Q Wh ^ H F C/5 CJ 8 rH^^^ • , • • • • • ,• • • • • • • • i. Name .*, First name • .*. I J J **•• * * '.Ife^lMjam* 2 . Boy or girl (or man or woman) ...':' r.':.rr.*'.. .v. * * 6pM6//. * 3. Age last birthday years Birthday Month Day 4. Teacher 5. School (or education) 6. City or town State 7. Date of this test DOWNEY GROUP WILL-TEMPERAMENT TEST By June E. Downey Professor of Psychology, Universily of Wyoming WORLD BOOK COMPANY: PUBLISHERS Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York TEST Copyright, IQi^i, by World Book Company. Copyright in Great Britain All rights reserved. DtiWTT:T-2 PRINTED IN U. S. A. 2 * Downey Group WiU-Temperament Test 1 Draw a line under the word in each pair which more nearly describes you. Take the pairs in order. Dont skip any. Speed doesn't count. •1 Careful Careless 2 Daring Cautious • 3 Ambitious Unambitious 4 Selfish Unselfish 5 Punctual Tardy 6 Bad-tempered Sweet-tempered 7 Accurate Inaccurate 8 Industrious Lazy 9 Vain Modest 10 Constant Changeable 11 Indifferent Enthusiastic 12 Firm Yielding 13 Trustful Distrustful 14 Cowardly Brave 15 Clever Stupid 16 Good Memory Bad Memory 17 Self-distrustful Self-confident 18 Hasty Deliberate 19 Observant Unobservant 20 Sociable Unsociable 21 Orderly Disorderly 22 Gloomy .......... Cheerful 23 Patient Impatient 24 Quick in thought Slow in thought 25 Quick in movement Slow in movement 26 Ready to forgive Holds a grudge 27 Fond of a fight Avoids a fight 28 Extravagant Saves money 29 Humble Proud 30 Generous Stingy Downey Group WiU-Temperament Test 3 II Write your name as directed below. Write it again and again until the signal to stop. 1 Usual style and speed. 2 As rapidly as possible. Ill Write your name as slowly as possible. If you finish before the signal, begin again. IV Memory Test. I. Downey Group WiU-Temperament Test Y Write "United States of America" on the line below as quickly as possible. Both speed and not running over the line count. VI Write "United States of America" as directed below. Write it again and again until the signal to stop, 1 Usual style and speed. 2 As rapidly as possiblco Downey Group Win-TmvpemMenV'fii{\ 5 VII Trace as slowly as possible the scroll below. 3 trials. 1 A .«. ..«. ..». .».. ..«.. .-•.. ,•••, ,•••. ..•••. -••■. .••-. \ '•■' '*' :•■' '•: ••' .*." '•"' >■ >-■ ■•." .•■ (gong (0 00 ( 6 !^B62vn^ Group WiU-Tempemment Test VIII Disguised writing. 1 Write "United States of America," in a hand very unlike your own. You need not hurry. 2 Practice disguising your hand, and then write "United States of America " again. Change your writing as much as possible. ^ Number Downey Group WiV(-fernpierammi'^ed\ Use this page for practice. 8 :I)otdkey 'Group'WiU-Temperament Test I o •^ o O ^ I— 1^ CO Downey Group WiU'-TernperamMtJ:ed^ I ■:i o ■s a a o c5 ^1 s 'T^ fH O ^ •T3 fi • c« ;?% '% ^ 'Th O O ^ c 4-^ c o o s 3 . o c ^ ^'S s .•^ ^ fl ^ "taj .f^ ^ tiJQ "ij c c; ^ g^ ^ S2 Oh .s 2 'E •^ a:) CO o O 8 3 ^ P. a;> O O ^ ^ Q o PhG (N ^ aa X 10 :'Iic^h^^^Gr(Mp^WnUTemperament Test X Write your name repeatedly in the spaces below as directed. Keep writing until the signal to stop. 1 Eyes open, usual style and speed. 2 Eyes closed, usual style and speed. 3 Eyes on examiner's pencil while counting taps. 4 Eyes open while counting number of times examiner repeats the word ''fly.'' The word "fly" was used times. Downey Group Wili-fefh'perarrterii '^Te^t'^ 11 XI Memory Test. ^ After each one of the following 16 sentences you will find the words "false" and "true." If you think what a sentence says is true, draw a line under "true"; if it is false, draw a line under "false." Example: I read you a list of words early in the test, true false This is a true statement, and the word "true" is under- lined. If you are absolutely sure that you are right, draw two lines under "true" or "false." Take all the time you need to mark the sentences. When you have marked every one, hold your pencil up to show that you have finished. Don't skip any. 1 I read you a list of 10 words. true false 2 Two words rimed — that is, ended in the same sound. true false 3 The first word in the list was hook. true false 4 The last word in the list was rose. true false 5 The word collar occurred twice in the list. true false 6 The longest word in the list was mountain, true false 7 The shortest word in the list was ice. true false 8 Three words began with b. true false 9 When I read the list of words, I was standing up. true false 10 The card from which I read the words was oblong. true false 11 The card was white. true false 12 I held the card in my left hand while reading. true false 13 In my right hand I held a pencil. true false 14 I tapped with the pencil at every word I read. true false 15 After reading the list I put the card into an envelope. true false 16 Then I sat down, true false XII Correcting Memory Test. 1 2 *' 'Downey Group Will- Temperament Test XIII Make any changes you •re to in checking Test 1, Number W O ^ W w o o* 3 O o P S3 M <1 o •-4 1—1 I 5^ o I s o o 3 o CD g cr» >^ , K o ^ 3 1? en 1 S- ><< 5^ S- a 1— t 3 s. ei* g o O ^ ^ g c (t> % ^ 09 t i en '^ZC_ 4^Z V^ 1 / i_ iz: X- 1 ■ \. ■ - 1 1. _L ^ IL - t^C 4^1 4M : JL i > t^ 2 a I ? £ E -T A as X a s 2 a CO I— I hJ O. >^* CL, o o o Q o I 3 I a 9 2 § ^ PQ d Q K fo d M W hJ J J 11 J 1 i2jL.U-i-S E;s DOWNEY GROUP WILL-TEMPERAMENT TEST Devised by June E. Downey, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, University of Wyoming WORLD BOOK COMPANY: PUBLISHERS Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York MANUAL OF DIRECTIONS 19 2 2 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 3 Directions for Giving the Group Test o . . 3 Test I. Speed of DecisioD 3 Test II. Freedom from Load 4 Test III. Writing Name at Retarded Speed 4 Test IV. Memory Test 5 Test V. Coordination of Impulses 5 Test VI. Speed of Movement and Freedom from Load ... 5 Test VII. Motor Inhibition 6 Test VIII. Flexibility and Volitional Perseveration 6 Test IX. Interest in Detail 7 Test X. Motor Impulsion 7 Test XL Self-confidence 8 Test XII. Non-compliance 9 TestXIII. Finality of Judgment 9 Tentative Scoring of Group Test 10 The Will-Profile 15 Copyright, 1922, by World Book Company. Copyright in Great Britain All rights reserved, dgwtt : iw-1 MANUAL OF DIRECTIONS INTRODUCTION The author advises examiners to give and score the individual form of the test before attempting to administer the group form. For a discussion of the significance of the tests 'and of the will- profile, see the manual accompanying the individual form of the test and the author's The Will-Temperament and Its Testing.^ The group form of the will-temperament test is scored on the basis of the amount of work done in a prescribed time, instead of on the basis of the time needed to accomplish a prescribed task, as in the individual form. Except for the modifications made necessary by this different method of scoring, the two forms of the test parallel each other very closely. Two items of the in- dividual form could not be adapted for group use. For Resistance to Opposition a test for Self-confidence has been substituted; for Reaction to Contradiction, a Non-compliance test. DIRECTIONS FOR GIVING THE GROUP TEST See that each subject is provided with two pencils. One may break in the middle of a test. Erasers are not needed. Always give the oral directions exactly according to instructions. In the beginning say : "Please fill in the blank on the front of the examination book- let, but do nothing more until directions are given." When all have finished, say: "This is not an intelligence test, but it is absolutely necessary that you follow directions exactly. Sometimes you will be asked to work rapidly, sometimes slowly, sometimes at your natural speed. Follow these directions precisely. Begin always exactly at the signal and stop immediately when I say, 'Stop,' without finishing what you are doing. If in the middle of a word, stop there. Don't take time even to finish a letter when the signal to stop is given. Is this clear? After the test begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions." Test I. Speed of Decision "Turn over the page to Test I. Notice that there are two columns of words. They run in pairs, thus: Careful care- less; Daring cautious; Ambitious unambitious, etc. "You are to draw a line under the word in each pair which more nearly describes you. Underline one word or the other in every pair; 1 Published by World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York. 3 492124 4 Downey Group Will-Temperament Test one always describes you better than the other. Take the pairs in order; dont skip any. Take your time. Speed doesn't count. Ready — Begin." (Time limit: 45 seconds.) When the time is up, say "Stop." This signal is to be given sharply and promptly at the end of each test. Test II. Freedom from Load 1. "Now turn to Test II, Writing your Name. Under *I' you are to write your name as you sign it ordinarily, in your usual style and at your usual speed — just the way you naturally write it. Keep on writing your name until told to stop. When you finish it, dont pause, but begin again at once. Keep on writing it again and again until told to stop. Ready — Begin." The examiner should emphasize the above instruction and enforce it absolutely. There is a strong tendency to stop at the completion of each writing of the name. (Time limit: 20 seconds.) 2. "Under *2' you are to write your name just as rapidly as you possibly can. Write it just as many times as you can from the instant I give the signal to begin until I give the signal to stop. Ready — Go." The examiner should give a suggestion of speed in reading the directions. ''Ready — Go" should be given with a snap. (Time limit: 20 seconds.) Test III. Writing Name at Retarded Speed " In Test III you are to write your name just as slowly as you possibly can without stopping the movement of the pencil. Re- member that you are to write very, very slowly. If you finish your name once, begin on it a second time. Use a sharp pencil. Ready — Start." The examiner gives the idea of retarded movement by drawling the directions. (Time limit: 20 seconds.) Test IV. Memory Test "Now you may rest your hand a moment. Pencils up, please. Listen to me. I am going to read you a list of 10 words. You are to remember them so as to be able to report on them at the end of the test. You must also watch very carefully everything that I Manual of Directions 5 do while I am reading the words, for I shall ask you questions about my actions." Examiner now reads slowly (one word a second) from an oblong white card the list of words given below. He stands while reading, holds the card in the left hand, holds a pencil in the right hand, and taps at every word read. The list of words is as follows: Book, Collar, Muff, Ice, Stove, Collar, Bluff, Mountain, Bird, Rose. "Now listen again. I am going to read the list a second time. Notice the first and last word; and notice also if any word is repeated in the list, whether any words rime (that is, end in the same sound), and how many begin with B." After the second reading, which in every detail should duplicate the first reading, the examiner puts the card into an envelope deliberately and sits down. a Test V. Co5rdination of Impulses **Turn the page to Test V. Look at the short line. \ou are to write on that short line, just as rapidly as you can, the words 'United States of America.' Write out the words in full and remember there are two things you must do: you must write very rapidly, and you must keep from running over the line. Ready — Go." (Time limit: 7 seconds.) Test VI. Speed of Movement and Freedom from Load 1. "Test VI is like one you have already had. Under '1' write 'United States of America' in your usual style and at your usual speed. Write continuously from the signal to begin until the signal to stop. Don't hurry, but remember to write the phrase repeatedly until I tell you to stop. Dont pause between words or phrases.^ Write at the speed at which you naturally write, and keep writing all the time. Ready — Begin." (Time limit: 20 seconds.) 2. "Under '2' write 'United States of America' 7115/05 rap ic?/y as you can and as many times as it is possible from the signal to begin until the signal to stop. Don't pause between words ;i remember to write just as rapidly as possible. Ready — Go." ^ The examiner must be sure that this instruction is understood. There is a strong tendency to pause at the end of each word and phrase. 6 Downey Group WiU-Temperament Test As in Test II, the examiner should suggest speeding by voice and manner. (Time hmit: 20 seconds.) Test VII. Motor Inhibition 1. "Turn to Test YII. Under '1' you are to move your pencil along the dotted line just as slowly as you possibly can and still keep the pencil moving. Trace the scroll as if you were writing, but do it very, very slowly. Be sure that your pencil keeps moving all the time. Ready — Begin." The examiner should suggest retardation by drawling the directions. (Time limit: 30 seconds.) 2. "Now under *2' try a second time. Move the pencil just as slowly as you can without stopping it. Most persons go more slowly on a second trial. Ready — Begin." (Time limit: 1 minute, 30 seconds.) 3. "Try once more. This is your last chance; do your very best. Some persons can spend 10 minutes writing their names. Go a^ slowly as you possibly can. Ready — Begin." (Time limit: 2 minutes, 30 seconds.) f Test VIII. Flexibility and Volitional Perseveration 1. "Turn the page to Test VIII, Disguised Handwriting:. Under *1,' write 'United States of America' in a style very unlike your usual one. Change your writing so much that none of your friends would know it. Ready — Begin." (Time limit: 50 seconds.) 2. "Before writing under '2' you are to practice on page 7 disguising — that is, changing — your writing of 'United States of America' until you get a disguise that would deceive a hand- writing expert. "When you are satisfied with your disguise, look up at the blackboard, where I shall be writing a column of numbers, and note the first number that I write after you look up. Write this number in the space where it says, 'Number' on page 6 . "Then under *2' write 'United States of America' in the dis- guised hand you have worked out. You may use the next page of your booklet for practice. Begin now with your practice." Manual of Directions 7 At this point the examiner should note the time by his watch, and at the end of 5 seconds he should write the number 5 on the blackboard. At the end of each succeeding 5 seconds he should write the number of seconds which have elapsed, in a column which will appear thus: 5 10 15 20 etc., up to 360 (Time limit: 6 minutes.) If at the end of the 6 minutes some are still practicing and have not written the phrase opposite 2, tell them that this may be omitted, but that they shall write the number 360 in the square on page 6. 3. "Turn the page to Test VIII, 3. Observe the way 'United States of America' is written. Under '3' you are to imitate the writing just as rapidly as you can. Write the same size as the sample and copy it over and over until the signal is given to stop. Don't pause after one copying before beginning a second time." (Time limit: 1 minute.) Test IX. Interest in Detail 1. "In Test IX, 1, you are to copy Model A just as exactly as possible. Speed doesn't count. Work carefully, and make as good a copy as you can. If you should finish before the signal, be sure to begin a second time. Ready — Begin." (Time Hmit: 1 minute.) 2. "Under '2' copy Model B as well as you can, rapidly or slowly, as you prefer. Just choose your own speed. If you finish one copy, begin a second, and if you finish a second, begin a third time. Ready — Start." (Time limit: 1 minute, 15 seconds.) Test X. Motor Impulsion 1. "Turn the page to Test X. You must follow directions very carefully. Under '1' write your name just as you wrote it in Test II, at your usual speed and in your usual style. Write it over and over again just the way you naturally write it, until the signal to stop. Ready — Go." (Time limit: 20 seconds.) 8 Downey Group Will'Temperament Test 2. "Now write your name again, just as you did under '1/ hut with your eyes closed. You must place your pencil in position, so that when I give the signal you will be ready to begin. Remem- ber to write your name again and again during the time between signals. Dont open your eyes until I give the signal to stop. Ready — Close eyes — Go." (Time limit: 20 seconds.) 3. "Under *3' you are to write your name in your usual way, but while you are doing this you are to keep your eyes fixed on this pencil and you are to count aloud with me the number of times I tap the table with the pencil. Keep your eyes on the pencil and count aloud. Keep on writing until I stop tapping. Ready — Go." Examiner taps on the table slightly faster than once per second. He also counts aloud vigorously. (Time limit: 20 seconds.) 4. "Under '4' you are to write your name repeatedly from the signal to begin until the signal to stop. While you are writing I am going to read you a list of words that rime with 'fly,' such as 'die,' 'sigh,' and Tie.' You are to keep track of the number of times I say the word 'fly.' "When I give the signal to stop, record the number of times I read the word 'fly.' Dont forget to keep on writing your name all the time. Ready — Go." List to be read by examiner: Fly, die, sigh, sky, fly, fly, fly, my, fly, he, die, by, fly, fly, high, fly, cry, fly, sigh, sigh, fly, nye, my, fly. The examiner should time his reading so that 20 seconds will be required to go through the list. If he fails to complete the list, he should record the number of times "fly" was read. If he finishes before the end of the 20 seconds, he should reread part of the list, recording the correct nimaber of times "fly" was pronounced. (Time limit: 20 seconds.) Test XI. Self-confidence "Turn to Test XI. After each one of the 16 sentences you will find the words 'false' and 'true.' If you think what a sentence says is true, draw a line under 'true'; if it is false, draw a line under 'false.' "For example, 'I read you a list of words early in the test, true false.' • • ' Mxmddl of Tkrehtth'hs 9 "This is a true statement, and the word 'true' is underlined. *'If you are absolutely sure that you are right, draw two lines under 'true' or * false.' *' Take all the time you need to mark the sentences. When you have marked every one, hold your pencil up to show that you have finished. Doni skip any.'' Test XII. Non-compliance When every one has finished Text XI, say: "Of the sentences you have just marked, eight are false, eight are true. You may correct your work in this way : Draw a circle around any 'true' or 'false' that you made a mistake in marking, and underline the other word instead. For example, sentence 2 reads, *Two of the words in the list rimed.' If this was false, but you underlined the word 'true,' draw a circle about the word 'true' and underline 'false' instead.^ "You may make all the corrections you care to, so as to mark eight false and eight true, hut dont erase any marks. Raise your pencil when you have finished." The examiner should give time for all to make any changes they desire. Three minutes is probably sufficient. Test XIII. Finality of Judgment . "Turn to Test XIII. When the signal is given you are to turn back to Test I and make any changes you care to in the way you marked your own character traits. If you want to make any changes, draw a circle around the word you marked first and underline the other word of the pair.^ When you have finished, look at the blackboard and write in the space marked ' Number' on page 12 the first number I write after you look up. "Now turn back to Test I and make what changes you wish. Ready — Begin." At this point the examiner should note the time by his watch, and at the end of 3 seconds he should write the nimiber 3 on the blackboard. At the end of each succeeding 3 seconds he should write the number of seconds which have elapsed, in a column which will appear thus: 3 6 9 12 etc., up to 108. 1 With children below the 9th grade the illustration should be put on the blackboard and explained. 10 Downey Group Will-Teniperdmeht Test After reaching 114 the examiner quits writing and tells those who have not finished to write 114 in the blank. If desired, a little further time may then be allowed for the checking. TENTATIVE SCORING OF GROUP-TEST The directions for scoring are to be used in conjunction with the table on page 16. The norms were obtained from an approx- imately small number of adults and are only tentative. After more extensive application of the tests, material will be at hand for establishing norms for different ages. Test I. Speed of Decision. Checking of traits. Scored on number of decisions made in time limit. See table, page 16. Test II. Normal and Speeded Writing of Name. Not scored; given as practice for Test VI. Test III. Retarded Writing of Name. Not scored; given as preliminary practice for Test VII. Test IV. Memory Test. Not scored; given in preparation for Test XI. Test V. Coordination of Impulses. Writing "United States of America" in a restricted space and at speeded time. Scored on number of letters omitted or over the hne. See table, page 16. Note. The method of scoring used is open to the objection that it fails to reckon with variations in normal speed and that it makes no distinction between those who fail to finish writing the phrase through lack of time and those who finish but run over the line. It is possible to correct a particular record or to note the quality of reaction by the following procedure: Calculate from Test VI the normal and speeded time for writing the phrase once. Using these values, score the reaction on the basis of the norms given for Test V, in the Manual of Directions for the Individual Tests. Test VI. Speed of Movement and Freedom from Load. Speed of Movement is scored from VI. 1 on the number of letters written at normal speed within the time limit. See table, page 16. To score for Freedom from Load, find the ratio between the number of letters written at normal speed (VI. 1) and the number written during the speeded trial (VI. 2). Score this in accordance with the norms given in table, page 16. Test VII. Motor Inhibition. Scored on third trial according to norms given in table. Each scroll is divided into 33 equal units, and the scoring is based on the number of units traced. Test VIII. Flexibility. Score disguised hands (VIII, 1 and 2), first and second attempts each, 0, 1, or 2, according to amount of change. (See samples below.) If the phrase was not written under 2, score the best practice attempt. I *• •' Mmmi df Diredibrts 1 1 Score Rapid Imitation of Model A (VI 1 1. 3) according to quality and speed, as follows: Rate the quality A, B, G, D, or E according to general effect (see page 12), E signifying complete reversion to the subject's own hand. Count the letters written, and in the left-hand column of the schedule below find the group in which the speed of writing falls. Find the score under the proper letter and opposite the proper speed group. Normal i^g- Test VIII, 1 and 2 \j(;^J^JiJ^ ^>t(^iXjU3 n QUy^.^jU^^(t&^ Disguised. Scored Normal Disguised. Scored i Normal Disguised. Scored 2 ^ ^ a l-H S "o a "o "8 a ^ § ^ ^ "a <4-l oco g 1 l-H g is CO fo 1 ^ o Cy • •••••• * Manual of Directions 13 NUMBER OF LK'ITERS WRITTEN A B c D E 147-42 6 6 4 2 41-21 6 4 3 1 20-10 4 3 2 Under 10- 3 2 1 Add partial scores to find the total score. Test VIII. 2. Volitional Perseveration. The score on this trait is determined by the amount of time spent in practice on the dis- guise. From the number the examinee records in the blank find the score according to the table, page 16. Test IX. Interest in Detail. This test is scored on the success of the examinee in copying the writing and on the time he gives to the task as compared with his speed in Rapid Imitation of Model A (VIII. 3). The scoring procedure is as follows: Rate imitations Model A(IX, 1) and imitations Model B (IX, 2) jointly. A, B, C, D, E, or F, according to accuracy in details. Note about fifteen details in the two imitations, — such, for example, as proper placing of i-dot, form of t-bar, etc., — and penalize one letter-grade for each three bad failures. The crosses on the accompanying illustration show the sort of details that should be noted in scoring. Quality A means no penalizing. %yiX£i^^ ^y^MJl^ ^ £!..ia^+^ Find the difference in the number of letters written for rapid imitation (VIII, 3) and for slow imitation (IX, 1) of Model A, and in the left-hand column of the schedule below find the group in which this number falls. Under the proper letter and opposite the proper number, find the score. 14 Downey Group l^U-Temperament Test DIFFERENCE IN NUMBER OF LETTERS A B c D E F 36 & over 10 9 8 7 6 5 21-35 9 8 7 6 5 4 12-20 8 7 6 5 4 3 6-11 Note 7 6 5 4 3 2 2-5 Note 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 or negative 5 4 3 2 1 Note. A slight difference in number of letters written in VIII and IX may be due to preoccupation with detail. If the quality of copy is A or B for imitations in VIII and IX and less than 22 letters are written in VIII, score 10 for Detail. Test X, Motor Impulsion. By means of the accompanying schedule, score writing according to size and amount written as compared with normal size and amount written at normal rate. Score 2, 3, and 4 separately and then obtain the mean score. RATIO OF letters GREAT MAGNI- FICATION (about 50%) MODERATE MAGNI- FICATION (about 25%) SLIGHT MAGNI- FICATION NORMAL SLIGHT DECREASE IN SIZE GREAT DECREASE IN SIZE 110 or over 10 10 8 6 4 2 90-109 9 9 7 5 3 75-89 8 7 6 4 2 55-74 6 5 4 3 2 33-54 4 3 2 2 1 0-32 2 1 1 1 1 To score each trial, note the size of the writing under distrac- tion as compared with normal size. Then find the ratio of the number of letters written under distraction to the number of letters written at normal rate, by dividing the former by the latter, and find the proper score in the schedule. Take the mean of these for the final score. Test XL Self-confidence. Scored on number of items doubly underlined. See table, page 16. Test XII. Non-compliance. Scored on nimiber of changes made after the suggestion has been given by examiner. Find the ratio between the number of changes actually made • ••••••• • • « • I Mdfiddl of Uirecfions 15 (numerator) and the number of changes necessary for complete acquiescence to the suggestion that "Eight of the statements are false; eight, true" (denominator). The latter number is found by subtracting from 8 the number of statements marked "false" before the suggestion is given, and shows to what extent memory was at fault. Add 1 to the numerator of the fraction for every change in which the original decision was doubly underscored and also add 1 for any change in marking any of the following statements: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13. Tabulation of returns has shown that these deci- sions are rarely revised. Apparently they afford little chance for a rationalization process that justifies a change. Example. Suppose a subject before the suggestion is given marks 12 of the state- ments "true" and 4 "false." The suggestion that 8 are "false" brings 3 changes out of a possible 4. Two of the items changed were doubly underscored in the original marking; the ratio, then, is 5/4 or 1.25, and reference to the norms (see table) indi- cates that the score would be 4. Test XIII . Finality of Judgment. Scored on time spent in rechecking Test I. See table, page 16. THE WILL-PROFILE The will-profile shows in graphic form the scores made in the various tests. To plot the graph, indicate on the record blank the score for each trait by placing a dot on the line labeled with the name of the trait. Then connect the dots with a line. For sample will-profiles and a discussion of them, the publications already referred to must be consulted. 16 Downey Group Will-Temper airient Test pq < H O o u H o 1— 1 ON CO t- VO LO ^ CO CSI l-H Item on Profile IS ON CO CO i-H LO o 4 LO ON CO o l-H CO ON I ON l-H r-H o TEST XII O r r— 1 ! CSI 1 r-H l-H 1 CO LO l-H ON l-H OS l-H ;-i CO % 1^ 1— 1 1— 1 1 CO p— 1 CSI l-H O rH ON 1 CO 4 7 r-H o ^8^ n '"^ > o CO o CO J. § C\| CO i—i o CO l-H LO LO "* l-H l-H LO CO l-H 1 o CO LO 1 LO l-H o i-H 7n ON O LO o 1 LO lie "H fl_j CO 2 4 o Ir- ON CSI l-H p— 1 ON l-H 1 CO 2 CSI LO LO CO \o o si"" W l-H LO CNJ LO ON T l-H LO CO LO CO i CSI I-H 7 o CO 0^ o I— 1 1— 1 1— ! rH p-H l-H I—i l-H CSI l-H =t l-H C^l l-H 1 CSI CSI o CO l-H 1 Cvl l-H CNl CO r-A 1 l-H CO l-H CO l-H 1 CO CO o lO l-H l-H 2^ 2° |> 1 o 0) '1 CM CO 1 LO CO VD CO o I-H I o I-H ;-i > o Si— 1 o CO csi Csj ' 1 LO CSI CSI l-H Csl ^. l-H CO l-H l-H LO l-H 1 CO csi r-H 1 o l-H ON 1 LO 1 o '^ o o r— 1 ON CO t- 'O LO r? CO CSI l-H Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gay lord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Yj PAT. JAN 21, 1908 OCT 4 1937^ 4921 2i UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY