Sons of the American Revolution California society. History, constitution and by- laws, membership. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES ROBERT ERNEST COWAN CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF THE American ^Volution Instituted at SAN FRANCISCO October 22nd, 1875 L1BERTAS ET PATR1A 1807 History Constitution and By = Laws Membership California Society OF THE Sons of the American Revolution Instituted at SAN FRANCISCO October 22nd, 1875 AS SONS OF REVOLUTIONARY SIRES " The first body in inception, institution and organization, to unite the descendant* of Revolutionary patriots and perpetuate the memory of all those who took part in the American Revolution and maintained the Independence of the United States of America." Constitution Adopted August 7, 1876. Change of Name to Sons of the American Revolution, March 22, 1890. New Constitution in Conformity to National Society S. A R, adopted October 19, 1891. Constitution Amended October 19, 1896. Board of Managers. 1897. SIDNEY MASON SMITH, President. COLONEL JOHN 0. CURRIER, Senior Vice-President. HON. HORACE DAVIS, Junior Vice-President. EDWIN BONNBLL, Secretary, 101 Montgomery street. CHARLES H. WARNER, Treasurer. COLONEL A. S. HUBBARD, Registrar, 1170 Market street. WILLIAM SOHUYLER MOSES, Marshal. ROBERTS VANDERCOOK. WILLIAM M. BUNKER. ZENAS U. DODGE. MARK L. BEQUA. ALMARIN B. PAUL. DR. C. J. BURNHAM. Southern California Society, Sons of the American SAN DIEGO. Board of Managers. HON. DANIEL CLEVELAND, President. ADONIRAM JUDSON GRAY, Vice-President. HENRY GRAHAM CROCKER, Secretary. FREDERICK S. PLIMPTON, Treasurer. DAVID L. WITHINGTON, Registrar. CHARLES HUBBELL. ARTHUR G. NASON. . r - - . . Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. INSTITUTED OCTOBER 22, 1875 SA.N F'RANCISOO, CXA.U. Presidents : DR. PETER WILKINS RANDLE, died, San Francisco, January 13, 1884. GENERAL ALBERT M. WINN, died, Sonoma, Cal., August 26, 1883, (Made President-General at Third National Congress, April 30, 1892.) HON. CALEB T. FAY, died, San Francisco, April 20, 1885. CAPTAIN AUGUSTUS C. TAYLOR, son of a Revolutionary soldier, died, Sau Francisco, September 3, 1891. MR. LORING PICKERING, died, San Francisco, December 28, 1892. COLONEL A. 8. BUBBARD, San Francisco, California, (Made President-General at First National Congress, April 30, 1890.) Organized as a NATIONAL SOCIETY in New York City, April 30, May 1 and 2, 1889. Presidents General: HON. Lucius P. DEMING, New Haven, Conn. ; elected by the Organizing Convention; resigned November 23, 1889. DR. WILLIAM SEWARD WEBB, Shelburn, Vermont; elected for unexpired term November 23, 1889 ; re-elected at First National Congress, Louiville, Ky., April 30, 1890; again re-elected at Second National Congress, Hartford, Conn., April 30, 1891. GENEBAL HORACK PORTER, New York City ; elected at Third National Congress, New York City, April 30, 1892 ; re-elected at the First Triennial Conclave, Chicago, 111., June 16, 1893, and for the third time at Fifth National Congress, Washington, D. C., April 30, 1894, and for the fourth time at Sixth National Congress, Boston, May 14, 1895, and for the fifth time at Seventh National Congress, Richmond, Va., April 30, 1896. HON. EDWIN SHEPARD BARRETT, Concord, Mass.; Eighth National Congress, Cleveland, Ohio, April 30, 1897. ,311807 Provisional President. DR. PETER WILKINS HANDLE, October 22, 1875, to July 4, 1876. Presidents. GENERAL ALBERT M. WINN, July 4, 1876, to October 19, 1881. HON. CALEB T. FAY, October 19, 1881, to July 5, 1882. CAPTAIN AUGUSTUS C. TAYLOR, July 5, 1882, to July 9, 1884. MR. LORING PICKERING, July 9, 1884, to July 5, 1886. COLONEL A. S. HUBBARD, July 5, 1886, to February 22, 1892. JOHN W. MOORE, U. 8. N., February 22, 1892, to February 22, 1893. CAPTAIN J. ESTCOURT SAWYER, U. S. A., February 22, 1893, to February 22, 1894. CHARLES J. KING, February 22, 1894, to February 22, 1895. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL EDWARD HUNTER, U. S. A., February 22, 1895, to February 22, 1896. HON. ELISHA W. MCKINSTRY, February 22, 1896, to January 12, 1897. MR. SIDNEY MASON SMITH, January 12, 1897. Life Members. GENERAL ULYSSES S. GRANT, Died June 23, 1885. HENRY MCLEAN MARTIN, Died April 5, 1891. Honorary Members. HON. HAMILTON FISH, Died September 7, 1893. GENERAL RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, Died January 17, 1893. BENSON J. LOSSING, LL.D., Died June 4, 1891. GENERAL ALEX. 8. WEBB, U. S. A. Lucius P. DEMING, LL.D. MAJOR GEORGE B. HALSTEAD, U. 8. Vol. LIEUTENANT JAMES C. CRESAP, U. S. N. GENERAL BENJAMIN HARRISON. HON. GROVER CLEVELAND. MAJOR WM. McKiNLEY. Historical. COLONEL RICH'D H. SAVAGE, Chief Aid to GEN'L JOHN McCoMB, the Grand Marshal chosen by the citizens of the City and County of San Francisco to provide and in a fitting manner arrange for the celebration of the Anniversary of American Independence, in his address, dated June 17th, 1875, to the people invoking their aid and co-operation, said: "The near approach of the Ninety-ninth Anniversary of the Decla- ration of American Independence is the signal to invoke good citizens to aid in perfecting the arrangements for a fitting celebration of the honored day. ********* "Without partisan or sectional bias, looking only to the glorious national memories of the past and to the prosperous future stretching far before us, let us, dwellers by the Western Sea, send back a loyal greeting to our fellow-citizens nearer the birthplace of National Freedom. " The first century of American freedom draws to its glorious close. National trials and struggles for existence have not shattered the noble fabric of Republican self-government, cemented as it is by the blood of our Revolutionary forefathers. Looking backward to the early vicissi- tudes of our National existence, the American citizen sees in the high- souled patriotism of the Revolution the grandest model of duty and self-devotion. Left us fittingly honor the day, the men, the deed. The Independence of America! its proclamation gave hope to suffering millions; its achievement has given happiness to a vast nation, in wealth and numbers far surpassing the most sanguine hopes of the many heroes who fought for posterity, who died that we might be free. In peaceful enjoyment of the freedom so dearly purchased, let us, as a grateful body of fellow-citizens, forget any dividing line in the one proud boast that we are Americans." One of the results of Col. Savage's appeal was the forma- tion and appearance in the procession of a platoon of soldiers in Continental dress, comman ied by Capt. F. C. M. Fenn, who subsequently became a member of the California Society of the Sons of Revolutionary Sires. The Daily Alia of July 6th, 1875, said of Gapt. Fenn's command: "It was a marked feature of the procession, and as they marched past in their antique uniform, one almost fancied that the procession was a pageant of the 17th century, rather than a celebration of this age of military and civic enlightenment." And further says: "The names of cele- brated battlefields and heroes of the Revolution, the separate letters of the words entwined in evergreen wreaths, the whole suspended across the streets, were handsome and were generally admired." The call issued by Col. Savage took root in fertile soil, for at about this period a few patriotic and enthusiastic citizens of San Francisco, descendants of the early emigrants and colonists of America, were quietly moving and endeavoring to bring to the notice of their immediate associates of Ameri- can blood and birth the duty of honoring the founders of the American nation, and of perpetuating the principles for which these heroes "pledged their lives and their sacred honor," and of producing a higher appreciation of the responsibilities and obligations of American citizenship. Scarcely had the echoes of the celebration of Independence Day died away, when the sentiments aroused on that occasion assumed form and expression. A hundred days later, Fri- day evening, October 22nd, 1875, a meeting of descendants of soldiers, sailors and patriots of the Revolutionary War was called at the office of Dr. James L. Cogswell, No. 230 Kearny street, San Francisco. Among those present at this meeting were Major Edwin A. Sherman, Deputy U. S. Sur- veyor-General for Nevada, Ira C. Root, Dr. P. W. Randle, Rush R. Randle, Joseph Weed, Dr. Emory L. Willard and others, " who, when convened, did after consultation and due and proper consideration, proceed to formulate a plan of, and take preliminary steps for, the institution and organization of a society composed of descendants of soldiers, sailors and patriots of the Revolutionary War, or more spe- cifically understood and known as the War of 1776, whose deeds of valor in the field and services in the Council Chamber achieved the independence of the Colonies of the United States of America." At this provisional meeting, Dr. P. W. Randle was elected President. Dr. Randle was born at Sparta, Georgia, Novem- ber 9th, 1806. His sire was Captain Josias Randle of the Virginia Line, who, for a time, served as Aid-de-camp to General Washington. With his father he removed to Illinois in 1810, and later received his education at Transylvania College, Kentucky. He served with Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk War and was a Surgeon in the Mexican War and during the War of the Rebellion. On December 19th, 1849, he arrived at San Francisco in the ship Arkansas, and in the latter years of his life was connected with the U. S. Mint at San Francisco, where he died, January 13th, 1884. His remains were committed to mother earth by George H. Thomas Post, No. 2, G. A. R., of which he was a member, in accordance with the ceremonies of the Grand Army of the Republic. The provisional organization thus initiated, known as the Society of Sous of Revolutionary Sires, was held well in hand, when, on the 26th day of June, 1876, Centennial Year, the following card from a lady whose name is unknown appeared in the Daily Alia California: Editor Alta: Wouldn't it be a most novel but strikingly interesting idea in the programme of the procession for our City Centennial Celebration, to have represented our grandparents of the Revolution by the grand- children now living, residents of this city ? There might not be a single living son or daughter, but no doubt there might be a score or more of real grandchildren. Wouldn't it be splendid if enough could be found to represent every State in the Union, to ride in a car sufficiently large to carry them all ? each one carrying a small flag with the name of the State they repre- sent, and the car designated "The Revolutionary Grandchildren?" The writer of this is such an one, an elderly lady 55 years of age. I am the granddaughter and the step-granddaughter of six who passed through that bloody straggle inaugurated by the Declaration, the anni- versary of the signing of which we have celebrated for 99 years, and now are about to give unusual eclat to the Centennial Anniversary. Two of those grandparents lived to be 93 and 96 years of age; both received pensions from the U. S. Government; one of them never laid on a bed after that terrible struggle for our liberty, being deprived of that privilege through the asthma contracted from taking colds, sleeping out in snows and rains, suffering and exposure. If the writer could be transported back to my native home in good old Massachusetts, almost in sight of Plymouth Rock, I could (I think it is so fresh in my memory) put my feet on the very spot where I have stood with one of my grandmothers when she t< Id me thf re was where my grandfather dropped his plow, rushed into the old farmhouse, shouldered his musket, kissed her and his infant child (which only died two years ago, just 100 years old), mounted his farm nag just unhitched from the plow, and while the terrible sound of the horseman, To Arms! To Arms! was ringing in my grandmother's ears, he was away to Boston as a volunteer. All honor to our glorious, noble grandparents to-day. I could tell many, many incidents that they all have related to me, so green and fresh and heart-stirring to-day to me as when a child I heard them from their own lips, which I have told myself to many a dear little child in this city to try to explain what the 4th of July or Independence means. These things must be kept before the minds of our young and rising generation, for from some of them, at least, must come the future support of the whole fabric so dearly won by those martyred heroes, whose cry Liberty or Death went up to the ears of a willing Merciful Father to relieve us from tyranny and oppression, making a home for all to worship as they choose, and to buy, sell and get gain, and send it where they list. If the General of the day thinks anything of this for I know you will let him see it tell him I want to go and carry the old Bay State Flag, my dear native home, which I have not seen for fourteen years. I am the poor widow of one of the victims of the privateers of our last war, living in obscurity. Yours, etc., To the unknown correspondent of the Alia Dr. Cogswell replied in the following communication : REVOLUTIONARY DESCENDANTS. Editor Alta: The idea suggested by the granddaughter of one of our Revolu- tionary Sires seems a capital one; and as I belong in the same category with your correspondent, being the grandson of one of the Revolutionary heroes, I shall be happy to have all who belong to this class call at my office, No. 230 Kearny street, and organize for the occasion. Signed, J. L. COGSWELL. San Francisco, June 26lh, 1876. 10 The issue of the Alia of June 28th contained the following local item (written by Geo. B. Mackrett, Journalist): "The grandchildren of Revolutionary Heroes have been invited to meet at the office of Dr. Cogswell, 230 Kearny street, and organize for the proper celebration of the day which their grandfathers fought to make the Republic's great national holiday; and it is not likely that any will be lax in the display of their patriotism through any proper channel that may be open to them. This is the time to arouse the enthusiasm and fire the patriotism of every son of freedom." Pursuant to the, call, a number of descendants of Revolu- tionary soldiers and sailors convened at the office of Dr. Cogswell, and agreed to connect themselves with the Society "planned and formulated" on the previous 22nd day of October, 1875, and to participate in the Centennial Anni- versary of American Independence, the celebration of the day having been entrusted to a General Committee of leading citizens of San Francisco. At the request of the assembled Revolutionary descendants the Grand Marshal issued the following invitation: 1776. 1876. ATTENTION DESCENDANTS OF REVOLUTIONARY PATRIOTS! Headquarters Centennial Committee, 212 Kearny Street. SAN FRANCISCO, June 28th, 1876. You are hereby requested to meet at the Headquarters of the Grand Marshal, No. 212 Kearny Street, at 8 o'clock p. M., on Thursday, June 29th, for the purpose of making arrangements to participate in the celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Nation's Inde- pendence. CHARLES L. WIGOIN, Chief of Sta/ to the Grand Marshal On the same date of the issuance of the above invitation, the Alta, through its local column, called attention of de- scendants of Revolutionary Sires to the approaching cele- bration in these words: " The descendants of the Revolutionary patriots in this city are re- quested to meet afc Headquarters of the Grand Marshal, No. 212 Kearny street, at eight o'clock this evening, for the purpose of making arrange- ments to participate in the Centennial Celebration." The foregoing request met with a hearty response, there being present about twenty-five persons claiming the distinc- 11 tion and honor of being enrolled as descendants of Revolu- tionary Sires, and arrangements were perfected for having a parade on Independence Day following. An adjournment to meet at the Palace Hotel Saturday evening, July 1st, was then taken. At the adjourned meeting the action to have a parade on July 4th was concurred in by almost thirty additional eligibles for membership who were present, the whole form- ing a nucleus for a promising parade on Independence Day. When the glorious day arrived, there were no less than eighty-eight names enrolled, eight of whom were actual Sons of Eevolutionary Soldiers; but at the present writing only one of these John R. Robinson is borne on the rolls. Since that date two more have been enrolled, John C. B. Rutherford and Milton Andros. The parade attracted a great deal of attention, the line of march starting from the Palace Hotel at 9:30 A. M. and pass- ing through the principal streets, everywhere receiving that homage which would naturally fall to the descendants of those whose services destroyed the yoke of tyranny and made the glorious Stars and Stripes the symbol of a land of freedom in perpetuity. After the parade the little band returned to the Palace Hotel and there joined in, and more fully completed its organization as planned and formulated October 22nd, 1875. Now a word as to the objects of this society. From its very inspiration the promoters of the California Society planned that the organization should be made National in its attributes, and among other objects its first constitution provided for the organization of " auxiliaries, co-equal branches and representative bodies." The California organi- zation was perfected July 4, 1876, or seven years prior to the formation of any similar organization in any State in the Union. This plain statement of existing facts should forever set at rest its claim for dominance in point of life, and as all permanent bodies must possess parentage, so did the Cali- fornia organization become the sire of all assimilated branches and will forever remain as such despite all quib- bling to the contrary. 12 The National Society early recognized the services of the California Society, by the adoption of, at the first National Congress, at Louisville, Ky., April 30, 1890, the following resolution : " WJiereas, The Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was first organized in the State of California on the Fourth of July, 1876 ; and Whereas, To Colonel A. S. Hubbard, of the California Society, is due. in a large degree, the credit of organizing that Society, and, in a still greater degree, the credit of maintaining that Society through trials which would have discouraged a less patriotic man ; now, therefore, Resolved, That in the publication of the names of the Presidents - General of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revo- lution, the name of Colonel A. S. Hubbard be hereafter included. Resolved, That the Secretary General be, and is hereby, instructed to inform Colonel A. S. Hubbard of the honor which this Congress has conferred upon him. At the third National Congress, at New York City, April 30, 1892, on motion of Mr. Henry Hall, Historian General, it placed on record the following tribute to the memory of the late General Albert M. Winn : Resolved, That the name of A. M. Winn, first President of the Cali- fornia Society, shall hereafter appear in the roll of Past Presidents- General of this Society. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE California Society of the of the American Devolution. PREAflBLE. CALIFORNIA SOCIETY or THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Instituted October 22nd, 1875. The first body in inception, institution and organization, to unite the de- scendants of Revolutionary . patriots and perpetuate the memory of all those who took part in the American Revo- lution and maintained the Independence of the United States of America. It was fully and completely organized on the 4th of July, 1876, under the name of " SONS OF REVO- LUTIONARY SIRES." On the 30th of April, 1889, a number of similar co-equal Societies of different States formed a general Society under the name of " THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION," in which movement this Society heartily co-operated and changed its name to the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, under which latter name it has been since known. Constitution. ARTICLE I. NAME. SECTION 1. The name of this Society is " THE CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION." ARTICLE II. OBJECTS. SECTION 1. The objects of this Society shall be to unite and promote fellowship among the descendants, and perpet- uate the memory of the men who, by their services or sacri- fices during the War of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American people; to inspire among the members of the Society and the community at large a more profound reverence for the principles of the Govern- ment founded by our forefathers; to encourage historical re- search in relation to the American Revolution; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual services of Rev- olutionary patriots, and documents, relics and landmarks connected with the War; to mark the scenes of the Revo- 15 lution by appropriate memorials; to celebrate the anniver- saries of the prominent events of the War; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom; and to carry out the injunctions of Washington in his farewell address to the American people. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP. SECTION 1. Any man shall be eligible to membership in this Society, who, being of the age of 21 years or over, and a citizen of good repute in the community, is the lineal descen- dant of an ancestor, who, while at all times unfailing in his loyalty, rendered actual service in the cause of American Independence, either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militiaman or minute man, in the armed forces of the Con- tinental Congress or of any one of the several Colonies or States; or as a Signer of the Declaration of Independence; or as a member of a Committee of Safety or Correspondence; or as a member of any Continental, Provincial or Colonial Congress or Legislature; or as a civil officer, either of one of the Colonies or States or of the National Government; or as a recognized patriot, who performed actual service by overt acts of rebellion against the authority of Great Britain. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. SECTION 1. The officers of the Society shall be a Presi- dent, a Senior Vice-President, a Junior Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, a Marshal and a Board of Managers consisting of the above mentioned and six other members, who shall be elected by a vote of the majority of the members present at the annual meeting of the Society, and who shall hold office for one year or until their suc- cessors shall be elected. SEC. 2. Delegates and alternates to the Congress of the National Society shall be elected at the same meeting. 16 AETICLE V. MEETINGS. SECTION 1. The regular meetings of the Society shall be on the second Tuesday in January; on the nineteenth of April, "Lexington Day;" on the seventeenth of June, " Banker Hill Day; " on the third of September, the anni- versary of the Treaty of Paris, whereby King George III acknowledged the United States of America to be free, sov- ereign and independent States; on the 19th of October, the anniversary of the surrender of the British Army to the allied armies at Yorktown, except when either of these dates shall fall on Sunday, in which case the meeting shall be held on the day preceding. SEC. 2. The meeting of the second Tuesday in Janu- ary shall be the annual meeting, at which, in addition to the transaction of general business, the election of officers for the ensuing year shall take place, who shall hold office for one year or until their successors shall be elected, and shall enter upon their official duty immediately. SEC. 3. Special meetings may be called by the President or Board of Managers at any time. SEC. 4. The President shall call a special meeting when- ever requested in writing so to do by five or more members. SEC. 5. No business shall be transacted at any special meeting excepting that for which the meeting was called, unless by a two-thirds vote of the members present. AETICLE VI. AMENDMENTS. SECTION 1. Amendments to this Constitution must be submitted in writing at a regular meeting of the Society, but shall not be acted on until the next or a subsequent meeting. SEC. 2. A copy of every proposed amendment shall be sent to each member, with a notice of the meeting at which the same is to be acted on, at least one week prior to said meeting. SEC. 3. A vote of two-thirds of those present shall be necessary to the adoption of any amendment. By=Laws. SECTION 1. All applications for membership in this Society shall be made in duplicate upon blanks prescribed by the National Society, to which the applicant shall have made oath that the statements of his application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and shall be accompanied by the membership fee for the current year within which the application is presented, which shall be returned if the appli- cant is not accepted. SEC. 2. No application for membership shall be received wherein the applicant does not clearly establish direct lineal descent from an ancestor who participated in establishing American Independence, as required by Article III of the Constitution. SEC. 3. Applications for membership shall be received by the Secretary, submitted to the Registrar for examination, and shall be reported by the latter to the Board of Managers for action. When approved and elected by said Board, the applicant shall become a member of the Society. One copy of each application shall be retained by the Registrar for preservation, and the duplicate forwarded to the Registrar- General of the National Society. SEC. 4. 1. The membership fee shall be ten (10) dollars, and the yearly dues shall be at the rate of twenty-five (25) cents per month. The payment of fifty dollars by a mem- ber at any one time, or the payment of annual dues for thirty consecutive years, shall constitute the person paying such sum a life member, and he shall thereafter be exempt from the payment of annual dues. 2. Annual dues shall be paid in advance to the Secretary on or before the day of the annual election. Any member in arrears for dues for two years shall be liable to suspension 18 and may be dropped by the Board of Managers, but may be re-instated on payment of all arrearages and one (1) year's additional dues, provided he has been suspended for twelve months or more, and provided there are no charges unbecom- ing a gentleman recorded against him remaining undeter- mined, or determined finally against him. 3. In extreme cases the Board of Managers may by vote remit the unpaid annual dues of a delinquent member. SEC. 5. Sons of those who actually participated in the War of the Revolution, and thereby assisted in establishing American Independence, as referred to in Article III of the Constitution, may be admitted to full membership in this Society without payment of membership fee or yearly dues, they having complied with all the other requirements of those belonging to a later generation. SEC. 6. Honorary membership may be conferred upon the Governor and ex-Governors of the State of California and upon distinguished individuals for services rendered in the Army or Navy of the United States, or for contributions to the Society, who shall not be subject to dues or entitled to vote or hold office, but may take part in debate and be entitled to the honors of re-unions and celebrations, provided they are eligible to membership in the Society. SEC. 7. The President, or in his absence the Senior Vice- President, or in his absence the Junior Vice- President, or in his absence a Chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Managers. He shall enforce a strict observance of the Constitution and By- Laws, and perform such other duties as custom and parlia- mentary usage may require. SEC. 8. 1. The Secretary shall receive all moneys from the members and pay them over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. He shall conduct the general cor- respondence of the Society, shall have charge of the seal, certificate of incorporation, by - laws and records, and, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Society. 19 2. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all proceed- ings and orders of the Society, and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves or proceedings affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties. 3. He shall notify all members of their election, and shall, under the direction of the President, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society and attend the same. 4. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and pay- ments, and of the accounts of the members with the Society, and at each annual meeting shall report the same, at which time a committee shall be appointed to audit his accounts. SEC. 9. The Treasurer shall receive from the Secretary all moneys belonging to the Society, giving his receipt for the same; these funds shall be deposited in a reliable bank or savings institution in the city of San Francisco, to be designated by the Board of Managers, to the credit of " The California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution," and shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer for the use of the Society only, as directed by vote of the Society or by the Board of Managers, upon the order of the Secretary and the certificate of the President. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments and at each animal meeting shall report the same, at which time a committee shall be appointed to audit his accounts. SEC. 10. 1. The Registrar shall keep a roll of members, and in his hands shall be lodged all proofs of membership- qualification, and the historical and genealogical papers- manuscript or otherwise of which the Society may become possessed; and under the direction of the Board of Managers shall keep copies of such similar documents as the owners thereof may not be willing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. He shall receive all applications for membership and proofs of membership-qualifications from the Secretary, shall carefully scrutinize and verify all state- ments of the Revolutionary services of ancestors that may be made in the applications, and shall report his findings in each case to the Board of Managers. 20 SEC. 11. 1. The Board of Managers shall consist of thirteen members, viz: the President, Senior and Junior Vice-Presideuts, Secretary, Treasurer, Kegistrar, Marshal ex-officio, and six others, elected as provided by the Con- stitution. 2. They shall judge of the qualifications of the candidates for admission to the Society and elect the same, two negative votes rejecting the applicant. 3. They shall recommend plans for promoting the objects of the Society, shall digest and prepare business, and shall authorize the disbursement and expenditure of unappro- priated money in the treasury for the payment of current expenses of the Society. They shall generally superintend the interests of the Society, and perform all such duties as may be committed to them by the Society. 4. They shall have power to fill any vacancy occurring or existing in the Society, and an officer so appointed shall act until the following annual election or until his successor shall' be chosen. 5. At each annual meeting of the Society the Board shall make a general report. 6. At all meetings of the Board of Managers five or more shall be sufficient for the transaction of business. SEC. 12. The seal of this Society shall be the same as that of the " National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution,, organized April 30th, 1889," with the addition of an inner circle, three-sixteenths of an inch wide, bearing the following legend: " California Society, S. A. E., organized July 4th, 1876." , SEC. 13. No alteration or amendment of the By- Laws of this Society shall be made unless openly proposed at a previous meeting and entered in the minutes with the name of the member proposing the same, and shall be adopted by a majority of the members present at a meeting of the Society. n lllemonam REV. CHAS. MORRIS BLAKE, U. S. A. REV. BENJ. F. CRARY, D. D. GENL. WM. H. DIMOND. HON. CHAS. FERNALD. ARTHUR MALISE HEANAN. JAMES L. HALSTED, SR. CHARLES B. KIMBALL. HENRY MCLEAN MARTIN. DAVID MEEKER, SR. N. VALENTINE PADDOCK. JAMES McM. SHAFTER. CAPT. A. C. TAYLOR. WILLIAM WINTER. COL. DAVID WILDER. COL. URIAH WALLACE. CAPT. S. G. WHIPPLE, U. S. A. BENJAMIN F. WILLIAMS. Roll of Membership. ABBOTT, GAEL HEWES. Oakland. Great-great-grandson of Walter Fanning, Private Connec- ticut Militia. ABBOTT, GEORGE EDWARDS, M. D. San Diego. Great-grandson of Joshua Abbott, Captain Continental Army, New Hampshire Line. ABBOTT, GRANVILLE DAVIS. Oakland. Great-great-grandson of Walter Fanning, Private Connec- ticut Militia. ALLEN, CHARLES R. Oakland. Great-grandson of John Wilbur, Private Rhode Island Troops. ALLEN, EDGAR L. San Francisco. Great-grandson of John Wilbur, Private Rhode Island Troops. ANDERSON, CHARLES, M. D. Santa Barbara. Grandson of Richard Clough Anderson, Lieutenant-Colonel Continental Army, Virginia Line. ANDREWS, REV. J. B. San Jose. Grandson of Conrad Rummey, Private Pennsylvania Troops. ANDROS, MILTON. San Francisco. Son of Rev. Thomas Andros, Private Continental Army. AUSTIN, CHARLES GOODRIDGE. San Francisco. Great-gran daon of Levi Austin ; Also, Great-grandson of Daniel Goodridge, Privates Massachusetts Militia. 23 AYEB, LEONARD BAENAED. Central House. Great-grandson of William Ayer, Private Massachusetts Militia. BABCOCK, GEORGE REED. Oakland. Great-great-great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Member Continental Congress. Minister to France. BACKUS, GENERAL SAMUEL WOOLSEY. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Moses Nichols, Colonel New Hampshire Troops. BAILEY, JAMES DYAS. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Paul Bailey, Captain of Coast Guards, Massachusetts Militia. BAKER, FEEDEEICK, M. D. San Diego. Great-grandson of John Eaymond, Lieutenant Connecticut Troops. BALDWIN, FEEDEEICK ALBEET. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Moses Hall, Sergeant Massachusetts Militia. BAEKER, TIMOTHY LEONARD. Oakland. Grandson of Timothy Barker; Also, Grandson of Justin Leonard, Privates Massachusetts Troops. BARTLETT, COLUMBUS. Alameda. Great-grandson of Stephen Bartlett, Lieutenant New Hamp- shire Militia; Also, Great-great-grandson of Asa Bailey, Major New Hampshire Troops. BARTLETT, LOUIS DE FONTENAY. Alameda. Great-great-grandson of Stephen Bartlett, Lieutenant New Hampshire Militia; Also, Great - great - great - grandson of Asa Bailey, Major New Hampshire Troops. BELLOWS, EDWARD, U. S. N. Walpole, N. H. Great - grandson of Joseph Bellows, Lieutenant - Colonel Massachusetts Militia. 24 BEBBY, COLONEL JOHN BIDDELL. Los Angeles. Great-grandson of John Berry, Private Pennsylvania Troops. BIGELOW, CHABLES E. Santa Barbara. Great-grandson of John Biohardson, Member of the General Court (Massachusetts). Captain Massachusetts Militia. BLACKWOOD, NOBMAN JEBOME, M. D., U. S. N. Great - great - grandson of Ephraim Kirby, Ensign Bhode Island Troops. * BLAKE, BEV. CHABLES MOBBIS. Grandson of John Blake, Lieutenant Massachusetts Troops. BOABDMAN, GEOBGE CHAUNCEY. San Francisco. Grandson of Oliver Boardman ; Also, Grandson of Abel Lewis, Privates Connecticut Militia. BOABDMAN, SAMUEL HOBT. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Oliver Boardman ; Also, Great-grandson of Abel Lewis, Privates Connecticut Militia. BOABDMAN, THOMAS DANFOBTH. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Oliver Boardman ; Also, Great-grandson of Abel Lewis, Privates Connecticut Militia. BONNELL, EDWIN. Berkeley. Grandson of Aaron Bonnell; Also, Great-grandson of Othneil Looker, Privates New Jersey Militia. BOOTH, LUCIUS A. Piedmont. Grandson of Walter Booth, Sergeant Connecticut Militia. BRANDEGEE, TOWNSHEND STICH. San Diego. Great-grandson of Elishairan Brandegee, Private Connec- ticut Troops. BBOMLEY, JOHN LEWIS. Oakland. Great-grandson of William Bromley, Member of the Com- mittee of Safety, Dan bury, Vt. 25 BROMLEY, EGBERT INNIS, M. D Sonora. Great-great-grandson of William Bromley, Member of the Committee of Safety, Danbury, Vt. BROWN, PHILIP KING, M. D. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of John Blake, Lieutenant Massa- chusetts Troops. BROWN, ROBERT TURNBULL. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Seth Hooker, Private Massachusetts Militia. BUNKER, WILLIAM MITCHELL. San Francisco. Great-grandson of John Morris, Seaman Brigantine Lucy, U. S. N. BURBECK, EDWARD MITCHELL. San Diego. Great-great-grandson of William Burbeck, Colonel Conti- nental Army; Also, Great-grandson of Edward Burbeck, Captain Continental Army, Massachusetts Line. BURBECK, LUCIUS DOOLITTLE. San Diego. Great-great-grandson of William Burbeck, Colonel Conti- nental Army; Also, Great-grandson of Edward Burbeck, Captain Continental Army, Massachusetts Line. BURNETT, LESTER GRANT. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Solomon Cleveland, Private Connecticut Militia; Also, Great-grandson of James Burnett, Sergeant Connecticut Militia. BURNETT, CAPT. WELLINGTON CLEVELAND. San Francisco. Grandson of James Burnett, Private Connecticut Militia. BURNHAM, CLARK JAMES, M. D. San Francisco. Great-grandson of James Burnham, Captain Massachusetts Troops; Also, Great - great - grandson of Seth Burnham, Private Massa- chusetts Troops. 26 BURT, JOHN PEEK. San Diego. Grandson of David Burt, Lieutenant Massachusetts Militia. BURTON, HENRY G., M. D. San Diego. Great-grandson of Elijah Burton, Private Vermont Militia; Also, Great-grandson of Josiah Graves, Private New York Militia. GARNES, WALTER. San Diego. Great - great - grandson of John Frost, Brigadier -General Massachusetts Troops. CATLIN, ALEXANDER DONALDSON. Sacramento. Great-grandson of David Catlin, Lieutenant Connecticut Militia; Also, Great-grandson of Zebulon Butler, Colonel Continental Army, Connecticut Line. CATLIN, HON. AMOS PARMALEE. Sacramento Grandson of David Catlin, Lieutenant Connecticut Militia. CHANNING, GIOVANNI EUGENE. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of William Ellery, Signer Declaration of Independence. Member of Continental Congress. CLARK, EDWARD STEPHENS, M. D. San Francisco. Great -great -grandson of Stephen Clark, Captain New Hampshire Militia. CLARK, LEONARD STOCKWELL. San Francisco. Great-grandson of John Stockwell, Private Massachusetts Militia. CLEVELAND, HON. DANIEL. San Diego. Grandson of Stephen Cleveland ; Also, Great-grandson of James Huntington, Sergeants Connecti- cut Troops. COGSWELL, THOMAS. San Diego. Grandson of William Cogswell, Surgeon's Mate Connecticut Line, Continental Army. COLLIER, ROBERT O. San Francisco. Great-great-great-grandson of Israel Putnam, Major-General Continental Army. 27 CORLISS, CAPTAIN AUGUSTUS W., U. S. A. Fort Logan, Colo. Great-grandson of Joshua Corliss, Private Massachusetts Troops. CRANE, ALPHONSE. Santa Barbara. Great-grandson of Simeon Stedman, Private Massachusetts Militia. *CRARY, REV. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, P. P. Grandson of John Crary, Private New York Troops. CROCKER, COLONEL CHARLES FREDERICK. San Francises. Great-great-grandson of Seth Read, Lieutenant-Colonel Continental Army, Massachusetts Line. CROCKER, HENRY GRAHAM. Coronado. Great-great-great-grandson of Isaac Cook, Jr., Lieutenant- Colonel Continental Army. CROCKER, WILLIAM HENRY. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Seth Read, Lieutenant-Colonel Continental Army, Massachusetts Line. CURRIER, COLONEL JOHN CHARLES. San Francisco. Grandson of David Currier, Sergeant New Hampshire Militia. CUTLER, COLONEL ALFRED DENNIS. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Ammi Cutter, Private Massachusetts Militia; Also, Grandson of Thomas Cutler, Private Massachusetts Militia. CUTTER, EDWARD B. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Samuel Cutter, Lieutenant Conti- nental Army, Massachusetts Line; Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Samuel Whittemore, Captain Massachusetts Militia. CUTTING, GENERAL JOHN TYLER. New York City. Great-grandson of Jonas Cutting, Sergeant New Hampshire Militia. 28 DAGGETT, HENRY. San Diego. Great-graudaon of Rev. Naphthali Daggett, President Yale College. Died of wounds received in Volunteer Service. DANFORTH, EDWIN. San Francisco. Grandson of William Danforth, Drummer and Corporal Massachusetts Militia. DAVIS, HON. HORACE. San Francisco, Grandson of Isaac Davis, Lieutenant Massachusetts Line; Also, Grandson of Aaron Bancroft, Private Massachusetts Militia. DAY, FRANKLIN HENRY. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Eli Root, Captain Massachusetts Militia. DAYTON, LIEUTENANT JOHN HAVENS. U. S. N. Great-great-grandson of John Dayton, Captain New York Militia. DIMOND, EDWIN RODOLPH. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Daniel Dimon, Ensign Connecticut Militia. * DIMOND, MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM HENRY. Great - grandson of Daniel Dimon, Ensign Connecticut Militia. DINSMORE, REV. JOHN WALKER, D. D. San Jose. Grandson pf James Anderson, Captain Pennsylvania Troops. DODGE, ZENAS UPHAM. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Samuel Upham, Private Massachusetts Militia. DONOHOE, JR., DENIS. San Rafael. Great-great-grandson of William Barton, Colonel Conti- nental Army, Rhode Island Line. DORR, LEVI LEWIS, M. D. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Luke Perkins, Private Massachusetts Militia. LIEUT. ISAAC DAVIS GTH MASS. REGIMENT FEBRUARY 27, 1749 APRIL 27TH. 1826 29 DU BOIS, PIEEEE CHEASMAN. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Peter Du Bois, Private New York Levies; Also, Great-grandson of Enoch Smith, Private Connecticut Mili- tia; Also, Great-grandson of Ealph Schenck, Private New York Levies. DUNBAR, REV. GEORGE WARD, U. S. A. Janesville, Wis. Great-grandson of Josiah Jewett, Captain Connecticut Militia. BUTTON, SAMUEL EDWARDS. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Samuel Dutton, Private Massachusetts Militia. EASTIN, WILLIAM BOARDMAN. San Francisco. Grandson of William Eastin, Sergeant Virginia Militia. EVERTS, EDWARD, M. D., U. S. A. Whipple Barracks, Ariz. Grandson of Ambrose Everts, Private Connecticut Militia. FARRINGTON, J. W. Alameda. Great-grandson of Josiah Farrington, Private Massachusetts Militia. *FERNALD, HON. CHARLES. Grandson of Hercules Archelaus Fernald, Private Massa- chusetts Militia. FINCH, WILLIAM HENEAGE. San Francisco. Great-grandson of John Finch, Lieutenant New York Mil- itia. FLINT, HON. THOMAS, JR. North San Juan. Great-grandson of Thomas Flint, Surgeon U. S. N.; Also, Daniel Wilkins, Captain Continental Army, New Hampshire Line. FOLSOM, GEORGE THORNDIKE. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Jonathan Folsom, Lieutenant New Hampshire Militia; Also, Great-grandson of Benjamin Folsom, Private New Hamp- shire Militia. 30 FRANKLIN, WILLIAM 8EWABD. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Peleg Slade, Lieutenant-Colonel Massa- chusetts Militia. GEORGE, WILLIAM H., M. D. Bishop, Cal. Grandson of Jesse George, Private Virginia Militia. (JOSS, ALFRED FURBUSH. San Francisco. Grandson of Josiah Abbott, Lieutenant Continental Army, Massachusetts Line. GRAY, ADONIRAM JUDSON. San Diego. Great - grandson of Isaiah Gray, Private Massachusetts Troops. RAY, ROSCOE SPAULDING. Oakland. Great-grandson of John Gray, Member of the Committee of Safety, Kings District, N. Y. GREENAWALT, LORENZO LEONARD. San Diego. Great - grandson of Philip Lorenz Greenawalt, Colonel Pennsylvania Militia. GREENE, CARLTON WEBSTER. Oakland. Great-great-grandson of Thomas Green; Also, Great-great-grandson of Abiathar Green; Also, Great-great-grandson of Aaron Childs, Privates Massachu- setts Militia. GREENE, CHARLES SAMUEL. Oakland. Great-grandson of Christopher Greene, Member of the Com- mittee of Public Safety. Commander of Kentish Guards; Also, Great-great-grandson of Governor Samuel Ward of Rhode Island, Delegate to Continental Congress, 1775; Also, Great-great-grandson of Nathan Good ale, Major Continental Army; Also, Great-grandson of Wanton Casey, Private Kentish Guards. GREENE, HON. WILLIAM ELLSWORTH. Oakland. Great-grandson Thomas Green; Also, Grandson of Abiathar Green, Privates Massachusetts Mil- itia. 31 GRIFFIN, ANDREW G. Alameda. Great-great-grandson of Robert Hichborn, Lieutenant Massa- chusetts Militia. GRIFFIN, CHARLES W. Alameda. Great-great-grandson of Robert Hichborn, Lieutenant Massa- chusetts Militia. GUTHRIE, ARTHUR SMITH. Merced. Great-great-grandson of Andrew Hazlet, Private Pennsyl- vania Militia. HALE, WILLIAM ELMER. San Quentin. Grandson Dr. William Hale, Surgeon New Hampshire Militia. HALL, CHARLES LANDER. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Timothy Hall, Private Connecticut Militia. HALL, GEORGE ELI. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Timothy Hall, Private Connecticut Militia. HALSTEAD, EMINEL POTTER, D. D. S. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Joseph Halsted, Private Connecticut Militia. * HALSTED, JAMES LAFAYETTE, SR. Grandson of Joseph Halsted, Private Connecticut Militia. HALSTED, JAMES LAFAYETTE, JR. San Francisco. Great - grandson of Joseph Halsted, Private Connecticut Militia. HALSTED, JOHN BERNARD. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Joseph Halsted, Private Connecticut Militia. HALSTED, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Joseph Halsted, Private Connecticut Militia. 32 HARDY, ECJGENE ATWOOD. ^Jfcna Mine. Great-grandson of John Harkness, Lieutenant Continental Army, New Hampshire Line. HASELTINE, CHARLES EBENEZER. San Francisco. Grandson of Ebenezer Byram, Private Massachusetts Militia. HATCH, AUGUSTUS TIMOTHY. San Francisco. Great - grandson of Moses Porter, Captain Connecticut Militia. HAVEN, CHARLES DWIGHT. Oakland. Grandson of Jeremiah Baker, Private Massachusetts Militia; Also, Great-grandson of Dauiel Whiting, Lieutenant-Colonel Con- tinental Army, Massachusetts Line. HAWLEY, WALTER AUGUSTUS. Santa Barbara. Great-great-grandson of Thomas Hawley, Sergeant Connecti- cut Militia. HAWXHURST, ROBERT. Alameda. Great-grandson of Isaac Livingston, Connecticut Militia. HEAD, ERNEST KNOX. San Francisco. Great-grandson of General Henry Knox, General Conti- nental Army; Also, Great-grandson of Nathaniel Head, Captain New Hamp- shire Militia. *HEANAN, ARTHUR MALISE. Great-great-great-grandson William Faulkner, Private Penn- sylvania Militia. HEWES, DAVID. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Gilbert Tapley, Lieutenant Massachusetts Militia; Also, Grandson of Joseph Tapley, Lieutenant Massachusetts Militia. 33 HE WES, MARL AND SMITH. Oakland. Great-grandson of John Huse, Lieutenant Massachusetts Militia. HOLDEN, PROFESSOR EDWARD SINGLETON. Mt. Hamilton. Great-grandson of Samuel Holden, Captain Massachusetts Troops. HOLLADAY, EDMUND BURKE. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Daniel Oresap, Jr., Lieutenant Maryland Rifles. HOLLADAY, SAMUEL W. San Francisco. Grandson of Samuel Holladay, Private Massachusetts Troops. HOOPER, MAJOR WILLIAM BUROHELL. San Francisco. Grandson of George Hooper, Drummer Connecticut Militia. HOUGHTON, HON. JAMES FRANKLIN. San Francisco. Grandson Benjamin Houghton, Captain Massachusetts Militia. HOWE, GEORGE E. San Francisco. Grandson of Jeremiah Carleton, Lieutenant New Hamp- shire Troops. HOWLAND, JAMES LAURISTON. Pomona. Great-great-grandson of Eliphalet Thorp, Captain Mass- achusetts Militia. HUBBARD, COLONEL ADOLPHUS SKINNER. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Ensign Peter Hubbard, Jr., New Hamp- shire Militia; Also, Great-grandson Elijah Ward, Private Massachusetts Line, Continental Army; Also, Great-grandson Jeremiah Wilson, Private New Hampshire Militia; Also, Great-grandson of Isaac Clark, Lieutenant New Hampshire Troops. 34 HUBBABD, THEODORE WORTHINGTON. Chicago, 111. Great-great-grandson of Peter Hubbard, Jr., Ensign New Hampshire Militia; Also, Great-great-grandson of Elijah Ward, Private Continental Army, Massachusetts Line; Also, Great-great-grandson of Jeremiah Wilson, Private New Hampshire Militia; .4/80, Great-great-grandson of Isaac Clark, Lieutenant New Hamp- shire Militia; Also, Great-grandson of Valentine Holt, Private New Hampshire Militia. HUBBELL, CHARLES. San Diego. Grandson of Abijah Hubbell, Corporal Connecticut Troops; .4/so, Great-grandson of Gershom Hubbell, Connecticut Troops. HUIE, WILLIAM HENRY THOMPSON. San Francisco. Great - grandson of Philip Slaughter, Captain Virginia Riflemen. Also, Great-great-grandson of James Slaughter, Member Com- mittee of Safety, Culpeper County, Virginia. Colonel Virginia Militia. HUNTER, LIEUT.-COL. EDWARD, U. S. A. St. Paul, Minn. Great-grandson of James Hunter, Colonel Massachusetts Troops. HUNTER, HENRY HOFF. St. Paul, Minn. Great -great-great-grandson of Eilian Van Rensselaer, Col- onel New York Troops. HUTCHINSON, CHARLES TRIPLER. Alameda. Great-great-grandson of Thomas Hunt, Colonel Continental Army, Massachusetts Line. JACKSON, SEYMOUR HATHAWAY. Oakland. Grandson of James Jackson, Lieutenant New York Levies. JARBOE, PAUL R. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Malaohi Thomas, Sergeant New York Levies; .4/80, Great-great-great-grandson of David Smith, Lieutenant; .4/80, Great-great-great-grandsou of E'eazar Cady, Private Con- necticut Militia. 35 JONES, HARBISON ALEXANDER. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Dr. Claiborne Vaughan, Surgeon Continental Army, Virginia Line. KEELER, BURR BRADLEY. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Phillip Burr Bradley, Colonel Connecti- cut Troops. KELLOGG, SHELDON INGALLS, JR. Oakland. Great-grandson of Phineas Kellogg, Private Connecticut Militia. *KIMBALL, CHARLES BRADBURY. Great-grandson of John Kimball, Private Massachusetts Militia. KIMBALL, RAY THURSTON. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Reuben Kimball, Captain New Hamp- shire Militia. KING, CHARLES JAMES. San Francisco. Great-grandson of John Libbey, Private New Hampshire Militia; Also, Great-grandson of John De Mier, Captain New York Levies. KING, WILLIAM NEIL. San Diego. Great-grandson of Rufus King, Major and Aid-de-camp Continental Army. KNIGHT, ALLEN. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Allen Hancock, Corporal Massachusetts Militia. LADD, FRANK BACON. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Timothy Dimock, Private Connecti- cut Militia. LATHROP, CHARLES GARDNER. San Francisco. Grandson of Jedediah Lathrop, Private Connecticut Militia; Also, Grandson of Daniel Shields, Private New York Levies. 36 LAUMAN, GEOEGE. Spokane, Wash; Great-grandson of Christopher Lauman, Lieutenant Penn- sylvania Troops. LEWIS, WILLIAM FRISBIE, M D. Oakland. Grandson of William Frisbey, Private New York Militia; Also, Great-grandson of Thomas Davidson, Member Committee of Safety; Also, Great-grandson of John Lewis, Private New York Militia; Also, Great-grandson of John Gunsaul, Private New York Troops. LOCKWOOD, CAPT. JOHN ALEXANDER, U. S. A. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of George Read, Signer of the Declar- ation of Independence; Also, Great-grandson of Allan McLane, Lieutenant Continental Army, Delaware Line. HORATIO MANNING, mmmm SEYMOUR. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Nathaniel Manning, Private Connecticut Militia. * MARTIN, HENRY MAC LEAN. Great-great-grandson of Josiah Crosby, Captain New Hamp- shire Troops. MASTICK, SEABURY CONE. New York City. Great-grandson of Benjamin Mastick, Private Massachusetts Militia. MATHEWS, HENRY EDWARD. San Francisco. Great-grandson of David Hollister, Drummer; Also, Great-grandson Jason Kellogg, Private Connecticut Militia. MAUZY, BYRON. San Francisco. Great-grandson of William Mauzy, Private Virginia Militia. McHENRY, JOHN. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Jesse McHeury, Private Virginia Militia. 37 McKEE, JAMES ROBEET. Bardsdale. Great-grandson of John Mills, Captain Virginia Troops; Also, Great-grandson of William McClintock, Private Virginia Militia; Also, Great-grandson of John McKee, Private South Carolina Militia. MoKINSTEY, HON. ELISHA WILLIAMS. San Francisco. Grandson of Charles McKinstry, Lieutenant New York Levies; Also, Great-grandson of Gamaliel Whiting, Lieutenant Conti- nental Army, Massachusetts Line. McKlNSTEY, J. C. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Charles McKinstry, Lieutenant New York Levies; Also, Great-great-grandson of Gamaliel Whiting, Lieutenant Con- tinental Army, Massachusetts Line; Also, Great-great-great-grandson of David Milford, Colonel New York Militia; .4Zso, Great-great-great-great-grandson of Eobert Livingston, a patriot of New York. MEAD, WILLIAM H. San Francisco. Great-grandson of John Paulding, one of the cnpturers of Major Andr6. *MEEKEE, DAVID, SE. Grandson of Obadiah Meeker, Lieutenant New Jersey Militia. MOODY, FREDERICK SCHANDEE. San Francisco. Great-great-great-grandson of John DeBow, Captain; Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Simon Van Ness, Lieutenant New Jersey Militia. MOOEE, JOHN W., U. S. N. Brooklyn, N. Y. Great-grandson of Benjamin Mooers, Lieutenant; Also, Grandson of Pliny Moore, Lieutenant; Also, Great-great-grandson of Zephaniah Platt, Colonel; Also, Great- grandson of Nathaniel Platt, Captain New York Troops. 811807 38 MORGAN, EDWARD CURRIER. San Diego. Great-grandson of Winthrop Sargent, Private Massachusetts Militia. MOSES, WILLIAM SOHUYLER. San Francisco. Grandson of Benjamin Carpenter, New York Militia. MOULTON, IRVING FARRAR. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Brigadier-General Jotham Moulton, York County, Maine, Militia; Also, Great-grandson of Humphrey Farrar, Private Massachusetts Militia; Also, Great-great-grandson of Samuel Farrar, Captain Massa- chusetts Militia. MUNGER, LUCIUS AUGUSTUS. Tracy, Cal. Great-grandson of James Munger, Captain Connecticut Militia. NASON, ARTHUR GRAHAM. San Diego. Great - grandson of Isaac Gates, Captain Massachusetts Militia. NASON, MALCOLM CRAIG. San Diego. Great - grandson of Isaac Gates, Captain Massachusetts Militia. NEWCOMB, BETHUEL M. Oat Hill. Great-grandson of Nathaniel Shaw, Private Massachusetts Militia. NORCRO8S, DANIEL. San Francisco. Grandson of John Norcross, New Jersey Militia. NORTH, HART HYATT. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Benjamin North, Lieutenant New York Levies; Also, Great-grandson of Robert North, Sr., Private New York Troops; Also, Great-great-grandson of John Carter, Captain Connecticut Militia; Also, Great-great-great-grandaon of Luke Remsen, Private New York Levies; 39 Also, Great-grandson of Joshua Pine, Commissary Continental Army, New Jersey Line; Also, Great-great-grandson of Silas Walbridge, Sr., Private Ver- mont Militia; Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Rev. Jedediah Dewey, Mem- ber Council of Safety, Bennington, Vermont. NORTON, FRANK BUTLER. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Peter Norton, Private Massachusetts Militia. OLNEY, EDWARD. Oakland. Great-great-grandson of Samuel Snow, Captain Rhode Island Militia; .4^80, Great-great-grandson of Colonel William Page, Aid-de-camp to General Washington. ORD, JAMES LTCURGUS, M. D. Monterey. Grandson of Daniel Cresap, Jr., Lieutenant Maryland Rifles. PACK, JOHN W. San Francisco. Great-grandson of William Pack, Private New Jersey Troops. * PADDOCK, N. VALENTINE. San Diego. Great-grandson of David Paddock, Private New York Levies. PAUL, ALMARIN BROOKS, SR. San Francisco. Grandson of Almarin Brooks, Sr., Lieutenant New Jersey Troops. PAYSON, ALBERT HENRY. San Mateo. Great-grandson of Ezra Newhall, Lieutenant-Colonel Conti- nental Army, Massachusetts Line. PELHAM, JAMES EUBANK, M. D. San Francisco. Grandson of Charles Pelham, Major Virginia Militia. PERKINS, HON. GEORGE CLEMENT. Oakland. Grandson of William Fairfield, Private Massachusetts Militia. 40 PERKINS, THOMAS ALLEN. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Jacob Allen, Private New Hampshire Troops. PHELPS, ALANSON HOSMEB. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Eliphalet Phelps, Private Connecticut Militia. PHELPS, JR., LIEUT. THOMAS STOWELL, U. S. N. Mare Island. Great-great-grandson of Thomas Nixon, Colonel Continental Army, Massachusetts Line. PHELPS, WILLIAM SIDNEY. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Eliphalet Phelps, Private Connecticut Militia. PLIMPTON, FREDERIC SANFORD. San Diego. Grandson of Elijah Plimpton, Private; Also, Grandson of Josiah Pratt, Captain Massachusetts Troops. PLUM, JR., CHARLES MORTIMER. San Francisco. Great-grandson of John Plum, Private New York Levies. POLHEMUS, EDWARD. San Francisco. Great-grandson of John Polhemus, Major Continental Army, New Jersey Line. POSEY, DR. ADDISON C. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Thomas Posey, General Continental Army. PUTMAN DEWITT C. Santa Monica. Great-grandson of Jacob Putman, Jr., Private New York Militia. PRE8SOB, GEORGE R. San Francisco. Great-grandson of William Winchester, Lieutenant Conti- nental Army, Massachusetts Line. RAND, HALL BURGIN. Oakland. Grandson of William Rand, Private New Hampshire Militia. : x- -? > ^ i -3 41 RANDOLPH, EEV. THOMAS LYMAN. Alameda. Great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison, Signer of the Declar- ation of Independence and Member of Congress; Also, Grandson of Daniel Lyman, Colonel Continental Army. BEDINGTON, ALFRED POETT. Santa Barbara. Great-grandson of Asa Redington, Corporal New Hampshire Militia. REED, GEORGE WHITNEY. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of James Reed, Brigadier-General Con- tinental Army. REED, CAPTAIN WILLIAM I., U. S. A. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Jacob Read, Corporal Massachusetts Militia. REQUA, ISAAC LAWRENCE. San Francisco. 'Great-grandson of Glode Requa, Captain New York Militia. REQUA, JAMES EDGAR. Sonora. Grandson of Abraham Requa; Also, Great-grandson of Daniel Requa, Private New York Levies. REQUA, MARK LAWRENCE. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Glode Requa, Captain New York Militia. ROBINSON, JOHN ROGERS. San Francisco. Son of Noah Robinson, Captain New Hampshire Troops. ROYCE, CHARLES O. Chico. Great-grandson of Jonas Rice, Lieutenant Vermont Troops. RUTHERFORD, JOHN CHARLES B. Oakland. Son of John Rutherford, Private Massachusetts Militia. SAWYER, CAPTAIN JAMES ESTCOURT, U. S. A. Buffalo, N. Y. Great-grandson of Ephraim Sawyer, Lieutenant-Colonel Continental Army; Also, Grandson of James Sawyer, Ensign Continental Army. 42 SCOVILLE, JOHN JAY. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Samuel Scoville, Jr., Ensign Connecticut Troops; Also, Great-great-grandson of Samuel Scoville, Sr., Private Con- necticut Troops; Also, Great-grandson of Charles Close, Private Maryland Troops. * SHAFTER, JAMES McMILLIAN. Grandson of James Shatter, Private New Hampshire Troops. SHAFTER, COL. WILLIAM RUFUS, U. S. A. San Francisco. Great-grandson of James Shatter, Private New Hampshire Troops. SHELDON, MARK. San Francisco. Grandson of Tilley Richardson, Jr., Captain Massachusetts Militia. SHEPARD, ABRAHAM DUMMER. Los Angeles. Great-great-grandson of Nathan Dummer, Private Connect- icut Militia. SHERMAN, CHARLES HAMMOND. Alameda. Great-great-grandson of Hon. Daniel Sherman, Member of the Council of Safety, Woodbury, Conn. SMEDBERG, LIEUT. WILLIAM RENWICK, JR., U. S. A. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Nathaniel Raymond, Jr., Corporal Connecticut Militia. SMITH, CHESTER L. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Nathaniel Manning, Private Connecticut Militia. SMITH, SIDNEY MASON. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Timothy Smith, Private New Hampshire Militia. SMITH, TIMOTHY REED. Oakland. Grandson of Benjamin Smith, Private Massachusetts Troops. 43 SPENCER, GEORGE WILLIG. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Daniel Starr, Lieutenant U. S. Frigate Trumbull. STAFFORD, WILLIAM GARDNER. San Francisco. Great-great-great-grandson of Abraham Whipple, Commo- dore United States Navy. STARK, JOHN FRANCIS. Oakland. Great-grandson of John Stark, Brevet Major-General Conti- nental Army. STEARNS, ROBERT SWARTOUT. San Diego. Great-great-grandson of John Hays, Major Virginia Militia. ST. JOHN, CHAUNCEY MILTON. San Francisco. Great great-grandson of Matthias St. John, Corporal Con- necticut Militia. STURGES, FRANKLIN FANNING. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Charles Fanning, Lieutenant Connect- icut Troops. SUMNER, CAPTAIN CHARLES A. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Hezekiah Sumner, Lieutenant Massachu- setts Troops. SUMNER, COLONEL FRANK WILLIAM. San Francisco. Great-grandson of William Sumner; Also, Great-great-grandson of John Sumner, Privates Massachu- setts Troops. TALIAFERRO, BENJAMIN WATKINS. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Benjamin Taliaferro, Colonel Continental Army, Virginia Line. * TAYLOR, CAPTAIN AUGUSTINE C. Son of James Taylor, Private Continental Army, Massachu- setts Line. 44 TERRY, WALLACE IRVING, M. D. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of William Mott, Captain New York Miiitia. TOWNE, ARTHUR GO WING. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Joshua Harden, Lieutenant Massa- chusetts Militia. TOWNSEND, EUGENE DEKAY. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Kilian Van Renssalaer, Colonel New York Levies; Also, Great-great-grandson of William Hun, Lieutenant New York Levies; Also, Great-grandson of John de Pruyster Douw, Ensign New York Levies. UPHAM, CHARLES CLIFTON. New York City. Great-grandaon of Joseph Upham, Jr., Patriot and Member Committee of Safety. UPHAM, ENSIGN FRANK BROOKS, U. S. N. Great-great-grandson of Joseph Upham, Jr., Patriot and Member Committee of Safety. UPHAM, CAPTAIN FRANK KIDDER, U. S. A. Santa Monica. Great-grandson of Joseph Upham, Jr., Patriot and Member Committee of Safety. UPHAM, ISAAC. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Jabez Upham, Sergeant Massachusetts Militia. VANDERCOOK, EDWARD PICKETT. Oakland. Great-grandson of Simon Vandercook, Ensign New York Militia. VANDERCOOK, ROBERTS. San Francisco. Grandson of Simon Vandercook, Ensign New York Militia. VARNUM, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Los Angeles. Grandson of Joseph Bradley Varnum, Captain Massachusetts Militia. 45 YREELAND, EZEKIBL BISHOP. San Francisco. Grandson of Abraham Vreeland, Private New Jersey Troops. WAGENEE, SAMUEL HOPKINS. San Jose. Great-grandson of Amos Cutting West, Private Connecticut Militia. WALLACE, CHARLES DETTIMAS. Fitchburg. Great-grandson of Uriah Wallace, Lieutenant New York Levies. * WALLACE, COLONEL URIAH. Grandson of Uriah Wallace, Colonel New York Levies. WALTON, MARTIN CLINTON. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Dr. John Young, Surgeon Continental Army, New York Line. WARD, JOSEPH WALTER. Oakland. Great-great-grandson of Artemas Ward, Major-General Con- tinental Army. WARFIELD, GENERAL RICHARD HENRY. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Whitney Hill, Sergeant Massachusetts Militia. WARNER, CHARLES HUTCHINSON. San Francisco. Great-great-great-grandson of William Talcott, Lieutenant Connecticut Troops; Also, Great-great-grandson of Dr. Gibbons Jewett, Surgeon Con- necticut Troops. WARNER, JOSIAH BUELL. San Francisco. Great-great-great-grandson of William Talcott; Also, Great-great-grandson of Dr. Gibbons Jewett, Surgeon Con- necticut Troops. WARREN, REV. JAMES HENRY, D. D. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Abraham Warren, Private Connecticut Militia. 46 WARREN, PIOKETT LATIMER. Los Angeles. Great-grandson of Asa Wheelock, Private Massachusetts Troops; Alto, Great-great-grandson of Nathaniel Warren ; Also, Great-grandson of Stephen Warren; Also, Great-great-grandson of Ebenezer Read, Privates Massa- chusetts Militia. WASHINGTON, FRANKLIN BEDINGER. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Samuel Washington, Colonel; Also, Great-grandson of Thornton Washington, Ensign Virginia Militia. WATERMAN, AUGUSTUS. San Francisco. Great-great-grandson of Rev. James Sproat, D. D., Chaplain Pennsylvania Troops; Also, Great -grandson of Joseph Spencer, Lieutenant Pennsylvania Militia. * WHIPPLE, CAPTAIN STEPHEN G., U. S. A. Grandson of Jonathan Whipple, Private Massachusetts Militia. WHITNEY, JAMES ORLANDO. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Samuel Senter, Private New Hampshire Militia. * WILDER, COLONEL DAVID. Great-grandson of David Wilder, Major Massachusetts Troops. * WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Grandson of Thomas Williams, Sergeant Connecticut Militia. WILLIAMS, FRANK. San Francisco. Great-grandson of James Williams, Jr., Major Massachusetts Militia. WILLIAMS, FRANKLIN DELAMORE. San Francisco. Great-grandson of Thomas Williams, Sergeant Connecticut Militia. 47 WILLIAMS, GEORGE NELSON. San Francisco. Grandson of Timothy Olmstead, Musician Connecticut Militia. * WINTER, WILLIAM. Grandson of John Winter, Ensign New Jersey Troops. WITHINGTON, DAVID LITTLE. San Diego. Great-great-great-grandson of Moses Little, Colonel Conti- nental Army, Massachusetts Line. * Deceased. Instructions to Applicants. The application must be presented in duplicate upon the form issued by the National Society. The record of the ancestors' service should be given fully but con- cisely. It is not necessary to show the pedigree any further back than the ancestor who served in the war. The Society does not accept Encyclopedias, Genealogical Works, or Town or County Histories, except such as contain Rosters as authorities for proofs of service. In referring to printed books the volume and page should be given. Eeference to authorities, in manuscript, must be accompanied by certified copies, and authentic family records submitted, if required. Every application must be accompanied by Ten Dollars (810.00), signed and sworn by the applicant and endorsed by two members of the Society. When the applicant is not personally known to any member of the Society whom he can ask to recommend his application, he must submit to the Secretary, when he files his papers, the names of two reputable citizens of the State, to whom he refers by permission. When an applicant claims descent from more than one Revolu- tionary ancestor, then "Supplementary" applications must be made in duplicate for each ancestor. Supplementary claims are to be treated in form and procedure pre- cisely as original applications. No^extra cost for filing supplementary claims. Roll of Honor. Page Abbott, Capt. Joshua 22 Abbott, Lieut. Josiah 30 Allen, Jacob 40 Anderson, Capt. James 28 Anderson, Col. Richard Clough 22 Andros, Rev. Thomas 22 Austin, Levi 22 Ayer, William 23 Bailey, Major Asa 23 Bailey, Capt. Paul 23 Baker, Jeremiah 32 Bancroft, Aaron 28 Barker, Timothy 23 Barton, Col. William 28 Bartlett, Lieut. Stephen 23 Bellows, Lieut. Col. Joseph 23 Berry, John 24 Blake, Lieut. John 24, 25 Boardman, Oliver 24 Bonnell, Aaron 24 Booth, Sergeant Walter 24 Bradley, Col. Phillip Burr 35 Brandegee, Elishaman 24 Bromley, William 24, 25 Brooks, Lieut. Almarin, Sr 39 Burbeck, Capt. Edward 25 Burbeck, Col. William 25 Burnett, Sergeant James 25 Buruham, Capt. James 25 Burnham, Seth 25 Burt, Lieut. David 26 Burton, Elizah 26 Butler, Col. Zebulon 26 Byram, Ebenezer 32 2 Page Cady, Eleazar 34 Carleton, Lieut. Jeremiah 33 Carpenter, Benjamin 38 Carter, Capt. John 38 Casey, Wanton 30 Catlin, Lieut. David 26 Childs, Aaron 30 Clark, Lieut. Isaac 33, 34 Clark, Capt. Stephen 26 Cleveland, Solomon 25 Cleveland, Sergeant Stephen 26 Close, Charles 42 Cogswell, Surgeon William 26 Cook, Jr., Lieut. Col. Isaac 27 Corliss, Joshua 27 Crary, John 27 Cresap, Lieut. Daniel, Jr 33, 39 Crosby, Cnpt. Josiah : 36 Currier, Sergeant David 27 Cutler, Thomas 27 Cutter, Ammi 27 Cutter, Lieut. Samuel 27 Cutting, Sergeant Jonas 27 Daggett, Rev. Naphthali 28 Danforth, Corporal William 28 Davidson, Thomas 36 Davis, Lieut. Isaac 28 Dayton, Capt. John 28 DeBow, Capt. John 37 DeMier, Capt. John 35 Dewey, Rev. Jedediah 39 Dimock, Sergeant Timothy 35 Dimon, Ensign Daniel 28 Douw, Ensign John de Pruyster 44 DuBois, Peter 29 Dummer, Nathan 42 Dutton, Samuel 29 Eastin, Sergeant William 29 3 Page Ellery, William, Signer 26 Everts, Sergeant Ambrose 29 Fairfield, William 39 Fanning, Lieut. Charles 43 Fanning, Walter 22 Farrar, Humphrey 38 Farrar, Capt. Samuel 38 Farrington, Josiah 29 Faulkner, William 32 Fernald, Hercules Archelaus 29 Finch, Lieut. John 29 Flint, Surgeon Thomas 29 Folsom, Benjamin 29 Folson, Lieut. Jonathan 29 Franklin, Benjamin 23 Frisbey, William 36 Frost, General John '. 26 Gates, Capt. Isaac 38 George, Jesse 30 Goodale, Major Nathan 30 Goodridge, Daniel 22 Graves, Josiah 26 Gray, Isaiah 80 Gray, John 30 Green, Abiathar 30 Green, Thomas 30 Greenawalt, Philip Lorenz 30 Greene, Commander Christopher 30 Gunsaul, John 36 Hale, Dr. William 31 Hall, Sergeant Moses 23 Hall, Timothy 31 Halstead, Joseph 31 Hancock, Corporal Allen 35 Harden, Lieut. Joshua 44 Harkness, Lieut. John 32 Harrison, Benjamin, Signer 14 Hawley, Sergeant Thomas 32 4 Page Hays, Major John 43 Hazlet, Andrew 31 Head, Capt. Nathaniel 32 Hichborn, Lieut. Robert 31 Hill, Sergeant Whitney 45 Holden, Capt. Samuel 33 Holladay, Samuel 33 Hollister, David 36 Holt, Valentine 34 Hooker, Seth 25 Hooper, George 33 Honghton, Capt. Benjamin 33 Hubbard, Ensign Peter, Jr 33, 34 Hubbell, Corporal Abijah 34 Hnbbell, Gershom 34 Hun, Lieut. William 44 Hunt, Col. Thomas 34 Hunter, Col. James 34 Huntington, Sergeant James 26 Huse, Lieut. John 33 Jackson, Lieut. James 34 Jewett, Dr. Gibbons 45 Jewett, Capt. Josiah 29 Kellogg, Jason 36 Kellogg, Phineas 35 Kimball, John 35 Kimball, Capt. Reuben 35 King, Major Ruf us 35 Kirby, Ensign Ephrairn 24 Knox, General Henry 32 Lathrop, Jedediah, Jr 35 Lanman, Lieut. Christopher 36 Leonard, Justin 23 Lewis, Abel 24 Lewis, John 36 Libbey, John 35 Little, Col. Moses 47 Livingston, Sergeant Isaac 32 5 Page Livingston, Robert 37 Looker, Othneil 24 Lyman, Col. Daniel 41 Manning, Nathaniel 36, 42 Mastick, Benjamin 36 Mauzy, William 36 McClintock, William 37 McHenry, Jesse 36 McKee, John 37 McKinstry, Lieut. Charles 37 McLane, Lieut. Allen 36 Meeker, Lieut. Obadiah 37 Mills, Capt. John 37 Mooers, Lieut. Benjamin 37 Moore, Lieut. Pliny 37 Morris, John 25 Mott, Capt. William 44 Moulton, General Jotham 38 Mulford, Col. David 37 Munger, Capt. James 38 Newhall, Lieut.-Col. Ezra 39 Nichols, Col. Moaes 23 Nixon, Col. Thomas 40 Norcross, John 38 North, Lieut. Benjamin 38 North, Robert, Sr 38 Norton, Peter 39 Olmstead, Timothy 47 Pack, William 39 Paddock, David 39 Page, Col. William 39 Paulding, John : 37 Pelham, Major Charles 39 Perkins, Luke 28 Phelphs, Eliphalet 40 Pine, Joshua 30 Platt, Capt. Nathaniel 37 Platt, Col. Zephaniah 37 6 Page Plimpton, Elijah 40 Plum, John 40 Polhemus, Major John 40 Porter, Capt. Moses 32 Posey, General Thomas 40 Pratt, Capt. Josiah 40 Putnam, General Israel 26 Putman, Jacob, Jr 40 Band, William . . 40 Raymond, Lieut. John 23 Raymond, Corporal Nathaniel Jr 42 Read, Ebenezer 46 Read, George, Signer 36 Read, Corporal Jacob 41 Read, Col. Seth 27 Redington, Corporal Asa 41 Reed, General James 41 Remsen, Luke 38 Requa, Abraham 41 Requa, Daniel 41 Requa, Capt. Glode 41 Rice, Lieut. Jonas 41 Richardson, Capt. John 24 Richardson, Capt. Tilley, Jr 42 Robinson, Capt. Noah 41 Root, Capt. Eli 28 Rummey, Conrad 22 Rutherford, John 41 Sargent, Winthrop 38 Sawyer, Lieut.-Col. Ephraim 41 Sawyer, Ensign James 41 Schenck, Ralph 29 Scoville, Ensign Samuel, Jr 42 Scoville, Samuel, 8r 42 Senter, Samuel 46 Shatter, James 42 Shaw, Nathaniel 38 Sherman, Hon. Daniel 42 7 Page Shields, Daniel 35 Slade, Col. Peleg 30 Slaughter, Col. James 34 Slaughter, Capt. Phillip 34 Smith, Benjamin 42 Smith, Lieut. David 34 Smith, Enoch 29 Smith, Timothy 42 Snow, Capt. Samuel 39 Spencer, Lieut. Joseph 46 Sproat, Eev. James 46 Stark, General John 43 Starr, Lieut. Daniel 43 Stedman, Simeon 27 St. John, Corporal Mathias 43 Stockwell, John 26 Sumner, Lieut. Hezekiah 43 Sumner, John 43 Sumnor, William 43 Talcott, Lieut. William 45 Taliaferro, Col. Benjamin 43 Tapley, Lieut. Gilbert 32 Tapley, Lieut. Joseph 32 Taylor, James 43 Thomas, Sergeant Malachi 34 Thorp, Capt. Eliphalet 33 Upham, Sergeant Jabez 44 Upham, Joseph, Jr 44 Upham, Samuel 28 Vandercook, Ensign Simon , 44 Van Ness, Lieut. Simon 37 Van Eensselaer, Col. Kiliari 34, 44 Varnum, Capt. Joseph Bradley 44 Vaughan, Surgeon Claiborne 35 Vreeland, Abraham 45 Walbridge, Silas, Sr 39 Wallace, Lieut. Uriah 45 Ward, Major-General Artemas 45 8 Page Ward, Elijah 33, 34 Ward, Gov. Samuel 30 Warren, Abraham 45 Warren, Nathaniel 46 Warren, Stephen 46 Washington, Col. Samuel 46 Washington, Ensign Thornton 46 West, Amos Cutting 45 Wheelock, Asa 46 Whipple, Commodore Abraham 43 Whipple, Jonathan 46 Whiting, Col. Daniel 32 Whiting, Lieut. Gamaliel 37 Whittemore, Capt. Samuel 27 Wilbur, John 22 Wilder, Major David 46 Wilkins, Capt. Daniel 29 Wilson, Jeremiah 33, 34 Williams, Major James, Jr 46 Williams, Sergeant Thomas 46 Winchester, Lieut. William 40 Whiter, Ensign John 47 Young, Dr. John 45 ERRATA. Page 35, read Roy Thurston Kimball. Page 35, read Jedidiah Lathrop, Jr. Page 37, read David Mulford. Page 45, read Uriah Wallace, Lieutenant. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book i.s DUE on the last date stamped below. 24139 Historical Honorary Patriotic 2288 1- OP CALIF AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY