\\E-UNIVER% lOS-ANGElfo 1 I ^UONV-SOl^ /\\\E-UNIVER% 3 %HAINriJ^ ,^10$ ANGELA -MUIBRARY0/ I- g I i I ^fomwwi^ S 5 I S S s < S I " ^ ^\\EUNIVER%, .^lOSANGElfj.x ^1 S^ v 1^ O C ^^^. v ? %inwsoi^ i .vlOS-ANCElfx- " i i s ^lOSANCELfj> I 1 % /!"% ^ fc ^\ \V\E UNIVERS/A \\\EUNIVER^ ^lOdllYW ^awmo-jo^ WE l'NIVER% ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^OKAlIFOft^ *ii'-- -* i & i? ^ %H3- g i ? ~* i ^ 3- 4: 2 | I i x- \ ^UBRARYQr " "'I | < ^ I ~ /A - f " - ^ 4 ^ >' ^ ^AHV;- S fi ; = < \ , > j ^^^i : . \01N V "%H3\ivl]\\V N im SOi^ ^dOdilVJjO^ A -OF-CAU FO/?^ ^OF-CAil FOMfc, \\\E I M\ ERS/^. s * x "^ ^ ^ \ /^ ^ -^ ^ \ ^JF* ^- ^ I i ' < I S , % S N >M LIBRARY ^LIBRARY tf/ THE ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF GARDENING. THE ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, A PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC Encyclopedia * of * Horticulture GARDENERS AND BOTANISTS. EDITED BY GEORGE NICHOLSON, A.L.S., Curator, Royal Botanic Garden*, Keic. ASSISTED BY PROFESSOR J. W. H. TRAIL, A.M., M.D., F.L.S., IN THE PARTS RELATING TO INSECTS, Fu.vui PLANT STRUCTURE, HORTICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, Ac. ; AKD J. GABRETT IN THE FRUIT, VEGETABLE, AND GENERAL GARDE* WORK PORTIONS. VOL. I. A TO E. Xonfcon : L. UPCOTT GILL, 170, STRAND, W.C. LONDON : A. BRADLEY, LONDON AND COUNTY PRINTING WORKS, DRURY LANE, W.C. &**' 12 PREFACE. rHE ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF GARDENING aims at being the best and most complete Work on Gardening and Garden Plants hitherto published. The aim is, indeed, a high one ; but the Publisher, whose taste for Flowers has rendered the production a labour of love, has, on his part, spared no expense that the Typography and Illustrations should be of a very high class. It is to be hoped that earnest efforts to attain accuracy, by consulting the best Authorities, combined with no small amount of original research, have contributed to render the matter of the Work not unworthy of the form in which it is presented to the reader. The large number of Illustrations is an important feature ; and it is believed that the figures quoted, and the references given to various works in which more detailed information is contained than is desirable, or, indeed, possible, in these pages, on account of space will greatly add to the interest and value of the work. Considerable trouble 'has been taken in revising the tangled synonymy of many genera, and in clearing up, as much as possible, the confusion that exists in garden literature in connection with so many plants, popular and otherwise. In the matter of generic names, Bentham and Hooker's recently-completed " Genera Plantarum " has, with few exceptions, been followed ; that work being the one which will, for a long time to come, undoubtedly remain the standard authority on all that relates to generic limitation. With regard to the nomenclature of species, I have endeavoured to consult the latest and most trustworthy Monographs and Floras, and to adopt the names in accordance with them. Now and then, certain plants are described under their common garden names ; but they will, in such cases, be also found mentioned under the genus to which they really belong. A case in point may be cited : Ancectochilus Lowii is given under Anoeo tochiluft, but the name it must now bear is Dossinia, and a reference to that genus will explain matters pretty fully, as far as the present state of knowledge goes. Vi PREFACE. 1 am greatly indebted to Professor J. W. H. TRAIL, M.D., F.L.S., &c., for his valuable contributions on Insects, Fungi, and Diseases of Plants, branches of science in which he has long been specially interested, and in which he is an undoubted authority. Mr. J. GARRETT, of the Royal Gardens, Kew, late of the Royal Horticultural Society's Gardens, is responsible for Fruit and Vegetable. Culture, for most of what appertains to Florists' Flowers, and for General Gardening Work. For information on many special subjects Begonias may be cited as an example I am obliged for much assistance to Mr. W. WATSON, also of the Royal Gardens, Kew; in fact, the article Begonia, in its entirety, was written by him. Mr. W. B. HEMSLEY, A.L.S., has, throughout, given me aid and advice; and I have to acknowledge constant help from several other colleagues. The Rev. PERCY W. MYLES, M.A., has taken no little trouble in working out the correct derivations of very many of the Generic Names; unfortunately, in a number of instances, lack of time prevented me from obtaining the benefit of his knowledge. I have to record my gratitude for help in so difficult a task, this special study being one to which Mr. MYLES has paid much attention. GEORGE NICHOLSON. ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. REFERENCE TO ILLUSTRATIONS OF PLANTS OTHER THAN THOSE FIGURED IN THIS WORK. T has been suggested, by an eminent Authority, that many readers would be glad to be informed where reliable Illustrations could be found of those Plants which are not figured in this Work. To meet this want, references to the Figures in Standard Authorities have been given, the titles of the Works referred to being, for economy of space, abbreviated as follows : Andrews (H. C.). Botanist's Repository. London, J. H. S 1799-1811. 10 vols. 4to. Andrews (H. C.). Coloured Engravings of Heaths. K. E. K. London,' 1802-30. 4 vols. 4to. London (J. C.). Arboretum et Frnticetum britan- L. nicuin. London, 1838. 8 vols. 8vo. Allioni (U.) Flora pedemontana. Aug. Taur., 1785. L. B. C 3 vols. FoL Aublet (J. B. C. F.). Histoire des Plantes de la L. C. B Guiane francaise. Londres, 1775. 4 vols. 4to. Andrews (H. C.). The Heathery. London, 1804-12. L. E. M. 4 vols. 4to. Maund (B.). The Botanist. London, 1839. 8 vols. 4to. L. J. F Brandis (D.). Forest Flora of ... India. London, 1876, 8vo. Atlas 4to. L. R. .. . Beddome (B, H.). Flora sylvatica. Madras, 1869-73. 2 vols. 4to. L. S. O La Belgique Horticole. Ghent, 1850-85. 8vo. Botanical Magazine. London, 1787, Ac. 8vo. L. & P. F. G. Bentley (R.) and Trimen (H.). Medicinal Plants. London, 1875-80. 8vo. M. A. S. . Bateman (James). A Monograph of Odontoglossum. London, 1874\ Fol. M. C Botanical Register. London. 1815-47. 33 vols. 8vo. Botanische Zeitung. Berlin, vols. i.-xiii. (1843-55). M. O 8vo. Leipzig, vol. xiv. (1856). Ac.* Cathcart's Illustrations of Himalayan Plants. Lon- N ....... don, 1855. Fol. Loudon (J. C.). Encyclopjrdia of Trees and Shrubs. London, 1842. 8vo. N. S See T. S. M. Fitzgerald (R. D.). Australian Orchids. Sydney, P. F. G. 1876. FoL* P.M.B. . Flora Danica usually quoted as the title of the work, Icones Plantarum . . . Daniae et Nor- R. . . . . vegiae. Havniae, 1761-1883. Fol. La Flore des Serres et des Jardins de 1'Europe. Ref. B ..... Gand., 1845-83. 23 vols. 8vo. Moggridge (J. T.). Contributions to the Flora of B, G ..... Mentone. London, 1864-8. R. H ..... Flora Oder allgemeine botanische Zeitung. 1818-42. R. S. H. 25 vols. 8vo. New Series, 1843, Ac.* Floral Magazine. London, 1861 -71,8vo. R. X. O. Series II. 1872-81, 4to. Florist and Pomologist. London, 1868-84. STD. j S. B. F. G. The Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette. London, 1841-65. 4to. The Gardeners' Chronicle. New Series, 1866-86. 4to. ! S. C ..... Series in. 1887, Ac. 4to. S. E. B... .. Gray (A.). Genera Florae Americae. Boston, 1848-9. a vols. 8vo. S. F. A... .. The Gardeners' Magazine. Conducted by Shirley Hibberd. London* S. F. d. J. .. The Gardeners' Magazine of Botany. London, 1850-1. 3 vols. 8vo. The Garden. London, 1871, Ac. 4to.* S. F. G ..... Goodale(G.L.X Wild Flowers of America. Boston, 1877. 4to. S. H. Iry. .. Garden and Forest. New York, 1888, Ac, 4to. Hooker ( W. J.). The British Ferns. London, 1861. Sw. Ger. 8vo. Hooker (W.J.X Exotic Flora. Edinburgh, 1823-7. Sy. En. B. . 3 vols. 8vo. Hooker (W. J.). Flora boreali-amencana. London, S. 7* F. J. . 1833-40. 2 vols. 4to. Hooker (J. D.). Flora Tasmania. London, 1860. T. H.S... .. 2 vols. 4to. This is part iii. of " The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M. Discovery Ships T. L. S. .. . Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839-43." Hooker (W. J.). Garden Ferns. London, 1862. 8vo. T. S. M. Hooker (W. J.). Species Filicum. London, 1846-64. 5 vols. 8vo. W. D. B. . L'lllustration Horticole. Series I. to IV. Gand., 1850-86. 33 vols. 8vo. \V. F. A. Series V. 1887, Ac. 4to. \V. G. Z. See C. H. P. Journal of Botany. London, 1863, Ac. 8vo.* W. O. A, Jacquin (N. J.). Florae austriacae . . . Icones. Viennae. 1773-8. 5 vols. FoL W. S. O Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener. ' Conducted by Dr. Robert Hogg. London, 1849, Ac. 4to.* W. &F. .. Is still in course of publication. Journal of the Horticultural Society. London, 1846 Ac. 8vo.* Kotschy (Theodor). Die Eichen Europa's und des Orient's. Wien, Olmtiz, 1858-62. Fol. Linden (L.) and Rodigas (E.). Lindenia Icono- graphie des Orchidees. Gand., 1885, Ac. FoL* Loddiges(C.X Botanical Cabinet London, 1812-33. 20 vols. 4to. Lindley (J.). Collectanea botanica. London, 1821. FoL La Marck (J. B. P. A. de M. de). Encyclopedic methodique . . . Botanique. Paris, 1783-1817. 13 vols. 4to. Lemaire (C.). Le Jardin fleuriste. Gand., 1851-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Lindley (J.). Rosarum Monographia. London, Lindley (J.). Sertum Orchidaceum. London, 1838. FoL Lindley (J.) and Paxton (J.). Flower Garden. London, 1851-3. 3 vols. 4to. Salm-Dyck. Monographia Generum Aloes et Me- sembryanthemi. Bonnae, 1836-63. 4to. Maw (George). A Monograph of the Genus Crocus. London, 1886. 4to. Veitch (James) and Sons. Manual of Orchidaceous Plants. London, 1887, Ac. 3vo.* Burbidge(F. W.). The Narcissus : Its History and Culture. With a Scientific Review of the Genus by J. G. Baker, F.L.S. London, 1875. 8vo. Nuttall (T.). North American Sylva. Philadel- phia, 1865. 3 vols. 8vo. See L A P. F. G. Paxton (J.). Magazine of Botany. London, 1834-49. 16 vols. 8vo. Sander (Fredk.). Reichenbachia, London, 1886, Ac. FoL* Saunders (W. W.). Refugium botanicum. Lon- don, 1869-72. 8vo. RegeHE.). Gartenflora. Erlangen, 1852, Ac. 8vo. Revue Horticole. Paris, 1852, Ac.* Hooker (J. D.). The Rhododendrons of Sikkim- Himalaya. London, 1849-51. Fol. Reichenbach,/i. (H.G.). Xenia Orchidacea. Leip- zig, 1858. 4to.* Sweet (R.). British Flower Garden. London, 1823-9. 3 vols. 8vo. Series IL London, 1831-8. 4 vols. 8vo. Sweet (R.). Cistinete. London, 1825-30. 8vo. Smith (J. E.). Exotic Botany. London, 1804-5. 2 vols. 8vo. Sweet (R,). Flora australasica. London, 1827-8. 8vo. Siebold (P. F. de) and Vriese (W. H. de). Flore des Jardins du Royanme des Pays-Bas. Leide. 1858-62. 5 vols. 8vo. Sibthorp (John). Flora graeca. London, 1806-40. 10 vols. FoL Hibberd (Shirley). The Ivy : a Monograph. Lon- don, 1872. 8vo. Sweet (Robert). Geraniacese, the Natural Order of Gerania. London, 1828-30. 8vo. Syme (J. T. B.), note Boswell. English Botany . . . Ed. 3. London, 1863-85. 12 vols. 8vo. Siebold (P. F. von) and Zuccarini (J. G.). Flora Japonica. Lugd. Bat., 1835-44. FoL Transactions of the Horticultural Society. London, 1805-29. 7 vols. 4to. Transactions of the Liniwan Society. London, 1791, Ac. 4to. Emerson (G. BA Trees and Shrubs ... of Massa- chusetts. Boston. Ed. 2, 1875. 2 vols. 8vo. Wateon(P. W.). Dendrologia britannica. London, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. See Q. W. F. A. Wittmack (Dr. L.). Garten Zeitung. Berlin, 1882, Warner (R.) and Williams (B. S.). The Orchid Album. London, 1882, Ac. 4ta* Warner (B,). Select Orchidaceous Plants. London. Series I., 1862-65. FoL Series II., 1865-75. FoL Woods and Forests London, 1883-4. 1 vol. 4to THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, En Encsclopaebia of Horticulture. The following are the Abbreviations nsed:-yl. flowers; fr. frnit; L leaves; A. height; de?. degrees; rhiz. r cau. caadez ; tti. stipes ; SY.N. synonym ; ORD. order. The Asterisks () Indicate plants that are especially good or distinct. A. In compound words from the Greek the initial a has usually a privative meaning ; as aphyllus, without leaves ; acaulis, without a stem, &c. AARON'S BEARD. See Hypericum calycinum, Saxifraga sarmentosa, and Verbascum Thapsus. AARON'S ROD. See Verbascum Thapsus. ABELE TREE. White Poplar. See Populus alba. ABELIA (named after Dr. Clarke Abel, Physician to Lord Amherst's Embassy to China, in 1817, and author of a "Narrative of a Journey to China" (1818); died 1826). ORD. Caprifoliacece. Very ornamental shrubs. Corolla tubular, funnel-shaped, five-lobed. Leaves petiolate, den- tately crenated. Well suited for the cold greenhouse, either as trellis or pot plants ; free-flowering when well grown, and of easy culture. May be treated in sheltered and warm climates as hardy ; and can be grown out of doors during summer in less favoured spots. They thrive in a compost of peat and loam in equal parts, to which a small quantity of silver sand may be added. Increased by cuttings in summer, and by layers in spring, under a frame. Only two species, floribunda and rupestris, are much grown in England. A. floribnnda (many-flowered).* fi. rosy-purple, about 2in. long, in axillary clusters. March. 1. opposite, oblong, A. 3ft Mexico, 1842. The best and freest flowering evergreen species. A. rnpestris (rock).* JL sweet-scented, small, pink, in pairs at the ends of the branches ; sepals of leafy texture, with a reddish ting^e. September, I. small, oblong. A. 5ft. China, 1844. A deciduous, branching, hairy shrub. A. serrata (serrate-leaved). JL pretty pale red, sweet-scented, very large, in one-flowered terminal peduncles ; sepals leafy. March. A. 3ft China, 1844. A flne evergreen species. A. triflora (three-flowered).* fl. pale yellow, tinged with pink, small, arranged in threes at the ends of the branches ; sepals long and linear, clothed with long hairs. September. I. small, lanceolate. A. 5ft Hindostan, 1847. A small evergreen branch- ing shrub. ABERRANT. Deviating from the natural or direct Aberrant continued. way ; applied, in natural history, to species or genera that deviate from the usual characters of their allies. (from abeo, to rise ; alluding to the aspiring habit of growth of the tree ; or, according to some, from apios, a Pear-tree, in allusion to the form of the fruit). Spruce Fir. The synonymy of this genus is much confused, plants belonging to several genera being fre- quently referred to Abies in nurserymen's catalogues and gardening periodicals. ORD. Com/era. A genus of about twenty-five species, widely distributed over the mountainous regions of the Northern hemisphere. Cones cylindrical, or but slightly tapering, erect ; catkins gener- ally solitary ; the carpels not thickened at the tip ; and the leaves solitary, partially scattered in insertion, and more or less two-ranked in direction. Scales deciduous, falling off as soon as the seed is ripe, leaving the axis on the tree. All the species bear seeds at a comparatively early age ; most are hardy. For culture, see Finns. A. amabills (lovely).* Aoot* rather rigid, furrowed with elon- gated cushions, covered with numerous small dark hairs. I. scattered, crowded, IJin. to 2in. long ; linear obtuse, dark green above, silvery beneath. The cones are described as cylindrii~d, and about 6in. long. A. 180ft California, 1831. A magnificent conifer, very massive in appearance. A. baborensis.* L linear, dark green, silvery on the undc-i surface, very numerous, those of the larger branches shortly Eted, and those of the branchlets more obtuse and pointless, to lin. long, cone* erect, cylindrical, usually in clusters of or five, Sin. to Sin. long, and about 2in. in diameter ; scales reniform, greyish-brown, inclosing a thin, dry, and shrivelled bract. A. 40ft to 60ft Algiers, 1864. This is a very beautiful medium-sized tree. SYN. A. Xumidica. A. balsamea." Balm of Gilead or Balsam Fir. I. silvery beneath, apex emarginate or entire, somewhat recurved and spreading, jin. long, cones cylindrical, violet-coloured, pointing upwards, 4in. to 5in. long, and 4in. broad; scales Jin. broad, and the same in length. A. 40ft to 60ft United States and Canada, ut is readily distinguished by its longer and more Abies continued. pedunculate, 4in. to 6in. long, and 2Jin. to 2Jin. wide ; bracts large, coriaceous, three-lobed, fringed, greatly exceeding the scales. A. 80ft. to 100ft. Crimea, &c., 1848. A magnificent and stately tree, of regular growth. A. Numidica (Nnmidian). Synonymous with A. baborensis. A. obovata (reversed-egg-coned). A synonym of Picea obovata. A. orlentalis (eastern). Synonymous with Picea orientalis. A. Parsonii (Parson's). Synonymous with A. concolor. A. pectinata (comb-like).* I. linear, solitary, flat, obtuse, stiff, turned-up at the points, two-ranked, iin. to lin. long, shining green above, with two lines of silvery white on each side of the midrib beneath, cones axillary, cylindrical, erect, 6in. to Sin. long, liin. to 2in. broad, when ripe, brown ; scales with a long dorsal bractea, Jin. to liin. long, and IJin. broad, h. 80ft. to 100ft. A very noble silver tir, of slow growth when young only. Central Europe, 1603. There are several unimportant varieties of this splendid species. A. Pindrow (Pindrow). In its native home, the Himalayas, this is a very beautiful tree, attaining the height of 150ft., but it has generally failed in England, in consequence of our late spring frosts destroyin " Webbiana, but acutely bidented leaves, and smaller cones. A. Pinsapo (Pinsapo).* The Spanish Silver Fir. I. linear, disposed around the branches, nearly terete, and entire at the apex, not quite iin. long, bright green, with faint silvery lines on the inner side, cones sessile, oval, or oblong, 4in. to 5iin. long, about 2in. wide; bracts short, concealed by the broad rounded scales. h. 60ft. to 80ft. South Spain, 1839. A very magnificent species, very regular and symmetrical in habit. The one or two varieties offered for sale are not desirable. A. polita (neat).* I. arranged spirally, short, erect, rigid, falcate, acute at the apex, tetragonal, but compressed, cones ellipsoid, Sin. to 4in. long ; scales light brown, coriaceous, minutely notched at the edge. Island of Nippon, 1861. This is a beautiful species, admirably adapted as a specimen tree for lawns. A. roliglosa (sacred). I. linear, acute, quite entire, liin. long. cones roundish-oval, 2|in. long, and 2iin. broad ; scales trape- zoided-cordate ; bracts the length of the scapes, spathulate- oblong, h. 100ft. to 150ft. Mexico, 1839. A very handsome species, but not hardy in this country. A. sachalincnsis (Sachalin). 1. in many rows, lin. or very slightly more long, Ain. broad, twisted to one side, rigid, linear, obtuse, cones sessile, erect, cylindrical, bluntly rounded at the apex, Sin. long, lin. wide ; scales transversely oblong, reniform ; margin inflexed, denticulate ; bracts iin. wide, Jin. long, obovate, serrulate, terminating in a reflexed angular point, exceeding the scale. Japan, 1879. A tall pyramidal robust species. A. Schrenkiana (Schrenk's). Synonymous with Picea Schrenk- tana. A. sibirloa (Siberian). Like the last, this species is not recom- mended ; its growth is very slow, even under the most favourable circumstances. Siberia. A. Smithlana (Smith's). A synonym of Picea Morinda. A. subalpina (sub-alpine).* On the high mountains of Colorado, &c., a tree 60ft. to 100ft. in height. Has not been long enough in English gardens for any decided opinion to be formed as to its merits as an ornamental tree. A. Tsuga (Tsugan). A synonym of Tsuga Sieboldi. A. Veitchii (Veitch's).* I. crowded, lateral ones spreading in a distichous manner, those on the upper side much shorter and pointing forwards, iin. to lin. long, linear, flat, glaucous above, silvery beneath ; emarginate on the sterile branches, entire on the fertile ones, cones erect, sub-cylindrical, purplish-brown, 2in. to 2iin. long, Jin. to nearly lin. wide ; scales horizontal, reniform, densely packed, each enclosing a short, wedge-shaped bract as long as the scale, h. 120ft. to 140ft. Japan, 1860, and again in 1879. Described as a beautiful arid interesting tree, as well as perfectly hardy ; it should be planted on elevated spots open to the south or south-east. A. Webbiana (Webb's).* I. two-rowed, linear, flat, obtusely emarginate, silvery beneath, liin. to 2iin. long, cones cylindrical, 6iin. to 7in. long, 2in. or more broad, deep purple ; scales kidney- shaped, roundish, closely compressed, imbricated, about lin. long, and IJin. broad ; bracts oblong, apiculate. A. 70ft. to 90ft. Hima- layan Mountains, 1822. A large handsome pyramidal tree, with numerous branches spreading horizontally, much divided, and densely clothed. A. Williamson! (Williamson's). A synonym of Tsuga Pattoniana. ABOBRA (its Brazilian name). OED. Gucurbitacece. A genus of stove or greenhouse plants, having solitary axillary dioscious flowers, and finely divided leaves. The only species in cultivation is a very pretty half-hardy climbing perennial, having a fleshy root about 1ft. or more beneath the surface of the soil. It thrives well in warm sunny spots, and in a light soil ; seeds may be sown in pots or pans of light soil early in April ; the young plants can be planted out about the middle of June. The fleshy AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 3 Abobra continued. tuberous roots may be stored during winter in a green- house or frame. See also Gourds. A. viridlflora (green-flowered). jl. pale green, fragrant ; femnles succeeded by small oval scarlet fruits, which are about as large a* ;\ filbert. I. dark green, glossy, much divided into narrow segments. South America. A rapid growing plant, admirably adapted for training over arbours or trellis- work. It is a very pretty form of ornamental gourd. ABORTION. An imperfect formation, or the non- formation of an organ ; any fruit or produce that does not come to maturity, or anything which fails in its progress before it is matured, frequently from a defect in the male or female flowers. ABRAXAS GROSSULARIATA. See Goose- berry or Magpie Moth.. ABRICOCK. A former mode of writing Apricot. ABROMA (from a, not, and ftroma, food ; from its un- wholesomeness). OKD. Sterculiacece. Handsome, free- flowering, evergreen trees, with hairy lobed leaves, and extra axillary or terminal few-flowered peduncles. Of easy culture, in a stove temperature, in loam and peat soil. Propagated by seeds or cuttings, the former sown in March, the latter made in April from half -ripened wood, and placed under a bell glass. A. angnsta (smooth-stalked).* JL dingy purple, drooping. August. 1. lower, cordate, three to five lobed ; upper, ovate- lanceolate, undivided, h. 10ft East India, 1770. A, fastnosa (prickly-stalked). JL dark purple. June. I lower, cordate, acutely five lobed ; upper, ovate, entire, h. 10ft. New Holland, 1800. ABRONIA (from abros, delicate ; referring to its in- Tolucrum). Sand Verbena. OBD. Nyctaginacece. A small genus of seven species, mostly natives of California, four of which only arc known in general cultivation. They are F;c. 1. ADROMA UMBKLLATA, showing Habit and Inflorescence. of a dwarf trailing habit, producing showy blossoms in dense verbena-like clusters. Corolla funnel-shaped; limb spreading. They succeed best in light sandy soil, in a posi- tion fully exposed ; if well drained, the rockery is perhaps the best place. Increased by seeds, the outer skin of which should be peeled off before sowing ; sow during autumn in pots of sandy soil, and keep in a frame until the follow- ing spring,. when they may be placed in their flowering quarters ; or by young cuttings, set in spring, and also in Eandy soil A. arenaria (sand-loving).* /. lemon-yellow, about iin. long, in dense clusters, with a honey-like fragrance. July. I. broadly ovate, or leniform, on short, thick petioles. A. 9in. to 18in. I860. Half-hardy perennial. SY>. A. latifolia. Abronia continued. A. fragrans (fragrant).* fl. pure white, in terminal and axillary clusters, very delicately perfumed, expanding in the evening. May. 1865. A perennial, more or less erect in growth, forming large branching tufts from 1ft. to 2ft. high. Importe-l seeiU only of this species will grow. A. latifolia (broad-leaved). A synonym of A. arenaria. A. pnlchella (pretty), fl. pink. July. h. bin. 1848. A. rosea (rose-coloured). Jl. rose-coloured. Jane. h. 6in. 1847. An unimportant species. A. nmbellata (umbel-flowered).* Jl rosy pink, in dense terminal clusters, slightly scented. April. I. oval or oblong, h. din. to 24in. 1823. An elegant prostrate half-hardy annual ; but under sreenhouse culture it is a perennial. STN. Trieratu* admirabilit. bee Fig L ABRUPT. Suddenly terminating, as abruptly pinnate ; when pinnate leaves arc without a terminal or odd leaflet. ABRUS (from abros, soft, in reference to the extreme softness of the leaves). OBD. Leguminosae. A very orna- mental and delicate much branched deciduous stove climber, whose roots have the Tirtnea of the common liquorice. Leaves abruptly pinnate, bearing many pairs of leaflets. Requires a strong heat to keep it in a growing, healthy condition, and to flower it well ; and thrives best in sandy loam. Increased by cuttings under a hand glass, in Band, or seeds raised in heat. A. precatoritu (prayer). /I. pale purple, butterfly -shaped, disposed in axillary clusters. Seeds bright scarlet, with a black spot at the base, used by the Buddhists for making rosaries, whence the specific name. March to May. I. leaflets ligulate, oblong. A. 12ft. East Indies, 1680. Varieties are now and then met with having rose coloured or white flowers. ABSORPTION. The action by which liquids and gases become incorporated with various bodies, through molecular or other invisible means, to which function all parts of a growing plant contribute, the roots more especially. ABTTTA (native name). ORD. Menispermaeea. A strong growing ornamental stove evergreen climber. Used medicinally in Cayenne. Flowers dioecious, fascicled, males racemosely panicled ; females loose and simply racemose. It grows freely in a mixture of loam and peat. Cuttings will root readily if planted in a pot of sand, with a hand glass placed over them, in heat. About half-a-dozen species are known. A. rufescens (rusty-coloured). Jl. grey-velvety on the outside, dark purple on the inside. March, i. ovate; under surface brownish. A. 10ft Cayenne, 1820. ABUTHiON (Arabic name for a plant analogous to the Marsh Mallow). OBD. Malvaceae. Very showy, de- corative, and free-growing shrubs, both for the greenhouse and outside culture. Calyx naked, five-cleft, usually angular; style multifid at apex. The many beautiful hybrids (of which Pig. 2 represents a group) now in cultivation, far supersede the true species. Culti- vation: Few plants are more easily grown and worthy of liberal treatment than these. The best soil for them is equal parts turfy loam, peat, and leaf mould, with some gritty sand. They may either be grown in pots, or planted out ; but in all cases thorough drainage is indis- pensable, as they require an abundance of water, and stag- nancy must be guarded against. At the end of May they may be planted outside, when they will flower profusely through the summer. In a free growing and flowering state they enjoy weak manure water. From the hitter part of autumn till early spring they may be kept almost dry with- out injury, though in a warm, conservatory some of the later struck plants will go on flowering throughout the greater part of the winter ; or plants may be specially prepared for winter flowering. They are admirably adapted for forming standards of various heights, from 2ft. to 6ft. Some of the taller sorts are very useful for training under roof rafters. As pillar plants, too, very loosely trained, so as to allow the upper and side branches to droop to a con- siderable distance from the pillar, they are very effective. Propagation: They strike readily from cutting made THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, insigne (handsome -flowered).* /. large, urplish crimson, with dark venation, Abutilon cuntumed. of the young wood, at almost any season ; the best time, however, is early spring and September. Inserted in pots, in a compost of equal parts peat, leaf mould, loam, and sand, and placed in a temperature of from 65deg. to TOdeg., they will then quickly root, and form good plants. Seeds may be sown in pans filled with soil as recommended for cuttings, and placed in a similar temperature. Those fol- lowed by a dagger (f) are the best for training to pillars, roofs, Ac. A. Bedfordianum (Bedford's). /. yellow and red. November. /. deeply-lobed. A. 15ft Brazil, 1838. A. Darwlnl (Darwin'sM* fl. bright orange, with darker veinmgs, fine cupped form. April. I. large, broad. It. 4ft. Brazil, 1871. A handsome species, of good habit, equally suitable as a stove or greenhouse plant during winter, and for outdoor culture dur- ing summer months. There are a j:reat number of garden hybrids from this. A. globiflorum (globe-flowered). /. solitary, large, globose.cream -coloured. November. I. on long stalks, cordate, serrate. A. 4ft. to 6ft. Mauritius, 1825. A. Ignenin (bright). Synonymous with A. insiyne. A. pu axillary pendulous racemes; petals short, broad, much reflexed. Winter. I. large, cordate, thick, rugose Stem deep green, with short brown hairs. A. 6ft. New Grenada, 1851. SYN. A. igneum. See Fig. 3. A. megapotamicum (big river). t* fl. small, Lull-shaped, singularly beautiful, the sepal* being dark red, petals pale yellow, anil stamens dark brown. Autumn and winter. I. small, pointed. A. 3ft. Rip Grande, 1864. A free-flowering species, with a graceful drooping nablt ; the shoots should be well pressed in during spring. SYN. A. vexil- iarium. A. pseoniflorum (paeony-flowered). /. pink, smaller than those of A. insigne, but very distinct. January. J. large, ovate. A. 6ft. Brazil, 1845. A. pulchellmn (pretty). t ft. white, on few- Jlowered axillary racemes. July. I. cordate, unequally crenated, downy beneath. A. 8ft. liubit very branching. New Holland, 1824. A. striatnm (striped).* /. orange yellow, with a thick veimng of blood-re(i, en long curving stalks. I. large, lobed, on long slender petioles. Brazil, 1837. A free grower, and makes an excellent greenhouse plant. In sheltered posi- tions, in the south-west of England, this species proves to be almost hardy. It requires to be freely pinched. A very continuous bloomer. A. Thompson! (Thompson's). /. striated yellow, large. Summer. I. small, vine-like, richly mottled with yellow and dark green. A. 3ft. or 4ft. Habit very neat and erect. A. vcnosum (veined), t* /. orange, with red veins, very large, bell shaped, Sin. long; pedicels nearly 12in. long. July. I. large, deeply palmate. A. 10ft. This splendid species is distinguished by its unusually large flowers. A. vexillaiium (standard). Synonymous with A. ntcyapotami- cum. A. Vitlfolinm (vine-leaved).* /. porcelain blue, large, cupped. May. f. cordate, five to seven lobed, assuming, towards the autumn, a tine golden hue. A. 30ft. Chili, 1837. This fine shrub, or tree, is hardy in Ireland and the south of England, but should have a protection from frost It is not a fast grower. The following are some of the best varieties, which, although they do not include all the newest sorts, yet afford a good selection of first-rate kinds, which will give general satisfaction. They are arranged according to their respec- tive colours. Those marked with a dagger (f) are best for roofs and pillars. Orange-flowered. AUREUM GLOBOSUM,* flowers deep orange, heavily red shaded, of medium size, with good form and sub- stance ; DARWINI MAJUS,* bright orange, deeply veined, extremely Abutilon continued. free, and of good form and size ; FLEUR D'Oa.t light orange, veined pale red, very free and dwarf ; GRANDiFLORUM,*deep orange, red shaded, deeply veined with red, a robust, large-flowered variety ; LEO, flowers pale below, deeper above, red-veined, of medium size ; PRINCE OF ORANGE,!* a strong grower, and very free. Ornamental-foliaged. DARW/NI TESSELATUM.!* foliage mottled with yellow, invaluable for sub-tropical bedding ; SELLOWIANUM MARMORATUM,* very large maple-like foliage, heavily mottled with bright yellow, a most effective variety ; THOMPSONI, leaves very freely blotched with yellow ; VEXILLARIUM IGNEUM,!* very free, of good habit, prettily blotched. All these ornamental-foliaged varieties are invaluable for bedding purposes . FIG. 2. GROUP OF ABUTILONS. Purple-coloured. EMPEROR,* flowers large, rich purple magenta shaded, habit vigorous ; Louis VAN HOUTTE, very free, rosy purple ; PURPUREA,* deep purple shaded lake, very attractive ; SOUVENIR DE ST. MAURICE, flowers medium size, very profuse ; VIOLET QUEEN,* bright violet purple, very distinct and free. Red and Crimson-flowered. BRILLIANT,* flowers of good form and substance, brilliant red inside, rather paler outside, dwarf and free ; CRIMSON BANNER,* rich crimson, dwarf, very floriferous ; FIRE KING,* bright red, orange shaded, veined with crimson ; LUSTROUS,* brilliant red crimson, large, most profusely produced, habit dwarf; NE PLUS ULTRA,* intense crimson, of excellent form; SCARLET G EM,* flowers medium sized, brilliant scarlet, habit dwarf and free. Rose-coloured. ADMIRATION, light pink, shaded salmon, of good form and shape ; ANNA CROZY,* deep pink, lilac shade, veined white, very showy; CLOCHETTE,* deep rosy pink, with crimson veins, very dwarf and free ; DELICATUM, pale salmon rose, with deeper veins, flowers very large ; KING OF THE ROSES,* rich deep AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. Abutilon continued. rose, of good size and substance, habit dwarf and very free ; LADY OF THE LAKE,* flowers medium sized, rich pink ; Louis MARIGNAC, pale pink, veined white, splendid habit, a charming variety; PRINCESS MARIE,!* flowers rich rosy lake, very profuse, of excellent form ; Eos^EFLORUM.t* pale salmon rose, veined with crimson. White-flowered. BOULE DE NiEGE,t* very fine pure white flowers, the best in its class ; PURITY,* very free, of good habit, and pure white ; SERAPH,* dwarf, and very floriferous. FIG. 3. FLOWER OF ABUTILON INSIGNE. Yellow-flowered. CANARY BiRD.t* similar in habit to Boule de Niege, bright primrose, very lovely ; COURONNE D'OR,* bright yellow, of the finest form and substance, very bold foliage; GOLDEN GEM, rich canary yellow, extremely free, of dwarf habit ; LEMOiNEi.t very fine, pale yellow, good size; QUEEN OF THE YELLOWS,* very large, lemon yellow, good substance ; YELLOW PKINCE,* rich golden yellow, of medium size, very profuse. ABYSSINIAN PRIMROSE. A common name for Primula Boveana (which see). ACACXA (from ac, a point, in Celtic ; or from akazo, to sharpen ; many of the species are furnished with spines). See also Albizzia. OBD. Leguminosce. Shrubs or trees, very variable in habit and leaves. Flowers yellow, white, rarely red, disposed in globular heads or spikes, decandrous or polyandrous. Spines stipular, scattered, or wanting. This is a very polymorphous genus, and the majority of species described are known in this country only from herbarium specimens. It is very doubtful whether the entire genus is represented in our gardens by more than about fifty species, many of which are only to be found in botanic gardens; but this number is, without doubt, sufficiently characteristic. The num- ber of species is close upon 400, and the genus one of the largest known. In our enumeration, we have strictly confined ourselves to describing such as are un- questionably in cultivation, and to this end we have adopted the only accurate method of deciding which are and which are not grown, viz., by consulting the trade lists of nursery- men, both in this country and on the Continent. Such lists, however, are not always correct, from a scientific point of view, in the matter of nomenclature. The species best deserving of cultivation are all natives of Australia, New South Wales, or other temperate regions, and are among the hardiest and most easily cultivated of all greenhouse plants. They are very floriferous. The greenhouse species are sufficiently hardy to withstand the winter in a temperature very little higher than freezing point. Cultivation : Some have a tendency to make long Acacia continued. straight shoots ; these should be selected for training upon rafters or pillars, on which they thrive well and form splendid ornaments in spring ; whilst the more shrubby kinds will be equally at home in pots in the form of bushes. Roots and tops grow with great rapidity, and an abundance of water is required at all times. Immediately after flower- ing (usually about May) is the best time to prune Acacias ; they may then be placed in the open air, and fully ex- posed to the sun, until October. They make a far healthier, cleaner growth, and ripen their wood much better outside than under glass ; all they require is copious waterings, never allowing them to become dry, and keeping clear of weeds. In the first week in October house the plants, and winter in a temperature of 40deg. to 50deg. They delight in a light rich compost of equal parts turfy loam and leaf mould, freely intermixed with sand, or peat may be used instead of the leaf mould. Propagation : Cuttings of the half -ripened wood, put in with a heel, root readily during the summer. They do not bear heat well, nor do they require it. The soil should be equal parts peat and sand, covered with pure sand, thoroughly consolidated. Insert the cuttings as soon as made ; water home, and leave them in the shade till dry. Then place the bell glasses over them, shade and water so as to prevent flagging. Pot off as soon as rooted, and keep in a close pit or house until the plants are thoroughly established. Seeds should be sown as soon as ripe, in sandy peat ; about iin. deep, or a little more, for large seeds. A temperature of 55deg. to 60deg. suits them well. Pot off when large enough to handle, and place in a cool close pit or house until quite established. The culture and propagation of the stove species are the same as for the greenhouse sorts, but the former require, of course, greater heat. Their flowers, how- ever, are much less frequently produced than their more temperate congeners, consequently they are not so much grown. A. aifinis.* fl. yellow. May. h. 5ft. New Holland, 1822. Green- house species. A albicans (whitish).* fl. white ; heads, two to five, aggregate, rising in racemes from the axils to the leaves. I. with eight to nine pairs of pinnae, each pinna bearing nineteen to twenty-two pairs of oblong linear-leaflets. A. 5ft. Swan River. A. amcena (pleasing). This closely resembles A. heterophylla. A. angustifolia (narrow-leaved), fl. yellow, in heads two to four together, pedunculate. April. /. with fifteen to twenty pairs of pinnae, each pinna bearing thirty to forty pairs of linear- acute, ciliated leaflets, h. 4ft New South Wales, 1816. One of the numerous varieties of A. lonyifolia. A arabica (Arabian).* Gum Arabic, fl. white ; heads pedunculate, axillary, usually in threes. I. with four to six pairs of pinnae, each pinna bearing ten to twenty pairs of oblong-linear leaflets. h. 20ft Arabia, East Indies, li/*AlAV* (* urn, M^1 A ...^\ a i ACANTHOPHCENIX (from akantha, a spine, and phoinix, the Date Palm). ORD. Palmce. A very elegant stove palm, differing from Areca principally in habit, and requiring a light sandy soil and a summer temperature of 65deg. to SOdeg., winter 55deg. to 65deg. Increased by seeds only; these germinate best in a moist bottom heat, and a well decomposed compost of one part loam, one of peat, one of leaf mould, and the remainder of Band. They may remain in this soil for two or three years. A. crlnita (hairy).* fl. spirally arranged, in threes, the central one being female. I. the fronds are arched, broadly ovate in outline, pectinately pinnate in division, with long linear acuminate seg- ments, paler beneath. The stem is densely armed with black, needle-shaped spines, and much swollen towards the base. Sey- chelles, 1868. ACANTHOKHIZA (from akantha, a spine, and rhiza, a root). ORD. Palmce. A small genus of stove 1 palms, differing from Trithrinax by the aerial roots of th trunk hardening into spines (which are horizontal or pointed upwards), and by the blade of the leaf being divided down to the petiole. They delight in a rich loamy soil, and are propagated by seeds, in a moist, sweet hotbed, in spring. A. aculeate (spiny). I. orbicular, palmately slit into numerous linear-lanceolate, glabrous segments, deep-green above, silvery beneath ; petioles slender ; the trunk is covered with a network of branching spines. Mexico, 1879. SYN. Chamceropi staura- cantha. A. Wallisii (Wallis's)." A recent introduction from tropical America, and not yet much cultivated ; it is a tall palm with orbicular palmate leaves. A. Warzcewiczii (Warzcewicz's).* This differs from the pre- ceding species by its more irregularly divided leaf blade, which is white below. Tropical America. ACANTHOSTACHYTTM (from akanthos, a spine, and atacTii/i.aspike). ORD. Bromeliaceas. A monotypic genus of stove evergreen herbaceous plants ; of easy culture in a com- post of equal parts sand, decayed wood, and rotten leaves. Propagated by suckers, which strike readily in bottom heat. A. strobilacea (cone-fruited), fl. red and yellow ; scape simple, long, scurfy; bracts coloured. June. I. radical, very long, in- curved narrow^hick, pungent, channelled, spiny-toothed, covered with white scurf. A. 4ft. Brazil, 1840. ACANTHUS (from akanthos, & spine; several species being spiny or prickly). Bear's Breech. ORD. Acanthacece. A group of stately, ornamental perennial plants, mostly hardy, remarkable for their vigorous growth and beautiful foliage. Flowers sessile, crowded, spicate ; corolla tubular, one-lipped; Up three lobed. To attain perfection they require a deep soil, and a situation fully exposed to the sun. They will, however, thrive moderately well in common soil and partial shade. The habit being generally a bold one, they are most suited for isolated tufts, backgrounds of mixed borders, and the wild garden. Propagated by seeds, sown in gentle heat, or by division of the roots, in autumn or early spring. * 3ft SBr August A. longifolius (long-leaved).* /. purple, rose, in the axils of the bracts, which are oval, acuminate, spiny, of a reddish hue forming a spike nearly 1ft. long. June. I. radical, 2ft. to 3ft long ; numerous, h. 3ft. to 4ift. Dalmatia. 1869. *. Insltanions (Portugal). Synonymous with A. mollis lati. ** "E? 1 ^ 80 ?** *:, white or r s e. sessile in the axils of the deeply- toothed bracts ; spikes about lift. Summer. I. sinuated unarmed I^154t ed *" UtUne> ** ! ng by lft br0ad ' A 3ft to 4ft A. m. latifolins (broad-leaved).* A variety of A inollig but Urger and more robust in every part. This veV handle ''torn is probably the best grown ; it is one of the most suitable for sub S3S "Sfinfa A warm sunny spot fa needfuL s - A - i 1 - white - Jul y to September. crrecn. h. 3ft. . I. Portugal; AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 9 Acanthus continued. (most spiny)-*/- L spinostssimus (m handsome spike, with Jaciniate, pinnatifid, bus Europe, 1629. acute, recurved blistered, spiny ; spines i e, on a very *.3jft South FIG. 8. ACANTHUS MOLLIS A. splnosns (spiny).* f~ purplish, spicate ; sepals spiny. Sun L deeply and regularly cut, each division terminated by a short spine, k. 3ft to 4ft South Europe, See Fig. 9. ACAULESCENT. With apparently no stem. ACCESSORY. Something additional, not usually present. ACCKETE. Fastened with another body, and growing with it. ACCU: FT. Lying against anything, in distinction to incumbent, or lying upon. ACER (from acer, hard or sharp; wood is extremely hard, and was formerly much used for making pikes and lances). Maple. OED. Sapindaeece. A. genus comprised, for the most part, of handsome hardy deciduous shrubs, or trees, adapted for forming shrubberies, plantations, I' With dark ***** leaves, which Irf covered w"th a whitish or rusty tomentum on the under surface. A. palmatnm (palmate-leaved).* Jl. on five to seven-flowered umbels. May. J. oalmatelv divided into five to seven lobes uminated, serrated. A. 20ft. r le).* A vigorous handsome ,_,._._liage. Japan. %SEra3% *? n n taiked - Jobes oblong, acuminated, deeply^errated A 30ft ' Very ornamental, hai (P&lniatind).* I. very finel . very finely the midrib - <>* a A.p.auroo-varie yellow. Europe, -continued. A. p. retlculatum (netted).* I. palmately seyen-lobed ; lobes unequal, sharply serrate, emerald green, with dark green veins. Japan, 1875. A very elegant variety, with slender branches. A. p. roseo-marglnattun (rose-margined).* I. freely divided, the lobes deeply cut, light green, margined with rose. Japan, 1874. A very distinct and charming variety. A. p. sangulneum (blood-red).* I. deeply flve-lobed, the lobes serrated, of a deep reddish-crimson colour, much brighter than the variety atropurpureum. 1874. This presents a very striking contrast to the last. A. p. septemlobum (seven-lobed).* fl. purplish, on numerous flowered umbels. Spring. 1. varying much, from palmately five- lobed, with toothed undivided lobes, to deeply seven to nine-lobed, with more or less finely cut divisions. Japan, 1864. There are numerous beautiful forms of this variety. There are many varieties of this much varying species, but we have only mentioned those best known ; many are only known by their native names, and there is some doubt as to their distinctive characteristics. They are all extremely hand- some. A. pennsylvanlcum (Pennsylvanian).* Jl. in long drooping, simple racemes. May. I. cordate, three-lobed, acuminated, finely and acutely serrated. A. 20ft. Trunk elegantly striped with white lines. North America, 1755. SYN. A. striatum. A. pictum (painted).* fl. corymbose, stalked. I. five to seven- looed ; lobes triangular or oblong, entire, acuminated. A. 15ft. to 20ft. Temperate Asia, 1840. A. p. connivem (converging), A. p. marnwratum (spotted), A. p. rubrum (red), and A. p. variegatum (variegated), are varieties differing principally hi the colouring of the leaves. All are very desirable. A. platanoldes (plane-like).* The Norway Maple. /. on nearly erect stalked corymbs. May, June. I. cordate, smooth, flve- lobed; lobes acuminated, with a few coarse acute teeth. A. 50ft. Europe, 1683. A very ornamental hardy tree, growing with great rapidity when young. It prefers a deep, well-drained soil. variegated).* I. variegated with retain the variegation, requires to be propagated by budding or grafting. The same remarks are equally applicable to the other varieties. A. p. lacinlatum (cut-leaved).* I. deeply and variously cut, green and yellow. A. p. Schwedlerl (Schwedler's).* I. very large, deep bronzy-red. A vigorous grower, and most effective. A. p. variegatum (variegated).* I. variegated with white. There are several other varieties, but of less importance than the foregoing. A. Pseudo-platanus (Mock-plane tree).* Sycamore, fl. on rather compound pendulous racemes. May. I. cordate, with five acuminated unequally-toothed lobes. A. 30ft. to 60ft. Europe. There are few deciduous trees so well adapted for standing singly in rough exposed situations. A deep, soft, dry soil is most suitable for it, but it will grow in soils of very opposite qualities. A. P.albo varlegata (white- variegated).* A very beautiful form, in spring especially. I. white and green. A. P. flavo varlegata (yellow-variegated). I. variegated with yellow. A. P. longlfolla (long-leaved).* I. more deeply cut, and the petioles much longer than in the species. A. P. pnrpnrenm (purple).* I. purple underneath. The tree, when slightly ruffled by the wind, alternately appearing clothed in purple and pale green. Numerous other vaneties of more or less excellence are grown. A. rubrum (red).* Scarlet Maple. /. scarlet, handsome, conglome- rate, corymbose. I. cordate at the base, deeply and unequally toothed, palmately flve-lobed, with acute recesses. Branches and fruit also scarlet. A. 20ft. Canada, 1656. A variety with leaves splashed with yellow is rare. An excellent species, thriving well in damp, swampy situations, and is commonly increased by layers. A. rufinerve (red-nerved).* "The leaves vary both in size and outline, from 2in. to 4in. each way; three to flve-lobed, with irregularly toothed margins, glabrous above, but with reddish hairs along the nerves beneath. The young branches are con- spicuous on account of the bluish-grey glaucescence with which they are covered." A. r. albo llmbatum (white-margined)* differs only from the species in having a very distinct white margin not always A. saccharlnum (Sugar Maple).* fl. yellow, on drooping corymbs, on short peduncles ; pedicels pilose. April. I. cordate, smooth, palmately flve-lobed ; lobes accuminated, sinuately toothed. A. 40ft. N. America, 1735. A. s. nigrum (blackish).* fl. on sessile corymbs, nodding. April, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 11 Acer continued. A. Semenovi (Semenov's).* A slender and graceful species, with leaves closely resembling those of A. Ginnala, but smaller. Turkestan, 1879. A. sempervlrena (evergreen^ Synonymous with A. hetero- phyllum. A. splcatum (spiked). Synonymous with A. wwmtanwm. A. strlatum (striated). Synonymous with A. penntylvanieum. A. tartaricum (Tartarian).* JL white, on crowded, erect, com- pound racemes. May. L more or less cordate, acuminated, serrated, with obsolete lobes, h, 20ft. 1759. This species is one of the first to expand its leaves hi spring. A. tomentosnm (tomentose). Synonymoos with A. A. tripartitum (three-parted). Synonymous with A. ^Van Volxemli (Van Volxem's). ft. not known in England. palmately three to five-lobed, Tery large, lightgreen above, silvery and quite glabrous beneath. Caucasus, 1877. Distinct silvery and quite glabrous beneath. A, villosnm (hairy). JL fragrant, on lateral racemes. ApriL Bads, fruit, and young leaves, silky, villous. L cordate, five-lobed, Tillous beneath as well as the petioles ; lobes orate acute. A. 50ft Himalaya, at high elevations. Not hardy. A. vlrglniannm (Virginian). Synonymous with A. dtuyearjntm. ACERACEJE. An order of very ornamental hardy trees, of which the Sycamore and Maple are well-known representatives. ACEBAS (from a, without, and leerat, a horn ; the lip having no spur). OBD. Orchideae. An interesting genus of terrestrial orchids. Calyx of three ovate, equal, con- verging sepals ; petals two, narrow, oblong ; lip spurless, much longer than the calyx, narrow, oblong, with four linear lobes. The most interesting species is the native one. Indigenous to dry, chalky pastures in the south-east of England, and it will only thrive in similar soils when grown in gardens. Propagated by careful divisions of tubers only. FIG. 10. FLOWER OF ACBRAS A>THROPOPHORA. A. anthropophora (man-bearing). Green Man Orchis. /. green- ish, on a lotg spike ; lip longer than the ovary ; lip and petals often margined with rtd. June. J. lanceolate. A. 1ft. See Fig. 10. ACER.ATITJM (from a, not, and Iceras, a horn; the stamens being destitute of the terminal bristles so con- spicuous in its near ally, Elasoearpv*). OBD. THiaceas. An interesting stove evergreen tree, very closely allied to Tata. It thrives well in a mixture of loam and peat, and is in- creased by ripe cuttings, which root readily if placed in sand, under a hand glass, in heat. A. opposltifolium (opposite-leaved).* fl. white on terminal three-flowered peduncles. June, L opposite,elhptic-oblong, furnished with a few mucronated teeth, A. 20ft Amboyna, 1818. ACEBOSE, ACEROSTJS. Needle-pointed, fine, and elender, with a sharp point. ACETABIOTJS. An adjective applied to plants used in salads. ACEUS. A termination expressing a resemblance to the thing whose name it terminates foUaceut, leaf-like, of the texture of a leaf or folium, ACHANIA. See Malvaviscns. ACHENE. A hard, dry, one-seeded, superior seed- vessel. ACHERONTIA ATROPOS. See Sphinx Atropos. ACHILLEA i named after Achilles, who is said to have first discovered the medicinal qualities of this plant). In- cluding Ptarmwra. MilfoiL OBD. Composite. A large genus (.about fifty species), containing numerous hardy, border and alpine plants. Flower-heads small, corymbose ; Achillea continued. involucral scales oblong, often with a shrivelled appear- ance ; receptacle with membranous scales, resembling chaff ; ray florets few, sometimes rather large and showy ; pappus none. Leaves ternate, simple or compound. All the species are easily cultivated in ordinary garden soil A. Evpatorium and other large-growing kinds are well suited for borders or groups, whilst the alpine section should be planted on the rockery. A great number of species, although excellent for naturalising in rough shrubberies, are totally unfitted for garden culture. Propa- gated, during spring, by root divisions, cuttings, and seeds. A. fflgypttaca (Egyptian!* jC-fead, rich bright yellow, in closely packed terminal corymbs, which are from 2in. to 4in. across. Summer. L pinnate ; leaflets obtusely lanceolate, serrate, silvery white, 6in. to Sin. long. A. l*ft to 2*ft Levant, 1640. Handsome perennial, thriving btrt in aWm position. borne singly on y on stalks about 6in. or Bin. high, ummer. {.narrow, * dense ^ very rosette, the margins prettily crimped. Greece. A pretty alpine, of compact habit America, 1803. J14M* white. August I. in a rosette, Austria, 1596. A pretty alpine. (golden-flowered).* jL-keadt golden yellow, borne singly 18m. high. Summer and autumn. L larger than hi A. ta, with which species it is sometimes confused. Levant, agerattfolia, with which species it is 1739. Habit tufted. Requires a position. Fio. 1L ACHILLEA CnvEiE, showing Habit and detached Flower-head. A, Clavennw (Clavenna's).* JL-head* white, hi neat and compact heads. Spring and summer. I. bi-pinnatifid : segments linear, obtuse, slightly denticulated at the apex. A. lOin. Austria, 1656. A very neat and pretty species, having dwarf tufted habit and a hoary appearance. See Fig. 11. A. decolorans (staining). JLJuadt whitish yellow. July, tun- divided. A. 1ft Native country unknown. 1798. Fio. 12. ACHitLEA Ei'PATORH'M, showing Habit and detached Flower-head. A. rmpatorium (fern-leavedX* fl-Keed, brilliant yellow, in dens* convST compound corymbs, which are often 5m. across, Ustang two months in full beauty. June to September. L numerous, linear, pinnate, lobed and serrated, hairy, rough. A, 4ft .toSft Caucasus, 1801 This noble plant should be f row "***f'? ""^ the border, and kept neatly staked. STX. A. filymdul*. See Fig. 19- A. fllipendnla (Dropwort-leaved). Synonymou* with A. Eupe- 12 Achillea continued. THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, and a sunny position. A.noUo..(Mon whll July. I unditidd. A pretty tufted alpine. A. nana (dwarf) Jl.-headt white. June to August. 1. pinnate ; l32to horSai: A. 6in. Italy, 1759. A rockery species. A, odorata (sweet-scented), fl.-headt white, fragrant. June to \ J. bipinnate. A. 6in. Spain, 1729. .-head white. June. I. bnght tufted Italy, 1775. A pretty alpine. A. Ptarmlca flore-pleno (double sneezewort).* /.-Aod* pure whitTfieelv produced in terminal corymbs. All through the summer and autumn. 1. lanceolate, serrulate. A. 1ft. to 2ft. Fniiland This is one of the most useful white border perennials pown, increasing very readily. When out of flower Ihe stems should be cut down to the surface. A. santolinoldes (Lavender-cotton-like), fl.-headt white. July. I. pinnate ; leaflets transverse. A. 1ft. Spain. A. serrata (serrated).* fl.-headt clear white, large, in small corymbose clusters, forming a somewhat spreading panicle. Summer. I. white, with adpressed hairs, deeply serrated. A. 15in. Switzerland, 1686. FIG. 13. ACHILLEA TOMENTOSA, showing Habit and detached Portion of Inflorescence. A. tomentosa (do compound corymb ny). Summer. fl.-heads bright yellow, in repeatedly I. woolly, bipinnatifld ; segments linear, acute. " A. Sin. to 12in. Europe. " One of the best yellow- flowered species for the rock garden, having a dense habit. See Fig. 13. A. umbollata (umbel -flowered).* fl.-headt white, six to eight in a simple umbel. June. 1. regularly lobed ; lobes pbovate, entire ; clothed with a dense, silvery pubescence, on which account the plant is chiefly cultivated. A. 4in. to 5in. Greece. A very pretty, dwarf rock plant. A. vallesiaca (Vallesian). fl.-heads white. June to August. I. pinnate ; leaflets horizontal A. 1ft. Switzerland, 1819. ACHIMENES (from cheimaino, to suffer from cold; alluding to the general tenderness of the species). Includ- ing Scheeria. OBD. Qesneraceae. A large genus of hand- some, stove or warm greenhouse, branched, generally hairy, herbaceous perennials, with scaly, catkin-like stolons underground (see Fig. 14), and sometimes from the axils of the leaves. Corolla funnel-shaped ; tube rather oblique, gibbous behind at the base; pedicels one-flowered, axil- lary, solitary or fasciculated, bracteated. Leaves opposite, or three in a whorl, serrated. To be successfully cultivated, they must be started and grown in stove heat till they commence flowering, when they may be removed to the conservatory or greenhouse, there to remain till after flowering. Batches of tubercles should be started in heat from February till the end of April, so as to give a succession of blossom. Shake each variety out of the old compost and insert separately in light, sandy soil ; water sparingly at first, but when active they may receive more frequent supplies. When the shoots Achimenes continued. are about 2in. high, the tubercles may be transplanted to the pots, pans, or baskets in which it is intended to grow them, using as potting compost fibrous peat and leaf-soil in equal proportions, with about a sixth part of sheep's or rotten cow manure, and sufficient silver sand to make the whole porous and of a whitish appearance. Thorough drainage is indispensable, and a layer of the rougher soil, or sphagnum, should be placed over the potsherds, to pre- Fio. 14. ROOT OF ACHIMENES, showing Tubercles. vent the loose soil stopping the drainage. Place the pans as near the glass as possible, and shade from bright sun- shine. Give liberal supplies of water, with occasional doses of liquid manure ; and, as the shoots lengthen, they may be pinched, to induce sturdy growth and a larger number of flowering branches. Place neat stakes to each stem, and keep well tied, arranging the stakes as sym- metrically as possible, so as to ensure an even outline, but FIG. 15. BOUQUET OF VARIOUS ACHIMENES. do not allow them to be seen. Light syringing with clear water, morning and evening, is beneficial. After the plants have done flowering, they should gradually have less water as the foliage and stems decay ; a light airy situation is needed to mature and ripen the tubers. When the tops are quite dead, they may be removed, and the pots stored on the sides in any warm dry corner where AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 13 Acliimenes continued. the temperature will not fall below SOdeg., keeping the plants quite dry until the time of starting again. Achimenes are liable to attacks of thrips, red-spider, and green-fly, especially if the atmosphere is kept dry ; these are easily destroyed by fumigation with tobacco. This must only be done when the foliage is quite dry, otherwise the plants will suffer. Achimenes are especially beautiful when well arranged, especially if two or three varieties are mixed together, as white, red, and purple (Fig. 15). There are several methods of increasing these : (1) By cuttings ; these need not be cut off at a joint, as they will root from any portion of the stem. Insert them thickly in well- drained pots of sandy soil say a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand and place in bottom heat. (2) By leaves, which should be severed from the stems, and pricked in pots of similar soil to the cuttings, placing all the petiole below the surface ; stand the pots in bottom heat. (3) By scales from the conns, which should be carefully rubbed off and sown, like seeds, in pots or pans of the same compost, barely covered with sand, and placed in bottom heat. (4) By seeds, which are very small, and, consequently, FIG. 16. FLOWER OF ACHIMENES LONGIFLORA. require to be carefully sown. The pans must be thoroughly drained and filled nearly to the rim, levelled, and well watered with a fine rose, after which the seed should be thinly scattered, covered very lightly with sand, and placed in a shady position. Keep nicely moist, and apply water very lightly, or the tiny germs will be disturbed. Place a sheet of glass over the seed-pans. When the seedlings are large enough to handle, they may be pricked off and after- wards treated like rooted cuttings. t The best time for all modes of propagating is early spring'. A. atrosanguinea (dark-crimson).* fl. crimson ; tube of corolla l^in. long, cylindrical, saccate at base, pilose ; limb small, spread- g ; peduncle one-flowered. July, August, i!. pilose, o ub-cordate, serrated, unequal, h. lift. Guatemala, 1848. A. Candida (white).* /. white ; tube of corolla gibbous at basa ; limb oblique, the front segment largest ; peduncles axillary, pilose, three-flowered. June. I. unequal, oblique at base, serrated, pilose, h. lift. Guatemala, 1848. A. coccinea (scarlet).* fl. scarlet ; peduncles solitary, axillary. August. I. three in a whorl, ovate, acuminated, serrated, with minute leaves in the axils, h. 1-Jft. Jamaica, 1778. A. cupreata (coppery), fl. scarlet ; calyx spotted inside, with a fringed mouth ; petals ciliately toothed ; peduncles one-flowered. April. I. elliptic, serrated, wrinkled, coloured, h. 6in. Mexico, 1845. Plant creeping, downy. A. gloxiniseflora (Gloxinia-flowered).*/. whitish, large, axillary; tube of corolla 2in. long; limb broad, spreading; Iqbes finely serrated, dotted with purple inside. June. I. serrated from middle to top. Stem slender, flexuous. h. 1ft. Mexico, 1845. Achimenes continued. A. grandlflora Garge-flowered).* fl. violet purple, very large, solitary, axillary ; limbs of corolla spreading. June. I. equal, ovate, oblique at base, sparingly serrated, h. lift. Mexico, 1842. . A. heterophylla (various-leaved), fl. solitary or twin ; corolla scarlet ; lobes ciliated. July. I. opposite, one smaller than the other, cordate ovate, acuminated, coarsely serrated, h. 1ft. Mexico. Plant rather hairy. A. hirsnta (hairy), fl. reddish, with yellow eye ; limb of corolla flat, with rounded serrulate segments ; peduncles one-flowered. July. I. cordate, serrated, h. 2ift Stem bulbiferous. Guatemala, 1842. Plant hairy. A. Kleei (Klee's).* fl. lilac ; corolla dark near the mouth, with a dash of yellow in the throat ; calyx downy ; peduncles one- flowered. August. I. ovate, acuminate, serrated, h. 6m. Guate- mala, 1848. Plant hairy. A. louglflora (long-flowered).* fl. violet ; segments of calyx lan- ceolate, erect ; corolla with a long tube, and an ample spreading limb ; pedicels one-flowered. July and August. I. three to four in a wnorl, ovate or oblong, coarsely serrated, h. 1ft. Guate- mala, 1841. Plant hairy. See Fig. 16. A. mnltiflora (many-flowered).* fl. pale lilac ; sepals linear ; corolla funnel-shape ; tube curved ; lobes roundish, lower one fringed ; peduncles axillary, three to five-flowered. August, i. opposite, or three in a whorl, ovate, deeply and doubly serrated. h. 1ft. Brazil, 1843. Plant hairy. A. ocellata (eye-spotted).* fl. reddish yellow, with dark spots, solitary, drooping ; petals nearly equally spotted. Autumn. I. on longish petioles, ovate, acuminate, serrated, wrinkled, coloured beneath, h. lft. 1845. Plant hairy. A. patens (spreading). A. violet, blue ; calyx downy ; tube of corolla shorter than limb, which is spreading. June. I. ovate, acuminate, hispid above, serrate, h. 1ft. Mexico, 1845. A. pedunculate (long-stalked).* fl. scarlet, with yellow eye; corolla drooping, gibbous at base ; peduncles in the axils of the upper leaves. July. I. rather unequal, obliquely cordate, ovate, serrated, h. 2ft. Stem simple, downy. Guatemala, 1840. A. picta (painted).* fl. scarlet, with yellow eye ; tube of calyx turbinate ; lobes of corolla roundish, three lower ones smallest ; peduncles solitary or two-flowered, axillary one-flowered July. I. opposite^ or three in a whorl, cordate-ovate, coarsely serrated, velvety, and elegantly painted. h. l|ft. Mexico, 1843. A. rosea (rosy), fl. rose, pilose ; limb of corolla equal to tube ; peduncles filiform, many-flowered, June. I. sometimes three in a whorl, pilose, h. lift. Guatemala, 1848. The foregoing are the most important species known. Hybrid varieties are innumerable, and even surpass the species in beauty, the best of which are enumerated below in their respective colours. Blue and Purple Flowered. ADVANCE,* flowers reddish- purple, lighter at the eye, dwarf, and free habit ; ARGUS,* rich plum, with deep orange eye, large and free ; DR. BUENZOD,* flowers rich crimson purple, spotted with orange in the centre, very free ; EXCELSIOR, rich violet-purple, very large and free, with compact habit; GEM,* flowers small, of good form, rich carmine-purple ; GIBSONI,* flowers very large, clear mauve, with the tube white outside ; GRANDIS, rich violet purple, with large orange eye, carmine shaded, a charming variety ; LADY SCARS- DALE,* flowers of fair size, very free, rich plum purple, shaded carmine ; LONGIFLORA MAJOR,* a stronger grower than the type, freely producing large rich blue flowers, one of the finest varieties grown ; MADAME GEORGE, deep purple shaded crimson ; MAUVE QUEEN,* flowers very large, of a distinct mauve, with a brownish eye-shade, very profuse, with a grand habit, one of the best; PURPUREA ELEGANS,* deep'claret purple, orange throat with dark spots, a very attractive variety ; ROLLISONII,* flowers large, deep lavender-blue, yellow throat, spotted with deep crimson, very effective ; VIVICANS,* dark carmine-purple, with crimson eye, a few blue rays streaking from the eye, habit good, and very free. Crimson and Scarlet Flowered. AURORA,* rich rosy-scarlet, with yellow throat, very large, fully 2in. across ; CARL WOOL- FORTH,* deep crimson, shaded lighter at the eye, very free ; DAZZLE, flowers small, brilliant scarlet, pale yellow eye, very pretty and free ; DIADEM*, crimson lake, shaded carmine, with deep yellow eye; ECLIPSE,* rich orange-scarlet, spotted with carmine, extiemely floriferous, with a good habit; FIREFLY,* deep carmine red, golden eye, spotted with crimson, one of the best ; HARRY WILLIAMS*, bright cerise red, yellow, maroon spotted, the edge prettily fringed, a very charming variety ; LOVELINESS, rich magenta crimson, golden eye, spotted with maroon ; METEOR, flowers rather large, bright crimson-scarlet, yellow eye, spotted carmine, very dwarf and free ; SCARLET PERFECTION,* rich car- mine-scarlet, deep orange eye, very beautiful ; SIR TREHERN THOMAS,* deep crimson-lake, very profuse, with a good habit ; STELLA, deep magenta, with orange eye, the margins fringed, very large and free, 2in. or more across ; WILLIAMSII,* flowers large, stout, brilliant scarlet, orange throat, habit dwarf and free- branching, one of the finest varieties grown. Orange-Flowered. GEORGIANA DISCOLOR, flowers large, bright orange, with a distinct yellow centre; HF.NDERSONI,* rich orange- 14 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Included under Schiuhria -continued. salmon, with yellow eye ; MAGNET,* deep orange, spotted with crimson, with a distinct carmine zone, a very free-flowenng and beautiful variety ; PARSONSI* is a decided improvement upon the last. Rose-Flowered. ADMIRATION, deep rose, white throat, spotted with carmine; CAKMINIATA SPLENDE.NS,* bright rose yellow spotted in the centre, a charming vanety ; LEOPARD, bright magenta rose, freely spotted at the throat; LONGIFLORA ROSA *nch lilac rose, deeper in centre, of medium size, very free and dwarf ; MASTERPIECE;* deep rose, violet shaded, with a distinct white throat ; PINK PERFECTION,* rich rose, the eye rich carmine and violet rayed, one of the best; BOSEA MAGNIFICA,* bright rose, with a yellow eye, very finely spotted, a very lovely variety ; ROSE QUEEN,* flowers very large, rich rosy-lake, shaded deep purple, with a well defined orange throat ; UNIOJJE,* rosy-pink, deep yellow eye, spotted crimson, a very charming vanety. White-Flowered. AMBROSE VERSCHAFFELT,* flowers of good size, pure white, with a dark rayed centre ; LONGIFLORA ALBA,* similar in form and habit to Longiflora, but with large white flowers, slightly marked in the centre ; MADAME A. VERSCHAF- FELT* flowers large, pure white ground, heavily veined with purple, a very attractive variety; MARGARETTA,* flowers of medium size, pure white, and destitute of any markings whatever. ACHLAMYDEOTJS. Without floral envelopes. ACHRAS. See Sapota. ACHYRANTHES. See Chamissoa and Iresine. ACHYRONIA. Included under Priestleya (which see). ACHYROPAPPUS. (which see). ACICULAR. Needle-shaped. ACINETA (from akineta, immovable ; the lip being jointless). OBD. Orchideas A email genus of cool house, robust, sub-terrestrial orchids allied to Peristeria. Flowers sub-globose, fleshy, arranged on stout, pendulous racemes. Leaves lanceolate, membranous, ribbed. Pseudo-bulbs angular, about as large as hens' eggs. The compost should consist of equal parts of fibrous peat and living sphagnum. In planting, first place a somewhat thick layer of the moss all round the inside of the basket, and press the soil firmly round the plant. During the growing season, the baskets should be taken down twice or three times a week and dipped into a tub of water, so that the whole may become saturated. In addition, the plants should be sprinkled with the syringe morning and evening, for they delight in an abundant supply of water and plenty of shade. When the growth is finished, they must be kept very dry, an occasional syringing, to keep the leaves from shrivelling, being all that is necessary. A. Arcei (Arce's). ft. yellow. Central America, 1866. A. Barker! (Barker's).* ft. yellow and dark crimson, on stout scapes, produced from the base of the bulbs, and bearing fifteen to thirty fragrant flowers. Midsummer. I. broadly lanceolate, 2ft. long. Pseudo-bulbs 5in. to Tin. long. Mexico, 1837. SYN. Peristeria Barken. A. chrysantha (yellow-flowered).* ft. yellow, white, and crimson, fragrant ; lower part of the lip having a blunt, papillose horn ; i erect May. h. 2ft. Mexico, 1850. A, densa (dense-flowered).* /. sub-globose, and of a waxy consist- ence, lemon-yellow, dotted brown, sweet-scented ; racemes rather short. Costa Rica, 1849. A robust-growing species, very like A. Barkeri. SYN. A. Warczewiczii. A. HnmboldtU (Humboldt's).* ft. straw-colour, dotted with brown ; scapes 2ft. long. May. I broadly lanceolate, generally four. Columbia, 1872. A handsome species, but the flowers speedily fade. SYNS. Anguloa tuperba, Peritteria Humboldtii fulva. A. sulcata (grooved), ft. bright yellow. Columbia, 1879. Very like the last species, from which it differs in mere botanical detail. A. Warczewiczii (Warczewicz's). A synonym of A. densa. ACINOS. See Calamintha. ACIOTIS (from akis, a point, and ous, an ear ; in allusion to the shape of the petals). ORD. Melastomacea. A small genus of pretty, stove, evergreen plants. Flowers small ; panicles slender, loose, terminal ; petals four, obliquely awned at the apex. Leaves thin, membranous. For culture, see Melastoma. A. aquatica (water-loving), ft. white, small, in loose, terminal, filiform panicles. June. I. cordate, ovate-oblong, somewhat acuminate, serrated, pilose on the nerves beneath. A. 6in. to 12in Aciotis continued. South America, 1793. The pots in which this species is grown should be kept in pans of water. A. discolor (various-coloured).* /. small, red, in spicate racemes. I. petiolate, elliptic-oblong, purple beneath, deep shining green above, h. 1ft. Trinidad, 1816. ACIPHYLLA (from ake, a point, and phyllon, a leaf, referring to the sharply pointed segments of the leaf). OBD. UmbellifercB. A genus of curious and remarkable erect hardy perennials, with densely fascicled, spicate, or panicled umbels of flowers; and pinnate or bi-tripinnate leaves. They are most suited for the rockwork, in a light sandy soil. Propagated by seeds or divisions in spring. A. Colensoi (Colenso's).* ft. white. This extraordinary ever- green forms a circular bush, oft. or 6ft. in. diameter, of bayonet- like spines, having flowering stems 6ft. to 9ft. high, covered with spreading spinous leaflets. New Zealand, 1875. A. squarrosa (rough-headed).* ft. white, h. 6ft. to 9ft. New Zealand. More frequently met with than the preceding, of very dense growth. Commonly known as the Bayonet Plant. ACIS (named after Acis, shepherd of Sicily, son of Faunus and the nymph Simaethis). OBD. Amaryllideoe. A genus of very pretty dwarf bulbous plants, suitable for the rockery, in sunny sheltered situations. This genus was formerly included under Leucoium, from which it is distinguished by its dwarf slender habit, filiform style, and membranous capsule. All are delicate little plants, with narrow-linear leaves and bell-shaped flowers. They require a free, open, rich soil, and should remain and blossom undisturbed for years; divide the clumps every three or four years, and renew the soil. A. autumnalis (autumn-flowering).* /., perianth white, delicate pink at the base, preceding the leaves ; two to three on a stem. Autumn. I. few in number, very slender, sheathing the stems at the base. h. 4in. to 6in. Portugal, 1629. A charming species, and the only one at all common. A. grandlflorus (large-flowered).* ft., perianth white, larger than those of the last. August h. 6in. Numidia, 1820. Somewhat rare in cultivation. (rose-coloured).* /., peri -flow anth rose red, not more than I. narrow, Jin. long ; scape one to three-flowered. August. blunt, linear, h. 3in. Corsica, 1820. Very rare. A. tingitaxram (Tangiers). Of recent introduction ; has a many- flowered umbel, and very long leaves. A. trichophyllus (hair-leaved).* ft., perianth white, about A in. long; segments loosely nerved, with a faint flush of red at the base. January, h. 6in. Spain, 1820. ACISANTHEBA (from akis, a point, and anthera, an anther ; anthers jointed). OBD. Melastomacece. A mono- typio stove genus allied to Rhexia, of semi-shrubby habit. It grows well in a mixture of loam, sand, and peat ; and cuttings root freely in the same soil in stove tempera- ture. A. qnadrata (square-branched), ft. purple, ventricose, alternate, axillary, solitary. July. I. three-nerved, ovate, crenated ; branches square. Habit erect, branched at the apex. h. 1ft. to lift. Jamaica, 1804. More curious than ornamental. ACMADENIA (from akme, a point, and aden, a gland ; in allusion to the anthers being terminated by pointed glands). OBD. Rutacece. A small genus of beautiful greenhouse shrubs. Flowers terminal, solitary, or few, furnished with imbricate sepal-like bracts ; petals five, with long claws, which'are bearded on tho inside. Leaves imbricate, linear-oblong, or roundish. They thrive best in a mixture of peat and sand, with a little turfy loam ; thorough drainage is also necessary. Young cuttings pricked in a pot of very sandy soil, covered with a bell glass, and shaded, will root freely in a cool house. A. tetragona (four-angled).* ft. white, large, sessile, solitary. June. 1. roundish-rhomboidal, with scabrous margins, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1798. ACMENA (from Acmenw, nymphs of Venus, who had an altar at Olympia). OBD. Myrtaceai. A small genus of greenhouse evergreen shrubs. Flowers in dense trichoto- mous cymes, with five small distant petals, and very conspicuous and pretty berries. They grow well in an equal mixture of peat, loam, and sand. Propagated readily by placing half -ripened cuttings in sand, under a glass, without heat. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 15 continued. A. floribunda (many-flowered). Jl. white, in threes, disposed in a terminal panicled thyrse. May to September. 1. full of pel- lucid dots, oval-lanceolate, acuminated at both ends. Berries globose, bright purple, A. 4ft. New Holland, 1790. JL ovata (ovate-leaved).* A new species, having, according to Mr. W. Bull, ovate leaves, which, along with the stems and petioles, are dark purple, giving the plants, when making new growth, a striking appearance. It has a neat habit ACOKANTHERA. See Toxicophlcea. ACONIOFTERIS. See Acrostichum. ACONITE. See Aconitum. ACONITE, WINTER. See Eranthis. ACONITUM (from Aconas, or Acone, a harbour of Heraclea, in Bithynia, near where it is said to abound). Aconite; Monk's Hood; Wolfs Bane. OED. RanunculacecB. An extensive genus of very ornamental hardy perennials. Flowers in terminal racemes; sepals five, the upper one helmet shaped, the two sides broader than the two back ones ; petals five, small, the two upper with long claws hooded at the tip ; the three inferior smaller or undeveloped. Leaves palmate. They thrive well in any ordinary garden soil. If left undisturbed for several years, they will attain a goodly size, and produce fine panicles of handsome flowers. They are invaluable for growing beneath the shade of trees, where they succeed better than almost any other class of plants. All are very easily propagated by divisions of the roots and seeds ; the latter should be sown as soon as ripe in a cold frame. Care should be taken not to leave pieces of the roots about, for, with but one exception, those of all the species are very poisonous. Although very unlike horse-radish, they have frequently been mistaken for it, with fatal results ; and none of the species should be cultivated in or near the kitchen garden. Sect. I. Boots Tuberous. A. acuminatum (taper-pointed). Jl. bluish purple ; spur capitate ; helmet closed, conical, beaked. July. I with cuneate, bipinnate lobes. A. 2ft. to 4ft. Switzerland, 1819. A. album (white-flowered).* ft. pure white, large, with erect helmet, very freely produced. 1. dark green, with oblpng-cuneate divisions. August. A. 4ft. to 5ft Levant, 1752. This is a rare and very handsome species. A. alpinnm (alpine). Synonymous with A. rostratum. A. ampliflorum (large-flowered), fl. bluish-purple, large ; spur obtuse, straight June. L with blunt segments, h. 2ft to oft Austria, 1823. A. angustifolium (narrow-leaved).* fl. deep blue, in spiked panicles ; spur capitate ; helmet closed, hemispherical ; li June. I. palmately cut into linear lobes, h. 2ft to 3ft Siberia, spiked bifid. 1824. A. blflorum (twin-flowered).* JL pale blue, usually twin, sessile, the middle rather obscure and with yellowish edges, covered on the back with spreading down; spur truncate; helmet de- pressed; beak drawn out. June. i. lower ones on long stalks, with linear segments. A. 6in. Siberia, 1817. A very rare alpine species. A. Cammarum (Cammarum). fl. rich deep purple, on rather loose spikes ; spur capitate ; helmet closed, hemispherical. July to September. 1. with short, bluntish lobes. A. 3ft. to 4ft Austria, 1752. A. cernuum (drooping), fl. violet, large, on nodding, loose, hairy racemes ; spur capitate, or a little hooked ; helmet large, arched, beaked. July and August. I. with trapeziform, pinnate lobes. Branches axillary, spreading. A. 3ft to 4ft Europe, 1800. A. delphinifolium (Delphinium-leaved).* JL pale bluish purple, large, on loose racemes ; spur a little hooked ; helmet hemi- spherical. June. I. smooth, deeply cut into five parts. Stems slender. A. 6in. to 2ft North America, 1820. A rare alpine species. A. elatum (tall), fl. blue, very large, in loose panicled spikes ; peduncles pubescent ; spur capitate, inclining. June. I. with linear acute segments. A. 3ft to 4ft Europe, 1822. A. eminens (eminent).* Jl blue, on erectly spreading pubescent peduncles ; spur capitate ; helmet closed ; lip very long, refracted. June. 1. with cuneate bipinnate lobes. A. 2ft to 4ft Europe, _, (woolly -stamened). Jl bluish-purple, disposed in long, beautiful, erect-spreading spikes ; spur capitate ; helmet closed, arched. June. 1. with cuneate, bipinnate lobes. A, 4ft. Switzerland, 1821. A. exaltatnm (exalted), fl. blue, on loose panicles, with ascend- ing stiff branches ; spur thick, somewhat hooked ; helmet conical ; beak elongated. July. 1. with trapeziform, pinnate lobes, h. 6ft Pyrenees. 1819. SYN. A. hamatum. Aconitrtuu continued. A. flaccidnm (flaccid), fl. pale violet, large, on erect spreading peduncles ; racemes branched ; spur hooked at the apex ; helmet high, arched, inclining forwards, gaping. July and August I. multifid, ciliated (as well as the petioles), when young. A. 6ft A. glbbosum (swollen). Synonymous with A. natutum. A. Gmelinl (Gmelin's). ft. cream-coloured, middle-sized, on very long loose racemes ; spur straight, obtuse ; bottom of the helmet rounded, cylindrical July. I. on long stalks, villous beneath and shining above; lobes divided into narrow segments. A. 2ft Siberia, 1817. Sm A. nitidum. A. gracile (slender).* fl. pale blue or violet, large, on loose racemes ; spur erect, clavated-hooked ; helmet with a middle sized beak. June. I. smooth, with trapeziform, pinnate lobes. Stems slender. A. 2ft Italy, Ac. A. Hallerl (nailer's).* fl. opaque violet, on elongated, loose racemes, with a few lateral ascending ones ; spur capitate ; helmet convex-hemispherical, gaping. June. 1. lobes linear, dilated, very long. Stem straight long, branched. A. 4ft. to 6ft. Switzerland, A. H. Tricolor (two-coloured).* fl. white, variegated with blue, disposed in spikes or panicles. June. FIG. 17. FLOWER OF ACONITUM NAPELLUS, nearly Full Size. (hooked). Synonymous with A. exaUatum. A. hebegynum (blunt-styled). Synonymous with A. panictUatvm. Jl. pale yellow, and. deep blue in front, large, numerous, dense. August L petiolate below, sessile above, broadly cordate, coarsely toothed at the edge, and deep green. A. 2ft Himalayas, 1874. A new intro- duction, said to be non-poisonous, and used as a tonic in India. A. illinltum (anointed). JL pale or deep violet, on very loose and much branched panicles, large ; spur thick, long, abruptly pointed ; beak blunt ; helmet sub-conical. July. i. with broad cuneiform lobes, and obtuse lobules. A. 4ft 1821. A. Intermedium (intermediate). /. blue, on a loose panicle, with ascending stiff branches ; spur supine, somewhat hooked ; helmet arched. June. 2. with trapeziform, pinnate lobes. A. 3ft to 4ft Alps of Europe, 1820. A. japonicum (Japanese).* Jl. flesh-coloured, on loose panicles, with ascending branches ; helmet exactly conical, abruptly mucronate ; beak acute, straight. July to September. L stalked, trifid ; lateral lobes bifid, middle lobe trifid, all blunt and deeply toothed. Stem round, smooth. A. 6ft Japan, 1790. One of the best species grown. A. J. cceruleum (blue), fl. blue. Japan. A. lacinlosnm (jagged). JL pale blue, or with a white base, large, on somewhat contracted racemes ; spur clavated-hooked ; 16 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Aconitum continued. helmet arched, conical. June. I. with jagged, trapeziform pinnate lobes, h. 3ft. Switzerland, 1820. A. lycoctoxram (true Wolf's-bane).* /. livid-violet, rather large ; racemes more or less pubescent, branched at the base ; bottom of helmet cylindrical ; beak elongated. July. I. large, seven-parted. Stem slender, simple, upright. A. 4ft. to 6ft. Europe, 1596. A. mft-^mnm (largest), fl. pale blue ; panicle loose, furnished with a few long distant, few-flowered, pubescent branches ; spur short, incurved; helmet hemi.spherico-conical, obtuse. July. {. multifld, large, smooth. A. 6ft. Kamtschatka, 1823. A. meloctonnm (Badger's-bane). fl. cream-coloured, loose, pubescent ; panicle large, with diverging branches ; spur arched ; bottom of helmet conico-cylindrical. July. I. five to seven- parted, deep green. A. 2ft. to 4ft. Piedmont, 1821. A. Meyerl (Meyer's), fl. bluish purple, on pubescent peduncles ; spur capitate, inclining. June. I. with cuneate bipinnate lobes. h. 2ft. to 4ft Bavaria, 1823. A. molle (soft), fl. violet, large, puberulous ; racemes panicled, pubescent ; helmet irregularly conical, obtuse ; front erect ; spur capitate, or a little hooked. June. I smooth, with trapeziform, pinnate lobes. A. 2ft. to 6ft. 1820. u^ spur capitate; helmet convex-hemisprical gaping ' smoothish: hp revolute. Summer. 1. pedately flve-lobed T 3ft to 4ft' There are a great number of varieties of this specif cultivated and introduced. The following are some of tC names rei,S which h * ve - ho, been *SSB^;tt!iJ^aBj^ SLsnk i JP JsAwS 5 ssraa um (shining). Synonymous with A Gmtlini. ^^ ' A. panlculatum (paniculat Aconitum continued. I. smooth, with trapeziform, pinnate lobes. A. 2ft. to 3ft. France and Switzerland, 1815. SYN. A. hebegynum. A. plicatum (folded). Synonymous with A. tauricum. A. productum (long-lipped), fl. violet, downy, on few-flowered, loose, pubescent racemes ; helmet straight, irregularly convex- conical, with a drawn-out beak ; spur capitate. June. I. on long stalks with three-Darted lobes. A. 1ft. Siberia. A. rostratum (beaked).* fl. violet ; panicle rather loose ; spur thick, depressed, globose ; helmet conical, elongated, abruptly pointed in front ; beak stretched out. June. I. with trapeziform, pinnate lobes. A. 1ft. to 2ft. Switzerland, 1752. SYN. A. alpinum. A. Schleicherl (Schleicher's). fl. blue or violet, middle sized, on short racemes ; spur capitate ; helmet convex-hemispherical, gaping, smoothish. Summer. I. with finely jagged lobes. Stem straight (or infracted), simple, slender. A. 2ft. to 3ft. Europe. SYN. A. vulgare. A. semigaleatum (half-helmeted). fl. pale blue, pubescent when young, on very loose racemes ; peduncles elongated ; spur booked ; helmet convex, navicular. June. I. multifld, few, mem- branous, smooth ; root about the size and form of a pea. A. 6in. to 2ft. Kamtschatka, 1818. A. Sprengelii(Sprengel's). fl. bluish purple ; spur obtuse, straight. June. I. with blunt, bipinnate robes. A. 3ft. to 4ft. ~ 1820. Europe, A. tauricum (Taurian).* fl. deep blue, disposed in dense racemes ; peduncles erect, smooth ; lateral sepals smooth inside ; spur blunt ; helmet closed, hemi-spherical. June. I. segments almost pedately disposed and divided into linear acuminate lobes. A. 3ft. to 4ft. Germany, 1752. SYN. A. plicatum. A. tortuosum (twisting), fl. pale or deep violet, large ; panicle loose, few flowered ; spur thick, long, abruptly pointed (neither arched, nor convolute). July. I. smooth, with narrow wedge- shaped lobes, and acute lobules. A. 6ft. to 8ft. North America, 1812. A. toxicum (very poisonous), fl. violet, large, pubescent, on loose, also pubescent, racemes ; spur hooked ; helmet large, arched, with a blunt beak. June. I. smooth, with trapeziform pinnate lobes. Stem flexuous, almost simple. A. 2ft. America, A. uncinatum (hooked).* fl. generally lilac, large, smooth; racemes loose, rather umbellate at the apex, very rarely panicled ; spur somewhat spiral, inclined ; helmet regularly conical, compressed. July. I. with trapeziform pinnate lobes. Stem with branches rising from the axils of the leaves. A. 4ft. to 8ft. North America, FIG. 19. ACONITUM VARIEGATUM, showing Habit and Flower. A. variegatum (variegated).* /. blue, large, smooth ; racemes panicled, loose; spur erect clavated-hooked ; helmet bent for- ward, inflated; beak ascending. July. I. lower, on long stalks- u up P e , ae; ea ascending. uy. I. lower, on long stalks- r, g sessile, smooth, thickish. A. 1ft. to 6ft. Europe, 1597. See < white - flowered >-* fl- wMte, small; helmet r 1Uac; A. vulgare (common). A synonym of A. Schleicheri. A. WiUdenovil (Willdenow's).* fl. bluish-purple ; peduncles e ' '-"untLgment, Sect. IL Roots Fibrous or Napiform. A. Anthora (Anthora).* fl. pale yellow ; panicles generally pubes- en ur refracted; lip obcordate ; helmet arched. July. lft to 2ft Pyrenees/1596 classed as AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 17 Aconitum continued. A A. DC ^andollll (Decandolle's). fl. yellow ; panicle and flowers pubesicut ; helmet rather conical, bent, with a short, abrupt, and acuminated beak. I. with rather large dark green lobes. Alps of Jura, 1873. A. A. eulophum (well-crested). /. yellow ; panicles and flowers puberulous ; helmet conical. Caucasus, 1821. A A grandiflorum (large-flowered), fl. yellow, large ; panicle, flowers, and fruit pubescent ; helmet rather conical. Alps of Jura, 182L A A Jacquinil (Jacquin's). /. yellow, smooth; helmet some- what conical, drawn out into an elongated beak. A A nemorosnm (grove-loving).* fl. yellow; panicle and flowers ubescent ; helmet somewhat conical, bent ; beak short. I. with A antumnale (autumn-flowering).* fl.. bluish-purple, in loose panicles; peduncles rigidly spreading; spur capitate; helmet closed ; lip very long, refracted. July. I. with cuneate, bipinnate lobes. A. 3ft. to 4ft. Europe. A barbatum (bearded).* /. cream coloured, middle sized; racemes dense, puberulous ; spur straightish, obtuse ; bottom of helmet conical ; middle sepals densely bearded. July. I. opaque, with the lobes divided into many linear segments, on long stalks, which are villons as well as the nerves. A. 2ft to 6ft Siberia, 1807. SYN. A. tqvarrosum. A chlnense (Chinese).* fl. intense and very bright blue, in large compound racemes ; pedicels slightly hairy above. Summer. J. lower ones large, deeply cut into three wedge-shaped segments, tapering at the base ; upper ones sessile, gradually becoming more entire, A. 4ft to 6ft China, 1833. A. Lamarckii (Lamarck's), fl. cream-coloured, pubescent; racemes long, cylindrical, crowded, branched at the base ; spur spiral ; helmet constricted, clavate. July. I. large, seven to nine-parted, with the lobes unequally cleft A. 2ft to 3ft Pyrenees, 1800. A luplcidum (Wolf s-bane). Synonymous with A. Vvlparia. A. macrophyllum (large-leaved), fl. yellow, numerous, panicled ; spur arched; helmet large, somewhat ventricose at the apex. July. I. large, more or less dissected. A. 4ft to 8ft Germany. A NuttaUli (Nuttall's). Synonymous with A. ochrokucum. A ochroleucmn (yellowish-white).* JL cream coloured, large ; spur arched ; bottom of helmet conico-cylindrical ; middle sepals covered with short hairs ; racemes puberulous, rather loose. July. I. five to seven-parted, deep green, the first ones are pube- rulous above. A. 2ft to 4ft Russia, 1794. SYNS. A. Nuttallii, A. pallidum. A Pallasil (Pallas'). Probably a mere variety, with a continuous spur, of A. anthora. A. pallidum (pale). Synonymous with A. ochroleucum. A pyrenaictun (Pyrenean).* fl. yellow, rather large ; spur hooked ; bottom of helmet cylindrical, rounded ; racemes elon- gated, dense, puberulous. June. I. parted almost to the base, with pinnatifid lobes, rather hispid beneath, but smooth above, on long stalks. A. 2ft. Pyrenees, Ac., 1739. A. squarrosum (rough). Synonymous with A. barbatum. A vnlparla (Fox-bane).* /f. pale yellow, smooth ; spur spiral ; helmet cylindrical, large ; beak stretched out, acute ; racemes crowded. July. I. three or five-lobed, ciliated. A. 1ft. to 3ft Europe, 1821. SYN. A. lupicidum. The principal varieties of this species are : A v. carpaticum (Carpathian). /. panicled, of a lurid colour, sometimes variegated with yellow; helmet conico-cylindrical, compressed ; peduncles smooth. I. profoundly cut Stems smooth. A. 2ft to 3ft Carpathian Mountains, 1810. A V. Cynoctonum (tall Dog*s-bane). fl. (and stem) yellow, smootblsh, numerous, panicled. A. 3ft to 4ft. France, 1820. A v. moldavicum (Moldavian). A. violet, panicled ; helmet cylindrical, compressed. A. 3ft to 4ft Moldavia. A v. rubicundum (reddish), fl, livid violet, panicled, villous, variegated with yellow ; helmet conico-cylindrical, compressed. A. 2ft. to 3ft Siberia, 1819. V. septentrlonale (northern). helmet conico-cylindrical, 1800. blue, panicled, villous; A. 4ft North Europe, ACONTIAS. See Xanthosoma. ACORN. The seed or fruit of the oak. See Qnercus. ACORTJS (from o, without, and itore, the pupil of the eye ; in allusion to its reputed medicinal qualities). OBD. Aroidece (Aracete). A small genus of hardy herbaceous plants. Flowers on a sessile spadix; perianth ' six-clef t, inferior, persistent. The species thrive best in a moist soil, and are very suitable for the banks of water, or even as aquatics in shallow water. Propagated easily by divisions during spring. A Calamus (sweet-flag).* /. yellowish, small, borne on a cylin- drical spadix 4in. to oin. long. Summer. I. sword-shaped, Acorns continued. erect, striated 3ft. long. The root ia cylindrical, channelled, and very fragrant Europe. The variety with gold-striped leaves is more useful as a decorative plant See Fig. 20. \ FIG. 20. ACORUS CALAMUS. A. gramineus (Grass-leaved). China, 1796. This is much smaller in all its parts than the above, but very pretty. A. g. variegatus (variegated).* A pretty variety with white- striped leaves, forming handsome little tufts. ACOTYLEDONS. Plants having no cotyledons, or seed leaves, as in Cuscuta, but usually applied to crypto- gamic or flowerless plants, such as Ferns, Mosses, &c. ACRADENIA (from akra, top, and aden, a gland ; referring to the five glands on the top of the ovary). OBD. Rutacece. An excellent, neat, and compact evergreen bush, suitable for the cool conservatory. It requires a rich loam and leaf mould. Propagated by seeds, and by cuttings, inserted under a bell glass. A. Franklinire (Lady Franklin's).* fl. white, produced in great profusion, in terminal clusters. August. I. fragrant, opposite, trifoliolate, gland-dotted. A. 8ft. Tasmania, 1845. ACRE (from agros, an open field). The English Statute Acre consists of 160 square rods (perches, poles, or lugs) ; or 4840 square yards; or 43,560 square feet. The following list shows the differentiation in the number of square yards per acre in the various districts of Great Britain and Ireland: Cheshire, 10,240; Cornish, 5760; Cunningham, 6250; Derby '(W.), 9000; Devonshire, 4000; Herefordshire, 3226J; Irish, 7840; Leicestershire, 2308* ; Scotch, 6150; Wales, North (customary), 3240; ditto (erw), 4320 ; Westmoreland, 6760 ; Wiltshire, 3630. ACRIDOCARPUS (from akris, a locust ; and karpog, fruit; meaning not obvious). OBD. Malpighiacece. A handsome sub-tropical or warm greenhouse climber, re- quiring plenty of water, and a very free drainage. In- creased by imported seeds, and by cuttings in bottom heat. A natalltlUB (Natal).* fl. pale yellow; petals five, rounded, wedge- shaped, crenately-toothed at the edge; racemes simple, elongated, terminal. July. i. oblong or obovate, obtuse, leathery. Natal, ACEJOFSIS (from akros, top, and opsis, eye). OBD. Orchideae. A small genus of pretty stove epiphytal orchids, almost unknown to cultivation. Flowers small, arranged in loose panicles ; lip adnate to the very curious column, from which it projects at right angles. A. densiflora (crowded-flowered).* /. green and pink. May. t linear-lanceolate. A. 6in. Borneo, 1845. A javanica (Javanese). fl. yellow, green. May. L linear-lanceo- late. A. 3in. Java, 1840. A plota (painted).* fl. white, green, and purple. May. I. solitary, linear. A. 6in. Bantam, 1843. ACBOCLINIUM (from akros, top, and kline, a bed ; referring to the open flowers). OBD. Composites. A small genus of elegant half hardy annuals with " everlasting " flower heads, which are solitary, terminal, and consist of D 18 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING^ Acroclinitun continued. tabular florets; involucrum many-leaved, imbricated. leaves numerous, linear, smooth, acuminated. btems numerous, erect. They thrive best in a loamy sod, and constitute very neat summer flowering annuals if sown out of doors in patches in June; they are also useful as winter decorative greenhouse plants if seed is sown in August in pots placed in a cold frame. The flower-heads should be gathered when young, if it is desired to preserve thcta. 21. ACROCLIMUU ROSEUM, showing Habit and Flower-head. A. roscum (rosy)." It. -lieads pretty rose, solitary, terminal, on erect, slender, and gracefully disposed branches. 1. linear, acute, h. 1ft. to 2ft. S. W. Australia, 1854. See Fig. 21. A. r. album (rosy white).* A very pretty white form of the preceding. A. r. grandlflorum (large-flowered).* JL-hcads rose, larger than in the type. ACROCOMIA (from akros, top, and tome, tuft; refer- ring to the position of the leaves). ORD. Falmoe. A genus of South American palms, containing about eleven species, which are not easily distinguished, but having the following general characteristics : Trunk from 20ft. to 50ft. high, and clad with long prickles. The flowers, which appear in the axils of the lower leaves, are greenish or yellow, and their drupes are much the same colour. Leaves pinnate, with seventy to eighty leaflets on each side of the pinnae. They require a warm greenhouse and rich sandy loam. Increased by suckers. Two species only are ia general cultivation. A. aculeata (prickly), h. 40ft. West Indies, 1791. A. fusiformis (spindle-shaped), h. 40ft. Trinidad, 1731. A. globosa (globular), h. 20ft. St. Vincent, 1824. A. horrida (horrid), h, 30ft. Trinidad, 1820. A. lasiospatha (hairy spathed). /. drooping. Trunk about 40ft. high, smooth and ringed. Para, 1846. A. Bclerocarpa (hard-fruited).* A very elegant species bearing a head of spreading pinnate leaves, with the rachises and petioles aculeate, and the leaflets linear, taper-pointed, glaucous under- neath, about 1ft. long. A. 40ft. West Indies, 1731. SYN Coco! fusifonnis. A. tennifolia (narrow-leaved). h. 50ft. Brazil, 1824. ACROGENS. Plants increasing at the summit, as Ferns, Wlth " ex 1 uisite 'gnuice. July. h. 7ft. ACROPERA. See Gongora. ACROPHORUS >. Davallia. ACROPHYLLUM (from akros, top, and phyllon, a leaf ; referring to the way in which the leaves are produced t the Biuuiuit of tlio branches, above the flowers). ORD. Acrophyllum continued. Cunoniacece. Handsome greenhouse small, erect-growing, evergreen shrubs, flowering profusely during the spring months. They require a mixture of fibrous peat, a little loam, and sharp sand ; thorough drainage, an airy situation, and as little artificial heat as possible, are important to its well-being. Re-pot in February. Propagated by cuttings of the half ripened shoots, which strike freely in a soil of sand and peat, if covered with a hand glass, and placed in a cool house. The roots should not be allowed to get dry, and light syringing during late spring and summer will bo found beneficial in assisting to keep down thrips. A. venostun (veined).* /. pinkish white, in dense spikes, borne in the upper axils. May and June. I. nearly sessile, oblong, cordate, acute, serrate, in whorls of thre3. h. 6ft. New South Wales. SYN. A. verticillatum. ACROFTERIS. Asplenii A. apiifollum( Parsley- barren fronds 2in. to 3ii ACROSTICHUM (from akros, outermost, and sticnos, row ; the disposition of the sori has been compared to the beginning of lines of verse). ORD. Filices. Including Aconiopterit, Clirysodium, Egenolfia, Elaplwglossum, t Gym- nopteris, Olfersia, Photinopteris, Pcecilipteris, Polybotrya, Rhipidopteris, Soromanes, Stenochlcena, Stenosemia. A large and almost entirely tropical genus ; it includes groups with a wide range in venation and cutting. Sori spread over the whole surface of the frond or -upper pinnae, or occasionally over both surfaces. The species having long fronds are admirably suited for growing in suspended baskets, and the dwarfer sorts do well in Wardian cases. A compost of peat, chopped sphagnum, and sand, is most suitable. For general culture, see Ferns. A. acuminatum (taper-pointed).* rhiz. thick, climbing, tti. 4in. to 6in. long, firm, erect, scaly throughout, barren fronds 1ft. to 2ft. long, 1ft. or more broad, deltoid, bipinnate ; upper pinnae oblong-lanceolate, slightly lobed, truncate on the lower side at the base, 2in. to 3in. long, |in. to lin. broad ; lower pinnae, 6m. to Sin. long, 4in. to 5in. broad, with several small pinnules on each side ; light green, with a firm texture, fertile fronds 1ft. long, deltoid, tripinnate. Brazil. Stove species. SYN. Polybotrya acuminatum. A, alicnum (foreign), rhiz. woody, tti. 6in. to 18in. long, scaly downwards, barren fronds 1ft. to 2ft. long, often 1ft. broad, the upper part deeply pinnatifid, with lanceolate lobes, the lower part pinnate, with entire or deeply pinnatifid lower pinnae, fertile .fronds much smaller, with distant narrow linear or pinnatifid leafy pinnae. Tropical America. Stove species. SYN. Gymnopteris aliena. leaved).* cau. stout, woody, erect, tti. of n. long, erect, densely clothed with tomen- turn, barren fronds 4in. to 6in. each way, deltoid, tripinnate ; pinnae close, only the lowest pair with pinnatifid pinnules, ulti- mate divisions oblong-rhomboidal, Jin. to Jin. long, the base cuneate, the outer edge slightly toothed, fertile fronds on a slender naked stem 6in. to Sin. long, the fronds panicled with a few distant, slender, simple, or compound branches. Philippine Islands, 1862. Stove species. SYN. Polybotrya apiifolia. A. apodum (stemless).* can. thick, woody, the scales dense, linear, brown, crisped, sti. tufted, very short, or obsolete, barren frondt 1ft. or more long, liin. to 2in. broad, the apex acuminate, the lower part narrowed very gradually, the edge and midrib densely fringed with soft, short, orown hairs, fertile fronds much smaller than the barren ones. West Indies to Peru, 1824. Stove species. SYN. Elaphoglossum apodum. A. appendiculatum (appendaged).* rhiz. firm, woody, barren fronds 6in. to 18in. long, 4in. to Sin. broad, simply pinnate, sti. 3in. to 6m. long, erect, naked, or slightly scaly ; pinna; 2in. to 4in. long, |in. to Jin. broad, the edge varying from sub-entire to cut halfway down to the midrib of the blunt lobes, the upper side often auricled, the lower one obliquely truncate, dark green. fertile fronds narrower, on a longer spike, the pinna; roundish or oblong, often distinctly stalked. India, &c., 1824. Stove species. SYN. Egenolfia appendiculata. A. aureum (golden).* cau. erect, tti. erect, 1ft. to 2ft. long, strong. fronds 2ft. to 6ft. long, 1ft. to 2ft. broad, the upper pinnse fertile, rather smaller than the barren ones, which are usually stalked, ligulate oblong, Sin. to 1ft. long, iin. to 3in. broad, acute or blunt, sometimes retuse with a mucro; edge quite entire, base sub-cuneate. Widely distributed in the tropics of both hemispheres, 1815. An evergreen aquatic stove species, requiring abundance of heat and moisture. SYN. Chrysodium aureum. A. auritum (eared).* cau. erect, woody, barren fronds with a stipe 6in. to 9in. long, deltoid, Sin. to 12in. each way, ternate, the central segments deeply pinnatifid, with lanceolate entire lobes ; the lateral ones unequal sided, with lanceolate oblong, lobed lower pinnules, fertile fronds with a stem 12in. to ISin. long, deltoid, with distant linear pinnae half line broad ; uppei AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 19 Acrostichnm continued. simple, lower pinnatifid. Philippine Islands. Stove species. SYN. Stenosemia aurita. A. axillare (axillary), rhiz. slender, wide scandent. barren frondi 6in. to 18in. long, about lin. broad, simple, the point bluntish, the edge entire, the lower half tapering very gradually to the base or short stem, fertile fronds bin. to 12in. long, one to three lines broad, flexuose, on a stem lin. to 6in. long. Hima- layas. Greenhouse species. SYN. Chry sodium axillare. A. barbatum (bearded). Synonymous with A. scolopendrifolium. A. bifurcatum (twice-forked), tti. densely tufted, 2in. to 4in. long, slender, stramineous, naked, fronds 3in. to 4in. long, about iin. broad, pinnate ; lower pinna; of fertile fronds two or three clef t, with linear divisions ; those of the barren pinnae broader, and not so deep. St. Helena. Greenhouse species. SYN. Polybotrya bifureata. A. Blumeanum (Blume's).* rhiz. woody, wide climbing, sti. of barren fronds 6in. long, scaly, barren fronds 1ft. to 3ft. long, 1ft. or more broad, with numerous sessile pinnne on each side, which are 4in. to 6in. long, lin. broad ; apex acuminate, the edge slightly toothed ; base rounded, fertile fronds with distant pinnae 4in. to Sin.long, Jin. to Jin. broad. Assam. Greenhouse species. SYN. Chrysodiuin Blumeanum. A. callsefolium (Calla-leaved). A form of A. latifolium. A. canaliculatum (channelled).* rhiz. woody, wide climbing, spinulose and scaly, sti. 1ft. or more long, scaly throughout, fertile fronds 2ft. to 3ft. long, 12in. to 18in. broad, tripinnate ; lower barren pinnae, 6in. to 9in. long, 4in. to 5in. broad ; pinnules lan- ceolate, stalked, with oblong segments, both surfaces naked ; fertile pinnules close, the segments Jin. long, bearing three to four sessile balls of sori. Venezuela. Stove or greenhouse species. SYN. Polybotrya canaliculata. A. caudatum (tailed). A synonym of A. petiolosum. A. cervinum (stag-horned).* rhiz. woody, creeping, scaly, sti. 1ft. or more long, scaly, barren fronds 2ft. to 4ft. long, pinnate; pinnae 4in. to 9in. long, lin. to 2in. broad, entire or nearly so, unequal at the base ; fertile pinnae distant, linear, lanceolate, bipinnate, with short spreading sub-cylindrical pinnules. Brazil, 1840. Stove species. SYN. Olfersia cervina. ^conforme (conformed), rhiz. wide creeping, scaly, sti. lin. to 2in. long, firm, erect, stramineous, naked or slightly scaly. fronds 2in. to 9in. long, iin. to 2in. broad, acute or bluntish, the base cuneate or spathulate, the edge entire, barren fronds narrower than the fertile one. A. laurifolium, A. oUusilobum, and several others, are identical with the foregoing. Tropical America, also in the Old World. Stove species. SYN. Elapho- glossum conforme. A. erinitum (hairy).* cau. woody, erect, sti. of barren fronds 4in. to Sin. long, densely clothed with long scales, barren fronds 9in. to 18in. long, 4in. to 9in. wide, broadly oblong ; apex blunt, base rounded, edge entire and ciliated, texture subcoriaceous, both sides scattered over with scales like those of the stipes, fertile fronds like the others, but much smaller, the stipes longer. West Indies, &c., 1793. Stove species. SYNS. Chrysodium and Hyme- nodiinn erinitum. A. cylindricum (cylindrical). Synonymous with A. osmunda- A. Dombcyanum (Dombey's). A form of A. lepidotum. A. flagelliferum (rod-shaped), rhiz. woody, creeping, sti. of barren fronds 6in. to 12in. long, nearly naked, barren fronds simple or with one to three pairs of pinnae, the terminal one ovate lanceolate, entire or repand, often elongated and rooting at the point, the lateral ones Sin. to 6in. long, lin. to 2in. broad ; fertile pinnae 2in. to Sin. long, about iin. broad. India, &c., 1828. Stove species. SYN. Gymnopteris flarjellifera. A. di broad, usually dichotomously forked, with filiform divisions. fertile fronds "in. broad, two-lobed. Andes of Ecuador. Stove species. (For culture, see A. peltatum). SYN. Rhipidopteris fceniculaceum. A. Herminieri (Henninier's).* rhiz. stout, creeping, sti. very short, or none, barren fronds lift, to 3ft. long, lin. to liin. broad, simple, acuminate, the lower part narrowed very gradually, fer- tile fronds short-stalked, Sin. to 4in. long, lin. to liin. broad. Tropical America, 1871. Stove species. SYN. Elaphoglosmm Herminieri. A. heteromorphum (various-formed), rhiz. slender, wide creeping, scaly, sti. lin. to Sin. long, slender, slightly scaly. barren fronds liin. to 2in. long, Jin. to lin. broad, simple, bluntish, the base rounded, both surfaces scattered over with linear dark castaneons scales, fertile fronds much smaller, and the stipes much longer. Columbia and Ecuador. Stove species. SYN. Elaphoglosmm Jieteromorphum. A. Langsdorffii (Langsdorff's). Synonymous with A. muscosum. A. latifolium (broad-fronded).* rhiz. thick, woody, creeping, scaly, sti. bin. to 12in. long, firm, erect, naked, or scaly, barren fronds 9in. to 18in. long, 2in. to 4in. broad, simple, acute, gradually narrowed below, entire ; texture leathery, fertile fronds consider- ably narrower than the barren ones. A. longifolium, A. callce- folium, &c., are only varieties of this species. Mexico, Brazil, &c. Stove species. Sv.s. Elaphuglossum latifuliurn. fceniculaceum (Fennel-leaved).* rhiz. slender, creeping, sti. istant, slender, 2in. to Sin. long, scaly, barren fronds lin. to2in. Acrostichnm continued. A. lepidotum (scaly).* rhiz. thick, woody, very scaly, sti. lin. to 3m. long, firm, scaly throughout, barren fronds 3in. to 6in. Ion" .ibout iin. broad, simple, usually blunt, the base cuneate or rather rounded, both surfaces and midrib very scaly. A. Dombeyanum, of garden origin, is a varietal form of this, of which there are several others. Tropical America. Stove species. SYN. Elapho- glossum lepidotum. A. longifolium (long-leaved). A form of A. latifolium. A. Meyerianum (Meyer's). Synonymous with A. tenuifolium. A. muscosum (mossy).* rhiz. woody, densely scaly, sti. 4in. to 6in. long, firm, clothed with large pale brown scales, barren fronds bin. to 12in. long, lin. to liin. broad, simple, narrowed at both ends ; upper surface slightly scaly ; lower quite hidden by imbricated brownish scales, fertile fronds much smaller than the others, the stipes longer. Madeira. Greenhouse species. SYN. A. Langsdor/ii. A. Neitnerii. Synonymous with A. quercifolium. A, nicotiansefolium (Tobacco-leaved).* rhiz. woody, wide creeping, scaly, sti. lift, to 2ft., scaly below, barren fronds 1ft. to 3ft. long, 1ft. or more broad, with a large terminal pinna, and one to three lateral pairs, which are 6in. to 9in. long, lin. to Sin. broad, acuminate, entire, or nearly so, the base slightly rounded, fertile pinnae distant, 3in. to 4in. long, Jin. broad. Cuba, &c. Stove species. SYN. Gymnopteris nieotianosfolium. A. osmundaceum(Osmunda-like).* rhiz. woody, wide scandent, scaly, sti. 12in. to 18in. long, firm, erect, scaly at the base. barren fronds ample, bi- or tripinnate ; the lower pinnae 1ft. to 2ft. long, 4in. to 8in. broad ; pinnules stalked, lanceolate, with closely set sub-entire segments, of a light green colour ; both surfaces naked, fertile frond nearly or quite as large as the barren ones ; segments linear cylindrical, Jin. to iin. long. Tropical America. Stove species. SYNS. A. cylindricum, and Polybotrya osmun- daceum. A. paleaceum (chaffy). Synonymous with A . squamosum. FIG. 22. ACROSTICHUM PELTATUM. A. peltatum (peltate-fronded).* rhiz. slender, wide creeping, sti. distant, slender, lin. to 4in. long, scaly throughout, barren fronds lin. to 2in. each way, repeatedly dichotomously forked, with narrow linear ultimate divisions, quarter to half line broad, fertile fronds iin. broad, often two-lobed. West Indies. . Stove or green- house species. This elegant little fern requires a liberal supply of water all the year round, and is best grown in a well drained pan of good fibrous peat, leaf soil, and sand, with some nodules of sand- stone raised above the rim of the pan ; do not disturb it more than is necessary. SYN. Rhipidopteris peltata. See Fig. 22. A. petiolosum (petioled). rhiz. woody, wide scandent. sti. woody, erect, scaly at the base, fronds bipinnate, or tripinnatifid, 2ft. to 4ft. long, 1ft. to 3ft. broad, deltoid ; the upper barren piuniu 20 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Acrosticht - continued lanceolate, pinnatifld. the longest sometimes 18in. long, and 6in. to lOin. broad ; pinnules with long falcate lobes reaching ball-way down to the midrib, both surfaces naked ; fertile pinnules very narrow, and dangling, continuous or beaded. West Indies, Mexico, &c. Stove species. SYNS. 1'olybotrya and A. caudatum. A. pilosclloides (mouse ear-leaved). Synonymous with A. spathu- A. platyrhynclios (broad-beaked), sti. tufted, scarcely any. frundg 12in. to 16in. long, lin. broad, simple, son in a patch at the apex, lin. to 2in. long, I'm. broad, which does not reach to the entire edge; the lower part narrowed gradually, witn ed surfaces, and a coriaceous texture. Philippines. Stove naked species. SY.N. Utjvienolcpix platyrhynchos. A. qnerclfolium(Oak-leaved).* rhiz. stout, wide creeping, sti. of barren fronds lin. to 2in. long, clothed with brownish hairs. barren fronds Sin. to 4in. long, liin. to 2in. broad, the terminal pinnot with blunt rounded lobes, fertile fronds with a terminal pinna, lin. to 2in. long, one line broad, and a pair of smaller lateral ones, with slender stipes 6in. to 9in. long, hairy at the base. Ceylon. Stove species. SYNS. A. fieitnerii (of gardens), Gytnnopterit quercifolia. A. scandcns (climbing).' rhiz. woody, wide climbing, tti. Sin. to 4in. long, firm, erect, naked, fronds 1ft. to 3ft. long, 1ft. or more broad, simply pinnate ; barren pinnae, 4in. to Sin. long, fin. to liin. broad, acuminate, the edge thickened and serrulate, the base cuneate, sessile, or slightly stalked, articulated ; fertile pinme, 6in. to 12in. long, one and a half to two lines broad, the lower ones distant. Himalayas, Ac., 1841. Stove or greenhouse species. SYN. StenocMaena seandens. A. scolopendrifolium (Scolopendrium-fronded).* rhiz. woody, creeping, scaly, tti. 4in. to 12in. long, firm, erect, densely clothed with blackish scales, barren fronds often 1ft. long, liin. to Sin. broad, simple, acute, the base narrowed gradually ; edge and mid- rib scaly, fertile fronds much smaller than the barren ones. Guatemala, * irom lit. to )> on both'sides%*nn e ffi ^tottHongl Umente bToadf lower r bordIr at dec S ur J v SeSSile> sllb - rhomboidal - "* long, iin AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 29 Adiantrnn continued. ball lines long at tips of lobes of upper edge, four to six to a seg- ment. Columbia, 1866. A magnificent stove species. A. vennstum (charming).* tti. 6in. to 9in. long, wiry, erect, glossy, frondt 6in. to 12in. long, 4in. to Sin. broad, deltoid, tri-quadripinnate ; ultimate segments about Jin. across, cuneate at the base, the upper edge rounded, and usually finely toothed, of a light green colour, with a firm texture, tori one to three, roundish ; in hollows of the upper edge. Himalayas, up to 8000ft. Greenhouse or frame, nearly hardy in sheltered places. SYX. A. micTophyUum. A. villosum (hairy stalked).* tti. 9in. to 12in. long, strong, erect. frondt with a terminal central and several spreading pinnae on each side, 6in. to 12in. long, 1 2 in. to 2in. broad ; pinnules di- midiate, about lin. long, iin. broad, the lower line nearly straight, the upper edge nearly parallel with it, but considerably larger, slightly toothed, and the outer edge auriculed at the base, tori in a continuous line round the upper and outer edge. West Indies, Ac., 1775. Stove species. A. Wagneri (Wagner's). Synonymous with A. decorum. A. Wilesianum (Wiles's). Synonymous with A. crenatum, A. Williamsil (Williams's).* tti. (an. to Sin. long, frondt 9in. to 18in. long, tripinnate, triangular ; pinnae ovate, distant, pinnules sub-rotund, slightly trapezif orm, the basal line rather concave, the margin entire or slightly undulated, or divided into three to four lobes, crenately notched between the sori, the sterile portions with an erose diaphanous margin, tori eight to ten, elongate reniform or lunate, occupying the whole of the semicircular outer edge. Mountains of Peru, 1877. In a young state, the stipes and fronds are dusted with a yellow powder. This is one of the most beauti- ful of the Maidenhair ferns. Greenhouse species. A. Wilaoni (Wilson's).* tti. 6in. to 12iiL long, erect, frondt 9in. to 12in. long, 6in. to 12in. broad, simply pinnate, with a large terminal pinna and two to six sub-sessUe lateral ones on each side, which are 4in. to 6in. long, lin. to 2in. broad, ovate or ovate- lanceolate, acuminate, nearly entire, sori in continuous lines along both edges. Jamaica. Stove species. STSS. A. dolotum, A. tnacropterum. A, Zn.^Ti (Zahn'a). Synonymous with A. Seemanni. A synonym of Pilea (which see). ADINA (from adinos, crowded; in reference to the flowers being disposed in heads). OBD. Rubiaceoe. A. very pretty evergreen cool stove shrnb, with opposite terete branches, and solitary, axillary peduncles. It thrives in a mirtnre of loam, sand, and peat. Propagated by cuttings, inserted in a rich, loamy soil, under a hand glass, in heat. A. globlfera (globe-bearing).* JL yellowish, sessile, crowded, collected into globose heads ; corolla funnel-shaped ; peduncles axillary, rarely terminal, solitary. July. L lanceolate, glabrous, longer than the peduncles. A. 3ft. to 4ft China, 1804. ADLUMIA (from adlumino, to fringe with purple; flowers bordered with purple). OBD. Fumariaceas. An interesting, delicate, and nearly hardy climber from North America. Flowers with four spongy, cohering petals. A warm, good soil ia most suitable ; sow seeds about May in a shady spot It is a biennial, but in favourable spots is self-sowing, and thus may be treated as a perennial. If placed either against a wall or in the open it is a pretty subject for tailing over a shrub or twiggy branch. From its fragile character, it can only be seen to the best advan- tage under glass. Adonis continued. A. antnmnalla (autumnal).* Pheasant's Eye; Bed Morocco. JL of an intense blood-red, with a black centre, rarely pale, globose from the six to eight concave conniving petals, which are scarcely larger than tue calyx. May. Stems branched. h. 1ft Britain. Annual A. pyrenaica (PyreneanX* /. almost sessile, yellow ; petals eight to ten, smaller and more obtuse than in A. oerruUu. July. I., lower ones on long stalks, with trifid petioles and many-parted segments ; upper ones sessile, multifid, with linear very entire lobules. Stem 1ft or more high, and usually much branched. Pyrenees, ' A. drrHoea (tendrffled).' fl. pale rose-coloured, about Jin. long ; peduncles axillary, generally four-flowered. J nate, pale green, h. 15ft 1788. The Maidenhair are borne in profusion on the slender twining stems. SYK Cory- ur-flowered. June. I. tn The Maidenhair Fern-like leaves ms. dates fungota. ADN ATE. Grown to anything by the whole surface ; anthers are said to be Adnate when they are attached to the filaments by their whole length. ADONIS (name of classical derivation). OBD. Ranun- eulacecB. Handsome hardy herbaceous plants. Flowers solitary, terminal; petals five to fifteen. Leaves divided into numerous linear segments. Some of the annuals are much inferior to the perennial species. The latter section constitute very ornamental subjects for rockwork, borders, margins of shrubberies, Ac. All the species will grow freely in common soil, and are propagated by seeds. The perennials may be divided at the root. A. aestivallfl (summer).* Pheasant's Eye. Jl. deep crimson; petals flat, oblong, obtuse, one-half longer than the calyx. June. Stem almost simple, elongated, h. 1ft South Europe, 1629. Annual. See Figs. 31 and 32. Fio. 31. FLOWER OF ADOMS .SSTIVALIS. A. vernalis (spring).* /. yellow, large ; petals, ten to twelve, oblong, rather denticulated. March. L lower ones abortive, or reduced to somewhat sheathing scales, the middle and upper ones sessile and multifid, with very entire lobes. A. 9in. to 1ft Europe, 1629. Charming rock plant. This handsome species requires a rich moist sandy loam, and should not be disturbed for years. Perennial. Fio. 32. ADONIS .SSTIVAIJS, showing Habit and Flowers A. T. Sibirica (Siberian) differs only in having larger flowers. Vola. An intermediate species between A. vtr vtrnaUt A. T. Sibirica (Siberian ers ony n A. voleensiia (Volga). An intermediate species between A. v LTC Russia, 1818. ADFB.ESSED. Brought into close contact with any- thing without adhering. ADULT. The full grown of anything. Full grown leaves are termed adult. ADVENTITIOUS. Developed in an unusual position. Applied to buds, roots, &o. 30 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Phyllocladus ADVENTURE BAT PINE. rhomboidalis. ADVERSE. Opposite. 2ECHMEA (from aichme, a point ; in reference to the rigid points on the calyces, or flower-envelopes). Including Pironneaua. OBD. Bromeliaceas. Very handsome stove plants. Flowers scapose, panicled ; perianth six-cleft, three outer segments eepaloid, longer than the three inner or petaloid ones. Leaves ligulate or sword-shaped, sometimes with marginal spines. The species thrive best in a well- drained compost of rich fibrous loam and leaf mould They like plenty of light, which may be afforded by standing them on inverted pots, so as to raise their heads well up above the surrounding plants. Propagation : When the flower-spikes, which are sent up from the heart or crown of the plant, die away, suckers or offsets are produced near the base, and from these other flowers appear the year after. If large plants are desired, these suckers should be left to grow and spread around ; but to produce single plants, the suckers must be taken off and potted singly, in sharp soil, and then stood where they can FlO. 33. JiCHMEA FULGEN3. get a moist heat till rooted. To enable them to do this it is necessary to strip off a few of the lower leaves, and trim the bottom with a sharp knife, in order that it may heal over and callus more readily than it otherwise would. When rooted, the plants may be shifted into larger-sized pots; but for single crowns 32-sized pots are large enough, as the .plants, being epiphytal in their nature, do not require much soil or any great supply of water, except when growing freely or sending up their flower- spikes. In winter, they should be kept rather on the dry side, to induce partial rest. Water must not be allowed to lie in the crown of the plant. calycnlata (calycled).* fi. bright yellow, tubular, with red dish heads at the top of an erect scape. bracts, borne in close round __________ L strap-shaped, with the ends having the cut off, but armed with a sharp spine. SYN. Hoplophytum calyculatum. JE. ccelestis (heavenly blue). irance of beiiii! Brazil, IE JL sky-blue, in close pyramidal panicles, on erect scapes. Winter. I. ligulate, concave, spiny- edged, scaly beneath. Brazil, 1874. SYN. Hoplophytum cxlente. JE. ccerulescena (bluish), fl. bluish. h. 1ft. South America, 1870. This pretty species is very attractive on account of the large jEchmea continued. dense head of deep blue and pure white berries which are pro- duced in October. SYN. Lamprococcita ccerulescens. JE discolor (two-coloured-leaved).* fl. scarlet, borne on a loose, branched panicle. June. I. broad, minutely toothed on the margin, deep green above, and rather purplish beneath, h. 2ft. Brazil, 1844. JE. disticnantha(two-rankod-flowered).* fl. sepals rose-coloured ; petals bright purple; spikes densely clothed with bright red bracts. I. long, glaucous, linear-oblong, tapering to a sharp point, and distinctly armed with reddish brown spines. A. 1ft. South Brazil, 1852. SYN. Billbergia polystachya. JE. exudans (exuding), fl. orange-coloured (exuding a white greasy substance, whence the specific name) interspersed with green bracts ; scape erect, with scattered crimson lanceolate bracts, terminating in a dense head. I. oblong, spine-margined, grey- coated. A. 2ft. West Indies, 1824. SYN. Hohenbergia capitata. JE. fasciata (banded).* fl. scape upright, clothed with leafy bracts of a rosy-pink colour ; each of the pink blossoms in the dense conical head is subtended by a narrow, spiny-edged, similarly- coloured bract, longer than its own. I. broad, recurved, banded with white. Rio Janeiro, 1826. SYN. Billbergia fasciata. Lasts in perfection for a considerable length of time. JE/fulgens (glowing).* /. deep rich red, with a bluish tip, fifty or more in a large branching panicle ; scape stout, erect, scarlet. August, September. I. somewhat sword-shaped, terminating rather abruptly. Cayenne, 1842. See Fig. 33. JE. Furstenbergi (Furstenberg's). A. rose ; flower spike dense, with overlapping showy pink bracts. I. tufted, linear, spinous at the edge, recurved. A. 1ft. Bahia, 1879. JE. glomerate (glomerate).* fl. violet ; scape erect, stout, Sin. to lOin. high, with glomerate branches of crowded blood-red bracts. I. oblong-ligulate, cuspidate, about 18in. long, dull green ; margin with short wide-set spines. Bahia, 186a SYN. Hohenbergia ery. throstachys. Si. hystrix (bristly).* fl. in very dense, oblong spikes ; floral leaves and bracts scarlet. February. I. densely crowded, ascend- ing, linear lanceolate, saw-toothed. A. 24ft. Cayenne, 1880. JE. Legrelllana (Legrell's). A synonym of Portea, Legrelliana. JE. Linden! (Linden's), fl. yellow, in dense terminal heads, with lanceolate red bracts, shorter than the flowers. 1. linear-oblong, rounded, apiculate ; margins saw-toothed ; habit tufted. A. 1ft. South Brazil, 1864. JE. Marioo Regime (Queen Maria's).* fl. tipped with blue, chang- ing to salmon colour with age, arranged compactly upon the upper portion of the spike ; scape erect, about 2ft. high ; half the length is clothed with large boat-shaped bracts, some 4in. long, intensely rich rose-pink. June, July. 1. 18in. long, with a tufted habit. Costa Rica, 1873. This is perhaps the best species. JE. Melinoni (Melinon's). fl, bright scarlet, tipped with pink, cylindric; panicle dense, terminal. I. oblong, leathery, about 18in. in length, dark green ; margin spiny. South America. JE. Ortglesii (Ortgies 1 ). fl. red, on short spikes. I. numerous, channelled, recurved, spongy, broad at the base, and tapering to a point; stem short, gouty. Tropical America, 1860. SYN. Ortgiesia tillandsioides. paniculigera (panicled). /.rose-coloured; petals projecting ng ; scape reddish, "downy; f coloured. I. ligulate, shortly acuminate. West Indies, beyond the sepals, deep bright purple ; panicle 1ft. to 2ft. Ion ge, compound, ; scape reddish, downy; rachides and bracts rose- (showy).* fl. rosy; calyx fleshy, ovate; corolla I. spreading, channelled, ligulate, 2Jft. Guatemala, 1875. lin. long, rosy crimson. long, 3in. to 4in. broad. JE. Veltchli (Veitch's).* fl. scarlet; spike densely clothed with scarlet toothed bracts, closely investing flowers. I. tufted, leathery in texture, broadly strap-shaped, spotted, and minutely serrulate. A. 1ft. Columbia, 1877. SYN. Chevalliera Veitchii. 2EGICERAS (from aix, a goat, and keras, a horn; alluding to the shape of its fruit). OBD. Myrsineas. Small trees, with obovate entire leaves. Flowers white, fra- grant, in terminal or axillary umbels. For culture, see Jacquinia. JE. fragrans (fragrant), fl. white, fragrant ; umbels pedunculate, axillary, terminal April. I. obovate, margin undulated, and unequally dilated, veiny ; upper s * crescence. A. 6ft. New Holland, JEGILOPS. See Quercus .XGIPHIIiA (from aix, a goat, and philos, dear; a favourite with goats). OBD. Verbenacece. Stove orna- mental evergreen shrubs, generally with ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, smooth leaves ; and flowers in axillary and terminal panicles. They require a rich sandy loam. Pro- pagated from cuttings, which will root in sand, under a glass, with bottom heat. surface covered with saline ex- 1824. .1 (large-flowered).* fl. yellow, terminal, corymbose ; corolla downy. November. Berry compressed, blue, I. verti- AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 31 cillate oblong, entire, sub-cordate at base. h. 3ft. Havannah, 1843. The other species are probably not now in cultivation, and this one is not generally so. JEGLE (from ^gle, one of the Hesperides). Bengal Quince. ORD. Rutacece. A stove evergreen tree, producing very large fruit, which much resembles an orange in general appearance, very delicious to the taste, and exquisitely fragrant. This genus differs principally from Citrus by its numerous disunited stamens. The pulp of the fruit is an aperient, and a valuable remedy in dysentery, the thick rind and the dried unripe fruit are astringent. It thrives best in a rich loamy soil. Propagated by ripe cuttings, which, if not deprived of any of their leaves, will root in sand under a hand glass, in heat. Si. Marmelos (Marmelos). a. white, very fragrant ; panicles axillary, terminal. April. Jr. fifteen-celled, i trifoliate ; leaflets toothletted. h. 10ft India, 1759. 2BOLAKTHUS (from aiollo, to vary, and anthos, a flower ; referring to the variableness of the flowers). OBD. Labiates. A genus of few herbs, with thickish leaves. Flowers loosely panicled. They thrive in sandy loam, and increase freely from seeds sown in a similar compost. Si. Livingston!! (Livingstone's), fl. brown. East Africa, 1859. JE. snaveolens (sweet-scented). A. lilac, second ; cymes axillary and terminal, erect, usually trifld, with floral leaves under the divisions. July. 1. nearly sessile, obovate, obsoletely denticu- lated, thickish; pale green. A. 1ft. Brazil, 1859. A pretty stove annual, with a sweet odour. AERANTHUS (from aer, air, and anfhos, a flower ; referring to the habit). OBD. Orchideoe. A genus of a couple of species of remarkable stove Orchids, requiring treatment similar to Anguloa, to which they are allied. Si. arachnitis (spider-like), /t green. L linear, h. 4in. Mada- gascar, 1850. Si. grandiflora (large-flowered).* f~ yellowish-green, large, solitary, terminal h. 8in. Madagascar, 1825. AERATION. The exposure of the soil to the free action of the air, as essential to the growth of plants. AERIDES (from aer, the air; in reference to the power the species have of deriving their sustenance from the atmosphere). OBD. Orchidece. An extensive genus of epiphytal Orchids, confined to the tropics of the Old World, including many large and showy-flowered species. The majority of them are extremely handsome. The thick fleshy leaves are noteworthy for their characteristically distichous arrangement that is to say, they are arranged in two opposite rows. They are usually truncate at the apex, and for the most part deeply channelled down the centre, but in some species terete or nearly cylindrical.* All of them throw out large fleshy roots from various parts of their stems, by which they absorb the moisture from the atmosphere ; and, in order to grow them successfully, they must be fixed upon blocks of wood. But this method should be adopted only whilst the plants are young, as it is almost an impossibility for the cultivator to mRintain a sufficient amount of atmo- spheric moisture to meet their requirements ; and, unless this is managed, the leaves will shrivel and fall off, leaving only a few at the extremity. Therefore, as soon as the plants are established upon the blocks of wood, let them be removed and potted. Fill the pot three parts full of broken potsherds and lumps of charcoal, and then use nothing but clean, living sphagnum, placing a few roots in the moss and leaving the others free. By this means a greater amount of moisture can be supplied to them, and thus beautiful and symmetrical specimens obtained. The Aerides are easily grown into handsome plants, which usually blossom profusely, and thus recommend themselves to all who cultivate Orchids. From early spring until the end of September they should be treated liberally with water, at the same time taking care never to wet the flowers. After the above-named time, a gradual diminu- tion in the water supply to the roots should take place ; and the atmosphere, too, should be less densely charged with moisture. But drought should never be carried far enough to cause the leaves to shrivel, for, if this is done, the uni- Aerldea continued. formity of the specimen is marred ; and, although we are quite willing to admit the possibility of the plants pro- ducing a greater quantity of flower spikes after a thorough shrivelling, we prefer to advocate the system that gives a fair amount of flower coupled with good leafage. As before remarked, the Aerides are peculiarly eastern, and therefore are usually classed amongst the Orchids which require the hottest houses. This is, in one sense, correct ; yet they do not require the great amount of heat which many imagine, and which has, until recently, been given them. They must not, therefore, be excluded from the amateur's collec- tion of Orchids. During the winter season many of the species may be kept in a temperature of oSdeg. to 60deg. ; whilst during the growing season the temperature may run up by sun heat without limit, so long as a free circulation of air and a sufficiency of moisture are secured. The following status of temperature may be observed : In spring, from 65deg. in the night, to 70deg. or SOdeg. by day ; in summer, from 70deg. in the night, to SOdeg. or 85deg. through the day ; in winter, about 60deg. night, and 65deg. day. C^MMM* (related).* Jl. delicate rose, produced, u on branching spikes, which are sometimes 2ft. in length, and continue in blossom two or three weeks ; the sepals and petals equal, rounded at the apex ; the lip is sharply rhomboid and three-lobed, with a short spur. J. light green, about 1ft long. h. 3ft A very handsome species from India, forming an excellent exhibition plant A. a. snperbum (superb).* An unproved variety, with larger and richer coloured flowers, and more compact habit A. Brookii (Sir A. Brooke's).* Jl purple and white ; labellum bright purple ; sepals and petals wnite, very fragrant i. very ornamental, of a glaucous (milky green) hue. Bombay. This species, although one of the handsomest, is very rare. A. crassifolinm (thick-leaved).* This is a dwarf, densely-habited plant, with broad, thick, purple-dotted obliquely-bilobed leaves. The flowers, which are borne on long and drooping spikes, are bare larger than those of A./alcatum, which they resemble in form, and have the segments tipped with rich purple or amethyst, the centre or throat of the flower being ivory-white. Compared with A. faleatum, the spur is here bent under at an angle, while in that plant it is straight; the side laciniae of the lip are much broader and shorter in the present plant and the two keels on the lip here stand close together at the base, and become divergent whilst in faleatum they are distant at the base, and become con- vergent near the middle of the lip. This species is described as being the best in the genus. It may be grown near the glass, suspended in a basket Bunnah, 1877. FIG. 34. FLOWER OF AERIDES CRISPUM. , (curledX* *. white, suffused with purplish rose, nearly in diameter ; sepals and petals ovate, acute ; lip three-lobed, the middle lobe being very large, toothed at the base, and fringed at the margin ; the horn-like spur is slightly incurved ; racemes ascending, more than double the length of the leaves, many- flowered. 1. deep green, flat and broad, blunt at the ends, and two-lobed, about 4in. or 5in. long. Bombay, 1840. Lasts a long time in beauty. See Fig. 34. A. O. Idndleyanum (Lindley-s). A robust-growing variety, producing a large, much-branched panicle of flowers ; sepals and petals white ; lip large, bright rich rose-coloured. A. C. Warner! (Warner's).* The leaves are smaller, and more slender than in the species ; the sepals and petals are white, with a soft rich, rose-coloured lip. A. oylindxienm (cylindric).* JL white and pink, as large as those of A. crigpum; sepals and petals crispy. I. elongate, subulate, terete, 4in. to tin. long. East Indies. A very rare and distinct species. SYN. A. vandarum, A. dasycarpum (thick-fruited). JL brownish, rosy. India, 1865. A. dasypogon. See Sarcantnus erinacena. 32 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, AeridM continued. A. dlfforme (deformed), fl. green and brown. India, 1865. A. Domlnianum (Dominy's).* This is a garden hybrid between A. Fieliliniiii and A. affine, with the colour of the former, but markings and shape of the latter. Very rare. A. falcatum (sickle-leaved).* ft. sepals and petals white, dotted with reddish crimson, and tipped with soft rose ; lip white at the sides, with a rosy-crimson centre ; spur short, parallel with the lip ; racemes pendulous, many flowered. I. closely set upon the stem, peculiar blue-green, coriaceous, obtuse and mucronate. This species is very closely allied to A. crassifolium. Sm A. Larpentte. Fio. 35. Amnnra ODORATUM. ^eSnSSa STrrn ^, h e ite ' 8e ^l th on ^ "T* Aerides continued. either side ; on long, dense, cylindrical, pendent spikes. 1. ligulate, obliquely two-lobed at the apex, thick and fleshy in texture, about long, and of a light green hue. t plant, of which many distinct v is one of the most delicate of the genus. elegant , Moulmein, 1868. This nt, of which many distinct varieties are in cultivation, A. maculosum (spotted). Jl. large, with obtuse pale rose-coloured sepals and petals, which are spotted with purple ; lip flat and undivided, bluntly ovate, and of a deep rosy-purple ; racemes pendulous, proceeding from among the upper leaves, somewhat lax and branching. 1. ligulate, thick, and fleshy, obtuse at the apex, Sin. or 9in. long, dark green. A somewhat slow growing species, with a rather stiff, dwarf habit Bombay, 1840. A. m. Schroederi (Schroeder's).* fl. very delicate white, tinged with lilac and spotted with rose ; labellum beautiful rose coloured. I. dark green, lOin. long. h. 18in. East Indies. A very free growing and handsome variety, superior to the species, but rare Si cultivation. A. Mendelii (Mendel's). A. mitratttm (mitred). Synonymous with A. Houlletianum. fl. waxy-white ; lip violet coloured, on erous dense erect racemes. April. 1. cylindrical, attenuated, about 2ft. long, dark green. Moulmein, 1864. A rare but elegant species. A. nobile (noble).* fl. sepals and petals white tipped, and spotted with bright rose ; lip three-lobed, the side lobes creamy yellow, and the middle lobe slightly bifld at the apex, white, dotted with rose-purple, very fragrant ; racemes 2ft. to 3ft. long, pendulous, much branched, many flowered. /. strap-shaped, obliquely emar- ginate at the apex, light green, slightly spotted with brown. Not unlike A. tuavissimum, but with larger and better coloured flowers, and more robust growth. East Indies. A. odontoohlluxn (tooth-lipped), h. 2ft. Sylhet, 1837. A. odoratum (fragrant).* fl. sepals and petals creamy and white, tipped with pink ; lip cucullate, with even side lobes, the middle lobe being ovate and inflexed, the spur conical and incurved, of the same colour as the sepals, very fragrant ; racemes longer than the leaves, many-flowered, pendulous. I. oblique, obtuse, mucro- nate at the apex, and dark green. East Indies, 1800. See Fig. 35. A. O. oornutnm (horned). /. pink and white. Distinct. A. O. ma jus (greater).* Like A. odoratum in growth, but with larger and longer spike of flowers. ^u ' Pippurascens (purplish).* A very robust variety, with broad dark green leaves and massive spike of large flowers, which are white, tipped with bright pink. A. pachyphyllum (thick-leaved), fl. light crimson lake ; spur and column white, the small laciniae of the blade of the lip on front part of spur painted with more or less warm purple (these laciniae are just as insignificant as the spur is preponderant); raceme short, few-flowered, I. fleshy, short ; apex obtuse, and un- equally two-lobed. Burmah, 1880. A. quiiiqnovulnorum (five- wounded).* fl. fragrant ; sepals and petek obtuse white, marked with five reddish crimson blotches, and tipped with purple ; lip cucullate and funnel-shaped, the side lobes being erect and the centre lobe oblong, incurved and serrated, of the same colour .as the sepals ; spur conical, green, large ; racemes longer than the leaves, pendulous, and many- flowered. Late summer and early autumn. I ligulate, about 12m. long tightly clasping the stem at the base, obliquely mucro- nate at the apex, bright shining green. Philippines, 1838. A. a. , Farmerl (Farmer's).* A very rare variety of the above, uftsimilar habit, but the flowers are pure white throughout! ~-. (Reichenbach's).* fl., sepals neatly striped g. ^OKO" l lp dee P or ange colour ; racemes densely crowded. Borneo, 1858. A very rare species. A. rosourn (rose-coloured) fl., sepals and petals narrow, acute, pale rose colour, with darker spots ; lip flat, entire and acute of a bright rose, freckled-like the sepals and petals-w^th spots of a darker hue ; raceme pendulous, dense, and many-flowered, upwards tl J*J len S tn - * coriaceous, recurved, and channelled above with a blunt two-lobed apex. Moulmein, 1840. As this does not reely, it requires less moisture than any other species. A. r. super-bum (superb).* A fine variety, with stronger growth and larger and ncher-coloured flowers. The spikes of this, as well as the typical species, are apt to die off if much water is given. A. rubrum (red). A synonym of Sarcanthus erinaceiu. A. suavisslmum (sweetest), fl., sepals and petals obtusely ovate, white, tipped or tinged throughout with d*ep lilac; lip threel lobed, pressed to the column, the side lobes being oblong and denticulate, the middle lobe linear and bifid, the whole lipT>ein" of a Dale lemon i,. d the spur rosy-eyed; the numerou! and branched, bearing a profusion of A. testaoeum (testaceous). A synonym of Vanda parviflora A. Thibantlaiium (Thibaut's). A synonym of Saccolabium Huttoni. A. vandanun (Vanda). A synonym of A. cylindricum. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 33 Aerides continued. A. Vlren* (rigorous). ft. deliciously fragrant ; sepals and petals ovate, obtuse, soft white, tipped with rosy-purple ; lip large ; side lobes toothed at the apex, wnite, dotted with crimson ; middle lobe bearing a red inflated tongue; racemes long, drooping, many-flowered, commencing to blossom early in April, and last- Ing until July. I. broad, oblique, rounded at the apex, with a depression in the centre, and very bright green, about Sin. long. A. y. Ellisli (Ellis's).* fl. sepals and petals large, white, suffused with rose, and tipped with amethyst ; the lower sepals very round and broad ; lip large ; side lobes'white, beautifully freckled towards the base, with short lines of amethyst ; middle lobe broad, and deep rich amethyst in colour ; spur stout, curved upwards, and tipped with brown ; racemes about 18in. long, bearing generally from thirty to forty, or more, large flowers. L pale green. A splendid variety. A. Wlghttanum. See Vanda tcstacea. A. Williams!! (Williams's).* fl. delicate pinkish white, pro- duced in great abundance ; spikes 2ft. to 3ft. long, and branched, L. broad, dark green, drooping. A very scarce and pretty species. AEROBION. Se AEROPHYTES. Plants that are grown entirely in the air. 2ESCHYNANTHUS (from aischuno, to be ashamed, and anthos, a flower). SYN. Triclwsporum. OED. Ges- neracece. A genus of very beautiful twining, radicant or parasitical stove shrubs, with opposite, simple, entire leaves, and axillary, terminal, few- flowered, umbellate peduncles. They are worthy of extensive cultivation, possessing handsome flowers, fine deep green leaves, an agreeable fragrance, and are easily grown on blocks, which must be covered with green moss, fastened on with small copper wire. Preparatory to fastening them on, the roots should bo covered with moss, and the plants secured to the block also by wire. After this, but little atten- tion is requisite, except duly syringing and occasionally dipping in tepid water. As pot plants they are very beautiful, and in this method perfection is only obtained by growing them on fast and strong by generous treatment, which consists in frequently re-potting in light rich compost till they are large enough to bo trained up a trellis, formed of slender rods of willow or hazel. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. The former are very unsatisfactory ; the latter root readily during spring in a well-drained pot, filled with a light com- post, and having a surface of pure white sand, about lin. deep. The best are obtained from half-ripened wood, cut into 2in. or Sin. lengths, and all leaves, with the exception of one or two at the top, removed. The cuttings should then be covered over with a bell glass, and placed in moderate bottom heat. So soon as rooted, transfer them singly to small pots, and again place under hand glasses, until they are thoroughly established, then gradually harden off. When about twelve months old, place the plants in their permanent quarters. Baskets are commonly and very effectively employed. Line these with moss, and fill with a light rich compost; place the plant as near the centre as possible, and, to promote a uniform growth, fasten down the branches with small neat pegs, at equal distances. During the summer, give copious supplies of water, to produce a liberal growth, which is of the utmost importance the first season, when they should not be permitted to flower. The following winter they should be kept cool and rather dry, thus giving them a rest. The year following, if properly managed, they will blossom profusely. A3. atrosanguinea (dark-red).* ft. dark red; corolla liin. long, cylindrical, saccate at base, pilose ; peduncle one-flowered. July. I. pilose, oblong, subcordate, serrated, unequal, h. lift. Guatemala. 1848. JEsdiynantliTis continued. 2E. Auckland! (Lord Auckland's). Synonymous with M. q*. CWSWi. .83. Boschianus (Bosch's).' fl. scarlet, axillary, clustered ; corolla tubular, with wide throat; calyx tubular, smooth, purplish. brown. July. i. ovate, obtuse, entire. A. 1ft. Java, 1844. See Fig. 06. AS. fulgens (shining).* ft. bright crimson, very long; throat and the under side of the tube orange; lobes striped with black, disposed in terminal umbels. October. I. large, oblong- lanceolate, acuminate, thick and fleshy, brir*it dark green, h. 1ft. East Indies, 1855. 2E. grandiflorns Qarge-flowered).* ft. deep crimson and orange, large ; corolla clavate ; segments obtuse, with a dark mark at top, equal ; umbels many-flowered. August I. oblong-lanceo- late, acuminated, serrated, obscurely-nerved, fleshy, dark green, .35. Javanicus (Java), ft. bright red, stained with yellow in the throat; corolla downy, tubular; corymbs terminal, bracteate. June. L small, ovate, slightly toothed, with sunk veins, Java, AS. Lobblanna (Lobb's).* ft. rich scarlet; calyx large, cam- rnulate ; corolla downy ; corymbs terminal, bracteate. June. elliptic, entire or slightly serrated, glaucous. Java, 1846. Plant siibscaiident FIG. 36. jEscm-NANTHUS BOSCHIANUS. A3. longlflorns (long-flowered).* ft. scarlet, erect, fascicled ; corolla with a long clavate curved tube, and oblique constructed bilobed mouth ; upper lobe bifid. Summer. 1. broad-lanceolate, acuminate, entire. Java, 1845. Plant pendulous. JE. miniatns (vermilion).* /. rich vermilion ; corolla tomentose ; upper lip bilobed, lower one tripartite ; peduncles axillary, three- flowered. June. I. oval acute, entire. A. lift. Java, 1845. SYN. jK. radicant. A3. pnlchcr (fair).* ft. bright scarlet; corolla three times larger than the calyx ; corymbs terminal, bracteate. June, i, ovate, obscurely toothed. Java, 1845. Scandent A3. radlcans (rooting). Synonymous with JE. miniatut. IE. speciosus (showy).* ft. rich orange-coloured ; corolla with long clavate curved tube, and obliquely four-lobed limb ; upper lobe bifid, terminal, numerous, downy. Summer. I. upper ones always verticillate, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, slightly serrate. h. 2ft. Java, 1845. SYN. M. Aucklandi. A3. splcndldus (splendid).* ft. bright scarlet, spotted with black on the margins ; corolla clavate, Sin. long, in terminal fascicles. Summer, lasting in perfection for a considerable time. I. elliptic lanceolate, acuminated, entire, rather undulated, h. 1ft. lly- brid. A3. tricolor (three-coloured).* /. deep blood red, usually twin ; throat and base of t'ne lobes bright orange, the three upper lobes being striped with black. July. I. cordate, dark green above, paler on the under side ; edges, under surface, and stem, slightly hairy, h. 1ft Borneo, 1857. A3. zebrinus (zebra-marked), fl, green, brown. Autumn. Java, 1846. JESCHYNOMENE (from aischuno, to be ashamed ; in reference to the leaves of some of the species falling on tho slightest touch, like those of the Sensitive plant). F THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, 2Bsckynomene continued. OBD. Leguminosae. Stove herbs and shrubs, with impari- pinnate leaves, having many pairs of leaflets, and axillary racemes of usually yellow flowers. They thrive well in a good rich loam. Propagated by cuttings, placed in sand under a bell glass, in a brisk heat. Seeds of the herbaceous species require a good heat to start them into growth. The annuals are not worth growing. There are about forty other species known besides those mentioned, some of which may prove worthy of cultivation when introduced. IE. arlstata (awned). A synonym of Pictetia aristat*. IE. aspera (rough-stemmed), fl. yellow ; racemes compound ; peduncles, bracteas, calyces, and corollas, hispid. June. I. with thirty to forty pairs of linear leaflets, which (as well as the A. 6ft to 8ft- thirty to forty pair, _ legumes) are smooth. Stem herbaceous, erect East Indies, 1759. Perennial. Oi. sensltiva (sensitive).* fl. white ; legumes and racemes glabrous; peduncles branched, few-flowered. June. I. with sixteen to twenty pairs of linear leaflets. Stem smooth. A. 5ft to 6ft Jamaica, 1755. This shrub requires a sandy soil. 2ESCULTJS (a name given by Pliny to a kind of oak having an edible fruit; derived from esca, nourish- ment). The Horse Chestnut. OBD. Sapindaceae. A genus of hardy showy trees, well adapted for lawns or parks, having a beautiful appearance when in flower. They will do well in any soil, but the more loamy the better. In- creased by layers, put down in the spring, or by grafting or budding on the common horse chestnut. Seeds, where pro- curable, should be sown singly in rows in spring, where they may remain until they are of sufficient size to be perma- nently planted out. This genus is distinguished from Pavia, in having its capsules echinated, i.e., covered with prickles, like a hedgehog; but this character is not always con- sistent. IE. carnea (flesh-coloured). Synonymous with JS. rubicunda. a (smooth-leaved).* fl. greenish yellow ; corolla of four r petals, with their claws about the length of the calyx ; longer than the corolla. June. I. with five leaflets, very smooth ; foliage larger than the common species. A. 20ft. North America, 1821. SYNS. A. ohioensis, A. pallida. JE. Hlppooostanum (Common Horse-Chestnut), fl. white, tinged with red, on very handsome terminal racemes, which are pro- duced In great profusion . petals five. April and May. I. with seven obovately-cuneated, acute, toothed leaflets. Asia, 1629. This, the common horse chestnut, is well known by the beautiful parabolic form in which it grows, and during the period of its flowering no tree possesses greater beauty. It has two or three unimportant varieties, differing in the variation of then- leaves, and one also with double flowers. These are increased by grafting only. JB. ohioensis (Ohio). A synonym of A. glabra. IE. pallida (pale-flowered). A synonym of A. glabra. JE. rubicunda (red-flowered).* fl. scarlet, in very fine terminal racemes ; petals four, having the claws shorter than the calyx ; stamens eight. June. I. with five to seven obovately-cuneated, acute, unequally serrated leaflets. A. 20ft North America, 1820. This is a very distinct and beautiful tree when in flower, and does not attain so large a size as jE. Uippocastanum. SYN. spread AESTIVATION. The manner of the folding of the calyx and corolla in the flower bud. JETHIONEMA (from aitho, to scorch, and nema, a filament; apparently in allusion to some tawny or burnt appearance in the stamens). OED. Cruciferae. A genus of elegant little plants, distinguished from aUied genera in having the four larger stamens winged, and with a tooth. Herbs or sub-shrubs, perennial or annual, branched from the base, diffuse or erect. Flowers in crowded terminal racemes. Leaves fleshy, sessile. They are well worth culti- vating in sunny situations, where they form a freer flower- ing habit than when growing in a wild state. Some of the more hardy species may be planted on rock work, which, by their dwarf growth, they are well adapted for. The annual and biennial species may either be sown on rockwork or in the front of the flower-border. A light dry soil suits them best. The shrubby kinds of this genus should be kept in pots, which should be well drained with potsherds, and treated like other alpine plants. Propagated by seeds, sown In May ; or by cuttings, planted in summer. JEtliionema continued. . Buxbaumli (Bauxbaum's). fl. pale red ; racemes crowded, aggregate. June. 1. oblong-spathulate, glaucous, h. 6in. Thrace, 1825. A pretty annual, v,ith erect branched stems. SYN. Thlaspi arabicuin. Fia. 37. jETHiONEMA CORIDIFOLIDM, showing Habit and Flowers. JE. corldlfollum (Coris-leaved).* /. rosy lilac, small, in ter- minal dense rounded racemes. June. I. linear, glaucous, crowded. Asia Minor, 1871. A pretty perennial, shrubby below, with erect stems 6in. to Sin. high. See Fig. 37. Of., graoile (slender), fl. purplish ; racemes crowded, terminal ; when in fruit, loose. June. I. lanceolate, pointed, h. Sin. Branches and branchlets slender, elongated. Sandy hills In Car- niola, 1820. Shrubby perennial. FIG. 58. ^ETIIIONEJIA GRANDIFLORUM, showing Habit and Flowers. .33. grandlflorum (large-flowered).* fl. of a warm shaded rose ; racemes crowded, terminal, numerous. May to August. I. ovate- oblong, glaucous. Mount Lebanon, 1879. This perennial species forms a spreading bush about lift, high, and is perhaps the handsomest of the genus. It succeeds well in the ordinary border, but is far better suited for the rockery. See Fig. 58. .33. membranaceum (membranous-podded). /. purplish, in terminal racemes. June. I. linear, distant, somewhat fleshy, strictly appressed. h. Sin. to 6in. Persia, 1828. A small shrub, with filiform branches. JE. monospermum (one-seeded), fl. purple, largish, in ter- minal racemes. July. I. oval or obovate, blunt, coriaceous ; pods one-celled, one-seeded, h. Sin. to 6iu. Spain, 1778. A pretty little biennial, with hardish branches. JE. pulchellum (pretty).* This is said to be a new species, but it much resembles JE. coridifolium. It is scarcely in full cultiva- tion yet, but it proves one of the hardiest as well as one of the most handsome kinds. IE. saxatilis (rock).* fl. purplish ; racemes loose, terminal. May and June. I. lanceolate, acutish. h. Sin. Spain, 1820. A pretty annual. AFRICAN ALMOND. See Brabeium. AFRICAN BLADDER NUT. See Royena lucida. AFRICAN FLEABANE. See Tarclionantlius. AFRICAN HAREBELL. See Roella ciliata. AFRICAN LILY See Agapanthus. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 35 AFRICAN LOTUS. See Zizyphus Lotus. AFRICAN MARIGOLD. S-:e Tagetes erecta. AFRICAN OAK. See Oldfieldia africana. AFRICAN SATIN-BUSH. 5;e Podalyria sericea. AFZELXA (named after Adam Afzelius, M.D., Pro- fe^sor of Botany in the University of Upsal, and for many years resident at Sierra Leone). OBD. Dtgnmino^ A pretty store evergreen tree. For culture, see fgipnila. A. africana (African) JL crimson, disposed in rac foar(funushedwittcU^iipperonehgt June. ligneus, many-celled ; seeds Mack, with scarlet anl. pinnate. A. 30ft Sierra Leone, 182L ^pyET.TA (of Gmelin). A synonym of Seymeria (which tee). AG ALMTLA (from agalma, an ornament, and Auk, a wood ; the species ornament the woods in which they grow wild). OKD. Gesneraceae. A small genus of handsome, climb- ing or radicant herbs. Flowers in axillary fascicles ; corolla limb oblique, five-lobed, scarcely two-lipped. Leaves simple, alternate. A. staminea, the most generally cultivated gpecies, is best grown in a basket, planted in a compost of rough peat, a little leaf soil, fresh sphagnum moss, and nodules of charcoaL Give an abundance of moisture when growing, which should be lessened after flowering, and allow the plant to rest during winter. It may be planted out on rockwork in the stove. The temperature in summer should not be less than 75deg. by day, and 65deg. by night. Half- ripened cuttings will root freely in heat under a glass. A. longistyla (long-styled), /.crimson. Java, 1873. b^o^ybenelKa^lonthe edges. Stem and petiok. hairy. *. 2ft. JaYa.1846. Store species. AGANISIA (from aganot, desirable; in reference to the beauty of these neat little plants). ORD. Orchid**. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids, requiring to be grown upon a block of wood suspended from the rafters of the stove. A damp atmosphere, syringing the roots and leaves freely when in a growing state, and shade during very bright sunshine, are primary points to be observed in their culti- vation. Increased by dividing the pseudo-bulbs just pre- vious to starting into new growth. JL, peduncle* axillary, few flowered. a (fringed).* JL white; Hp brae. Demeraia, 1874. naiafca sacctform, fimbriate lip, but, when com- the foregoing, its flowers, leaves, and bulbs are much dtte^ faTnot sBtnpto thTapex, but the sac is A. gramlnea (grass-leaved). A weedy looking species, of no garden value. Guiana, 1836. AGANOSMA (from aganos, mild, and osme, a smell ; scent of flowers). OBD. Apocynaeeat. A genus of showy stove or warm greenhouse shrubs, with opposite leaves and terminal corymbs of large funnel-shaped flowers, the coronet of which is cup-shaped or cylindrical, "having its parts so united that they appear only as lobes around the mouth of the cup." All the species mentioned are well worth cultivating. They thrive best in a mixture of loam, Aganosma continued. sand, and peat, in equal proportions. Propagated by (ratting* in sand, under glass, and with bottom heat. ,ved).* JL large, curled panicles axillary 1. LfrSnfoblonJtobroad-lanceo Shrubby climber. white, fragrant; longer than .the late, acuminated KOoviwicentedX* Jl. pate yellow, tinged with __jve scented; corymbs terminaL October. I. oval, i ends, tomentose beneath as well as the branches. ,1812. Shrubby twiner. aD* /. i leave* L effipticf small, whitish, fragrant ; calyx linal, shorter than the ; corolla downy < acuminated, glabrous. India, Shrubby twiner. A-inaiTBtartaftijiwjj^^JgiJwjjJ-^^hi^ YtuceolaU^ smooth. Sylhk Shrubby climber. October. L ovate^ordate, acuminated ; petioles ud A. Wallichli (Wallich's).* JL white, fragrant ; calyr and corolla downy outside; corymbs terminal. L elliptic-acununated, shining above and pale beneath, glabrous. India. This species differs from the lastin the veins olthe leaves being paraUel, not longi- tudinal, from the base to the apex. Shrubby twiner. AGAPANTHUS (from agape, love, and anthot, a flower). OBD. LUiacece. African Lily. A genus, with numerous varieties, of very handsome greenhouse or con- servatory herbaceous plants. Flowers large, scapose; perianth tabular, tube short; stamens six, having the filaments somewhat declinate. Leaves linear or lorate, arching, radical. They are of easy culture, and thrive best in strong turfy loam, leaf mould, decomposed manure, and river sand. They may be grown in large pots or tubs outside, to be removed in autumn, and placed under the stage in the greenhouse, or where they will be protected from frost, and kept moderately dry. If planted and left outside, the crowns should be well covered with cocoa-nut fibre in winter. During the summer, and especially in dry weather, the plants can hardly be over watered. They thrive admirably on the margins of lakes or running streams, and few plants, alike in flower and foliage, are more effective. Clear manure water may be given pre- vious to or when the plants are in flower, and, after flowering, gradually lessen the quantity of water, until they are stowed away for the winter. -They increase very rapidly, by offseta, and, if necessary, the old plants may be divided in early spring, to any extent required. In the more southern parts of this country they are quite hardy. FIG. 39. AGAPA.VTHUS CMBELLiTCS. L shSS^f ssgs^&awes n^^ra^^Er^ii^wb -^^P^ ' o?Goo?Hope, 1692. ^eeFig.39. 36 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Agapanth.ua continued. A. n. albidus (whitish).* /. pure white, on large full-sized umbels, smaller than those of the species, but very showy. Cape of Good Hope. This requires carefully drying off during the winter. A. tu aurens (golden). A variety in which the leaves are marked longitudinally with yellow. 1882. A. u. florc pleno (double-flowered).* Identical in aU respects with the species, except that it has double flowers, which are therefore, much more lasting than the single ones. A very handsome variety. A. u. Leichtlinii (Leichtlin's).* fl., perianth deep bright hyacin- thinu blue, IJin. long; scape about lift, long, with a more compact umbel than any other known form. June. I. similar in size to the species. Cape of Good Hope, 1878. A. U. maximus (larger).* fl. bright blue, in immense umbels. This is larger in all its parts than the type, and when well grown is truly a noble plant. There is also a white-flowered form of this variety, which is most desirable, being equally as large. A. U. minor (smaller).* This is smaller in all its parts, with narrow leaves, and slender scapes of deep blue flowers. A very elegant variety. A. n. Mooreanus (Moore's).* /. dark blue. h. lift. 1879. A new variety, with shorter, narrower, and more upright leaves than the species ; it has a dwarf habit. Perfectly hardy. A. n. variegatus (variegated).* Where variegated-leaved plants are desired, few could be more useful than this ; its leaves are almost entirely white, with a few green bands, but they are neither so broad nor so long as in the type. It is an excellent subject for the domestic garden. AGAPETES (from agapetos, beloved ; in reference to the showy character of the plants). OBD. Vactiniaceae. A genus containing about eighteen species of warm green- house or stove evergreen shrubs. Flowers corymbose and racemose; corolla tubular. Leaves alternate, coriaceous. They are all worthy of cultivation, but only two or three species are grown in England. Peat, turfy loam, and sand, in equal parts, is the best compost for them; and young hardened cuttings will strike in sandy soil, under a hand glass, in stove temperature. A. buxUblla (Box-leaved).*/, bright red, about lin. long, tubular, wax-like, disposed in corymbs. ApriL I. small, oval oblong, bright green, leathery; branches spreading, twiggy, h. 5ft. A, setigera (bristly), fl. red, about lin. long, tubular, numerous, in lateral and corymbose racemes, furnished with bristly hairs. I. scattered, lanceolate, acuminated, on very short robust petioles Pundua Mountains, 1837. A. varlegata (variegated), fl. scarlet, about lin. long, tubular, lateral, corymbose, t. on short petioles, lanceolate, acuminated, denticulated, attenuated at the base, veiny. Khasia, 1837. AGARICUS (derived from Agaria, the name of a town in Sarmentosa). Mushroom. ORD. Fungi. The most extensive genus known. It, however, contains but one or two species of cultural value. The most important ones are the common field mushroom, A. campestris (Fig. 44) tho Fairy Bing mushroom, A. pratensis, and A. vaginatus'. Familiar species are the Parasol mushroom, A. procerus (Fig. 43) ; St. George's mushroom, A. gambosus (Fig. 42) ; and the deadly Fly Agaric, A. muscarius (Fig. 41). For practical purposes the majority of this genus are poisonous, and many virulently so. Great care must be exercised in experimenting with unknown species, even by experienced fungologists. See Mushroom, AGASTACHYS (from agastos, admirable, and stachys, a spike). ORD. Proteaceas. A greenhouse evergreen shrub] with four sepalled apetalous flowers, which are disposed in numerous spikes. It thrives in a compost of equal parts loam, sand, and peat. Cuttings of ripened wood will strike in sandy soil under a glass, in a cool house. A. odorata (fragrant).* JL pale yellow, sweet scented, crowded spikes 4m. to bin. long. April. I. bluntly lanceolate sub ses ' slle, thickish, about 2in. long. h. about 3ft New HtolJand, 1826.' AGATH2EA (from agathos, excellent; in reference to the beauty of the flowers). ORD. Compositce. Allied to Cineraria, and requiring the same greenhouse treatment. It makes a very pretty object for summer decoration in the flower garden. Young cuttings root freely, in a gentle heat, at all times; and the plant may be had in flower all tho year round. Agathsaa continue d. A. coalestis (sky-blue).* fl.-head blue; peduncle one-headed. June. 1. opposite, ovate, naked, h. lift. Cape of Good Hope, 1753. Herbaceous perennial. See Fig. 40. FiQ. 40. AOATH AGATHA HOSE. See Rosa gallica Agatha. AGATHIS. See Dammara. AGATHOPHYLLTJM (from agathos, pleasant, and phyllon, a leaf ; referring to the pleasant clove-like smell of the leaf). Madagascar Nutmeg. OBD. Laurinece. A stove evergreen tree, of economic value only, having tho fruit enclosed by the persistent calyx; thriving in peat and light rich loam. Of easy propagation by cuttings in sand, with a moderate bottom heat. A. aromaticum (aromatic), fl. white. I. stalked, alternate, obovate, obtuse, leathery, entire, smooth, h. 30ft. Madagascar, AGATHOSMA (from agathos, pleasant, and osme, smell; the plants contained in this genus have a pleasant smell). STNS. Bucco, Dichosma. ORD. Rutacece. Beautiful small Heath-like greenhouse shrubs, from the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers in terminal heads, or umbels ; petals five, divided, with long claws, and scattered, short, narrow leaves, usually with revolute edges. They are of easy culture, thriving best in a mixture of sand and peat, with the addition of a little turfy loam. Young cuttings will strike root freely in a pot of sand, under a bell glass, in a cool house. They require to be shaded somewhat in the summer. Winter temperature, 40deg. to 45deg. About forty-six species are known. A. acumlnata (taper-pointed lea. glandular, on terminal subcapitate hea * fl. violet ; calyces smooth, subcapitate heads. ApriL I. ovate, some- what cordate, long acuminated, fringed, at length spreading, h. 1ft to 2ft. 1812. A. bruniades (Brunia-like).* /. lilac or white, on terminal sub- umbellate heads; peduncles fastigiate, elongated. April. I. scat- tered, linear-trigonal, awl-shaped, dotted, and a little fringed ; branches hairy, h. 1ft. to 2ft. 1820. A. cerefolia (Chervil-leaved), fl. white, small ; pedicels and calyces beset with glandular hairs ; heads terminal sub-umbel- late. ApriL I. crowded, lanceolate, acute, spreading, keeled, fringed. A. 1ft. to 2ft 1794. A. ciliata (ciliated).* fl. white ; pedicels smoothish ; heads ter- minal sub-umbellate. April. \. scattered, lanceolate, acute with toothletted-fringed, revolute edges, dotted beneath, and bearing hairs on the middle nerve, becoming at length reflexed. A. erecta (upright).* fl. pale violet, terminal, sub-umbellate peduncles short, villous. April. I. imbricate, trigonal, blunt dotted beneath, a little fringed, h. 1ft. to 2ft 1818. A. hirta (hairy), fl. purple, densely capitate ; petals bearded at the claws. April. I. somewhat imbricate, linear, awl-shaped, channelled, hairy on the back, decurrent. A. 1ft to 2ft. 1794. AN ENCYCLOP/EDTA OF HORTICULTURE. 37 FIG. 43. AGARICUS PROCERUS (PARASOL MUSHROOM) FIG. 42. AGARICUS GAMBOSUS (Si. GEORGE'S MUSHROOM). FIG. 44. AGARICUS CAMPESTRIS (COMMON MUSHROOM). 38 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Agathosma continued. A. hisplda (rough-haired), fl. violet, on terminal sub-umbellate heads ; pedicels and sepals pubescent ; petals quite smooth. May. I. crowded, linear, trigonal, blunt, spreading, hispid, keeled, and two-furrowed beneath. A. 1ft. to 2ft. 1786. A. imbricata (imbricated), fl. pale purple, in terminal sub-capi- tate heads ; petals with a roundish limb ; sepals smoothish ; pedicels pubescent. April. I. imbricate, crowded, ovate, acumi- nated, dotted, fringed. A. 1ft. to 2ft. 1774. A. orblcularis (round-leaved). /. white, on terminal sub-umbel- late heads ; stamens twice as long as the corolla ; pedicels pubes- cent. April. I. scattered, spreading, orbicular, ovate, or reni- form, smooth, reflexed, small, thickish, without any dots beneath ; branches villous. A. 1ft. to 2ft. 1790. A. prolifera (proliferous), fl. white, on terminal sub-umbellate heads ; sepals smooth ; pedicels somewhat fastigiate, pubescent. April. I. spreading, lanceolate, cuspidate ; Keel and edges fringed, dotted; branches whorled, proliferous. A. 1ft. to 3ft. A. pubescens (downy), fl. white ; umbels terminal ; peduncles and sepals villous. April. I. lanceolate, trigonal, pointless, with margins and rib ciliated. A. If t. to 2ft. 1798. A. rugosa (coarsely-wrinkled), fl. white, on terminal sub-umbel- late heads ; sepals pubescent ; pedicels capillary, clothed with glandular hairs. April. I. spreading, oblong or ovate, blunt, keeled, winkled, villous beneath, reflexed. A. 1ft. to 2ft. 1790. A. vestita (clothed), fl. lilac, on terminal sub-capitate heads; pedicels quite smooth. May. I. closely imbricated, ovate, acumi- nated, keeled, fringed. A. 1ft. to 2ft. 1824. AGATHYRSUS. See Mulgedinm. AGATI (its Sanscrit name). OED. Leguminosoe. Orna- mental stove trees from India, with lanceolate stipulas, abruptly-pinnate leaves, having many pairs of leaflets. Flowers large, few, racemose. Legumes lift. long. A mixture of loam, peat, and sand is most suitable. Young cuttings will root in a pot of sand, with a hand glass over them, placed in heat. A, ooooinea (scarlet).* fl. red, rather smaller than the next species. Legumes rather terete. I. leaflets powdery. July. A. 20ft. to 30ft. 1768. A. grandlflora (large-flowered), fl. rosy red. July. Legumes evidently compressed. 1. leaflets glabrous. A. 14ft. to 26ft 1768. A. g. flore-albo (white flowered). 1. white, double. N. Australia, AGAVE (from agauos, admirable ; referring to the stately form in which some of them flower). OBD. Amarylli- dece. Flower-scape tall, proceeding from the centre of the rosette of leaves; perianth funnel-shaped, six-parted. Leaves large, fleshy, tufted. Mr. B. S. Williams describes them as follows : " They are noble, massive-growing plants, and form magnificent ornaments in the greenhouse or conservatory; whilst, from their slow growth, they do not rapidly get too large, even for a small greenhouse. Indeed, some of the real gems of this genus are neat, compact-growing plants, seldom exceeding 2ft. in height. Besides being fine orna- mental plants for indoor decoration, the larger growing kinds are unquestionably the finest objects for the embel- lishment of terrace-walks, or surmounting flights of steps in the open air during the summer season, and also for plunging in rockwork, or about any rustic nooks in the pleasure-grounds, as, in such situations, they are quite in keeping, and thrive admirably. As is well known, they attain maturity very slowly; but when this condition is reached, the plant sends up a flower spike, and, after perfecting this, dies." A. Sartorii, and a few others are, however, exceptional, and go on flowering year after year! It is certainly fallacious to suppose it takes them a hundred years to flower. Agaves succeed well potted in good loam and river sand, to which may be added a Jittle peat and leaf mould for some of the smaller-growing kinds The drainage should be good, as they enjoy a liberal supply of water during the summer season, but during winter considerably less will be required. They can be increased by snckers when these are to be obtained, and also by seeds, to secure the production of which, in the species that do not yield suckers, the flowers should be care- fully impregnated. In the following descriptive list of species, only those of horticultural value are men- tioned, some of which are still rare ; and in describing them we have availed ourselves of Mr. J. G. Baker's Agave continued. excellent monograph, which appeared in the columns of the Gardeners' Chronicle. Many are omitted, not from any deficiency in horticultural beauty, but because, in several instances, only one plant of a species is known to exist in cultivation, and such cannot, therefore, hope to become in general cultivation for many years hence. I (whitened). Probably a variety of A. micrantha. A. americana (American).* fl. yellowish-green, 2in. to 3Jin. long, in very dense globose clusters, on pedicels Jin. to Jin. long ; scape, including the thyrsoid panicle, 24ft. to 36ft. high. August. I. usually thirty to forty, sometimes more, in a rosette, oblanceo- latc-spathulate, 3ft. to 6ft. long, 6in. to 9in. broad above the middle, glaucous green, more or less concave all down the face, the outer leaves recurved, the dark brown pungent point Iin. to 2in. long ; prickles brown-tipped, in. to Jin. long. South America, 1640. See Fig. 45. A. a. mcxicana (Mexican). A variety much shorter in the leaves than the species, of which it may be regarded as one of the many small forms. A. a. picta (painted).* I. 2ft. to 3ft. long, about 4in. wide, lower ones recurved, upper ones erect, moderately thick, rich golden yellow on both sides, bordered with dark green. A very splendid variety. SYN. A. ornata. A. a. variegata (variegated). I. 6ft. or more in length, 6in. or 8m. wide, dark green in the centre, broadly margined with rich yellow. A very desirable variety. A. amcena (pleasing). Referred to A. Scolymus. A. amurensis (Amur River). Synonymous with A. xylacanthz. A. applanata (plano-convex-leaved), fl. unknown. I. twenty to forty in a dense sessile rosette, reaching a couple of feet in diameter, oblong-spathulate, Sin. to 12in. long, 2in. to 3iin. broad, the lower half of the face flat, the upper half concave, suddenly terminating in a pungent brown spine above Iin. long brown"" 66 " bo - rdered with brown ; P rickles i in - to jin. long, bright AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 39 Agave continued. A. atrovlrens (dark -green). Synonymous with A. Salmiana. A. attennata (attenuated).* JL greenish-yellow, 2in. long ; pedicel* . to 8ft long, and bin. in about Jin. long, on a dense spike, 6ft. L ten to twenty, diameter; bracts OTertopping the perianth- in a dense rosette at the top of the stem, oblong-spathnlate, 2ft to 24ft. long, Sin. to Sin. broad two-thirds of the way up, narrowed to 2in. to Sin. above the base, persistently glaucous, one of the most fleshy of all in texture ; face rather concave when ing ; tip not pungent, edjre quite entire. Stem 4ft. to 7ft high, . to 4in. thick. Mexico, 183?. A most distinct species. A. Beaucarnel (Beaucarne's). Synonymous with A. Kerehovei A. Botterii (Botteri's).* JL greenish-yellow, about lin. long, on a dense spike, longer than the leaves ; primary bracts lanceolate, with a long point, the lower ones as long as the flowers ; scape covered with adpressed lanceolate bracts. I about fifty in a rosette, oblong-spathulate, about 2ft long, 6in. broad above the middle, narrowed to 4iin. above the base; pale green, concave in the centre ; spine hard, pungent about iin. long ; marginal teeth crowded, iin.,upcurved at the tip. Stemless. Mexico, about 1865. A. bulblfera (bulb-bearing). Synonymous with A. vivipara. A. cwspitosa (tufted). Synonymous with A. Sartorii. A. cantula. Synonymous with A. Fio. 46. AGAVB CELSIAKA. A, Celsiana(Celsius').*/f. tinged purplish-brown, 2in. long, in a dense spike, 1ft or more long, and bin. to Sin. hi diameter when expanded ; scape 4ft long, the lower bract leaves lanceolate, the upper ones subulate. L twenty to thirty in a rosette, oblong- spathulate, lift to 2ft. long, 4in. to oin. broad at the middle, narrowed to 2iin. to Sin. above the base, persistently glaucous, the point hardly at all pungent ; spines very unequal in size and shape, green, largest brown and horny at the top. Mexico, 1839. This is a beautiful species, the stem of which scarcely rises off the surface of the ground. See Fig. 46. A. coccinea (scarlet). A. unknown. I. twenty to thirty hi a dense rosette, oblanceolate-spathulate, lift to 2ft. long, 4in. to 6in. broad two-thirds of the way up, narrowed to 3in. above the Agave continued. dilated base, where it is lin. to IJin. thick, deep heavy green terminal spine liin. or more in length, red; side prickles irregular, deltoid, unequal, nearly straight {in. to Jin. long, red. Mexico, 1859. A. cochlearis (cochleate). JL yellowish green, above 4in. lone, in dense clusters. L forming a sessile rosette 10ft. broad oblonl- spathulate, 5ft to 6ft long, above 1ft broad, 5in. thick at the base, opaque green, with a deeply excavated face ; terminal spine very stout, pungent ; side prickles curved variously, middle sized, deltoid. Stems 26ft high. Mexico, previous to 1867. A. Considerantt (Considerant's). Synonymous with A. Victoria Reyina. A. Corderoyl (Corderoy's).* JL unknown. L forty to fifty in a dense rosette, rigidly erecto-patent ensiform, lift long, }in. to lin. broad, bright green ; terminal spine hard, brown, lin. long ; side prickles moderately close, erecto-patent dark brown, Jin. long. Mexico, 1868. A very distinct and pretty species. A. crenata (crenated). Referred to A. Seolymiu. A cucullata (hooded). Referred to A. Scolymus. A. dasylirloldes (Dasylirion-like).* JL yellow, about liin. long ; spike as long as the scape, often decurved ; lower bracts much longer than the flowers ; pedicels obsolete ; scape 6ft long, densely clothed with spreading subulate bract leaves, the lower ones 1ft long. L eighty to a hundred in a dense rosette, linear- ensiform, IJft to 3ft long, about lin. broad, narrowing gradually from the middle to a short brown pungent point pale glaucous green, rigidly leathery ; edge minutely denticulate. Mexico, 1846. A. d. dealbata (whitened). A variety of preceding, but with more glaucous foliage. FlG. 47. AGATE DE.NSIFLORA. A. denslflora (close-flowered).* Jl. yellowish-red, liin. to 2in. long, on a dense spike, 2ft long ; pedicels very short ; scape, including the spike, 6ft long, the lower bracts ascending, the upper ones spreading. L thirty to forty in a stemless rosette, oblanceolate-spathulate, 2ft to 3ft long, and 2iin. to Sin. broad, bright green when mature ; terminal spine iin. long, thick, pun- gent slightly decnrrent ; side spines crowded, short, bright chestnut brown. Mexico (previous to) 1S57. See Kig. 47. THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Agave continued. A. Desert! (Desert's).' Jl. yellow, under 2in. long, on a thyrsoid panicle, the branches very short, the lower horizontal, the upper ascending ; pedicels short ; scape 4ft. to 10ft. high, lin. to 2in. thick at the base, furnished with distant lanceolate acuminate toothed bracts. 1. few, in a rosette, oblanceolate, 6in. to 12in. long, liin. to 2in. broad above the middle, thick, fleshy, very glaucous ; face deeply concave ; terminal spine lin. to 2in. long, slender; prickles crowded, strong, hooked, horny, nearly Jin. long. California, 1877. A. Desmotlana (De Smet's). Probably synonymous with A. miradorentit. A. Elemoctiana (Elemeet's).* JL yellowish-green, lin. to liin. long, in a dense spike 8ft. to 9ft. long, 7in. to Sin. in diameter when expanded ; pedicels Jin. long ; scape, including the spike, 12ft. to 13ft. high, stiffly erect, lower 3ft. to 4ft., barren, with squarrose lanceolate bracts. I. twenty to twenty -five in a rosette, lanceolate-oblong, lift, to 2ft long, 3in. to 6m. wide, slightly glaucous; face flat above the middle terminal spine, not pungent, the margin pale and quite entire. Stemless. A very distinct species. Mexico, 1864. (B. M. 7027). A. Fenzliana (Fenzl's). Synonymous with A. HookerL A. ferox (fierce). JL unknown. I. about twenty in a rosette, oblong-spathulate, 4in. to Sin. broad ; face nearly flat; except at the top, slightly glaucous green ; terminal spine above lin. long, hard, pungent ; margin slightly wavy between the large dark brown teeth, which are about Jin. long, and curved at the top. Mexico, 1861. A. fllifera (thread-bearing).* Jl. greenish, about 2in. long; pedicels very short and stout, in a dense spike 2ft. to 3ft. long ; scape 3ft. to 4ft. long, its bract-leaves subulate, the lower ones ascending, the upper squarrose. I. sixty to a hundred in a dense rosette, stiff, straight, ensiform, 6in. to 9in. long, lin. broad at the middle, gradually narrowing to a grey pungent tip ; face flat, the con- tinuous grey edge splitting off copiously into irregular spreading grey wiry threads ; outer leaves of the rosette not all recurved, but spreading stiffly. Mexico. A. fc fllamentosa (thready).* A form with larger leaves and scape ; including the spike, 10ft. to 12ft. high. A well-known, handsome variety. A. Goleottl (Oaleotti's). JL unknown. I. thirty to forty in a dense rosette, 2ft to 3ft broad, oblong-spathulate, 1ft. to lift long, SSn. to 6in. broad ; face rather flat or convex, green; terminal spine hard, pungent ; prickles close, straight, or slightly hooked, purplish-blaJck. Mexico, 1877. A. GMesbregimi (Ghiesbreght's). Jl. unknown. I. thirty to forty in a dense rosette, rigid, lanceolate, 9in. to 12in. long, 2in. to Sin. broad, bright glossy green ; terminal spine iin. long, pungent ; border narrow, red-brown till a late stage ; side prickles numerous, irregular, two to three lines long. Mexico, 1862. Very handsome dwarf species. A. Rohanii and A. Leguayana are mere varieties. A. hctoracantha (various-spined).* /. greenish, liin. long, on a dense spike 3ft. long ; scape 3ft to 4ft long. I. fifty to eighty in a rosette, rigid, ensifonn, lift to 2ft long, 2in. to 2iin. broad in the middle, dull green, with numerous darker green lines on the back; terminal point lin. long; side spines numerous, strongly hooked, lanceolate. Stemless. Mexico. A. Hooker! (Hooker's).* JL large, yellow, very numerous, in stalked pamcled cymes. I. thirty to forty in a sessile rosette, 8ft or 9ft in diameter, oblanceolate-spathulate, bright green on the face, rather glaucous on the back, 4ft to 5ft. long, Sin to 9in broad, 2in to 3in. thick ; terminal spine 2in. long, and decurrent for nearly half a foot ; face flattish or slightly concave ; side prickles bregater, brown and horny, about Jin. long, and curved in different directions. Mexico. SYN. A. Fenzliana. A rare and noble species, very massive. A. horrlda (horrid).* fl. unknown. I. thirty to forty in a dense rosette, tirid, lanceolate-spathulate, Sin. to I2in. long* lin to 2in broad, bright green ; terminal .spine pungent, nearly lin. long; U US br ad W b rder> ^ 11/11 fc. .v v>,p^ UV/I'H I four large spines on each side. Mexico, 1873. \^ -^T 10 ? (smoother). I. somewhat narrower, longer, with MexTcofl8?0. neS " gy devel P ed - "d f * paler colour. *&ES^#SS%^^ ^n^KTn\ttSNo^ der f ^ ."' and A. Jacobiana (Jacob's). Synonymous with A. Salmiana. A. Kcrchovci (Kerchove's).* Jl. unknown. I. thirty to forty in i stemless rosette, stiff, rigid, typically ensiform, 6in. to 12in long ijm. to ody-spined). fl. green, 1 Jin. long ; sp dense, rather shorter than the scape, its bracts scape 5ft. to 6ft. long, its bracts subulate, all ascendini ones 6in. to Sin. long. I. not more than twenty in a stem 42 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Agave continued. nsiform, diverging irregularly and often curving, lift, to 3ft. long, 2in to 3in (rarely 4in.)t>road at the middle, narrowed gradually upwards, a slightly glaucous dead green, marked with a few darker green lines on the back, furnished with a broad continuous horny border and a few very large irregular hooked teeth, often united or collected in pairs, iin. to Jin. long, and |in. to iin. broad ; terminal spine brown, pungent, Iin. long. Mexico. A long- known, widely-spread, and distinct species. SYNS. A. amurensui and A. Vcmderdonckii. L x. fcybrida is a striking dwarf variety with vittate leaves, and smaller, more crowded deltoid-cuspidate prickles than in the type. It is also commonly known as A. x. vittata and A. pertella. FIG. 48. AGAVE YUCC.EFOLIA. A. ynccwfolla(Yucca-leaved).* fl. greenish yellow, IJin. to liin. long, in a dense spike 6in. to 15in. long, about Win. in diameter sessile, solitary, or in pairs ; scape 12ft. to 20ft. high. I. twenty to forty in a dense, shortly-stemmed rosette, linear, much re- curved, lift, to 24ft. long, tta to Iin. broad at the middle ; face deeply channelled, dull, rather glaucous green, with a pale band down the centre, the tip not at all pungent, the back broadly rounded, edge entire, or obscurely serrulate. Mexico, 1816. A most distinct species. See Fig. 48. AGERATTJM (from a, not, and geras, old ; in reference to the flowers being always clear). SYN. Ccelestina. OED. Composite. This genus includes several American species, for the most part half-hardy annuals and biennials ; or, if the seed is not allowed to ripen, they become perennials. Involucre cup-shaped, of many imbricated linear bracts; re- ceptacle naked. Leaves opposite. A light rich soil is most suitable. Very easily increased by cuttings or seeds ; if required true, the former is the only sure method of pro- pagation. To grow large plants for greenhouse decora- tion, sow the Reeds in January, in heat, in sandy soil, Ageratum continued. barely covering them. As soon as the young plants are large enough, prick them off into thumb pots, and keep in heat till they grow freely, then place them into a cooler house. Transfer into larger pots as soon as the others are full of roots, until they are finally shifted into lOin. or 12in. pots. When these are full of roots, the plants should be watered with liquid manure twice a week, and they soon flower well, making fine specimens. During hot weather especially, they should be well syringed with clear water daily, to keep down red spider. The plants required for bedding (for which purpose the dwarf garden varieties are mostly used) should be raised about the same time, kept in small pots, gradually hardened off, and planted out in the middle or end of June. Cuttings of all the varieties strike readily in heat, treated like most soft-wooded plants, and, when rooted, may be managed as recommended for the seedlings. A. Lasseauxii (Lasseaux's). fl.-heads rose-coloured, small, dis- posed in corymbose heads. Summer. L lanceolate-elliptic, h. lift. to 2ft. Monte Video, 1870. A much-branched plant, requiring greenhouse protection in winter, and suitable for planting out in summer. A. latifoliuxn (broad-leaved). A synonym of Piqueria lattfolia. A. mexlcanum (Mexican).* The commonest and most useful species, with a profusion of lilac-blue flowers, h. 2ft. Mexico, 1822. When used for bedding purposes it may be pegged down like the Verbena, or be allowed to grow its full height. Several very dwarf varieties of it have originated under cultivation, which supersede the species for bedding, the best of which are : CUPID,* rich blue, very dwarf and floriferous ; IMPERIAL DWARF, about 9in. high, with porcelain blue flowers ; LADY JANE, of the same colour, very free ; QUEEN,* silvery grey, about 9in. high ; SNOWFLAKE,* white, very free and showy ; SWANLEY BLUE,* very deep blue, 6in. to Sin. high. There is also a white-flowered variety of Mexicanum, which is very showy ; and a variegated form, sometimes grown for the sake of its pretty foliage. AGGLOMERATE, AGGLOMERATED. Col- lected into a heap or head. AGGLUTINATED. Glued together. AGGREGATE, AGGREGATED. Gathered to- gether ; usually applied to the inflorescence. AGLAIA (mythological: from Aglaia, the name of one of the Graces, and given to this genus on account of its beauty and the sweet scent of the flowers). OBT>. Meliacece. Stove evergreen trees or shrubs having very small flowers, dis- posed in branched axillary panicles. Leaves alternate, tri- foliate, or impari-pinnate. There are several species, but the undermentioned is the only one worth growing yet introduced. It thrives well in a mixture of turfy loam and peat. Young cuttings ripened at the base, and taken off at a joint, will root in sand under a hand glass, in heat. A. odorata (sweet-scented). /. yellow, small, in axillary racemes, very sweet-scented, said to be used by the Chinese to scent their teas. February to May. I. pinnate, with five or seven glossy leaflets, h. 8ft! to 10ft. China, 1810. AGLAOMORFHA. See Folypodinm. AGLAONEMA (from aglaos, bright, and nema, a thread ; supposed to refer to the shining stamens). OBD. Aroidece. Stove perennials, allied to Arum, and requiring similar treatment to the stove species of that genus. A. commutatum (changed).* /. white. I. greyish-blotched. h. 1ft. Philippines, 1863. SYN. A. marantcefolium maculatum. A. MnnnH (Mann's).* fl., spathe 2in. long, whitish, with a spadix one-third shorter, bearing white anthers and scarlet ovaries. I. elliptic-oblong, dark green. Stems thickish, erect, h. lift. Victoria Mountains, 1868. A, marantsefolium maculatum (Maranta-leaved, spotted). A synonym of A. commutatum. A. pictuxn (painted).* fl., spathe pale creamy yellow, folded round so as to appear globular-oblong, opening at top ; spadix projecting, white. August. I. elliptic-acuminate, light green, blotched irre- gularly with broadish angulate patches of grey. Stems slender, erect, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Borneo. AGNOSTUS. AGRAFHIS. See Stenocarpus. Included under Scilla (which see). AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. AGBJMONIA (from argos, white ; the cataract of the eye being white. Once reputed to contain medicinal qualities). Agrimony. OBD. Rosacece. A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, with interruptedly pinnate leaves, each accom- panied by a pair of stipules united to the petioles. Flowers small, numerous, spiked ; calyx turbinate, involucrated by bristles ; petals five. They are all of the easiest culture, growing in ordinary soil. Readily increased by root- division. The most showy species in cultivation are described below. A Eupatorta (Eupatoria). fl. yellow, on an elongated spike. I. with elliptic-oblong, coarsely serrated leaflets, odd one stalked. h. If t to 2ft. Britain. A nepalensis (Nepaul). JL yellow, on erect, slender racemes. I. with ovate, serrated leaflets, odd one stalked, villous. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Nepaul, 1820. A odorata (sweet-scented).* fl. yellow ; spikes several. I. with oblong lanceolate, deeply crenate-toothed leaflets, hairy. A. 2ft. to 3ft. Italy, 1640. AGRIMONY. See Agrimonia. AGRIOTES. See Wire-worm. AGROSTEMMA (from agros, a field, and stemma, a crown ; alluding to the beauty of the flowers, which were formerly made into crowns or garlands). Rose Campion. OBD. Caryophyllece. Hardy evergreen perennials and annuals, with broadish leaves, and one-flowered peduncles. Of easy culture, and well adapted for borders. They will all grow freely in common garden soil. Increased by division of the roots, and seed. A. cceli-rosa, and A. flos-Jovis are, perhaps, species of Lychnis, but the generic name which we have adopted is the most common one. All the species of this genus are exceedingly pretty free- flowering plants, and both annuals and perennials are well worth growing. A cceli-rosa (rose of Heaven).* fl. delicate rose, white, or bright purple, solitary, terminal, Summer. Levant, . Rotarere. 46 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Alchemilla continued. Hardy herbaceous perennials, with corymbose, apetalous flowers ; calyx tubular, with the tube rather contracted at the apex. Leaves palmate or lobed. Of very easy culture, in common, but well drained soil. They are well adapted for rockwork and planting near the front of borders. Easily increased by divisions of the roots, and seeds. All here described are hardy, except A. sibbaldicefolia. A. alplna (alpine).* Jl. greenish, small ; corymbose. June. L digitate; leaflets five to seven, lanceolate-cuneated, obtuse, serrated, clothed with white satiny down beneath. h. 6m. Britain. A. pnbescens (pubescent), ft. greenish; corymbs terminal, crowded, clothe i.merica, 1840. A. a. rubrum (red).'/- deep red-purple ; in other respects like the type. California. A. ascalonicum (Eschallot). yirpurple ; umbels globose ; scape rounded. Summer. 1. subulate, h. 9in. Palestine, 1546. For culture, see Shallot. A. azureum (sky-blue.)* fl. deep sky-blue, with a dark line through the middle of each division ; umbels dense, globular, longer than the spathes which envelop them before expanding. Summer. 1. triangular, from 6in. to 12in. long. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Siberia, 1830. One of the handsomest species grown. A. Bidwelli (Mrs. Bidwell's).* fl. bright rose, about iin. across, in few-flowered umbels. July. I. narrow, rather Ion stem. h. 2m. to 3in. Sierra Nevada, little species for the rockery. longer than the A very charming A. Brewer! (Brewer's).* fl. deep rose, nearly or quite lin. across, in few-flowered umbels. July. I. much longer than the flower- stem, iin. or more broad, h. lin. to 3in. California, 1882. A. Cepa (common Onion), fl. white ; scape ventricose, longer than the leaves. June, July. 1. flstular, rounded. A. 3ft. For cul- ture, nee Onion. A. C. aggregatum. Aggregated, Tree, or Potato Onion. SM Onion. Allitim continued. A. coaruleum (blue-flowered).* fl. blue, in large compact globu- lar heads June. h. 8in. Russia, 1840. Very distinct. A. Douglas!! (Douglas'). Synonymous with A. unifolium. A. Erdelll (Erdel's). A. white, keeled with green, in compact mbeta h. bin. Palestine, 1879. A rare but pretty species, and should be planted in a warm position on the rockery. A. falcifolium (sickle-leaved).* fl. pale rose, }in. to }in. across, in few-flowered umbels. August, J. two in number, thick, broadly linear, falcate, h. 2in. to Sin. North- West America, 1880. A. falcifonne (sickle-formed). Probably a variety of A. uni- fiSum witli pure white flowers, in several-flowered umbels. A. 6in.' California, 1882. A flavnm (golden), fl. yellow, bell-shaped, and somewhat droop- ins in pretty umbels ; scape leafy at the base. I. round, not hofiow, Ctish above the base. A. about 1ft. Italy, 1759. A slender species. A. fragrans. See Nothoscordum. A. karatavlense (Karatavian). fl. white, in dense globose heads. May. I. very broad, flat, glaucous, sometimes variegated. h. 6in. Turkestan, 1878. A. Macnatolanum (MacNab's).* fl. deep magenta, a colour quite unique in this family, in large umbels. I. nearly as lon^ as the stem, channelled, about Jin. broad, h. 1ft. North America, (enchanting). Synonymous with A. nlgrum. FIG. 58. ALLIUM MOLT. A. Moly (Moly).* fl. bright yellow, numerous, in compact umbels. Spring I. few, broadly lanceolate. Stem sub-cylindricaL h. lOin. to 15in. South Europe, 1604. A very old favourite; bright- flowered and very fine in masses. See Fig. 58. A. Mnrrayannm (Murray's).* fl. rosy purple, in large_ heads. I. narrow, longer than the stem. A. 1ft. North America. A good variety of A. ocuminatum. A. mntabile (changeable). /. white, changing to rose, in many- flowered umbels. July. I. shorter than the stem, narrow, chan- nelled, ft. 12in. to 24in. North America, 1824. A. neapoUtanum (Neapolitan).* fl. white, with green stamens, numerous, in a loose umbel, on stems exceeding the leaves in length ; pedicels much longer than the flowers. Early summer. I. two or three, sheathing the flower stem, strap-shaped, about lin. across, ft. 15in. to 18m. South Europe, 1823. Probably the most ornamental white-flowered species. A. nevadense (Sierra Nevada), fl. white, or pale rose, about -Jin. across, in several-flowered umbels. July. I. flat, rather longer than the stem, about Jin. wide. ft. Sin. to 6in. Sierra Nevada and Utah, 1882. A, nlgrnm (blackish).* /. dull violet, or whitish, with a green vein, very numerous, in a large umbel. Summer. 1. thick, broadly lanceolate, acute, ciliated, toothed at the edges, at first erect and glaucescent, afterwards green and spreading, much shorter than the stem. ft. 2jft. to Sift. South of Europe. Very vigorous and free flowering. SYN. A. magicum. A. paradoxum (wonderful), fl. white, gracefully pendulous, borne on long footstalks springing from little nests of yellow bulbils. Spring. 1. one or two, as long as the scape, linear- lanceolate, acute, keeled, striated, smooth, iin. broad, drooping and recurved. A. 9m. to Win. Siberia, 1823. A. pedemontannm (Piedmont).* fl. rosy-purple, large, bell- shaped, in large, graceful drooping clusters. July. I. lanceolate, shorter than the stein. Piedmont, 1817. A neat little plant for rockwork, or warm border. One of the handsomest species grown. A. reticulatum (netted), fl. varying from pink to white. Summer. I. narrow, or almost filiform, shorter than the stem. A. 9in. to 15in. North-West America, 1882. A rare species. A. r. attenulfolium (attenuate-leaved).* This may be regarded as an extremely handsome white-flowered variety. North-West America. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 49 Allium continued. A. rosenm (rose-coloured).* /. pale lilac-rose, large, in umbels of ten or twelve; stems round, rather longer than the leaves. Summer. I. strap-shaped, channelled, rolled inwards at the top, not hairy, h. 12in. to 16in. South Europe, 1752. A. sativum (cultivated). Garlic, ft. white ; umbel bulbiferous. Summer. 1. flat. h. lift. Sicily, 1548. For culture, see Garlic. A. BChcenoprasuxn (Rush-leaved Onion). Chives. JL purple ; umbel many-flowered, globose, without bulbils. June and July. I. cylindrical, somewhat tapering towards the point ; stem with one leaf, or naked, h. 1ft. England. For cultivation, see Chives. A. Scorodoprasum. Rocambole ; Sand Leek, ft., perianth iin. long, the segments red-purple, with white margins ; head loose- flowered, with purple bulbils ; scape slender. May to August 1. bin. to Sin. long, flat, keeled, the edges scabrid. h. 3ft Europe (Britain), 1596. See also Rocambole. A. sphserocephalum (globe-headed).* fl. densely packed in a subspherical head ; in a bud state the upper ones are reddish- purple, the lower green. June. I. narrow, shorter than the long terete stems, h. lift, to 2jft South Europe, 1759. A. stramineum (straw-coloured), fl. yellow, in dense globular umbels. July. 1. narrow, shorter than the stems, h. lift, to 2ft. Siberia. A, strlatnm (striated). See Nothoscor dum. A. triquetrum (three-cornered), fl. white, somewhat bell-shaped, with a narrow streak of pure green down each petal, in a loose, slightly drooping umbel, on erect triangular stems shorter than the leaves. Summer. I. green, broadly strap-shaped, keeled in a triangular manner, sometimes very long. h. 12in. to 18in. South Europe, 1789. A. nnifolium (one-leaved). H. bright rose. July. A. 1ft. to 2ft. California, 1873. A handsome species, from California, resembling A. roseum, but differing from all known species by the circum- stance that its bulbs are developed at a distance from each other, and are connected by a thread-like rhizome, iin. to lin. long SYN. A. Douglatii. A. nrsinum (bear). Broad- leaved Garlic ; Ramsons. fl. pure white, with acute perianth segments ; umbel level at top ; scape tri- angular. Summer. I. one or two, radical, ovate-lan- ceolate, stalked, large, bright green. h. 1ft. Britain. See Fig. 59. A. validum (strong), fl. pure white or rose- coloured, in large, rather drooping umbels. Sum- mer. I. Jin. to iin. broad, nearly as long as the stem. h. 12in. to 30in. Oregon and California, 1881. A pretty species. A. Vlotorialis (Vic- toria's), fl. greenish- white, in many-flowered, spicate umbels. May. I. broadly ovate-oblong, channelled, shorter than the stem. h. lift, to 2ft. Southern and Eastern Europe, 1739. Conspicuous from its broad leaves. Rare. ALLOBB.OGIA. A synonym of Paradisia (which see). ALLOCHLAMYS. A synonym of Pleuropetaltun (which see). ALLOFH YliLTTS. A synonym, of Schmidelia (which see). ALLOPLECTUS (from allos, diverse, and pleco, to plait ; the calyx appears as if it was plaited in diverse direc- tions). ORD. Gesneraceae. Very handsome stove evergreen shrubs. Corolla tubular or club-shaped, straightish ; calyx coloured. Leaves opposite, one in each pair smaller than the other, petiolate, fleshy, scattered or decumbent, or erect, the under surface generally reddish; branches opposite. For cultivation, see Gesnera. A. bleolor (two-coloured), fl. yellow, purple; corolla pilose; pedicels axillary, one-flowered. June. I. ovate, oblong, acu- minate, denticulate, pilose above, downy beneath ; branches tetragonal, h. 1ft. New Grenada, 1840. Plant erect, rather woody. A. capitatus (headed), fl. capitate ; sepals red, leafy ; corolla silky, ventricose above the middle ; peduncles axillary. March. L large, ovate, serrated, downy, reddish beneath. Stem bluntly tetragonal, red. h. 2ft. South America, 1847. A. dichrous (two-coloured), fl. purple, yellow, axillary, crowded, nearly sessile. I. ovate-lanceolate, quite entire, pubescent. Brazil, 1845. A climber. FIG. 59. ALLIUM URSINUJ Alloplectus continued. A. peltatus (peltate-leaved).* fl. whitish, about 2ih. long, in axillary tufts. August. 1. opposite, one is lin. to 2in. long, and the other 6in. to 9in. long, and 2in. wide, oblong, shortly acumi- nate, rounded, peltate at the base, and raised on stout foot- stalks, lin. to 2in. long. h. 1ft. Costa Rica, 1877. A. repens (creeping), fl. yellow; corolla with curved tube, four Tobed ; sepals ovate, spotted ; peduncles axillary, solitary. February. /. ovate, rather fleshy, serrate, on short petioles. St. Martha, 1845. Plant downy ; an evergreen trailer. A. vittatns (striped), fl., calyx crimson; corolla pale yellow; terminal and fasciculate, surrounded by vivid red f oliaceous bracts. 1. large, shortly-stalked, broadly-ovate, of a deep velvety green, having a broad greyish-green band down the centre, branching off along the course of the principal veins. Stems erect, fleshy. Peru, 1870. A. zamorensls (Zamora).* fl. yellow ; sepals orange-red, h. 1ft. Columbia, 1875. ALLOSORUS. See Cryptogramme and Pellsea. ALLOTMENT GARDENS. A system of assigning small portions of land to be cultivated by labourers after their ordinary day's work. The following are the most important rules to be carried out ; but, should occasion arise, other rules must be made to meet particular cases : 1. Each Allotment should consist of a rood of land (=i acre) to be let yearly at a rent of not more than 10s. 2. The Allotment to be let for one year only, to be re-let to the same occupier, provided his character has beeu satis- factory during the preceding year. 3. The rent shall be considered due at Michaelmas. If it remains unpaid for one month after that date, the Allot- ment shall be forfeited. 4. The Allotment to be cultivated solely by spade hus- bandry, and the same crop shall not be planted on the same part two years in succession. 5. Separate Allotments shall be divided by a space not less than 18in. 6. Any occupier trespassing on his neighbour's Allotment, or in anyway interfering or damaging the same, shall not be allowed to hold his Allotment after the expiration of the year. ALLSPICE. -S'.'e Calycantlms. ALLSPICE TREE. See Fimenta. ALMEIDEA (in "honour of J. E. P. de Almeida, a Brazilian, who was of great assistance to St. Hilaire while travelling in Brazil). ORD. Rutacece. Stove trees or shrubs with alternate, simple, entire, stalked leaves. Eacemes terminal, divided at the apex into compound thyrse-like panicles. The undermentioned species will grow freely in a mixture of loam, sand, and peat. Partly ripened cuttings will root in sand under a hand glass, in heati A. rubra (red), fl. pink ; petals very blunt ; racemes compound. September. I. lanceolate, acute at base. A. 12ft. Brazil, 1849. Evergreen shrub. ALMOND. See Amygdalns. ALMOND-LEAVED WILLOW. See Saliz tri- audra. ALNUS (from al, near, and Ian, the bank of a river ; general habitat of the genus). The Alder Tree. ORD. BetnlaceoB. A genus of deciduous trees and shrubs. Flowers monoecious ; barren ones in long drooping au- tumnal catkins, lasting through the winter ; fertile ones, produced in spring, in oval catkins, resembling a fir-cone in shape, the fleshy scales of which beconie indurated and ligneous as they approach maturity.' Leaves stalked, roundish, blunt. Propagated usually by seeds, which are gathered towards the end of October ; they require to be well dried, in order that the cones do not become mouldy. The seeds are sprinkled lightly on the ground with the slightest possible covering. Towards the end of the year, the seedlings will be about lOin. high. They are then planted in rows lft. apart, and 6in. from each other, where they may remain for two years, after which they can be placed out in the situations where they are intended to stand. Planting is best done in November or March ; and, if it is designed to make a plantation of n 60 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Ainu* continued. Alder, the young trees should be put in holes, made with an ordinary garden spade, about 9in. deep, and about 4ft. apart. They are also increased, but rarely, by cuttings, by suckers, and by grafting. k a5SSaraa^4Kn^ag acuminate, dark green, and shining, h. 15ft to 50ft. Calabria and Naples, 1820. A large, very distinct, and handsome round- headed tree. It grows rapidly in dry soil, and is one of the most interesting of ornamental trees. A. firma (firm).* I oval lanceolate, acuminate, sharply serrated, ^nanjMnerved. Japan. One of the most distinct of all the Alders. &&*&!** "<*\ ked . clustered, ovoid, glutinous and smooth or Fio. 60. ALNUS GMJTINOSA, showing Catkins and Fruit A. glntlnosa (sticky)*, barren catkins long, large, and cylindrical, pendent, their footstalks branched, .fertile calking small, ovate, with deep red scales. Spring. I. roundish-cuneiform, obtuse lobed at the margin, and serrated, somewhat glutinous, downy in the axils of the nerves beneath, h. 50ft. to 60ft. Britain. The Alder affects moist and damp situations, and, as it grows quickly, it is a useful tree to plant hi bare situations. It is valuable as a nurse to other trees by the sea-side. See Fig. 60. A. g. anrea (golden).* I. golden colour. A. g. inoisa (incised).* Compact form, with leaves quite like those of common Hawthorn. SYN. A. g. oxyacanthifolia. A. g. lacinlata (cut).* 1. oblong and pinnatittd, with the lobes acute. This has elegant drooping branches and Fern-like leaves, and is one of the best. A. g. oxyacanthifolia (sharp-prickled). Synonymous with A. g. A. g. qnercifolia (Oak-leaved).* l. with a sinuate outline, like that of the common Oak. A very distinct form. The variety \mperialis (=atplenifolia) slightly differs in its more or less lobed or cut foliage ; A. g. variegata is a variegated form. softly downy beneath, serrate, with very" sharp and closely~set teeth. Mountainous regions of northern hemisphere. ALOCASIA (from a, without, and Colocasia). Allied to Colocaaia. OBD. Aroidece (Araceos). Stove plants of great beauty, often with large and handsomely variegated usually peltate, leaves, and shortly petiolate, glaucous spathes They are not difficult to grow, with a strong moist heat and n abundant supply of water to the roots. The soil should Alocaaia continued. consist of fibrous peat, with a little light fibry loam, in large lumps ; to this add a good proportion of sphagnum and lumps of charcoal, with plenty of silver sand. Keep the bulbs and soil raised well above the rim of the pots, and finish off with a surfacing of either sphagnum or cocoanut fibre. The latter will soon encourage new root- lets. Crock the pot quite two-thirds up with clean, broken potsherds. Water freely when in good growth, and give liquid manure once or twice a week through the growing season. Shade during bright sunshine in the spring and summer months. Increased by seeds and division of the stems or rhizome. Winter temperature, 60deg. to 65deg. ; summer, 75deg. to 85deg. See also Caladium and Colocasia. A. alba (white), fl. white, h. IJft. Java, 1854. A. amabilis (lovely). Synonymous with A. lonyiloba. A. chelsonil (Chelsea).* An interesting hybrid between A. cuprea and A. longiloba. I. large, upper surface deep green, glossy and metallic, under side purplish, as in A. cuprea. A. cucullata (hood-leaved), ft. green, whitish. Spring, h. 2ft. India, 1826. A. cuprea (coppery).* ft., spathe purplish-red, with short lamina. I. cordate-ovate, peltate, deflexed, 12m. to 18in. long, rich bronze colour, purple beneath. h. 2ft. Borneo, 1860. SY.NS. A. metattica, Xanthosoma plumbea. A. glgantea (gigantic). Synonymous with A. longiloba. ^guttata (spotted). ft., spathe white, spotted with purple, leafstalk also spotted, h. 2Jft. Borneo, 1879. A. hybrida (hybrid).* A cross between A. Lowii and A. cuprea. 1. elliptic in outline, with a very short acuminate point, and very slightly parted at the base, deep olive-tinted green on the upper surface, having stout, well-defined ribs, and the margin of an ivory white ; dull purple at the back. A. illustris (brighl). 1. ovate-sagittate, rich green, with olive- black patches, deflezed, lift, long. India, 1873. A. Jennings!! (Jennings's).* I. peltate, cordate-ovate, acuminate, with their blades deflexed from the top of the erect mottled stalks, ground colour green, surface marked with large wedge- shaped blotches of dark brown ; veins bright green, 6in. to 8in. long. India, 1867. A very distinct and free growing species. A. Johnston! (Johnston's).* I. semi-erect, arrow-shaped, pel- tate, the front lobe being about 12in. long, and the two back lobes 14in. long and divergent, olive-green, prettily variegated and strikingly veined with bright rosy red. The leafstalks are fur- nished at intervals with irregular whorls of stiff spines, the points of which are turned upwards. Stem darkly mottled with flesh- coloured bands just above the spines. Solomon Isles, 1875. This plant has quite a unique appearance. A. Llervalil (Lierval's). I. bright green. Philippines, 1869. A. longiloba (long-lobed). I. large, sagittate, with the upper part spreading put, green, with silvery veins, h. 4ft. Java, 1864. SY.NS. A. ainabilis, A. gigantea. A. Lowii (Low's), ft., spathe white. 1. cordate-sagittate, 14in. to 16in. long, peltate, deflexed, olive-green, with thick white ribs, deep purple beneath. Borneo, 1862. A. maororhiza (long-rooted), fl. green, whitish, h. 5ft. Polynesia. A. m. variegata (variegated). I. large, somewhat cordate, with slightly waved margins, bright green, blotched and marbled with white, sometimes nearly quite white ; footstalks broadly streaked with pure white. Ceylon. A very striking and effective large growing plant. A. MarrftallH (Marshall's). I. green, with dark blotches, and broad central silvery band. India, 1811. A. metallioa (metallic). Synonymous with A. cuprea. A. navlcularis (boat-shaped spathe). ft., spathe boat-shaped, whitish. A. 1ft. India, 1855. A. Roozlil. See Caladium marmoratum. A. scabriuscula (roughish).* /., spathe entirely white ; limb Sin. long, oblong, cuspidate. I. spreading, not deflexed, sagittate, not hi the least peltate, deep shining green above, pale green beneath, extreme length 22in. to 31in. h. 4ft. to 4Jft. North- West Borneo, 1878. Although this is not such an ornamental species as A. Lowii, A. Thibautiana, or A. cuprea, it has the merit of being a much larger and bolder plant than either of these, and is one of the largest species in the genus. A. Sedeni (Seden's).* A hybrid between A. Lowii and A. cuprea. I. oval, cordate, sagittate, deflexed, bronzy green, purple beneath, veins distinct ivory white. A. Thibautiana (Thibaut's).* I. ovate-acute, deeply cordate ; basal lobes rounded and not sharply pointed, deep olive greyish-green, traversed by numerous grey veinlets branching from the midrib, which is greyish-white, purple beneath. Borneo, 1878. This is said to be by far the finest of the genus. A. variegata (variegated), ft. whitish. I, leafstalk mottled with AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 51 Alocasia continued. A. zebrina (zebra). I. erect, broadly sagittate, rich dark green borne up n stout footstalks, which are pale green, mottled and striped with zigzag bands of dark green. A. 4ft. or more. Philip- pine Isles, 1862. AIiOE (from Alloeh, its Arabic name). Allied genera : Apicra, Haworthia, Pachidendron, Phylloma. Including Rhipodendron. OKD. Liliacece. This hitherto much confused genus, and its allies, have been completely revised by Mr. J. G. Baker (vide "Journal of the Linnean Society," vol. xxviii. pp. 152 182), to whose account we are in- debted for many of the following particulars : Plant with or without stems ; shrubs or (rarely) trees ; leaves thick, fleshy, frequently in a rosette ; peduncles simple or racemed, endowed with few or many empty bracts. Flowers racemed ; pedicels bracteated at base, solitary ; perianth-tube straight or slightly recurved ; segments elongated ; stamens hypo- gynous, as long as the perianth, or longer. Mr. Baker describes over eighty species, many of which, for various and important reasons, have no claim upon our space. Natives of the Cape of Good Hope, except where otherwise stated. These very interesting and curious plants thrive well in a mixture of open loam and peat, together with a small quantity of well decomposed manure. If old brick rubbish, or any other similar material is mixed with the soil to ensure perfect and rapid drainage, so much the better. Water, especially during winter, must be carefully administered. They thrive in an ordinary greenhouse, and cannot have too much light at any time. A. abyssinica (Abyssinian).* /?., perianth twelve to fifteen lines long; raceme dense-oblong, 3in. to 4in. long, and 2in. to 3in. broad ; lower pedicels nine to twelve lines long ; peduncle branched, lift, to 2ft. I. about twenty in a rosette, ensiform, lift. to 2ift. long, acuminate, green, sometimes spotted, five to six lines thick in middle ; back rounded ; marginal prickles distant, deltoid, one to two lines long. Stem simple, 1ft. to 2ft. long, 2in. to Sin. in diameter. Abyssinia, 1777. SYN. A., maculata. A. a. Peacock!! (Peacock's). This is a rare variety. A. afrlcana (African). /., perianth yellow, fifteen to eighteen lines long ; racemes dense, 1ft. in length, Sin. in diameter ; peduncle very strong, branched. I. in a dense rosette, ensiform, lift, to 2ft. long, 2iin. to Sin. broad, slowly narrowing from base to the apex, channelled above the middle, where it is four to five lines thick ; half to two lines long. Stem marginal prickles close, one and a simple, when fully grown, 20ft. A. albispina (white-spined).* Jl., perianth red, llin. long ; raceme dense, nearly 1ft long, 4in. broad ; lower pedicels fifteen to eighteen lines long ; peduncles simple, lift. I. loosely disposed, lanceolate, ascending, oin. to Sin. long, 2in. broad, green, without spots or lines; face concave upwards; middle three to four lines thick; back sparingly tubercled ; marginal prickles white, horny, two lines long. Stem simple, short, lin. to liin. in diameter. 1796. A. albocincta (white-banded).* Jl., perianth brilliant red, ten to twelve lines long ; racemes twenty or more, shortly capitate, 2in. to 2iin. in diameter when expanded ; pedicels ascending, six to nine lines long; scape stout, branched, lift, to 2ft.; I. twelve to twenty in a dense rosette, outer ones recurved, lanceolate, lift, to 2ft. long, 4in. to 6in. broad, glaucous, obscurely lined and spotted ; middle three to four lines thick ; margin red or white tinted. Stems in old specimens, 1ft. to 2ft. long, Sin. to 4in. in diameter. SYNS. A. Hanburyana, A. paniculata, and A. striata. A. arborescens (tree-like).* /..perianth red, fifteen to eighteen lines long ; raceme dense, about 1ft ; pedicels ascending, twelve to fifteen lines long ; peduncles strong, lift., simple or branched. I. (rosette 3ft. to 4ft in diameter) dense, aggregate, ensiform, lift to 2ft. ; base 2in. broad, thence to apex attenuated, acu- minated, green, rather glaucous, without spots or lines ; middle three to four lines long ; base five to six lines thick ; upper sur- face beyond the base channelled ; marginal prickles close, one and a half to two lines long, horny. Stem simple, finally 10ft to 12ft. long, 2in. to Sin. in diameter. 1700. A. a. frntescens (shrubby). Dwarfer. L often loose, and shorter, intensely glaucous ; peduncle simple. Stem slender, sometimes racemosed. A. aristata (awned). Jl., perianth red, fourteen to sixteen lines long ; raceme simple, loose, 4in. to 6in. long, and about 4in. broad ; pedicels sub-patent, thirteen to eighteen lines long ; scape simple, 1ft high. I. about fifty in a dense rosette, ascending, lanceolate, Sin. to 4in. long, six to eightlines broad, without spots or lines ; face flat, sparingly tubercled ; middle one and a half lines thick ; back copiously tubercled ; apex bearded with a pellucid awn ; marginal teeth diffuse, white, half line long. 1824. A. Bainesii (Baines').* fl., perianth fifteen to sixteen lines long, yellowish red ; raceme simple, dense, oblong, Sim. to 4in. in diameter when expanded ; pedicels thick, two to three lines long ; peduncles upright, strong, eight to nine lines hi diameter. I. closely Aloe continued. packed at the top of the branch, ensiform, 1ft. to lift, long, 2in. to Sin. in diameter, green, spotted, deeply channelled, recurved ; middle two to three lines thick ; marginal prickles pale, rather distant, one to one and a half lines long. Arborescent, branched. A. 40ft. to 60ft.; trunk 4ft. to 5ft in diameter. SYNS. A. Barbtrae, A. Zeyheri. A. barbadensis (Barbadoes). Synonymous with A. vera. A. Barberaa (Barber's). Synonymous with A. Bainesii. A. brevlfolia (short-leaved).* Jl., perianth red, fifteen to eighteen lines long; raceme dense, 6in., long, 2 Jin. to Sin. in diameter; pedicels upright, six to twelve lines long ; peduncles simple, hardly 1ft. long. I. thirty to forty in a dense rosette, lanceolate, Sin. to 4in. long, and lin. broad at the base, glaucous, without spots or lines ; face unarmed, below swollen or flat ; middle three to four lines thick ; back convex, sparingly tubercled ; marginal teeth, whitish, one to one and a half lines long. Stem short, simple. SYN. A. proHfera. A. b. depressa (depressed). Jl. somewhat larger ; peduncles lift. to 2ft long. I. 6in. long ; bottom liin. to 2in. broad ; face some- times sparingly tubercled. A. csesia (bluish-grey).* JL , perianth red, fifteen to sixteen lines long ; racemes dense, nearly 1ft long, 2in. to Sin. in diameter ; pedicels twelve to fifteen lines long; scape simple, 6in. I. rather dense, lanceolate acuminate, 1ft to lift ; bottom 2in. to Sin. broad, intensely glaucous, without spot or lines, slightly channelled upwards ; middle Sin. to 4in. thick ; marginal prickles red, one to one and a half lines long. Stem simple, finally, in old specimens, 12ft. to 14ft 1815. A. Candollei (De Candolle's). A mere form of A. humilis. A. chinensis (Chinese). Jl., perianth yellow, lin. long ; raceme loose, simple, oin. to Sin. long, and 2in. broad; pedicels one and a half to two lines long ; peduncle simple, 6in. to 12in. I. fifteen to twenty in a dense rosette, ensiform, 9in. to 12in. long, Uin. broad at the bottom, pale green, not lined ; base nearly flat ; middle three to four lines thick; upper surface channelled; marginal prickles distant, pale, one to one and a half lines long. Stem short, simple. China, 1817. A. ciliata (ciliated).* JL, perianth brilliant red, twelve to fifteen lines long ; raceme simple, lo four lines oose, 2in. to 4in. long ; pedicels three to peduncles slender, simple. I. linear, widely ' spreading, amplexicaul, green, 4in. to 6m. long ; base six to nine lines broad, slowly narrowing towards the apex, without spots or lines ; middle one line thick ; marginal teeth minute, white. Stems long, sarmentose ; branches three to four lines in diameter ; inter- nodes six to twelve lines long, obscurely striated with green. 1826. A. Commelyni (Commelin's). A mere form of A. mitrceformis. A. consobrina (related). /., perianth yellowish red, twelve to fifteen lines long; raceme rather loose, oblong, cylindrical, 3in. to 4in. long, and 2in. in diameter ; pedicels three to four lines long ; scape lift., slender, branched. I. loosely disposed, ensiform, 6in. to Sin. long, and lin. broad, green, spotted white ; face channelled; middle three lines thick; marginal prickles minute, brownish ; rosette lOin. to 12in. (sometimes 2ft.) in dia- meter ; upper leaves ascending ; central ones spreading half open ; lower ones deflexed. Stem 2ft, simple, lin. in diameter. Souh Africa, 1845. A. Cooper! (Cooper's).* JL, .perianth fifteen to eighteen lines long; raceme close, Sin. to 6in. long, and Sin. to 4in. in diameter ; lower pedicels lin. to 2in. long ; scape simple, lift, to 2ft L when mature, Sin. to lOin. long, distichous, falcate, lined; outer ones lift to 2ft, above the base six to eight lines broad, greenish, deeply channelled, sparingly spotted ; middle one and a half to two lines thick ; marginal teeth minute, close, white. Plant stemless. Natal, 1862. SYN. A. Schmidtiana. A. dichotoma (two-branched).* Quiver-tree. Jl., perianth oblong, ten to twelve lines long ; raceme loose, 2in. to 4in. long, and 2in. in diameter ; pedicels three to four lines long ; peduncles stout branched. I. closely packed, at the top of the branch, lanceolate, Sin. to 12in. long ; bottom twelve to fifteen lines broad, glaucous, without spots or lines, slightly channelled above the base ; middle three to four lines thick, narrow-margined with white ; marginal prickles minute, pale. Trnnk short, sometimes 3ft. to 4ft in dia- meter. A. 20ft to 30ft. 1781. Arborescent, branched. A. distans (distant).* Jl., perianth pale red, fifteen to eighteen lines long ; raceme densely capitate, Shi. to 4in. hi diameter ; lower pedicels twelve to fifteen lines long; peduncles lift, usually simple. L ascending, loosely disposed, ovate-lanceolate, Sin. to 5in. long, and liin. to 2in. broad, green, slightly glaucous, without spots and lines; face concave; middle three to four lines thick ; back sparingly tubercled ; marginal prickles close, white, horny, one to one and a half lines long. Stem short, simple, lin. in diameter; internodes pale, striated green. 1732. A. glauca (milky-green).* JL, perianth pale red, fifteen to six- tein lines long; peduncles simple, 1ft. to lift, long, Siin. to 4m. in diameter; pedicels lin. to liin. long. L thirty to forty in a dense rosette, lanceolate, 6in. to 8in. long; at the base llin. to 2in. broad, slowly narrowing towards the apex, in- tensely glaucous, spotless, obscurely lined; middle three to four lines thick ; face above the base slightly concave ; back tubercled at apex ; marginal teeth spreading, brownish, one to one and a half lines long. Stem simple, at length, about 1ft., liin. to 2in. in diameter. 1731. 52 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Aloe continued. A. gracilia (graceful). /., perianth yellow, straight, fourteen to sixteen lines long ; raceme densely packed, simple, 2m. to 3m. , pedicels three to four lines long ; peduncle simple, bin. to WB. Ion" two-edged at the base. 1. loosely disposed, spreading, bin. to lOin long base ten to twelve lines broad, ensifonn, acumi- nated, glaucous, spotless and without lines ; face slightly chan- nelled ; back rounded; marginal prickles close, minute. Stem leafy, simple. 1822. * A. Greenil (Green's).* /., perianth pale red, fourteen to fifteen lines long ; raceme oblong, 4in. to Bin. long, and 3in. in diameter ; lower pedicels five to six lines long ; scape 2ft. long I. in a dense rosette, lanceolate, 15in. to 18in. long; bottom 2*m : to 3m. broad, slowly narrowing from middle to the apex ; middle three to four lines thick ; face flat, shining green, obscurely lined and spotted white ; marginal prickles spreading, one and a half to two lines long, horay. Stem short, simple, liin. in diameter. South Africa, 1875. A. Hanburyana (Hanbury's). Synonymous with A. albocineta. A. hnmilis (humble).* fl,, perianth brilliant red, eighteen lines long; raceme loose, simple, 6in. long, and 2in. to 2in. in diameter ; pedicels nine to twelve lines long; peduncles about 1ft. I. thirty to forty in a dense rosette, ascending, lanceolate, acumi- nate, Sin. to 4in. long, six to eight lines broad, glaucous green, obscurely lined ; face slightly concave above, sparingly tubercled ; middle three lines thick ; back convex ; marginal prickles pale, one line long. Plant stemless. 1731. A. n. acuminate (taper-pointed). L ovate-lanceolate, 4in. to 5in. long, fifteen to eighteen lines broad ; marginal prickles pale, two to two and a half lines long. A, incurva, A. suberecta, and A. subtuberculata, of Haworth ; A. Candollei, and A. macilenta, of Baker, are mere forms of the foregoing species. A. inonrva (incurred). A mere form of A. humilis. A. latifolla (broad-leaved).* /., perianth brilliant golden scarlet, fifteen to eighteen lines long; raceme dense, corymbose, terminal, 4in. to 5in. long and wide ; lower pedicels liin. to 2m. long ; peduncle robust, 2ft, often branched. I. twelve to twenty in a dense rosette, ovate-lanceolate, 6in. long, 2Mn. to 3Jin. broad at bottom, slowly narrowing from below the middle upwards, green, not lined, but copiously spotted white ; middle three to four lines thick ; marginal prickles one and a half to two lines long, horny, brownish. Stem at length, 1ft. to 2ft., IJin. to 2in. in diameter, simple. 1795. A. llneata (line-marked).* /., perianth red, fifteen to eighteen lines long ; raceme dense, 6in. ; pedicels hardly perpendicular, fifteen to eighteen lines long ; scape simple, 1ft. I. in a dense rosette, lanceolate, 6in. long, 2in. broad at base, narrowing slowly thence to the apex, pale green, spotless, lined ; middle three lines thick, channelled upwards on both sides, unarmed ; mar- ginal teeth numerous, red, one and a half to two lines long. Stem finally 6in. to 1ft. high, simple, 2in. in. diameter. 1789. A. macilenta (thin). A mere form of A. humilis. A. macracantba (long-spined). fl. unknown. I. fifteen to twenty in a dense rosette, lanceolate, 15in. to 20in. long, and 3in. to 4in. broad at the bottom, slightly narrowed from middle to apex ; middle four lines thick ; face flat, green, obscurely lined, spotted ; marginal prickles horny, three to four lines long. Stem simple, 2ft. to 3ft., liin, to 2in. in diameter. South Africa, 1862. A. macrocarpa (large-fruited).* fl., perianth club-shaped, bril- liant red, fifteen to sixteen lines long ; raceme loose, terminal, 6in. long, and 2Jin. to Sin. in diameter ; lower pedicels Jin. long ; peduncles 2ft. 1. twelve to twenty in a dense rosette, ovate- lanceolate, less_ than 1ft. long ; bottom Sin. to 4in. broad ; top channelled ; middle three to four lines thick, green, copiously spotted ; marginal prickles spreading, half line long. Stem short, simple. Abyssinia, 1870. A. maculate (spotted). Synonymous with A. abyssinica. A. margaritifera (pearl-bearing). See Haworthla margarl- tlfera. A. mitrnformls (mitre-shaped).* /., perianth brilliant red, eighteen to twenty-one lines long; raceme dense, corymbose, 4in. to 6in. long, and nearly as much in diameter; pedicels ascending ; lower ones fifteen to eighteen lines long ; peduncles strong, lift., sometimes branched. I. rather loosely disposed, ascending, lanceolate, about 1ft. long, 2in. to Sin. broad ; green, slightly glaucous, without spots or lines ; face concave ; middle three to four lines thick ; back convex, sparingly tubercled ; apex horny, pungent ; marginal prickles rather close, pale, one to one and a half lines long. Stem finally 3ft. to 4ft., simple, lin. to 2in. in diameter. A. m. flavlsplna (yellow-spined). Differs from the type in having narrower and more lanceolate leaves, and yellow spines. A. Commelyni, A. spinulosa, A. pachyphyUa, and^l. zantliacanlha, are also forms of this species. A. myriacantha (many-spined). /., perianth pale red, eight to nine lines long ; racemes densely capitate, 2in. in diameter ; pedicels four to six lines long ; peduncles slender, simple, 1ft. I. ten to twelve, falcate, linear, 5in. to 6in. long, four to five lines broad, green, glaucous; face deeply channelled; back convex, spotted white ; marginal teeth numerous, white Plant stemless. 1823. A. nobilis (noble).* ft., perianth red, fifteen to eighteen lines long ; raceme dense, 6in. or more long, lin. broad ; lower pedicels Aloe continued. liin. to 2in. long ; peduncles simple, lift. I. rather loosely dis- posed, lanceolate, 9m. to 12in. long, 2iin. to 4in. broad; face green, without spots or lines, concave above the base ; middle three to four lines thick ; apex rather pungent ; back prickly upwards ; marginal prickles rather close, one and a half to two lines long, horny. Stem simple, at length 3ft. to 4ft. high, liin. to 2in. in diameter. 1800. A. pachyphylla (thick-leaved). A mere form of A. mitrceformit. A. paniculate (panicled). Synonymous with A. albocineta. A. Perryi (Perry's).* /., perianth greenish, nine to ten lines long ; raceme dense, Sin. to 4in. long ; pedicels three to four lines long ; inflorescence lift, long, commonly two-headed. I. in a rosette, lanceolate, 7in. to Sin. long, and 2Jin. broad, from below the middle to the apex narrowed, pale glaucous green, spotless, ob- scurely lined, channelled above the oase ; middle three to four lines thick ; marginal teeth close, horny, one line long. Stem simple, lin. in diameter. Socotra, 1879. A. prolifera (proliferous). Synonymous with A. brevifolia. A. purpurascens (purplish). /., perianth reddish, twelve to fifteen lines long ; raceme dense, 6in. to 9in. long, and about 3in. in diameter, pedicels nine to twelve lines long; scape strong, simple, lift, to 2ft. I. forty to fifty in a dense rosette, 1ft.' to lift, long, ensiform, 2in. broad at the base, slowly narrowed towards the apex, green ; base flat ; middle three lines thick, slightly channelled upwards, sometimes spotted ; marginal prickles small, white. Stem 2ft. to 3ft., sometimes forked. 1789. A. rnodocincte (red-margined), of gardens, is probably a form of A. albocineta. A. saponaria (soapy).* fl., perianth brilliant red, eighteen to twenty-one lines long ; raceme dense, corymbose, Sin. to 4in. long and wide ; lower pedicels liin. to 2in. long ; scape 1ft. to 2ft., simple, or sparingly branched. I. twelve to twenty in a dense rosette, lanceolate, 9in. to 12in. long, eighteen to twenty -four lines broad, narrowed from below the middle upwards ; middle three to four lines broad ; face flat at bottom ; back swollen, green, copiously spotted, distinctly lined ; marginal prickles adjoining, horny, one and a half to two lines long. Stem short, simple, liin. to 2in. in diameter. 1727. A. Schimperi (Schimper's).* fl., perianth bright red, eighteen to twenty-one lines long ; racemes densely corymbose, 4in. in dia- meter ; pedicels twelve to fifteen lines long; scape strong, 3ft. long, strongly branched above. I. twenty in a dense rosette, oblong- lanceolate, about 1ft. long, 4in. broad, glaucous green, lined, some- times spotted, three to four lines thick at middle, above which they are channelled ; teeth minute, spreading. Stem short, simple. Abyssinia, 1876. A. Schmidtiana (Schmidt's). Synonymous with A. Cooperi. A. serra (saw), fl., perianth brilliant red, eighteen lines long ; raceme simple, dense, 6in. long or more, Sin. to 4in. in diameter ; pedicels six to twelve lines long; scape simple, lift, to 2ft. 1. thirty to forty in a dense rosette, lanceolate, Sin. to 5in. long, twelve to eighteen lines broad below, without spots and lines ; base swollen, concave towards the apex ; middle three to four lines thick, sparingly tubercled ; marginal prickles close, one to one and a half lines long. Plant shortly stemmed. 1818. A. serratula (finely-toothed). * fl. , perianth red, fifteen to eighteen lines long ; raceme rather dense, oin. long ; pedicels six to nine lines long ; peduncles simple, about 1ft. I. twelve to twenty in a dense rosette, lanceolate, 6in. to 9in. long ; bottom liin. to 2iin. broad, pale green ; face below the top flat or slightly concave, obscurely lined, spotted ; margin minutely denticulated. Stem simple, finally 1ft. to 2ft. high, liin. to 2in. in diameter. 1789. A. spinulosa (spiny). A mere form of A. mitrceformis. A. striate (striated). Synonymous with A. albocineta. A. striatula (slightly striped).* fl., perianth yellow, twelve to fifteen lines long ; raceme oblong, rather dense, simple, 3in. to 6in. long, and 2in. in diameter ; pedicels short ; peduncles simple, nearly 1ft. I. linear, spreading, green, 6in. to 9in. long ; base not dilated, six to eight lines broad, above the base upwards narrowed, slightly channelled ; middle one line thick ; marginal prickles deltoid. Stem long, sarmentose ; floral branches three to six lines in diameter ; internodes 6in. to 12in. long. 1823. A. suberecta (slightly erect). A mere form of A. humilis. A. subtuberculata (slightly knobbed). A mere form of A. humilis. A. succotrina (Socotrine).* /., perianth reddish, fifteen lines Ion" ; raceme dense, about 1ft. long, 2in. to Sin. in diameter ; lower pedicels nine to twelve lines long ; peduncles simple, lift. I. thirty to forty in a dense rosette, ensiform, acuminate, falcate, lift. to 2ft. long ; base 2in. ; middle lin. broad, green, slightly glaucous, sometimes spotted, slightly channelled upwards ; marginal prickles pale, one line long. Stem 3ft. to 5ft., often forked. Isle of Socotra. 1731. A. tenuior (slenderer). fl., perianth pale yellow, five to six lines long ; racemes rather loose, simple, oblong, nearly 1ft. 2in. in diameter ; pedicels three to four lines long ; peduncles slender, simple, 4in. to 8in. I. loose, linear, 5in. to Sin. long, slowly narrowing from middle towards apex, green, spotless, slightly channelled ; middle one line thick ; marginal prickles minute, pale. Stem long, sarmentose. 182L AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 53 Aloe continued. A tricolor (three-coloured).* /.-, perianth coral red, fleshy; raceme loose, oblong, 3in. to 4in. long, and 2in. broad ; pedicels as- cending, three to four lines long ; scape lift long, glaucous purple ; panicle deltoid. I. twelve to sixteen in a close rosette, lanceolate, pin. to 6in. long, Hin. to 2in. broad at bottom, slowly narrow- ing from below the middle to apex ; middle five to six lines thick ; back rounded ; face slightly swollen, copiously spotted, not lined ; marginal prickles close, spreading, about one line long. Stem short, simple. South Africa, 1875. A variegata (variegated).* fl-, perianth reddish, fifteen to sixteen lines long ; raceme simple, loose, Sin. to 4in. long and about 3in. in diameter ; pedicels three to four lines long ; scape simple, tapering, 6in. to Sin. L close, erecto-patent, lanceolate, n. to 5in. long, lin. broad; face concave; back keeled, bright green, copiously spotted grey on both sides; margin whitish, denticulated. 1790. This is the variegated Aloe so frequently seen in windows. Fro. 61. ALOE v A vera (true).* JL, perianth yellow, cylindrical, jin. to lin. long ; raceme dense, 6in. to 12in. long ; scape strong, 2ft. to 3ft long, simple or branched. L ensiform, dense, aggregate, 2in. to 4in. broad, narrowing from the base to apex, pale green ; middle about lin. thick ; face channelled above the base ; marginal prickles sub- distant, deltoid, horny. Stem rarely more than 1ft or 2ft. 1596. STJJS. A. barbadmtit, A. vulgaru. See Fig. 6L A vnlgaris (common). Synonymous with A. vera. A xant.tiarantna (yellow-spined). A mere form of A. mitre* formis. A Zeyheri (Zeyher's). A garden synonym of A. Bainetii. AIiOMIA (from a, not, and loma, a fringe). OBD. Composite. Allied to Eupatorium. An ornamental half- hardy evergreen plant. Grows freely in sandy loam, and may be propagated by cuttings. A ageratoides (Ageratum-like). JL-heads white, many flowered; involucnun campanulate, imbricate; scales narrow, acute; re- ceptable naked, convex. July. I. opposite, or upper ones alter- nate, petiolate, denticulated, h. IJft New Spain, 1824. ALOHA (primitive name, Nolanar letters transposed ; from nola, a little bell, in allusion to the shape of the flowers). OBD. Nclanaeea. A genna of pretty evergreen shrubs closely allied to Nolana, but differing principally in having several ovaries from one to six-celled, whereas Nolana. has five four-celled ovaries. Leaves fasciculate; stems woody. They require ordinary greenhouse treatment, in a peat and loam compost. Cuttings root freely in sandy loam, with a very gentle bottom heat, in about a fortnight. A. ccelestis (sky-blueX*/. pale blue, very large, axillary, solitary ; peduncle elongated. July. L terete, fascicled; plant nearly glabrous, h, 2ft. Chili, 1843. This pretty species is an excellent one for growing out-of-doors during summer months. AIiONSOA (in honour of Z. Alonso, formerly Spanish secretary for Santa Fe de Bogota). OBD. Scrophularinea. A genus of very pretty little half-hardy shrubs, herbaceous perennials, or annnali!, with axillary, sub-racemose flowers, which are resnpinate, with a sub-rotate five-cleft limb. Leaves opposite, or ternately whorled. They will grow freely in light rich soil ; and are readily increased by cuttings in August or March, which should be placed in sandy soil in gentle heat, or by seeds sown in March. The herbaceous species may be treated as outdoor summer annn.1 > and should be raised in a little heat, and planted out early in May. A. albifiora (white-floweredX* JL pure white, with yellow eye, in long terminal spikes, h. lift to 2ft Mexico, 1877. This is recommended for pot culture, as in the conservatory it will pro- vide a succession of flowers throughout the autumn and winter. ^canllalata (wing-stemmed). JL scarlet, racemose. June, ovate, acute, serrated. Stems and branches quadrangular, winged. A. 1ft Peru, 1823. Half-hardy, herbaceous. A inciaifolia (cut-leaved).* JL scarlet; peduncles long, alternate, disposed in terminal racemes. May to October. I. opposite, ovate, acute, deeply toothed, or serrate. A. 1ft to 2ft Chili, 1795. Glabrous greenhouse shrub. Srx. Hemimerit urticifolia. A linearis (linear-leaved). JL scarlet, with a dark bottom, like most of the species. May to October. L opposite, or three in a whorl, linear, entire or remotely denticulated; young leaves fascicled in the axils of the old ones. A. If t to 2ft Pern, 1790. Greenhouse shrub. SY.N. Hemimerit coccinea, A linifolia (Flax-leaved).- JL scarlet A. 1ft. to lift New Hol- land. This is an elegant little annual, forming symmetrical, graceful, and very free flowering plants, either for pot or out- door culture. A Matthe wsU (Matthews'). JL scarlet, in loose, terminal racemes. July. L lanceolate, toothed, about lin. long. Stem slender, quadrangular. A. 1ft Peru, 1871. Greenhouse shrub. A. myrtifolia (Myrtle-leaved). /L scarlet, very large. New and pretty species. A Warscewiczii (Warscewicz's).* JL rosy scarlet A. lift Chili, 1858. This is probably a herbaceous variety of A. incit\folia, and one of the best annuals. ALOPHIA. See Trifurcia. AIiOYSIA (in honour of Maria Louisa, mother of Ferdinand VII., King of Spain). Sweet-scented Verbena. ORD. Verbenaceos. This genus is nearly allied to Verbena-, which see for generic characters. A greenhouse deciduous shrub, with a very fine perfume and graceful habit. The most satisfactory plan of culture is to obtain well-grown thrifty young plants in spring, and grow then on for the season. As the wood ripens, give less water until they are at rest, when it must be nearly withheld. About the end of January, bring into the light and warmth, and water thoroughly. As soon as the plants break, cut back to three or four eyes ; and when the young shoots are about an inch long, transfer into rich sandy soil, using pots a size or two smaller than those they were in before. When the pots are full of roots, transfer to those that are to hold the plants for the season. By this mode of culture, good plants are to be maintained for any length of time. Aloysias form excel- lent pillar subjects for either a cold greenhouse, or out-of- doors, in which latter situation they thrive remarkably well, but require thorough protection, with straw bands or mats, from November until March, and afterwards at night, until danger from severe frosts has passed. They require no summer training, their young growth being continually cut off for decoration. They are easily increased in spring by young cuttings, placed in sandy soil and gentle heat ; they will root in about three weeks. 54 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Aloysia continued. A. citriodora (lemon-scented).* /. whitish or like, very small, in terminal panicles. August. I. pale green, lanceolate, agree- ably scented, arranged in whorls of threes ; branches slender. Chili, 1781. SY.NS. Lippia dtriodora, Verbena triphyUa. ALPINE GARDEN. A very interesting style of gardening, which succeeds best by imitating Nature as closely as possible. The situation may be an open or a sheltered one. In building a Rock or Alpine Garden, it should be so arranged that all aspects are secured shady and sunny fully or in degree only. Pockets and crevices of various sizes may be made, and filled with soil suitable for the sub- jects to be planted therein, each one having a direct connec- tion with the bulk of the soil ; and the constructing material should be arranged with a gentle fall, BO that moisture drains towards rather than from the roots. Alpine plants, as a rule, flourish better on a properly constructed rockery than if placed in any other position, because thorough drainage is effected, and the long and fine roots can run down in the crevices, where the soil is cool and moist. Although most alpine plants are naturally exposed to the full action of sun and wind, they should be placed out in early autumn, or early spring, so as to become thoroughly established before the approach of scorching summer weather. Failing materials necessary for the construction of a rockery, many alpines are easily grown in the ordinary border, in a naturally or artificially well drained situation. Excavate to the depth of 18in., put in a layer of stones, broken bricks, Ac., 6in. deep ; fill up with rich fibrous loam and leaf mould, adding sufficient sand to keep the soil porous. When the desired subjects are firmly planted, cover the surface with small gravel or stone chippings, which, while allowing the rain to penetrate the soil, effectually checks evaporation, and keeps it moist and cool, as well as giving the appearance of rocky debris. The effect will be better if the surface is slightly undulated. ALPINE ROSE. See Rhododendron ferrug-ineum. ALPINIA (in honour of Prosper Alpinus, an Italian botanist). ORD. Zingiberaceae. A rather large genus of stove herbaceous perennials, with considerable grace and beauty. Flowers disposed in terminal spikes. Leaves lanceolate, smooth, even, entire, sheathed at the base, and having transverse veins. Boots fleshy, branched, having much of the smell and taste of ginger. The soil can hardly be too rich for the successful culture of these plants. A mixture of equal parts loam, peat, leaf mould, or thoroughly rotted hotbed manure, freely mixed with sharp sand or fine charcoal dust, forms an excellent compost. During the growing season, a top dressing of rotten dung, and a frequent application of weak manure water, prove excellent stimulants. They grow rapidly and consume a great deal of food in the production of so much stem and BO many leaves. Unless the former is vigorous and of considerable thickness, it will fail to be crowned with spikes of flower. Alpinias require a high temperature, a rich, light soil, abundance of water, and not a little space, to grow them well. Soon after flowering, the plants will assume the yellow leaf, when water may be gradually withheld ; but no attempt should be made to dry them off too severely, even after the stems die down. Nor must they be stored when at rest in a low temperature ; in fact, they require as much heat to preserve them in health when resting as at any other time. The best time to divide the plants is after the young shoots have made an inch of growth in spring. A. albo lineata (white-lined).* I. elliptic lanceolate, pale green, marked with oblique broad bands of white. A. 3ft. to 4ft. New Guinea, 1880. A. mutica (beardless), fl. in pairs on a spike-like raceme ; calyx of three outer oblong white projecting, broad ; lip large, bright yellow, veined with crimson ; mouth finely crispulate at . white ; corolla duplex, consisting of three outer oblon segments ; upper lobe concave and projecti the edge. Borneo, 1882. A very handsome species. A. nntans (nodding).* fl. pink, sweetly-scented ; racemes drooping. May. I. lanceolate, smooth, even, entire, h. 13ft. India, 1792. This species looks best in considerable masses, even larger than those shown in the illustration, grown in large pots or tubs, or Alpinia continued. planted out in borders of tropical houses. It should on no account be severely divided. See Fig. 62. FIG. b2. ALPINIA NUTANS, showing Habit and detached Flower. A. vittata (striped).* I. 6in. to Sin. long, elliptic lanceolate, taper- ing to a long fine point, and also narrowed gradually towards the sheathing base, pale green, marked by broad stripes of dark green and creamy white, running off from the midrib in divergent lines, corresponding to the venation. South Sea Islands. See Fig. 63, for which we are indebted to Mr. Bull. ALSIEE. See Trifolinm liybridum. ALSODEIA (from abode*, leafy ; plants thickly beset with leaves). ORD. Violariece. Ornamental evergreen stove shrubs. Flowers small, whitish, racemose ; petals equal ; racemes axillary and terminal; pedicels bracteate jointed. Leaves usually alternate, feather-nerved; stipules small, deciduous. They thrive best in a mixture of loam and sand, and young cuttings root readily under a bell glass if planted in sand, in heat. A. latifolia (broad-leaved).* Jl. on dense, glabrous racemes. I. ovate, obtusely acuminated. A. 6ft. Madagascar, 1823. A. pauciflora (few-flowered). Jl. few, somewhat corymbose; pedicels reflexed. I. wedge-shaped, on short footstalks, h. 4ft. Madagascar, 1824. ALSOPHILA (from alsos, a grove, and philos, loving ; in reference to the situation which they affect in Nature). ORD. Filices. A magnificent genus of tropical and tempe- rate tree ferns. Sori globose, dorsal, on a vein or in the forking of a vein ; receptacle mostly elevated, frequently villous ; involucre none. The species of this genus require an abundant supply of water, particularly in summer, and the young fronds must be carefully shaded from solar heat. They thrive well in a peat and loam compost. For general culture, see Ferns. A. aculeata (prickly).* fronds ample, tripinnate. rachises brown- stramineous ; pinnae ovate-lanceolate sessile, ligulate, 3in. to 4in. long, " close, ligulate, blunt, denticulate, aple, tripinnate. rachiset brown- late, 1ft. to lift, long ; pinnules ;, iin. to }in. broad; segments , often less than one line broad : AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 55 Alsophila continued. both sides bright green, slightly hairy on the ribs, not scaly, sort minute, medial ; texture herbaceous. Tropical America ; very common. A very effective stove species. SYN. A. ferox, &c. See Fig. 64. A. armata (armed).* frond* ample, tripinnatifld or tripinnate. rachises stramineous, densely pilose ; pinnae oblong-lanceolate, lift. to 2ft. long ; pinnules ligulate-lanceolate, sessile, Sin. to Sin. long, Jin to lin. broad ; segments falcate, blunt, one to one and a half lines broad, subentire or toothed ; both sides densely pilose on the ribs, not scaly, sori subcostular. Tropical America ; extremely abundant Stove species. Alsophila continued. or less villous on the costae and costule above, and very minutely bullato-paleaceous beneath, often quite naked, from 6ft. to 30ft. long ; primary pinnae l^ft. long, 6in. to lOin. wide ; pinnules Sin. to 4in. long, Jin. to Jin. wide, oblong, acuminate, deeply pinnatifid, or towards the base even pinnate ; ultimate pinnules or lobes oblong, acute, serrated, subfalcate. sori copious, rather smalL New Holland, &c., 1833. A very handsome greenhouse species. A. comosa (hairy). Synonymous with A. Scottiana. A. contaminans (contaminating).* can. slender, growing from 20ft to 50ft. high. ati. and rachises purplish brown, glossy, aculeate. Jrondt 6ft. to 10ft. long, ample, glabrous, deep green above, glau FlO. 63. AlPINIA VITTATA. A. aspera (rough).* can. slender, 10ft to 30ft. high. sti. and rachises strongly aculeated ; main and partial rachis above stri- gillose, slightly scaly beneath and on the costa, the rest glabrous, often glossy, fronds bipinnate; pinnules shortly petiolate, oblong ; apex acuminated, pinnatifid half or two-thirds of the way down to the costa ; lobes oblong-ovate, often acutely serrulate ; costa bearing small, deciduous, bullate scales beneath, sori very deciduous. , West Indies, Ac. Stove species. A. anstralls (southern).* sti. with very long, firm, subulate scales, lift, long, and as well as the main rachises, muricato- asperous, stramineous, fronds ample, subglaucous beneath, more cons beneath ; primary ptame 2ft. or more In length, oblong-ovate, acuminate ; pinnules sessile, 4in. to Sin. long, Jin. to lin. wide, deeply pinnatifid, linear-oblong, sub-falcate, entire, tori nearer the costule than the margin. Java and Malaya. Stove species. SYN. A. glauca. A, Cooper! (Cooper's).* frondt ample, tripinnate. rachises stra- mineous, mnricated, glabrous beneath ; basal scales large, linear, pale, spreading ; pinnae oblong-lanceolate, lift, to 2ft long ; pin- nules ligulate, 4in. to Sin. long, Jin. to lin. broad, lowest long- stalked ; segments ligulate, blunt, toothed, one and a half to two and a half lines broad, tori small. Queensland, &c. Greenhouse, 56 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Alsophila continued. A. excelsa (tall).* trunk about 30ft. high. tti. and main rachises muricated. fronds ample, dark green above, paler beneath ; primary pinnae lift, to 2ft. long, 6in. to lOin. ^yide ; pinnules numerous, oblong-lanceolate, acuminated, deeply pinnatind, often quite pinnate ; ultimate divisions }in. to Jin. long, oblong, acute or obtuse, falcate, the margins sub-recurved, serrated, mn-i copious near the costules. Norfolk Island. This rapid- growing and splendid species proves' nearly hardy in the neighbourhood of Cornwall ; and is a most effective plant for sub-tropical gardening purposes generally. Greenhouse species. A. feroz (fierce). Synonymous with A. aculeata. A. Gardner! (Gardner's). Synonymous with A. paleolata. A. glgantea (gigantic), cau. growing from 20ft. to 40ft. high. tti. asperous ; fronds, primary pinnae IJft. to 2ft. and more long, deeply pinnatifid at the apex ; pinnules, upper ones sessile, lower ones petiolate, oblong-acumi- nate, Sin. to 6in. long, five to nine lines wide, deeply pinnatifld ; lobes triangular or rounded, serrated, nori copious. India, re and A. a. obtusifolium, but is seldom (German).* fl. yellow, in close corymbs. April to Alyssum continued. June. I. lanceolate, entire, greyish-velvety from stellate down. Stem shrubby at the base. h. 1ft. Italy, 1710. Closely allied to A. saxatile, but not so hardy; it is very desirable for rockeries. A. macrocarpum (large-fruited)./, white, racemose. June. I. oblong, blunt, silvery. Stem shrubby, branched, somewhat spiny. h. Sin. South of France, 1828. A. spinosa (thorny), and A. halimifolia (purslane-leaved), are very like this species. A. dasy- carpum (thick-fruited) is an annual with yellow flowers. A. maritimum. >'. Kceniga. A. montanum (mountain), fl. yellow, sweet-scented ; raceme simple. May to July. 1. somewhat hoary ; lower ones obovate ; upper ones oblong. Stems rather herbaceous, diffuse, pubescent. h. an. or Sin. Europe, 1713. A distinct and charming species for the rockery, forming compact tufts of slightly glaucous green. A. cuneifolium (wedge-leaved), A. di/usum (diffuse), and A. Wulfeni- anum (Wulfenius') come close to this species, the latter being the most desirable. A. olympicum (Olympian). /. deep yellow, small, in roundish corymbose heads. Summer. I. spathulate, sessile, very small, greyish, h. 2in. to 3in. Northern Greece. A. orientate (Oriental).* /Z. yellow, corymbose. May. I. lanceo- late, repandly-toothed, waved, downy. Stems suffruticose at the base. A. 1ft. Crete, 1820. There is a variety with variegated leaves. A. saxatile (rock).* /. yellow, in close corymbose heads. April. 1. lanceolate, entire, clothed with hoary tomentum. Stems shrubby at the base. h. 1ft. Eastern Europe, 1710. A very common and showy spring plant. See Fig. 70. Fio. 72. INFLORESCENCE OF AMARANTUS CAUDATUS. See Fig. 7L - ) -* A constant and prettily vane- is even more handsome than the type On the a 8 t requires a sunny, well drained position! AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 61 Alyssum continued. A. serpyllifblium (Thyme-leaved).* fl. pale yeUow, in simple racemes. April to June. I. very small, Jin. to Jin. long, ovate, scabrous, hoary, h. 3in. to 4in. Branches spreading, sub-woody at the base. South Europe, 1822. A. tortuosum (twisted), fl. yellow ; raceme corymbose. June. I. hoary, somewhat lanceolate. Stem shrubby at the base, twisted, diffuse, h. 6in. Hungary, 1804. A. Wiersbeckii (Wiersbeck's).* fl. deep yellow, in close corymbose heads, about Uin. across. Summer. I. 2in. long, oval-oblong- pointed, sessile, attenuated at the base, roughish and hairy. Stems erect, scabrous, simple, rigid. A. IJft Asia Minor. AMARANTACEJE. An extensive order of herbs or (rarely) shrubs, with opposite or alternate leaves, and in- conspicuous apetalons flowers, which are spicately or capi- tately disposed. The majority of this order are weeds; well-known exceptions being many species of Amarantus. AMARANTH, GLOBE. See Gomplireiia. Amaranirus continued. I at the base of a three or five-lobed glabrous perianth. I Stamens four or five. Of very easy culture ; they thrive best in rich loamy soil, and are largely employed for sub-tropical and other bedding, for vases and conservatory decorations, being very ornamental. The seed should be sown in April in a hotbed, and the plants thinned out in the same situation when about $in. high. About the end of May, they can be transplanted out of doors in their permanent situations. They are also very handsome when grown in pots. The young plants should be potted off early, and freely encouraged, allowing plenty of pot- room and moisture, and be kept near the glass, to bring out their brightest colouring. To develop their full beauty, plenty of room is required. There are about twelve species (indigenous to warm and tropical countries). A. bicolor (two-coloured). I. green, variously streaked with light yellow, h. 2ft India, 1802. This species is rather delicate, and must have a warm sunny situation. A. b. ruber (red).* I. brilliant glistening scarlet, merging into a dark violet red, mixed with green. Hardier than the type. A. caudatus (caudate).* Love Lies Bleeding, fl. dark purplish, collected in numerous whorls, which are disposed in handsome drooping spikes. August. A. 2ft. to 3ft. India, 1596. A very common and vigorous growing hardy annual. There is a yellowish-flowered variety, which, though less ornamental, is an effective contrast. See Fig. 72. A. ornentns (dark bloody). Synonymous with A. hypochondriacu*. A. Henderi (Bender's). I. lanceolate, undulated, intense rosy carmine, varying with orange buff, golden yellow, and olive green. A. 3ft. A garden hybrid, closely allied to A. salicifoliut. Pyra- midal habit. hypochondxiaons (hypochondriac).* fl. deep crimson, on densely packed, erect spikes. 4ft. to 5ft * m Prince's Feather. LOU, cici-i, opines. July. I. pur- Asiatic, 1684. SYN. A. eruentut. An improved variety of plish beneath. See Fig. 73. A. h, atropnrpurens (dark purple).' above. ^melancholicus ruber (melancholy-red).* A. about 1ft. apan. A compact growing variety, with large shaded crimson leaves. Largely used for beading purposes. A. salicifolius (willow-leaved).* 1. 7in. to 15in. long, willow- shaped, linear, and wavy, which, by their drooping outline, pre- sent a very elegant and effective appearance. When fully grown, the leaves are brilliantly banded and tipped with orange, carmine, and bronze. A. 3ft. Philippine Isles, 1871. A. a. Princess of Wales.* 1. carmine, orange green, and bright yellow, beautifully blended. A. 3ft. A garden hybrid. A. sanguineus (bloody). /. purple, disposed partly in small heads in the axils of the upper leaves, and partly in slender, flexible spikes, which form a more or less branching panicle. July i. blood red. h. 3ft Bahama, 1775. FIG. 73. INFLORESCENCE OF AMARANTUS HYPOCHONDRIACUS. AMARANTUS (from a, not, and maraino, to wither ; in reference to the length of time some of the flowers retain their colour). OBD. Amarantaceae. Hardy or half-hardy annuals, with alternate entire leaves and small green or red flowers in large braoteate clustered spikes. Flowers polygamous, furnished with three bracts PIG. 74. AMARANTOS TRICOLOR. A. spedosns (showy).* fl. dark crimson purple, disposed in large erect spikes, forming a fine plumy panicle. July. I. suffused with a reddish tinge, which disappears at the time of flowering, h. 3ft to 5ft Nepaul, 1819. 62 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Amarantus continued. A. 8 anreus (golden), fl. of a fine brownish-golden hue. Very effective when grown in masses. A tricolor (three-colouredX* I- of a fine, transparent, purplish- redordark carmine from the base to the middle ; a large spot of bright yellow occupies the greater part of the upper end of the leaf- point generally green; leafstalks yellow, h. lift. .East Indies 1548 See Fig 74. There are several garden vaneties of this species, requiring a somewhat warmer situation. AMARYLLIDE2E. A large and important order of usually bulbous plants, sometimes with a stem. Flowers solitary, umbellate, or paniculate ; perianth superior, six- lobed, often with a corona at the top of the tube. Leaves ensiform or linear. This order contains many very beau- tiful genera, including Agave, Amaryllis, Crinum, Hatman- thus, Hippeastrum, Narcissus, Pancratium, and several others. AMARYLLIS (from Amaryllis, the name of a country- woman mentioned by Theocritus and Virgil). OBD. Amaryllideai. Half-hardy or hardy, deciduous, bulbous plants. Flowers large, sweet-scented, pedicelled; spathe two-leaved; umbels few-flowered; perianth with a very short tube, funnel-shaped, six-parted, sub-regular or ir- regular ; segments many-nerved, broad, undulate, spreading somewhat at the apices; stamens at the summit of the tube, unequal, declined ; anthers fixed by the middle, in- cumbent, curved into a circular arch after bursting; style declined; stigma thickened, sub-three-lobed ; scape tall, solid, compressed. Capsule obovate ; seeds globose, fleshy. Leaves appearing at a different season from the scapes, numerous, strap-shaped. The following genera are some- times arranged hereunder, but in this work are treated separately: Brunsvigia, Crinum, Hippeastrum, Nervne, Spretelia, Stembergia, Vallota, Zephyranthes. Warm, dry, and well-drained positions in front of hot-houses, or at the base of south or south- west walls, are the most suit- able sites for A. Belladonna and its varieties. The soil should be composed of good, fibrous loam, leaf mould, and sand, in equal parts. Insert the bulbs Gin. to Sin. deep, and surround with sand, after which they may be covered with the com- post, which should be pressed firmly about them ; they should not be again disturbed for years, when they will ultimately es- tablish themselves, and produce grand masses of blossom. The best time to plant a fresh stock is June or July, when they commence root-action, before the flower- stems are sent up. DONNA, showing^Habit at In their growing season, and FIG. 75. AMARYLLIS BELLA- A, showin Flowering ^^u. . Q ^ weather) an occasional soaking of clear water, or liquid manure, will be greatly beneficial. The extremely ornamental plants now largely grown, and frequently classed as Amaryllis in nurserymen's catalogues, belong to the genus Hippeastrum. For pot-culture of the Belladonna Lily, see Hippeastrum. A. Belladonna.* Belladonna Lily. This splendid species is very variable, both in the size and colour of the flowers, fre- quently producing variously-shaded flowers, from almost white to a reddish or purplish hue. Autumn. West Indies, 1712. See Fig. 75. The leaves and flowers are not produced together. In Fig. 76 they are both shown in the same illustration for economy of space. A, B. pallida (pale).* A pale-coloured variety, h. 2ft. AMASONIA (named in honour of Thomas Amason, one of the earlier American travellers). STN. Taligalea. OED. VerbenacecB. A genus comprising six species (which may be reduced to four) of stove sub-shrubs, natives of tropical America. Flowers yellow or sulphur-coloured, racemose or panicled ; calyx five-cleft ; corolla five-cleft, Axnasonia continued. sub-bilabiate. Leaves alternate, toothed or rarely entire. For culture of the only species introduced, see Clero- dendron. A. punlcea (reddish-brown). H. yellow, with pretty, brownish bracts peduncles once or twice trifld, cymose or one-flowered. May and June. I. slender, Sin. to 2in. long, oblong- or elliptic- lanceolate, shortly acuminate, unequally toothed. Stem erect, simple or slightly branched, h. 2ft. to 3ft. Brazil, 1884. AMATEUR. This term is usually meant to refer to one who has a taste for a particular pursuit, and who is, in a pecuniary point of view, independent of it. An Amateur gardener is one who rears and grows his plants, and cultivates his garden, for his own amusement for mere love of horticulture. Fid. 76. AMARYLLIS BELLADONNA, showing Bulb and Flower Scape. AMBER, SWEET. See Hypericnm Androsse- AMBER-TREE. See Anthospermnm. AMBROSINIA (commemorative of Professor Gia- cinti Ambrosini, of Bologna). OED. Aroidece (Aracece). A curious, half-hardy, tuberous perennial, thriving in any light soil, with protection in winter. Increased by seeds, and by divisions. The former should be sown, as soon as ripe, in a cool house ; and the latter should be made just previous to new growth in spring. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 63 Ambr osinia continued. A. Bassii (Bass's).* /., spathes prolonged into a long tail, and a tongue-shaped spadix, with the male flowers on one side, and so placed as to preclude the access of pollen to the stigma on the other side of the spathe, save by insect agency. I. oblong, stalked, h. 4in. Corsica, Sardinia, 18 ?9. AMBURY, or ANBURY. The name given to galls of small Weevils (Ceuthorhynchus sulcicollis) which appear on the roots of Cabbages and Turnips, as well as of the Wild Mustard, and of other weeds belonging to the genus Brassica. The galls form swellings indi- vidually about the size of split peas, but often two or more are joined to form considerable masses. In each is a space inclosing a white grub. Anbury is usually not very hurtful. It is quite distinct from Clubbing. The galled roots should be collected, before the grubs emerge, and burned. AMELANCHIER (Savoy name of the Medlar, to which this genus is closely allied). TRIBE Pomacea of OKD. Rosacece. Hardy, deciduous shrubs or small trees, with racemes of white flowers, and simp'e, serrated leaves ; bracteas linear-lanceolate. Pome, when mature, three to five-celled. They are of easy cultivation, in a somewhat rich, loamy soil, and are propagated by layers or cuttings, in autumn, in sheltered situations ; by seeds, and by grafting, in early spring, on the Hawthorn or the Quince, or the weaker on the stronger-growing species. A. canadensis (Canadian).* Grape Pear, /.white. April. Pome purple. I. oblong-elliptic, cuspidate, when young rather villous, but at length glabrous, h. 6ft. to 8ft. Canaila, 1746. A very ornamental tree, having a profusion of flowers in early spring, and rich autumnal foliage. SYN. Pyrus Botryapium. A. c. florida (flowery).* fl. white, numerous, in upright racemes. May. Pome purple. I. oblong, obtuse at both ends, coarsely serrate in the terminal portion, glabrous in every state, h. 10ft. to 20ft. North America, 1826. A. C. ovalis (oval-leaved), fl. white ; racemes pressed together. April. I. roundish-elliptic, acute when rather young, velvety beneath, glabrous when mature, h. 6ft. to 8ft. North America, 1800. A. C. parvifolia (small-leaved). This has a dwarfer habit, and shorter leaves, than the type. A. sanguinea (bloody), fl. white ; racemes capitate. April. Pome blackish-purple. I. oblong, rounded at both ends, sharply serrated, always naked, h. 4ft to 8ft. North America, 1800. This form differs principally from A. canadensis in the fewer flowers, much shorter raceme, and shorter, broader, and more ovate petals. A. vulgarls (common).* fl. white. April. Pome darkish-purple. I. roundish-oval, bluntish, pubescent beneath, at length glabrous. A. 3ft. to 9ft. Europe, 1596. A desirable shrub, producing an abundance of flowers. SYN. Mespilus Amelanchier. AMELLUS (a name employed by Virgil for a blue, Aster-looking plant growing on the banks of the river Mella). OBD. Composite. Pretty, branched, ascending or diffuse, perennial herbs. Flowers in solitary heads. Leaves hairy, lower ones opposite, upper alternate. Of very easy culture, in ordinary garden soil. Increased by divisions, or cuttings, inserted under glass, in spring. A. Lyohnitis (Lychnitis). fl.-headt violet, solitary, terminal, and lateral. June. I. linear, lanceolate, entire, hoary. A. 6in. Cape of Good Hope. Evergreen, greenhouse trailer. AMENTUM. A catkin. A deciduous spike of unisexual, apetalous flowers. AMERICAN ALMOND. See Brabejnm. AMERICAN ALOE. See Agave americana. AMERICAN BLIGHT, or WOOLLY APHIS (Schizoneura lanuginosa). The white, cottony-looking mat- ter which is found upon the bark of the Apple and other trees of a similar nature, belongs to a species of Aphis, which has short legs : the females are wingless, while the males are winged ; the latter appear in July and August. The insects belong to a group of Aphides un- provided with honey tubes on the hinder part of the body, and in which the third vein of the front wing shows only one fork. The woolly coating also distinguishes them from true Aphides. The Blight is said to have been im- ported from America in 1737, but this is uncertain. As these insects get into the cracks and under the bark American Blight, or Woolly Aphis continued, of trees, they are hard to dislodge. The injury inflicted is not apparent for some time ; but, in process of time, large, cankerous wounds are produced, which gradually (with the aid of the insects) destroy the branches, and render the tree useless. If young trees are attacked, they are ren- dered valueless in a very short time. The insects hide in crevices of the bark of the trees each autumn, and remain dormant during the winter, ascending to their old quarters as the weather becomes warm. Trees which are covered with moss and lichens probably serve as places for hibernation ; hence, it is desirable to remove such hiding-places, as well as all pieces of dead bark. To their being left may be frequently attributed the severe attacks of Blight experienced where they exist on trees. So soon as the cottony substance makes its appearance, one of the following remedies should be applied, and, if persisted in for a few seasons, the trees will be quite cleared. Brushing and Scraping. In winter, the trees should be thoroughly cleaned ; and, so long as there is a chance of the insects being in the bark, all loose pieces, moss, &c., should be brushed off, and the parts affected should be thoroughly saturated with a strong solution of soft soap or of soft soap and lime-water, applied with a stiff brush, so as to enter all the crevices. Gas Liquor. This is the ammoniacal liquor from gas works. It must be diluted with from eight to twelve times its bulk of water, or it is dangerous to the trees; in fact, after dilution, it is advisable to test it, previous to using to any great extent. As the woolly covering of the insects resists water, it is desirable that the liquor be applied with a brush, and forced amongst the Blight. Infusion of Tobacco Leaves (Jib. to 1 gallon) kills the insects on shoots dipped into it. Paraffin or Petroleum. This is a simple and useful remedy. Obtain a painter's half-worn sash-tool, free from paint, and just moisten it in the oil. Then brush out each infested place as often as the Blight appears, and in one season the trees will be cleared. Spent Tan. Collect spent tan into a heap a month or two before it is to be used, and if it has heated well and rotted, so much the better. In winter, clear away all leaves, rubbish, grass, &c., and spread the tan at the rate of about thirty loads to the acre, taking care that it surrounds the base of each tree infested with Blight. Practical proof of its utility has been given. Turpentine and other Spirits. The mode of applying these is the same as for paraffin, but they frequently injure the bark, and sometimes kill young trees. To kill insects on the roots, it is well to clear away the soil as far as possible from them, and to saturate the place with soapsuds or ammoniacal solutions ; soot, quicklime, or other applications to the soil would also prove useful. Other remedies that have been suggested are the drain- ings of stables, and grafting-clay plastered over the bark. AMERICAN CENTAURY. See Sabbatia. AMERICAN CHINA ROOT. See Smilaz. AMERICAN COWSLIP. See Dodecatheon. AMERICAN CRANBERRY. See Ozycoccus macrocarpus. AMERICAN CRESS. See Barbarea. AMERICAN DEWBERRY. See Rubus cana- densis. AMERICAN GOOSEBERRY. See Fereskia aculeata. AMERICAN GREAT LAUREL. See Rhodo- dendron maximum. AMERICAN HIGH BLACKBERRY. A com- mon name for Rubus villosns (which see). AMERICAN MANDRAKE. See Podophyllum peltatum. 64 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, MOUNTAIN ASH. AMERICAN americana. AMERICAN PLANTS. This term includes Rho- dodendron, Azalea, and several others of similar habit and constitution ; indeed, any hardy, flowering shrubs requiring a moist peat border. AMERICAN SPANISH OAK. See Onerous falcata. AMERICAN SWAMP LILT. See Saururus cernnns. AMERICAN WHITE OAK. See Quercus alba. AMERICAN WILD BLACK CURRANT. See Ribes floridum. AMERICAN WILD RED RASPBERRY. See Rubns strigfosus. AMERIMNON (from a, privative, and merinna, care ; in allusion to the little attention the plant requires ; name originally applied to the House-leek). STN. Amerimnum. ORD. Leguminosce. Ornamental, evergreen, stove shrubs, with alternate, stalked, ovate, somewhat cordate, simple leaves. For culture, see Anona. A. Browne! (Browne's).* fl. white, sweet-scented; peduncles axillary, ten-flowered, glabrous or puberulous. May. I. ovate, somewhat cordate, acute, glabrous, h. 6ft. to 10ft. Jamaica, 1793. Requires a trellis or other support. A. strigulosum (strigulose). fl. white ; racemes axillary, soli- tary, three times longer than the petioles. May. I. ovate, rather cordate, obtuse, clothed with adpressed hairs on both surfaces ; branches and petioles clothed with light brown, dense, short hairs, h. 6ft to 10ft. Trinidad, 1817. AMERIMNUM. A synonym of Amerimnon (which see). AMHERSTIA (commemorative of Countess Am- herst, a zealous promoter of natural history, particularly botany). OED. Leguminosce. A stove, evergreen tree of almost unsurpassed magnificence and brilliancy, requiring a very high and moist temperature. It delights in a rich, strong loam, and may be propagated by cuttings of the half-ripened wood, inserted in sand, under a glass in bottom heat of about SOdeg. ; also by seeds. A. nobilis (noble).* /. of a fine vermilion colour, diversified with rllow spots, large; racemes long, pendulous, axillary. May. large, impari-pinnate, - * -*' - h. ml. to 40ft. " , bearing six to eight pairs of leaflets. India, 1837. The flowers are, unfortunately, somewhat ephemeral, lasting but a few days in perfection, during which period, however, no object in the whole range of the vege- table kingdom presents a more striking aspect than this tree. AMICIA (commemorative of J. B. Amici, a celebrated French physician). ORD. Leguminosce. A pretty, green- house or half-hardy perennial, succeeding in any warm, sheltered spot. Young cuttings will root in sand, under a hand glass, in heat. A. Zygomeris (two-jointed-podded).* fl. yellow, splashed with purple on the keel ; peduncles axillary, five or six-flowered. Autumn. Legumes with two joints. I. abruptly pinnate, with two pairs of cuneate-obcordate, mucronate leaflets, which are full of pellucid dots ; branches and petioles pubescent, h. 8ft. Mexico, 1826. AMMOBIUM (from ammos, sand, and bio, to live ; in reference to the sandy soil in which it is found). OBD. Composite. This well-known everlasting is closely allied to Qnaphalium, from which it differs principally in habit. Receptacle with oblong, pointed, toothed, chaffy scales ; involucre of imbricated leaflets. It may be treated as a half-hardy annual, or as a biennial, if seeds are sown in September and kept in a cool greenhouse during the winter, and this is the best way to grow it. Any moderately good soil suits it. A. alatum (winged), fl. -heads about lin. across, of a silvery whiteness, with the exception of the yellow disk florets, very numerous, in loose, corymbose panicles. May to September. I. oblong-lanceolate ; radical ones in a tufted rosette. Stems winged hence the specific name. h. IJft. to 2ft. New Holland, 1822. See Fig. 77. A. a. grandiflorum (large-flowered).* fl.. heads purer white, nearly twice the size of those in the type. This variety, which comes true from seed, is a great acquisition. AMMOCHARIS. See Brunsvigia. AMMODENDRON (from ammos, sand, and dendron, a tree ; in reference to its natural habitat). OED. Legu- minosce. A small, neat, hardy evergreen, silky shrub, having the petioles hardening into spines; an excellent subject for shrubberies. It thrives in an ordinary soil, with good drainage, and is propagated by layers and seeds. A. Sieversii (Sievers').* fl. purple, disposed in racemes. June. 1. bifoliolate ; leaflets lanceolate, silky-white on both surfaces. A. 2ft. to 4ft. Siberia, 1837. AMMYRSINE. See Leiophyllum. AMOMOPHYLLUM. See Spatliiphyllum. FIG. 77. INFLORESCENCE OF AMMOBIUM ALATUM. AMOMUM (from a, not, and momos, impurity; in reference to the quality of counteracting poison). OBD. Scitaminece. Stove, deciduous, herbaceous perennials, chiefly aromatic, formerly used in embalming. Flowers produced close to the ground, in spikes or clusters, brae- teate. Leaves distichous, sheathing at the base, lanceo- late, entire. For ctdture, see Alpinia. A. angustifolinm (narrow-leaved).* fl. sometimes of a uniform chrome-yellow, sometimes crimron, with the labellum of a yellow colour, more or less pale, and sometimes entirely crimson ; scape naked, from 3in. to 8in. in length ; spike capitate. July. I. linear- lanceolate, h. 8ft. Madagascar. A. Cardamomum (Cardamom).* fl. brownish ; lip three-lobed, spurred ; scape compound, flexuous, procumbent. August, h. 8ft. East Indies, 1823. A. Danielli (Daniel's), fl.. 4in. across ; outer sepals fine red ; the spreading labellum whitish, tinged with rose and yellow ; scape short, arising from the bottom of the stem. I oblong-lanceo- late, 9in. long. h. 2ft. Western Africa. A. grandiflorum (large-flowered). /. white, numerous, clc . short. June. I. elliptic-lanceolate, pointed, h. 3ft. Sierra 1795. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 65 Amomum continued. A. Grannm Paradisi.* Grains of Paradise, fl. white, tinged with yellow and rose. I. elliptic-lanceolate, long-pointed. Stems d dull purplish-red above from the long, A. 3ft West Africa. very red at base, and di sheathing leafstalks. A. Melegueta (Melegueta). Grains of Paradise, ft. paie pink, othed lip. A. 1ft. to 2ft. solitary, with an orbicular, irregularly toothed lip. May. I. narrow, linear-elliptic, distichous, sessile. A. 1ft to 2ft Sierra Leone, 1869. Habit creeping. A. sceptrum (sceptre), ft. bright rose purple, large, sub-erect ; the most conspicuous portion is the lip, wnich is 2Mn. in diameter ; flower-scapes bin. high. January. I. i A. 5ft. to 6ft. Old Calabar, 1863. > . narrow, oblong-lanceolate. A. vitellinnm (yolk^f -egg-coloured). /. yellow; lip oblong, obtuse, toothed ; spike oblong, sessile, rather loose. April . rather loose. Ap J. oval. A. 2ft. East Indies, 1846. Plant stemless, glabrous. AMORFHA (from a, not, and morphe, form; incom- plete formation of the flowers). Bastard Indigo. OED. Leguminosce. A. handsome genus of hardy deciduous shrubs with very graceful impari-pinnate leaves, and many pairs of leaflets, which are full of pellucid dots. Racemes spicate, elongated, usually in fascicles at the tops of the branches ; corolla without wings and keel; vexillum or standard ovate, concave. They are well adapted for small shrub- beries, requiring a sheltered situation, and thrive well in common garden soil. Increased by layers, or cuttings, taken off at a joint, and planted in a sheltered situa- tion early in autumn ; these should be allowed to remain undisturbed till the following autumn. Amorphas produce an abundance of suckers, from which they may be readily propagated. A. canescens (hoary)." The Lead Plant ft. dark bine. July. 1., leaflets ovate-elliptic, mucronate. A. 5ft. Missouri, 1812. Whole plant clothed with hoary hairs. %frnticosa (shrubby).* The False Indigo. ft. very dark uish purple. June. I., leaflets elliptic-oblong ; lower ones dis- tant from the stem. A. 6ft. Carolina, 1724. Shrub glabrous, or a little villous. There are several varieties, having mucronate, emarginate, or narrower leaflets, but all with purple flowers. A host of names, representing the merest forms of A. fruticosa, are to be found in nurserymen's catalogues. Amongst them are : caroliniana, crocea, crocea-lanata, dealbata, frayrans, glabra, her- bacea, nana, pubescent, &c. These differ so slightly from the type and from each other, that it is impossible to distinguish them. AMORPHOPHALLUS (from amorphos, deformed, and phallos, a mace ; alluding to the inflorescence). STN. Py- thion. -Including Proteinophallus. OED. Aroidece (Aracece). A very remarkable genus, closely allied to Arum, but dis- tinguished therefrom by "their spreading, not convolute, spathes ; by their anthers opening by pores, not by longitu- dinal slits ; by the numerous cells to the ovary ; and by the solitary, erect ovules, those of Arum being horizontal." A soil consisting of two-thirds good rich loam, with the additional third of sweet manure, thoroughly rotted, suits them well. Other essentials are plenty of pot room, a genial atmosphere, and a temperature ranging from SSdeg. to 65deg., or even VOdeg. They require to be kept dry, and warm in winter, as nothing is more fatal to them than cold or damp. Beneath a shelf or stage in the stove is an excellent spot for them, or they may be stored in sand, and kept free from frost. They are difficult to increase ; the conns of most of them are of great size, and rarely make offsets. Efforts should consequently be made to induce the plants to seed whenever practicable. All the species are strikingly effective in sub-tropical bedding. For fertilising and growth of seedlings, see Arum. A. campanulatus (bell-shaped). Similar to A.. Rivieri, but the flowers are brown, red, and black, and the scape is neither so stout nor so tall. A. 2ft. India, 1817. SYN. Arum campanulatum. A. grandls Oarge). fl., spathe green, white inside; spadix purplish. A. 3ft Java, 1865. Stove species. A. Lac our 11 (Lacour's).* I. pedatisect, the ultimate segments lanceolate, yellow-spotted; petioles transversely mottled with yellow markings. Cochin China, 1879. Greenhouse. The correct name of this species is Pseudodracontium Lacourii. A. nivosus. See Dracontium asperum. A. Rivieri (Rivier's).* fl., spadix, spathe, and scape, reaching 3ft. or more in height, appearing before the leaves ; scape stout and strong, of a deep green colour, speckled or dotted with rose ; spadix projecting, deep red ; spathe of a rosy -green colour. March to May. I. solitary, decompound, 40in. to 50m. across, on tall marbled petioles. Cochin China. This is, perhaps, the most Amorphophallus continued. useful species of the genus. SYN. Proteinophallus Rivieri See Fig. 78. FiO. 78. AMORPHOPHALLUS RIVIERI, Foliage and Inflorescence. A. Titanum (Titan's).* ft., spadix 5ft high, black purple ; spathe nearly 3ft. in diameter, campanulate m sha. . deeply toothed edges. The deeper portion of the interior is pale greenish, but the flmb is of a bright black purple hue ; the outside is pale green, smooth in the lower portion, but thickly corrugated and crisp above; scape about lift long, green, marked with small whitish orbicular spots. I. the divided blade covers an area of 45ft in circumference. West Sumatra, 1878. As will be seen from the above, this extraordinary plant is of gigantic propor- tions, and, in size of the flowers, eclipsing nearly all others in the vegetable kingdom. SYN. ConophaUus Titanum. AMORPHOUS. Without definite form. AMPELOPSIS (from ampelos, & vine, and opsis, resemblance ; resembling the Grape Vine in habit, and to which it is closely allied). STN. Quinaria. OED. Ampe- Udece. A genus nearly allied to Vitis. Calyx slightly five toothed ; petals concave, thick, expanding before they fall ; disk none. Fast growing and ornamental climbing, hardy deciduous shrubs, of very easy culture in common garden soil. Cuttings, having a good eye, may be taken in Sep- tember, and pricked either under handlights in sandy soil on the open border, or in pots stood on the stage or shelf in a greenhouse ; they root readily, and will be fit for trans- planting early in the spring. Or cuttings made from the young soft wood, expressly grown for the purpose, in spring, root freely in gentle heat. This applies especially to A. tricuspidata. They are also easily increased by layers. Most of the species will thrive with equal vigour in almost any position, however exposed. A. aconitifolia (Aconite-leaved).* I palmisect, with pinnatifid segments. China, 1868. A slender and very elegant free-growing species, with long reddish branches. There are two or more varieties. SYNS. A. lucida, A. triloba, A. tripartita, and Vitis dissecta. See Fig. 79. A. bipinnata (bipinnate). fl. green, small ; raceme stalked, twice bifid. Berries globose. June. I. bipinnate, smooth ; leaflets deeply lobed. A. 10ft Virginia, 1700. A. hederacea (Ivy-leaved). Synonymous with A. quinquefolia. A. japonica (Japanese). Synonymous with A. tricuspidata. A. Incida (shining). Synonymous with A. aconitifolia. A. napiformis (turnip-like).* Greenish. China, 1870. See Fig. 80. A. quincmefolia (five-leaved).* Virginian Creeper, ft. greenish purple ; raceme corymbose. June. I. palmate,_with thn iree and five leaflets^ smooth on'both surfaces ; leaflets stalked, oblong-acumi- nated, mucronately toothed ; autumnal tint red. North America, 1629. SYN. A. 66 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Ampelopsis continued. A. a. Hirsute (hairy). I. downy on both surfaces. 1867 SYNS. A. tuberosa, Cissut mtunfolia. Roots tuberous , se< Fig. 8L Pio. 79 STEM AND LEAVES OF AMPELOPSIS ACONITIFOLIA. A. trlouspldate (three-pointed).* i. very variable in shape; younger ones almost entire ; older ones larger, roundish-cordate, divided to the middle into three deltoid lobes, which run into little tails, and are coarsely toothed at the margin. Japan, 1868. SYNS. A. Veitchii, Vitig japonica (of gardens). A. triloba (three-lobed). A synonym of A. aconitifulia. A. tripartite (three-parted). A synonym of A. aeonitifolia. A. tuberosa (tuberous). A synonym of A. serjanieefolia. A. Veitohil (Veitch's). A synonym of A. trictupidata. AMPELOSICYOS. A synonym of Telfairia. AMPHIBLEMMA CYMOSUM. See Melastoma corymbosum. AMFHIBLESTB.A. Included under Pteris. AMPHICAB,P.S:A(from amphi, both, and karpos, a fruit ; in allusion to the two kinds of pods those of the upper flowers being scimitar-shaped, three or four-seeded those of the lower, pear-shaped, fleshy, usually ripening bu one seed ; these lower pods bury themselves in the grounc after fertilisation). OBD. Le-mO>E CORONAKIA FLORB-PLKSa one of the species have originated, either in named L decapetala about fin. to (ten-petaled),* JL cream white or pale twelve, ob ly dirided out fin. toSn. atw, erect ; sepals eight to twelve reading. Mayto June. L tripartite, and freely dir meroos linear-acute segments, of a deep green colour. 18m. North-West America, Ac. A pretty free-flowerin itabfe for naturalising in woods, Ac. Ik is less or ** A. 12in. species, ornamental FIG. 95. A-XEMO.NE HEPATICA. , (forked).' JL white, with a tinge of red on the under side ; sepals fire, elliptical ; pedicels many, usually bifid. May. L three parted ; lobes oblong, deeply-toothed at top ; those of the inTolucrnm sessile. A. lift. Siberia, Xorth America, Ac., 1768. Border, or for naturalising woods. SY>. A. Greece, South Europe, Ac., 1865. A rery much mom showy flan A. kortaui* (of which Deautuni variety, mncn more snowy man A. nonennt (fn wi it te generally regarded as a variety), and a universal favourite. In "HardV Perennials.- Mr. Wood says of this See Fig. 9i fr^i a shnibbery ; i.d, after O, it 70 THE DICTIONARY .OF GARDENING, Anemone con K nued. is impossible to plant this flower wrong as regards effect. To prow it well, however, it must have a moist situation and good loam." See Fig. 94. A. Halleri (Haller's).* Jl. purplish inside, large, erect ; sepals six, oWnceolate. April/ I pinnate, very villous; segments three parted ; lobes with lanceolate-linear, acuminated divisions. A. .6m. Switzerland, 1816. A sunny border or the rockery. SYN. PuUa- tilla Ilalleri. A. Hcpatica (supposed remedy for liver diseases). Common He- paticl /. usually blue ; sepals six to nine. February. 1. cor- date, three-lobed ; lobes quite entire, ovate, acutish ; petioles and scapes rather hairy, h. 4in. to 6in. There are numerous varieties of this species. England, &c. SYN. Hepatwa trdoba. Varieties: alto has large pure white flowers; carulea (blue), the double form of caerutea is scarce and very showy , rwra produces re.ldish-pink flowers, and of which there is also a double "ariety, very bright and lasting ; Darloici has large sky-blue flowers Uesides these there are many others. They are all charming early spring-flowering plants, preferring rich light soil, and to remain umlisturbe.l for years, when they form grand clumps, often pro- ducing seedlings where they stand. SYX. A. amencana. See Fig. 95. A. Honorinc Jobcrt (Honorine Jobert) Synonymous with A. japonica alba. A. hortensls (garden). Nearly approaches A coronaria the parent of a large number of garden forms. A. fulyens ana A. ttcllata are by competent authorities placed as varieties. A. Hudsoniana (Hudson's). Synonymous with A. multifida. A. japonica (Japanese).* fl. rosy carmine, from 2in. to 21in. across, on footstalks which spring from a whorl of three or four leaves ; anthers golden yellow. Autumn. I. ternate, with i un- equally lobed, toothed segments, h. 2ft. to 3ft. Japan, 1844. See Fig. 96. Anemone con tinned. Fio. 97. ANEMONE JAPONICA ALBA. A. J. alba (white).* This is a splendid variety, with a profusion of large pure white flowers, which are produced from August to November. This white form is one of the handsomest of border flowers. The blooms are 2in. to Sin. across, with a centre of dense lemon coloured stamens. For cutting purposes the flowers are invaluable. It thrives best in deep soil. SYN. A. Uonorine Jobert. See Fig. 97. A. J. elegans (elegant).* Very like A. japonica, with broader leaves, and pale rose-coloured flowers, which are more than Sin across. This is also called rosea and hybrida. Japan. A. lanoifolia (lance-leaved). /. white ; sepals five, ovate-acute scapes one-flowered. May. I. all Btalked, ternate; segments lanceolate, crenate-toothed. h. Sin. Pennsylvania, 1823 Very rare. Bockery. Tuberous rooted. A. multlflda (many-cleft).* /.red, whitish yellow, or citron colour, small ; sepals five to ten, elliptical, obtuse ; peduncles three, one-flowered, one of which is naked and earlier, the other two longer, and bearing two-leaved multifid involucels on their middle June. I. radical ones It-mate; segments cuneated, three parted, multifld, with linear lobes ; those of the involucrum multifid on short petioles. h. 6in. to 12in. North America. Border or rockery. SYN. A. Hudsoniana. Fio. 98. ANEMONE NARCISSIFLORA, showing Habit and Flower. A. narcissiflora (Narcissus-flowered).* /. usually cream coloured, sometimes purplish on the outside ; umbels generally many- flowered ; pedicels in some instances twice or three times longer than the involucrum, and in others very short ; sepals five or six, ovate or oval, blunt or acute. May. I. radical ones palmately three to five parted ; lobes deeply toothed ; lobules linear, acute ; those of the involucrum three to five cleft, h. about 1ft. Europe, North America, 1773. An extremely variable and beautiful species. Ilockery. See Fig. 98. A. nemorosa (grove).* Wood Anemone, fl. generally white; sepals six, elliptical ; scapes one-flowered. March. I. ternate ; segments trifid, deeply toothed, lanceolate, acute ; involucral leaves stalked, h. 6in. This species varies greatly in the colour of its flowers. It is a most beautiful little plant, frequent in our native woods, and suitable for planting in shaded shrubberies, &c. Tuberous rooted. A. n. coerulea (blue),* from the North-west States of America, is very near, if not identical with, the variety Robinsoniana, of our native woods. A. n. flore-pleno (double-ft^yered).* /. pure white, over lin. across, solitary, double. This is an exceedingly pretty plant, and remains in beauty considerably longer than the type. It should be grown in large clumps, and in rich loam. A, n. Robinsoniana (Robinson's).* fl. bright azure blue, large, over IJin. in diameter. A charming variety for the rockery or border, and one of the prettiest in the whole genus. A. n. rosea (rosy).* A very pretty form, with rose-coloured flowers, of which there is a double flowered sub-variety ; there is also a double form of the type, named bracteata fl.-pl., white flowers, surrounded with a large involucrum. A. obtusiloba (blunt-lobed-leaved). /. cream coloured ; sepals five, obovate; peduncles two to three, one-flowered, villous, naked, or the lateral ones are bracteate. June. I. three lobed cordate, and are, as well as petioles, very villous ; segments broadly cuneated, and deeply crenate ; involucral leaves trifid. Himalaya, 1843. This species requires a warm and sheltered position. A. palmata (palmate).* /. golden yellow ; sepals ten to twelve, oblong, obtuse ; scape one, rarely two, flowered. May. I. cordate, sub-orbicular, hluntly three to flve-lobed, toothed ; involucral leaves trifid. South-west Europe, 1597. A white flowered variety, though scarce, is in cultivation, and is very pretty. True alpines, which should be grown on the rockery, where the soil is both rich and deep, with a somewhat damp situation. Tuberous rooted. A. patens (spreading).* /. purplish, or rarely yellew, erect, spread- ing, in the involucre almost sessile ; sepals five to six. June. I. pinnate, rising after the flowers ; segments three parted ; lobes toothed at the top. Northern Europe, &c., 1752. A. p. Nnttalliana (Nuttall's).* fl. purple, sometimes cream coloured, erect, villous on the outside ; sepals five or six, erect, connivent. June. 1. three parted ; segments cuneate, trifid, cut ; lobes linear-lanceolate, elongated ; those of the involucre with linear lobes, h. 1ft. North America, 1826. A pretty border plant. A. pavonlna (peacock). Synonymous with A. stellata. A. pennsylvanica (Pennsylvanian). Synonymous with A. dicho- toma. A. pratensis (meadow).* fl. dark purple, pendulous ; sepals six, erect, reflexed at the top, acute. May. I. pinnate, many parted ; lobes linear, h. 6in. to 12in. Northern Europe, &c., 1731. Differs chiefly from the following species in having smaller flowers, sepals narrower and more acute, connivent at base, and reflexed at apex. SYN. PuUatilla pratensis. A. Pulsatllla (common Pulsatilla).* Pasque Flower, /.generally violet, sub-erect ; sepals six, spreading, externally silky, very handsome. April. I. pinnate; segments many parted; lobes linear, h. bin. to 12in. England, &c. A singular and beautiful species, Uiriving best in a dry situation and well-drained soil of AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 77 Anemone continued. FIG. 99. ANEMONE PULSATILI.A. A calcareous nature. It is a very pretty plant for a border or rockery ; when well grown, it forms handsome tufts, and flowers very freely. See Fig. 99. SYN. Pulsatilla vulyaris. There are numerous varieties, the best of which are : A. P. dahurica (Dahurian). ft. erect ; sepals oblong, very vil- lous. Plant dwarf. Sunny border or rockery. A. P. lilacina (lilac). JL lilac. A. P. rubra (red), fl. erect ; sepals blunter. Plant dwarfer. A. ranunculoides (Ranunculus-like).* fl. usually yellow (but in the Pyrenean variety purple), generally solitary, single or. double ; sepals five to six, elliptical. March. I. radical ones three to five parted ; segments subtrifid, deeply toothed ; those of the invo- lucrum on short stalks three parted, deeply toothed. A. Sin. Naturalised in English woods, but rarely. Tuberous rooted. FIG. 100. ANEMONE STELLATA. A. rivularis (river).* /. white ; anthers purple ; sepals five, oval, smooth ; pedicels three, one of which is naked. April. I. villous, as well as petioles, three parted ; lobes cuneated, trifld ; lobules Anemone continued. cut, acutely toothed, h. 1ft. to 2ft. North India, 1840. Should be grown on the banks of running water, or in a damp situation in the border. A. sibirica (Siberian), fl. white ; sepals six, orbicular ; scapes one-flowered. June. I. ternate ; segments deeply toothed, ciliated, those of the involucrum on short stalks, ternate ; seg- ments lanceolate. A. 6in. Siberia, 1804. Rockery ; very rare. A. stellata (star-leaved).* fl. purple, or rose red, or whitish, solitary ; sepals ten to twelve, oblong, bluntish. April. I. three parted ; lobes cuneated, deeply-toothed ; involucral leaves sessile, oblong, h. Sin. to lOin. South Europe, 1599. A pretty and gay spring flowering plant. Tuberous rooted. SYN. A. pavonina. Double forms of this occur in cultivation. See Fig. 100. FIG. 101. ANEMONE SYLVESTRIS. A. sylvestrls (wood).* Snowdrop Windflower. fl. pure satin white, slightly drooping, liin. across when fully open, fragrant ; sepals six, "Meal ; pedicel solitary. April. I. ternate or quinate, hair- ith ; segments deeply toothed at top, those of the involv stalked, h. 6in. to 18in.' Europe, 1596. This distinct an elliptical ; pedicel solitary. April. I. ternate or quinate, hairy beneath .,*.*... crum showy species thrives best in a light'vegetable soil in a rather shady and moist situation. The roots are creeping, and should be allowed plenty of room, so that they may ramble without check. See Fig. 10L 78 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Anemone continued. A. trifolla (three-leaved). /. white, erect ; sepals five, elliptical, obtuse. April. I. all stalked, ternate ; segments ovate-lanceo- late, acute, toothed, h. 6in. France, 1597. This species comes close to A. nemorosa. A. vernalis (spring).* fl. whitish inside, violet and covered with silky down outside, erect, sub-sessile or on pedicels ; sepals six, straight, elliptic-oblong. April. 1. pinnate ; segments cuneate- lanceolate, trifld ; involucrum very villous. h. 6in. Europe, 1816. A curious rather than a showy species ; it makes a pretty pot plant, but must not, under any consideration, be allowed to want water. It can be plunged in sand or ashes in the open, and just as the flowers commence to expand, transfer to a cool frame. It thrives best in a peat and loam compost, to which small pieces of charcoal may be added. SYN. Pulsatilla vernalis. See Fig. 102. A. virginiana (Virginian).* fl. purplish green or pale purple, small; sepals five, elliptical, silky-pubescent on the outside; pedicels often rising in pairs from the involucel. May. I. ter- nate ; segments trind, acuminated, deeply toothed ; those of the involucre and involucels stalked ; peduncles three to four, much elongated, middle one naked, sometimes 1ft. high ; lateral ones bearing two-leaved involucels. h. 2ft. North America, 1722. Border or woodlands, and damp places. A. vltlfolla (vine-leaved), fl. white, villous on the outside; anthers copper colour ; sepals eight, oval, oblong ; pedicels one- flowered. July. 1. large, cordate, nve-lobed, beneath as well as the stems clothed with white wool ; lobes broadly ovate, cut, and crenate; those of the involucrum stalked, woolly underneath, smooth above, bluntly cordate, fl ve-lobed. h. 2ft. Upper Nepaul, 1829. This requires a warm sheltered position to stand the winter. Very near A. japoniea alba, and probably the progenitor of it. ANEMONOPSIS (from anemone, and opsis, resem- blance.; flowers like those of the Anemone). OBD. Ranun- culacece. A handsome and remarkable hardy herbaceous perennial, not unlike Anemone japoniea, but smaller. It thrives in any light soil. Propagated by seeds and divisions of the root-stock in spring. A. macrophylla (large-leaved).* fl. in loose racemes ; sepals about nine, concave, the outer three purple, internally pale lilac ; petals twelve, in many rows, one-third the length of the sepals, linear- oblong. July. I. large, biternate, coarsely toothed, glabrous. h. 2ft. to 3ft. Japan, 1869. ANEMOPJEGMA (from anemos, the wind, and paigma, sport). OED. Bignoniacece. A handsome stove climbing shrub. For culture, see Bignonia. A. racemoBum (racemose).* fl. delicate buff coloured, in axillary racemes, large. September. Brazil, 1879. This beautiful and vigorous climber is, as yet, very rare in cultivation. ANETHUM (from ano, upwards, and theo, to run ; in reference to its quick growth). OED. Umbelliferas. A genus of erect glabrous annuals. Flowers yellow ; involucre and involucols wanting. Leaves decompound, with linear- setaceous lobes. This genus is of no ornamental value, its most important species being the garden Dill (A. graveolens), which see for culture. ANGELICA (in reference to the supposed angelic medicinal virtues of some species). OBD. Umbelliferae. Perennial or biennial herbs. Flowers white ; umbels terminal; involucra wanting or of few leaves; involucels of many leaves. Leaves bipinnate. The common Angelica (A. Archangelica) is the only species that calls for mention. It is a native biennial, and was at one time in much request for confectionery, and as a herb of supposed great medicinal value. Seed should be sown in September or March in ordinary soil, and the young plants thinned out to about 18in. apart. ANGELICA TREE. See Aralia spinosa. ANGELONIA (from angelon, the local name of A. salicaricefolia in South America). SYN. Schelveria. OED. Scrophularinesta Bica, 186L An Anthnrinm continued. L tetragonnm (four-angledX Z. erect, commences very narrow, 1ft. wide at its broadest part ; margins undulate, deep shining green on the upper surface, paler below ; petioles short, quad- rangular. Tropical America, I860. An excellent sub-tropical jduncle quadrangular. L green ; ribs prominent, ani 1882. A handsome plant. n: *adb alternate, ^andofapaler A Vettchil (Teitch'sX* L ovate-oblong, greatly elongated, 2ft to 3ft long, with a breadth of less than than one-third of these dimensions, leathery, deep green, with a glossy metallic surface when first expanded that Womes paler with age ; the principal nerves are arched and deeply sunk, imparting a curiously waved appearance to the surface. A. 2Jft Columbia, 1877. Bare but very handsome. A Walulewi (Walujew'sX* I. broadly cordate, 12in. to Uin. long, Sin. to lOin. broad, olive metallic green, when young, bright reddish crimson ; petioles four to five-angled. A. 2ft. Venezuela, 1880. A very distinct and noble species. A Waroqueanum (Waroque'sX* L elongated, from 24in. to sometimes 36in. long, and Sin. to llin. broad, very nch deep green, of a velvety lustre ; midribs and veins light, forming a very pleasing contrast Columbia, 1878. A very free grower. A WQdenowll (Wildenow-sX A synonym of A. laruxolatvm. It may be here remarked that by far the majority of species enn- species. i's Dictionary are chiefly of and will, therefore, never become extensively cultivated. ANTH v I.T.Tg (from anthcs, a flower, and ionics. down; flowers usually downy). Kidney Vetch. OBD. Leguminosce. Herbaceous or sub-shrubby plants, of variable habit. Flowers in spikes or heads; calyx tubular, five toothed, permanent after flowering, more or less inflated. Petals nearly equal Although not extensively grown, all the species are very beautiful when in flower, the hardy sorts being admirably adapted for rockwork. The herbaceous perennials may be easily propagated by seed or division. The seeds of the annual kinds should be sown in a rather dry, warm situation in the open ground. The shrubby evergreens will need the protection of a frame or cool greenhouse in cold northern climates, and are best grown in a mixture of loam, sand, and peat. Young cuttings of most sp ecies will root in a pot of sandy soil, with a bell glass placed over them, in a cool house or frame. A Barba-Jovls (Jupiter's beardX* * Pale yellow, numerous, in globose, bracteate heads. March. I pinnate, and are as well as She branches, clothed with silky tomentum; leaflets nine to thirteen, oblong-linear, h. 4ft to 8ft Spain, 1640. Shrub. A ertnacea (pricklyX* A. bluish-purple ; heads few flowered, on short peduncles, bractea'te. ApriL i. very few, oval, or oblong. A. 6in. to 12in. Spain, 1759. A much branched, spiny, almost leafless, and slow-growing species ; hardy in a dry sunny position on the rockery. S VS. Ennaeea hispan iea. A. Hermanniffi (Hennann'sX JL yellow ; heads few flowered, nearlv sessile in tie axils of the upper leaves. ApriL I. almost sessile, simple, or trifoliate ; leaflets oblong-cuneated, glabrous or clothed with adpressed pubescence, h. 2ft to 4ft Corsica, 1739. Shrubby, much branched. A. m""**"* (mountainX* JL pink or purplish, in dense heads, on peduncles, with a leafy involucre, June. L pinnate, and are as well as the branches, silky and hoary ; leaflets numerous, oval- oblong, acute, small, entire, fc. Sin. to 6m. Alps of Europe, 1759 A very handsome little rock plant, with a dwarf and tufted habit A. tetraphyUa (fonr-leavedX JL white ; heads axillary, sessile, few flowered. July. I pinnate, the terminal leaflets ovate and large, the other three small and acute. South Europe, 1640. A A. Vntocrarla (Common Wound wortX* JL generally yellow, some- times white, red, or pinkish, in crowded twin heads. Summer. L pinnate, with five or more unequal leaflets ; the lower ones smallest. An elegant native herbaceous, perennial, admirably adapted for rockwork. It is plentiful in most dry pastures. There are several varieties, the best of which is alba. AHTZASIS TOXICAJ&IA. This is the famous Upas tree of Java, from which is obtained poison of a most deadly nature. It belongs to the NAT. OBD. Urticacea. AimCLEA, Included under Zygadenns. ANTIGONON (from anti, against or opposite, and gonia, an angle). Q&n.PolygonaceuB. Elegant stove climbers. Flowers racemose, cirrhose at the apex of the rachides; petals five, three outer ones broadly cordate, two inner oblong. Leaves alternate, cordate. Although extremely 88 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Antigonon continued. handsome plants, they are difficult to flower. They seem to succeed best when planted out in a very thoroughly drained border over hot-water pipes or flues, the long climbing stems being trained near the glass in full light. A. amabile (lovely).* fl. bright rose, profusely borne in axillary and terminal racemes. I. 3in. to 5in. long, ovate-cordate, and deeply lobed at the base. It is of free slender growth, the young shoots are pubescent, and having a slight reddish tinge. An exceedingly attractive and effective species. A. ETuatemalensis (Guatemala). Probably the same aa A. A. inslgne (remarkable).* ft. very numerous, borne in tufts along the sides of long racemes or panicles, which terminate in branched tendrils ; the calyx, which is the showy part of the flower, has five membranous sepals, the three outer are of a beautiful rosy pink colour, about lin. in length by rather less in breadth, cordate at the base, oblong, rounded towards the apex ; the two inner sepals about the same length as the outer ones, but much narrower, falcate, lanceolate ; pedicels Jin. long. I. broadly ovate oblong, deeply cordate at the base, with two rounded lobes ; 4in. by 3in., the upper ones smaller, supported on short terete downy stalks. Stems slender, angular, pubescent. Columbia, 1876. A. leptopus (slender-stemmed), ft. numerous ; the outer three sepals ofa beautiful rose colour, the centre of a much deeper tint ; racemes secund, bearing several coloured bracts as well as flowers, and end in a branched tendril. I. alternate, cordate, petiolate. Stem slender, sub-pubescent. Mexico, 1868. ANTIGRAMME. See Scolopendrinm. ANTIRRHINUM (from anti, like, and rhin, a nose or snout ; alluding to the shape of the corolla). Snapdragon. OBD. Scrophularinece. Hardy herbaceous plants. Flowera in terminal racemes, or solitary and axillary ; corolla per- sonate ; tube ample, saccate at the base ; lobes of the upper lip erect; lower lip spreading, having the middle lobes smaller than the lateral ones, with an ample bearded palate, which closes the throat. Seed pod or capsule two Fio. 113. ANTIRRHINUM CAPSULE, with Persistent Style. celled, upper cell bursting by one pore, lower by two masy. toothed pores. See Fig. 113. Leaves entire, rarely lobed. The genus contains several very handsome species, suitable for borders and the rockery, while innumerable varieties have originated from A. majus, which are very popular, and extremely useful for bedding purposes ; these may ba Fio. 114. ANTIRRHINUM ASARINA, showing Habit and Flower, increased by cuttings or seeds ; if it is desired to increase certain colours or varieties, the former is the only sure method to adopt. They should be taken in September, Antirrhinum continued. when they will readily root in a cold frame, or under a hand glass, or they may be rapidly propagated in gentle heat in spring. Seeds should be sown in July or August, when they will produce good plants by the following season ; or if sown in March in warmth, the plants will bloom late in the same year. The " Tom Thumb " strain is especially desirable for bedding, being very dwarf and free. All the other species may be increased by cuttings and seeds treated in the same way. Light soil, well enriched with manure, is most suitable for all of them, especially for the varieties of A. majus. FIG. 115. BACEME OF ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS. A. angustifolium (narrow-leaved). Synonymous withal, siculum. A. Asarina (Asarina).* /. axillary, solitary ; corolla IJin. long, white, sometimes tinged with red ; palate yellow ; tube glabrous, compressed on the back, marked by purple spots, and bearded by yellow hairs inside. June. I. opposite, on long petioles, five- nerved, five-lobed, cordate, and crenated. South France, Ac., 1699. A greyish clammy procumbent plant, requiring a warm position on the rockery. See Fig. 114. A. hispanlcum (Spanish), fl. in loose spikes ; corolla hardly an inch long, purple, with a golden yellow palate ; tube villous. Summer. I. oblong-lanceolate, contracted at the base, bluntish ; lower ones opposite ; superior ones alternate, narrower, h. 1ft Spain, 1878. SYN. A. latifolium. A. latifolium (broad-leaved). Synonymous with A. h AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 89 Antirrhinum continued. A, majns (large).* Greater, or Common Snapdragon. JL racemose, approximate ; corolla lin. to 2in. long, shades infinite ; palate yellow at top, very prominent ; tube downy outside. Spring, summer, and autumn. L oblong-lanceolate, lin. to Sin. long; upper ones narrower, attenuated at both ends, glabrous. Branches erect, usually branched again, h. 2ft. Europe (naturalised in Britain). The named varieties are numerous, but it is unnecessary to enumerate any, as an equal amount of variation can be obtained from seed. See Fig. 115. A. molle (soft).* JL few, at the tops of the branchlets ; corolla lin. long, whitish, with a yellow palate ; upper lip striped with purple. July. 1. opposite, petiolate, clothed with glandular and clammy hairs, about iin. long, and little more than Jin. broad ; branches procumbent, slender.clothed with woolly hairs. Pyrenees, 1752. A very pretty plant, which should have a warm position on the rockery. A. semperrirent comes close to this species. A, Orontinm (Orontium). Jl. axil- lary, distant ; corolla rose-coloured or white, striped with purple ; tube furnished with a few glandular hairs ; palate veined with purple ; sepals linear-lanceolate, large. June. L ob- long-lanceolate, acutish, attenuated at both ends, glabrous, 2in. long. h. 6in. to 12n. Europe (British cornfields). Annual. See Fig. 116. A. O. grandiflorum (large-flowered). A variety with larger, paler, and more approximate flowers, and with broader leaves, than the type. Europe (British corn- fields). A. sicnlnm (Sicilian). JL in loose racemes; corolla hardly lin. long, white or yellowish, rarely purple ; tube rather hairy ; lobes of the upper lip and the middle lobe of the lower lip emarginate. July. L lin. to liin. long, linear-lanceolate, opposite, alter- nate or three in a whorl, narrowed into petioles at the base. Branches erect, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Sicily, 1804. STJf. A. anmisti- foKum. A. tortnosum (twisted).* fl. disposed in spiked racemes, ap- proximating by threes and fours ; corolla (the largest of the genus) purple ; tube short ; upper lip large. June. I. linear, acute, opposite or three in a whorl, 2in. long, attenuated at both FIG. 116. ORONTIUM. ends ; upper ones very narrow. Branches erect. Italy. A synonym of , 1ft. to IJft. Rhynchoglossuxn ANTONXA. (which see). ANTB.OPHYUM (from antron, a cavern, and phuo, to grow ; referring to its place of growth). Including Polytcenium. OBD. Filicea. A small genus of stove ferns, very rarely seen in cnltivation, all with simple fronds, of firm bnt fleshy texture, and copious, uniform, hexagonal areolse. Son carried along the veins, imperfectly reticu- lated. For culture, &c., see Ferns. A, cayennense (Cayenne), sli. lin. to 4in. long, fronds 6in. to 9in. long, lin. to liin. broad, lanceolate-oblong, narrowed at both ends ; edge thickened, entire ; areolse half as broad as long, tori snb-superficial, often forked. Guiana, Ac. A. corlacenm (leathery), fronds 6in. to Sin. long, about iin. broad, narrowed very gradually from the centre to the base, very acute at the apex, very thick ; areolae very long and narrow, distinctly raised on the upper surface, gori quite immersed, sometimes confluent. Himalayas, &c. A. lanceolatnm (lance-leaved).* fronds 1ft. or more long, Jin. to Jin. broad, point acute, edge entire, the lower half narrowed very gradually to the base ; areolae two or three times as long as broad, about three rows between the midrib and the edge, gori slender, superficial, often joining. West Indies, southwards to New Grenada, 1793. ANTS (Fmrmicida). Well-known pests, easily distin- guished from all other insects. There are a great number of species, differing more or less in habits; but, as a rule, they dwell underground in communities, and con- struct extensive ant-cities, which are occupied by three classes the neuters or workers (by far the most numerous), the males, and the females. There are often, in addition to these, larger and stronger neuters, known as the " soldiers," or defenders of the community. Ants have a long, slender body, supported on long and slender legs. The head bears a pair of elbowed horns or an- tennae, constantly waving about and touching everything the insect comes across. They have powerful mandibles Ants continued. for cutting, sawing, and biting, and it is with these in- struments that Ants do mischief in gardens. The winged males and females become mature in summer, and on a warm day they ascend in a body into the air; after a short time, they fall to the ground, the females at once free themselves from the henceforth useless wings, and begin to form new colonies. Vast numbers of eggs are laid, from which issue larvae, and these soon become pupae, and then perfect Ants. Some kinds are injurious from their habit (in some species) of collecting aphides together, and farming them for the sake of the honey secreted by the aphides, and that passes out from their honey-tubes (thus helping to perpetuate the stock of these most injurious insects) ; and also from the mecha- nical damage they do in pots, and other receptacles for plants. They likewise cause unsightly hills on lawns and paths, and the large black species that live in decayed wood often injure the framing of greenhouses, Ac., when the woodwork has become somewhat decayed. Where fruit, such as peaches or wall pears, are grown, Ants will at times inflict damage, and, therefore, they should be kept away ; but this is a comparatively easy matter, as the placing of an obnoxious substance along the base of the walls and around the stems of the trees will deter them. For the extirpation of Ants from indoors, the Arsenical solution described below is most efficacious, but it is extremely dangerous. Lime. Air-slaked lime plentifully dusted, in warm, dry, weather, over and around the hills and other places infested, will cause the Ants to vacate them in a short time. A thick chalk line drawn round a smooth tree, or across an upright board or post, will render it impassable. Arsenic. This must be used with the utmost caution, as it is a poison most fatal to animal life. Eecipe : loz. of ordinary arsenic is placed in an old iron pot with a quart of water, and then boiled until reduced to a pint or a little more of liquid, to which is added lb. of coarse sugar. This mixture can either be dropped about the runs and around the nests, or placed in saucers in the Ants' haunts. Ferrocyanide of Potassium. This is also very dangerous : Ferrocyanide of potassium, Idr. ; raspings of quassia, Idr. ; and enough sugar to form a syrup. TJse in the same way as the preceding. Calomel and Sugar. Mix together one part of calomel and ten parts of finely-powdered loaf sugar, and lay it in little heaps about their nests and runs ; the Ants will eat it and die. Spring is the best season for this method. Guano, when fresh, if sprinkled on and around their quarters, is said to be efficacious in driving them away. Camphor. If a piece of camphor, about the size of a filbert, be placed in two quarts of hot water, and this, when cool enough, applied to pot or other plants infested with Ants, the insects will be driven off without injury to the plants. Bones. Lay a quantity of partially-picked boiled bones in the haunts, and they will be quickly covered with insects. As soon as this occurs, throw the bones into hot water. Before laying them down again, let all super- fluous moisture drain off. This is a cheap remedy, and, if persisted in, is very effectual. Carbolic Acid. This, if of good strength, diluted with about ten or twelve times its bulk of water, and well sprinkled over paths or other places where there is no vegetation, will keep the Ants away. It has, however, an objectionable smell. Paraffin Oil. Paraffin, mixed with six times its bulk of water, and sprinkled over the nests every few days, will kill and drive away Ants ; but the smell is disagreeable. Quassia. 4oz. of quassia chips, boiled in a gallon of water for about ten minutes, and 4oz. of soap added to the liquor as it cools, if used like the preceding, is fairly effectual; but this, like the other remedies, must be persisted in for som tiro a N 90 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Ants continued. Fly pans or cancers, nearly filled with thin honey or sweet oil, attract Ants, and they are drowned in them. Ants are very hard to clear effectually out of a place, and therefore it is very desirable, in all attempts to be rid of them, to persist in the above remedies. When not living close to the roots or stems of plants, the best and surest remedy of all is to flood them out or scald them in with boiling water. The specifics are endless, but the best are mentioned above. ANTWERP HOLLYHOCK. See Altnsea ficifolia. AOTT7S (from a, without, and ous, an ear ; in allusion to the absence of appendages in the calyx, which distinguishes it from its allied genus, Pultencea). OBD. Leguminosce. Elegant little greenhouse evergreen shrubs, with yellow flowers, and simple, linear- subulate leaves, revolnte at the margins, alternate or nearly opposite, or three in a whorl. They should be grown in a compost of equal parts loam, sand, and peat, with a little charcoal, and the pots should be well drained. Cuttings of half-ripened wood, made in April, root freely in sand, under a bell glass. A. gracillima (most slender).* /. yellow and crimson, small, on long, dense, graceful spikes, which are often over a foot long ; pedicels short. May. A. 3ft. New Holland, 1844. A very pretty slender growing shrub. A. Tlllosa (soft-haired), fl. axillary, disposed in racemose spikes along the branches; calyx silky. April. I. smoothish on the upper surface, h. 1ft. to 2ft. New Holland, 1790. AFEIBA (the native name in Guiana.) OBD. Tiliaceae. Very handsome stove evergreen trees or shrubs, clothed with starry down. Flowers large, golden yellow, pedunculate, bracteate. Capsule spherical, depressed, rough from rigid bristles. Leaves broad, alternate, entire or serrate. They thrive in a mixture of loam and peat. The best way to induce them to flower in this country is by cutting a ring round the bark of a large branch ; by this means the growth is stopped. Well ripened cuttings should be planted in sand in heat, under a bell glass, which should be tilted occasionally, so as to give a little air to the cut- tings, otherwise they are apt to damp off. peduncles opposite the 1. ovate-oblong, some- 't. to 40ft. Guiana, 1792. A. Petoumo (Petoumo). fl. yellow, similarly disposed to A. cupera. August Jr. clothed with bristles. I. ovate-oblong, somewhat cordate at the base, entire, hoary beneath, h. 40ft. Guiana, 1817. A. Tibonrbou (Tibourbou).* fl. dark yellow. August, fr. densely clothed with bristles. I. cordate, ovate-oblong, serrated, hairy beneath. A. 10ft. Guiana, 1756. APENULA. A synonym of Specular! a. APETALOUS. Without petals. APEX. The summit or point of anything. APHELANDRA (from apheles, simple, and aner, a male; the anthers being one-celled). OBD. Acanthacece. Very handsome stove evergreen shrubs, mostly of an erect habit of growth, and having handsome shining leaves, which in some instances are variegated. Flowers pro- duced in terminal four-sided spikes the preponderating colours being brilliant shades of orange or scarlet conspicuously situated above the foliage ; they are ex- ceedingly attractive; corolla ringent, two-lipped, upper lip three-lobed ; central lobe large. They blossom gene- rally during the autumn months, and if the plants are removed to a warm dry atmosphere so soon as the flowers begin to open, they will continue much longer in perfection than if left in the moisture-laden atmosphere of the stove. From the time the flower spikes are at first seen till they blossom, the plants will derive much benefit from frequent applications of clear manure water. When the plants have finished flowering, they should be allowed to rest, by re- ducing the supply of water, but never allow them to shrivel During this time they may be kept in a house or pit, where the atmosphere is rather dry, with a night temperature of 50deg. to 55deg. Here they may remain till March, when A. aspera (rough).* /. golden-yellow ; pe( leaves, branched, many-flowered. May. I. what cordate, quite entire, smooth, h. 30ft. I Aphelandra continued. they should be pruned. This operation is commenced by thinning out the weakest shoots altogether, and cutting the others back to one or two of the strongest joints or buds above the old wood in order to keep the plants dwarf and bushy. When pruned, the plants should be placed in the stove, giving moderate supplies of water at the roots, and occasionally sprinkling the stems overhead till growth com- mences. When the young shoots have attained an inch or so in length, the plants should be turned out of the pots, remov- ing the crocks and as much of the old soil as can be got away easily, at the same time shortening-in any of the straggling roots. They should then be placed into smaller-sized pots, keeping them rather close, and watering them carefully for a time till growth has commenced. When fairly started, they may be transferred into larger-sized pots, in which they are to flower. During the summer, these plants require a moist atmosphere, with a temperature of GSdeg. by night, allowing it to rise 15deg. or 20deg. by day, and whilst active growth is taking place they should be fre- quently supplied with moisture at the roots, keeping them well exposed on all sides to the light. After growth has commenced, it is not advisable to stop the shoots, for the stouter and stronger they grow up the finer will be the flower spikes when they appear. The compost should consist of equal parts fibry loam, leaf soil, and peat, with a good proportion of sand added. In preparing it, it should be rather lumpy, and, before using, should be warmed to about the temperature of the house in which the plants are grown. Clean pots and perfect drainage are most essen- tial. Cuttings are best prepared from half ripened wood, or taken off when young with a heel. The base of each cutting should invariably be cut clean across. These may be inserted an inch apart, in pots of sandy soil, and plunged in a brisk bottom heat. To obtain young shoots for cuttings, if the old plants break freely after pruning, and very large specimens are not required, when the shoots are 2in. long they should be thinned out, leaving the requisite number of the strongest to form the plant. If the surplus pieces are removed with a slight heel of the older wood, they make good cuttings, and should be treated the same as the others. These cuttings strike root quickest, and when rooted, if potted into Sin. or Gin. pots, and allowed to grow up without stopping or pinching out the tops, they will flower the first season. Although Aphelandras can be grown into large sized specimens, it will be found to be more generally satisfactory to have specimens of neat and moderate dimensions. The mealy bug and scale insects are very troublesome, and must be kept down, otherwise they will prove most prejudicial to the plants. A. acutifolia (acute-leaved), fl. large, deep vermilion red ; the upper lip of corolla concave, and projected_ forward, the lower one consists of three oblong-obtuse spreading lobes. October. I. broad, oblong-ovate, acuminate. Columbia, 1868. A. aurantiaca (orange-coloured).* fl. deep orange scarlet ; upper lip of corolla erect, bidentate, concave ; lower one spreading horizontally, three lobed. December. I. broad, ovate, opposite, dark green, somewhat wavy at the edge. h. 3ft. Mexico, A. a. Roezlii (Roezl's).* Differs chiefly from the type in the curiously twisted leaves, which are dark green, shaded with a silvery hue between the primary veins ; in the brighter scarlet of the flowers ; and a few other, but purely technical, points. It la one of the best. Mexico, 1867. SYN. A. Roezlii. A. Clistata (crested).* /. brilliant orange scarlet, 2in. or 3in. long, in large terminal branching spikes. August to November. I. large, broadly ovate, and tapering to a point, h. 3ft. West Indies, 1733. A handsome and continuous blossomer. SYN. Justicia pulcherrima. A. fascinator (fascinating).* fl. bright vermilion, in very large spikes. Autumn. I. ovate acuminate, olive green, beautifully banded with silvery white, whilst the under side is of a uniform purplish violet, h. IJft. New Grenada, 1874. A. Leopold! (Leopold's).* fl. citron-yellow. I. opposite, ovate- oblong, acuminate ; ground colour on the upper surface dark green, the midrib and primary veins pure white ; under surface uniformly pale green. Brazil, 1854. A. medlo-aurata (golden-centred), fl. unknown. I. ovate-lanceo- late, sinuate, bright green, with yellow central brand. Brazil, 1871. SY.N. Graptophyllum medw-auratum. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 91 Aphelandra continued. A. nitens (shining).* JL glowing vermilion-scarlet, very large, in erect, simple, terminal spikes, which, after the flowers have fallen, are clothed with the imbricating, lanceolate, appressed bracts. 1. orate, sub-acute, leathery, brilliant glossy on the upper surface, dark vinous purple underneath, k. 2ft. to 3ft. Colombia, 1867. A. Porteana (Forte's).* JL in fine terminal heads ; corolla ami bracts bright orange. I. rich green, with metallic silvery-white veins, h. 2ft Brazil, 1854. A. jramila (dwarfish).* JL orange-coloured ; upper lip erect, con- cave, entire; bracts large, purplish. L large, cordate, ovate- oblong, acute. A. Bin. Brazil, 1878. Very distinct from all others. A. pnnctata (dotted).* JL bright yellow, in large and rather dense spikes ; the spiny-edged long pointed bracts are also yellow, with the exception of the tip, which is green, and forms a pleasing contrast. November. opposite, elliptic, acuminate ; the green midrib is conspicuous in the middle of a white central band, which also extends beside the green veins, this silvery band breaking up on its margin into numerous small white dots, producing a pretty and distinct form of variegation. South America, 1881. A. Roezlii. A synonym of A. aurantiaca Roezlii. A. yariegata (variegated). JL yellow; spike, 6in. long, with bright orange-red bracts. L ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, dark green with white veins, ft, IJft Brazil. APHELEXIS (from apheles, simple, and exis, habit). OED. Composite. A genus of elegant dwarf evergreen greenhouse shrubs. Flower-heads large, solitary, or small and two or more together. Leaves pT"a11, These plants are valuable for exhibition purposes, on account of their bright colours, and the length of time they last in per- fection; they are included among what are familiarly known as " everlastings." The most suitable soil is a com- post of two parts of good fibrous peat and one of leaf mould, with a liberal supply of silver sand, and a few pieces of charcoal added to it Repot the plants firmly in February, and allow thorough drainage. Cuttings can be made in spring or summer; small half -ripened side shoots are best ; and these will root in sandy soil, under a bell glass, in a cool greenhouse. A. ericoides(Heath-like).* Jl.-head* white. ApriL L very small, three-cornered, imbricated, appressed ; branches numerous, very fine, filiform. A. 1ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1796. A. fasciculata (fascicled). JL-headt purplish, solitary, terminal ; peduncles scaly. March. L acerose linear, roundish, downy above; lower spreading ; upper appressed. h. 2ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1779. There are two or three forms of this species, varying in the colour of the flowers. A. humilis (humble, or dwarf).* JL-keads pink, solitary, terminal, opening only in sunshine ; peduncles scaly. ApriL L subulate, erect, imbricate. Branches numerous, slender, covered with white tomentnm. A. 2ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1810. A hand- terminated m humtie. A. h, grandiflora (large-flowered).* JL-headt rosy-purple, produced in great abundance. Habit rather dwarf, and free branching. Very highly esteemed. A. h, , . some greenhouse plant, with much-branched stems, terminated by the flower-head. SYNS, A. maerantha and HeUpteru . h. pm-purea (purple)* Jt dark purple, re. _ silvery white and shining. A vigorous grower, and perhaps the best for exhibition purposes. It is known in gardens , maerantha purpurea ; also under the name of A. tpectabilis. TV abundant. I. and perha in gardens i.tpectabilu A. h, rosea (rose-coloured).* JL-heads delicate rose, very profuse. Habit very compact and free-branching. A very showy and de- sirable variety, known in gardens as A. maerantha rosea. A. macrantha (large-flowered). Synonymous with A. kumilU. A. sesamoides (Sesamnm-likeX JL-headt purple and white, sessile, solitary, terminaL ApriL L acerose linear, keeled, smooth, appressed. A. 2ft Cape of Good Hope, 1739. APHIDES, or PLANT LICE. These belong to the order Homoptera, meaning " same winged," and the name has reference to the fact that the fore wings are uniform in their structure from base to apex, not divided into a leathery base and a membranous tip. Aphides are all minute in size, soft bodied, and generally long legged ; the mouth is furnished with a curiously- constructed beak, or rostrum, for sucking the juice of plants ; the antennae, or feelers, are long and slender ; the legs have usually two joints in the tarsi, one of which is generally very ill-developed; and near the tip of the abdomen, on the back of a ring, in many kinds, stand two prominent tubes, called honey-tubes, from which a sweet secretion, much sought after by ants, is emitted. They are very destructive, and nearly every Aphides continued. plant has its own peculiar Aphis; but among the worst are the cherry fly and bean fly. All these insects are very destructive to the young shoots and foliage of plants, on which they cluster in large numbers, sometimes completely hiding the stems, increasing with marvellous rapidity. They produce eggs in autumn, which lie dor- mant through the winter, and upon the approach of warm weather in spring, hatch and produce individuals which, during the summer, are viviparous, budding off young insects at a surprising rate, which quickly in turn become possessed of the same marvellous power; hence the enormous number which are produced in so surpris- ingly short a time. It has been computed that in a few weeks many millions of young might be produced directly or descended from a single female. See also Black Fly and Bean Fly. The following remedies may be successfully employed: Tobacco. This is applied, as a rule, in three forms, each of which is useful for particular purposes. Tobacco powder is useful as a dry application to plants where, from any cause, the other modes of employing it are not desirable. It causes no smell, and is useful in conservatories, .fee., for that reason. The mode of applying it is to dredge or dust it over the foliage of the plants affected, and to syringe off in from three to thirty hours, according to the nature of the plants. Fumigation with tobacco, if done in a proper way, is very effective, but it leaves an unpleasant smell. The foliage of the plants should be quite dry, and a still day must be chosen for the work; the house should be filled with smoke, but no flame must arise in the burning. The plants should be well syringed the next morning, and full ventilation allowed ; if the fumigation is repeated twice or thrice, it will prove very effectual Tobacco water is made by soaking a pound of coarse shag in 6gals. of hot water, to which jib. of size or soft soap has been added. The plants should be dipped into or syringed with this mixture, and well syringed with clean tepid water about twelve hours after. It should not be employed for plants having woolly or hairy foliage. Tobacco paper and cloth are used for fumigating in the same manner as tobacco ; but as they vary in strength, more care is necessary, as they sometimes cause the leaves to become spotted. Judi- ciously employed, they are cheaper than Tobacco. Quassia.. Boil lib. quassia chips in 4gals. of soft water, for about ten minutes, and after straining off the chips, add lib. of soft soap. Apply in the same way as Tobacco water, and syringe the plants with clean water after ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. Soft Soap. This, in proportion of 81b. to 12gals. of rain water, and Igal. of tobacco water added after it is cold, is a cheap and good remedy out of doors, and requires the same mode of application as tobacco water. Soap Suds. Where bleaching powder, or much soda, is not mixed with these, they make a good insect killer for hard-foliaged plants, but should be washed off with clean water in twelve hours. No mixture containing chloride of lime should be used. Various. Fir-tree Oil, Gishursf s Compound, and Fowler's Insecticide, are all serviceable, if used as directed on the labels. Hardeman's Beetle Powder, applied with the little French powder-bellows which is sold with it, is very effi- cacious. For outdoor work, nothing surpasses clean cold water, applied often and forcibly with a syringe. The best mode of clearing Aphis off Beans, Currants, &c., is to remove the tops of the infested shoots, and to wash the plants with soapy water, or a solution of Gishursf s Compound. In some cases, a good dusting with soot and wood ashes, while the plants are wet, will keep them in check. The " Golden Eyes " or " Lacewing " fly, and also ladybirds, are to be encouraged, as the larvae of each of these wage incessant war against Aphides, especially the green varieties, and thin them out con- siderably. 92 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, APHROFHORA. See Frog Hopper. AFHYLLANTHES (from aphyllos, leafless, and anthos, a flower; the flowers are on Bush-like branches). OBD. LiUacece. A very pretty Rush-like hardy perennial, forming dense, erect tufts. It thrives best in sandy peat, requires a warm sunny situation, and slight protection in winter. Increased by division of the roots, and seeds ; the latter should be sown in pots in a cool greenhouse as soon as ripe. A. monspeliensis (Montpelier).* fl., perianth six-cleft, spreading at the apex, deep blue, nearly an inch across, disposed in a small head, on slender scapes. June. I. absent ; the very slender scapes are leaflike, with membranous sheaths at the base. South of France, 1791. APHYLLOUS. Without leaves. APICRA (from apicros, not bitter). OBD. LMaceae. A group of succulents allied to Aloe, and having the follow- ing among other characters : Flowers small, loosely sub- spicate; perianth regular, cylindrical, with short spreading segments ; peduncles simple or forked. Plants small ; rosette leaves always elongated. Leaves thick, diffuse, never spinosely dentated. They require treatment similar to Aloe, under which genus they are included by some authors. A. aspera (rough).* fl., perianth Jin. long; raceme loose, 3in. to 4in. ; pedicels three to four lines long ; peduncle slender, simple, nearly 1ft. I. dense, in many rows, spreading, rounded, deltoid, six to seven lines long and broad ; face rather flat ; middle three to four lines thick ; back convex hemispherical, wrinkled. Cape of Good Hope, 1795. A. bicarinata (double-keeled).* fl. unknown. I. dense, in many rows, ascending, deltoid-lanceolate, nine to twelve lines long, six lines broad, dirty green ; face flat ; middle two lines thick ; margin scabrous ; back copiously tubercled. Cape of Good Hope, 1824. A. congesta (congested), fl., perianth six to seven lines, whitish ; raceme loose, sub-spicate, about 1ft. ; pedicels short ; peduncles 6in. long, simple. I. dense, spreading, in many rows, deltoid-lan- ceolate, eighteen to twenty-one lines long, three to four lines thick ; back convex ; top unevenly keeled towards the margins. 1843. A. deltoidca (deltoid), fl., perianth greenish, five to six lines long; raceme about 1ft. long, sub-spicate; pedicels short; pe- duncles 6in., simple or branched. I. in five regular rows, spreading, nine to twelve lines long, deltoid, shining green ; when mature, upper surface rather flat, apex pungent ; middle two to three lines thick ; back distinctly keeled upwards ; margins and keels minutely serrated. South Africa, 1873. A. foliolosa (small-leafy).* fl., perianth greenish, five to six lines long ; raceme loose, sub-spicate, about 1ft. ; pedicels two to three lines long; peduncle 6m., simple. L dense, spreading, in many rows, rounded deltoid, cuspidate, six to eight lines long and broad, without spots or tubercles ; face rather flat ; middle one and a half to two lines thick ; back obliquely keeled upwards to- wards the margins. Cape of Good Hope, 1795. A. imbricata (imbricated). Synonymous with A. npiralit. raceme about 1ft., loose ; lower pedicels two to three fines long : - 1 '- "* "ftn branched. I. dense, regular, lower onls ones ascending, lanceolate-deltoid, fifteen to spreading, upper on* eighteen lines long; bottom six" to eight ImeT broad, Thining green ; face flat; middle three to four lines thick ; apex pungent sa&gstar* *"*** one to tw keeied at top - cape ^wsaessst^ A. p. spirella (small spiral). 1. smaller and more deltoid, lin. long, six to eight lines broad at the bottom, irregularly five rowed, or as it in many rows. A. spiralis (spiral).* fl. , perianth reddish-white, Jin. long ; raceme loose, nearly 1ft. ; pedicels ascending, two to three lines long ; peduncles 6in., simple or branched. 1. dense, in mapy rows, strong, ascending, lanceolate-deltoid, twelve to fifteen lines long, six to eight lines broad ; face almost flat, without tubercles ; apex pungent ; back swollen, scarcely keeled ; margins obscurely crenulated. Cape of Good Hope, 1790. SYN. A. imbricata. APICULATE, AFICULATED. Terminated in a little point. AFIOS (from apion, a pear; in reference to the form of the tubers of the root). OBD. Legumitiosae. An elegant little hardy twining perennial, easily trained into almost any shape. It must have a well-exposed, sunny position, and the soil should be of a warm or light sandy nature. Propagated by division of the tubers. urouna j^ui. ji. orownisn-purpie, sweet- ies. Summer and early autumn. I. pin- inaceous. Habit very light and graceful. . Glyeine Apiots. See Fig. 117. FIG. 117. APIOS TUBKROSA, showing Habit and Flower. A. tuberosa (tuberous).* Ground Nut. fl. brownish-purple, sweet. scented, in axillary racemes. Sum nate. Tubers edible, farinaceous. Pennsylvania, 1640. SYN. APIOSPERMUM. A synonym of Pistia (which see). APIUM (from apon, Celtic for water ; in reference to the habitat). ORD. Vmbelliferce. This genus contains no species worth growing for ornament, and nearly all are more or less acrid and poisonous. A. graveolens is the Celery of gardens, for culture of which, see Celery. AFLECTRUM (from a, without, and plectron, a spur ; flower spurless). OBD. Orchideai. A monotypic genus from North America. A curious, hardy, terrestrial orchid, requiring a shady spot in light loam and leaf mould, moderately damp. Very difficult to cultivate. A. hyemale (wintry).* fl. greenish-brown, large, racemose, borne on a naked scape after the leaves have died down ; labellum as long as the sepals ; column sessile, rather long, wingless. April. Stem pseudo-bulbous, with one large, broad, ribbed leaf. A. 1ft AFLOTAXIS. Included under Saussurea (which see). APOCARPOUS. Having the carpels or fruit separate, or disunited. AFOCYNACE2E. A large order of trees, shrubs, or rarely herbs, usually with a poisonous, milky sap. Flowers regular, solitary or corymbose; corolla salver-shaped or campanulate. Leaves simple, opposite, sometimes alter- nate or whorled. Well known genera belonging to this order are : Allamanda, Nerium, Taberncemontana and Vinca. AFOCYNUM (from apo, away, and kyon, a dog; adopted by Dioscorides, because the plant was supposed to be poisonous to dogs). OBD. Apocynacece. Dog's Bane. Perennial erect herbs, with cymose flowers and mem- branous, opposite leaves. There are several species be- longing to this genus, but only the one described below is worthy of being cultivated. They are of extremely easy culture, thriving in any ordinary soil ; and may be pro- pagated by suckers, divisions, or seeds. The best time to divide is just as they are starting into fresh growth in spring. A. androsaemifolium (Tutsan-leaved).* fl. pale red, with darker stripes ; corolla campanulate ; cymes terminal and lateral. July. I. ovate, glabrous, petiolate, pale beneath, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Virginia, and Canada, 1683. A very old garden favourite, thriving best in peaty soil, with Azaleas, &c. See Fig. 11?. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 93 Fia. 118. INFLORESCENCE OF APOCYNPM ANDROS.EMIFOI.U-M. APONOGETON (from apon, Celtic for water, and geiton, neighbour; alluding to the habitat of these plants). OED. Naiadacece. Very ornamental aquatic perennials. There are several species, but A. distachyon is superior to the others. This species may be cultivated in small tanks or aquaria ; it delights in an abundance of light and air, and is perfectly hardy, having become naturalised in many parts of the country. Pot the plants in rich sandy loam and rotten cow manure, using, of course, small pots, if the vessel in which it is to be grown is restricted. When introducing it to large tanks or lakes, commence with strong, previously well-established plants, in large pots, breaking the latter when the plants are immersed. Place them in positions where the water is about 1ft. 6in. to 2ft. deep ; they will then rapidly increase by offsets and seeds, and, when established, will flower nearly all the year round. The other kinds will thrive with the same treatment ; but they are neither so hardy nor so vigorous, and should only be grown in small tanks or aquaria. Aponogeton continued. L angnstlfollum (narrow-leayed). JL white. July. Cape of Good Hope, 1788. Half hardy. FIG. 119. APOXOGBION DISTACHYON, showing Habit and Flower-spikes. FIG. 120. APONOGETON DISTACHYON, showing Flower-spikes, Leaf, and Root A. distachyon (two-spiked).* Cape Pond Weed ; Winter Haw- thorn. JL with a delicious Hawthorn-like perfume ; petals none ; bracts, or showy portion oval, entire, white; anthers purple- brown ; scape two-spiked, each spike being from 2in. to 4in. long. I. oblong-lanceolate, entire, bright green, on long stalks, floating. Cape of Good Hope, 1788. See Figs. 119 and 120. A. monostaohyon (simple-spiked), jl. pink. September, h. 1ft. East Indies, 1803. Stove species. Bare. A. spathaceum junceum (.Rush-like).* A Tory pretty, but rare, half-hardy aquatic plant, with the forked inflorescence having both bracts and flowers suffused with a delicate blush colour. I. Rash-like, standing clear up out of the water. South Africa, 1879. APORETICA. A synonym of Schmidelia (which AFFENDICT7ULTE, Having appendages. APPT.ANATE. Flattened oat APPENDICUIiATED THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, APPLE (Pyrus Mains). The Apple is one of the most useful, and probably most largely cultivated, of our hardy fruits. It is known as the Crab in its wild state, and is indigenous to Britain and to all the temperate and warmer parts of Europe. It is supposed that the progenitors of the varieties now grown were introduced to this country at various times from the Continent, and not obtained here as direct improvements on the native Crab. Those now FIG. 121. APPLE BLOSSOM. cultivated are extremely numerous, and include good varieties that can be made to prolong the season all the year round. Apart from its great value as a fruit, the apple is a strikingly handsome tree when in flower (see Fig. 121). A fruiting branch is shown at Fig. 122. FIG. 122. FRUITING BRANCH OF APPLE. Propagation. Seeds are sown extensively, chiefly for raising stocks to graft approved sorts on ; also with a view to raising new varieties. The seeds do not retain their germinative properties very long, consequently they must be sown soon after being taken from the fruit. As grown in this country, they are generally sown in the autumn Apple continued. transplanted the following year, and so on until they are of sufficient size for Grafting purposes. The standard of excellence being at present so high, improved forms raised from seed are comparatively scarce. Grafting. This method of propagation is the one generally adopted for most purposes, the stocks being pre- viously prepared for size or height of tree required. Cordon and other dwarf-trained trees should be worked near but not below the ground, while standards are best worked on stocks of the desired height. The practice of working standard trees low, and growing the scion to form the stem of the future tree, is not recommended, as many of the tenderer sorts will not grow straight or strong enough for the purpose. Whip-grafting is the most preferable mode adopted. The scions should be selected from healthy trees not later than January, and laid in singly in the ground until the stocks have slightly advanced in growth, which is generally about the middle of April. Several other methods of Grafting may be adopted with success, but the one above recommended is considered the best. Budding. Apples may be successfully propagated by Budding, and this method is practised much more now than formerly. It has many advantages, as it requires to be performed at a season when there is not so much work in hand. It should be done in damp, dull weather, if possible, as the weather if dry soon destroys the buds. July and August is the proper time for the purpose. The stocks and woods from which the buds are taken should be as much as possible in the same condition. Propagation by Cuttings, Layers, Sfc. This system may be made use of in the case of new varieties or where it is desired to increase any one variety with a limited number of scions, but the results are uncertain at least in the case of cuttings ; consequently, it is much better to resort to the safer method of Grafting. Pruning. See Pruning. Training. See Training. Planting. The best time to plant is as soon as most of the leaves have fallen, which is generally about the end of October. The roots being then in an active state, and the ground still retaining a certain amount of heat, they will form new roots before winter, which is a material advan- tage. Where it is impossible to plant at this time, it may be done in suitable weather any time during the winter, but it is best not deferred till spring. It is important in planting that the soil should be moderately dry and free from frost ; this condition cannot always be obtained during winter. The effects of soil and situation have a very im- portant bearing on the Apple, specimens of the same sort from different places being often hardly recognisable. Although not over fastidious in the matter of soil as far as growing is concerned, the best results are obtained where it is of a rich loamy character and well drained. Dry, sandy soils invariably produce canker, while the trees are often overgrown with lichens in undrained land. The addition of heavier loam, or sometimes trenching and mixing the sub-soil with that at the top, will convert light soils into those suitable for Apple culture ; while, on the other hand, heavy soils may be improved by drainage, the addition of lime, vegetable refuse, burnt earth, and other matters. Sank manure should on no account be used any- where near the roots, but a little well-decayed manure, mixed with the soil or used as a mulching, is beneficial. The site best suited is an open, though not exposed one, with a south, south-east, or south-west aspect. Shelter from north-east winds in spring, which destroys the blossom, and from west and south-west winds in autumn, which blow down the fruit, should be the aim of cultivators. Planting in a valley should be avoided on account of spring frosts. In Planting, care must be taken to make the bottom of the hole tolerably firm, and slightly raised under the base or bole of the tree. The roots should then be AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 95 Apple continued. carefully spread ont all round, and if any have been ruptured in transplanting, cut them clean off on the upper side, thus inducing new roots to be formed near the surface. The soil should be trodden firmly after a quantity has been filled in, if it is in a dry, suitable condition, as previously recommended. Secure with stakes in proportion to the size of tree, or injury will be caused by the wind. The distance at which Apple trees are planted varies considerably. Standards in orchards may be planted in good soil, from 20ft. to 40ft. apart, especially if they are strong-growing culinary sorts. Pyramids may be planted from 5ft. to 15ft., according to size ; and similar distances will snit Bush trees. The oblique Cordon system of training admits of a large number of varieties being cultivated in a small space, as they may be planted as close as 18in. or 2ft. apart. Hori- zontal Cordons should be planted about 5ft. asunder, and one branch trained each way. Watering will be necessary after planting in most cases, especially should the winter and following season be at all dry. Thinning the fruit is sometimes advisable for obtaining good speci- mens, but it is not generally necessary, at least with many of the shy-setting sorts. If, however, the crop should be exceptionally heavy, it is best to thin the fruit, or the tree may be unable to make and ripen its wood for the crop of the succeeding year. Gathering. The three following tests are sure indications of the gathering period : (1) The apples will begin to fall of their own accord; (2) their seeds will be plump and brown in colour 1 ; and (3) the fruit will separate with a mere touch from the trees ; the second test may be said to be infallible. All Apples should be gathered before the end of October, for none will bear frost with impunity. They must be gathered in dry weather, and handled with the greatest care, laid gently in baskets and trays, in single file only, and conveyed to the store room. Storing. . The simplest and best method is in choosing or forming some room or place free from extremes of heat and cold, dryness or damp, where a temperature of about 45deg. is maintained A current of air is not necessary. The shelves should be made of poplar, sycamore, lime, or other white wood. Deal, oak, ash, elm, and almost all other woods, give a bad taste to the fruit. One sheet of paper and paper only should be placed under the fruit. They ripen best, and are of the highest flavour when left fully exposed to the free atmosphere of the fruit room, and in order to preserve a more even temperature the light should be shut out. Early and late ripening varieties must be stored in separate places, as well as all inferior or injured fruit. The plan of isolating each fruit by packing in tissue paper, sand, burnt earth, or other substances, often destroys the flavour of the fruit, and possesses no material benefit otherwise. Diseases. Apple Mussel Scale, Apple or Codlin Grub, Canker, Mildew, American Blight, Scale, and Insect Pests, such as Caterpillars and Weevils, see under their separate headings. Varieties. The following are some of the best varieties in cultivation: Adams' Pearmain. Dessert Fruit medium, very handsome ; flavour juicy and sugary. December to March. Alexander. Kitchen. Very large, showy, and good. September to December. Alfriston. Kitchen. Very fine, large, white flesh. November to April. Ashmead's Kernel, or Cockle Pippin. Dessert. Fruit below medium ; flavour very rich and sugary. This variety is, according to Mr. Rivers, much esteemed in Gloucestershire. November to January. Bedfordshire Foundling. Kitchen. Fruit large. One of the finest and most useful sorts, a great bearer. February to May. Bess PooL Kitchen. Fruit large. Good late cooking apple. December to May. Betty Gccson. Kitchen. Fruit large, produced in great abundance. February to May. A valuable sort. Apple continued. Blenheim Pippin. One of the best kitchen sorts. November to February. Boston Russet. Dessert. Fruit medium ; flavour very sugary and rich, similar to the Ribston Pippin. An excellent American variety. January to May. Brabant Bellefleur. Kitchen. Fruit large, round, pale yellow, red-streaked. A most useful cooking variety, also useful for dessert. November to ApriL FIG. 123. APPLE, CALVILLE BLANCHE. Calville Blanche. Dessert. Fruit large; flavour flrst-class. October to December. See Fig. 123. Cellini. Kitchen. Fruit perfect in form, size, colour, and quality. October to January. Claygate Pearmain. Dessert. Fruit medium ; flavour rich, aromatic, excellent, same as Ribston Pippin. January to May. Coe's Golden Drop. Dessert. Fruit small, with a crisp and juicy flavour. November to January. A delicious variety. Cornish Aromatic. Dessert. Fruit medium ; flavour rich, juicy, and aromatic. October to December. Cornish Gillyflower. Dessert. Fruit medium ; flavour very rich, quite aromatic. October, November to January. An ex- cellent variety, thriving best in a warm situation. Court of Wick. Dessert. Fruit medium, very handsome ; flavour somewnat similar to Golden Pippin. December to March. Fio. 124. APPLE,, COURT PENDU PLAT. Court Pendn Plat. Dessert or kitchen. Fruit medium, rich russet brown, of first-rate quality, and the tree is a good cropper. November to April. See Fig. 124. Cox's Orange Pippin. Dessert. Fruit medium, very hand- some ; flavour rich aromatic. October to December. One of the best apples grown. Cox's Pomona. Kitchen. Fruit very large, of superior quality. October. Devonshire Quarrenden. Dessert. Fruit medium, excellent quality, and handsome. July to September. A very prolific sort. D. T. Fish. Kitchen. Fruit large, roundish, of a clear straw- colour, with small specks of russet, slightly flushed with crimson on the side where the sun strikes it ; flavour sub-acid. November to January. A fine and handsome variety. Duchess of Oldenburgh. Kitchen. Fruit large, red-striped. August to October. A very desirable and handsome Russian vanety. Duke of Devonshire. Dessert. Fruit medium ; flavour crisp, juicy, rich and sugary. December to March. Dumelow's Seedling, or Wellington, or Normantpn Wonder. Kitchen. Fruit firm, large, and somewhat acid. November to March. Early Harvest. Dessert. Fruit medium ; flavour juicy, excel- lent, with a pleasant sharpness. July to September. According to Mr. Rivers this variety is equally good for cooking or dessert, and is a very fertile tree on the Paradise stock. French Crab, Kitchen. Fruit large, pale green, firm, acid. An excellent sort, and the longest keeper. Golden Pippin. Dessert Fruit small, very excellent flavour. November to January. A well-known and highly-esteemed sort. 96 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Apple continued. Golden Reinette. Dessert. Fruit rather small, yellowish red, streaked with red ; flavour excellent, sweet and rich. One of the bast and most useful of dessert apples. October to December. Gravenstein. Kitchen. Fruit large, handsome, sweet and crisp. November to January. A very prolific sort. Greenup's Pippin. Kitchen. Fruit very large. February to May. A vigorous grower and abundant bearer. Irish Peach. Dessert. Fruit medium, yellowish -green, very early; flavour juicy, excellent. July and August. A very good variety, often known as Early Crofton. Jolly Beggar. Kitchen. Fruit large, pale yellow, tender and juicy. November to January, A very desirable sort and an extraordinary cropper. Keddlestone Pippin. Dessert. Fruit small, yellow or golden colour, specked with russet ; flavour delicious, highly aromatic. December to March. An excellent variety. Kerry Pippin. Dessert. Fruit medium, firm, yellow, and red ; flavour sugary and rich. September to October. Kcswick Codlin. Kitchen. Fruit large and early. August to October. An admirable sort for market purposes. King of the Pippins. Dessert. Fruit medium, yellow and red ; flavour juicy and rich. October to January. Lady Henniker. Kitchen. Fruit yellow, with crimson streaks near the sun, highly flavoured, and with a pleasant perfume. February to May. An excellent sort, suitable for dessert or kitchen. Lodgemore Nonpareil. Dessert. Fruit small; flavour rich, sugary, and aromatic. January to May. An excellent sort. Lord Snfflcld. Kitchen. Fruit very large, white, soft, excellent for sauce and tarts. August to September. Manx's Codlin. Kitchen. Fruit large. September and October. One of the finest and most useful of kitchen sorts. Mere de Menage. Kitchen. Large and good. October to March. Mr. Gladstone. Dessert. Fruit large and handsome, very early, scarlet cheek, striped and shaded ; of excellent quality. July and August. New. New or Winter Hawthornden. Kitchen. Fruit very large, excellent. November to January. An extraordinary bearer, one of the best for sauce and cooking. Nonsuch. Kitchen. Fruit large, juicy. August to October. An admirable sort, unequalled for sauce and cooking. Norfolk Beefing. Kitchen. Large and good flavour, excellent keeper, most useful for baking whole and preserving. November to July. Norfolk Greening. Kitchen. Fruit medium ; rather acid. Keeps till April or May. Northern Spy. Dessert. Fruit large, tender; flavour highly aromatic. December to May. Old Nonpareil. Dessert. Fruit medium, tender, and juicy. November to January. A prolific variety. Pitmaston Pineapple. Dessert. Fruit small; flavour very rich. July to September. According to Mr. Rivers this variety is a very abundant bearer on the Paradise stock ; it is not a vigorous grower. Red Astrachan. Dessert. Fruit good size, bright; flavour delicate and rich. August to September. Red Ingestrie. Dessert. Fruit very pretty bright red next the sun, on a yellow ground, flesh pale yellow ; flavour brisk and sparkling, like the Golden Pippin in quality. August and Sep- tember. An excellent sort. Red Juneating, or Margaret. Dessert. Fruit medium, early, very good quality. July and August. A well-known sort, with numerous synonyms. Red Quarrenden. Dessert. Fruit under medium, bright scarlet; flavour crisp and sweet. August. One of the best summer sorts. Reinette du Canada. Dessert. Fruit greenish-yellow and brown, large ; flavour juicy, brisk, sub-acid. November to May. See Fig. 125. Reinette Grlse. Dessert. Flesh yellowish-white, sugary, pleasant ; flavour sub-acid. November to April. It does best on the Paradise stock, and is an abundant cropper. See tig. 126. Ribston Pippin. Dessert. Fruit greenish-yellow and red, me- dium ; flavour rich, aromatic, excellent. October to December. Sam Young. Dessert. Fruit small, yellowish with russet spots ; flavour delicious, tender, and juicy. October to December. An excellent Irish sort. Scarlet Crofton. Dessert. Fruit medium, yellow and red: flavour crisp, juicy, and sweet. October to December. Scarlet Nonpareil. Dessert. Fruit well coloured, large ; flavour crisp and juicy. January to March. -STJ Small's Admirable. Kitchen. Fruit large, green, crisp, January. A prolific cropper. sweet, and juicy. November Apple continued, Stamford Pippin. Dessert. Fruit large, with a brisk flavour igreeable ; and an agreeaL desirable sort. aroma. November to January. A very f FIG. 125. APPLE, REINETTE DU CANADA. Stunner Pippin. Dessert. Fruit medium ; flavour brisk and rich. February to June. Syke House Russet. Dessert. Fruit small ; flavour very rich. January to May. An excellent sort. Tower of Glammis. Kitchen. Fruit yellow, very large, square-shaped, crisp, and excellent. February to May. A very excellent sort. Van Mons Reinette. Dessert. Fruit small, with a rich, aromatic, and excellent flavour. November to January. Waltham Abbey Seedling. Kitchen. Fruit large. November and December. An admirable sort. Warner's King. Kitchen. Fruit large, handsome, and good. November to March. Worcestershire Pearmain. Kitchen. Fruit large, conical, of a very brilliant colour ; flavour crisp and juicy. August to October. A splendid variety, said to be as prolific as Lord Suffield. FIG. 126. APPLE, REINETTE GRISE. White Juneating. Dessert. Fruit small, very eaily, and good quality, but a bad keeper. July and August. A prolific sort. White NonpareiL Dessert. Fruit medium, very delicious. March to June. A very desirable sort. Winter Qnoining, or Queening. Dessert. Fruit very bright, almost red ; flavour excellent. November to May. An excellent sort, useful for dessert or culinary purposes. Winter Strawberry. Dessert. Fruit yellow, medium, striped with red ; flavour brisk aromatic. November to March. A very useful sort. Wormsley Pippin. Kitchen or dessert. Fruit of an excellent quality, large, pale green ; excellent for kitchen or dessert. September to October. Yorkshire Greening. Kitchen. Fruit large, juicy, tender. November to January. For Cordons the following are the best : BETTY GEESON, COE'S GOLDEN DROP, Cox's ORANGE PIPPIN, DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, KING OF THE PIPPINS, LODGEMORE NONPAREIL, NORTHERN SPY, REINETTE DU CANADA, RIBSTON PIPPIN, SCARLET NON- PAREIL. For Pyramidal, Bush, and Espalier Trees, the best are : ADAMS' PEARMAIN, ASHMEAD'S KERNEL, BOSTON RUSSET, CLAYGATE PEARMAIN, CORNISH GILLYFLOWER, COURT OF WICK, COURT PENDU PLAT, Cox's ORANGE PIPPIN, EARLY HARVEST, GOLDEN PIPPIN, GOLDEN REINETTE, IRISH PEACH, KEDDLE- STONE PIPPIN, KERRY PIPPIN, RED INGESTRIE, RED QUAR- RENDEN, REINETTE DU CANADA, RIBSTON PIPPIN, SAM YOUNG, SCARLET CROFTON, SCARLET NONPAREIL, STURMER PIPPIN, SYKE HOUSE RUSSET, WORMSLEY PIPPIN. The following Kit- chen sorts are well adapted to this method : ALFRISTON, BED- AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 97 Apple continued. FORDSHIRE FOUNDLING, BRABANT BELLEFLEUR, CALVILLE BLANCHE, CELLINI, Cox's POMONA, D. T. FISH, DUCHESS OF OLDENBURGH, DUMELOW'S SEEDLING, JOLLY BEGGAR, KESWICK CODLIN, LORD Sl-FFIELD, MANX'S CODLIN, NEW HAWTHORN- DEN, NONSUCH, WALTHAM ABBEY SEEDLING, WARNER'S KING. For Cold and Exposed Situations, the following are thebest : BESS POOL, CLAYGATE PEARMAIN, FRENCH CRAB, GREENL-P'S PIPPIN, KESWICK CODLIN, NONSUCH, STURMER PIPPIN, TOWER OF GLAMMIS, WINTER STRAWBERRY, WORMSLEY PIPPIN. For Cottage Gardens: ALEXANDER, BEDFORDSHIRE FOUND- LING, BLENHEIM PIPPIN, KING OF THE PIPPINS, MANX'S COD- LIN, .NEW HAWTHORNDEN, BEINETTE DU CAXADA, RIBSTON PIPPIN, STURMER PIPPIN, WALTHAM ABBEY SEEDLING, WARNER'S KING, WORMSLEY PIPPIN. APPLE BERRY. See Billardiera. APPLE-BLOSSOM WEEVIL (Anthonomu* j.o- morum). This is a small beetle of a reddish-brown colour, with three inconspicuous stripes of a paler colour behind the head ; the wing cases show a large pitchy-coloured blotch, with oblique strije and yellowish spots thereon. The female busily engages herself in piercing the flower buds ; while the male may be usually seen flying about the trees during the breeding season, which, of course, varies according to the earlier or later expansion of the buds. The female, by means of strong jaws at the end of the long proboscis, bores a hole in the bud, in which she lays a j single egg, finally closing the opening, then passing on I to other buds. The laying season lasts for two or three weeks, or, indeed, as long as the buds remain nnexpanded ; > eggs are never laid in open blossoms. In warm weather, the eggs are hatched in six or seven days, usually about the end of April, into small, white, legless maggots, which feed upon the stamens and pistil; hence, although the petals are normally coloured, and expand, the flowers ultimately wither, and in some seasons very serious con- sequences have arisen from these injurious little pests. The maggot is fleshy, whitish, with a few hairs and a black, hard head ; in a few days, it turns into a brown chrysalis or pupa, which, in turn, is changed into the Weevil, only about a month having elapsed from the deposition of the egg till the Weevil is developed. It feeds upon the foliage during summer, and hybernates in crannies of the bark, or under the soil at the base of the trees, during winter, waking up in the following spring to go through the same performances as its parents. Remedies. Some of the methods advised for the ex- tirpation of the American Blight will prove very useful for the destruction of this pest. Clear away all useless por- tions of the bark and rubbish round about the tree during the winter, and many will be destroyed. Place bandages of tarred cloth around the stem in spring; this will prevent the females crawling up, as they seldom fly. If a white cloth is placed beneath the tree affected when in bud, and the tree is severely shaken, a large number will be caught, as the Weevil falls to the ground when alarmed. Timely thinning of the trees, allowing the free admission of light and air, is also a very effectual pre- ventive, as it has been proved that the greatest ravages are committed where neglect of this has been the rule ; and that, on the other hand, in proportion to its being done, the pest has been lessened in numbers. APPLE MUSSEL SCALE (Aepidiotut conchi- formis). This insect attacks the bark of Apple and Pear- trees. It is in outward appearance like the half of a mussel shell. Under the scale is the insect. It is closely allied to the true scale insects, and has similar habits. The scales are about fin. long, brown, and wider at one end than at the other. The female is like a fat, green, fleshy maggot, without jointed limbs. The eggs of this curious insect are not laid, but simply remain in the body of the mother until she dies, thus leaving a protecting shield or case from which the hatched larvse emerge. To get rid of this insect, therefore, the females containing eggs should be destroyed. It differs from most other species in the absence of the long tail Apple Mussel Scale ronfinued. filaments. If numerous, this Scale causes the trees to become sickly and unfruitful. It is difficult to extirpate. Soft-soap Lather. When the leaves fall, in autumn, the trees should be treated with a stiff sash-tool, and all the Scale rubbed off, keeping the brush just moist, and not rubbing the buds. Applied for two seasons, this should clear the trees. All loose bark should be removed. Seal Oil is sometimes recommended as a good remedy ; but oils are rather unsafe applications to the bark of trees, especially of the young branches. APPLE OR CODLIN GRUB (Carpocapsa porno- nana). During the month of May, the well-known Codlin Moth (see Fig. 127) lays its eggs in the calyces, usually FIG. 127. CODLIN MOTH AND GRUB (CARPOCAPSA POMONANA). one in each, of the young, quickly-growing apple. Tb& moth itself is a small insect ; the fore-wings are grey, prettily speckled with delicate, darker streaks, and with a curved golden mark on the hinder part, inclosing one of a reddish-brown colour. The hind wings are usually dark, as is also the body. The caterpillar, when hatched, is white, with black head and neck, and with four rows of black marks along the whole body. The colours soon, however, become less decided, taking an indistinct brownish or grey hue. After being hatched, the caterpillar gnaws its way down the fruit, keeping clear of the core, and gradually forces its gallery towards the rind of the fruit, which it finally pierces, the opening serving as the outlet for the dirt. When nearly full grown, it pierces the core and feeds upon the pips, which injury speedily causes the fruit to drop. The insect then emerges there- from, and finds a suitable shelter in a cranny of the bark, where it spins a cocoon ; and, according to British authori- ties, it remains in the larval state for some weeks, finally assuming the chrysalis form, and thus passing the winter ; the moth emerges the following season. Shortly after development, the moths pair, the female depositing eggs in the fruit in June or July, according to the season. Practically, there is no preventive; but the following hints will serve to greatly reduce the numbers. All apples that fall ere they are ripe should be picked up as promptly as possible, and be given to the pigs ; or pigs should be turned into the orchard to clear off the fallen fruit. The following is the only serviceable remedy : Hay band Trap. This is simply a loosely made hay band twisted around the stems of the trees, about 1ft. from the ground. The grubs, in searching for a suitable place in which to make a cocoon, will generally choose the bands. At the end of the season, all the haybands should be col- lected and burnt, and the stems of the trees from which they were removed should be cleared of any cocoons which may adhere to them. All loose bark and other rubbish should be removed from the tree trunks, and also from the ground below. APPLE OR CODLIN GRUB TRAP. An ex- oeedingly ingenious and effective method of alluring that THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Apple or Codlin Grub Trap continued. obnoxious pest, the Apple Grub. The trap (Fig. 128) con- sists of two, three, or more thin pieces of board, 12m. to BlStS OI T>WO, LUrcc, vi iiiuiG .AAJ. yi.^^ 20in. in length, and 2in. to 4in. wide, with a screw (a) B, OPEN. A, SHUT. Fio. 128. APPLE OR CODLIN GRUB TRAP. through their centre. The screw must be long enough to be firmly driven into the trunk of the tree, so as to hold the boards in position. Small slips of wood (6) are inserted between the boards, to keep them sufficiently open to allow of the entry of the grubs, as shown at d. The boards are cut on each side of the screw, as at c, to facilitate their separation when fastened together by the silken threads of the grubs, and to better expose the latter when the trap is opened. This handy trap, which is of American origin, is very cheap. A great number of them may be collected with little trouble, submitted to a killing heat, and replaced again; and they can be used either on the ground or on the trees. As regards killing the grubs when caught, Mr. Weir, the inventor, says : "The quickest and best way is to have a large tin pan, bent in on one side, so as to fit closely to the trunk of the tree. When you reach the tree, drop upon your knees, place the depression in the pan against the trunk of the tree, hold it there by pressing your body against it, and you have both hands free to open the trap. When opening it, many of the pupae or chrysa- lids will fall into the pan. The trap must be turned clear around, as many will be found between it and the bark. A person will open and kill the worms in from four hundred to eight hundred traps in a day." APPOSITE. Placed side by side. APPROXIMATE, APPROXIMATED, AP- PROXIMATING. Near together. APRICOT (Armeniaca vulgaris). The Apricot, or, as it was formerly written, " Abricock," is a much esteemed and luscious fruit. It is said to have been introduced into this country during the reign of Henry VIII. The Apricot is one of the earliest flowering of fruit-trees (see Fig. 129), and is generally in blossom during February. This fact is a great drawback, as it is a difficult matter to save the flowers from destruction by the spring winds and frosts. The fruit (see Fig. 130) contains less acid than most stone fruits, and in appearance it is perhaps the handsomest of all. Success with its culture in many gardens is by no means certain, but with careful preparation of borders and protection of the flowers in spring, satisfactory results are often obtained. Large quantities of fruit are annually imported to this country from France ; but their quality and flavour cannot be compared with that of good home-grown produce. Propagation is effected by seeds or budding. The stones, selected from the best varieties, may be sown as soon as the fruit is ripe, in August or September, in light rich soil, and Apricot continued. covered with about 2in. of earth, over which a little litter should be spread during winter. After one season's growth, the plants should be lifted, and the tap roots slightly cut FIG. 129. BLOSSOM OF APRICOT. back if the trees are intended for walls. They should then be planted in nursery lines, allowing about a yard between the rows, and 2ft. from plant to plant. FIG. 130. FRUITING BRANCH OP APRICOT. Budding is the most general mode of propagating Apri- cots. They are frequently budded from the beginning to the middle of June on seedling, and also on plum stocks, of which latter the Mussell, Saint Julien, Brussels, and Black Damson are the best. For dwarf trees, the stock should be budded about 1ft. from the ground. There are many disadvantages in having a great length of stem. " Rider " trees require a stem from 3^ft. to 6ft.; half-riders, 2ft. to 3ft. Grafting by the Whip method is sometimes em- ployed, but, for many reasons, it is much inferior to Budding. Planting, fyc. South-west and western aspects suit the Apricot best, but the fruit has been ripened in warm localities on walls facing several points north. Large areas of garden wall (see Figs. 131 and 132), the walls of stables, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 99 Apricot continued. barns, outbuildings, and two sides of at least hundreds of cottages, might thus be utilised for the cultivation of this tree. If well drained, almost any garden soil will bring these fruits to perfection ; light, fibrous, rather sandy loam will, however, prove most satisfactory. There should be a considerable depth of sofl; a yard is not too much, provided it be on a dry base, which is most important. Heavy soils may be improved for Apricot culture by the addition of an equal portion of light loam, mortar rubbish, or charred refuse. In furnishing walls, the distance apart Apricot- FIG. 131. APRICOT TREK, showing method of Wall Training. may vary from 2ft. between Cordons, to 12ft, 15ft, or even 20ft. between Fan-shaped trees. The roots should be carefully arranged, interlayered at all points with fine soil, and the whole covered to a depth of Sin. or 4in. Not only should the roots have a good covering of suitable earth, but a secondary one of Utter, or other light material, should be added, to render them frost proof in winter, and drought and heat proof in summer. Newly planted trees should, on no account, be allowed to get dry at the root A thorough making of soft rain, or manure water, will often save a FIG. 132. APRICOT TREE, showing method of Training suitable for Gable KadTof Cottages. crop, and restore the trees, when aO other surface remedies or appliances fail Surface sprinklings overhead with the garden engine, in the afternoons of bright days, are beneficial, and help to keep the foliage clean and healthy. So soon as the trees are cleared of their fruit, attention should be directed to the maturation of the wood. AH superfluous shoots should be removed, any excess of growth left on the shoots cut back, and every effort made to perfect the wood already made, rather than force the tree to make more. Unless the weather be very dry, should not be applied after this stage. Protection. It is almost hopeless to expect a crop unless the blossoms are protected, by mats or other means, from spring frosts. Temporary wooden copings, from 1ft to 2ft wide, laid on iron brackets, are indispensable for warding off storms, and keeping other coverings away from the flowers. These should not be put up tin the trees are just bursting into blossom, and may safely be removed about the end of May. A few fish or other nets, spread over the trees, afford considerable resistance to the radiation of heat This is assuredly one of the easiest, if not one of the most efficient, modes of protection. Prigi-domo and other thick shadings are sometimes used, but they require to be removed from the trees in the day time. The thinner nets mentioned are generally not in use for other purposes at this time of year, and may remain over the trees altogether. Olaas copings are the best, but, being rather expensive, they cannot be used by the majority of cultivators. They have, however, been applied with good results to treM that had previously failed. Cropping, fc. Thinning of the fruit needs early and careful attention. The average of Sin. apart may be chosen for a Tnarimnm yield. As the fruits approach maturity, overhanging leaves, or branches of young wood, must be removed, to admit sun and light to properly ripen and colour them. Apricots for preserving should be gathered quite dry, and with the sun upon them. For dessert, they should be plucked in the morning, and placed in a cool room tffl wanted. Under Glatt. The Apricot will hardly bear forcing. It is more sensitive to heat than almost any other of our semi- hardy fruits. Practically, it is found that a confined atmo- sphere, or the slightest excess of heat, brings its blossoms off in showers, and this, of course, mars all prospect of fruit But in cold climates and northern latitudes under glass is the best and only means of growing them. Should red-spider appear, it is proof that the roots or the atmo- sphere, probably both, have been too dry : more moisture, and syringing over the leaves, are the surest remedies. The borders need to be about 2ft or 2ft Gin. deep, of any light rich sofl. Fresh planted trees should be frequently syringed overhead before and after the flowering period. After they have become fully established, less overhead sprinkling is needed. During all the earlier stages of growth, and until the fruits are stoned, an artificial temperature of 45deg. should not be exceeded. After that stage, the fruit will bear a heat of 50deg. or Sodeg. It is hardly safe or desirable to exceed the latter under glass, and unless abundance of air is given, oodeg. may bring off the fruit, even at an advanced stage. A thorough soaking, at intervals of fourteen days during the height of the growing season, may be applied; and, should the trees be heavily cropped, manure water may be given at every alternate watering. It is also a good practice to mulch the surface of heavily cropped trees with Sin. or 4in. of good dung. The fruit should, however, be freely thinned to distances of from 4in. to 6in. apart at the most There are three general methods of growing them under glass : The trees may be trained on trellises or walls; grown a* natural standards, tall or dwarf; and as bushes, either planted out or in pots. Varieties. The varieties of Apricot, unlike most other fruit, are not numerous; and the following wffl be found in every way representative and satisfactory : Large Bed. The deepest coloured of aD. Fruit very large : colour deep reddish-oranjK : flesh rich and juicy : kernd Utter! 100 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Apricot continued. Moorpark.* The sort most generally grown ; large, handsome, and of excellent quality. Colour brownish-orange ; flesh rich, juicy, and sweet. It is one of the best and most useful sorts in cultivation. Peach, or Grosse Pcche. Distinct and very desirable. Fruit very large ; flesh rich, firm, and juicy. One of the very best. RoyaL* Not unlike Moorpark, but with a more robust constitution, and less given to limb dying. Fruit large, dull, yellow, rich, and juicy. Turkey.* A good variety. Colour pale yellow ; flavour rich and juicy ; flesh firm. For modes of Training and Budding, Diseases, Insect Pests, &c., full information will be found under each indi- vidual title. APTEK. ANTHES. See Boucerosia. APTEROUS. Without wings. AQUATIC PLANTS. The culture of Aquatic Plants, both indoors and in the open air, has been greatly neglected of late years ; they are, therefore, rarely seen to perfection in places other than where their culture is made a speciality. Generally speaking, they are most easily grown. The following stove and greenhouse genera are well worth at- tention : Aponogeton, Cyperus, Damasonium, Herpestis, Limnocharis, Nelumbium, Nymphaia, Ouvirandra, Pistia, Pontederia, Salvinia, Thalia, Trianea, Victoria. Many species belonging to some of the foregoing genera are hardy, as are also the following : Alisma, Butomus, Calla, JTottonia, Menyanthes, Nuphar, Polygonum, Sagittaria, Trapa, Typha, Villarsia. AQUATICUS. Living in water. AQUATILIS. Living under water. AQUIPOLIACE2E. See Ilicinese. AQUILEG-IA (from aquila, an eagle ; in reference to the form of the petals). Columbine. ORD. Ranunculacece. Erect hardy perennial herbs with fibrous roots. Flowers soli- tary or panicled, drooping ; sepals five, petaloid, deciduous ; petals five, concave, spurred ; spurs very large, produced downwards into hollow tubes, and frequently curved at the extremity; carpels five, sessile, free. Radical leaves on long stalks, twice or thrice ternate, with trifid-toothed, nsnally blunt segments. Too much praise can scarcely be lavished upon this elegant genus of plants. They prefer a moist and sheltered situation, with exposure to the sun. The more robust species will thrive in ordinary garden soil, but the rarer and more delicate kinds require a good friable sandy loam and leaf soil, with good drainage. Seed is produced in abundance, and must be sown very thinly, as soon as practicable after being ripe, in a shady place or in pans in a cold frame. When up, and strong enough to remove, the seedlings may be planted out where they are to flower, allowing every plant at least 9in. each way. The strong-growing kinds may be placed in the border, the dwarf ones on the rockery. When in blossom, the inferior sorts should bo weeded out, retaining only the best varieties. To obtain seed true of any species, it is absolutely necessary to plant the separate kinds far apart, and cover them with fine muslin, to prevent the access of insects to the flowers, as none are more easily cross-fertilised. Division of the root is the only way to perpetuate any particular variety with certainty, unless seed is saved in the way mentioned, or imported from the native habitats of particular species. There are many beautiful hybrids, as well as species, in cultivation. A alplna (alpine).* fl. from 2in. to Sin. in diameter when ex- panded deep blue or blue and white, on leafy, two to three- flowered stems ; spurs straight, but somewhat incurved at the apex, one-half shorter than the petal limb. May I with seg- ments deeply divided into linear lobes. /. 1ft. Al'ps of Swit- zerland, in shady humid places, 1731. Plant this on the rockery. A arctica (Arctic). A form of A. formosa. A atropurpurea (dark purple). /. dark purple or bluish violet, about 1m. or IJm. in diameter when expanded, two or three in a head; spurs straight, equal in length with the petals' limb; Aqnilegia continued. sepals about as long as the petals. May. I. petioled, biternate. h. 2ft. to 3ft. Siberia. Border plant. A. aurea (golden). A synonym of A. chrysantha flavescens. A. Bertoloni (Bertoloni's).* /. about lin. across, blue-violet throughout ; sepals about Jin. long, rounded ; petals about the same length; spurs very short, knobbed; stems two to four flowered. June and July. I. small, daVk green, and glaucous. A very pretty little alpine, growing about 1ft. high. SYN. A. Reuteri. FIG. 133. AQUILEGIA C^EUULEA. A. cserulca (sky-blue).* fl. several on a stem, blue and white, sometimes more or less tinted with lilac or claret, rarely pure white, when expanded 2Jin. to 3in. in diameter ; spur very slender, nearly straight, green tipped, about 2in. long. April to July. I. large, biternate. h. 9in. to 15in. Rocky Mountains, 1864. A very lovely species for the border or base of the rockery. SYNS. A. leptoceras, A. macrantha. See Fig. 133. A C. alba (white).* /. the same size and form as the type, white throughout. Rocky Mountains. A very rare and lovely variety ; sometimes met with under the name of A. grandijlora. A. C. hybrida (hybrid).* fl. blue and white, not so wide across as the type, but more numerous, and the plant has a much more vigorous habit. Of garden origin. A calif ornica (California!!). A form of A. formosa. FIG. 134. AQUILEGIA CANADEMSIS, showing Habit and Flower. A. canadcnsis (Canadian).* fl,. scarlet, mixed with yellow, less than lin. in diameter ; spur straight, longer than the limb ; styles and stamens protruding ; sepals acutish, a little longer than the petals' limb. April to June. L, segments three-parted, bluntish, and deeply toothed at the apex. h. 1ft. to 2ft. North America, 1640. Border or rockery ; very pretty. See Fig. 134. A. chrysantha (yellow-flowered).* fl., sepals primrose yellow, spreading horizontally in full expansion, nnarly or quite lin. long, AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 101 Aqnilegia continued. tinted claret at the tip ; limb of petals deeper yellow, not quite so long ; spur straight, very slender, divergent, ijin. to JSn. long ; stems many-flowered. May to August, J. biternate- A. 3ft to 4ft, California, 1871 One of the finest of all hardy perennials for the border. A. c. flavescens (yellow).* JLota, uniform bright canary yellow, 1 with red ; spur somewhat shorter than in A. eanadentit, and slightly incurred. California, 1872. Svx. A. turea. Aquilegia continued. beautiful hybrid known in gardens as A. tali/arnica, hybrida, with ' ellowish, or tinged with are orange red; it is one the sepals and petals yellowish, or tinged with orange, while ' r spun are orange red ; it is one of the hand- All the forms are very showy, and well worth the long slender somest of all. growing. A. fragrans (fragrant).* JL 'bite or pale daret purple, finely pubescent, Tery fragrant ; sepals about Ijin. long, not reflexing, twice longer than the broadpetals- limb ; spur slender, slightly curred, knobbed at the top, same length as the petals ; stems few-flowered May to July. I. biternate. A. lift to 2ft. Himalayas, 1839. This requires a warm position. Pic. 135. AQU1LEGIA GLA.NDl LOSA. A. eztmla (choice). Synonymous with A. formota. A. f ormosa (handsome).* fl., sepals bright red, usually less than Iin. long, with an obtuse green tip ; limb of petals yellow, about half as long as the sepals ; spurs *in. to Jin. long, slender in the lower half, nearly straight, distinctly knobbed at the tip; stems many -flowered. May to September. I. biternate, A. 2ft to 4ft North America. Border. The following are synonyms and varieties : A. aretica, A. ealifornica, A. erimia, and A. /. truncata, revealing only trivial differences. There is a very . glandulosa (gland lilac blue, about liin. length of the petals' ular).* JL, sepals bright blue, about liin. long, more than twice the th of the petals' limb ; petals white ; spur iin. long, or but little more, stout, much in- curred ; stems one to three-flowered. L biternate. A. Sin. to 12in. Extremely pretty. See Fig. 135. and'it is batches, (large-flowered). A synonym of d'it is necessary to keep raising fresh they are scarcely more than biennial. A. glauca (glaucous). JL white, tinted claret. fragrant ; sepals Iin. long, not reflexine ; limb of petals |in. long ; spur straight, or a little curved, about Jin. long; stem three to four-flowered. June, {.biternate. A, 1ft. to lift. Himalayas, 1839. Bather tender ; plant in a warm dry posi- tion. A. leptoceras (slender-horned). A synonym of A.ecerulea. A. A.ccrrul A. olympica (Olympic).* 1L large ; sepals delicate mauve blue ; petals white, rather shorter than the sepals ; spur stout, short, obtuse. L bi- or triternate, glaucous. A. lift. 1880. Mount Olympus. See Fig. 136. A. pyrenaica (Pyrenean).* JL, sepals bright lilac blue, about Iin. long, but not quite as much broad ; limb of petals about }in. long, and half as broad ; spur slender, nearly straight, or rather incurred, nearly or quite Jin. long, scarcely knobbed at the end ; stem one to three-flowered, with small and little compound deep green leaves. Summer. A. 9in. to 12in. Pyrenees, 1818. Plant on the rockery. A. Renter! (Renter's). Synonymous with A. Eertolani. A. sibirlea (Siberian).* fl. bright lilac ; sepals very blunt, Iin. or a little more in length, spread- ing or slightly reflexing when fully expanded : limb of petals sometimes white, about $in. long ; spur stout, much incurred, Jin. to jm. long; stems many-flowered, glabrous. Summer. I. biternate. *, 1ft Siberia, 1806. Rockery species. Hera ue referred, by Mr. Baker, A. fttcotor, A. Gornieruuta, and A. tpeeiota. See Fig. 137. A. thalictrifolla (Thalict nun-leaved). /.. sepals oblong, acute, lilac blue, about iin. long ; limb of petals about as long, and rounded at the top ; spurs slender, net quite as long as the sepals ; stems about three-flowered. Summer. I with Ilium rtriNfl segments cut into deep oblong lobes. A. 2ft Tyrol, 1879. Entire plant clothed with ' l (green-flowered). JL, sepals oTal- er than the petals ; spurs straight in the petals ; stems two to three- A. vlridlflora < oblong, shorter l and longer than ____._.__ . flowered. A. 1ft to lift Siberia, 1780. Border. Rather a pleasing and sweet-scented green- flowered species, but not very ornamental. A. vnlgaris (common).* Common Columbine. A. variously coloured ; sepals ovate acute, about Iin. long, and half as broad ; limb of the petal rarely exceeding jin. long, and half as much broad, rounded at the apex ; spur much incurved, stout, knobbed at the end, as long as the petals ; stems many-flowered. Spring and early summer. /. biternate. England, ic. There are numerous varieties of this very handsome species, both double and single-flowered. A. v. alba (white). _iL pure white. A. v. a. fL-pL Double white flowers. A. v. caerulea flowers. k fL-pL Very dwarf, with double deep blue A. v. hybrida (hybrid). A. , sepals lilac purple, oblong-lanceolate, less than Iin. long ; limb of the petals white, about iin. long ; spur scarcely incurved. A. V.Vervseneana. This variety has pretty yellow mottled foliage. 102 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Aquilegia continued. FIG. 136. AQUILEGIA OLYMPICA, showing Habit and Flower FIG. 137. AQUILEGIA SIBIRICA FLORE-PLENO, showing Habit and Flower. A. v. Wittmanniana (Wittmann's). fl. large, bright lilac purple : sepals ovate-acute, lin. to IJin. long, more than half as much broad: limb of petals white, about half the length of sepals spur curved. A very tine variety. The following names are also met with in gardens, some of which represent specific forms, but none are effective as garden orna- ments : advena, Bunjeriana, llaylodgensis (hybrid), grata, longis- sima, nevadensis, oxysepala, Ac. AQUOSUS. Watery. ARABIS (origin of the word not clear). Wall Cress ; Rock Cress. ORD. Cruciferas. Hardy perennial trailers, except where otherwise stated. Flowers mostly white ; racemes terminal ; pedicels bractless. Radical leaves usually stalked ; cauline ones sessile or stem-clasping, entire or toothed, rarely lobed. Most members of this genus are peculiarly well adapted for rockwork and the alpine garden, both from their natural hardihood as well as their early and profuse flowering habits. They are of the easiest possible culture in any dry soil. The perennial species may either Arabia continued. be increased by divisions of the root, by cuttings, placed in a shady border during the summer, or by seed. The latter may be sown outside, or in pans, in spring, when most of them will germinate in two or three weeks. The annuals and biennials are for the most part devoid of any cultural beauty. A. albida (whitish).* /. white ; racemes terminal ; pedicels longer than the calyx. January to May. I. few-toothed, hoary, or downy with branched hairs ; radical ones obovate-oblong ; cauline ones cordately sagittate, clasping the stem. A. 6in. to 9in. Tauria and Caucasus, 1798. SYN. A. caucasica. A. a. variegata (variegated).* A very pretty variegated form for edgings. FIG. 138. ARABIS ALPINA, showing Habit and Flowers. A. alpina (alpine).* /. white, smaller than those of A. albida ; racemes terminal ; pedicels longer than the calyx, which is smoothish. March to May. I. many-toothed, lanceolate, acute, villous with branched hairs ; radical ones somewhat stalked ; cau- line ones cordate, clasping the stem. h. 6in. European rocks, in sunny places, 1596. There are one or two varieties, including a variegated-leaved form, in cultivation. See Fig. 138. FIG. 139. ARABIS ARENOSA, showing Habit and Flowers. deeply toot Stem branched, hispid, with simple hairs, h. 6in. Middle Europe, 1798. See Fig. 139. A. blepharophylla (fringed-leaved).* /. rosy purple ; petals roundish, narrowing to the base, with slender claws. Spring. I. naked, except the margins, which are fringed with very stiff hairs; radical ones spathulate ; cauline ones oblong, sessile, h. Sin. to 4in. California, 1874. This succeeds best in a cool frame, where it will flower in January. A. caucasica (Caucasus). A synonym of A. albida. A. lucida (shining).* /. white; petals entire, narrowed at the base, twice as long as the calyx. Summer. I. shining, clasping the stem. h. 4in obovate, thickish, to 6in. Hungary, 1790. A , . ery pretty species, with a dwarf habit ; it is especially adapted or edgings, borders, or rockwork. A. L variegata (variegated).* A great improvement upon the type, being broadly edged with yellow, and the green somewhat lighter. When grown in tufts or as edging, it is very effective, and should be prevented from flowering. This exceedingly desirable variety is a gem for the rockwork, and when seen in crevices, or in bold tufts, it is very striking. It must be increased by slips or rootlets, which should be taken in early summer. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 103 Arabia continued. A mollis (soft). /. white, in tenninal racemes. May to July. /. grossly toothed, somewhat pubescent, with small stellate hairs ; lower ones on long petioles, cordate-roundish ; cauline ones ovate- cordate, clasping the stem. k. 2ft. Caucasus, 1823. A. petrsea (rock).* /. white ; petals ovate, with stalks. June. I smooth, ciliated or scabrous, with simple or bifid radical ones on longish stalks, entire, toothed ; cauline ones oblong-linear, entire, or toothed. A. Sin. or 4in. Britain. A praecox (early). JL white ; petals obovately cuneated, double the length of the calyx. April to June. I. oblong, acute, sessile, quite entire, smooth. Stem covered with close pressed rigid hairs. h. 6in. to 9in. Hungary. A proem-Tens (procurrent). JL white; petals obovate, double the length of the calyx. May and June. I. ovate, quite entire, smooth, ciliated with two-parted hairs ; radical ones narrowed into a petiole ; cauline ones sessile, pointed. Stolons creeping h. 9in. Servia, 1819. There is a brilliantly variegated form of this pretty species well worth growing. A rosea (rosy).* JL rosy purple; petals oblong, somewhat wedge- shaped, double the length of the calyx ; pedicels longer than the calyx. May to July. Z., cauline ones oblong, some what cordate, and rather stem-clasping, scabrous with branched hairs. A. 1ft Calabria, 1832. A verna (spring). JL small, purple, with a white claw ; pedicels shorter than the calyx. May to June. L, cauline ones cordate, clasping the stem, toothed, scabrous with three-parted hairs. A. 3m. to 6in. South Europe, 1710. The best annual species. ABACEJE or AROZDIUE. An extensive order of her- baceous plants, with tnberons rhizomes. Flowers on a spadix, unisexual or hermaphrodite, protected by a spathe. Leaves large, radical. Well known genera belonging to this order are : Alocasia, Arum, Caladium, Colocasia, a&dDieffenbachia. ARACHIS (from a, without, and rachis, a branch; plant branchless). Ground or Earth Nut. OED. Legumi- nosae. A stove annual, of economical value. Corolla resn- pinatc ; calyx a long tube, with a bilabiate limb ; ovary stipitate, inclosed in the tube of the calyx ; the stipe at first short, but afterwards becoming elongated. Sandy loam is the soil most suitable for their cultivation. Seeds should be sown in heat ; and, when the plants have grown to a sufficient size, they should be potted off singly, and placed among other stove annuals. After the plant has finished flowering, and the pods begin to lengthen, the pe- dicels force them into the earth, where they ripen their seeds. A hypogsea (underground). Monkey Nut. JL vellow, five to seven together in the axils of the leaves. May. I. abruptly-pinnate, bearing two pairs of leaflets, without any tendril ; stipulas elon- gated, adnate to the petioles, k. 1ft., or procumbent. South America, 1812. See Fig. 140. ARACHNIMORPHA. A synonym of Bondeletia (which see). ARACHNOID. Resembling a cobweb in appearance ; seeming to be covered with cobweb, in consequence of the entanglement of long, white hairs. ARAIiIA (meaning unknown). OBD. Araliaceae. This widely-grown genus includes stove, greenhouse, and hardy, herbaceous and shrubby plants. Flowers inconspicuous, umbellate, the umbels usually disposed in panicles ; petals five, inserted on the margin of the disk; stamens five (see Fig. 142). Leaves usually compound. These plants are of moderately free growth, and the majority are easy to manage. Those requiring indoor treatment thrive well under the ordinary routine of management. One most im- portant requirement, however, is that they must be kept well supplied with water at the roots. The finer, or stove varieties, should be potted in a mixture of sandy loam and peat, with the addition of a little fibrous leaf soil, and sufficient sand to keep the whole porous. The stronger growing kinds thrive in a richer compost. Propagation by cuttings of the roots is a common and very successful method. To obtain the roots, one of the strongest plants should be turned out of the pot, and the roots should be cleared of soil by shaking or washing it out ; the requisite number of pieces should then be selected. As each piece is removed, it should have the end nearest the stem cut horizontally, to distinguish it from the other or furthermost end. In planting cuttings of the roots, it is best to place the end nearest the stem uppermost. The pieces may be left about 2in. long, and should be AT alia continued. FIG. 140. ARACHIS HYPOG.EA, showing Leaf, Flower, Ac., and Cluster of short wrinkled Pods. inserted in pots, well drained, and filled with sandy soil, leaving the tops of the cuttings about level with the surface of the soil. A square of glass must be placed over the top of each pot, plunging them in moderate bottom heat. The stems of the plants from which the roots have been taken may be cut into pieces lin. or IJin- long, leaving an eye or bud near the top ; a slice of half the shoot may be taken off opposite the bud. When prepared, these pieces should bo pressed into pots of sand or sandy soil, and plunged into bottom heat. The stems may be cut down without dis- turbing the roots ; in that case, if the pots are plunged in bottom heat, and kept moderately supplied with water, they will probably throw up several suckers or shoots from the roots. These, if taken off with a portion of root to each, and placed in small sized pots, will, with a little care, soon make useful plants. All the hardy species and most of the greenhouse ones are propagated readily by 104 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Aralia continued. cuttings or pieces of roots. Some of the stove species, however, are very difficult to increase, except by grafting. Among these are A. leptophylla, A. Veitchii, &c. These should be worked on stocks of A. Guilfoylei or A. reticulata, the latter being the better of the two. Cuttings of either of these strike readily, and stocks fit for grafting are easily procured. In sheltered and warm positions, the greenhouse species are admirably suited for subtropical gardening, either planted singly or in groups. See also Dimorphan- tlras, Fatsia, Hedera, Heptapleurum, Monopanaz, Oreopanaz, Fanaz, and Fseudopanaz. A. canesccns (greyish). A garden synonym of A. chincn.iin. A. ChabrierU(Chabrier's).* I. alternate, pinnate, about a foot long; pinnae opposite, 6in. to 9in. long, linear-lanceolate, deep green, with a heavy crimson midrib. 1882. Suitable for table decoration. A charming stove species. Fio. 141. ARALIA CHINF.NSIS. I (Chinese).* fl. white ; panicles terminal ; peduncles umbelliferous. I. petiolate, coriaceous, woolly on both surfaces when young (only) ; pinnae seven, ovate, serrated at the apex, erect and distinct h. 5ft to 6ft. 183a This species, if planted in a soil with a dry porous bottom, will prove to be hardy. SYN. A. canescens, of gardens. See Fig. 141. A. conclnna (neat). 1. unequally pinnate : pinnae lobed and ser- rate. Stem spotted. New Caledonia, 1879. A handsome stove species, but very rare. SVNS. A. spcctabilis, Delarbrea gpectabilis. A. crassifolia (thick-leaved). A synonym of Pseudopanax crassi- folium. A. ednlis (edible).* fl. numerous, white ; umbels globose, axillary and terminal, united into simple or compound racemes. Summer. I., lower ones pinnate, with five leaflets, or three pinnate, with divisions of three to five leaflets ; upper ones generally simple, with stalked leaflets, having a cordate base, ovate, acute, finely toothed, downy. A. 4ft. to 6ft. Japan, 1843. Hardy, herbaceous, perennial, hairy, and spineless. A. elegantissima (most elegant).* I. digitate, on long dark green footstalks, which are mottled with white ; leaflets seven to ten, filiform, and, being pendulous, impart a very graceful character to the plant. Stem straight, erect. South Sea Islands, 1873. Stove species, excellent for table decoration. A. filicifolia (fern-leaved).* l. t leafstalks sheathing at the base, and terete in the upper part, expanding into a broad leafy limb which is impari-pinnately divided ; pinnae opposite, deeply pinnatifid, bright green, with a purplish midrib. Stem and leaf- stalks purplish, thickly marked with oblong white spots. Polynesia, 1876. A. gracillima (most graceful). Synonymous with A. Veitchii gra- CUOMO. A. Guilfoylei (Guilfoyle's).* I. pinnate, on long si petioles; leaflets oblong-elliptic, bluntish, from th smooth terete ree to seven, Aralia continued. they are sometimes obscurely lobed, and irregularly spinose, serrate, varying in size from Sin. to Sin. long, neatly and evenly margined with creamy white, the surface being in addition occa- sionally splashed with grey. Stem erect, copiously dotted with lenticular markings. South Sea Islands, 1876. Stove species. A. hctcromorpha (many-formed).* I. sometimes ovate-lanceo- late and serrated, and at others bifid or even trifid at the apex, about 6in. to Sin. or 9in. long, bright shining green. A very desirable species, of robust and compact habit. A. japonlca (Japanese). Another name for Fatsia japonica. A. Kerchoveana (Count Kerchove's). I. digitate, almost circular in outline; leaflets nine to eleven, spreading, elliptic- lanceolate, conspicuously serrated or undulated margins, of a deep glossy green relieved by a pale midrib. 1883. A very elegant slender-stemmed plant from the South Sea Islands, and likely to prove valuable for decorative purposes. Stove species. A. leptophylla (slender-leaved).* I. compound, bearing often seven or more petiolate leaflets of a somewhat pendent character, and dark green in colour. 1862. An elegant stove or greenhouse slender growing species. A. longipes (long-stalked). I. digitate, long stalked, and rather distant ; leaflets oblanceolate acuminate, slightly undulated at the edge ; petioles elongated. Stems simple. North Australia, 1882. A very distinct erect-growing evergreen stove species. A. maculata (spotted). I. of a light green colour ; leaflets oblong- acuminate, in about four pairs. Stem erect, which, as well as the stalks of the leaves, is of a blackish-purple hue, thickly spotted with green dots. This peculiar colouring is very distinct and con- spicuous. South Pacific Islands. Stove species. A. Maximowiczli (Maximowicz's).* 1. on long stalks, palmately five to seven-lobed ; lobes lanceolate, S^in. long, serrate. Japan, 1874. An elegant and distinct hardy shrub, with erect spiny stem. SYN. Acanthopanax ricinifolium. A. monstrosa (monstrous).* I. pendent, pinnate ; leaflets three to seven, oblong elliptic, deeply and irregularly serrated (this serration sometimes takes most fantastic forms), broadly margined with creamy white, the surface blotched with grey. South Sea Islands, 1880. Stove species. A. nudicaulis (naked-stemmed).* fl. greenish ; scape trifld at the apex, shorter than the leaf, each division bearing a many-flowered umbel. June. I. radical, the divisions pinnately five foliate ; leaflets oblong-oval, with a long tapering point, serrate. Root horizontal, very long. h. 3ft. to 4ft. North America, 1731. Quite hardy, herbaceous perennial. A. Osvana (Osyan).* Resembling A. leptophylla, but with leaflets deeply bifid at the ends ; surface colour bright green ; primary veins and tips of the leaflets chocolate brown. South Sea Islands, 1870. Very elegant stove species. A. pentaphylla (five-leaved).* I. digitate, or sometimes only three leaflets are produced, each varying from 6in. to lOin. in length, and from lin. to 2in. in breadth, deeply lobed or pinnatifid, bright shining green. Stem arboreous, prickly, h. 20ft. Japan. SYN. Panax spinosa. A. p. varlegata (variegated). L broadly edged with creamy white. Japan, 1874. A. qnercifolia (Oak-leaved). deeply sinuate ; lower petioles about 3in. long, light shining green. New Britain, 1880. 1. opposite, trifoliolate ; leaflets about 3in. long, light Very pretty stove species. FIG. 142. FLOWER OF ARALIA RACEMOSA, enlarged. A. racemosa (raceme-flowering).* fl. greenish-white, petals , spreading; peduncles axillary, disposed in a terminal raceme, umbelliferous. June. I. petioles tripartite, the partitions bearing each three to five ovate or cordate, acuminated, serrated, smoothish leaflets. A. 3ft. to 4ft. North America, 1658. Hardy herbaceous species, highly ornamental. See Fig. 142. A. reticulata (netted). I. alternate, strap-shaped when young, becoming larger with age, dark green, reticulated with a lighter shade of the same colour. A very handsome species, requiring stove heat during winter. In spring and summer it is admirably suited for conservatory or indoor decoration, having a light and graceful aspect A. rotunda (round). I. sometimes of a single leaflet only, which is spreading, orbicular, cordate at the base, margined with distinct white tipped teeth; at other times, especially when AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 105 Aralia continued. approaching maturity, the leaves are trifoliate, the leaflets being rounded and toothed, and the terminal one being about double the size of the lateral ones. Stems erect, brownish-green, spotted when young with pale elongate blotches. Polynesia, 1882. A. Schefflerl (Scheffler's). L on long petioles, digitate ; leaflets five, petiolulate, lanceolate, attenuated at the base, serrulated, glabrous on both surfaces. Stem shrubby, smooth. New Zealand. Greenhouse species. A. spectabills (showy). A synonym of A. concinna. A. spinosa (thorny).* Angelica Tree. I. doubly and triply pinnate ; leaflets ovate, acuminated, deeply serrated. Stem simple, prickly (as are also the petioles), forming into an umbrella-like head, deciduous, h. 8ft. to 12ft. North America, 1688. A very fine hardy species for sheltered spots. A. spinnloaa (small-spined). L alternate, pinnate; pinna; ovate Aralia continued. A. V. gracillima (most graceful).* I. alternate, spreading ; leaflets nearly linear, but slightly narrowed at both ends, havmj a pro- minent ivory-white central rib. South Sea Islands, 1878. An erect growing species, with an elegantly graceful habit. It is allied to A. reticulata, but is more handsome. This charming variety is undoubtedly the finest for table decoration, and is frequently grafted upon stocks of the typical form. It enjoys plenty of heat. SYN. A. gracillima. ARALIACEJE. An order of trees, shrubs, or (rarely) herbaceous plants, often pubescent, and sometimes spiny. Flowers variously disposed, hermaphrodite or unisexual, regular ; petals usually five, and valvate. Leaves alternate, or (rarely) opposite. This order is closely allied to Umbel' lifera ; and the best known genera are Aralia and Hedera. FIG. 143. ARALIA VEITCHII. acuminate, dark green, margined with little reddish-crimson spines or prickles. Stems and petioles spotted and suffused with crimson. 1880. A bold and robust stove plant. A.ternata(three-leafleted). L opposite, ternate; leaflets oblong- lanceolate ; margins in some cases deeply serrate, in others sinuate, light green. New Britain, 1879. A slender growing species. A, txifolia (three-leaved). A synonym of Pseudopanax Lfstonti. A, Veitcbli (Veitch's).* I. digitate, with about eleven filiform undulated leaflets, glossy green above, dark red beneath ; petioles long and slender. New Caledonia, 1867. A very handsome (said to be the best) species, with slender, erect growing stem. See Fig. 143, for which we are indebted to Messrs. Veitch and Sons. name for Callitris ARAB-TREE. A common qnadrivalvis (which see). ARAT7CARIA (from Araucanos, its name in Chili). STN. Eutacta. OBD. Conifera. A noble genus of dioecious or sub-dioecious evergreen trees, with usually imbricated persistent flat sessile scale-like leaves. Male cones large, cylindrical, terminal ; female ones very large, globular, terminal, with dense ligneous deciduous scales, each bearing a solitary seed. The majority of the species aro not, unfortunately, sufficiently hardy to withstand our P 106 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Arancaria continued. winters out of doors. Few trees can compete with them in symmetry and elegant proportion for conservatory decora- tion, where they may be grown in large tubs, or planted out. Small plants grown in pots are moat serviceable for table and other decorative purposes. They thrive in a good fibrous loam, mixed with leaf soil and sand. Propa- gation by means of seed is the surest and most satisfactory method ; the seed should be sown in pans or boxes, or if in large quantities, in a bed, with but gentle heat; they usually take some time to germinate. Cuttings are procured by taking off the leading shoots, and fixing them firmly in a pot of sand ; they first require a cool place, but may after- wards be subjected to slight warmth. When rooted, they should be potted off into the soil above mentioned. The young growths which afterwards shoot from the plant, whence the cutting, may be taken off and treated in much the same manner. These are the only methods of pro- pagation worth pursuing. (Balansa's). male cones cylindrical-conical, 2in. female cones elliptic globose, 4in. ; scales obovate, cuneate. I. arcuately-uncinate, ovate triangular, imbricated round the dis- tichous, simple branchlets. h. 130ft. to 160ft. New Caledonia, 1875. A fine greenhouse plumosely branched tree. A. Bldwillil (Bidwill's).* Bunya-Bunya Pine ; Moreton Bay Pine, cones sub-globose, longest diameter lOin. to 12in., shortest 9in. to lOin. I. ovate-lanceolate, in two nearly horizontal rows, acuminated, slightly convex above, concave beneath, leathery, deep shining green, h. 150ft. Moreton Bay. Habit very regular and symmetrical. Greenhouse species. A. brasillensis (Brazilian). I. oblong-lanceolate, much attenuated at the point, loosely imbricated, deep green ; lower part of the trunk usually free from branches, terminating in a rounded head. h. 70ft. to 100ft. Brazil, 1819. A. b. gracilis, and A. b. Ridolfiana are two forms of this species. A. columnaris (columnar). A synonym of A. Cookii. A. Cookli (Cook's).* I. awl-shaped, short, densely imbricated around the frondose branches. Described by Mr. Abbay as having "a somewhat curious habit, even when growing alone, of shedding their branches for five-sixths or more of their height, and then replacing them by a smaller and more bushy growth, so that the tree at a distance presents a very columnar appearance, the resemblance being increased by the summit being crowned with a mass of foliage somewhat like a capital." h. 200ft. New Caledonia, 1851. SYN. A. columnaris. FIG. 144. ARAUCARIA EXCELSA. A. Cunningham! (Cunningham's).* 1. on the sterile branch,.,, needle-shaped, obscurely quadrangular, rigid, acutefon theferUle branches shorter, stouter, closely appressed. bright green ; uppe? Arancaria continued. branches ascending, lower ones horizontal, h. 100ft. Moreton Bay. This fine species we have found to be quite hardy on the south-west coast of England. A. C. glanca (milky-green). A very handsome variety, with silvery glaucous leaves. A. cxcelsa (lofty).* The Norfolk Island Pine. I. awl-shaped, curved, sharply acuminated, bright green, densely packed on the frondose, deltoid, horizontal, or pendulous branches. When well grown, this is a beautifully symmetrical greenhouse or conserva- tory species, attaining to a height of 150ft., and a circumference of 20ft. or more. Norfolk Island. This is especially desirable in a small state. There are several varieties known, the best being : A. e. glauca, having lighter green, and very glaucous foliage ; and A. e. robtista, which is larger in all its parts. See Fig. 144. A. Goldieana (Goldie's).* Allied to A. Rulei. I. produced; in whorls, pendulous, dark green, varying in size. New Caledonia Most distinct and elegant for conservatory decoration. A. imbricate (imbricated).* The Monkey Puzzle, fl., male and female catkins on separate trees ; the males are six or seven in a cluster, pedunculate, yellow, and oval with numerous scales, imbri- cated, long, and recurved at the points ; the female catkins are oval, with numerous wedge-shaped scales, with narrow oblong brittle points ; they are produced at the ends of the branches. cones, when fully ripe globular, from Sin. to 4in. in diameter, dark brown. The branches are horizontal, inflexed, and ascend- ing at the extremities, and are produced in whorls. I. ovate- lanceolate, sessile, thickened at the base, stiff, leathery, straight, somewhat keeled-shaped below, and strongly mucronate at the apex ; verticillate, with seven or eight in a whorl, imbricate, and closely encircling the branches, concave, glabrous, shining, marked with longitudinal lines, dotted on both sides, h. 50ft. to 100ft. Chili, 1796. A well known hardy tree, of striking aspect, and indispensable to Arboreta and shrubberies. See Fig. 145. A. Rule! (Rule's).* male cones oblong obtuse ; female cones oval. I. oblong-lanceolate, with a prominent dorsal nerve, more closely appressed, and less sharply pointed than in the foregoing; species ; imbricated in four rows. Branches horizontal ; branchlets often quite pendulous, h. 50ft. Papuan Archipelago. A. R. clcgans (elegant).* I. smaller ; whorls of branches closer together ; branchlets more slender. An elegant form ; and, from its comparative dwarf and graceful habit, should be very generally grown. ARBOR. A tree. A perennial plant, having a distinct bole or trunk, from which the main branches grow. ARBORESCENT. Having a tendency to become a tree. ARBORETUM. A collection of hardy trees formed for pleasure or instruction, and which, when well managed, is a source of much interesting study. They afford shelter, improve the local climate, renovate bad soils, &c., and also, by concealing or hiding disagreeable objects, heighten the effect of agreeable ones, create beauty, and add value. A properly arranged Arboretum should be constructed with a view to picturesque beauty, and not systematically, as is usually the case in Botanic Gardens, although scientific purposes are best served by a systematic arrangement. ARBOR- VITJB. See Thuja. ARBOUR. A seat surrounded by lattice work, covered by Vines, Wistarias, or other climbing plants. ARBUTUS (from arhoise, Celtic for austere bush ; in allusion to the austere quality of the fruit). Strawberry-tree. SYN. Unedo. ORD. EricacecB. A genus of very ornamental, evergreen trees and shrubs. Corolla globose or ovately campanulate ; petals five, reflexed. Leaves alternate, Laurel- like. The species thrive in a light sandy or peaty soil They may be propagated by seeds, which should be sown in sand during March ; by budding, and by inarching ; the first mentioned method is the one most generally employed, with good results. ... The various sorts may be grafted, budded, or inarched upon A. Unedo. The greenhouse species are rare in cultivation, but their management does not ma- terially differ from other plants requiring a similar tem- perature. A. Andrachnc (Anrtrachne).* fl. greenish-white ; panicles ter- imnal, erect, clothed with viscid down. March and April. I. oblong, bluntish, entire in some, a little serrated in others, glabrous, h. 10ft. to 14ft. Greece, 1724. A fine ornamental tree. A. A. serratlfolia (saw-edge-leaved). fl. yellowish, disposed in rather large terminal clusters. I. serrated, and narrower than those of the species, SYN. A. serratifolia. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. j. 145. ARAUCARIA IMBBICATA. 108 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Arbutus continued. A. andrachnoides (Andrachne-like). A synonym of A. hybrida. A. canariensis (Canary), fl. greenish-white ; panicles erect, hispid. May. /. oblong-lanceolate, serrated, glaucous beneath. A. 8ft. to 10ft. Canary Islands, 1796. Greenhouse. A. densiflora (thickly-flowered).* fl. white; corolla oval; pedicels furnished with three bracteas at the base ; panicle terminal, com- posed of closely packed racemes. I. 4in.to 5in. long, on long petioles, oblong, acute, sharply toothed, coriaceous, glabrous above and shining, but downy beneath, the middle nerve with rusty villi ; branches angular, hairy. A. 20ft. Mexico, 1826. Greenhouse. A. hybrida (hybrid).* fl. white; panicle terminal, pendulous, downy. September to December. I. oblong, acute, serrated, glabrous ; branches pilose. A. 10ft. to Oft. A half-hardy garden hybrid ; it originated about 1800. SYN. A. andrachnoides. A. Menzlesl (Menzies').* fl. white ; racemes axillary and ter- minal, panicled, dense-flowered. September. I. broad-oval, quite entire, glabrous, on long petioles. A. 6ft. to 10ft. North- west America, 1827. A noble hardy tree. A. launjolia comes close to this species. SYN. A. procera. A. mollis (soft), fl. rosy, drooping ; panicle terminal, crowded, racemose. June. I. oblong-acute, sharply toothed, coriaceous, clothed with soft pubescence above, and white tomentum beneath. A. 6ft. Mexico. Greenhouse shrub. A. mucronata (mncronate). A synonym of Pernettya mucronata, A. pilosa (pilose). A synonym of Pernettya pilota. A. procera (tall).* A synonym of A. Uenziesi. A. serratifolia (saw-edge-leaved). A synonym of A. Andrachne acrratijolia. A. Unedo (Unedo).* The Strawberry Tree. fl. white, deep red i in some of the varieties, nodding, in terminal racemose, bracteate panicles. September, fr. large, scarlet, nearly globose, granular, edible. I. oblong-lanceolate, glabrous, serrulated; branchlets clothed with glandular hairs. A. 8ft. to 10ft. West of Ireland, and South Kurope. There are several varieties of this plant in cultivation. It is one of the greatest ornaments in the months of October and November the season when it is in flower, and when, also, the fruit of the former year is ripe. A. Xalapensls (Xalapan). /. reddish white ; corolla ovate ; panicle terminal, composed of many racemes. April. I. petiolate, oblong, acute, quite entire, about 2in. long, glabrous above, but clothed with brownish tomentum beneath ; epidermis separating, brownish purple. Young branches glabrous, but beset with ramentie. A. 6ft. to 9ft. Mexico. Greenhouse species. ARCHEGONIUM. The female organ in ferns, &c., analogous with the ovary in flowering plants. ARCTOSTAFHYLOS (from arktos, a bear, and staphyle, a grape ; bears eat the fruit of some species). ORD. Ericaceae. Handsome hardy or half-hardy shrubs or sub-shrubs, agreeing in generic characters with Arbutus, except that the fruit is five-celled and the cells one-seeded, and not granular on the outside. For culture, &c., see Arbutus. A. alpina (alpine).* Black Bearberry. ft. white or flesh-coloured, | in terminal, reflexed racemes ; pedicels rather hairy. April. I. obovate, acute, wrinkled, serrated, deciduous. Stems procum- bent, trailing. Scotland (but rare), &c. SYN. Arbutus alpina. A. nltlda (shining).* /. white ; racemes terminal. May. I. oblong- lanceolate, acute, smooth on both sides and shining above. A. 4ft. Mexico, 1839. An erect half-hardy evergreen. A. pungens (stinging).* /. white ; pedicels close ; racemes short, at first terminal, but at length lateral. February. I. ovate- oblong, acute, mucronate, rather pungent, quite entire, coriaceous, clothed with fine down on both surfaces ; branchlets angular, downy. A. 1ft. Mexico, 1839. A dwarf, much branched, half- hardy evergreen shrub. A. tomentosa (tomentose).* /. pure white, campanulately urceolate, bracteate ; peduncles axillary, shorter than the leaves, somewhat capitately racemose. December. I. oval, acute, sub-cordate at the base, clothed with white tomentum beneath, on short petioles ; branches hispid. A. 4ft. North-west America, 1826. Shrubby species ; hardy. A. Uva-ursi.* Bearberry. /. flesh-coloured, with a red mouth, growing in small clusters at the extremities of the branches. April. J. obovate, quite entire, coriaceous, shining. Highland! of Scotland and Wales. A hardy evergreen procumbent trailer. SYN. Arbutus Uva-ursi. ARCTOTHECA (from arktos, u bear, and theke. a capsule ; so named from the roughness of the fruit). ORD. Composite. Greenhouse herbaceous perennial, allied to Arctotis. Heads radiate ; involucral scales imbricate in many rows, the outer linear, herbaceous, inner larger, scariose, very obtuse ; receptacle honeycombed, bearing many little fringes; achenes ovate, somewhat four-sided, without wings or pappus. It thrives in a compost of peat, leaf soil, and loam. Propagated by divisions of the plant, JIIMII; Cape Arctotheca continued. or cuttings, in spring. Several species formerly classed in this genus are now included under Arctotis. A. repens (creeping). fl.-Jteadu yellow. July. I. petioled, lyrate- innatifid, green and mostly smooth above, white-woolly beneath, of Good Hope, 1793. A stemless, creeping or decumbent aero. ARCTOTIS (from arktos, a bear, and ous, an ear ; in reference to the shaggy fruit). ORD. Composite. Mostly half-hardy herbaceous perennials. Involucral bracts numerous, imbricated, scariose on the margin; receptacle pitted, studded with bristles between the florets ; achenes grooved, crowned with a pappus of membranous scales. The species of this genus are of easy culture in a compost of loam and leaf soil. Propagated by cuttings at any time of the year; these should be pricked in pots of very sandy soil, and placed in gentle warmth ; they must be kept uncovered and moderately dry, or they will rot. The Arctotis are very handsome plants in sunny, dry positions outside during the summer months, but they must be pro- tected during winter. A. acaulis (stemless).* fl.-heads yellow and red. Summer. { hoary on each side, ternate, lyrate. Stem very short, decumbent A. 4in. Cape of Good Hope, 1759. Very rarely met with. A. arborcscens (tree-like).* fl.-heads, ray-florets white above, pink beneath ; disk-florets yellow ; disposed in large circular Daisy- like heads. Summer. I. linear-oblong, pinnate ; upper ones amplexicaul ; lower ones stalked. A. 2ft. Cape of Good Hope, A. argentea (silvery), fl.-heads orange. August. I. lanceolate- linear, entire, downy. A. 1ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1774. A. aureola (golden). Synonymous with A. grandiflora. A. breviscapa (short-stalked). Synonymous with A. speciosa. A. grandiflora (large-flowered).* fl. -heads orange ; outer scales of involucre retiexed, cuneate, oblong, with a broad short point, somewhat cobwebbed. July. I. pinnatifid, serrulate, three- nerved. A. lift. Cape of Good Hope, 1710. SYNS. A. aureola and A. undulata. A. rep tans (creeping), fl.-heads white, orange. July. I. hairy beneath ; lower lyrate toothed ; upper lanceolate toothed. Stem ascending. A. 8in. Cape of Good Hope, 1795. A. rosea (rosy), fl.-heads pink. Autumn. I. spathulate-lanceo- late, repand-toothed, hoary. Stem procumbent. Cape of Good Hope, 1793. A. speciosa (showy).* fl.-heads yellow ; outer scales of involucre linear recurved. July. I. lyrate, pinnatifid, hoary beneath, three- nerved. Plant stemless. A. lift. Cape of Good Hope, 1812. Closely allied to A. acaulis. SYN. A. breviscapa. A, undulata (wavy). Synonymous with A. grandijlora. ARCUATE, ARCUATED. Curved or bent like a bow; forming an arch. ARDISIA (from ardis, a point ; in reference to the acute, spear-pointed anthers). SYN. Pyrgus. ORD. Myrsineoe. An extensive genus of greenhouse or stove, mostly ornamental, evergreen trees and shrubs. Flowers white or rose-coloured, more or less panicled; panicles sometimes many-flowered at the extremities of the branches, and longer than the leaves, sometimes few- flowered and in the axils of the leaves. Leaves alternate, rarely almost opposite, or three in a whorl, dotted. Pro- pagated by cuttings of the half -ripened wood taken from the side shoots of the plant any time from March to September ; but, as the points of these side shoots bear the blossoms and fruit, they are not well adapted for making good plants. To obtain the best plants, the largest, ripest, and best- coloured berries should be sown early in spring, as soon as gathered, in a wide-mouthed pot or seed pan, well drained and filled with loam and peat in equal parts, with the addition of some sand, and plunged in bottom heat, the soil being kept moderately moist. The seeds will germi- nate in a few weeks after sowing, and when about 2in. high, the strongest seedlings should be selected and placed in 3in. pots, the same mixture of soil being used, with the ad- dition of a fourth part well decomposed manure. After potting, the plants must be moistened overhead twice a day with a fine rose or syringe, and be kept in a close atmosphere until the roots have taken to the fresh soil. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 109 Ardisia contin ued. When the plants begin to grow again, they should be removed to a light situation in the boose ; and when the pots are well filled with roots, a shift into Gin. pots may be effected, water being given judiciously until well esta- blished, and here they may remain to fruit. Until the berries are coloured, clear manure water, given once or twice a week, will be found beneficial. The plants arrive at their best when about 18in. or 2ft high; after that, they begin to get naked at the bottom. It will then be wise to cut the worst plants down to within 2in. of the pots, in early spring, allowing them to become dry at the roots before this operation is performed. By giving moisture to the roots when the cut has become dry, the plants will Boon break into growth again, when some of the worst placed shoots should be rubbed off, leaving only one or two of the strongest and best placed, calculated to develop into a well formed plant. When the shoots have grown 2in. or 3in., the plants should be turned out of their pots, the soil shaken out from the roots, and the long ends of the roots trimmed in a little with a knife ; they must then be placed in a pot sufficiently large to hold the roots without squeezing. The plants should now occupy the warmest end of the house in which they are grown, care being taken in watering until new roots are formed, when they may have more air and somewhat liberal supplies of water. As soon as they are sufficiently advanced in growth, they should be transferred to a larger-sized pot. With proper treatment, they will flower and fruit the same season as they are cut down, and form handsome plants. Although most species of this genus are classed as stove plants, they will succeed very well in a temperature that does not fall below 45deg. in winter ; and, when so grown, they are not so liable to become infested with large brown scale and other insect pests. This is particularly the case with A. erenvlata, and cool treatment is also favourable to the ripe berries hanging on the plants for a much longer time than when grown in a stove. Moreover, they do not suffer so much when removed for decorative purposes. ArdiBia continued. itunlnata (taper-pointed). /I. nearly white; petals si e, dotted; panicles terminal and axillary, many-flowe . L entire, glabrous, oblong, acuminated, attenuated at acute, base." i. 6ft to &ft Guiana, 1803. bellate, droopmg. July. PIG. 146. FLOWERING BRANCH OP ARDISIA CREXULATA. A. crennlata (round-notched-leaved).* fl~ reddish violet ; panicles terminal ; pedicels umbellate. June. Berries numerous, bright coral-like, I. lanceolate-ovate, tapering at both ends, repandly crenulated, pilose, h. 3ft to 6ft. Mexico, 1909. When grown in a cool atmosphere, as previously alluded to, it is quite common (or one crop of berries to hang on the plants until another crop is ripe. This is a splendid plant, superior e_ven to the red-berried Solanums for decorative purposes, for which it is largely grown. See Fig. 146. luntish A. hnmilis (humble), fl. rose-coloured ; peduncles solitary bear- ing each a simple racemose umbel of many pretty, large, droopin* flowers; petals lanceolate, first recurved, afterward? reSe! June. Berries size of peas, shining, black, juicy. L oblong-laaceo- late, acuminated at both ends, glabrous, veined, shining: A. 4ft A.JapTnbose. March to August Berry red. L cordate-ovate, mucronate, nearly sessile, dark green, larger than those of Box. Spines twin, simple, but usually bifid ; in this last case, one of the clefts points downwards, and the other upwards. A. 3ft to 5ft Cape of Good Hope, 1760. S V.\. Caritta Arduina. ARECA (Areec is its name in Malabar, when an old tree). The Cabbage Palm. OBD. Palmce. This genus is now broken up into several, and many species formerly here arranged are now found under Acanthoph&nvx, Euterpe, Hyophorbe, Kentia, Oncosperma, Ph. A. Hookfrianur*. A. helieborifolium (Hellebore-leaved). A synonym of A. c*n+ turn. A. Hookerianum (Hooker's). A synonym of A. GriJfUJii. A. nepenthoide* (Nepenthes-like).* JL, spathe above the tabular rtfon extended into two decided auricles, w porton tinguish lowish. it from other species, L pedate, of Spring. which serve to dis- ochre, brown, green ; spadix yel- five lanceolate or oblanceolate 112 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Arlssoma continued. leaflets ; central one 6in. long, the others shorter, h. 2ft. Hit layas, 1879. A. prsecox (early). A synonym of A. ringens. ens (gaping).* /., spathe striped green and white, erect indrical below, then arching suddenly over, and again con- le orifice, with_ broad, and cyl tracting into a rather small deep purple o, _ reflexed margins ; spadix erect, pale yellow-green. Spring. I., leaflets three, ovate-oblong, acuminate, and produced into a mi- short. Japan. Hardy. SYNS. A. praxox form point; peduncle and A. Sieboldi. A, Sieboldi (Siebold's). A. synonym of A. ringens. A. speciosa (showy ). A., spadix deep glossy purple, greenish and white, with a long flexuous prolongation, sometimes nearly 20in. in length ; spathe also terminating with a filiform elongation. March. I. solitary, trifoliolate ; leaflets petioled, dark green, con- spicuously edged with blood red ; petioles long, mottled with white, h. 2ft. Temperate Himalayas, 1872. FIG. 148. ARISA:MA TKIFHYLLA. A. triphylla (three-leaved).* JL, spathe 4in. to 6in. long, striped with broad lines of purplish-brown, with about lin. of green in the middle ; spadix 3in. long, spotted with brown. June and July. I. on long, stout petioles, trifoliolate ; leaflets entire, equal, acumi- nated. h. 9in. to 1ft. North America, 1664. This is quite hardy SYNS. A. zebrina and Arum triphyllum. See Fig. 148. A. zebrina (zebra). A synonym of A. triphylla. ARJSARUM (name of Greek origin). OBD. Aroideas (Aracew). A small genus of half-hardy, herbaceous plants, possessing but little horticultural interest, and allied to Arisaima. Flowers unisexual, spadix having no rudimentary flowers. Leaves on long stalks, heart-shaped or spear- shaped. The only species in cultivation thrives in a sand, loam, and peat compost. Propagated by seeds or divi- sions of the root in spring. A Sou^Euro ( eT5% n) ' ^'* spathe livid P^P 16 - Mav - h - lf t- ABJSTATE. Having a beard or awn, as the glumes Of barley. AR.ISTE A (from arista, a point or beard ; in reference to the rigid points of the leaves). OBD. Iridece. A genus of greenhouse herbaceous perennials from the Capo of Good Hope. Flowers blue ; perianth rotate, six-parted, twisted after flowering ; scape two-edged, rigid, often branched. Leaves narrow, sword-shaped. The species are more interesting than ornamental, and may be grown in a compost of three parts turfy peat, and one of loam. Easily propagated by divisions and seeds. They vary in height from Sin. to 3ft., and flower generally in summer. A. capitata (headed). fl. blue. July. h. 3ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1790. A. cyanea (bright blue), ft. blue. June. h. 6in. Cup* of Good ARISTOIiOCHIA (from aristos, best, and locheia, parturition; in reference to its supposed medicinal cha- racter). Birthwort. ORD. Aristolochiacece. A very large genus of stove, greenhouse, or hardy, evergreen or deci- duous, climbing or erect shrubs. Flowers axillary, clus- tered, or solitary, pendulous, of most extraordinary forms ; perianth tubular, curved, or straight, with an oblique, cordate limb ; stamens six, rarely four, or numerous, ad- hering to the stigma ; capsule six-valved. Leaves cordate entire or lobed. Good loam, with a small proportion of decayed manure and a slight addition of sharp sand to secure efficient drainage, is a good compost for the whole. They will thrive when planted out in the conservatory more satisfactorily than elsewhere; for as they usually grow a considerable height before flowering, they require very long trellises in pots, and have to be trained up and down; or, better still, round a pillar of uniform cir- cumference, a pyramid form being useless. The best way is to train them round, close down to the pot, and keep on about 2in. from one turn to the next. Some of the larger sorts will require more room. Cuttings root freely in sand under a boll glass with bottom heat. A. anguicida (snake-killing), fl. white, spotted brown ; tube of perianth inflated at base, dilated and oblique at the mouth ; peduncles axillary, solitary, one-flowered. December. I. on short petioles, cordate acuminate ; stipules cordate-roundish. A. 10ft. New Grenada, 1845. An evergreen stove twiner. A. barbata (bearded). /. purple, axillary, 2in. long ; perianth straight ; liinb spreading ; lip spathulate, bearded at the end. July. I. coidate, oblong. A. 10ft. Caraccas, 1796. Stove evergreen. A. caudata (tailed).* /. lurid ; perianth cylindrical ventricose, and six-spurred at the base ; lip cordate, cuspidate ; the cusp twisted, filiform. June. 1., lower ones reniform, lobed; upper ones three partite, h. 5ft. Brazil, 1828. Deciduous stove twiner. A. ciliosa (fringed).* fl. purple-yellow ; tube of perianth obliquely ventricose at base, stretched out, from the middle to the apex cylindrical, fringed ; peduncles one-flowered. September. I. cordate reniform. Plant glabrous, h. 6ft. Brazil, 1829. A. Clematitls (Clematis-like), fl. pale yellow, upright ; lip oblon. versicolor (various coloured).* A. 3ft. South Europe. Although much smaller, this variety is far superior to the type for gardening purposes, and has its leaves ribboned with white. It requires a deep, well drained, sandy loam to thrive well, and a thorough winter protection of cocoa-fibre refuse or coal ashes. For isolated tufts or groups, few plants can equal it. It is propagated by placing a stem in water, which induces little rooted plants to start from the joints ; these should be separated, potted off, and kept in frames until thoroughly established. A. mauritanica (Mediterranean Reed). This is a rare greenhon*? species, closely allied to A. Donax, but inferior to it. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 119 FIG. 156. AKUNDO DONAX. ARYTERA. A synonym of Ratonia (which see). ASAFCETIDA. See Narthex Asafcetida. ASARABACCA. See Asarum europseum. ASARUM (from a, not, and saron, feminine; deriva- tion doubtful). OED. Aristolochiacece. Curious hardy her- baceous perennials, with bell-shaped, three-cleft perianths. They should be planted at the foot of the rockery, or in borders or woodlands, as they are not very showy, but are, nevertheless, worth growing, and easily propagated by divisions, in spring. A. canadense (Canadian).* fl. brown, campanulate, on a short peduncle, sometimes nearly buried. May and June. I. in pairs, broadly reniform. A. 1ft. Canada, &c., 1713. FIG. 157. ASARUM CAUDATUM. Asarnm continued. A. candatnm (tailed).* /. brownish-red, with attenuated or can- date calyx lobes. July. I. cordate-reniform, hooded, sub-acute or bluntish, slightly pubescent. California, 1880. A rare and pretty species. See Fig. 157. A. europsenm (European).* Asarabacca. fl. dull brown, solitary, rather large, drooping; segments of perianth incurved. May. I. two on each stem, roundish-reniform, stalked, slightly waved. h. 1ft. England. ASCENDING. Directed upwards; aa the stem, which is the ascending axis. ASCLEFIADEJE. A large order of, for the most part, lactescent, climbing shrubs. Flowers sub-umbellate, fascicled or racemose, interpetiolar ; pollen collected in the form of waxy masses, coalescing to the cells of the anthers ; follicles two, one of which is abortive. Leaves entire, usually opposite. ASCLEFIAS (the Greek name of .SJsoulapius of the Latins). Swallow-wort. OBD. Asclepiadeae. Erect, hardy, herbaceous or sub-shrubby perennials, except where other- wise specified. Corolla five-parted, renexed; umbels in- terpetiolar ; corona seated on the upper part of the tube of the filaments, five-leaved. Leaves opposite, verticil- late, sometimes alternate. Most of the hardy species are very handsome border plants, thriving in peaty, or light rich soil, and are increased by dividing the roots in spring, and sometimes also by seeds. The doubt- fully hardy or rarer species should always be grown in a peat soil, and have a little protection during severe frost, by mulching the roots. The most important of the green- house and stove species is A. curassavica. In order to obtain good bushy specimens of this, it will be necessary to cut the plants back annually, after keeping them slightly dry, and resting for a month or two in midwinter. When growth has sufficiently advanced, they should be shaken out and repotted. At this stage, a close, moist atmosphere will be needful to produce the usually very free growth. The points of the shoots must be nipped out, in order to pro- mote a bushy habit. When the pots have become filled with roots, liquid manure may be applied ; but it must be quite clear and not over strong. All the indoor species grow best in good fibry loam and leaf mould, and require to be potted firmly. Cuttings should be secured in spring, struck in gentle heat, under a bell glass, and as soon as they are well rooted, potted into 60-size pots. A shift must be given as often as the pots become filled with roots, up to the time when the plant commences flower- ing. Seeds may be sown in pots in spring, pricked out singly when large enough, and then treated similarly to cuttings. A. acuminate (taper-pointed).* fl. red and white ; umbels lateral, solitary, erect. July. I. ova pejtioles ; superior ones sessile, Stems erect, glabrous, simple, herbaceous. A. amcena (pleasing).' fl. beautiful purple; umbels terminal, erect; appendages of corona exserted, red. July. I. opposite, almost sessile, oblong-oval, downy beneath, with a large purple middle nerve. Stem simple, with two rows of down. A. 2ft. to 3ft New England, 1732. Hardy, herbaceous. A. Cornutt (Cornuti's).* Synonymous with A. tyriaca. A. cnrassavica (Curassavian). Bedhead, fl. reddish orange- scarlet ; umbels erect, solitary, lateral July to September. I opposite, oblong-lanceolate, tapering at both ends. Stem rather downy, simple, seldom a little branched. A. 1ft to 3ft Tropical America, 1692. The white-flowered variety is a very pretty contrast. Stove herbaceous. A. Douglasli (Douglas's' ' scented, in inany-flowen cordate, acuminated, 6^ above, downy beneath. 3ft. West America, 1846. A. hybrida (hybrid). A synonym of A. purpurascens. A. Incarnate (flesh-coloured).* fl. red or purplish; umbels numerous, usually twin. July. I. opposite, lanceolate, rather woolly on both surfaces. Stem erect, branched and tomentose at the top. A. 2ft. Canada (on the banks of rivers), 1710. Hardy, herbaceous. A. mexicana (Mexican), fl. white; umbels many-flowered. July L verticQlate, linear-lanceolate, with revolute edges; SUL- ji. reu B.IIU wnuoj uiiiuciai*w*w, ate, sub-cordate, acuminated, on short ile, glabrous, but rough on the edges, le. I 2ft New Jersey, 1826. Hardy, 120 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Asclepias continued. lower ones four to six in a whorl ; upper ones three in a whorl, or opposite, h. 2ft. to 3ft. Mexico, 1821. Greenhouse ever- green. A. phytolaccoides (Phytolacca-like). ft. purple ; corona white, with truncate leaflets ; umbels lateral and terminal, solitary, on long peduncles, drooping. July. I. broad, ovate-oblong, acute, glabrous, paler beneath, purple. A. 3ft. to 4ft. "' erect, simple, spotted with Virginia and Carolina (on the mountains), scens (purplish), ft. purple ; umbels large, ovate, with a purplish middle : item simple, rather hairy at top, browi July. nerve, villous . vnish green at Virginia (in shady swamps), 1732. qui vith A. pnrpnrasoens 1. opposite, larg< beneath. Stem bottom, h. 2ft. to 3ft. Hardy. SYN. A. hybrida. Piadrlfolia (four-leaved).* ft. white, small, sweet-scented, red nectaries ; umbels twin, terminal, loose-flowered ; pedicels filiform. July. I. ovate, acuminated, petiolate ; those in the middle of the stem larger, and four in a whorl ; the rest opposite. Stems erect, simple, glabrous, h. 1ft. New York, 1620. Hardy species. A. rubra (red), ft. red ; umbels compound. July, August. I. al- ternate, ovate, acuminated. Stem erect, simple, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Virginia, 1825. A. Sullivanti (Sullivant's). Similar to A. syriaea, but having larger and deeper coloured flowers. A. syriaea (Syrian).* ft. pale purple, sweet scented, in large, loose, drooping umbels. July. I. opposite, lanceolate-oblong, or oval, gradually acute, tomentose beneath. Stems simple. /*. 3ft. to 5ft North America, 1629. SYN. 4. Cornuti. Ascyrum continued. Hypericum. They require to be protected during winter by a frame ; for this purpose they should be grown in pots, as they never exist long in the open border. A compost of peat, pure leaf soil, and sand, in equal portions, suits them well; young cuttings of the shrubby kinds will root in sand under a hand bell glass. Propagated by careful divisions of the roots in spring. All may be raised from seeds. A. amplexicaule (stem-clasping), ft. yellow, few, axillary, and terminal; corymbs naked. July. I. stem-clasping, ovate, cordate, sinuately-curled. Stem dichotomously panicled. h. 2ft. North America, 1823. The flowers and leaves are longer in this than in any other of the species. A. Crux Andrew.* St. Andrew's Cross, ft., petals narrow- pale yellow, nearly sessile, in terminal corymbs. July. I. ovate- linear, obtuse, usually in bundles in the axils. Stem shrubby, round, h. lit. North America (in sandy fields), 1759. This proves to be quite hardy in many situations. A. hypericoid.es (Hypericuui-like). /. yellow. August. I. linear- oblong, obtuse, h. 2ft. North America, 1759. A. Stans (standing). St. Peter's Wort. ft. yellow. August. I. oval or oblong, somewhat clasping, h. 2ft. North America, 1816. ASHES. The earthy or mineral particles of com- bustible substances, remaining after combustion. Ashes are amongst the most economical manures. Vegetable Ashes are generally the best application for FIG. 158. FLOWERING BRANCH OF ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. A. tnberosa (tuberous).* disposed in a terminal si tered, oblong-lanceolate, hairy. Stems erectish, divaricately branched at top, very hairy, h. 1ft. to 2ft. North America (in stony, sandy fields and woods), 16SO. A desirable hardy herba- ceous border plant. See Fig. 158. jus).* ft. bright orange, very showy ; umbels aal sub-corymb. July to September. I. scat- olate, hairy. Stems erectish, divaricately , (variegated). /., petals and foliola of corona white, fructification red, in dense umbels, very handsome- umbels almost sessile ; pedicels hairy. July. I. opposite, ovate, petiolate, Crinkled naked. Stems simple, erect, variegated with purple! h. 3ft. to 4ft. New York to Carolina (on dry, sandy hills), 1597; A. verticillata (whorled). ft., corolla with yellowish green petals and white nectaries ; umbels many-flowered. July and August. 1. very narrow, linear, thick, quite glabrous, usually verticillate but sometimes scattered. Stems erect, often branched having a downy line on one side. h. 1ft. to 2ft. New Jersey, 1759. ASCYRON. See Hypericum Ascyron. ASCYRUM (from a, without, and skyros, hard ; that is to say, a plant which is soft to the touch). OBD. Hyperi- cina. A genus of elegant little herbs and sub-shrubs, with sessile, entire leaves, destitute of pellucid dots, but usually furnished with black dots beneath. Flowers resembling manuring boggy, cold, and, consequently, sour and unprofit- able land, in quantities of about forty bushels per acre, thinly and evenly distributed. The annual exhaustion of salts from large crops of grain, roots, and grass, is from 1801b. to more than 2501b. per acre ; and the aggregate of a few years will so far impoverish the soil in one or more of the principles necessary to sustain a luxuriant vegetation, that it will cease to yield remunerating returns. The ashea of vegetables consist of such elements as are always re- quired for their perfect maturity, and it is evident they must furnish one of the best saline manures which can be supplied for their growth ; they contain, in fact, every element, and generally in the right proportions, for insuring a full and rapid growth. Both gardener and farmer will therefore perceive the great value of Ashes to their crops. Coal Ashes. The bituminous and anthracite coals afford Ashes, and, although inferior in quality to those made from wood and vegetables, are, like them, a valuable manure, and they should be applied to the land in a similar manner. If they contain many cinders, from not having been thoroughly AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 121 Ashes continued. burned, they are more suited to heavy than to light soils. Coal Ashes, if very fine, may be sprinkled half an inch deep on the surface, over peas and beans, &c., to preserve them from mice ; they may also be used for garden and green- house walks, where bricks or tiles are absent, being tidy in appearance, and an excellent substitute for other and more expensive material. Peat Ashes. Peat approaching to purity, when thrown out of its bed and thoroughly dried, may be burned to an imperfect Ash, and when it does not reach this point, it will become thoroughly charred, and reduced to cinders. The process of burning should be as slow as possible. In either form, it is a valuable dressing for the soil. ASH-TREE. See Fraxinus. ASIATIC POISON BULB. See Crintun asia- ticnm. ASIMINA (meaning unknown). OED. Anonacece. Hardy shrubs, with oblong, cuneated, usually deciduous leaves. Flowers sometimes rising before the leaves, usually solitary and axillary. They thrive freely in a mixture of sand and peat. Propagated by layers put down in the autumn, or by seed, procured from their native country. Seedlings should be raised in pots, and sheltered in winter, until they have acquired a consider- able size. Aspalathus continued. AU the species are pretty when in flower, and thrive in a mixture of loam, peat, and sand. Young cuttings of half-ripened wood will strike in April, in sand, under bell glasses, which must be wiped dry occasionally. But little water is needed. Over a hundred species are known; those introduced are very rarely seen in culti- vation. ASPARAGUS (from a, intensive, and sparatso, to tear ; in reference to the strong prickles of some species). OED. Liliacece. Erect or climbing herbs or shrubs, with very small scale-like leaves, and a profusion of numerous slender fascicled-needle, rather spiny branchlets. Flowers axillary, inconspicuous. Fruit baccate. The indoor species will all thrive well in a warm greenhouse temperature, provided they have partial shade, a good supply of moisture at the roots, and are not kept too close, in a moderately rich sandy compost. The hardy species are propagated chiefly by seeds and divisions of the roots. Rich sandy loam is necessary, and otherwise they may be treated as ordinary perennials. Some of the species belonging to this genus are among the most elegant of foliage plants for cutting purposes. A. decumbens and A. scandens make excellent plants for Wardian cases, and may be cut in freely if they exceed their limits. ASPABAQUS (A. officinalis) AS A VEGETABLE. The value and importance of this plant as a vegetable cannot be over-estimated; it is extensively grown, and, when properly managed, produces a fairly lucrative crop. Soil and Bed. The first thing to be done in the preparation of an Asparagus bed to stand for any length of time, is to secure an efficient drainage ; and on wet soils this is best effected by placing a layer of brick rubbish over the whole of the bottom, and connecting this with a drain. On gravelly or other soils which are drained naturally, of course, this is not needed; but if really good crops are a desideratum, water should not stand within 3ft. of the surface. In all cases, the ground must be dug to a depth of 18in., and, if stiff, a goodly amount of road sweepings.or other gritty materials, should be well mixed with the staple soil. Asparagus requires a good soil, neither too heavy nor too light. Manuring. After the soil has been well trenched, and has lain long enough to settle down, a good dressing of manure thoroughly rotted, and not too rank, at the rate of from twenty to thirty tons to the acre, dug into the surface of the beds will be found FIG. 159. FLOWERING BRANCH OF ASIMINA TRILOR*. very beneficial. If possible, this should be introduced in January ; and then, if the weather permits, the beds should be forked two or three times by the end of March, so as to render the soil as friable as possible. A very good manure, and one that is easily obtained, is common garden salt. This may be given annually to established beds. A moderate dressing should be applied just before growth commences in spring, but a little will do no harm at other times during the summer. It is best scattered on with the hand, and a showery day should be selected, as it will then soon dis- appear. Salt, besides acting as a manure, has also the properties of keeping the beds cool and moist in hot weather, and of preventing the growth of weeds. Planting. Asparagus can be planted during March and April, the latter month being the best time for the work. The soil having been thoroughly prepared, the next point is to decide on the size of the beds; this B A. trUoba (three-lobed). fl. campanulate, the three outer petals pale purplish, and the three inner ones smaller, purplish on the outside as well as the inside at the base and apex, with the middle yellow, about 2ia diameter, produced between the upper leaves. May. I. oblong-cuneated, often acuminated, and, as well as the branches, smoothish. h. 10ft. Pennsylvania, 1736. A small tree or shrub. See Fig. 159. ASKALLON (the Eschallot). See Allium ascaloni- ASPALATHUS (from o, not, and spao, to extract; in reference to the difficulty of extracting its thorns from a wound). Including Sarcophyllus. OBD. Leguminosa. Shrubs or sub-shrubs, natives, with one exception, of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers usually yellow, furnished with three bracteoles, or a leaf comprised of three leaflets. Leaves of three to five leaflets, disposed palmately, rarely pinnately, having scarcely any or very short petioles. 122 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Asparagus continued. depends on the size of garden, and the class of " grass " desired. When very large and fine stocks are the object in view, the best results will accrue if the plants are fully a yard apart each way ; but this means a comparatively small crop. A good plan is to make the beds 3ft. wide, planting two rows, at a distance of 1ft. from each other, and allowing 18in. between each plant, placing them in alternate order. An 18in. alley should be allowed between the beds. The roots used for making the beds should be one year old, and fresh from the ground. In planting, pull out a wide drill with a hoe, or other tool, to the depth of about Sin. or 4in., and spread out the roots all round. Carefully shake the soil in amongst the roots, and, if dry, apply some water through a coarse-rosed watering pot, to settle the earth around them. At intervals, as necessary, give other water- ings till September, when they should be discontinued. At all times, keep the beds free from weeds, removing them by the hand to prevent injury to the crowns of the plants. If the ground is good, no liquid manure will be needed the first year. As soon as the foliage turns yellow, cut it off, cleanly rake over the beds, and leave till about January, when a top-dressing of from lin. to Sin. of thoroughly rotted manure may lie applied with advantage. At the end of February, rake off the bed all loose straw or FIG. 160. ASPARAGUS, Crown for Lifting. other debris, and throw on them a little of the soil from the alleys, raking down, and finishing off the edges squarelj and neatly. During this and succeeding years, apply liquid manure and clear water, from time to time, as required; and, provided the manure is not of too great strength, there is scarcely any limit to its application ; but m many instances, beds which have only received an annual dressing have given a good return. Each year they must be cut over and dressed as before described, but care must be taken to keep them flat on the surface, otherwise the plants will die out for want of moisture. When the pro- ice appears, the beds should be kept cut over until the 30th of June, after which, cutting should cease, or they will be rendered comparatively unproductive. Cutting can commence the second or third year, or as soon as there is any "grass" worth taking. Several methods of growing these plants could be cited, but that which we have recom mended will be found most satisfactory. tv/v-fV Plant J 3 are ralsed by S0wing seeds k rows across the kitchen garden, or selected quarter, about the month of April. The seedlings make a growth, and form good plants during the first season. In March or April of the following Year, or the year after, they may be removed, and planted Asparagus continued. out permanently, as already alluded to. Many cultivators prefer growing their own plants from seed ; because during the transit of the roots from any distance to where they are to be grown, a frequent and injurious exhaustion takes place, and particularly so when they are carelessly packed. Forcing. Asparagus can, if properly treated, be obtained from December onwards ; and at Christmas time the produce is very valuable; but, in order to obtain it at this season, it will be necessary to resort to forcing. Prepare some beds to secure a lasting heat, and on these place about Sin. of ordinary garden soil, not very stiff. Then take the roots, and place them crown upwards, and mode- rately close together, shaking the soil well amongst the roots, and covering about a couple of inches deep. Water well, to settle the whole, and put on the lights, allowing a little ventilation, to let out any steam which may arise. Unless the weather be very cold indeed, give a little air at all times, and only cover the lights in actual frost. Prom time to time, apply fresh linings of hot manure, and in cold rains, or wind, cover the outsides of the frames with old sacks, or other things which will keep in the heat. A regular and steady temperature of GOdeg. will force this plant with better results than a higher one. Houses that are fitted with hot-water pipes to give bottom heat can be used equally as well as manure beds, and so long as the soil is kept moist, the heat thus obtained is as good as any for the purpose, and much less trouble than fermenting materials. To keep up a regular supply, a succession of beds will be necessary. Asparagus can be forced, or rather forwarded, in pots or boxes, in a warm green- house or vinery, and, of course, when the plants are done with, they can be cast away. We give an illustration (Pig. 160) of a bearing crown fit for gentle forcing ; but, of course, it must not be left so bare of earth as appears here, which is done for the purpose of clear- ness. Varieties. Connover's Colossal, and Giant, are the most esteemed. Strains are frequently largely advertised as improvements on the sorts above-mentioned, and the charges are higher accordingly. The difference may be generally attributed to the culture the plants receive more than to an improved variety. When saving seed for home sowing, they should be ^aken from the strongest growths, or deterioration will ensue. A. sethiopicus ternliolins (ternate). fl. white, in shortly-stalked racemes, very profuse. August. I, false ones in threes, flattened, narrow, linear ; prickles soli- tary, reversed ; branches angular. A. 30ft. South Africa, 1872. A greenhouse evergreen. A. Bronssoneti (Broussonet's).' JL very small, succeeded by small red berries. May. I., lower ones solitary, the others ter- nate, lin. long, needle-shaped, persistent, distant, glaucescent- stipules with reflected spines at the base. Summer. Stem tapering, streaked, shrubby. A. 10ft. Canary Islands, 1822. A very pretty hardy climber. A. Cooper! (Cooper's). /. axillary, one to three, from the same nodes as the fake leaves ; perianth cream-coloured, one line long. April and May. I. minute, deltoid, scariose, reddish-brown ; false leaves six to fifteen to a node, subulate, moderately firm, lin. to fin. long, spreading or ascending, h. 10ft. to 12ft. Africa, 1862 A greenhouse climber, with a shrubby terete main stem, liin. to 2in. thick at the base, sending out crowds of spreading branches, which bear abundant slender, firm, alternate branchlets ; nodes of branches and branchlets, furnished with distinct red-brown, subu- late prickles, those of the main steins Jin. long, deflexed, but not curved. A. decumbens (decumbent).* Stem unarmed, decumbent, much branched ; branches wavy ; leaves setaceous, in threes. Cape of Good Hope, 1792. A greenhouse evergreen herbaceous perennial. A. falcatus (hooked-leaved). I. fascicled, linear, falcate; branches round; prickles solitary, recurved; peduncles one-flowered, clustered, h. 3ft India, 1792. A greenhouse evergreen peren- A. officinalis (officinal). Common Asparagus. JL greenish- white, drooping. August. I. setaceous, fasciculate, flexible. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 123 Asparagus con tin uu. unarmed. Stem herbaceous, mostly erect, rounded, very much branched. h. 1ft Said to grow on "Asparagus Island," Kynance Cove, Lizard, but we have never found it there, and it has probably long since been exterminated. A plumosns (plumed).* Jl. white, small, produced from the tips of the branchlets. Spring. I, true ones in the form of minute deltoid scales, with an acute ultimately reflexed point ; the false ones are grouped hi tufts, each being" in. to Jin. long, bristle- shaped, and finely pointed. South Africa, 1876. An elegant evergreen climber, with smooth stems and numerous spreading branches. It forms an excellent plant when trained in pots, and is invaluable for cutting. A. p. nanns (dwarf)-* A very elegant dwarf variety of above. Stems tufted, slender, and gracefully arching. South Africa, 1880. For bouquets, the cut sprays of both type and variety have the advantage of much gi eater persistency than any fern, retaining their freshness in water from three to four weeks. See Fig. 161, for which we are indebted to Messrs. Veitch and Sons. A. racemosns (racemose). JL greenish-white, in many-flowered axillary racemes. May. L bundled, linear-subulate, falcate; branches striated ; prickles solitary. A. 3ft India, 1808. Green- house evergreen shrub. Asparagus Beetle continued. fluid from the month when touched. When full erown which takes about a fortnight, the larva measures about two lines in length; the average length of the perfect Beetle is about three lines. Although this insect does not actually destroy the plants, it inflicts much damage on the foliage, and checks the growth of the stems after they have attained some size, in consequence of which the foliage becomes much less in the next season. The eggs are fixed to the shoots, and are small, dark, pointed bodies. The larvae do the harm, as they feed on the bark and tender portions of the plants. The mature Beetles should be picked off by hand, and, by commencing early enough in the season, their numbers will be greatly reduced. Syringing the plants with water, heated to a temperature that will not injure the plants, is found a useful method for removing the grubs. White Hellebore. Freshly-ground White Hellebore, sprinkled over the foliage while it is damp, and repeat- FIG. 161. ASPARAGUS PLUMOSUS .NAXUK. 1US (very branching), fl. solitary, at the tips of the branchlets ; pedicels hardly perpendicular, one and a-half to two lines long ; cream coloured. June. I. obscurely spurred at the base ; false leaves three to eight-nate, flattened ; linear-falcate acute, Jin. to Iin. long, spreading. South Africa, 1862. A wide climbing, copiously branchecls slender greenhouse shrub, with very nume- rous spreading or ascending branches and branchlets. A scandens (climbing).* /. whitish, axillary on the ultimate branchlets, succeeded by round orange-coloured berries. The annual, much-branched, unarmed stems bear, usually in threes, numerous small linear-pointed leaves, which on the ultimate branches spread nearly in one plane. Cape of Good Hope, 1795. An elegant climbing greenhouse perennial. A virgatns (twiggy).* A remarkably elegant feathery-lookin? plant, of shrubby habit The stems, which issue from the crown of the stout fleshy roots, are of a dark green colour, and bear at the upper end a corymbose head of erect branches, of which the lowest is the youngest or most recently developed. These branches are again twice branched, the ultimate branchlets being furnished with needle-shaped false leaves, iin. long, which usually grow in threes. South Africa, 1862. ASPARAGUS BEETLE (Criocjsri* asparagi), or " Cross-bearer." This beautiful little insect is blue- black or greenish ; the thorax is red with two black spots, and the wing-cases are yellow, with a black cross on them ; the legs and antenna are black. The short grey larva is flat underneath, arched on the back, and covered with hairs. The sides are of an olive hue, and the little legs and head are black. It ejects ft drop of blacki=h ing the operation at intervals of about eight days for a season, will generally effect a riddance ; but the follow- ing will usually be found better in such cases. Neither must be applied until after cutting ceases, as they are very poisonous, Parw Green. This, mixed and used as for Cherry Fly (see Black Ply), will generally get rid of the Beetle, if applied about thrice each season for two years. It should, however, only be used in severe cases. Soot, applied in the same manner as White Hellebore, and in liberal quantities, will, in a season or two, clear the beds. If a bushel of salt be mixed with each twenty bushels of soot, it will enhance the effect ASPARAGUS KNIFE. The Asparagus Knife con- sists of a strong blade fixed in a handle. There are, or were, three kinds employed : In one form, the blade was blunt on Fio. 162. ASPARAGUS KNIFE. both sides, straight, with a sharp tip, and not unlike a small chisel. Another had its blade slightly hooked, and serrated at one end. Bnt the best is that now almost universally employed, and which is illustrated by Fig. 162 124 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, ASPASIA (irom aspazomai, 1 embrace ; the column embraced by the labellum). SYN. Trophiantlius. ORD. Orchidece. A genus of elegant, stove, Epidendrnm-like, epiphytal Orchids, with the lip united to the column, and broad, thin pseudo-bulbs. The name Aspasia is now and then met with attached to another genus. Salisbury gave it to a liliaceous plant which is now referred to Ornitho- galum. For culture and propagation, see Stanhopea. A. epldondroides (Epidendrum-like).* fl. whitish yellow; sepals linear oblong, acute ; petals obtuse, concave, lateral lobes of lip roundish, entire, middle lobe crenated emarginate. February. Pseudo-bulbs oblong, two-edged, h. 1ft. Panama, 1853. A. lunata (crescent-marked).* fl. green, white, and brown, solitary ; sepals and petals linear obtuse, spreading; lip three-lobed, lateral lobes short, middle one flat, nearly square, wavy. February. Pseudo-bulbs oblong, two-edged, h. 1ft. Bio Janeiro, 1843. A. papUionacea (butterfly-like).* fl., sepals and petals yellowish, mottled with brown lines on their internal inferior halves ; lip fiddle-shape, its back very great, elliptic, apiculate ; an orange- coloured area stands at its base, a wide violet disc before and around it. A. 9in. Costa Rica, 1876. Distinguished from A. lunata in having thirteen keels at the base of the lip, which is higher inserted, and in the echinulate anther. It is a beautiful but rare novelty. A. psittacina (parrot-like). ' fl. , sepals and petals light green, with brown transverse bars, which sometimes consist of separate stripes, at other times of confluent ones ; the fiddle-shaped lip shows two keels and a few purplish dots over its top ; the column is brown at its top, then violet, and white at the base. Ecuador, 1878. It has a raceme of several flowers, usually one-sided, bent over. A. variegata (variegated).* fl. green, spotted with yellowish red ; sepals linear oblong ; petals somewhat rhomboid, acute ; lateral lobes of lip recurved, middle one fleshy, serrated. February. A. Sin. Panama, 1836. Deliciously sweet-scented in the morning. ASPEN. See Populus tremula. ASPERA. Bough, with hairs or points. ASPERULA (from asper, rough; in allusion to the leaves). Woodruff. ORD. Rubiacece. Hardy herbs, rarely small shrubs. Flowers terminal and axillary, in fas- cicles. Leaves opposite, with one, two, or three stipulas on each side ; they are therefore called four to eight in a whorl, but between the uppermost leaves there are no stipulas. Stems and branches usually tetragonal. Most of the species are very pretty when in flower, and are, therefore, well adapted for borders, rockwork, and shady places, in almost any garden soil. Propagated by divisions of the roots during spring and early summer. Herbaceous perennials, except where otherwise stated. A, azurea-setosa (blue-bristly). A synonym of A. orientalig. A. calabiica (Calabrian). A synonym of Putoria calabrica. A, cynanchlca (Cynanche-like). fl. on erect branches, forming a fastigiate corymb, white or bluish-coloured, elegantly marked with red lines, or sometimes pure white. Summer. I. four in a whorl ; floral ones lanceolate-linear, acuminately awned ; lower ones small, oblong, upper ones opposite. Plant glabrous, erectish. h. 9in. to 12in. England. A. hlrta (hairy), fl. white at first, changing to pink, with oblong divisions. July and August. I. usually six in a whorl, four towards the upper part, linear, hairy, deep green. A. Sin. Pyrenees, 1817. A charming but rare little alpi in a rather damp position on the rockery. . . . lpine, thriving best A. longiflora (long-floweved).* fl. whitish, yellowish inside, and reddish outside ; tube of corolla elongated ; fascicles terminal, pedunculate ; bracteas small, subulate. Summer. I. four in a whorl, linear ; lower ones small, obovate ; upper ones opposite. Stems weak, numerous, from the same neck, erectish, glabrous. A. 6in. Hungary, 1821. A. montana (mountain).* /., corollas pink, four-cleft, scabrous externally ; in fascicles. June, July. I. linear ; lower ones six in a whorl ; middle ones four ; upper ones opposite ; floral leaves linear. Stem weak, glabrous. A. 6in. to Sin. Hungary, 1801. A. odorata (sweet-scented).* Sweet Woodruff, fl. snowy white ; corymbs terminal, pedunculate, usually trifid, eacn division bear- ing about four flowers. May, June. I. eight in a whorl, lanceo- late, smooth, with serrulately scabrous edges. Stems tetragonal, simple, erect, or ascending, h. 6in. to 12in. Britain. This very pretty little plant is scentless when fresh, but, when dried, it diffuses an odour like that of spring grass ; and when kept among clothes, it not only imparts an agreeable perfume to them, but preserves them from insects. A. orientalis (Oriental).* /. sky-blue, in terminal heads ; bracts of involucre shorter than the flowers. Summer. I. lanceolate, bristly, about eight in a whorl, h. 1ft. Caucasus, 1867. A charming little, prof use-blossoming, hardy annual, bearing clusters of fragrant flowers, admirably adapted for bouquet-making. SYN A. azurea-gctoga. See Fig. 163. Asperula continued. FIG. 163. ASPERULA ORIENTAUS, showing Habit and Portion of Inflorescence. A. taurina (bull), /..corollas white, elongated ; corymbs pedun- culate, axillary, fasciculately umbellate, involucrated ; bracteas ciliated. April to June. I. four in a whorl, ovate-lanceolate, three- nerved, with finely ciliated margins. Plant smoothish, erect. A. 1ft. South Europe. 1739. A. tlnctoria (Dyers'). /. white, reddish on the outside ; usually trifld. June. I. linear ; lower ones six in a whorl ; mid<" four ; and the u procumbent, ur Europe, 1764. ddle fioral leaves ovate. Plant supported. Stem 1ft. to 2ft. long, purplish. ASPHALT. Artificial Asphalt is now generally used in England for footpaths, &o. The recipes are various, one of the best being the following : Lime rubbish two parts, coal ashes one part (both must be very dry), sifted very fine ; mix them, and leave a hole in the middle of the heap, wherein pour boiling hot coal tar; mix well together. When as stiff as mortar, lay it down, Sin. thick, on a dry and previously well-levelled surface. A boy should follow with dry, finely-sifted sand, distributing just enough to prevent his boots sticking to the tar. Two men should be employed for the tarring, whilst another should attend to the boiling operation. Only just enough tar to last ten minutes must be taken from the furnace at one time, as, if it be not boiling, the walks will become soft under the action of very hot sun. This may be repeated every three years. It is imperative that the surface, lime, coal ashes and sand be perfectly dry, and that the days selected for the operation be very fine, the hotter the better. Another excellent plan is that of using gas lime and coal ashes. There must be a firm foundation and smooth surface. Spread the gas lime to about l^in. deep, and level with the back of a spade. Over this place a thin layer of coal dust, and well roll. The work is then complete. ASPHODEL. See Asphodelus. ASPHODELINE. ORD. LiliaceoB. A genus of plants allied to Asphodelus, but distinguished from it by having erect leafy stems. They thrive in any ordinary garden soil. Propagated by division. A. brevicaulis (short-stemmed). /. in lax, often panicled racemes, yellow, veined with green. I. subulate, ascending, lower ones 4in. to 6in. long. Stem slender, often flexuose. Orient. A. damascena (Damascene), fl. white, in dense generally simple racemes, 6in. to 12in. long. I. in dense rosette, 6m. to 9m. long, subulate. Stem simple, erect. A. IJft. to 2ft. Asia Minor. A. liburnica (Liburnian). /. yellow, striped with green, in generally simple lax racemes, 6in. to 9in. long. Stem simple, erect, strict, 1ft. to 2ft. high, upper half naked. South Europe. A. lutea (yellow), fl. yellow, fragrant, in a dense, very long, straight, simple raceme, in the axils of buff-coloured bracts, which are nearly as long as the flowers. Summer. I. numerous, awl-shaped, triangular, furrowed, smooth, dark green, marked with lines of a paler tint ; root leaves tufted. Stem 3ft. or 4ft. high. Sicily, 1596. The best known and handsomest species. SYN. Asphodelus luteus. A. L fl.-pl. This resembles the species, but the flowers are double, and last much longer than those of the typical form ; it i.s a very pretty plant. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 125 Asphodeline continued. A. taurica (Taurian). fl. white, striped with green, In generally simple dense racemes, 6in. to 12in. long, lin. to Sin. wide. Stem simple, erect, 1ft. to 2ft. high, densely leafy at base of raceme. Asia Minor, &c. SYN. Aspho- delus tauricus. A. tenuior (slenderer), fl. yellow, in simple lax -flowered racemes, 3in. to 4in. long, 2in. wide. Stem simple lower half leaf, upper naked, 1ft. Orient. SYN. Agphodeliu tenuior. ASFHODELUS (from a, not, and spliallo, to supplant; in allusion to the beauty of the flowers). Asphodel. ORD. Liliacea. Very pretty hardy herbaceous perennials, with fleshy fascicu- lated roots. Perianth white or yellow, of six equal spreading segments ; stamens six, hypogynons, alternately long and short. Leaves usually radi- cal, tufted, narrow, or triquetrous. All the species enumerated thrive in good deep sandy loam, and are very suitable for borders and shrubberies. Propagated by division of the root, which is best done in early spring. A^BStlvus (summer). /.white. Summer. fc.2ft. Spain,1820. A. albas (white).* ft. white ; peduncles clustered the length of the bracts. May. J. linear, keeled, smooth. Stem naked, simple, h. 2ft. South Europe, 1596. A. creticus (Cretan).* fl. yellow. July. I. filiform, striated, toothed, ciliated. Stem leafy, naked above, branched h. 2ft. Crete, 1821. A. fistulosus (pipe-stalked), /.white. July, August. I. upright, striated, subulate, fistular. Stem naked. A.lSin. South Europe, 1596. A. luteus (yellow). A synonym of Asphodeline lutea. A. ramosus (branchy). /. large, white, with a reddish-brown line in the middle of each segment, springing from the axils of ovate-lanceolate bracts, and in very long dense racemes. Summer. 1. sword-shaped, stiff, sharply keeled below, channelled above. Stem much branched, h. 4ft. to 5ft. South Europe, 1829. Aspidistra continued. FIG. 164. ASPHODELUS VILLARSII, showing Habit and Flower. A. Villarsil (Villars') /. white; raceme dense, elongated; bracts dark brown. Stem simple or rarely branched, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Eastern France. See Fig. 164. ASPIDISTRA (from aspidiseon, a little round shield ; in reference to the form of the flower). SYN. Porpax (of Salisbury). Including Plectogyne. ORD. Liliacece. Hardy, or nearly hardy, evergreen, foliage plants. Flowers insig- nificant, produced close to the ground, remarkable for the curious mushroom-like stigma by which this genus is characterised. They thrive in almost any ordinary garden soil, but are best grown in rich loam, leaf soil, and sand ; plenty of moisture being allowed. Propagated by suckers. A. elatlor (taller).* I. oblong, large, on lonyith very finely divided pinnae, which are thickly curled, pre- senting a crispy appearance. A. F.-f. dissectum (dissected).* frondt 6in. to 12in. long, ovate or broadly lanceolate in form, with irregular and unequal pinna) "* ^P^ cut - nearl y A. F.-f. Elworthli (Elworth's).* fronds 12in. to 20in. long, Ian- ceolate tripinnate, terminated with a very dense crest.from or n iess forkedand' PmnaS ^^ f "q u n*Iy the pinnules also more A. F.-f. Fieldiw (Field's).* frondt 12in. to 20in. long, narrow, with regular or variously-forked divided pinme, somltimes ax- ranged crosswise, with a very graceful disposition. A. F.-f. Friselliae (Prison's).* frondt pendent, sometimes 2ft. long, rarely exceeding lin. wide, bi- or tripinnate ; pinnae alternate imbricated, flabellate, with the margins of the pinnules or ulti- mate divisions dentated. A. F.-f. grandiceps (large-crested).* frondt 9in. to 15in. long, lanceolate in outline, copiously forked both at the extremities of the pinnae and frond. The latter is furnished with a very large globose crest, which causes the frond to present a beautifully arched appearance. Aspleninm continued. A. F-f. Grantse (Grant's).* frondt 9in. to 12in. long, lanceolate, or broadly so, very thickly set with pinnae, copiously divided, with the apices of the latter turned up, so that the plant has a crisp or bristly appearance. A. F.-f. Jonesii (Jones's).* fronds 12in. to 18in. long, oblong. lanceolate in outline, slightly acuminate, bipinnate, furnished at the extremities with a small crest; pinnae alternate, copiously forked and crested at the apices, even having larger crests tlmii the one at the upper extremity of the frond ; pinnules narrow, dentate, slightly crested. A. F.-f. minimum (smallest),* fronds 4in. to 6in. long, lin. wide, lanceolate, bipinnate; pinnules densely set, imbricated, ami crispy. A. F.-f. Moorei (Moore's). frondt 4in. to Sin. long, linear, ter- minated with a broad tasselled crest, Sin. or more in diameter: pinnae small, scattered, variously forked, crested, and slender. A. F.-f. multifldum (many-fld).* A very vigorous giowing variety, producing fronds as large as those of the type, terminated with large tasselled crests ; pinnae and pinnules narrow, the former furnished with small crested apices. A variety known as nanum much resembles the foregoing, but the crests are more dense, and the fronds are usually not more than half the length. A. F.-f. pannosnm (pannose). fronds lOin. to 20in. long, lanceo- late in outline, from 4in. to 6in. in the broadest part, bi- or (rarely) tripinnate; pinnae thickly set, closely alternated, lanceolate- acuminate in form, with deep cut pinnules, and distinctly but irregularly lobed; the whole frond is frequently tinged with reddish-purple. A. F.-f. plnmosnm (feathery).* frondt 12in. to SOin. long, 4in. to 10m. broad, broadly lanceolate in outline, tripinnate, beautifully arched ; pinnae of the same form as the frond, copiously divided ; pinnules again divided into very fine segments. There are several f orms of this charming variety. A. F.-f. Pritohardll (Pritchard's).* frondt 12in. to SOin long, very narrow, tapering especially towards the apices; pinnae decussate, imbricate, rather irregular, with the margins of the pinnules dentate. There is also a variety named eristatum, which is finely crested at the apices of the pinnae, and is particularly sinking. A. F.-f.ramosa (branched).' fronds 9in. to 12in. long, the lower portion sparsely set with short irregular pinnae, sharply cut into finely dentate pinnules ; the upper part is divided into two main branches, which are again variously forked, and fur- nished with short pinnae, the ultimate divisions furcate and slightly crested. A. F.-f. soopte (heavily-crested).* frondt 6in. to 16in. long, with a few scattered irregular pinnae along the main rachia ; some of the pinnae are almost obsolete, while others are an inch long with oblong-dentate pinnules and a heavy terminal crest ; the upper portion has several ramifications, each of which is copiously forked and heavily crested, the whole forming a corymbose head Sin. or 4m. in diameter, which gives the plant a pendent habit. A. F.-f. snb-lnnatnm (half-crescent-shaped).* fronds 9in. to 20in. long, less than lin. wide, with curious alternated, nearly crescent- shaped, much contracted pinnse, sparingly divided, arching. A. F.-f. Victoria (Victoria's).* frondt long, lanceolate in outline, with the apices crested, as well as those of the pinnae ; the latter There is also another form named lineare, having heavily crested fronds, and an extremely elegant es, but very small appearance. The foregoing are the most important varieties, but a very com- parative few of the total number. Although forms of an essen- tially hardy species, the greater number and particularly the rarer sorts should have a winter protection ; or, what is far more preferable and satisfactory, they should be grown in the frame or temperate fernery. A. firmum (firm-textured). Synonymous with A. abscissum. A. flssum (cut).* sti. tufted, 2in. to 6in. long, fronds 2in. to 5in. long, lin. to 2in. broad, oblong-deltoid, tripinnatifld, with a few distant pinnae on each side ; pinnules flabellato-cuneate, deeply pinnatifid; ultimate segments under half a line broad, sori linear-oblong, when mature occupying the whole breadth of the segments. South Europe. A pretty little frame or greenhouse species. A. flabellifolinm (fan-leaved).* gti. tufted, Sin. to 6in. long. fronds procumbent, wide straggling, elongated, and rooting at the apex, 6in. to 12in. long, Jin. to lin. broad, with ten' to fifteen sessile flabellate pinnae on each side, which are iin. to iin. each way, broadly lobed ; lobes sharply toothed, the base cutaway in a curve on the lower side, sori oblique, irregular, copious. Tem- perate Australia, &c. Greenhouse species. A. f. ma jus (greater). This is a larger form, with longer fronds and broader pinnse. A. flacoidum (relaxed), sti. tufted, 4in. to Sin. long, fronds 1ft. to 3ft. long, 4in. to Sin. broad, often pendent, with numerous lanceolate pinnae, which are 4in. to Sin. long, and about iin. broad, sometimes rather rigid and recurved, sometimes quite flaccid and drooping, like the main rachis, sometimes deeply pinnatifid, hut more often cut down to the thick rachis in oblique or sub-falcate AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 131 Aspleninm continued. linear lobes, tori in the divided form quite marginal. New Zea- land, Ac. Srcs. A. odontites&nd Darea jfofdda. L fcen?culacenm(Fennel-lfteX A Tariety of A. fragrant. FIG. 17L ASPLESIUM FONTA.NUM. I (fountain).* tti. tufted, 2in. to 4in. long. . to oin. long, lin. to liin. broad, oblong-lanceolate ; lower pinnae short, refiexed ; central ones horizontal, about iin. long ; pinnules stalked, lower ones oblong, deeply inciso-pinnatifid. sori copious, covering nearly the whole nnder surface of the pinnule. England, Ac. Hardy. This requires to be planted in a well-drained chink of the rockerv, in rich gritty soiL SY>\ A. HaUeri. A. refractvm is a well-marked variety. See Fig. 171. A. formosnm (beautiful), tti. tufted, very short fronds 12Sn. to ISin. long, lin. broad, with twenty to thirty sessile horizontal pinnae on each side, which are iin. long, one and a -half to two lines deep ; upper edge deeply cut, point rather obtuse, lower truncate in a straight line, sori linear-oblong, short, ne, placed one to four on each side of the midrib. Tropical frond* bin. with A. grandifoliTun (large-leaved). 2ft to 3ft long, ein. to 12i ' ____ lobe, and two large, cordate, ac acutely lobed at the base ; the basal bluntly or Un. or more deep, and the lobes on each side imbricated over one another and the petiole, tori narrow upon the simple veins. South Europe, Ac. A pretty greenhouse species. ST*. A. palmatxm. at?. America, Ac., 1822. A very elegant stove species. A. fragrans (fragrant).* tti. tufted, 4in. to Sin. long, frondt to 9SLlong, Sin. to bin. broaZ sub-deJtoid, tripinnate, numerous close placed deltoid pinna on each side, the lowest Sin. long, lin. to liin. broad; pinnules lanceolate-deltoid; segments sub-spathulate, one line broad, dentate round the outer edge. sori copious. Tropical America, 1793. A. fcenievlacevm is a variety with narrowly linear ultimate segments. Both are very handsome stove plants, the latter being especially beautiful. A. Franconis (Franconis).* sti. tufted, 1ft long, frondt 1ft to 2ft long. Sin. to ISin. broad, deltoid, with numerous pinna on each side, the lower ones 6in. to Sin. long, much acuminated, cut down in the lower half into distinct pinnules, liin. to 2in. long, iin. broad, lanceolate, unequal sided, the edge cat half-way down below into oblong sharply-toothed lobes ; the lower side obliquely truncate, sori in parallel rows, not reaching the edge. Mexico, Ac. Stove species. SYN. Diplazium Franecnis. A. furcatum (forked).* sti. tufted, 4in. to Sin. long, fronds (An. to 18in. long, 4in. to 6in. broad, with twelve to twenty pinnae on each side, which are lanceolate-deltoid, 2in. to Sin. long, Jin. to lin. broad, nearly or quite pinnate ; pinnules linear-cuneate, sharply serrated on the outer edge, tori linear, distant Very widely distributed in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of both hemispheres. A most elegant greenhouse species. SYW. A. germanicnm (German).* sti. densely tufted, 2in. to 4in. long. fronds 2in. to Sin. long, iin. to lin. broad, lanceolate, cut down to the rachis into a few narrow flabellato-cuneate pinnae on each side, the lowest of which are again deeply cleft tori linear, when mature covering the whole breadth, but falling short of the point of the pinnae. Scotland and Norway to Hungary and Dalmatia. Hardy or frame species. SYS. A. alternifolium. A. giganteom (gigantic). A synonym of A. radicant. A. Goringianum pictnm (painted).* A very pretty form of A. maerocarpum ; the fronds are from 6in. to 18m. long, pendu- lous, somewhat lanceolate in form; rachis reddish, with the pinnae next it on each side variegated, forming a central grey band throughout its entire length. Japan. Greenhouse species, or hardy hi sheltered positions. *fu 1ft or more long, frondt broad, deltoid-lanceolate, the point pinnatifid, with twelve to twenty pinnae on each side ; the lower ones 2ui. or more apart, distinctly italked, 4in. to 6in. long, lin. to liin. broad, acuminate ; edge slightly toothed, and sometimes broadly lobed below, the base equally rounded on both sides. sori irregular, falling slightly short of both midrib and edge. Tropical America, 17S3. Store species. SY. Diplazium orandi- folium. A! Grevillei (Greville's). frondt undivided, 12in. to 18m. long, 2in. to 3in, broad, lanceolate-spathulate, narrowed to an acute apex, and suddenly below to a broadly winged stipe, which grows i (crested).* Sim lar in frond form and size to the species, but the apices are crested and tasselled. Where variety is sought this should certainly be grown. A. H. mnlttfidnm (much-divided).* fronds quite as broad as long ; the main divisions again freeh divided or deeply cnt, so as to give them a fringed outGne. Azores. A, heterocariram (various-fruited).* tti. scattered, 4in. to Sin. long, frondt Sin. to ISin. long, liin. to 2in. broad, narrow-lanceo- late, with very numerous close-placed dimidiate pinnae on each side, which are Jin. to lin. broad; iin. deep ; the lower edge quite entire, the upper broadest towards the base, where it is nar- rowed suddenly, deeply incised throughout tori one, or rarely two, together in the teeth. Himalayas, and widely distri- buted in south-eastern Asia. A very lovely stove or greenhouse A. heterodon (variously-toothed). Synonymous with A. vuleani- cum. A. Hookexiannm (Hooker's). Synonymous with A. Colensoi. (incised), tti. tufted, lin. to Sin. long, frondt (an. to . long, liin. to 2in. broad, lanceolate, with numerous pinnae on each side ; lower distant and blunt, central ones lin. long, iin. broad, lanceolate-deltoid ; pinnules ovate-i homboidal, pinnate, much truncated at the base on the lower ;ide and deeply inciso- pinnatifid. tori linear-oblong, cne to each vein. Japan, Ac. Greenhouse species. A. javanlcum (Javanese). Set AUantodla Brnnonlana. A. lanceolatum (lanceolate).* sti. tufted, Sin. to 4in. long, .fronds 6in. to 9in. long, 2in. to 4in. broad ; lower pinnae distant, lin. to liin. long, iin. to fin. broad ; pinnules oblong-rhomboidal, sharply toothed, and often broadly lobed below, tori copious, when maime covering nearly the whole under surface. South-west Europe, including southern England, Ac. Hardy species. A. L crispatnm (curled).* fronds 4in. to Sin. long, broadly- lanceolate, bipinnate, with the margins of the pinnules involute and sharply toothed, giving them a curled appearance. A. L microdon (small-toothed).* frondt 4in. to 6in. long, simply pinnate, with deeplv lobed pinnae, the margins of the lobes very finely dentated and toothed. A pretty little gem, well adapted for case culture. A. lanceum (lance-shaped). tti. scattered, 4in. to 6in. long. frondt bin. to 9m. long, iin. to lin, broad, attenuated gradually upwards and downwards, the edge entire or slightly nndirtMl tori linear, irregular, reaching nearly to the edge, but not to the midrib Himalayas, Ac. Greenhouse species. ST>. A. tvb- sinuatum and Diplaaum laneevm A. laser-pi ttifolium (Laserpitinm-leaved).* tti. tufted, Mn. to 12uTk,ng, naked, frondt 1ft to 4ft long, 4in. to 18in. broad, deltoid-lanceolate, with numerous pinnae on each side, 2m. to Sin. lone and from 2in. to 6in. broad, cnt down to the rachis into numerous distinct pinnules, the lowest with rhomboidal-cuneate segments, tori short, irregular. Polynesian Islands, North Aus- tralia, Ac. A very handsome greenhouse species. A. lazmn Goose). A variety of A. buOtfentm. A. lineatum (streaked), sti. tufted, Hn. to Sin. long, frondt 1ft to2ftlong, 4in. to 8in. broad, oblong-lanceolate, with twenty to thirtv' pinnle on each side, which are Sin. to 4in. long, about iin. broad, acuminate, dentate, nearly or quite sessile, the base cuneate.^wrr very regular, reaching from the midrib i the edge. Mauritius, Ac. There are several forms of this . thosewith small narrow cuneate pinnules, intquale ; those with deeply bifid or pinnatifid pinnules, oifida. Stove species. the two sides nearly equal, with a distinct central midrib ; edge slightlv toothed, the case on both sides often auncled. tort numerous, in two regular MM on each side the midrib, and rSnVnearly to thTedge. Malacca, Ac., 1840. A very distinct stove fern for baskets. A. lucidum (clear). A synonym of A. obtvtatum luddvm. A. Innulatum (crescent-shaped).* tti. tufted,2in. to 4in. long. frondt (an. to ISin. long, lite, to Sn. broad, simply pinnate^ Narrowly lanceolate-oblong, with twelve to twenty ginny cji Mh side which are lin. to Uin. long iin. to iin. broad, bluntish or aTut'e S^les^dply^nffi^te thWbo^the two side, unequal ; the upper one on the base narrowed suddenly, the lev one obliquely truncate ; lower pinnae often deflexed. ton falling short of both edge and midrib. Tropics. Sn. A. erectum. 132 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Asplenium continued. A. L Fernandesiannm (Fernandez).* A form with a more rigid rachis and sub-coriaceous, rather narrower pinnae. Juan Fernandez. A. macrocarpum (large-fruited), sti. bin. to 9in. long, fronds 12in. to 24in. long, 6in. to 12in. broad, ovate-lanceolate, with numerous pinnae on each side, the lowest 3in. to 6in. long, lin. to IJin. broad, lanceolate; pinnules oblong-rhomboidal, inciso-cre- nate or pinnatifid. con copious, large. Himalayas. Greenhouse species. SYN. Atkyrium macrocarpum. A. maorophyllum Gong-leaved). Synonymous with A. nitent. A. marginatum (margined), eti. 2ft. to 3ft. long, strong, erect woody, about 4m. thick at the base, fronds simply pinnate, 4ft. to 6ft. long ; pinnae in several opposite pairs, the lowest 1ft. to 2ft. long, Sin. to 4in. broad, the edge entire, the base often cor- il.ite. sort long, linear, confined to the free veins. Tropical America. Stove species. SYN. Ilemidiciyum marginatum. A. marinum (sea).* Sea Spleenwort. sti. tufted, Sin. to 6in. long. fronds 6in. to 18in. long, 2in. to 4in. broad, oblong-lanceolate, apex pinnutittd ; pinnae of the lower half quite deltoid, the point acute or obtuse, margin crenato-dentate. sori broad, falling short of the edge. Europe, including Britain. Although quite hardy, this tlirives better in a frame or cool house than in the open air. (crowned).* fronds 4in. to 6in. long, simply pin- nate ; pinnic for two-thirds of the way up variable in form, and irregularly lobed and cut ; the upper third freely branched with numerous imbricated, curled, and slightly crested divisions, form- ing a dense head 2in. or more across. A dwarf and pretty form. A. m. crenatum (crenated). fronds 4in. to Bin. long, broadly- lanceolate ; pinnae nearly trapeziform, obtuse, with deeply cre- nated margins. A very pretty form. A. m. mirabile (wonderful).* sti. 2in. to 4in. long, fronds about the same length, the rachis divided about half way down from the top into two nearly equal divisions, which are again freely forked, with the pinnules and segments obtusely lobed ; the whole ex- panded, but not crested, into a breadth equal to the length of the frond ; the lower pinnae are more or less abnormal and bluntly lobed. A. m. plnmosum (feathery).* tti. Sin. to 4in. long, fronds bin. to 15in. long, bi- or tripinnatifld, broadly-lanceolate ; pinnae very variable, closely set, and imbricated, cut nearly to the rachis into ovate or oblong divisions, which are again more or less deeply cut and lobed, the entire frond having a very elegant appearance. A. m. ramo plumosum (branched and feathery).*/r(mcfo divided nearly to the top of the stipes into two main branches, which are distinctly pinnate ; pinnae distant below, imbricated upwards, cut nearly to the rachis into ovate or oblong lobes, the margins of which are slightly dentated. It is a very handsome form, the width of the frond being greater than its length. ^m. ramosum (branched), fronds from 4in. to Sin. long, ranched at the apices ; pinnae oblong, with the margins obtusely- dentate, and slightly undulated. A. m. sub bipinnatum (half-bipinnate). frond* 6in. to 12in. long, lanceolate ; pinnae distant, deeply lobed, or cut nearly to the mid- ribs. A very rare and pretty variety. A. m. Thompson!! (Thompson's).* sti. 3in. to 4in. long, smooth. fronds bin. to lOin. long, ovate-lanceolate, bipinnatifld ; pinnae closely set, sub-deltoid, unequal-sided, deeply cut into oblong, slightly undulated lobes below, gradually less divided upwards. A very rare and handsome variety. All the forms of A. marinum require a very moist atmosphere, consequently they will not thrive in the open air, unless along the sea-coast. A. maximum (largest), eau. erect, sti. 2ft. or more long, frondt several feet long, 2ft. to 3ft. broad, deltoid-lanceolate, with nume- rous pinnae on each side, the lowest 9in. to 18in. long, 4in. to Sin. broad ; pinnules sub-sessile, 2in. to 4in. long, Jin. broad ; edge more or less lobed. sori medial, the lowest two lines long. North India. Stove species. SYNS. A. diverstfolium and Diplazium decurrens. A. melanocaulon (black-stiped).* tti. 1ft. to 2ft. long, fronds 2ft. to 3ft. long, 9in. to 18in. broad ; lower pinnae 4in. to 9in. long, 4in. to 6in. broad ; pinnules lanceolate, 2in. to Sin. long. Jin. broad, cut down two-thirds of the way to the rachis into linear- oblong, falcate, inciso-crenate lobes. tori short, oblong, not touching either midrib or edge. Fiji. Stove species. SYN. Diplazium melanocaulon. A. Michauxil (Michaux's).* eau. stout, sti. 4in. to Sin. long. fronds 9in. to 24m. long, Sin. to 9in. broad, ovate-deltoid, bi- or tripinnate ; pinnules oblong, deeply serrate, or cut quite to the rachis. United States. A very handsome hardy species, closely related to the Lady Fern, of which it may be only a variety. A. monanthomnm (one-flowered).* tti. densely tufted, Sin. to 6in. long, fronds 12in. to 18in. long, about lin. broad, with twenty to forty horizontal, sessile, sub-dimidiate pinnae on each side, which are about iin. long and Jin. deep, the upper side cre- nate, suddenly narrowed at the base, the lower more or less dis- tinctly cut away in a straight, or, in the lower pinnae, decurved line, sori linear-oblong, usually one or two, parallel with the lower edge of the pinnae. Temperate regions of both hemispheres. Greenhouse species. Asplenium continued. A. montanum (mountain).* sti. tufted, 21n. to Sin. long, fronds 2in. to Sin. long, lin. broad, lanceolate-deltoid ; lowest pinnae dis- tinctly stalked, deltoid, sharply serrated round the outer edge. sori short, copious. United States, 1812. Frame or greenhouse species. A. multisectum (much-cut). Synonymous with A. aspidioides. A. mussefolium (Musa-leaved). A variety of A. Nidus. A. myriophyllum (myriad-leaved). A variety of A. rhizo- FIG. 172. ASPLENIUM NIDUS. A. Nidus (nest).* Bird's-nest Fern, fronds undivided, 2ft. to 4ft. long, Sin. to Sin. broad, lanceolate, acute or acuminate at the apex, tapering gradually below into a short stem ; the edge entire, the midrib rounded on the back ; veins fine and parallel, about iin. apart, sori reaching about half wav towards the margin. India, &c., 1820. SYN. A. australasicum. See Fig. 172. A. N. australasicum (Australian). Midrib keeled on the back, often black. Australia, &c. The two former are best treated in the stove ; the latter thrives well in the greenhouse. SYN. Thamnopteris australasicum. A. N. museafollum (Musa-leaved).* fronds larger, sometimes 6ft. long, 1ft. broad, sori extending nearly to the edge. A. nltens (shining), sti. scattered, 6in. to 9in. long, fronds IJin. to 2in. long, 6in. to 9in. broad, with twelve to twenty ascending or sub-falcate pinnae on each side, which are 4in. to 6in. long, iin. to lin. broad, much acuminated ; edge finely toothed, base broadly rounded on the upper, truncate in a curve on the lower side, sori in close regular rows, not e_xtending more than half way from the midrib to the edge. Mauritius. Stove species. SYN. A. macro- phyllum, of gardens only. A. nitldum (shining).* sti. 1ft. long, naked, fronds 2ft. to 3ft. long, 6in. to 12in. broad, with many lanceolate-deltoid pinnrc on each side, which are cut down to the rachis into numerous stalked deltoid pinnules, these are again cut into broad fan- shaped cuneate segments, sharply serrated round the outer edge. sori short. North India, Ceylon, &c. Greenhouse species. A. novee-caledoni (New Caledonian).* sti. tufted, 6in. to 12in. Ions, fronds 9in. to 12in. long, 6in. to 9in. broad, sub-deltoid, tripinnate; lower pinnae and pinnules deltoid; segments rigid, scarcely flattened, iin. or more long, distant, and erecto-patent. sori long, linear, marginal. New Caledonia. A rare greenhouse species. SYN. Darea nowe-caledonice. A. obtnsatnm (obtuse), tti. tufted, Sin. to 6in. long, fronds bin. to 12in. long, Sin. to 4in. broad, oblong or ovate-deltoid, with a terminal pinna not much longer than the others, and two to six pairs on each side, which are lin. to 2in. long and about iin. broad, obtuse, edge crenate, the base truncato-cuneate, shortly stalked, sori copious, broad, linear-oblong, falling short of the edge. Peru. A. di/orme is a variety with an ovate-deltoid frond, and the pinn.-e cut quite down to a narrow-winged rachis in the lower part into distinctly separated roundish or oblong-sinuated pinnules. New Zealand, Australia, &c. Greenhouse kinds. A. O. luoidum (clear).* fronds often 2ft. long, with fifteen to twenty pairs of pinna: on each side, which are more herbaceous in texture, darker green in colour, the lowest 6in. long, lin. to liin. broad, narrowed gradually to a long acuminated point, edge more deeply toothed. Greenhouse variety. SYN. A. lucidum. A. obtusifoliuxn (obtuse-leaved).* sti. almost tufted, 6in. to 9in. long, fronds 12in. to 18in. long, 4in. to 6in. broad, ovate-lanceo- AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 133 Asplenium continued. late, with twelve to twenty stalked horizontal pinn* on each side, which are 2m. to Sin. long, iin. to jin. broad, acute ; edges slightly undulato-crenate, the upper side with a distinct auricle at the base, and then narrowed suddenly, the lower side obliquely trun- cate, tori distant, in two regular rows, falling short of the edge. West Indies, Ac., 1838. Store species. A. obtnsilolrain (obtuse-lobed).* tti. tufted, 2in to 4in. long. frond* 4in. to 6in. long, liin. to 2in. broad, with nine to twelve sub-deltoid plume on each side, of which only the inner third on the lower side is cut away, the largest nearly Iin. long, Jin. bread; lowest pinnules Iin. deep, flabellately cut into three to five linear blunt lobes, sort sub-mar- ginaL New Hebrides, 1861. A very pretty little store species. SYS. Darea obtutiloba. A. odontites (much-toothed). Synonymous with A.jiaecidum. A. oxyphyllnm (sharp-leaved).* tti. firm, 6in. to 12in. long, fronds 1ft. to 2ft long, 6in. to 12in. broad, lanceolate, with several pinnae on each side, which are 3in. to 6in. long, Iin. to 2n, broad ; pinnules lanceolate, in the larger forms again pmnatifid ; teeth mncronate. sori in two rows on the pinnae or pinnules midway between the midrib and edge. Himalayas. A very va- riable greenhouse species. SYNS. Athyriam oxy- phyUa and Lastrea eburnea. A. paleaceum (scaly).* tti. densely tufted, Iin. to Sin. long, spreading, densely scaly, frmdt (an. to iin. long, Ijin. to 2in. broad, sometimes pro- liferous and rooting at the apex, with twelve to twenty sub-sessile pinnae on each side, which are Iin. long, about iin. broad, bluntish ; edge inciso- dentate, the upper base auricled and narrowed suddenly, the lower obliquely-truncate ; the lower ones stalked, and nearly as broad as long, tori linear, extending nearly to the edge. Tropical Australia. Stove or warm greenhouse species. A. palmatom (palmate). Synonymous with A. Hemioniiis. A. parvnlnm (smallX Synonymous with A. tri- A. perslclfolinm (Peach-leaved), tti. and rathis grey, with a few scattered minute grey scales. fronds oblong-lanceolate, 2ft. to 3ft. long, often gemmiferous at the apex; pinnae ascending, fifteen to thirty, jugate, sub-petiolate, 4in. to Sin. long, linear-lignlate-acumi- nate, iin. to Jin. broad, distinctly crenate throughout, tori regular, reaching nearly to midrib and edge. Philippine and Sandwich Isles. Stove species. A. Petrarcha (Petrarch's).* sti. densely tufted, Iin. to 2in. long, frondt 2m. to 3in. long, 410. broad, linear-lanceolate, with six to ten horizontal sessile pinnae on each side, which are iin. long and nearly as much broad, cordate-ovate, blunt ; edge sinuated ; the base unequal, slightly truncate on the lower side, tori oblong, very short, four to six on each side of the midrib. South Europe, 1819. A very rare little gem, best treated in a cool house. A. plnnatifidum (phmatifid). sti. tufted. 2in. to 4in. long. frondt Sin. to 6m. long, Iin. or more broad at the base, lanceolate- rhich is sinuated oblong, iin. deep by nearly as broad^ sinuated and reaching down nearly to the rachis. tori copious. Pennsylvania. Greenhouse or sheltered places outside. A. planicaule (flat-stiped).* tti. tufted, Sin. to 6in. long, naked. frondt 6in. to 12in. long, 2in. to Sin. broad, with twelve to twenty stalked horizontal pinnae on each side, which are Iin. to Ijin. long, iin. to fin. broad, acute ; edge lobed about half-way down, and deeply serrated, sori copious, reaching nearly to the edge. Himalayas, up to 6000ft., Ac,, 1841. Greenhouse species. A. plantaglneum (Plantain-like), tti. tufted, 6in. to Sin. long. fronds kin. to 9in. long, 2m. to Sin. broad, simple, acuminate, base rounded ; edge slightly undulato-dentate upwards, sometimes lobed towards the base, sori slender, linear, sometimes nearly touching both edge and midrib. West Indies, Ac., 1819. Stove species. SYN. Diplazium plcmtayineurn. A. polyphyllum (many-leaved). Synonymous with A. acumi- natum. A. przemorsnm (bitten). Synonymous with A. furcatum. A. prolongatnin (prolonged). Synonymous with A. rutcc- folium. A. pulcheUnm (pretty).* sti. tufted. Iin. to 2in. long, frondt Sin. to 6in. long, Iin. to liin. broad, with twelve to eighteen pinnae on each side, which are iin. to Jin. long, two lines to three lines broad, bluntish, almost dimidiate ; the upper edge crenate, and narrowed suddenly at the base, tori linear, oblique, falling short of the edge. Tropical America. Stove species. A. pumilum (small), tti. tufted, Sin. to 4in. long, fronds 4In. to 6in. each way, deltoid, the upper part sinuated only, the lower Asplenii ntinued. cut down to the rachis into distinct pinna, of which the lowest pair are much the largest ; the pinnulJonthe k > werside soniettaet an. long, reaching down to a slightly winged rachis, ac and deeply lobed. sori very obSque; toTloweronS sometime Iin. long! West Indies, Ac., 1823. ' species. A. racbirbizon (rachis-rooting). A very rare and pretty stove A variety of A. rkizoptutrvm. deltoid, with a long, gradually narrowing point, whi< only ; the lobes below this Jin. to iin. deep ; the FlG. 173. ASPLESIUM RADICALS. A. radicans (rooting), can. erect, sub-arborescent s'i. 1ft to 2ft long, tufted, fronds 3ft. to 5ft long, 2ft to 3ft broad, deltoid ; lower pinnae 13in. to 18in. long, 6in. to Bin. broad ; pinnules lanceolate, sessile, the upper ones entire, lower ones Sin. to 4in. long, Jin. to Iin. broad, with blunt lobes, Jin. broad, reach- ing about half way down to the rachis. Lower sori sometimes iin. long. Tropical America. A very variable species. SYXS. A. gifjanteum, Diplazium radicans, D. umbrosum, Ac. See Fig. 173. A. refractom (refracted). A variety of A. fontanum. (cut or pared).* *ti. scattered, 4in. to Sin. long. frondt 6in. to 15in. long, 2in. to 4in. broad, lanceolate-oblong, with ten to thirty sub-sessile horizontal pinnae on each side, which are Iin. to 3in. long, Iin. to iin. broad, almost dimidiate, the point bluntish, all except the truncate part crenate, the upper half at the base narrowed nearly at a nght angle, son not reaching either the midrib or edge. India, Ac., widely distributed, 1820. Greenhouse species. lu rnizophorum (root-bearing).* tti. tufted, 4in. to Sin. long. frondt lit to 2ft long, 4m. to 6in. broad, elongated, and rooting at the apex ; pinnae twelve to thirty on each side, sub-sessile, liin. to 2in. long, about iin. broad, inciso-dentate throughout ; the two sides unequal, the upper one auricled and narrowed, the lower one obliquely cuneate. tori not reaching either to the edge or midrib. Tropical America. A very variable stove species. A. r. rachirh\2on, has distinctly separated oblong-rhomboidal pinnules, again deeply cut into narrow segments. 1. rhlzopbyllnm (leaf -rooting), tti. tufted, 2m. to 6in. long. fronds bin. to 12m. long, liin. to 2m. broad, cut down into numerous close-placed horizontal pinnae on each side ; central ' i, iin. to Iin. broad, cut down throughout nearly to >-patent pinn ' " solitary, sub- liin. long, ^with lower pinnules cut down into several simple or forked linear segments. North America, Ac., 1680. Both hand- some greenhouse kinds. A. rntwfollum (Rue-leaved).* sti. tufted, 4in. to Sin. lone. fronds 6in. to 15in. long, 2in. to 4in. broad, ovate deltoid, with twelve to twenty pinnae on each side, the lowest sub-deltoid, 2in. or more long, cut down to the rachis into numerous erecto- patent distant pinnules on each side, the lowest on the upper side again cut down into erecto-patent linear segments, sori small, marginal. Cape Colony. Alxsautiful greenhouse speciea. S v.N'S. A. prolongatum and Darea rutaefolia. A. Bnta-mnrarla.* Wall-rue, tti. tufted, 2in. to 4m. long. frondt Iin. to 2in. long, about Iin. broad, deltoid, cut down to the rachis into a few pinnse on each side, the lower ones again ctrt 134 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Asplenium continued. down into spathulato-cuneate pinnules, which are serrated round the outer edge, sort copious. Great Britain, and almost world- wide in its distribution. Hardy species. This requires a well- drained position, and a soil composed mainly of old mortar rubbish. A. salicifolium (Willow-leaved), sti. tufted, 6in. to 12in. long. fronds 12in. to 18in. long, 6in. to 9in. broad, oblong, with a terminal pinna and four to ten distinctly stalked ones on each side, whicn are 4in. to 6in. long, Jin. to lin. broad, acuminate ; edge usually entire, the base equally truncato-cuneate on both sides, tori falling short both of the edge and midrib. West Indies, &c. Stove species. A. Sandersolii (Sanderson's).* sti. tufted, lin. to 2in. long, frond* bin. to 9in. long, iin. to Jin. broad, linear, often gemmiferous at the apex, with twelve to twenty horizontal dimidiate pinnae on each side, which are deeply crenate on the upper edge, and at the base narrowed suddenly into a winged petiole, trie lower one nearly straight and quite entire, tori oblong. Natal, &c. A very rare greenhouse species. A. schizodon (cut-toothed). Synonymous with A. Vieillardii. A. Schkuhrtl (Schkuhr's). eau. erect, sti. 1ft. to lift. long. fronds deltoid, lift, to 2ft. long, tripinnatifld ; lower pinnae distant, oblong-lanceolate, 6in. to 8in. long, liin. to 2in. broad, rachis winged to base ; pinnules ligulate-oblong, fin. broad, sessile, cut into shallow, close, oblong blunt lobes, sori \in., medial in a single row in the pinnules. Ceylon. Stove species. SYN. Dipiazium Schkuhrii. A. Selosii (Selose's).* sti. densely tufted, lin. to 2in. long, wiry. fronds iin. to Jin. long, palmately cleft, usually into three nearly equal forks, which are about one line broad, the ' inciso-serrate. sori copious, ultimately occupying the whole surface. Tyrol and Carinthia. A very rare and curious little species, requiring the protection of the frame or cool house ; it should be firmly potted between pieces of sandstone in loam, leaf-soil, rock chippings and sand, with good drainage. A. septentrionale (northern).* sti. densely tufted, Sin. to 4in. long, fronds simple, or cleft from the apex into two or three cuneate divisions, lin. to IJin. long, one line broad, with a few sharp lateral and terminal teeth, sori elongated, copious, often at last hiding the whole under surface. Great Britain, and widely distributed in both hemispheres. This rare little species requires to be securely planted in a well-drained elevated chink of the fernery outside, in loamy, gritty soil. A. Shepherd! (Shepherd's).* sti. tufted, 1ft. long, fronds 12in. to 18in. long, 6in. to Sin. broad ; lower pinnfe stalked, 4in. to 6in. long, lin. to liin. broad, point acuminate, edge lobed above, }in. broad, somewhat toothed, sori linear, not reaching the edge. South America. Stove species. SYN . Dipiazium Shepherdi. A. S. inceqtiilaterum (unequal-sided), fronds, texture firm, colour duller than that of the type; pinnae much acuminated; the lobes deeper, more uniform, and falcate, the two sides unequal, the lower one uneqnally truncate at the base. A. spathulinum (spathulate). A synonym of A. afflne. A. spinulosum (very spiny).* sti. 6in. to 12in. long, scattered. fronds 9in. to 12in. each way, deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifid, with rune to twelve pinnfe on each side, the lowest much the largest, 6in. to 9in. long, 2iin. to 3in. broad, ovate-lanceolate ; pinnules lanceo- late, cut down to the rachis on each side into six to nine oblong- rhomboidal mucronate segments, two lines lone, one line broad, which are sharply toothed, sori two to ten to a segment, usually round, but occasionally oblong. Amur-land, &c. Greenhouse species. SYN. Athyrium spinulosum and Cystopteris spinulosa. A. splcndens (splendid), rhiz. creeping, scaly, sti. bin. to Sin. fronds deltoid, 6in. to 1ft. long, two to three-pinnate ; lower . to 2in. bro " pinnae stalked, deltoid, lin. broad, pinnate or bipinnate ; egments cuneate-flabellate, lin. to iin. broad, slightly lobed, sharply toothed round outer edge, sori copious, slender, irregular, reaching from base nearly to tip of segments. Cape Colony. A very rare greenhouse species. A. subsinnatum (half -waved). Synonymous with A. lanceum. A. sundense (Sundanese). Synonymous with A. vittceforme. A. sylvatictun (woods), cau. decumbent, sti. 1ft. long, fronds 1ft. to 2ft. long, 4in. to Sin. broad, ovate-lanceolate, with numerous spreading pinnae, the largest 3in. to 4in. long, iin. to Jin. broad, acuminated ; edge broadly and briefly lobed ; base narrowed suddenly on both sides, sort in long slender lines, reaching nearly to the edge. India, &c. Stove species. A. thelypteroides ; (Thelypteris-like). sti. 1ft. long, frondslft. to 2ft. long, 6m. to 12in. broad, lanceolate, with numerous spreading pinnae, the lower ones 4in. to 6in. long, lin. broad, cut down to a broadly-winged rachis into numerous nearly entire elliptical spreading pinnules, sori in close regular rows, reaching nearly from the midrib to the edge, slightly curved, the lower ones often double. North America, &c., 1823. Hardy or cool house species. SYN. Athyrium thelypteroides. A. Thwaitesii (Thwaites's).* rhiz. wide-creeping, stout, sti. 6in vhite w long, slender, densely clothed with strong oolly hairs. fronds 1ft. or more long, 4in. to 6in. broad, with eight to ten distinct pinnae beneath the pinnatifld apex, the largest 3in. long, |in. broad, cut down two-thirds of the way to the rachis in oblong crenulated lobes, Jin. deep, t way to the rachis in oblong lines across, snri reaching half- Asplenitun continued. way to the edge, the lowest about one line long. Ceylon, fine stove species. SYN. Dipiazium, Thwaiterii. Very FIG. 174. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES. A. Trichomanes (maiden-hair).* Maidenhair Spleenwort. sti. densely tufted, lin. to 4in. long, fronds 6in. to 12in. long, about iin. broad, with fifteen to thirty opposite pairs of sessile horizontal pinnje, which are Jin. to fin. broad, one and a-half to two lines deep, edge slightly crenate, the two sides unequal, the upper one the broadest, and narrowed suddenly at the base, sori linear- oblong, three to six on each side of the midrib. Great Britain, and almost cosmopolitan. Hardy species. See Fig. 174. There are several varieties in cultivation, of which the following are the most important : Fio. 175. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES CRISTATUM. A. T. oristatum (crested). * fronds 4in. to 6in. long, simply pinnate, with roundish pinnae, and broad crests at their extremities, some- times divided, each fork crested. A very pretty little variety, requiring frame or greenhouse treatment. See Fig. 175. A. T. incisum (deeply-cut).* fronds 3in. to 6in. long ; pinnae deeply pinnatifld, the lobes again deeply cut or serrated. A very rare and pretty form. A. T. multifidum (much-divided).* fronds Sin. to 6in. long, twice, thrice, or, rarely, quadri-furcate, each division termi with a little crest. A free-growing kind. A.T. ramosum (branched).* fronds bin. to Sin. long, freely branched, each division being again forked; pinnae deeply cut or crenated, or serrate. More hardy than any of the other forms. A. trilobnm (three-lobed).* sti. tufted, 2in. to Sin. long, fronds lin. to liin. long, lin. broad, rhomboidal, apex acute, base cuneate, entire, the margin undulato-crenate, or the lower part deeply lobed, with broad mciso-crenate divisions, sori broad and short. Chili and South Brazil. A very rare little stove species. SYN. A. parvulum, A. nmbrosum (shady), sti. 1ft. or more long, scaly at the base. fronds 2ft. to 5ft. long, 12in. to 18in. broad, ovate-deltoid ; pinnae ovate-lanceolate, 6in. to 9in. long, Sin. to 6in. broad, with laceolate pinnules, which are again cut down to the midribs into unequal- sided rhomboidal lobes, with the margins sharply crenated. sori copious, oblong, with large tumid membranous involucres. Madeira, Canaries, Himalayas, &c. Very widely distributed. A very handsome greenhouse species. SYNS. Allantodia australe, Athyrium umbrosum. A. various (variable), sti tufted, lin. to Sin. long, fronds 4in. to 6in. long, lin. broad, oblong-lanceolate, with eight to twelve AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 135 Aspleninm continued . pairs of pinnae on each side, lower ones sub-deltoid, iin, to Jin. long, Jin. broad, cut down to the rachis into a few cuneato- fiabellate pinnules, the lowest two lines across, sharply toothed on the outer edge, tori copious, when mature, covering nearly the whole under surface of the pinnules. Himalayas, and widely distributed. Greenhouse species. A. Veitchianum ( Veitch's). Synonymous with A. Bdangeri. A, Vieillardli (Vieillard's).* tti. tufted, 4in. to 6in. long, frondt 6in. to 9in. long, 6in. to Sin. broad, with large linear-lanceolate terminal pinna, lengthened out at the point, and deeply serrated, and three to four pairs of erecto-patent similar lateral ones, which are Sin. to 4in. long, upwards of iin. broad, equally truncato- cuneate, and the lower ones slightly stalked at the base, tori distant, falling short of both edge and margin. New Caledonia. A very graceful greenhouse species. STN. A. tchizodcm. A. ' aril Mini is but a variety of this, with shortened son and more obtuse venation. FIG. 176. ASPLKXIOM VTRIDE, showing Barren and Fertile Finn* (a and 6), Sorus (e), and Sporangium (d> A. Tlrlde (green).* Green Spleenwort *t. d 4in. long, frondt 4in. to 6in. long, Ain. br twentv sub-sessile pinnae on each side, OVE tti. densely tufted, 2m. to . broad, with twelve to twentv sub-sessile pinnae on each side, ovate-rhomboid ; upper edse narrowed suddenly at the base, the lower one obliquely truncate, outer part deeply crenated. tori copious, linear-oblong, oblique. Great Britain, &c., widely distributed in both hemi- spheres. It requires to be planted in a well-drained but moist situation. Hardy species. See Fig. 176. 1. vltteeforme (narrow-fronded). rhiz. creeping, tti. short, erect, frondt entire, Lanceolate, 12in. to ISin. long, liin. to am. broad, narrowed to an acute point, and very gradually into the stem below; margin obscurely toothed, tori copious, often reaching from the midrib nearly to the edge. Java, Ac. Stove species. SY.N. A. rundense. L. virtparnm (plant-bearing).* tti. tufted, 6in. to 9in. long. frondt 1ft to 2ft long, 6in. to Sin. broad, ovate-lanceolate, with numerous close-placed erecto-patent pinuae on each side, which nre Sin. to 4in. long, lAin. to 2in. broad, cut down to a r Asplenium continued. rachw into numerous pinnatifld pinnules, the lower segments of which are again forked ; ultimate segments Jin. to iin lone quarter-line broad, tori solitary, marginal. Mauritius, , Synonymous with Serieocaryut eonyzioidet. A. cordifolins (heart-leaved). JL-headt blue, small, disposed in crowded racemes, which are slightly drooping. July. Z. cordate, pilose beneath, finely serrated, stalked. Stem smoothish, panicled ; panicle spreading. A. 2ft North America, 1759. A. coridifolins (Cons-leaved). Jl.-headt pale blue. October. Z. very numerous, linear, blunt, reflexed, hispid at edge. Stem branched, diffuse, smooth ; branches one-headed. A. 1ft North FIG. 179. ASTKR CORYMBOSUS, showing Habit and Flower-head. A. corymbosus (corymbose). Jl.-headt corymbose, about lln. in diameter; ray -florets few, narrow, white; disk-florets pale or Aster continued. yellow. Autumn. I. Sin. lone, cordate acute, lobed at the base, coarsely toothed. Stemsbrittle, blackish pnrple. A. 2ft to3ft SYN. Biotia corymboga. SeeFigJm A. difitasns (diffuse). JL-headt white; involucres imbricated. October. Z. elliptic-lanceolate, equal, serrated, smooth. Branches spreading. Stem pubescent A. 2ft North America, 1777. Donglasii (Douglass).* JL-headt purple ; involucral scales linear >r spathulate-hnear, loosely imbricated. August Z. lanceolate acute, entire, or rarely serrate, mostly tapering at the base. Stem smooth, slender, paniculately branched, leafy. A. 3ft to 4ft. California, &c. A. dracnncnloides (Tarragon -like).* JL-Aeadt white, about 1 in. across, disposed in dense cymose clusters ; involucre imbricated September, October. Z. linear, acuminated, entire ; lower ones linear-lanceolate, sub-serrate. Branches corymbose, A. 3ft North America, 1811. A very handsome species. A. dnmosns (bushy).* JL-headt white, about Jin. across, disposed in broad clusters; involucre cylindrical, closely imbricated. October. Z. linear, glabrous ; those of the branches very short. Branches panicled. A. 2ft North America, 1734. A.d. albns (whi those of the teX* JL-headt quite white, and rather smaller A. d, vlolacens (violet). JL-headt violet-purple. North . A. elegans (elegant). JL-headt blue, small ; corymb contracted, drooping; scales of involucre oblong-cuneate, blunt squarrose. September. Z. scabrous ; cauline ones oblong-lanceolate, acute ; radical ones oblong, stalked. A. 2ft North America, 17901 A very elegant species, having a graceful habit A. eminens (eminent), fl.-headt light blue. October. I. linear- lanceolate, acuminate, scabrous at edge ; lower ones sub-serrated. Stem panicled ; branches one-headed. A. 2ft North America. FIG. 180. ASTKR ERICOTDM. A. erieoidee (Heath-like).* JL-headt white ; involucre squamse, leaflets acute. September. I. linear, glabrous; those of the branches subulate, close together ; and those of the stem long. A. 3ft North America, 1758. A very pretty species. See Fig. 180. A. flortbondas (many-flowered).* JL-headt light purple Septem- ber. /. sub-amplexicaul, lanceolate ; lower ones serrated. Stem smooth ; branches corymbose. A. 4ft North America. A. follosns (leafy). Jl.-headt pale blue; involucre imbricate. September. I linear-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed at each end. 138 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Aster continued. Stem downy, panlcled, erect ; branches few-headed. A. 3ft. North America, 173\ L fragllis (fragile), fl.-heads flesh-coloured, small ; involucre im- bricated. September. I. linear, acuminate, entire ; radical ones oblong, serrate. Branches in corymbose panicles. A. 2ft. North America, 1800. Fro. 181. ASTER ORANDIFLORUS. (large-flowered).* fl.-heads purple, large, ter- minal ; scales of involucre squarrose. November. I. linear, rigid, acute, sub-amplexicaul ; those of the branches reflexed, hispid at edge. h. 2ft. North America, 1720. See Fig. 181. A. hyssopifolius (Hyssop-leaved).* fl.-heads white, or purple shaded ; scales of the involucre about half as long as the disk. August to October. L linear-lanceolate, acute, with the margins scabrous. Branches fastigiate and corymbose, smooth, h. 14ft. to 2ft North America. A. Isevigatus (smooth -stemmed), fl.-heads flesh-coloured, about lin. across, disposed in "arge panicles. September. I. sub- amplexicaul, broad-lanceolate, sub-serrate, smooth. Stem gla- brous. Branches many-headed, h. 3ft. North America, 1794. - A. tavis (smooth).* fl.-heads blue ; involucre imbricated with cuneiform leaflets. September. Z. sub-amplexicaul, remotely oblong, entire, lucid; radical ones sub-serrated, h. 2ft. North America, 1758. One of the best border species. A. laxus (loose-flowered), fl.-heads white, about lin. across ; clusters loose. October. I. linear-lanceolate, scabrous at edge ; lower ones sub-serrated ; stem ones reflexed. Stem loosely panicled. h. 2ft. North America. A.linarlfolius(Toad.flax-leaved). fl. -heads pa.l& blue. September. I. numerous, linear, mucronated, nerveless, not dotted, keeled, scabrous, rigid. Branches fastigiate, one-headed, h, 1ft. North America, 1699. A. linifollns (Flax-leaved). fl.-headg white ; involucre imbricated, short. July. I. linear, nerveless, dotted, scabrous, reflexed, spreading. Branches corymbose, fastigiate, leafy, h, 2ft. North America,, 1739. A. longifolins (long-leaved).* fl.-heads white, lin. across, in dense corymbose panicles ; involucre squarrose. October. I. linear-lanceolate, rarely toothed, very long, smooth, h. 3ft. North America, 1798. There are several varieties of this hand- some species. A. L formosns (charming).* fl.-heads pink, produced in dense corymbs, h. lift, to 2ft. A. macrophyllns (large-leaved), fl.. heads white. August. /. large, ovate, stalked, serrated, scabrous ; upper ones cordate North America, 1739. ' A. multiflorus (many-flowered).* fl. -heads white, small; corymb volucre imbricated ; scales oblong, squarrose, ile. Stem branched, diffuse, h. 2ft. large, elongated ; invc Aster continued. acute. September. I. linear, glabrous. Stem much branched, diffuse, downy ; branchlets one-sided, h. 3ft. North America, 1732. ..IS (Myrtle-leaved), fl.-heada white ; involucre imbri- I ; scales length of disk. August. I., stem ones, amplexicaul, scabrous ; those of the branches small. A. 2ft 1812. A. nov89-angli (New England).* fl.-heads purple, in terminal clusters. September. 1. linear-lanceolate, jnlose, amplexicaul, auricled at base. Stem simple, pilose, straight A. 6ft. North America, 1710. One of the best ; having a tall and robust habit. A. ru-a, robra (red).* fl.-heads deep red pink, in other respects like the type. North America, 1812. A. novse-belgli (New York).* fl.-headt pale blue. September. 1. sub-amplexicaul, lanceobtf, glabrous, scabrous at edge ; lower ones sub-serrated. Branches divided. A. 4ft. North America, 1710. There is a variety known in gardens which belongs to this species, under the name of amethystintu, the flowers of which are much larger and very showy. numerous ; ray white ; disk lower ones linear-lanceolate, oblique ; upper stem ones smaller. A. 5ft North America. A very fine species, forming large tufts. A. panlenlatus (panicled).* fl. -heads light blue; involucre loose. September. I. ovate-lanceolate, sub-serrated, stalked, smooth ; petioles naked. Stem much branched, smooth. A. 4ft. North America, 1640. A. pannonicus (Pannonian). fl.-heads violet; scales of involucre lanceolate, blunt, equal. July. I. linear-lanceolate, hispid at edge. Stem simple, corymbose. A. 2ft Hungary, 1815. A. patens (spreading), fl.-heads light purple, about lin. across. October. I. oblong-lanceolate, ciliat scabrous on each sid North America, 1773. A. obliquns (oblique), fl.-head* purplish. Autumn. 1. alternate : , ng-lanceolate, ciliate, cordate, amplexicaul, scabrous on each side, hairy. Stem branched, hairy. A. 2ft L pulchellus (beautiful).* fl.-teads purple, solitary ; scales c volucre nearly equal, linear, acuminate. June. I,, radical spathulate ; cauline ones linear-lanceolate. A. 1ft Armenia A. pendulus (drooping).* fl.-head pure white at first, ultimately rosy pink, small. September. I. elliptic-lanceolate, serrate, smooth, those of the branches distant. Branches much spreading, pendulous. A. 2ft North America, 1758. A very pretty species. A. peregrinns (foreign).* fl.-heads bluish purple, 2in. across; July, August. I. lanceolate, sub-acute, entire, smooth, those of the stem rather narrower than the radical ones. Stem smooth, or nearly so, two or three-flowered. A. 1ft North America. A very pretty little species for the rockery or border. A. pilosus (pilose), fl.-heads pale blue; involucre oblong, loose, imbricated. September. I. linear-lanceolate, hoary. Stem branched, villous ; branchlets somewhat one-sided, one-headed. A. 2ft North America, 1812. A. prsecox (early). fl.-heads violet; involucre imbricated ; scales nearly equal ; outer scales somewhat spreading. July. I. oblong- lanceolate, narrowed at the base. Stem hairy. A. 2ft North America, 1800. lies of ir ones Armenia. A. pnnlceus (red-stalked), fl.-heads blue, about lin. across; panicle large, pyramidal ; involucre loose, longer than the disk. September. Z. amplexicaul, lanceolate, serrate, roughish. Branches panicled. A. 6ft North America, 1710. A. pyrenseus (Pyrenean).* fl.-head lilac-blue (disk yellow), large, three to five in a short corymb. July. I. scabrous on both sides ; cauline ones oblong-lanceolate, acute, sessile, sharply serrated on the upper part. A. 1ft to lift Pyrenees. A. Reeves! (Reeves's). fl.-heads white, with yellow centre, small ; panicle dense, pyramidal. Autumn. I. linear, acute. Branches slender. A. 9in. to 12in. North America. A very desirable species, suitable for rockwork. A. reticulatus (netted), fl.-heads white. July. I. lanceolate- oblong, acute at each end, sessile, revolute at end, netted, and three-nerved beneath. Plant hoary all over. A. 3ft. North America, 1812. A. rubricaule (red-stemmed). Synonymous with A. spurius. A. salicifolius (Willow-leaved), fl.-heads flesh-coloured ; in- volucre lanceolate, imbricate; scales acute, spreading at end. September. I. linear-lanceolate, nearly entire, smooth. Stem smooth, panicled at end. A. 6ft. North America, 1760. fl. -heads violet-purple; in volucral July. I. entire, the 1< ; the upper base, usually sub-amplexicaul. A. salsnginosns (salt-plains).* scales linear, loose, glandular, late, obovaU, tapering into a margined petit lanceolate, acute, with broad base, usuall. f Stem minutely pubescent, leafy nearly to the top, few-flowered A. 9in. to 18in. North America, 1827. A very handsome species. A. 8. elatior (tallest). This variety grows 2ft. or more high, and has rather larger flowers than the type. North America. A. sericeus (silky). fl.-heads deep blue ; terminal, about lin. across. Summer and autumn. I. oblong-lanceolate, sessile, entire, three-nerved, silky with down. A. 3ft Missouri, 1802. This is a half-hardy evergreen shrub, and requires a warm, well-drained soil. A. serotinus (late-flowering). ft.-headsUue. September. Z. oblong- lanceolate, acuminate, sessile, smooth, scabrous at edge ; lower AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 139 Aster continued. ones serrated; branches corymbose, smooth. A. 3ft North America. A. Shortii (Short's). JL-heads purplish blue, about lin. across ; panicles long, racemose, Autumn. L lanceolate, elongated, acuminated, cordate at the base. A. 2ft to 4ft Stem slender, spreading. North America. A. sibiricus (Siberian). A.-headt blue ; involucre loose ; leaflets lanceolate, acuminate, hispid. August L lanceolate, sub-am- plexicaul, serrate, pilose, scabrous. A. 2ft Siberia, 1768. A. sikMmensis (Sikkimese).* JL-head* purple ; leaflets of in- volucre linear, acuminate, sub-squarrose. October. I. lanceo- late, acuminate, spinosely denticulate; radical ones on longer petioles ; cauline ones sessile ; corymbs large, of many heads, leafy, erect, glabrous, branched. A. 3ft Sikkim, 1850. A. spectabilis (showy).* fl.-heads blue ; scales of involucre loose, leafy. August L lanceolate, roughish, somewhat amplexicaul ; lower ones serrate in the middle. A. 2ft North America, 1777. A very pretty species. A. spurius (spurious). A.-heads purple, large, few ; inner scales of involucre coloured. September. I. linear-lanceolate, amplexi- caul, polished. Stem virgate, panicled. Branches racemose. A. 4ft North America, 1789. SYX. A. rubricaule. A. tardiflorus (late-flowering), jl. -heads blue, numerous. Au- tumn. I. sessOe, serrated, smooth, spathulate-lanceolate, nar- rowed at base, and bent down towards each side. A. 2ft North America, 1775. A. Townshendl (Townshend's). Synonymous with A. Bigelorii. A. Tradescanti (Tradescant's).* fl.-headt white ; involucre imbri- cated. August I. lanceolate-sessile, serrated, smooth ; branches virgate. Stem round, smooth. A. 3ft North America, 1633. A. multi/lorus is very much like this species, and, perhaps, a mere form thereof, with somewhat smaller flowers and more obovate- oblong leaves. A. tripolium (Tripoli). Michaelmas Daisy. fl.-head blue ; disk yellow; scales of involucre lanceolate, membranous, obtuse, imbricated. August i. linear-lanceolate, fleshy, obscurely throe- nerved. Stem glabrous, corymbose. A. 2ft Britain. Aster continued. autumn. L lanceolate, smooth, entire, with fringed margins, somewhat stem-clasping; those of the branchlete awl-shaded; A. 2ft. to 3ft North America. A very desirable species. See A, undulatus (undulated). JL-headt pale blue. August t oblong-cordate, amplexicaul, entire; petioles wingedT Stem peeled, hispid. Branchlets one-sided. ^. 3ft Nortli America. A. versicolor (various-coloured). 1 JL.-heads white, changing te purple ; scales of involucre shorter than disk. August t sub- amplexicaul, broad-lanceolate, sub-serrate, smooth. Stem glab- rous. A. 3ft North America, 1790. The animals (Callistephu* chinensu), usually known as French, German, or China Asters, are very extensively grown, both for beds and pots, and their diversity and generally compact growth render them almost universal favourites. They require a rich loamy soil, and as the roots are produced near the surface, a mulching of rotten dung will be found most beneficial. Seeds may be raised in a cold frame in March or April, and, when the seedlings are large enough, they must be transplanted into beds from 9in. to 12in. apart each way. If it is desired to have them in pots, they may be removed thence with a good ball of earth adhering just before they commence flowering, liberally watered, and kept lightly shaded from the sun, until root action is resumed. Those kinds required for exhibition purposes should have several of the side phoots removed, so that the whole growing energy of the plant may be centralised into from fire to seven flower-heads, by which means fine blossoms may be obtained. The dwarf kinds are most valuable for bedding and pots, as the taller kinds frequently require stakes for support. The following are the most important sections : Betteridge'B Prize. Very beautifully formed and brilliantly coloured varieties, unsurpassed for exhibition purposes. As this class has rather a straggling habit of growth, it is less suitable for bedding and borders than many of the others. Belize's Miniature Bouquet Pyramidal. Dwarf and ele- gant, in compact bouquets of six or eight ; the truss of flower- heads springs directly from the ground, having only a few leaves at base. Colours very varied. A. 6in. to Sin. FIG. 183. TRUFFAUT-S PJSONT- FLOWERED ASTER. FIG. 184. TRUFFACT'S PERFEC- TION ASTER. FIG. 182. ASTER TURBINELLUS. A. turblnellus (turbinate). fl.-heads delicate mauve, disposed in panicles ; involucre top-shaped, scales imbricate. Summer and Crown.* Distinct. The central portion, or disk, of the head of flowers is pure white, surrounded by a broad margin of coloured ray florets, such as purple, violet, crimson, rose, &c. Flower- heads large, flat, freely produced. A. If t to lift Dwarf Chrysanthemum flowered.* In size of flower-beads and habit of growth, this surpasses all other dwarf varieties. The flowers are full, Chrysanthemum-shaped, produced in clusters, or bouquets, from ten to twenty in a truss, very delicate and beautiful in colour. A. 1ft. Dwarf Pyramidal or Dwarf Bouquet. A pretty little class, and extremely floriferous, each plant producing from twenty to fifty heads of blossom. Some of the colours are : Exquisite carmine with white points, white with blue or carmine points, white with salmon centre, &c. h. 1ft Improved Imbricate. The best strain of pyramidal Asters with recurved florets ; fine regular form of flowers, double to the centre, producing but few seeds. Colours very brilliant A. 2ft Improved Rose. A handsome class, producing a branched head, displaying no less than fifty large double flower-heads, the outer 140 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Aster continued. florets finely imbricated, and filled up to the centre when quite open. The colours are of great brilliancy, and of many shades. A 2ft. Pompone Goliath.* Flower-heads globular, and florets very closely set. Valuable for bouquets, as the flowers remain intact for a considerable time. Pyramidal Hedgehog. Singular and unique. Stems upright, and branched ; each branch terminated by a single flower-head, which is filled up with quill-like florets. Colours various. h. lift. Truffaut's Pseony Perfection.* Vigorous upright growers, having large, hemispherical-formed heads of flowers with incurved florets, 4in. across. The colours also are very varied, h. about 2ft. See Figs. 183 and 184. FIG. 185. VICTORIA ASTER. st popul heads very double, imbricate, globular, 4in. in diameter, from ten to twenty on a plant, of various shades, h. 1ft., with a pyramidal habit See Fig. 185. ASTERACANTHA (from aster, a star, and acantha, a Bpine ; referring to the disposition of the spinea). OBD. Acanthacea. A handsome greenhouse herbaceous perennial, of easy culture in sandy loam. It should be grown in a sunny position, and be kept moderately dry, otherwise little but foliaceous growth will be produced ; but, if thus treated, it flowers freely. Propagated by divisions in spring; or by seeds, sown in August. A. Ipnglfolia (long-leaved), ft. yellow.in dense axillary fascicles. July. j. lanceolate, tapering to the base, narrow, sessile, serrately Stem quadrangular. Plant rather hairy. A. 2ft. India, , July. j. lanceolate, tapering 1781 ASTERACEX. See Composite. ASTEROCEPHALUS. See Scabiosa. ASTILBE (from a, without, and stilbe, brilliancy ; in al- lusion to the inconspicuous flowers of some of the species). ORD. Saxifrayeae. Tall branching herbs, with triternate or biternate leaves, allied to Spiraea, from which they differ in having not more than three carpels, eight or ten stamens, and numerous albuminous seeds. They are all more or less graceful,* and some indispensable, either when grown in isolated clumps, or intermingled with other herbaceous plants. They thrive well in almost any rich garden soil, preferring damp positions, and are easily propagated by division, which is best done in early spring. A. japonica is grown very extensively for decorative purposes, its ele- gant spikes of pure white flowers rendering it especially As bilbe continued. valuable. The majority of the plants cultivated are im- ported, but they may be grown fairly well in this country in heavily manured soil. They should be potted as early as possible in the autumn, and plunged in ashes or fibre outside, when they will soon commence to root, after which they may be placed in heat, and forced as required, always giving an abundance of water. Indeed, the pots may be stood in pans of water, especially when the plants are well furnished with growth. A. barbata (bearded). A synonym of A. japonica. A. decandra (ten-stamened). fl. white, in spicate racemose panicles. May. I. biternate ; leaflets cordate, deeply lobed and ser- rated, glandular beneath, and on the petioles. h. America, 1812. , and on the petioles, h. 2ft. to 3ft. North 9K. 186. ASTILBE JAPONICA. L Japonica (Japanese).* fl. small, pure white, in large branch ing racemose panicles. May. I. triternate or pinnate, serrated. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Japan. This is best grown in pots, as early frosts generally cut it down in the open air. SYNS. Spiraea barbata and japonica, also Hoteia and A. barbata. See Fig. 186. A. J. varlegata (variegated).* I. prettily variegated with yellow ; panicles much more dense than the type ; indeed, it is far superior in that respect FIG. 187. ASTILBB RIVULARIS. A. rivularis (brook).* fl. yellowish-white, or reddish, in large panicled spikes. Late summer. I. biternate ; leaflets ovate, doubly serrated, villous beneath and on the petioles, h. 3ft. Nepaul. A grand plant for the margins of lakes or damp woodlands. See Fig. 187. A. rnbra (red).* fl. rose, very numerous, in dense panicles. Late summer and autumn. I. biternate ; leaflets oblique, cordate, lin. to 2in. long, with elongated, serrated points, h. 4ft. to 6ft. India, 1851. A very pretty, but rare species ; excellent for aub- tropical gardening. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 141 Astilbe continued . A. Thunbergi (Thunberg's).* JL small, white, very numerous, in erect much branched, pyramidal panicles, with reddish and slightly downy stalks. May. I. unequally pinnate or bipinnate ; leaflets broad, yellowish green, sharply toothed. A. 14ft Japan, 1878. This pretty little sub-shrub is extensively propagated on the Continent for forcing purposes. ASTRAGALUS (a name applied to a shrub by Greek writers). Milk Vetch. Including Phaca. ORD. Legumi- nosa. A very large genus of hardy herbs or sub-shrubs. Flowers in axillary clusters; standard larger than the wings. Leaves unequally pinnate. About one hundred species have been introduced in English gardens ; many of these are lost to cultivation ; the comparative few here described are still generally grown, and are good representative species. They are all of easy culture. The shrubby kinds grow well in any light dry soil, and are slowly increased by cuttings placed in a cold frame, or by seeds. The herbaceous perennials prefer a dry light soil, and may be increased by divisions or seeds ; the latter mode is preferable, as many species are very liable to die if transplanted or divided, which is at best but a slow method. Seed should be sown in pots of sandy soil placed in a cold frame as soon as ripe, or very early in the spring, as they may lie a long time before germinating. The dwarfer species constitute ad- mirable rockwork plants, and can be grown in pots con- taining a mixture of loam, peat, and sand. Seeds of the two annual species, A. Cicer and A. Glaux, merely require to be sown in the open border early in spring. A. adsurgena (adsurgent).* JL bluish purple; spikes oblong, pedunculate, longer than the leaves, densely packed. June. 7. with eleven to twelve pairs of ovate-lanceolate acute leaflets ; stipules acuminated, length of leaves. Plant ascending, smoothish. Siberia, 1818. A very handsome and rare perennial species. A. adunons (hooked). JL rose purple, in oblong spikes ; peduncles rather shorter than the leaves. June and July. L with nume- rous pairs of roundish-ovate, smooth leaflets, sometimes downy. A. 6in. to 9in, Caucasus, 1819. Perennial. A. alopecuroides (foxtail-like).* JL yellow, disposed in thick dense ovate-oblong spikes, on short axillary peduncles. June. L with numerous ovate-lanceolate, pubescent leaflets ; stipules ovate-lanceolate, acuminated. Plant erect A. 2ft to 5ft Siberia, 1737. One of the finest perennial species grown. A. alplnus (alpine). JL bluish-purple, sometimes whitish, droop- ing, disposed in racemes of about $in. long. Summer. L impari- pinnate, with eight to twelve pairs of ovate or oblong leaflets. Britain. A very desirable, hairy, prostrate perennial. A. arenarius (sand-loving).* JL blue ; peduncles few-flowered, rather shorter than the leaves. June. I. with linear-obtuse leaflets ; stipules connate, opposite the leaves. Plant diffuse, tomentose from white adpressed down. A. 6in. Denmark, 1800. Perennial A. anstxiacns (Austrian).* /. few ; upper petal, or vexillum, blue, the rest purple ; racemes pedunculate, longer than the leaves. May. L, leaflets glabrous, linear, truncately emarginate. Plant diffusely procumbent South Europe, 1640. Perennial. A. canadensla (Canadian). JL yellow, disposed in spikes; peduncles about as long as the leaves. July. L with ten to twelve pairs of elliptic-oblong, bluntish leaflets. Plant nearly erect, rather hairy. A. 2ft to 3ft North America, 1732. Perennial. A. Cicer (Vetch-like). JL pale yellow, disposed in spike-like heads ; peduncles longer than the leaves. July. I. with ten to thirteen pairs of elliptic-oblong mucronate leaflets. Plant diffusely procumbent Europe, 1570. Annual. A. dahuricus (Dahurian). JL purple, in dense racemes, which are longer than the leaves. July. L, leaflets, seven to nine pairs, oblong, mucronate. Plant erect, pilose. A. 1ft to 2ft Dahuria to China, 1822. Perennial. A. dasyglottis (thick- tongued).* A. purple, blue, and white mixed, in capitate spikes ; peduncles a little longer than the leaves. June. L, leaflets elliptic-oblong, somewhat emarginate; stipules connate, opposite the leaves. A. 3in. to 4in. Plant diffuse. Siberia, 1818. A charming little alpine perennial A. talcatus (hooked). /. greenish yellow, in spikes ; peduncles rather longer than the leaves. June. L with sixteen to twenty pairs of elliptic-oblong, acute leaflets. Plant erect, rather hairy. A. 1ft. Astragataa conttnuod. 1ft. to 2ft. it'resce/i*. Siberia (in wet, grassy places). Perennial. SYN. A. galegiformis (Galega-like).* JL pale yellow, pendulous, race- mose ; peduncles longer than the leaves. June. L with twelve or thirteen pairs of elliptic-oblong leaflets. Plant erect, glabrous. A. 3ft to 5ft Siberia, 1729. A showy perennial species. A. GlMUC (Milkwort). JL purplish, in dense beads; peduncles longer than the leaves. June. L with eight to thirteen pairs of Spain ' 1596 - A. glycyphyllos (sweet-leaved).* JL sulphur coloured, in ovate- oblong spikes ; peduncles shorter than the leaves. June. L with four to seven pairs of oval, bluntish, smooth leaflets stipules ovate-lanceolate, entire. A. 2ft to 3ft. Britain. A 'perennial prostrate trailer. blueandwhite, disposed In roundish'head?; peduncles' 1 longer than the leaves, ascending. June. L with numerous little ovate, obtuse, dark green leaflets, somewhat emarginate ; stipules connate, ovate. Stems prostrate, rather hairy. A. 3in. Britain, dec. Perennial trailer. A. h. alba (white-flowered).* This resembles the type, except in the colour of the flowers. A. lencophyUns (hoary-leaved).* JL pale yellow, about Jin. long, in dense racemes ; peduncles much longer than the leaves. July and August L, leaflets in numerous pairs, broadly-linear, covered with soft, silky pubescence. A. 2ft to 3ft North America. Perennial. A. maxlTtmg (largest).* fL yellow ; spike sessile, cylindrical, nearly terminal. June. L with ovate-lanceolate, pubescent leaflets ; stipules oblong-lanceolate. A. 2ft. to 3ft Armenia. A very handsome, erect, perennial species. FIG. 188. ASTRAGALUS MONSPKSSCLANUS, showing Habit and Flower. A. monspessnlAiraa (Montpelier).* JL usually purplish, spicate; peduncles longer than the leaves. June. L, leaflets twenty-one to forty-one, ovate or lanceolate, outer ones rather the smallest Leaves hoary, and plant almost stemless when growing in dry exposed situations ; but in rich earth or moist places the leaves are almost glabrous, and the stem becomes elongated. South Europe, 1710. This species is much appreciated, and well de- serves a place in all collections. Evergreen trailer. See Fig. 188. A. narbonenais (Xarbonne). JL yellow, disposed in somewhat globose spikes, on short axillary peduncles. June. I. with oblong- linear leaflets ; stipules lanceolate. A. 2ft to 3ft Narbonne and Madrid, 1789. An erect hairy perennial A. odoratus (sweet-scented). JL. pale yellow, sweet-scented, disposed in spikes; peduncles same length as leaves. June. L with eleven to fourteen pairs of oblong acute leaflets ; stipules connate. Plant erect, rather ascending. A. ttn. Levant, 1820. Perennial. A. onobrychioldes (Onobrychis-like).* JL beautiful purple, hi capitate spikes on long peduncles. July. L with eight to ten pairs of elliptic leaflets ; stipules connate, opposite the leaves. Plant rather diffuse, shrubby at the base, clothed with adpressed hairs. A. 9m. to 12m. Iberia, Persia, n es fl., upper petal purplish rose, much longer ings ; calyx clothed with black hairs ; spiles (greater).* JL pinkish, pedicellate. May. I of in- A. maxima (greatest). Synonymous with A. helleborifolia. ASTRAFJE A (from astrape, lightning ; alluding to the brightness of the flowers). OBD. Sterculiacea. Elegant stove evergreen trees. Peduncles axillary, long bearing on their apex an umbel of large sessile flowers, enclosed in a leafy involucre. Leaves alternate, stalked, cordate three to five-lobed. They thrive well in a mixture of loam and peat, and require a plentiful supply of water ; but the best results accrue if the bottom of the pot can be stood in a saucer or tub of water. Propagated by cuttings of young Astraptea continued. wood, made in April, placed in a compost of loam and peat, or sand, under a bell glass, in heat. A. tiliSBflora (Lime-tree flowered). A. pink. A. 20ft. Isle of Bourbon, 1824. A. viscosa (clammy), fl. pink. A. 20ft. Madagascar, 1823. A. Wallichii (Wallich's).* fl. scarlet ; umbels drooping. July. I. large, cordate, angularly lobed ; stipulas leafy, ovate-acumi- nated ; peduncles long, hairy. A. 30ft. Madagascar, 1820. This splendid species has often been described as being one of tho finest plants ever introduced into this country ; and, when in full flower, nothing can exceed it in beauty and grandeur. ASTROCARYUM (from astron, a star, and karyon, a nut ; referring to the disposition of the fruit). OBD. Palmce. A genus of very ornamental stove Palms, allied to Cocos, having the trunk (when present), foliage, fruit- stalks, spathes, and sometimes the fruit, covered with spines. The flowers develop from the axils of the old decayed leaves. Drupes oval, one-seeded, orange or yellow, in some species fragrant. Leaves pinnate, with linear segments, dark green above, and often of a silvery white below. The species thrive in a compost of two-thirds rich loam and one -third vegetable mould ; water may be given copiously. Propagation may be effected by seeds, which should be sown in spring in a hotbed ; or by suckers, if they are to be obtained. A. acaule (stemless). I. pinnate, 3ft. to 10ft. long, slender and spreading ; pinnae narrow, arranged in clusters, pendent. Spines very numerous, long, flat, black. A. 10ft Brazil, 1820. A. aooleatnm (prickly). A. 40ft. Guiana, 1824. A. argenteum (silvery).* I. arching, wedge-shaped, pinnate, distinctly plicate, bright green on the upper surface, the under surface, as well as the stalks, covered with a fine white scurf, which gives them a silvered appearance. Columbia, 1875. One of the best of silver palms. A. filare (thready).* I. erect, narrowly cuneate, with two divergent lobes ; petioles covered with white scurf, both on the upper and under surfaces. Distinct and elegant, with a comparatively small and slender growth. Columbia, 1875. A. granatense (New Grenadan). I. pinnate, with oblong-acumi- nate segments ; the rachis is spiny, like the petiole, both on the upper and lower surfaces ; leafstalks brownish, armed with nume- rous scattered needle-shaped dark-coloured spines. Columbia, , (Mexican). Mexico, 1864. A. Mum-Morn (Murumuru). I. pinnate, 10ft to 12ft long ; leaflets lanceolate, sub-falcate, dark green above, silvery white below. Stem 12ft to 15ft high, densely clothed with strong reflexed black spines, over 6in. long. A. 40ft. Brazil, 1825. A. rostratum (beak-sheathed). I. irregularly pinnate, 3ft to 8ft. lone; pinna; 12m. to 18in. long ; terminal lobe much larger and bifid, dark green above, silvery white below; petioles broadly sheathing at the base, densely armed with black spines, some- times 2in. long. Stem slender, densely clothed with long black spines. A slow grower, ultimately becoming 30ft high. Brazil, A. vulgare (common). A. 30ft. Brazil, 1825. ASTROLOBIUM. See Ornithopus. ASTROLOMA (from astron, a star, and loma, a fringe; in reference to the bearded limb of the corolla). OBD. EpacridecB. Very handsome, little, diffuse, greenhouse, evergreen shrubs. Flowers solitary, axillary ; corolla tubular, distended above the middle, and with five bundles of hairs in the inside, near its base. Leaves crowded, alternate, linear, or obovate-lanoeolate and mucronate. They thrive best in an equal mixture of sand, loam, and peat, with thorough drainage. Propagated by young cut- tings, which root readily in sandy soil, under a bell glass, in a cool house. A. denticulatum (finely-toothed), fl. axillary, erect ; corolla pale red, with a ventricose tube. May to July. I. scattered, lanceolate, ciliated, usually procumbent, but sometimes slightly erect. A. 1ft. New Holland, 1824. A. humifusum (trailing), fl. scarlet, similar to the foregoing. May and June. I. lanceolate-linear, rather convex above, with ciliated edges. Shrub prostrate, much branched. A. 1ft. New Holland, 1807. ASTROPHYTUM MYRIOSTIGMA. See Echi- nocactus myriostigma. ASYSTASIA (meaning not clear). OBD. Acanthacex. Stove evergreen shrubs. Flowers disposed in axillary or AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 143 Asystasia continued. terminal clusters; corolla somewhat funnel-shaped, five- lobed ; calyx five-lobed, regular. Branches slender. They require a compost of peat and loam, with a little sand, and, to induce a rigorous growth, a little dry cow-dung may be applied. Propagated by cuttings of young shoots, placed in sandy soil, under a bell glass, in April, with a brisk bottom heat. A. chelonioldes (Chelonia-likeX* /t- in terminal racemes reddish purple, the border white. L opposite, ovate-acute, A. 3ft to 4ft ' India, 187L A pretty dwarf sub-shrub. A. coromandeliana (Coromandel). ft. deep lilac; racemes axillary, elongated, second, strict. July. i. opposite, cordate- ovate -/branches diffuse, A. 4ft. India, 1845. STN. Juttieiagan- getiea. A. macrophylla (large-leaved).* ft. bilabiate, bell-shaped, rosy purple outside, and almost pure white within ; spikes terminal, erect, 1ft. long. June. J. very large, obovate-lanceolate. A. 8ft to 20ft. Fernando Po, 1867. A. scandens (climbing).* ft. cream-colonred ; tube of corolla widened and recurred above, lobes of limb crenately curved; racemes terminal, compact, thyrse-formed. July. I. oborate or orate acute, glabrous. A. 6ft. Sierra Leone, 1845. This band- some stove climber requires a high, moist temperature after shifting. STO. Henfreya scandens. A. violaoea (violet).* ft, violet purple, striped with white, in terminal racemes. L shortly-stalked, ovate-acuminate, deep green, minutely hairy on both surfaces. A. 1ft to 2ft. India, 1870. A pretty dwarf plant ATACCIA. A synonym of Tacca (which see). ATALANTA (of Nnttall). A synonym of Peritoma (which see). ATALANTIA (mythological: Atalanta, the daughter of Schoenens). OKD. Rutaceas. A genus of ornamental store evergreen shrubs, having the eight stamens united below into a tube, and with undivided leaves. It comprises about ten species. They thrive well in a mixture of loam and peat. Propagated by means of ripened cuttings, which root readily if inserted in sand under a hand glass, in heat. A. monophylla {one-leaved). . small, white, in axillary ra- cemes, jr. golden yellow, about the size of a nutmeg. June. I. simple, ovate-oblong, emarginate at the apex. Spines small, simple. A. 8ft India, 1777. A thorny shrub. AT AM ASCO LILY. See Zephyrantb.es Atamasco ATHAMANTA (named from Mount Athamas, in Sicily, where some species are found). OBD. UmbelHferce. A. genus of greenhouse or hardy herbaceous plants, usually velvety from villi on the stem, leaves, and fruit. Flowers white ; involucra of one or few leaves ; involucel of many leaves. A. MatthjoU is a very graceful perennial, with Fennel-like foliage. It thrives well in any ordinary soil. Increased by dirisions, or by seeds sown in spring. A. Matthloli (Matthioli's). JL white, twelve to twenty-five to an umbeL Summer. L three or four, ternate ; leaflets linear-filiform, elongated, divaricate. A. 1ft to 2ft Alps of Carinthia, 1802. AT HAN ASIA (from a, not, and thanatos, death; alluding to the length of time which the flowers last). OBD. Composite. Bather ornamental greenhouse erer- green shrubs with yellow flowers, from the Cape of Good Hope. They grow well in a soil consisting of three parts loam and one part peat. Propagation is effected by cuttings, taken from half-ripened wood in spring, and inserted in sand, under a hand glass. A. capitata (headed)." ft.-headt yellow. March. L pinnati- partite ; younger ones hoary, older ones smooth. A. 14ft Cape of Good Hope, 1774. A.pnbescena (downy). JL-htads yellow. July. I oblong, entire (or tridentate), softly hairy on both sides ; when old, sub-glabrous. A. 6ft Cape of Good Hope, 1768. ATHEE.OSFEBJxIA (from other, an awn, and sperma, seed; seeds awned). OBD. Monimiaceae. A beautiful greenhouse evergreen tree, with the aspect of a stately Conifer. Flowers panicled, dioecious; perianth five to eight-cleft. Leaves opposite, aromatic. A compost of loam and peat, in about equal proportions, is necessary. It can be readily propagated by cuttings. ata (Musk-scented). Plume Nutmeg; Tasmanian fl. white. June. A. 40ft. New Holland, 1824. ATHEROSFERME.SJ. See Monimiacea. ATHESTTIITJS. See Pinellia, ATHSIXIA (from a, not, and thru;, a hair; the re- ceptacle being destitute of hairs). OKD. Composite. A greenhouse evergreen shrub. It succeeds best in turfy loam, peat, and sand, and requires to be potted firmly. Propagated by cuttings of young wood, inserted under a bell glass in sandy soil, and treated like Erica (which see). A. eapensis (Cape).* JL-ktad* bright crimson, solitary, terminal. April I. rarrow, lanceolate, alternate, entire. A. 3ft Cape of Good Hope, 182L ATHHOTAXZ8 (from ort.ro*, crowded together, and taxis, arrangement ; in reference to the disposition of the scales of the cones). OBD. Com/era. A small genus of Tasmanian evergreen dioecious, trees or shrubs, with small scale-like leaves, and small globular cones of many imbri- cated scales, with from three to six carpels under each scale. In very sheltered situations they will probably prove hardy ; but, otherwise, they are only suitable for botanical collections. Increased by cuttings. This genus is almost universally misspelt Art hro taxis. A. cnpressoides (Cypress-like). I small, thick, leathery, spirally arranged, closely imbricated, deep glossy g_reen. A. 30ft A small, erect, and very slow growing tree, with numerous slender branchlets. A. Doniana (Don's). A synonym of A. laxi/olia. A. Imbricata (imbricated). A garden synonym of A. ttlagmoides. VAXifolia (loose-leaved). Differing from A. euprettoidet in ving longer, more pointed, open, and spreading leaves, wh stand out from the stem in a Jnni , and spreading leaves, which -like fashion. Its lateral to 25ft SIT*. A. Doniana. growths are rather pendulous. A. ; A. selaginoides (Selago-like). L glossy green, scale-Like, spirally disposed, closely appressed to the shoots, branches and their ramifications very numerous. A. variable, up to 40ft Very inte- resting, and quite distinct. STN. A. inbrieata (of gardens). ATHYBXTTM. See Asplenium. ATBtAGENE (a name originally given to Clematis Vitalba, by Theophrastus). OBD. Ranunculacecc. A genus of ornamental, hardy, climbing, deciduous shrubs, closely allied to Clematis, from which they differ in having numerous petals. They are increased by cuttings, which should be pricked in light sandy soil and placed under a hand glass; also by layering in the autumn. Both methods are slow ; the layers should not be separated for about a year, when they will be vigorous plants. Seeds must be sown in early spring, in gentle heat; when the seedlings are large enough to handle, they should be pricked off and grown on in pots till they are strong plants. FIG. 189. ATIUOK-fK ALPIJU, Ik, and A. alpina (alpine).* JL blue, varying to white ; petals ten to twelve, linaar at the base, but dilated at the apex ; peduncles one- flowered, longer than the leaves. May. L bitemate ; leaflets ovate-lanceolate, acuminated, serrate. Mountainous parts of Europe, 1792. The white-flowered variety, named alba, is in cultf. vation. STXS. A. austriaca and A. tOnriea. See Fig. 189. arlcana (American).* ft. large, purplish -blue ; petals ; peduncles one-flowered. May. t. whorled, in fours, 144 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Atra*< acuminated, entire or some- what lobed, or serrated. North America, 1797. STN. Clematis vertidllarU. A. austriaca (Austrian). Synonymous with A alpina. A. macropetala flarge-petaled).* fl. blue. Manchuria, 1870. A. sibirica (Siberian). Synonymous with A. alpina. ATRIPLEX (from a, not, and traphein, to nourish). OBD. ChenopodiacecB. A genus of, for the moat part, uninteresting weeds, of very variable form and habit, and having the calyx, which incloses the fruit, enlarging after flowering. For culture, see Orach,. A. hortensls (garden). Orach ; Sea Purslane. An annual species from Tartary of no value as an ornamental plant, but considered a very desirable substitute for Spinach. The leaves must be gathered for use when young. The variety A. h. atro-tanguinea, is a very pretty form, having handsome crimson leaves, and growing to a height of about 4ft It is well worth growing with such plants as Amarantut, Ac. ATROFA (name of mythological origin). Belladonna ; Dwale. OBD. Solanacea. A small genus, having a cam- pannlate regular corolla, and a leafy persistent calyx. The berries of this native herbaceous perennial are exceedingly poisonous. The plant is of no horticultural value. FIG. 190. FLOWER OP ATROPA BELLADONNA. A. Belladonna. /. green and purple, solitary, pedunculate, drooping. Summer. Berries about the size of a small cherry. I ovate, acuminate, 4in. to Sin. long. h. 2ft. to 4ft. Britain. See Fig. 190. ATTALEA (from attains, magnificent ; referring to the beauty of the genus). OBD. Palmce. A genus of handsome stove Palms, distinguished from other genera in having the pinnae arranged vertically, and not horizontally. The leaves spring up almost perpendicularly at the base, but in the upper part arch over. The pinnae stand at right angles to the rachis which is very narrow in proportion to its thickness and while those of the lower side of the arch hang straight down, those of the upper side point straight up. They thrive well in a mixture of peat and loam in equal quantities, and enjoy a copious supply of water. Summer temperature, 65deg. to SOdeg. ; winter, 55deg. to 60deg. All the species are robust trees; but, although several have been introduced, few appear to be generally Almond-fruited).* I pinnate, 3ft to 6ft. long ; in. long, and about lin. broad ; terminal lobe and bifid, rich dark green. Stem slender. New Grenada. One of the best SYN. A. nueifera. A. Cohune (Cohune).* I. erect, ultimately spreading, pinnate, furnished with from three to four dozen dark green pinnae, some- times 18in. in length ; petioles rounded, and dark brown below, flat and green upon the upper side. Plant unarmed, h. 50ft. or more hi its native habitat. Honduras. A. compta (decked), h. 22ft Brazil, 1820. A. excelsa (tall).* h. 70ft Brazil, 1826. deep 1824. A. funifera (rope-bearing). The Piassaba Palm. I. vivid green, very ornamental, and of economic value in Brazil. The sheathing bases of the leafstalks separate into a coarse black fringe, which is collected and exported to Europe, being used in the manufacture of brooms, brushes, &c. A. nueifera (nut-bearing). A synonym of A. amygdalina. A. Bpeeiosa (showy).* h. 70ft Brazil, 1825. A. spectabilis (remarkable), h. 70ft Brazil, 1824. ATTENUATED. Tapering gradually to a point. AUBERGINE, or EGO PLANT (Solarium melon- gena, variety ovigerum). These plants, besides being use- ful for culinary purposes, are very ornamental, and present an attractive appearance on walls or trellises, or in the flower garden ; and, as they do well in any ordinary rich garden soil, if the position is warm, they give a good variation to the general run of plants used for decorative Aubergine continued. effects. The Black-fruited kind is particularly suited for this purpose. Sow the seeds in a gentle heat, in the middle of April. As soon as the seedlings are large enough to handle, prick off into 4in. pots, replacing in heat till they root out freely. Gradually harden off by June, and then transfer to the positions where they are to grow. Let the plants be at least 2ft. apart, and place a strong stick to each one to support the fruit when it comes. For trellises, select the more moderate-sized varieties. In hot, dry. FIG. 191. FRUITING BRANCH OP ROUND AUBERGINE. weather, the application of liberal supplies of liquid manure tends to increase the size of the fruit, and also to make the foliage more vigorous and handsome. Where very large fruit are needed for show or other purposes, it is well to remove all but the best one on the plant, and, by careful feeding with liquid manure, specimens of from lOlb. to 121b. weight can be had. The foliage should not be pinched, as FIG. 192. FRUITING BRANCH OP LONG AUBERGINE. this would prevent the free swelling of the fruit. Auber- gines are not so much grown in England for culinary purposes as in France and Italy, where they are largely used in stews and soups. The following are the most desirable varieties: New York Purple, the largest kk.d grown, and although not as ornamental as the next, is quite as useful ; Black-fruited, large black fruit, with blackish violet leaves ; and White-fruited, the sort most generally cultivated. See Figs. 191 and 192. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 115 AUBRIETIA (named after M. Aubriet, a famous French botanical draughtsman). OED. Crucifercs. A small genus of hardy evergreen trailers. Racemes opposite the leaves, and terminal, lax, few-flowered. Leaves ovate or oblong, entire or angularly toothed, hairy. They make excellent rock plants, and will thrive in a deep rich loam anywhere, excepting under the shelter of trees. Cuttings struck, or seeds sown, during April or May generally make fine, dense, cushion-like growths, if trans- planted on to a somewhat cool or shaded border, and care- fully lifted in t,Le autumn ; the cuttings are best " drawn," or grown until they are soft, in a frame before they are removed. Where a stock of old plants exist, layer the long slender branches any time after flowering, and cover with a mixture of sand and leaf soil ; they will then root freely and establish themselves in time for spring blossoming, for which purpose, when grrwn en masse, they are most useful. After flowering, they may be divided and transplanted. FlO. 193. AL'BRIETIA DELT01DFA. A. deltoidea (deltoid).* /. purple ; petals twice the length of the calyx ; pedtcels short, filiform ; racemes opposite the leaves and terminal, lax, few-flowered. Early spring. I. with one or two large teeth on each side (therefore they are rhomboidal, not truly deltoid), scabrous, with short branchy stellate hairs, h. 2in. to 4m. Naples, Ac., 1710. There are several garden varieties, the best of whicli are described below ; most of them are regarded as di.stinct species. See Fit?. 193. (S. F. G. 628.) FlO. 194. AUBRIETIA PURPUREA. A. d. Bonganyillel (Bonganville's).* JL light violet purple, with very even imbricated petals. Habit very dwarf and compact, with short peduncles. A pretty form. A. d. Campbell! (Campbell's).* Larger deep violet blue flowers, and of far more vigorous constitution than the typical form. Grandijfora comes very near this. SYN. A. nendertonii. Aubrietia continued. A. d, Eyre! (Eyre's).* A very fine variety, with a free branching habit, and large flowers of a rich violet-purple colour, rather A ' lympica fa very ? " not "lexical ^X* f ca (Grecian).* fl. light purple. A. 4in. Greece, 1872. One of the best and largest flowered forms ; very vigorous grower, with neat compact habit A variety of this, named superba, has rather deeper-coloured flowers, produced over a very extended period. (R. G. 697.) A. d. pnrpnrea (purp!e). Larger flowers and more erect habit than the type. i. broader, with two to five teeth. Stems more leafy. There is a variegated form, which is very pleasing and effective, useful for carpeting or edging small beds. See Fig. 194 A. d. violacea (violet).* This is a hybrid form, even finer thnu Campbelli, with large deep violet-purple flowers, fading to reddish - violet, and is more effective than any of the others. A. Henderson!! (Henderson's). A synonym of A. d. Campbelli. AUCUBA (the Japanese name of the shrub). ORD. Cornacece. A genus of hardy evergreen shrubs, thriving better than any other in the smoky atmosphere of demo cities. They grow in ordinary well-drained garden soil, and require no special culture. If grown in pots, they should bo planted firmly in rather sandy yellow loam, with plenty of drainage. They should not be allowed too large pots, or an unfruitful growth is likely to result. During the grow- ing season, an abundance of water is needed, which must be lessened when the plants are fully developed. If cultivated in the greenhouse or conservatory, they should be plunged out of doors during summer. To insure a good supply of the very ornamental berries, which are produced on the female plant, careful fertilising is necessary. The time for applying the pollen is when the pistil exudes a slightly gummy substance, and otherwise shows signs of maturity. When it happens, as is sometimes the case, that the male flowers are open and the pollen mature before the female flowers are ready, the pollen should be collected on a dry camel-hair pencil, transferred to a piece of glass, and covered over by another piece, both of which must also be dry. It may be applied afterwards when wanted, as it retains its power for some weeks. Propagated by cut- tings, inserted in any light sandy soil, with or without a covering, in spring or autumn ; or readily increased from seeds, sown as soon as ripe. A. himalaica (Himalayan).* I. lanceolate, or lanceolate acumi- nate ; branches of the panicle very pilose. Berries spherical, not oblong. Himalaya. (F. d. S. 12, 1271.) A. japonica (Japanese).* I. opposite, petiolate, broad, ovate- lanceolate, acuminated, toothed, leathery, glabrous, shining, pale green, beautifully spotted with yellow, having the midrib rather prominent, the rest of the leaf reticulately veined, h. 6ft to 10ft. Japan, 1783. The numerous varieties, both of the male and female forms, among which will be found many of great beauty, all differ, more or less, in the variegation of their leaves. They are in very general cultivation, and nearly every nurseryman has an assortment Among the best of them are the following : albo-variegata, aurea, tricolor, latimaculata, limbata, lonfftfolia, macrophyua, ovata, pyymcea, and pygmcea tulphurea. ATJDOUINIA (in honour of V. Audouin, a profound entomologist). ORD. Bruniacece. An ornamental green- house evergreen shrub, thriving in a mixture of peat and sandy loam. Propagated by cuttings of half-ripened wood, inserted in sand, under a bell glass, in gentle heat. A. capitata (headed) /. purple, crowded into oblong, spike- like, terminal heads. May. i. spirally inserted, a little keeled. Branches erect, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1790. AUGUSTA. A sjnonym of Stifftia. AULACOSPERMUM. See Pleurospermum. AUItAX (from aulax, a furrow ; the under surface of the leaves of the original species being furrowed). ORD. Proteacece. Greenhouse evergreen shrubs, from the Cape of Good Hope, thriving best in a compost of fibrous loam, leaf soil, and sharp sand, with thorough drainage. Ripened cuttings, taken off at a joint, and inserted in pots of sandy soil, will root readily under a hand glass, in a cool house. A, pinlfolla (Pine-leaved)t fl. yellow, racemose. July. L fili- form, channelled. A. 2ft. 1780. A. umbellate (umbelled). fl. yellow. June. I flat, spathulate- linear. A. 2ft. 1774. (B. B, 12, 10:5.) u 146 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, AURANTIACEJE. An order of trees or shrubs, in- cluding the Orange and Lemon trees. Flowers fragrant. Fruit fleshy, edible. Leaves alternate, articulated above the stem, filled with transparent oil cysts, giving them a dotted appearance. Well-known genera are Citrua and Limonia. AURICULA (Primula Auricula). This favourite spring flower (see Fig. 195) was, at one time, almost universally cultivated, but has of late years fallen into much neglect ; it is now, however, happily regaining enthusiastic admirers. Although its culture is not nearly so difficult as is generally understood, a few special items of treatment are neverthe- less necessary to grow it successfully. Frames for the reception of Auriculas should be prepared, with a good bottom drainage, and an inside staging, similar to the back stage of a lean-to greenhouse, arranged as near the glass as possible. If the frames are about 4ft. wide, they will be very convenient ; 1ft. deep in the front, and about 3ft. at the back. This will allow for a good stage arrangement. Of course, it is not necessary to construct an expensive staging, as common boards can be laid upon pots of various heights, the same results being practically secured. These frames should face north from May to October, and south in winter, during which latter time it will be necessary to well cover the sides with straw or brake. When frosty, the lights must also be Fio. 195. A VARIETY OP PRIMULA AURICULA. mated ; but, unless there is absolute fear of frost, the glass should not be covered, as the more light the plants receive the better. On all suitable occasions, both during summer and winter, air must be freely admitted, and a good look-out kept during showery weather ; hence it may be necessary to tilt the lights with blocks rather than remove them entirely. The latter plan should be adopted whenever practicable, especially during early spring, and after they are well established in their fresh pots in summer. This will greatly assist to ripen the crown, and produce hard, stout foliage, which will endure the winter much better i if grown with less air. Many cultivators prefer small span or lean-to houses to frames ; and it must be admitted that these are better, more convenient, and in every way more beneficial. Simple, inexpensive structures, no higher than is absolutely necessary for convenience, with top and side ventilation, will meet all requirements ; and if a 2in. hot-water pipe is arranged next the eaves inside, it will be a decided advantage during very severe weather. _ Soil. The best compost that can be prepared for Auriculas is as follows: Four parts good fibrous loam, one part well- rotted cow manure, one part good leaf soil, and one part ooarse river or silver sand, with a little charcoal or pounded oyster-shells added. Carefully mix the whole together before using. The loam should be stored about twelve Auricula continued. months previous to being used, and it should be selected from districts with a fine atmosphere ; the turf should be cut about Sin. thick. Cow manure that has lain for a year or so, and been subjected to sharp frosts, is most suitable, as insect life, which it very probably contains, ia thereby destroyed, and the whole materially sweetened. Potting. This operation requires to be carefully done as soon after flowering as possible, unless it is desired to save seed, when it must be deferred until the seed is ripened. May and June are the best months for general potting, and whatever the size of the pots used, they should be care- fully and thoroughly drained. After a good layer of pot- sherds, place some charcoal, leaf mould, or spent hops. Many good growers use the last very advantageously. For good flowering plants, 48-sized pota are used, many culti- vators preferring glazed pots to the unglazed; but such are not absolutely necessary to ensure success. Before repotting, remove most of the old soil, and with a sharp knife cut off any bruised or cankered portion of roots ; the stout tap-root may also be cut away if devoid of fresh rootlets. Do not pot very firmly. Remove the plants to their summer quarters, withholding water for a few days, and keep the frames close. About a week after potting, water may be advantageously given, the plants will then soon resume root-action, and air may be admitted afterwards on all suitable occasions. The collar or neck of the plant must be left well above the surface of the soil. Watering is a point that requires careful attention, as neglect in this matter will result in failure. During the growing season, Auriculas require an abundance of water ; in fact, they must never be allowed to get dry. In the winter, they must only be watered when they are really dry, especially during a severe season. Care must be taken to avoid watering the leaves, particularly in early spring, as this tends to spoil the effect of the charming farinose foliage. Above all, water must not be allowed to stand in the heart of the plant, as such will inevitably cause in- cipient decay. Hence it is necessary to keep a sharp look- out for drippings from the glass, and to maintain tightly- glazed frames. On all occasions, decaying leaves must be removed, and especially during winter. Top-dressing. About the middle or end of February, when the plants commence new growth, the surface soil should be removed about an inch or so deep, and the pots re-filled with a rich compost made up of the following : Two parts of turfy loam, one of rotten cow or hen manure, and one of leaf soil ; if a little Standen's Manure is added, the compost will be improved. After this top-dressing, the plants may be watered freely. Propagation by Offsets. When top-dressing, any offsets with roots should be removed, and as soon after as possible the remaining ones should be taken off, as it is much more desirable to do so early than later on, when repotting ; for, when making the first growth, they are the more likely to root better, and stand a greater chance making good plants before the season is over. Fill well- drained Sin. pots with sandy soil, and arrange about four offsets round the aides ; place under a bell glass, or in a close hand-light, watering very sparingly so as to prevent them damping off. They will soon establish themselves, after which air may be admitted, and the plants may ulti- mately be potted off singly. To induce choice varieties to make offsets, the top of the old plant should be removed and treated like the others, when, as a rule, several shoots will be produced, which in due time may be removed. By this means, a nice stock of the rarer kinds may be obtained ; whereas, if such a course were not adopted, the rate of increase would be extremely slow. Flowering. During the flowering period, watering, as already stated, must be carefully attended to, for if the plants are allowed to get dry, the flowers will quickly shrivel. They must also be kept well shaded from sunshine, which quickly destroys the delicate blossoms. As the trusses are developing, particular attention must be given a f AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 147 Auricula conlinved, to night protection. It is, perhaps, better to cover every night than to run the risk of exposing the nnexpanded flowers to frost, as the effect is very prejudicial ; in fact, if subject to frost, smooth even flowers may not be ex- pected. Seed Soring and Sowing. The only way to obtain new varieties is by seed ; hence the value of careful seed- saving will be apparent Severe discrimination must be exercised in the selection of parents, and the flowers must be very carefully crossed. The anthers should be removed from the pistillate parent, if possible, before expansion, so as to prevent any possibility of self -fertilisation; and, when the stigma is xmdj, the pollen must be conveyed by means of a small camel's-hair brash, care being taken not to mistake the brashes used in different classes. It has been observed in Auriculas that the issue from crossbred seed favours the pollen more than the pistillate parent; hence the sity of selecting good pollen parents. It is best to hybridisation to separate classes i., cross a Self with a Self, and a Green-edged variety with another of the same class. The importance of selecting the best in each class scarcely needs suggestion, having regard to constitution as well as the quality of the flowers. The seed should be sown as soon as ripe, or early in March, in well-drained pots, filled with sandy soil, which must be well watered previous to sowing. When this operation is completed, the seed must be lightly covered with coarse sand, a sheet of glass placed over the pot, and the latter stood in the hand glass, where the offsets are rooted. Some of the seedlings will appear in a month, but the bulk from that sown when ripe will not be seen until the following spring; while others will germi- nate even during the ensuing summer. The late comers should be particularly cared for, as they frequently pro- duce the best varieties. When the seedlings are large enough, they must be pricked off in pots of sandy soil ; and, when well established, potted off singly into small thumb pots, and afterwards encouraged as judgment suggests. Some growers allow the seedlings to remain in the store pots till they flower, when the best are kept, and those not required disposed of. Insect Pests. Green fly are often very troublesome, and should be exterminated as speedily as possible, by tobacco fumigation, or by dipping the plants in a solution of Gishurst's Compound, or carefully prepared Fir-tree Oil, all of which are effectual. Many authorities denounce fumigation, while others advocate it The roots are also attacked by a mealy louse, named Trama auriculae, which clusters about the roots and collar of the plants, sucking nutriment therefrom ; and although, provided they do not attack the collar, they have no greatly prejudicial effect on the plant, yet it is desirable to exterminate them. The only effectual way of accomplishing this is to remove all soil, and thoroughly cleanse the roots and collar in a solution of soft soap, with a little Fir-tree Oil added. Of course, this is most easily managed when repotting ; and, unless the plants are very badly infested, it would not be advisable to run the risk of root washing later in the year. Classes. Auriculas are now arranged in five classes, four of which constitute what are known as "show or stage Auriculas," while the other is known by the name of " Alpines." Each class is characterised by special points of distinction, which, in the opinion of the strict "florists" school, it is of the utmost importance to observe; and as there is room for systematists in this, as well as in any other branch of floriculture, we will follow the arrangement usually adopted, and describe the distinguishing features of, and enumerate some of the best varieties in, each class, with their raisers' names attached : Green edged. Outer edge green, or but sparingly dusted with powder ; next, a zone of colour known as the body colour, which raries, the darkest being most esteemed ; both edges of this cone should be even, especially the inner one, but there are few flowers perfect b this respect Next to the body-colour is th paste, which occupies the space between the inner circle of the X (Pa-eX COLONEL TAYU>R(5b*X ieksonX FEKBBOM (BoothX GoSuL" (BeestooX CHAMPION OF WELLINGTON (DicksonX FREEDOM (Booth (TraillX HIGHLAND BOT (PollittX IMPERATOR WILBRAHAM (OlirerX LORD PALMERSTO.X rt Axs (OlirerX LTCURGUS (SmithX PRINCE OF PRINCE OF WALES (AshtonX GreiHMlced. Edge heavily dusted with powder, so as to hide the normal green colour ; other points same as the edged varieties. ead*0 varieties: ALEXANDER " (KayX Cms. E. BROWS (HeadleyX COMPLETE OP EUROPE (WaterhouseX DR. HORNER (R< (SimoniteX GENERAL BOLIVAR (SmithX GEORGE LEVICK (WalkerX GEORGE LIGRTBODT (HeadleyX JOHN WATERSTON HERO (LancashireX RICHARD TRAILL (LightbodyX . Edge so heavily dusted with farina as to com- the green LIGRTBODT LANCASHIRE (LigfatbodyX ROBERT TRAILL (LightbodyX green and give it a white appearance; iwwaer frequently as dense as on the paste portion ; other poinU like the first Leadimff varieties: ACME (ReadX ANNE SMITH (SmithX ARABELLA (HeadleyX BEAUTY (TraillX BRIGHT VENUS (LeeX CATHERINA (SumnierscalesX CONSERVATIVE (Douglas). COUNTESS OF WILTON (CbeethamX EARL GROSVENOR (LeeX FAVORITE (TaylorX FRANK SiMONiTE(SimoniteX GLORY (TavlorX JOBS SIMONITE (WalkerX NE PLUS ULTRA (SmithX REGULAR (AshworthX SMILING BEAUTY (Heap), SYLVIA (DougUsX TRUE BRITON (HepworthX Sells. Tube bright yellow, and circular at the top ; paste dense, pure, with an even edgre ; all the rest of the flower of one colour, without shades or edging ; any colour holds good. Leadw varieties: APOLLO (llayX BLACKBIRD (SpaldingX C. J. PERRT (TurnerX DIKE OP ARGYLE (CainpbellX FORMOSA (SmithX GARI- BALDI (PohlmanX HELEN LANCASTER (PohhnanX LORD OF LORNB (CampbellX MAZIKNA (PohlmanX METEOR FLAG (LaghtbodyX METROPOLITAN (SpaldingX MRS. DOUGLAS (SimouiteX MRS. STURROCK (MartinX OTHELLO (NetherwoodX PIZARRO (Camp- bellX TOPSY (KayeX Alpines. Centre golden yellow, or white, and destitute of powder ; body colour various ; edge one-coloured, shading off paler towards the margin. These are much hardier than any of the other classes, and will do well outside in most places. Leading varieties : A. F. BARRON (Turner X BEATRICE (TurnerX BLACK PRINCE (TurnerX BRONZE QUEEN (TuroerX COLONEL SCOTT (TurnerX DIADEM (GortonX DUCHESS OK CONNAUGHT (TurnerX EVENING STAR (TurnerX GEORGE LIGHTBODY (TurnerX JOHN LEECH (Turner), MRS. BALL (TurnerX MRS. DODWELL (TurnerX MRS. LLEWELLYN (TurnerX MRS. MEIKLEJOHN (Meiklejohn). MRS. THOMSON (TuruerX QUEEN VICTORIA (TurnerX RUBENS (TurnerX SAILOR PRINCE (TurnerX SEUNA (TurnerX SPANGLE (Turner), SYDNEY (TurnerX TRIUMPHAAT (TurnerX AURICULATE. Having ear-like appendages. AUSTRIAN ROSE. See Rosa lutea. A VENA (derivatijn obscure). The Oat. OBD. Gm- minetf. A genus of grasses with loose panicles and com- pressed spikelets. Of agricultural importance only, with the following exception, which is an annual of easy culture in ordinary garden soil Propagated by seeds, sown in spring or autumn. A, sterilU (barrenX The Animated Oat JL in drooping panicles of large spikelets. A. lift, to 2ft. Barbary. 1MO. An elegant plant AVENS. See Genm. AVENUES. In forming an Avenue, the plan must neither be tortuous nor of a " tedious sameness," but a gradually winding line should, above all, be obtained, which must in no way interfere with the view from the house. About 12ft is the width usually allowed for the road, but this depends upon individual taste or idea this remark applies to planting in double rows, the trees forming a series of triangles, or in single rows. The distance across the road from one row of trees to those opposite should be at least 24ft The Lime is extensively used for Avenues on account of its regular growth and the shade it affords. The Cedar of Lebanon is one of the best and most suitable evergreens. The Dutch Elm is used because of its rapid growth, and forms one of the best deciduous trees for this purpose. The well-known Horse Chestnut, in sheltered spots, is very ornamental, as is also the Spanish Chestnut ; the latter spreads rapidly. Where immediate effect is required, nothing gives more satisfaction than the White Poplar ; it grows in a wet soil better than anything else. 148 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Avenues continued. Deodars, Arancarias, Douglas Pine, the Mexican, Chinese, and Japanese Cypresses, and many others, are eminently suited for Avenue planting. Shrubs and herbaceous plants should be introduced between the trees, and so remove any bareness that may occur. Diervilla rosea, and its varie- gated form, Aucubas, Rhododendrons, Hypericums, and many others, could be mentioned to serve this purpose. A moderately good soil will be found to answer generally. AVERRHOA (in honour of Averrhoes, of Cordova, a celebrated Arabian physician, who resided in Spain during the domination of the Moors, about the middle of Averrhoa continued. sometimes from the larger ones, and even the trunk, fr. the size of a hen's egg, acutely five-cornered, with a thin, yellow rind, and a clear watery pulp. I. alternate, with about four to five pairs of ovate, acuminated, entire, stalked leaflets, the outer ones largest. h. 14ft. to 20ft. 1793. This, as well as the first-named species, is cultivated throughout the hotter parts of India, but where it occurs truly wild is not known. AVOCADO FEAR. See Fersea gratissima. AWL-SHAPED. Narrow-pointed, resembling an awl. AWLWORT. See Subularia. AXIL. Literally the armpit ; in plants applied to the angle formed by union of the leaf and stem. FIG. 196. AZALEA BALSAMIN^FLORA. the twelfth century ; he translated Aristotle into Arabic). ORD. Geraniacece. Ornamental stove trees, thriving in loam and peat. Half-ripened cuttings will strike in sand, under a hand glass, about April, with bottom heat. The leaves of the first-named species are irritable to the touch. A. Bilimbi (Bilimbi-tree) fl. reddish purple, disposed in racemes, rising from the trunk. May. fr. oblong, somewhat resembling a small cucumber, with a thin, smooth, green rind, filled with a grateful acid juice, and the substance and seeds not unlike that of a cucumber. I. alternate, with from five to ten pairs of ovate- lanceolate, entire, smooth leaflets on short stalks. A. 8ft to 15ft Native country unknown, 1791. (B. F. S. 117.) A. Conunbola. Carambola-tree. ft. red, scattered, disposed in hort racemes, usually rising from the smaller branches, but AXILLARIA. See Folygonatum. AXILLARY. Growing in the axil of anything. AYRSHIRE ROSE. See Rosa repens capreolata. AZALEA (from ataleos, dry, arid ; in allusion to the habitat of the plant). ORD. Ericaceae. A genus of very popular and beautiful hardy or greenhouse plants. The species enumerated were included under Rhododendron by Don, London, and others, contrary to the classification o Linnteus, but the distinctive characters are not consistent. In this genus, the stamens are usually five, but in Rhodo- dendron ten is the typical number. Ghent or American Azaleas. These are extremely AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 149 Azalea continued. popular hardy deciduous shrubs. When plants are grown in the open, artificial crossing will be unnecessary ; but this method must be employed upon those grown in the cool greenhouse, if well fertilised seeds are required. The seed should be gathered and sown when ripe in a large shallow frame containing from 2in. to Sin. of peat, over which more peat must be laid very level by means of a fine sieve; or they may be kept until early the following spring. No covering will be necessary, but a thorough watering with a fine-rosed water-pot must be given. The lights should be darkened, and the frames kept close until the young seedlings begin to appear, when they must have air (care- fully admitted), shade, and a daily sprinkling of water. By the autumn, they will be large enough to transplant in email clamps into boxes of peat and coarse sand, and to place in other frames, or in the open. In each case, they will need watering, shading, and to be kept close until growth commences. The hardier the plants are before winter commences, the better ; but a protection of mats or similar material will prevent the probability of their being killed by severe frosts. During the following season, they will only require water during dry weather, and no pro- tection need be afforded this winter. The next spring, they should be planted out singly in beda, sufficiently wide apart to allow the development of two years' growth. If an upright growth is being made, the leading shoot must bo shortened, in order to secure dwarf, well-branched plants. The same methods should be employed on a smaller scale where but a few are wanted. Grafting is largely prac- tised to increase the stock of named varieties or choice seedlings, the stock employed being A. pontica. This process, of course, ensures the quicker production of flower- ing plants. Layering in March, encasing the part buried with moss, is also some times practised ; but the layer must be left two years before separating. Cuttings of the last year's wood, 2in. or Sin. long, taken with a heel, root readily in sand ; about the end of August is the best time for so doing. If they are pricked off in pots or pans of sandy soil, and kept in a cool frame until they are calloused, and afterwards introduced into a slight bottom heat, they root quicker, but this is not absolutely essential. When placed outside, they should be covered with a handlight for about two months, and, at the end of this time, air should be gradually given and increased. Ghent Azaleas are now forced extensively for the market as well as in private gardens ; and, by judicious culture, they can be had in full blossom by Christmas. With this end in view, they should be grown in pots, and have the growth prematurely completed soon after flowering with the aid of a little artificial heat; after which they may be placed outside. During very hot and dry weather, the north side of a wall is necessary, to prevent their flower- ing in the autumn. The same plants must only be forced every alternate year. Commence to place the plants in heat in October, and keep up a succession until the following March. The best plants for forcing purposes are obtained from the Continent, where they are grown in enormous quantities. When grown permanently out of doors, the most suitable soil is peat and rough sand mixed. Failing this, leaf mould, maiden loam, and sand, will be found satisfactory. In many cases, we have known them to flourish in ordinary garden soil. The following varieties of Ghent Azaleas are distinct, and all worth growing : ADMIRAL DE RUYTER, deep red-scarlet, very fine ; ALTACLERE.NSIS, bright yellow; AMCENA, light pink; CAR.MEA ELEGAXS, pale pink, shaded sulphur; COCCIXEA MAJOR, dark scarlet, very fine ; CUPREA SPLE.\DE.\S, rich pink, shaded yellow ; DECORATA, lovely pink; DIRECTEUR CHARLES BAUMAMX, rich vermilion, spotted yellow ; ELECTOR, rich orange-scarlet ; GEANT DES BATAILLES, deep crimson, very fine ; MADAME JOSEPH BAUMAXX, bright pink, very free and good ; MARIA VERSCHAP- FELT, shaded pink and yellow; MIRABILIS, very lovely pink; MORTERI, rich yellow, shaded rosy-red ; POXTICA MACRA.VTHA, rich deep sulphur, very large and fine ; PRINCESSE D'ORAXOB, salmon-pink, very fine; SAXGUIXEA, deep crimson; VISCOSA FLORIBUXDA, pure white, very fragrant. Azalea continued. A. arborescens (tree-like).* fl. large leafy; tube of corolla longer tnRn ^a; *hr with the segments oblong and acute. May J. of the fl Z'r buds large, yellowish-brown, surrounded wiih a fringed white border, obovate. rather obtuse, smooth on both surfaces *lan cous beneath, ciliated on the margins, and bavin hTmf,ir,"h Jmartsmooth. h. 10ft to 20ft. PennsylvaniaTlSlf fiSridiS A. balsaminteflora (Balsam-flowered).* 0. bright salmnnv H finely double and rUte-like, the UM^STLbSl cated, much resembling in general appearance the blossoms of Camellia-flowered Balsam. Japan, ft is a distinct speciei and remains in blossom fora considerable period; the flowers are in- valuable for bouquets. See Fig. 196, for which we are indebted A. calendulacea (Marigold-like).* fl. yellow, red, orange and copper coloured, large, not clammy, rather naked ; tube of corolla hairy, shorter than the segments. May. I oblong, pubescent on both surfaces, at length liairy. h. 2ft. to 6ft. Pennsylvania to Carolina, 1806. This is said to be the handsomest shrub in North America. There are several varieties of it in cultivation. Hardy deciduous. (B. M. 1721, 2143.) A. hispida (bristly), fl. white, with a red border and a tinge of red on the tube, which is wide and scarcely longer than the segments, very clammy, leafy ; stamens ten. July I lonjt- lanceolate, hispid above, and smooth beneath, glaucous on both surfaces, ciliated on the margins, and having the nerve bnstly beneath. Branches straight, and very hispid. A. 10ft. to 15ft New York. Ac.. 1734. A hardy deciduous species! FIG. 197. FLOWEE OP AZALEA I.F.OI FOLIA. A. Icdifolia (Ledum-leaved). fl. pure white, showy; corolla campanulate ; in threes at the extremities of the branches; calyx erect, glandular, and viscid. March, i, elliptic-lanceo- late, h. 2fL to 6ft. China, 1819. The whole shrub is very hairy. Hardy evergreen. SVN. A. lUiiflora. See Fig. 197. (B. M. 2901.) A. liliiflora (lily-flowered). Synonymous with A. ledifolia. A. nudiflora (naked-flowered).* fl. in terminal clustered racemes, appearing before the leaves, rather naked, not clammy ; tube of corolla longer than the segments ; teeth of calyx short, rather rounded ; stamens much exserted. June, {.lanceolate-oblong, nearly smooth and green on both surfaces, ciliated on the margins, having the midrib bristly beneath, and woolly above, h. 3ft. to 4ft. North America, 1734. This species hybridises very freely with A. calendulacea, A. pontica, A. racoM, Ac., and descriptive - lists of a host of hybrids of almost every conceivable shade, both double anil single, are to be found in continental and home catalogues, to which the reader is referred. Hardy. (W. F. A., t 36.) A. pontica (PonticX* / leafy, clammy ; corolla funnel-shaped ; stamens very long. May. I shining, ovate, oblong, puose, ciliated. A. 4ft. to 6ft. Levant, Caucasus, Ac., 17%. The varieties of this species are also numerous, differing prin- cipally in the colour of the flowers and the hue of the leaves. The flowers are of all shades, and frequently striped. The name generally adopted, as above, must not be confounded with Rhododendron ponticum. If the genus Azalea is merged into Rhododendron, as is done by most systematists, this plant must be called by Don's name, Rhododendron flavum. (I. H. 1864, 415.) A. proenmbena (procumbent). See Loiseleuria procumbens. A. speoioaa (showy).* fl. scarlet and orange coloured ; corolla silky, with obtuse, ciliated, lanceolate, undulated segments ; calyx pubescent May. I. lanceolate, ciliated, acute at both 150 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Azalea continued. ends. Branches hairy, h. 3ft. to 4ft. North America. The varieties of above are several, varying in the shape of the leaves and the colour of the flowers. (L. B. C. 1255 ) A. viscosa (clammy).* Jl. white, sweet-scented, in terminal clusters, downy, clammy, leafy ; tube of corolla as long as the seg- ments. July. I. oblong-ovate, acute, smooth, and green on both surfaces, ciliated on the margins, having the midrib bristly, h. 2ft. to 4ft. North America, 1734. Like nearly all species belonging to this genus, the varieties are many, varying in the colour of the flowers and otherwise. (T. S. M. 438.) A. v. nitida (shining).* JL white, tinged with red, clammy, leafy ; tube of corolla a little longer than the segments. April. I. ob- lanceolate, rather mucronate, leathery, smooth on both surfaces, shining above, having the nerve bristly beneath, with revolute, ciliated margins, h 2ft. to 4ft. New York, 1812. Hardy ; de- ciduous. (B. R. 5, 414.) Indian or Chinese Azaleas. This is a section of green- house evergreen varieties obtained from A. indica (which see), blooming continuously from November to June, or even later, and of the greatest value for all purposes, whether for decoration, cutting, or exhibition. Cultiva- tion : Thorough drainage is essential, and a compost of half peat, the other half made up of fibrous loam, leaf soil, and sand, in equal quantities. They cannot have too much light and air, and may be grown to almost any size by shifting from one pot to a size larger. In repotting, the whole of the crocks should be taken away from the base of the ball of soil and roots, and the top should also be removed till the fine roots are reached. The plant should then be put in the now pot, and the additional soil rammed firm, in order to prevent the water running through it, and thus depriving the plant of any benefit therefrom. In all cases, the roots near the stem must be above the soil, BO that the water may not sink in next the stem, or death will most certainly ensue. After potting, for a few days the plants should be kept close and freely syringed, and as the growth is completed, they may be well hardened off. The best time for potting is after flowering, before the now growth has been made. From October to June the plants should be in the green- house, and during the other months in a cold frame, or plunged in pots in the open; or, what is preferable in favoured localities, planted out in prepared beds ; they will thus be kept cleaner, and the growth will be much Buperior. In autumn they may bo lifted and repotted, placing in a shady position for a few days. Water in abundance must be given throughout the blooming and growing season; and the plants must, on no account, be allowed to become dry. At the same time, a proper amount of care is most essential, as an excessive amount of moisture is equally as fatal as drought. Cuttings should be placed in sand under a bell glass with moderate bottom heat; half-ripened ones are preferable. They must be cut up to a joint the base of a leaf the lower leaves for an inch stripped off, and the stem stuck into the sand, which should lay, about an inch thick, on the top of sandy peat soil ; the bottom of the cuttings should reach, but not go quite into, the soil. The whole should be covered with a bell glass, which must be wiped dry every morning. Soon after the cuttings have commenced growing, place them in small pots. They are also very largely and easily increased by grafting ; indeed, this is the only satisfactory method of securing standards. Seeds may be sown similar to the last section, but in the greenhouse, and, when well up, pricked out into little pots lin. apart. Azaleas are liable to the attacks of thrips and red spider, the latter being especially trouble- some if the plants are in a dry position; frequent syringing will materially help to eradicate both pests. If insufficient, syringe with a solution of Gishurst's Com- pound. A. amcena (pleasing). ;l almost campanulate, rich crimson, about lim. across, hose-in-hose conformation, produced in great profusion. April. 1. small, size of the common Box, hairy, h. 1ft. China. This is an elegant little neat and compact growing shrub which has proved to be quite hardy in England. (B. M. 4728.) A very beautiful series of hybrids have been obtained by cross- ing this species with A. indica, which are most serviceable and Azalea continued. free. The following are most desirable : LADY MUSGRAVE, light carmine; Miss BUIST, pure white; MRS. CARMICHAKL, rich magenta, shaded crimson; PRIME MINISTER, soft pink, deep shaded, very free ; PRINCESS BEATRICE, light mauve, very distinct and free ; PRINCESS MAUDK, rich magenta, rose shaded. FIG. 198. FLOWER OF AZALEA INDICA. A. Indica (Indian).* fl. campanulate, terminal, solitary or twin ; calycine teeth long-lanceolate, obtuse, ciliated, spreading. I. cuneate-lanceolate, finely crenulated, covered with sharp, close- Branche ends. es also pressed rigid hairs, attenuated at both wit great including every shade and covered with sharp, close-pressed, rigid hairs, h. 3ft. to 6ft. Fig. 198. There are a great number of garden ue-owere: . ORSIG, pure we ; LICE, rc eep blotched with vermilion, very fine ; BERNARD ANDRE, dark t-purple, large, semi-double ; CHARLES LKIRENS, dark salmon, form and substance; COMTESSE EUGENIE I>R KERCHOVE, China, 1808. See Fig. 198. There are a seedlings of the Indian Azalea, inclu colour. A selection to any extent may be made from the nurserymen's catalogues, but, for the guidance of the amateur, we have made a rigid selection of the best double and single varieties. Double-Flowered: A. BORSIG, pure white ; ALICE, rich deep rose, blotched with vermili violet- good white, flaked with red-carmine, semi-double; DOMINIQUE VER- VAENE, bright orange, very fine ; DR. MOORE, deep rose, with white and violet shading, very fine ; EMPEREUR DE BRESIL, rich rose, banded white, the upper petals marked red ; FRANCIS DEVOS, deep crimson ; IMDRICATA, pure white, sometimes flaked with rose; MADAME IRIS LEFEBVRE, dark orange, shaded with bright violet, and blotched with chocolate ; PRESIDENT GHELLINCK DE WALLE, intense rose, upper petals blotched with lake, and crimson- rayed ; SOUVENIR DE PRINCE ALBERT, rich rose peach, broadly margined with pure white, very free and beautiful. Single-Flowered : CHARM ER, rich amaranth, very large ; COMTESSK DE BEAUFORT, rich rose, the upper petals blotched with crimson ; CRITERION, rich salmon pink, white-margined; Due DE NASSAU, rich rosy-purple, very free and large ; ECLATANTE, deep crimson, rose shaded; FANNY IVERY, deep salmon-scarlet, blotched magenta, very flue ; FLAMHKAU, rich glowing crimson, extremely showy; JOHN GOULD VEITCH, lilac-rose, netted and bordered white, and blotched with saffron, very showy ; LA SUPERBE, rich lake, bordered orange, and black spotted, a very fine variety ; LA VICTOIRE, centre reddish, white towards the edge, the upper petals spotted with maroon-crimson ; Louis VON BADEN, pure white, a grand variety ; MADAME CHARLES VAN ECKHAUTE, pure white, with beautifully crisped edges, of excellent form and sub- stance ; MADAME VAN HOUTTE, richly flaked with carmine and rose, very large and free ; MARQUIS OF LORNE, brilliant scarlet, of the finest form and substance ; MRS. TURNER, bright pink, white-margined, and spotted with crimson ; PRFSIDENT VAN DEN HECKE, white, striped and speckled with crimson, with a yellow centre; PRINCESS ALICE, pure white, one of the best; HEINE DES PAYS-BAS, rich violet-pink, margined with white; Roi D'HOLLANDE, dark blood-red, spotted with black ; SIGIS- MUND RUCKER, rich rose, white bordered, with crimson blotches ; WILSON SAUNDERS, pure white, striped and blotched with vivid ted, very fine. A. mollis (soft). Synonymous with A. sinensis. A. sinensis (Chinese). /. campanulate, downy, flame coloured ; stamens equal in length to the petals. May. I. slowly deciduous, elliptic, acutish, pilosely pubescent, feather-nerved, with ciliated margins, greyish beneath. A. 3ft. to 4ft. China and Japan. A large number of seedlings and hybrids from this species are in cultivation, known under the name of Japanese Azaleas, and al) are valuable for the decoration of the cool conservatory, or for outdoor work. SYN. A. mollis. (L. B. C. 885.) AZAB.A (in honour of J. N. Azara, a Spanish promoter of science, but of botany in particular). OED. Bixinece. Showy evergreen, hardy and half-hardy shrubs, with alter- nate, simple, stalked stipulate leaves, and fragrant flowers. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 151 Azara continued. They thrive well in a compost of loam, leaf soil, and sand. Ripened cuttings root readily if placed in sand, nnder glass, in slight heat. It is believed that all the species enume- rated will prove hardy if a slight winter protection in midland and northern counties be afforded. This precaution will be unnecessary in more southern parts. A. dentata (toothed). Jl. yellow ; corymbs sessile, few-flowered. June. /. ovate, serrated, scabrous, tomentose beneath ; stipules leafy, unequal in size. h. 12ft Chili, 1830. (B. R. 1728.) A. Gillesil (Gilles').* fl. bright yellow; panicles axillary, denselj packed. Spring. I large, Holly-like, ovate, o smooth, ft. 15ft Chili, T859. (B M. 5178.) , densely toothed, BABIANA (from babianer, the Dutch for baboon ; in reference to the bulbs being eaten by baboons). OKD. Indece. A genus of very ornamental bulbous plants confined to the Cape of Good Hope, with the exception of a single species, which is found in Socotra. Flowers occa- sionally fragrant, and generally characterised by their rich self -colours, or the striking contrast of very distinct hues in the same flower ; perianth regular and symmetrical, with six ovate divisions (tube varying in length). Stems from 6in. to 9in. high, arising from a small bulb-like conn, and bear- ing tapering plaited leaves, which are usually more or less densely covered with long hairs ; the scapes are racemose, Fio. 199. AZARA HICROPHYLLA, showing Habit, and Foliage (half natural size). A. Integrifolla (entire-leaved).* /. yellow, on numerous short axillary spikes, of an aromatic fragrance. Autumn. I. obovate or oblong, entire, smooth ; stipules equal, permanent, h. 18ft. Chili (about Conception), 1832. The variegated-leaved form, although rare, is very ornamental. The variegation consists of greenish- yellow, with a blotch of dark green, and in a young state edged with deep pink. A. mlorophylla (small-leaved).* fl. greenish, corymbose, suc- ceeded by numerous small orange-coloured berries. Autumn. I. small, distichous, obovate, obtuse, dark-shining green, h. 12ft Chiloe and VaWavia, 1873. This shrub is very ornamental as a standard, and also excellent for covering walls. Quite hardy. See Fig. 199, for which we are indebted to Messrs. Veitch and Sons. each bearing about six or more simultaneously expanding flowers. They may be successfully grown in pots. By this plan there is, perhaps, less danger of loss, and their flower- ing season can be prolonged considerably. A light Bandy compost, with a small proportion of well-decayed manure, is required, and thorough drainage is also most essential. Use 48 or 60-sized pots, placing four or five corms in the former, and two or three in the latter, and keep moderately dry until they commence to form roots. October is the best time to pot. As soon as the plants appear above ground, water may be carefully given, and the supply pro- 152 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Babiana contin ued. portionately increased as the plants develop. Very weak liquid manure, applied twice a week, just as the spikes are pushing up, will be beneficial. When the flowers fade, and the stems show signs of decay, the supply of water must be gradually decreased, thus inducing the thorough maturation of the conns, upon which the next season's dis- play depends. When quite down, store the pots in a dry place till the time for repotting arrives, when the conns should be carefully cleaned, and all offsets separated, the latter being potted up in the same way as the parent corms in order to produce flowering specimens; or they may be kept in a pot of sand and planted in a warm border out- side in March. Outdoor culture: A sheltered, sunny, and well-drained situation is most essential to success. Al- though not absolutely necessary, it is preferable to replant every year in early spring, placing the bulbs about Sin. or FIG. 200. BABIANA STKICTA RUBRO-CYANEA. 6in. deep, with a little sand sprinkled about them. Plant- ing may, of course, be done in autumn, when it will be necessary to cover with cocoa nut fibre refuse to the depth of 5in. or Gin. In warm, sheltered situations, the corms may remain undisturbed ; but, as a rule, it is desirable to remove them late in autumn, when the leaves are dead, and store them in dry sand through the winter in a cool, airy position, free of frost. Mixed Babianas may be purchased from dealers at a cheap rate, and, for general purposes, they are best to plant. Propagation may be effected by offsets and seeds. The former is the best and quickest method. The offsets should be grown in boxes or planted out in light rich soil until large enough for flowering. Seeds sown in pans, and placed in a gentle heat, will grow at almost any time ; the young plants will require to be carefully transplanted each season until they develop into flowering corms. B. ccerulescens (bluish). Synonymous with B. plicata. B. dlstlcha (two-ranked).* fl. with a Hyacinth-like fragrance ; perianth pale blue; divisions narrow; margins undulated or crisped. June, July. 1. lanceolate, acute, h. 6in. 1774. (B. M. 626.) B. plicata (folded).* fl, with a very fragrant clove carnation-like Babiana continued. perfume ; perianth pale violet-blue ; anthers blue, and stigmas yellow. May, June. I. lanceolate, distinctly plicate. A. 6in. 1774. SYNS. a. ccerulescens, B. reftexa. (B. M. 576.) B. rcflexa (reflexed). Synonymous with B. plicata. B. ringens (gaping).* fl. scarlet, irregular in form, gaping, very handsome. May, June. I. narrow, acute, deep green, h. 6in. to 9in. 1752. (L. B. C. 1006.) B. sambucina (Elder-scented). /. bluish -purple, with an Elder- like fragrance; perianth divisions spreading. April, May. /. SYN. Gladiolus \ ; penan lanceolate, slightly plicate. A. 6in. to 9in. 17 gambucinus. (B. M. 1019.) B. Stricta (strict).* fl., perianth segments narrow, acute, outer three white, inner three lilac-blue, with a dark blotch near the base of each. May. I. broadly lanceolate, obtuse, ciliated. h. 1ft. 1795. (B. M. 621.) B. 8. angnstifolia (narrow-leaved), fl. fragrant ; perianth bright blue, slightly pink in the tube. May and June. I. linear, acute, light green, h. 1ft. 1757. (B. M. 637.) B. s. rubro-cyanea (red-and-blue).* fl. 2in. or more in diameter ; upper half of the perianth very brilliant blue, and the lower part rich crimson, forming a central zone, in striking contrast to the blue portion. May, June. I. broad, acuminated, downy on the under surface, h. 6in. to Sin. 1796. See Fig. 200. (B. M. 410.) B. 8. sulphurea (sulphur-coloured).* fl. cream-coloured, or pale yellow ; anthers blue, and stigmas yellow ; segments spreading. April, May. I. narrow-obtuse, h. 9in. 1795. SYNS. Gladiolus sulphureus, O. plicatus. (B. M. 1053.) B. 8. villosa (villous).* fl., perianth smaller than the last, with the narrower segments rather more widely spreading than in B. s. rubro-cyanea, brilliant crimson, with violet-blue anthers. Au- gust h. 6in. 1778. (B. M. 583.) BABINGTONIA (named after C. C. Babington, Pro- fessor of Botany at Cambridge, and a distinguished botanical author). OBD. Myrtacece. A very pretty green- house evergreen shrub, allied to Bceckea, from which it differs in having the stamens collected in groups opposite the sepals. Cuttings of the young nnflowering shoots may be planted in sand under a bell glass, and kept in a moderate heat until rooted, when they should bo placed singly in small pots, in a compost of equal parts loam and peat, with the addition of a little sand. As the small pota fill with roots, the plants should be removed into larger ones, and the compost have less sand in it; but this should not be done until the next February. The established plants must have a good shift about March or April, and should be kept in a light, airy greenhouse ; the first shoots may be topped to moderate their vigour, and to produce a greater profusion of less luxuriant ones. In May, when most plants are removed from the green- house, these should be set to grow under a frame which, while shielding them from heavy rains, and supporting Borne slight shading in the hottest parts of the sunny days, will not prevent a free circulation of air. To this end, tho frame should be elevated from the rests or supports at its corners ; the lights should be left off at night in fine, mild weather, and on doll, cloudy days, being only replaced during heavy rains, and when shading is necessary. To- wards autumn, the plants must be returned to the green- B. Camphorasmse (camphor-smelling).* fl. pinkish-white, in little cymes, disposed in long terminal racemes. Summer. I. linear, opposite, nerved, h. 7ft. Australia, 1841. (B. It 28, 10.) BACCATE. Berried, fleshy ; having a pulpy texture. BACCHARIS (from Bacchus, wine; referring to the spicy odour of the roots). Ploughman's Spikenard. ORD. Composites. A genus of hardy, stove, or greenhouse herbs, shrubs, or trees. Flower-heads many-flowered, dioecious, terminal. Involucre sub-hemispherical or oblong, in many series, imbricated. Leaves simple, alternate, exstipnlate, deciduous, oblong-lanceolate, notched, serrated, or entire. Shrubs of short duration. These plants are neither beautiful nor ornamental, but are of easy cultivation in ordinary soil. Propagated by cuttings. B. halimifolia (Halinius-leaved). Groundsel Tree, fl.-heads white. July. 1. oblong-cuneate, obovate, coarsely toothed ; branches angular, h, 6ft. to 12ft. Northern United States, 1683. Hardy. BACHELORS' BUTTONS. The double-flowered forms of Ranunculus acris, Lychnis diurna, &o. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 153 BACKHOUSIA (commemorative of the late James Backhouse, a botanical traveller in Australia and South Africa). OBD. Myrtacece. A greenhouse evergreen shrub, requiring a compost of fibry peat, loam, and a little white sand. Propagated, in April, by half-ripened cuttings, in- serted in sand, under a bell glass, in a cool house. B. myrtifolia (Myrtle-lea yed).* Jl. white, disposed in corymbs, and often produced on cuttings soon after having struck root May. L ovate, acuminate, smooth. Branches slender, h. 16ft New South Wales, 1844. (B. M. 4131) BACONIA. A synonym of Pavetta (which see). BACTRIS (from baktron, a cane ; the young stems being used for walking sticks). ORD. Palmes. Very orna- mental, slender growing, and prickly stove Palms. Pe- duncle of the spadix bursting through about the middle of the leaf sheath. Drupes small, ovate, or nearly round, and generally of a dark blue colour. Leaves pinnatisect ; seg- ments generally linear and entire. Instead of being con- fined to the apex of the trunk, the leaves are scattered over nearly the whole surface, and the lower ones retain their verdure long after the upper ones have fully developed. Stems slender, varying from 2ft. to 10ft. in height. Some of the species are of easy culture in a compost of loam, peat, leaf mould, and sand, in equal parts ; but most of them are very difficult to manage. Propagation may be effected by suckers, which are very freely produced. Many species are ornamental only when in a young state. B. bacnlifera (cane-bearing). I. pinnate, bifid at the apex, 2ft. to 6ft long ; pinna? arranged in clusters about 1ft long and 2in. broad, dark green above, paler below ; petioles sheathing and densely clothed with sharp brown and black spines, IJin long. South America. B. caryotsefolia (Caryota-leaved).* /., spathe ovate, prickly ; branches of spadix simple, flexuous. I., pinnre wedge-shaped, three-lobed, and erose ; rachis, petioles, and candex prickly. h. 30ft. Brazil, 1825. B. flavlspina (yellow-spined). Synonymous with B. paUidispina. B. major (greaterX JL greenish-yellow, with a broadly ovate spathe. A.lJ5ft Carthagena, 1800 B. Maraja (Maraja). Maraja Palm. JL yellow, with a prickly spathe. A. 30ft to 50ft. Bahia, 1868. B. pallidisplna (pale-spined). I. pinnate, bifid at the apex ; pinnae clustered, 6in. to 12in. long, lin. wide, dark ; petioles sheathing at the base and furnished with a profusion of long, yellow spines, which are tipped with black. Brazil. SYN. B. flavispina. BACULARIA (from baculum, a walking-stick). OBD. Palmce. A small genu containing a couple of stove species, which are amongst the smallest Palms of the Old World. Both are confined to the east coast of tropical Australia. B. monostachya in allusion to its slender stem, which rarely exceeds in _ thickness that of the thumb is known as the Walking-stick Palm. B. minor (lesser). L attaining 34ft Stems, several from same rhizome, 2ft. to 5ft. high, $in. thick. Queensland. B. monostachya (one-spiked). 1. pinnate, pendent, 6in. to 12in. long, bifid at the apex ; pinnae about 4in. across, broad, irregular in shape, with ragged and irregular ends; dark green. Stem Blender, petioles sheathing, A. 10ft New South Wales, 1824. SYN. Areca monostachya. (B. M. 6644.) BADGER'S BANE. See Aconitiun meloctonum. BJEA (commemorative of Eev. Dr. Beau, of Toulon, brother-in-law to Commerson, the discoverer of the genus). STN. Dorcoceras. OBD. Gesneracece. Curious and pretty greenhouse herbaceous perennials, requiring a rich sandy loam. They are easily propagated by seeds. Probably the only species in cultivation is the following : B. hygrometrlca (hygrometric).*/!. pale blue-coloured, yellowish at the throat ; segments of the limb more or less reflexed ; corolla five-lobed, somewhat resembling that of the Violet; scapes numerous, naked, few-flowered. Summer. I. in a rosette, thinly covered with coarse whit* hairs, ovate acute at both ends, crenate serrate, h. 6in. North China, 1868. (B. M. 6468.) B.ECKEA (named after Abraham Back, a Swedish physician, and an esteemed friend of Linnaeus). OBD. HyrtaceoB. Very pretty greenhouse evergreen shrubs. Flowers white, pedicellate, small. Leaves opposite, gla- brous, dotted. They thrive in a compost of sandy peat, leaf soil, and lumpy, fibrous loam. Cuttings, taken from Baeckea continued. young wood, root readily, if pricked in a pot of sand, with a bell glass placed over them, in a cool house. B. diosmse folia (Diosnia-leaved).* Jl. axillary, solitary approxi- mate sessile. August to October. I. oblong, rather cuniated, Keeled, acute, crowded, imbricate, and are, as well as the calyces ciliated. A. 1ft. to 2ft New Holland, 1824. B. frntescens (shrubby).* JL solitary ; pedicels axillary No- vember. 1. linear, awnless. A. tft to 3ft China, 1806. (B. >1 2802 ) B. parvula (little), fl., peduncles axillary, umbelliferous. I. elliptic-oblong, obtuse, rather mucronate. A. 1ft. New Caledonia, 1877. This is very close to B. virgala. (R. G. 886, 2.) B. virgata (twiggy).* a., peduncles axillary, umbelliferous. August to October. L linear-lanceolate. A. 2ft to 3ft New Caledonia, 1806. (B. M. 2127.) BJEB.IA (named in honour of Professor Baer, of the University of Dorpat). OBD. Composites. A genus con- Bisting of about half a dozen species. Probably the only one in cultivation is that mentioned below; it is a very pretty plant, of easy culture in ordinary garden soil. Pro- pagated by seeds, sown in spring. B. Chrysostoma (golden-mouthed). fi..headt bright yellow, soli- tary, terminal, about lin. across ; involucre of about ten leaflets, in two series. Early summer. I. linear, opposite, entire. Stems erect, downy. A. 1ft California, 1835. (S.B. F. G. ii. 395.) BAGGED. Swelled like a sac or bag. BAHIA (probably from Port of Bahia, or San Salvador, in South America). STN. Phialis. ORD. Composites. An ornamental, hardy, herbaceous perennial, much branched from the base of the stem, and having a greyish appear- ance. It may be increased by seeds, or by divisions. B. lanata (wholly). JL-headt yellow, solitary, produced in great numbers. Summer. 1. alternate, or with the lower ones some- times opposite, deeply divided, and sometimes Ululate and entire. A. 6in. to 15in. North America. This species thrives on borders of light and well-drained sandy soil (B. II. 1167.) BA.LANINUS. See Nut Weevil. BALANTIUM (of Kaulfuss). See Dicksonia. BALANTIUM (of Desvaux). See Parinarinm. BALBISIA (commemorative of Giovanni Bittista Balbis, a Professor of Botany at Turin). SYN. Ledocarpum. OBD. Geran.ia.cec3. A very ornamental half-hardy ever- green shrub, requiring a cool, dry atmosphere. As it is very liable to rot off, water must be applied with great care. Propagated by cuttings of half-ripened wood, inserted in sand, under a hand glass ; or by seeds. B. vertlcillata (whorled). Jl. yellow large, with a whorl of narrow bracts beneath. Autumn. I. opposite, three-parted ; segments linear-oblong. Branches slender, glaucous. A. 3ft. to 6ft Chili, 1846. (B. M. 6170.) BALCONY. A projection from the external wall of a house, usually resting on brackets, and having the sides encompassed by a balustrade. It should at all times be prettily decorated with plants, which in the summer ia a comparatively easy matter. During winter, evergreens of various kinds are most serviceable, the best being Arbutus, Ancubas, Boxes, Euonymuses, Hollies, Irish and Goldon Tew, Portugal Laurel, Retinosporas, Vincas, Ac. These may be grown in pots, and when replaced by the summer occupants, should be plunged in some reserve quarter, where they should receive plenty of water ; by this means, they will increase in size, and keep in a healthy condition. Very little water will be required during the winter. Climbing plants, such as Ivy, Passion Flower, Virginian Creeper, Climbing Roses, &c., are indispensable for covering the trellises, and draping the pillars and arches. BALDINGERA. A synonym of Fremna. BALL. This term is used in reference to the roots and mass of earth as they are moulded into form and pressed into hardness by the pot. The masses of roots and earth which, in the case of fibrous-rooted subjects (such as Rhododendrons), must be taken intact when removing the plants, are also termed Balls. BALM (Melissa officinalis). A perennial herb, often used in the manufacture of a drink for sick persons, and sometimes employed for culinary purposes. It may be grown in ordinary garden soil, and is propagated by X 154 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, continued. divisions, in spring. A pretty variegated form is some- times met with, having the additional advantage of being equal to the normal species for medicinal purposes. BALM OF GILEAD. See Cedronella triphylla and Fopulus balsamifera. BALSAM (Impatient BaUamina). A well-known ornamental and tender annual, native of India. It is one of the showiest of summer and autumn flowers, and well deserves a place in every garden. Although of com- paratively easy cultivation, good blossoms and well-grown plants are far too rarely seen. A good Balsam flower should be quite as double as a perfect Camellia, and to show to the greatest advantage should appear like one in the arrange- ment of the petals. To secure this, seeds should only be saved from the finest and most perfect flowers, although the quantity must, of necessity, be small. They should be sown, about the third week in March, in properly prepared pans of rich sandy soil, and placed in a gentle bottom heat of about 65deg. As soon as the first rough leaf appears, the plants should be potted off into Sin. pots, care being taken to let the cotyledon, or seed leaves, be close to the FIG. 201. CAMELLIA-FLOWERED BALSAM. noil. When the roots touch the sides of the potp, the plants should be moved into larger ones, and this should be re- peated until they are in 8in. or lOin. pots. Some growers place one or two seeds in small pots, so as to avoid the first shift, and a good plan it is. During the time the plants are under glass, they should be kept as near the light as possible, and be frequently turned around, so that they do not draw to one side ; and careful training must be given to those that are required in fine form. Dis- budding is also necessary to such as are wanted at their best, removing all blossom from the main stem and base of branches until the plants are of sufficient size, and then the buds at the tops will flower almost simultaneously. The buds that will be formed afterwards will cause a con- tinuance of blossom for a long time, in fact, for some months, if the plants are liberally supplied with liquid manure. If it is desired for them to flower out of doors, the plants should be transferred, about May, to a frame where the heat is not above 50deg., and be kept in a steady growing state, air being admitted on all suitable occasions, cold winds and heavy rains avoided, and water supplied when needed ; never allow them to get dry. They require training and disbudding the same as those grown in the Balsam continued. greenhouse. About June, the plants should be fully ex- posed during the day ; and, when danger of frost is over, the lights may be kept off altogether. These should flower at the end of July. In all cases, plenty of drainage must be allowed, as the amount of water required is very great. Insects must be sharply looked after, as well as slugs and snails. There are several sections, such as Camellia- flowered (see Fig 201), Rose-flowered, &c., each containing variously striped, spotted, and entire coloured blossoms, and it is best to pay an extra figure to secure a good strain. BALSAM APPLE. See Momordica Balsaminea. BALSAMINA. See Impatiens. Fio. 202. BAMBUSA ARUNDINACEA. BALSAMINEJE. A tribe of plants belonging to the order Geraniacece. Sepals and petals all coloured, consisting of six segments, " two outer ones small, flat, and oblique ; the next large, hood-shaped, ending below in a conical spur ; the fourth opposite to it, small, very broad, concave ; the two innermost very oblique, and more or less divided into two unequal lobes." The best known genus is Impatiens. BALSAMODENDRON (from balsamon an old Greek word used by Theophrastus balm or balsam, and dendron, a tree). OBD. Burseracece. Greenhouse or stove balsamiferous trees. Flowers small, green, axillary, often unisexual ; calyx four-toothed, permanent ; petals four, linear-oblong, induplicately valvate in aestivation; sta- mens eight, inserted under the annular disk, having elevated warts between them. Berry, or drupe, ovate, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 155 Balsamodendron continued. acute, one to two-celled, marked with four sutures. Leaves with three to five sessile, dotless leaflets. They thrive in a compost of thoroughly drained sandy loam. Propagated by cuttings of ripe young wood, taken in April, and placed under a hand glass, in bottom heat. The species named below doubtfully belongs to this genus, as the charac- teristics above enumerated will show. B. zeylanicum (Ceylon).