. Since these cross-lines depend upon given quantities, they can be constructed for every span, and thus we have Fig. 52, c. They give us not only the moments over the supports, but also the moments for any point of the parabolic area forces. We shall hereafter make use of them. $6. Construction of the Fixed Points, and of the Equi- librium Polygon. We have thus all the given and known CHAP. Vni.] CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 133 quantities, have deduced the general properties of the equili- brium polygon, and will now endeavor by their aid to draw the polygon itself. We shall then be able to find the actual mo- ments A A' and B B' at the supports. It is impossible at first to draw any single side of the polygon in true position, and we must, therefore, endeavor to find certain /points of the same suf- ficient to determine it. Lay off first the three spans, PL 14, Fig. 52 (d). Suppose the second side of the polygon prolonged till it intersects the vertical through the end support a, in a point K, Fig. 52 (). This point is known. It is given by the moment of the para- bolic area in the first span with respect to this end support. This moment we have already by the cross-lines in Fig. 52 (c). We have then simply to take it off in the dividers from (c) and lay it off from d to K 7 in Fig. 52 (d). We have now in Fig. 52 (J), two points of the polygon known, namely, the end support and K, which last must be in the second side prolonged. The triangle L M N is now of special importance. What- ever may be the position of KM and M N, we have already seen that the intersection M must always lie somewhere in the limited third vertical. The first side KM must, however ', always pass through K, a known point. The second must pass through the support, also a known point. The points L and N must, moreover, always lie in the third verticals, distant from A, 5- \ and ^ Z respectively. If the line K M takes up various positions under these con- ditions, the line M N will revolve about a fixed point which is given ~by the intersection of a line through K and the support A with M N. If, then [Fig. 52 (d)], we draw a line in any arbitrary direction through K 7 , and note the intersections L' and M 7 with the first third vertical and the limited thtrd, then through L' and the support draw a line to intersection N 7 with second third verti- cal, and join M 7 N 7 , and finally through K' and the support draw a line intersecting this last in I, the point I thus deter- mined is & fixed point, and remains the same for any position of K' M 7 . It is therefore a point on the fourth side M N of the polygon. For the triangle L 7 M' N' may have any posi- tion, yet so long as its angles lie in three parallel fixed lines, ui id two of the sides- pass through two fixed points, the other 134 CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. [CHAP. VIII. side must also pass through a fixed point.* Out of all possible positions of the triangle, one of these positions must coincide \vith the polygon sides, and hence this fixed point is a third known point, since we have already K' and the end support. Although, then, we are as yet unable to draw any of the sides of the polygon in true position and direction, still from the hitherto known properties we have deduced a new one. We know now a point through which the fourth side must pass. But this is not all. We proceed still further. The fourth and fifth sides must intersect upon the vertical through the centre of the second span. These sides, moreover, cut off upon any vertical the moment of the parabolic area with respect to any point in that vertical. We know this moment thus for the point I just found. It is found by taking the segment cut off, from the vertical through I, by the cross-lines for the parabolic areas found above in Fig. 52 (c). Laying this segment off from I, we thus find I', a point in the fifth side prolonged. From this point we proceed as before to find the next fixed point I". We then lay off from 1" the mo- ment of the parabolic area for this point and find F", a point upon the eighth side. We can now draw the polygon itself. Thus the eighth side passes, of course, through the last sup- port and also I"'. It is therefore determined. Through the intersection of this line with the vertical through the middle of the span and the point I" the seventh side passes. The sev- enth side is therefore determined. Through the intersection of this with the third vertical and the support the sixth side passes and continues till it intersects the third vertical on the other side. Then from this point towards I' to intersection with vertical through centre of middle span. From this last point towards I to intersection with third vertical. From this last point again through support to intersection with third verti- cal on other side ; then towards K' to intersection with vertical through centre of end span ; and lastly, from this last point of intersection through the end support, and the polygon is com- plete as given in Fig. 52 (b). In this manner, however, inaccuracies may occur. To avoid these we may start from the rig/it end support and also find four fixed points as above. It is unnecessary to make the con- * This proposition the reader can easily prove geometrically or analytically. See Art. 112. CHAP. VIII.] CONTINUOUS GIRDEKS. 135 striiction. We see at once that we shall thus obtain in each end span two points, in the middle span four points, which last, be- ing joined by lines crossing each other, give in the middle span two sides in proper position. It is also evident how the poly- gon may then be completed. 87. Construction of the Moments at the Support.*. Thus we are able to construct the equilibrium polygon, or rather the extreme tangents to the elastic line for each span. "We have now to determine the two moments over the supports. This is very simple. The first moment to the left is cut off by the fourth side, the second by the fifth side of the polygon, from the verticals through the supports. We have therefore only to prolong these two sides, take off the segments in the dividers, and lay them off in Fig. 52 (a) in A A! and B B'. We have, then, in PL 14, Fig. 52 (a) the moments for the given case and loading at any point, as shown by the shaded area. The proof is simple. The two lines N M and N L [Fig. 52, Z*] evidently cut off upon the vertical at the support the moment of the force acting at N. This force is the area of the triangle A A.' B' equal to - A. A! ^. This reduced to the basis - l gives A A!. If. we multiply this by the lever arm of the force, we have its moment. This moment is, however, equal to the seg- ment A A' multiplied by the pole distance, and since this pole distance is itself ~ h the segment itself to the assumed pole o distance gives us the moment. We see that it is not necessary to draw the line N L as it passes through the support. We have simply to prolong the side M N to intersection with the vertical through the support. It is to be observed that the moments at the supports are cut off at the supports only by those lines which pertain to the " stand- ard " span, or that span from which we take our reduction basis and pole distance. For lines in the other spans the above does not hold good without modification. It is, however, always possible, at least for from two to five symmetrical spans, to observe the above conditions. In those cases where this is not possible, an easy graphical multiplication of the segments by the square of the ratio of the spans will give the moments. We see also the reason why, for four symmetrical spans, the and not the first must be taken as the standard span. 136 CONTINUOUS GIBBERS. [CHAP. VIII. If the construction of the moments over the supports is our sole purpose, as is in practice the case, the polygon need not be drawn. We have only to find our fixed points, and note the intersection of the sides with the verticals through the supports, without drawing the sides themselves. In the preceding Arts- we have purposely considered only the particular case of uni- form loading, and have taken only three spans, in order to familiarize the reader with the nature of the problem and the method of its solution. In oi'der to attain a clear understand- ing of the subject as thus far developed, he would do well to take some particular case, as, for instance, that of a girder of two or three or four spans of given length, the end spans being equal, and intermediate spans equal and say one-fourth longer than the ends, and work out by diagram the moments at the supports for a uniform load over the whole length of girder. For two spans the moment at the centre support should be g p P, I being the length of span,^> the load per unit of length. For three spans the moment at the two inner supports is 1 -f- n 3 4 (3 i o \ P ft, where n I = the length of end spans. Thus, if 3 91 n = -, we have TT^Q & ^' "^ or ^ our s P ans ^ e momen t at the 1-4-2 w 3 second and fourth supports is . Q , rp P, and at the middle 4: \O ~r 4: 7l>\ 1 _l_ 2 n n z support 4/014 r P P- By these formulae the graphical results may be checked. When the reader has thus become thoroughly familiar with the principles of the preceding Arts, and their practical appli- cation, he will be ready to resume at this point the more gen- eral development which follows. 88. The Second Equilibrium Polygon. We see, there- fore, that the actual form of the elastic line is not required to be known. Only the outer forces and their moments are sought, and to determine these it is sufficient to know the position of the tangents to the elastic line at the supports. Thus the first line of the equilibrium polygon [Fig. 52, &] being given in position, by the aid of the middle, third, and limited third verticals and the known point K, all the other sides may be CHAP. VIII.] CONTINUOUS GIKDEKS. 137 drawn, and the moments at the supports found. We conceive, therefore, the moment area as the difference of the trapezoid A' A" B" B' [PI. 15, Fig. 53] and the parabolic area A" C" B", or equal to A" C" B" minus triang. A 7 A" B' 'minus triang. B / B // A //_ rp} ie area A // c // B// we ca u t h e wrwpiQ or parabolic moment area. If we indicate the moments at the supports A 7 A." and B' B" by M' and M", then, for a given span Z, A' A"- B 7 = J M' Z and A" B' B" = J M" I. If we indicate further the height of a rectangle of base Z and area A 7/ C" B", that is, the mean value of the 'moments of the corresponding simple girder by 9)2, we have area A" C" B" = 3tf Z. The verticals through the centres of gravity of the triangles divide the span into three equal parts. We call these the third verticals. The load 9ft I acts at the centre of gravity of the parabolic area A" B" C". The four-sided equilibrium polygon A U S V B corresponding to these forces we call the second equilibrium polygon. The pole distance must be (Art. 81) -El. Instead of this, we take, itf which amounts to the same thing, the forces G F = - M' - , EH- M"- and F E = 9ft -, and the pole distance 1} 2i A A E I -, where \ is any assumed length. For \ we may take the n A/ arithmetical mean of all the spans, or, as we have seen, one of the actual spans. If the outer spans are both equal to 1 and the other spans equal to 1 1? we should naturally choose \ = ? 1? since then the forces would be - M', - M" and 9ft. 2t 2t If the position of the tangents at the supports were known or found, the equilibrium polygon could be easily drawn as follows : Upon the two verticals distant each side of the centre E I S [Fig. 53] by the pole distance ~b - lay off the distance n A 138 CONTINUOUS GIBBERS. [CHAP. VIII. A %)l - and join the points thus obtained by two lines cross- ing each other. These cross-lines are the lines OP O E of the force polygon. If now we make U IT and V V equal to the ordinates of the cross-lines vertically under U and V, then the sides of the equilibrium polygon U S and V Q prolonged, pass through U' and V'. This will at once appear from an inspec- tion of Fig. 53. In this form the equilibrium polygon was first repre- sented by Mohr. (Zeitschrift des Arch, und Ing. Ver. zu Hannover, 1868.) 89. Determination of the Moments over tlie upports. If we draw in the force polygon, lines parallel to the four sides of the second equilibrium polygon, then the segments of the force line between the lines parallel to A U, B V [PI. 15, Fig. 53] and those parallel to S U, S V, are respectively F G = - M' - and E H = - M" -.. If we prolong S U and S V to A A/ 2t A intersection^ M and N with verticals through the supports, and represent A M and B N by y' and y", we have from the simi- larity of the triangles U A M and V B N with O G F and O H E hence ' - ?^L " - M "^ y ~ 6 I A y ~ 6 I A* The segments A M and B N are, therefore, proportional to the moments at the supports M x and M". These moments themselves can now be determined in vari- ous ways. \st. It is in general best to choose the second pole distance b = - \. We have then o M' = y' ( M" = y" (Art. 70). If, then, at a distance from U and V either way equal to 2bl-\ = --\ we draw verticals, the segments A! M! and \ LI 06 Bj Nj cut off from these verticals will evidently be equal to the moments required, viz., 1VT and M". CHAP. VIII.]. CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 139 %d. If we take X = I, we have at once M / = y' and M" = y" . In the inner spans, therefore, we have directly, as we have al- ready seen, for the special case (Art. 72), when \l, the mo- ments at the supports. 3d. For a span adjoining a span whose length is X, we have the moment for the intervening support directly from this last span. If the inner spans have the same length I, and the two outer the same length 1? we can accordingly, by making \ = I, obtain directly the moments at the supports. 90. Comparison with Girder fixed horizontally at both ends. If the ends are fixed horizontally, the lines in the force polygon parallel to A U and B V coincide, i.e., H and G fall together. Accordingly, if we designate the end moments now by W W" we have (Fig. 53) ") = W. Therefore, in the first equilibrium polygon, the moment areas on each side of the dosing line are equal. Indicating the points for this case by the index [Fig. 54, PL 15], we have the triangle A U M equal to U V V'o, and therefore A M = V V V V, as also, in like manner, B N = UolTo = U U', or, taking b = 1 X, U U' = 3JT /-\ 2 V V = Therefore, the ordinates between the cross-lines at the verti- cals passing through U and V are, for girders fixed horizon- tally, proportional to the end moments Wl' and 9ft". For X = I, fi = - I, and these ordinates give the moments 6 directly. If we draw through U 7 and V a straight line intersecting the end verticals in Q and R, and prolong N U' and N V to intersections S and T, then Q M 2 U U 7 , Q S = V V', and hence M S = 2 U IF+V V' = (2 2U'+3B") (^Y; and in the same way N T = (2 2tt" +2ft') {-j\ Therefore, the segments cut off upon the end verticals ly the cross-lines are proportional to2W+ W and 2 2ft" + W. 140 CONTINUOUS GIEDEES. [CHAP. VIII. The quantities SDc' and $31" being known, we can easily con- struct the cross- lines. If we draw a line through U and V to intersections O and P, we have O M = V V, P N == U U'. Therefore, A O and B P are equal to (>Itt'-M') ^ and (2JT-M") f -)*, where M' and M" are the moments at the supports for a continuous girder, and 9ft' W those for a girder horizontally fixed at its ends. CHAP. IX.] LOADED AND UNLOADED SPANS. 141 CHAPTER IX. CONTINUOUS GIRDER LOADED AND UNLOADED SPANS. 91. Unloaded Span. If the span is unloaded, we have to construct the second equilibrium polygon, only the two forces - M 7 I and - M" I. If the position of the end tangents is known, the polygon is completely determined. If we prolong the middle side U V to intersections. M and N with the end ver- ticals [PL 15, Fig. 55], then, by the preceding Art, A M == MM , B N = M" - ) ; therefore, A M : B N ; : M / : M". \A// \A// If now w^e draw A B intersecting U V in I, the moment at this point is zero. That is, the intersection I of the line joining the supports with the middle side of the polygon is the point of in- flection of the elastic line. 92. Two ucceive Unloaded Spans. Prolong the two. middle sides U V and U t V t [PI. 15, Fig. 56] of the equilibrium polygon for the two spans Z and ^. The point of intersection W is a point in the resultant of the forces at V and U^ Since these forces are - JV^ 1 G and - M : ^, we have W V : W U : : li : 4- But the horizontal projection of V U is - (7 + k), 3 therefore that of V W is - ^ and of U W , - 4 ; while that of o 3 B W is - (lilo). The vertical through W we have called the o limited third vertical. Its position is, as we see, easily found, and depends simply upon the length of the spans. Let us now consider more closely the intersections I and L of the middle sides with the straight line joining the supports. We have 14:2 CONTINUOUS GIEDEK. [CHAP. IX. But we have also UoU^VoV-BUoiBVo:: l,:l^ hence L U : L W ; ; I V X \ : I W x 1 . The ratio of the parts into which W U is divided by the point L depends, therefore, for given spans only upon the ratio of I V to I W , or upon the position of I alone. If, therefore, we were to draw through the point I another polygon, the point L would be unchanged, or still more gener- ally, if the point I for different heights of the supports and different polygons moves in the same vertical^ the point L will also move in a vertical. If the supports are in the same straight line, the points I and L are the points of inflection of the elastic line. We have therefore the principle, that if for different polygons the in- flection point I remains the same, the inflection point L re- mains also the same. The point I being given, we can easily construct the point L. We have only to draw through I at will any line intersecting the third vertical through V and the limited third at, say, V and W. Through V and the support B draw a line to inter- section Ui with third vertical through U . Join now U^ with W. The line U^ W cuts the line through the supports A and B in the point L. (See also Art. 86, Fig. 52, d.) 93. The "Fixed Points." Suppose that, starting from the left support A [PI. 15, Fig. 57], we have a number of unloaded spans. The end A then is an inflection point, since the mo- ment there is zero. Starting from this point, therefore, we can construct, according to the preceding Art., the inflection point I 2 for the next span. Then starting from this we may construct the point I 3 for the third span, and so on. Since these points, under the assumption that the supports all lie in the same straight line, do not change their position, whatever may be the loading of the loaded spans, and whatever spans be loaded, we call tlwm fixed points. A second series of fixed points may be in similar manner constructed, when a number of spans from the right are un- loaded, so that there are two series of fixed points. In the end spans the end supports are fixed points. It follows directly from the construction that the fixed points are always within the outer third of the span. CHAP. IX.] LOADED AND UNLOADED SPANS. 143 The construction of the fixed points is the first operation in the graphical treatment of the continuous girder. The above construction was first given by Mohr. 91. Shearing Force, Reactions at the Supports, and UIo- meitts in the Unloaded Spans. The moments in the unloaded spans are given, then, by the ordinates to a broken line whose angles lie in the support verticals, and which, for the case of supports on a level, passes through the corresponding fixed points. It follows directly that the moments at the supports are alternately positive and negative, and increase from the end, so that any one is more than three times the preceding. (See Art. 111.) Since now this polygon has alternately angles down and up, the reactions at the supports must be alternately positive and negative. From the corresponding force polygon it follows that they must increase from the end. The shearing forces are, therefore, also alternately positive and negative, and increase from the end on. 95. Loaded Span. Let now the span A B [PL 15, Fig. 58] be arbitrarily loaded. It can be proved here also, as in Art. 92, that the prolongation of the sides XT' V and S U, as also of V" U" and S V, intersect in the limited third verticals. When the supports are in a straight line, then, by the con- struction of Art. 92, the fixed points I and K are the intersec- tions of S V and S U with A B. We can, therefore, at once assert, that the sides S U and S V of the second equilibrium polygon pass through the fixed points I and- K, when the sup- ports are on a level. ^ For known position of the fixed points and for given load, it is, therefore, easy to draw the second polygon by drawing ver- ticals H! and KK t equal to the corresponding ordinates of the cross-lines. S U and S V pass, then, through I K^ and K I t re- spectively. Then, by Art. 89, the moments at the supports may be determined. Since A I < -Z, U must lie to the right of I, and the angle 3 AUS is concave downwards. Accordingly, the force at U, viz., - M' I, acts upwards. The same holds good for V. Hence, 144: CONTINUOUS GIRDER. [CHAP. IX the moments M' M" for the loaded span are always posi- tive* If we draw the lines M N and U V cutting the middle vertical inP and Q, then, for b = \l, P O = 1 (M' + M") and o 2 P Q = 2 (W + 2ft")- (See Arts. 89, 90.) Since now the points U and V must lie under A B, P O < P Q' or M' -f M'' < 3R'+ 3B". If the supports are not upon a level, it follows from this Art, and Art. 92, that the intersections of S U and S V prolonged, with the prolongations of the lines A A' B B', joining the sup- ports of two adjacent .spans, lie in the VERTICALS THROUGH THE FIXED POINTS. 96. Two successive Loaded Spans. PL 15, Fig. 59. 1. Here also, as in Art. 92, we can prove that the prolongar tions ofSV and S t Uj. intersect in the limited third vertical. 2. Draw through B a line which intersects S V and Sj U^ in I' and r i? and the verticals through V, W and U t in V , W and U . Then U U t : V V ; ; U B : V B ; : Z : Z x v v : w w : : r v : r w . Hence by composition U U : W W : r v x 4 : i' w x i ; or since U 1^ : W W : U 1\ : W 1\ UT W T ' T' V v 7 T "W v 7 01* 01 ~Q A Cfl * " o "*> *! If, then, the point I' moves in a vertical, the ratio I' V to I' W does not change, therefore the ratio of U 1/ to W I/ also remains unchanged, and accordingly I\ must also move in a vertical. If I' coincides with I, it follows from the construction of Art. 93 that the point I\ becomes the fixed point 1^ Hence, the intersections T and I\ of verticals through the fixed points I and Ii with the sides S V and S t U\, or with the middle sides of the two polygons adjacent to the support, lie always in a straight line through that support, for any heights of supports. * A positive moment always indicates compression in lower flange. CHAP. IX.] LOADED AND UNLOADED SPANS. 14-5 This property of the second equilibrium polygon was first made known by Culmann. 97. Arbitrary leading. According to the above properties of the second equilibrium polygon, the general course of pro- cedure for any given case of loading is then as follows [Fig. 60, PI. 16] : 1. Construct all the fixed points A I 2 1 3 --- I^Ka, etc. (Art. 93), and draw verticals through them. 2. Construct the cross-lines for every span, Art. 88. 3. Make A C equal to O t Qi as given by the cross-lines, and draw a line through C and A l to intersection D 2 , with vertical through I 2 . Then make D 2 C 2 equal to O 2 Q 2 , and draw a line through C 2 and A 2 to D 3 , and so on. Precisely the same con- struction holds for the other way from the right end. Thus A 4 E 4 is equal to R 4 P 4 , etc. 4. In this way we obtain for each of the middle sides of the second equilibrium polygon two points, C and F l5 C 2 and F 2) etc. ; A and E t , D 2 and E 2 , and so on ; so that now we can ac- tually draw these middle sides. The intersections of these lines with the support verticals give, according to Art. 88, the moments at the supports. For spans whose length 13 X these moments are given directly; for other spans the ^ construction of Art. 74 must be applied. The following simple construction may also be applied. Let I K be the intersections of the verticals through the fixed points, with the line A B joining the supports [Fig. 61, PL 16]. Make I D' = I D *, K F' = KF Y, C' D' = O Q - E'F' = RP (^Y, and draw C' F' and E' D'. These lines cut \v / the support verticals in M' and N', so that A M' and B N' are the moments. By the construction errors accumulate from one span to the next, so that the diagram must be made with care. We have also several checks, viz. : 1. The intersection of the middle sides must lie in the vertical through the intersection of the cross- lines. 2. The prolongation of the middle sides must intersect in the limited third vertical. 3. The corresponding intersec- tions of the middle sides with the third verticals must lie in a straight line through the support. 10 146 CONTINUOUS GIRDEK. [CHAP. IX. If any span is unloaded, the cross-lines coincide. The above method of construction holds good when the supports are not upon a level. If the difference of height of the supports is represented th of the real amount, the unit for the moment m scale is , as is easily seen by reference to Arts. 81 6 m E I and 88. The above method of construction of the moments at sup- ports was first given by Culmann. CHAP. X.] SPECIAL CASES OF LOADING. 147 CHAPTEE X. CONTINUOUS GIRDEK - SPECIAL CASES OF LOADING. 98. Total uniform Load. If a span is loaded with a uni- formly distributed load of p pounds per unit of length, the simple moment area is a parabolic segment whose vertical axis passes through the centre of the span. [PI. 16, Fig. 62.] 1 -.-,.?, The ordinate D C" is p P, and hence the area It will be advantageous here to take p X 2 as the unit of the moment scale ; and therefore The vertical height of the cross-lines at the pole distance o from the middle is 8ft -. If, then, we take b = - X, we have X 6 and therefore 2. Moments. If the moments A' A" and B' B" are known, we can find the end tangents of the first equilibrium polygon by drawing A" B", dropping a vertical through the middle D, and laying off D E = 2 x \p P = \p P = \p X 2 (|y. The lines A" E and B" E are, then, these end tangents. With the help of these we may easily construct the parabola. 3. Shearing force. If we draw in the first force polygon, lines parallel to the 148 CONTINUOUS GIEDEE. [dlAP. X. end tangents and the closing line A' B', the distances on the force line are the reactions at the ends of the span. Instead of this we may lay off from A and B, A G and B H equal to the first pole distance #, and through G and H draw parallels to the end tangents, intersecting the verticals through A and B in A' and B^ We thus obtain the reactions A A 1? B B t . The ordinates to A x B 1 then give the shearing force at any point. If the line p X 2 representing the moment units is equal to m, and that representing the force units p\ n^ then the first pole distance must be a = r-ra X = X. 2 m Accordingly, it is now easy, from the general construction given in Art. 97, to construct the shearing force and moments for uniform or dead load of girder in any case. Let us pass on to an example illustrating more fully the above principles. 99. Example. As an example of the application of the above principles, we take a girder of four spans, as given in PL 17, Fig. 63. The two interior spans are each 96 ft., the exterior spans 80 ft. each ; that is, l : I : : 5 : 6. Choose any scale of length convenient, as, for instance, 50 ft. to an inch, lay off the spans and construct first the fixed points. For this purpose we draw the third and limited third verticals. These last are easily found from the principle already deduced, that they must divide the distance between the third verticals into segments inversely as the corresponding spans [Art. 92]. Lay- ing off. then, from the third vertical in the first span, -J I to the right, or from the third vertical in the second span -J l to the left, we have the first limited third vertical. The same at the other end gives .the other. For the centre support, of course, the limited third, since the adjacent spans are equal, passes through the support itself. We can, therefore, now construct i\\e fixed points according to Art. 93. Let the load per unit of length p be -J ton per ft. Then taking X [Art. 8] equal to Z, we have n =p\=pl = 48 tons and m=j>\ 2 =pP= 4608 ft. tons [Art. 98 (3)]. It remains to assume a scale of force. Let this be 20 tons per inch, then our moment scale is 20 x 50 = 1000 ft. tons per inch. The values of which we shall need to make use are, then, to scale ^ = 1.6 inches, X = I 1.92 inches, |) 2 = 0.6944 inches, (^ = 1.44 inches, (|)* = 0.4823 inches. CHAP. X.] SPECIAL CASES OF LOADING. 149 These values are repeated upon the PL for convenience of reference. Also, p I = 48 tons 2.4 in. = n, p fi = 4608 ft. tons = 4.608 in. = m. For the first pole distance [Art. 98 (3)] n 2.4 25 we have a = X = . - A:> I -^ I = 1 in. Second pole dis- m 4.608 48 r tance [Art. 98] b = ^ X - 0.32 in. According to Art. 98, we have now, for the cross lines, :?X/ and O' P' = Q' P' = Laying off these distances under the supports, we have thus the cross-lines. We have next to construct the second equilibrium polygon. This, by the aid of the cross-lines and fixed points already con- structed, we can easily do, as detailed in Art. 97 (3). Then the moments at the supports are given directly to moment scale in the interior spans, or we can find them from the end spans by laying off j I [Art. 89]. h Finally, the moments thus found and laid off at the sup- ports, we can construct the moment curve by making D' E' / \2 fl\2 r and DE = i^X 2 - [Art. 98 (2)], and thus draw- ing the end tangents and corresponding parabolas. According to Art. 98 (3), we can then find the shearing A-I 4 forces by laying off a = A and drawing parallels to the end tangents to intersection with verticals through supports, as shown in Fig. We thus have both moments and shearing forces for uniform load. By careful attention to the above, the reader will have no difficulty in solving any case. We recommend him earn- estly to perform the entire construction for himself, referring to the proper Arts, at every step. [For convenience of size, we have not observed our scales strictly in the Figs. TJie reader should therefore ?wt attempt to check results with the dividers.'} 1OO. Partial uniform Load. 1. When the girder is only partially loaded, as, for instance, a certain portion of the span id I from B, the simple moment area consists of a triangle ABC 150 CONTINUOUS GIEDEK. [CHAP X. and a parabolic segment C E B. [PI. 16, Fig. 64.] If in the first force polygon B' D' is the total load upon the span, the line O A' parallel to the end tangent A G divides B' D' in the same ratio as the end of the load divides the span, or denoting the length B C by /3 1. B' A' :B'D ' :;/3l:l. The intersection G of the end tangents lies in the vertical G H, which halves B F. Since the triangle B C T is similar to O A! B', we have BT:B' A' :;:#; a or since B' D' =p I, B' A' =p j3 = M", R' is positive ; if M'< M", then M" - M'< M" + M 7 , or, since by Arts. 75 and 80, M' + M"< 2R' + 3JT, M" - M^aft'+aR". Now it can be easily proved analytically that for a girder hori- zontally fixed,* m f = ~ and 2R"= 3 hence 3B' + 3R" Supplement to Chap. VII., Art. 18. 156 METHODS OF LOADING [CHAP. XI. since + & = J. Therefore M" - M' Since, however, /8 < Z, we have also M" M' < P $_. Hence, if M' is < M", we have also R' positive. R' is therefore always positive whatever may be the position of the load. In the same way it may be shown that R" is always negative. If now the load is to the right of the point distant x from the left support, then for this point the shearing force S' R', and is therefore positive. If the load is to the left of this point, the shearing force S = R' P R", and is therefore negative. S for any point is therefore positive or negative, according as the load lies right or left of this point. Hence for a uniform load we deduce directly The shearing force at any point is a positive or negative maximum when the load extends from this point to the right or left support respectively. The same principle holds good for the simple girder. 2. Thus far we have considered the load in the span itself. Suppose now the load is in some other span, and the span in question is unloaded, then M' - M" M"-M'" R =- -IT R = r As we pass away from the loaded span the moments at the supports are alternately positive and negative, and each is greater than the one following (Art. 94). Since the moments M' and M" are alternately positive and negative, R' will have the same sign as M', and R" as M", and generally R^ as M m . Adopting, then, the. notation shown in PL 18, Fig. 68, we have for the span l m _ . t - M m where R ra has the same sign as M m . In the same way and therefore 1 _ CIIA1'. XI.] CAUSING MAXIMUM STRAINS. 157 M But rc+ is negative and greater than 2 (Art. 94-). There- fore in the preceding expression the numerator is positive and ivi 1 > 3. Further, -^ L is negative and less than -, hence the de- 1V1 m 3 nominator of the above expression is negative and < -. There- R I fore R +1 is negative and > 2 -y 1 ^, that is, the shearing forces at the supports are alternately positive and negative, and in- crease (when 2 l m _ is not less than Z m ) towards the loaded span. We have then For any span, then, the shear at the left support R' will be positive when the left adjacent span is loaded, the right adja- cent span unloaded, and all the other spans each way alternately loaded. The shear R' will be negative when the remaining spans are loaded. Hence : The shearing force is a maximum (positive) at any point when the load extends from this point to the right support, and the other spans are alternately loaded, the adjacent span to the right ~being unloaded, that to the left, loaded. The negative maximum, on the contrary, occurs when the load extends from, the point to the left support, when the right adjacent span is loaded and the left unloaded ; the other spans alternately loaded. PL 18, Fig. 69, gives these two cases. In practice such a loading can never occur. If we suppose the rolling load divided into two portions only, the above rule reads as follows : The shearing force at any point will be a positive maximum when the load reaches from the right support to this point, and when the left adjacent span is covered. The negative maximum occurs when the load reaches from left support to the point, and the right adjacent span is covered,. 1O3. Maximum Moments. 1st. Loaded Span. Let a weight act at the point D, PL 18, Fig. 67. Then A U S V B is the second. A' C' B' the first equilibrium polygon, and A A', B B' 158 METHODS OF LOADING- [CHAP. XI. are the moments at the supports. We have already seen that the inflection points O and P (for which the moment is zero) lie outside of the fixed points. We can therefore assert that WITHIN the fixed points the 'moments are negative wherever the weight may Replaced. From the Fig. we see at once that the inflection points O and P move to the right or left as the weight moves to the right or left. Accordingly when for the weight at D the moment at O is zero, the moment at this point will be positive when the load moves to the right of D, negative when it moves to the left of D. Hence for the maximum moment we have at once the follow- ing principle : For any point O outside the fixed points the moment will ~be a positive or negative maximum when the load reaches from the point D, where a load must Replaced to cause the moment at O to ~be zero, to the right or left support respectively. For the negative maximum, therefore, the load reaches from A to D; for the positive, from D to B. If the point O is given, it is indeed possible to determine by construction the point D to which the load must reach. It is, however, simpler to assume D and then construct O. If we choose for the different positions of D an arbitrary length for C' D' (Fig. 67), so that the point C' falls in a parallel Q R to A' B' (Fig. 70), and, moreover, take D at equal intervals, then the points L and M will be at equal distances (Fig. 67), and hence the points I and K (Fig. 70), in which the verticals through the fixed points are intersected by the lines A' M and B' L (Fig. 67), will be at equal distances. We have, then, the following simple construction [Fig. 70, PL 18] : Between the verticals through the supports draw two parallel lines A B and Q R at any convenient distance apart, and divide Q R into a number of equal parts ; four or five are sufficient. Draw lines from A to R and the middle S intersecting the ver- tical through the fixed point I in I x and I 2 . In the same way find K! and K 2 . Divide I t I 2 and K t K 2 into the same number of equal parts as Q R has been divided into, and join these points in reverse order by lines. The intersection of these lines with the lines drawn from A and B to the points upon Q R give the points O, for which the moment is a maximum when the load is limited by the corresponding point upon Q R. This construction was first given by Mohr. CHAP. XI.] CAUSING MAXIMUM STRAINS. 159 IO 1. Determination of the maximum Shearing Forces. According to the general method of construction given in Art. 97, we can now determine by reference to Arts. 98 and 99, which treat of total and partial distributed loading, the shear- ing forces corresponding to the methods of loading which cause maximum strains. As a review of the preceding principles, we take the same example as before, as given in PL 19, Fig. 71. Here again the reader should construct the Figs, for himself. The scales are as before, Art. 99. Fig. a shows the method of loading for positive maximum shear in first span ; and the second Fig. below, the same for the second span. [Art. 102.] , We first find, precisely as in Fig. 63, the shearing forces in the third and fourth spans for the total loads over those spans, and lay off the shear thus obtained in the first and second spans, as indicated by the broken lines in Fig. b in those spans. Thus having first found the fixed points, which we may here take directly from Fig. 63, we construct as in that Fig. also the cross- lines for total load in third and fourth spans. Thus laying off 54 equal to Oj. P 1? and drawing a line through 4 and support to intersection with vertical through fixed point in second span [Fig. 60], we determine D', and then from the cross-lines find at once D". In like, manner, supposing for the moment the load on the other two spans, we have e a, a D, D a and a F', and then at once F''. F" D' cuts off then the moment at the right support, and joining 1, 2 and 5, we find, according to Art. 98 (2), precisely as in Fig. 63, the end tangents ; and then from these, with the first pole distance a, find the shear. This is given by the broken lines in third and fourth spans. Lay off these lines in first and second spans, remembering, since the shears at the supports alternate, that the positive shear at left of fourth span must be laid off as negative (down) at right end of first, etc. [See Fig. 63.] Now for the positive shears in first and second spans for the different methods of loading, we have only to determine the direction of the tangents through end of load [Fig. 64, Art. 100]. The lengths of the segments cut off upon the verticals through the supports by these tangents are given for first and second spans by Figs, /and e, for each position of load. [Art. 100 (1).] 160 METHODS OF LOADING [dlAP. XI. We have first, then, to construct the cross-lines [Art. 100 (4)] as shown in Fig. d. . Take first the second span. For this span, as shown in Fig. dj the first span is fully loaded, as also the last. Make, there- fore, e a = Oi P 1? draw a D, and we thus find the point D, com- mon to all the middle sides of the second equilibrium polygon for different positions of load. So also make on right 54 O t P! and draw 4 D', and then, since third span is empty, D' F, and we thus have P. Now from D and F lay off the cross- line distances, as "D a, D 5, D etcr 111 illation of the Maximum Moments. In like manner, it is easy, according to the general construction given in Art. 97, and referring to Arts. 98 and 99, to determine the maximum moments. In Fig. 72, PL 20, we have the same example as before, concerning which we have but little addi- tional to remark. Fig. 64, Art. 100, shows that the end tan- gents give the moments within the unloaded portion of the girder. These tangents are constructed precisely as before in the several spans, except it will be noticed that in the first span we have made use of the construction given in Art. 97, Fig. 61. Thus the point F' is determined so that K F' = (A 2 j-] , and thus the moments are measured directly at the end vertical. Also upon the left support vertical we have laid off the distances between the cross-lines in the second span (7 \2 7/ ' The only thing new in the PL is Fig. c, which, as we have seen in Art. 103, Fig. 70, gives the points at which the positive moment is a maximum for each position of load.. The positive moments can then be taken directty off upon the verticals through these points, and are limited by the horizontal through the supports and the tangents, as above. Thus, at second support the vertical distance to a, for first span, gives the moment at the support. La} r it off in Fig. a from the support line. For a load over f span, w r e see at once the point for which the positive moment is a maximum from Fig. c. Follow up the vertical through this point. The dis- tance on this vertical in Fig. J, between the support line and tangent b b^ gives the moment to be laid off in Fig. a upon this vertical. So, for load over span, we have next vertical and tangent cc^ and so on. We thus obtain the curve for 11 162 METHODS OF LOADING [CHAP. XI. positive moments at the right end of first span, aticde. From e draw a line to left support. At the other supports, in like manner, we determine the 'positive moments, and join the points ee in second and third spans, and e and right support in fourth. We have already seen (Art. 103) that within the fixed points the moments are negative wherever a load may be placed. The maximum, therefore, occurs for full load. We have, there- fore, found for 3d and 4th spans the parabola for full load, precisely as in Fig. 63. These parabolas are given in broken lines in the Fig. a. By subtraction of the positive moments outside the fixed points from the positive moments at the same points for total load given by these parabolas, we obtain directly the lower curves as far as the points e in each span. The second parabola (partly full, partly broken) is all that is needed to complete our Fig. To obtain this we have simply, in 2d and 3d spans, to make the vertical through centre of line e e equal to its length already laid off for total load, viz. : Z\ 2 -J, Art. 98 (2), produce e e to intersections with sup- port verticals, and join these intersections with the extremities of the first verticals above. We can then construct the para- bola, which completes our diagram, and gives us Fig. a. 1O6. Practical simplifications. In practice, the construc- tions given in Figs. 63, 71 and 72, admit of many simplifica- tions, which, in order to avoid confusion at first, have been di& regarded. The whole solution, given for the sake of clearness in three separate Plates, can be performed upon a single sheet, since the Fig. for the second equilibrium polygon in Figs. 63, 71 and 72 may be combined in one. Indeed, the lines neces- sary for the construction of the maximum shearing forces can be applied directly to the determination of the maximum moments. It is therefore unnecessary to divide the construc- tion into separate sheets. 2. The cross-lines in the end spans can be omitted, since all that is required are the distances to be laid off upon the end verticals, and these when found can be laid off at once. 3. We can apply the second equilibrium polygon directly in order to find the moments for the dead and moving load. Thus the transferring of ordinates from one Fig. to another is avoided. CHAP. XI.] CAUSING MAXIMUM STRAINS. 163 4. It is evidently unnecessary to actually draw all the vari- ous lines. We need only to mark the different points of inter- section. 5. The construction for dead and live loads can be per- formed at once, thus avoiding the necessity of a subsequent addition. 1O7. Approximate Practical Constructions If the suc- cessive steps of the preceding development are carefully fol- lowed, the method will be found simple and easy of appli- cation. Indeed, the complete and accurate solution of the difficult problem of the continuous girder by a method purely graphical, is the most important extension of the system since the date of Culmann's treatise, and well illustrates the power and practical value of the Graphical Method. Humber gives the following constructions, " which may be relied upon for safety without extravagance." * As rapid means of obtaining approximate results, they may not be with- out value to the practical engineer, and we therefore append them here. It must be remembered that the constructions hold good ONLY for end spans three-fourths the length of the others. I. Beam of Uniform Strength, continuous over one Pier, forming two equal Spans, subject to a fixed Load uniformly distributed, and also to a moving 'Load. Maximum Moments.* PI. 18, Fig. 73. The greatest moment at the pier (positive) will be when both spans are fully loaded. The greatest negative moment will obtain in the loaded span when the other span bears only the fixed load. (A moment is positive when the upper fibres or flanges are extended, negative when the upper flange is compressed.) Construction. Let A B C be the beam. On A B draw the parabola whose centre ordinate D E is (p + m) ^-, and on p 1? B C the parabola whose centre ordinate G F is "-. i * At the pier B erect the perpendicular B H = ^ -., and make B L = ^ - . Join AH, A L, and L C. \A * " Strains in Girders, calculated by Formulas and Diagrams." Humber. New York : D. Van Nostrand, publisher. 164: METHODS OF LOADING [CHAP. XI. Then the vertical distances between the parabolic arc A E B and the lines A H and A L, the greatest being taken, will give the maximum moments, positive in the first case and negative in the last. The points of inflection approach as near the pier as K and recede as far as M. If 4r~ is less than , the beam must be latched 2i \.2i down at the abutments. The load comes on from the left; p and m are the loads per unit of length of the permanent or fixed and the moving or live loads. Shearing Forces (PI. 18, Fig. 74). The maximum shearing force at either abutment will obtain when its span only sus- tains the moving load. The maximum shear at the centre pier will obtain when both spans are fully loaded. Construction. Lay off AC = (4:p + 5m) and A D = o (p + m). At B lay off B P = twice A D. Take a point M distant -J I from A, and join D and F to M. Draw C N parallel to D M. Sketch in a curve similar to that dotted in the figure, giving an additional depth to the ordinates at the point of minimum shear of m -. Then the vertical ordinates between AB and COPF may be considered to give the maximum shearing force for either span. II. Beam as above continuous over three or more Pier. li = end spans. I = the other spans. Moments. The maximum moment (positive) will obtain when only the two adjacent spans, and every alternate span from them, are simultaneously loaded with the total load the remaining spans sustaining only the fixed load. The maximum moment at the centre of any span will obtain when it and the alternate spans from it are fully loaded the remaining spans sustaining only the fixed load. Construction (PL 18, Fig. 75). Let A B C be part of the beam. On B C draw the parabola whose centre ordinate E F = ~ , and on A B the parabola whose centre ordi- nate C D = (P + W t At B and c make B H _ c L = 8 CHAP. XI.] CAUSING MAXIMUM STRAINS. 165 Join A Hand I, Make B G = C S = *l. o Join A G and S. The maximum vertical ordinates between the two parabolas and the lines A H, A G, H L, and G S, as shown in the figure, give the maximum moments. The points I, K and O, P or M, N show the limits of devia- tion of the points of inflection. If -^ is less than - - , the beam will require to be 2i oA held down at the abutments. If the beam be continuous for three spans only, I in the expression for B H = ( =- + ) must have a value given to Shearing Forces. The maximum shear at any pier (B or C) will obtain simul- taneously with the maximum moment over that pier. Construction. PL 18, Fig. 76. Let A B C be part of the beam. First, for any inner span as Z__. At B and C erect B G = C H = i&^J&A. Make B D and C E each = - (p + m). Join D and E to midspan F, and 2 draw G K and H K parallel to D F and F E respectively. Second, for either end span as \ . At B erect a perpen- 2 7 3 dicular = - (p+m), which, if ^ = - I, will coincide with B D. 3 4: At A make AL = - B D. Join D and L to M distant - \ from A. 2 o Make A O =| (p + m)- ^- 2 , and draw ON parallel to L M. 2i ' 32 1- Sketch in curves as shown by the dotted curves in the figure, giving additional depth to the ordinates there of ^ and --ir- respectively. Then the vertical distances between O a b D and A B give the maximum shearing forces for either end span, and those between G c d H and B C, the shearing forces for the re- maining spans. 166 METHODS OF LOADING [CHAP. XI. If the beam be continuous for three spans only, B G and C H must be made equal to (18 * + 16 "*>*+" ( 2 -# + ?), where oz o I \ 7 2i ' L = ~. Further, the value given to B D for the inner span 3 1O8. JUethod by Resolution of Forces Draw Spans. The most usual cases of continuous girders which occur in prac- tice are draw or pivot spans, which when shut must be consid- ered as continuous girders of two spans. The graphical method becomes for such cases short and easy of application. In the case of framed structures of this character, it may, however, be more satisfactory to first find the maximum shearing forces (Art. 104), and then follow the reactions thus obtained through the structure from end to end by the method of Arts. 8-13. As a check upon the accuracy of the work, we may apply the " method of sections " referred to in Art. 14. In either case we must, of course, start from an end support where only two pieces intersect and the moment is zero. Still again, we may find the reactions by calculation, and then apply the method of Arts. 8-13. In the case of two spans only, the formulae for the reactions are sufficiently simple, and the ready and accurate determination of the strains offers, there- fore, no difficulty. We shall give here, therefore, the analytical formulae requi- site for our purpose, referring the reader to treatises upon the subject for their demonstration.* Formulae for Reactions. Continuous Girder of two un- equal /Spans, I and n I. 1st. Concentrated weight P, in first span Z, distant /3 from left end support. Reaction at left end support : P Reaction at middle support : * Bresse La Flexion et la Resistance, and Cours de Mecanique Appliquee. Weyrauch Theorie der Trdger. CoUignon Theorie Elementaire des Poutres Droites, etc. Also Supplement to Chap. XIII. CHAP. XI.] CAUSING MAXIMUM STRAINS. 167 Reaction at right support : 0= _P f-^4-^1 2tt(l + 7l) L J "*>_! 2d. Uniformly distributed load extending to a distance /3 from left support. Load per unit of length =p. o= For two equal spans we have only to make n = 1 in the above equations. For a uniform load over whole span /3 = L From the above formulae we can find the reactions for any case, and then proceed as indicated above. 109. By means of the graphical method, as we have now seen, we are enabled to solve completely the problem of the continuous girder, and that too without the aid of analytical formulae, tables, or tedious computation. The method can also be applied to continuous girders of variable cross-section, or of uniform strength. We shall not, however, proceed further with the development of the method in this direction. The preceding will, we think, be found to contain all that is practi- cally serviceable. For the application of the method to girders of variable cross-section, we refer the reader to Winlder " Der Bruckenbau" Wien, 1873 where will be found a thorough presentation of the subject, both analytically and graphically, to which we are greatly indebted in the preparation of the preceding pages. Plates 17, 19 and 20, are, with but few alter- ations, reproduced from that work. * These formal EG are demonstrated in Van Nostranffs Eng. Mag., July, 1875. 168 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XH. CHAPTEE XII. CONTINUOUS GIRDER (CONTINUED) COMBINATION OF GRAPHICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS. 1 1O. In the present chapter we shall develop a method for the solution of continuous girders not purely graphical, but based upon the method of resolution of forces illustrated in Arts. 8-13, together with well-known analytical results, which method for accuracy, simplicity, and ease of application will, we think, be found superior to any hitherto proposed. The method is, of course, applicable only to framed structures, but for such cases is the most satisfactory of any with which we are acquainted. 111. The Inflection Points being known, the Shearing Forces and Moments at the Support* can, by a simple construction, be easily determined. ~Lst. Loaded Span Fig. 77, PL 21. Thus in the span B C = I, let the distance of the weight P from the left support be a, and let i and i' be the distances of the inflection points from B and C respectively. Then if through any point P of the weight we draw lines, as P D, P E, through i and i', intersecting the verticals at B and C in the points D and E, the vertical ordinates between these lines and B C will be proportional to the moments. For, as we see from the force polygon, the equilibrium polygon must consist of two lines as D P, P E, parallel to O and O 1, and because of the moments at the ends, the closing line D E is shifted to B C (Art. 23). Since the moments at the points of inflection are zero^ the ordinates to P D and P E to pole distance H will give the moments. Now the points of inflection being known, and P J3 and P E drawn, we can easily find the pole distance H and the shearing forces L and 1 L by laying off P verti- cally, and drawing from its extremities lines parallel to P D and P E intersecting in O. A perpendicular through O upon 1 gives H and the reactions L and 1 L. In other words, we have simply to decompose P along P D and P E. CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 169 The construction, then, is simply as follows : Take any point on the direction of P, and draw P D, P E through the points of inflection. Lay oft P to the scale of force as A P, and draw A O parallel to P E or P D. We have thus the pole distance H, and the shearing forces P H and H A at B and C. B D or C E to the scale of distance, multiplied by H to the scale of force, give the moments at B and C. That is, D and E may be regarded as the points of application for H. The forces along P D and P E considered as acting at these points are held in equilibrium by the reactions P H and H A = L and 1 L and H. Since H, acting as indicated in the figure with the lever arm B D or C E, causes tension in the upper fibres, the moments at B and C are positive. 2d. Unloaded SpanFig. 78, PL 21. As we have already seen in Art. 93, the inflection points in the unloaded spans are independent of the load, and are found by the simple construction there given for the "fixed points" Since, each fixed point lies within the outer third of the span, we have in Fig. 78 the broken line a b c, referred to in Art. 94, where the moments are alternately positive and negative, and increase from the end, so that any one is more than twice the preceding. Lines drawn parallel to these lines in the force polygon, cut off from the force line the reactions at the sup- ports. Thus, in Fig. 78, c b in the force polygon gives the reaction at D, a b the reaction at C, and if B were an end sup- port that is, if b a went through B a H would be the re action at B. For the resultant shear at D, we should then have aH ab+-cb = Hc. So for any number of spans ; the in- flection points in the loaded span being known, we can easily find the fixed or inflection points in the other spans, which are independent of the load, and depend only on the length of these spans. Then draw the broken line a b c P d. Then find the pole distance H by laying off c P = P to scale, and draw- ing c O parallel to c P, and through the point O thus deter- mined drawing H O. Then find the reactions at the other supports, or the shear at any support, by lines in the force polygon parallel to a b, b c, etc. Thus the shear at B is the distance H a cut off by H and O a parallel to a b. Since the shear at D is plus and alternates from D, we have at B the shear + H a. The shear at C is H b ; at D, H- H c, etc. O c being parallel to PC; O a, to b a ; O b, to c b, etc. 170 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. * 112. Inflection Verticals, Draw a line from P through the support D, and through its intersection with cb draw a vertical 3 (Fig. 78). This vertical we call the inflection ver- tical. The equation of the line c ft is where m l = D C, n I = C D, i = Ci'. The origin being at D. For the line C, where ^ = D i. If in this last equation we make x = a, we have for the or- dinate at P, 1ft! fa a) h and hence for the line P D, m t (*, a) y = *; - -x. For the intersection of P D with b c then m m (^ a) ^ - . x + m = ^ - - x. nl v i^a Hence - /. \ / 7 -\ ... (^ a) (n I i) \ a We see at once that the value of x is independent of m l or B C, hence the intersection of P D and c b lies always in the same vertical, whatever be the position ofPC. In other words, if the three sides of a triangle pass always through three fixed points (a 1 , D, ^), and two of the angles (P and c) be always in the same verticals, the third angle must also always lie in the same vertical. For the distance of the inflection vertical on the other side of the loaded span (beyond E), we have similarly (I a) (B + 4) where I is the loaded span and i B the distance of the inflection point to the right of E. Equations (1) and (2) give the distances of the inflection ver- ticals from the supports D and E. CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 171 113. Beam fixed horizontally at both ends Supports 011 level. Consider the span D E (Fig. 78) as fixed at the sup- ports so that the tangent to the deflection curves at D and E is always horizontal. Conceive the span prolonged right and left beyond the supports a distance equal to the span I. It is re- quired to find the position of the inflection verticals. From equation (1) of the preceding Art. we have, since n = 1, i = 0, ii a \ t/U "" 7 -w tj a) l ^ l a/ and from equation (2), since i s I, i% I (I a) x = Now for a beam fixed at the ends the distances of the points of inflection are a I I (I a) Substituting these values in the equations above, we have x = - and x = 4- o- That is, the position of the inflection 6 o verticals is in this case independent of the load, and always equal to ~ from the supports* o This remarkable property of the beam fixed at both ends enables us to find the inflection points by a construction similar to that for the fixed points in the unloaded spans, as given in Art. 86. Thus we have simply to draw from C distant I from A (PI. 21, Fig. 79) a line in any convenient direction, as C ~b intersect- ing the inflection vertical I, which is distant from A, - Z, at a. Through a and the fixed end support A draw a line to inter- section with the weight P. Then draw P b. The intersection i t of this last line with A B is the inflection point. A similar construction gives i%. We can now find the reactions and moments. Thus H O to * This important result, which renders possible a complete graphical solution of this case, has, so far as we are aware, never before been published. 172 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. the scale of force, multiplied by A b to the scale of distance, gives the moment at A, while H G is the reaction at A (Fig. 79). 114. Beam fixed at both ends Example. Since when the points of inflection are once determined, we may draw P b or P c at any inclination (Fig. 79), provided we afterwards find the corresponding pole distance HO; if A b or B c be made equal to the height of the truss, H O will ~be the strain in the upper or lower flange at the wall (the flange in question being always that for which there is no diagonal at its union with the wall). Thus in PL 21, Fig. 80, we lay off D E = I, draw the vertical I at ~ I from D, and for the given position of the load o P find the inflection point 4 by the preceding Art. A similar construction on the other side gives %. Now laying off P M equal by scale to the weight P, and decomposing it along P D and P C, we find O H the pole distance which to the scale of force will give directly the strain in the lower flange B m at the wall, provided P D is made to pass through the intersection of the upper flange with the wall. If the triangulation were reversed, O H would be the strain in the upper flange at the wall. In any case it is the strain in that flange at whose junc- tion with the wall there is no diagonal. The reaction at D is also H M, at C it is P H. Lay off then B B' in Fig. 80 (a) equal to P M, and make B A = H M and A B' = P H. Now draw m B parallel to O H and m A paral- lel to O M, and produce both lines to intersection at m. Then m B to scale of force is evidently the strain in the lower end flange at the wall. We assume the following notation.* Let A represent all the space above the girder, B all the space below, and a h c d 7 etc., the spaces within the girder included by the flanges and diagonals. Then, for instance, A b is the first upper flange at the left, B a the first below ; a b the first diag- onal at the left, and so on. Now draw in Fig. 80 (#), m I and A I parallel to the corre- sponding lines in the frame, and we have at once the strains in these pieces to scale. Following round the triangle according to our rule (Arts. 8-13) from m to A, A to I and I to m, we * See an excellent little treatise on " Economics of Construction in Relation to Framed Structures," by R. H. Bow, to whom this method of notation is due. CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 173 find A I tension and I m tension. [The strains in the upper flanges must always be tension, since the moments at the sup- ports for loaded span are always positive.] Moreover, the Fig. thus far shows that A I, I m and m B are in equilibrium with the shear B A = H M, as evidently should be the case ; hence the strain in B m is compressive. We have thus the strains in the three pieces at the right, and can proceed from these to find all the others. Thus the strains in B k and k I are in equilibrium with m I and B m. Lines parallel to B It. and k I, therefore, which close the polygon com- menced by B m and m I, give us the strains in B k and k I. Observe that the line I k crosses A B, thereby making B k op- posite in direction, consequently in strain from B m. This may also be seen by following round the triangle m 1 k B, remem- bering that, as m I is always found to be in tension, it must act away from the new apex, that is, from m to I. We thus find k I in compression, and k B acting away from this apex, or in tension, therefore of opposite strain from the preceding flange B m, which, as we have seen, is in compression. The reason is obvious. The inflection point i% falls in the flange B k. If the beam w r ere solid, the strain at i 2 would be zero ; to the right of 4 we should have compression, to the left, tension. In the framed structure the strains can only change at the vertices. The crossing of A B by I k indicates such change, and B k gives its amount by scale. Now taking the upper apex, we have here A I and I k in equilibrium with k h and A h. As we already know, k I is in compression. We must, therefore, now take it acting from k to I, and following round the triangle we find A h compression, and h k tension. From h on, the traverses between A h and B k produced towards the right [Fig. 80 (&)] will give the di- agonals, while the upper and lower flanges will be given by the distances to them from A and B respectively, until we arrive at the weight P. Observe the influence of the weight. We have k h and B k in equilibrium with h g and g B, and also the weight P = B' B. We must take, therefore, A B' = P H, and then draw h g and B' g. Distances to the right of B' along B'<7 are compressive lower flanges, to the left, tensile; while to the right of A we have compressive upper, and to the left of A tensile upper flanges. The two diagonals at the weight k h and h g are in tension. From h g on, the diagonals are alternately 174 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP XII. tension and compression. Moreover, the diagonal e d passes through A, that is A d is zero. The weight P causes no strain in A d, and for this one position of P, A d might be omitted from the structure. The reason is again obvious. The point of inflection i coincides with the apex under A d. Since at ^ the moment of rupture is zero, if the flange A.~d were cut there would be no tendency to motion. We have at ?' t the shearing force only, A B' giving the strains in the diagonal e d and d c. The upper flange A ', we see again, is in tension, which is also shown by its lying to the left of A. Thus we have the strains in every piece by a very simple construction for any position of P, without any calculation what- ever. The method in this case is purely graphical. We have only to find the points of inflection and then proceed as above. Fig. 80 (b) gives the strains for the same girder and position of weight P, merely supported at the ends. For this case P D in Fig. 80 not only passes through D, but P O also passes through the upper left-hand corner at C. Hence A B will be less than H M, and A B' greater than P H. Moreover, the end lower flanges B a and B m no longer act, and must be removed. Starting now with the reaction B' A [Fig. 80 ()], we go along to the weight, from which point at h k we go ~back towards the force line, and the reactions are such that the last diagonal must pass exactly through B, just as in Fig. (a) e d passed through A, because the points of inflection or zero moments are now at the ends C and D. A careful comparison and study of the two cases and their points of difference will be advanta- geous to the reader. 115. Counterbracing. The objection may arise that the above method applies only to a system of bracing such as rep- resented in the Fig., where the diagonals take both compres- si ve and tensile strains. In case, as in the Howe or Pratt Truss, for instance, we had vertical pieces as also two diagonals in each panel, then the strain in any diagonal as m I and flange as B m, even if found, are apparently in equilibrium with three pieces, viz., Jcl,~Bk and a vertical strut or tie at the intersec- tion of these pieces. Hence, having only two known strains and three to be determined, the method would seem to fail, as any number of polygons may be constructed with sides par- allel to the forces, and hence the problem is indeterminate (Art. 9). CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 175 jSTow in any framed structure of the above kind, the counter ties are inserted to prevent the deforming action of the Tolling load only. For the dead load but one system of triangulation is required, and the strains in every piece due to this dead load can therefore easily be determined. We have then only to determine the strains in the same pieces due to the rolling load also. If now in any diagonal the strain due to this rolling load exceeds the constant strain due to the O dead load, and is of opposite character, and if the diagonal is to be so constructed as to take biit one kind of strain, then a counter diagonal must be inserted in that panel, and propor- tioned to this excess of strain only. For instance, if a diagonal takes only the compressive strain (a condition which is easily secured in practice) due to the dead load, and the live load would cause in that diagonal a tensile strain, then the excess of this tensile strain over the constant compressive strain due to the dead load must be resisted by a counter diagonal, which also takes compressive strain only. The method is precisely the same as by calculation (see Stoney and other authors 011 the subject), and we only notice the point here, as in all our examples we have taken a single system of triangulation only a system which, we may here remark in passing, has many ad- vantages, and is worthy of more general attention * than it has hitherto obtained. [See also on this point Art. 10 of Appendix.] 116. Beam fixed horizontally at one end, supported at the other Supports on Level. In this case, equation (1), Art. 112, becomes for left end fixed, since n = 1, i% = 0, i 0, i-i a I (^ a) l ^\ a But for this case the distance of the point of inflection from the fixed end is . _ (2 I a) la , * See " A Treatise on Bracing." By R. H. Bow. D. Van Nostrand, pub- lisher. f The values of the distance of the inflection points which we assume above as known, may easily be deduced by the theory of elasticity. See Supplement to Chap. VTL, Arts. 16 and 19. See Wood, Strength of Materials ; Bresse, Mecanique Appliquce ; or other treatises on the subject. 176 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. Inserting this value of ^ in the value for x above, we have x - _ l ( 2 t-a) 5 I a for the distance of the inflection vertical to the left of the left- hand support, which is supposed fixed. Now this is the equation of an hyperbola, as shown in PL 21, Fig. 81, whose vertex is at/J the distance Ay being 2 I, whose assymptotes are respectively parallel and perpendicular to the span, the perpendicular distance of E above the span A B be- 5 9 ing 1 I, and which intersects A B at ^ I from A. The ordinate 2i 5 d e, A d being equal to Z, is - 1. The diameter passes through 3 E and f, and E f is, therefore, the semi-transverse axis. The hyperbola can, therefore, be easily constructed. We need only to construct that portion between A B and the point e. The construction for the point of inflection i is, therefore, simply as follows : Lay off A k vertically upwards and equal to the distance of the weight P from A, and draw the horizontal h b to intersection b with the curve. Now make A a = I and draw a b to inter- section c. Draw b A to intersection P with weight, and then P c intersects A B at the point of inflection i lm Decomposing P along P B and P c, as in Art. 114, we have at once the re- actions at A and B. Here also we see that, by a construction purely graphic and abundantly exact, we can find the inflection point and the reactions. The method detailed in Art. 114 can then be applied to de- termine the various strains in the different pieces. It is un- necessary to give an example, as the process is precisely similar. We have simply in this case to start with the reaction at the free end B and follow it through. Observe only that, as this reaction must be less than for a girder with free ends for the same position of P, the point h will lie nearer the force line B' AB (Fig. SO, &), hence Im will not pass exactly through B, but will lie to the right of it, giving thus a reversal of strain in the flanges, as by reason of the inflection point should be the case. Instead of constructing tho hyperbola, we may calculate its ordinates from the equation for x above, for different values of a. CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 177 Thus, for x=OAl %=-0.3SSl x=-0.375l o?= 0.35YZ aj= 0.333 J This will be sufficient to construct the curve in any given case. The inflection vertical moves, therefore, between the narrow limits of x = f I and % = % I, or within J^th of the span, as the load passes from A to B. Inasmuch as all that is needed for the determination of the strains in the various pieces are the reactions at the supports, and (for girder fixed at both ends) the moments at the supports also, and as the formulae for the two cases above are very sim- ple, we may determine these quantities at once by interpolation of the given distance of the weight P in the formulae, and then apply the graphical method for the strains, as illustrated in Art. 114. Thus, for a horizontal beam fixed at both ends, we have for the moment at the left support A, - V At the right support B, .. M B = ^ (I - a). For the reaction at the left, For the reaction at the right, R B = ? (3 a 2 l - 2 a 3 ). In the case of a horizontal beam fixed at left end and merely Besting upon the right support, we have M A = (3 a^l - 2 a 1? - a*\ M B = 0, a being always the distance of the weight P from the left. These formulae are simple, and easily applied to any case. We may also observe that in Figs. 79 and 81 the ordinates to the lines P 5, P c, and P c, P B, from A B, are proportional to the moments (Art. 110). These ordinates to the scale of dis- 178 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [cilAP. XTT. tance, multiplied by the pole distance to scale of force, give the moments at any point. ' Onr construction, therefore, gives the moments also at every point, and we may thus check the re- sults obtained by Art. 114 by the results obtained by the method of moments. 117. Approximate Construction. It will be readily seen that the portion of the hyperbola in Fig. 81, PI. 21, needed for our construction, is nearly straight. In most cases it will be practically exact enough to lay off f I to the left of A, and -J I also to the left of A at a vertical distance equal to Z, and join the two points thus obtained by a straight line. This line can be taken instead of the curve, and the construction is then the same as above. The error due to thus considering the curve as a straight line is greatest for a weight in the middle of the span, where it does not exceed To^th of the span for the posi- tion of the inflection vertical, and diminishes from the centre both ways. 118. Girder continuous over three Level Supports- Draw Spans. This case is perhaps of the most frequent practical occurrence, and an accurate and simple method of solution is therefore very desirable. In the first place, the formulae for the reactions are very simple and easy of application. Thus, for left end support A, the load being in the second span, or to the right of the middle support B, R A = j?(3^-2?- 3 ); * ^ for the reaction at middle support, for reaction at right end C, where a is always the distance of the weight P from the mid- dle support.* We are therefore already in a position to solve completely the case under consideration. We have only to * As already remarked, the development of the formulas assumed in this chapter must be sought for in special treatises on the subject. We assume them as known, and then apply them graphically as above. See also Supplement to Chap. XIII. CHAP. Xn.] METHODS COMBINED. 179 find the reactions and follow them through by the method of Art. 114. From the above reactions we can, however, easily determine the distance of the inflection point. This will, of course, be found only in the loaded span, at a distance from the middle support. VU - ~^ TQ \ ^T 7 O ' -" v 4&&+ 2 al a 2 We can find the values of x corresponding to different values of a, and thus plot the curve for the inflection points. Thus, for a :0 a = ^l a = $l a = %l a = I x = cc -fa I x = -f^l x = ^l x = \l. This curve being drawn for any particular case, we can easily find the position of the inflection point for any given value of #, and hence the reactions, and then find the strains in the various pieces. Thus, in PL 21, Fig. 82, the curve B e d being drawn, we can at once find the inflection point i for any position a of the weight P. We have simply to make B J a and draw 5 e. b e is the distance of the point of inflection from B. We can now, as explained above, draw any line as P i, and then P C and A h. The ordinates to the broken line A h P C from A C, to the scale of distance, multiplied by the pole distance H to scale of force, will give the moments at any point. Moreover, H E is the shear at B. E a is the reaction at B, H a the re- action at A, and H P the reaction at C. The reactions at B and C are, of course, positive or upwards, that at A negative or downwards. Hence E H # -f- H P = P, as should be. The value of x for the inflection vertical is by Art. 112 i a I X = -T-. - r-j - ; j (i a) I ^ a or, substituting the value of i above, a I (2 I - a) Since, therefore, in this case the value of x is no simpler than that for i given above, it will be preferable to plot the first curve directly as represented in Fig. 82. 119. Approximate Construction. In practice it will be 180 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. found abundantly accurate to assume the curve for i between the required limits, as a parabola whose equation is i = x = a ^ -. The greatest error for a = - will then be about 5 t 4: of the span, and decreases both ways to a = o and a = -. 100 * 2 From a = to a = I the parabola coincides closely with the 2 q -i true curve. The difference for a = I is only -^^-l, and we 4 500 have, therefore, a very simple practical construction for both reactions and moments. We have only (Fig. 82) to erect a vertical at the centre support B and make it equal to I, and then construct a parabola passing through B whose ordinate c d = - I. The horizontal ordinates to this parabola for any 5 vertical value of &, give the distance out from B of the inflection points. For the load in first span A B, of course this parabola lies on the other side of B c, and b e is laid off to the left. The remainder of the construction is as in Art. 118 for the reactions and moments. When great accuracy is required, we can find the reactions from the equations of Art. 118. In any case, the reactions being given, we can follow them through the structure by the method of Art. 114, and thus determine the strains in every piece due to every position of each apex load. A tabu- lation of these strains will then give by inspection the maximum strain in any piece due to the live load. All the weights taken as acting simultaneously will then give the strains due to uni- form total live load. The strains due to dead load will be multiples or sub-multiples of these. Thus if total live load causes, say, 100 tons compression in a certain piece, and if the Q O dead load is - of the live load, then we shall have - of 100 == 2 2 150 tons compression in the same piece due to the dead load alone. If now the live load causes a maximum tension in the same piece of 200 tons, then the piece must be made to resist both tensile strain of 200 150 50 tons and compressive strain of 150 + 100 250 tons. If a diagonal, the counter tic is strained 50 tons, while the maximum strain on the diagonal CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 181 is 250 tons compression. It is only necessary, therefore, to find the strains due to each weight of the live load. From the tabulation we can, then, by means of the ratio of the dead to live load, find the strains due to dead load alone, and then by a comparison of the two find the maximum compressive and tensile strains. If the maximum strains due to live load are of opposite kind, but less than the constant strains clue to dead load, we shall need no counterbracing. The resultant strains will then always be of the character given by the dead load. If greater, we must counterbrace accordingly. The process is the same as by the methods of calculation, and the reader may refer to Stoney Theory of Strains for illustrations. 12O. The " Tipper," or Pivot Draw, with secondary cen- tral Span. We have said that a pivot draw may be considered as a beam continuous over three supports. In practical con- struction this statement needs some modifications which deserve special notice. Thus practically that portion of the beam over the central support forms a short secondary span D D [Fig. 83, PL 22] the reactions at the supports D and D being always equal and of the same character. If a weight acts, say, on the first span A B, and the beam itself is considered without weight, the end C must be held down, that is, the reaction there is neg- ative. ISTow as the weight P deflects the span A B (Fig. 83), it causes one secondary support D to sink, and the other to rise an equal amount. In practice D and D may be the extremities of the turn-table, and the reactions are then evidently different from those given by the formulas of Art. 118. If in this case we take a as the distance of the weight P from the left support A, the reaction for load in A B will be given by the following formulae : Where the ratio -^ = &, a being the distance of the weight P from the left support A (for load in the span A D), I = span, A D = D C, and n 1= span D D, and where the constant (4 + 8 n + 3 n 2 ) is put for convenience = H, then \ 2 H - (10 + 15 n + 3 n*) & + (2 + n) & I |_ J R A = 2 H - (10 + 15 n + 3 n* 2 H * See Supplement to Chap. XIII., Art. 6. 182 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XH. R = 2^ r (2 + n \ ~~ (2 + 3 n + 3 ^ ^ \ These reactions, it will be observed, when added together R A 4- 2 R D + R c are equal to P, as should be the case. By the application of these formulae, which are for any par- ticular case by no means intricate, we can find the reactions at A and C as also at D or D ; and then starting, say, from A, can follow the reaction there through the frame by the method of Art. 114. A negative reaction indicates that the support tends to rise, and unless more than counterbalanced by the positive reaction due to uniform load, the end where this negative reac- tion occurs must be latched down. 121. Supports in Pivot Span are not on a level Reac- tions for live load, however, are the same as for level sup- ports. The three supports of a pivot span should not be on a level. It is evident that if this were the case, the first time the draw is opened the two cantilevers deflect and it would be diffi- cult to shut it again. The centre support should therefore be raised until the reactions at the end supports are zero, that is, until they just bear. The centre support is then raised by an amount equal to the deflection of the learn when open, due to the dead load. Even when shut, then, there are no reactions at the end supports except when the moving load comes on. Now this being the condition of things, it may seem, strange to assert that these reactions %XQ precisely the same as for three level sup- ports, and yet such is the fact. If the beam, originally straight were held down at the lower ends by negative reactions, then the reactions would have to be investigated for supports out of level, and a load would diminish these negative reactions, or might even cause them to become positive. But such is not the state of things. The end reactions are in the beginning zero, and any load gives, therefore, at once positive reaction at its end support. This positive reaction is just what it ivoulo, be for the same beam over three level supports. An analytical discussion of the case would be out of place here, but assuming the expression to which such a discussion would lead us, we may show that this is so. Thus, for a beam over three supports A, B, and C, not on a level. GI being the distance of A below B, and c% the distance of C below B, the modulus of elasticity being E and the mo- CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 183 inent of inertia I, we have for the moment at the centre sup- port B due to any number of weights in both spans, a being always measured from the left support. Now in this expression the last two terms are precisely the same as for supports on a level ; the influence of the different levels is contained in the first term on the right only. Now by the supposition, c t and c 2 must be taken equal to the deflection due to the dead load, and the value of this term will therefore be entirely independent of the live load, which enters only in the last two terms. A particular case may perhaps render this plainer. If a girder of two equal spans over three level supports is uni- formly loaded, the reaction at an end support is, as is well known, |ths of the load on one span. Now let us take the girder over three supports not on a level, and from our formula above find the reaction at one end due to uniform load when ^ and c 2 have the proper values given to them. First the dead load p I over each span causes a de- flection at each end of the two cantilevers ii&s-i This, then, is the value for ^ and Z 2 - Now we have by moments, I 2 RAX Z-(^ + m)-= hence, inserting the value of M B above, * Theorie der Trdger: Weyranch. Also Supplement to Chap. XIII., Art. 3. f Supplement to Chap. VII., Art. 13. 184 GEAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. That is, the reaction at A is due to the moving load alone, as evidently should be the case, and is, moreover, just what it should ~be for a girder with level supports; viz., \ml. (See also Appendix, Art. 18, Ex. 5.) The raising of the centre support, then, will not affect our construction for the reactions as given in Figs. 81 and 82, pro- vided there are only three supports. We have deemed it well thus to call special attention to the considerations of the last two articles, both on account of their practical importance and because they are not brought out clearly, nor indeed, so far as we are aware, ever alluded to in any treatise upon the subject.* 122. Bctiiii continuous over four Level Supports. We thus see" that a draw or pivot span is more properly considered as a beam of three spans instead of two, of which the centre span is very small compared to the end spans ; it may be only two or three panels long. Moreover, we must often in practice consider the beam as a " tipper," and therefore apply the formulae for reactions of Art. 120. If, however, by reason of the method of construction, as often happens, for instance, by the under portion of the beam coming in contact with the frame below, this tipping of D D (Fig. 83) is confined between certain limits, beyond which the supports must be considered fixed, it will be necessary to find the reactions as for a beam over four fixed supports, and determine the corresponding strains in this case- also. Comparing, then, the strains obtained each way, we take only the maximum strains from each. The formulae for the reactions at \h.Q fixed supports A B C D are as follows (PI. 22, Fig. 84) : 1st. Load P in left end span A B at a distance a from left: support A, the end spans being n I and the centre span B C=L We put Jc = ~ and H = 3 + 8 n + 4 n\ Then n L R A =g| H-(H + 2^-h2^)&-f(2rc+2rc, 2 )F * Clemens Herschel, in his treatise upon " Continuous, Revolving Draw- bridges" (Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1875), notices this fact for the first time. CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 185 R B =j|| (3 + 10^+9 2 +2^ 3 )&-(27i + 5^ 2 +27i 3 )& 3 R c r=-| -(n+3n* + 2n*)fc+(n + Sn*+%n*)& RD= H| njc ~ n ^ These reactions add up, as they should, equal to P. In practical cases of pivot spans, we have only to consider the the outer spans ; as a load in the middle span B C = I rests directly upon the turn-table. The above formulae are then all we need. For a load in the right end' span the same formulae hold good, only remembering to put now R D in place of R^ R c in place of R B , R B in place of R c , and R A in place of R D . If, however, neglecting the particular case of pivot spans, we suppose the middle span B C = I loaded, we have a being now the distance of P from B, and & being now -j instead C of ^, as above, H remaining the same. 2d. Load in B C. 1 LH 3 4n-M-4n* *- 6 15 6 2 H 1 [si J r ^ ' _ ^ ^ i L J These reactions should also add up to P, as is the case. The number n may be taken at pleasure, so that the end spans may be as much larger or less than the centre spans as is desired. H, P and the quantities in the parentheses, it will be observed, are for any given case, constants which may be determined and inserted once for all. "We have, then, only to insert the values of 7c for different positions of the load P. Thus the equations for any particular 'ase'are very simple and easy of application. 186 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. 123. Construction. We may, if desired, apply our method of construction to the determination of the reactions. Thus from the above reactions we may easily determine general ex- pressions for the inflection points. For the case of a load in C D = n I (PI. 22, Fig. 85), we have, when i is the distance of the inflection point from C, -R D x (nl-i) +P(a-i) = 0; P a - R D n I whence ^ = = - = . P KJJ For the inflection point distant i from B in the unloaded span, hence For the second case of load in B C = I, we have for the in- flection point between B and P R A (n l+i) + Rji i = 0, or i= Knl_ For the point between P and C R D (n I + i) + R c i = 0, or The insertion of the proper values of the reactions for each case, as given above, will easily give general expressions for the inflection points, which the reader may, if desired, deduce for himself. Our construction is, then, as follows [PL 22, Fig. 84] : \st Case. Load in C D. -. Having found %, draw a line at any inclination, as ^ d through & 1? intersecting P at d, and the vertical through C at c^ Then lay off B i and draw d D, c b and ~b A. Make d c = P by scale, and c D drawn parallel to ^ d then gives the pole distance H. The ordinates, then, to the broken line A b c : d D taken to scale of distance, multiplied by H to scale of force, give the moments at every point. Moreover, H d is the reaction at D. Draw D b parallel to c 5, then c b is the reaction at C. In like manner a b is the reaction at B, and H a the reaction at A. The moment at C, and reactions at C and CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 187 D, are positive. Reaction and moment at B negative / reaction at A positive ; as a little consideration of what the curve of the deflected beam must be, will show. The shear at C is, there- fore, + H a a b + b c + H c. The shear at B is H b or 4- H a a b, and so on. The shear being always given by the segment between H and lines parallel to A b, b c l} c { d and d D. 2d Case. PL 22, Fig. 85. Load in B C. Having found the distance B i from the equation for this dis- tance of the point of inflection above, we lay off B c\ = B -& t and thus draw c E at an angle of 45. Finding then the value of C i 2 from its equation above, we can draw E c% and then c 2 D and Ci A. The construction is then the same as before. Thus H is the pole distance, H c the negative reaction at D, H b the negative reaction at A, and c l b, c E the positive re- actions at B and C. The shear at B is H c ly etc. Thus the outer forces are completely known for a weight at any point. It will, however, in general, in practice, be found more satisfactory to use the formulae for the reactions which we have given than to find these reactions by the above construction. We shall now illustrate the preceding principles by an exam- ple taken from actual practice. 124. raw Span Example. In PL 22, Fig. 86, we have given to a scale of 20 ft. to an inch the elevation of one of the trusses of the pivot draw over the Quinnipiac Eiver at Fair Haven, Conn.* Length of span A B = 89.88 ft. B C = 21.666 ft, divided into seven panels of 12.84 ft. and two of 10.833 ft. respectively. Height at B and C, 16 ft. ; at A and D, 12.1 ft. Diagonal bracing as shown in Fig. Line load 9 tons per panel. 21 ( In this case n = ' - or n = 0.24106, hence the equations of Art. 120 become A = P (l-1.1298 ?+0.1836 ^ B = C = P /0.6S36 2-0.1836 * Designed and erected by Clemens Herschel, C.E., and probably the only structure of the kind in this country for which the strains have been accu- rately and thoroughly determined. For the above data I am indebted to M. Merriman, assistant engineer in charge. 188 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC * [CHAP. XII. D = -P fo.2374 0.1836 -V \ \ I 1? I Now -' is -, -, -, -ths, etc., according to the position of the L 7 i 7 * weight at lst % 2d, 3d apex from end. So also is r , , / Otto 343 343, etc. The above equations for the reactions, then, may be written A = P (1-0.1614 + 0.000535 3 ), B = C = P (0.09766 -0.000535 3 ), D = -P (0.03391 -0.000535 3 ), where has the values 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., for P!, P 2 , P 8 , P 4 . Thus, if we wish the reactions due to a weight P 4 of 9 tons at the fourth apex, as shown in Fig., we have only to make P 9 and 4, and we find at once A = 3.498 tons, B = C = 3.207 tons, D = 0.912 tons. The sum of all these reactions exactly equals P, as should be. The middle supports are supposed raised by an amount equal to the end deflections of the open draw, therefore the strains due to dead load are easily found, as in the " braced semi-arch," Art. 9. The reactions due to live load, according to Art. 121, will not be affected by this raising of the supports. To find the strains due to P 4 , we draw the force line F 2 F [Fig. 86 (a)] by laying off P 4 9 tons down from F to F l3 then F! E 2 downwards equal to the negative reaction at L , viz., 0.912 tons. Then from E 2 lay off upwards E 2 E t = to positive reaction at C +3.207 tons. Then ^ E = reaction at B = + 3.207 tons, and finally E F equal to reaction at A = +3.498 tons, which should bring us back exactly to point of beginning F, since the reactions and the weight P must be in equilibrium. \JN~ote. When we wish to begin at the left end of the frame, it is best, as in this case, to lay off the reactions in order, com- mencing at the right.'] We have taken the scale of force 4 tons per inch. The weight P 4 acts upon the triangulation drawn full in the figure. Using now the notation of Art. 114, and representing all the space above the truss by E, all lelow by F, we have at A the reaction E F [Fig. 86 (a)] in equilibrium with E 1 and F 1, and drawing parallels to these lines from E and F, we find the strain in F 1 = 3. 54 tons tension, and E 1 = 5.1 compression. CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. ISO So we go through the truss and find the strains in every piece. Heavy lines in the strain diagram denote compression. We see at once that for this position of the weight, all the upper flanges in span A B are compressed, the last lower flange P 7 is also compressed, and all the other lower flanges are in tension. At the point of application of the weight P 4 , the two diagonals 3 4 and 4 5 are in tension, and either side they alter- nate in strain as far as C or diagonal 8 9. Diagonals 8 9 and 9 10 are both tension, and then the strains alternate to support D. All the upper flanges of the right half are tension and increase towards the middle. All the lower are compression and like- wise increase towards the middle. If we go through the whole truss from A to D, the last diago- nal 15, 16 should evidently pass exactly through E 2 , thus check- ing the accuracy of the construction. The diagonal 6 7 crosses the force line, thus causing the strain in the lower flange to change from tension in F t 5 to compression in F! 7. The point of inflection, therefore, falls to the right of diagonal 5 6. The reaction at B diminishes greatly the strain which would otherwise take effect in 7 8 and E 8 ; while the reaction at O reverses the strain which would otherwise take effect in 9 10 and diminishes E 10. We recommend the reader to follow through carefully the strain diagram, Fig. 86 (a). A series of figures similar to Fig. 86 (a) (in the present case seven separate figures) will give completely the strains due to the rolling load. A table may then be drawn up containing the strains due to dead load, and the maximum strains due to live load in every piece, and the total maximum tension and compression in every piece may then be found. [Compare Art. 12, Fig. 7.] For the supports fixed, instead of B and C tipping, the pro- cess is precisely similar, except that we have to make use of the formulae of Art. 12i4. The reaction at A will then be somewhat less than in the present case ; the inflection point is therefore found further from the right support B ; it may be even to the left of diagonal 5 6, in which case (see Fig. 86, a) we should have tension in upper flange E 6. The reaction at B would then be still positive, but greater than E E 1? while C would be negative and no longer equal to B, and D would be positive. We should thus have 7 8 tension and E 8 tension ; F 7, as before, compression, 8 9 compression, and 9 10 com- 190 GRAPHIC AXD ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. pression, and E 10 compression ; while F 9 would be tension. From 9 10 to the right the diagonals would alternate in strain, the compressed upper flanges, as also the tensile lower flanges, would diminish towards D, and the last diagonal should pass exactly through new position of F 2 , thus closing the strain diagram and checking the work. The reader will do well to construct the diagram. The strains should be found for both cases, and the maximum strains taken from each, which, compared with the permanent strains due to the dead load, will give the total maximum strains. "We have taken for convenience of size too small a scale for the frame to ensure good results. With a large and accurately constructed ymw e diagram, dealing as we do with only single weights, and consequently small strains, the above force scale of 4 tons per inch would give very accurate results. If the strains due to uniform load (no end reactions) are found by addition of the strains for each apex load diagramed separately, the same scale may be employed ; but if all the loads are taken as acting together (Fig. 5, b\ a smaller scale for strains will have to be adopted, as the force line will other- wise be too long. [See Art. 16 of Appendix for the method of calculation.] 125. Method of passing direct from one Spun to next. By inspection of Fig. 86 we see that we might find the strains in the intermediate span B C without first going through the whole of A B or C D. Thus, if we knew the moment at B, this moment^ divided by depth of truss at B, would give the strain in flange F 7 for the system of triangulation indicated by the full lines. If then we knew also the shear at B = P A B = E! F! (Fig. 86, a), we could at once lay off F l 7 and E! F t (Fig. 86, a\ and then proceed to find E 8 and 7 8, just as before. In the same way the moment at C, divided by height of truss at C, would give us strain in F 9, and with shear at C = P - A - B - C = E 2 F l = D, we could find E 10 and 9 10, as before. As we know already, a load anywhere upon a beam causes positive moments at a fixed end i.e., makes upper flange over support tension and lower flange com- pression. But as we see from the last case, owing to the tri- angulation, the last upper flange may also be compression (see E 6 in Fig. 86) if the inflection point lies between diagonal 5 6 CHAP. XH.J METHODS COMBINED. 191 and the support. The known moment gives, then, the charac- ter of the 'strain only for that flange which does not meet a diagonal at the support. The moment at B, therefore, being positive, gives us compression here in lower flange, because, for the system of triangulation corresponding to the weight, that flange does not meet a diagonal at B. For a weight upon the other system of triangulation (dotted in Fig.), the same moment would give us the tension in E 7. The construction assumes equilibrium between F 7, 7 8, and E 8, and the shear at B ; that is, between the pieces cut by an ideal section to the right of B through the truss and the shear at that section. That this is so is shown by the strain diagram, since there we see that the strains in these pieces form a closed polygon with the shear at B = E! F x . This must evidently be so if these are the only pieces cut by such a section, since then the horizontal com- ponents of the strains in these pieces must balance, and the resultant vertical component must be equal and opposite to the shear. It is important to know which side of E t Pj_ to lay off F! 7, since, if we had laid it off in this case to the right, we would have obtained a very different value for E t 8. For this pur- pose we have only to suppose the strain in the flange (either upper or lower, as the case may be) to be applied at the point of junction or apex of the other two pieces, and then lay it off in the direction with reference to that apex corresponding to the known character of its strain. The direction of the shear is always known from the reactions. Thus in our Fig. the shear between B and C acts down from E! to F l5 because P 4 , which also acts down, is greater than the sum of the upward reactions at A and B. The strain in F 7 is also known to be compressive, and therefore, in following round the strain polygon commencing from E x to F 1? it must act towards apex at 7. We must, therefore, lay it off to the left of E! Fj. In similar manner, for the other triangulation, the strain in flange E 7 is, in span B C, in equilibrium with 7 8 (dotted diagonal) and P 8 and shear E t F 1? and is, moreover, known to be tension. Consider it acting then at B ; and then, since it is tension, we go round the polygon from E t to P t , and then to the right of E x F 1? or away from B, the point at which it is supposed to act. Now for the case of the " tipper : " the reaction at D, and 192 GKA.PHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. therefore the moment at C, is also positive. The lower flange F 9 is therefore compression, or for the dotted system of trian- gulation E 9 is tension. The shear to the left of C, E t F! acts down, since P + A + B = ^ F lt Consider F 9 acting at apex 9, and then, since it is compression, it must act towards 9 (from right to left), and passing down then from E x to F 1? we must lay off F 9 to the left of E x F^ For similar reasons, for the other system, E 9 must be laid off to the right. For fixed supports B and C, the moments alternate from B, and the moment at C is therefore negative that is, gives com- pression above and tension below. Flange F 9, for the system of triangulation of P, would then be tension instead of com- pression, as above ; P will, however, still be greater than A + B, and hence the shear is to be laid off down, and F 9 must be laid off to the right. If, then, it were required to find the strains in the span B C, preceded and followed, it may be, by many others, it is suffi- cient to know the moment and shear at one support. We can then commence and continue the strain diagram, without being obliged to go off to a distant free end and trace all the strains through till we arrive at the span in question. 126. Method of procedure for any number of Spans. Let us take, then, any number of spans, say seven [PL 22, Fig. 87], and let it be required to find the maximum strains in the span D E. It is not, as we have just seen, necessary to com- mence at the extreme end A or H, and follow the reaction there through, from span to span, till we arrive at D. As we have seen from the preceding Art., we may start directly from D, provided we know the moment and shear there. Now, since a load in any span causes positive moments and reactions at the two ends of that span, and since either way from these ends the moments and shear at the other supports alternate in character [Art. 102], any and all loads in A B cause positive moments and reactions at D. So also for loads in C D and in F G. Loads in B C, E F and G H, on the other hand, cause negative moments and reactions at D. [See Fig. 87.] To find the maximum positive moment and shear at D due to the other spans, we must then suppose the method of loading shown in Fig. 87 (a). For the maximum negative moment and shear at D, we have the system of loading shown in Fig. 87 (b). CHAP. XII.] METHODS COMBINED. 193 these two moments and shears being once known, we can find by diagram and tabulate the respective strains in every piece of the span D E. Thus dividing the moment at D for either case by the height of truss, we have at once the strain in either upper or lower flange at D depending upon the system of triangulation as explained in Art. 125. With this strain and the shear at D properly laid off to scale, we can commence the. strain diagram precisely as though we had traced all the loads through from the extreme end A or H to D or E. We must next find and tabulate the strains in D E due to each apex load in the span itself, and for this we must know to begin with the moments and shears for each separate load. [Note. Distinguish carefully between shear and reaction at a support. The shear at D, or at a point just to right of D, is the algebraic sum of all the reactions and weights between that point and A. See also Fig. 84 (Art. 123), where the reaction at B is l> a, but the shear atB is b a + H. a = H b. So also the reaction at C is -f ~b c, but the shear at C is + I c ba + Ha HC, etc.] Conceiving n-ow that we have found and tabulated the strains due to the first and second systems of loading as shown in Fig. 87, and also the strains for each load P in D E, the sum of these strains will give the strains due to live load o-ver the whole length of girder, and taking the proper proportion of these, we shall have the strains due to the dead load. Combining then these strains with those first found, we can easily find the total maximum strains which can ever occur in D E. 127. Example. Let us take, as an illustration of the pre- ceding, the girder shown in Fig. 87, of seven equal spans, and seek the maximum strains which can ever occur in the middle span D E. Let Fig. 88, PI. 23, represent the span D E length 80 feet, divided into 4 panels ; and let the live load at each apex be 40 tons,* the uniform load being half as much, or 20 tons per apex. Height of truss = 10 feet. Now the quantities which for the present we must suppose known or already found are as follows : * A very great load : half the resulting strains would give more nearly the strains in a single truss. 13 194 GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC [CHAP. XII. Positive moment at D (1st system of loading), as shown by Fig. 87 (a) .... + 788.2 feet tons. Corresponding shear at D = -1- 14.63 tons. Negative moment at D (2d system of loading) = - 382.54. Corresponding shear ~ 14.63. Also for the loads in D E : For the first load P 1? moment -f 158.92, shear = + 36.17. P, = + 271.96 = + 25.88. P 3 " = + 203.36 = + 14.16. P 4 " = + 62.88 " = + 3.82. In Fig. 88 we have found by diagram the strains due to P 3 . [For notation, see Art. 114.] We l&y off to scale the shear 14.16 upwards, since it is posi- tive, and then, since the moment 203.36 at D is positive, and hence the strain in A a must be tension, we lay off A a = ?H^- = 20.3 tons to the right of B A (Art. 125). With B A and A a thus given, we can rapidly and accurately find all the other strains. Thus from our diagram we have, representing tension by minus and compression by plus, A a = 20.3 A c + 8.0 A e = + 36.4 A g = + 24.4 A ]c = - 27.2 B6= + 6.0 B where the value of r for any particular case in- dicates the number of the loaded span from left. A concentrated load is indicated by P. Its distance from nearest left-hand support, by a. The ratio of a to length of loaded span Z r , is It = . 4 Moment at any support in general is M mJ where m may be 1, 2, 3, r, r 4- 1, s, etc., indicating in every case the moment at corresponding support from left. In same way reaction at any support is Rjn, shear S m . At supports adjacent to loaded span, then, we have M r , M r+1 , R r) R^, S r , S r+1 , for the moments, reactions, and shears at those supports. A dead uniform load is u per unit of length. A uniform live load, w per unit of length. w 4x, then, indicates a uniform live load over any span. These comprise all the symbols we shall have occasion to use* By reference to Fig. 89, the reader can familiarize himself with their signification, and will then find no difficulty in under- standing and using the following formulae. Certain symbols which we shall use for expressions of frequent occurrence, will be best explained as we have occasion to introduce them. 131. <4 Theorem of Three Moments.'' This remarkable Theorem, due to Clapeyron, expresses a relation between the moments at any three consecutive supports, both for uniform 202 CONTINUOUS GIRDER. [CHAP. XIII. load over whole length of girder from end to end, and for uni- form load over the whole of any single span. It may be writ- ten as follows : M m l m + 2 M m+1 (l m+ l m+1 ) + M m+2 Z m+1 = [ + + J. If we suppose only one of the two adjacent spans as l m to contain the full live load -10, while all the spans are of course covered with the dead load u, the above equation becomes +1 m ' * - " A m -t- 1 i_-iu -1U + J.J in +4 w ia + i If both spans bear the same uniform load u alone, ]\I m 1+2 ]VT m i\l + I i"] + Hff I = \f-\-f "I If the spans are equal, the above two equations become re- spectively n .. l O . M m Z + 4M m+1 1 + and M m I + 4 M m+1 I + M m+2 I r&?~* Now in every continuous beam, whose extreme ends are not fixed, two moments are always known, viz., those at the ex- treme supports, which are always zero. Hence, by the applica- tion of this theorem, we can" form in any given case as many equations as there are unknown moments, and then, by solving these equations, can determine the moments themselves. 132. Elx&mple Total uniform Load all Spans equal. Thus let it be required to find the moments at the supports for a beam of seven equal spans, uniformly loaded over its whole length. The moments at the end supports M t and M y are zero. We have then, by the application of the last equation above, the following equations : Fdr the first three supports 1, 2 and 3, m 1, and 4 Mg I 4- M s I ^ , or 4 3YT 2 -f- M 3 = . For supports 2, 3 and 4, ny, = 2, and M 2 + 4 M 3 + M 4 = " CHAP. XIII.] ANALYTICAL FORMULAE. 203 For supports 3, 4 and 5, m 3, and or since in this case the moments equally distant each way from the middle are equal, this last equation becomes M 3 + 4 M 4 + M 4 = ?tf. a We have therefore three equations between three unknown moments, M 2 , 3YT 3 and M 4 , and by elimination and substitution can easily find 1 9 If, as in our example of Art. 127 in the preceding chapter, we take u = 1 ton per ft., I = 8'0 ft., then u 1? 6400, and the moment at the fourth support becomes 540.8. If the height of truss is ten feet, this gives [Fig. 88] 54.1 tons strain in the upper flange A a. By reference to our tabulation, Art. 12T, we see that this agrees closely with strain in A 1 due to uni- form load, found in a manner entirely different, viz., by sum- mation of the strains due to first case of loading, and the several loads in -the span itself, and serves therefore as a check upon our results. 133. Triangle of Momciit. For the benefit of the practi- cal engineer, who may object to the algebraic work involved in elimination of the unknown moments from the equations above, when the number of spans is great, we offer the following tabu- lation, from which he may easily and directly determine the moments at the supports for any "desired number of spans without formulce or calculation. Thus, if we were in the above manner to find the moments for a number of spans, and tabulate our results as given in the annexed table, an inspection of the table will show us that we can produce it to any extent desired without further calcula- tion. 204 CONTINUOUS GIRDER. [CHAP. XIIL MOMENTS AT SUPPORTS TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD ALL SPANS EQUAL. Coefficients of u I 2 given in triangle. The Roman numerals along the sides of the triangle indicate tfye number of spans, and the horizontal line to which they be- long give the moments. Thus, for our example of seven spans just worked out, we have the extreme moments M! and M 8 = 0, 15 M 2 and M 7 = u Z 2 , etc. Now, a simple inspection of this table will show us that for any even number of spans, as VIII., for example, the numbers in the horizontal line are obtained by multiplying the fraction above in any diagonal column, both numerator and denomina- tor, by 2, and adding the numerator and denominator of the fraction preceding that. Thus, 15 x2 + 11 41 142 x 2 + 104 388 ' 142 x 2 + 104 30 _ 15 x 2 388 "" 142x2 12 x 2 + 9 33 m the other diagonal column ; j^~2 + 104 == 388 r 11 x 2 + 11 . = :r77r~ T777 m the other diagonal column ; and so on. 142 x 2 + 104 For any odd number of spans, as IX., we have simply to add numerator to numerator and denominator to denominator, the two preceding fractions in the same diagonal column. CHAP. XIII.] ANALYTICAL FORMULAE. 205 41 H- 15 56 33 + 12 30 + 15 45 I n n Q __ Ol* _ _ _ ' 388 + 142 7 530' 388 + 142' " 388 + 142 530' and so on. We can, therefore, independently of the theorem and analyt- ical method by which the above results were deduced, produce the table to any required number of spans.* 134. Total uniform L,oad all Span equal Reactions. The moments being known, the reactions at the supports can be very easily found. Thus, the reaction at the first or last support is _ul M s ' : T~ T ; at any other support Thus, in our example in Art. 127, we find 56 161 _ 137 143 Hence, the shear at the fourth support is 56 161 137 143 . . 71 71 or when u I = 80 tons, - ul = 4:0 tons. Multiplying this shear by 1.414 (the secant of the angle with vertical), we find for the strain in diagonal a b (Fig. 88) due to uniform load + 56.5 tons, the same nearly as already found in our tabulation. 135. Triangle for Reactions. The reactions for a number of spans being found, and tabulated, as above, in the case of the moments, we sjiall have a triangular table precisely similar to the one above, in which the same rule holds good for odd and even numbers of spans. * The above relations between the moments can be shown analytically to be a result of the properties of the well-known " Clapeyronian numbers." For the table above, as also the others which follow, we are indebted to the kindness of Mr. Mansfield Merriman, Instructor in Civil Engineering in the Sheffield Sci. School of Yale College. They are given, so far as we are aware, in no treatise upon the subject yet published. 206 CONTINUOUS GIRDER. [CHAP. xm. REACTIONS AT SUPPORTS TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD ALL SPANS EQUAL. Coefficients of u I given in triangle. vni. VII. VII. VIII. "We are thus able to find both moments and reactions at the supports for any number of spans, so far as uniform loading is considered, and may then either diagram the strains in the various pieces or calculate them as explained in Arts. 127 and 128. No formulae are required. Any one who understands the method of moments as applied to simple girders can, by the aid of the two tables above, find accurately the strains in every piece of a girder, continuous over as many equal spans as is desired, and uniformly loaded over its entire length, all sup- ports being on the same straight line. As we have seen, Art. 127, this is one of the cases which must be considered in order to find the maximum strains in any span,* and the results above given for its solution will, we trust, be found by the practical engineer to be neither " com- plex " nor " difficult of application." 136. Clapeyroiiian Numbers. In the analytical discussion of continuous girders, certain numbers having many remarka- ble properties play a very important role. We have seen that the theorem of three moments furnishes us with as many equations between the moments as there are moments to be determined. For a small number of supports, * See note to Art. 129. CHAP. XIII.] ANALYTICAL FORMULAE. 207 these equations can, be solved by the ordinary rules of algebra ; but for a great number, or in the general analytic discussion of any number, we must have recourse to a special artifice. Tims we multiply our equations, beginning with the last, by numbers indicated by r M^l^Z 2 r c s - m+2 + 1 and < s, R, = - ??? R s + 1== _^?!. CHAP. XIII.] ANALYTICAL FORMULA. 213 For all other reactions, Thus for load covering the first span of seven spans, we find from the known moment, given in preceding Art., for the fourth support, 6 x 56 336 R ^n^ wl = u^ wL For load over third span from left, 6 x 616 1 , 6607 For load on sixth span, Hence, total reaction at fourth support for first case of loading 7213 is jpj-rr; w & I n the same way we can find the reactions at the first, second, and third supports, for the second case of loading, as shown in Fig. 87, and then can easily find the shear at any support, as D, by taking the algebraic sum of all the reactions and loads between that support and the end. We can now, therefore, find the shear and moment at D, and thus determine the strains in the span D E for both cases of loading, as given in our tabulation, Art. 127. 142. Triangle for Reactions Single Span loaded. If we calculate from our formulae the reactions at supports of loaded span, for a number of spans, we can tabulate the results, as on next page, in a triangle, where each number is four times the preceding minus the one preceding that, all in the same diagonal column. 214 CONTINUOUS GIRDER. [CHAP. XIII. REACTIONS AT SUPPORTS LIVE LOAD OVER SINGLE SPAN. Coefficients of w I given in triangle. This triangle, similar to the preceding one for moments, gives the moments at the left support of the loaded span, when we count from left to right. Counting the other way, we have the reactions at the right support of the loaded span. Thus for six spans, fourth span from left loaded, we count 1770 four from left in horizontal line for VI., and find w I for 3120 reaction at left support. For reaction at right, we count four also from right end, and find w I. 143. Reaction in unloaded Spans Load over one Span only Table. The formulae of Art. 141 for the reaction at any unloaded support are sufficiently simple and easy to apply ; still we may, if thought preferable, also draw up tables for these, to be used in connection with the triangle of the pre- ceding Art. The following tables give the coefficients of w I for the reactions not adjacent to the loaded span. The denomi- nator of the fraction is to be taken from the triangle above ; the tables referred to give only the numerators. CHAP. XIH.] ANALYTICAL FORMULAE. 215 REACTIONS AT UNLOADED SPANS. Supports counted from left. Supports counted from right. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 6 24 90 336 1254 r. 3 11 18 72 264 270 990 1008 ii'. 66 in 1 . 41 153 571 246 918 984 IV. V. VI'. 2131| VII'. B -g 6' 5' 4' a- 2' 1' I. II. III. 1254 336 1008 90 270 24 72 6 18 1 ~3~ 11 990 264 66 IV. V. VI. VII. 984 246 918 41 153 571 2131 Tables give the numerators of the coefficients of w L triangle on page opposite. Denominators from These tables may be carried out to any desired extent by the law of the Clapeyronian numbers in the vertical columns. As an example of their use, take seven spans load in fifth from left, that is, in third from right. (Make sketch.) From the triangle we take the common denominator 11644. Then from first table in the horizontal column of III/ we have for left end Ri- wl, Ra = . 66 264_ 11644' 990 11644 w 11644 ~ 11644 ~ 11644' For supports right of loaded span, we must take the second table, and look in horizontal column for Y. We thus obtain 153 918 ^-11644^ *- ~ 11644** We can now, therefore, either by our tables or formulae, or both, find the moments, reactions, and shearing force at any support for both cases of loading given in Fig. 87. The reader will do well to take the example of Art. 127, and find the mo- ment and shear at D for both cases, and thus check our results as giren in Art. 127, viz., + 788.2 ft. tons and 382.5 ft. tons for the moments, and 14.63 tons for shear. 216 CONTINUOUS GLBDEE. [CHAP. XIII. 144. Concentrated Load in any Spun Moments at Sup- ports. It only remains to consider a concentrated load at any point. If the formulae for this case do not prove to be too com- plex or intricate for practice, we may consider the case, so far as equal spans are concerned, as fully solved. We have seen that the " theorem of three moments," so far as uniform loads are concerned, enables us to solve the case thoroughly. It is more especially as regards concentrated or partial loads that the opinion widely prevails as to the impossi- bility of obtaining practically useful formulae ; and this, not- withstanding that it has been shown by Bresse, WinJder, Wey- rauch, and many others, that the theorem of three moments can be extended to include concentrated loads also. The Theorem as thus extended is as follows: ^-1 + 2 M m /^ + Z m + M m+1 l m = Pm-l a' where, by our notation (Fig. 89, Art. 130), a! and a are the dis- tances of P m _i, P m , from the nearest left supports.* By the aid of this theorem, we are able to deduce the follow- ing formulas : For moments left of r, and including support r, that is when m <* + !, M m = - c m A Cs ~ r+2 + A ' CS ~ T+I . C &+1 For moments right of r + 1, including support r + 1, or u TUT A Cp + A' c I+l when m > r, M m = c a _ m+2 - - - *&* C B + 1 In these formulae, c represents, as above, the Clapeyronian number, and A A' stand for the following expressions : A = PZ(2-3# J + P) A' = PZ (&-#), k being the fraction -, or the ratio of the distance of the weight L P from the left support, to the length of span. 145. Illustration of Application of above Formulae. These formulae are by no means difficult of application. Let * For demonstration of this Theorem, see Supplement to this chapter. CHAP. XIII.] ANALYTICAL FORMULA. 217 us take the example of Art. 127 (Fig. 88), where P = 40 tons, 1=80 ft., and a becomes 10, 30, 50 and 70 ft. respectively. First, as regards the expressions A A' : These become in the present case 3200 (2 & 3 ^ + ^) and 3200 (k %?) respectively, where Jc has the values -J-, f , -|, and -J successively. Now as the denominator is in each term always the same, in the first 8, in the second 64, in the third 512, and only the numerators of the values of Jc vary for the different positions of P, we may put these values of A and A' in the forms or A = 800 h 150 A 2 4- 6.2305 A 3 , A' = 400 h - 6.2305 A 3 , where A has successively the values 1, 3, 5 and 7, for P 15 P 2 , P 3 and P 4 respectively. These are then the practical formulae for substitution in the present case. We can now apply the formulae for M above. Thus, sup- pose for seven spans we have P 3 in the fourth, as shown by Fig. 88, and wish the moment due to P 3 at the fourth support D. Then s = 7, r = 4, and m = 4, and we have M 4= -o 4 or, referring to Art. 136 for the Clapeyronian numbers, -56 A + 15 A' 840 A - 225 A' M 4 = - 15 2911 2911 Now for P 3 we have k = -, or A = 5, and therefore o A = 1028.81 A' = 1221.2. Hence = 202.4 ft. tons. This divided by 10 = height of truss gives tension in A a = 20.2 tons, nearly what we have already found in our tabulation, Art. 127. In like manner we may easily find the moment at D due to 218 CONTINUOUS GERDEE. [CHAP. XIII. every weight, or by giving the proper value to m in our for- mulae, we may find the moment at any support we please. The moments at the supports of the loaded span being found, the moments at the other supports may be obtained according to the rule given in Art. 140 for uniform live load over single span. 146. Triangle of Moments. The reader may also by the aid of the formulae above form a triangle similar to those al- ready given, containing the coefficients of P I for the moments at the supports of the loaded span. Thus for two spans, for moment at left support, we should obtain and J [2 Jc - 3 Z? + F] P I, and this last value will run down the right diagonal column without change, except in its coefficient J, which will become successively T 4 ^, -J|-, $, for three, four and five spans respectively. For three spans we shall have, 0, -^ [7 k 12 I 2 + 5 %?] P Z, and, as above, TS- t 2 ^ 3 ^ + ^] P I. The second of these will run down the second diagonal column from the right without change, except in its coefficient, which will be -fa, ^V 5 ?? etc., for five and six spans. So, for four spans we have 0, .fa [26 Jc - 45 & -f 19 %?] P /, ^ [7& - 12 W + 5 ^] PI, ^ [2 Jc - 3 J 1 and r r, M m = - in which & = * and A = P J (2& - 3/P-f /fc 3 ), A' = P J (^- #) for concentrated loads, and A = A' = J w Z 2 for a uniform load over any one span. 2d. Shear at the supports. In the loaded span, to the right of the left support, To the left of the right support, S' r+1 = ! r In the wMloaded spans, to the right of the left support, 8 _ To the left of the right support, ' Mm ~ Mm - 1 For the reaction at any support, Rm = S' m + S m . 3d. Reactions. (a) Abutment reactions : when r = 1, R 1= -?^ + ^ ; w hen r = s, R s+1 = - s +/; when y > 1 and < s, R t =: ^ R s+1 = ???. ^ ^ (5) Eeactions at supports adjacent to loaded span (when this span is not an end span) : CHAP. XIII.] ANALYTICAL FORMULAE. 223 ( r, IV^ = %* - A <* + . I p C B _! + 2 (n + p) c a Shear at Supports loaded span, 4 s Wi = - ~ V~ ~"~ "*" ^' ' wwloaded spans, B ^ = M,-M^t M m - m^^ For uniform load, A = A' = J w f r ; q q' = \ w l r * Jour. Franklin Institute, March and April, 1875. CHAP. XIII.] ANALYTICAL FORMULA. 225 For concentrated load, A = P g (2 k - 3 & + #), A 7 = P (& - If), and ^ = P (1 &), ' = P k, k being always =-. ^r The quantities denoted by c are also as follows : _ + 12 j9) - n (14 + j> (52 + 45 j>) + ^(52 + 60 p) T _ -p (194 + 168 p) - n (194 + 224 p) -J~ p (724 ^ 617^) + w (724 + 836^) c 8 - , etc., following the law of the Clapeyronian numbers. 151. Application of the above Formulae. The for- mulse of the preceding Art. comprise in a most compact form all the formulae hitherto given, and are all that is necessary for the complete solution of any practical case. Thus, by making p unity and retaining only 71, we have the case of a girder with variable end spans n I, of different length from the others, which latter are all equal and repre- sented by I. The reader will find no difficulty in using the above. For any particular case, when w or P and Z, k, n and p are given, A, A 7 , q and q' can be easily found, and the prob- lem is solved. If n and^) be both unity, we have the formulae for all spans equal. The expressions for M m will then reduce to those already given in Art. 144. Thus, in Art. 145 we have already found for seven equal spans, I = 80 ft., load P = 40 distant 50 ft. from left ; the moment M 4 = 202.4. Now, from our formulae above, we find for MS making m 5, 5 = 7, r = 4; M 5 = 272.8. Then by our formulae for shear, S 4 = + 14.12, or nearly 15 226 CONTINUOUS GIKDER. [CHAP. XIII. what we have assumed in Art. 145. We may also find the same shear by finding the algebraic sum of the reactions at ABC and D from the formulae of Art. 147. This is more tedious, and, as we see, unnecessary. The moments can be easily found, and then the shear obtained directly from these. We must bear in mind that l r always denotes the span the load is upon, whether nl,pl, or I, while l m is any span in gen- eral, according to the value of m. 152. Continuous Girder with fixed ends. It is worthy of remark that if n be made zero in the formulas of Art. 149, we have a girder with fastened ends and variable end spans p I. If in addition^? is unity, then all the spans become equal. We must, however, remember that when we thus make n = 0, the number of spans is s 2 instead of s, as before/ and the end spans are p I ; the end supports are also 2 and s instead of 1 and s + 1. 153. Examples. As illustrations of the use of the formulae of Art. 150, we give a few examples. Ex. 1. A beam of one span is fixed horizontally at the ends. What are the end moments and reactions for a concentrated weight distant k \from the left end? Here the two outer spans of three spans are supposed zero. Therefore, 5 2 = 1, and s = 3. The left end is 2 instead of 1, and the right end 3. Hence, r 2,^> = 0, and n = 1 in the formulae of Art. 150. We have, then, d = 0, c 2 = 1, CQ = 2, 4 = 4> and hence, or, inserting the values of c above, M 2 = 1(2A-A'), M 3 =-1(A-2A'). For a concentrated load, A = P Z 2 (2 k - 3 # + #), and A' = P P (& - ;&). Hence, M 2 = P I (k - 2Z? + .#), and M 3 = P I (1$ - V s ). For the reaction at the left end, which is in this case the same as the shear, we have CHAP. Xm.] ANALYTICAL FORMULAE. 227 5 2 = M 2- M s + P (1 _ k) or S 2 = P (1 - 3 # + 2 #), f 5 3 = M 3- M s + P k or S 3 - P (3 # - 2 #). ^ For a load anywhere, we have simply to give the proper value to k, and we have at once the reactions and moments. Thus, for a load at \ the span from the left, Tc, = , and s 2 = fjp, S S = AP ; M 2 = &Pi,m i = &Pi For a load in centre, k J, and [Compare Supplement to Chap. VII., Arts. 16 and IT.] Ex. 2. J^r # uniform load over the same beam, what are the end moments and reactions f We have simply to introduce the proper values of A and A' for this case, and we have at once Mg T ^- w Z 2 = M 3 and S 2 = S 3 = w I Ex. 3. A girder of three equal span's is " walled in " at the ends, and has a concentrated load in the first span. What are the moments, shears, and reactions at the ends and intermediate In this case, s 2 = 3, and hence s = 5, r = 2, n 0, j9 = 1, and therefore C 2 A i 5 + A' c 4 = T * 4 + 2* ' frA^ + A'fr ^AC^ + A^ 2 c 4 4- 2 c? 5 ^ c 4 + 2 c 5 also, c t = , c 2 = 1, - 9 #). 4-0 4:0 For the reactions, then, Ra = S 2 , R 3 = S' 8 + S 8 = ^ (126 # -81.& 3 ), 4-O R 4 = S' 4 + S 4 = ?- (- 36 & + 36 #), R 5 = S' 5 . 4:0 Observe that the reactions as also the shears are positive at the supports of the loaded span, and alternate in sign from those supports. A positive shear or reaction acts always up- wards. Disregarding, then, for the present, the weight of the beam itself, it would have to be held down at first pier from right end. If the weight is in the centre of first span from left, Jc J, and 36 _ 9 360 ' - 360 ' 360 ' ^ ~ 860 .. _p B R _ ^ ~ ' * - ' 4 ' ^ ~ * The reactions add up to P, as they should. If P = 100 tons, and 1 = 16 ft., we have M 2 = 237.5 ft. tons, M 3 = 87.5, M 4 = - 50, M 5 = 25 ft. tons. R 2 = 60 tons RS = 47.5, R 4 = - 10, R 5 = 2.5 tons ; S 2 = 60 tons, S' 8 = 40, S 8 = 7.5, S' 4 = - 7.5, S 4 = -2.5, S' 5 = 2.5. Ex. 4. A beam of five spans, free cut ends ; centre and adja- cent spans 100 ft., end spans each 75 ft., has a uniform load extending over the whole of the second span from left. What are the moments at the ends and supports f CHAP. Xin.] ANALYTICAL FORMULAE. 229 Here s = 5, n = f , p 1, r = -2 ; therefore, from Art. 150, . 2 _A. 5 + A'* 4 ^A. 2 + A'. 3 * ^4 + 1 4, Z C 4 + J C 5 and M 3 - T f I* w ?, M 4 = - y 35^ w M ^ 0. If the load is two tons per ft., w 1? = 20,000, and M t = 0, M 2 = 414.7, M 3 = 1036.6, M 4 = - 279.5, M 5 = 79.7. Find the shears and reactions at each support. Ex. 5. A beam of four equal spans, has the second span from left covered with full load. What is the moment and shear at left of load f Ans. M 2 = Tg^j- w I*, S 2 = JJJ- w I. What at right of load ? Ans. M 3 = 3^- w I, S' 3 = % Jf w I. What are the formulae for concentrated load ? 5o TV/r r'r Z> 1 Z2 i K L3~| ~p 7 J-TXo f /* I * tv ~~" -L^ 'v ~i *-^ *v I ^ v* OD S 2 = ^ [56 - 58 ^ + 3 t? - ^ 3 ], S' 8 = [58^-3^ + ^] ^>- Examples might be multiplied indefinitely. The above is sufficient to show the comprehensiveness of our formulae, and the ease with which results may be obtained, which, by the usual methods, would require long and intricate mathematical discussions. The points of inflection and the deflection may also in any case be easily determined, and gen- eral equations similar to the above deduced, but, as we have seen, the above are sufficient for full and complete calculation. 154. Table* for Moment*. From the formulae of Art. 150 we can easily find the moments for both uniform and concen- trated load in a single span for various numbers of spans. If these results are tabulated we, shall obtain tables from which 230 CONTINUOUS GIEDEE. [CHAP,, xm. the moments may be at once taken. The formulae for the shears are so easy when for any case the moments are known, that it is unnecessary to give tables for these. The reader will do well to make himself perfectly familiar with the formulae by calculating the moments for various cases, and comparing with the following tables. We give the prac- tical case of variable end spans n I and equal intermediate spans I. TABLE FOB MOMENTS UNIFORM LOAD OVER ANY SINGLE SPAN. Coefficients 'of w I 2 from talk. End spcuns n 1. Supports counted from left. 1 2 3 4 5 6 n* (2 + 3n)n3 (7 8) (26 + 3071)^3 (97 + 11271)7*3 I. 1+271 (l + 2ra) (2 + 27i) (1+270(7+871) (l+27i)(26 + 80n) etc. II. 5 + n (5 + 6ra)(2 + 3/i) (5 + 6 n) (7 + 8 n) etc. III. 19 + 2271 (19 + 22)(2 + 2) (19 + 227i)(7 + 87i) IV. 71 + 8271 (71+83n)(2 + 8n) etc. V. 365+ 304 n etc. VI. Number of spans. One-fourth of Denominator. 1 2 3 3 + 8 Ti + 4 7i a 4 12 + 2871 + 16 n 5 45 + 104 71 + 60 7i 2 6 168 + 3837* + 224 r I* The above table can be easily extended to include any num- ber of spans. It is precisely the same as the table of Art. 140, and, in fact, includes that table. We have only to make n = 1 and we have at once the table for equal spans. Suppose we take five spans, load in second from right. From the smaller table we have at once for the denominator of the coefficient of w Z 2 , 4 (45 + 104 n + 60 n 2 ). Then from the other table we have at support 1 from left M x = 0, (l+2n)wP at support 2, 4 (45 + 104 ?i ANALYTICAL FORMULA. CHAP, xm.] , at support 3, M 3 (1 4- 2 n) (2 + 2 n) w 231 , etc. 4 (45 4- 104 n + 60 If the load were in second span from left, and supports to right of load were required, we have simply to count the sup- ports the other way in the table. Thus, 3YE 6 = 0, 3YC 3 = - - - ., or same as 3VT 2 in first case, etc. TABLE FOR MOMENTS CONCENTRATED LOAD IN ANY SPAN, k = . End spans n 1. Coefficients of P \ T from table. a = a' (P y 0=0' 4 4-i> fc the lengths of the various spans counting from left. Then, when m < r + 1, TVT / A m 4<-i when m > r, M A A e r + B c r+l A -m "'s m+27 ; o (1 i 7 - \ * V_i tfs-i + 2 (4 + ^.j c a For the shear at supports of loaded span, gr = M r -M r+1 + g SWi ^M -M r + 6 r l t For -zmloaded spans, * These formulas were first given by Mr. Merriman, and may be found In the London Phil. Magazine, Sept., 1875. 234 CONTINUOUS GIEDEE. [CHAP. XIII. For the reaction at any support, R m = S' m + S m . In which we have always Jc = - , q = P (1 #), q' = P Jc. i> r A = P l r 2 (2 k - 3 & -f If) and B = P I* (k - F) for concen- trated load ; and q = q' = ^ wl iy and A = B = % wl* for uni- form load entirely covering any one span. Also for G and d we have the following values : = 1, 2 ft + " _ 4 ft 4- 4) (4 + 4) - V ""' or, generally, _ 4: ft + d) (4-1 + 4-2) ~ 74-7 7 "s m+3 i ^s m+2 J ^s m+3 d 5 = 2 d or, generally, d m = 2d As an illustration of the use of the above formulae, let us take three unequal spans, load in the first. Then s = 3,r = ~L, Tc, = y. For moment at second support, m 2, or m > ^ ; hence ^i M -- /7 A ^i + B g 2 ^ * CHAP. Xm.] ANALYTICAL FOKMUL^E. 235 But Ci = 0, C 2 = 1, hence, since B = P If (k If), _ 2 P y (* - Jf) (4 + 4) * (4 + 4) (k + 4) -V If in this we make \ = 4? we have the extreme spans equal, and then M _ a P y (* - #) ft + 4) * (4 + 4) 2 - V If we make in this, again, \ = 4, we have for all spans equal just what we should have from Art. 149. For the reaction at the end support, we have or, since M t = 0, For all spans equal, or 1^=1^=1^ = 1^ this reduces to S! = Z (15 - 19 Jc + 4 #), 15 as we should have found from Art. 149. Ex. 1. A beam of one span is fixed horizontally at the right end ; what are the reactions and the moments for concen- trated load ? Here 5 1=1 or s = 2, r = 1, 4 = 0, and from the for- mulae of Art. 155, c l = 0, c 2 = 1, and ). 236 CONTINUOUS GIRDER. [CHAP. XIII. Ex. 2. A 'beam of three spans of 25, 50 and 40 feet respec- tively is fixed horizontally at the right end, and has a concen- trated load of 10 tons at 12 feet from the third support from left. What are the moments at the supports f Here I, = 25, ^ = 50, 4 = 40, 4 = 0, P = 10, k 4 = 12, Jc = 0.3, 5-1 = 3. s = 4, 4 = and r = 3. Also, c l = 0, c 2 = 1, GS = 3, c 4 = 12.25 and ^ = 0, ^ = 1, 4 = 2, 3, Hence, Mj = 0, Us < 17 * - 30 - 9 * + 13 - 9 *> = M 5 = 0. Find the shears. Also find the moments and shear for uni form load over second span. CHAP. XIII.] ANALYTICAL FORMULA. 237 156. Thus we see that, as in Art. 150, a few short and sim- ple formulae, which may be written on a piece of paper the size of one's hand, are all that we need for the complete solution of any case of level supports whether the spans be all equal or the end ones only different, or all different ; whether the girder merely rest on the end supports or be fastened horizontally at one or both ends. We have only to remember that a positive moment causes tension in upper flange at support, and there- fore compression in lower; inversely for negative moment. Also, that a positive shear acts upwards, and a negative shear downwards. Also, that both moment and shear are positive at supports of loaded span, and alternate in sign both ways. This is all that we need to form properly the equation of moments at any apex, and determine the quality of the strains in flanges and diagonals. We can thus solve any practical case of framed continuous girder which can ever occur with little more diffi- culty than in the case of a simple girder. Thus, for the span DE (Fig. 87) we have only to find the moments at D and E due to every position of P in the span D E, and the corresponding shears at D. These once known, and, as we have seen, they can be easily obtained from our formulae, we can find and tabulate the strains in every piece due to each weight, as shown in Art. 127. An addition of these strains gives, then, the maxima of each kind due to interior loading. We have, then, to find, in like manner, the strains due to the two cases of exterior loading as represented in Fig. 87. From the four columns thus obtained, we can deduce the dead load strains, and then finally the total maximum strains of each kind for every piece. [See, for illustration of the above, Art. 127.] Thus, the whole subject is solved with the aid of but four simple formulas, and for a problem generally considered impos- sible by reason of its " complexity," our results will, we trust, be found sufficiently simple and practical. In view of the fact that the necessary formulae for practical computations have been often given in the later works of French and German authors, although perhaps never before in so compact and available a shape as above, it is indeed sur- prising that they should have been so completely ignored by English and American writers. The tables and formulae which we have given will, we trust, 238 CONTINUOUS GIRDER. [CHAP. XIII. bring the subject fairly within the reach of the practical engi- neer, and should they be the means of calling more general at- tention to this important class of structures, will not, we hope, be considered as out of place in the present treatise. For the influence of difference of level of the supports, as well as for variable cross-section and the relative economy of the continuous girder, see Arts. 17 and 18 of the Appendix. ART. 1.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIH. 239 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER XIII. DEMONSTRATION OF ANALYTICAL FORMULAE GIVEN IN TEXT. IN the following we shall give the complete development of the general formulae of Art. 155. As these formulae include, as we have seen, all the others as special cases, it is sufficient to show how they are obtained in order to enable the reader to deduce all the others. 1. Conditions of Equilibrium. In the rth span of a continuous girder, whose length is IT (see Fig.), take a point o vertically above the rih support as the origin of co-ordinates, and the horizontal line o I as the axis of abscissas. At a distance x from the left support pass a vertical section, and between the support and this section let there be a single load P r whose distance from the support is a. Now all the exterior forces which act on the girder to the left of the support r we consider as replaced, without disturbing the equilibrium, by a resultant moment M r and a resultant vertical shearing force S r . This moment is equal and opposite to the moment of the internal forces at the section through the support r ; while the vertical force is equal and oppo- site to the shear. Not only over the support, but also at every section, the interior forces must hold the exterior ones in equilibrium, and therefore we have the con- ditions : 1st. The sum (algebraic) of all the horizontal forces must be zero. 2d. The sum (algebraic) of all the vertical forces must be zero. 3d. The sum (algebraic) of the moments of all the forces must be zero. Thus, for the section #, we have from the third condition 2 M = M r - Sr x + P r (x - a) - m = . . . . (1) where m is the moment at the section. From this we have m = Mr S r x + P r (x a) . (2) If in this we make x = 1& m becomes M r+ i, and we thus have for the shear just to the right of the left support of the loaded span 24:0 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIII. [ART. 2. For an unloaded span the weight P disappears, and For the shear just to the left of the right support of loaded span, For unloaded span, the weight P disappears, and S' m is then the shear to the left of any support m, and S m that to the right. The reaction at any support is therefore Rm = S'm + Sm. These are the formulae already given in Art. 148. 2. Equation of tlie Elastic Line. We can now easily make out the equation of the elastic line for the continuous girder of constant cross-section, or constant moment of inertia. The differential equation of the elastic line is,* where E is the coefficient of elasticity, and I the moment of inertia. If now we insert in (3) the value of m, as given in (2), we have d? y _ M r S r x + P T (x a) dH?~ El Integrating f this between the limits x = and .?, and upon the condition that x cannot be less than a, the constant of integration ~~ = t r = the tan- gent of the angle, which the tangent to the deflected curve makes with the horizontal at r ; and we have, since we must take the / P r (x a) simul- taneously between the limits x a and z for x and x ; dy_ 2M r g-S t a? + P r (g-a) cTx- tr+ 2EI ' (3 '^ If we take the origin at a distance h T (see Fig.) above the support r, then integrating again, the constant is h T , and we have which is the general equation of the elastic curve. If in this we make * See Supplement to Chapter VII., Art. 12. f Notice that when x = 0, a 0, and hence (x a) also. ART. 3.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIII. x lr, y becomes h r+ i. If also we put - = &, or a = k Z r , and insert also for S r its value as given in (2 a), we find for _ _ 2 M r Z r -f M r+1 Z r - P r Z r 2 (2 * - 3 ..(5) We see, then, that the equation of the curve is completely determined, when we know M r and M r+1 , the moments at the supports. These, as we shall see in the next Art., are readily found by the remarkable "theorem of three moments," already alluded to in Art. 144. 3. Theorem of Tliree moments. In the Fig. we have represented a portion of a continuous girder, the spans being li Z 2 . . . / r ? etc., and Ihe supports 1, 2 ... r, etc. Upon the spans IT-I and l r are the loads P r _i and Pr, whose distances from the near- est left-hand supports are k / r _i and k l r ; k being any fraction expressing the ratio of the distance to the length of span. The equation of the elastic line between P r and the r + 1 th support is given by (4), and the tangent of the angle which the curve makes with the axis of abscissas is given by (3 a). If in (3 ) we substitute for ST its value from (2 a), and for t r its value from (5), and make at the same time x l r , then - becomes a x 1 , the tangent at r + 1, and we have 2 M r+1 - p r Remove now the origin from o to ft, and we may derive an expression for t r by simply diminishing each of the indices above by unity ; therefore 7, T, ^ I- -I -- ^ Z r _i + 2 M r ^-Pr,! Z r 2 _! (*- r 1 - Now, comparing these two equations, we may eliminate the tangents, and thus obtain M r _i ? r _! + 2M r (7 r _! + Z r ) + M r+l t = _ 6 E (2 yfc- which is the most general form of the theorem of three moments for a girder of constant cross-section. When the ends of the girder are merely supported, the end moments are, of course, zero. Then, for each of the piers, we may write an equation of the above form, and thus have as many equations as there are unknown moments. 16 242 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIII. [ART. 4. 4. Determination of the Moments Support all on level. When all the supports are in the same horizontal, the ordinates hij hi, #r, etc., are equal; and hence the term involving E I disappears, and we have simply M r _! Z r _! + 2 M? (Z r _i +lr) + M r _! Z r = P r _i IJ-i (Tc - F) + P r V (2 k - 3 # + & 3 ), as already given in Art. 144. Now let s = number of spans, and let a single load P be placed on the rth span. [PL 23, Fig. 89.] From the above theorem, since M! and M s+1 are zero, we may write the following equations : 2M 2 (I, + Z 2 ) + M 3 Z 2 = 0; M 2 Z 2 + 2 M 3 (Z 3 + 1 3 ) + M 4 Z 3 = 0. Z r ) M r+1 ^ = = A M r _! Zr-l + 2 M r (Z r _ PZ r 2 (2&- 3 M r Z,. + 2 M r+1 (Z,. + Zr+i) + M r+2 Zr+i = P Z,- 2 (& - P) = B. M s _ 2 Z s _ M s ^ = 0; =, 0. (6) 2 M s _! (7 S _ 2 M s _i Z s _! + 2 M s (Z s _! + The solution of these equations can be best effected by the method of indeterminate coefficients, as referred to in Art. 136. Thus we multiply the first equation by a number c 2 , whose value we shall hereafter determine, so as to satisfy desired conditions. The second we multiply by c 3j the third by c 4 , the rth by Cj. + i, etc., the index of c cor- responding always to that of M in the middle term. Having performed these multiplications, add the equations, and arrange according to the co- efficients of M 2 , M 3 , etc. We thus have the equation [2 C 2 (li + Z 2 ) + C 3 Z a ] M 2 + [c a Z 2 + 2 C a (l a + Z 3 ) + C 4 Z 3 ] M 3 + . . . + [Cr_i Zr_i + 2 Cr (Z r _i + ZT) + CT+I Z r ] M r + . . . . + [c s _ 2 Z g _ 2 + 2 c s _i (Zs_ 2 + Z s _i) + C B Z s _i] M s _! + [Cg_i Z s _i + 2 C 8 (Z s _! -f ?)] M s = A Cj. + B Cr+1. Now suppose we wish to determine M s . We have only to require that such relations shall exist among the multipliers c that all the terms in the first member of the above equation, except the last, shall disappear. We have then evidently, for the conditions which these multipliers must satisfy, 2 1 c 2 (Zi + Z 2 ) + Z 3 Z 2 = ; c 2 Z 2 + 2 c 3 (Z 2 +Z 3 ) + c 4 Z 8 = ; Cr_l Zr_! + 2 C,. (? r _! + Zr) + CT+I Z,. = J Cs_2 Z 8 _ 2 + 2 C 8 _! (Z s _ 2 + Z 8 _!) + C B Z?_i = Oj ART. 4.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIH. 24:3 while for M s we have at once, __Ac r - _ Cs_i Z s _i + 2 C s (l a _-L + Zg ) C B +i I* If, in like manner, we should multiply the last of equations (6) by the number d 2 , the last but one by d 3 , the rth by <4_ r+1 , etc. ; then add, and make all terms, except that containing M 2 , equal to zero ; we should have the conditions : 2ds(k + Zs_i) + r, ... (8) SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIII. [ARTS. 5, 6. Equations (7) and (8) are the general equations given in Art. 155, which, as we have seen, include the whole case of level supports. 5. Uniform Load. For uniform load the same equations hold good. We have only to give a different value to A and B. Thus, for several concentrated loads we should have A = S P Z r 2 (2 lc - 3 F + & 3 ). For a uniform load over the whole span I r, let w be the load per unit of length, then ri ri 2P = I wd a; or since a = lc Z r , 2 P = / wl T dlc. Jo Jo Inserting this in place of 2 P above, and integrating, we have A = B = i w Z r 3 . Thus the equations of Art. 155 hold good for concentrated and uniform load in any span, for any number and any lengths of spans. The above formulae were first published in an article on the Flexure of Continuous Girders, by Mansfield Merriman, C.E., in the London Phil, Magazine, Sept., 1875. 6. Formulae for the Tipper. The expressions for the reactions in this case, already given in Art. 120, may be easily deduced. The solu- tion is tedious by reason of lengthy reductions, but the process of deduc- tion is simple. - The construction in this- case is indicated in Fig. 83, PL 22. We sup- pose, as shown there, a weight upon the first span only. Under the action of this weight the beam deflects, and one centre support falls and the other rises an equal amount. Thus, if we take the level line as reference, A 2 = ha. Moreover, the reactions at these two supports must always be equal. We have, then, as representing this state' of things, A 2 = A 3 , and calling the supports 1, 2, 3 and 4, we have from Art. 1, since Mj M 4 = 0, and Zi = Za, R, = Si = S, = - ^ + P (1 - jfe), B a' ms **- St = --!7' These reactions will evidently be known, if we can determine the mo- ments. Let Y r = 6 E I F^r - ftr-l + ftr-ftr + ri Then the gen _ L 4r-l TT J eral equation of three moments of Art. 3 becomes, when we neglect P r , that is, suppose only the first span loaded : M r _i Z r _i 4- 2 M r (7 r _! + Zr) + M r + 1 Zr = - T r 4 P r -l V-l (^ ~ *") This expresses a relation between the moments at three consecutive AET. 7.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIII. 245 supports for load between the first two. Let r 1 = 1, or r = 2. Then, since Mj = M 4 = 0, we have 2M a (fa + fa)+M 3 fa = -Y a + Pfa a (;&-A; 3 )=R . . (10) where R stands for convenience equal to the expression on right. Let r 1 = 2, or r = 3. Then the weight disappears, and since fa = fa, M 3 fa + 2M 3 (fa + fa) = -Y 3 ...... (11) From (11) we have But since R 2 must always equal R 3 , we have from (9) M.-M. _.-- 8 M. = _ Pit fri ta Substituting (12) in (10), we have _ R k a Y, (fa + fa) 3fa'+8fafa + 4fa' Substituting (12) in (13), _fafaPft-Y a (fa + 2fa) 8fa'+8fafa + 4fa' From (14) and (15), we have then - Y 3 - R = I, fa P k. Insert in this the value of R from (10), and Y a - Y 3 = P I? (k - If) + P I, fa T& = P (IS k - fa 2 + fa fa A). Now in the present case hi = 0, 7i t = 0, and h 2 A 3 , and since also fa = fa, and Y 2 = 6Eir 3 --+-l- That is, Y 2 = - Y 3 . Hence, from our equation above, Substituting these values of y 2 and y 3 in (11) and (13), we can obtain at once M 2 and M 3 , which finally substituted in eq. (9), will give us the re- actions as already given in Art. 120, when we put n I in place of fa. 7. In similar manner we can solve other problems. Thus what are the reactions for a girder continuous over three supports, the two right-hand ones resting upon an inflexible body which is pivoted at the centre ? This is the case of the tipper when raised at the centre so that the ends just touch, and then subjected to a load at any point of first span the other end not being latched down, so that it rises freely, as though without weight of its own. 246 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XTTT. [ABT. 7. In this case we have from (9), since now M 3 = 0, By the conditions R a must equal R 3 , hence 2 I, M 2 + Z 2 M 3 = - l l I, P TQ . . . * . . (16) From the equation of three moments above, we have, making r 1 = 2, or r = 3, since then P disappears, M 2 Z 2 = - Y 3 . . ,> , .... . . (17) ivr Ts or M '=-T Substituting this value of M 2 in (16), we find Y, = ^*; hence M. = - ^ 2 ii + ta < 61 + ta and therefore, at once, Putting w Z in place of Z 2 , we have R! + 2 R 2 , it will be observed, equals P, as should be. The conception of a beam tipping, as in the last two Arts., is due to Clem- ens Herschel (Continuous, Revolving Drawbridges, Boston, 1875), and the above formulae were first deduced by him in the above work. LITERATURE UPON THE CONTINUOUS GIEDEE. 247 LITERATURE UPON THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER. "We give below, for the benefit of students and those interested in the subject, a list, chronologically arranged, of works upon the continuous girder. A glance at this list will convince the reader as to the thorough- ness with which the problem has been treated. 1. REBHANN. "Theorie der Holz-und Eisenconstructionen." Wien, 1856. [Treats the continuous girder of constant cross-section and equal spans according to the old method ; first determining the reactions at the supports. A load in any single span only is considered, either total uniformly distributed, or concentrated and acting at the centre.] 2. KOPKE. " Ueber die Dimensionen von Balkenlagen, besonders in Lagerhausern." Zeitschr. des Hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1856. [The simple and continuous girder. Attention is here first called to the advan- tage gained from sinking the supports.] 3. SCHEFFLER. " Theorie der Gewolbe, Futtermauern und Eisernen Bracken." Braunschweig, 1857. [Continuous girder with total uniformly distributed load, and invariable concentrated loading. Advantage of sinking the supports.] 4. CLAPEYRON. Calcul d'une poutre elastique reposant librement gui- des appuis inegalement especes." Comptes rend us, 1857. [Here, for the first time, the well-known Clapeyronian method is developed, by which a series of equations between the moments at the supports is first obtained. Application to total distributed loads, but varying in different spans.] 5. MOLLINOS ET PRONIER. " Traite theoretique et practique de la con- struction des ponts metalliques." Paris, 1857. [Treatment of the con- tinuous girder of constant cross-section, according to Clapeyron.] 6. GRASHOF. "Ueber die relative Festigkeit mit Riicksicht auf deren moglichste Vergrosserung durch angemessene Unterstiitzung und Einmau- erung der Trager bei constantern Querschnitte." Zeitschr. des Deutsch. Ing. Ver., 1857, 1858, 1859. 7. MOHR. " Beitrag zur Theorie der Holz-und Eisenconstructionen." Zeitschr. des Hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Ver., 1860. [Theory of continuous girder, with reference to relative height of supports. Application to gird- ers of two and three spans. Best sinking of supports for constant cross- section. Disadvantage of accidental changes of height of supports. In- fluence of breadth of piers.] 8. II. " Continuirliche Briickentrager^" Bornemann's Civil-Ingenieur, 1860. [Continuous girder of constant cross-section of three spans. Best ratio of spans, and sinking of supports.] 9. WINKLER. "Beitrage zur Theorie der continuirlichen Briicken- triiger." Civil-Ingenieur, 1862. [General Theory. Determination of methods of loading causing maximum strains; and, for the first time, general rules for the same given. Best ratio of end spans.] 248 LITERATURE UPON THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER. 10. BUESSE. "Cours mecanique applique*e professe a" Fecole imperiale des ponts et chaussees." Seconde Partie. Paris, 1862. [Analytical treat- ment of the continuous girder of constant cross-section. The transverse forces are not considered. The exact determination of the most dangerous methods of loading, with reference to the moments in the neighborhood of the supports, is also wanting.] 11. ALBARET. "Etude des ponts metalliques a poutres droits reposant sur plus de deux appuis." Ann. des ponts et chaussees, 1866. [Continu- ous girder of constant cross-section, treated after Clapeyron.] 12. RENAUDOT. "Memoire sur le calcul et le control e de la resistance des poutres droites a" plusiers travees." Ann. des ponts et chaussees, 1866. [Continuous girder, treated according to Clapeyron.] 13. CULMANN. "Die Graphische Statik." Zurich, 1866. [Graphical treatment of simple and continuous girder of constant and variable cross- section. Moments at the supports are determined analytically.] 14. H. SCHMIDT." Ueber die Bestimmung der ausseren auf em Briick- ensystem wirkenden Krafte." Forster's Bauz., 1866. [Data for the amount of live load for Railroad and Way Bridges. Determination of the equiva- lent uniformly distributed load. Data for dead weight and wind pres- sure. ] 15. GRASHOF. "Die Festigkeits Lehre." 1866. [General analytical treatment of the girder without special reference to bridges. Continuous girder of uniform strength.] 16. WINKLER. " Die Lehre von der Elasticitaet mid Festigkeit." Prag., 1867. [General analytical theory of the continuous girder of constant and variable cross-section. Application to total uniformly distributed loading. Influence of difference of height of supports.] 17. FRANKEL. "Ueber die ungiinstigste Stellung eines Systems von Einzellasten auf Tragern iiber eine und iiber zwei Oeffnungen, speciell auf Tragern von Drehscheiben." Bornemann's Civil-Ingenieur, 1868. 18. MOHR. "Beitrag zur Theorie der Holz- und Eisenconstructionen." Zeitschr. des Hannov. Arch. u. Ing. Vcr., 1868. [Here, for the first time, the elastic line is regarded as an equilibrium curve, and the graphical treatment of the continuous girder founded.] 19. H. SCHMIDT. " Betrachtungen iiber Briickentrager, welche auf zAvei und mehr Stiitzpunkte frei aufliegen, sowie iiber den Einfluss der unglei- chen Hohenlage der Stiitzpunkte." Forster's Bauz., 1868. 20. COLLIGNON. " Cours de mgcanique applique*e aux constructions." Paris, 1869. [Continuous girder of constant cross-section and uniform load.] 21. LAISSLE and SCHUBLER. "Der Bau der Briickentrager init beson- derer Riicksicht auf Eisenconstructionen." III. Ami., I. Theil. Stutt- gart, 1869. [Treatment of the continuous girder, according to Clapeyron.] 22. LEYGUE. " Etude sur les surcharges a conside"rer dans les calculs des tabliers metallique d'apprs les conditions generales d'exploitation des chemins de fer." Paris, 1871. 23. LIPPICH. " Theorie des continuirlichen Triigers constanten Quer- sehnittes. Elementare Darstellung der von Clapeyron und Mohr begriin- LITEKATUKE UI>ON THE CONTINUOUS GIKDER. 249 deten Analytischen und Graphischen Methoden und ihres Zusammen- hanges." Forster's Bauz., 1871, also separate reprint. [The geometrical constructions are deduced from the analytical formulae.] 24. SEEFEHLNER, G. " A tobbnyngpontu vasr&cstartokrdl A magyar m6rrok es Spitesz egylet kozlonye," 1871 [Hungarian]. 25. HITTER, W. " Die elastische Linie und ihre Anwendung auf den continuirlichen Balken. Ein Beitrag zur graphischen Statik." Zurich. 1871. [This and the preceding work treat the continuous girder after the Culmann-Mohr method.] 26. OTT. " Vortrage uber Baumechanik," II. Theil. Prag, 1872. [Analytical determination of the shearing forces and moments for the sim- ple and continuous girder of constant cross-section and level supports.] 27. WEYRAUCH, J. I. " Allgemeine Theorie und Berechnung der con- tinuirlichen und einfachen Trager." Leipzig, 1873. [A work well deserv- ing to close the list. Gives the general theory for constant and variable cross-section for any number of spans from 1 to oo, and for all kinds of regular or irregularly distributed and concentrated loads. The formulae are general, and for given loading free from integrals. Difference of level of supports ; most unfavorable position of load ; exact theory of the fixed and movable inflexion and influence points, etc. Examples illustrating use of formulae, and complete calculations of girders.] This last work leaves but little to be desired in thoroughness and com- prehensiveness. It will be observed that England and America have contributed but lit- tle to the literature of the subject. Indeed the standard works of both countries show scarcely a trace of the influence of the labors of French and German mathematicians in this field. The only works which, so far as we are aware, can be mentioned in this connection are as follows : RANKINE, W. J. M. " Civil Engineering." 1870. [Very brief and in- complete.] HUMBER. " Strains in Girders." American Ed. New York : Van Nostrand. 1870. [Graphical constructions, holding good only under the supposition that the end spans are so proportioned that the girder may be considered as fixed at the intermediate supports, for full load.] STONEY, B. " Theory of Strains." London, 1873. [Very brief notice of the subject. Points of inflection are found for full load, and the flanges then cut at these points.] HEPPEL, J. M. Phil. M^. (London), Vol. 40, p. 446. Also Minutes of the Proceed, of the Inst. Civ. Eng. [Excellent papers, which might well have been followed up.] In the latter publication also : BELL, W. Vol. 32, p. 171. STONEY, E. W. Vol. 29, p. 382. BARTON, JAMES. Vol. 14, p. 443. In American literature : FRIZELL. "Theory of Continuous Beams." Jour. Frank. Inst., 1872. [Davelopment of the subject according to Scheffler. See 3.] 250 LITEEATUEE UPON THE CONTINUOUS GIEDEE. GREENE, CHAS. E. "Graphical Method for the Analysis of Bridge Trusses." Van Nostrand. 1875. [Force and equilibrium polygons are used, but the moments at the supports are found by an original method of approximation, or balancing of moment areas. ,] HERSCHEL, CLEMENS. " Continuous, Revolving Drawbridges." Boston, 1875. [The formulae of Wey ranch are made use of. The case of " second- ary central span " is for the first time investigated, and the appropriate formulas given. The fact that the live load reactions for supports out of level are unchanged, provided the dead load reactions are zero, is also for the first time clearly stated. The draw span is thoroughly treated, and the idea of weighing off the reactions at the piers of a continuous girder sug- gested.] MERRIMAN, MANSFIELD. " Upon the Moments and Reactions of the Continuous Girder" Journal of the Franklin Inst..for March and April, 1875; Van Nostrand's Eng. Mag., July, 1875; also the London Phil. Mag., Sept., 1875, as well as the formulae contained in Chapter XII. of this work. [By the aid of the properties of the Clapeyronian numbers, Mr. Merriman has deduced new and general formulae eminently suited for practical use. Also relations are deduced from which tables for moments and reactions may be drawn up to any desired extent by simple additions and subtractions, independently of the general formulae. (See Chap. XII.) The simple girder appears as a special case of the continuous girder. The formulae are, in respect to simplicity and ease of application, superior to any heretofore given.] CHAP. XIV.] THE BEACED AECH. 251 PART III. APPLICATION OF THE GRAPHICAL METHOD TO THE ARCH. CHAPTEK XIV. THE BKACED AECH. 157. Different kinds of Braced Arches. Just as in gird- ers, we may distinguish between the solid beam, or " plate gird- er," and the open work, or framed girder ; so, regarding the arch as a bent beam, we may distinguish the braced arch and the solid arch, or arch proper. The strains in the various pieces composing the braced arch may be easily found by the method of Arts. 8-15, or by calculation by the method of moments of Art. 14 for any loading, if only all the outer forces acting upon the arch are known : that is, so soon as, in addition to the load, we know also the reactions at the abutments, or the hori- zontal thrust and vertical reactions at the points of support, and the moments, if any, which exist at these points. We may distinguish three classes of braced arches : viz., 1st. Arch hinged at both crown and springing ; 2d. Arch hinged at spring line only continuous at crown ; 3d. Arch continu- ous at crown &&& fixed at abutments. 158. Arch hinged at both Crown and Abutments. This form of construction [PL 23, Fig. 90], owing to the hinges at crown and abutments, affords for live load but little of the advantage of a true arch. It is, in fact, an arch only in form, but in principle is more nearly analogous to a simple triangular truss of two rafters, these rafters being curved and braced ; the thrust being taken by the abutments, instead of resisted by a tie line A B. The case presents no especial difficulty, and may be easily calculated or diagramed, provided that not more than two pieces, the strains in which are unknown, meet at any apex. Thus, in PI. 23, Fig. 90, the resultant at the abutment due to any weight P being known, it may be directly resolved into tnc 252 THE BRACED AKCH. [CHAP. XIV. two pieces which meet there. The strains in these two pieces being thus found, those in two others in equilibrium with each of them may be obtained. In Art. 13 we have already illus- trated the method of procedure for such a case, as also the method of finding graphically the resultant at crown and abut- ments due to any position of the weight. Thus the resultant at the crown for the unloaded half must, for equilibrium, pass through the hinge at B also. Its direc- tion is thus constant for all positions of P upon the other half. The resultant for the other half must then pass through a and the hinge at A (Fig. 90). We have then simply to draw a B, prolong P to intersection a, and draw a A. A a and B a are the directions of the resul- tant at A and B, and by resolving P along these lines, we may find the vertical reaction V = d l> and the horizontal thrust H = cb. We can thus easily find the reactions at the abutments in intensity and direction, and following these reactions through the structure, as illustrated in Arts. 8-13, Chap. I., can deter- mine the strains upon all the pieces for any position of the weight. A tabulation of the strains for each weight will then give us the strains for uniform load as well as live load, as al- ready explained in the preceding chapter, Art. 156. There must be only two pieces meeting at the abutments. Thus the pieces in Fig. 90, represented by broken lines, can serve only to support a superstructure, or transmit load to the arch, and have no influence upon the strains in the other pieces. If the span A B = 2 , the rise of the arch is A, and the dis- tance of the weight P from the crown is x, positive to the left ; then taking moments about the end B, we have 2 V0 = P (a + a), or V = P ( + ^- A Cb Similarly, taking moments about the crown, , n V a Px P (a x) v # + H A = P #, or H= = - ^ ^ '-. fi 2t fi The same formulae apply for a weight upon the other half, for V and* H at the other end. The values of V and H can easily be found from these for- mulae, and the strains then calculated by moments, thus check- ing the diagrams. If these reactions are found for the given CIIAr. XIV.] THE BRACED ARCH. 253 dimensions of the centre line, we may, if we choose, suppose the depth of the arch to vary above and below the centre line equally, from the crown to ends. The lever arms of the pieces, and hence their strains, will be different, but V and H are the same as before. Thus, whatever the shape of the arch, we can easily find the strains both by diagram and calculation. If we draw a line through A and the hinge at crown, we may easily prove that the greatest vertical ordinate between this line and the arch is y = O /v where r is the radius. Now if the depth d of the arch is made greater than this or- dinate, it may be shown that both flanges will always be in compression. This condition serves, then, to determine the proper depth of circular arch, which should not be less than It is unnecessary to give here an example.* The method is so simple that the reader will find no difficulty in applying the principles above to any case. He will do well to calculate or diagram the strains in an arch similar to that shown in the Fig. for comparison with the two cases which follow. 159. Arcli hinged at Abutments continuous at Crown. If we suppose the hinge at the crown removed those at the abutments being, however, retained then, for any position of the weight, the resultant at each end must for equilibrium pass, as before, through the end hinges. In the preceding case, a, for load on left half, was always to be found at intersec- tion of weight with the line through B and hinge at crown, and was therefore fully determined. Now, however, &, the com- mon intersection of weight and resultant abutment pressures, has a different position, and hence the resultants and horizon- tal and vertical reactions are different. If we can find or know the locus or curve in which this point a must always lie, we can easily find, as before, the resultants or reactions by simply prolonging the line of direction of the weight till it meets this locus, and then drawing from the point * See Note to this Chap, in Appendix. 254: THE BRACED ARCH. [CHAP. xiv. of intersection lines to A and B, and resolving P in these direc- tions. The equation of this locus can be found analytically without much difficulty. 1st. PARABOLIC ARC. Thus, for & parabolic arc, we have* 32 a? h y ~ 5 (5 ^ - ar 8 )' Where [PL 23, Fig. 91] a is the half span, and h the rise of the arc ; x the distance of the weight from the crown, and y the ordinate N dot the locus cd eiJc. For a given arc, then that is, a and h given we have only to substitute different values for a?, as x 0, 0.1, 0.2, etc., of the span, and we can easily find the corresponding ordinates y, and thus construct the locus cdeiJc. It is then easy to find the reactions at A and B for any position of P, as above indicated. The vertical reaction at the abutment may also be easily found by moments thus, V t x 2 a = P (a + a?), or V t = (a + x). 2i a The horizontal thrust is 5 (5 a 9 - a?) (a 2 - a?) a 3 A These values, though not needed for the construction above, may be of use, and are therefore given. In the following tables we give the values of H and y for different values of x : X H y x H y 0.3906 1.280 0.5 0.2783 1.347 0.1 0.3859 1.283 0.6 0.2320 1.379 0.2 0.3706 1.290 0.7 0.1797 1.415 0.3 0.3490 1.304 0.8 0.1226 1.468 0.4 0.3176 1.322 0.9 0.0622 1.527 0.5 0.2783 1.347 1.0 1.620 .a .h . ft .A * For the demonstration of the analytical results made use of in this chap- ter, we refer the reader to Die Lehre von der Elasticitat und Festigkeit, by E. Winkler. Prag, 1867. See also the Supplement to this chapter. CHAP. XIV.] THE BRACED ARCH. 255 From the table, a and h and P being known, H and y can be found for the successive positions of P at 0.1, 0.2, etc., of #, or the half span, by multiplying P by the tabular number for H, and h by the tabular number for y. 2d. CIRCULAR ARC. For a circular arc we have for the equa- tion of the locus cdeik [Fig. 91], where K = -r 3, I being the moment of inertia of the constant cross-section, A its area, and r the radius of the circle : also where (sin 2 a sin 2 j3) (a 3 sin a cos a + 2 a cos 2 a) sin a [sin 2 a sin' 2 /3 + 2 cos a (cos /3 cos a) 2 cos a (a sin a sin 0)]' a being the angle subtended at centre by the half span, and . __ 2 cos a (a sin a /3 sin /3) B = sin 2 a - sin 2 /3 + 2 cos a (cos @ cos a a sin a H- /3 sin 2 a cos 2 a 2 (a 3 sin a cos a + 2 a cos 2 a)' or, approximately, 24 6 a a 5 A 2 = IT^ 4 = 64 P where $ is the angle from crown to weight. the square of the radius of gyration, or, approximately, the square of the half depth, hence K = -_ approximately. 256 THE BRACED ARCH. [CHAP. XIV. For the exact values of A and B, we have the following table : fi a= a=10 a= 20 a- 30 - a-=40 a=50 a=W a=90 1.20 1.19 1.17 1.14 1.08 1.00 0.88 0.2 1.21 1.20 1.18 1.15 1.10 1.01 0.90 A 0.4 0.6 1.24 1.29 1.24 1.29 1.21 1.27 1.18 1.24 1.13 1.20 1.05 1.13 0.94 1.02 - 0.8 1.88 1.38 1.36 1.34 1.30 1.24 1.18 1.0 1.50 1.50 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.41 1.36 B a 0.234 0.233 0.221 0.203 0.178 0.146 1 0.107 a 4 For the values of y Q we have the following table a=0 =10- a=20 a=30 = a=50 .=60- a=W 1.280 1.282 1.288 1.300 1.316 1.340 1.375 1.571 0.2 1.290 1.292 1.298 1.309 1.327 1.348 1.380 1.571 0.4 1.322 1.324 1.320 1.340 1.354 1.374 1.403 1.571 0.6 1.379 1.380 1.385 1.393 1.405 1.421 1.443 1.571 0.8 1.468 1.4G9 1.471 1.476 1.483 1.490 1.504 1.571 1.0 1.600 1.600 1.599 1.597 1.594 1.591 1.588 1.571 .a .h It will be seen that for the semi-circle the locus is a straight line, for which y = ^irr = 1.5708r. Thus, for any given case that is, I, A and r given we can easily calculate K. Then from our tables, for given value of a, we can find A, B and y Q for values of ft of 0, -j^ths, T \ths, etc., of a. These values inserted in the equation for y above, will enable us to plot the curve or locus cdeik) which being once known, the rest is easy. We have thus by a union of analytical results with our graphical method a very easy and practical solution of this important case. We may, jf we choose, only use our method to determine the horizontal thrust and vertical reaction as shown by the Fig. 91, and then calculate the strains by the method of moments. The availability and ease of the method here given, as com- pared with calculation, will be seen from a consideration of the CHA.P, XIV.] THE BRACED ARCH. 257 analytical formulae for the horizontal thrust and vertical reac- tion at A. Thus, for the vertical reaction, we have, as before, simply For the horizontal thrust, however, we have the following very clumsy formula : sin* a sin 2 p + 2 cos a (cos {I cos a) 2 (l-f-ic)cosa (a sin a sin/9) 2 [a 3 sin a cos a + 2 (1 + *) a cos 2 a] For the semi-circle, this reduces to K being, as before, = -r ^ ; where A is the area and I the moment of inertia of the cross -section, r the radius of the arch, and the angles a and /3, as represented in Fi^. 91, viz., the angle of the half span, and the angle to the load, subtended by x. The first of the above formulae is sufficiently simple, and by it we may check the accuracy of our construction. Thus having plotted the curve cdeiJc by the aid of our expression for y and the tables above for any position of P required, we draw d A d B, and resolve P along these lines, thus finding V and H [Fig. 91]. We can then calculate V from the formulae p above, viz., V = (a + x). If this calculated value agrees 2 Ob with that found by diagram, we may have confidence that the curve is properly plotted, and hence that the value of H is also correct. Thus, with very little calculation and great ease, rapidity and accuracy, we can find the reactions at the end A for any given position of P in any given case. These reactions once known, we can easily find the strains either by diagram, as illustrated in Chap. 1., or by calculation by the method of moments of Art. 14. 16O. Arch fixed at Abutments continuous at Crown. This is by far the most important case of braced arch, as by the continuity of the crown and fixity of ends we obtain all the advantage possible due to the combined strength and elasticity of the arch. It is also the most difficult case of solution, as the formulae obtained by a mathematical investigation are complex, 17 258 THE BE AGED ARCH. [CHAP. XJV. and give rise to tedious and laborious computations in practice. A method combining simple analytical results with graphical construction similar to the preceding, will, however, obviate these difficulties, and bring the subject fairly within the reach of the practical engineer. In the present case, as before, the common intersection of the weight and the reactions lies in a curve, the equation of which may be found, and the curve itself thus plotted for any given case. But this curve, or locus, ILK [PI. 24, Fig. 92] being con- structed, in order to find the directions of the reactions which now no longer pass through the ends of the arc A and B, it is necessary to find and construct also the curve enveloped ~by these reactions for every position of P ; that is, the curve to which these reactions are tangent. If, then, these two curves are con- structed, we have only to draw through L [Fig. 92] lines tan- gent to this enveloped curve, and we have at once the reactions in proper direction, and by resolving P along these lines, can easily find their intensities, and therefore V and H, as before. \st. PARABOLIC ARC. For a parabolic arc we have for the locus ILK, y = ^ h ; that is, the locus is a straight line at \th the rise of the arch above the crown since we now take y as the ordinate to the locus measured above the horizontal tangent at the crown. The origin is, therefore, at the crown instead of at the centre of the half span, as in the previous case. For the second curve, or curve enveloped by the reactions, we have,* taking v as the abscissa and w as the ordiuate of any 4. n?- oon 2 <# (23 a 2 + 20 ax + 5 a?) k point [Fig. 92], v = , w = ^ , . ,- f- , 3 a + x ' 15 (a + x) (3 a + x) where, as before, a is the half span, h the rise, and x the dis- tance of the weight from crown. For x = 0, v = f a, and w = ff h. For x = a, v = a, and w = f h. For x = a, v = a, and w = oo. Eliminating x from both equations, we 5 a 2 5 av + 2v* t have ^ K - h. 15 a (a v) Hence the curve enveloped by the reactions is on each side an * For the proof of all the expressions assumed, see the Supplement to this chapter. CHAP. XIV.] THE BEACED ARCH. 259 hyperbola, which has for asymptotes the vertical through the abutment and a straight line which cuts the axis of symmetry of the arch at the point b [PL 24, Fig. 93], ^ h under the crown, the tangent at the crown at f a from the crown, and the chord of the arc at 6 a from the centre. The centre of the hyper- bola is at e, yV h below the horizontal through the crown. The two hyperbolas osculate at the point -5- a vertically below the crown. [See Fig. 93.] As an aid to the construction of these hyperbolas, we give the following ^table : oc V w X V w 1 1.0000 00 0.6667 0.5111 0.9 0.9524 2.7721 0.1 0.6452 0.4897 0.8 0.9091 1.5455 0.2 O.B249 0.4722 0.7 0.8695 1.1065 0.3 0.6061 0.4577 0.6 0.8334 0.9999 0.4 0.5882 . 0.4463 0.5 0.8000 0.7600 0.5 0.5714 0.4349 0.4 0.7693 0.6756 0.6 0.5555 0.4258 0.3 0.7407 0.6155 0.7 0.5405 0.4160 0.2 0.7144 0.5714 0.8 0.5263 0.4102 0.1 0.6897 0.5377 0.9 0.5128 0.4053 0.6667 0.5111 1.0 0.5000 0.4000 .a .a .h .a .a .h From the table it is easy to construct the hyperbola for any given case. We have,, of course, a perfectly similar hyperbola for the other half, its centre e being similarly situated with respect to the crown, to the right of c. "We have then simply to draw a line through the intersection m of the weight P [Fig. 93] with the line i k, at -g- h above H- !*p- V - " J - ( a ~ where, as before, a is the half span, h the rise, and x the dis- tance of weight P from crown. A negative moment always indicates tension in lower or inner flange. 2d. CIRCULAR ARC. In this case we 'have for the locus ILK [Fig. 92], for small central angles a, the equation : #, A, and x being as above, and All the above formulae are for constant cross-sections. Exact formulae for variable cross-section give results but little less, and are much more complicated. The effect of using the above formulae is therefore, merely, to increase slightly the coefficient of safety. 161. We are now able to determine readily and accurately the strains in the various pieces of braced arches hinged at crown and abutments, and hinged at abutments only. We have only to construct in each case the reactions at the abut- ments, as explained in Arts. 158 and 159, Figs. 90 and 91, and then, by the method already detailed in Arts. 8-13, we can fol- low these reactions through the structure, and thus find the strains in each piece due to every position of the load. We may also, having found the reactions for given position of weight, calculate the strain in each piece by moments. For the case of the arch continuous at the crown w&& fixed at the abutments, we must remember that we have also a moment at each end tending to cause either tension or compression in the inner flanges according as it is negative or positive. The case is precisely analogous to the continuous girder, or girder fixed at ends. As in that case [see Fig. 77, Art. Ill] the moment at one end, as B, was the product of H into the vertical distance B D, so here the moment at A (Figs. 92 and 93) is the product of H into c t , found by the formulae above. This moment can, then, be easily found when c l and H are known. We can then lay it off, according to the directions of Art. 125, for " passing from one span to another of a continuous girder," and thus commence our diagram of strains; or we can cal- culate the strains by the method of moments. 162. Illustration of method of Solution. As an illustra- CHAP. XIV.] THE BRACED AECH. 263 tion, take a portion of a braced arch, as represented in PI. 24-, Fig. 94. We have first to plot the upper curve or locus of m for the given dimensions of the centre line of the arch. This curve once plotted, then, for any position of the weight, we have only to prolong P to m, and draw a line from m to the end of centre line if the arch is hinged at ends, or to < at a distance fall below the centre of the end section. This moment is increased (or diminished if is above) by the varying moment of H for each apex. The above method of determining the strains in the braced arch, though not strictly graphical, but rather a combination of analytical and graphical methods, offers such a ready solution of this important and difficult case, that we have not thought it out of place to notice it somewhat in detail. We consider it by far the simplest and easiest method which has yet appeared. 163. Analytical Formulae for V and H. A comparison of our method with the long and involved analytical expres- sions to which the theory of flexure conducts us, will render its advantages still more apparent. CHAP. XIV.] THE BRACED AKCH. 265 Thus, for a load of w per unit of horizontal length, reaching from left end to a point whose angle from vertical through crown is ft (Fig. 92), a being the angle subtended by the half span, we have * H = & sin (B-Jci +.k + sin where R is radius of arch, and 7 . 2 sin a , sin a cos a . sin 2 a fc = a -r sm a cos a . , \ = -f s , a a 2 7 sin a 7 sin a r n -, #2 = , #3 = a sin a cos a , and /z, = /3 + 2 yS sin 2 /3 + 3 sin ^Q cos j3. For V we have v _ R F cos a sin 2 8 sin/3 K 3 cos a cos 3 a . "I L.2 (a sin a cos a) 2 a sin a cos a 6 (a sin a cos a) J' , cosyS 8 sin 8 cos s /3 Where -^ + '__J yZ t For a concentrated load P for any point [Fig. 92], we havef or, more correctly, __ _ p a /3 sin a cos a sin /3 cos /3 + 2 cos a sin ft 2 (a sin a cos a) For the semi-circle, this becomes v _ p TT 2 /3 2 sin /3 cog ft 2 TT For H we have H p 2 s i p [ C03 3 cos a + (1 + ) /3 sin 3] (1 + ) a (sin 2 a + sin 2 ff) 2 [(1 + K) (t (a + sin a cos a) 2 sin 2 a] * Taken from Capt . Bads' Report to the lUinois and St. Louis Bridge Co. , May, 1868. f Die Lehre von der Eiasticitdt und Festigkeit. Winkler. Prag. 1867. 266 THE BKACED AKCH. [CHAP. XIV. where K = g ; I being the moment of inertia, and A area of the cross-section, and r the radius of circle. These formulae, it will be observed, involve much labor in any particular case. Where the number of weights is large, the computation is tedious in the extreme. A method which shall give accurate results and avoid such formulae as the above is certainly very desirable, and such we believe to be the method which we have given. For the analytical investigation of arches, and the demon- stration of the formulae for the curves of which we have made use, the reader may consult Die Lehre von der Elasticitaet und Festigkeit, by Dr. E. WinJder, to which we have already re- ferred, and which contains a thorough discussion of the whole subject. The tables which we have given, as well as the for- mulae for /, G! and a upon the axis is d s. Let d * v be the length of any fibre, as d c, before the change of form. Then, after deformation, its length is = d s v + A d s v . But if d (f> is the small angle between the normals, dsv = ds + vd(f), where v is the distance a c of any fibre from the centre of gravity of the cross-section. After deformation, d s becomes ds + Ads, and d becomes d $ + Ad, and d s v becomes d s v + A d s v . Hence the length of any fibre after deforma- tion is d s v + A d s y = d s + A d s + v (d < + A d <). Subtracting this from the eq. for d s v above, we have Therefore the ratio of the change of length to the original length of fibre Ads is ds v If r is the radius of curvature, then rdd> = ds, = ; hence d s r A d s v r A d s A d 0-i r ... -^ = h^ +B ir^i (0) G From eq. (1) we have the strain on a fibre P = -r . From eq. (4), G = E A . Hence P = B . In the present case is given by (6) ; therefore ds d s Since now from (1) G = / Pda, we have from (7) G__ Ads r da Ad /V d a B = "~d~s~J 7T^ + "TT'J 7+~V But / - is, when 9 is very small compared to r, equal to / 2 d a, which is the moment of inertia of the cross-section I. Also, da 7^ = r 18 274: SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. I. or T I = I da - I vda + - I = A -f 3, because since 1 J r + v J rj rjr + v r* v is measured from the centre of gravity, / v d a = 0. rvda f* fv z da I Again, r I = I v a a I = -. / T + 1) I I T + V T Therefore the insertion of these values of the integrals in the equations for _ and _ above gives E E Gr Ads r~Ad(f> AflJsnl E ~" ds ~ [_ d s ~ r ds\ r M rA d ^ A d ~j I E r~ L d s rdsj r' M G- A a s Inserting the second in the first of the above equations, ^- = v- A = , and hence _- - + - . (8) ds EA + EAr Inserting this in the second equation above, M M G E I + E~A~^ + E~A~7 (c) Change of length and position of axis. From (8) we have at once for the elongation of axis, or, when v is very small compared to r, 1 From (9) we have for the change of direction of the tangent to the axis A ^ = E/ > (T + A~7* + A^r) d8 ' or from ( 10 ) for r constant, that is, for a circle, When D is very small compared to r, we have ds ....... (13) CHAP. I.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 275 If the piece had been originally straight, d A (j> would be equal to d <, and dA(b dd> 1 El 3-^ = = -; hence from (13) we have M = - . as rd r r From the calculus we have the radius of curvature r -- * ' or> a PP roximatelv > r = hence M = B I ~ . . . . - . . . (13 &) This is the equation assumed in the Supplement to Chap. XIII. , Art. 1. 2. Displacement of any point. We indicate the horizontal dis- placement of any point of the axis along the axis of a by A x, along y by A y. The corresponding changes of d x, d y, and d s are A d x, Ady, Ads. The total horizontal displacement is then dx + Adx = (ds + Ads) cos A <). The total vertical displacement is d y + A d y = (d s + A d s) sin + A $). Hence, since Adx = d A z, d Ax (d s + Ads) cos (< + A$) dx, n (0 + A ) d y. By Trigonometry, cos (0 + A $) = cos cos A < sin < sin A 0, sin (0 -f A 0) = sin cos A < + cos sin A <, or if cos A < = 1, = -r- , sin < = -= . Substituting these in the equations above, . / Ads\ dAx = (dx A(pdy) II +5 I d x, \ I (Ads\ 1 + j I d y, as / or, removing the parentheses, and neglecting quantities of the second order with respect to A (f> and = , dAx= AdtM ^ dx -di~ dy 276 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. T. When the radius of curvature is very great with reference to the thick- ness of the beam, and the relative change of length , is disregarded, CL 8 we have simply dAy = A<}>dx. But from (12) A < is equal to / _ _ Mds Ads H /WLds E j , hence, for very small with reference to r, We shall have frequent occasion to refer to formulae (8), (12), (13), (14) and (15) in the following discussion. CHAP. H.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XTV. 277 CHAPTER II. HINGED ARCH IN GENERAL. 3. Notation Tlie outer fbrce in general. We suppose the ends of the arch to be hinged at the abutments at the centre of gravity of the end cross-sections. Then the end reactions must pass through these points. These end reactions and the loads constitute, then, the outer forces. For equilibrium, then, the horizontal components of these reactions must be equal. Each of these components we call the horizontal thrust. We use the following notation [PL 23, Fig. 91] : R and R', the reactions at ends A and B. V and V, their vertical components. H, their horizontal component, or the thrust. V sin <, G' = H cos + V sin $ ) ^ N = H sin + V cos $, N' = H sin V cos $ ) M = H(fc-y)-V(0-aO, M' = H(fc-y)- V ( + *) ( 19 ) In the case of a circular arc, a = r sin a, h = r (1 cos a), # = / sin <, y = r (1 cos (/>), and hence M = JVT = H r (cos cos a) V r (sin a sin <) ) = H r (cos cos a) W (sin a + sin <) j 4. Intersection Line. We call the locus of d [PL 23, Fig. 91], or the curve cdeik, the intersection line. If now there are three hinges, one at crown and one at each abutment, then the resultant for each half must pass through the crown O. If, there- fore, for the crown (*=0, y=0), we make in (19) M'=0, we have H=V -, or inserting the value of V from (16), H = ^|^ ......... (21) If the load lies to the left of O, then only the resultant If acts upon the right half, and must pass, as above, through the crown O. The point d lies then always upon B C or A O prolonged. Hence, the intersection lines are two straight lines, which pass through the crown and ends. 5. Parabolic Arc concentrated Load. For a parabola we have y x z ; hence, d y x d x, and, approximately, ds =d x. a' a (a) Change of direction of tangents. Inserting this value of y in equations (18) for M and M', we have from equation (13), Art. 1, since r d = d s = d x for the change of direction of the tangent at any point before and after flexure, Integrating this, we have for the three segments A E, E C and O B, . . (22) where A, A', A" are constants of integration, to be determined by the as- signment of the proper limits. Thus, if we make x = z, the two first of equations (22) are equal; hence, CHAP. II.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 279 and accordingly A - A' = (V - V) a z - \ (V + V) z. Since V + V = P, and from (16) V V = P , we have, a A-A'=lPz* ....... (I.) (&) Horizontal displacement. Inserting the value of dy for the parabola, viz., ay = xdx, and the value of M from (19), and inserting in this last the value of y, viz., y = x*, we have from equation (15), Art. 2, 2 Integrating this, we have for the three divisions of the arch, as before, For the point B, or x = z, we have from the two first of these equations, B - B' = 1 (V - V) a z* - i (V + V) z 4 - (A - A') z*, that is, B-B = - 2 \-Ps* ....... (II.) For the crown, x = 0, and the second and third equations are equal, hence B' = B* ........ (III.) For the left end, that is, for x = a, since the end of the arch must not slip, we must have x x = 0. So also for the right end, for x = a. There- fore, from the first and third equations, putting B' for B", we have &Ua 3 h--*sVa 4 ' + iAa 2 + B = 0, - A- H a 3 h + -fr V a 4 + i A" a 2 + B' = 0. By the addition and subtraction of these equations, we have, since V + V = P, and (V - V') a = Pz, A") 2 -(B + B') = .... (IV.) ^ + 2 4 ) + i(A-A")a 2 =0 . . (V.) We might, in a precisely similar manner, form three equations similar to (23) for the vertical displacement A y. This would introduce three more constants and four more equations of conditioh between them. By the nine equations I. to IX. thus obtained, these constants may be then deter- mined in terms of the known quantities H, A, P, a and z, and thus the change of shape at any point may be fully determined. The complete discussion, as indicated, is unnecessary for the purpose we 2SO SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [OHA.P. II. have in view, and we shall not, therefore, pursue it further. We have already all the general formulae of which we shall need to make use in the discussion of the parabolic arch. 6. Circular Arc concentrated Load. In a perfectly similar manner we may make out analogous formulae for the circular arch. Thus, referring to equation (8), Art. 1, and inserting for G and M their values as given in (18) and (19), Art. 3, we have for the force in the direction of the axis (see eq. 4), . E A - = H cos a V sin a = , /M Ads EI r ** + -dT*- The value of M is given in (20), of ^U-J in (24). Inserting these values, we have A < = ^j-j / |~H (cos $ cos a) V (sin a sin ==-r- (H cos a -H V sin a) $. Performing the integration,* and putting, for brevity, * = -, we have for the three segments of the arc, as before, ElA = r2 pK (sin < - < cos a) - V Casino + cos )~^ - K T* (H cos a + V sin a) $ + A "| El A<' =r a [~H (sin cosa) V( sin a cos (f> i sin 2 0) I K r 3 (H oosa + V sin a) cos A' r (1 cos 0) + B'. E I A x" = r* I H (f | sin cos cos a sin + cos a cos 0) V (sin a sin sin a cos \ sin 2 <^>) K r 3 (H cos a + V sin a) cos A" r (1 cos 0) + B". For = , that is at the load, A a? must equal A x'. Hence, after reduction, B - B' = -$Pr 3 (2 + sin a /3- 2003/3-2)8 sin /3) + * P r 3 /3 sin /3 . . (II.) For the crown = 0, and A x' A x" ; hence B' = B" (III.) For the left end, 0=a and A = 0; for the right end, = a and A a" = 0; that is, iHr 3 (a 3 sin a COS a -f 2aCOS 2 a) 4- i V r 3 (3 sin 2 a 2 a sin a COS a) K r 3 (H cos a + V sin a) a cos a A r (1 cos a) + B = 0, and 4- i H r 3 (a 3 sin a cos a + 2 a cos 2 a) | V r 3 (3 sin 2 a 2 a sin a cos a) f K y 3 (H cos a + V sin a) a cos a A" r (1 cos a) + B" = 0. The subtraction and addition of these equation gives, after reduction, H r 2 (a 3 sin a cos a + 2 a cos 2 a) iPr 2 (3 sin 2 a 2 a sin a cos a 2 sin 2 3 + 2cos/3+ 2/3sin/3) + K r z 12 H a cos 2 a + P (a sin a cos a /3 sin /3) I + (A-A")(l-cosa) = (IV.) and -J Pr 3 sin 3 (3 sin a 2 a cos a) - (A + A") r (1 - cos a) - K Pr 3 a cosa sin/3 + B + B' = . . (V.) 282 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. II. Here, as, before, we shall leave the discussion, as we have already all the equations of which we shall make use. 7. Integrals used in the above Discussion. For convenience of reference, we here group together the known integrals employed in the preceding discussion. / sin x d x = cos x, / cos x d x sin x. I sin 2 ado: = $x isinxcosx, I cos 2 xdx = ix + sin x cos x. I sin x cos x dx i sin 2 x. I sin 3 x dx \ cos x (2 + sin 2 x), I cos 3 x d x = $ sin x (2 -+- cos 2 x). I sin 2 x cos x dx = $ sin 3 x, I sin x cos 2 x d x = $ cos 3 x. I xsmxdx = smx x cos x, I x cos x d x = cos x + x sin x. I x sin 2 xdx = x*+i sin 2 x | x sin x cos x. I x cos 2 xdx = x* i sin 2 x + %x sin # cos . I xsinx cos # tZ a? = J (2 sin 2 x # + sin x cos #). CHAP. III.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 283 CHAPTER III. AEOH HINGED AT ABUTMENTS ONLY - CONTINUOUS AT CROWN. A. PARABOLIC ARC CONSTANT CROSS-SECTION CONCENTRATED LOAD. 8. Horizontal Thrut. We can apply here directly the results of Art 5. Thus, in equations (22) for x = 0, A $ = 0, and A 0" = 0, hence A' = A". If then in eq. (V.) of that Art. we put A' for A", and then for A A' its value from (I.), we have at once H _ 5 p5a*-6aV + g*_ (5 a* - z*) (a* - z>) H=r * P ~ a* h ~ 64P ~^h~ " (27) This is the formula which we have given in Art. 159 of the text, without demonstration. The thrust is greatest when the load is at the crown. We have then z and H = |f P % The value of V is given in Art. 3. n 9. Interection Curve. Denote the ordinate of the curve cdei/k (PL 23, Fig. 91), taken above the line A B by y. Then we see from the y Fig. that y = A N tang, d A N (a z) =. The value of H is given above, that of V has already been found in Art. 3, eq. (16). viz., V = P - . Hence we have, after reduction, (28) which is the equation already given in Art. 159, and from (18) and (19) the values of the table in that Art. have been calculated. The above values of H and V are simple and of easy application, not in- volving much calculation in any special case. Hence we can readily com- pute H and V, and thus check the accuracy of our method of construction given in Chap. XIV. B. CIRCULAR ARC CONSTANT CROSS-SECTION CONCENTRATED LOAD. 1O. Horizontal Thrut. Here we can apply directly the results of Art. 6. Thus, inserting in eq. (IV.) of that Art. A A' for A A", and taking the value of A A' from (I.), we have an equation for the deter- mination of H. This, after reduction, becomes _ sln2 a sin- ft + 2 cos a (cos /3 cos a) 2 (1 + K) cos a (a sin a )3 sin g) 2 [a 3 sin a cos a + 2 (1 + *) a cos2 a ] which is the equation given in Art. 159 (2) of the text. For the semi-circle, a = 90, sin a 1, and cos a = 0, and this becomes 284: SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. III. If we put A! = sin 2 a sin 2 + 2 cos a (cos /3 cos a a sin a + /3 sin j3), A 2 = 2 cos a (a sin a /3 sin $), B! 2 (a 3 sin a COS a + 2 a COS 2 a), B 2 = 2 a COS 2 a, we have A 1 -A 2 ^_ *~A/ /A, Bx+B, *V B, \B, H* A TJ A or, if we put A = -^, B= g 2 , and H = P ~, we have , 1 A K But Ho = P .g- 1 is the value of H from the formula above, when the terms containing Ic are disregarded. We have also, by series (see Art. 20, following), A! = -,V ( 2 2 ) [ (5 a 2 - /3 2 ) - ^o (49 a 4 + 34 .a 2 /3 2 - 11 *) + . . .] A 2 = 2 (a 2 - /3 2 ) [1 - i (4 a 2 + ^ 2 ) + . . .] B : = ^ a 6 (1 - -/ r a 2 + . . .) B 2 = 2 a (1 - a 2 + . . .) Approximately, therefore, since for h small with respect to a, the tan- gent may be taken for the arc, and hence = , or a = , we have rah 2 h 24 6 a 2 15 _ 15 a* ~~- Hence, when rise is small compared with span, we have the approximate expression . 24 - 5 A 2 1-- - 15 15 By means of a table calculated for H , for various values of a and /3 = 0, 0.2, 0.4, etc., of a, the thrust can be readily found in any case from the above formula. We give in the following Tables the values of H, , A and B, calculated from the exact formulae. The formula for H above is thus made of easy practical application, without tedious calculation, and the results given by the method of Chap. XIV. may easily be checked. The value of V is given in Art. 3. CHAP. HI.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. TABLE FOB H . 285 a a = a = 10 a = 20 o = 30 a = 40 a = 50 a = 60 a = 90 0.391 0.391 0.388 0.385 0.380 0.373 0.364 0.318 0.2 0.372 0.372 0.369 0.365 0.359 0.352 0.342 0.288 0.4 0.318 0.317 0.315 0.309 0.301 0.292 0.278 0.208 0.6 0.232 0:231 0.228 0.222 0.213 0.202 0.187 0.110 0.8 0.123 0.122 0.119 0.115 0.108 0.099 0.086 0.030 1 a Coefficients of P^. h Thus, for /3 = 0, , etc., of a, the numbers in the table give the co- efficients of P for a = 0, 10, 20, etc. h For the values of A and B, we have the following TABLE FOR A AND B. a gj a = 10 a =20" a =30 a = 40 a =50 a = 60 a =90 i 1.20 1.19 1.17 1.14 1.08 1.00 0.88 Coeffi- 0.2 1.21 1.20 1.18 1.15 1.10 1.01 0.90 of A 0.4 1.24 1.24 1.21 1.18 1.13 1.05 0.94 a* 0.6 1.29 1.29 1.27 1.24 1.20 4.13 1.02 0.8 1.38 1.38 1.36 1.34 1.30 1.24 1.18 1' 1.50 1.50 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.41 1.36 B 0.234 0.233 0.221 0.203 0.178 0.146 0.107 a 4 ,0 2 Thus, for various values of , we have the coefficients of ^, which give A for a = 10, 20, etc., and for the values of a have the coefficients of a 4 , which give B. 11. Intersection Curve. Indicating, as before, by y the ordinate 286 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. III. Nd of the curve cdeilc [Fig. 91], we have, as before, y=ANtan^. d A N = (a - z) ^, or since a = r sin a, z = r sin fl. V = P sm + sin ff 1=1 2 sin a from eq. (17), 2 sin a H Inserting the value of H above, we have sin 2 a sin 2 /3 ~1 + B B 4 2 sin a l - A AC A /sin 2 a sin'/SXBi or if yo = r I -- g-jjT^ - 1^- ; that is, if y is the value of y when & i neglected, which is the value of y given in Art. 159 (2) of the text. In that Art. we have already tabulated the values of A and B, as also of y for various values of a and /3. For /3 = a, that is, for the end ordinate, our expression for y reduces to In this case, by differentiating numerator and denominator, we have a 3 sin a cos a + 2 (1 + K) a cos" a sin a a COS a K (sin a + a COS a)' For the semi-circle, a = 90 = , sin a = 1, cos a = 0, and hence 2 y = \ nr = 1.5708 r. Hence, for the semi-circle the intersection curve be- comes a horizontal straight line at 0.5708 r above the crown. In all cases for small central angle c, K may be disregarded. The above results are sufficient to enable us to either diagram or calcu- late the strains in every piece for any given position of load. CHAJP. IV.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIY. 287 CHAPTER IV. ARCH FIXED AT ENDS. 12. Introduction. In the previous case, the end reactions pass always through the ends. If, however, the ends are " walled in," so that the end cross-sections remain unchanged in position, and cannot turn, these reactions pass then no longer through the centres of the end cross-sections. In the first case, the moments at the ends are zero ; now, however, we have end moments to be determined, viz., Mj and M 2 , left and right. For their determination we have the condition that the tangents to the curve at the ends must always remain invariable in direction, or for the ends, A ^> = 0. In the arch above with hinges at ends, we have always considered a por- tion lying between the end and any point. In the present case, however, we shall consider the portion between the crown and any point. Both methods lead, of course, to the same results, but the latter, in the present case, is somewhat simpler. Accordingly, we conceive the arch cut through at the crown [PI. 24, Fig. 93]. The total resultant force exerted upon the one-half by the other, we decompose into a vertical force V at the crown, and a horizontal force H. The distance c & of this last from the centre of gravity of the section at crown is e , and hence the moment at crown is M H e . 13. Concentrated Load General Formulae. Let a weight P act at any point; then representing, as before, by primes, quantities relating to the portion between the load and right end, we have, as in (18), G = H cos (P V) sin 0, G' = H cos + V sin < | N ; = - H sin + (P - V) cos 0, N' = - H sin $ - V sin $ \" ^ Also, M = - H (e + y) - Vx + P (x - z), M' = - H (e + y} - V x, or, since H e M = moment at crown, M = Mo - H y - V x + P(x - ), M' = M - H y - V x . . (32) (a) Intersection curve. The two reactions, R and R', intersect, as before, in a point L (Fig. 92), which must lie upon P prolonged, as otherwise R, R' and P could not be in equilibrium. The locus of the point L we call, as before, the intersection curve. The equation of this curve can be easily found when V, H and M are known. The force acting upon the portion B E (Fig. 92) is the resultant of V and H. The component H acts at the point of intersection o of this resultant L ^ with the vertical through C. The vertical distance of this point o from c is, as above, e ; its horizontal distance from P is z. Then z cot L ^ Tc is the vertical distance of this point from L, and e 4- z cot 288 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. iv. = e + z ~ = y, where, as in the Fig., e is negative. In any case, e IB jyr is given by e = ^F 5 hence, for the intersection curve, H (33) (&) Direction curves and segments. The direction of the resultants R and R' can be determined in two ways First, by the points of intersection $ and ^ with the verticals through the centres of the end cross-sections ; second, by means of the curves enveloped by these resultants for every position of P. We call the first distances A (f) = Ci, B \|r = c 2 , the direction segments, and the enveloped curves the direction curves. Taking Ci and c 2 as positive when laid off upwards above the ends, we have MI = H c\ M 2 = H c 2 ; therefore (34) We may also easily determine the equation of the direction curves. Let the co-ordinates with reference to the crown of any point be v and w (Fig. 92). If the load P is now moved through an indefinitely small distance, the new resultant cuts the former in a point of the curve required. These two resultants intersect the vertical through C in two points. Let the dis- tances of these points from O be c and c + d c, and let y and y + d y be the angles of the resultants with the vertical. Then v (w + c) tan y, v = (w + c + d c) tan (y + d y). Eliminating v, (c +dc) tan (y + d y) c tan y _ d (c tan y) tan (y + d y) tan y d tan y From the first of the equations above we have then dc v = -= tan 2 y. d tany But tan y = -, c = - -, c tan y = -, hence . . (35) w = d Thus we see that in any case we have only to determine H, V and M , and we can then from (33) and (34) or (35) determine at once the intersection CHAP. IV.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 289 curve, and the direction segments or curves. These are all we need for our method of construction as given in Chap. XIV. ; once given, we can then easily construct H, V and M 9 or Mi for any position of weight. A. PARABOLIC ARC CONSTANT CROSS-SECTION CONCENTRATED LOAD. # 2 14. Determination of H, V and Mo. We put y = h , dy = 2 -jdx, ds = dx, as before. Then from the values of M given in (32) we have, according to equation (13), Art. 1, after inserting the values of y and d s above, and integrating, and r- T3T 7. -i + A'. For x = z, A $ = A $', hence | P (z 2 z) z + A = A', or A-A' = iPs 2 ....... (L) For x = a, A $ 0, and for x = a, A 0' = 0, hence = a = -ajMo -iHA + *Vo + A', and by addition and subtraction, A + A' = Va' t -lP(a-2z)a .... (II.) 2M a-fHaA + iP(a-2) 2 = . . . (IE.) From I. and II. we have A = |V 2 -iP(a 2 - 2as-2 2 ) ) A'^-LVa 2 ~iF(a 2 -2as + s 2 ) j For the horizontal and vertical displacement of any point, we have from ( 5), Art. 2, after integration, E I A x =- i Mo z 3 - rf-i Vz<+iP Q^- | sz 3 ) + i A 2 + B ], J El Art =- ^-[i Mo z 3 -^ V-* V 4 +i AV+B'l and E I A y = iM 2 - ?^ 2 ^ 4 -| (V-P) z'- i a B L A y= i Mo x 9 - ? s a; 4 -i V aj+ A' 19 290 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIY. [CHAP. rv. For x = z, A x = A a?', and A y = A y', hence B-B' = / 4 -Ps 4 -i(A-A> 2 , and C - C' = $P z s - (A - A')z, or (IV.) (V.) For a = a, A a? = 0, A y = 0, and f or 35 = a, A *' = 0, A y' = 0. hence, = + I Mo a 2 - nfeH Ji a* - i (V - F)a 3 - $ Pzo? + Aa + O, = + i Mo a 2 ff H h a 2 + % V a 3 A' a + O'. The addition and subtraction of the two first and two last of these equa- tions gives, when we put for A +A', A A', B B', O C', their values above : 2 M a 3 | H Ji a 3 + P (3 a 4 8 a 3 z 4- 6 a 2 s 2 2 4 ) = . . (VII.) O + C' = Mo a? + | H h a? P a (a 8 3 a z + 3 s 2 ) . . (VIII.) 4 f V a 9 i P (2 a 9 3 a 8 s + z*) = (IX) Equations HE. and VII. contain only H and M unknown. Their solu- tion gives (36) a 3 h M = - From IX. we find directly . . . (37) (38) These are the equations given in Art. 160. From them we have the fol- lowing table : z H V Mo z H V Mo 0.4688 0.5000 - 0.09375 0.5 0.2637 0.1563 + 0.02539 0.1 0.4594 0.4252 - 0.04936 0.6 0.1920 0.1040 + 0.02400 0.2 0.4320 0.3520 - 0.01606 0.7 0.1219 0.0607 + 0.01814 0,3 0.3882 0.2818 + 0.00689 0.8 0.0607 0.0280 + 0.01025 0.4 0.3308 0.2160 + 0.02025 0.9 0.0169 0.0073 + 0.00314 0.5 0.2637 0.1562 + 0.02539 1.0 0. 0. 0. .a *f .P .Pa .a -: .P .Pa CHAP. IV.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 291 From (34) and (35) we can now find the intersection and direction curves. The preceding table gives us sufficient data for complete calculation by moments according to Art. 162. The intersection and direction curves will, as already explained, enable us to find the above quantities graphi- cally. 15. Intersection Curve. From (33) we have y = , or m- H serting the values of H, V and M above, and reducing, Hy = & P (a ~ ^ (a + z? = iHft, hence y = *fc a For the parabolic arch with fixed ends, then, the intersection curve becomes a straight horizontal line, i h above the crown. 16. Direction Curve. From (36), (37) and (38) we have -2 2 g dV SP'-s 8 dz ~ 8a*h ' dz 4 a 3 P (a - z) (4a a - 5az - 5g 2 ) dz Sa* Inserting these in (35), as also the values of H, V and M themselves, and reducing, we have (39) 15 (a + z) (3 a + 2) For z = 0, = | a, w = f h. For z = a, v = %a, w h. For z a, v = a, w = oo . Eliminating s, we have x 15 a (a v) This is the equation of an hyperbola. Hence, for the parabolic arc with fixed ends, the direction curve is upon each side of the crown an hyperbola. This hyperbola is described in Art. 160 of the text, (Fig. 93), and a table to facilitate its construction is there given. B. CIRCULAR ARC CONSTANT CROSS-SECTION CONCENTRATED LOAD. 17. Fundamental Equations. From eq. (32) we have, since x = r sin $, y = r (1 cos <), z = r sin 0, M = Mo Hr(l cos$) + (P V)rsin$ Ffsin/3 ' = M - Hr(l - ' The expressions for G, Art. 13, eq. (12), apply here directly. Therefore, from eq. (8), Art. 1, we have 292 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. IV. Hence from (12), Art. 1, since ds = rdfa ^rM --Hr(l-cos0) + (P-V)rsin(/)-P7'sm/3]^0-f dl dd) + Sds ' 0. E I L J d s Substituting the values of above, integrating, and putting, as be- fore, for brevity, K = ^ we have E I A < = r [MO H r ( sin <) (P V) r cos $ P r $> sin /3 J + K r (M - H> - Gr sin /3) $ + A. E I A <' ' = r [M O - Hr ($ sin <) + Vr cos $J + K r (M H>) $+A'. For = 0, A ^ = A 0', and we obtain A - A' - Pr 2 [cos ft + (1 + K) j3 sin J . . . (I.) For

= a, A #' = 0. Adding and subtracting the equations thus obtained, and eliminating A A', we have A + A' = P r 2 1 cos a + (1 + K) a sin /3~| - 2 V r 8 cos a . . (II.) 2 Mo a - 2Hr(a- sina)-Pr [cos a - cos 4- (a - 0) sin /3 J + K [2 Mo a 2H r a - P r (a j3) sin /3j = . . (HI.) From eq. (14), Art. 2, we have, as before, after integrating, for the hori- zontal displacement, E I A a? Mo ?* 2 (sin

)+ H> 3 (2 sin

+ sin cos 0) i V r 3 sin a

+ 2 sin /3 sin ^> 2 ^ sin /3 cos ) + K T* 2 (M Hr P r sin /3) $ cos + A r cos + B. E I A x' = Mo r 2 (sin cos 0) 4- H r 3 (2 sin 2 < cos <+ sin 4> cos ^>) i V r 3 sin 2 + AC r 2 (M H r)

= a, A x' = 0. Hence, by add- ing and subtracting, B + B' = Vr (2 - sin 2 a) - Pr (2 - sin 2 a + 2 sin a sin /3) . . (V.) 2 Mo (sin a a COS a) HT* (2 sin a 2 a COS a a + sin a COS a) + iPr [2 - sin 2 a + sin 2 3 - 2 cos (a - /3) + 2 (a - 0) cos a sin /3j - K f"2(M - Hr a cos a - Pr(a - 0) cos a sin /3J = 0. .(VI) CHAP. IV.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 293 Multiplying HI. by cos a, and adding to VI., we haye 2 Mo sin a H r (2 sin a sin a cos a a) + | P r (sin a sin /3) 2 =0. In similar manner, we have from eq. (14), Art. 2, for the vertical dis- placement E I A y = MO r 2 (cos 4> + sin #) i H r 3 (2 cos + 2 $ sin sin 2 0) ^P? >3 (4> + sin4>cos4>4-2sin/3cos4> + 2 < sin /3 sin ) (Mo H r Pr sin /3) < sin 4- Ar sin + O. 2 (cos # + 4> sin 0) |Hr s (2 cos<|> -+- 2 < sin < sin 8 ) + V r 3 (< + sin < cos + A' r sin # + C'. For $ = 0, A y = A y', hence C-C'^Pr'O -f sin /3 cos 0) . . . . (VIH.) Finally, f or ^ = a, Ay = Q. For $ = a, Ay' = 0, and hence C + O' = SMor 2 (cos a -I- a sina) + Hr 3 (2 cos a + 2a sin a sin 2 a) + P r 3 1 a + sin a cos a 2 sin (a - - j8) + 2 (a 3) sin a sin 3| - 2Hr 2 (M -Hr)asina-|-KPr J (a-/3)sinasin/3 . . .(IX.) Vr (a sinaCOSa) = Pr(a 13 sina cos a sin /3 cos /3 4- 2 cos a sin /3). .(X.) 18. Determination of H, V and M . (a) Vertical ^Reaction. The vertical force V is given directly by eq. X. Thus _a /3 sina cos a sin /3 cos /3 + 2 cos a sin /3 2 (a sin a cos a) an expression independent of AC. Transforming by means of series, we have, approximately, For the semi-circle TT 2 3 2 sin (3 cos 3 27T (43) (44) (45) From the exact formula (43) we have the following table : 3 a = a = 10 a = 20 a = 30 a = 40 a = 50 o = 60 a = 90 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.3520 0.3515 0.3500 0.3475 0.3439 0.3392 0.3332 0.3065 0.4 0.2160 0.2152 0.2130 0.2092 0.20B7 0.1966 0.1876 0.1486 0.6 0.1040 0.1033 0.1014 0.0981 0.0934 0.0874 0.0799 0.0486 0.8 0.0280 0.0277 0.0269 0.0255 0.0238 0.0211 0.0182 0.0065 1 .a .P . . 294 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. iv. (5) Horizontal thrust. Eliminating M from HI. and VI. we obtain, after reduction, 2 sin a Fcos ft - cos a + (1 + *) /3 sin /3~| - (1 + *) a (sin 2 a + sin2 /3) H = P L= J . . (46) 2 I (1 + K) a (a + sin a cos a) 2 sin 2 al If we put Ai = 2 sin a (cos /3 cos a + /3 sin /3) a (sin 2 a + sin 2 /3), A 2 = a (sin 2 a + sin 2 /3) 2 /3 sin a sin /3, , Bi = 2 a (a + sin a cos a) 4 sin 2 a, B 2 = 2 a (a + sin a COS a), A ip A and let A = -^- 2 -, B = =*-, and H = =* P, we have AI J3l JD! . 1- AK 1 + B *' where H is the value of H from the above formula, when terms containing K are disregarded. Transforming by series, we have H = From the exact formula (46) above, we have the following tables : TABLE FOB H . /B a=0 a = 10 a =20 a = 30 n = 40 a =50 a = 60 a =90 0.4688 0.4687 0.4683 0.4678 0.4671 0.4661 0.4610 0.4592 0.2 0.4320 0.4317 0.4309 0.4291 0.4272 0.4243 0.4173 0.4017 0.4 0.3308 0.3301 0.3281 0.3244 0.3196 0.3128 0.3012 0.2601 0.6 0.1920 0.1912 0.1887 0.1845 0.1784 0.1703 0.1578 0.1087 0.8 0.0608 0.0603 0.0590 0.0566 0.0534 0.0490 0.0421 0.0181 1 .a | CHAP. IV.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 295 For the values of the quantities A and B we have the f ollowing table : VALUES OF A AND B. * . = a =10 a =20 =30 a =40 a=50 a=60 o=90 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.06 3.10 3.16 3.25 3.66 0.2 3.12 3.15 3.16 3.19 3.26 3.34 3.45 4.07 0.4 3.57 3.58 3.63 3.70 3.81 3.79 4.20 5.65 a* A 0.6 4.69 4.70 4.81 4.96 5.20 5.57 6.14 10.57 h* 0.8 8.33 8.42 8.67 9.10 9.78 10.87 12.93 35.62 1 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO B .a 2.813 2.825 2.861 2.931 3.039 3.198 3.417 5.279 a* From the above tables it is easy to find the thrust for any given position of load, and any given span and rise. The preceding table gives the reac- tion ; it only remains to determine the moment M at crown. (c) Moment at crown. From VII. we have (sin a sin B) 2 v /~ a \ Mo = JHr [2 cos a- - - )- \ sin a/ sin a Substituting the value of H, already given, eq. (46), we obtain 2 Mo f"(l + K) a (a + sin a cos a) 2 sin 2 a~| = Pr I sina sina cos (a )+2 sina (cos # cosa) sina (sina sin /3) sin ,8 a (cos /3 cos a) (1 + K) { a (sin 2 a -t- sin 2 [3) 2 ^ sin a sin /3 J + (1 + K) (a /3) (a + sin a cos a) sin /3 | . In similar manner, as before, for H we have 0* MO=M O l+B/c' where M 00 is the value of M when terms containing Tc are disregarded, and B has the same value as above. By series we have [~3a 2 - L 10a/3-3/3 2 and ^4 (3a 4 + 6a* 0+ 45 a 2 /3 2 + 308a/3 3 + 154/3 4 )!, = 360 a 2 (3a 2 -10a/3-5/3 2 ) 296 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. IV. From the exact formula above we have the following tables. VALUE OF M 00 . & a = 0=10 a = 20 o = 30 a =40 a =50 a = 60 a = 90 0.09375 0.09426 0.09582 0.09849 0.10241 0.10777 0.11613 0.15108 0.2 0.4 0.01606 0.02025 0.01615 0.02021 0.01658 0.02008 0.01742 0.01973 0.01846 0.01942 0.02063 0.01888 0.02280 + 0.01719 0.03083 + 0.01441 0.6 0.02400 0.02393 0.02369 0.02326 0.02267 0.02181 0.02001 0.01454 0.8 0.01025 0.01019 0.00999 0.00962 0.00917 0.00850 0.00716 0.00332 1 .a .Pa VALUES OF B AND C. a=0 a = 10 a = 20 a = 30 a =40 a = 50 a =60 o = 90 7.50 7.52 7.57 7.78 7.94 8.52 8.61 11.12 0.2 28.13 28.09 27.99 28.14 28.43 27.99 27.76 31.81 0.4 12.50 12.61 13.05 14*08 15.40 17.35 21.11 37.47 a 4 0.6 4.69 4.77 5.00 5.51 6.24 7.31 9.10 20.27 0.8 2.74 2.85 3.20 3.89 4.94 6.61 9.77 42.53 1 1.88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B .a +2.81 +2.83 +2.86 +2.93 +3.04 +3.20 +3.42 +5.28 a 4 Here, as always, a negative moment denotes tension in lower or inner flange. We see at once from the table that the maximum compression in this flange at crown does not occur for full load, but for load extending from both ends towards the crown as far as about gths of the span or fths of the half span. "Within the middle half of the arch, then, a load any- where causes tension in lower flange at crown outside of this middle half a load anywhere causes compression in the lower flange at crown. For large central angles, K may be disregarded, and we have simply M = M 00 . CHAP. IV.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 297 19. Intersection Curve. From Art. 13 we have V r sin 3 - M y= ^ Hence, by substitution of the values of V, H and M , - r j l~l - 12 ( a * -2afl-/3 2 ) 1 y "" 10 L " a 4 (a + ft) 2 *J which is the equation given in the text, for which a table is there given. 2O. Direction Segments. It will in the present case be found most convenient to determine the directions of the resultants by d and e 2 equation (34). M! M 2 - Thus, Ci = - -|p c 2 = -jj-. But M! = Mo - H h + (P V) a P z, M 2 = M H h + V a. We have, by series, then the approximate formulae, 45Ififl 2h T 451 15 (+) L A7i 2 J 15 (-+- where positive values of Ci and c 2 are laid off upward above, negative values downward below, the centres of gravity of the end cross- sections. From the preceding tables we can calculate easily in any case H and V an^. Mo, and thus check the results obtained by the method of Chap. XIV. The formulae above for d and c 2 do not admit of tables, nor, in fact, are such needed. They are sufficiently simple for ready insertion. Thus, by the aid of our tables, having computed V and H, and, if neces- sary, Mo and 0o, we can by the method of moments, as explained in Chap. XIV., Art. 162, readily calculate the strains in the braced arch, whether continuous at crown and fixed or hinged at the ends, or hinged at both ends and crown. 2O (ft). Transformation Series. We have in the preceding repeat- edly made use of series in the transformation of angular functions, such as sin, cos, etc., into functions of the arc itself. We group here, for conve- nience of reference, the series thus used : sin x = x (I - i 2 + 7^0 aj 4 - Gr 1 /M 1 /^ l - (j> = Ej T ds+< B~rJ A Finally, from (14) we have d s ds /(*&d s &dy + I -j^ / ^t X Substitute in these last two equations for A and - their values from (.1 8 (49) and (52). The double integral thus arising can be resolved by par- tial integration. Thus /* //(*)<& Applying this, we obtain r r& Ax yA0+ / yd&+ I dx J J *' .... (5S) /r&ds zdA+ I -jdy We shall assume in the following the axis always circular. 23. Fundamental Equations General. Upon this assump- tion of a circular axis we have generally G = H cos <, N = H sin "J M = M -f Hr(l-cos^) I ..... (54) Gr + M = M + Hr j Hence, from the preceding Art, H r + Mo ' /** A s = -Id + Ttt$ ..... (55) E A Jo AEy . A a? = r A (1 cos ) H / M (1 cos $>) d $ r + Mo r _ EA J * *?*+ CHAP. V.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 301 24. Arch with three Hinges. If there are three hinges, the mo ment M at the crown must be zero, and therefore M = H?*(l cos <). But for = a, M must also be zero, hence H r (1 cos a) = 0, and therefore H is zero. Then for any point G = 0, and M = 0, and N = 0. That is, for the arch with three hinges there are for a change of temperature no outer forces, and hence no strains. 25. Arch hinged at Ends. Here, since f or = a, M = 0, we have from. (54) Mo = H r (1 cos a) \ M = - H r (cos - cos a) I (58) G r ~\- M = + H r cos a J . From (56), since for 9 = 0, A = 0, A ^ = / (cos cos a) d + cos a / d $ . . (59) J o Jo From (57), since for = 0, A * = 0, Hr'f f* C* 1 A 02= I (1 COS 0) / (COS COSa)^0 / (1 COS 0) (COS COS a) d I L Jo Jo J H r cos a cos 61, I ^r~a I d ^ r e t sin (j>. E A / Jo For ^ = a, this becomes zero, and we have for the horizontal thrust _, _ E c t sin o r 2 C a >cos /"" cos 2 a /*" ' I cos <4 (cos cos a) d = 0, A a must also be zero, and we thus obtain another relation between Mo and H which does not contain A. If we multiply the expression thus obtained by r cos a, and then subtract the result from that previously obtained for = 0, A $ = 0, we have ^ /" a /* a | / (l-cos0)d0- / (l- .... (64) Performing the integrations indicated in (63), we have (Art. 7) where, as before, K = - . Ar 2 From (64) we obtain M r sin a iHr 2 (a 2 sin a + sin a cos a) = E I f t sin a. Inserting the value of M above, we have H = 8BI,<(l + ,).rin. 2 [(1 + K ) (a 2 + a sin a COS a) 2 sin 2 a] r and hence M - ""[(! + f) (a 2 + a sin a cos a) 2 sin 2 a] From these two we obtain for the point of application of H = -igt = + ( 1 +')''- rin " r .... (88) (1 + K) a CHAP. V.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 303 By series, we hare (Art. 20) , without reference to K, e = $ h. For small central angles, then, for which < may be disregarded, the thrust given above by (66) acts at } Ji below the crown for a rise of tem- perature of t degrees above the mean. For a decrease of temperature be- low the mean it acts above, M is negative, and the strain in the lower flange tensile. Further, we have, by series, the approximate formulae r 2 (a 4 + 45*) 4 A A 2 +451 These are the expressions given in Art. 165 without proof. 304 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. VI. CHAPTER VI. PAETIAL UNIFORM LOADING. 27. Notation. In the preceding discussion of the -arch we have con- sidered the influence of a > single concentrated load only, and this, as we have repeatedly seen in the case of the simple and continuous girder, etc., is sufficient for full and accurate solution. When once we are able to find and tabulate the strains in every piece due to a single load in any position, the thorough solution becomes simply a question of time. It may often happen, however, that we may wish to determine the strains for a full load only, or for a uniformly distributed load extending from one end to some given point. In such case it would be unnecessarily tedi- ous to obtain our result by the successive determination and addition of all the intermediate apex loads. We may easily deduce from the preceding the general formulae for partial loading also. As before, we shall let a = the half span, h = the rise, I the moment of inertia, and A the area of the cross-section. But we shall represent by p the load per unit of length of horizontal projection, and by z the distance of the end of the load extending from the left, from the crown. This dis- tance z, from the crown to the end of load, is then positive towards the left. In the circular arch the angle subtended by this distance -z we call /3. The angle /3 is then positive to the left of the vertical. The angle sub- tended by the half span is, as before, a. For /3 = a, then, or for z a, there is no load upon the span. For /3 = 0, or z = 0, the load extends from the left to the centre. For /3.= a, or z = a, the load covers the whole span. Pis. 23 and 24, Figs. 91 and 92, still hold good, therefore, for our notation. We have only to conceive, instead of the concentrated load P, a uniformly distributed load, per horizontal unit, extending from left end as far as the position of P. This much being premised as to notation, we shall treat, as before, the three cases of arch hinged at crown and ends, hinged at ends only, and without hinges. A. ARCH HINGED AT CROWN AND ENDS. 28. Reaction. This case is too simple to demand any extended notice, in view of what has already been said. We have from eq. (16), Art. 3, for the reaction at the left or loaded end, for concentrated load, 2a If now we put P = p d z, and integrate, we have r ., a + z 2az + z V = / p d z = p -. -- h C, J * 2a a where O is the constant of integration. By taking the proper limits, we can eliminate this constant, and thus obtain the reaction for load covering CHAP. VI.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 305 any desired portion of the span. As we shall in every case suppose the load to extend from the left end up to any point, we shall take the limits of z = a and 2, and therefore obtain For z a, this is zero, as it should be, since then the load has not come on. For z = a, the load extends over the whole span, and V = p a, or half the whole load, as it should. We might have obtained this result at once by moments. Thus, V x 3a = a - but have preferred the above method as showing how uniform loading is deduced directly from concentrated by inserting pdz for P and inte- grating. 29. Horizontal Thrut. In precisely similar manner we have from (21), Art. 4, for the thrust due to concentrated load P, H = P ^ ~ e \ 2 h Put P p d 3 and inte-grate between the limits z a, and 2, and we have For z = a, this is zero, as should be. For z = a, or for full load over 'D QJ^" whole span, H = ^T. We may also deduce the above equation directly tii fi by moments. The above formulse (71) and (72) are all that we need either for calcula- tion or diagram. They apply evidently equally well, whether the arch be circular or parabolic, or, in general, whatever its shape may be. The form has no influence upon either the thrust or the reaction. For the moment at any point whatever, whose distance horizontally from crown is x and vertically below crown y, we have at once M = H (h - y) - V (a - x) + 2- (a - a) 2 . 2 If this point is an apex, then the moment divided by depth of arch at this point is the strain in flange opposite that apex. A positive moment throughout this work always indicates compression in the inner or lower B. AKCH HINGED AT ENDS ONLY. 30. Reaction. The vertical reaction at the end is precisely the same as before for three hinges, and is given by equation (71). This reaction is evidently independent of the shape of the arch, and the above formulae holds good generally. 31. Horizontal Thrt Parabolic Arch. We must here distinguish the shape of the arch, and treat first the parabola. We have already from eq. (27), Chapter III., Art. 8, for a single load, 5 ~ 20 306 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. VI. We have, as before, simply to make P = p d z, and then integrate between the limits z = a and z indeterminate. We thus find at once n r -i . . (73) For z = a, this reduces to zero, as it should. For z = a, the load covers the whole span, and we have H ^-. For z = o, the load reaches from 2 h 2 the left as far as the crown, and H -r-^-. The formulae is simple, and re- 4ft quires no table. Numerical values may be easily inserted. 32. Horizontal Thrust Circular Arch. As already noticed, the vertical end reaction for this case has been given in eq. (71). It re- mains to determine the thrust. We have, as before, simply to insert pdx = p r cos /3 d 3 in place of P in the expression for the thrust for concentrated load of Art. 10, and then integrate between the limits /3 = a and /3 inde- terminate. We have thus similarly to that Art. where H is the value of H when terms containing K are neglected, or H.=?;|- ; andA = ^ B = B 1 12 BI AI BI The quantities Ai, Bi, A 2 and B 2 are as follows : A, = 7 sin 3 a + 3 a cos a 3 sin a 6 a cos a sin 2 a 6 sin 2 a sin /3 + 2 sin 3 /3 3 /3 cos a 9 cos a sin cos /3 + 12 cos 2 a sin /3 + 12 a cos a sin a sin 6 cos a sin 2 /3. A 2 = 3 [2 a cos a sin 2 a + a cos a sin a cos 2 a 4 a cos a sin a sin j3 + 2 |3 cos a sin 2 /3 cos a + cos a sm cos 3]. Bj = a 3 sin a cos a + 2 a cos 2 a. B 2 = 2 a cos 2 a. These expressions can be tabulated as in Art. 10, or developed into series as in that Art., and the formula thus made practically available. For = a, we have H zero, as should be. For ]3 = a, we have the load covering the entire span. For this case we have H _l f sin3 q - 3 (12 sin2 a) (sin a -acos a) - 3 K cos a (a + 2 a sin a sin a coa a) ' ~ 6 "a + 2 a cos'-i a 3 sm a cos a + 2 K a cos 1 ^ a For the SEMI-CIRCLE, this reduces simply to H = pr = 0.424 pr. 3 7T In any case where exact results are desired, eq. (74) must be used, and a table calculated for the central angle a. We have approximately by series also, more especially for small central angles, or for a large in respect to hj for total load over whole span : j>a 2 8 Aft* _pa* 8ft 2 2 ft 15 I + 8 A ft 2 ~ 2 ft 15 g* + 8 ft 2 CHAP. VI.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 307 where A is the area and I the moment of inertia of cross-section, and g the radius of gyration. In framed arches this may be taken as approxi- mately equal to the half depth from centre to centre of flanges. C. ARCH WITHOUT HINGES FIXED AT ENDS, CONTINUOUS AT GROWTH. 33. Parabolic Arch Formulae for V, H and M. In this case the reactions no longer follow the law of the lever, and eq. (71), there- fore, no longer holds good. (a) Vertical reaction at unloaded end. We have from eq. (28), Art. 14, for the reaction at the right end for a single load, 1 (a - zY (2 a + e) ~4 P ~~^~~ Making P =pdz, and integrating between the limits z = a and a, we find the reaction for a load coming on from left, V = L. 3 a 4 - 8 a :J z + 6 a 2 z 2 - z*\ . . . (76) for a full load z = a and V=pa, as should be. (5) Horizontal thrust. In like manner we have for the horizontal thrust at end from (36), Art. 14, 15 p g* - 2 a 2 z* + g* H = 32 a*h Replacing P by p d z, and integrating as before, we obtain directly H= - -15a2 + Wa*z*-3z* . . (77) in $2 for a full load z = a, and H = . to h (c) Moment at unloaded end. In precisely similar manner we have from (37), Art. 14, _ 1 (a zY (3 a 2 - 10 a z - 5 g 2 ) ~32 ~~^~~ Putting P = p d z, and integrating, we harve for the moment, always at the right end, or for load not extending past the centre, at crown M = -- [3a 4 z-8a 3 z* +6a*z* - g 8 ] . . (78) 32 a L J For z = a, this is zero, as should be. For z 0, or for load extending as far as crown, it is also zero. For z = a, the moment at the end is ^ . 2 A negative moment, as always, denotes tension in lower flange. Just as for concentrated load, as shown in Art. 14, as the load comes on, the moment at crown is positive, and increases with increasing load up to a certain point, beyond which any load causes a negative moment, and be- yond which the moment at crown, therefore, decreases, until, when the load 303 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. vi. reaches the crown, it becomes zero. This point, which gives M , the mo- ment at crown, a positive maximum, is at a distance z = a + aVf 0.264911 a, or nearly i a from the crown. The values of V 2 , H and M a (M 2 and V? being always the moment and reaction at unloaded end), for various values of z, are given in the following table: z V 2 H M 2 z V 2 H M 2 1 + 0.1 0.2349 0.29656 -0.01206 0.9 0.0002437 0.000579 0.0001096 -0.2 0.3024 0.34128 -0.03024 0.8 0.0014 0.00421 0.00076 -0.3 0.3707 0.38242 -0.055611 0.7 0.00624 0.01643 0.002185 -0.4 0.4459 0.41846 -0.08918 0.6 0.0144 0.02889 0.00432 -0.5 0.5273 0.44824 '-0.131836 0.5 0.0273 0.051757 0.006836 i -0.6 0.6144 0.47104 -0.18432 1 0.4 0.0459 0.08346 0.00918 -0.7 0.7062 0.48667 -0.24718 0.3 0.07074 0.11777 0.010611 -0.8 0.8014 0.49884 -0.32076 0.2 0.1024 0.15872 0.01024 -0.9 0.90024 0.49942 -0.405109 0.1 0.1412 0.20315 0.007062 -1 1.0000 0.5000 -0.5000 0.1875 0.25 a pa pa* p a 2 a pa p a z p a 2 h k It will be seen that the moment at the unloaded end, which, as long as the load is left of crown, is the moment at crown also ; increases as the load passes on, is positive and increases up to about z = .25 a. Then it diminishes, becomes zero when the load reaches the crown, changes to negative as the load passes the crown, and this negative value increases up to full load when it is i p a 2 . For full load, then, the lower end flanges are in tension. At the crown the moment is zero, and the compression there in both flanges is due to H only. 34. Circular Arch Formulae for V, H and H. (a) Vertical Reaction. Here we have r sin /3 = x, r cos j3 d /3 = d $, and P=pdx = prcosfidp. Inserting this in place of P in eq. (43), Art. 18, and integrating between the limits /3 = a and /3 indeterminate, we have for the reaction at w?aloaded end, or for reaction at crown when load does not extend past the crown, V = ^L | COS a cos a a sin /3 + cos ft + /3 sin |8 2 (a sin a cos a) L 3 + sin a cos a sin - 22jl5 _ cos a sin 2 01. . . .(79) J CHAP. VI.] SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. 309 For = a, this is zero, as should be, since then the load is not upon the span. For = a, V = p r sin a, as should be, for full load over whole span. For the semi-circle, a = 90 = , sin a 1, cos a = 0, and 2 TT nrH 3 R - sin + cos ft + sin V p r . 7T If the semi-circle is uniformly loaded over whole span, = a = 90 = , sin = 1, cos 0, and V pr, as should be. The for- 2 mula (79) above is precisely the same as that given by Capt. Eads in his Report to the Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Co., May, 1868. (5) Horizontal Thrust. In similar manner, from eq. (46), Art. 18, by inserting p d x = p r cos dj3 in place of P, and integrating between = a and 8, we have similarly to Art. 32 H = Ho^A_* (80 ) and , , 12 -ti AI Uj A! =3 a 3 sin a cos a 2 a sin 2 a 3 9 sin cos 0+12 COS a sin 6 sin 2 0+6 a sin a sin 0+2 a ^? -, sin a A 2 =3a 3 sinacosa+2a sin 2 a+60sin 2 3 0+3 sin/3 cos0 6 a sin a sin 02 a - , sin a Bi=a (a+sin a COS a) 2 sin 2 a, B 2 =a (a+sin a COS a). Formula (80) agrees exactly with that given by Capt. Eads in the Report above quoted, if terms containing K are neglected. Since K = - -, where I is the moment of inertia and A is the area of cross-section ; r being the radius ; for small central angle r is very large in proportion to , or the A square of the half depth. In such case, then, K. may be neglected. For == a , we have H = 0, as should be. For = a, we have load over entire span, and H _i. 3 a 2 n sin- 3 sin a cos a K (3 a+2 a sin g a 3 sin a cos a) (1+K.) a (a+sin a cos a) 2 sin 2 a Approximately we have, by series, for full load, from (80) : _ 2h 2 22 310 SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. XIV. [CHAP. VI. For o = 90, or for semi-circle, we have from (80) t [37r-6/3+18sin/3cos/3-12/3sin 2 +67rsin/3 hK (-3 7T-12 ft sin 2 /3+6 -6 sin ft cos ft+Q ir sin /3+2 TT sin 3 /3j. For /3 = 90, or for full load upon semi-circle, PL- V,- 9 . (c) Moment at unloaded end. From Art. 18 (c) we have, for concentrated load, (sin a sin /3) 2 /2- \ cosa- -- sin a/ Sill a The value of H we have already given in (80). Inserting in the second term p d x = p r cos ft d ft for P, and then inte- grating, we have M = AH-B ....... (82) where A = | r 1 2 cos a -- ^ ) = JT-? (2 cos a -^ \ y sin a/ 2 sin a \ sin a/ and B = P f (sin a sin ft } . 12 sin 3 a \ / For a uniform load over whole span, ft = a, and ^ . (83) sm / 3 "We have from (83), by series, the approximate formula for moment at crown 175y a* . where A is the area and I the moment of inertia of cross-section, g the radius of gyration, or, approximately, the half depth for framed arch as always a negative moment indicates tension in lower or inner flange. Equations (79), (80) and (82) may, if desired, be tabulated as in Art. 18. For small central angles, or for h small with respect to a, K may be disre- garded, and the results already given for parabola (Art 33) may be taken as sufficiently exact. CHAP. XV.] THE STONE AECH. 311 CHAPTEE XY. THE STONE ARCH. 167. Definitions, etc. In the stone arch we have a system of bodies in contact with each other, and so supported between certain fixed points, that they are not only in equilibrium among themselves, but also with the exterior forces. The sur- faces of contact we call the bed-joints ; the fixed points are the abutments ; the central or highest arch stone is called the key -stone, and those resting upon the abutments, the imposts. The inner and outer limiting surfaces of the arch, generally curved, are designated as the intrados and extrados, and the arch stones generally are called voussoirs. 16. L.IIIC of Presure in Arch. We have already indi- cated (Art. 28, Fig. 16) the manner in which a number of suc- cessive forces are resisted by an arch. We see from the force polygon in that Fig. that the horizontal pressure is the same at every point, and that the vertical pressure is equal to the sum of the weights between the crown and any point. The pres- sure line is then an equilibrium polygon formed by laying off the weights of the arch stones, choosing a pole, and drawing lines from this pole, etc., as described in our second chapter. If the weights are very small, and their number very great, the equilibrium polygon becomes a curve. This curve for equilibrium should never pass outside the limits of the arch. 169. Sliding of the Arch Johns. The arch is properly, then, nothing but a curved wall. Upon a vertical wall, which may also support loads, but which has no horizontal thrust, only vertical forces act, and the resultant is known in position and direction. We may, then, investigate the stability of an ordi- nary wall, and apply the results directly to the arch. We assume the wall divided by plane bed-joints extending through its entire breadth, whose distances apart depend upon the dimensions of the stones. These joints are the weak places of the wall, since separation here is not resisted by the greatest strength of the stone. Neglecting the influence of the mortar, 312 THE STONE ARCH. [CHAP. XV. we assume that any section along a bed-joint resists only a per- pendicular pressure due to the parts above, and a force paral- lel to the joint which must not exceed the resistance to sliding due to friction. If this parallel force is greater than the resist- ance of friction, the upper part will slide upon the joint. If we represent the greatest angle of repose by <, then the resultant of the vertical forces, acting upon the joint in ques- tion, must make an angle with the normal to the joint less than the angle <. Thus at the joint A (Ph 24, Fig. 95), this angle is greater than , and the upper part will slide along this joint. At B this angle is less than , and no sliding can take place. The ratio of the force of friction due to the component of P normal to the joint, to the component of P parallel to the joint, we call the coefficient of safety against sliding. It is evidently equal to , or to the distance G-N divided by PN. tan P N Since we can dispose the bed-joints at pleasure, we may, always make them perpendicular to the direction of the pres- sure, for instance in Fig. 95 horizontal ; or at least so place them that their normals vary from the direction of the resultant of the outer forces, at most by an allowable angle P N. The sliding of the joints can then always be prevented by the position of the bed-joints. 17O. Force acting upon a Cros-ection Neutral Axis. Let us consider what happens when the resultant of the outer forces acting upon a joint, instead of acting at the centre of gravity, approaches the edge of a joint, under the assumption that sliding cannot take place, or that the direction of this re- sultant is perpendicular to the joint. There is no reason for assuming the distribution of pressure upon the joint surface any different from the case of a beam. The stone, as well as the mortar, is elastic, though in a less degree than wood or iron, and accordingly the pressure at any portion of the joint is pro- portional to the approach of the limiting surfaces of the upper and lower portions of the wall. If, then, we assume that these surfaces are plane before and after loading, if the resultant pressure does not act at the centre of gravity, but near to one edge, the pressure at different points will vary, and there will be a neutral axis, or line of no pressure, either within or wholly t without the joint surface. Every cross-section is therefore acted upon by a system of CHAP. XV.] THE STONE ARCH. 313 parallel forces whose intensities are directly as their distances from a certain axis. Now, neglecting the influence of the mortar, the wall can resist compression only. No tension can exist at any point of the joint surface. Clearly, then, the neutral axis should lie wholly without the cross-section, or at most only touch it. It should never be found within the cross-section, as in that case all the material on the other side is useless, and might be removed entirely without affecting the pressure upon the actual bearing surface. The neutral axis, then, should always lie without the cross- section of the joint. IT I. System of Parallel Forces wluse Intensities are proportional to their Distances from a certain Axis The Kernel of a Cross-section. If in a system of equal and paral- lel forces we find the moment of each of these forces with reference to a certain axis, and then consider these moments as themselves forces, we shall have a system of the kind referred to, since each moment force will be directly proportional to its distance from a given axis. Now, as we have seen in Art. 60, Chapter VI., the centre of action of such a system of moment forces does not coincide with the centre of gravity of the original simple forces, but for any given axis is found from the central curve of the cross-sec- tion. In PL 11, Fig. 35, we have already given the construc- tion for finding; this centre of action, the semi-diameter of the O ' central curve being known, for any given axis. Suppose now this axis to envelop in all its different posi- tions the outline of the given cross-section, and find the corre- sponding positions of the centre of action of the moment forces. These different points lie in a closed figure which we may call the kernel of the cross-section. Then, in order that we may always have compression in every part of the joint surface of our wall, the resultant of the forces acting upon it should always act within the kernel. In Plates 11 and 12, Figs. 36, 37, 38 and 40, we have con- structed the kernels of the various cross-sections represented. Thus in Fig. 36, according to the construction of Art. 62, for an axis at A, we describe upon O C a semi-circle. Then with O as a centre and radius equal to semi-diameter of the central ellipse on A C, describe an arc intersecting the semi-circle in a. 314 THE STONE AKCH. [dlAP. XV. From a drop a perpendicular upon A C, and we obtain the centre of action for axis at A. A similar construction for other axes, as A B, B C, etc., give us other points, and we thus find the small central parallelogram, which is the kernel or locus of the centres of action of the moment forces for all positions of the axis enveloping the parallelogram A B, C D. A similar construction gives us the kernel for the other figures. We have from Art. 60 a' m = > ^ where m = the distance of the resultant P of the forces acting upon the cross-section from the centre of gravity, and a = the semi-diameter of the central curve, and i = the distance of the neutral axis from the parallel diameter of the central curve. If we call c the distance of an outer fibre from this diameter measured on the side of P, its distance from the neutral axis is i + c. If the strain in this fibre is S, we have P s -i + c ; ; -r- : i, -A. where A is the area of the cross-section. Hence If P acts at the centre of gravity of the cross-section, i= oo p (Art. 60), the neutral axis is infinitely distant, and S = . If A. P moves away from the centre of gravity, the neutral axis approaches, and is always parallel to the conjugate diameter in the central ellipse. When P reaches the perimeter of the kernel, the neutral axis touches the perimeter of the cross- section, and at least, then, in one point of this perimeter, the pressure is zero. If P passes beyond the kernel, the neutral axis enters the cross-section, and tensile strains enter on one side to balance the compressive strains on the other. The ker- nel then forms a limit beyond which the resultant P must 'not act. 172. Position of Kernel for different Cross-sections. If the cross-section is symmetrical with reference to the cen- c P tre of gravity, we have . = 1, and therefore S = 2 ; that is, 1 A. CHAP. XV.] THE STONE AKCH. 315 when the neutral axis touches the cross-section, or P acts in the kernel, the strain S is twice as great as when P passes through the centre of gravity of the joint surface and is uni- formly distributed. As P passes beyond the kernel, the neutral axis, as we have seen, enters the joint area, and on the side away from P occa- sions, or would occasion in a beam, tensile strains. But as the assumption is that the joint (neglecting mortar) cannot resist tensile strains, we may remove all that portion on the opposite side of the neutral axis without increasing the pressure on the other side. In this case, then, the central ellipse is not that for the whole joint area, but only for that portion 011 the same side as P, and P is upon the kernel for that portion. This portion can be determined directly for a certain posi- tion of P only in a few individual cases ; generally, it must be found by trial. We must first find 'for the central ellipse of the entire joint area the neutral axis corresponding to given position of P, and then draw a parallel cutting off somewhat more of the area. Then determine the central ellipse of the cut-off portion, and see if the pole lies symmetrically to the pole of the cutting line. The parallelogram is one of the areas in which we can de- termine directly the amount cut off when P acts at a point upon the line joining the centres of two opposite sides. For if we cut off by a parallel to these sides a portion so that P is at d of the line joining the centres of the opposite sides of the new parallelogram, then P lies upon the kernel for this new area. The proof is easy. The moment of inertia of the parallelogram is -% b A 3 , with reference to the diameter b. The square of the radius of gyration a a is then y 1 ^ A 2 . The distance of the point of application of P from one of the sides is a" ^ -h m = ^ + . Hence The half height of the kernel is, then, -J-th the height of the parallelogram, or the kernel occupies the inner third. (See Fig. 36 ; also Woodbury : Theory of the Arch, p. 328, Art. 3.) For any given position of P, then, three times its distance 316 THE STONE ARCH. [CHAP. XV*. from the nearest side on a line parallel to the other two, gives the position of the fourth side of the parallelogram for which P is upon the kernel. 173. The resultant pressure should therefore act within the middle third of the joint area. As this prin- ciple is most important, and the demonstrations of Chapter VI., upon which the above result is based, may appear to some too purely mathematical, we give here the demonstration of the same principle as given by Woodbury, in the work above cited. " Suppose the pressure to be nothing at the in trad os #, and to increase uniformly from that point to the extrados b (PL 24, Fig. 96). It is plain that the pressure at any point along a ~b will be represented by the brdinate of a certain triangle. The whole pressure will be represented by the surface of that tri- angle ; and the point of application of the resultant of all the pressures will be at c opposite the centre of gravity of that triangle. We have then c b = ^ a ft. Vice versa, if the point of application be at c, c I % a 5, we know that the pressure is nothing at a. " If the point of application be at c, c 7> being less than -J a J, c being still opposite the centre of gravity of the triangle whose ordinates represent the pressure, we know that the ver- tex of that triangle and point of no pressure are at e } be = 3 xbc. " In this case, the joint a b will open at a as far as e ; the adjacent joints will also open until we come to one where the curve of pressure passes within the prescribed limit. " This reasoning is, of course, applicable to all the joints ; and we readily conclude that the curves of pressure should lie entirely between two other curves which divide the joint into three equal parts." Thus, in PL 24, Fig. 97, suppose .the resultant P of the upper part of the wall to have the position as represented, so that it intersects the joint B D in C outside of the middle third of the cross-section. The entire pressure is distributed over 3 C B = A B, and the area D A does not act at all. Moreover, the pressure at B is twice as great as when P passes through the centre of gravity and is uniformly distributed over A B, or is f ds of the uniformly distributed pressure of 'P upon C B. Beyond A the pressure is zero, and the conditions of load CHAP. XV.] THE STONE AKCH. 317 and equilibrium would not be changed if the stone beyond A were removed. If C approaches still nearer B, so that the pressure is distrib- uted upon an ever-decreasing area, the resistance of the mortar will be finally overcome ; it will be forced out, and stone will come in contact with stone, and there will be rotation about the edge at B. This rotation can never occur if the pressure P is distributed over the whole joint area. If, then, we consider rotation to commence at the moment when P is no longer dis- tributed over the entire area when, therefore, the neutral axis just enters the joint then, in order that no rotation may occur, y P must pierce the joint area inside the kernel. 174. LJne of Pressures in tlie Arch. When the dimen- sions and form of a wall are given, we can determine directly the resultant P of the outer forces acting upon a joint, and then by the two preceding Arts, can determine the condition of sta- bility of the wall. In the arch, however, we cannot determine P directly for a given cross-section, but must first make certain assumptions. In the first place, it is clear that an arch is stable when it is possible in two joints to take two reactions P 1 and P 2 (PI. 24, Fig. 98) such that, with the weight of the intervening portion of the arch and its load, the resulting line of pressure shall lie so far in the interior of the arch that rotation about a joint edge cannot take place. If the arch is so feeble and the resistance of the material so slight that only one such assumption of P^ and P 2 can be made, and only one such pressure line drawn, this is plainly the true pressure line for stability, and by it P t and P 2 , as also the pressure at every joint, are determined. If, however, the arch is so deep and the resistance of the material so great that by variation of P 1 and P 2 several such pressure lines may be drawn, none of which causes rotation about a joint edge, which of all these possible pressure lines is the true pressure line of the arch ? We assert : That is the true pressure line which approaches nearest the axis, so that the pressure in the most compressed joint edge is a minimum. If we assume the material so s}ft that the pressure line ap- proaches the axis so near that only one assumption of P, and P, is possible, then this would evidently be the true pressure line. If now the material hardens without altering any of its 318 THE STONE ARCH. [CHAP. XV. other properties, such as its specific weight or modulus of elas- ticity, then the position of the pressure line is not altered. As there is no reason for supposing the pressure line different in an arch built of hard material from that in one originally soft which has afterwards gradually hardened, it follows that the pressure line in all arches of same form and loading has the same position which it would have had if the arch had been originally of the softest material ; that is, that position which makes the pressure in the most compressed joint edge a mini- mum. In order to draw the pressure line in an arch, we may then seek by means of the formula o * this pressure in the joint, where the pressure line approaches nearest the edge, and ascertain whether it can be still further diminished by change of position of the pressure line. This is, however, not necessary. We have only to ascertain whether it is possible to draw a pressure line whose sides cut the corre- sponding joint a.rea, within the kernel, for then, since we know that there can be a still more favorable position, there is no danger of rotation. 175. The Line of Support. The curve formed by joining the intersections of the sides of the pressure line with the joint areas we call the support line, or line of support. If the joints of an arch answer to the condition of Art. 169, so that sliding of the joints cannot occur, we see at once from the position of the support line on what side and where rota- tion will take place. If at any point this line passes beyond the kernel, we have theoretical beginning of rotation ; if it passes outside of the arch, there is actual rotation, and if it lies within the kernel, there is no rotation. The manner of determining from the position of the support line all the possible motions of an arch is illustrated in the fol- lowing Figs. In PI. 24:, Fig. 99, we have a possible support line touching the extrados at crown and springing, and the intrados between these points. We have accordingly rotation at crown, and at the points between crown and springing, so that the joints at these points open on the sides of the arcli opposite the support line. The crown will sink, and as at the crown and flanks the CHAP. XV.] THE STONE AECH. 319 support line is approximately parallel to the extrados and intra- dos, there will be several joints in the same condition, and several will open, as indicated in the Fig. In PI. 25, Fig. 100, we have the condition of stability of a pointed arch, not loaded at the crown. The support line ia horizontal at crown, and there is no angle there, as in the arch itself. The rotation at various points is indicated in the Fig. We shall soon see that the support line deviates but very little from the pressure line. From the direction of the tangent to the support line at any point, therefore, we may conclude as to the conditions of sliding. From Fig. 101 we may conclude that the arch will slide out- wards upon the right abutment. The rotation at various points is given by the Fig. It is sufficient, as we see, to make the abutment surface more nearly perpendicular to the support line, as shown in the left abutment, to prevent this sliding, and at the same time a more favorable support line can be drawn. Since, as we have seen in Art. 100, sliding can and must in this manner be always prevented, we shall give no more exam- ples of arches unstable in this particular. The arches of Figs. 99 and 100 can be made stable by suffi- ciently increasing their thickness, or conforming their shape more nearly to that of the support line. 176. Deviation of the Support from the Presure Line. This deviation is not great. In order to make it apparent, we must draw a pressure line for slight pressure in the lower part of an arch with very long and inclined voussoirs [PL 25, Fig. 102]. Thus, if we combine the weights of the voussoirs 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., acting at their centres of gravity, with the pressure^Q in the first joint, we have the pressure line shown by the broken line 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, whose sides 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, etc., give the direction of the pressure in the corresponding joints between the voussoirs 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc. Thus 5 6 is the direction of the pressure upon the joint between voussoirs 5 and 6. This direction cuts the joint at 5', which is therefore the point of application of the pressure, or a point upon the line of support. Thus we find 3', 4', 5', 6', and the line joining these points is the support Iww. In general, then, the support and pressure lines coincide when the vertical through the centre of gravity of any very small element coincides with the joint, and they deviate when this vertical does not coincide with the joint. 320 THE STONE ARCH. [CTIAP. XV. In the ordinary form of joint, as shown in Fig. 103, the sup- port line varies from the pressure line, since the vertical through the centre of gravity S does not coincide with the joint under S. If, however, we should conceive the arch divided into ver- tical laminae, then the support and pressure lines fall together. This is precisely the assumption always made in the analytical discussion of the theory of the arch. Thus we take the area A = / y dx, and this expression sup- poses the arch divided into vertical laminse. The first to make clearly this distinction between the lines of pressure and support, was Mosely (Civil Eng.). Other authors have after him adopted this distinction, and then proved that the two lines always coincide, without remarking that this coin- cidence is only because of the adoption of the above integral. The same assumption simplifies greatly the graphical construc- tion also (the analytical treatment is without it well-nigh im- possible). We shall therefore assume vertical lam i 1133 where it is at all permissible. This is always permissible at the crown of arches with horizontal tangent, because there the joints are vertical, and over all, when the pressure line lies below the axis of the arch ; for the support line lies always above the pressure line, and therefore, in this case, the conditions of sta- bility are more favorable for it than for the pressure line itself, when considered as the line of support. Moreover, it is easy at any point of the pressure line con- structed with vertical laminae to pass to that line for another form of joint, and to the corresponding support line. Thus, if for the point A (PL 25, Fig. 104) we have found the pressure Q, and if now we wish to pass to the joint ABC, we prolong Q till it meets P, the weight of the voussoir A B C D, and re- solve P and Q at this point into Q'. Then Q' is a side of the new pressure line, and it cuts A B in a point of the support line. In this way we can easily determine whether the error com- mitted when we substitute the pressure line for vertical laminae for that for the actual joints, which is given by the segment of the joint A B between QJ. and the pressure line, can be disre- garded. 177. Dimension* of the Arcli. The object of the con- struction of the pressure or support line in the arch is to deter- CHAP. XV.] THE STONE ARCH. 321 mine the stability and the joints of the abutments. When, the live load of the arch can be neglected with respect to its own weight, and when the material of the arch possesses the usual strength, and the pressure line lies within the inner third, then the lower point of rupture lies so low that the back masonry reaching from this point beyond the pressure line completely encloses it. There is, therefore, nothing arbitrary, when the form of the arch is given, except the depth. Since in an arch of less depth than is allowable in practice a support line can still be in- scribed, the graphical method is unable to determine the proper depth. We must then leave to theory the development of formulae by which this can be determined, and assume that not only the form of the arch is given, but also its proper depth and the lower joint of rupture. It is required to deter- mine the stability of the abutments. The stability of the abutments can be regarded from two points of view. We may consider it as a continu|tion of the arch, as in many English and French bridges, in which the arch is continued as such, clear to the foundation ; or we may regard it as a wall whose moment about the joint of rupture resists the rotation about this joint due to the thrust. Both views are identical, as the entire theory of the support line rests upon the investigation of the rotation. They differ only in the method of expressing the safety of the abutment. If the arch is continued to the foundation, and the space be- tween it and the road line filled up by spandrels ; or if the thickness of the abutment increases from above as the support line requires ; or, as is often the case in England, the abutment consists of walls parallel to the crown, separated by hollow spaces; still, in every case the abutment is not to be distin- guished from the arch proper it is stable when the support line lies in the interior. If the prolonged arch is separated entirely from the adjacent masonry, there is no reason for not giving the axis of the prolongation the form of the support line itself. If, on the other hand, there is no separation of the arch and abutment, as in the English hollow abutments, it is sufficient that the support line lie in the inner third, and the abutment will be certainly stable. The supposition that the resistance of the rnortar is suffi- 21 322 THE STONE ARCH. [CTIAP. XV. cientlj great to unite the whole abutment as a single block which turns about its under edge, gives too small dimensions. To ensure safety it is assumed that equilibrium exists with reference to rotation about the lower edge, when the thrust of the arch is 1.5 greater than the actual. Investigations of French engineers have shown that this coefficient of safety for very light arches is not less than 1.4. The old tables of Petit give 1.9. We assume it, therefore, = 2. If, therefore, the double thrust of the arch at the lower point of rupture is united with the weight of the abutment, the re- sultant should still fall within the base. Since it is indiiferent in what order the elements of the abutment are resolved, it is best to divide it into vertical laminae, and unite these with the double thrust. The equilibrium polygon thus obtained should cut the foundation base within the edge of the abutment. When the thickness of the abutment is thus determined, we must construct the actual pressure line for the simple thrust in order to Determine the joints. In drawing this second pres- sure line, we should properly take the divisions of the arch by the joints themselves. If, however, we take the division in vertical laminae, the deviation, as we have seen, is insignificant. The normals to the actual joints must, then, not deviate from the sides of this pressure line by more than the angle of repose. 178. Construction of the Pressure Line. In PL 25, Fig. 105, we give the method of construction of the proper width of abutment for an arch. We first divide the arch into vertical laminse, and determine their weight. If the surcharge has vacant spaces, or is generally of different specific weight from the material of the arch itself, it must first be reduced. Thus, if the surcharge (spandrel filling, etc.) weighs, for instance, only f ds as much as an equal area of masonry in the arch, we have simply to diminish the vertical height above the arch by -Jd. We thus obtain the dotted line given in the Fig., which forms the limit of the reduced laminae, and we can treat the areas bounded by this line the vertical lines of division and the intrados as homogeneous. We have then only to determine the centres of gravity of the various laminae according to the construction for finding the centre of gravity of a trapezoid (Art. 33), and suppose at these points the weights, which are proportional to the reduced areas of the trapezoids to act. CHAP. XV.] THE STONE ARCH. . 323 Laying off these weights in their order, we have the force line (Fig. to left). The weights of the abutment laminae 9, 10 and 11 are laid off to same scale one-half 'of their proper in- tensities. The reason will soon appear. 1st. To determine the thrust H, and also the joint of rup- ture. We first inscribe a pressure line by eye, and assume the point of the intrados to which this line most nearly approaches as the edge of the joint of rupture. Draw next from the cor- responding point of the force line a line parallel to the assumed pressure line at this point. This line will cut off from the horizontal through the beginning of the force line our first approximate value of H. Thus, suppose we have inscribed by eye the pressure line 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., which gives us the point a for the position of the edge of the joint of rupture. Then a line drawn from 5 on the force line, parallel to the side 4 5 of the pressure line, gives us our first value for H. Now assuming this value of H, we erase the first assumed pressure line, and proceed to construct the pressure line cor- responding to this value of H, and the force line divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. If this pressure line lies always within the middle third of the arch, it may be taken as the proper pressure line, and H as the true thrust. In general, however, this will not be the case. The pressure line thus determined may even pass without the arch entirely. We then determine the new point of rupture, as given by the point of exit of this pressure line, and produce the side at this point back to intersection with H prolonged. From this point of intersection draw a line which does lie within the middle third of the arch at the lamina of rupture, and then in the force polygon from the corresponding point of the force line draw a parallel to this line, thus cutting off a new value for H. Erasing now the preceding pressure line, we construct a third with this new value of H, which will in general give us a pressure line lying everywhere within the middle third of the arch. If not, another approximation may be made. We thus find by successive approximation the true joint of rupture and the corresponding thrust. 2d. Width of abutment. Since we have laid off the arch weights to scale in their true value, the pressure line thus ob- tained is the true pressure line for the arch. But we have laid 324 THE STONE ARCH. [CHAP. XV. off the abutment laminse 9, 10 and 11, one-half \\\G\Y true value, and the pressure line thus obtained with the same thrust and pole O is the same as if we had taken their true value and twice H. Its intersection with the foundation gives us, then, the proper width of the abutment for stability, according to our assumption of 2 for the coefficient of stability (Art. 177). 179. Thus we can easily determine for any given case of arch and surcharge the horizontal thrust and the proper width of abutment, and then from the pressure line can easily so dis- pose the joints as to prevent sliding. If the dimensions of the arch as given are not such as to be stable, it will be found im- possible to inscribe, as above, a pressure line which shall lie within the middle third, and the curve of 'extrados or intrados will have to be altered so that this shall be the case. The pres- sure line thus obtained, it is true, does not exactly correspond with the true one, as it is still possible to inscribe another which shall deviate still less from the true line. We have also taken the double thrust for the abutment laminse alone, instead of for all laminse from the joint of rupture of the arch. Both deviations are made on account of the far greater ease and rapidity of construction. It would be found very tedious to take first the force polygon up to somewhere about the section of rupture, then by long trial find the innermost support line, and finally, after the section of rupture is by this line deter- mined, to lay off the remainder of the force polygon, and pro- long the pressure line through the abutments. It is far simpler to 'proceed, as above, by assuming the point of application of the horizontal thrust, as also temporarily the section of rupture. We obtain thus a somewhat smaller value for the width of abutment, but, on the other hand, we have taken the coefficient of stability at 2 instead of 1.9, as assumed in Petitfs tables. Moreover, the widths of abutment thus obtained are greater than those obtained by these tables, as it is assumed in them that the point of application of the horizontal thrust is at the upper edge of the abutment. Thus in every respect the con- struction gives results reliable and even more accurate than the tables, as we take the arch as it really is in any given case, while in the tables suppositions are made with reference to spandrel filling, etc., which do not hold good for every case. 1O. Proper Thickness of Arch at Crown. The proper CHAP. XV.] THE STONE AKCH. 325 depth of the arch at the key depends not only upon the rise and span, but also upon the load. The pressure at the extrados at the key, which, is in general, the most exposed part of joint, should not, according to the best authorities, exceed -^th the ultimate resisting power of the material. If P is the pressure per unit of surface, H the thrust, and d the depth of key-stone 2H joint, then P -y, since, on the assumption that the curve of pressure does not pass outside the kernel, the maximum pressure is twice the mean TT pressure -j. This mean pressure, then, should not exceed ^th CL the ultimate resistance of the material. In the best works of Rennie and Stevenson the thickness at key varies from -^-th to gJg-d the span, and from ^-th to ^th tne radius of the intrados. The augmentation of thickness at the springing line is made by the Stevenson's from 20 to 40 per cent., by the Rennie's at about 100 per cent. Perronet gives for the depth at crown the empirical formula d= 0.0694 /* + 0.325 meters, in which r is the greatest length in meters of the radius of cur- vature of the intrados. For arches with radius exceeding 15 meters, this gives too great a thickness. According to Rankine, d = 0.346 Vr for circular arches, and d = 0.412 Vr, where r is the radius of curvature of the intrados at the crown in feet. " The London Bridge is in its plan and workmanship per- haps the most perfect work of its kind. The intrados is an ellipse, the span 152 ft., the rise th as much, the depth of key -gig-th the span. The crown settled only two inches upon remov- al of centres." [ Woodbury : Theory of the ArchJ] In general, we must first assume the depth at key in view of the strength of the material, the character of the workmanship, the load, etc. Then the thrust being found, we find the mean pressure per unit of area as above. If this mean pressure exceeds ^th the ultimate resisting power of the material, make 326 THE STONE ARCH. [CHAP. XV. a new supposition, increase the thickness, find the thrust and pressure anew, and so on, till the results are satisfactory. The ultimate resisting power of granite may be taken at 6,000 Ibs., brick 1,200, sandstone 4,000, limestone 5,000 Ibs. per square foot. These values are, of course, very general, and subject to considerable variations, according to the kind and quality of the stone. The strength of the material to be used must, for any particular case, be determined by actual experiment. The weight of a cubic foot of stone may, in general, be as- sumed at 160 Ibs., brick masonry at 125 Ibs. IN!. Increase of thickness due to change of form. Having obtained a thickness which satisfies all the conditions, we must, if the arch be very light, make some further provi- sion for the change of form which is sure to take place af ter the removal of the centres. By this change of form the pres- sure line is altered, and the thickness may need to be increased. In general, we need only to increase the depth from the key to the springing. This increase need not exceed fifty per cent, at the joint of rupture and weakest intermediate joint. [ Wood- l>ury : Theory of the Arch.] 182. Thus, by a simple and rapid construction, we can de- termine, for any particular case, the thrust, joint of rupture, and proper thickness of the abutments, without the use of tables or the intricate formulae usually employed. There is no difficulty in laying down on paper and verifying all the ele- ments of the most complex case. The method is entirely in- dependent of all particular assumptions, and is therefore especially valuable when irregularities of outline or construc- tion place the arch almost beyond the reach of calculation. It is general, and may be applied with equal ease to loaded and unloaded, full circle, segmental, or elliptical arches with any form of surcharge. CHAP. XVI.] THE INVESTED AKCH. 327 CHAPTEK XYI. THE INVERTED AKCH SUSPENSION SYSTEM. 183. The inverted arch forms the supporting member of chain or cable suspension bridges. Whether the cable be com- posed of chains, links, or wires, we suppose them so flexible that they can perfectly assume the curve of equilibrium. As, therefore, disregarding the dead weight, any partial load would cause a change of shape, the cables must be stiffened in order to prevent the motion which would otherwise take place. We may stiffen the chains, as shown in PL 26, Fig. 106, by trian- gular bracing, thus making a rigid system ; or we may have two parallel chains and brace them to each other, as shown by Fig. 90 inverted ; or we may introduce an auxiliary truss, the office of which is not to add in any degree to the supporting power of the combination, but simply to distribute a partial load over the whole span, so as to cause it to take effect as a distributed load, and thus prevent change of shape. As in the first and last cases the structure is commonly hinged at the centre in order to eliminate the effects of tem- perature, the method of resolution of forces explained in Arts. 8-13 will, in general, be applicable for the determination of the strains. In the second case, we can apply the principles of Arts. 158- 161. ! The rear chains, anchorages, and stiffening truss deserve, however, special notice. 14. Rear Chain* and Anchorages. The greatest ten- sion in the main chains occurs, of course, for full load. To find the tension^at top of tower, as also the horizontal pull, we have simply to lay off half the whole load vertically from o to d [PI. 26, Fig. 106], and then draw O o horizontal and O d parallel to the last side at tower. Then O d is the tension in that side, and o O the horizontal pull. This pull is neutralized by the opposite and equal pull of the rear chain leading to the anchorage ; provided, as should always be the case, it makes an 328 THE INVERTED ARCH. [CHAP. XVI. equal angle with the vertical. We have thus acting upon the tower simply the half load ; and the tension in the rear chain is equal to that in the last link, O d. If from O we draw parallels to the other links, we have at once the strains in these links, O r the arch alone, neglecting the tension of the rear chains, as explained in the preceding chapter. CHAP. XYI.] THE INVERTED AKCH. 329 If this also passes within the middle third of the arch, as represented by the dotted line, the arch is, under all circum- stances, stable, and can fully resist the tension of the rear chains. We can now, finally, so dispose the joints as to prevent sliding. 185. Stiffened Suspension System. We have already re- ferred to the methods of stiffening the cable or chain so as to prevent the changes of shape due to partial loading. Of these methods, it only remains to notice particularly the last, viz., by means of an auxiliary truss. The office of this truss is to dis- tribute a partial load over the whole length. We have now to investigate the forces which act upon the truss. In PL 27, Fig. 107, let the chain be acted upon by the truss represented by A B, which is called into action only by a par- tial load, and not at all by a total uniform load. We can neg- lect then the weight of the truss itself, as this is borne by the cable. At the apices 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 let us suppose partial loads indicated by the small arrows pointing down. Then, at every point of connection with the chain, we have the reactions 1', 2', 3', etc., acting upwards.- Now the truss must prevent deforma- tion, and hence these forces are dependent upon the form of the cable itself. Indeed, if we take any point, as O, as a pole, and draw lines parallel to the respective sides of the cable, these lines will cut off upon a vertical P' these forces. -The absolute value of these forces will, it is true, vary according to the position of the pole assumed, but their relative proportions remain always the same. The resultant P 7 of all these forces passes then through the intersection of the two outer sides of the catenary. Since the truss distributes its load P upon the cable, the reac- tion B at the right support is here zero. The reaction, however, at A cannot be zero unless P and P' coincide, as is the case for total uniform load. These, then, are all the forces which are kept in equilibrium by the truss. If P is given, P' and the re- action at A can be easily found, and if we then divide P', ac- cording to the form of the chain, into the portions I/, 2', 3', etc., we have the forces at each apex. Thus we lay off to scale the given forces 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 P, and with a pole distance any convenient multiple of the height of truss draw lines to these points of division, and then construct 330 THE INVEKTED ARCH. [CHAP. XVI. the corresponding equilibrium polygon A 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, B. Pro- long then the outer side B 7 to intersection with P', and draw the closing line A P'. A parallel through O to this line cuts off from the force line P the reaction at A and the cable reac- tion P'. Now P' being thus found and the form of cable given, we have only to lay off P' vertically, draw from its extremities lines parallel to the two outer sides of the given cable arc, and from the pole thus determined, lines parallel to the other sides will give us the forces 1', 2', 3', etc. These when thus found we lay off on our force line for the pole O, as shown in the Fig., and then construct the corresponding equilibrium poly- gon A 1', 2' 9', 10', B. Thus the vertical ordinates between A P', P' B and this polygon give us the moment at any point for a truss acted upon by the forces I/, 2', 3', etc., alone. The ordinates between A P', P' B and the polygon A 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, give, in like manner, the moments for a truss acted upon by the forces 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, whose reactions are A and P'. The ordinates, then, included between both polygons give us the moment at any point of the stiffening truss. Thus the ordinate y, multiplied by the pole distance, gives us the moment in the truss at the point o. If we had taken the pole distance O equal to the height of the truss, then these ordinates would give us at once the strain in the flanges. We can thus easily find the strains in the stiffen- ing truss for any weight or system of weights in any position. 186. Most unfavorable method of Loading. Let us in- vestigate the action of a single weight P at any point. In PI. 27, Fig. 109, we have a single weight P acting between A and P'. The Fig. is nothing more than a repetition of Fig. 108, only we have a single load P instead of a system of four loads, and therefore the polygon for P consists only of two straight lines instead of having as many angles 3, 4, 5, etc., as there are apex loads in the first case. All lines have the same position as in Fig. 108, and hence the construction needs no further explana- tion. We see at once from the Fig. that any load between A and P' increases the moment at every point of the span A B, and therefore at the point of rupture or of maximum moment also. So also for the shearing force. When, therefore, the moment CHAP. XVI.] THE INVERTED ARCH. 331 at any point, and the sum of the forces between that point and A, is a maximum, at least the entire distance from A to P' must be covered with the load. In Fig. 110 we have the weight P on the other side of the but centre P'. The construction is identical with Figs. 109 and 108, the position and the direction of action of the forces is now different. Since the resultants A and P' now lie on the same side of P, A and P' act in opposite directions, and since P' must still act upwards, A must act downwards. In the neigh- borhood of 5' the moment is zero. Between this point and B the moments have the same signification as in Fig. 109 ; on the other side the moments have then a different siom. In O order, then, that the moment at 5 ' shall be a maximum, the load must cover the length from A to P, this last point being the point at which a load causes no moment in 5'; for if any point between A and P were not loaded, as we have seen, a load at that point would increase the moment at 5'. A load beyond P, however, would diminish the moment at 5'. The above holds good for every point between A and P', and therefore for the point of rupture or of maximum moment it- self. In order that this maximum moment can be no more increased, the load must extend from A beyond the centre to that point at which a load being placed causes no moment at the cross-section of rupture. As for the shearing force, at the end A it will evidently be greatest for load from A to P', or over the half span, since every load on the other side of P' diminishes this reaction. Hence we have the following principles established : The moment cut any Gross-section of the stiffening truss is a maximum, when the load reaches from the nearest end beyond the centre to a point for which the moment at this cross-section is zero. The above condition holds good, therefore, for the maximum of all the maximum moments, or for the cross-section of rup- ture itself. The maximum shearing force is at one end of the truss when the adjacent half span is loaded. If the arc is unsymmetrical, we must understand by " half span " the distance between the end and vertical through the intersection of the outer arc ends produced. 1ST. Example. As an illustration of the above principles, 332 THE INVERTED ARCH. [CHAP. XVI. let us take the structure represented in PL 28, Fig. 111. Span, 60 ft. ; depth of truss and panel length, 5 ft. Scale, 10 ft. to an inch. We suppose the live load to be 2 tons per ft., giving thus 10 tons for each lower apex, and take the scale of force 50 tons per inch. On the left we have laid off the force lines for the loads 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to 11, and have taken the poles 'for each, so that the first lines are all parallel to each other and to the first link of the cable ; the common pole distance being 2 j- times the height of trass, or 1.5 inches. The moment scale is then 1.5 x 10 x 50 = 750 ft. tons per inch. Since the full load is entirely supported by the cable, we have only to investigate the effect of the live load upon the truss. Precisely as in Fig. 108, we construct the polygons for forces 2-11, 3-11, 4-11, etc., and draw the closing lines as indicated by the broken lines radiating from the centre O. Parallels to these from the poles cut off from the force lines the end and chain reactions. The upper portions are the chain reactions, the lower the reactions at the right end for the loads 2-11, 3-11, etc. Now we have to divide these chain reactions into as many parts as there are load apices by lines parallel to the sides of the chain. This we have done by drawing two lines parallel to the two chain ends, inserting the chain reactions between these lines, and then drawing parallels to the chain sides. If, as in this case, the curve of the chain is a parabola, these reactions are divided into 11 equal parts. If the chain has any other form, the parallels to the chain sides determine the relative lengths of these portions. It will only be found necessary to construct the moment polygons for 4, 5 and 6-11 ; the other polygons already drawn are necessary for the determination of the shearing forces only. Thus, on the force line for loads 4 to 11 we can now lay off the 11 equal parts just found, into which the chain reaction is divided. So for 5-11 and 6-11. These portions we have indi- cated by Roman numerals. We can now draw the correspond- ing polygons precisely as in Fig. 108, which are indicated also by Roman numerals. It is then easy with the dividers to pick out the maximum moment at any apex. These moments, laid off as below, give the curve of moments for the truss, which being scaled off and CHAP. XVI.] THE INVERTED ARCH. 333 divided by the depth of truss, give at once the strains in the flanges. Since the moment scale is 750 tons per inch and the depth of truss 5 ft., the moment ordinates scaled off at 150 tons per inch will give at once the strains in the flanges, without division. For the shearing forces, we know from the preceding that the maximum, reaction at right end is for loads 6-11. This reaction we have already found in the corresponding force line by means of the closing line already drawn. We lay it off then right and left, half-way between the ends and first apex, that being the effective length of load, the two half-end panels rest- ing directly upon the abutments. The maximum shear at any point is evidently when the load reaches from right support to that point, and is equal to the sum of the chain reactions at the unloaded apices. Thus, max- imum shear at 3 is equal to the interval I II for the line 3-11; at 4, I III for line 4-11; at 5, I IV for line 5-11; and at 6, I V for line 6-11. Laying off the shear at 6, we can draw the line 6-11, as indicated in the diagram, and thus determine the shear at 2. This we cannot find, as above, for 3, 4, etc., as for the load 2-11 ; owing to the shape of the chain as represented, there is no upward reaction at 1, as there is no angle of the chain at 6. The shear diagram is, of course, symmetrical on each side of the centre. We can therefore construct it as represented, and then the determination of the strain in the diagonals is easy. We have only to multiply the shear at any apex by the secant of the angle which the diagonals make with the vertical. This we may do by properly changing the scale at once, and thus scale off the strains directly. 188. Analytical Determination of the Forces acting upon the stiffening Trus. Assuming that the truss distrib- utes the partial loading uniformly over the whole arc, we may deduce very simple formulae for the forces acting upon the truss. As we have already seen, for a maximum moment at any point, the load must always extend out from one end. Let us represent, then, the ratio of the loaded part from left to the whole span by k. Let the entire span be 2 Z, then the loaded portion is 2 k I. Let m be the load per unit of length ; then the whole load [Fig. 108]. 334 THE INVERTED ARCH. [CHAP. XVI. The distance of P from the left is then half the loaded por- tion, or k I. Its distance from P', which acts at the centre of the span, is I (1 &). Hence we have for the left reaction A Axl = Pl(l-k) or A = -p(l-fy Also P'l = P x Tel or P' = 2k*l The chain reaction per unit of length is then Now let x be the distance to the point of maximum moment. Now since at this point the shear must be zero, the weight of the portion x must be equal to A (Art. 38). We have then Ax - ~ = P (kl - x) = 2Jclm(Jcl - x), Zi whence, by substituting the value of A, x = ^. 1 + k But the maximum moment is Ax - = - , and there- fore, substituting the value of x above, _ _ fC \ X "^ fC ) /-\ 70 M max. = j = . 2 1 m. 1 + K This becomes a maximum for 1 k %? = 0, or for Jc = i 1/5 - i = 0.618034. Therefore, the greatest moment occurs when 0.62 of the span is covered with the load. We have then the Length of the loaded portion, = 2 k I = 0.61803 x 2 .1 Reaction, A = 2 & Z ra (1 - &) = ( 4/5 2) 2Zm = 0.23607. Chain reaction, P' = *2&?lm = (J- ^ 1/5)2 lm = 0.38196. Load per unit in loaded portion, or the difference between the load m and the chain reaction m 1 per unit of length = m (1 - &') = i ( 1/5 - 1) m ?= 0.61803 m. The distance of the point of maximum moment is A x = - = (t - 4 ^5) 2 ^ = 0.38196 . 2 Z = CHAP. XVI.] THE INVESTED AECH. 335 The maximum moment itself is - TO\ -4 7 u- . * v \ v ' " --- *. F v * * v 2 m (1 F) 1 + & For a simple girder uniformly loaded, the maximum moment! is \p 1?. The maximum moment is then reduced from \ to 0.18, or to about d, or is -f^ths the maximum moment for a simple girder of same span and load* If we represent the dead load by p, then, since the stiffening truss sustains only the moving load, we have 0.18 ml? _ 36 m \ m (0.6 If That is, the maximum moment in the stiffening truss is the same as for a simple girder of -f^ths the span, loaded only with the moving load. 189. Summary, The reaction at the end abutment and the chain reaction at each apex having been found, as above, for any given load, we might have found the strains in every piece by the method of Arts. 8-13. This would, however, in this case have proved long and tedious. The construction of the curve of maximum moments and shear is preferable. We can therefore readily determine the strains in such a combination as that represented in Fig. 111. We have already, Arts. 90-94, given practical and simple methods for the deter- mination of the strains in braced arches of the usual forms of construction. It will be observed that it is by no means necessary that the arrangement of bracing and flanges should be the same as that shown in Figs. 90 and 94. Thus we may treat the arch represented in Fig. 5 (c) accord- ing to Art. 158. as hinged at both abutments and crown, or, making the lower flange continuous at the crown, we may find the resultant pressures at the abutments by Art. 159, and then follow these pressures through precisely as shown in the Fig. The combination of Fig. Ill being of considerable impor- tance, as the more usual form of construction of suspension bridges, and not falling under our classification of " braced arches," we have considered it desirable to discuss it somewhat * Rankine gives -/ 7 -ths for a girder whose ends are fixed, the greatest mo- ment occurring for a load over Jds the span. 336 THE INVERTED ARCH [CHAP. XIV. fully. A better form of construction is that shown in Fig. 106, which is perfectly rigid, and the strains in which are easily found by Art. 158 or 159, according as we hinge it in the centre or not. Reviewing now the preceding, we see that the graphical method, as here developed, furnishes us with a simple, accurate and practical solution of nearly every class of structure occur- ring in the practice of the engineer or builder. In our first chapter we have a method by the resolution of forces applica- ble to any framed structure, however irregular or unsymmetri- cal, provided only there are no moments at the ends to be determined. In Art. 125 we have explained fully the application of the method for this case also, when these moments are known, and in Chaps. VIII. to XIV. inclusive we have given practical con- structions for the determination of these moments for all the important classes of structures in which this condition occurs, such as the continuous girder, braced arches, etc. When the structure is not framed, or composed of pieces the strains in which can be definitely determined, we have the method of moments of Chap. V., which, as we have seen, may be extended so as to completely solve the difficult case of the continuous girder, and which may, of course, be applied to framed structures also, as illustrated in Fig. Ill (Art. 187) in the case just discussed. Thus we have two distinct graphical methods by which our results may be checked. The first- method includes a great variety of the most important and usual structures, such as bridge girders, roof trusses, cranes, etc., and in view of its ease and accuracy will undoubtedly be found of great service by the engineer and architect. The second method has important mechanical applications, as no- ticed in Art. 41 ; and aside from these, and its application to structures having end moments, such as the continuous girder, etc., furnishes us with ready determinations of the centre of gravity of areas (Chap. III.), the moment of inertia of areas (Chap. VI.), and also gives us a very complete solution of the stone arch (Chap. XV.). We have also the analogous methods of calculation, viz., CHAP. XVI.] THE INVEKTED ARCH. 337 both by resolution of forces and by moments (Arts. 9 and 16 of Appendix). The latter being so general and simple in its application, we have not felt justified in leaving it entirely out of sight, and in those cases where it seemed of especial service, or assisted the graphical solution, we have illustrated it more or less fully (Chap. XII.). In this latter chap, we have also given constructions as well as formulae, and developed principles which, it is believed, render possible, for the first time, the com- plete and accurate solution of the important .case of the " draw xpan." (Arts. 118-121.) The formulae of Chap. XIII. in connection with the method of calculation by moments, render the calculation of the con- tinuous girder generally as simple, and but little more tedious than for the simple girder itself. Whatever may be thought of the advantages or disadvantages of this class of structures by engineers generally, it is at least time that such structures as draws or pivot spans should be calculated under suppositions which approach somewhat more nearly the actual case than is at present the practice. As to the relative economy of con- tinuous girders, we have endeavored to enforce the fact that the saving over the simple girder is from 15 to 20 and even 50 per cent. We give in the Appendix a tabular comparison of a few cases sufficient to show the point beyond dispute, and any one may easily add to the list, or verify the calculations. The " graphical arithmetic," as it might be called, such as graphical addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, extrac- tion of roots, determination and transformation of areas, etc., we have entirely omitted in the present work, judging it of but little practical value, except in rare cases, when we have ex- plained the necessary constructions as they occur, and unneces- sary for the development of the graphical method proper. [See Chap. IV. of Introduction.] 22 APPENDIX. GRAPHICAL STATICS. A. JAY DUBOIS. APPENDIX. NOTE TO CHAPTER VIII. OF THE INTRODUCTION - UPON THE MODERN GEOMETRY.* IT is to be regretted that, notwithstanding its beauty of form, simplicity, and many happy applications in the technical and natural sciences, the Modern Geometry is yet hardly known, scarcely by name even, in our schools and colleges. The work of Gillespie upon Land Surveying, already cited in the Introduction, and a treatise on Elementary Geometry by William Chauvenet (Phil., 1871), are the only ones which occur to us in this connection. It has already been stated that the modern orj)ure geometry of space differs essentially from the ancient, and from analytical geometry, in that it makes no use of the idea of measure ny r>f We find in it no mention of the bisection of lines, of right angles and perpendiculars, of areas, etc., any more than of trigonometrical quantities, or of the analytical equations of lines. We have nothing to do with right-angled, equilateral, or equiangular triangles, with the rectangle, regular polygon, or circle, pxcept in a supplementary manner. So also for the centre, axes, and foci of the so-called curves of the second order, or the conic sections. On the contrary, we obtain much more general and compre- hensive properties of these curves than those to which most text-books upon analytical geometry are limited. A new path is thus opened to the conic sections, without the aid of the circular cone, after the manner of the ancients, or of the equations of analytical geometry. As a direct consequence, the principles and problems of the modern geometry are of great generality and comprehensive- * The following- remarks and illustrations are taken from the Geometrie der Lage, by Reye. Hannover, 1866. 342 NOTE TO CHAP. VIH. OF THE INTKODUCTION. [APPENDIX. ness. Thus the most important of those properties of the conic sections which are proved in text-books of analytical geometry are but special cases of its principles. A few particular ex- amples taken from the Geometrie der Lage, by Reye, which could not well have been inserted in the Introduction to this work, will best explain and illustrate our general remarks the more so as these examples are of special interest and value to the engineer. It is a problem of frequent occurrence in surveying to pass a line through the inaccessible and invisible point of intersection of two given lines. The Geometry of Measure, or ancient geometry, gives us any required number of points upon this line by the aid of the principle, that the distances cut off from par- allel lines by any three lines meeting in a common point are proportional. The__Geometry of Position furnishes us with a simpler solution. FIG. 1. Thus the two lines , 5 being given [Fig. 1.], we have sim- ply to choose any point we please, as P. From this point draw any number ;of lines desired, in any direction intersecting the given lines. Now, in any quadrilateral which any two of these lines form with the two given lines a and &, we have simply to draw the diagonals. The intersections of all these diagonals lie in the same straight line passing through the intersection A of the two given lines, and therefore determine the line re- quired. Observe that the construction is entirely independent of all metrical relations, and depends solely upon the relative position of the two given lines. Again : If we take upon any straight line three points, A, B and C [Fig. 2.], and construct any quadrilateral, two opposite sides of which pass through A, one diagonal through B, and the APPENDIX.] THE MODERN GEOMETRY. 343 other two opposite sides through C, then will the other diagonal intersect the line in a point D, which for the same three points, FIG. 2. A B C D A, B and C, is always the same for every possible construction. Moreover, these four points, A, B, C and D, are always harmonic points, so that D is harmonically separated from B by the points A and C. Thus, A B : B C ; ; A D : C D. This construc- tion may also be applied in surveying, as in passing around an obstruction, as a wood, etc., into the same line again. Again : We may notice the following principle concerning the triangle [Fig. 3] ; FIG. 3. u. If two triangles, ABC and A! B t C 1? are so situated that the lines joining corresponding angles, as A A 1? B B 1? C C 1; meet in a common point S, then will the intersections of corresponding sides, as A C and A x G l9 A B and A t B 1? B C and B! C 1? meet in a common line, as u u. The inverse also, of course, holds good : that if the sides intersect on a line, the lines through the angles intersect in a point. Another series of principles are connected with the curves of the second order, or conic sections. From analytical geometry, 344 NOTE TO CHAP. VIII. OF THE INTRODUCTION. [APPENDIX. as is well known, a curve of the second order is completely de- termined by five points or five tangents. But the length of the calculation or construction of a curve thus determined is also well known. The geometry of position, however, proves two very important principles, which render it easy to construct to the five given points or tangents any number of new points or tangents, and thus quickly draw the curve itself. The reader already acquainted with these principles will also probably re- member how much auxiliary demonstration their proof in the analytical geometry requires. The first of these, due to Pascal, is, that the three pairs of opposite sides of a hexagon inscribed within a conic section intersect upon a straight line. The second, due to Brianchon^ is, that the three principal diagonals of the circumscribing hexagon, which unite every pair of oppo- site angles, intersect in one and the same point. Both prin- ciples are easily deduced from the circle. It will be observed that they are independent of the relative dimensions, centre, axes, and foci of the curves. For this very reason they are of the greatest generality and significance, so that an entire theory of the conic sections can be based upon them. Thus Pascal's principle solves the important problem of tangent construction from a given point, even when the curve is given by five points only, without completely constructing it. This problem of tangent construction to curves of the second order can in many cases be solved by the aid of a principle which expresses one of the most important properties of the conic sections, but which, nevertheless, is seldom found in text- books upon analytical geometry, because its analytical proof is somewhat complicated, and little suited to set forth the property in its proper light. For example : If through a point A [Fig. 4] in the plane of but not lying upon a curve of the second order, we draw se- cants, every two secants determine four points, as K, L, M, N, upon the curve. Any two lines joining these four points, as L M and K N or K M and Li l\ r , intersect in a point of a straight line a a, which is the polar of the given point A ; that is, which intersects the curve in the two points of tangency G G. Thus the lines through A and the intersections of a a with the curve are the tangents to the curve through A. If the point A were within the curve, this line a a would not in- tersect it. This construction can be used in order to draw APPENDIX.] THE MODEEN GEOMETRY. 345 through a given point tangents to a conic section by the sim- ple application of straight lines. Upon every secant through FIG. 4. \L A, moreover, there are four remarkable points, viz. : the point A itself, the first intersection B with the curve, the intersection with the polar, and, finally, the second intersection D with the curve. These four points are harmonic points, and the polar a a contains, then, every point which is harmonically separated from A by the two curve points. The important, principles relating to the centre and conjugate diameter of conic sections are merely special cases of the above important principles. These last can be easily extended to surfaces of the second order, as the intersection of these by a plane is, in general, a curve of the second order. From these few examples, which might be indefinitely multi- plied, it may easily be seen how very different, but not less im- portant than those of analytical geometry, are the theorems of the geometry of position. Thus the latter are generally proved by aid of the angle which the tangents make with the line through the focus, or by the distances cut off from the axes that is, by metrical relations. We refer, of course, to the elements of analytical geometry as contained in most text-books, and not to those most fruitful and later methods .whose existence are chiefly due to the sagacity of Plucker (Introduction, VIII.). 346 NOTE TO CHAP. I. [APPENDIX. NOTE TO CHAPTEE I. 1. The method by the resolution of forces developed in Chapter I. is so simple and easy of application, and its principles are so few and self-evident, that we have not considered it ad- visable to tax the patience of the reader by any great variety of practical applications. A large number of such applica- tions are to be found in a most excellent little treatise by Robert H. Bow, entitled The Economics of Construction in Relation to Framed Structures. There are, however, a few important practical points- of detail, and a few general consid- erations, which we think it well to notice here, and to which, in illustration of the remarks in Chap. I., the reader will do well to attend. 2. In PL 1, Fig. I. (Appendix), we have represented the "Bent Crane " given by Stoney in his Theory of Strains, p. 121, Art. 200. We assume the following method of notation. Let all that space above the Fig. be indicated by X, and all that space below by Y, and the triangular spaces enclosed by the flanges and diagonals by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. The first upper flange is then denoted by X 2, the second by X 4, and so on. So also the first lower flange is Y 1, the next Y 3, etc. The first diagonal is then X 1, the next 1 2, the next 2 3, etc.* The flanges are equidistant, forming quadrants of two cir- cles whose radii are respectively 20 and 24 feet. The inner flange is divided into four equal bays, on which stand isosceles triangles, and a weight of 10 tons is suspended from the peak. The scale for this and all the Figs, of PI. I. is 20 tons to an incji and 10 feet to an inch. Laying off, then, the weight X Y = 10 tons, we form, according to the method of Chapter I., the strain diagram. It will be seen at once that all the lower flanges, Y 1, Y 3, etc., radiate from Y, all the upper flanges, X 2, X 4, etc., from X, and everywhere the letters in the one diagram indi- cate the corresponding pieces in the other. * For this very elegant niethod of notation, we are indebted to the work of B. H. Bow, above alluded to. APPENDIX.] NOTE TO CHAP. I. 347 "We can now at once take off the strains to scale in the vari- ous pieces. A comparison of our method with that given by Stoney for the same case will be instructive, as illustrating the compara- tive merits of the two. 3. Character of the Strain* in the Pieces. One of the most important points of our method is the ease and certainty with which the character of the strains in the pieces may be determined. We have only, as detailed at length in Chapter 1., to follow round any closed polygon in the direction of the forces, and then refer back to that apex of the frame where for the moment we may happen to be. Thus for the peak, since we know that the weight acts down, we follow down from X to Y, and then from Y to 1, and 1 back to X. Referring back now to the frame, and remember- ing that a force acting away from the apex means tension, and towards, compression, we have at once Y 1 compression and X 1 tension. Now for apex a, since X 1 is tension, with respect to this new apex, it must act away. We go round then from X to 1, 1 to 2, and 2 back to X, and then, referring these directions to the corresponding pieces meeting at &, we have 1 2 compression and X 2 tension. We find thus all the outer flanges in tension, as evidently should by simple inspection be the case. Also all the inner flanges compression. As for the diagonals, they alternate, the first being tension, the next compression, until we arrive* at 4 5, which we find to be also compression. A glance at the strain diagram shows how this comes about. The line X 4 crosses Y 5, and thus gives us a reverse direction for 4 5. In such a simple structure as the present, the character of the strains would present no especial difficulty in any case ; but in more complicated ones, the aid of such a simple and sure crite- rion as the above is indispensable, and we have been thus even prolix upon this point, the more so as it is not so much as alluded to, as far as we are aware, in those few works which notice the above method at all. 4. There are other points which we may here illustrate by our Fig. According to our first principle (Art. 3, Chapter I.), when 348 NOTE TO CHAP. I. [APPENDIX. any number of forces are in equilibrium, the force polygon is closed. Inversely, then, a closed force polygon indicates forces which, if applied at a common point, would hold each other in equilibrium. Thus Y 3, 34, X 4, and the weight are, or would be, if all applied at a common point, in equilibrium. This we see directly from the Fig. Thus we know that when any num- ber of forces are in equilibrium, the algebraic sums of their vertical and horizontal components must be zero, otherwise there must, of course, be motion. Now the vertical component of Y 3 plus that of 3 4 minus that of X 4 is exactly equal and opposed to the weight, while the horizontal component of Y 3 plus that of 3 4 is equal and opposed to that of X 4, and there is then equilibrium. Again, according to the principle of Art. 5, Chap. I., any line, as the one joining 2 and 6 (broken line in Fig.), is the resultant of X 2 and X 6, as also of 2 3, 3 4, 4 5 and 5 6. The Fig. also well illustrates the points to be avoided in making a strain diagram, already alluded to in Art. 13, Chap. I. The scale to which the frame is taken is here altogether out of proportion to the scale of force. The first should be increased or the second diminished, or both. The present length of the diagonals and flanges is inadequate to give with sufficient accuracy the directions of strain lines of such length. Nevertheless we have experienced no difficulty in checking to tenths of a ton the results given by Stoney for this structure. 5. In PI. 1, Fig. II., we have represented a roof truss, span 30 ft., rise 8 ft., camber 1 ft. ; and the strain diagram illustrates in its two symmetrical halves (one full, the other dotted) the remarks of Art. 13, Chap. I., upon the check which in such cases our method furnishes of its accuracy. We lay off the weights 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then the reactions at A and B, which should bring us back to the point of beginning, and thus complete the force polygon. The strains are then easily found, and the two halves should be perfectly symmetrical, and give the same results. In Fig. III. we have given another form of truss with strain diagram, the other half of which the reader can complete and letter for himself. 6. In Fig. IY. we have a form called the French roof truss APPENDIX.] NOTE TO OH A P. I. 349 and two strain diagrams the larger for vertical reactions, the smaller for inclined reactions. This last brings out the force polygon in perhaps a clearer shape than before. The weights 1 to Y being laid off down- wards, the two reactions must always bring us back to the starting-point, and thus close the polygon in this case a trian- gle, in the preceding case a straight line, and in the case of Fig. 6, Art. 10., Chap. I., a true polygon. Both strain diagrams illustrate the check we have upon the accuracy of the work. The second half should be perfectly symmetrical with the first, and the lines Y k and points Jc in each should coincide. We have here also to notice a point which in roof trusses is of frequent occurrence, and may, if not noticed, cause diffi- culty. We have already observed in Art. 9, Chap. I., that we can always find the strains in the pieces which meet at an apex, provided only two are unknown. Now in the strain diagram to Fig. IY., we readily determine the strains in X , Y a, X b, a b, Y c and b c successively, and arrive finally at apex 2, where we have the two known strains in X 5 and b , and wish to find the strains in three pieces, viz., X cZ, d Ji and c h. At first sight this seems impossible. If, however, we assume that the pieces of the frame can take only strains of a certain kind, as, for instance, hd only tension, and not compression, the problem is perfectly determinate. This assumption is easily realized in practice. Thus if h d is a rod of small diameter, it cannot act as a compression member at all. Moreover, the strain of tension in h d must evidently be precisely equal to that in 1 1 b c, already found. We have then to form a closed polygon u with the weight at 2 and the known strains in X b and b c, whose * other three sides shall be parallel to X d, h d and c h respec- tively, and in which, moreover, the strain in h d shall be equal to that in b c, and where both these strains must be, when the polygon is followed round according to rule, tensile. We have evidently, then, in accordance with these conditions, only tlio polygon 2 X d h c b X, thus finding the point d, from which we can now proceed to find e, etc. The points a, b, d and e are evidently in the same straight line parallel to c h. This point is one of importance, and the reader should carefully follow the above remarks with the aid of the Fig. The strain diagram thus constructed shows us many facts 350 NOTE TO CHAP. I. [APPENDIX. about the system not otherwise apparent. Tims ~b c, c h and h d are in equilibrium with the load at 2. Again, a b and b c are in equilibrium with Y a minus Y x GO, where S is the strain in a b. This can be put (R P) GO = S cos x co, hence S = - . But GO 1 R P is the shear at 5, C08 > x 00= T = sec ; hence we have only to multiply the shear by the secant. 356 NOTE -TO ciiAr. i. [APPENDIX. diagonal at this point. The shear is always in such cases the reaction at the end minus the weights between that end and the apex in question. The flanges are easily obtained by moments, as above. The following points need attention, however. First, if there are two or more systems of diagonals, as represented in PL 2, Fig. YIL, by the full and dotted diagonals (omitting the upright lines), we must find the strains for each system sepa- rately, and then add them together. Thus, if the strains found in a c and c e* etc., for one system, are 50 and 60 tons, and those in df and fg, for the other, are 40 and TO tons, we have, when the two systems are combined, d c = a c + df = 50 + 40 = 90, cf= df+ce = + 60 = 100, fe = ce +.fg = 60 + 70 = 130, and so on. This holds true, of course, whether the strains are obtained by calculation or diagram. Thus, for a lattice girder, we calculate or diagram each system ~by itself, and then the strain in any flange, when the two are combined, is equal to the sum of the strains on that flange due to each system of triaiigulation which includes it. There is another point to be observed in connection with the system known as the Howe or Pratt Truss. Inserting the dotted verticals into our Fig., we have this system of square pan- elling. Let us suppose that the diagonals take tension only, and the verticals compression only. Now for a weight at apex 9 of 10 tons, we have a right re- action of 1 ton, which, running through the system, causes strain in the diagonal of f P 4 . For the flange D, then, our point of mo- ments is at/, and if the height of truss is equal to panel length, 1 x 50 viz., 10 feet, we have the strain in D = = 5 tons, for P 9 . In the same way for P 8 , we have for D 10 tons ; for P 7 , 15 tons ; for P 6 , 20 tons ; for P 5 , 25 tons. For P 4 , on the other hand, we have a left reaction of 4 tons, which causes strain in diagonal e &, and for this weight and all succeeding weights our point of moments for D is then at e. We have then P 4 4 x = 24 tons ; for P 3 , 18 tons ; for P 2 , 12 tons ; and for P!, 6 tons. For all these weights, then, acting together, we have 135 tons strain in D. APPENDIX.] NOTE TO CHAP. I. .357 But for all tlie weights acting together, it is evident that only all the braces sloping each way from the centre are strained. Hence e Tc is not strained, and our point of moments is for D always at/! Thus for total load we have strain in 45 x 50 - 10 x 40 - 10 x 30 - 10 x 20 - 10 x 10 ' D = - 1Q - = 125 tons, whereas we found by addition of the several weights 135 tons. There is thus an ambiguity in this class of bracing as to the way in which the strains may go. Two symmetrical weights, as 9 and 1, may either go left and right directly to the abut- ments or a portion of each go towards the centre. The inter- mediate diagonals may be either all strained or not strained at all. The strains may go partly in one way or partly in the other. We should then not rely on our summation of the sepa- rate weights, but always check them by calculation or diagram for the total load also, and take the greatest strain*. Practi- cally, for long spans, it is very rare that the difference is of any importance. In diagraming by our method such a system of bracing as the above, we should consider but one series of braces, viz., those strained by the uniform load alone. Thus, for our Fig. and loads on the lower apices, we should take only the diago- nals parallel to fh on the left of centre, and yP 4 on the right. If, on the other hand, the verticals are ties and the diagonals struts, we should retain only those parallel to c & on the left, and those parallel to k e on the right of centre. The others are to be omitted. Then, the tabulation being formed, if in any diagonal a strain may occur of reverse character to that which it is intended to resist, a counterbrace must be inserted in this panel to take this reverse strain. As in our examples we have taken always a triangular system of bracing, it is important that the reader clearly understand the method to be pursued in other forms. For the rectangular system of bracing generally, the point where for uniform load the shear is zero is the point from which the braces must slope both ways. The other diagonals, or the count erbr aces, are then omitted in both calculation and diagram, and replaced from the tabulation when necessary to replace a strain of the reverse character to that which the braces are intended to sustain. Attention to the above points will enable us to both calculate 353 NOTE TO CHAP. I. [APPENDIX. and diagram with ease and accuracy any form of truss which occurs in engineering practice. 11. In the bow-string girder represented ir Fig, Y. it is evident that the bottom flange serves merely to resist the thrust of the bow and keep it from spreading. It adds nothing to the supporting power of the combination. We might remove it entirely and replace it by abutments which would equally well sustain this thrust, and if we then introduced a horizontal flange at crown, and inserted diagonals between for stiffness, we should have the form of braced arch given in Chap. I., Fig. 5 (c). If, however, we should resist the thrust of the bow by an inverted arc, it would answer the same purpose as the bottom flange, and we should, in addition, double the supporting power. We have illustrated this in Fig. YI. The span is the same as before. The lower apices only are supposed to be loaded, for comparison. [Properly, we should have distributed the load over both upper and lower apices.] The rise of each arc is one-half as great as before, or 5 f t % only, thus making the total depth the same as in the preceding case. By means of two strain diagrams, we find the strains due to P ia ndP 7 . Thus: xa Xb Xd x/ Xh Ya Y c Y e Y<7 Pi +2.3 +2.6 +3.2 +3.7 +5.0 -2.25 -2.87 -3.48 -4.32 P 7 +16.1 +17.8 +9.1 +5.7 +4.5 -15.75 -12.35 -7.3 -4.8 Then, precisely as in the preceding Art., we can fill out our table of strains. This the reader can now easily do for himself. We thus find, for a uniform dead load f ths the live load, the total maximum strains below. Xa Xb Xd x/ Xh Y a Yc Y<5 Y +112.7 +126.7 +133.5 +127. +134.7 -110.1 -126.7 -129.3 -125.6 Comparing these with the corresponding strains for the bow- APPENDIX.] NOTE TO CHAP. I. 359 string, we find that they are very much less in every piece. In fact, there is a total gain of over 10 per cent., and that, too, not- withstanding that the rise of each arc is only half that in the first case. Had we taken a double depth, the saving would have been very great, and as in this case also, for a long span and relatively large dead load, the diagonals would always be in tension, the increased length of these last would be no dis- advantage. 12. The above construction is worthy of the careful consid- eration of the bridge builder. It peculiarly recommends itself for long spans, and has several important advantages possessed by no other form of truss. For long spans the strains in the flanges are nearly uniform. The diagonals are less strained than in any other system, and are always in tension. Every member acts to support, as well as to strengthen. The height* is everywhere proportional to the maximum moment of the ex- terior forces. The load is distributed along the neutral axis, thus securing the maximum of rigidity ; while the neutral axis itself passes through the points of support. This construction is known in Germany, from the name of its inventor, as Paulas Truss. Upon this system are the double track bridge over the Isar at Grossheselohe, 2 spans of 170.6 ft. ; a large number of smaller bridges, such as one over the Rodach, 109 ft. span ; over the Main in Schweinfurt, 116.4ft. span ; and especially one over the Rhine at Mayence, of 32 spans, 4 of 345 ft., 6 of 116 ft., 20 of 50 ft., and 2 of 82 ft. ; all upon the same system. In England, we might notice the famous bridge over the Tamar at Saltash, near Plymouth, whose two principal spans are 455 ft., which is also constructed upon this system. Finally, we may mention the bridge over the Elbe, near Hamburg, the three principal spans of which are 325 ft. each. In this latter structure both the upper and lower members are braced or ribbed arches, of 'a constant depth of about 10 ft., a combination which, for long spans, seems most excellent. A single arch alone, similar, for example, to the steel arch over the Mississippi, by Capt. Eads, would have required heavy abut- ments. The same arch inverted would have required equally heavy anchorages. The combination does away with both. The 360 NOTE TO CHAP. I. [APPENDIX. thrust of the upright arch is opposed by the pull of the inverted one, all the advantages of Pauli's system are obtained, and there are no temperature strains such as occur in the single arch, while the bracing is reduced to a minimum. At the same time all the rigidity due to the arch is obtained.* 13. In the construction of the diagrams, care should be exer- cised in the selection of the scales, that the frame diagram may be large enough to secure the desired accuracy. Lines should be drawn very fine with a hard, sharp-pointed pencil, so as to be scarcely discernable, and their intersections accurately marked by needle point. With an accurate scale and good instruments, strains can be taken off in nearly every practical case to hundredths of a ton * Compare Long and Short Span Railway Bridges, by John A. Roebling, C.E. In this work, Mr. Roebling proposes a system in principle essentially the same as the above, to which he gives the name of "Parabolic Truss." He, however, constructs the arch of channel irons bolted to the sides of a straight truss, the sole office of which is to give rigidity to the system. Also, claiming that iron in the shape of wire will safely sustain three times as much as in the shape . of bars or rods, he introduces a wire cable in place of the inverted braced arch. It will thus be seen that for rigidity the system is wholly dependent upon extraneous members, such as the auxiliary truss and the tower stays, which are liberally introduced. By dividing the material composing the upright arch into two portions, bracing between them, and thus forming a braced arch sim- ilar to Capt. Eads, the stays and stiffening truss might be entirely dispensed with, the construction greatly simplified in the number of its members, and the bracing reduced to a minimum. If, also, as claimed by Capt. Eads, the conditions for cast steel are just the reverse of iron, and it is most advantageous to use it in compression, then it seems that such a modification of Mr. Roeb- ling' s design with wire cable and a cast-steel braced arch would better sustain the thesis with which his work, above quoted, opens, viz. : that "the greatest economy in bridging is only to be obtained by a judicious application of the Para- bolic Truss." Such a combination of the suspension and upright arch would seem to avoid the principal objections urged against each separately. ' The anchorages and abutments are dispensed with, the greatest rigidity is secured with the mini- mum of bracing, and the material is used in the most advantageous way. In addition to the advantages of Paulas system-being secured, we have the ease of erection of the suspension system combined with the rigidity of the arch. The system is self -balancing, and practically unaffected by changes of temper- ature. For the practical details of construction of such a system, the reader can with profit consult Mr. Roebling' s work, above quoted. They will be found to be neither expensive nor difficult of execution. APPENDIX.] NOTE TO CHAP. I. 361 with perfect accuracy. The use of parallel rulers is not to be recommended. The T square, triangle and drawing-board are far preferable. It should be remembered, finally, that careful habits of manipulation, while they give constantly increased skill and more accurate results, affect in no degree the rapidity and ease with which those results are obtained. 362 NOTE TO CHAP. H. [APPENDIX. NOTE TO CHAPTER II. 14. The reader will observe that in Chapter I. we had given forces acting at certain points of a given frame, and we found by simple resolution of forces the strains in the pieces of that frame. In Chapter II. we have given forces acting in certain directions, and having assumed the strains, we find the equi- librium, polygon or frame, which, having its angles on these force directions, and having these strains, will hold the given forces in equilibrium. Thus in Figs. 12 (b) and (c), PL III., of the text, by choosing a pole and drawing lines to the forces in the force polygon (a), we virtually assume the strains which are to act upon our frame. Then lines parallel to these strains in (b), forming a polygon whose angles are upon the forces, must give us the frame which holds these forces in equilibrium, provided we close the polygon by a line and apply at the ends forces which balance each other horizontally, and whose com- ponents parallel to the resultant of the forces balance the forces. Thus the polygon maficdenm is a frame along whose sides the forces S S l5 etc., act, and whose reactions at the sup- ports m and n must then be a o and 5 a, as given in (a). This frame keeping the same pole, that is, the same strains we may put anywhere in the plane, its angles being always on the forces, and its sides always respectively parallel, though varying in length according to the position assumed. We might also have assumed different strains, that is, taken a different pole, and constructed a different frame; but evi- dently the end reactions will not be altered, and will be always equal to a and 5 a, as given in (a). The peculiarities of the frame thus obtained are, as we see further on, that its end sides always intersect upon the result- ant of the forces ; its depth is always proportional (for paral- lel forces) to the moment at any point ; its area to the moment APPENDIX.] NOTE TO CHAP. II. 3G3 of inertia of the forces ; while, finally, in a loaded beam the de- flection curve itself is but a polygon or frame of this character, when the curve of loading follows the law of the moments in the beam. It is upon this polygon and its properties that the entire system of Graphical Statics is based. 364 NOTE TO CHAP. V. [APPENDIX. NOTE TO CHAPTEE V., AET. 51. 15. In Fig. YIIL (Appendix) we have given the construction referred to in Art. 51 of the text for a system of loads of given intensities. The span s s is supposed to shift to s x s 1? s% s 2 , etc., and a certain cross-section & to shift with it to Tc^ &%, etc. The intersections of the respective closing lines with verticals through & , &u &2> etc-? gives us a curve between which and the polygon the greatest ordinate gives the maximum moment for the assumed cross-section. The place of this ordinate is the position of the cross-section from which we determine the ends of the span, and thus have its position with reference to the loading when the moment in k is the greatest possible. Thus if this greatest ordinate is- at the angle YIIL in the Fig., the weight P 8 must rest upon the cross-section. The distance then from P 8 to the left end of span s, is the distance from S Q to &o on left, and to right end of span s, is the distance from #o to S Q on right. The ends s and s being thus found, perpendiculars through them determine the closing line L, and the parallel to this in the force polygon gives the end reactions L and 20 L for the position of span which makes moment at Jc a maximum. APPENDIX.] PIVOT SPAN. 365 NOTE TO CHAPTEE XII., ART. 124. 16 In Arts. 120 and 121 we have given the formulae and principles necessary for the complete solution of the pivot span. We propose here to illustrate more fully their application by a simple example. Fig. IX. represents such a structure. The two outer spans A B C D = 40 f t. The central or turn-table span, B C = 20 ft. Centre height at B and C = 10 ft. End height = 6 ft. Panel length, 10 ft. ; each apex live load, 10 tons, or 1 ton per foot. Dead load, half 'as much. Two systems of triangulation, as shown in the Fiff. O Our proportions are taken for the sake of illustration merely, and not as an example of actual practice. All the points to be observed are, however, illustrated as well as by a much longer span, and more usual proportions. It is to be observed that the end verticals are compression members only, and cannot take tension. This is necessary -to prevent ambiguity as to the way in which the strains go. A negative reaction might otherwise cause tension in 1 2, and compression in F, or tension in 1 5, compression in 5 6, and tension in A. If 1 5 cannot take tension, we have but one course for the strains, and the problem is determinate. We also, for similar reasons, construct the centre span so that the diagonals take tension only, and the verticals compres- sion only. These points as to construction being settled, let us proceed, first, to determine the reactions. 1st. REACTIONS. We shall consider the case of the " Tipper" or secondary central span only [Art. 120], as this case most nearly ap- proaches the true state of things. The method of procedure for fovrjixed supports is precisely similar, only taking the for- mulse for that case from Art. 122. The less the span B C, the nearer the case approaches to three fixed supports ; and when the distance B C is zero, n is zero, and our formulas are the same as for beam over three supports. For a load in the left span distant a from A, these formulae are as follows [Art. 120] : 366 NOTE TO ART. 124. [APPENDIX. R A = j 2H - (10 + 15 w, + 3 n>) Jc + (2 + n)ji\, C ^g |( 6 + 9 " RD =2H 1 J I (2 + ri)k* (2 -f 3 n + 3 ft 2 ) k I, in which Jc=^ I =A B=C D, n I = B C and H = 4 -f 8 7* + 3 ft 2 . We have first to put these formulse into the most convenient shape for use in the particular case under consideration. Thus "1 Q K in this case I = 40, n I = 20 ; hence n = - and H = - , and 2 . 4 Jc = , where a has the successive values of 10, 20, 30, 40 for P 15 P a , P 3 , P 4 . J& is therefore successively -, -, - and -. Our equations for reactions are then, after reducing, J 45 -10 I [1 1A7i 8 17^" I 107, 17^J Now, as we may notice, the denominator of & is always 4, of always 64 ; the numerator only changing according to the position of the weight. These equations can then be written RA - 224 ^J2240-584a+5a 3 I A |~72 - 11.1 11.1 15.0 + 6.1 + 6.1 + 15.0 + 15.0 P 2 10.1 10.0 + 5.5 + 5.5 + 10.0 P 3 5.0 + 5.0 + 5.0 Total Strains 6.2 17.4 31.2 40.0 + 3.6 + 9.7 + 20.1 + 33.8. + 40.0 If now, as should be the case, we suppose the centre sup- ports raised above the level of the ends, so that the ends just bear, then these strains above act even when the bridge is shut. As we have already seen in Art. 131, our formulae for the reactions are not affected by this state of things. The strains due to live load will then be increased by those above, and we thus have for the total maximum strains which can ever occur, APPENDIX.] PIVOT SPAN. 371 A B D * E F a H I K + 14.5-1 + 29.51 + 26.78 + 15.81 + 5.12 + 9.05 + 15.15 + 32.89 + 46.93 + 49. S8 15.8 27.0 46.96 55.84 8.52 21.51 21.64 -9.77 1.34 Of course, for this condition of things the ends must always be bolted down. It is sometimes customary to raise the ends by an apparatus for that purpose, after closing the draw, until the proper pro- portion of the dead load takes effect also as a positive reaction. We can easily find the strains in this case also by adding the numbers in the last horizontal line of our table for bridge shut, with their proper signs, and taking half the results for a new line for dead load strains. The resulting strains can then be found precisely as in the table of Art. 8 (Appendix). We must also find the strains for bridge open as above, and then take the greatest strains of each kind from these two tables. In this case 'the strains would be differently distributed. Flange E will be always in tension, A and K always in com- pression ; the compression in B C and D will be somewhat greater than above, and the tension in the same flanges less. The reader can easily deduce the strains for this case from the two preceding tables. If the truss may act as a girder over four fixed supports, we should, in order to be certain of the maximum strains, make the calculation for this case also, using the formulae of Art. 122. This is unnecessary, however, if the supports B and C can never sink far enough to strike the turn-table, or be im- peded in their motion. 4cth. STRAINS IN THE DIAGONALS. We may find the strains in the diagonals also for each weight separately, both for bridge open and shut ; and a pre- cisely similar method of tabulation will give the strains. It will here be found preferable to make a series of dia- grams, as illustrated in Fig. 86, Art. 124, for each weight and its own system of triangulation. We obtain thus the diagonal strains, and at the same time check the results obtained for the flanges above. If we wish to calculate the diagonals, it will be better to find the resultant shear acting upon the diagonal, and multiply it by the secant of the angle the diagonal makes with the vertical. 372 NOTE TO ART. 124. [APPENDIX. We can also, if we wish, apply, the method of moments. Thus, if we determine the point of intersection in the present case of the inclined upper flange with the horizontal lower flange, this point will be a common centre of moments for the diagonals. The lever arms of the diagonals with reference to this point must next be determined, and then we are ready. This point above for centre of moments is easily found ; thus 4 : 40 : ; 10 : 100. It is therefore 60 ft. to the left of A, or 100 ft. left of B. Take now any diagonal, as 3 4. Its angle with the horizontal is very nearly 42, and with the vertical 48. Its lever arm is then 80 sin 42 = 53.5, and sec. of angle with .vertical is 1,49. Now take the weight P 3 . Its upward reaction at A is 4.964, P 2 being 10. We have then [str. in 3 4] x 53.5 = 10 x 80 4.964 x 60 = + 502.16. The resultant rotation is then positive, or from left to right. The point P 2 then sinks and 4 rises, and 34 is in tension and 502.16 "KO~K~ = ~~ 9-38 tons. oo.o This is sufficient to illustrate the method. For the first method referred to above, viz., that by resultant shear, the following points are to be observed : When a piece slopes towards the nearest support, we say it is sloped as a strut, whatever the real strain in it may be. When it slopes away from the nearest support, it is sloped as a tie. The simple shear is the reaction at the support minus the weights between any point and that support. If any three strained pieces are cut by a section through the structure, the strains in these pieces are in equilibrium with the simple shear at this section. Hence the algebraic sum of the vertical components of these pieces must be equal and opposite to the shear itself. In order to add these vertical components with proper signs, we must remember that if a flange is in tension and sloped as a strut, or in compression and sloped as a tie, we add the vertical component of the strain in it to the simple shear already obtained. If in compression and sloped as a strut, or tension and sloped as a tie, we subtract. APPENDIX.] PIVOT SPAN. 373 The resultant shear thus obtained then, multiplied by the secant of the angle with vertical, gives the strain in diagonal. If the sign of the result is negative ( ), it shows that the strain on the diagonal is contrary to that indicated by its slope. To illustrate, let us again take the weight P 2 and consider diagonal 34. The simple shear at apex 4 is 4.964 10 = 5.036. The strain in C for P a we have found to be compression, and equal to -h 12.47. It is sloped as a strut, and its vertical component ia therefore to be subtracted from the shear above. Since its angle is nearly 5 43' with the horizontal, this vertical com- ponent is 12.47 x sin 5 43' = 1.24. Since H is in this case horizontal, it has no vertical com- ponent. The resultant shear is then - 5.036 - 1.24 := - 6.276. As the secant of the angle of 3 4 with the vertical is 1.49, we have for the strain in 34, - 6.276 x 1.49 = 9.35. This result being minus, and 3 4 being sloped as a strut, the strain is 9.35 tons tension, agreeing closely with the value found above by moments. The above method is preferable to the method by moments for the diagonals, as we have only to determine the secants for the verticals and the sines for the flanges, which is in most cases easier than to find the lever arms for the diagonals and the points of intersection of the upper and lower flanges in each panel. It is, like the method of moments, of general applica- tion to any framed structure whose outer forces are known. The method of diagram in Art. 124 will be found preferable to both. It is unnecessary to pursue our example further. With the mutual checks of the two methods of calculation explained above, as well as the diagrams, correct results cannot fail to be obtained. The diagrams should always be made first, as they settle by mere inspection many points which may at first cause trouble such as whether the shear in a piece is subtract! ve or not according to our rule, the character of the strains in dif- O ' ferent pieces, etc. It is well to indicate on the diagrams com- pressive strains by double or heavy lines. 374 NOTE TO ART. 128. [APPENDIX. NOTE TO AKT. 128, CHAPTER XII. 17. We wish here to call more particular attention to the relative economy of the continuous as compared with the simple girder. This, we think, is greater than is generally sup- posed. It may reach from 18 to 25, and even as high as 50 per cent. Take the example worked out in Art. 128, Fig. 88. We have obtained the maximum strains in that Art. upon every piece. We give them below, compared with the strains in the same pieces for a simple girder of same dimensions anb load : Aa Ac Ae Ag A* B6 Ed Bf BA Continuous.. 203.5 +63.6 +115.3 +63.6 203.5 +89.3 115.9 115.9 +89.3 Simple +180 +240 +180 90 210 210 90 a& be cd de ef fg gh hk Continuous.. +189.3 109.9 +109.9 +45.5 +45.5 +109.9 +109.9 +189.3 Simple +127.3 127.3 +56.5 +56.5 56.5 +56.5 127.3 +127.3 It will be seen at once that there is a saving in the flanges about 11 per cent, in all but the bracing is heavier, giving lit- tle or no saving. The span is too short to properly represent the relative economy of the two systems. If we take a truss such as represented in PI. 2, Fig. VII., Appendix, by the full lines only, omitting the dotted verticals and diagonals height 6 ft., span 50 ft., panel length 10 ft,, dead load 5 tons per panel, live load 7 tons per panel and calculate the strains in the pieces for a simple girder, and then as a con- tinuous girder of two spans and three spans, we have the fol- lowing results : 1 span strain in tons. 2 spans 3 spans end. 3 spans middle. 205 2 231.6 . 229.8 239.4 Lower Chord . 200. 168.7 152.9 122.6 Upper Chord .... 200. ^158.7 159.9 135.2 Total 605 2 559 542 6 497 2 Per cent, saving. . 8 per cent. 10 per cent. 18 per cent. APPENDIX.] THE CONTINUOUS GIRDEK. 375 We have then, in the first case, a saving of 8 per cent., in the second, 10, and in the third, 18 per cent, over a simple girder. Quite a notable saving, although the spans are very short, and although, in the first two cases (the spans being end spans), we do not obtain the full advantages of continuity. If, then, instead of three simple girders of the above dimensions, we should con- struct the girder continuous over the piers, we should save in strain, and hence in material, 10 per cent, in each end span, and 18 per cent., or nearly twice as much, in the centre span. The advantage of continuity is rendered still more apparent by taking a longer span. Thus for a girder of 200 ft., height 20 ft. 10 panels, and double system of triangulation, similar to Fig. YII. for a live load of 20 tons per panel, and dead load of 10 tons we have the following results : One span. Two spans. Five spans. r centre. Bracing 1398.6 1428.2 1596.2 Lower Chord., 2400. 1793.2 1395.7 Upper Chord . . 2550. 1981.6 1622.6 Total 6348.6 5203.0 4614.5 Per cent, saving 18 per cent. 27 per cent. That is, we have a saving of 18 per cent, instead of only 8 per cent, as before, for two spans, and of 27 per cent, for the centre span of five spans. For three spans, then, of this length we should save 18 per cent, on the end, and at least 30 per cent, on the centre span. If we suppose the same girder as above fastened or fixed horizontally at the ends, we shall have the case of a middle span in a very great number, and may expect to find the greatest saving possible for this length. The formulae of Chapter XIII., as also the simple graphical method for this case, given in Chapter XII., Art. 114 [Fig. 80], enable us to solve this case easily. The reader will find, on mak- ing the calculation, the following strains : Strain in tons. Diagonals 1279.2 Upper Chord 940.2 Lower Chord 965.4 Total 3184.8 Per cent, saving 49.8 376 NOTE TO ART. 128. [APPENDIX. The above will serve to illustrate the point in question quite as well, perhaps, as an extended theoretical discussion. We see that the saving increases rapidly with the length of the span, and may easily rise as high as 30 or 40 per cent., while in some cases even 50 per cent, may be realized. THE DISADVANTAGES OF THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER ABE I 1st. The fact that the various pieces, especially the chords, undergo strains of opposite character. This, in wrought- iron structures, we venture to think of little importance. The extra work and cost of chords and chord con- nections necessary to secure the flanges against both compressive and tensile strain, can hardly amount to 10, 18, 30, or even 50 per cent, of the cost of girder ! %d. Difficulty of calculation. We have, we trust, in what precedes, and in Chapter XIII., succeeded in removing this objection. The opinion is widespread among engineers that the deter- mination of strains in the continuous girder is impracticable and involved in mystery. No opinion could well be more un- founded. The accurate and complete calculation for all pos- sible loading, live or dead, is precisely similar to and offers no more difficulty than the simple girder itself. The formulae for moments and shears are, as we have seen, simple and easy of application. The graphic method here developed offers also a thorough solution. In view of both, and of the extensive literature upon the subject (which seems, by the way, to have been so generally ignored), we can finally pronounce the problem to be fully solved. 3d. The changes of strain, unforeseen and often considerable, which a small settling of the piers or change of level of the supports may occasion. This, be it observed, is only of importance when the piers settle after the erection of the superstructure. If piers are to be considered as settling indefinitely, or continuously during a succession of seasons, continuous girders are not to be thought of. If, however, as is generally the fact, the piers take their permanent set during the first season,, and afterwards are im- movable, the above objection has no weight. It is not necessary APPENDIX.] SUPPOETS OUT OF LEVEL. 377 that the piers should be exactly on level or even on line, or even that the differences of level be known. As shown in Art. 121, these differences produce no effect, provided the girder be built to the profile of the supporting points. If in any case these differences are required, and it is con- sidered difficult to determine them over water with sufficient accuracy, then the proper reactions at the several piers may be weighed off* and the girder thus left in position under pre- cisely the circumstances for which it has been calculated. THE PRINCIPAL ADVANTAGES OF THE CONTINUOUS GIRDER ARE : 1st. Ease of erection, where false works are difficult or ex- pensive. The girder may be built on shore, and then pushed out over the piers. 2d. Saving in width of piers, as compared with width re- quired for separate successive spans. The girder may be placed upon 'knife edges at the piers. In fact, such a construction is preferable, as better ensuring the calculated strains. Width of piers is undesirable. 3d. Saving in jnaterial usually from 25 to 30 per cent. 18. Continuous Crirder Supports not on a level. In Chapter XIII. we have all the formulae required for the solution of the continuous girder for supports on a level, or all on line, when the deviation from level is small, whatever may be the number or relative length of the spans. If for a continuous girder of constant cross-section, the supports are properly lowered after the girder is placed upon them, we may obtain a saving of 23 per cent., or more in material over the same girder with sup- ports all on level. If, however, the cross-section varies accord- ing to the strain in other words, if the girder is of constant strength no advantage is gained from thus lowering interme- diate supports. Such disposition of the supports may even act injuriously. The formulae for shear and moments which we have given are, indeed, based upon the hypothesis of constant cross-section, but the strains in every piece of the girder being found for the shears and moments thus obtained, each piece is proportioned * An idea first suggested by Clemens Herschel, C.E.: Continuous, Revolving Draw Spans. Little, Brown & Co. , Boston, 1875. 378 NOTE TO ART. 128. [APPENDIX. to its strain, and the actual girder erected is not of constant cross-section, but more nearly one of uniform strength. Formu- lae for the case of supports out of level, as well as determina- tions of the best differences of level, are hence of but little prac- tical importance, and have not been given. If, however, it be required to find the effect due to the sinking of any one pier, the following may be found of service. Let the n ih support be depressed below the level of the others by the distance A. Then the moments at all the supports are changed. The moments at n and at each alternate support from n are diminished, and at the others increased. Let H = ?=i Then, when all the spans are equal, the following formulae give the moment at any support : 1st. All spans equal, n number of lowered support, from left, when m n, M m = HLtl H, C B+l where ^ = 0, c z = + 1, c 3 4:, c 4 = + 15, c 5 = 56, c 6 = + 209, etc. From the moments at the supports the shears can be readily determined from the formula of Art. 148, viz. : M m+l a, _M m -M m _ 1 - where q = P (1^) for concentrated load and r ; for uniform, 2d. Spans att unequal. when m < n, c m \ ^-+i ~ ^-n+a + s_ J+ 8 -n+2 I L 4 ^-' J APPENDIX.] SUPPORTS OUT OF LEVEL. 379 when m = + *- 4 4-1 ^ (41 + 4) [ Cn - 1 ~ gn + ^ +1 ~ Cn 1 6A n EI, 4-i 4 s m+2 when m > n* M = 7 n /7 i_i ^a-1 _ 4: ft + Cl) (Cl + ^-^s-l -- 7 - 7 J V-l ^&-2 = _ 2 1 + C5 TH + J> + f rH oof * + 10 + 00 TH 1O + t- 9 + 00 TH + 05 X + Jl-* * i> 05 O5 + OS 5 + <* 10 + CO cs' CO + *. 3 c^ ! CO 5* + q ! 1 1 CO idj TH + 00 as 1 TH o TH + J> 10' 1 TH 05 1 T- i> TH o o ^ o GO 10 10 1O 11 M g 00 o TH 1 * : 10 1 g 1 OS I ^ 1 05 1 $ \ (5 00 00 <* ^* os 03 10 TH o CO 11 g + g + 8 + + s -+ CO + $ + o + ?>' CO + J> + 05 CO - -h s + 1 i 00 CO * c? T^ TH rH O5 CS ,_, M p7 00 + ^h 05 + J> 1 Tt? 1 ~ rt< TH + TH + CO 1 ; " ; 1 . Pk *>' 1 1 10 T 1 + T-l co' + CO CO 1 t^* o 1 CO* 1 05 + CO o TH 1 1 s + ^ - 1 oq' + 05' 1 I> 00 o CO w 10 TH CO to 1C CO 10 10 to 00 T-t + CD + OS + o + ^ TH 1 OS + 00 1 as + CO + CD I CO + ^ 1 PU z> 00 + IO O5' 05 + o 05 1 1 + 10 ^ + z> 1 GO l> 1 J> d + o^ \ GO + t : T + 10' 1 o 1O 1O 10 CO TH e rH o t- TH TH Ol Pi so + 1C t 1 + 10 II + 00 + + o TH J rJH + CO 1 + 1 CO + CO + t- 1 00 fk T 1 05 + o OS + JO as' + OJ w + + CO i-T 1 ^ T-H + CO 1 to ^ + TH -4 I Y 1 CO* + - I> \ as 1 J> to CO o w i> CO TH CO rH CO as TH 1 PH" <^ 1 C5 + i + o CO + "* CO + TH ( 10 os* 1 CO ol 1 c c 5 H 5 00 CO 1 3. a (O ,_, 05 05 05 1. 5 05 C ^> * o c 6 1 1 o rp C- TH GO O5 TH + ** I e D h 5 TH C C j h o + a T- 3 4 h + Ii P 10 o CO 0* TH 00* TH CO 05 9 T 3 I 10 TH TH CO 00 1 Ix Cl o 3* t- CO >' 1 TH tt ^ 3 }* 00 1 I 1 OQ ; ' CO 10* TH 1 CO 1 I C -^ ^ - " CO TH 1 r H CO* 05 1 ^ 1 C 5 > H I 1 " I o H < o 1 ^Q If 10 IO T H t- CO * h -* O [H CO O5 s + 05 CO CO CO + t - + OS g 5 h + 3 D H h co 05 05 IO t> o CO ^H D 00 o T 1 H O CO K 5 t- pi + - 1 CO + 00 1 10 o 5 CO TH TH Cr 3 TH 05 1 T- H h TH 1 I i TH 05 TH 1 0* 1 c *: 5 M TH TH TH ! C t > 00 05 "*' 1 t.' o 5 j h CO 05' 1 05 o TH 00 CO O C 5 00 c: 05 TH ee 3 CO A 10 TH 05 TH TH 1 CD 1 te. T- 5 H 00 1 a - j h CO* 1 : - i h 1 O TH CO CO 05 CO 3! TH* 00 II 1 cc . 5 f o 10* 1 T M h CO 00 1 OS* 1 T- V - h TH 10' 1 CO co CO TH TH OS TJ i o t- c: 5 o 05 b ^H P? + TH oo TH 00 TH 10 o 1 C T i H 05 1 ri H H CO 1 CO ir H 5 1 P? TH 00 IO CO TH 00 00 00 CO CO ~ C i > TH TH 1 1 c: o H 5 i CO 1 TH 10' j 05 00 1 00 c. CO O t. o Tl H ^ t. "u: j l> IO - CO fc 10 TH + 05* 05 05 CO 05 cc T- H i H co 1 CO c H i TH 1 CD a 1 i TH TH 05 ^ 05 10 CO <* T- H t- 00 t- 10 00 ^ TH j^ 05 o " 00 05 g J H 4 } 00 1 + c H 5 1 oo T- 1 10 TH 1 M O P W fc d J TH CO Tj o: 10 CO 10 i> CC 00 388 NOTE TO CHAP. XIV. [APPEKDIX. A comparison of this table with the preceding shows that we have gained nothing by introducing two end flanges at A at each end, and pivoting the arch at the extremities of the centre line. We have indeed slightly diminished the strains in the lower flanges E and F, as also in the bracing, but the other strains are much greater than before a result which might have been anticipated, since the effect of hinging at the centre, instead of at the extremities of the lower flange, is simply to reduce the effective height or rise from 29.5 ft. to 25 ft. In our example, since the depth of arch is half the whole rise of the centre line, this reduction is considerable. For a much longer span and smaller proportional depth the difference would not be so marked, but it would seem that the strains in the second case must always be greater than in the first. The best construction, then, seems to require the hinge in the upper flange at the crown, and at the extremities of the lower flange at the abutments. By this means, the greatest ef- fective rise is obtained, and both ribs aid in supporting the load. Were the hinges all three in the same rib, then, for uniform load, that rib alone is the sole supporting member, and is unassisted by the other. This should then be avoided. 22. Arcli continuous at Crown, and hinged at End of Lower Rib. For this case, referring to Art. 159, we have sim- ply to interpolate from our table there given the values of A, B and y i n the equation, 1 +B/c y = r=ST*y and thus plot the curve cdeik. Fig. 91. The construction of the reactions and horizontal thrust for each weight is then easy. These once known, we proceed as above, in order to find the strains. Now, in the formulae above K = -5, and since we can put A T" for the square of the radius of gyration, and this radius is A. approximately the half depth of the arch, we have 25 25 1 1 (170.6) 2 - 2910436 ~~ 1164' Now B and A are, as we see from the table, small, and he^nce in our present example the terms containing K can be disre- APPENDIX.] THE BEACED ABCH. 389 garded, and the value of y can be taken directly from the table for y , given in Art. 159. For a 25 45', then we have at once, since h = 19.5, for = 0, y = 1.295 h = 25.25 ft., = 0.2 a, y = 1.304 A = 25.42 ft., ft = 0.3 a, y = 1-335 A = 26.03 ft., etc. The corresponding value of x is R cos ft. Having thus plotted the curve, and constructed the reaction, and thrust for each weight, the diagram for strains proceeds as before. We thus form the following table : 390 NOTE TO CHAP. XIV. [APPENDIX. os t> CO o 00 OS CO t> ,_, OD 00 CO 1 % \ 9 1 : ! O3 Oi CO 10 1 TH 1 CO O3 CO TH 1 oo' TH 1 s p OS i> II os Tj< o > CO J> OS 03 OS *> GO 03 CO + 5 + to T 1 + i + g w + os' TH w + 10 O3 + s + oo' 03 + + O3 + 00 + g + s + g to o 00 T _ l TH 03 os ^ *> 10 i> 03 TH TH U H " P . TH 1 TH 4- 1 os l> + g + + > + CO + co' + to + 03 4_ TH CO + TH -f 1 a 3 *a o * *>' CO 1 t> >' CO 1 3 1 * * 1 to '. j p CD OJ 1 to J> 1 * TH TH 1 CO 1 to O3 O3 1 TH co' TH 1 10 co' O3 1 s p ~ i 35 g TH t- OS 00 CO 00 os o TH to TH CO ^H 2^ H TH CO + g + 0* + (M o TH 1 s TH + 5 2 + 03 CO + to' O3 + g + CO + + 3 + & + 05 so 1O CO O3 o CO CO ?> 03 1O I> oi ; TH + r^ 1 + CO + to + CO TH + 03 + CO 1 03 + 03 I TH + 1 ci h o to + p J> + 00 4- CO TH + !> co' + CO oo' + CO o TH + 03 os 1 GO CO 1 to CO + CO TH 1 10 CO* + o 03 1 Pk TH CO + SO i> + co w 1 00 + 00 058 ! to 00 1 to to TH + - 10* + o to' 1 00 !>' + CO + TH l> I> to" + CO co' 1 fc tc TH + CO TH TH + 03* CO o + <* co- 00 09 | TH co + co 1 tf 00 o + o J> + Tf< I> + CO o rH + oi + o co' + OS TH TH + !> o + o o 10 ; co TH O i> + 03 co' + TH 10* 1 & CO O3' t> TH + 1 1 TH + CO 00 + CO I> TH + 00 TH + 5 Tjj TH 1 CO TH + . 03 + CO 03 1 ; CO CO 1 oo t> 1 00 oo 1C 0> -1 o TH rH OS o CO > CO t- (Kc J> 1 1 1 T 1 1 oo TH 1 oo to + to o _j_ + l> CO -j- O3 TH 1 TH + TH + 03 + O TH + z> 1 co TH + TH 1 OS i 1 -* CO TH 00 55 + p :o 10 + to s + 05 Tfl + 03 03 1 to o 1 f 03 "* + CO co' - CO 03 I f> CO + B D p w h C5 w 03 s ^ CO 10 Tt< to 10 r^ CD 00 J> APPENDIX.] THE BRACED ARCH. 391 Comparing these resiflts with those in our table above, Art. 19, for the same case not continuous at the crown, we see that the strains in the upper flanges are much less, and are, more- over, of opposite character ; while the strains in the lower flanges are greatly increased, and nothing is gained. This re- sult might also have been anticipated, since the effect of insert- ing the flange H is to reduce the effective height from 29.5 to 19.5 ft., and, moreover, for total dead and live load, nearly the whole weight comes directly upon the continuous lower rib, and the upper aids but very little. 23. Strain* due to Temperature. We have, in addition, strains due to change of temperature to be taken into account in determining the total maximum strains. For the present case we have, from Art. 165, for the thrust due to change of temperature, 15 El A et ~8AA 2 + 15T or, substituting in the place of the square of the radius of A. gyration = 05 05 OS TH CO co 1-' b T- 5 H 1-H CO c c } H 3 10 Os' rH GO* TH If a T- 5 2 H C li 5 i o 1 T- i H i i 1 + + * + 4 + - * h + + - K - h * fl- IO 4- CO oo" CO CO OS oo CO h CO o r . ? 3 {- CO c r- J H h rH 00 8 d 3 5 1 c c 5 5 Of C 3 3 1 02 05 1 CD* 1-H 1 -y L' D 5 If b O ) j 05 OS 1 co' 1 T- T" 1 H 1 3 3 / a , C *' J o CO 1 Cfi PH co co 05 cr D 5 c 5 Tt< OS C/ 3 c 5 ^ 3 rH 1 EH 8 4 TH 00 CO 00 os 4 O5 i H I - c -1 i 5 h 05 t- ? r~ S H h ! 5 h T- C J F 4 rH 05 TH 00 c 5 tw c: 5 05 O5 r- -1 t c > CO CO 4 05 + o 1 1 i r T 5 H H 05 1 c 5 t- c 4 1 c ~i 1- rH 1 CO Z> OS o CO o . If 5 00 T- H b- 05 o 5 o 3 ? 3 00 fc IO 00 TH 00 05 1 o - i " + C H s . 00 1 00 1 T H h li 3 V 3 h 05 I CO 10 05 * a D CO T 5 CO CO i- 3 * H G 5 05 i co 3 ; + 1 00 i H f 00 4 1^ 5 f IO i + n 3 h I T j h CO 1 * s b-' 1 7 GO OS fc- s o TI O 1 C D 5 h 00 o rH T h h 05 co' 1 TH 10' L: c: 3 5 -T- c T H 3 H a c; 3 S h CO 10' 1 CO TH GO Tj< 00 rH d 5 05 If 2 t. t. T- H T- -i c: 3 05 OS GO o co 7 + CO ^ 5 1 10 c 5 h TH 1 00 If D a 5 h c; 3 h 1 co CO 00 OS CO TH c i CO c 5 10 oo C 5 c B b 05 * 00 CO 05 00 rH o TH OS 5 h + o 5 o rH c 5 -r H h c: > OS 1 GO b- !> 05 CO T}< C< D 10 a 3 OS TH b C 5 Tl $ T* fc CO O5 CO 4 ' oo' s 58 S 5 ^ CO TH a T- 2 H 00 05 I C 5 h a D - C 1 co rH * : 00 00 TH IO CO* o rH rH 00 o t C o L b-' o T- ? 5* H 00 OS rH | a r 5 H h c c: 5 5 h o c: > j 05* rH < w D Q H CM c 5 C T- 5 H CO 05 CO If *: 3 r> Ci u 5 3 b c: 5 00 394: NOTE TO CHAP. XIV. [APPENDIX. A comparison of the above with the same case hinged at the ends of the lower rib, shows a decided gain. The effective height is increased, being now 20 ft., in place of 19.5 ; in addition to which both ribs under total load bear their proper proportion. If, then, we wish the arch continuous at crown, both ribs should butt against an end plate, pivoted in the centre. This is preferable to hinging the lower rib at its ex- tremities, and removing the end flanges A. 25. Temperature Strains. For the strains due to tem- perature, we may take, as before, the thrust H = 25 tons, and rind thus A=11.2 B=q=13.2 C=q=29,4 D = qp 37.6 E = 27.0 P = 45.5 G= 56.4 H == 59.2 12 =T 17.8 2 3 =13.9 3 4 = =F 9.8 4 5 = 11.3 5 6 = =F 2.8 6 7 = 8.1 7 8 = 4.3 all somewhat less than in the previous case, as they should be, since the point of application is at the centre between the flanges. We have then from the preceding table the total maximum strains : A = + 135.7 B = + 135.2 C = + 144.3 D = + 155.5 E = + 158.2 +176.7 r +173.9 - 7.2 - - 19.2 H + 172.3 ti ~ - 25.5 12 = + 49.0 -44.1 o o + 33.4 o A + 28.5 - _ 33.0 - _ 25.4 45 _ +24.8 ~ -26.1 56 = + 27.8 28.5 Rf7 + 29.4 ^ ft + 33.0 67 -_30.7 78: "-34.7 26. Arch continuou at Crown and fixed at Ilie Ends From our table, Art. 160, we have directly for a = 25 45', and Ti 20, y being now measured above the horizontal tangent at crown of centre line, for ft = 0, y = 0.209 h = 4.18 ft. /3 = 0.2a, y = 0.208 h = 4.16 ft = 0.4a, y = 0.206 h = 4.12 = 0.6a, y = 0.201 h = 4.02 ft = O.So, y = 0.198 h = 3.96 ft = l.Oa, y = 0.189 h = 3.78 APPENDIX.] THE BRACED ARCH. 395 Also from our formulae of Art. 160, we have 40 Cl ~ 15 (87.5 + x) 40 I 87.5 5 x 246.1 I I 87.5 + 5 x - 246.1 I 15(87.5+0)1 Hence for P! x = 75 d = + 8.7 c 2 = - 3.5 P 2 x = 62.5 o t = + 8.3 c 2 = - 2.7 P 3 a = 50 ^ = + 7.9 es, = - 1.7 P 4 cc = 37.5 d = + 7.3 rH o t- OS rH rH CO I o 00 fc CO CO TH 4- 00 f 4 O 1 CO t- 05 00 1 I CO rH 1 05 TH 1 to t, 10' -f rH TH 10* TH CO oo' id CO 1 5 O5 -f OS 10 rH CO rH oo' 00 rH 05 co' 1 10 co' 05 1 TH rH 05 10 05 t- OS 00 00 05 CO OO CO oo CO fc GO* TH TH : 00 00 TH 05' o tH TH I 10 CO 1 05 1 10" rH 1 < 00 TH rH CO O TH CO id rH 3 00 os 10 CO 1. TH 00* TH OS II 1 05 O 1 10 05 co' 1 OS id 00 oo' TH 06 1 < rH TH 00 os' OS OS* TH TH TH 05 TH oo 00 I 00 10 1 CO 05* . TH 1 CO co' CO 10 1 GO 00 1 ^ o rH OS CO rH TH CO 05 CO O5 i> 00 05 T 1O CO TH rH i 00 75 rH CO O5 f 1 TH CO rH 1 co TH CO 05 rH 05 rH O5 05 05 rH rH OS OS o 10 05 rH 7 fc + ? S ? 05 TH 1 + Si T CO TH CO 1 IO O -f 10 05 TH w O a H w 05 CO 05 rH CO 10 rH CO 10 00 1 598 NOTE TO CHAP. XIV. [APPENDIX. The strains in the present case are, we see, much greater than for any of the others. Unless the maximum of stiffness is essential, it would appear, then, undesirable to fix the arch at the ends for an arch of the above dimensions. 27. Temperature Strains. The strains due to tempera- ture are also very great. Thus, from Art. 165, we have 45 EIA et H = 4 A A 2 + 45 I and for the distance of the point of action of this thrust, below the crown of the centre line, _ (A a 2 + 6 I) h ~ 3 A a* > or since - = g 2 = 25 ft., A _ _ ~ _ h(a? For A = 60 square in., a = 87.5 ft., h = 20 ft. = 240 in., g = 60 in. = 5 ft., e = 0.000012, E = 14,000 tons, t = 30, we have H = 125 tons and e = 6.7 ft. Hence we have the strains A = 228, C = d= 29.0, E = =F 30.0, G = 118.5, B = 112.5, D = =p 13.0, F = =F 65.0, H = 137.5, 12=^96.0, 34=^67.0, 5 6 =' T 29.5, 2 3 = d= 51.0, 4 5 = 39.5, 6 7 = 25.0, 7 8 Therefore the total strains are A + 48o.4 -D + 318.3* /-, , -ic\-i K T\ , i K-I c\ XI. 142.9 ~ - 43.9 " ' E = + 108.2 - 5.7 p + 185.4 ~ - 28.1 r + 242.1 ~ - 77.4 w + 284.7 ~- 88.4 12 = + 103.8 - 167.4 2 o + 86.3 - - 63.4 34- + 72 ' 3 - 116.0 A K + 67.9 -45.3 5 6 = + 46.2 -46.3 ft + 51.6 6 7 = _ 35.3 7 8 - + 22 ' 1 7 8 - _ 31.7 With the above we close our discussion of the braced arch. Our design has been to illustrate the application of the for- mulae and methods of Chapter XIY., and to show that by their aid such a structure can be calculated with ease and certainty. APPENDIX.] THE BRACED AKCH. 399 In short, the difficulty is but little if any greater than for a simple girder, only for a long span and many panels the work becomes tedious and wearisome. In such a case, perhaps the method of moments will be found preferable to diagrams. Thus, for any condition of loading, we can easily find the strains at certain given intervals or portions of the span, as T Vth, T 2 0-ths, etc - These strains being plotted to scale along the span, we have a curve, from which we can readily determine the strain at other points. The strains in the flanges being thus known, we can readily determine the transverse force, or force at right angles to the rib, at any point. This force causes strain in the diagonals, and has simply to be multiplied by the secant of the angle made with it by any diagonal. As to the effects of temperature, the remarks of Art. 166 do not seem to be substantiated by our results. It would seem that, according to the received formulae, the strains due to tem- perature are very great, and that by far the best form of con- struction for short spans is that in which the arch is hinged at both abutments and crown. 28. Advantage of Arch with fixed Ends for long Spans. We cannot conclude from our results above anything as to the comparative advantages or disadvantages of the arch with fixed ends. Different proportions will give altogether different re- sults. We can only say that for small spans the arch with three hinges is undoubtedly the best construction. The ad- vantages of continuity will be apparent only for long spans where the point of inflexion is distant from the ends by a greater proportion of the span. We have already seen the same to be true of the continuous girder. If we were to judge from comparisons of short spans only, we should be inclined to discredit any great advantage for continuity. If, however, we take longer spans, so as to bring the points of inflection well out, we find a marked saving.* We had intended to give here a comparison of the strains in a hinged arch with those in the central span of the St. Louis bridge, as given in the Report of Capt. Eads to the Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Co. for May, 1868. As this goes to press, however, our attention has been called * Art. 17 of this Appendix. 400 NOTE TO CHAP. XIV. [APPENDIX. to an article in the Trans, of the Am. Soc. of Civil Eng. for May, 1875, by Mr. S. H. Shreve, which, although written with precisely the opposite intention, seems to prove so clearly the superiority for long spans of the arch without hinges, that it is unnecessary to give a comparison here. We have only to take Mr. Shreve's results and properly interpret^ them. Thus, while ostensibly investigating the strains in the centre arch of the St. Louis bridge an arch which is continuous at crown and fixed at the end Mr. Shreve uses the formula given Q in Art. 27 of the Supplement to Chap. XIV., viz., H = TTT' That is, he considers the arch as having hinges at both crown and ends. Then, supposing the arch to be affected by temperature, he applies the above formula to an arch hinged at crown in lower chord and at ends in upper chord of the same dimensions as the St. Louis bridge. It is hardly necessary to point out here that if the arch is really thus hinged, or can be supposed thus hinged, there can be no temperature strains. If, however, it is not hinged, then the above formula does not apply. The one assumption contradicts the other. The formula H = ~. can 2i fi be applied to no arch which is strained by temperature. Such a treatment would seem justified on Mr. Shreve's part in view of the statement of Capt. Eads, that for the greatest rise of temperature above the mean, the lower arch does all the duty at crown, and the upper at the ends. If this were accurately so, then Mr. Shreve's results would give the true strains. All that Capt. Eads evidently intended to imply was, that a rise of temperature relieved the upper chord at crown of a great part of its compression and increased that of the lower. It does not by any means follow that the upper chord is entirely relieved, under which supposition only can the lower chord be supposed hinged. On the contrary, for an equal fall of temperature below the mean, the lower chord is relieved and extra strain brought in the upper chord at crown. If the adjustment were just such that the previous compression in the lower chord should be exactly neutralized, then the arch might be consid- ered as hinged at the upper flange and lower ends, and thus Mr. Shreve should increase the rise of his arch by the depth, APPENDIX.] THE BRACED ARCH. 401 which would decrease greatly his strains. The one supposition is as much justified by the remarks of Capt. Eads, which he quotes, as the other and neither are correct. Apart, however, from the merits of the controversy, with which we have nothing to do, Mr. Shreve's results are undoubtedly correct for an arch of the same dimensions as the St. Louis uniformly loaded and hinged at the ends in upper flange and at the crown in lower. If, then, a comparison of these results with those given by Capt. Eads shows them all too large, then, since Capt. leads' formulae are, as we have seen, undoubtedly correct, it clearly shows the superiority of the arch without hinges. This is the only legiti- mate deduction which can be made. Mr. Shreve's formulae are undoubtedly as " true as the prin- ciples of the lever," and apply, beyond question, to an arch hinged as he supposes. Our formulae in Art. 27 of the Sup- plement to Chap. XIY. are also as true as these principles ; but to apply correctly even so simple a principle as that of the lever, demands a knowledge of all the forces and their points of application. From our formulae, as we have shown in Art. 34 of the above Supplement, we may easily deduce Capt. Eads', thus proving the accuracy of both. Though the " calculus will not determine the strains affecting a truss, whether arched or horizontal," it may nevertheless be exceedingly serviceable in determining the forces which act upon the truss without an accurate knowledge of which the '"'principle of the lever" can only mislead. This principle, upon which Mr. Shreve lays such stress, is precisely that which we have employed so often in this work, and s'hown to be of universal application. In Art. 36 of this Appendix we have made use of it, just as Mr. Shreve does, in the calculation of an arch similar to the St. Louis. Our results differ from those he would obtain, simply because we take into account a force and lever arm whose existence he ignores. Mr. Shreve assumes that V and H and the load are all the forces which act, and these are all of which his formula takes account. In common with Capt. Eads, we take in addition a moment due to the continuity of the ends, while V and H them- selves, by reason of this continuity, have very different values. Thus, for full load, we have from eq. (81), Art. 34 of Sup- plement to Chap. XIY., u __pa? 4 A 2 ~ 2A 45 26 402 NOTE TO CHAP. XIV. [APPENDIX. and from eq. (84) M fl - - 70 Thus, instead of H = ^- . , as given by Mr. Shreve, we have this into a certain coefficient which is less than unity. Taking pa = 936,000 Ibs., g = 6.025 ft., a = 257.88 ft, and h 46.65 ft. for centre line, we have H = 2,178,317 for thrust at crown, instead of 2,586,184.9 Ibs., as given by Mr. Shreve. This thrust alone would cause, then, 1,089,158 Ibs. compression in each flange. But due to continuity of ends and crown, we have also a moment at crown M 6,587,335, which being negative causes tension in lower flange at crown. Dividing by 12.05, the depth of arch, we have 546,666 Ibs. tension, and therefore only 1,089,158546,666 or 542,492 Ibs. resulting compression. This at 27,500 Ibs. per square inch, requires 19.72 square inches area, while Mr. Shreve requires in his arch 126.42 square inches area. It is, however, but just to notice, that while this loading (uniform) causes the maxi- mum compression in lower flange at crown for Mr. Shreve's arch, it does not for the arch fixed at ends and continuous at crown. In this latter case, as we may see at once from the table for M of Art. 18, Supplement to Chap. XIV., a load within the centre half anywhere causes tension in the lower flange, and the maximum compression is when the flanks are loaded and this portion is empty. It is with the maxima that the com- parison must be made, and as Capt. Eads has, very properly, taken the rolling load into account, it is with these maxima that the comparison has been made. From such comparison Mr. Shreve h'nds that " every member of the two tubes is deficient in area, many containing much less than half the material that is necessary." As his results are correctly calcu- lated for a hinged arch, and Capt. Eads r results are also correct for an arch without hinges, we can only conclude not that " the great importance of immediately strengthening the ribs of the St. Louis bridge can no longer be ignored," but rather that, for long spans of small relative rise, the arch without hinges is much preferable and more economical. The case APPENDIX.] THE BRACED ARCH. 403 is, indeed, perfectly analogous to that of the continuous girder. Here also we have end moments, and here also for long spans the advantage over the simple girder is marked. In Mr. Shreve's arch it is, indeed, perfectly true that, " when one segment is loaded, any weight whatever in any other position on the other segment will lessen the tension on the lower arc of the loaded segment." In the arch without hinges the case is altogether different, owing to the influence of the end moments, which Mr. Shreve so persistently ignores. The two cases have, indeed, nothing whatever in common, and from the strains in one no conclusion whatever can be drawn as to what should be the strains in the other. ' With the same propriety might one comparing the strains in the same girder fixed at ends and free at ends, as given in Art. 17 of this Appendix, infer that the strains in the first were unduly small. The only legitimate conclusion from such comparison is the one there drawn, viz., that the one in which the strains are least is the one most economical of material. In this respect, and in this only, Mr. Shreve's results are valuable, and we can only thank him for having saved us the labor of making the comparison for ourselves. As a case in point bearing out our conclusion above, we may instance the ' Coblentz bridge, which, as originally con- structed, was continuous at the crown, but pivoted at the ends of the centre line, as in our example, Art. 20. But unlike that example, owing to the length of span being much greater, and the rise and depth much less in proportion, it was found advantageous to block up the ends after erection, and thus fix it at the ends. If Mr. Shreve's deductions are to be believed, this was a very dangerous thing to do; but, as experience has proved, greater rigidity has thereby been secured, and no evil effects have as yet been perceptible. It is, however, quite possible that before thus blocking the ends, the effect of the end moments thus brought into play was duly considered; and in view of the result, it would appear as if they really had some influence upon the character and distribution of the strains. It would seem, therefore, that, for the present at least, the " strengthening " of the arches of the St. Louis bridge by hinging them (!) at crown and ends may be safely postponed until it can be satisfactorily shown in what manner, for rise of tern- 4:04 NOTE TO, CHAP. XIV. [APPENDIX. perature, the end moments mysteriously disappear, and the previously existing compression, due to load in upper flange at crown and lower at ends, is exactly and entirely neutralized. Meanwhile it would seem that the St. Louis arch, as con- structed, is far superior to the same arch hinged, more eco- nomical of material and more rigid, and sanctioned alike by theory and precedent. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ***** " DEC LD 21-100m-8,'34 U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES YC 43373 911290 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY