o A Survey of PubKc School Buflding Requirements m Cleveland Heights Ohio A Survey Public School Building Requirements in Cleveland Heights, Ohio by P. C. PACKER Assistant Superintendent, Detroit Public Schools H. W. ANDERSON Assistant Director Educational Recearch, Detroit Public Schools DR. L. J. BRUECKNER Research Department, Detroit Normal School ^ Forword In the year 1916 the Board of Education made a survey of certain parts of Cleveland Heights to determine the growth and distribution in school population and the ratio of children of school age to the number of families. This report was the basis on which a bond issue was asked for in that year, but owing to the size of the issue and the fact that the items were budgeted, it suffered defeat. Since that time the Board of Education has frequently discussed the advisability of a survey but has felt that no funds were available for this purpose owing to the rapid in- crease in the school population and the need to care for the children ap- plying to the schools for admission. At a joint meeting of the educational committees of the two Civic Clubs, which the President of the Board of Education attended, the sug- gestion was made that a comprehensive survey be undertaken which would determine the school needs of Qeveland Heights for the next 20 years. The committee thought that the clubs might be able to raise the money outside for this purpose, but the President of the Board of Educa- tion felt that such cost should be met out of the common fund as it con- tributed to the common need. This suggestion was presented to the Board of Education and favorably acted upon. Mr. P. C. Packer of Detroit, recommended for this work by Dr. Leonard Ayres, who directed the Cleveland school survey, was retained for the purpose. The report of Mr. Packer is transmitted herewith and it is the desire of the Board of Education that it may be carefully read and understood by every resident of Qeveland Heights since it points a way to a more logical development of the schools than has heretofore been planned. This report is transmitted without modification and is not in any way influenced by the individual feeling of any resident of Qeve- land Heights. The report was presented to the Board of Education on the morning of April 15th, 1920, to the Citizens Committee, the Presi- dent of which is Mr. W, C. Dunlap, on the afternoon of the same day and to a joint meeting of the Men's and Women's Civic Clubs on the evening of the same day by Mr. Packer in person. The recommendations of this report have since been adopted by the Board of Education with- out modification. The Board of Education trusts that this report will make clear to the residents of Qeveland Heights the probable growth and needs of the school system for a considerable period of time. For the Board of Education of Cleveland Heights. JAMES H. HERRON, President. Introduction The following report on the sites and the building needs for school purposes in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, is submitted in response to a request made by the Board of Education. It represents a careful study of the needs of the community in terms of the present require- ments and the anticipated development during the next twenty years. The ultimate plant, that is, the number and location of each type of school that will probably be required up to 1940, together with the immediate requirements, have been determined. Only the first year's program of the ultimate plant, representing the immediate needs, has been recommended. The determination of the portion of the ultimate plant to be built in any succeeding year will be conditioned by factors operating that year. The discussion which follows presents the ulti- mate school plant and the immediate minimum requirements which must be provided for Cleveland Heights. Members of Cleveland Heights Board of Education Cleveland Heights, Ohio JAMES H. HERRON, President LENA B. COMBES, Vice President DAVID B. CARPENTER R. J. GILLETT E. W. KNEEN EZRA K. BRYAN, Clerk fe School Building Program Character of City The first consideration in any comprehensive building program is the character of the city. In other words, for what type of city are the schools to be provided? Is the community growing? What are its limitations of growth ? Is its develop- ment affected by commerce and industry, or is it strictly resi- dential ? A study of Cleveland Heights reveals the fact that the city has had a phenomenal growth. Since 1910 the population has increased from 2,955 to 14,811 or approximately 400 per cent. (See Appendix, Table I, Page 29.) Further evidence of the rapid growth is to be found in the number of buildings erected yearly. In the year 1919 alone there were constructed in Cleveland Heights 1,077 buildings, or a gain of more than 43 per cent. Plate I shows the building growth of the city by blocks since 1916. (See also Appendix, Table II, Page 30.) That the growth of the city is likely to continue is revealed by the findings of extensive investigations made by Barclay, Parsons and Klapp for the proposed subway, and studies by the Water Department and Telephone Systen^s, who estimated that the population would be 110,000 by 1940. The results of their studies are shown in Plate II. (See also Appendix, Table III, Page 31.) To check the possibility of Cleveland Heights maintaining the estimated population within its present limits, a study was made to determine the present lot occupancy. The per cent of lots which are occupied is shown in Plate III. Cleveland Heights. Ohio Per Cent of Growth in Building since 1916 Plate I 7? STREET PLAN OEVELANDtlEiOHTSViLLAGE SCMOOL District . Growth in Building - Unoccupied - 51-100% - 0-50% - 101% over School Building Program Present and Estimated Population \ : & 1 si \ X \ \ \ \ ^ ^., \ \ \. o "i S ^ ^♦; \ V V" ^ ^^ ^ \ \ ^ 1 ^ \ s S ^T S ^ \ \ V ^ \^ .^ N \ A \ k \' ^. < s ^ vV W ' \ \ , \ V < \ \ 1 i 1 >\ \ \ ^ \ \ \ \ 1 V \ ( \ \ '•N ^ S \ N 1 - \ \ > > V \ 9 CO % 1 \ \ \ >: VV. \\ ^2 s ^ ■\ t ^ l_ " )N CUf rf* Clevel \ \. \i ^1 \ < \ \ ^11 & z \ \ i|lll \ A iiy 2 J \ ^ > 111 a ' \ \ \' f. v\il . 9 1 1 Iniji 1 s a. Cleveland Heights, Ohio Lot Occupancy Shown by Blocks Plate III STREET PLAN CLEVELANDnElGHTSVlLLAGE School District Plan Showin g % Occupancy ■■■'90' /CO HSIG School Building Program It was found that in the area subdivided up to March 1, 1920, there were approximately 12,828 lots of which 3,577 or 27.8 per cent were occupied. Reckoning area not subdivided at five lots per acre, it was found that approximately 7,150 ad- ditional lots will be available, making a grand total of approxi- mately 20,000 lots. ( See Appendix, Table VI, Page 33. ) On the basis of the present population figures and number of dwellings, there are about five individuals per lot occupied. This means that Cleveland Heights can easily accommodate more than 100,000 people with its present liberal allowance for size of lots, and there is reason to believe that with the tendency toward greater congestion in all rapidly developing suburbs, the estimated population of 110,000 will be amply cared for within the city limits. The common assumption that the community is strictly residential is supported by the fact that less than three per cent of the present subdivided area is unrestricted. Plate IV shows clearly the restricted character of the city. ( See also Appendix, Table IV, Page 31.) More than 97 per cent of the subdivided area is confined almost exclusively to one and two family residences. The only factor which might affect any material change in the residential character of the city is the development of commerce and in- dustry. Growth of industry, as shown by studies in other cities, is dependent upon freight carrying transportation lines, whether water or rail. Since Cleveland Heights has neither of these, nor a likelihood of their development any serious en- croachment upon the residential character of the city is not to be expected. Therefore, the building program has been planned to meet the needs of a city of homes. Cleveland Heights, Ohio Restrictions in Building Shown by Blocks Plate IV 8 School Building Program Policy of Organization The second consideration and a basic factor in a compre- hensive building program is the official adoption by the Board of Education of an organization policy recommended by the Superintendent. In Cleveland Heights the present organiza- tion is in general the 7-5. This has been brought about by send- ing all eighth grade pupils to the high school, leaving grades one to seven, inclusive, in the elementary schools, and placing grades eight to twelve, inclusive, in the high school. In the present high school organizaltion, the first two grades are known as the junior high, and the last three as the senior high school. Superintendent McLane contemplates an organization which will place kindergarten to grade six, inclusive, in the elementary schools ; grades seven, eight and nine in junior high schools; and grades ten, eleven and twelve in senior high schools. This is technically known as the 6-3-3 type of organ- ization. (See discussion in Appendix, Page 33.) The adoption of any policy of organization implies no abrupt transition from the present state. It should mean, however, that the Board of Education will, upon advice of the Superintendent, work as rapidly as possible toward the final achievement of the policy adopted. In an old community where an extensive plant has been built up without careful planning, it is difficult to make extensive changes. However, in a new community, such as Cleveland Heights, changes may be readily made without seriously disturbing what has already been done. In view of the facts, first, that Superintendent McLane proposes the 6-3-3 organization, second, that we believe the Superintendent's proposition will best serve the educational interests of the city and third, that as this is a new city where an organization other than the one in operation may be easily effected, we recommend that the Board of Education immedi- ately adopt the 6-3-3 type of organization as the policy on which to plan its comprehensive building program. The following building program is based on the 6-3-3 plan. Cleveland Heights, Ohio Ultimate School Plant The third consideration in a comprehensive building pro- gram is the planning of the ultimate school plant. That is, how many of each type of school will ultimately be needed and where should they be located. In general, the number of buildings for each type of school should be as few as possible. The rea- lization of such a principle does away with schools which enroll a very small number of children except in the early develop- ment of outlying districts which are sparsely settled. As a matter of fact, the only absolutely known and recognized factor which prevents concentrating all the educational activities of a public school system at one center is the distance children would be compelled to travel. With distances children are to be asked to travel as a fundamental guide, the ultimate school plant for Cleveland Heights has been planned, showing the number and location of the proposed elementary, junior and senior high schools. It is obvious that the younger children should not be asked to travel as great distances as the older children. Furthermore, the area of a district which is limited to reasonable distances of travel for elementary children does not contribute a sufficient number of students for an effective educational unit in junior and senior high schools. In like manner, a junior high school district has too few pupils for an effective senior high school. These conclusions are true because of two factors: first, the junior and senior high schools provide for only three grades each, while the elementary school cares for six grades and kin- dergarten; and second, the number of children remaining in school becomes less and less in each successive grade especially after the attainment of the compulsory school age. .Since dis- tances required to be traveled to school are different in each type of the 6-3-3 organization, the ultimate plant of each has been treated separately in this report. 10 School Building Program Ultimate Elementary Plant Factors which affected the number and location of the elementary schools were present plant, distance which children may be expected to travel, density of population, existing schools in surrounding territory and availability of sites. Plate V shows the present elementary schools of Cleveland Heights and the relationship which they now bear to each other. The circles are one-half mile in radius. The first factor to be considered is the character of the present buildings. Of the seven schools indicated on the map, three — Coventry, Roxboro and Fairfax — are of modern fire- proof construction. Lee and Noble, while not especially old, having been erected in 1902-05 and 1910, are not fireproof and may be expected to serve for a limited time only, probably ten or fifteen years. Superior and Severance are houses now used for school children. Knowing these facts it is possible then to plan the ultimate plant without regard to any of the present schools except Coventry, Roxboro and Fairfax. The next factor to be treated is the determination of the maximum distance elementary children will be asked to travel to school. If schools in the ultimate plant are so placed that no child will actually travel more than one-half mile to school it would require a total of twenty-two buildings to care for the needs of the city in 1940. The distance between schools will be approximately three-quarters of a mile. This would mean about 515 children on the average in each school in 1940, as based on the estimated enrollment of 11,300* in the kinder- garten to sixth grade, inclusive. Plate VI shows clearly how the schools so located would be distributed. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 11 Present Elementary School Circles One-half Mile Radius Plate V STREET PLAN School District ^-FfeESEhT ftEllpllTARY School PL4nT^^- 12 School Building Program Elementary School Sites. Radius of Circles 9S Mile Plate VI There are two more schools in Idlewood district that are not shown on this map Cleveland Heights, Ohio 13 As schools with an enrollment as low as 515 are not economical because of the overhead costs of unnecessary ad- ministration, duplication of equipment, heating, maintenance, etc., a plan involving so many schools would be ill advised. For this reason and the more or less general tendency throughout the country to a policy which requires that an elementary school serve a territory within a radius of one-half mile, the ultimate locations of elementary schools as proposed in this report are one mile apart. Such a proposal means that not more than ten or fifteen per cent of the children will be required to travel a greater distance than one-half mile to school. Plate VII shows the distribution of the schools located approximately one mile apart. In this distribution tw'elve schools will serve the ultimate elementary needs of the school district instead of twenty-two as shown on previous map. This would mean an approximate average enrollment of 940 children in 1940, based on the estimated enrollment of 11,300* in the kindergarten to sixth grade, inclusive. The present schools in the surrounding suburbs have been taken into consideration as is evident from the map. Wherever possible, main thoroughfares have been avoided. Availability of sites has been checked and they may be secured at the places indicated or in the near vicinity. It is recommended that sites of five acres each be secured to meet the needs of the ultimate elementary school plant as shown on the map with schools approximately one mile apart. *This estimated enrollment does not include any contribution which the unplotted Severance estate and the districts in Idlewood and South Euclid may be expected to furnish in the future. In all probability the average en- rollments of 515 and 940 would change to 625 and 1,100 respectively with the additional territory noted. 14 School Building Program Proposed Elementary School Sites. One-half Mile Circles Plate VII STREET PLAN Cli:\ ELANDlIciGinsViLL 5Cf-tOOL DtSTRiC y Proposed E School 3i The schools in East Cleveland, Cleveland and Shaker Heights, bordering on Cleveland Heights, show the relationship the present and future ele- mentary schools of Cleveland Heights bear to surrounding communities. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 15 Ultimate Junior High School Plant According to the estimated enrollment for 1940 in grades seven, eight and nine, there will be 3,380 children. As a junior high school of much less than 1,000 cannot be run effectively, it is desirable, providing distances will permit, to so locate sites that not more than four schools of this type will take care of the needs of Cleveland Heights. The area of the city is so dis- tributed that this can be easily done by establishing the maxi- mum distance traveled by children as one mile. To travel this distance is regarded as quite reasonable for children in grades seven to nine. Plate VHI shows the proposed location of the future junior high schools. The present Heights High School, on Lee Road between Oak Road and Euclid Heights Boulevard, would ultimately be- come a junior high school. The other three would be located at Roxboro and North Park Boulevard, where a site is now owned, in the vicinity of East Scarborough and Queenston and in the vicinity of Monticello Boulevard and Quilliams Street. These locations of the future junior high schools would serve the needs of Cleveland Heights. 16 School Building Program Proposed Junior High School Sites Plate VIII PLAN MiVELVM)] lEIGIITSVlLL Cleveland Heights, Ohio 17 Ultimate Senior High School Plant The estimated enrollment in grades ten to twelve inclusive, shows 2,200 children for 1940. If the high school needs of Cleveland Heights were considered independently of the sur- rounding territory, it might seem to be desirable to locate more than one center. However, careful present day school building planning, especially for high schools in villages such as Cleve- land Heights, requires that the surrounding suburbs be taken into account, recognizing primarily, of course, the needs of the local community. Plate IX shows clearly the off-center situa- tion of the present high school. In order to meet these requirements, it is imperative that the location which is to best serve the high school interests of Cleveland Heights be to the south of the present school. Prob- ably the first question to arise in connection with such a pro- posal is that of transportation. This means that such a move as suggested should provide equal if not better facilities for children to reach school than at present. The fundamental question is then, can such a site be secured? The site proposed is at or near the junction of Cedar and Lee Roads. It is certain that the car line on Cedar will be ex- tended east across the city. While at present no car line is projected on Lee Road, Cleveland Heights will furnish an unusual exception to the rule of other cities if such a cross-town line is not built in the near future. With two such transporta- tion lines as those which must almost of necessity be developed for Cedar and Lee Roads, the proposed future high school site is very nearly ideal as regards car service, center of district to be served and relationship to high schools in the territory sur- rounding Cleveland Heights as shown in Plate X. It should be kept in mind that the present Heights High School would serve splendidly as a junior high school in the ultimate school plant. The relationship of the proposed site to the proposed junior high school sites is shown in Plate XI. 18 School Building Program Present Heights High School and its relationship to Cleveland Heights and bordering High Schools Plate IX HIGH r 5HTS| r I EflSTCvcvcL/^no, r South Euclid r ' 1 - ^ 1 > ■ - i — "1 CttVELAnO n Smaker/Heishts I — r' -_J L_ The Cleveland Heights High School is shown by the largest dot and the heavy circle. The other three indicated High Schools, are those in surrounding communities. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 19 Proposed Senior High School Site, and its Relationship to Cleveland Heights and Bordering High Schools. Plate X PROPOSED HI6H5CH00L5ITE CLEVELAHD HEIGHTS The proposed site for the Cleveland Heights High School is shown by the largest dot and heavy circle. The bordering High Schools in other communities are shown. 20 School Building Program Relationship of Junior High Schools to Senior High Schools Plate XI STREET PLAN (^LtVTXVNDl IeKjIITSVlLATiL School District JutllOR. AHD SEIildl^ High ScHp^s ^LEVELAMD HcimTiS M S/ a. Clevelan d Heights, Ohio 21 Ultimate Plant Recommendations The recommendations, then, covering the location of the ultimate school plant for Cleveland Heights, based on the 6-3-3 type of organization, are as follows : That elementary schools be located in present Coventry, Roxboro, Fairfax and Noble Schools and that the additional future sites be in the vicinity of : 1. Washington Boulevard and Goodnor Road. 2. Lee Road and Mayfield Road. 3. East Scarborough and Princeton Roads. 4. In Idlewood east of Warrensville Center Road. 5. In South Euclid on Grosvenor Road. 6. Lowell Road and Quilliams Road. 7. Taylor Road and Monticello. 8. On Severance Estate.* That the four junior high schools be located: L In the present high school. 2. On the present owned Roxboro site. 3. In the vicinity of East Scarborough and Queenston. 4. In the vicinity of Monticello Boulevard and Quilliams Road. That the senior high school be located near the junction of Cedar and Lee Roads. That Superior and Severance schools be ultimately aban- doned. ♦Although the Severance estate may not be platted for years to come, this program has been so planned that a school may be located on this estate, thus safeguarding the city against any future contingency. 22 School Building Program Immediate Requirements The fourth consideration in a building program is the determination of the minimum requirements which must be im- mediately carried out in order to meet the most urgent needs of the city. Sites In the preceding section of this report the sites for the ultimate school plant have been located. Undoubtedly, one of the most urgent needs is the immediate acquisition of these sites. A careful survey of whether or not they are available revealed the fact that there are no serious obstacles in the way of their immediate procurement, either on or in close proximity to the places indicated. But, because of the phenomenal growth of the city, many of the sites will be occupied by build- ings in a short time. This will make their acquisition practically prohibitive and may necessitate the purchase of other sites which will not only be poorly located, but will likely be inade- quate in size. It is necessary, therefore, to secure the sites at once. In order to assure adequate playgrounds and room for further building expansion, additional land should be bought for the Fairfax and Noble School sites. (See Appendix, Page 36.) Elementary Building Needs The immediate elementary building needs must depend largely on the overcrowded condition in the present schools, the construction now going on and the relief afforded thereby, and the rate of growth in the different sections of the city. The numerous portables stand as eloquent witnesses of the over- crowded conditions of the elementary schools. (See Appendix, Table VIII, Page 35.) Over two-fifths of the pupils are housed in temporary structures. This is a condition which could not have been avoided during the war with its accompanying cessa- tion of building operations. In a rapidly growing city such as Cleveland Heights, the use of temporary buildings cannot be Cleveland Heights, Ohio 23 entirely obviated before the city more nearly approaches its maximum growth. Thus, even in the future portables must be temporarily used in outlying districts. The immediate elementary building needs are based on the probable enrollment in February, 1922. (See Appendix, Tables X and XI, Pages 38 and 39. ) Conditions of labor and materials seem to preclude a likelihood of an earlier completion of build- ings recommended in this program. Fairfax School (Fairfax and Lee Roads) The present capacity of the Fairfax School, on Fairfax and Lee Road, based on 35 pupils per room, which is considered by the authorities in Cleveland Heights as a desirable maxi- mum, is 315. By means of portables the school is now accom- modating over 500 pupils or more than 190 in excess of the actual capacity. An addition of nine rooms is under construc- tion ; this will increase the capacity of the school to 630. Dur- ing the past three years, building growth in the area served by the Fairfax School has been about 33 per cent annually. A sim- ilar growth in school enrollment will yield a total of approxi- mately 900 in February, 1922. Thus, in order to accommodate the pupils in the Fairfax district two years hence, it will be necessary to add sufificient rooms to take care of at least 270 pupils, or at 35 pupils per room, eight school rooms in addition to the construction now under way. Coventry School (Washington and Euclid Boulevards) Coventry School is a splendid example of a modern fire- proof building with a capacity for 455 pupils. The enrollment in February, 1920, was 457, only two pupils in excess of the present capacity. The growth of the section served by this school was approximately 15 per cent annually from 1916 to 1919. At this rate, the enrollment in February, 1922, would exceed 600 pupils or over 145 more than present capacity. On this basis, at least five additional rooms will be needed to ade- quately take care of the Coventry district two years hence. While this is all the construction needed at present, attention is called to the fact that further extension of this plant can be made to provide for any demands that are likely to be made upon it. 24 School Building Pro gram Roxboro School (Roxboro and Colchester Roads) The Roxboro School with a capacity of 630 pupils is now under construction. This building will be the third modern fireproof elementary school in the city. The growth since 1916 in the area surrounding this school has been 23 per cent annu- ally. At this rate, the enrollment in February, 1922, will be approximately 305 pupils, leaving room for 325 additional pupils. It may be possible to transfer to this building a num- ber of pupils now attending Coventry or Fairfax, thus afford- ing a measure of relief to these schools. Another possibility is the retention in the Roxboro school of the eighth srrade of this vicinity. This will insure temporarily a more complete use of the building until such time as the district will be more densely populated. Noble School (Noble Road and Parkdale) The school at Noble Road and Parkdale, built in 1910, is a four-room building, and in February, 1920, with the assist- ance of a portable, was housing 149 pupils. The school has grown approximately 21 per cent each year since 1917. On this basis, the enrollment in February, 1922, will be about 220 pupils. There are reasons to believe that this section of the city will grow even more rapidly in the near future. A new fireproof unit should be started on this site, the first year's con- struction consisting of four rooms. Lee School (On High School Grounds) The Lee School, built in 1902 and 1905, is not a modern fireproof building, and should have no place in the final ele- mentary school plant. It is, however, a building which, in view of present costs and difficulty in the way of construction, should be utilized for several years. The pupils attending this school should ultimately be transferred to the elementary buildings recommended for this section of the city. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 25 Washington Boulevard (Goodnor Road School) It is evident from an analysis of the facts, that the first new elementary building should be constructed on a location at or near Washington Boulevard and Goodnor Road. The area of the city to be served by this school is growing at an exceedingly high rate. The number of homes practically doubled from 1916 to 1919. (See Appendix, Table XI, Page 39.) A similar growth of the school population during the next two years will find at least 260 pupils in this section. Provisions for eight rooms of a unit which can be extended indefinitely should be made at once. Junior and Senior High Schools The immediate need in Cleveland Heights is to provide elementary schools. Adequate accommodations for grades eight to twelve until February, 1922, will be supplied by the present high school building, with the addition now under con- struction. This report, therefore, does not recommend the im- mediate construction of either junior or senior high schools. It is urged that the grovvth in the high school grades during the next year be watched carefully in order that the proper steps may be taken as soon as the need arises. The next year's pro- gram may find it necessary to build a junior high school in the vicinity of East Scarborough and Queenston, or on the Roxboro site. 26 School Building Program Specific Recommendations for Immediate Building Program I. Immediate adoption by the Board of Education of the 6-3-3 plan of organization. II. Immediate purchase of the following sites: 1. Addition to Fairfax School and Noble School sites. 2. Five acre elementary school site at or near Washington Boulevard and Goodnor Road. 3. Five acre elementary school site in vicinity of Lee Road and Mayfield. 4. Five acre elementary school site in the vicin- ity of East Scarborough and Princeton. 5. Five acre elementary school site in Idlewood, east of Warrensville Center Road. 6. Five acre elementary school site in South Euclid,, on the extension of Grosvenor Road. 7. Five acre elementary site in vicinity of Lowell Road and Quilliams' Road. 8. Five acre elementary site in the vicinity of Taylor Road and Monticello. 9. No assurance can be given at this time of what will ultimately be the disposition of the John L. Severance estate. The elementary program, however, has been planned so that a school may be located on this estate, should the need arise. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 27 10. Seven to ten acre junior high school site in the vicinity of East Scarborough and Queen- ston. 11. Seven to ten acre junior high school site in the vicinity of Monticello Boulevard and Oxford Road. 12. The two full blocks bounded by Lee Road, Goodnor Road, Washington Boulevard and Cedar Road for a senior high school. III. Construct immediately the following: 1. Eight rooms at Fairfax School. 2. Five rooms at Coventry School. 3. Four rooms at Noble School. 4. Eight rooms of new unit on site in vicinity of Washington Boulevard and Goodnor Road. 28 School Building Program Probable Cost of Recommendations A careful estimate of the cost of the different sites was made, based on present land exchange values. It was esti- mated that the expenditure for sites would not exceed $750,000. The total construction amounts to 25 elementary school rooms, as recommended above. The estimation of the cost of this amount of construction is left to the architect. It is believed that the total expenditures to carry out the above recommendations will approximate $1,750,000. To care for any unforeseen contingencies it is recommended that at least a $2,000,000 bond issue be provided. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 29 Appendix This appendix gives the statistical data upon which the discussion and the recommendations in the report are based. The first step in planning a comprehensive building program, as was pointed out in the discussion, is the determination of the general character of the city. Growth of City and Schools Table I gives the school census, school enrollment and the total popula- tion for Cleveland Heights since 1910, together with the per cents of growth since that year for each of these items. As shown in the table, the school cen- sus in 1919 increased 386 per cent since the census of 1910; school enrollment an increase of 580 per cent, and total population an increase of 400 per cent. School enrollment is increasing more rapidly than the population, while both have shown phenomenal growths. TABLE I. SCHOOL CENSUS, ENROLJ.MENT AND POPULATION OF CLEVELAND HEIGHTS SINCE 1910 (Source of Information, Annual Report for 1918-19, page 10) Year School Census School Enrollment Total Population No. % No. % No. % 1910 555 100 363 100 2955 100 1911 596 107 407 112 • • • • • ••• 1912 656 118 491 135 3152 107 1913 707 127 551 156 3704 125 1914 867 156 591 163 4520 153 1915 1130 204 752 208 4959 168 1916 1504 271 958 264 6257 212 1917 1848 333 1366 377 8645 289 1918 2131 385 1731 478 11213 380 1919 2701 486 2466 680 14811 500 In 1910 there were 555 pupils enumerated in the school census; 363 in the school enrollment, etc. In 1911 the school census was 596, or 107 per cent of the figure for 1910, in 1912 it was 656, or 118 per cent of the figure in 1910. 30 School Building Program Relationship Between Population and School Elnrollment Table II shows the per cent of the total population enrolled in the schools since 1912. This is consistently about 15.5 per cent and is a relatively high figure when compared with other cities. TABLE II. PER CENT OF POPULATION ENROLLED IN SCHOOLS SINCE 1912 School Year Population Enrollment Per Cent 1912 3,152 491 15.6 1913 3,074 551 15. 1914 4,520 591 13.1 1915 4,950 752 16.2 1916 6,257 958 15.3 1917 8,645 1,366 15.8 1918 11,213 1,731 15.4 1919 14,811 2,466 16.8 Total 57,252 8,906 15.5 This table reads as follows: In 1912 the population was 3,152. The school enrollment was 491 or 15.6 per cent of the total population. Possible Future Growth Another factor that must be considered in determining the general char- acter of the community is its possible future growth. Table III shows the estimated population for each year up to 1940. The estimates are based on the report by Barclay, Parsons and Clapp for the proposed subway, and studies by the Water Department and the Telephone System. It shows an estimated population in 1940 of 110,000. For the purposes of this report it was also desirable to estimate the future developments of the school population in the three types of schools — elementary, kindergarten to sixth; junior high schools, seventh to ninth; and senior high schools, tenth to twelfth. Using the figures of June, 1916, as a basis and assuming the growth for each group to be in the same proportion as that of the growth of the population as a whole, the esti- mates given in Table III were derived. The estimated enrollment in 1940 in the elementary grades is 11,300; in the junior high schools, 3,380; and in the senior high schools, 2,200 — a total estimated school enrollment of 16,880. It is evident that a comprehensive school building program must take into con- sideration this important factor of growth. Two factors that might affect this growth are the restrictions on buildings and the space available for additional building facilities. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 31 TABLE III. ESTIMATED FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE POPULATION AND SCHOOL ENROLLMENT OF CLEVELAND HEIGHTS K-6 7-9 10-12 Total School Year Population Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment 1916* 6,260 641 192 125 958 1917* 8,650 921 230 215 1,366 1918* 11,210 1,164 335 232 1,731 1919* 14,810 1,542 470 286 2,298 1920 22,400 2,290 680 440 3,410 1921 27,000 2,750 830 540 4,120 1922 29,500 3,030 910 590 4,530 1923 33,500 3,430 1,030 670 5,130 1924 37,000 3,780 1,130 740 5,650 1925 41,000 4,200 1,260 810 6,280 1926 44,500 4,550 1,360 890 6,800 1927 48,000 4,940 1,480 960 7,380 1928 51,500 5,300 1,580 1,030 7,910 1929 55,000 5,650 1,690 1,100 8,440 1930 59,000 6,050 1,810 1,180 9,040 1931 62,500 6,400 1,920 1,250 9,570 1932 66,500 6,750 2,070 1,310 10,130 1933 72,000 7,380 2,210 1,440 11,030 1934 77,000 7,900 2,360 1,540 11,800 1935 83,000 8,520 2,560 1,660 12,740 1936 88,000 9,050 2,700 1,760 13,510 1937 94,000 9,600 2,880 1,880 14,360 1938 99,000 10,580 3,020 1,980 15,580 1939 105,000 10,800 3,220 2,100 16,120 1940 110,000 11,300 3,380 2,200 16,880 *Actual figures for these years. Building Restrictions Table IV shows the number of blocks of the city subdivided before March 1, 1920, under each type of restriction and the per cent each is of the total. Forty-eight per cent of the total is restricted to one-family residence, IS per cent to two-family residences, 34 per cent to mixed doubles and singles, and only three per cent is unrestricted or open to apartments and business or com- mercial enterprises. Most of these restrictions do not expire until 1940. It is very clear, therefore, that Cleveland Heights is almost completely residential and will remain so. TABLE IV. NUMBER OF BLOCKS UNDER EACH TYPE OF RESTRICTION Singles Doubles Mixed Total No. Undestricted of Blocks Number 150 Per cent 48 45^ 15 110^ 34 10 3 316 32 School Building Program Table V shows the different types of buildings actually found in Cleveland Heights January 1, 1920. These figures are based upon data from the oflFice of Inspector Williams of the Cleveland Heights Building and Plumbing Inspection Department. The table shows that there were at that time a total of 3,513 residences in Cleveland Heights. These can accommodate approximately 4,602 families. Of all the buildings now erected, 2,788 or 79 per cent are single residences. This proportion will undoubtedly grow less as the newer allot- ments are deevloped, for they are open for doubles and singles, whereas most of the older section is restricted to singles. TABLE V. DWEI.LINGS ERECTED IN CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, SHOWING KINDS AND TOTAL NUMBER OF FAMILIES ACCOMMODATED Dwellings Prior to 1915 1915-16 1917 1918 1919 Total One-family *852 Two families Four families 2 Six families 5 Eight families Twelve families ... 1 Sixteen families . . 1 Eighteen families.. Twenty families . . Total 861 Families accommodated — 918 1,151 710 344 1,479 4,602 717 344 156 719 2,788 113 94 78 347 632 18 6 6 32 20 21 4 50 2 1 'i 4 i 870 467 238 1,077 3,513 Cumulative totals of families- 2,069 2,779 3,123 4,602 ♦Probably some of the buildings erected previous to 1915 were two-family houses, but this is not determinable. This number has been treated as singles in the family estimates. This table reads: Prior to 1915 there were 852 one family residences, in 1915-16, 717 new one family houses were built, etc., — a total of 2,788 singles by the end of 1919. At the foot of the table are shown the number of families accommodated by the new buildings erected each year and the cumulative total. Available Space for New Buildings Another factor that might affect the possible growth of the city is the space available for new buildings. A study of the lot occupancy before Jan- uary 1, 1920, reveals the following facts: Cleveland Heights, Ohio 33 TABLE VI. No. of Lots L Total in space allotted up to Jan. 1, 1920 12,828 2. Total occupied 3,577 3. Remaining area allotted but unoccupied 9,251 4. Number in unalloted area, assuming five lots per acre 7,150 5. Total available space in Cleveland Heights 16,401 6. Number of additional people who can be accommodated, assuming five individuals per lot ' 82,005 7. Estimated population, June 1, 1920 19,200 8. Total number of people who can be accommodated 101,205 Table VI shows that 101,205 people can be accommodated within the present limits of Cleveland Heights. It is believed that this number is some- what conservative, as only five lots per acre were allowed for the area not subdivided and as it has been found that in developed communities there are generally more than five individuals per lot occupied. In view of these facts, it is quite probable that Cleveland Heights can easily accommodate the esti- mated 110,000 people. Cleveland Heights is a rapidly growing city of a predominantly residential character. Any comprehensive school building program must, therefore, be based upon the needs of a rapidly growing city of homes. Policy of Organization The traditional American scheme of organization is commonly called the 8-4 plan, which means the regular eight-grade elementary school and the four- year high school. These two types of schools grew up as completely separate units. This plan of organization is rapidly changing throughout the country and there is a distinct tendency toward a six-year elementary school, followed by the junior high school (grades seven to nine) and the senior high school (grades ten to twelve). There are numerous variations from the 6-3-3 plan, such as 7-5, 6-6, 6-4-2, 6-2-4, etc. The general tendency toward the 6-3-3 organization was initiated largely through the studies of retardation and elimination of pupils made by various cities. These showed that only about one-third of the pupils who entered the schools continued into the high schools. The elimination was greatest in grades seven and eight. "During the early years of school life it is important that all children require a common fund of aims, ideals, ideas and habits of thought and action in order that there may be social and national solidarity. It is in the elementary school that the child should gain control over the tools of the fundamental subjects. All research studies show that pupils who are in the seventh and eighth grades gain little ability in the tool subjects beyond that of the average sixth grade child. The work of the two upper grades is largely review work in the traditional school and has become very much formalized."* The demand of the communities that the work of these grades be vitalized and enriched led to the movement for the junior high school, *From report by Charles L. Spain, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, Detroit 34 School Building Program More recent investigations of the physiological and psychological develop- ment of the child give an even stronger justification for the six-year elementary school and the three-year junior high school, distinct from both the elementary school and senior high. It has been found that the period of adolescence begins with the ordinary child at about the age of twelve, which is the age the normal child enters the seventh grade. It is during the period of adolescence that the child goes through the most critical stage, in many respects, in his whole life. He is restless, uneasy, highly emotional, and is going through the period of most rapid physical development. In the classroom, the methods of the elementary school are illy adapted. The child cannot be dealt with in the same way. It is to meet this need on the part of the child that the distinct and separate junior high school should be provided. The child can be given special attention; he can be helped to overcome the problems peculiar to this period; and the curriculum can be greatly enriched to develop the child in the broadest sense possible. "It is at this time that vocational interests begin to dawn, when children begin to think about their life work. By the time they reach the age of six- teen the great mass of them must find their way into industry. Their interest is no longer in books. What they need is the opportunity to test themselves in a variety of vocational activities. These things the elementary school can- not well provide."* In order that the group that is to be dealt with in these difficult years may be as homogeneous as possible, it is essential that a sep- arate type of school be organized. The junior high school should be followed by a three-year senior high school as a distinct unit. The curriculum of this school should be differentiated in as many respects as possible. It should be adjusted to meet the needs of the community. It should be considered in every sense a higher educational unit, designed to meet the demand for educational opportunity beyond the junior high school. Reports from thirty-five of the larger cities of the country show that all but three of them have this policy in operation, or are planning to introduce it. TABLE VII. PRESENT STATUS OF 6-3-3 PLAN IN THIRTY-FIVE CITIES 6-3-3 Plan in Operation — Baltimore, Md. Milwaukee, Wis. Boston, Mass. Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago, 111. Newark, N. J. Cincinnati, Ohio. New York City, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pa. Columbus, Ohio, Pittsburgh, Pa. Denver, Colo. Richmond, Va. Des Moines, la. Rochester, N. Y. Detroit, Mich. San Francisco, Cal, Duluth, Minn. Salt Lake City, Utah, Grand Rapids, Mich. San Antonio, Texas. Kansas City, Mo. Springfield, III. Los Angeles, Cal. Washington, D. C. ♦From report by Chas. L. Spain, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, Detroit. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 35 Planning to Introduce 6-3-3 Plan — Atlanta, Ga. St. Louis, Mo. BuflFalo, N. Y. St. Paul, Minn. Omaha, Nebr. Seattle, Wash. Not Planning to Introduce 6-3-3 Plan — Indianapolis, Ind. Birmingham, Ala. New Orleans, La. The buildings that are now being used can easily be incorporated into the ultimate plant if this organization policy is adopted. Number and Type of Buildings Needed The third consideration in planning a comprehensive building program is the determination of the number of buildings of each type that will be needed to carry out tne organization policy and the selection of the sites. Table VIII shows the conditions of the present school plant, presenting the number of buildings of a permanent character, the number of portables, the enrollment to date, and the capacity of the permanent buildings, placing the room capacity at 35 pupils. TABLE VIII. CHARACTER OF PRESENT ELEMENTARY PLANT Rooms in Enrollment Stand. Cap. School Grades Building Portables to date of School BIdgs. Coventry K-6A 13 465 455 Fairfax K-7A Lee 2B-7A Noble 1 A-7 Roxboro 1 A-7A Severance* K-2B Superior* ..K-2A ♦Severance and Superior are residences equipped for school purposes. At the present time over 40 per cent of the elementary pupils are housed in temporary structures. This condition was unavoidable due to the Gov- ernment restriction on building during the war, and the phenomenal growth of the city. Since the restrictions were removed, additions have been begun on the Fairfax School, and the High School, and the Roxboro elementary building has been started. These three buildings and Coventry are all new and of modern fireproof construction. They can be incorporated into the ultimate plant. The other buildings will help meet the present demands but are not recommended as a part of the ultimate plant. Severance and Superior are two of the buildings which should be definitely abandoned in the ultimate school plant, for they are not well located, they are small, they do not meet the needs of the modern school, they are not of modern fireproof construc- tion and would be merely an unnecessary expense to the school district. 8 8 551 280 9 9 542 315 4 1 150 140 7 202 2 42 5 130 36 School Building Program Play Ground Area per Pupil Table IX shows the present playground area per pupil for each school, based on present enrollment and also the area based on the possible capacity of each school when the new additions are completed. The table shows that at the present time the average area per pupil ranges from 87 square fe^t at Superior to 403 square feet at Roxboro. Taking into consideration the additions that are being built, the range in the playground area is reduced to 50 square feet in Superior and to 130 square feet at Roxboro. In the Fair- fax and the High School-Lee sites, the area will be less than 100 feet per pupil. When it is considered that 100 square feet means a plot of ground only 10 feet by 10 feet, or a space about six times as large as the space the pupil is given in the classroom, it becomes obvious that provision should be made in the purchase of future sites to secure sites of adequate size, so that there will always be sufficient playground area to meet the possible growth of the school. In each of the new modern elementary school buildings there is a gymnasium and an auditorium. The use of these adds greatly to the play facilities of the schools. TABLE IX. SQUARE FEET OF PLAYGROUND AREA PER PUPIL Playground Present Projected Area Park Present Projected sq. ft sq. ft. per School (Square Feet) Area Enrollment Enrollment per pupil pupil High School & Lee 1,269 2,000 Present Site 191,176 62,400 150 96 Projected Site 160,572 62,400 126 80 Fairfax (new) 47,734 80,875 508 630 94 76 Coventry (new) 51,000 34,848 457 455 112 114 Roxboro (new) 81,517 56,100 202 630 403 130 Noble (new) 53,945 27,900 149 420 362 128 Superior (new) 125 200 Inclusive of cov- ered playground . . 12,833 16,500 102 60 Exclusive of cov~ ered playground.. 10,883 16,500 87 50 This table reads: Fairfax has a playground area of 47,734 square feet, a park area (lawn) of 80,875, a present enrollment, including portables, of 508, a capacity of 630 when the additions are completed. The present playground area per pupil is 94 square feet; when additions are completed. Id square feet per pupil will be the possible play area. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 37 Size of School Sites In general, elementary school sites should be not less than five acres, junior high school sites not less than seven acres, and senior high school sites not less than fifteen acres. The size of elementary schools will vary with the density of population and with the size of the area from which they draw. But at the present time it is not possible to estimate the ultimate size of a school. Any school building should be so planned and constructed that it will be passible to add extensions to it as they are needed. The sites should be large enough to accommodate these extensions and still provide adequate playground area. Distances Children May Travel Elementary schools should be more numerous than high schools, as they must be so situated that young children will not be obliged to travel long dis- stances to reach them. The larger the area drawn from, the fewer schools will be needed. It is fairly well agreed that elementary school sites should not be more than one mile apart. This would mean that no child would be obliged to travel more than one-half mile to reach the nearest elementary school. Older children can be required to travel greater distances. This makes it possible to locate junior high schools so that they will draw from larger areas, say from an area equivalent to that of four elementary schools. This would place junior high schools about two miles apart, no child being obliged to walk more than a mile to reach a school of this type. A senior high school can draw from a still larger area. If a high school were located in the center of Cleveland Heights, no child would be more than one and one-half miles from it, except the children in the extreme northern part of the district. This section is very conveniently located with respect to the high schools in East Cleveland and South Euclid. Shaker Heights High School is situated less than a mile from the Roxboro site. In making plans to secure an adequate high school site, the location of the high schools in the vicinity must be considered. A high school site should be at least 15 acres in size in order that pro- visions may be made for adequate space for playground and athletic facilities and for future growth. Four junior high schools are sufficient to meet the ultimate needs of Cleveland Heights. In terms of the estimated growth they would accommodate on the average about 800 students. The ultimate ele- mentary school plant, as recommended, will contain 12 schools. They are so located that not more than 10 or 15 per cent of the pupils will be required to travel more than half a mile to reach the nearest school. At the present time over 20 per cent of the pupils must travel more than this distance. 38 School Building Program Immediate Requirements The immediate recommendations for additional buildings must take into consideration the buildings and additions now under construction and the relief afforded by them; the overcrowded condition of the present schools; and the growth in different sections of the city. Table X shows the relation between the capacity of the present buildings with their additions and the probable enrollment in 1922, based upon the probable growth of the district within which they are located. It shows that each of these schools with the exception of Roxboro, will be overloaded. This factor determined the recommendations made for each school. The Lee School is at present overcrowded and could be relieved only by the building of a new elementary school. TABLE X. PROBABLE ENROLLMENT IN FEBRUARY, 1922, IN PRESENT SCHOOLS, COMPARED WITH CAPACITY School Capacity Coventry 455 Fairfax 630 Roxboro 630 Noble 135 Lee 350 Table XI shows the rate of home construction in the districts from which the various schools will draw in the proposed immediate building program. It can be seen that the Coventry and Noble districts are showing the least growth. The growth in the Fairfax district is very large, having an average increase of 33 per cent annually in the last three years. Similar conditions exist in the district of the proposed Washington Boulevard and Goodnor Road site. A building erected on this site would help to materially relieve the congestion at both Lee and Fairfax Schools. Extensions to the Fairfax, Coventry and Noble plants would meet the pressing needs of the next three 3'ears for the respective districts. Probable Enrollment Overload 594 139 843 213 295 335 170 35 now overloa ided Cleveland Heights, Ohio 39 TABLE XI. RATE OF HOME CONSTRUCTION IN DISTRICTS BOUNDED BY CIRCLES OF ONE-HAI.F MILE RADIUS ABOUT SCHOOLS AND PROPOSED SITES School or Site Houses in 1916 Houses Built Since 1916 ToUl Annual Percent Percent of Growth of Growth Coventry 593 Fairfax 312 Roxboro 241 Rockefeller Site.. 173 Washington Blvd. & Goodnor Road 151 Noble 103 $68 45 15 307 98 ZZ 169 70 23 124 72 24 146 97 32 21 21 7 At the present time the high school building can accommodate the junior and senior high schools. The district in the vicinity of the Fairfax School is growing very rapidly and it is probable that a close study of the development of this section will justify the construction within a short time of a junior high school on the proposed East Scarborough-Queenston site. The growth in the Roxboro district is so small that for some time to come the Roxboro School can accommodate both the elementary school and grades seven and eight of the junior high school. This should be only a temporary arrange- ment and should be changed when the proposed junior high school is con- structed on the East Scarborough-Queenston site. Jl\' ^ ^ji^\ ^lAm^M^^^m THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW ™ AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL 'NCReTse TO sS CEN?- - """^ ''^'^'-'^ DAY AND TO $1 OO ON TMp « """^ ''°'"'^" OVERDUE. ^ ^"^ SEVENTH DAY LD21-I00m.l2,'43 (8796s) r.aylord Uros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. CAT. JAN, 21, 1908 '51249 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY