BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Gift of Mrs. Esther C. Thomson H. E. Thomson, A KEY TO Succession in the Presidency of the Church AND A Complete Ready Reference for the Missionary BY P. J. SANDERS Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1909, by P. J. Sanders, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE This little work contains a collection of important citations and quotations on the principles of the gospel and succession in the Presidency of the Church. It has been compiled from material collected while in actual service in the mission field. The rapid expansion of the missionary work and the many church duties at home, demand a practical ready reference. A number of such references already exist in the private journals and index books of the returned missionaries, but have failed to come before the public for the use of future workers. Realizing the value of such a work, the compilation of this book has been under- taken, and its preparation has been interesting to me, and I hope the results may prove interesting and bene- ficial to those who use it. The aim has been to make the work brief, but com- prehensive. Most, if not all, of the important subjects of the gospel as used in missionary work are here presented, and have been selected with considerable care. Attention is called to the carefully arranged index at the beginning of the book. It consists of a great number of pages, and thus forms a key to the entire work. Any important item can be readily found by referring to the index. It is certain this feature will be welcomed, and appreciated the more it is used. Part one, which follows the index, is the Ready Ref- erence for the Missionary. An important feature con- nected with this is the alphabetical arrangement of the subjects. The value of this is apparent. The work here outlined is not a compilation of items thrown together for the purpose of filling the book, but is a careful selection of choice, practical references suita- ble for the missionary and active church worker. There is also foun'l ^'n this part, a bird's eye view of the Church from the birth of Joseph Smith in 1805 to his death at Carthage in 1844. The great land-marks and items of interest showing the progress of the Church are given in chronological order, and is full of the most im- portant facts in Church History. At the close of part one is appended a collection of over two hundred citations used in a debate in August, \)\l\)\ }; 1,1 I ■) u ?i .< ii/\<' 1908, between the author and J. F. Curtis of the Reor- ganized Church. This will be found of value to those who may meet the "aggressors" or care to learn of their position in regard to Succession in the Presidency. Part two consists of quotations carefully selected from many rare publications, such as the Millennial Stars from 1840 to 1854, Times and Seasons, published in Nauvoo, Journals of Discourses, the Life of Parley P. Pratt, Life of the Prophet by Edward W. Tullidge, History of Illi- nois by Governor Ford, who was the Chief Executive at the time the Saints were in Illinois, Records of Hancock County giving the Sworn Statement of Joseph Smith the Martyr, as to whom his Successor in office shall be, Rec- ords in Historian's Office, Salt Lake City, Saints Herald, a publication of the Reorganized Church, Letters from President Joseph Smith of said Church, showing his po- sition and reasons for the stand he. has taken. Numerous other works have been freely used in the compilation of this work. The subject matter here contained is replete with in- teresting historical events which prove beyond a doubt that succession in the Presidency of the Church belongs where the revelations of God designate. THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS Ready Reference, part ona Citations used in a four nights' debate on "Succession in the Presidency." Excerpts from early church works, part two. INDEX "To the Law and to the Testimony." Abbreviations used in this work are as follows: Star 5-126 is Millennial Star, Vol. 5, page 126. T. S. 6-819 is Times and Seasons, Vol. 6, page 819. J. of D. is Journal of Discourses. D. C. 124-56, 7 is Doctrine and Covenants, Section 124, verses 56 and 57. B. of M. is Book of Mormon. Bible. R. is Roberts Succession in Presidency. H. C. S. is Heman C. Smith's True Succession. Re, is the Reorganized Church of Lamoni, Iowa. B. Y. is Brigham Young. Y. J. is Young Joseph Smith. Tull. is Tullidge's Life of the Prophet. B. Y. by Tull. is Life of Brigham Young by Tullidge. Sts. Her. is True Saints Herald of Lamoni, Iowa. P. P. P. Auto, is Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt. Ford, is Ford's History of Illinois. Hist. Rec. is "Historical Record" of the Church, -r- used in the index indicates that the citation is taken from some book published by the Reorganized Church. All letters used in this work between Joseph Smith and myself are in my possession. Ref. means Ready Reference. P. of G. P. is Pearl of Great Price. W, is Wilford Woodruff. AARON I C Frie^Uiood Restored. 62-80; 1, 2. ACTS of Reorganite conference recorded in heaven, 62-lOr. INDEX 7 ADAM. Has keys of salvation in his hands, D. C. 78-15, 16. Is Michael; Ancient of Days; Father of all, D. C. 27-11. Is the Archangel, D. C. 128-21. At the Head; over us forever! D. C. 107-54. Sounds his trump; gathers the hosts of heaven, D. C. 88-112. Standeth up for us forever. Daniel 12-1, 2. Was not deceived, hut the woman. 1st Tim. 2-14. The first man Adam a living soul. 1st Cor. 1.5-44 to 47. A Prince over us forever. 63-2 to 18. ALWAYS commanded to build temples unto my name. D. C. 124-89. AMEN to that man's priesthood. D. C. 121-36 to 8. ANGELS: Moroni . . Has keys of Stick of Ephraim. D. C. 27-5. John, the Baptist . . Keys of Aaronic Priesthood. D. C. 27-8. Peter, James and John . . Keys of Apostleship. D. C. 27-12, 13. Moses . . Keys of Gathering. D. C. 110-11. Elias . . Keys of the Gospel of Abraham. D. C. 110-12. Elijah . . Keys of Turning hearts of fathers. D. C. 110-14. Michael or Adam . . Keys and priesthood. D. C. 128-21. Gabriel and Raphael and divers angels. D. C. 27-5 to 11. How good and bad spirits are known. D. C. 129-1, 9. Ancient of Days, or Adam. D. C. 116. Present at meeting. 61-37r. Angels present. 59r. ANOINTING and blessing on Joseph's posterity. D. C. 124- 56 to 9. It was to live in the Nauvoo House; see citation just- given. Joseph's posterity not plants of renown; see last 20 verses of D. C. 124. And blessing by his father, the patriarch, Jan. 21, 1836. 67-14. APPOINT another in his stead. D. C. 43-3, 4. Why would the Lord tell Joseph that he could appoint another in his place, if God had already decreed that it should belong to the first born? Appoint another, but be sure it's your first born! ! 8 INDEX APOSTACY: They have transgressed the laws Isaiv.fl. 24-5, 6. For my people have committed two evils. Jer. 2-13. Let no man deceive you by any means. 2nd Thes. 2-3, 4. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. 2nd Tim. 4-3, 4. And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another. Matt. 24-10, 13. For I know this, that after my departing. Acts. 20-29, 30. Now the spirit speaketh expressly. 1st Tim. 4-1, 2. But there were false spirits, false teachers. 2nd Peter 2-1, 3. i marvel that ye are so soon removed. Gal. 1-6, 7. And for this cause God shall send them strong de- lusion. 2nd Thes. 2-9, 12. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted. Matt. 24-9. They shall put you out of the synagogue. John 16-2, 3. A spirit of deep sleep upon you. Isa. 29-9, 14. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth. Isa. 60-2. Therefore night shall be unto you. Micah 3-5, 11. For my people have committed two evils. Jer. 2-13. The prophets prophesy falsely. Jer. 5-31. This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth. Matt. 15-8, 9. A^d for this cause God shall send them strong delu- sion. 2nd Thes. 2-11, 12. This know also, that in the last days, perilous times. 2nd Tim. 3-1, 5. Knowing this first, that there shall come a falling away. 2nd Peter 3-3, 4. View of Roger Williams on apostacy. 66-1. APOSTLES chosen by men whom God designated. D. C. 18-37. Not so with the Reorganites; they chose them them- selves. 82-3r. Twelve in number to be chosen. D. C. 18. Not so with Reorganites; Seven is sufficient. 62-5r. Must be ordained by the heads of the church. D. C. 42-11; 20-65. Were ordained by the heads of the Church. Of Reorganites were not so ordained. 62-23 Young Joseph. Vacancy filled by the Lord. D. C. That's the pattern. Of Reorganites vacancy not filled by the Lord, 62-43. Cut offenders off the Church without trial, say Re- ; organites. INDEX 9 Of Reorganite Church cut off Apostles by resolution. 62-43r. Usurped authority when they assumed to lead the church. 8r. Are the proper ones to take charge of Church, says Y. J. 63-33; llr; 35. Set in order all the affairs of the Church. D. C. 90-16. Cannot ordain a Bishop, say the Reorganites. 61-48r. But one to receive revelations for the Church. D. C. 28-2. Many Reorganites receive revelation for the Church; see art. 53-3; 45; 61-15; 61-27 to 29; 61-4 to 5; 54; 50-5; 61-34; 61-37; 61-3; 49; 61; 61-35; 61, 37 to 38; 61; 61-27, etc., etc. Follow the pattern! ! Of Reorganites in need of men who will turn not to right or left. 62-35. Absorbed the priesthood, 61-50r. Did not absorb it; it was given them by Joseph, says Woodruff. 26. Woodruff cannot lie; not in his nature, says Reorgan- ite History. 24r. Preside because they are highest authority present. 4r. Briggs, not an apostle, but is highest authority, and presides. 62-llr. Joseph Smith had to be ordained as Apostle before organizing Church. 74-13. Young Joseph Smith says: "I never was an apostle." 62-23. Apostleship is all priesthood — sanctified — the Church and Kingdom and elect of God. D. C. 84-14. Hold all the keys ever bestowed upon man, said Joseph Smith, Jr. 74-18 B. Y. Y. J. Pres. of Reorganized Church never received these keys, then. 62-23. Joseph Smith, Jr., ordained to Apostleship before or- ganizing Ch. 74-13. Reorganites established their Church, and had NO APOSTLES. 61-39. Nine of the Twelve Apostles came to Utah. The remaining three Apos,tatized-Page-Smith-Wigiht. See P. and S. and W. in index. A majority form a quorum. D. C. 107-28. Where is the Reorganite's authority now? They are out of harmony with the law — follow the pattern. 62-22r. Ordained by Wm. Smith (apostate apostle), were not of God, says the Lord. 61-37, 8, 9. Briggs was ordained an apostle in Smith's Church 62-18r. 10 INDEX Briggs is highest authority in the Reorganites, and he, according to Reorganite revelation, is not of God!!!! What about the rest of them? If not of God, what are they of? 62-llr. Briggs highest; - 61-37; Not of God . Consistency in a jewel, but is not found in Reorgan- ite History! ! Reorganite's righteous (?) effort to restore the Church to her rock of constitutional law and priesthood, according to the sacred books of the Church! 6 1-5 Or. If the apostleship is highest, the Presidents, Joseph and Hyrum being dead, and Rigdon excommuni- cated from the church, how can Reorganites or- ganize a church with two High Priests and a sen- ior president of seventy, of the 21st quorum, which authority they ignore? l^et Reorganites answer: "It was impossible, utterly impossible! And if done, what would it accomplish? Nothing, just nothing! .We were in trouble, deep trouble." 61-39r. Of Reorganite Church apostatize; vacancy filled — pe- culiarities. 62-43r. Preside, says Reorganite History. 61-48r. See also index "P" for Preside. If the Reorganite's God would not accept the apos- tate William Smith's ordinations (Wm. Smith was an apostle in the church) how could an unchange- able LfOrd accept the ordination of Young Joseph Smith by three other apostates from the original Church, Messrs. Marks, Gurley, and Briggs, as- sisted by two others? 62-77. APOSTLES chosen in the days of our Redeemer. 1. Chosen in the latter days. 67-5. Chosen by God's direction. D. C. 18-37. Chosen by the three witnesses to Bk. of M. 2. Are counselors to the First Presidency. D. C. 112-30. Equal in authority to the First Presidency. D. C. 107-24. Being equal, preside over the whole Church when. D. C. 107-91, 2. And the Quorum of Seventy also equal. D. C. 107-26. Are prophets, seers, and revelators. 5 and 22. do. D. C. 21-1. do. Says Wm. Smith, 6r. Set in order all the affairs of the Church. D. C. 90-16. Hence they reorganized the First Presidency. 32. Destroyed harmony in the quorums, say Reorganites. 82. Didn't destroy harmony at all, says Pres. of Reorgan- ites. Y. J. 13. INDEX 11 Usurped authority, say Reorganites. 82. Didn't usurp autliority; highest preside, say Reorgan- ites. 9r. Commanded in the name of Israel's God to preside, says Woodruff. 26. Wilford Woodruff cannot lie; not in his nature, says Reorganite Hist. 24r. Must be sustained by the voice of the Church. 31. Were sustained by the voice of the wnole people. 10. Unanimously sustained as appointed by Joseph, says Hyde. 32. If but ten men hang on to Joseph's measures, let me be one. B. Y. 33. Sustained by the Saints in Great Britain, and America. 10. Sustained by the elders, seventy, and high priests. 10. Sustained to be their leaders, says O. Hyde. 37 and 38. do. 32. Didn't usurp authority at the Rigdon trial. 35. Usurping authority didn't concern dissenters. 17r. Sustained by those who became Reorganites. John E. Page. 14. by Wm. Smith 15; Wm. Marks 11. by Gurley 67-1; H. H. Deam, 54; 55; 56. Received authority and ordination from Jos. Smith. 18. Responsible to bear off the Kingdom, says Woodruff. 19. Woodruff cannot lie; not in the man's nature. 24r. Commanded in the name of Israel's God, says Wood- ruff. 26. Are the Lord's anointed; that house that rejects them will. 22. Received all the keys Joseph received from heaven. 25. "Don't be bluffed off by any man." 28. Hold the keys as long as one of them is left. 29. Will be damned if they don't act, and people if they heed not. 34. And First Presidency received all powers of priest- hood. D. C. 112-30. Sustained as First Presidency of the Church, says Woodruff. 27. From whence does the Apostleship grow? 74-13. Now preside over the whole Church. 38. Took charge in 1844. 41. Rigdon not recognized as one of the First Presidency. 44. Cannot act under the direction of one of the First Pres. 30. Undermined by Sidney Rigdon. 36. 12 INDEX Preside; Utah Saints are right, says Y. J. Pres. of Re- organite Ch. 63. This great and good man before his death gave li:eys.25. Received the keys before the tragic death. 23. Presented as holding the keys, by Joseph Smith, Jr. 22. Received the keys the year before Joseph died. 21 B. Y. Set in order the Church, Dec. 27, 1847. 7. Hold the keys of the Kingdom, says Joseph Smith, Jr. 5. Act independent. When. 3. BABBIT, Almon W. D. C. 124-84; art. 68-7r. BAPTISM— Original baptism. 62-50r. Of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. 1-3. See B. in Ref. - For the dead cannot be lightly passed over. D. C. 128-15; D. C. 127, 4 to 10. For the dead not performed by Reorganite Church. Waiting for a command. "He is a slothful servant that knoweth the will of the father and doeth it not." For the dead the greatest responsibility that rest upon us, says Joseph. 67-16. BEGOTTEN by the power of the Holy Ghost. (Jesus was). 63-11 to 13. BENNETT, JOHN C, joins Church. 1841 Star 1, p. 271; dis- fellowshipped. 5-11-1842. S. 3-106 (1842). BLAIR, SAMUEL, Church recorder. 62-4r. Griffith, Cunningham, join Church. 61-7r. BLESSING of Joseph Smith, Jr. 69-1. BOYNTON, JNO. F., chosen one of the first apostles. 2. BRANCHES of the Church — when all the Apostles not present. 3. BRIGHAMITE present when Deam's revelation given. 58r. BRIGGS, JASON W.— Revelation at Beloit, 53-3, 7r; com- pare D. D. C. 43. Just pretending — repudiates it. 53-8. Presiding elder at Beloit. 61-2r. Organize branch at Beloit for Strang. 62-17r. Leaves J. J. Strang. 62-18r. Joins Wm. Smith. 62-18r. Chosen apostle in Smith's church. 62-18r. Leaves Smith — receives revelations himself. 53-3, 7r. First standard bearer for Israel's return. 61-41r. Revelation proven divine by the spirit. 61-1, 5r. Or this spirit lied. Compare 53-8 and 61-1, 5. Sends his rev. to Gurley, who gets one like it. 61-16r. And Gurley organize the church. 62-13r. INDEX 13 Kev. received as from God's own mouth. 61-7r; D. C. 28-2, compare. Rev — they knew it was of God. 61-lr; compare D. C. 50-6. Is greatest among them; hence presides. 62-llr. Does preside at the conference. G2-2r. Is chosen apostle in the reorganization. 62-5r. Confession — lesser ordains greater. 62-25r. Rev. condemns polygamy in 1851. 53-6, 7r. Appointed to write an article vs. polygamy. 61-3, 4r. Writes words of consolation to scattered saints. 61-8r. Apostatized from every church he joined. 62-19. Reasons for withdrawing. 53-10, 20; Re. D. C. 121 of 1885, B. Tottering. DEGREES: 62-20r. Landmarks. 62-12r. CAHOON, REYNOLDS, meets Hyrum and Joseph in tears. 46i\ William F. Cahoon and Nancy M. Gibbs joined in marriage, Sabbath the 17th, 1836. J. S. Star 15, 596. CELESTIAL LAW, by Briggs, a Reorganite. 53-3 to 7; (1851). CHALLENGES for Reorganites. 67-6. CHANGE organization and position. 61-lr. CHURCH not disorganized as long as there are six mem- bers following the pattern. 70-5r. Organization had to be changed. 61-lr. Not disorganized. Wm. Smith. 40r. A new one established. 61-35r. The church fell from its righteousness. 62-31r. It partially fell. 61-41r. Lo! it didn't fall at all. 53-3r. Established was 75 in number, 1864. 48-3r. (Nauvoo). Established had to change organization. 61-lr. Organized was Gurley's ; presented it to Y. J. 62-45, 7r. Y. J. accepted the gift. 62-47r. With dead rejected. 62-31r. See index "A" for apostacy. See ref. "C" for Church organization. With only one brother in it. 61. '■ Lost! lost! lost! 50r. Without stakes; abandoned. 70-7r. Established was without a priesthood, 61-35r, Justified in course taken. 62-25r. Est'^blished from apostates from Strang et al. 61-28, 9r. 14 INDEX Was joined by all the Strangites. 61-6, 7r. Not composed of other "isms." 67-3r. Established on healthy, sound, theology. 62-27r. "Will the Liord please to tell us how to organize?" -r-45-2. Was in the Rocky Mountains. 1847 to the present. -r-62-73. According to Joseph's prophecy was to be there, -r-47. Jos. and Hyrum started for the mountains, -r-46. Y. J. thought he might have to join the Church in mts. -r- 64-10. Was supposed to be rejected by God by. -r- G2-3i. Impossible to destroy; set up for last time. Dan. 2-44, 45. Authority taken, destroyed; and restored, -r- 67-4. God set up, not destroyed; are mistaken. Acts 3-19, 21; Eph. 4-11, 14. Rejected; authority restored. 67-3 r. Recorder — Samuel Blair. 62-4r. Name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. D. C. 115. Presented to Young .loseph in the name of Jesus Christ. 62-75. CLINE, WILLIAM, Pres. of Stake at Wisconsin. 62-7r. CONFERENCE: At Zarahemla in 1853. 62-9r. At Nauvoo, Aug. 8, 1844. 27. At Winter Quarters, Dec. 27th, 1847. 7. At Beloit, Newkirk Branch. 61-5r. Acts were recorded in heaven, saith the Spirit. 62-lOr. Minutes of 1860 where Young Joseph accepts leader- ship. 62-45r. Of Wm. Smith's Church. 61-47r. CONSOLATION to scattered Saints. 61-8r. CONTENTION a very grievous sin. D. C. 95-10; 18-20; 10-63; Art. 67-17. COOPER of Chicago and three fools. 63-23r. Swears vengeance on the Mormons of Utah. 63-19r. COUNSELORS preside when. 4. To the President preside over High Council. 30. COWDERY, OLIVER; ordained first elder. 62-79. CREATE a priesthood. 61-35r. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, chosen apostle. 62-5r. INDEX 15 DEAM, H. H., a High Priest. 61-6. An apostate, -r- 56-1. Fell in with Briggs' revelation, -r- 61-6. Departed from the faith, 55-2. Receives revelation himself. 45-4, 7. After 17 days' reflection, a two days' debate. r-o9-l. • Briggs, Gurley, Saints, all receive revelation. 61-1, 18. Chosen an apostle, -r- 62-5. Summed up according to the law. 60. DEFILE not the Kirtland temple. D. C. 97-17; 8-2- 1833. DEVIL rebuked at -r- meeting-angels. 59-3. DIZZY HEIGHTS— Heman C. Smith— Strangites, etc. 67-3. ELDER— the first elder — Cowdery. 1-4.' Second, Joseph Smith. 1-4. Sustain the twelve apostles. 10. ELECT MINE * * hear my voice and harden not their hearts. D. C. 29-7 to 9; 84-33 to 41. ENDOWMENTS in the Kirtland Temple. 1836. D. C. 110-9. ENDOWMENTS in the Nauvoo Temple. 75-1, 2. EVANGELICAL Ministers are Patriarchs. D. C. 107-39, 40. Are not Elders or Seventies. D. C. 107-89, 90. EXAMPLE unto you— God's work hindered. D. C. 124-53. EXPOSITOR— published June 7, 1844. FAIR WEATHER Friends forsook the Church. 55. FOOLISH ANSWERS — the Elders are not bound by any of mine. 63-35r. GATES of hell shall not prevail against you. D. C. 21-4. GREAT and good man (Joseph Smith) conferred keys, etc. 25. GURLEY, ZEN AS H., President of the 21st Quorum of 70. 67-1. A Strangite. 61-6. Labored with Privately; saw not at first; Spirit prevailed; then preached lineal priesthood. 61-6. Could not accept all of Briggs' revelation. 61-23, Receives Briggs' rev. 61-23, 24. 10 to 15 days later receives a rev. like B.'s. 61-23, 27. A Mormonite, Strangite, apostate. 61-28. Perplexed for months before he heard of B.'s rev. 61-11. Ashamed of Strang. 61-13, 14. Convinced Strang and others are wrong. 61-10. Writes Bro. Sheen of darkness all around. 61-20, 21. Didn't know who the successor was to be! 61-24. Ought to know it was to be Y. J. 67-1. Turned a whole branch of Strangites to re-, 61-7. Receives revelation himself; vs, B 's, 61-15 16 INDEX Cast off all, says the spirit. Converses with the spirit again. 61-14. Rev. a few weeks later. 61-16. And NevvJik's solemn promise to renounce all. 61-18. Knew oni^ nh he could call brother, -r-61-19. et al ask God who Joseph's successor is to be. 61-27. And Briggs organize the Church. 62-13. Chosen an apostle in the -r-. 62-5. And Newkirk's letter to the Saints. 62-42. Presides at conference in 1860 and presents his church to Joseph In the name of Jesus Christ, 62-45, 47. Family with Briggs, apostatize from every church they have joined. 62-19. A Mormonite, 67-1; Strangite, 61-6; Reorganite, 62-5; Revelator, 61-28; Apostle, 62-5. President, 67-1; of 21st quorum of 70, Nauvoo; Apos- tate, 61-18. Raised up Yellowstone Branch for Strang. 61-7r. Sees Isaiah, 2-2, 3, the last days. 61-12, 13. Record in his quorum record, 1844. 67-1. Family and Jason W. Briggs' reasons for leaving the Church. 53-10, 20. And Briggs tottering Re. D. C. 121, v. 2, Yr. 1885. HARRIS, MARTIN, followed J. J. Strang, Church Chron- ology, p. 29, Oct. 1846. HARRIS, MARTIN, joined Anne Lee, leader of the Shakers. Star 8-124, in 1846. HEDLOCK, REUBEN, says Saints labored on temple. 12. HEIRSHIP on the priesthood. B. Y. 67-2. HELL— in hell yet. 62-21. HIGHER authority than High Priest. D. C. 107-12. HIGHEST among you preside. 45-4. HIGHEST priesthood in the church is to preside. 61-49r. HIGHEST authority presides always. 4r. HIGHEST authority presides, admit the re. 50r. HIGH COUNCIL— standing; the 12 no authority to. 3. HIGH COUNCIL to be chosen, -r- 45-7. HIGH COUNCIL of the Church organized. 2-17-1834; D. C. 102-1. HIGH COUNCIL'S decision equal to presidency. D. C. 107-36. HIGH PRIESTS calling to preside. D. C. 124-133, 5. HIGH PRIESTS ordained bishops. D. C. 68-19. HIGH PRIESTS sustain the twelve apostles. 10. HINDERED in performing what God directs — accepted. D. C. 124-49; also v. 53. HOLY GHOST. See Ref. "H." HYDE, ORSON, chosen one of the first twelve. 2. At Rigdon's trial. 36-4. INDEX 17 IMPOSSIBLE, utterly impossible. Gl-39r. IT IS MINE! right to receive revelation. B. Young. Star. 5- 118. JESUS CHRIST by B. Young. 63-15. JOHN, the BAPTIST, came to Joseph and Oliver C. 1-4. JOHNSON, LUKE, chosen one ot the first twelve apostles. f» JOHNSON, LYMAN E., chosen one of the first twelve apos- tles. 2. JUSTIFICATION of course taken, by Briggs. 62-25r. KEYS given by Joseph to the Twelve. Feb. 14, 1835. 2. Of the kingdom given the apostles. 5. And oracles; endownments; to the twelve, W. 19. And power and principle W. to twelve. 18. To building up kingdom, to the twelve. Joseph. 21 B. Y. Of the kingdom held by the twelve. Joseph. 22. The twelve have received. H. C. K. 29. Of the kingdom heid by Peter, James, John. D. C. 12S- 20. Held by Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Moroni, Peter, Jas., John. D. C. 128-20-21. Restored. 67-3r. Never was taken from Joseph. 74-6. Of Apostleship is greatest of all. 74-18. Joseph held given equally to Sidney R. and F. G. Wil- liams. D. C. 90-6. LAW, WILLIAM, chosen counselor to Joseph. D. C. 124- 91. LEAD the Church— time will come when B. Y. (Jos.). 62-21. LEADERS, prophets, and shepherds, -r- 61-42. LEADERS of Utah Church are convicts, says H. C. S. p. 99. What about Jesus? Joseph and Hyrum? Ancient apos- tles? Shame, H. C. S! ! LETTER from James Christiansen to Joseph Smith and re- ply. 62-22. Of Gurley and Newkirk to the Saints. 62-42. To P. J. Sanders, Young Joseph's reply. From P. J. Sanders. 1908. 67-5; 68-1; 68-18; 68-21. LIE — ^"Give us a lie," demanded Curtis. 69-3. LINEAGE hot given to any one, except. D. C. 42-11. Claims about Boarding House. D. C. 56-8; also 61v. r. Plants of renown not Joseph's children. D. C. 124-127, 145. Anointing and blessing. D. C. 124-57. 18 INDEX In us and our seed shall nations be blessed. D. C. llO- 11, 12. Reorganites quote Joseph's blessing. 69-1. Abraham received the Mel Priesthood from Melchiso- dek and not his father. D. C. 84-14. None other appointed except he be taken. D. C. 3-4. Keys of Kingdom remain with Joseph always. D. C. 90- 2, 4. Joshua was chosen to lead Israel instead of the sons of Moses. Numbers 27-18, 23. Alma, the High Priest, given charge of all affairs of Church by his father. Bk. of Mormon. Mosiah, chap. 29, V. 42, 3. Zion has a right to the priesthood by lineage. D, C. 113-8. Priesthood continued through the lineage of fathers. D. C. 86-8, 10. Reorganites no right to the priesthood. D. C. 121. Must be chosen by the body. D. C. 107-22. 1st Sam. 2" chap. No lineage. '^ LINEAGE — Admitting that Young Joseph has a right to the Presidency by lineage, he forfeits all said rights by disobedience and apostacy, never having remained in the church, but delved for years in spiritualism 72-17r becomes disgusted with that; jumps at the chance to be President of the Re-established Ch. 72-2r he is now divested of all authority except that which he re- ceives from the faction he joins, says Reorganite, Mc- intosh; 63-lr; Briggs is possessed of highest author- ity, 62-llr; but his authority is not of God, 61-37, 38, 39, their history; hence, Y. J. is down and out. If Presidency belongs to the first born, why did God send Angels to ordain Jos. Smith, instead of the oldest in the family, his father, Joseph Senior? Or why did he pass over Hyrum, Joseph's oldest brother? LITERAL descendents of Aaron and the Bishopric. D. C. 68-20. LUST. D. C. 42-22. All blessings received through obedience to law upon which predicated. D. C. 130-21. MAL-ADMINISTRATION of Bishops— Reorganite griev- ances, 17r. MANTLE fell on B. Young. 27. Of Elisha may have fallen on some one. 43. MARKS, WM., left Mormons — deceived by Rigdon. 11.' Sustains the twerv^e apostles. 11. Was pres. of Nauvoo Stake. 69 4. Didn't receive his position after following Rigdon. 69-4. INDEX 19 • Elder Jno. Smith took hirf place as president. 69-4, Reason for being suspended. 69-4. Dropped as pres. of Nauvoo Stake. 69-4. At the Rigdon trial — nimble practice 69 5. Churches he joined and apostatized from. M.-R.-M.-S.-T.-P.-He. 11. Ordains Y. Joseph President, -r-11. Assistant chairman at 1860 conference, -r-62-47. Written to by Young Joseph because he had retained the faith. 69-9. Is it possible that he is traitor to the Church? 74-28. MARSH, THOS. B., chosen one of first apostles. 2. MclNTOSH, JAMES T., on authority of apostates. 63-lr. McLELLAN, WM. E., chosen apostle. 67-5; his murmur- ing and sin. D. C. 75. Tries to write a revelation; apostatizes; Star. 5, No. 12, p. 185. MELCHISEDEK Priesthood conferred on Jos. and Oliver 1-4 Ordination deferred until April 6, 1830. 62-80. MIGHTY AND STRONG. D. C. 85-7. Is Y. Joseph, says re-history. 53r. Is not Y. Jos., says re-hist. 74. He is as one mighty and Strong. 74-3r. MOORE, A. P., says: "I heard B. Y. say from Public Stand little Joseph should lead the Church, but it wouldn't do to teach it then! Herald, Vol 39, No. 22, 339. MORMONS are the common enemies of mankind. 63-27. Life dedicated to exterminate. 63-19. MOSES and the Holy Priesthood taken from earth. D. C. 84-25. NAUVOO— Why leave. 75. NAUVOO Expositor published June 7, 1844. Star, 5, Supple- ment, p. 13. NAUVOO HOUSE for plants of renown, and Joseph's family. D. C. 124-56. NEGROES ordained to the Priesthood, says Reorganite. D. C. 115 (1865). 68-20, 19. Are cursed as pertaining to the Priesthood. P. of G., p. 36. NEWKIRK, DAVID, stricken from the twelve. 62-43. Reuben demented — walking home speaking in tongues. -r-62-22. R. Compare above with D. C. 40-11, 12. R. and Gurley joined hands — renounced all others. -r-61-18. R. chosen apostle re. -r-62-5. Cyrus, counselor to Pres. Stake, Wis. -r-62-7. 20 INDEX NOTHING, just nothing. 61-39r. NUMBER of Saints. 48-3. Only one man his brother, -r- 61-q. 75 in Nauvoo. -r- 48-3. Nauvoo a busy city of 20,000, says Young Joseph. 69-6r. Now 1,500 Germans, Prussians, Austrians, French and Irish. 69-6. The county of Hancock held 25,000 Mormons, says Y. J. 69-6. Increased 400 per cent in Gr. Br. from 1844 to 1850. 67-23. Ten to one followed the Reorganites. 66-3r. Fair Weather Friends numbered 75 in Nauvoo, 1864. 67-21. None left in Nauvoo, not even non-Mormons. 67-19. Of Saints in Nauvoo in 1844 were about 15,000. Ford's Hist, p. 403. Of Reorganites in her 400 branches in 1879, 12,176. Tull. 742. Of Saints in the Church, 2-1-1845, 95,000; in America, 75,000. T. S. 6-793. OATH and Covenant, D. C. 84-39, 40. ON, on to victory — baptism for dead. 62-33r. ORACLES of God given to the Twelve. W. 19. Shall be given unto the Church. D. C. 90-3, 4. To receive * for the whole Church. D. C. 124-125-6. Revelations, statutes, judgments, endowments. D. C. 124-39. ORDINATION by John the Baptist — Joseph and Oliver. 1. Authority received by above ordination to remain. 1. Authority taken away, but restored, says Heman C. Smith, Reorganite. 67-5r. Who told the truth, the Angel, or Reorganite Histor- ian? Ordination of Joseph and Oliver to Mel. Priesthood. 62-78. Deferred until April 6th, 1830. 62-80. By Wm. Smith, not of God. 61-38r. Of Apostles, by Jos. Smith. W. 18. To greater by lesser O. K. 62-25r. To greater common to both Churches. 62-2or. To Mel. Priesthood. Jos. and Oliver. 62-83r. Of Joseph and Oliver by Peter, James, and John. D. C. 27-12. Always by greater, not lesser to greater. D. C. 128-20. By the Heads of the Church. D. C. 42-11. To any office in this Church. D. C. 20-65. INDEX 2t Of necessity there are presidents ordained. D. C, 107- 21. Of the President of the Church. G2-77r. Of Jos. and Oliver. D. C. 21-10. Above that of an Elder ignored. 70-13. Y. Joseph * three times by his father — No Good. 68-7. Y. Joseph by five apostates O. K. 62-77. Of Sidney and F. G. Williams, as Presidents of the Church. S. 14-387. Art. 75-4. I was not ordained by my father. 63-36r (Young: Joseph). He did (ordain me) using the word ordain. 63-28r. Was ordained by what he considered proper authority. 62 H. C. S. Ordination accepted, of those who think they have authority. 69-4. To the Presidency of Church, says Reorganite Hist. They quote Times and Seasons 5-624 which says: "Acknowledged President of the Church, accord- ing to a previous ordination, at the conference held in Loraine County, Ohio, Jan. 25th, 1832." Now, at this conference he was acknowledged Presi- dent. But, will Reorganites furnish date of prev- ious ordination? Other than that of John the Bap- tist and the Apostles Peter, James and John? Is it not clear Joseph presides by right of the priest- hood given him? 74-23, 24; D. C. 102-10. ORGANIZE according to pattern. 45-7r. Changed to fit Briggs' rev. 61-lr. Authority to; was restored. 67-5r. With two High Priests and a Seventy, says Historian H, C. Smith. 61-39r. Out of harmony with the law again. Art. 1. ORIGINAL Baptism accepted. 62-45r. ORIGINAL Baptism accepted. 62-50r. PAGE, JOHN E., sustains the Twelve Apostles. 14. Gone from the Church. 67-4. PARTIAL fall of the Church. 61-41r. Complete fall, and God rejected her. 62-31r. Lo! it didn't fall at all, says Briggs' revelation. 53-3r. PATTEN, DAVID W., chosen Apostle. 2. PATTERN — Follow the pattern, says Beam's revelation- disobedient. 62-22r. PECULIARITIES of Reorganite revelations. 67-25. PETER, James, and John. 1 to 4. 22 INDEX PLANTS of Renown; watchmen; are not Joseph's children. D. C. 124-61, and 123 to 142v. POLYGAMY in all the Factions into which the Church divided. 58r. Taught and practised by Wm. Smith and his Church in 1851. 61-46r. Briggs receives a revelation against it in 1851. 53r. God tells Briggs it was taught in Waukesha, Pales- tine, Voree and other places. 53-6, 7. Reorganites claim the Utah people were the first to publish it In 1852. Was taught as God's law in Wisconsin in 1851, 53-7, hence Re, are wrong again. In 1835 the CHURCH was reproached for the crime of * * D. C. of 1846 and 1835. Young Joseph is prepared to admit some things about it. 69-36r. Revelation, D. C. 132, given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, committed to writing, 1843. John C. Bennett was mistaken, but knew something of polygamy; 300 elders sent to preach against his lies. See Chronology for 1842. Gov. Ford of Illinois quotes a part of the revelation in Spring of 1844. 63-27. Reorganites TRUE SAINTS HERALD says: "Joseph caused the revelation on the subject to be burned!" 67-34. POWELL brings Briggs' revelation to Gurley. 61-23r. David, also receives Briggs' revelation. 61-6r. Deam contrives to save Gurley from Strangism. 61-6r. POWERFUL organization. 62-21r. PRATT, ORSON, chosen Apostle. 2. PRESIDE — Apostles preside in absence of higher authority. 4r. Apostle over the whole Church, says Woodruff. 38. Highest authority always. 4r. Here is the KEY to unlock the whole SECRET. 9r. The Law and the Testimony on the subject. 30. The voice of the People sustains the Twelve. 31. Representatives of the Rightful Heir. 61-48r. Over High Council. 30. Always the Greatest; respect authority. 45-4r. By what authority? 74-23. PRESIDENCY and the Twelve have the keys. D. C. 112- 30 to 32. Accepted as spiritual leaders. 62-80, 82. And the Twelve Apostles are equal in authority. D. C. 107-24. INDEX 23 Are Apostles, Seers, and Revelators. 22. How chosen. D. C. 107-22. Always holds Keys of the Kingdom. D. C. 81-2. We have nothing to do with. 62-34r. They changed their minds; we'll ordain him. 62-77r, Y. J. had already been ordained. G3-28r. Three times by his father, not sufficient. 68-7r. Denies it being an "ordination." 63-36r. H. C. Smith, Reorganita Historian, contradicts his President. 62r. PRESIDENT of the High Priesthood of the Church. D. C. 107-91. Of the Church appointed and acknowledged by. D. C. 102-9. , Presides according to dignity of his office. D. C. 102-10. Privilege to be assisted by two Counselors. D. C. 102-9. Appointed from among those who are ordained. D. C. 107-21. PRESIDING High Priest. D. C. 124-132 to 5. Elder over my Church. D. C. 104-124, 5. (1841). PRIESTHOOD of Aaron. 1. Of Melchisedek restored, 62-80; holas right of Presid- ency. D. C. 107-8. Restored, says H. C. S., Reorganite Historian. 67-5r. Of Aaron, one holding it, may ordain to Mel. Priest- hood. 62-25r. Of Aaron, one holding it, cannot ordain to Mel. Priest- 1-2 to 4. Of Aaron, one holding it. D. C. 27-12, 13. Reorganites out of harmony with the LAW of God. D. C. 26-2, 3r. (Their Book). Follow the Pattern, says Deam's revelation, a Reor- ganite. 45-4r. The Pattern in the beginning is in Article l and 2. Reorganites didn't follow the Pattern — 7 men instead of TWELVE. 45-5r. God chose the men to select the Apostles. See D. C. 18-37. God didn't choose the men to select the Reorganite Apostles. 45-4, 5r. Power of, given to the Presidency and the Twelve. D. C. 112-30, to 32. Power of. 75-3, by Jos. Smith. PROPHET, not always a prophet. 67-33r. QUORUM, a majority of apostles. D. C. 107-28. RAZY, D. B., chosen Apostle In re-. 62-5r. Name taken from the quorum of the Twelve. D. C. 117r v. 6, 1873. 24 INDEX REJECTION of the Church; the living and dead. -r-62-3i. Of the Church; authority restored; hence rejected. 67-5. Is contrary to God's law already given. D. C. 13-1; May 15, 1829. If you do not do these things at the end of the time. D. C. 124-31, 32. Under what conditions. D. C. 124-49, 51. Last time I shall call laborej-s. D. C. 33, 3. Not according to law. D. C. 35-24, 27. Contrary to Briggs' revelation. 53-3r. Contrary to Beam's revelation. 45-4, 7r. Contrary to Gurley's revelation. 61-25, 29r. Not the reward of the diligent. 12. Let the truth he confessed; the Church fell. 62-31r. It partially fell. 61-41r. Lo, it didn't fall at all. 53-3r. Heman C. Smith is wrong -r- destroyed; restored. 67-5. An excuse for course taken by re. 62-25r. Church fled to mts.; lost to east. 50r. "Just one brother left!!!" -r-61-19. Would make God unjust to reject the innocent dead. 62-31r. Must have been restored; 75 in it at Nauvoo, 1864. 48- 3r. Supposition only; established a new one. 61-35r. Not so! says Wm. Smith, a Reorganite. 40. Please give year, month, and day of rejection! "Keys to gather together, one in all things." D. C. 27, 13. If rejected, why did God tell Briggs, Deam, Gurley, it was not rejected? D. C. 93 refers to members in their positons in church. D. C. 90-36, 7, Zion shall not be moved out of her place. D. C. 49-23, 25, Zion shall flourish upon the mountains. D. C. 101-4, 20, Zion not be destroyed, though her children be scattered. D. C. 103-24, ex. See index "Z" for Zion. D. C. 5-34, Fear not, little flock; earth and hell cannot prevail against you. Did the Priesthood remain after rej. of Church? 70-11 and 14. As long as there are SIX or more Saints organized, the Church exist as it did April 6, 1830, says Re- organite History. 70-5. REORGANITES— Lost! Lost! Lost! 50r. Weakness of position, -r-52. Only one man his brother, -r-61-q. In desperate straits, -r- 50. INDEX 25 They discontinue Stakes of Zion. -r-70-7. Say Church fell and God rejected her. -r-62-31. Say it partially fell, -r-61-41. Say it didn't fall at all. -r-53-3. Very dilatory — seven years slothful, -r-62-1, 10. Seven years pass by — seven perish, -r-62-28. Prayed God to take him from the earth, -r-61-q. Changed original organization, -r-61-1. Predicament — could not create a Priesthood, -r-61-35. Questioned ordinations hy Apostle Wm. Smith, -r-61-36, 37. Justification of course taken, -r-62-25. Hard run for Church material, -r-62-39. Sound, healthy, theology — Briggs. -r-62-27. Would all have apostatized if. -r-52-1. Apostle Razy apostatized, -r-62-43. Establish a Church with apostates from Strang, -r-61-28 Organize with two High Priests and a seventy, -r-61-39. Grievances, not usurpation of twelve, but bishops. -r-17. First meeting place, -r-48-2, 3. Not composed of other "ites." 67-2. Composed of Strangites. -r-61-6, 7. Composed of all other "ites" extant. 61-6, 7. Pamphlet of "consolation to scattered Saints." 61-8. Claim the AUTHORITY was RESTORED. 67-5r. Resolutions. 61-49r. Young Joseph not very certain Church is right. 68-35. Punishment for disobedience. D. C. 121-11, 16, 17, 20, to 23. Revelations — peculiarities of. 67-25. NONE OP MY CHILDREN IS MY SUCCESSOR, says Joseph Smith. 68-20 (1842). Frederick G. Williams and Sidney Rigdon are the ones if. D. C. 90-6. REVELATION: How received. D. C. 6-14, 24. How received. D. C. 8-2, 31. Where received— temples. D. C. 124-37, 44. By whom received for the Church? D. C. 28, 2. Page, Briggs, Deam, Gurley, Young Joseph not of God. D. C. 28-11. These have transgressed. D. C. 82-45. To Sidney, disobeyed. D. C. 124-108. But one man to receive for the Church. Alma 9-6. One man to receive. D. C. 107-39. Know assuredly, there is but one. D. C. 43-3,5; 28-2. By Jason W. Briggs. -r-53-3. By Deam. -r-45. 26 INDEX By Gurley. -r-61-15. By Saints, -r-61-27, 29. Page, John E. D. C. 28-11. Briggs repudiated by himself. 53-8. Briggs proven divine. (?). -r-61-4, 5. By Deam; a drunk Brighamite present, -r-45-8. Deam, not of God. 54-2. Deam, doubt the divinity of his. -r-49-1, 2. Deam, reasons for doubt, -r-50-1, 4. By Briggs; write! write! write! the revelation. -r-o3-6. By Deam's brot. forth by what power, -r-45-8. By Briggs, on celestial law. -r-53-6. And the Prince of Darkness, -r-59-1. Many false spirits. 52-2. From false spirits. 54. From a spirit that lied to them, -r-50-5. On polygamy; article written by Briggs. -r-61-34. Neither pattern followed, Deams nor Y. J. -r-62-43. By Young Joseph — peculiar notions, -r-62-45. On validity of ordinations, -r-61-37. Again, -r-61-3. In the evening, -r-49. Acts of conference recorded in Heaven, -r-61. The spirit intimated to organize, -r-61-35. Against Wm. Smith. 61-37, 38. Wm. Smith made President pro tem. -r-61-40. According to needs, -r-61. Indicating Y, Joseph to be leader, -r-61-27. Convinced 20,000 Nauvoo Saints B. Y. was the man! 27 Brigham Young chosen; and ordained by Joseph. 25. Called Brigham Young. D. C. 124-127. Applicable to B. Young. D. C. 50-5. Who is God that sendeth but one man to declare unto us? Bk. of M. Alma 9-6. Of the Reorganites — their peculiarities. 67-25. Of Reorganites accepted 17 yrs. after received. D. C. of re. 113, Sept. 13, 1878. Not in Reorganite's. D. C. 2, 10, 13, 77, 85, 87, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132. The Church had all manuscrips, and all rev. were not published, hence Re. do not have the above. RIGDON, SIDNEY, blamed for Missouri troubles. 36-6. Damaging testimony to self. 35. Slothful. 19. Not recognized as a president. 44. Blesses the Saints. 35. Receives revelation himself. 36. INDEX 27 Admits he has no authority. 4. Revelation. 35. License demanded. 35; 36-1. Threatens the Church. 36-5. Traitor and an apostate. 35. Plans to divide the Church. 36-3. Trial. 35. Cannot preside — when. 30. Knew he would be disfellowshipped. 35. Is disfellowshipped. 35. JOHN W. said Y. Joseph was not ordained in jail — ne was there. 68-19. Y. J. says he was in jail twice — once when R. was not there. 68-31. ROCKY MOUNTAINS— Joseph and Hyrum Smith flee to the West. 46r. Prophecy by Joseph Smith — West to Rockies. 47r. Reorganites admits it. 48r. Zion's borders enlarged. D. C. 107-74. Zion spreading westward. 48-lr. See index "Z" for Zion. SAINTS submit to the loss of their leaders. 42. SANDERS, P. J., letters to Young Joseph. Letters to Young Joseph. 1909—67-5; 68-1; 68-18; 68-21. Meets Elder Cooper, a Reorganite, in Chicago. 63-25. SECRET MEETINGS, why held. Sidney Rigdon. 67-38. SEED — In us and our seed all generations after us blessed. D. C. 110-12. In thee and thy seed shall earth be blest, etc. D. C. 124-58. SEVENTIES sustain the Twelve Apostles. 10. 18 ordained into the quorum. 62-8. ordained into re- Church. 62-8. Seven times seventy if the work requires. D. C 107- 93, 6. Zenas H. Gurley, pres. of 21st quorum of seventy. 67-1. Ordinations in quorums above the 7th not recognized as having authority. Tull. 588. 70-13r. D. C. 124-138, 9. Call them when j^ou need assistance. D. C. 107-38. 31 quorums in Nauvoo. 7-12-1845. S. 6-74, (Page in the Church yet). 12 quorums organized. 8, 8, 1844. W. W. S. 5-138. John Whitmer's Church History Ch. 15 (129 R.) 70 times 70 if necessary. V\/^hitmer apostatized in 1837 and took the Church records with him. 28 INDEX SEVEN men must perish, if we don't organize. 62-28r. SHEEN, ISAAC, then lead in prayer. 62-7Yr; then Young Joseph was ordained. Joseph Smith (Y. J.) President of the Reorganized Church. Y. J. is Young Joseph, son of Joseph Smith the Martyr. Was born Nov. 6th, 1832. Tull. 804. Baptized hy his father; confirmed by his Sunday School teacher, Elder Aim on W. Babbitt. 68-7r; D. C. 124-84, aspires. Blessing by my father I remember, (age 6). gs-7. (in jail.) Blessing after my baptism, Nauvoo, as heir in lineal descent. 68-7. Very brief parting blessing, as father left for Car- thage. 68-7. I was 6 yrs. old; 10 or over; and over 11, when these respective blessings were given. 68 7. I have not stated at any time that I was ordained as my father's successor. 68-10. My father did ordain me to be his Successor. 63-28. He used the word ordain. I don't know whether he used the word "ordain" or ^ not. 63-28. No sir; I did not state that I was ordalnel bj^ my father to be his successor. 63-36. Well, in a sense, I was ordained, or chosen, or what- ever you may call it. 63-36. I did not know in 1856, I should be called. 64-6, 7. In 1841, I was called by revelation to father. 62-24. Ordained in Jail by his father. 68-7r. Ordained shortly after coming out of jail, says WigiU. 67-13. Ordained to the same blessing twice after our bap- tism. 68-7. Ordained by five persons in 1860. 62-77. I didn't know In 1844. 64-6, 7. I didn't know in 1856. 64-6, 7. I didn't know in 1892. 63-38. I didn't know in 1896. 68-10. I recollect three blessings, in 1909, but neither of them. 68-7. Is the one Mighty and Strong. 53-5r. Not the one mighty and strong. Blasphemy. 74r. Gurley didn't know you were to be the leader. 61-24-r-. Claims leadership by Lineage; Call from heaven; and being accepted. 62-45r. INDEX 29 And Lineal Priesthood taught by Wm. Smith 1850. 61-42r. Lineal Priesthood had been overlooked. 61-43r. As legal heir by Deam. 45-2r. The Saints were taught that Strang was true suc- cessor. -r-61-20. Says the Twelve should lead the Church, -r-63-33. Not called yet— 1860, Feb. 8th. -r- 62-34. The seed of Joseph will be cailled in mine own due time, -r-53-5. Manifestations pointing to the Presidency, -r-62-51. I have been urged for years to accept this position. 62-54r. Numerous works sent me bearing on my right. 62-64r. Possible motives for accepting position. -r-62-55r. Cool reception of Gurley and Briggs.' -r-64-1, 3. Didn't know the Lord had a work for him. -r-64-5 (1856). Might have to join the Church at Salt Lake, -r-64-10. Sickness; poverty, vision; jumps at the chance to be offered. 72-2. And a fool's advice. 72-13. Wide awake revelation. 72-19, 21. "Why not go to Utah?" Funnel shaped cloud. 72-15, 20. Revelation on Polygamy, -r-62-58. 9. A hand-cart journey too much for Y. J. 72-26. In the name of Jesus Christ, arise and be our leader. -r-72-36. I could not accept — it was not the word of the Lord to me. 64-1, 2r. The Lord has got to show him. -r-64-4, 6. Not sure he should not go to Salt Lake, -r-64-6, 10. I could not move upon evidence given to others only. -r-64-7, 9. . If it is made clear to me, I'll join you. -r-64-11. During the year 1859 the question of my connection with my father's work was finally determined. -r-69-7. Revelation: Zarahemla and other places" only, is the only organized portion of the Church accept- ed by me." -r-69-7. Now seeks the position — evidence sufficient, -r-69-7, 8. Now writes Elder Wm. Marks because he had re- tained the faith, -r-69, 9. See index "M" for Marks and learn how he retained his faith. Letter to Wm. Marks — say nothing of this to anyone. -r-69, 9. 30 INDEX My step-father began building castles in the air — he took a speculative view of it; my mother ap- proved my determination, -r-69-10. Wm. Marks, Wm. W. Blair, and Israel L. Rogers vis- ited me at Nauvoo, and Mother and myself con- cluded to attend the next conference, at Am- boy. 111. -r- 69-11. And reply of Marks: "We have had enough of man- made prophets. If God has called you we want to know it * * If not, we want nothing to do with you." -r- 69-11. "We have had enough of man-made prophets," says Marks. (I should think Marks had!! See index "M" for Marks.) "In the face of one of the fiercest tempests, my moth- er and myself left for Conference at Amboy, 111., Apr. 4, 1860." 69-12. We arrive on the 5th; attend prayer meeting in even- ing; learn for first time it had been prophesied I would attend the Amboy Conference, -r- 69-12. The prophecy was not uttered until I had told them I would be there, -r- 69-11, also 69-8. The whole people sobbed aloud for joy when they learned how the prophecy bad been fulfilled, -r- 69-13. Is the Martyr's successor, says the Spirit to Gurley, 1851. -r-61-27. The Amboy Conference — "Brother Joseph, I present this Church to you in the name of Jesus Christ" — the gift was accepted, -r- 62-74, 76. Ordination followed — ordained President of the High Priesthood — the congregation in tears. 62-77r. Preceeding the ordination, the following from his speech: "I came not here of myself but by the influence of the Spirit, -r-62-51. I come not here to be dictated by any set of men. -r- 62-51. For two or three years deputations have waited upon me. -r- 62-54. Opinion varies as to why I accept this position, r-62-55. I have endeavored to keep myself unbiased, -r-62-57. I hold in utter abhorrence the principle taught by B. Young, -r-62-58. I can never believe my father taught such doctrine, -r- 62-59. Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants auxil- iaries to Bible. 62-60. Peculiar notions as to revelations, -r- 62-61. INDEX 31 The thought to assume leadership repulsive at one time, -r-62-63. Never read the numerous works sent me about my rights, -r-62-64. It is my determination to do right, -r- 62-65. How B. Young is considered by some, -r- 62-67. I have come not of my own dictation to this sacred office. -r< 62-70. I will come to you, if you will receive me. -r- 62-71. I pledge myself to promulgate no doctrine that shall not be approved by you. or the code of good mor- als, -r- 62-72. Informed that B. Young's followers were the Old Fog- ies of the institution, -r- 62-73. If the spirit which prompts my coming, prompts also my reception, I am with you. -r- 62-74. Carried unanimously that he be received as a Prophet — the successor of his father, -r- 62-75'. The Church was then presented by Gurley, and a brief reply made by their President, -r- 62-75, 6. Letter from James Christiansen and reply. 62-22. Letter to P. J. Sanders in 1909—67-5; 68-1; 68-18; 68-21. Has no counselors, except his mother and step-fath- er. 69-14. Instructs his step-father to look for a place of gath- ering, -r- 69-14. Step-father exceeded his authority, -r- 69-14. Citizens of Hancock County passed resolutions against us. -r- 69-15. There came no "Thus saith the Lord," upon which to make Nauvoo a rallying place. 69-16. "The Temple was not finished." 69-17. We numbered 75 in Nauvoo in 1864. 48-3. After his visit to Salt Lake, where some of the ser- mons struck him with great force, 69-19, returns and formulates questions which he asks his moth- er — polygamy, etc. — translation Bk. Mormon. 69- 21. Plural wives: "Such a thing might be, if everybody agreed to it. 69-26. An Angel shows D. Whitmer's mother the plates. 69-37r. I have never conversed with James J, Strang- -1 m unbiased. 62-57. I had a chat with James J. Strang, and promised to meet him again. 72-1. Lacked wisdom, and asked of God. 72-1 6r. Investigates Spiritualism three or four years. 72-17r. Believed the Lord would enable him to decide. 72-18r. Peculiar vision — funnel-shaped cloud. 72-19r. 32 INDEX Is polygamy of God? 72-21r. I questioned mother about it. 72-22r. Receives letter from Zarahemla. 72-21)r. Says the Church practically set aside Tullidge's His- tory. 68-8r. Briggs' revelation is one of the things ihat occurred. 68-9r. Fails t- give citation where record ot: setting aside of Tull. Hist., 73-2. Not very certain he is on the right road, now! 68-35. (Year 1909). SMITH, EMMA, D. C. 25-14; D. C. 20-32 to 34. Married Bidamon, an unbeliever. 69-6; Tull. 798. United with the Reorganites on original baptism. 62- 77p. SMITH, HYRUM, is a prophet, seer, and revelator unto th-^ Church as. D. C. 124-94. Is patriarch of the Church. D. C. 124-124; 91, v. b;^ right. If he had lived would have lead the Church. 29. I want Hyrum to live to lead the Church, 69-2. With Joseph were preparing for a flight to the west. 46r. SMITH, WILLIAM B., chosen one of the first Apostles. 2. Ordained a Phophet, Seer and Revelator. 6r. Sustains the whole twelve May 15th, 1845. 15. Violent temper. 71-8 to 10. Apostatizes from the Church. 71-3. Excommunicated from the Church. 10-12-1845. 71 . Arraignment of the Twelve Apostles. 71-2, 3. First to raise his musket against B. Young. 71-5. Preaches lineal priesthood and Y. Joseph in 1845. 71-4. Joins J. J. Strang, and is excommunicated from his Church. 62-18. Organizes a Church of his own; Pres. pro tern tor Y. J. 61-44r. Is Pres. of his Church, and Wight, Hook, and Wood, counselors. 61-44r. Church composed of Saints from No. 111., and So. Wis- consin. 61-44r. Introdluces the practlice cf>X polygtimy!, with di^^- trous results, 1851. 61-46r. Ordains Apostles, but they are not of God. 61-37-8. Is the only legitimate President since 1844. 61-48r. Ordained a 70 in Reorganite Church. 62-8. INDEX 33 SMITH, JOSEPH, born in Sharon, Windsor Co., Vt, Dec. 23, 1805. On authority of Sidney Rigdon. 44. Ordains Apostles. 18. Ordained an elder. 62-79. Confers keys. 19. See Gospel Reference *'H" Historical. Was a prophet before he was baptized. 74-b. Is not a fallen prophet, says B. Young. 74-8. No man will ever stand between him and the Twelve. 74-9. Wanted Hyrum to live and lead the Church June 20, 1844. 69-2. Was ordained an apostle — then had right to organize. 74-14. Could not have built up Church without being an Apostle. 74-15. Was not ordained President of the Church. 74-24. Was President by authority of the Apostleship he held, and the sanction of the brethren. 62-79 to 82; this was in harmony with a previous ordina- tion and commandment by John and Peter, Jas. and Jno. 62-80. SOUND Constitutional Statement of the Priesthood. 61- 50r. SPIRITS— False. 54. Lied to them, -r- 50-5. STAKES discontinued, -r- 70-7. No "Thus saith the Lord," to gather at Nauvoo. 69-16. Organized at Palestine, -r- 61-45. Of Zion established in Wisconsin, -r- 62-6. STRANG, JAMES J., Church contemptible, -r- 61-14. To save Gurley from the evils of Strangism. 61-6. STRANGITES — whole branch becomes Reorganites. -r-61- 6, 7. And all other "ites" become reorganites. 70-11. And other "ites" don't form reorganites, says H. C. Smith, a reorganite. 67-3. A second edition of Rigdonism; they tell horrid lies. 67-4. SUCCESSOR to Joseph Smith not his children, 68-20, says Joseph Smith, 1842. Frederick G. Williams and Sidney Rigdon equal with Jos. D. C. 90-6. 34 INDEX TEMPLE work did not cease at Nauvoo; Young Joseph, -r- 13. Suit Wm. Smith's answers as to ordination to Prophet, Seer, etc. 6. Work did not cease only when mobs were upon them. Hedlock 12. At Kirtland must not be defiled. D. C. 97-17. Building always commanded. D. G. 124-39. In Nauvoo— sufficient time. D. C. 124-31 to 33. Do the work in the temples or be rejected. D. C. 124- 47. And city in Jackson Co., Mo., accepted — hindered by enemies. D. C. 124-49 and 51. Must not be defiled — if they are I will not come to them. D. C. 97-16 to 18. At Nauvoo dedicated Oct. 5, 1845. Star. 6-195. In Mo., corner stone laid before mob were awake by the twelve. 4-26-'39. At Nauvoo publicly dedicated by O. Hyde, 5-1-1846. Church Chro. Z7. Conference in N * * first time for three years. S. 6, 195, Oct. 1845. Enemies took possession Sept. 30, 1845. Let the work on my temple * * continue on. D. C. 127-4. Endowment in Nauvoo. 75-1, 2. TIMES AND SEASONS, published Nov. 1839, by Robinson and Carlos Smith. Hist. Rec. 751. TONGUES, Speaking in * * walking homeward, -r-61-22. His wife speaks In * -r- 61-22. Singing and speaking in * * Gurley's little girl. 61- 25 -r-. TRANSITION instantaneous. 59r. TROUBLE, deep trouble. 61-39r. TULLIDGE'S History is a Reorganite publication. 73-lr. Was revised by him for the Publishers. 73-4 to lOr. UNITED ORDER dissolved. D. C. 104-52 to 3. USURPATION by the Apostles destroyed harmony in all quorums, -r- 8. See index "A" for Apostles. VACANCY of Apostles filled how. -r- 62-43. See D. C. 118-6. VALIDITY of ordination in re-. Church, -r- 61-36. do. answer given. 61-37. WATCHMEN on the towers. D. C. 124-61. (1841). WATT, GEO. D., first man baptized in England, 1837, July 30, by Kimball. S. 1-291. INDEX 35 WAUKESHAW Branch organized under Strang. 62-17r. WHITE, GEORGE, chosen Apostle. 62-5r. Apostatizes. 62-43r. WHITEHEAD, JAMES, ridiculous statement about Y. J. ordination. 67-24. WIGHT, LYMAN, hardly sustained in his position as apos- tle. 16. Says Young Joseph was ordained out of Jail. 67-13. I was ordained in Jail, says Y. J., age about 6 yrs. 68-7. Y. J. was not ordained in Jail, says Jno. W. Rigdon. 68-18. Beware, Lyman, for satan desireth to sift thee. D. C. 52-12. Counselor in Wm. Smith's Church. 61-44r. WILLIAMS, FREDERICK G., called to Presidency. D. C. 81-1, 2. WISE men smile at our folly. 62-28r. WITNESSES, three. 2. WOODRUFF, WILFORD, chosen one of the Apostles. 18. Address. 10. Cannot lie; not in the nature of the man. 24r. WREST the scriptures. D. C. 121. Liberty Jail Blessing. (3 Reorganltes.) WRITE, write write. 53-7r. B. Y. is Brigham Young. Chosen one of the first Apostles. 2. If he ever leads the Church, he will lead it to hell. 62-21. On apostacy from Joseph and his measures. 33. Mantle of Joseph on him. 43. God will raise up others to take Joseph's place. 39. Sustained; mantle of Joseph Fallen on him. 27. Favor of carrying out Joseph's measures. 33. You cannot fill the office of Prophet, Seer and Reve- lator. 62-78. Says Jesus was begotten by the power of Holy Ghost. 63-11, 13. Views about Adam. 63-6, 15. Inaugurates a movement that sheds enduring lustre on his name. 71-11. Loyalty to Joseph (W. W.). 74-5. do. Not fallen. 74-8. The stars have set in blood, but will rise in glory by and by (Hyde). 43. Nominated President, 74-11. A Prophet, Seer and Revelator. 74-12. 36 INDEX Said: AH that want to draw away a party, let them do it. 74-20. If Joseph had risen from the dead and again spoken. 74-21. If I had not seen him (Woodruff). 74-22. It is by the voice of God and the voice of the people. 74-23. Not ordained, says F. D. Richards. 74-24. Is our President and our head. 29. Had sealed on him every key and power, W. W. 19. Joseph told the 12 the year before he died. 21. Who ordained B. Y. 25. Who ordained B. Y. Joseph Smith ordained him. 25. Was chosen by revelation. D. C. 124-127. On ordaination by Joseph Smith. 25. On ordination. 74-12 to 19. Was loyal to Joseph the Prophet, says Woodruff. 74-5. Says it is his right to receive revelation. 74-9. Says Joseph S. — ordained Hyrum to take his place. 74-10. Is President by the voice of the people. 74-12. Was never ordained a High Priest. 74-16. Prophecy — Let any man try to lead away a party. 74-20. Presides by authority of God and man. 74-23. Was not ordained President of the Church. 74-24. ZA RAH EM LA, Wisconsin, is the favored spot, -r- 62-9. ZION to be rebuilt. &3-5. Regulations of, by Joseph. 3. Out of * * shall go forth the law-Isaiah. 2-1, 2, 3. Established in the top of the mountains— Micah. 4-1, 2. Flourish upon the mountains. D. C. 49-23, 25. A Stake of. D. C. 104-48. do. D. C. 101-18, 19, 21; none other place ap- pointed; neither shall be Pure in heart. D. C. 98-18, 19, 21. Independence, Jackson Co., Mo., place for "city of Zion." 74-25. It shall not be a Zion unto you if, D. C. 119-6, you don't pay your tithes. Has a right to the Priesthood by lineage. D. C. 113-8. Other Stakes besides Kirtland. D. C. 109-59. Of Enoch. D. C. 38-4. Center — Jackson Co., Mo. Temple and city there! D. C. 124-49, 51; 53. Between Atlantic and Pacific— equal distance. 74-25. Borders enlarged. D. C. 107-74. North and South America. 74-26. All America was now declared Zion. 48-1. INDEX 37 To be purchased. D. C. 63-29. Shall flourish on the tops of the mountains. D. C. 49- 23, 25. Not destroyed, though her children be scattered. D. C. 101-4, 5 to 20. Moved, seconded, and carried, other Stakes bo locat- ed. S. 16-86, 9-17-1837. D. C. 103-24V ex. PART I APOSTLES— Peter, a fisherman. Matt. 4-18, 19. James, son of Zeb.; a fisherman. Acts. 12-1, 2. John, son of Zeb.; a fisherman. Acts. 12-1, 2. Andrew, Simon's bro.; a fisherman. Matt. 4-18, 19. Simon, Andrew's bro.; a fisherman. Mark. 1-16. Matthew, a custom officer. Matt. 9-9. Levi, son of Alphaeus; custom officer. Mark 2-14. Philip. Mark 3-18. Bartholomew. Mark 3-18. Thomas. Mark 3-18. James, son of Alphaeus. Mark 3-18. Thaddaeus. Mark 3-18. Judas. Mark 3-19. Paul. 1st Cor. 9-1. Barnabas. Acts. 14-14. Silas. Acts. 15-40. ARTICLES BELOW REFER TO PART TWO OF THIS BOOK. Art, 1. First chosen in the Church. 67-5. Restored Melchisedek Priesthood. D. C. 27-12. Greater than John the Baptist. Art. 1. Chosen by God's direction. D. C. 18-37. Art. 2. Chosen by three witnesses. Keys, authority, duties. D. C. 27-12, 13. Authority to preach or build up the church. D. C. 42-11. Authority to ordain others. D. C. 18-32. Art. 3. Regulate matters in the church. Art. 4. Preside in absence of higher authority. Traveling Presiding High Council. D. C. 107-34. Vt 40 READY REFERENCE Are counselors to the Presidency and have the i)ower of the Priesthood. D. C. 112-30. EQUAL IN AUTHORITY and POWER to the First Presidency. D. C. 107-24. And Quorum of 70 also EQUAL. D. C. 107-26. Art. 5. Prophets, Seers, and Revelators. Art. 6. Do, says Wm. Smith, a Reorganite. Do, says the Lord to Joseph. D. C. 21-1. Appointed to fill vacancies. D. C. 118-6. Being equal with the Presidency, set in order ALL the Affairs of this Church and Kingdom. D. C. 90- 16. Being equal, it is their duty to preside over the whole Church. D. C. 107-91, 2. Art. 32. Set in order the First Presidency of the Church Dec. 5, 1847. Art. 74-11. See Church Chronology by Jenson (1890). Are in harmony with the law in reorganizing this quorum. D. C. 90-16. Informed by God there was to be no disorganization of the Church until the coming of Jesus Christ. D. C. 27-12, 18. Art. 8. Usurpation of authority destroyed harmony between all the quorums. Reorg. Hist, of the Prophet by Edw. Tullidge (hence disorganization). Art. 9. Usurpation of dead men's authority impossible — "The highest authority presides always." Reorg. Hist. Art. 10. Were sustained by the quorums and members of the Church as a body throughout America and the British Isles in 1844 and 1845. READY REFERENCE 41 Art. 11. Didn't usurp authority by, says Wm. Marks after his apostacy. (Marks ordained the Pres. of the Re- org. Church). Art. 12. Didn't destroy harmony between the quorums, there- by disorganizing the entire Church, (10-7-1844). Art. 13. Didn't destroy harmony, says Jos. Smith, the Pres. of the Reorg. Church. Art. 14. Are sustained by Apostle John E, Page, in the most solemn manner. (Page apostatized and joined Reorg. Church.) Art. 15. Are sustained by Apostle Wm. Smith, May 15, 1845. (He joined the Reorg. Church.) Art. 16. Lyman Wight hardly sustained in his office Oct. 7, 1844. Art. 17. Usurpation of authority (?) did not concern Reorg. Followers. Art. 18. Received their authority and ordination from Joseph Smith, the Prophet, said W. Woodruff in 1892. Robert's Succession. Art. 19. Responsible to bear off the kingdom, writes W. Wood- ruff, 10-11,1844, are words of Joseph Smith. Art. 20. Receive all keys and powers belonging to the Apos- tleship, says B. Young. And First Presidency is the power of the Priesthood given. D. C. 112-30. 42 READY REFERENCE Art. 21. Received every key and power to lead the Church, says B. Young. Art. 11. Are the proper persons to lead the Ch. Marks. Art. 22. That house that rejects the l^ord's anointed shall be left desolate. Art. 23. Received from Joseph the same power that he re- ceived from Heaven. Art. 24. WILFORD COULD NOT LIE! says Reor. Hist, by Tullidge. Art. 25. Receive all keys, ordinances, covenants, endowments, sealing ordinances of the Priesthood as shown Joseph from heaven, says P. P. Pratt. Art. 26. Comm.anded in the name of Israel's God to rise up and bear the keys of the Kingdom, says Wilford Woodruff. (He cannot Lie!") (1845. Pratt's statement corroborated). (Also Editor of Star). (Also do B. Brigham, etc.). , Art. 27. At the head, as the First Presidency of the Church — sustained — says W. Woodruff. (1845). 28. . Will lead this people, and don't be bluffed off by any man, says Joseph. (Testimony of Orson Hyde.) Art. 29. Have the keys as long as one of the Apostles is left, says H. C. Kimball. READY REFERENCE 43 Art. 30. Cannot act under the direction of one of the first presidency, the junior counselor. Art. 31. Must be sustained by the voice of the Church the same as the first presidency. Art. 32. Unanimously sustained in their office as appointed by Pres. Joseph Smith, says O. Hyde. Art. 33. Young says: If there is not more than ten men who hang on to the truth, and to Joseph and the tem- ple, etc., let me be one of the number. Art. 34. Will be damned if they do not act, and the people, also, if they do not heed their authority, says Sidney Rigdon. Art. 35. Not usurping authority, but perform their duty. Rig- don trial by P. P. Pratt. Art. 36. Being undermined by Sidney Rigdon. Art. 37. By the voice of the people was in favor of sustaining the Twelve to be their leaders. Orson Hyde. Art. 63-33r. Utah Saints are right — Apostles preside, says Jos. Smith of the Re-Organized Church. Art. 38. Apostles now preside over the WHOLE CHURCH. 1844. 44 READY REFERENCE Art. 39. God will raise up others to Lead Ms People. 1844. Art. 40. Is the Church Annihilated by a Single Blow? 1844. Art. 41. The Twelve Apostles Take Charge. 1844. Art. 42. The Mormons Submit to the Loss of their Leaders in silence. Extr. from Liverpool Albion, Aug. 5, 1844. Art. 43. Elisha has Caught the Mantle of Elijah. Art. 44. Apostle or Pres. Rigdon not Recognized as one of the Presidency. APOSTLES OF THE REORGANITE CHURCH— HOW CALLED! CHOSEN! AUTHORITY COMPARED WITH THE ABOVE, ETC., ETC. Art. 45. H H. Beam's Revelation, 3-20-1853. Who Hath Required this at Your Hand? Isaiah 1-12. Wo unto Them That are Deceivers. -D. D. 50-6, S. Is H. H. Deam a Prophet? The Lord will do Nothing save he reveal His Secret Unto His servants the Prophets. Amos 3-7. The Oracles Were to be Given to the Church, Bro. D. D. C. 90-3, 7. The Church was in the Rocky Mts., 3-20-1853. Art. 46. The Church was to be there, you say. READY REFERENCE 45 Art. 47. Joseph Smith Prophesied they would he driven to the Rocky Mts. and there become a Mighty People, so says your history. Bro. Deam, the Church was Flourishing in the tops of the Mountains according to Revelation. D. C. 49-23, 25. Art. 48. You do not dispute the fact, Bro. Deam. Deam's Rev. not in HARMONY with the Law. D. C. 43-3, 5. Art. 49. Deam doubts the Divinity of his own Revelation. Art. 50. Reason for Doubt — His Brethren had not agreed on points in his Revelation a few nights before. Art. 51. The Spirit Lied, so says their history. Art. 52. The Spirit explains WHY it Lied — They would have ALL apostatized if it had told the truth. There are many false Spirits gone forth to deceive. D. C. 50-2, 4. Art. 53-8: Bro. Deam, You will no doubt remember your friend, Jason W. Briggs, claimed to receive a Revelation a short time before you, and in latex years said: "I would not like to call that a revelation now; but you know we learn by experience." Art. 54. Every Spirit is not of God. Historical Record. We Know Assuredly That Deam's Rev. is not of God. D. C. 28-1, 7. To the Law and the T-estimony again Bro. Deam: 46 READY REFERENCE Your Revelation sets at defiance the Laws of God. D. C. 35-17, 19. Bro. Beam did not Hearken to the Servants of God appointed over him, hence he has been removed out of his place, D. C. 93, and is without author- ity. D. C. 124-45. Bro. Beam is under Condemnation according to the Law. B. C. 82-3, 5. Art. 55. Bro. Beam is a Besigning Leader, who Forsook the Church in the midst of its deepest trials — the EXOBUS. Bro. Beam has departed from the faith, giving Heed to Seducing Spirits and Boctrines of Bevils, etc. 1st Tim. 4, 5. Art. 56. Bro. Beam is an Apostate, Bivested of All Authority, save that he receives from the faction to which he unites, so says their history. According to the Law and the Testimony, and to be Obedient to the Commands of God, it is our Buty to REJiBCT Beam's PURPORTEB iRevelaUops as an Imposition in the Name of- Some other God than that of the Father of the Faithful. B. C. 43-3, 6;»28-2; 50-2, 9. Art. 57. Apostles of Reorganite Church Called Partly Through Authority of H. H. Beam's Revelation. 45-5. Art. 58. Three Spirits Aid In Giving Beam's Revelation viz., Prince of Barkness, the Spirit, and the Spirits of a Half-drunk Brighamite. 45-1, 3. ' Art. 58. Gurley Betermined that if Beam's Revelation Ever Came Before the Church, it should be by the Power of God, and Not of Man. 45-8. Art. 59-1 to 4. After 17 days' Reflection, and after the close, 50-1, 4, of a Two Bays' Wrangle, H. H. Beam Becomes Bold Enough to Present His Revelation as from God. 49-2. READY REFERENCE 47 Art. 50—1 to 5. Deam's Revelation Was Brought Before them by the Power of Man, WHILE the 'PRINCE of DARK- NESS', 50-3, 5, Reigned Triumphant! 'Its Last Chance.' Then, 49-2, Followed Wonderful Mani- festations!! 59-3. Art. 60. The Law and the Testimony Summed Up, as Brought to Bear on H. H, Deam's Rev. and Conduct. D. C. 42-3, 6; 28-2; 50-2, 9; 124-45; Articles 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56. Art. 61. FOURTEEN REVELATIONS TO THE REORGAN- ITES— Brother Deam Not the Only Revelator. Briggs, Gurley, Deam, the Church. 61. 62. The Reorganite Church is Established! Minutes of the Conference. 62-1, 10. 62. Jason W. Briggs is Chosen President. 62-2. This is in harmony with Deam's Revelation, which says: "Let the Greatest among you preside at your Conference. 45-4. 63. Jason was the Greatest Among them — the Rest Must have Been Very Small. Now We Will Weigh Jason W. Briggs in the Balance, and Finding His Value, we can Easily Determine the Rest! 62-11. 64. The Exodus was too much for Jason — He Joins Strang. 62-12. 65. In 1850 He Leaves Strang — Is Ordained Apostle in Wm. Smith's Church. Wm. Smith is an Apos- tate from the Strangite Church. 'Orig." by Jos. F., Jr. p. 12. Art. 62-18. 48 READY REFERENCE 66. Activity in Smith's Church — Conferences — Polygamy. 1850, 1. 61-41, 47. 67. Leaves Smith for Fairer Regions — Gets Wonderful Revelations Himself. 53. 68. Briggs with his Smithites joins Gurley with his StTangites and Establish the Reorganites. 61-6, 7. 69. Briggs' Degrees: Mormonite, Mormonite Apostate; Strangite, Strangite Apostate; Smithite, Smithite Apostate; Reorganite, Reorganite Apostate. Re.- ceives a Wonder Revelaion: "Verily, verily, saith the Lord, even Jesus Christ, unto his servant Jas- on Briggs, Concerning the Church: etc." Repu- diates His Alleged Revelation saying: "We Learn by Experience." 62-20. and This same Jason W. Briggs is the Man Whose Priest- hood is the Highest and Greatest Upon Earth (62-2), and, therefore, is Chosen to Preside at the Conference at which the Reorganized Church is Established. 45-4. 70. Angels Present — Saints Transfixed^ — ^And the Voice of God Declares: JASON W. BRIGGS' AUTHOR- ITY IS NOT RECOGNIZED BY ME." "We All Knew it Was From God." That Settles It. 61-37, 39. 71. ANGELS, ANGELS, Brethren! Three in Vision! The SPIRIT DECLARES that H. H. DEAM'S REV- ELATION IS OF GOD. 49-1, 2; 52-1. 72. Alleged Prophecy Fulfilled — Brigham Led the Church to Hell. 62-21. READY REFERENCE 49 73. J A SIN W. BRIGGS, the Highest Authority, and two others Ordain SEVEN APOSTLES. 45-6. 74. "The Lord Told Ds the Acts of this Conference Were Recorded IN HEAVEN. (No doubt about it! P. J. S.) 62-10. 75. • Beam's Revelation: "See Thou Do All Things Ac- cording to the Pattern." 45-4. Deam's Revelation: "Let Three men be appointed by the Conference to Select SEVEN men who shall compose a majority of the Twelve, for it is my will that that quorum should not be filled up at present." 45-5. 76. Joseph Smith's Revelation — The Pattern: "I give unto you Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer that you shall search out the Twelve." D. C. 18-37. Joseph Smith's Revelation — Not by Halves: "Search out Twelve men." Also: When vacancy occurs, Fill the Places of those who have fallen." D. C 118-6. 77. Deam's Revelation: Follow the Pattern: (Choose Twelve Men;) D. C. 18-37: "Choose Seven Men, It is my Will. But Follow the Pattern!" 45-5. 78. "Will the Lord Please to Tell Us How to Organize?" (Deam's Revelation, is the Answer). 45-2, 7. 79. "God Had Commanded Us to Do What We Absolute- ly Could Not Do." Tull. 598. "We had Two High Priests (Briggs-Deam), and One Senior President of 70 (Gurley), but how could these Organize the Church? It was impossible, utterly impossi- ble. We concluded High Priests and a Seventy Might ordain Seventies — but when done, what would it accomplish? Nothing, just nothing. We were in trouble — deep trouble! 50-1, 5; 61-39. 50 READY REFERENCE 80. The Seven Apostles received their AUTHORITY from BRIGGS, DEAM and Gurley, says Joseph Smith, Pres. of Reorganite Church. 62-23. 81. "Do All Things According to the Pattern." D. C. 18-37. 82. JASON W. BRIGGS' REASONS JUSTIFYING THE COURSE TAKEN. 62-25. 83. LESSER ORDAINS THE GREATER— THAT'S AL- RIGHT, SAYS JASON W. BRIGGS. 62-25. 84. Greater Ordains the Lesser — Says the Lord to Joseph Smith. D. C. 20-39; 20-48; 27-12; 128-20, 21; 42-11, 22; 27-6, 12. "Bo All Things According to the Pattern." See D. C. 18-37. 85. Jason Wrong Again! He says: "Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were ordained to the lesser Priesthood by an angel; then by this Authority, and a commandment, they on the 6th day of April, ordained each other ELDERS; then HIGH PRIESTS; then APOSTLES; ETC. 62-79, 83; 62-25. 80. "The Actions of This Conference Were Recorded in Heaven," says the Lord. 62-25. "This Class of Facts Condemn Us," says Their His- tory. 62-25. 87. "Wise Men Smile at Our Folly." 62-28. READY REFERENCE 61 88. "In Close Straits for Enough Men to Organize — Send Your Names, if You Can't Come! saith the God of Israel. 62-38, 39. 89. "Our Seven Twelve Apostles Will Perish," saith the Lord our God. Come to Conference — Our Time is Limited — We must Organize. 62-28, 90. Seven Years of Slothfulness — Seven Twelve Apostles. 62-42. 91. "See Thou Do All Things According to the Pattern." Three of the Seven Twelve Apostles PERISH— Vacancy Filled With No Regard for 'The Pat- tern.' (Deam's Rev.). 62-43. 92. "Hard Pressed for Material — Couldn't Raise an Extra Man to take the Place of George White, apostat- ized. No wonder TWO of the FOUR of the Seven of the TWELVE urged attendance at the Confer- ence in April, 1860. That Seven Men Might Perish. 62-28 to 33. It was in 1865 — Five years after Joseph was Presi- dent, that they didn't have enough tried and trus- ty men to make the "third" apostle above men- tioned. 93. Gurley and Newkirk, just TWO of the four of the Seven of the Twelve Apostles Sign the "Aposto- lic Epistle:" "Thus hath the Lord God of Israel said to us, by the voice of his Spirit: I command you to come to the Amboy Conference, etc." Seven men must perish. 62-42; 62-38. 94. Apostle Brigham Young's Prophecy Fulfilled. "All who want to draw away a party from the Church after them let them do it if they can. BUT THEY WILL NOT PROSPER." 74-20. "SEVEN MEN HAVE PERISHED.'* 52 READY REFERENCE 95. Conference Arrives — Initiated Into the Church with- out Baptism. 62-50. Gurley Gives HIS Church to Joseph in the Name of Jesus Christ. Gift Accepted. BRIGGS, the High- est — Down and Out — Gurley Supreme. 62-76, 77. THE AUTHORITY AND CALLING OF YOUNG JOS- EPH SMITH TO THE PRESIDENCY OF THE RE-OR- GANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- DAY SAINTS. "The Elders Not Bound by Any Absurd Answer of Mine," Jos. Smith. 63-37. 97. My Father Did Ordain me to be his Successor — he used the word ordain. 28. 98. I don't know whether he used the word "ordain" or not. 28. 99. "No, sir, I did not state that I was ordained by my father to be his successor." 36. 100. "Well, in a sense, I was too, ordained, or chosen, or whatever you may call it." 36. 101. "In 1856 I did not then know whether I should ever be called. Joseph Smith. 64-6, 7. 102. "In 1841 I was called by revelation to my father." Joseph Smith. 62-24. READY REFERENCE 53 103. Ordained IN Liberty Jail to be his father's successor. Ordained shortly after coming OUT of Jail, says Wight. True Sts. Her. Vol. 39, No. 22, p. 33, 7-9. 104. Ordained to the Same Blessing TWICE after OUR baptism in 1843. True St. Her. Vol. 14, 105'. (H. C. S. 40.) ORDAINED IN JAIL when 5 yrs. old. 68-7. ORDAINED OUT OF JAIL, 1839, 68-7, by my father; but HE had no authority, hence FOUR APOS- TATES WERE CALLED IN AND "Isaac Sheen then lead in prayer. Then followed the ORDINATION No. 5 in 18601 by GURLEY, MARKS, BLAIR, DEAM and POWERS. This last ORDINATION en- titled him to be PRESIDENT OF THE RE-OR- GANIZED CHURCH. No objections. 62-77. ORDAINED TWICE SINCE 1843. 68-7. Ordained at Amboy, 111., 1860. 62-77. 105. I DIDN'T KNOW IN 1844— NOBODY DID. I DIDN'T KNOW IN 1856— MOTHER DIDN'T, either. I DIDN'T KNOW IN 1892— NOBODY DID. DIDN'T KNOW IN 1896 until Josephites thought it advisable for him to remember these things. Age 64. 64-4, 11. 106. The Spirit told Briggs Joseph was not called in 1851. The Spirit told Gurley Joseph was not called in 1851. The Spirit told the Saints assembled Jan. 9th, 1852. Tull. 593. The Spirit told the Saints again — the same thing, 1853. Tull. 595. The Spirit told Deam nothing about it in March 20, 1853. Tull. 597. The Spirit told ,the* Saijits that Deam's revelation was from Him. Tull. 599. The Spirit told the Saints the acts of their confer- ference were recorded in heaven. Tull. 600. The Spirit told the Chosen Twelve to take charge of the Church. Tull. 601. The Spirit told the Saints to organize in 1860 — Jos. not yet called. Tull. 604. The Spirit told Joseph in a vision an offer to preside 54 READY REFERENCE over a Church would be made to him. (See Tull. 757). Fall of 1853. The Spirit told Joseph Smith the Martyr, that another would be appointed in his stead. "I will appoint another." D. C. 43-3, 6. The Spirit told the Prophet the man was Brigham Young, and he was ordained by the President himself. D. C. 124-127. The Spirit told 20,000 Saints in Nauvoo it was Brig- ham Young. 27. 107. Many False Witnesses Testify — Anxious for Young Joseph's welfare and not feeling the best because of being severed from the Church, they OVERDO THINGS. Lyman Wight's Contradictory statements — IN JAIL and Shortly after coming OUT of Jail (R. 51) Sts. Her. 39, 333, 9. John E. Page, a Re-organite, said of Wight's State- ment: "If Wight's statement is true, God has left His people to wander like sheep, subject to the most damnable impositqn that ever cursed the earth." Gospel Herald, Aug. 31, 1848. (Strang's Organ). 53 R. James Whitehead: "The Church Consented to Joseph's Ordination to be his father's successor after the Ordination had been performed!" Tem- ple Lot Suit, p. 33. R. 57. 108. Whitehead's and Smith's statements compared: Whitehead: "He was ordained and anointed at that meeting." Smith: "I was not ordained by my father." 109. Jno. H. Carter's and Bishop Miller's Statements Com- pared. R. 62. Her. 39, 339. 110. Chas. Derry SAID that William Clayton SAID (R. 61), Her 39-339 Alpheus Cutler SAID that W. W. Phelps SAID. (R. 61), Her. 39-339. D. S. Mills SAID that Parley P. Pratt SAID. (R. 62), Her. 39-339. READY REFERENCE 55 What Pratt said is recorded. Star 5-1, 151. This great and good man, etc. 25. Saints Herald said that Lucy Smith SAID. (R. 62), Her. 39-339. John Taylor's Journal records what Lucy Smith SAID. (4, 22-3.) Bishop Miller SAID that Young and Kimball SAID. (R. 62), Her. 39-339. Louis Gaulter and Harriet E. SAID that Brigham Young SAID. (R. 63), Her. 39-339. Arthur Millikin, brother-in-law to the martyr, SAID that Brigham Young Said. (R. 64), Her. 39-339. IF ANY ONE ELSE SAID THAT ANYBODY ELSE SAID ANYTHING TURN TO TRUE SAINT'S HERALD. VOL. 33, NO. 22, p. 339. ATONEMENT: Bled at every pore. D. C. 132-26, 41, 52, 64, 66. That thyself might be glorified. 45-4. Not for sons of perdition. 76-41, 46. Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. 29-1, 3. My blood shall not cleanse them. 17. Some shall remain filthy still. 88-102. Must repent, or suffer even as I. 19-15, 18. Land redeemed by blood. U. S. ~ 101-80. He bare the sin of many. Bible Isaiah, 53-5, 12. His blood was shed for you. Luke 22-19, 20. He taketh away the sins of all. John 1-29. Gave his life for the sheep. 10-11. Christ made all alive. 1st Cor. 15-21, 22. Redeemed by the blood of Christ. 1st Peter 1-19, 21. Brought eternal life. 2nd Tim. 1-8, 10. By one sin entered the world. Rom. 5-12, 19. Death of testator necessary. Hebrews 9-15, 22. Ransom for all. 1st Tim. 2-5, 6. It is universal. Hebrews 2-9. Do. 1st John 2-2. Do. Rev. 5-9. Conditional. 1st John 1-6, 7. Do. John 3-14, 15. Do. 1st Tim. 4-10. Do. Acts 20-28. Do. Romans 3-24, 25. BOOK OF MORMON: ^ For those ignorant of the law. Mosiah 3-11, 18. The infant perisheth not! Thou art condemned to die; thou hast shed the blood of a man. Alma 1-13, 15. 56 READY REFERENCE Mormons ought to be destroyed. 63-27. Life dedicated to exterminate the Mormons because differing in Belief — Cooper-Josephite, 63-19. AUTHORITY: Has any man on this earth authority to baptize? The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? Marli 1-27. Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was bap- tized of John in J. Mark 1-9. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. John 1-6. John baptized those of Judea and Jerusalem and taught that there would come one mightier, who would baptize with the Holy Ghost.. Mark 1-4, 8. About twelve persons at Ephesus had been baptized by what they thought v/as the baptism of John, but as they were baptized by men who had no authority to baptize, were again baptized, by Paul. Acts 19-1, 5. A QUERY: Have you, dear reader, ever asked yourself this question? "Where did I get authority to baptize? Is it from God? Is it from man? If from man, where did he get his authority? How did he get it? Have men at the head of a College of Theology any more authority to give me authority to baptize, than men at the head of a bank, or commercial institution? If so, why? Did I ever ask myself "Who hath require this at my hand?" Did I just feel that I was called of the Lord, and took it for granted that gave me authority? Have I been badly deceived by men hav- ing no authority to give? Have I examined the scrip- tures carefully on this matter? "Search them, for in them ye think ye have eternal life." Jesus refuses to tell wicked men by what authority he acted, and from whom he received it. Mark 11- 28, 33. Jesus was "Called of God, a High Priest, after the order of Mel. Hebrews 5-10. For men to officiate in things pertaining to God, they must be "called of God as was Aaron." Hebrews 5-1, 4. 1 also sent them. John 17-18. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit. John 15-16. The commission ot Jesus to his apostles: "Go ye. READY REFERENCE 57 therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father. Matt. 28-19, 20. Thou, Lord, show whether of these two thou hast chosen. Acts. 1-22, 25. The Holy Ghost said. Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. Acts. 13-2, 3. Having authority from God they "Ordained them eld- ers in every church." Acts. 14-23. The Devil has greater power than a man without authority from God." Jesus I know, and Paul 1 Know, but who are ye? * * they fled out of the house naked and wounded." This was also at Ephesus. Acts. 19-13, 16. God called Aaron through Moses: "And he shall be thy spokesman." Exo. 4-14, 17. And the Lord said unto Moses, Behold, thy days ap- proach that thou must die; call Joshua. Deut. 31- 14.' The prophet Samuel poured oil upon Saul and said: "Is it not because the Lord hath anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance?" 1st Samuel 10-1. The Lord told Samuel, to arise and anoint David king: "And the Lord said. Arise, anoint him, for this is he." 1st Sam. 16-11, 13. Uzziah the king was stricken with leprosy for offer- ing to burn incense in the temple without author- ity. 2nd Chron. 26-16, 21. 50,070 people were stricken dead for just looking into the ark of the Lord, where they had no business. 1st Sam. 6-19, 20. "Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, * * and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God." 2nd Sam. 6-6. "When ye come to appear before me, who hath re- quired this at your hand, to tread my courts?" Isaiah 1-12. How preach unless sent? Romans 10-14, 15. As oracles of God. 1st Peter 4-11. Called as was Aaron. Hebrews 5-4. As though it were God. 2nd Cor. 5-20. I have chosen you, ye have. John 15-16. By Jesus Christ. Mark 3-14, 15. Do. John 20-21, 23. To cast out devils. Mark 3-15. From God, necessary. Matt. 18-18. As Moses and Aaron. Exodus 4-14, 15. Aaron and Sons. 28-1. 58 READY REFERENCE By the laying on of hands. Numbers 27,18, 23. Do. Deut. 34-9. Do. Acts. 6-5, 6. Barnabas and Saul called. 13-1, 3. Amen to that man's Priesthood. D. C. 121-36, 38. From John, the Baptist, Peter, Jas., John. 27-8, 12. Presidency of Church. 124-125, 126. Of Brigham Young, Pres. 12 Apostles. 127. Of the Apostles. 128, 129. High Priests organize High Council. 102-1. Do. Fill vacancy in quorum. 6, 8. Seventy— equal to the Presidency, or 12. 107-25, 28. Do. Under direction of the 12. 34. Elders — ordain elders, priests, etc. 20-38, 45. Priests — ordain priests, teachers, etc. 46, 49. Teacher — does not ordain. 58. Deacons — do. 58. Duties of members. 68, 84. To receive Revelation, see "R." Of Briggs to receive Revelation. See "B." Gurley. Do. "G." Deam. Do. "D." Of Marks, Wm. See "M." BTiSiir, W. W. See B. Powers, Sam'l. P. Rigdon, Wm. R. Pres. of Reorganized Church. See Y. J. Brigham Young. Y. Strang, J. J. S. Reorganite Apostles. A. Smith, Wm. S. Wight. W. Page, Jno. E. P. Views of Mcintosh on Authority, a Reorg. 63-1. Immediately become divested of all authority, when joining another church. 63-1. From God — witnesses chosen. D. C. 18-37. To build up the church; also preach. 42-11. Apostles regulate affairs of Church. 90-16. Apostles being equal, preside over church. 107-91, 92. Apostles with Pres. power of Priesthood. 112-30. Apostles receive oracles for the church. 90-3, 7. Apostles lead when Presidency is gone. 43-3, 5. To receive revelation (Joseph). 28-2, 5. To receive until he be taken, then. 43-2, 6. The lesser ordains the greater, says fJriggs. 62-25. The lesser says Pres. of Reorganized Church. 23, 24. Reorganites admit they had none! 61-37, 40. READY REFERENCE 59 According to Beam's revelation Pres. of conference and two others ordained apostates. 45-4, 6. Of Reorganlte Apostles rec'd from Briggs, etc. 62-2, 5. Of Reorganite by Briggs, Beam, Gurley, says Pres. Reorganite Church. 62-24. Of apostates, by Mcintosh, a reorganite. "Have none when join any faction" lesser to ordain greater, 63-1. Melchisedec Priesthood. B. C. 107-8, 20. President of that Church. 102-9, 11. John, Peter, Jas., Jno., Adam to present time. 128-20, 21. From the heads of the Church. 42-11. Elias, John, Elijah, Adam, etc. 26-6, 7. Greater to ordain lesser see officers above. NECESSITY. BAPTISM: Cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. John 3-5. . He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do. Acts 10-1, 6. Whereby thou and thy house shall be saved. Acts 11-14. Ha commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Acts 10-48. Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Acts 16-30, 33. He and all his was baptized straightway. Acts. 16-33. For as many of you as have been baptized have put on Christ. Gal. 3-26, 27. Having been baptized, doth also now save us. 1st Peter 3-21. Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead? 1st Cor. 15-29. For they without us cannot be made perfect. Heb. 11-40. Baptism for the dead, greatest responsibility on this earth. B. C. 128-11, 13. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. John 1-6. Jesus baptized to fulfill all righteousness. Matt. 3-13, 15. The works that I do shall he do also. John 14-12. He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me. John 14-21. If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14-15. Vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel. 2nd Thes. 1-7, 8. 60 READY REFERENCE GOD'S LAW. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them. Matt. 28-19, 20. Rejected the counsel of God against themselves, not being baptized. Luke 7-29, 30. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. Mark. 16-15, 16. Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to ful- fill all righteousness. Matt. 3-13, 15. He commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Acts. 10, 48. Then Peter said unto them, repent, and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ. Acts. 2-38, 41. O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Luke 3-7. God's voice from heaven is heard in its approval. Luke 3-21, 22. John, also, was baptizing near to Salem, because there was. John 3-23. And they went down both into the water, Philip and the eunuch, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. Acts. 8-38, 9. The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of man? Mark 11-27, 33. Do. Matt. 21-23, 7. He that loveth me not, keepeth not my sayings. John 14-12. He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also. John 14-12. But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1st Cor. 2-9. FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS. Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Acts. 2-38. And now, why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins. Acts 22-16. John came 'preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins." Luke 3-3. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. John 1-6. Jesus, without sin, is also baptized, to fulfill all right- eousness. Matt. 3-13, 15. Heb. 4-15. Stinging rebuke of Jesus to a generation of vipers. Luke 3-7. READY REFERENCE 61 God's voice from heaven is heard sanctioning bap- tism for the remission of sins. Luke 3-21, 22. Believers became members of the church through baptism. Acts. 2-41, 7. One faith, one Lord, ONE BAPTISM. Eph. 4-5. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. James 1, 17. Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. James 1, 21. INFANTS NEED NO BAPTISM. Children shall be baptized when eight years old. D. C. 68-27. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. Mark 16-16. If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. Acts. 8-36, 7. Then Peter said unto them, repent, and be baptized, every one. Acts. 2-38, 39. No one can be received into the church of Christ, * * unless he is capable of repentence. D. C. 20-71. Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repentence. Luke 3-8. Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them. Matt. 28-10-21. Whoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. Acts. 10-43. When they believed, * * they were baptized, both men and women. Acts. 8-12. O generation of vipers, who hath warne'd you to flee from the wrath to come? Luke 3-7. Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Mark 10-13-16. Many of the Corinthians hearing, believed, and were baptized. Acts 18-8. Rejected the counsel of God * * not being baptized. Luke 7-29. * * Little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin; wherefore the curse of Adam is taken from them in me, that it hath no power over them; * * wherefore * * 1 Know it is a sol- emn mockery before God, that ye should baptize little children. (22) For behold that all little chil- dren are alive In Christ, and also all they that are without the law. For the power of redemption cometh on all they that have no law; wherefore, he that is not condemned, or he that is under no 62 READY REFERENCE condemnation, cannot repent; and unto such bap- tism availeth nothing. B. of M. Moroni 8-8. Whole family being baptized does not prove infants were. Acts 16-32, 34. And I baptized also the household of Stephanas. 1st Cor. 1-16. MODE OF BAPTISM. One faith, one Lord, one baptism. Eph. 4-5. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straight- way out of the water. Matt. 3-16. And were all baptized of him in the river Jordan. Mark 1-5. John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salem be- cause there was much water there. John 3-23. And they went down, both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. Acts. 8-38, 9. Baptizing in the river. Mark 1-9. Went out of his house at night in order to baptize. Acts. 16-33, 4. "Came up out of the water," hence, must have gone down into it. Mark 1-9, 10. Whole family being baptized does not prove infants were. Acts. 16-32, 4. And I baptized also the household of Stephanas. 1st Cor. 1-6. Then shall ye immerse him or her. D. C. 20-74. Then shall ye immerse him. B. of M. 3rd Nephi 11-26. Therefore we are buried with him by baptism. Ro mans 6-4, 5. Buried with him by baptism. Col. 2-12. John needed much water. John 3-23. The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? Mark 11-27, 33. Do. Matt. 21-23, 27. Article 65:. Testimony of Mosheim, Martin Luther, Robinson, Cal- vin, John Wesley, and others, showing that immersion was the mode from the days of Jesus Christ until the end of the thirteenth century. Authority to baptize or officiate in the name of the Lord. SEE A for authority. READY REFERENCE 63 CHRIST'S SECOND COMING. And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must re- ceive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began. Acts. 3-19, 21. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven * * this same Jesus shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Acts. 1-10, 11; 21-10, 27. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matt. 24-14. And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days. Luke 17-26, 30. Nation shall rise against nation * * earthquakes, famines, pestilences; signs in heaven; betrayed by parents, brethren-hated of all nations — signs in the sun, moon, stars — distress of nations. Luke 21-10, 27. Other signs to appear. Rev. 6-12, 17. Come in the clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13-26. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout. 1st Thes. 4-16. In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2nd Thes. 1-7, 8. And the Lord my God shall come and all the saints with thee. Zech. 14-5. Our God shall come and not keep silence; a fire shall devour. Psalms 50-3, 6. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end. Isa 9-6, 7. And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced. Zech. 12-10. And the Lord God shall come and all the saints. Zech. 14-5, 11. CHURCH ORGANIZATION. God placed in His Church the following officers: Are they in the Church to which you belong? If not, why not? If He has changed his organization, when did He? If man changed it, by what authority did he change God's organization? 64 READY REFERENCE CHURCH: Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. Enh 2-19, 21. And God hath set some in the Church, first Apostles, secondarily. Prophets; thirdly. Teachers— miracles, gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. 1st Cor. 12-27, 31. The above officers were given for the perfecting of the Saints, and were to remain in the Church until all were in the unity of faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God. Eph. 4-11, 14. Come and let us go to the seer, for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer. 1st Samuel 9-9. This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. Matt. 21-11. He chose twelve, whom also he named apostles. Luke 6, 13. Consider the Apostle and High. Priest of our pro- fession, Christ Jesus. Heb. 3-1. There came down from Judea a certain prophet named Agabus. Acts. 21-10. Do the work of an evangelist, make proof of thy min- istry. 2nd Tim. 4-5. For every High Priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices. Heb. 5-1. Gather me 70 men of the elders; * * they prophesied and. Num. 11-16, 24, 25. ' The Lord appointed other seventy also (17) devils subject to them. Luke 10-1. Bishops and deacons at Philippi. Phili. 1-1. For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God. Titus 1-7. Apostles and elders came together for to consider this matter. Acts. 15-6. They had ordained them elders in every church. Acts. 14-23. The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder. 1st Peter 5-1, 3. A certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia. Luke 1-5. Blessed is he who hath part in the first resurrection: * * they shall be priests of God and of Christ * * reign 1,000 years. Rev. 20-6. Certain prophets and teachers were in the church at Antioch. Acts. 13-1. READY REFERENCE 65 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double ton- gued. 1st Tim. 3-8, 12. To all the saints in Christ Jesus * * which bishops and Deacons. Phili. 1-1. More than twelve apostles. Acts 1-24, 26. Matthias takes place of Judas, Acts. 13-2, 3. Barnabas and Saul called, also. 1st Cor. 9-1. Paul is an Apostle. "Am I not an apostle?" Also Acts. 14-14; Acts 15-40. Paul chose Silas, and departed, being recom- mended by the brethren into the grace of God. And he went through Assyria and Cilicia confirm- ing the churches. (If Silas was an apostle, that makes 15 in number, with Peter, James and John as their presidents.) Mark 3-13, 19. Christ's Church Organization. Apostles — 1st Cor. 12-27, 31. Prophets — Do. High Priests— Heb. 3-1. Seventy — Luke 10-1. Elders— 1st Peter 5-1, 3. Bishops — Phili. 1, 1. Priests — Luke 1-5. Teachers — Acts. 13-1. Deacons— 1st Tim. 3-8, 12. Saints— Phili. 1-1. Evangelists — 2nd Tim. 4-5. CONTRADICTIONS. The Bible, having been translated so many different times, contains some errors, which, by the way, are very insignificant, and a knowledge of the correctness of the matter will neither save nor condemn us. Compare Acts 9-7 with Acts. 22-9; 1st John 4-12, with John 14-9. Genesis 4-13, 14 with 1st Jno. 4-12. Luke 14-26 with 1st John 4-20 and 1st John 3-10, 11; Ex. 20, 12. Matt. 27-5 with Acts. 1-18. John 1-18 with Exodus 24-9. Gen. 10-15, 18 with John 1-18. FAITH: Substance of things hoped for. Hebrews 11-1, 6. Cometh by hearing the word of God. Romans 10-17. Many of the Corinthians hearing, believed. Acts 18-8. The just shall live by faith. Romans 1-16, 17. 66 READY REFERENCE For by grace are ye saved, through faith. Ephesians 2-8, 10. Faith without works is dead. James 2-26. Not every one that saith Lord, Lord shall be saved. Matthew 7-21. Without faith it id impossible to please him. Hebrews 11-6. Do you believe in Christ? John 14-12. Do you love him? John 14-15. He it is that loveth me. John 14-21. Do you love the Lord? John 14-23, 24. One faith, one Lord, one baptism. Ephesians 4-4. In vain do they worship me. Matthew 15-8, 9. Paul was sincere in fighting the Church. Acts. 26-9, 12. Jews were sincere in crucifying Christ. Matthew 27-25. Will kill you thinking he is doing God's service. Sin- cerity not sufficient. Ex. Indians planting pow- der. John 16-2, 3. Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things written in the book of the law. Gallations 3-10. They that believe have power to become sons of God. John 1-12. Do the will of the father, and you will know of the doctrine, whether I speak of God or myself. John 7-16, 17. Don't expect God's blessings if you haven't faith. James 1-5, 7. Faith not sufficient — Devils believe and tremble. James 1-19. Can faith alone, save you? No. James 1-14, 17. You are not so holy that you are free from sin, and saved. 1st John 1-8, 9. The blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin. IF. 1st John 1-7. He that endureth to the end shall be saved. Matthew 10-22. There is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not, Ecclesiastes 7-20. Search tlie scriptures, for in them ye think ye have. John 5-39. Noah saved his life, and that of family through faith. Hebrews 11-7. Abraham looked for a city whose founder is God. He- brews 11-8, 10. Worlds were framed through faith. Hebrews 11-3. Walls of Jericho fell down, through faith of Saints. Hebrews 11-30. Kingdoms subdued; fires quenched; escaped edge sword. Hebrews 11-32, 40. READY REFERENCE 67 God's power not manifest through you, without faith. Matthew 17-19, 20. This is eternal life, to know Gol and Jesus Christ. John 17-3. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 1st John, 2-3. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. John 3-36. By faith we overcome the world. 1st John 5-4. We quench the fiery darts of the wicked. Ephesiana 6-16. As body without spirit is dead, so faith without works. James 2-26. By works was faith made perfect. James 2-21, 24. He that saith: I know him, and keepeth not his com- mandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 1st John 2-4. Faith and repentance are at the foundation of the gospel. Hebrews 6-1. He is the Savior of all men, especially those that be- lieve. 1st Timothy 4-10. Commanded to believe on Jesus Christ. 1st John 3- 23, 24. No other name under heaven whereby we must be saved. Acts. 4-12. Add to your faith, virtue, etc., do these things. 2nd Pet- er 1-5, 10. In continuous revelation. Would that all were proph- ets. Numbers 11-29. My father in heaven hath revealed this unto you. Mat- thew 16-17, 18. Continued revelation until Christ's second coming. 1st Cor. 13-8, 10. Where there is no vision the people perish. Proverbs 29-18. Let any man ask of God, who giveth liberally. James 1-5, 7. He that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16-15, 16. By faith cometh the salvation of our souls. 1st Peter 1-9. Sick, lame, halt, blind, healed, through faith. Mark 16-17, 18. Heathens justified through faith. Gallations 3-8. This is a faithful saying: Maintain good works. Titus 3-8. He became the author of our salvation, if we obeyed. Hebrews 5-8, 9. » Every man judged according to hfs deeds. Romans 2-6, 8. 68 READY REFERENCE Be ye doers of the word, not hearers only. James 1-22, 25. Judged in the resurrection according to our works. Revelations 20-12. To enter through the gates of the city, we must do his commandments. Revelation 22-14. GOD. I am God Almighty. Gen. 35-9 15. And they shall see His face. Rev. 22-3, 6. Jesus the express image of God's person. Heb. l-l, 3. God created man in his own image. Gen. 1-26, 27. For my father is greater than I. John 14-28. For our God is a consuming fire. Heb. 12-29. God is a Spirit. John 4-24. My father worketh hitherto, and I work. John 5-17. 1 and my Father are one. John 10-30. Jesus and His Father are two separate and distinct personages. "And lo, a voice from heaven, say- ing, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Matt. 3-13, 17. Holy Father, keep through Thine own name those whom Thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are. John 17-11. And the Lord said, behold, the people is one. Gen. 11-6. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also, which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one. John 17-20, 21. The quotations just given prove that they are two persons, though they may be alike, or one in understand- ing. Lord, show us the Father. * * He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. John 14-8, 9. Men are made after the similitude of God. James 3-8, 9. I have seen God face to face. Gen. 32-30. Moses, Aaron, and 70 of the elders saw the God of Israel. Exo. 24-9, 10. The Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. Exo. 33-11. Thou canst not see my face; for there shall no man see me, and live. * * While my glory passeth by I will put thee in a cliff. * * Thou shalt see my back parts; but my face shall not be seen. Exo. 33-20, 23. His tongue is a devouring fire (figurative). Isaiah 3-27. As for me I shaft behold thy face in righteous, Psalms 17-15. READY REFERENCE 69 God eats, drinks, and convej-ses. Gen. 17 and 18. Head and hair white like wool * * eyes as a flame of fire. Rev. 1-14. He laid his hands upon every one of them, and healed them. Luke 4-40. Healed a woman who had been sick for eighteen years. Luke 3-11, 13. Blind man healed by Jesus. Mark 8-23, 25. Two blind men received their sight. Matt. 20-30, 34. Power to heal promised: They shall take up ser- pents. Mark 16-18. He gave his disciples power over unclean spirits; to heal sick. Matt. 10-1. They cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many sick. Mark 6-13. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the Elders of the church; anoint with oil; prayer of faith, raised up, sins forgiven. James 5-14, 15. Ananias restored sight to Saul; also gave Holy Ghost to him. Acts. 9-17. The father of Publius lay sick of a fever; Paul healed him. Acts. 28-8. HISTORICAL. Creation. 4,004 B. C. Antediluvian Period. Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Ma- halaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah. 4,004 to 2348 B. C. From the Deluge to the call of Abraham. Arphaxad, Cainan, Salah, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abraham. 2348 to 1921 B. C. From the call of Abraham to the Exodus. Age of Isaac to birth of Esau and Jacob 60; age or Jacob at the migration to Egypt, 130; sojourn in Egypt 215, total 430. 1921 to 1491 B. u. From the Exodus to the Building of Solomon's Tem- ple. 1491 to 1011 B. C. Saul's Reign over the undivided kingdom. 1072 to 1032 B. C. David do. 1032 to 992 B. C. Solomon do. 992 to 952 B. C. From the Division of the Kingdom to the fall of Jeru- salem. 952 to 588 B. C. Kings of Judah: Rehoboam, Abijah, 70 READY REFERENCE Asa, Jehosaphat, Jehoram, regent, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham (sole), Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manassah, Amon, Josiah, Jehoanaz, Jehoihaz, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah. Fall of Jerusalem, 588 B. C. Kings of Israel: Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elab-Tibni, Omni Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jeroboam, 2nd, Zachariah, 1-2 yr., Shallum, 1 mo. Menahem, 10 yrs., Pekahiah, Pekah, Hoshea, Fall of Samaria, 722 B. C. The other kingdoms existing at the same period as Judah and Israel were Egypt, Syria, Assyria, and Baby- lon. A great many expeditons from these kingdoms came against the divided kingdom, or Judah and Israel, with the final overthrow of both. The Prophets who lived before the Babylon Captivity are: Jonah, Joel. READY REFERENCE 71 Amos, 810 to 725 B. C, approx. Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Those Prophets who lived near to and during the captiv- ity were: Nahum, Zephaniah, Approx. 660 to 574. Habakkuk, Jeremiah, (including Lamentations). Daniel, Obadiah — soon after the destruction of Jerusalem. Ezekiel. Those Prophets after the return from captivity were: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, 520 to 397 (approximately). This is the close of the Old Testament. King Nebuchadneezar died. 561 B. C. Babylon taken by Cyrus. Belshazzar slain. Darius "the Mede," appointed ruler of Babylon. 538 B. C. Decree of Cyrus permitting the return of the Jews. 536 B. C. Death of Cyrus. 529 B. C. Dedication of Temple at Jerusalem. 516 B. C. Expulsion of the Tarquins from Rome. 510 B. C. Walls of Jerusalem rebuilt. 440 B. C. Plenoponnesian War begins. 431 B. C. Death of Socrates. 401 B. C. Close of Old Testament Canon. 397 B. C. During the period between the Old and New Testa- ments the Jews were influenced by the rule of four dif- ferent dynasties: The Dominion of Persia. 536 to 333 B. C. The Dominion of Greece. 333 to 167 B. C. The Dominion of the Asmonaeans. 167 to 63 B. C. The Dominion of the Idumaean Antipater, and Herod. 63 to 4 B. C. Egypt was a Persian Province. 350 B. C. Alexander invades Persia. 334 B. C. Death of Alexander. 323 B. C. Palestine subject to Egypt. 320 B. C. Simon the Just, High Priest. 310 B. C. Palestine reverts to Egypt. 301 B. C. Beginning of the LXX. translation of the Old Testa- ment. 284 B. C. First Punic War. 264 B. C. 72 READY REFERENCE Second Punic War. 219 B. C. Colonies of Jews from Babylon transplanted to Asia Minor. 201 B. C. Rise of the Maccabees. 167 B. C. Rededication of the Temple. 165 B. C. Third Punic War„ 149 B. C. Fall of Carthage and Corinth — Greece a Roman Prov- ince. 146 B. C. First mention of Pharisees and Sadducees. 109 B. C. Caesar in Gaul. 58 B. C. The Temple plundered by Crassus. 54 B. C. Antipater the Idumean appointed by Caesar Procura- tor of Judea. Herod made Governor of Galilee. 47 B. C. Assassination of Caesar. 44 B. C. Death of Antipater. 43 B. C. Herod captures Jerusalem. 37 B. C. Egypt conquered by Caesar. Line of the Ptolemies ends. 30. Augustus made emperor. 27 B. C. Herod begins to rebuild Temple. 19 B. C. Agrippa confirms the privileges of the Jews. 14 B. C. The Outer Temple finished. 11 B. C. Herod dies at Jericho soon after the Nativity of our Lord. 4 B. C. Herod died In the 750th year from the building of Rome, i. e. four years before the usual starting point of Christian chronology, so that we are forced to the con- clusion that our Lord was born B. C. 4, or, according to some, a little earlier. 26 A. D. is about the time John the Baptist's work began, and consequently the Ministry of Jesus, and that His death and resurrection must have taken place in A. D. 29 or 30. The duration of his ministry is usually reckoned at three and a half years, but some reckon it as two and a half. A great deal depends on the meaning of St. John 5-1. If the feast named was a passover we know that the Ministry was three and a half years. It is not certain that the feast was a Passover. The probabilities are against it. THE GOSPEL NARRATIVE MAY BE DIVIDED INTO SEVEN PARTS: Part 1. The Nativity and Early Life of Jesus. 2. From the Preaching of John to the First Passover. 3. From the First Passover to the Second. 4. From the Second Passover to the Third. 5. Holy Week. READY REFERENCE 73 6. The Death and Burial. 7. The Resurrection and the Great Forty Days. HISTORICAL: 1805. Birth of Joseph Smith, Sharon, Windsor Co., Vt., Dec 23rd. 1820. Joseph received his first vision in early spring. 1823. He learned where the plates were deposited. Sept. 21. Views the plates at the hill. Sept. 22; also in 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827. 1827. Joseph married Emma Hale; being a stranger, Mr. Hale objected to the marriage. Jan. 18. Joseph's first child born; dead at birth. Twins also die later. Joseph receives the plates. Sept. 22. 1828. Martin Harris took characters to Prof. Anthon and Dr. Mitchell. Feb. Harris lost 116 pp. of the Book of Mormon. June. 1829. Joseph and Oliver Cowdery met for the first time. April 5. Translation of the plates began with Cowdery as scribe. Apr. 7. Joseph and Cowdery ordained to the Aaronic Priest- hood by John, the Baptist; they baptized each other. May 15. Probably in latter part of this month the three wit- nesses were shown the plates. Soon after the eight witnesses viewed them. June. It was probably this month that the Mel. Priesthood was restored. July. ^* 1830. ^ Beginning of tliis year 5,000 copies of Bk. of Mormon 74 READY REFERENCE were printed by E. B. Grandin, in Palmyra, N. Y. Church organized with six members in Peter Whit- mer's house, Fayette, N. Y. Holy Ghost conferred, and sacrament administered. April 6. Oliver Cowdery preached the first public discourse in this dispensation. April 11. Joseph arrested twice, and driven away by a mob. June. The church held its first conference. Fayette, N. Y. June 1. The second conference was held. Fayette, N. Y. Sept. 1, 2, 3. Sidney Rigdon was baptized. Oct. Orson Pratt visits the Prophet. Pratt is 19 yrs. old. Nov. 4. 1831. The third conference of the church was held at Fay- ette. Jan. 2. Edward Partridge was called to be the first bishop to the Church. Feb. 4. John Whitmer called to be the Church Historian. Mar. 8th. The fourth conference of the church was held in Kirtland. Several were called to the office of High Priests. June 6. Spot dedicated for the Temple in Independence. Aug. 3. Fifth conference of the Church held. Missouri. Aug. 4th. Joseph Smith and company met several of the Elders on their way to Zion. Aug. 13. Ezra Booth came out as an apostate. Sept. An important conference held at Oraijge, Cayahoga Co., Ohio. Oct. 25. A special conference held in Hiram. Nov. 1. Some of the brethren having criticized the language in a revelation, section 67, was given. Wm. E. McLellan failed in his attempt to write a reve- lation. Nov. The revelation, called the appendix, was given through Joseph at Hiram, D. C. 133. Nov. 3. Four special conferences were held betwen the 1st and 12th. Nov. N. K. Whitney was called then tt) the Bishoprick. Dec. 4. 1832. Conference was held in Amerst, Loraine Co., O. (D. C. 75 given). Jan. 25. READY REFERENCE 75 Joseph and Sidney severely mobbed at Hiram. Jan. 25. Brigham Young was baptized. April 14. Joseph and company arrived at Independence. Apr. 24. At a general council, held in Jackson Co., Joseph Smith was acknowledged the President of the High Priesthood, according to a previous ordination at a conference of High Priests, Elders, and mean- bers, held at Amherst, Ohio, Jan. 25, 1832. Sec. 82, D. C. was given. Apr. 26. Joseph Smith, the Prophet's 4th child was born. His- first three- children were dead. Civil war prophecy. Dec. 25. 1833. Joseph completed the translation of the New Testa- ment. Feb. 2. Joseph was commanded not to translate the Apocry- pha. D. C. 91. Mar. 9. Sidney Rigdon and F. G. Williams were ordained and set apart as Presidents of the High Priesthood, or counselors to Pres. Smith, according to the revelation given March 8th. Mar. 18. Dr. P. Hurlbert, afterwards connected with the Spauld- ing story, was excommunicated from the Church. June 23rd. Joseph completed the translation of the Bible. July 2d. Printing office was destroyed by mob in Jackson County Bishop Partridge and one other tarred and feathered. July 20. Corner stones of Kirtland Temple laid. July 23. 1834. First High Council of the Church was organized in Kirtland. Feb. 17. Revelation of the redemption of Zion. given. D. C. 103. Feb. 24. Joseph commenced to obtain volunteers for the re- demption of Zion. Feb. 26. Dr. Hurlbert, the apostate, had threatened Joseph Smith's life, and was put under $300 bonds, in Chardon, Ohio. April 9. The united order in Kirtland was dissolved. April 10. About 150 homes of the Saints in Mo, burned. Apr. 24. At a conference of elders in Kirtland, the Church was first named "The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints." May 3rd. 7C READY REFERENCE An important revelation was given on Fishing River, in which the Lord told his Saints that the time for the redemption of Zion had* not yet com ^. D. C. 105. Compare D. C. 103. June 22nd Joseph Smith in company with a few friends visited Jackson Co., Mo., secretly. July 1st. High Council organized in Clay Co., Mo., David Whit- mer, Pres.; W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer, Counselors. July 3. Joseph Smith and O. Cowdery made a conditional cov- enant with the Lord that they would pay tithing. This was the first introduction of the principle among the Saints. Nov. 29. 1835. Twelve Apostles chosen, Kirtland: Thos. B. Marsh, David W. Patten, B. Young, H. C. Kimball, O. Hyde, Wm. E. Mcl^llin, P. P. Pratt, Jno. F. Boyn- ton, Lyman E. Johnson. Johnson, Kimball, and Young were blessed the same day. Feb. 14. First quorum of seventies commenced. Kirtland. Feb. 28. Important revelation concerning Priesthood given. D. C. 107. Mar. 28. Purchased from Michael J. Chandler four Egyptian mummies and papyrus. One was writings of Abra- ham, as found in Pearl of Great Price; another the writings of Joseph in Egypt. July 3rd. At a general assembly of the Church, held in Kirt- land, the Book of Commandments was approved, and thus became a law of faith and practice to the Church. Aug. 17. President Cowdery appointed to act as Church Record- er. Sept. 14. 1836. The High Council of Zion, Mo., was reorganized. Jan. 6th. In a council of the Twelve, held in Kirtland, Pres. Joseph Smith said: "The Twelve are not subject to any other than the First Presidency * * * Where I am not there is no First Presidency over the Twelve." Jan. 16. Kirtland Temple dedicated. Mar. 27. The Savior, Moses, Elias, arl Elijah, the Prophet, ap- peared in the Kirtland Temple to Joseph Smith and O. Codwery. Apr. 3. READY REFERENCE 77 The Saints of Clay Co., Mo., agreed to leave the County. July 1. Preparations made for organizing a bank in Kirtland. Kirtland Safety Society. Nov. 2. 1837. A spirit of apostasy and speculation affecting every quorum of the Church became vepy prevalent in Kirtland. May. Ground broken at Far West, Mo., for a Temple, but on account of persecution was not erected. July 3. At a conference, held in Kirtland, Oliver Cowdery, Jos- eph Smith, Sen., Hyrum Smith and John Smith were appointed assistant counselors to the First Presidency. * * * * Luke S. Johnson, Lyman B. Johnson and John F. Boynton, three of the Apos- tles, wej"e disfellowshipped. Sept. 3. The three apostles above confessed, and were re- ceived back again. Sept. 10. Geo. W. Robinson was elected General Church Re- corder. Sept. 17. Frederick G. Williams rejected as Counselor to Pres. Smith. Hyrum Smith was appointed in his stead. Nov. 7. Joseph Smith arrived in Kirtland. During his absence, some prominent men, including Warren Parrish, John F. Boynton, Luke S. Johnson and Joseph Coe, had united for the overthrow of the Church in Kirtland. Dec. 10. The year closed witnessing apostasy, persecution, con- fusion and mobacracy in Kirtland. 1838. Joseph and Sidney left Kirtland on horseback to es- cape the mob. Jan. 12. In a general assembly of Saint's in Far West, Mo., David Whitmer, John Whitmer, and W. W. Phelps were rejected as the Pres. of the Church in Mis- souri, because of transgression. Feb. 5. Thomas B. Marsh and David W. Patten were appointed Presidents pro tem in Missouri, unto the arrival of Joseph or Sidney from Kirtland, Feb. 10. Joseph Smith with family, and B. Young, arrived in Mo. March 14. Marsh, Young and Patten were sustained as the Pres. of Church in Mo. April 6. 78 READY REFERENCE O. Cowdery excommunicated. David Whitmer and Lyman E. Johnson cut off the 13th. D. C. 114 given. Read. April 17. D. C. 115 given. Church shall be called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Compare with item 1834-5, 3. Apr. 26. Corner stone of temple at Par West laid, according to commandment of 4, 26, 1838. July 4. Revelation of tithing given,, and John Taylor, John E. Page,'W. Woodruff and W. Richards called to the Apostleship. July 8. Revelation designating who is to dispose of the tithing money. See D. C. 120. July 18. Joseph and Sidney commence the study of law. Sept. 4. A battle fought between a mob and 75 brethren on Crooked River, Mo. Gideon Carter was killed— 11 others wounded. Apostle D. W. Patten and Patrick O'Banion were wounded and died soon after. Oct. 25. Exterminating order of Gov. Boggs was issued. About this time Sampson Avard organized a company of Danites. Oct. 27. Hauns Mill Massacre. 18 or 19 Saints butchered by a mob. Oct. 20. Hyrum Smith and Amasa Lyman made prisoners by the mob. * * * * Citizens of Far West were forced to give up their arms, by order of General Sam- uel D. Lucas. Nov. 1. Joseph Smith and fellow-prisoners taken to Far West under a (Nov. 2), strong guard and permitted to see their families. Generals Lucas and Robert Wilson then took them to Independence, Mo., where they arrived on the 4th. Joseph Smith and fellow prisoners arrived in Rich- mond, Mo., where they were put in chains and much abused by the guards. Nov. 9. General Wilson ordered every family to be out of Adam-ondi-Ahman in ten days, with permission to go to Caldwell County and tarry till spring, then to leave the state under pain of extermina- tion. Nov. 10. From August last until now about thirty of the breth- ren have been killed. Nov. 13. Many were released from jail. Joseph Smith, Lyman Wight, Caleb Baldwin, Hiriim Smith, Alex McRae, and S. Rigdon, were not. but v/ere row sent to Liberty, Clay Co. Nov. 28. READY REFERENCE 79 1839. Brigham Young, President of the Twelve, left Far West for Illinois on account of persecution. Feb, 14. Sidney Rigdon was released from Liberty Jail on bail. Feb. Thomas B. Marsh, W. W. Phelps, F. G. Williams, Geo. M. Hinkle and others excommunicated at Quincy, 111. March 17. Section D. C. 121 given in Liberty Jail. A few days later 122 and 123 written. Read them all. Mar. 20. Joseph Smith and fellow-prisoners were started from Liberty Jail to Gallatin, Davies County, Mo., where they arrived on the 8th. Apr. 6. Joseph Smith and fellow prisoners started from Da- viess towards Boone County, Mo., under a change of venue. Apr. 15. The guard being drunk, Joseph Smith and fellow- prisoners made their escape, and arrived in Quincy, ill., on the 22nd. Apr. 16. The last of the Saints left Far West. About 15,000 of them. Apr. 20. The first purchase of lands in Commerce, afterwards Nauvoo, was made by Joseph Smith. There was one stone house, three frame ones. May 1. Important conference held at Quincy, 111. Saints from East advise to gather at Kirtland and make that a stake of Zion. May 4 and 5. Wm. Marks appointed to preside at Commerce. May 6. After seven months of imprisonment without convic- tion, P. P. Pratt, and Morris Phelps escaped from Columbia Jail, Mo. King Follett also tried to escape, but was recaptured. July 4th. The first number of the Times and Seasons was pub- lished in Commerce, 111. (Nauvoo). Nov. 1840. Joseph Smith arrived from Washington, D. C, where he had presented the claims of 491 individuals for about $1,381,000. It was fruitless. Mar. 4. P. P. Pratt published the first number of the Millen- nial Star in E. May 27. Patriarch Joseph Smith, Sen died in Nauvoo, 111. Sept 14. Tne governor of Missouri made a demand on Gov. Carlin of 111. for Joseph Smith, S. Rigdon, Lyman Wight, P. P. Pratt, Caleb Baldwin, and Alanson Brown as fugitives from justice. Sept. 15. 80 READY REFERENCE R. P. Thompson was appointed General Church Clerk, instead of Geo. W. Robinson. * * * A committee was appointed to organize new stakes. Oct. 3. Lima, Hancock Co., 111., Quincy, Adams Co., 111., Mount Hope, Columbus, Adams Co., 111., Geneva in Mor- gan Co., 111., stakes were organized. Oct. 25 to Nov. 1st. 1841. Revelation to build Nauvoo Temple and the Nauvoo House given; also items concerning the author- ity of the Priesthood. D. C. 124. Jan. 19. Hyrum Smith became Patriarch in place of his fath- er, deceased. Wm. Law was chosen counselor to Joseph in Hyrum's place. Jan. 24. Joseph Smith elected sole Trustee for the Church. Jan. 30. John C. Bennett elected Mayor of Nauvoo. First Mayor of the city. Feb. l. Nauvoo legion was organized with Joseph Smith as Lieutenant-General. Feb. 4. The Saints commanded by revelation to build a city to be called Zarahemla opposite Nauvoo. D. C. 125. Mar. C. C. Rich and Austin Cowles were chosen as Coun- selors to Pres. Wm. Marks of the Nauvoo Stake of Zion. Mar. 29.- Corner stones of Nauvoo Temple laid. A General Conference that continued until the 11th was com- menced in Nauvoo. Apr. 6. Lyman Wight chosen Apostle in place of D. W. Pat- ten, deceased. Apr. 8. All Stakes outside of Hancock, 111., and Lee County, Iowa, were discontinued. Call for the scattered Saints to gather there. May 24. Revelation to B. Young. D. C. 126. No more required to go from home. July 9. Don Carlos Smith, the youngest brother of the Proph- et, died at Nauvoo. Aug. 7. Joseph Smith preached to about one hundred Sac and Fox Indians who came to visit him at Nau- voo. Aug. 12. R. B. Thompson, Joseph's scribe, died in Nauvoo. Aug. 27. A company of brethren left Nauvoo for the Pinery about 500 miles North, to procure lumber for the Nauvoo Temple. Sept. 22. READY REFERENCE 81 Important General Conferencs held in the Grove at Nauvoo. Joseph declared, as the will of the Lord, that the Church should not hold another General Conference until they could meet in the Temple. * * * James Eloan was elected Church clerk in- stead of R. B, Thompson, deceased. Oct. 3, 4, 5. Orson Hyde, who had arrived in Jerusalem, ascended the Mount of Olives and dedicated the land by prayer for the gathering of the Jews. Oct. 24. Temporary font for baptisms in the Nauvoo Temple dedicated. Nov. 8. Baptisms for the dead were commenced in the font, in the basement of the Temple. Nov. 21. Willard Richards was appointed Joseph Smith's pri- vate secretary and general clerk for the Church. Dec. 13. 1842. Zarahemla Stake of Zion discontinued; a branch or- ganized instead, with John Smith, as President. Jan. 6. W. Woodruff took the superintendency of the print- ing office and John Taylor of the editorial depart- ment of the Times and Seasons, in Nauvoo. Feb. 3. Joseph Smith took charge of the Editorial department of the Times and Seasons. Mar. 15. Female Relief Society of Nauvoo wsia commenced. It was completed on the 24th with Emma Smith as President. Mar. 17. Joseph Smith baptized 80 persons in the Mississippi, after which he confirmed about fifty. Mar. 20. Joseph Smith baptized 107 persons in the Mississippi River. Mar. 27, 275 brethren ordained Elders in Nauvoo at Special conference. Apr. 6 to 8. About 200 saints arrived in Nauvoo from Great Brit- ain. Apr. 13. The Wasp, a weekly paper, was first published in Nau- voo. Wm. Smith, Ed. Apr. 16. Joseph Smith writes: A conspiracy against the peace of my household was made manifest, and it gave me some trouble to counteract the design of certain base individuals and restore peace. The Lord makes manifest to me many things which it Is not wisdom for me to make public until others can witness the proof of them April 29. 82 READY REFERENCE Joseph gave James Adams, Hyrum Smith, Newel K. Whitney, George Miller, B. Young, H. C. Kimball and W. Richards instructions about boly endow- ments. May 4. Ex-Governor L. W. Boggs, of Missouri, was shot, but not killed, at Independence, Mo. May 6. The Nauvoo Legion, now numbering 26 companies, or 2,000 men, was reviewed and tougiit. a sham f)attle. . John C. Bennett conspired against the Prophet's life, but failed to carry out his design. May 7. John C. Bennett having resigned the mayorship of Nauvoo, Joseph Smith was elected by the city council to fill the vacancy. May 19. Chauncey L. Higbee was cut off from the Church at Nauvoo, for unchaste and unvirtuous conduct. May 24. The authorit'es of the Church had at this time with- drawn their fellowship from John C. Bennett, who soun afterwards left Nauvoo. May 25. Joseph Smith spoke to 8,000 people in Nauvoo. July 3. Joseph Smith prophesied that the Saints would be driven to the Rocky MountaiLS and there become a mighty people. Aug. 6. Joseph Smith ^vas arrested by a deputy sheriff in Nauvoo, by requisition from Gov. Reynolds, of Missouri, charged with being accessory to the shooting ol ex-Governor Boggs, O. P. Rockwell was also ai rested as principal. Through habeas corpus proceedings they were released. Aug. 8. The deputy sheriff returned to Nauvoo to re-arrest Joseph Smith and O. P. Rockwell, but they could not be found. To escape imprisonment the Prophet had to keep concealed for some time. Up to the 19th he was in hiding at John Smith's, Edward Sayer, Carlos Granger, and then returned home. On the 18th great excitement prevailed among the people around Nauvoo on account of J. C. Bennett's lies. Aug. 10. Amasa M. Lyman was ordained one of the Apostles. Aug. 20. After not showing himself in public for three weeks, Joseph Smith spoke to a meeting of Saints in Nauvoo; 380 Eldexs volunteered to take mis- sions to the various states of the Union for the purpose of refuting Bennett's lies. Aug. 29. Joseph Smith wrote an address to the Saints in Nau- voo concerning baptism for the dead. D. C. 127. Sept. 1. READY REFERENCE 83 Another effort was made to arrest Joseph Smith. He eluded pursuit and afterwards kept himself hid for some time at the home of Edward Hunter. Sept. 3. Joseph Smith wrote another important address to the Saints. D. C. 128. Sept, 6. Joseph Smith returned home undiscovered. Sept. 10. Reports reached Joseph that Gov. Reynolds, of Mo., had offered a reward for the arrest of himself and O. P. Rockwell. Oct. 2. Joseph again left home to elude the pursuit of his enemies. He returned on the 20th. Oct. 7. Ninety thousand feet of lumber and 24,000 cubic feet of timber arrived in Nauvoo for the temple and Nauvoo House. Oct. 13. Johy Taylor succeeded Joseph Smith as editor of Times and Seasons. Nov. 15. Willard Richards appointed Church Historian. Dec. 21. Joseph Smith arrested a third time on a requisition from Mo. Dec. 22. 1843. Joseph Smith prophesied that he should not go to Missouri dead or alive. Jan. 2. Joseph Smith was on trial before Judge Pope, of Springfield, on the charge of being an accessory to the shooting of ex-Governor Boggs. Jan. 4. Joseph was found innocent and acquitted. Jan. 5. Meetings of prayer and thanksgiving were held in Nauvoo on the release of Joseph Smith. Jan. 17. D. C. 129. By which good and bad spirits are known. Feb. 9. O. P. Rockwell was taken prisoner in St. Louis by the Missourians. March 4. Joseph Smith prophesied that O. P. Rockwell would get away honorably from the Missourians. March 15. A young gentlemen's and ladies' "Relief Society" was organized in Nauvoo, with Wm. Cutler as Presi- dent. April 2nd. There are none who minister to this earth, ex- cept those who belong or have belonged to it. If thou livest until thou art 85, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man. * * * 16. I was thus left, being unable to de- cide whether I should die and thus see his face. CLrist's coming will not be sooner than that time, 1 believe. April 2. 84 READY REFERENCE At a conference in Kirtland Temple it was decided that all the Saints should gather to Nauvoo. April 6. An important conference was held on the floor of the Temple in Nauvoo. Joseph Smith prophesied that Christ would not come before he was 85' years old. April 6 to 8. • About 115 Elders called on missions to the states. Special conference. Nauvoo. April 10. Six brass plates and a skeleton were found by Mr. R. Wiley and others, near Kinderhock, Pike Co., 111. April 23. First number of the Nauvoo Neighbor issued at Nau- voo instead of the Wasp. May 3rd. Joseph Smith made some important remarks about the celestial glory, in Ramus, 111. D. C. 131. See Sec. 132 for the "Order of the Priesthood" refer- red to. May 16-17. Joseph dines with Stephen A. Douglas; prophesied that Douglas would aspire to the Presidency of the United States, and that if he ever turned his hand against the Latter-day Saints, he should feel the hand of the Almighty upon him. May 18. Joseph Smith gave endowments, and also instructions on the Priesthood and the new and everlasting covenant to Hyrum Smith, B. Young, H. C. Kim- ball and others. May 26. Elias Higbee died in Nauvoo. June 8. Joseph Smith arrested by Sheriff J. H. Reynolds, of Jackson Co., Mo., and Constable H. T. Wilson, of Carthage, 111. June 23. Masonic Temple in Nauvoo — corner stones laid. June 24. News that Joseph Smith had been kidnapped reached Nauvoo, and 175 men immediately started on horseback to his rescue. June 25. Joseph Smith and company arrived in Nauvoo, and nearly the whole city turned out to meet him. He addressed the people in the afternoon, giving the history of his arrest. June 30. Joseph Smith tried before tne court of Nauvoo on a writ of habeas corpus and released. July 1. Elders sent to visit various counties of Illinois to preach the gospel and disabuse the public mind with regard to Joseph Smith's arrest. C. C. Rich READY REFERENCE 85 Mr. Braman arrived in Nauvoo as a messenger from the governor, to learn the particulars of Joseph Smith's late arrest. July 7. Bishop Miller arrived in Nauvoo from the Pinery with 157,000 feet of lumber and 70,000 shingles for the Temple. July 8. The revelation on celestial marriage was written in the presence of Hyrum Smith and Wm. Clayton. D. C. 132. Read it. Verses 5, 6, 14 to 16, 17, 18 to 27, 37, 50, 52, 54, 56, 60, 61 and 64. July 12. At an anti-Mormon meeting, held in Carthage, Han- cock Co., 111., resolutions against Joseph Smith and the Saints in Nauvoo. Sept. 6. Joseph opened the Nauvoo Mansion as a hotel. Sept. 16. Joseph Smith gave a dinner party in the Nauvoo Man- sion to about 200 Saints. Oct. 3. At a special conference, held in Nauvoo, serious com- plaints were made against Sidney Rigdon. Oct. 6. Sidney Rigdon was retained as counselor to Joseph Smith, although the Prophet said: "I have thrown him off my shoulders and you have again put him on me; you may carry him, but I will not." Oct. 8. Endowments given in Nauvoo. Dec. 2. Nauvoo Legion instructed to prepare for the meeting of the mob now gathering in the neighborhood. Dec. 19. Petition sent to Congress concerning Missouri perse- cutions. Dec. 21. O. P. Rockwell, after a year's imprisonment, arrived in Nauvoo. Dec. 25. Forty policemen sworn in in Nauvoo. Dec. 29. 1844. Wm. Law intimated that his life was in danger, Jan. 3. Wm. Marks President of Nauvoo Stake, in fear, as a fire had" been lighted near his house. Jan. 5. Uncle John Smith ordained Patriarch. Jan. 10. Francis M. Higbee tried for slandering Joseph Smith. Jan. 16. Joseph and Sidney nominated for President and Vice President of United States. | Jan. 29. Joseph issued his address on Government of United States. Feb. 7. Anti-Mormon convention held at Carthage to devise ways and means for exterminating the Saints. leo. 17. 86 READY REFERENCE Joseph instructed the Apostles to send a delegation to Rocky Mountains to find a place for the Saints. Appointed delegation next day. Feb. 20. Another meeting held. Many volunteered to go to the mountains. Feb. 23. Joseph prophesied that within five years the Saints would be out of reach of their enemies. Feb, 25. Decided to discontinue work on the Nauvoo House until Temple is finished. March 4. Another meeting held to consider removing west to the mountains. March 11. Joseph Smith in a public meeting spoke against C. L. Higbee, R. D. Foster, William Law and Wilson Law and others, as conspirators against his life. March 24. Joseph petitioned Congress to protect the citizens in their emigration west, to the mountains. March 26. Masonic Temple dedicated. April 5. In a five-days' conference Joseph declared North and South America Zion. April 6. Wm. Law, Wilson Law, R. S. Foster and other apos- tates cut off. April 18. Joseph arrested by F. M. Higbee; tried in Nauvoo; judgment versus the plaintiff. May 6. State convention held in Nauvoo at which Joseph and Sidney were nominated for president and vice- president, respectively. May 17. B. Young, H. C. Kimball, Lyman Wight and about 100 other Elders, left Nauvoo on their political mission to the East. May 21. Joseph learned the grand jury in Carthage had found two indictments against him; one for polygamy. May 25. The Nauvoo Expositor was published. The only num- ber. June 7. Expositor thrown into the river; city council declared it a nuisance. June 10. Joseph arrested for destroying the Expositor; ':ried in Nauvoo; acquitted, June 12. Delegates were sent through the precincts to lay a truthful statement of the troubles before the peo- ple. June 16. Joseph and others were arrested for destroying the Expositor; acquitted. Mobs began to gather and threaten the Saints. June 17. READY REFERENCE 81 Nauvoo Legion ordered out; city under martial la^y The Prophet delivered his last public address He read from the Warsaw Signal, the intention of the "old citizens" to drive the Saints. June 18 Mobs began gathering at points to attack Nauvoo June 19. Joseph sent for the Twelve to come; they were on mis sions. He examined the approaches of the city. June 20. Late in the evening Joseph and Hyrum and Willard Richards, left Nauvoo and crossed the Mississippi, with the intention to flee to the west. June 20. Through the solicitations of Emma and others, they returned to Nauvoo. June 23. Joseph and Hyrum and seventeen friends started for Carthage; the state arms at Nauvoo were given up- by order of the governor, and under pledge of the governor, Thos. Ford. June 24. Joseph and his brethren surrendered to the officers; a trial followed; remanded to prison. June 25. Gov. Ford had interview with the prisoners. June 26. Gov. Ford went to Nauvoo, leaving the prisoners in jail to be guarded by their most bitter enemies, the "Carthage Greys"; about 5:20 p. m., an armed mob with blackened faces, surrounded and entered the jail, murdering Joseph and Hyrum Smith in cold blood. John Taylor was badly wounded, while W. Richards only received a slight wound on his ear. June 27. Bodies were brought home to Nauvoo by Dr. W. Rich- ards and S. H. Smith. They were met by Nauvoo Legion and a large number of citizens. June 28. About 10,000 persons visited and viewed the remains. Funeral took place in the evening. June 29. John Taylor was brought home from Carthage. July 2. HOLY GHOST. In my Father's house are many mansions; * * I go to prepare a place for you, etc. John 14-2, 3. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient tor you that I go away; for if I go not away the comfor+er will not come unto you. John 16-7. Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye are endued with power. Luke 24-49. Then Peter said unto them, repent; be baptized; re- ceive rluly Ghost. Acts. 2-38. 88 READY REFERENCE Comforter will r,,ach all things; bring things to re- L.eribra.K ^. John 14-26. Will show you things to come. John 16-13. Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 1st Cor. 2-9 10. The Spiri: itself boaretli witne&&. with our spirit, that we are the children of God. Rom. 8-16. Manifestations of the Spirit; is given to every man to profit. 1st Cor. 12-4, 30. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffer- ing, gentleness. Gall. 5-22. Conferred by laying on of hands; money offered for the power. Act's 8-14, 20. He laid his hands on their heads after baptism and they reed. H. G. Acts 19-3, 6. Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ. Heb. 6-1, 2. And Jesus when he was baptized * * * the spirit of God descended like a dove and lighted upon him. Matt. 3-16. Except a man be born of the water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. John 3-5. H. G. was not yet given; because Jesus not yet glori- fied. John 7-37. Then laid they their hands on them and they re- ceived the H. G. Acts 8-16, 17. No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the H. G. 1st Cor. 12-3. Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. (He must have had the H. G. but not the gift of it, for that did not come until Pentecost). Matt. 16-16. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come. * * they were all filled with the H. G. Acts. 2-1, 4. And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine, etc.? Numbers 22-30. From the last two qotations we see that the spirit can descend without the imposition of hands, but that the laying of hands for the gift was the rule. Your body is the temple of the H. G. 1st Cor. 6-19. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 1st Cor. 3-16. Spake as moved by the H. G. 2nd Peter 1-21. Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the H. G. as well as we? Act. 10-47. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the H. G. whom God hath given to them that obey him. Acts. 5-32. READY REFERENCE 89 And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the wat- ers. Genesis 1. Ananias receives sight; baptism, and the H. G. Acts. 9-17. Simeon before baptism had the H. G. and it revealed to him that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Luke 2-25. When Jesus was baptized the H. G. descended in the form of a dore. Luke 3-21, 2. When delivered up, take no thought * * for the H. G. will speak for us. Mark 13-11. H. G. shall come upon thee and the power of the high- est shall overshadow thee (Mary). Luke 1-35. H. G. was upon John the Baptist from infancy. Luke 1-15. H. G. was with Elizabeth. Filled with it. Luke 1-41. Sin against the H. G. not forgiven. Matt. 12-31, 32. Sin against H. G. explained. Heb. 6-4, 6. There is a sin unto death; don't pray for forgiveness of it 1st John 5-16. PRE-EXISTENCE. What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? John 6-62. I came forth from the Father. John 16-28. Glorify me * * with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. John 17-5. And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man, which is in heaven. John 3-13, Shall we not rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits? Heb. 12-9. The spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Eccle. 12-7. Where was't thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Job. 38-4 and 7. ♦ * When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. Chosen before the foundation of the world. Eph. 1-3, 5. Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? John 9-1, 2. And there was war in heaven. Rev. l2-7, 12. And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in ever- lasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Jude 1-6. Our Father which art in heaven. Matt. 6-9. Thou lovest me before the foundation of the world. John 17-24. 90 READY REFERENCE REPENTANCE. There is not a just man upon eartn that doeth good and sinneth not. Eccle. 7-20. Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed unto repentance. 2nd Cor. 7-9, 10. Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance. Matt. 3-2, 9. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor. Eph. 4-25, 32. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, etc. Isaiah 55-6, 9. I am not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance. Matt. 9-13. Thou Shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, steal, etc. Romans 13-9. Or those 18 upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them * * except ye repent, ye shall all like- wise perish. Luke 13-1, 5. Sins to be repented of. Gal. 5-18, 23. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not Inherit the kingdom. 1st Cor. 6-9, 10. Sins to be repented of: all uncleanliness, etc. Eph. 5-3, 6. Teaching us, that denying ungodliness, and worldly lusts, we should. Titus 2-12. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; not willing that any should perish. 2nd Peter 3-9. If they turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them, etc. Jeremiah 18- 7, 8. Again, when I say unto the wicked. Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; if. Ezeiel 33-14, 16. And the times of this ignorance God winked at, but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. Acts 17-30. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth. 1st John 1-8, 9. As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. Romans 3-10. "Men and brethren, what shall we do? * * Repent and be baptized." Acts. 2-37, 8. Repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the. Acts. 3-19, 22. READY REFERENCE 91 Jesus preached: "Repent ye, and believe the gospel" Mark 1-14, 15. RESTORATION. And In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed.. Dan. 2-44. The great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter. Dan. 2-44, 45. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven. Rev. 14-6, 7. And the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the Saints. Dan. 7-27. Whom the heaven must receive until the times of re- stitution of all things spoken of by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began. Acts. 3-19, 21. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy moun- tain. Isa. 11-9. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come. Matt. 24-14. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord; And he shall turn. Malachi 4-5, 6. But in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be es- tablished in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills. Micah 4-1, 2. RESURRECTION. Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all? 1st Cor. 15-29. He that doeth the will of God abideth forever. 1st Jno. 2-17. Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise. Isa. 26-19. Moses and Elias were resurrected before Jesus, Matt. 17-1, 3. For I know that my Redeemer liveth * * though my reins be consumed within me, yet in my flesh I shall see God, etc. Job. 19-25, 7. Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Job. 11-23, 5. 92 READY REFERENCE He is not here — he is risen. Matt. 28-5, 6. This Jesus God raised up, whereof we all are wit- nesses. Acts. 2-32. And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the Saints' which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many. Matt. 27-52, 53. Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: * * * x will open your graves, etc. * * Ezekiel 37-12, 14. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the res. of life; and. John 5-28, 29. There shall be a resurrection of the dead, both just and unjust. Acts. 24-15. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order. Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 1st Cor. 15-22, 23. The dead in Christ shall rise first. * * Then the rest. Thes. 4-14, 16. There are more resurrections than one. Rev. 20-5, G. There are different degrees of glory in the resurrec- tion. 1st Cor. 15-40, 44. In my Father's house are many mansiion: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14-2. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened * * — judged by what was written. Rev. 20-12, 15. And the wicked, shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalms 9-17. For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven. Mai. 4-1, 3. He shall reward every man according to his works. Matt. 16-25. When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the. Matt. 25-31, 34. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand. Depart. Matt. 25-41, 46. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. 2nd Cor. 5-10. We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Rom. 14-10. READY REFERENCE 93 SABBATH DAY. Christ is the head over all things in the Church. Eph. 1-22. The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath; therefore the Son of man is Lord, also of the Sabbath. Mark 2-27, 8. Jesus not only had broken the Jewish Sabbath, but. John 5-18. I will cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her new moons, and her Sabbaths, and all her sol- emn feasts. Hosea 2-11. In the end of the Sabbath; when the Sabbath was past; third day since he was crucified; Jesus ap- pointed a place for meeting; they worshipped; received Divine commission to preach. St. Matt. 28-1, 20; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20. The law was fulfilled in Christ. "The law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ. Gal. 3-24. SALVATION NOT INSTANTANEOUS. The thief acknowledges his guilt; makes a request of Jesus, who replies: "Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise." Luke 23-39, 43. The thief did not go to heaven, as some suppose, be- lieving Paradise to be heaven. Three days after the promise of Jesus of the thief he says: "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say un- to them, I ascend unto my Father, and your fath- er; and to my God, and your God." John 20-11, 17. Christ preached to the spirits in prison who were once disobedient in the days of Noah. 1st Peter 3-18, 20. For, for this cause was the gospel preached, also to them that are dead. 1st Peter 4-6. The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. John 5-25. Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? 1st Cor. 15, 29. Behold, I will send you Elihah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord; and he shall turn. Mai. 4-5, 6. 94 READY REFERENCE SCRIPTURE MISSING. Scripture mentioned in the bible, but not found there. He took the book of the covenant and read in the audience of. Exo. 24-7. Is this not written in the Book of Jasher? Josh. 10-13. Wherefore it is said in the book of the wars of the Lord. Num. 21-14. Are they not written in the book of the acts of Solo- mon? 1st Kings 11-41. They are written in the book of Nathan the prophet, and Gad. 1st Chron. 29-29. Are written in the story of the Prophet Iddo. 2nd Chr. 13-22. Are written in the book of Jehu. 2nd Chr. 20-34. Search the scripture for in them ye think ye have eternal life. John 5-39. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, etc. 2nd Tim. 3-16. But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be? Matt. 24-54, 56. Former epistle by Jude. Jude 1-3. Enoch's prophesies. Jude 1-14. Epistle from Laodicea. Col. 4-16. Former epistle to the Corinthians. 1st Cor. 5-9. Former epistle to the Ephesians. Eph. 3-3. SIN. All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin unto death. For sin is the transgression of the law. 1st John 5-17. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from sin. 1st John 1-7. For there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not. Eccle. 7-20. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves. 1st John 1-8, 9. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin. 1st John 3-9. There is a sin unto death, I do not say he shall pray for it. 1st John 5-16, 17. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4-17. God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell. 2nd Peter 2-4. After having a knowledge, the latter end is worse than the beginning. 2nd Peter 2-20, 21. READY REFERENCE 95 Sin wilfully; there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. Heb. 10-26. Whoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law. 1st John 3-4. And if he has committed sins they shall be forgiven him. James 5-15. All sins forgiven except the sin against the Holy Ghost. Mark 3-28, 30. Explains what the sin against the Holy Ghost is. He- brews 6-4, 6. For as many as have sinned without law, shall also perish without law. Rom. 2-12. He that endureth to the end shall be saved. Matt. 10-22. Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; whosoever. John 20-23. Wherefore, I say unto you, all manner of sin and blas- phemy shall be forgiven unto men, but the blas- phemy against the holy ghost shall.' Matt. 12-31. Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many. Heb. 9-28. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust. 1st Peter 3-18. Who can forgive sins but God alone? Luke 5-20, 24. Christ died for our sins. 1st Cor. 15-3. The wag-es of sin is death. Romans 6-23. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one. Rom. 5-19, 21. While they promise them liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption. 2nd Peter 2-19, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and in- iquities will I remember no more. Heb. 10-16-18. And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the great day. Jude 1-6. And there was war in heaven; the devil and his an- gels were cast out. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea. For the devil is some down unto you, having great wrath, because he knowest he hath but a short time. Rev. 12-7, 13. I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luke 10-17, 10. He (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him * * and he is a liar and the father of it. John 8-44. 96 READY REFERENCE How are thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! Isaiah 14-12, 14. Israel scattered because of sin. Deut. 4-25, 28. Cursed for their disobedience. Deut. 28. All sin forgiven except vs. Holy Ghost (Jesus Christ). Matt. 12-31. Do. (Joseph Smith). Star. 5-91; 4, 6, 1844. Do. (B. Young). CITATIONS USED IN DEBATE. The following references were used by J. F. Curtis and P. J. Sanders in a four nights' debate on the subject of succession. CURTIS: Utah Edition. 99-6; D. C. 28-2, 7; 102-9; 43-1; 21-2; 20-67. Boarding house. 124. Star 15-621. P. of G. Price. 58-9-10. Abstract of Evidence Blessed in jail and out (Jos), p. 40. Roberts p. 50 Lyman Wight. Ab. of Evidence Jas. Whithead. p. 28. Temple at Nauvoo. 13 v. D. C. 107-10. Church Hist. Josephites, Vol. 3-200. Jason W. Briggs. 11, 18, 1851. Messenger. Vol. 2, p. 1. Jos. blessing on head of posterity. D. C. 124. SANDERS: Boarding house D. C. 124. Times and Seasons. Vol. 6. Wm. Smith upheld the 12. Brigg's revelation. Tull. 578. . The church fell. Tull. 473. It partially fell. Tull, 576. Manuscript of Briggs' repudiating his revelation. CURTIS: Jos. blessings. Star 15-620. Anointing and blessing of Jos. D. C. 124. Temple Lot Suit. p. 180-191. John Garters' testimony. Wm. Smith ordained patriarch. T. S. 6-905. Wm Smith preaching Young Jos. 1845. Star. 1846, May 1. READY REFERENCE 97 Niles National Register, Baltimore, Md., 11-15-1845, p. 176, on file in the library at Omaha, Nab. "If you go to preaching Young Jos. he will be shot." Journal of Discourses, 8-69, 1860. B. Young expects Y. Joseph to come and lead church. H. C. Kimball — the prophet Jos. boys will wake from their slumber! J. D. 4-6. Public Ledger of July 19, 1844, copied from St. Louis Transcript of 7-10-1844, his oldest son of 12 yrs. It is asserted by those who profess to know that he will take his father's place. Plants of renown. D. C. 124-61. J. C. Mcintosh. Saints Herald 4. Factions neither confer nor take away the priesthood. Church History Vol. 3-433. Gurley's Priesthood — appointed a mission, 1844. Ch. Hist. 5-506. Y. M. M. I. A. of 1906-7. p. 73. Sarah B. Hopkins, Y. J. blessed: Said Sidney said Y. J. would be next prophet, etc. Saints Her. Vol. 5 (or 52), 11-8-1905. SANDERS: Wm. Smith. T. S. Vol. 6-814. Cut off for immoral conduct. Star. 7-39, 11-17-1845. Wm Smith's church. Tull. 577. Preached lineal priesthood. Tull. 576. Contend not— Jos. Smith. Star 15-727. Contention. D. C. 95-10. Star 3-910. 1842. Chicago Branch. D. C. 110-4. Boarding house. D. C. 124-61. Rejected. D. C. 107-10 and 31v. I deign to reveal in temples. D. C. 124-41. Baptism dead. D. C. 127-10. CURTIS: Contend for the faith Jude 1-3. Call upon them to meet you in private and public. D. C. 71. Abraham rec's priesthood from Melchisedec. D. C. 84. Quorums of the 12 requested Jos. to enquire of the Lord for them. Star. 107-18. Priesthood confirmed to be handed down. 107. Latter part of section priesthood continued. D. C. 86. Legal right to priesthood — eldest. Star 15-440. B. Young on heirship in priesthood. Star 15'-493. H. C. K. J. of D. 5-216. 98 READY REP^ERENCE P. P. Pratt's Autobiography, p. 404 in 1848. Do p. 261 Vol. 1, Journal of Discourses on heir- ship. Pratt on heirship. J. of D. Vol. 1-257. On heirship. J. of D. p. 222. Jos. says: "While virtue is lovely and I or my poster- ity will plead the cause of injured innocense! T. S. 5-395. Pres. YOUNG says of Wm. Smith: "We mean to have him back." T. S. 6-1014. Lineage. Roberts, p. 23. 12 sustained as presidency. T. S. p. 814. Polygamy eternity of wives. D. C. 132. See eye to eye. Tull or Church Hist. Vol. 3-219. SANDERS: Contend Jos. Star 15-727. Jos. Smith's letter in Nauvoo. 6-16-1844. I want Hyrum to live to lead the church. Tull. 489. Tull. 491; D. C. 42-11; D. C. 124-56; also 61v; also 57 v. D. C. 110-11, 12 (1836); D C. 124-58; Star 15-62; D. C. 124-58. Priesthood through Jethro. D. C. 84-6. Appointed in his steaa. D. C. 43-3, 4. Keys never taken from him. D. C. 90-2. Oracles giveai to the church. D. C. 90-3. Last V. D. C. 124. Hyrum live to lead the church. Tull. 489. Hyrum to lead the church. Tull. 491. O. Hyde Mantle fallen. Star 5-Sup. p. 15. Star 5-Sup. 15. p. 48. Presidency. Star 5-151. B. Young says. Star 5-118. Woodruff. Star 5-138. CURTIS: Gurley. Church Hist. Vol 3-727, 9. Ch. Hist. Vol. 3-754. P. P. Pratt Autohiography. p. 371. Star. 10-86. St-ar 16-131. Vol. 5-T. S. 624. Jos. ordained president of high priesthood. 1-25-1832. D. C. 84. D. C. 107-10; also 13. P. P. Pratt, 652 temple. D. C. 95-T. S. 5-693. D. C. 64-34. READY REFERENCE 99 SANDERS: Saints Herald Vol. 28, p. 32, Life of Joseph by Tullidge revised. Prophecy. Tull. Star. 5-121. Star 5. No. 7 Sup. 2. T. S. 5-742. D. C. 124-28, 9. T. S. 6-1017. T. S. 6-1017. Tull. art. this book, 62-45, 7. Views peculiar as to revelation. Tull-art. 62-61. Wm. Smith's ordination. D. C. 93-47. Plaintiff's abstract of evidence. Jos. ordained 12. 194. Tull. 470. Tull. 590. No sir, I did not say my father ordained. Ptffs. Ab- str. p. 79, paragraph 126; also 106. Third Night's Debate. SANDERS: D. C. 27-12. The 12 challenges— See art. 67-6. D. C. 124-22; Tull. 601. D. C. 128-20. D. C. 139-12. Star 5-138. Star 5-138. D. C. 1-12, 14. D. C. 21-1, 6. D. C. 2-12-16. D. C. 103-63-7. D. C. 13-1. D. C. 124-127. D. C. 129-1, 2. (1830 D. C. 79, 30. ' D. C. 38-7, 10. Tull. 473. • D. C. 41-1; also 5. D. C. 124-91, 5. Hist, of Jos. Smith. 1-16-1836. Star. 5-103. D. C. 27-8, 12. Tull. 590. Star 5-138. 8. 1844. Star 5-151 instead of 131. 100 READY REFERENCE H, C. S. and U. G. Miller's letter. J. of D. 19, 235. G. Q. Cannon, 10-8-1887. D. C. 28. D. C. 43. D. C. 17-17 (Utah 20-llv). D. C. 104. Star 25-231. T. S. 5-637. Abs. evidence 323 U Snow says B. Y. took the pres. of Ch. after death of Jos. No answer to our letters. H. C. S. succession 60. H. C. S. 152-3. Jos. ordained at Amerst, O., 1-25-1832. Jos. was or dained an apostle, and thus being a presiding Hhigh Priest, was accepted by the Ch and sus- tained. T. S. 5-624. D. C. 20. Star. 16-442. D. C. 107. H. C. S. 119. Star 13-337. Smoot investigation. Vol. 1, pp. 923; 36.^3 SANDERS: U. G. Miller. H. C. S. 61. Star 16-442. Smith's first sermon. Tull. 4-6-1860. "I present this Ch. in name of. Tull. Peculiar notions about revelations. Tull. Tull. 767. B. Y. doesn't care who leads Ch. if Ann Lee, but must know what God says. D. C. 105-21, 22. 20,000 convinced it was B. Young. Star. 5-J 38. Church partially fell. Tull. Church tell. Tull. Ch. didn't tall at all. Tull. (?) W. W. address. Star. 5-121. Highest authority presides always. Tull. T. S. 6, 814. D. C. 124-139. D. C. 27. CURTIS: Spiritual leaders. Star. 14-20. Y. M. M. I. A. Manual 1906-7. Account of Jos. ordination. T. S. 5-624. B. M. 232 Alma, also 245. READY REFERENCE 101 H. C. S. 200. Mantle of Elijah on 12. Abs. of evidence 100; T. S. 5-637. W. W. says on B Young 2nd Cor. 11-13. Pres. appointed by rev. D. C. 102. Schoolroom of the prophets. Star 14-387. Presidency. J. of D. 19-237. J. D. 22-27 (1880). J. D. 1-50 Adam. D. C. pp. 55, 99, 187, 236. Life of B. Y. by H. C. K. 180-2. H. C. K. baptized and reconfirmed. H. C. Smith 117 and Star 8-136. Conditons of bap- tism. Isaiah 43-10; 44-6, 8; 45-5. B. M. 265. Zeezrom. 144,000 Gods. Star 15-795. SANDERS: Official report of proceedings Temple lot Suit 195,274, and 485. John the Baptist. Tull. 42. Extract from Joseph Smith's Instructions on Plural- ity of wives. Hist. Office, SLC. Star 5-151. D. C. 104-70; 38 sec. The Lord is God. D. C. 85. God and his father. Rev. 1-5, 16. Gods by Jos. Smith. Star. 5-89. 1st Cor. 8-4, 5, 6. Tull 487; 501. Rev. 14-1. 144,000. D. C. 76-50 to 75. God of all other Gods. D. C. 121-32. Their edition Ye are Gods. D. C. 76. T. and S. 6-809. 144,000. CURTIS: P. of G. Price, p. 10. Jos. Hist, changed. H. C. S. p. 186. Prophecy, 1902. Ch. Hist. Utah. Vol 1, p. 5. D. C. 112-12; 98 and 64 sec. T. S. 6-707. Saints at Zarahemla accepted. Re. Ch. Hist., Vol. 3- 263. D. C. 101, Zion; D. C. 83-8; D. C. 103. Jeremiah 17-5. 102 READY REFERENCE 2nd Peter, 2nd Ch. Iv. Holy Ghost by B. Y. J. of D. 1-50. Bk. of M., p. 253. Matt. 1-18; Luke 1-35; J. of D. 4-53; J. of D. 4-53. Jos. ordained Hyrum. D. C. 42-6; T. and S. 683 SANDERS: Tull. 578. Star. 5-151. Revision of Tull. Alma 91 B. C. 3rd NepM Ch. 12. Tull. Zion. 470 all America. D. C. 87-74. Tull. 503 Zion. Lies. Tull. 473. CURTIS: Alma, p. 273, 232, 245, 215. Heb. 6-4; Luke 24-49; Acts 2-2, 4. Saints Advocate. Vol. 1-78-80. T. S. 5-707. Supplement. S. 14-75. D. C. 57; D. C. 101. J. of D. 8-202. T. S. 5-624. Abst. of Evidence, 79 I was ordained by father. T. S. 5-647, and 587, 692. Marks in heaven! S. 16-131. Love thy wife; 49-16; one wife. D. C. 42-22. Jacob 132-73; p. 185. King Noah. By Brown cut off for preaching polygamy. T. S. 5-423. Polygamy introduced 8 yrs. after by B. Y. J. D. 6-281; D. C. 42-60; D. C. 132; D. C. 42; damned. Records of Hancock County, 3-7-1841. Z. D. Hunt- ington. T. S. 574; Book A., p. 40. T. S. 3-939. 104 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY PART TWO. Art. 1. APOSTLES GREATER THAN JOHN THE BAPTIST. "While we were thus employed, praying and calling upon the Lord, a messenger from heaven descended in a cloud of light, and having laid his hands upon us, he or- dained us, saying unto us. 'Upon you my fellow-servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion, for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken again from the earth, until the sons of JLevi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in righteousness.' "He said this Aaronic priesthood had not the power of laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, but that this should be conferred on us hereafter, and he commanded us to go and be baptized, a>-»d gave us direc- tions that I should baptize Oliver Cowdery, and after- wards that he should baptize me. "Accordingly, we went and were baptized; I baptized him first and afterwards he baptized me; after which I laid my hands upon his head and ordained him to the Aaronic priesthood, afterwards he laid his hands on me and ordained me to the same priesthood — for so we were commanded. "The messenger who visited us on this occasion, and conferred this priesthood upon us, said that his name was John, the same that is called John the Baptist, in the New Testament, and that he acted under the direction of Peter, James, and John, who held the keys of the priest- hood of Melchisedec, which priesthood he said should in due time be conferred on us, and that I should be called the first elder and he the second. It was on the 15th day of May, 1829, that we were baptized, and ordained under the hand of the messenger." Tullidge Life of the Prophet, Reorganite writer, p. 43. Art. 2. APOSTLES CHOSEN BY THREE WITNESSES. "Kirtland, Feb. 14, 1835. President Joseph Smith, Jun., said that the first business of the meeting was, for the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon, to pray, each one, and then proceed to choose twelve men from the church, as Apostles, to go to all nations, kingdoms, ton- gues, and people The three witnesses, viz., Oliver Cowd- SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 105 ery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris, united in prayer. These three witnesses were then blessed by the laying on of the hands of the Presidency. The witnesses then, according to a former commandment, proceeded to make choice of the Twelve. Their names are a's follows: Ly- man E, Johnson, Brigham Young, He.ber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke Johnson, Wm. E. McClellan, John F. Boynton, Orson Pratt, Wm. Smith, Thos. B. Marsh, Parley P.. Pratt." Star Vol. 15, p. 206. Art. 3. REGULATE MATTERS IN THE CHURCH. Kirtland, May 2, 1835. "After the conference was opened, **** Pres. Joseph then stated that the Twelve will have no right to go into Zion, or any of its Stakes, and there undertake to regulate the. affairs thereof, where there is a standing High Council; but it is their duty to go abroad and regulate all matters relative to the differ- ent branches of the Church. When the Twelve are" togeth- er, or a quorum of them, in any Church, they will have authority to act independently, and make decisions, and those decisions will be valid. But where there is not a quorum, they will have to do business by the voice of the Church." Star 15-261. Art. 4. APOSTLES PRESIDE IN ABSENCE OF HIGHER AU- THORITY. "Now let us examine the order of Presidency in the Church. Supposing the First President is absent, who pre- sides in council or in conference? The counselors, both, or either of them. And why? Because they are the highest authority present. True. Then there is the key to unlock the whole secret of the Presidency of the Church. Hear it then! The highest authority presides always. Hence if the entire quorum of the Firse Presidency is absent, the President of the Twelve must preside pro tem, or as representative, by virtue of his ordination to the apostleship, and not- as the legitimate president." Tullidge, p. 590. Art. 5. APOSTLES ARE PROPHETS, SEERS AND REVELAT- ORS. "I then called upon the Quorums and congregation of 106 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY the Saints to acknowledge the Twelve Apostles, who were present, as Prophets, Seers, Revelators, and special wit- nesses to all the nations of the earth, holding the keys of the kingdom, to unlock it, or cause it to be done, among them, and uphold them by their prayers, which they as- sented to by rising." Star. 15, p. 710. Joseph Smith's history. Art. 6. APOSTLE WM. SMITH ORDAINED A PROPHET, SEER, REVELATOR AND TRANSLATOR. "483rd Question. Read what I have marked there, sir — read the topics and the matter down to there. (Coun- sel for the plaintiff objects to the question asked to wit- ness for the reason and on the grounds that the same is incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial, and is not cross- examination. 484th Question. Read the topics — the heading. Answer: "President William Smith was ordained by his brother, Joseph Smith, previous to President William Smith's leaving Nauvoo on his mission to the Bast for the last time during the earthly existence of his brother. Pres- ident Joseph Smith ordained him a prophet, seer, revelat- or and translator, and then informed him that he had all the necessary ordinations to lead the Church (in his time) ; then leaped, smote his feet together, and observed that it was done; in a few days Brother William started on his mission and saw his brother no more. He returned to Nauvoo in about a year after they were murdered." 485th Question. Are you the author of what you have just read? Answer: Yes, sir; but I did not receive the ordina- tion mentioned at the time I spoke of being present in June. Temple Lot Suit p. 194. Art. 7. APOSTLES SET IN ORDER THE FIRST PRESIDENCY OF THE CHURCH. "Dec. 27th, 1847. At a conference held in a log tab- ernacle, which had been erected by the Saints on the east side of the Missouri River, the First Presidency was re- organized according to the decision of the Twelve in the council at Winter Quarters on the 5th." Church Chron- ology by Jenson, p. 32. SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 107 Art. 8. USURPATION OF AUTHORITY DESTROYED HARMONY BETWEEN ALL THE QUORUMS. "By the usurpation of the Twelve they had destroyed the 'connection and harmony between all the quorums." TuU. 589. Art. 9. USURPATION OF DEAD MEN'S AUTHORITY IMPOSSI- BLE—THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY ALWAYS PRESIDES. "Then here is the key to unlock the whole secret of the Presidency of the Church. Hear it then! The highest authority presides always. Hence if the entire quorum of the First Presidency is absent, the President of the Twelve must preside pro tem, or as representatives by vir- tue of his ordination to the apostleship, and not as the legitimate president. And in the absence of the President of the Twelve, either of the Twelve." Tull., p. 590. Art. 10. APOSTLES WERE SUSTAINED BY SAINTS IN AMER- ICA AND BRITISH ISLES. "The Twelve are not alone in their feelings in this im- portant work, the High Priests, Seventies, Elders and Saints, as a body throughout America, are inspired by the same spirit, and are ready as one man to sustain the quorum of the twelve by their faith, prayer, confidence and works, and carry out those glorious principles and meas- ures, the foundation of which was laid by the martyred rrophets of God." ****** «'i ^m now turn my attention to the officers and Saints in this land. It has been a source of much consolation to me since my arrival, to hear the report of the union, faith, determination of the Saints in general, in the various conferences, scattered abroad through the British Islands. I rejoice, beloved brethren, to learn that the same spirit is animating your bosoms, as is manifest amongst the Saints in Nauvoo, viz.: that of carrying out the measures of the prophet sustaining the authorities of the Church, uniting to build the temple, and maintaining your faith, notwithstanding that the prophet be slain." Wilford Woodruff's address. Star. 5, p. 139-40. 108 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY Art. 11. APOSTLES DIDN'T USURP AUTHORITY, SAYS WM. MARKS. "After mature and candid deliberation I am fully and satisfactorily convinced that Mr. Sidney Rigdon's claims to the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, are not founded in Truth. I have been de- ceived by his specious pretenses, and now feel to warn •every one over whom I have any influence to beware of him and his pretended visions and revelations. The Twelve are the proper persons to lead The Church." William Marks, who ordained the President of the Reor- ganite Church. Times and Seasons, 5, p. 742. Art. 12 DIDN'T DESTROY HARMONY BETWEEN THE QUOR- UMS. "Now the question that remains is, have the Saints ceased to labor on the temple from that day to this, only when the mob was .upon them, and the Prophet and the Patriarch were slain? I answer. No;* * * * and not- withstanding all the persecutions, we shall soon see the House of God completed, and his servants receive their promised blessing. Yours as ever, "REUBEN HEDLOCK,' Star. 5, p. 128. Jan,. 1844. Art. 13. DIDN'T DESTROY HARMONY, SAYS JOS. SMITH, PRES. OF THE REORGANITE CHURCH. "Events rapidly culminated during the Fall and Winter of 1845 and 46. The Church had been actively engaged at work upon the Temple and Nauvoo House. The Tem- ple Committee and Nauvoo House Association kept at their work, determined to build those houses, before being com- pelled to leave; and it does not appear that any serious intention to remove was entertained, except as a possi- bility, until the Fall of 1645 and Winter following. Then it was made certain that thpre Vvould be a removal." .Toscph Smith, Pres. Reorg. Church. Tull, p. 750. SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 109 Art. 14. APOSTLES SUSTAINED IN THE MOST SOLEMN MAN- NER BY JOHN E. PAGE, WHO LATER BECOMES A REORGANITE. "Elder John E. Page having arrived here a short time previous with his family from Pittsburg, being present, was requested to render an account of his stewardship, which he cheerfully assented to * * * * * and finally concluded by assuring the Saints that he was one with them, and gave his testimony to the present organization of the church in the most solemn manner, and gave place." Times and Seasons, Star. Vol. 6, p. 798. Dec. 26, 1844. Art. 15. APOSTLES SUSTAINED BY WILLIAM SMITH, WHO AFTERWARDS BECOMES A SEVENTY IN THE REORGANITE CHURCH. "My advice to all, without respect of persons, is the same now that it was then. Support and uphold the proper authorities of the church — when I say authorities, I mean the whole, and not a part; the Twelve, and not one, two, six, eight, ten or eleven, but the whole Twelve. Follow me as I follow Christ, God being my helper." William Smith. Times and Seasons, 6, p. 904. May 15th, 1845. Art. 16. APOSTLE LYMAN WIGHT HARDLY SUSTAINED IN HIS OFFICE OCT. 7, 1844. "Moved and seconded, and after some discussion, car- ried unanimously, that Elder Lyman Wight be sustained in his office, to fill the place of Elder D. W. Patten, (mar- tyred) but not to take his crown, for that, as the Lord has said, no man can take." Star 5, p. 121. Art. 17. USURPATION OF AUTHORITY BY THE TWELVE DID NOT CONCERN THE REORGANITE FOLLOW- ERS, SAYS JOHN E. PAGE. "John E. Page, of the first quorum of the Twelve wrote to Joseph upon his administrative policy. The following is a passage: "President Joseph Smith, 110 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY "Dear Sir:— The position I occupied in the Church under your father's administration, presented me with ample experience and opportunity to say, that the partial and maladministration of the Bishops of the Church, of the moneys, goods and chattels of the Church, has done more to overthrow personal confidence, and the faith of the Church as brethren, than ALL OTHER THINGS BE- SIDES." (CapitaJs mine. P. J. S.) TuU. 641. Art. 18. APOSTLES RECEIVED THEIR ORDINATION FROM JOSEPH SMITH, THE PROPHET, SAYS WILFORD WOODRUFF IN 1892. ROB- ERT'S SUCCESSION. "The Twelve Apostles stood next to the First Presi- dency of The Church and I am a living witness myself to this work. I am a living witness to the testimony that he gave to the Twelve Apostles when all of us received our endowments under his hands. I remember the last speech that he ever gave us before his death. It was before we started upon our mission to the east. He stood upon his feet some three hours. The room was filled as with a consuming fire, his face was as clear as amber, and he was clothed upon by the power of God. He laid be- fore us our duty. He laid before us the fullness of this work every principle of life and salvation that God has ever given to any man who ever lived upon the face of the earth. And these principles and this priesthood and power belong to this great and last dispensation which God of Heaven nas set His hand to establish in the earth. "Now," said he, addressing the Twelve, "I have sealed upon your heads every key, every power, and every principle which the Lord has sealed upon my head." Wilford Woodruff, Robert's Succession, p. 158. Art. 19. APOSTLES RESPONSIBLE TO BEAR OFF KINGDOM, SAYS WILFORD WOODRUFF, OCTOBER 11th, 1844. "Has the Prophet Joseph found Elder Rigdon in his counsels when he organized the quorum of the Twelve a few months before his death, to prepare them for their endowments? And when they received their endowments and actually received the keys of the kingdom of God, and the oracles of God, the keys of revelation, and the pattern of heavenly things; and thus addressing the SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 111 Twelve, exclaimed, 'upon your shoulders the kingdom rests and you must round up your shoulders and bear it; for 1 have had to do it until now. But now the responsibility rests upon you." Wilford Woodruff, Times and Seasons 5, p. 698. Art. 20. APOSTLES RECEIVE ALL KEYS AND POWER BE- LONGING TO THE APOSTLESHIP, SAYS BRIGHAM YOUNG. "Joseph conferred upon our heads all the keys and powers belonging to the apostleship which he himself held before he was taken away, and no man or set of men can get between Joseph and the Twelve in this world or the world to come. How often has Joseph said to the Twelve, 'I have laid the foundation and you must build thereon, for upon your shoulders the kingdom rests." Brigham Young, Star. 25", p. 232. Aug. 7, 1844. Art. 21. APOSTLES RECEIVED EVERY KEY AND POWER TO LEAD THE CHURCH. "Joseph told the Twelve, the year before he died, there is not one key or power to be bestowed on this Church to lead the people into the celestial gate but I have given you, showed, and talked it over to you, the kingdom is set up, and you have the perfect pattern, you can go and build up the kingdom and go in at the celes- tial gate, taking your train with you." Star 10, p. 115. Brigham Young 1-23-1848. Art. 22. THAT HOUSE THAT REJECTS THE LORD'S ANNOINT- ED SHALL BE LEFT DESOLATE, PROPHESIED JOSEPH SMITH. "I then made a short address and called upon the sev- eral quorums and all the Saints, to acknowledge the Presi- dency as Prophets and Seers, and uphold them by their prayers. They all covenanted to do so, by rising. I then called upon the quorums and congregation of Saints to acknowledge the Twelve Apostles, who were present, as Prophets, Seers, Revelators and special witnesses to all the nations of the earth, holding the keys of the kingdom. 112 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY etc., * * which they did by rising. * * * The vote was unanimous in every instance, and I prophesied to all that inasmuch as they would uphold these men in their several callings, (alluding to the different quorums in the Church), the Lord would bless them; yea in the name of Christ, the blessing of heaven shall be yours, and when the Lord's annointed go forth to proclaim the word, bear- ing testimony to this generation, if they receive it they shall be blessed; but if not, the judgments of Grod will follow close upon them, until that city or that house that it rejects them shall be left desolate." 3-27-1836. Star, 15-711. Joseph. Art. 23. APOSTLES ENDOWED BY JOSEPH WITH THE SAME POWER THAT HE RECEIVED FROM HEAVEN. "We rejoice much to know that though the church has suffered so severe a loss by the cruel murder of our beloved brethren, yet she is still in possession of all neces- sary knowledge and power for carrying onward and com- pleting the great work of God. The tragic event has been in some measure anticipated, and necessary steps taken. Joseph called the twelve together in the spring, and ad- dressed them to the effect that it was necessary they should h^ve the same power he had received from heaven; for, should the mobbers kill him without his imparting the fulness of the priesthood unto them, that power would be entirely lost from the earth. Let the Saints therefore re- joice and be glad, having full confidence in God, and that he will accomplish triumphantly his great designs in re- lation to the just. Let the elders adhere to the counsel of elder Hyde. Let every man be found at his post in the faithful discharge of his duty, with an eye single to the glory of God, and he shall by no means lose his remard." —Editor. First issue of the Star after the death of the Prophet. Star 5, p. 12 of the supplement No. 3, 1844. Art. 24. APOSTLE WILFORD WOODRUFF CANNOT LIE, SAYS THE REORGANITE HISTORY BY TULLIDGE, THEIR OWN PUBLICATION OF 1880. "I knew Wilford would speak the truth. A lie is not in the man's nature. I knew he would tell me the truth.* * However much he might desire to cover the solemn false- hood of the president of his quorum. * * There, resting on SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 113 my knees, with my hand in wrath smiting its pages (of a book or journal) was the witness that could not lie Wilford Woodruff's history. When questioned about the tirr/e of the setting up of the Presidency of the Church, the nomination and chosing of counselors, and Orson Hyde's statement that the ground trembled and men, women and children came running and were afraid, I (Tullidge) said: 'it is a solem^n falsehood in the name of the Lord. There is proof, Wilford — your journals!' "Edward," he answered, with a deep blush on his honest face, "it was not true!" These were his first words. He had not blushed for himself; no need that Wilford Woodruff do this. In my secret thoughts at that moment 1 exclaimed, "Thank God! Wilford has borne the test. He has redeemed his Apostolic honor." Edw. W. Tulliige. Reorganite's history by Tul- lidge, p. 619-20. Art. 25. APOSTLES RECEIVE ALL KEYS, ORDINANCES, COV- ENANTS, SEALING ORDINANCES, AS SHOWN JOSEPH FROM HEAVEN, SAYS PAR- LEY P. PRATT. "This great and good man was led, before his death, to call the Twelve together, from time to time, and to instruct them in all things pertaining to the kingdom, or- dinances, and government of God. He often observed that he was laying the foundation, but it would remain for the Twelve to complete the building. Said he: "I know not why; but for some reason I am constrained to hasten my preparation, and to confer upon the Twelve all the ordin- ances, keys, covenants, endowments, and sealing ordin- ances of the priesthood, and so set before them a pattern in all things pertaining to the sanctuary and the endow- ment therein." Having done this, he rejoiced exceeding- ly; for, said he, the Lord is about to lay the burden on your shoulders and let me rest awhile; and if they kill me, continued he, the kingdom of God will roll on, as i have now finished the work which was laid upon me, by committing to you all things for the building up of the kingdom according to the heavenly vison, and the pattern shown me from heaven. With many conversations like this, he comforted the minds of the Twelve, and prepared them for what was soon to follow. He proceeded to con- fer on Elder Young, the President of the Twelve, the key of the sealing power, as conferred in the last days by the spirit and power of Elijah, in order to seal the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children 114 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY to the fathers, lest the whole earth should be smitten with a curse. This last key of the priesthood is the most sacred of all, and pertains exclusively to the first presi- dency of the church, without whose sanction and approval or authority, no sealing blessing shall be administered per- taining to things of the resurrection and the lite to come. After giving them a very short charge to fio all things according to the pattern, quietly surrendered his liberty and his life into the hands of his blood-thirsty enemies and all this to save the people for whom he had so long labored from threatened vengeance. Thus nobly fell our worthy founder and leader in the very bloom of life; and thus the responsibility of bearing off the kingdom tri- umphantly now rests upon the Twelve. He has organized the kingdom of God. We will extend its dominion. He has restored the fulness of the Gospel. We will spread it abroad. He has laid the foundation of Nauvoo. We will build it up. He has laid the foundation of the Tem- ple. We will bring up the top-stone with shouting. He has kindled a fire. We will fan the fiame. He has kindled up the dawn of a day of glory. We will bring it to its ]ner- idian splendor." Parley P. Pratt, Star 5, 151, Mar. 1845. Art. 26. APOSTLES COMMANDED IN THE NAME OF ISRAEL'S GOD TO RISE UP AND BEAR THE KEYS OF KINGDOM. (W. WOODRUFF.) "The Prophet called the quorum of the twelve to- gether several months before his death, aud informed them that the Lord had commanded him to hasten their endowment''; that he did not expect to remain himself to see the temple completed, but wished to confer the keys of the kingdom of God upon other men that they might build up the churcn and kingdom according to the pattern given. And the prophet stood before the twelve from d:-iy to day, clothed with the spirit and power of God, and in- structed them in the oracles of God, in the pattern of heavenly things, in ^he l':eys of the kingdom the power of the priesthood, and in the knowledge of the last dispen- sation in the fulness of times. And as his last work and charge to the quorum of the twelve, that noble spirit rose up in all the majesty, strength, and dignity of his call- ing, as a prophet, seer, and revelator, out of the loins of ancient Joseph, and exhorted and commanded the breth- ren of the twelve to rise up, and go forth in the name of Israel's God, and bear off the keys of the kingdom of God in righteousness and honor in all the world, walking in SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 115 all holiness, Godliness, faith, virtue, temperance, patience and charity; doing honor to the cause of God in this last dispensation and fulness of times." Wilford Woodruff, Star. 5-136. Art. 27. THE APOSTLES STAND AS THE HEAD, AS THE FIRST PRESIDENCY OF THE CHURCH AND PRESIDE OVER ALL THE AFFAIRS OF THE CHURCH IN ALL THE WORLD. THEY WERE SO SUSTAINED, SAYS WILFORD WOOD- RUFF IN 1845. "On the second day after our arrival, August 8, 1844, we met in a special conference, all the quorums, author- ities, and ijiembers of the Church, that could assemble in Nauvoo. They were addressed by Elder Brigham Young, the president of the quorum of the Twelve. It was evi- dent to the Saints that the mantle of Joseph had fallen upon him, the road that he pointed out could be seen so plainly that none need err therein; the spirit of wisdom and counsel attended all his teachings, he struck upon a chord, with which all hearts beat in unison. He was fol- lowed by a number of the twelve and others, who spoke to the point in an edifying manner, and at the close of the conference, a number of resolutions were formed, and votes taken, among which was the following: "Do the Saints want the twelve to stand at the head, as the First Presidency of the Church, and at the head of this king- dom in all the world, and next to Joseph walk up into their calling, hold the keys of this kingdom, and preside over all the affairs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints in all the world?" All that are in favor of this in all the congregation of the Saints make it manifest by holding up the right hand. At once there was a sea of hands, a universal vote; a contrary vote was called and not a hand was raised in a congregation of about fifteen thousand Saints. Sidney Rigdon himself, who was pres- ent, did not vote against it, but I think in favor of it." Wilford Woodruff's Address. Star. 5-138. 1845. Art. 28. APOSTLES WILL LEAD THIS PEOPLE SO DON'T BE BLUFFED OFF BY ANY MAN, SAID JOSEPH. ORSON HYDE'S TESTI- MONY. "Brother Joseph said some time before he was mur- dered: "if I am taken away upon you, the Twelve, will 116 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY rest the responsibility of leading this people, and do not be bluffed off by any man. Go forward in the path of your duty though you walk into death. If you will be bold and maintain your ground, the great God will sustain you." And now inasmuch as the charge has been laid upon you, it will be inquired in a day to come if we have been faith- ful to the charge, and we are responsible for what has been laid upon us. Star. 5-103. Art. 29. THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM ARE ON EARTH AS LONG AS ONE OF THE APOSTLES IS LIVING, SAYS H. C. KIMBALL. "Brother Joseph has passed behind the veil, and he pulled off his shoes, and some one else puts them on, until he passes the veil to Brother Joseph. President Young is our President, and our head, and he puts the shoes on first If Brother Hyrum had remained here, he would have put them on. Hyrum has gone with Joseph and is still his counselor. The Twelve have received the keys of the kingdom, and as long as there is one of them left, he will hold them in preference to any one else." Heber C. Kimball, Times and Seasons, 5, p. 664. August, 1844. Art. 30. APOSTLES CANNOT ACT UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A MINORITY OF THE FIRST PRESI- DENCY, AS THE JUNIOR COUN- SELOR. "D. C. Section 107, 33rd v., is the following: 'The Twelve are a traveling presiding high council to officiate in the name of the Lord under the direction of the presidency of the church, agreeably to the institution of heaven. Joseph Smith was the president of the church, assisted by his brother, Hyrum, and Sidney Rigdon as counsellors. Now, let Joseph be taken away and his principal counsellor, can the junior counsellor, or a minority act? No, he cannot. See Book of Convenants, Section 107 (22v). The grand question now is: Who shall act? If the junior counsellor cannot act, the Twelve cannot act under his directions, because he has no power to direct them, for he is hardly one- third of the presidency, admitting him to have the full confidence of the church. We ask again, who shall act? SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 117 Have the quorum of the Twelve the same power and au- thority of the full quorum of the three first presidents? Yes, they have. Well, then, do they not become the first presidency, inasmuch as the first quorum of the presidency has ceased to be? Nothing can be more clear and certain than that they do. (Sec. 107-22v and 33v.) D. C. section 102, v. 9, 10, 11. "On page 125, Book of Covenants, new edition (1846), speaking of both or either of the assisting presidents presiding in the absence of the others, refers exclusively to presiding over the high coun- cil, and has no reference whatever to presiding over the whole church. But, admitting Elder Rigdon to be the legal successor of Joseph Smith he could never legally act unless he was confirmed in that station and appoint- ment by the voice of the church; but he never has been, neither will he ever be. The principle of doing all im- portant business by the voice of the church is plainly taught from one end of the Book of Covenants to the other, and Joseph always acted upon this principle." Star 5, p. 112. Supplement p. 8. Art. 31. MUST BE SUSTAINED BY THE VOICE OF THE CHURCH. See last part of article 30. Art. 32. UNANIMOUSLY SUSTAINED IN THEIR OFFICE AS APPOINTED BY PRES. JOSEPH SMITH, SAYS ORSON HYDE. "The church unanimously voted to sustain the Twelve in their office as appointed by President Joseph Smith and the church — since that action was taken Elder Rigdon has shown no more anxiety to return to Pittsburg. **The voice of the people was in favor of sustaining the Twelve to be their leaders." Star. 5-102, September 8, 1844. Art. 33. APOSTLE YOUNG SAID: "IF THERE IS NOT MORE THAN TEN MEN WHO HANG ON TO THE TRUTH AND TO JOSEPH AND THE TEMPLE, ETC., LET ME BE ONE OF THEM." "Those who wish to tarry and build up the city and 118 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY build the Temple, and carry out the measures and reve- lations of our martyred prophet, we wish to know who they are. Now all those who decline going either way, but secretly slander the character of Joseph Smith and the Twelve, my fellowship will be withdrawn from them without further ceremony. If there are not more than ten men who hang on to the truth and to Joseph and the Temple, and are willing to do right in all things, let me be one of the number. If there should be but ten left, and their lives should be threatened with destruction by mobs, the Temple not be built, etc., because they are de- termined to do right, let me be one that is martyred for the truth. I have traveled these many years in the midst of poverty and tribulation and that too with blood in my shoes, and month after month, sustain and preach this gospel and build up this kingdom and God forbid that I should now turn round and seek to destroy that which 1 have been laboring to build up." Brigham Young, Star. 5, 100, 9-8-1844. Rigdon trial. Art 34. APOSTLES WILL BE DAMNED IF THEY DO NOT ACT; ALSO THE PEOPLE IF THEY DO NOT HEED THE AUTHORITY OF THE TWELVE. "Said I to him, Elder Rigdon, there never was a time when the people were more willing to hearken to counsel and be agreed than they are now. Said I, has not the Almighty God established authorities in this church by Joseph Smith, such as the quorum of the Twelve, the high council and other quorums, and have they not power to act; and will the people not be damned if they do not give heed to these authorities? He answered, yes; when, not twenty minutes before, he said there were no author- ities in the Church!" Parley P. Pratt, 9-8-1844; Star 5-105. Rigdon Trial. Art. 35. APOSTLES DID NOT USURP AUTHORITY, BUT PER- FORMED THEIR DUTY AT RIGDON TRIAL, SAYS P. P. PRATT. "The new revelation is to draw the people to Pitts- burg, and scatter them abroad, and do anything and every- thing but that which the old revelation bid us do. Some of the brethren. Elders Young and Orson Pratt, and oth- ers, then said to him that the matter must be settled be- SUCCEiSSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 119 fore he went away to Pittsburg, either one way or the other. We labored with him till near 12 o'clock, but the split seemed only to grow wider and wider. Says I, Elder Rigdon, if the God of heaven has sent me to tell what will be, you will never fulfill your revelation; I have no more confidence in your revelations than I havQ in Gladden Bishop's. Now brethren it was for this ordaining men to unheard of offices in an illegal manner, and the proceed- ings of their secret meetings, that the fellowship of the Twelve was withdrawn from Elder Rigdon. I was one of the committee who went to demand his license, and acted as spokesman. I made the demand in a respectful manner, taking care not to do anything intentionally to wound his feelings. When 1 demanded his license he re- fused to give it up, as has already been observed, and says he, I shall now take the liberty to publish to the world, all the secret works of this church, and stir up the world against you, and, says he, I know the result both on you and the church, and myself, this was a letting out a little more of his revelation. He then said, I have sat and laughed in my sleeve at the proceedings of the Twelve this evening, for they have been fulfilling in this last act the vision I had at Pittsburg. I knew you would withdraw fellowship from me; I knew you would oppose me, in all my movements. It was all shown to me in the vision be- fore I left Pittsburg. "Thought I to myself, O consistency, where hast thou fled? Here are revelations manufactured as fast as they are needed to suit the circumstances. Last Sunday, Elder Rigdon said we were a blessed people. Now he says he has known ever since before he left Pittsburg, that this same blessed people would cut him off before he left them. (P. 107). Only think of the idea, after blessing the congregation in the manner he did last Sabbath, m two days after he says this people have not been led by the Lord for a LONG TIME and I have known it. And why? Because we fulfilled his own revelation by cutting him off from the church, but if we had not cut him off, nor op- posed him in his secret corner of treachery and apostacy, we should have been a very good people, and we would be all fellowship together." Star. 5, 106-7. 9-8-1844. Art. 36. APOSTLES BEING UNDERMINED BY SIDNEY RIGDON. 1. "Elder Rigdon is now going to work, to make a division, and yet he said on the stand, he did not want to make a division. When any man comes here with a rev- 120 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY elation purporting to be from God, we feel in duty bound to question its validity. This is a kind of furnace to prove all things, and Elder Rigdon don't like to come into the furnace. 2. 'T will now give some testimony which has been handed to me concerning what Elder Rigdon has said. Those who have testified here are ready to testify to the same before the congregation if it is necessary. I shall omit names unless called upon, and then they shall be forth- coming. One of Mr. Rigdon's party said to this brother. You are a pretty strong Twelve man I believe, are you not? He answered: T am no party man, but I am de- sirous to obtain the truth.' 3. "Mr. Rigdon's friend then said, If you will not tell it to the Twelve, I will tell yoii our plans. He then com- municated unto me their designs, the substance of which was as follows: That Elder Rigdon was going to feel the minds of the branches, and then of the people of Nauvoo, until he got strong enough to Riake a party, and if he found that he could raise influence to divide the people he would do so, and let the remainder follow the Twelve. 4. Elder Hyde continued and said: "This was said previous to his discourse at LaHarpe; then he comes here, and says I have no authority, I have no jurisdiction over this people whatever. We knew by the spirit that this was in Elder Rigdon's heart before, and we wanted to bring it out. This shows that the whole plan was ma- tured at the time he said he did not want to divide the church — he had no jurisdiction, etc., and he let out the roots of it on Tuesday evening, when we conversed with him. 5. "When we demanded his license, he said: T did not receive it from you, neither shall I give it up to you.' He then threatened to turn traitor. His own lan- guage was, 'inasmuch as you have demanded my license, 1 shall feel it my duty to publish all your secret meetings, and all the history of the secret works of this church, in the public journals.' He intimated that it would bring a mob upon us, says he, I know what effect it will have; there is a rod and a scourge awaits this people. Says I, Elder Rigdon, if you want the honor of bringing distress upon this people, you may have it, you may have the honor of it here, and you may have the honor of it in eternity; and every effort you make to bring distress upon this people will recoil back upon your own head. 6. "I have been told since, he was angry and did SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 121 not mean to do as he said; but I would nsk this congre- gation, can a man say what is not in his heart? * * Elder Young says he can prove that Elder Rigdon made use of the same expressions previous to our visiting him last Tuesday. I replied to him and said, We have counted the cost and it can't cost us more than our lives, and we have got them ready to pay. 7. ***"Now I don't know of any man in this church that has gone deeper into matters than he did in Far West in his oration on the 4th of July. He was the cause of our troubles in Missouri, and although Brother Joseph tried to restrain him, he would take his own course, and if he goes to exposing the secrets of this church, as he said, the world will throw him down and trample him under their feet." Orson Hyde, Star. 5, 104; 9-8-1844. Rig- don Trial. Art. 37. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE SUSTAINED THE TWELVE AS THEIR LEADERS. See article 32, last part. Art. 38. APOSTLES NOW PRESIDE OVER THE WHOLE CHURCH. "Apprehension have been entertained by some, that in consequence of the death of our beloved prophet, some vital portion of the priesthood on earth, that would nullify the remainder, was lost to the church. We can with the utmost confidence, assure the Saints it is not so. It is true he was the first president of the first quorum of the Church, and by the hands of cruel murderers he has passed into eternity, but he has not lost the priesthood conferred upon him, neither will he lose it while his coun- sellors, as far as we have been able to learn, have become counsellors to the quorums of the twelve apostles, who now preside over the church." Editor. Star. 5, p. 79-80. September, 1844. Art. 39. GOD WILL RAISE UP OTHERS TO COMFORT AND LEAD HIS PEOPLE. "God has not left his church without witnesses; as in former days, so shall it be in the latter days. When one 122 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY falls, another will rise to occupy a similar station. Our Heavenly Father has always had a leader to his people, and always will have; and the gates of hell can never prevail against the chosen of heaven. The murder of Joseph will not stop the work; it will not stop the Tem- ple; it will not stop the gathering; if will not stop the honest in heart from believing the truth and obeying it; but it is a proof of the revelations we have received from hoaven through him. He has sealed his testimony with his blood. He was willing to die; and desired only to live for the sake of the brethren. Two better men than Joseph and Hyrum Smith never lived. Two better men, God never made. The memorial of their godly lives is embalmed — printed with indelible ink in the memory of every honest heart who knew their upright walk and conversation. But they are taken away by the hands of assassins, and of the foolish things of the earth; God will raise up others to comfort and lead his people, and not one item of his word can fail. **We alone, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are here at this time to write to you; the remain- ing ten are in the eastern states preaching the gospel and and we expect them soon to return ****p. 79. Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits; believe not every report; for every false rumor that men and demons can invent, is set afloat to gull the world." Willard Richards, John Taylor. S Star. 5, 78-9, July 9th, 1844. Art. 40. BUT IS THE CHURCH ANNIHILATED BY A SINGLE BLOW? "The deed is done!— the prophet of the Most High God, together with his brother, are murdered — the spirit of revenge has drank their blood, and they sleep the martyr's sleep. But is the church annihilated by the blow? Answer it ye Saints in distant lands — answer ye who have been privileged to learn wisdom from the lips of your martyred brethren, ye who have been permitted to gaze upon the blood-stained forms — Live ye still in hope? We think we hear a universal shout reverberating from east to west— a cry of energy that is promoted by the spirit of the Lord, that knows no fear, nor comprehends despair — Jehovah lives! He is our hope, the rock on which we stand." Star. 5, p. 63. Editor. September issue, 1844. Art. 41. THE TWELVE APOSTLES TAKE CHARGE. "Be peaceable, quiet citzens, doing the works of right- SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 123 eousness, and as soon as the Twelve, and other authorities can assemble, or a majority of them, the onward course to the great gathering of Israel, and the final consumma- tion of the dispensation of the fulness of times, will be pointed out; so that the murder of Abel, the assassination of hundreds, the righteous blood of all the holy prophets, from Abel to Joseph, sprinkled with the best blood of the Son of God, as the crimson sign of remission, only car- ries conviction to the bosoms of all flesh, that the cause is just and will continue; and blessed are they that hold out faithful to the end, while apostates, consenting to the shedding of innocent blood, have no forgiveness in this world, nor in the world to come. Union is peace, breth- ren, and eternal life is the greatest gift of God." W. W. Phelps, W. Richards, John Taylor. July 1, 1844. Nauvoo. Star. 5, p. 58. Art. 42. THE MORMONS SUBMIT TO THE LOSS OF THEIR LEADERS IN SILENCE. "With regard to the Mormons, a correspondent of the New York Express, writing from Nauvoo, June 30, says: *The Mormons, greatly to their credit, submit to the loss of their leaders in silence. Not the slightest disturbance has occurred. The prophet and his brother were buried yesterday without parade and in secrecy.' " Extract from Liverpool Albion, August 5, 1844. Art. 43. THERE MAY BE AN ELISHA THAT HAS CAUGHT THE MANTLE OF ELIJAH. "Our principles still live, though our prophet is dead. But Jesus Christ still lives, and let all the Saints be hum- ble and faithful, and let the elders stand firm at the post of duty, and cry aloud and spare not, and ere long some of us will come to your help. Let everything go on just as if the prophet were alive. There may be an Ellsha that has caught the mantle of Elijah. The stars that shone most brilliantly in our western constellation have set in blood, but will rise in glory by and by." Orson Hyde. July 10th. 1844. New York. Star 5. of August, 1844. Sup- plement p. 14. 124 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY Art. 44. DO NOT RECOGNIZE AUTHORITY OF RIGDON. To all the Saints and honorable men of the earth, to whom the Lord has given liberally of this world's goods: Greeting. (At the close of the address from the Pres- idents, is the following): With sentiments of high esteem, we subscribe our- selves your friends and brethren in the new and ever- lasting covenant. JOSEPH SMITH. HYRUM SMITH, Presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Sidney Rigdon is not recognized as one with them in the Presidency). Star. 5, No. 1, p. 7. June, 1844. Art. 45. H. H. DEAM'S REVELATION, MARCH 20, 1853. (A. Re.-) 1. "Immediately after our meeting we discovered that the Prince of Darkness was fully bent on preventing us from receiving the promised communication . We came together on the day appointed, and found that some had not fasted as commanded, and as several were present who did not belong to the Church, it was thought best to omit our prayer meeting till evening, and spend the day in preaching. 2. "Before the evening the way was made clear, and at night all came together in good faith, rejoicing that we had the opportunity of seeking for the information we needed, viz.: How to organize the Church. We then pre- sented the following question: Will the Lord please to tell us how to organize, that what we do may be done acceptable unto Him, and who among us will He acknowl- edge as the representative of the legal heir to the Presi- dency of the Church? There was not so much of the man- ifestation of the Spirit at this time as upon former occa- sions, nevertheless a good feeling and influence prevailed. 3. "After the meeting had continued about one hour, a man belonging to the Brighamites, about half drunk, came in and took a seat among us. Shortly after this a brother (it was H. H. Deam, a High Priest, ordained in the days of the first Joseph), came to me and asked if I had received any answer to our question. I said: 'No.' He said: 'I have.' At my request he sat down and wrote it. It read as follows: 4. " 'Verily, thus saith the Lord, as I said unto my SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 125 servant Moses — See thou do all things according to the pattern — so I say unto you. Behold the pattern is before you. It is my will that you respect authority in my church; therefore, let the greatest among you preside at your conference.' 5. . " 'Let three men be appointed by the conference to select seven men from among you, who shall compose the majority of the Twelve, for it is my will that that quorum should not be filled up at present. 6. " 'Let the president of the conference, assisted by two others, ordain them. The senior of them shall stand as the representative. 7. " 'Let them select twelve men from among you, and ordain them to compose my High Council. Behold, ye understand the order of the Bishopric, the Seventies, the Elders, the Priests, Teachers and Deacons. Therefore, organize according to the pattern, behold, I will be with you unto the end, even so. Amen.' " 8. " 'Not thinking it advisable to bring this revela- tion before the Church, in consequence of the presence of the person from Salt Lake, Elder Gurley folded it up and put it into his pocket, resolving that "if the revela- tion was ever brought to the knowledge of the Church, it should be done by the power of God, and not of man.' " This was on the 20th of March, 1853. Tull. 596-7. Art. 46. THE CHURCH WAS TO BE IN THE ROCKY MOUN- TAINSi SAYS REORGANITE HISTORY, BY TULLIDGE. "But as the following verbatim collation made by the Church authorities of Utah is the only circumstantial nar- rative extant, the author of necessity must give it with the above explanation and correction:" '"June 23, 1844. About 9 p. m. Hyrum came out of the mansion and gave his hand to Reynolds Cahoon, at the same time saying: 'A company of meji are seeking to kill my brother, .Joseph, and the Lord has warned him to flee to the Rocky Mountains to save his life. Good-bye, Brother Cahoon, we shall see you again.' " "In a few moments afterwards Joseph came from his family. His tears were flowing fast. He held a handkerchief to his face, and followed after Brother Hyrum without uttering a word." Tull. 510. See 67-35. Joseph sent for. 126 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY Art. 47. JOSEPH SMITH PROPHESIED THE SAINTS WOULD BE DRIVEN TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND THERE BECOME A MIGHTY PEOPLE. "Just at this time also occurred Joseph's first marked prophecy, on record, concerning the removal of the Saints to the Rocky Mountains. Says the record: "'Saturday, 6th instant, 1842. ** I prophesied that the Saints would continue to suffer much affliction, and would be driven to the Rocky Mountains. Many would apostatize, others would he put to death by our persecutors or lose their lives in consequence of exposure or disease, and some would live to go and assist in making settlements and building cities, and see the Saints become a mighty peo- ple in the midst of the Rocky Mountains.' " "The Exodus is a great historic fact. It would be violence to history to expunge this record. The Twelve however, may have shaped the record thus to fit their own events. It is not even affirmed that Joseph gave such a revelation to the Church; but the historicaj landmark, pointing to the Rocky Mountains, is this prophecy to his Masonic breth- ren, on the 6th of August. 1842, — just about five years be- fore the feet of the pioneers emerged from the last moun- tain gorge into the beautiful valley of the Great Salt Lake." TuU. 398. Art. 48. BRO. DEAM AND THE REORGANITES DO NOT DIS- PUTE THE FACT THAT THE CHURCH WAS FLOURISHING ON THE TOPS OF THE MOUNTAINS. 1. "All America was now declared to be Zion. Jack- son county was still the center of promise; Nauvoo still the beloved city; but Zion was to lengthen her chords, and Stakes were to be established in every State and Ter- ritory. ****Henee Texas, California and Oregon were brought into the design, and became the subjects of cur- rent talk. Tull. 470. 2. And on p. 782. "In 1864 WE numbered seventy- five and were exerting an excellent infiuence upon the neighborhood." Jos. Smith. 3. "The first meeting room occupied by the Saints of the Reorganized Church in Nauvoo, was a small one in the rented premises of Benjamin Austin, who was among the first to move into the city from abroad. Here, for SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 127 nearly a year and a half, we kept up our Sunday worship, afterwards in the premises once owned by Elder Wm. Marks, corner of Water and Granger streets; then as our congregation grew, by the m Dving in of the brethren, Thad- deus Cutler, Henry Cuerden, Thomas Revell, Wm. Red- field and others, together with local baptisms, until we had to find LARGER quarters. We then fitted up the large room in the brick store, built and occupied by my father as a store and office. In 1864 we numbered seventy-five." (Where were the 15,000 Saints that once lived in Nauvoo?) Tull. 782. Art. 49. BRO. DEAM DOUBTS THE DIVINITY OF HIS OWN REVELATION. April 6, 1853. 1. "The Spirit seemed to rest upon all in the house. Three were in vision. The Spirit testified through others at the same time that the Recording Angel was pres- ent. And, as we afterwards learned, two of the three who were in vision saw the Roll, while the third saw the Angel and the Roll. 2. "Just before this manifestation, the brother through whom the revelation had come on the 20th of March, directing us how to organize, arose to his feet and said. 'Brethren, some kind of a Spirit tells me that I have the commandment written that we need.' He then said: 'i will read it, and I wish the Church to pray, that we may know whether it is from God or not.' He then took out and read the revelation which was given on the 20th of March, remarking that he was not positive that the Senior should preside." Tull 599. April 6, 1853. (See what it says about Senior presiding article 45.) Art. 50. REASON FOR DOUBT— HIS BRETHREN HAD NOT AGREED ON POINTS IN THE REVELATION A FEW NIGHTS BEFORE, AND HE WAS AFRAID THEY WOULD REJECT THE ENTIRE REVELATION. 1. "On the 6th of April, nearly the whole church assem- bled in conference at the Yellowstone Branch. On the 5th of April, the Elders called a prayer meeting to enquire of the Lord concerning organization, but not getting the 128 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY divine answer, they continued the enquiry on the 6th, when they were instructed to organize "by what was writ- ten." This they supposed referred to "the books." 2. "The next step was to organize the Conference, when the question arose, "Whose priesthood is the high- est?" The subject was discussed, and "what was strange to all, a good deal of ill-feeling was manifested." Read the graphic description of that dark hour from Father Gur- ley's child-like pen: 3. "I have often thought of it! It seemed as though each one thought that the salvation of the Church depend- ed upon the decision being made according to his respec- tive views. So we argued — so we debated till the close of the second day, when we began to think the work was lost. *** 4 "I considered all was lost! lost! lost! We could not organize. O, the bitterness of that moment! We could not 'see eye to eye.' God had commanded us to do what we absolutely could not do. *** Men who hitherto had been united — had seen 'eye to eye' — had labored together as one man for the cause of truth, were now opposed to each other; and after a discussion or two days, learned to their mortification and sorrow, that they, to all human ap- pearances, were forever separated. 5. "The Spirit the night before had told a few in prayer meeting, that tomorrow 'they shall see eye to eye.' But the day closed, and we were farther apart than on the former evening." Tull. 597-8. Art. 51. THE SPIRIT LIED TO THEM, SO SAYS THEIR HIS- HISTORY. See article 50-5. Tull. 598. Art. 52. THE SPIRIT EXPLAINS WHY IT LIED— THEY WOULD HAVE ALL APOSTATIZED HAD IT TOLD THE TRUTH. TULL. 599. 1. "In reply to the enquiry as to whether the revela- tion was of God the Spirit through a number answered that it was. We were then told that the Lord had with- held his Spirit from his Elders, to show them that they had not sufficient wisdom in and of themselves to organ- ize. He said: Tf I had shown you at first, all would have apostatized; as it is many of you will apostatize. SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 129 but some will remain and they shall be a means In my hands of bringing back others.' We were then command- ed to organize according to the revelation given on the 20th of March with the assurance that the Lord would be with us to the end. ** 600, p. 'I believe everyone was satisfied that the revelation was from God.' " "The next evening after the close of this conference we had a joy- ful time. The Lord told us the acts of this conference was recorded in heaven, etc." 2. "There are many false spirits gone forth to De- ceive." D. C. 50-2, 4. Art. 53. 1. Bro. Deam will remember his friend, Jason W. Briggs claimed to receive a Revelation November 18, 1851, but later in speaking of it said: "i wouldn't like to call it a revelation now, but we learn by experience." Art. 53-8. Tull. 578. BRIGGS' REVELATION: 2. "Jason W. Briggs upon returning to his home, per- plexed with this intermingling of truth and falsehood, of right and wrong, light ana darkness, sought unto God for its solution, in fervent and continued prayer. And while pondering in my heart the situation of the Church, on the 8th day of November, 1851, on the prairie, about three miles northwest of Beloit, Wisconsin, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me, and the visions of truth opened to my mind, and the Spirit of the Lord said unto me: 3. " 'Verily, verily, saith the Lord, even Jesus Christ, unto his servant, Jason W. Briggs, concerning the Church: Behold, I have not cast off my people; neither have 1 changed in regard to Zion. Yes, verily, my people shall be redeemed, and my law shall be kept which I revealed unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jr., for I am God and not man, and who is he that shall turn me from my purpose, or destroy whom I would preserve?' 4. " 'Wolves have entered into the flock, and who shall deliver them? Where is he that giveth his life for the flock? Behold, I will judge those who call themselves shepherds, and have preyed upon the flock of my pastures. * * * 5. ' 'Therefore, let the Elders whom I have ordained by the hahd of my servant Joseph, or by the hand of those ordained by him, resist not this authority, nor faint in the discharge of duty, which is to preach my gospel as re- 130 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY vealed in the record of the Jews, and the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants; and cry repent- ance and remission of sins through obedience to the gos- pel, and I will sustain them and give them my Spirit; and in my own due time will call upon the seed of Joseph Smith, and I will bring one forth, and he shall be mighty and strong, and he shall preside over the High Priesthood of my Church and then shall the quorums assemble and the pure in heart shall gather, and Zion shall be re-in- habited, as I said unto my servant, Joseph Smith; — after many days shall all these things be accomplished, saith the Spirit.' 6. " 'Behold, that which ye have received as my celes- tial law is not of me, but is the doctrine of Balaam. And 1 command you to denounce it and proclaim against it; and I will give you power, that none shall be able to with- stand your words, if you rely upon me; for my Spirit shall attend you.' 7. " 'And the Spirit said unto me. Write, write, write, write, the revelation and send it unto the Saints of Palestine' and at Voree, and at Waukesha, and to all places where this doctrine is taught as my law; and whomsoever will humble themselves before me, and ask of me, shall rer ceive of my Spirit a testimony that these words are of me. Even so. Amen.' " Tull. 578. 8. After Jason W, Briggs apostatized from the Reor- ganite Church, he has this to say about his revelation and the reasons for leaving the church: JASON W. BRIGGS INTERVIEWED BY APOSTLE MAT- THIAS F. COWLEY. "In the presence of Francis M. Lyman and John W. Taylor, I reminded Jason W. Briggs of the statement in the 'Saints Herald,' to the effect that he, on November 18, 1851, received a revelation pointing out Joseph the Son of the Prophet as the legal successor of his father. I then asked Mr. Briggs if he would still claim that to be a reve- lation from God." He answered with a peculiar smile: " 'You know we learn by experience. I would not like to claim it to be a revelation now, but it is just as good as any revelation that was given to Moses or Joseph Smith.' " Signed: F. M. COWLEY. 9. In the presence of Elder John W. Orrick, James Christiansen, Louis A. Kelsch and J. L. Hatch, Apostle Cowley dictated the above to me this 18th day of Septem- ber, 1899. P. J. SANDERS, Murray, Utah. SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 131 BRIGGS' REASONS FOR LEAVING THE CHURCH. Mr. Briggs, as well as the family of Mr. Gurley, leave the church of the Reorganites, the church they had found- ed, and give their REASONS: Saints Herald, Vol. 33, pp. 248-9. March 28, 1886, date of communication. 10. "He could not believe in the literal gathering of the Church into Jackson and the adjoining counties in the state of Missouri — (or any one or more places) known as a local Zion." 11. "Temple building and ceremonial endowments therein. 12. "Baptism for the dead. 13. "Tithing as a law applicable to the Church. 14. "The law of consecration by which individuals are made legal heirs to the Kingdom of Zion. 15. "A sole mouthpiece of God to the Church. 16. "The plenary inspiration of and consequent abso- lute authority of what are called the sacred books. 17. "The doctrine of "cursing" our enemies, and of avenging God upon them to the third and fourth genera- tions. 18. "To the foregoing may be added the revelation of January 19, 1841; sec. 107, D. C. (124, Utah Edition), which enjoins upon the Church the building of a house, called the "Lord's Boarding House," for Joseph Smith and pos- terity to dwell in from generation to generation, as also the promise contained therein, viz.: "And as I said unto Abraham concerning the kindreds of the earth, even so 1 say unto my servant Joseph, in thee and in thy seed shall the kindreds of the earth be blessed." 19. "This coupled with the provisions in section 43, that *none else should or could receive revelation for the Church and the provision of section 19, that the Church shall receive Joseph's words and commands the same as if from God's own mouth — establish in our judgment a lineal descent of authority, equivalent to an imperial dyn- asty, which is foreign to the spirit and genius of the Gos- pel of Christ." Sts. Herald, Vol. 33, 248-9. 1886. The above is also found in Origin of the Reorganized Church by Jos. F. Smith, Jr., p. 18. 132 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY Art. 54. EVERY SPIRIT IS NOT OF GOD. HISTORICAL RECORD, P. 470. WORDS OF JOSEPH SMITH THE PROPHET. 1. "Every spirit, or vision, or singing, is not of God. The devil is an orator; he is powerful; he took our Savior on to a pinnacle of the Temple, and kept him in the wilderness for forty days. The gift of discerning spirits . will be given to the Presiding Elder. Pray for him that he may have this gift. Speak not in the gift of tongues without understanding it, or without interpretation. The devil can speak in tongues; the adversary will come with his work; he can tempt all classes; can speak in English or Dutch. 2. "We know assuredly that Deam's Revelation is not from God." D. C. 28-1, 7. To the law and the Testimony against Bro. Deam; Your Rev. sets at Defiance the law of God. D. C. 35-17, 19. Bro. ueam did not hearken to the servants of God, ap- pointed over him, hence he has been removed out of his place. D. C. 93, and is without authority. D. C. 124-45. Br. Deam is under Condemnation according to the law. D. C. 82-3, 5. Art. 5&. BRO. DEAM IS A DESIGNING LEADER WHO FORSOOK THE CHURCH IN THE MIDST OF ITS GREATEST TRIAL— THE EXODUS. GEN. THOS. L. KANE, SEC. EDITION OF "LECTURE ON THE MORMONS." P. 86. 1. "No alternative remained for the steadfast in the faith, but the flight out of Egypt into the wilderness, when all their Fair Weather Friends forsook them. Their de- signing leaders have left them to seek fairer fortunes elsewhere. Those that remain of the old stock are the masses. Their guides are tried and trusty men. They are the men I saw on the prairie trail, sharing sorrow with the sorrowful, and poverty with the poor; the chief of them all, a masterly guide, driving his own ox team and carrying his sick child in his arms." (Brigham Young was the man!) 2. Bro. Deam has departed from the Faith, giving heed to Seducing Spirts and Doctrine of Devils, etc. 1st Tim. 4-5. SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 133 Art. 56. BRO. DEAM IS AN APOSTATE, DIVESTED OF ALL AUTHORITY, SAVE THAT HE RECEIVED FROM THE FACTION WITH WHICH HE UNITES. True Saints Herald, Vol. 4, p. 158. (No. 10). "Glanders Grove, Shelby Co., Iowa. Oct. 25, 1863. 1. "Whenever individuals claiming authority under the Church as organized by the First Joseph, becomes members of any Faction, they immediately become divest- ed of all authority except that received from the faction." J. T. McTntosch. (He was President of Conference). 2. According to the Law and the Testimony, and to be obedient to the Commands of God, it is our duty to Reject D-eam's Purported Revelation as an Imposition in the Name of Some other God than that of the Father of the Faithful. D. C. 43-3, 6; 28-2; 50-2, 9. Art. 57. Apostles of the Reorganite Church Called through Beam's Revelation. 45-5. Art. 58. After a half-drunk Brighamite came into the prayer meeting, H. H. Deam received his revelation, but decide** not to bring it forth before the Church in his presence. If it is ever brought to the knowledge of the Church, it should be done by the power of God and not of man, said Gurley, who wrote it for Deam. 45-3 to 8. Art. 59. 1. After seventeen days of serious reflection, H. H. Deam, at the close of a two days' debate, becomes bold enough to present his views to the Elders as a revelation from God. The revelation was brought before the Church by the power of man while the Prince of Darkness reigned Triumphant. See Art. 50. 2. Art, 50 is now continued: And we were farther apart than on the former even- ing. O, the bitterness of that moment; never, never can I forget it. Although, since that time, darkness like Egyp- tian night, has at times seemed to shut out all light, and excluded all hope, yet the recollection of that event has enabled me to rest satisfied that he who delivered us then still holds the reins in his own hands, and will bring his 134 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY work to a glorious consummation, in his own way and in his own time. 3. The conference adjourned for prayei meeting in the evening. We accordingly came together at earlj- can- dle light, and commenced the meeting as is usual on such occasions. For a short time it seemed as though the Prince of Darkness triumphed. After a little, one of the brethren arose and rebuked the devil. Shortly after, some sprang to their feet, saying: "ANGELS! ANGELS, BRETHREN, ARE NEAR US!" 4. In a moment our darkness was turned to light. The transition was instantaneous. According to what appears p. 599, of TuU. History, there was considerable of importance transpired BEFORE this Transition from DARKNESS to LIGHT. It was WHEN the "PRINCE OF DARKNESS" triumphed and at the CLOSE of a TWO DAYS' WRANGLE OVER WHO is GOING to BE AT THE HEAD OF THIS ORGANIZATION and PRESIDE— "T'was During THIS Debate that a good deal of ill-feeling was MANIFESTED, much to their sur- prise, THAT H. H. DEAM BY THE POWER MANIFEST AT THESE MEETINGS WITH HIS OWN POWER BROUGHT FORTH THE REVELATION WHICH MR. GURLEY HAD EVIDENTLY RETURNED TO HIM." Art. 60. THE LAW AND THE TESTIMONY AND BRO. DEAM'S ACTS MIGHT BE SUMMED UP FROM WHAT IS ALREADY GIVEN AS FOLLOWS: D. C. 42-3, 6; 28-2; 50-2, 9; 124-45. Art. 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56. Art. 61-A. CONSOLATION, BRO. DEAM— NOT ALONE IN BEING OUT OF HARMONY WITH THE LAW— NOT ALONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW CHURCH, BY THE CALLING OF SEVEN APOSTLES, INSTEAD OF TWELVE! Not alone in Receiving Revelations for the Church! ! ! Jason W. Briggs Receives a Revelation. See Art. 53. "But I was just 'Pretending,' says Jason. Art. 53-8. LUCCEStIGN IN THE PRESIDENCY 135 We have received evidence of the divinity of your rev- elation Jason. 61-4, 5. This "Fake Revelation" was received as from the Lord's Own Mouth by Elder Deam, Powell, Gurley, with a whole Branch of the Strangite Church, Samuel Blair, Brother Ethan Griffith, and ALL the Saints at Wingville, Potosi, British Hollow, and There Was GREAT REJOIC- ING to THINK WHAT GOD had BEEN REVEALING THROUGH JASON W. BRIGGS!!! THAT He was about to call upon the Seed of Joseph." Art. 61-7. A Pamphlet was Written and Sent to the Saints, EN- TITLED, "A Word of Consolation to the Scattered Saints." 61-8. All Felt and ALL KNEW What We Were ABOUT to Do was Approbated of God. Hence ALL WERE DECEIV- ED By BRIGGS' Pretended REVELATION. 61-1-2. Father Gurley, the Next Standard Bearer — "God tells Him to Rise Up and Cast Off All That Claim to be Proph- ets!! Briggs' Revelation was Manufactured Nov. 18th, 1851. Jason has a poor show if Gurley's Revelation is O. K. 61-15. Father Gurley, a few weeks later has Another Reve- lation much the same as Already receiver — ^"Rise up, Cast Off All that claim to be Prophets. 61-16. Father Gurley DIDN'T KNOW WHO the PROPHET WAS the LORD WOULD RAISE UP— But as SOON as He RECEIVED Jason's Revelation, He Obtained ONE ALONG the same LINE. 'The Successor is the son of Joseph the Prophet. 61-27. This was TEN or FIFTEEN days after he knew what Jason had received from the LORD. 61-25. These New Revelations MADE IT NECESSARY FOR THEM TO CHANGE THEIR ORGANIZATION AND POSITION IN RELATION TO THE PRESIDENCY OF THE PRIEST- HOOD. 61-1. If these Revelations had been of the Lord, there would have been no need of CHANGE of Position and ORGANIZATION!! The WHOLE CHURCH ASSEMBLED received a Rev- elation Jan. 9th, 1853. 61-32. In answer to the Prayers of the Whole Church. It was vs. Polygamy. The SPIRIT INTIMATED to US TO ORGANIZE, 61-35. We (the church) received another Revelation Stating THOSE whom Wm. Smith had ordained apostles were not recognized of God! ! 61-37. Yet William Smith was acknowledged as President tro Tem as Nautral Guardian of the seed of Joseph dur- ing the Intermin, 61-44 (577) and (590) it says: "Hence the only legitimate Presidency in the Church, since the 136 SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY death of Joseph, have been representatives of the rightful heir, or true successor." 61-40. But STILL, according to their purported REVELATIONS (595/ "Were those or- dained apostles by William Smith recognized by God?" "Some little time elapsed, and We were then told that those ordinations were not acceptable — were not of God;" Hence the legal representative's acts were not valid! 61-37. Now Comes Bro. Beam's Revelation. 45. Next is a Revelation to the Church Assembled (597), 4, 6, 1853, to organize according to what was written. The SPIRIT also told them tomorrow they would see EYE to EYE, but when the day closed they were farther apart than on the former evening. 50-5. The Church in the evening of 4, 6, 1853, has a reve- lation: Visions-Angels — Angel with a Roll. The Spirit Testifying through Gurley. Just before this happened Bro. Deam rose, Read a Revelation he received 17 days prev- ious. 49. The Revelation was read — They prayed to know if it was of God. And the Lord gave some of them an AN- SWER that it was! Also commanded them to organize according to the Revelation. 52. Conference adjourned to meet at Zarahemla, Wiscon- sin, Oct. 6th, 1853. The next evening after the close of this conference we had a joyful time. "The Lord told us the ACTS of this Conference was recorded in heaven, and then gave instructions to the SEVEN apostles as follows: "I give unto you the care of my flock on earth; take the oversight of them, as you shall give an account unto me in th^ day of judgment.' " (I should think the Lord would record their ACTS in heaven! P. J. S.) It is needless to say in the midst of all this there was confusion, that there was bitter feeling; that all seemed lost! lost! lost!; that to obey the SPIRITS they could not! Impossible! Simply impossible! That if they or- ganized with TWO HIGH Priests and a Senior Pres. of 70, they would accomplish Nothing, just nothing; that there was only one man that 'I could call my brother;' that they testified the church was rejected by God; that in another breath it only partially fell; and then the mighty Fake Revelation of Briggs: "Lo, it didn't fall at all;" that men prayed that God would take them from this earth, so dark and distressing; that this was a time when the Prince of Darkness reigned Triumphant ! ! ! ! That the Spirits working upon them told them they would be able to see, eye to eye, but did not; that their God told them Young Joseph was to be the one Mighty and Strong, SUCCESSION IN THE PRESIDENCY 137 but the entire Reorganite Chrtirch as a body denounce God's word to Jason as BLASPHEMOUS!! Art. 61. WE HAVE RECEIVED EVIDENCE OF THE DIVINITY . OF YOUR REVELATION, JASON. 61-4. 1. "It was now necessary that we should change our organization and positon in relation to the Presidency of the Priesthood. The Branch had been organized under Strang. The Lord had taught us that this was wrong; so we appointed a day for the purpose of acknowledging the legal heir. 2. The day arrived, and it will be long remembered by many that were present. While we were singing the opening hymn, the Holy Spirit was sensibly felt. Sev- eral sung in tongues. A halo of gloiy seemed to be spread over the congregation, and, when we bowed be- fore Almighty God in solemn prayer, all felt and all knew that what we were about to do was approbated of God. 3. After singing, I stated to the Church what was the object of our meeting, and requested all who wished to renounce J. J. Strang, as a prophet, seer, and revelator to the Church, and acknowledge the seed of Joseph Smith in his stead, to come forth in the due time of the Lord, to manifest it by rising up, and one simultaneous shout of joy and praise went up to God for ^)ur deliverance. Nearly all the congregation were under the influence of the Spirit of prophecy, and many important truths relating to the triumphant accomplishment of this great work were then declared. 4. In the fullness of joy Elder Gurley wrote to Elder Jason W. Briggs, saying: "We have received evidence of your revelation," and proposed the calling of a con- ference to meet on the 1st of June, 1852. 5. After some correspondence with me branches, it was settled that a conference should be held at the New- ark Branch, in the town of Beloit, Wisconsin. At the ap- pointed time a goodly number of the Saints united in this movement gathered, giving proof of the conviction that the hand of the Lord was upon them to accomplish his own work. Tull. 584-5. Reading Con't. 70-1. JASON'S FAKE REVELATION RECEIVED AS FROM . GOD.] TULL. 579. 6. At the close