Mrs. HALLIBURTON'S Mrs. Henry Wood mmsil\ Of CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE Ex Libris ► ISAAC FOOT i e.a ft' MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES- "This life of ours is a wild asolian harp of many a joyous strain, But under them all there runs a loud perpetual wail, as of souls in pain. .K. ***** * All through life there are wayside inns, where man may refresh his soul with love; Even the lowest may quench bis thirst at rivulets fed by springs from above, Longfellow. Mrs. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. BY rilenCPH^e^^II^S. HENRY, WOOD, AUTHOR OF "east LYNNE," "the CHANNINGS," "johnny LUDLOW," ETC. (Bm ll^untircU nnli ^lucniutl) ®l)ousnnt(. LONDON: RICHARD BENTLEY AND SON, ^ublisljtrs in ©riiHaru to fljcr fHajcstu tfjc ©urrti. 1895. (W// rights reserved') LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND fONS, Limited, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CP. SS. CONTENTS. PART THE FIRST. CHAVTER I. The Clergyman's Daughter ... II. The Shadow becomes Suijstance III. The Rev. Francis Tait IV. New Plans V. Margaret VI. A Visit to the Physician VII. Later in the Day VIII. Suspense ... IX. Looking out for a Home X. A Dying Bed XL IIelstonleigh XII. Anna Lynn XIII. Illness XIV. A Christmas Dream XV. The Funeral ... XVL Trouble ... XVII. Thomas Ashley XVIIL Honey Fair XIX. Mrs. Reece and Dobbs XX. The Glove Operatives XXI. The Ladies of Honey Fair ... XXII, Mr. Brumm's Sunday Shirt XXIII. The Messrs. Bankes ... XXIV, Hard to Bear XXV. Incipient Vanity XXVI. Mr. Ashley's Manufactory XXVII. The Forgotten Letter PAGE I lO 14 21 24 28 37 42 48 5° 56 61 64 69 77 82 89 96 99 104 110 118 121 125 129 ^33 138 VI CONTENTS. PART THE SECOND. CHAI'TER PAGE I. A Suggested Fear ... ... ... ... H^ II. Shadows in Honey Fair ... ... ... 153 III. The Dares at Home ... ... ... ... 159 IV. Throwing at the Bats ... ... ... 164 V. Charlotte East's Present ... ... ... 171 VI. The Fear growing Greater ... ... 175 VII. The End ... ... ... ... ... 182 VIII. A ^YEDDING in Honey Fair ... ... 186 IX. An Explosion for Mrs. Cross ... ... 189 X. A Shilling in the Waste-Paper Basket ... 196 XI. The Schoolboys' Notes ... ... ... 201 XII. A Lesson for Philip Glenn ... ... 204 XIII. Making Progress ... ... ... ... 208 XIV. William Halliburton's Ghost ... ... 2H XV. "Nothing Risk, Nothing Win" ... ... 219 XVI. Mrs. Dare's Governess ... ... ... 225 XVII. Taking an Italian Lesson ... ... ... 230 •XVIII. A Vision in Honey Fair ... ... .. 237 XIX. The Duplicate Cloaks ... ... ... 239 XX. A Hole dug by Starlight ... ... 246 XXI. A Present of Tea-leaves ... ... ... 253 XXII. Henry Ashley's Object in Life ... ... 260 XXIH. Atterly's Field ... ... ... ... 267 XXIV. Looking into the Shop Windows ... 276 XXV. Patience come to Grief ... ... ... 281 XXVI. The Governess's Expedition ... ... 287 XXVII. The Quarrel ... ... ... ... ... 295 CONTENTS. Vll PART THE THIRD. CHAPTER I. Anna Lynn's Dilemma II. Commotion III. Accused IV. Committed for Trial V. A Bruised Heart VI. One dying in Honey Fair VII. Fruits coming home to the Dares VIII. An Ugly Vision ... IX. Sergeant Delves "looks up" X. The Trial XI. The Witnesses for the Alibi XII. A Couch of Pain XIII. A Ray of Light XIV. Mr. Delves on his Beam Ends XV. * A Loss for Pomeranian Knoll XVI. Miss Ashley's Offer XVII. The Explosion XVin. Mr. Frank "called" XIX. Glimpse of a Blissful Dream XX. Ways and Means ... X.\I. The Dream Realized... XXII. The Bishop's Letter XXIII. A Dying Confession ... XXIV. The Downfall of the Dares XXV. Assize Time ... XXVI. The High Sheriff's Dinner Party PAGE 310 325 330 333 339 346 351 354 ^62 370 375 378 385 392 399 409 414 422 428 431 434 443 451 456 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES CHAPTER I. THE clergyman's DAUGHTER, I N a very populous district of London, somewhat north of Temple Bar, there stood, many years ago, a low, ancient church, amidst other churches — for you know that London abounds in them. The doors of this church were partially open one dark evening in December, and a faint, glimmering light might be observed inside by the passers-by. It was known well enough what was going on within, and why the light was there. The rector was giving away the weekly bread. A benevolent person had left, years ago, a certain sum to be spent in twenty weekly loaves, to be given to twenty poor widows at the dis- cretion of the minister. Certain curious provisos were attached to the bequest. One was that the bread should not be less than two days old, and should have been deposited in the church at least twenty-four hours before its distribution. Another was, that each recipient must attend in person. Failing personal attendance, no matter how unavoidable her absence might have been, she lost the loaf : no friend might receive it for her, neither might it be sent to her. In that case, the minister was enjoined to bestow it upon "any stranger widow who might present herself, even as should seem expedient to him :" the word " stranger" being, of course, used in contradistinction to the twenty poor widows who were on the books as the charity's recipients. Four times a year, one shilling to each widow was added to the loaf of bread. A loaf of bread is not much. To us, sheltered in our abundant homes, it seems as nothing. But, to many a one, toiling and starving in this same city of London, a loaf may be almost the turning-point between death and life. The poor existed in those days as they exist in these ; as they always will exist : therefore it was no matter of surprise that a crowd of widow women, most of them aged, all in poverty, should gather round the church doors when the bread was being given out, each hoping that, of the twenty poor widows, some one might fail to appear, and that the clerk would come to the door and call out her own particular name, as the fortunate substitute. Mis. Halliburton's Troubles. l 2 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. On the days when the shilHng was added to the loaf, this waiting and hoping crowd would be increased fourfold. Thursday was the afternoon for the distribution. And on the day that we are now writing about, the rector entered the church at the usual hour: four o'clock. He had to make his way through an unusual number of outsiders : for this was one of the shilling days. He knew them all personally ; was familiar with their names and homes : for the Rev. Francis Tait was a hard-working clergyman. And hard-working clergymen were more rare in those days than they are in these. Of Scotch birth, but chiefly reared in England, he had taken orders at the usual age, and become curate in a London parish, where the work was heavy and the stipend small. Not that the duties attached to the church itself were heavy ; but it was a parish filled with the poor. Those who are familiar with such parishes know what that means, when the minister is sympathizing and con- scientious. For twenty years he remained a curate, patiently toiling, cheerfully hoping. Twenty years! It seems little, to write ; but, to live, it is a great deal ; and Francis Tait, in spite of his hopeful- ness, sometimes found it so. Then promotion came. The living of this little church, that you now see open, was bestowed upon him. A poor living, as compared with some others ; and a poor parish, speaking of the social condition of its inhabitants. But the living appeared wealth, compared with what he had earned as a curate ; and, as to his flock being chiefly composed of the poor, he had not been accustomed to anything else. Then the Rev. Francis Tait married ; and another twenty years went by. He stood in the church on this evening ; the loaves resting on the shelf overhead, against the door of the vestry, all near the entrance to the church. A flaring tallow candle stood on the small table be- tween him and the widows who clustered opposite. He was sixty-five years old now ; a spare man of middle height, with a clear, pale skin, an intelligent countenance, and a thoughtful, fine grey eye. He had a pleasant word, a kind inquiry for all, as he put the shilling into their hands ; the lame old clerk at the same time handing over the loaf of bread. " Are you all here to-night ? " he asked, as the distribution went on. " No, sir," was the answer from several who spoke at once, " Betty King's away." " What is the matter with her ? " " The rhcumaticks have laid hold on her, sir. She couldn't get here nohow. She's in her bed." " I must go and sec her," said he. " What, arc you here again, Martha?" he continued, as a little deformed woman stepped from behind the rest, where she had been hidden. " I am glad to see you." "Six blessed weeks this day, and I've not been able to come!" exclaimed the woman, " But I'm restored wonderful." THE CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER. 3 The distribution was approaching its close, when the rector spoke to his clerk. " Call in Eliza Turner." The clerk placed on the table the four or five loaves remaining, that each woman might help herself during his absence, and went out to the door. " 'Liza Turner, his rev^erence has called for you." A sigh of delight from Eliza Turner, and a groan of disappoint- ment from those surrounding her, greeted the clerk in answer. He took no notice — he often heard it — but turned and limped into the church again. Eliza Turner followed ; and another woman slipped in after Eliza Turner. " Now, Widow Booth," cried the clerk, sharply, perceiving the intrusion, " what business have you here.'' You know it's again the rules." " I must see his reverence," murmured the woman, pressing on — a meek, half-starved woman ; and she pushed her way into the vestry, and there told her pitiful talc. " I'm worse oft" than Widow Turner," she moaned piteously, not in a tone of complaint, but of entreaty. " She has a daughter in service as helps her ; but me, I've my poor unfortunate daughter lying in my place weak with fever, sick with hunger ! Oh, sir, couldn't you give the bounty this time to me ? I've not had a bit or drop in my mouth since morning • and then it was but a taste o' bread and a drain o' tea, that a neighbour give me out o' charity." It was absolutely necessary to discountenance these personal applications. The rector's rule was, never to give the spare bounty to those who applied for it : otherwise the distribution might have become a weekly scene of squabbling and confusion. He handed the shilling and bread to Eliza Turner ; and when she had followed the other women out, he turned to the Widow Booth, who was sobbing against the wall ; speaking kindly to her. " You should not have come in, Mrs. Booth. You know that I do not allow it." " But I'm starving, sir," was the answer. " I thought maybe as you'd divide it between me and W^idow Turner. Sixpence for her, and sixpence for me, and the loaf halved." " I have no power to divide the gifts : to do so would be against the terms of the bequest. How is it that you are so badly off this week ? Has your work failed ? " " I couldn't do it, sir, with my sick one to attend to. And I've a gathering come on my thimble finger, and that has hindered me. I took ninepence the day before yesterday, sir, but last night it was every farthing of it gone." " I will come round and see you b)'-and-by," said the clergyman. She lifted her eyes yearningly. " Oh, sir! if you could but give me something for a morsel of bread now ! I'd be grateful for a penny loaf" " Mrs. Booth, you know that, to give here would be altogether against my rule," he replied, with unmistakable firmness. " Neither 4 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. am I pleased when any of you attempt to ask it. Go home quietly : I have said that I will come to you by-and-by." The woman thanked him, and went out. Had anything been needed to prove the necessity of the rule, it would have been the eagerness with which the crowd of women gathered round her. Not one of them had gone away. '' Had she got anything ? " To reply that she had something, would have sent the whole crowd flocking in, to beg in turn of the rector. Widow Booth shook her head. " No, no. I knowed it before. He never will. He says he'll come round." They dispersed ; some in one direction, some in another. The rector blew out the candle, and he and the clerk came forth ; and the church was closed for the distribution of bread until that day week. Mr. Tait took the keys to carry them home himself. They were kept at his house. Formerly the clerk had carried them there ; but since he had become old and lame, Mr. Tait would not give him the trouble. It was a fine night overhead, but the streets were sloppy ; and the clergyman put his foot unavoidably in many a puddle. The streets through which his road lay were imperfectly lighted. The residence apportioned to the rector of this parish was adjoining a well-known square, fashionable in that day. It was a very good house, bearing a handsome outward appearance. If you judged by it, you would have said the living must be worth five hundred a year at the least. It was not worth anything like that ; and the parish treated their pastor liberally in according him so good a residence. A quarter of an hour's walk from the church brought Mr. Tait to it. Until recently, a gentleman had shared this house with Mr. Tait and his family. The curate of a neighbouring parish, the Rev. John Acton, had been glad to live with them as a friend, partaking of their society and their table. It was a little help ; and but for that, Mr. and Mrs. Tait would scarcely have thought themselves justified in keeping two servants, for the educational expenses of their children ran away with a large portion of their income. But Mr. Acton had now been removed to a distance, and they hoped to receive some one or other in his place. On this evening, as Mr. Tait was picking his way through the puddles, the usual sitting-room of his house presented a cheerful appearance, ready to receive him. It was on the ground floor, looking to the street, spacious and lofty, and bright with fire. Two candles, not yet lighted, stood on the table behind the tea-tray, but the glow of the fire was quite sufficient for all the work that was being done in the room. It was no work at all; but play. A young lady was quietly whirling round the room with a dancing step— quietly, because her feet and movements were gentle ; and the tune she was humming to herself, and to which she kept time, was carolled in an undertone. She was moving thus in the happy innocence of heart and youth. A graceful girl was she, of middle height ; one whom it gladdened THE CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER, 5 the eye to look upon. Not for her beauty, for she had no very great beauty to boast of ; but it was one of those countenances that win their own way to favour. A fair, gentle face it was, openly candid, with the same earnest, honest grey eye that so pleased you in the Rev. Mr. Tait, and brown hair. She was that gentleman's eldest child, and looked about eighteen. In reality she was a year older, but her face and dress were both youthful. She wore a violet silk dress, made with a low body and short sleeves : young ladies did not keep their pretty necks and arms covered up then. In the day- time, the dress would have appeared old, but it looked very well by candle-light. The sound of the latch-key in the front door brought her dancing to an end. She knew who it was— no inmate of that house possessed a latch-key, except its master— and she turned to the fire to light the candles. Mr. Tait came into the room, removing neither his overcoat nor his hat. " Have you made tea, Jane ? " " No, papa ; it has only just struck five." " Then I think I'll go out again first. I have to call on one or two of the women, and it will be all one wetting. My feet are soaked already "^—looking down at his buckled shoes and his black gaiters. "You can get my slippers warmed, Jane. But" — the thought apparently striking him — "would your mamma like to wait ? " " Mamma had a cup of tea half an hour ago," replied Jane. " She said it might do her good ; if she could get some sleep after it, she might be able to come down for a little while before bedtime. The tea can be made whenever you like, papa. There's only Francis at home, and he and I could wait until ten at night, if you pleased." " I'll go at once, then. Not until ten. Miss Jane, but until six, or about that time. Betty King is ill ; but she does not live far off. And I must step in to the Widow Booth's." " Papa," cried Jane as he was turning away, " I forgot to tell you. Francis says he thinks he knows of a gentleman who would like to come here in Mr. Acton's place." " Ah ! who is it ? " asked the rector. " One of the masters of the schc'ol. Here's Francis coming down. He only went up to wash his hands." " It is our new mathematical master, papa," cried Francis Tait, a youth of eighteen, who was being brought up to the Church. " I overheard him ask Dr. Percy if he could recommend him to a comfortable house where he might board, and make one of the family; so I told him perhaps you might receive him here. He said he'd come down and see you." Mr. Tait paused. " Would he be a desirable inmate, think you, Francis? Is he a gentleman? " " Quite a gentleman, I am sure," replied Francis. " And wc all like what little we have seen of him. His name's HaUiburton." " Is he in Orders?" 6 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES, " No. He intends to be, I think." " Well, of course I can say nothing about it, one way or the other," conchided Mr. Tait, as he went out. Jane stood before the fire in thought, her fingers unconsciously smoothing the parting of the glossy brown hair on her well-shaped head, as she looked at it in the pier-glass. To say that she never did such a thing in vanity, would be wrong ; no pretty girl ever lived, but was conscious of her good looks. Jane, however, was neither thinking of herself nor of vanity then. She took a very practical part in home duties : she took, with her mother, a practical part amidst her father's poor : and just now her thoughts were running on the additional work it might bring to her, should this gentleman come to reside with them. "What did you say his name was, Francis?" she suddenly asked of her brother. "Whose?" " That gentleman's. The new master at your school." " Halliburton. I don't know his Christian name." " I wonder," mused Jane, aloud, " whether he will wear out his stockings as Mr. Acton did? There was always a dreadful amount of darning to be done to his. Is he an old guy, Francis ? " "Isn't he!" responded Francis Tait. "Don't you faint when you see some one come in old and fat, with green rims to his spectacles. I don't say he's quite old enough to be papa's father, but " " Why ! he must be eighty, then, at least ! " uttered Jane, in dismay. " How could you propose it to him ? We should not care to have any one older than Mr. Acton." " Acton ! that young chicken ! " contemptu ously rejoined Francis. " Put him by the side of Mr. Halliburton ! Acton was barely fifty." "He was forty-eight, I think," said Jane. "Oh, dear! how I should like to have gone with Margaret and Robert this evening! " she ex'claimed, forgetting the passing topic in another. "They were not polite enough to invite me," said Francis, " I shall pay the old lady out." Jane laughed. "You are growing too old now, Francis, to be admitted to a young ladies' breaking-up. Mrs. Chilham said so to mamma " Jane's words were interrupted by a knock at the front door, apparently that of a visitor. "Jane!" cried her brother, in some trepidation, " 1 should not wonder if it's Mr. Halliburton' He did not say when he should come." Another minute, and one of the servants ushered a gentleman into the room. It was not an old guy, however, as Jane saw at a glance : and she felt a sort of relief. A tall, gentlemanlike man of five or six and twenty, with thin, aquiline features, dark eyes, and a clear, fresli complexion. A handsome man, very prepossessing. " You see I have soon availed myself of your permission lo call," THE CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER. J said he, \\\ a pleasant tone, as he took Francis Tait's hand, and glanced towards Jane with a slight bow. "My sister Jane, sir," said f^rancis. "Jane, this is Mr. Halli- burton." Jane for once lost her self-possession. So surprised was she—in fact perplexed, for she did not know whether Francis was playing a trick upon her now, or whether he had previously played it; in short, whether this was, or was not, Mr. Halliburton— that she could only look from one to the other. "Are you Mr. Halliburton?" she said, in her straightforward simplicity. " I am Mr. Halliburton," he answered, bending to her politely. " Can I have the pleasure of seeing Mr. Tait? " " Will you take a seat.? " said Jane. " Papa is out, but I do not think he will be very long." "Where did he go to— do you know, Jane?" cried Francis, who was smothering a laugh. "To Betty King's ; and to Widow Booth's. He may have been going elsewhere also. 1 think he was." "At any rate, I'll just run there, and see. Jane, you can tell Mr. Halliburton all about it while I am away. Explain to him exactly how he will be here, and how we live. And then )'ou can decide for yourself, sir," concluded Francis. To splash through the wet streets to Betty King's or elsewhere, was an expedition rather agreeable to Francis, in his eagerness ; otherwise there was no particular necessity for his going. " I am sorry that mamma is not up," said Jane. " She suffers from occasional sick-headaches, and they generally keep her in bed for the day. I will give you any information in my power." " Your brother Francis thought— that it might not be disagree- able to Mr. Tait to receive a stranger into his family," said Mr. Halliburton, speaking with some hesitation. But the young lady before him looked so ladylike, the house altogether seemed so well- appointed, that he almost doubted whether the proposal would not offend her. " We wish to receive some one," said Jane. " The house is suffi- ciently large to do so, and papa would like it for the sake of society : as well as that it would help in our housekeeping," she added, in her candour. " A friend of papa's was with us— I cannot remember precisely how many years, but he came \\hen I was a little girl. It was the Rev. Mr. Acton. He left us last October." " I feel sure that I should like it very much : that I should think myself fortunate if Mr. Tait would admit me," spoke the visitor. Jane remembered the suggestion of Francis, and deemed it her duty to speak a little to Mr. Halliburton of "how he would be there," as it had been expressed. She might have done so without the suggestion : she could not be otherwise than straightforward and open. " We live very plainly," she observed. " A joint of meat one day ; cold, with a pudding, the next." 8 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " I should consider myself fortunate to get the pudding," replied Mr. Halliburton, smiling. " I have been tossed about a good deal of late years. Miss Tait, and have not come in for too much com- fort. Just now I am in very uncomfortable lodgings." " I dare say papa would like to have you," said Jane, frankly, with a sort of relief. She had thought he looked one who might be over-fastidious. " I have neither father nor mother, brother nor sister," he resumed. "In fact, I may say that I am without relatives : for almost the only one I have has discarded me. I often think how rich those people must be who possess close connections and a happy home," he added, turning his bright glance upon her. Jane dropped her work, which she had taken up. " I don't know what 1 should do without all my dear relatives," she ex- claimed. " Are you a large family ? " " We are six. Papa and mamma, and four children. I am the eldest, and Margaret is the youngest ; Francis and Robert are between us. It is breaking-up night at Margaret's school, and she has gone to it with Robert," continued Jane, never doubting but that the stranger must take as much interest in "breaking-up nights " as she did. " I was to have gone ; but mamma has been unusually ill to-day." " Were you disappointed?" Jane bent her head while she confessed the fact, as if feeling it were a confession to be ashamed of. "It would not have been kind to leave mamma," she added, " and I dare say some other pleasure will arise for me soon. Mamma is asleep now." "What a charming girl!" thought Mr. Halliburton to himself. " How I wish she was my sister ! " " Margaret is to be a governess," observed Jane. " She is being educated for it. She has great talent for music, and also for draw- ing: it is not often that the two are united. Her tastes lie quite that way — anything clever ; and as papa has no money to give us, it was well to make her a governess." "And you?" said Mr. Halliburton. The question might have been thought an impertinent one by many, but he spoke it only in his deep interest, and Jane Tait was of too ingenuous a disposition not to answer it as openly. " I am not to be a governess. I am to stay at home with mamma and help her. There is plenty to do. Margaret cannot bear domestic duties, or sewing either. Dancing excepted, I have not learnt a single accomplishment — unless you can call French an accomplishment." " I am sure you have been well educated ! " involuntarily spoke Mr. Halliburton. " Yes ; in all things solid," replied Jane. " Papa has taken care of that. He still directs my reading in literature. I know a good bit — of— Latin," — she added, bringing out the concluding words THE CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER. 9 with hesitation, as one who repents his sentence — " though I do not hke to confess it to you." "Why do you not?" " Because I think young ladies who know Latin are laughed at. I did not regularly learn it, but I used to be in the room when papa or Mr. Acton was teaching Francis and Robert, and I picked it up unconsciously. Mr. Acton often took Francis ; he had more time on his hands than papa. Francis is to be a clergyman." " Miss Jane," said a servant entering the room, " your mamma is awake, and wishes to see you." Jane left Mr. Halliburton with a word of apology, and almost immediately after, Mr. Tait came in. He was a little taken to when he saw the stranger. His imagination had run, if not upon an " old guy " in spectacles, certainly upon some steady, sober, middle-aged mathematical master. Would it be well to admit this young and good-looking man to his house? If Jane Tait had been candid in her revelations to Mr. Halliburton, that gentleman, in his turn, was not less candid to her father. He, Edgar Halliburton, was the only child of a country clergyman, the Rev. William Halliburton, who had died when Edgar was sixteen, leaving nothing behind him. Edgar — he had previously lost his mother — found a home with his late mother's brother, a gentleman named Cooper, who resided in Birmingham. Mr. Cooper was a man in extensive wholesale business, and he wished Edgar to go into his counting-house. Edgar dechned. His father had lived long enough to form his tastes : his greatest wish had been to see him enter the Church ; and the wish had become Edgar's own. Mr. Cooper thought there was nothing in the world like business : he looked upon that most sacred of all callings, God's ministry, only in the light of a profession. He had carved out his own career, step by step, attaining wealth and importance, and he wished his nephew to do the same. " Which is best, lad?" he coarsely asked : "To rule as a merchant-prince, or to starve and toil as a curate? I'm not a merchant-prince yet, but you may be." "It was my father's wish," pleaded Edgar in answer, " and it is my own. I cannot give it up, sir." The dispute ran high — not in words, but in obstinacy. Edgar would not yield, and at length Mr. Cooper dis- carded him. He turned him out of doors : he told him that, if he must become a parson, he might get some one else to pay his expenses at Oxford, for he never would. Edgar Halliburton pro- ceeded to London, and obtained employment as an usher in a school, teaching classics and mathematics. From that he became a private teacher, and had so earned his living up to the present time : but he had never succeeded in getting to the University. And Mr. Tait, before they had talked together five minutes, was charmed with his visitor, and invited him to take tea with him, which Jane came down to make. "Has your uncle never softened towards you?" Mr. Tait inquired. lo MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Never. I have addressed several letters to him, but they have been returned to me." " He has no family, you say, Mr. Halliburton ? You ought — in ♦justice, you ought to inherit some of his wealth. Has he other relatives ? " " He has one standing to him in the same relationship that I do ■ — my cousin Julia. It is not likely that I shall ever mhcrit a shilling of it, sir. I do not expect it." ".Right," said Mr. Tait, nodding his head approvingly. " There's no work so thriftless as that of waiting for legacies. Wearying, too. I was a poor curate, Mr. Halliburton, for twenty years — indeed, so far as being poor goes, I am not much else now — but let that pass. I had a relative who possessed money, and who had neither kith nor kin nearer to her than 1 was. For the best part of those twenty years I was casting covert hopes to that money ; and when she died, and nothing was left to me, I found out how foolish and wasteful my hopes had been. I tell my children to trust to their own honest exertions, but never to trust to other people's money. Allow me to urge the same upon you." Mr. Halliburton's lips and eyes alike smiled, as he looked grate- fully upon the rector, the man so much older than himself. " I never think of it," he earnestly said. " It appears, for me, to be as thoroughly lost as though it did not exist. I should not have mentioned it, sir, but that I consider it right that you should know all particulars respecting me ; if, as I hope, you will admit me to your home." " I think we should get on together very well," frankly acknow- ledged Mr. Tait, forgetting the prudent ideas which had crossed his mind. " I am sure we should, sir," warmly replied Edgar Halliburton. And the bargain was made. CHAPTER II, THE SHADOW BECOMES SUBSTANCE. And yet it had perhaps been well that those prudent ideas had been allowed by Mr. Tait to obtain weight. Mr. Halliburton took up his abode with them ; and, the more they saw of him, the more they liked him. In which liking Jane must be included. It was a possible shadow of the future, of the effects the step would bring forth, which had whispered determent to Mr. Tait: a very brief shadow, which had crossed his mind imperfectly, and flitted away again. Where two young and attractive beings are thrown into daily companionship, the result too frequently is, that a mutual regard arises, stronger than any other regard can ever ]yQ in this world. This result arrived here. THE SHADOW BECOMES SUBSTANCE. ir A twelvemonth passed over from the period of Mr. Halliburton's entrance — how swiftly for him and for Jane Tait they alone could tell. Not a word had been spoken to her by Mr. Halliburton that he might not have spoken to her mother or her sister Margaret; not a look on Jane's part had been given by wliich he could infer that he was more to her than the rest of the world. And yet both were inwardly conscious of the feelings of the other ; and when the twelvemonth had gone by, it had seemed to them but a span, for the love they bore each other. One evening in December, Jane stood in the dining-room, waiting to make the tea, just as she had so waited that former evening. For any outward signs, you might have thought that not a single hour had elapsed since their first introduction — that it was the same evening as of old. It was sloppy outside, it was bright within. The candles stood on the table unlightcd, the fire blazed, the tea-tray was placed, and only Jane was there. Mrs. Tait was upstairs with one of her frequent sick-headaches, ^Margaret was with her, and the others had not come in. Jane stood in a reverie — her elbow resting on the mantelpiece, and the blaze from the fire flickering on her gentle face. She was fond of these few minutes of idleness on a winter's evening, between the twilight hour and the lighting of the candles. The clock in the kitchen struck five. It did not arouse her: she heard it in a mechanical sort of manner, without taking note of it. Scarcely had the sound of the last stroke died away when there was a knock at the front door That aroused her — for she knew it. She knew the footsteps that came in when it was answered, and a rich damask arose to her cheeks, and the pulses of her heart went on a little quicker than they had been going before. She took her elbow from the mantelpiece, and sat down cjuietly on a chair. No need to look who entered. Some one, taller by far than any in that house, came up to the fire, and bent to warm his hands over the blaze. ■' It is a cold night, Jane. We shall have a severe frost." " Yes," she answered ; " the water in the barrel is already freezing over." " How is your mamma now ? " "Better, thank you. ]\Iargarct has gone up to help her dress. She is coming down to tea." Mr. Halliburton remained a minute silent, and then turned to Jane, his face glowing with satisfaction. " I have had a piece of preferment offered me to-day." " Have you ? " she eagerly said. " What is it ? " " Dr. Percy proposes that, from January, I shall take the Greek classes as well as the mathematics, and he doubles my salar}'. Of course I shall have to give more attendance, but I can readily do that. My time is not fully employed." " I am very glad," said Jane. 13 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " So am I," he answered. " Taking all my sources of emolument together, I shall now be earning two hundred and eighty-three pounds a year." Jane laughed. " Have you been reckoning it up ?" " Ay ; I had a motive in doing so." His tone was a peculiar one, and it caused her to look at him, but her eyelids drooped under his gaze. He drew nearer, and laid his hand gently on her shoulder, bending down before her to speak. "Jane, you have not mistaken me. I feel that you have read what has been in my heart, what have been my intentions, as surely as if I had spoken. It is not a great income, but it is sufficient, if you can think it so. May I speak to Mr. Tait ? " What Jane would have contrived to answer she never knew, but at that moment her mother's step was heard approaching. All she did was to glance shyly up at Mr. Halliburton, and he bent his head lower and kissed her. Then he walked rapidly to the door, and opened it for Mrs. Tait — a pale, delicate-looking lady, wrapped in a shawl. These violent headaches, from which she so frequently suffered, did not affect her permanent health, but on the days she suffered she would be utterly prostrated. Mr. Halliburton gave her his arm, and led her to a seat by the fire, his voice low and tender, his manner sympathizing. " I am already better," she said to him, " and shall be much better after tea. Sometimes I am tempted to envy those who do not know what a sick-headache is." " They may know other maladies as painful, dear Mrs. Tait." "Ay, indeed. None of us can expect to be free from pain of one sort or another in this world." " Shall I make the tea, mamma ? " asked Jane. " Yes, child ; I shall be glad of it, and your papa is sure to be in soon. There he is! " she added, as the latch-key was heard in the door. " The boys are late this evening." The rector came in, and, ere the evening was over, the news was broken to him by Mr. Halliburton. He wanted Jane. It was the imperfect, uncertain shadow of twelve months ago become substance. It had been a shadow of the future only, you imderstand — not a shadow of evil. To Mr. Halliburton, personally, the rector had no objection — he had learned to love, to esteem, and to respect him — but it is a serious thing to give away a child. "The income is very small to marry upon," he observed. " It is also uncertain." " Not uncertain, sir, so long as I am blessed with health and strength. And I have no reason to fear that these will fail." " I thought you were bent on taking Orders." Mr. Halliburton's cheek slightly flushed. " It is a prospect I have fondly cherished," he said ; " but its difficulties frighten me. The cost of the University is great; and were I to wait until I had saved sufficient money for that, I should be obliged, in a great degree, to give up my present means of living. Who would employ a tutor who must frequently be away for weeks .'' I should lose my con- THE SHADOW BECOMES SUBSTANCE. 13 hection, and perhaps never regain it. A good teaching connection is more easily lost than won." " True," observed Mr. Tait. " Once in Orders, I might remain for years a poor curate. I should most likely do so. I have neither interest nor influence. Sir, in that case Jane and I might be obliged to wait for years : perhaps go down to our graves, waiting." The Rev. Francis Tait cast back his thoughts. How he had waited ; how he was not able to marry until years were advancing upon him ; how in four years now he should have attained three- score years and ten — the term allotted to the life of man— while his children were still growing up around him! No! never, never would he counsel another to wait as he had been obliged to wait. " 1 have not yet given up hope of eventually entering the Church," continued Mr. Halliburton; "though it must be accomplished, if at all, slowly and patiently. I think I may be able to keep one term, or perhaps two terms yearly, without damaging my teaching. I shall try to do so : try to tind the necessary means and the time. My marriage will make no difference to that, sir." Many might have suggested to Edgar Halliburton that he might keep his terms first, and marry afterwards. Mr. Tait did not: possibly the idea did not occur to him. If it occurred to Edgar, Halliburton himself, he drove it from him. It would have delayed his marriage to an indefinite number of years; and he loved Jane too well to do that willingly. " I shall still get much better prefer- ment in teaching than that which 1 now hold," he urged aloud to the rector. " It is not so very small to begin upon, sir, and Jane is willing to risk it." " I will not part you and. Jane," said Mr. Tait, warmly. " If you have made up your minds to share life and its cares together, you shall do so. Still, I cannot say that I think your prospects golden." " Prospects that appear to have no gold at all in them sometimes turn out very brightly, sir." " I can give Jane nothing, you know." " I have never cast a thought to it, sir ; I have never expected that she would have a shilling," replied Mr. Halliburton, his face flushing with his eagerness. " It is Jane herself I want; not money." " Beyond a twenty-pound note which I may give her to put into her pocket on her wedding morning, that she may not go out of my house absolutely penniless, she will have nothing," cried the rector, in his straightforward manner. " Far from saving, I and her mother have been hardly able to make both ends meet at the end of the year, I might have saved a few pounds yearly, had I chosen to do so ; but you know what this parish is ; and the reflection has always been upon me : how would my Master look upon my putting by small sums of money, when many of those over whom I am placed were literally starving for bread ? I have given what I could : but I have not saved for my children." 14 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " You have done well, sir." Mr. Tait sought his daughter. "Jane," he began — " Nay, child, do not tremble So ! There is no need for trembling, or for tears, either: you have done nothing to displease me. Jane, I like Edgar Halliburton; I like him much. There is no one to whom I would rather give you. But I do not like his prospects. Teaching is very precarious." Jane raised her timid eyes. " Precarious for liini, papa ? For one learned and clever as he ! " " It is badly paid. See how he toils — and he will have to toil more when the new year comes in — and only to earn two or three hundred a year ! — in round numbers." Tears gathered in Jane's eyes. Toil as he did, badly paid as he might be, she would rather have him than any other in the world, though that other might have revelled in thousands and thousands. The rector read somewhat of this in her downcast face. " My dear, the consideration lies with you. If you choose to venture upon it, you shall have my consent, and I know that you will have your mother's, for she thinks there's not such another in the world as Edgar Halliburton. But it may bring you many troubles.'' " Papa, I am not afraid. If troul^les come, they — you — told us only last night ■ " " What, child ? " " That troubles, regarded rightly, only lead us nearer to God," whispered Jane, simply and timidly. " Right, child. And trouble must come before that great truth can be realized. Consider the question well, Jane, — whether it may not be better to wait — and give your answer to-morrow. I shall tell Mr. Halliburton not to ask for it to-night. As you decide, so shall it be." Need you be told what Jane's decision was.'' Two hundred and eighty-three pounds a year seems a: large sum to an inexperienced girl ; quite sufficient to buy everything that may be wanted for a tireside. And so she became Jane Halliburton. CHAPTER III. THE REV. FRANCIS TAIT. A HOT afternoon in July. Jane Halliburton was in the drawing- room with her mother, both of them sewing busily. It was a large room, Avith three windows, more pleasant than the dining-room beneath, and they were fond of sitting in it in summer. Jane had been married some three or four months now, but she looked the same young, simple, placid girl that she ever did ; and, but for the THE REV. FRANCIS TAIT. 15 wedding-ring upon hei" finger, no stranger would have supposed her to be a wife. An excellent arrangement had been arrived at — that she and her luisband should remain inmates of Mr. Tait's house : at any rate, for the present. When plans were being discussed, before making the necessary arrangements for the marriage, and Mr. Halliburton was spending all his superfluous minutes hunting for a house that might suit him near to the old home, and not too dear, Francis Tait had given utterance to a remark — " I wonder who we shall get here in Mr. Halliburton's place, if papa takes any one else?" and Margaret, looking up from her drawing, had added, " Why can't Mr. Halliburton and Jane stay on with us.? It would be so much pleasantcr." It was the first time that the idea had been presented in any shape to the rector. It seemed to go straight to his wishes. He put down a book he was reading, and spoke impulsively. " It would be the best thing; the very best thing! Would you like it, Halliburton?" " I should, sir ; very much. But it is Jane who must be consulted, not me." Jane, her pretty cheeks covered with blushes, looked up, and said that she should like it also : she /uuf thought of it, but had not liked to mention it, either to her mamma or to Mr. Halliburton. " I have been quite troubled to think what mamma and the house will do without me," she added, ingenuously. " Let Jane alone for thinking and planning, when difficulties are in the way," laughed Margaret. " My opinion is, that we shall never get another pudding, or papa have his black silk Sunday hose darned, if Jane goes from us." Mrs. Tait burst into tears. Like Margaret, she was a bad manager in a house, and had mourned over Jane's departure, secretly believing that she should be half worried to death. " Oh ! Jane, dear, say you'll remain ! " she cried. "It will be such a relief to me ! Margaret's of no earthly use, and everything will fall on my shoulders. Edgar, I hope you will remain with us! It will be pleasant for us all. You knoW the house is large enough." And remain they did. The wedding took place at Easter, and Mr. Halliburton took Jane all the way to Dover to see the sea — a long way in those days — and kept her there for a week. And then they came back again, Jane to her old home duties, just as though she were Jane Tait still, and Mr. Halliburton to his teaching. It was July now, and hot weather; and Mrs. Tait and Jane were sewing in the drawing-room. They were working for Margaret. Mr. Halliburton, through some of his teaching connections, had obtained an excellent situation for Margaret in a first-rate school. Margaret was to enter as resident pupil, and receive every advan- tage towards the completion of her own education; in return for which, she was to teach the younger pupils music, and pay ten pounds per annum. Such an arrangement was almost unknown i6 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. then, though it has become common enough since, and Mr. and Mrs. Tait thought of it very highly. Margaret Tait was only sixteen; but, as if in contrast to Jane, who looked younger than her actual years, Margaret looked older. In appearance, in manners, and also in advancement, Margaret might have been judged to be eighteen. She was to enter the school, which was situated near Harrow, in another week, at the termination of the holidays, and Mrs. Tait and Jane had their hands full, getting her clothes ready. "Was this slip measured, mamma?" Jane suddenly asked, after attentively regarding the work she had on her knee. " I think so, Jane," replied Mrs. Tait. " Why ? " " It looks too short for Margaret. At least, it will be too short when I have finished this fourth tuck. It must have been measured, though, for here are the pins in it. Perhaps Margaret measured it herself." " Then of course it must be measured again. There's no trusting to anything Margaret does in the shape of work. And yet, how clever she is at music and drawing — in fact, at all her studies ! " added Mrs. Tait. " It is well, Jane, that we are not all gifted alike." " I think it is, mamma," acquiesced Jane. " I will go up to Mar- garet's room for one of her slips, and measure this." "You need not do that," said Mrs. Tait. " There's an old slip of hers amongst the work on the sofa." Jane found the slip, and measured the one in her hand by it. "Yes, mamma! It is just the length without the tuck. Then I must take out what I have done of it. It is very little." " Come hither, Jane. Your eyes are younger than mine. Is not that your papa coming towards us from the far end of the square ? " Jane approached the window nearest to her, not the one at which Mrs. Tait was sittiiig. " Oh yes, that's papa. You might tell him by his dress, if by nothing else, mamma." " I could tell him by himself, if I could see," said Mrs. Tait, quaintly. " I don't know how it is, Jane, but my sight grows very imperfect for a distance." " Never mind that, mamma, so that you continue to see well to work and read," said Jane, cheerily. " How fast papa is walking ! " Very fast for the Rev. Francis Tait, who was not in general a quick walker. He entered his house, and came up to the drawing-room. He had not been well for the last few days, and threw himself into a chair, wearily. " Jane, is there any of that beef-tea left, that was made for me yesterday ? " " Yes, papa," she said, springing up, that she might get it for him. " I will bring it to you immediately." " Stay, stay, child, not so fast," he interrupted. " It is not for myself. I can do without it. I have been pained by a sad sight," he added, looking at his wife. " There's that daughter of the Widow THE REV. FRANCIS TAIT. 17 Booth's come home again. I called in upon them, and there she was, lying on a mattress, dying from famine, as I verily believe. She returned last night in a dreadful state of exhaustion, the mother says, and has had nothing within her lips since, but cold water. They tried her with solid food, but she could not swallow it. That beef-tea will just do for her. Have it warmed, Jane." " She is a sinful, ill-doing girl, Francis," remarked Mrs. Tait. " She does not really deserve compassion." "All the more reason, wife, that she should be rescued from death," said the rector, almost sternly. "The good may dare to die ; the evil may not. Don't waste time, Jane. Put it into a bottle, warm, and I'll carry it round." " Is there nothing else that we can send her, papa, that may do for her equally well?" asked Jane. "A little wine, perhaps? There is very little of the beef-tea left, and it ought to be kept for you." " Never mind ; I wish to take it to her," said the rector. " A little wine afterwards may do her good." Jane hastened to the kitchen, disturbing a servant who was doing something over the fire. " Susan, papa wants that drop of beef-tea warmed. Will you make haste and do it, while I search for a bottle to put it into ? It is to be taken round to Charity Booth." " What ! is she back again ? " exclaimed the servant, slightingly, which told that her estimation of Charity Booth was no higher than was that of her mistress. " It's just like the master," she continued, proceeding to do what was required of her. " It's not often that anything's made for himself; but if it is, he never gets the benefit of it ; he's sure to drop across somebody that he fancies wants it worse than he does. It's not right, Miss Jane." Jane was searching a cupboard. She brought forth a clean green bottle, which held about half-a-pint. "This will be quite large enough, I think." " I should think it would ! " grumbled Susan, who could not be brought to look upon the giving away of her master's own peculiar property as anything but a personal grievance. " There's barely a gill of it left, and he ought to have had it himself, Miss Jane." " Susan," said she, turning her bright face laughingly towards the woman, " it is a good thing that you went to church and saw me married, or I might think you meant to reflect upon me. How can I be ' Miss Jane,' with this ring on ?" " It's of no good my trying to remember it, miss. All the parish knows you are Mrs. Halliburton, fast enough; but it don't come ready to me." Jane laughed pleasantly. " Where is Mary ? " she asked. " In the back room, going on with some of Miss Margaret's things. It's cooler, sitting there, than in this hot kitchen." Jane carried the little bottle of beef-tea to her father, and gave it into his hand. He looked very pale, and rose from his chair slowly. Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles. " i8 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Oh, papa, you do not seem well ! " she involuntarily exclaimed. '' Let me run and beat you up an egg. I will not be a minute." " I can't wait, child. And I question if I could eat it, were it ready before me. I do not feel well, as you say." " You ought to have taken this beef-tea yourself, papa. It was made for j'ou." Jane could not help laying a stress upon the word. Mr. Tait placed his hand gently upon her smoothly parted hair. " Jane, child, had I thought of myself before others, throughout life, how should I have been following my Master's precepts ? " She ran down the stairs before him, opening the front door for him to pass through, that even that little exertion should be spared him. A loving, dutiful daughter was Jane; and it is probable that the thought of her worth especially crossed the mind of the rector at that moment. " God bless you, my child ! " he aspirated, as he passed her. Jane watched him across the square. Their house, though not actually in the square, commanded a view of it. Then she returned upstairs to her mother. " Papa thinks he will not lose time," she observed. " He is walking fast." " I should call it running," responded Mrs. Tait, who had seen the speed from the window. " But, my dear, he'll do no good with that badly conducted Charity Booth." About an hour passed away, and it was drawing towards dinner- time. Jane and ^Irs. Tait were busy as ever, when Mr. Halliburton's well-known knock was heard. " Edgar is home early this morning ! " Jane exclaimed. He came springing up the stairs, two at a time, in great haste, opened the drawing-room door, and just put in his head. Mrs. Tait, sitting with her back to the door and her face to the window, did not turn round, and consequently did not see him. Jane did ; and was startled. Every vestige of colour had forsaken his face. " Oh, Edgar ! You are ill ! " " 111 ! Not I," affecting to speak gailv. " I want vou for a minute, Jane." Mrs. Tait had looked round at Jane's exclamation, but Mr. Halliburton's face was then withdrawn. He was standing outside the door w-hen Jane went out. He did not speak; but took her hand in silence and drew her into the back room, which was their own bedroom, and closed the door. Jane's face had grown as white as his. " My darling, I did not mean to alarm you," he said, holding her to him. " I thought you had a brave heart, Jane. I thought that, if I had a little unpleasant news to impart, it would be best to tell you, that you may help me soothe it to the rest." Jane's heart was not feeling very brave. " What is it ? " she asked, scarcely able to speak the words from her ghastly lips. "Jane," he said, tenderly and gravely, " before I say any more, you must strive for calmness." THE REV. FRANCIS TAIT. 19 " It is not about yourself! You arc not ill ? " The question seemed superfluous. Mr. Halliburton was evidently not ill ; but he was agitated. Jane was frightened and perplexed : not a glimpse of the real truth crossed her, " Tell me what it is at once, Edgar," she said, in a calmer tone. " I can bear certainty better than suspense." " Why, yes, I think you are becoming brave already," he answered, looking straight into her eyes, and smiling — which was intended to reassure her. " I must have my wife show herself a woman to-day; not a child. See what a bungler I am ! I thought to tell you all c[uietly and smoothly, without alarming you ; and see what I have done ! — startled you to terror." Jane smiled faintly. She knew all this was only the precursor of tidings that must be very ill and grievous. By a great effort she schooled herself to calmness. Mr. Halliburton continued: " One, whom you and I love very much, has — has — met with an accident, Jane." Her fears went straight to the right quarter at once. With that one exception by her side, there was no one she loved as she loved her father. " Papa ? " '• Yes. We must break it to Mrs. Tait." Her heart beat wildly against his hand, and the livid hue was once more overspreading her face. But she strove urgently for calmness : he whispered to her of its necessity for her own sake. " Edgar ! it is death ? " It was death ; but he would not tell her so yet. He plunged into the attendant details. " He was hastening along with a small bottle in his hand, Jane. It contained something good for one of the sick poor, I am sure, for he was in their neighbourhood. Suddenly he was observed to fall; and the spectators raised him and took him to a doctor's. That doctor, unfortunately, was not at home, and they took him to another, so that time was lost. He was quite unconscious." " But you do not tell me ! " she wailed. " Is he dead ? " Mr. Halliburton asked himself a question — WHiat good would be done by delaying the truth ? He thought he had performed his task very badly. " Jane, Jane ! " he whispered, " I can only hope to help you to bear it better than I have broken it to you." She could not shed tears in that first awful moment : physically and mentally, she leaned on him for support. " Hoiu can we tell my mother ? " It was necessary that Mrs. Tait should be told, and without delay. Even then the body was being conveyed to the house. By a curious coincidence, Mr. Halliburton had been passing the last doctor's surgery at the very moment the crowd was round its doors. Unusual business had called him there ; or else it was a street he did not enter once in a year. " The parson has fallen down in a fit," said some of them, recognizing and arresting him. 20 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " The parson ! " he repeated. " What ! Mr. Tait ? " "Sure enough," said they. And Mr. HaUiburton pressed into the surgeon's house, just as the examination was over. " The heart, no doubt, sir," said the doctor to him. " He surely is not dead ? " " Quite dead. He must have died instan taneously." The news had been wafted to the mob outside, and they were already taking a shutter from its hinges. " I will go on first and prepare the family," said Mr. Halliburton to them. " Give me a quarter of an hour's start, and then come on." So that he had only a quarter of an hour for it all. His thoughts naturally turned to his wife : not simply to spare her alarm and pain, so far as he might, but he believed her, young as she was, to possess more calmness and self-control than did Mrs. Tait. As he sped to the house, he rehearsed his task ; and he might have accomplished it better, but for his tell-tale face. "Jane," he whispered, " let this be your consolation ever : he was ready to go." " Oh yes ! " she answered, bursting into a storm of most dis- tressing tears. "If any one here was ever fit for heaven, it was my dear father." " Hark!" exclaimed Mr. Halliburton. Some noise had arisen downstairs — a sound of voices speaking in an undertone. There could be no doubt that people had come to the house with the news, and were imparting it to the two trembling servants. " There's not a moment to be lost, Jane." How Jane dried her eyes, and suppressed all temporary sign of grief and emotion, she could not tell. A sense of duty was strong within her, and she knew that the most imperative duty of the present moment was the support and solace of her mother. She and her husband entered the drawing-room together, and Mrs. Tait turned with a smile to Mr. Halliburton. " What secrets have you and Jane been talking together? " Then, catching sight of Jane's white and quivering lips, she broke into a cry of agony. "Jane! what has happened? What have you both come to tell me ? " The tears poured from Jane's fair young face as she clasped her mother fondly to her, tenderly whispering: " Dearest mamma, you must lean upon us now ! We will ail love you and take care of you as we have never yet done." ( 21 ) CHAPTER IV. NEW PLANS. The post-mortem examination established beyond doubt the fact, that the Rev. Francis Tait's death was caused by heart disease. In the carHer period of his life it had been suspected that he was subject to it, but of late years unfavourable symptoms had not shown themselves. With him, died of course almost all his means ; and his family, if not left utterly destitute, had little to boast in the v/ay of wealth. Mrs. Tait enjoyed, and had for some time enjoyed, an annuity of fifty pounds per annum ; but it would cease at her death, whenever that event should take place. "What was she to do with her children ? Many a bereaved widow, far worse off than Mrs. Tait, has to ask the same perplexing question every day. Mrs. Tait's children were partially off her hands. Jane had her husband ; Francis was earning his own living as an under-master in a school ; with Margaret ten pounds a year must be paid ; and there was still Robert. The death had occurred in July. By October they must be away from the house. " You will be at no loss for a home, Mrs. Tait," Mr. Halliburton took an opportunity of kindly saying to her. " You must allow me and Jane to welcome you to ours." " Yes, Edgar," was Mrs. Tait's unhesitating reply ; " it will be the best plan. The furniture in this house will do for yours, and you shall have it, and you must take me and my small means into it— an incumbrance to you. I have pondered it all over, and I do not see anything else that can be done." " I have no right whatever to your furniture, Mrs. Tait," he replied, " and Jane has no more right to it than have your other children. The furniture shall be put in my house, if you please ; but you must either allow me to pay you for it, or else it shall remain your own, to be removed again at any time that you may please." A house was looked for, and taken. The furniture was valued, and Mr. Halliburton bought it— a fourth part of the sum Mrs. Tait positively refusing to take, for she declared that so much belonged to Jane. Then they quitted the old house of many years, and moved into the new one : Mr. and Mrs. Halliburton, Mrs. Tait, Robert, and the two servants. " Will it be prudent for you, my dear, to retain both the servants? " Mrs. Tait asked of her daughter. Jane blushed vividly. "We could do with one at present, mamma; but the time will be coming that I shall require two. And Susan and Mary are both so good that I do not care to part with them. You are used to them, too." 22 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. "Ah, child! I know that in all your plans and schemes you and Edgar think first of my comfort. Do you know what I was think- ing of last night as I lay in bed ? " "What, maninia?" "When Mr. Halliburton first spoke of wanting you, I and your poor papa felt inclined to hesitate, thinking you might have made a better match. But, my dear, I was wondering last night what we should have done in this crisis, but for him." " Yes," said Jane, gently. " Things that appear untoward at the time frequently turn out afterwards to have been the very best that could have happened. God directs all things, you know, mamma." A contention arose respecting Robert, some weeks after they had been in their new house — or, it may be better to call it, a discussion. Robert had never taken very kindly to what he called book-learning. Mr. Tait's wish had been that both his sons should enter the Church. Robert had never openly opposed this wish, and for the calling itself he had a liking ; but particularly disliked the study and application necessary to fit him for it. Silent while his father lived, he was so no longer ; but took every opportunity of urging the point upon his mother. He was still attending Dr. Percy's school daily. " You know, mother," dropping down one day in a chair, close to his mother and Jane, and catching up one leg to nurse — rather a favourite action of his — " I shall never earn salt at it." " Salt at what, Robert?" asked Mrs. Tait. "Why, at these rubbishing classics, /shall never make a tutor, as Mr. Halliburton and Francis do ; and what on earth's to become of me? As to any chance of my being a parson, of course that's over : where's the money to come from ? " "What is to become of you, then? " cried Mrs. Tait. " I'm sure I don't know." " Besides," went on Robert, lowering his voice, and calling up the most effectual argument he could think of, " I ought to be doing something for myself. I am living here upon Mr. Halliburton." " He is delighted to have you, Robert," interrupted Jane, quickly. "Mamma pays " " Be quiet, Mrs. Jane ! What sort of a wife do you call yourself, pray, to go against your husband's interests in that manner ? I heard you preaching up to the charity children the other day about it being sinful to waste time." "Weil?" said Jane. " Well ! what's waste of time for other people is not waste of time for me, I suppose?" went on Robert. "You are not wasting your time, Robert." " I am. And if you had the sense that people give you credit for, Madam Jane, you'd see it. I shall never, I say, earn my salt at teaching ; and — ^just tell me yourself whether there seems any chance now that L shall enter the Church?" " At present I do not see that there is," confessed Jane. NEW PLANS. 23 " There ! Then is it waste of time, or not, my continuing to study for a career which I can never enter upon?" "But what else can you do, Robert?" interposed Mrs. Tait. "You cannot idle your time away at home, or be running about the streets all day." " No," said Robert, "better stop at school for ever than do that. I want to see the world, mother." "You— want — to — see — the — world! " echoed Mrs. Tait, bringing out her words slowly in her astonishment, while Jane looked up from her work, and fixed her eyes upon her brother. " It's only natural that I should," said Robert, with equanimity. " I have an invitation to go down into Yorkshire." " What to do ? " cried Mrs. Tait. " Oh, lots of things. They keep hunters, and " " Why, you never were on horseback in your life, Robert," laughed Jane. " You would come back with your neck broken." "I do wish you'd be quiet, Jane!" returned Robert, reddening. " I am talking to mamma, not to you. Winchcombe has invited me to spend the Christmas holidays with him down at his father's seat in Yorkshire. And, mother, I want to go ; and I want you to promise that I shall not return to school when the holidays are over. I will do anything else that you choose to put me to. I'll learn to be a man of business, or I'll go into an office, or I'd go apprentice to a doctor — anything you like, rather than stop at these everlasting school-books. I am j'/VX.' of them." " Robert, you take my breath away ! " uttered Mrs. Tait. " I have no interest anywhere. I could not get you into any of these places." " I dare say Mr. Halliburton could. He knows lots of people. Jane, you talk to him : he'll do anything for you." There ensued, I say, much discussion about Robert. But it is not with Robert Tait that our story has to do ; and only a few words need be given to him here and there. It appeared to them all that it would be inexpedient for him to continue at school ; both with regard to his own wishes, and to his prospects. He was allowed to pay the visit with his schoolfellow, and (as he came back with neck unbroken) Mr. Halliburton succeeded in placing him in a large wholesale warehouse. Robert appeared to like it very much at tirst, and always came home to spend Sunday with them. " He may rise in time to be one of the first mercantile men in London," observed Mr. Halliburton to his wife; "one of our mer- chant-princes, as my uncle used to say by me, if only " " If what? Why do you hesitate? " she asked. " If he will only persevere, I was going to say. But, Jane, I fear perseverance is a quality that Robert does not possess." Of course all that had to be proved. It lay in the future. 24 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. CHAPTER V. MARGARET. From two to three years passed away, and the Midsummer hohdays were approaching. Margaret was expected as usual for them, and Jane, dehghted to receive her, went about her glad preparations. Margaret would not return to the school, in which she had been a paid teacher for the last year ; but was to enter a family as gover- ness. For one efficient, well-educated, accomplished governess to be met with in those days, scores may be counted now — or who profess to be so : and Margaret Tait, though barely nineteen, anticipated a salary of seventy or eighty guineas a year. A warm, bright day in June, that on which Mr. Halliburton went to receive Margaret. The coach brought her to its resting-place, the " Bull and Mouth," in St. Martin's-le-Grand, and Mr. Hallibur- ton reached the inn as St. Paul's clock was striking midday. One minute more, and the coach drove in. There she was, inside ; a tall, fine girl, with a handsome face : a face full of resolution and energy. Margaret Tait had her good qualities, and she had also her faults : a great one, speaking of the latter, was self-will. She opened the door herself, and leaped out before any one could help her, all joy and delight. " And what about your boxes, Margaret ? " questioned Mr. Halli- burton, after a few words of greeting. " Have they come this time, or not ? " Margaret laughed. " Yes, they really have. I have not lost them on the road, as I did at Christmas. You will never forget to tell me of that, I am sure ! But it was more the guard's fault than mine." A few minutes, and Mr. Halliburton, Margaret, and the boxes were lumbering along in one of the old glass coaches. " And now tell me about every one," said Margaret. " How is dear mamma ? " " She is quite well. We are all well. Jane's famous." " And my precious little Willy ? " "Oh," said Mr. HaUiburton, quaintly, "he is a great deal too troublesome for anything to be the matter with him. I tell Jane she will have to begin the whipping system soon." " And much Jane will attend to you ! Is it a pretty baby ? " Mr. Halliburton raised his eyebrows. " Jane thinks so. I wonder she has not had its likeness taken." " Is it christened .''" continued Margaret. " It is baptized. Jane would not have the christening until you were at home." " And its name ? " MARGARET. 25 " Jane." " What a shame ! Jane promised me it should be Margaret. Why did she decide upon her own name ? " " I decided upon it," said Mr. Halhburton. " Yours can wait until the next, Margaret." Margaret laughed. " And how are you getting on ? " " Very well. I have every hour of the day occupied." " I don't think you are looking well," rejoined Margaret. " You look thin and fagged." " I am always thin, and mine is a fagging profession. Sometimes I feel terribly weary. But I am pretty well upon the whole, Margaret." " Will Francis be at home these holidays ? " " No. He passes them at a gentleman's house in Norfolk — tutor to his sons. Francis is thoroughly industrious and persevering." " A contrast to poor Robert, I suppose .'' " " Well — yes ; in that sense." " There has been some trouble about Robert, has there not ? " asked Margaret, her tone becoming grave. " Did he not get dis- charged ? " " He received notice of discharge. But I saw the principals, and begged him on again. I would not talk about it to him, were I you, Margaret. He is sensitive upon the point. Robert's inten- tions are good, but his disposition is fickle. He has grown tired of his place, and idles his time away ; no house of business will put up with that." The coach arrived at Mr. Halliburton's. Margaret rushed out of it, giving no one time to assist her, as she had done out of the other coach at the " Bull and Mouth." There was a great deal of im- petuosity in Margaret Tait's character. She was quite a contrast to Jane — as she had just remarked, there was a contrast between Francis and Robert upon other points — to sensible, lady-hke, self- possessed Jane, who came forward, so calmly, to greet her, a glad depth of affection in her quiet eyes. A boisterous embrace to her mother, a boisterous embrace to Jane, all in haste, and then Margaret caught up a little gentleman of some two years old, or more, who was standing holding by Jane's dress, his finger in his mouth, and his great grey eyes, honest, loving, intelligent as were his mother's, cast up in a broad stare at Margaret. " You naughty Willy ! Have you forgotten Aunt Margaret ? Oh, you darling child ! Who's this ? " She carried the boy up to the end of the room, where stood their old servant Mary, nursing an infant of two months old. The baby had great grey eyes also, and they likewise were bent on noisy Margaret, " Oh, Willy, she is prettier than you ! I won't nurse you any more. Mary, I'll shake hands with you presently. I must take that enchanting baby first." Dropping discarded Willy upon the ground, snatching the baby 26 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. from Mary's arms, Margaret kissed its pretty face until she made it cry. Jane came to the rescue. " You don't understand babies, Margaret. Let Mary have her again. Come upstairs to your room, and make yourself ready for dinner. I think you must be hungry." " So hungry that I shall frighten you. Of course, with the thought of coming home, I could not touch breakfast. I hope you have something especially nice ! " " It is your favourite dinner," said Jane, smiling. " Loin of veal and broccoli." "How thoughtful you are, Jane!" Margaret could not help exclaiming. " Margaret, my dear," called out her mother, as she was leaving the room with Jane. Margaret looked back. " What, mamma ? " " I hope you will not continue to go on with these children as you have begun ; otherwise we shall have a quiet house turned into a noisy one." " Is it a quiet house, mamma? " said Margaret, laughing. " As if any house would not be quiet, regulated by Jane ? " replied Mrs. Tait. And Margaret, laughing still, followed her sister. It is curious to remark how differently things sometimes turn out from what we intended. Had any one asked Mrs. Tait the day that Margaret came home, what Margaret's future career was to be, she had wondered at the question. "A governess, certainly," would have been her answer ; and she would have thought that no power, humanly speaking, could prevent it. And yet, Margaret Tait, as it proved, never did become a governess. The holidays were drawing to an end, and a very desirable situa- tion, as was believed, had been found for Margaret by Mr. Halli- burton, the negotiations for which were nearly completed. Mr. Halliburton gave private lessons in sundry families of high connec- tions, and he was thus enabled to hear where ladies were required as governesses. Thus he had recommended Margaret. The recom- mendation was favourably received, and a day was appointed for Margaret to make a personal visit at the town house of the people in question, when she would most probably be engaged. On the previous evening at dusk Mr. Halliburton came home from one of his numerous engagements. Jane was alone. Mrs. Tait, not very well, had retired to rest early, and Margaret was out with Robert. In this, a leisure season of the year, Robert had most of his evenings to himself, after eight o'clock. He generally came home, and he and Margaret would go out together. Mr. Hallibur- ton sat down at one of the windows in silence. Jane went up to him, laying her hand affectionately on his shoulder. " You are very tired, Edgar ? " He did not reply in words. He only drew her hand between his, and kept it there. " You shall have supper at once," said Jane, glancing at the tray MARGARET. 27 which stood ready on the tabic. " I am sure you must want it. And it is not right to indulge Margaret every night by waiting for her." " Scarcely, when she docs not come in until ten or half-past," said Mr. Halliburton. "Jane," he added, in a kind, confidential tone, "do you think it well that Margaret should be out so frequently in an evening .? " " She is with Robert." " She may not always be with Robert alone." Jane felt her face grow rather hot. She knew her husband ; knew that he was not one to speak unless he had some cause for doing so. "Edgar! why do you say this.'' Do you know anything? Have you seen Margaret .-'" " I saw her a quarter of an hour ago " "With Robert .-*" interrupted Jane, more impulsively than she was accustomed to speak. " Robert was by her side. But she was walking arm in arm with Mr. Murray." Jane did not much like the information. This Mr. Murray was in the same house as Robert, holding a better position in it. Robert had occasionally brought him home, and he had taken lea with them. Mrs. Halliburton felt surprised at Margaret: it appeared, to her well-regulated mind, very like a clandestine proceeding. What would she have said, or thought, had she known that Mar- garet and Mr. Murray were in the habit of thus walking together constantly .'' Robert's being with them afforded no sui^cient excuse. Later, they saw Margaret coming home, with Robert alone. He left her at the door as usual, and then hastened away to his own home. Jane said nothing then, but she went to Margaret's room that evening. "Oh, Edgar has been bringing home tales, has he?" was Mar- garet's answer, when the ice was broken ; and her defiant tone brought, Jane hardly knew what of dismay to her car. " I saw him staring at us." " Margaret ! " gasped Jane, " what can have come to you ? You are completely changed ; you— you seem to speak no longer as a lady." " Then why do you provoke me, Jane ? Is it high treason to take a gentleman's arm, my brother being with me ? " " It is not right to do it in secret, Margaret. If you go out osten- sibly to walk with Robert " "Jane, I will not hsten," Margaret said, with a flashing eye. " Because you are Mrs. Halliburton, you assume a right to lecture me. I have committed no grievous wrong. When I do commit it, you may take your turn then." "Oh, Margaret! why will you misjudge me?" asked Jane, her voice full of pain. " I speak to you in love, not in anger ; 1 would not speak at all. but for your good. If the family you are about to 28 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. enter, the Chevasneys, were to hear of this, they might think you an unsuitable mistress for their children." " Compose yourself," said Margaret, scoffingly. Never had she shown such temper, so undesirable a disposition, as on this night ; and Jane might well look at her in amazement, and hint that she was " changed." " I shall be found sufficiently suitable by the Chevasney family — when I consent to enter it." Her tone was strangely significant, and Jane Halliburton's heart beat. "What do you imply, Margaret?" she inquired. "You appear to have some peculiar meaning." Margaret, who had been standing before the glass all this time, twisting her hair round her fingers, turned and looked her sister full in the face. "Jane, I'll tell you, if you will undertake to make things straight for me with mamma. I am not going to the Chevasneys — or anywhere else — as governess." " Yes," — said Jane faintly, for she had a presentiment of what was coming. " I am going to be married instead." " Oh, Margaret ! " " There is nothing to groan about," retorted Margaret. " Mr. Murray is coming to speak to mamma to-morrow, and if any of you have anything to say against him, you can say it to his face. He is a very respectable man ; he has a good income ; where's the objec- tion to him ? " Jane could not say. Personally, she did not very much hke Mr. Murray ; and certain fond visions had pictured a higher destiny for handsome, accomplished Margaret. " I hope and trust you will be happy, if you do marry him, Margaret ! " was all she said. " I hope I shall. I must take my chance of that, as others do. Jane, I beg your pardon for my crossness, but you put me out of temper." As others do. Ay! it was all a lottery. And Margaret Tail entered upon her hastily-chosen married life, knowing that it was so. CHAPTER VI. A VISIT TO THE PHYSICIAN. Several years went on ; and years rarely go on without bringing changes with them. Jane had now four children. William, the eldest, was close upon thirteen ; Edgar, the youngest, going on for nine ; Jane and Frank were between them. Mrs. Tait was dead : and Francis Tait was the Reverend Francis Tait. By dint of hard work and perseverance, he had succeeded in becoming qualified for Orders, and he was half starving upon a London curacy, as his father had done for so many years before him. In saying "half starving," I don't mean that he had not bread and cheese; but A VISIT TO THE PHYSICIAN. 29 when a clergyman's stipend is under a hundred a year, all told, the expression "half starving" is justifiable. He hungers after many things that he is unable to obtam, and he cannot maintain his position as a gentleman. Francis Tait hungered. Over one want, in especial, he hungered with an intensely ravenous hunger; and that was, the gratification of his taste for literature. The books he coveted to read were expensive ; impossibilities to him ; he could not purchase them, and libraries were then scarce. Had Francis Tait not been gifted with very great conscientiousness, he would have joined teaching with his ministry. But the wants of his parish required all his time ; and he had inherited that large share of the monitor, conscience, from his father. " I suppose I shall have a living some time," he would think to himself: "when I am growing an old man, probably, as he was when he gained his." So the Reverend Francis Tait plodded on at his curacy, and was content to wait that far remote day when fortune should drop from the skies. Where was Margaret? Margaret had bidden adieu to old England for ever. Her husband, who had not been promoted in his house of business as rapidly as he thought he ought to have been, had thrown up his- situation, his home and home ties, and had gone out to the woods of Canada to become a settler. Did Margaret repent her hasty marriage then '^. Did she find that her thorough education, her peculiar tastes and habits, so unfitted for domestic life, were all lost in those wild woods. Music, drawing, languages, literature, of what use were (key to her now ? She might educate her own children, indeed, as they grew up : the only chance of education it appeared likely they would have. That IVIargaret found herself in a peculiarly uncongenial sphere, there could be no doubt ; but, like a brave woman as she proved herself, not a hint of it, in writing home, ever escaped her, not a shadow of complaint could be gathered there. It was not often that she wrote, and her letters grew more rare as the years went on. Robert had accom- panied them, and he boasted that he liked the life much ; a thousand times better than that of the musty old warehouse. Mr. Halliburton's teaching was excellent — his income good. He was now one of the professors at King's College ; but he had not yet succeeded in carrying out his dream — that of getting to the University of Oxford, or Cambridge. Mr. Halliburton had begun at the wrong end of the ladder : he should have gone to college first, and married afterwards. He married first : and, to college he never went. A man of moderate means, with a home to keep, a wife, children, servants, to provide for, has enough to do with his money and time, without spending them at college. He had quite given up the idea now ; and, perhaps, he had grown not to regret it very keenly : his home was one of refinement, of comfort, of thorough happiness. But about this period, or indeed, some time prior to it, Mr. Halliburton had cause to believe that he was overtaxing his 30 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. strength. For a long, long while, almost ever since he had been in London, he was aware that he had not felt thoroughly strong. Hot weather affected him and rendered him languid ; the chills of winter gave him a cough ; the keen winds of spring attacked his chesL He would throw off his ailments bravely and go on again, not heeding them, or thinking that they might ever become serious. Perhaps he never gave a thought to that, until one evening, when, upon coming in after a hard day's toil, he sat down in his chair and quietly fainted away. Jane and one of the servants were standing over him when he recovered — Jane's face very pale and anxious. " Do not be alarmed," he said, smiling at her. " I suppose I dropped asleep ; or lost consciousness in some way." " You fainted, Edgar." " Fainted, did I .'' How silly I must have been ! The room's warm, Jane : it must have overpowered me." Jane was not deceived. She saw that he was making light of it to quiet her alarm. She brought him a glass of wine. He drank that, but could not eat anything : he frequently could not eat now. " Edgar," she said, you are doing too much. I have seen it for a long time past." " Seen what, Jane ? " "That your strength is not equal to your work. You must give up a portion of your teaching." " My dear, how can I do so ?" he asked. " Does it not take all I earn to meet expenses ? When accounts are settled at the end of the year, have we a shilling to spare ? " It was so, and Jane knew it ; but her husband's health was above every consideration in the world. " We must reduce our expenses," she said. " We must cease to live as we are living now. We will move into a small house, and keep one small servant, and I will turn maid-of-all-work." She laughed as she spoke quite merrily; but Mr. Halliburton detected a serious meaning in her tone. He shook his head. " No, Jane ; that time, I hope, will never come." He lay awake all that night buried in reflection. Do you knov/ what this night-rcflcction is, when it comes to us in all its racking intensity ? Surging over his brain, like the wild waves that chase each other on the ocean, came the thought, " What will become of my wife and children if I die ? " Thought after thought, they all resolved themselves into that one focus : — " I have made no provision for my wife and children : what will become of them if I am taken ? " Mr. Halliburton had one good habit — it was possible that he had learnt it from his wife, for it was hers in no common degree — the habit of looking steadfastly into the face of trouble. Not to groan and grumble at it — to sigh and lament that no one else's trouble ever was so great before — but to see how it might best be met and contended with ; how the best could be made of it. A VISIT TO THE PHYSICIAN. 31 The only feasible way he could see, was that of insuring his life. He possessed neither lands nor money. Did he attempt to put by a portion of his income, it would take years and years to accumulate into a sum worth mentioning. Why, how long would it take him to economize only a thousand pounds ? No. There was only one way — that of life insurance. It was an idea that would have occurred to most of us. He did not know how much it would take from his yearly income to eftcct it. A great deal, he was afraid; for he was approaching what is called middle life. He had no secrets from his wife. He consulted her upon every point ; she was his best friend, his confidant, his gentle counsellor, and he had no intention of concealing the step he was about to take. Why should he } " Jane," he began, when they were at breakfast the next morning, " do you know what I have been thinking of all night ? " " Trouble, I am sure," she answered. " You have been ^•ery restless." " Not exactly trouble, Jane," — for he did not choose to acknow- ledge, even to himself, that a strange sense of trouble did seem to rest on his heart, and to weigh it down. " I have been thinking more of precaution than trouble." " Precaution ? " echoed Jane, looking at him. '"Ay, love. And the astonishing part of the business, to myself, is that I never thought of the necessity for this precaution before." Jane divined now what he meant. Often and often had the idea occurred to her — ^" Should my husband's health or life fail, we are destitute." Not for herself did she so much care, but for her children. " That sudden attack last night has brought reflection to me," he resumed. " Life is uncertain with the best of us. It may be no- more uncertain with me than with others ; but I feel that I must act as though it were so. Jane, were I taken, there would be no provision for you." " No," she quietly said. "And therefore I must set about making one without delay, so far as I can. I shall insure my life." Jane did not answer immediately. " It will take a great deal of money, Edgar," she presently said. " I fear it will : but it must be done. W^hat's the matter, Jane .-* You don't look hopeful over it." " Because, were you to insure your life, to pay the yearly pre- mium, and our living, would necessitate your working as hard as you do now." " W' ell ? " said he. " Of course it would." " In any case, our expenses shall be much reduced ; of that I am determined," she went on, somewhat dreamily, more it seemed in soliloquy than to her husband. '" But, with this premiuni to pay in addition " "Jane," he interrupted, "there's not the least necessity for my 32 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. relaxing my labours. I shall not think of doing it. I may not be very strong, but I am not ill. As to reducing our expenses, I see no help for that, inasmuch as that I must draw from them for the premium." " If you only can keep your health, Edgar, it is certainly what ought to be done — to insure your life. The thought has often crossed me." " Why did you never suggest it?" " I scarcely know. I believe I did not like to do so. And I really did not see how the premium was to be paid. How much shall you insure it for?" " I thought of two thousand pounds. Could we afford more?" " I think not. What would be the yearly premium for that sum?" " I don't know. I will ascertain all particulars. What are you sighing about, Jane?" Jane was sighing heavily. A weight seemed to have fallen upon her spirits. " To talk of life insurance puts me too much in mind of death," she murmured. " Now, Jane, you are never going to turn goose!" he gaily said. " I have heard of persons who will not make a will, because it brings them a fancy that they must be going to die. Insuring my life will not bring death any the quicker to me : I hope I shall be here many a year yet. Why, Jane, I may live to pay the insurance over and over again in annual premiums ! Better that I had put by the money in a bank, I shall think then." " The worst of putting by money in a bank, or in any other way, is, that you are not compelled to put it," observed Jane, looking up a little from her depression. " What ought to be put by — what is intended to be put by — too often goes in present wants, and putting by ends in name only : whereas, in life insurance, the premium must be paid. Edgar," she added, going to a different subject, " I wonder what we shall make of our boys ? " Mr. Halliburton's cheek flushed. " They shall go to college, please God — though I have not been able to get there myself." " Oh, I hope so ! One or two of them, at any rate." Little difficulty did there appear to be in the plan to Mr. Halli- burton. His boys should enter the University, although he had not done so : the future of our children appears hopeful and easy to most of us. William and Frank were in the school attached to King's College : of which, you hear, Mr. Halliburton was now a professor. Edgar — never called anything but " Gar " — went to a private school, but he would soon be entered at King's College. Remarkably well-educated boys for their years, were the young Halliburtons. Mr. Halliburton and Jane had taken care of that. Home teaching was more efficient than the school : both combined had rendered them unusually intelligent and advanced. Naturally intellectual, gifted with excellent qualities of mind and heart, Mrs. Halliburton had not failed to do her duty by them. She spared A VISIT TO THE PHYSICIAN. 33 no pains ; she knew how children ought to be brought up, and she did her duty well. Ah, my friends ! mothers of families ! only lay a good foundation in their earlier years, and your children will grow up to bless you. "Jane, I wonder which office will be the best to insure in?" Jane began to recall the names of some that were familiar to her, "The Phoenix?" suggested she. Mr. HalHburton laughed. " I think that's only for fire, Jane. I am not sure, though." In truth, he knew little about insurance offices himself. " There's the Sun ; and the Atlas ; and the Argus — oh, and ever so many more," continued Jane. " I'll inquire all about it to-day," said he. " I wonder if the premium will take a hundred a year, Edgar?" He could not tell. He feared it might. " I wish Jane," he observed, " that I had insured my life when I first married. The annual premium would have been small then, and we might have managed to spare it." " Ay," she answered. " Sometimes I look back to things that I might have done in the past years : and I did not do them. Now, the time has gone by ! " " Well, it has not gone by for insuring," said Mr. HalUburton, rising from the breakfast-table, and speaking in a gay tone. " Half- past eight?" he cried, looking at his watch. " Good-bye, Jane," said he, bending to kiss her. " Wish me luck." "A weighty insurince and a small premium," she said, laughing, " But you are not going about it now?" " Of course not. I should not find the offices open. I shall take an opportunity of doing so in the course of the day." Mr. Halliburton departed on his usual duties. It was a warm day in April. His first attendance was King's College, and there he remained for the morning. Then he set himself to gain informa- tion about the various offices and their respective merits: finally he fixed upon the one he should apply to, and bent his steps to it. It was situated in the heart of the City, in a very busy part of it. The office also appeared to be busy, for several people were in it when Mr. Halliburton entered. A young man came forward to know his business. " I wish to insure my life," said Mr. Halliburton. " How must I proceed about it?" " Oh yes, sir, Mr, Procter, will you attend to this gentleman?" Mr. Halliburton was marshalled to an inner room, where a gentlemanly man received him. He explained his business in detail, stated his age, and the sum he wished to insure for. Every information was politely afforded him ; and a paper, with certain printed questions, was given him to fill up at his leisure, and then to be returned. Mr. Halliburton glanced over it. " You require a certificate of my birth from the parish register where I was baptized, I perceive," Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles- " 34 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. he remarked. "Why so? In stating my age, I have stated it correctly." The gentleman smiled. " Of that I make no doubt," he said, "for you look younger than the age you have given me. Our office makes it a rule in most cases to require the certificate from the register. All applicants are not scrupulous about telling the truth, and we have been obliged to adopt it in self-defence. We have had cases, we have indeed, sir, where we have insured a life, and then found — though perhaps not until the actual death has taken place — that the insurer was ten years older than he asserted. Therefore we demand a certificate. It does occasionally happen that applicants can bring well-known men to testify to their age, and then we do not mind dispensing with it." Mr. HaUiburton sent his thoughts round in a circle. There was no one in London who knew his age of their own positive know- ledge ; so it was useless to think of that. " There will be no difficulty in the matter," he said aloud. " I can get the certificate up from Devonshire in the course of two or three days, by writing for it. My father was rector of the church where I was christened. This will be all, then? To fill up this paper, and bring you the certificate." " All ; with the exception of being examined by our physician." "What! is it necessary to be examined by a physician?" ex- claimed Mr. Halliburton. "The paper states that I must hand in a report from my ordinary medical attendant. He will not give you a bad report of me," he added, smiling, " for it is little enough I have troubled him. I believe the worst thing he has attended me for has been a bad cold." " So much the better," remarked the gentleman. " You do not look very strong." " Very strong, I don't think I am. I am too hard worked ; get too little rest and recreation. It was suspecting that I am not so strong as I might be, that set me thinking it might be well to insure my life for the sake of my wife and children," he ingenu- ously added, in his straightforward manner. " If I could count upon living and working on until I am an old man, I should not do so." The gentleman smiled. " Looks are deceitful," he observed. " Nothing more so. Sometimes those who look the most delicate live the longest." " You cannot say I look delicate," returned Mr. Halliburton. " I did not say it. I consider that you do not look robust ; but, that is not saying that you look delicate. You may be a perfectly healthy man, for all I can say to the contrary." He ran his eyes over Mr, Halliburton as he spoke; over his tall, fine form, his dark hair, amidst which not a streak of grey mingled, his clearly-cut features, and his complexion, bright as a woman's. Was there suspicion in that complexion? "A handsome man, at any rate," thought the gazer, " if not a robust one." A VISIT TO THE PHYSICIAN. 35 "It will be necessary, then, that I see your physician?" asked Mr. Halliburton. "Yes. It cannot be dispensed with. We would not insure without it. He attends here twice a week. In the intervening days, he may be seen in Savile-row, from three to five. It is Dr. Carrington. His days for coming here are Mondays and Thursdays." "And this is Friday," remarked Mr. Halliburton. " I shall prob- ably go up to him." Mr. Halliburton said " Good morning," and came away with his paper. "It's great nonsense, my seeing this doctor!" he said to himself as he hastened home to dinner, which he knew he must have kept waiting. " But I suppose it is necessary as a general rule ; and of course, they won't make me an exception." Hurrying over his dinner, in a manner that prevented its doing him any good — as Jane assui'ed him — he sat down to his desk when it was over, and wrote for the certificate of his birth. Folding and sealing the letter, he put on his hat to go out again. " Shall you go to Savilc-row, this afternoon?" Jane inq,uircd. " If I can by any possibility get my teaching over in time," he answered. " Young Finchley's hour is four o'clock, but I can put him off until the evening. I dare say I shall get up there." By dint of hurrying, Mr. Halliburton contrived to reach Savile- row, and arrived there in much heat at half-past four. There was no necessity for hurrying there on this particular day, but he felt impatient to get the business over ; as if speed now could atone for past neglect. Dr. Carrington was engaged, and Mr. Halliburton was shown into a room. Three or four others were waiting there ; whether ordinary patients, or whether mere applicants of form like himself, he could not tell ; and it was their turn to go in before it was his. But his turn came at last, and he was ushered into the presence of the doctor — a little man, fair, and reserved, with powder on his head. Reserved in ordinary intercourse, but certainly not reserved in asking cjuestions. Mr. Halliburton had never been so rigidly questioned before. What disorders had be had, and what had he not had? What were his habits, past and present? One question came at last : " Do you feel thoroughly strong i' — healthy, elastic?" " I feel languid in hot weather," rephed Mr. Halliburton " Um ! Appetite sound and good?" " Generally speaking. It has not been so good of late." " Breathing all right ? " " Yes. It is a httle tight sometimes." " Um ! Subject to a cough ? " '* I have no settled cough. A sort of hacking cough comes on at night occasionally. I attribute it to fatigue." "Um! Will you open your shirt? Just unbutton it here" — touching the front — " and your flannel waistcoat, if you wear one." 36 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Mr. Halliburton bared his chest in obedience, and the doctor sounded it, and then he put down his ear. Apparently his ear did not serve him sufficiently, for he took some small instrument out of a drawer, placed it on the chest, and then put his ear to that, changing the position of the instrument three or four times. " That will do," he said at length. He turned to put up his instrument again, and Mr. Halliburton drew the edges of his shirt together, and buttoned them. " Why don't you wear flannel waistcoats ? " asked the doctor, with quite a sharp accent, his head down in the drawer. " 1 do wear them in winter ; but in warm weather I leave them off. It was only last week that I discarded them." " Was ever such folly known ! " ejaculated Dr. Carrington. " One would think people were born without common sense. Half the patients who come to me say they leave off their flannels in summer ! Why, it is in summer that they are most needed ! And this warm weather won't last either. Go home, sir, and put one on at once." " Certainly, if you think it right," said Mr. Halliburton with a smile. " I thank you for telling me." He took up his hat and waited. The doctor appeared to wait for him to go. " I understood at the office that you would give me a paper, testifying that you had examined me," explained Mr. Halliburton. " Ah — but I can't give it," said the doctor. " Why not, sir } " " Because I am not satisfied with you. I cannot recommend you as a healthy life." Mr. Halliburton's pulses quickened a little. " Sir ! " he repeated. " Not a healthy life ? " " Not sufficiently healthy for insurance." " Why ! what is the matter with me ? " he rejoined. Dr. Carrington looked him full in the face for the space of a minute before replying. " I have had that question asked me before, by parties whom I have felt obliged to decline, as I am now declining you," he said, " and my answer has not always been palatable to them." " It will be palatable to me, sir ; in so far as that I desire to be made acquainted with the truth. What do you find amiss with me?" " The lungs are diseased." A chill fell over Mr. Halliburton. "Not extensively, I trust? Not beyond hope of recoveiy ? " " Were I to say not extensively, I should be deceiving you ; and you tell me that you wish for the truth. They are extensively diseased " A mortal pallor overspread Mr, Halliburton's face, and he sank into a chair. " Not for myself," he gasped, as Dr. Carrington drew nearer to him. " I have a wife and children. If I die, they will want bread to eat." " But you did not hear me out,", returned the physician, proceeding LATER IN THE DAY. 37 with equanimity, as if he had not been interrupted. "They are extensively diseased, but not beyond a hope of recovery. I do not say it is a strong hope ; but a hope there is, as I Judge, provided you use the right means, and take care of yourself." " What am I to do ? " What are the means ? " " You live, I presume, in this stifling, foggy, smoky London." " Yes." " Then get away from it. Go where you can have pure air and a clear atmosphere. That's the first and chief thing ; and that's most essential. Not for a few weeks or months, you understand me — going out for a change of air, as people call it — you must leave London entirely ; go away altogether." " But it will be impossible," urged Mr. Halliburton. " My work lies in London." " Ah ! " said the doctor, " too many have been with me with whom it was the same case. But, I assure you that you must leave it ; or it will be London versus hfe. You appear to me to be one who never ought to have come to London You were not born in it .'' " he abruptly added. " I never saw it until I was eighteen. I was born and reared in Devonshire." "Just so. I knew it. Those born and reared in London become acclimatized to it, generally speaking, and it does not hurt them. It does not hurt numbers who are strangers: they find London as healthy a spot for them as any on the face of the globe. But there are a few who cannot and ought not to live in London ; and I judge you to be one of them." " Has this state of disease been coming on long?" "Yes, for some years. Had you remained in Devonshire, you might have been a sound man all your life. My only advice to you is — get away from London. You cannot live long if you remain in it." Mr. Halhburton thanked the physician and went out. How things had changed for him ! What had gone with the day's beauty ? — with the blue sky, the bright sun .'' The sky was blue still, and the sun shining ; but darkness seemed to intervene between his eyes and outward things. Dying .'' A shiver went through him as he thought of Jane and the children, and a sick feeling of despair settled on his spirit. CHAPTER VIL LATER IN THE DAY. The man was utterly prostrated. He felt that the fiat of death had gone forth, and there settled an undercurrent of conviction in his mind, that, for him, there would be no recovery, take what precau- 38 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. tion he would. He could not shake it off— nay, he did not try to shake it off. There lay the fact and the fear, as a leaden weight. He bent his steps towards home, walking the whole way; he moved along the streets mechanically. The crowds passed and repassed him, but he seemed far away. Once or twice he lifted his head to them with a yearning gesture. " Oh ! that I were like you ! bent on business, on pleasure, on social intercourse !" passed through his mind. " I am not as you ; and for me you can do nothing. You cannot give me health ; you cannot give me life." He entered his home, and was conscious of merry voices and flitting footsteps. A httle scene of gaiety was going on : he knew of this, but had forgotten it until that instant. It was the birthday of his little girl, and a few young friends had been invited to make merry. Jane, looking almost as young, quite as pretty, as when she married him, sat at the far end of their largest room before a well- spread tea-table. She wore festival attire. A dress of pearl-grey watered silk, and a thin gold chain round her neck. The little girls were chiefly in white, and the boys were on their best behaviour. Jane was telling them that tea was ready, and her two servants were helping to place the little people, and to wait upon them. " Oh, and here's papa, too ! just in time," she cried, hfting her eyes gladly at her husband. " That is delightful! " Mr. Halliburton welcomed the children. He kissed some, he talked to others, just as if he had not that terrible vulture, care, within him. They saw nothing amiss ; neither did Jane. He took his seat, and drank his tea ; all, as it were, mechanicall)'. It did not seem to be himself; he thought it must be some one else. In the last hour, his whole identity appeared to have changed. Bread and butter was handed to him. He took a slice, and left it. jane put some cake on to his plate : he left that also. Eat ! with that awful fiat racking his senses ! No, it was not possible. He looked round on his children. His. William, a gentle boy, with his mother's calm, good face, and her earnest eyes ; Jane, a lovely child, with fair curls flowing, and a bright colour, consciously vain this evening in her white birthday robes and her white ribbons ; Frank, a slim, dark-eyed boy, always in mischief, his features hand- some and clearly cut as were his father's ; Gar, a delicate little chap, with fair curls like his sister Jane's. Must he leave these children .^ • — abandon them to the mercies of a cold and cruel world? — bequeath them no place in it : no means of support 1 " Oh, God ! Oh, God ! " broke from his bitter heart, " if it be Thy will to take me, mayst Thou shelter them ! " "Edgar!" He started palpably ; so far in thought was he away. Yet it was only his wife who spoke to him. " Edgar, have you been up to Dr. Carrington's ? " she whispered, bending towards him. In his confusion he muttered some unintelligible words, which she interpreted into a denial ; there was a great deal of buzzing just then LATER IN THE DAY. 39 from the young voices around. Two of the gentlemen, Frank being one, were in hot contention touching a third gentleman's rabbits. Mrs. Halliburton called Frank to order, and said no more to her husband for the present. "We are to dance after tea," said Jane. " I have been learning one quadrille to play. It is very easy, and mamma says I play it very welL" " Oh, we don't want dancing," grumbled one of the boys. " We'd rather have blindman's-buff." Opinions were divided again. The girls wanted dancing, the boys blindman's-buff. Mrs. Halliburton was appealed to. " I think it must be dancing first, and blindman's-buff afterwards," said she. Tea over, the furniture was pushed aside, to make a clear space for the dancers. Mr. Halliburton, his back against the wall, stood looking at them. Looking at them, as was supposed; but, had they been keen observers, they would have known that his eyes in reality saw not : they, like his thoughts, were far away. His Avife did presently notice that he seemed particularly abstracted. She came up to him ; he was standing M'ith his arms folded, his head bent. " Edgar, are you well ? " " Well ? Oh yes, dear," he replied, making an effort to rouse himself. " I hope you have no more teaching to-night ? " '' I ought to go to young Finchley. I put him off until seven o'clock." " Then " — was her quick rejoinder — " if you put off young Finch- ley, how was it you could not get to Savile-row ? " " I have been occupied all the afternoon, Jane," he said. Wanting the courage to say how the matter really stood, he evaded the question. But, to go to young Finchley, or to any other pupil that night, Mr. Halliburton felt himself physically unequal. Teach! Explain abstruse Greek and Latin rules, with his mind in its present state ! It seemed to him that it little mattered — if he was to be taken from them so soon — whether he ever taught again. He was in the very depths of depression ! Suddenly, as he stood looking on, a thought came flashing over him as a ray of light. As a ray of light? Nay, as a whole flood of it. What if Dr. Carrington were wrong? — if it should prove that, in reality, nothing was the matter with him? Doctors — and very clever ones — were, he knew, sometimes mistaken. Perhaps Dr. Carrington had been ! It was scarcely likely, he went on to reason, that a mortal disease should be upon him, and he have lived in ignorance of it ! Why, he seemed to have had very little the matter with him ; nothing to talk of, nothing to lie up for, comparatively speaking, he had been a healthy man — was in health then. Yes, the belief did pre- sent itself, that Dr. Carrington was deceived. He, in the interests of the insurance office, might be unnecessarily cautious. 46 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Mr. Halliburton left the wall, and grew cheerful and gay, and talked freely to the children. One little lady asked if he would dance with her. He laughed, and felt half inclined to do so. Which was the true mood— that sombre one, or this? Was there nothing false about this one — was there no secret consciousness that it did not accord with the actual belief of his mind ; that he was only forcing it? Be it as it would, it did not last ; in the very middle of a laughing sentence to his own little Janey, the old agony, the fear, returned — returned with terrific violence, as a torrent that has burst its bounds. " I cannot bear this uncertainty ! " he murmured to himself. And he went out of the room and took up his hat. Mrs. Halliburton, who at that moment happened to be crossing from another room, saw him open the hall-door. " Are you going to young Finchley, Edgar?" "No. I shall give him holiday for to-night. I shall be in soon, Jane." He went straight to their own family doctor ; a Mr. Allen, who lived close by. They were personal friends. To the inquiry as to whether Mr. Allen was at home, the servant was about to usher him into the family sitting-room, but Mr. Halli- burton stepped into the dusky surgery. He was in no mood for ladies' company. " I will wait here," he said. " Tell your master I wish to say a word to him." The surgeon came immediately, a lighted candle in his hand. He was a dark man with a thin face. " Why won't you come in?" he asked. "There's only Mrs. Allen and the girls there. Is any- thing the matter? " " Yes, Allen, something is the matter," was Mr. Halliburton's reply. " I want a friend to-night : one who will deal with me candidly and openly : and I have come to you. Sit down." They both sat down; and Mr. Halliburton gave him the history of the past four and twenty hours : commencing with the fainting- fit, and ending with his racking doubts as to whether Dr. Car- rington's opinion was borne out by facts, or whether he might have been deceived. "Allen," he concluded, "you must see what you can make out of my state ; and you must report to me without dis- guise, as you would report to your own soul." The surgeon looked grave. " Carrington is a clever man," he said. " One whom it would be difficult to deceive." " I know his reputation. But these clever men are not infallible. Put his opinion out of your mind : examine me yourself, and tell me what you think." Mr. Allen proceeded to do so. He first of all asked Mr. Halli- burton a few general questions as to his present state of health, as he would have done by any other patient, and then he sounded his lungs. " Now then— the truth," said Mr. Halliburton. " The truth is — so far as I can judge — ^that you are in no present danger whatever." ■ LATER IN THE DAY. 41 " Neither did Dr. Carrington say I was — in present danger," hastily replied Mr. Halliburton. "Are my lungs sound?" " They are not sound : but neither do I think they are extensively diseased. You may live for many years, with care." " Would any insurance office take me? " " No. I do not think it would." " It is just my death-knell, Allen." "If you look at it in that hght, I shall be very sorry to have given you my opinion," observed the surgeon. " I repeat that, by taking care of yourself, you may stave off disease, and live many years. I would not say this unless I thought it." "And, would your opinion be the same as the doctor's — that I must leave London for the country?" " I think you would have a far better chance of getting well in the country than you have here. You have told me over and over again, you know, that you were sure London air was bad for you." "Ay, I have," replied Mr. Halhburton. " I never have felt quite well in it, and that's the truth. Well, I must see what can be done. Good evening." If the edict did not appear to be so irrevocably dark as that of Dr. Carrington, it was yet dark enough; and Mr. Halhburton, striving to look it full in the face, as he was in the habit of doing by troubles less grave, endeavoured to set himself to think " what could be done." There was no possible chance of keeping it from his wife. If it was really necessary that their place of residence should be changed, she must be taken into counsel ; and the sooner she was told the better. He went home, resolved to tell her before he slept. The little troop departed, the children in bed, they sat together over the fire : though the weather had become warm, an evening fire was pleasant still. He sat nervous and fidgety. Now the moment had arrived, he shrunk from his task. " Edgar, I am sure you are not well ! " she exclaimed. " I have observed it all the evening." " Yes, Jane, I am well. Pretty well, that is. The truth is, my darling, I have some bad news for you, and I don't like to tell it." Her own family were safe and well under her roof, and her fears flew to Francis, to Margaret, to Robert. Mr. Halliburton stopped her. " It does not concern any of them, Jane. It is about myself." " But what can it be, about yourself? " " They — will — not Will you listen to the news with a brave heart?" he broke off to ask, with a smile, and the most cheering look he could call up to his face. " Oh yes." She smiled too. She thought it could be nothing very bad. " They will not insure my life, Jane." Her heart stood still. " But why not? " " They consider it too great a risk. They fancy I am not strong." 42 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. A sudden flush to her face ; a moment's stilhiess ; and then Jane Halhburton clasped her hands with a faint cry of despair. She saw that more remained behind. CHAPTER VIIL SUSPENSE. Mrs. Halliburton sat in her chair, still enougn, except for the wailing cry which had just escaped her lips. Her husband would not look at her in that moment. His gaze was bent on the fire, and his cheek lay in his hand. As she cried out, he stretched forth his other hand and let it fall lightly upon hers. " Jane, had I thought you would look at the dark side of the picture, I should have hesitated to tell you. Why, my dear child, the very fact of my telling you at all, should convince you that there's nothing very serious the matter," he added, in a cheering tone of reasoning. Now that he had spoken, he deemed it well to make the very best he could of it. " You say they will not insure your life ? " " Well, Jane, perhaps that expression was not a correct one. They have not declined as yet to do so ; but Dr. Carrington says he cannot give the necessary certificate as to my being a thoroughly sound and healthy man." " Then you did go up to Dr. Carrington ? " " I did. Forgive me, Jane : I could not enter upon it before all the children." She leaned over and laid her head upon his shoulder. " Tell me all about it, Edgar," she whispered ; " as much as you know your- self." " I have told you nearly all, Jane. I saw Dr. Carrington, and he asked me a great many questions, and examined me here" — touch- ing his chest. " He fancies the organs are not sound, and declined giving the certificate." " That your chest is not sound? " asked Jane. " He said the lungs." " Ah ! " she uttered. " What else did he say ? " " Well, he said nothing about heart, or liver, or any other vital part so I conclude they are all right, and that there was nothing to say," repHed Mr. Halliburton, attempting to be cheerful. " I could have told him my brain was strong enough, had he asked about that, for I'm sure it gets its full share of work. I need not have mentioned this to you at all, Jane, but for a perplexing bit of advice that the doctor gave me." Jane sat straight in her chair again, and looked at Mr. Halli- burton. The colour was beginning to return to her face. He con- tinued : SUSPENSE. 43 " Dr. Carrington earnestly recommends mc to remove from London. Indeed — he said — that it was necessary — if I would get well. No wonder that you found my manner absent," he continued very rapidly after his hesitation, " with that unpalatable counsel to digest." " Did he think you very ill?" she breathed. " He did not say I was ' very ill,' Jane. I am not very ill, as you may see for yourself. My dear, what he said was, that my lungs were — were " " Diseased?" she put in. " Diseased. Yes, that was it," he truthfully replied. " It is the term that medical men apply when they wish to indicate delicacy. And he strenuously recommended me to lea\'e London." " For how long? Did he say ? " " He said for good." Jane felt startled. " How could it be done, Edgar?" " In truth I do not know. If I leave London I leave my living behind me. Now you see why I was so absorbed at tea-time. When you saw me go out, I was going round to Allen's." " And what does he say?" she eagerly interrupted. " Oh, he seems to think it a mere nothing, compared with Dr. Carrington. He agreed with him on one point — that I ought to live out of London." " Edgar, I will tell you what I think must be done," said Jane, after a pause. " I have not had time to reflect much upon it : but it strikes me that it would be advisable for you to see ^.nother doctor, and take his opinion : some man who is clever in affections of the lungs. Go to him to-morrow, without any delay. Should he say that you must leave London, of course we must leave it, no matter what the sacrifice." The advice corresponded with Mr. Halliburton's own opinion, and he resolved to follow it. A conviction, amounting to a certainty, was upon him, that, go to what doctor he might, the fiat would be the same as Dr. Carrington's. He did not say so to Jane. On the contrary, he spoke of these insurance-office doctors as being over- fastidious in the interests of the office ; and he tried to deceive his own heart with the sophistry. " Shall you apply to another office to insure your life ? " Jane asked. " I would, if I thought it would not be useless." " You think it would be useless ? " " The offices all keep their own doctors, and those doctors, it is niy belief, are unnecessarily particular. I should call them crotchet}', Jane." " I think it must amount to this," said Jane ; " that if there is anything seriously the matter with you, no office will be found to do it ; but, if the affection is only trifling or tcmporaiy, you may be accepted." *' That is about it. Oh, Jane ! " he added, with an irrepressible 44 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. burst of anguish, " what would I not give to have insured my life before this came upon me I All those past years 1 they seem to have been allowed to run to waste, when I might have been using them to lay up in store for the children ! " How many are there of us who, looking back, can feel that our past years, in some way or other, have not been allowed to run to waste ? What a sleepless night that was for him ! what a sleepless night for his wife ! Both rose in the morning equally unrefreshed. " To what doctor will you go ? " Jane inquired of him as she was dressing. " I have been thinking of Dr. Arnold of Finsbury," he replied. " Yes, you could not go to a better. Edgar, you will let me accompany you ? " " No, no, Jane. Your accompanying me would do no good. You could not go into the room with me." She saw the force of the objection. " I shall be so very anxious," she said, in a low tone. He laughed at her: he was willing to make light of it if it might ease her fears. " My dear, I will come home at once and report to you : I will borrow Jack's seven-leagued boots, that I may come to you the quicker." " You know that I shall be anxious," she repeated, feeling vexed. "Jane.' he said, his tone changing: "I see that you are more anxious already than is good for you. It is not well that you should be so." " I wish I could be with you ! I wish I could hear, as you will. Dr. Arnold's opinion from his own lips ! " was all she answered. " I will faithfully repeat it to you," said Mr, Halliburton. " Faithfully .'' — word for word .'' On your honour ? " "Yes, Jane, I will. You have my promise. Good news I shall only be too glad to tell you ; and, should it be the worst, it will be necessary that you should know it." " You must be there before ten o'clock," she observed ; " otherwise there will be little chance of seeing him." "I shall be there by nine, Jane. To spare time later would interfere too much with my day's work." A thought crossed Jane's mind — if the iiat were unfavourable, what would become of his day's work then — all his days ? " But she did not utter it. " Oh, papa," cried Janey at breakfast, " was it not a beautiful party ! Did you ever enjoy yourself so much before ? " " I don't suppose you ever did, Janey," he replied, in a kind tone. " No, that I never did. Alice Harvey's birthday comes in summer, and she says she knows her mamma will let her give just such another. Mamma!" — turning round to Mrs. Halliburton. ^ " Well, Jane .? » " Shall you let me have a new frock for it ? You know I tore mine last night." SUSPENSE. 45 "All in good time, Janey. We don't know where we may all be then." No, they did not. A foreshadowing of it was already upon the spirit of Mrs. Halliburton. Not upon the children ; they were spared it as yet. "Do not be surprised if you see me waiting for you when you come out of Dr. Arnold's," said Jane to her husband, in a low tone, as he was going out. " But, Jane, why? Indeed, I think it would be foolish of you to come. My dear, I never knew you like this before." Perhaps not. But when, before, had there been cause for this apprehension .'' Jane watched him depart. Calm as she contrived to remain out- wardly, she was in a terribly restless, nervous state ; little accustomed, as she was, so to give way. A sick feeling was within her, a miserable sensation of suspense ; and she could scarcely battle with it. You may have felt the same, in the dread approach of some great calamity. The reading over, Janey got her books about, as usual. Mrs. Halli- burton took charge of her education in every branch, except music : for that, she had a master. She would not send Jane to school. The child sat down to her books, and was surprised at seeing her mother come into the room with her things on. " Mamma ! Are you going out .'' " " For a little while, Jane." " Oh, let me go ! let me go, too ! " " Not this morning, dear. You will have plenty of work — pre- paring the lessons that you could not prepare last night." " So I shall," said Janey. " I thought perhaps you meant to excuse them, mamma." It was almost impossible for Jane to remain in the house, in her present state of agitation. She knew that it did appear aljsurdly foolish to go after her husband ; but, walk somewhere she must : how could she turn a different way from that which he had gone ? It was some distance to Finsbury ; half an hour's walk, at least. Should she go, or should she not, she asked herself as she went out of the house. She began to think that she might have remained at home, had she exercised self-control. She had a great mind to turn back, and was slackening her pace, when she caught sight of Mr. Allen at his surgery window. An impulse came over her that she would go in and ask his opinion of her husband. She opened the door and entered. The surgeon was making up some pills. " You are abroad early, Mrs. Halliburton ! " "Yes," she replied. "Mr. Halliburton has gone to Finsbury Square, to see Dr. Arnold, and I Do you think him very ill ? " she abruptly broke off. " I do not, myself. Carrington Did you know he had been to Dr. Carrington ? " asked Mr. Allen, almost fearing he might be betraying secrets. 46 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " I know all about it. I know what the doctor said. Do you think Dr. Carrington was mistaken .'' " " In a measure. There's no doubt the lungs are affected, but I believe not to the grave extent assumed by Dr. Carrington." " He assumed, then, that they were affected to a grave extent?" she hastily repeated, her heart beating faster. " I thought you said you knew all about it, Mrs. Halliburton ? " " So I do. He may possibly not have told me the very worst said by Dr. Carrington; but he told me quite sufficient. Mr. Allen, _y^ Jane rose. Mrs. Dare remained seated. And yet she prided herself upon her good breeding ! " I had forgotten a question which my husband particularly desired me to ask," Jane said, turning back, as she was moving to the Soor. " Edgar saw by the papers that his uncle, Mr. Cooper, died the beginning of the year. Did he remember him on his death-bed, so far as to send a message of reconciliation ? " Strange to say, the countenance of Mrs. Dare again changed : now to a burning heat, now to a livid pallor. She hesitated in her answer. " Yes," she said at length. " Mr. Cooper so far relented as to send him his forgiveness. ' Tell my nephew Edgar, if you ever see him, that I am sorry for my harshness ; that I w^ould treat him differently, were the time to come over again.' I do not remember the precise words ; but they were to that eficct. There is no douljt that he would have wished to be reconciled : but time did not allow it. I should have written to Edgar of this, had I been acquainted with his address." " A letter addressed to King's College would always have found him. But he will be glad to hear this. He also bade me ask how Mr. Cooper's money was left — if you would kindly give him the information." Mrs. Dare bent her head. She was busy playing with her bracelet. " The will was proved in Doctors' CommonS: Edgar Halliburton may see it by paying a shilling there." It was not a gracious answer, and Jane paused. " He cannot go to Doctors' Commons ; he is not in London," she gently said. Mrs. Dare raised her head. A look, speaking plainly of defiance, had settled itself on her features. " It was left to me; the whole of it, except a few trifling legacies to his servants. What could Edgar Halliburton expect ? " " I am sure that he did not expect anything," observed Jane. " Though I believe a hope has sometimes crossed his mind, that Mr. Cooper might at the last relent, and remember him." " Nay," said Mrs. Dare, " he had behaved too disobediently for that. First, in opposing his uncle's wishes that he should enter into business ; secondly, in his marriage." "In his marriage ! " echoed Jane, a flush rising to her own face. " It was so. Mr. Cooper was exceedingly exasperated when he heard that Edgar had married. He looked upon the marriage, I believe, as undesirable for him in a pecuniary point of view. You must pardon my speaking of this to you personally. You appear to wish for the truth." The flush on Jane's face deepened to crimson. " It is true that I had no money," she said. " But I am the daughter of a clergyman, and was reared a gentlewoman ! " " I suppose my uncle thought Edgar Halliburton should have married a fortune. However, all that is past and gone, and it will do no good to recall it. I am sorry that you should have been so ill-advised for your own interests as to fix on this place to come to." 68 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Mrs. Dare rose. She had sat all this time ; Jane had stood. " Tell Edgar, from me, that I am sorry to hear of his illness. Tell him that there is no possible chance of success for him in Helston- leigh ; no opening whatever ! When I say that I hope he will speedily remove to some place less overdone with masters, I speak only in his own interest ! " She rang the bell as she spoke, and gave Jane the tips of two of her fingers. The footman held open the hall door, and bowed her out. Jane went down the gravel sweep, determined never again to trouble Mrs. Dare. " Joseph ! " cried Mrs. Dare, sharply. " Ma'am ? " " Should that lady ever call again, I am not at home, re- member ! " " Very well, ma'am," was the man's reply. Mrs. Dare did not stay to hear it. She had flown upstairs to her room in trepidation. There she attired herself hastily, and went out, bending her steps towards Mr. Dare's office. It was situated at the end of the town ; and the door displayed a brass plate : " Mr. Dare, Solicitor." Mrs. Dare entered the outer room. " Is Mr. Dare alone.''" she asked of the clerks. " No, ma'am. Mr. Ashley is with him." Chaiing at the answer, for she was in a mood of great impatience, of inward tremor, Mrs. Dare waited for a few minutes. Mr. Ashley came out. A man of nearly forty years, rather above the middle height, with a fresh complexion, dark eyes, and well-formed features. A benevolent-looking, good man. His wife was a cousin of Mr. Dare's. Mr. Dare was seated at his table in his own room when his wife came in. She had turned again of an ashy paleness, and she dropped into a chair near to him. " What is the matter ? " he asked in astonishment. " Are you ill .? " " I think I shall die," she gasped. " I have had a mortal fright, Anthony." Mr. Dare rose. He was about to get her some water, or to call for it, but she caught his arm. " Stay, and hear me ! Stay ! Anthony, those Halliburtons have come to Helstonleigh. Come to live here ! " Mr. Dare's mouth opened. " What Halliburtons } " he presently asked. " T/iey. He has come here to settle. He wants to teach ; and his wife has been with me, asking us to be referees. Of course I put the stopper upon that. The idea of our having poor relations in the town who get their living by teaching! " A \-ery disagreeable idea indeed ; for those who were playing first fiddle in the town, and who expected to play it still. But, not for thnt did the man and wife stand gazing at eagh other; and the A CHRISTMAS DREAM. 69 naturally bold look on Mr. Dare's face had faded considerably just then. " She asked about the will," said Mrs. Dare, dropping her voice to a whisper, and looking round with a shiver. *' I thought I should have died with fear." Mr. Dare rallied his courage. Any little reminiscence that may have momentarily disturbed his equanimity he shook off, and was his own bold self again. " Nonsense, Julia ! What is there to fear ? The will is proved and acted upon. Whatever the old man may have uttered to us in his death ramblings was heard by ourselves alone. If any one had heard it, I should not much care. A will's a will all the world over; and to act against it would be illegal." Mrs. Dare sat wiping her brow, and gathering up lier courage. It came back by slow degrees. " Anthony, we must get them out of Helstonleigh. For more reasons than one, we must get them out. They are in that house of Mr. Ashley's." He looked surprised. " They ! Ay, to be sure : the name in the books is Halliburton. It never occurred to me that it could be they. I wonder if they are poor ? " " Very poor," the wife said. "Just so," said Mr. Dare, with a pleasant smile. "I'll not ask for the rent this quarter, but let it go on a bit. We may get them out, Mrs. Dare." You need not be told that Anthony Dare and his wife had omitted to act upon Mr. Cooper's dying injunction. At the time they did really intend to fulfil it ; they were not thieves or forgers. But Edgar Halliburton was not present to remind them of his claims: and, when the money came to be realised, to be in their own hands, there it was suffered to remain. W^aiting for him, of course; they did not know precisely where to find him, and did not take any trouble to inquire. Very tempting and useful they found the money. A large portion of their own share went in paying back debts, for they lived at a high rate ; and — and in short they had intrenched upon that other share, and could not now have paid it over, had they been ever so willing to do so. No wonder that Mrs. Dare had felt as one in mortal fear, when she met Jane Halliburton face to face ! CHAPTER XIV. A CHRISTMAS DREAM. Winter had come to Helstonleigh: frost hovered in the air and rested on the ground. How was Mr. Halliburton.? He had never once been out since his illness, and he sat by the fire when he did 70 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. not lie in bed, and his cough was racknig him. He might, and probably would, have recovered health under more favourable auspices, but anxiety of mind was killing him. Their money was dwindling to a close, and delicacies they dared not get for him. Mr, Halliburton would say he did not require them ; could not eat them if they were procured. Poor man ! he craved for them in his inmost heart. Strange to say, he did not see his own danger. Or, rather, it would have been strange, but that similar cases are met with every day. " When this cold weather has passed, and spring is in, then I shall get my strength up," was his constant cry. "Then I shall set about my work in earnest, and make my arrival and my plans known to Mr. Peach. It has been of no use troubling him beforehand." False, false hopes ! fond, delusive hopes ! Dr. Carrington had said that if he took care of himself, he might live and be well. The other doctors had said the same. And there was no reason to doubt their judgment. But they had not bargained for any attack of rheumatic fever, or for the increased injury to the lungs which the same cause, that past soaking, had induced. On Christmas Eve, he and Jane were sitting over the fire in the twilight. He could come downstairs now ; indeed, he did not appear to be so ill as he really was. The surgeon who attended him in the fever had been discharged long ago. '•' There's nothing the matter with me now but debility ; and, only time will bring me out of that," Mr. Halliburton said, when he dismissed him. Jane was hopeful ; more hopeful by fits and starts than continuously so ; but she did really believe he might get well when winter had passed. They were sitting beside the fire, when a great bustle interrupted them. All the children trooped in at once, with the noise that it is the delight of children not to stir without. Frank, who had been out, had entered the house with his arms full of holly and ivy, his bright face glowing with excitement. The others were attending him to show off the prize. " Look at all this Christmas, mamma ! " cried he. " I have bought it." " i3ought it?" repeated Jane. " My dear Frank, did I not tell you we must do without Christmas this year ? " " But it cost nothing, mamma. Only a penny ! " Jane sighed. She did not say to the children that even a penny was no longer " nothing." " You know that penny I have kept in my pocket a long while," went on Frank in excitement, addressing the assemblage. " Well, I thought if mamma would not buy some Christmas, I would." " But you did not buy all that for a penny, Frank ? We should pay sixpence for it in London." " I did, though, mamma. I had it of that old man who lives in the cottage higher up the road, with the big garden to it. He was going to cut me more, but I told him this was plenty. You should have seen the heaps he gave a woman for twopence : she wanted a wheelbarrow to carry it away." A CHRISTMAS DREAM. ^t J mcy clapped her hands, and began to dance. " I shall help to dress tlie rooms ! We must have a merry Christmas ! " Mr. Halliburton drew her to him. " Yes, wc must have a merry Christmas, must we not, Jancy ? Jane " — turning to his wife — " can you manage to have a nice dinner for us ? Christmas only comes once a year." He looked up with his haggard face : very much as though he were longing for* a nice dinner then. " I will see what I can do," said Jane in reply, smothering down another sigh. " I am going out presently to the butcher's. A joint of beef will be best to buy; and though the pudding's a plain one, I hope it will be good. Yes, we must keep Christmas." Christmas-day dawned, and in due tune they assembled as usual. Jane intended to go to church that day. During her husband's ill- ness she had been obliged to send the children alone. They had been trained to know what church meant, and did not require some one with them to keep them in order there. A good thing if the same could be said of all children ! It was a clear, bright morning, cold and frosty. Mr. Halhburton came down just as they were starting. '• I feel so much better to-day I " he exclaimed. " I could almost go with you myself. Jane " — smiling at her look of consternation — " you need not be startled : I do not intend to attempt it. William, you are not ready." '' Mamma said I was to stay with you. papa." " Stay with me ! There's not the least necessity for that. 1 tell you all I am feeling better to-day — quite well. You can go with the rest, William." William looked at his mother, and for a moment Jane hesitated. Only for a moment. " I would rather he remained, Edgar," she said. " Betsy will be gone by twelve o'clock. Indeed, I should not feel comfortable at the thought of your being alone." " Oh, very well," replied Mr. Halliburton, quite gaily. " I suppose you must remain, William, or we shall have mamma leaving when the service is only half over, to see whether I have not fallen into the fire." Jane had all the household care upon her shoulders now, and a great portion of the household work. Though an active domestic manager, she had known nothing practically of the more menial work of a house ; she knew it only too well now. The old saying is a very true one : " Necessity makes us acquainted with strange bedfellows." This young girl, Betsy, who came in part of each day to assist, was almost as much trouble as profit. She had said to Jane on Christmas Eve : " If you please, mother says I am to be at home to-morrow, if it's convenient." I am ! However, Jane and, the young lady came to a compromise. She was to go home at twelve and come back later to wash up the dishes. Of course it entailed upon Jane all the trouble of preparing dinner. Have you ever known one of these cases yourself.'' Where a lady 72 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. — a lady, mind you, as Jane Avas — has had to put aside her habits of refinement, pin up her gown, and turn to and cook ; roast the meat and boil potatoes, and all the other essential items ? Many a one is doing it now in real life. Jane Halliburton was not a solitary example. The pudding had been made the day before, and partly boiled : it was now on the fire, boiling again, and the rest of the dinner she would do on her return from church. It was something wonderful, the improvement in Mr. Halliburton's health that day. He took his part with William in reading the psalms and lessons while the rest were at church : it was what he had been unable to do for a long time, in consequence of his cough and his laboured breathing. The duty over, he lay back in his chair; in thought apparently, not in exhaustion. " Peace on earth, and good will towards men ! " he repeated presently, in a fervent, but somewhat absent tone. " William, my boy, I think peace must be coming to me at last. I do feel so well." " What peace, papa ? " asked William, puzzled. " The peace of renewed health, of hope , freedom h'oni worry. The Christmas season and the bright day have taken away all my despondency. Let me go on like this, and in another month I shall be out and at work." William's eyes sparkled. He fully believed it all. Boys arc sanguine. They were to dine at three o'clock, and Jane did her best to pre- pare it. During the process. Patience appeared at the back door with a plate of oranges. " Will thee accept of these for thy children ? " asked she. " How kind you are ! " exclaimed Jane, in a grateful impulse, as she thought of her children. Of such little treats they had latterly cnioyed a scanty share. " Patience, I hope you did not buy them purposely ? " "Had I had to buy them, thee would not have seen them," re- turned the candid Quakeress. " A friend of Samuel Lynn's, who lives at Bristol, sends us a small case every winter. When I was unpa':king it this morning I said to him, ' The young ones at the next door would be pleased with a few of these ; ' but he did not answer. Thee must not think him selfish ; he is not a selfish man ; but he cannot bear to see anything go beside the child. Anna looked at him eagerly ; she would have been pleased to send half the box : and he saw it. ' Take in a few. Patience,' he cried." " I am much obliged to him, and to you also," repeated Jane. "Patience, Mr. Halliburton is so much better to-day ! Go in, and see him." l^atience went into the parlour, carrying the oranges with her. When she came out again, there was a grave expression on her serene face. " Thee will do well not to count upon this apparent improvement i.T thy husband." A CHRISTMAS DREAM. 73 Jane's heart went down considerably. " I do not exactly count upon it, Patience," she confessed ; " but he does seem to have changed so much for the better, that I feel in greater spirits than I have felt this many a day. His cough seems almost well." " I do not wish to throw a damp upon thee ; still, were I thee, I would not reckon upon it. These sudden improvements sometimes turn out to have been deceitful. Fare thee well ! " Jane went into the parlour. The children were gathered round the plate of oranges. " Mamma, do look ! " cried Janey. " Are they not good .'' There are six : one apiece for us all. I wonder if papa could eat one. Gar, you are not to touch. Papa, could you eat an orange ? " Unseen by the children, Mr. Halliburton had been straining his eager gaze upon the oranges. His mouth parched with inward fever, his throat dry, they appeared, coming thus unexpectedly before him, what the long-wished-for sprmg of water is to the fainting traveller in the Eastern desert. Jane caught the look, and handed the plate to him. " You would like one, Edgar ? " " I am thirsty," he said, in a tone savouring of apology, for the oranges seemed to belong to the children rather than to him. " I think I must eat mine before dinner. Cut it into four, will you ? " He took up one of the quarters. " It is delicious ! " he exclaimed. " It is so refreshing! " The children stood around and watched him. They enjoyed oranges, but scarcely with a zest so intense as that. When Jane returned to the kitchen, she found a helpmate. The maid from next door, Grace, a young Quakeress, fair and demure, was standing there. She had been sent by Patience to do what she could for half an hour. " How considerate she is ! " thought grateful Jane. They dined in comfort, Grace waiting on them. Afterwards the oranges were placed upon the table. Master Gar caught up the plate, and presented it to his mother. " Papa has had his," cpioth he. "Not for me. Gar," said Jane. "I do not eat oranges. I will give mine to papa." The three younger children speedily attacked theirs. William did not. He left his by the side of the one rejected by his mother, and set the plate by Mr. Halliburton. " Do you intend these for me, William ? " " Yes, papa." Frank looked surprised. " I say, William, you don't mean to say that you are not going to eat your orange ? Why, you were as glad as any of us when they came." " I eat oranges when I want them," observed William, with an affectation of carelessness, which betrayed a delicacy of feeling that might have done honour to one older than he. " I have had too good a dinner to care about oranges." Mr. Halliburton drew William towards him, and looked steadfastly 74 MRS. ItALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. into his face with a meaning smile. "Thank you, my darling," hp whispered : and William coloured excessively as he sat down. Mr. Halliburton ate the oranges, and appeared as if he could have eaten as many more. Then he leaned his head back on the pillow which was placed over his chair, and presently fell asleep. " Be very still, dear children," whispered Jane. They looked round, saw why they were to be still, and hushed their busy voices. William pulled a stool to his mother's feet, and took his seat on it, holding her hand between his. " Papa will soon be well again now," he softly said. " Don't you think so, mamma?" " Indeed I hope he will," she answered. "But don't you tliink it?" he persisted; and Jane detected an anxiety in his tone. Could there have been a shadow of fear upon the boy's own heart? " He said, mamma, while you were at church, that in another month he should be strong again." " Not quite so soon as that, I fear, William. He has been so much reduced, you know. Later : if he goes on as well as he appears to be going on now." Jane set the children to that renowned game, " Cross questions and crooked answers." You may have had the pleasure of playing at it: if so, you will remember that it consists chiefly of whispering. It is difficult to keep children quiet long together. "Where am I?" cried a sudden voice, startling the children in the midst of their silent whispers. It came from Mr. Halliburton. He had slept about half an hour, and was now looking round in bewilderment, his head starting away from the pillow. "Where am I ?" he repeated. " You have been asleep, papa," cried Frank. " Asleep ! Oh, yes ! I remember. You are all here^ and it is Christmas Day. I have been dreaming." " What about, papa?" Mr. Halliburton let his head fall back on the pillow again. He fixed his eyes on vacancy, and there ensued a silence. The children looked at him. " Singular things are dreams," he presently exclaimed. " I thought I was on a broad, broad road — an immense road, and it wa3 crowded with people. We were all going one way, stumbling and tripping along^ — " "What made you stumble, papa?" interrupted Janey, whose busy tongue was ever ready to talk. "The road was full of impediments," continued Mr. Halliburton, in a dreamy tone, as if his mental vision were buried in the scene, and he were relating what had actually occurred. " Stones, and hillocks, and bramlilcs, and pools of shallow water, and long grass that got entangled round our feet : nothing but difficulties and hindrances. At the end, in the horizon, as far as the eye could reach — very, very far away indeed — a hundred times as far away as Malvern Hills appear to be from us— there shone a brilliant light. So brilliant J A CHRISTMAS t)REAM. 75 Vou have never seen anything hkc it in hfe, for the naked eye could not bear such hght. And yet \vc seemed to look at it, and our sight was not dazzled ! " "Perhaps it was fireworks?" interrupted Gar, Mr. Halliburton went on without heeding him. "We were all pressing on to get to the light, though the distant journey seemed as if it could never end. So long as we kept our eyes fixed on the light, we could see how we walked, and we passed over the rough places without fear. Not without difficulty. But still we did pass them, and advanced. But the moment we took our eyes from the light, then we were stopped : some fell ; some wandered aside, and would not try to go forward ; some were torn with the brambles ; some fell into the water ; some stuck in the mud : in short, they could not get on any way. And yet they knev>^ — at least, it seemed that they knew — that if they would only lift their eyes to the light, and keep them steadfastly on it, they were certain to be helped, and to make progress. The few who did keep their ejes on it — very few they were ! — steadily bore onwards. The same hindrances, the same difficulties were in their path, so that at times they also felt tempted to despair — to fear they could not get on. But their fears were groundless. So long as they did not take their eyes from the light, it guided them in certainty and safety over the rough places. It was a helper that could not fail ; and it was ready to guide every one— all those millions and millions of travellers. To guide them throughout the whole of the way until they had gained it." The children had become interested and were listening with hushed lips. " Why did they all not let it guide them? " breathlessly asked William. " Is^othing can be more easy that to keep our eyes on a light that does not dazzle. What did you do, papa?" " It seemed that the light would only shine on one step at a time," continued Mr. Halliburton, not in answer to William, but evidently absorbed in his own thoughts. "We could not see further than the one step, but that was sufficient ; for the moment we had taken it, then the light shone upon another. And so we passed on, pro- gressing to the end, the light seeming brighter and brighter as we drew near to it." " Did you get to it, papa?" " I am trying to recollect, William. I seemed to be quite close to it. I suppose I awoke then." Mr. Halliburton paused, still in thought : but he said no more. Presently he turned to his wife. "Is it nearly tea-time, Jane? I cannot think what makes me so thirsty." " We can have tea now, if you like," she replied. " I will go and sec about it." She left the room, and Janey ran after her. In the kitchen, making a great show and parade of being at work amidst plates and dishes, was a damsel of fifteen, her hair curiously twisted about her head, and her round, green eyes wide open. It was Betsy. 76 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. "That was good pudding," cried she, turning her face to Mrs. Halliburton. " Better than mother's." She alluded to a slice which had been given her. Jane smiled. " We want tea, Betsy." " Have it in directly, mum," was Miss Betsy's acquiescent reponse. Scarcely were the words spoken, when a commotion was heard in the sitting-room. The door was flung open, and the boys called out, the tone of their voices one of utter alarm. Jane, the child, and maid, made but one step to the room. All Jane's fears had flown to " fire." Fire had been almost less startling. Mr. Halliburton was lying back on the pillow with a ghastly face, his mouth, and shirt-front stained with iDlood. He could not speak, but he asked assistance with his imploring eyes. In coughing he had broken a blood-vessel. Jane did not faint; did not scream. Her whole heart turned sick, and she felt that the end had come. Janey sank down on the floor with a faint cry, and hid her face on the sofa. One glimpse was sufficient for Betsy. The moment she had taken it, she sub- sided into a succession of shrieks ; flew out of the house, and burst into that of Mr. Lynn. There she terrified the sober family by announcing that Mr. Halliburton was lying with his throat cut. Mr. Lynn and Patience hurried in, ordering Anna to remain where she was. They saw what was the matter, and placed him in a better position ; Patience helping Mrs. Halliburton to sponge his face. "Shall I get the doctor for thee, friend?" asked the Quaker of Jane. " I shall bring him quicker, maybe, than one of thy lads would." " Oh ! yes, yes 1 " " I warned thee not to be sanguine," whispered Patience, when Mr. Lynn had gone. " I feared it might be only the deceitfulness of the ending." The ending! what a confirmation of Jane's own fears! She turned her eyes despairingly on Patience. Mr. Halliburton opened his trembling lips, as though he would have spoken. Patience stopped him. "Thee must not talk, friend. If thee hast need of anything, can thee not make a sign?" He gave them to understand that he wanted water. This was given to him, and he appeared to be more composed. " There is nothing else that I can do just now," observed Patience. " I will go back and take thy little girl with me. Sec her, hiding there ! " Patience did so. Betsy cowered over the fire in the kitchen, and the three boys and their mother stood round the dying man. " Children ! " he gasped. " Oh, Edgar! do not speak ! " interrupted Jane. He smiled as he looked at her, very much as though he knew that it did not matter whether he spoke or remained silent. " I THE FUNERAL. 77 am at the journey's end, Jane ; close to the hght. Children," he panted at slow intervals, " when I told you my dream, I little thought it was only a type of the present reality. I think it was sent to me that I might tell it you, for I now see its meaning. You are travelling on to that light, as I thought I was — as I have been. You will have the same stumbling-blocks to walk over ; none are exempt from them ; trials, and temptations, and sorrows, and drawbacks. But the light is there, ever shining to guide you, for it is Heaven. Will you always look up to it?" He gathered their hands together, and held them between his. The boys, awe-struck, bewildered with terror and grief, could only gaze in silence, and listen. " The light is God, my children. He is above you, and below you, and round about you everywhere. He is ready to help you at every step and turn. Make Him your guide; put your whole dependence upon Him, implicitly trust to Him to lighten your path, so that you may sec to walk in it. He cannot fail. Look up to Him, and you will be unerringly guided, though it may be — though it probably will be — only step by step. Never lose )'our trust in God, and then rest assured He will conduct you to His own bright ending. Jane, let them take it to their hearts ! May God bless you, my dear ones ! and bring you to me hereafter ! " He ceased, and lay exhausted ; his eyes fondly seeking Jarie's, her hand clasped in his. Jane's own eyes were dry and burning, and she appeared to be unnaturally calm. Gradually, the fading eyes closed. In a very short time, the knock of Samuel Lynn was heard at the door. He had brought the doctor. William, passing his handkerchief over his wet fixce, went to open it. Mr. Parry stepped into the room, and Jane moved from beside her husband to give place to him. "He sighed heavily a minute or two ago," she whispered. The surgeon looked at him. He bent his ear to the open mouth, and then gently unbuttoned the waistcoat, and listened for the beating of the heart. " His life passed away in that sigh," murmured the doctor to Jane. It was even so. Edgar Halliburton had gone into the light. CHAPTER XV. THE FUNERAL. Jane looked around her — looked at all the terrors of her situation. The first burst of grief over, and a day or two gone on, she could only look at it. She did not know which way to turn, or what to do. It is true she placed implicit trust in God — in the light spoken of by her husband when he was passing away. Through- out her life she had borne an ever-present, lively trust in God's 78 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. unchanging care; and she had incessantly striven to implant the same trust in the minds of her children. But in this season of dread anxiety, of hopeless bereavement, you will not think less well of her for hearing that she did give way to despondency, almost to despair. From tears for him who had been the dear partner of her life, to anxiety for the future of his children — from anxiety for them, to pecuniary distress and embarrassment — so passed on her hours from Christmas night. Calm she had contrived to be in the pre- sence of others ; but it was the calm of an aching heart. She dreaded her own reflections. When she rose in the morning she said, " How shall I bear up through the day?" and when she went to her bed, it would be, "How shall I drag through the night?" Tossing, turning, moaning : walking the room in the darkness when no eye was upon her ; kneeling, almost without hope, to pour forth her tribulations to God — who would believe that, in the daytime, before others, she could be so apparently serene ? Only once did she give way, and that was the day before the funeral. Patience sympathised with her in a reasoning sort of way. It had been next to impossible for Jane to keep her pecuniary anxiety from Patience, who advised and assisted her in making the various arrangements. It was necessary to go to work in the most sparing manner possible, and it ended in Jane's taking Patience into her full confidence. " If thee can but keep a house over thy head, so as to retain thy children with thee, thee wilt get along. Do not be cast down." " Oh, Patience, that is what I have been thinking about — how I am to keep the house together. I do not see that I can do it." " The furniture is thine," observed Patience. " Thee might let two or three of thy rooms, so as to cover the rent." " I have thought all that over and over again to myself," sighed Jane. " But, Patience — allowing that the rent were made in that way — how are we to live ? " " Thee must occupy thy time in some way. Thee can sew ! Dost thee know dressmaking?" " No — only sufficient of it to make my own plain gowns and Jane's frocks. As to plain sewing, I could never earn food at it — it is so badly paid. And there will be the education of my boys, and their clothing." "Thee hast anxiety before thee — I see it," said Patience, in a grave tone. " Still, I would not have thee be cast down. Thee will make thyself ill, and that will not be the way to mend thy condition." Jane sat down, her hands clasped on her knees, her mind viewing her dark troubles. " If I were but clear, I should have better hope," she said, lifting her face in its sad sorrow. " Patience, we owe half a year's rent ; and there will be the funeral expenses besides. " Hast thee no kindred that would aid thee in thy strait?" THE FUNERAL. 79 Jane shook her head. The only " kindred " that she possessed in the whole world was one who had barely enough for his own poor wants — her brother Francis. " Hast thee no little property to dispose of?" continued Patience. "Watches, or things of that kind?" There was her husband's watch. But Jane's pale face crimsoned at the idea of parting with it in that manner. It was a good watch, and had long ago been promised to William. " I can understand thy flush of aversion," said Patience, kindly. " I would not be the one to suggest aught to hurt thy feelings ; but thy necessities may leave no alternative." A con\iction that they would leave none, with her, was already stealing over Jane. She possessed a few trinkets herself, not of much value, and a little silver. All might have to go, not excepting the watch. " Would there be a difficulty in disposing of them, Patience?" she asked aloud. " None at all : there is the pawn-shop," said the plain-speaking Quakeress. '• I do not know what many would do without it. I can tell thee that some of the great ones of this city send their -plate to it on occasion. Thee would not like to go to such a place thyself, but thy servant's mother, Elizabeth Carter, is a discreet woman ; she would render thee this little service. As I tell thee, if thee can only surmount present difficulties, so as to secure a start, thee may get on." Surmount present difficulties! It seemed to Jane next door to an impossibility. She had the merest trifle of money left, was in debt, and without means, so far as she saw, of earning even food. She paid her last night visit to the room which contained the coffin, and went thence up to her bed, to toss the night through on her wet pillow, with a burning brow and an aching heart. It was a sad funeral to see, and one of the plainest of the plain. The clerk of the church, who had condescended to come up to escort it — a condescension he did not often vouchsafe to poor funerals, for they aflbrded nothing good to eat and drink — walked first, without a hatband. Then came the coffin, covered with a pall, and William and P'rank behind it. Jane had not sent Gar, poor little fellow ! She thought he might be better away. That was all ; there were no attendants : the clerk, the two boys, the coffin, and the men who bore it. It was sad to see. The people stopped to look as it went along the streets, following with their eyes the poor fatherless children. One young man stood aside, raised his hat, and held it in his hand until the coffin had passed. But the young man had lived in foreign countries, where it is the custom to remain uncovered while a corpse is borne by. He was buried at St. Martin's Church ; and, singular to say, the officiating minister was the Rev. Mr. Peach. Mr. Peach did not know who he was interring : he had taken the service for St. Martin's rector. William heard his name ; how manv times had 8o MRS. HALLIIiURTON'S TROUBLES, he heard his poor father mention the name in connection with his hopeful prospects! He burst into wailing sobs at the thought. Mr. Peach glanced off his book to look compassionately at the sobbing boy. The funeral was over, the last word of the service spoken, the first shovel of earth flung rattling on to the coffin. The clerk did not pay the compliment of his escort back again ; indeed, there was nothing to escort but the two boys. They walked alone, with no company but their hatbands. In the evening, at dusk, they were gathered together — Jane and all the children. Tears seemed to have a respite : they had been shed of late all too plentifully. " I must speak to you, children," said Jane, lifting her head, and breaking the silence. " I may as well speak now, as let the days go on first. You are young, but you are old enough to understand me. Do you know, my darlings, how very sad our position is ? " " In losing papa ? " said Janey, catching her breath. " Yes, yes, in losing him," wailed Jane. " For that includes more than you suspect. But I wish to allude more particularly to the future. My dears, I do not see what is to become of us. We have no money : and we have no one to give us any or to lend us any ; no one in the wide world." The children did not interrupt ; only William moved his chair nearer to hers. She looked so young in her widow's cap : nearly as young as when, years ago, she had married him who had that day been put out of her sight for ever. " If we can only keep a roof over our heads," continued Jane, speaking very softly from the effort to subdue her threatening emo- tion, " we may perhaps struggle on. Perhaps. But it will be struggling; and you do not know half that the word implies. We may not have enough to eat. We may be cold and hungry — not once, but constantly ; and we shall certainly have to encounter and endure the slights and humiliations attendant on extreme poverty. I do not know that we can retain a home ; for we may, in a week or two, be turned from this." " But why be turned from this, mamma?" " Because there is rent owing, and I have not the means to pay it," she answered. " I have written to your uncle Francis, but I do not believe he will be able to help me. He — — " "Why can't we go back to London to live?" eagerly interrupted little Gar. " It was so nice there! it was a better home than this." " You forget. Gar, that — that^ — " here she almost broke down, and had to pause a minute — " that our income there was earned by your papa. He would not be there to earn it now. No, my dear ones ; I have thought the future over in every way — thought until niy brain has become confused — and the only possible chance that 1 can sec, of our surmounting difficulties, so as to enable us to exist, is by endeavouring to keep this home. Patience suggests that I should let part of it. I had already thought of that.; and I shall THE FUNERAL. it endeavour to do so. It may cover the rent and taxes. And I must try and do something else that will find us food." The children looked perfectly thunderstruck, especially the two elder ones, William and Jane. " Do something to find food ! " tlicy uttered, aghast. " Mamma, what do you mean.?" It is so difficult to make children understand these unhappy things — those who have been brought up in comfort. Jane sighed, and explained further. Little desolate hearts they were who listened to her. " William," she resumed, " your poor papa's watch was to have been yours; but — I scarcely like to tell you — I fear I shall be obliged to dispose of it to help our necessities." A spasm shot across William's face. But, brave-hearted boy that he was, he would not let his mother sec his disappointment, and looked cheerfully at her. "There is one thought that weighs more heavily on my mind than all— your education. How I shall manage to continue it I do not know. My darlings, I look upon this only in a degree less essential to you than food : you know that learning is better than house and land. I do not j-et see my way clear in any way : it is very dark — almost as dark as it can be ; and but for one Lriend, I should despair." " What friend is that, mamma ? Do you mean Patience?" " I mean God," replied Jane. " I know that He is a sure refuge to those who trust in Him. In my saddest moments, when I think how certain that refuge is, a ray of light flashes over me, bright as that glorious light in your papa's dream. Oh, my dear children I perhaps we shall be helped to struggle on ! " "Who will buy us new clothes?" cried Frank, dropping upon another phase of the difficulty. Jane sighed : it was all terribly indistinct. " In all the tribulation that will probably come upon us, the humiliations, the necessities, we must strive for patience to bear them. You do not yet understand the meaning of the term, /o dear; but you will learn it all too soon. You must bear not only for your own sakes, because it is your lot, and you cannot go from it ; not only for mine, but chiefly because it is the will of God. This affliction could not have come upon us unless God had permitted it, and I am quite sure, therefore, that it is in some way sent for our good. We shall not be utterly miserable if we can keep together in our house. You will aid me in it, will you not? " " In what way, mamma?" they eagerly asked, as if wishing to begin something then. " What can we do? " " You can aid me by being dutiful and obedient ; by giving me no unnecessary anxiety or trouble; by cheerfully making the best of our privations; and you can strive to retain what you have already learnt by going diligently over your lessons together. All this will aid and comfort me." William's tears burst forth, and he laid his head on his mother's Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles. 6 82 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. lap. " Oh, mamma dear, I will try and do for you all that I can," he sobbed. " I will indeed." " Take comfort, my boy," she whispered, leaning tenderly over him. " Remember that your last act to your father was a loving sacrifice, in giving to him the orange that you would have enjoyed. I marked it, William. My darling children, let us all strive to bear on steadfastly to that far-off light, ever looking unto God." CHAPTER XVL TROUBLE. A WEEK elapsed, subsequent to the burial of Mr. Halliburton. By that time Jane had looked fully into the best and worst of her con- dition, and had, so to say, organised her plans. By the disposal of the watch, with what little silver they possessed, and ornaments of her own, she had been enabled to discharge the expenses of the funeral and other small debts, and to retain a trifle in hand for present wants. On the last day of the week, Saturday, she received an applica- tion for the rent. A stylish-looking stripling, of some nineteen years, with light eyes and fair hair, called from Air. Dare to demand it. Jane told him she could not pay him then, but would write and explain to Mr. Dare. Upon which the gentleman, whose manners were haughtily condescending, turned on his heel and left the house, not deigning to say good morning. As he was swinging out at the gate, Patience, coming home from market with a basket in her hand, met him. " How dost thee ?" said she to him in salutation. But there was no response from the other, except that his head went a shade higher. " Do you know who that is? " inquired Jane, afterwards. " Of a surety. It is young Anthony Dare." " He has not pleasing manners." '■ Not to us. There is not a more self-arrogant youth in the town. But his private character is not well spoken of" Jane sat down to write to Mr. Dare. Her brother Francis, to whom she had explained her situation, had promised her the rent for the half-year due, sixteen pounds, by the middle of February. He could not let her have it before that period, he said, but she might positively count upon it then. She begged Mr. Dare to accord her the favour of waiting until then. Sealing her note, she sent it to him. On the Monday following, all was in readiness to let; and Jane was full of h:pe, looking for the advent of lodgers. The best par- lour and the two best bedrooms had been vacated, and were in order. Jane slept now with her little girl, and the boys had mat- TROUBLK. gj tresses laid down for them on the lloor at the top of the hoiiso. They were to nuike the study their sitting-room from henceforth ; and a card in the window displayed the announcement " Lodgings." The more modern word " apartments " had not then come into fashion at Helstonleigh. Patience came in after breakfast with a piece of grey merino in her hand. " Would thee like to make a frock for Anna? " asked she of Mrs. HalHburton. " Sarah Locke docs them for her mostly, for it is work that I am not clever at ; but Sarah sends me word she is too full of work this week to undertake it. I heard thee say thee made Janey's frocks. If thee can do this, and earn half-a-crown, thee art welcome. It is what I should pay Sarah." Jane took the merino in thankfulness. It was as a ray of hope, come to light up her heart. But the instant before Patience entered, she was wishing that something could arri\-e for her to do, never supposing that it would arrive. And now it had come! — and would bring her in two-and-sixpence ! " Two-and-sixpence ! " we may feel inclined to echo, in undisguised contempt for the trifle. Ay ! but we may never have known the yearning want of two-and-six- pence, or of ten-and-sixpence cither ! Jane cut out the skirt by a pattern frock, and sat down to make it, her mind ruminating on the future. The children were at their lessons, round the table. " I have just two pounds seventeen and sixpence left," deliberated Jane. " This half-crown will make it three pounds. I wonder how long we can live upon that? We have good clothes, and for the present the boys' boots are good. If I can let the rooms we shall have the rent, so that food is the chief thing to look to We must spin the money out : we must live upon bread and potatoes and a little milk, until something comes in. I wonder if five shilling a week would pay for bare food, and for coals ? I fear " Jane's dreams were interrupted. The front gate was swung open, ana two people, men or gentlemen, approached the house door and knocked. Their movements were so quick that Jane caught only a glimpse of them. " See who it is, will you, William?" She heard them w^alk in and ask if she was at home. Putting down her work, she shook the threads from her black dress and went out to them, William returning to his lessons. The visitors were standing in the passage— one well-dressed man and one shabby one. The former made a civil demand for the half- j-ear's rent due. Jane replied that she had written to Mr. Dare on the previous Saturday, explaining things to him, and asking him to wait a short time. " Mr. Dare cannot wait," was the rejoinder of the applicant, still speaking civilly. " You must allow me to remark, ma'am, that you are strangers to the town, that you have paid no rent since you entered the house " "We believed it was the custom to pay half-yearly, as Mr. Dare 8[ MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. did not apply for it at the Michaelmas quarter," interrupted J. inc. " We should have paid then, had he asked for it," " At any rate, it is not paid," was the reply. " And — I am sorry, ma'am, to be under the necessity of leaving this man in possession until you do pay ! " They walked deliberately into the best parlour ; and Jane, amidst a rushing feeling of despair that turned her heart to sickness, knew that a seizure had been put into the house. As she stood in her bewilderment, Patience entered by the back door, the way she always did enter, and caught a glimpse of the shabby man. She drew Jane into the kitchen. "What docs that man do here?" she inquired. For answer Jane sank into a chair and burst into sobs so violent as to surprise the calm Quakeress. She turned and shut the door. "Hush thee! Now hush thee! Thy children will hear and be terrihcd. Art thee behind with thy taxes?" For some minutes Jane could not reply. " Not for taxes," she said; "they. are paid. Mr. Dare has put him in for the rent." Patience revolved the news in considerable astonishment. " Nay, but I think thee must be in error. Thomas Ashley would not do such a thing." " He has done it," sobbed Jane. " It is not in accordance with his character. He is a humane and considerate man. Verily I grieve for thee ! That man is not an agreeable inmate of a house. We had him in ours last year ! " " You I " uttered Jane, surprise penetrating even to her own grief. " You ! " " They force us to pay church-rates," explained Patience. "We have a scruple to do so, believing the call unjust. For years Samuel Lynn had paid the claim, to avert consequences ; but last year he and many more Friends stood out against it. The result was, that that man, now in thy parlour, was put into our house. The amount claimed was one pound nine sliillings ; and they took out of our house, and sold, goods which had cost us eleven pounds, and which were equal to new." " Oh, Patience, tell me what I had better do ! " implored Jane, reverting to her own trouble. " If we are turned out and our tilings sold, we must go to the workhouse. We cannot lie in the streets." " Indeed, I feel incompetent to advise thee. Had thee not better see Anthony Dare, and try thy persuasion that he would remove the seizure, and wait ?" " I will go to him at once," feverishly returned Jane. " You will allow Janey to remain with you, Patience, while I do so?" "Of a surety I will. She " At that moment the children burst into the kitchen, one after the other. "Mamma, who is that shabln'-looking man come into the Study? He has seated himself right in front of the fire, and is TROUBLE. 85 knocking it about. And the other is looking at the tables and chairs.'' It was Frank who spoke; impetuous Frank. Mrs. Halliburton cast a despairing look around her, and Patience drew their attention. " That man is here on business," she said to them. " You must not be rude to him, or he will be ten times more rude to you. The other will soon loe gone. Your mother is going abroad for an hour; perhaps when she returns she will rid the house of him. Jane, child, thee can come with me and take thy dinner with ' Anna." Mrs. Halliburton waited until the better-looking of the two men was gone, and then started. It was a raw, cold day — what some people call a black frost. Black and gloomy it all looked to her, outwardly and inwardly, as she traversed the streets to the office of Mr. Dare. Patience had directed her, and the plate on the door, " Mr. Dare, Solicitor," showed her the right house. She stepped inside that door, which stood open, and knocked at one to the right of the passage. " Clerks' room " was inscribed upon it. " Come in." Three or four clerks were in it. In one of them she recognized him who had just left her house. The other clerks appeared to defer to him, and called him " Mr. Stubbs." Jane, giving her name, said she wished to see Mr. Dare, and the request was conveyed to an inner room. It brought forth young Anthony. " My father is busy and cannot see you," was his salutation. " I can hear anything you may have to say. It will be the same thing." " Thank you," replied Jane, in a courteous tone, very different from his. " But I would prefer to see Mr. Dare." " He is engaged, I say," sharply repeated Anthony. " I will wait, then. I must see him." Anthony Dare stalked back again. Jane, seeing a bench against the wall, sat down. It was about half-past twelve when she arrived there, and when the clock struck two, there she was still. Several clients, during that time, had come and gone ; tliey were admitted to Mr. Dare, but she sat on, neglected. At two o'clock Anthony came through the room with his hat on. He appeared to be going out. " What ! are you here still ? " he exclaimed, in genuine or in affected surprise ; never, in his ill manners, removing his hat — he of whom it was his delight to hear it said that he was the most complete gentleman in Helstonleigh. " I assure you it is not of the least use your waiting. Mr. Dare will not be able to see you." " Mr. Dare can surely spare me a minute when he has done with others." "He cannot to-day. Can you not say to me what you warit to say ? " " Indeed I must see Mr. Dare himself. I will wait on, if you will allow me, hoping to do so." 86 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Anthony Dare vouchsafed no reply, and went out. One or two of the clerks looked round. They appeared not to understand why she sat on so persistently, or why Mr. Dare refused to see her. In about an hour's time the inner door opened. A tall man, with a bold, free countenance, looked into the room. Supposing it to be Mr. Dare, Jane rose and approached him. " Will you allow me a few minutes' conversation ?" she asked. "I presume you are Mr. Dare?" He put up his hands as if to fence her off. " I have no time, I have no time," he reiterated, and shut the door in her face. Jane sat down again on the bench. " Stubbs, I want you," came forth from Mr. Dare's voice, as he opened the door an inch to speak it. Stubbs went in, remained a few minutes, and then returned, put on his hat, and walked out. His departui'e was the signal for considerable relaxation in the office duties. " When the cat's away — " you know the rest. Yawning, stretching, whispering, and laughing supervened. One of the clerks took from his pocket a paper of the biscuits called " Union" in Helstonleigh, and began eating them. Another pulled out a bottle, and solaced himself with some of its contents — whatever they might be. Suddenly the man with the biscuits got off his stool, and offered them to Mrs. HalH- burton. Her pale, sad face may have prompted his good-nature ♦.0 the act. " You have waited a good while, ma'am, and perhaps have lost your dinnei- through it," he said. Jane took one of them. " You are very kind. Thank you," she fiiintly said. But not a crumb of it could she swallow. She had taken a slice of dry toast for her breakfast that morning, with half a cup of milk ; and it was a long while since she had had a sufficiency of food at any meal. She felt weak, sick, faint ; but anxiety and suspense were at work within, parching her throat, destroying her appetite. She held the biscuit in her fingers, resting on her lap, and, in spite of her efforts, the rebellious tears forced themselves to her eyes. Raising her hand, she cjuietly let fall her widow's veil. A poor-looking man came in, and counted out eight shillings, laying them upon the desk. " I couldn't make up the other two this week ; I couldn't, indeed," he said, with trembling eagerness. " I'll bring twelve next week, please to say." " Mind you do," responded one of the clerks ; " or you know what v.'ill be in store for you." The man shook his head. He probably did know; and, in going out, was nearly knocked over by a handsome lad of seventeen, who ivas running in. Very handsome were his features ; but they were marred by the free expression which characterized Mr. Dare's. " I say, is the governor in ? " cried he, out of breath. '■'Yes, sir. Lord Ilawkcsley's with him." '•'fhc deuce take Lord Hawkesley, then ! " returned the young TROUBLE. 87 gentleman. " Where's Stubl)s ? I want my week's money, and I can't wait. Walker, I say, where's Stubbs ? " " Stubbs is gone out, sir." " What a bother ! Halloa ! here's some money ! What is this ? " continued the speaker, catching up the eight shillings. " It is some that has just been paid in, Master Herbert." " That's all right then," said he, slipping five of them into his jacket pocket. " Tell Stubbs to put it down as my week's money." He tore off. Jane sat on, wondering what she was to do. There appeared to be little probability that she would be admitted to Mr. Dare ; and yet, how could she go home as she came — hopeless— to the presence of that man ? No ; she must wait still ; wait until the last. She might catch a word with Mr. Dare as he was leaving. Jane could not help thinking his behaviour very jjad m refusing to see her. The office was being lighted when Mr. Stubbs returned. One of the clerks pointed to the three shillings with his pen. " Kinnerslcy has brought eight shillings. He will make it twelve next week. Couldn't manage the ten this, he says." " Where are the eight shillings .'' " asked Stubbs. " I sec only three." " Oh, Master Herbert came in, and took off five. He said you were to put it down as his week's money." " He'll take a little too much some day, if he's not checked," was the cynical reply of the senior clerk. " However, it's no business of mine." He put the three shillings in his own desk, and made an entry in a book. After that, he went in to Mr. Dare, who was now alone. A large room, handsomely fitted up. Mr. Dare's table was near one of the windows : a desk, at which Anthony sometimes sat, was at the other. Mr. Dare looked up. " I could not do anything, sir," said Stubbs. " The other party will listen to no proposal at all. They say they'll throw it into Chancery first. An awful rage they are in." " Tush ! " said Mr. Dare. " Chancery, indeed ! They'll tell another tale in a day or two. Has Kinnersley been in ? " '' Kinnersley has brought eight shillings, and promises to bring twelve next Monday. Master Herbert carried off five of them, and left word it was for his week's money." "A smart blade!" cried Mr. Dare, apostrophizing his son with personal pride. "'Take it when I can,' is his motto. He'll make a good lawyer, Stubbs." •' Very good," acquiesced Stubbs. "Is that woman gone yet ? " " No, sir. My opinion is, she means to wait until she sees you." " Then send her in at once, and let's get it over," thundered Mr. Dare. In what lay his obiection to sec her? A dread lest she shoal. 1 put forth their relationship as a plea for his clen-iency .'' If so, he \va5 88 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES, destined to be agreeably disappointed. Jane did not allude to it ; would not allude to it. After that interview held with Mrs. Dare, some three or four months before, she had dropped all remembrance of the connection . even the children did not know of it. She only solicited Mr. Dare's leniency now, as any other stranger might have solicited it. Little chance was there of Mr. Dare's acceding to her prayer : he and his wife both wanted H elstonleigh to be free of the Halliburtons. " It will be utter ruin," she urged. " It will turn us, beggars, into the streets. Mr. Dare, I promise you the rent by the middle of February. Unless it were certain, my brother would not have promised it to me. Surely you may accord me this short time." " Ma'am, I cannot — that is, Mr. Ashley cannot. It was a repre- hensible piece of carelessness on my part to suffer the rent to go on for half a year, considering that you were strangers. Mr. Ashley will look to me to see him well out of it." " There is sufficient furniture in my house, new furniture, to pay what is owing three times over." " May be, as it stands in it. Things worth forty pounds in a house, won't fetch ten at a sale." "That is an additional reason why I^^ " " Now, my good lady," interrupted Mr. Dare, with imperative civility, " one word is as good as a thousand ; and that word I have said. I cannot withdraw the seizure, except on the receipt of the rent and costs. Pay them, and I shall be most happy to do it. If you stop here all night I can give you no other answer ; and my time is valuable." He glanced at the door as he spoke. Jane took the hint, and passed out of it. As much by the tone, as by the words, she gathered that there was no hope whatever. The streets were bright with gas as she hurried along, her head bent, her veil over her face, her tears falling silently. But when she left the town behind her, and approached a lonely part of the road where no eye was on her, no ear near her, then the sobs burst forth uncontrolled. " No eye on her ? no ear near her ? " Ay, but there was ! There was one Eye, one Ear, which never closes. And as Jane's dreadful trouble resolved itself into a cry for help to Him who ever listens, there seemed to come a feeling of peace, of trust, into her soul. ( 89 ) CHAPTER XVII THOMAS ASHLEY. Frank met her as she went in. It was dark ; but she kept her veil down. " Oh, mamma, that's the most horrible man ! " he began, in a whisper. " You know the cheese you brought in on Saturday, that we might not eat our bread quite dry ; well, he has eaten it up, every morsel, and half a loaf of bread ! And he has burnt the whole scuttleful of coal! And he swore because there was no meat ; and he swore at us because we would not go to the public- house and buy him some beer. He said we were to buy it and pay for it." " I said you would not allow us to go, mamma," interrupted William, who now came up. " T told him that if he wanted beer he must go and get it for himself. I spoke civilly, you know, net rudely. He went into such a passion, and said such things! It is a good thing Jane was out." " Where is Gar ? " she asked. " Gar was frightened at the man, and the tobacco-smoke made him sick, and he cried ; and then he lay down on the tloor, and went to sleep." S/ic felt sick. She drew her two boys into the parlour— dark there, except for the lamp in the road, which shone in. Pressing them in her arms, completely subdued by the miseries of her situa- tion, she leaned her forehead upon William's shoulder, and burst once more into a most distressing flood of tears. They were alarmed. They cried with her. " Oh, mamma ! what is it ? Why don't you order the man to go away ? " " My bovs, I must tell you ; I cannot keep it irom you," she sobbed. "That man is put here to stop, until I can pay the rent. If I cannot pay it, our things will be taken and sold." William's pulses and heart alike beat, but he was silent Frank spoke. " Whatever shall we do, mamma ? " " I do not know," she wailed. " Perhaps God will help us. There is no one else to do it." Patience came in, for about the sixth time, to sec whether Jane had returned, and how the mission had sped. They called her into the cold, dark room. Jane gave her the history of the whole day, and Patience listened in astonishment. " I cannot but believe that Thomas Ashley must have been mis- informed," said she, presently. " But that you are strangers in the place, I should say you had an enemy who may have gone to him with a tale that thee can pay, but will not. Still, even in that case, go MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. it would be unlike Thomas Ashley. He is a kind and a good man ; not a harsh one." " Mr. Dare told me he was expressly acting for Mr. Ashley." "Well, I say that I cannot understand it," repeated Patience. " It is not like Thomas Ashley. I will give thee an instance of his disposition and general character. There was a baker rented under him, living in a house of Thomas Ashley's. The baker got behind with his rent ; other bakers were more favoured than he ; but he kept on at his trade, hoping times would mend. Year by year he failed in his rent — Thomas Ashley, mark thee, still paying him regularly for the bread supplied to his family. ' V/hy do you not stop his bread-money ? ' asked one, who knew of this, of Thomas Ashley. ' Because he is poor, and he looks to my weekly money, with that of others, to buy his flour,' was Thomas Ashley's answer. Well, when he owed several years' rent, the baker died, and the widow was going to move. Anthony Dare hastened to Thomas Ashley. 'Which day shall I levy a distress upon the goods?' asked he. ' Not at all,' replied Thomas Ashley. And he went to the widow, and told her the rent was forgiven, and the goods were her own, to take with her when she left. That is Thomas Ashley." Jane bent her head in thought. " Is Mr. Lynn at home?" she asiced. " I should like to speak to him." " He has had his tea and has gone back to the manufactory, but he will be home soon after eight. I will keep Jane till bedtime. She and Anna are happy over their puzzles." " Patience, am I obliged to find that man in food ? " " That thee art. It is the law." The noise made by Patience in going away, brought the man forth from the study, a candle in his hand. " When is that mother of yours coming back ? " he roared out to the boys. Jane advanced. " Oh, you are here ! " he uttered, wrathfuUy. " What are you going to give me to eat and drink? A pretty thing this is, to have an officer in, and starve him ! " " You shall have tea directly. You shall have what we have," she answered, in a low tone. The kettle was boiling on the study fire. Jane lighted a fire in the parlour, and she sent Frank out for butter. The man smoked over the study fire, as he had done all the afternoon, and Gar slept beside him, on the floor, but William went now and brought the child away. Jane sent the man his tea in, and the loaf and butter. The fare did not please him. He came to the parlour and said he must have meat ; he had had none for his dinner. " I cannot give it you," replied Jane. " We are eating dry toast and bread, as you may see. I sent butter to you." He stood there for some minutes, giving vent to his feelings in rather strong language ; and then he went back to revenge himself upon the butter for the want of meat. Jane laid her hand upon her beating throat : beating with its tril^ulation. Between cij,du and nine Jane \yent to the next door, Samuel THOMAS ASHLEY. oi v Lynn had come home for the evening, and was sitting at the table- in his parlour, helping the two httle girls with a geographical puzzle, which had baffled their skill. He was a little man, quiet in movement, pale and sedate in feature, dry and unsympathising in manner. " Thee art in trouble, friend, I hear," he said, placing a chair for Jane, while Patience came and called the children away. "It is sad for thee." " In great trouble," answered Jane. " I came in to ask if yon would ser\e me in my trouble. I fancy, perhaps, you can do so if you will." " In what way, friend ?" " Would you interest yourself for me with Mr. Ashley ? He might listen to you. Were he assured that the money would be forthcoming in P'ebruary, I think he might agree to give me time." " Friend, I cannot do this," was the reply of the Quaker. " My relations with Thomas Ashley are confined to business matters, and I cannot overstep them. To interfere with his pri\-ate affair.s would not be seemly ; neither might he deem it so. I am but his servant, remember." The words fell upon her heart as ice. She believed it her only chance— some one interceding for her with j\Ir. Ashley. She said so. " Why not go to him thyself, friend ? " "Would he hear me? "hastily asked Jane. "I am a stranger to him." "Thee art his tenant. As to hearing thee, that he certainly would. Thomas Ashley is of a courteous nature. The poorest workman in our manufactory, going to the master with a grievance, is sure of a patient hearing. But if thee ask me would he grant thy petition, there 1 cannot inform thee. Patience opines that thee, or thy intentions, may have been falsely represented to him. I ne\er knew him resort to harsh measures before." "When would be the best time to see him? Is it too late to-night ? " "To-night would not be a likely time, friend, to trouble him. He has not long returned from a day's journey, and is, no doubt, cold and tired. I met James Meeking driving down as I came home ; he had left the master at his house. They have been out on business connected with the manufactory. Thee might see him in the morning, at his breakfast hour." Jane rose and thanked the Quaker. " I will certainly go," she said. " There is no need to say to him that I suggested it to thee, friend. Go as of thy own accord." Jane went home with her little girl. Their undesirable visitor looked out at the study door, and began a battle about supper. It ought to comprise, in his opinion, meat and beer. He insisted that one of the boys should go out for beer. Jane steadily refused, 92 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES, She was tempted to tell him that the children of a gentleman were not despatched to public-houses on such errands. She offered hmi the money to go and get some for himself. It aroused his anger. He accused her of wanting to get him out of the house by stratagem, that she might lock hm\ out ; and he lung the pence back amongst them, Janey screamed, and Gar burst out crying. As Patience had said, he was not a pleasant inmate, Jane ran upstairs, and the children followed her. " Where is he to sleep ? " inquired William. It is a positive fact that, until that moment. Jane had forgotten all about the sleeping. Of course he must sleep there, though she had not thought of it. Amidst the poor in her father's parish in London, Jane had seen many phases of distress; but with this particular annoyance she had never been brought into contact. However, it had to be done. What a night that was for her ? She paced her room nearly throughout it, with quiet movement, Janey sleeping placidly — now giving way to all the dark appearances of her position, to uncon- trollable despondency ; now kneeling and crying for help in her heartfelt anguish. Morning came ; the black frost had gone, and the sun shone. After breakfast Jane put on her shawl and bonnet. Mr. Ashley's residence was very near to them — only a little higher up the road. It was a large house, almost a mansion, surrounded by a beautiful garden, Jane had passed it two or three times, and thought what a nice place it was. She repeatedly saw Mr, Ashley walk past her house, as he went to or came from the manufactory : she was not a bad reader of countenances, and she judged him to be a thorough gentleman. His face was a refined one, his manner pleasant. She lound that she had gone at an untoward time. Standing before the hall door was Mr, Ashley's open carriage, the groom standing at the horse's head. Even as jane ascended the steps the door opened, and Mr, and Mrs, Ashley were coming forth. Feeling terribly distressed and disappointed, she scarcely defined why, Jane accosted the former, and requested a few minutes' interview. Mr. Ashley looked at her. A fair young widow, evidently a lady. He did not recognize her. He had seen her before, but she was in a different style of dress now. Mr, Ashley raised his hat as he replied to her. " Is your business with me pressing? I was just going out." "Indeed it is pressing," she said; "or I would not think of asking to detain you," " Then walk in," he returned, " A little delay will not make much difference," Opening the door of a small sitting-room, apparently his own, he invited her to a seat near the fire. As she took it, Jane untied the crape strings of her bonnet and threw back her heavy veil. She was as white as a sheet, and felt choking. THOMAS ASHLEY. 03 " I fciir you arc ill," l\Ir. Ashley remarked. " Can I j;el jou nnythint,'^? " " I shall be better in a minute, thank you," she panted. " Perhaps you do not know me, sir. 1 live in your house, a little lower down. I am Mrs. Halliburton." " Oh, 1 beg )our pardon, madam ; I did not remember you at first. I ha\e seen you in passing." His manner was perfectly kind and open. Not in the least like that of a landlord who had just put a distress into his tenant's house. " I have come here to beseech your mercy," she began in agita- tion. " I have not the rent now, but if you will consent to wait until the middle of P\'bruary, it will be ready. Oh, Mr. Ashley, do not oppress me for it ! Think of my situation." " I never oppressed any one m my life," was the quiet rejoinder of Mr. Ashley, spoken, however, in a somewhat surprised tone. " Sir, it is oppression. I beg your pardon for saying so. I promise that the rent shall be paid to you in a few weeks : to f©rce my furniture from me now, is oppression." " I do not understand you," returned Mr. Ashley. " To sell my furniture under the distress will be utter ruin to me and my children," she continued. " We have no resource, no home ; we shall have to lie in the streets, or die. Oh, sir, do not take it ! " " But you are agitating yourself unnecessarily, Mrs. Halliburton. I have no intention of taking your furniture." " No intention, sir ! " she echoed. '" You have put in a distress." " Put in a what ? " cried he, in unbounded surprise. " A distress. The man has been in since ycsterd;ly morning." I\Ir. Ashley looked at her a few moments in silence. " Did the man tell you where he came from ? " " It was Mr. Dare who put him in — acting for you. I went to Mr. Dare, and he kept me waiting nearly five hours in his outer office before he would see me. When he did sec me, he dcchncd to hear me. All he would say was, that I must pay the rent or he should take the furniture : acting for Mr. Ashley." A strangely severe expression darkened Mr. Ashley's face. " First of all, my dear lady, let me assure you that I knew nothing of this, or it should ne\er have been done. I am surprised at Mr. Dare." Could she fail to trust that open countenance — that benevolent eye? Her hopes rose high within her. "Sir, will you withdraw the man, and give me time ? " " I will." The revulsion of feeling, from despair and grief, was too great. She burst into tears, having struggled against them in vain. ]\Ir. Ashley rose and looked irom the window ; and presently she grew calmer. When he sat down again she gave him the outline of her situation ; of her present dilemma ; of her hopes — poor 94 J^n^S. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. hopes that they were ! — of getting a scanty Hving through lettin* her rooms and doing some sewing, or by other employment. " Were I to lose my furniture, it would take from me this only chance," she concluded. " You shall not lose it through me," warmly spoke Mr. Ashley. "The man shall be dismissed from your house in half an hour's time." " Oh, thank you, thank you ! " she breathed, rising to leave. " I have not been able to supply him with great things in the shape of food, and he uses very bad language in the hearing of my children. Thank you, Mr. Ashley." He shook hands with her cordially, and attended her to the hall door. Mrs. Ashley, a pretty, lady-like woman, somewhat stately in general, stood there still. Well wrapped in velvet and furs, she did not care to return to the warm rooms. Jane said a few words of apology for detaining her, and passed on. Mr. Ashley turned back to his room, and drew his desk towards him, and began to write. His wife followed him. "Who was that, Thomas ? " "Mrs. Halliburton: our widowed tenant, next door to Samuel Lynn's. You remember I told you of meeting the funeral. Two litl'ie boys were following alone." " Oh, poor little things ! yes. What did she want ? " iVIr. Ashley made no reply : he was writing rapidly. The note, when finished, was sealed and directed to Mr. Dare. He then helped his wife into the carriage, took the reins, and sat down beside her. The groom took his place in the seat behind, and Mr. Ashley drove round the gravel drive, out at the gate, and turned towards Helstonleigh. " Thomas, you are going the wrong way ! " said Mrs. Ashley, in consternation. " What are you thinking of ? " " I shall turn directly," he answered. There was a sc\'cre look upon his face, and he drove very fast, by which signs Mrs. Ashley knew something had put him out. She inquired, and he gave her the outline of what he had just heard. "How could Anthony Dare act so?" involuntarily exclaimed Mrs. Ashley. " I don't know. I shall give him a piece of my mind to-morrow more plainly than he will like. This is not the first tmie he has attempted a rascally action under cover of my name." " Shall you lose the rent ? " " I think not, Margaret. She said not, and she carries sincerity in her face. I am sure I shall not lose it, if she can help it. If I do, I must, that's all. I never yet added to the trouble of those in distress, and I never will." He pulled up at Mrs. Halliburton's house, which she had just reached also. The groom came to the horse, and Mr. Ashley entered. The " man " was comfortably stretched before the study fire, smoking his short pipe. Up he iumpcd when he saw Mr, THOMAS ASM LEV. 95 Ashley, nnd smiif^glcd his pipe into his pocket. His offensive manner had ehanged to humble servility. " Do you know me ? " shortly inquired Mr. Ashley. The man pulled his hair in token of respect. " Certainly, sir. Mr. Ashley." "Very well. Carry this note to Mr. Dare." The man received the note in his hand, and held it there, ap- parently in some perplexity. " May I leave, sir, without the authority of Mr. Dare?" " I thought you said you knew me," was Mr. Ashley's reply, haughty displeasure in his tone. " I beg pardon, sir," replied the man, pulling his hair again, and making a movement of departure. " 1 suppose I hain't a-coming back, sir ? " " You are not." He took up a small bundle tied in a blue handkerchief, which he had brought with him and appeared excessively careful of, caught at his battered hat, ducked his head to Mr. Ashley, and left the house, the note held between his fingers. Would you like to sec what it contained ? " Dear Sir, — I find that you have levied a distress on Mrs. Halli- burton's goods for rent due to me. That you should have done so without my authority astonishes me much ; that you should have done so at all, knowing what you do of my principles, astonishes me more. I send the man back to you. The costs of this procedure you will either set down to me, or pay out of your own pocket, whichc\'er you may deem the more just ; but you will ;/^;/ charge them to Mrs. Halliburton. Have the goodness to call upon me to-morrow morning in East Street. "Thomas Ashley." " He will not trouble you again, Mrs. Halliburton," observed Mr. Ashley, with a pleasant smile, as he went out to his carriage. Jane stood at her window. She watched the man go towards Helstonlcigh with the note; she watched Mr. Ashley step into his seat, turn his horse, and drive up the road. But all things were looking misty to her, for her eyes were dim. " God did hear me," was her earnest thought. 96 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. CHAPTER XVHL HONEY FAIR. Helstonleigh abounded with glove manufactories. It is a trade that may be said to be a blessing to the localities where it is carried on, since it is one of the very few employments that furnish to the poor female population easy, clean, and profitable work at tlicir own homes. The evils arising to women who go out to v.ork in factories have been rehearsed over and over again ; and the chief evil — -we will put others out of sight — is, that it takes the married woman from her home and her family. Her young children drag themsel\-es up in her absence, for worse or for better ; alone they must do it, for she has to be away, toiling for daily bread. There is no home privacy, no home comfort, no home happiness ; the factory is their life, and other interests give way to it. But with glove-making the case is different. While the husbands are abroad at the manufac- tories pursuing their day's work, the wives and elder daughters are earning money easily and pleasantly at home. The work is clean and profitable ; all that is necessary for its accomplishment being common skill as a seamstress. Not five minutes' walk from Mrs. Halliburton's house, nearer to Helstonleigh, a turning out of the main road led you to quite a colony of workwomen— gloveresses, as they are termed in the local phraseology. It was a long, wide lane ; the houses, some larger, some smaller, built on cither side of it. A road quite wide enough for health, if the inhabitants had only kept it as it ought to have been kept : but they did not do so. The highway was made a common receptacle for refuse. It was so much easier to open the kitchen door (most of the houses were entered at once by the kitchen), and to "chuck" things out, /t'/^-w^/t', rather than be at the trouble of conveying to the proper receptacle, the dust-heap at the back. Ashes, cabbage-leaves, bones, egg-shells, potato-peelings, heads and tails of herrings, choked up the gutters in front ; a dead dog or cat being often added by way of variety. Occasionally a solitary policeman would come, picking his way through the dirt, and order it to be removed; upon which, some slight improvement would be visible for a day or two. The name of this charming place was Honey Fair; though, in truth, it was redolent of nothing so pleasant as honey. Of the occupants of these houses, the husbands and elder sons were all glove operatives ; several of them in the manufactory of Mr. Ashley. The wives sewed the gloves at home. Many a similar colony to Honey Fair was there in Helstonleigh, but in hearing of one set you hear of all. The trade was extensively pursued. A very few of the manufactories were of the large extent that \\as Mr. HONEY FAIR. 97 Ashley's ; and they gradually descended in size, until some comprised not half a score workmen, all told ; but whose masters alike dignilicd themselves by the title of " manufacturer." There flourished a shop in the general line in Honey Fair, kept by a Mrs. Buffle, a great gossip. Her husband, a well-meaning, steady little man, mincing in his speech and gait, scrupulously neat and clean in his attire, and thence called "the dandy," was chief work- man at one of the smallest of the establishments. He had three men and two boys under him ; and so he styled himself the "foreman.'' No one knew half so much of the affairs of their neighbours as did Mrs. Buffle; no one could tell of the ill-doings and shortcomings of Honey Fair as she could. Many a gloveress girl, running in at dusk for a halfpenny candle, did not receive it until she had first submitted to a lecture from Mrs. Buffle. Not that her custom was all of this ignoble description : some of the gentlemen's houses in the neigh- bourhood would deal with her in a chance way, when out of articles at home. Her wares were good ; her home-cured bacon was particularly good. Amidst other olfactory treats, indigenous to Jloney Fair, was that of pigs and pig-sties, kept by Mrs. Buffle. Occasionally Mrs. Halliburton would go to this shop; it was nearer to her house than any other ; and, in her small way, had been extensively patronised by her. Of all her customers, Mrs. Halli- burton was the one who most puzzled Mrs. Buffle. In the first place, she never gossiped ; in the second, though evidently a lady, she would carry her purchases home herself. The very servants from the large houses, coming flaunting in their smart caps, would loftily order their pound of bacon or shilling's worth of eggs sent home for them. Mrs. Halliburton took hers away in her own hand ; and this puzzled Mrs. Buffle. " But her pays ready money," observed that lady, when relating this to another customer, " so 'tain't my place to grumble." During the summer weather, whenever Jane had occasion to walk through Honey Fair, on her way to this shop, she would linger to admire the women at their open doors and windows, busy over their nice clean work. Rocking the cradle with one foot, or jogging the baby on their knees, to a tune of their own composing, their hands would be ever active at their employment. Some made the gloves; that i^; seamed the fingers together and put in the thumbs, and these were called " makers." Some welted, or hemmed the gloves round at the edge of the wrist ; these were called " welters." Some worked the three ornamental lines on the back ; and these were called " pointers." Some of the work was done in what was called a patent machine, whereby the stitches were rendered perfectly equal. And some of the stouter gloves were stitched together, instead of being sewn : stitching so beautifully regular and neat, that a stranger would look at it in admiration. In short, there were, and are, different branches in the making and sewing of gloves, as there are in most trades. > It now struck Jane that she might find employment at this work, Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles. 7 98 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. until better times should come round. True, she had never worked at it ; but she was expert with her needle, and it was easily acquired. She possessed a dry, cool hand, too ; a great thing where sewing- silk, sometimes floss silk has to be used. What cared she, to lower herself to the employment only dealt out to the poor .'' Was she not poor herself? And who knew her in Helstonleigh ? The day that Mr. Ashley removed the dreaded visitor from her house, Jane had occasion to speak to Elizabeth Carter, her young servant's mother. At dusk, putting aside the frock she was making for Anna, Jane proceeded to Honey Fair, in which perfumed locality Mrs. Carter lived. An agreement had been entered into that Betsy should still go to Mrs. Halliburton's to do the washing (after her own fashion, but Jane could not afford to be fastidious now), and also what was wanted in the way of scouring — Betsy being paid a trifle in return, and instructed in the mysteries of reading and writing. " 'Taint no profit," observed Mrs. Carter to a crony, " but 'taint no loss. Her won't do nothing at home, let me cry after her as I will. Out her goes, gampusing to this house, gampusing to that ; but not a bit of work'U her stick to at home. If these new folks can keep her to work a bit, so much the better ; it'll be getting her hand in ; and better still, if they teaches her to read and write. Her wouldn't learn nothing from the school-missis." Not a very favourable description of Miss Betsy. But, what the girl chiefly wanted, was a firm hand held over her. Her temper and disposition were good ; but she was an only child, and her mother, though possessing a firm hand, and a firm tongue too, in general — none more so in Honey Fair — had spoilt and indulged Miss Betsy until her authority was gone. After her business was over this evening with Mrs. Carter, Jane, who wanted some darning cotton, turned into I\Irs. Buffle's shop. That priestess was in her accustomed place behind the counter. She curtseyed twice, and spoke in a low, subdued tone, in deference to the widow's cap and bonnet — to the deep mourning altogether, which Mrs. Buffle's curiosity had not had the gratification of beholding before. "Would you hke it fine or coarse, mum? Here's both. 'Taint a great assortment, but it's the best quality. I don't have much call for darning cotton, mum : the folks round about is always at their gloving work." " But they must mend their stockings," observed Jane. " Not they," returned Mrs. Buffle. " They'd go in naked heels, numi, afi)re they'd take a needle and darn 'em up. They have look to wear them untidy boots, to cover the holes, and away they go with 'cm, unlaced ; tongue hanging, and tag trailing half a mile behind 'cm. Great big slatterns, they be ! " " They seeni alwaj's at work," remarked Jane. "Always at work!" repeated Mrs. Buffle. "You don't know much of 'cm, mum, or you'd not say it. They'll play one day, and Mrs. reece And doibbs. 99 \vork tlic next ; that's their work. It's only a few of the steady ones that'll work regular, all the week through." " What could a good, steady workwoman earn a week at the glove-making ? '' " That depends, mum, upon how close she stuck to it," responded Mrs. Buffle. " I mean, sitting closely." "Oh, well," debated Mrs. Buffle carelessly, "she might earn ten shillings a week, and do it comfortable." Ten shillings a week! Jane's heart beat hopefully. Upon ten shillings a week she might manage to exist, to keep her children from starvation, until better days arose. 67/^, impelled by necessity, could sit longer and closer, too, than perhaps those women did. Mrs. Buffle continued, full of inward gratulation that her silent customer had come round to gossip at last. " They be the improvidentest things in the world, mum, these gloveress girls. Sundays they be dressed up as grand as queens, tlowcrs inside their bonnets, and ribbuns out, a-setting the churches and chapels alight with their finery ; and then off for walks with their sweethearts, all the afternoon and evening. Mondays is mostly spent in waste, gathering of themselves at each other's houses, talking and laughing, or, may be, off to the fields again — anything for idle- ness. Tuesdays is often the same, and then the rest of the week they has to scout over their work, to get it in on the Saturday. Ah ! you don't know 'em, mum." Jane paid for her darning cotton and came away, much to Mrs. Baffle's regret. " Ten shillings a week," kept ringing in her ears. CHAPTER XIX. MRS. REECE AND DOBBS. Jane was busy that evening ; but the following morning she went into Samuel Lynn's. Patience was in the kitchen, washing currants for a pudding; the maid upstairs at her work. Jane held the body of Anna's frock in her hand. She wished to try it on. "Anna is not at home," was the reply of Patience. " She is gone to spend the day with Mary Ashley." Jane felt sorry; she had been in hopes of finishing it that day. " Patience," said she, " I want to ask your advice. I have been thinking that I might get employment at sewing gloves. It seems easy work to learn." " Would thee like the work ? " asked Patience. " Ladies have a prejudice against it, because it is the work supplied to the poor. Not but that some ladies in this town, willing to eke out their means, do work at it in private. They get the work brought out to them and taken in." IDO MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " That would be the worst for me," observed Jane : " taking in of the work. I do fear I should not like it." " Of course not. Thee could not go to the manufactory, and stand amid the crowd of women, for thy turn to be served, as one of them. Wait thee an instant." Patience dried her hands upon the roller-towel, and took Jane into the best parlour, the one less frequently used. Opening a closet, she reached from it a small, peculiar-looking machine, and some unmade gloves : the latter were in a basket covered over with a white cloth. " This is different work from what the women do," said she. " It is what is called the French point, and is confined to a few of the chief manufacturers. It is not allowed to be done publicly, lest all should get hold of the stitch. Those who employ the point have it done in private." " Who does it here?" exclaimed Jane. " I do," said Patience, laughing. " Did thee think I should be like the fine ladies, ashamed to put my hand to it ? I and James Meeking's wife do all that is at present being done for the Ashley manufactory. But now, look thee. Samuel Lynn was saying only last night, that they must search out for some other hand who would be trustworthy, for they want more of the work done. It is easy to learn, and I know they would give it thee. It is a little better paid iy-^n the other work, too. Sit thee down and try it." . Patience fixed the back of the glove in the pretty little square iHachine, took the needle— a peculiar one— and showed how it was to be done. Jane, in a glow of delight, accomplished some stitches readily. " I see thee would be handy at it," said Patience. " Thee can take the machine indoors to-day and practise. I will give thee a piece of old leather to exercise upon. In two or three days thee may be quite perfect. I do not work very much at it myself, at which Samuel Lynn grumbles. It is all my own profit, what I earn, so that he has no selfish motive in urging me to work, except that they want more of it done. But I have my household matters to attend to, and Anna takes up my time. I get enough for my clothes, and that is all I care for." " I know I could do it ! I could do it well, Patience." " Then I am sure thee may have it to do. They will supply thee with a machine, and Samuel Lynn will bring thy work home and take it back again, as he docs mine. He ■" William was bursting in upon them with a beaming lace. " Mamma, make haste home. Two ladies are asking to see the rooms." Jane hurried in. In the parlour sat a pleasant-looking old lady in a large black silk bonnet. The other, smarter, younger (but s/te must have been forty at least), and very cross-looking, wore a Leghorn bonnet with green and scarlet bows. She was the old lady's companion, housekeeper, servant, all combined in one, as Jane found afterwards. MRS. REECE AND DOBBS. lor " You have lodgings to let, ma'am," said the old lady. " Can we see them ? " "This is the sitting-room," Jane was beginning; but she was interrupted by the smart one in a snappish tone. " This the sitting-room ! Do you call this furnished ? " " Don't be hasty, Dobbs," rebuked her mistress. " Hear what the lady has to say." " The furniture is homely, certainly," acknowledged Jane. " But it is WQw and clean. That is a most comfortable sofa. The bed- rooms are above." The old lady said she would see them, and they proceeded up- stairs. Dobbs put her head into one room, and withdrew it with a shriek. " This room has no bedside carpets." " I am sorry to say that I ha\e no bedside carpets at present," said Jane, feeling all the discouragement of the avowal. " I will get some as soon as I possibly can, if any one taking the rooms will kindly do without them for a little while." " Perhaps we might, Dobbs," suggested the old lady, who appeared to be of an accommodating, easy nature ; readily satisfied. " Begging your pardon, ma'am, you'll do nothing of the sort," returned Dobbs. " We should have you doubled up with cramp, if you clapped your feet on to a cold floor. / am not going to do it." " 1 never do have cramp, Dobbs." " Which is no reason, ma'am, why you never should," authorita- tively returned Dobbs. " What a lovely view from these back wiildows ! " exclaimed the old lady. " Dobbs, do you see the Malvern Hills .^" " We don't eat and drink views," testily responded Dobbs. " They are pleasant to look at though," said her mistress. " I like these rooms. Is there a closet, ma'am, or small apartment that we could have for our trunks, if we came ? " " We are not coming," interrupted Dobbs, before Jane could answer. " Carpetless floors won't suit us, ma'am." " There is a closet here, over the entrance," said Jane to the old lady, as she opened the door. " Our own boxes are in it now, but I can have them moved upstairs." " So there's a cock-loft, is there?" put in Dobbs. "A what?" cried Jane, who had never heard the word. "There is nothing upstairs but an attic. A garret, as it is called here." " Yes," burst forth Dobbs, " it is called a garret by them that want to be fine. Cock-loft is good enough for us decent folk : weV>: never called it anything else. Who sleeps up there?" she sum- marily demanded. " Aiy little boys. This was their room, but 1 have put them up- stairs that I may let this one." '• There ma'am ! " said Dobbs, triumphantly, as she turned to her mistress. " \'ou"ll believe me another time, 1 hope! I told you I knew there was a pack of children. One of 'em opened the door tQ us," I02 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Perhaps they are quiet children," said the old lady, -who had been so long used to the grumbling and domineering of Dobbs, that she took it as a matter of course. "They are, indeed," said Jane, "quiet, good children. I will answer for it that they will not disturb you in any way." " I should like to see the kitchen, ma'am," said the old lady. "We only want the use of it," snapped Dobbs. "Our kitchen fire goes out after dinner, and I boil the kettle for tea in the parlour." " Would attendance be required ?" asked Jane of the old lady. " No, it wouldn't," answered Dobbs, in the same tart tone. " I wait upon my missis, and I wait upon myself, and we have a woman in to do the cleaning, and the washing goes out." The answer gave Jane great relief. Attending upon lodgers had been a dubious prospect, in more respects than one. " It's a very good kitchen," said the old lady, as they went in, and she turned round in it. " I'll be bound it smokes," said Dobbs. " No, it does not," replied Jane. " Where's the coalhouse ? " asked Dobbs. "Is there two ? " " Only one," said Jane. " It is at the back of the kitchen." " Then — if we did come — where could our coal be put .'' " fiercely demanded Dobbs. " I must have my coalhouse to myself, with a lock and key. I don't want the house's fires supplied from my missis's coal." Jane's cheeks flushed as she turned to the old lady. " Allow me to assure you that your property — of whatever nature it may be — will be perfectly sacred in this house. Whether locked up or not, it will be left untouched by me and mine." "To be sure, ma'am," pleasantly returned the old lady. "I'm not" afraid. You must not mind what Dobbs says : she means nothing." " And our safe for meat and butter," proceeded that undaunted functionary. " Is there a key to it ? " "And now about the rent?" said the old lady, giving Jane no time to answer that there was a key. Jane hesitated. And then, with a flush, asked twenty shillings a-week. " My conscience I " uttered Dobbs. " Twenty shillings a-week. And us finding spoons and linen ! " " Dobbs," said the old lady. " I don't see that it is so very out of the way. A parlour, two bedrooms, a closet, and the kitchen, all furnished — — • " " The closet's an empty, dark hole, and the kitchen's only the use of it, and the bedrooms are carpetlcss," reiterated Dobbs, drowning her mistress's voice. " But, if anybody asked you for your head, ma'am, you'd just cut it off and give it, if I wasn't at hand to stop you." "\Vcll, Dobbs, we have scon nothing else to suit us up here. MRS. REFXE AND DOBBS. 103 And you know I want to settle myself at this end of the town, on account of it being high and dry. Parry says I must." "Wc have not half looked yet," said Dobbs. " A pound a-weck is a good price, ma'am ; and we have not paid quite so much \\ here we are : but I don't know that it's unreason- able," continued the old lady to Jane. '"What shall we do, Dobbs?" " Do, ma'am ! Why, of course you'll come out, and try higher up. To take these rooms without looking out for others, would be as bad as buying a pig in a poke. Come along, ma'am. Bed- rooms without carpets won't do for us at any price," she added to Jane by way of a parting salutation. They left the house, the lady with a cordial good morning, Dobbs with none at all ; and went quarrelling up the road. That is, the old lady reasoning, and Dobbs disputing. The former proposed, if they saw nothing to suit them better, to purchase bedside carpeting : upon which Dobbs accused her of wanting to bring herself to tho workhouse. Patience, who had watched them away, from her parlour window, came in to learn the success. She brought in with her the machine, a plain piece of leather, the size of the back of a glove, neatly fixed in it. .Jane's tears were falling. " I think they would have taken them had there been bedside carpets," sighed she. "Oh, Patience, what a help it would havo been ! I asked a pound a week." " Did thee? That was a good price, considering thee would not have to give attendance." " How do you know I should not?" asked Jane. " Because I know Hannah Dobbs waits upon her mistress," replied Patience. " She is the widow of Joseph Reece, and he left her well off. I heard they were coming to live up this way. Did they quite decline them ? Because, I can tell thee what. We have some strips of bedside carpet not being used, and I would not mind lending them till thee can buy others. It is a pity thee should lose the letting for the sake of a bit of carpet." Jane looked up gratefully. " What should I have done without you. Patience?" " Nay, it is not much : thee art welcome. I would not risk the carpet with unknown people, but Hannah Dobbs is cleanly and careful." " She has a very repelling manner," observed Jane. " It is not agreeable," assented Patience, with a smile; " l)ut she is attached to her mistress, and serves her faithfully." Jane sat down to practise upon the leather, watching the road at the same time. In about an hour she saw Mrs. Reece and Dobbs returning. William went out, and asked if they would step in. They were already coming. They had seen nothing they liked so well. Jane said she believed she could promise them bedside carpets. " Then, I think we will decide, ma'am, said the old lady. " We I04 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES, saw one set of rooms, very nice ones ; and they asked only seven- teen shillings a-wcek : but they have a young man lodger, a pupil at the infirmary, and he comes home at all hours of the night. Dobbs questioned them till they confessed that it was so." " I know what them infirmary pupils is," indignantly put in Dobbs. " I am not going to suffer my missis to come in contract with their habits. There ain't one of 'em as thinks anything of stopping out till morning light. And before the sun's up they'll have a pipe in their mouths, filling the house with smoke! It's said, too, that there's mysterious big boxes brought to 'em, for what they call the 'furtherance of science:' perhaps some of the churchyard sextons could tell what's in 'em !" "Well, Dobbs. I think we may take this good lady's rooms. I'm sure we shan't get better suited elsewhere." Dobbs only grunted. She was tired with her walk, and had really no objection to the rooms ; except as to price : that, she persisted in disputing as outrageous. " I suppose you would not take less," said the old lady to Jane. Jane hesitated ; but it was impossible for her to be otherwise than candid and truthful. " I would take a trifle less, sooner than not let you the rooms ; but I am very poor, and every shilling is a consideration to me." " Well, I will take them at the price," concluded the good- natured old lady. "And Dobbs, if you grumble, I can't help it. Can we come in— let me see? — this is Wednesday — ■ — " " I won't come in on a Friday for anybody," interrupted Dobbs fiercely. "We will come in on Tuesday next, ma'am," decided the old lady. "Before that, I'll send in a trolley of coal, if you'll be so kind as receive it." " And to lock it up," snapped Dobbs. CHAPTER XX. THE GLOVE OPERATIVES. At the hours of going to and leaving work, the Helstonleigh streets were alive with glove operatives, some being in one branch of the trade, some in another. There were parers, grounders, leather- sorters, dyers, cutters, makers-up, and else: all being necessary, besides the sewing, to turn out one pair of gloves ; though, I dare say, you did not think it. The wages varied according to the par- ticular work, or the men's ability and industry, from fifteen shillings a week to twenty-five : but all could earn a good living. If a man gained more than twenty-five, he had a stated salary; as was the case with the foremen. These wages, joined to what was earned by the women, were sufficient to maintain a comfortable home, and THE GLOVE OPERATIVES. icj to bring up children decently. Unfortunately the same draw- backs prevailed in Helstonlcigh that are but too common elsewhere : and they may be classed under one general head — improvidence. The men were given to idling away at the public-houses more time than was good for theni : the women to scold and to quarrel. Some were slatterns ; and a great many gave their husbands the welcome of a home of discomfort, ill-management, and dirt : which, of course, had the effect of sending them out all the more surely. Just about this period, the men had their especial grievance — or thought they had : and that was, a low rate of wages and not full employment. Had they paid a visit to other places and compared their wages with some earned by operatives of a different class, they had found less cause to complain. The men were rather given to compare present wages with those they had earned before the dark crisis (dark so far as Helstonleigh's trade was concerned) when the British ports were opened to foreign gloves. l>ut few, comparatively speaking, of the manufacturers had weathered that storm. Years had elapsed since then ; but the employment re- mained scarce, and the wages (I have quoted them to you) low. Altogether, the men were, many of them, dissatisfied. They even went so far as to talk of a "strike:" strikes being less common in those days than they are in these. It was Saturday night, and the streets were crowded. The hands were pouring out of the different manufactories; clean-look- ing, respectable workmen, as a whole : for the branches of glove- making are for the hiost part of a cleanly nature. Some wore their white aprons ; some had rolled them up round their waists. A few — very few, it must be owned — were going to their homes, but the greater portion were bound for the public-house. One of the most extensively patronised of the public-houses was The Cutters' Arms. On a Saturday night, when the men's pockets were lined, this would be crowded. The men flocked into it now, and filled it, although its room of entertainment was very large. The order from most of them was a pint of mild ale and some tobacco. "Any news, Joe Fisher?" asked a man, when the pipes were set going. Joe Fisher tossed his head and growled. He was a tall, dark man ; clothes and condition both dilapidated. The questioner took a few whiffs, and repeated his question. Joe growled again, but did not speak. " Well, you might give a chap a civil answer, Fisher." " What's the matter, you two.''" cried a third. "Ben Wilks asks me is there any news!" called out Fisher, indignantly. " I thought he might ha' heered on't without asking. Our pay was docked again to-night ; that's the news." "No! "uttered Wilks. " It were," said Fisher savagely. "A shilling a week less, good. Who's a-going to stand it?" lo6 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " There ain't no help for standing it," interposed a quiet-looking man, named Wheeler. " I suppose the masters is forced to lower. They say so." " Have your master forced hisself to it?" angrily retorted Fisher. "Well, Fisher, you know I'm fortunate. As all is, that gets in to work at Ashley's." "And precious good care they take to stop in!" cried Fisher, much aggravated. " No danger that Ashley's hands'U give way and afford outsiders a chance." "Why should they give way?" sensibly asked Wheeler. " Von need never think to get in at Ashley's, Fisher, so there's no cause for you to grumble." A titter went round at Fisher's expense. He did not like it. " I might stand my chance with others, if there was room. Who says I couldn't? Come, now!" A man laughed. " You had better ask Samuel Lynn that ques- tion, Fisher. Why, he wouldn't look at you ! You are not steady enough for him." " Samuel Lynn may go along for a ill-natured l^road-brim !" was Fisher's retort. " There'd not be half the difficulty in getting in with Mr. Ashley hisself." " Yes, there would," said Wheeler, quietly. " Mr. Ashley pays first wages, and he'll have first hands. Quaker Lynn knows what he's about." " Don't dispute alxnit nothing, Fisher," interrupted a voice, borne through the clouds of smoke from the far end of the room. " To lose a shilling a week is bad, but not so bad as losing all. I have heard ill news this evening." Fisher stretched up his long neck. "Who's that a-talking? Is it Mr. Crouch?" It was Stephen Crouch ; the foreman in a large firm, and a respectable, intelligent man. " Do you remember, any of you, that a report arose some time ago about Wilson and King? A report that died away again?" "That they were on their last legs," replied several voices. "Well?" " Well, they are off them now," continued Stephen Crouch. Up rose a man, his voice shaking with emotion. " It's not true, Mr. Crouch, sure— ly !" ' , t -n " It is, Vincent. Wilson and King are going to wind up. It will be announced next week." " Mercy help us ! There'll be forty more hands throwed out ! What's to become of us all?" A dead silence fell on the room. Vincent broke it. Hope is strong in the human heart. " Mr. Crouch, I don't think it can be true. Our wages was all paid up to-night. And we have not heard a breath on't." " I Icnow all that," said Stephen Crouch. " I know where the money came from to pay them. It came from Mr. Ashley." THE GLOVE OPERATIVES. 107 The assertion astonished the room. " From Mr. Ashley ! Did he tell it abroad?" "■ He tell it ! " indignantly returned Stephen Crouch. " Mr. Ashley is an honourable man. No. Wilson and King have a tattler too near to them ; that's how it came out. Not but what it would have been known all over Helstonleigh on Monday, all particulars. Every sixpence, pictty near, that Wilson and King have, is locked up in their stock. 'I'hey expected remittances by the London mail this morning, and they did not come. They went to the bank. The bank was shy, and would not make advances ; and they had nothing in hand for wages. They went to INIr. Ashley and told him their perplexity, and he drew a cheque. The bank cashed that, with a bow. And if it had not been for Mr. Ashley, Ned \'incent, you and the rest of their hands would have gone home to-night with empty pockets." '■ Will Mr. Ashley lose the money?" " Not he. He knew there was no danger of that, when he lent it. Nobody will lose by Wilson and King. They have more than enough to pay everybody in full ; only their money's locked up. " Why are they giving up ? " " Because they can't keep on. They have been losing a long while. What do you ask — what will they do ? They must do as others have done before them, who have been unable to keep on. If Wilson and King had given up ten years ago, they had then each a nice little bit of property to retire upon. But it has been sunk since. There are too many others in this city in the same case." " And what's to become of us hands that's throwcd out ? " asked Vincent, returning to his own personal grievance. " You must try and get taken on somewhere else, Vincent," ob- served Stephen Crouch. " There ain't a better cutter than Ned \'incent going," cried another voice. " He won't wait long." "I don't know about that," returned \'incent gloomily. "The masters is overdone with hands." " Ot all the bad luck as ever fell upon a town, the opening of the ports to them foreign French was the worst for Helstonleigh," broke in the intemperate voice of Fisher. " Hold th' tongue, Fisher ! " exclaimed a sensible voice. " Wc won't get into them discussions again. Didn't we go over 'em, night after night, and year after year, till we were heart-sick ? — and what did they ever bring us, but ill-feeling? It's done, and it can't be undone. The ports be open, and they'll never be closed again." " Did the opening of 'em ruin the trade of Helstonleigh, or didn't It ? Answer me that," said Fisher. " It did. We know it to our cost," was the sad answer. " But there's no help for it." " Oh," returned P'ishcr ironically. " I thought you were going to hold out that the opening of 'em was a boon' to the place, "and the io8 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. keeping 'em open a blessing. That 'ud be a new dodge. W/iy do they keep 'em open ? " " Just hark at P'isher ! " said Mr. Buffle in a mincing tone. " He wants to know why Government keeps open the British ports. Don't every dozen of gloves that comes into the country pay a heavy duty.'' Is it likely Government would give up that, Fisher ? " " What did they do afore they had it ? roared Fisher. " If they did without the duty then, they could do without it now." " I have heered of some gents as never tasted sugar," returned Mr. Buffle ; " but I never heered of one, who had the liking for it, as was willing to forego the use of it. It's a case in pint ; the Government have tasted the sweets of the glove-duty, and they stick to it." " Avaricious v.-olves I " growled Fisher. " But you are a fool, dandy, for all that. What's a bit of paltry duty, alongside of our wants? If a few of them great Government lords had to go on empty stomachs for a month, they'd know what the opening of ports means." " In all political changes, such as this, certain localities must suffer," broke in the quiet voice of Stephen Crouch. " It will be the means of increasing commerce wonderfully ; and we, that the measure crushed, must be content to suffer for the general good. The effects to us can never be undone. I know what you would say, Fisher," he continued, silencing Fisher by a gesture. " I know that the ports might be re-closed to-morrow, if Government so willed it. But it could not undo for us what has been done. It could not repair the ruin that was wrought on Helstonleigh. It could not reinstate firms in business ; or refund to the masters their wasted capital ; or collect the hands it scattered over the country, to find a bit of work, to beg, or to starve ; or bring the dead back to life. It could not do any of this. Neither would it restore a flourish- ing trade to those of us who are left." " What's that last. Crouch ? " "It never would," emphatically repeated Stephen Crouch. "A shattered trade cannot be brought together again. It is like a shattered glass : you may mourn over the pieces, but you cannot put them together. Believe me, or not, as )ou please, my friends, but the only thing remaining for Helstonleigh is, to make the best of what is left to us. There are other trades a deal worse off now than we are." " I have talked to ye about that there move — a strike," resumed Fisher, after a pause. " We shall get no good till we try it " " P'isher, don't you be a fool and show it," was the imperative interruption of Stephen Crouch. " I have explained to you till I am tired, what would be the effects of a strike. It would just finish you bad workmen up, and send you and your children into the nearest dry ditch for a tioor, with the open skies above you for a roof." THE GLOVE OPERATIVES. 109 " \Vc have never tried a strike in Helstonleigh," answered Fisher, holding to his own opinion. " And I trust we never shall," returned the intelhgent foreman. " Other trades may have their strikes if they choose, and it's not our business to tind fault with them for it ; but the glove trade has hitherto kept itself aloof from strikes, and it's to be hoped it always will. You cannot understand how a strike works, Joe Fisher, or you'd not let your head be running on it." " Others' heads be running on it as well as mine. Master Crouch," said Fisher, nodding significantly. "It is not improbable," was the equable rejoinder of Stephen Crouch. " Go and strike next week, half a dozen of you. I mean the operatives of half a dozen firms." " Every firm in the place must strike," interrupted Fisher hastily. " A few on us doing it, would only make bad worse." Stephen Crouch smiled. " Exactly. But the difficulty, Fisher, will be, that all the firms luon't strike. Ask the men in our firm to strike ; ask those in Ashley's ; ask others that we could name — and wliat would their answer be ? Why, that they know when they arc well off. Suppose, for argument's sake, that we did all strike ; suppose all the hands in Helstonleigh struck next Monday morning, and the manufactories had to be closed ? Who would have the worst of it 1 —wQ. ? or the masters .'' " "The masters," returned Fisher in an obstinate tone. " No. The masters have good houses over their heads, and their bankers' books to supply their wants while they are waiting — and their orders are not so great that they need fear much pressure on that score. The London houses would dispatch a few extra orders to Paris and Grenoble, and the masters here might enjoy a nice little trip to the seaside while our senses were coming back to us. But where should we be ? Out at elbows, out at pocket, out at heart ; some starving, some in the workhouse. If you want to avoid those contingencies, Joe Fisher, you'll keep from strikes." Fisher answered by an ironical cheer. *■ Here, missis," said he to the landlady, who was then passing him, "let's have another pint, after that." " That'll make nine pints that you owe for since Monday night, Joe Fisher," responded the landlady. "What if it do?" grunted Fisher irascibly. " I am able to pay. / ain't out of work." no MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. CHAPTER XXL THE LADIES OF HONEY FAIR. It was Saturday night in Honey Fair. A night when the ladies were at leisure to abandon themselves to their private pursuits. The work of the past week had gone into the warehouses ; and the fresh work, brought out, would not be begun until Monday morning. Some of them, as Mrs. Buffle has informed us, did not begin it then. The women chiefly cleaned their houses and mended their clothes: some washed and ironed — Honey Fair was not famous for its management — not going to bed till Sunday morning ; some did their marketing ; and a few, careless and lazy, spent it in running from house to house, or congregated in the road to gossip. About half-past eight, one of the latter suddenly pulled the latch of a house door, and thrust in her head. It was Joe Fisher's wife. Her face was red, and her cap in tatters. "Is our Becky in here, Mrs. Carter ? " Mrs. Carter was busy. She was the maternal parent of Miss Betsy. Her kitchen fire was out, her furniture was heaped one thing upon another; a pail of water stood ready to wash the brick floor, when she should have finished rubbing up the grate, and her hands and face were as grimy as the black-lead. " There's no Becky here," snapped she. " I can't find her," returned Mrs. Fisher. " I thought her might be along of your Betsy. I say, here's your husband coming round the corner. There's Mark Alason, and Robert East, and Dale along of him. And — my ! what has that young 'un of East's been doing to hisself .-^ He's black from head to foot. Come and look." Mrs. Carter disdained the invitation. She was a hard-working, thrifty woman, but a cross one. Priding herself upon her cleanli- ness, she perpetually returned loud thanks that she was not as the dirty ones around her. She was the Pharisee amidst many publicans. "If I passed my time staring and gossiping as some does, where 'ud my work be ? " was her rebuke. " Shut the door, Suke Fisher," Suke Fisher did as she was bid. She turned her wrists back upon her hij)s, and walked to meet the advancing party, having discerned their approach l)y the light of the gas-lamps. " Be you going to be sold for a blackamoor ? " demanded she of the boy. The boy laughed. His head, face, shoulders, hands, were orna- mented with a thick, black liquid, not unlike blacking. He ap- peared to enjoy the treat, as if he had been anointed with some fragrant oil. THE LADIES OF HONEY EAIR. lil "He is not a bad spectacle, is he, Dame Fisher?" remarked the young man, whom she had called Robert East. ''What's a-done it?" questioned she. " Him and Jacky Brumm got larking, and upset the dye-pot upon themselves. \\'e rubbed 'em down with the leather shreds, but it keeps on dripping from their hair." " Won't Charlotte warm his back for him ! " apostrophized Mrs. Fisher. The boy threw a disdainful look at her, in return for the remark. " Charlotte's not so fond of warming backs. She never even scolds for an accident." The boy and Robert East were half-brothers. They entered one of the cottages. Robert East and his sister were between twenty and thirty, and the boy was ten. Their mother had died early, and the young boy's mother, their father's second wife, died when the child was born. The father also died. How Robert and his sister, the one then seventeen, the other fourteen, had struggled to make a living for themselves, and to bring up the baby, they alone knew. The manner in which they had succeeded was a marvel to many : none were more respectable now than they were, in all Honey Fair. Charlotte, neat and nice, sat by her bright kitchen fire, a savoury stew cooking on the hob beside it. It was her custom to have something good for supper on a Saturday night. Did she make home attractive on that night to draw her brother from the seductions of the public-house? Most likely. And she had her reward: for Robert never failed to come. The cloth was laid, the red bricks of the floor were clean, and Charlotte's face, as she looked up from her stocking-mending, was bright. It darkened to consternation, however, when she cast her eyes on the boy. " Tom, what have you been doing ? " " Jacky Brumm threw a pot of dye over mc, Charlotte." " There's not much real damage, Charlotte," interposed her brother. " It looks worse than it is. I'll get it out of his hair presently, and put his clothes into a pail of water. What have you got to-night ? It smells good." He alluded to supper, and took off the lid of the saucepan to peep in. She had some stewed beef, with carrots, and the savoury steam ascended to Robert's pleased face. 'V'^ery few in Honey Fair managed as did Charlotte East. How she did her house-work no one knew. Not a woman, married or single, got through more glovc-scwing than Charlotte. Not one kept her house in better order : and her clothes and brothers' were neat and respectable, week-days as well as Sundays. Her work was taken in to the warehouse on Saturday mornings, and her marketing was done. In the afternoon she cleaned her house, and by four o'clock was ready to sit down to her mending. No one ever saw her in a bustle, and yet all her work was done ; and well done. Perhaps one great secret of it was, that she rose very early in the morning, winter and summer. 112 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Look, Robert, here is a nice book I have bought," said she, putting a periodical into his hands. " It comes out weekly. I shall take it in." Robert turned over the leaves. " It seems very interesting," he said presently. " Here's a paper that tells all about the Holy Land. And another that tells us how glass is made ; I have often wondered." " You can read it to us of an evening while I work," said she. " It will be quite a help to our getting on Tom : almost as good as sending him to school. I gave ■" The words were interrupted. The door was violently burst open, and a woman entered the kitchen ; knocking at doors, before entering, was not the fashion in Honey Fair. The intruder was Mrs. Brumm. " I say, Robert East, did you see anything of my husband?" " I saw him go into the Horned Ram." " Then I wish the Horned Ram was into him ! " wrathfully retorted Mrs. Brumm. " He vowed faithfully he'd come home with his wages the first thing after leaving work. He knows I have not a thing in the place for to-morrow — and Dame Buffle looking out for her money. I have a good mind to go down to the Horned Ram, and be on to him ! " Robert East offered no opinion upon this delicate point. He remembered the last time Mrs. Brumm had gone to the Horned Ram to be " on " to her husband, and what it had produced. A midnight cjuarrel that disturbed the slumbers of Honey Fair. " Who was along of him .'' " pursued she. " Three or four of them. Hubbard and Jones, I saw go in ; and Adam Thorneycroft." A quick rising of the head, as if startled, and a faint accession of colour, told that one of those names had struck, perhaps unpleasantly, on the ear of Charlotte East. " Where are your own earnings ? " she asked of Mrs. Brumm. " I have had to take them to Bnnkes's," was the rueful reply. " It's a good deal now, and they're in a regular tantrum this week, and wouldn't even wait till Monday. They threatened to tell Brumm, and it frightened me out of my seventeen senses. And now, for him to go into that dratted Horned Ram with his wages! and me without a penny-piece ! It's not more for the necessaries I want to get in, than for the things that is in pawn. I can't iron nothing : the irons is there." Charlotte, busy still, turned round. " 1 would not put in irons, and such things, that I wanted to use." " I dare say you wouldn't ! " tartly responded Mrs. Brumm. " One has to put in what one's got, and the things our husbands won't miss the siglit of. It's fine to be you, Charlotte East, setting yourself up for a l:idy, and never putting your foot inside the pawn- shop, with your clean hands and your clean kitchen on a Satur- day night, silting down to a hot supper, while the rest of us is a-scrubbing! " THE LADIES OF HONEY FAU<. 113 Charlotte laughed £^ood-humourcdly. " If I tried to set myself up for a lady, I could not be one. I work as hard as anybody; only I get it done betimes." Mrs. Brumm sniffed — having no ready answer at hand. And at that moment Tom East, encased in black, peeped out of the brewhouse, where he had been sent by Charlotte to wash the djc off his hands. " Sakes alive ! " uttered Mrs. Brumm, aghast at the sight. " Jacky's worse than me," responded Tom, rather proud of having to say so much. Robert explained to her how it had happened. " And our Jacky's as bad as that ! " she cried. " Won't I wring it out of him ! " " Nonsense," said Robert ; " it was an accident. Boys will be boys." " Yes, they will : and it's not the men that have to wash for 'em and keep 'em clean ! " retorted Mrs. Brumni, terribly wrathful. "And me at a standstill for my irons! And that beast of a Brumm stopping out." " I will lend you my irons," said Charlotte. " I won't take 'em," was the ungracious reply. " If I don't get my own, 1 won't borrow none. Brumm, he'll be looking out for his Sunday clean shirt to-morrow, and he won't get it ; and that'll punish him more than anything else. There's not a man in Honey Fair as likes to go sprucer on a Sunday than Brun^.m." " So much the better," said Charlotte. " When men lose pride in their appearance, they are apt to lose it in their conduct." " You must always put in your word for folks, Charlotte East, let 'em be ever so bad," was Mrs. Brumm's parting salutation, as she went off and shut the door with a bang. Meanwhile Timothy Carter, Mrs. Carter's husband, had turned into his own dwelling, after leaving Robert East. The first thing to greet him was the pail of water. Mrs. Carter had completed her grate, and was dashing her water on to the Hoor. Timothy received it on his legs. " What's that for ? " demanded Timothy, who was a meek and timid little man. " Why do you brush in so sharp, then ? " cried she. " Who was to know you was a-coming .'' " Timothy had not " brushed in sharp ; " he had gone in quietly. He stood ruefully shaking the wet from his legs, first one, then the other, and afterwards began to pick his w^y on tiptoe towards the fireplace. " Now, it's of no use your attempting to sit down yet," rebuked his wife, in her usual cross accent. " There ain't no room for you at the fire, and there ain't no warmth in it; it's but this blessed minute lighted. Sit yourself on that table, again the wall, and then your legs '11 be in the dry." " And there I may sit for an hour, for you'll be all that time Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles. b 114 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. before you have finished, by the loolvS on't," he ventured to remonstrate. " And half another hour to the end of it," answered she. " There's Betsy, as ought to be helping, gadding out somewhere ever since she came home at seven o'clock." " You says to me, says you, ' You come home to-night, Tim, as soon as work's over, and don't go drinking ! ' You know you did," repeated Timothy in an injured tone. " And it's a good thing as you have come, or you'd have heard my tongue in a way you wouldn't like ! " was Mrs. Carter's reply. Timothy sighed. That tongue was the two-edged sword of his life : how dreaded, none but himself could tell. He had mounted the table, in obedience to orders, but he now got off again. " What are you after now ? " shrilly demanded Mrs. Carter, who was on her knees, scouring the bricks. " I want my pipe and 'baccy." "You stop where you are," was the imperative answer, "and wait till I have time to get it ; " and Timothy humbly sat down again. "You might get this done afore night, 'Lizabeth, as I've said over and over again," cried he, plucking up a little spirit. " When a man comes home tired, even if there ain't a bit o' supper for him, he expects a morsel o' fire to sit down to, so as he can smoke his pipe in quiet. It cows him, you see, to find his place in this ruck, where there ain't a dry spot to put the sole of his foot on, and nothing but a table with unekal legs to sit upon, and " "I might get it done afore?" shrieked Mrs. Carter. "Afore! When, through that Betsy's laziness, leaving everything on my shoulders, I couldn't get in my gloving till four o'clock this after-* noon! Every earthly thing have I had to do since then. I raked out my fire " " What's the good of raking out the fire ? " interposed Timothy. " Goodness help the simpleton ! Wanting to know the good of raking out the fire — as if he was born yesterday ! Can a grate be black-leaded while it's hot, pray ? " " It might be black-leaded at some other time," debated he. " In a morning, perhaps." " I dare say it might, if I had not my gloving to do," she answered, trembling with wrath. " When folks takes out shop work, they has to get on with that — and is glad to do it. Where would you be if I earned nothing? It isn't much of a roof we should have over our heads, with your paltry fifteen or sixteen shillings a-week. You be nothing but a parer, remember." " There's no need to disparage of me, 'Lizabeth," he rejoined, with a meek little cough. " You knowed I was a parer before you ventured on me." "Just take your legs up higher, or you'll be knocking my cap with your dirty boots," said Mrs. Carter, who was nearing the table in her scrubbing; THE LADIES OF HONEY FAIR. m; " I'll stand outside the door a bit, I think," he answered. '' I am in your way everywhere." " Sit where you are, and lift up your legs," was the reiterated command. And Timothy oljcyed. Cold and dreary, on he sat, watching the cleaning of the kitchen. The fire gave out no heat, and the squares of bricks did not dry. He took some silver from his pocket, and laid it in a stack on the table beside him, for his wife to take up at her leisure. She allowed him no chance of squandering /lis wages. A few minutes, and ^Irs. Carter rose from her knees and went into the yard for a fresh supply of water. Timothy did not wait for a second ducking. He slipped off the table, took a shilling fronx the heap, and stole from the house. Back came Mrs. Carter, her pail brimming. " You go over to Dame Buffle's, Tim, and Why, where's he gone.'" He was not in the kitchen, that was certain ; and she opened the staircase door, and elevated her voice shrilly. "Are you gone tramping up my stairs, with your dirty boots? Tim Carter, I say, are you upstairs.''" Of course Tim Carter was not upstairs. Or he had ne\er dared to leave that voice unanswered. " Now, if he has gone off to any of them sotting publics, he shan't hear the last of it," she exclaimed, opening the door and gazing as far as the nearest gas-light would permit. But Timothy was beyond her eye and reach, and she caught up the money and counted it. Fourteen shillings. One shilling of it gone. She knew what it meant, and dashed the silver into a wide- necked canister on the high mantelshelf, which contained also her own earnings for the week. It would have been as much as meek Tim Carter's life was worth, to touch that canister, and she kept it openly on the mantelpiece. Many unfortunate wives in Honey Fair could not keep their money from their husbands, even under lock and key. As she was putting the canister in its place again, Betsy came in. Mrs. Carter turned sharply upon her. '' Now, miss ! where have you been? " " Law, mother, how you fly out ! I have only been to Cross's." "You ungrateful piece of brass, when you know there's so much to be done on a Saturday night that I can't turn myself round I You shan't go gadding about half your time. I'll put you from home entire, to a good tight service." Betsy had heard the same threat so often that its effect was gone. Had her mother only kept her in one-tenth of the subjection that she did her husband, it might have been better for the )oung lady. " I was only in at Cross's," she repeated. "What's the good of telling me that falsehood? I went to Cross's after you, but you wasn't there, and hadn't been there. You want a good sound shaking, miss." " If I wasn't at Cross':^, 1 was at Mason's," was the imperturbable reply of Miss Betsy. " 1 was at Mason's hrst. Mark ISIasou came n6 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. home and turned as sour as a wasp, because the place was in a mess. She was washing her children, and she's got the kitchen to do, and he began blowing up. I left 'em then, and went in to Cross's. Mason went back down the hill; so he'll come home tipsy." " Why can't she get her children washed afore he comes home?" retorted Mrs. Carter, who could see plenty of motes in her neigh- bours' eyes, though utterly blind to the beam in her own. Such wretched management ! Children ought to be packed out of the way by seven o'clock." " You don't get your cleaning over, any more than she does," remarked Miss Betsy boldly. Mrs. Carter turned an angry gaze upon her; a torrent of words breaking from her lips, "/get my cleaning over! I, who am at work every moment of my day, from early morning till late at night ! You'd liken me to that good-for-nothing Het Mason, who hardly makes a dozen o' gloves in a week, and keeps her house like a pigsty ! Where would you and your father be, if I didn't work to keep you, and slave to make the place sweet and comfortable? Be off to Dame Baffle's and buy me a besom, you ungrateful monkey : and then you turn to, and dust these chairs." Betsy did not wait for a second bidding. She preferred going for besoms, or for anything else, to her mother's kitchen and her mother's scolding. Her coming back was another affair; she would be just as likely to propel the besom into the kitchen and make off herself, as to enter. She suddenly stopped now, door in hand, to relate some news. " I say, mother, there's going to be a party at the Alhambra tea- gardens." " A party at the Alhambra tea-gardens, with frost and snow on the ground ! " ironically repeated Mrs. Carter, " Be off, and don't be an oaf." " It's true," said Betsy. " All Honey Fair's going to it. I shall go, too. 'Melia and Mary Ann Cross is going to have new things for it, and — — " "Will you go along and get that besom?" cried angry Mrs, Carter. " No child of mine shall go off to their Alhambras, catching of their death, on the wet grass." " W^et grass ! " echoed Betsy. " WHiy, you're never such a gaby as to think they'd have a party on the grass ! It is to be in the big room, and there's to be a fiddle and a tam " " bourine" never came. Mrs. Carter sent the wet mop flying after Miss Betsy, and the young lady, dexterously evading it, flung- to the door and departed. A couple of hours later, Timothy Carter was escorted home, his own walking none of the steadiest. The men with him had taken more than Timothy ; but it was that weak man's misfortune to be overcome by a little. You will allow, however, that he had taken enough, having spent his shilling, and gone in debt besides. Mrs, THE LADIES OF HONEY FAIR. 117 Carter received him Well, I am rather at a loss to describe it. She did not actually beat him, but her shrill voice might be heard all over Honey Fair, lavishing hard names upon helpless Tim. First of all, she turned out his pockets. The shilling was all gone. "And how much more tacked on to it?" asked she, wise by experi- ence. And Timothy was just able to understand and answer. He felt himself as a lamb in the fangs of a wolf. " Eightpence half- penny." "A shilling and eightpence halfpenny chucked away in drink in one night ! " repeated Mrs. Carter. She gave him a short, emphatic shake, and propelled him up the stairs ; leaving him without a light, to get to bed as he could. She had still some hours' work down- stairs, in the shape of mending clothes. But it never once occurred to Mrs. Carter that she had herself to thank for his misdoings. With a tidy room and a cheerful fire to receive him, on returning from his day's work, Timothy Carter would no more have thought of the public-houses than you or I should. And if, as did Charlotte East, she had welcomed him with a good supper, and a pleasant tongue, poor Tim, in his gratitude, had forsworn public-houses for ever. Neither, when Mark Mason staggered home, and his wife raved at and c[uarrelled with him, to the further edification of Honey Fair, did it strike that lady that she could be in fault. As Mrs. Carter had said, Henrietta Mason did not overburden herself with work of any sort ; but she did make a pretence of washing her four children in a bucket on a Saturday night, and her kitchen after- wards. The ceremony was delayed througli idleness and bad management to the least propitious part of the evening. So sure as she had the bucket before the fire, and the children collected round it ; one in, one just out, roaring to be dried, and the two others waiting their turn for the water, all of them stark naked — for Mrs. Mason made a point of undressing them at once to save trouble — so sure, I say, as these al)lutions were in progress, the children frantically crying, Mrs. Mason boxing, storming, and rubbing, and the kitchen swimming, in would walk the father. Words invariably ensued : a short, sharp quarrel ; and he would turn out again for the nearest public-house, where he was welcomed by a sociable room and a glowing fire. Can any one be surprised that it should l)e so ? You must not think these cases overdrawn ; you must not think them exceptional cases. They are neither the one nor the other. They are truthful pictures, taken from what Honey Fair was then. I very much fear the same pictures might be taken from some places still. ii8 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. CHAPTER XXIL MR. BRUMM'S SUNDAY SHiKi". But there's something to say yet of Mrs. Brumm. You saw her turning away from Robert East's door, saying that her husband, Andrew, had promised to come home that night and to bring his wages. Mrs. Brumm, a bad manager, as were many of the rest, would probably have received him with a sloppy kitchen, buckets, and besoms. Andrew had had experience of this, and, disloyal knight that he was, allowed himself to be seduced into the Horned Ram. He'd just take one pint and a pipe, he said to his conscience, and be home in time for his wife to get what she wanted. A little private matter of his own would call him away early. Pressed for a sum of money in the week, which was owing to his club, and not possessing it, he had put his Sunday coat in pledge : and this he wanted to get out. However, a comrade, sitting in the next chair to him at the Horned Ram, had to get his coat out of the same accommodating receptacle. Nothing more easy than for him to bring out Andrew's at the same time ; which was done. The coat on the back of his chair, his pipe in his mouth, and a pint of good ale before him, the outer world was as nothing to Andrew Brumm. At ten o'clock, the landlord came in. " Andrew Brumm, here's your wife wanting to see you." Now Andrew was not a bad sort of man by any means, but he had a great antipathy to being looked after. A joke went round at Andrew's expense; for if there was one thing the men in general hated more than another, it was that their wives should come in quest of them to the public-houses. Mrs. Brum received a sharp reprimand ; but she saw that he was, as she expressed it, " getting on," so she got some money from him and kept her scolding for another opportunity. She did not go near the pawnbroker's to get her irons out. She bought a bit of meat and what else she wanted, and returned to Honey Fair. Robert East was closing his door for the night as she passed it. " Has Brumm come home?" he asked. " Not he, the toper ! He is stuck fast at the Horned Ram, getting in for it nicely. I have been after him for some money." "Have you got your irons out.''" inquired Charlotte, coming to the door. "No, nor nothing else; and there's pretty near half the kitchen in. It's him that'll suffer. He has been getting out his own coat, but he can't put it on. Leastway, he won't, without a clean collar and shirt ; and let him fish for i/wni. Wait till to-morrow comes, Mr. 'Drew Brumm ! " "Was his coat in?" returned Charlotte, surprised. MR. BRUMM'S SUNDAY SHIRT. I19 " That it was. Him as goes on so when I puts a thing or two in ! He owed some money at his chib, and he went and put his coat in for four shiUings, and Adam Thorneycroft has been and fetched it out for him." " Adam Thorneycroft ! " involuntarily returned Charlotte. " Thorneycroft's coat was in, too, and he went for it just now, and Brumm gave him the ticket to get out his. Smith's daughter told me that. She was serving with her mother in the bar." " Is Adam Thorneycroft at the Horned Ram still?" " That he is : side by side with Brumm. A nice pair of 'em ! Charlotte East, take my advice; don't you have anything to say to Thorneycroft. A woman had better climl) up to the top of her top- niost chimblcy and pitch herself off, head foremost, than marry a man given to drink." Charlotte East felt vexed at the allusion— vexed that her name should be coupled openly with that of Adam Thorneycroft by the busy tongues of Honey Fair. That an attachment existed between herself and Adam Thorneycroft was true; but she did not wish the fact to become too apparent to others. Latterly she had been schooling her heart to forget him, for he was taking to frequent public-houses. Mrs. Brumm went home and was soon followed by her husband. He was not much the worse for what he had taken : he was a little. Mrs. Brumm reproached him with it, and there ensued a wordy war. They arose peaceably in the morning. Andrew was a civil, well- conducted man, and but for Horned Rams would have been a pattern to three parts of Honey Fair. He liked to be dressed well on Sunday and to attend the cathedral with his two children : he was very fond of listening to the chanting. Mrs. Brumm — as was the custom generally with the wives of Honey Fair — stayed at home to cook the dinner. Andrew was accustomed to do many odd jobs on the Sunday morning, to save his wife trouble. He cleaned the boots and shoes, brushed his clothes, filled the coal-box, and made himself useful in sundry other ways. All this done, they sat down to breakfast with the two children, the unfortunate Jacky less black than he had been the previous night. " Now, Jacky," said Brumm, when the meal was over, ''get your- self ready : it has gone ten. Polly too." " It's a'most too cold for Polly this morning," said Mrs. Brumm. " Not a bit on't. The walk'U do her good, and give her an appe- tite for dinner. What is for dinner, Bell.' I asked you before, but you didn't answer." " It ain't much thanks to you as there's anj'thing," retorted Mrs, Brumm, who rejoiced in the aristocratic name of Arabella. " You plant yourself again at the Horned Ram, and see if I worries myself to come after you for money. I'll starve on the Sunday, first." " I can't think what goes ol your money," returned Andrew. I20 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " There had not used to be this fuss if I stopped out for half an hour on the Saturday night, with my wages in my pocket. Where does yours go to ? " " It goes in necessaries," shortly answered Mrs. Brumm. But, not caring, for reasons of her own, to pursue this particular topic, she turned to that of the dinner. " I have half a shoulder of mutton, and I'm going to take it to the bake'us with a batter pudden under it, and to boil the taters at home." "That's capital!" returned Andrew, gently rubbing his hands. " There's nothing nicer than baked mutton and a batter pudden. Jacky, brush your hair well : it's as rough as bristles." " I had to use a handful of soda to get the dye out," said Mrs. Brumm. " Soda's awful stuff for making the hair rough." Andrew slipped out to the Honey Fair barber, who did an exten- sive business on Sunday morning, to be shaved. When he returned, he went up to wash and dress, and finally uncovered a deal box, where he was accustomed to find his clean shirt. With all Mrs. Brunim's faults, she had neat ways. The shirt was not there. " Bell, where's my clean shirt?" he called out from the top of the stairs. Mrs. Bell Brumm had been listening for the words, and she received them with satisfaction. She nodded, winked, and went through a little pantomime of ecstasy, to the intense delight of the children, who were in the secret, and nodded and winked with her. " Clean shirt ? " she called back again, as if not understanding. " My Sunday shirt ain't here." " You haven't got no Sunday shirt to-day." Andrew Brumm descended the stairs in consternation. " No Sunday shirt! " he repeated. " No shirt, nor no collar, nor no handkercher," coolly affirmed Mrs. Brumm. " There ain't none ironed. They be all in the wet and the rough, wrapped up in an old towel. Jacky and Polly haven't nothing either. Brumm stared considerably. " Why, what's the meaning of that?" "The irons are in pawn," shortly answered Mrs. Brumm. " You know you never came home with the money, so I couldn't get 'em out." Another wordy war. Andrew protested she had no " call " to put the irons in any such place. She impudently retorted that she should put the house in if she liked. A hundred such little episodes related of the domestic life of Honey Fair. ( 121 ) CHAPTER XXIII. THE MESSRS. BANKES. On the Monday morning, a troop of the gloveress girls flocked into Charlotte East's. They were taking holiday, as was usual with them on Mondays. Charlotte was a favourite. It is true, slie " bothered " them, as they called it, with good advice, but they liked her, in spite of it. Charlotte's kitchen was always tidy and peaceful, with a bright fire burning in it : other kitchens would be full of bustle and dirt. Charlotte never let them hinder her ; she worked away at her gloves all the time. Charlotte was a glove- maker ; that is, she sewed the fingers together, and put in the thumbs, forgits, and quirks. Look at your own gloves, English make. The long strips running up inside the fingers, are the forgits ; and the little pieces between, where the fingers open, are the quirks. The gloves Charlotte was occupied with now, were of a very dark green colour, almost black, called corbcau in the trade, and they were sewn with white silk. Charlotte's stitches were as beautifully regular as though she had used a patent machine. The white silk and the fellow glove to the one she was making, lay inside a clean white handkerchief doubled upon her lap; other gloves, equally well covered, were in a basket at her side. The girls had come in noisily, with flushed checks and eager eyes. Charlotte saw that something was exciting them. They liked to tell her of their little difficulties and pleasures. Betsy Carter had informed her mother that there was going to he a "party" at the Alhambra tea-gardens, if you remember; and this was the point of interest to-day. These "Alhambra tea-gardens," however formidable and perhaps suggestive the name, were very innocent in reality. They belonged "to a quiet roadside inn, half a mile from the town, and comprised a large garden and extensive lawn. The view from them was beautiful ; ind many a party from Helstonleigh, far higher in the scale of society than these girls, would go there in sunmier to take tea and enjoy the view. A young, tall, handsome girl of eighteen had drawn her chair close to Charlotte's. She was the half-sister of Mark INIason, and had her home with him and his wife ; supporting herself, after a fashion, by her work. But she was ahvays in debt to them, and she and Mrs. Mark did not get along well together. She wore a new shawl, and straw bonnet trimmed with blue ribbons : and her dark hair fell in glossy ringlets— as was the fashion then. Two other girls perched themselves on a table. They were sisters— Amelia and Mary Ann Cross ; others placed themselves where they could. Somewhat light were they in manner, these girls ; free in speech, frothing farther. If an unhappy girl did, by mischance, turn out i22 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. badly, or, as the expressive phrase had it, " went wrong," she was forthwith shunned, and shunned for ever. Whatever may have been the fauhs and faihngs prevaihng in Honey Fair, this sort of wrong-doing was not common amongst them. " Why, Carohne, that is new ! " exclaimed Charlotte East, alluding to the shawl. Caroline Mason laughed. " Is it not a beauty ? " crie^J she. And, it may be remarked, that in speech and accent she was superior to some of the girls. Charlotte took a corner of it in her hand. " It must have cost a pound, at least," she said. " Is it paid for?" Again Caroline laughed. " Never you mind whether it's paid for, or not, Charlotte. You won't be called upon for the money for it. As I told my sister-in-law yesterday." "' You did not want it, Caroline ; and I am c[uite sure you could not afford it. Your winter cloak was good yet. It is so bad a plan, getting goods on credit. I wish those Bankeses had never come near the place I " " Don't you run down Bankes's, Charlotte East." interposed Eliza Tyrrett, a very plain girl, with an ill-natured expression of face. " We should never get along at all if it wasn't for Bankes's." " You would get along all the better," returned Charlotte. " How much are they going to charge you for this shawl, Caroline?" Caroline and Eliza Tyrrett exchanged peculiar glances. There appeared to be some secret between them, connected with the shawl. " Oh, a pound, or so," replied Caroline. " What was it, Ehza?" Eliza Tyrrett burst into a loud laugh, and Caroline echoed it. Charlotte East did not press for the answer. But she did press the matter against dealing with Bankes's ; as she had pressed it many a time before. A twelvemonth ago, some strangers had opened a linen-draper's shop in a back street of Helstonleigh ; brothers, of the name of Bankcs. They professed to do business upon credit, and to wait upon people at their own homes, after the fashion of hawkers. Every Monday would -^ne of them appear in Honey Fair, a great pack of goods on his back, which would be opened for inspection at each house. Caps, shawls, gown-pieces, calico, flannel, and finery, would be displayed in all their fascinations. Now, you who are reading this, only reflect on the temptation ! The women of Honey Fair went into debt; and it was three parts the work of their lives to keep the finery, and the system, from the knowledge of their husbands. " Pay us so much weekly," Bankes's would say. And the women did so: it seemed like getting a gown for nothing. But Bankes's were found to be strict in collecting the ii.stalmcnts; and how these weekly payments told upon the wages, I will leave you to judge. Some would have many shillings to pay weekly. Charlotte East, and a few more prudent ones, spoke against this system ; but THE Messrs. bankes. 123 they made no impression. The temptation was too great. Charlotte assumed that this was how Carohne Mason's shawl had been detained. In that, however, she was mistaken. '• Charlotte, we arc going down to Bankes's. There'll be a belter ehoice in his shop than in his pack. You have heard of the j^arty at the Alhambra. Well, it is to be next Monday, and we want to ask you what we shall wear. What would you advise us to get for it?" " Get nothing," replied Charlotte. " Don't go to Bankes's, and don't go to the Alhambra." The whole assembly sat in wonder, with open eyes. " Not go to the party ! " echoed pert Amelia Cross. " What next. Charlotte East ?" *• I told you what it would be, if you came into Charlotte East's," said Eliza Tyrrett, a sneer on her countenance. " I am not against proper amusement, though I don't much care for it myself," said Charlotte. "But when you speak of going to a party at the Alhambra, somehow it does not sound respectable." The girls opened their eyes wider. "Why, Charlotte, what harm do you suppose will come to us.'' We can take care of ourseh-es, I hope?" " It is not that," said Charlotte. " Of course you can. Still it does not sound nice. It is like going to a public-house — you can't call the Alhambra anything else. It is Cjuite different, this, from going there to have tea in the summer. But that's not it, I say. If you go to it, you would be running into debt for all sorts of things at Bankes's, and get into trouble." " My sister-in-law says you are a croaker, Charlotte; and she's right," cried Caroline Alason, with good-humour. " Charlotte, it is not a bit of use, your talking," broke in Mary Ann Cross vehemently. " We shall go to the party, and we shall buy new things for it. Bankes's have some lovely sarcenets, cross- barred ; green, and pink, and lilac ; and me and 'Melia mean to have a dress apiece off 'em. With a pink bow in front, and a white collar— my I wouldn't folks stare at us ! — Twelve yards each it would take, and they are one-and-eightpence a yard." " Mary Ann, it would be just madness! There'd be the making, the lining, and the ribbon : five or six-and-twenty shillings each, they would cost you. Pray don't ! " " How you do reckon things up, Charlotte! We should payoff weekly : we have time afore us." "What would your father say?" " Charlotte, just hold your noise about father," quickly returned Amelia Cross in a hushed and altered tone. " You know we don't tell him about Bankes's." Charlotte found she might as well have talked to the winds. The girls were bent upon the evening's pleasure, and also upon the smart things they deemed necessary for it. A few minutes more, and they left her; and trooped down to the shop of the Messrs, Bankes. 124 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Charlotte was coming home that evenuig from an errand to the town, when she met Adam Thorneycroft. He was somewhat above the common run of workmen. " Oh, is it you, Charlotte?" he exclaimed, stopping her. " I say, how is it that you'll never have anything to say to mc now?" " I have told you why, Adam," she replied. " You have told me a pack of nonsense. I wouldn't lose you, Charlotte, to be made king of England. When once we are married, you shall see how steady I'll be. I will not enter a public- house." " You have been saying that you will not for these twelve months past, Adam," she sadly rejoined ; and, had her face been visible in the dark night, he would have seen that it was working with agitation. " What does it hurt a man, to go out and take a quiet pipe and a glass, after his work's over? Everybody does it." " Everybody docs not. But I do not wish to contend. It seems to bring you no conviction. Half the miseries around us in Honey Fair arise from so much of the wages being wasted at the public- houses. I know what you would say— that the wives are in fault as well. So they are. I do not believe people were sent into the world to live as so many of us live : nothing but scuffle, and dis- comfort, and— I may almost say it— sinfulness. One of these wretched households shall never be mine." " My goodness, Charlotte ! How seriously you speak ! " "It is a serious subject. I want to try to live so as to do my duty by myself and by those around me ; to pass my days in peace with the world and with my conscience. A woman beaten down, cowed by all sorts of ills, could not do so ; and, where the husband is unsteady, she must be beaten down. Adam, you know it is not with a willing heart I give you up, but I am forced to it." " How can you bring yourself to say this to me? " he rejoined. " I don't deny that it is hard," she faintly said, suppressing with difficulty her emotion. " This many a week I and duty have been having a conflict with each other : but duty has gained the mastery. I knew it would, from the first " "Duty be smothered!" interrupted Adam Thorneycroft. "I shall think you a born natural presently, Charlotte." " Yes, I know. I can't help it. Adam, we should never pull together, you see. Good-bye! We can be friends in future, if you like; nothing more." She held out her hand to hinr for a parting salutation. Adam, hurt and angr)', flung it from him, and turned towards Helstonleigh : and Charlotte continued her way home, her tears dropping in the dusky night. ( 125 ) CHAPTER XXIV. HARD TO BEAR. " • Mrs. Halliburton struggled on. A struggle, my reader, that it is to be hoped, for your comfort's sake, you have never experienced, and never will. She had learnt the stitch for the back of the gloves, and Mr. Lynn supplied her with a machine, and with work. But she could not do it quickly as yet ; though it was a hopeful day for her when she found that her weekly earnings amounted to six shillings. Mrs. Reece paid her twenty shillingG a week. Or, rather, Dobbs : for Dobbs was paymaster-general. Of that, Jane could use (she had made a close calculation) six shillings, putting by fourteen for rent and taxes. Her taxes were very light, part of them being paid by the landlord, as was the custom with some houses in Helstonleigh. But for this, the rent would have been less. Sorely tempted as she was, by hunger, by cold, almost by starvation, Jane was resolute in leaving the fourteen shillings intact. She had suffered too much from non-payment of the last rent, not to be prepared with the next. But — the endurance and deprivation ! — how great they were ! And she suffered far more for her children than for herself. One night, towards the middle ot February, she felt very down- hearted : almost as if she could not struggle on much longer. With her own earnings and the six shillings taken from Mrs. Recce's money she could count little more than twelve shillings weekly, and everything had to be found out of it. Coals, candles, washing— that is, the soap, firing, etc., necessary for Miss Betsy Carter to do it with ; the boys' shoe-mending and other trifles, besides food. You will not, therefore, be surprised to hear that on this night they had literally nothing in the house but part of a loaf of bread. Jane was resolute in one thing— not to go into debt. Mrs. Buffle would have given credit, probably other shops also; but Jane believed that her sole chance of surmounting the struggle eventually, was by keeping debt, even trifling debt, away. They had on this morning eaten bread for breakfast ; they had eaten potatoes and salt for dinner; and now, tea-time, there was bread again. All Jane had in her pocket was two-pence, tvhich must be kept for milk for the following morning, so they were drinking water now. They were round the fire ; two of the boys kneeling on the ground to get the better blaze, thankful that they had a fire at all. Their lessons were over for the day. William had been thoroughly well brought on by his father, in Greek, Latin, Euclid, and in English generally — in short, in the branches necessary to a -good education. 126 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Frank and Gar were forward also ; indeed, Frank, for his age, was a very good Latin scholar. But how could they do much good, or make much progress of themselves? William helped his brothers as well as he could, but it was somewhat profitless work ; and Jane was all too conscious that they needed to be at school. Altogether, her heart was sore within her. Another thing was beginning to worry her — a fear lest her brother should not be able to send the rent. She had fully counted upon it ; but, now that the time of its promised receipt was at hand, fears and doubts arose. She was dwelling on it now — now, as she sat there at her work, in the twilight of the early spring evening. If the money did not come, all she could do would be to go to Mr. Ashley, tell him of her ill luck, and that he must take the things at last. They must turn out, wanderers on the wide earth ; no A plaintive cry interrupted her dream, and recalled her to reality. It came from Jane, who was seated on a stool, her head leaning against the side of the mantel-piece. " She is crying, mamma," cried quick Frank ; and Janey whispered something into Frank's ear, the cry deepening into sobs. " Mamma, she's crying because she's hungry." "Janey, dear, I have nothing but bread. You know it. Could you eat a bit ? " " I want something else," sobbed Janey. " Some meat, or some pudding. It is such a long time since we had any. I am tired of bread ; I am very hungry." There came an echoing cry from the other side of the fire-place. Gar had laid his head down on the floor, and he now broke out, sobbing also. " I am hungry, too. I don't like bread any more than Janey does. When shall we have something nice .'' " Jane gathered them to her, one in each arm, soothing them with soft caresses, her heart aching, her own sobs choked down, one single comfort present to her — that God knew what she had to bear. Almost she began to fear for her own health. Would the intense anxiety, combined with the want of sufficient food, tell upon her? Would her sleepless nights tell upon her? Would her grief for the loss of her husband — a grief not the less keenly felt because she did not parade it — tell upon her? All iltat lay in the future. She rose the next morning early to her work; she always had to rise early — the boys and Jane setting the breakfast. Breakfast ! Putting the bread upon the table and taking in the milk. For two- pence they had a quart of skimmed milk, and were glad to get it. Her head was heavy, her frame hot, the result of inward fever, her limbs were tired before the day began; worse than all, there was that utter weariness of mind which predisposes a sufferer from it to lie down and die. "This will never do," thought Jane; " I inust bcdr up." A dispute between Fi-ank and Gar! They were godd, affec- HARD TO BEAR, ic; tionate boj's ; but little tempers must break out now and then. In trying to settle it, Jane burst into tears. It put an end to the fray more eticctually than anything else could have done. The boys looked blank with consternation, and Jancy burst into hysterical sobs. " Don't, Jane, don't," said the poor motlier ; " I am not well ; but do not j'ou cry." " I am not well, either," sobbed Janey. '• It hurts me here, and here." She put her hand to her head and chest, and Jane knew that she was weak from long-continued insufficiency of food. There was no remedy for it. Jane only wished she could bear for them all. Some time after breakfast there came the postman's knock at the door. A thickish letter — twopence to pay. The penny postal system had come in, but letters were not so universally prepaid then as they are now. Jane glanced over it with a beating heart. Yes, it was her l^rother's handwriting. Could the promised rent have really arrived ? She felt sick with agitation. " I have no money at all, Frank. Ask Dobbs if she will lend you twopence." Away went Frank, in his quick and not \-cry ceremonious man- ner, penetrating to the kitchen, where Dobbs happened to be. "Dobbs, will you please to lend mamma twopence.'' It is for a letter." " Dobbs, indeed ! Who's ' Dobbs ' ? " retorted that functionary in wrath. " I am Mrs. Dobbs, if you please. Take yourself out of my sight till you can learn manners." " Won't you lend it ? The postman's waiting." " No, I won't," returned Dobbs. Back ran Frank. " She won't lend it, mamma. She says I was rude to her, and called her Dobbs." " Oh, Frank ! " But the postman was impatient, demanding whether he was to be kept there all day. Jane was fain to apply to Dobbs herself, and procured the loan. Then she ran upstairs with the letter, and her trembling fingers broke the seal. Two bank- notes, for lo/. each, fell out of it. The promised loan had been sixteen pounds. The Rev. Francis Tait had contrived to spare four pounds more. Before Jane had recovered from her excitement — almost before a breath of thanks had gone up from her heart — she saw Mr. Ashley on the opposite side of the road, going towards Helstonleigh. Being in no state to weigh her actions, only conscious that the two notes lay in her hand — actual realities — she threw on her bonnet and shawl, and went across the road to Mr. Ashley. In her agitation, she scarcely knew what she did or said. " Oh, sir — 1 beg your pardon — but I have at this moment received the money for the back rent. May I give it to you now.'"' Mr. Ashley looked at her in surprise; A scarlet spot shone 'on her thin cheeks — a happy excitement was spread over her face df 128 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. care. He read the indications plainly — that she was an eager payer, but no willing debtor. The open letter in her hand, and the postman opposite, told the tale. " There is no such hurry, Mrs. Halliburton," he said, smiling. " I cannot give you a receipt here." " You can send it to me," she said. " I would rather pay you than Mr. Dare." She held out the notes to him. He felt in his pocket whether he had sufficient change, found he had, and handed it to her. " That is it, madam — four sovereigns. Thank you." She took them hesitatingly, but did not close her hand. " Was there not some expense incurred when — when that man was put in ? " " Not for you to pay, Mrs. Halliburton," he pointedly returned. " I hope you are getting pretty well through your troubles ? " The tears came into her eyes, and she turned them away. Getting pretty well through her troubles ! " Thank you for inquiring," she meekly said. " I shall, I believe, have the quarter's rent ready in March, when it falls due." " Do not put yourself out of the way to pay it," he replied. " If it would be more convenient to you to let it go on to the half-year, it would be the same to me." Her heart rose to the kindness. " Thank you, Mr. Ashley, thank you very much for your consideration ; but I must pay as I go on, if I possibly can." Patience stood at her gate, smiling, as she recrossed the road. She had seen what had passed. " Thee hast good news, I see. But thee wert in a hurry, to pay thy rent in the road." " My brother has sent me the rent, and four pounds over. Patience, I can buy bedside carpets now." Patience looked pleased. " With all thy riches, thee will scarcely thank me for this poor three and sixpence," holding out the silver to her. " Samuel Lynn left it ; it is owing thee for thy work." Jane smiled sadly as she took it. Her riches ! " How is Anna ? " she asked. " She is nicely, thank thee, and is gone to school. But she was Avilful over her lessons this morning. Farewell. I am glad thee art so far out of thy perplexities." Very far, indeed ; and a great relief it was. Can you realize these troubles of Mrs. Halliburton's? Not, I think, as she realized them. We pity the trials and endurance of the poor ; but, believe me, they are as nothing compared with the bitter lot of reduced gentlepeople. Jane had not been brought up to poverty, to scanty and hard fare, to labour, to humiliations, to the pain of debt. But for hope — and some of us know how strong that is in the human heart— and for that better hope, trust, Jane never could have gone through her trials. Her physical privations alone were almost too hard to bear. Can you wonder that an unexpected present of four pounds seemed as a mine of wealth ? ( 1-^y ) CHAPTER XXV. INCIPIENT VANITV. But four pounds, however large a sum to look at, dwindles down sadly in the spending ; especially when bedside carpets, and boys' lioots — new ones, and the mending of old ones — have to be deducted from it at the commencement. An idea had for some time been looming in Jane's mind ; looming ominously, for she did not like to speak of it. It was, that William must go out and enter upon some employment, by which a little weekly money might be added to their stock. He was eager enough ; indulging, no doubt, boy-hke, peculiar visions of his own, great and grand. But these Jane had to dispel ; to explain that for young boys, such as he, earning money implied hard work. His face flushed scarlet. Jane drew him to her, and pressed her cheek upon his. " There would be no real disgrace in it, my darling. No work in itself brings disgrace ; be it carrying abroad parcels, or sweeping out a shop. So long as we retain our refinement of speech, of manner, our courteous conduct one to the other, we shall still be gentlepeople, let us work at what we may. William, I think it is your dj(ty to help in our need." " Yes, I see, mamma," he answered. " I will try and do it ; any- thing that may turn up." Jane had not much faith in things " turning up." She believed that they must be sought for. That same evening she went into Mr. Lynn's, with the view of asking his counsel. There she found Anna in trouble. The cause was as follows. Patience, leaving Anna alone at her lessons, had gone into the kitchen to give some directions to Grace. Anna seized the oppor- tunity to take a little recreation : not that it was greatly needed, for — spoilt child that she was ! — she had merely looked at her books with vacant eyes, not having in reality learned a single word. First of all, off went her cap. Next, she drew from her pocket a small mirror, about the size of a five-shilling piece. Propping this against her books on the table before her, so that the rays of the lamp might fall upon it, she proceeded to admire herself, and twist her flowing hair round her pretty fingers, to make a shower of ringlets. Sad vanity for a little born Quakeress ! But it must be owned that never did mirror, small or large, give back a more lovely image than that child's. She had just arranged her curls, and was contemplating their effect to her entire satisfaction, when back came Patience, sooner than she was expected, and caught the young lady at her impromptu toilette. What with the curls and what with the mirror, Anna did not know which to hurry away first. Mrs. Halliburton's Troubk-s. J 130 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Thee naughty child ! thee naughty, naughty child! \Vhat is to become of thee ? Where did thee get this ? " Anna burst into tears. In her perplexity she said she had " found " the mirror. " That thee did not," said Patience calmly. " I ask thee where thee got it from ? " Of a remarkably pliant nature, wavering and timid, Anna never withstood long the persistent questioning of Patience. Amid many tears, the truth came out. Lucy Dixon had brought it to school in her workbox. It was a doll's mirror, and she, Anna, had given her sixpence for it. " The sixpence that thy father bestowed upon thee yesterday for being a good girl," retorted Patience. " I told him thee would likely not make a profitable use of it. Come up to bed with thee ! I will talk to thee after thee are in it." Of all things, Anna disliked to be sent to bed before her time. She sobbed, expostulated, and promised all sorts of amendment for the future. Patience, firm and quiet, would have carried her point, but for the entrance of Samuel Lynn. The fault was related to him by Patience, and the mirror exhibited. Anna clung around him in a storm of sobs. "Dear father! dear, dear father, don't thee let me go to bed! Let me sit by thee while thee hast thy supper. Patience may keep the glass, but don't thee let me go." It was quite a picture — the child clinging there with her crim- soned cheeks, her wet eyelashes, and her soft, flowing hair. Samuel Lynn, albeit a man not given to demonstration, strained her to him with a loving movement. Perhaps the crime of looking into a doll's glass and toying with her hair, appeared to him more venial than it did to Patience ; but then, she was his beloved child. " Will thee transgress again, Anna ? " " No, I never will," sobbed Anna. " Then Patience will suffer thee to sit up this once. But thee must be careful." He placed her in a chair close to him. Patience, disapproving very much, but saying nothing, left the room. Grace appeared with the supper-tray, and a message that Patience would take her supper in the kitchen. It was at this juncture that Mrs. Halliburton came in. She told the Quaker that she had come to consult him about William ; and mentioned her intentions. " To tell thee the truth, friend, I have marvelled much that thee did not, under thy circumstances, seek to place out thy eldest son," was the answer. " He might be helping thee." " He is young to earn anything, Mr. Lynn. Do you see a chance of my getting him a place ? " "That depends, friend, upon the sort of place he may wish for. I could help him to a place to-morrow. But it is one that may not accord with thy notions." " What is it ? " eagerly asked Jane. INCIPIENT VANITY. 131 ''It is in Thomas Ashley's manufactory. We are in want of another boy, and the master told me to-day I had better inciinre for one." "What would he have to do?" asked Jane. "And what would he earn ? " " He would have to do anything he may be directed to do. Thy son is older than are our boys who come to us ordinarily, and he has been dift'erently brought up ; therefore I might put him to some- what better employment. He might also be paid a trifle more. They sweep and dust, go on outdoor errands, carry messages indoors, black the gloves, get in coal; and they earn, if they are sharp, half-a-crown a week." Jane's heart sank within her. " But thy son, I say, might be treated somewhat differently. Not that he must be above doing any of these duties, should he be put to them. I can assure thee, friend, that some of the first manufacturers of this town have thus begun their career. A thoroughly practical knowledge of the business is only to be ac- cjuired by beginning at the first step of the ladder, and working upwards." "Did Mr. Ashley so begin?" She could scarcely tell why she asked the question. Unless it was that a feeling came over her that if Mr. Ashley had done these things, she would not mind William's doing them. " No, friend. Thomas Ashley's father was a man of means, and Thomas was bred up a classical scholar and a gentleman. He has never taken a practical part in the working of the business : I do that for him. His labours are chiefly confined to the correspondence and the keeping of the books. His father wished him to embrace a profession, rather than to be a glove manufacturer : but Thomas preferred to succeed his father. If thee would like thy son to enter our manufactory, I will try him." Jane was dubious. She felt quite sure that William would not like it. " He has been thinking of a counting-house, or a lawyer's or conveyancer's office," she said aloud. "He would like to employ his time in writing. Would there be difficulty in getting him into one ? " " I do not opine a lawyer would take a boy of his size. They require their writing to be well and correctly done. About that, I cannot tell thee much, for I have nothing to do with lawyers. He can inquire." Jane rose. She stood by the table, unconsciously stroking Anna's flowing curls — for the cap had never been replaced, and Samuel Lynn found no fault with the omission. " I will speak candidly," said Jane. " I fear that the place you have kindly offered me would not be liked by William. Other emplo\ments, writing for example, would be more palatable. Nevertheless, were he unable to obtain anything else, I should be glad to accept this. Will you give me three or four days for consideration ? " 132 MRS. HALLmURTON'S TROUBLES. "To oblige thee, I will, friend. When Thomas Ashley give^ orders, he is prompt in having them attended to ; and he spoke, as 1 have informed thee, about a fresh boy to-day. Would it not be a help to thee, friend, if thee got thy other two boys into the school attached to the cathedral ? " " But I have no interest," said Jane. " I hear that education there is free ; but I do not possess the slightest chance." " Thee may get a chance, friend. There's nothing like trying. I must tell thee that the school is not thought highly of, in con- sequence of the instruction being confined exclusively to Latin and Greek, hi the old days this was thought enough ; but people are now getting more enlightened. Thomas Ashley was educated there ; but he had a private tutor at home for the branches not taught at the college ; he had also masters for what are called accomplish- ments. He is one of the most accomplished men of the day. Few are so thoroughly and comprehensively educated as is Thomas Ashley. I have heard say thy sons have begun Latin. It might be a help to them if they could get in." " I should desire nothing better," Jane breathlessly rejoined, a new hope penetrating her heart. " I have heard of the collegiate school here ; but, until very recently, I supposed it to be an expen- sive institution." "No, friend; it is free. The best way to get a boy in, is by making interest with the head-master of the school, or with some of the cathedral clergy." A recollection of Air. Peach flashed into Jane's mind as a ray of light. She bade good-night to Samuel Lynn and Anna, and to Patience as she passed the kitchen. Patience had been crying. " I am grieved about Anna," she explained. " I love the child dearly, but Samuel Lynn is blind to her faults ; and it argues badly for the future. Thee cannot imagine half her vanity ; I fear me, too, she is deceitful. I wish her father could see it ! I wish he would indulge her less, and correct her more ! Good night to thee." Before concluding the chapter, it may as well be mentioned that a piece of good fortune about this time befell Janey. She found favour with Dobbs ! How it came about, perhaps Dobbs could not herself have told. Certainly no one else could. Mrs. Reece had got into the habit of asking Jane into her parlour to tea. She was a kind-hearted old lady and liked the child. Dobbs would afterwards be at work, generally some patching and mending to her own clothes; and Dobbs, though she would not acknowledge it, to herself or to any one else, could not see to thread her needle. Needle in one hand and thread in the other, she would poke the two together for five minutes, no result super- vening. Janey hit upon the plan of threading her a needle in silence, while Dobbs used the one; and from that time Jane kept her in threaded needles. Whether this conciliated Dobbs, must remain a mystery, but she took a liking for Jane; and the liking grew into love. Henceforth Janey wanted for nothing. While MR. ASHLEY'S MANUFACTORY. 133 the others starved, she hved on the fat of the land. Meat and pudding, fowls and pastry, whatever dinner in the parlour might consist of, Janey had her share of it, and a full share too. At first Mrs. Halliburton, from motives of delicacy, would not allow Jane to go in ; upon which Dobbs would enter, boiling over with indigna- tion, red with the exertion of cooking, and triumphantly bear her off. Jane spoke seriously to Mrs. Reece about it, but the old lady declared she was as glad to have the child as Dobbs was. Once, Jancy came to a standstill over some apple pudding, which had followed upon veal cutlets and bacon. " I am quite full," said she, more plainly than politely : " I can't eat a bit more. May I give this piece upon my plate to Gar ? " " No, you may not," snapped Dobbs, drowning Mrs. Recce's words, that she might give it and welcome. " How dare you, Janey ? You know that boys is the loadstones of my life." Dobbs probably used the word loadstones to indicate a heavy weight. She seized the plate of pudding and finished it herself, lest it should find its way to the suggested quarter — a self-sacrifice which served to show her earnestness in the cause. Nothing gave Dobbs indigestion like apple pudding, and she knew she should be a martyr for four-and-twenty hours afterwards. Thus Jane, at least, suffered from henceforth no privations, and for this Mrs. Halliburton was very thankful. The time was to come, however, when she would have cause to be more so. CHAPTER XXVI. MR. ASHLEY'S MANUFACTORY. The happy thought, suggested by Samuel Lynn, Jane carried out. She applied in person to Mr. Peach, and he obtained an immediate entrance for Frank to the college school, with a promise for Gar to enter at quarter-day, the 25th of March. He was perfectly thunderstruck when he found that his old friend and tutor, Mr. Halliburton, was dead ; had died in Helstonleigh ; and that he — //t'/ — had buried him. There was no need to ask him twice, after that, to exert his interest for the fatherless children. The school (I have told you what it was many years ago) was not held in the highest repute, from the cause spoken of by Samuel Lynn ; vacan- cies often occurred, and admission was easy. It was one great weight off Jane's mind. William was not so fortunate. He was at that period very short for his age, timid in manner, and no office could be persuaded to take him. Nothing in the least congenial to him presented itself, or could be found ; and the result was, that he resigned himself to Samuel Lynn, who introduced him to Mr. Ashley's extensive manu- factory — to be initiated by degrees into all the mysteries necessary 134 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. to convert a skin into a glove. And, although his interest and curiosity were excited by what he saw, he pronounced it a "hateful" business. When the skins came in from the leather-dressers they were washed in a tub of cold water. The next day warm water, mixed with yolks of eggs, was poured on them, and a couple of men, bare-legged to the knee, got into the tub, and danced upon them, skins, eggs, and water, for two hours. Then they were spread in a field to dry. till they were as hard as lantern horn ; then they were "staked," as it was called— a long process, to smooth and soften them. To the stainers next, to be stained black or coloured ; next to the parers, to have the loose flesh pared from the inside, and to be smoothed again with pumice-stone — all this being done on the outside premises. Then they came inside, to the hands of one of the foremen, who sorted and marked them for the cutters. The cutters cut the skins into tranks (the shape of the hand in outline) with the separate thumbs and forgits, and sent them into the slitters. The slitters slit the four fingers, and s/iapc'd the thumbs and forgits: after that, they were ready for the women — three different women, you may remember, being necessary to turn out each glove, so far as the sewing went ; for one woman rarely worked at more than her own peculiar branch, or was capable of working at it. This done, and back in the manufactory again, they had to be pulled straight, and " padded," or rubbed, a process by which they were brightened. If black gloves, the seams were washed over with a black dye, or else glazed ; then they were hung up to dry. This done, they went into Samuel Lynn's room, a large room next to Mr. Ashley's private room, and here they were sorted into firsts, seconds, or thirds ; the sorting being always done by Samuel Lynn, or by James Meeking, the head foreman. It was called '"making- up." Next they were banded round with a paper in dozens, labelled, and placed in small boxes, ready for the warehouses in London. A great deal, you see, before one pair of gloves can be turned out. The first morning that William went at six o'clock with Samuel Lynn, he was ordered to light the fire in Mr. Ashley's room, sweep it out, and dust it, first of all sprinkling the floor with water from a watering-pot. And this was to be part ol his work every morning at present ; Samuel Lynn giving him strict charge never to disturb anything on Mr. Ashley's desk. If he moved things to dust the desk, he was to lay them down again in the same places and in the same position. The duster consisted of some leather shreds tied up into a knot, the ends loose. He found he should have to wait on Mr. Ashley and Samuel Lynn, bring things they wanted, carry messages to the men, and go out when sent. A pair of shears, which he could not manage, was put into his hand, and he had to cut a damaged skin, useless for gloves, into narrow strips, standing at one of the counters in Samuel Lynn's room. William wondered whether they were to make another duster, but lie found thcv were used in the manufactory in place MR. ASHLEY'S MANUFACTORY. 135 of string. That done, a round, polished slick was handed to him, tapered at either end, which he had to pass over and over some small gloves to make them smooth, after the manner of a cook rolling out paste for a pie. He looked with dismay at the two young errand bo)'S of the establishment, who were black with dye. But Samuel Lynn had distinctly told him that he would not be expected to place himself on their level. The rooms were for the most part very light, one or two sides being entirely of glass. On the evening of this first day, William, after he got home, sat there in sad heaviness. His mother asked how he liked his em- ployment, and he returned an evasive answer. Presently he rose to go to bed, saying he had a headache. Up he went to the garret, and flung himself down on the mattress, sobbing as if his heart would break. Jane, suspecting something of this, followed him up. She caught him in her arms. '' Oh, my darling, don't give way ! Things may grow brighter after a time." " It is such a dreadful change ! — from my books, my Latin and Greek, to go there and sweep out places like those two black boys 1 " he said hysterically, all his reticence gone. " My dear boy ! my darling boy ! I know not how to reconcile you, how to lessen your cares. Your experience of the sorrow of life is beginning early. You are hungry, too." " I am always hungry," answered William, quite unable to affect concealment in that hour of grief. " I heard one of those black boys say he had boiled pork and greens for dinner. I did so envy him." Jane checked her tears ; they were rising rebelliously. " William, darling, your lot seems just now very dark and painful, but it might be worse." "Worse!" he echoed in surprise. "How could it be worse? Mamma, I am no better than an errand-boy there." " It would be worse, William, if you were one of those poor black boys. Unenlightened ; no wish for higher things ; content to remain as they are for ever." " But that could never be," he urged. " To be content with such a life is impossible." " They are content, William." He saw the drift of the argument. " Yes, mamma," he acknow- ledged; " I did not reflect. It would be worse if I were cjuite as they are." " William, we can only bear our difficulties, and make the best of them, trusting to surmount them in the end. You and I must both do this. Trust is different from hope. If we only hope, we may lose courage ; but if we fully and freely /n/sf, we cannot. Patience and perseverance, endurance and trust, they will in the end triumph ; never fear. If I feared, William, I should go into the grave with despair. I never lose my trust. I never lose my conviction, firm and certain, that God is watching over me, that 136 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. He is permitting these trials for some wise purpose, and that in His own good time we shall be brought through them." William's sobs were growing lighter. " The time may come when we shall be at ease again," continued Jane; "when we shall look back on this time of trial, and be thankful that we did bear up and surmount it, instead of fainting under the burden. God will take care that the battle is not too hot for us, if we only resign ourselves, in all trust, to do the best. The future is grievously dim and indistinct. As the guiding light in your papa's dream shone only on one step at a time, so can I see only one step before me." "What step is that?" he asked somewhat eagerly, "The one obvious step before me is to persevere, as I am now doing, to try and retain this home for you, my children ; to work as I can, so as to keep you around me. I must strive to keep you together, and you must help me. Bear up bravely, William. Make the best of this unpleasant employment and its mortifications, and strive to overcome your repugnance to it. Be resolute, my boy, in doing your duty in it, because it is your duty, and because, William — because it is helping your mother." A shadow of the trust, so firm in his mother's heart, began to dawn in his. " Yes, it is my duty," he resolutely said. " I will try to do it — -to hope and trust." Jane strained him to her. " Were you and I to give way now, darling, our past troubles would have been borne for nothing. Let us, I repeat, look forward to the time when we may say, ' We did not faint ; we battled on, and overcame.' It will come, William. Only trust to God." She quitted him, leaving him to reflection and resolve scarcely befitting his young years. The week wore on to its close. On the Saturday night, William, his face flushed, held out four shillings to his mother. " My week's wages, mamma." Jane's face flushed also. " It is more than I expected, Wilham, she said. " I fancied you would have three." " I think the master fixed the sum," said William. " The master? Do you mean Mr. Ashley? " " We never say ' Mr. Ashley ' in the manufactory ; we say ' the master.' Mr. Lynn was paying the wages to-night. I heard them say that sometimes Mr. Lynn paid them, and sometimes James Meeking. Those two black boys have half-a-crown a-piece. He left me to the last, and when the rest were gone, he looked at me, and took up three shillings. Then he seemed to hesitate, and suddenly he locked the desk and went into the master's room, and spoke with him. He came back in a minute, unlocked the desk, and gave me four shillings. ' Thee hast not earned it,' he said, * but I think thee hast done thy best. Thee will have the same each week, so long as thee does so.' " Jane held the four shilhngs. and f'^lt that she was growing quite I\IR. ASHLEY'S MANUFACTORY. 137 rich. The rest crowded round to look. " Can't we have a nice dinner to-morrow with it ? " said one. " I think we must," said Jane cheerily. " A nice dinner, for once in a way. What shall it be? " " Roast beef," called out Frank. '• Pork with crackling," suggested Janey. " That of Mrs. Reece's yesterday was so good." " Couldn't we have fowls and a jam pudding? " asked Gar. Jane smiled and kissed him. All the suggestions were beyond her purse. " We will have a meat pudding," she said ; " that's best." And the children cheerfully acquiesced. They had implicit faith m their mother ; they knew that what she said was best, would be best. On this same Saturday night Charlotte East was returning home from Helstonlcigh, an errand having taken her thither after dark. Almost opposite to the turning to Honey F'air, a lane branched off, leading to some farm-houses ; a lane, green and pleasant in summer, but bare and uninviting now. Two people turned into it as Charlotte looked across. She caught only a glance ; but something in the aspect of both struck upon her as familiar. A gas-lamp at the corner shed a liglit upon the spot, and Charlotte suddenly halted, and stood endea\'Ouring to peer further. But they were soon out of view. A feeling of dismay had stolen over Charlotte. She hoped she was mistaken ; that the parties were not those she had fancied ; and she slowly continued her way. A few paces more, she turned up the road leading to Honey Fair, and found herself nearly knocked over by one who came running against her, apparently in some excitement, and in a great hurry. " Who's this ? " cried the voice of Ehza Tyrrett. " Charlotte East, I declare ! I say, have you seen anything of Caroline Mason?" Charlotte hesitated. She hoped she had not seen her; though the misgiving was upon her that she had. '" Did you think I might have seen her?" she returned. " Has she come this way? " " Yes, I expect she has come this way, and I want to find her," returned Eliza Tyrrett vehemently. " I saw her making off out of Honey F"air, and I saw who was waiting for her round the corner. I knew my company wasn't wanted then, and I turned into Dame Buffle's for a talk ; and there I found that Madam Carry have been telling falsehoods about me. Let me set on to her, that's all ! I shall say what she won't like." " Who do you mean was waiting for her ? " inquired Charlotte East. Eliza Tyrrett laughed. She was beginning to recover her temper. "You'd like to know, wouldn't you?" said she pertly. "But I'm not going to tell tales out of school." " I think I do know," returned Charlotte quietly. " I fear I do." " Do you? I thought nobody knew nothing about it but me. It has been going on this ten weeks. Did vou see her, though, Charlotte?" 138 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " I thought I saw her, but I could not believe my eyes. She was with — with — some one that she has no business to be with." " Oh, as to business, I don't know about that," carelessly answered Eliza Tyrrett. " We have a right to walk with anybody we like." " Whether it is good or bad for you } " returned Charlotte, " There's no ' bad ' in it," cried Eliza Tyrrett indignantly. " I never saw such an old maid as you are, Charlotte East, never ! Carry Mason's not a child, to be led into mischief." " Carry's very foolish," was Charlotte's comment. " Oh, of course fou think so, or it wouldn't be you. You'll go and tell upon her at home, I suppose, now." " I shall tell /ier,'" said Charlotte. " Folks should choose their acquaintances in their own class of life, if they want things to turn out pleasantly." " Were you not all took in about that shawl ! " uttered Eliza Tyrrett, with a laugh. " You thought she went in debt for it at Bankes's, and her people at home thought so. Het Mason shrieked on at her like anything, for spending money on her back while she owed it for her board. He gave her that." " Eliza Tyrrett ! " "He did. Law, where's the harm? He is rich enough to give all us girls in Honey Fair one a-piece, and who'd be the worse for it ? Only his pocket ; and that can afford it. I wish he would ! " " I wish you would not talk so, Eliza. She is not a fit companion for him, even though it is but to take a walk; and she ought to remember that she is not." "He wants her for a longer companion than that," observed Eliza Tyrrett ; " that is, if he tells true. He wants her to marry him." " He — wants her to marry him ! " repeated Charlotte, speaking the words in sheer amazement. " Who says so ? " "He does. I should hardly think he can be in earnest, though." " Eliza Tyrrett, we cannot be speaking of the same person," cried Charlotte, feeling bewildered. " To whom have you been alluding ? " " To the same that you have, I expect. Young Anthony Dare." CHAPTER XXVII. THE FORGOTTEN LETTER. It was the last day of March, and five o'clock in the afternoon. The great bell had rung in Mr. Ashley's manufactory, the signal for the men to go to their tea. Scuffling feet echoed to it from all parts, and clattered down the stairs on their way out. The ground floor was not used for the indoor purposes of the manu- factory, the business being carried on in the first and second floors. The first flight of stairs opened into what was called the serving-. THE FORGOTTEN LETTER. 139 room, a very large apartment ; through this, on the right, branched off Mr. Ashley's room and Samuel Lynn's. On the left, various passages led to other rooms, and the upper flight of stairs was opposite to the entrance-stairs. The serving-counter, running com- pletely across the room, formed a barrier between the serving-room and the entrance staircase. The men flocked into the serving-room, passed it, and rattled down the stairs. Samuel Lynn was changing his coat to follow, and William Halliburton was waiting for him, his cap on, for he walked to and fro with the Quaker, when Mr. Ashle)''s voice was heard from his room ; the counting-house, as it was frequently called. " William ! " It was usual to distinguish the boys by their Chris- tian name only; the men by both their Christian and surnames. Samuel Lynn was " Mr. Lynn." " Did thee not hear the master calling to thee?" William had certainly heard Mr. Ashley's voice ; but it was so unusual for him to be called by it, that he had paid no attention. He had very little communication with Mr. Ashley; in the three or four weeks he had now been at the manufactory, Mr. Ashley had not spoken to him a dozen words. He hastened into the counting- house, taking off his cap in the presence of Mr. Ashley. " Have the men gone to tea ! " inquired Mr. Ashley, who was sealing a letter. " Yes, sir," replied William. "Is George Dance gone?" George Dance was an apprentice, and it was his business to take the letters to the post. " They are all gone, sir, except Mr. Lynn ; and James Meeking, who is waiting to lock up." " Do you know the post-office ? " " Oh, yes, sir. It is in West Street, at the other end of the town." " Take this letter, and put it carefully in." William received the letter from Mr. Ashley, and dropped it into his jacket pocket. It was addressed to Bristol; the London mail- bags were already made up. Mr. Ashley put on his hat and de- parted, followed by Samuel Lynn and William. James Meeking locked up, as it was his invariable business to do, and carried the keys into his own house. He inhabited part of the ground floor of the premises. "Are thee not coming home with me this evening?" inquired Samuel Lynn of William, who was turning off the opposite way. " No ; the master has given me a letter to post. I have also an errand to do for my mother." It happened (things do happen in a curious sort of way in this world) that Mrs. Halliburton had desired William to bring her in some candles and soap at tea-time, and to purchase them at Lockett's shop. Lockett's shop was rather far off; there were others nearer; but Lockett's goods were of the best quality, and his extensive trade enabled him to sell a halfpenny a pound cheaper. A l^alfpenny was I40 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. a halfpenny with Jane then. William went on his way, walking fast. As he was passing the cathedral, he came into contact with the college boys, then just let out of school. It was the first day that Gar had joined ; he had received his appointment, according to promise. Very thankful was Jane ; in spite of the drawback of having to provide them with good linen surplices. William halted to see if he could discern Gar amidst the throng : it was not unna- tural that he should look for him. One of the boys caught sight of William standing there. It was Cyril Dare, the third son of Mr. Dare, a boy older and considerably bigger than William. " If there's not another of that Halliburton lot, posted there ! " cried he, to a knot of those around. " Perhaps he will be coming amongst us next — because we have not enough with the two ! Look at the fellow, staring at us ! He is a common errand-boy at Ashley's." Frank Halliburton, who, little as he was, wanted neither for spirit nor pluck, heard the words, and confronted Cyril Dare. " That is my brother," said he. " What have you to say against him ? " Cyril Dare cast a glance of scorn on Frank, regarding him from top to toe. " You audacious young puppy ! I say he is a snob. There ! " " Then I say he is not," retorted Frank. " You are one yourself, for saying it." Cyril Dare, big enough to have crushed Frank to death, speedily had him on the ground, and treated him not very mercifully when there. William, a witness to this, but not understanding it, pushed his way through the crowd to protect Frank. All he saw was, that Frank was down, and two big boys were kicking him. " Let him alone! " cried he. " How can you be so cowardly as to attack a little fellow .'' And two of you ! Shame ! " Now, if there was one earthly thing that the college boys would not brook, it was being interfered with by a stranger. William suffered. Frank's treatment had been nothing to what he had to submit to. He was knocked down, trampled on, kicked, buffeted, abused ; Cyril Dare being the chief and primary aggressor. At that moment the under-master came in view, and the boys made off — all except Cyril Dare. Reined in against the wall, at a few yards' distance, was a lad on a pony. He had delicately expressive features, large soft brown eyes, a complexion too bright for health, and wavy dark hair. The face was beautiful ; but two upright lines were indented in the white forehead, as if worn there by pain, and the one ungloved hand was white and thin. He was as old as William within a year; but, slight and fragile, would be taken to be much younger. Seeing and hearing — though not very clearly^what had passed, he touched his pony, and rode up to Cyril Dare. The latter was beginning to walk away leisurely, in tlic wake of his companions ; the upper boys were the: forgotten letter. 141 rather fond of ignoring the presence of the under-master. Cyril turned at hearing himself called. "What! Is it you, Henry Ashley? Where did you spring from ? " "Cyril Dare," was the answer, "you are a wretched coward." Cyril Dare was feeling anger yet, and the words did not lessen it. " Of course, j)vw can say sol" he cried. "You know that you can say what you like with impunity. One can't chastise a cripple like you." The brilliant, painful colour flushed into the face of Henry Ashley. To allude openly to infirmity, such as this, is as iron entering into the soul. Upon a sensitive, timid, refined nature (and those suffer- ing from this sort of affliction are nearly sure to possess that nature), it falls with a bitterness that can neither be conceived by others nor spoken of by themselves. Henry Ashley braved it out. " A coward, and a double coward ! " he repeated, looking Cyril Dare full in the face, while the transparent flush grew hotter on his own. " You struck a young boy down, and then kicked him ; and for nothing but that he stood up, like a trump, at your abuse of his l:)rother." " You couldn't hear," returned C)ril Dare roughly. " I heard enough. I say that you are a coward." " Chut ! They are snobs, out-and-out." " I don't care if they are chimney-sweeps. It does not make you less a coward. And you'll be one as long as you live. If I had my strength, I'd serve you out as you served them out." " Ah, but you have not your strength, you know ! " mocked Cyril. " And as you seem to be going into one of your heroic fits, I shall make a start, for I have no time to waste on them." He tore away. Henry Ashley turned his pony and addressed William. Both boys had spoken rapidly, so that scarcely a minute had passed, and William had only just risen from the ground. He leaned against the w^all, giddy, as he wiped the blood from his face. "Are you much hurt?" asked Henry kindly, his large dark eyes full of sympathy. " No, thank you ; it is nothing," replied William. " He is a great coward, though, whoever he is." " It is Cyril Dare," called out Frank. " Yes, it is Cyril Dare," continued Henry Ashley. I have been telling him what a coward he is. I am ashamed of him : he is ni)- cousin, in a remote degree. I am glad you are not hurt." Henry Ashley rode away towards his home. Frank followed in the same direction ; as did Gar, who now came in view. William proceeded up the town. He was a little hurt, although he had dis- owned it to Henry Ashley. His head felt light, his arms ached; perhaps the sensation of giddiness was as much from the want of a piece of bread as anything. He purchased what was required for his mother; and then made the best of his way home again. Mr. Ashley's letter had gone clean out of his head. 143 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TRUUBLLS. Frank, in the manner usual with boys, carried hon\c so exaggerated a story of WilHam's damages, that Jane expected to see him arrive half-killed. Samuel Lynn heard of it, and said William might stop at home that evening. It has never been mentioned that his hours were from six till eight in the morning, from nine till one, from two till five, and from six till eight. These were Mr. Lynn's hours, and William was allowed to keep the sailie ; the men had half-an-hour less allowed for breakfast and tea. William was glad of the rest, after his battle, and the evening passed on. It was growing late, almost bedtime, when suddenly there flashed into his memory Mr. Ashley's letter. He put his hand into his jacket-pocket. There it lay, snug and safe. With a few words of explanation to his mother, so hasty and incoherent that she did not understand a syllable, he snatched his cap, and flew away in the direction of the town. Boys have good legs and lungs ; and William scarcely slackened speed until he gained the post-office, not far short of a mile. Drop- ping the letter into the box, he stood against the wall to recover breath. A clerk was standing at the door whistling ; and at that moment a gentleman, apparently a stranger, came out of a neigh- bouring hotel, a letter in hand. " This is the head post-office, I believe ? " said he to the clerk. " Yes." " Am I in time to post a letter for Bristol ? " " No, sir. The bags for the Bristol mail are made up. It will be through the town directly." William heard this with consternation. If it was too late for this gentleman's letter, it was too late for Mr. Ashley's. He said nothing to any one that night ; but he lay awake thinking over what might be the consequences of his forgetfulness. The letter might be one of importance ; Mr. Ashley might discharge him for his neglect — and the weekly four shillings had grown into an absolute necessity. William possessed a large share of conscientious- ness, and the fault disturbed him much. When he came down at six, he found his mother up, and at work. He gave her the history of what had happened. " What can be done .'' " he asked. ' Nay, William, put that question to yourself. What ought you to do ? Reflect a moment." " I suppose I ought to tell Mr. Ashley." " Do not say ' I suppose,' my dear. You must tell him." " Yes, I know I must," he acknowledged. " 1 have been thinking about it all night. But I don't like to." " Ah, child ! we have many things to do that we ' don't like.' But the first trouble is always the worst. Look it fully in the face, and it will melt away. There is no help for it in this matter, William; your duty is plain. There's Mr. Lynn looking out for you." William went out, heavy with the thought of the task he should have to accomplish after breakfast. He knew that he must do it THE FOR(;OTTEN LETTER. 143 It was a duty, as his mother had said ; and she had fully impressed upon them all, from their infancy, the necessity of looking out for their duty and doing it, whether in great things or in small. Mr. Ashley entered the manufactory that morning at his usual hour, half-past nine. He opened and read his letters, and then was engaged for some time with Samuel Lynn. By ten o'clock the counting-house was clear. Mr. Ashley was alone in it, and William knew that his time was come. He went in, and approached Mr. Ashley's desk. Mr. Ashley, who was writing, looked up. " What is it ? " William's face grew red and white by turns. He was of a remark- ably sensitive nature ; and these sensitive natures cannot help betraying their inward emotion. Try as he would, he could not get a word out. Mr. Ashley was surprised. " What is the matter ? " he wonderingly asked. "If you please, sir — I am very sorry — it is about the letter," he stammered, and was unable to get any further. "The letter!" repeated Mr. Ashley. "What letter? Not the letter I gave you to post ? " " I forgot it, sir," — and William's own voice sounded to his ear painfully clear. " Forgot to post it ! That was unpardonably careless. Where is the letter ? " " I forgot it, sir, until night, and then I ran to the post-office and put it in. Afterwards I heard the clerk say that the Bristol bags were made up, so of course it would not go. I am very sorry, sir," he repeated, after a pause. " How came you to forget it ? You ought to have gone direct from here, and posted it." " So I did go, sir. That is 1 was going, but " " But what ? " returned Mr. Ashley, for William had made a dead standstill. " The college boys set on me, sir. They were ill-using my brother, and I interfered ; and then they turned upon me. It made me for- get the letter." "It was you who got into an affray with the college boys, was it ? " cried Mr. Ashley. He had heard his son's version of the affair, without suspecting that it related to William. William waited by the desk. " If you please, sir, was it of great consequence ? " "It might have been. Do not be guilty of such carelessness again." " I will try not, sir." Mr. Ashley looked down at his writing. William waited. He did not suppose it was over, and he wanted to know the worst. " Why do you stay ? " asked Mr. Ashley. " I hope you will not turn me away for it, sir," he said, his colour changing again. " Well— not this time," replied Mr, Ashley, smiling to himself. 144 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. "But I'll tell you what I should have felt inclined to turn yoil away for," he added — "concealing the iact from me. Whatever fault, omission, or accident you may con mit, always acknowledge it at once ; it is the best plan, and the e isicst. You may go back to your work now." William left the room with a lighter step. Mr. Ashley looked after him. "That's an honest lad," thought he. "He might just as well have kept it from me ; calculating on the chances of it not coming out : many boys would have done so. He has been brought up in a good school." Before the day was over, William came again into contact with Mr. Ashley. That gentleman sometimes made his appearance in the manufactory in an evening — not always. He did not on this one. When Samuel Lynn and William entered it on their return from tea, a gentleman was waiting in the counting-house on busi- ness. Samuel Lynn, who was, on such occasions, Mr. Ashley's alter ego, came out of the counting-house presently, with a note in his hand. "Thee put on thy cap, and take this to the master's house. Ask to see him, and say that I wait for an answer." William ran off with the note : no fear of his forgetting this time. It was addressed in the plain form used by the Quakers, "Thomas Ashley ; " and could William have looked inside, he would have seen, instead of the complimentary " Sir," that the commencement was, " Respected Friend." He observed his mother sitting close at her window, to catch what remained of the declining light, and nodded to her as he passed. " Can I see Mr. Ashley ? " he inquired, Avhen he reached the house. The servant replied that he could. He left William in the hall, and opened the door of the dining-room ; a handsome room, of lofty proportions. Mr. Ashley was slowly pacing it to and fro, while Henry sat at a table, preparing his Latin exercise for his tutor. It was Mr. Ashley's custom to help Henry with his Latin, easing difficulties to him by explanation. Henry was very back- ward with his classics ; he had not yet begun Greek : his own private hope was, that he never should begin it. His sufferings rendered learning always irksome, sometimes unbearable. The same cause frequently made him irritable — an irritation that could not be checked, as it would have been in a more healthy boy. The man told his master he was wanted, and Mr. Ashley looked into the hall. " Oh, is it you, Wilham ? " he said. " Come in." William advanced. " Mr. Lynn said I was to see yourself, sir, and to say that he waited for an answer." Mr. Ashley opened the note, and read it by the lamp on Henry's table. It was not dark outside, and the chandelier was not lighted, Init Henry's lamp was. " Sit down," said Mr. Ashley to William, and left the room, note in hand. THE FORGOTTEN LETTER. 145 William felt it was something, Mr. Ashley's recognizing a dift'er- ence between him and those black boys in the manufactory : they would scarcely have been told to sit in the hall. William sat down on the first chair at hand. Henry Ashley looked at him. He recognized him as the boy who had been maltreated by the college boys on the previous day ; but Henry was in no mood to be sociable, or even condescending — he never was, when over his lessons. His hip was giving him pain, and his exercise was making him fractious. " There ! it's always the case ! Another five minutes, and I should have finished this horrid exercise. Papa is sure to go awa)', or be called away, when he's helping me ! It's a shame." Mrs. Ashley opened the door at this juncture, and looked into the room. " I thought your papa was here, Henry." "No, he is not here. He has gone to his study, and I am stuck fast. Some blessed note has come, which he has to attend to; and I don't know whether this word should be put in the ablative or the dative ! I'll run the pen through it ! " " Oh, Henry, Henry ! Do not be so impatient." Mrs. Ashley shut the door again; and Henry continued to worry himself, making no progress, except in fretfulness. At length William approached him. " Will you let me help you ? " Surprise brought Henry's grumbling to a standstill. "You!" he exclaimed. " Do you know anything of Latin ? " " I am very much farther in it than what you are doing. My brother Gar is as far as that. Shall I help you ? You have put that wrong ; it ought to be in the accusative." " Well, if you can help me, you may, for I want to get it over," said Henry, with a doubting stress upon the "can." "You can sit down, if you wish to," he patronizingly added. " Thank you, I don't care about sitting down," replied William, beginning at once upon his task. The two boys were soon deep in the exercise, William not doing it, but rendering it easy to Henry ; in the same manner that Mr. Halliburton, when he was at that stage, used to make it clear to him. " I say," cried Henry, "who taught you ?" " Papa. He gave a great deal of time to me, and that got me on, I can sec a wrong word there," added William, casting his eyes to the top of the page. " It ought to be in the vocative, and you have put it in the dative." " You are mistaken, then. Papa told me that : and he is not likely to be wrong. Papa is one of the best classical scholars of the day — although he is a manufacturer," added Henry, who, through his relatives, the Dares, had been infected with a contempt for business. " It should be in the vocative," repeated William. " I shan't alter it. The idea of your finding fault with Mr, Ashley's Latin ! Let us get on. What case is this ? " Mrs, Halliburton's Troubles. IQ 146 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. The last word of the exercise was being written, when Mr. Ashley opened the door and called to William. He gave him a note for Mr. Lynn, and William departed. Mr. Ashley returned to complete the interrupted exercise. " I siiy, papa, that fellow knows Latin," began Henry. " What fellow ? " returned Mr. Ashley. "Why, that chap of yours, who has been here. He has helped me through my exercise. Not doing it for me : you need not be afraid; but explaining to me how to do it. He made it easier to me than you do, papa." Mr. Ashley took the book in his hand, and saw that it was correct. He knew Henry could not, or would not, have made it so himself. Henry continued : " He said his papa used to explain it to him. Fancy one of your manufactory's errand-boys saying ' papa.' " " You must not class him with the ordinary errand-boys, Henry. The boy has been as well brought up as you have." "I thought so; for he has impudence about him," was Master Henry's retort. " Was he impudent to you ? " " To me ? oh no. He is as civil a fellow as ever I spoke to. Indeed, but for remembering who he was, I should call him a gentlemanly fellow. While he was telling me, I forgot who he was, and talked to him as an equal, and he talked to me as one. I call him impudent, because he found fault with your Latin." "Indeed!" returned Mr. Ashley, an amused smile parting his lips. " He says this word's wrong. That it ought to be in the vocative case." " So it ought to be," assented Mr. Ashley, casting his eyes on the word to which Henry pointed. " You told me the dative, papa." " That I certainly did not, Henry. The mistake must have been your own." " He persisted that it was wrong, although I told him it was your Latin. Papa, it is the same boy who had the row yesterday with Cyril Dare. What a pity it is, though, that a fellow so well up in his Latin should be shut up in a manufactory ! " " The only ' pity ' is, that he is in it too early," was the response of Mr. Ashley. "His Latin would not be any detriment to his being in a manufactory, or the manufactory to his Latin. I am a manufacturer myself, Henry. You appear to ignore that some- times." " The Dares go on so. They din it into my ears that a manu- facturer cannot be a gentleman." " I shall cause you to drop the acquaintance of the Dares, if you allow yourself to listen to all the false and foolish notions they may give utterance to, Cyril Dare will probably go into a manufactory liimself," ^ ' THE FORGOTTEN LETTER. U7 Henry looked up curiously. " I don't think so, papa." " I do," returned Mr. Ashley, in a significant tone. Henry was surprised at the news. He knew his father never advanced a decided opinion unless he had good grounds for it. He burst into a laugh. The notion of Cyril Dare's going into a manufactory tickled his fancy aniazinsjly. PART THE SECOND. CHAPTER I. A SUGGESTED FEAR. One morning, towards the middle of April, IVIrs. Halliburton went up to Mr. Ashley's. She had brought him the quarter's rent. " Will you allow me to pay it to yourself, sir — now, and in future.'' she asked. " I feel an unconquerable aversion to have further dealings with Mr. Dare." " I can understand that you should have," said Mr. Ashley. "Yes, you can pay it to me, Mrs. HaUiburton. Always remember- mg, you know, that I am in no huny for it," he added with a smile". " Thank you. You are very kind. But I must pay as I go on." He wrote the receipt, and handed it to her. " I hope you are satisfied with William .'' " she said, as she folded it up. " Quite so. I believe he gives satisfaction to Mr. Lynn. I have little to do with him myself. Mr. Lynn tells me that he finds him a remarkably truthful, open-natured boy." " You will always find him that," said Jane. " He is getting more reconciled to the manufactory than he was at first." " Did he not like it at first ? " "No, he did not. He was disappointed altogether. He had hoped to find some employment more suited to the way in which he had been brought up. He cannot divest himself of the idea that he is looked upon as on a level with the poor errand-boys of your estab- lishment, and therefore has lost caste. He had wished also to be in some office — a hiwyer's, for instance — where the hours for leaving are early, so that he might have had the evening for his studies. But he is growing more reconciled to the inevitable." " I suppose he wished to continue his studies ? " " He did so, naturally. The foundation of an advanced education has been laid, and he expected it was to go on to completion. His brothers are now in the college school, occupied all day long with their studies, and of course William feels the difference. He gets to his Ijooks for an hour when he returns home in an evening; but he is weary, and does not do much good." "He appears to be a more persevering, thoughtful boy than are some," remarked Mr. Ashley. " Veiy thoughtful — veij persevering^. It has been the labour of A SUGGESTED FEAR. 149 my life, Mr. Ashley, to foster good seed in my children ; to reason with them, to make them my companions. They have been endowed, I am thankful to say, with admirable qualities of head and heart, and I have striven unweariedly to nourish the good in them. It is not often that boys are brought into contact with sorrow so early as they. Their papa's death and my adverse circumstances have been real trials." " They must have been," rejoined Mr. Ashley. " While others of their age think only of play," she continued, " my boys have been obliged to learn the sad experiences of life ; and it has given them a thought, a care, beyond their years. There is no necessity to make Frank and Edgar apply to their lessons un- remittingly ; they do it of their own accord, with their whole abilities, knowing that education is the only advantage they can possess — the one chance of their getting on in the world. Had William been a boy of a different disposition, less tractable, less reflective, less conscientious, I might have found some difficulty in inducing him to work as he is doing." " Does he complain .? " inquired Mr. Ashley. "Oh no, sir! He feels that it is his duty to work, to assist so far as he can, and he does it without complaining. I see that he cannot help feeling it. He would like to be in the college with his brothers ; but I cheer him up, and tell him it may all turn out for the best. Perhaps it will." She rose as she spoke. Mr. Ashley shook hands with her, and attended her through the hall. '' Your sons deserve to get on, Mrs. Halliburton, and I hope they will do so. It is an admirable promise for the future man when a boy displays self-thought and self- reliance." " Mamma ! " suddenly exclaimed Janey, as they sat at breakfast the morning after this, " do you remember what to-day is .? It is my birthday." Jane had remembered it. She had been almost in hopes that the child would not remember it. One year ago that day the first glimpse of the shadow, so soon to fall upon them, had shown itself. What a_ change ! The contrast between last year and this was almost incredible. Then they had been in possession of a good home, were living in prosperity, in apparent security. Now— Jane's heart turned sick at the thought. Only one short year ! " Yes, Janey dear," she replied in a 3adly subdued tone. " I did not forget it, I • " A double knock at the door interrupted what she would have further said. They heard Dobbs answer it : visitors were chiefly for Mrs. Reecc. Who should be standing there but Samuel Lynn ! He did not choose the familiar back way, as Patience did, had he occasion to call, but knocked at the front. " Is Jane Halliburton within?" " You can go and see," said crusty, disappointed Dobbs, flourish- ISO MRS. HALLlBURTOiN'S TROUBLES. ing her hand towards the study door. " It's not often that she's out." Jane rose at his entrance ; but he dechned to sit, standing while he dchvered the message with which he had been charged. " Friend, thee need not send thy son to the manufactory again in an evening, except on Saturdays. On the other evenings he may remain at home from tea-time and pursue his studies. His wages will not be lessened." And Jane knew that the considerate kindness emanated from Thomas Ashley. She managed better with her work as the months went on. By summer she could do it quickly ; the days were long then, and, by dint of sitting closely to it, she could earn tvvelve shillings a week. With William's earnings, and the six shillings taken from Mrs. Recce's payments, that made twenty-two. It was quite a fortune, compared with what had been. But, like most good fortunes, it had its drawbacks. In the lirst place, she could not always earn it : she was compelled to steal unwilling time to mend her own and the children's clothes. In the second place, a large portion of it had to be devoted to buying their clothes, besides other incidental expenses ; so that in the matter of housekeeping they were not much better off than before. Still, Jane did begin to think that she should see her way clearer. But there was sorrow of a different nature looming in the distance. One afternoon, which Jane was obliged to devote to plain sewing, she was sitting alone in the study, when there came a hard short thump at it, which was Dobbs's way of making known her presence there. " Come in ! " Dobbs came in and sat herself down opposite Jane. It was summer weather, and the August dust blew in at the open window. "I want to know what's the matter with Janey," began she, without circumlocution. "With Janey?" repeated Mrs. Halliburton. "What should be the matter with her.? I know of nothing." "Of course not," sarcastically answered Dobbs. "Eyes appear to be given to some folks only to blind 'em — more's the pity! You can't see it; my missis can't see it; but I say that the child is ill." " Oh, Dobbs ! I think you must be mistaken." " Now, I'd thank you to be civil, if you please, Mrs. Halliburton," retorted Dobbs. " You don't take me for a common servant, I hope. Who's 'Dobbs?'" " I had no wish to be uncivil," said Jane. " I am so much accustomed to hear Mrs. Rcece call you Dobbs, that " " My missis is one case, and other folks is another," burst forth Dobbs, by way of interruption. " I have a handle to my name, I hope, which is Mrs. Dobbs, and I'd be obleeged to you not to forget it again. What's the reason that Janey's always tired now, A SUGGESTED FEAR. 151 I ask? — don't want to stir — gets a bright pink in the checks and inside the hands ? " " It is only the effect of the hot weather." The opinion did not please Dobbs. "There's not a earthly thing happens, but it's laid to the weather," she angrily cried. " The weather, indeed! If Janey is not going off after her pa, it's an odd thing to me." Jane's heart-pulse stood still. " Does she have night-prespirations, or does she not?" demanded Dobbs. "She tells me she's hot and damp; so I conclude it is so.'' " Only from the heat — only from the heat," panted Jane eagerly. She dared not admit the fear. " Well, the first time I go down to the town, I shall take her to Parry. It won't be at your cost," she hastened to add in an un- gracious tone, for Jane was about to interrupt. " If she wants to know what she is took to the doctor's for, I shall tell her it is to have her teeth looked at. She has a nasty cough upon her : per- haps you haven't noticed that ! Some can't see a child decaying under their very nose, while strangers can see it palpable." " She has coughed since last week, the day of the rain, when she went with Anna Lynn into the field at the back, and they got their feet wet. Oh, I am sure there is nothing seriously the matter with her," added Jane, resolutely endeavouring to put the suggested fear from her. " I want her in : she must help me with my sewing." " Then she's not a-going to help," resolutely returned Dobbs. " She has had a good dinner of roast lamb and sparrow-grass and kidney potatoes, and she's sitting back in my easy chair, opposite to my missis in hers. Her wanting always to rest might have told some folks that she was ailing. When children are in health, their legs and wings and tongue are on the go from morning till night. You never need pervide 'em with a seat, but for their meals ; and, give 'em their way, they'd eat them standing. Jane's always want- ing to rest now, and she shall rest." " But, indeed she must help me to-day," urged Jane. " She can sew straight seams, and hem. Look at this heap of mending ! and it must be finished to-night. I cannot afford to be about it to- morrow." " What sewing is it you want done ? " cjuestioned Dobbs, lifting up the work with a jerk. " I'll do it myself, sooner than the child shall be bothered." " Oh no, thank you. I should not like to trouble you with it." " Now, I make the offer to do the work," crossly responded Dobbs ; " and if I didn't mean to do it, I shouldn't make it. You'd do well to give it me, if you want it done. Janey shan't work this afternoon." Taking her at her word, and indeed glad to do so, Jane showed Dobbs a task, and Dobbs swung off with it. Jane called after her that she had not taken a needle and cotton. Dobbs retorted that 152 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. she had needles and cotton of her own, she hoped, and needn't be beholden to anybody else for 'em. Jane sat on, anxious, all the afternoon. Janey remained in Mrs. Reece's parlour, and revelled in an early tea and pikelets. Jane was disturbed from her thoughts by the boisterous entrance of Frank and Gar; more boisterous than usual. Frank was a most excitable boy, and he had been told that evening by the head master of the college school, the Reverend Mr. Keating, that he might be one of the candidates for the vacant place in the choir. This was enough to set Frank off for a week. " You know what a nice voice you say I have, mamma ; what a good ear for music ! " he reiterated. "As good as, you tell us, Aunt Margaret's used to be. I shall be sure to gain the place, if you will let me try. We have to be at college for an hour morning and afternoon daily, but we can easily get that up if we are industrious. Some of the best Helstonleigh scholars, who have shone at Oxford and Cambridge, were choristers. And I should have about ten pounds a-year paid to me." Ten pounds a-year! Jane listened with a beating heart. It would more than keep him in clothes. She inquired more fully into particulars. The result was that Frank had permission to try for the vacant choristership, and gained it. His voice was the best of those tried. He went home in .a glow. " Now, mamma, the sooner you set about a new surplice for me the better." " A new surplice, Frank I " Ah, it was not all profit. " A chorister must have two surplices, mamma. King's scholars can do with one, having them washed between the Sundays : choristers can't. We must have them always in wear, you know, except in Lent, and on the day of King Charles the Martyr." Jane smiled ; he talked so fast. " What is that you are running on about .'' " " Goodness, mamma, don't you understand ? All the six weeks of Lent, and on the 30th of January, the cathedral is hung with black, and the choristers have to wear black cloth surplices. They don't find the black ones : the college does that." Frank's success in gaining the place did not give universal pleasure to the college school. Since the day of the disturbance in the spring, in which William was mixed up, the two young Halli- burtons had been at a discount with the desk at which Cyril Dare sat ; and this desk pretty well ruled the school. "It's coming to a fine pass!" exclaimed Cyril Dare, when the result of the trial was carried into the school. " Here's the town clerk's own son passed over as nobody, and that snob of a Halli- burton put in ! Somebody ought to have told the dean what snobs they are." "What would the dean have cared?" grumbled another, whose young brother had been among the rejected ones. " To get good voices in the choir is all he cares for in the matter." SHADOWS IN HONEY FAIR. 153 " I say, where do they live — that set?" " In a house of Ashley's, in the London Road," answered Cvril Dare. " They couldn't pay the rent, and my father put a bum in." " Bosh, Dare ! " " It's true," said Cyril Dare. " My father manages Ashley's rents, you know. They'd have had every stick and stone sold, only Ashley- — he is a regular soft over some things — took and gave them time. Oh, they are a horrid lot ! They don't keep a servant !" The blank astonishment that this last item of intelligence caused at the desk, can't be described. Again Cyril's word was disputed. " They don't, I tell you," he repeated. '' I taxed Halliburton senior with it one day, and he told me to my face that they could not afford one. He possesses brass enough to set up a foundry, does that fellow. The eldest one is at Ashley's manufactory, errand-boy. Errand-boy ! And here's this one promoted to the choir, over gentlemen's heads ! He ought to be pitched into, ought Halliburton senior." In the school, Frank was Halliburton senior ; Gar, Halliburton junior. " How is it that he says he was at King's College before he came here? I heard him tell Keating so," asked a boy. At this moment Mr. Keating's voice was heard. "Silence!" Cyril Dare let a minute elapse, and then began again. ''Such a low thing, you know, not to keep servants! We couldn't do at all without five or six. I'll tell you what : the school may do as it likes, but our desk shall cut the two fellows here." And the desk did so ; and Frank and Gar had to put up with many mortifications. There was no help for it. Frank was brave as a young lion ; but against some sorts of oppression there is no standing up. More than once was the boy in tears, telling his griefs to his mother. It fell more on Frank than it did on Gar. Jane could only strive to console him, as she did William. " Patience and forbearance, my darling Frank ! You will outlive it in time." CHAPTER II. SHADOWS IN HONEY FAIR. August was hot in Honey Fair. The women sat at their open doors, or even outside them ; the children tumbled in the gutters ; the refuse in the road was none the better for the month's heat. Charlotte East sat in her kitchen one Tuesday afternoon, busy as usual. Her door was shut, but her window was open. Suddenly the latch was lifted, and Mrs. Cross came in : not with the bold, boisterous movements that were common to Honey Fair, but with creeping steps that seemed afraid of their own echoes, and a scared face. 154 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Mrs. Cross was in trouble. Her two daughters, Amelia and Mary Ann, to whom you have had the honour of an introduction, had purchased those lovely cross-barred sarcenets, green, pink, and lilac, and worn them at the party at the Alhambra : which party went off satisfactorily, leaving nothing behind it but some headaches for the next day, and a trifle of pecuniary embarrassment to Honey Fair in general. What with the finery for the party, and other finery, and what with articles really useful, but which perhaps might have been done without. Honey Fair was pretty deeply in with the Messrs. Bankes. In Mrs. Cross's family alone, herself and her daughters owed, conjointly, so much to these accommo- dating tradesmen, that it took eight shiUings a week to keep them cjuict. You can readily understand how this impoverished the weekly housekeeping ; and the falsehoods that had to be con- cocted, by way of keeping the husband, Jacob Cross, in the dark, were something alarming. This was the state of things in many of the homes of Honey Fair. Mrs. Cross came in with timid steps and a scared face. " Char- lotte, lend me five shillings for the love of goodness ! " cried she, speaking as if afraid of the sound of her own voice. " I don't know another soul to ask but you. There ain't another that would have it to lend, barring Dame Bufifle, and she never lends." " You owe me twelve shillings already," answered Charlotte, pausing for a moment in her sewing. " I know that. I'll pay you off by degrees, if it's only a shilling a week. I am a'most drove mad. Bankes's folks was here yesterday, and me and the girls had only four shillings to give 'em. I'm getting in arrears frightful, and Bankes's is as cranky»over it as can be. It's all smooth and fair so long as you're buying of Bankes's and paying 'em; but just get behind, and see what short answers and sour looks you'll have ! " " But Amelia and Mary Ann took in their work on Saturday and had their money ? " "My patience! I don't know what us should do, if they hadn't! We have to pay up everywhere. We're in debt at Buffle's, in debt to the baker, in debt for shoes ; we're in debt on all sides. And there's Cross spending three shilling, good, of his wages at the public-house ! It takes what me and the girls earn to pay a hit up, here and there, and stop things from coming to Cross's ears. Half the house is in the pawn-shop, and what'll become of us I don't know. I can't sleep o' nights, hardly, for thinking on't." Charlotte felt sure that, were it her case, she should not sleep at all. " The worst is, I have to keep the little 'uns away from school. Pay for 'em I can't. And a fine muck they get into, playing in the road all day. ' What does these children do to theirselves at school, to get into this dirty mess?' asks Cross, when he comes in. ' Oh, they plays a bit in the gutter, coming home,' says I. 'We SHADOWS IN HONEY FAIR. 155 plays a bit, father,' cries they, when they hears me, a-winking at each other to think how we does their father." Charlotte shook her head. " I should end it all." " End it ! I wish we could end it ! The girls is going to slave thcirselves night and day this week and next. But it's not for my good : it's for their'n. They w^ant to get their grand silks out o' pawn ! Nothing but outside finery goes down with them, though they've not an inside rag to their backs. They leave care to me. Fools to be sure, they was, to buy them silks ! They have been in the pawn-shop ever since, and Bankes's a-tearing 'em to pieces for the money ! " " I should end it by confessing to Jacob," said Charlotte, when she could get in a word. " He is not a bad husband " " And look at his passionate temper ! " broke in Mrs. Cross. " Let it get to his ears, that we have gone on tick to Bankes's and else- where, and he'd rave the house out of winders." "He would be angry at first, no doubt ; but when he cooled down, he would see the necessity of something being done, and help in it. If you all set on, and put your shoulders to the wheel, you might soon get clear. Live upon the very least that will satisfy hunger — the plainest food — dry bread and potatoes. No beer, no meat, no finery, no luxuries ; and with the rest of the week's money begin to pay up. You'd be clear in no time." Mrs. Cross stared in consternation. " You be a Job's com- forter, Charlotte ! Dry bread and taters ! who could put up with that.?" " When poor people like us fall into trouble, it is the only way, that I know of, to get out of it. I'd rather mortify my appetite for a year, than have my rest broke by care." "Your advice is good enough for talking, Charlotte, but it don't answer for acting. Cross must have his bit o' meat and his beer, his butter and his cheese, his tea and his sugar — and so must the rest on us. But about this five shillings? — do lend it me, Charlotte! It is for the landlord: we're almost in a fix with him." "For the landlord!" repeated Charlotte involuntarily. "You must keep ]ii)n paid, or it would be the worst of all." " I know we must. He was took bad yesterday — more's the blessing ! — and couldn't get round ; but he's here to-day as burly as beef We haven't paid him for this three weeks," she added, dropping her voice to an ominous whisper ; " and I declare to you, Charlotte East, that the sight of him at our door is as good to me as a dose of physic. Just now, round he comes, a-lifting the latch, and me turning sick the minute I sees him. ' Ready, Mrs. Cross?' asks he, in his short, surly way, putting his brown wig up. ' I'm sorry I ain't, Mr. Abbott, sir,' says I ; 'but I'll have some next week for certain.' ' That won't do for me,' says he : 'I must have it this. If you can't give me some money, I shall apply to your husband.' The fright this put me into I've not got over yet, Charlotte; for 156 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Cross don't know but what the rent's paid up regular. ' I know what's going on,' old Abbott begins again, ' and I have knowed it for some time. You women in this Honey Fair, you pay your money to them Bankes's, which is the blight o' the place, and then you can't pay me.' Only fancy his calling Bankes's a blight !" " That's just what they are," remarked Charlotte. " For shame, Charlotte East ! When one's way is a bit eased by being able to get a few things on trust, you must put in your word again it ! Some of us would never get a new gown to our backs if it wasn't for Bankes's. Abbott's gone off to other houses, collect- ing; warning me as he'd call again in half an hour, and if some money wasn't ready for him then, he'd go straight off to Jacob, to his shop o' work. If you can let me have one week for him, Charlotte — five shillings — I'll be ever grateful." Charlotte rose, unlocked a drawer, and gave five shillings to Mrs. Cross, thinking in her own mind that the kindest course would be for the landlord to go to Cross, as he had threatened. Mrs. Cross took the money. Her mind so far relieved, she could indulge in a little gossip ; for Mr. Abbott's half-hour had not yet expired. " I say, Charlotte, what d'ye think? I'm afraid Ben Tyrrett and our Mary Ann is a-going to take up together." " Indeed! " exclaimed Charlotte. " That's new." " Not over-new. They have been talking together on and off, but I never thought it was serious till last Sunday. I have set my face dead against it. He has a nasty temper of his own ; and he's nothing but a jobber at fifteen shillings a week, and his profits of the egg-whites. Our Mary Ann might do better than that." " I think she might," assented Charlotte. " And she is over- young to think of marrying." "Young! " wrathfuUy repeated Mrs. Cross. " I should think she is young ! Girls are as soft as apes. The minute a chap says a word to 'em about marrying, they're all agog to do it, whether it's fit, or whether it's unfit. Our Mary Ann might look inches over Ben Tyrrett's head, if she had any sense in her. Hark ye, Char- lotte ! When you see her, just put in a word against it ; maybe it'll turn her. Tell her you'd not have Tyrrett at a gift." " And that's true," replied Charlotte, with a laugh, as her guest departed. A few minutes, and Charlotte received another visitor. This was the wife of Mark Mason — a tall, bony woman, with rough black hair and a loud voice. That voice and Mark did not get on very well together. She put her hands back upon her hips, and used it now, standing before Charlotte in a threatening attitude. "What do you do, keeping our Carry out at night?" Charlotte looked up in surprise. She was thinking of something else, or her answer might have been more cautious, for she was one of those who never willingly make mischief. SHADOWS IN HONEY FAIR. 157 " I do not keep Caroline out. She is here of an evening now and then — not often." Mrs. Mason laughed— a low derisive laugh of mockery. " I knew it was a falsehood when she told it nic ! There she goes out, night after night, night after night ; so I set Mark on to her, for I couldn't keep her in, neither find out where she went to. Mark was in a passion — something had put him out, and Carry- was frightened, for he had hold of her arm savage-like. ' I am at Charlotte East's of a night, Mark,' she said. ' I shall take no harm there.' " Charlotte did not lift her eyes from her work. Mrs. Mason stood defiantly. " Now, then ! where is it she gets to? " Why -do you apply to me ? " returned Charlotte. " I am not Caroline Mason's keeper." " If you hain't her keeper, you be her adviser," retorted Mrs. Mason. " And that's worse." " When 1 advise Caroline at all. I advise her for her good." " My eyes are opened now, if they was blind before," continued Mrs. Mason, apostrophizing in no gentle terms the offending Caro- line. "Who gave Carry that there shawl? — who gave her that there fine gownd ? — who gave her that gold brooch, with a stone in it 'twixt red and yaller, and a naked Cupid in white a flying on it? ' A nice brooch you've got there, miss,' says I to her. ' Yes,' says she, ' they call 'em cameons.' 'And where did you get it, pray?' says I. 'And that's my business,' answers she. Next there was a neck-scarf, green and lavender, with yaller fringe at its ends, as deep as my forefinger, ' You're running up a tidy score at Bankes's, my lady,' says 1. 'I shan't come to you to pay for it,' says she. ' No,' thinks 1 to myself, ' but you be a living in our house, and you may bring Mark into trouble over it,' for he's a soft-hearted gander at times. So down I goes to Bankes's place last night. ' Just turn to the debt-book, young man,' says I to the gentleman behind the counter — it were the one with the dark hair — ' and tell me how much is owed by Caroline Mason.' 'Come to settle it?' asks he. ' Maybe, and maybe not,' says I. ' I want's my question answered, whether or no.' Are you listening, Charlotte East?" Charlotte lifted her eyes from her work. " Yes." " He lays hold of a big book," continues Mrs. Mason, who was talking her face crimson, " and draws his finger down its pages. ' Caroline Mason — Caroline Mason,' says he, ' I don't think we have anything against her. No : it's crossed off. There was a triile against her, but she paid it last week.' Well, I stood staring at the man, thinking he was deceiving me, saying she had paiii. ' When did she pay for that shawl she had in the winter, and how much did it cost?' asks I. 'Shawl?' says he. 'Caroline Mason hasn't had no shawl of us.' ' Nor a gownd at Easter — a fancy sort of thing, with stripes? ' I goes on : ' nor a cameon brooch last week ? lior a scarf" with yaller fringe?' 'Nothing o' the sort/ says h?. 158 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. decisive. ' Caroline Mason hasn't bought any of those things from us. She had some bonnet ribbun, and that she paid for.' Now, what was I to think?" concluded Mrs. Mason. Charlotte did not know. " I comes home a-pondering, and at the corner of the lane I catches sight of a certain gentleman loitering about in the shade. The truth flashed into my mind. 'He's after our Caroline,' I says to myself; 'and it's him that has given her the things, and we shall just have her a world's spectacle ! ' I accused Eliza Tyrrett of being the confidant. ' It isn't me,' says she ; ' it's Charlotte East.' So I bottled up my temper till now, and now I've come to learn the rights on't." " I cannot tell you the rights," replied Charlotte. " I do not know them. I have striven to give Caroline some good advice lately, and that is all I have had to do with it. Mrs. Mason, you know that I should never advise Caroline, or any one else, but for her good." Mrs. Mason would have acknowledged this in a cooler moment. "Why did that Tyrrett girl laugh at me, then? and why did Carry say she spent her evenings here ? " cried she. " The gentleman I see was young Anthony Dare : and Carry had better bury herself alive, than be drawn aside by his nonsense." " Much better," acquiesced Charlotte. " Where is Caroline?" " Under lock and key," said Mr. Mason. " Under lock and key ! " echoed Charlotte. " Yes ; under lock and key ; and there she shall stop. She was out all this blessed morning with Eliza Tyrrett, and never walked herself in till after Mark had had his dinner and was gone. So then I began upon her. My temper was up, and I didn't spare her. I vowed I'd tell Mark what I had seen and heard, and what sort of a wolf she allowed to make her presents of fine clothes. With that she turned wild, and flung up to her room in the cock-loft, and I followed and locked her in." "You have done very wrong," said Charlotte. "It is not by harshness that any good will be done with Caroline. You know her disposition : a child might lead her by kindness, but she rises up against harshness. My opinion is, that she never would have given the least trouble at all, had you made her a better home." This bold avowal took away Mrs. Mason's breath. "A better home! " cried she, when she could speak. " A better home! Fed upon French rolls and lobster salad and apricot tarts, and give her a lady's maid to hook-and-eye her gownd for her ! My heart ! that beats all." " I don't speak of food, and that sort of thing," rejoined Charlotte. " If you had treated her with kind words, instead of cross ones, she would have been as good a girl as ever lived. Instead of that, you have made your home unbearable, and so driven her out, with her dangerous good looks, to be told of them by the first idler who came f},cross her : and that seems to have been Anthony Dare. Go home. THE DARES AT HOME. 159 and let her out of where you have locked her in ; do, Hetty Mason ! Let her out, and speak kindly to her, and treat her as a sister ; and you'll undo all the bad yet." " I shan't then ! " was the passionate reply. " I'll see you and her hung first, before I speak kind to her, to encourage her in her loose ways ! " Mrs. Mason flung out of the house as she concluded, giving the door a bang, which only had the effect of sending it open again. Charlotte sighed, as she rose to shut it : not only for any peril that Caroline Mason might be in, but for the general blindness, the dis- torted views of right and wrong, which seemed to obtain amidst the women of Honey Fair. CHAPTER III. THE DARES AT HOME. A PROFUSION of glass and plate glittered on the dining-table of Mr. Dare. It was six o'clock, and they had just sat down. Mrs. Dare, in a light gauze dress and blonde headdress, sat at the head of the table. There was a large family of them ; four sons and four daughters ; and all were present ; also Miss Benyon, the governess. Anthony and Herbert sat on either side Mrs. Dare; Adelaide and Julia, the eldest daughters, near their father; the four other children, Cyril and George, Rosa and Minny, were between them. Mr. Dare was helping the salmon. In due course, a plate, fol- lowed by the sauce, was carried to Anthony. " What's this ! Melted butter ! Where's the lobster sauce? " " There is no lobster sauce to-day," said Mrs. Dare. "We sent late, and the lobsters were all gone. There was a small supply. Joseph, take the anchovy to Mr. Anthony." Mr. Anthony jerked the anchovy sauce off the salver, dashed some into the butter on his plate, and jerked the bottle back again. Not with a very good grace : his palate was a dainty one. Indeed, it was a family complaint. " I wouldn't give a lig for salmon unless there's lobster sauce with it," he cried. " I hope you'll not send late again." " It was the cook's fault," said Mrs. Dare. " She did not fully understand my orders." " Deaf old creature ! " exclaimed Anthony. " Anthony, here's some cucumber," said Julia, looking down the table at her brother. " Ann, take the cucumber to Mr. Anthony." '■ You know I never eat cucumlscr with salmon," grumbled Anthony, in reply. And it was not graciously spoken, for the offer had been dictated by good-nature. A pause ensued. They were busy over their plates. It was at length broken by Mrs, Dare, l6o MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Herbert, are you growing more reconciled to office-work ? " " No ; and never shall," returned Herbert. " From ten till five is an awful clog upon one's time ; it's as bad as school." Mr. Dare looked up from his plate. " You might have been put to a profession that would occupy a great deal more time than that, Herbert. What calls have you upon your time, pray, that it is so valuable ? Will you take some more fish ? " " Well, I don't know. I think I will. It is good to-day ; very good with the cucumber, that Anthony despises." Ann took his plate round to Mr. Dare. "Anthony," said that gentleman, as he filled it, "where were you this afternoon ? You were away from the office altogether, after two o'clock." " Out with Hawkesley," shortly replied Anthony. "Yes; it is all very well to say, ' Out with Hawkesley,' but the office suffers. I wish you young men were not quite so fond of taking your pleasure." " More fish, sir?" asked Joseph of Anthony. " Not if I know it." The second course came in. A quarter of lamb, asparagus, and other vegetables. Herbert looked cross. He had recently taken a dislike to lamb, or fancied that he had. " Of course there's some- thing coming for me ! " he said. " Oh, of course," said Mrs. Dare. " Cook know.s you don't like lamb." Nothing, however, came in. Ann was sent to inquire the cause of the neglect. The cook had been unable to procure veal cutlet, and Master Herbert had said if she ever sent him up a mutton-chop again, he should throw it at her head. Such was the message brought back. " What an old story-teller she must be, to say she could not get veal cutlet ! " exclaimed Herbert. " I hate mutton and lamb, and I am not going to eat either one or the other." " I heard the butcher say this morning that he had no veal, Master Herbert," interposed Ann. "This hot weather they don't kill much meat." " Why have you taken this dishke to lamb, Herbert?" asked Mr. Dare. " You have eaten it all the season." " That's just it," answered Herbert. " I have eaten so much of it that I am sick of it." " Never mind, Herbert," said his mother. " There's a cherry tart coming and a delicious lemon pudding. I don't think you can be so very hungry ; you went twice to salmon." Herlicrt was not in a good humour. All the Dares had been culpably pampered, and of course it bore its fruits. He sat drum- ming with his silver fork upon the table, condescending to try a little asparagus, and a great deal of both pie and pudding. Cheese, salad, and dessert followed, of which Herbert partook of plenti- fully. Still h? thought he was terribly used, in not having had THE DARES AT HOME. l6l diflerent meat specially provided for him ; and he could not recover his good humour. 1 tell you the Dares had been most culpably indulged. The house was one of luxury and profusion, and every little whim and fancy had been studied. It is one of the worst schools a child can be reared in. The three younger daughters and the governess withdrew, after taking each a glass of wine. Cyril and George went off like- wise, to their lessons or to play. It was their own affair, and Mr. Dare made it no concern of his. Presently Mrs. Dare and Adelaide rose. " Hawkesley's coming in this evening," called out Anthony, as they were going through the door. Adelaide turned. " What did you say, Anthony ? " " Lord Hawkesley's coming. At least he said so ; that he would look in for an hour. But there's no dependence to be placed on him." "We must be in the large drawing-room, mamma, this evening," said Adelaide, as they crossed the hall. " Miss Benyon and the children can take tea in the school-room." " Yes," assented Mrs. Hare. " It is bad style to have one's drawing-room encumbered with children, and Lord Hawkesley understands all that. Let them be in the school-room." "Julia also?" Mrs. Dare shrugged her shoulders. " If you can persuade her into it. I don't think Julia will consent to take tea in the school- room. Why should she ? " Adelaide vouchsafed no reply. Dutiful children they were not — affectionate children they were not — they had not been reared to be so. Mrs. Dare was of the world, worldly : very much so : and that leaves very little time upon the hands for earnest duties. She had taken no pains to train her children : she had given them very little love. This conversation had taken place in the hall. Mrs. Dare went upstairs to the large drawing-room, a really handsome room. She rang the bell and gave sundry orders, the moving moti\e for all being the doubtful visit of \'iscount Hawkesley — ices from the pastrycook's, a tray of refreshments, the best china, the best silver. Then Mrs. Dare reclined in her chair for her after-dinner nap — an indulgence she much favoured. Adelaide Dare entered the smaller drawing-room, an apartment more commonly used, and opening from the hall. Julia was readmg a book just brought in from the library. Miss Benyon was softly playing, and the two little ones were quarrelling. Miss Benyon turned round from the pumo when Adelaide entered. "You must make tea in the school-room this evening, IMiss Benyon, for the children. Julia, you are to take yours there."" Julia looked up from her book. " Who says so? " " Mamma. Lord Hawkesley's coming, and we cannot have the drawing-room crowded." " I am not going to keep out of the drawing-room for Lord Mis Hnllibiir'cn's TroiiWes,. 11 i62 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Hawkesley," returned Julia, a quiet girl in appearance and manner, "Who is Lord Hawkesley, that he should disarrange the economy of the house .-* There's so much ceremony and parade observed when he comes, that it upsets all comfort. Your lordship this, and your lordship that ; and papa my-lording him to the skies. I don't like it. He looks down upon us — I know he docs — although he condescends to make a sort of friend of Anthony." Adelaide Dare's dark eyes flashed, and her cheeks crimsoned. She was a handsome girl. " Julia ! I do think you are an idiot ! " "Perhaps I am," composedly returned Julia, who was of a care- less, easy temper ; " but I am not going to be kept out of the drawing-room for my Lord Hawkesley. Let me go on with my book in peace, Adelaide : it is a charming one." Meanwhile, Herbert Dare, seeing no prospect of more wine in store — for Mr. Dare, with wonderful prudence, told Herbert that two glasses of port were sufficient for him — left his seat, and bolted out at the dining-room window, which opened on to the ground. He ran into the hall for his hat, and then, speeding across the lawn, went into the high-road. Anthony remained alone with his father ; and Anthony was plucking up courage to speak upon a subject that was causing him some perplexity. He plunged into it at once. " Father, I am in a mess. I have managed to outrun the con- stable." Mr. Dare was at that moment holding his glass of wine between his eye and the light. The words quite scared him. He set his glass down, and looked at Anthony. " How's that? How have you managed that?" " I don't know how it has come about," was Anthony's answer. " It is so, sir; and you must be so good as to help me out of it." " Your allowance is sufficient— amply so. Do you forget that I set you clear of debt at the beginning of the year? What money do you want?" Anthony Dare began pulling the fringe out of the dessert napkin, to the great detriment of the damask. " Two hundred pounds, sir." "Two hundred pounds!" echoed Mr. Dare, a dark expression clouding his handsome face. " Do you want to ruin me, Anthony? Look at my expenses ! look at the claims upon me ! I say that your allowance is a liberal one, and you ought to keep within it." Anthony sat biting his lip. " I would not have applied to you, sir, if I could have helped it ; but I am driven into a corner, and must find money. I and Hawkesley drcv; come bills together. He has taken up two, and I " " Then you and Hawkesley were a couple of fools for your pains," intempcrately interrupted Mr. Dare. "There's no game so dangerous, so delusive, as that of drawing bills. Have I not told you so, over and over again? Simple debt may be put off from month to month, and from year to year ; but bills are nasty things. THE DARES AT HOME. 163 When I was a young man I lived for years upon promises to pa)-, but I took care not to put my name to a bill." " Hawkesley " " Hawkesley may do what you must not," interrupted Mr. Dare, drowning his son's voice. " He has his father's long rent-roll to turn to. Recollect, Anthony, this must not occur again. It is impossible that I can be called upon periodically for these sums. Herbert is almost a man, and Cyril and George are growing up. A pretty thing, if you. were all to come upon me in this manner. 1 have to exert my wits, as it is, I can tell you. I'll give you a cheque to- morrow ; and I should serve you right if I were to put you upon half allowance until I am repaid." Mr. Dare finished his wine, rang for the table to be cleared, and left the room. Anthony remained standing against the side of the window, half in, half out, buried in a brown study, when Herbert came up, leaping over the grass. Herbert was nearly as tall as Anthony. He had been for some time articled to his father, but had only joined the office the previous Midsummer. He looked into the room, and saw it was empty. " Where's the governor?" " Gone somewhere. Into the drawing-room, perhaps," replied Anthony. "What a nuisance !" ejaculated Herbert. "One can't talk to him before the girls. I want twenty-five shillings from him. Markham has the primest fishing-rod to sell, and I must have it." " Twenty-five shillings for a fishing-rod !" cried Anthony. "And cheap at the price," answered Herbert. "You don't often see so complete a thing as this. Markham would not part with it — it's a relic of his better days, he says — only his old mother wants some comfort or other, which he 'can't otherwise afford. The case " " You have half a dozen fishing-rods already." " Half a dozen rubbish ! That's what they are, compared with this one. It's no business of yours, Anthony." "Not at all. But you'll oblige me, Herbert, by not bothering the governor for money to-night. I have been asking him for some, and it has put him out." " Did you get it?" Anthony nodded. " Then you'll let me have the one-pound-five, Anthony? " " I can't," returned Anthony. " I shall have a cheque to-morrow, and I must pay it away whole. Tluii won't clear me. But I didn't dare to tell of more." " If I don't get that fishing-rod to-night, Markham may sell it to some one else," grumbled Herbert. " Go and get it," replied Anthony. " Promise him the money for to-morrow. You are not obliged to give it, you know. The governor has just said that he lived for years upon promises to pay." i64 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Markham wants the money down." " He'll think that as good as down if you tell him he shall have it to-morrow. Bring the fishing-rod away ; possession's nine points of the law, you know." " He'll make such an awful row afterwards, if he finds he does not get the money." " Let him. You can row again. It's the easiest thing on earth to fence off little paltry debts like that. People get tired of asking for them." * Away vaulted Herbert for the fishing-rod. Anthony yawned, stretched himself, and walked out just as twilight was fading. He was going out to keep an appointment. Herbert Dare went back to Markham's. The man— though, indeed, so far as birth went he might be called a gentleman — lived a little way beyond Mr. Dare's. The cottage was situated in the midst of a large garden, in which Markham worked late and early. He had a very, very small patrimony upon which he lived and kept his mother. He was bending over one of the beds when Herbert returned. "He would take the fishing-rod then, and bring the money over at nine in the morning, before going to the office. Mr. Dare was gone out, or he would have brought it at once," was the substance of the words in which Herbert concluded the negotiation. Could they have looked behind the hedge at that moment, Herbert Dare and Markham, they would have seen two young gentlemen suddenly duck down under its shelter, creep silently along, heedless of the ditch, which, however, was tolerably dry at that season, make a sudden bolt across the road, when they got opposite the entrance of Mr. Dare's, and whisk inside its gates. They were Cyril and George. That they had been at some mis- chief, and were trying to escape detection, was unmistakable. Under cover of the garden-wall, as they had previously done under cover of the hedge, crept they ; sprang into the house by the dining-room window, tore up the stairs, and took refuge in the drawing-room, startlingly arousing Mrs. Dare from her after-dinner slumbers. In point of fact, they had reckoned upon finding the room un- occupied. CHAPTER IV. THROWING AT THE BATS. Aroused thus abruptly out of sleep, cross and startled, Mrs. Dare attacked the two boys with angry words. " I will know what you have been doing," she exclaimed, rising and shaking out the flounces of her dross. "You have been at some mischief! Why THROWING AT THE BATS. 165 do you come violently in, in this manner, looking as frightened as hares ? " " Not frightened," replied Cyril. *' W'c arc only hot. We had a rim for it." " A run for what ?"she repeated. "When I say I will know a thing, 1 mean to know it. I ask you what you have been doing? " " Its nothing very dreadful, that you need put yourself out," replied George. " One of old IMarkham's windows has come to grief." "Then that's through throwing stones again!" exclaimed Mrs. Dare. " Now, I am certain of it, and you need not attempt to deny it. You shall pay for it out of your own pocket-money, if he comes here, as he did the last time." "Ah, but he won't come here," returned Cyril. "He didn't see us. Is tea not ready .''" " You can go in the school-room and see. You are to take it there this evening." The boys tore away to the school-room. Unlike Julia, they did not care where they took it, provided they had it. Miss Benyon was pouring out the tea as they entered. They threw themselves on a sofa, and burst into a fit of laughter so immoderate and long, that their two young sisters crowded round eagerly, asking to hear the joke. "It was the primest fun!" cried Cyril, when he could speak. " We have just smashed one of Markham's windows. The old woman was at it in a nightcap, and I think the stone must have touched her head. Markham and Herbert were holding a confab together and they never saw us ! " " We were chucking at the leathering-bats," put in George, jealous that his brother should have all the telling to himself, " and the stone " " It is leather-winged bat, George," interrupted the governess. " I corrected you the other night." " What does it matter ? " roughly answered George. " I wish you'd not put me out. A leathering-bat dipped down nearly right upon our heads, and we both heaved at him, and one of the stones went through the window, nearly taking, as Cyril says, old Mother Markham's head. Won't they be in a temper at having to pay for it ! They are as poor as charity." " They'll make you pay," said Rosa. "Will they?" retorted Cyril. "No catch, no have! I'll give them leave to make us pay when they find us out. Do you suppose we are donkeys, you girls? We dipped down under the hedge, and not a soul saw us. What's for tea? " " Bread and butter," replied the governess. " Then those may eat it that like ! I shall have jam." Cyril rang the bell as he spoke. Nancy, the maid who waited on the school-room, came in answer to it. " Some jam," said Cyril. " And be quick over it." i66 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. "What sort, sir?" inquired Nancy. "Sort.'' oh — let's see : damson." " The damson jam was finished last week, sir. It is nearly the season to make more." Cyril replied by a rude and ugly word. After some cogitation, he decided upon black currant. " And bring me up some apricot," put in George. "And we'll have some gooseberry," called out Rosa. " If you boys have jam, we'll have some too." Nancy disappeared. Cyril suddenly threw himself back on the sofa, and burst into another ringing laugh. " I can't help it," he exclaimed. "I am thinking of the old woman's fright, and their dismay at having to pay the damage." " Do you know what I should do in your place, Cyril?" said Miss Benyon. " I should go back to Markham, and tell him honourably that I caused the accident. You know how poor they are ; they cannot afford to pay for it." Cyril stared at Miss Benyon. " Where'd be the pull of that?" asked he. " The ' pull,' Cyril, would be, that you would repair a wrong done to an unoffending neighbour, and might go to sleep with a clear conscience." The last suggestion amused Cyril amazingly ; he and conscience had not a great deal to do with each other. He was politely telling Miss Benyon that those notions were good enough for old maids, when Nancy appeared with the several sorts of jam demanded. Cyril drew his chair to the table, and Nancy went down. " Ring the bell, Rosa," said Cyril, before the girl could well have reached the kitchen. " I can't see one sort from another ; we must have candles." " Ring it yourself," retorted Rosa. " George, ringlhe bell," commanded Cyril. George bbeyed. He was under Cyril in the college school, and accustomed to obey him. " You might have told Nancy when she was here," remarked Miss Benyon to Cyril. " It would have saved her a journey." " And if it would ? " asked Cyril. " What were servants' legs made for, but to be used ? " Nancy received the order for the candles, and brought them up. It was to be hoped her legs lacre made to be used, for scarcely had Cyril begun to enjoy his black currant jam, when they were heard coming up the stairs again. "blaster Cyril, Mr. Markham wants to see you." Cyril and the rest exchanged looks. " Did you say I was at home? " " Yes, sir." "Then you were an idiot for your pains! I can't come down, tell him. I am at tea." Down went Nancy accordingly. And back she came again. "He says he must see you, Master Cyril." THROWING AT THE BATS. 167 " Be a man, Cyril, and face it," whispered Miss Benyon in his ear. Cyril jerked his head rudely away from her. " I won't go down. There! Nancy, you may tell Markham so." "He has sat down on the garden bench, sir, outside the window to wait," explained Nancy. " He says, if you won't see him he shall ask for Mr. Dare." Cyril appeared to be in for it. He dashed his bread and jam on the table, and clattered down. "Who's wanting me? "called out he, when he got outside. " Oh! — is it you, Markham?" " How came you to throw a stone just now, and break my win- dow, Cyril Dare? " The words threw Cyril into the greatest apparent surprise. " 1 throw a stone and break your window ! " repeated he. " I don't know what you mean." " Either you or your brother threw it ; you were both together. It entered my mother's bed-room window, and went within an inch of her head. I'll trouble you to send a glazier round to put the pane in." "Well, of all strange accusations, this is about the strangest!" uttered Cyril. " We have not been near your window ; we are up- stairs at our tea." At this juncture, Mr. Dare came out. He had heard the alterca- tion in the house. "What's this?" asked he. "Good evening, Markham." Markham explained. " They crouched down under the hedge when they had done the mischief," he continued, " thinking, no doubt, to get away undetected. But, as it happened. Brooks the nurseryman was in his ground behind the opposite hedge, and he saw the whole. He says they were throwing at the bats. Now I should be sorry to get them punished, Mr. Dare; we have been boys ourselves ; but if young gentlemen will throw stones, they must pay for any damage they do. I have requested your son to send a glazier round in the morning. I am sorry he should have denied the fact." Mr. Dare turned to Cyril. " If you did it, why do you deny it?" Cyril hesitated for the tenth part of a second. Which would be the iaest policy? To give in, or to hold out? He chose the latter. His word was as good as that confounded Brooks's, and he'd brave it out! "We didn't do it," he angrily said; "we have not been near the place this evening. Brooks must ha\c mistaken others for us in the dusk." " They did do it, Mr. Dare. There's no mistake about it. Brooks had been watching them, and he thinks it was the bigger one who threw that particular stone. If I had set a house on tire," Mark- ham added, to Cyril, " I'd rather confess the accident, than deny it by a lie. What sort of a man do you expect to make? " " A better one than you ! " insolently retorted Cyril. "Wait an instant," said Mr. Dare. He proceeded to the school- room to inquire of George. That young gentleman had been an i68 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. admiring hearer of the colloquy from a staircase-window. He tore back to the school-room on the approach of his father ; hastily- deciding that he must bear out Cyril in the denial. " Now, George," said Mr. Dare, sternly, " did you and Cyril do this, or did you not?" " Of course we did not, papa," was the ready reply. " We have not been near Markham's. Brooks must be a fool." Mr. Dare believed him. He was leaving the room when Miss Benyon interposed. " Sir, I should be doing wrong to allow you to be deceived. They did break the window." The address caused Mr. Dare to pause. " How do you know it. Miss Benyon?" Miss Benyon related what had passed. Mr. Dare cast his eyes sternly upon his youngest son. " It is you who are the fool, George, not Brooks. A lie is sure to get found out in the end ; don't attempt to tell another." Mr. Dare went down. " I cannot come cjuite to the bottom of this business, Markham," said he, feeling unwilling to expose his sons more than they had exposed themselves. " At all events, you shall have the window put in. A pane of glass is not much on either side." " It is a good deal to my pocket, Mr. Dare. But that's all I ask. And you know my character too well to fear I would make a doubtful claim. Brooks is open to inquiry." He departed; and Mr. Dare touched Cyril on the arm. " Come with me." He took him into the room, and there ensued an angry lecture. Cyril thought George had confessed, and stood silent before his father. " What a sneak he must have been ! " thought Cyril. " Won't I serve him out ? " " If you have acquired the habit of speaking falsely, you had better relinquish it," resumed Mr. Dare. " It will not be a recom- mendation in the eyes of Mr. Ashley." " I am not going to Ashley's," burst forth Cyril ; for the mention of the subject was sure to anger him. " Turn manufacturer, in- deed! I'd rather " "You'd rather be a gentleman at large," interrupted Mr. Dare. " But," he sarcastically added, " gentlemen require something to live upon. Listen, Cyril. One of the finest openings that I know of in this city, for a young man, is in Ashley's manufactory. Vou may despise Mr. A'shlcy for a manufacturer; but others respect him. He was reared a gentleman — he is regarded as one; he is wealthy, and his business is large and flourishing. Suppose you could drop into this, after him? — succeed to this fine business, its sole proprietor? I can tell you that you would occupy a better position, and be in receipt of a far larger income, than either Anthony or Herbert will be." " But there's no s-.ich chance as that, for me," debated Cyril. THROWING AT THE BATS. 169 " There is the chance : and that's wliy you are to be placed there. Henry, from his infirmity, is not to be brought up to business, and there is no other son. You will be apprenticed to Mr. Ashley, with a view to succeeding, as a son would, first of all to a partnership with him, eventually to the whole. Now, this is the prospect before you, Cyril ; and prejudiced though you are, you must sec that it is a fine one." "Well," acknowledged Cyril, " I'd not object to drop into a good thing like that. Has Mr. Ashley proposed it.-"' " No, he has not distinctly proposed it. But he did admit, when your apprenticeship was being spoken of, that he might be wanting somebody to succeed him. He more than hinted that whoever might be chosen to succeed him, or to be associated with him, must be rendered fit for the connection by being an estimable and a good man ; one held in honour by his fellow citizens. No other could be linked with the name of Ashley. And now, sir, what do you think he, Mr. Ashley, would say to your behaviour to-night?" Cyril looked rather shamefaced. " You will go to Mr. Ashley's, Cyril. But I wish you to remem- ber, to remember always, that the ultimate advantages will depend upon yourself and your conduct. Become a good man, and there's little doubt they will be yours; turnout indifferently, and there's not the slightest chance for you." "1 shan't succeed to any of Ashley's money, I suppose.?" com- placently questioned Cyril, who somewhat ignored the conditions, and saw himself in prospective Mr. Ashley's successor. " It is impossible to say what you may succeed to," replied, Mr. Dare, in so significant a tone as to surprise Cyril. " Henry Ashley's I should imagine to be a doubtful life ; should anything happen to him, Mary Ashley will, of course, inherit all. And he will be a fortunate man who shall get into her good graces and marry her." It was a broad hint to a boy like Cyril. " She's such a proud thing, that Mary Ashley ! " grumbled he. " She is a very sweet child," was the warm rejoinder of Mr. Dare. And Cyril went up-stairs again to his jam, and his inter- rupted tea. Meanwhile the evening went on, and the drawing-room Avas waiting for the Viscount Hawkeslcy. ]\Irs. Dare and Adelaide were waiting for him — waiting anxiously in elegant attire. Mr. Dare did not seem to care whether he came or not; and Julia, who was buried in an easy chair with her book, would have pre- ferred, of the two. that he stayed away. Between eight and nine he arrived. A little man ; young, fair, with light eyes and sharp features, a somewhat cynical expression habitually on his lips. Helstonleigh, in its gossip, conjectured that he must be making young Anthony Dare useful to him in some way or other, or he would not have condescended to the intimacy. For Lord Hawkesley, a proud man by nature, had been reared in all the exclusivencss of an earl's son and heir ; and that exclusiveness was 170 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. greater in those days than it is in these. This was the third evening visit he had paid to Mrs. Dare. Had Adelaide's good looks any attraction for him? She was beginning to think so, and to weave visions upon the strength of it. Entrenched, as the Dares were, in their folly and assumption, Adelaide was blind to the wide social gulf that lay between herself and Viscount Hawkesley. She sat down at the piano at his request, and sang an Italian song. She had a good voice, and her singing was better than her Italian accent. Lord Hawkesley stood by her and looked over the music. " I like your style of singing very much," he remarked to her when the song was over. " You must have learnt of a good master." " Canine fe~J^r. Ashley " called to " on the point would not be alto- gether agreeaWe to the feelings of young Anthony. " You fool ! " he exclaimed to Charlott^^^East, "what harm do you suppose I meant, or thought of.? You must be a very strange person yourself, to get such a thing into your imagination. Good night, Caroline." And, turning o'n his heel haughtily, Anthony Dare stalked off in lie direction of Hclstonleigh. Mr. Ashley passed on, having noticed nothing, and Charlotte East wound her arm round the sobbing girl, subdued now, and led her hotne. Anthony went straight to Pomeranian Knoll. He threw him- self on to a sofa in a very ill humour. Lord Hawkeslcy was occupied with Adelaide and her singing, and paid little attention to himT ~^x^ At the clo^e of the evening they left together, Anthony going out with the Viscount, and linking his arm within his lordship's, as they proceeded towards the StarJiOtel, Lord Hawkesley's usual quarters when in Helstonlcierh. 174 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " I have got two hundred out of the governor," began Anthony in a confidential tone. " I shall have the cheque to-morrow." "What's two hundred, Dare?" slightingly spoke his lordship. " It's nothing." " It was of no use trying for more to-night. The two hundred will stop present worry, Hawkesley ; the future must be provided for when it comes." And they walked on with a quicker step. Mrs. Dare had looked at her watch as they departed. It was half-past eleven. She said she supposed they might as well be going to bed, and Mr. Dare roused himself. For the last half-hour he had been half asleep; quite asleep he did not choose to fall, in the young nobleman's presence. A viscount, to Lawyer Dare, was a viscount. " Where's Herbert ? " asked he, stretching himself. Master Herbert, Joseph answered, had had supper served (not being able to recover from the short allowance at dinner), and had gone to bed. The rest, except Adelaide, had gone before, free from want, from care, full of the good things of this life. The young Halliburtons, their cousins once removed, had knelt and thanked God for the day's good, even though that day to them had been what all their days were now, one of poverty and privation. Not so the Dares. As children, for they were not in a heathen land, they had been taught to say their prayers at night ; but as they grew older, the custom was suffered to fall into disuse. The family attended church on Sundays, grandly attired, and there ended their religion. To bed and to sleep went they, all the household, old and young ■ — Joseph, the man-servant, excepted. Sleepy Joseph stretched himself in a large chair to wait the return of Mr. Anthony : sleepy Joseph had so to stretch himself most nights. Mr. Anthony might come in in an hour's time, or Mr. Anthony might not come in until it was nearly time to commence the day's duties in the morning. It was all a chance ; as poor Joseph knew to his cost. Nine o'clock was the breakfast hour at Mr. Dare's, and the family were in general pretty punctual to it. On the following morning they were all assembled at the meal, Anthony rather red about the eyes, when Ann, the housemaid entered. " Here's a parcel for you, Mr. Anthony." She held in her arms a large untidy sort of bundle, done round with string. Anthony turned his wondering eyes upon it " That ! It can't be for me." " A boy brought it, and said it was for you, sir," returned Ann, letting the cumbersome parcel fall on a chair. " I asked if there was any answer, and he said there was not." " It must be from your tailor, Anthony," said Mrs. Dare. Anthony's consequence was offended at the suggestion. " My tailor send me a parcel done up like that ! " repeated he. " He had better! He would get no more of my custom." " What an extraordinary direction ! " exclaimed Julia, who had got up, and.;drawn near, in her curiosity : " ' Young Mister Antony Dare ! ' Just look, all of you." THR FEAR GROWING GREATER. 175 Anthony rose, and the rest foHowed, except Mr. Dare, who was busy with a county paper, and paid no attention. A happy thought darted into Minny's mind. "I know!" she cried, chipping her hands. " Cyril and George are playing Anthony a trick, like the one they played Miss Benyon." Anthony, too hastily taking up the view thus suggested, and inwardly vowing a not agreeable chastisement to the two, as soon as they should rush in to breakfast from school, took out his pen- knife and severed the string. The paper fell apart, and the contents rolled on to the floor. What on earth were they? What did they mean? A woman's gown, tawdry but pretty ; a shawl ; a neck-scarf, with gold-coloured fringe ; two pairs of gloves, the fingers worn into holes ; a bow of handsome ribbon ; a cameo brooch, fine and false ; and one or two more such articles, not new, stood disclosed. The party around gazed in sheer amazement. " If ever I saw such a collection as this ! " exclaimed Mrs. Dare. " It is a woman's clothing. Why should they have been sent to you, Anthony?" Anthony's cheek wore rather a conscious colour just then. " How should I know ? " he replied. " They must have been directed to me by mistake. Take the rags away, Ann " — spurning them with his foot — " and throw them in the dust-bin. Who knows what infected place they may have come from?" Mrs. Dare and the young ladies shrieked at the last suggestion, gathered their petticoats about them, and retired as far as the limits of the room allowed. Some enemy of malicious intent must have done it, they became convinced. Ann — no more liking to be infected with measles, or what not, than they — seized the tongs, gingerly hfted the articles inside the paper, dragged the whole out- side the door, and called Joseph to carry them to the receptacle indicated by Mr. Anthony. Charlotte East had thought she would not do her work by halves. CHAPTER VI. THE FEAR GROWING GREATER. We must leap over some months. A story, you know, cannot stand still, any more than we can. Spring had come round. The sofa belonging to Mrs. Recce's parlour was in Mrs. Halliburton's, and Janey was lying on it — her blue eyes bright, her cheeks hectic, her fair curls falling in disorder. Through autumn, through winter, it had appeared that Dobbs's prognostications of evil for Jane were not to be borne out, for she had recovered from the temporary indications of illness, and had continued well ; but, with the early spring weather, Jane failed, and ^;6 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. failed rapidly. The cough came back, and great weakness grew upon her. She was always wanting to be at rest, and would lie about anywhere. Spreading a cloak on the floor, with a pillow for her head, Janey would plant herself between her mother and the fire, pulling the cloak up on the side near the door. One day Dobbs came in and saw her there. "My heart alive!" uttered Dobbs, when she had recovered her surprise; " what are you lying down there for.'" " I am tired," replied Janey ; " and there's nowhere else to lie. If I put three chairs together, it is not comfortable, and the pillow rolls off." " There's the sofa in our room," said Dobbs. " Why don't you lie on that?" " So I do, you know, Dobbs ; but I want to talk to mamma some- times." Dobbs disappeared. Presently there was a floundering and thumping heard m the passage, and the sofa was propelled m by Dobbs, very red with the exertion. " My missis is indignant to think that the child should be upon the floor," cried she, wrathfuUy. " One would suppose some folks were born without brains, or the sofa might have been asked for." "But, Dobbs," said Janey— and s/ie was allowed to "Dobbs" as much as she pleased, unreproved — "what am I to He on in your room?" " Isn't there my easy chair, with the high foot-board in front — as good as a bed when you let it out? " returned Dobbs, proceeding to place Janey comfortably on the sofa. " .^nd now let me say what I came in to say, when the sight of that child on the cold floor sent me shocked out again," she added, turning to Jane. " My missis's leg is no better to-day, and she has made up her mind to have Parry. It's erysipelas, as sure as a gun. Every other spring, .about, she's laid up with it in her legs, one or the other of 'em. Ten weeks I have known her in bed with it " " The very best preventive to erysipelas is to take an occasional warm bath," interrupted Jane. The suggestion gave immense offence to Dobbs. " A warm bath! " she uttered, ironically. "And how, pray, should my missis take a warm bath? Sit down in a mashing-tub, and have a furnace of boiling water turned on to her? Those new-fangled notions may do for Londoners, but they are not known at Hclstonleigh. Warm baths ! " repeated Dobbs, with increased scorn : " hadn't you better propose a water-bed at once? I have heard that they are inventing //le/n also." " I have heard so, too," pleasantly replied Jane. " Well, my missis is going to have Parry up, and she intends that he shall see Janey and give her some physic — if physic will be of use," added Dobbs, with an incredulous sniff. " My missis says it will. She puts faith in Parry's physic as if it was gold; it's a good thing sItc's not ill often, or she'd let herself be poisoned if THE FEAR GROWIXG GREATER. 177 quantity could poison her ! And, Jancy, you'll take the physic, like a precious lamb ; and heaps of nice things you shall have after it, to drive the taste out. Warm baths!" ejaculated Dobbs, as she went out, returning to the old grievance. " I wonder what the world's coming to?" Mr. Parry was called in, and soon had his two regular patients there. Mrs. Reece was confined to her bed with erysipelas in her leg ; and if Janey seemed better one day, she seemed worse the next. The surgeon did not say what was the matter with Jane. He ordered her everything good in the shape of food ; he particu- larly ordered port wine. An hour after the latter order had been given Dobbs appeared, with a full decanter in her hand. " It's two glasses a day that she is to take — one at eleven and one at three," cried she without circumlocution. "' But, indeed, I cannot think of accepting so costly a thing from IMrs. Reece as port wine," interrupted Jane, in consternation. " You can do as you like, ma'am," said Dobbs with equanimity. "Janey will accept it ; she'll drink her two glasses of wine daily, if I have to come and drench her with it. And it won't be any cost out of my missis's pocket, if that's what you are thinking of," logi- cally proceeded Dobbs. " Parry says it will be a good three months before she can take her wine again; so Janey can drink it for her. If my missis grudged her port wine or was cramped in pocket, I should not take my one glass a day, which I do regular." " I can never repay you and Mrs. Reece for your kindness and generosity to Jane," sighed Mrs. Halliburton. "' You can do it when you are asked," was Dobbs's retort. " There's the wing and merrythought of a fowl coming in for her dinner, with a bit of sweet boiled pork. I don't give myself the ceremony of cloth-laying, now my missis is in bed, but just cat it in the r»ugh ; so the child had better have hers brought in here comfortably, till my missis is down again. And, Janey, you'll come upstairs to tea to us ; I have taken up the easy chair." " Thank you very much, Dobbs," said Janey. " And don't you let them cormorants be eating her dinners or drinking her wine," said Dobbs, fiercely, as she was going out. '■ Keep a sharp look-out upon 'em." " They would not do it I " warmly replied Jane. " You do not know my boys yet, if you think they would rob their sick sister." " I know that boys' stomachs are always on the crave for any- thing that's good," retorted Dobbs. " You might skin a boy if you were forced to it, but you'd never drive his nature out of him; and that's to be always eating ! " So she had even this help — port wine ! It seemed almost beyond belief, and Jane lost herself in thought. " Mamma, you don't hear me 1 " " Did you speak, Janey?" '' I say I think Dobbs got that fowl for mc. Mrs. Reece is not taking meat, and Dobbs would not buy a fowl for herself. She will Mrs Halliburton's Tro\iliIes. I-j 178 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. give me all the best parts, and pick the bones herself. You'll seCi How kind they are to me! What should I have done, mamma, if I had only our plain food? I know I could not eat it now." " God is over us, my dear child," was Jane's reply. " It is He who has directed this help to us : never doubt it. Jane. Whether we live or die," she added pointedly, " we are in His hands, and He orders all things for the best." " Can to die be for the best ? " asked Janey, sitting up to think over the question. "Why, yes, my dear girl; certainly it is, if God wills it. How often have I talked to you about the rest after the grave ! No more tears, no more partings. Which is best — to be here, or to go to that rest? Oh, Janey! we can put up surely with illness and with crosses here, if we may only attain to that. This world will last only for a little while at best ; but that other will abide for ever and for ever." A summons from Mr. Parry's boy : Miss Halliburton's medicine had arrived. Miss Halliburton made a grievous face over it, when her mamma poured the dose out. '' I never capi take it ! It smells so nasty ! " Jane held the wine-glass towards her, a grave, kind smile upon her face. " My darling, it is one of earth's little crosses ; /;-/ and not rebel against it. Here's a bit of Patience's jam left, to take after it." Janey smiled bravely as she took the glass. " It was not so bad as I thought, mamma," said she, when she had swallowed it. " Of course not, Janey; nothing is, that we set about with a brave heart." But, with every good thing, Janey did not improve. Her mother shrank from admitting the fact that was only growing too palpable ; and Dobbs would come in and sit looking at Janey for a quarter of an hour together, never speaking. ''Why do you look at me so, Dobbs?" asked Janey, one day, suddenly. " You were crying when you looked at me last night at dusk." Dobbs was rather taken to. " I had been peeling onions," said she. "Why do you shrink from looking at the truth? " an inward voice kept repeating in Mrs. Halliburton's heart. " Is it right, or wise, or well to do so?" No ; she knew that it could not be. That same day, after Mr. Parry had paid his visit to Airs. Reece, he looked in upon Janey. "Am I getting better?" she asked him. " I want to go into the green fields again, and run about." " Ah," said he, " we must wait for that, little maid." Jane went out to the door with him. When he put out his hand to say good morning, he saw that she was white with emotion, and could not speak readily. "Will she live or die, Mr. Parry?" was the whispered question that came at last. " Now, don't distress yourself, Mrs. Halliburton. In these THE FEAR GROWING GREATER. 179 lingering cases we must be content to wait the issue, whatever it may be." " I have had so much trouble of one sort or another, that I think I have become inured to it," she continued, striving to speak more calmly. " These several days past I have been deciding to ask you the truth. If I am to lose her, it will be better that I should know it beforehand : it will be easier for me to bear. She is in danger, is she not?" " Yes," he replied ; " I fear she is." "Is there any hope? " "Well, you know, Mrs. Halliburton, while there is life there is hope." His tone was kindly; but she could not well mistake that, of human hope, there was none. Her lips were pale — her bosom was heaving. " I understand," she murmured. " Tell me one other thing : how near is the end?" " That I really cannot tell you," he more readily replied. " These cases vary much in their progression. Do not be downcast, Mrs. Halhburton. We must every one of us go, sooner or later. Some- times I wish I could sec all mine gone before me, rather than leave them behind, to the cares of this troublous world." He shook hands and departed. Jane crept softly upstairs to her own room, and was shut in for ten minutes. Poor thing ! she could not spare time for the indulgence of grief, as others might ! she must hasten to her never-ceasing work. She had her task to do .: and, ten minutes lost from it in the day must be made up at night. As she was going downstairs, with red eyes, Mrs. Reece heard her footstep, and called to her from her bed. " Is that you, ma'am ? " So Jane had to go in. "Are you better?" she inquired. " No, ma'am, I don't see much improvement," replied the old lady. " Mr. Parry is going to change the lotion ; but it's a thing that will have its course. How is Janey ? Does he say? " " She is much the same," said Jane. " She grows no better. I fear she never will." "Ay! so Dobbs says; and it strikes me Parry has told her so. Now, ma'am, you spare nothing that can do her good. Whatever she fancies, tell Dobbs, and it shall be had. I would not, for the world, have a dying child stinted while I can help it. Don't spare wine ; don't spare anything." " A dying child ! " The words, in spite of Jane's previous convic- tions ; nay, her knowledge ; caused her heart to sink with a chill. She proceeded, as she had done many times before, to express a tithe of her gratitude to Mrs. Reece for the substantial kindness shown to Janey. " Don't say anything about it, ma'am," returned the old lady in her simple, straightforward way. " I have neither chick nor child of my own, and both 1 and Dobbs have taken a liking for Janey. We can't think anything we can do too much for her. I have spoken iSo MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. to Parry — therefore, don't spare his services ; at any hour of the day or night, send for him, if you deem it necessary." With another attempt at heartfeU thanks, Jane went down. Full as her cup was to the brim, she was yet overwhelmed with the sense of kindness shown. From that time she set herself to the task of preparing Jancy for the great change, by gradual degrees — a little now, a little then : to make her long for the translation to that better land. One evening, about eight o'clock. Patience entered— partly to in- quire after Janey, partly to ask William if he would go to bring Anna from Mrs. Ashley's, where she had been taking tea Samuel Lynn was detained in the town on business, and Grace had been permitted to go out : therefore. Patience had no one to send. William left his books, and went out with alacrity. Patience sat down by Janey's sofa. " I get so tired. Patience. I wish I had some pretty books to read ! I have read all Anna's over and over again." " And she won't eat solids now, and she grows tired of mutton- broth, and sago, and egg-flip, and those things," put in Dobbs, in an injured tone, who was also sitting there. " I would try her with a little beef-tea, made with plenty of carrots, and thickened with arrowroot," said Patience. " Beef-tea, made with carrots, and thickened with arrowroot ! " ungraciously responded Dobbs, who held in contempt every one's cooking except her own. " I can tell thee that it is one of the nicest things taken," said Patience. " It might be a change for the child." " How's it made ?" asked Dobbs. " It might do for my missis : she's tired of mutton broth." " Slice a pound of lean beef, and let it soak for two hours in a quart of cold water," replied Patience. " Then put meat and water into a saucepan, with a couple of large carrots, scraped and sliced. Let it warm gradually, and then simmer for about four hours, thee putting salt to taste. Strain it off ; and, when cold, take oft" the f;it. As the broth is wanted, stir it up, and take from it as much as may be required, boiling the portion, for a minute, with a little arrowroot." Dobbs condescended to intimate that, perhaps she might try it ; though she'd be bound it was poor stuff. William had hastened to Mr. Ashley's. He was shown into a room to wait for Anna, and his attention was immediately attracted by a shelf full of children's story-books. He knew they were just Avhat Janey was longing for. He had taken some in his hand, when Anna came in, ready for him, accompanied by Mrs. Ashley, Mary, and Henry. Then William became aware of the liberty he had taken in touching the things, and, in his self-consciousness, the colour, as usual, rushed to liis face. It was a frank, ingenuous face, with its fair, open forehead, and its earnest, dark grey eyes ; and Mrs. Ashley thought it so. " Were you looking at our books?" asked Henry, who was in a remarkably good humour. THE FEAR GROWING GREATER. i8l " I am sorry to have touched them," replied WilHam. " I was lliinking of something else." " I would be nearly sure thee were thinking of thy sister," cried Anna, who had an ever-ready tongue. " Yes, I w-as," replied William candidly. " I was wishing she could read them." " I have told her about the books," said Anna, turning from William to the rest. " I related to her as much as I could remember of 'Anna Ross:' that book which thee had in thy hand, William. She would so like to read them ; she is always ill." " Is she very ill?" inquired Mrs. Ashley. " She is dying," replied Anna. It was the first intimation William had received of the great fear. His countenance changed, his heart beat wildly. " Oh, Anna! who says it?" he cried out, in a low, wailing tone. There was a dead silence. Anna's announcement sounded suffi- ciently startling, and Mrs. Ashley looked with sympathy at the evidently agitated boy. " There ! that's my tongue ! " cried Anna repentantly. " Patience says she wonders some one does not cut it out for me." Mary Ashley — a fair, gentle little girl, with large brown eyes, like Henry's— stepped forward, full of s\mpathy. " I have heard of your sister from Anna," she said. '" She is welcome to read all my books ; you can take some to her now, and change them as often as you like." How pleased William was ! Mary selected four, and gave them to him. "Anna Ross," "The Bhnd Farmer," " Theophilus and Sophia," and " Alargarct White." Very old, some of the books, and childish ; but admirably suited to what people were beginning to call Jane — a dying child. " I say," cried out Henry, a little aristocratic patronage in his tone, as William was departing, " how do you get on with your Latin?" " I get on very well. Not quite so fast as I should with a master. I have to puzzle out difficulties for myself, and I am not sure but that's one of the best ways to get on. I go on with my Greek, too ; and Euclid, and " '• How much time do you work?" burst forth Henrj". " From six o'clock till half-past nine. A little of the time, I am helping my brothers." "There's perseverance, Henry!" cried Mrs. Ashley; and Master Henry shrugged his shoulders. "Anna," began William, as they walked along, "how do you know that Janey is so ill?" " Now, William, thee must ask thy mother whether sne is ill or not. She may get well — how do I know? She was ill last summer, and Hannah Dobbs would ha\e it she was in a bad way then ; Isut she recovered. Dost thee know what Patience says? " " What?" asked William cagerlv. 182 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Patience says I have ten ears where I ought to have two ; and I think thee hast the same. Fare thee well," she added, as they reached her door. " Thank thee for coming for me." William waited at the gate until Anna was admitted, and then hastened home. Jane was alone, working as usual. " Mamma, is it true that Janey is dying?" Jane's heart gave a leap ; and poor William, as she saw, could scarcely speak for agitation. " Who told you that ? " she asked in a low tone. "Anna Lynn, /j it true?" " William, I fear it may be. Don't grieve, child ! don't grieve !" William had laid his head down upon the table, the sobs breaking forth. His poor mother left her seat, and bent her head down beside him, sobbing also. "William, for my sake, don't grieve!" she whispered. "God alone knows what is good. He would not take her unless it were for the best," CHAPTER VII. THE END. April passed. May was passing ; and the end of Jane Halliburton was at hand. There was no secret now about her state ; but she was going away very peacefully. In this month. May, there occurred another vacancy in the choir of the cathedral. Little Gar — but he was growing too big now to be called Little Gar — proved to be the successful candidate ; so that both boys were now in the choir. " It will be such a help to me, learning to chant, should I ever try for a minor canonry," boasted Gar, who never tired of telling them that he meant to be a clergyman. " Gar, dear, did you ever sit down and count the cost?" asked Mrs. Halhburton. " I fear it will not be your luck to go to the University." " Labor omnia vincit," cried out Gar. " You have heard us stumbling over our Latin often enough, mamma, to know what that means. Frank will need to count the cost, too, if he is ever to make himself into a barrister ; and he says he luill be one." " Oh, you two vain boys !" cried Jane, laughing. " Mamma," spoke up Janey from the sofa — and her breathing was laboured now—" is there harm in their wishing this? " " Not at all. They are laudable aims. Only Frank and Gar are so poor and friendless that I fear the hopes are too ambitious to end in anything but disappointment." Janey called Gar to her, and pulled his face down to a level with hers, whispering softly, "Strive well, Gar, and trust in God." THE END. 183 Later, when Jane had to be out on an indispensable errand, Dobbs came in to sit with Janey. She brought her some jelly in a saucer. " I am nearly tired of it, Dobbs," said Janey. " I grow tired of everything. And I don't like to say so, because it seems so un- grateful." " It's the nature of illness to get tired of things," responded Dobbs, who thought it was her mission never to cease buoying Janey up with hope. " You"ll be better when the hot weather comes in." " No, I shan't, Dobbs. I shall never get better now." A combination of feelings, indignation predominating, nearly took away Dobbs's breath. " Who on earth has been putting that grim notion in your head ? " asked she. " It is true, Dobbs." ''True!" ejaculated Dobbs. "Who has been saying it to you ; I want to know that." " Mamma for one. She " "Of all the stupids!" burst forth Dobbs, drowning what Janey was about to say. " To frighten the child by telling her she's going to die ! " " It does not frighten me, Dobbs. I like to lie and think of it." Dobbs fell into a doubt whether Janey was in her senses. " Like to lie and think of being screwed down in a coffin, and put into the cold ground, and left there till the judgment day! " uttered she. " Oh, but, Dobbs, you must know better than that," returned Jane. " Jf'e are not put into the coffin; it is only our bodies that are put into the coffin : we go into the world of departed spirits." "De-par-ted what?" ejaculated Dobbs, whose notions of the future — the life after this life — were not very definite; and who could not have been more astonished had Jane begun to talk to her in Greek. " Mamma has always tried to explain these things to us," said Jane. " She has made them as clear to us as they can be made, and she has taught us not to fear death. She says a great mistake is often made by those who bring up children. They are taught to run away from death as something gloomy and frightful, instead of being shown its bright side." "Well, I never heard the like!" exclaimed Dobbs, lost in wonder. " How can there be a bright side to death? — in a horrid coffin, with brass nails and tin tacks that screw you down?" Tears filled Janey's eyes. "Oh, Dobbs, you must learn better than that, or how will you ever be reconciled to death ? Don't you know that when we die, we — our spirit, that is, for it is our spirit that lives and thinks — leave our body behind us ? There's no more consciousness in our body, and it is put into the grave till the last day. It is like the shell that the silkworm casts awa)' when it comeg into the moth ; the life is in the moth ; not in the cast-olT l84 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. shell. You cannot think what trouble mamma has taken with us always to explain these things ; and she has talked to me so much lately." " And where does the spirit go^by which, I suppose, you mean the soul?" asked Dobbs. Janey shook her head, to express her ignorance at the best. " It is all a mystery," she said ; " but mamma has taught us to believe that there's a place for the departed,- and that we shall be there. It is not to be supposed that the soul, a thing of life, could be boxed up in a coffin, Dobbs. When Jesus Christ said to the thief on the cross, ' To-day shalt thou be with me in Paradise,' he meant that world. It is a place of light and rest." " And the good and bad are there together ?" Again Janey shook her head. " Don't you remember, in the parable of the rich man and the beggar, there was a great gulf Ijetwcen them, and Abraham said that it could not be passed? I dare say it will be very peaceful and happy there : quite different from this world, where there's so much trouble and sickness. Why should I be afraid of death, Dobbs?" Dobbs sat looking at her, and was some minutes before she spoke. " Not afraid to die ! " she slowly said. " Well, I should be." Janey's eyes were wet. " Nobody need be afraid to die when they have learnt to trust in God. Don't you know," she answered with something like enthusiasm, " that many people, when dying, have seen Jesus waiting for them ? What does it matter, then, where our bodies are put ? We are going to be with Jesus. Indeed, Dobbs, there's nothing sad in dying, if you can only look at it the right way. It is those who look at it in the wrong way that are afraid to die." "The child's as learned as a minister ! " was Dobbs's inward com- ment. " Ours told us last Sunday evening at chapel that we were all on the high road to perdition. I'd rather listen to her creed than to his : it sounds more encouraging. Their ma hasn't brought 'em up amiss ; and that's the truth ! " The soliloquy was interrupted by the return of Mrs. Halliburton. Almost immediately afterwards some visitors came in — Mary Ashley and Anna Lynn. It was the ilrst time Mary had been there. She had come to bring Janey some more books. She was one of those graceful children whom it is pleasant to look at. A contrast in attire she presented to the little Quakeress, with her silk dress, her straw hat, trimmed with a wreath of flowers and white ribbons, her dark curls falling beneath it. She was much younger than her brother Henry; but there was a great resemblance between them — in the refmed features, the bright complexion, and the soft, dark eyes. Somehow, through a remark made by Dobbs, the conversation turned upon Jane's inability to recover; and Mary Ashley heard with extreme wonder that death was not dreaded. " Her ma has taught her different," was Dobbs's comment. THE END. 185 " Mamma takes great pains with us," observed Mary ; " but I should not hke to die. How is it?" she added, turning to Mrs. Halhburton. "Jane is not much older than I, and yet she does not dread it ! " " My dear," was the reply, " I think it is simply this. Those whom God is intending to take from the world, He often, in His mercy and wisdom, weans from the love of it. You are healthy and strong, and the wdrld is pleasant to you. Jane has been so long weak and ill, that she no longer finds enjoyment in i ; and this naturally causes her to look beyond this world to th rest and peace of the next. All things are well ordered." Mary Ashley began to think they must be. Chattering Anna, \-iin Anna, sat gazing at Mary's pretty hat, her drooping curls; none, except Anna herself, knew with what envious longing. Anna, at any rate, was not tired of the world. The end grew nearer and nearer. There came a day when Jane did not get up ; there came a second, and a third. On the fourth morning, Janey, who had passed a comfortable night, compared with some nights which had preceded it, was sitting up in bed when her brothers came in from school. They hurried over their breakfast, and ran up to her, carrying the remains of it in their hands. The first few minutes after breakfast had always been devoted by Jane to reading to her children ; in spite of her necessity for close working, they were so devoted still. " I will read here this morning," she observed, as the boys stood around the bed. " Mamma," interrupted Janey, "read about the holy city, in the Book of Revelation." Mrs. Halliburton turned to the twenty-first chapter, and had read to the twenty-third verse — " And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it : for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof" — when Jane suddenly started forward in bed, her eyes fixed on some opposite point. Mrs. Halli- burton paused, and endeavoured to put her gently back again. " Oh, mamma, don't keep me ! " she said in a strangely thrilling tone ; " don't keep me ! I see the light ! I see papa ! " There was a strange light, not as of earth, in her own face, an ineffable smile on her lip, that told more of heaven. Her arms dropped; and she sank back on the pillow. Jane Halliburton had gone to her Heavenly Father ; it may be also to her earthly one. Gar screamed. Dobbs arrived in the midst of the commotion. And when Dobbs saw what had happened, she fell into a storm of anger, of passionate sobs, half ready to knock down Mrs. Halliburton with words, and the poor boys with blows. Why was she not called to see the last of her ? The onh- young thing she had cared for in all the world, and yet she could not be allowed to wish her farewell ! She'd never love another again, as long as her days lasted 1 In vain they strove to explain to her that it was sudden, unexpected, momentary : Dobbs would not listen, i86 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. Mrs. Halliburton stole away from Dobbs's storm — anywhere. Her heart was brimful. Although she had known that this must be the ending, now that it had come she was as one unprepared. In her grief and sorrow, she was tempted for a moment — but only for a moment — to question the goodness and wisdom of God. Some one called to her from the foot of the stairs, and she went down. She had to go down ; she could not shut herself up, as those can who have servants to be their deputies. Anna Lynn stood there, dressed for school. " Friend Jane Halliburton, Patience has sent me to ask after Janey this morning. Is she better.'' " " No, Anna. She is dead." Jane spoke with unnatural calmness. The child, scared at the words, backed away out at the garden door, and then flew to Patience with the news. It brought Patience in. Jane was nearly prostrate then. " Nay, but thee art grieving sadly ! Thee must not take on so." "Oh, Patience! why should it be?" she wailed aloud in her despair and bereavement. " Anna left in health and joyousness ; my child taken ! Surely God is dealing hardly with me." " Thee must not say that," returned Patience gravely. " But thee art not thyself just now. What truth was it that I heard thee im- press upon thy child not a week ago ? That God's ways are not as our ways." CHAPTER VUL A WEDDING IN HONEY FAIR. But that such contrasts are all too common in life, you might think it scarcely seemly to go direct from a house of death to a house ot marriage. This same morning which witnessed the death of Jane Halliburton, witnessed also the wedding of Mary Ann Cross and Ben Tyrrett. Upon which there was wonderful rejoicing at the Crosses' house. Of course, whether a wedding was a good one or a bad one (speaking from a pecuniary point of view), it was equally the custom to feast over it in Honey Fair. Benjamin Tyrrett was only what is called a jobber in the glove trade, earning fifteen or sixteen shillings a week; but Mary Ann Cross made up her mind to have him — in defiance of parental and other admonitions that she ought to look over Ben's head. They had gone to work Honey Fair fashion, preparing nothing. Every shilling that Mary Ann Cross could spare went in finery — had long gone in finery. In vain Charlotte East impressed upon her the necessity of saving : of waiting. Mar)- Ann would do neither one nor the other. " All that you can soarc from back debts, and from present actual A WEDDING IN HONEY FAIR. 187 wants, you should put by," Charlotte had urged. " You don't know how many more calls there are for money after marriage than before it." "There'll be two of us to earn it then," logically replied Mary Ann. " And two of you to live," said Charlotte. " To marry upon nothing is to rush into trouble." " How you do go on, Charlotte East! He'll earn his wages, and I shall earn mine. Where"ll be the trouble? I shan't want to spend so much upon my back when I am married." " To marry as you are going to do, must bring trouble," persisted Charlotte. "He will manage to get together a few bits of cheap furniture, just what you can't do without, to put into one room ; and there you will be set up, neither of you having one sixpence laid by to fall back upon ; and perhaps the furniture unpaid, hanging like a log upon you. What shall you do when children come, Mary Ann ? " Mary Ann Cross giggled. " If ever I heard the like of you, Char- lotte ! If children do come, they must come, that's all. We can't send 'em back again." " No, you can't," said Charlotte. " They generally arrive in pretty good troops : and sometimes there's little to welcome them on. Half the quarrels between man and wife, in our class of life, spring from nothing but large families and small means. Their tempers get soured with each other, and never get pleased again." " Folks must take their chance, Charlotte." " There's no must in it. You are nineteen, Ben Tyrrett's twenty- three ; suppose you made up your minds to wait two or three years. You would be quite young enough then : and meanwhile, if both of you laid by, you would have something in hand to meet extra expenses, or sickness, if it came." " Opinions differs," shortly returned Mary Ann. " If folks tell true, you were putting by ever so long for your marriage, and it all ended in smoke. I'd rather make sure of a husband when I can get him." An expression of pain crossed the face of Charlotte East. "Whether I marry or not," she answered calmly, "I shall be none the worse for having laid money by, instead of squandering it. If the best man that ever was born came to me, I would not marry him, if we had made no bettct^ provision for a rainy day than you and Tyrrett have. What can come of such unions, Mary Ann?" " It's the way that most of us girls do marry," returned Mary Ann. "And what comes of it, I ask? Blows sometimes, Mary Ann; the workhouse sometimes ; trouble always." " Is it true that you put by, Charlotte ? " " Yes. I put by what I can." " But how in wonder do you manage it ? Ymi dress as well a? 188 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. we do. I'm sure our backs take all our money; father pretty nigh keeps the house." " I dress better than you, in one sense, Mary Ann. I don't have on a silk gown one day, and a petticoat in rags the next. No one ever sees me otherwise than neat and clean, and my clothes keep good a long while. It's the finery that runs away with your money. I am not ashamed to make a bonnet last two jears ; you'd have two in a season. Another thing, Mary Ann : I do not waste my time— I sit to my work ; and I dare say I earn double what you do." " Let us liear what you earned last week, if it isn't impertinent," was Mary Ann's answer. " Ten and ninepence." " Look at that 1 " cried the girl, lifting her hands. " I brought out but five and twopence, and I left no money for silk, and am in debt two quarterns. 'Melia was worse. Hers came to four and eleven. That surly old foreman says to me when he was paying, ' What d'ye leave for silk, Mary Ann Cross? There's two quarterns down.' ' I know there is, sir,' says I, 'but I don't leave nothing to-day.' He gave a grunt at that, the old file did." " And I suppose you spent your five shillings in some useless thing ? " " I had to pay up at Bankes's, and the rest went in a new peach bonnet-ribbon." " Peach ! You should have bought white, if you must be married." " Thank you, Charlotte ! What next ? Do you suppose I'm going to be married in that shabby old straw, that I've worn all the spring? Not if I know it." " Where's your money to come from for a new one ? There will be other things wanted, more essential than a bonnet." " I'll have a new one, if I go in trust for it," returned Mary Ann. " Tyrrett buys the ring. And it is of no use for you to preach, Charlotte ; if you preach your tongue out, it'll do no good." Charlotte might, indeed, have preached a very long sermon, before she would efl'ect any change in the system of improvidence obtain- ing in Honey Fair. Neither Benjamin Tyrrett nor Mary Ann Cross was gifted with forethought, and they took no pains to acquire it. The marriage was carried out, and this was the happy day. Mrs. Cross gave an entertainment in honour of the event, at which the bride and bridegroom assisted — as the French say — with as many others as the kitchen would hold. Tea for the ladies, pipes and ale for the gentlemen, supper for all, vith spirits-and-water handed round. How Mrs. Cross had contrived to go on so long without an expose, she scarcely knew herself. The wonder was, that she had gone on at all. It took the energies of her life to patch up her embarrass- ments, and hide her difficulties from her husband. The evil day, however, was only delayed. It could not be averted. ( 1^9 ) CHAPTER IX. AN EXPLOSION FOR MRS. CROSS. The evil day, hinted at in the last chapter, was not long in coming. It might not have fallen quite so soon, but for a misfortune which o\'crtook Jacob Cross. The manufacturer for whom he worked died suddenly, and the business was immediately given up — the made gloves being bought up by a London house, and the stock in trade, leather, machines, etc., sold by auction. He had been a first-class manufacturer, doing nearly as large a business as Mr. Ashley ; and not only Jacob Cross, but many more men in Honey Fair were thrown out of work — one of whom was Andrew Brumm ; another, Timothy Carter. This happened only a few months after Mary Ann Cross's marriage. It struck terror to the heart of Mrs. Cross. Though she had paid some of her debts, she had incurred others : indeed, the very fact of her having to pay, had caused her to incur fresh ones. Her position was ominous. She and Amelia had worked for this same manufac- turer, now dead, and of course they were at a standstill. Mary Ann Tyrrett had likewise worked for him ; but she had left the paternal home ; and with her we have nothing just now to do. The position of others was ominous, as well as that of Mrs. Cross. It was the autumn season, and trade was flat. Winter orders had gone in, and there was no necessity to hurry those for the spring; so that the hands thrown out of work, both men and women, stood every chance of remaining out. A gloom overspread Honey Fair. In many a household the articles least needed, went, week after week, to the pawnbrokers, without being redeemed on the Saturday night, as in more prosperous times. Upon the proceeds the families had to exist. It was bad enough for those who were free from del)t ; but for those already labouring under it — above all, labouring under secret debt — it was something not to be told. Mrs. Cross had nightmare regularly every night. Visions would come over her now and again of running away, if she had only known where to run to. The men would stand or sit at their doors all day, with pipes in their mouths : money was sure to be found for tobacco, by hook or by crook. There they would lounge in gloomy silence, varied by an occasional wordy wdr with their wives, who wished them anywhere else; or they and their pipes would saunter up and down the road, forming into groups, to condole with each other and to abuse the glove trade. One Monday afternoon there was a small assemblage in the kitchen of Jacob Cross — himself, Andrew Brumm, and Timothy Carter. Brumm and Carter were, in one sense, more fortunate than Cross ; inasmuch as that their respective wives worked each for another 190 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. house, not the one which had closed ; therefore they retained theii* employment. The fact, however, appeared to afford little consolation to the two men, for they were keeping up a chorus of grumbling, when Joe Fisher staggered in — if you have not forgotten him. Fisher had hitherto managed, to the intense surprise of every one, to keep out of the workhouse. He would be taken on for a job of work now and then ; but manufacturers were chary of em- ploying Joe Fisher. For one thnig, he gave way to drink. A dis- reputable-looking object had he become: a tattered coat and waist- coat, pantaloons in rags, and not the ghost of a shirt. People wondered how he found money for drink. " Who'll give us house-room? " was his salutation, as he pushed himself in, his eyes haggard, his legs unsteady, his face thin from incipient famine. " Will nobody give us a corner to lie in ? " The men took their pipes from their mouths. " Turned out at last, Joe?" "Turned out," replied Joe. "And my missis close upon her down-lying." Mrs. Cross, who was at the back of the kitchen, washing out her potato saucepan, of which frugal edible, seasoned with salt, the family dinner had consisted, put in her word. " You couldn't expect nothing else, Joe Fisher. There you have been, in them folks' furnished room, paying nothing, and paying nothing, and you drinking everlasting. They have threatened you long enough. Last week, you know, they took a vow you should go this." "Where's the wife and little 'uns?" asked meek Timothy Carter. " You can look at 'em," responded Fisher, " They're not a hun- dred miles off. They bain't out of view." He gave a flourish of his hand towards the road, and the men and Mrs. Cross crowded to the door to reconnoitre. In the middle of the lane, crouched down in its mud, for the weather had been bad, and it was very wet under foot, was untidy Sukey Fisher — a woman all skin and bone now, her face hopeless and desperate. She wore no cap, and her matted hair fell on to her gown— such a gown ! all tatters and dirt. Several young children huddled around her. " Untidy creature ! " muttered Mrs. Cross to herself " She is as fond of a drop as her lazy, quarrelsome husband ; and this is what they have brought it to, between 'em ! Them poor little objects of young 'uns 'ud be as well dead as alive." " Look at 'em ! " began Fisher. " And they call this a free country ! They call it a country as is a pattern to others, and a refuge for the needy. Why don't Government, that opened our ports to them foreign French, and keeps 'em open, come down and take a look at my wife squatting there? — turned out of our room, without a place to put our heads into ! " " If you hadn't put quite as much inside your head, Joe Fisher, and been doing of it for years, \ou might have had more for the AN EXPLOSION FOR MRS. CROSS. 191 outside on't now," again spoke ]\Irs. Cross in her sharp tones. The woman was not a naturally sharp one, as were some in Honey- Fair ; but the miserable fear she lived in, added to their present l)rivations, told upon her temper. " Hold your magging," said Joe Fisher. " I never like to quarrel with pctticuts, one's own belongings excepted. All as I say, INIothcr Cross, is, don't jyote mag." Mrs. Cross made no reply to this, and Fisher resumed. " This comes of letting the Government and the masters have their own way ! If we had that there strike among us, that Fve so often told ye on, things would be different. Let a man sit down a minute, Cross." Cross civilly pushed a chair towards him, concentrating his atten- tion afterwards upon I\Irs. Fisher. A crowd had collected round her ; and ]\Irs. Buffle, with a feeling of humanity that few had given that lady credit for possessing, sent out an old woollen shawl to the shivering woman, and a basin of hasty pudding. The mother could not feed the whining children fast enough with the one iron spoon. A young man ran up to Cross's door. It was Adam Thorney- croft. He did not live in Honey Fair, but often found his way to it, although Charlotte had rejected him. "Is Joe Fisher here:" asked he. " Fisher, why don't you go to the workhouse and tell them the state your wife is in? She can't stop there." " Her state is no concern of your'n. Master Thorneycroft," was the sullen answer. Thorneycroft turned on his heel, a scornful gesture escaping him at Fisher's half-stupid condition. " I must be off to my work," he observed ; " but can't one of you, A\ho are gentlemen at large, just go to the workhouse and acquaint them with the woman's helpless- ness, and that of her children around her?" Timothy Carter responded to it. " I'll go," said he; "I haven't nothing to do with myself this afternoon." Timothy and Adam walked away together, Tim treading with gingerly feet past his own door, lest his wife should recognise his step, bolt out, and stop him. Charlotte East was standing at her door, and Adam halted. Timothy walked on : he did not feel him- self perfectly safe yet.' "What a life that poor woman's is ! " exclaimed Charlotte. " Ay," assented Adam ; " and all through Fisher's not sticking to his work." Charlotte moved her face gravely towards him. " Say, through his drinking, Adam." "Do you speak that as a warning, Charlotte?" he continued. " I think you mean well by me, but you go just the wrong way to sho\y it. If you wanted me to keep steady, you should have come and helped me in it. Good-bye. I am late." " Gentlemen at large, young Thorney called us ! " cried Jacob Cross to his friend Brumm, as Fisher went off, and they sat down again. " He's not far out. What's to be the end on't ? " 192 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Why, the work'us," responded Mrs. Cross, who rarely let an opportunity slip of putting in her own opinion. " The wurk'us for us, as well as for the Fishers, unless things take a turn. When great, big, able-bodied men is throwed out o' work, and yet has to eat and drink, and other folks at home has to eat and drink, and nothing to stay their stomachs upon, the work'us can't be far off." " Never for me! " said Andrew Brumm. " I'll work to keep mc and mine out on it, if it is at breaking stones upon the road. I know one thing — if ever I do get into certain work again, I'll make my missis be a bit providenter than she was before." " Bell Brumm ain't one of the provident sort," dissented Mrs. Cross. " How do you manage to get along at all, Drew, these bad times? You don't seem to get into trouble." "Well, we manage somehow," replied Andrew. "But we have to pinch. My missis sticks at her work, now I be out on't. She hardly looks off it ; and I does the house, and sees to the children. Nine shilling, all but her silk, she earned last week. And, finding that we ca7t exist on that, after a fashion, has set me thinking that when my good wages was added to it, we ought to have put by for a rainy day," he continued, after a pause. " Just let me get the chance again ! " " It's surprising the miracles wages works when folks ain't earn- ing none!" put in Mrs. Cross, in a tone of irony, who did not altogether like the turn the conversation was taking. " When you get into work again, Drew Brumm, your wife won't be more able to save than the rest of us." " But she shall," returned Andrew. " And she sees for herself iiow that it might be done." " I was a-making a calkelation yesterday how long we might hold out on our household things," observed Jacob Cross — a silent man, in general. "If none of us can get work, they'll have to go, piecemeal. One can't clam ; one must live upon something." " I'm resolved upon one point — that 1 won't have no underhand debt again," resumed Brumm. " Last spring I found out the flaring trade my missis was carrying on with them Bankes's — and the way I come to know of it was funny : but never mind that. ' Bell,' says I to her, ' I'd rather sell off all I've got and go tramping the country, than I'd live with a sword over my head' — which debt is. And I went down to Bankes's and said to 'em, ' If you let my wife get into debt again, I won't pay it, as I now give you notice, and I'll have you up before the justices for a pest.' I thought I'd make it strong, you see, Cross. And I paid off their bill, so much a week, and got shut of 'em. Them Bankes's docs more mischief in Honey Fair than everything else put together." " Why, what do Bankes's do?" asked Jacob, in happy ignorance. " Do ! " returned Brumm. " Don't you know " But at that critical moment, Mrs. Cross, in bustling behind Andrew Brumm's chair, which was on the tilt, rontiived to get her AN EXPLOSION FOR MRS. CROSS. 193 foot entangled in it. Brumm, his chair, and his pipe, all came down together. " Mercy on us ! " uttered Jacob Cross, coming to the rescue. " How did you manage that, Brumm?" Before Brumm could answer, or had well gathered himself up, there was another visitor — Mr. Abbott, the landlord of at least a third of Honey Fair. He had come on his usual Monday's errand. Jacob Cross put down his pipe and touched his hat, which, in the manners of Honey Fair, was worn indoors. It was not often that the landlord and the men came into contact with each other. " Are you ready for me, Mrs. Cross? " " We are not ready to-day, sir," interposed Jacob. " You nxist please to give us a httle grace these hard times, sir. The moment I be in work again, I'll think of you, before I think of ourselves." " I have given all the grace I can give," replied Mr. Abbott, a hard, surly man. " You must either pay, or turn out : I don't care which." " I'll pay you as soon as I am in work, sir ; you may count upon it. As to turning out, sir, where could I turn to? You'd not let me take out my furniture, and we can't sit down in the street, aa Fisher's wife is doing." Mr. Abbott turned to the door. When he came back, a man was with him. " I must trouble you to give this man house-room for a few days. As you won't go out, he must stop in, to see that your goods stop in." Cross's spirit rose within him. " It's a hard way to treat a man, sir ! I have lived under you for years, and you have had your rent regular." " Regular ! " exclaimed the landlord. " I have had more trouble to get it from your wife, since Bankes's came to Helstonleigh, than from anybody else in Honey Fair." Cross did not understand this. He was too much absorbed by the point in question to ask an explanation. " There's only three weeks owing to you, sir, and " " Three weeks! " interrupted Mr. Abbott ;" there are nine weeks owing to me. Nine weeks to-day." Jacob Cross stood confounded. " Who says there's nine weeks? " asiced he. " I say so. Your wife can say so. Ask her." But Mrs. Cross, with a scared face and white lips, whisked through the door, and hurried down Honey Fair. The explosion had come. Mr. Abbott, wasting no more words, departed, leaving the un- welcome visitor behind him. Andrew Brumm came in again from outside, where he had stood, out of delicacy, feeling thankful that /lis rent was all right. It was pinching work; but Andrew was beginning to learn that debt pinches the mind, more than hunger pinches the body. " Comrade," whispered he, grasping Cross's hand, "it's all along Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles. lo 194 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. of them Bankes's. The women buy their fal-lals and their finery, and the weekly payments to 'em must be kept up, whether or no, for fear Bankes's should let out on't to us, and ask us for the money. Of course the rent and other things gets behind. Half the women round us are knee-deep in Bankes's books." " Why couldn't you have told me this before ? " demanded Cross, in his astonishment. " It's not my province to interfere with other men's wives," was Brumm's sensible answer. " Where's she got to ? " cried Jacob, looking round for his wife. " I'll come to the bottom of this. Nine weeks' rent owing; and her salving me up that it was only three ! " Jacob might well say, ''Where's she got to?" Mrs. Cross had glided down Honey Fair, into the first friendly door that happened to be open. That was Mrs. Carter's. " For mercy's sake, let's stop here a minute, Elizabeth Carter ! " exclaimed she. " We have got the bums in.' " Mrs. Carter was rubbing up some brass candlesticks. Work ran short with her that week, and therefore she spent it in cleaning, which was her notion of taking holiday ; scrubbing and scouring from morning till night. She turned round and stared at Mrs. Cross, who, with white face and gasping breath, had sunk down upon a chair. " What on earth's the matter ? " " Abbott has brought it out to my husband that I owes nine weeks' rent, and he's telling him about Bankes's, and now he has gone and put a bum into the house ! " " More soft you, to have had to do with Bankes's ! " was the sym- pathy offered by Mrs. Carter. '' You couldn't expect nothing less." "That old skinflint, Abbott " Mrs. Cross stopped short. She opened the staircase door about an inch, and humbly twisted herself through the aperture. Who should 1)6 standing there to hear her, having followed her in, but Mr. Abbott himself. He had no need to say, "Ready, Mrs. Carter?" Mrs. Carter always was ready. She paid him weekly, and asked no favour. The payment made, he departed again, and Mrs. Cross emerged from her retreat. " Vou can pay him I " she exclaimed, with some envy. " And Timothy's out o' work, too; and you be slack. How do you manage it ? " " I'm not a fool," was the logical response of Mrs. Carter. " If I spent my earnings when they are coming in regular, or let Tim keep his to his own check, where should we be, in a time like this ? I have my understanding about me." Mrs. Carter did not praise her understanding without cause. Whatever social virtues she may have lacked, she was rich in thrift, in forethought. Had Timothy remained out of iVork for a twelve- month, they would not have been put to shifts. AN EXPLOSION FOR MRS. CROSS. 195 " I'm afraid to go back ! " cried Mrs. Cross. " So should I be, if I got myself into your mess." The offered sympathy not being consolatoiy to her present frame of mind, Mrs. Cross departed. Home, at present, she dared not go. She went about Honey Fair, seeking the gossiping pity which Elizabeth Carter had declined to give, but which she was yearning for. Thus she spent an hour or two. Meanwhile the news had been spreading through Honey Fair, " Crosses had the bums in ; " and Mary Ann, hearing it, flew home to know whether it was correct. She — partly through fear, partly in the security from paternal correction, which was imparted to her by the feeling that she was Mary Ann Tyrrett, and no longer Mary Ann Cross — yielded to her father's questions, and made full confession. Debts here, debts there, debts everywhere. Cross was overwhelmed ; and when his wife at length came in, he quietly knocked her down. The broker advanced to the rescue. " If you dare to come between man and wife," raved Cross, lifting his arm menacingly, " I'll serve you the same." He was a quiet-tempered man, but this business had terribly exasperated him. " You'll come to die in the work'us," he uttered to his wife. " And serve you right ! It's your doings that have broke up our home." " No," retorted she passionately, as she lifted herself from the floor ; " it's your squanderings in the publics o' nights, that have helped to break up our home." It was a little of both. The quarrel was interrupted by a commotion outside, and Mrs. Cross darted out to look — glad, perhaps, to escape from her hus- band's anger. An official from the workhouse had come down with an order for the admission of Susan Fisher instanter. Timothy Carter, in his meek and humane spirit, had so enlarged upon the state of affairs in general, touching Mrs. Fisher, that the workhouse bestirred itself. An officer was despatched to marshal them into it at once. The uproar was caused by her resistance : she was still sitting in the road. " I won't go into the work'us," she screamed ; " I won't go there to be parted from my children and my husband. If I'm to die, I'll die out here." "Just get up and march, and don't let's have no row," said the officer. " Else I'll fetch a wheel-barrer, and wheel ye to it." She resisted, shrieking and flinging her arms and her wild hair about her, as only a foolish woman would do ; the children, alarmed, clung to her and cried, and all Honey Fair came out to look. Mr. Joe Fisher also staggered up, in a state not to be described. He had been invited by some friend, more sympathizing than judicious, to solace his troubles with strong waters ; and down he fell in the mud, helpless. , " Well, here's a pretty kettle of fish ! " cried the perplexed work- house man. " A nice pair, they are ! How I am to get 'em both 196 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. there, is beyond me ! She can walk, if she's forced to it ; but he can't ! They spend their money in sotting, and when they have no more to spend, they come to us to keep 'em ! I must get an open cart." The cart was procured somewhere, and brought to the scene, a pohceman in attendance ; and the children were lifted into it, one by one. Next the man was thrown in, like a clod ; and then came the woman's turn. With much struggling and kicking, with shrieks that might have been heard a mile off, she was at length hoisted into it. But she tumbled out again : raving that " no work'us shouldn't hold her." The official raved in turn; and Honey Fair hugged itself It had not had the gratification of so exciting a scene for many a day ; to say nothing of the satisfaction it derived from hearing the workhouse set at defiance. The official and the policeman at length conquered. She was secured, and the cart started at a snail's pace with its load — Mrs. Fisher setting up a prolonged and dismal lamentation, not unlike an Irish howl: and Honey Fair, in its curiosity, following the cart as its train. CHAPTER X. A SHILLING IN THE WASTE-PAPER BASKET. "Whose shilling is this on my desk?" inquired Mr. Ashley of Samuel Lynn, one morning towards the close of the summer. " I cannot tell thee," was the reply of the Quaker. " I know nothing of it." " It is none of mine, to my knowledge," remarked Mr. Ashley. " What shilling is that on the master's desk ? " repeated Samuel Lynn to William when he returned into his own room, where William was. " I put a shilling on the desk this morning," replied William. " I found it in the waste-paper basket." " Thee go in, then, and tell the master." William did so. " The shilling rolled out of the waste-paper basket, sir," said he, entering the counting-house, and approaching Mr. Ashley. Mr. Ashley was remarkably exact in his accounts. He had missed no shilling, and he did not think it was his. " What should bring a shilling in the waste-paper basket?" he asked. "It may have rolled out of your own pocket." William could have smiled at the remark. A shilling out of his pocket ! " Oh, no, sir, it did not." Mr. Ashley sat looking earnestly at William — as the latter fancied. In reality he was buried deep in his own thoughts. But William felt uncomfortable under the survey, and his face flushed A SHILLING IN THE WASTE-PAPER BASKET. 197 to a glow. Why should he feel uncomfortable ? What should cause the flush ? This. Since Janey's death, some months ago now, their circum- stances had been more straitened than ever ; of course, there had been expenses attending it, and Mrs. Halliburton was paying them off weekly. Bread and potatoes, and a little milk, would often be their food. On the previous night, Jane had a sick headache. Some tea would have been acceptable, but she had neither tea nor money in the house ; and she was firm in her resolution not to purchase on trust. On this morning early, when William rose, he found his mother down before him, at her work as usual. Her head felt better, she said ; it might get quite well if she had only some tea ; but she had not, and — there was an end of it. William went out, ardently wishing (in the vague profitless manner that he might have wished for Aladdin's lamp) that he had only a shilling to procure some for her. When, half an hour after, this shilling rolled out of the waste-paper basket, as he was shaking it in Mr. Ashley's counting-house, a strong temptation — not to take it, but to wish that he might take it, that it was not wrong to take it — rushed over him. He put it down on the desk, and turned from it — turned from the temptation, for the shilling seemed to scorch his fingers. The remembrance of this wish — it sounded to him like a dishonest one— had brought the vivid colour to his face, under what he thought was Mr. Ashley's scrutiny. That gentleman observed it. " What are you turning red for ? " This crowned all. William's face changed to scarlet. Mr. Ashley was surprised. He came to the conclusion that some mystery must be connected with the shilling — something wrong. He determined to fathom it. " Why do you look confused.?" he resumed. " It was only at my own thoughts, sir." " What are they ? Let me hear them." William hesitated. " I would rather not tell them, sir." " But I would rather you did." Mr. Ashley spoke quietly, as usual ; but there lay command in the quietest tone of Mr. Ashley's. Implicit obedience had been enjoined upon the Halliburtons from their earliest childhood. In that manufactory Mr. Ashley was William's master^ and he believed he had no resource but to comply with his desire. William was of a remarkably ingenuous nature ; and if he had to impart a thing, he did not do it by halves, although it might tell against himself. " When I found that shilling this morning, sir, the thought came over me to wish it was mine— to wish that I might take it without doing ill. The thought did not come over me to take it^'' he added, raising his truthful eyes to Mr. Ashley's, " only to wish that it was not wrong to do so. When you looked at me so earnestly, sir, I fancied you could see what my thoughts had been. And they were not honourable thoughts." 198 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Did you ever take money that was not yours ? " asked Mr. Ashley, after a pause. WiUiam looked surprised. " No, sir, never." Mr. Ashley paused again. " I have known children help them- selves to halfpence and pence, and think it little crime." The boy shook his head. " We have been taught better than that, sir. And, besides the crime, money taken in that way would bring us no good, only trouble. It could not prosper." " Tell me why you think that." " My mother has always taught us that a bad action can never prosper in the end." " I suppose you coveted the shilling for marbles ; or for sweet- meats?" " Oh no, sir. It was not for myself that I wished it." " Then for whom? For what?" This caused William's face to flush again. Mr. Ashley questioned till he drew from him the particulars — how that he had wished to buy some tea, and why he had wished it. " I have heard," remarked Mr. Ashley, after listening, " that you have many privations to put up with." " It is true, sir. But we don't so much care for them, if we only can put up with them. My mother says she knows better days will be in store for us, if we only bear on patiently. I am sure we boys ought to do so, if she can. It is worse for her than for us." There ensued another searching question from Mr. Ashley. " Have you ever, when alone in the egg-house, amidst its thousands of eggs, been tempted to pocket a few to carry home? " For one moment William suffered a flash of resentment to cross his countenance. The next his eyes filled with tears. He felt deeply hurt. " No, sir, I have not. I hope you do not fear that I am capable of it?" "No, I do not," said Mr. Ashley. " Your father was a clergyman, I think I have heard?" " He was intended for a clergyman, sir, but he did not get to the University. His father was a clergyman — a rector in Devonshire, and my mother's father was a clergyman in London. My uncle Francis is also a clergyman, but only a curate. We are gentle- people, though we are poor. We would not take eggs or anything else." Mr. Ashley suppressed a smile. " I conclude that you and your brothers live in hope some time of regaining your position in life?" " Yes, sir. I think it is that hope that makes us put up with hard things so well." "What do you think of being?" William^ countenance fell. " There is not so much chance of my getting on, sir, as there is for my brothers. Frank and CJar are hopeful enough ; but I don't look forward to anything good for me. My mother says if I only help her I shall be doing my duty." A SHILLING IN THE WASTE-PAPER BASKET. 199 " Your sister died in a decline," remarked Mr. Ashley. " These home privations must have told upon her." William's face brightened. " She had everything she wanted, sir ; everything, even to port wine. Mrs. Reece and Dobbs took a liking to her when they first came, and they never let her want foi' anything. Mamma says that Jane's wants having been supplied in so extraordinary a manner, ought to teach us how certainly God is looking over us and taking care of us — that all things, when they come to be absolutely needed, will no doubt be supplied to us, as they were to her." "What a perfect trust in God that boy seems to have?" mused Mr. Ashley, when he dismissed William. " Mrs. Halliburton must be a mother in a thousand. And he will make a man in a thousand, imless I am mistaken. Truthful, open, candid — /don't know a boy like him!" About five minutes before the great bell was rung at one o'clock, William was called into the counting-house. " I have been casting up my cash and find I am a shilling short," observed Mr. Ashley, " therefore the shilling that you found is no doubt the missing one. 1 shall give it to you," he continued : '"a reward for telling me the straightforward truth when I questioned you." William took the shilling — as he supposed. " Here are two I" he exclaimed, in his surprise. " You cannot buy much tea with one ; and that is what you were thinking of. Would you like to be apprenticed to me.'"' Mr. Ashley resumed, drowning the boy's thanks. The question took William by storm : he was at a loss what to answer. He would have been equally at a loss had he been accorded a whole week to deliberate upon it. He looked foolish, and said he could not tell. "Would you like the business.'"' pursued Mr. Ashley. " I like the business very well, sir, now I'm used to it. But I could not hope ever to get on to be a master." " There's no knowing what you may get on to be, if )ou are steady and persevering. Masters don't begin at the top of the tree; they begin at the bottom and work up to it. At least, that is the case with a great many. In becoming an apprentice you would occupy a better position in the manufactory than you do now." "Joe .Stubbs is an apprentice, is he not, sir?" " I will explain it to you, if you do not understand," said Mr. Ashley. "Joe Stubbs is apprenticed to one branch of the business, the cutting; John Braithwait is an apprentice to the staining, and so on. These lads expect to remain workmen all their lives, work- ing at their own peculiar branch. You would not be apprenticed to any one branch, but to the whole, with a view to becoming hcrc-- after a manager or a master ; in the same manner that I might apprentice my son, were he intended for the business." William thought he should Hke this. Suddenly his countenance fell. 200 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. "What now?" asked Mr. Ashley. " I have heard, sir, that the apprentices do not earn wages at first. I — I am afraid we could not well do at home without mme." " You need not concern yourself with what you hear, or with what others earn or don't earn. I should give you eight shillings a-week, instead of four, and you would retain your evenings for study, as you do now. I do not see any different or better opening for you," continued Mr. Ashley ; " but should any arise hereafter, through your mother's relatives, or from any other channel, I would not stand in the way of your advancement, but would consent to cancel your indentures. Do you understand what I have been saying?"' " Yes, sir, I do. Thank you very much." "You can speak to Mrs. Halliburton about it, and hear what her wishes may be," concluded Mr. Ashley. The result was, that William was apprenticed to Mr. Ashley. " I can tell thee, thee hast found favour with the master," remarked Samuel Lynn to William. " He has made thee his apprentice, and has admitted thee, I hear, to the companionship of his son. They are proofs that he judges well of thee. Pay thee attention to deserve it." It was quite true that William was admitted to the occasional companionship of Henry Ashley. Henry had taken a fancy to him, and would get him there to help him stumble through his Latin. The next to be apprenticed to Mr. Ashley, and almost at the same time, was Cyril Dare. But when he found that he was to be the fellow-apprentice of William Halliburton, the two on a level in every respect, wages excepted — and of wages Master Cyril was at first to earn none — he was most indignant, and complained explosively to his father. " Can't you speak to Mr. Ashley, sir?" " Where would be the use?" asked ^Ir. Dare. "There's not a man in Hclstonleigh would brook interference in his affairs less than Thomas Ashley. If one of the two apprentices must leave, because they are too much for each other's company, it would be you, Cyril, rely upon it." Cyril growled; but, as Mr. Dare said, there was no help for it. And he and William had to get on together in the best way they could. Cyril had thought that he should be the only gentleman- apprentice at Mr. Ashley's. There was a marked distinction observed in a manufactory between the common apprentices, who did the rough work, and what were called the gentlemen-appren- tices. It did not please Cyril that WiUiam should have been made one of the latter. ( 20I ) CHAPTER XI. THE SCHOOLBOYS' NOTES. As the time went on, Jane's brain grew very busy. Its care was the education of her boys — a perplexing theme. So far as the classics went, they were progressing. Frank and Gar certainly were not pushed on as they might have been, for Helstonleigh collegiate school was not at that time renowned for its pushing qualities ; but the boys had a spur in themselves. Jane never ceased to urge them to attention, to strive after self-progress ; not by the harsh reproaches some children have to hear, but by loving encouragement and gentle persuasion. She would call up pleasant pictures of the future, when they should have surmounted the difficulties of toil, and be reaping their reward. It had ever been her custom to treat her children as friends; as friends and com- panions, more than as children. I am not sure that it is not a good plan in all cases, but it undoubtedly is so where children are naturally well disposed and intelligent. Even when they were little, she would converse and reason with them, so far as their under- standings would permit. The primary thing she inculcated was the habit of unquestioning obedience. This secured in their earliest childhood, she could afford to reason with them as they grew older ; to appeal to their own sense of intelligence ; to show them how to form and exercise a right judgment. Had the children been wilful, deceitful, or opposed to her, her plan must have been different; compulsion must have taken the place of reasoning. When they did anything wrong — all children will, or they are not children — she would take the offender to her alone. There would be no scolding; but i-n a grave, calm, loving voice she would say, "Was this right? Did you forget that you were doing wrong and would grieve mc? Did you forget that you were offending God?" And so she would talk ; and teach them to do right in all things, for the sake of right, for the sake of doing their duty to Heaven and to man. These lessons, from a mother loved as Jane was, could not fail to take root and bear seed. The young Halliburtons were in fair training to make not only good, but admirable men. Jane inculcated another valuable lesson. In all perplexity, trouble, or untoward misfortune, she taught them to look it full in the face ; not to fly from it, as is the too-common custom, but to meet it and do the best with it. She knew that in trouble, as in terror, looking it in the face takes away half its sting : and so she was teaching them to look, not only by precept, but by example. With such minds, such training to work upon, there was little need to urge them to apply closely to their studies ; they saw its necessity themselves, and acted upon it. " It is your only chance, my 202 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. darlings, of getting on in life," she would say. " You wish t(5 be good and great men ; and I think perhaps you may be, if you persevere. It is a tempting thing, I know, to leave wearying tasks for play or idleness ; but do not yield to it. Look to the future. When you feel tired, out of sorts, as if Latin were the greatest grievance upon earth, say to yourselves, ' It is my duty to keep on, and my duty I must do. If I turn idle now, my past application will be lost ; but, if I persevere, I may go bravely on to the end.' Be brave, darlings, for my sake." And the boys were so. Thus it would happen that when the rest of the school were talking, or idling, or being caned, the Halliburtons were at work. The head master could not fail to observe their steady application ; and he more than once held them up as an example to the school. So far, so good. But though the classics are essential parts of a good education, they do not include all its requisites. And nothing else was taught in the college school. There certainly was a writing-master, and something like an initiation into the first rules of arithmetic was attempted ; but not a boy in the charity school, hard by, that could not have shamed the college boys in adding up a column of figures or in writing a page. As to their English — ■ — ■ You should have seen them attempt to write a letter. In short, the college school ignored everything except Latin and Greek. This state of affairs gave Jane great concern. " Unless I can organize some plan, my boys will grow up dunces," she said to herself. And a plan she did organize. None could remedy this so well as herself; she, so thoroughly educated in all essential branches. It would take two hours from her work, but for the sake of her boys she would sacrifice that. Every night, therefore, except Saturday, as soon as they had prepared their lessons for school — and in doing that they were helped by William — she left her work, and became their instructor. History, geography, astronomy, composition, and so on. You can fill up the list. And she had her reward. The boys advanced rapidly. As the months and quarters went on, it was only so much the more instruction gained by them. I think you must be indulged with a glance at one of these college school notes. But, first of all, suppose we read one written by Frank. "Dear Glenn, — Thanks for wishing me to join your fishing expedition the day after to-morrow, but I can't come. My mother says, as I had holiday from college one day last week, it will not do to ask for it again. You told me to send word this evening whether or not, so I drop you this note. I should like to go, and shall be thinking of you all day. Mind you let me have a look at the fish you bring home. Yours, " P^RANK Halliburton." THE SCHOOLBOYS' NOTES. 203 The note was addressed " Glenn senior," and Gar was ordered to deliver it at Glenn senior's house. Glenn senior, who was a king's scholar, not a chorister, made a wry face over it when delivered, and sat down, on the spur of the moment, to answer it : "Deer Haliburton, — Its all stut about not asking for leve again what do the musty old prebens care who gets leve therell be enuff to sing without you tell your mother I cant excuse you from our party theirs 8 of us going and a stunning baxket of progg as good go out for a day's fishing has stop at home on a holiday for the benefit of that preshous collcdge bring me word you'll come to-morrow at skool for we want to arange our plans yours old fellow " P Glenn." Master P. Glenn was concluding his note when his father passed through the room, and glanced over the boy's shoulder. He (Mr. Glenn) was a surgeon ; one of the chief surgeons attached to the Helstonlcigh infirmary, and in excellent practice. "At your exercise, Philip? " " No, papa. I am writing a note to one of our fellows. I want him to be of our fishing party on Wednesday." " Wednesday ! Have you a holiday on Wednesday ? " " Yes. Don't you know it will be a saint's day?" " Not I," said Mr. Glenn. " Saints' days don't concern me, as they do you college boys. That's a pretty specimen of English!" he added, running his amused eyes over Philip's note. "Are there any mistakes in it?" returned Philip. "But it's no matter, papa. We don't profess to write English in the college school." " It is well you don't profess it," remarked Mr. Glenn. " But how is it your friend Halliburton can turn out good English?" He had taken up Frank's letter. " Oh ! they are such chaps for learning, the two Halliburtons. They stick at it like a horse-leech — never getting the cane for turned lessons. They have school at home in the evenings for English, and history, and such stuff that they don't get at college." " Have they a tutor?" " They are not rich enough for a tutor. Mrs. Halliburton's the tutor. What do you think Gar Halliburton did the other day ? Keating was having a row with the fourth desk, and he gave them some extra verses to do. Up goes Gar Halliburton, before he had been a minute at his seat. ' If you please, sir.' says he to Keating. ' I had better have another piece.' ' Why so ? ' asks Keating. 'Because,' says Gar, 'I did these same verses with my brother at home a week ago.' He meant his eldest brother; not Frank. But, now, was not that honourable, papa?" " Yes, it was," answered Mr. Glenn. " That's just the Halliburtons all over. They are ultra-honour- able." 204 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " I should like to see your friend Frank, and inquire how he manages to pick up his English." " Let me bring him to tea to-morrow night?" cried Philip eagerly. " You may, if you like." "Hurrah!" shouted Philip. "And you'll persuade him not to mind his mother, but to come to our fishing party?" "Philip!" " Well, papa, I don't mean that, exactly. But I do not see the use of boys listening to their mothers just in everything." Philip Glenn seized his note, and added a postscript : — " My father sais you are to come to tea to-morrow we shall be so joly." And it was despatched to Frank by a servant in livery. CHAPTER Xn. A LESSON FOR PHILIP GLENN. Frank was as eager to accept the invitation as Philip had been to oft'er it. When the afternoon arrived, and school was over, Frank tore home, donned his best clothes, and then tore back again to Mr. Glenn's house. Philip received him in the small room, where he and his brother prepared their lessons. " How is it that you and my boys write English so differently?" inquired Mr. Glenn, when he had made Frank's acquaintance. Frank broke into a broad smile, suggested by the remembrance of Philip's English. " We study it at home, sir." But some one teaches you?" " Mamma. She was afraid that we should grow up ignorant of everything except Latin and Greek; so she thought she would remedy the evil." " And she takes you in an evening?" "Yes, sir; every evening except Saturday, when she is sure to be busy. She comes to the table as soon as our lessons for school are prepared, and we commence English. The easier portions of our Latin and Greek we do in the day, I and Gar : we crib the time from play-hours ; and my brother William helps us at night with the more difficult parts." "Where is your brother at school?" asked Mr. Glenn. " He is not at school, sir. He is at Mr. Ashley's, with Cyril Dare. William has not been to school since papa died. But he was well up in everything, for papa had taken great pains with him, and he has gone on by himself since." " Can he do much good by himself?" "Good!" echoed Frank, speaking bluntly, in his eagerness; "I don't think you could find so good a scholar for his age. There's not one could come near him in the college school. At first he found it hard work. He had no one to explain difficult points for A LESSON FOR PHILIP GLENN. 205 him, and was obliged to puzzle them out with his own brains. And it's that that has got him on." Mr. Glenn nodded. "Where a good foundation has been laid, a hard-working boy may get on better without a master than with one, provided " " That is just what William says," interrupted Frank, his dark eyes sparkling with animation. " He would have given anything at one time to be at the college school with us ; but he does not care about it now." " Provided his heart is in his work, I was about to add," said Mr. Glenn, smiling at Frank's eagerness. " Oh, of course, sir. And that's what William's is. He has such capital books, too — all the best that are published. They were papa's. I hardly know how I and Gar should get on, without W^iUiam's help." " Does he help you?" " He has helped us ever since papa died ; before we went to college, and since. We do algebra and Euclid with him." "In — deed!" exclaimed Mr. Glenn, looking hard at Frank. "When do you contrive to do all this.''" " In the evening. Tea is over by half-past five, and we three — William, I, and Gar — turn at once to our lessons. In about two hours mamma joins us, and we work with her about two hours more. Of course we have different nights for different studies, Latin every night, Greek nearly every night, Euclid twice a week, algebra twice a week, and so on. And the lessons we do with mamma are portioned out ; some one night, some another." " You must be very persevering boys," cried Mr. Glenn. " Do you never catch yourselves looking off to play; to talk and laugh?" " No, sir, never. We have got into the habit of sticking to our lessons; mamma brought us into it. And then, we are anxious to get on : half the battle lies in that." " I think it does. Philip, my boy, here's a lesson for you, and for all other lazy scapegraces." Philip shrugged his shoulders, with a laugh. " Papa, I don't see any good in working so hard." " Your friend Frank does." " We are obliged to work, sir," said Frank candidly. " We have no money, and it is only by education that we can hope to get on. Mamma thinks it may turn out all for the best. She says that boys who expect money very often rely upon it and not upon themselves. She would rather turn us out into the world with our talents culti- vated and a will to use them, than with a fortune apiece. There's not a parable in the Bible mamma is fonder of reading to us than that of the ten talents." " No fortune ! " repeated Mr. Glenn in a dreamy tone. " Not a penny; mamma has to work to keep us," returned Frank, making the avowal as freely as though he had proclaimed that his mother was lady-in-waiting to the Queen, and he one of her state 2o6 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. pages. Jane had contrived to convince them that in poverty itself there lay no shame or stigma ; but a great deal in paltry attempts to conceal it. " Frank," said Mr. Glenn, " I was thinking that you must possess a fortune in your mother." " And so we do ! " said Frank. " When Philip's note came to me last night, and we were — were " " Laughing over it ! " suggested Mr. Glenn, helping out Frank's hesitation, and laughing himself. " Yes, that's it ; only I did not like to say it," acknowledged Frank. " But I dare say you know, sir, how most of the college boys write. Mamma said then, how glad we ought to be that she can make time to teach us better, and that we have the resolution to persevere." " I wish your mother would admit my sons to her class," said Mr. Glenn, half-seriously, half-jokingly. " I would give her any recompense." " Shall I ask her?" cried Frank. " Perhaps she would feel hurt?" " Oh no, she wouldn't," answered Frank impulsively. " I will ask her." " I should not like such a strict mother," avowed Philip Glenn. " Strict! " echoed Frank. " Mamma's not strict." " She must be. She says you shan't come fishing with us to- rrow." No, she did not. She said she wished me not to go, and thought I had better not, and then she left it to me." Philip Glenn stared. " You told me at school this morning that it was decided you were not to come. And now you say Mrs. Halliburton left it to you." " So she did," answered Frank. " She generally leaves these things to us. She shows us what we ought to do, and why it is right that we should do it, and then she leaves it to what she calls our own good sense. It is like putting us upon our honour." " And you do as you know she wishes you would do ? " interposed Mr. Glenn. " Yes, sir, always." " Suppose you were to take your own will for once against hers?" cried Phihp in a cross tone. " What then? " " Then I dare say she would decide herself the next time, and tell us we were not to be trusted. But there's no fear. We know her wishes are sure to be right ; and we would not vex her for the world. The last time the dean was here there was a fuss about the choristers getting holiday so often ; and he forbade its being done." " But the dean's away," impatiently interrupted Philip Glenn. " Old Ripton is in residence, and he would give it you for the asking. He knows nothing about the dean's order." "That's the very reason," returned Frank. "Mamma put it to A LESSON FOR PHILIP GLENN. 207 me whether it would be an honourable thing to do. She said, if Dr. llipton had hnown of the dean's order, then I might have asked him, and he could do as he pleased. She makes us wish to do what is right — not only what appears so." " And you'll punish yourself, by going without the holiday, for some rubbishing notion of ' doing right ! ' It's just nonsense, Frank Halliburton." " Of course we have to punish ourselves sometimes," acknow- ledged Frank. " I shall be wishing all day long to-morrow that I was with you. But when evenfng comes, and the day's over, then I shall be glad to ha\'e done right. Mamma says, if we do not learn to act rightly and sclf-reliantly as boys, we shall not do so as men." Mr. Glenn laid his hand on Frank's shoulder. " Inculcate your creed upon my sons, if you can," said he, speaking seriously. " Has your mother taught it to you long ? " '■ She has always been teaching it to us ; ever since we were little," rejoined Frank. " U we had to begin now, I don't know that we should make much of it." Mr. Glenn fell into a reverie. As Mr. Ashley had once judged by some words dropped by William, so Mr. Glenn was judging now-~-that Mrs. Halliburton must be a mother in a thousand. Frank turned to Philip. " Have you done your lessons ? " " Done my lessons ! No. Have you .'' " Frank laughed. " Yes, or I should not have come. I have not played a minute to-day — but cribbed the time. Scanning, and exercise, and Greek ; I have done them all." " It seems to me that you and your brothers make friends of your lessons, while most boys make enemies," observed Mr. Glenn. " Yes, that's true," said Frank. " Philip," said Mr. Glenn to his son that evening after Frank had departed, " I give you car/e blanche to bring that boy here as much as you like. If you are wise, you will make a lasting friend of him." " I like the Halliburtons," replied Philip. " The college school doesn't, though." " And pray, why ? " "Well, I think Dare senior first set the school against them — that's Cyril, you know, papa. He was always going on at them. They were snobs for sticking to their lessons, he said, which gentle- men never did ; and they were snobs because they had no money to spend, which gentlemen always had ; and they were snobs for this, and snobs for the other; and he got his desk, which ruled the school, to cut them. They had to put up with a good deal then, but they arc bigger now, and can fight their way ; and, since Dare senior left, the school has begun to like them. If they are poor, they can't help it^" concluded Philip, as if he would apologize for thte fact. 2o8 MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. " Poor ! " retorted Mr. Glenn. " I can tell you, Master Philip, and the college school too, that they are rich in things that you want. Unless I am deceived, the Halliburtons will grow up to be men of no common order." CHAPTER XIIL MAKING PROGRESS. Trifles, as we all know, lead to great events. When Frank Halli- burton had gone home, in his usual flying, eager manner, plunging headlong into the subject of Mr. Glenn's request, and Jane con- sented to grant it, she little thought that it would lead to a consider- able increase to her income, enabling them to procure several com- forts, and rendering better private instruction than her own, easy for her sons. Not that she yielded to the request at once. She took time for consideration. But Frank was urgent ; and she was one of those ever ready to do a good turn for others. The Glenns, as Frank said, did write English wretchedly ; and if she could help to improve them, without losing time or money, neither of which she could afford, why not do so ? And she consented. It certainly did occur to Mrs. Halhburton to wonder that Mr. Glenn had not provided private instruction for his sons, to remedy the deficiencies existing in the college school system. Mr. Glenn suddenly awoke to the same wonder himself. The fact was, that he, like many other gentlemen in Helstonleigh, who had sons in the college school, had been content to let things take their chance : possibly, he assumed that spelling and composition would come to his sons by intuition, as they grew older. The contrast Frank Halliburton presented to Philip aroused him from his neglect. Jane consented to allow the two young Glenns to share the time and instruction she gave to her own boys. Mr. Glenn received the favour gladly ; but, at first, there was great battling with the young gentlemen themselves. They could not be made to complete their lessons for school, so as to be at Mrs. Halliburton's by the hour appointed. At length it was accomplished, and they took to going regularly. Before three months had elapsed, great improvement had become visible in their spelling. They were also acquiring an insight into English grammar ; had learnt that America was not situated in the Mediterranean, or watered by the Nile ; and that English history did not solely consist of two incidents — the beheading of King Charles, and the Gunpowder Plot. Improvement was also visible in their manners and in the bent of their minds. From being boisterous, self-willed, and careless, they became more considerate, more tractable ; and Mr. Glenn actually once heard Philip decline MAKING PROGRESS. 209 to embark in some tempting scrape, because it would " not be right." For it was impossible for Jane to have lads near her, and not gently try to counteract their faults and failings, as she would have done by her own sons ; while the remarkable consideration and deference paid by the young Halliburtons to their mother, their warm affection for her, and the pleasant peace, the refinement of tone and manner distinguishing their home, told upon Philip and Charles Glenn with good influence. At the end of three months, Mr. Glenn wrote a note of warm thanks to Mrs. Halliburton, ex- pressing a hope that she would still allow his sons the privilege of joining her own, and, in a delicate manner, begging grace for his act, enclosed four guineas ; which was payment at the rate of six- teen guineas a year for the two. Jane had not expected it. Nothing had been hinted to her about payment, and she did not expect to receive any : she did not understand that the boys had joined on those terms. It was very welcome. In writing back to Mr. Glenn, she stated that she had not expected to receive remuneration ; but she spoke of her strait- ened circumstances, and thanked him for the help it would be. " That comes from a gentlewoman," was his remark to his wife, when he read the note. " I should like to know her." " I hinted as much to Frank one day, but he said his mother was too much occupied to receive visits or to pay them," was Mrs. Glenn's reply. As it happened, however, Mr. Glenn did pay her a visit. A friend of his, whose boys were in the college school, struck with the improvement in the Glenns, and hearing of its source, wondered whether his boys might not be received on the same terms, and Mr. Glenn undertook to propose it. The result of all this was, that in six montlis from the time of that afternoon when Frank first took tea at Mr. Glenn's, Jane had ten evening pupils, college boys. There she stopped. Others applied, but her table would not hold more, nor could she do justice to a greater number. The ten would bring her in eighty guineas a year ; she devoted to them two hours, five evenings in the week. Now she could command somewhat better food, and more liberal instruction for her own boys, William included, in those higher branches of knowledge which they could not, or had not, com- menced for themselves. A learned professor, David Byrne, whose lodgings were in the London Road, was applied to, and he agreed to receive the young Haliib'artons at a very moderate charge, three evenings in the week. " Mamma," cried William, one day, with his thoughtful smile, soon after this agreement was entered upon, "we seem to be getting on amazingly. We can learn something else now, if you have no objection." " What is that.? " asked Jane. "French. As I ana Samuel Lynn were v^^alking home to-day, Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles. 14 2to MRS. HALLIBURTON'S TROUBLES. we met Monsieur Colin. He said he was about to organize a French class, twelve in number, and would be glad if we would make three of the number. What do you say?" " it is a great temptation," answered Jane. " I have long wished you could learn French. Would it be very expensive?" " Very cheap to us. He said he considered you a sister pro- fessor " " The idea ! " burst forth Frank, hotly. " Mamma a professor !" " Indeed, I don't know that I can aspire to anything so for- midable," said Jane, with a laugh. " A schoolmistress would be a better word." Frank was indignant. " You are not a schoolmistress, mamma. I " " Frank," interrupted Jane, her tone changing to seriousness. " What, mamma?" " I am thankful to be one." The tears rose to Frank's eyes. " You are a lady, mamma. I shall never think you anything else. There ! " Jane smiled. " Well, I hope I am, Frank ; although I help to make gloves, and teach boys English." " How well Mr. Lynn speaks French ! " exclaimed William. " Does he speak it?" "As a native. I cannot tell what his accent may be, but he speaks it as readily as Monsieur Colin. Shall we learn, mamma? It will be the greatest advantage to us. Monsieur Cohn conversing with us in French." " But what about the time, William?" " Oh, if you will manage the money, we will manage the time, returned William, laughing. " Only trust to us, mother. We will make it, and neglect nothing." " Then, William, you may tell Monsieur Colin that you shall learn." " Fair and easy ! " broke out Frank ; a saying of his when pleased. " Mamma, I think, what with one thing and another turning up, we boys shall be getting quite first-class education." " Although mamma feared we never should , accomplish it," returned William. " As did I." "Fear!" cried Frank, "/didn't. I knew that ' where there's a will there's a way.' Di\s;enercs a/n'iiios tiinor a7-gi