* ft. white, three-petaled, fomerated, involucrated ; racemes interrupted, downy, iinpari -pinnate, with five to seven-stalked, ovate, acute leaflets, h. 30ft. Ceylon. BALSAM OF CAPEVI. See Copaifera. BALSAM-TREE. See Clusia. BAMBOO CANE. See Bambusa. BAMBUSA (from bambu, the Malay name). Bamboo Cane. ORD. Oraminece. A genus of orna- mental, shrubby, greenhouse, half-hardy or hardy shrubs, each culm flowering but once. Flowers usually hexandrons. Leaves, as a rale, relatively shorter than the stems, lanceolate, and narrowed at the base. Stems jointed, flexuose, branching, usually hollow, and, when mature, of a hard, woody nature. In well drained, sheltered situations, in the open, with rich, loamy soil, some of the species make extremely graceful objects, par- ticularly so in the more southern counties of England, and in parts of Scotland. Unless a very severe winter is experienced, they may be left without protection. Plants of all the species, however, should have the shelter of a cold greenhouse till about the end of April ; when they should be gradually hardened off, and transferred to a Bambusa continued. the summer. A good watering must be given after plant- ing, to settle the soiL Propagation is effected by careful Fu;. 203. KAMBUSA AURRA. warm, i gins of ihelterod spot, lakes, &o., aa such as in woodlands, by the mar- they like plenty of moisture during FlO. 204. BAMRl'SA NANA. division of well-developed plants, which should be done in early spring, just as new growth is commencing ; and it is advisable to establish the divisions in pots. See also B. arundlnacea(Reed-like). * Stem very stout, rising like a beautiful column to some 50ft. or 60ft. in height ; the laterals producing a profusion of light green leaves, the whole presenting the appearance of a huge plume of feathers. India, 1730. This species is best treated as a stove plant, but it may be placed out of doors in summer. See Fig. 202. (B. F. S. 321.) B. a urea (golden).* I. lanceolate, acute, light green, distinguished from B. nana by having their under surface less glaucescent, and the sheath always devoid of the long silky hairs. China. This very handsome species forms elegant tufts, with its slender much- branched stems, which attain a height of from 6ft. to 10ft., and are of a light green colour in a young state, ultimately changing into a yellowish hue. Hardy in most parts of the country. See Fig. 203. B. Fortune! (Fortune's).* I. linear-lanceolate, abruptly pointed, somewhat rounded at the base, on very short hairy stalks, serrated and often fringed with long hairs on the margin, downy on both sides, and distinctly variegated, the transverse veins often of a bottle-green colour, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Japan. A dwarf tufted species, with very slender stem. Quite hardy. There are only varie- gated varieties of this in cultivation, viz., varitgata and argentto- vittata. (F. d. S. 1863, t. 1535.) B. glanca (milky-green). A synonym of B. nana. B. japonica (Japanese). Synonymous with Arundinaria Metake. B. Maximowlczil (Maximowicz's). Synonymous with Arundi- naria Maximowiczii. B. Metake (Metake). Synonymous with Arundinaria Metake. B. mitis (small). I. deep green, lanceolate, acute, striated, clasp- ing the stem; panicle simple, erect, close; spikes long, imbri- cated. Stem tapering, h. 40ft Cochin China and Japan. This 150 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Eambusa continued. vigorous-growing species can be cultivated out of doors during summer, and, in most localities, it may be left out all the year. B. nana (dwarf).* I. lanceolate, acute, glaucous, stoutish, with the footstalks slightly downy, h. 6ft. to 8ft. India, 1826. A rather tender specie!, requiring to be grown in the stove orgreenhouse. SYXS. B. ijlaticn and B. mridi-glaucescens. See Hg. &. B. nigra (black). See Phyllostachys nigra. B Raeamowskl (Ragamowsk's).* 1. 9in. to 18in. long, and about iinTtfsiHroad. China and Japan. This species ' ? can readily bo recognised by the tomentose line on one side of the midrib, running nearly the whole length of the leaf on the underside .this line being always on the longer side of the leaf." Hardy. SYN. B. tessellata. B. Simonii (Simon's).* I. narrow, nearly 6in. to lOin. long, occasion- ally Striped with white. Stems growing with great rapidity, mealy -glaucous at the joints ; branchlets numerous, rather closely crowded. A. 10ft. China and Japan, 1866. B. striata (striated).* I. linear-oblong ; culms striped yellow and grV^rT^ oft. to 20ft. China, 1874. A very slender and.graceful, father tender, species. May be grown in the open air during summer, and in very favoured spots it is probably hardy, espe- cially if covered with a mat in winter. It makes an excellent pot plant. SYN. B. viridi-striata. (B. M. 6079.) B. tessellata (tessellated). A synonym of B. Ragamowski. B violescens (nearly-violet).* I. green above, bluish-grey beneath, with an elongated ligule, surrounded by a bundle of black hairs. Stems much branched, blackish-violet. China, 1869. 1 his hand- some and vigorous species is intermediate between Phyllostachys nigra and B. nana. It requires protection during winter. B. vtridi-glaucescens (glaucous-green). A synonym of B. nana. B. viridi-striata (green-striped). A synonym of B. striata. BANANA, or PLANTAIN. See Musa. BANEBERRY. See Actaea. BANISTEBIA (named after John Baptist Banister, a traveller in Virginia in the seventeenth century, author of a catalogue of Virginian plants, inserted in Ray's " Historia Plantarum "). OBD. Malpighiacece. Stove trees or shrubs, frequently climbing. Flowers yellow; calyx five-parted; petals furnished with long stalks; stamens ten. Leaves simple, stalked. They are for the most part very orna- mental, but are not often seen in flower in this country. They will grow in a mixture of loam, leaf soil, and peat, with some sharp sand added. Cuttings, made from ripened wood, will root freely in sandy soil, under a hand glass, in stove heat, taking about three or four weeks to do so. B. chrysophylla (golden-leaved).* JL deep orange, axillary, corymbose. /. ovate, oblong, acutish, somewhat sinuated towards the top, clothed beneath with golden shining down. Brazil, 1793. Climber. B. cilia ta (ciliated).* fl. large, orange-coloured, umbellate. June. I. cordate, orbicular, smooth, ciliated. Brazil, 1796. Twiner. B. ferruginea (rust-coloured). Jl. yellow; racemes panicled. June. I. 2in. long, ovate, acuminated, smooth above, and shining, rusty beneath, and are, as well as the petioles, clothed with close pressed hairs. Brazil, 1820. Climber. B. fulgcns (glowing).* ft., yellow, in umbellate corymbs. I. ovate, acuminated, smooth above, and clothed with silky pubescence beneath, as well as the petioles. Branches dichotomous. West Indies, 1759. Climber. B. Humboldtiana (Humboldt's).* /. yellow ; umbels lateral and terminal, sessile. I. roundish ovate, cordate, rather acuminated, mucronate, membranaceous, smoothish above, clothed beneath with soft hoary down as well as the branchlets. South America, 1824. Climber. B. sericea (silky). Jl. yellow, racemose. July. I. ovate, obtuse, with a mucrone; younger ones downy on both surfaces, adult ones only on the under surface ; down of a golden shining colour. Brazil, 1810. Climber. B. splendens (splendid).* fl. yellow ; racemes axillary, dicho- tomous, umbellate. Floral leaves orbicular, and nearly sessile. I. cordate, kidney-shaped, orbicular, clothed with silky down beneath. South America, 1812. Climber. BANKS. These are usually formed with a view to increasing the amount of surface ground, and for the acceleration or retarding of vegetable crops, such as straw- berries, &c. They should be from 6ft. to 12ft. apart, ac- cording to the depth of soil, and run from east to west. In constructing Banks of a uniform size, great care, and a constant use of the garden line, will be found necessary. For the warmest side of the Banks, Dwarf French Beans, Peas, Vegetable Marrows, Cucumbers, New Zealand Spinach, Capsicums, &c., may be grown. On the opposite side, and Banks continued. when a prolonged supply is desired, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Lettuce, Turnip, Spinach, &c., may be sown thinly in drills, to be thinned out. and remain. It needs but littlo dis- cretion to produce valuable crops by this method. BANKSIA (named in honour of Sir Joseph Banks, once President of the Royal Society, and a distinguished patron of science, particularly of Natural History). ORD. Proteacece. Greenhouse evergreen shrubs, natives of Aus- tralia, principally grown for the beauty of their foliage. Leaves variable in form, usually dark green, clothed with white or rufous down beneath ; margins deeply serrated or spinous, rarely entire. The following is the mode of cul- ture recommended many years ago by Sweet. The pots should bo well drained, by placing a potsherd about half way over the hole at the bottom of the pot, then laying another piece against it that it may be hollow, afterwards putting some smaller pieces all around them, and on the top of these some others broken very small. All the plants belonging to the order Proteacece should be drained in a similar manner, as the roots are very fond of running amongst the broken potsherds, and consequently there ia less danger of their being overwatered. Care must also be taken not to allow them to flag, as they seldom recover if once allowed to get very dry. The plants should be placed in an airy part of the house when indoors. Cuttings are generally supposed to be difficult to root, but this is not the case if properly managed. Let them be well ripened before they are taken off ; then cut them at a joint, and place them in pots of sand, without shortening any of the leaves, except on the part that is planted in the sand, where they should be taken off quite close. The less depth they are planted in the pots the better, so long as they stand firm when the sand is well closed round them. Place them under hand glasses in the propagating house, but do not plunge them in heat. Take the glasses off frequently to give them air, and dry them, or they will probably damp off. When rooted, transfer to small pots ; after which, place them in a close, unheated frame, and harden by degrees. Seeds are a very unsatisfactory means of multi- plying the stock. B. temula (rivalling).* 1. 6in. to lOin. long, lin. broad, linear- oblong, tapering slightly at the base ; edges deeply toothed, deep green on both sides ; midrib of under surface clothed with rich brown hairs, h. 20ft. 1824. SYN. B. elatior. (B. M. 2671.) B. australis (southern). A synonym of B. marginata. B. Caleyi (Caley's). 1. 6in. to 12in. long, linear, deeply and regularly toothed from base to apex, dark green above, palor below, h. 5ft. to 6ft. 1830. Said to be an elegant species. B. collina (hill-loving).* I. 2in. to Sin. long, Ain. broad, linear ; apex pnemorse, as if bitten straight off ; upper surface dark green, suvery below, h. 6ft. to 8ft. 1822. This forms a dense and handsome shrub, especially with its large head of yellow flowers. SY.VS. B. Cunninyhami, B. ledifolia, and B. littoralis. (B. M. 3060.) B. Cunningham! (Cunningham's). A synonym of B. collina. B. dryandroides (Dryandra-like).* I. 6in. to lOin. long, Jin. broad, pinnatifid, divided almost to the midrib ; lobes triangular, deep green above, and reddish-brown below. Stem clothed with reddish-brown hairs, h. 6ft. 1824. This plant is extremely graceful and elegant as a table decoration. B. elatior (taller). Synonymous with B. cemula. B. integrifolia (entire-leaved). I. cuneate-oblong, 6in. nearly lin. wide at the broadest part ; edges entire ; upper si dark green, silvery white beneath, h. 10ft. to 12ft. 1788. B. macrophylla, B. oleifolia. (B. M. 2770.) B. i. compar (well-matched). I. very densely set upon the ong, side SY.NS. , ive green, silvery white beneath. branches, oblong, tapering at the base, blunt at the apex ; edge serrulate ; upper side dark oliv h. 6ft., finely brandling. 1824. B. latifolia (broad-leaved). I. 6in. to lOin. long, 3in. broad, obovate-oblong ; edges serrated ; upper surface deep green, beneath clothed with woolly greyish hairs, those on the midrib bright brown, h. 20ft. 1801 (B. M. 2406!) B. ledifolia (Ledum-leaved). Synonymous with B. collina. B. Iittorali8 (shore). Synonymous with B. collina. B. macrophylla (large-leaved). Synonymous with B. integrifolia. B. marginata (margined). I. lin. to 2in. long, iin. broad, blunt at the apex, armed with several short spines, and tapering at the base, deep green on the upper surface, snowy white beneath. A. 5ft. to 6ft 1822. SYN. B. australU. (B. M. 1947.) AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 157 Banksia continued. B. occiden tails (western).* JL yellow, rather handsome, in spikes about 4m. long. April to August J. Sin. to 6in. long, Jin. broad. A. 5ft 1803. West coast of New Holland. A beautiful species. (B. M. 3535.) B. oleifolla (Olive-leaved). Synonymous with B. \nUgr\fol\a. B. Solanderi (Solander's).* L 4in. to 6in. long, and over 2in. wide, deeply pinnatifid, with three to six pairs of lobes on each leaf ; apex as if bitten off ; upper side dark green, under silvery white. B. speciosa (showy).* I. 8in. to 14in. long, about *in. wide, pinnatifld, but divided almost to the midrib ; lobes semicircular, with a spine on the end of each ; upper side deep green, beneath silvery white, with the midrib clothed with ferruginous woolly hairs. A. 6ft 1805. Both this and the preceding species are very handsome, and highly deserving of the most extensive culture. B. qnercifolia (Oak-leaved). L cuneate-oblong, deeply incised at the margins, and having a short spine upon each lobe. A. 5ft 1806. (B.R.1430.) BANKSIA (of Forster). A synonym of Pimelea. BAOBAB-TREE. See Adansonia. BAPHIA (from baphe, a dye; the tree produces the camwood of commerce). Camwood or Barwood. ORD. Leguminota. A stove tree, requiring a loam and peat soil. Cuttings, not deprived of any of their leaves, will root in a pot of sand, under a hand glass, in heat B. nltlda (shining), fl. white; corolla with a roundish spreading vexillum, linear wings, which are about the length of the vexil- lum, and an acute carina ; pedicels two to three together, one- flowered, axillary. June. I. entire, oval-oblong, acuminated, shining. A. 30ft Sierra Leone, 1793. (L. B. C. 367.) BAPTISIA (from bapto, to dye; so named from the economical use of some of the species). OBD. Leguminosoe. North American hardy herbaceous plants, with trifoliate, rarely simple leaves, and racemes of yellowish or blue flowers. They are somewhat shy blossomers,' but grow freely in a loamy soiL Propagated by divisions, or, more easily, by seed, which latter may be sown in sand and leaf mould in the open, or in pots placed in a cold frame. B. alba (white).* JL white ; racemes terminal June. I. stalked, glabrous ; leaflets elliptic-ob'.ong, obtuse ; stipules deciduous, subulate, shorter than the petioles. Branches divaricate. A. 2ft 1724. (B. M. 1177.) -, - gated, shorter than the branches. June. L stalked, smooth ; leaflets oblong-cuneated, obtuse, four times longer than the B. australia (southern).* JL blue ; racemes few-flowered, elon- er than the branches. blong-c petiole ; stipules lanceolate, acute, twice the length of the petiole. Stem branched, diffuse. A. 4ft to 5ft 1758. (Flora, 1856, 2 ; B. M. 509.) B, confusa (confused). /L dark bine, alternate, bracteate; racemes elongated. June. L stalked, smooth ; leaflets oblong- cuneated or obovate ; stipules linear-lanceolate, twice the length of the petioles. Stem branched, h. 1ft. to 2ft 1758. B. exaltata (exalted).* fl. deep blue ; racemes many-flowered, elongated, twice the length of the branches. June. I. termite, stalked ; leaflets lanceolate-obovate, five times longer than the petioles ; stipules lanceolate, acuminated, three times longer than the petioles. Stem erect branched. A. 3ft. to 4ft 1812. (S. B. F. G. 97.) B. lencophoa (dusky-white). Jl. cream-coloured ; racemes many- flowered; lateral, with the flowers leaning to one side. July. 1. sessile, somewhat villous ; leaflets rhomboid-obovate ; stipules and bracts ovate, acute, broad, leafy. A. 1ft 1870. (B. AL 5900.) B. minor (less). jL blue ; racemes axillary, bracteate. June. I., leaflets rhomboid-lanceolate ; stipules lanceolate, longer than the petioles. Stem erect, solid. A. If t to 2ft 1829. B. perfoliata (perfoliate-leaved).* Jl. yellow, small, axillary, solitary. August I. perfoliate, roundish, quite entire, rather glaucous. A. 3ft. 1793. (B. M. 3121.) B. tinctorla (dyersV /. yellow, with wings each furnished with a callosity, or lateral tooth ; racemes terminal. I. stalked, upper ones nearly sessile ; leaflets roundish-obovate ; stipules setaceous, almost obsolete. A. 2ft to 3ft 1759. (L. B. C. 588.) BARBACENIA (named after M. Barbacena, a Cover- nor of Minas Geraes). Formerly placed in OBD. Hasmo- doraceae, but now referred by Bentham and Hooker to Amaryllidece. Very singular and pretty greenhouse ever- green herbaceous perennial^, allied to Vellozia. Flowers purple, large, showy; perianth funnel-shaped, resinosely hairy on the onteide; limb spreading ; scapes one-flowered, usually clothed with glandular hairs. Leaves firm, spiral, spreading, acutely keeled. Lindley says the plants are . capable of existing in a dry hot air, without contact with Barbacenia continued. the earth, on which account they are favourites in South American gardens, where, with Orchids and Bromeliads they are suspended in the dwelling house*, or hung to the balustrades of the balconies, in which situation they flower abundantly, filling the air with their fragrance. They are rarely seen in our gardens. They may be grown in baskets of fibrous loam and peat, with some nodules of charcoal added. FIG. 205. FLOWER OF BARBACE.MA PURPUREA. B, purpurea (purple).* JL funnel-shaped, six cleft, ttrminal, soli- tary ; ovarium elongated, tuberculated. July. I. linear, keeled, with spiny serratures. A. I 2 ft. Brazil, 1825. See Fig. 205. (B. M. 2777.) B. Rogierl (Rogers')-* #., scape and ovaria tnberc'ed ; filaments broad, bifid. July. I. linear, acuminated, imbricate, with broad stem-clasping bases, finely .-pinely serrated on the margin, and keel recurved ; caudex short. A. Ijft. Brazil, 1850. (L. J. F. 82.) BARBADOS CHERRY. See Malpighia. BARBADOS GOOSEBERRY. See Pereskia aculeata. BARBADOS LILY. See Hippeastrum eqnestre. BARB AREA (anciently called Herb of St. Barbara). Winter Cress ; American Cress. OBD. Cruciferae. Hardy glabrous perennial herbs. ' Flowers yellow ; racemes erect, terminal. Stems erect. They are of easy culture, but scarcely worth growing in the pleasure garden. Propagated by cuttings, suckers, divisions, or seeds. B. praecox (early). L, lower ones lyrat* ; terminal lobe ovate ; upper ones pinnate-parted ; lobes linear-oblong, quite entire. A. 1ft to lift " Commonly known as American, or Black American Here and there on roadsides, and in dry gravel in Great Britain. An escape from cultivation. (Sy. En. B. 124.) F- B. elly places I., lower ones lyrate ; terminal lobe roundish ; upper ones obovate, toothed, or pinnatifid. A. lift The double flowering fo form of this native species is the only one rowing for beauty ; it is gen ket The variegated form i pretty, and comes true from seed. (Sy. En. B. 120.) of this genus worth growing for beauty ; it is generally known Double Yellow Rocket The variegated form is also rather BARBATUS. Having long weak hairs, in one or more tufts; bearded. BARBERRY. See Berberia. BARBIE RIA (in honour of J. B. G. Barbier, M.D., a French physician and naturalist, author of "Prin- cipes Generaux de Phannacologie on de Matiere Medicale," Paris, 1806). OBD. Leguminosct. An ornamental stove evergreen, requiring a mixture of peat, loam, and sand. Propagated by cuttings of half-ripened wood, which should be placed in sand, under a glass, in stove heat. B, polyphylla (many -leaved).* JL scarlet, 2in. long: racemes axillary, few-flowered, shorter than the leaves. L impari-pinnate, with nine to eleven pairs of elliptic-oblong, mncronate leaflets, pubescent in an adult state. Porto Rico, 1818. STNS. Clitoria, polyphylla and Galactia pinnata. 158 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, BARBS. Hooked hairs. BARK. The outer integuments of a plant beyond the wood, and formed of tissue parallel with it. BARK-BOUND. This condition is generally the re- sult of very rich soil, or insufficient drainage. In most fruit trees a gummy exudation takes place. If caused by stagnancy, thorough drainage should immediately be effected. Scrubbing the stem is also recommended. Slit- ting the bark with a knife is likely to do more harm than good, particularly so in the hands of the inexperienced. BARKERIA (name commemorative of the late G. Barker, of Birmingham, an ardent cultivator of orchids). ORD. Orchidece. From a scientific point of view, this genus should be included in Epidendrum. Very handsome, deciduous, epiphytal, cool-house Orchids, having slender pseudo-bulbs, from Gin. to 12in. high, from the top of which the numerous flower-stems are produced. In a cool, airy temperature, these plants grow vigorously, suspended in pans or small baskets close beneath the glass, and slightly shaded with tiffany. They succeed well also on flat blocks of wood, on the top of which they should be tied, without any moss, as their freely-produced, thick, fleshy roots soon cling to the blocks. During the season of growth, a good supply of water is needed, and in hot weather it may be applied three or four times daily ; the blocks and plants are best immersed in water; but when at rest, a slight watering twice or three times a week will suffice. Pro- pagated by divisions, just previous to the commencement of new growth. B. elcgans (elegant).* fl. in loose racemes, four or five in each ; each blossom about 2in. across ; sepals and petals dark rose ; lip reddish crimson, spotted and edged with a lighter colour. Winter. h. 2ft. Mexico, 1836. Of this beautiful slender-growing species, there are two or three varieties in cultivation. (B. M. 4784.) B. Lindlcyana (Lindley's).* fl., raceme 2ft. long, very slender, bearing from five to seven blossoms near its apex ; sepals and petals rosy purple; lip white, with a deep purple blotch at its apex. September, remaining in beauty for a considerable time. h. 2ft. Costa Rica, 1842. (B. M. 6098.) B. L. Ccnteras (Center's).* fl. rosy lilac ; lip oblong ; margins crenulated or crisped ; apex blotched deep purple. Costa Rica, 1873. B. mclanocaulon (dark-stemmed).* /. on an erect spike ; sepals ,n at the top, itre. August. B. Skinner! (Skinner's).* fl. deep rose-coloured ; spikes 6in. to9in. long, from the apices of the ripened growth, often branched, form- ing a dense mass of deep purple blossoms, which, if kept dry, lasts from eight to ten weeks, h. lift. Guatemala. (P. M. B. 15, 1.) B. S. supcrbum (superb).* fl. dark rose ; lip somewhat deeper tinted, and marked towards the base with yellow streaks. Guate- mala, This far surpasses the type in size and number of flowers, as well as in brilliancy of colour. (W. S. O. 38.) B. spcctabllia (showy).* fl. quite 2in. across, produced eight or ten together, on a spike issuing from the top of the pseudo-bulb ; sepals and petals oblong, acuminate, rosy lilac ; lip white, mar- gined with deep lilac or rosy purple, and dotted or spotted with crimson. This very distinct and desirable species lasts from eight to ten weeks in beauty, and forms a very handsome object when placed in the drawing-room and covered over with a large glass shade. Guatemala, 1843. (B. M. 4094.) BARKING-IRONS. Instruments used in taking off the bark of trees. BARKLYA (named after Sir H. Barkly, formerly Governor of South Australia). ORD. Leguminosce. A large greenhouse tree, thriving in a compost of loam and leaf mould. Propagated by seeds and cuttings; the latter should be half ripened, and placed in sandy soil, under a i bell glass, in a cool house. B. syringifolla (Syringa-leaved). fl. golden yellow, numerous, ' disposed in axillary or terminal racemes. I. alternate, simple, coriaceous, h. 30ft. Moreton Bay, 1858. BARK STOVE. A hothouse adapted for moisture- loving exotics, and having a pit from 2ft. to 4ft. deep, con- taining fermenting matter, chiefly tanners' bark, by which means a steady heat is maintained for a considerable time. The Bark Stove is now almost obsolete. Bark is, however, still largely used in Pine pits, and in some propagating beds; but such beds are generally superseded by hot- water or hot-air tanks. and petals rosy lilac ; lip broader at the base than at the top, reddish-purple, having a blotch of green in the centr h. 1ft. Costa Rica, 1848. Very rare. BARLERIA (named after J. Barrelier, a French botanist of the seventeenth century). ORD. Acanthacem. A genus of interesting and ornamental stove evergreen shrubs. Flowers axillary or terminal ; calyx four-sepaled, the two outer larger than the others. They thrive best if grown in loam and peat, with a little rotten dung added. Propagated by cuttings made of the young wood, and placed in a similar compost, under a bell glass, in stove temperature, with bottom heat. B. flava (yellow).* fl. yellow, aggregate, terminal, tubular ; bracts very narrow, setose. Summer. I. lanceolate, hairy, entire. Plant unarmed, h. 3ft. India, 1816. SVN. B. mitis. (B. M. 4113.) B. Gibson! (Gibson's), fl. pale purple, rather large, sub-terminal. Winter. I. ovate or oblong-lanceolate. India, 1867. A glabrous stove shrub, of branched habit. (B. M. 5628.) B. Leichtensteiniana (Leichtenstein's).* /. very curious; spikes axillary, 2in. to 3in. long, ovoid or oblong, consisting of a large number of closely packed overlapping bracts, all turned to the fore or lower part of the spike ; bracts ovate-acuminate, mucronate, spine-toothed, one-ribbed, with prominent and curved veins, and lin. to IJin. long. I. opposite, lin. to 2in. long, linear- lanceolate, entire, mucronate, tapering at the base into a very short stalk. Branches slender, virgate, sub-angular. South Africa, 1870. This plant is covered over its whole surface with close, white, hoary down. (G. C. 1870, p. 73.) B. longlfolia (long-leaved), fl. white ; spines of whorls six. Summer. I. ensiform, very long, rough, h. 2ft. India, 1781. This is a biennial. B. lupulina (Hop-headed). /. yellowish ; spikes ovate ; bracts ovate, concave, imbricated. August. I. lanceolate, quite entire ; spines simple, spreading, h. 2ft. Mauritius, 1824. B. Mackenii (MacKen's).* fl. purple, large, in a terminal raceme. Spring. I. recurved, narrow-ovate, or elliptic-lanceolate, sub- acute, petioled. Natal, 1870. (B. M. 5866.) B. mitis (small). Synonymous with B. flava. B. prionltls (Prionitis-like). fl. orange ; spines axillary, pedate, in fours. Summer. I. quite entire, lanceolate-ovate. A. 3ft. India, 1759. BARLEY. See Hordeum vulgfare. BARNADESIA (named after Michael Barnadez, a Spanish botanist). ORD. Composite. Pretty greenhouse deciduous shrubs, requiring a dry atmosphere. They should be grown in peat, loam, and sand, in equal proportions. Propagated either by seeds, sown in hotbeds in March, or by cuttings, made of half-ripened wood in April, and placed in sand under a bell glass. FIG. 206. BARNADESIA ROSKA. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 159 Bomadesia continued. B. rosea (rosyX* jL-Meadt rose-rolonred, solitary, OTate-cylin- drical, downy, sessile: florets bilabiate, one lip oblong-emar- pinate, villous, the other filiform; hairs on receptacle twisted; pappus stiff, plumose. Mar. L alternate, ovate, acute at both ends. ft. l}ft. South America, 18W. See Fig. 206. (B. M. 4232.) BARNARDIA. Included under Scilla (which tee). BAROMETER. An instrument for measuring the density of the atmosphere, and hence determining the probable changes of weather, or the height of any ascent. To the gardener the Barometer is indispensable as a warning to take dne precaution. BAROSUA (from barys, heavy, and osme, smell; referring to the powerful scent of the leaves). Name often incorrectly spelt Baryotma. STN. Parapetalifera. OBD. Rutaceae. Very pretty small, Heath-like, greenhouse evergreen shrubs, from the Cape of Good Hope. Calyx equally five-parted ; petals five, oblong ; stamens ten. Leaves opposite or scattered, coriaceous, flat, dotted, with their margins sometimes glandularly serrulated, some- times almost entire or re volute. They thrive in a mix- ture of sand, peat, and a little turfy loam, with good drainage and firm potting. Cuttings, taken from ripened wood, inserted in a pot of sand, and placed in a shady position in a cool house, with a bell glass over them, will root readily in a few weeks. B. betulina (Birch-leaved). JL white, axillary, solitary. February to September. L opposite, obovate, serrulate, sessile, spreading. A. 1ft. to 3ft. 1790. (B. M. PL 45.) B. dloica (dicecions).* JL purplish ; peduncles axillary, usually in threes, shorter than the leaves. April I. scattered; upper ones temate, lanceolate, tapering to both ends, full of glandular dots, spreading. A. 1ft. to 2ft 1816. (B. R. 502.) hite, usually solitary, lateral, sessile, serrulated, smoothish, ~ A. 1ft. 1789. B. lattfolia (broad-leaved). JL w Jury. L opposite, ovate-oblong, i without glandular dots ; liiliiiiiliiii ' B. pulchella (pretty).* A pale red or purple ; peduncles axillary, usually Miiltoij. needing the leaves. February. L crowded, ovate, quit* boothTwiththickened, ewnr*- -~ J -' A. 1ft. to 3ft. 1787. B. serratlfolia (saw-edged-leaved).* JL white ; 1. sub-divided. March to June, L nearly opposite, lanceolate, stalked, glandularly serrulated, smooth. A. 1ft to 3ft. 1789. (B. M. 456, and B. Z. 1853, 1) BARRED. Marked in spaces with a paler colour, resembling bars. BARREN FLOWERS. The male or staminate flowers of many plants, such as the Cucumber, Melon, Ac., are popularly known as Barren Flowers, v*., they pro- duce no fruit. This condition is, in some respects, similar to " blind " Strawberries or " blind " Cabbages, so far as fruition is concerned, but structurally and functionally it is widely different. The Barren Flowers of the Cucumber, Melon, Ac., are produced by what are known as monoecious plants, t.., having male and female organs in different flowers, but on the same plant. In the Strawberry, Ac., Barren Flowers are generally the result of unfavourable surroundings, or unskilful cultivation. A good example of Barren Flowers is seen in the ray-florets of many Composite plants, which are frequently really neuter, having neither male nor female organs. BARREN SOILS. A term signifying such soils as are normally unprofitable. The term can only be correctly applied in very few cases ; as almost any soil may be rendered capable of afford- ing a basis for some kind of vegetable life, arbo- real or other. The question of planting up the enormous quantity of what is now waste land, might well engage the most practical consideration. Of course, the natural state of any land will, to a great extent, determine what would be its ultimate condition, after all that could be effected by mechanical agency has been accomplished. Drainage, irrigation, enrichment, pulverisation, are all matters .which can only be considered upon a particular basis; but we doubt not that the thousands of acres of land now practically almost useless, might, by the adop- tion of proper means, bo rendered fairly remnneratiT*. BARREN-WORT. See Epimedium. BARRINGTONIA (named after the Hon. Daines Barrington, F.B.S.). OBD. Myrtacece. A genus of stove evergreen trees and shrubs, very difficult to cultivate. Flowers large, racemose. Leaves opposite or whorled, generally obovate ; margins toothed or entire. Fruit one- seeded, fleshy. They require a compost of two parts loam, one peat, and one sand. Water should be given in abun- dance, and a moist atmosphere at all times maintained, the temperature ranging from Godeg. to 95deg. Propagated by cuttings obtained from the lateral shoots ; these, taken off at a joint when the wood is ripe, planted in sand, with a hand glass over them, root readily. The cuttings should not be stripped of any of their leaves. B. racemosa (raceme-flowered). jL red ; long. L cuneate-oblong, acuminated, serrulated, A. 30ft. bar, 1822. (B.M. 383L) B. speciosa (showy).* A. purple and white, large and handsome, disposed in an erect thyrse. L shining. cuneat-oblons. obtuse, quite entire, A. 20in. to 30in. in England. This beautiful species seldom attains a height of more than 6ft or 8ft. (G.C. 1845, p. 56.) BARROW. Garden Barrows are very numerous, both with and without wheels. The Flower-pot Barrow has a wheel and a flat surface, on which plants, pot*, or leaves are placed, either directly, or, when small, in shallow baskets. The Haum Barrow is an open box or case, of wicker or other work, placed on, or suspended from, a pair of handles, with or without a wheel, and is useful for carrying litter, leaves, Ac. The Water Barrow, instead of a box, contains a barrel, tub, or cistern, in which fluid manure, or ordinary water, is conveyed to different parts of the garden The Hand-barrow is a frame of wood, carried by two levers, which form four handles : for removing large pots or tubs of trees or shrubs it is very useful. / FIG. 207. FLOWER OP BARTOMA ACRKA. BARTLINGIA. A synonym of Flocama (which tee). B ART NLA (in honour of Benjamin S. Barton, M.D., formerly Professor of Botany at Philadelphia). OBD. Loa- saceae. Hardy *nnn*la or biennials, downy, with stiff and bearded hairs. This genus is now placed under Mentselia in most standard botanical works. Flowers white or yellow, large, terminal, expanding in the evening, when they are very fragrant, and becoming reddish as they fade. Leaves alter- nate, interruptedly pinnatifid. The species are very showy, and well worth growing. Any ordinary garden soil suits them. Seeds should be raised in a gentle heat in spring ; 160 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bartonia continued. and, when the seedlings are sufficiently large, they should be potted singly into small, well-drained pots. In winter, they should be placed on a dry shelf in a greenhouse or frame. B. aurea is one of the brightest of hardy annuals, and may be sown either in a frame, or in the open border in April. B. albcscens (whitish).* fl., petals ten, pale yellow, disposed in a leafy panicle. July. 1. sinuately toothed. Stem witli a white shining epidermis, h. 1ft. to 4ft. Chili, 1831. Annual or bi- ennial. (S. B. F. G. ii., 182.) B. aurea (golden).* fl. two or three together, terminal, bright golden yellow, as large as a half-crown; petals five. June. h. 1ft. California, 1834. Annual See Fig. 207. (B. M. 3649.) B. nuda (naked) and B. ornata (adomed) are two very pretty white-flowered biennial species, h. 2ft. Missouri, 1811. BARYOSMA. See Barosma. BASAL, or BASILAR. Situated at the base of any- thing ; as the embryo, when situated at the bottom of the eeed. BASELLA (its Malabar name). Malabar Nightshade. ORD. BasellacecB. Annual or biennial stove trailers, with white or pinkish flowers, of no great horticultural value. In India, and elsewhere throughout the tropics, some of the species are cultivated as pot herbs, and are used as a substitute for Spinach. B. alba (white).* /. white. August. I. heart-shaped, pointed. h. 8in. India, 1688. This plant, either when allowed to fall in festoons from the roof of a warm house, or treated as a basket plant, forms an elegant object when in flower. BASELLACEJE. A series of usually herbaceous climbers, and considered a tribe of Chenopodiacece. BASIL, SWEET (Ocimum Basilicum). This is a tender annual from India, and must be raised in gentle heat. The foliage is somewhat largely used for flavouring purposes. Seeds should be sown in April, the seedlings pricked out into boxes to strengthen, and finally planted out about Sin. asunder, in beds of light rich soil, in June, being well watered until fully established. As soon as they bloom, they should be cut down to within a few inches of the ground, and the portions cut off should be tied up in small bunches and dried in the shade for winter use. Some of the plants can be lifted in September, potted up, and placed in a warm greenhouse for the winter, when the fresh green leaves will be found very useful. Bush Basil (Ocymum minimum) is a dwarfer plant, but may be treated in the same way. Wild Basil is botanically known as Calamintha Clinopodium. BASIL-THYME. See Calamintha Acinos. BASI-NEBVED. When the nerves of a leaf spring from the base. BASING-UF. The raising of a small bank of earth entirely round a plant, so as to retain water immediately about the root. The term is sometimes used to signify Earthing or Moulding, which see. BASKETS. Few objects contribute more to the adorn- ment of a window, or the decoration of the dining-room, drawing-room, or glass-house, than' Hanging Baskets, taste- fully filled with handsome foliaged and flowering plants. Baskets are made in different forms and of various materials, Buch as wire, terra-cotta, wood, and cork. The Wire Baskets have a very light and elegant appearance, and are generally used. In filling Baskets, the inside should be lined with a thick layer of moss, or Selaginella Kraussiana, next to which a layer of coarse sacking must be placed, to prevent the soil from working through. Terra-cotta Baskets are very pretty, and are extensively employed in domestic rooms, but they should always have one or more holes at the bottom, to facilitate drainage. Eustic Baskets, of cork or wood, are also very suitable for floral arrangements ; those composed of teak-wood are very generally used for orchids. The compost should be prepared according to the requirements of the plant or plants intended to begrown, which can bo easily ascertained on reference to such plants' Baskets continued. in this work. The soil should not be allowed to get dry ; in the event of this happening, however, a thorough soaking by immersion must be given. As a rule, attention should be given in the matter of watering every other day, and light syringing every morning and evening during the spring and summer months will be most beneficial. The Baskets should be examined every week, all dead or decay- ing leaves being removed, and any insects, which are so likely to get a foothold, destroyed. In arranging the sub- jects, the centre plant should be the tallest, the next outer ones shorter, and the marginal ones of a trailing or drooping habit, so that the whole may present a symmetrical, and at the same time a natural, appearance. Wickerwork Baskets are used for carrying or transferring plants, and are generally made 18in. wide by 20in. deep ; they are extremely useful, and should be in every garden. Split wood and withes are largely employed in making Baskets. The Planter's Basket, described by Loudon as a flat, rectangular utensil of wicker- work or boards, partitioned into three or more parts, for the purpose of carrying with the gardener when about to plant or remove plants, is now, unfortunately, almost obsolete. One division is for the plants, another for those taken up, and a third for the tools to be made use of, and for any decayed parts of plants, stones, weeds, or other refuse which may be collected. By using this Basket, order, accuracy, and neatness are secured. The Sussex " Truck " Baskets, made of willow-wood, are very useful, being both light and durable. See also Measures. BASSIA (named after Ferdinando Bassi, Curator of the Botanic Garden at Bologna). ORD. Sapotacece. Handsome lofty-growing lactescent stove trees, with axillary, solitary, or aggregate flowers, and quite entire, smooth, coriaceous leaves. They require stove heat, and a compost of peat and loam. Cuttings, taken from ripened wood, strike readily in sand, under a hand glass, in a strong moist heat. B. butyracca (buttery). The Indian Butter Tree, fl., pedicels aggregate, and are, as well as the calyces, woolly. I. obovate, Sin. to 9in. long, and 4in. to 5in. broad, tomentose beneath, h. 30ft. to 70ft. Nepaul, 1823. (B. F. V. 35.) B. latifolia (broad-leaved). The Mahwah Tree of Bengal, fl., corolla thick and fleshy ; pedicels drooping, terminal. I. oblong or elliptic, smooth above, whitish beneath, 4in. to Sin. long, and 2in. to 4in. broad, h. 50ft. India, 1799. (B. F. S. 41.) B. longlfolla (long-leaved). /., pedicels axillary, drooping, crowded ceolate, a ches 6in. lon de Malabar, 1811. (B. F. S. 42.) . ., , round the ends of the branchlets. 1. ovate-lanceolate, approxi- mate at the tops of the branches, 6in. long, deciduous. A. 50ft. BASS or BAST MATS. These are prepared, chiefly in Russia, from the inner bark of various Limes (Tilia), and are very largely used in this country by nurserymen for packing purposes. They are also extensively employed as coverings, being excellent preventatives of the effects of frost. They are beneficial as a covering for beds of early vegetables, to prevent radiation during the night. For tying purposes they are now greatly superseded by Raffia Grass. Archangel Mats are larger, and of better quality than the St. Petersburg. Dunnage Mats are heavy, and generally used for covering, as they are much cheaper. BASTARD ACACIA. See Robhiia Pseudo-acacia. BASTARD BALM. See Melittis. BASTARD BOX. See Polygala chamaebuxus. BASTARD CABBAGE-TREE. See Geoffrasa. BASTARD CHERRY. See Cerasus Pseudo- cerasus. BASTARD CINNAMON. See Cinnamoimim Cassia. BASTARD CORK TREE. See Quercus pseudo- suber. BASTARD INDIGO. See Amorpha. BASTARD LUPINE. See TrifoliumLupinas'rer. BASTARD QUINCE. See Pyrus Chamajme- spilug. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 1G1 BASTARD VERVAIN. See Stachytarpheta. BASTARD VETCH. See Phaca. BASTARD WIND FLOWER. See Geutiana Pseudo-pneumonantlie. BASTARD WOOD-SAGE. See Teucrium Pseudo- scorodonia. BAST MATS. See Bass Mats. BATATAS (its aboriginal name). ORD. Convolvulacea:. This genus is now referred to Ipomoea. Strong, free-grow- ing, greenhouse or stove deciduous twiners. Calyx of five sepals ; corolla carapanulate ; stamens inclosed. They are of easy culture, only requiring plenty of room to spread, and are well adapted for trellis work, or to run up pillars. They are all tuberous rooted, and therefore require to bo kept dry when in a dormant state. A rich, open, loamy soil is most suitable. Young cuttings strike readily under a hand glass, in heat. B. blgnonioides (Bignonia-like). fl., corolla dark purple, funnel- shaped, with a curled limb ; peduncles many-flowered, nutant, -lobed; July. Cayenne, 1824. I. three- (B. M. 2645.) hind lobes shorter than the petioles. rounded, imbricate. B. Cavanillesii (Cavanilles').* fl. corolla obtuse, crenulated ; pedun August. I. quinate ; leaflets ovate, entire, unequal. Nativ country unknown, 1815. fl. pale whitish-red; lobes of uncles one to three-flowered. Fio. 208. BATATAS EDUUS, showing Tuber. B. CdUllS. (edible).* Sweet Potato, fl., corolla lin. long, white outside and purple inside ; peduncles equal in length to the petioles, or exceeding them, three to four-flowered. I. variable, usually angular, also lobed. Stem creeping, rarely climbing. East Indies, 1797. See Fig. 208. B. glaucifolia (milky-grcen-leaved). /., corolla small, purplish, with an inflated tube, and ovate, acute segments ; peduncles two- flowered, length of leaves. May. I. sagittate, truncate behind, on long petioles. Mexico, 1732. B. heterophylla (various-leaved). Jl. blue ; peduncles solitary, axillary, bearing each three sessile (lowers. July. I. quinately palmate; lobes or leaflets ovate-spathulate, acute. Plant very vUlous. Cuba, 1817. B. paniculate (panic-led).* fl. large, purple ; peduncles much exceeding the petioles, many-flowered, dichotomously and coryin- Batatas continued. bosely panicled. Jane, L palmate, five to seven-cleft ..-i..-,i . lobes b-acuminatcd. or purplish, large; ately palmate; lobes em white, tubercular. ovate-lanceolate or elliptic," bluntish, rarely India, 1799. (G. C. n. s., x., 341.) B. senegalensis (Senegalese). /. white or peduncles three-flowered. June. I. quinat ovate, obtuse, middle one the largest. Stem Guinea, 1823. B. venosa (veiny). Jl. purple; peduncles umbellate, with an ovate-cordate, solitary leaf at the base of each pedicel. July. I. digitately quinate ; leaflets petiolate, acuminated, quite entire France, 1820. BATEMANNIA (named after Mr. J. Batcman, a collector and cultivator of Orchids, and author of a " Monograph of Odontoglossnm," and other works on orchi- daccous plants). OBD. Orchidece. A small, and easily- grown genus of dwarf, compact-growing epiphytes, closely allied to Maxillaria ,but differing from that genus in having the anther-bed with a membranous border. They may be grown in pots, in a compost of peat and moss, or on blocks of wood with moss. They require an intermediate house and plenty of water in the growing season. Propagated by divisions and offsets. They have generally a free-flower- ing habit ; but some of the species are not so ornamental as many other Orchids. B. armillata (braceleted). /t. green, white. 1875. (R. X. O. 316.) B. Burtil (Burt's). fl. red-brown, yello%v base, Sin. across ; lip white, tipped chocolate. Autumn. I. elliptic-oblong, or ligulate, sub-distichous. Plant bulbless. Costa Rica, 1872. (B. M. 6003.) B. Colleyl (Colley's). fl. on a pendulous raceme, rising from the base of the pseudo-bulbs ; sepals and petals brownish-purple within, green without ; lip white. 1834. (B. R. 1714.) Autumn. A. 6in. Demerara, B. grandiflora (large-flowered).* Jl., flower-spike coming up with the young growth, bearing^ three or four flowers, of curious struc- ture ; sepals and petals olive-green, striped with reddish-brown ; lip white, with reddish-purple streaks, orange or yellow towards the base. Pseudo-bulbs ovate, Sin. or 4iu. long, and bearing two large, broad, leathery leaves. New Grenada, 1866. (B. M. 5567.) B. Wollisll (Wallis 1 ).* Jl., sepals light greenish -yellow outside, olive-green to chestnut-brown inside, with some yellow at tho base ; petals with scarlet stripes at the ye very base, but otherwise enish, with a brownish coloured like the sepals ; lip blade gree. hue at the anterior part ; peduncles slender, corymbose. A. 1ft. Columbia, 1876. BATSCHIA. See Lithospermum. BATTERA (named after 'Francis and Ferdinand Bauer, German botanical draughtsmen). OED. Sa.n'fragsce. Small shrubs, natives of Australia, New Zealand, &c. Flowers axillary, solitary, pedunculate. Leaves six in a whorl, ap- proximating by threes, and therefore, as it were, opposite and ternate, exstipulate. Easily cultivated in a compost of sandy loam and peat. Propagated by cuttings, placed in sandy soil, under a glass. These very pretty little green- house evergreens flower nearly the whole year through. B. humilis (low), fl.., corolla red, one-half smaller than A rubioides, and the plant is altogether much smaller. July to December. /. oblong, crenated. A. 1ft. New South Wales, 1804. (L. B. C. 1197.) B. rublfolia (Madder-leaved). Synonymous with B. rubioidet, B. rubioides (Madder-like).* fl. pale red, or pink. 1. lanceo- late, crenated. A. 1ft. to 2ft. New South Wales, 1793. Svs. B. rubiasfolia. (A. B. R. 198.) BATJHINIA (in honour of John and Caspar Bauhin, two famous botanists of the sixteenth century). Moun- tain Ebony. OBD. Leguminosae. Very showy stove ever- green shrubs. Flowers racemose; petals five, spreading 1 , oblong, rather unequal, upper one usually distant from tho rest. Leaves two-lobed, constantly composed of two jointed leaflets at the top of the petiole, sometimes nearly free, but usually joined together, more or less, and with an awn in the recess. They succeed well in a mixture of sand, loam, and peat, requiring good drainage and moderately firm potting. Propagated by cuttings, which should be taken when the wood is neither very ripe nor very young; tho leaves must be dressed off, and the cuttings planted in sand, under a glass, in moist heat. Although glorious objects in the tropics, few of the species flower under our comparatively sunless skies ; those which hitherto have succeeded well in Britain aro marked with an asterisk. 162 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Banhinia continued. B. acnmlnata (taper-pointed-leaved), ft. pure white; petals broadly ovate, hardly stipitate. June. I. rather cordate at the base, smoothish ; leaflets connected beyond the middle, ovate, acuminated, parallel, four-nerved. A. 5ft. to 6ft. Malabar, 1808. B. anrlta (eared). /. white ; petals ovate, on short stipes. August. I. glabrous, cordate at the base ; leaflets connected the fourth part of their length, oblong-lanceolate, nearly parallel, six to eight-nerved. A, 4ft. to 6ft. Jamaica, 1756. B. corymbosa (corymbose). regular, crenulated at the edg /. In loose racemes ; petals pinkish, regular, crenulated at the ege. Summer. I., leaflets semi-oval, obtuse, parallel, connected nearly to .the middle, three-nerved, cordate at the base, the nerves on the under surface, as well as the petioles, branches, and calyces, clothed with rufous villi. Shrubby climber. India, 1818. (G. C. 1881, xvi., p. 204.) B. inermls (unarmed). /. white ; petals linear ; racemes terminal, leafless, simple, i. ovate at the base, ferruginous beneath ; leaf- lets oblong, acute, four-nerved, parallel, connected a little beyond the middle, h. 6ft. to 8ft. Mexico, 1810. B. mnltlnerva (many-nerved), fl. snow-white; petals linear. Legume Sin. to 12m. long. I. elliptic, rounded at the base, mem- branous, shining above, rather pilose beneath; nerves ferruginous ; leaflets semi-ovate, obtuse, approximate, five-nerved ; free. h. 20ft Caraccas, 1817. B. natalensis (Natal).* fl. white, 1 Jin. across, opposite the leaves. September. I. small, alternate, of two obliquely-oblong rounded leaflets. Natal, 1870. (B. M. 6086.) B. petiolata (long-petioled). fl. white, Sin. long, in terminal clusters. Autumn. 1. stalked, ovate -acuminate, flye-nerved, glabrous. Columbia, 1862. SYN. Casparia spedosa. (B. M. 6277.) B. pubescens (downy), fl. white, large, much crowded ; petals obovate ; peduncles three to four-flowered. I. rather cordate at the base, pubescent beneath and on the petioles ; leaflets con- nected beyond the middle, oval, obtuse, four-nerved, nearly parallel. A. 4ft. to 6ft. Jamaica, 1823. B. purpurea (purple), fl., petals red, one of them streaked with white on the claw, lanceolate, acute. Legume linear, 1ft. long. I. cordate at the base, coriaceous, ultimately glabrous ; leaflets connected much above the middle, broadly ovate, obtuse, four- nerved ; free. A. 6ft. India, 1778. B. racemosa (racemose), fl. white; petals obovate, obtuse; raceme somewhat corymbose. I. cordate at the base, clothed with silky villi beneath, as well as on the peduncles, petioles, branches, calyces, and petals ; leaflets broadly ovate, obtuse, connected to the middle, five-nerved. India, 1790. Shrubby climber. (B. F. S. 182.) B. tomentosa (tomentose). fl. , petals pale yellow, with a red spot at the claw, obovate, obtuse ; peduncles one to three-flowered. I. ovate or roundish at the base ; under surface villous, as well as the petioles, branches, stipules, peduncles, bracts, and calyces ; leaflets connected beyond the middle, oval, obtuse, three to four- nerved. A. 6ft. to 12ft. Ceylon, 1808. B. varlegata (variegated).* fl. red, marked with white, and yellow at the base, in loose terminal racemes ; petals ovate, nearly sessile. June. I. cordate at the base, glabrous ; leaflets broadly- ovate, obtuse, five-nerved, connected beyond the middle ; free. h. 20ft. Malabar, 1690. B. V. chlnensis (Chinese). /., petals lilac, with one purple spot at the base of each, acute. I. rounded at the base. China. BAWD-MONEY. See Meum. BAT-TREE. See Lauras nobilis. BEAK. Anything resembling the beak of a bird, as in Aconitum ; the point which ends the helmet or upper sepal ; hard, sharp points. BEAM TREE. See Pyros Aria. BEAN BEETLE (Brur.hus granarius). This insect, by depositing its eggs in the seeds of Beans and Peas, causes a great amount of injury. It is about an eighth of an inch long, black, with brown hairs and white spots ; tip of the tail prolonged, downy; front pair of legs reddish. The most effectual means of prevention is to destroy, when sowing, all seeds infested by it; and this may be detected by the skin of the seed being unusually trans- parent above the tunnel for exit. Imported seeds of Broad Beans are often much infested. " Dipping the Beans or Peas in boiling water for one minute is stated to kill the grub inside ; but, as dipping for four minute? generally destroys the germinating power, the experiment is much too hazardous for general use " (Ormerod). BEAN CAPER. See Zygophylluin. BEAN FLY. See Aphides and Black Fly. BEANS. There are three sections of these in cul- tivation for garden purposes, viz. : The Dwarf or French Bean ; j;he Climbing, or Scarlet Eunner ; and the ordinary See also Faba and Phaseolus. FIG. 209. BROAD BEAN PLANT IN FLOWER (FABA VDI.GARIS). Soil. All Beans like a somewhat loamy soil, which, to secure good crops, must be deeply worked and heavily FIG. 210. PODS OF BROAD BEA.N. . manured. The Kidney Beans, dwarf and tall, however, do not care for so heavy a soil as the Broad and Long-podded kinds ; and this fact should be borne in mind when selecting FIG. 211. BROAD BEAN SEED. their respective situations. The term Kidney is generally applied to both the Dwarf or French and the Climbing or Scarlet Eunner. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 163 Beans continued. BROAD AND LONG-PODDED (Faba vulgaris). Cultiva- tion: As early as possible in the autumn, deeply trench a piece of ground, and work in a heavy dressing of manure, leaving the surface of the soil in ridges, to become well aerated by winter frosts. Where desired, a piece of ground on a warm, protected border, can also be deeply dog in November, and a few rows of Mazagans sown to stand the winter. When up, draw a ridge of soil on either side the rows, and in frosty weather strew a few handfuls of bracken, or other light, dry litter, over them. Not much is, however, gained by this winter sowing. Early in January, level the ridges with a fork, working the whole of the surface soil over, and towards the end of the month, make the first sowing, choosing Mazagan and other early varieties. Mark out two rows, Sin. asunder, leave a space of 30in., then another two rows, and so on throughout the piece sown. If preferred, they may be sown in single rows at intervals of lift. The drills should be about Sin. deep, and the seed from Tin. to 9in. apart in the rows. Where the double-row system is adopted, arrange the seed for the plants to come alternately. In March, get in the main sowing of the Broad and later Long-podded kinds, in the manner already described; another sowing for late use may be made in April. When the plants are about Gin. high, earth up as recommended for those sown in the autumn. As soon as a good crop is set, pinch out the tops of the plants, to assist the maturation of the Beans, and prevent the attacks of the fly. Figs. 209, 210, and 211 are excellent representations of the flowering plant, pods, and seed of the Broad Bean. Sorts. For early use : Early Mazagan, Longrpod, Mar- shall's Early Prolific, and Seville Long-pod. For late use : Carter's Mammoth Long-pod, and Broad Windsor (white variety). These are all distinct and good varieties. FIG. 212. FRUITING PLANT OP DWARF OB FRENCH BEAR (PHASEOLUS VULGABIS). DWABF OB FRENCH KIDNEY BEANS (Phaseolus vulgaris). Cultivation : This class (see Fig. 212) also requires a rich and deeply trenched rather light soiL A very important point is to get the ground into a good condition, by fre- quently forking it over ; and, as the seeds are not sown till the beginning of May, there is plenty of time for the work. The finer the soil is, and the more it is aerated, the better will it suit the crop. From the beginning of May till the end of June, at intervals, draw out drills about 2ft. apart, and Sin. deep, and in these place the Beans tolerably thick, as generally they are not all certain to grow. As soon as up, carefully thin them, and slightly earth up to prevent the wind blowing them about. They Bean* continued. should not, however, be earthed higher than the seed leaves, or they will probably rot off in wet weather. Keep free from weeds, and maintain a sharp look out for slugs. In dry weather 1 , water occasionally, giving good drenchings, and not mere sprinklings, which do more harm than good. A good mulching of half-rotted manure is very beneficial as it prevents evaporation to a great extent, besides afford- ing some amount of nourishment to the plants. Great care must be taken to pick off the Beans as soon as large enough for use, or they will exhaust the plants. Where seeds are needed, a number of plants should be left for the purpose, and these should be some of the best, to prevent deteriora- tion, or loss of the true variety. Forcing. French Beans require more heat than can be obtained in either a frame or an ordinary greenhouse ; and, although easy enough to grow in a structure suited to their requirements, yet, if such does not exist, they are almost sure to fail A good heat, from 60deg. to TOdeg., with abundance of moisture, is necessary for successful results. Plenty of light is also most essential. A position such as that of a cucumber house is generally a suitable one ; but the plants must not be placed under the cucumbers. Sue- cessional sowings in pots or boxes must be made, from the end of August till March, to keep up a supply. For soil, use good maiden loam, with a little well-rotted manure added. Use Sin. pots, sowing five or six beans in each. The first sowing should be placed in a frame and kept well watered, bringing into heat in October; but the sub- sequent sowings should be placed directly in the house. Keep the soil moist, and the plants free from aphides and other insect pests, and give air at every favourable opportunity. The plants should be as near the light as possible, and kept from falling about by tying or placing small pieces of Birch wood round them. In dull weather, it will be found that the blossoms will not set so freely as when the sun shines brightly ; therefore, every care should be taken to secure both heat and ventilation when sun- shine prevails. When the pots get full of roots, and the plants are bearing fruit freely, a little liquid manure is of great assistance ; at no time must the plants get dry enough to flag. Allow plenty of room for the full de- velopment of foliage, and maintain a minimum temperature of 60deg., with plenty of moisture. Sorts. These are very numerous, among the best being Black Negro, Canadian Wonder, Canterbury, Fnlmer's Forcing, Golden Dun, Newington Wonder, Osborn's Early Forcing, Sion House, and Sir Joseph Paxton. RUNNERS OB CLIMBING KIDNEY BEANS (Phateolut multiftorus). Cultivation : Being tall growers, these need a greater space than the Dwarf French varieties, and they also require support. Rich soil is indispensable for them, and liberal supplies of water on light soils and in dry weather. A good overhead syringing from time to time is also advantageous. Trench and heavily manure a piece of ground in autumn, leaving it in ridges for the winter. In March, level the ridges down, and well work the ground, to render it friable and in good con- dition. The plants being extremely tender, it is not safe to sow before the end of April or the first week in May. It is preferable to sow in rows, which should be from 6ft. to 12ft. apart, and crop the ground between with other vegetables. Earth up and stake them as soon as ready, to prevent injury from rough wind. A good plan, which may be adopted to obtain early produce, is to raise seedlings in boxes in a cold frame, getting them ready for planting out in the middle of May. Plant at the same distances, and treat afterwards as recommended for those sown out of doors. If preferred, they can be grown on the ground without stakes. Under this treatment, they must have their tops pinched off when about ISin. high, continuing this pinch- ing from time to time as necessary. If this plan is adopted, the rows need only be 3ft. apart, the ground 161 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Beans continued. not being otherwise cropped. In dry seasons and on light soils, there is an advantage attached to this method, namely, that those on sticks are liable to injury from drought, while the foliage of those pinched ^ack keeps the soil moist underneath. FlO. 213. KUNKKK OK CLlMBiiXU Klil.NEY BEAN (PHASEOLUS MULTIFLORUS). Runner Beans may also be planted to cover arches or fences, and in various places of a like description. See Fig. 213. Sortt. Common Scarlet Eunner, Champion, Painted Lady, and Giant White. The first two are those gene- rally grown. BEAN-TREE. Sec, Ceratoiiia Siliqua. BEARBERRY, and BEAK'S GRAPE. See Arctostaphylos Uva-tirsi. BEARD-TONGUE. See Pentstemou. BEAR 3 BREECH. See Acanthus. BEAR'S TOOT. See Helleborus fcetidus. BEATONIA. See Tiffridia. BEAUCARNEA (a commemorative name). OIID. LiliaceoB. A small genus of curious greenhouse plants, natives of Mexico. Leaves narrow, gracefully depending. Stems slender-, and woody, with a peculiar swollen, some- what napiform base. Mr. B. S. Williams recommends that these plants be potted in rich fibrous loam and sand, with ample drainage, and, during the growing season, liberally supplied with water. Propagated by cuttings, when obtainable ; but chiefly by seeds, which have to be imported from their native country. Beaucarneas are principally grown for the beauty of their foliage, and are grotesque, graceful, and extremely curious in habit and form. B. glauca (grey).* I. pendent, glaucous, 2ft. to 3ft. long. Stem lender, the swollen base becoming woody with age. B. g. latifolia (broad-leaved) differs from the type only in its stouter and more robust stem and broader leaves. B. longifolia (long-leaved).* 1. 6ft. to 10ft. long, narrow, pen- dent, dark green, forming a beautiful vase-like centre, h. 10ft. Mexico, 1868. Very distinct. (G. urple; panicles close, lightly downy above, terminal ; a-coloured). /I. purple ; panicles close, _ roolly, hispid. I slightly downy above, fusty tom'entose beneath. Branches downy, hispid. A. 4ft. Peru, (close-headed). JL purple; corymbs terminal, a, pedicels, rachi, and calyces clothed with rusty tomentum. L oblong, glabrous, glaucous beneath. Shrub much branched, A. 4ft toBft Pern, 1847. (O. C. 1848, 175.) B. glanca (glaucous).* JL flesh-coloured ; racemes terminal and axillary ; pedicels somewhat fastigiate. June. L oblong, obtuse, glaucous beneath. Shrub much branched ; branchleta angular. AY3ft to 6ft South America, 1826. B. ledifolia (Ledum-leaved).* JL purple ; racemes terminal ; peduncles, pedicels, rachi, branchlete, and calyces clothed with clammy glandular hairs, J. oblong, somewhat mucronate, with revolute edges, glaucous beneath, glandular. Shrub much branched ; branches purplish. A. 3ft to 4ft South America, 1847. (F. d. S. 3, 195.5 B, racemosa (racemed). JL purple, disposed in racemose ter- urinal panicles. July. I. ovate-lanceolate, glabrous; branchleta smoothorhispid. A. 3ft to 5ft Georgia, 1810. BEGONIA (named after M. Begon, a French patron of botany). OBD. Begoniacece. A large genus of succu- lent herbs or undershrubs (a few climbers), in many of which the stem is reduced to a tuberous rhizome, whilst some are distinctly tuberous. Flowers usually showy and large, white, rose, scarlet, or yellow, unisexual ; perianth segments petaloid, four to five divisions, rarely two. Sta- mens numerous, filaments free or united at the base. Ovary inferior, styles two to four, free, sometimes con- nate, stigmas branched or twisted. Fruit capsular, rarely succulent, often winged. Seeds numerous, minute. Leaves 170 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Begonia continued. alternate, more or less unequal-sided, entire, or lobed, or toothed. Flower-stalka axillary, cymose. Distribution : Species about 350, in all tropical moist countries, especially South America and India ; not known in Australia. Cul- tivated species (exclusive of garden hybrids and varieties) about 150. A large number of genera, or what were con- sidered aa such are now merged in Begonia viz., Barya, Baryandra, Casparya, Pritzelia, Ac. The rich colours and beautiful form of the flowers of Begonias, their prettily- marked foliage, and free -growing, free-blossoming nature, have long marked them out as favourite garden plants. Within the last twenty years a new race, characterised by a tuberous root-stock, annual herbaceous stem, and large handsome flowers, has been introduced from, the Andes of South America, from which, by means of careful oross-fertilisation and selection, a large number of beau- tiful and almost hardy kinds have been raised. The size, substance, and rich colours of the flowers of the majority of the plants of this race of Begonias are witness to what may be done by skilful cultivation and careful cross- breeding among plants. In the same way the large-leaved, stemless section, of which B. Rex may be taken as the type and principal progenitor, have been improved both in the size and the coloration of their foliage, and count* less forms are now in cultivation, both as garden plants and for the decoration of rooms, &o. The propagation of Begonias may be accomplished by means of seeds, which are freely produced by almost all the cultivated kinds, by cuttings, by division of the rhizomes, and in the case of the large-leaved kinds by leaf-cuttings. For the first of these methods it is necessary that the seeds should be well ripened before they are gathered, and kept dry until sown. Where it is desired to increase any particular kind of garden origin, seeds are useless, none of the hybrid or seedling forma perpetuating themselves through their seeds, although equally beautiful sorts may be raised from them. The characters of all true species are, how- ever, reproduced in their seedlings. For the successful raising of Begonia seeds it is necessary to sow them on pans or pots of well-drained, light, sandy soil, which should be well watered before the seeds are sown. The seeds should not be covered with soil, or they will fail to germi- nate. Over the pans a pane of glass should be placed, and they should then be stood in warm house or a frame where a temperature of about 65deg. can be maintained, and shaded from sunshine. As soon as the plantlets are large enough to be safely manipulated, they should be pricked off into pans of light leaf -mould soil, in which they may remain until largo enough to be placed singly in pots. Cuttings t These strike freely if planted in small pots, in sand an I leaf mould, and placed on a bottom heat of 70deg. Where large quantities are required, a bed of cocoa nut-fibre in a stove or propagating frame may be used, and in this the cuttings may be planted and remain until well rooted. Leaf cuttings succeed best when laid on sand or cocoa-nut fibre, and shaded from bright sun- light. In preparing the leaves, old, well-matured ones hould be selected, and incisions made with a sharp knife across the principal nerves on the underside. They should then be placed on the sand or fibre and held down by means of a few pieces of crock. Under this treatment, bulbils will form on the lower ends of the nerves of each eotion of the leaf, and these, when large enough, may be removed from the bed and potted. With the exception of B. Evansiana (discolor), an almost hardy species from North China, all the shrubby species require a warm or inter- mediate house for their cultivation, although during the Bmnmer months a frame or sheltered bed answers for most of them, provided they are removed into their warm winter quarters on the approach of cold weather. Some of the species, such as B. Dregei, B. semperflorens, B. nitida, B. fucheioides, B. Lindltyana, B. Richardsiana, along with the hybrids Ascutensis, Knowsleycma, Weltoniensis, and Ingramii, are grown in pots out of doors all the summer, Begonia continued. and under liberal treatment they form large handsome specimens, which are of great value as flowering plants for the conservatory in winter. The tuberous-rooted her- baceous kinds should be started in heat in February, and, when vigorous growth has commenced, be gradually hardened off, for use either as bedding plants or as pot specimens for flowering in the greenhouse. A mixture of loam and leaf mould with a little sand and rotten cow- dung is suitable for the cultivation of these plants in pots. Liberal supplies of water should be given during the grow- ing season. As the growth decays, water should be with- held until finally the tubers may be shaken out of the soil and placed in dry sand or cocoa-nut fibre, in a house or shed where a temperature above freezing can be main- tained. B. gracilis and its varieties, diversifolia and Martiana, are beautiful greenhouse plants, which thrive well if treated as advised for the other tuberous-rooted kinds, with the addition of a few more degrees of heat. The Rex section requires a light rich soil, plenty of moisture, and a shaded position in a warm greenhouse. These kinds are often employed with good effect for clothing peat-covered walls in ferneries, or as an under- growth in large tropical houses. Largo specimens have been grown under the stage in a warm house, the shade and moisture of such a position being exactly what they best delight in. B. socotrana, an interesting species from the island of Socotra, is somewhat singular in its requirements. The stem is herbaceous and annual, and about its base a cluster of bulbils are formed, from every one of which a plant will be developed the following year. The growing season for this species is from September to March, after which it goes to rest for the whole summer. A tropical tem- perature and all the light possible, are essential to the well-doing of this plant. It is interesting to note the apparent impossibility to cross any of the shrubby Begonias with the distinctly tuberous - rooted species ; and even the species of the shrubby section, whose stems are semi tuberous, have hitherto refused to commingle with the South American tuberous kinds, of which B. Veitchii, B. rosceflora, and B. boliviensis may be said to be typical. The infusion of the blood of these large, handsome - flowered kinds into the tall, shrubby species, would almost certainly result in the production of a race of splendid winter- flowering greenhouse plants, and it is therefore in every way desirable that no pains should be spared to break through the obstacle to the union of the two races. Explanation of contractions j T, tuberous-rooted; S, shrubby. B. aoerlfollft (Acer-leaved). S. A tall-growing, thick, succulent- stemmed species, with green. lobed, serrated foliage, and large branching cymes of small white flowers ; sepals of male flowers hairy ; styles three, two-horned. Capsule triangular, with one of the angles prolonged into an obtuse wing. Spring. Quito, 1829. ated-leaved). S. A low shrubby species, long, pointed leaves, with toothed margins, nerves on the under side and the petiole pilose, jl. white, In cymes, nearly lin. across. Capsule wings, two short, the third Jin. long. Spring. Jamaica, 1798. (B. M. 4025.) B. acutiiolia (acute-leaved). S. A smooth-stemmed, semi-erect species, 3ft. to 4ft. high, with cordate-oblong leaves, both sides and petiole glabrous, the margins denticulate, fl. in cymes, white and red, about lin. in diameter. Capsule winged, one wing twice as long as the others. Spring. Jamaica, 1816. SVN. B. purpurea. B. acutiloba (acute-lobed).* A species with thick fleshy rhi- zomes, and palmate cordate leaves which are divided into five to seven lobes, with toothed margins and pointed apices, under side thinly covered with brown hairs. Flower-stalk tall, hairy, sur- mounted by a branching head of rather large white flowers. Summer. Mexico. B. albo-ooccinea (white and red).* Stemless, with a thick root- stock. I. broadly ovate, peltate, entire, Sin. to 4in. long ; petiole Sin. to .6in., pubescent. Flower-scape 6in. to 9in. long. jL in dense cluster, bright rose on the outside, white within. Capsule regu- er. India, 1844. SYN. larly triangular, with short wings. B. Grahamiana. (B. M. 4172.) . alohemllloldM (Alchemilla-like). Stem fleshy, creeping. I. rotundate, with toothed, undulate, ciliated margins and abort AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 171 stalks. Flower-stem slender, few Brazil man, rose-coloured. B. amabilia (lorelyX* Stem creeping, fleshy, abort t ovate, crenulate, acuminate, about 6in. blotched with white, under side r _ r long. JL rose or white, in clustering cymes. Capsule irregular. Summer. Assam, 1859. The foliage sometimes comes wholly green, but, under good treatment, itis h ' B. amcena (pleasing).* short L 5m. by 2m. ; i. lUIlg-OUUUUMl, OUL. iO IUUL. ID UOUBViVr. UKWl&J UTKW in I. when young densely covered with rusty steU /. on short petioles, rose-coloured, 2in. wide. Fruit a berry, small Summer. Guinea. B. apter*. (wingless). Sem torittceoaa. L heart-shaped, pointed. forming a bush 8tt to lt hefeh? 6in. long. Brazil. i 8ft to 10ft in height L pale green, ear-ehai in large cymose clusters, white, small Sumr B. arsyrostim (silrery-spotted). Synonymous with B. B. Arnotttana (Arnotf s). B. asplenifolla ( Asplenium-leavedX & A slender-stemmed, beau- tifully cut-leaved species, the foliage of which b pinnatisect, ant the appearance of a Thalictewm rattier than a Synonymous with B. n ifrlfi. vedX S. A slender-stemmed, 1 giving the plant the appearance of Begonia. K. very small, white. Guinea. B. assamloa (Assam). Stem short, fleshy. JL pinkish flesh- colour. I. oblique orate, olive-green, marbled with silvery blotches above, and of a pale purplish-pink beneath ; petioles pale green, softly hairy. Assam, 1881 B. attenuate (attenuated). Synonymous with B. kerboceo, B. aucubaefolia (Aucuba-leaved). Synonymous with B, meamcta. B. auriformis (ear-formed). Synonymous with B, i*om*t. B. barbata (bearded). S. Stem short, hairy. L toothed, oval- shaped, pointed, hispid beneath, 4in. long. JL medium-ailed, white or pink ; flower-stalk hairy. Capsule equal- winged. Summer. India. T. A garden hybrid, with thick, B. bipetala (two-petaled). Synonymous with M. difttali. B. biaerrata (doubly-serrated). S. Stem erect branched, 2ft to 3ft- high. i. 6in. long, 2in. to Sin. wide, deeply lobed, toothed, pale green. JL in loose cymes, drooping, ras^colomed. IJin. wide, , -, . , serrated edges. Capsule pilose, two short awl one long wings. Guatemala, uWT^! Summer. B. M. 4746.) T. Stem 6657.) B. BowriXLglana (Bowring-s). (B. 31.6657.) L lanceolate, pointed, serrate, Sin. to Sin. large, scarlet, males twice as lane as rin^d. Summer. Bolivia, 18S7. (I M. Synonymons with B. 8. Stem erect, tall, succulent L orate, toothed, slightly pubescent; principal nerves i ; stalk hairy, /.white or rose, small, in short, few- cymes. Capsule wine iin. knur. Summer. Brazil B. braziliana (Brazilian), oblique, brownish . flowered cymes. Capsule wing iin. long. B. Brnantii (Bruant'sX* B. A garden hybrid between B. SeJtmidti and B. temper/brent. L green, with a brownish tint JL white or rose, in erect panicles. Summer, 1883, Used as a bedding plant in summer. B. bulbil era (bulb-bearing). Most likely a form of B. frwOu. B. cafiEra (Kaffrarian). A variety of B. Dreg* B. earolinewfolla (Carolinea-learedX S. Stem erect, thick, fleshy. I. palmate, curiously divided into six to eight long ovate segments, each 6in. long. jf. in a dichotomous cyme, on long stalk, rose-coloured, small. Capsule small, wings one longer than others. Winter. Mexico, 1876. A singular-lea red species. (B, G. 1 25.) B. Cathcartil (Cathcart's). S. Caulescent L heart-shaped, acute, glabrous ; stalks of flowers and leaves hairy ; flowers and fruit as in B. barbata. Summer. India. STK. JB. iiiniififh (C. H. P. li) B. ChelBonl (Chelsea).* T. A garden hybrid between B. Sedmi and B. Miriensit, Stesn fleshy, 2ft high. L oblique, lance- shaped, irregularly lobed. JL large, orange-red, drooping. Sum- mer, IBM. B. clnnabaiina (vermilion).* S. Stem erect, short, herbaceous. L 2in. to 4in. long, oblique, toothed ; peduncles 6in. long, few- flowered. JL (male), medium, red : female flowers rery small. Summer. Capsule irregularly-winged. Bolivia, 1848. (B. M. 4483.) B. cinnabarina (vermilion). A variety of B. ClarkU (Clarke'sX* T. 1 bSght on ^ to> " ?Tat? " * fa ^pwplish, fleshy, stoat L ob- thick. L peltate, orate, Sin. to OUL long, edges almost underside, along with leaf and flower-stalks, covered , entire; >thed, Sin. wide, pilose above, pubescent 6in. long, dichotomous. JL numerous, lie with three narrow wings. Winter. tooth'ed. Sin. below ; floweT-seapefci medium-sfeed. Capsule Ceylon and India. SYX. & Anuttimm*. B. cortacea (leathery).* T. Stem 6in. high, herbaceous. J. reni- form, Sin. wide by Sin. long, smooth above, pilose below. JL rose- coloured, large, in twos or threes on the end of an erect scape. Sin. to 10m. long. Wings of capsule short, red. Summer. Bo- B. corlaeea OeatheryX Synonymous with B. peltat*. B. eranrtranlH (thick-stemmed). Stem short, thict artiertated, succulent I. pabaate; segments acuminate, toothed, under aide clothed with rusty down. /. in many-flowered cymes, dipetalous, white or rose-coloured, medium-sized. Capsule wings unequal Near to B. ktnclei folia. Spring. Guatemala, 184L (B. B. 23, 44.) Inlta (hairv).* S. Stem 1ft high, fleshy, bright red, more or less hairy. L ovate-cordate ; margins toothed, dark green ; pe- tiole red and hairy, like the stems. JL in lax, branching cymes, rose-coloured, liin. fa diameter. Fruit three-winged, one long and acute, two short and rounded. Spring. Bolivia, 1870. (B. M. B, enenJiate (hooded). A variety of A temper*****. B. ddalea (adorned).* Stem short, thick, succulent L large, green, thickly covered with a close network of rusuutbiown. flowers^bright'^d ;*icap 4fa. ^'bearing half a fcien flowers in umbeL Capsule three-winged, one long, two very short Summer. Peru, 1876. A handsome tuberous-rooted uirtem, dwarf^See FS/228, for which we are indebted to Messrs/VeTtcS and Sons. (B. M. 6252.) _0 (branching). 8. Stem tall, stout fleshy. L Sin. l^in. wide, lobed. dull green. JL white, on long axillary ^53T0r.iLiJ *J.TSRfi^gh^rownra^^ StStfestj^ass^* s ^^s^"Ssrsr:tSr^^L (B. L9.) STW. B. Wpetoi*. B. *i~***~ (two-coloured). Synonymous with B. gm^iiam*. B. dlrerslfolla (diverse-leaved). A variety of B. grmeOi*. B. Dredi (Drege's).* Bootstock fleshy. Stems succulent; U^^er two7Md^Spofated. &mmer. Cape, 1B4 STKS. B. cajfra, B. rmttformu. \JPV ^'JSS&^JSSJT&ZS&Z StelM. white, with cmrioosly papillose sepals. Summer. Brazil, 187SL (k O. 707.) KeUipticX Synonymous with B. MMMtau. rm (erect, many-flowered). JL bright red- for ^several months, ^Jespedallr during 172 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Begonia continued. B. orosa (bitten). Synonymous with B. ameena. B. Evansiana (Evans's).* T. Stem herbaceous, branching, smooth, 2ft. high. I. oblique, ovate-acute, sub-cordate, lobed; margins denticulate, green above, under side and petioles deep red; flower-stalks branching, axillary. fl. numerous, flesh- coloured, large. Capsule wings blunt-pointed, one longer than the others. Summer. Java, China, Japan, 1812. A handsome species, and almost hardy. SYNS. B. dueolor, B. grandis. (B. M. 1473.) B. eximla (excellent).* A hybrid, raised from B. rubro-venia and B. Thwaitesii. Stem short, succulent. I. bronzy-purple, tinged with red. A handsome foliage plant. (I. H. 1860, 233.) B. falcifolia (sickle-leaved).* S. Stem 1ft. to 2ft. high, erect, branching. I. 6in. long, liin. wide, curved, tapering to a narrow point ; margins toothed, upper surface green, more or less spotted Begonia continued. B. friglda (frigid). S. Stem 1ft. high, smooth, green, succulent. I. cordate, acuminate, lobed, serrated, slightly pilose; upper side coppery-green, beneath deep rose-red, especially upon the veins. /. small, white, in erect branching cymes. Capsule wings two long, one short. Summer. Country unknown, 1860. (B. M. B. Frcebeli (Froebel's).* T. Stemless. I. numerous, cordate, acuminate, green, covered with purplish-velvety hairs, fl. in tall, lax, drooping, branching cymes, brilliant scarlet, large. Winter. Ecuador, 1872. A beautiful flowering plant, useful for conservatory work in winter. (Garden, pi. 96.) B. fuohsioldes (Fuchsia-like).* S. Stem tall, drooping, her- baceous, smooth, green, tinged with red. I. copious, distichous, liin. long, oblong-ovate, slightly falcate, serrated, smooth ; margins tinged with red. rt. in branching pendulous panicles, FIG. 228. BEGOMA DAVISII. with white, under side deep red. fl. on short axillary pe- htred. Wings of capsule equal, duncles, drooping, dipetalous, brigl fcJSSh.)*"' Peru> A pretty flowering plant. B. ferruginea (rust-coloured). S. branching, covered with ferruginous : acuminate, lobed; margins toothe Stem woody, erect, smooth i hairs. I. oblique, ovate-acute, . margins toothed, fl. in branching cymes, large red. Capsule unequal-winged. Summer. Bogota. SYN. B. magnified. B. Fischer! (Fischer's). Similar to B. falcifolia, except that the foliage is unspotted, and the flowers are white and small Brazil 1835T (B. M. 3532.) B. foliosa (leafy).* S. Stem slender, branching, fleshy. I. small, ovate-oblong, dark green, numerous, distichous on stems. jl. small, numerous, white, tinged with pink. Summer. New Gre- nada, 1868. Useful forgrowing in hanging baskets. SYM. . microphyte. (Eef. B. 222.) numerous, rich, deep scarlet. Capsule wings two very short and one long. Summer. New Grenada, 1846. A handsome green- house plant, useful for covering pillars, &c. SYN. B. miniata. (B. M. 4281.) B. f. miniata (vermilion). 1. smaller than in type. fl. cin- nabar red. (F. d. S. 8, 787.) B. gemmipara (bud-bearing). S. Stem 1ft. high, from a tube- rous rootstock, succulent, I. ovate-acuminate, cordate, lobed, smooth above, pilose below. JL medium-sized, white, or with rose stripes, on pendulous, axillary peduncles; sometimes the peduncles bear, instead of flowers, quadrangular cups, which are closely packed with oblong viviparous bulbils. Summer. Himalaya. (C. H. P. 14.) B. geranifolia (Geranium-leaved).* Rootstock tuberous. Stem 1ft. high, erect, angular, succulent, green, with a purplish tinge, branched dichotomously. I. cordate, cut into unequal ser- rated lobes, green ; margins red, whole plant perfectly smooth ; AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 173 Begonia continued. peduncles terminal, bearing two to three flowers, which are inclined, drooping while in bud; outer petals orbicular, red, the two inner obovate, waved white. Summer. Lima, 1833. (B. M. 3387.) B. geranioldes (Geranium-like).* T. Rootstock fleshy. Stem- less. I. radical, somewhat reniform, lobed, serrated; surface scabrid, deep green; leafstalks red, hairy, fl. white, hi lax, drooping panicle. Summer. Natal, 1866. A pretty, though delicate? species. (B. M. 5583.) B. glandnlosa (glandular-leaved).* Stem a stout rhizome, scaly. Leafstalks thick, terete, erect, hairy, 9in. high. I. (An. broad, fleshy, cordate, lobed, green ; veins dark. /. on tall, dark, erect scapes, numerous, greenish-white. Capsule wings, one very large, blunt. Costa Rica, 1854. SYNS. B. hernandicefolia, B. nigro-venia. (B. M.52S6.) Fio. 229. BEGONIA HERACLEIFOLIA. B. gogoensls (Gogoan).* I. peltate, ovate-orbicular, oblique, acute when young, with a bronzy metallic hue, ultimately chang- ing to a deep velvety -green, intersected by the paler midribs and veins ; the under surface deep red. fl. pale rose, in a lax panicle. Gogo, in Sumatra, 1881. A very handsome, ornamental-toliaged species. B. graoilis (slender).* T. Stem erect, unbranched, very succulent, I. thinly scattered along stems, half heart-shaped, slightly hairy, lobed, denticulate-ciliate. fl. on short axillary peduncles ; um- bel of few male and female flowers, two larger petals serrate, colour pink. Capsule winged, green. Mexico, 1829. In axils of leaves between stipules a cluster of bulbils are borne ; these may be gathered and sown as seeds. This and its varieties, annulata, Synonymous with Synonymous with Synonymous with Begonia continued. divfrstfolia, Martiana, &c., are beautiful summer flowering green- house Begonias, requiring a sandy peat soil and shade. When well grown, they are exceedingly ornamental. (B. M. 2966.) B. Grahamiana (Graham's). Synonymous with B. albo^oecinea. B. grandiflora (large-flowered). Synonymous with B. octopetala. B. grandis (great). A variety of B. Rex. B. grandis (great). Synonymous with B. Evantiana. B. grandis (great). Synonymous with B. vittfolia. B. Grifflthil (Griffith's). Stemless; rhizome subterraneous. I. large, obliquely-cordate ; margin crenate, hairy ; surface granu- lated, colour a dark green; margin purple, zoned with grey, under side green, centre and margin deep purple, fl. on cymes, large, white internally, outside tinged with Mush, slightly pilose. Capsule tubercled, one wing large, projecting. Winter. India, 185o. (B. M.4984.) B. Hasskarlli (Hasskarl's). Synonymous with B. peltata. B. heraoleifolla (cow-parsnip leaved). Rootstock thick, fleshy. 1. radical, on long pilose stalks, palmate, large, bronzy green; margin* toothed, hairy- Blower-stalks long, stout, erect, hairy, many-flowered, fl. rose-coloured. Capsule wings nearly equal. Spring. Mexico, 1831. This and the following varieties are handsome both in foliage and flowers. SYNS. JB. jatrophatfolia, B. punctata, B. radiata. See Fig. 229. (B. M. 3444.) B. h. longlplla (long-haired). I. greyish in middle ; outer portions dark bronzy, blotched with green. Whole plant covered with long, stiff, fleshy hairs, fl. as in the type. B. h. nigrloans (dark). This differs from the type in having foliage of a blackish tint all round the margins of the lobes, andthe petals of the flowers nearly white. (B. M. 4983.) B. h. punotata (dotted). I green, reddish near margin, fl. rose- colour, with deep red spots on the outside. B. herbooea (herbaceous).* Rhizome creeping. I. oblong-acute, lanceolate, toothed, ciliated. Flower-stalks shorter than leaves ; male flowers hi a cymose head, white, small ; female flowers soli- tary, on very short stalks. Spring. Brazil, 1873. A small species, very succulent, with the appearance of a primrose when not in flower. SYN. B. attenuata. (G. C. 1873, 679.) B. hornandisefolia (Hernandia-leaved). B. glandulota. (Seemann.) B. hemandlnfolia (Hernandia-leaved). B. nelwmbiifolia. (Gardens.) B. hernandlaafolia (Hernandia-leaved). B. peltata. (B. M. 4676.) B.hirsuta (hairy). Synonymous with B. humilii. B. Hooker! (Hooker's). A variety of B. temperfloreni. B. Hookerlana (Hooker's). S. Stem woody, 5ft. to 6ft. high, branching, covered with minute rusty tomentum. I. ovate, un- equal sided, blunt, Sin. long, tomentose, like the stem. fl. in axillary cymes, small, white. Spring. Brazil, 1850. B. humilis (dwarf).* Stem erect, fleshy, hairy. 1. semicordate- oblong, acuminate, ciliate-serrate, hairy above, smooth beneath. fl. few, in cymes, small, white. Capsule unequal winged. " Trinidad, 1788. Annual. SYN. B. Mrtuta. B. humilis (dwarf). Synonymous with B. tuaveolen*. (B. R. 294.) B. hybrida floribunda '(many-flowered).* A very beautiful summer blooming hybrid between B. fwhnoidet and B. multi- flora. fl. bright rose, medium sized, produced hi abundance. Summer. One of the best. B. hydroootylifolia (Penny-wort-leaved).* Stem succulent, short, creeping. I. rotundate cordate, almost equal-sided ; petiole short. Whole plant hairy. Flower-stalks 1ft. high, pilose, /.in cymose head, medium-sized, dipetalous, rose-coloured, as also are pedicels and stalk. Capsule wings equal-sized, large. Summer. Mexico, 1841. (B. M. 3968.) B. h. asarlfolla (Asarum-leaved). Leaves and flowers smaller than in the type, the latter white. Mexico. B. imperialls (imperial).* Stem rhizomatous, short, thick. I. large, broad, ovate-acute, cordate, rugose, hairy, dark olive-green ; nerves banded with greyish-green colour, fl. in cymes, white, medium-sized, fr. unequal winged. Mexico, 1861. A handsome foliage species. (I. H. i860, 262.) B. i. smaragdlna (emerald-like). I. shining emerald green. B. inoana (hoary). Stem erect, fleshy, tomentose. I. leathery, peltate, oblong-acute, sub-angular, whitish beneath. Flower- stalks long. fl. in small downy panicles, white. Whiter. Mexico, 1840. SYN. B. auri/ormis. B. L anriformis (ear-like). I. divided at the base, not peltate. fl. glabrous. B. incarnata (fleshy).* S. Stem erect, fleshy, 2ft. high, smooth ; nodes swollen, reddish, spotted. I. on short, smooth petioles, unequally cordate, acuminate, sinuately-serrate, green. /. large, rose-coloured, handsome ; peduncles terminal, nodding. Capsule with unequal wings, the largest acute. Winter. Mexico, 1822. SYNS. B. aueubcefoKa, B. insignit, B. Lindleyana. (B. M. 2900.) B. L maonlosa (spotted). 1. spotted with white. B. L metallica (metallic-leaved). J. with a bronzy-purple metallic lustre. 174 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Begonia continued. B. 1. papillosa (papillose). Foliage margined with bright rose ; upper surface covered with little papillae. (B. M. 2846.) B. L pnrpnrea (purple-leaved). Foliage deep bronzy -purple. B. IngramU (Ingram's).* A garden hybrid, raised at Frogmore in 1849, from B. fucfisioidet and B. nitida. It combines the cha- racters of the two parents. A useful winter-flowering plant ; may be grown out of doors in summer. (Q. M. B., p. 153.) B. insignia (remarkable). Synonymous with B. incarnata. B. involucrata (involucrate). S. Stem erect, tall, angular, covered with a reddish tomentum. I. oblique, ovate-acuminate, cordate ; margins toothed and ciliate. /. enclosed in a wrapper, or involucre, when young ; peduncles graceful, bearing umbel of white, largish flowers. Capsule wings unequal, the largest fal- cate. Winter. Central America. B. JatrophfiB folia (Jatropha-Ieaved). Synonymous with B. hera- B. Joseph! (Joseph's). Stemless. L radical, on petioles 6in. to lOin. long, ovate-acuminate, three-lobed, or orbicular, with nu- merous acute lobes, slightly pubescent ; scape 1ft., branched. /I. small, rose-coloured. Capsule wings unequal ; upper margins horizontal. Summer. Himalaya. B. Knnthiana (Kunth's).* S. Stem erect, smooth, slender, purple-brown. I. on short petioles, lance-shaped, acuminate, regularly serrated, smooth, dark green above, bright crimson below. JL axillary, on shprt nodding peduncles, white, large, handsome. Summer. Venezuela, 1 862. A pretty species. (B. M. B. laciniata (cut-leaved).* Rhizome thick, fleshy. Stem short, thick, jointed, reddish, woolly. 1. large, 6in. to lOin. long, 4in. to 6in. broad, unequally cordate ; margins irregularly cut, serrated ; upper side green, under dull, rufous, fl. on short axillary pe- duncles, large, white, tinted with rose. Capsule wings, one very long, others short. Spring. Nejpaul to Birma, South China, 1858. SYN. B. Bowring&naT (B. MV5182.) B. Leopold! (Leopold's). A hybrid from B. Oriffithii and B. splen- dida, with large variegated foDage. 1858. B. Lindleyona (Lindley's).* S. Stem erect, fleshy, covered with ferruginous hairs. I. on long petioles, peltate, ovate, acute, Sin. to 6in. long, Sin. to 4in. wide, irregularly lobed, toothed, green above, tomentose below, ft. on branching peduncles, medium sized, white. Winter. " A garden synonym of B. incarnata. B. longipes (long stalked), ucculent, fu te ; mar branch^d^VintorrToYomtJia,"i8ffl'. "(B.ltf. SobT)'"'' . 8. Stem 3ft. or more high, stout, . rrowed, covered with glands, I. large, rotundate- cordate ; margin irregular, serrated, both sides green, pubescent when young, tl. numerous, small, white ; peduncle 1ft. long, B. longlpila (long-haired). A variety of B. heracleifolia. B. lucida (shining). Synonymous with B. scandens. B. Lynchiana (Lynch's). S. Stem erect, tall, succulent, smooth. I. fleshy, lOin. long, r oblique, ovate cordate, crenulate, green, smooth. /. axillary, in drooping cymes, numerous, large, deep reddish-crimson. Winter. Mexic ' the toll-growing winter-flowering species, the flower-heads are almost a foot in diameter, of gardens. (B. M. 6758.* One of the finest of When well managed, SYN. B. Roezlii, FIG. 230. BEGONIA MACULATA, showing Habit, Section of Cansule and Flower. B. maculata (spotted).* S. A woody shrub. Stems branching, smooth. 1. oblique, ovate-oblong, leathery, slightly undulate- margins entire, under side bright crimson, above green, with nu' merous arge round blotches of silvery white, jt in drooping Begonia continued. panicles, coral-like, handsome, wing. Summer. Brazil, 1821. Capsule with one long, narrow JB. E. 666.) There are numerous varieties of this species, some with leaves almost green, others with the markings more striking than in the type ; in the flowers they differ also, ranging from white to coral-red. The beautiful B. eorallina is probably a variety of this. SYN. B. argyrostigma. B. magnifica (magnificent).* S. Stem erect, fleshy, smooth. J. ovate, unequal sided, toothed, fl. in terminal, cymose panicles, rosy-carmine, l*in. long. New Grenada, 1870. (It H. 1870, 271.) B. magnifica (magnificent). Synonymous with B. ferruginea. B. malabarioa (Malabar).* Stem thick, succulent, 2ft. high, branching. I. numerous, cordate, acute, unequal-sided, crenate or serrate, hairy above and sometimes below, or altogether gla- brous, spotted white. A. rose-coloured ; peduncles axillary, short, few-flowered. Capsule wings equal, joined above and below. Summer. Malabar and Ceylon, 1828. B. dipetala is made a variety of this, by Sir Joseph Hooker, in " Flora of British India." (L. B. C. 1730.) FIG. 231. BEGONIA MAMCATA. B. manloata (tunicated).* Stem fleshy, twisted, short I. oblique, ovate-acute, cordate, dentate-ciliate, smooth on both sides, shining green nerves on under side, with fleshy, scale-like hairs, fl.. pink, dipetalous. in branching cymes; upper portion of stalk scaly. Capsule wings nearly equal. Winter. Mexico, 1842. See Fig. 231. B. Manni (Mann's). S. Stem succulent, 2ft. to 3ft. high, branched, green ; branchlets, young parts, petioles, and leaf -nerves clothed with rusty, furfuraceous pubescence. I. petioled, 5in. long, 2in. wide, lanceolate, cordate, acuminate, toothed, fl. numerous, rose- red, in axillary cymes ; peduncle lin. long. Capsule linear, densely tomentose. Winter. Fernando Po, 1862. (B. M. 6434.) B. marmorea (spotted). A variety of B. xanthina. B. Martiana (Martins'). A variety of B. gracilit. B. maxima (large).* Rhizome thick, hairy, creeping. L large, oblique, orbicular-ovate, cordate, shortly acuminate; margins denticulate ciliate ; petiole long, pilose, fl. in branching cymes ; sepals orbicular, pilose on the outside, white. Summer. Mexico, B. mcgaphylla (large-leaved).* Stem short, thick, fleshy, i. large, palmate, cordate ; lobes numerous, pointed ; margins hairy, under side slightly pilose ; nerves with scaly hairs, fl. in diffuse cymes, small, white; peduncles pilose. Capsule wings wide. Winter. Mexico. B. metallica (metallic). A variety of B. incarnata. B. Meyeri (Meyer's). S. Stem erect, stout, woody when mature. I. large, broadly and obliquely ovate, fleshy, pale green ; margin sinuate, under side tinged with rose ; both petiole and blade covered with short hairs, fl. on long axillary peduncles, in large paniculate heads, white. Capsule wings equal. Summer. Brazil, 1844. (B. M. 4100.) B. microphylla (small-leaved). Synonymous with B. foliota, B. mioroptera (small-winged). Stem 1ft. high, terete, green, pubescent, as in the rest of the plant. Branches few. I. sub-dis- tichous, 4in. to 6in. long, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, serrated, dark green ; petiole short ; stipules as long as petiole, fl. in ter- minal panicles, medium-sized, white, tinted rose. Capsule long, triangular, two angles wingless, the other with a narrow wing. Winter. Borneo, 1856. (B. M. 4974.) B. miniata (vermilion). A variety of B. fuchsioidet. B. monoptera (single-winged).* Stem erect, 1ft. te 2ft. high, rounded, swollen at the joints, dull red, papillose and downy. Radical leaves on long red stalks, large, reniform, truncate at the base ; caulescent leaves smaller, on short petioles, angled. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. Begonia continued. crenate, dark green above, red below, and minutely papillose. jL on an elongated terminal raceme, white. Capsule three- angled, two wingless, the other with a long pointed wing. Sum- mer. Brazil, 1826. A distinct and pretty species. (B. JL 3564.) Synonymous with B. Morltziana (Moritz's). B. tcandent. B. natalenais (Katal). fleshy. Stem lift nig the base, articulate, T. Rootstock thick, succulent, thick at ' ' smooth. L unequal, semicordate, acuminate, lobed, toothed, spotted with white. JL on axillary cymose peduncles, pale rose. Jr. three- winged, two large, one small. Winter. Natal, 1855. (B. M. 4841.) B. nelumbiifolia (Nelumbium - leaved). Rhizome thick, fleshy, creeping. L on long hairy petioles ; blade 12in. to 18in. long, 8in. to 12to. wide, peltate, hairy on under side ; scape 1ft to 2ft. high. JL to cymose head, numerous, small, white or rose coloured. Winter. Mexico. A noble-foliaged plant. SYN. B. hernandiatfilia. B. nemophlla. Synonymous with B. Cath- eartii. B. nlgro-venla (black-veined). Synonymous with B. glandulota. B. nitdda (shining).* S. Stem 4ft to 5ft. high, erect, branched, woody when aged, smooth, shining. I. large, glossy, green on both sides, obliquely ovate, acute, crenated at margin. Jl. fa terminal and axillary pani- cles, numerous, large, deep rose, handsome. Capsule three-winged, one much larger than others. Jamaica, 1777. One of the best winter, and almost a perpetual, flowering species. B. obllqua (oblique* nitida. Synonymous with B. B. ootopetala (cight-petaled).* T. Stem- less. L on long succulent downy petioles, lift, or more in length, cordate. 6in. long, deeply lobed and serrated at the margin, bright green ; scape as long as petioles, rounded, downy. JL to corymbs, greenish- white. males with eight petals, females gene- rally fewer. Capsule three-angled, two wings almost suppressed, the other lin. long ; apex blunt toothed. Autumn. Peru, 1835. SYN. B. grandiflora. (B. M. 3559.) B. opnllflora (Guelder-rose-flowered).* S. oblong-acuminate, toothed, smooth above, hairy below. JL white, to compact umbels, on erect scapes. Spring. New Grenada, 1854. B. Ottonlan (Otton's). A hybrid from B. eont.hafolia and B. eoriaeea. (R. Q. 1859, p. 16.) B. papillosa (papillose). A variety of /:. inearnata. B. Pearoel (Pearce'sX* T. Stem 1ft high, succulent, branching. I. lance-shaped, cordate, pointed, toothed, glabrous above, tomen- toee beneath, and pale red. JL to loose axillary panicles, large, bright yellow. Summer. Bolivia, 1865. Interesting because of its being one of the progenitors of the handsome race of garden tuberous Begonias. B. peltata (shield-like). Stem short, tomentose ; leaves 6in. by 4in., peltate, ovate, densely pilose. JL to branching cyme, small, white ; peduncle 6in. to 9to., pilose. Brazil, 1815. Interesting because of its distinctly peltate foliage and silvery appearance of whole plant SY.NS. B. eoriacea, B. Ilasskarlii, B. htrnandict/olia, B. peltifolia. B. peltifolia (peltate-leaved). Synonymous with B. peltata. B. phyllomanlaca (proliferous-stemmed). S. ' Stem thick, fleshy, rather twisted, green, hairy, clothed, when old, with small vivi- parous buds bearing small leaves, by which means the plant may be multiplied. I. ovate, acuminate, cordate, sinuately lobed, ciliate, smooth above and below. JL to axillary cymes, drooping, le rose. Capsule with one large wing. Winter. Guatemala, 61. (B. M. 5254.) B. piota (ornamented).* T. Stem generally smooth, succulent, 6in. to 12in. high. I. ovate acuminate, nearly equally cordate, serrated, hairy above and on the nerves below, sometimes varie- gated. JL pale rose, large, handsome; peduncle hairy, erect short, few-flowered. Autumn. Himalaya, 1870. (S. E. B. B. platanlfolia U> lane-leaved).* S. Stem 5ft to 6ft high, erect, robust smooth, green ; joints annulated. I Sin. to lOto. to pale 1861. FIG. 232. BEGONIA POLYPKTALA. B. polypetala (inany-petaled). Stem about 1ft high, covered with a soft whitish tomentum. I. ovate-acute, toothed, pubes- cent above, and densely tomentose below. JL, petals nine or ten, of a flue red colour, smooth, external ones ovate-oblong, pointed ; internal ones somewhat shorter and narrower ; sepals two, ovate- elliptic. Capsule tomentose, three-winged, with one wing larger, ascendent Winter. Andes of Peru, 1878. See Fig. 232. (Garden, Dec. 14, 1878.) B. prestoniensls (Preston).* A garden hybrid between B. dnnabarina and B. nitida. L green, lobed, glabrous. JL brilliant orange-red, in drooping axillary cymes, very fragrant Autumn and winter. 1867. (G. M. B. 3, 149.) B. prismatocarpa (prism-fruited).* Stems small, creeping, hairy ; branchlets ascending. L long, petioled, also hairy, obliquely cordate, ovate, three to flve-lobed ; lobes pointed, serrated ; pe- duncles axillary, longer than foliage, bearing a small umbel of two to four dipetalous orange and yellow flowers, one female in each umbel. Capsule four-angled, scarcely winged. Summer. Tropical West Africa, 1861. The smallest of cultivated Begonias, and espe- dally interesting because of its four-angled fruit It forms a pretty cushion of bright shining green foliage, thickly studded with its brightly coloured flowers. Requires a stove temperature and a stony soil. (B. M. 5307.) B. pruinata (frosted).* Stem short, thick, fleshy, smooth. L large, peltate, ovate, angular-sinuate, minutely-toothed ; surface smooth, glaucous ; margins pilose, on stout, fleshy petioles. JL to large dense dichotomons. or small cymes, white. Winter. Gen- tral America, 1870. (R, B. 247.) B. pnlchra (fair). Synonymous with B. nitida. B. punctata (dotted). A variety of B. heracle\f<*M. 176 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Begonia continued. B. purpnrea (purple). Synonymous with B. aeutifolia. B. purpurea (purple). Synonymous with B. nitida. B. Putzeysiana (Putzeys 1 ). S. Stem erect, branching, smooth. I. oblong-lanceolate, acute, toothed, glabrous, under side spotted with white, fl. in copious small corymbs, white and rose, small. Capsule small, with rather large obtuse wings. Winter. Vene- zuela, 1871. B. radiata (rayed). Synonymous with B. heraeUifolia. B. ramentacea (scaly).* S. Stem erect, branching, brown, scaly, as also are the leafstalks and peduncles. I. ovate, rem- form, oblique ; margins slightly angulate, recurved, under side red, scaly; peduncles branching, fl. drooping, pink and white, pretty. Capsule, when ripe, a bnght scarlet ; wings large. Spnng. Brazil, 1839. (P. M. B. 12-73). B. renlformis (kidney-formed). (Gardens.) B. reniformis (kidney-formed). (Hook.) Synonymous with B. Synonymous with B. mttfolia. FIG. 233. BEGONIA REX. B. Rex (Royal).* Stemless; rhizome fleshy, creeping, subter- raneous. Leafstalk round, red, setose. I. 8m. to 12in. long, 6in. to Sin. broad, ovate, oblique, sides unequal, cordate, villose ; mar- gins toothed, surface bullate, dark olive-green, with a metallic lustre, a broad silvery zone running all round, about lin. from the margin, fl. in erect branching cyme, large, pale rose. Capsule wings, two short, one long and rounded. Assam, 1858. See Fig. 233. (B. M. 5101.) This magnificent species is the principal progenitor of the numerous ornamental-foliaged Begonias, a selec- tion of which are given below. Most of them are well worth growing, but those named have been selected from a large number : MADAME WAGNER,* I. large, profound green, banded by a broad silvery zone, especially fine ; MARSHALLI, I. very large, the mar- gins and very centre dark green, while the greater portion of the surface is covered with a silvery-grey ; REGINA,* I. rich olive- green, banded with a broad zone of bronze-red and silvery-grey, rendering it very attractive ; Roi LEOPOLD,* I. on long stout petioles, very large, deep bronze-red in the centre, with a broad border of a rather lighter shade, very effective; ROLLISONI,* 1. large, on long stalks, rich velvety-green, banded with silvery- grey; SPLENDIDA ARGENTEA,* I. large, of a greyish hue, veined with white, and tinged with bronze-red, very beautiful. The fol- lowing varieties are also very good: ADRIEN ROBINE,* BERTHE PROUTIERE, CHARLES HOVEV, DISTINCTION,* JULIA SEROT,* LOUISE CHRETIEN,* MADAME J. MENOREAU,* NAROA, NAVALA,* TALISMAN, W. E. GUMBLETON. B. Rlobardslana (Richards').* T. Stem 1ft. high, erect, fleshy, with slender branches. I. palmately lobed, the lobes sinuate or toothed. fl. white, males bipetalous, females with five petals. Cymes axillary near ends of branches, few-flowered. Capsule three-winged, wings equal. Summer. Natal, 1871. (G. C., 1871, p. 1065.) B. B. dladema (of gardens).* This is referred to here because of its close resemblance to the above. It is most likely a hybrid between B. Richardsiana and B. dipetala. L palmately lobed, rather large, spotted with white. 4. large, rose-coloured. Summer. 1881. B. ricinifolia (Ricinus-leaved).* A garden hybrid between B. heracleifolia and B. pepon\folia. I. large, bronzy green, in shape Begonia continued. like those of the Castor-oil plant, f. numerous, on an erect scape. Winter. 1847. B. Roezlli (Roezl's). Synonymous with B. Lynchiana. B. rosaoea (rosy). Stem succulent, short. I. ovate obtuse, slightly pubescent, toothed ; petioles long, pilose. JL in few- flowered cymes, medium-sized, rose-coloured. New Grenada, 1860. (Garden, pi. 152.) B. rosaaflora (Rose-flowered).* T. Stemless. Petioles, scapes, bracts, and stipules bright red. I. green, 2in. to 4in. wide, on stout hairy petioles, 2in. to 6in. long, orbicular-reniform, concave ; margins lobed, red, toothed. Scapes stout, villous, three-flowered. fl. 2m. across, bright rose-red. Summer. Peru, 1867. One of the parents of the popular race of tuberous-rooted large-flowered Begonias. (B. M. 5680.) B. mbricaulls (red-stalked).* Stemless. Leafstalks, peduncles, pedicels, and ovaries, a deep red colour. I. obliquely ovate, 4in. to 6in. long, slightly hairy, bright green, wrinkled ; margins toothed and ciliated. Scape 1ft. high, erect, stout, branching at the top, forming a head of about a dozen flowers, which are large, , - . wing, the others almost suppressed. Summer. Peru, 1834. white inside, rose-tinted outside. Capsule with one large ing, the othe (B. M. 4131.) B. rnbro-venia (red-veined).* Rootstock thick. Stems 12in. to 18in. high, red, pubescent. I. 4in. to 6in. long, elliptic or lanceolate acuminate, entire or slightly angular, toothed, green spotted with white above, purplish-brown below. Scapes axillary, red. fl. in cymose head ; outer segments white with rose-red veins, inner segments pure white. Summer. Sikkim, Ac., 1853. (B. M. 4689.) B. sangninea (blood-red). S. Stems woody when old, tall, stout, red, with scattered paler spots. I. 4in. to 6in. long, unequally cordate, acuminate, thick and somewhat fleshy in texture, minutely crenate, green above, deep red below ; peduncles axillary, long, erect, red. fl. in a branching cyme, rather small, white. Capsule wings sub-equal. Spring. lirazil, 1836. (B. M. 3520.) B. scabrida (rough). Stem stout, erect, somewhat succu- lent, covered with small tubercles. I. 6in. long, oblique, ovate-acute, cordate, toothed, slightly hairy, JL white, small ; cyme many-flowered. Capsule wings equal, large. Venezuela, 1857. B. scandens (climbing).* Stem flexuose, fleshy, creeping or climbing, smooth. I. 4in. long, ovate acuminate, sub- cordate ; margins irregularly toothed, pale shining green. JL in axillary branching cymes, white, small. America, 1874'. Useful either as a basket plant or for training against moist walls. SYNS. B. elliptiea, B. lueida, B. Moritziana. (R. G. 758.) B. sceptram (princely). S. I. obliquely ovate in outline, deeply lobed on one side ; lobes oblong ; obtuse, veins sunk, and the raised spaces between marked with large silvery blotches, and numerous smaller dots of silver grey. Brazil, 1883. B. Schmidtlana (Schmidt's).* Stems 1ft high, branching, her- baceous. I. obliquely cordate, ovate-acute, small, dark metallic green above, tinged with red below, fl. in loose drooping axillary panicles, white, small, numerous. Winter. Brazil, 1879. (R. G. (salver-like). Synonymous with B. eonehasfoUa. FIG. 234. BEGONIA SEMPERFLORENS FRAU MARIA BRANDT, showing Habit and Flower. B. Sedeni (Seden's). T. A garden hybrid between B. bolivientis and B. Veitehii. Summer. 1869. A handsome plant, but much inferior to many of the more recent hybrids. (R. H. 1872, 90.) B. semperflorens (always -flowering).* Stem fleshy, erect, smooth, reddish - green. 1. ovate - rotundate, hardly cordate; AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 177 Begonia continued. argins serrated, ciliated, surface smooth, shining green. /. xillary stalks, near apex of stems, white or rose, rather lar mar axillary stalks, near apex of stems, white or rose, rather large. Capsule wings two short, .one long, rounded. Autumn. Brazil, 1829. A useful summer and autumn flowering species, of which there are several named varieties more or less distinct from the type, either in colour or size of flowers, or in habit of plant. The varieties carminea, (jigantea, and rotea are perhaps the best. SYN. B. spathulata. (B. M. 2920.) B. s. Fran Maria Brandt. A dwarf compact variety, with rose-tinted flowers. See Fig. 234. B. socotrana (Socotra).* Stem annual, stout and succulent, forming at base a cluster of bulbils, each of which produces a plant the following year ; sparsely hairy. I. dark green, orbi- cular, peltate, 4in. to Tin. across, centre depressed ; margin re- curved, crenate. fl. in terminal, few-flowered cymes, Ijin. to 2in. wide, bright rose. Capsule three-angled, one- winged. Winter. Socotra, 1880. Should be rested through the summer, and started in heat in September. A distinct and beautiful species. (B. M. 6555.) B. spathulata (spathulate). Synonymous with B. semperftoreng. B. stigmosa (branded).* Rhizome creeping, fleshy. I. 6in. to Sin. long, oblique, cordate-acute, irregularly toothed, smooth above, hairy beneath, green, with brownish purple blotches ; stalks scaly, as in B. manicata. fl. in cymose panicles, white, medium-sized, numerous. Brazil, 1845. B. strigillosa (strigillose).* Rhizome short, fleshy, creeping, I. 4in. to 6in. long, oblique, ovate-acute, cordate-toothed ; margins ciliate, red ; stalk and blade covered with fleshy scales ; blade smooth, blotched with brown, ft. in branching cymes, dipetalous, small, rose-coloured. Summer. Central America, 1851. B. suaveolens (sweet-scented). S. Stem branching, 2ft. high, smooth. /. Sin. to 4in. long, oblique-ovate, cordate-acute, crenu- late, glabrous. fl. in axillary panicles, large, white. Winter. Central America, 1816. Resembles B. nitida, but may be distin- guished by its distinctly crenulate leaves and smaller flowers, which are white, and not pale rose, aa in B. nitida. SYN. B. odorata. (L. B. C. 69.) B. Sutherland! (Sutherland's).* T. Stems annual, 1ft. to 2ft. high, slender, graceful, red-purple. I. on slender red petioles, 2in. to Sin. long ; blade 4in. to 6in. long, ovate-lanceolate, deeply lobed at base ; margins serrate, bright green ; nerves bright red. Jl. in axillary and terminal cymes, numerous, orange-red, shaded with dark vinous-red. Capsule wings equal. Summer. Natal, 1867. (B. M. 5689.) B. Teuscheri (Te.uscher's). S. A strong, erect- growing, large-leaved plant, from the Dutch Indies, not yet flowered. I. cordate-ovate, acute, olive-green above, with greyish blotches ; under side rich claret-coloured. Hort. Linden. (I. II. 1879, 358.) B. Thwaltesil (Thwaites's).* Stemless. I. 2in. to 4in. in diameter, obtuse or sub-acute, cor- date at base, minutely toothed, slightly pubes- cent, very shaggy when young, rich coppery. green, red-purple and blotched with white ; underside blood red. fl. in an umbel, medium. sized ; scape short, white. Capsule shaped like a Beech nut ; wings short. Ceylon, 185& One of the most beautiful of coloured-leaved Be- gonias, requiring a close, moist atmosphere m a stove. (B- M. 4692.) B. ulmifolla (Elm-leaved). S. Stem 2ft. to 4ft. high, branching. I. Sin. to 4in. long, ovate- oblong, unequal-sided, toothed, rugose, hairy. ft. on hairy peduncles, numerous, small, white. Capsule wings two small, one large, ovate. Winter. Venezuela, 1854. (L.C. 658.) B. undulata (wavy-leaved). S. Stem 2ft. to 3ft. high, erect, branching freely, turgid below, green, succulent until old. I. distichous, ob- long-lanceolate, undulated, smooth, shining green. Jl. in nodding axillary cymes, white, small. Winter. Brazil, 1826. (B. M. 2723.) Stemless. Begonia continued. B. Verschaffeltiana (Verschaffelt's).* A hybrid between B. carolmcejoha and B. manicata, with large ovate acutely-Iobed B. vitifolia (Vine-leaved). S. Stem 3ft to 4ft high thick smooth, and fleshy. I large as vine foliage, and liniilar in shape; peduncles axillary, erect, branching into a cymose head of small white flowers. Capsules three-angled, one-winged. Winter. Brazil, 1833. SYNS. B. grandis, B. rentformit. (B?M. 3225.) B. Wagnerlana (Wagner's). S. Stem 2ft to 3ft high, erect glabrous, green, succulent, branched. I. cordate-ovate, acumi- nate ; margins obscurely lobed, slightly serrate, quite glabrous ; peduncles axillary and terminal, cymose. /(. numerous, white. Capsules, which are ripened in abundance, three-angled, one wing long, two short. Winter. Venezuela, 1856. (B. AI. 4988.) B. War scewlczil (Warscewicz's). Synonymous with B. conchaefolia. B. Weltoniensis (Welton). A garden hybrid ; one of the oldest of cultivated winter-flowering kinds, with light pink flowers, very free. B. xanthina (yellow-flowered).* Stem short, thick, fleshy, hori- zontal, along with petioles thickly-clothed with brown scaly hairs ; petioles 6in. to 12in. long, stout, terete, fleshy, reddish- brown ; blade 8in. to 12in. long, cordate - ovate, acuminate, sinuate-ciliated, dark green above, purplish beneath. Flower- stalks erect, 1ft high, bearing a cymose head of large golden flowers. Capsule with one large wing. Summer. Bout an, 1850. (B. M. 4683.) B. x. Lazuli (Lapis-lazuli).* Foliage metallic purple, with a bluish tinge. B. x. pictlfolia (ornamented-leaved).* {. with large silvery spots, and pale yellow flowers. The following list comprises a selection of some of the best and most distinct of the innumerable varieties now existing in gardens, and which have been obtained by crossing and re-crossing the several tuberous-rooted species found in the temperate regions of South America. B. urophylla (caudate - leaved). Leafstalks terete, succulent, clothed with scat- tered bristly hairs. 1. large, 12in. long, broad, cordate ; margin irregularly cut, toothed ; apex long-pointed, green, smooth above, hairy be- neath ; peduncle stout, paniculate, fl. crowded, large, uipetalous, white. Spring. Brazil. (B. M. 4855.) B. Veitchll (Veitch's).* T. Stem very short, thick, fleshy, green. I. orbiculate, cordate, lobed and incised ; margins ciliated, green, principal nerves radiating from bright car- mine spot near centre ; under side pale green ; petiole thick, terete, with a few hairs on the upper portion ; scape lOin. to 12in. high, thick, terete, pilose, two-flowered, fl. 2\m. in diameter, cinnabar red Capsule smooth, two short, one long wings. Summer. Peru, 1867. One of the species from which the popular garden tuberous- rooted Begonias have* been obtained. (B. M. 5663.) 35. FLOWEKINO BRANCH OF BKUOMA ADMIRATION. Single -Flowered Varieties. Crimson and Scarlet Shaded: ADJURATION, flowers vivid orange-scarlet, of dwarf, compact habit and free flowering (see Fig. 235); ARTHUR G. SOAMKS,* briSunt raimiwn carletTof excellent form, and very free; BALL 2 A. 178 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Begonia continued. OF FIRE,* glowing fiery-scarlet, flowers large and compact, very free; BLACK DOUGLAS,* dark carmine crimson, flowers large, of the finest form, one of the best; BRILLIANT, deep orange- scarlet, very free; CHARLES BALTET, rich velvety vermilion; COMMODORE FOOT.* brilliant velvety crimson, very free and showy ; DAVISII, flowers small, dazzling scarlet, habit dwarf and free; DR. MASTERS,* flowers large, with immense spikes, deep red-crimson, very attractive ; DR. SEWELL,* glowing crim- son, grand form ; EXOMENSIS, brilliant orange-scarlet, immense flowers ; F. E. LAINO, deep velvety crimson, full and free ; HON. MRS. BRASSEY,* deep glowing crimson, very rich and floriferous ; J. H. LAINO * brilliant scarlet, one of the freest; J. W. FERRAND,* rich vermilion, dwarf and free, one of the finest for bedding ; LOTIIAIR,* dark scarlet-carmine, crimson shaded, of grand form and size ; MARQUIS OF BUTE, brilliant carmine-crimson, of the Begonia continued. White-Flowered : ALBA FLORIBUNDA, flowers medium-sized, very free; MOONLIGHT, very free, with good flowers and handsome foliage ; MRS. LAING,* flowers exquisite in form and shape, pure white, one of the best ; NYMPH,* large and round, white, tinted with rose at the base ; PRINCESS BEATRICE,* flowers large, of ex- cellent form, and pure in colour ; PURITY, flowers round, good size and colour; QUKKN OF WHITF.S,* flowers pure white, large, most freely produced (see Fig. 236, for which we are indebted to Messrs. Veitch and Sons) ; HEINE BLANCHE,* one of the best, very pure; SNOWFLAKE,* flowers large, in full spikes, pure white, habit compact, and very free. Yellow and Oranye- Flowered : CHROMATELLA,* habit dwarf and compact, pure yellow ; EMPRESS OP INDIA, deep yellow, very showy; GEM OP YELLOWS,* rich deep yellow, of grand form and size, one of the best ; GOLDEN GEM,* rich golden yellow, of excel- FIG. 236. BEGONIA QUEEN OF WHITES. finest form, and immense flowers; SCARLET GEM,* very dark scarlet, flowers medium-sized, dwarf and very floriferous ; SEDENI, rich rosy-crimson, dwarf, a good bedder ; Vesuvius,* bright orange-scarlet, compact and free, one of the finest bedders. Rose-Colowed : ALBERT CROUSSE,* bright salmon-rose, very free ; ANNIE LAING,* large and free, rich pink ; CAPT. THOMPSON, rich salmon-rose, very free and compact ; DELICATUM, pale flesh-rose ; EXQUISITE,* rich deep rose, very free and showy; J. AUBREY CLARK, flowers very large, rich, deep ; JESSIE,* soft rosy-pink, with " i petals shaded carmine, a very fine, perfect variety ; the tips of the r LADY BROOKE,* dark rose, shaded m and large; LADY HUMK CAMPBELL, ta, very perfect in form, pale pink, of good form and size, an exquisite variety ; MADAME STELLA,* flowers perfect in form, large, bright rosy-pink, one of the best ; MARCHIONESS OF BUTE, light rosy-pink, with an immense bloom and handsome foliage ; PENELOPE,* rich salmon-rose, very free and good ; PRIN- CESS OF WALES, very delicate pink, and free ; ROSE D' AMOUR, rich rose, delicately shaded. lent form and size, habit free, with prettily mottled foliage ; J. L. MACFARLA.NE, rich orange, freest form, and large ; LADY TREVOR LAWRENCE,* orange-yellow, of good form, with handsome foliage ; MAUDE CHURCHILL,* pale yellow, deeper shaded, with elegant foliage ; MRS. PONTIFEX,* rich orange yellow, very large flowers, copiously produced; POLLIE, pale yellow, fine round flower; SULPHUR QUEEN,* pale sulphur-yellow, of good form and size. Double-Flowered Varieties. Crimson and Scarlet Shaded : ACHILLES, rich dark crimson, very large and free; DAVISII HYBRIDA FL. -PL.,* rich coral-red, very full and free; DAVISII FL.-PL. SUPERBA,* brilliant crimson-scarlet, of good size, and extremely free ; DR. DUKE,* brilliant scarlet, very large and double, one of the best ; FRANCIS BUCHNER,* rich cerise-red, very double, perfect in form, and very large ; FULGURANT, rich crimson, full, with dark foliage ; GLOIRE DE NANCY,* rich vermilion, very free ; HERCULES,* bright orange-scarlet, very large and extremely free, habit compact and vigorous ; LEMOINEI, deep orange-vermilion, very floriferous ; MONSIEUR BAUER, deep red, tinged with violet ; AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 179 Begonia continued. NIMROD,* rich red-scarlet, very large and full, with a free and verv vigorous habit ; PRESIDENT BURELLE,* glowing red, tinted with scarlet, very free; QUEEN OP DOUBLES,* rich rosy-crimson, very double and floriferous one of the best varieties ; ROBERT BURNS,* brilliant orange-scarlet, tinted vermilion, very double and free; SIR GARNET, deep orange-scarlet, very vigorous ; WM. BEALBY,* deep velvety scarlet, immense size and perfect form, Kane-Coloured : ADA,* bright rosy-salmon, fringed at the edge, very full and free ; COMTESSE H. DE CHOISEUL, pale rose, at first nearly white, very handsome; ESTHER,* rich rosy pink, with a distinct crimson margin ; FORMOSA,* rich rosy carmine, with a white centre and crimson margin, very distinct and showy; GLORY OK STANSTEAD,* deep rose, with a well-defined white centre, very distinct and handsome ; JOHN T. POE,* bnght rose, tinted with cerise, of excellent form and vigorous habit ; MADAME COMESSE,* rich satiny salmon-rose, immense, and most profuse ; MADAME LEON SIMON, soft pale rose, very full and free ; MARIE LEMOINE, light salmon with a rose centre ; MRS. BUISSENDEN,* salmon-rose, with a cream-white centre, of excellent form and very free; P^EONIFLORA, flowers enormous, rich salmon-rose, very full ; QUEEN OF SCOTS,* satiny-pink, salmon-shaded, of a perfect form and very large, habit compact and very free ; ROSINA,* deep rose, violet shaded, of exquisite form, very vigorous and free. White-Flowered: ANTOINETTE QUERIN,* pure white, cream, shaded centre, very large and full, a magnificent variety ; BLANCHE JEANPIERRE, pure white, cream tinted, of excellent form and very free ; LITTLE G EM,* pure white, of the best form and good size, habit dwarf and extremely floriferous; MRS. LUDLAM,* white, tinted with pink, a very handsome variety ; PRINCESS OF WALES,* flowers very full and profuse, almost pure in colour, and immense. YelUne- Flowered : CANARY BIRD,* flowers large, of the finest form, deep yellow, habit dwarf and very free ; GABRIEL LEOROS,* pale sulphur, changing to yellow, very full and imbricated, ex- tremely showy. BEGONIACE2E. An order comprising a large num- ber of useful garden plants. The only genera are Beyonia and Begoniella (which is not yet in cultivation). Flowers apetalous; perianth single; pistillate flowers having the perianth two to eight-cleft, staminate ones two to four- cleft; stamens numerous, collected into a head. Leaves alternate, stipulate. See Begonia. BEJARIA. See Befaria. BELLADONNA. See Atropa. BELLADONNA LILT. See Amaryllis Bella- donna. BELLEVALIA (named in honour of P. E. Belleval, a French botanist). ORD. Liliaceas. This genus is now usually placed under Hyacinthus. Hardy, bulbous-rooted plants, admirably adapted for spring bedding or forcing, and invaluable as cut flowers. Flowers small, whitish, or violet, tinged with green. Leaves few, radical, broadly linear. They are of extremely easy culture in ordinary garden soil. Propagated by offsets; also by seeds, which should be sown as soon as ripe. B. operculata (lid-covered). Synonymous with B. romana. B. romana (Roman).* jl. white, racemose ; perianth campanulate ; pedicels longer than the flowers. April. I. from 4in. to 5in. long. A. 6in. Italy, 1596. A most desirable plant, and the best of the genus for forcing purposes. SYNS. B. operculata and Uyaeinthitu romanus. (B. M. 959, under the name of Scilla romana.) B. syriaca (Syrian).* fl. white ; peduncles spreading, racemose. May. L glaucous, 1ft long, channelled, rather scarious on the margins. A. 1ft. Syria, 1840. BELL-FLOWER. See Campanula. BELL GLASSES, or CLOCHES. These are used for the purpose of protecting or accelerating the growth of a plant or plants. The French Cloche (see Fig. 237) is largely employed for this purpose. Ordinary Bell Glasses (see Fig. 238) are exceedingly useful for propagating pur- poses, especially for hard-wooded plants ; or for placing over subjects which require a very moist atmosphere, such as Filmy ferns, Cephalotus, &c. ; or for covering half-hardy plants or rare alpines, and thus protecting them from ex- cessive moisture. Large Bell Glasses, inverted, serve as miniature aquaria, and many small aquatics are easily grown in them. BELLIDIASTB.TJM (from bellis, a daisy, and astrum, a star ; flower-heads being star-like). OED. Composite. A. fretty dwarf, hardy, herbaceous perennial, allied to Aster. t thrives in a compost of loam, leaf soil, and peat. In- creased by divisions in early spring, or directly after flowering. B. Miohelil (Michel's).* jl.-heads white ; scape one-headed, naked ; involucre with equal leaves ; pappus simple. June. I. in a rosette, shortly stalked, obovate, repand. h. 1ft. Austria, 1570. BELLIS (from bellus, pretty; in reference to the flowers). Daisy. ORD. Composites. A genus of hardy her- baceous perennials, distinguished from allied genera in having conical receptacles and an absence of pappus. They grow well in all loamy soils. The garden varieties are increased by division after flowering, each crown making a separate plant. The soil must be pressed about them moderately firm. Seeds may also be sown in March, but the plants thus obtained are seldom of sufficient floricul- tural merit to perpetuate. FIG. 239. BELLIS PERENNIS FLORE-PLENO. B. perennis (perennial).* Common Daisy. Jl.-heads white. June. i. numerous, lying flat on the ground, obovate, crenate, slightly hairy, tapering at the base. h. Sin. England. The varieties are very numerous, the double ones being particularly fine. See Fig 239 The handsome variegated form, aucubcefolia, has its FIG. 237. FRENCH BELL GLASS, OR CLOCHE. FIG. 238. ENGLISH BELL GLASS. Fio. 240. HEN AND CHICKENS DAISY (BELLIS PERENNIS PROLIFERA). leaves richly stained and veined with yellow. There are both red and white-flowered forms of this variety. The Hen and Chickens Daisy is a proliferous form, rather more quaint than 180 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bellis continued. pretty. See Fig. 240. Good garden kinds are B. p. conspieua, red ; CROWN, pink; KLIZA, purple; UUBENS, red; SNOWKLAKE, white. Fio. 241. BELLIS ROTUNDIFOLIA C ICIOKIA BEET. L Clola (Sicilian). Jl. greenish, disposed in threes. August. L with ery thick ribs. Roots scarcely any. h. 6ft. Portugal, 1570. Beta continued. The variety, B. e. variegata, usually known as the Chilian Beet, is a very handsome plant, having its leaves often more than a yard in length and over 1ft. in diameter, with a remarkably handsome variegation. The midribs are usually dark orange or scarlet. It is a most desirable and effective plant for sub-tropical gardening. B. hortcnsifl metallioa (metallic). Victoria Beet An orna- mental variety with glistening deep blood-red leaves. Useful for decorative purposes in summer, either as a single specimen or in a mass. Roots may also be used for cooking. See Fig. 248. B. marltima (sea). /. greenish, disposed in hairs. August. L, lower ones rhomboia-ovoid, acute ; upper ones lanceolate. Stem diffuse. Root scarcely any. A. 1ft. Britain. B. vulgaris (common). The Common Beetroot JL greenish, clustered. August. I., lower ones ovate. Root fleshy. A. 4ft South Europc.1548. BETCKEA. See Plectritis. BETEL, or BETLE. See Piper Betle. BETONICA. This genus now forms a sub-division of Stachys (which see). Betony (Stachya Betonica) ia a native herb formerly much used in medicine, but now almost entirely discarded. BETONY. See Stachys Betonica. BETUTiA (according to some authorities, from Betu, its Celtic name ; others give the derivation of the word as from batuo, to beat, the fasces of the Roman lictors, which were made of Birch rods, being used to drive back the people). Birch. OBD. Cupuliferce. TBIBS Betulea. Orna- mental, hardy (except where otherwise specified), deciduous trees or shrubs, allied to Alnus, having round, slender, often drooping branches, and the bark in most species in thin membranous layers. The flowers appear at the same time as the leaves. Male catkins cylindrical, lax, imbri- cated all round with ternate concave scales, the middle one largest, ovate ; corolla none ; filaments ten to twelve, shorter than the middle scale, to which they are attached. Female catkins similar, but more dense ; scales horizontal, peltate, dilated outwards, three-lobed, three-flowered; corolla none. Nut oblong, deciduous, winged at each side. The Betulas are easily cultivated in any ordinary soil; but a light sandy loam suits them best. Most of the species are best increased by seeds, which ripen in Sep- tember, and need to be dried, in order to prevent fer- mentation. They should be sown in March, in a sandy soil, the surface of which has been previously made per- fectly level. They must be spread on the surface, and not ><3g> covered with soil, but pressed ^~-i"'i~ down with the feet. When "ity'' ' grown in quantities, beds 4ft. in width are preferred, with ^M^fl.4 an alley of 1ft. between them. In early summer, if the weather be warm and dry, the beds should be shaded with branches. The young seedlings must be transplanted when a year old. The dwarfer kinds may be propagated by layering in the autumn. The numerous beautiful varieties are best in- creased by grafting or budding upon seedling stocks of the common kinds, the former being done in spring, and the hitter in summer when the buds are ready. Those most useful as forest trees and for protection are quick-growing and very or- namental. The time of maturity of the Birch depends very much upon the soil and situa- tion, but it seldom increases in size after it is thirty years old. The common species (B. alba) is one of the hardiest and most useful trees in cultivation, growing quickly, and withstanding exposure better than 2 B 186 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Betula continued. many others ; consequently it is invaluable for skirting and nursing more tender subjects, and is especially desirable for clothing mountainous and exposed districts. It is also very beautiful and picturesque. It is the commonest tree throughout Russia, from the Baltic to the Eastern Sea, fre- quently monopolising gigantic forests. In Italy, it forms excellent forests up to 6000ft. altitude, and in our own Highlands of Scotland it occurs up to a height of 2500ft. In Greenland, although much reduced in size, it holds its own as the only arboreal vegetation. Fio. 249. LEAVES AND CATKIN OF BETULA ALBA. B. alba (white).* Silver, White, or Common Birch. Jl. whitish. February and March, fr. brown, ripe in September and October. I. ovate, acute, somewhat deltoid, unequally serrated ; autumnal tints rich yellow, scarlet, or red. A diminutive shrub in the extreme north, but a tree from 50ft. to 60ft. high in the middle regions. Britain. A most beautiful and invaluable forest tree, with a large number of varieties. See Fig. 249. B. a. alba-purpurea (white and purple).* I. rich purple above, with a lustrous metallic hue, pale beneath. Branches with a ^sub-pendulous disposition. A very effective variety. dalecarlica (Dalecarlian).* I. deeply pinnatifid, with the . a. foliis-variogatis (variegated-leaved).' yellowish white. 1. blotched with B. a. laciniata la rather n, and this, but pendula (pendulous and laciniate).* I. rger than the typical form, deeply laciniated, deep gree decidedly pendulous. It appears there are two forms of th that known as Young's variety is the best. B. a. macrocarpa (large-fruited).* Female catkins twice as long as those of the type. B. a. pendula (pendulous).* A well-known tree, distinct from the species in having the shoots more slender, smoother, and pendulous. J. a. pontica (pontic). 1. somewhat larger than and the plant of more robust growth. (W. D. B. 2, 94.) the species, B. a. pubesoens (downy). 1. covered with hairs. B. a. urttolfolla (nettle-leaved).* 1. deeply laciniated, serrated, and hairy. Several others, reputed as distinct, are mere forms of the typical B. alba. B. Bhojpattra (Bhojpattra).* Jl., female catkins erect, cylin- dncal, oblong; bracts smooth, woody, two-parted, blunt, much Betula continued. longer than the fruit, which has narrow wings. May. 1. oblong- acute, with nearly simple serratures, somewhat cordate at the base ; their stalks, veins, and twigs hairy ; the bark is of a pale cinnamon colour. A. 50ft Himalayas, 1840. This requires a sheltered position. B. oarplnifolia (Hornbeam-leaved). Synonymous with B. lenta. B. daurlca (Daurian).* /L, catkins whitish-brown, larger than those of the common Birch. February and March. L ovate, narrow at the base, quite entire, unequally dentate, glabrous ; scales of the strobiles ciliated on their margins ; side lobes roundish, h. 30ft. to 40ft. Siberia, 1786. The variety parvifolia has smaller leaves than the type. B. oxcelsa (tall). Synonymous with B. lutea. B. fruticosa (shrubby).* Jl. whitish-brown ; female catkins oblong. February and March. I. roundish-ovate, nearly equally serrated, glabrous. A. 5ft. to 6ft. in moist situations, but much higher on mountains. Eastern Siberia, 1818. (W. D. B. 2, 154.) B. glandnlosa (glandular).* jl whitish ; female catkins oblong. May. L obovate, serrate, quite entire at the base, glabrous, almost sessile ; branches beset with glandular dots, glabrous. A. 2ft. Canada, 1816. A handsome little shrub. (F. D. 2583.) B. lenta (pliant). JL greenish-white. May to June. I. cordate, ovate, acutely serrated, acuminate ; petioles and nerves hairy beneath ; scales of the strobiles smooth, having the side lobes obtuse, equal, with prominent veins. A. 60ft. to 70ft. Canada to Georgia, 1759. SYN. B. carpinifolia. (W. D. B. 2, 144.) B. lutea (yellow).* Jl. greenish-white. May. 1. 3iin. long, and 2iin. broad, ovate, acute, serrated ; petioles pubescent, snorter than the peduncles ; young shoots and leaves, at their unfolding, downy, but ultimately quite glabrous, except the petiole, which remains covered with fine short hairs ; scales of the strobile* having the side lobes roundish. A. 70ft. to 80ft. Nova Scotia, 1767. SYN. B. exceUa. B. nana (dwarf).* Jl. whitish-green ; catkins erect, stalked, cylin. drical, obtuse ; the barren ones lateral, and the fertile ones ter- minal ; scales of the latter three-lobed, three-flowered, permanent. April and May. /. orbicular, crenate, reticulated with veins be- neath. A. 1ft. to 3ft. Scotland, Lapland, Sweden, Russia, &c. A shrub with numerous branches, slightly downy when young, and beset with numerous little, round, firm, smooth, sharply crenated leaves, beautifully reticulated with veins, especially beneath ; and furnished with short footstalks, having a pair of brown lanceolate stipules at their base. There is also a pretty variety named pendula, with drooping branches. B. nigra (black).* The Black Birch. Jl. greenish-white ; female catkins straight, and nearly cylindrical, about 2in. long. May. I. rhomboid-ovate, doubly serrated, acute, pubescent beneath, entire at the base; scales of the strobiles villose; segments linear, equal. A. 60ft. to 70ft. New Jersey to Carolina, 1736. SYN. S. rubra. (W. D. B. 2, 153.) B. papyraooa (papery).* jl. greenish-white ; female catkins on long footstalks, drooping; scales having the side lobes short, somewhat orbiculate. May to June. I. ovate, acuminate, doubly serrate ; veins hairy beneath ; petiole glabrous ; the branches are much less flexible than those of the common Birch, and are more ascending. A. 60ft. to 70ft. North America, 1750. (\V. D. B. 2, 152.) B. p. fusoa (brown). L smaller than those of the type, and leas downy. B. p. platyphylla (broad-leaved).* L very broad. B. p. trichoclada (hairy-branched).* I. cordate. Branches ex- tremely hairy, and twigs in threes. B. popullfolia (Poplar-leaved).* Jl. greenish-white. April, May. I. deltoid, much acuminated, unequally serrated, quite smooth ; scales of the strobiles having roundish side lobes ; petioles gla- brous. A. 30ft. Canada, 1750. This species, although very closely resembling 11. alba, grows with less vigour, and does not attain so large a size. (W. D. B. 2, 151.) B. p. laciniata (laciniated).* L large, shining, and deeply cut. B. p. pendula (pendulous).* Spray drooping, like that of B. alba pendula. B. puraila (dwarf)-* Jl. whitish ; female catkins cylindrical. May and June. I. roundish ovate, on long footstalks, densely clothed with hairs on the under surface. Branches pubescent, dotless. A. 2ft to 3ft. Canada, 1762. A very beautiful kind, suitable for furnishing large rockeries, or planting on hill sides, or rocky ground. (W. D. B. 2, 97.) B. rubra (red).* Synonymous with B. nigra,. BETULE2E. A tribe of deciduous shrubs or trees. Perianth none, or bract-like ; flowers monoecious, in catkins, in twos or threes. Fruit, a dry, compressed, lenticular, often winged, indehiscent nut. Leaves alternate, simple, stipulated. The genera are Alnus and Betula. BI. In compound words, this signifies twice. BIANCEA SCANDENS. See Cawalpinia sepi- aria. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 187 BIARTJM (an ancient name of a plant). OBD. Aroidece. A genus of small, hardy, tuberous-rooted perennials, much more curious than pretty, allied to Sauromatum. This genus, according to Dr. Masters, differs from Arum in its spathe being tubular at the base, with the limb spreading. The female flowers have a distinct style, and the fruit con- tains only one ovule. They will thrive in any light, rich, well-drained soil, and may otherwise be treated similar to the hardy Arums. There are several other species besides those named, but they are not yet in general cultivation. B. constrictnm (constricted). A synonym of B. tenuifolium. B. gramineum (grassy). A synonym of B. tenui/olivm, B. tenuifolium (slender-leaved).* Jt, spathe dark brown-purple, reflexed in the upper part ; spadix very long, subulifonn. June. I. linear-lanceolate. A. 6in. South Europe, 1570. SY.NS. B. gra- mineum and B. constrictum. (B. R. 512, under name of Arum tenuifolium.) BIAURICULATE. Having two auricles. BIBRACTEATE. Furnished with two bracts. BIBRACTEOLATE. Furnished with two secondary bracts. BICARINATE. Two-keeled. BICOLOR. Two-coloured. BICONJTTGATE. Having two secondary petioles, each with a pair of leaflets. BICORNTJTE. With two horn-like processes. BIDENS (from bis, twice, and dens a tooth; in reference to the seed). Bur Marigold. OBD. Composites. A rather large genus of mostly hardy a"""al and perennial herbs, distinguished by the pericarp having from two to four rigid awns, which are rough with minute deflexed points. Involucre erect, of several oblong, nearly equal, parallel scales. Most of the species of this genus are of no merit as garden plants. Two are natives of Britain, viz., B. cernua and B. tripartita. They thrive in any ordinary garden soiL Propagated by divisions of the plant ; or by seeds. B. atro-sanguinea (dark-bloody). IL-heads black-crimson, very freely produced. Late summer ana autumn. Leaves pinnate. Root tuberous. A. 3ft Mexico. (B. M. 5227.) B. femlajfolia (Ferula-leaved). JL-heads yellow. Autumn. L bipinnatifid. A. 2ft Mexico, 1799. SYS. Coreopsis ferulasf olio. (B. M. 2059.) B. procera (tall). Jl..htadt yellow, large. L finely divided, deep green. A handsome perennial. A. 6ft to 8ft Mexico, 1820. (B. R. 684.) B. stria ta (striped). A.-headt rather large, in a panided leafy corvmb ; ray florets white ; disk yellow. L temately pinnated, glabrous, h. 2ft to 3ft Autumn. Mexico. (B. M. 3155.) BXDENTATE. With two teeth. BIEBERSTEINIA (named after Frederic MarschaU Bieberstein, a Russian naturalist, author of " Flora Taurioo- Caucasica," and other works). OBD. Rutaceae. A genus of half-hardy herbaceous perennials. They thrive in a compost of loam, peat, and sand. Propagated by cuttings, placed under a hand glass in early summer; or by seeds, sown in a slight hotbed in March or April. B. odora (sweet). A. yellow ; racemes terminal, simple ; petals entire. May. L impari -pinnate ; leaflets roundish, deeply toothed. Plant beset with glandular hairs. A. 1ft Altaia, 1837. BIENNIAL. A term applied to plants occupying- two years in the development from seed to the maturation of seed : growing one year, flowering, fruiting, and dying the next. Seeds of Hardy Biennials are, as a rule, sown from June to August, to flower the succeeding season. Tender varieties are sown in a frame or cool house, and kept there all winter, being transferred from the frames or houses to the open border, in June. Wallflowers, Foxgloves, Canterbury Bells, and Sweet Williams, may be taken as fair types of Biennials, although they often assume more than a Biennial character on light sandy soils. BIFARIOUS. Two-ranked ; arranged in two opposite rows. BIFID. Divided about half-way down into two parts; two-cleft BIFOLIATE. Compound leaves with two leaflets. BIFREN ARIA (from bis, twice, and frcenum, a strap ; in reference to a double strap or band, by means of which the pollen masses are connected with their gland). OBD. Orchidecs. A genus of pretty stove Orchids, allied to Mcunllaria, and distinguished from it by having two fraana or caudicles to their pollen masses. For culture, *M Maxillaria. B. aurantiaca (orange-coloured).* /. orange ; lateral lobes of lip semi-cordate, middle one transverse, sub-undulated, callous at the base ; raceme erect October. 1. oblong, plicate. Pseudo- bulb roundish, compressed, two-leaved. A. 9in. Demerara, 1834. (B.R.1875.) B. aureo-folva (orange-tawny). JL orange, on long pedicels ; Up unguiculate, three-lobed ; scape radical, many-flowered. October. L oblong-lanceolate. Pseudo-bulb roundish-ovate, wrinkled, one- leaved. A. 1ft Brazil, 1840. (Had wen's). fL each nearly 4in. across; petals and sepals iin. broad, yellow green, beautifully blotched or mottled with a rich brown ; lip Urge, above Iin. broad, white, with striped spots of rose. June. L Ions, iin. broad, k. lift. Brazil, 185L STN. Scuticaria Uadvenii. (B. M. 4629.) B. H. bella (charming).* A new variety with sepals and petals whitish yellow outside, brilliant shining cinnamon inside, with a few spots, bars, and blotches of whitish sulphur colour ; lip wide, white, with one light brown spot behind, and a larger one in front of the callus ; radiating light brown lines on lateral lobes, and mauve ones on anterior lobe. B. H. pardalina (leopard-marked).* A very beautiful variety, having sepals and petals with brown circles or polygonal figures on a light yellow ground ; lip light ochre-coloured at its basilar part, white in front, with radiating mauve-purple streaks. Thia variety is extremely rare. B. vltellina (yolk-coloured).* JL yellowish purple ; lip cuneate. three-lobed; lateral lobes acute, crenulated; racemes drooping. July. i. lanceolate. Pseudo-bulb ovate, bluntly angular one- leaved. A. 1ft Brazil, 1838. BIFURCATE. Twice-forked. BIGELOVZA (named after Dr. Jacob Bigelow, author of "Flornla Bostoniensis," &c.). OBD. Composite. A genus of hardy shrubs, sub-shrubs, or herbaceous plants, as now understood, comprising several subjects formerly referred to Chrysothamnus, Linosyris, Ac. Flower-heads disposed in corymbs ; involucre imbricated, oblong, or campanulate; receptacle flat. Leaves alternate, linear or lanceolate. They thrive in any ordinary garden soil Propagated by cuttings. B. Howard!! (Howard's). JL-head* yellow ; involucre narrow.' A low shrub. S Y.N. Linotyrii Howardii. B. nudata (naked). JLJuadt yellow. September. L scattered, oblanceolate or linear. A. 1ft to 2ft New Jersey. Perennial. B. panlculata (panided). JL-headt yellow, barely iin. long, loosely panided, five-flowered. California. Shrubby. BIGEMINATE. Doubly paired. BIGLANDULARIA. See Sinningia. BIGNONIA (so named by Tournefort, in compliment to the Abbe Bignon, librarian to Louis IV.). OBD. Bigntmiaeea. A large genus of usually scandent shrubs, furnished with tendrils ; rarely erect trees or shrubs. Flowers axillary and terminal, usually panided; corolla with a short tube, a campanulate throat, and a five- lobed, bilabiate limb. Leaves opposite, simple, conjugate, ternate, digitate or pinnatifid. These handsome plants are particularly suited for large houses, where, if well grown, they give great satisfaction. The primary point in their culture is to obtain free and, at the same time, sturdy growth, giving due attention to training, pruning, Ac., or the plants soon exceed all limits. Like all free- growing plants, Bignonias thrive best planted out in the borders of the stove or greenhouse, or out of doors, as the case may be ; but the space allowed should be limited, in order to restrict root production. They may either be trained to cover the back wall, or be planted in a border in front, and trained up the rafters, or on wires, arranged where most desirable. In summer, allow all the strongest shoots to grow, training them so as to have as much sunlight as possible which is absolutely necessary to well 188 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bignonia continued. ripen the wood, and make it capable of producing flowers without entirely shutting it out from the plants below. Soil : A compost of two parts fibrous loam, one part peat, one of leaf mould, and a due proportion of sand, will be Bignonia continued. most satisfactory method of propagation is by cuttings, made of good strong shoots, in early spring. Three joints are sufficient to make a cutting, if short-jointed; if long- jointed, two are sufficient. Place them in a well- FIG. 250. BRANCH AND FLOWERS OP BIONO.MA MAONIFICA. found most satisfactory. The loam and peat should be used in a rough state, unsifted, as this will keep the border open for some years, and thorough drainage should be effected. Propagation : Seed being rarely procurable, the drained pot of sandy soil, under a bell glass, in bottom heat. As these cuttings . are young and fleshy, they are liable to damp off; hence it is necessary, for the first two or three weeks, to wipe the moisture from the glasses AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 189 Bignonia continued. every morning, and water sparingly. If well managed, they will root in about two months, and should then have the glasses left off every night for a week; they should then be transferred to small pots in the compost above described, passing it through a coarse sieve, to extract the stones and rough pieces of soil. After potting, the plants should be kept close for a short time, till they are able to bear full exposure to the light. In a year's time, they will be large enough to plant out in their permanent quarters. Bignonias may also be increased by layering. B. requinoxlalis (equinoxial). fl. yellow ; peduncles two-flowered, terminal onus racemose. June to October. I. glabrous, conju- gate ; leaflets oblong-lanceolate. Tendrils simple, axillary. Cayenne, 1768. B. re. Chamborlaynii (Chamberlayn's).* fl., corolla yellow, funnel- shaped ; segments obtuse ; racemes axillary, six to eight-flowered. April to October, I., leaflets ovate, acuminated, glabrous, shining above. Tendrils strong, simple. Brazil, 1820. (B. R. 741.) B. eesculifolia (Chestnut-leaved). A synonym of Tabebiua cescultfolia. B. apurcnsls (Apuran). fl. pedicellate, 2in. long ; corolla yellow, funnel-shaped, with roundish, spreading, nearly equal lobes ; spikes terminal, sessile. I. ternate ; leaflets elliptic-oblong, short- acuminated, acutish at the base. Shady banks of the river Apures, near 1 Diamante, 1824. B. argyreo-violasccns (silvery-violet). I. white-veined, in a young state violet. South America, 1865. (F. M. 1865, 26.) B. aurantiaca (orange), fl. orange-coloured. South America, 1874. B. capreolata (tendrilled).* fl., corolla orange; peduncles axillary, one-flowered, crowded. April to August. I. conjugate ; leaflets cordate oblong ; lower ones simple. Tendrils small, trifld. North America, 1710. Hardy in south of England. (B. M. 864.) B. o. atro-sangulnca (dark blood-red). A. red-purple. Summer. United States. (B. M. 6501.) B. Cher ere (Chirere).* fl., corollas orange, 2in. long; cymes axillary. June to November. I., lower ones ternate, upper ones conjugate, cirrhose ; leaflets ovate, acuminated, sometimes snb- cordato, glabrous. Guiana (hi woods and on the banks of rivers), 1824. (BR.130L) B. Chica (Chica). JL, corolla funnel-shaped, violaceous ; limb with nearly equal, rounded segments ; panicles axillary, pendulous. 1. Sin. to lOin. long, abruptly bipinnate ; leaflets conjugate, elliptic- ovate, acuminated, deeply cordate, glabrous. Tendrils simple. Banks of the Orinoco, 1819. B. chrysantha (yellow-flowered), fl. terminal, crowded ; corolla yellow, 2in. long. May. I., leaflets five, ovate, acuminated, tomentose, on pedicels 5in. long. A. 12ft. to 26ft. Caraccas, 1823. Tree. B. chrysoleuca (yellowish -white). /., corolla yellow, with a white limb, glabrous, liin. long ; peduncles three to five-flowered. June, July. I. conjugate ; leaflets 5in. to 6in. long, 2in. broad, oblong acuminated, glabrous, rounded at the base, shining. Tendrils undivided. Banks of the River Magdalena, 1824. B. Clematis (Clematis-like).* fl., corolla white, yellowish inside ; lobes nearly equal, roundish, red ; panicles axillary, downy. I. Tin. to Sin. long, conjugately pinnate, with an odd one ; leaflets 2in. long, lin. broad, ovate, narrowed at top, acute, cordate at the base, glabrous. Branches quadrangular, glabrous. Caraccas, B. divcrslfolia (diverse-leaved), fl., corolla yellow, campanulately funnel-shaped ; panicles terminal. /. conjugate and simple ; leaflets roundish-ovate, acuminated, sub-cordate, glabrous, shin- ing. Tendrils undivided. Branches quadrangular, striated. Mexico, 1825. B. floribunda (many-flowered).* fl., corolla purplish, funnel- shaped, eight lines long; panicles axillary, powdery, with opposite branches and dichotomous branchlets. I. conjugate ; leaflets 2iin. long, oblong-elliptic, acuminated, acute at the base, glabrous, shining. Tendrils undivided. Branches beset with white warts and fine powder. Mexico, 1824. B. lactiflora (milk-fiowered). fl corolla milk white, liin. long, villously tomentose on the outside ; racemes twin, with a petio- late bract at the base of each pedicel. April and July. I. conju- gate ; leaflets 2in. long, cordate, ovate, glabrous. Branches striated. Tendrils trifld. Santa Cruz, 1823. B. leucoxyla (white- wooded). A synonym of Tabebiua leucoxyla. B. litoralis (shore), fl., corolla funnel-shaped, red, downy out- side; panicles axillary, dichotomously branched. May to July. I. ternate ; leaflets roundish-ovate, acuminated, clothed with soft hair on both surfaces. Branches terete, glabrous; branchlets hairy. Mexico, 1824. B. magnlflca (magnificent).* fl. varying from delicate mauve to rich purplish -crimson ; throat light primrose colour, very large, 3Jin. across; panicles large, branching. Summer. I. opposite, on rather long petioles, broadly ovate. Columbia, 1879. A very handsome species. See Fig. 250, for which we are indebted to Mr. Bull. Bignonia continued. B. mollls (soft). fl. small, downy ; panicle terminal, many-flowered. L trifoliate ; leaflets 5in. long, ovate, sub-cordate, downy on both surfaces. Cayenne, 1818. B. moLUssima (very soft), fl., corollas somewhat funnel-shaped, downy inside ; panicles axillary, dichotomously branched, downy. 1. conjugate and simple ; leaflets 2iin. long, liin. broad, ovate, acute, cordate, clothed with soft hairs above. Caraccas, 1820. B. pallida (pale).* fl. axillary, usually solitary; corolla 2in. lone funnel-shaped, with a yellow tube, and a pale lilac limb ; lobes crenately ciliated. July. I. simple, opposite, oblong, obtuse, rather cordate at the base. Branches terete. St. Vincent, 1825. (B. R. 965.) B. piota (painted). A synonym of D. gpeciota. B. radioans (rooting). See Teooma radlcans. B. reticulata (netted). Columbia, 1873. B. Roezlil (Hoezl's). Columbia, 1870. B. salicifolia (Willow-leaved), fl., corolla funnel-shaped, liin. long, copper-coloured, with a white limb ; peduncles axillary, three to six-flowered, downy. Summer. I. conjugate ; leaflets lanceolate, Sin. long, acute at both ends, quite glabrous, shining. Branches terete, sulcate. Trinidad, 1824. B. spociosa (beautiful).* fl. pink, stained with purple; calyx spath- aceous, split on one side ; panicles terminal. May. I. pinnate, ternate and verticillate ; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, shining, serrate, h. 4ft. Uruguay, 1840. A glabrous evergreen shrub. SYN. B.pieta. (B. M. 3888.) B. spoctabilis (showy), fl., corolla 3in. long, rather coriaceous, glabrous, purple ; racemes terminal, short, having the two lower pedicels three-flowered, and the rest one-flowered. I. conjugate; leaflets ovate-oblong, acuminated, obtuse. Santa Cruz, Ac., 1820. B. Tweediana (Tweedie's). fl. yellow ; corolla glabrous, limb deeply five-parted, ciliated ; segments einarginate ; peduncles one- flowered. Summer. I. conjugate ; leaflets lanceolate, acuminate ; petioles downy. Buenos Ayres, 1838. (B. It. 26, 45.) B. voriabilis (variable).* fl., corolla Sin. long, with a greenish- yellow tube ; limb ultimately white ; racemes simple, short, many- flowered, terminal. June to August. I., lower ones biternate ; superior ones conjugate ; divisions ternate. Branches tetragonal. Tendrils trifld. Caraccas, 1819. B. venusta (lovely), fl., corolla crimson, clavately funnel-shaped, with a spreading border, villous inside ; corymbs terminal, many-flowered. August to December. I., lower ones ternate ; superior ones conjugate ; leaflets oblong-ovate, acuminated oblique at the base. Brazil, 1816. (B. R. 249.) BIGNONIACE2E. A larere order of trees, or twining or climbing shrubby plants. Flowers usually trumpet- shaped ; corolla usually irregular, four or five-lobed, and with a swollen portion below its mouth ; stamens five, unequal. Fruit, a two-valved, often pod-like capsule. Leaves usually opposite, compound. The best - known genera are Bignonia, Catalpa, Eccremocarpue, Jacaranda, and Tecoma. BIJUGATE. A compound leaf, with two pairs of leaflets. BILABIATE. Having two lips. BILBERRY. See Vaccinium Myrtillns. BILIMBI TREE. See Averrhoa Bilimbi. BILL. A cutting instrument, curved forward, or hook- shaped toward the point, and fitted with a handle, like a hatchet. It is used for pruning, &c. When short, it is called a Hand-bill; when long, a Hedge-bill, or Hedge- hook. BILLARDIERA (in honour of Jacques Julien Labil- lardiere, a celebrated French botanist and traveller). Apple Berry. ORD. Piltosftoreae. Very desirable green- house evergreen climbers. Peduncles solitary from the apex of the branches, one-flowered, pendulous ; calyx of five subulate sepals ; petals five, combined into a tube below, generally yellow; stamens five. Fruit edible. Leaves alternate. They thrive either in pots or planted out in a compost of fibroue loam, leaf soil, and peat, in equal proportions, with thorough drainage. Cuttings, dibbled in a pot of sandy soil, placed under a bell glass, in gentle heat, root readily. They may also be raised from seed, which several of the species produce in abun- dance. B. angnstlfolla (narrow -leaved). A synonym of tt. teandfnt. B. longlflora (I n 8- n ' owere d)-* fl~ greenish -yellow, often chang- ing to purple, solitary ; pedicels glabrous. Berries blue. May to ' ' nceolate. entire. Van Piemen's Land. 1810. A verv asr 190 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Billardiera continued. free-growing and profuse-flowering species. SYN. B. ovalis. See Fig. 261. (B. M. 1507.) FIG. 251. FRUITING PORTION OK BILLARDIERA LONGI FLORA. B. mutabilis (changeable). A synonym of B. scandens. B. ovalis (oval-leaved). A synonym of D. longiflora. B. scandens (climbing).* fl. cream-coloured, at length purplish, solitary ; pedicels same length as the flower. June to September. I. lanceolate-linear, entire. Branches, when young, villous. New Holland, 1795. SYNS. B. mutabilis, B. angtisttfolia. (B. M. 1313.) BILLBERGIA (named after J. G. Billberg, a Swedish botanist). ORD. Bromeliacece. A genus of handsome stove plants. Flowers borne on light panicles ; calyx three- parted ; corolla of three convolute petals, scaly at the base ; stamens inserted into the base of the perianth. Leaves harsh, rigid. These require much the same treatment as recommended for Mchmea. The most suitable soil is a mixture of peat, leaf soil, and loam in about equal parts, to which is added some sharp sand, to keep it open and porous. Free and perfect drainage is absolutely neces- sary for the successful culture of this class of plants, and a layer of moss should be placed over the crocks previous to filling the pots with soil. Although fond of heat, Billbergias will, when in flower, bear removal to a cooler house than a stove; and, if they are kept a little dry at the same time, the change will greatly prolong their flowering period. The stronger growing kinds thrive well in rich, well-drained loam and leaf mould. Propagation is effected by carefully taking off the suckers which form at the base, after the plants have done flowering ; but, before doing this, they should be allowed to attain a good size. The suckers grow quickly when attached to the parent stem, from which they derive their strength, and feel the check less when severed ; besides which, they become more mature, and are in better condition for root- ing. The best method to adopt is as follows: Take the sucker in the hand and gently twist it off the stem ; next trim the base by the removal of a few of the lower leaves, and then insert each sucker separately in a small pot, in sharp soil. A bottom heat of about SOdeg. will greatly facilitate new root-growth ; failing this, they will root freely in the temperature of a stove if placed in a shaded position for two or three weeks, after which they will bear increased light and sunshine during the later part the day. See also JEclimea and Androlepis. Billbergia continued. B. amoena (pleasing). /. greenish-white, tipped with blue, loosely panicled ; bracts rose-coloured. July to winter. I. ligu- late, abruptly acuminate, slightly spiny, h. 2ft. Brazil, 1817. (B. R. 344.) J. Baraquiniana (Baraquin's).* fl. green; spikes long, the upper portion pendulous, bearing four or five large, oblong-lanceo- late, bright scarlet bracts at the base of the flowers ; the stem above the bracts is hoary white. Early spring. I. ligulate, taper- ing to a point, where, as well as at the edges, they are armed with sharp reddish spines, arched, transversely variegated with white scurfy bars. A. lift. Brazil, 1865. (I. H. 1864, 421.) B. chlorostlcta (green-spotted). Synonymous with B. Saundersii. B. iridifolia (Iris-leaved).* fl. red and yellow, tipped with blue, in drooping spikes ; rachis and bracts crimson. March. I. lanceo- late, ensiforin, lift., grey beneath, h. 1ft. Rio Janeiro, 1825. (B. R. 1068.) B. Liboniana (Libon's).* fl., outer perianth segments beautiful coral red, about half as long as the inner ones, which are whitish at the base, and a splendid purple upwards. Winter. I. in a dense rosette, h. 1ft. Brazil, 1858. (B. M. 5090.) B. Lietzei (Lietz's).* fl. in loose terminal racemes, each sub- tended by lanceolate pink bracts ; sepals rosy pink, half as long as the greenish corolla. 1. tufted, ligulate, acute ; margin spiny. Brazil, 1881. A double-flowered variety, with petaloid stamens, is mentioned by M. Morren, which is interesting in being ^ first double-flowered Brouieliad yet recorded. (B. H. 1881 B. marmorata (marbled).* fl. deep blue ; calyces green, tipped with blue ; bracts very large, leafy, oblong, bright scarlet ; panicles erect, branched, much longer than the leaves. I. broadly ligulate, sheathing at the base, truncate-mucronate at the apex I edges very regularly toothed, deep green, freely blotched and barred with dull reddish-brown. (I. H. 2, 48.) B. Moreli (Morel's).* ft., sepals red, densely woolly, less than half as long as the purplish-violet petals ; spike dense, drooping ; bracts large, deep rosy red, much longer than the solitary sessile flowers. February. I. arching, lanceolate, shining green on both surfaces ; marginal spines few and weak. h. 1ft. Brazil, 1848. An excellent basket plant. SYN. B. Moreliana. (B. H. 1873, 1, 2.) B. Moreliana (Morel's). Synonymous with B. Moreli. ing t , 97.) the FIG. 252. FLOWERS OP BII.LBEROIA NUTANS. B. nntans (nodding). /., sepals reddish ; petals yerlowish-green, both with a blue margin ; scapes slender, nodding, with a few large rosy bracts, terminating in a short drooping spike. Winter. 1. numerous, long, narrow, ensiform, remotely spiny, h. lift. Brazil, 1868. See Fig. 252. (B. M. 6423.) B. pallescens (pallid), fl. greenish-white ; ovary deeply grooved ; spike pendulous; bracts lanceolate, of a beautiful rose-pink. Winter. L dark green, and spotted on the upper surface, paler AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 191 Billbergia continued. beneath, with transverse bars. h. lift. Brazil, 1856. SYNS. B. pallida and B. Wioti. B. pallida (pale). Synonymous with B. pallescens. B. pyramidalls (pyramidal), fl. red, with purple margin, in erect spikes ; bracts lanceolate, rosy. February. I. curved, lisru- late-lanceolate, with white bands beneath. A. 1ft Peru, 1822. (B. H. 1873, 16.) B. Qucsncliana (Quesnel's).* fl. deep purple; bracts flesh- coloured; upper ones variegated with white. A. 6ft. Guiana, 1874. An erect growing species, possessing the same habit as B. rosea-marginata, but having the leaves more acuminate, and deep green in colour. SYN. Quesnelia rufa. (F. d. S. 10, 1026.) B. rosea-marginata (rose-margined).* fl., inflorescence a dense oblong spike of light blue, subtended by large, broad, deep, rose- coloured bracts, with scarious margins. January. 1. sheathing at the base, about 2ft. long, channelled, spiny on the margin, and marked with transverse mealy bands, h. IJft. Tropical America, 1880. SYNS. B. rubro-marginata, and Quesnelia roseo-marginata. B. rubro marginata (red-margined). Synonymous with &. rosea-marginata. B. Saundersii (Saunders'X* JL about 2in. long, disposed in a loose pendulous inflorescence ; sepals crimson, half the length of the petals, which are yellow outside and blue within. I. tufted, ligulate, rounded at the apex, terminated by a short mucro, saw- toothed, green above, purple beneath, and spotted white on both surfaces. Brazil, 1868. SYN. (according to Morren) B, ehloro- tticta. (F. M. n. s. 106.) B. thyrsoidea (thyrsoid). fl. dense, in thyrsoid spikes, almost without bracts. June. I. green, ligulate, shortly acuminate, the margin toothed. A. 1ft Brazil, 1850. (B. M. 4756.) B. vlttata (striped), fl. indigo blue, with crimson calyces and bracts ; racemes nodding. I. banded, ligulate, elongate, ' ' A. lift. Brazil, 1843. (B. H. 1871, 14, 15.) B. Wlotl (Wiofs). Synonymous with B. patteteeng. B. zebrina (zebra-streaked).* fl. greenish ; scape clothed with ed bn . ' I. sheathing their length, forming thus a sort of tube, deep green, with large, pale, salmon-coloured bracts ; inflorescence gracefully curved downwards. Early spring. I. sheathing for about half zones of . America, '. Y, the whole deepening with age^ A. lift South SYN. Oelicodea zebrina. (L. B. C. 1912} BILOBATE. Two-lobed. BINATE. In pairs. BINDING. The process of securing a graft or bud in its place by means of Baffia or Bast. The same term is applied to hard clay or other soil impervious to water, in summer. BINDWEED. See Convolvulus. BIOPHYTUM (from bios, life, and phyton, a plant; the leaves of one species being sensitive to the touch). TRIBE Oxalidece of OKD. Geraniacece. A genus of pretty and interesting perennials, differing from Oxalis, in which genus it has been included, in the valves of the capsule being patent and separate to the base. They will thrive in a mixture of loam and peat. Propagated by seeds, which should be sown in spring, on a hotbed. Probably the only species in cultivation is the following : B. sensltivum (sensitive), fl. yellow, small. July. L. leaflets oblong, obtuse, mucronate. A. 6in. India and China, 1823. The leaves of this plant contract on the slightest touch. SYN. Oxalis tensitiva. (B. B. 31, 68.) BIOTA. See Thuya. BIOTIA. See Aster corymbosus. BIPARTITE. Divided into two nearly to the base. BIPINNATE. Twice pinnate. BIFINNATIFID, or BIPINNATIPARTED Having both primary and secondary segments of a leaf divided, but not to the base. BIFLICATE. Having two folds or plaits. BIRCH. See Betula. BIRD-CHERRY. See Cerasus Padus. BIRDLIME. A preparation made from Mistletoe berries and Holly bark. It is used for catching birds. BIRD-PEPPER. See Capsicum baccatum. BIRDS. As a class, Birds are very much more useful than hurtful in gardens. Owls are of great use in catch- in? mice, and Night-jars in catching night-flying insects. Birds continued. Hooks are very useful in lessening the numbers of wire- worms, and of hurtful insects in general; but, if very numerous, they may be driven to eat potatoes and other vegetable food, and may then do harm. The same may be said of Starlings. Blackbirds and Thrushes feed much on snails and worms, but they also feed on the ripe fruits in gardens. As a rule, slender-billed birds feed almost wholly on insects or other animals, and are to be encouraged in gardens at all seasons. . Among these may be enumerated the Tree-creeper, Wryneck, Warblers, and Wrens of various kinds, Chats, Hedge- sparrow, Larks, Redstart, Robin, Titmice, and Wagtails. Swifts, Swallows, and Martins, are also great destroyers of insects. The Finches feed, in part, on insects, but also eat large quantities of seeds, and often do consider- able damage among plants grown for seed, e.g., Cabbages, and in the seed-beds. Sparrows are about the most troublesome, though they are often assisted by Buntings, Chaffinches, Linnets, and others. When seed-beds or fruits have to be protected, this may be done by nets; or, more simply, by threads tied to sticks a few inches above the surface of the ground, or in front of the trees. BIRD'S-EYE PRIMROSE. See Primula fari- uosa. BIRD'S-FOOT. See Ornithopus. BIRD'S-FOOT FERN. See Pellaa ornlthopus. BIRD'S-NEST FERN. See Asplenium Nidus. BIRTHWORT. See Aristolochia. BISCUTELLA (from bis, double, and scutella, a saucer; in allusion to the form of the silicles). Buckler Mustard. OBD. Cruciferce. Perennial or annual herbaceous plants, usually hispid, but sometimes downy or smoothish. Flowers yellow, scentless; pedicels filiform, bractless. Leaves ob- long, entire, toothed or pinnatifid, somewhat radical or cauline. Stems round, erect, usually corymbosely branched at the top by racemes, which, when in flower, are short, but elongated at the time of fruiting. All the species pro- duce seeds freely. The annuals should be sown in the open borders. Some of the perennial kinds are well adapted for ornamenting rockwork, in a dry, sunny situation. Of the annuals, columnce, lyrata, maritima, and obovata, are best. Of the perennials, coronopifolia, Icevigata, and sempervirens are the most desirable, but none aro worth cultivation out- side botanical collections. , BISERIAL, or BISERIATE. Arranged in two parallel rows. BISERRATE. Toothed in a saw-like manner, but with the primary teeth again serrated. BISULCATE. Doubly furrowed. BITERNATE. Twice ternate. BITTER ALMOND. See Amygdalus communis BITTER APPLE. See Citrullus Colocynthis. BITTER-SWEET. See Solanum Dulcamara. BITTER VETCH. See Orobus. BITUMINOUS. Clammy, adhesive. BIVON2EA (named after Antonio Bivona-Bernardi, a Sicilian botanist, author of " Sicularum Plantarum Cen- turia I. et II.," Palermo, 1806). OBD. CrucifercB. A pretty little monotypio genus, well adapted for ornamenting rockwork or the front of flower borders. A dry sandy soil is most suitable for its culture. Propagated by seeds, sown in spring where the plants are intended to remain, thinning-out being necessary to ensure full growth. B. lutea (yellow).* fl. yellow, small ; racemes terminal, elongated as they grow ; pedicels filiform, bractless. April. L alternate, lower ones stalked, the rest sessile, cordate, stem-clasping at the base, ovate, toothed, bluntish. Stem filiform, sparingly branched. A. Sin. to6in. Sicily, 1823. An annuaL 192 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, BIXA (its South American name). Arnatto. OBD. Bixinece. Stove evergreen trees, with diohotomons panicles of large reddish flowers, broad cordate leaves, and prickiy capsules. A compost of loam and peat is well adapted to their culture. Propagated by seed, sown when ripe in bottom heat; or by cuttings, which root freely in sand, under a hand glass, in heat; the latter is the better method. If grown from seed, the trees attain a large size before they flower ; whereas cuttings, taken from a flowering plant and struck, may be brought to flower when small plants. B. Orellana (Orellana). /. pale peach-coloured ; corymbs ter. minal, panicled ; peduncles two, three, and four-flowered. May to August. I. cordate, ovate, acuminated, entire or angular. smooth on both surfaces. The drug called Arnatto is prepared from the red pulp which covers the seed of this species. It is used in the preparation of chocolate, and by farmers for colouring cheese, and also as an orange or yellow dye for silks. A. 30ft. West Indian Islands, 1690. See Fig. 253. (B. M. 1456.) BIXINEJE. An order of smoothish tropical trees or shrubs, not remarkable for any particular beauty. Flowers Black Ply continued. struction must be employed directly the insect appears. Its eztermination is an extremely difficult matter ; but the following remedies are very effectual: Fio. 254. THE BEAN FLY. a, Female, magnified ; 6, Male, natural size, and magnified. Tobarco Water. This, made and applied as recommended for Aphides (which .-w) is a good remedy ; but it is ren- dered more certain by the employment of soapsuds, instead of clear w^ter, in its manufacture. PIG. 253. FLOWERING BRANCH OP BIXA ORELLANA. with or without petals, when present five and sepal-like ; stamens indefinite in number, inserted in the receptacle or at the bottom of the calyx; peduncle axillary or ter- minal, bracteate. Fruit fleshy or dry. Leaves alternate, simple,entire,or slightly lobed, usually full of pellucid dots. The genera best known are Azara, Bixa, and Flacourtia. BLACK BEARBERRY. See Arctostaphylos alpina. BLACK BEETLES. See Cockroaches. BLACKBERRY. See Rubus fruticosa. BLACK BRTONY. See Tamus communis. BLACK BULLACE. See Pmntts insititia. BLACKBURNIA. See Xanthoxylum. BLACK PLY or BEAN PLY (Aphis rumicis), also called Collier and Black Dolphin. This Fly (see Fig. 254) is found on many herbaceous plants. It is very injurious to Beans ; hence, immediate means of de- Parts Green (Arseniate of Copper). Owing to its poison- ous nature, this should not be used where there is fruit on the trees or vegetables under them ; but there is no better destroyer of hard-dying insects. Its application is very simple. Mix lib. of the green with SOgals. of water, and well wet the infested parts of the trees, using a fine- rosed watercan or garden engine for the purpose. The operator's hands should be free from sores and scratches, or dangerous ulcerations may ensue. Gas Liquor. If this can be obtained from a gas-house, it should be diluted with twice its bulk of water, and applied in the same manner as Paris Green, being washed off with clean water in a few hours. If the process be repeated on two or three consecutive nights, it will be found certain in its effects ; moreover, it is not very poisonous. The finger or thumb, or the Aphis brush, applied early, will often exterminate these obnoxious insects at once. The first of the methods above described is perhaps the most acces- sible and the safest to use. Poisonous insecticides are AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 193 Black Ply continued. more or less dangerous, especially in the hands of the in- experienced. Black Fly is, however, one of the most difficult insects to eradicate, especially if allowed to multiply. A syringing of clean water should follow either of the above applications. See also Aphides. BLACK JACK OAK. See Qnercns nigra. BLACK MAIDENHAIR SFLEENWORT. See Asplenium Adiantum-nigTum. BLACK FINE. See Finns austriaca. BLACKTHORN. See Prunus spinosa. BLACK VARNISH TREE. See Melanorrhcea. BLACK WATTLE. See Callicoma serratifolia. BLADDER CATCHFLT. See Silene inflata. BLADDER KETMIA. See Hibiscus Trionnm. BLADDER NUT. See Staphylea. BLADDER SENNA. See Colntea. BLADDER WORT. See Utricularia. BLADE. The lamina or expanded part of a leaf. BLJERIA (named after Patrick Blair, M.D., F.R.S., who practised medicine at Boston, in Lincolnshire, and was author of "Miscellaneous Observations," 1718; "Botanic Essays," 1820, &c.). OBD. Ericaceae. Pretty little green- house evergreen shrubs, natives of Southern and Tropical Africa. Flowers terminal, glomerate; corolla short- tubu- lar, with a four-cleft limb, very freely branched. Leaves verticillate, with revolute margins. For culture, see Erica. B. artlcnlata (jointed).* fl. reddish; heads drooping. May. I. four in a whorl, ovate or linear, glabrous, and shining ; bracts solitary, h. 1ft. 1795. B. ericoldes (Heath-like), fl. purplish-red. August. I. four in a whorl, oblong, obtuse, ringed ; bracts three, length of the calyx. h. 2ft. 1774. SYN. Erica, orbicular*. (L. B. C. 153.) B. purpurea (purple), fl. purple ; heads drooping. June. L four in a whorl, ovate, sub-ciliated. Stem flexuous, erect, h. 2ft. 1791. BLAKEA (named after Martin Blake, of Antigua, a great promoter of useful knowledge). ORD. Melastomacece. Handsome stove evergreen shrubs or trees. Flowers red, large, showy; peduncles axillary, terete, one-flowered, naked, opposite or solitary, shorter than the leaves, usually with brown tomentum. Leaves petiolate, three to five-nerved, coriaceous, glabrous above and shining, but usually densely clothed with rusty tomentum beneath. They thrive well in peat, or a mixture of loam and peat, and require to be liberally supplied with water, particularly in spring and summer. Cuttings root freely if taken from shoots that are quite ripe (otherwise they are apt to rot), planted in a pot of sand, and plunged in a moist heat, under a hand glass. B. qninquenervla (five-nerved), fl. flesh-coloured, large, with white disks ; peduncles twin, shorter than the petioles. June. L elliptic, acuminated, naked, and shining on both surfaces, five- nerved, h. 10ft. to 16ft. Guiana, 1820. (A. G. 210.) B. trinervia (three-nerved), fl, rose colour, large ; peduncles solitary, longer than the petioles. June. J. oval-oblong, three- nerved, glabrous and shining on both surfaces in the adult state, and when young serrulated ; petioles and branchlets clothed with rusty tomentum. Roots issuing from the branches and stems. ft. 4ft. to 8ft. Jamaica, 1789. (B. M. 451.) BLANCHING. This process is effected for the pur- pose of obtaining crispness, and for converting what would, under ordinary circumstances, be a dangerous plant in the case of Celery especially so into a highly popular delicacy. Blanching can only bo accomplished by entirely excluding the light from the plants, thus depriving the colouring matters of their power to decompose water and carbonic acid gas. It is also termed Etiolation. BLANDFORDIA (named after George, Marquis of Blandford). ORD. Liliaceae. A very beautiful genus of greenhouse bulbous plants, natives of Australia. Flowers solitary, on recurved pedicels ; perianth funnel-shaped, six- Blandfordia continued. cleft ; stamens six. Leaves linear, elongate, striate ; radical ones dilated, and somewhat sheathing at the base ; others shorter and more distant, appearing on the flower-stem. The best soil in which to grow them is loam and peat in equal proportions, with a little rough silver sand added. They should be repotted moderately firm in the autumn, allow- ing good drainage, and should then be placed under the greenhouse stage, or in any other position where they will be free from water drippings. Water must only be given when dry, until they commence to grow, when it may be gradually increased, and they may be introduced into a higher temperature, if necessary, there to remain till after flowering. When the foliage is ripened off, they may be stored away until the time for re-potting. Propagated by seeds and offsets, or by division of the old plants, which must be done when repotting. B. aurea (golden).* fl. IJin. to 2in. long ; scape bearing an umbellate cluster of three to five pure golden-yellow drooping bell-shaped flowers. Summer. I. narrow, linear, keeled or channelled, from the base of which the flower scape arises, h. 1ft to 2ft. 187C (B. M. 5809.) B. Cnnninghnmii (Cunningham's).* fl. rich coppery red, the upper part, yellow ; about 2in. long, bell-shaped, pendulous ; from twelve to twenty, terminating in a stout scape 3ft high. June. 1. linear, slightly keeled at the back, about iin. broad. This magnificent species should have a little charcoal mixed with the soil already mentioned. (B. M. 5734.) B. C. hybrids, (hybrid). /. red, margined with clear yellow. bell-shaped, in a dense drooping umbel B. flammea (fiery).* fl. dullish yellow, in dense umbel like clusters ; bracts ovate-lanceolate, stiff ; perianth inversely conical. June. I. linear, bluntly keeled, h. 2ft. 1849. B. f. elegans (elegant).* fl. crimson, tipped with yellow, large, funnel-shaped. Summer. I. long, linear-ensiform. This very handsome form is often taken for the type. B. f. . f. princeps (magnificent).* and bright yellow within, abo fl. rich orange-red externally, about Sin. long, tubular, borne on a scape about 1ft. high, slightly pendulous, and arranged near the er. /. stiff, sub-erect, long, bright green, disposed splendid greenhouse summit. Summer in a distichous manner. plant, and should be in every collection. 1873. SYN. B. princept. See Fig. 255. (B. M. 62C9.) B. grandiflora (large-flowered).* fl. crimson, very large ; bracts as long as the pedicels, the inner much the shortest. July. A. 2ft. 18ia (B. E. 924.) B. intermedia (intermediate), fl. yellow, pendulous, funnel- shaped, in sixteen to twenty-flowered racemes ; bracts leaf- forined. September. I. channelled, acutely keeled, scabrous on the margins, h. lift B. marginata (margined), fl, orange-red, conical, in long pen- dulous racemes ; bracts narrow, fohaceous, about equalling in length the pedicels. July. I. stiff, sub-erect, with scabrous margins. A. 2ft. 1842. (B. R. 31, 18.) x B. nobilis (noble).* it. orange, with yellow margins, on long pedicels, drooping, disposed in a terminal raceme ; bracts twice as short as the pedicels. July. I. very narrow. A. 2ft. 1803. (B. M. 2003.) B. princeps (magnificent). Synonymous with B. flammea princep*. BLATTA. See Cockroaches. BLEABERRT. See Vaccininm Myrtillus. BLEACHING POWDER. See Chloride of Lime. BLECHNTTM (from Blechnon, the Greek name of a fern). OBD. Filices. A very attractive genus of stove and greenhouse Ferns, thriving in a compost of peat, leaf soil, and loam. Sori linear, continuous, or nearly so, parallel with, and usually contiguous to, the midrib. Involucre distinct from the edge of the frond. Fronds uniform, generally pinnate or pinnatifid. Veins usually free. For general culture, see Ferns. B. australe (southern).* ecu. stont, creeping, scaly, tti. erect, 4m. to bin. long, frondt 9in. to 18in. long, and from 2in. to 3in. broad, lanceolate, narrowed towards both ends ; pinnae numerous, the barren ones lin. to liin. long, Jin. to |in. broad, linear, hastate-cordate, or auricled at the base, especially on the upper side, with a very coriaceous texture ; fertile pinna narrower, tori in a continuous or slightly broken line, close, but not contiguous, to the midrib. South Africa, Ac., 1691. Greenhouse species. B. boreale. See Lomaria Splcant. B. brariliense (Brazilian).* cou. erect, stout, sub-arborescent, 1ft. or more long, densely clothed at the crown with dark brown scales, tti. short, stout, densely scaly, frondt oblong-lanceolate, 194 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Blechirn.ni continued. 2ft. to 4ft. long, 6in. to 16in. broad, narrowing downwards ?ery gradually ; pinnae close, linear, 4in. to Sin. lone, *in. to fin. broad, narrowed gradually towards the point, finely toothed or un- dulated, connected at the base. Brazil and Peru, 1820. See Bleohnnm continued. pinnee numerous, linear, 4in. to 6in. long, about iin " anely broad, narrowed gradually towards the point, margin finely toothed, dilated, ana connected at the base, sori in a broad line close to the midrib. Temperate Australia, 1820. Greenhouse species. FIG. 255. BLA.NDFORDIA FLAMMEA PRINCEPS. . . . . . , . with in gardens under the name re is a very pretty variety met of Corcovadense crispum, which , is not quite so strong-growing as the type, with wavy, crispy edges. They will all thrive in the cool of a stove fernery (cartilaginous), can. oblique, densely scaly at top. sti. strong, erect, 4in. to 6in. long, scaly, muricated in the ges. They will al B. cartilaginoum at top. sti. strong, , . . , , e n e lower part. /rond*ovate-oblong, 2ft. to 3ft. long, 6in. to 12in. broad B. hastatum (halbert-shaped).* rhiz. short, stout, scaly, tti. 4in. to 6in. long, nearly naked, fronds from 9in. to 18in. long, and 2in. to 4in. broad, lanceolate, with twenty to forty pinnae on each side the ban-en ones Iin. to liin. long, lanceolate, falcate, narrowed gradually to a point, the lower side slightly truncate, and slightly " e upper cordate, with a large hastate auricle ; fertile lobed, the pinnae narrower. aori midway between the midrib and margin ; AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 195 Blechnum continued. Blecknom continued. base, the margins finely incised. Florida, Ac., B. strlatmn (stripedX iatum. A synonym of B. serrv- FIQ. 256. BLKCHJftm BRAZILIENSE. rachis and surfaces naked or slightly pubescent ; texture coriaceous. Temperate South America, 1841. Greenhouse species. B. Lanceola (lance-leaved), rhiz. slender, creeping, stoloniferons. tti. slender, erect, 2in. to 4in. long, fronds lanceolate, undivided, 4in. to 6in. long, iin. broad, or less, narrowed gradually from the centre towards each end. Tropical America, 1820. Store species. B. L. trifoliatnm (three-leaved), fronds furnished with one or two pairs of small oblong-obtuse lateral pinnae at the base of the large terminal one. Stove variety. (H. S. F. 3, 94.) B. longifolinm Gong-leaved).* rhiz. slender, creeping, tti. firm, erect, nearly naked, 6in. to 12in. long, frondt 6m. to 9in. long, with a terminal pinna, and three to six lateral ones on each side, which are Jin. to Sin. long, and iin. broad, narrowed gradually towards the point, fori in broad lines close to the midrib ; texture coriaceous. Tropical America, 1820. B. L fraxineum is a variety found in gardens under the name of B. fraxinii/olium, with a habit more close than the type ; pinnae six to eight on a side, sometimes Iin. broad. B. intermedium (Link.) and B. graciU (Kaulf.), often seen in gardens, are slender-growing varieties of this rather variable stove species. B. nitidom (shining).* tti. stout, erect, naked, Sin. to 4in. long. fronds oblong-lanceolate, 1ft or more long, 4in. to 6in. broad; pinnae numerous, sub-falcate, linear, Sin. to 4in. long, {in. to iin. broad, narrowed gradually towards the point, dilated and con- nected at the base ; edge undulate-dentate ; texture coriaceous ; both surfaces smooth. Stove species. The variety eontraetum, often seen in gardens, has its pinnae contracted, and the edge much undulated. Brazil. (H. S. F. 3, 55.) B, occidentals (western).* eau. stout, erect, scaly at the top. tti. 6in. to 12in. long, erect, scaly below, fronds ovate-acuminate, Sin. to 18in. long, 4m. to Sin. broad, with twelve to twenty-four linear pinnae on each side, which are 2in. to 4in. long, and about Jin. broad, narrowed gradually to a point, truncate or cordate ; texture coriaceous. West Indies, southwards to Chili and South Brazil, 1823. A very handsome stove or greenhouse fern. B. o. multifldum (much-cut).* A pretty variety, said to have been introduced from Dominica ; the apices of the pinnae are copiously crested and tasselled, rendering it very desirable. Stove variety. B. orientate (oriental).* eau. stout, erect, clothed at the crown with dark brown scales, sti. 4in. to Sin. long, strong, erect, scaly below, frondt 1ft. to 3ft. long, 6in. to 12in. broad, ovate, with very numerous nearly contiguous pinnae on each side, which are 4in. to Sin. long, and about Jin. broad, narrowed to a long point Australia, northwards to South China and the Himalayas. Greenhouse. B. polypodioides (Polypodium-likeX A synonym of B. unOate- flpk B. serrulatum (saw-edged).* eau. elongated, stout, ascending, iri. 6in. to 12in. long, strong, erect, smooth, nearly naked, frondt oblong-acuminate, 1ft to 2ft. long, 6in. to 9in. broad, with twelve to twenty-four pairs of quite distinct articulated linear oblong pinnae on each side, which are about 4in. to Sin. lone. iin. broad, narrowed gradually towards the point, and downwards to a narrow B. nnilaterale (one-sided).* eau. elongate.), densely scaly at the crown. t. slender, erect, Iin. to 4in. long, slightly scaly below, fronds lanceolate, 6in. to 12in. long, lirn. to 2in. broad ; pinnae numerous, spreading horizontally, linear, iin. to Iin. long, central ones Jin. to iin. broad, point usually mucronate ; edge entire, or nearly so, the lower part dilated to a broad base, tori in a line close to the midrib. Tropical America. 1829. Widely distributed. Stove or greenhouse species. SYS. B. polypoduridu, under which name it is usually found in gardens. BLECHUM (a Greek name for an on- known plant, supposed to resemble Marjoram). OED. Acanthaceae. Stove herbaceous nials. For culture, Ac., see Justicia. B. Browne! (Browne's). JL white, in a dense bracteated spike, which is four-cornered ; bracts ovate, downy. Summer. L ovate elliptical, some- what toothed. A. 2ft West Indies, 1780. The other species introduced are : anyiutifolium, blue; brazilienM, blue ; and laxifloru.ni, white. BLEFHARIS (from blepharis, the eye- lash; in reference to the fringed bracts of the calyx). OED. Acanthacece. Dwarf shrubs or herbs, often spiny and woody, allied to Acanthus. Flowers in bracteate spikes ; calyx cruciately four-parted, bracteate ; upper seg- ment entire, three-nerved ; lower, two-nerved ; corolla- tube very short; lip five-lobed, three lobes often much larger than the others; stamens four, sub-didynamous. For culture, &.G., see Acanthus. B. boerhaavlffifolla (Boerhaavia-leaved). A. bine. July. I usually four in a whorl, elliptic, toothed, A. 1ft India, 1829. Stove annual. B. capenais (Cape Colony).* fl. blue. July. L narrow, lanceolate, spir.ose. A. 1ft Cape of Good Hope, 1816. Greenhouse biennial B. furcate (forked-spined). Jl. blue. July. i. lanceolate, entire or spiny ; bracts large, strongly spinose. A. 2ft Cape of Good Hope, 1846. Greenhouse evergreen shrub. B. Unearifolia (narrow-leaved). Jl. blue. July. I. long, entire, linear, glabrous or hairy, not spiny. A. 2ft Guinea, 1823. Stove jiTiniial B. procumbens (trailing).* Jl. blue, July. L linear lanceolate, spiny, h, 1ft Cape of Good Hope, 1825. Greenhouse evergreen trailer. BIiTji*'** i i.TA (from blepharie, the eyelash ; in allusion to the ciliated bracts). OBD. Labiate. Ornamental hardy perennials, closely allied to Monarda, but differing from it in the calyx tube Laving thirteen instead of fifteen nerves, and being naked in the throat, while the corollas are much smaller and more dilated. They are of easy culture in ordinary soil. Increased readily by dividing the roots in early spring. B. dilate (ciliated). Jl. blue; whorls all distinct; bracu ciliated, reddish at top. July. /. almost sessile, ovate-oblong, narrowed at the base, canesc'ent beneath. A. 1ft to 2ft North America, 1798. B. hirsute (hairy). Jl purple or blue ; whorls more numerous than in the preceding ; upper ones approximate. July. I. pe- tiolate, ovate, roundly cordate at the base, hairy on both surfaces. A. 1ft to 2ft Virginia, 1798. than in B. eiiiata. Habit more branched and loose BLESSED THISTLE. See Cnicus benedictus (properly Carbenia benedicta) and Silybum Marianom. BLETIA (in honour of Don Louis Blet, a Spanish botanist). OBD. Orchidea. A large genus of, for the most part, stove terrestrial Orchids. Flowers purple or whitish, in terminal racemes. Leaves narrow, grass-like. Pseudo-bulbs round, flattened. The flowers are freely produced when the plants are thoroughly established, and are valuable for bouquets, as well for their pleasing colour as for the time they last in perfection. Bletias thrive best in a compost of loam and leaf mould. About 2in. of crocks, covered with a layer of moss, should be placed 196 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bletia continued. in the bottom of the pot, which should be filled to within lin. of the top with soil. The bulbs should then be in- serted, and just covered. A good supply of water during the growing season is necessary, and only a moderate amount of heat. After growth has ceased, a period of rest is required, during which time very little water should be given. Propagation is effected by divisions, which should bo made after the plants have finished flowering, or previous to their starting into growth. with a white campanulata (bell-shaped). /. deep purple, v centre, lasting a considerable time in perfection. Mexico. B. florlda (florid).* fl. pale rose-coloured ; lip not spurred. July and August, h. 2ft. West Indies, 1786. A very pretty species. (B. R. 1401.) B. gracilis (slender), fl. pale greenish-white ; sepals and petals nearly equal, lanceolate, acuminate ; lip red and yellow ; scape simple. 1. oblong, lanceolate, plicate, h. IJin. Mexico, 1830. (B. R. 1681.) B. hyacinthlna (Hyacinth-like).* fl. purple, racemose ; lip not spurred, beardless ; scape about as long as the leaves. March to June. I. lanceolate. A. 1ft. China, 1802. This pretty species has proved to be quite hardy. (Garden, Nov., 1879.) B. patula (spreading-flowered). fl. purple, spreading ; scape tall, branched. March. 1. lanceolate, h. 2ft. Hayti, 1830. (B. M., 3518.) B. Shepherd!! (Shepherd's).* /. on branching spikes, purple, marked down the centre of the lip with yellow. Winter. I. long, lanceolate, dark green. Jamaica, 1825. (B. M. 3319.) B. Sherrattiana (Sherratt's).* /. about a dozen on a spike, rich rosy purple ; petals very broad, twice the breadth of the sepals ; lip deep purple in front, marked with white and yellow down the centre, t. three to four-plicate. Pseudo-bulbs depressed. New ur-plic Grenada, 1867. (B. M. 5646.) B. undulata (waved). A synonym of Sehomburgltia undulata. B. verecunda (modest), fl. purple ; lip not spurred. January. h. 3ft. West Indies, Mexico, &c., 1733. (B. M. 930.) BLIGHZA SAFIDA. This is now included under the genus Cupania (which see). BLIGHT, or BLAST. Applied to various diseases of plants which are caused or accelerated either by the presence of parasitic fungi or insects, or by atmospheric influence. Blight generally proves fatal to the whole or part of the subject attacked. BLIND. A term applied to plants which fail to pro- duce central buds. The defect is frequently noticeable in plants of the Brassica tribe, and is, perhaps, mainly due to the attacks of insects. Great care should, therefore, be exercised in keeping the seed-beds clear of insect pests, by the application of ashes, lime and soot, or spent hops. BLOOD FLOWER. See Hsemantlius. BLOODBiOOT. See Sanguinaria canadensis and Fotentilla Tormentilla. BLOOM. A fine powder-like substance found on Grapes, Cucumbers, Plums, &c., and varying in colour in the different subjects. It should be carefully protected, as it improves the appearance of the fruit. The term is also often in- correctly used as the plural of blossom. BLOSSOM. The flower of a plant, or the essential organs of reproduction, with their appendages. BLUE-BELLS. See Campanula rotundifolia and Scilla nutans. BLUE-BOTTLE. -Sec Ceutaurea Cyanus. BLUE GUM TREE. See Eucalyptus globulus. BLUETS. The French name for Centaurea Cyanus. See also Houstonia coerulea and Vaccinium angusti- folium. BLUMENBACHIA (in honour of John Frederick Blumenbach, M.D., Professor of Medicine at Gottingen, and distinguished as a comparative anatomist). ORD. Loasacecs. Elegant branched, climbing or trailing, annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, generally covered with stinging hairs, which are very objectionable. Flowers axillary, solitary, bracteate, very pretty and interesting. Leaves opposite, lobed. They are of easy culture in ordinary garden soil. Propagated by seeds, which should be sown Blumenbachia continued. in pots, in spring, and placed in a gentle heat, where they will germinate in about a fortnight. When the seedlings are large enough, and after having been previously hardened off, they may be planted out in their flowering quarters, or potted on and trained to a trellis. FIG. 257. BLUMKMJACI B. Chnquitensls (Chuquitan).* fl. solitary, axillary, with five to ten boat-shaped red petals, which are yellow within. September. I. oblong-lanceolate, pinnate ; segments pinnatifidly lobed. Peru, 1863. Half-hardy climbing perennial. See Fig. 257. (B. M. 61 tt.) B. contorta (twisted).* ft. orange-red, with cup-shaped green scales within. July. 1. oblong-ovate, pinnatifld ; lobes incisely toothed. Peru. Greenhouse climber, but may be grown against a wall, out of doors, during the summer. (B. M. 6134.) FIG. 258. FLOWER OF BI.UMENBACHIA COROXATA. B coronata (crowned).* fl. of pure glossy whiteness, quad- rangular, crown-shaped, 2in. in diameter each way June J. narrow, bipinnatiflcl, cut into small segments, h. Ijft. Chili, 1872 This is an elegant dwarf, tufted, erect biennial, with the pure white flowers imbedded in the metallic lustrous foliagp. SYN. Caiophora coronata. See Fig. 258. B. insignis (remarkable).* fl. with whitish petals and reddish- yellow scales, axillary, on long peduncles, about 1m. in diameter. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 197 Blumenbacliia continued. July. I., lower ones five to seven-lobed; upper ones deeply bipinnatifid. k. 1ft Chili, 1826. Hardy annual trailer. SYN. LOOM palmetto. (B. M. 2865.) BOBARTIA (named after Jacob Bobart, Professor of Botany at Oxford in the seventeenth century). OKD. Irideas. A small genus of greenhouse or hardy bulbous plants, closely allied to Sisyrinchium. The species in cultivation are very pretty hardy plants, but require protection from severe frosts and excessive rains. They thrive best in a warm, light soil, and make pretty plants for rockwork. Propagated by separating the offsets during autumn. This genus has been much misunder- stood. Among the plants which have been referred to it are some which now find places in the genera Aristea, Homeria, Marica, Morcea, Sisyrinchium, Ac., Ac. B. aurantiaca. See Homeria aurantiaca. B. gladiata (sword-shaped), fl, yellow, thinly sprinkled with purple dots near the centre, handsome, nearly 2in. across. I linear, easiform, narrow, slightly glaucous, 1ft or more in length. 1817. SYN. Jfariea gladiata. (B. K. 229.) B. spathacea (Rush-like), t rush -like, several feet in length ; flower-stem as long as leaves, bearing near extremity a cluster of pale yellow flowers, with narrow segments. Each flower lasts but one day ; as a good many, however, are developed in each spathe, there is a succession which lasts some time. 1832. SYS. -Tyro (L. B. C. 1900.) Fio. 259. BOCCONIA CORDATA, showing Habit and Flower. BOCCONIA (named after Paolo Bocconi, M.D., a Sicilian botanist, author of the "Museum des Plantes," and " Histoire Natnrelle de 1'He de Corse," Ac.). OBD. Papaveracece. Two of the species are greenhouse or half- hardy shrubs. Flowers inconspicuous, in terminal panicles, with the branches and branchlets each furnished with one bract. Leaves stalked, glaucous, large, lobed. This genus does not well agree with the rest of Papaveraceae, from its having one-seeded capsules and apetalous flowers. B. cor- data is a handsome, hardy, herbaceous plant, with a stately habit and finely-cut foliage, and, where bold subjects are desired, few will be found superior to it. As an isolated Bocconia continued. specimen on the lawn, or by frequented walks, where it will not be too closely surrounded by tall plants, it may be grown with marked effect. It also forms a good subject for pot culture, and is largely used for sub-tropical bedding. The soil most suitable for its culture ia a good fat loam, of considerable depth. Propagated by cuttings, taken from the axils of the larger leaves, during early summer; or by young suckers, taken from established plants, during summer, as they will then flower the following season. If the former method is employed, the cuttings should be pushed on, eo that there are plenty of roots before the winter sets in. The other two species require greenhouse culture ; but both are eminently suited for sub-tropical gardening, in any light rich soil, or well-drained and airy situation. They are best propagated by seeds, sown in a hotbed in spring, the seedlings being placed out from June to September. ~ *^U*M (cordate).* _rt. buff -coloured, very numerous, borne in very large terminal panicles ; individually they are not showy, but the fully grown inflorescence has a verv distinct and pleasing appearance. Summer. Z. large, reflexed, deeply-veined, roundish- cordate ; margins lobed or sinuated. Stems growing rather close together, thickly set with leaves, h. 5ft. to 8ft China, 1795, and 1866. Mr. Robinson recommends its being grown in the angle of two walls which shelter it from the north and east. It runs quickly at the roots, and the suckers may be cut off to the benefit of the parent plant ; each sucker will "form a strong plant in a year's time. SYSS. B. japoniea and Macleaya yedoensti. See Fig. 259. (B. M. 1905.) B. fratescen* (shrubby).* JL greenish. October. I. large, sea- preen, oval-oblong, cuneated'at the base, pinnatifid. h. 3ft to 6ft Mexico, 1739. (L. B. C. 83.) B. Integrifolia (entire-leaved). /. greenish ; panicle crowded. 1. flat, oblong, tapering towards each end, entire, or scarcely crenated. A. 9ft Peru, 1822. B. Japoniea (Japanese). Synonymous with B. cordata. BGiBERA (named after Bosber, a Eussian botanist). OBD. Composite. A genus of evergreen greenhouse shrubs, now generally referred to Dysodia. They are of easy cul- ture, thriving in ordinary garden soil. Propagated by cut- tings, made of young, rather firm, shoots, and placed in sand, under a glass. There are several other species besides the one given below, but they are not of much horticul- tural value. B. incana (hoary).* JL-headf golden : peduncles one-headed. No- vember. 1. pinnate, rather hairy ; leaflets linear acute, channelled, some entire, and some trifld. Stem hairy, h. Ijft Mexico, 1828. (B. R.1602.) BGSHMERIA (named .after George Rudolph Boehmer, a German botanist). OBD. Urticacea. A genus of shrubs or herbaceous plants, allied to Urtica, from which it is distinguished in not having stinging hairs. B. nivea is the only species having any horticultural value. This thrives best in a warm, sandy soil; and is increased by divisions. B. nivea (snowy). A. greenish, disposed hi spikes. L broadly cordate, about 6in. long by 4in. broad, terminating in a long slender point ; edges serrate, covered on the under side with a dense coating of white down. h. 3ft to 4ft China. A shrub- like perennial, rather more curious than beautiful. BOG BEAN. See Menyantb.es trifoliate, BOG-EARTH. See Feat. BOILERS. These are very important articles in all gardens where there are glass houses, and the best should always be selected. They are made in cast and wrought iron, both of which have their special advantages and dis- advantages. The former are less liable to burn through when encrusted with any deposit from the water, but will crack with sudden changes of temperature, by reason of the granular form of the metal not allowing gradual con- traction ; the Utter may burn through where there is any deposit of mud or other matter, but they will not crack, and will stand a greater pressure than those made of cast metal. It is, however, the better plan to use Boilers of wrought iron, as, with careful usage, they are less liable to break down in hard frosts than are the othan. As the value of the plants, as well as that 198 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Boilers continued. of the Boiler, has to be considered, should such a contin- gency occur, it is certainly advisable to reduce all risks to a minimum ; and as the average life of a Boiler is from ten to fifteen years, a slightly larger first cost is not of very serious moment. The forms of Boilers are very diverse, and, in some of the patented forms, complicated. But, whatever the shape, the following points are essential : A clear and unrestricted waterway of not less than 2in. in thickness ; the greatest exposure of surface to the direct action of the fire ; a sufficient fire space ; and a fire-bar area calculated to supply enough fresh air to the fire to support thorough combustion. The forms generally used for horticultural work are the following, or some modifi- cations of them; and, however grand the name, their chief value consists in the attested heating capacity at a given cost: The Saddle Boiler, which is made of various sizes, with or without check ends, cross tubes, and other devices for increasing the heating surface, and also of a tubular form; the Upright Cylinder (a vertical FIG. 260. VERTICAL SECTIOW OK CYLINDER BOILER. A A, Wrought-iron Boiler, the shaded space showing the Water- way ; B, Ashpit inside the cast base of Boiler ; C, Fire-bars ; D, Flue ; E, Domed Top'; F, Feeding Lid ; G, Flow, and H, Return Pipe Sockets. section of which is shown in Fig. 260); the Upright Tubular Cylinder ; the Horizontal Tubular ; and the Cornish or Horizontal Cylinder. Combinations of the various forms, and complicated patterns of different kinds, are made for particular purposes ; but in no case should large Boilers be used, unless they are recommended, by one competent to judge, as suitable for the purpose they are needed to fulfil. In every case, it is necessary that the Boiler should be fixed in a proper manner. It is also good policy to have Boilers about 30, or even 50 per cent., more powerful than is actually required, when they are new, as, from various causes, their heating power falls off in a year or 'two in many places; and, under ordinary work, it ia not desirable to stimulate the action in order to command sufficient heat. There is no doubt that, for general pur- poses, some modification of the Saddle or Cylinder Boiler is by far the best, all things duly considered; but it is impossible to give any practical advice without a thorough knowledge of the requirements of any particular place. Gas Boilers are also useful for small places. These are made in many forms, and are, as a rule, in the shape of a cylinder, with a coned inside, against which the flames play. Some Gas Boilers have also a superheater attached ; this exhausts the heat from the air which has passed through the Boiler. Another good form is made of hori- zontal tubes, which contain the water, the flames playing Boilers continued. over and amongst them. An atmospheric burner of approved construction should be used where gas is the heating power. A sufficient supply of gas should be assured by using supply pipes of a good size. Care should be taken to keep these pipes free from water, and pro- tected from frost by silicate cotton lagging, or some other good non-conductor. Except for very small places, how- ever, gas apparatus is almost useless, and will never super- sede fuel Boilers. For other particulars regarding Boilers, see Heating 1 and Stoking. BOIS-PERDRJX. See Heisteria. BOLBOPHYLLUM. See Bulbophyllum. BOLETUS (from bolos, a mass; in reference to ita massy or globular form). ORD. Fungi. The only species of this rather large genus demanding mention is B. edulis (see Fig. 261), which is considered an excellent article of food. It is easily distinguished, and is often of large size and somewhat unshapely; the pileus is usually of a dusky FIG. 261. COMMON BOLETUS (BOLETUS EDULIS). yellow or brownish hue, but sometimes brighter and more of a chestnut colour ; the flesh is white, and does not change to a blue colour when cut (this is a very important cha- racteristic, and should always be noticed). It is a species common in most districts, usually growing in woods, and appearing chiefly in the autumn. BOIiBUM (from bolos, a ball ; in reference to the shape of the seed-pods). ORD. Cruciferce. An ornamental, hardy, evergreen shrub, well adapted for rockwork, in ordinary soil. It requires slight protection in winter if planted in very exposed situations. Propagated by seed, sown in a pot, in spring, and placed in a frame, or in the open border during summer. B. asperum (rough).* Jl. cream-coloured ; racemes erect, elon- fted; pedicels very short, the lower ones bracteate. April, alternate, oblong, linear; lower ones somewhat divided. A suffruticose, erect, branched plant, hispid from stiff hairs. h. 6in. to 1ft. France. 1818. BOLLEA. See Zygopetalum. BOLTED. A term used in reference to plants that have prematurely run to seed. BOLTONIA (named after J. B. Bolton, an English professor of botany). ORD. Composite. A genus of rather pretty hardy herbaceous perennials. Flower-heads with white or purplish rays. Leaves pale green, lanceolate, sessile. They thrive in common garden soil. Propagated by divisions of the roots, in March. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 199 Boltonia continued. B. asteroldes (Aster-like).* fl.-head* flesh-coloured, stellate, dis- posed in a rather large terminal panicle. August. I. all entire, somewhat broadly lanceolate, narrowed at both ends. A. 2ft. North America, 1758. (B. M. 2554.) B. glastifolia (\Voad-lea vei\).* fl.-heads pink. September. I., lower ones serrated. A. lift. North America, 1758. (B. M. 2381.) Bomarea continued. thriving in a compost of peat, leaf mould, loam, and sand, with good drainage. Manure water should be given during the season of growth. Although they make fine pot plants, their full beauty is only developed when planted out in the conservatory or greenhouse border. Propagated '/'^l '" f^m \h ' ^&-k^:M P *J^f4^taivV ' FIG. 262. FLOWERS OP BOMAREA CARDERI. BOMAREA (derivation of name doubtful). ORD. AmaryllidetK. A genus of handsome half-hardy twiners, closely allied to Alstromeria, from which it is chiefly dis- tinguished by its twining habit and some difference in the capsule. They are of comparatively easy culture, by seeds, or by careful divisions of the underground stem. In making a division, it is necessary to observe that the part taken has some roots by which to live till new ones are formed. It should be potted at first, and may, when established, be planted out or shifted on. Seeds may be 200 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bomarea continued. raised in a warm house without difficulty. They germi- nate in a few weeks ; and when the young plants are 2in. or Sin. high, they should be placed separately in small pots, shifting them on as necessary, or planting them out. In favoured southern localities, several species have proved hardy, but they are much the best when grown in a green- house. B. acutifolia Ehrenberglona (Ehrenberg's acute-leaved), fl. undulate, outer segments deep orange, the inner ones paler and spotted. Spring. I. lanceolate acute, smooth. Mexico, 1878. (B. C 6444). B. Caldoslana (Caldas's).* fl. orange yellow, spotted crimson. /. ovate-lanceolate, acute. Peruvian Andes, 1863. B. Carderl (Carder's).* JL 2iin. long by liin. in breadth at the widest part, regularly bell-shaped, with six segments, the three outer rose-coloured, the three inner nearly equal in length, crenu- late, and spotted with purplish-brown ; inflorescence pendulous, and consisting of a large terminal umbellate cyme, surrounded at the base by a series of crowded leaves. I. oblong lanceolate, acuminate, about 7m. by 2}in. Columbia, 1876. See Fig. 262, for which we are indebted to Mr. Bull. B. chontalcnsis (Chontalese). fl. liin. long, sub-campanulate, obtusely trigonous ; outer segments thick, fleshy, wavy, rose-red, with a few brown spots round the margin at the tip, very convex ; inner segments a little shorter, pale yellow blotched with brown ; umbels surrounded by a whorl of leaves, and composed of several peduncles, each bearing four to six nodding flowers. August. I. lanceolate or ovate oblong, acuminate. Nicaragua, 1871. (B. M. 5927). B. conferta (dense-flowered). A synonym of B. patococensis. B. edulis (edible), il., outer segments rose, green tipped ; inner spotted with rose. St. Domingo, &c. One of the oldest species in cultivation. The tubers are said by Tussac to be eaten in St. Domingo, like those of the Jerusalem Artichoke. See Fig. 263. B. frondca (leafy), fl. 2in. long, tubulate-campanulate ; outer segments narrow, oblong, yellow ; inner segments iin. longer than the outer ones, canary yellow, spotted with red ; cymes umbel- late, many-flowered, about Sin. across, base leafy. I. lanceolate, acuminate. Bogota, 1881. (G. C. n. s. 17, p. 669.) B. ollgantha (few-flowered).* fl. regularly funnel - shaped, about Iin. long; outer segments slightly shorter than the inner, oblanceolate, under Iin. abroad, obtuse, unspotted, reddish on the outside, yellow within ; one or two to an umbel, on simple, flexuous, glabrous pedicels, about Iin. long. I. long, acute, about 2in. long, bright green on the upper surface, ciliated on the ribs beneath. Peru, 1877. See Fig. 264. B. patococensis (Patococha).* fl. 2in. to 2Jin. long, elongate- funnel-shaped ; the three outer segments ovate lanceolate, about one-fourth shorter than the inner segments, both of a rich crimson colour ; numerously borne in drooping, contracted tufts at the Bomarea continued. ends of the shoots; peduncles about 2in. to 2J!n. long, intermixed at tne base with broadly ovate-acute, leafy bracts. August and ~" FJG 263. FLOWERING BRANCH OF BOMAREA EDULIS. FIG. 264. FLOWERING BRANCH OP BOMAREA OLIGANTHA. September. I. scattered, shortly stalked, broadly lanceolate, tail pointed. Bogota, 1881. (G. C. n. s. 17, p. 187.) Svx. E. cnnferta. B. salsilla (Salsilla). /. purple, about Jin. long, the two inner segments having a darker spot at the base, and all of them tinged with green towards the points ; collected into a terminal umbel. June. I. few, lanceolate. South America, 1306. This has proved quite hardy under various conditions. B. Shuttle worth!! (Shuttle worth's).* fl., perianth about 2in. long, funnel- shaped or elongate bell-shaped; seg. merits nearly equal, oblong acute, outer ones orange vermilion, slightly tinged with green and dotted with small dark spots at the tips; inner ones more acutely pointed, canary yellow, with a red midrib, and green with dark spots at the tips ; cymes umbellate, pendu- lous. I. ovate lanceolate, 5in. to 6in. by 2in., glabrous. Bogota, 1881. (G. C. n. s. 17, p. 77.) B. Williams!! (Williams's).* /. rose- coloured, about 2in. long, elongate fun- nel shape ; disposed in a compound umbellate cyme. I. lanceolate, very acute, and tapering to a very short twisted petiole. New Grenada, 1882. BOMBACBJE. A sub-order of Mdlvaceai. BOMBAX (from bombax, one of the Greek names for cotton; the pods are filled with a fine silky sub- stance like cotton, but which it is impossible to spin into thread, in consequence of the edges being per- fectly smooth). Silk Cotton Tree. ORD. Malvaceae. A. genus of large soft-wooded stove trees. Flowers AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 201 Bomb ax continued. scarlet or white, large, usually rising laterally from the trunk or branches, either singly or in clusters. They grow best in a rich loamy soil. Cuttings, not too ripe, taken off at a joint, placed in sand under a bell glass, in moist heat, will root readily; but plants raised from seeds brought from their natural habitats make finer trees. B. Ceiba (Ceiba). JL pale red, large. 1. palmate, with five leaflets. Jr. turbinate, concave at the apex. A. 100ft South America, 1692. BOMBYX NEUSTRIA. See Lackey Moth. BONA-NOX. See Ipomaea Bona-Nox. BONAPARTEA. See Tillandsia. BONAPARTEA JTJNCEA. A synonym of Agave geminiflora. BONATEA (in honour of M. Bonato, a distinguished Italian botanist, and a Professor of Botany at Padua). OBD. Orchidea. A handsome terrestrial stove Orchid, allied to Habenaria, and requiring similar culture. B. speciosa (showy).* JL white, galeate; petals bipartite; raceme many-flowered, compact ; bracts cucullate, acuminate. August L oblong, sub-undulate. Stem leafy. A. 2ft Cape of Good Hope, 1820. (B. M. 2926 ; L B. C. 284.) BONGARDIA (named after Heinrich Gustav Bongard, a German botanist). OBD. Berberidece. A very pretty hardy tuberous-rooted perennial, requiring a sandy soil, and good drainage, with protection at all seasons from excessive wet, otherwise it will rot. It should be care- fully planted in a compost of loam, peat, leaf soil, and sand, in equal proportions, and covered with a handlight. B. Ranwolfii (Rauwolf s). JL golden yellow, on pyramidal branched panicles ; stamens and petals nearly equal fit length. May. L radical, pinnate; leaflets sessile, oval-oblong, three to five-cleft at the apex, glaucous, each with a dark purple blotch at the base. A. 6in. Syria, Persia, 1740. SYN. Leontiee Chryto- gonum. (B. M. 6244.) BONNATA (named after Bonnay, a German botanist). OBD. Scrophularinev. A small genus of usually glabrous, rarely pilose, slender, creeping or erect, annual, biennial, or perennial stove plants, almost unknown in cultivation. Flowers axillary, opposite, or alternate from abortion, usually pedicellate, the upper ones sometimes racemose, pinkish, or blue. Leaves opposite, quite entire, or toothed. They thrive in a rich sandy loam. The annual species are propagated by seeds, the others by divisions and cuttings. BONNETIA (commemorative of Charles Bonnet, a French naturalist, who wrote some botanical papers in 1754). OBD. Ternstrceminece. A genus of elegant middle-sized stove trees or shrubs. Flowers large, terminal ; peduncles one or many-flowered. Leaves scattered, exstipulate. coriaceous, entire, one-nerved, marked with transverse veins, sub-sessile, narrowed to the base. They thrive well in a mixture of loam and peat. Cuttings of firm young shoots will root if placed in sand under a hand glass, in a moderate heat. B.sessilis(stalkless). JL purplish, terminal. L oblong, coriaceous, entire. A. 15ft Guiana, 1819. BORAGE. See Borago officinalis. BORAGINE2E. A large order of herbs or shrubs, having spirally-coiled inflorescence ; corolla usually regular and five-lobed, with an imbricated aestivation ; throat gene- rally hairy ; stamens five, inserted in the corolla. Leaves alternate, rough. Among other genera belonging to this order may be named Anchvsa, Borago, Cynoglosswn, Echium, Lithospermvm, and llyosotis. BORAGO (derivation very uncertain ; probably a cor- ruption of some eastern name). Borage. OBD. Boragineae. A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials or annuals, excel- lently adapted for naturalising in dry stony places. Flowers blue, panicled, drooping; corolla rotate; throat furnished with emarginate vaulted processes ; anthers distinct, oblong or lanceolate, awned, fixed by the inner side, conniving into a cone. Nuts four, one-celled, turbinate, fixed to the bottom of the calyx. Leares oblong or lanceolate. All the species are easily cultirated, thriving in any common soil. Propagated by divisions, in spring, or by striking Borago continued. the young cuttings in a cold frame. They may also be raised from seed, which should be sown from March to May, in any good garden soil, and the plants, when large enough, thinned out to 1ft. or more apart. In hot weather, Borage is generally in demand for claret cup and other drinks. B. laxiflora (loose-flowered).* /. on long pedicels, racemose, drooping ; corolla pale blue ; segments ovate, bluntish, erectly spreading. Hay to August. 1. oblong, and rough from strigae ; radical ones rosnlate; cauline ones half stem-clasping. Stem decumbent, many from the same root, hispid from retrograde bristles. Corsira, 1815. Perennial. (B. M. 1789.) i. longlfolia (long-leaved).* fl. disposed in a terminal bracteate panicle ; corolla blue ; segments ovate, acnte, i August. I. linear-lanceolate, scabrous anc cauline ones half stem-clasping. A. 1ft. NumidiaJS L in a terminal oracteate ;nte, spreading. July and s and downv beneath; Xumidia, 1825. FIG. 265. FLOWER OF BORAGO OFFICIXALIS. B. officinalis (officinal).* Common Borage. JL blue, purple, or white; segments of the corolla limb ovate, acute, spreading. June to September. I, lower ones obovate, attenuated at the base ; cauline ones oblong, sessile, subcordate at the base. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Britain. This is the kind most cultivated in gardens for flavouring. See Fig. 255. (Sy. En. B. 36.) BORASSTTS (a name applied by Linnaeus to the spathe of the Date Palm). OKD. Palmes. A rery small genus of store trees, containing two noble species, which are distinguished by unisexnal flowers, produced upon dis- tinct plants, the males being borne in dense branching catkins, and the females on simple, or, more rarely, slightly branched spikes. Fruit rery large, brown, three-seeded. Leares fan-shaped, with spiny petioles. Trunks unarmed, often 70ft. high. They mar be grown in good fibrous loam, leaf mould, and sand, mainly the former. Increased by seeds only, which require to be sown in strong bottom heat. Barely seen in cultivation. B. tethiopicmn (African). L nearly circular, and plaited, sup- ported upon stout petioles, 6ft to Hi. long. Western Tropical Africa. This handsome, but rare, species is remarkable for the bulging out or swelling in its stem, near the middle, or about two-thirds of its height from the ground. B. flabelliformls (fan-shaped).* L nearly circular, and plaited like a partially-open fan, with about seventy nbs, which radiate from a common centre, h. 30ft India, 1771. BORBONTA (named after Gaston de Bourbon, Duke of Orleans, son of Henry IV. of France, a great lorer and patron of botany). OBD. Leguminosas. A genus of very ornamental greenhouse evergreen shrubs, natives of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers yellow, disposed in terminal heads, axillary. Leaves simple, amplexicaul, alternate, exstipulate, pungent. They thrive well in a mixture of peat, loam, and sand, with good drainage. Cuttings, half-ripened, obtained in April, will root freely in sandy soil if placed under a bell glass, in a cool house. B. barbata (bearded). * JL sessile, villous on the outside. July. I. namSrJanceolate, niany-nerved, complicated, riUately-bearded, and very much acuminated ; branches diverging. A. 3ft to 4ft 1823. ' B. cordata (heart-shaped). JL, corolla densely villous, with the ve^unrobcordate. 'july. L cordate, many-nerved, quite entire, glabrous. Branches vfflons. A. 3ft to 6ft 1759. B. crenata (crenated).* JL less villous than in the rest of the ^pXTjiOy. tewdate, roundish, acute, denticulated, many nerved and reticulated between the nerves, and are, as well as the branches, glabrous, h. 3ft to 6ft 1774. (B. M. 274.) B. lanceolate (lance-shaped), /.densely villous. July, L ovate- lanceolate, pnneent, many nerved, quite entire, sessile, glabrous, as well as the stem. A. 2ft to 3ft 1752. (L. B. C. 8L) B. ruscifolia (Ruscus-leaved). ellowish-red ; peduncles solitary, axmary. one-flowered, longer than the leaves. March to May. of the 1 - -- __ _ purple." ApriL "Branches flat, m^r"; leafless, toothed, the teeth Wine the flowers ; upper bracts distant from the lower OHM, ,theidicerA.lftto2ft 1825. (S. F. A. 5L) eafyX JL yellow and orange. May to June. L alter- , jrbicular, retuse, scabrous, withrevolute margins, silky beneath ; stipules permanent hooked, longer than the petioles. Branches straight terete, villous. A. If t to 3ft 1824. B. lenticularls (lentil-leaved). A synonym of B. rkombtfoKa. B. linnaaoides (Linnasa-like).* JL yellow; keel dark brown; corol mueoides (Linnasa-like).* JL yellow; keel dark brown; )lla about twice the length of the calyx ; pedicels solitary 204 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bossiaea continued. one-flowered, elongated. May. I. elliptic, mucronate. Branches terete, prostrate, puberulous. 1824. A procumbent shrub. B. linophylla (Flax-leaved).* ft. orange and purple. July to August. I. linear, with recurved margins. Branches compressed, leafy. A. 1ft to 4ft. 1803. (B. M. 2491.) B. microphylla (small-leaved). I. cuneiformly obcordate, gla- brous. Branches terete, leafy, spinescent ; young branches rather compressed and pubescent. A. 1ft. to 2ft. 1803. (L. B. C. B. rhombifolia (diamond-leaved).* fl. yellow, the vexillum having a dark red zonate mark at the base ; wings red at the base ; keel brownish - purple. April. I. rhomboidal - orbicular, somewhat emarginate and mucronate. Branches terete; branchlets com- pressed, leafy. A. 1ft. to 3ft. 1820. SYN. B. lenticularis. (L. B. C. 1238.) B. rotundifolla (round-leaved). I. roundish, or broadly obovate, somewhat mucronate, flat, four to five lines long and five to six broad. Branches and branchlets leafy, compressed. A. 1ft. to 2ft. 1824. B. scolopendrium (plank-plant), ft. yellow, with the back of the vexillum and keel brownish-red. May. I. (when present) ovate and smooth. Branches flat, linear, leafless, toothed, with the teeth bearing the flowers ; keel naked ; superior bracts permanent, imbricate, equal in length to the peduncles. A. 3ft. to 10ft. 1792. (B. M. 1235.) B. tenuicaulis (slender-stemmed). Synonymous with B. einerea. BOSWELLIA (named after Dr. Boswell, formerly of Edinburgh). Olibanum Tree. ORD. Burseracece. Orna- mental and economic evergreen stove trees. Flowers her- maphrodite; calyx five-toothed, permanent; petals five, obovate-oblong, spreading, with the margins incumbent in sestivation; disk cup-shaped, crenate; stamens ten; cap- sule trigonal. They are of easy culture, thriving well in loam and peat soil. Cuttings root readily if placed in sand under a glass. B. glabra (glabrous), fl. white, small, with a red nectary and yellow anthers ; racemes aggregate, simple, terminal, shorter than the leaves. I. impari-pinnate ; leaflets broad, lanceolate, blunt, serrated, smooth. A. 30ft. Coromandel, 1823. (B. F. S. 124.) B. serrate (saw-edged-leaved).* fl. whitish-yellow ; racemes axil- lary, simple. I. impari-pinnate ; leaflets ovate-oblong, taper- pointed, serrated, pubescent. A. 20ft. India, 1820. (T. L. S.xv.;4.) BOTANY BAY GUM. See Xanthorrhcea arborea. BOTANY BAY TEA (and TREE). See Smilax glycyphylla. BOTHY. A residence for under-gardeners, usually built behind the hothouses, or some high wall, in what is called a back shed. The place is too frequently a cramped, ill-ventilated hovel. A Bothy proper should be an indepen- dent structure, and fitted with modern conveniences ; for, of all people, gardeners are the most susceptible to colds, &c. A. library of standard horticultural and botanical works, as well as a few on other scientific subjects, and a moderate number of high-class books of fiction, one or more weekly gardening and other papers, should be supplied by the em- ployer. During the winter months, for mutual improve- ment, lectures should be delivered, or papers read, by each gardener, on various subjects, after which a free discussion should take place upon the paper or lecture, by which means a great amount of good would be accomplished. BOTRYCHIUM (from botrys, a bunch; in reference to the bunch-like disposition of the indusia). Moonwort. ORD. Filices. A genus of very interesting and pretty little hardy ferns. Capsules sessile, arranged in two rows on the face of spikes which form a compound panicle. They require a compost of sandy loam ; perfect drainage is most essential. For general culture, see Ferns. B. australe (southern). A variety of B. ternatum. B. daucifolinm (Daucus-leaved). M. stout, 6in. to 12in. long ; petiole of sterile segments lin. to 6in. long, the latter 6in. to 12in. each way, deltoid, tripinnatifld or tripinnate, the lower pinnae largest ; segments lanceolate-oblong, Jin. to lin. broad, finely toothed, fertile peduncle equalling the sterile segments when mature ; panicle 2in. to 4in. long ; tripinnate, not very close. Himalayas, &c. Greenhouse species. SYN. B. subeamosum. B. Lunaria. Common Moonwort.* much broader than the middle, cut down to a flattened sti. lin. to 4in. long, sterile segments sessile, or nearly so, lin. to Sin. long, $in. to lin. broad, Botrychium continued. rachis into several distinct, close, entire, or notched cuneate- flabellate pinnae on both sides, fertile peduncle equalling or exceeding the sterile portion ; panicle close, lin. to 2in. long. England, &c. Hardy. See Fig FIG. 267. BOTRYCHIUM LUNARIA, showing Habit, Capsule, and Spores. B. lnnariold.es (Lunaria-like). A variety of B. ternatum, B. obliquum (oblique). A variety of B. ternatum. B. subeamosum (sub-fleshy). A synonym of B. daucifolium. B. ternatum (ternate).* tti. lin. to 2in. long, petiole of th AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 205 Botrychitun continued. sterile segments 2in. to 4in. long, the latter Sin. to 6in. each way, deltoid, tri- or quadripinnatifld ; lower pinnae much the largest. fertile peduncle 6m. to 9in. long ; panicle lin. to 6in. long; deltoid, very compound. Nootka and Hudson's Bay territory. Several so-called species come very close to this, including australe, lunarioideg, and obliquum, which are only geographical varieties. Greenhouse species. B. vlrglnianum (Virginian).* sti. Sin. to 18in. long. sterile segments sessile, 4in. to 12in. each way, deltoid, quadripinnatifid; lower pinnae much the largest; pin- nules oval-oblong, close, cut down to the rachis into finely cut linear-oblong segments, fertile peduncle equal- ling or exceeding the sterile part of the plant when mature ; panicle lin. to 4in. long, loose, oblong. Oregon, and North United States, 1790. A hardy species in shel- tered places. (H. G. F. 29.) BOTTLE-GOURD. See Lag-eiiaria. BOTTLE-TREE. See Sterculia rupestris. BOTTOM HEAT. This is usually secured by passing hot- water pipes through an air chamber, or a water tank, beneath a bed of plunging material. The covering of the tank or chamber is best made of slate. The heat must be regulated according to the requirements of the subjects grown; this is easily accomplished by using the valve. A ther- mometer should be placed in the tank or bed. Bottom-heat is indispensable for propagating plants from seeds and cuttings, especially in spring. See Heating and Hotbeds. BOTJCEROSIA (from boukeros, furnished with buffaloes' horns ; in reference to the curved lobes of the corona). OBD. As- clepiadecB. A genus of greenhouse succulent pe- rennials, allied to Stapelia, and requiring the same cul- ture. Flowers numerous, terminal, umbellate ; co- rolla sub-campanulate, five-cleft; segments broadly triangular, with acute recesses ; stramineous co- rona fifteen-lobed ; lobes disposed in a double series ; the five inner ones opposite the stamens and lying upon the anthers ; the rest exterior, erect, or a little incurved at apex, adhering to the back of the inner ones. Branches and stems tetragonal, with toothed angles. Bougainvillaea continued. the bracts, which envelop the small greenish flowers. B. glabra may be grown in pots, or planted out in the greenhouse borders ; the others are best planted out, as Fio. 268. BOUCEROSIA ECROPjEA. B. europaua (European), fl. purple- brown, yellow. Summer. h. 4in. Sicily, 1833. SYNS. Apteranthes and Stapelia Gussaniana. See Fig. 268. (B. E. 1731.) B. maroccana (Morocco).* /. dark red purple, with yellow concentric lines. Summer. I. minute, trowel-shaped, deflexed at tip of stem angles, h. 4in. Morocco, 1875. (B. M. 6137.) BOUCHEA (named after C. and P. Bouche, German naturalists). OBD. Verbenacece. A small genus of stove or greenhouse evergreen herbs or sub-shrubs. Flowers sub- sessile, in spicate racemes, which are either terminal or in the forking of two branches ; corolla funnel-shaped. Leaves opposite, toothed. They thrive in a well-drained compost of loam and sandy peat. Propagated by cuttings, placed in sand, under a glass, and in a gentle heat, during spring. B. cnneifolia (wedge-shaped-leaved), fl. white. April, h. 4ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1821. A greenhouse evergreen shrub. SYN. Chaseanum cuneifolium. B. pseudogervao (false-gerva6). /. purplish, with white throat; spike terminal, 6in. to lOin. long, slender. September. I. opposite, ovate, or elliptic-ovate, acuminate, serrated. Stems tetragonous. A. 2ft. to 5ft. Brazil, 1874. A stove perennial. (B. M. 6221). BOUGAINVILLAEA (named after De Bougainville, a French navigator). OBD. Nyctaginece. Gorgeous warm greenhouse or conservatory plants, comprising some of the most showy climbers in cultivation. Their beauty lies in FIG. 269. FLOWERING BRANCH OP BOUGAINVIU..KA SPF.CTABIUS. they root very freely, and plenty of space would be occu- pied if allowed, but it is best to limit it, as they flower much better. Strict training and pinching are not de- sirable, being prejudicial to the free production of blossom ; indeed, the best plan is to allow the plants to ramble freely over the roof of a moderately high house, or along the upper portion of a back wall ; they will then flower profusely for several months in the year, provided proper attention be paid to watering, and that the plants are in a well- drained situation. In preparing 'a border for their reception, the first point to be considered is the drainage, which must be perfect. This is best effected by placing a layer of brick rubbish, 6in. to 9in. in thickness, communicating with the drain, by which means all sourness and stagnancy of the soil will be obviated. The bed should be excavated to a depth of 18in. or 2ft. Three parts turfy loam, and one part leaf soil, with the admixture of a liberal quantity of sharp gritty sand, will form a suitable compost for the culture of Bougainvillaeas. The amount of sand incorpo- rated must depend upon the quality of the other com- ponents, heavy loam requiring more than that which is more friable. The occasional incorporation of manure in the compost is not to be recommended ; but a liberal applica- tion of liquid manure will be of material advantage, espe- cially if the root space is limited. When the plants cease flowering each year about November or December they should be dried off and rested; and in February they should be closely spurred in, the same as with vines, and all weak leaders removed, so that strong wood only is left. When grown in pots, they must be started in brisk heat. They are easily increased by cuttings prepared from the half -ripened wood; these should be placed in sandy soil, in a brisk bottom heat, when they will soon root. Scale, red spider, and mealy bug are the only insects likely to infest the plants, and recipes for their destruction will be found under each individual name. B. glabra (smooth).* ft., inflorescence panicled, smaller than that offi. speciosa, each branchlet producing cordate-ovate acute rosy 206 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bougainvilleea continued. bracts, in threes. Summer. I. bright green, smooth. Brazil, 1861. This is by far the best species for pot culture, and forms a very showy plant when well grown. B. speciosa (beautiful).* fl., bracts large, cordate, delicate lilac rose, produced in immense panicles, which, in well grown speci- mens, are so freely produced as to entirely shroud the whole plant. March to June. I. ovate, very dark green, covered on the upper surface with small hairs. Stems branched, abundantly furnished with large recurved spines. Brazil, 1861. (F. M. L, 62.) B. spectabilis (showy), fl., bracts of a dull brick-red, shaded with scarlet. South America, 1829. It is very difficult to obtain bloom on this plant ; and when flowers are produced, they are extremely ephemeral. The species is, for all practical purposes, much inferior to either of the foregoing. SYN. Josepha, augusta. See Fig. 269. BOURBON PALM. See Latania. BOUSSINGAULTIA (named after Boussingault, a celebrated chemist). OED. Chenopodiaceca. Very pretty half-hardy, tuberous-rooted plants, requiring a rich vege- table sandy soil, and a well-drained sunny aspect, under which conditions the first-mentioned species develops into a very luxuriant trailing plant, attaining a length of 20in. or more. Propagated freely by means of the tubercles of the stem; these are, however, extremely brittle. B. baselloldes (Basella-like).* fl. white, ultimately becoming black, fragrant, small, disposed in clusters, 2in. to 4in. long, which are axillary at the ends of the branches. Late autumn. L alternate, cordate, smooth, shining, fleshy, slightly wavy Stems very twining, tinged red, very quick-growing, producing tubercles. South America, 1835. (B. M. 3620.) B. Lachaumei (Lachaume's). fl. rose, constantly in perfection. Cuba, 1872. A stove species. BOT7VARDIA (named after Dr. Charles "Bouvard, formerly superintendent of the Jardin du Roi, at Paris). OED. RubiacecB. Handsome greenhouse evergreen shrubs. Peduncles terminal, three-flowered, or trichotomous and corymbose ; corolla funnel-shaped, tubular, elongated, beset with velvety papillae outside, and a four-parted, spreading, short limb. Leaves opposite, or in whorls; stipules nar- row, acute, adnate to the petioles on both sides. These extensively cultivated plants are among the most useful FIG. 270. FLOWERING BRANCH OF BOUVARDIA, for conservatory or greenhouse decoration (see Fig. 270, for which we are indebted to Messrs. Cannell and Sons),' and the flowers are largely employed in a cut state. Perhaps only two are fragrant, viz., jasminiflora and Bouvardia continued. Humboldtii. Cultivation: Presuming the grower to be commencing with young rooted cuttings, these should be potted off into a mixture of good fibrous loam, leaf soil, and sand, in equal proportions, to which may be added a small quantity of peat ; they should then be placed in a temperature of from 70deg. to SOdeg. until fully esta- blished in the small pots. It is necessary at this stage to stop the young plants back to the first joint, and as they continue to make fresh breaks, to keep on pinching them back during the whole period of cultivation, or until sufficiently bushy plants are produced. Many growers neglect stopping far too much, the result being ill-shaped and almost flowerless plants. The pinching, of course, can be regulated by the time the plants are required to flower; and it is unwise, in most cases, to stop them after the end of August. When the small pots are well filled with roots, the plants should be shifted into the flowering pots, viz., large 48-sized, which are quite commodious enough to grow very fine plants, a similar compost as in the first potting, with a little Standen's manure added, being used, and good drainage provided. A cool green- house, with a damp bottom for the pots to rest upon, and with a moist atmosphere, is the most suitable place in which to grow them during late spring and early summer, the moist air being very desirable as an effectual check to red spider, a pest very fond of the foliage, which it permanently disfigures. A cold pit or close frame is better during the summer months, as a moist atmosphere and cool bottom are then certain. Ventilation may be effected during the greater part of the day by tilting the lights below, and on fine nights they may be removed altogether. During bright sunshine, shading will be bene- ficial. All through the period of active growth, it is absolutely necessary that the plants should receive plenty of water, or they will surely suffer ; and when the pots are filled with roots, occasional doses of manure water will be beneficial. Many cultivators plant them out about the end of June, in favoured situations, or in spent hotbeds, when they make very vigorous growth ; and, if carefully pinched and watered, fine specimens are obtained. These are lifted in early autumn, with a good ball, potted, and kept shaded for a few days until the roots are again active, when they are taken to the house in which they are intended to bloom, and on enormous supply of flowers is secured. We have also seen Bouvardias planted out permanently in beds, in prepared pits, in which the winter tem- perature was not less than 55deg., with very satis- factory results ; the quantity of bloom being very great. Of course, with the last-named treatment, it is essential to give the plants a rest and hardening-off after flower- ing, and when they are started into fresh growth to keep them well pinched and watered. Bouvardias are liable to the attacks of red spider and green fly. The former stands little chance of existence if the plants are kept well supplied with moisture ; the latter may be destroyed by fumigating with tobacco. Mealy bug are also troublesome, and should be sponged off with a solution of Gishurst's Compound. Propagation: After flowering, and a slight rest and hardening-off, the old plants should be cut back, placed in heat, in a stove or cucumber pit, and freely syringed, which will cause them to break freely, and produce a good supply of cuttings. When the young shoots are from l^in. to 2in. long., they are in the best condition for striking. It is not necessary that they should be cut off at a joint, as they will root from any surface of the stem; and, working economically, it is wiser to cut them off just above the first joint, as other shoots will speedily break out, which may, in their turn, be taken. Pots about 5in. across should have previously been prepared for the cut- tings, by being well drained and filled with a mixture of good fibrous loam, leaf soil, and coarse sand, in equal parts, with a copious supply of sand upon the surface, into which the cuttings should be dibbled pretty thickly. A good AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 207 Bouvardia continued. watering must be given without wetting, and thereby injuring, the foliage. The pots should be plunged in the cutting case, or in any bottom heat of about 70deg. or SOdeg., and covered with a bell glass. All that is then necessary is to keep them moist and shady during sunshine, until they are rooted, which, as a rule, is effected in three weeks' time. When well established, they may be removed from the case, gradually hardened off, and finally potted singly into small thumb pots. B. angnstlfolia (narrow-leaved). /. pale red; corymbs some- what trichotomoiis. September. 1. three in a whorl, lanceolate, with revolute edges, glabrous above, but beset with fine hairs beneath. Branches terete, smoothish. h. 2ft. Mexico, 1838. (P. M. B. 7, 99.) B. Cavanillesii (Cavanilles's). A. red ; peduncles terminal, trifld, three-flowered. May. I. opposite, ovate-lanceolate, acuminated, rather villous beneath. A. lift Mexico, 1846. SYN. B. multiflora. (J. H. S. 3, 246.) B. flava (yellow).* fl. yellow, drooping ; racemes three to five- flowered ; pedicels downy, slender. March. I. opposite, ovate- lanceolate, ciliated ; stipules setaceous, h. lift Mexico, 1845. (B. R. 32, 32.) B. blrtella (hairy), fl. pale red or flesh-coloured, corymbose. I. whorled, lanceolate, with revoluted edges, hairy on both sur- faces. Branches terete. Mexico. B. Humboldtii corymbiflora (Humboldt's corymb-flowered).* i " 1874. B. Jacqninl (Jacquin's). A synonym of S. triphylla. B. jasminiflora (Jasmine-flowered).* JL white, fragrant, in com- pound cymes ; very floriferous. Winter. 1. opposite, elliptic- acuminate. South America, 1869. A very charming and largely grown species. (G. C. 1872, 215.) Humboldtii corymbiflora (Humboldfs corymo-Howerea}.- 1. white, large, fragrant, disposed in terminal racemes ; tubes long. Autumn and winter. I. ovate, oblong-acuminate, dark green. L874. One of the finest kinds in cultivation. (G. C. 1873, 717.) FIG. 271. BOCVARDIA LEIANTHA. B. lelantha (smooth-flowered).* fl. scarlet ; corymbs sub-trichoto- mous. July to November. 1. ternate, ovate-acuminate, slightly hairy above, downy-villous beneath, h. 2ft Mexico, 1850. See Fig. 271. (B. H. 2, 6.) B. longiflora (long-flowered).* JL white, terminal, solitary, sessile, with the tube 2in. or Sin. long. I. opposite, oblong, acute, cuneated at the base, glabrous. Branches compressedly tetragonal, glabrous. h. 2ft. to 3ft. Mexico, 1827. (B. M. 4223.) B. multiflora (many-flowered). A synonym of B. Cavanillesii. B. triphylla (three-leaved).* /. scarlet, nearly lin. long; corymbs somewhat trichotomous. July. I. smoothish above, hairy beneath, three in a whorl, oblong. Branchlets trigonal, hairy. h. 2ft. to 3ft. Mexico, 1794. There are numerous varieties of this species. SYN. B. Jacquini. (B. M. 1854.) B. versicolor (various-coloured). /?., corolla with a scarlet tube, Bouvardia continued. which is Jin. long, but having the limb yellowish inside ; corymbs three-flowered, trichotomous, drooping. July to September, t opposite, lanceolate, ciliated. Branches terete, glabrous, velvety while young, h. 2ft. to 3ft South America, 1814. (B.R245.) The garden hybrids are very handsome. A selection is given below : ALFRED NEITHER, flowers double, white, or slightly tinged with rose (see Fig. 272); BRILLIANT, flowers bright crimson, numerous, freely branching habit, and strong constitution ; D AZZLKR,* habit very bushy and compact, extremely floriferous, flowers rich scarlet, in dense clusters ; HOGARTH, brilliant scarlet, very fine ; LONGIFLORA FLAMMEA,* flowers long-tubed, blush-rose; MAIDEN'S FIG. 272. BOUVARDIA ALFRED NEUNER. BLUSH,* very free and floriferous, blush-rose ; PRESIDENT GAR- FIELD, rich double, red-pink, very fine ; QUEEN OF ROSES, rosy- pink, the tubes tinted with crimson, habit dwarf and very free ; VREELANDI (=DAVIDSONI), flowers pure white, produced in great abundance ; one of the most useful of them all, and grown very extensively. BOWENIA (commemorative of Sir G. Bowen, Go- vernor of Queensland). OBD. Cycadacece. A remarkable and handsome greenhouse Fern-like plant, closely allied to Zamia, from which it is distinguished by having the leaflets decurrent to the petiole, instead of articulated, as in that genus. For culture, see Cycas. B. spectabilis (showy).* JL, male cones small, ovoid, }in. to Jin. long ; female oblong-globose, 3}in. long. 1. bipinnatisect, on tail, slender petioles ; leaflets falcate-lanceolate, decurrent ; stem short, thick, cylindrical. Queensland, Australia, 1863. (B. M. 6398 and 6008.) 208 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bowenia continued. B. s. serrulata (finely-toothed).* This differs from the type in having the margins distinctly toothed or serrated. Rockingham Bay, 1863. BOWIEA (named after J. Bowie, a botanical collector for the Eoyal Gardens, Kew). OBD. Liliaceae. A very interesting greenhouse or half-hardy twining bulbous FIG. 275. BOWIEA VOLUBILIS, showing Habit, Flower, and Fruit. perennial, thriving in a sunny border, tinder the wall of a greenhouse, where it will require protection during winter. It does well in any light well drained soil, and may be propagated by seeds or offsets. B. volubilis (twining). /. few, remote, pedicellate ; perianth six-partite, persistent; segments equal, green, lanceolate, Jin. long, at length reflexed. October. True leaves are frequently not developed for years; but the green, fleshy, mostly abortive inflorescence performs their functions. South Africa, 1866. See Fig. 273. BOX. See Bnxns. BOX ELDER. See Negundo. BOX THORN. See Lycium. BRABEIUM (from brabeion, a sceptre; in reference to the racemosed flowers). African Almond. OBD. Pro- teacece. An ornamental greenhouse evergreen tree. For culture, &c., see Banksia. B. stellatifolium (star-leaved), fl. white, sweet-scented, dis- posed in elegant, axillary, spiked racemes. August. I. whorled, simple, serrate, h. 15ft Cape of Good Hope, 1731. BRACHYCHITON (from brachys, short, and chiton, a coat of mail ; plants covered with imbricated hairs and scales). OBD. Sterculiaceae. A genus of tropical or sub- tropical Australian trees or shrubs, allied to Sterculia, from which it differs in very minor points. They are of easy culture in a loamy soil. Propagated by young cut- tings, planted in sandy soil, in gentle heat. B. acerifollum (Acer-leaved), fl. bright red. I. long-stalked, deeply five to seven-lobed. h. from 60ft. to 120ft. B. Bidwillii (Bidwill's).* fl. bright red, arranged in axillary bunches. I. stalked, heart-shaped, entire, or three-lobed, and covered with a soft pubescence. 1851. (B. M. 5133.) B. diversifolium (various-leaved). I. coriaceous, obtuse, lanceo- late, entire, or three-lobed, glabrous ; lobes acuminate, h. 20ft. to 60ft. 1824. BRACHYCOME (from brachys, short, and Icome, hair). Swan Eiver Daisy. OBD. Composite. A genus of beauti- ful little half-hardy perennials or annuals, closely resem- bling Bellis in structure. Involucral bracts membranous at the margin ; receptacle pitted, naked. Fruit com- pressed, surmounted by a very short bristly pappus. B. iberidifolia is one of the prettiest of summer annuals, and in the open border it flowers profusely, if in a dry, Brachycome continued. sunny spot. Towards the autumn, it may be removed to the greenhouse, where it will still continue flowering for several weeks. Seeds may be sown in a gentle hot- bed, early in the spring, and, when large enough, planted out in borders or beds, Gin. apart; or they may be sown thinly out of doors, late in April, and thinned out, when they will flower a month later than those sown in the hotbed. B. Iberldifolla (Iberis-leaved).* fl.-heads blue or white, with a dark centre, about lin. in diameter. Summer and autumn. 1. pinnate ; segments linear. Plant erect, glabrous, h. 1ft. Swan River, 1843. See Fig. 274. FIG. 274. BRACHYCOME IBERIDIFOLIA, showing Habit and Flowering Branch. BRACHYL.2ENA (from brachys, short, and Icena, a cloak or covering ; referring to the shortness of the invo- lucre). OBD. Composites. A genus of South African ever- green greenhouse shrubs, nearly allied to Baccharis. They thrive in a compost of peat and loam. Propagated by cuttings, made of half-ripened shoots, placed in a well- drained pot of sandy soil, under a bell glass. B. dentata (toothed), fl.-heads yellow. I. lanceolate, acute, en- tire, rusty beneath when young, when adult quite glabrous. B. ncrifolia (Nerium-leaved).* fl.-hcads yellow, in branching ra- cemes or panicles. August to November. I. lanceolate, serrated with one or two teeth forward, h. 2ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1752. BRACHYOTUM (from brachys, short, and otos, the ear ; in reference to the short appendages at the base of the anthers). OBD. MelastomacecB. A handsome green- house evergreen shrub, with a bushy habit. Allied, and requiring similar culture, to Pleroma (which see). B. confertnm (crowded).* fl. purple, terminal, nodding, with cream-coloured bracts. November. I. oblong or ovate, small, three-nerved, with adpressed hairs. Andes, Peru, 1873. (B. ML 6018.) BRACHYSEMA (from brachys, short, and sema, a standard ; the standard of the flower is very short). OBD. LeguminoscB. Elegant procumbent or climbing greenhouse, evergreen shrubs. Eacemes axillary and terminal, few- flowered. Leaves alternate, oval or ovate, entire, mucro- nate, silky on the under surface. They thrive in a compost of peat, leaf soil, and loam, in equal proportions, made porous, if necessary, by the addition of sand. Increased by cuttings, made of half-ripened shoots in summer, placed in sandy soil, under a bell glass, in a gentle bottom heat ; or by layers. Seeds may be sown in March, in heat. Brachysemas require thorough drainage, whether grown in pots or planted out. B. latifolium does best under the latter treatment, when it forms a magnificent climber for pillars or the roof. B. lanceolatnm (lanceolate-leaved). fl. rich scarlet, with the margin of the vexillum white, red at the disk, with a large yellow spot in the centre, each about lin. long, disposed in axillary, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. Brachysexna continued. sub-compound racemes. I. opposite, rarely alternate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, entire, silky white beneath, A. 3ft. Swan River, 1848. (B. M. 4652.) B. latifolium (broad-leaved).* fl. crimson-scarlet, large; vexillum oblong-ovate. April. I. ovate, flat, silky beneath. New Holland, 1803. A handsome climber. (B. B. 118.) B. melanopetalum (black -petaled). Synonymous with B. undu- latum. B. undulatum (undulated).* fl. deep violet-maroon, solitary or twin ; vexillum oblong, cordate, convolute, and bluntish above. March. I. oblong-ovate, mucronate, undulated. New South Wales, 1820. A tall sub-scandent plant. SYN. B. melanopetalum. (B. B, 642.) BRACHYSPATHA (from brachys, short, and spatha, a spathe ; the spathe is much shorter than the spadix). OBD. Aroidece (Aracece). A stove tuberous perennial, allied to, and requiring the same cultivation as, Amorpho- phallns (which see). B. varlabllis (variable).* Jl. exhaling an abominable foetor, which is, however, of very short duration ; spathe much shorter than the spadix, greenish-purple, sharply acuminate, and many- nerved ; spadix whitish, with female flower at the base, and above contiguous to them are the males without any interme- diate neutral flowers ; anthers orange red ; the naked apex of the spadix is very long, wrinkled, and pitted on the surface. {. solitary, 18in. across; the spotted petiole divides at the top into three main divisions, each of which is again forked and deeply pinnately cut; the segments alternate, sessile, or decur- rent, very unequal in size, ovate or oval-lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, shining, h. 3ft. India, 1876. (G. C. 1876, 129.) BRACHYSTELMA (from brachys, short, and stetma, a crown; in reference to the short coronal processes of the flowers). OED. Asclepiadece. Extremely curious little suffruticose, tuberous, twining, greenhouse peren- nials. Corolla campannlate, having angular sinuses ; corona simple, five-cleft, lobes opposite the anthers, simple on the back. Leaves opposite, membranous. They thrive best in fibry loam. Propagated by cuttings, which will root in sandy soil, in heat ; also by divisions of the root. B. Arnottl (Arnott's). /. brown, green. I. in opposite pairs, nearly sessile, crisped, ovate, dull green above, densely grey, pubescent beneath, h. 4in. South Africa, 1868. (Bef. B. L, 9.) B. Barberse (Mrs. Barber's), Jl. dingy purple, speckled with yellow. August. 1. large, linear-oblong, acute, h. 6in. South Africa, 1866. (B. M. 5607.) B. ovata (ovate-leaved). Jl. yellowish-green. I. ovate, shortly- stalked, pubescent. A. 1ft. South Africa, 1872. (Bef. B. 226.) B. spathulatum (spathulate-leaved). /. green. June. Z. spathu- late, oblong, hairy. A. 1ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1826. (B. B B. tu berosum (tuberous), fl. purple. June. I. linear-lanceolate, ciliate. h. lift. Cape of Good Hope, 1821. (B. M. 2343.) BRACKEN, or BRAKE FERN. See Pteris aquilina. BRACTEATE. Having bracts. BRACTEOLATE. Having secondary bracts between the true bracts and the flowers. BRACTS. Modified leaves placed near the calyx on the peduncle or pedicel. BRAHEA (named after Tycho Brahe, the celebrated astronomer). OBD. Palmce. A small genus of dwarf Palms, with fan-shaped leaves, and hermaphrodite, greenish flowers. They require rich light loam and fibrous peat, in equal parts, to which may be added a good portion of washed sand ; thorough drainage and liberal supplies of water are also absolutely necessary. Propagated by seeds. During summer, they may be removed to the greenhouse, and can be employed with much success for sub-tropical gardening. B. dulcis (sweet).* I. nearly circular, bright shining green; petioles clothed with woolly tomentum, armed at the edges with small close-set spines, and enveloped at the base in a network of brown fibre. Stem stout. Mexico, 1865. A rare and slow deve- loping species. B. fllamentosa (filamentose). A synonym of Washingtania JUifera. BRAINEA (commemorative of C. J. Braine, Esq., of Hong Kong, China). OBD. Filicet. Sori continuous along transverse veins, near the midrib, and also produced along the veins in the direction of the edge of the frond. Brainea ntinued. B. insignia (remarkable), which Is the only species, has a trunk 3m. to 4m. thick ; scales linear, nearly lin. long. M. firm 3in to 4in. long, scaly only at the base, fronds 2ft. to 3ft. long, Sin! to 12m. broad, simply pinnate ; pinnae close, numerous, linear finely serrated. Hong Kong, 1856. A very handsome and interesting greenhouse tree fern, requiring a soil of loam and peat, in equal parts, with the addition of some sharp sand, and thorough drainage. BRAMBLE. See Rubus frnticosus. BRASSAVOLA (named in honour of A. M. Bras- savola, a Venetian botanist). OBD. Orchidece. A. genus of epiphytal Orchids, requiring the heat of an intermediate house. Flowers large, usually with narrow acuminate greenish petals and sepals, and a white lip, which is some- times broad ; column having a pair of great falcate ears on each side of the front, and eight pollen masses. Leaves solitary, succulent. They are of easy culture on blocks of wood, with a little moss, suspended from the roof. Water should be plentifully given during the growing season ; at other times, a very small quantity will suffice. About seventeen or eighteen species have been introduced, of which the following only are worth growing : B. acaulis (stemless). fl. large ; sepals and petals long, narrow, greenish and creamy-white; lip large, heart shaped, and pure white ; base of tube spotted with dull rose. September. I. very narrow, Bush-like. A. 4in. Central America, 1852. (P. F. G. ii., 152.) B. Digbyana (Digby's).* /. solitary, 4in. across, produced from the top of the bulb ; sepals and petals creamy-white ; lip same colour, streaked with purple down the centre, and beautifully fringed. Winter. A. 9in. Honduras, 1844. A compact-growing evergreen. (B. M. 4474.) B. Gibbslana (Gibbs's).* fl. white, spotted with chocolate, large, three on each spike. I. rather broad and very thick. This rare, erect-growing species must be potted in peat and sphagnum. B. glauca (glaucous).* /. solitary, produced from a sheath at the top of the bulb ; sepals and petals yellow ; lip orange, with a white throat. Early spring. I. of a milky-green. A. 1ft. Vera Cruz, 1837. A very handsome fragrant species, somewhat difficult to flower, but this obstacle may be overcome by liberally growing during the proper season, and giving it a severe dry rest. (B. M. 4033.) B. lineata (lined).* fl. large, very fragrant ; sepals and petals creamy- white ; lip large, pure white. I. long, terete, channelled above, tapering to a point, very deep green. South America, 1850. (B M. 4734.) B. venosa (veined).* fl. small and compact; sepals and petals cream-coloured ; lip white, strongly veined. A pretty free flower- ing species. Honduras, 1839. (B. B. 26, 39.) BRASSIA (named after Mr. William Brass, who was sent by Sir Joseph Banks 'to Cape Coast and the neigh- bouring districts as a botanical collector, at the end of the last century). OBD. Orchidece. A genus of tropical American Orchids, very nearly allied to Oncidium, with which, indeed, Eeichenbach unites it. From this genus, however, Brassia may be distinguished by its simple in- florescence, elongated tail-like sepals, and short column, which is quite destitute of the side lobes or ears that form a marked feature in the species of Oncidium. There are about seventeen species, of which many are not sufficiently attractive to deserve the cultivator's attention. They will succeed either in pots or in baskets, the drainage of which must be perfect. They require to be potted in good fibrous peat, broken in pieces not less in size than a walnut, placed in the warm end of a Cattleya or Brazilian house, and supplied liberally with water during summer. In winter, they must still be kept in a tolerably warm place, and given sufficient water to keep the pseudo-bulbs from shrivelling. It is useless to dry off until shrivelling takes place, for experience assures us that when a plant shrivels it is generally safe to assume that it has been tried beyond its powers of endurance, and that its con- stitution has given way. Propagated by dividing the plants, when growth has commenced. B. antherotes (brilliant).* /. 7in. in diameter from tip to tip of the sepals ; sepals and petals yellow, brownish-black at the base, narrow, Jin. broad, tapering; petals IJin. long; lip tri- angular, yellow, barred with brown ; spike strong, about 2ft in length. Tropical America, 1879. 2 E 210 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Brassia continued. B. caudata (tailed).* fl., sepals and petals yellow, barred with brown, from 4in. to oin. long ; lip broad and yellow, spotted with greenish-brown. When the plant is large and healthy, it produces numerous drooping spikes, 18in. long, and many-flowered. h. 1ft. West Indies, 1823. (B. B. 832.) B. Glreoudiana (Gireoud's). fl., sepals and petals bright yellow, spotted and blotched with deep red, produced in many- flowered scapes of singular and beautiful flowers during spring Pio. 275. SINGLE FLOWER OF BRASSIA LANCEANA. B. Lanoeana (Lance's).* /., sepals and petals lanceolate and tapering, bright yellow, blotched with brown,,or sometimes with deep red; lip wholly yellow, slightly spotted at the base, and much waved, dehciously fragrant ; scapes radical, many-flowered. In the typical species, the lip is rather more than half as long Kg 275 8eP (B S B 1754 h ) *"* SC *' *" 9in- Surinam ' 1843 ' Se <> B. L. macrostachya (large-spiked).* fl., sepals and petals bright rich yellow, sparingly spotted with brown, as in the type ; sepals lengthened out into tail-like appendages, which are sometimes nearly 5m. in length ; lip wholly of a clear pale yellow. Deme- rara. B. L. pnmlla (dwarf). fl., sepals pale yellow, without spots or and petals bright yellow, /.large, sweet-scented; sepals yellow, tinged with green." June to (B. R. 27, 18.) 1839. KI ; I OI J8 l8 f lni a (long-sepaled).* fl., sepals deep orange-yellow, blotched and spotted, especially towards the base, with reddish- purple, and lengthened out into tail-like appendages which in well-grown examples, measure 7in. in length ; petals about 2Ain. longand Jin. broad at the base, marked fn the same manner as the sepals ; lip about Sin. long, pale yellow, dotted and spotted er species ; lip white, spotted below the centre with brown and purple. Spring and early summer. Jamaica, 1806. See Fig. 276. (B. M. 1691.) B. m. guttata (spotted).* fl. on spikes 2ft. or 3ft. long; sepals and petals yellowish-green, blotched with brown ; lip broad, yellow, spotted with brown. May to August. Guatemala, 1842. SYN. B. Wrayce. (B. M. 4003.) Brassia continued. B. verrucosa (warty-lipped).* fl. large; sepals and petals greenish, blotched with blackish-purple ; lip white, ornamented with numerous little green protuberances or warts, hence the specific name ; scape many-flowered. May and June. Guatemala. B. v. grandiflora (large-flowered).* fl. twice the size of, and a lighter colour than, the type. This variety is very rare, and is said to be the best of the genus. B. Wrayw (Wray's). A synonym of S. maeulata guttata. BRASSICA (old Latin name used by Pliny; from Bresic, the Celtic name for Cabbage). Cabbage. OED. Cruciferce. Herba- ceous, usually biennial, rarely annual or perennial, or suffrute scent plants, usually with a short caudex. Flowers yellow, rarely white, but never purple nor veined. Eadical leaves usually stalked, lyrate, or pinnatifid ; cauline ones sessile or stem-clasping, entire; racemes elongated ; pedicels bractless, filiform. Pull cultural details will be found under the popular garden name of each variety. B. olcracea (herb-like), fl. pale yellow, large. May and June. I. glaucous, waved, lobed, smooth. Root-stem cylindrical, fleshy, h. 1ft. to 3ft. England. Biennial. B. o. acephala (headless). Borecole or Kale. Stem round, elongated. I. ex- panded ; racemes panicled. B. o. botrytla asparagoides (Asparagus-like). The Broccoli- Stem taller than that of the Cauliflower. fl. aborti greyish-glaucous, elong flower-buds at the top. . . elongated. Branchlets fleshy, bearing small B. o. b. cauliflora (Cauliflower). Heads of flower -buds thick, terminal. Stem short. I. oblong, of a greyish-glaucous colour. B. O. bullata gemmifera (bud-bearing). Brussels Sprouts. Heads small, numerous, rising from the axils of the leaves along an elongated stem. B. o. b. major (larger). Savoy Cabbage. Heads of leaves loose, thick, terminal, roundish. I. blistered. B. O. oapltata (headed). The Cabbage. Stem round, short. I. concave, not blistered, crowded into a head before flowering; racemes panicled. B. O. Caulo-rapa (Kohl-Eabi). Stem tumid and somewhat glo- bose at the origin of the leaves. B. Rapa (Rape). The Turnip. Radical leaves lyrate, destitute of glaucous bloom, green, covered with bristly hairs; middle cauline ones cut ; upper ones quite entire, smooth. FIG. 276. SINGLE FLOWER OF BRASSIA MACULATA. BRASSICACEJE. See Cruciferce. BRAVOA (named after Bravo, a Mexican botanist). OIID. Amaryllidece. A pretty little graceful bulbous AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 211 Bravoa continued. plant, hardy in very sheltered positions, but in exposed situations requiring a slight protection in winter. It is an admirable plant for cool-house culture, and delights in a compost of light rich loam, leaf mould, and sand. Propagated by offsets, which are obtainable in autumn ; or by seeds, which should be sown as soon as ripe. B. gemlnlflora (twin-flowered).* Twin Flower, fl. rich orange- red, tubular, drooping, disposed in the upper part of the flower- - ' July. I.:' , linear, ensiform, stems, which are sometimes 2ft. long, pale green. Mexico, 1841. (B. M. 4741.) BRAZILIAN TEA. See Hex paragnariensis and Stachytarpheta jamaicensis. BRAZIL NUT. See Bertholletia, BRAZIL WOOD. See Cassalpinia brasilieiisis. BREAD FRUIT. See Artocarpus. BREAD NUT. See Brosimum. BREDIA (named in honour of Professor J. G. S. van Bred). ORD. Melastomacece. An ornamental greenhouse shrub, thriving in rich light loam, leaf soil, and peat. Pro- pagated by cuttings of the ripened shoots, inserted in sandy loam, under a hand glass, in heat ; or by seeds. B. hirsuta (hairy).* fl. rose-pink, about iin. across, disposed in loose, terminal, many-flowered cymes. Autumn. I. ovate acumi- nate, hairy. Japan, 1870. (B. M. 6647.) The small particles or refuse of gas coke. It constitutes a very cheap fuel, but, unless mixed with good coke, is only suitable for boilers of the saddle type, having a good draught. Breeze must not, however, be con- founded with coke-dust. BREVOORTIA COCCINEA. See Brodiaa coc- cinea. Br exia continued. Cuttings, with their leaves not shortened, strike readily in sand under a hand glass, in heat ; or a leaf taken off with a bud attached will grow. Leaves as in accompanying illustration (Pig. 277), and long, narrow, spiny-toothed ones, are often produced on the same plant. Probably the two species enumerated below are simply forms of one. Well hardened off, strong growing plants of B. madagas- cariensis are very suitable for sub-tropical gardening. B. madagascariensis (Madagascar).* I. obovate or oblong entire, while young minutely gland-toothed, h. 20ft. Madagas- car, 1812. See Fig. 277. B. spinosa (spiny). I. lanceolate, 20in. long, 2in. broad, spiny- toothed, h. 20ft. Madagascar, 1820. BREXIACE2E. A section of Saxifragece. BRIAR. See Rosa. BRICKS. In England, the standard thickness of brick walls is a Brick and a-half, that is, the length of one brick and the breadth of another. Thirty-two paving bricks, laid flat, will form one square yard of flooring ; if set on edge, sixty-four will be required for the same space. The best Bricks for walls are those termed Stocks, which are well burnt. Grizzells and Place Bricks, being only partially burnt, are soft and not durable. In various parts of the kingdom, different clays and methods of manufacture cause a disparity in the weight and appearance of the finished article. Several forms are made to suit various purposes, but the standard size is 9in. long by 4in. wide, by 2iin. thick, although, since the remission of the duty, some slight variations occur, owing to shrinkage and other causes. Fire Bricks are made of a particular kind of clay, which will stand intense heat when once burnt, and are used in furnaces and other places where durability under great heat is a desideratum. Fire-clay should always be used in place of mortar in building with these. BRILLANTAISIA (named after M. Brillant). ORD. Acanthacece. A very small genus of erect, branching, stove evergreen shrubs. Flowers large, in terminal pani- cles ; corolla ringent; upper lip falcate and overarching, with a trifid apex, the lower one large, spreading, shortly trifid. Leaves ovate-cordate, on long petioles. For cul- ture, see Barleria. B. owariensis (Owarian).* /. violet-blue; cymes sub-sessile, loose ; panicles terminal. March. I. large, opposite, petiolate. A. 3ft. Western Africa, 1853. This plant, in its habit of growth, resembles some of the largest species ofSalvia. (B. M. 4717.) BRISTLES. Stiff hairs. BRISTLY. Covered with stiff hairs. BRISTLY - TOOTHED. Furnished with teeth like bristles, or with the. teeth ending each in a bristle. BRIZA (from briza, to nod). Quak- ing Grass. ORD. Qraminece. A genus of ornamental hardy Grasses. Panicle loose; calyx two-valved ; corolla two-valved, awn- less ; exterior one ventricose, interior small and flat. Fruit adnate with the corolla. These extremely graceful plants delight in a soil composed of loam, leaf soil, and peat. FIG. 277. FLOWERING BRANCH OP BREXIA MADAGASCARTENSIS. Seeds may be sown in spring or autumn. For decorative purposes, the branches should BREXIA (from brexis, rain ; the large leaves afford be gathered as soon as full grown, and loosely placed in protection against rain). ORD. Saxifragece. Excellent stove flower-stands, to dry. Tufts of these plants look extremely trees. Flowers green, in axillary umbels, surrounded by pretty on the rockery, or amongst hardy Ferns, bracts on the outside. Leaves alternate, simple, dotless, B< gracilis (graceful). A synonym of B. minor. and furnished with minute stipules. Stems nearly simple. They require a compost of two parts loam and one of peat, with the addition of a little sand, to keep the whole open. A liberal supply of water must be given at all seasons. (greatest).* fl., spikelets oblong-cordate, thirteen to seventeen-flowered ; panicle nodding at the end. June and July. i. long-linear, acuminate, h. lift. South Europe, 1633. Annual. See Fig. 278. 212 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Br iza contin ued. FIG. 278. BRIZA MAXIMA, showing Habit and Single Flower. B. media (middle).* Common Quaking Grass. /., spikelets broadly ovate, of about seven florets (calyx shorter than the florets), tremulous with the slightest breeze, very smooth, shining purple. Branches of the panicle thread-shaped, divaricating, purple. June 1. short, linear acuminate, h. 1ft. Britain. Perennial. (S. E. B. 1774.) B. minima (least). A synonym of B. minor. FIG. 279. BRIZA MINOR, showing Habit and Small Panicle of Flowers. . minor (small).* Little Quaking Grass, fl., spikelets triangular, seven-flowered ; glumes longer than the flowers ; panicle with hair-like branches. June and July. I. pale green, short, narrow. h. Sin. England (but very rare). An annual grass. SVNS. B. graciKt and B. minima. (S. . B. 1775. B. spicata (spiked). A recent introduction from Brazil, described as being very graceful and quite distinct, having erect spikes about Sin. in height. BROADCAST. A method of sowing seeds by means of the hand, scattering them over the surface of the ground as equally as possible. It is now superseded, for the majority of garden and field crops, by drilling, which not only economises the quantity of seed used, but greatly facilitates subsequent weeding and thinning out. BROCCOLI (Brassica oleracea botrytis asparagoides). A cultivated variety of the Cabbage, having the young inflorescence condensed into a fleshy, edible head (see Fig. 280). To grow this popular vegetable successfully, it is necessary to have rich soil of a good depth, in an open situation, where the plants can have plenty of sun and air to keep them sturdy. They succeed the autumn Cauli- flower, and are in season from November till May. Soil. In preparing ground for Broccoli, trench, in the autumn, to the depth of from l|ft. to 2ft., and during the process work in a liberal dressing of rotten farmyard manure. Ground which has carried a crop of Celery is very suitable for the strong-growing kinds, as, by planting where the Celery rows have been, the necessity of trenching is, to a great extent, obviated. Smaller kinds, however, need to be planted closer in order to obtain a profitable crop. Cultivation. At the beginning of May, prepare seed beds on a south border, and sow the earlier and sprouting kinds. The later varieties would, perhaps, be best sown in April, but they must not be put in early and allowed to remain too long in the seed bed. Sow thinly, to get the plants as sturdy as possible ; and, to prevent clubbing, work in a little Broccoli continued. soot or wood ashes on the surface of the beds. Care must also be taken to pick off the club excrescences at planting time, should there be any, and to destroy the grub inside. Clubbing is not so frequent in ground which has been well trenched, and where the plants are not allowed to suffer from drought. Showery weather should be selected for transferring them to their permanent quarters. If it is desired that they should succeed potatoes, they may be planted between every two alternate rows, and the latter crop can be removed when ready. Broccoli succeed best where the ground is firm, and not recently dug or manured. Planting with a crowbar is preferable to digging the ground afresh. If grown by themselves, a distance of from 2ft. to 3ft. should be allowed between the rows, and an equal distance from plant to plant. Some of the early varieties will, in favourable seasons, follow the later Cauli- flowers, while the latest will not be fit for use until the following spring. The heads should be cut as soon as they are large enough ; they will keep good for a week in a cold place, while a day or two might open them too much if allowed to remain on the plants. Broccoli which have to stand the winter are liable to injury from severe frosts, and some method of protection is necessary. Two plans are FIG. 280. BROCCOLI. recommended for both large and small gardens, and either or both may be adopted, as found convenient. The first is to apply a covering of fern or other dry protective material, not using too much, but giving sufficient to break the rays of the sun, which, perhaps, do as much harm as the actual frost. The other plan is to take up the plants as soon as the flowers can be seen, and lay them in under a hedge or wall until required for use. In shel- tered positions, or where there are trees to break the force of the wind, the covering with dry litter during severe weather will generally be found sufficient; still, a little precaution in lifting will frequently save a valuable crop. Broccoli should never follow a crop of any other kind of cruciferous plants, particularly Cabbage. Sorts. Veitch's Self -protecting Autumn, Purple and White Cape, Grange's Early White, and Snow's Winter White. These are the best for autumn and mid-winter supplies. A good selection for spring and late purposes is Mitchin- son's Penzance, Knight's Protecting, Cooling's Matchless, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 213 Broccoli continued. Purple Sprouting, Model, Willcove, Leamington, and Cat- tell's Eclipse. BB.ODI2BA (named after J. J. Brodie, a Scotch crypto- gamist). STN. Hookera. ORD. Liliacece. Pretty, slender, hardy, or in some positions only half-hardy, bulbs. The flowers are generally borne in large clusters or nmbels ; the scape is usually straight and slender, but strong. Leaves from two to four in number, enveloping the part of the scape beneath the surface, and procumbent thereon. Most of the species are of easy culture in rich sandy loam ; if grown in pots, a mixture of loam, leaf soil, and sand, suits them well. Increased freely by offsets, which should be left undisturbed with the parent bulbs till they reach a flowering state, when they may be divided and replanted in autumn. B. capitate (headed).* fl. deep violet-blue, funnel-shaped, dis- posed in a compact, many-flowered umbel ; valves of the spathe also deep violet May. 1. narrow, linear. A. 1ft. to 2ft California, 1871. FIG. 281. BRODI.EA COCCINEA, showing Flower and Habit. B. coccinea (scarlet).* fl. IJin. long, tubular, rich blood-red below, the apex of the tube and the segments yellowish-green ; umbels composed of five to fifteen drooping flowers. June. I. linear, loose, shorter than the scape, h. lift. California, 1870. Very handsome, distinct from all other species, requiring a warm, well- drained, and sunny position, and to remain undisturbed. STN. Brewvrtia coccinea. See Fig. 281. (B. M. 5857.) B. congesta (close-headed).* fl. blue, with the crown paler ; seg- ments cleft at the top ; umbel bearing six to eight blossoms. The stamens in this species are metamorphosed into fleshy scales, which adhere to the mouth of the perianth. Summer. I. few, long, slender, channelled on the inside. Bulb small, roundish, and much wrinkled, h. 1ft. Georgia, &c., 1806. A very free- growing and rapidly increasing species. B. c. alba (white).* fl. white ; in other respects like the type, but not so vigorous. B. gracilis (graceful).* fl. deep yellow, with brown nerves, *in. or rather more long, in few-flowered umbels. July. I. solitary, about Jin. broad, longer than the scape, h. 5in. to 4in. California, 1876. A scarce and rather tender little species, but very pretty. B. grandiflora (large-flowered).* fl. bluish-purple, with entire pointed segments ; umbels bearing two to seven somewhat scattered blooms. Summer. I. two to three or more, linear, pointed, slender, grooved on the inside, furnished with a few membranous scales. Bulb small, roundish, dry and wrinkled. h. lift. North America, 1806. SY.\. Hookera coronaria. (B. R. 1183.) B. Howellil (Howell's).* fl. purplish-blue, about fin. across, sub- bell-shaped, in many-flowered umbels. July and August. I. narrow acute, grooved, shorter than the scape. A. 18in. to 24in. California, 1880. Brodisea continued. B. ixloides (Ixia-like). See Calllprora lutca. B. laotea (milky-white).* /. white, usually with green midribs, iin. to |m. across, saucer-shaped, in many-flowered umbels. June and July. I. linear, acute, nearly as long as the scape, h 1ft to 2ft California, 1833. SYNS. HesperoScordon lact%lm, A hyacinthina. B. multlflora (many-flowered).* fl. blue-purple, very numerous, in sub-globose heads. May. 1. linear, elongate, 1ft to 2ft. long, rather fleshy, h. 1ft to lift California, 1872. (B. M. 5989.) B. volubilis (twining). /. rose-coloured, in dense umbels, each containing fifteen to thirty blossoms ; scape twining, sometimes 12ft. long. July. I. narrow, linear-lanceolate, 1ft. long, synan- thous. California, 1874. Half-hardy bulb. (B. M. 6123.) BROMEIiIA (named after Bromel, a Swedish botanist). ORD. Bromeliacece. A genus of stove herbaceous perennials, allied to the Pineapple. Flowers, corolla three-petaled, convolute, erect, or spreading at the top. Leaves densely packed, rigid, lanceolate, with spiny margins. Stems short These plants require much the same treatment as Bill- bergia. Allied genera are ^Echmea, Ananas, Billbergia, Disteganthus, Greigia, Karatas (which see). B. *nMfl. n tlift (opposite-spined). fl. purple, scarlet Brazil, 1864. SYN. B. sceptrum. B. bicolor (two-coloured).* fl. scarlet, in a close central sessile head. March. 1. numerous, narrow, ensiform, outer green, central crimson; elegantly radiate. Chili, 1872. SYN. B. Joinvillei, B. pit- cairnicefolia. (B. H. 14.) B. bracteata (red-bracted).* fl. pink ; scape elongated ; raceme compound ; bracts red, ovate-lanceolate. September. /. serrate, spiny, h. 2ft. Jamaica, 1785. B. Fernanda (Fernanda's).* /. yellowish, in ovoid heads ; bracts orange-red. July. I. linear-ligulate, 24in. to 30in. long, recurved, spiny-edged. Para, 1872. B. Joinvillei (Joinville's). A synonym of B. bicolor. B. Karatas. See Karatas Plumieri. B. pitcairnieafolia (Pitcairnia-leaved). A synonym of B. bicolor. B. sceptrum (sceptre-like). A synonym of B. antiacantha and Karatas Plumieri. BROMELIACE.3:. An extensive order of stemless or short-stemmed plants, having rigid, channelled, and usually spiny leaves. Flowers very showy ; outer perianth three- cleft, persistent, inner one of three withering segments; stamens six, inserted in the tube of the perianth. To this order belongs the Pineapple. The genera best known in gardens are JEchmea, Ananas, Billbergia, Bromelia, and Tillandsia. BROMHEADIA (in honour of Sir Edward Finch Bromhead). OBD. Orchidece. A small genus of stove Orchids, comprising a couple of species, with erect stems, large flowers, and cncullate lip, which is parallel with the column. For culture, see Ansellia. B. palnatris (marsh). fl., sepals and calyx white; lip white ex- ternally, within streaked with purple, and having a yellow blotch in centre; spike terminal, distichous, uc^uuuo, .ua..ij -.>..., a long peduncle; bracts short, stiff, tooth-like. June. I. dis- tichous, oblong-line (B. R. 30, 18.) rginate. exuous, many-flowered, on )th-like. June. I. dis- h. 2ft Singapore, 1840. FIG. 282. BROMUS BRIZ.EFORMIS. BROMUS (from Bromos, the Greek name for a wild oat). ORD. Gramineae. B. brizceformis (see Fig. 282) is an elegant biennial Grass, with drooping panicles of spikeleta, 214 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bromus continued. about as large as those of Briza maxima. It grows about 2ft. high, and is of very easy culture in common garden soil. Sow seeds outside in patches, in July, thinning out the plants when necessary. There are numerous other species belonging to this genus, but the above-mentioned is the only one worth growing in gardens. It forms a beautiful object in the mixed border, or among ferns. BRONGNIARTIA (in honour of Adolphe Brong- niart, a distinguished botanist, and one of the editors of "Annales des Sciences Naturelles ") OBD. Leguminosce. Handsome greenhouse evergreen sub-shrubs, clothed with silky villi. Flowers large, purple ; pedicels twin, axillary, one-flowered. Leaves impari-pinnate, with many pairs of leaflets, the terminal one not remote from the rest. They require a compost of sandy loam, leaf soil, and fibry peat, with perfect drainage. Cuttings of the young shoots, if firm at the base, will root if dibbled in sand, under a bell glass, in a cool house. B. podalyrioides (Podalvria-like).* fl. purple, large. September. 1. with two to five pairs of leaflets ; leaflets elliptic-oblong, rounded, and mucronate at the apex, clothed with adpressed hairs on both surfaces, but silky when young. A. 1ft New Spain, 1827. B. serioea (silky).* fl. purple. September. A. 1ft. . I., leaflets ovate-oblong, acute, very silky on both surfaces. Mexico, 1843. BROOK-LIMB. See Veronica Beccabunga. BROOM. See Besom. BROOM. See Cytisus scoparius. BROOM SAFE. See Orobanche. BROOM, SPANISH. See Spartium jnncenm. BROSIMTTM (from brosimos, edible; fruit edible). Bread Nut. OBD. Urticacece. A genus of stove evergreen shrubs or trees, principally of economic value in their native countries. Male and female flowers generally in a globular head, but sometimes borne on separate trees; calyx and corolla wanting. Leaves entire. They generally thrive in a rich fibry loam. Cuttings of ripe wood, with their leaves on, root if placed in sand, in moist heat. B. Alicastrum. fl., catkins globose, stalked, twin, axillary. Jr. coated. 1. ovate-lanceolate. A. 6ft. Jamaica, 1776. BROUGHTONIA (named after Mr. Arthur Broughton, an English botanist). OBD. Orchidece. A very com- pact-growing stove evergreen, allied to Lcelia, succeeding best if suspended from the roof on a block of wood, with a little moss ; it requires a free supply of heat and water when in a growing state. Propagated by dividing the plant. The colour of the flowers is very distinct. B. sanguinea (blood-coloured).* fl. blood-coloured, rather large, disposed in a terminal panicle ; scape divided ; column distinct, or at the very base united with the unguiculate lip, which is lengthened at the base into a tube, connate with the ovarium. Summer. I. twin, oblong, seated on a pseudo-bulb. A. lift. Jamaica, 1793. (B. M. 3076.) BROUSSONBTIA (named after P. N. V. Broussonet, a French naturalist, who wrote numerous works on Natural History). OBD. Urticacece. Ornamental fast-growing, de- ciduous, Mulberry-like trees. They require rather good open garden soil, and prove hardy in situations which are not very exposed. Propagated by suckers and cuttings of ripened wood, inserted in autumn, in a cool house ; and by seeds, sown when ripe, or kept till the following April. B. papyrifera (paper-bearing).* The Paper Mulberry. /. greenish, dioecious ; males in pendulous, cylindrical catkins, each flower in the axil of a bract ; females in peduncled, axillary, upright globular heads. May. I. simple, alternate, exstipulate, variously lobed or entire, hairy, large. A. 10ft. to 20ft. China, 1751. There are several varieties, differing in the shape and character of the leaves. (B. M. 2358). BROWALLIA (named in honour of John Browall, Bishop of Abo, who defended the sexual system of Lin- naeus against Siegesbeck, in a book entitled " Examen epicriseos," &o., 1739). OBD. Scrophularinece. A genus of handsome shrubs or herbs. Flowers blue or white, axil- lary and terminal; corolla salver-shaped, resupinate from the contortion of the peduncle ; tube fifteen-nerved, ventri- Browallia continued. cose at top. Leaves alternate, stalked, ovate in outline. They thrive best in a rich, open, sandy soil. To have strong plants in flower by Christmas and after, seeds should be sown in July, in pans or pots of light rich sandy soil, and kept in a close frame, or hand light, where they can be shaded till germination takes place. When large enough to handle, the seedlings may either be pricked out, three in a pot, or potted singly, according to the size of the specimens required. In the former way, they form fine masses for conservatory or greenhouse decoration, or to cut from ; and in the latter, they are very suitable for window recesses, &c. After potting, they should be stood in a pit or frame, and syringed every morning and evening, to ward off at- tacks of insect pests. An abundance of well-diluted liquid manure is required as soon as the flower-buds appear. To keep the plants dwarf and bushy, it will be needful to stop them about three times during the remainder of the summer and autumn, keeping as near the glass as possible ; they should be housed by the end of September. These elegant little greenhouse annuals are unrivalled for affording choice, neat sprays for bouquets during the winter and early spring months, or for growing as pot plants, to furnish warm greenhouses or sitting-room windows. Many of the species and varieties are largely employed for summer decoration of the flower garden, with highly satis- factory results; for this purpose, seeds should be sown in gentle heat early in spring, and the plants transferred to the flower borders late in June, or early in July, having been previously encouraged in pots, and well hardened off. B. abbreviate, (shortened), fl. light red ; pedicels shorter than the calyx ; calyx campanulate, with teeth as long as the tube. I. oval, hairy when young, quite glabrous when mature. 1852. (R. G. 94.) B. demlssa (loV).* /.of a bright but pale blue colour, sometimes red or purple; peduncles axillary, one-flowered, downy. June. I. ovate-oblong, acuminated, oblique at the base. A. 6in. to 1ft. Panama, 1735. (B. M. 1136.) Fio. 283. BROWALLIA EIATA, showing Habit and Flower. B. elata (tall).* fl. deep blue ; calyx beset with glandular hairs ; peduncles axillary, one or many-flowered. July. I. oval, acumi- nated. A. lift. Peru, 1768. Of this extensively-grown species there are two varieties, one with white flowers, and the other, grandiflora, with pale blue, both of which are well worth growing. See Fig. 283. (B. M. 34.) B. grandiflora .(large-flowered).* fl., corolla with a greenish- yellow tube, which is clothed with glandular villi, and a white or very pale lilac limb ; peduncles one-flowered, axillary, racemose at the tops of the branches. July. I. ovate, acute, attenuated into the petioles at the base. A. 1ft. to 3ft. Peru, 1829. (B. M. 3069.) B. Jameson! (Jameson's). A synonym of StreptofoUn Jame- B. Roezll (Roezl's). fl. large, either of a delicate azure-blue, or white, with a yellow tube. Spring to autumn. I. shining green. An exceedingly pretty species, having flowers double the size of any other, and forming a dense compact bush, lift, to 2ft. hi height. Rocky Mountains. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 215 BBOWNEA (named after Patrick Browne, M.D., anthor of a History of Jamaica). OED. Leguminosae. Very handsome store evergreen trees or shrubs, allied to Amherstia. Flowers of a rose-scarlet colour, rising in fascicled heads from the axillary buds. Leaves abruptly- pinnate, when young flaccid, and with the leaflets revolnte at the edges ; leaf -bud long and stipulaceous. All the species are well worthy of the most extensive cultivation. A mixture of loam, peat, and sand, is a soil well adapted for them, and great care should be taken not to over-water the plants in winter, as too great a supply will be sure to kill them. Propagated by cuttings, taken from ripened wood, planted in a pot of sand, and placed under a hand glass, in a moist heat. B. Ariza (Ariza).* fl. richest scarlet, produced in a large, globular, drooping head of immense size. Summer. I. pinnate, usually with six or eight pairs of pinnae, which are oblong-lanceolate, and sharply tapered to a point, /u 20ft. to 40ft Columbia, 1843. This noble tree requires a large house to fully perfect its beauty. SYX B. princeps. (B. M. 6469.) B. Birschellii (Birschell's). fl. rose-coloured, in drooping racemes. April to July. I. pinnate ; leaflets oblanceolate, 6in. long. A. 10ft. to 20ft. La Guayra, 1872. (B. M. 5998.) B. coccinea (scarlet).* fl. scarlet, fascicled. July and August. I. with two to three pairs of oval-oblong, acuminated leaflets. h. 6ft. to 10ft Venezuela, 1793. (B. M. 3964.) B. grandiceps (large-headed).* /. red, in dense capitate spikes. July. I. with usually twelve pairs of oblong-lanceolate glandless leaflets, ending in a long cuspidate acumen ; branches and pe- tioles pubescent A. (in its native home) 60ft. Caraccas, 1829. (B. M. 4859.) B. latifolia (broad-leaved), fl. red, in dense fascicles; invo- lucre tomentose. 1. with one to three pairs of ovate or obovate- cuspidate leaflets. A. 6ft to 8ft Caraccas, 1824. B. macrophylla (large-leaved).* fl. orange-scarlet, in dense heads, often measuring nearly 3ft in circumference. Central America, 1879. (G. C. 1873, p. 779.) B. princeps (chief). A synonym of B. Ariza. B. racemosa (clustered).* fl. rose-coloured, racemose ; invo- lucre and calyx clothed with fine tomentum. I. with four pairs of unequal-sided, oblong, or oblong-lanceolate, cuspidately-acu- minated leaflets, which are glanduliferous at the base. A. 4ft Caraccas, 1826. B. Rosa del Monte. fl. scarlet, in dense heads; leaflets of the involucre roundish, imbricated, and, when in a young state, rather velvety. June. I. with two to three pairs of oval- oblong acuminated leaflets ; branches and petioles glabrous. A. 8ft South America, 1820. (B. R. 1472.) BROWNLOWTA (named in honour of Lady Brown- low, daughter of Sir Abraham Hume, and a great patroness of botany). OED. Tiliacece. Very handsome greenhouse evergreen trees, thriving well in a mixture of loam and peat. Cuttings of ripe shoots will root if placed in sand, under a hand glass, in heat. B. elata (tall).* fl. yellow ; panicle terminal, conical, spreading. May. I. large, cordate, acute, seven-nerved, smooth. A. 60ft India, 1823. (B. B. 1472.) BRUCEA (commemorative of James Bruce, the cele- brated African traveller). OED. SimarubecB. Ornamental stove evergreen shrubs. Flowers small, purplish inside, disposed in interrupted glomerate spikes, or racemes. Leaves impari-pinnate, with six pairs of opposite, entire or serrated leaflets, without dots. Branches, peduncles, petioles, and nerves of leaves, clothed with rufescent down. They thrive in a loamy soil; and cuttings from ripened wood strike freely, in a pot of sand, under a hand glass, in a moderate heat. B. antldysenterlca (antidysenteric). fl., racemes simple, .spike- like. May. I., leaflets quite entire, clothed with rusty nlh on the nerves beneath. A. 8ft Abyssinia, 1775. B. sTimatrana (Sumatra).* fl. dark purple; racemes usually compound. May. I., leaflets serrated, villous beneath. A. 20ft Sumatra, 1822. BBUCHUS GRAM-ABJTTS. See Bean Beetle. BK.TJCHUS PISI. See Pea (INSECTS). BRUGMANSIA. See Datura. BRUNFELSIA (named after Otto Brunfels, of Mentz, first a Carthusian monk, and afterwards a physician ; he published the first good figures of plants in 1530). STN. Franciscea. ORD. Scrophularinece. Elegant free-flowering Brunfelsia continued. stove evergreens. Flowers sweet-scented; corolla large, funnel or salver-shaped, with a long tube, and a flat, five- lobed, obtuse, nearly equal limb. A light rich soil, or a compost of loam, leaf soil, and peat, is necessary to grow these plants successfully. Propagated by cuttings, planted in sand, and placed under bell glasses, in a moderate heat. When rooted, they should be placed in small pots, in a com- post somewhat more sandy than that already mentioned. While growing, they require to be kept in a moist stove temperature, and should be hardened by placing them in a drier, and somewhat cooler, temperature after each growth is completed ; the pots should be changed as often as the roots become thick around the ball of earth. The larger plants flower freely, and should be slightly pruned in annually, before commencing their new growth, thus securing neat and compact specimens. Eepotting should be effected directly they have done flowering. The plants should then be placed in a temperature ranging from 60deg. to 68deg., and both the roots and foliage liberally supplied with water. When flowers appear about October or November the syringing must be less frequently per- formed. At this period, if it be desirable to prolong the flowering season, the plants should be removed to a tem- perature of about 48deg. A few administrations of weak liquid manure during the growing season are of great value. B. acnminata (taper-pointed-leaved).* fl. bluish-violet, few, sub- cymose, terminal. April. I. oblong, acuminated, attenuated a little at the base, glabrous ; bracts lanceolate, acuminated, glabrous. A. 1ft. to 2ft Kio Janeiro, 1840. (B. M. 4189.) B. amerlcana (American).* it. first yellow, then white, very sweet- scented ; axillary flowers solitary, terminal ones numerous. June. I. obovate, elliptic, acuminated, longer than the petioles. A. 4ft to 6ft. West Indies, 1735. There are narrow and broad-leaved varieties of this species. (B. M. 393.) FIG. 284. FLOWER OP BRUMA KODIFLORA. B. calyclna (cup-shaped).* fl- purple, disposed in large trusses, which are produced in succession throughout the whole year. I. large, lanceolate, shining light green. A. 2ft Brazil, 1850. One of the largest-flowered species grown. (B. M. 4583.) B. conferttfiora (dense-flowered), fl. soft blue, cymosely crowded, terminal. January to June. I. nearly sessile, oblong-acute, at- tenuated at the base, rather pilose, ciliated, yellowish-green 216 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, felsia conttnu~ Cimicifuga. BULBIFEB.OUS. Bearing bulb*. Ses (from bolbot, a bulb). OKD. Liliaeecc. A genus of rather pretty hardy, or nearly hardy, herbaceous or bulbous plants, allied to Anthericum. Flowers showy, fragrant; perianth with spreading segments. Leaves somewhat fleshy, narrow. Stems short. They are all of easy culture in a compost of sandy loam. The bulbous- rooted species are increased by offsets, and the herba- ceous sorts by suckers and divisions. The only species which can be grown satisfactorily in the open air is B. annuo. All the others should be grown in the green- house, but may be placed in the open during the summer 222 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bulbine continued. B. alooides (Aloe-like).* fl. yellow, disposed in a terminal panicle. April. I. fleshy, tongue-shaped, lanceolate, flat on both sides. h. 1ft. Cape of Good Hope, 1732. SYN. Anthericum alooides. (B. M. 1317.) B. annua (annual), fl. yellow ; scape racemose. May, June. I. fleshy, subulate, rounded, h. 9in. Cape of Good Hope, 1731. An annual species, the seeds of which should be sown in a gentle heat during spring, and the seedlings may be transplanted to the open when large enough to handle. SYN. Anthericum annuum. (B. M. 1451.) B.caulescens (caulescent)."/, yellow. March. I. fleshy, rounded. Stem shrubby, erect, branched, h. 2ft. Cape of Good Hope. 1702. A shrubby species, which should be propagated by cuttings, placed under a hand glass. SYN. B. frutescens. (B. M. 816.) B. frutescens (shrubby). Synonymous with B. caulescent. BULBOCODIUM (from bolbos, a bulb, and kodion, wool ; referring to the woolly covering of the bulbs). ORD. Liliacece. TRIBE ColcUcece. A very pretty little bulbous plant, much resembling the Crocus, from which it differs prin- cipally in having a superior ovary and six stamens. It is amongst the earliest of spring-flowering plants, the flowers preceding the foliage; and, like the majority of bulbs, delights in rich sandy loam. In such positions, they multiply rapidly from offsets. It is a good plan to take up the bulbs, divide, and replant them every second year, selecting in autumn, and renewing the soil or planting in new positions. Few plants prove more welcome in the garden, in February, than B. vernum, either in beds, patches, or masses. B. Altchisoni (Aitchison's). A synonym of Merendera pergica. B. Eichleri (Eichler's). A synonym of Merendera caucasica. B. trigynum. A synonym of Merendera caucasica. FIG. 301. BULBOCODIUM VERNDM. B. vernum (spring).* /. violet-purple, with a white spot on the claw ; long, tubular, funnel-shaped, two to three from each bulb ; preceding the appearance of the leaves. Very early spring. I usually three in number, broadly strap-shaped, concave, and surrounded at the base by well-developed sheaths. Bulb black, oblong, h. 4in. to 6in. Spain, 1649. See Fig. 301. There is a is a variety with the leaves striped white, which is also desirable. BTTLBOPHYLLUM (from buZbos.abulb, and phyllon, a leaf ; referring to the leaves issuing from the apex of the pseudo-bulbs). STNS. Anisopetalum, Bolbophyllum, Tri- brachium. ORD. Orchidece. Of this rather large genus of orchids but few are worth cultivating except as curiosities. Racemes long or spike-like, very rarely one-flowered or sub-umbellato ; sepals usually nearly equal and free; lip jointed to the foot of the column. They are of easy cul- ture when grown on small blocks of wood with a little Bulbophylltun continued. moss, and suspended in a warm part of the house ; the roots require a good supply of water. Propagated by dividing the pseudo-bulbs. The following comparative few of the aggregate number of species already introduced are really all that are worth the cultivator's attention ; what the botanist often regards as being very pretty, &c., does not always appear such in the eyes of the grower. B. barbigerum (bearded).* fl., sepals and petals greenish -brown ; lip covered with dark-coloured hair, and so loosely attached at the base as to be moved with the slightest breath. Sierra Leone, 1835. A curious dwarf-growing plant, with dark green leaves and pseudo-bulbs. (B. R. 1942.) B. Beccarii (Beccari's). /. light brownish and painted with violet ; lip brown, with a violet hue, proceeding from a rhizome at the base of the leaf (just below the small pseudo-bulb), and at once turning downwards ; racemes dense, cylindrical, nodding. I. three, 25in. long, 18in. across, very thick. Rhizome 20in. long. Brazil, 1879. A remarkable and gigantic climbing species ; the odour of this plant is intolerably foetid, and the leaves are larger than those of any other known orchid. This species requires plenty of heat. (B. M. 6517.) B. Lobbi (Lobb's).* /. large ; sepals and petals yellow, the upper part spotted with purple ; solitary, on radical scapes. Summer. Java, 1845. (B. M. 4532.) B. maculatum (spotted). /. prettily spotted, I. long, obtuse, bright green. India. B. retienlatnm (netted-leaved).* fl. in pairs, white, striped inside with purple ; lip spotted with the same colour. I. some- what heart-shaped, with the nerves of a deeper green than the rest of the leaf, giving it a beautifully reticulated appearance. Brazil, 1866. Perhaps the handsomest of the genus. (B. M. 5605.) B. saltatorum (dancing). /. greenish-brown, lasting some time in perfection. Winter, h. 6m. Sierra Leone, 1835. (B. R. 1970.) B. siamense (Siamese).* fl. rale yellow, striped with purple ; lip yellow, streaked with purplish lines. A very pretty species, closely allied to B. Lobbi, but with longer and stouter leaves. Pseudo-bulbs ovate. Siam, 1867. Should be grown in a pot of peat and sphagnum. BULBOSTYLES (from bolbos, a bulb, and stylos, the style). ORD. Composites. A small genus of stove ever- green plants, now referred to Eupatorium. BULBS. A Bulb is formed upon or beneath the ground, and is a swollen stock, consisting, in the first place, of a more or less fleshy disk, which below gives rise to the roots ; secondly, of more or less fleshy coats, or scales, borne on the disk ; thirdly, of a more or less central shoot, equally borne by the disk, protected by the coats or scales already mentioned, and formed of rudimentary leaves and flowers. In some instances, small Bulbs, called Cloves, are formed at the base of the scales of the original Bulb ; these are destined to reproduce the plant. Shallot and Garlic are good examples. Bulbs are, in fact, storehouses, husbanding the strength and energy acquired by the plant during one season, for the exigencies of the next. They are classified under two sections Scaly and Tunicated. In the former, the scales of the Bulb are imbricated, as in the Lily; in the latter, they form continuous coatings, one within the other, as in the Hyacinth, &c. In several Lilies, young Bulbs are found growing in the axils of the leaves, when they are known as Bulbils. Bulbs is also a popular term given to Dutch Flower Roots, mostly arriving here in the autumn for spring flowering. Crocus, Colchicum, Cyclamen, Gladiolus, and several others, are not Bulbs, but Conns. The flowering season varies according to the different sorts of Bulbs. The majority may bo lifted and kept tolerably dry during the resting period ; but they wither and become exhausted if not replanted at the proper time, thereby causing many failures. Dutch Bulbs generally arrive in September, and the best results are obtained from those potted or planted at once, although some for succession may be kept in reserve up till the beginning of November. The failure in cultivating imported Liliums and other Bulbs may be often caused by their long-continued con- finement in a dry atmosphere, whereby their vitality is often almost lost. The roots of some Bulbs are nearly always, more or less, in action, and these, especially, should not be kept out of the ground for any lenjrth of time. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 223 BULLACE. See Prnnus ixurititia. BULLACE, or MUSCADINE. See Vitis vul- pina. BULLATE. Blistered or puckered. BULRUSH, or CLUB-BUSH. & Typha. BUNCHOSIA (from bunches, the Arabic name for Coffee ; in allusion to the similarity between the seeds of this genus and those of Coffee). OBD. Malpighiacea. Ornamental greenhouse evergreen shrubs, nearly allied to Malpighia, but having the racemes of flowers axillary. Fruit fleshy, indehiscent, externally smooth, and containing two or three seeds. They thrive best in a compost of loam, peat, leaf soil, and sand, in about equal proportions. Bunchosia continued. odorata (fragrant).* JL yellow, sweet^cented ; (from bout, an or, and ophthal- mot, the eye; the disk of the flower being ox-eye-like). Oxeye. OBD. Campotitat. Very showy and ornamental hardy perennial plants, thriving freely in common garden aoQ. They are propagated by divisions, made in autumn or spring. B. grandlflorum (large-flowered).* JL-keadt yellow, large ; In- ToTucre naked. June to October. L alternate-lanceolate, some- what toothleted, smooth. A. IJft. Austria, 1722. Hardy herbaceous perennial. B. salicifolium (Willow-leared).* .fi.-kead* yellow, solitary, rather FIG. 302. BUBBIDGEA MTIDA. Cuttings of ripened shoots wiU root in sand under a bell glass, in moist bottom heat, taking several weeks to do so. Good drainage is essential, both in striking cuttings and in the cultivation of the plants. B. argentea (silYery).* JL yellow; racemes opposite,rimple, pubescent. July. L lanceolate, silrery beneath. Branches puberulous. ft. IB. Caraecas, 18KX B. glandulifera (gland-bearing). JL yellow; racemes simple, axillary. March to May. i. efiiptical-OTate, on short petioles, wavy, pubescent on both surfaces, furnished with four glands beneath at the base. k. 10ft. Caraecas, 1806. B. nitida (shining), /t yellow; racemes elongated, almost the lemrth of the leaTes. July. fr. large, red ; it is much eaten by turkeys and other large fowl. J. 4in. long, oblong, acuminated. smooth, glandlea*. A. 4ft. Jamaica, IflOO. large, terminal; inTolucre naked. June. I. alternate, oblong. lanceolate, sub-serrated, three-nerved, rilloos. A. IJft. Austria, 1758. B.specic*iBslmum (showiest).* JL-headt yellow. July. A. 2ft South Europe, 1826. Sf>. Telekia tpecioiitrima. BUPLEUEUM (derivation not satisfactorily explained). Hare's-Ear. OBD. Umbtlliferx. A somewhat extensive perms of quite glabrous shrubs or herbaceous plants. Flowers yellowish ; umbels compound. Leaves mostly quite entire. But few of this genus are worth growing, and all are of the easiest culture in common garden soil. Propagation is effected, in the case of annuals, by seed, sown in the open border in March or April; in the case of perennials by division, in either spring or autumn ; an J in 224 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Bupleurum continued. that of shrubby species, by cuttings or divisions, in March or April. B. fruticescens (shrubby).* fl., umbels small, three to five-rayed ; involucre of three to five, very short, subulate lejives. August. L linear-subulate, stiff, striated, five to seven-nerved. Branches slender, elongated, erect. A. 1ft Spain, 1752. Hardy and evergreen. B. fruticosum (shrubby).* Leaves of involucre oblong. July. I. of a sea-green colour; oblong, attenuated at the base, cori- aceous, one-nerved, quite entire, sessile. Bark of branches purplish. A. 3ft. to 6ft. Spain, 1596. Hardy. This ia nearly the only species grown. (W. D. B. 1, 14.) B. gibraltarica (Gibraltar), fl. yellow. June. I. lanceolate, one-nerved, coriaceous. A. 3ft. Gibraltar, 1784. Evergreen, half-hardy. B. gramlnlfollum (grass-leaved).* fl. green-yellow, linear, grass-like. A. 6in. Switzerland, 1768. Hardy perennial. B. longifolium (long-leaved), fl. green-yellow. June. June. i. longifolium (long-leaved), /.green-yellow. Jun . ovate-oblong; radical ones stalked; cauline on implexicaul. A. 3ft. Switzerland, 1713. Han I. amplexicaul. perennial. Hardy BUB. See Centotheca lappacea. BURBIDGEA (named after F. W. Bar- bidge, the discoverer of the genus, a traveller in Borneo, and author of several horticultural works). OED. Scitaminece. A very large, bril- liant-flowered stove herbaceous perennial, allied to Hedychium. For culture, see Alpinia. B. nltida (shining).* fl., perianth-tube lin. to IMn. long, slender ; outer segments l}in. to 2in. in dia- meter, bright orange-scarlet ; panicle terminal, 4in. to 6in. long, many-flowered. Summer. I. 4in. to 6in. long, elliptic-lanceolate, cordate-acuminate, rather fleshy, bright green above. Stems tufted, 2ft. to 4ft. high, slender, terete, leafy. N. W. Borneo, 1879. See Fig. 302, for which we are indebted to Messrs. Veitch and Sons. (B. M. 6403.) BURCHARDIA (named after H. Burchard, M.D., a botanical author). OBD. Liliacece. An ornamental greenhouse herbaceous perennial, allied to Androcymbium. It thrives best in sandy peat, or peat mixed with a little loam. Propagated by offsets or divisions, made just previous to potting, in spring. It is best to re- pot annually. Good drainage should be allowed, and the plant must not be potted too firmly. B. umbellate (umbelled). fl. white, green. August. A. 2ft. New Holland, 1820. BURCHELLIA (named after W. Burchell, a botanical traveller in the Cape of Good Hopu, and in Brazil). OBD. Rubiaceoe. A stove ever- green shrub from the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers scarlet, disposed in heads at the tops of the branches, sessile upon a villous receptacle, in- termixed with small distinct bracteoles; and each head is propped up by the ultimate pair of leaves ; corolla of a clavate-funnel-shape. Leaves ovate, acute, a little cordate at the base, petiolate ; stipules interpetiolar, broad, cuspidate at tha apex, deciduous. It grows well in a rich light soil, or a mixture of turfy loam, turfy peat, and sand. Cuttings, not too ripe, root readily if planted in sand, and placed under a hand glass, in a gentle heat. B. bnbalina (buffalo). A synonym of B. capensls. Burling-fconia continued. required to ensure health and vigour. In the dull days of winter, they should be watered less frequently, but the plants must not be allowed to exhibit the slightest signs of distress from drought, or the consequences may be fatal to their health. When fastening these plants to blocks of wood, a little sphagnum should be used, for experience proves that they thrive best when their thin white roots can escape and hang exposed to the air. If growing them in baskets, it is preferable first to fasten them securely upon small pieces of bare cork, then to fill the basket, and finally to cover the whole thinly with a layer of sphagnum. Generally speaking, this genus is not a difficult one to cultivate; its great enemy is a small white scale, which Fia. 303. FLOWER-SPIKE, PSEUDO-BULB, AND LEAP OP BURLINGTONIA DECORA. B. capensls (Cape).* fl. deep scarlet, nearly lin. long. March. ; stipules very a, wild . . , . I. ovate, acute, clothed with hispid pubescence; broad, and very short, h. 3ft. to 5ft. ; 12ft. to 14ft. in state. SYN. B. bubalina. (B. M. 2339.) BUBLINGTONIA (named after the "amiable and accomplished" Countess of Burlington). OBD. OrcMdece. A small genus of epiphytal Orchids, all of which are beautiful and eminently well worth growing. They may be grown upon small blocks of wood, or in rustic baskets, suspended from the roof of the plant stove, where, if liberally treated with water, and a genial moisture in the air during the growing season, very little else will be secretes itself in the sheathing bases of the leaves. Here it rapidly multiplies, to the great detriment of the plants ; the leaves soon turn yellow at the base, and drop off ; the whole plant looks sickly, and soon dies, or else requires a very long time and much trouble to achieve its recovery to health. To prevent this, the bases of the leaves must be carefully looked into every time the plants are taken down to be dipped in water ; and, should the slightest sign of this pest appear, a thorough washing with soft soap and tepid water must be given, repeating the opera- tion every day until all traces of the insect are re- moved. Kcd thripa are also apt to work much mischief AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 225 Bnrliag~tonia continued. with these plants. They take up their abode in the same way as the white scale, and if not speedily removed or destroyed, soon make sad havoc. To put a stop to the ravages of this pest, a wash should be given, as before recommended, and after the soap has been rinsed ont of the base of the leaf, a little tobacco powder should be sprinkled into the hollows, and allowed to remain for a day or two before brushing it off. This process will, however. cause a somewhat dirty appearance, but it will ensure ultimate health and vigour. Propagated by dividing the plants. 'sX* *. white, deliriously ted : lip B. beautiful mauve. A very pretty Sooth American species, TO. semblin* B. Candida. (white).* C snowy-white, with a slight stain of nke white sati^r^nmmed with "gold; large, sweet-scented, gracefully drooping time to four-blossomed nrnaOTi. produced from the axfls of the leaves. April and May, lasting about three weeks in perfection, and sometimes ha ' _ prahtliw. and sometimes baring a second flowering season. L one or two in number, dark green, and firm in texture. A. 1ft. Demerara, 1834. A rery compact species, well suited for basket culture ; it should never be allowed to get dry. It may be distinguished from other species by baring a single row of tubercles, forming a ridge upon each side ' lip. (B. B, Mr.) of the slightly hastate (comely).* JL white or lip pure white; scapes erect, fit " 1852. This spades differs entirely from B. Candida, in- rose-coloured, spotted with red ; fire to ten-flowered. Winter. n as it possesses * long slender-rooting stem, from different parts of which arise small oral pseudo-bulbs, each bearing a leaf ; a lesser leaf appears at the base of a bulb, and from the axil of this the scape springs. It is a rather straggling but never- theless beautiful species, and is tost grown fastened upon long strips of cork, a little sphagnum being used in the operation ; whSst, toprerent the plant getting too much "away from home," the young growths should be twisted back as they advance, and the practice continued until the pseudo-bulb is ultimately left near the centre, or in any spot which nay appear bare. It likes rtinat heat and a very moist atmosphere, when growing : but durins the period of rest, it should be kept cool and dry. See Fig. 7303. (B. M. 4834.) picta (painted).* A beautiful variety, differing from the type Sharing shorter and more acute leaves ; flowers in greater profusion, rose-coloured, beautifully mottled blotched with dark purple. October. Brazil (B. M. 5419.) mottled and ' k flragrans (fragrant).* JL very gratefully fragrant, disposed in erect racemes. April, remaining in perfection about three weeks. I Imi. il&iJiM ymt^lMit wmimit Brazfl, I860. y). JL, sepals and petals hastate lip, which tinguished by the somewhat hastate lip, wh ridges on each side, and also by the downy A. 6in. Brazil, 1850. snow-white: dis- has three yellow column. November. B. rlgida (rigid).* 4. purplish-white, spotted with pink on the . Up reduced in headT A. 1ft Brazil, 1838. A handsome plant but difficult to flower. (L S. O. 36.) B. vennsta (charming).* *. white, slightly tinted with pink ; produced in heavy pendulous dusters at various seasons of the year; Hp stained with yellow. 1. rigid, dark green. Brazil, 1840. It formi a compact mass, and reqinres less heat than the kinds previously described. It is often confounded with B. p*be**nt. from which it may be distinguished by its larger and more loosely arranged flowers, by its smooth column, by the lip not beins hastate in shape, and by the numerous shallow ridges borne near the base upon each side! (L. S. O. 2.) BUR LIGOIiD. Sec BURNET (Pofemtm Sangvi*orba ; from pottrion. a cup; being used in cooling drinks). OBD. Rosarece. A native perennial. The leaves are sometimes used in soups. and with Borage in cooling drinks: they are also put in salads. The foliage only being useful, keep the flower- spikes removed, as this tends to increase the luxuriance of the plants. It thrives in any light soiL Propagated by division. BURNET SAXIFRAGE. See Fimpinella. BURNING BUSH. >w Enonymus atropnr- pnreus and E. americanus. BURN ONION. Potato Onion. BUR REED. >-t Sparganium. BURS ARIA 'from b-.irta. a pouch : the capsules very much resemble those of the Shepherd's Puree). OBD. iria PiWo^area A handsome, much-branched, . evergreen ahrab, forming a very pretty object when covered all over with its elegant white blossoms. It thrives well in a comport of eandy loam and peat, in equal proportions. Young cuttings wffl root freely in sand, under a bell elass. with a little bottom heat. (named after Joachim Burser, a of Caspar Bauhin). OBD. Bunsracecs. Stove balsam- bearing trees. Flowers polygamous, or hermaphrodite; calyx small, four to six-toothed ; petals four to six, spread- ing, generally valvate in estivation; stamens eight to twelve ; disk annular, with usually six to ten teeth ; drupe oblong, covered by a three-valved succulent rind, contain- ing three to five nuts. They thrive in a compost of loam and peat. Propagated by cuttings, placed under a glass, with bottom hont B. gnmnttea (gu_ . tavbalandaxulary. leteovate,! B. serrata(serrateX* .*. whitish, decandrous; panicles axillary, shorter than the leaves. L impari-pmnate, with three la five pairs of broad-lanceolate, bluntly-acuminated, -iini leaflets ; petioles and pedicels pubescent A. 25ft India, 1818. .CEJE. An order of shrubs or trees, abound- ing in resinous juice ; with opposite compound leaves, full of pellucid dots, and axillary and terminal fascicles of flowers. Fruit indehiscent, somewhat drupaceous. The genera best known are Amyri*. Baltamodendron, Boruvllia. Burtera, and Canarium. BTJB.TOVZA (named after D. Burton, a plant collector for Eew Gardens). OBD. Leguminone. A genus of hand- some greenhouse dwarf Heath-like shrubs, natives of West Australia. Flowers axillary, often thickly gathered at the ends of the branches ; corollas rich purple ; keel generally of a deeper colour, and the standard having sometimes a yellow blotch at its base. Leaves simple or trifoliolate, eessfle, usually awl-shaped. They thrive well in a mixture of loam, peat, leaf soil, and sand, in equal proportions, with thorough drainage; but care must be taken not to give them too much water, as they require to be kept moderately dry, and are difficult to preserve in a living state. Young cuttings root freely in a pot of sandy soil, in a cool house, with a bell glass placed over them ; but some of the species produce seed in abundance, which are the best means of in- creasing them. B. conferta (eluster-floweredX* *. violet July. L simple, rery mucb crowded, six to eight lines long, linear-subulate, with rerolute margins, and are, as weU as the branches, smooth. A. 2ft 1830. (B. B. 1600.) B. minor (MiallerX A synonym of Gompkolobittm minut. B. pnlchella (beautiful). A synonym of B. mrtno. L purple ; peduncles axillary, bi-bracteate. Branches puberulous. April. L, leaflets glabrous, linear-mncronate. Bi A. 2ft 1846. STX B. puWWfa. (B. M. 5000.) A. 2ft 1846. (B.M. 4410.) BUSHEL. See Measure BUTCHERS BROOM. .Sf? Ruscus aculeatos. BUTEA (commemorative of John, Earl of Bute, once a munificent patron of botany). OBD. Ltguminota. A genus of very ornamental stove evergreen unarmed trees. Bacemes many-flowered; flowers three together, on short pedicels, and furnished with two bracteolcs each, under the calyx; corolla deep scarlet; down on the in^fMB usually black and velvety. Leaves pinnately -trifoliolate; leaflets large, ovate, roundish, stipcllate. For culture, Ac.. Erythrina. B. trondosa (leafy). JL 2in. long. L. leaflets roimdish, pbtwe,or MIL i.i i iii ii iniiiiMiiTi ii "--r *-40ft India, 1796. (B. F. S. 176.) B. supcrba (superb).* L, leaflets roundish, obtuse, velrety 2G THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, ies glabrous. Coromandel, 1798. This approac Decies, from which it differs mainly by its sc not by any botanical characters. (B. F. F. 143.. ;hes ;scan- ."F.143.) Bntea continued beneath. Branch the preceding species, f dent habit, and not by any bota BUTOMACEJE. An order of aquatic plants, now usually included under Alismaceoe. BUTOMUS (from bous, an ox, and temno, to cut ; in reference to the sharp leaves, which injure the mouths of cattle that browse upon them). OBD. Alismacece. A very handsome hardy perennial aquatic, of extremely eas-y culture on the margins of ponds or muddy banks. Pro- pagated by divisions of the roots, in spring. FIG. 304. BUTOMUS UMIJKLLATUS, showing Habit and Single Flower. B. umbellatus (uinbelled).* Flowering Bush ; Water Gladiole. fl. rose-coloured, umbellate ; pedicels with scariose sheathing bracts at the base ; scape naked, terete, longer than the leaves. Summer. I. all radical. 2ft. to 3ft. long, linear, acuminate, triquetrous. England (ditches and ponds) ; rare in Ireland. See Fig. 304. BUTTER AND EGGS. The double-flowered variety of Narcissus aurantius (which see). BUTTER AND TALLOW TREE. See Penta- desma. BUTTER-BUR. See Fetasites vulg-aris. BUTTERCUPS. See Ranunculus. BUTTERFLY ORCHIS. See Habenaria bifolia and H. chiorantha. BUTTERFLY PLANT. See Oncidium Fapilio. BUTTER NUT. See Caryocar and Juglans cinerea. BUTTERWORT. See Finguicula. BUTTON FLOWER. See Gomphia. BUTTON-TREE. See Conocarpus. BUTTON-WOOD. See Cephalanthus and Pla- tanus occidentalis. BUXUS (from pyknos, dense ; referring to the hard- ness of the wood). Box Tree. OED. Euphorbiaceaa A genus of hardy evergreen s-hrubs or small trees. Flowers unisexual, monoecious ; male flowers, calyx of four minute segments, stamens four, inserted under the rudiment of a pistil; female flowers singly, at the tips of groups of male ones. Fruit a regma, leathery, beaked with the styles. Leaves simple, opposite, exstipnlate. These well-known plants thrive in any light, well-drained soil. Seeds should be sown in similar situations as soon as ripe. Cuttings, made of the young shoots, from 4in. to Gin. in length, inserted in a shady place, in August or September, root readily. Layers of either young or old wood, made in autumn or early spring, will make good plants. They can also be increased by suckers and division. B. balearica (Balearic).* I. yellowish-green, oblong-elliptical emargmate, coriaceous, about 2in. long, with a cftrtilaSnous margin, h. 15ft. to 20ft. South Kurope, 1780. This b a ban d some species. Tl.e cuttings will require a .shelter in winter, and in exposed situations it will be better to afford the plants Bnxus continued. B. sempervlrens (evergreen).* Common Box. I. oval-oblong, retuse, convex, coriaceous, shining; stalks slightly hairy, h. various. England. There are numerous forms of this popular shrub : argentea, silver-variegated ; aurea has its leaves varie- gated with a golden colour; tnarginata has leaves with a golden margin ; myrtifolia has small, oblong, narrowish leaves ; obeor- data-variegata is a variegated variety, with obcordate leaves, from Japan ; su/ruticosa, is the form usually cultivated for edgings, its leaves are small, obovate, this is readily increased by divi- sions, and requires to be planted firmly, in order to keep it dwarf. BYRSONIMA (from byrsa, a hide, and nimius, much used ; because the bark of some of the species is used in tanning, in Brazil). OED. Malpighiaceae. Ornamental stove evergreen trees or shrubs. Flowers racemose, terminal, simple or branched. All the species thrive very well in any light soil, or a mixture of loam and peat. Cuttings made of half-ripened shoots will root freely in sand, under a hand glass, in a moist bottom heat. B. altlsslma (tallest).* /. white ; racemes clothed with rufous hairs. July. 1. ovate-oblong, covered with rufous down beneath, but beset with bristles above, which are fixed by the centre. A. 60ft. auiana, 1820. B. chrysophylla (golden-leaved).* fl. yellow ; racemes simple. August. 7. oblong, short, acuminated, acute at the base, rather wavy on the margin, and revolute, smooth above, clothed beneath with silky down, which is of a rusty golden colour. A. 14ft. South America, 1823. B. corlaeea (leathery-leaved), fl. yellow, sweet-scented ; racemes densely spiked, pubescent, erect. May. I. ovate, acute, quite entire and smooth, h. 30ft. Jamaica, 1814. B. crassifolia (thick-leaved), fl. yellow ; racemes erect, elon- gated, brownish-velvety. July. I. ovate, acute at both ends, at length smooth above, but clothed with brownish down beneath. A. 6ft. Guiana, 1793. B. Incida (shining).* /. pink ; petals hastately kidney-shaped ; pedicels hispid ; racemes spiked, erect, short, smooth. May. I. obovate, cuneiform, obtuse, or mucronate, smooth, veinless, shining. A. 8ft. Caribbee Islands, 1759. Described as " a beautiful shrub." B. yerbascifolla (Verbascum-leaved). fl. yellow ; racemes ter- minal. July. /. lanceolate-obovate, quite entire, downy on both surfaces. A. 6ft. Guiana, 1810. BYSTROPOGON (from byo, to close, and pogon, a beard ; in reference to the throat of the flower being closed up with hairs). OED. Labiatae. Greenhouse evergreen sub-shrubs, nearly allied to Mentha. Flowers small, in dichotomous, sub-corymbose, or panicled cymes; or else disposed in dense, spicate whorls. Bracts lanceolate or subulate. This genus contains easily cultivated species, which are, however, of no value for garden purposes. CAA-CUYS. Sec. Ilex paraguariensis. CAA-MINI. See Ilex paraguariensis. CAAFEBA. See Cissampelos Pareira. CAAPIM DE ANGOLA. See Fanicum specta- bile. CAA-QUAZU. See Ilex paraguariensis. CABARET. The French name of Asarum europceum. CABBAGE. The common name for Brassica; but especially applied to the plain-leaved hearting garden varieties of Brassica oleracea. To obtain good tender Cabbages in early spring and throughout the summer, it is necessary that they should be planted on rich, deeply- trenched ground, in a position free from the shade of fruit or other trees. Stable dung or good farmyard manure is best for this crop, and should be applied when trenching is being done, burying the manure a spit below the surface. Cabbages should not be planted successionally on the same ground, nor should they follow any of the other species of Brassica, if it can be avoided. A warmer position, not too much sheltered to make the plants tender, will be found beneficial for the earliest spring crop. This should not be planted too soon in autumn, as the plants are more subject to run to seed, especially if the winter be mild. The several forms of Cabbage are well known, being so AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 227 Cabbage continued. much cultivated by cottagers as well as gardeners. None of those forming close hearts will bear severe frost, but the Savoys are improved by a little in the early autumn. The Coleworts are very useful in winter, being perhaps the hardiest of all ; and, as the hearts do not get so close and hard as the Savoy and other Cabbages, the frost, unless it is very severe, does not injure them so much. Cultivation. The crop obtained in April and May is usually the most important one, young Cabbages being then much appreciated by everyone. The time for seed- sowing varies in different localities, from the third week in July to the middle of August. The first date would pro- bably prove suitable for the northern parts of the country ; and the latter would be early enough for the south. The seed should be sown thinly in beds of rather light, well pulverised soil, afterwards covering these with netting, to protect the seed from birds. The plants will be ready, in most cases, for placing out during September, or as soon as the ground can be cleared of other crops and prepared for their reception. The Early Battersea, or one of its many allied sorts, is best for sowing at this season ; and. when planting out, an allowance of 2ft. apart each way will be sufficient. Seed should again be sown on a mild hotbed in February, and occasionally afterwards, for succession ; and a second crop may be obtained from the plants put out in autumn if they are allowed to remain. Drumhead and other strong-growing sorts, sown in spring, will require from Gin. to 1ft. more space when planted out. These are not, however, of such good quality as the smaller-growing varieties. Savoys. The seed of these should be sown in March or April, according to the locality, in the same way as described above, in seed beds ; and the after treatment is also very similar. The young plants must not be allowed to starve in the seed bed, but should be kept watered, and FIG. 305. SAVOV CABBAGE. planted out in June and July, choosing dull weather for the operation. The ground should occasionally be hoed between the plants, to keep the surface open and destroy weeds. Distances of from loin, to 30in. between the plants, according to the variety, must be allowed. See Fig. 305. Coleworts. Seed of these should be sown about the end of June, and planted out 1ft. apart on a sheltered border, Cabbage continued. when large enough. Rosette is one of the best varieties ; but the early Cabbages are often grown and used as Cole- worts before they have had time to form close hearts. FIG. 306. EAKLY YORK CABBAGE. Pickling Cabbage. The Red Dutch is the variety generally grown for pickling, and is probably the best to keep its colour when so treated. Seed should be sown in August, to stand the winter, and again in February for a succession ; only a few plants will, in the majority of cases, be required, as, if liberally treated, they grow to a good size. FIG. 307. OXHEART CABBAGE. Sorts of White Cabbage. These are extremely numerous, and selections or improved forms are of annual appearance. Some of the old types are. however, still much cultivated. The following are a selection of the best sorts for general purposes: Atkins' Matchless, Carter's Heartwell, Early Battersea, Early York (see Fig. 306), Ellam's Early Dwarf, Enfield Market, Little Pixie, Oxheart (see Fig. 307), St. John's Day (see Fig. 308), Sugarloaf, Wheeler's Imperial, and Portugal or Couve Tronchnda. The last-named variety was introduced from Portugal some years ago, where it ia 228 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Cabbage continued. much grown. It has a large midrib, and does not form very close hearts. It is very tender when cooked, and is only suitable for culture in summer. Under the name of Gilbert's Cabbage Broccoli, or Chou de Burp-hley, a variety of Cabbage was recently distributed which produces, if FIG. 308. ST. JOHN'S DAY CABBAGE. left long enough, hearts resembling Broccoli. Although there are different opinions as to its merits, it is said to be very tender when cooked, and is considered a decided acquisition. Of Savoys, the best are: Drumhead, Dwarf Green Curled, Early Him, Large Late Green, and Tom Thumb. Insects, $c. The majority of the Cabbage tribe is attacked by a very large number of different caterpillars and other pests, both above and below ground. The plants in their young stages are always a prey 1'or snails and slugs, and often require a dusting of soot and lime as a protection. When planting out, many of the plants are often found with a protuberance at the root, caused by an insect, and termed " clubbing." Those so injured should be thrown away if they can possibly be spared, and the others dipped in a thick solution of soot water. This is the worst kind of disease the Cabbage tribe is subject to. The caterpillars of several moths and butterflies are very destructive in summer, often eating through the hearts of Cabbages and Cauliflowers, and so rendering them totally unfit for use. Hand-picking, or dusting with lime, is apparently the only means of diminishing the numbers of these pests. CABBAGE CATERPILLARS. Large Cabbage White (Pieris brassicce). From May to July, and again in September and October, this, the most common of our butterflies, may be seen in great numbers, frequenting gardens, lanes, and fields, being especially numerous where Cabbages are growing. Their beautiful yellow eggs are laid singly on the tinder surface of the leaves, and securely fastened by a natural glue ; from these, in due time, issue the small, but destructive, " green caterpillars." Shortly after birth, they become quite greon in front and yellow behind. They then get hairy and dotted over with black ; they have eight pairs of feet, of which the three front ones only are " true " legs, or those which ultimately develop into the legs of the butterfly. They change their skin several times, and at each moult become larger in size. When full grown, they are about lin. long, of a Cabbage Caterpillars continued. light green or bluish hue above, and yellow beneath ; along the back of the adult caterpillar is a conspicuous yellow line, edged on each side with black dots. The chrysalis, or pupa, is commonly found on window- ledges, palings, walls, and similar places ; but is sometimes FIG. 309. CATERPILLAR AND CHRYSALIS OF LARGE CABBAGE BUTTERFLY. attached to the plant (see Fig. 309). It is a rather curious object, of the colour of stone, and prettily chiselled. It is fastened to the plant by the tail and by a belt of silk round the middle. FIG. 310. LARGE WHITE CABBAGE BUTTERFLY. The perfect male insect has the body black and wings white on the upper side, except the tips of the forewings, which are black and crescent-shaped; and on the upper edge of the hinder wings there is a black spot. On the under side, the fore wings are white with yellow tips, and two black patches on each ; the hind wings are yellow, with small black markings. The antennas are alternately black and yellow, with the club black above and yellow beneath. The female (see Fig. 310) differs FIG. 311. SMALL WHITE CABBAGE BUTTERFLY AND CATERPILLAR. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 229 Cabbage Caterpillars continued. from the male in having two large black spots on each of the fore or upper wings, and a spot on the inner margin. The Small White (Pieris rapes, see Fig. 311) has two broods in the year, the first batch about April, and the second in Jnly. The eggs are always placed on the upper side of the leaf, and are hatched in from ten to thirteen days, the caterpillars becoming full grown in about three weeks after emerging. The colour of the caterpillar is dark green, with a fine line of yellow, and a row of yellow spots down the sides The chrysalis is attached by the tail and a band of silk to the place selected by the cater- pillar, and varies greatly in colour, although generally it is of a whitish-brown. Cabbage Moth (Mamestra brassicce). Newman, in his " British Moths," thus describes the Cabbage Moth : " The antennae are rather long and slender, and scarcely ciliated in either sex ; the forewings are dark, smoky, grey brown, mottled and marbled with confused markings, both darker and paler ; the orbicular spot is inconspicuous, but decidedly to be traced ; the renifonn stigma is delicately outlined with white or whitish-grey, and has a pale anterior disc, in which the same pale grey colour predominates; the hind wings are dark, smoky brown with rather pale base, and rather darker crescentic discoidal spot and wing-rays ; the head, thorax, and body have the same colour as the fore and hind wings." The eggs are laid on Cabbages, or similar plants, and are hatched in a few days. The caterpillars are very voracious, feeding by day and night, and, what is worse, they spoil with their excrement, in the case of Cabbages, more than they eat. They are of a dark colour, with a kind of marbling, more or less distinct, on the back, the effect being produced by a triangular mark containing two white dots on each of their segments. On being disturbed, they roll themselves into a tight ring, and so remain until they suppose that danger is over. They descend into the earth for change to smooth red-brown chrysalids, and remain there till the following spring. If the chrysalids were collected and destroyed during the autumn and winter digging, much injury would be obviated through the suc- ceeding spring and summer. The destruction of these pests is a very troublesome matter, as the grubs of the last-named kind bore into the heart of the cabbage. Hand-picking is the only sure method. Anything emitting a distasteful odour will also keep them at bay. Miss Ormerod recommends throwing gas-lime over the plants, but it must be previously weak- ened by a few months' exposure. The following remedy may also be recommended : Paraffin, or Coal Oil. Mis one ounce of oil with a gallon of soapsuds, and water the plants with the mixture before the caterpillars appear. If any have appeared, an application at the rate of two ounces to the gallon will generally clear them off. Of course, this operation must not be performed less than a month previous to cutting the cabbages, on account of the smell. Soapsuds alone will also clear caterpillars from most smooth-leaved subjects if frequently applied. CABBAGE PLY (Anthomyia brassicas). Among the injurious insects which infest Cabbages, none commit greater havoc to both stem and root, than the maggots of the Cabbage Fly. "They are whitish, cylindrical, and legless, tapering to the head, and blunt at the tail, which has short teeth on the lower margin, and two brown tubercles in the middle. When full grown, they are about Jin. long. They then leave the plants, and turn, in the earth, to pupae, with a few black spots at the head, and short teeth at the tail, inside which the flies form, and emerge in about a fortnight or three weeks. The fly is of an ashen-grey colour, and smaller than the Onion Fly, which it much resembles. The male is of a darker grey, and has a short black stripe along the back between the wings, with a curved one on each side of it, and one black stripe along the abdomen " (Ormerod). The presence of Cabbage Ply continued. these maggots may be easily detected by the flagging and change of colour of the leaves. The infested plants should be immediately removed and destroyed. The following remedy will be found beneficial : Lime. Hot lime should be soaked in water for about twenty-four hours. When clear, the infested Cabbages should be well washed with the liquid. Superphosphate of lime may also be applied with advantage. CABBAGE GAIili WEEVIL (Ceutorrhynchus sulci- collis). This is a pretty little beetle, about three-quarters of a line or one line in length. Its colour is dark, but the insect is really of a coppery hue ; on the thorax and head are rather large depressions ; the wing-cases vary in colour from green to greenish-blue, or even black, and along the entire length of the elytra are parallel lines or holes, as may be seen with the aid of an ordinary lens. This insect, which causes much damage to plants of the Brassica family, is, in some places, very difficult to eradicate. It is also very destructive to other crops, and, therefore, any effectual remedy is valuable. The following methods may be recommended : Carbolic Acid. Mix loz. Calvert's No. 5 carbolic acid with two gallons of soapsuds, and add sufficient loam or clay to make a thin paste. Dip the roots of the whole of the plants into this before they are set out. Well stir the mixture, and put the plants out in a damp soil, so that watering will not be necessary. Paraffin, or Coal Oti. This, applied in the same manner as recommended for Carbolic Acid, is also very good. Guano, Superphosphate of Lime, and Nitrate of Soda. A good dressing of either of these, given after the ground is dug, and in wet weather, about a month before the plants are put out, has been found very beneficial ; but, although preventatives, they do not totally clear the crop from insects for the season. Soot and Lime. Take equal parts of air-slaked lime and soot, and mix together. Set the plants with a trowel, and, having placed some soil over the roots, throw in a little of the mixture, filling up the hole with soil. CABBAGE MOTH. See Cabbage Caterpillars. CABBAGE PALM. See Euterpe oleracea. CABBAGE POWDERED- WING (Aleijrodes^ bras- sicce). A small four-winged powdery fly, closely allied to the Aphides. As implied by its name, this pest infests the various sorts of Cabbages'. It is more particularly pre- valent in autumn. Its presence may be readily detected by the partial discoloration of the leaves attacked. The head and body between the wings are black, with yellow varie- gation; abdomen yellow or rosy; wings white and mealy (whence its common name), the upper pair each having a darker spot, near the centre. Its destructive power resides in the rostrum, or sucking-tube, with which its head is furnished. Remedies. The only effectual means of exterminating this pest is to destroy the leaves, preferably by burning. If its presence is detected early, an application of tobacco water, or diluted soft soap, may prove beneficial. CABBAGE BOOT-EATING FLY. See Root- eating Ply. CABBAGE-TREE. See Euterpe oleracea. CABBAGE WEEVIL. See Cabbage Gall Weevil. CABOMBA (the native name in Guiana). ORD. Nymphceacea. SUB. OED. Cabombeae. Small and very interesting aquatics. They thrive well in a cistern 1ft. deep, with 2in. of loam in the bottom, for the plants to root in, then filled up with water, and placed in a warm part of the greenhouse during summer, being allowed a rest in a cool part of the stove in winter. Propagation may be effected by root division. C. aquatica (water-loving), fl. yellow, small ; peduncles long, axillary, solitary, one-flowered. July. Submerged leaves oppo- site, stalked, cut into five divisions even to the petiole ; segments 230 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Cabomba continued. multifld ; floating leaves alternate, on long petioles, peltate, orbicular, entire. Guiana, 1823. SYN. Nectris aquatica. C. caroliniana (Carolina) is somewhat similar to C. aquatica. It is a native of the Southern United States. CACAIilA (from Kakalia, a name used by Dioscorides). OBD. Composite. A genus of hardy herbaceous peren- nials, here treated as distinct from Senecio, of which genus, from a botanical point of view, it is but a section. Heads five to many-flowered ; florets all tubular and perfect ; scales of the involucre in a single row ; receptacle naked ; pappus of numerous capillary bristles. For culture, see Senecio C. atriplicifolia (Atriplex-leaved). JLJuadi white. August. 1., lower ones triangular-kidney shaped, or slightly cordate; the upper rhomboid, toothed. Stem terete, h. 3ft. to 6ft. United States of America. fl.-heads white, nodding, racemose. Au- i-lobed, hastate, serrate, fcl ' C. hastata (hastate). , tumn. I. stalked, three-lobed, hastate, serrate. . 1ft. Siberia, 1780. C. reniformis (reniform). Jl. -heads white, disposed in large corymbs. August. 1. dilated, fan-shaped, 1ft. to 2ft. broad, repandly-toothed and angled, petiolate. Stem grooved and angled, h. 4ft. to 9ft. New Jersey, 1801. C. suaveolens (sweet-scented).* fl.-heads white. Autumn. I. triangular-lanceolate, halbert-shaped, pointed, serrate ; those of the stem on winged petioles. Stem grooved, h. 3ft. to 5ft. North America, 1752. C. tuberosa (tuberous).* fl.-heads whitish. June. I. thick ; lower ones lanceolate or oval, nearly entire, tapering into long petioles; upper cnes on short margined petioles, sometimes toothed at the apex. Stem angled and grooved, h. 2ft. to 6ft. North America. CACOUCXA (its name in Guiana). OBD. Combretacece. A small genus of stove twining or climbing shrubs. Flowers large, showy, racemose. Leaves opposite, oblong or ovate- elliptical. For culture, see Combretum. C. oocclnea (scarlet).* fl. scarlet, alternate, bracteate at the base, disposed in long terminal racemes. May. I. ovate, acuminated, shortly petiolate. Guiana. (A. G. i. 179.) A handsome stove climber. CACTE2E. A large order of succulent plants, with remarkable spines clustered on the cylindrical, angular, two-edged, or leafy stems. Flowers very variable, showy or minute, usually solitary, sessile, rarely in fascicles, ephe- meral; petals disposed in two or more series, hardly distinguishable from the inner sepals, and sometimes united with them ; sepals numerous, united and adnate a great length to the ovarium. Fruit fleshy, one-celled, many- seeded. Well-known genera are Melocactus, Mammillaria, Opuntia, Pereskia, and Khipsalis. CACTUS (from Kaktos, a name used by Theophrastus to describe a spiny plant). This generic term is popularly applied to all members of the extensive family Cactece, which order may be distinguished by the following characteristics: Calyx composed of many sepals, usually indefinite in number, the inner series not readily dis- tinguishable from the petals, united and adnate a great length to the ovary ; with the tube smooth in the genera Mammillaria, Melocactus, and Khipsdlis ; or with the lobes of the sepals crowning the fruit, and having the tube scaly, as in the genera Cereus, Opuntia, and Pereskia. Petals disposed in two or more series, hardly distinguishable from the inner sepals, and somewhat united to them ; sometimes irregular, and disposed in a long tube at the base, but distinct at the apex, as in the genera Mammillaria, Melo- cactus, and Cereus ; sometimes equal and distinct to the very base, forming a rotate corolla, as in the genera Opuntia, Pereskia, and Rhipsalis. Stamens indefinite, disposed in many series, more or less cohering with the petals or inner sepals ; filaments slender, filiform ; anthers ovate, versatile, two-celled. Ovarium obovate, fleshy, one- celled. Fruit fleshy, one-celled, many seeded, either smooth and crowned by the calyx, or covered with scales, scars, or tubercles, and umbilicate at the apex. This order contains fleshy or succulent shrubs, very variable in habit and size. Flowers very variable, showy, or minute, usually solitary, sessile, rarely in fascicles, ephemeral, expanding by night or day. Leaves usually wanting, but, when present, small, Cactus continued. caducous, and terete, rarely flat and expanded, sometimes alternate and disposed in a spiral order, always glabrous and fleshy. Prickles or bristles disposed in fascicles, rising from the axils of the leaves. In the leafless genera, the fascicles of spines are disposed on the angles of the stem, rising from tubercles. Stems usually angular, winged, or regularly beset with tubercles, rarely terete, usually jointed; joints compressed. A group of Cacti is shown at Fig. 312, for which we are indebted to Herr Fr. Ad. Haage, jun., of Erfurt, Germany. See Cereus, Disocactus, Echino- cactus, Epipliyllum, Leuchtenbergia, Mammil- laria, Melocactus, Nopalea, Opuntia, Felecypliora, Fereskia, Pliyllocactus, and Rhipsalis. Cultivation. Perhaps no class of plants more easily accommodate themselves to a general system of treatment, than do these ; although certain genera would undoubtedly thrive better than when subjected to the lower tempera- ture, suited to the requirements of those coming from cooler regions. Notwithstanding that nearly all the species are natives of the western hemisphere, they occur in various geographical and altitudinal areas, in which the tempera- ture is proportionately lessened or increased, as the case may be ; yet, presuming a special house is set apart for their culture, the majority of the species may be happily suited therein. The warmest end of the structure should be selected for the tropical kinds; while those found in cooler regions may be grown in the other portions of the house ; even those which are hardy in our climate are really best wintered in a house or frame. Granted that several species will endure our winter outside, it is yet necessary to give them the shelter of a friendly ledge of the rockery, or frame, or to cover them in their permanent position with a hand light, or sheet of glass, in order to prevent the ill-effects of excessive moisture. Generally, a winter temperature of from 50deg. to 55deg., and a summer one of from 70deg. to SOdeg. during shade, or in sunshine up to 90deg., will be found advantageous. When thus treated, it will be necessary to keep the tropical species, on the whole, very dry during the winter. As regards soil, potting, and general treatment, all may be treated alike, except Epiphyllum, Disocactus, and Pereskia (which see). Some growers give them the protection of a house in winter, and stand them outside during the summer, which is not, however, a very commendable plan, as, in consequence of the very variable character of our climate being especially prejudicial to several of the tender and more delicate species, the often excessive amount of moisture they would receive, will produce a weakly state of health in many, while others will be lost. It is far better if their culture is attempted at all, to give them the proper treatment. The numerous species and varieties found on the Rocky Mountains are a most interesting series, and may be well managed in a cold frame facing south, arranging them on shelves as close to the glass as possible, and keeping them very dry through the winter. If the weather is very severe, the lights should be matted. One of the best collections of these in the country, is in the possession of E. G. Loder, Esq., Floore House, Weedon, Northampton, where a great number are admirably grown in frames, and under a large ledge of the rockery outside. Amateurs may grow quantities of handsome Cacti either in dwelling rooms near the window, or in small frames or greenhouses. As they are slow growing, not much space will be occupied ; at the same time, a great deal of interest will be centred in their culture. As regards watering and insect pests, they are but little trouble. Miniature Cacti, of numerous kinds, are now often sold in small pots, and most attractive little subjects they prove. Soil, Drainage, and Potting. Good ordinary fibrous loam should form about one-half of the compost, the other half should be made up of sand, broken bricks, and lime rubbish in equal quantities ; the whole to be carefully mixed to- gether, and not used until it is moderately dry. It is AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. Cactus continued. absolutely necessary to ensure perfect drainage ; a good " stopper " should, therefore, be placed over the hole at the bottom of the pot, and about one-third of its depth filled with draining material. The best time for potting is during February and March. Turn out the plants, and remove nearly all the old soil from the roots, taking away any dead Cactus continued. vessels. A good top-dressing, with an occasional dose of weak liquid manure, is all they will require for several Watering. This must be discrimiuately managed, espe- cially during the winter; for, whatever their treatment as regards temperature during that season, they must be I Opuntia. 2. Cereus. 4. Cereus can 6. Cereus per urianus monstrosus. 7. Cereus electracanthus. &. Mammillaria. 9. Echinopsis formosa. 10. Echinocactus Visnaga. 11. Cerens pernTianus Tar. 12. Opuntia candelabrifonnu 13. Cereus strictus. 14. Pilocerens senilis. 15. Cereus TweediL 16. Cereus chilensis. FIG. 312. GROUP OF CACTI. or decaying roots which may be observable. Place some of the roughest soil next the crocks, and gradually fill the pots with the finer material, well working the same amongst the roots ; finally press the sofl moderately firm. Do not water for a few days after potting, but syringe every evening, especially if the weather be fine : a little extra heat may be given after potting, to excite new, healthy growth. It will not be necessary every year to repot specimens in large studiously watered, and anything like a saturated condi- tion of the soil should be avoided. If the temperature is brisk, a little water may be given once a week, or perhaps not quite BO often. If the plants are subjected to very cool treatment, water must be sparingly administered daring November, December, and January; after which, they should be examined weekly, and very carefully at- tended to. During the summer months, when in active THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Cactus continued. growth, they will not suffer if watered twice a week; and, on bright afternoons, light syringings may be advan- tageously given. Propagation. Three methods are adopted, viz., by cut- tings or offsets, grafting, and seeds ; the former is the plan generally adopted. The cuttings or offsets should be removed with a sharp out, and laid upon a sunny shelf until the wound is healed and roots are emitted, when they should be potted in sandy soil, and placed with the others. They will thrive freely if kept syringed. Grafting is re- sorted to with delicate kinds, which, from some reason or another, will not grow freely except upon the stock of a stronger species; and, by this means also, such delicate kinds can be kept from the damp soil, which frequently causes incipient decay. The stocks usually employed are those of Cereus tortuosus, C. peruvianus, &c., according to the species intended for working ; they readily unite with each other. If the scion and stock are both slender, wedge- grafting should be adopted ; if both are broad, it is best to make horizontal sections, placing them together and securing in proper position by tying with matting, but not too tightly, or the surface may be injured. Propagation by seeds is not often adopted, as it is a very slow method; they should be sown in very sandy soil, and placed in a semi- shady position until germination commences, when they may be exposed, and very carefully watered. CACTUS DAHLIA. See Dahlia Jnarezii. CADUCOUS. Falling off soon ; deciduous. C2ENOFTERIS. See Asplenium. C.XSALFINIA (in honour of Andreas Caesalpinus, a celebrated Italian botanist, 15191603). Brasiletto. OKD. Leguminosce. An ornamental genus of stove ever- green trees or shrubs, not much grown, on account of the space required and the time the species take to flower. Flowers yellow or red, produced in racemes, having a top-shaped calyx, divided at the end into five parts, the lowest larger than the others ; petals five, unequal-stalked, upper one shortest; stamens ten. A mixture of loam and leaf mould suits them best. Cuttings are somewhat difficult to root, but sometimes will succeed if taken off from the mother plant in a growing state and planted in sand, with a hand glass placed over them, in heat. C. alternifolia (alternate-leaved), fl. orange, clustered. I. alter- nate, very elegant, compound. Central America, 1868. C. brasiliensis (Brazilian). Brazil Wood. /. orange ; racemes rather panicled. 1. with seven to nine pairs of pinnae, each pinna bearing about fifteen or sixteen pairs of oval-oblong, obtuse, glabrous leaflets. Brazil, 1739. Plant unarmed. C. Sappan (Sappau). /. yellow, panicled. I. with ten to twelve pairs of pinnae, each pinna bearing ten to twelve pairs of unequal- sided, obliquely oval-oblong leaflets, which are emarginate at the apex. h. 40ft. Tropical Asia, 1773. This tree furnishes the Sappan-wood of commerce. C. seplaria (hedge), fl, yellow. April. I. compound; pinnae with about ten pairs of pinuules. h. 60ft. India, 1857. SVN. Biancea xcandens. C.SSIOUS. Lavender-colour, bluish-grey. CJESPITOSE. Growing in tufts. CAFFER, BREAD. See Encephalartos Caffra. CAFFER TEA. See Helichrysum nudifolinxn. CAPTA. See Catka edulis. CAHOTTN NUTS. A name applied to the fruits of Attalea Conune, which yield a valuable oil. CAIOPHORA. See Blumenbachia and Loasa. CAJAN. See Cajaims. CAJANUS (Catjang is the Amboyna name). Cajan. ORB. Leguminosai. A genus of erect stove evergreen shrubs, clothed with velvety pubescence. Flowers yellow, distinctly peduncled, corymbose, racemose ; standard some- times beautifully veined with red. Leaves pinnately Cajanus continued. trifoliate. A light rich soil suits these plants well. Young cuttings will root in sand, with a hand glass placed over them, in heat ; but plants are usually raised from seeds, obtained from the West Indian Islands and India. C. indlons (Indian).* Pigeon Pea. n. yellow, or purple-spotted, in axillary racemes. July. I. pinnately trifoliolate ; leaflets lanceolate, h. 6ft. to 10ft. India. (B. M. 6440.) C. 1. blcolor (two-coloured), fl. yellow. July. h. 4ft. India, 1800. (B. B. 31, 31.) C. L flavns (yellow), ft. yellow. July. h. 4ft. India, 1687. CAJUPUT OIL and CAJUPUT-TREE. See Melalenca leucadendron minor. CAKILE (derived from the Arabic). Sea Rocket. OED. CrucifercB. A pretty hardy annual, frequently found on sea-shores. It is of easy culture in most sandy soils. Propagated by seed, sown in spring. C. maritima (sea). /. lilac, large, densely corymbose. Summer and autumn, Jr. a succulent pod, divided, when mature, by a horizontal partition into two cells, the upper containing a single erect seed, the lower a pendulous one. I. oblong, deeply lobed, fleshy. Stem much branched, h. 1ft. Sea-shores of Europe and North America. CALABASH NUTMEG. See Monodora Myristica. CALABASH, SWEET. See Fassiflora maliformis. CALABASH-TREE. See Crescentia Cujete. CALABA-TREE. See Calophyllum Calaba. CALADENIA (from kalos, beautiful, and aden, a gland ; in reference to the disk of the labellum being finely beset with glands). OBD. Orchidece. A genus of pretty greenhouse terrestrial Orchids from New Zealand and Australia. They should be kept in a'cool frame or green- house, and carefully watered, when not in a growing state. A compost of peat, loam, and sand, in equal parts, suits them well. Over thirty species are enumerated, but pro- bably none are seen out of botanic gardens. CALADIUH (derivation of name doubtful ; probably of Indian origin). ORD. Aroidece (Aracece). Stove perennials, chiefly grown for the beauty and varied hue of their leaves. Spathe hood-like, rolled round at the -base ; spadix, upper portion entirely covered with stamens, but ultimately becoming bare at the extreme top, provided with blunt glands or sterile stamens in the middle, and ovaries beneath ; anthers shield-shaped and one-celled ; ovaries numerous, two-celled, with from two to four ascending ovules in each cell. Leaves upon long petioles, more or less sagittate, ovate, and usually very richly coloured. Fruit a one or two-celled berry, with few seeds. They are all of easy culture, and grow freely in a humid atmosphere. In March, when the tubers have been kept dry or rested for some time, they may be started into growth again, in small pots, placed in a stove or pit, where a night temperature of from 60deg. to 65deg. is maintained, and syringed daily once or twice at least. As soon as indications of activity are presented, they may be shifted into 4in., 5in., or Gin. pots, or larger ones may be used if good sized specimens are required. If the tubers should be in large pots, it is best to turn them out, dividing if necessary, and placing all the crowns in small pots, from which they can be removed when root action and growth are resumed, and they require more room. Large tubers, if sound, may be divided, and the pieces placed in pots of such sizes as it is desired to grow them in. Soil. Turfy loam, leaf mould, turfy peat, and a little well decomposed manure, in equal parts (not broken up too fine), with a good sprinkling of sharp sand, form an excellent compost, the whole being well incorporated together. Thorough drainage must be insured, as these plants require an abundance of water. After potting, they should be placed in a stove temperature, and kept well moistened by syringing two or three times daily. If accommodated with mild bottom heat at this time, they will make much AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 233 Caladinm continued. freer and more vigorous growth than if otherwise treated. Water sparingly at first, but as soon as the leaves expand, increase the supply ; and, when the pots are well filled with roots, apply clear liquid manure at every other time of watering. As the season advances, the temperature and humidity of the house should be increased. During bright sunshine, Caladinms should be slightly shaded for a few hours in the middle of the day, with some thin material, just to break the fierceness of the sun's rays ; but the more they are exposed to the light at other times during growth, the brighter, richer, and more beautiful will the foliage be. As soon as the plants have attained a good size, some of them should be placed in the coolest part of the house, and partially hardened off ; they may then be taken to the conservatory, allowing them a situation free from currents of cold air, and giving water only when really necessary. They may remain here for some time, but care must be taken to return them to the stove before they suffer from cold. Small neatly grown specimens make beautiful orna- ments for table decoration, and their suitability for exhibi- tion purposes is well known, and largely taken advantage of. Towards autumn, and as the foliage begins to fade, the supply of water should be gradually lessened, until all the leaves die down ; the pots should then be placed under the stage in the stove, where they can be looked to now and then, and a little water given if required. By no means allow the tubers to get dried up, as is often done ; for, if so, they will frequently rot away inside ; whereas, kept in a semi-moist condition, even the most delicate can be pre- served. In this state, they may remain until the follow- ing season. Caladinms will not endure a very low tem- perature ; from 55deg. to 60deg. is as low as they can be safely kept. Very few of those known as " true species " are grown, being superseded, for general decorative pur- poses, by the numerous hybrids which have been raised of late, principally from C. bisolor. Caladium continued. FIG. 313. CALADIUM CHANTI.N C. argyrites (silvery).* I. small, sagittate, ground colour light green ; centre and margins white, with many irregular white blotches scattered over the remaining portion. Para, 1868. One of the smallest and most elegant of the genus, and much esteemed for table decoration. (I. H. 1858, 185.) C. Baraquinii (Baraquin's). I. from 20in. to 30in. long ; centre deep red ; margin dark green. Para, 1858. (1. H. 1850, 257.) C. bicolor (two-coloured).* /?., spadix shorter than the hooded spathe, which is contracted iii the middle. June. I. peltate- C. Devosiannm (Devosie's).* pink. Para, 1 C. esculentum (edible). Synonymous with Colocatia esculenla. C. Hardii (Hardy's). 1. red-tinged, slightly spotted with white. Para, 1862. C. Kochil (Koch's).* I. spotted with white. Para, 1862. ^ with whitish Tenation - L angular, blotched white and C. Leopold! (Prince Leopold's).* I. green, marbled with red, and blotched with pink. Para, 1864. C. macrophyllum (large-leaved).* I. large, palish green, blotch^ with greenish- white. Para, 1862. FIG. 314 CALADIUM MACULATUM. C. maculatum (spotted).* I. oblong, acuminate, cuspidate, cordate at base, finely spotted with clear white. Plant erect, South America, 1820. See Fig. 314. caulescent. C marmoratum (marbled). long lobes greyi I. broad, peltate, upwards of lft. ttate-ovate, acute or shortly acuminate, the two basal variegated with es terete, sagittate-ovate, acute or snoruy acuminate, me i a being slightly divergent, dark bottle-green, varieg ish or silvery angular spots and blotches ; petiol 6 nish, mottled with purple. Guayaquil. SY.N. Alocatria Roezlii. The variety costata differs from the type in having the midrib (or costa) marked out by a tapering band of silver grey. C. Bougleri (Rougier's). I pale green, with red veins. C. rubronervium (red-nerved). n, with white spots ; the centre ra,1864. A synonym of C. rultrovenium. C. ruforovenium (red- veined).* I. greyish-green in the centre, with red veins. Para, 1862. SYK. C. rubronermum. C. sanguinolentnm (blood-red blotched).* I. with a white mid- rib, blotched with red. Amazons, 1872. C. Schoelleri (Schoeller's). A synonym of C. SchomburgJcii. C. Schomburgkii (Schomburgk's).* I. green, with white veins. Brazil, 1861. SYNS. C. Schcelleri and Alocasia aryyroneura. C. S. Scbmitzli (Schmitz's). I., centre whitish, with green net- work ; midrib and veins red. 1861. SYN. Aloctuia erythrcea. 2 H 234 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Caladium continued. C. sub-rotundnm (half -round). I. roundish, spotted with red and white. Brazil. 1858. C. Verschaffeltii (Verschaffelt's).* I somewhat heart-shaped ; ground colour brilliant green, entire surface irregularly spoil- with bright red. Para. C. Wallisli (Wallis's). I. dark olive green, with large irregular shapwlTpots and blotches of the purest white, and the veins all yellowish-white. Para, 1864. Tho following descriptive list of hybrid varieties is, for the most part, a selection from Mr. Bull's catalogue, and contains all of importance : ADOLPHE ADAMS, green leaf-ground, densely speckled with white, and rose-coloured midribs ; ADOLPHE AUDRIEN* a very attractive varietv with fine large richly-coloured foliage; AGRIPPINE DYMVTRY, leaves large- with white ground narrow green margin and veins and pink centre ; ALCIBIADE,* crimson-rayed centre, f urrounded with pale green, and blotched with pure white green margin ALFRED BLEU, leaves rich green, with pure white spots, nd flesh-coloured centre ; ALFRED MAME* carmme-red bor- dered with white, and profusely spotted with rose; ALPHAND, green, spotted with red, crimson centre; ALPHONSE KARR, rosy-ermine centre and red spots; ARISTIDE, light green, with crimson centre AUGUSTS LEMONIER,* fine large leaves, with sofrgVeen ce'ntreVand rosy-crimson ribs and veins; AUGUSTE RIVIERE, white centre and rays upon a light green ground, with crimson spots ; BARILLET,* bright rosy-crimson centre, and nbs on Kreen ground, with broad margin of rich green ; BARON DE ROTHSCHILD, rich blood-red centre, and spots, on mottled green leaf-ground; BARONNE JAMES DE ROTHSCHILD,* young leaves of a bright rose colour, the more matured foliage soft rose, with red veins ; BARRAL, bright green, with a fine red centre, and large spots of rose ; BEETHOVEN,* ground colour white, inter- sected and veined with green, centre rib delicate rose; BEL- I.EVMKI ,* fine white variegated leaves; BELLINI, mottled pale Ereen ground, with rosy centre and spots ; BLANQU^RTI, dark green, with grey veins and white spots ; BUREL, dark bluish- treen veined bright rose, marked with rosy-violet, and spotted orange-red; CHANTINII FULGENS,* rich dark metallic-green, with attractive crimson centre and white spots; CHELSONI* bright glossy green, suffused with brilliant red, and blotched with crimson; CLIO, ground colour deep rose, shaded white, green ribs and narrow green margin; DE CANDOLLE,* rich green, with beautiful rose-coloured spots and creamy white centre rays; DE HUMBOLDT, a fine variety, having glossy green leaves, spotted with scarlet ; DEVINCK, leaves heart-shaped, delicate pink centre ribs, interspersed with white spots ; DR. BOISDUVAL, centre rayed crimson, snow-white blotches on a green ground ; DR. LINDLEY,* crimson centre, the green ground marked with rose blotches ; Due DE CLEVELAND, deep red centre, surrounded with pea-green, lately spotted with red ; Due DE MORNY,* deep green leaf borders, with large crimson-rayed centre ; DOC DE NASSAU,* brilliant red centre and ribs, white spot on emerald green leaf borders; Due DE RATIBOR, green ground, with red midribs marked with white spots; DUCHARTRE, leaf-ground white, flushed rose, green veins and red spots ; EDOUARD ANDRE, crimson centre, and rose blotches ; EDOUARD MOREAUX, mottled green ground, with lake centre ; EDOUARD RODRIOUES,* deep carmine, margined with light green, and spotted with rose; 1C. G. HENDERSON,* green, with transparent rose spots and mottled crimson rays and centre; ELVINA, bright green, blotched with red, grey centre and veins ; EMILIE VERDIER,* leaves of a light transparent rose colour, spotted with red; ETOILE D' ARGENT,* bright green, midribs and veins creamy-white, shaded with grey ; EUCHARIS, rose centre, with violet reflections, margined with bright green, very fresh and bright looking; FELICIEN DAVID* centre of leaf dark carmine, surrounded with white and beautifully veined with red on a light green ground ; GOLDEN QUEEN, leaves large, pale golden yellow, uniform in colour ; GRETRY, carmine centre, with white spots on a dark green ground ; HELEVY, white midribs and marked with crimson blotches, on a green ground ; HF>ROLD,* dark carmine veins, surrounded by light green, blotched with pure white, and margined dark green ; IBIS ROSE,* a magni- ficent variety, with beautiful rich rose-coloured foliage, extremely attractive; ISADORA LEROY, rich metallic green, with crimson-red centre rays; JULES DUPLESSIS, bright rose centre, shaded with rich red and bordered with green ; JULES PUTZEYS, rich green, with crimson midrib and veins, centre mottled grey, and the whole surface blotched with red ; LAINGII,* reddish-carmine centre, surrounded with yellowish-green, the whole of the leaf sprinkled with white; LAMARTINE, deep crimson centre, with white and red spots; LA PERLE DU BRESII,,* exceedingly attractive, large leaves, white, delicately tinted with rose, midrib and veins dark green ; LEPLAY, leaves attractively marked with white, and beautifully veined with rosy-violet; LOUISE DUPLF.SSIS, red rays and veins on a white ground, green margin ; LUDDEMANXII,* deep crimson ribs, the leaf blotched with magenta and white, border pea green ; MADAME ALKUUD BLEU, deep green, with large white Blotches, and broad crimson -scarlet veins ; MADAME ALFRED MAME, light green, covered with large white spots, rosy-carmine centre ; MADAME DE LA DEVANSAVK, leaves white, shaded rose, and veined with red and green ; MADAME DOMBRAIN,* centre and ribs pale yellowish-green, shaded rose, surface covered with large white and rose spots ; MADAME FRITZ KCF.CHLIN,* white ground, with violet-rose ribs and green veins, a beautiful dwarf-growing Caladium continued. variety ; MADAME HEINE,* silvery white, stained and edged with pale green, distinct ; MADAME HUNNEBELLE, leaves veined with light garnet colour on a white ground, and margined with green veins; MADAME JULES MENOREAU, fine large leaves, with white centre tinted rose, veined rich bright rose, and margined green ; MADAME LAFORGE, centre and ribs reddish-crimson, with green margin ; MADAME MARJOLI.N ScHEFFER,*a beautiful variety, with white foliage, charmingly veined and netted with pure rosy-lake ; MADAME WILLAUME, a charming variety, with transparent leaves, of a delicate salmon-rose colour ; MARQUIS DE CAUX, red centre and veins, with rose blotches on margins ; MARTERSTYGINUM, crimson centre and white spots; MERCADANTE, pale copper- coloured centre and veins, bordered with green ; MEYERBEER,* white leaf-ground, green veins, and red midribs; MINERVE,* silvery white midrib and rays, surrounded with greyish white, green margin, with snowy white spots; MITHRIDATE, ground colour crimson-lake, with darker ribs, and dark bronze-green margin; MONSIEUR A. HARDY, rich reddish-carmine veins on white ground, tinted with rose and spotted with green ; MON- SIEUR J. LINDEN,* a fine large whitish leaf, with metallic reflec- tions, coral-rose veins, and reticulated green border; MRS. LAING,* white ground, deep rose centre and veins, green margin; MURILLO,* centre and veins metallic-red, with large crimson blotches, broad margin of lustrous bronzy-green ; NAPOLEON III.,* flamed crimson centre, with forked rays, and car- mine spots on green ground ; ONSLOW, deep rosy-crimson centre, with broad green margin, spotted with rose ; PAILLET, crimson centre, broad green margin, splashed with crimson, and dotted with white ; PAUL VERONESSE, large leaves, with pinkish-white centre, deep scarlet ribs, and broad green margin ; PHILIPPE HERBERT, deep mottled crimson rays, and clear white margin, spotted with crimson ; PicruM, green blotched, and spotted with white ; PRINCE ALBERT,* dark emerald green, rich crimson midrib, radiating from centre to margins, the intervening spaces spotted with white ; PRINCE OF WALES,* a very handsome variety, with large golden-yellow leaves; PRINCESS ALEXANDRA,* rosy-salmon leaf, green centre rib, bordered with magenta-crimson, green margin, with light pink chain ; PRINCESS OF TECK,* ground colour bright orange-yellow, the veins suffused with deep red ; PRINCESS ROYAL, leaves of a golden ground, with crimson centre ; PYRRHUS, centre and ribs deep crimson, pea-green margins; QUADRICOLOR, centre of leaf pale yellowish-green, ribs white, edged rosy-crimson, and margined green ; RAMSAU, centre and ribs deep reddish-crimson, surface covered with white blotches, shaded red; RAULINII, rich red centre and veins, finely spotted with white ; REGALE, silvery grey centre, rosy-red ribs, spotted with vermilion-red; REINE MARIE DE PORTUGAL,* violet-rose centre, with red veins, dark maroon zone, and green border, very handsome ; REINE VICTORIA,* green veins and margins, spotted or marbled with white and rich crimson ; ROSSINI, large leaf, with pale centre, pink midribs, and red blotches ; ROUILLARD, glossy green margin, pale green centre, midrib and rays rich violet-plum, the whole leal spotted crimson; SANCHONIANTIION, cnmson centre, deep glossy crimson ribs, and pea-green margin ; SIEBOLDII, rich green, with fiery-red crimson-rayed centre, green spaces, spotted with claret red ; SOUVENIR DE MADAME E. ANDRE,* large deep green leaves, marbled with pure white, veins fine rosy crimson ; SPONTiNi, pea-green, with white spots, and rosy-pink ribs and veins ; THIBAUTII, fine large leaf, with rich crimson veins on a red ground ; TRICOLOR, edges of leaves grey-green, inter- sected with dark green, centre red-lake, carmine midribs; TRIOMPHE DE L' EXPOSITION,* crimson centre, with red ribs, and green border ; VERDI, crimson-lake centre with small green zone and apple-green margin ; VESTA, greenish- white veins, surrounded with crimson, the whole of the leaf spotted bright rose ; Vi- COMTESSE DE LA ROQUE-ORDAN, red midrib, and rays bordered with white, the margin beautiful emerald green; VILLE DE MULHOUSK, a beautiful variety, with greenish-white leaves, shaded rose, and rich green centre ; VIRGINALE,* clenr shining white, veined with dark bluish-green, a handsome variety. CAI.AMAGBOSTIS (from calamos, a reed, and agrostis, grass). ORD. Graminece. A widely- distributed genus of grasses, for the most part hardy. Panicle more or less spreading ; spikelets compressed, one-flowered ; empty glumes two, sub-equal, lanceolate, pointed, keeled, awnless. The species thrive in any ordinary garden soil. Propagation may be effected by seeds, sown during autumn. C. lanceolate (lanceolate). Jl. purple, spreading in all directions ; panicle erect, loose, much branched. July. Culms about 3ft. high, smooth, slender. Britain (moist woods and hedges). (Sy. En. B. 1724.) C. strlota (upright). Jl. brown, spreading in all directions ; panicle erect, close. June. Culm about 2ft. high, very slender, smooth. England, &c. (bogs and marshes), but very rare. (Sy. En. B. 1725.) CALAMINT. See Calamintha. CALAMINTHA (from kalos, bemtiful, and Mintha, Mint). Calamint. ORD. Labiatce. A genna of hardy AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 235 Calamintha continued. herbaceous plants, baring the following essential cha- racters : Calyx two-lipped ; stamens diverging ; upper lip of corolla nearly fiat ; tube straight. Bather pretty plants, with Thyme-like flowers, well suited for furnishing rock gardens. They grow in almost any garden soiL Increased by seeds, cuttings, or divisions of the roots, in spring. C. Acinos (Acinos). Basil Thyme, jf. bluish-purple, Tariegated with white and dark purple," disposed in whorls, one on each flower-stalk. July and August. 1. acute, serrate. Stems branched, ascendine, leafy. A. 6in. England. Annual. Srss. Aeino* rulgaris and Thymtu Acinos. (Sy. En. B. 1048.) C. alpina (alpine). A. purplish, almost sessile, four to six in a whorl, June to September. L petiolate, roundish or ovate, slightly serrated, A. 6in. S. Europe, 1731. A freely branched, tufted - : "- C. grandiflora (large-flowered).* JL purplish, Uin. long, in loose racemes; throat much inflated. June. L petiolate, ovate, acute, coarsely toothed, rounded at the base, 2in. to Sin. long. Herbaceous stems branched at the base, and decumbent A. 1ft. 1596. C. patavina (Paduan). JL pale or purplish-red, rather large. June. /. petiolate, ovate, acute, pubescent. A. 6in. to Sin. S. Europe, 1776. CALAMPELIS. CALAMUS (from lalamos, a reed; old Greek name used by Theophrastns). ORD. Palmx. An elegant genus of stove Palms. Flowers small, usually of a rose or greenish colour, clustered upon branching spikes, each branch having a separate spathe, which is not large enough to enclose it. Fruit one-seeded, and covered with smooth, shining scales. Leaves pinnate. Stems reed-like, lin. to 2in. in thickness. When in a young state, these palms are most effective as drawing or diningroom decorations : and, when in a more mature condition, they are excellent as stove ornaments and for exhibition purposes. They are all of slender growth, and of easy culture in a compost of equal parts loam and vegetable mould ; a copious supply of water being needed to keep them in a flourishing state. Propagated by seeds. C. Botany, C. rtminaii*, and several other species furnish the canes usually employed in this country for the bottoms of chairs, conches, &c. C. accedens (yielding). L long, arching, dark green, pinnate : pinnae long, narrow, closely set; petioles with slender black spines. India. A rare, but elegant slender-growing, miniature tree. C. adspersus (scattered). L pinnate ; pinnae 6in. to Sin. long, narrow, deep green ; petioles about 6m. in length, sheathing at the base, clothed with long, slender, black spines. Stem not much stouter than a large wheat straw. A. 20ft Java, 1866. C. aspenimus (very 1ft to 2ft in length, 1 side with two rows of hair-like spines ; peti , armed with long, stout, black spines. Jai 1877. A beautiful species, which attains a considerable size. (LH. 275.) C. ciliaris (fringed).* L pinnate, clothed with a quantity of soft hair-like bristles ; petioles shea ting at the base. Stem erect and slender. India, 1869. From the plume-like habit of the leaves, it makes a splendid plant for table decoration, as well as being a beautiful specimen for exhibition. C. draco (dragon). L 4ft to 6ft in length, beautifully arched, pinnate; pinnae 12m. to ISin. long, narrow, slightly" pendent, dark green ; petioles sheathing at base, armed with long, flat black spines. A. 20ft to 30ft India, 1819. A very handsome species, with a robust constitution. C. fissns (cleft). I. ovate in outline, pinnate, when young bright cinnamon ; leaflets pendent dark green, bearing on the upper side a few black hair-like bristles; petioles armed with dark, stout spines, Borneo. A very ornamental species. C. flagellnxn (whip-likeX L 6ft to 8ft in length when fully grown, pinnate ; pinna? pendent, about 1ft in length and lin. in breadth, dark green, furnished on the upper side with two rows of lone, white, hair-like spines ; petioles sheathing, copiously armed with stout white spines, much swollen at the base, and tipped with black. Stem slender. C. Hystriz (bristly). 1. pinnate ; petioles spiny. A compact- growing and very graceful species. i C. Jenkinsianns (Jenkins's). L pinnate, gracefully arched, 2ft to 6ft long ; pinna? 6in. to 12m. long, lin. broad, rich dark green ; ioles slightly sheathing at the base, armed with long flat spines. LU8 (very rough).* L pinnate, 3ft to 12ft long ; pinnae i length," lin. in breadth, pendent, light green, upper o rows of hair-like spines ; petioles broadly sheathing :. leptospaduc (^lender-spadix).* I. pinnate ; pinnules about iin. wide, and from 6in. to 12in. long, subulately acuminate ; upper Calamus continued. surface with three bristle-bearing ribs : a few smaller bristles are disposed along the midrib underneath : margins finely i regularly toothed with small ascending bristles? petu.lT chan^ nelled, tomentose towards the base, bearing three or fonr solitary needle-like spines, about lin. long. India. A rare species, and described as one of the most gracef uL C. Lewisianns (Lewis's).* L ultimately spreading 2ft to 6ft Ion- pinnate ; pinna? equidistant, iin. bro2cS*b^3in. to 15uT long ; veins on the upper surface bristled, under surface smooth ; margins rough, with appressed bristles ; petioles white, with a broad, sheathing, blackish-brown base, densely armed with lone, flat black spines, India. A fine, but somewhat rare, species. C. Rotang (Rotang). I. pinnate, from 3ft to 4ft in length, Tery gracefully arched ; pinnae 6in. to 12in. long, less than lin. broad ; upper side dark green, with two rows of hair-like spines petioles and stems armed sparingly with stout slightlv reversal spines. Stems slender. India. When young, especially, this plant is very handsome. C. Royleanus (Boyle's).* L pinnate, arching ; pinna? very nume- rous, narrow, pendent, deep green ; petioles with few spines, dark green. North-west Himalayas, C. spectabilis (showy V* /. pinnate, with a few pairs of smooth hnear-lanceolate, three-ribbed leaflets, measuring 6in. to Sin. long; petioles green, furnished with numerous short conical white spines, tipped with brown. Malacca. A slender-growing species. . C. verticillaris (whorledX I. pinnate, with a very ornamental plume-like appearance : pinna? long, broad, drooping ; petioles with the spines arranged verticillately. Malacca. This beautiful species is extremely rare, C. yiminalis (twiggy).* L ift. to 2ft. Ion", pinnate ; pinna? about 6in. long, narrow, light green : petioles sheathing, densely armed with long flat white spines. When only 3ft. or 4ft. in height, its spiny whip-like spikes of flowers are ofttn produced. Stem slender. A. 50ft, Java, 1847. The following are other, but less-known, spec'es : auftralit, ffejwij*, micranthuf, niyer, obkmyuf, and tfiniir. CALAMUS ASOMATICUS. An old name of Acorns Calamus i which ,*:'. CALAMUS ODOEATUS. An old name of An- dropogon Schoenan thus i which ,-> CAULNDRINIA (in honour of L. Calandrini, an Italian botanist, who lived in the beginning of the eighteenth century'). ORD. Portuhi?e&. A rather large genus of fleshy, glabrous, annual or perennial, herbaceous plants, some fourteen or fifteen species growing in Australia, the rest occurring in the Xew World. Flowers usually rose or purple, solitary, or in terminal umbels or racemes. Leaves quite entire, radical or alternate. Only four or five species are cultivated in this country : these are treated as half-hardy atinnala with the exception of C. umbeUata. which is best treated as a biennial and as such they are extensively grown in small gardens, with most satisfactory results. They should be sown in the spot* where they are intended to flower, as transplantation, unless performed FIG. 315. CALA.\DKIMA MU.NZIESU, showing Flower and Habit with more than ordinary care, will considerably check their growth or result in loss. Their flowers only expand during bright sunshine, and, consequently, they are less grown than they otherwise would be. The plants thrive in 236 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Calandrinia continued. a light sandy soil. C. umbellata may be sown in a pan, placed in a cold frame, in May or June ; and when the plants are large enough to handle, they should be potted off, or placed out in colonies where they are to flower. C. discolor (two-coloured), fl. bright rose, with a yellow tuft lugtri. flesh"! oblate, ^S^V^fS^JSi above, purple beneath, h. 1ft. to lift. Chili, 1834. (B. M. 3357.) C. grandiflora (large-flowered).* fl. rosy, about 2in. across; calyx spotted ; raceme simple, loose.. Summer I. fleshy rhom- boid, acute, petiolate. Stem suffruticose. A. 1ft. Chili, 1826. (B. R. 1194.) C. Menziesii (Menzies 1 ).* fl. deep purple-crimson, from Jin. to lirL across terminal and axillary, solitary. June to September. 1. elongated, snathulate, much attenuated at the base. Stems much branched, prostrate. California, 1831. SYN. C. specwsa. See Fig. 315. (B. R, 1598.) C. nitida (shining). /. rose-coloured, about 2in. across ; raceme leafy, many-flowered.^ Summer. L oblong-spathulate sub-acute, glabrous, attenuated at the base, lin. to 2m. in length, h. 6m. Chili, 1837. A very pretty hardy annual, forming a tuft from 4m. to 6in. across. C. speciosa (showy). A synonym of C. Menziefii. FIG. 316. CALANDRIMA UMBELLATA, showing Flower and Habit. C. umbellata (umbellate).* /. of a dazzling magenta-crimson, about as large as a sixpence ; corymb cymose, terminal, many- flowered. Summer. I. radical, linear, acute, pilose, h. 6in. Peru, 1826. A very charming half-hardy biennial See Fig. 316. (P. M. B. 12, 271.) Other species occasionally met with are : compressa, micrantha. and procumbent; they are, however, inferior to those described above. CALANTHE (from kalos, beautiful, and anthos, a flower). ORD. Orchidece. SEC. Vandce. A very handsome genus of stove terrestrial Orchids. They may be cha- racterised as robust-growing plants, producing large, broad, many-ribbed, or plaited leaves, which are, with one or two exceptions, evergreen, and long spikes, bearing many flowers, distinguished by their calcarate lip, which is attached to the column, and by the eight thick, waxy pollen masses adhering to a separate gland. Calanthes should be special favourites with amateurs, as, in the first place, they produce an abundance of showy flowers, which last a long time in perfection ; and, secondly, because they are so easily managed. In potting these plants, it will be necessary to depart from the usual style of potting Orchids, and, instead of elevating them above the rim of the pot upon a cone of peat and sphagnum, they must be kept below the rim, as in potting ordinary plants. In place of the usual soil and moss, these plants should have a mixture of loam, leaf mould, and peat, broken up rough, to which may be added some silver sand and dried cow manure. During the growing season, they require abundant supply of water, and in winter even this element must be administered freely to the evergreen kinds ; whilst the deciduous ones, on the contrary, enjoy a thorough rest after Calanthe continued. blooming. Good drainage is essential to all. Little more need be said upon the cultivation of Calanthes during the summer months. When growing, they enjoy strong heat and plenty of moisture ; but, when growth is complete, a cooler situation is most beneficial. They are subject to the attacks of various insects, which must be continually searched for, and, when found, destroyed ; for, if neglected in this particular, the bold and handsome leaves will be much disfigured, and rendered far from ornamental. Pro- pagated by suckers and divisions. About forty species are known, of which the following are a selection : C. curculigoides (Curculigo-like). fl. beautiful orange-yellow, disposed in an erect spike. Summer and autumn. I. large, ever- green, plaited, h. 2ft. Malacca, 1844. (B. R. 33, 8.) C. Dominyi (Dominy's).* fl., sepals and petals lilac; lip deep purple. This fine hybrid is a cross between C. Masuca and C. veratrifolia. (B. M. 5042.) C. furcata (forked), fl. creamy white, very freely produced ; spikes erect, 3ft. long. June to August. Luzon Isles, 1836. An excellent exhibition plant. C. Masuca (Masuca).* fl., sepals and petals deep violet colour, with an intense violet-purple lip ; numerously produced on spikes 2ft. long. June to August. India, 1838. (B.M.4541). The variety grandiflora differs from the type in its greater size both of spike and individual flower ; the gigantic spikes are from 3ft. to 4ft. high, and continue blossoming for three months. C. Petrl (Peter Veitch's).* fl. whitish-yellow. Said to be very like C. veratrifolia, but bearing leaves a little narrower, and a system of five curious sulcate yellowish calli on the base of the lip, without the single lamella and teeth which are proper to that species. Polynesia, 1880. C. pleiochroma (many-coloured), fl. whitish, purplish, ochre, orange. Japan, 1871. C. Regnieri (Regnier's). fl., sepals and petals white ; lip rosy- pink ; middle lobe short, wedge-shaped, and emarginate. 1'seudo- bulbs jointed. Cochin China, fausta is a line variety, with the base of the lip and column a warm crimson. C. Sleboldil (Siebold's).* fl. yellow, large ; spikes erect. I. broad, dark green, plaited, h. 1ft. Japan, 1837. An elegant evergreen dwarf -growing species. (R. H. 1855, 20.) C. Textorl (Tester's). /. cream-white, washed with violet on the petals and column, as well as on the base of lip, where the calli are brick-red, changing later on to ochre-colour, excepting the white-lilac base of sepals and petals and the column ; lip very narrow. Japan, 1877. FIG. 317. SINGLE FLOWER OF CALANTHE VEITCHII. C. VeitcMi (Veitch's).* fl. rich bright rose, with a white throat ; spikes often attaining a height of 3ft., and bearing an immense quantity of flowers. Winter. I. large, plaited, light green, deciduous. ' Pseudo-bulbs flask-shaped. This very beautiful hybrid is the result of a cross between C. vestita and C. rosea ^Syn. LimatoO.es rosea). See Fig. 317. (B. M. 5375.) C. veratrifolia (Veratrum-leaved).* /. pure white, except the green tips of the sepals and the golden papillae on the disk of the labellum ; spikes 2ft. to 3ft. high, freely produced on well-grown plants. May to July. I. 2ft. or more long, dark green, broad, many-ribbed, with wavy margins. India, 1819. See Fig. 318. (B. M. 2615.) AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 237 Calathea- mtinned. FIG. Sia SLNGLE FLOWER OF CAIAMTHK VKRATRIFOLIA. C. vestita (clothed).* JL, sepals and petals pure white, numerously produced in a many-flowered, nodding spike. I. deciduous. Pseudo-bulbs large, whitish, h. 2Jft. Burmah. (B. M. 467L) The varieties of this species are Tery numerous. C. V. igneo-oculata (fire-eyed).* JL, base of the column purplish, over which is a dazzling fire-colour, the blotch in the base of the lip of the same colour. Borneo, 1876. C. v. nivalis (snowy).* jL pure white, entirely destitute of any colour on the lip. Java, 1868. C. v. rubro-oculata (red-eyed).* fl. delicate white, with a blotch of rich crimson in the centre ; upwards of 2in. across ; spikes long, drooping, baring a white downy covering, and rising from the base of the silvery-green pseudo-bulbs, when the latter are without leaves. October to February. C. v. Turner! (Turner's).* /. pure white, with rose-colonred eve, larger, and produced on longer flower-spikes than the other kinds ; form of flowers more compact. Java. This is considered by some authorities, to be a distinct species. CAT.ATTTEA (from Italathos, a basket; in reference to the basket-shaped stigma, or to the leaves being worked into baskets in South America). OBD. Scitamineae. This genus of very ornamental-leaved stove plants is dis- tinguished from Maranta by mere botanical characters; and the two genera are often confounded. Flowers in ter- minal spikes, bracteate ; perianth six-cleft, outer segments lanceolate, inner ones blunt and irregular ; stamens three, petal-like. Leaves large, springing from the contracted stem near the root. They delight in a rich, loose, open soil, consisting of peat, loam, and leaf soil, in about equal proportions, with the addition of a good sprinkling of sand, to keep it open and porous. The mixture should be used in a rough, lumpy state, so that the roots, which are of large size, may be able to travel with free- dom. Nearly all the species admit of easy increase by division. July is a favourable time to set about it, or it may be carried out any time between that and the spring months. In order to make the necessary separation with- out damaging the roots, the plants should be shaken out from the soil, when they may be divided into as many pieces as there are separate crowns. Whether an increased stock be desired or not, Calatheas require fresh soil annually; and, if not reduced by division, they become much too thickly foliaged to properly develop, unless they are shifted into larger-sized pots, -which can always be done if large specimens are required. When making divisions, see that each crown is well furnished with roots, so that they may at once commence sending up fresh young foliage. Although Calatheas require an abundant supply of water while growing, a stagnant moisture is most injurious ; good drainage is, therefore, essential. To have the leaves in fine, healthy condition, plenty of atmospheric moisture must be maintained during the^r growth ; and, if syringing is resorted to for the purpose of securing this, clear soft water should be used, or an unsightly deposit will be the result, by which the beauty of the plants, unless they are frequently sponged, will be spoiled. These plants re- quire, in addition to plenty of moisture, moderate shade during the summer, as they dislike strong sunshine, and may, therefore, be grown among ferns, under creepers, in situations that would be of little use for other purposes. Calatheas are not subject to insects if properly supplied with water while growing, and a sufficiently moist atmo- sphere is at all times maintained ; but, if either of these are lacking, red spider soon put in an appearance, and quickly disfigure the leaves. hite. Brazil, 1875. SYN. Jfaranta C. applicata (inclined). JL wh pinnato-pieta. (B. H. 187o, 18.) C. arrecta (erect).* I. rich satin-green on the upper side, and heavy ruby colour on the under side. Ecuador, 1872. A fine species, with a very elegant growth. (L H. 1871, 77.) C. Bacbemiana (Bachem's). L silvery, with green lines and blotches. Brazil, 1875. C. Baraqninii (Baraquin's).* I. ovate-lanceolate ; ground colour bright green, relieved by beautiful bands of silvery white. Amazons, 1868. C. bella (handsome).* L greyish-green, with the margins and two series of central patches deep green. Brazil, 1875. SYN. Maranta tesgeUata Eegeljani. C. crocata (saffron-coloured). JL orange. Brazil, 1875. C. eximia (choice). 1857. SYN. Phrynium eximivm. (R, G. 686.) C. fasciata (banded).* L Sin. to 12in. long, 6in. to Sin. wide, broadly cordate ; ground colour bright green, with broad bands of white running across from midrib to the margin ; the under side pale green, tinged with purple, h. 1ft Brazil, 1859 (R. G. 255.) C. hieroglyphica (hieroglyphic). I. broadly obovate, obtnse; ground colour rich dark velvety green, which, towards the midrib, shades off into light emerald green ; primary veins oblique, and the spaces between them ornamented with irregular streaks and bars of silvery white ; under surface of a uniform dark vinous purple. Columbia, 1873. Dwarf and distinct. (L H. 1873, 122.) C. illustris (bright).* L somewhat obovate ; upper surface of a bright pea-green, streaked with transverse bands of a deeper green ; midrib pink, with two irregular blotches of white travers- ing the leaves from base to point, midway between the margin and costa ; under surface deep purple. Ecuador, 1866. C. Kerchoviana (Kerchove's).* I. cordate, oblong, obtuse, shortly and abruptly acuminate, greyish-green, with a row of purplish blotches on each side of the midrib. h. 6in. Brazil, 1879. SYX. Maranta Uucontiira Kerchoriana. C. Iiegrelliana (Le Grell's). I. very dark green, relieved by a feathery band of white, extending the whole length between the midrib and margin. Ecuador, 1867. C. Iieitzei (Leitze's). I. dblong-lanceolate, deep metallic green, and shining on the upper surface, with feather-like markings of deeper colour, purplish-violet beneath. Brazil, 1875. (R. G. 935.) C. leopardina (leopard).* L oblong, pale or yellowish-green, marked on each side of the costa with several oblong acuminate blotches of deep green, h. 2ft. Brazil, 1875. (R. G. 893.) C. lenconenra (white-nerved). A synonym of Jlaranta leuco- neura. C. Linden! (Linden's).* L oblong, 6in. to 12in. long, deep green, with blotches of yellowish-green on each side of the midrib; under surface purplish-rose, through which the markings of the upper side are visible. Peru, 1866. Very handsome and free- growing. (L H. 1871, 82.) C. Ludani (Lncian's). I. shining green, the midrib festooned with silvery white. Tropical America, 1872. C Makoyana (Maker's).* I. oblong, somewhat unequal-sided, 6in. to Sin. long, upwards of 4in. broad ; outer margin deep green, the central portion semi-transparent, beautifully blotched with creamv-yellow and white; the central part is also ornamented between the transverse veins with oblong blotches of deep green ; petioles slender, purplish-red. Tropical America, 1872. SYN. C. oliwnt. (G. C. 1S7, p. 1589.) C Massangeana (Massange's).* f. beautifully covered with rich marking, presenting a somewhat similar appearance to the winp of certain butterflies. The outer portion is ohve-green ; the middle, on both sides of the costa, of a delicate silvery -grey colour. from which the whitish side veins run out in a well-defined and regular manner ; silvery centre is ornament purplish-maroon, occasionally shaded with brownish-crimson ; the whole of the leaf being marked with silky and sparkling reflections. Brazil, 1875. It is of neat habit, growing in close tufts, its ample foliage covering the ground. C. medlo-plcta (middle painted). L oblong-acute, tapering to the bile, drf green, with a feathered white central stripe. Brazil, 1878. C readth, dark shining green, with a white feathery stripe down the centre. Tropical America. The smallest species of the genus, with a spreading habit, and quickly forming dense and beautiful tufts. There is a variety of this named amabili*. Brazil. C. nitena (shining).* L oblong, green, with a bright glossy surface, marked ooMchSte of the ifilrib with a series ofoblong acute ; the portion of the leaf surrounding the mented with large blotches of dark velvety 238 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Calathea continued. bars, alternating with numerous lines of a dark preen on a pale bright green ground. Brazil, 1880. An elegant and small-growing plant. C. olivaris (olive-green). Synonymous with C. ifakoyana,. C. ornata (ornamented).* I. oblong acuminate 6in. to 9in. long, Sin. or more broad, yellowish-green, relieved by broad transverse bands of dark olive-gruen ; under side tinged with purple. A. 1ft. to 2ft. Columbia, 1849. C. o. olbo-lineata (white-lined). Columbia, 1818. SYN. Maranta albo-lineata. C. o. majestica (majestic). Rio Purus, 1866. SYN. Ifaranta majestica. C. o. regalis (royal). Peru, 1856. SYNS. Naranta regalia and M. corufolia. C. O. roseo-lineata (rosy-lined).* h. 1ft. 1848. SYN. Maranta rogeo-lineata. C. pacifica (Pacific). 1. oblong ovate of a fine dark green on the upper surface, olive-brown beneath. Eastern Peru, 1871. C. virginalis (virginal). I. large, bro . _ midrib white, also with a white band on each side; the under side Calathea continnefl. C Vanden Heckci(Yan den Heck's).* I. rich dark glossy green, shaded with transverse bands of a lighter green; midrib broadly margined with silvery-white, two hands of the same colour tra- verse the leaf from base to apex, midway between midrib and margin ; under side of a uniform purplish-crimson. Brazil, 1865. Very distinct and handsome. C. Veitchii (Veitch's).* 1. large, ovate elliptic, over 1ft. long, very rich glossy green, marked along each side the midrib with cres- cent-shaped blotches of yellow, softened by shades of green and white ; under surface light purple. A. 3ft. W. Tropical America, 1865. Probably the handsomest of the genus. See Fig. 319. broadly ovate, light green nu on each side; the under ski of a greyish-green. Amazons, 1857. Habit dwarf and compact. C. Vittata (striped). I. ovate-acuminate, 9in. long, very light green, with narrow transverse bars of white on each side of the midrib. Brazil, 1857. C. Wallisii (Wallis's).* 1. rather large, of a rich and pleasing light green, beautifully relieved with a ray of rich dark green. South America, 1867. A handsome and distinct sort, but somewhat rare. C. W. discolor (two-coloured). 1. bright velvety green, with the centre and margins grey. South America, 1871. C. Warscewiczii (Warscewicz's).* I. 2ft. long, about Sin. wide, deep velvety green in colour, relieved by a feathery stripe of yel- lowish-green on either side the midrib, and extending from the base to the apex. A. 3ft. Tropical America, 1879. A fine sort. (R. G. 515.) C. Wioti (Wiot's). I. bright green, with two series of olive-green blotches. Brazil, 1875. Fia. C. pardina (leopard).* fl. yellow, large, handsome, produced in great abundance. 1. lOin. to 18in. long, 5in. to 6in. wide, ovate, reen, with dark brown blotches on each side the midrib, and occur at regular intervals the whole length of the leaf. New Grenada. (F. d. S. ii., 1101.) C. praslna (leek-green). I. with a yellow-green central band. Brazil, 1875. C. princeps (magnificent).* I. 12in. to 18in. long ; centre rich dark green, broadly margined with yellowish-green, purple beneath. A. 2ft. to 3ft. Peru, 1869. A superb large-growing species. C. pulchella (pretty). I. bright green, with two series of deep green blotches, alternately large and small. Brazil, 1859. This much resembles C. zebrina in general appearance, but is not so strong a grower, and the leaves are not so dark. C. rosea-picta (rose-coloured). I. somewhat orbicular, of a rich glossy green ; midrib of a lovely rose-colour, between the margin and midrib are two irregular bands of the same colour, traversing the entire length of the leaf. Upper Amazon, 1866. (R. G. 610.) C. Seemanni (Seemann's). 1. about 1ft. long, 6in. broad, satiny emerald-green ; midrib whitish. Nicaragua, 1872. C, splendida (splendid). I. large, oblong-lanceolate, deflexed, lOin. to 18in. long, rich dark olive-green, with distinct blotches of greenish-yellow. Brazil, 1864. C. tubispatha (tube-spathed).* I. somewhat obovate, obtuse, 6in. to 12in. long, pale greenish-yellow, beautifully relieved by a row of rich brown oblong blotches, set in pairs on each side of the midrib, throughout the entire length of the leaf. West Tropical America, 1865. An elegant species. (B. M. 5542.) FIG. 320. CALATHEA ZEBUINA. C. zebrina.* Zebra Plant. 1. 2ft. to 3ft. long, 6in. to 8in. wide, beautiful velvety light green on the upper side, barred with green- ish purple ; under side of a dull greenish purple, h, 2ft. Brazil, 1815. This is a very old inhabitant of our stoves, and, for general usefulness is not much surpassed. See Fig. 320. (B. R. 385.) CALATHIAN VIOLET. See Gentiana Fneumo- nanthe. CALCARATE. Spurred, or having a spur. CALCEOLARIA (from calceolus, a little slipper, in allusion to the form of the corolla; the form cnlceolarius, shoemaker, probably chosen to include a reference to F. Calceolari, an Italian botanist of the sixteenth century). Slipperwort. OBD. Scropliularineae. A genus of hardy or half-hardy shrubs, sub-shrubs or herbs. Peduncles one or many-flowered, axillary or terminal, corymbose ; corolla with a very short tube ; limb bilabiate ; upper lip short, truncately rounded, entire ; lower lip large, concave, slipper- shaped. Leaves opposite, sometimes three in a whorl, rarely alternate. SHRUBBY SECTION. In addition to the widely-known utility of this class for bedding purposes, they are fine decorative plants when well grown, and useful alike in conservatory or dwelling house. It will be found more convenient to grow these in a pit or frame, as in such places they are less liable to the attacks of fly, and make sturdier growth. If large plants are required, cuttings should be taken in August, placed in a cold frame facing AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 239 Calceolaria continued. the north, in sandy soil, and, when rooted, potted off into Sin. pots. They should then be placed in a light snnny frame, where they may remain nntil the middle of February. The points should then be pinched out. When the plants break, they must be shifted into 48-sized pots. If there are from four to six breaks to each plant, it will be sufficient; but, should such not be the case, the plants must be stopped again, when the requisite number will probably be obtained. Directly the roots touch the pots, the plants should be transferred to 7in. or Sin. pots, in which they will flower, and the shoots must be tied out so as to develop fully. Every effort should be exerted to keep the foliage green to the base of the plants, and they should be fumigated on the first appearance of green fly. As the flower-spikes are thrown up, weak liquid manure, applied two or three times a week, will prove beneficial. For potting, the following compost is most suitable: One-half good fibrous loam, one- eighth thoroughly rotted manure, and the remainder leaf soil, with enough sharp sand to keep the whole open. During frosty weather, of course, it will be necessary to protect the frames with mats, and to water judiciously, to avoid damping. Those FIG. 321. HERBACEOUS CALCEOLARIA. plants intended for bedding will not require to be repotted, but should be inserted, about Sin. apart, in sandy soil, in a cold frame. The tops must be taken off early in March ; and from the middle of April to the middle of May, they may be planted out where they are to remain. Should frosty weather, accompanied by drying winds, ensue, the plants will require the protection of inverted flower-pots, with pieces of slate or crock placed over the holes. A good soil, abundantly enriched with rotten manure, is most desirable for them. Varieties. These are very numerous. The best of them are the following: BIJOU, dark red, very free; GAINE'S YELLOW, rich deep yellow, extremely free ; GENERAL HAVELOCK, crimson-scarlet, very fine; GOLDEN GEM, bright yellow, perhaps the best; SPABKLER, crimson-gold, dwarf ; VICTORIA, dark maroon, very attractive. HERBACEOUS SECTION. These, like the preceding, are very useful, both for house and conservatory decoration (see Fig. 321). A packet of seed from a first-class firm will, Calceolaria continued. if properly managed, produce a good percentage of ex- cellent flowers. The seed may be sown from Jnne to August, when large batches are required (when only one sowing is made, July will be the best month), on pans of light, sandy soil, which should be soaked with water before sowing. Care must be taken to make the surface of the soil level, and also to sow the seed as evenly as possible. It is better not to cover with soil, but a sheet of glass should be laid over the pan, which must be placed in a shady part of the greenhouse or cold frame until the young plants show the first leaf. The glass can then be gradually removed. When large enough to handle, the seedlings must be pricked out, about 2in. asunder, in pans or boxes, and placed in a close, shaded situation. As soon as of sufficient size, they must be placed singly in Sin. pots, returned to the frame, kept close for a few days, and as near the glass as possible, to make them sturdy. When necessary, they should be shifted into Sin. pots, in which they may be kept through the winter ; or the later batches may be placed in small pots. By the end of October or early in November, the plants will be strong and fit for wintering; at this stage, the best place for them is in a dry, frost-proof pit, or on an airy shelf of the greenhouse, giving them sufficient water to prevent flagging. All dead leaves must be removed. On the first appearance of green fly, the plants should be fumigated with tobacco. From the end of January onwards, in order to encourage growth, the plants should be removed into 7in. or Sin. pots, giving plenty of drainage, and a com- post consisting of one-half good light fibrous loam, one- fourth thoroughly decayed sheep manure, and one-fourth leaf soil, to which must be added sufficient coarse sand to keep the whole open. After potting, the plants must be again placed in the same position, and, as they require it, plenty of room given. Careful attention to watering is necessary, as they must not be allowed to get dry. Air must be given on all suitable occasions. The flower-stems, as they require it, should be supported with small neat sticks. About May, the plants will commence to bloom, and continue to do so for a couple of months. The best flowers should be selected, and cross-fertilised with a camel-hair pencil, in order to produce a good strain of seed for future sowing. The attention of horticulturists appears to be almost wholly confined to the innumerable hybrids raised from amplexicaulis, arachnoidea, corymbose, integrifolia, purpurea, thyrtoiflora, and a few others. Very few pure species are seen in cultivation, although most of them are well worth growing. C. alba (white), fl. white; peduncles elongated, racemose, dichotomous. June. I. linear, remotely serrated. Plant suf- fruticose, clammy, and resinous, h. 1ft. Chili, 1844. Shrubby. (B. M. 4157.) C. amplexicaulis (stem-clasping). JL yellow, umbellately fascicled ; corymbs terminal ; pedicels pilose. I. stem-clasping, ovate-oblong, acuminated, cordate, crenately-serrated, pilose. h. lift. Peru, 1845. Half-hardy, herbaceous. (B. M. 4300.) C. arachnoidea (cobwebby).' JL purple ; peduncles terminal, twin, elongated, dichotomous. June to September. I. lingulately- oblong, a little -toothed, narrowing downwards into long winged petioles, which are connate at the base ; about Sin. long, wrinkled. Stem herbaceous, branched, spreading, clothed with white cob- webbed wool, as well as the leaves and other parts, except the corolla, h. 1ft Chili, 1827. (B. M. 2874.) C. bicolor (two-coloured).* Jl. in large terminal cymes ; upper lip yellow, small ; lower lip large, gaping, conchiform, the front clear yellow, the back white. July to November. L broadly-ovate, sub-acute, coarsely crenated, wrinkled. A. 2ft. to 3ft. Stem much branched, woody at the base. Peru, 1829. SVN. C. di/uta. (B. B. 1374.) C. Burbidgei (Burbidge's).* Jl. rich yellow, with large lower lip. Autumn and winter. I. ovate, distinctly obtusely biserrate, sub- acute, with a narrow wing running down the petiole ; both sur- faces downy, h. 2ft. to 4ft This is a handsome hybrid between C. Pawnii and C. fuchsias/olio., raised by F. W. Bnrbidge, Esq., Trinity College Botanic Gardens, Dublin, 1882. C. chelidonioides (Chelidonium-like). A. yellow. June. h. 1ft Peru, 1852. Annual C. oorymbosa (corymbose). Jl yellow, marked with purple dots and lines, corymbose. May to October. L, radical onei ovate 240 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Calceolaria continued. and cordate, petiolate, doubly crenated, white beneath ; cauline ones few, cordate, half amplexicanl. Stems herbaceous, leafless at bottom, but dichotomous and leafy at top. Plant hairy, h. 1ft. to IJft Chili, 1822. (B. R. 723.) C. deflcxa (bending). Synonymous with C. fuchricefolia. C. diffosa (spreading). A synonym of C. bicolor. C. flexuosa (flexuose). /., corolla yellow; lower lip large, ventricose; peduncles axillary and terminal, many-flowered; pedicels umbellate. I. cordate, unequally and bluntly crenated, petiolate, remote. Plant shrubby, rough, beset with glandular hairs. A. 3ft Peru, 1847. (B. M. 5154.) C. Fotherglllit (Fothergill's).* /., upper lip of corolla -yellowish ; lower lip sulphur colour, having the margins spotted with red, four times the size of the upper one ; peduncles scape-formed, one-flowered. May to August. I. spathulate, quite entire, pilose above, about lin. long. Stem herbaceous, a little divided near the root, h. Sin. to 6in. Falkland Islands, 1777. (B. M. 348.) FIG. 322. CALCEOLARIA VIOLACBA. C. fuchslwfolia (Fuchsia-leaved).* fl. yellow, disposed in terminal panicles ; upper lip nearly as large as the lower one. Spring. I. lanceolate, glandless. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Peru, 1878. This is a very handsome winter-flowering shrubby species, but it is difficult to keep the foliage in anything like good condition. SYN. C. , 1879.) deflexa. (Garden, March, C. Henrici (Anderson-Henry's), fl. yellow, disposed in terminal corymbose cymes; both lips of corolla much inflated, so as to entirely close the mouth. I. rather large, elongate-lanceolate, downy beneath, h. 2ft. Andes of Cuenca, 1865. Shrubby ever- green. (B. M. 5772.) C. hyssopifolia (Hyssop-leaved). /. in terminal cymes ; upper lip clear yellow, about half the width of the lower, and meeting closely to it; lower lip clear canary-yellow above, nearly white beneath. May to August. I. sessile, linear-lanceolate, sub-acute, entire. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Chili. Shrubby. (B. M. 5548.) C. integrlfolia (entire-leaved). Synonymous with C. rugosa. C. lobata (lobed). fl. yellow, disposed in erect, loosely-branched cymes ; lip curiously folded on itself, and spotted on the inner surface. 1. pahnately lobed. h. 9m. Peru, 1877. Herbaceous species. (B. M. 6330.) C. Pavonii (Pavon's).* fl. rich yellow and brown, in large terminal clusters ; upper lip small ; lower lip large, widely gaping. I. perfoliate, the petioles connected by a broad wing, running all their length ; blade broadly ovate, coarsely serrate-dentate ; both sides covered with soft down. h. 2ft. to 4ft. Herbaceous. (B M 4525.) Calceolaria continued. C. ninnata (pinnate), fl. sulphur-coloured ; peduncles twin or tern, panicled. July to September. I. pinnate ; leaflets or seg- ments toothed, lower ones pinnatifldly toothed. A. 2ft. to 3ft. Peru, 1773. Annual, clothed with clammy hairs. (B. M. 41.) C. pisacomcnsis (Pi.sacomanese). fl. rich orange-red, large; lower lip of corolla so bent upwards as to close the mouth ; cymes produced from all the upper axils, forming long leafy panicles. I. ovate, obtuse, coarsely crenate. h. 3ft. Peru, 1868. A sub-shrubby perennial, of strong, erect habit. C. plantaglnea (Plantain-like).* /. yellow ; lower lip of corolla large, hemispherical ; upper one small, bind ; scapes generally two to three-flowered, pilose. August. I. radical, ovate, rhom- boid, rosulate, serrated. Plant herbaceous, stemless, pubescent h. 1ft. Chili, 1826. (B. M. 2805.) C. purpnrca (purple), fl., corolla of an uniform reddish- violet, rather small ; corymbs terminal, many-flowered. July to Sep- tember. I. wrinkled, hispid- radical ones cuneate-spathulate, serrated, quite entire behind, petiolate, acutish; cauline ones cordate, decussate, with a few long scattered hairs on their surfaces. Stems herbaceous, many from the same root. h. 1ft. Chili, 1826. There are several hybrids between this and other species. (B. M. 2775.) C. rugosa (wrinkled). /. yellow ; panicles terminal, corymbose, pedunculate. August. I. ovate-lanceolate, or lanceolate, denti- culated, wrinkled, opaque, rusty beneath ; petioles wingec'., connate, h. 1ft. to lift. Chili, 1822. Shrubby species. Svs. C. inteyrifolia. (B. R. 744.) Two varieties of this are angusti. folia, and mscosissima. C. scabiossefolia (Scabious-leaved).* fl., corolla pale yellow ; lower lip large, ventricose ; peduncles terminal, corymbose. May to October. 1., lower ones pinnate ; superior ones pinnatifld, three-lobed, or simple, the terminal segment always the largest. Plant rather hairy. Peru, 1822. Evergreen trailer. (B. M. 2405.) C. tenella (small), fl. golden yellow, with orange-red spots within the lower lip ; corymbs few-flowered. I. opposite, ovate, acuminated, h. 6in. Chili, 1873. Hardy, herbaceous. (B. M. 6231.) C. thyrsiflora (thyrse-flowered). fl. yellow, downy inside; thyrse terminal, crowded ; peduncles compound, umbellate. June. I. linear, attenuated at both ends, serrate-toothed, sessile, 2in. long, and two lines broad, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Chili, 1827. Shrubby, clammy. (B. M. 2915.) C. violacea (violet).* /Z., corolla pale violet, spotted with deeper violet beneath; lip spreading in a campanulate manner; peduncles terminal oy threes, corymbose ; pedicels one to two- flowered. June. I. petiolate, ovate-lanceolate, coarsely serrated, white beneath, h. 2ft. Chili, 1853. Shrubby. (B. M. 4929.) See Fig. 322. CAIiCEOIiATE. Shaped like a slipper or round-toed shoe. CALDCLUVIA (named after Alexander Caldcleugh, F.E.S. and F.L.S., who collected and sent to this country many plants from Chili). OED. Saxifragece. A greenhouse evergreen tree. Flowers disposed in terminal panicles. Leaves opposite, simple, serrate, glabrous ; pedicels jointless ; stipules twin, sub-falcate, toothed, caducous. C. paniculata thrives well in a mixture composed of peat and loam. Propagation may be effected by cut- tings of the half-ripened shoots, which should be planted in sand, under a hand glass, and placed in a very gentle bottom heat. C. paniculata (panicled). fl. white. June. Chili, 1831. CALEA (from Icalos, beautiful ; referring to the flowers). OHD. Composite. A genus of stove evergreen herbs or small shrubs. Pappus hairy ; receptacle paleaceous ; invo- lucre imbricated. They thrive in a compost of peat and loam. Side shoots root readily, if placed in sand, under glass, and with bottom heat ; seeds may be sown in March. Warmer parts of New World. CALEANA (named after G. Caley, Superintendent of the Botanical Garden, St. Vincent). ORD. Orchidece. A genus of greenhouse terrestrial Orchids, natives of Australia. Flowers few, greenish-brown ; column broad, thin, concave ; sepals and petals narrow, reflexed ; lip posticous, peltate, unguiculate, highly irritable. In fine weather, or if left undisturbed, this lip bends back, leaving the column un- covered ; but in wet weather, or if the plant is shaken, the lip falls over the column, securely fastening it. Leaves solitary, radical. They are of easy culture, in a compost of fibry peat, lumpy loam, and a little charcoal. B. major (greater), fl. green-brown. June. 1810. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 241 Caleana continued. C. minor (less), fl. green-brown. June. 1822. C. nlgrlta (blackish-flowered). /. dark. CALECTASI A (from kalos, beautiful, and ektasis, ex- tension; in allusion to the star-like perianth segments). OBD. Juncacece. An elegant greenhouse sufEruticose perennial, with dry, permanent, starry flowers. It thrives best in a compost of peat and loam. Propagated by divisions. C. cyanea (blue). JL bright blue, solitary, on short terminal branches. June. I. needle-shaped, sheathing at the base. Australia, 1840. (B. M. 3834.) CALENDULA (from calendce, the first day of the month; in allusion to the almost perpetual flowering). Marigold. OBD. Composite. A genus of showy green- house and hardy annuals, and some few greenhouse shrubby species. Pappus none ; receptacle naked ; involucre of one or two series of sub-equal, acuminate, generally scarious- edged bracts. The shrubby species are propagated by cuttings, and thrive best in a compost of loam and peat. For culture of the annuals, see Marigold. FIG. 323. FLOWERS OF CALENDTJLA OFFICINALIS. C. arvensis (field). /. -heads yellow. Pericarps urceolate, obovate, smooth ; outer lanceolate- subulate, muricatedatback. h. 2ft. Europe, 1597. Hardy annual. C. maderensis (Madeira).* fl.-heada orange. Pericarps cymbiform. incurved, mu- ricated ; outer five ovate- lanceolate, membranous, toothed at edge. h. 2ft. Madeira, 1795. Hardy. SYN. C. gtellata. C. officinalis (officinal).* Common Marigold, fl.-heads orange. June to September. Pericarps cymbiform, all in- curved, muricated. h. 3ft. South Europe, 1573. Hardy annual. See Fig. 323. C. o. prolifera (proliferous). A garden form, analogous to the Hen and Chickens Daisy. See Fig. 324. C. stellata (stellate). A FIG. 324. FLOWER OP CALENDULA synonym of C. maderensis. OFFICINALIS PROLIFERA. CALICO BUSH. See Kalmia latifolia. CALIFORNIAN EVERGREEN REDWOOD. See Sequoia sempervirens. CALIFORNIAN MAYBUSH. See Fhotinia arbutifolia. CALIFORNIAN FEPFER-TREE. See Sckimis Molle. CALIFORNIAN POPPY. See Flatystemon californicus. CALIPHRURIA (from kalos, beautiful, and phroura, prison ; from the handsome spathe inclosing the flowers). OBD. AmaryllidecB. Pretty half-hardy greenhouse bulbs. Tube of perianth narrow, funnel-shaped, nearly straight; limb regular, stellate ; stamens furnished with a bristle on each side. They thrive best in a compost of sandy loam, a little peat, leaf soil, and sand. Propagated by offsets. After flowering, the plants should have a slight heat ; and, when starting into new growth, should be repotted. C. Hartwegiana (Hartweg's).* fl. greenish-white ; umbels seven- flowered ; scape nearly terete, glaucous. May. I. petiolate, de- pressed, ovate, sub-plicate, green, h. 1ft. New Grenada, 1843. FIG. 325. CALIPHRURIA SDBEDENTATA. C. subedentata (rarely-toothed).* ft. white, funnel-shaped, dis- posed in a truss, on a long scape. Winter. I. stalked, ovate- oblong ft lift. 'Columbia, 1876. See Fig. 325. (B. M. 6289.) CALISAYA BARK. See Cinchona Calisaya. CALL A (from kallos, beauty). SYN. Provenzalia, OBD. Aroidece (Aracece). A monotypic genus. The species is a native of Central and Northern Europe and North FIG. 326. CAI.LA PALU STRIS, showing Habit and detached Inflorescence. 2i 242 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Calla. continued. America, has creeping or floating stems, and cordate entire leaves. C. palustris is sometimes grown in collections of aquatics or bog plants ; and, although, perhaps, hardly worth cultivating as a pot plant, is well worth a place in open ornamental waters. Richardia africana is fre- quently erroneously called Calla cethiopica. C. palustris (marsh). /., spadix protected by a flat white spathe, upper ones female, lower hermaphrodite, with numerous thread-lie stamens. 1. stalked, emerging from a sheath ft. 6m. Hardy aquatic, naturalised here and there in Britain. See Fig. 326. CALLI. Small callosities, or little protuberances. CAZiLIANDRA (from kallos, beauty, and andros, a stamen ; referring to the elegant long, silky, purple or white stamens). OBD. Leguminosce. A genus of beautiful stove evergreen shrubs. Flowers usually borne on stalked glo- bose heads ; corollas small, hidden by the numerous fila- ments of the stamens. Leaves bipinnate ; leaflets varying in size and number, They thrive in a compost of peat and loam. Propagated by cuttings of rather firm young wood, inserted in sand, under a hand glass, in heat. C. Harris!! (Harris's), fl. pink; peduncles axillary, fascicled, glandularly downy. February. I- bipinnate ; leaflets obovate, falcate, downy; stipules small, falcate. Branches puberulous. h. 10ft. Mexico, 1838. (B. M. 4238.) C. Tweediei (Tweedie's).* /. red ; peduncles longer than the petioles; bracts linear. March and April. I. with three or four pairs of pinnae ; leaflets numerous, oblong-linear, acutish, ciliated, pilose beneath ; stipules ovate, acuminate. Branches and petioles pilose, ft. 6ft. Brazil, 1840. (B. M. 4188.) CALLICARPA (from kallos, beauty, and karpos, fruit ; referring to the beautiful berries). SYN. Porphyra. ORD. Verbenacece. A genus of stove, greenhouse, or nearly hardy evergreen shrubs, closely allied to Petrcea. Flowers inconspicuous, disposed in axillary cymes; co- rolla-tube short, with the limb four-lobed. Fruit a very ornamental small juicy berry or drupe. The following mode of culture has been recommended: "After the old plants have been cut back in the spring, and started into growth, the young shoots will strike as readily as a Fuchsia, and with exactly the same treatment. In order to make good plants, short-jointed cuttings should be selected ; and, as soon as these are struck, they should be potted into 2iin. pots, using a compost of equal parts loam and peat, with a little charcoal and river sand. When they commence to grow, after being potted, remove to a pit or house with a temperature ranging from 60deg. to 75deg. Pinch out the tops of the plants as soon as they have three pairs of leaves, and whenever each of the laterals has made two pairs of leaves, pinch out their points, and continue this operation with all the rest of the shoots till the beginning of August, at the same time keeping off all the flower-buds. The next shift will be into 4in. or 5in. pots. They should always have plenty of light and air, but more especially after they come into flower." C. amerioana (American), fl. red, small, in axillary cymes. Bwries violet-coloured. I. ovate-oblong, toothed, silvery beneath, with a scurf of tomentum. A. 6ft. South America, 1724. Green- house C. japonlca (Japanese), fl. pink. August. I. stalked, ovate, oblong, acuminate, serrate. ft. 3ft. Japan, 1850. Stove. C. lanata (woolly). /. purplish. June. Berries purple. I. sessile, ovate, acuminate, serrate, hairy beneath, ft. 3ft. India, 1788. C. purpurea (purple), 'fl. insignificant, borne in cymose clusters, upon axillary footstalks. Berries very numerous, bright glossy deep violet coloured. I. opposite, ovate, acuminate; edges serrated; ?o2n us( 3? clotne < 1 ' a f. w ell as the stem, with hairs. A. 3ft. India, 1822. Stove (Garden, June, 1833.) C. rubella (reddish) /.red. May. I. sessile, obovate, acumi- CALLICHROA (from kallos, beauty, and chroa, colour; referring to the bright yellow colour of the flowers). ORD. CompositcB. This genus is now usually included under Layia. Hardy annual, of easy culture in common Callicliroa continued. garden soil. Seeds may be sown in March, on a slight hotbed, and transplanted to the open border early in May ; or if sown out of doors in April, it will flower in the autumn. C. platyglossa (broad-tongued). fl.-htads yellow, solitary, pedunculate ; ray florets large, cuneate. Autumn. I. alternate, sessile, ciliated, ft. 1ft. California, 1836. SYN. Layia platy. glossa. (B. M. 3719.) CALLICOMA (from kallos, beauty, and kome, hair ; in reference to the tufted heads of flowers). OBD. Saxifragece. A greenhouse evergreen shrub. Flowers capitate ; heads terminating the tops of the branchlets, pedunculate, globose. Leaves simple, coarsely serrated, stalked. Stipules mem- branous, bidentate, caducous. It thrives well in a sandy peat soil. Half ripened cuttings will root if placed in the same sort of soil, under a hand glass. C. serratifolia (saw-leaved). Black Wattle, fl. yellow. May to August. I. lanceolate, acuminate, hoary beneath, attenuated at the base. ft. 4ft. New South Wales, 1793. (B. M. 1811.) CALLIGONUM (from kallos, beauty, and gonw, a knee- joint; in reference to its leafless joint). SYNS. Pallasia, Pterococcus. OBD. Polygonacece. A genus containing about a score species of very curious, erect, evergreen, hardy shrubs, found growing in dry, arid, sandy spots in Northern Africa and Western Asia. They will thrive in any well- drained sandy loam. Cuttings will root in spring or autumn if placed under a hand glass. C. Pallasia (Pallas's). fl. whitish, in groups. May. fr. winged; wings membranous, curled and toothed, succulent, acid, edible. I. simple, alternate, exstipulate, deciduous, caducous, minute. Shoots rush-like, smooth, green, h. 3ft. to 4ft. Caspian Sea, 1780. CALLIOPSIS. See Coreopsis. CALLIFRORA (from kallos, beauty, and prora, a front; referring to the front view of the flower). OBD. LiliacecB. A very pretty little bulbous plant, now often referred to Brodicea. It thrives in a well-drained spot on the lower- flanks of rockwork, in dry, rich, sandy soil. Propagated by offsets, which should remain on the parent bulbs until they are a good size. C. lutea (yellow).* Pretty Face. /., segments purplish-brown in the middle on the outside. Summer. I. linear-lanceolate, acuminated, channelled, longer than the flower-stem ; bracts sheathing, scarious, much shorter than the pedicels. A. 9in. North California, 1831. SYNS. Broditea ixioides, Milla ixiaidet, (B. M. 3588.) CALLIPSYCHE (from kallos, beauty, and psyche, a butterfly; alluding to the handsome flowers). OBD. Amaryllidea;. Ornamental greenhouse bulbs ; requiring shade, and a compost of rich sandy loam and leaf mould, with good drainage. Propagated by seeds and offsets. They should have plenty of water when growing, and, during the winter, be kept moderately dry, but not dried off, so as to cause them to shrivel. As the leaves wither, water should be gradually withheld. C. aurantiaca (orange).* fl. deep golden-yellow, several in an umbel, spreading, much flattened sideways ; stamens green, twice the length of the perianth ; scape erect, nearly 2ft. high. I. few, oblong-acute, bright green, conspicuously veined, stalked, 6in. long. Andes of Ecuador, 1868. (Bef. B. 167.) C. euorosiodes (Eucrosia-like).* fl. scarlet and green ; stamens very long, incurved ; scape about ten-flowered, glaucous. March. 1. few, green, tessellated, pitted, 4in. wide. A. 2ft. Mexico, 1843. (B. B. 1845, 45.) C. mirabilis (wonderful).* fl. greenish-yellow, small, with stamens three times as long as the perianth, and spreading out on all sides ; disposed in an umbellate head of about thirty blossoms ; scape 3ft. nigh. 1. about two, oblong-spathulate, green, 1ft. long. Peru, 1868. An extremely curious plant. (Bef. B. 168.) CALLIPTERIS (from kallos, beauty, and pteris, a fern). OBD. Filices. A genus of stove ferns, founded upon the sub-genus Diplazium, which is now included under Asplenium. CALLIRHOE (of mythological origin, from Callirhoe, a daughter of the river-god Achelous). Poppy-Mallow. Allied to Malva. Species belonging to this genus have been erroneously referred to Malva and Nuttallia. ORD. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 243 Callirhoe continued. Malvaceae. A genus of elegant annual or perennial herbs, natives of North America. They are of extremely easy cultivation, thriving in a compost of light, rich, sandy loam. Propagation of the perennial species may be effected by means of both seeds and cuttings; of the annuals, by seeds only. Seeds should be sown in spring, either out- side, or in pans in a cold frame. Young cuttings should be taken and dibbled in sandy soil in a frame. C. digitata (fingered).* fl. reddish-purple ; peduncles long, axillary, one-flowered. Summer. I. sub-peltate, six to seven-parted, with linear-entire or two-parted segments ; upper ones more simple. h. 2ft. to 3ft. 1824. Perennial. (S. B. F. G. 129, under the name of Nuttallia digitata.) C. involncrate (involucrate).* fl. crimson, nearly 2in. across, loosely panicled. Summer. I. divided nearly to the base, three to five-parted ; segments narrow, lanceolate, three to five-toothed, hairy on both surfaces. Habit procumbent ; stems hairy. A. 6in. Perennial (G. W. P. A 26.) Svx Malta involwrata (B. M. 4681). C. Papaver (Poppy-likeX* fl- violet-red; sepals ovate-acute, ciliated. Summer. 1., root leaves lobed or pedate ; lower stem leaves palmato-peilate, upper digitate or simple. A. 3ft Louisiana, 1833. Perennial. STN. Nuttallia Papaver. (B. M. 3287.) fl. cherry-red, panicled. August ones trifid. h. 2ft. to 3ft 1824. C. pedate (pedate-leaved). 1. laciniately-pedate ; uppe Annual. (B. H. 1857, 148.) C. triangulate (triangular-leaved), fl. pale purple. August 1836. Perennial. SY.V. Nuttallia cordata (under which name it is figured in B. R. 1938). CALLISTACHYS. See Ozylobium. CALLISTEMMA. See Callisteplius. CALLISTEMON (from Icallos, beauty, and stemon, a stamen ; in most of the species, the stamens are of a beautiful scarlet colour). OED. MyrtacecB. Handsome greenhouse evergreen shrubs or trees, having the inflorescence rising from the old branches in crowded spikes, as in the species of Melaleuca, but with the stamens free, as in Me- trosideros. Leaves elongated, stiff, alternate, usually lanceolate. All the species of this genus are very ornamental and neat in habit. They are well adapted for a con- servatory. The soil best suited for them is a mixture of loam, peat, and sand. Ripened cuttings strike root in sand, under a hand glass; seeds are frequently pro- duced on large plants, and these may also be used to increase the stock, but they do not produce flowering plants for a considerable time; whereas plants raised from cuttings, taken from flowering plants, come into flower when small. C. linearls Oinear-leaved).* fl. scarlet; calyces clothed with velvety pu- bescence. June. I. linear, stiff, acute, keeled beneath, channelled above, vil- lous when young, h. 4ft to 6ft New South Wales, ifsS. C. lophanthus (crest-flowered). Sy- nonymous with C. salignus. C. salignus (willow), fl. straw-co- loured, distinct, spicate, nearly ter- minal; petals rather pubescent, cili- ated ; calyx pilose. June to August. I. lanceolate, attenuated at both ends, mucronate, one-nerved, villous when young, as well as the branches. h. 4ft to 6ft. Australia, 1806. SYN. C. lophanthus. (L. B. C. 1302.) . speciosus (showy).* fl calyx villous. March to July, t Ian- FIG. 327. CALLISTEMON SPECIOSUS. C. speciosus (showy).* fl. scarlet; calyx villous. March to July. I lan- ceolate, mucronate, flat, middle nerve rather prominent ; when young, rather silky from adpressed villi, and reddish. A. 5ft. to 10ft West Australia, 1823. Sm Metrotiderot tpeeiosa. See Fig. 327. (B. M. 1761.) CAIiLISTEFHTTS (from kallistos, most beautiful, and stephot, a crown; in allusion to the appendages on the ripe fruit). China Aster. STN. Callistemma. ORD. Com- positae. A hardy annual, requiring an open situation and a rich loamy soil. Involucre of many fringed bracts- receptacle naked, pitted; pappus double. Propagated by seed, sown in a hotbed in March, the seedlings being hardened off and transplanted in May. For culture of these much grown plants and their varieties, see Aster. Victoria Aster. Fio. 328. FLOWER-HEADS OP CALJJSTEPHUS CHINENSIS TARS. C. chlnensls (Chinese).* fl-heads dark purple. July. I. ovate, coarsely toothed, stalked ; stem ones sessile, cuneate at the base. Stem hispid. Branches with single heads. A. 2ft China, 173L See Fig. 328. CALLITRIS (probably altered from kallistos, most beautiful ; referring to the whole plant). ORD. Cvniferae. STN. Frenela. Half-hardy evergreen shrubs or small trees, with long, very slender-jointed branches, and often very minute, scale-like, persistent leaves. Flowers monoecious. 244 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Callitris continued. Fruit globular, composed of four to six rarely eight unequal, woody, valvate scales, with one or two seeds at the base of each. All the species are somewhat tender, in England, except in the more southern districts. They require a sandy loam compost. Propagated by cuttings, inserted under a handlight in autumn, and protected by a cold pit ; or by seeds. See also Widdringtonia. C. quadrivalvts (four-valved). Arar-tree ; Sandarach Gum-tree. fl., female catkin tetragonal, with four oval valves, each fur- nished with a point, and two of which bear seeds. February to May. I. flattened, articulate. A. 15ft. to 20ft. Barbary, 1815. CALLIXENE. See Luzuriaga. Calltma continued. Serlii, and Hammondf), flesh-coloured (earned), and double- flowered varieties (fl.-pl.) are all well worth growing in shrub- beries ; aurea and argentea, with gold and silver coloured shoots, are also very ornamental. The value of the common form can scarcely be over-estimated for planting on barren hill sides or spaces ; it affords excellent shelter for game, and food for bees. CALLUS. The new formation at the end of a cutting before it puts forth roots ; when the Callus is formed, it shows that the cutting is in a healthy state. CALOCHILUS (from kalos, beautiful, and cheilos, & lip ; referring to the beauty of the labellum or lip). OED. Orchidece. Interesting greenhouse terrestrial tuberous- rooted Orchids, allied to Epipactis. Sepals yellowish-green ; FIG. 329. FLOWERS AND LEAVES OF CALOCHORTUS VENUSTUS. CALLOSE. Callous, hardened. CALLOUSLY-GLANDULAR. glands. Having hardened CALLOUSLY-SERRATED. Having hardened ser- ratures. CALLUNA (from JuMuno, to sweep, from the use of the plant in brooms). Common Ling ; Heather. OKD. Ericaceae. A small hardy spreading shrub, very common throughout Northern and Central Europe. Corolla campanulate, four- lobed, shorter than the calyx. For culture, see Erica. C. vnlgarls (common).* fl. disposed in long, terminal snicate racemes. July to September. *t trigonal, obtusl^tryl^ort imbricating in four rows, having the margins revo ute and the base sagittate, h. 1ft. to 3ft. Britain. There are numerous very ornamental varieties of this species, which are admirably adapted for planting in borders and clumps. The white-flowered (alba For culture, lip purple, covered with rich brown hairs. see Bletia. C. campestrls (field), fl. greenish and brown. April to June. I. narrow, ohlong, pointed. Stem leafy, slender, terete, h. 9in. Australia, 1824. (B. M. 3187.) C. paludosus (marsh).* /. very similar in colour to those of C. campestris, but rather larcrer. May and June. I. rather broader, h. Bin. Australia, 1823. (F. A. O., part 4.) CALOCHORTUS (from kalos, beautiful, and chortos, grass; referring to the leaves). Mariposa Lily. OBD. Liliacece. Handsome bulbous plants. Flowers showy, on erect scapes ; perianth deciduous ; three outer seg- ments sepaloid, three inner ones much larger and broader, and bearded on the inside. Leaves ensiform. Bulbs tunicated. These have not, hitherto, been generally grown in the open air with much success ; but in warm AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 245 Calochortus continued. localities and sheltered positions, they may be flowered outside. A frame, in a sunny situation, is the best pos- sible place for their cultivation. Here they may be fully exposed to the sun and air, during mild weather, through the winter; and, when expedient, they may be protected from excessive moisture, as that is the primary cause of failure, rather than cold, for they are perfectly hardy, and capable of enduring all the frost we are likely to get. From May onwards, the lights might be wholly removed. From the end of June to August, the bulbs will be in bloom, when, if necessary, the flowers should be fertilised to secure seed; and when the capsules are forming, material assistance would be given by placing the lights on again, allowing plenty of air. Assuming that fresh bulbs are being planted, they should be in the soil early in the autumn, as nothing is more prejudicial than keeping them dry through the winter. A good depth of soil should be provided, composed of fibrous loam, leaf soil, and sand, in equal proportions, in a well-drained position. The bulbs must be planted Sin. deep, and some sand placed ' about them ; they may be left undisturbed for years. Of course, where no frame can be provided, they may be planted in a well-drained, sunny position in the same soil. They are also easily managed in pots, but it is necessary to pot in the autumn, and keep in a frame. Through the winter, they must never be allowed to get dry, until the leaves are withering in the autumn, when water may be withheld. Propagation. This may be effected by seeds or offsets, and by the tiny bulbs frequently produced on the upper portion of the stem. Sow seeds in pans, in a cool house or frame, as soon as ripe, or in the early part of the year, and keep the plants close to the glass during their early stages, as they are very liable to damp off. Sow thinly, so as to enable the young plants to pass a second season in the seed pots or pans. Early in the third season, pot off and plant out singly, encouraging them to grow freely. Propagation by offsets is the most usual method. With liberal treatment, most of the species increase pretty freely. The offsets are best removed when the plants are in a dormant state. They may be either grown in pots or pans, or planted out in pits or frames, until they reach flowering size. During the season of rest, it is the safest plan, with those in pots, to keep them in the earth in which they were grown. C. albus (white).* fl. snow-white, with a rich blotch, bearded and ciliated, large, globose, pendent ; umbels many-flowered, on stems from 1ft. to lift. high. California, 1832. This handsome species is rare. SYN. Cyclobothra alba. (B. B. 1661.) C. Benthami (Bentham's).* fl. rich yellow ; petals obtuse, densely covered with yellow hairs ; stem three to six-flowered. July, August. I. linear, much elongated, h. 4in. to Sin. Sierra Nevada. SYN. C. elegans lutea. C. ccernleus (bluish).* fl. lilac, more or less lined and dotted with dark blue, the petals covered and fringed with slender hairs ; stem two to five-flowered. July. I. solitary, linear, h. Sin. to 6in. Sierra Nevada. C. elegans (elegant).* fl. greenish-white, purplish at base ; stems three-flowered ; petals not ciliate on the margin, or sparingly so. June. h. 8in. California, 1826. This is a rare species. C. e. lutea (yellow). A synonym of C. Benthami. C. Gunnisoni (Gunnison's).* fl. light lilac, yellowish-green below the middle, with a purple band encircling the base of the perianth ; large, 2in. to Sin. in diameter. Bocky Mountains. C. Leichtlinii (Leichtlin's). A synonym of C. Nuttallii. C. lilacinus (lilac).* fl. pale pink, hairy below the middle, IJin. across, with three segments narrow and three broad; scape slender, leafy, bearing one to five flowers. I. solitary, narrow lanceolate, radical, h. 6in. to Sin. California, 1868. SYN. C. umbellatus. (B. M. 5804, under the name of C. uniflorus.) C. luteus (yellow).* fl. terminal, two or three together ; exterior segments of the perianth greenish ; the inner yellow, bordered with purple hairs. September, h. 1ft. California, 1831. (B. B. 1567.) C. L oculatus (eyed), fl. very charming bright yellow, with a bold eye on the inside of each petal. C. macrocarpns (large-capsuled), fl. very large, lavender- coloured, on sterna 1ft. high. August. California, 1826. (B. B. 1152.) Calochortns continued. lOfaL San" Francisco, &c. (B. M. 5976, figured under the nanV; of C. elegans.) C. Nuttallll fNuttaU's).* ft. large, 2Jin. across ; the three smaller segments of the perianth of a greenish colour streaked with red the three larger segments pure white, with a purple spot at the base on the inner surface ; two or three flowers on a stalk June 1. linear, glaucous, h. 6in. California, 1869. SYN. C. Leichtlinii. (B. M. 5862). C. pulchellus (beautiful).* ft. bright yellow, globular, drooping umbels three to five-flowered, on stems from lOin. to 12in. high Summer. California, 1832. A lovely species. (B. B. 1662.) SYN. Cyclobothra pulchella. C. pnrpureus (purple).* ft., outer segments of the perianth green and purple outside and yellow within ; inner segments purple outside and yellow within. August, h. 3ft. Mexico, 1827 (S. B. F. G. ser. ii., 20.) August, h. lift. >; C. umbellatus (umbelled). A synonym of C. lilacinus. C. venustus (charming).* ft. large, white, nearly Sin. in diameter, yellow at the base, deeply stained with crimson, and blotched on each segment with crimson. A. lift. California, 1836. See Fig. 329. (B. B. 1669.) There are three varieties of this species, viz., brachy- sepalus (short-sepaled), lilacinus (lilac), and purpureus (purple- flowered). CALODENDRON (from -kalos, beautiful, and dendron, a tree). ORD. Rutacece. A very handsome greenhouse evergreen tree. Flowers in terminal panicles. Leaves large, opposite, simple, crenated. It will grow freely in a mixture of loam and peat. Cuttings of half-ripened wood root in sand if placed under a bell glass, in gentle bottom heat. fl. flesh-coloured ; pedicels compressed, flower ; panicle trichptpmously divided. C. capensis (Cape), dilated under the Branches opposite, or three in a whorl, h. 40ft. Cape of Good to be one of the finest trees at the Hope, 1789. This is Cape of Good Hope. ( which we are indebted . C., 1883, xix., 217.) See Fig. 330, for Mr. Bull. CALODRACON. See Cordyline. CALONYCTION. See Ipomcea. CALOFHACA (from kalos, beautiful, and phake, a lentil; in aUusion to the beauty of the plant, and to its being one of the leguminous kind). ORD. Leguminosoe. A hardy deciduous shrub, with axillary pedunculate ra- cemes of yellow flowers, and impari-pinnate leaves. This is weU adapted for the front of shrubberies. It is some- what difficult to propagate, except by seeds, which, how- ever, in fine seasons, are produced in abundance. Grafted high on the common Laburnum, it forms an object at once singular, picturesque, and beautiful, whether covered with blossoms, or with its fine reddish pods. C. wolgarica (Volga).* ft. yellow. May, June. I, leaflets six or seven pairs, orbicular, velvety beneath, as well as the calyces. A. 2ft. to 3ft. Siberia, 1786. (W. D. B. 83.) CALOFHANES (from kalos, beautiful, and phaino, to appear; alluding to the flowers). ORD. Acanthaceas. A genus of about thirty species, widely distributed, prin- cipally in the tropical regions of both hemispheres. The best garden plant is that mentioned below ; it is an in- teresting hardy herbaceous perennial, excellent for growing in borders, in loam and peat, or sandy loam soil ; and may be propagated by dividing the roots, in March. C oblongifolia (oblong-leaved).* fl. blue ; corolla funnel-shaped, throat ventricose, limb bilobed, nearly equal ; tube of corolla one- half longer than the calyx ; pedicels axillary. August. I. op- posite oblong-spathulate, entire, acuminated, h. 1ft. Florida, &c., 1832. (S7 B. F. G., ser. ii., 181.) CALOPHYLLUM (from kalos, beautiful, and phyllon, & leaf; the leaves are large, of a beautiful green, and ele- gantly veined). ORD. Guttiferae. Fine stove evergreen trees. Flowers disposed in axillary racemes. Leaves furnished with numerous transverse, parallel nerves. They thrive in a compost of loam, sand, and peat. Cuttings of half -ripened shoots will root in sand, if placed under a glass, in bottom heat. 246 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Calophyllnm continued. C. Calaba. Calaba-tree. fl. white, sweet-scented, loosely race- mose ; racemes lateral, very short, fr. green. I. obovate or oblong, obtuse or emarginate. h. 30ft. West Indies, &c., 1780. C. inophyllum (fibrous-leaved), fl. snow-white, sweet-scented, loosely racemose ; racemes axillary ; peduncles one-flowered, Calopogon continued. Orchidece. Very pretty, hardy, tuberous-rooted Orchids, admirably suited for a good shady position at the foot of the rockwork, or for an open situation in a hardy fernery. Propagated by offsets, taken from the tuberous roots ; but usually opposite, fr. reddish, the size of a walnut I oblong or obovate, obtuse, but usually emarginate. Branches round Tropics of the Old World, 1795. A medium-sized tree. CALOPOGON (from kalos, beautiful, and pogon, a beard; in reference to the fringe on the lip). OBD. FIG. 330. CALODENDRON CAPENSIS. this method of increase is very uncertain. Perhaps the only species in cultivation is the following : C. pnlcliellus (beautiful).* /. purple, with a very pretty pale yellow beard or tuft of hairs growing from the lip ; two or three to a plant. Late summer. I. few, radical, grass-like, h. lift. North America, 1791. SYN. Limodorum tuberosum. (S. B. F. Q. 115.) AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 247 CALOSANTHES INDICA. A synonym of Oroxy- lum indicum. CALOSCORDUM (from kalos, beautiful, and skoro- don, garlic). OBD. Liliacece. A genus of half-hardy bulbs, allied to Allium, but now referred to Nothoscordum. For culture, see Calochortus. C. nerinaeflorum (Nerine-flowered).* /. rose; umbels about twelve-flowered ; spathe one-valved. June and July. I. narrow, semi-terete, channeUed above, h. 6in. Chusan, 1843. (B. B. 1847, 5.) CALOSTEMMA (from kalos, beautiful, and stemma, a crown). ORD. Amaryllideae. Handsome greenhouse bulbous plants, natives of New Holland. Flowers funnel- shaped, irregular ; perianth with the orifice surmounted by a corona ; stamens erect, united by their dilated bases ; ovary three-celled, many-seeded. Leaves linear-lorate. C. album (white). Jl. white. May. I. ovate, acute, Sin. to 5in. long, 2in. to 3in. broad, h. 1ft 1824. C. lutenm (yellow). /. yellow. November. I. strap-shaped, narrow, h. 1ft. 1819. (B. M. 2101.) fl. purple. November. I like those of (B.M?2100.) CALOTHAMNUS (from kalos, beautiful, and tham- nos, a shrub ; in reference to the elegance of the shrubs, from their scarlet flowers and terete leaves). OBD. Myr- tacecB. Greenhouse evergreen shrubs. Flowers scarlet, axillary and solitary, sessile. Leaves scattered, crowded, terete. They require much the same culture as Calli- stemon. Cuttings of young wood, firm at the base, will root in sand, if covered by a hand glass, which requires to be occasionally taken off and wiped, to prevent damp. C. quadrifldns (four-cleft), fl. scarlet, somewhat secund ; bundles of stamens four, distinct, equal. July. I. glabrous (as well as the flowers), h, 2ft. to 4ft West Australia, 1803. (B. M. 1506.) C. villosa (villons). Jl. scarlet, quinquefld ; bundles of stamens equal, distinct. July to September. I villous (as well as the fruit), h. 2ft to 4ft West Australia, 1823. (B. B. 1099.) CALOTIS (from kalos, beautiful, and ous, otos, an ear ; in reference to the chaffy scales of the pappus, or seed- head). Allied to Bellium. OBD. Composites. Greenhouse or half-hardy herbaceous perennials, rarely annuals, all natives of Australia. Receptacle naked; involucre nearly equal, many-leaved, in a single or double row. They may be grown successfully in any ordinary garden soil. Pro- pagated by divisions of the root. C. ounelfolia (wedge-leaved).* ft.-headg blue, solitary, terminal. July and August. 1. cuneate, cut, toothed at end. A. 1ft 1819. Greenhouse herbaceous perennial. (B. R. 504.) CALOTROPIS (from kalos, beautiful, and tropis, a keel; literally "beautifully twisted," apparently in refe- rence to the corolla of C. gigantea). OBD. Asclepiadece. A genus of stove evergreen shrubs, or small trees. The three species bear large handsome flowers, in interpetiolar umbels. They thrive best in a mixture of loam, sand, and peat. Young cuttings, thinly dibbled in a pot of sand, strike root freely under a hand glass, in heat. Care must be taken that they do not receive an excess of moisture, or they will rot. C. gigantea (gigantic).* Jl. very handsome, a mixture of rose and purple ; corona shorter than the gynostegium, obtuse, cir- cinately recurved at the base ; umbels sometimes, though rarely, compound, surrounded by several involucral scales. July. I. de- cussate, broad, wedge-shaped, bearded on the upper side at the base, woolly-downy on the under side, 4in. to oin. long, 2in. to Sin. broad. A. 6ft to 15ft. India, &c., 1690. (B. B, i. 58.) C. procera (tall), fl. white ; petals spreading, marked at the top by a purple spot. July. I. obovate-oblong, on short petioles, whitish from wool. h. 6ft Persia, 1714. (B. B, 1792.) CALPICARFUM. See Kopsia. CALFIDIA. A synonym of Pisonia (which see). CAIiTHA (a syncope of kalathos, a goblet ; in allusion to the form of the perianth, which may be likened to a golden cup). Marsh Marigold. ORD. Ranunculacece. Hardy herbaceous perennials, of easy culture on the margin of a piece of water, or in a marshy bog, or in the ordinary border, where their showy blossoms look very brilliant. Caltha continued. Propagation is readily effected by dividing the roots, in early spring, or in summer after flowering. C. leptosepala (slender-sepaled).* fl. pure white, one to two upon erect, scape-like peduncles. May, June. I. radical, cordate the margins nearly^entire, orjiometime^cnmate. *. 1ft North- western America, 1827. F. B. A. 1, 10.) FIG. 331. CALTHA PALUSTRIS MOXSTROSA PLENA. C. palnatris (marsh).* fl. golden-coloured, large ; peduncles fur- rowed. Spring. 1. cordate, somewhat orbicular, roundly-crenate, with rounded auricles. Stems dichotomous, erect A. 1ft Great Britain. (Sy. En. B. 40.) The double forms of this species, under the names of na.no, plena, and nwnstrosa plena (see Fig. 331) are excellent plants, and, though growing best in the immediate vicinity of water, and most appropriate for rough scenery, they, like the type, do very well in ordinary well-enriched soiL A variety named purpuratcent, from Southern Europe, is also showy, more erect, and branching; the shoots and pedicels purplish. C D blflora (two-flowered). A twin-flowered variety of C. palut- t& North America, 1821 This is not quite so tall r - ^ - - and the flowers are rather larger as the type, C. P. parnassifolia (Parnassia-leaved). ft. yellow, on few- flowered peduncles. April, May. i. cordate-ovate, crenated. h. 3in. to 4in. North America, 1815. C. radlcana (rooting).* /. bright yellow, several in small cyme. ApraTMay. V renifonn-cordate, sharply crenate-serrate, spread- tag A.6in. Scotland. (Sy. En. B. 4l.) CALTROPS. See Tribulus. CALTROPS, WATER. See Trapa natans. CALUMBA, FALSE. See Coscinium fenes- tratnm. CALUMBA ROOT. See Jateorrhiza Calumba. CALUMBA WOOD. See Coscininm fenestratum. CALYCANTHACE.2E. A natural order of shrubs, with square stems, having four woody axes surrounding the central one. Flowers solitary, lurid; calyx of numerous coloured sepals compounded with the petals. Leaves oppo- site, entire, exstipulate. The two genera known are Caly- canthus and Chimonanthus. CALYCANTHUS (from kalyx, kalykos, a calyx, and an<7io, a flower ; in reference to the calyx being coloured, and appearing like a corolla). Allspice. OBD. Caly can- thaceoe. A genus of hardy, deciduous, North American shrubs. Flowers lurid purple, axillary, and terminal, stalked, sweet-scented ; stamens numerous. Leaves oppo- site, oval or ovate-lanceolate, entire, generally rough on the surface; sweet-scented. All are handsome and well worth growing. They thrive best in a peaty compost, but grow freely in almost any soil. Increased by layers, put down in the summer ; or by seed, sown as soon as ripe, or in spring, in a cold frame. C. florldus (Floridan).* Carolina Allspice, ft. with a sweet apple scent May. I. ovate, downy beneath, as well as the branchlets. Branches spreading. Wood and roots smelling strongly of camphor, h. 4ft to 6ft Carolina, 1726. See Fig. 332 (B. M. 503.) There are several varieties of this species. 248 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Caly ca nth.ua continued. FIG. 332. FLOWERING BRANCH OF CALYCANTHUS FLORIDUS. C. glauous (glaucous).* f~ lurid purple, not strongly scented. May. 1. ovate-lanceolate, acuminated, glaucous and pubescent beneath, h. 4ft. to 6ft. Carolina, 1726. SYN. C. fertile. (B. R. 404.) C. ollongifolius is a variety with ovate-lanceolate elongated leaves. a <^. A CALYCIFORM. Formed like a calyx. CALYCINE. Of, or belonging to, the calyx. CALYCOPHYLLUM (from Jcalyx, a calyx, and phyllon, a leaf ; in allusion to one of the teeth of the calyx being expanded into a large petiolate coloured leaf). OED. RubiaceoB. Stove evergreen shrubs, requiring a compost of loam, peat, and a little sand and charcoal. Cuttings of half ripe shoots will root in sand if placed tinder a bell glass, in bottom heat. C. candidissimum (whitest).* /., corolla white, campanulate, with a bearded throat, three together, the middle one bearing a rtiolate leaf, but the two lateral ones naked ; corymbs terminal, ovate, bluntly acuminated, 2in. to Sin. long. A. 30ft. Cul CALYCOTOME (from kalyx, kalykos, calyx, and tome, a section; lips of calyx fall off). ORD. Legumvnosce. A small genus of hardy, divaricately-branched, spiny shrubs formerly included as a section of Cytisus. Flowers yello disposed in short branched leafy fasicles. For culture see Cytisus. C. spinosa (spiny), /.yellow. June and July. L, leaflets obovate oblong. Branches angular, spiny. A. 5ft. to 6ft. Genoa, Cor sica, Ac., 1846. (B. B. 55.) CALYCULATE. Having bracts so placed as to resemble an external or additional calyx. CALYMMODON. See Folypodinm. CALYPSO (from the beautiful nymph, Calypso, or from Greek kalypto, to conceal ; in reference to its place of growth). ORD. Orchidece. An elegant terrestrial monotypic genus. It thrives well in half-shady spots on the margins of a rock garden or artificial bog, in a light, moist, vegetable soil, composed of peat, leaf soil, and sand, mulched with cocoa-nut fibre refuse in winter. Propagated by offsets. C. boreaUs (Northern).* /. solitary, delicate rose and brown, with a yellow crest on the lip ; labellum longer than the sepals, the lateral lobes cohering in their upper part over the saccate central one, which is usually bifid at the tip, resembling those of a Cypri- pedium. Summer. I. solitary, thin, many-nerved, ovate or cordate. Stems usually thickening into pseudo- bulbs. A. 4in. High latitudes of Northern hemisphere, 1820. (B. M. 2763.) CALYFTRA. Literally an extinguisher; ap- plied to the hood which covers the theca in mosses. CALYPTRANTHES (from kalyptra, a covering, and anthos, a flower ; in allusion to the operculum of the flower). ORD. Myrtacece. Strong- growing stove evergreen shrubs or small trees. Peduncles axillary, many-flowered. Leaves feather- veined. They are of easy culture, in a compost of loam and peat, and may be propagated by layers, or by cuttings, placed in heat. C. Chytraculia (Chytraculia). fl. white, small, glome- rate ; peduncles axillary and terminal, trichotomous, panicled, and are, as well as the flowers, clothed with rufous velvety down. March. I. ovate, attenuated at the apex, stiffish, glabrous. A. 10ft. Jamaica, 1778. (N. S. 1, 26.) Uhite, on short pedicels ; s, many-flowered. May svate, "obtuse, stiff. A. 10ft. to 12ft. Jamaica, C. Syzygium (Syzygium). /. peduncles axillary, trichotomou FIG. 333. FLOWERING BRANCH OF CALYCANTHUS L^EVIGATUS. C. leevigatns (smooth-leaved).* fl. lurid purple. May. I. oblong, thin, either blunt or taper-pointed, bright gre or nearly so, on both sides, . ted, bright green, and glabrous, rather pale beneath. Branches C.^macropliyllus (large-leaved). A garden synonym of C. oca- C. occldentalls (Western).* n. brick-red, sweet-scented, 3in. to 4m. across, each petal about 2in. long and iin. broad. June to October. I. oblong or ovate-cordate, acuminate slightly pubes- cent on the veins only beneath, h. 6ft. to 12ft. CaltforniaT 1831. In California, this is called the Sweet-scented Shrub. SYN. C. macrophyUus, of gardens. (B. M. 4808. CAJ.YCITLOKJE. A sub- division of dicotyledonous plants, having the stamens inserted on the calyx or disk. to July. I. 1779. CALYPTRARIA. See Centronia. CALYPTRATE. Resembling an extinguisher. CALYFTRIFORM. Shaped like an extinguisher. CALYPTRION. See Corynostylis. CALYFTROCALYX (from kalyptra, an extinguisher, and kalyx, a calyx, in allusion to the form of the outer perianth segments). ORD. Palmece. A monotypic genus of stove palms. For culture, see Calamus. C. spicatus (spiked). fl., spadices elongated, spicate, leafy at "ng longiti " base ; spathe openi ents reduplicate, linear, acuminate, bifld at the apex ; petiole fibrous at the base. Caudex finally smooth, h. 12ft. gitudinally. I. terminal, pinnatisect ; icate, linear, acuminate, bifld at the Moluccas. SYNS. Areca and Pinanga globosa. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 249 CAIiYPTROGYNB (from lidlyptra, an extinguisher, ' and gyne, a woman pistil in allusion to the form of the . pistil). Including Ctdyptronoma. OBD. Palmce. A. smaU j genus comprising five species of handsome store Palms, allied to Geonoma (which see for cultivation). C. Ghiesbreghtiana (Ghiesbreghfs). ft., peduncles erect, over- topping the leaves, bearing a single cylindrical, undivided spadix, 9in. to 12in. in length. L pinnate, 2ft. to 5ft. long ; pinnae opposite or alternate, sessile, of unequal breadth, the narrower ones one to two-nerved, the broader ones six to ten-nerved, usually from six to twelve on each side of the rachis ; the intervals between the pinnae vary from lin. to 2in. ; petiole broadly sheathing at the base, from a few inches to lift. long. Stem short , or absent. Mexico. A very species. C. Swartzil (Swartz's). L equally pinnatisect; pinna? deeply reduplicate at the base, bifid at to 60ft. Jamaica, 1878. the top. Trunk smooth, h. 50ft. A handsome plant when young, and useful for general decorative purposes. ST>'. Calyptronoma Svaartzii. CALYPTBONOMA SWABTZJJ. See Calyptro- gyne Swartzii. CAIiYSTEGIA (from Icalyx, a calyx, and stege, a covering; in reference to the two large persistent bracts enclosing the calyx). Bearbind. ORD. Convolvulacece. Hardy, glabrous, twining or prostrate herbs. Peduncles solitary, one-flowered ; corolla campanulate. five-plicate. All the species are of easy cultivation in common garden BoiL Propagation may be effected by dividing the plants ; or by seeds, sown in spring. C. dahnrica (Dahurian).* JL, corolla of a rosy-purple ; sepals lanceolate, acute, the two outer ones broadest ; peduncles tetra- gonal, tomentose ; bracts broad-ovate, acute, longer than the calyx. July. L glabrous or hairv, oblong-cordate, having the margins and nerves on the under side tomentose. Dahuria, 1826. (B. M. 2609.) C. Inflata (inflated). Synonymous with C. tepium incamata. FIG. 334. FLOWERING BRAXCH OF CALYOMU n FLORE-PLESO. C. pnbescens flore-pleno (downy, double-flowered).' JL 2m. to Sin. across ; petals long, narrow, wavy, and reflexed, flesh- colour, but ultimately bright rose ; pedicels 2Jin. to 3$in. long. Summer and autumn. L alternate, hastate, downy. China, 1844. See Fig. 334. C. sepium (hedge). Common Bindweed. /. white, sometimes tinged with red ; peduncles tetragonal, exceeding the petioles ; bracts cordate, keeled, acute, longer than the calyx, but one-half shorter than the corolla. Summer. I. sagittate or co_rdate, very acute ; hind lobes obtuse, or truncate, entire. Britain. A very troublesome weed, (Sy. En. B. 924.) There is a variety named North America. STK. Calystegia continued, incarnata, with rose-coloured flowers. C in/Iota. (B. M. 732.) C. Soldanella (Soldanella like).* Sea Bells. longjtadinal, yellowish plaits, large ; pedur. 6 _ ^, winged ; bracts large, ovate, blunt, mncronate, generally snorter than the calyx. June, L rather fleshy, reniform, entire or a little angular. Sea-shores, Britain. This pretty species can only be grown with success in a very sandy soil (Sy. En. B. 925.) C ALYTHBJX (from Icalyz, a calyx, and thrix, a hair ; in reference to the lobes of the calyx, which each end in a long hair). OBD. Myrtaceae. A genus of very pretty and interesting greenhouse Heath-like shrubs, natives of Aus- tralia. Flowers small ; bracteoles two under each flower ; they are either free or joined together at the base, some- times in the form of an operculum. Leaves scattered, crowded, opposite, full of dots, axillary, solitary, almost sessile. They grow well in a mixture of loam, peat, and sand, with good drainage and firm potting. Cuttings, made from young shoots, will root in April or May, if placed in sand, under a bell glass, in a cool house. C. ericoides (Heath-like). A synonym of C tetragon*. C. glabra (glabrous). A synonym of C. tetragtma. C. tetragona (tetragonal).* JL white ; bracts one-half snorter than the tube of the calyx. L scattered, petiolate, glabrous ; stipules deciduous. A, 2ft. 1825. STXS. C. ericmdtt, cTfflabra, (B. R. 409.) C. angvlata, avrea, and breviteta are other species which have been introduced, but are not worth house room when that described above is grown. CALYX. The external whorl of floral leaves. CAMABJDITJM (from kamara, an arched roof; in reference to the arched tip of the stigma). OBD. Orchidea. A pretty stove orchid, allied to Cymbidium. It thrives best if grown in a shallow basket, or raised above the surface of the pots with sphagnum and broken pots. C. ochroleucmn (yellowish -white).' JL yellowish - white. July. L ligulate. Pseudo-bulbs oblong, compressed, smooth. h. 1ft. Trinidad, 1823. SYN. Cymbidium oehroUuatm. (B. M. 414L) CAMAKOTIS. See Sarcochiltts. FIG. 335. CAMASSIA maam CAMASSIA (from Quamash, so called by the North American Indians, who eat the bulbs). STK. Sitocodiwn. OBD. LiUace*. A small genus (two species) of handsome bulbous plants. Perianth of six segments, slightly connected at base, and spreading out horizontally, but not equally. 2 K 250 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Camassia continued. Leaves narrow, about 1ft. long, grooved down the inside. They thrive best in a sheltered, partially-shaded situation, but will do fairly well in almost any ordinary good garden soil. A compost of loam and leaf mould, with a liberal mixture of sharp sand, suits them best. They need not be disturbed for several years ; but a top-dressing of rich soil or well-rotted manure may be given yearly. Propa- gated by offsets and seeds. The plants are so hardy that they ripen seeds in warm situations. These may be sown as soon as ripe, or the following spring, either in a warm situation out of doors, or in pots or boxes, under glass. The young plants make rapid progress, and should remain for at least two years in the seed bds. The best time for final transplanting is in February. Offsets are produced very freely, and should be removed either when in a dor- mant condition, or just previously to starting into fresh growth, and arranged in clumps or lines, placing a little sand about them. C esculenta (edible). Camash or Quaiimh. fl. blue, about 2in across ; racemes loose, ten to twenty-flowered, borne on stout scapes ; perianth six-cleft, the five upper segments close together, the sixth i standing by itself. Summer. I. linear, about 1ft. high. Columbia &c 1837. The colour of the flowers vanes from a deep blue* ? nearly white. See Fig. 335. (B R, 1486.) The white- flowered form is figured InB.M. 2774, under the name of scuta esculenta Jlore albo. C. O. Lelchtlinl (Leichtlin's). /.-creamy-white, larger than those of the type, with more numerous nerves in the keel of the segments of the perianth ; racemes longer, and sometimes compound. Spring, h. 2ft. Columbia, 1853. This also differs from the type in its more robust habit and broader leaves. SVN. Chlorofialum Leichtlini. (B. M. 6287.) C. Fraserl (Fraser's). /. pale blue, smaller than those of C. esculenta ; pedicels and scape much more slender. I. narrow, acute ; capsule more acutely angled, h. 1ft. Eastern States of North America. A smaller and more slender plant. (B. M. 1574, as Scilla esculenta.) CAMBESSEDESIA (named after James Cambessedes, coadjutor of Auguste St. Hilaire, in his " Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis," and author of several botanical memoirs). OED. MelastomacecB. A genus of elegant, erect, or ascend- ing, dichotomously branched stove shrubs or herbaceous plants. Flowers terminal and axillary, in paniculate cymes; petals five, obovate; calyx bell-shaped. Leaves sessile, opposite or verticillate, obovate, oblong or linear. They thrive best in a compost of peat and sand. Propa- gated by half-ripened cuttings, which root freely in a similar mixture, if placed in heat and under a hand glass. There are about eight species known to science, b'ut probably that mentioned below is the only one in cultivation. C. pars terrain entire cfliatelmarginsr^Stem^annuairherbaceous, leafy, h. lOir tolSin. 1880. (B. M. 6604.) CAMBIUM. The formative fluid found between the bark and wood of Exogens, in spring. CAMBUY FRUIT. See Eugenia. CAMELLIA (named in honour of George Joseph Camellus or Kamel, a Moravian Jesuit and traveller in Asia, who wrote a history of the plants of the Isle of Luzon, which is inserted in the third vol. of John Bay's " Historia Plantarum"). Japanese Rose. Including Thea. ORD. Ternstrcemiacece. A genus of elegant hardy or nearly hardy evergreen shrubs or trees. Flowers large; sepals five or six, gradually passing from bracts into petals, the latter slightly cohering at the base ; stamens numerous. Leaves coriaceous. By close attention to a few parti- culars in the management of these beautiful plants, much disappointment may be avoided, and a succession of flowers obtained from October till the following July. The fact of the buds frequently dropping off, deters many would-be growers from attempting the culture of the Camellia. Dry- ness of the atmosphere, and want of water at the roots, are generally the primary causes of failure; the remedy for these evils rests with the cultivator. The roots are apt to mragnayensis (Paraguay), fl. rose-red, in. in diameter, in rminal corymbose, glandular, hairy panicles. July. I. nearly i. long, sessile, ovate, acute, three-nerved, pale green, with Camellia continued. get matted together, compressing the earth around them into a hard ball, impervious to water ; hence attention is necessary to see that the water poured into the pot thoroughly moistens all the soil. In order to form hand- some plants, they should be trained with single stems to rods, and pruned, so as to make them throw out side branches from every part of the stem ; they must not be placed too close to each other on the stage, or when planted out. A liberal supply of water is always necussary, but especially so during the flowering period. Plants that are required to flower early may remain in the warm house till they commence to blossom, when they should be removed to a cold place, such as the back of a greenhouse, giving them plenty of light. Those kept in a hothouse or vinery during summer, will flower in the beginning or middle of October ; and a large plant, having from fifty to one hundred buds, will continue in flower till the month of January. Those that are removed early, will blossom in January, and so succeed the others. The plants that have finished flowering should be brought back to the hothouse, where they will begin to make new wood, and be ready to come in succession next season. By thus shifting the plants from a warm to a cold situation, a regular succes- sion will be secured from October to July. The soil should be kept constantly moist, and in the summer months the leaves occasionally syringed. Camellias flower best when kept in small pots or tubs. In order to raise and exhibit these handsome plants to the best ad- vantage, they should be grown in a separate house, of ample height, as they never look so well as when 6ft. or 8ft. high, trained in a conical form, with branches from the root upwards ; and the plants should be raised near to the glass on a movable stage, which should be lowered as they grow. In summer, they may either be placed in the open air in a sheltered spot, or the glass roof of the house can be taken off. The hardier sorts, such as the Double- red, Blush, and Paeony-flowered, succeed in the bed or border of a conservatory, if the roof can be taken off in summer, so as to admit air. If this cannot be managed, they are better grown in portable pots or boxes. The most suitable time for shifting Camellias is directly after flower- ing; they should then be put into a vinery or hothouse, where there is a little heat ; or the warmest part of a green- house. They will soon begin to make new wood, where they should be allowed to remain, amply supplied with water, till they form their flower buds, at the extremity and sides of the young growth. A few should then be removed to a cold place, and shaded during strong sunshine. In a few weeks afterwards, others may also be transferred, so as to have a regular succession of flowering plants. Propagation. The red Camellias are generally propa- gated by layers, but cuttings will also succeed ; the single red Camellia being raised by either cuttings, layers, or seeds. This latter forms suitable stocks on which to inarch or graft the rarer kinds. The ripened shoots of the pre- ceding summer should be taken off in August, cutting them smoothly at a joint or bud. Two or three of the lower leaves should be taken off, and the cuttings planted firmly in the soil with a dibble. Some growers use peat earth and sand to strike in, while others prefer a loam mixed with sand and peat. The pans containing the cuttings should be kept in a plant or cold frame, without being covered with glasses, but shaded during powerful sunshine. In the following spring, such as have struck will begin to push, when they need to be placed in a gentle heat. The fol- lowing September or October, the rooted plants will be fit to pot off, and in the second or third spring they may be used as stocks. Inarching or grafting is done in early spring, as soon as growth commences. When this process is completed, care must be taken to fix the pot containing the stock so that it may not be disturbed during the con- nection of the scion with the parent plant. The grafting being clayed over, is then covered with moss, to prevent its cracking. When independent grafting is resorted to. the AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 251 Camellia contin ued. mode called "side grafting" is generally employed, as ir the ca e of Orange-trees ; but the operation of tongueing is generally omitted, as tending to weaken the stock. Liquid or other manure is not required ; nor is it desirable to apply it, as it often, sooner or later, causes the destruction of the plants. As a rule, insects do not trouble thia class of plants ; but scale will sometimes appear, and can easily be removed by hand. Thrips occasionally put in an appear- ance, but a little smoke will quickly get rid of them. a-IikeX A- white; peduncles lateral, one iv to July. I. ovate-lanceolate, acuminate Branches hairy. *. 4ft China, Camellia continued. C. J. anemoiUBflora (Anemone-flowered). All, or nearly 11, the stamens, Ac., in this variety are transformed into small petataid bodies, and the flower has the general aspect of a doable Anemone. See Fig. 337. (B. M. 1653.) FIG. 336. FLOWERING BRANCH OF CAMELLIA JAPOKICA. .(Japanese).* . Coonnon ^CMwgta^ ':.. ,L.".red. ,.x: axillary, sessile. I. ovate,; *T 20ft Japan aid China, 1739. The innumera chiefly the offspring of this species. See Fig. 336. hybrid: (oil -yielding).* *. white, very numerous, fragrant, Jovember. i. elliptic-oblong, acute, serrated, coriaceous, shining. A. 6ft to 8ft China, 1820. See Fig. 338. (B. R. 942.) C. rettcnlata (netted-leaved). JL bright rose, large, semi-double. J oblon", acuminated, serrated, flat, reticulated. A. 10ft China, 1824. There is a form of this species with full double flowers. C. theifera (Tea-bearing* jL white, spreading, of five sepals UtA ttve petals, axillary. November to spring. L eUiptical- oblon" obtuse, serrated, more than twice as Jong as broad, dark reen A. 2ft! to 6ft China, Japan, and India, 1780. This Species varies very considerably, ^different counties, it has become modified by cultivation. The Green and Black Teas, f onnerl v supposed to be produced by different species, are obtained from the same bushes, but subjected to different processes. Less-known species are : drupt/ero, laneeolata, rosvjlora, and Safanqvo- The true species are rarely seen in cultivation. The following is a selection of the best forms of C. japonic ; the list is a limited one, and is capable of great extension : ALBA PLENA.* double white; ARCUIDCCHESSE A CG UST^petals th blue, a white band ; Ar CoiTB DE GOMER,* petals soft rose, stnped , - fullv imbricated; COMTE DB PARIS, nch pink, large and full : LATISU MAGGI, pure white, broadly flamed with COVTESSA LAVIMA MAGGI ROSEA, flowew nch rm a superb variety ; CORRADIXO, ro*a, veined S dSe blush pink ; COL.N?ESS oT cated, white, striped colour EE,* colour varyng rom pure wi . - carmine ; DoCKXLAARn. large B FIG. -337. FLOWER OF CAMELUA JAPOMICA crimson? 'FntBRiATA ALBA,* ^^S^^KJ&^^&SS- ^B?t8aJswBftfsgg t imnAj crimson, darkly shaded, very distinct; HOVET, MRS., iT't u ; n ,,>lir,o Wuxti'nm rii : IL < GENERAL CIALDLNJ, baantifuDy imbricated, ^"S""^^ ^^d^^^sr^ns^f.STg: leeo velvety crimson darkly shaded, vary distinct; HOVET, MRS., ^ .22 MARZO. cley roae, jae_ P ""T', tA ., . T. B n T > white -.IMBTUCATA, D'HivER, a flue 252 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Camellia continued. bright rose : JEFFERSONII, fine crimson ; JENNY LIND,* flowers imbricated to the extreme centre, broad, and of good substance, white, striped and marbled with rose ; JUBILEE,* flowers very Camellia continued. LEON LEOUAY, rich crimson; MADAME AMBROISE VERSCHAP- FELT,* white, shaded with blush, and dotted with red ; MADAME LEBOIS, bright rose, finely imbricated, and of good form ; MATHO- L C. lactiflora. 2. C. rotundifolia Hostii. 3. C. carpathica turbinata. FIG. 339. GROUP OP CAMPANULAS. 4. C. carpathica alba. large, with broad, round, imbricated petals, white, marbled with rose, centre pure whiter LADY HUME'S BLUSH * flowers flesh-colour, and of excellent form ; LA MAESTOSA, rose, mottled with white; LEEANA SUPERBA, flowers salmon-red very fine- TIANA,* flowers brilliant red, and beautifully imbricated, extra fine ; MATHOTIANA ALBA, flowers large, finely imbricated to the centre, pure white ; MONTiRONi,*a fine pure white flower; MRS. ABBEY WILDER, ivory-white, striped with rose, well imbricated ; AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 253 Camellia continued. MRS. COPE,* white, delicately shaded with pink, and striped with rose; MRS. DOMBRAIN,* shape and substance excellent, colour beautiful soft pink; NAPOLEON III., flowers rose, beauti- fully veined with deep rose, and edged with pure white ; PRINCE ALBERT, white, beautifully flaked with carmine; PRINCESS BACCIOCCHI,* rich velvety carmine ; PRINCESS FREDERICK WILLIAM,* flowers white, tipped with bright carmine ; QUEEN OF ROSES, flowers delicate rose ; REINE DES BEAUTES,* very delicate clear rose, fine form, extra fine variety; REINE DES FLEURS,* finely imbricated, petals of good substance and perfect symmetry, colour vermilion-red, flaked occasionally with white ; RUBENS, deep rose-white stripes ; SACCOIANA,* a finely imbricated flower, colour very variable, occasionally clear rose, at other times spotted with pure white ; SARAH FROST, flowers bright red ; STORYI, outer petals bright rose, centre almost white ; TARQIONI, flowers beautifully imbricated, pure white, striped with cerise ; TEUTONIA, flowers sometimes red, at other times white, but occasionally half red and half white ; THOMAS MOORE,* flowers 4iin. across, per- fectly round, and well imbricated, petals also round, and well filled up in the centre, colour rich carmine, shaded with crimson ; TRICOLOR DE MATHOT, flowers red, marbled with white, semi- double ; TRICOLOR IMBRICATA PLENA, blush white, flaked with carmine and rose ; VALTEVAREDA, colour bright rose, often spotted with snowy white; WILDERII,* soft rose, of excellent form. CAMOENSIA (named in honour of Luis Camoens, a celebrated Portuguese poet). OKD. Leguminosai. A genus containing a couple of handsome species. C. maxima is the largest-flowered leguminous plant known. It thrives well in rich loam and leaf mould. Cuttings root in sandy loam, in bottom heat, if placed under a bell glass. It has not yet flowered in this country. The other species has not been introduced. C. maxima (greatest).* fl. cream-colour, yellow, 1ft. long, in short axillary racemes. Angola, 1878. (T. L. S. 25, 36.) CAMOMILE. See Chamomile. C AMPANE A (from campana, a bell ; alluding to the shape of the flowers). OBD. Gesneracece. Stove herbaceous climbing perennials, the only one at present introduced being C. grandiflora. For cultivation, see Gesnera. C. grandiflora (large-flowered).* fl. in axillary tufts, at ends of long, axillary, and terminal peduncles ; corolla white, lined and dotted with crimson. June. I. opposite, oval, acuminated, oblique, soft, crenated, stalked. Plant hairy. A. 2ft. Santa F6, 1848. (R. H. 1849, 241.) CAMPANULA (diminutive of campana, a bell ; in refe- rence to the shape of the flowers). Bell-flower; Slipperwort. ORD. Campanulacece. A genus of mostly perennial rarely annual or biennial herbs. Flowers blue or white, for the most part pedunculate, usually racemose, rarely spicate or glomerate. Eadical leaves usually different in form from the cauline ones, especially in size. All the species of this genus are elegant when in flower (see Fig. 339), and are very largely grown. The dwarf varieties make excellent subjects for pot culture, rockeries, or the fronts of borders. A rather rich sandy loam, with plenty of drainage, suits these plants. The forms of C. pyramidalis may be kept in cold frames during the winter, and firmly repotted in summer, the crown of the plant being kept just a trifle raised above the soil, or they are at times liable to damp off, through the water lodging around the necks. During hot weather, the pots should be plunged in a bed of ashes. Campanulas are easily raised from seeds, which should be sown in spring. General Culture. As a rule, few plants are so easily cultivated as these. The strong-growing kinds may be grown with the greatest success in ordinary garden soil, well enriched with manure, while the alpine kinds are easily managed on the rockery. Sow seeds of the annuals in April, and of the biennials in June, in the open, or in a cold frame. The perennials are chiefly propagated by dividing the roots, or by young cuttings, in spring the latter is by far the best method of propagation with many of the species or by seeds. Those kinds requiring special treatment are particularised, and those suitable to the rockery are so designated. Perennials, except where other- wise mentioned. C. Adami (Adam's). /. bluish, nearly erect, one on the top of each stem ; corolla funnel-shaped. July. I. slightly ciliated ; Campanula continued. radical ones on long petioles, cu thulate, coarsely toothed C. AlUonii (Allioni's).* fl. usually blue, rarely white, subnutant, large, solitary. July to September. I., radical ones linear- lanceolate, nearly entire, ciliated ; lower ones rosulate, bluntish Stem rather pilose. Root creeping, h. Sin. to 4in. Piedmontese Alps, &c., 1820. A little gem, requiring a well-drained position, in rich sandy loam, with plenty of grit in it, and an abundance of moisture when growing. SYNS. C. alpestris and C. nana. (B. M. 6588.) C. alpestris (rocky). A synonym of C. AlUonii. C. alpina (alpine).* fl. deep blue, few or numerous, scattered in a pyramidal manner along the whole stem. July. I. linear-lanceo- late, repandly-crenate, woolly ; radical ones crowded, narrowed at the base. Stem glabrous or woolly, h. Sin. to 9in. Europe, 1779. Rockery. (B. M. 957.) C. americana (American), fl. erect, one to three from the axil of each bract; corollas blue, a little longer than the calycine lobes. July. I., radical ones rosulate, ovate, acute, a little cordate, petiolate, serrated ; cauline ones ovate-lanceolate, acuminated at both ends, serrulated, h. 3ft. to 6ft. North America, 1763. Borders. C. barbata (bearded).* fl. nutant, disposed in a loose, often secund raceme ; pedicels one-flowered, rising from the axils of the superior leaves ; corolla pale blue or white (in the variety alba), glabrous outside, but woolly in the mouth. June. I. villous, nearly entire ; radical ones crowded, lanceolate ; cauline ones few, ligulate. h. 6in. to 18in. European Alps, 1752. This is best grown on the rockery. The white variety is very handsome. (B. M. 1258.) C. Barrellerii (Barrelier's). A synonym of C. fragilis. C. betonicaefolla (Betony-leaved).* fl. terminal and axillary, the branchlets usually bearing three ; corollas purplish-blue, with a pale yellow base, tubular. May. I. elliptic-oblong or ovate, acute, crenate-toothed ; radical ones shortly petiolate. Stems much branched. Plant pilose, h. lift. Mount Olvmpus in Bithynia, 1820. Borders. (S. F. G. 210.) C. bononiensis (Bononian).* /. bluish- violet, rather small, numerous, disposed in long racemes. July. I. serrulated, ovate, acuminate, dark green above, pale beneath ; radical ones cordate, petiolate ; upper ones stem-clasping, h. 2ft. to 3ft. Europe, 1773. Borders. There is also a very showy white-flowered variety. C. Ctespitosa (tufted).* fl. drooping, terminal, solitary, and sometimes three to four at the top of each stem ; corollas deep blue or pure white (in the variety alba). May to August. I., radical ones crowded, on short petioles, ovate, jtfandularly toothed, shining. Stems numerous, tufted. Root fibrous, creeping, h. 4in. to 6in. Temperate parts of Europe, 1813. Rockery, delight- ing in rich fibrous loam and leaf mould. Fio. 340. FLOWERING STEM OF CAMPANULA CARPATHICA. C. carpathica (Carpathian).* fl. blue, broadly campanulate, dis- posed in loose panicles, on long peduncles, which are elongated, naked, and terminated by an erect flower. June to August. I., lower ones on long petioles, ovate-roundish, cordate, toothed ; upper ones on short petioles, ovate, acute. Stems leafy, branched. 254 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Campanula continued. h. 9in. Transylvania, 1774. Borders or rockery. See Fig. 340. (B. M. 117.) C. c. alba (white).* fl. quite white, otherwise like the type. See Fig. 539. FIG. 341. CAMPANULA CARPATHICA FELVIFORMIS. C. c. pelviformls (pelvis-formed).* fl. lilac, nearly 2in. across, numerously produced in lax panicles on much-branched steins, 9in. to 18in. high ; fragrant. August. I. ovate, cordate, toothed. A distinct NNNfllng from C. c. turhinata. See Fig. 341. FIG. 342. CAMPANULA CARPATHICA TURBIKATA. C. C. turbinata (top-shaped).* fl. nearly 2in. across, erect; corolla deep purple, campanulate. Summer. /. ovate, rigid, greyish-green, toothed, and pointed, with cordate bases, in stiff tufts. Stems short, erect. A. 6in. to 12in. Transylvania, 1868. Borders or rockery. See Figs. 339 and 342. There is also a de- sirable variety uamed pallida, with very pale purple flowers. C. c. t. Henderson! (Henderson's), fl. rich mauve, in large pyra- midal racemes, rather open. July to September. I., lower ones cor- date, or ovate cordate, slightly crenulated, on long stalks ; upper ones oblong, sessile. A. lit. Very handsome hybrid for borders. C. caucasica (Caucasian), fl. few, terminal and axillary, drooping ; corollas glabrous outside, but bearded inside, of a violaceous-blue colour. July. 1. crenulated ; lower ones obovate, obtuse, pe- tiolate ; upper ones lanceolate, sessile. Stems erect, branched, terete, scabrous, pilose. A. 6in. to 9in. Caucasus, 1804. Rockery ; very pretty. C. celtidifolia (Nettle-tree-leaved). A synonym of C. lactiflora. C. cenlsia (Mont Ceuis).* fl. deep blue, solitary, terminal, erect. June. 1. entire ; radical ones rosulate, obovate, obtuse ; cauline ones ovate-oblong. Stems numerous, glabrous, or slightly pilose. h. Sin. Italy, &c., 1775. A rare little rockery gem, requiring a deep gritty loam and leaf soil, between stones. (A. F. P. 3, 6.) C. Cervlcaria. Throatwort. fl. blue, pilose outside ; heads terminal, round, bracteate. JuJy. I. crenately serrated ; radical ones linear-lanceolate, bluntish, on short petioles ; cauline ones linear-acuminated. Stem simple, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Mountains of Europe, 1768. Biennial. Borders. (L. B. C. 452.) C. collina (hill).* /. deep blue, funnel-shaped, few, secund, dis- posed in a long raceme. July. I., lower ones on long petioles, ovate-oblong, crenulated ; middle ones lanceolate ; upper ones linear-acuminated. Stems simple, rather pih.se. h. 1ft. Caucasus, 1803. Borders. (B. M. 927.) C. colorata (coloured), fl. purple ; corolla tubular, velvety ; peduncles elongated, terminal and axillary. September. I. Campanula coiUinued. scattered, lanceolate, acute, repandly denticulated. Stem branched, downy. Sikkim Himalayas, 1849. This requires frame protection during winter. (B. M. 4555.) C. dlohotoma (forked), fl. bluish-purple, with a paler tube, drooping, terminal, solitary in the forks of the branches and stem. Jiily. I., cauline ones ovate, acute, a little crenated. Stem erect, with dichotomous branches. Plant clothed with stiff hairs. h. 6in. South-western Europe, 1820. Annual. Borders. (S. F. G. 211.) C. drablfolla (Draba-leaved). fl. pedicellate, opposite the leaves ; corolla inflated, with a white tube and a violaceous-blue limb. July. I. elliptic-oblong, toothed. Stem many times forked, slightly erect. Plant hispid. A. Sin. Island of Saiuos, 1823. Annual. Rockery. (S. F. G. 215.) C. Elatines (Elatine).* fl. scattered over the upper part of the plant, sometimes racemose, and sometimes pamcled; corollas bluish-purple. June to August. I. cordate, coarsely and acutely toothed, ovate-acute; lower ones roundish. Stem branched. Plant downy. A. Sin. to 6in. Piedmont, 1823. Rockery. (A.F.P.3,7.) C. Erlnus (Erinus).* fl. terminal and axillary, situated in the angles of the forks of the branches ; corollas of a pale bluish-rose- colour, or white, pilose at the base, tubular. May to August. I. obovate or ovate, toothed. Stem much branched. Plant hispid. A. Sin. to 9in. Europe, 1768. Annual. Rockery. (S. F. G. 214.) C. excisa (excised), fl. drooping ; stem one-flowered ; corollas blue, funnel-shaped. June. 1. entire, or remotely-denticulated, linear- acuminated. Stems numerous, erect, slender, simple, naked at top. h. Sin. to6in. Switzerland and Transylvania, 1820. Rockery. A rare species, requiring to be treated like cenisia. (L. B. C. 561.) C. floribunda (many-flowered). A synonym of C. isophylla. C. fragilis (fragile).* fl. clear lilac-purple, white in the centre, solitary or in pairs, axillary, erect, or nearly so, on spreading branches. July and August. I., radical ones reniform, or roundish- cordate, rather deeply lobed ; cau- line ones broadly-ovate, slightly cordate, all stalked, h. 4in. to 6in. South Italy. SYN. C. Bar- relierii. (B. M. 6504.) C. gorganica (Gargano).* fl. axillary, in fascicles ; corollas blue, rotate, deeply flve-lobed. May to September. I., radical ones reniform, on long petioles ; cauline ones cordate, all crenately toothed, downy, h. 3in. to 6in. Italy, 1832. An extremely varia- ble species. Rockery, in rich sandy loam. (B. R. 1768.) C. glomerate (clustered).* fl. sessile, disposed in terminal heads on the branches and stems ; co- rollas bluish-violet or white, glabrous, except the nerves out- side, funnel-shaped. May to September. I. serrulated ; radical ones ovate, acute ; bracts ovate, acuminated. Stems simple, or branched. A. 1ft. to 2ft. Britain, &c. Borders. See Fig. 343. (Sy. En. B. 866.) A double- flowered variety, and also a white-flowered form, are very de- sirable. There are numerous varieties of this species which are frequently described as dis- tinct species. The following are among the number : C. g. cervicaroides (Cervicaria- like). /. bluish-violet, terminal and axillary. Lower leaves on long petioles. Stem flexuous, hairy. C. g. elllptica (elliptical). /. blue, large, capitate. I. on long petioles, elliptic ; bracts large, often longer than the flowers. C. g. nlczoensis (Nice), fl. bluish- violet, disposed in short, dense spikes. I. approximate, ovate, acute, sessile. C. g. pusllla (diminutive).* /. few, capitate. I. round, cordate. A. lin. to 2in. In addition to these, there are aggrtgata and speciosa (= dahurica). The latter is an excellent variety, with large heads of deep-coloured flowers. C. grandiflora (large-flowered). See Platycodon grandi- florum. FIG. 343. FLOWER-SPIKE OF CAMPANULA GLOMERATA. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 255 Campanula contii id. C. grandis (large).* /. pale violet-blue, broadly bell-shaped, with large pointed divisions, axillary and alternate, on the upper part of the stem. June. I. sessile, lanceolate, serrated. Stem simple, furrowed, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Siberia, 1842. Borders. There is also a very showy white-flowered variety named alba. C. haylodgensls (Hay Lodge), fl. light blue, rather open, bell- shaped, few, at the ends of the stems. August. 1., radical ones tufted, roundish-cordate, with the margins slightly indented ; cauline ones ovate-cordate, conspicuously toothed, light green. h. bin. to 9in. Rockery. This is a hybrid, raised by Mr. Anderson- Henry, Hay Lodge, Edinburgh, probably between C. carpathica and C. pusilla. C. hederacea (Ivy-like). See Wahlenbergla hcdcracca. C. Hostii (Host's). A synonym of C. rotundifolia IJostii. C. isophylla (equal-leaved).* /. numerous, erect, disposed in a corymb ; corolla lilac-blue, with a grey centre, large, salver- shaped, deeply flve-lobed. August. I. broadly ovate, cordate, and toothed^ Stems firm. North Italy, 1868. Borders and rockery. SYN. C. floribunda. (B. M. 5745.) C. i. alba (white).* /. pure white ; in other respects like the species. It is a charming rockery plant, flowering very freely. Fro. 344. FLOWERS OF CAMPANULA LACINIATA. C. laciniata (cut-leaved), fl. long-stalked, in lax panicles. Stem erect, branchy, somewhat hairy, h. 1ft. Islands in Grecian Archipelago, 1790. This biennial species is impatient of much moisture during winter, and is therefore best kept in a cold frame. See Fig. 344. C. lactiflora (milk-coloured-flowered).* fl. in loose panicles peduncles erect, short, usually three-flowered; corollas erect, milk-coloured, tinged with blue, or quite blue, as in the variety named ccerulea. July to September. I. sessile, ovate-lanceolate acutely serrated. Sterna branched, h. 2ft. to 6ft Caucasus 1814. Borders. SYN. C. eeltidifolia. See Fig. 339. (B R 241 ) FIG. 345. CAMPANULA LANGSDORFFIANA. ;. Langsdorffiana (Langsdorffs). /. blue, either solitary or in few-flowered panicles, not unlike those of C. rotundi folia. I. either entire or toothed, h. 3in. to 9in. Mountains of Northern Asia and America. Perennial. See Fig. 345. Campanula continued. C. latifolia (broad-leaved), fl. disposed in spicate racemes; peduncles erect, one-flowered ; corolla blue, but sometimes white (in the variety alba) campanulately funnel-shaped, large. July. I. large, doubly serrated ; radical ones petiolate, cordate, ovate- oblong ; cauline ones sessile, ovate-acuminated. Stems simple smooth, h. 1ft. to 2ft. Britain. (Sy. En. B. 868.) C. L erlooarpa (woolly-fruited). /., tube of calyx very hispid. /. less acuminated. Stem and leaves pilose and pale. Caucasus 1823. Borders. C. L, macrantha (large-flowered).* /., corollas purplish-blue, larger than those of the type. Stem and leaves rather pilose ; teeth of leaves more distinct. A hybrid. Borders. C. Loeffllngli branchlets, loosely (Ltefflm effling's). fl. solitary, terminating the naked panicled, drooping ; corolla blue or violaceous, with a deeper-coloured zone beneath the middle, white at the base, both inside and out, funnel-shaped. July. I. crenulated ; lower ones ovate-reniform ; superior ones ovate, stem-clasping. Stem much branched. Annual, h. (An. to 18in. South-west Europe, 1818. (3. R, 29, 19.) C. Loreyi (Lorey's). A synonym of C. ramositsiina. C. lyrata (lyrate). /. disposed in a long, many-flowered, loose raceme ; corolla blue, tubular, with rather pilose nerves. June. I., lower ones petiolate, cordate, ovate, acute, crenated; superior ones sessile, ovate-lanceolate, serrate-toothed. Stein branched. Eastern Europe, Levant, &c., 1823. Borders. FIG. 346. CAMPANULA MACROSTYLA. C. macrostyla (large-styled). /. dull purple, reticulated with violet, solitary, on stout stalks ; hairy towards the base. July. I., lower ones ovate-oblong, acute ; upper ones ovate-lanceolate, recurved, small for the size of the plant, hispid on both surfaces, and ciliated with bristles, h. 1ft. to 2ft Taurus Mountains. Annual. Borders. The rigid habit, brwtly, almost prickly, stem and leaves, curious calyx appendages, short gaping corolla, and wonderful stigma, mark this as the most singular Campanula hitherto introduced. See Fig. 346. C. Medium (middle-sized).* Canterbury Bells, fl. numerous, large, disposed in racemes ; corolla blue, purple, and white, cam- panulate, inflated, single and double. July. I. sessile, ovate- lanceolate, crenately toothed. Stem erect, branched, h, 1ft. to 4ft South Europe, 1597. See Fig. 347. A well-known and very handsome biennial, of which there are numerous varieties. Borders. C. muralis (wall). A synonym of C. Portemehlagiana. C. nana (dwarf)- A synonym of C. Allionii. C. nltida (shining).* JL blue or white, disposed in spicate racemes; corolla campanulately rotate. Summer. I. in rosettes, leathery, very dark and shining green, oblong, crenated ; cauline ones linear-lanceolate, almost entire. Stem simple, h. Sin. to 9in. North America, 1731. Borders. There are also double blue and white flowered forms of this species. SYN. C. planiflora. C. nobllis (noble).* fl. drooping, crowded towards the ends of the branchlets ; corolla* reddish-violet, white, or cream-coloured, spotted. Sin. or more long. July. 1. hairy ; lower ones petiolate, ovate, toothed ; upper ones lanceolate, nearly or quite sessile. h. 2ft China, 1844. Borders. (B. R, 32, 65.) There is also a white-flowered variety. C. patula (spreading). /. panicled, terminal, and axillary, on long pedicels, large, erect; corollas blue or white, funnel -shaped. July. I., radical ones crowded, obovate, crenated ; cauline one* 256 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Campanula continued. linear - lanceolate, sessile, nearly entire. Stems branched. Branches diverging. Europe. Borders. (Sy. En. B. 873.) FIG. 547. FLOWERING BRANCH OF CAMPANULA MEDIUM. C. peregrlna (foreign).* fl. disposed in a dense spicate raceme, sessile ; corollas of a dark violet colour at the base, not so deep in the middle, and paler towards the margins, funnel-shaped. July. I. crenated; lower ones obovate ; superior ones ovate, acute. Stem simple, angular, h. 2ft. Mount Lebanon, 1794. Borders. (B. M. 1257.) C. persicsefolia (Peach-leaved).* fl. terminal and axillary, pedun- culate, solitary, inclined, racemose ; corollas blue and all the intermediate shades to white, large, broadly campanulate. July. I. glabrous, stiff, crenulated ; radical ones lanceolate-obovate ; cauline ones linear-lanceolate. Stems nearly simple, h. 1ft. to 3ft. Britain. (Sy. En. B. 871.) The forms of C. persiccefolia are very numerous in gardens. The following are well worth growing : alba, pure white, single-flowered ; alba coronata, pure white, semi-double ; alba fl.-pl., flowers very double and Camellia-like, constituting one of the best hardy flowers for cutting ; ccerulea coronata, blue, in form like the white ; ccerulea fl.-pl., flowers semi-double. C. phryeia (Phrygian). . . having the nerves more intensely coloured. fl., corolla bluish-violet, spreading, ntensely coloured. July. I. ovate- lanceolate, crenated; lower ones obtuse, upper acute. Stem branched. Branches very naked, divaricate, each terminating in a single flower, h. Sin. to 6in. Mount Olympus, 1820. Rockery annual. C. planlflora (flat-flowered). A synonym of C. nitida. C. Portenschlagiana (Portenschlag's).* /. light blue-purple, erect, or nearly so, bell-shaped, with spreading segments, several at the ends of the shoots, and one or two in the upper axils. June, July. I., radical ones broadly reniform, conspicuously but irregularly toothed, on long slender petioles ; cauline ones passing from reniform to ovate, h. 6in. to 9m. South Europe. Rockery. SYN. C. muralis. (B. R. 1995.) C. primulae folia (Primula-leaved), fl. disposed in a spicate raceme; corolla blue or purple, with a whitish downy bottom, campanulately rotate, nearly glabrous. July. I. unequally and doubly crenated ; radical ones lanceolate, bluntish ; cauline ones ovate-oblong, acute. Stem hispid, simple, h. 1ft. to 3ft. Por- tugal. -Borders. (B. M. 4879.) C. pulla (russet).* fl. terminal, large for the size of the plant ; corollas violaceous-blue, campanulate. June. I. glabrous, crenu- lately toothed ; lower ones on short petioles, ovate-roundish ; superior ones sessile, ovate, acute. Stems rarely pilose at the base. h. 3in. to 6in. Eastern Europe, 1779. Rockery, in rich sandy peat and leaf soil. (L. B. C. 554.) C. pumila (dwarf). A synonym of C. pusilla. Campanula continued. FIG. 348. UPPER PORTION OF FLOWERING STEM OF CAMPANULA PUNCTATA. C. punctata (dotted), fl. whitish, spotted with red on the inner surface; large, pendulous. I. ovate-acute, somewhat crenate. Stem simple, erect, few-flowered, h. IJft. Siberia, Japan, &c. Border perennial. See Fig. 348. C. pnsilla (small).* fl. axillary and terminal at the upper part of the slender stems, pendulous, bell-shaped, passing from deep blue to white. July, August. I., radical ones tufted, broadly ovate or roundish, slightly cordate, obtusely serrated, on petioles longer than the laminae; cauline ones linear-lanceolate, distinctly toothed, sessile, h. 4in. to 6in. Southern Europe. SYN. C. pumila. (B. M. 512.) There is a pale-coloured variety named pallida, and a pure white variety named alba, both of which, as well as the species, are most desirable for the embellishment of rockeries, or for planting in sandy soil as a front line for a border. FIG. 349. CAMPANULA PYRAMIDALIS, showing Habit and Flower. C. pyramidalis (pyramidal).* Chimney Bell-flower, fl. very numerous, pedicellate, usually three together from the same bract, the whole disposed in a large pyramidal raceme, which is loose at the base ; corollas pale blue or white, with a dark base. July. 1. glandularly toothed ; lower ones petiolate, ovate-oblong, somewhat cordate ; cauline ones sessile, ovate-lanceolate. Stem nearly simple, but furnished with floriferous branchlets. h. 4ft. to 5ft. Europe, 1596. See Figs. 349 and 350. There are several excellent varieties, but the light and dark blue and white are the best. Borders, and for pot culture. C. Raineri (Rainer's).* fl. blue, erect ; corolla turbinate. June. I. almost sessile, ovate, tomentose, remotely serrated ; lower ones the smallest, obovate. Stems erect, firm, branched. Branches one-flowered, leafy, h. 2in. to 3in. Switzerland, Italy, &c., 1826. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 257 Campanula continued. A beautiful little alpine, requiring a warm position in rich gritty soil ; it must be religiously protected against slugs. (F. d. S. 1908.) FIG. 350. FLOWERING BRANCH OF CAMPANULA PYRAMIDALIS. . ramosissima (much -branched), ft., corolla with a white base ; middle part or base of the lobes pale blue, and the lobes bluish- uv (mucn-orancnea;. n., corona wiin a WLUMJ UOBC , , base of the lobes pale blue, and the lobes bluish- violet ; peduncles long, naked, glabrous, bearing each an erect flower at the apex. June. I. sessile, glaucous; lower ones obovate, crenated ; middle ones ovate-lanceolate ; supenor ones linear, entire. Stem branched, h. 6in. to 12in. South Europe, 1824. Annual. SYN. C. Loreyi. (B. M. 2581.) C. r. flore-albo (white-flowered) only differs from the type in having white flowers. FIG. 351. CAMPANULA RAPUNCULUS. fl. drooping, solitary, , but usually hanging on all sides in strong garden specimens ; corollas bluish -violet, funnel- C. rapunculoides (Rapunculus-like).* disposed in spike-formed racemes, secund shaped and bearded a little inside. June. I. scabrous, ovate, acuminated ; radical ones petiolate, cordate, crenulated ; cauline ones serrulated. Stems glabrous or scabrous, usually bmncnee in gardens, but simple in the wild state, h. 2ft. to 4ft. Europe. Borders. (Sy. En. B. 869.) Campanula continued. C. r. trachelioides (Trachelium-like). Stem and leaves, but particularly the calyx, beset with stiff white hairs. C. Rapnncnlns (little turnip).* Rampion. A. nearly sessile, or pedicellate, erect, forming a long raceme, which is branched at the base ; corolla blue or white, funnel-shaped. July. I., lower ones obovate, on short petioles, nearly entire ; caulme ones sessile, linear-lanceolate, entire. Stem simple, but sometimes furnished with a few branches towards the top. A. 2ft to 3ft Europe. Borders. See Fig. 351. (Sy. En. B. 872.) C. rhomboidalis (rhomboidal). fl. usually drooping, few, dis- posed in loose racemes, pedunculate ; corolla blue, campanulate. July. {. sessile, ovate, acute, serrate. Stem glabrous, or a little pilose, furnished with flower-bearing branches at top. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Europe, 1775. Border. SYN. C. rfiomboidea. (L. B. C. 603.) C. rhomboidea (diamond-leaved). A synonym of C. rhomboidalis. C. rotnndifolla (round-leaved).* Blue-bell ; Hare-bell, ft. droop- ing, solitary, pedunculate, few on each stem ; corolla deep blue, campanulate. June to August. I., radical ones petiolate, cordate roundish, crenately toothed ; cauline ones linear or lanceolate. Stems numerous, h. 6in. to 12n. Britain. (Sy. En. B. 870.) C. r. alba (white).* fl. white, the same size as those of the type. Stems much more leafy. C. r. Hostii (Host's).* /. rich blue, much larger than those of the type, produced on stouter profusely branched stems. July, August. 1., radical ones roundish only in a very early state ; cauline ones linear, acuminate, sometimes 3in. to 4in. long. SYN. C. Hostii. See Fig. 339. There is a white-flowered form of this, not quite so vigorous as the blue-flowered form, but the flowers are equal in size. FIG. 352. FLOWERS OF CAMPANULA ROTUNDIFOUA SOLDANELI^EFLORA. C. r. soldanellceflora (SoldaneUa-flowered).* /., corolla blue, semi-double, tnrbinate, with shallow marginal divisions, very acutely pointed. June. I. long, linear, acute, sessile. Stem simple, slender, h. 1ft. 1870. (R, G. 473.) All the forms of rotundifolia are pretty, and suitable for the front of borders, or the rockery ; rising from the crevices of the latter, with their slender stems laden with flowers, they are especially beautiful. See Fig. 352. FIG. 353. FLOWKRS AND LEAVES OF CAMPANULA SARMATICA, 2L 258 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Campanula continued. C. sarmatica (Sarmatian).* fl. nutant, usually secund, terminal and axillary, forming a long, loose, scattered raceme ; corolla pale blue, velvety outside. July. I. tomentose ; lower ones petiolate, cordate, rather hastate, crenately toothed ; superior ones sessile, ovate-lanceolate, serrate-toothed. Stems simple, straight, downy. A. 1ft. to 2ft. Caucasus, 1803. Borders. (B. R. 237.) See Fig. 353. C. saxatills (rock), fl. three to five, disposed in a loose raceme ; corolla blue, tubular, nutant. May. /. crenated; radical ones rosulate, somewhat spathulate ; cauline ones ovate, acute. Stem erect. A. 6in. Crete, 1768. Rockery. Very rare. C. Schouchzeri (Scheuchzer's).* fl. dark blue, pendent, on slender stems, broadly bell-shaped. July, August. I., lower ones similar to those of C. pusilla ; upper ones linear. A. Sin. to 6in. South European Alps, 1813. (L. B. C. 485.) C. Soonleri (Scouler's). JL pale blue, paniculate, bell-shaped. July, August. L, lower ones ovate, on long petioles, coarsely serrated; cauline ones ovate-lanceolate. A. 1ft. North-west America, 1876. Rockery. C. sibirica (Siberian), fl. panicled, numerous, drooping ; corollas bluish-violet, large. July. I. crenulated ; radical ones crowded, petiolate, obovate, obtuse ; cauline ones sessile, oblong-lanceolate, undulated, acuminated. Plant beset with bristle-like hairs. Stem branched. A. 1ft. to IJft. East Europe, 1783. Biennial. Borders. (B. M.659.) C. B. divergens (divergent).* fl. violaceous, rather large, at first erect, but drooping in the expanded state; peduncles many- flowered, and, like the stem, usually trichotomous. June, i., radical ones sub-spathulate, crennlated, narrowed at the base ; cauline ones sessile, lanceolate, acuminated. Plant pilose, panicled. A. lift. Siberia, 1814. Biennial. SYN. C. tpathulata. (S. B. F. G. ii., 256.) C. spathulata (spathulate). A synonym of C. silirica divergent. C. speciosa (beautiful).* fl. pedicellate, disposed in a pyramidal raceme ; corolla blue, purple or white, lin. long, smooth outside, but often villous inside. June, July. 2. sessile, repandly crenated ; radical ones rosulate, linear-lanceolate ; cauline ones linear. Stem simple. A. 12in. to 18in. South-west Europe, 1820. Borders. (B. M. 2649.) C. splcata (spicate). /. sessile, one to three from each bract; spike long, interrupted at the base ; corolla blue, funnel-shaped. July. I. sessile, nearly entire; radical ones crowded, linear- lanceolate ; cauline ones linear, acuminated. Stem simple. A. 1ft. to 2ft. Europe, 1786. Biennial. Borders. (A. F. P. 3, 46.) C. strlcta (strict). /. almost sessile, few, solitary, spicate ; corolla blue, tubular. July. I. ovate-lanceolate, acute, serrated, pilose. Stem branched, pilose. A. 1ft. to 2ft. Armenia, 1819. Biennial. Borders. FIG. 354. CAMPANULA THYRSOIDEA, showing Entire Plant and Single Flower. C. thyrsoidea (thyrsoid).* fl. disposed in a dense pyramidal spike, sessile ; corolla sulphur-coloured, oblong. July. I. entire, pilose ; lower ones lanceolate, obtuse; cauline ones linear-lanceolate, acute. Stem simple, covered with leaves and flowers. Plant P BM' 1290 ft ' sUHfi ' 354 PS f Eur0pe> 1785 ' BienniaL Rockery. C. Tommasiniana (Tommasini's).* fl. pale blue, tubular, slightly angled, in closely set, several-flowered, axillary cymes. July, August. I. nearly or quite sessile, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, distinctly serrated, there being no difference between the lower and upper ones. Stems at first erect, ultimately drooping through the weight of the flowers. A. 9in. to 12in. Italy. A very hand- some alpine species. (B. M. 6590.) C. Trachelium (Throat- wort).* /. drooping a little, one to four together, terminating the brancnlets ; corolla variously coloured. Campanula continued. campanulate, bearded inside. July. I. scabrous, acuminated, coarsely and crenately toothed ; radical ones petiolate, cordate. Stem angular, .simple or branched. A. 2ft. to 3ft. Europe. Borders. (Sy. En. B. 867.) There are double blue, double white, and variously shaded single forms of this species. C. trichocalycina (hairy-calyxed). fl. disposed in an almost simple terminal raceme, approximate at the top, one to three rising from each axil, at the time of flowering erect, but after- wards drooping ; corolla profoundly five-cleft, funnel-shaped. July. I. on short petioles, ovate, acute, coarsely serrated. Stem simple. A. 1ft. to 3ft. Europe, 1823. Borders. C. Van Houttel (Van Houtte's).* fl. dark blue, bell-shaped, pen- dulous, 2in. long, axillary and terminal. July, August. L, lower ones roundish-cordate, crenate on long stalks ; cauline ones oblong-lanceolate, sessile, serrated. A. 2ft. This is a very fine hybrid. Differing from it only in colour and other unimportant details is C. Burghalti, a handsome hybrid, found in gardens ; the flowers are of a pale purple colour, very large, pendent. These are two of the best border Bell-flowers in cultivation. C. versicolor (various-coloured), fl. disposed in long spicate racemes; corolla of a deep violaceous colour at bottom, pale in the middle, and the lobes pale violet, companulately rotate. July to September. I. serrated; radical ones petiolate, ovate, acute, rather cordate; cauline ones on short petioles, ovate- lanceolate, acuminated. Stems erect. A. 3ft. to 4ft Greece, 1788. Borders. (S. F. G. 207.) C. Vidalil (Vidal's). fl. large, racemose ; corolla white, wax-like, between urceolate and campanulate, pendulous ; disk singularly broad, surrounded by a thick bright orange-coloured annulus. July and August. I. thick and fleshy, oblong spathulate, viscid, coarsely serrated. A. 1ft. to 2ft. Azores, 1851. Perennial. Cool greenhouse or (during summer) herbaceous border. (B. M. 4748.) Pio. 355. CAMPANULA WALDSTEINIANA. C. Waldsteiniana (Waldstein's).* fl three to four at the top of each stem, one of which is termina. ', and the others from the axils of the superior leaves, always looking upwards ; corollas violaceous-blue, campanulate. June. I. greyisli, sessile, lanceo- late, serrated ; lower ones obtuse ; superior ones long-acuminated. Stems erect, flexuous, stiff, simple, numerous from the same root A. 4in. to6in. Hungary, 1824. See Fig. 355. C. Wanneri (Wanner's). A synonym of Symphyandra Wanneri. C. Zoysii (Zoys's).* JL pedicellate, drooping ; corolla pale blue, with five deeper-coloured lines, cylindrical, elongated. June. I. entire ; radical ones crowded, petiolate, ovately obovate, obtuse ; cauline ones obovate-lanceolate, and linear. Plant small, tufted. A. 3in. Carniola, 1813. A scarce little alpine gem, thriving in a sunny chink in rich gritty soil. CAMPANT7LACE2E. A large order of herbs or sub-shrubs. Flowers blue or white ; corolla regular, bell- shaped, usually five-lobed. Leaves alternate, exstipulate. The genus best known is Campanula; other genera aro Adenophora, Jasione, and Phyteuma. CAMPANULATE. Bell-shaped. CAMFANUM2BA (altered from Campanula). OBD. CampanulacecB. A genus of greenhouse herbaceous, tu- berous-rooted, twining perennials. Flowers involucrated, solitary, on axillary and terminal peduncles. Leaves oppo- site, petiolate, glaucescent beneath. Stems and branches terete. They thrive best in a rich sandy loam, with a little peat. Propagated by seeds and divisions. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 259 Campanunuaa continued. C. gracills (graceful), fl. pale blue ; corolla membranous, with a tubular base, dilated throat, and slightly expanded, truncated limb. I. on long petioles, ovate, blunt. Himalayas. SYN. Codo- nopris graeilis. (C. H. P. t xvi. A.) C. inflate (inflated.) JL yellowish, with brownish veins ; corolla herbaceous, ventricose ; peduncles opposite the leaves, one- flowered. 1. alternate, ovate-cordate, acute. Himalayas. (C. H. P. t. xvi. c.) C. javanloa (Javan). A. yellowish, with brownish veins ; corolla herbaceous, very broadly campanulate, with five spreading lobes. I. variable, opposite and alternate, ovate-cordate, crenate. Hima- layas. (C. H. P. t. xvi. B.) CAMFEACHT WOOD, or LOGWOOD. See Haematoxyloii campechianum. CAMPHORA (Camphor, commercial name of its chief product). Camphor-tree. OBD. Laurinece. Cool stove evergreen trees, now referred to Cinnamomum. The true Camphor of commerce is a product of the oil procured from the wood, branches, and leaves of this tree, by means of dry distillation. The species thrives in a compost of peat and loam, and may be propagated by cuttings. C. officinalls (officinal). JL greenish-white. March to June. L triple-nerved, lanceolate, ovate. h. 20ft. Japan, 1727. SYN. Cinnamomum Camphora. CAMPHOR-TREE. See Camphora. CAMPION. See Silene. CAMPION, MOSS. See Silene acaulis. CAMPION, ROSE. See Lychnis. CAPSIDIUM (from kampsis, a curving). ORD. BignoniacecB. A small genus, the best-known (perhaps the only) species being a handsome greenhouse climber. For culture, see Bignonia. C. Chilense (Chilian). Pipil Boqui. jl. rich orange colour ; corolla tubular, almost regular ; anthers parallel. I. pinnate, dark shining green, h. 30ft. to 40ft Chili. (G. C. 1870, 1182.) CAMPTERIA. Included under Pteris (which see). CAMFTODIUM. See Neplirodium. CAMFTOPUS (from kamptos, curved, and pous, a foot ; the flower-stalk is curved downwardly). ORD. Rubiaceai. A curious shrub, now referred to Cephaelis. It requires a most stove temperature. Cuttings will root in sandy loam, under a hand glass, in bottom heat. C. Mmmfi (Mann's), jl. white, numerously produced in sub- globose, compound heads; peduncles stout, scarlet, drooping, from 12in. to 18in. long. Summer. I. large, opposite, obovate 01 obovate-lanceolate, glabrous, coriaceous ; midrib thick, red be- neath. A. 15ft. Fernando Po, 1863. (B. M. 5755.) CAMPTOSORUS. See Scolopeudrium. CAMPYLANTHERA. A synonym of Fronaya. CAMPYLIA. Included under Pelargonium. CAMPYLOBOTRYS. See Hoffmannia. CAMFYLONETJRON. See Polypodium. CAMWOOD. See Bapliia. CANADA BALSAM. See Abies balsamea. CANADA RICE. See Zizania aquatica. CANADA TEA. See Gaultheria procumbens. CANALICULATE. Channelled, or furrowed. CANARINA (so named from its habitat). SYN. Pernettya (of Scopoli). ORD. Campanulacece. A beautiful, glaucescent, greenhouse, herbaceous perennial. It thrives in a compost of loam, leaf mould, thoroughly decomposed manure, and sand, in equal parts ; ample root space and perfect drainage are essential, and when new growth commences, a little extra heat will considerably accelerate the development of the flowers. Water should be liberally supplied during the growing season. The plant may be propagated by divisions when repotting, in January ; or by young cuttings, inserted in sandy soil, in a gentle warmth. C. Campanula (bell-shaped).* /. of a yellowish-purple or orange colour, with red nerves, drooping, solitary, terminating axillary branchlets ; corolla six-lobed at the apex, large, campanulate. January to March. I. opposite, hastately sub-cordate, irregularly toothed, h. 3ft. to 4ft. Canary Islands, 1696. (B. M. 444.) CANARITJM (from Canari, its vernacular name in the Malay language). ORD. Burseraceae. A rather large genus of stove trees. Flowers small, in axillary panicles ; petals usually three, valvate, or slightly imbricate in the bud. Drupe ovoid or ellipsoid, often three-angled. Leaves large, impari-pinnate. For culture, see Boswellia. C. commune (common). JL white, glomerate, nearly sessile, bracteate ; panicle terminal. I., leaflets seven to nine, on long stalks, ovate-oblong, bluntly acuminated, entire. India. The fruit has a thin olive ukin, and when the nuts are mature, they contain a sweet kernel, which does not become rancid, and resembles a Sweet Chestnut ; they are also used for various economic purposes. (B. M. PL 61.) CANARY-BIRD FLOWER. See Tropseolum peregrinum. CANAVALIA (from Canavali, the name of one of the species in Malabar). ORD. Leguminosce. A genus of elegant twining or climbing stove herbs or sub- shrubs. Flowers in racemes, produced from the axils of the leaves ; calyx bell-shaped, two-lipped ; corolla papilionaceous. Leaves trifoliate. They are well adapted for training up the rafters in a stove or warm green- house. For culture, see Dolichos. C. bonariensls (Buenos Ayres). fl. purple ; racemes drooping, longer than the leaves. July and August, {..leaflets ovate, obtuse, coriaceous, glabrous. Buenos Ayres, 1824. (B. R. 1199.) C. ensiformis (ensiform).* /. white, red, pendulous ; racemes longer than the leaves. June. L, leaflets ovate, acute. India, 1790. SYN. C. vladiata. (B. M. 4027.) C. gladlata (sword-podded). Synonymous with C. enttformit. C. obtusifolla (obtuse-leaved), /.purple. July, August. I, leaf- lets ovate obtuse. Malabar, 1820. CANBIA (named in honour of W. M. Canby, of Wil- mington, Delaware). ORD. Papaveracece. A monotypic genus, remarkable for its persistent (not caducous) corolla. Sepals three, caducous ; petals six, barely Jin. in length ; stamens six to nine. FIG. 356. CANBIA CANDIDA. B Candida (glossy white). Jl. white, solitary, on little /.alternate, linear, entire. C about lin. Dtocovorod in sandy soil in South-east California, in 1876. See Fig. 356. CANCELLATE. Latticed ; resembling lattice-work. CANDELABRUM or CHANDELIER TREE. See Fandanus candelabrum. CANDLEBERRY MYRTLE. See Myrica cerei- fera. CANDLEBERRY-TREE. See Aleurites triloba. CANDLE-TREE. See Parmentiera cerifera. 260 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, CANDOLLEA (named after Augustus Pyramus De Candolle, formerly Professor of Botany, at Geneva, and author of numerous botanical works). OED. Dilleniacea. A genus of very ornamental greenhouse evergreen shrubs, natives of Australia. Flowers yellow, sub-solitary, at the tips of the branches ; sepals five, oval, mucronate ; petals obovate or obcordate. They thrive in a compost of equal parts loam and peat, with which sufficient sand may be mixed to render the whole porous. Cuttings will root, if placed in a similar compost, under a hand glass ; seeds are also sometimes obtainable. Canistrum continued. PIG. 357. FLOWERS AND BUDS OF CANDOLLEA CUNEIFORMS. C. cnneiformls (wedge-shaped).* fl. yellow. July. I. smooth, obovately criheated. blunt at the top, entire. Branches cinerous. h. 7ft. 1824. See Fig. 357. (B. M. 2711.) C. Huegelii (Huegel's). /. at tops of the branches, among the leaves, on short pedicels; sepals acuminate, hoary outside, longer than the petals. May. I. linear, quite entire, villous when young, h. 6ft. 1837. C. tetrandra (four-stamened). fl. yellow, solitary; petals emarginate. June. I. oblong, cuneate, toothed, h. 7ft 1842. (B. R. 1843, 50.) CANDYTUFT. See Iberis. CANE-BRAKE. A common name for different species of Arundinaria. CANELLA (a diminutive of canna, a reed ; in allusion to the rolled bark, like cinnamon). OBD. Canellaceae. The best-known species of this genus is a very ornamental and economically valuable stove evergreen tree, which thrives in a mixture of loam and sand. Well-ripened cuttings, taken off at a joint, will root in sand, under a hand glass, with bottom heat, in April or May; but care should be taken not to deprive them of any of their leaves. Sweet says that large old cuttings are best. C. alba (white).* fl. violet-colour, small, growing at the tops of branches in cluster, but upon divided peduncles. I. alternate, obovate, cuneated at the base, white, or glaucous beneath, some- what coriaceous, sometimes full of pellucid dots. h. 15ft The whole tree is very aromatic, and, when in blossom, perfumes the neighbourhood. The flowers dried, and softened again in warm water, have a fragrant odour, nearly approaching to that of Musk. West Ind , The leaves have a strong smell of Laurel. (T. L. S. i., 8.) dies, Ac., 1735. CANELLACE2B. A small order of tropical American aromatic shrubs, allied to Bixineae, from which it differs only in having the albumen firmer, and with a smaller embryo. The genera are Canella and Cinnamodendron. CANESCENT. Hoary, approaching to white. CANICIDIA. A synonym of Rourea (which see). CANISTR.UM (from canistrum, a basket; in allusion to the inflorescence resembling a basket of flowers). OED. BromeliacecB. Stove epiphytes, with showy inflorescence. and requiring similar culture to Billbergia (which see). C. anrantiaonm (orange).* fl. orange-yellow, in a cup-shaped involucre of orange-red bracts ; scapes erect. June to September. 1. ligulate-lorate denticulate, deflexed. Brazil, 1873. See Fig. 358. (B. II. 1873, 15.) FIG. 358. CANISTRUM AURANTIACUM. C. eburneum (ivory).* fl. white, green, disposed in a depressed head, the white ovaries of which give an appearance as of eggs in a basket. May. 1. tufted, mottled, the central ones cream-coloured, surrounding the flower-heads. A. 2ft. SYXS. Gunnannia fragrant and Nidularium Lindeni. Brazil, 1876. (B. H. 1879, 13, 14.) C. rosenm (rose-coloured), fl,. white, green ; bracts rosy. 1879. C. viride (green), fl. green. I. green, canaliculate, acuminate, irregularly toothed. Brazil, 1875. SYN. Xidularium latifolium. (B. H. 1874, 16.) CANKER. This is a disease presenting very serious difficulties, principally in the cultivation of Apples and Pears. Both the trees and fruits, especially of some varieties, are, in many localities, so far injured as not to be worth cultivating. What causes the disease is not at all times known; indeed, it is, in most cases, but imper- fectly understood. Were the causes better known, the remedy might generally be much easier found. Some of the primary causes are cold and undrained soil, severe and careless pruning, extreme variations of temperature, and excessive growth, made late in the season, when it has not sufficient time to get well ripened. Trees that are badly Cankered may often be improved by lifting, and replanting in improved or better-drained soil. Immediately the disease is detected in young trees, by the cracking of the bark or the skin of the fruits, measures should be taken to find the cause, if possible, and avert its progress. Some Pear-trees, in various localities, will not produce fruit without Canker in the open garden, but they will do so when planted against a wall ; and as such may be the very best varieties, trees should be placed in the latter position. The removal of large branches, late in spring, will sometimes produce Canker, at the point where mu- tilation has taken place; and it may be caused by severe late pruning, which induces the growth of soft shoots that are almost certain to be injured by severe frosts. The dif- ference in the seasons, as regards the amount of moisture, is one that can scarcely be provided against. One spring may be favourable to rapid growth, and the following may be most unfavourable, thereby arresting the natural flow of the sap until the latter part of the summer, when excessive growth will probably take place. Such checks invariably produce Canker. At times, the disease seems caused by the punctures of insects, in an early stage, on the stems or branches. In such instances, a thorough AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 261 Canker continued. cleansing, and a smearing of quicklime, made into a wash, often proves successfuL Strong tobacco water wfll destroy insects, and a weak solution of sulphuric acid is also fatal to lichens and mosses, which should never be allowed to obtain a footing. The chief preventatives, therefore, are : Planting in well-drained soil; avoiding the use of any rank manure, to cause excessive growth; changing the old, or adding new, soil to injured trees ; careful pruning, and the encouragement of early growth in spring, and subsequent well ripening in autumn. C ANNA (derivation uncertain ; according to some, trom tana, the Celtic name for cane, or reed). Indian Shot. OED. ScitaminecB. A large genus of stove herbaceous peren- nials, very extensively employed m sub-tropical and other methods of summer gardening. Flowers spathaceous; anther attached to the edge of the petal-like filament Leaves very ornamentaL Few plants are more easily a capital mixture for them. The plants must be kept in a growing temperature of 60deg. or so, during their earlier stages, and shifted as required into larger pots. Under proper management, the roots wfll fill 6in. pots by the middle or end of May. They ought not to be planted out till the end of Hay or the first week in June. Should fairly rich soil and a sheltered place be selected for them, they will not only grow, but flower freely during the late summer and autumn months. Cannas are also very effec- tive indoors, either for greenhouse or room decoration. For these purposes they may be grown on in 8m., lOin., or even 12in., pots, with rich soil, and placed either in a store, intermediate house, warm or cool conservatory, window, or room. Liberal supplies of manure water wfll be of very, great benefit Propagation is also effected by means of divisions; they form a root-stock very like some of the commoner and more free-growing Irises, each portion of Fio. 359. CAA IXDICA, showing Habit, Flowers, and Leaves. grown, or more quickly propagated. Seeds of many of the finer sorts may be bought cheaply from respectable seedsmen. These should be sown in heat, in February or March. A warm house or cucumber pit is the best place for sowing the seeds, which are very hard. If soaked in tepid water for twenty-four hours, germination will be materially stimulated. A mixture of sand and leaf mould is best for them, and a covering of l}in. or 2in. of earth is not excessive. They should be sown thinly, in pans. As Cannas are gross, and have somewhat brittle roots in a young state, it is a good plan to sow the seed singly in small pots. This method preserves all the roots intact, and prevents any check in potting off or dividing the plants out of seed pans or boxes. When this is not done, the plants must be potted off singly, as soon as they have formed two leaves, Sin. pots being used for the first shift. The soil can hardly be too rich and porous. Equal parts rotted dung, loam, and sand, with a little peat, form which, with bud and roots attached, may be converted into an independent plant The best mode of procedure is to divide the rootstock in early spring, when the pieces may be placed in 4in. pots at once ; and, if plunged in a bottom heat of 60deg. or so, they will quickly resume root action and grow rapidly. They may also be propagated by division without bottom heat Those who grow large quantities seldom put their plants in pots at alL Stored in pots or boxes for the winter, they are divided and placed singly in nimilar positions in the spring, and trans- ferred from such vessels into the open air. The best open site for Cannas is in a sheltered spot, with a good depth of rich soil, and plenty of moisture. In such a position, their noble leaves are not so much injured by rough winds. After flowering, or at the end of the season, they may be lifted and stored away in boxes, or in pots of earth, in dry, frost-proof sheds, or under greenhouse stages during winter. In warm, sheltered situations, with dry 262 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Canna continued. bottoms, they winter safely in the open, provided their crowns are covered with 1ft. of litter or cocoa fibre refuse. But where the soil is wet and cold, or the situation bleak and unprotected, they should be lifted and stored away, as already described. C. Achiras varlegata (variegated Achiras).* fl. dark red. August. I. bright green, striped with white and yellow. Better adapted for indoor culture than out. C. Annsel (M. AnneVs).* /. salmon-colour, large, well formed. June. I. large, green, glaucescent, ovate-acute, 2ft. long by lOin. wide. Stems vigorous, stiff, sea-green, h. 6ft. (R. H. 1861, 470.) Of this there are many forms, the best of which are : C. A. discolor (two-coloured).* /. rosy-yellow, few, small. Late summer. I. lanceolate, erect, light red, 24ft. long, lOin. wide. Stems dark red. A. 3ft. to 5ft. C. A. fulglda(red).* fl. orange-red, large, well-opened I 20in. long, 6in. wide, deep purple, erect. Stems small, dark red. A. 3ft. to 5ft. C. A. rosea (rose).* fl. carmine-rose colour, small, few. Late summer. I. 2ft. long, very narrow, pointed, erect. Stems dark green, with a reddish base, numerous. A. 5ft. C. Augnste Ferrier (A. Terrier's).* fl. orange-red, medium- sized. I. very large, oval, erect, pointed, deep green, with narrow stripes and margins of dark purplish-red. Stem green, very thick, downy. A. 10ft. C. aurantlaca (orange), fl., segments of perianth rose-coloured outside, reddish inside; upper lip orange, lower one yellow, dotted with orange. I. large, broadly lanceolate, pale green; margins slightly undulated. A. 64ft. Brazil, 1824. C. Bihorelli (Bihorell's).* /. deep crimson, produced upon branch- in ' spikes in great abundance. I. red when young, changing to dep bronze with age. A. 6ft. to 7ft. One of the best. C. Daniel Hooibrenk. fl. bright orange, large, freely produced, I. large, glaucous-green, acuminate, with bronzy margin. Stalks strong, green. A. oft. C. Depute Henon.* fl. pure canary-colour, with a yellowish base, large ; spikes numerous, rising gracefully above the foliage to a height of IJft. I. ovate-acute, erect. A. 4ft. C. discolor (two-coloured).* /. red. I. very large, broad, ovate- oblong ; lower ones tinged with a blood-red hue ; upper ones streaked with purple. Stems stout, reddish. A. 6ft. South America, 1872. (B. R. 1231.) t ge, with purple outer segments, inner >wish. I. broadly ovate-lanceolate, green, tinged with maroon. Stems deep purple tinged. A. 6ft. to 7ft. Peru, 1820. (B. R. 775.) C. expansa-rubra (red-expanded).* /. large, with rounded bright purple segments. I. very large, sometimes over 4ft. long, and nearly 2ft. broad, ovate, obtuse, spreading horizontally, dark red. Stems numerous, very thick. A. 4ft. to 6ft. C. flacclda (flaccid), fl. yellow, very large, not very unlike those of the native Iris pseudo-acorus. I. ovate-lanceolate, erect. A. 24ft. South America, 1788. (L. B. C. 562.) C. glgantea (gigantic).* fl. large, very ornamental, with orange- red outer, and deep purple red inner segments. Summer. I. about 2ft. long ; petioles covered with a velvety down. A. 6ft. South America, 1788. (B. R. 206.) C. tndica (Indian).* Indian Reed. /. rather large, irregular ; spikes erect, with light yellow and carmine-red divisions. Sum- mer. I. large, alternate, ovate-lanceolate. A. 3ft. to 6ft. West Indies, 1570. See Fig. 359. (B. M. 454.) C. insignia (magnificent), fl. orange-red, few, small. I. ovate, spreading horizontally, green, rayed and margined with purplish- red. Stems violet, downy. A. 3ft. to 5ft. C. Iridiflora (Iris-flowered). fl. rose, with a yellow spot on the lip ; spikes slightly drooping, several emanating from the same spathe. Summer. I. broadly ovate-acuminate. A. 6ft. to 8ft. Peru, 1816. (B. R. 609.) C. 1. hybrida (hybrid), fl. blood-red, very large, only properly developed when grown in a greenhouse. I. green, very large. Stem green, downy, somewhat reddish. A. 6ft. to 8ft. C. limbata (bordered).* fl. yellowish-red, disposed in long loose spikes; spathes glaucous. I. oblong-lanceolate, acute. A. 3ft. Native country uncertain, 1818. (B. R. 771.) C. L major (larger-bordered), fl. orange-red, large. I. large, lanceolate, 24ft. long, Sin. wide, spreading, deep green. Stems downy. A. 5ft. to 64ft. C. nigricans (blackish).* 1. coppery-red, lanceolate, acuminate, erect, 24ft. long, lOin. to 12in. broad. Stems purplish-red. A. 44ft. to 8ft. One of the finest kinds. C. atro-nigricans has leaves of a purplish shade, passing into dark red, of a deeper hue than those of C. nigricans. C. Premlces de Nice. fl. bright yellow, very large. Stems and leaves like those of C. Anncei. C. Rendatlerl (Rendatler's).* fl. salmon-red, numerous, large. I. much pointed, deep green, tinged with dark red. " purplish-red. A. 6ft. to 8ft. C. edulis (edible), fl. large ones yellowish. I. broadly Canna continued. FIG. 360. FLOWERING SPIKE OF CANNA SPECIOSA. C. speciosa (showy).* fl. sessile, in pairs ; petals two, erect, bifid ; lip spotted, revolute. August. I. lanceolate. A. 3ft. Nepaul, 1820. See Fig. 360. (B. M. 2317.) C. Van-Houttel (Van Houtte's).* fl. bright scarlet, large, very abundantly produced. L lanceolate, 2ft. to 24ft. long, acuminated, green, rayed and margined with dark purplish-red. C. Warscewiczll (Warscewicz's).* fl. with brilliant scarlet inner, and purplish outer segments. I. ovate-elliptic, narrowed at both ends, deeply tinged with dark purple. A. 3ft. Costa Rica, 1849. (B. H. 2, 48.) There are several varieties of this species, the best two are : Chatei, with very large dark red leaves, and nobilis, with deep green leaves, rayed and margined with dark red. C. zebiina (zebra-striped).* fl. orange, small. I. very large, ovate, erect, deep green, passing into dark red, rayed with violet-purple. Stems dark violet-red. A. 6ft. to 8ft. CANNABINACE2E. This order, of which the genus Cannabis (Hemp) is the type, is now merged into Urticacece. CANXABIS (from the Greek word kannabis, used by Dioscorides, and that from Sanskrit canam). Hemp. OBD. Urticaceae. A small genus, of but little ornamental value. Flowers racemose, dioecious. Nut two-valved, within the closed calyx. The undermentioned species is a hardy annual, of easy culture in ordinary garden soil. Propa- gated by seeds, sown in spring. C. sativa (cultivated), fl. greenish. June. I. on long stalks ; leaflets from five to seven, long, lanceolate, acuminated ; margins serrated. A. 4ft. to 10ft., or even 20ft. India, Ac. This plant is cultivated very extensively for the sake of its valuable fibre. Well-grown plants have rather an ornamental appearance during the summer months. See Fig. 361. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 263 Fie. 36L. HEAD or CANKABIS SATIVA. CANNON-BALL TREE. A common name for Couronpita gTuanensis (which see). CANSCORA (from Eansgan-Cora, the Malabar name of C. perfoliata, as yet unintroduced). STN. Pladera, In- cluding Phyllocydu*. OBD. Gentiane*. Small, erect, simple or branched, stove or greenhouse annuals. Flowers stalked or sub-sessile. Leaves opposite, sessile or amplexi- caul Corolla funnel-shaped, with a four-cleft, unequal limb ; the two outer segments equal, two lower ones com- bined a greater distance. Stems tetragonal. C. Parithii requires similar treatment to Balsam, and grows best in a soil to which chalk or limestone debris is added. C. Parlshli (Parish's). JL white. L opposite, perfectly connate, M? ffisss ffi 1 3S3S2rsKS3 llU ' w CANTERBURY BELLS. See Campanula Me- dium. C ANTHARELLUS CIBARIUS. See Chantarelle. CANTB2UM. A synonym of Plectronia. CANTUA (from Cantu, the Peruvian name of one of the species). STN. Periphragmos. OBD. Polemoniacea. Very pretty erect, branched greenhouse evergreen shrubs. Flowers in corymbs, at the termination of the branches, rarely solitary and axillary. Leaves entire or almost pin- natifid, alternate, petiolate, elliptic, acuminated, or cuneate- oblong, glabrous, or downy on both surfaces when young. They are of easy culture in a compost of turfy loam, leaf- mould, and sand, if good drainage is allowed. Propagated by cuttings, placed in sand, under a hand glass. In the western parts of England, these plants particularly C. buan/oHa thrive remarkably well in sheltered situations. C. blcolor (two-coloured). JL solitary ; corolla with a short yellow tube and scarlet limb. May. A. 4ft Peru, 1846. (B. M. 4729.) C. bmdfolia (Box-leared).* JL, corolla pale red, straight funnel- shaped, with a very long tube ; corymbs few-flu <; ose. April. L cuneate-oblong, mucronulate, m Peruvian Andes, 1849. An elegant plant Ml . *. 4ft C. dependent (hanging). Synonymous with C. bvxi/olia. C. pyrlfolla (Pyrus-leaTed).* Jl., corolla yellowish- white, curred ; stamens twice as long as the corolla ; corymbs terminal, dense- flowered. March. L elliptic or oborate acute, entire or sinuate- dentate. h. 3ft. Peru, 1846. (B. M. 4386.) CAOUTCHOUC. The elastic gummy substance known as indiarubber, which is the inspissated juice of various plants growing in tropical climates in different parts of the world : such as Castilloa, Picus elattvca, Hevea, various species of Landolphia, Manihot, Ac., Ac. CAPE EVERLASTING. See Helidxrysum. CAPE GOOSEBERRY. See Physalia peruviana Fio. 362. FLOWERING BRANCH OF CAKTDA BUXIFOLU. CAFE GUM. The gum of Acacia Karroo or A. eaperuif. CAPE JESSAMINE. See Gardenia florida. CAPER-TREE. See Capparia. CAPILLARY. Very slender; resembling a hair. CAPITATE. Growing in a head. CAPITULATE. Growing in small heads. CAPITULUM. A close head of flowers; the inflo- rescence of Composites. C APPARIDES. An order of herbs or shrubs, rarely trees. Flowers clustered, or solitary ; sepals four to eight, imbricate or valvate : petals four, arranged crosswise, sometimes, but rarely, five, or eight, rarely absent. Leaves alternate, very rarely opposite, stipulate or exstipulate. The order is distributed throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of both hemispheres, the frntescent species being largely represented in America. There are about twenty-three genera the best-known being Capparit, Cleome, and Crat&va and about 300 species. CAPPARIS (Icapparit, old Greek name used by Dios- corides, from Persian labor, Capers). Caper-tree. OBD. Capparideae. Greenhouse or stove evergreen shrubs, of considerable beauty. Calyx four-parted; petals four; stamens numerous; succeeded by a berry. They thrive best in a compost of well-drained sandy loam. Cuttings of ripe shoots will root in sand, under a hand glass, in moist heat. This genus contains about 120 species, but it is very doubtful if more than six are to be found under cultivation in this country. C. amygdallna (Almond-like).' .. white ; peduncles axillary, com|preised,corymbJfeK!. i. elliptical -oblonp>arrowed towards both ends, with a callous point ; face, as well as the branches, h. 6ft West Indies, 1818. Stc smooth; under i with sflTery scaly dots. C. cynophallopnora (Dog-phallus bearing). JL white, large, fragrant ; peduncles few-flowered, shorterihan the leaves. L smooth, leathery, oblong, on short petiole. A. 8ft to 25ft West Indies, 1752. Store. (B. G. 1862, 351.) C. odoratissima (sweetest-scented).* .*. violet sweet-scented, about the size of Myrtle, with yellow anthers ; peduncle* r ferons at the top. L oblong, acuminate, on long footstalks ; surface smooth ; under surface covered with little bard k. 6fu Caracas, 1814. SM>T. 264 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Capparia continued FIG. 363. FLOWER AND BUD OF CAPPARIS SPINOSA. C. spinosa (spiny).* Common Caper, fl. white, tinged with red on the outside ; pedicels solitary, one-flowered. June. I. ovate, roundish, deciduous, h. 3ft. South Europe, 1596. This is an excellent greenhouse shrub, and one which we have found per- fectly hardy in the southern counties of England. See Fig. 563. (B. M. 291.) CAFRIFOLIACE2E. A rather large order of shrubs or herbs, often twining. Flowers terminal, corymbose, or axillary; corolla superior, regular or irregular. Leaves opposite, exstipulate. Well-known genera are : Linncea., Lonicera, Sambucus, and Viburnum. CAPBIFOLIUM. See Lonicera. CAPSICUM (from kapto, to bite; on account of the biting heat of the seeds and pericarp). ORD. Solanacece. Shrubs or sub-shrubs, rarely herbs. Peduncles extra- axillary, one-flowered. Leaves scattered, solitary, or twin, and quite entire. Many of the species, although possess- ing considerable beauty, are but rarely grown, either for decoration or for the use of their fruit ; consequently, we confine our specific enumeration to the Common Capsicum, the Bird Pepper or Chili, and the Bell Pepper. The first two of these have long been in cultivation, for use either in a green state for pickles and for making Chili vinegar, or ripened and ground as Cayenne Pepper. Some sorts are exceedingly ornamental for greenhouse decoration in winter, if plants are well grown in rather small pots, and the fruit ripened under glass. The varieties producing small pods are the hottest, and consequently best suited for making Cayenne Pepper. These are generally caUed FIG. 364. FRUIT OF LONG AND ROUND CAPSICUMS. Chilies. All other varieties of Capsicum have a more or less pungent flavour, and those bearing larger pods are more profitable for use in a green state. The fruits of all are either red or yellow when ripe, and are of various sizes and shapes. Some are produced and stand erect on the upper side of the branches ; others hang underneath. Capsicum continued. Fig. 364 represents hanging fruits of Long and Round Capsicums, the shapes of which are produced by both red and yellow varieties. Cultivation. Being natives of tropical countries, Capsi- cums cannot always be depended upon to thoroughly ripen in the open air; but a good crop of green fruits may generally be obtained by preparing the plants early in the season, and planting out in a warm situation. Sow the seeds in February or early in March, in pots or pans, placing them in heat ; and so soon as the plants are large enough, pot off singly into Sin. pots, still keeping them in heat until well rooted. Place them into Gin. or 7in. pots before they become starved ; and gradually harden off and plant out about 2ft. asunder, in June. The fruits ripen better if the plants are placed against a south wall and tacked on to it. The safest plan to obtain a crop of ripe fruits is to cultivate under glass. Pots of 7in. diameter are large enough. Rich soil must be used, and any spare frames are suitable in summer. Plenty of water and frequent syringings should be applied, as the plants are very liable to injury from red spider and other insects if this is in any way neglected. The fruits will keep some time after being ripe, but are never better than when fresh gathered ; they may, however, be kept on the plants for a considerable period. Sorts. Chili, Long Red, Long Yellow, Small Red Cayenne, Round Red, and Round Yellow. Good ornamental varieties are : Little Gem, a very dwarf variety, of comparatively recent introduction, covered with small, erect, red pods ; and Prince of Wales, free fruiting, with hanging bright yellow pods. C. annuum (annual). Common Capsicum. /. white, solitary. June. Petioles glabrous, fr. oblong, pendulous, and erect, red or yellow, variable in shape, h. 1ft. to 2ft. South America, 1548. C. baccatum. Bird Pepper or Chili, fl. greenish ; peduncles twin. June. fr. small, erect, almost globose. I. oblong, glabrous, as well as the petiole. Branches angular, striated, h. 2ft. to 4ft. Tropical America, 1731. Greenhouse shrub. C. grossum (large). Bell Pepper, fl. white. July. India, 1759. CAFSULAR. Like a capsule. CAPSULE. A dry dehiscent seed vessel or fruit. CARAGANA (Caragan is the name of C. arbores- cens among the Monguls). Siberian Pea-tree. ORD. LeguminoscB. Very ornamental hardy deciduous trees or shrubs. Flowers usually yellow, axillary, either solitary or crowded, but always single on thin stalks. Leaves abruptly pinnate, the midrib ending in a bristle or spine ; leaflets mucronate. They are well adapted for shrub- beries, and are of the easiest culture in sandy soil. Pro- pagated by cuttings, made of the roots, or by seeds ; the low-growing shrubs by seeds and layers. Caraganas are generally increased by grafting on C. arborescens, which is easily raised from seed, sown when ripe or in spring. C. Altagana (Altagana). fl. yellow ; pedicels solitary. April to July. 7. with six to eight pairs of glabrous, obovate-roumnsh, retuse leaflets ; petiole unarmed, h. 2ft. to 3ft. Dahuria, 1789. Shrub. C. arborescens (tree-like).* fl. pale or bright yellow ; pedicels in fascicles. April, May. I. with four to six pairs of oval-oblong villous leaflets ; petiole unarmed. Stipules spinescent. h. 15ft. to 20ft. Siberia, 1752. Tree. (B. M. 1886.) C. Cnamlagu (Chamlagu). fl. yellow, at length becoming red- dish, large, pendulous ; pedicels solitary. May. I. with two pairs of distant, oval, or obovate glabrous leaflets ; stipules spreading, and, as well as the petioles, spinose. h. 2ft. to 4ft. China, 1773. Shrub. C. frntescens (woody).' April. I. with two pairs < ... petiole, obovate-cuneated ; stipules membranous ; petiole fur- nished with a short spine at the apex. h. 2ft. to 3ft Siberia, 1752. Shrub. (S. B. F. G. 3, 227.) There are one or two varieties of this species. C. Jubata (bearded).* fl. white, suffused with red, few ; pedicels solitary, very short. April. I. with four or five pairs of oblong- lanceolate, lanuginously-ciliated leaflets ; stipules setaceous ; petioles somewhat spinose. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Siberia, 1796. Shrub. SYW. Robinia jubata. (L, B. C. 522.) i* fl. yellow, resupinate ; pedicels solitary, rs of leaflets, approximating the top of the AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 265 panicle Caragana continued. C. pygnuea (pigmy), fl. yellow; pedicels solitary. April. I. with two pairs linear, glabrous leaflets, approximating at the top of the very short petiole ; stipules and petioles spinescent. A. 1ft. to 3ft. Siberia, 1751. Shrub. (B. R. 1021.) C. splnosa (spiny).* fl. yellow, solitary, almost sessile April, May. 1. with two to four pairs of cuneate-lmear, glabrous leaflets ; stipules small, spinose ; adult petioles permanent, strong, and spmose. h. 4ft. to 6ft. Siberia, 1775. An excellent shrub for forming impenetrable hedges, on account of its long branches and strong thorns. CABAGUATA (its South American name). OBD. Bromeliacece. Stove epiphytes, allied to Tillandsia. For culture, see Billbergia. C.lingnlata (tongue-shaped-leaved), fl. white; flower-stalk erect, with numerous large, broadly-lanceolate, brilliant scarlet bracts. I. tufted, broad at the base, linear-lanceolate and recurved, h. lift. Columbia, 1880. C. Van Volxemii(Van Volxem's).* fl. yellow, in close spikes, tected by crimson bracts. I. tufted, h. 2ft. to 3ft. 1879. (I. H. 326.) (Zahn's).* fl. pale yellow, in dense oblong compressed bracts scarlet. May. I. linear-ligulate, 1ft. long, yellow, ison stripes, the upper part bright crimson ; semi-trans- h. 1ft. Chiriqui, 1870. (B. M. 8)59.) CABAIFI. See Moquilea ntilis. CABAJUBA. A red colouring matter, obtained from Bignonia Chica. CABALLIA (Karalli is the name of C. lucida in the language of the Telingas). STN. Barraldeia. ORD. Rhizo- phorece. Stove evergreen glabrous trees, from Madagascar, Tropical Asia, and Australia. Peduncles axillary, trifid, many-flowered. Leaves opposite, entire or serrated, stiffish, shining on the upper surface. In common with all the Rhizophorece, this genus is very difficult to grow. C. lancesefolia (lance-leaved), fl., petals yellow, rather undulated. I. oval or oblong, regularly serrated, h. 20ft. India, 1820. CABALLUMA (G. adscendens is called Car-allum by the Telingas). ORD. Asclepiadeas. Stove evergreen shrubs, with almost the habit of Stapelia. Peduncles solitary, one-flowered, rising from the axils of the teeth. Stems tetragonal, toothed along the angles. For culture, see Stapelia. C. adscendens (ascending), fl. variegated with purple and yellow, usually drooping; segments of corolla reflexed at the edges, acuminated, glabrous. Branches slender, ascending, each bearing a solitary flower at top. h. 1ft. to 2ft. Coromandel, 1804. C fimbrlata (flmbriate). fl. axillary, solitary, sub-campanulate, segmentf of corolla falcate at top, with , replicate fringed edges ; marked with many transverse purple lines, pale yellSw beneath, upper part purple. Branches elongated, attenu- ated. A.6in. Burma, 1829. (L. B. C. 1863.) CABAMBOLA-TBEE. See Averrhoa Carambola. CABANA. The gum resin obtained from a species of Icica. It is used in medicine for plasters. CABAFA (Carapa is the name of C. guianensis in Guiana). OBD. Meliaceae. A small genus of stove trees, natives of the West Indies, Tropical America, and Guinea. Calyx usually of four distinct sepals; corolla of four or five oblong, egg-shaped, spreading petals. Fruit large, and containing numerous seeds. These trees are of economical utility, and probably the only one in cultivation is C. guianensis. They succeed well in a mixture of loam and sand. Ripe cuttings will root in sand, under a hand glass, in a moist heat. C. guianensis (Guiana). November, fr. the size of an apple. 1., leaflets eight or ten pairs, alternate or opposite, elliptical, oblong, acuminated, coriaceous, shining, h. 60ft. Guiana, 1824. (A. 07387.) The other species quoted as having been introduced to this country are : C. guineensis and C. moluccensis. CABAWAT. See Carum Carvi. CABDAMINE (from Kardamine, a diminutive of Kardamon, Cress, used by Dioscorides). Lady's Smock. In- cluding Pteroneurum. ORD. Cruciferce. A genus of hardy, usually smooth herbs. Eacemes terminal, bractless. Leaves stalked, entire, lobed, or pinnately cut, usually very differ- ent in the same plant. Only the perennial species are worth growing, and these mostly thrive in a damp, shady situa- Cardaniine continued. tion, in any kind of soil. They are easily propagated by divisions, after flowering. C. asarifolia (Asarum-leaved).* fl. white, in close racemes. May, June. 1. smooth, stalked, cordate-orbicular, somewhat sinuately- toothed. h. lit. to lift. Mountains of Southern France and Northern Italy, 1710. (B. M. 1735.) C. bellidifolia (Daisy-leaved), fl. white. April. I smooth, thickish ; radical ones stalked, ovate, entire ; cauline ones few, entire, or somewhat three-lobed, not eared at the base. h. 4in. Northern hemisphere. (F. D. 1, 20.) C. chelidonia (Celandine-like), fl., petals purple, oval. March. I. pinnate, rather smooth ; segments stalked, ovate, toothed ; lower segments pinnate into three or four small segments, h. 1ft South and East Europe, 1739. C. glauca (glaucous), fl. white, in dense racemes. May. I. stalked, smooth, glaucous, rather fleshy, pinnate ; segments five or nine, oblong, terminal one three-lobed. Stem diffuse, much branched, h. bin. Southern and Eastern Europe, 1824. C. latifolia (broad-leaved). /. purplish, a little larger than those of C. pratensis. June. I. large, pinnate, smooth; segments three or seven, rather orbicular, angularly-toothed, h. 1ft. to 2ft Pyrenees, 1710. C. macrophylla (large-leaved), fl. purple, about the size of those of C. pratensis. June. I. pinnate, somewhat pubescent ; segments five, oval-lanceolate, pointed, unequally serrated. Branches of root creeping, h. 1ft. to lift Siberia, 1824. FIG. 365. CARDAHINE PRATKNSIS. idow).* Cuckoo Flower, fl. usually pale purple, sememe white. Early spring, i. pinnate; segments of the radical ones roundish, of the stem ones linear or lanceolate, Entire h 1ft. to lift. Northern Hemisphere (Britain). See F 365 There are numerous varieties of this species, includ- Sf'a very desirable double-flowered one, frequently met with in a wild state. r i-hnmboidea (rhomboid).* fl. white, large. Spring, t., root onS round and rather heart-shaped ; lower stem-leaves ovate or ZmSobW, somewhat petioled, the upper almost lanceolate all somewhat angled or sparingly toothed. Stems upright, from a tuberiferous has?, simple United States of America. > A very pretty variety, with rounder flowers appearing earlier than those of vhite, rather smalL Spring. - ' often cordate at 2 M THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Cardamine continued. the base, petioled, the lowest frequently three-lobed, or of three- leaflets. Stems branching, weak or decumbent. Pennsylvania. C. trlfolia (three-leaved).* fl., petals white, with a broad cune- ated claw, and a broad, spreading, obovate limb ; scape naked. March to May. 1. smoothish, ternate; segments sessile, rhprn- boidal-rounrtish, toothed. Lower branches root-like, creeping. h. 6in. Southern Europe, 1629. (B. M. 452.) CARDIANDRA (from kardia, a heart, and aner, andros, a man, anther). OBD. Saxifrages). A half-hardy evergreen shrub. Flowers corymbose ; those at the margin of the corymb barren and radiant. For cultivation, see Hydrangea. C. alternlfolia (alternate-leaved), fl. white, lilac July I. alter, nate, stalked, oblong-acute, serrated, and without stipules, h. 3ft Japan, 1865. (S. Z. F. J. 65, 66.) CARDINAL FLOWER. See Lobelia cardinalis. CARDOON (Cynara Cardunculus). This vegetable, is much esteemed on the Continent, but is not cultivated to any large extent in English gardens. A few are, how- ever, generally grown, being especially in demand where French cooks are employed. The ribs or stalks of the leaves, if well blanched and properly cooked, form an excellent dish in winter. Cultivation. The preparation of the trenches and ground is somewhat similar to that adopted for celery; Pio. 366. CARDOON. but the plants grow much larger (see Fig. 366), and require a space of about 2ft. between them, and 6ft. between the rows. Some growers sow a few seeds in the rows at this distance apart, thinning them out to one plant when established. A much better plan is to sow the re- quired number, in small pots, at the end of April, and place them in a cold frame, where the seed will soon germinate. Mice are very fond of the seed, consequently Cardoon continued. the frame must be kept close enough to prevent their entry, or the whole will be destroyed. Select the strongest plant in each pot, as they grow, and destroy the others. Plant out before they become pot-bound, in previously prepared trenches that have been well manured, and water plentifully when necessary. Occasional forking or hoeing between the plants, to encourage growth and destroy weeds, will be all that is required, besides water- ing, until September or October, when the plants will be ready for earthing up. Before any soil is applied, the stalks must be arranged upright, and closely bound up with haybands to within a foot of the tops. The soil must then be earthed up nearly as high as the haybands reach, and be beaten hard -with the spade. It is very im- portant that this operation should be performed on a dry day, when the hearts are free from water, or they will probably decay. The plants will be fit for use in about a month, and may be taken up as required. Should Cardoons be in great demand, an earlier or little later sowing may be made for successional crops. If the plants have to be kept for any length of time during winter, rain and frost must be excluded by means of a covering of litter or other protecting material ; or they may be dug up and stored away in a cool, dry place, the haybands being allowed to remain on. Sorts. The Spanish Cardoon with large solid ribs and spineless leaves, is the one most cultivated ; it is liable to run to seed, but not as much as the common sort. The Tours Cardoon is much cultivated in France; but great care is necessary in working amongst them, as the leaves have very long sharp spines. There are one or two other varieties, but the Spanish is most preferable, and is generally grown. CARDUNCELLUS (the diminutive of Cardunculus, the Cardoon, and that from carduus). ORD. Composites. Pretty hardy herbaceous perennials, related to Carthamus. Flowers all tubular ; pappus setaceous ; involucral bracts many-seriate, imbricate ; receptacle flat, densely setose or paleaceous. They succeed well in ordinary garden soil, and are readily increased by divisions of the roots. Cardun- cellus is rarely grown outside botanic collections. C. mltissimns (least-spiny). Jl.-heads blue. May, June. I., cauline ones linear, pinnatifld, as long as the plant, h. 9in. France and Spam, 1734. C. monspeliensium (Montpelier). Jl.-heads blue. June, July. I. unarmed ; radical ones toothed ; cauline ones pinnate. A. 9in. South-west Europe, 1776. CARDUUS (the Latin name used by Virgil, &c.). Thistle. OBD. Composite. Hardy annuals, biennials, or perennials. Receptacle bristly ; involucre tumid, imbri- cated with spinous bracts ; pappus hairs rough, in many series, united by a ring at the base, and deciduous ; corollas all tubular, and generally spreading, so as to form a hemi- spherical head. They are of easy culture in any common soiL None, however, are worth growing in ordinary gar- dens ; but for massing in woods, or in the wild garden, some may be desirable. Hence, we mention the names of a few of the more conspicuous species : acicularis, Candollei, chrysacanthus, nutans, pycnocephalus (Blessed Thistle), Ac. Two Composite frequently met with in gardens, viz., Silybum Marianum and Cnicus benedictus, are often mentioned in books and catalogues under the generic name of Carduus. CAREX (from keiro, to cut ; the leaves of many species have their margins minutely serrated, which cause them to cut the hand if drawn rapidly along them). Sedge. OBD. Cyperacece. A very large genus of perennial grass- like herbaceous plants, of which upwards of sixty are natives of this country. Inflorescence paniculate, irregu- larly clustered, spicate or racemose. Stems usually leafy. They are of the easiest possible culture in ordinary garden soil. Propagated by seeds, or by divisions. By far the greater number of this genus possess no horticultural beauty whatever, and are only suitable for naturalising AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 267 Car ex continued. near lakes, Ac. Some are grown in pots for table deco- ration, and make beautiful plants for that purpose. FIG. 367. CAREX BACCANS. C. baccans (berried). Inflorescence paniculate. Ripe perigynia varying from coral red to lustrous purple, h. 2ft to 4ft A noble species, from Tropical and Sub-tropical Himalaya. See Fig. 367. C. Gray! (Gray's). JL, fertile spikes two, or rarely one, consisting of fifteen to thirty flowers, forming globose beads, the ripe peri- gynia projecting in all directions. July. A. 3ft North America, C. intnmescens (swollen), jt., spikes usually five to eight- flowered : ripe perigvnia projecting outwards and upwards, June. h. lift. North America. C. paludpsa (marsh), ./f., fertile spikes cylindrical, obtuse. May. I. verv broad, keeled, rough ; bracts very long, f oliaceous. h, 2ft. - Britain. (Sy. En. B. 1668.) C. pendnla (pendulous). JL, fertile spikes very long, pendulous, cylindrical. May. /. broad ; sheaths elongated, nearly equal to the flower-stalks, h, 3ft. to 5ft Britain. (Sy. En. B. 1660.) C. paeudo-cyperna (Cyperus-like). JL, spikes on long footstalks, cylindrical, pendulous. June. I Ain. broad ; bracts Tery leafy. Stems 2ft. to 3ft. high, acutely triangular. Britain. One of the best marked and most beautiful of the genus. (Sy. En. B. 1685.) C. ripaxia (river-bank). JL, fertile spikes scarcely pedunculated, broadly cylindrical, acute ; scales of the sterile spikes acuminated. May. L broad; bracts very long, foliaceous. Britain. The variegated form of this is well worth growing in borders or among Ferns. (Sy. En. B. 1679.) Car ex continued. C. sylvatica (sylvan). JL, fertile spikes filiform, rather slender slightly drooping ; sheaths half as long as the flowed talks. M"V and June. narrow. A. 1ft. to 2ft Britain. (Sy. EnTfi. 16650 CAREYA (named after the Bv. William Carey, of Serampore, a distinguished botanist and linguist). OBD. Myrtaceas. Very handsome stove trees, or small shrubs! Flowers large, with white petals and red or yellow stamens. Leaves alternate, feather-nerved, dotiess, glabrous. A mixture of one part sandy loam and two parts fibry peat suits them best. Ripened cuttings root freely, if planted in sand, with a hand glass over them, and placed in a moist bottom heat Careyas may also be propagated by dividing the roots. (tree-like). * Slow-match Tree. JL sessile; petals white; stamens reddish; spikes terminal, few-flowered. L on short petioles, obovate or oblong, crenate-denticulate, about 1ft long. A.30ftto60ft India, 1823. Tree. (B. F. S. 205.) C. herbacea (herbaceous). JL pedunculate; petals greenish- purple ; stamens red ; racemes short July. L on short petioles, cuneate-obovate or obovate, serrulate, 4in. to Sin. long. h. 6in. to 1ft Bengal, 1808. Perennial herb, with a woody rootstock. CAJUCA (erroneously supposed to be a native of Caria). Papaw-tree. Including Papaya. TBIBE Papayafeca. OBD. Passiflorece. A genus of stove evergreen fruit-trees, without branches, yielding an acrid milky juice. Leaves alternate, palmately lobed, standing on long terete petioles. They grow well in a rich, loamy soil. Cuttings of ripe shoots, if not deprived of their leaves, will root readily in a sandy soil, under a bell glass, and in a gentle bottom heat They are grown in this country more as curiosities than for either ornament or utility. C. candamarcensis (Candamarcan). Synonymous with C. cun ttenamarcetuie. C. caulinora (stem-flowering), /f. yellowish ; male peduncles usually five-flowered, rising from tubercles on the trunk. I. pal- mately five-lobed ; intermediate lobes sinuated ; segments lanceo- late, acuminated, h. 10ft. to 20ft. South America, 1806. C. cnndinamarcensls (Cundinamarcan). n. green, fr. yellow, edible. A. 6ft Ecuador, 1874. STN. C. eandamareenii*. (B. M. C. Papaya.* Common Papaw. JL greenish ; male ones corymbose. July. /. palmately seven^obed ; segments deeply lobed, oblong, acute, h. 10ft. to 20ft South America, 1690. (B". M. 28) CARICATURE PLANT. See Oraptophylliun hortense. CABJNA. A keel, like that of a boat ; also applied to the lower petals of a pea-flower. CARZNATE. Keel-shaped. CARINATELY-CONCAVE. Hollowed in such a manner as to resemble a keel externally. CARINATELY- WINGED. Having a wing re- sembling a keel. CARIOPSIS. A one-celled one-seeded superior fruit, whose pericarp is membranous and united to the seed, as in wheat, maize, and other kinds of corn. CARISSA (probably a native Indian name, in Mahratta, Korinda). OBD. Apocynacece. A genus of stove shrubs and trees. Flowers white; peduncles axillary and terminal, many-flowered, everywhere becoming sterile and spines- cent. Leaves opposite, furnished with intrapetiolar bristles. They are best grown in a compost of peat and loam. Cuttings of ripe wood will strike if placed in sand, under a glass, in bottom heat. They are of economical value in their native countries. C. Cnntf" 1 ** (Carandas). JL milky -white, Jasmine-like ; corymbs terminal and axillary, few-flowered. July. L ovate, mucronate, or elliptic, obtuse, glabrous : spines often two-forked. Sub-ar- boreous. A. 15ft to loft India, 1790. (L B. C. 663.) C. grandlflora (large-flowered).* JL white, fragrant salver- shaped, 2in. across. Slav. L deep green ; spines axillary, forked. Natal, 186Z (B. M. 6307.) C. spinarum (spiny). JL white; petals lanceolate; peduncles terminal, four to five-flowered. August to December. L small, ovate, acute, veiny, shining. Branches dichotomous ; spines, two at each ramification opposite, the one above the branch and the other below it, red at top, and shining. A. 20ft India, 1808. (L. B. C. 162.) 268 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Carissa continued. C. Xylopicron (bitter- wooded). Jl. white ; petals acute ; peduncles lateral, spiny, one to two-flowered. July. I. ovate, acuminated, glabrous, three to five-nerved. Branches forming a pyramidal cyme. h. 20ft. Bourbon, 1820. CARLINA (from Carolinus, pertaining to Charles, commemorative of the famous Charlemagne, whose army was said to have been cured of the plague by it). OBD. Composite. Hardy or half - hardy annuals, biennials, or perennials. Pappus feathery ; receptacle chaffy ; invo- lucre imbricated, tumid, the outer scales with numerous spines, the inner coloured, spreading, resembling a ray. They are of very easy culture in ordinary garden soil. A few only are worth growing, and are readily increased by seed, sown in spring. Carluclovica continued. C. rotundifolla (round-leaved).* I. flabelliform, divided in two places quite down to the point of attachment, thus presenting a trilobed appearance ; lobes divided into segments, which are very gracefully pendent. Costa Rica. C. Wallisii (Wallis's). fl. white, very sweetly scented, disposed in roundish oblong heads. I. ovate, two-lobed, and plicate ; each division is about 1ft. long, and 6in. or Sin. broad ; petioles erect, semi-terete. Columbia, 1879. (R. G. 992.) CARMICHJELIA (named after Captain Dugald Car- miohael, P.L.S., an acute Scotch botanist, author of the " Flora of the Island of Tristan da Acunha," inserted in the twelfth volume of the Linnaean Society's Transactions). ORD. Leguminosce. Very ornamental greenhouse evergreen shrubs, flowering for a considerable length of time. They thrive in a compost of sandy peat, to which may be added FIG. 368. CARLINA ACAULIS. C. acanthifolla (Acanthus-leaved).* Jl. -heads white. June. I. pinnatifld, downy beneath ; segments toothed, angular, spiny. Plant stemless. h. 2ft. Southern Europe, 1818. Hardy peren- nial. (A. F. P. iii., 51.) C. acaulis (stemless). fl.-heads white. June. I. pinnatifld, naked ; segments cut-toothed, spiny. Stem simple, one-flowered. h. 9in. Europe, 1640. Hardy perennial. SYN. C. subacaulis. See Fig. 368. (G. C. 1880, xiii., 1720.) C. Biebersteiniana (Bieberstein's). Jl. -heads purple. August. h. 2ft. Caucasus, 1816. Hardy perennial. C. subacaulis. A synonym of C. acaulis. CARLUDOVICA (named after Charles IV. of Spain, and Louisa, his queen). STNS. Ludovia, Salmia (of Will- denow). ORD. Cydanthacece. A genus of low-growing, palm-like, stove plants. Flowers of separate sexes, in squares arranged very close together in a spiral manner, and forming cylindrical spikes. Leaves stiff, plaited, deeply cut into from two to five divisions. Plants unarmed. The species are very ornamental, and several are eminently adapted for sub-tropical gardening, for which purpose they are largely employed in Parisian gardens. They are easily grown with the usual routine of stove management, thriving in a compost of two parts peat and one of sandy loam ; a liberal supply of water is needed. C. atrovirens itrovirens (dark-green).* I. and petioles very deep gri ooth, deeply bilobed. A very fine ornamental-leaved plant. green, C. Drudei (Drude's).* fl. ivory white, borne on an erect-stalked, terete spadix, of cylindrical form. 1. rich deep green, 17in. long, and about 33in. in transverse diameter, tufted, transversely oblong i outline, palmately three-lobed, the lobes plicated, and deeply and regularly incised at the margin, h. 4ft. Columbia, 1878. (G. C. n. s. 8, 715.) C. ensiformls (ensiform). /. white, in close spikes. I. bipartite, ensiform. h. 2ft. Costa Rica, 1875. (B. M. 6418.) C. humilis (dwarf).* I. rich deep green ; 12in. to 18in. long, 9in. to 12in. broad at the widest part, rhomboid, deeply bifid at the apex. New Grenada. A very handsome but rare species. (R. H. 1869, 71.) to 3ft. across, int of attach- C. palxnata (palmate).* I. rich dark green, 2ft. to 3ft. across, bifid at apex, and divided quite down to the point of attach- ment into four lobes, each of which is divided into narrow seg- ments ; petioles 4ft. to 6ft in height, round, smooth. Peru, 1818. See Fig. 369. (R. H. 1861, 10.) C. purpurata (purplish). I. deep green, 2ft., or more, long, and iSn. to 18in. broad, bifid at the apex, tapering towards the base ; petioles 2ft. to 4ft. high, smooth, reddish-purple. Tropical America. a very little fibry loain and leaf soil. Cuttings of half- ripened side shoots root in sand, under a glass, in a cool house, in April or May. FIG. 369. CARLUDOVICA PALMATA. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 269 Carmichselia continued. C. australis (southern).* fi. lilac ; racemes simple, rising from the denticulations of the branches. May, September. I. with three to seven obcordate leaflets. Branches compressed, h. 2ft. to 4ft. New Zealand, 1823. (B. R. 912.) CARNATION (Dianthus Caryophyllus). These charm- ing flowers were, at one time, universal favourites, and the varieties were far more numerous than now. In the early days of gardening, they were often called Gilliflowers as weU as Carnations. For some unaccountable reason, after 1850, they were seriously neglected, and many of the old varieties were entirely lost to cultivation ; they are now, however, regaining popular favour, and are not only cultivated by specialists, but scarcely any garden can afford to be without some. There are no hardy flowers more deserving general cultivation than Carna- tions, as they present charming diversity and brilliancy of colouring, with a delicious perfume. Their stateliness of growth, and value in a out state, are also charac- teristics greatly in their favour. PROPAGATION may be effected by layers, pipings, or by seed. Layers. This method is far more generally adopted than any other, whether the plants are grown in pots, borders, or beds. The end of July, or the beginning of August, is the best time for layering. Before commencing, a compost of leaf soil, loam, and sharp sand, in nearly equal propor- tions, should be prepared. Some pegs can be made of bracken stems, or other material of a like nature, which will decay in the soil. A layer of the compost, about 2in. in thickness, should be placed around each plant, as in this the young plants will root. The shoots selected should be denuded of a few of their leaves at the base of the young wood, and a slit must be made from this point upwards, extending through a joint of the bare stem, so that a tongue is formed. The layers should next be carefully pegged down in their place, keeping the incision open. About lin. of soil must then be placed over the layered part to a little beyond the peg, and the whole well watered. If dry weather ensue, it will be necessary to give occa- sional waterings ; but care must be taken that the shoots are not denuded of soil. Plants layered in pots should be placed in the open till they are rooted, which usually takes a month or five weeks. See also Layering. Pipings. Where shoots are too short or too numerous for layering, or where they become broken by accident, it is desirable to propagate by pipings ; such shoots may be removed before the time for layering. For this mode of propagation, it is necessary to have a slight hotbed, and on it to put 4in. or 5in. of fine light soil, covered with silver sand. The pipings must be long enough to have a tolerably firm base, and they must either be taken with a heel, or cut off at a joint, and firmly inserted in the soil. After a good watering, the light should be placed upon the frame, and the pipings must be kept close, and shaded. The soil must be maintained moderately moist till the roots are formed, but damp must be guarded against. Seed. Propagation of Carnations by seed is a very interesting operation. By this means, new and excellent varieties are raised. Both single and double-flowered plants are produced from a packet of seed ; the latter can be selected, and the best perpetuated by layering. The principal nurserymen supply seed of good quality, or anyone with a good strain may save his own. Hybridising may be effected with the best flowers in each class, so as to secure seed which will probably produce new kinds. The most suitable time for sowing is in April or May, and the best place a slight hotbed, or in a greenhouse. The pans should be properly drained, then filled with fresh sandy loam and leaf soil to within an inch or so of the top, making it tolerably firm, and the surface afterwards levelled, before sowing the seed. This should be scattered evenly over the soil, and then slightly covered with a little of the potting mixture, finely sifted. To keep the whole uniformly moist, Carnation continued. a piece of glass should be laid on the top of the pan, till the seeds germinate; after which, the covering should be re- moved, and the pans placed in an airy position near the glass. As soon as the seedlings can be handled, they should be pricked out in beds, previously prepared by mixing in some fresh loam and rotten manure with the ordinary soil and watered when necessary, to assist them in their growth! By the end of September, the plants will be sufficiently large to transfer to their permanent position in beds or borders, where they will bloom the following season. GENERAL CULTIVATION. Winter Treatment. In favoured positions, many kinds will withstand the winter, especially if the soil is light and well drained. Generally, however, it is necessary to provide accommodation, for a portion of the stock at least, in cold frames ; and when a choice col- lection is grown, it would be useless to attempt to keep it intact without winter protection. About September, when the layers or pipings are well rooted, they should be potted singly or in pairs, the former in 3in., and the latter in 4in. pots, according to the size of the plants. The potting com- post should consist of loam two parts, leaf soil one part, and sand one part, with a fair amount of drainage. After pot- ting, a good watering should be given, and the frame kept close for a week or two, until root-action is resumed, when air may be freely admitted. All through the winter, full advantage should be taken of fine weather to give all the air possible, by tilting, or entirely removing, the lights. If bleak winds prevail, it will be best to tilt the lights in an opposite direction to the wind. Until the beginning of February, when, as a rule, the plants begin to grow, great attention must be paid to watering. They must be kept somewhat dry rather than excessively wet, as the greatest enemy in winter is damp. If kept too wet, a disease known as " Spot " is likely to appear in the foliage, which may prove very prejudicial. Watering those that are dry, with a small-spouted can, so as to avoid unduly wetting the foliage, is preferable to using a rose. After February, they may have more water ; in fact, it will then be very unwise to allow them to get at all dry. Cultivation in Pots. The end of February, or the be- ginning of March, is. as a rule, the best time for potting ; but, to some extent, this must be regulated by the season and condition of the plants. Pots lOin. in diameter are large enough to accommodate a pair of good strong plants, while weaker growing ones may be placed in 9in., or even Sin. pots. These should be well drained, and a layer of leaf soil or rotten manure placed over the crocks. The follow- ing is an excellent potting compost: Two parts good fibrous sandy loam, not broken too finely, one part leaf mould, and one part good rotten old hotbed manure, to which may be added a good sprinkling of coarse, gritty sand, from a river if it can be procured ; well mix the whole together, but do not pass through a riddle. Pot the plants moderately firm, and sufficiently deep to allow of the layers being got to the surface without fear of breaking off. After potting, place back in the frame again, and keep well ventilated, until the plants show signs of fresh growth, when they may be stood outside in an airy position. Watering must be very care- fully performed for some time after potting, and staking the leading growths must not be delayed, or they will be broken with the wind. If large flowers are required, the buds should be thinned in their early stages, and means taken to prevent the splitting of the calyx. Should there be signs of this, make two or three incisions in the opposite side, and fasten a piece of matting round it, which will materially assist to keep the petals together. In order to produce fine flowers for exhibition or other purposes, it will be necessary to thin the buds severely, leaving only the primary or finest ones to develop. For flowering, the plants are best removed to a cool greenhouse, where an abundance of air can be afforded; this protection will greatly lengthen the period of blossoming, and materially assist to bring out the quality of the flowers. Where this 270 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Carnation continued. is not practicable, a few lights, or some tiffany, should be temporarily arranged over them, when the same end will be gained ; and after the plants are layered, the covering can be removed. Cultivation in Beds or Borders. With the choicer varie- ties grown in pots, a magnificent collection may be culti- vated in specially prepared beds or positions in an ordi- nary border. There are a large number of beautiful Selfs, and fancy border varieties, as a rule richly scented, which are far better treated in the open ground; and, presuming a special bed is allotted them, which is a much preferable method, even if duplicates are planted in the mixed border, it is necessary to ridge up the bed in the autumn for exposure to the sweetening effects of wintry weather, and the extermination of insects. At the same time, a dressing of soot and lime, mixed, may, with advan- tage, be well incorporated with the soil, for the destruction of these pests, especially the wireworm, which is a very troublesome insect in Carnation culture. An addition of leaf soil and sharp sand should also be made if the soil is stiff or clayey. The plants should be put out in March, about 1ft. apart each way; more space between the lines may be allowed if desired, according to the size or shape of the bed. Keep the beds clean, and, when dry, thoroughly watered. As the buds expand, occasional doses of liquid manure will be found beneficial. It will also be necessary to thin the buds if large flowers are required, as re- commended for those grown in pots. When grown in odd spaces in the border, equally as much attention is needed as when grown in beds. The blossom-stalks require staking in order to display the flowers, and to keep them from being soiled. Very neat stakes should be used, and they should be neither longer nor shorter than really FIG. 370. METHOD OF STAKING CARNATIONS. required. A very good form of wire stake is shown in Fig. 370, with which tying is unnecessary. Insects. Green fly is the most troublesome. As a rule, unless in very dry seasons, they do not attack those planted out ; but, when grown in pots, and while the young plants are in the frames, they are very likely to cause great injury. The best means of eradicating them is by tobacco fumi- gation ; and it is better to give a thorough fumigation before the young growth is developed. If they are trouble- some after, it will again be necessary to fumigate, but rather repeat than overdose the plants. Wireworms are very destructive at the roots. The soil should be carefully looked over before being used for potting, as any wire- worms left in it would eat the roots as fast as they are formed, eventually killing the plant. Should established plants be attacked, some carrots placed in the soil will form a good trap, as the wireworms eat into them, and may easily be removed and destroyed. PBOPERTIES. The characteristics of a good Carnation are as follows : The pod (i.e., calyx) should be long, as then Carnation continued. the flower is not liable to burst it, as is the case when it is short. The flower should be quite circular, and rising up gradually towards the centre, so as to form half a ball. The outer, or guard petals, should be large, and few in number, rising slightly above the calyx, then spreading horizontally ; and the other petals should be regularly disposed on them, nearly flat, and diminish in size towards the centre. The texture of the petals should be thick and wax-like, and the markings distinct and clear ; the ground a pure white, any flushing or running of the colour being a decided disqualification. FIG. 371. FLOWERS OF BIZARRE CARNATION. CLASSES. There are three distinct classes, viz. : Bizarres, (see Fig. 371), Flakes, and Selfs. The Bizarres have a clear ground, variously marked and flaked with two or three colours ; of these there are Crimson, Scarlet, and Pink and Purple varieties, each characterised by the distinguishing colours predominating. Flakes have a pure ground, flaked with one colour, of which there are Scarlet, Purple, and Eose varieties. Selfs should be one-coloured, in any shade, but the more defined, the more effective they are. The follow- ing is a selection of the best varieties in each class, at present grown, to which additions are constantly being made: Crimson Bizarres. A. D. SOUTHGATE (Dodwell), BLACK DIA- MOND (Haines), ECCENTRIC JACK (Fletcher), E. S. DODWELL (Hewitt), ISAAC WILKINSON (Turner), J. D. HEXTALL (Simonite), JENNY LIND (Puxley), JOHN SIMONITE (Simonite), LORD MILTON (Ely), MARGUERITE (Dodwell), MILLIE (Dorlwell), QUEEN VIC- TORIA (Fletcher), RIFLEMAN (Wood), SATURN (Gorton), SIR GARNET WOLSELEY (Fletcher), THOS. MOORE (Dodwell). Pink and Purple Bizarres. FALCONBRIDGE (May), JAMES TAYLOR (Gibbons), LORD CLIFTON (Puxley), Miss HENDERSON (Dodwell), MRS. BARLOW (Dodwell), OLIVE (Fletcher), PRINCESS BEATRICE (Beanlsley), SARAH PAYNE (Ward), TOM FOSTER (Dod- well), T. S. WARE (Dodwell). Scarlet Bizarres. ADMIRAL CURZON (Easom), ALFRED HUD- SON (Dodwell), ARTHUR MEDHURST (Dodwell), BEN SIMONITE (Dodwell), CARACTACUS (Dodwell), CHARLES TURNER (Dodwell), DANDY (Dodwell), DUKE OF GRAFTON (Hooper), EDWARD ADAMS (Dodwell), FANNY GARDINER, FRED (Dodwell), GUARDSMAN (Ward), JIM WHITAKER (Dodwell), JOHN HINES (Dodwell), LORD NAPIER (Taylor), MARS (Hextall), MASTER STANLEY (Dod- well), MR. FAWCETT (Fletcher), RAYNER JOHNSON (Dodwell), SIR JOSEPH PAXTON (Ely), TOM BROWN (Dodwell), TOM POWER (Dodwell), WILFRID SYMES (Dodwell), WM. SPOOR (Adams). Purple Flakes. ATTRACTION (Fletcher), BEAUTY OF WOOD- HOUSE (Mansley), DR. FOSTER (Foster), DR. WHITRON (Fletcher), EARL STAMFORD (Elliott), G. F. WILSON (Dodwell), JAMES DOUGLAS (Simonite), LADY PKEL (Haslam), MAYOR OF NOT- TINGHAM (Taylor), MAYOR OF OXFORD (Dodwell), SQUIRE TROW (Jackson). Rose Flakes. JAMES MERRYWEATHER (Wood), JESSICA (Turner), LADY GARDENER (Ely), MADGE WILDFIRE (Dodwell), MARY ANN AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 271 Carnation continued. (FletcherX MR. BUCKLEY (Fletcher), MRS. BARRETT (Fletcher), MRS. MATTHEWS (Dodwell), RACHAEL (Fletcher), ROB ROY (Gorton), ROSE OF STAPLEFORD (Holmes). Scarlet Flakes. ANMHILATOR (Jackson), CLIPPER (Fletcher), DAN GODFREY (Holmes), FRIAR TUCK (Dodwell), HENRY MAT- THEWS (Dodwell), ILLUMINATOR (Puxley), JAMES CHEETHAM (Chadwick), JOHN BALL (Dodwell), RICHARD GORTON (Dod- well), RISING SUN (Kirtland), SCARLET KEET (Dodwell), SPORTS- MAN (Fletcher), WILLIAM LANG (Dodwell), WILLIAM MELLOR (Dodwell). Selfs, ALBERT (Turner), purple ; ARETHUSA (Dodwell), magenta ; AUCTIONEER (Ware), deep magenta, very fine; BRIDE (Overs), pure white, very fine ; CONSTANCE (Dodwell), rich rose ; CORONER (Ware), bright scarlet ; CRIMSON, old double Clove ; CYNTHIA (Dodwell), bright rose, very pretty ; GERTRUDE TEIGNER (Ware), rich pink, very fine ; GLOIRE DE NANCY (Lemoine), pure white, very vigorous and free ; GOG (Dodwell), carmine-purple ; KING OF THE YELLOWS (Abercronibie), rich sulphur-yellow ; LADY ROSEBERY (Turner), the best yellow Self ; MARY MORRIS (Smythe), rich salmon-rose, immense ; MRS. MATTHEWS (Mat- thews), pure white, freely fringed ; SPARKLER (Ware), crimson- scarlet ; VIVID (Dodwell), very brilliant scarlet ; W. P. MILNEU (Fisher), pure white, of grand substance, one of the best. TREE OB PERPETUAL. These are, without doubt, some of the most useful plants grown for cut bloom, and their culture is of the easiest. Some growers strike the cuttings from July till the end of August, in gentle heat, or layer the old plants in a frame, in August, and, when well rooted, pot them off into Sin. pots, or the stronger ones into 4in. pots, in which the plants are wintered the first season, in an airy position near the glass. The second season, the plants are grown on, and not allowed to flower through the summer, about two shifts being given until they are in lOin. pots. Meanwhile, the shoots are trained as required, and the general shape of the plant arranged. When the pots are filled with roots, liquid manure should be supplied, and, about the middle of September, they may be taken in- doors, giving plenty of air for some days. By maintaining a temperature of from 45deg. to SOdeg., and applying liquid manure, plenty of blossom may be obtained through the win- ter and early spring months. For potting soil, use good fibrous yellow sandy loam three parts, and one part rotten manure, with enough sand to keep the whole sufficiently porous to admit of the free passage of water. Another excellent method of cultivation is to put the cuttings in, selecting the small side shoots, about the middle of January, in bottom heat, of about 70deg. to 75deg., with an atmospheric temperature of GOdeg. to 65deg. ; or they may be struck in a half-spent hotbed, when it will not be advisable to put them in till February. As soon as rooted, they should be potted off, and gradually hardened, so that they will bear removal to the greenhouse, where they should remain till April. They may then be shifted on, and grown liberally in pots, or be planted out. In June, go over the plants, and take off the tops; and, about once a fortnight, remove the tops of any of the side shoots which may appear likely to bloom. About the end of September, the plants should, if placed out, be carefully potted up, and shaded for a week or ten days, keeping them well sup- plied with moisture; and, after root action is resumed, removed to the greenhouse, and an unlimited supply of air given until frost sets in. Only sufficient fire heat should be applied in winter to maintain a temperature of 50deg. to 55deg., and a free circulation of air should be admitted on all favourable occasions during the day. Fumigate if fly should put in an appearance ; and for mildew, flowers of sulphur should be thoroughly dusted over the plants, washing it off after three days, taking care to remove all dirt from the plants. Varieties. These are numerous, and their number con- stantly being added to. The following are among the best : A. ALEGATIERE, bright scarlet; AMAZON, buff, edged scarlet; BELLE ROSE, rose ; BOULE DE FEU, scarlet ; BRIDE, pure white ; COVENT GARDEN, scarlet; DRAGON, scarlet; FIREFLY, bright scarlet ; FLORENCE, clear buff-yellow ; GARIBALDI, rosy-scarlet ; GOURDAULT, scarlet, crimson-flaked; HENSHAW'S, scarlet; JEAN BART, bright scarlet ; JEAN SISLEY, yellow, red-edged ; LA BELLE, pure white, very fine ; LEE'S, scarlet ; MADAME ALEGATIERE, carmine-rose ; MAIDEN'S BLUSH, blush-white ; Miss JOIXIFFE, Carnation continued. blush-pink ; MRS. G. HAWTRY, bright yellow ; OSCAR, yellow PRINCE OF ORANGE, yellow, edged with crimson ; PURITY white 1 REMBRANDT, large crimson ; SOUVENIR DE MALMAISON blush- white ; VALIANT, rosy-scarlet ; VAN DYCK, white, striped rose VULCAN, mottled-red. CARNAUBA PALM. See Copernicia cerifera. CARNOSE. Fleshy; of thick substance. CARDS-TREE. See Ceratonia Siliqua. CAROLINA ALLSPICE. See Calycanthus floridns. CAROLINEA. See Pachira. CARPEL. A division of the ovary; one of the modified leaves forming the pistil. CARFENTERIA (named after the late Professor Carpenter, of Louisiana). OBD. Saxifragece. An orna- mental tall-growing shrub, which will thrive in any good loamy soil, and will probably prove hardy in this country. It is too recent an introduction for us to be able to speak more definitely respecting it. C. californloa (Californian).* fl. white. I. broadly lanceolate, entire, 2m. to 3in. long, pinnately-veined, whitened beneath with a minute and close pubescence. Sierra Nevada, California, 1880. CARPINUS (Latin name used by Pliny). Horn- beam. OBD. CupulifercB. Hardy deciduous trees, mostly medium-sized. Male flowers, catkins later, sessile, cylin- drical; bracts imbricate. Female flowers in lax terminal FIG. 372. FLOWERING BRANCH OF CARPINUS BETUUJS. catkins ; outer bracts entire ; inner bracts in pairs, three- lobed. Leaves simple, alternate, exstipulate, deciduous. C. Betulus is the one most generally grown. It forms a good hedge plant, and bears pruning well, while the leaves remain on after they are dead, thus affording good shelter. It is not much grown in this country, but its timber is valuable ; it is also very useful as an agricultural tree, to shelter exposed fields, as it endures rough and windy situations, and thrives well in common soil. The seeds, which are formed in a small nut, are ripe at the end of autumn, but they vegetate irregularly, some coming the THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Carpinus continued. first year, some the second. If they grow thickly, they should be transplanted when a year old, but if thinly, they may be allowed to stand for two years, and then trans- planted, cutting off the extremities of the roots. After two years in nursery lines, they are fit for hedges. If not then removed, and a greater space allowed them to grow in, they will run up tall, and be unfit for hedge plants. C. amerlcana (American).* I. ovate-oblong, pointed, sharply doubly serrate, soon nearly smooth ; bractlets tnree-lobecl, halbert-shaped, sparingly cut-toothed on one side. h. 10ft. to 50ft. - " ' ' 1812. Common Hornbeam, fl. yellowish. May. iteral lobes ;n , spari North America, 1812. C. Betulus (Birch-like). fr., bracts flat, oblong, serrated, with two la ripe in October or November, h. ,50ft. to 70ft. ; nuts brown, Britain. See Fi^. 372. There are several varieties, including aurea-variegata (golden-variegated-leaved), ineisa (cut-leaved), quercifolia (Oak- leaved), and variegata (variegated). CARPOCAPSA POMONANA. See Apple or Codlin Grub. CARPODINUS (from karpos, a fruit, and dineo, to turn round; application disputed). OBD. Apocynacece. Stove evergreen climbing shrubs, thriving in a mixture of open loam and sandy peat. Easily propagated from cut- tings of half-ripened shoots. The best known species is : C. dulcis (sweet). /. green, almost sessile, twin, axillary. June. I. ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, h. 8ft. Sierra Leone, 1822. A fruiting shrub. CARPODONTOS. See Eucryphia. CARFOLYZA (from karpos, a fruit, and lyssa, rage ; in reference to the peculiar method of opening). OED. AmaryllideoB. A very pretty little bulb, from the Cape of Good Hope. For culture, see Ixia. C. spiralis (spiral).* fl. white, reddish outside ; scapes filiform, 4m. to 6in. high, spirally twisted from the base to the middle, thence straight ; perianth tube short, widening upwards ; umbels two to four-flowered; spathe two-leaved. April and May. I. spiral, filiform. 1791. SvNS. Crinum spirale, Strumaria tpiralis. (B. M. 1383.) FIG. 373. SHORT CARROT. CARROT (Daucus Carota). Hardy biennial. The wild Carrot is a native of Britain. This is generally a Carrot continued. very important crop, or rather series of crops, as, in order to keep up a good supply fit for table, it is necessary to sow often, so as to have a succession of young tender roots, free from the hard core which is invariably present in many of the large varieties. Soil. Carrots require soil that is of a good depth and, if possible, rather light. It should not be specially manured for them, or they will produce forked roots, instead of growing straight down. Ground that has been manured for a previous crop will suit better. It should also be free from wireworms, or other injurious grubs. Many gardens do not contain soil suitable for good Carrot culture ; in such cases, it would be advisable to grow the short varieties (see Fig. 373), and prepare a sufficient depth of soil for them. Cultivation. Having selected the site, deeply dig the ground for the Short varieties, or trench to a depth of FIG. 374. LONG CARROT. from 18in. to 2ft. for the Long kinds (see Fig. 374). This should be done as early in autumn as possible, and the ground left in ridges for the winter, forking it over in Ti? g- ?M fOTe SOWing ' rake the S round level > a a<* draw shallow drills, from Sin. to 12in. apart, according to the sort grown. In these drills thinly sow the seeds ; and here a little discretion and care are required. The seeds being V 1 ! ry ,i 1 t . to / tl ? k Aether, it is advisable that they should be mixed with sharp sand, and well rubbed between the hands, to separate them, otherwise the plants will come up in thick clusters or bunches. After sowing liehtlv T? th V eeds with fi* 6 *a, ^d again rake over the whole of the ground, to remove stones and make the soil fine As soon as the rows can be seen, flat hoe the beds to destroy weeds, or they will grow much faster than the' Carrots and make it a difficult matter to clear them. When the plants are large enough, thin them out to about 4m. apart, again removing some when large enough to AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 273 Carrot continued. cook. The main crops will be ripe and ready to lift during October, or early in November, according to the season. Carefully lift in dry weather, cutting off the leaves close to the crowns, and store the roots in moist sand or soil, in a cool place. For table use, the Horn varieties are, perhaps, the best. To secure a succes- sion, sow small quantities on a warm border, under a wall, in February, in March, and again in April. The main crop should be sown about the end of March, and additional sowings made each month until August. The smaller kinds will only require a space of about Sin. be- tween, and Gin. in the rows ; on this account, they are most useful for small gardens. Forcing. Early Carrots are generally in great demand, and to obtain them it is necessary to sow on a hotbed in early spring. A great heat is not necessary, but it should be constant. Stable litter, with plenty of leaves well mixed with it, should be prepared and put into a frame with a depth of 3ft. or 4ft. Tread it firmly and evenly, and allow it to remain for a few days before sowing. About 6in. of light soil will be sufficient, and the seeds may be sown thinly, either broadcast or in shallow drills, after- wards watering in. The first sowing should be made early in February, and succession beds kept up until the end of April, according to the quantity required. Give air on every favourable opportunity so soon as the plants are up, or they will quickly get drawn. They should only be moderately thinned at first, allowing them to grow large enough for use. and then removing the largest each time for this purpose. Early French Forcing is one of the best varieties for forcing purposes. FIG. 375. UMBEL OF CARROT. An umbel of Carrot, intact, is shown at Fig. 375. It is necessary to thoroughly separate the seeds before sowing. FIG. 376. CARROT, JAMES'S INTERMEDIATE. Sorts. There are many varieties of Carrots in cultiva- tion, but some are not fit for table use, on account of their Carrot continued. pale colour or the hardness of the core. The following may be relied on as some of the best for any purpose. Forcing and early crops : Common Early Horn, Early French Forcing, Early Nantes, and Early Short Horn (see Fig. 373). Main crops : Altrincham, James's Intermediate (see Fig. 376), Long Horn (see Fig. 374), and Long Eed Surrey. CARROT BLOSSOM MOTH (Depressaria dau- cella). The caterpillars of this moth inflict considerable damage on the Carrot seed-crop, in summer, by eating away the flower-heads, which they envelop with their webs. According to Miss Ormerod, the caterpillar is of a greenish- grey or yellowish colour, with black, hairy warts, and some faint streaks along the back ; and the head, as well as the upper side of the first segment behind it, is brown or black. It is only about in. long when full grown. Some- times the caterpillar changes to the chrysalis in the flower- head ; sometimes it bores for this purpose into the stem. The moth is little more than fin. in the spread of the upper wings; the head and body between the wings are reddish-brown, freckled with black. The upper wings are of the same colour, freckled with white, and having black streaks, and the under sides dark; the hind wings are light grey. The only effectual way of destroying this pest is to shake the infested plants, when the caterpillars will descend by means of a thread, and may be killed by burning or otherwise. A dusting of powdered Hellebore would pro- bably be of some service; but, being a deadly poison, it should be used with great caution. CARROT PLY. See Carrot Grubs. CARROT GRUBS (Psila roson). The grub of the Carrot Fly, which plays such havoc among Carrots, is cylin- drical, and of a pale yellow colour ; the body tapers slightly towards the mouth, while the other end is rounded; its skin is smooth and shining ; the tail has two little black tubercles. When the larva is full grown, it quits the Carrot, and, burrowing into the earth, becomes a pupa, light brown in colour, and oval. The perfect fly is shining black, slightly tinged with a greenish lustre. It has yellowish legs, white " balancers," and hyaline transparent wings; the head is reddish-yellow, and the antennae and palpi tipped with black. These grubs are probably the most destructive insects that attack Carrots. They bore into the roots, causing the tops to turn brown and eventually to die. The crop is almost entirely lost in some gardens in consequence. As soon as any plants are observed to be sickly, they should be pulled up, and either burned or destroyed by some other means. Dressing the ground with lime the previous autumn, or the drills with lime and soot when sowing, is sometimes a good preventative. It is also important not to use the same ground for Carrots two successive years, especially if these insects or any wireworms are present in the soil. CARTHAMUS (from the Arabic qurtom, to paint; Hebrew qarthami ; referring to the flowers yielding a fine colour). Safflower. ORD. Composites. Pretty hardy annuals. Pappus paleaceous, hairy, or none ; receptacle paleaceous, setose; involucre ovate, imbricated; scales ovate, leafy at end. They thrive in any ordinary soil. Seeds should be sown in a gentle hotbed, in spring ; and, when the seedlings are large enough to handle, they should be transplanted to a situation where they are intended to flower. These plants should only be grown in large gardens. C. lanatns (woolly). JL.heads yellow. South Europe, 1596. Hardy annual. (B. M. 2142.) C. oxyacantha (sharp-spined). A..heads yellow. July. h. 2ft Caucasus, 1818. C. ttnctorius (dyers'). Saffron Thistle. jt.-htad orange. June. I. ovate, entire, spiny-toothed. Stem quite smooth. A. 3ft. fc-gypt, 1551. (B. R. 170.) CARTILAGINOUS. Gristly, tough, or leathery. 2 N 274 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, CARUM (from Karos, the Greek name used by Diosco- rides). Caraway (originally found at Caria, in Asia Minor). Including Ptychotis. OED. UmbellifercB. Glabrous herbs. Flowers white. Leaves pinnate; segments or leaflets multifid. Boots tuberous. Caraway is a naturalised biennial, and will do well in most garden soils if tolerably dry in winter. The seeds are best sown in autumn, or in March, in drills 1ft. apart, and the plants, when strong enough, thinned out to about Sin. in the rows. The ground will require an occasional hoeing. Seeds will be produced in the following summer, ripening about August. These are much used, after being dried, in con- fectionery, and sometimes for flavouring and perfumery. For culture of 0. Petroselinum, see Parsley. C. Carvl (Caraway), fl. white ; involucre and involucels wanting. May. L bipinnate ; leaflets decussate, multifid. Stems furrowed. h. IJft. Europe. (Sy. En. B. 582.) y, fl., involucre of few, July. I. decompound, C. Petrosellnum (Petroselinum). Parsley, partial one of many, leaflets. June and shining ; lower leaflets ovate-cuneate, trifid, toothed ; upper ones lanceolate, nearly entire. Europe (naturalised in Britain). SYN. Petroselinum sativum, CARUMBIUM. A synonym of Sapium. CARYA (from karya, a Walnut-tree, from karyon, a nut). Hickory. STN. Scorias. ORD. Juglandacece. Very handsome hardy deciduous trees, far too rarely seen in this country. This genus differs from Juglans in having the male catkins clustered, with from three to ten stamens in each flower, and the firm (at length) dry exocarp splitting into four regular valves, and falling away from the smooth, bony endocarp or shell. Leaves alternate, exstipulate, of five to fifteen leaflets, serrate ; the lateral ones in opposite, or nearly opposite, pairs, and all spreading in one plane. Propagation is effected by nuts, planted where the trees are intended to remain, as most of the species have very long tap roots, which, with the exception of C. amara, are nearly destitute of fibres. The species here described are all North American. C. alba (white).* Shell-bark Hickory, fl., catkins glabrous. May. fr. globular or depressed ; nut white, compressed, barely mucro- nate, the shell thinnish. I, leaflets five, finely serrate, when young minutely downy beneath ; the lower pair oblong-lanceolate, the three upper obovate-lanceolate. h. 50ft. to 70ft. (W. D. B. 148.) C. amara (bitter).* Bitter Nut, or Swamp Hickory, fl., sets of catkins in pairs. April, fr. globular, narrowly six-ridged ; nut globular, snort-pointed. L, leaflets seven to eleven, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, pubescent when young, afterwards almost glabrous, h. 50ft. to 60ft. 1800. (T. S. M. 226.) C. ollvfflfonnls (Olive-formed). Pecan Nut. fr., nut olive- shaped. I., leaflets thirteen to fifteen, oblong-lanceolate, tapering gradually to a slender point, falcate, serrate, h. 30ft. 1766. C. porcina (pig). Pig Nut, or Broom Hickory, fr., nut oblong or oval, with a thick bony shell. I., leaflets five to seven, oblong or obovate-lanceolate, and taper-pointed, serrate, glabrous or nearly so. h. 70ft. to 80ft. (T. S. M. 224.) C. tomcntosa (tomentose).* Mocker Nut ; White-heart Hickory. fl., catkins short, and lower surface of leaves tomentose when young, resinous-scented. May. fr. on some trees globular or ovoid, with a thick and hard busk ; nut globular, not compressed, four-ridged towards the slightly pointed summit, brownish, very thick shelled. I. , leaflets seven to nine, obovate-lanceolate, or lower oblong-lanceolate, pointed, h. 60ft. to 70ft. 1766. (T. S. M. 222.) C. t. maxima (largest), fr. globose, nearly twice the size of that of the type ; " as large as an apple ;" husk exceedingly thick. CARYOCAR (from karyon, a nut; the large fruits contain edible nuts). Butter Nut. STN. Rhizobolus. OED. Ternstr&miacece. Large stove trees, of easy cultivation in loamy soil. Ripened cuttings will root in sand, under a hand glass, in heat. There are about eight species, all tropical American ; the only one calling for mention here is C. nuciferum. C. nuciferum (nut-bearing). Souari or Butter Nut. fl. racemose ; calyx and corolla purple ; stamens white, numerous ; anthers yellow. Drupe Sin. to 6in. in diameter, four-celled, each cell containing one nut, embedded in white pulp ; shell very hard, tubercled; kernel or seed edible, covered by a red-brown mem- brane, internally pure white, soft, fleshy, and rather oily, of a very agreeable flavour. 1. trifoliolate ; leaflets elliptical-lanceo- late, obscurely serrated, smooth, h. 100ft. 1825. (B. M. 2727.) CARYOPHYLLE-SI. An extensive order of herba, with stems swollen at the joints. Flowers terminal, solitary, or disposed in racemes, panicles, or corymbs. Leaves entire, opposite. Well-known genera are : Arenaria, Oerastium, Dianthus, Lychnis, Saponaria, and Silene. CARYOPHYLLUS (from karuophyllon, Clove-tree; literally nut leaf, from karuon, a nut, and phyllon, a leaf). Clove-tree. The Arabs, who have been acquainted from all antiquity with the Clove, called it Qarumfel, which the Greeks altered to Caryophyllon. OED. Myrtacece. A stove evergreen tree, now generally referred to genus Eugenia. Cymes terminal, or sub-corymbose, in the forks of the branches. Leaves opposite, coriaceous, dotted. It grows best in a mixture of loam and peat. Cuttings of firm shoots, with the leaves left on, will root if planted in a pot of sand, with a hand glass over them, and placed in a moist heat. It is difficult to preserve this tree through the winter. C. aromatlcus (fragrant).* fl., petals pale purple ; calyx dark purple; cymes many-flowered. I. ovate-oblong, acuminated at both ends. h. 20ft. to 40ft. Moluccas, 1796. The flowers of this tree are the cloves of commerce. CARYOFTERIS (from karuon, a nut, and pteron, a wing; fruit winged). OED. Verbenacece. Ornamental, hardy, herbaceous or sub-shrubby perennials, with a bushy habit. They thrive in ordinary garden soil. Propagated by seeds, by divisions, or by cuttings. C. Mastacanthus (moustache).* fl. rich violet; peduncles axillary, fastigiate. Autumn. I. ovate-oblong, petiolate, obtuse, coarsely serrated, downy, h. 2ft. China, 1844. A handsome greenhouse or half-hardy herbaceous plant, growing freely in any garden soil. It requires plenty of water during the summer months. SYN. Mastacanthus sinensis. (B. R. 1846, 2.) C. mongolica (Mongolian), fl. violet-blue, numerous, in small long-stalked axillary corymbs, forming loose spikes nearly 2ft. long. 1. opposite, lanceolate-elliptic, greyish-green, hoary be- neath, h. 3ft. Chinese Mongolia, 1869. (E. H. 1872, 451.) CARYOTA (old Greek name karuotis, used by Dio- soorides ; the Greeks first applied this name to their cul- tivated Date). OKD. Palmce. A genus of about a dozen species of very noble stove Palms, with bipinnate leaves, the ultimate divisions of which have the shape of the fins and tail of a fish features which distinguish the present from all other genera of the order. They attain their full size before commencing to flower ; the spadices, which are developed first at the top, and last at the very foot of the trunk, are large, and their spikes hang down in bundles. When the flowers have been produced from the trunk, nearly at ground level, the plant dies, unless it has previously developed suckers. Two species, sobolifera and urens, are frequently employed in sub-tropical gardening. from June till September, and their unique appearance renders them well suited for the purpose. When in a young stage, Caryotas form excellent ornaments for dinner tables, &c. They require a compost of loam and vegetable mould in equal parts, with the addition of a little sand ; thorough drainage, and a liberal supply of water during the grow- ing season, are essentials to success. Propagated easily by seeds, or by suckers; the first named are frequently pro- duced in this country. C. Cumingll (Cuming's).* I. large, dark green, spreading, bi- pinnate, 4ft. to 6ft. in length, and 3ft. in width ; pinnules 8in. to lOin. long, sub-falcate, obliquely wedge-shaped below, and erosely toothed upwards. The spadices hang in drooping tassel-like tufts from the axils of the leaves, and the flowers are succeeded by bright red berries, which lend an additional charm to this beauti- ful stove plant. Trunk or stern slender, about 10ft. high. Philippine Islands, 1841. (B. M. 5762.) C. maxima (largest). I. bipinnate ; pinnae coriaceous, rigid, elon- gated, dimidio-lanceolate, acuminate. Stein tall. Java, 1849. C. mills (mild). 1. reclining ; pinnae cuneiform, oblique, prae- ',20ft. China, 1820 C. propinqua (neighbouring). I. bipinnate ; pinnae coriaceous, sessile, dimidiate-rhomboid, obtuse or acuminate, praemorse. Stem tall. Java, 1850. C. purpuracea (purple). I. bipinnate; pinnae unequal, both in size and shape ; petioles clothed with rusty tomentum. h. 30ft Java. 1848 This species resembles C. urens, but is AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 275 Caryota continued. wan compact, the petioles are not so long, and the leaves more .spreading. 3ft to 8ft. eoneateand pnemone. tin. to 6in. in length, and the same intaadth at the widest part, ' flat and even, and deep green in colour. Indian Archi- Fery handsome and disiiSk lyir._- f^rv ^: : petago. Very] green; petioles, when young, e tomen'tai. Malacca iSS^An * I. bipinnate ; pinnae bright light clothed with a abort black scaly scaly what dwarf species, not very unlike'C. irww in the form' o~f the learea. Sockers are more freely produced by this speoes than by any other. See Kg. 577. C. more, Fie. 377. CABTOTA SOBOUFERA. L bipinnate, spreading, 5ft. to 12ft., or eren to 9in. in A. SOft. lentii.an India, 1788. Probably the largest-growing CASCADE, or WATEETAUL. This, says London, is an obvious improvement where a running stream passes through a demesne, and is to be formed by first construct- ing a bank of masonry, presenting an inclined plane to the current, and rendering it impervious to water by the use of cement : and next by varying the ridge of the bank, and the bed of the river below it, with fragments of rock, so chosen and placed as not to present a character foreign to what Nature may be supposed to have produced there. The adjoining ground frequently requires to be raised at such scenes, but may be harmonised by plantations. Where or Waterfall continued. running water is conducted in the forms belonging to the geometric style of gardening, Cascades are constructed in the form of crescents, flights of steps, or wavy slopes, all of which produce excellent effects when appropriately BASK. See Croton Elnteria, introduced. CASCARILLA CASEABJA (named after J. Casearius, who Eheede in the " Hortus Malabaricus "). OBD. Samydoeeor. A genus of stove evergreen trees, with astringent and medicinal properties, but of no ornamental value. There are numerous species. CASHEW HUT. See Anacardinm occidentale. CASnOBrOA (named after Cardinal Casimiro Gomez). OBD. Rutacece. A genus, allied to Slnimmia, containing a couple of species, the one hitherto introduced being an evergreen greenhouse tree, succeeding well in rich friable loam with perfect drainage. It is very likely that this fine fruiting tree will be extensively grown when better known, as it would probably succeed in the open air in the Channel Islands, in the south and south-west of Eng- land, and in Ireland. We have hitherto failed in striking cuttings, as also in finding a stock on which it will graft. It may. however, be readily raised from seeds. C. ednlis (edible).* White Sapota. .. green, small, fr. about the size of a St. Michael orange, borne on the two-year-old wood, of a greenish-yellow colour when ripe, and hanng a delicious melting flavour, like that of a peach. I. digitate. Mexico, 1866. (G. C. n. s., Tiii. 465.) CASFABXA SPECIOSA. See Bauhinia petio- lata. CASSANDRA (name of mythological origin 1 . OBD. Ericaceae. A small genus of hardy shrubs, sometimes included under Andromeda. C. calyculata. distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, is the only species known, C. angustifolia being merely a form of it. They thrive best in peat or sandy loam. Propagated by layers or by seeds, which Litter, being very small, require to be covered lightly with earth. C. angnstifblia (narrow-leaTedX* *- snow-white ; corolla oblong ovate, with a contracted mouth, on short pedicels, axillary, dis- posed in the manner of recurred racemes at the tops of the branches. April. L linear-lanceolate, acute, with sub-undulated edges, rusty beneath. A. 1ft to 2ft Carolina, 1748. Srx. C. eritpa. C. calyenlata (small-calvxedl* / snow-white ; corolla oblong- cylindrical, on short pedicels ; racemes terminal, recurred, leafy. ApriL L elliptic-oblong, bluntish, obsoletely serrulated, rusty beneath, A. 1ft to 3ft North America, 1748. There are seTeni unimportant varieties of this species. (B. M. 1286.) C, crisp* (curled). CASSAREE3 Synonymous with C. anyutt \folia. . The concentrated juice of Manihot roots, rendered harmless by boiling. f*. * pg^p'B'Pft A (derivation obscure). OBD. Filitet. Stove Ferns, from Brazil. Son terminal on the veins, sub- globose or oblong, not reaching beyond the branches of a single vein. Involucre inserted distinctly within the margin, and separate from it, of the same shape as the sorus, and pressed down upon it. For culture, Ac., tee C. pinnata (pinnate).* tti. 6in. to 12in. long, stout, erect frondt about bin. each way, pinnate ; pinnxe crenate, linear-oblong ; mar- gins of the segments much incurred in the mature plant tori in close rows along the margins. C. triphyH* (three-leaved), tti. 2in. to 3in. long, slender, wiry. frondt digitate, Jin. each way; segments three to five, nearly equal, linear oblong, tori in close rows along the margins of the CASSIA (the Greek Kasia of Dioscorides, from Hebrew Q*et*foth). OBD. Legwninofct. A very large genus of shrubs or herbs, containing over two hundred species, few of which are seen in lfrglig> gardens. Flowers yellow. Leaves abruptly pinnate ; leaflets opposite ; petioles usually glandular. C. eorymbota is about the only species grown, and even this is not frequently met with. They are 276 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, i continued. all of very easy culture and propagation. The stove and greenhouse species thrive well in a compost of maiden loam, sand, and a little peat. 0. corymbosa may be placed out of doors, in a sheltered warm spot in June; but, so soon as the frost touches the foliage, the plant should be potted up, and, after cutting it back nearly to the old wood, wintered in a cool, frost-proof greenhouse or vinery. The annuals and biennials are increased by seeds, which must be sown in March or April, in a gentle heat; and the shrubby species, by cuttings of half-ripened shoots, which will root in heat, at about the same time of the year. Stove evergreen shrubs, except where otherwise specified. C. alata (winged-Ieaved).* fl. yellow, large, bracteolate. I. with eight to twelve pairs of obovate-oblong glabrous leaflets, outer ones the largest, lower ones approximating to the axils, h. 6ft. West Indies, 1731. Shrub. C. aurlculata (small-eared). /. yellow ; bracts oval-oblong ; ra- cemes axillary. June, July. I. with eight to twelve pairs of oval, obtuse, rather mucronate leaflets, which are puberulous when young; petioles glandular, h. 4ft. to 6ft. India, 1777. Shrub. C. bacillaris (rod), fl. yellow ; racemes axillary, pedunculate. June, July. I. with two pairs of ovate, obtuse, oblique leaflets, with a gland on the petiole between the lower pair. h. 12ft. to 14ft. South America, West Indies, &c., 1782. Tree. C. Barclayana (Barclay's). A synonym of C. Sophora. C.blflora (two-flowered), /.yellow; peduncles two to four-flowered, much shorter than the leaves. April, December. I. with six to eight pairs of oval-oblong or obovate, rather glabrous leaflets, with a subulate gland on the petiole between the lower pair. h. 4ft. to 6ft. South America, 1766. Greenhouse. (B. M. 810.) C. corymbosa (corymbose).* fl. yellow, disposed in numerous corymbs. Summer. I. with three pairs of oblong-lanceolate, rather falcate leaflets, which are glabrous as well as the branches, with an oblong gland on the petiole between the lower pair. A. 6ft. to 10ft. Buenos Ayres, 1796. Half-hardy. FIG. 378. FLOWERING BRANCH OF CASSIA MARYLANDICA. C. emarginata (notched-leaved), jl. yellow ; racemes axillary, crowded. May, June. I. with four pairs of ovate, obtuse or rather emarginate leaflets, clothed with hairy pubescence beneath as well as the branches, and glandless petioles, h. 15ft West Indies, &c., 1759. Tree. C. floribunda (many-flowered), fl. yellow; peduncles many- flowered. June, July. I. with three to five pairs of oblong- lanceolate, glabrous leaflets, with an oblong gland on the petio'Te between the lower pair. A. 4ft. New Spain, 1818. Stove annual. Cassia continued. C. glauca (milky-green), fl. sulphur-coloured ; racemes axillary, erect, shorter than the leaves. June. I. with five to six pairs of oval-oblong leaflets, which are glaucous beneath, puberulous when young ; petioles glandular, one gland between each of the three or four lower pairs of leaflets. India, 1800. A tall tree. C. Herbertiana (Herbert's). Synonymous with C. Icemgata. C. humilis (dwarf). A synonym of C. Tora. C. Isevigata (smooth), fl. yellow. July. I. with three to five pairs of ovate-lanceolate, acuminated, glabrous leaflets, with an oblong acutish gland between each of the pairs on the petiole. h. 3ft. New Spain. SYN. C. Herbertiana. (B. R. 1422.) C. marylandica (Maryland).* fl. yellow ; racemes axillary, many- flowered, shorter than the leaves. August, October. I. with eight to nine pairs of ovate-oblong, equal, mucronate leaflets, with an ovate gland at the base of the petiole, ft. 2ft. to 3ft. North America, 1723. This is the only hardy perennial species, and should be grown in a sheltered situation. It thrives in any common garden soil ; and may be increased by seeds, or by dividing at the root, in spring. See Fig. 378. C. niotitans (twinkling), fl. yellow ; pedicels supra-axillary, very short. July. I. with eight to twelve pairs of oblong-linear, obtuse, mucronate leaflets ; petioles villous, bearing a somewhat pedicellate gland beneath the lower pair of leaflets, h. 1ft. Tropical ana sub-tropical America, 1800. Greenhouse annual. C. occidentalis (western), fl. yellow ; peduncles short, two to four-flowered, lower ones axillary, the rest disposed in a terminal raceme. May, August. I. with four to six pairs of ovate-lanceo- late leaflets, with pubescent margins, and with a thick gland at the base of the petiole, ft. 1ft. to 2ft. South America, 1759. (B. R. 83.) C. Sophora (Sophora). fl., peduncles axillary and terminal, shorter than the leaves, many-flowered. June. I. with six to eight pairs of linear-lanceolate, acute, glabrous leaflets, with a fascicle of glands between each of the pairs of pinnae, and a large depressed one at the base of the petiole, ft. 8ft. to 10ft. Australia, &c., 1824. Greenhouse. SYN. C. Barclayana. (S. F. A. 32.) C. tomentosa (tomentose).* /. yellow. July, September. I. with leaflets, which are nearly ____________ __________ ry t tiole furnished with glands, usually with one between each pair six to eight pairs of oval-oblong, obtuse 1 glabrous above, but clothed with ' arly ry tomentum beneath ; pe- of leaflets, h. 5ft. to 7ft. Tropical Asia, . . Tora (Tora). fl. yellow. August. I. with three pairs of ob- ovate, obtuse leaflets, with an oblong gland between each of the two lower pairs on the petiole, which ends in a bristle. A. 2ft. to 5ft. Tropics, 1693. Stove annual. SYN. C. humilis. CASSIDA. A synonym of Scutellaria (which see). CASSIXE (the native name given by the American Indians of Florida). ORD. Celastrinece. This genus as now understood is restricted to the species mentioned below. A greenhouse evergreen shrub, with opposite, smooth, coriaceous leaves, and axillary peduncles, bearing small flowers. It grows freely in a mixture of loam and peat ; and ripened cuttings will readily strike root, if planted in a pot of sand, with a hand glass placed over them. C. concava (concave). Synonymous with Celastrus lucidus. C. Maurocenia (the old generic name, after Mauroceni, a Vene- tian senator and patron of botany). Hottentot Cherry, fl. at flrst greenish-yellow, but changing at length to white ; pedicels many, very short. July and August. I. sessile, obovate, quite entire, convex, ft. 6ft. South Africa, 1690. CASSINTA (named after M. Henri Cassini, an emi- nent French botanist). ORD. Composites. A handsome genus of, for the most part, greenhouse shrubs or herba- ceous perennials. Flower-heads very numerous, small, disposed in terminal corymbs or panicles ; florets tubular ; receptacle furnished with linear scales. Leaves alternate, entire, revolute. The species are of easy culture in a loam and peat compost. The annual is increased by seeds only, which must be sown on a warm border during April. The herbaceous and shrubby kinds are propagated in April by dividing at the roots, or by cuttings of half-ripened shoots, placed in sand. C. aurea (golden), jl-heads yellow. July. ft. 1ft. New South Wales, 1803. Greenhouse shrub. (B. K. 764.) C. denticulata (small-toothed). * fl. -heads yellow. Summer. A. 6ft. to 8ft. New South Wales, 1826. Greenhouse evergreen shrub. C. spectabilis (showy), fl.-headt very pale yellow. July. I. lower ones oblong, shortly acuminate, stem-clasping, 4in. to 6in. long, woolly. A. 6ft. Australia, 1818. Hardy annual. (B. R. 678.) CASSIOPE (of classical derivation). OBD. Ericaceae. A genus of small, hardy, Heath-like shrubs, sometimes, but erroneously, included under Andromeda. Flowers solitary, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE. 277 Cassiope continued. pedunculate, lateral or terminal. Leaves small, imbricated. All the species are delicate little plants, and require great care in their culture. They are best planted in sandy peat, and partially shaded. Propagated by layers. C. fastiglata (pyramidal), fl. white or pale red ; corolla cam- panulate, solitary, pedunculate, produced at the top of the little branchlets. May. I. imbricated in four rows, with revolute membranous margins, elongated at top ; peduncles woolly. Hima- layas. An elegant little shrub, thriving when planted on rockwork in deep, moist, but well drained soil, where it will be carefully guarded from drought, which is fatal to it. (B. M. 4796.) C. hypnoides (moss-like).* fl. small, with a red calyx and white campanulate corolla, solitary, drooping, lateral, on somewhat long pedicels. June. 1. imbricated, loose, needle-shaped. Lap- land and North America, 1798. A small moss-like creeping shrub, forming one of the best and most interesting of alpine plants, and of rather difficult culture. It delights in gritty, moist, but well- drained peat, with full exposure to sun and air. To establish it perfectly, it should be pegged down when first planting ; it is also advisable to place a few stones around the neck of the plant on the surface of the soil. Drought is also fatal to its successful cultivation. SYN. Andromeda hypnoides. (B. M. 2936.) FIG. 379. CASSIOPE TETRAGONA. C. tetragona (four-angled).* fl. white ; corolla campanulate, some- what contracted near the mouth, solitary, and rather freely pro- duced. March. I. imbricated in four rows, obtuse, pointless, minutely ciliated ; margins revolute. h. 6in. to 8m. Lapland, 1810. An elegant little evergreen, requiring partial shade, sandy peat or leaf soil, and a moist or semi-bog situation. It has re- cently been proved to thrive well in a rich yellow loam. See Fig. 379. (B. M. 3181.) In gardens, this is usually called And.ro- meda tetragona. CASTANEA (from Castanea, a town in Thessaly, or from another town of the same name in Pontus). Chestnut. OBD. Corylacece. Large, spreading, deciduous trees. Male flowers clustered on long naked cylindrical catkins, with a five to six partite perianth. Female flowers, two or three together in a prickly four-lobed involucre, which eventually completely encloses the glossy brown fruits or nuts. Leaves simple, alternate, stipulate, deciduous, serrated. The nuts are eaten as gathered, or baked and flavoured with salt. In some parts of France, where corn is scarce, Chestnuts are ground up as a substitute for flour. It is, however, very hard when baked. A sandy loam suits the Sweet or Spanish Chestnut best. A warm, rather sheltered site is an important point when the ripening of the fruits is a consideration ; but the trees will grow freely, and form good specimens, in almost any position. The young trees must have all side shoots removed, until they form stems of sufficient height. PBOPAGATION is effected by seed, grafting, or budding, but chiefly by seed. Seed. The ripest and best-formed may be sown as soon as ripe ; or they may be kept till February or March. By Castanea continued . adopting the latter course, the risk of destruction by rodents, &o., is greatly lessened. Some stratify the nuts in damp sand, during winter, and plant them out in spring, at the same time removing the points of the radicles or growing roots, with a view to making the trees more dwarf and sooner fertile. The simplest way, however, ia to sow either in November or February, in drills, 1ft. apart, and Sin. deep, placing the nuts Sin. or 4in. apart in the rows. If the plants make rapid growth, they can be re- planted the following November, in drills 3ft. apart, and the plants 2ft. asunder. On good soil, and with proper attention, they will be fit for finally placing out in from three to four years from the time of sowing. Grafting is resorted to for increasing any good variety for fruiting. All may be perpetuated in this way ; but a few are so distinct that a large percentage of similarly good sorts may be expected from their seeds. Budding may be performed in July, or any time after the buds are sufficiently plump. Good large fruiting varieties are rather scarce, and anyone contemplating growing these, should make sure of getting the best, either from a first- class English nursery, or from the Continent. PLANTING. The Chestnut looks well planted singly or in groups. In the latter case, from 20ft. to 30ft. apart will be suitable distances, and from three to fifteen trees in a group will give a noble effect. For coppices or underwood, the trees should be planted about 5ft. apart, the coppice being cut every twelve or fifteen years. C. pumila (dwarf), fl. green, yellow. July. Nut solitary, not flattened. I. oblong, acute, serrate with pointed teeth, whitened, downy underneath. h. 12ft. North America, 1699. FIG. 380. CATKIN AND FRUIT OF SPANISH CHESTNUT (CASTANEA SATIVA). C. sativa (cultivated).* Sweet, or Spanish, Chestnut, fl. yellowish. July. fr. greenish, enclosing a brown nut, ripe in October. I. oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, mucronately serrated, glabrous on each side. h. 50ft. to 70ft. Asia Minor. SYN. C. vesca. See Figs. 380 and 381. The varieties are numerous ; but two only need be mentioned as worth growing, in addition to the type, and these are C. s. foliis aureo-marginatis, with golden-edged folia C. . heterophylla dissecta, in which the leaves are div thread-like segments. C. vesca (edible). Synonymous with C. sativa. ^; and into 278 THE DICTIONARY OF GARDENING, Castilloa continued. the order Urticace