IOLGGT METHODS AND FOEMUL^E METHODS AND FORMULAE USED IN THE PREPARATION OP ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE TISSUES FOR MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION INCLUDING THE STAINING OF BACTERIA BY PETER WYATT SQUIRE FELLOW OF THE LJNNEAN SOCIETY LONDON J. & A. CHURCHILL, 11, NEW BURLINGTON STEEET 1892 Copyright Registered. PEEFACE. THIS little book has grown out of an attempt to frame a collection of trustworthy formulae most likely to be useful to the practical microscopist. Interspersed with these have been added such practical notes and comments as have suggested themselves during a very extensive course of experimenting on the various materials and processes here described. The larger text-books do not always agree in the figures given for the same formula. "Whenever possible, these have been corrected by reference to the original or most authentic source, but where the formula has been so vague and inde- finite as to be little more than a suggestion, a detailed process has been worked out experimentally. Although intended primarily as a guide in staining pro- cesses, the most approved methods of hardening, fixing, embedding, clearing and mounting, are also described. Sec- tion-cutting alone has been purposely omitted, as this art can only be learned properly from personal tuition. Although the best results in staining sections, &c., can only be obtained after considerable practice, an attempt has been made in every case, by the employment of solutions of definite VI PREFACE. strength for definite times^ to enable even a beginner to arrive at an average result without loss of time in experimenting. It is therefore hoped that the usefulness of the work as a compact and inexpensive book of reference for the expe- rienced worker, as well as a guide to those commencing investigations, may justify its publication. Very few "double-stains" have been given, as even when good results could be obtained by using two dyes in the same solution, better and more precise staining was effected when the same dyes were used separately one after the other. Amongst the stains but little known, which have given very good results, may be mentioned Benzopurpurine as a counter-stain to Hsematoxylin ; Congo Red for the central nervous system ; and Rose Bengale for the detection of early Amyloid. The last reaction has not been previously noticed. For the pathological work, the co-operation of F. J. Warwick, M.B. (Cantab), a practical microscopist of much experience in this subject, has been most valuable. Most of the methods given under Micro-organisms have been translated from the original papers. Kiihne's methods are taken from the translation by Dr. Vincent Harris. P. W. S. 413, OXFORD STBEET. April o, 1892. CONTENTS. PACK HARDENING AND FIXING REAGENTS . . . . . 1 10 DECALCIFYING FLUIDS 11 13 EMBEDDING MEDIA 14 19 NUCLEAR STAINS 20 39 PLASMATIC STAINS , 3942 SPECIFIC STAINS 4348 SPECIFIC METHODS 48 51 STAINING CELLULOSE AND ITS MODIFICATIONS .... 5256 STAINING SIEVE -AREAS 56 MICRO-ORGANISMS . . 57 77 Stains Intermediate Reagents General Methods Special Methods. DEHYDRATION ... 78 CLEARING AGENTS 79 82 MOUNTING MEDIA 83 86 NORMAL OR INDIFFERENT FLUIDS . . . . . . .87 DISSOCIATING FLUIDS . . . 8890 HARDENING AND FIXING REAGENTS. FOR general histological and pathological work, the harden- ing agents usually employed are Alcohol and the Bichro- mate solutions. The others are only used for special applications. Alcohol will not penetrate well pieces larger than a cubic inch, while the Bichromates are applicable to material of any size. If rapid hardening is required, Alcohol, Erlicki's Fluid, or Klein's Fluid is employed, but the two latter have a tendency to make the tissues brittle if they remain in the solution too long. A relatively large quantity of hardening fluid, about 20 times the bulk of the object to be hardened, should always be used, and the pieces should be as small as circumstances will allow. It is best to suspend the object near to the top of a tall vessel filled with the fluid, which is accomplished by placing the pieces of tissue on absorbent wool enclosed in a muslin bag, but this is not always considered to be neces- sary. The pieces can simply be placed in a bottle with the fluid, which should be circulated from time to time, and changed when necessary. As soon as the objects are sufficiently hard they should be removed from the hardening solution and placed in 70 p. c. Alcohol till required. Of the special fixing agents Osmic Acid is the best, more 2 HARDENING AND FIXING REAGENTS. particularly in combination with Chromic Acid and Acetic Acid, as in Flemming's and Fol's solutions. Fresh vegetable tissues (leaves, roots, and stems) are best fixed in Alcohol. In the majority of instances 90 p. c. Alcohol will answer the purpose ; but where the nuclei in particular are to be examined, a stronger Alcohol (Absolute) should be used. Fresh- water alga), &c., can be fixed in Picric Acid or a Chrom-Osmic solution (Flemming's or Fol's) ; but, if it is desired to preserve the colour of the chlorophyll, the Acetate of Copper solution is recommended. Sections of fresh tissues are sometimes fixed and stained at the same time by Acetic Acid mixed with Methyl Green or Gentian Violet. Most stems, barks, and roots can be cut after fixing in 90 p. c. Alcohol ; but when very hard they can be softened by removal from the Alcohol into Thymol Water, or equal parts of Thymol Water and Glycerine. In rare cases it is neces- sary to use 2 to 5 p. c. of Caustic Potash in the Thymol Water. (i.) ALCOHOL. Suitable for all tissues except the nervous system and tissues undergoing fatty infiltration or degeneration ; from these the fat would be dissolved out to a considerable extent by the Alcohol. Glandular structures and tissues to be examined for Bac- teria are placed at once into 90 per cent. Alcohol, or Absolute Alcohol, but in other cases, where it is required to preserve the normal structure of the tissues, they are at first placed in 50 per cent. Alcohol for a day or two, depending upon the size of the pieces, then into 70 per cent. Alcohol for a similar time, and subsequently into 90 per cent. Alcohol until the hardening is complete. HARDENING AND FIXING KEAGENTS. 3 For fixing nuclear figures the strongest Alcohol (Absolute) should be used, and the pieces should be as small as possible. Throughout this book, per cent, of Alcohol is given by weight ; when Methylated Spirit is used the gravities may be slightly different. The following formulae are sufficiently near for all practical purposes. Absolute Alcohol, about 98 per cent. Sp. gr. 0-797. The commercial article. Alcohol Ethylicum B.P. Alcohol, 9O per cent. Sp. gr. 0-823. Absolute Alcohol, 14 vols. ; Distilled Water, 1 vol. : mix. The strongest commercial Methylated Spirit (64 o. p.) is practically the same strength as 90 p. c. Alcohol, and being duty free is much cheaper and answers every purpose. This, of course, only applies to Methylated Spirit free from Mineral Naphtha. The ordinary , ' ' Eetailer ' s ' ' quality contains Naphtha, and becomes turbid when mixed with water. Alcohol, 84 per cent. Sp. gr. 0-838. This is Eectified Spirit B.P. (56 o. p.). Alcohol, 70 per cent. Sp. gr. 0-872. Absolute Alcohol, 3 vols. ; Distilled Water, 1 vol. Eectified Spirit, 6 vols. ; Distilled Water, 1 vol. Methylated Spirit, 4 vols. ; Distilled Water, 1 vol. Alcohol, 50 per cent. Sp. gr. 0-918. Absolute Alcohol, 5 vois. ; Distilled Water, 4 vols. Eectified Spirit, 5 vols. ; Distilled Water, 3 vols. Methylated Spirit, 5 vols. ; Distilled Water, 3J vols. (ii.) ALCOHOL AND ACETIC ACID. Absolute Alcohol, 75 c.c. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 25 c.c. This is an excellent fixing agent for nuclei. Tissues are 4r HARDENING AND FIXING REAGENTS. placed in it from 6 to 12 hours, and then transferred to 90 p. c. Alcohol until hardened. When the hardening is completed, transfer the tissue to 70 p. c. Alcohol till wanted. (iii.) CHROMATE OF AMMONIUM. 5 p. c. aqueous solution. Especially useful for delicate cell structures, as parenchyma of secreting cells. Tissues are placed for 48 hours in this reagent, thoroughly washed in Distilled Water and passed through diluted to strong Alcohol. (iv.) BICHROMATE OF AMMONIUM. BICHROMATE OF POTASSIUM. 2 to 5 per cent, aqueous solution of either. Simple Bichromate solutions are sometimes preferred to Miiller's Fluid for hardening parts of the central nervous system, but opinions vary as to their greater usefulness even for this purpose. A two per cent, solution should be used to start with and changed after 24 hours and again after 3 days, and then once a week for the next 6 weeks, increasing the strength by one per cent, each week till it reaches five per cent. In this way an entire brain may be hardened thoroughly and satisfactorily in 8 weeks. After hardening for a month in Miiller's Fluid, it is often advantageous to finish the process by a fortnight's immersion in five per cent. Bichromate solution. (iv.) MULLER'S FLUID. Bichromate of Potassium, 2 grms. ; Sulphate of Sodium, 1 grm. ; Water, 1 00 cc. A good hardening reagent for delicate structures where the process is required to be gradual. It is well adapted for HARDENING AND FIXING REAGENTS. the eye. It penetrates evenly and thoroughly, so that large pieces can be hardened in it, while at the same time it has no tendency to over-harden and render the tissues brittle. The disadvantages attaching to all the Bichromate solutions are that they discolour the tissue more or less. A long time is required for the hardening, and if tissues be kept in them too long they sometimes produce netlike forms of coagula- tion, or deposits of a dark granular precipitate in the cells and intercellular substances ; they are apt to develop moulds. They dissolve out calcareous deposits. When the nervous system is stained by Weigert's method, the tissue must be hardened in this or one of the other Bichromate solutions. It is unsuitable for hardening tissues to be examined for the amyloid reactions or for bacteria. Tissues ought to be placed in at least 20 times their bulk of " Miiller." This must be changed after 24 hours, again after 3 days, and then once a week for the next 6 weeks. Even for small pieces 6 weeks in all are generally required. The tissues, after removal from " Miiller," are soaked in 50 p. c. Alcohol from 1 to 2 days, then 70 p. c. Alcohol for a similar time, and finally placed in 90 p. c. Alcohol, which should be changed occasionally so long as it becomes coloured. In the case of large masses, a preliminary washing in water will save Spirit and do no harm. (iv.J) MULLER'S FLUID AND SPIRIT. Midler's Fluid, 3 ; 90 p. c. Alcohol, 1. This is usually directed to be cooled before using it, but as there is only a rise of 11 E. on mixing- them, the precaution is hardly necessary. Used in the same cases as " Miiller," only its action is more rapid. It takes about half the time of " Miiller" to harden tissues. Whilst hardening in this, and during the subse- 6 HAKDENING AND FIXING REAGENTS. quent washing in Alcohol, tissues should be kept in the dark. The other Bichromate solutions may be used with Spirit in the same way. (iv.) ERLICKI'S FLUID, Bichromate of Potassium, 5 grms. ; Sulphate of Copper, I grm. ; Water, 200 cc. This solution hardens quicker than " Miiller," and is used in much the same way. It is sometimes stated that this solution should always be prepared freth when required, but this is not necessary as it undergoes no change. This is the best fluid for hardening large organs quickly. It will harden a spinal cord in 10 days, and is the most suit- able fluid for human embryoes. It tends to render the tissues brittle, and also gives the sections a greenish tinge. (y.) CHROMIC ACID. 10 p. c. aqueous solution is kept for stock ; for use it is diluted with 20, 30, or 50 times its bulk of Water, accord- ing to the consistence and size of the tissue. The larger or firmer the tissue the weaker the solution. The pieces to be hardened must not be larger than J cubic inch ; the fluid must be changed every day for the first 3 days, and then every third day. Tissues are hardened in from 1 to 14 days, according to their nature and size; they are then well washed in Water and kept in 70 p. c. Alcohol in a dark place to avoid deposits. Chromic Acid is energetic, but it does not penetrate well, and it makes the tissues brittle. Tissues thus hardened are not well stained by Carmine ; Hsematoxylin or Safranine should be used. HARDENIKG AND FIXING REAGhXTS. 7 (v.a) KLEIN'S FLUID. Chromic Acid solution (10 p. c.) 1 cc. ; mix with. Water 60 cc. ; then add 90 p. c. Alcohol, 30 cc. The Alcohol is added to increase the penetration of the Chromic Acid. This solution should be made fresh as re- quired and kept from the light, as the Chromic Acid is rapidly reduced by the Spirit. Suitable for all tissues, but more particularly the nervous system. The fluid must be changed every day for the first three days, and then every third day. The hardening is com- plete in about a week to a fortnight. In all cases except the nervous system, the tissue after hardening must be well washed in Water, and preserved in 70 p. c. Alcohol. The nervous system should be transferred direct from Klein's Fluid to the Alcohol. (v.J) RABL'S FLUID. Chromic Acid solution (10 per cent.), 7 cc. ; Water, 200 cc. ; Formic Acid (sp. gr. 1*2), 5 drops. Fresh tissues in small pieces are placed in it from 12 to 24 hours; they are then washed in Water and hardened in Alcohol of gradually increasing strength. This solution is especially useful for demonstrating cell division (mitosis) and nuclei. The following are used more particularly as fixing agents. (vi.) CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. 5 p. c. aqueous solution. This is a capital fixing agent, and acts quickly. 8 HARDENING AND FIXING REAGENTS. Tissues ought to be placed in the solution from 1 5 minutes to 2 hours, and then in, 90 p. c. Alcohol to complete the hardening. After this the tissues must be washed in 70 p. c. Alcohol ; if Water be used black specks are apt to form. The action of the fluid can be accelerated by heating it to 38 C. (100-4 P.) For glands and glandular structures the following is very useful: Corrosive Sublimate, 10 grins.; Alcohol (70 p. c.), 100 cc. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 1 cc. Small pieces are placed in this for an hour and the hardening completed in Alcohol. (vii.) NITRIC ACID (Altmann). 3 p. c. aqueous solution. Sp. gr. about 1-02. Used as a fixing agent. The pieces of tissue must be as small as possible, and placed in the Acid until quite fixed ; this takes from 15 to 30 minutes. Useful for fixing nuclei of cells, embryo es and the retina. viii.) OSMIC ACID. 1 p. c. aqueous solution, which must be carefully preserved from dust, as it is readily reduced (blackened) by small quan- tities of organic matter. This solution is usually kept in the dark. Especially useful for delicate structures, when rapid fixing is required. For use it is diluted with 4 or 5 times its volume of Distilled Water, or more generally in conjunction with Chromic Acid as in Flemming's and Fol's solutions. Tissues are placed in it from 8 to 10 hours, well washed in Distilled Water, cut, and mounted in Farrant's solution. Some authorities prefer to fix with the vapour ; this is done HARDENING AND FIXING REAGENTS. by suspending the tissue in a bottle containing some solution or crystals of Osmic Acid. Tissues containing Fat are blackened by Osmic Acid, tee Specific Stains. (viii.a) FLEMMING'S FIXING SOLUTION. Osmic acid (1 p. c. solution), 80 cc. ; Chromic Acid (10 p. c. solution), 15 cc. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 10 cc. ; Distilled Water, 05 cc. This and the following solution are used solely as fixing agents. Tissues are placed in either for about twelve hours ; they are then thoroughly washed in Water and hardened in Alcohol of gradually increasing strength (see Alcohol]. Especially useful for fixing tissues undergoing cell division (mitosis). This fluid need not be used in the dark. Sections should be stained with Safranine, Hsematoxylin, or Gentian Violet. (viiU) POL'S SOLUTION. Osmic Acid (1 p. c. solution), 4 cc. ; Chromic Acid (10 p. c. solution), 5 cc. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 10 cc. ; Distilled Water, 181 cc. Used for the same purpose as the preceding. Flemming's and Fol's solutions represent the maximum and minimum strength of Chrom-Osmic mixtures for fixing pur- poses ; various intermediate strengths are also employed. (ix.) PICRIC ACID. A saturated aqueous solution ( 1 in 75), or 1 p. c. solution in 70 p. c. Alcohol, are used for fixing and hardening. The action is rapid, taking from 1 to 24 hours. After hardening, the tissue is washed in 70 p. c. Alcohol 10 HARDENING ASD FIXING REAGENTS. (not Water) and preserved in 90 p. c. Alcohol. Picric Acid solutions dissolve out calcareous deposits. (x.) FICRO SULPHURIC ACID (Kleinenberg). Saturated aqueous solution of Picric Acid, 100 cc. ; pure Sulphuric Acid, 2 cc. ; filter ; to each 100 cc. of nitrate add 300 cc. of Distilled Water. As in Kleinenberg's formula four-fifths of the Picric Acid is thrown out of solution, the same final result can be obtained by the following : Saturated Solution of Picric Acid, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 380 cc. ; Sulphuric Acid, 2 cc. Especially useful for the rapid fixing of very soft tissues, as sarcoma and myxoma ; also for preserving embryoes. It is used for fixing and preserving the earth-worm. Tissues are placed in the fluid from 3 to 12 hours ; they are then washed in 70 p. c. Alcohol, and finally placed in 90 p. c. Alcohol. Carmine is the best stain to use after this solution ; but if Hsematoxylin be used, the sections must first be placed in a solution of Carbonate of Lithium, and then washed in Water. (xi.) ACETATE OP COFFER. Acetate of Copper, 1 grm. ; Distilled Water, 200 cc. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 1 cc. ; Glycerine, 200 cc. ; Corrosive Sublimate, 3 grms. This solution is especially useful for fixing and mounting green Algse. DECALCIFYING FLUIDS. In the case of bony structures or tissues so impregnated with Lime Salts as to interfere with section cutting, the material must be decalcified in one of the following solutions. The general plan is to combine an Acid capable of dissolving out the mineral matter with a hardening agent which will prevent swelling of the tissues. Hydrochloric Acid is generally used with Alcohol. Diluted Nitric Acid may be used alone, but usually in conjunction with Alcohol, Chromic Acid, or an equivalent quantity of Potassium Bichromate. The older the bone the stronger will be the acid required. It is advisable to harden first in Alcohol or Bichromate before decalcifying, except in the case of Ebner's solution where the two processes go on together. (i.) ARSENIC ACID. 4 p. c. aqueous solution, used at a temperature of 30 to. 40 0. It acts rapidly. Tissues after softening should be kept in Alcohol. (ii.) CHROMIC ACID. 0-1 to 0-5 p. c. aqueous solution. Used for softening small pieces of bone, but when use alone it causes much shrinkage in the tissues. It is best used in conjunction with Nitric Acid. 12 DECALCIFYING FLUIDS. (iii.) HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 1 to 10 p. c. in water of the strong acid (sp. gr. 1-16.) Softens rapidly, but causes tissues to swell and become almost structureless. This is remedied by the addition of Alcohol as in the following : (iv.) EBNER'S SOLUTION. 90 p. c. Alcohol, 1000 cc. ; Water, 200 cc. ; Chloride of Sodium, 5 grms. ; Hydrochloric Acid (sp. gr. 1'16), 5 cc. In this solution the Spirit and Salt are added to prevent the swelling of the tissue. This solution takes a long time to soften, its action being very gradual, requiring about six weeks. To each volume of the tissue 200 to 300 vols. of the solution must be used ; when softening large bones it is neces- sary to add a small quantity of Hydrochloric Acid from day to day, to replace that which combines with the Lime Salts, and examine the tissue with a needle from time to time, till the process of softening is complete ; the tissue is then washed in a large volume of Water to remove the acid, and finally kept in 70 p. c. Alcohol. (v.) HYDROCHLORIC ACID AND GLYCERINE. Glycerine, 95 ; Hydrochloric Acid, 5. This is especially useful for softening teeth ; it softens and yet does not in any way interfere with the structure or bony appearance ; it also acts as a preservative. Its action is slow, taking several weeks. (vi.) NITRIC ACID. Aqueous or Alcoholic solution containing from 1 p. c. for small bones, up to 5 p. c. for large heavy bones. They are first placed in 90 p. c. Alcohol for two or three DECALCIFYING FLUIDS. 13 days, then treated with the Nitric Acid solution, which is changed daily for about a week ; as soon as decalcification is complete, wash thoroughly in Water, and place in 70 p. c. Alcohol. (vii.) NITRIC ACID AND CHROMIC ACID. Chromic Acid, 1 grm. ; Water, 200 cc. ; Nitric Acid 3 cc. This is one of the best softening fluids for general use, the Chromic Acid hardening the bone protoplasm, while the Nitric Acid dissolves out the calcareous salts. It takes about a fortnight, and the solution must be renewed every third day. The tissue is then well washed in water and transferred first to weak and then to strong Alcohol. (viii.) PICRIC ACID. A saturated aqueous solution. Useful for softening foetal bone. The tissue should be suspended in twenty times its bulk of fluid, which must be kept saturated with crystals of Picric Acid. It takes about a month; the tissue when softened must be first well washed in Water and then passed from weak into strong Alcohol (see " Alcohol"). EMBEDDING MEDIA. These are mostly used to support the tissues during the cutting with a microtome. The simplest method is that adopted for firm vegetable tissues. A cylinder of carrot is made to fit the microtome, and then divided vertically. The piece of tissue is fitted in between the two halves of carrot ; the carrot and tissue are cut at the same time, the former, of course, transversely. The direction of the latter will depend upon the position in which it is placed in the carrot. Another method is to embed in Paraffin, and fit the block of Paraffin to the microtome. Neither of the above are suited for delicate or porous tissues. They must be supported in the interstices by saturation with the embedding material. For this purpose Grum, Celloidin, and Paraffin are used. When it is desired to support in position tissues which would otherwise fall to pieces when cut into sections, Celloidin is generally used. Saturation with Paraffin is mostly employed for serial cutting. (i.) GUM (Mucilage). Colourless Gum Acacia, 2 ; Cold Water, 3. Dissolve the Grum in the Water, and to each ounce of the solution add 1 grains of Carbolic Acid. (ii.) GUM AND SYRUP. Mucilage of Acacia, 50 cc. ; Simple Syrup B.P., 30 cc. EMBEDDING MEDIA. 15 Method of Using. Before using either of the above for embedding, the tissues must be washed for several hours in frequent changes of Water, to free them from Alcohol, and then placed for 24 hours (preferably 3 or 4 days) in the Gum or Gum and Syrup, to saturate them before freezing on the microtome. (iii.) CELLOIDIN. Celloidin dissolved in equal parts of Absolute Alcohol and Ether, an 8 p. c. Solution being used for Thick Celloidin, and diluted with an equal volume of the Ether- Alcohol for Thin Celloidin. Method of Using. The tissues (previously hardened by one of the methods already given), if not already in strong Alcohol, should be placed there ; they are then immersed for 12 hours in equal parts of Absolute Alcohol and Ether. After this they are immersed in Thin Celloidin for 24 hours ; then for another 24 hours (preferably 2 or 3 days) in Thick Celloidin, so that it may thoroughly permeate the tissues. The pieces are now removed from the solution, and placed on small cubes of soft wood, care being taken to see that the wood is quite dry. Allow the Celloidin to harden for a few minutes, and then place the wood with the tissue in 90 p. c. Alcohol for 12 to 24 hours. They are then ready for clamping in the microtome. If material, saturated with Celloidin, is to be cut on the freezing microtome, the piece when removed from the Thick Celloidin, is placed with some of the Celloidin in a small paper case. Allow a thin film to form on the surface by evaporation, and then place the paper case with contents into 80 or 90 p. c. Alcohol for 12 to 24 hours or longer to harden. When it assumes the consistency of soft cheese take it out of the Alcohol, remove the paper case, and place it in Water to wash 16 EMBEDDIKG MEDIA. away superfluous Alcohol ; the piece is then dipped in Muci- lage, and finally frozen on the microtome in the usual way. (iv.) GLYCERINE GELATINE (Kleb's). Best Gelatine (French), 10 parts; wash and allow this to stand in Distilled Water till it swells up : pour off excess of Water, melt at a gentle heat, and add 1 parts of Glycerine, and 2 p. c. of Carbolic Acid to preserve it. Method of Using. The tissue, which has previously been well washed with Water to remove Alcohol, is saturated with the melted Glycerine Jelly, which is then allowed to set. This may now be frozen between pieces of carrot on the microtome by means of Gum ; or it may be clamped between carrot for cutting. This method is useful for flat structures, such as the walls of hollow organs, or membranes. (v.) PARAFFIN. Paraffin melting at between 45 0. (113F.) and 50 0. (122 F.) according to the temperature of the room, and the nature of the material to be cut. This medium is best adapted for embedding tissues that have been stained in bulk. Method of Using. Some tissues are embedded in Paraffin, or other suitable sub- stance, only as a means of holding them in the microtome ; other tissues which are very porous or brittle require to be saturated with the embedding material to hold the parts to- gether during or after the cutting. Embedding. The tissue which has been dehydrated is dipped for a second or two into melted Paraffin, and taken out again. This gives the piece a coating of Paraffin. The tissue may EMBEDDING MEDIA. 17 also be transferred direct from the Alcohol to the cell of Paraffin. In either case the piece is put into the melted Paraffin, which has been poured into a cell, and which has cooled sufficiently to hold the piece in any position required. Another method is to make a hole in a small block of Paraffin, fit in the piece of tissue, and fill up with warmed Paraffin. The cell to hold the Paraffin can be made in a variety of ways. A small rectangular tray can be made by folding paper or thin card ; a cylinder can be formed by rolling paper round a cork (allowing the paper to project beyond the cork) and fixing it with a pin run through the paper into the cork. Cells can also be formed by means of two pieces of brass, each of them being bent at right angles, and the cylinders can be cut from brass-tubing. When the sections have been cut, the Paraffin can be removed by immersion in Naphtha, Benzol, Toluol, or Xylol, all of which are good solvents of Paraffin. For staining, the sections must then be passed through Absolute Alcohol to remove the liquid hydrocarbon. Saturation. The piece of tissue, after staining in bulk, is placed in strong Spirit and afterwards in Absolute Alcohol. It is then transferred to Cedar Oil or Xylol, and when cleared is placed in a suitable (not too large) quantity of Paraffin, kept just above the melting point, until the tissue is saturated with it. Both Cedar Oil and Xylol are convenient media, as either mixes readily both with Absolute Alcohol and melted Paraffin. If the pieces of tissue carry much oil into the Paraffin, a second bath of the latter may be used. When the saturation is complete (2 5 hours), the Paraffin should be quickly cooled, and a piece containing the tissue can be cut out with a warmed knife. It is then ready for mounting on the microtome. Another Method of Saturation. The tissue after staining is c 18 EMBEDDING MEDIA. passed into 90 p. c. Alcohol, and then into Absolute Alcohol, in which it must remain for not less than 3 hours. It is next placed in ten times its bulk of Chloroform or Benzol until thoroughly saturated; then small pieces of the Paraffin are added to the Chloroform or Benzol until no more will dissolve ; in this the tissue is allowed to remain for 2 or 3 hours. Gentle heat is then applied to drive off the solvent and melt the Paraffin, without injuring the specimen. The mass is allowed to set, and gentle heat is again applied to the vessel containing the mass to loosen it. The superfluous Paraffin is trimmed and the mass fused on to the socket of the rocking microtome. (vi.) RESIN AND WAX. Eesin, 3 ; Yellow Wax, 1 ; melt together. It is used for holding tissues (bone and teeth) whilst being ground. Pieces are cut as thin as possible with a saw, and one side is ground on an oilstone; the piece is then placed in the Resin and Wax (liquefied by heat) and cemented on the ground side to a piece of glass. When hard the tissue is rubbed down to the required thickness on an oilstone. The Eesin and Wax can be removed from the tissue by Oil of Turpentine, in which both are soluble. PRESERVING SECTIONS. Sections are best preserved (previous to staining and mounting) in 50 p. c. Alcohol, or in a mixture of Glycerine and Thymol Water (1 in 1500) in equal volumes. If kept long in strong Alcohol they are apt to shrivel. MANIPULATION OF SECTIONS. Thin sections which have been kept for some time in Alcohol are apt to get folded or crumpled. If these be EMBEDDING MEDIA. 19 placed one at a time on the surface of some water, they will open up immediately, with the assistance if necessary of a pointed glass rod (glass needle.) Glass rods (about J-inch diameter for a J-inch section) are also convenient to transfer sections from one dish or bottle to another in the staining process, the section being allowed to wrap itself round the rod. When a section is being treated in strong Alcohol or any liquid which tends to make it shrink or curl, it should be allowed to remain wrapped round the rod, which prevents any change of shape. In transferring a section from the rod to a slide, it is only necessary to place on the slide a drop or two of the liquid from which it is being removed. Lay the rod with the adhering section on the wetted slide, and roll the section off the rod flat on to the slide. Very delicate sections can be manipulated in this way after a little practice. Vegetable sections are usually thicker than Animal sections, and can be manipulated with a lifter, or a pair of bent forceps the ends of which are broad and flattened. Washing sections in Alcohol, dehydrating, and clearing, are conveniently performed in small wide-mouthed bottles. STAINS. These may be divided into Nuclear, Plasmatic, or Specific, according to their power of staining the nuclei, the whole tissue, or certain elements of the tissue only. Nuclear Stains. Hsematoxylin, Carmine and Cochineal, Methylene Blue, Methyl Green, Safranine, Vesuvine (Bis- marck Brown), Gentian Violet, Hoffmann's Blue (acidified), and Fuchsine. Plasmatic Stains. Picric Acid, Benzopurpurine, Eosine, Erythrosine, Orange, and Acid Fuchsine. Specific Stains. Osmic Acid, Chloride of Gold, Nitrate of Silver, Nigrosine, Acid Fuchsine, Congo Eed, Dahlia Violet, Methyl Violet, Iodine, Eose Bengale, Safranine, and Victoria Blue. Stains and methods for Micro-Organisms are treated separately. NUCLEAR STAINING. There is no colouring matter which is a nuclear stain only. All of them have more or less effect upon the ground sub- stance also. The value, therefore, of any dye as a nuclear stain depends upon the comparative affinity which it has for nuclei and ground substance respectively. Direct Nuclear Stains are those in which the nuclei are dyed so rapidly, compared with the rest of the tissue, that no particular treatment is necessary to differentiate them. Indirect Nuclear Stains are those in which the whole tissue is deeply stained, and the nuclei are differentiated by subsequent removal of the colour from the ground substance. NUCLEAR STAINS. 21 For histological and pathological work, Hsematoxylin is beyond doubt the best stain for general use. The nuclei are clearly denned, the manipulation is easy, and good results may be obtained with less experience than by any other method. With Ehrlich's solution it is easy to stain the nuclei with- out affecting the ground substance to any marked degree ; whereas with Carmine and the Aniline dyes the two are stained together, and it is less easy to remove effectually the colour from the ground substance and leave the nuclei sharply denned. When the tissues have been hardened in the Chromates, the advantage of Haematoxylin over Carmine in rapidity of staining is very marked. Carmine, on the other hand, pos- sesses advantages in staining the nervous system, to which Hsematoxylin is inapplicable, except by the somewhat tedious process of Weigert or one of its modifications. H2EMATOXYLIN. This is essentially a nuclear stain, as it selects the nuclei first ; but if the solution be too strong, or the action be con- tinued too long, it will also stain the ground substance. It is very extensively employed, and always in conjunction with Alum, except in the special uses to which it is put in Weigert' s method for the nervous system, in Heidenhain's method for staining in mass, and Benda's copper method. Of the solutions, Ehrlich's and Delafield's are recommended for sections, and Kleinenberg's for staining in mass. Sections are counter-stained with Benzopurpurine, Eosine, Ery thro sine, or Rubin and Orange. Hsematoxylin has been objected to on the ground that the solutions deteriorate by keeping, and that the stained sections 22 NUCLEAR STAINS. are not permanent. These objections certainly do not apply to Ehrlich's solution, a -quantity of which, made five years ago, is now in perfect order, and sections are still good which were stained and mounted four and five years since. In order to change the violet colour of the sections into blue it is usual to soak them for some hours in "tap water," on the supposition that the alkalinity of the Carbonate of Lime, dissolved in most natural waters, was necessary to the change. That this is not the case is evident from the fact that sections stained in a well-matured Ehrlich's Hsematoxylin solution (which of course is itself acid) will become blue in pure Distilled Water, freed from even the slightest trace of Ammonia. The change, however, is undoubtedly assisted by a trace of Alkali, and when sufficient Lime Carbonate does not exist in the water, uniformly good results can always be obtained in a few minutes by using Distilled Water con- taining 1O grains of Bicarbonate of Sodium to the pint (20 ounces). Light is in no way essential to the development of the blue colour, and direct sunlight should be carefully avoided on account of its bleaching action. After the blue colour is developed, transfer the sections to 70 p. c. Alcohol, as the colour fades much more quickly when kept in water. It is occasionally stated that previous to staining the sections must be freed from every trace of acid, as otherwise the colour will not be permanent. Considering that one of the best stains is itself acid, and that Acidulated Water or Alcohol may freely be used to remedy overstaining, it is much more to the point that sections, after the staining process is completed, should be carefully freed and preserved from any trace of acidity, more particularly when using counter- stains. Freshly prepared solutions of Haematoxylin stain badly and diffusely. When exposed to the air in strong daylight they NUCLEAR STAINS. 23 undergo a change technically called " ripening," after which the staining is much more precise. The ripening process appears to depend upon conversion of part of the Hsematoxylin into Hsematein by absorption of oxygen from the air in presence of traces of free Ammonia. By dissolving Heematoxylin crystals in Proof Spirit with -J- of their weight of Ammonium Carbonate, and exposing to the air in a shallow dish, the " ripening " process will be more complete in 24 hours than after 3 months' exposure in the usual way. As solutions, even when made from the same formula, differ widely in their staining power according to the ripen- ing which the Heematoxylin has undergone, no very definite directions as to dilution and time of immersion can be given. As a rough guide, it may be stated that a well-ripened Ehrlich's solution, diluted 1 to 4 of Distilled Water, and Delafield's diluted 1 to 10, will stain well in about 20 minutes. Accidental overstaining may be remedied by immersing the sections in 70 p. c. Alcohol, to which -jV r ^ P er cent, of strong Hydrochloric Acid has been added. When the over- staining is very deep, J p. c. Acid may be used to save time, but requires caution. The sections are subsequently washed in a dilute aqueous solution of Bicarbonate of Sodium ( 1 grain in 2 ounces). (i.) BOHMER'S H-ffiMATOXYLIN. (a) Haematoxylin, 1 grm. ; Absolute Alcohol, 10 cc. (b) Alum (Ammonia), 10 grms. ; Distilled Water, 200 cc. Mix the two solutions, and after a week filter. This is probably the earliest formula, as Hsematoxylin staining was introduced by Bb'hmer. 6* NUCLEAR STAINS. (ii.) EHBLICH'S IIJEMATOXYLIN". Hsematoxylin, 2 grms/; Absolute Alcohol, 100 cc. Dis- solve and add Glycerine, 100 cc. ; Distilled Water, 100 cc. ; Alum (Ammonia), 2 grms. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 10 cc. It should be exposed to daylight for at least a month before use, removing the stopper at intervals. (iia.) EHBLICH'S H.ZEMATOXYLIN (Ammoniated). Haematoxylin, 2 grms. ; Ammonium Carbonate, '4 grms.; Proof Spirit, 40 cc. : dissolve the Ammonium Carbonate and the Hsematoxylin in the Proof Spirit and expose to the air in a shallow dish for 24 hours, make up the volume to 40 cc. with Proof Spirit (warming if necessary to dissolve any separated crystals) and add Ammonia Alum, 2 grms., dis- solved in Distilled Water, 80 cc. ; Glycerine, 100 cc. ; Rectified Spirit, 80 cc. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 10 cc. This solution re- quires no " ripening" and is ready to be diluted for use (1 10). (iii.) DELAFIELB'S 1LZEMATOXYLIN. To 400 cc. of a saturated aqueous solution of Ammonia Alum add 4 grms. of Haematoxylin dissolved in 25 cc. of Absolute Alcohol-; leave the solution exposed to the light and air in an unstoppered bottle for 3 or 4 days ; filter, and add to the filtrate 10Q,cc. of Glycerine and 100 cc. of Methylic Alcohol (Wood Spirit); allow the solution to stand in the light- until it is a dark colour, re-filter and preserve in a stoppered bottle. , , Ammonia Alum dissolves about 1 in 1 1 of Water. HJEMATOXYLIN. ,C?
f the water. SPECIFIC STAINS. 47 This is the same as Gram's solution for Micro-organisms. An alternative formula is : Liquor lodi, B.P. 10 cc. ; Distilled Water, 140 cc. Stain the sections for 5 minutes ; wash in Water and mount in thick Farrant to which a fourth of its volume of Liquor lodi has been added. Under the microscope (a low power answers best) by trans- mitted light, the section appears coloured various shades of yellow, but by reflected light the amyloid substance appears almost black while the normal tissue remains unaltered. SAFBANINE. Safranine, 1 grm. ; Eectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. Stain the sections for 2 minutes and wash in water. The amyloid substance gives a bright orange-red colour contrast- ing well with the normal pink. If to be mounted, wash the sections in a mixture of equal parts Glycerine and Water, frequently changed until no more colour is removed (12 hours is generally sufficient), then in pure Glycerine in the same way, and finally mount in Farrant. By passing rapidly through 90 p.c. Alcohol and Absolute Alcohol into Cedar Oil, the section may be mounted in Balsam, but the bright orange colour of the Amyloid is always im- paired by contact with spirit. ROSE BENGALE. Eose Bengale, 1 grm. ; Eectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. Stain the sections for five minutes, wash in 90 p.c. Alcohol, dehydrate, clear and mount in Balsam. It demonstrates very well the commencement of amyloid 48 SPECIFIC METHODS. degeneration, staining it a bright red round the blood vessels. "With old amyloid the results are good, but not so striking. This was noticed for the first time by "Warwick in my laboratory, when using Rose Bengale in some experiments on ground stains for different tissues. Used as above it is an excellent stain for elastic fibres. STAINS AND METHODS FOB NERVE CENTRES. NIGROSINE. Aniline Black. Aniline Blue Black. Nigrosine, 2 grms. ; Water, 100 cc. Particularly useful for staining unhardened sections of brain ; but it will stain equally well sections of spinal cord which have been hardened in Alcohol, Sections of hardened material are placed in this for 10 to 15 minutes, washed in 90 p.c. Alcohol, cleared and mounted in Balsam. ACID FUCHSINE. Acid Fuchsine, 2 grms. ; Water, 100 cc. Sections of hardened material are placed in this solution for 2 or 3 minutes, washed in 90 p. c. Alcohol, cleared and mounted in Balsam. CONGO RED. Congo Red, 2 grms. ; Water, 100 cc. Sections are placed in this solution for 2 or 3 minutes, washed in 90 p.c. Alcohol, cleared and mounted in Balsam. This dye, but little known, is one of the best stains which I have tried for the central nervous system. WEIGERT'S METHOD. The brain and spinal cord must be hardened in one of the Bichromate Solutions, and completed in Alcohol. For embedding in Celloidin or Gum, see p. 15. SPECIFIC METHODS. 49 The pieces embedded in Celloidin are taken .from the spirit and placed for 1 or 2 days in a Saturated Aqueous Solution of Acetate of Copper diluted with an equal bulk of water, kept at about 40 C. (104 F.), and then transferred to 80 p.c. Alcohol till required for cutting : or the sections can be cut first, and afterwards immersed in the Copper Solution. The sections are well washed in 90 p.c. Alcohol and transferred to Weigert's Hsematoxylin (p. 26) for a few hours to 2 days, according to the differentiation required, they should be opaque, and a deep blue-black ; and then well washed for 2 or 3 days in Distilled Water. They are now decolourised for J to 2 hours in the following solution : Borax, 2 grms. ; Ferricyanide of Potassium, 2-5 grms. ; Water, 200 cc. While in this solution the sections must be carefully watched, and removed as soon as the grey and white sub- stances are sharply defined. They are again washed in Water for half an hour, dehy- drated, cleared, and mounted in Balsam. The white substance of Schwann is coloured a purple black, the connective tissue, axis cylinders, ganglion cells, and degenerated tracts in cases of sclerosis, an orange brown. PAL'S METHOD. A modification of Weigert's. Takes less time, and admits of counter-staining. The sections after being cut are placed in the following solution : Haematoxylin, 0-75 grms. ; Distilled Water, 90 cc. ; Abso- lute Alcohol, 10 cc. to which is added, just before use, a saturated solution of Lithium Carbonate in the proportion of E 50 SPECIFIC METHODS. 3 drops to every 10 cc. of the Hsematoxylin solution. This is practically Weigert's Hsematoxylin. In this stain the sections are allowed to remain from 5 to 6 hours until they are opaque, and have a dark bluish-black colour. They are then removed to Distilled Water and thoroughly washed till no more colour comes away. If the sections are not sufficiently stained a little Carbonate of Lithium solution is added to the "Water. The sections are now placed in 0'25 aqueous solution of Permanganate of Potassium from 15 to 20 seconds to diffe- rentiate ; they are then placed in Pal's Solution. Oxalic Acid, 1 grm. ; Potasrium Sulphite, 1 grm. ; Distilled Water, 200 cc. ; and allowed to remain till the white and grey matters are distinctly defined. This takes from 1 to 2 minutes ; should black spots appear, the sections must be replaced in the Permanganate of Potassium solution, and put back into Pal's solution ; they are then washed for 15 minutes in Water. By this means the medullary sheaths are stained a bluish- black colour, while the rest of the tissue remains unstained. The nuclei may now be stained in Alum Carmine. Finally dehydrate, clear, and mount. FAL-EXNER METHOD. This is the most rapid of all, and takes about 3 days both to harden and mount. The spinal cord or brain is cut into J-in. cubes and immersed in ten times its bulk of \ p.c. solution of Osmic Acid for 2 days, the solution being changed each day ; the pieces are then washed in Water, transferred to Absolute Alcohol, and embedded in Celloidin or Paraffin. As the sections are cut they are placed in Glycerine, then ft SPECIFIC METHODS. 51 washed in Water, treated in the Permanganate of Potassium and Pal's solution, and counter-stained with Carmine ; dehy- drated, cleared, and mounted in Balsam. GOLGI'S SUBLIMATE METHOD. Small pieces (about J in. cubes) of the tissue are hardened (15 to 30 days) in about 200 cc. of Muller's Fluid (p. 4) which should be frequently changed. They are then transferred to aqueous solution of Corrosive Sublimate (0-25 to 1 p.c.) which must be changed from time to time as it becomes coloured by the Bichromate. The sublimate treatment takes from 8 to 10 days or even longer. Sections of the material thus treated are well washed with water. Subsequent treatment with a weak solution of Sulphide of Sodium darkens the stain and makes it sharper. STAINING CELLULOSE AND ITS MODIFICATIONS. Unaltered Cellulose. This is stained by Carmine r Hsematoxylin, and most of the aniline dyes. It is coloured blue with Chlorzine Iodine (Schulze's Solution) ;. also by treatment with Iodine followed by Sulphuric Acid diluted 1 to 3 of water. It is dissolved by Sulphuric Acid (undiluted). Staining with Carmine. Place a section in Grenacher's Alcoholic Borax Carmine (p. 32) for 15 to 30 minutes, rinse for a second in Distilled Water, transfer to 90 p. c. Alcohol ; dehydrate, clear, and mount in Balsam. The Carmine washes out quickly in Water, therefore the section must not be left there any length of time, but it is better to just rinse the sections in Water, than to transfer them direct from the Carmine solution to the Alcohol. Cellulose, nuclei, and protoplasm in general are stained. For staining nuclei only, see " Nuclear Staining," p. 20. Staining with Hsematoxylin. Kinse the sections in Distilled Water for a minute or two, place them for 5 minutes in Ehrlich's or Delafield's Solution (p. 24) diluted 1 to 9 of Distilled Water; rinse in Distilled Water and transfer to Tap Water (if alkaline) or to a weak solution of Bicar- bonate of Sodium (1 grain to 2 ounces), until the staining acquires a blue tint ; dehydrate, clear, and mount in Balsam. STAINING CELLULOSE. 53 Staining with Aniline Dyes. Methyl Green, Methylene Blue, Safranine and Fuehsine give good results. Place sec- tions in J p. c. solutions of either of these for 3 or 4 minutes, rinse in Water, dehydrate, clear, and mount. Lignified Cellulose. When the cellulose undergoes the change known as lignification, its reactions are altered. It is coloured (i.) yellow or yellowish-brown by Chlorzinc Iodine ; (ii.) red with Phloroglucin followed by Hydrochloric Acid ; (iii.) yellow with Aniline Chloride. The results with Phloroglucin are more definite and reliable than with Chloride of Aniline. It is generally stated that Haematoxylin and Carmine do not stain lignified tissue. With Carmine this is practically true; but while it is probable that pure "Lignin" is un- affected by Hsematoxylin, the tissue generally takes on a modified stain, which is lighter in proportion to the extent of the lignification. In young stems it is sometimes noticed that Hsematoxylin has a special staining power for the " middle lamella " both of wood and bast, which Carmine, on the other hand, does not affect at all. The Aniline Dyes mentioned under " Cellulose Staining" will also stain equally well lignified tissues. It is stained by Picric Acid, but the dye washes out easily in Water or Alcohol. Good results however can be obtained by carefu treatment. DOUBLE STAINING MIXED TISSUES. The most striking results are obtained by using Carmine and Methyl Green. The staining with Carmine and Picric Acid is also very effective, but as the Picric washes out very rapidly, the sections should not remain in the Alcohol longer than is required to dehydrate them. A thick section takes 54 STAINING CELLULOSE. longer to dehydrate, but holds the stain well ; a thin section dehydrates quickly, but also rapidly loses the stain. The differentiation with Aniline Blue and Picric Acid is not so sharp as the above, but more delicate gradations are obtained, from blue through green to yellow. The general distribution of the lignified tissue is best observed with a low power, say an inch object glass, when the different colours should show distinctly. With Carmine and Methyl Green. Sections of stems and roots containing cellulose and lignified tissue are rinsed in Distilled Water ; place them in Methyl Green Solution for 3 or 4 minutes ; rinse in Distilled Water ; wash in 90 p. c. Alcohol for 5 or 10 minutes, which to a great extent removes the Green from the cellulose portion, and thus obtains a purer red with the Carmine ; place the sections in Grenacher's Alco- holic Borax Carmine for 15 or 20 minutes; rinse quickly in Distilled Water to remove adhering stain; pass through 90 p. c. Alcohol, dehydrate, clear, and mount in Balsam. Acid Green is frequently employed in the place of Methyl Green, but if the latter is free from Violet, or nearly so, it is the better of the two. With Carmine and Picric Acid. Einse the sections in Distilled Water ; place them in Grenacher's Alcoholic Borax Carmine 15 to 20 minutes ; rinse for a second in Distilled Water; transfer to Picric Acid (Alcoholic) for 5 or 10 minutes; dehydrate in Absolute Alcohol for 3 to 5 minutes, clear in Cedar Oil, and mount in Balsam. With Aniline Blue and Picric Acid. Binse the sections in Water; place them in Hoffmann's Blue (p. 56) for 10 minutes; transfer to Picric Acid (Alcoholic) for 10 minutes; dehydrate in Absolute Alcohol for 3 or 4 minutes, clear in Cedar Oil, and mount in Balsam. STAINING CELLULOSE. 55 This method shows very well the bordered pits in a vertical section of pine stem. CHLOR ZINC IODINE (Schnlze's Solution). No good working formula has been published for this reagent : the points being to obtain a clear concentrated solution which does not crystallize on keeping, and which dissolves sufficient Iodine. The following will yield a permanent solution, which gives good results, staining unaltered cellulose a violet-blue and lignified tissue yellow. Starch is of course stained blue. Evaporate 100 cc. of Liquor Zinci Chloridi (B.P.) to 70 cc. ; dissolve in it 10 grms. of Iodide of Potassium; then add 0-2 grm. Iodine : shake at intervals till saturated. PHLOBOGLUCIN. PMoroglucin, 1 grm. ; Rectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. Sections containing lignified tissue placed in this solution for about 1 5 minutes, then treated with strong Hydrochloric Acid, are stained a cherry-red colour. The depth and distri- bution of the colour are in proportion to the extent of the lignification. CHLORIDE OF ANILINE. Chloride of Aniline, 2 grms. ; Rectified Spirit, 65 cc. ; Dis- tilled Water, 35 cc. ; Strong Hydrochloric Acid, 2 cc. Sections containing lignified tissue placed in this solution for 15 to 30 minutes are stained a yellow colour, but the differentiation is not so good as with Phloroglucin. 56 STAINING SIEVE AREAS. METHYL GREEN. Methyl Green, 0-25 grm. ; Eectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. PICRIC ACID (Alcoholic). Picric Acid, 1 grm. ; 70 p. c. Alcohol, 100 cc. STAINING SIEVE AEEAS. These are best stained by Hoffmann's Blue, but Eosine is frequently employed for this purpose. They can also be demonstrated by Haematoxylin, using the process given above for cellulose. HOFFMANN'S BLUE. Hoffmann's Blue, l|grm. ; Eectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Dis- tilled Water, 80 cc. Glacial Acetic Acid, 0-5 cc. Place the sections in the stain for 5 to 10 minutes, rinse in Distilled Water in which the colour is partially removed, mount in Glycerine; or dehydrate, clear, and mount in Balsam. This is also a very good nuclear stain. EOSINE. Eosine, 2 grins ; Eectified, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. Place the sections in the stain for 5 to 10 minutes, rinse in Water, wash in 90 p. c. Alcohol, dehydrate, clear, and mount in Balsam. MICBO-OEGANISMS. STAINS. In the investigation of micro-organisms the following solu- tions of the Aniline Stains and of the Intermediate Eeagents are employed. Different samples of the same aniline dye will differ in their behaviour to solvents. Some will make a clear solution, others will leave more or less insoluble residue. The solu- tions should therefore be filtered or decanted. It is safer to filter aqueous solutions each time before use. Aqueous Solutions of the dyes do not keep well, therefore Alcohol has been added as a preservative. (i.) VESUVINE (Bismarck Brownk. (a) Glycerine Solution. Saturated ^solution in equal parts of Glycerine and Distilled Water. (b) Aqueous Solution. Yesuvine, 1 grm. ; Rectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Water, 80 cc. (ii.) METHYLENE BLUE. (a] Saturated Alcoholic Solution. Methylene Blue, 15 grms.; Absolute Alcohol, lOOcc. ; shake at intervals for one or two days until saturated, then filter. Only a small percentage of the dye is soluble in Alcohol, yet the depth of colour obtainable in the solution increases in proportion to the quan- tity added up to 15 p. c., but not further. (b) Aqueous Solution. Methylene Blue, 1 grin. ; Recti- fied Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. 58 MICRO-ORGANISMS. A freshly made 2 p. c. solution is 50 p. c. stronger in colour ; but ifc crystallizes out in cold weather. Owing to the influence of some soluble impurity, a 10 p. c. solution gives a weaker colour than a 2 p. c. (c) Koch's Methylene Blue Solution. Saturated Alco- holic Solution of Methylene Blue, 1 cc. ; 10 p. c. solution of Caustic Potash, 0-2 cc. ; Distilled Water, 200 cc. This formula is taken from Koch's paper, "Die Aetiologie der Tuber - culose in Berliner Klinische Wochenschrif t, " 1882, No. 15, p. 221. In most English text-books, the quantity of alkali is increased ten times, owing to the omission of a decimal point in the translation from which these are copied. (d) Lb'ffler's Solution. Concentrated Alcoholic Solution of Methylene Blue, 30 cc. ; Solution of Caustic Potash (1 in 10,000), 100 cc. (e) Kuhne's Carbolic Methylene Blue. Methylene Blue, 1-5 grms. ; Absolute Alcohol, 10 cc. Eub in a mortar, and add 100 cc. of a 5 p. c. Aqueous Solution of Carbolic Acid. (/) Xiihne's Aniline Oil Solution. Eub up in a mortar as much Methylene Blue as will go upon the point of a knife, with 10 cc. of Aniline, and pour the whole unfiltered into a bottle ; after a time the undissolved pigment will settle at the bottom. (in.) GENTIAN VIOLET. (a) Concentrated Alcoholic Solution. Gentian Violet, 25 grms. ; Absolute Alcohol, 100 cc. (5) Aqueous Solution. Gentian Yiolet, 1 grm. ; Eectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. (c) *Gentian-Violet Aniline- Water. Aniline Water, 100 cc. ; Concentrated Alcoholic Solution of Gentian Yiolet, 1 1 cc. ; Absolute Alcohol, 10 cc. (iv.) METHYL VIOLET. (a) Concentrated Alcoholic Solution. Methyl Yiolet, 25 grms.; Absolute Alcohol, 100 cc. * " Erhlich-Weigert-Koch " formula. MICRO-ORGANISMS. 59 (i) Aqueous Solution. Methyl Violet, 1 grm. ; Eectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. (c) Xuhne's Solution. Methyl Yiolet, 1 grm. ; Distilled Water, 90 cc. ; Alcohol, 100 cc. (d) * Methyl- Violet Aniline -Water. Aniline Water, 100 cc. ; Concentrated Alcoholic Solution of Methyl Violet, 11 cc. ; Absolute Alcohol, 10 cc. VICTORIA BLUE. Victoria Blue, 2 grms. ; Alcohol (50 p. c.), 100 cc. (vi.) FUCHSINE (Magenta). (a) Concentrated Alcoholic Solution. Fuchsine, 25 grms. ; Absolute Alcohol, 100 cc. (i) Aqueous Solution. Fuchsine, 1 grm.; Eectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 80 cc. (c} *Fuchsine Aniline-Water. Aniline Water, 100 cc. ; Concentrated Alcoholic Solution of Fuchsine, 1 1 cc. ; Absolute Alcohol, 10 cc. (d) Ziehl-Neelsen Solution, or Kuhne's Carbolic Fuch- sine. Fuchsine, 1 grm. ; Absolute Alcohol, 10 cc. Dis- solve and add 100 cc. of a 5 p. c. Aqueous Solution of Carbolic Acid. (e] Magenta Solution (Gibbes'). Magenta, 2 grms. ; Aniline Oil, 3 grms. ; Eectified Spirit, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 20 cc. (/) Gibbes' Double Stain. Magenta, 2 grms. ; Methy- lene Blue, 1 grm. Well triturate the mixture, and then add slowly Aniline Oil, 3 cc., dissolved in Eectified Spirit, 15 cc. ; subsequently add Distilled Water, 15 cc., and keep stain in a stoppered bottle. . * " ErHich-Weigert-Koch " formula. 60 MICRO-ORGANISMS. (vii.) SAFRANINE. Kuline's Aniline Oil Solution. Made in the same way as that of Methylene Blue. Babes' Solution. Saturate Aniline Water with Safranine at 60 C. (140 F.), and filter. (viii.) METHYL GREEN. Aniline Oil Solution. Made in the same way as Methy- lene Blue. (ix.) BLACK BROWN. Carbolic Black Brown. Made in the same way as Car- bolic Euchsine. (x.) ORSEILLE (Wedl). Glacial Acetic Acid, 5 cc. ; Absolute Alcohol, 20 cc. ; Dis- tilled Water, 40 cc. : mix and add Orseille (Archil, from which excess of Ammonia has been driven off), to form a dark red- dish fluid. Israel has more recently used a strong solution of Orcein in Acetic Acid. INTERMEDIATE EEAGENTS. (i.) GUAM'S SOLUTION. Iodine, 1 grm. ; Iodide of Potassium, 2 grins. ; Distilled Water, 300 grms. (ii.) ANILINE WATER. Distilled "Water, 100 cc. ; Aniline, 5 cc. To be well shaken and the emulsion filtered twice. This is the formula generally given, but as the solubility of Aniline is 1 in 27 of Distilled Water, a clear solution of prac- tically the same strength can be obtained by mixing 3 cc. of Aniline with 90 cc. of Distilled Water ; it can also be made extemporaneously by pouring a few drops of Aniline into a test-tube and adding Distilled Water gradually (with agita- tion) until the turbidity disappears. Aniline Water soon spoils, and therefore should be made fresh as required. With the addition of 10 p. c. of Alcohol it keeps much better. (iii.) WEAK ACIDULATED WATER. Hydrochloric Acid, 1 cc. ; Distilled Water, 1000 cc. (iv.) LITHIA WATER. Saturated Aqueous solution of Lithium Carbonate (1 in 70), 1 cc. ; Water, 30 cc. 62 MICRO-ORGANISMS. (v.) SULPHURIC ACID AND ALCOHOL. Sulphuric Acid (sp. gr. 1-84), 10 cc. ; Alcohol (90 p. c.), 90 cc. (vi.) SULPHURIC ACID. Sulphuric Acid (sp. gr. 1-84), 10 cc. ; Distilled Water, 30 cc. (vii.) NITRIC ACID. Pure Nitric Acid (sp. gr. 1-42) 10 cc. ; Distilled Water, 30 cc. (viii.) SULPHANILIC AND NITRIC ACID. Sulphanilic Acid (saturated aqueous solution), 30 cc. ; Nitric Acid (sp. gr. 1'42), 10 cc. (ix.) DILUTED ACETINE (CHLORHYDRIN) BLUE. Acetine Blue (Chlorhydrin Blue), 10 grms. ; Absolute Alcohol, 10 cc. ; Distilled Water, 90 cc. Chlorhydrin Blue mentioned by Kiihne is not obtainable commercially. Acetine Blue appears to be the same article. (x.) PLUORESCINE. Alcoholic Solution. Yellow Fluorescine, 1 grm., rubbed in a mortar with 50 cc. of Absolute Alcohol; the whole poured into a bottle and allowed to settle. GEKEKAL METHODS. WITH ANILINE VIOLETS. It would appear that the first application of Aniline colours to Bacteriological investigation was due to Weigert, who stained in a simple aqueous solution of Methyl Yiolet. To better fix the colouring matter, Erhlich used a saturated solution of Aniline in Water as a mordant for the dye, the dye being dissolved in this, or added in the form of a con- centrated alcoholic solution till a slight opacity appears. Weigert subsequently proposed definite volumes of the solu- tions which have been generally adopted, with the further addition (by Koch) of 10 per cent, of Absolute Alcohol to make a more permanent solution. Koch states that the solu- tion so made will remain good for 10 days, without requiring to be filtered each time of using. Weigert later substituted Gentian Yiolet for Methyl Violet, as the former stains more quickly and does not wash out so readily in Alcohol. Koch produces an isolated staining of bacteria in sections, by staining them in aqueous solution of Methyl Violet, Fuchsine, or Methylene Blue, and washing them in a saturated aqueous solution of Carbonate of Potassium diluted with an equal bulk of water ; this removes the colour from the nuclei, leaving the bacteria stained : the sections are then dehy- drated, cleared and mounted. The general methods now adopted are : 64 MICRO-ORGANISMS. For Living Bacteria. The fluid under examination is mixed on the slide with a drop of an aqueous (free from Alcohol) solution of Gentian Violet, Fuchsine, or Methylene Blue. For Tissues and Cover-glass Preparations. Stain for a few minutes in the Gentian-Violet Aniline- Water (p. 58) ; wash in water, and all but decolourise the ground substance in strong Alcohol ; counterstain, if re- quired, and mount as usual. Gram's Method. Sections are removed from weak Alcohol, and placed in Gentian- Violet Aniline- Water for 1 to 3 minutes. (Tubercle sections 12 to 24 hours.) The sections are quickly rinsed in Absolute Alcohol and transferred into Gram's solution (p. 61), until they acquire a brown colour; this takes about 1 to 3 minutes. The sections are then washed in 90 p. c. Alcohol until they are a pale yellow, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted in Balsam. The sections are frequently counterstained with Eosine or Vesuvine. Weigert's Modification of Gram's Method. As the prolonged washing in Alcohol may remove colour from the organisms, Weigert proposed the substitution of Aniline for Alcohol, and conducts the process on a slide. Place the section on a glass slide, and stain it with a few drops of Gentian- Violet Aniline-Water ; remove the excess of fluid, and apply for 2 minutes a few drops of Gram's solu- tion. Eemove this by gently blotting it off ; then wash the section by allowing Aniline to flow gently backwards and forwards over it'; when no more colour comes away, pour off MICRO-ORGANISMS. 65 the Aniline, and treat in a similar way with Xylol for about a minute, and mount in Balsam. Previous to this process for bacteria, the nuclei in the sec- tions may be stained with Carmine (p. 28). Kuline's Modification of Gram's Method. Kiihne uses Fluorescine Alcohol after Gram, in the place of Alcohol for washing, and adopts Weigert's Aniline for clear- ing ; he also stains the nuclei with Carmine (nuclear staining, p. 28), previous to commencing the following process. Sections are stained for 5 minutes in the solution of Methyl Violet, diluted one-sixth with a 1 p. c. aqueous solution of Ammonium Carbonate, or in the Victoria Blue solution ; they are then rinsed thoroughly in Water, and transferred to Gram's solution from 2 to 3 minutes, again rinsed in water, and the excess of stain extracted in Fluorescine Alcohol. They are then passed through pure Alcohol, Aniline, Ethereal Oil, and Xylol, and mounted in Balsam. WITH METHYLENE BLUE. Lbffler's Universal Staining Fluid. Concentrated Alcoholic solution of Methylene Blue, 30 cc. ; Solution of Caustic Potash (1 in 10,000 of water), 100 cc. This mixture will not keep good for many days, and should be filtered each day before use. Loffler found that most bacteria stained better in this solu- tion than in the weaker solution used by Koch for the Tubercle bacillus. Sections are placed in this solution for a few minutes (Tubercle sections for some hours) ; remove excess of stain by immersion in very weak Acetic Acid (J p. c.) for a few seconds, 66 MICRO-ORGANISMS. dehydrate in Absolute Alcohol, clear in Cedar Oil and mount in Balsam. Kuhne's Methods. The sections are transferred from Alcohol to Carbolic Methylene Blue (p. 58), and allowed to remain in this for half an hour (leprosy bacilli require longer 2 hours). The sections are next rinsed in Water, and then placed in Weak Acidulated Water until they are of a pale blue colour (this must be done carefully or too much colour will be removed) ; they are then rinsed in Lithia Water (p. 61), and transferred to a basin of pure Water. The sections are taken up one by one upon the point of a glass needle and dipped into Absolute Alcohol in which some Methylene Blue has been dissolved. They are then transferred to Methylene Blue Aniline Oil to dehydrate, rinsed in Aniline and then placed for about a couple of minutes into some ethereal oil of low density, such as Terebene, to clear, then into Xylol, and mounted in Balsam. The above method is one that will apply to the staining of all micro-organisms, with the exception of the bacilli of leprosy and mouse septicaemia ; these it stains insufficiently. In order to show satisfactorily the structure of the tissue, Kuhne recommends the following plan : After staining in Carbolic Methylene Blue, the sections are decolourised in a diluted solution of Chlorhydrin Blue (p. 62), which requires from 10 to 60 minutes. The sections are then passed through Alcohol, Aniline, Ethereal Oil, and Xylol, and, in order to double-stain, the sections are taken from the Xylol and placed in Safranine Aniline Oil, diluted to about 4 or 5 times its bulk with Aniline. After remain- ing in this from 2 to 10 minutes they are passed again through Ethereal Oil and Xylol before mounting. MICRO-ORGANISMS. WITH FUCHSINE. Ehrlich's Method, see Tubercle Bacilli, p. 68. Kuhne's Methods. Method of Staining Bacteria not belonging to the Group of Tubercle Bacilli in the Tissues with Fuchsine (Kuhne]. The bacilli of mouse septicaemia, anthrax, and other bacilli, and several kinds of cocci may be stained by the following method, which will not apply to the bacilli of glanders and typhoid fever : Sections are first dehydrated in Alcohol and then stained from 3 to 5 minutes in Carbolic Fuchsine, rinsed in water, dipped for 1 minute into Alcohol, and extracted in Methyl Green Aniline Oil, which requires from 1 5 minutes to 2 hours, according to the thickness of the sections. The sections are then passed through Ethereal Oil and Xylol. Method of Staining with Black Brown and Fuchsine (Kuhne}. Anthrax sections are stained for 5 minutes in Carbolic Black Brown, rinsed in Lithia Water (p. 61), and then in 90 p. c. Alcohol ; the sections are placed for 5 minutes in Car- bolic Fuchsine, and decolourised in Fluorescine Alcohol. In this method Carbolic Black Brown acts as a mordant to Fuchsine, so that the Anthrax bacilli do not lose the red colour in the Fluorescine Alcohol. SPECIAL METHODS. TUBERCLE BACILLUS. Koch's Original Method. Sections or cover-glass preparations are placed in Koch's Methylene Blue Solution (p. 58) and left in it for 20 to 24 hours, or J to 1 hour if warmed to 40C. (104F.) ; they are then placed in aqueous solution of Vesuvine for 2 minutes ; this removes the blue colour from the tissue, staining it brown, while the bacilli remain blue ; the excess of colour is washed out in Distilled Water ; if cover-glass preparations, they are then dried and mounted in Balsam ; if sections, they are dehydrated in Absolute Alcohol, cleared in Cedar Oil, and mounted in Balsam. Kocli-Ehrlich Method. In G-entian- Violet Aniline- Water (p. 58), or Fuchsine Aniline- Water (p. 59), place sections or cover-glass prepara- tions for at least 12 hours (more rapid staining of the latter is obtained by warming) ; then immerse in Nitric Acid (p. 62) for some seconds. Einse in 60 p. c. Alcohol for some minutes, and then count erstain with Aqueous Solution of Yesuvine (p. 38) after Violet, and with Aqueous Solution of Methylene Blue (p. 36) after Fuchsine ; rinse in water, dehy- drate, clear, and mount in Balsam. Nitric Acid is apt to injure delicate sections. To avoid this MICRO-ORGANISMS. Dtf Watson Cheyne recommended that the sections, after stain- ing in the Fuchsine Aniline Water, should be transferred to Distilled Water, rinsed in Alcohol and placed in the following contrast stain for one or two hours: Saturated Alcoholic Solution of Methylene Blue, 20 cc. ; Distilled Water, 100 cc. ; Formic Acid (sp. gr. 1-2), 1 cc. Ziehl Neelsen Method. This method is applicable for staining the bacilli of tubercle and leprosy, and at the same time affords a diagnostic sign, for these are the only micro-organisms that can retain the stain after treatment with acid. The sections are removed from weak Spirit into Neelsen's stain (Carbolic Fuchsine) (p. 59) for 10 or 15 minutes; then decolourised in Sulphuric or Nitric Acid (p. 62), rinsed in 60 p. c. Alcohol and washed in a large volume of Water, to remove the Acid. Nitric Acid is apt to contain considerable traces of Nitrous Acid, which has a bleaching action on f uchsine-stained bacilli. Where this is suspected it is better to use Sulphanilic Nitric Acid (p. 62), the Sulphanilic Acid destroying any free Nitrous Acid that may be contained in the Nitric Acid. For counterstaining, the sections may be treated as de- scribed for nuclear staining with Methyl Green or Methylene Blue (p. 36). Dehydrate in Absolute Alcohol, clear in Cedar Oil, and mount in Balsam. Kuhne's Method. Place sections for 10 minutes in Carbolic Fuchsine; thoroughly rinse in water; decolourise in Fluorescine Alcohol; then transfer to Ethereal Oil, Xylol and Balsam ; or, to coun- terstain before mounting, sections may be transferred for 5 to 10 minutes into Methyl Green Aniline Oil, diluted with half its 70 MICRO-ORGANISMS. bulk of pure Aniline Oil ; then pass into Ethereal Oil for 2 minutes, afterwards into Xylol, and mount in Balsam. Gibbes' Method of Double Staining. Cover-glass preparations are placed for 4 minutes in Gibbes' double stain, which has been previously slightly heated; sections should be placed in the stain at the ordinary tem- perature for some hours. The cover-glass preparations or sections are then washed in Methylated Spirit till no more colour comes away, dehydrated, cleared in Cedar Oil and mounted in Balsam. LEPROSY BACILLUS. The same staining methods may be employed as for the tubercle bacillus. As leprosy bacilli stain much more quickly in the Fuchsine, the following plan has been suggested for distinguishing them : Sections are stained for 1 to 3 minutes in the Aqueous Solu- tion of Fuchsine (p. 59) ; then placed for 30 seconds in a solution consisting of 90 p. c. Alcohol, 10 parts; Nitric Acid (Sp. g. 1 '420), 1 part ; dehydrate, clear, and mount in Balsam. Treated in this way the leprosy bacilli appear well stained, while the tubercle bacilli are not stained at all. ANTHRAX BACILLUS. (MILZBRAND BACILLUS.) This may be stained with Yiolet by Gram's method (p. 64) or one of the modifications ; with Fuchsine or Methy- lene Blue by Kuhne's methods (pp. 66 and 67). GLANDERS BACILLUS. (ROTZ BACILLUS. BACILLUS MALLEI.) Cover-glass preparations are stained with Methylene Blue by Kuhne's method (p. 66) or by Loffler's method (p. 65). MICRO-ORGANISMS. 71 Schutz's Method. Sections (and cover-glass preparations) are stained for some hours in Aqueous Solution of Methylene Blue, differentiated in very weak Acetic Acid (J p. c.) dehydrated in Alcohol, cleared in Cedar Oil, and mounted in Balsam. SYPHILIS BACILLUS. Lusgarten's Method. Sections are placed in Gentian-Violet Aniline-Water (p. 58) for 12 to 24 hours at the ordinary temperature of the room, then for 2 hours at 40 C. The sections are transferred to Absolute Alcohol for a few minutes, then placed for 10 seconds in 1'5 p. c. solution of Permanganate of Potassium, and washed in Sulphurous Acid. If the ground substance of the sections is not completely decolourised, the second part of the process must be repeated. After this the sections are dehydrated, cleared, and mounted in Balsam. These bacilli, after staining by the Koch-Erhlich or Ziehl- Neelsen methods (unlike the tubercle bacilli), are easily de- colourised by mineral acids. Giacomi's Method. Cover-glass preparations are stained for a few minutes in a hot solution of Fuchsine, then placed in Water containing a few drops of solution of Perchloride of Iron; then de- colourised in strong solution of Perchloride of Iron. Some- times a precipitate is formed with the Iron Solution, then the decolourisation is completed in Alcohol. Counterstain with Vesuvine. PNEUMO-CQCCUS. Gram's Method For staining the cocci. Sections which have been deeply stained in Gentian- Violet 72 MICRO-ORGANISMS. Aniline-Water, are rinsed in Alcohol ; placed in Gram's Solu- tion (p. 6 1 ) rinsed in Alcohol, cleared and mounted. The micro- cocci become a dense blue on a faintly yellow ground substance. Friedlaender's Methods For staining the capsule as well as the cocci. Cover-glass Preparations. Cover-glass preparations of the sputum are treated for 3 minutes with a 1 p. c. solution of Acetic Acid. The excess of Acid is then removed by filter-paper and the cover-glass is allowed to dry ; the preparations are next placed in Gentian - Violet Aniline-Water (p. 58) for half a minute; then washed in Water, dried, and mounted in Balsam. For Tissues the following Plan is used: Sections are placed for 24 hours in the following solution in a warm place : Concentrated Alcoholic solution of Gentian Violet, 50 cc. ; Distilled Water, 100 cc. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 10 cc. They are then placed from 1 to 2 minutes in 0-1 p. c. Acetic Acid ; dehydrated, cleared, and mounted in Balsam. BACILLUS OF DIPHTHERIA. To stain these Lomer used his process, described p. 65. They may also be stained by Gram's method (p. 64). A piece of the false membrane is placed on a cover-glass and treated as a cover-glass preparation. BACILLUS OF ENTERIC FEVER. Gaffky's Method. The organ from which the sections are made must be hardened in Alcohol. The sections are placed for 20 to 24 hours in a deep blue opaque solution, which must be freshly made by adding a MICRO-ORGANISMS. 73 saturated Alcoholic solution of Methylene Blue to Distilled Water ; they are then washed in Distilled Water (not acidu- lated), thoroughly dehydrated in Absolute Alcohol, cleared in Oil of Turpentine, and mounted in Balsam. These may also be stained by Loffler's Method (p. 65). It is usually stated that Gram's Method is not applicable as it removes the stain from the bacilli, but Woodhead affirms that if the sections containing these bacilli are allowed to remain for 10 minutes in a 3- p. c. solution of corrosive sub- limate, and then stained by Gram's method the bacilli are deeply coloured. ACTINOMYCOSIS. (i.) Weigert's Method. Sections are immersed for 1 hour m Orseille (p. 60) ; they are quickly rinsed with Alcohol and counterstained with Gen- tian Yiolet. If it is desired to stain the mycelium also, the sections, after being stained with Orseille, are submitted to Weigert's modi- fication of Gram's method (p. 64). (ii.) Plant's Method. Sections are placed for 10 minutes in Gibbes' Magenta solu- tion (p. 59) (or Carbolic Fuchsine) at 45 C. ; next they are rinsed in Water and placed in saturated aqueous solution of Picric Acid mixed with an equal volume of Absolute Alcohol for 5 to 10 minutes ; they are then washed in Water, passed through 50 p. c. Alcohol into Absolute Alcohol, cleared in Cedar Oil, and mounted in Balsam. (iii.) Modification of Plant's Method. Sections are placed for 10 minutes in Carbolic Fuchsine (p. 59) and decolourised for 24 hours in Fluorescine Alcohol. 74 MICRO-ORGANISMS. Stain the nuclei with Ehrlich's Hsematoxylin (p. 24) and counterstain faintly with Benzopurpurine (p. 40). (iv.) Babes' Method. Stain sections in Babes' Safranine solution (p. 60) for 2 minutes, rinse in Alcohol, and decolourise in Gram's solution (p. 61). Only the clubs remain stained. MAKING COVER GLASS PREPARATIONS. To thoroughly clean the cover-glass before use, wash it in Solution of Potash, rinse it in Diluted Nitric Acid, and afterwards in Alcohol. In the case of blood, urine, and fluid discharges, a little is taken upon the point of a platinum needle which has been previously heated to redness, spread out upon the clean cover- glass, allowed to dry, and the cover-glass passed three times through the flame of a spirit-lamp to coagulate the Albumen. In the case of sputum it should be rubbed to and fro over the cover-glass with a glass needle (thin glass rod drawn out to a point) until a uniformly thin layer of mucus is formed on the cover-glass. It is then allowed to dry ; the drying can if necessary be accelerated by a gentle heat, and in the case of tough sputum a vertical stream of air from an air-ball syringe is useful. When dry the preparation is passed three times through the flame as above. When examining tubercular sputum, the yellow caseous masses should be selected. MAKING COVER-GLASS IMPRESSIONS. A perfectly clean cover-glass is placed upon the culture, gently pressed, and then carefully raised. It is allowed to dry, passed three times through the flame of a spirit-lamp, stained by one of the methods, and mounted in Balsam. MICLIO-ORGAKISMS. 75- STAINING COVER-GLASS PREPARATIONS. For micro-organisms (when special methods are not em- ployed) the following plan may be adopted : 2 or 3 drops of aqueous solution of either Fuchsine, Methylene Blue, Methyl Violet, or Gentian Violet, are placed on the cover- glass preparation ; after a couple of minutes the superfluous stain is washed off with Distilled Water; the cover-glass can now be examined if it be placed, preparation downwards, on a glass slip, and the excess of Water removed with blot- ting-paper, or if a permanent preparation be desired the excess of Water is removed with blotting or filter paper, the cover-glass is then allowed to dry, and finally mounted in Balsam. In place of the above aqueous solutions, Vesuvine dissolved in Glycerine (p. 57) may be used, the film is then washed and mounted in undiluted Glycerine. Cover-glass preparations may also be treated by any of the- methods described for use with sections. STAINING TUBERCULAR SPUTUM. A cover-glass preparation of sputum (p. 74) is placed in Car- bolic Fuchsine (p. 59) warmed in a watchglass until steam rises for 3 minutes ; it is then rinsed in Water to remove the ad- hering stain, decolourised in Nitric Acid (p. 62) (preferably Sulphanilic Nitric Acid), washed in 90 p. c. Alcohol to re- move the Acid, then placed in aqueous solution of Methylene Blue (p. 36) for 1 minute, and well washed in Water to remove excess of stain; dried and mounted in Benzol Balsam. If there be an objection to the use of Nitric Acid, then Sulphuric Acid and Alcohol (p. 62) may be used as a sub- stitute. 76 MICRO-ORGANISMS. STAINING SPORES. If the cover-glass preparation be heated for much longer than in the ordinary method for bacilli, the spores will be stained as readily as the bacilli. After a cover-glass preparation is made, it is passed several times (12) through the flame, or heated to a temperature of 210 F. for half an hour, or exposed to the action of strong Sulphuric Acid for a few seconds ; then stained with aqueous solution of Fuchsine, Methylene Blue, or Gentian Violet. DOUBLE-STAINING SPORE-BEARING BACILLI. Neisser's Method. Cover-glass preparations treated in the ordinary way (not specially heated as in the foregoing method) are immersed for 20 minutes in the Fuchsine Aniline- Water (p. 59) heated to 80 or 90 C. (176 or 194 F.) ; the cover-glass is then rinsed in Water, Alcohol, or weak Acid, according to the nature of the bacilli ; counterstained with aqueous solution of Methylene Blue, rinsed in Water, dried, and mounted in Balsam. The spores are stained red, and the other part of the bacilli blue. STAINING PLAGELLA. (i.) Koch's Method. Cover-glass preparations are immersed in 1 p. c. aqueous solution of Hsematoxylin ; they are then transferred to a 5 p. c. solution of Chromic Acid, or to Miiller's Fluid, dried and mounted in Balsam. The flagella are stained a brownish black. MICRO-ORGANISMS. 77 (ii.) Crookshank's Method. Cover-glass preparations are stained with a drop of concen- trated alcoholic solution of Gentian Violet ; the cover-glass is then rinsed in Water, allowed to dry, and mounted in Balsam. (iii.) Loffler's Method. The stock solution is made by adding to 10 cc. of a 25 p. c. Aqueous Solution of Tannin, 5 cc. of cold saturated Aqueous Solution of Ferrous Sulphate, and 1 cc. of Aqueous or Alco- holic Solution of Fuchsine or Methyl Yiolet. As the treatment, however, varies with the different micro- organisms, the reader is referred to an abstract of the paper in Jour. R.M.S., 1890, p. 678. DEHYDKATIOK As none of the usual clearing agents, used previous to mounting in Balsam, will mix with aqueous fluids, sections must be dehydrated before clearing. The usual dehydrating agent is Alcohol, and the only point which requires notice is the strength to be employed. Preparatory to clearing in Oil of Cloves or Bergamot, 90 p. c. Alcohol answers every purpose. But for Oil of Cedar or the other members of the Xylol group, Alcohol of at least 96 p. c. must be used, and Absolute Alcohol is preferable. Celloidin Sections. Oil of Bergamot clears Celloidin without dissolving it, and as this oil can be used after 90 p. c. Alcohol, it possesses great advantages. Cedar Oil also clears Celloidin, but as the film is quickly acted upon by Absolute (98 p. c.) Alcohol, it is safer to use a slightly hydrated Alcohol 96 p. c. (sp. gr. 0-807 at 60 F.), made by adding 2 cc. of Water to 120 cc. of Absolute Alcohol. This will clear into either Oil of Cedar or Xylol, and in 15 minutes (the maximum time required for dehydrating sections) will not perceptibly attack the celloidin. These sections can also be dehydrated in Absolute Alcohol, but it must be done quickly (about 2 minutes) or the celloidin film will be per- ceptibly affected. The only other dehydrating agent that may be mentioned is Aniline, used in special circumstances where strong Alcohol must be avoided. This clears readily from 70 p. c. Alcohol, and is replaced before mounting by Cedar Oil, Benzol, or X}4ol. CLEAEING AGENTS. BEFORE MOUNTING IN BALSAM. Those most generally recommended are Creosote, Turpen- tine, Xylol, and the Oils of Bergamot, Cedar, Cloves, and Origanum. . The object of using a clearing agent is to replace the Alcohol in the dehydrated section by a liquid which has a refractive index about the same as the Balsam into which it is to be placed and which will mix readily with it. 1. The fluid should clear quickly from a somewhat hydrated Alcohol. 2. It should not dissolve the aniline colours nor celloidin. No one clearing agent is perfect in both respects, for it happens that the more readily the agent mixes with 90 p. c. Alcohol, the more liable it is to dissolve the aniline colours. For clearing celloidin sections, Bergamot or Cedar Oil are the best. See Dehydration. OIL OF BERGAMOT. This oil will clear directly from 90 p. c. Alcohol. Its solvent action on Aniline Colours is very slight, except in the case of Methyl Green and the Violet dyes, which may be appreciably dissolved. Apart from this, its powerful odour and high price are the only objections to its general use. It clears Celloidin without dissolving it. 80 CLEARING AGENTS. CLOVE OIL. This will mix in any proportion with 90 p. c. Alcohol with- out becoming turbid, and clears rapidly, but it dissolves the aniline colours to a very considerable extent. The same objection applies even more forcibly to "Wood- tar Creosote, and Carbolic Acid. XYLOL. This, on the other hand, is practically without action on aniline colours, but has so little affinity for water that it can only be used after Alcohol of at least 96 p. c. Taking therefore Clove Oil and Xylol as types, the follow- ing have been classified as resembling the one or the other in reference to their behaviour with 90 p. c. Alcohol, and their action on aniline colours. This strength of Alcohol has been chosen because it is that of the Methylated Spirit generally sold in this country and which for economy is largely used in washing and dehydrat- ing the material for microscopic work. An agent, therefore, which will clear from this strength of Alcohol is a deside- ratum. OIL OP TURPENTINE has a comparatively low refractive index, resembles Xylol, but causes shrinkage and renders the tissues brittle. It becomes resinified on exposure to air. TEREBENE. It belongs to the Xylol group, but acts slightly upon ani- line colours, and is open to the same objection as Oil of Turpentine regarding shrinkage. BENZOL and TOLUOL. These only differ from Xylol in their volatility; Benzol "being the most volatile, and Xylol the least so of the three ; , CLEARING AGENTS. 81 the rapidity of evaporation being in the ratio of 4, 5, and 9. It is curious that, in two excellent books on this subject, Xylol is described as being more volatile than Benzol in one of them, and Toluol in the other. Benzol has also been described as a solvent of the aniline dyes. All three are practically without solvent action upon aniline colours. OIL OF CEDAR WOOD. Although an essential oil it resembles the type Xylol, but evaporates slowly and not to dryness. It has very little solvent action on the aniline colours. It clears rapidly from Absolute Alcohol, but not well from 90 p. c. Alcohol. Sections can be left in it for several days without becoming brittle. It is a convenient medium in which to examine tissues before mounting them permanently. It clears Celloidin without dissolving it. OIL OF ORIGANUM. This is Oil of White Thyme more or less adulterated ; it dissolves the aniline colours to about the same extent as Oil of Cloves. Another oil, probably Oil of Marjoram, is sold as Oleum Origani Cretici, but this also dissolves the aniline colours. BEFORE MOUNTING IN GLYCERINE. Liquid Carbolic Acid, Liquor Potassae, Alcoholic Solution Potash, Liquor Ammonise, Solution of Chloral Hydrate, Eau de Javelle, Eau de Labarraque, are all used for clearing G 82 CLEARING AGENTS. vegetable sections for examination. Wash, in Water, except after Alcoholic Potash, when use 50 p. c. Alcohol, and mount in Glycerine or Glycerine Jelly. ALCOHOLIC SOLUTION OF POTASH. Hydrate of Potassium, 1 grin. ; Distilled Water, 10 cc. ; Eectified Spirit, 10 cc. Dissolve the Potash in the Water and add the Spirit. SOLUTION OF CHLORAL HYDRATE. Chloral Hydrate, 30 grms. ; Distilled Water, 10 grms. SOLUTION OF POTASSIUM HYFOCKLOEJTE (EAU BE JAVELLE). Chlorinated Lime, 20 grms. ; Carbonate of Potassium, 20 grms. ; Distilled Water, 200 cc. Triturate the Chlorinated Lime with half the Water ; dissolve the Carbonate of Potas- sium in the other half ; mix. After an hour, filter. SOLUTION OF SODIUM HYFOCHLORITE (EAU DE LABARRAQUE). It is made in the same way as above, substituting Crystal- lized Carbonate of Sodium, 40 grms., for the Carbonate of Potassium, 20 grms. Both these Hypochlorite Solutions are also bleaching agents. MOUNTING MEDIA. When sections are mounted with Balsam, Dammar, Far- rant, Glycerine and Q-um, or Glycerine Jelly, it is not a neces- sity that the cover-glasses should be fixed with cement, as these fluids solidify at the edges, and so fix the cover-glass. Some cement (Caoutchouc by preference) must be employed when Glycerine or aqueous solutions are to be used. CANADA BALSAM. A soft substance which is usually dried over a water-bath until, when cooled, it is brittle. It is then dissolved in Benzol or Xylol to form a somewhat thin solution ; about 200 grms. of Balsam to 100 cc. of Benzol : the Xylol solution may be rather thicker, as it evaporates more slowly. Neither of them will affect the Aniline stains. Mounts in Benzol Balsam harden in a day or two ; those in Xylol Balsam remain soft for a week or two. I there- fore much prefer to mount in Benzol Balsam. Transfer the sections to a slide (using for thin sections a glass rod, p. 19), remove excess of clearing agent by gently pressing on the section with clean blotting-paper, add one or wo drops of Balsam Solution, and apply the cover-glass. DAMMAR SOLUTION. Gum Dammar dissolved in Benzol or Xylol. About 100 grms. of Dammar to 100 cc. of Benzol. 84 MOUNTING MEDIA. DAMMAR AND MASTIC. Gum Dammar, 100 grms. ; Oil of Turpentine, 200 cc. Dis- solve and filter. Gum Mastic, 50 grms. ; Chloroform, 200 cc. Mix the two solutions. This is an old formula which is still used by some workers. GLYCERINE. Two or three volumes of Glycerine to one of Distilled Water is a good medium in which to examine tissues transferred from aqueous fluids. For mounting permanently, the objects should be immersed in the above diluted Glycerine, which may be increased in strength if desirable ; delicate objects may be placed in a mixture of Glycerine, 1 ; Alcohol, 1 ; Water, 1 ; which is then allowed to concentrate by evapo- ration. GLYCERINE JELLY. Immerse 100 grms. of French Gelatine in Chloroform .Water, and, when soft, drain away the excess of water. Dissolve the softened Gelatine in 750 grammes of Glycerine over a water-bath, and add 400 grammes of Chloroform Water with which has been incorporated about 50 grammes of fresh egg albumen, and mix thoroughly. Heat the mix- ture to boiling for about five minutes to coagulate the albu- men; make up the total weight to 1,550 grammes with Chloroform Water. Filter in a warm chamber, but pro- tected as much as possible from evaporation. Tissues can be mounted in this direct from water, but it is better to immerse them for a little while in equal parts of Glycerine and Distilled Water. Place them on a slide ; re- move superfluous fluid, and apply a few drops of the melted MOUNTING MEDIA. 85 Jelly ; breathe on a cover-glass, place it on the fluid, apply gentle pressure, and set aside to cool. FARRANT'S MEDIUM. Dissolve 1 grm. of Arsenious Acid in 200 cc. of Distilled Water. In this fluid dissolve, at the ordinary temperature, 130 grms. of Gum Acacia, with frequent stirring; add 100 cc. of Glycerine ; mix. Filter the solution through fine Swedish paper upon which has been deposited a thin layer of Talc. This reagent is recommended because tissues mounted in it preserve their normal appearance, and it is more convenient than Glycerine in that it dries at the edges, and fixes the cover- glass. Tissues may be mounted in this direct from Water, but it is better to soak them for a short time in dilute Glycerine before mounting. Place the section on a slide, remove superfluous fluid, add 1 or 2 drops of the medium, and apply the cover-glass. Formic Parrant. Farrant's Medium to which 1 p.c. of Formic Acid (sp. g. 1*2) has been added. GLYCERINE AND GUM. Chloroform Water (1 in 200), 200 cc. Dissolve in this fluid 130 grms. of Gum Acacia, with frequent stirring, at the ordinary temperature of the air; add Glycerine, 100 cc. ; mix. Filter as directed for Farrant. This may be used in the place of Farrant's Medium when the presence of Arsenious Acid is objectionable. IODINE MOUNTING FLUID. Liquor lodi B.P., 100 cc. ; Water, 300 cc. ; Glycerine, 200 86 MOUNTING MEDIA. cc. Mix, and dissolve in it 260 grms. Gum Acacia, with fre- quent stirring, at the ordinary temperature. This is Warrant's Medium, in which Iodine is substituted for Arsenic. It is used for mounting tissues stained with Iodine. ACETATE OF POTASSIUM. Acetate of Potassium, 250 grms. ; Water 100 cc. ; dissolve by a gentle heat, and filter. ACETATE OF COPPER. Acetate of Copper, 1 grm. ; Glacial Acetic Acid, 1 cc. ; Cam- phor Water, 250 cc. ; Glycerine, 250 cc. ; Corrosive Subli- mate, 4 grms. Tor preserving and mounting Green Algse. The Glycerine is sometimes omitted with advantage, as in the case of Yolvox. NOEMAL OE INDIFFEEENT FLUIDS. These may be described as fluids which will not injuriously affect tissues. They consist of (i.) BLOOD SEBUM. Obtained by allowing blood to coagulate, and pouring off the serum after a day. (ii.) AQUEOUS HUMOUR. Best obtained by puncturing the cornea of a freshly excised ox's eye-ball. (iii.) NORMAL SALINE SOLUTION. (0-75 p. c.) Colourless Eock Salt or recrystallized Sodium Chloride, 7 1 grms. ; Distilled Water, 1000 cc. DISSOCIATING FLUIDS. These fluids are used to soften the cement substance of connective tissue, epithelium, &c., in order that the various elements of the tissue may be separated and examined. (i.) IODISED SERUM. Solution of Iodine (B.P.), 1 cc. ; Serous Fluid, 100 cc. Should the brown colour fade, add a little more of the Solution of Iodine. Place a piece of the tissue to be dissociated, which may be about -fa in. diameter, in about 5 cc. of the fluid in a glass-stoppered bottle, taking care to maintain the brown colour of the fluid by adding a little of the Iodine Solution. After the tissue has been in this solution for a couple of days it may be teased out with needles. This fluid is useful for macerating white nerve fibres. (ii.) DILUTE ALCOHOL, Alcohol (90 p. c.), 1 part ; Distilled Water, 2 parts. Takes about 24 hours to dissociate epithelium, connective tissue, &c. (iii.) BICHROMATE OP POTASSIUM, Bichromate of Potassium, 1 grm. ; Water, 500 cc. Used for epithelium and nerve cells of spinal cord. Takes from 1 to 2 weeks. DISSOCIATING FLUIDS. 89 (iv.) CHROMIC ACID. Chromic Acid, 1 grm. ; Water, 1000 5000 cc. For connective tissue, unstriated muscle, and nerve tissue. Takes from 24 hours for nerve tissue, to 7 days for uterine fibroid. (v.) NITRIC ACID. 20 p. c. aqueous solution. Takes 24 hours to dissociate small pieces of muscular tissue ; the muscle cells are then teased out, and may be mounted in Glycerine. (vi.) NITRIC ACID AND GLYCERINE. Glycerine, 1 part ; Water, 3 parts ; Nitric Acid, 1 part. In dissociating nervous structure takes from 3 to 4 days. (vii.) OSMIC ACID. 0-1 p. c. aqueous solution. Used for cerebral cortex. Takes 24 to 48 hours. (viii.) METHYL MIXTURE (Schieffer decker's). Methylic Alcohol, 5 cc. ; Glycerine, 50 cc. ; Distilled Water, 100 cc. Used for retina and central nervous system and takes several days. (ix.) CHLORIDE OF SODIUM. 10 p. c. aqueous solution. Used for dissociating white fibrous tissue. Ix.) CAUSTIC POTASH. 30 to 50 p. c. aqueous solution. It acts very rapidly. Used for separating muscle cells, as in cases of myomata. 90 DISSOCIATING FLUIDS. The tissues must be examined in this fluid, and cannot be preserved. If water is added to the dissociated tissues, they are soon dissolved. (xi.) SCHULZE'S MACERATING MIXTURE. Sections are placed in Nitric Acid sp. gr. 1-2, and about 2 or 3 per cent, of Chlorate of Potassium is added. If the fluid be not heated, the sections should remain in it for several hours ; but if the fluid be gently warmed until gas is given off freely, the result will be attained in a few seconds. The tissue is washed in water, transferred to a slide, and the disintegration completed with needles. Used in Botanical Histology for dissolving the middle lamella in vertical sections. INDEX. PAGE Acetate of Copper ... 10, 86 Acetate of Potassium ... 86 Acetic Acid and Alcohol . . 3 Acetine Blue 62 Acid Fuchsine 41,48 Acid Magenta 42 AcidKubiu 41 Acidulated Alcohol .... 28 Acidulated Glycerine ... 28 Acidulated Water .... 61 Actinomycosis 73 Alcohol and Acetic Acid . . 3 Alcohol for Hardening ... 2 Altmann's Nitric Acid ... 8 Alum Carmine, Grenacher's . 32 Alum Cochineal, Czoker's . . 32 Ammonia Carmine . . . . 30 Ammonia Carmine, Stronger . 31 Ammonia Picro- Carmine . . 34 Amyloid 46 Aniline Black 48 Aniline Chloride 65 Aniline Nuclear Stains ... 35 Aniline Violets, General Me- thods 63 Aniline Water 61 Anthrax Bacillus 70 Aqueous Humour .... 87 Arsenic Acid 11 Babes' Method 74 Babes' Solution 60 Beale's Ammonia Carmine . 31 Benda's Copper Heematoxylin 27 Benzol 80 Benzol Balsam 83 Benzopurpurine 40 Bergamot Oil 79 Bichromate of Ammonium . 4 Bichromate of Potassium . 4, 88 Bismarck Brown ... ,38 PAGE Black Brown 60 Blood Serum ...... 87 Blue Black 48 Bohmer's Hsematoxylin . . 23 Borax Carmine 32 Canada Balsam 83 Carbolic Acid 80, 81 Carbolic Black Brown ... 6-^ Carbolic Fuchsine .... 59 Carbolic Methylene Blue . . 58 Carmine 28 Cedar OH 81 Celloidin 15 Celloidin Sections * . 78, 79 Cellulose Staining . . . 52 Chloral Hydrate . . . . 82 Chlorhydrin Blue . . . 62 Chloride of Aniline . . . 55 Chloride of Gold . . . 43 Chloride of Sodium . . 87, 89 Chlor-Zinc Iodine . . . 55 Chromate of Ammonium . . 4 Chromic Acid . . . . 6, 11, 89 Clearing Agents 79 Clove OH 80 Congo Red ....... 48 Corrosive Sublimate .... 7 Counter staining Carmine . . 40 Counterstaining Hsematoxylin 40 Cover Glass Preparations . . 74 Crookshank's Method ... 77 Czoker's Alum Cochineal . . 32 Dahlia Violet . .^ . . . 38, 45 Dammar and Mastic . . . . 84 Dammar Solution .... 83 Decalcifying Fluids .... 11 Dehydration 78 Delafield's Hsematoxylin . . 24 Diphtheria Bacnius .... 72 Dissociating Fluids .... 88 92 INDEX. Eau de Javelle 82 Eau de Labarraque . . . . 82 Ebner's Solution 12 Ehrlich-Biondi Fluid ... 37 Ehrlich's Hsematoxylin ... 24 Ehrlich's Haematoxylin Am- moniated 24 Ehrlich' s Method .... 63 Elastic Fibres 45, 48 Embedding Media .... 14 Enteric Fever Bacillus ... 72 Eosine . 40, 56 ErlicM's Fluid ...... 6 Erythrosine ....... . 41 Farrant's Medium .... 85 Fatty Elements.. ..... 43 Fixing Agents 7 Flagella Staining .... 76 Flemming's Solution ... 9 Fluorescine 62 Fol's Solution ..*... 9 Formic Farrant 85 Friedlander's Method ... 72 Fuchsine . . . . .'39, 59, 67 Fuchsine 'Aniline-Water . . 59 Gaffky's Method 72 Gentian Violet .' . . . 38, 58 Gentian- Violet Aniline-Water 58 Giacomi's Method .... 71 Gibbes' Double 'Stain ... 59 Gibbes' Magenta Solution . . 59 Gibbes' Method 70 Glanders Bacillus .... 70 Glycerine ....... 84 Glycerine Gelatine . . . . 16 Glycerine" and Gum . . . . 85 Glycerine JeUy ; .... 84 Gold Chloride 43 Golgi'B Sublimate Method . . 51 Gram's Method . . . . 64, 71 Gram'^ Solution 61 Grenacher's Alcoholic Borax Carmine 32 Grenadier's, Alum Carmine . 32 Grenacher's. Borax Carmine . 32 Gum . . . . 14 Gum and Syrup 14 Hgematoxylin 21 Haematoxylin, Ripening . . 23 Hamilton's Hsematoxylin . . 24 PAGK Hardening Agents .... 1 Heidenhain's Hsematoxylin . 27 Hoffmann's Blue . . . . 39, 56 Hydrochloric Acid . . . . 12 Hydrochloric Acid and Gly- cerine 12 Hypochlorite of Potassium . 82 Hypochlorite of Sodium . . 82 Intermediate Reagents ... 61 Iodine 46 Iodine Green 37 Iodine Mounting Fluid . . .85 Iodised Serum 88 Kleb's Glycerine Gelatine . . 16 Klein's Fluid ...... 7 Kleinenberg's Hsematoxylin . 25 Kleinenberg's Picro- Sulphuric Acid . . 10 Koch-Ehrlich Method ... 68 Koch's Method . . . .68,76 Koch's Methylene Blue Solu- tion 58 Kuhne's Methods. 65, 66, 67, 69 Kuhne' s Solutions . . 58, 59, 60 Leprosy Bacillus 70 Lignined" Cellulose . . . . 53 Lithia Water 61 Lithium Carmine 33 Living Bacteria, Staining of . 64 Loffler's Methods . . . . 65, 77 Loffler's Solution ..... 58 Lusgarten's Method . . . . 71 Maceratiug Mixture, Schulze's 90 Magenta .,.,... 39, 59 Magenta, Acid 42. Manip.ula.tion of Sections . . 18 Mastzellen 45 Methyl Qreqn , . . . .36, 56 Methyl- Qreen Aniline- Oil . . 60 Methyl Mixture 89 Methyl Violet 46, 58 Methyl- Violet Aniline -Water 59 Methylene Blue , . .30, 57, 65 Methylene-Blue Aniline-Oil . 58 Micro -Organisms ..... 57 Mounting Media 83 Muller's Fluid 4 Muller apd Spirit . , . . . . 5 IKDEX. 93 PAGE Neisser's Method 76 Nerve Centres 29, 48 Nerve Endings 44 Nigrosine 48 Nitrate of Silver 44 Nitric Acid . . . 8, 12, 62, 89 Nitric and Chromic Acid . . 13 Nitric Acid and Glycerine . . 89 Normal or Indifferent Fluids . 87 Normal Saline Solution ... 87 Nuclear Staining ..... 20 Oil of Bergamot 79 Oil of Cedar . . r . . . . 81 Oil of Cloves .80 Oil of Origanum 81 Oil of Turpentine 80 Orange . 41 Orseille 60/ Orth's Lithium Carmine . . 33 Osmic Acid 8, 43, 89 Pal-Exner Method .... 50 Pal's Method ....... 49 Pal's Solution 50 Palladium Chloride .... 29 Paraffin 16 Phloroglucin 55 Picric Acid . . . . 9, 13, 41, 56 Picro- Carmines 33 Picro- Lithium Carmine . . 35 Picro -Sulphuric Acid ... 10 Plasmatic Staining . . . . 39 Plant's Method ..... 73 Pneumo-Coccus 71 Potash, Alcoholic ..... 82 Potash, Aqueous . . . . 81, 89 Preserving Sections . . . . 18 Rabl's Fluid 7 Ranvier's Lemon juice Method 44 Renaut's Eosinated Hsema- toxylin 27 Kenaut's Haematoxylin ... 26 PAGE Resin and Wax 18 Rose Bengale 47 Rubin, Acid 41 Rubin and Orange .... 42 Safranine 38, 47, 60 Safranine Aniline-Oil ... 60 Saturation Processes . . 15, 17 Saline Solution 87 Schiefferdecker's Mixture , . 89 Schulze's Solutions . . 55, 90 Schutz' s Method 7t Sections, Manipulation of . . 18 Silver Nitrate 44 Soda Picro -Carmine .... 35 Specific Stains 43 Spores, Staining of . . . . 76 ^Sputum, Staining of . . . . 75 Staining in Bulk 28 Stains for Micro -Organisms . 57 Sulphanilic and Nitric Acid . 62 Sulphuric Acid Alcohol . . 62 Sulphuric Acid ..... 62 Syphilis Bacillus 71 Terebene 80 Toluol 80 Tubercle Bacillus 68 Turpentine Oil 80 Vegetable tissues, see Cellulose 52 Vesuvine 38, 57 Victoria Blue 4o, 69 Wedl's Solution 60 "Weigert's Haematoxylin . . 26 Weigert's Method . . .48, 73 Xylol 80 Xylol Balsam 83 Ziehl-Neelsen Method Ziehl-Neelsen Solution 59 PRINTED BY J. S. VIRTUE AND CO., LIMITED, CITY ROAD, LONDON. AD VERTISEMENT. SQUIRE'S "SELECTED" STAINS DEFINITE STRENGTH. Sample bottles, 6d. $ Is. ALL REAGENTS AND DYES USED IN MICROSCOPY., LIST ON APPLICATION. SQUIRE & SONS, CHEMISTS ON .'THE ESTABLISHMENT IN ORDINARY TO THE QTJEEN, ICHEMISTS IN ORDINARY TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, 413, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. Corner ofDvke Street, Grosvenor Square. NOTES. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED ?/ 1 lIRirfi/A! li'j^uutnM This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 24 1964 APR 2 6 W NOV4 LD 2 1-50771-4, '63 (D6471slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY