~^ o rrt 'jNVSOl^^ '%a3AIN '/^JiiMNnmv 0^ ^. ::^. '^^ n^ONV'SC ■y^i]/\iN( Vr" ■LIBRARY.^/ •LIBRARY/;/ A GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY OF THE LUSHAI LANGUAGE. GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY OF THE LUSHAI LANGUAGE (DULIEN DIALECT). J. HERBERT LORRAIN and FRED. W. SAVIDGE, PIONEER MISSIONARIES TO THE LUSHAIS, OF THE ARTHINGTON ABORIGINES MISSION. ^^ublishj^d bn gidhoiiifg. SHILLONG: PRINTED AT THE ASSAM SECRETARIAT PRINTING OFFICE. 1898. Price— Rs. 3, SHILLONG : PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT CV FHE ASSAM SECRETARIAT PRINTING DEPARTMENT. PL 4-0OI CONTENTS. 1^ '^■^'^'•O -fo. i-:3684.9 PAGE PART I. — GRAMMAR I-35 PART II.— USEFUL SENTENCES .... 36-53 PART III. — DICTIONARY—LUSHAI -ENGLISH . . 54-232 PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI . .233-346 GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY OF THE LUSHAI LANGUAGE. PART I.-GRAMMAR. LUSHAI ALPHABET AND PRONUNCIATIOA\ The Lushai alphabet consists of the following letters : Alphabet. Pronunciation. A a like u in the English word sun. *A a like a in the English word father. Aw aiv like aw in the English word awL B b 3iS in English. Ck ch like ch in the English word chop, D ^ as In English. E e like ^ in the English word tell, *^ e like the first e in the English word there. F f as in English. G g used as an initial letter only In foreign words, when it Is pronounced like the g In the English word gun. In Lushai words It is always preceded by n, then ng is pronounced like the ng in the English word sing. Ng is often used at the beginning of a word in Lushai. H h like h In the English word home. When h is placed at the end of a syllable or word, It denotes that the preceding vowel sound must be abruptly shortened. / i like i In the English word sit. */ i like i in the English word police, * The final vowels of words and syllables being generally long, they are not as a rule accented. B LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Alphabet, Pronunciation. J j as in English (used only in foreign words). as in Enelish. i=>' like in the English word pot. like in the English word dome. as in English. like r in the English word rock (this letter is never mute). S s as in English. T t pronounced with the tip of the tongue touching the teeth, T t pronounced with the tongue against the bars of the roof of the mouth. U It like u in the English word full. '^U It like u in the English word rule. K 7; as in English. Z 3 sometimes as in Ene^lish, and sometimes like the 5 in the English word pleasure. Note. — When ch, k, p, s,t or t are combined with li. they are pronounced as follow : chh like ch in the English word church, but distinctly aspirated. kh like kh in the English word blockhead."^ There must, however, be no hiatus ph like ph in the English word uphill. I between the k and h, p and /;, t and th like th in the English word neatherd. C h, as in the English words, but both th like th in the English v^'ovds fat hen. J must be pronounced with one breath. sh like sh in the English word ship. Sh and .s are often interchangeable. When the liquids /, 711, n, r are aspirated they are preceded by the letter h. When the initial ng is aspirated it is followed by h. As ngkel ^= firm. The numbers are represented by the same figures as in English. Note. — The occurrence of an apostrophe indicates that a consonant has been omitted and it often abruptly shortens the preceding vowel. NOUNS.: /a:. ^^ //...^ ^/ Nouns are declined as follows : (/ SingtLlar. z A^^J^^r m r • '^ ^ Nom : Naopang^ naopang-in\ ... ... A boy. w. r.v- Voc : Naopang ... ... ... O! boy. *Gc^^^^<, Poss : Naopang, naopang-a ... ... A boy's. (r^Ci- Obj : Naopang ... ... ... A boy. * The final vowels of words and syllables being gererally long, they are not as a rule accented. t See page 4. PART I.— GRAMMAR. - yCc^^/i'/^^ /" <5t-Z, Cl r^^r. Plural, Nom : Naopa7tg'te, naopang-te-in^ .*, ... Boys. Voc : Naopang-te-ic ... ... ... O! boys. Poss : Naopang-ie ... ... ... Boys'. Obj : Naopang-te ... ... ... Boys. Gender. There are three Genders, -viz.^ mascuUne, feminine and neuter. (i) Masculine and feminine are sometimes distinguished by different words, as — nnla., a maid ; tlangDcil, a youth. (2) By affixing /"i for the masculine and nu for the feminine to the general word, as — boih, a slave ; boih-pa, a male slave ; boih-mi, a female slave. (.0 In the case of full grown animals chal \s sometimes used instead of /j^i for the masculine, and pui is always used for the feminine, as — -•^ kely,2i goat ; kel-chal, a he-goat ; kel-piii, a. she-goat. (4) Some words are the same in both the masculine and feminine, as — ''^^''^ n jy^u'^ ^"^ tif elder brother or sister. '^ nao, younger brother or sister. (5) Proper names of the masculine gender end in a, those of the feminine gender in /, as — Nela^ Suaka, Liansailo-va^ Veli, Lalrumiy Tinigi. (6) The names of animals unless distinguished by a masculine cr feminine prefix, and all inanimate objects, are of the neuter gender. Number. There are two numbers, viz., singular and plural. (i) The plural of nouns is formed by affixing one of the following terminations to the singular : te ... ... te-ho, ho ... ... song song. ho-te ... ... song'song'te. as — thing, a tree ; thing-te, trees. drshi, a star ; drshi hole, stars. ramhuai, an evil spirit ; ramhuai Iw^ evil spirits. * See page 4. B 2 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARV. hmeichliia^ a woman ; hmeichhia te-Jio, women. mi, a man; mi song song, men. Note. — Sometimes when the above are used with postpositions the postposition precedes the plural affix, as — Arshi linimi-ho-n ic, under the stars, Thing phcna te, behind the trees. (2) Nouns are not inflected for the plural number when they are qualitied by adjeciives denoting plurality, as — ;;//, a man ; mi ansain, all men. in, a house ; in paihiim, three houses. puan, a cloth ; puan tam iak, manv cloths. (3) The Lushais very frequently do not distinguish between the singular and the plural, and then the number of the noun can only be determined either by the number of the pronominal par- ticle used with the verb {see page 18), or from the context. Examples — • Ka farnu an dam lo. My sisters are not well. In this example the plural particle an indicates that farnu must be plural. Keimani lu a na. Our heads ache. Here the pronominal particle a does not determine the number of lu, because it may be either singular or plural (i'(?6 note, page 18), but keimani, * our', being plural, lu must necessarily be so too. Lung oni lo. There are no stones. The number in such a sentence as this can only be known from something said previously. It might equally mean, * there is not a stone.' ^ Case. There are four cases, vis.^ Nominative, Vocative, Objective, and Possessive. Nominative Case, When the subject of a sentence is followed by a transitive verb in the active voice it usually takes the termination in to distinguish it from the object. In other instances it generally remains un- changed. Frequently for the sake of euphony the termination in becomes vin, or is contracted into ^n. Examples — Hmeichhia^in naopang a veL The woman beat the child. Sdp-in Ho-hatv rah' a ti. The sahib says * come '. Ka pa^n tangka a ru. My fatner stole the money. Lai ho-vin chaw an ei. The chiefs are eating rice. Note. — When an intransitive verb comes between the subject and the transitive verb the affix in is g-enerally omitted, as — Lai lio an lo kal a, chaw an ei, the chiefs came and are eating rice. PART I. — GRAMMAR. Vocative Case. The vocative singular is the same in form as the nominative. The vocative plural is formed by adding tc to the nominative plural. Examples — Noapaiig, khoiange i kal ? Boy, where have you been ? Mi-kliual-te-u engnge in Oh ! strangers, what do you duhi? want? The vocative case of proper names is usually formed by drop- ping ihe final « in the masculine and the final /in the feminine, as— Nom : Thangphiingci ; Voo. : Thangphimg, Nom : Liankungi ; Voc : Liankung. Names which are too short to admit of this elision retain nominative termination, as — Nom : KJuuna ; Voc : KJmma. Nom : Tiifigi ; Voc : Tungi. Sometimes the noun in the vocative case is used as if it were the name of the person addressed, and takes the termination a for the masculine and i for the feminine, as — •»T ,,. t ■ ^ \i ( thiana. O ! friend, masc. Nom : thian, a Iriend : Voc : i,, • r^ \ t • a t ' ' , i^thiam, U ! iriend, lem. Objective Case. This case has no inflection. The noun in the objective case is generally placed immediately before the transitive verb w^h'ch governs it. Examples — I nao, chilei-titr-in Sairang-a Your younger brother has gone a kal. to Sairang to buy salt. Mu'in dr a man daiun. The hawk is about to seize the fowl. The indirect object is usually placed before the direct object. It has no inflection and is frequently followed by the postposition hnena, ' to, ' as — / ti sebawng ka pe ang. I will give a cow to your elder brother. He sawhte hi hmeichhia Give this cat to the sfirl. naopang hnena pe roh. fc>' Possessive Case. The noun denoting the possessor is generally placed imme- diately before the noun denoting the thing possessed, and is used LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. adjectively without any inflexion, as — Suaka in a Han e^ Suaka's house is large. Naopancr kor { la em7 Have you taken the boy's coat. Occasionally the possessive case is formed by affixing a to the nominative, as — Ka farnu-a puan a tnoi cm My sister's cloth Is very pretty. em. Aisawl-a mi heta an om lo. The men of Aijal are'not here. When the noun denoting the possessor is of the feminine gender /is sometimes substituted for the affix a, as — Ka farnu-i pitan a moiem em. My sister's cloth Is very pretty, When the noun signifying the thing possessed is understood, the possessor takes the affix ia, as — Saw kor saiv i pic-ta am. That coat is your grandfather's. He kel hi tu-ta 72ge? Att Whose goat is this? Their nn-ta. mother's. ADJECTIVES, r NtxM^^ LxU p<^^ Adjectives are placed after the words they qualify, as — Mi tha. A good man. In hlui. An old house. When an adjective is used to complete the predicate of a sentence, a pronominal particle ( 5^^ page i8) agreeing with the subject Is placed before the adjective. Examples — Mi a tha e. ,^ The man Is good (lit., The man he is good). Lai song zong an tha e. The chiefs are good (lit., The chiefs they are good). When a noun is used as an adjective, It precedes the noun It qualifies, as — Lung in. A stone house. Thir no. An iron cup. Mao dawh-kdn, A bamboo table. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. Comparative Degree. This Is formed by adding the adverb sawk, ' more,' to the positive and inserting the conjunction aiiji, aiia or hnek-in, * than,' after the object of comparison. PART I. — GRAMMAR. Examples — Fapa /anit aiin a shang sawk. The son is taller than the daughter. TJur hnek'in shuan a rit sawk. Lead is heavier than iron. Zawk is sometimes omitted. When aiiii, etc., are used with the demonstrative adjectives (see page lo), they are combined, thus, — He In aiin becomes he ai hian, Satv saw aiin „ saw ai sawn, Kha kha aiin ,, kha ai khan, Kim khu aiin „ khu ai khuan. Klii khi aiin „ khi ai khian. Chu chu aiin „ chu ai chiian. The same changes take place in the plural forms of the demonstrative adjectives : He hi aid, etc., becomes he ai hian, etc. He hi hnek-in^ etc., ,, he hnek hian, etc. Examples — Saw ai sazvn hei hi a tha zawk. This is better than that. Khi hmeichhia ai khian kha That maiden near you is taller mtla kha a shang e. than that woman up there. When the object of comparison is not mentioned, aiin, etc., are not used, as— Nangma fapa a shang sawk. Your son is taller. Superlative Degree. This is formed by adding the adverb ber, * most,' to the posi- tive and inserting aiin, ' than/ zinga, 'among,' or a, 'of/ after the object of comparison, as — He mi hi mi zong zong aiin This man is the best man a tha her. of all. Sap-ie zinga nang i te her. You are the smallest of the sahibs. Kha khaXlekha-hii a a\tha ber. That near you is the best book. Ber may sometimes be omitted. When the object of comparison is not mentioned aiiit, etc., are not used, as — He mi hi a tha ber. This man is the best. LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. NUMERALS. Cardinal Nujjbers. They are as follow 1, pa- R hat. 2, fa-hnih. 3, pa-thum 4, pa-li, 5, pa-nga. 6, pa-ruk. 7, pa-sari. 8, pa-riat. 9, pa-kua. lo, shorn. 1 1, shoin leh^ pa-7i>hat, 12, shorn leh pa-hnih. 13, ^/z(9;;? leh pa-thicm, 14, 5//^;;^ /^/^ pa-li. 1-5, 5/^c';7i /^/z pa-nga. 16, 3'/2(9;;2 /^i^ pa-ruk. 17, ^/^£7;;2 /^/z pa-sari, 18, ^//^w /^/^ pa-riat. 19, 5/z<9/72 /^/z pa-kua. The cardinals, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 are formed by adding to shorn the units pa-hnih, pa-ihum, etc., without their common prefix, pa, as — 20, shom-hnih. 30, shoni-thum, 40, shom-li. 50, shom-nga. The cardinals 2 r, 2 60, shom-riik. 70, shom-sari. 80, shom-riat. 90, shoni'kua. ^tc., 31, 32, etc., are formed by adding pakhat, pahnih, etc., to shonihnih, shomthuin, etc., and inserting the conjunction M, 'and,' as — 21, shonihnih leh pakhat. 32, shonithiim leh pahnih. 43, shomli leh pathum. 54, shoninga leh pali. Hundreds, thousands, etc., are formed in the same the multiples of ten, as — 100, za. 1,000, shang, 10,000, shing. 100,000, niiai. manner as 700, za-sari. 6,000, shang ruk. 20,000, shing hnih. 500,000, nitai nga. Z^//, * and,' is also inserted between the thousands, hundreds and tens, as : — 725, sa- sari leh shonihuiJo leJi panga, 1898, shang leh za-riat leh slionikua leh pasari. When the cardinals from i to 9 are used to qualify nouns, the prefix pa is often omitted, as — hi nga, five houses. Ni sari, seven days. Note. — The prefix is generally retained when human beings are spoken of, as — Mi paruk, six men. Nula pakua, nine maidens. PART I. — GRAMMAR. 9 When any numeral above ten qualifies a noun, the noun is sometimes repeated after each recurrence of the conjunction leh, and the prefix pa of the numeral is omitted. With words of two or more syllables this rule does not generally apply. Examples — Cheng shorn leh cheng kua, 19 rupees. Mihring za leh shomnga^ 150 men. Ordinal Numbers. These are formed by afifixing na to the cardinal numbers, as- — A ni thum-na a thi. He died on the third day. Lekha-bu a panga-na la roh. Bring the fifth book. A pathum-7ia ka dith. I want the third one. Thing pakiia-na bul a va ding roh. Go and stand at the foot of the ninth tree. In speaking of the order of time the ordinal numbers may also be expressed by repeating the noun after the cardinal, as — Ni thum ni. The third day. Zdn nga zan a ka lo-thleng ang. I shall arrive on the fifth night. ' Every other day ' is expressed by ni khat dan-a, ' Every third day ' ,, „ ,, ni hnih dan-a, ' Every fourth day ' ,, ,, ,, 7ti thum daji-a, and so on. Distributives. These are formed (1) by adding hlir-in, theoh-vin or sel-in to the cardinal ; (2) by doubling the cardinal and adding one cf the above affixes ; (3) by repeating the cardinal without its prefix pa and affixing in^ as — Pa hnih hlir-in^ ") Pahnih pahnih sel-in, > two at a time. Pahnih hnih-in, j NUMERAL ADVERBS. These are formed by prefixing voi to the cardinal numbers and in the case of the numbers from i to 9, omitting the prefix pa, as : Voi thum, thrice. Voi shojnli, 40 times. In compound numbers voi is repeated after each recurrence of the conjunction leh, as — Voi shomli leh voi thum, 43 times. Voi sa li leh voi shomsari leh voi ruk, 476 times. c lO LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES. The demonstrative adjectives are — Singular. He, he hi, Hei, hei hi, Saw, saw saiVy Kha, kha kha, Khii, khn khu, Khi, khi khi, Chu, chu chu, Heng, heng hi^ Sawng, sawng saw, Khdng, khaiig^kha, Khthig, khilng khu, Khing, khing khi, Chung, chiing chu, \ Plural. this. that (there), that, that near you, that down there, that up there, that. these. those (there). those, those near you. those down there. those up there. those. When any of the above compound words are used, the noun they qualify is placed between the two words forming the adjective. Examples — He khua hi a sao e. This village is extensive. Chu ri chu i hria em ? Did you hear that noise ? Khing iji te khi ka-ta ani. Those houses up there are mine. Khu sava khu kdp shu. Don't shoot that bird down there. The singular forms of the adjectives may also be used wiih plural nouns. When a plural adjective is used, the noun it quali- fies may either take a plural suffix or not. Examples — Saw ui te saw tu-ta-nge'} Whose are those dogs ? Heng in hi a te em. These houses are very small. The plural forms heng, heng hi, etc., may be used with a singular noun with the meaning of ' this kind of,' ' that kind of/ etc., as — Heng saidoium hi ka diih I like this kind of bottle best. her. When the above compound adjectives are used to qualify a noun which is the subject of a transitive verb {see page 4) or which is governed by a postposition, they become in the singular, he hian, hei hiany saw sawn^ kha khan, Ichu khuan, khi khidn^ chu, PART I. — GRAMMAR. II chuan, and in the plural heng hian, sawng sawn, khdng khan, ^ killing khuan, khing khian, and chiing chuan. Examples — Khu vok khuan chaw a ei. That pig down there is eating food. He kong a hian dah roh. Put it on this road. Khing in a te khian Idt shu. Don't enter those houses up there. The latter half of each of the above compound forms of adjectives may be used by itself, and then it follows the noun it qualifies, as : Huan a khuan mi?t nghdk roh. Wait for me in the garden down there. Chem kha tut hriam roh. Sharpen that knife. The above demonstrative adjectives are used to supply the place of the English article ' the.' PRONOUNS. ^ vt^k/u-*^ okJ^i^^-'^^ PERSONAL PRONOUNS. First Person, keima, 'I.' Singular, Nom : keima, kei {ka), I. p C keima, kei'a, ka, my. (^ ket'mata, keima-ata, kei-ata, kaia, mine. Obj : keima min, kei miii, min, me, to me, for me. Plural. Nom : keimani, keini {kan), we, Poss • f '^^^'^'^^^^^'' keini, kan, our. ' \ keimani-ta, keini-ta, kanta, ours. Obj : keiniani min, keini rnin, 7nin, us, to us, for us. Note. — min is often contracted into ini\ Second Person, nangma, 'thou.' Singular. Nom : 7tangma, nang (i), thou. Poss : I na?igma, nanga, i, thy. (. 7iangma-ta, na7ig7na-ata, ita, thine. Obj : 7iangma, nang. thee. c 2 12 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. PluraL Nom : nangmani, nangni (?«), you. p _ C nangmani, nangni^ in, your. \nangmani'ta, nangiii-ta^ in-ta, yours. Obj : nangmani^ nangni^ you. Note. — The objective case is frequently formed by omitting or retaining the pronoun and aiiixing clie^ a-che^ or chi-a in the singular, and che-ii or a-che-u in the plural, as — Ka vel ang die. I will strike thee. A/ai/gnt k2 hmu a-che-u. I saw you, Nimiiia ha pe che-a engatinge i I gave it to you yesterday, why have nei lo ? you not got it ? Che, a-che, and chi-a. also mean— to thee, for thee, from thee, Che-u and a-che-u ^ also mean — tcf you, for you, from you. Third Person, ama, 'he,' 'she,' 'it.' Singular. Nom : ufjia, ani {a), he, she, it. p _ ( aina, ani, a, hiy, her, its. \ama-taf ama-ata, ani-ta, a-ia, his, hers, its. Obj : ama, am', him, her, it. PluraL Nom : anmani, anni {an), they. p ^ f anmani, anni, an, their. \anmani-ta, anni-ta, a7i-ta, theirs. Obj : anmani^ anni^ them. Note.— The pronouns (^a), {kan),(i'), (in), (a), {an), placed within the parentheses are used as pronominal particles to verbs {see page i8). When a personal pronoun is the subject of a transitive verb in the active voice, it usually takes the termination m, or its con- tracted form ^n, to distinguish it from the object {see Nounjs, page 4). REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS. When a reflex action is required to be expressed, the pronouns keima, nangma, afna, etc., are used and the particle in is prefixed to the verb, as — Keima ka in-vel. I. hit myself. Nangma i in-shdt ang. You will cut yourself. Ama a in-dem. He finds fault with himself. The pronoun may be omitted, as — Ka in-vel. I hit myself. In the plural, ilieoh, ' each,' or ue ve, ' each of two,' is inserted between the personal pronoun and its nominative ending or placed PART I.— GRAMMAR. I3 after the verb to prevent confusion with the reciprocal prefix in (pa^e 28). Examples — Keimani theoh-vin kan in-shtiU We cut ourselves. Nangmani-in in in-kCip hlum ve You will each shoot your- ve ang. self. Other ways of expressing a reflex action may be seen in the following sentences : Keima leh keima ha in-kap. Keima leh keinia-in ka in-kap. Mani leh mani ka in-kap. Mani leh mani-in ka in-kap, \ I shot myself. Mani mani-m ka in-kdp. | Mani ka in-kdp. \ Mani-in ka in-kdp. J All the other persons, singular and plural, may be expressed by substituting for keima and ka the corresponding pronouns nangyna and z, a7na and ^, etc. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. The relative pronouns are : CI ' \ Who, which, what, that. Apian g. ") Apiang kha. > Whoever, whatever, whichever. Apiang chu. j Kha is generally used w^hen the antecedent Is known to or has been seen by the speaker, whether it is known to or has been seen by the person addressed or not. Chu is generally used when the antecedent has only been heard of by the speaker, but is known to or has been seen by the one addressed. The relative pronoun follows the verb of the relative sentence. When a relative pronoun is used in the nominative case the pronominal particle {see page 18) is omitted from the verb in the relative sentence. Examples — Nimina mi lo-kal kha khoiange Where is the man tvho came om? ^ yesterday? Puan naktuka ka lei tur chii ka I will give you the cloth which pe ang che. I shall buy tomorrow. Naktuka mi lo-kal tur dm a ke The man who is coming ■ a hat. tomorrow is lame. Mi i duh apiang ko roh. . Call whichever man you like. H UJSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. When the antecedent is in the plural, the affix te or ho-te^ when used {see page 3), immediately precedes the relative pro- nouns kha and chu, instead of being affixed to the noun. The other plural affixes follow the noun in the usual way. Examples — Shial ka hmu te kha tutange? Whose are the gayals which ^ i saw ? Ar zong song i lei apiang Whatever fowls you bought a iha lo. were bad. Very frequently the relative pronoun is omitted, and then the verb becomes a participle or adjective qualifying the noun in the ordinary manner : Examples — Ka lekha siak a tha e. The letter which I have written is good (lit., my written letter is good). The house which you have built is too large (lit., your built house, etc.) The cloth which they have woven is very pretty (lit., their woven cloth, etc.) Was the tiger which you saw afraid of you ? (lit., was your seen tiger ? etc.) The possessive cases 'whose,' 'of which,' and 'whosever' are expressed by using the above nominatives and prefixing the pronominal particle referring to the antecedent to the thing / in shak a liati liUuk ani. An piian tah a moi em em. In sakei hmu em ? a hlao che-ii possessed, as — Nijuina^ naopanga pit an ka lak kha, a lo-kal ang, Kel^ a lu ka tan chu, ui-in a ei. Mi an rVz i hdl apiang-te kha an tldn bo ta. Things a par ka pek a-che kha, kd hiian-a a oin. The boy whose cloth I took yesterday will come. The goat, the head of which I cut off, a dog has eaten. The men whosever houses you burnt have run away. The tree of which I gave you the flower is in my garden. Sometimes a is placed between the verb and the relative, and when the antecedent is of the feminine gender, i is occasionally used instead of a, as— The woman whose salt I stole is Hmeichhia, a chi ka ruk i kha a tap, Mipa, a vaibel ka Idk-sak a kha, a thin-ur. 'B* The man whose pipe I took away is angry. PART I.— GRAMMAR. 15 INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. The interrogative pronouns are — Tu-nge ? tu ? tu-maw ? ' Who.' When tunge is the subject of a verb, the verb does not take the usual pronominal particle {see page 18) as — lunge lo-kal? Who came ? When tunge is the subject of a transitive verb in the active voice it becomes tu-in-nge, as — Tu-in-nge vel die ? Who hit you ? Tunge may be split up by a verb as — 7u vel che nge ni? Who hit you ? Tu and tuniaw are only used by themselves in the following manner : A lo-kal lo. Tumaw ? He has not come. Who ? A sakor a hral ta, Tu? He has sold his horse. Who ? Tu-ta-nge? tu-ta ? tu-ta-maw ? ' Whose' ? (used substantively). Hei hi tu-ta-nge? Whose is this? Tu'ta and tu-ta-maw are only used by themselves in the following manner : A lekha hu i hniu em? Tu-ta ? Have you seen his book ? (or Tii-ta-tnaw) ? Whose ? Tu...nge ? tu ? tu.,,ma'w ? ' Whose' ? (used adjecti'vely). When tu...nge is used thus, the noun it qualifies is placed between the two parts which make up the word, as — Tu dr 7ige i lei? Whose fowl did you buy ? Tu in a nge i om ? In whose house are you stopping ? When tu,.,nge qualifies a noun which is the subject of a tran- sitive verb in the active voice, the verb does not take the usual pronominal prefix {see page 18) as — Tu ui-iii nge sheh che ? Whose dog bit you? Tu and tu....ma'w can only be used by themselves in the following manner : A puan a bo ta, lu puan ? His cloth is lost. Whose cloth ? (or tu-puan-7naw?) Tu-nge ? tu ? tu-maio ? ' Whom ' ? Tunge i hmu ? Whom did you see ? Tu-nge can be split up by a postposition, as — Tu hnena nge i ria'ang ? With whom will you lodge for the night ? Tu tan nge i shiain ? For whom are you making it ? l6 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tu and tu-rnaw can only be used by themselves in the follow- ing manner : Suaka'mni atir. lu? {ox Suaka has sent men. Whom:' Tumaw) ? Eng-nge ? Zeng-nge ? eng ? eng-maw ? ' "What ' ? Eng-nge iduh ? •) ^^^^ ^Q ^^ ^^^^^ 9 Zeng-nge i auk f > ^ ^ When eng-nge or zeng-nge is used adjectively, it is split up by the noun it qualifies as — Eng tin iige ka choi ang ? What water shall I draw ? Eng and engmaw are only used by themselves in the following manner : / hmu em ? Eng ? (or Eng- Have you seen it ? What ? Eno-a ? is only used by itself in answer to a call, or when the person using it did not understand what was said. Khoi-i-fige ? Which ? Khot-i lekha-lm nge iduh ?\ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Lekha-bu klioi-i-nge i ault r ) _ -^ When a is prefixed to any of the interrogative pronouns it gives it a partitive force, as — A tu-nge i ko ? Whom of them did you call ? Lekha bu a- zeng-nge i dull? Which of the books do you want ? A eng te nge i hmu? Which (plural) of them did you see ? When demonstrative adjectives are used- with the interrogative pronouns they are placed as follow : A tu khi nge i tir ? Whom of those up there did you send ? In zeng khu nge i sha ? Which house down there did you build ? Khimg in khu a zengnge Which of the houses down i sha ? there did you build ? Tih, this may be used with an interrogative pronoun to give il: the force of a relative, as : Tu-nge-ni tih i hria em ? Do you know who it was ? Eng-nge-ni tih ha hre to? I do not know what it was ? PART I.— GRAMMAR. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. The possessive pronouns are as follow: Singular. Keima, keia, ha. My. Keima-ta, keima-ata, kei-ata, ka-ta. Mine. Nangy nangma-a, nang-a, z". Thy. Nangma-ta, nangma-ata, nang-ata, i-ta. Thine. Ama, ani, a. His, her, its, Atna-ta, ama-ata, ani-ta, a-ta. His, hers, its. PluraL Keimani, keini, kan. ^ Our. Keimani-ta^ keini-ta^ kanta. Ours. Naitguiani, nangni^ in. Your. Nangmani-ta^ nangni-ia^ in-ta. Yours. Anmani, anni, an. Their. Anmani-ta, anni-ta^ an-fa. Theirs. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. The demonstrative pronouns are the same as the double forms of the demonstrative adjectives with the exception of he hi, which is not used. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. Some of the indefinite pronouns are as follow : JT ^ 7 c Nothing. t,ngma...lo, j ^ Eng-p6h. J ^"ythi^^g. any, anyone. Eng-kim. Everything, all sorts of thii)gs. Eng'lo. Something. Eng-emaw. Something, something or other. 7u-ma..Jo, j No one, nobody. Note. — Engjna and htma ava only used in answer to a question, and then the rest of the sentence is understood, as — Engnge i ti ? Engma. What did you say ? Nothing. Tunge om P Ttima? Who is there ? No one. In other instances it is always followed by I >, ' not,' as — Engma ka hmic tJiei lo. I can see nothing. Titman bull an* dull lo. No one wants rice. Ih a tuma an* om lo. There is no o ic in the house. • When tuma„.lo is used, the pronominal prefix of the verb is „ ways In the plural, D l8 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tu-pawh, •> Anyone. Tu-emaw, Some one, a certain one, A-then.,M then. Some, others. A'dan^. ' Another, others. An-2ain. All (of persons). A-2ain. All (of things). Examples of the use of indefinite pronouns : He^a lo-kal roh englo ka pe Come here, I will give you some- ang che. thing. NiBiina kan kJiua a tiie- Last night some one died in our maw a thi. village. Tunge i duh ? lupawh. Whom do you want ? Any one. A'then ka ei a-then ka Some I ate, others I threw away. paih. Engnge i duh ber ? Eng- Which do you want most? Any pawh, one. VERBS. ^Ujl Ax The conjugation of the verb in Lushai is very simple. It has the same form throughout the tense and it is the pronominal particle which alone determines the person and number. The pronominal particles are as follow : Singular. Plural. ist person — ka I. 2nd person — i Thou, ^'^rd person — a He, she, it. 1st person — kan We, 2nd person — in You. 3rd person — an They. The pronoun proper is generally omitted except when emphasis is required, but the pronominal particle must always be used whether the pronoun proper is present or not. Note. — Neuter nouns when in the plural, and used as the subject of a verb, take the singular pronominal prefix a. The conjugation of the verb ni, ' to be,' is as follows : INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Singular, Plural ' I. Keima ka ni, I am. 2. Nangma i ni. Thou art. 3. Ama a ni' He is. 1. Keimani kan ni. We are. 2. JSlangniani inni. You are. 3. Anmani an ni. They are. PART I. — GRAMMAR. »9 Singular, 1. Kewia ka ni. I was, 2. Nangma i ni. Thou wast. 3. Ama a ni. He was. Past Tense. Plural. 1. Keimani kan ni. We were. 2. N an ^ m ani in ni.Y OM were. 3. Aninani an ni. They were. Perfect Tense. Plural, \. Keimani kan ni We have /tif. been. 2. Nangmani in ni You have /^. been. 3. Anmani an ni They have ta, been. Note. — /isw^ may be substituted for ta throughout the tense keima ka ni, etc., equals also, ' I have been,' etc. Future Tense. Singular. * Plural. Singular. I. Keima ka ni I have been. ta. n. Nangma ini Thou hast ta. been. 3. Ama a ni ta. He has been. I. Keima ka ni I shall be. an^. 1. Nangma i ni Thou wilt be. ans[ 3. Ama a ni ang. He will be. 1. Keimani kan We shall ni ang. be. 2. Nangmani ni You will in ajig. be. '^. Aninani an ni They will ang. be. Periphrastic Future Tense. Singular. 1. Keima ka ni I am about dawn. to be. 2. Nangma iiii Thou art dawn, about to be. 3. Ama a ni He is about dawn. to be. Plural. 1. Keimani kan We are ni dawn. about to be. 2. Nangmani in You are ni dawn. about to be. 3. Anmani an ni They are dawn. about to be. Note. — Throughout the tenses and persons of the indicative moode may be affixed without altering the meaning, di?, — keima ka ni e, etc. When an adjective is used to form the completion of a predi- cate, e may be used alone, either for the singular or plural, as — i tha e, you are good. D 2 20 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present and Past Tense. Singitlar, r. Keima ha ni chuan. If I be, or If I were. 2. Nanpma i ni chuan. If thou be, or If thou wert. 5;. A7na a ni chuan. If he, she, or it be, or If he, she, or it were. ^ Plural. 1. Keimani han ni chuan. 2. Nangjnani in ni chuan. 3. Anmani an ni chuan. If we be, or If we were. If you be, or If you were. If they be, or If they were. or Singular, J. Ni ila, ox ni ilnng. If I be, or If I were. 2. Ni la, or ni lang. If thou be, or If thou wert. 3. Ni shela, or ni shelang. If he, she, or it be, or If he, she, or it were. Plural. 1. Ni ila, or ni Hang. 2. Ni ula, or ni ulang. 3. Ni shela^ or 7ii shelavg. If we be, or If we were. If you be, or If you were. If they be, or If they were. Pluperfect Tense. Singular, 1. Ni la Ha, or ni ta Hang. If I had been. 2. Ni ta la, or ni ta lang. If thou had been. 3. Ni ta shela, or mta shelang. If he, she, or it had been. Plural. 1. Ni ta Ha, or ni ta Hang. 2. Ni ta ula, or ni ta idanc. 3. Ni ta shela, ox ni ta shelang. If we had been. If you had been. If they had been. PART I. — GRAMMAR. 21 IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural, 2. Nt roh. Be thou. 2. Ni roh-u. Be ye. 3. Ni roh se. Let him, her, 3- Ni roll se. Let them or it be. be. Negative Form. Singular, ' Plural, 2. Ni shu, ni shu Be not thou. ang die. 3. Ni shu se. Let him, her, 2. Nt shu ti, ni shu Be ye not. ang che u. 3. Ni shu se Let them or it not be. not be. Oni 'to be,' * to exist,' is conjugated in the same manner as ni. The verb ' to have ' is represented by using om in the following manner : Ka hnena a om, I have (lit., It is tome). / hnefia a om. Thou hast (lit., It is to thee), etc., etc. Conjugation of the Verb shoi, 'to say.' Note. — In the following conjugation the first person singular of each tense only will be given, as the verb remains unchanged throughout the tense, and the other persons can easily be formed by substituting for ktiina ka the pronouns and particles nangma i, ama a, etc. INDICATIVE MOOD.- Present Tenses. Indef : Keima ka shoi, keima ka shot thin. I say, I do say. Imperf : Keima ka shoi, keima ka shot mek. I am saying. Perfect : Keima ka shoi, keima ka shoi ta, I have said. keima ka shoi tawh. Past Tenses. Indef : Keima ka shoi, keima ka shoi thm. I said, I used to say. Imperf : Keima ka shoi^ keima ka shoi mek ani. I was saying. Perfect : Keima ka shoi ta, keima ka shoi tawh. I had said. 22 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Future Tenses. Indef : Keima ha shot ang, I shall say. Imperf : Keinia ka shot mek ang, I shall be saying. keinia ka shoi tawk mek ang. Perfect : Keima ka shoi tawk ang. I shall have said. Periphrastic Future : Keima ka I am about to say. shoi dawn. In like manner dawn, with the meaning of ' about to,' can be used with any of the above present and past tenses. Note. — Throughout the mood in all persons e may be added to the end of the verb, and except in the future tenses am or ani-e, CONDITIONAL MOOD. Present Tense. Keima ka shoi tur. I would say, I would have said. Past Tense. Keima ka shoi tawh tur. I would have said. Note. — Throughout the mood in all persons ani, or ani e, may be added to the verb without changing the meaning. The above two tenses also mean * I should or ought to say 'and ' I should have ' or ' ought to have said ' respectively. In Lushai the future tenses are often used where in English we use the conditional mood. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present and Past Tenses. Singular, 1. Keima ka shoi chuan. If I say, said, have said, or had said. 2. Nangma i shoi chuan. If thou say, said, have said, or had said. 3. Ama a shoi chuan* If he say, said, have said, or had said. PART I. — GRAMMAR. 23 Plural. 1. Keiniani kan shot chuan. If we say, said, have said, or had said. 2. Nangmani in shoi chuan. If you say, said, have said, or had said. 2^. Anmani an shoi chuan. If they say, said, have said, or had said. or Singular, 1. Shoi ila, shoi Hang. If I say or had said. 2. Shoi la, shoi lang. If thou say or had said. 3. Shoi shela^ shoi shelang. If tie say or had said. Plural, 1. Shoi ila, shoi Hang. If we say or had said. 2. Shoi ula, shoi ulang. If you say or had said. 3. Shoi shela, shoi shelang. If they say or had said. Pluperfect Tense. Singular. 1. Shoi t a Ha, shoi t a Hang. If I had said. 2. Shoi ta la, shoi ia lang. If thou had said. 3. Shoi ta shela, shoi ta. If he had said. she lang. Plural. 1. Shoi la Ha, shoi (a Hang. If we had said. 2. Shoi ta til a, shoi ta If you had said. nlang. 3. Shoi ta shela, shoi ta If they had said. shelang. Note.— If ma be inserted between the verb and the subjunctive ending of any of the persons in the second form of the present and past tenses, or of the pluperfect, the meaning becomes •although ' or 'even if as — Shoi ma ila Although I say, even if I say. Shoi ta ma ila Although 1 had said, even if I had said. 24 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. The necrative forms of the above are as follow : Singular, 1. Shcishu ila, or shoilo ila. If I say not, said not, have not said, or had not said. 2. Shoi shula^ or shoi lo la. If thou, etc. 3. Shoishu shela,ox shoilo If he, etc. shela. Plural. 1. Shoi shu ila, or shoilo ila. If we, etc. 2. Shoi shuula,ox shoiloitla. If you, etc. 3. Shoisiiu shela y ox shoi lo If they, etc. shela. Singular. 1. Shoi t a shu ila or shoi la If I had not said. lo ila. 2. Shoi ta shu la or shoi ta If thou, etc. lo la, 3. Shoi ta shu shela ox shoi If he, etc. ta lo shela. Plural. 1. Shoi ta shu-ila or shoi ta lo If we had not said. ila. 2. Shoi ta shu ula or shoi ta If you, etc. lo til a. 3. Shoi ta shu shela or shoi ta If they, etc. lo shela. Note. — The final la in all the above negative forms may become la>2g. If ma be inserted between the verb and shu, or between lo and the termination in any of the above, the meaning becomes 'although,' or ' even if,' as — Shoi 771 a shu ila, Shoi lo 7)1 a i ila, \ Ha, } Although I say not, etc. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. 2. Shoi roll. Say thou 3. Shoi roh se. Let him, her, it say. 1. I shoi ong^ i Let us say. shoi ang u. 2. Shoi roh u. Say ye. 3. Shoi roh se. Let them say. PART I. — GRAMMAR. 25 Other forms of the imperative are- Singular : Shoi ang che, shot ta die, shoi te^ shoi che. Plural : Shoi ang che w, shoi ta che zi, ihoi te u, shoi che u. Say thou ! Say ye ! Negative Forms. Singular, Plural. 2. Shoi shu. Do not say 3. Shoi shu se. Let him, her, it not say. I. / shoi shu ang, i shoi shu ang u. Shoi shu u. 2. 3. Shoi shu se. Let us not say. Do not say. Let them not say. Other forms are — Singular : Shoi shu ang che. Do not say. shoi ma ta che. Plural : Shoi shu ang che u, shoi Do not say. ma ta che u. In the first person plurals i shoi ang and i shoi shu ang are used of two persons only, i shoi ang u and i shoi shu ang u of more than two. When two or more imperatives follow one another in a sentence, the last only, as a rule, takes the imperative termination, the others take the subjunctive endmgs, as — Dawr a kal ulang dr leiroh Go to the bazar and buy some u, fowls. Khua a len^ ila kan Let us stroll to the village and thian i hniu ang. see our friend. In a hit shu tela bengchheng Don't enter the house, and don't shu u. make a noise. Infinitive Mood — Shoi * To say.' Participles — Shoi-a, shoi-in ' Saying.' Gerunds — Shoi-tur^ shoi-ttit'-in, shoi-na- ' For saying.' tur, shoi nan, shoi-an, skoi-in, 26 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Passive Voice. The passive voice In Lushai is generally formed by altering the pronunciation of the verb, and may be seen in the following examples : Act 11)6. Passive. Ka vel a-che. I beat you. / velh ka ni. I am beaten by you. Ka ngai a-che. I love you. I ngaihka ni. I am loved by you. Ka hua a-che. 1 hate you. / Jiuat ka ni. I am, hated by you. Ka tir a-che. I send you. / tir ha ni. I am sent by you. Ka shdt a-che. I cut you. / sha^ ka ni. I am cut by you. Ka that a-che. 1 kill you. I tha^ ka ni. I am killed by you. Ka kap a-che. I shDot you. / ka' ka ni. I am shot by you. Ka kai a-che. I pull you. I kaihka ni. 1 am pulled by you. Ka hniiha-Qlie. I drag you. / hnu' ka ni. I am dragged by you. Ka phet a-che. I trip you up. I phe' ka r.i. I am tripped up by you. Note. — Care must be taken in the pronunciation of the verb in the passive voice, as' a slight difference in pronunciaiion may change the meaning from passive to active. as- Sap velh ka ni. I am hit by the Sahib, Sap vel ka ni. I am the hitter of the Sahib. Mizo Jiuat ka ni. I am hated by the Mizo hua' ka ni. I am a hater of the Lushais. Lushais. Tual tha' aid: He was murdiered. Tucd tiuxt a ni. He was a murderer.' INTERROGATIVE PARTICLES OF VERBS. em — This interrogative particle is placed, as a rule, at the end of the sentence, and cannot be translated into English, as — / kal ang em ? Will you go ? A tha em ? , Is it good ? Ta em or taivh em is sometimes contracted into tem^ as — / hmii ta em ? becomes / hniu teni ? Have you seen ? em-ni — This particle is sometimes identical with em. It is also used when the question is in the affirmative, and the answer is expected in the affirmative, as : Ihing i phur emni? You are carrying wood, are you ? When the question is in the negative, the answer is expected in the negative, as — Ar tiii min thon lo emni? You didn't send me any fowls* eggs, didn't you? PART I. — GRAMMAR. 27 Emni, with the negative lo, sometimes becomes lo vemnl or lom-ni, as — / chaw i ei lovem-ni? Have you not eaten your food? Vok in talloin-ni? Have you not killed the pig? ^-lo — This is used in the same manner as emni in its second meaning, as — Ruah a shir elo? It is raining, is it ? maiv — This is used in the same manner as elo. It is also used when the person interrogated repeats part of the question before answering, as — Q. — I nu a dam em ? Is your mother well ? A. — Ka nu maw? A da?7t e. My mother ? She is well. e-maw. — This particle is used as in the following example : Kal i duh emaw? Do you want to go? (Here the interrogator supposes that the person addressed does not want to go.) ne-7naw — This Is sometimes used as a negative form of e-maw. na-nge — This is a negative interrogative particle similar to lo-vem-ni. ■ When interrogative adverbs are used in asking questions the interrogative particles are omitted, as — Ka lu'khum khoiange i dah ? Where have you put my hat ? NEGATIVE FORM OF VERBS. When a verb Is used negatively, the adverb, lo, ' not,' is placed after the root verb, as — Ka pa^n shial min pe duh lo. My father does not wish to give me a gay a I. Lo with the termination ^ or ^ becomes lo-ve, lo-va. Lo with the termination ang becomes lo-vang or long. Nem Is sometimes used with the same meaning as lo-ve. Ndng is sometimes used with the same meaning as lo-vang. Example — Hei hi tu-in-nge ziak? Ka Who wrote this? I do not hre nem. know. Naktilka I^hama in a dah Put this In Khama's house ang che. Khama in a ka tomorrow. I am not going kal ndng. to Khama's house. E 2 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Shu-e and uk-shu-ei are more emphatic negative particles, and are used only in answering a question. When these are used, the verb cannot be preceded by either a noun or pronoun. Examples — Aisawl a kal a diih lo 7naT0 ? Does he not wish to go to Aijal ? Diih uk-shu-ei. (He) does not wish. Verbal Prefixes. There are several verbal prefixes, of which the principal are as follow : Zuk — Signifies motion downwards, as — Znk kal roll. Go down. Zuk pe roll. Go down and give. //^«— Signifies motion upwards, as — Han la roll. Go up and fetch. Han — Signifies motion towards the speaker, as — Han la roh. Bring it here. Min han pe roh. Come and give it to me. Lo — Signifies motion towards the speaker, as — Lo la roh. Come and lake. It also signifies that the action of the verb has already taken or begun to take effect, and may frequently be rendered by the English word ' become, ' as — Ka lo thlen^ in a in a lo When 1 arrived, his house was kdug. burning. Ka zuk en «, a lo om lo. I went down and looked and it was not (there). I{.hu hmeichhia khu a lo that- That woman down there Is very chhia emem. lazy (1 thought her to be otherwise). Ron — Signifies motion towards, as — Min ron pe roh. Come and give It to me. Engatinge sangha i ron Why did you go and catch fish. man. A hnena ron hril shu. Don't go and tell him. Va — Signifies motion from, generally on level ground or from one place to another of equal elevation, as — Va hril roh. Go and tell. In — Signifies reciprocity, as — An in sunt. They are fighting with each other. In vel shu-u^ Don't strike each other. PART I. — GRAMMAR. 29 ADVERBS. Some adverb s of place are — Chung a on top. K hoi- a- ma nowhere. Chunglama above. Hma-sha '\ Hmiaia underneath. Hma-in > before, in front. Chkuiiga inside. Hnia-a ) Pawna outside. Hnunga behind. Chhaka above (higher up). Kai 1 Tan ) Thlanga below (lower down). across. Ileta here. Vel around, round. Saw-ta there. Khual round about. Khi-ta up there. Ral-a in the distance. Khii-ta down there. on the other Kha-ta there. side, on the Khoi-a-nge ? where ? opposite bank. Khoi-a-paw h anywhere. Some adverb s of time are- — Tuna no w. Naktipa day after to- morrow. Ani'ta ago. Ni-Bana last night. Ni-tin Zing-a daily. in the ear morning. ly Zan-ina ' ") Nak-zdna ) tonight. Nakina presently. luk-tin every morn- Ngai ever. Kum-tin ing, yearly. Ngai lo never. Tun-thleng in yet. Lo not. Nichina a short time ago. Tun chin a henceforth. 7 ilk in a this morning. Nimina yesterday. Htnana formerly. Naktuk-a tomorrow. Fo often, always. Voi-in-a to-day. Kum-ina this year. Nimin-piah day before terday. yes- Nikuma last year. Engtika-nge? when ? Nak'kiini-a next year. Ttlna-pawh already. Ch ang-cha ng - in occasionally. Tlai late. Hnu-hniing-tn after, after- wards. Hnia early. Hrih^ Rih for a short time. Leh again. Hlim just now. 30 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Some adverbs of manner are- Eng-tin-nge ? how ? Heti-ang'in thus. Tliuai "> ' 1^1 r Thuai-thuai) " ^* Zoi-2oi-in slowly. yes. .} no. all right. not. Vak Ve Tarn Man Vek Rual Dun Pawh, poll \ Bok 3 Hcti-chen with force, also, too. much. quite, entirely, together, both together. also. Heti-zat Ma'thei'lo'Vin certainly. { Zawk Ber Bey Em Jiitn em \ Zet I Tak J 1 more. most. very. so much, so much, so many. Eng-sat-nge ? how much ? how many ? Eng'Chen-nge ? how much ? (length). Eng-iia-nge ? Pal Lui Mai Mai mai Va how large accidentally. purposely. merely. gratuitously. to no purpose, how. NoTE.-"2'fl, ' how, ' is only used in exclamatory sentences, as— I va a em ! How foolish you are ! A va mak em ! ■ How very wonderful ! Many adverbs are placed between the root verb and it inflexion. The following are some of them : Ngai ever. Leh again. Ngai lo never. Ri, krih for a short time. Kital round about. Fo frequently. Kai ■) Tan J Tlai late. across. Hma early. Thuai-thuai quickly. Kher haply, by chance. H mas ha before, in front. Hid lo undoubtedly. Ilnu-hnung behind. Ve also, too. Bok also. Diln both together. Vek entirely. Pal accidentally. Mai ■) Mai mai) gratuitous- Lui purposely. ly, merely, to Hie hie still (not moving). no purpose. Lo not. Vak with force. PART I. — GRAMMAR. 31 Examples — * J hawk thiiai roh ' ka tifo a'che. I din^ hie hie lo chuan ka vel Dak aug die. Nak-kum-a uok heti-sat i lei leh aiig em ? Sehawng a lo-ihleng htna lutilk, tal, hrili shu» He mao hi i ihliak pal eni'tii? Tukina ram a sakei ka tawk kher. I am frequently saying to you ' work quickly. ' If you do not stand still I will beat you severely. Will you buy so many pigs again next year ? The cow has arrived too soon, don't kill it for a little time. Did you break this bamboo accidentally? This morning I m.et by chance a liger in the jungle. Adverbs may be made by affixing tak-in to an adjective, and many adjectives without any change may be used as adverbs by placing them between the root verb and its inflexion, as — Adjective, Tha good. Dik correct. Ntlla'n a shoi-dik thin Adverb. I Tha- tak-in well. I Dik-tak'in correctly. The girl always speaks correctly. Engatinge i shia7n tha lo ve ? Why have you not made it well? Adverbs ending in in or a are rarely used between the root verb and its termination. Sometimes an adverb, which is usually placed between the root verb and its inflexion, may be placed before the verb by affixing tak-in and in some cases in or a, as — Kal thuairoh, may become, Thuat tak-in kalroh, ^ go quickly.' A shoi mai mai ^ ani, may become, Mai mai in a shoi ani, ' he merely said it.' The comparative degree ^ of adverbs is formed by adding leh, zual, or deo, to the positive, and the superlative degree by adding her^ as — Tlan chak leh zucd roh. Run more quickly. Zoi deo vin kal roh. Walk slower. Nang i tong rang her. You talk the fastest. 32 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. There are some hundreds of adverbs in Lushai which have no equivalent meaning in Enghsh, but which impart slight differences of meaning to the sentences they modify and at the same time point out whether the subject spoken of is large ( in size, number, etc.), medium or small. The following are some of them: Medium'. Small. ( hok bok. C hik bek. \ bak bak. \ bek bek, ( bob bob. C bib beb. \ bab bab. \ beb beb. ( rom rom. \ ram ram. ( er or. \ ar ar. r hloih hi ill, \ hlaih hlaih. t hie ill hloih. (pom fnm. \ pam pam. i^pem p07n. C hok hok. < hak hak. (^ hek hok. C ngor ngor, \ ngar i.gar, (. nger ngor. (for for. \ far far. (. fer for, rack. Large. Bilk buk Bub bub Rem rum Er ur Hleih hluih Pern piim Hek huk Nger ngur Fer fur Roh Miao muno Hriao hruao Biao buao Ruai fuai Examples — A kal hek bek. A hmel a va tha fige r?igur. Thing h?iah a tla kolh fer for. rim rem rem rem. ir er. er er. hlih hleih. hleih hleih. pi^n pern, pem pern. ■,nkkek. ^ hek hek. ngir nger. nger nger, fir fer. fer fer. reoh. miu miao. hriu hriao, bill hiao. rial rial. ,^ {bek bek shews that that he is also He is walking he is small and going slowly). How handsome she is [iiger ngur shows that she is big and fat). The leaves of the tree have fallen (the fer for indicates that the tree is of medium size). PART I. — GRAMMAR. 33 PREPOSITIONS. The prepositions in Lushai govern the possessive case and are placed after the noun or pronoun they govern, consequently, they are more accurately denominated "postpositions." Some of them are as follow : Hnena Hma-a Kiang-a Vel-a 7 Jill NgJieng-a Lain-a Kdr-a Tan Zing- a Lai-a Chhilng-a Pawn-a Lo-chu Shtf-a Hilling -a Hnu-a Pi ah Chhak-a Thlang-a Hnuai-a In A Tang- in Chin- a Chung- a Lo-vin to, with, from, before. near. around, round. about. against. towards. between. for. among, amidst. in the middle of. within. outside of. except, beside. by the side of. behind. after. beyond. above ( higher up) . below ( lower down). underneath. by, with. from, to, in, at, on, upon, from.J as far as. on top of. without. Examples — Mi pahnih ka hnena lo-va an kal. Kong shir a thu shu, a lai-a ding roh. Kel ka in thlang-a a 077t lOy a chhak-a a om. Two men went with me to the j hum. Don't sit on the side of the path, stand in the middle of it. The goat is not below my house, it is above it. F 34 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ar thingrem chunga bawma dah Pat the fowl in that basket roh, on the top of the box. Heta tang in i khua ka hmu thei I cannot see your village lo. from here. Some words are used with verbs and have the ^force of prepositions, like the toUowing : Sak 'from,' 'for.' Examples— Ka piiam min lak sak. He took my cloth from me Kong min hon^ sak roh. Open the door for me. Khum 'upon'. Examples— Engatinge ka In ttii i leih khn?n ? Why did you pour water upon ray head. Khum *over.' Example — Sava-in tiling a thlawk khum. The bird flew over the tree. CONJUNCTIONS. The most usual conjunctions are- Nimashela Shi Chutichuan Chuan Thleng-in Hma lo zong Hma lo chuan Lo chuan Avang-in China Leh Nge^ Ai-in Ai-a Hnek-in '^ A-hnu-in Emaw Emaiv-chu Tih Mashela, etc. nevertheless, yet, still, but, yet, still, but, for, although, therefore, then, so, so that. if. 1 until. unless, because, since, and, if, or, or. than. since. whether. that. although ( see page 23), PART I. — GRAMMAR. 35 Examples — / tlilen^ hma-lo-chuan hong shii Don't open it until you arrive. Kalkata i kal tih ka hre lo. 1 did not know that you went to Calcutta, Nimin singa an hawng emaw- I cannot say whether they v/ent chu ka shoi thei lo. home yesterday morning. Chaw i ei ang nge, tiiii in ang ? Will you eat rice, or drink water ? / thltim aim ka thUwi a tha My jhiini house is better zawk. than yours. * Kal roll ' ka ti a, nimashela'^ i kal lo. I * Kal roll ' ka ti a^ nimashela f- 1 said ' go/ but you did not go. i kal shi lo. \ ' Kal roll ' ka ti a^ i kal shi lo.J INTERJECTIONS. Some of the most common are — Aw / as in — Lo-kal roh, aw / Ho ! Come here. le / as in — /el Thing i lei duh em? I say! Do you want to buy wood. Khai ! as in — / chaw ei roh, khai I Come ! eat your rice. Heta lo en roh, khai I Now then ! Come and look here. Chei chei I — An expression of surprise, disbelief, or disapproba- tion, as in — Chei chei I ka oih lo ve Pooh ! I don't believe It. Chei chei I A va sah thldk Fie 1 How very shameful! em / Chei chei I kha-ti-ang ti Come ! come I Don't do so. shii. Khai khai I is similar to chei chei / Oi ka ni I Oi ka rei I Expressions of pain or fatigue. Oi I — An expression of surprise or wonder, as — Oi I A va mak em / Oh ! How wonderful: ' Teh chaiem in l ") t- • r i- t v <• Tek lul em in I j Expressions of disbelief. F 3 36 I.USHA1 GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. PART II.-USEFUL SENTENCES. (1) English. How are you? I am well. What is the name of this ? What is this ? What is your name ? Where are you going? What village man are you? How far is your village? How many days does it take to get to your village ? Two days' journey? Who are you ? I am Ngura. Are you a Lushai or a Pol ? . What are you going to Aijal for? I am going to pay my tax. Why did you not pay it last month ? Last month we were getting in our rice. Are your crops good this year ? We have a lot of rice, but not much maize. W^hat is your father's name? My father is dead. When did he die? Three years ago. How is your mother? Is your mother well? (or alive). I have no mother. Are you married ? Have you a wi-fe ? How many children have you ? Is your village higher than Aijal ? Lushai, I dam em ? ka dam e. He mi hi engnge a hming ? Hei hi eng-nge ni ? hming ? ens'nce i 'i3"25 Tunge i hming ? Khoi a nge i kal dawn ? Tu khua mi nge i ni ? In khua eng ti-a hla nge ? In khua ni eng zat-a ban nge ? Ni hnih ban. Tunge i ni ? Ngura ka ni. Lushei nge i ni Poi ? Eng ti tur-in nge Aizawl a i kal dawn ? Lei ba ka pe dawn. Thla hmasha khan enga-nge i pek lo ? Thla hmasha khan buh kan lak ? Kumina in thlawh-hma a tha em? Buh kan nghah, amaerawchu vai mtm kan nghah mang lo. Tunge i pa hn)ing ? Ka pa a thi tavvh. Eng lai-in nge a thi ? Kum thum ani tawh. I nu enof tin nee a om ? I nu a dam em? Nu ka nei lo. Nupui i nei tawh em ? Fa eng zat nge i nei ? Aizawl aiin i khua a zo em ? zawk PART U. — USEFUL SENTENCES. 37 English. Is there any 'water near your village ? How many houses are there in your village ? Are there many widows in your village ? Why has not your chief come to meet me ? Are you a muntri ? Call your muntri, I want to speak to him. I want twenty coolies early to- morrow morning. Ten men will not be enough. I will stay in the zawlbuk tonight. We want five houses for the sepoys to stay in. Your village is very dirty, have the streets well cleaned. What is the price of that fowl ? How very dear I I will buy it for twelve annas. Have you any vegetables? We never eat Lushai pork. Sweep out the zawlbuk. Bring some wood quickly and also some water. Kindle a fire here. Put the fire cut, there is too much smoke. What a long time you have been ! Have the coolies arrived ? Why have they not arrived? The road was not steep. Put your loads down here. Are your loads too hea-vy? Tomorrow we will divide them. We will rest awhile. Take up your loads again now. When shall we arrive at the stock- ade ? The road is very slippery, did it rain last night ? Lushai, I khua kianga tui^om em ? In khua in eng zat nge nl ? In khua hmeithai an tam em? In lal-in engatlnge mi' hmua' lo? Upa i ni em ? In upa ko roh u, biak chak-a ka duh e. Naktuk zing tak a puakphur shom-hnih ka duh. Mi shom-in an daih lo vang. Zanina zawlbuk-a ka riak ang. Sipai om na tur in nga kan duh. I khua a bol-hlawh em e, kot-lai thian fai tir roh. Kha ar kha eng za'man nge ni ? A va to em I Sheki thum-in ka lei ang e. Thlai in nei em ? Mi-zo vok sha kan ei ngai lo. Zawlbuk phiat fai roh. Thing leh tui han la thuai roh u. Heta hian mei chhem roh u. Mei ti thi roh, a khu em e. In va rei 6m ! Puak-phur an thleng tawh em ? Engatinge an lo tlen' lo ? Kong a chho shi lo va. In phur hetahian nghat roh u. In phur a rit lutuk em ni ? Naktuka kan then ana:. Kan chawl nh ano. Tuna in phur phur leh roh u. Kulh eng-hun-a-nge kan thlen' ang? Kong a nal em e, nizana ruah a shur em ni ? ff4 38 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. English. Do we cross that stream down there ? Is there a brldsje? Is the water deep ? You cannot carry me/ call a stronger man. Be careful. Walk slower. How did this box get wet ? Call the coolies together. You have worked well to-day. I am very pleased with you. We will rest here all day tomorrow. Is that sick man better? Don't make a noise. Why have you cut down all these trees ? What a pity ! Last year I told you not to cut down any tea-trees. If you do this again, I shall fine you. Your jimms are very extensive. What a lot of rice you have 1 How very fortunate you are ! The water is muddy. Bring me some clear water. Eat your rice. Come here. Do this quickly. Don't forget. Are you afraid? Do not run away. Stand up. Fetch me a knife. Hold my horse. Go out. Look ! The tree is going to fall. Can you climb this tree? I don't know. I cannot say. Lush at. Khu mi lui khu kan kan tur em ni ? Lei-lawn a om em ? Tui a thuk em ? Nang-in min paw zo lo vang, mi chak deo ko roh, Fim-khur roh. Zoi deo-vin kal roh. He thing-rem hi eng ti huh nge ? Puak-phur ko khawm roh. Voi-in-a in thawk tha e. In chunga ka lawm em em. Naktuka hetahian kan cham. ang. Mi dam lo kha, a dam deo vem ? Beng-chheng shu u. Heng thing zong zong hi, eng-a-ti-pge in ki'? A va poi em I Nikuma *thing-pui kung kit shu u ' ka ti che u kha. Hetia i ti leh chuan, lei ka choi tir ang che. In lo a va zao em. Buh in va nghah em 1 In va ni-hlawh em 1 Tui a nu e. Tui fim min ban lak roh. I chaw ei roh. He-ta lo-haw roh. Hei hi ti thuai roh. Theih-nghil shu, I hlao vem ? Tlan bo shu. Ding roh. Chem te min va lak sak roh. Ka sakor chelh roh. Chhuak roh u. En roh ! thing a tlu dawn. He thing a hian i lawn thei ang em ? Ka hre 16. Ka shoi thei lo. PART II. — USEFUL SENTENCES. 39 English. Why are you crying? Walk carefully, the bridge is rotten. Walk behind me. Open the door. Shut the door. Take this away. Have you been to Lungleh ? Where is the road to Sercbhip. , ■ Don't turn to the right. Turn to the left. When will you go ? What does he say ? What is the matter? Is this a grave ? Are there any tigers round here? Why are you ashamed ? I am exhausted. I am very thirsty, have you any water with you ? Who is there? Come in. Get out of the way. . The path is very much overgrown. Where is your chief? Be quiet ! I wish to go to sleep. Listen 1 what was that noise? Don't shoot that bird up there. The sun is hot. It is going to rain. Open your umbrella. Why are you laughing? Who lived here formerly? Is he still alive ? When are you going to make a new village ? He has miofrated to another village. Don't kill a gayal for me. W^hat do you think of my words ? To my thinking he is a bad man. You exactly resemble your father. Don't you want me to have it ? Lush at. Enga-tl-nge i ta' ? Kal dim roh. Lei-lawn a rop e. Ka hnunga kal roh. Kong hong roh. Kong khtlr roh. Hei hi kal-pui roh. Lunglei-a i kal tawh em ? Serchhip kong khoi-a-nge? Ding lama peng shu. Vei lama peng roh. Engtikange i kal ang? Eng-nge a shoi ? Eng-nge-ni? Hei hi thlan em ni ? He mi vel-a sakei a cm em ? Eng-a-nge i za' ? Ka chao ta. Ka tui a ha! em a, tui i shin em ? Tu-nge-ni ? Lo lut roh. Dang om roh. Kong a hnim em. In lal khoi-a-nge ? Ngoi roh u. Mut ka duh e. Ngoi roh 1 Eng-n-nge ni ? Khi sava khi kap shu. Ni a sha em. Ruah a shur dawn. I ni-hliap kap-parh roh. Enga nge i nui ? Heta hian hmana tunge om? A la dam em ? Engtikange khaw thar In kai dawn ? Khaw dang-a a pern ta. Shial min tal shu. Ka thu eng ang in nge i ngai ? Ka ngai in mi sual ani. I pa dek i ni. Ka nei-a i duh lo maw ? 40 LUSHAl GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. English. I am sitting at rice. What do you think this is? You are showing a bad example. How do you spend your time ? What ! are you still here ? It will answer the purpose. Guess how many there are. I have chosen you to go. Has the dak runner arrived ? What is your object in felling this tree ? Go to every house. Count the houses in this village. Don't make excuses. It is impossible to go. Go without waiting to be told. Each take it in turns to carry this. It is not worth mentioning. I am busy. He has gone the wrong way. Lushai. Chaw ka kil. Hei hi eng ni in nge in hriat? Thil tha lo i ti hmu. Eng ti in nge ni i len ? I la om cheo maw ? A tla ang. Eng-zat-nge i rin shoi rob. Nang kal tur-in ka ruat a che. Lekha-tlan-pui a lo thleng em ? He thing hi eng-nge ,i kit chhan ? In tin a kal roh. He khua a in hi chhiar roh. Chhuan lam shu. Kal rual ani lo ve. Hril ngai lo-vin kal roh. In phur chhawk theoh vang che u. Shoi tham ani lo. Ka tul e. Ani lo lama a kal. (2) Against whom have you a com- Tu chung-a nge thu-poi i nel ? plaint ? Speak louder, I cannot hear you. Why did you quarrel ? Who began it ? Tell me it from beginning. Have you any witnesses ? W^ho is this man ? Tell me only the truth. If you lie, I shall be very angry. Do not keep anything back. Why did you not tell your chief ? He could have settled it. Don't beat about the bush. Tell me whatever you know. Speak freely. Do not fear. Tong ring dec roh, I tong ka hre thei lo ve. Eng-a-nge in in-sual ? Tunge ti hma-sha ? A bul-a min hril vek roh. Hre tu i nei em ? A hre ve an om em? He mi hi tu-nge-ni ? Thu tak hlir min hril roh. I dawt chuan in, ka thin-ur em em ang. Eng-ma zep shu. In lal eng-a-ti-nge i hril lo ? Ani chuan a rem thei ang. Shoi koi shu. I hriat apiang min hril roh. Hlao lo vin, fel tak-in shoi roll- PART II. — USEFUL SENTENCES. 41 English. Do not fidget. Is this true ? It is false. 1 do not believe you. Speak only one at a time. Wait a short time. I will consider your case later. Call the next man. What is your complaint? Did you not come to me }'ester- day ? Why have you come again ? I settled your case last night. Do not say any more. Settle your case between your- selves. You are guilty. You are not guilty. 1 shall not punish you. Next time I shall fine you ten rupees. You may make your defence. Answer quickly. I will not allow the giving and receiving of bribes. ¥/hy did you strike him ? Did he hit you first ? What did you steal ? Where have you hidden the stolen goods ? Does this gun belong to you. Have you licensed your gun ? I shall confiscate this gun. Unless your chief is present I cannot decide your case. Which man is the murderer? With what did you kill him ? Was it in the night or in the day time ? Where did he cut you? Did you kill him accidentally ? You will be imprisoned for five years. Ltishai, Nin-hlei shu u. He thu hi a dik em ? Dawt ani. I thu ka oih lo ve. Pakhat chaoh zel-in shoi roh u. Om rih roh. Nakina i thu ka ngai-tua ang. A dot tu ko roh. Eng-nge i thu-poi ? Nimina ka hnena i lo-kal lo vem ni ? Eng-a-nge i lo-kal leh ? Nizana khan i thu-poi ka ti-tlu ta. Thu dang shu shu. In thu buai nangmani in-rem roh u. I (hiam lo ve. I thiam e. Ka hrem lo vang che. 1 ti leh huna, cheng shom ka choi-tir ang che. I thiam-na thu i shoi thei e. Chhang thuai roh. In tham ruk ka phal lo vang. Engatinge i vel ? A vel hmasha che em ni ? Eng-nge i ruk ? I bung-rua ruk khoi-a-nge i thu'ruk ? He silai hi i ta em ni ? I silai i khen-tir em ? He silai hi ka lak sak ang che. In lal a om lo chuan, in thu- poi ka rem thei lo vang. A tu hi nge mi that tu ? Eng in nge i tha' ? Chhuna nge zana ? Khoi-a-nge a sha'che ? I that pal em ni ? Kum nga lung in-a i tang ang. 42 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. English. I shall send you down to the plains. ^ Take care of the prisoner. I shall not hang you for this. You did it in Ignorance. I will pardon you. Are you sorry ? Release these two men. Call them back. Run after them. Do not be impatient. I can hear no more cases to-day. Come again tomorrow at noon. Let every onS go out. Put these papers together. Send them to my house. rui Luebe papeis lu^c Send them to my hou Liishni. Phaitual a ka kal tir ang che. Mi tang tha tak-in veng rob. He mi a vang hian ka awk hlum tir lo vang che. I at vang-a i ti ani, Ka ngai-dam ang che. I in-chhir em ? He mi pahnih hi thlah rob. Ko kir rob. Um rob. Nghak hlel sbu. Voi-in-a thu-poi dang ka ngai- tua thei lo vang, Naktuk chaw-fak buna lo-kal leh rob u. Cbhuak vek rob se. Heng lekba hi dab khawm rob. Ka in a thon rob. (3) How many sick men are there to-day ? Let them come in- one at a lime. What is the matter with you? Put your tongue out. Open your moutb. Let me feel your pulse. Where is the pain ? Does your head ache? When do you have fever? Do you have fever every other day. Do you go to stool daily ? How many times in a day do you stool ? Did you perspire last night ? Don't throw the clothes off even if you perspire. Are you costive ? Do you have ague? Vol-in-a dam lo eng-zat-nge om? Pakhat zel-in lo lut rob se. 1 eng-nge na ? I lei chhua' rob. Ang rob. I mar min de' tir rob. Khoi lai nge na ? I lu a na em ? Eng ti bun in nge i khua a shik thin ? Ni khat dan-a i khua a shik thin em? Nitin i dai-leng em ? Ni khat-a voi eng-za'-nge i dai-len' ? Nizana i thlan a sha em ? I thlan sha mashela puan dab sbu. I ek a khal lu-tuk em ? I tlun em ? PART II.— 'USEFUL SENTENCES. 43 English. Have you a pain in your stomach? What did you eat this morning? Why did you not come before? Have you a pain in your chest. Are you short of breath ? Have you a cough ? Breathe hard. Count one, two, three. Speak louder. Lie on your back. Lie on your left side, Lie on your stomach. Do not sit up. Keep your legs out straight. Can you walk a little ? Bend your arm. Bend your leg. Stoop down. Hold up your hands. Have you diarrhoea ? Have you dysentery ? Have you syphilis ? Have you ever had syphilis ? Have you had a miscarriage ? How long have you been ill ? How was the disease at first ? Have you ever taken medicine ? How very pale you are 1 Have you ever had small-pox ? Have you been vaccinated? How many years ago ? Who amputated your leg ? Are you a little better? Have you stoppage of urine ? Does it pain you to urinate ? Are you hoarse? Can you sleep at night ? How did you get that sore? Bathe it with this lotion ? I will bandage your foot. Don't remove this bandage. Liishai. I pum a na em ? Tukin zinga eng-nge i ei ? Enga-tinge hmana i lo-kal lo. I awm a na em ? I thaw a chham em ? I khuh em ? Thaw vak roh. Pakhat, pahnih, pathum ti roh. Tong ring deo roh. Mu zang-thal roh. Vei lam delh-in, mu sai-shir roh. Mu bok-khup roh, Thu shu. \ ke thluang reng roh. Tlem i kal thei em ? I ban torn roh. I ke torn roh. Kun roh. Chung lam ban roh. I kua a tha lo vem nl ? San-ten i vei em ni ? Sai-hri i vei em ni ? Sai-hri i vei ngai em ? I fa a tla sual ngai em ? Engtika na nge i ni ? A-tir-in eng-tin-nge a nat ? Dam-doi i in ngai em ? I va dang em ! Zawng-hri i vei ngai em ? I ban an zai tawh em ? Kum eng-za'-nge ni tawh ? I ke tu tan nge ? I dam deo vem. I zun a im em ? I zun' in a na em ? I aw a chhang em ? Zuna i m,u thei em ? I pan kha eng ti pan nge ? He dam-doi tui hian vaw fai roh. I ke phah ka tuam ang. He tuam-na hi phelh shu ang che. G 2 # 44 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. English. Come every morning at this time. Drink tl^is three times a day. Drink so much, once in the morning, once at noon, and once in the evening. Swallow these two at a time, three times daily. Take this before every meal. Take one pill after every meal. Eat only very soft boiled rice. Do not eat any meat. Keep lying down. Have you a cold ? Were you out in the rain ? You have come too late, I can- not give you medicine. Will you slay in the hospital ? I will give you food and medi- cine. You will soon get well. You have toothache. Shall I extract your tooth ? Your tooth is very much decay- ed. Have you a gumboil. Your throat is very sore. Are you deaf? Have you earache. How did this boil first come ? What made this bruise ? Did anything fall on you? Have you rheumatism ? How long have you been lame? Can you not bend your leg ? Can you come every day ? Keep your head still. Keep quite still ? Do not fear. 1 will not hiirt you. Lushai. He ti hun lai hian tuk-tin lo- kal roh. Hei hi nitin vol thum in roh. He ti chen zel hian zinga leh chaw-(ak-a tlai lama nen in ang che. Heihipathum zel-in nitin voi thum lem roh. Hei hi chaw ei hma apiang-in in roh. Chaw ei zaw apiang-in mum pakhat-in lem zel roh. Buh hawp chaoh ei roh. Sha engma ei shu. Mu reng roh. 1 hri-tlang em ? Ruah i do vem ? I lo-kal tlai lu-tuk, dam-doi ka pe thei lo vang che. Dam-doi-in a i om ang em ? Ei tur leh dam-doi ka pe ang che. I dam thuai ang. I ha a na e. I ha ka thlon ang em ? I ha a nget em. I ha hni a puam em ? I hrok a na em em. I beng a ngong em ? I beng kua a na em ? He khoi-hli hi atir-in eng -tin nge a om ? Eng ti thi tlin' nge ? Englo in a delh ehem ni ? Ruh-sheh i vei em ? Engtika bai nge i ni ? I ke i torn thei lo vem ni ? Nitin i lo-kal thei ang em. I lu ti-che shu. Che lo top-in om roh. Hlao shu. Ka ti-na lo vang che. PART II. — USEFUL SENTENCES, 45 English. Write this man's name down. How are you to-day ? When did he die ? He is on the point of dying. Do not give him any more medi- erne. I will come back soon. Bring a kodali each. Lushai. He mi hming hi ziakroh. Voi-in-a eng-tin-nge i om ? Engtika thi nge ni ? A thi lek le]< ani. Dam-doi dang pe shu. Ka lo-kal leh thuai ang. (4) W^e will commence cutting the road tomorrow. Let ten men go en in front and ten men stay with me. Clear the jungle quickly. Level this ground. Don't all work in one place. Pitch my tent here. Build huts down there for the workmen. Pound this stone into powder. We will blast this rock. Tamp with water, not with earth. I want pure sand. Push these stones down the '. khud. Carry away the earth. Don't cut down that tree. Make the road vvider. Fill in the ruts made by the ram. Sift the earth well. Rake it together. You must cut six feet of earth each. Mix the lime and sand together. Can you quarry stone ? Make a hole three feet deep. Bawng tuh-thlawh pakhat theoh vin shin roh u. Naktuka kong kan shial tan tawh anpf. Ml shorn kal hma-sha shela, shom ka hnena om roh se. Slim fai thuai roh u. He lei hi ti rual roh u. Hmun khat a thawk vek shu u. Ka puan-in heta shiam roh u. Khu ta khuan hna-thawk cm nan In shiam roh u. He lung hi deng chip roh u. He lung pui hi kan hal puak ang. Lei-in hnawh shu u, tui leih khat rohu. Tiao vai-vut hlir ka duh. Heng lung hi nam lum roh u. Lei zawn bo roh u. Saw thing saw kit shu u. ' Kong lai zao deo roh. Tui hawk luan-na kor chhung khat roh u. Lei tha tak-in hri roh u. Hui khawm roh u. Lei hlam khat theoh va lai in tum tur ani. China i leh tiao vai-vut polh roh u. 'Lung lai i thiam em ? Tong hnih pil-in cho roh. 46 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. English, This is too deep. This is too shallow. Fill in the hole (of the post). Goto the jungle and fetch posts. Set up the posts six feet apart. They are too close together. These are too far apart. Notch them before setting them up. This post is not firm. Ram the earth in harder. This middle post is too short. Don't peel off the bark. Cut the ridge pole shorter. That post is not perpendicular. Tie with cane, not with bamboo. .. Why did you not char the bot- tom of this post? It is going to rain, cover this up. Send men for sun grass. Tomorrow, put on the thatch. Put it on thicker, it will not be watertight. Press it well together. There is only a little cane, v Don't waste it, use it very care- fully. How wide is it ? How long is it ? Who broke this pickaxe? Don't be lazy. Now split bamboos (formatting). Let two men weave the wall. Make the walls of ekra. Plaster with mud and cowduner. Why have you not made the floor ? When will you cut out the win- dows ? Ltishai. Hei hi a thuk lu-tuk. Hei hi a pawn lutuk. Ban kua hnawh roh. Ban la tur-in ram a kal roh u. HIam khat kar dan-a ban phun zel roh u. A zing lu-tuk e. Heng hi a khat lutuk. Phun hma-in rek vek roh u. He ban hi a nghet lo ve. • Hnawh nghet roh u. He shut hi a toi lu-tuk. A hawng pil-khok shu u. Tlung tan toi deo roh. Kha ban kha a ding ngil lo. Mao hnang in tawn shu u, hrui- hnangin tawn roh u. He ban lei phum hi eng-a- tinge in hal lo ? Ruah a shur dawn, hei hi khuh hul roh u, Di phur in mi tir roh. Naktuka di chih roh u. Chih chhah deo roh u, a hul lo vang e. Muk tak-in beng roh u. Hrui tlem te chaoh a om. Ti hek shu u, ren hie roh u. A vang eng tia nge ? Eng chen nge, a dung ? He lung-riil hi tu-in nge ti tliak, That-chhe shu u. Tuna mao chik roh u. Mi pahnih-in bang tah roh se. Luang, bang-a hmang roh u. Bawng uk leh chirh-diak-in bel roh u. Eng-a-ti-nge chhuat i tah lo ? Tuk-verh engtikange i hon' ang? PART II. — USEFUL SENTENCES. 47 English. Shall you finish the doors to- **. day? . ^This door is too low at the top. "* I want two men to make a lat- tice. Fence In the garden tomorrow. Do you know how to sharpen a daol This knife is very blunt. It will not cut. Saw this post in half. Make a sllprail gate. Close up the doorway. How many coolies are there? How much wages does each get? Have you received your wages ? You two, share this rupee. I have no more eight-anna pieces. If you are late again tomorrow I shall cut your pay. Some of you have worked v/ell and some have not. I only want ten men tomorrow. I will pay you at the end of the month. If you cannot work, get a sub- stitute. Lushai. Voi-ln-a kong-khar i shiam zo vang em ? He kong-ka chung lam hi a hniam lutuk. Zawng-dai-kalh kalh tur in mi pahnih ka duh. Naktuka huan hung roh u. Chem ta' i thiam em ? bll em. He chem-te hi a Engma a duh lo. He ban hi a lai a zai bung roh. She-kot-rolh shiam roh u. Kong-ka ping roh. Hna-th;iwk eng-zat nge cm ? Eng-zat-nge an hlawh theoh ? I hlawh i chang em ? Nangni pahnih-in he tangka hi in-khing roh u. Dull dang ka nei lo. Naktuka i lo kal tlai leh chuan i hlawh ka ti-kiam ang. Nangni zinga a then an thawk tha, a then an thawk tha lo. Naktuka mi shom chaoh ka duh ang. Thla ral huna hlawh ka pe'ang che u. I thaw' thei lo chuan, thlak-tu zong roh. (5) Bring me some hot water. I want to shave. Is the barber there ? Clean the hand basin. Throw away the dirty water. Where is my towel ? Where did you put my shirt ? Tui lum min han pe roh. Bak me' ka duh. Lu-met-tu om em? Mai-hun nawt fai roh. Tui bol-hlawh paih roh. Ka hmai-'hruk-na khoiange om ? Ka kro-pum khoiange i dah ? 48 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. English. I can't find my braces. Who made this hole in my coat ? Can you mend it ? Give me my hat. It is hanging up on the post. Make the bed. Sweep the place well. Dust all the furniture. Air the clothes in the sun. Shake the carpet. Polish my boots. Put oil in all the lamps. Turn up the wick. Turn down the wick. Light the lamp. Light the fire. Clear up these papers. Don't touch these books. Make the room tidy. Spread the cloth on the table. Bring a clean plate. This basin is dirty. Give me a glass of water. Put the milk here. Bring some more sugar. This water does not boil. Boil the water. Make the tea with boiling water. I want a small spoon. Give the Sahib a knife. You have lost two silver forks. Look for the bottle tomorrow. Your clothes are very dirty. Always w'car your turban, Liishai. Ka ke-kor dar-bak ka hmu thel lo. Ka kor hi, tunge ti-pop ? I thui tha thei ang em? Ka lukhum min pe roh. Ban a a bang. Khum a mut-na shiam roh. Hmun tha tak-in phiat roh. Bung rua zong zong nawt fai roh. Puan pho roh . Chhuat -a puan phah thing roh, Ka phei-kok nawt tie roh. Khon-var zong zong a tui thun roh. Khonvar puan herh chhuak roh. Khonvar puan herh-lut roh, Khon var hal roh. Mei chhem roh. Heng lekha hi dah tha roh. Heng lekha-bu hi khoih shu. Pindan chhung hi thian fai roh, Dawh-kan a puan phah roh. Thleng thiang-hlim min han pe roh. He berh-bn hi a bal e. Rial-no vin tui min pe roh. Hnute tui beta dah roh. Chi~thlum dang la roh. He tui hi a sho lo ve. Tui chhuang sho roh. Thing-pui tui sho vin shiam roh. Fian te ka duh. Sap hncna chem-te pe rohi Tangka kut pahnih i hlo. Nakiuka saidoi-um zong roh, 1 puan a bal em. I diar khim fo roh. PART 11.— USEFUL SENTENCES. 49 Eng lisli. Give me my pipe. Pat the matches on the table. Cut some wood for the fire. Wash your face. Wash your hands. Wash your clothes. Wait a little. Don't leave the house until I return. If the Babu comes tell him to wait for me. Eat your rice now. Come again in the afternoon. Wake me very early tomorrow morning. Is my gun loaded ? Give me the gunpowder. Water the flowers. Pull up the weeds. Dig up this plant. Sow these seeds. Plant these trees. When will this plant flower ? Is this fruit edible ? Where can I buy some plantains? Are there no mangoes. Lushai figs are very nice. I want some melons. They are very nasty. Are there any cucumbers in your garden ? How much do you want for this egg fruit ? You ask too much. I will give you four annas. I have never seen any sweet potatoes. Your yams are not nice. Your fowls are very dear. What is the price of fowls' eggs ? Lushai* Ka vai-bel min pe roh. Naw'-alh dawhkan-a dah roh. Thing tuah tur tan roh. I hmai phih roh. I kut sil fai roh. I puan shu-fai roh. Om rih roh. Ka lo thlen' hma lo chuan, in kal shan shu. Babu a lo-kal chuan min nghak rohse. Tilna i chaw ei roh. Chaw-hnua lo kal leh roh. Naktuk zing tak a miii kai tho roh. Ka silal hlo thun em ni ? Silai hlo min pe roh. Pang-par tui leih roh. Hnim pot roh.* He kung hi lai chhuak roh. Heng chi hi tub roh. Heng thing hi phun roh. He kung hi engtikange a pc^r ang? ^ ^ He rah hi thei em ni ? Balhla khoi a mi nge ka lei thei ang ?_ Thei-hai a om lo vem ni ? Mizo thei-pui a tui em em, Hmazil ka duh. A tui lo em em. I huan a fang-hma a om em ? Heng bok bawn hi eng-zat-nge i chhiar ? I chhiar tam lu-tuk. Sheki khat ka pe ang che. Kawl-ba-hra ka hmu ngai lo. In ba-hra a tui lo ve. In ar a to em. Ar-tui engziit man nge ? H 50 LUSIIAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. IDIOMATIC S Lushai. Thi leh thi ka kal ang. A tha ti roh. Vok-sha ka ngeih lo. A ti ngai na reng ka hre lo. A lian deo deo va, a tha lo deo deo. Ka zungchal-in ka chuai zo der der ang. Pa-fa in ni em ? Nang i lor bik. I fapa eng rual nge ? Ban in-khaw-kherh-in an kal. Tawp in tai om dawn lo ve. Lai niin ron biak roh. Ka om ang, eng pawh ni roh se. I ta lo pawh ka ta a tha. Tu kal ni nge ? Nang ata va ni shu. An tap ngai lo ve. Dawt an shoi ngai lo ve. Ral hu-in min zap. A hnuk a chat ta. A hnuk a va fei em ve 1 A tu zawk emawchu lo-kal ang, ka hre lo. Kalkata a kal emaw min ti em m? * Mi shoi chaoh kahria. Hmu pawh ka hmu lo. A ei ei ka vel ang. I hmel a tha ang e ! A kip a koi in Mizo tong i hria em ? Ir leh ir an chuk-tuah e. Ka ti ang tak na-ngial-in a thi. ENTENCES. English, I will go, even if 1 die. Don't you think it is good ? Pork does not agree with me. I am at a loss what to do. The bigger he grows the worse he gets. I could lift it with my little" finger. Are you father and child. You are taller than the rest. How big is your son ? They are walking arm-in-arm. There will be no end to it. Give my respects to the chief. 1 will stay, happen what may. Mine is good as well as yours. Whose turn is it to go ? It is not yours. Good children never cry (spoken to crying children). They never tell lies {yis.^ it is wrong to lie). I had a presentiment that an enemy was near. He has died. How tenacious of life he is ! I do not know who is most likely to come. Did you think that I had gone to Calcutta? I have only heard it spoken of. I have not even seen it. I shall beat any one who eats it. There's a good boy ! Do you know all ihe ins and outs of the Lushai language ? They fell on each other's neck. He died just as I said he would. PART II. — USEFUL SENTENCES. Lushai. Biak chak-a ka duh a che ? I poi zengnge ka khoih ? Ka lei hmawr-in a hria. That-in min buak. That-in a vur a che. Hmul chhia til lo tak-in om roh. Eng a teh-lul nge, i tl ? Teh-lul em in ! Chak-khai-a ka duh a che. Ni leh thia in-kar-a om apiang. Lo-kal ma lek roh. Thim tham-a ti ani lo. A kuang tuk nan hmang roh se. A thlan lai nan hmang roh se. A-Tuang tuam-nan hmang roh se. A van kai chaw-a hmang roh se. A thiai-chhiah a hmang roh se. English. I want to speak to you. What harm have I done you ? It is on the tip of my tongue. Good has befallen me. Blessings have been showered upon you. May you remain in perfect safety. Whatever did you do that for ? The idea I I want you for something. Everything in the universe. Never mind about coming. It was not done in. the dark. May he use it to make his coffin 1 (spoken of a man who has stolen an axe). May he use it to dig his grave with ! (spoken of a man who has stolen a spade). May he use it for his winding sheet 1 (spoken of a man who has stolen a cloth). May he use it for his last meal on earth 1 (spoken of a man who has stolen food). May he use it for sacrificing at his burial ! (used of a man who has stolen an ani- mal). PROVERBS AND SAYINGS. Rih ar tui phur i ang e. Nun chhiat leh suak sual a shim thei, hmel chiat a shiam that thei lo. Tong khaw lo ni shu she la. You are like one carrying the eggs of the rih fowl (spoken to one walking slowly). Bad habits and faults may be abandoned, but an ugly face cannot be m.ade good. If it is not presumptuous to say so. H 2 52 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Shar pawh zam mashela ka pal chhat ang e. Ka beng a shing-ship a hr^ra. Thing pawh, a kung a that leh a rah a tha, a kung a that lo leh, a rah a tha lo vang. Koi pawh, a kawm a that leh, a tha, a kawm a that lo leh, a tha lo. Lai ngai lo, lal a na. Them-thlam lo vin an hrlam an mawh-chhiat. Ml fing-in a fin' man a ei sheng lo, mi a-ln a at man a choi sheng lo. Vol-In-a ti tur, naktuka ti-an khek shu. Man! in-fak leh sa-khi ngal a eng- ma a bet lo. Zawng tuar ai-In ngao-vin a tuar. A vua tu-in ek a che ti ang anr. Pachuao sual ka ang. A let-ling vut tui thlor-bel ti ang- in. Sha leh sha-in In-chan ane^. She bo hnu-a she kong khir ang. English. Even though the shar Is visible I will break through {i.e., nothing shall prevent me). A shing-ship is signing in my ear {yis.^ I have a buzzing in the ear). If the tree is good Its fruit Is good, if the tree is bad its fruit is bad. If the pod of a koi bean is good the bean is good, if the pod is bad the bean is bad (J.e.^ not fit for playing with"). A man who has never ruled, rules oppressively. Bad workmen blame their tools. A wise man cannot eat all the fruit of his wisdom, and a fool cannot pay all the price of his folly. Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done to-day. There is no more in self-praise than on the shin of a stag. The innocent suffer instead of the guilty. It is like the oppressor saying he is being oppressed. I am like Pachuao was when fighting (P. wanted to stop, but was afraid to) . Its like speaking of a lye funnel upside down {i.e., saying a thing happened which never did happen). Like flesh cutting up flesh (spoken of one who is clumsy in doing anything). Like shutting the gayaCs sta- ble when the gayal is gone. PART II.— USEFUL SENTENCES. 53 Lushai. English, The hme' ang-in a om. It is like a thereng when squeezed {i.e., very quiet). Lung pui pawh lung te-in a kam- Even a big rock cannot remain ki lo chuan a om thei lo. without rolling unless sup- ported by small stones {i.e., the great cannot do without the humble). Atha lam kong a chho, a chhe The good road is steep and the lam kong a phei. bad road is level {i.e.^ it is easier to do evil than good). 54 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. PART III.-DICTIONARY. ; LUSHAI -ENGLISH. Note. — The Lushai letters printed in italics are sometimes omitted. A, (s.) a fool, a foolish person, a mad person. ,, {a.) foolish, ignorant, mad. ,, (v.) to be foolish, etc. A, {prep.), from, in, on, to, of. A, {pro.) he, his, she, her, it, its. ^ A baw-raw, {s.) an idiot. „ „ „ {^) idiotic. „ „ ., (z;.) to be idiotic. A-chin, (conj.) since. A chhun a zan-in, day and night. A eng-ber-nge, {pro.) which? (of a number). A eng-nge, {pro.) which ? A hmei a pa, {s.) men and women (collectively). A-hnu-in, {conj.) since. Ai, {s.) the power of fascinating, charming, or getting power over. Ai, {prep^ instead of, because of, {conj.) than. Ai, {s.) a stack, a pile. Ai, {v.) to warm one's self, to bask. Ai, {v.) to perform a ceremony in order to get the spirit of a wild animal killed in the chase into one's power after death. Ai, (.?.) a crab (a contracted form of chak-ai), Ai-a, {prep.) instead of, because of, {conj.) than. Ai awh, {v.) to become a substitute. Ai awh tu, {$.) a substitute, Ai awt, (5.) a crab trap. Ai bop, {s.) the claw of a crab, the hammer of a gun. Ai en, {s,) an augur. „ {v.) to augur. Ai eng, {s.) turmeric. Ai-en-thiam, {s.) an augur. Ai-iiar kal, {v.) to walk upon the hands and feet with stomach upwards. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI-ENGLISH. 55 Ai hni, (s.) a hangnail, the pouch under a crab for its young, (v.) to have a hangnail. Ai-in, (prep.) instead of, (coiij.) than. Ai kaih, {y.) to fascinate, to charm^ to draw by some myste- rious power. Ai-khirh, (v.) to get stiff with being cramped. Ai-ruah, {s.) the rain which comes at the beginning of autumn after a break in the wet weather (said to be the tima when crabs appear). Ai shan, {s.) an augur, (z>.), to augur. Ai-shan-thiam, {s.) an augur, Ai-thur, {s.) the name of a plant. hk, (v.) to sling across the shoulder (as satchel, etc.), to carry in a satchel. AI, {a.) salt, {v.) to salt, to be salt. A-lang-in, {adv.) apparently, outwardly, publicly, openly. Alh, is.) a flame, {y.) to flare, to flame, to blaze, to burn. Ama, {pro.) he, his, she, her, it, its, him. Ama-ata, (pro.) his, hers, its. Ama-e-raw-chu, {conj.) nevertheless, still. Ama-in, he himself, she herself, it itself, ofltself. Ama-ta, {pro.) his, hers, its. An, {pro.) they, their. An, \s.) the generic name for all edible leaves, green stuff of any sort. A-na-ran-in , ") . ., . ... A ^ . >• m evervtnmg, upon every occasion, in vain. A-na-zong-in, y . oj r j > An-bong, {s.) a species of sorrel. An' chhe lawh, ") , .. . A , u 1 • , ,' J- Iv. t.) to curse. An chhia lawh, ) ^ ^ An' chhi^ dong, {v.) to be cursed. Ang, {s.) the bosom, the lap, the space between the chin and knees. An^, {v.) to open the mouth, to abuse, to use abusive lan- guage, to nag. Ang, (5.) sort, {a.) like, iv.) to be like. Ang-chuan, [conj.) as if, as though, like as. •♦- Ang dek, {a.) exactly resembling. Ans; em chuan, ) • , ,, 1 • ^ •/• A A . ' > lust as though, lust as if. Ang em in, - ) •" & > J Ang-in, {conj.) as if, as though, like as. Ang lo-vin, [prep.) contrary to. Ang lo, {adi.) unlike. 1^6 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. •J . ^ . ' Must as if, lust as though, just as. Ang reng-in, ) •' ' •' & » j Aug tak na-ngial-ln, just as, exactly as. Ang zel-in, {prep.) in, accordance with, according to, like as. ng ze -cnu , i • ^^ ^^ -r -^ ^^ thoui{h, just as. Ang-zet-in, ) ^ 'J ta > j An'hla, {s.) abusive language, abuse. An-hllng, {s.) the name of a plant with edible leaves, Ani, yes (literally ' it is'). Ani, {pro.) he, she, it. Ani-ang-e, {adv.) perhaps. Ani-lo-leh, {adv.) else, then. Ani-lo-vek leh, {adv.) else. Ani-na-a, {conj.) nevertheless, although this is so. An^tavvb, ) ^ ' Ani-ta, {pro.) his, her, its. An.i-tak-e, so it is, it is really. An-ku, {s.) the name of a tree with edible leaves. An-ma-ni, {pro.) they, there, theiR. An-ma-ni-ta, {pro.) theirs. An-ni, {-pro.) they, their, them. An-ni-ta, {pro.) thiers. An pang-thuam, {s.) the name of plant with edible leaves (when boiled with goat's flesh said to form a poison). An' pui, {s.) a person or thing resembling another. An-sa-pui, J ^^>^ ^-^^ name of an edible plant with yellow flowers. An~sa-le, ) An-ta, {pro.) theirs. An-tam, {s.) a species of mustard plant. An-tam bul bal, {s.) a radish. An-thur, {s.) the name of a large edible plant. An-vai-in, {a.) all. An-za-in, {a.) all. Ao, {v.) to scream, to cry out, to shout. Ao, {v.) to call. Ap, {a.) mouldy, mildewed, {v.) to get mouldy, etc. A-piang, {pro.) whatever, whoever, whomever, as. A-piang-a, 1(^^^.) whenever. A-piang-m, j ^ ^ A pui a pang, {s.) old and young. Ar, {s.) a fowl, Ar, {v.) to spread out (as the hand, etc.,) to open (as a flower, etc.), to diverge (as lines, etc.) PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH, 57 Ar a fang-hma, (s.) the name of a creeper with a cucumber- Ilk e fruit. Ar ci khuan, } (s.) the name of a plant with a sweet smelling Ar a tuk-khuan,j flower. Ar awn rang-ka-chak, (s.) the peacock, Ar chang, (s.) the long feathers in the tail of a cock. Ar chang koi, (a.) curved, (v,) to be curved. Ar chaw, (s.) fowl's food, the name of the insects which make tii£ tar pit a. Ar chhiar, (s.) a small fowl house under the eaves of a Lushai house. Ar chhuang, (j-.) the comb of a cock or hen. Ar dah, (5.) the name of a tree the shoots of which are used as a medicine for toothache, etc. Ar dan' bang, (^.) the name of a partition in a Lushai house. Ar fep, (5.) the long feathers near a cock's tail. Ar hrik, (5.) a louse. Ar hrik reh, (5.) the name of a tree the leaves of which are used to keep avv-ay lice. Ar kai zan, (5-.) the night of the full moon. Ar kal, (?.'.) to walk on the hands. Ar ke bawk, )(-?•) the name of a creeper the root of which Ar ke zung bawk,) is used as a medicine for burns. Ar-la, (5.) a pullet. Ar-mong-holh, (5.) the stick insect. Ar-ngeng, (s-.) the name of a plant, a pimple, a small boil. Ar no, (5.) a chicken. Ar pa, (^.) a cock. Ar pa thei-rawl, (5.) a cockerel. Ar phaw, (^.) the long feathers round a cock's neck which stand ^ out like a shield when angry. Ar pui, (.?.) a full grown hen. Ar-shi, (5.) a star. Ar-shi thlawk, (5,) a shooting star, (7;.) to shoot (as a star). Ar te, (s.) a chicken. Ar tuk-khuan, (^.) the name of a plant with sweet sn:elllng flowers. A-ruk-in, {adv) secretly, on the sly. A/, {a^ cut, reaped, (z;.) to cut, to reap. A-ta, {prep) from. A-ta, (pro) his, hers, its. A-tang-in, {prep) from. A-tawp a-tawp-a, in course of time, in the end, A-thoi-in, {adv.) ambiguously, obscurely. I 58 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. A-tuk-a, the next day. A-vai-in, {a.) all. A-za-in, (a.) all. A-zeng-nge, {pfo.) which ? Aw Aw, (s.) voice, yes. Aw ! an interjection. Aw a chhang, {v.) to be hoarse. Awh, (2;.) to take up room, to occupy space, to seize or possess (as a spirit). Awh zao, (v.) to take up much room. Awh zim, (v.) to take up little room. Aw^, {v.) to hang by the neck or leg. Awk, {s.) the name of a fabulous creature which is supposed to swallow the sun or moon during an eclipse. Aw ka, {s.) the voice. Awk-hlum, {v.t.) to hang. Awk-hrawl, {a.) unreliable, dishonest, hypocritical, {v.) to be unreliable, etc. Awk-in a lem, {v.) to be eclipsed (as sun or moon). Awk lem, (s.) an eclipse. Awk-pa-ka, (s.) the long opening in the bahsclr of a Lushai house, the entrance to a zawlbnk. Awl, iy.) to rest, to have httle to do. Aw-le, {s.) an alligator, a crocodile. Aw-le, all right. Awl-len-lai (or hun), the slack time after the jhhn is cut or when the weeding is over or after harvest. Awm, (^.) the chest, the breast. Awm-khaoh, {a.) burly, well made, {y.) to be burly, etc. Awm ruh, (5.) the breast bone. Awm-vel, {s.) the name of a skin disease. Awn, («.) slanting, lopsided, {adv.) slantingly. Awn-chep, (5.) the name of a tree. Awng, {s,) a hole, an aperture. Awng-phah, {s.) a mattress or anything spread for sleeping on. Awt, (5.) a crab trap. Aw-ze mi, ") Aw-zia, > (5.) a foreigner, one who speaks in a foreign Aw-zia-mi, j tongue. B Ba, (5-.) a tendril. Ba, (5.) credit, {v.) to owe. PART III. — DICTIONARY— LUSHAI -ENGLISH. 59 Ba'bun kho, (s.) the name of a basket. Ba'den'suk, {s.) a wooden pestle for pounding arum bulbs for pigs* food. Ba-hra, (s.) a yam. Ba-hra thlum, (j.) the sweet potato. Bah-zar, (s.) an enclosed verandah at the back of a Lushai house, the platform at the upper end of a sawlbuk. Bai, (^.) lame, (zj.) to be lame, to walk lamely. Bai, iy.) to cook with salt, (.s.) anything cooked with salt. Bai-ba-hlang, (?;.) to hop on one leg. Bai-bing, (.9.) the name of a species of arum. Bak, (^.) the bat. Bak, («.) left unfinished, remaining, left to be done, (t;.) to have on hand (to do, etc.), to have left (to do, etc.) Bak, {s) an elfin lock, hair immediately in front of the ear, mane. Bak-a le'uai, {y) to hang upside down on a horizontal bar, etc. Ba'kang, {s) a species of edible arum. Ba'khik,'(^.) a species of wild arum. Bak-kha-te, (^.) the name of a plant with edible leaves. Bakme;chem,|, . ^^^^^^ Bak me na, ) ^ ' Bai, (^.) dirty, {v^ to be or get dirty. Ba!, (5.) an edible arum bulb and plant. Bai, \adv^ ofT, («.) having a piece off, chipped, (i*.) to be chipped. Bal-hla, {s.) a plantain. Ban, (5.) a post (of house). Ban, (z'.) to reach out the hand, to reach, fo arrive. Ban, («.) sticky, plastic, thick (as liquid), (7;.) to be sticky, etc. Ban, \s^ the arm. Ban-bun, (.y.) a bracelet. Ban-chen, (.?.) a measurement equal to the length of the arm. Ba'ne, (5-.) the young tubers of the arum. Ban^, {v!) to cease, to stop, to hang up (as on a peg, etc.) Bane, (^.) left remaining. Bang, (s.) a wall, a partition. Bang-lai, (6-.) the name of the partition in a Lushai house by the bed. Bang-lai chhung, (^.) the space behind the banglai. Bang-rel, (5.) the framework of the walls of a house, wall battens. Bang-tung, {s.) the perpendicular split bamboos in a mat wall. I 3 6q ' LUSHAl GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Bang-zal, (s.) the horizontal split bamboos in a mat wall. Ban-pawl, (s.) a species of plantain. Ban-phak, {v.) to be able to reach. Ban phar, (s.) the name of a tree. Ban-puam, (s.) the muscle of the upper arm. Ban-pui, (s.) a species of large plantain. Ban-rek, (s.) the wrist. Ban-ria, {s.) a species of small plantain. Ban zai, {v.) to vaccinate. Baoh, (v.) to bark (as a dog), (s.) the bark (of a dog), Ba'pui, (s.) the name of a large edible arum bulb. Bar, (v.) to stuff in the mouth. Bar, {v.) to rest (a bamboo, etc.) against the fork of a tree. Bar-fa-tek, (s.) the name of a bird. Ba-ri, {s.) the parting of the hair. Bari then, (v.) to part the hair. Ba' sal ke, (s.) a species of edible arum. Bat, {v.) to owe. Bat, {tj.) to hook, to catch (as briar), to cast or carry a cloth over the shoulder, to be hooked or caught. Bat-tha, (v.) to adjust a cloth by throwing the ends over the shoulder. Ba-thlar, {s.) the place sheltered by the eaves. Baw, (s.) semen, Baw, (v.) a contracted form of bim. Bawh, {v.) to lean upon, to pounce upon. Bawh-bel, (s.) the beam on the top of the barrier at the entrance of a saivlbiik. Bawh-chhia^, {zk) to break (as a custom or law), to lean upon and break. Bawh-tah, {s.) the name of a certain kind of bamboo plaiting and cloth-weaving. Bawh-tliano-, (5.) the beam on the top of the barrier at the entrance of a sawlbuk. Bawk, {v.) to swell, to come into a bump, {s.) a knot (in wood, string, etc.), an excrescence, a swelling. Bawk, \v.) to tie up anything small in the corner of a cloth. S^^^i^'.A \ (s.) a booth, a hut, a temporary house. Bawk-te, ) ^ ^ \ . Bawl, {s.) to offer a sacrifice outside a village. Bawl-hlo, {s.) the general name for the sacrificial furniture of the Lushais. Bawl-techhe-hnok, (5.) the name of a game played with the koi bean, {v.) to play at the above game. PART III.— DICTIONARY--LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 6l Bawm, (s.) a box, case, basket, a vessel of any kind, a coop. Baww, (v.) to surround, to envelop, to cover (as sores). Baw;;z-khat-luk, (v.) to cover completely (as sores, dust). Bawm-rung, (s.) the name of a basket. Bawm-zo-sa-hnawh, (s.) the name of a game (similar to chess), (v.) to play at the above game. Bawng, a contraction of sebaivng. Bawng, {s.) the name of a bird the male of which is scarlet and the female yellow. Bawng-ek-lir, the same as paiiong-ek-lir. Bawng-khalh, | .. ^ ^^^j^^j^ ^^ cow-driver. Bawng-pu, ) Bawng-tuh-thlawh, (5.) a large hoe, a kodali. Bavvr, {$,) a bunch, a cluster. Be, (z;,) to bleat. Be, (s.) the generic name for different species of beans. Be, a contracted form of hiak. Be-ai-thang, (5.) the name of a wild fowl trap. Beh, (•y.) to wear in the ear. R^"h/^"^' [ ^^'^ ^^^^ names of species of beans. Bei, {y>i to do, to assault, to be engaged in doing anything, to begin, to appeal to (as in a lawsuit). Bei, {y!) to stick, to adhere. Bei-shei, (2^.) to expect, think, consider, hope. Bek, (5-.) the side of the head. Be-kang, (5.) the name of a bean. Be-kar, (5.) a coolie, servant, workman. Bek-bor, (.?.) the side of the head. Bel, {y. t.) to stick on (as paper, plaster, etc.), to plaster, to patch. Bel, {s.) a pot, a utensil. Bel, (7;.) to depend upon. Be-leoh, {y.) to yelp as a dog. Belh- hh h I ^^"^ ^° ^^^ ^^' ^° i°^"' ^^ ^^^'^^^ ^^^ ranks by joining^ Bel-kang, {v,) to become dry, as a scratch when healing. Bel-lei, (5.) clay. Bel-raang, (5.) soot caused by the action of fire on pots, etc. Bel-phuar, (5.) the name of a tree. Bel-thleng, (5.) the name of a kind of saucer to cover pets. Bel-vua-tu, ) / \ Bel-vua^ thiam, \ ^''^ ^ 1^°^^^^' Beng, (5.) the ear, the handle (of cup, etc.), the eye (of a needle). 62 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Beng, {v.) to press in (as salt in a measure), to blow (as wind the flames). Ben^, (v.) to clap, to slap, to pat. Beng-beh, {s.) a woman's earring. Beng-bung, {s.) a Lushai dulcimer made of wood. Beng-chuii, {s.) the priming of a gun, {v.) to prime a gun. Beng-chhen^, {s.) a disturbance, a row, a noise, {v.) to make a noise, etc. Beng-chhet, {a.) deaf, {v.) to be deaf. Beng-chhu/-ngon^, {v.) to pretend not to hear. Beng kherh, (5.) otorrhoea, {v.) to have otorrhoea. Beng-lut, ") .. interesting. Beng-lut-zawng, ) ^ ' ^ Beng-ngon^, {a.) deaf, hard of hearing, {v.) to ^e deaf, etc. Beng-thek, [s.) cymbals, a signal made of a split bamboo to give warning of the approach of an enemy, a bamboo cut so as to make a clapping noise to keep time when treading out grain. Beng-tla-lo, (a,) cruel, stupid, vicious, bad, (v.) to be cruel, etc. Beng-var, {a.) clever, enlightened, wise, sharp, quick of hearing, {v.) to keep a good look-out, to be clever, etc. Ben'hon'silai, (5.) a snider rifle. Ben-von, (5.) the name of a basket. Be-pui, "^ Be-pui-Iei, f / N ^^g names of various kinds of beans. Be-pui-sa-ril, v "^ Be-pui-shen, J Ber, a superlative adjective particle, (adv.) very, most. Beram, (5.) a sheep. Beram-hmul, {s.) wool. Beram-huang, v^.) a sheep-fold. Beram-no, {s.) a lamb. Beram-pa, (s.) a ram. Beram-pu, (5.) a shepherd. Beram-pui, [s.) a ewe. Beram-vengtu, (s.) a shepherd. Be-raw, (5.) the name of a tree, a kind of resin. Ber-bek, (5.) a burr. Berh-bu, (s.) a bowl. Be-ru, {v.) to whisper to, to speak secretly to. Be-rul, (5.) the snake-gourd {tricJwsajithes a^iguind), Be-sal, Is.) a small undeveloped bean in the pod. Bet, an afhx signifying to hold or keep down, {v.) to stick, to adhere. PART III. — DICTIONARY— LUSHAl - ENGLISH. 63 Be-te, (s.) the name of a bean. Bi, {s.) the keys of any musical instrument. Bia^, (v.) to speak to, to speak, to propose (for marriage), to offer a sacrifice to. Bial, {a.) round, spherical, square, {adv.) spherically. Biang, {s,) the cheek, the side post of a door. Biang, {s.) a flying squirrel. Biang-boh, {s.) the mumps, {v.) to have mumps. Biang-chhu, ) / x ^^ 1 D- 1 u c \s-) a dimple. Biang-khuar, ) ^ ' ^ Bih, {V.) to look into, to spy into, to look at, to examine. Bih-thla, {v.) to look into on the sly. Bik, {adv.) more than others, specially, (a.) special. Bil, {a.) blunt, {v.\io be blunt. Bil, {s.) the name of a tree. Bil-baw-lawk, {s.) a knot, {v.) to tie a knot (in a single piece of string, etc.) Bilh, {a.) sprained, {v.) to be sprained. Bin, {y.) to throw over the head (as an antagonist in wrestling). Bing, {a.) isolated. Bing, {s.) one of the stomachs of a ruminating animal. Bing-bi-let, (z^.) to turn over lengthways, to turn a somersault, {adv.) head over heels. Bir, {adv.) vertically, perpendicularly, {a.) vertical, etc. Bi-ru, {v.) to conceal or hide one's self. Bo, {a.) lost, {v.) to be lost, {adv.) away. Boih, {s.) a slave, a retainer. Bok, (adv.) indeed, also, in a way. Bok, {v.) to lie down (as animals), to recline with the head raised. Bok-bawn, {s.) the egg fruit, brinjal. Bok-khup-in, {adv.) forward, on the face. Bok-phek, {v.) to crouch. Bok-vak, {v.) to crawl. Bol, {s.) a pimple, {v.) to have pimples. Bol-hlawh, {s.) dirt, mire, filth, [a.) dirty, unclean (for sacrifice or food), {v.) to be dirty, etc. Bol-hlawh-dur, {s.) a rubbish heap. Bon, {a.) dense (with undergrowth), {v.) to be dense. Bop, (s.) a leg, the hind leg of an animal. Bop-khaw-kherh-in thu, {v.) to sit crosslegged. Bop-pui, {s.) the claw (of a crab), the hind leg (of locusts, etc.) Bor, {a.) a contracted form of buar. Bo-ral, {v.) to be ruined, to be completely lost, to cease to exist, to come to nought, to perish. 64 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Bo-ral-thei, {a.) perishable. Bor-shom, {a.) unhealthy, (v.) to be in bad health. Bo-ruak, (s.) the air, the atmosphere. Bu, (v.) to bellow, to low. Bu, {s.) a nest, a bunch, a cluster. Buai, {v.) to be confused, to be muddled, to be in an uproar, to clamour. Buai-thlak, (a.) confusing, muddling. Busik, [v.) to be spilled, to pour out, to fall upon (as little pieces from the roof, &c.) Bual, {v.) to bathe, to wallow. Buan-chak-hlo, {s.) the name of a weed. Buang, [a.) buff coloured. Buar, (s.) the generic name for the thistle family, Buar, {a.) swollen, bloated in the face (through sickness), (v.) to be swollen, etc. Buar-pui, (s.) the fan palm, also a large species of screw pine. Buat-saih, (v.) to prepare, to get ready. Buh, {s.) rice. Buh-bial, (5'.) the name of a species of rice. Buh-bih, {s.) a small hole made in the ground for planting ric^ Buh-chang-kuang, (5.) a small flute made of straw played by Lushai girls. » Buh-chi-um, (5.) a chrysalis. Buh-fai, (s.) cleaned rice. Buh-hawp, (s,) rice water, rice cooked very soft. Buh-hmui, {s.) the name of a species of rice. Buh hum, (s,) unhusked rice. Buh kem, (s,) small species of broken rice produced by the process of pounding. Buh la^', {v.) to gather in the harvest. Buh sa-nghar, (s.) the name of a species of rice. Buh shen^, {v.) to gather in the harvest. Buh tlei, (5.) a piece of bamboo used for stirring cooking rice. Buh-tun, (s.) millet. Buh vorh, •(^.) to toss, to gamble, {s.) the name of a game similar to knucklebones. Buh zam, (s.) the name of a species of rice. Bui, {a.) bloated or flabby in the face (through sickness), swollen (through crying), {v.) to be bloated, etc. Bui, {s.) the bamboo rat. Bui-biang, (5.) the name of a plant with convolvulus-like flowers. Bui-ke-lek, (5.) the mole. Bui-luang-par, (s.) the hoary bamboo rat {rhisomys pruiiiosus). PART in. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH, 65 Bui-lu-kham, (5.) the Indian rhododendron {melastroma malabath- ricuni), D.,: -..: /-N/.t- 11 t ^, , ' hisomys eyythrogenys). somys badius). 36 dishevelled, etc. • or foot (of tree), the )ff. »m to rely, to have a ei. rely or fall back upon. )lame of anything, to quences or blame of be rough, etc. c), to encircle, in pieces, (7;.) to cut tree. "'^ tc.) lold of the knees. 1 to scare away bears, : of which intoxicates, •J v'y •■'wi...»\j.| <>w<^tkv.>ii «^iv/cii. 64 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Bo-ral-thei, (a.) perishable. Bor-shom, [a.) unhealthy, (v.) to be in bad health. Bo-ruak, {s.) the air, the --^tmn^nhpTf-. Bu, (v.) to bellow, to lo Bu, {s.) a nest, a bunch, Buai, {v.) to be confused clamour. Buai-thlak, (a.) confusir Bua^', (7;.) to be spilled, from the roof, &c.) Bual, (v.) to bathe, to w Buan-chak-hlo, (5.) the Buang, (a.) buff coloure Buar, [s.) the oreneric m Buar, {a.) swollen, bloat be swollen, etc. Buar-pui, (s.) ihe fan pa Buat-saih, (v.) to prepar Buh, {s.) rice. Buh-bial, {s.) the name ■■ ^^ ^,^ Buh-bih, {s.) a small hoi \^ '0 • Buh-chang-kuang, (5.) '" ^ Lushai girls. * » ^ Buh-chi-um, (s.) a chry h^ I '_' ^s;^j Buh-fai, (s.) cleaned rice ^J } ^ Buh-hawp, (s.) rice watf ,^ j ♦f Buh-hmui, {s.) the name g ^ ['' Buh hum, (5.) unhusked Buh kem, (s.) small spe of pounding. ^ » • Buh lal', (2^.) to gather '"^ : ^ Buh sa-nghar, (s.) the r Buh shen^, {v.) to gath 3 Buh tlei, (5.) a piece of I ^ Buh-tun, (5.) millet. S Buh vorh,<2;.) to toss, g _; to knucklebones. Buh zam, (s.) the namf Bui, (a.) bloated or flat (through crying), {v Bui, {s.) the bamboo ra Bui-biang, (s.) the nam Bui-ke-lek, (5.) the mol Bui-luang-par, {s.) the u^^ ^ .V X* i;« ' ."If ^ ^ 'H 0) L^ -'■' a t) hO^ 1.^:5 •'(•> uo cn :/•> (25 CO '^ 00 CO /~» c;> PART in.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 6:; Bui-lu-kham, ricuni). (5.) the Indian rhododendron {inelastroma malahath- 'hisomys eyythrogenys). somys badius). ;4 n Xi 25 H (A I •H 3? C0 c3 > S5 .»«» ^ H O u DC dishevelled, etc. • or foot (of tree), the )ff. »m to rely, to have a ei. rely or fall back upon. )lame of anything, to quences or blame of be rough, etc. 1 r? iO to r» ?7> W en !3 rTi rrs CO CC ^ CO •oD ct, "H ^ r-» *-i t-< «H ^ I^ C^ cr c^ 1 J \--y •-w......,^.| fiwtiv^ii viwbii. c), to encircle, in pieces, (7;.) to cut ( tree. ge. tc.) lold of the knees. 1 to scare away bears, : of which intoxicates, K 64 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Bo-ral-thei, {a.) perishable. Bor-shom, [a.) unhealthy, (v.) to be in bad heahh. Bo-ruak, (s.) ihe air, the -f^^.-vo^'-i^^'-^ Bu, (v.) to bellow, to lo Bu, (s.) a nest, a bunch Buai, (v.) to be confusec clamour. Buai-thlak, (a.) confusii Bua^, {v.) to be spilled, from the roof, &c.) Bual, (v.) to bathe, to v Buan-chak-hlo, (5.) the Buang, (a,) buff coloure Boar, {s.) the generic n; Buar, {a.) swollen, bloai be swollen, etc. Buar-pui, (5.) the fan pi Buat-saih, {v.) to prepa^ Buh, {s.) rice. Buh-bial, [s.) the name Buh-bih, (5.) a small ho Buh-chang-kuang, (5.) Lushai girls. Buh-chi-um, (s.) a chry Bah-fai, (5.) cleaned ric Buh-hawp, (s.) rice wat Buh-hmui, (5.) the nam Buh hum, (5.) unhuskei Buh kem, (s.) small spt of pounding. Buh la^, {v.) to gather Buh sa-nghar, (s.) the Buh shen^, {v.) to gatl Buh tlei, (5.) a piece oi Buh-tun, (s.) millet. Buh vorh,-(^.) to toss, to knucklebones. Buh zum, (s.) the nam Bui, (a.) bloated or fla' (through crying), {d Bui, {s.) the bamboo n Bui-biang, (s.) the nan Bui-ke-lek, (5.) the mo Bui-luang-par, (5.) the PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 65 Bui-lu-kham, {s.) the Indian rhododendron (melastroma malabath- rtciwt). Bui-pui, (^.) the red cheeked bamboo rat {rhisomys erythrogenys), Bui-shen, [s.) the chestnut bamboo rat {rhisomys badius). Buk, (7;.) to nod (the head). Buk, {y.) to weigh, (5.) a seer, two pounds. Buk, {V.) to tip up. Buk, (^.) a temporary house, a booth. Buk, {a.) dishevelled, rough, bushy, {v.) to be dishevelled, etc. Buk khai-na, j ^ ^ ^^^,^ ^^,^^^g Buk-na, } Bui, (5.) cause, beginning, the root, stump or foot (of tree), the lower end (as of stick, post, etc.) Bui, {a.) having the top or head off, {adv.) ofT. Bui, {s.) the name of a durable tree. Bui a tha, {v.) to have someone upon whom to rely, to have a powerful ally. Bul-bal, {s.) a bulb, a tuber. Bul-bal nei, {a.) bulbous, {y.) same as bul nei. Bul-bawk, {s.) a bulb, a tuber. Bul-bawk nei, («.) bulbous. Bul-lut, (5.) the Imperial^Dlgeon. Bul-nei, {v.) to have someone upon whom to rely or fall back upon. Bul tum, {v.) to bear the consequences or blame of anything, to offer or to be ready to bear the consequences or blame of anything. Bum, {v.) to cheat, to deceive. Bum-boh, (a.) rough, rugged, uneven, {y.) to be rough, etc. Bum-ro, {v.) to hinder. Bum thlai, (v.) to deceive. Bun, (7/.) to lie in ambush, to ambush. Bun, {v.) to pour out, to empty out. Bun, iy.) to put on or wear (as ring, boots, etc.), to encircle. Bung, {s.) a portion, a part, a chapter, {adv.) in pieces, (7;.) to cut or chop in pieces. . Bung, {s.) the name of a species of Indian fig tree. Bung-rua, (5.) baggage, things, goods, luggage. Bur, {v.) to pierce, to stick in (as an arrow, etc.) Bur, {s.) a gourd, a vessel. Bur-chhe-lan, {v.) to swim or float, catching hold of the knees. Buruk, (-?.) a contrivance worked by the wind to scare away bears, etc. from dijhilm. Bu-thuai-rara, {s.) the name of a tree the fruit of which intoxicates, Bu-tu-puan, {s.) flannel, woollen cloth. K 66 LUSHAl GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ch. Cha-bet, (5.) a burr. Chah, (7^) to commission to tell, to ask to communicate, to ask to inform, to send for. Chah, (z;,) to bait, (5.) a bait. Chai, (5.) the name of a dance, (7;.) to engage In the above dance. Chai, (•y.) to romp, to play. Chai-che', (5.) tongs, pincers, tweezers. Chal-chim, (5.) a mouse. Chaih, {y?\ to chase as the Lushals do a gayalh^iox^ killing, etc. (A number of men have hold of one end of the rope by which it is secured and drive it about from place to place with much shout- Chak, {y.) to want, to like, to be fond of (especially of eatables), to long for. Chak, [a.) strong (physically), fast, swift, {adv.), fast, swiftly, {v.) to be strong. Chak-ai, (.s\) a crab. Chak-ai fu, {s.) the name of a small edible plant. Chak-khai, (9.) use, purpose, reason, a necessity, a requisite. Chak-khal-zawng, {s.) anything necessary or requisite. Chak lo, {a.) weak, {adv.) in a weakly manner, slowly, {v.) to be w^eak, Cha-kok, {s.) a brake fern. Chal, {s.) the forehead. Chal, affix denoting the masculine gender. Chal- ki-khat, (5.) a rhinoceros, the name of an Insect. Chal-lang, {v) to be popular, {a.) popular. Chal-te, {s.) the name of a species of bamboo. Chal-tlai, {a.) conceited, boastful, {v.) to be conceited, etc., {adv.) conceitedly, etc. Cham, (<^.) liat, lev^el. Cham, {v.) to remain in a place over a day and night, to sojourn. Cham-phai-thel, {s.) a species of bilberry. Cham-pha-phak, {s.) anniversary. Chan, {v ) lo lose (as by death, fire, raid, etc.), to be deprived of. Chan, {s.) lot, portion, luck, share. Chan, {v.) to cut up, to slice up. Chan, [v.) to make, convert or fashion Into. Chan-ai,_(5.) a portion, a share. Chan-chin, {s.) news. Chang, {v.) to change Into, to become. Chang, {s.) the long feathers of a bird's tall. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH, 67 (^hang, (a.) hard, (not soft), ripe, mature, {v.) to be hard, rlpC; etc. Chan^, {v.) to receive as a share or portion. Chang, {adv.) freely, without fear. Chang, {v.) to watch for, to waylay, to lie in wait, to lie in ambush. Chang, {s.) a joint (as of fingers, bamboo, etc.), a verse of a song. Chang, [v.) to warp. Chang chang, {adv.) a little, slightly. Chang chang-in, {adv.) occasionally, sometimes. Chang-dam, {s.) the name of a cane. Chang-el, (5.) the wild plantain, sometimes used of cultivated plantains also. Chang-hnih chen, {s.) a measurement^ the distance from the tip of first finger to the second joint. Chang-kel, {s.) the fruit of the wild plantain. Chang kha, (5.) a vegetable {momordica car ant ia). Chang-khat chen, {s.) a measurement, the distance from the tip of first finger to the first joint. Chang-kor, {s.) stag moss. Chang-lak-chen, {s.) a measurement, the distance from the tip of first finger to the middle of the second joint. Chang-long, {s.) the heart of the plantain tree used as food. Chang-man, {s.) a species of rice, used for making beer and spirits. Chang-pat, {s.^ a worm. Chan^-tir, {v. t.) to alter, to transform. Chang tum, {v.) to whistle with the knuckle in the mouth. Chan-hrang. {s) a portion, a share. Chan-ve, (s ) a half, half-way. Chan-vo, {s.) a portion, a share. Chao, {v.) to be exhausted, to be tired out. Chaoh, {a.) only, alone. Chap, is.) a CMijhihn before burning. Chap-char, {v.) to complete, to finish cutting a jlium, (5.) a cut jliiim before burning. Chap-char kut, {s.) the name of a Lushai feast after the cutting of jimins. Cha-po, {a.) proud, {v.) to be proud. Char, {a.) dry, parched, {v.) to dry, to be dry, etc. Char, (v.) to stick. Char, {v.) to keep, to detain, to keep hold of. Char, (s.) the name of a tree. Char, [v.) to hold out at arm's length, to straighten the arm. K 2 68 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Char-na, (s.) glue, gum, paste. Char chilh, {v.) to keep, to detain, to keep hold of. Chat, (v.) to break (as a rope). Chat, («.) chapped, (v.) to be chapped, to have a corn. Cha-tuan, (a.) ancient, eternal. Cha-tuan-a, j {adv.) for ever, from the beginning, from time Cha-tuan-in, ) immemorial, eternally. Chaw, (s.) cooked rice, food. Chaw-bel hmin lai, (s.) a measure of time equal to about one hour (literally, the time it takes for a pot of rice to cook). Chaw-fak, (5.) the midday meal, noon, {v.) to eat the midday meal. Chaw-fak lai (or hun), (s.) midday, the time of the midday meal. Chawh, {v.) to ssrve one right. Chaw-hma, (s.) morning, forenoon. Chaw-hma ban, 1 ^^, .^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ,^ journey. Chaw-hma kal-na chen, 3 ^ ^ ^ -J •' Chaw-hmeh, (5.) meat, vegetables, or anything eaten with rice. Chaw-hnu, (5.) afternoon. Chawh- tolh, (5.) the name of a wooden basin for drawing beer in. Chawk, {adv.) generally, as a rule. Chaw/^, {v.) to buy. Chaw-ke, {s.) the name of a lizard, a gecko. Chawl, {v.) to rest. Chawm, {v) to feed, to tend, to support. Chawmhlum, {v.) to support a person for life. Chawm-zil, {s.) the name of a flowering tree. Chawn, {s.) cotton rolled ready for spinning. Chawn, {s.) the calf of the leg. Chawn zial, {s.) a kind of blind known in India as a ' chick,' a mat made of thin strips of wood, used for wrapping rolled cotton in. Chaw-puan, (5.) the name of a Poi cloth. Che, {v.) to move. Che, {pyo.) to thee, from thee, for thee, thee. Cheh-rep, {s.) the name of a trap which crushes its victims. Chei, {v.) to tidy, to make or put tidy, to repair. Chei-mo% {v.) to beautify, to adorn. Chek, {v.) to chop (with an axe), to hoe. Chek-sholh, {v.) to treat with contempt. PART HI.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 69 Chelh, (v.) to grasp, to hold, to detain, to restrain, to seize or possess (as a spirit). Che-io-vin, {adv.) without moving, molionlessly. Chem, (5.) the Lushai chopper, a bill-hook, dao, etc. Chem a kal, {v.) to be uneven (as the edge of dao). Chem hrat-in, {adv.) by violence, by force of arms. Chem-i, {s.) a pet name for a little girl. Chem-kal, {a.) fortunate in war, {v.) to be fortunate in war. Chem-shei, (s.) a sword. Chem-te, (5.) a knife. Chem-te, (5.) a pet name for a little girl. Cheng, (s.) the lock (of a gun). Cheng, {s.) a rupee. Chen^, {v.) to stop, to continue, to remain. Cheng-kek, {s.) the name of a tree with an edible fruit. Cheng-kol, (5.) the name of awatersnail. Chen' pui, {v.) to adopt, to keep (as a dog, boy, etc.), to entertain, to receive as a guest, {s.) a guest. Che/>, {v.) to nip, to clip. Chep, {a.) small, cramped for room, {v.) to be small, etc. Che-pa, {s.) the name of a squirrel. Che/ chhum, {v.) to cut (with scissors). Cher, {a.) thin, lean, {v.) to be thin, etc. Che/, {v.) to do, to act, to work, to perform. Chet zia, {s.) works, actions, deeds. Che-u, {pro.) you, to you, from you, for you. Chhah, (a.) thick (as wood, etc.), {v.) to be thick. Chhaih, {v.) to tease. Chhak, {v.) to spit. Chhak-a, {adv. and prep.) above, higher up. Chhak -lam., (5-.) the east. Chhak-lam-a, {adv. and prep.) above, higher up. Chhal, {v.) to ask for an explanation of conduct, to question, to cross-examine. Chhal dang, {v.) to confute, to refute. Chham, {v.) to run short of anything, to lack. Chham-ek, {s.) the reddish deposit found at the bottom of some pools, or where water has run. Chham phual, {v.) to supplicate, to pray, to repeat a prayer. Chhan, {v.) to help, to rescue. Chhan, object for, object of, reason for, reason of, meaning of. Chhan-chhuai, {v.) to rescue. Chhan-dam, {v.) to rescue, to save. Chhan^, {v.) to answer, to reply, to accept. ^O LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Chhang, (s.) bread. Chhang-bung, (s.) a brotheror sister next in age to one's self, either older or younger. Chhang-chhe-pa (or nu), {s.) a man (or woman) encumbered with children. Chhang-chhiaz', (v.) to be encumbered with a family. Chhang fun, {s.) a loaf, a kind of ground rice dumpling. Chhang hem-ro, (s.) toasted bread, toast, (v.) to toast bread. Chhang-m, {prep.) instead of. Chhang-khei, {s.) the name of a large squirrel. Chhang koi, {v.) to give an exasperating answer. Chhang per, {s.) a pancake, a chapati, a loaf. Chhang phut, {s.) flour. Chhan him, {v.) to rescue, save. Chhar, {v.) to find, to pick up. Chhawh-chhi, {s.) a species of sesamum. Chhawk, {adv.) in turns, {v.) to relieve of. Chhawl, {s.) a broken off branch or twig. Chhawn, {s.) a tuft of goat's hair dyed red, worn suspended round the neck as a charm. Chhawn, {y.) to reply, to answer. p, , C {s.) a head-dress made of tufts of goat's hair rVih ' (\ ^ ] dyed r(id, worn by men who have taken ' (. heads in war. Chhawn-tual, {s.) the name of a tree. Chhawng, {s.) a storey, a tier, {adv.) in storeys, in tiers, one above another, from one to another (in succession). Chhawng hnot, {s.) the name of a feast, {y.) to keep the above feast. Chhe-chham, {v.) to take an oath. Chhe har, {a.) durable. Chhek, {v.) to bring by instalments or by degrees. Chhek-khawm, (7;.) to collect or put together in one place. Chhek in, [s.) a house for storing rice. Chhel, {a.) brave or patient under suffering, {y.) to be inured to, to endure patiently. Chhem, {v.) to kindle, to blow (with the mouth). Chhem-thei, {s.) a hollow tube or bamboo used for blowing a fire. Chhep, {v.) to pile up, to stack up, to build (as a bird its nest). Chher, (?;.) to forge, to sculpture. Chher-chhuan, {v.) to put one on top of another, to put on top. Chhe/, a contracted form of chliia. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. Jl Chhe tak-in ti, {v.) to treat badlv, to do badly. Chhi, (c'.) to carry (a lamp, torch, etc.) Chhia, (a.) bad, nasty, ugly, spoiled, old, degraded (in rank or power), (v.) to be bad, etc. Chhia chham, (v.) to take an oath. Chhiah, (s.) a butt (for ridicule, etc ) Chhiah, (^.) atax, (z'.) to make an offering to the spirit of one departed. Chhiah, (v.) to leave as a heritage. Chhiah-hlawh, (s,) a servant. Chhiah-hlawh pui, (s.) a fellow servant. Chhiah khon tu, (s.) a tax collector. Chhiah khua, (s.) a tributary state or village. Chhiar,' (5.) a small fowl house "under the eaves of a Lushai house. Chhiar, (v.) to count, to reckon, to read, to price, to ask a price. Chhiar, ") , x Chhiar in, 1 ('•) ^ g''^"^->'- Chhiat, the same as chhia. Chhia-tha, {a.) delicate, (7;.) to be delicate. Chhiat-shan, {y,) to make grimaces at. Chhiat tawk, \v.) to meet with misfortune. Chhi bung, (j-.) a species of sesamum. Chhih hri, (^.) a sieve, a strainer. Chhim, (v.) to partake (of another's food). Chhiin, (.?.) the south. Chhim-bal, (5.) a rainbow. * Chhim-buk, (5.) an owl. Chhim-buk shial ki, (.?.) the horned owl. Chhim-chhak, (.y.) the south-east. Chhim-hruk, (5.) the name of a tree the juice of which is used for japanning. Chhim-kel lek, (.?.) the tamarind. Chhim-tai-vang, (5.) the name of an ant. Chhim-thlang, (.s.) the south-west. Chhim-tir, (.s.) a n^iusk rat. Chhin, (.5.) a lid, a stopper, a cover, a cork, {y,^ to close, to shut, to stopper, to cork. Chhin, (2;.) to try. Chhin-chhiah, (7'.) to mark, to count, to fix in the mind, to take special notice of so as to remember, {s.) a mark, a sign. Chhin-chhiah-na, (s.) a mark, a sign. 72 LUSHAl GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Chhing, (v.) to shut (as the eye). Chhing, (a.) short (as a coat, rope, etc.), looped up, taut, (v.) to be short, etc. Chhin-khai, (s.) the lid of a woman's pipe. Chhin-na, (s.) a lid, a stopper, a cover, a cork. Chhin-up, {v.) to put a lid on (a pot when boiling to keep the steam in), to stopper or close (to prevent the contents from spurting out). Chhip, (s.) the top (of head, peak, etc.), summit, apex. Chhip chhua^, (v.) to abuse by bringing up a person's evil deeds or those of his ancestors. Chhip chhuan_^, (v.) to carry or put on the head. Chhi-pui, (s.) a species of sesamum. Chhip zawn, (s.) a measure, a conical heap of rice, etc., the apex of which will be level with the crown of an ordinary sized man's head. Chhir, (v.) to kick, to kick against. Chhi-ria, ") Chhi-rial, > (s.) different species of sesamum. Chhi-riat, ) ^, ,.*,?' • . > the Lushal call for a cat. Chhi-te nai nai, ) Chho, (v.) to ascend, to be steep (upwards), (a.) steep (upwards), {adv.) up. Chho ha vei, {s.) debility, loss of strength, {y.) to be debilitated, etc. Chho-he, (5.) the name of a tree. Chho-hrei-vung, (5.) part of the constellation of Orion. Chhok, {v.) to toss from a sieve. Chhok-hlei, {s.) the rhododendron. Chhok-olh, {a.) bent, crinkled, {v.) to be bent, etc. Chhom-dawl, {y.) to aid, to assist (as in work, food, etc.) Chhon^, {y.) to face, to turn towards, to have the front towards. Chhop, {v.) to bring by degrees or by Instalments. Chhor, {y.) to make use of, to use, to make (anything) pay. Chho-tung-tu-rut, {a.) very steep (upwards). Chhu, {v.) to notch. Chhu, {s.) the vulva. Chhuah, {v.) to make or convert into. Chhuah-chhal, {y.) to question, to cross-examine, to ask for an explanation of conduct. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI- ENGLISH. 73 Chhua/', (v.) to free, to let go, to release, to_ come cr go out, to disembark, to oiiginate, to come to light, to start (on a journey), to make into, to become, to finish, to feel (as in ka milt a chhuak — I feel sleepy), {adv.) out. Chhua^'-tir, {v.) to put out, to eject, to let go. Chhuan, {s.) a generation, an offspring, a meal. Chhuang, {v.) to put on top of. Ghhuang, {v.) to be proud of, to be pleased with. Chhuan lam, {s.) an excuse, {v.) to make an excuse. Chhuan lam nei, {v.) to make an excuse. Chhuar, (.9.) the name of a shelf in a Lushai house. Chhuar-pui, {s.) the name of a shelf on the rafters. Chhuat, {s.) the floor. Chhuh, {v.) to snatch away, to take away from. Chhu hur, {s.) a fornicatress. Chhuh sak, {;u.) to snatch away, to take away from. Chhui, {v.) to track, to trace. Chhuih, {v.) to kick, to kick against. Chhuk, {v.) to descend, to go down hill, (a.) steep (downwards), {adv.) down, downwards, down hill. Chhul, (5.) the afterbirth^ the womb. Chhul khat kual pui, {s.) children of the same mother, Chhum, {s.) cloud, fog, mist. Chhum, {v.) to cook, to boil, to distil. Chhum, {v.) to be severed, {adv.) off, apart, Chhum a zing, {v.) to become foggy or misty. Chhun, {s.) day time. Chhun, {v.) to take after, to resemble (parents, etc.) Chhun, {v.) to stab, to spear, to prick, to pierce, to shine Into or upon. Chhun, {v.) to reach as far as, to go to (as a road, telegraph wire, etc.) Chhun, even then, even when, even what, even those, etc., as much as, such as. Chhun-duk, {s.) a box (same as siimduk), Chhung, {s.) the same as chhilng-te. Chhun^, {v.) to cast (as metal), to pour in or out, {a.) cast (as iron, etc.) Chhung, {s.) the inside (of anything). Chhung-a, {prep.) within, inside, in. Chhung-chhun, {v.) to enter a house and kill its occupants. Chhung-in, {conj.) as long as, all the time. Chbun^-kha/, {v.) to make an embankment, to fill in, to fill up, {s.) an embankment, a raised road. L 74 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Chhung-mu, {s.) a kernel. Chhung-nung, (a.) inner. Chhung-nung ber, (a.) innermost. Chhung-phum, (s.) a lining. Chhung pui, (s.) the inner room of a chief's house. Chhung te, {s.) family, household, near relations. Chhung-zong, {conj.) as long as, all the time. Chhun-kal, {v.) to prop up. Chhun pelh, {v.) to pass through a village without putting up for the night. Chhun-zom, (v.) to continue doing anything. Chi, (5.) salt. Chi, (5.) clan, caste, sort, seed. Chiah, {v.) to put in water, etc., to soak, to dip. Chiah pil, {v.) to immerse. Chi-ai, {v.) to be at a loss what to do, to get excited or confused, to lose one's presence of mind. Chiam, {adv.) hard, with one's might, vehemently. Chiang, {a.) correct, proper, {adv.) correctly, properly. Chiao, {a.) wet and dirty, thin, watery, (z;.) to be wet and dirty, etc. Chiar, {s.) the name of a creeper. Chiat, {adv.) then, as in 7iangma kal chiat ;'^^=then go your- self {i.e.^ since you forgot to send the man), the same as tal. Chi-bai buk, (5.) a salute, a salaam^ {v.) to salute, to salaam* Chi-bai buk na, (^.)fa present. Chi-cha, (5.) the indigo plant {indigofera tuictoria), Chi chal, (5.) the name of a kind of Lushai salt. Chih, (2;.) to put on thatch, or roofing of any kind. Chik, \v.) to spurt out. Chik, (y.) to cut open (bamboos) and split them for matting, to pit, to dent, to chip, {a^ pitted, spotted, covered with small holes. Chik, {v.) to squeak. Chi khawn, {s,) a cake of salt. Chi khawn phel, half ( of moon). Chi khur, (s.) a salt spring. Chil, {s.) spittle, saliva. Chil, {v.) to trample under foot, to tread out (as grain), to tread or stamp upon, to throng. Chil a phuan, (z;.) to foam at the mouth. Chil bual, {v.) to trouble, to interrupt. Chil chhak, {v.) to spit. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI -ENGLISH. 75 1 Chil chik, (v.) to spit through the teeth. Chilh, (v.) to pinch, to squeeze, to jam, to button, to tie, to fasten. Chilh-na, (s.) a button, a fastening. Chil phuan, (s.) foam (of mouth). Chil phuan, a tla | , >^ ^^ f^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^h. Chil phuan a chhuak, ) ^ ^ Chil pik, (z;.) to spit through the fingers. Chim, (v.) to collapse, to fall down. Chim, {v.) to submerge, to crowd round. Chim-chok, (5.) the name of a tree. Chim-hruk, (s.) see chhim-hruk. Chi-mit, {v.) to die out (as a race, etc.), to become extinct. Chim-om, {y.) to be a nuisance. Chin, {conj.) since, as far as. Na-chin, where as in 'I do not know where it Is,' 'a oni'na' chin ka lire lo.^) Ni-chin, how many days. Tarn chin, how many, \ sane construction as above. Hla-chin, how far, Chin-a, {conj. and adv.) since, after, as far as, up to. Chi-nai, {s.) lime. Chi-nai lung, {s.) limestone. Ching, (/J.) barren, impotent, childless, {v.) to be barren, etc. Ching, [v.) to plant, to sow, to be in the habit of using, etc. Ching-al, (5.) potash, lye. Ching-chip, {s.) the name of a large black spider. Ching-hiiia, } ^^'^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^"^"^^ dhola), Ching-pir-i-nu, {s.) the name of a large owl. Chip, {adv.) finely, in small pieces, to powder. Chip, {v.) to shut, to close (as a cut, mouth, etc.) Chip, (5.) the name of a small bird. Chip-chiar, {v,) to grumble, to find fault with, {a.) grumpy, grumbling. Chi pui, {s.) the name of a kind of Lushai salt. Chir chir, {v.) the Lushai call for fowls. Chirh-dawt, {s.) a snipe. Chirh-diak, (5.) mud, mire, {a.) muddy, {(i.) to be muddy. Chirh-dup, {s.) a bog, {a.) boggy. Chi-ri chi-ri, the Lushai call for fowls. Chi-thlah, (5.) posterity, a descendant. Chi-thlum, {s,) sugar. Chiu, {v.) to prick, to stab. L2 76 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. CW 'w h C ^^^ Lushai call for a dog, Cho, (v.) to dig a hole. Cho-ak, (s.) a crow. Cho-ak thi, {s.) the name of a plant. Choi, (v.) to carry or nurse (as a baby), to lift, to draw (water), to pay a fine or tax, to take or give as a name. Choi, {s.) a post (of a fence). Choi-moi, {v.) to exalt, to promote, to glorify. Choi-te bring, {s.) the name of a small bead. Choi-tir, {v.) to fine, to tax, to levy a tax. Chok, {v. tr!) to stir. Chok buai, {v.) to stir up, to cause a disturbance. Chok-chaw-enp^, ") / . ,, / r \^- ^\ ^i , , ^' >• is.) the crop (of a bird). Chok-chaw-ong, ) ^ ^ ^ ^ ' Chok-hnok, (7;.) to stir up, to agitate, to cause a disturbance. Chok-rual, (2;.) to level, to make peace among. Choi, (^.) yeast. Chom, (5.) the name of an evil spirit. Chom, (^,) fat, chubby, (i;.) to be fat, chubby. Chon'do, (z;.) to help with provisions at the cJiong feast. Chon-fang-thla, {s.) the time of year corresponding nearly to June. Chong, (5.) a species of euphorbia. Chong, {s.) the name of a three days' feast, (z'.) to make the above feast. Chong-dum-a sai-ngho, (5.) the name of a flowering tree. Chong-kor, {s.) the cobra de capello. Chong-moi-i, {s.) the evening star, ng-na , / / % ^j^^ name of a blue striped cloth. Chong-nok, ) ^ ^ Chong-pe-reng, (5.) any stringed instrument played with ihe fingers. Chong-te-thing, (5.) the name of a tree. Chong-tlai, {s.) the name of a tree which grows out of the hollow of another tree. Chong-zong, {s.) a sparrow. Chop, used with the reflexive particle in for emphasis. Chop-in, {prep.) along with, together with. Chop-le-chil in, {adv.) immediately. Cho-pui bu, {s.) the name of a plant. Chor, iy.) to sprout, {s.) a sprout. Chot, {adv.) actually, without preparation, asking, permission, warning, cause, etc. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 77 Chu, an emphatic particle, {pro.) who, which, that. Chu-ai, (v.) to suspend a weight from the tip of the first finger palm downwards, {s.) a. weight, as much as can be thus suspended. Chuai, (a.) faded, old looking, (v.) to fade (as a flower, etc.), to get old-looking, enfeebled. Chuai lo, {s.) a species of immortelle. Chuan, {con/'.) if, when (in reference to future time), Chu-an, i{v.) to look at from a distance. Chuang, (adv.) more (denoting comparative degree), more than others. Chuang, (v.) to get on top of, to be on top of, to sit upon, to mount, to ride, to embark. Chuang. (v.) to be without an owner, to be left over, to be superfluous, to be useless^ (a.) without an owner, left over, etc., {adv.) to no purpose, uselessly. Chuan-in, (conj.) if, when (in reference to future time). Chuap, (5-.) the lungs. Chuap hnun, {s.) the windpipe where it enters the lungs. Chuar, {a.) puckered, wrinkled, creased, (z;.) to be puckered, etc. Chu chu, {a.) that, this. Chuh, {v.) to claim, to snatch up (as goods v/hen house is on fire, etc.) Chuk, {v.) to bite (as a snake), to peck, to peck up. Chu-^, {v.) to knock against (as with elbow, body, etc.) Chuk-chu, {s.) a large species of cockroach. Chuk-tuah, {v.) to join together. Chuk-tuah-na, {s.) a joint. Chul, {v.) to stroke. Chul, (s.) a jhtcm more than one year old, {v.) to become old. Chul cham, ") / \ ^ 1 1 . 1 p, ., I ' >■ [v.) to level, to make peace among. Chul-thei hmu, {s.) a species of raspberry. Chum, {a.) fat, chubby, {v.) to be fat, chubby. Chum, {v.) to punch, to strike with the fist. Chum, {s,) the bamboos in a roof going lengthways on the top of the rafters. Chum-chi, {s.) the name of a brass girdle. Chum lok, {v.) to punch with the knuckles. Chung, {s.) roof, top. 78 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Chung-a, {prep.) above, upon, against (as in i chunga thu-poi ka neiy=^l have a complaint against you), for (as in kez'm a chunga a tap, = he is crying for me), with (as in z chunga a thiitur e, — \\Q is angry with you), on account of, for, about, (as in e7ig chimga nge i ioka/= what have you come about, or for? Chunga pawh (or poh), {cojif.) even when, although. Chung che'na, (5.) the long bamboos going lengthways on top of the thatch to keep it down. Chung chu, {a.) this, that, these, those. Chung-dal, {s.) flattened bamboos put on top of thatch to keep it down. Chung-dup-silai, {s.) a Martini-Henri rifle. Chung ho chu, (a.) these, those. Chung-in, (prep.) during, (con/.) while. Chung leng, {s.) flying creatures, birds, insects, etc. Chung-nung, (a.) upper. Chung-nung ber, (a.) uppermost. Chung te chu, (a.) these, those. Chung-u, (s.) a. frog. Chut, (a.) dull, quiet, undemonstrative, phlegmatic. Chu-ta-chuan, {adv.) there, in that place, from there, from that place. Chu-ti-chuan, {con/.) therefore, then, so that, so and so, this or that being so, {adv.) thus, in this or that manner. Chu-ti em chuan, 7 v j \ ^, . r , ,' > {adv.) so. Chu-ti fa-hran chuan, ) ^ ' Chu-ti kha-ti, so and so, etcetera, this and that. Chu ti-lo-chuan, {conj.) lest, that not being so. Chu-ti-vang-in, {conj.) for this or that reason, therefore. Chuti-zat, so many. Chu-vang-in, {conj) for this or that reason, therefore. D Da, {v.) to lose savour, to fade, to lose taste, {a.) without savour, faded. Dah, {a.) addled, {v.) to be addled. Dah, {v.) to put, to place, to take off (as cloth), to put off, to defer^ to put by. Dah ang-e, = lest, perhaps, may. Dah kham, {v.) to give as security, to put by for. Dah-law-maw, =lest, perhaps, may. Dah-ne-maw, =lest not, perhaps not, may not. Dah-shon, {v. t.) to move. PART III.^DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 79 Dah-tlia, (v.) to put in order, to put away, to preserve. Dai, (v.) to wade. Dai, (v.) to become cool, to cool down^ to quiet, (s.) dew, rain water which has settled on leaves. Dai, {s.) a fence, outskirts. Dai, {s.) a dragon-fly. Dai-a shu-lep, {v.) to give a Tide a-cock-horse. Dai-dep, (s.) the name of a lizard. Dai-dul, {s.) the side of a river where there is but little current. Daih, [v.) to last, to hold out, to be sufficient. Daih-kat, (s.) the tailor bird. Dai-hlim, {s.) shade, (a.) shady. Dai-leng, (v.) to defascate. Dai-pui, {s.) a stockade. Dai-sam, {v.) to clear jungle or weeds round a house or village. Dai-vel, {s.) environs. Dak, [v.) to congeal, (as fat, etc.) Dkk, {v.) to look out (as of a door), to look about one, to look upwards, to raise or lift the head. Dak-chhua/^, {v.) to raise the eyes or head (after looking down), to look out (as of door, etc.) Dak-da-lek, (v.) to cackle. Dal, {s.) membrane, skin (as inside of egg, etc.) Dal, (v.) to keep from, to prevent, to stop, to obstruct. Dal-na, (s.) an obstacle. Dam, (v.) to be alive, to be well, to be saved, {a.) live, etc. Dam, (s.) land sheltered from the sun's rays and so kept continually damp. Dam, {v.) to be slightly depressed, to be concave. Dam-chhan, (5.) an object in living, that which makes life worth living. Dam-chhung, (s.) lifetime. Dam-doi, (5.) medicine. Dam-lai, (s.) lifetime. Dam-lo, (a.) ill, dead, (v.) to be ill, to be dead. Dan, (s.) custom, way, manner, habit. Dan-a, every, nikhatdan-a, every other day, him thiim ciawa, every three years. Dang, {s.) the palate. Dang, (v.) to move out of the way {trans.) = to stop, to Intercept. Dang, {v,) to be speechless. Dang, {a.) another, other, different, more. Dang, {a.) pale, {v.) to be pale. Dang-awk, {v.) to stutter, to stammer, («.) stuttering, etc. 8o LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Dan^-cha/, (t.) to cut short, to silence a person when speaking. Dang-da, {a.) transparent, very thin (as cloth). Dang-dang-a, (or in), {adv.) separately. Dang lam^ (a.) another, other, different, {v.) to be changed, to be altered. Dang-mawn, (s.) the uvula. Dang nal, {v.) to be talkative, to be glib, to chatter, (a.) talkative, etc. Dang om, {v.) to get out of the way. Dan'tJ- ral, {a.) perishable, that which may be eaten or consumed. Dang thla, {v.) to silence a person when speaking. Dan-hrai, (5.) the name of a basket. Dap, {-v.) to feel after. Dap, {v.) to break into perspiration just before dying, (5.) death dew. Dap, (5.) a bevelled edge (of chopper, etc.) Dap, {s.) coarse bamboo matting. Dap-chi, (s.) the name of a kind of Lushai salt. Dar, {s.) brass, a bell, a gong. Dar, (s.) shoulder, the shoulder blade with flesh, etc., the foreleg of an animal. Dar-bak, (s.) braces, the straps worn across the chest by Lushals to help to support a load. Dar-bUj (s.) a nest of three gongs used for leading singing, dancing, etc. Dar-chhem-thei, {s.) a telescope, field glasses. Dar-chong-tual-a, (5.) the name of an ant. Darh, {v.) to be dispersed, to be scattered, to be scattered abroad, (a.) scattered, etc. Dar-hlo, {s.) a percussion cap. Dar-khuang, (5.) a Burmese gong. Dar-loi, (s) a bugle. Dar-long, {s.) the name of a tribe to the north-west of Lushai. Dar-mang, {s.) the name of a small brass gong used in war, tiger hunts, etc. Dar-ngiao, {s.) the name of a small gong. Dar-ruh, {s.) the scapula. Dar-shen, (s.) copper. Dar-she-thi, (s.) a bell. Dar-thla-lang, (5.) glass, looking glass. Dar vai, {v.) to row. Dar-zai, [s.) ihin brass wire. Dawh, (v.) to hold out (as the hand, cloth, etc., for receiving any- thing), to make anything which is raised above the ground, such as a table, bed, bridge, shelf, etc. PART III.— -DICTIONARY— LUSHAl'- ENGLISH. 8l Dawh, (s.) the bamboos in a noose trap which when pressed upon release the trigger and allow the sapling to fly up. Dawh, (a.) patient, forbearing, (7'.) to be patient, etc. Daw'ha, {v.) to get or sell under false pretences or misrepresenta- tions. Daw'ha-in, (adv.) under false pretences. Dawh-kan, (5.) a table. Dawh-kilh, (s.) a hairpin. Dawh-thei, (a.) patient, forbearing, (?'.) to be patient, etc. Dawh-thleng, (s.) a seat in front of the hearth in a Lushai house. Dawk, (v.) to come off, to slip off (as the edge or binding of any- thing). Dawl, (v.) to bear, to bear the strain. Dawm, (v.) to support (from below). Dawn, {s.) a tube, a pipe-stem. Dawn, (v.) to consider, to think of, to think or consider before- hand. Dawng, (s.) the name of a succulent plant. Dawng, (s.) something thrown in free when buying or selling. Dawng, (s.) a new shoot or branch, (v.) to shoot out a new branch. Dawng, (v.) to be unfortunate, to be taken in, to be swindled, to be defrauded, to be deprived of anything. Dawng-dah, (a.) lazy, idle, (7;.) to be lazy, etc. Dawn thlawn, (v.) to be unfortunate, etc., same as dawng, only with a more intensive meaning. Dawn-thlek, (s.) the name of a species of small frog. Dawn-ta, almost, nearly, about to. Dawn-tep-in, on the point of, just about to. Dawn-zem, (s.) the name of a kind of creeping fern. Dawp, {v.) to notch a tree when felling so as to ensure it falling in the right direction. Dawr, (v.) to bargain with. Dawr, (s.) a bazar, a market, a shop. Dawr-hmun, (j.) a market place, a bazar. Dawr in, {s.) a shop. Dawr kai, (s.) a shop, a bazar. Dawr-pui, (s.) a fair, a mela. Daw-ron, (s.) the name of a basket. Dawt, (a.) false, untrue. Dawt, (s.) a tube, a pipe. Dawt, {v.) to suck up (as cattle do water, etc.) Dawt shoi, (v.) to lie. Dawt' hei, (5.) a Har, (v.) to lie, to be a liar. M 82 LliSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Dawt thu, (s.) a lie. Dawt thu shoi, {v.) to lie. Deh, (v.) to crack (a flea) on the finger nail. Dek, {v. /.) to tickle. Dek, {v, t.) to feel, to touch. Dek, exactly resembling. De-^ chhua/(', (v.) to produce, to get by the labour of one's own hands. Dek ral, (v.) to spend (as money), to sell, to dispose of. Delh, (v.) to fall upon or against, to lean upon or against. Dem, (v.) to accuse, to blame, to find fault with. Dem, {v.) to banter, to poke fun at. Dem-chhia^f, {v.) to jest at, (s.) a jesting stock. Dem-fiam, (v.) to banter, to poke fun at. Den^, {v.) to throw, to stone, to hammer, to pound, to cast or let down (as a net). Deo, (adv.) slightly, rather, somewhat, more. Deo deo, {adv^ gradually, little by little, by degrees. Deo-lo, (adv.) not quite. Dep, (v.) to be close, to touch. Dep-a, (prep.) near, close to, against, over against. Dep-de, {a.) unreliable, dishonest, untrustworthy, {v.) to be unreli- able, etc. Der, {v.) to pretend to, (adv.) falsely, (a.) false, sham. Der, (adv.) quite, soundly (as in quite dead, soundly asleep, etc.) De-re, (s.) a two-anna piece. Der-ken, (s.) a marigold. Der lo, (adv.) not at all. Di, (s.) thatching grass. Diak, (a.) muddy, (s.) mud, (v.) to be muddy. Dial, (adv.) signifying plurality. Dlar, (s,) a turban. Di chih, (v.) to thatch. Di chim, (•!;.) to rejoice at another's misfortune, to say a thing serves another right. Di chim om, ^ / \ • • r i • • i ^ T^- 1- -iM M^.) reioicerul, servms: one rio^ht. Di chim tlak, ) ^ ^ Dik, (a.) right, accurate, true, proper, righteous, (v.) to be right, etc. Dik lo, (a.) wrong, inaccurate, untrue, improper, unrighteous, (v.) to be wrong, etc. Dil, (v.) to ask for, to beg. Dil, (s.) a lake. " Dil, (i.) the inside part of a bamboo or cane. PART III.—DICTIONARY—LUSHAI -ENGLISH. 8^^ Dil chhut, (a.) inquisitive, (v.) to be inquisitive. Dil chiam vak, (v.) to beseech, to pray. Dil lui, (v.) to beseech, to pray. Dil shut, (a.) inquisitive, {v.) to be inquisitive. Dil te, (s.) a pond, a tank. Dil tlat tlat, (z;.) to beseech, to pray. Dim, (v.) to be careful, to take care. Dim-a chim-lo, an idiom used as follows : Ka huat dim-a a chim lo — There is no word to express my hatred. Ka en dim-a chim lo — I cannot see too much of him. Dim dem, (adv.) fussily, particularly. Ding, (a,) right (opposite to left). Din^, (v.) to stand, to be upright, to stop. Ding chung nat, (s.) a slight illness not sufficient to confine one to bed, {V.) to be slightly ill, to be out of sorts, Ding-di, (s.) the name of a flowering plant. Ding-di blip, (v.) to stand on tip-toe. Ding-di puan-tah, (5.) a configuration formed by Capdla and three other stars in Auriga. Ding lam, (s.) the right-hand side. Dip, (v.) to get or be in the way. Dip, (adv.) into powder, (a.) finely powdered. Dip, (a.) almost broken through, slightly or imperceptibly cracked, {v .) to be almost broken through, etc. Dip, (v.) to hint, to sound (as to one's opinions, etc.) Dip, (^. )to notch a tree so as to ensure it falling in the right direction. Di-riam, (a.) rejoiceful, serving one right, (v.) to rejoice at another's misfortune, to say a thing serves another right. Di-riam om, ") / n • • r , • . , Di-riam tlak, j ^^'^ rejoiceful, serving one right. Di-sho, {s.) the long leaves protruding from the roof of a Lushai house. Di-thla-far-fem, ") , n ., , , . Di-thli-far-fem, j ('') ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^'''• Di-ton, (s.) the name of a creeper, a sprig of which when stuck in the hair at night is said to ensure the^sight of a loved one in one's dreams. Do, (v.) to be at enmity with, to prop up. Do, [v.) to go or be out (in the rain). Do_-dal, (v.) to withstand, to oppose, to be against. Doi, (^.) witchcraft, magic, (z;.) to bewitch, to practise magic or witchcraft. M 2 84 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Doi-dlm, (s.) yeast. Dolb, (a.) cowardly, {v.) to be cowardly, to be afraid. Dolh-lok, (a.) an intensive form of doi/i. Doi thiam, {s.) a witch, a wizard, a sorcerer, a magician. Dok, [v.) see dawk. Dok-lak, (v.) to be addicted, accustomed or used to. Do-la-tu, {s.) an aggressor in war. Dolh, (z;.) to bolt (as a bird its food) to swallow (used gene- rally of long things). Dolh, (a.) tall and well built (as a man). Dol-hnah, (s.) the leaves of the edible arum. Do-lung, (s.) an anvil. Dom, (v.) to hold, to catch hold of. Don-fawh, (s.) a species of water melon. Dong, (7;.) to catch (as ball, etc.) to take up (as spiniiing top). Dong-rawl, (s.) anything obtained by false pretences or as a reward or perquisite. Dong-rawl duh, {v.) to be mercenary. Dong-rawl duh a vang-in, (^adv.) with a mercenary motive. Don-kawn, (s.) a syphon. Don'ihleng, {s.) a piece of bamboo, bone, etc., for taking up a spinning top. Dop, {s.) the feathers under the tail of a bird, the place covered by such feathers. Dor, {a.) cracked, starred, {v.) to be cracked, etc. Dot, (a.) next, {adv.) next. Dot-tu, (a.) next, {s.) the next one. Do-van kai, (?'.) to pay homage to, to humble one's self before. Dual, {a.) dull, cloudy, stormy-looking, (v.) to be dull, etc. Dual, {a.) out of the common. Duai-dim-lo, ") {v.) to be not below^ the ordinary standard. V- (a.) uncommon, extraordinary. Dual lo, } (adv.) not a little, not a few. Duang, is.) a hank of coloured yarn. Duat, {v.) to tend with care, to humour, to spoil (as a child), to treat with indulgence. Duh, {v.) to want, to wish, to like. Du-am, (a.) greedy, (v.) to be greedy. Duh-dah, {adv.) carelessly. Duh-om, {a.) desirable. Duh-sak bik, {v.) to favour one more than another. Duh-tak, {a.) beloved. Duh-thu Sara, {v.) to say what one would like, to build castles in the air, to express one's desires, {s.) desire. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 85 Duh-ting, (v.) to attempt, to want (although the thing desired does not come up to one's expectation). Duh ting lo, (v.) to not want a thing, because it does not come up to one's expectation. Duh tul, (a.) fastidious, (v.) to be fastidious. Duh zawng, (s.) anything wished for, wanted or acceptable, (a.) acceptable, beloved. Duk, (v.) to slip off, to slip through. Duk, {a.) dark or dull in colour, {v.) to get or be dark or dull. Dul, {v.) to be loose, to be slack, to sag, to go in (as the sun), (a.) loose, etc. Dul, (s.) the belly. Du-li, (s.) an eight-anna piece. Dum, (s.) a pool in a stream. Dum, {a.) black, dark (in colour). Dum-bawm, ") ^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ j,„^_ Uum-bur, ) Dum-de, (s.) a firefly. Dum-ei, (s.) tobacco. Dum-ei zial, (s.) a cigar, cigarette. Dun, both, two, both together. Dung, (5.) length. Dung, (s,) the top of a range of hills, the course of a river. Dunoj lam, ) / j \ i u ^ T^ ^ ' > [adv.) lenpihway, alonor. Dung zawng,) ^. / & ^' j^ Dup, {a.) soft, yielding to the touch, {v.) to be soft, etc. Dur, {a.) soft, (as the earth in 2.jhiim after being burnt), glowing with heat (as embers and ashes). Durh, (2;.) to blister, (5,) a blister. Dur suih, (2;.) to chuck on the back part of the leg, to have a feeling of weakness in the knees. Dut, (^'.) to suck up, (as cattle, etc., do water). E, a word used In introducing a sentence. E, an interjection. E-hei, an interjection. Ei, (2;.) to eat. Ei bang, (5.) food left over after eating. Ei in bar, (z;.) to eat and drink. Ei-tir, (z;.) to feed. 86 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ei-tur, (s.) food. !Ek, (s.) excrement, dung. ife/^, (v.) to defaecate. Ek, (v.) to split wood with an axe. £!k-diir, {s.) a dung-heap. Ek-in vur, (v.) to manure. Ek shuk bel, (s.) the name of a Bengali pot, a lota. El, (v.) to emulate, to vie with. E-leh, a word used to introduce a sentence. Elh, {v. f.) to bend. Elh-tliak, {v. t.) to break, to snap In two. E-lo, an interrogative particle. Em, (v.) to scorch, to shine upon, {a.) scorched up. Em, an interrogative particle. 6m, (5.) a basket (without a lid). Em, {adv.) exceedingly, very, certainly, {a.) f'great, much, many. Emaw, {co?t/.) whether, or, {adv.) about (as in shorn emaw ka duh, = 1 want about ten). Emaw-chu, {conj.) whether, whether or not, or not. EmaW'lai, {adv.) about. Emaw ti, {v.) to think, to suppose. Em em, {adv.) exceedingly, very, certainly, {a.) great, much, many. Em-ni, an interrogative particle, fim-pai, {s.) the name of a basket. En, {v.) to look. En-bel, {v.) to judge or form an opinion according to appear- ances. Eng, {s.) the breast. Eng, {pro.ymhdit ? Eng, {a.) yellow. En^^', {v.) to shine, to give light, {a.) bright, shining. ^ng, h-) light. Eng-a, {pro.) what ? Eng-a a to, {v.) to be perpetually In the mind, to rankle in the mind. Eng-a emaw, In some or certain respects. Eng-a-nge, {adv.) why ? what for ? wherefore ? • Eng ang hla nge, how far ? Eng-a tan nge, {adv.) why ? what for ? wherefore ? Eng-a-ti-nge, {adv.) why ? what for? wherefore? Eng-a ti ta nge, what has happened ? Eng-chen-nge, how much? how long? PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 87 Eng-chen-hla nge, how far? Eng-e-ma\v, something, some, certain. Eng-e-maw-chang, sometimes, at other times. Eng-e-maw-zong, something. Eng-hun-a-emaw, at some time (in future). Eiip-hun-pawh-in, ■) , ,. /• r ^ \ c" ^ 1 ^ -u • ? at any time (in luture). Lng-hun-poh-in, ) Eng-kim, all sorts of things, everything, etcetera. Eng-lai-in-emaw, at sometime (in past). Eng-lai-ma-in, not at anytime (in past). Eng-lo, {s.) something, anything. Eng-ma, ") / \ .u- En|-ma...Io, J (^•) "°"""S- Eng-maw, (pro.) what ? Eng-nga, (pro.) what ? Eng-nge, {pro.) what ? Eng-nge-maw-zat-lai, how many, how much. Eng-pawh, anything, any, anyone. Eng-pawh apiang, {pro.) whatever. Ens[-pawh-ni-roh-se,"^ u l v .u i i. -^ •. Eng-pawh-ni-she-la, I ^^owbeit nevertheless, be it as it may, come E_ I. i.' 1 I what will, ng-pawn-ti-la, J Eng-poh, the same as eng-pawh. Eng thawl, {a.) blessed, prosperous. Eng-tia-hla-nge, how far ? •D ,'\ ' r. c {adv.) when ? bng-tik-a-nge, 3 ^ ^ En£j-tik-a-ma, ") i. r 1 i.« ^ ^ Eni-tik-a-ma ... lo, \ "°' ^°' ^ '°"g '""«' "°' ^^ ^"y "™«- Eng-tik-a pawh, ") , - • ^« Eni-tik-a poh, j ^' ''"y t^™^' ^"y '""^- Eng-tik-ma, *) . r 1 tr ^ , :i 1 ?■ not tor a long time. Lng-tiHL-ma ... lo, ) ^ Eng-ti-nge, how much ? how many ? how long (time) ? Eng-tin-ma ") u .. u .. . n Eni-tin-ma ... lo, J "° ^°^' "°^ ^"y ^°^' "°t ^^ all. Eng-tin-nge, how? what? Eng-to-a_nei, {y.) to keep or have perpetually in the mind, to have rankle in the mind. Eng-zat, how many ? how much ? Eng-za^f-emaw-lai, some number, a certain number. Eng-za/-nge, how many ? how much ? 6n-khal, {v.) to dazzle. En-kil, (v.) to superintend, to look after. 88 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. En-kil-lu, (s.) an overseer, a superintendent. En-kol, (v.) to nurse, to tend, to look after. !lfen-na, [s.) a light, a luminary. En-nom, (s.) a show, a spectacle, anything pleasing to look at. En-shan, {v.) to forsake, to give up, to leave to one's own ways or devices. En-thei, (a.) patient, forbearing, {v.) to be patient, etc., to put up with. En-thla, (s.) a scout, a spy, (v.) to watch, to scout, to spy. En-thla-tu, (s.) a scout, a spy. En-tir, (v.) to show. En-tlang, (s.) a telescope, field-glasses, (z;.) to look through. En-tlang thei, (a.) transparent. En-ton, (v.) to copy, to compare. En-tu, {s.) a light, a luminary. Eo, {v.) to lean back, to bend back, ]&o, an interjection, (v.) to point at in contempt. Ep, (7;.) to face, to have the front or face towards, to be arrayed agamst. Ep-a, (prep.) facing. Er, (7;.) to be warped, to be turned up, to be bent back, to bend back. Er, {v. t.) to melt. E-raw-chu, on the other hand. ]Er er, a suffix denoting a small quantity. Er fu, {v.) to raelt the fat off meat, {s.) meat with the fat melted from it. Er-ur, a suffix denoting much. Fa, (5.) offspring, son or daughter, a man's brotlier's child, a hus- band's brother's child. Fa a chhia^, ") / \ , 1 Fa a tla-sual, j ("•) '° ^^^^ ^ miscarriage. Fah, (5.) the name of a tree. Fah, {v.) to feed with the mouth, as Lushai women do their babies, and as birds their young. Fa-lilawk kum, {s.) a prosperous year with good harvests* Fa-hrah, (5.) an orphan. Fa-hrah-ben'in ben^, {v.) to slap with the open hand. Fa-hron, (5.) an adopted son or daughter. Fah-thing, (s.) the name of a durable tree. PART III. — DICTIONARY-^LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 89 Fai, {a.) clean, (v.) to be clean. Fai-fuk, {v.) to whistle. Fai-khiat, (s.) a vessel for measuring rice. Fai-rel, (s.) a vessel for holding cleaned rice. Fai-ret, (adv.) completely, also expressing entirety or absoluteness. Fai-thlak, (s.) a vessel for measuring rice. Fak, {v.) to praise, to report, or speak well of. Fa-kang, (s.) the name of a species of rice. Fal, (5.) the name of a trap. Fal, {a,) apart, isolated, detached, (adv.) apart, only, (v.) to be apart, etc. Fa-lak, (s.) a bastard whose father is unknown. Fal-pui, (s.) a tiger trap. Fa-lung, {s.) the name of a lucky stone supposed to ensure an abundant crop of rice. Fa-mal, {s.) an only child. Fam-kim, affix signifying in every respect, in everything, com- pleteness. Fan, {a.) elastic, (v.) to stretch, to be elastic. Fan, {adv.) always, frequently, continually, often, constantly. Fan, [v.) to work in part payment for a wife. Fa-nao, {s.) children, sons and daughters collectively. Fan-fan, {adv.) somehow or other. Fang, {adv.) only. Fang, (s.) a grain, a drop, a single one. Fang, {v.) to inspect, to itinerate, to go from place to place. Fang-hma, {s.) a species of large cucumber, Fang-hmir, {s.) an ant. Fang-ra, {s.) a species of large bean. Fa-nu, {s.) a daughter, a man's brother's daughter, husband's bro- ther's daughter. Fa-pa, (5.) a son,*a man's brother's son, husband's brother's son, Fa-phir, {s.) twins. Far, (s.) a drop, {v.) to drip, to leak. Far, (s.) the fir tree, the pine. Fa-rel, {s.) a species of rice. Far-nu, {s.) a man's sister. Far-tuah, {s.) the name of a tree {Erythrina indica). Fa-suar, {s.) a platform on which rice is trodden out ; a threshing floor. Fa-toi, (s.) a species of rice. . Fa-tu, {s.) one who presides at a feast. Fa-tum-bu, (5.) a large bundle (of rice, etc.) done up in a cloth in the shaoe of a bolster. go LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Fa-vah, (s.) the Bengali bill hook, a reaping hook, Fa-vai, (s.) husk of grain, chaff. Fa-vang, (5.) the autumn. Fa-zu, (s.) a species of rice used for making beer. Fawm, (adv.) as well, {prep.) along with. Fawn, {v.) to roll (_as a ship), to surge, to move up and down (as water). Fawn buak, {y.) to slop over (as water, etc.). Fawp, {v.) to kiss, to suck. Fe, {adv,) fairly, rather. Feh, (jv.) to go to \hQJlmm. Feh-reh hun (or lai), (5.) the time when all have gone to ihejhums and the village is quiet , about 8 or 9 o'clock. Fei, (5.) a spear. Fei, {a.) strong (as rope). Fei-chhor, {s.) the spike on the tall end of a spear. Fek, {a.) slender (as the waist), squeezed in, {v,) to be slender, to be squeezed in. Fei, {a.) just, accurate, correct, proper, convenient, {adv.) justly, accurately, etc. Fern, {a.) sickly. Fern, {s.) a fringe. Fen-hlim, (5.) a trap made by Lushaiboysto surprise girls as they walk along the path. Feng, {adv.) much. Fen-thuah, {s.) an apron, a cloth or skirt worn by women over the puanfen to protect it from dirt while working. Fep, (2;.) to suck (as sugarcane). Fiah, {a) plain, distinct, {adv!) plainly, distinctly, (z;.) to prove, to test, to make plain. Flak, (rt.) high-pitched (as the voice), shrill, {adv^ in a high tone, (z;.) to be high-pitched, etc. • Fiam, {a^ funny, joking, {adv^ in fun, jokingly, (z;.) to play about with. Fiam-thu, (5.) a joke. Fiam-thu shoi, {v^) to joke, Fian, (5.) a spoon. Fian-thlir, (5.) a ladle made from a gourd. Fik, (z.\) to cut through at one blow, {adv>i at one blow. Fim, {a.) clear, transparent, (z^.) to be clear, etc. Fira-khur, (z;.) to be careful, to be wary, to keep a good lookout, to take heed to one's self, (rt.) careful, etc. Fin, {adv) together. Fin^, {a) wise, clever, artful, (z;.) to be wise, etc. PART III.— "DICTIONARY — LUSHA I - ENGLISH. 9I Fing, (s.) a measurement, about a furlong. Fing lo, (a.) ignorant, {v.) to be ignorant. Fip, (a.) hard, solid. Fir, (a.) mean, stingy, miserly, (v.) to be mean, etc. ^ Fo, (adv.) always, often, constantly, frequently, continually. Fong, (s.) the name of a basket, a handle. Fom, (v.) to gather (as sticks, firewood, etc., or as a bird its food). Fu, (s.) sugarcane. Fu, (v.) to alight, to settle, to roost, to perch. Fual, (v.) to sag, to hang low, to be loose or long (as a coat, etc.),' (a.) sagging, long. Fuan, (v.) to gather together, (s.) a company, a swarm of fish gathered together for spawning. Fuan khawm, {v.) to gather together. Fuh, (adv.) just at the right time or \n the right place, in the nick of time, straight so as to hit the object aimed at. Fuih, (v.) to advise, to encourage, to urge, to set on (as a dog). Fuk, (a.) erect, {v.) to be erect. Fu-ke, (s.) a leg (of a quadruped). Fu-lia-fa, (s.) a quadruped. Fun, (v.) to wrap up (in a parcel or bundle), to enclose (as fish in a net), to bring (cooked food) with one, wrapped up in a leaf, etc. Fung, (5.) sharpened spikes used in war time for concealing in the path, to injure the feet and legs of an enemy, a stick. Fung-ki, (s.) a powder horn. Fun-na, (s.) a wrapper. Fun-pui er, (v.) to cook a quantity of food for a journey. Fur, (s.) the rainy season. Fur-chon-thla, (s.) the time of year corresponding nearly to June. H Ha, (5.) a tooth, the teeth, the edge (of a dao, etc.) the handle of a hoe, etc.) Ha a tim, (v.) to have the teeth on edge through eating acid fruit. Ha a ziao, (v.) to have the teeth on edge. Ha-bul, (s.) the fang of a tooth. N 2 92 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ha-chhek, (s.) a small axe. Ha-chhiao, (v.) to sneeze. Hah, {v.) to be tired, to be fatigued. Ha hlam, (5.) the milk teeth. Ha hmai, {s.) the incisor teeth. Ha hni, (s.) the gums. Ha hni puam, (s.) a gumboil. Hah-thlak, (a.) tiring, troublesome. Hah-tir, {v. t.) to tire. Hai, {v.) to be giddy, to be dizzy. Hai, {v.) to mistake, to forget. Hai, {v.) to scratch up, to unearth by scratching. Hai-dai, {s.) a species of large mangoe. Hai-der, {v.) to connive at, to pretend not to know, to overlook intentionally. Hai favang, {s.) a species of mangoe. Hai-haih, {v.) to be confused, to be excited, to be at a loss what to do, to lose one's presence of mind. Hai hot, {a.) forgetful, absentminded, {v.) to be forgetful, etc. Hai'te, {s.) a small ladle made from a gourd. Hak, {v.) to make much of, to wheedle, to make up to. Wkk, (v.) to put wood, rice, etc., on the fireshelf. Hak, (v.) to swallow the wrong way, or so as to choke, to catch one's breath. Hak, {v.) to put on, to wear (as a coat). Ha/^-tan^, {v.) to dry wood, etc., on the fireshelf. Hal, (v.) to burn, to set on fire, to ignite, to char. Hal, (v.) to hate. Hal pua-^, (v.) to blast, to blow up. Ham, (v.) to claw, to scratch, to gape. Ham, (s.) the diaphragm. Ham-chhia, (a.) unfortunate, unlucky, (v.) to be unfortunate, etc. Ham-da, (5.) a caul, membrane, skin. Ham-haih, {v.) to be confused, to be excited, to be at a loss what to do, to lose one's presence of mind, to be absentminded, to be beside one's self (with rage, etc.) Ham-hrul, (s.) the name of a toy, a blow-gun. mrpu:r;}(-'-) to inflate.. Ham-tha, (a.) fortunate, lucky, {v.) to be fortunate, etc. Ham-thai, (s.) the dart of a blowgun. Han, (v.) to cease (as rain, etc.) Han, a verbal prefix signifying motion upwards, and also motion towards the speaker. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 93 Hang,(^.) brown, dark complexioned, (v.) to be brown, etc. Han^, (a.) having a taste like meat, maize, bread, vegetables, etc. Hao, (v.) to abuse, to reproach, upbraid. Haoh, (v.) to bespeak. Haoh-lo, {adv.) not at all. Hao-huk, (s.) a black ape, a species of gibbon. Hao-sa/^, (a.) rich, (v.) to be rich. Hap, (v.) to bite, to snap, as a dog, etc. Ha-pui, (s.) the molar teeth. Har, (adv.) late, a long time. Har, (a.) difficult. Har, (s.) pewter, solder. Harh, (v.) to cheer up, to revive, to be refreshed, tc wake, to be fully awake. Harh vang, (v.) to sleep lightly, (s.) a light sleeper. Har-sha, {a.) difficult, (•z^.)-to be difficult. Ha-rual, (s.) the name of a tree with edible fruit. H fh ' f (^'^ ^^^ permanent teeth. Ha ti-ziao, (v.) to set the teeth on edge. Ha ui-ngho, (5.) the canine teeth. Haw, {v.) to come, to go or return to one's village or home. Haw, {v.) a contracted form of htiaf, Hawh, (2;.) to borrow when the identical article is to be returned. Hawh, "^ Hawh-oi, > interjections, like ' Here I take this. ' Hawh-te, ) Hawh-tir, {v.) to lend when the identical article is to be returned. Hawk, (v.) to unroof. Hawk-dak, (v.) to look about one, to be inattentive, to be inquisitive, to be fond of pleasure, (a,) inattentive, etc. Hawng, (s.) bark, shell. Hawn^, (v.) to come, to go back to one's village or home, to take to one's home or with one. Hawng-shen, (s.) the name of a tree. Hawng-tial, (s.) the name of a tree. Hawp, (v.) to eat with a spoon. Hawp-khop, {s.) sufficient food to last for a y^ar. Heh, {s.) the lower lip. Heh, {v.) to get through a lot (of work, food, etc.) He-hi, (a.) this. Heh-pe'in, (adv.) with all the might, resolutely. Heh pe/, (v.) to bite the lips, to make up the mifld to bear anything (such as pain). 94 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Hei, {a.) this. Hei-hah, {v.) to make a grunting noise when carrying a load. Hei-hi, {a.) this. Hek, (z;.)to be consumed, to be used up. Hek, {v.) to speak against, to slander, to accuse to another. Hek-hok, {v.) to cut off an excrescence, to take a large quantity. Hek lo, {conj .) neither, nor, {adv.) not at all. Hekthei lo, {a.) exhaustless. Hel, (a.) unripe, raw, {v.) to be unripe, etc. Hel, {v.) to go round, to pass by, to walk round about, to walk up and down in front of. Helh, [v.) to bolt food so that it hurts when passing down the gullet, to hurt when passing down the gullet, to upset (as bad news), to be upset, to provoke, to be provoked. Hel-leh, {v.) to revolt, to get the upper hand after being subjugated. Hem, {v.) to dry, to roast, to scorch. Hem, iv.) to hit (as with a bough, etc., when suddenly released). Hem, {v.) to split with a wedge, {s.) a wedge. Hem, {v.) to wag, to wave about. Hem dum, ") / x . . / \ Tj UA ' f (^0 to tan (as sun). Hem hang, ) ^ ' ^ ^ Hem hmin, {v.) to roast, to bake, to toast. Hem ro, {v.) to toast, to dry. Hem-un^, {v.) to scorch. Hem-ut, {v.) to roast or toast so as to burn, to scorch much, to burn. Heng-hi, {a.) these. Heng ho hi, S , . . , Heng te hi, j ^""-^ ^^^^^* Heo, {a.) spoiled, wasted, (2;.) to lose in weight, value, etc. Her, {v.) to turn round, to revolve, to Sfirew, to gin (as cotton). Her-awt, (5.) a cotton gin. Herb, {v.) to twist round. Herh-chhua-^, {y.) to turn up (as a lamp). Herh-lut, {v.) to turn down (as a lamp). Herh-she, {s.) the nageshwar tree {7?tesu^ferrea)» He-la-hian, } (^^^•) ^^'"^• He-ti-ang, } ^^^^'^ ^°' ^^"^* ^^^^^ ^^^^- "'^" • He-ti-chen, so much, this much. He-ti-zat, so many. Hiao, (adv.) expressing entirety. Hiar; (a.) stinging (to the tongue). PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 95 Hiat, (u.) to scratch. Hik, {v.^ to tingle, to ache (with cold, etc.) Hik, {v.) to skin, to strip off bark, etc. Hil, {a.) nearly dry, dry on the top (as mud). Him, {a.) without a flaw, unharmed, saved, safe, perfect, (adv.) safely, etc., {v.) to be without a flaw, etc. Hing, {a.) sour. Hip, (v.) to attract, to suck up, to draw (a breath). Hip lu/, (v.) to absorb. Hit, (v.) to tingle, to ache as with cold. Hla, {adv.) far, {v.) to be far. Hla, (s.) a song, a poem, poetry. Hlai, (v.) to flay, to skin, to split (as cane). Hlai, {s.) a species of oak. Hlai, (a.) large (used only of flat things, — paper, leaves, etc.) Hlai-rah, (s.) an acorn. Hla-kai-zia, (s.) a tune. Hlam, (s.) a measurement, the distance between the tip of- the Angers on the right hand to the same on the left with .the arms extended, (v.) to measure by hiatus* Hlam, {s.) the afterbirth. Hlam sam, {s.) the first hair at birth. Hlam zuih, {v.) to die and not have a pig sacrificed at the burial, {s.) a person so dying. Hla.n^(5.) a ladder, a support from one tree to another. Hlan, {v.) to give, 10 offer. Hlang, {s.) a bier, a stretcher, a support made to keep a corpse in a sitting posture. Hlang, {v.) to lift (across, over, up or down). Hl^ng chhuak, } ^^'^ ^° ^'^^ "P ^"^ P"^ "P°" ^ ^'^^^"^ ^^^^^• Hlang chhuk, {v.) to lift down. Hlang kai, (v.) to lift up and put upon a higher level. Hlang thla./^, {y.) to lift down. HIan-in, {prep.) while, during. Hlao, {v.) to fear. Hlaoh, {adv.) haply, by chance. Hlao-om, {a.) fearful, awful, dangerous, {v.) to be in danger of. Hlao-pui, {v.) to fear for. Hlao-thawngj {v.) to distrust, to fear. Hlao-thawn'om, {a.) perilous. Hlao-thawn'om tak-in om, {v.) to be in jeopardy or peril. Hla phuah, {v.) to compose poetry or songs. Hla phuah thiam, {s.) a poet. 96 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY, Hla sha, {v.) to sing a song. Hlawh, {s.) wages. Hlawh, (v.) to serve for, to receive as wages, to work for wages, etc. Hlawh chham (v.) to be unsuccessful, to fail to accomplish, (adv.) unsuccessfully. Hlawh-fa, (v.) to work for wages, (s.) one who works for wages, a hireling. Hlawh tling, (v.) to be successful, to succeed, to reach an age when one can begin to work, {a.) of full size, (adv.) success- fully. Hlawh tlin'tir, to answer (as prayer), to accede to a request. Hlawk, (adv.) at a profit, cheaply, (v.) to increase (as grain). Hlawm, {v.) to knead, {a.) matted together, (adv.) in a mass. Hie, (adv.) very much, very, quite, exceedingly. Hie hie, {adv.) still, (as ' keep still'). Hleih nei, (2;.) to slight. Hlei kap shen, (3-.) the name of a squirrel. Hlei lo, not particularly. Hlei lu bial, (5.) the name of a squirrel. Hlei mual rang, (5.) the name of a squirrel. Hlei nga, (2^.) to be full (as the moon). Hlei nga zan, (s.) the night of the full moon. Hlei tu um, ) / n ^^^ names of different species of squirrels. Hlei zawng, ) ^ ' r n Hlei deo, {adv^ not quite, enough, not exactly, not parti- cularly. Hlei lo, {adv^ without fail, all in good time. Hlem hie, («.) untrustworthy, unreliable, (2;.) to be untrustworthy, etc. Hlen, {adv>) over, (2;.) to go or pass over. Hlen, {adv^ right on, on, for good, (2;.) to carry out or fulfil a promise. Hlep, {y.) to cut off a piece, to pare. Hlep, (2;.) to make profit, to keep for one's self. Hlep-ru, {y^ to extort, to keep back part of a price for one's self. Hli, (^.) self sown. Hiia, iy.) to hide from sight, to screen, to overshadow, to obscure, («.) hidden from sight, etc. Hliam, (z;.) to wound, {a.) wounded. Hliao, (z;.) to lick (as flames do a pot). Hlim, (5.) a picture, shadow, shade. Hlim, (a.) happy, joyful, {v) to be happy, etc. PART III.— DICTIONARY—LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 97 H!im, {adv.) newly, freshly, just now, {a.) fresh, new. Hlim, {v.) to turn up or lift up (as a coat sleeve, cloth, or any covering). Hlim-in, directly, immediately upon. Hlim \kk, {v.) to photograph, {s.) a photograph. Hlim lak na, {s.) a photographic camera. Hlim om, (a.) pleasing, joyful. Hlim ve-leh, directly, immediately upon. Hling, {s.) a thorn, a prickle. Hling, {v.) to noose, to lasso, to tie a rope round the leg or the neck of an animal to lead it. Hling-khang, {s.) a species of mimosa, the bark of which is used for poisoning fish. Hling-shi, [s,) the soap-nut tree (the fruit is used for washing and as a preventative against leech bites, and as a remedy in iiao pang hri). Hlip, (y.) to take off (as a coat), to remove (as a cloth). Hlir, (adv.) only, {v.) to divide or separate one kind from another. Hlo, {s.) a drug, a weed, medicine. Hlo-bet, (5.) grass, short weeds. Hlo-chang-vom, (s.) the name of a small plant. Hlo-fang-hma-te, (5.) the name of a creeper. Hloh, (v.) to lose. Hloi, (v.) to cut off, to strip off (as leaves, &c ) Hlo-kei-lei, (s.) the name of a small plant. Hlol, (adv.) just. Hlom, (adv.) in numbers, also has the idea of many, all or several. Hlo-ni-en, (s.) the name of a plant, the shoots of which incline to- wards the sun. Hlo-thun, (a.) loaded (as a gun). Hlo-tung, (5.) the name of a reed. Hlo-zak-thei, (s.) the sensitive plant. Hlu, (a.) valuable, {v.) to be valuable. Hlui, (a.) old, (not new), {v.) to be old. Hlui, (u.) to serve (with food), to set before (as food). Hlum, (5.) a ball, clay ready kneaded for making pots^ etc. Hlum, adverbial affix signifying 'dead.' Hlum-kha, (s.) the name of a clay used as a remedy for cuts, etc. HluJlsak, } (^"-^ ^° ^^^^ pleasure in. Hma, {adv.) early, soon. if' ^ 98 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Hma, (5.) the edge (of a knife blade, etc.) Hma-a, {prep.) in front, before, prior to. Hma-bak, {v.) to have on hand (to do, etc.), to have left (to do, etc.) Hma-chhon, {v.) to face. Hma-chhuan, {y.) the same as hmabak. Hma-hliah, {s.) the name of a plant, the leaves of which are used to clean beads. Hma-hruai, {y.) to pioneer, to go before, to lead the way, to take the lead (in work, etc.) Hma-hruai-tu, {s.) a pioneer, a forerunner, a leader. Hmai, {s.) the face. HmaihUhelh, } ("•) '° °^^^'°°'^' '° ^°'^^^- Hma-in, {prep.) in front, before, prior to. Hmai-phum-tui-hleoh, {-v.) to swim with the face under water. Hmai-thing-hawng, {a.) brazen-faced, {v.) to be brazen-faced, to brave a thing out, to put a bold face upon anything. Hmai-tluak, {a.) long-faced. Hmai-zah, {s.) a fan. Hma-khaw-ngai, "> {v.) to set the heart or niind upon, to think Hma-khua-ngai, ) about. Hma-lo-chuan, ^ z .<. .., TT 1 \ (con/.) until. Hma-lo-zong, j ^ -^ ^ Hman, {v.) to have leisure. Hman-a, {adv.) formerly, a long lime ago, in olden times, some time ago. Hman-chak-a, for something, for anything, for a purpose. Hmang, {v.) to use, to be used or in the habit of. Hma-ngai, {v.) to like, to be fond of, to love. Hmang-tlak, {a.) useful. Hmang-tlak-lo, (a.) useless, Hman-hmaw, {v.) to hurry, to hasten, to be quick, {adv.) hur- riedly, etc. Hmaa-lai, {adv.) formerly, In olden times, a long time ago, some time ago. Hman-rua, {s.) materials for building, etc. Hman-rua, ") / x r 1 u •« f (^0 useful. Hman-zia, ) ^ ■^ Hmar, (5.) the name of all the tribes who wear their hair in a knot at the back of the head. Hmar, {s.) the name of a tribe of Kukis in the north of Lushai and in Manipur. Hmar, (5.) the north. . PART III.— DICTIONARY—LUSHAI- ENGLISH. 99 Hmar-cha, {s.) a capsicum, a chilli. Hmar-chhak, (s.) the north-east. Hmar-lam-a, northwards. Hmar-thlang, (s.) the north-west. Hma-sha, (adv.) in front, before, (a.) front, first, Hma-sha-ber, {adv.) first, {a.) first. Hma-tawng, {a.) to take the lead, {s.) a leader. Hma-theh, {s.) the priming of a gun, {v.) to prime a gun. Hma-thlak, (z;. ) to carry a child in front of one. Hma-ton, (■;:;.) to face. Hma-zawn-a! } (^'''^•) °PP°=ite. °PP°^'t« '"- '" f^°"' °f- Hma-zil, (^.) the name of a melon. Hmawng, (5.) a species of Indian fig tree. Hmawng-hnai, (5.) the sap of the hmawng tree used as bird lime. Hmawr, {s.) border, edge, point, end, tip. Hmeh-bur khon, {v.) to beg from house to house. Hmeh-bur khon mi, (5.) a beggar. Hmei, {s.) a concubine. Hmei-chhia, {s.) a, woman. Hmei-chhia nao-pang, {s.) a girl. Hmei-thai, (5.) a widow, divorced woman or spinster living by herself, Hmei-thai-thei, {s.) the name of a tree with small edible fruit. Hmel, {s.) face, appearance, shape, form. Hmel a chhia, {v.) to be ugly. Hmel a tha, {v.) to be good looking, handsome. Hmei-chhia, (a.) ugly. Hmel duh, {v.) to be in love with, to be friendly with. Hmel hria/, {v.) to recognise, to be acquainted with, to know by sight. Hmel-hriat-mi, {s.) an acquaintance, a slight acquaintance. Hmel-hriat-lo-mi, (5.) a stranger. Hmel-ma, {s) an adversary, an enemy. Hmel mkk, {v.) to hate. Hmel-tha, {a.) good-looking, handsome. Hmer'per-na, {s.) the trigger of a gun. Hmer, {v,) to grasp tightly, to squeeze, to encircle with the fingers, (5.) a measurement equal to the circumference of the thumb and the middle finger joined. Hme^, {v.) to feel, to pinch, to squeeze, to knead. Hmet-ri, {v.) to snap the fingers. Hme'zial, {s.) the balsam plant. -4 02 ii lOO LUSIIAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Hmim-thei, {s.) the name of a reed. Hmin, (a.) ripe, cooked, mature, {v.) to be ripe, etc., to subjugate, to be subjugated. Hmin-tuah, {a.) fully ripe. Hining, (s.) a name. Hming-a, in the name of. Hming-chhal, {v.) to take the name of another, to call one's self by another's name. Hming-chhaVin, falsely in the name of. Hming-chhia, (s.) a nickname. Hming-chhia/, (z; .) to be disgraced, to lose one's good name. Hming-chhia vua, (v.) to nickname. Hming-der, (s,) a nickname. Hniing-der vua, (v.) to nickname. Hming hliao, {v.) to be disgraced, to lose one's good name. Hming-in, in the name of. Hming-lem, {s.) a nickname. Hming-lem vua, {n.) to nickname. Hming-tha, {a.) reported or spoken well of. Hming-thang, (a.) famous, renowned, (v.) to be famous, re- nowned. Hming ti-chhiat, (v.) to give one a bad name, to disgrace. Kmol, {s.) 3. morsel, a piece, a small piece or stick of wood, bamboo, etc. Hmom, (v.) to put in the mouth whole, to put into the mouth. Hmom-som, (s.) refreshment. Hmu, {v.) to see, to get, to receive, to find. Hmuak, (v.) to meet, to go to meet anyone, Hmuam, {v.) to chew (as tobacco), to suck in the mouth, to retain in the mouth. Hmuar, {s.) mildew, mould, (a.) mildewed, mouldy, (v.) to get mildewed or mouldy. Hmui, (a.) savoury smelling, strong smelling (as burning feathers, fat, etc.). Hmui, {s.) the upper lip, bill, beak. Hmui-fa-ril, {s.) the name of a tree. Hmui-hmul, (5.) the moustache. Hmui-thal, (5.) a cotton spindle worked with a wheel. Hmui-thla, {s.) an apparition, a wraith, a ghost. Hmui-thlur, {s.) a cotton spindle worked by hand. Hmui, (s.) hair, fur, wool, feathers. Hmul-chhia, {s.) the hair with which a child or animal is born. Hmui kawng, {a.) bald, unfledged. Hmui thi, {s.) small hairs on the body. PART in. — DICTIONARY— LUSHAI -ENGLISH. lOJ Hmun, (s.) place, kind, sort, part, site. Hmun-a, on the premises. Hmun khat, (a.) alike, the same. Hmun phiah, (s.) a broom, the name of a grass from which brooms are made. Hmun phiat, (v.) to sweep. Hmu-pa, (s.) a species of blackberry. Hmur, (s.) point, end, tip, prow. Hmu-shit, {v.) to despise. Hmu-tao, (s.) a species of yellow raspberry, Hmu-tir, (v.) to show. Hmu-tu, {s.) one who sees, an eye-witness. Hna, (s.) the source''(of a stream), a spring. Hna, (s.) work. Hna, (5.) an anna. Hnah, (s.) a leaf. Hnah-bial-hrui, (s.) the name of a creeper. Hnah-chang, {s.) the name of a wild plantain. Hnah-fun, {s.) a species of small tailor bird. Hnah-hlun, (5.) a species of Indian fig tree. Hnah-hrat, (5.) the name of a species of grass. Hnah-khar, (s.) the name of a tree. Hnah'khat, (a.) single, unmarried, {s.) the name of a bulbous plant with but one leaf, used as a remedy for burns and phurthak. Hnah-khawr, (5.) a species of small tailor bird. Hnah-kiah, (5.) the name of a tree, the bark of which is used to dye bamboo, etc., red. Hnah-tha, (5.) the name of a plant. Hnah-thial, (j-.) the name of a class of plants some of which have large tough leaves, used for wrapping up food, etc. Hnah-thlak, (5.) descendants, the various clans of a single tribe. Hnai, (5.) juice, sap, pus. Hnai, («.) near. Hnai lo, no, not so. Hnal-shai-lo, (s.) useless, worthless. Hnam, (5.) a clan, a nation, a strap passing across the forehead to carry loads. Hnam-chom, (5.) the common people, all save those belonging to the ruling clan. "^ Hnam-tur, (5.) the name of a creeper the roots of which are poisonous. Hnang, (5.) cane, etc., split for tying. Hnang, {a.) thick (as liquid). I02 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Hnang, (a.) speechless with pain, overwhelmed with pain, (v.) to be speechless with pain, etc. Hnap, {s.) mucus from the nose, Hnap-hnit, {v.) to blow the nose. Hnap-hnit-na puan, (s.) a handkerchief. Hnap-khawn, (s.) the slug. Hnap-khawn-ral, {s.) the name of an insect supposed to be the special enemy of slugs. Hnap -shut, {v.) to sniff. Hnar, (j.) the nose, the source of a stream. Hnar, (v.) to snore. Hnar, (v.) to deny admission, to forbid to come, pass, etc., to thrust from one, to not welcome or receive. Hnar a fing, {v.) to be keen-scented. Hnar a kem, {v.) to have a turned-up nose. Hnar a kul, {v.) to have an aquiline nose. Hnar a per, {v.) to have a flat nose. Hnar kawn, (s.) the indentation just above the nose. Hnar-kir, {v.) to thrust from one, to disbelieve, to refuse to believe. Hnar te-ngeng, (s.) the flaps of the nose. Hnar-thla, {v.) the same as hnar-ktr. Hna-thawy^, {v.) to work, {s.) work. Hnawh, {v.) to fill in (as a hole, etc.), to insert, to tamp. Hnawh, {v.) another form of knot. Hnaw-kal, (5.) a raincoat used by the Pois. Hnawl, {v.) to push, to push along, to graze, to strike at an angle and slip along. Hnawm, {a.) filthy, covered with mire and filth. Hnawn/7, {a.) damp, moist. Hneh, {v.) to win, to overcome. Hneh:sawh,''} (-) '° '^^^' ''^'^ly, to oppress. Hnek, {y.) to suck (the breasts). Hnek-chuan, 7 / -n .1 • • '^u wT .1 _• 'J \conj.) than, m comparison with. Hnem, («.) many, much, (5.) a large quantity, a lot. Hnem, (■y.) to comfort. Hnena, {prep.) with, to, along with, from. Hnena-ta, {prep.) from. Hnep-hnol, {s.) refuse, rubbish. Hni, {s.) a pouch underneath a crab for holding its young. Hniak, (, {y.) to cover (with the hand, etc.) Hup, (7;.) to sip, to suck up, to draw in (as breath). PART III. — DICTIONARY— -LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I09 HuZ-hlum, (7;.) to suffocate by stopping the nose and mouth. Hu-phurh, {v.) to be jealous of. Hur, (7'.) to be on heat, to have sexual desire. Hut, (a.) blighted. Hut, (s.) ^Yorms (disease). Hut pai, {v.) to have worms (disease). I I, (pro.) thou, thy. le, an exclamation like ' I say 1 ' I -he, (v.) to gainsay, to grumble, to make a fuss. In, {v.) to drink. In, (s.) a house. In, (prep.) by, of, on, with, by means of. In, {pro.) you, your. In, an affix indicating the nominative case when the subject is followed by a transitive verb. In, a prefix denoting reciprocity, with one another, one another, each other, etc. In, a reflexive pronominal prefix, himself, herself, themselves, etc. In-bah, (s.) a game played by girls with the kot bean, (z;.) to play at the above game. In-ba^f, {v.) to be linked together. In-bel-bom, [v.) to be stuck, bound, joined, or tied together. In-bual, {v.) to bathe, to wallow. In-buan, {v.) to wrestle. In-chaih, {v.) to romp or play together. In-chei, (v.) to make one's self tidy, to adorn one's self, to be tidy, {a.) tidy. In-chei lo, {a.) untidy. In-chen, (a.) equal. In-chhal, (v.) to personate. In-chhawh, {v.) to take turns. In chhawk, {adv.) by turns, one after another. In chhawng, {s.) the story of a house. In-chhir, {v.) to kick against. In-chhir, {v.) to regret, to repent. In-chil, (v.) to go in a body to meet a contending party as the Lushais do before a wrestling tournament. In-chu, {v.) to collide. lO LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. n-chuh, (v.) to scramble for, to quarrel over the possession of anything, to both lay claim to anything, n-chuk-tuah-na, (s.) a join, a joint, n chun, (s.) roof rafters, n chung, (s.) a roof. n-dawr, (v.) to buy and sell, to barter, to bargain, n-den'chen, {v.) to put or throw a weight, as in gymnastics, n-dip, (v.) to be in one another's way. n-do, (v.) to be at enmity or war with one another, n-don, (v.) to buy and sell, to barter, to bargain, n-dot, next to each other, n-dot-tak-in, ") n-dot-zel-in, > (adv.) in order, consecutively, n-dot-zia-in, J n-el, (v.) to squabble, to strive together to excel or rival one another, to emulate one another, to vie with one another, n-ep, (z'.) to be opposite each other, to be in array one against the other, n-fak, (v.) to boast, to praise one's self. n-fan, (v.) to get marriediwithout parents' consent, to cohabit, n-fin, (v.) to merge into one, to join together, to run into one another (as rivers), to gather together, n-fin-na, (s.) the confluence of rivers, the place where things or persons are gathered together, n-hal, (v.) to disagree with one another, to be incompatible (as different drugs, etc.) n-hao, (v.) to quarrel, to abuse one another, n-hen, (v.) to be quits, to be equal, n-hip, (v.) to sigh, to sob, to snivel, n-hlan, (v.) to pass on from one to another, n-hlawh-fa, {v.) to work for wages, {s.) one who works for wages, a hireling, n-hliam, {v.) to be wounded, to wound one's self, n-hlu, (v.) to exalt one's self, to be conceited, to think highly of one's self, to be proud, n-hma-ton, (v.) to be face to face, n-hnial, (v.) to argue, to contradict one another, to discuss, to dispute, n-hnip, {v.) to sob, to snivel, n-hnok, {s.) the name of a game played by boys with the koi bean, (v.) to play at the above. In-hnot-tong, (v) to be huddled together so as to hinder one another, to follow close one upon another, to come in (as money). PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. Ill In-hoi-ton, (v.) to be face to face. In-hruk-na puan, (s.) a towel, a cloth for wiping off perspiration. In-hu, {v.) to be of equal value or price. In-kai-kep, {v.) to counterbalance, {s.) something given in when buying a quantity. In-kam-bet, {v.) to mutually support or hold up, to be mutually dependent. In-kam-ki, {v.) to stand up for or by one another, to help. In-ka/, (tj.) to fieht, to shoot at one another. In-kawm-ngeih, (v.) to associate with, to make up after a quarrel. In-khawm, (v.) to assemble, to come together. In-kherh, (a.) twisted together, {v.) to be twisted together. In-khing, {v.) to share (between two), to go halves, to be in pairs. In-khual-te-lem, (v.) to go for a picnic, to play at being grown-up persons, is.) a picnic. In-koi, {s.) the name of a game somewhat resembling chess, (z;.) to play at the above game. In-kop, (v.) to be friends with ; to be or cause to be of the same mind ; to come into conjunction ; to be in pairs. In-kulh, {v.) to lodge at a place and provide one's own food. In-lar, (v.) to appear; to show one's self (as a spirit). In-lu-khung, (v.) to live together as husband and wife without being legally married ; to cohabit. In-ngai, (v.) to be in love with one another, to love one another, to copulate. T ^ ^J' ^' i ('^•) ^° ^^^^^ one's self, to think much of one's self. in-ngai"na, j In-ngai-tlawm, (v.) to humble one's self, to be humbled, to feel small or insignificant. In-ngeih, (v.) to become friends after being at enmity, to agree together. In-nghir-ngho, (v.) to be at enmity, to be at loggerheads. In-om-lem, {v.) to play, to play at being grown-up people. In-phu, (v.) to be in right proportion, to be properly matched, to match. In-phu-tawk, (v.) to be in right proportion. In-phung-chang, (v.) to be on friendly terms. In-pu-ta\vk, {v.) the same as inphutawk. In-rawn, {v,) to consult together, to reason together, to ask advice of one another. In-rem, {v.) to be at peace. In-ring, (v.) to keep a good look out, to look out for, to get or be ready, to make preparation for, to prepare beforehand. 112 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. In-ron, {v.) to do anything one after the other or together. In-shang-mar, ) .. ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^,g j^^g^j^g ^^-^^^ In-snang-mar-rual,) ^ ^ In-shem, (v.) to divide, to poriion out. In-shi, {v.) to be contiguous. In-shiak, (s.) the name of a game, played by spinning a spindle, (v.) to play at the above game. In-shiam, (v.) to be or get ready. In-shon, (v.) to move. In-shu, (v.) to knock together. In-shum, (v.) to be temperate, to restrain one's self, to desist. In-shum kar nei lo, {a.) intemperate. In-shum-thei, {a.) temperate, abstemious. In-soi-zoi, {v.) to take exercise, to practise austerity. In-sual, {v.) to light, to quarrel, to come to blows. In-suih-fin, {v.) to merge into one. In-sul-pe], (v.) to overlap one another, to go by different roads and so miss one another. In-ta, {pro.') yours. In-taoh, {v.) to knock together (as heads). In-tawk, (v.) to meet one another. In-tawm, {v.) to share, to use or have in common. ln--tawng, {v.) to pelt one another. In-then, {v.) to separate. In-thian, {y.) to make friends. In-thian, iv.) to purify, to cleanse, to make one's self ceremonially clean. In-thi-chilh, {v.) to die, as when two men are fighting and each kills the other. In-thlah-dah, {v.) to be untidy, slovenly. In-thleng, {v.) to exchange. In-thoi, {v.) to offer a sacrifice v^^hen one is sick or to ensure good health. In-thuah, (v.) to be double, to be twofold, {a.) doubled, twofold. In-thup, {v.) to hide one's self, to be hidden. In-tiang, {v.) to be one on top of another, to be piled up. In-tiam, {v.) to make a contract. In-ti-bik, {y,) to be taken up with one another to the exclusion of others. In-ti-dawng, {-v.) to practise austerity, to deprive one's self of any- thing. In-ti-hmai-bal, | {v.) to do one's self harm, to make one's self In-ti-htnai-mawk,) disliked. In-tin-a, from house to house, in every house. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. II3 In-ting, (s.) soot, (a.) sooty. In-tlak, (a.) drinkable. In-tlan-shiak, (v.) to run a race, to race. Jn-tlon, (v.) to be on good terms with one another. In-tluk, (v.) to be equal. In-tok, (s.) the name of a game played with a top, (z;.) to play at the above game, to collide. In-tok, (a.) touching, (v.) to be touching. In-tong, (v.) to meet one another, to come across .^ne another. In-tur, (s.) drink. In-vet, (tj.) to be complicated. In-zawl, (tj.) to be on good terms. In-zawn, (v.) to be in a straight line. In-zen, {v.) to commit fornication. In-zom, (tj.) to be joined together, to be contiguous, In-zom-na, (s.) a joint, a join. In-zui, (v.) to walk or go one after another, to walk in Indian l^le. !p, (v.) to draw in (as stomach), to keep in or back, to retain (as urine). Ip, (s.) a sack. Ip te, (s.) a satchel, bag, pocket, pouch. Ir, {s.) the part of the breast above the sternum, sometimes applied also to the pare where the sternum is situated. Irh, (v.) to belch, to eructate. Irh a a nam, (v.) to have the taste of anything eaten rise into the mouth. Irh-fiak, (v,) to hiccough. Ir leh ir chuk-tuah, (v.) to fall on each other's neck, to embrace. Ir-ruh, {s.) the sternum. It, {v.) to covet, to want very much. I-ta, {pro) thine. It-om, {a.) desirable, it-shik, {v.) to envy, to be jealous of. It-shik-om, {a.) enviable. K Ka, {pro.) I, my. Ka, {s.) the mouth. Ka, {v.) to open (as the legs). Ka'chik, (.9.) a syringe. Kah-pa-thir, {s.) steel. 114 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Kah-sa-mar, (s.) blue vitriol. Kah-teh, (s.) a measure for measuring charges of gunpowder. Kai, (v.) to take as a substitute, to pull, to spin (cotton, top, etc.), to assist in walking, to hold up, to lead (as by hand or rope). Kai, (s.) a bamboo, rope, creeper, tree, or anything which facilitates climbing a large tree, etc., or crossing a river, etc., the ford of a river, the crossing of a river either by a bridge or ford, {adv. and prep.) across. Kai, (v.) to stick to. Kaih, (v.) to wear or put on (as a loincloth). Kaih-dep-silai, (s.) a Martini-Henri rifle. Kai-harh, {v. t.) to wake. Kaih-bu, (5.) a spinning top. Kaih-hnoih, {v. t.) to implicate. Kaih-kuah, {y.) to put the hand on the shoulder of another, to put the arm round the neck or waist. Kaih-kulh, {v.) to secure a roof by wind ties, {s.) a wind tie. Kai-hruai, (5.) a regent, {v.) to act as a regent for. Kai-ki, {y.) to hang ihe head. Kai-kuang, {s.) a prawn. Kai-kuang-ral, (5.) the name of a bird. Kai-kim, {y.) to bury the face in the hands, to put the hand to the face or head (as when in perplexity or sorrow), to hang the head. Kai-lawn, {s.) the ladder leading up to a Lushai house. Ka-in chelh, (z;.) to detain by persuasion, to restrain. Kai-phi-hrit, [s.) the name of a weed. Kai-ten, {s.) the steps leading up to a Lushai house. Kai-thawh, ")/.x^ ii.ui -^ l • rr • 1 f (^. i') to wake, to help one rise, to cause to rise. Kai-tho, ) ^ Kai-za, (5.) the bend of the leg behind the knee. Kai-za veng, (5.) an attendant, a companion on a journey, a sup- porter, one who looks after another's interests. Kak, {v.) to cackle. Kak, {s.) the fork (of a tree, etc.), {v.) to be forked, {a.) forked. Kak-chhun, {s.) a measurement equal to the length of the first hnger to the fork of the thumb. Kak-zawn, {s.) a measure, a conical heap (of rice, etc.) the apex of which will be level with the tips of a man's fingers when standing with the arm raised high above the head. Kai, {s.) the kidneys, a kidney. Kai, ly.) to go. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - KNGLISn. II5 Kal-bo, (v.) to go away. Kal-bo-pui, (v.) to take away, to carry off. Kal-bo-shan, {v.) to desert, to leave. Kal-bo-tir, (v.) to send away. Kal-chhet, (s.) stilts. Kal-dung, {s.) rafters under the roof of a house running lengthways and lying immediately above the kal-khang, Kalh, (■y.) to oppose, to contradict, to act contrary to. Kal-kong, (.y ) roadway, path. Kal pah, (7;.) to buy, get, visit, etc. while on the way to any- where. Kal-pah-in, (adv.) on the way. Kal-pel, {v.) to pass by. Kal-pui, (v.) to take away, to remove, to accompany. Kal-shan, {v.) to leave, to abandon. Kal-tir, {v.) to send away, to let go. Kam, (s.) a bank, a shore, the mouth. Kam, (v.) to set (a trap), to support from underneath, to prop up, to prevent rolling by wedging. Kam, {v.) to decrease. Kam ka,. (v.) to open the legs. Kam-khat, (v.) to rebuke, {s.) a word or two. Kam-ki, (v,) to help, to stand by or up for. Kam-rah, (-fuh, {v.) to shoot (so as to hit). Ka/>-hIum, (v.) to shoot dead. Kap-kar, (s.) the space between the legs. Kap-na, (s.) a gag, a wedge. Kap-parh ) .. ^^ ^ , ^ ^^ umbrella). Kap-pharh, j ^ ^ r^ '^ ^ Ka'pup, {s.) a popgun. Ka/'-thelh, (t;.) to shoot and miss the mark. Kar, (v.) to lever, to paddle with a stern oar, to wriggle about, to row. Kar, (s.) the name of a trap which releases a spear or pointed bamboo or fires a gun. Kar, (v.) to secure or demand on certain conditions or by distraint. Kar, {v.) to step, to pace, to stride. Kar-a, {prep.) between. Kar-her-na, {s.) a rudder. Kar-r.an hren^, {v.) to distrain. Kat, {v.) to stumble, to hop (as locusts, etc.), to go by bounds. Kat, {s.) sulphur. Kat-chat, {s.) a species of brake fern, the walking leaf-insect {phylli- um siccifolia ) Kau, {adv.) much, many. Kaw-chhia, {s.) indigestion, diarrhoea. Kaw-chhung, {s.) the inside (of animal, man, etc.) Kawh-mavvh, {v.) to be self-willed, disobedient, {a.) self-willed, dis- obedient. Kawh-mavvh-bawl, {v.) to pick a quarrel, to aggress. Kawh-mawh-bawl-tu, {s.) the aggressor in a quarrel, etc. Kaw' hmu,"(z'.) to introduce, to point out. Kawh-te-bel, {s.) the name of a tree, known also 2iSVombtd, the fruit of the above tree and its fruit used for japanning. Kaw^, {v.) to point, to point at. Kaw khawh, {s.) a watery diarrhoea, {v.) to have diarrhoea. Kawl, {s.) the horizon. Kawl-a bel, {s.) the name of a pot, the Bengali kalshi. Kawl a phe, {v) to lighten. Kawl-ba-hra, {s) the sweet potato. Kawl-eng, {s?) the name of a yellow silk. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. II7 Kawl-eng, (5.) zodiacal light, also the light in the sky before sunrise and after sunset. Kawl-fung, {s.) thenameof a wild ^^j)'«/. Kawl-hnam, (5.) a large knife, the ' Burmese dao.' Kawl-hren, (s.) the name of a cloth used in Lushai as a turban. Kawl-kar, (v.) the name of a tree used in sacrificing. Kawl-khuang, (s,) a small drum. Kawl-kil, (s.) the horizon, the utmost bounds of the earth. Kawl-la, (s.) wool, the fibre from which sackcloth is made. Kawl-la-ip, (s.) a gunnybag, a sack. Kawl-la puan, (s.) sackcloth. Kawl-mi, (s.) the Burmese. Kawl-phe, (s.) lightning. Kawl-vai, (s.) Hindustanis and Gurkhas in Burmah. Kawm, [s.) a gutter cut in the ground under the eaves. Kawm, (s.) an ear of maize on the cob, shell, pod, the stock (of a gun), the cover (of a book). Kawm-kar, (s.) the space or alley between two houses. Kavvm-sherh, (v.) to send to Coventry. Kawm-tui, (s.) rain water from the roof of a house. Kawn, (s.) a shallow valley, the saddle of a hill. Kawng, (s.) the loins. Kawng-ben^, (v.) to put the arms akimbo, Kawng-chilh, (s.) a small girdle worn by women to keep up the kilt. Kawng-dom, [v.) to put the arms akimbo. Ka\7ng-fen, (s.) a girdle, a belt. Kawng-hren-na, (s.) a girdle, a belt. Kawng-kaw-roi, (s.) the name of a large snail. Kawng na, (i.) lumbago. Kawr, {s.) the layers or rings in the stems of plantains and similar trees, the sheath of maize cobs. Kawr-ong, (v.) to be hollow, (s.) a hollow, (a.) hollow. Ke, (s.) a foot, a leg. Ke ar-tui, {s.) the heel. Ke bai, (v.) to be lame, {s.) a lame person. Ke-chneh-ri, (s.) a footfall. Keh, (v.) to be smashed, to be broken to pieces, to be broken, (a.) smashed, etc. Keh-me, {s.) the flower of sungrass. Kei, (pro.) I. Kei-a, (pro.) my. Kei-ata, (pro.) mine. Kei-fang, (s.) the kaphal tree and fruit {inyrica nagi). Keih, {v.) to bite. Il8 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Kei-ma, {pro.) I, my. Kei-ina min, {pro.) me, to me, for me. Kei-ma-ni, {pro.) we, our. Kei-ma-ni min, {pro.) us, for us, to us. Kei-ma-ni-ta, {pro.) ours. Kei-ma-ta, {pro.) miue. Kei-ni, {pro.) we, our. Ke-in kal, {v.) to walk, to go on foot. Kei-pui, {s.) a tree and fruit similar to the keifang. Kei-rim-nam, (^.) the name of a tree. Kei-te, {s!) a leopard. Ke/^, {v^ to separate (as cotton, long hair, etc.), to pluck (such things as maize, grass for brooms, rushes, reeds, etc.) Ke khai, (-y.) to lift up the foot. Ke-kok, (^.) a boot, a shoe. Ke-kor, {$!) trousers, knickerbockers. ' !^''^' i^\ 1 I (*•) braces. Ke-kor dar-bak, ) ^ ' Ke-kual, (^.) bowlegged, (2/.) to be bowlegged. ; Kel, (5.) a goat. Kel-a-sai-raw-phit, ") Kel-a-sai-raw pip, )■ (5.) the cape gooseberry. Kel-a-sa-ri-phit, ) Kel-be, (^.) the name of an offensive smelling plant. Kel-bu, (5.) the name of a creeper. Kel-doi, {s.) a kid. Kel-hmawng, (5.) a species of Indian fig tree. Kel-no, (5.) a kid. Kem, (5.) a small piece of anything. Kem, {v^ to get, take, etc., at the same time, {adv.) at the same time. Ke-mit, {s.) the ankle. Keng, {v.) to take, to bring, to hold, to have with one or upon one's person. Ke-ngha' chhan, {s.) a footstool. Keo, {v.) to force or pull open, to force an opening through. Keoh. {v.) throw down from the back (as a load of wood, etc.) Kep, {s.) a bivalved mollusc, the gill (of a fish). Kep, (adv.) also, at the same time, too, as well, {v.) to do anything for anoiher at the same time as doing it for one's self. Ke-per-ri, {s.) footfall. Ke-phah, {s.) the foot. Ke-phah-hnuai, {s.) the sole of the foot. Kep-pum, {s.) the conch shell. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. II9 Kep-tuam, (s.) the name of a large butterfly. Kep-tum, {s.) the name of a bulbous plant. Ker-kua, (v.) to hollow out. Ke-tam-i-nu, (s.) a species of millipede. Ke-tat-fai-na, {s.) a door mat, a scraper. Ke-zung, {s.) a toe. Ke-zung chal, (5.) the second toe. Ke-zung-lai, (s.) the middle toe. Ke-zung-pui, {s.) the big toe. Ke-zung-tang, (5.) the toes. Ke-zung-te-u,] / n ^1 r .1 * j^ ^ 'K^') the fourth toe. Ke-zung-u, ) "^ ^ Ke-zung-te, (s.) the little toe. Kha, (s.) the lower jaw. Kha, (pro.) that, which, who, (a.) that, that by you. Kha, (a.) bitter, (v.) tD be bitter. Kha, {inie7'jectio7i) ' Here ! * as in ' Here ! take this.' Kha-be, (5.) the chin, the lower jaw. Kha-be hmul, (s.) the beard. Kha-bor, {s.) a double chin, the fat under the chin (as of a pig). Kha chip, {s.) lockjaw, {v.) to have lockjaw. Kha-do, {s.) the name of a tree the timber of which is used for boat building. Khai, an interjection. Khai, {-v.) to hang up, to suspend, to carry, to lift up, to draw (as water from a well) , to draw up. Khai-chhin, {s.) the cover of a woman's pipe. Khai-diat, {s.) a chain. Khai-khin, {v.) to compare. Khai-le, S Khai-tawh, > it is sufficient, it is enough, stop. Khai-tawh-le, 3 Khak, (5.) phlegm. ^ Khak, iv.) to contradict, Kha kha, {pro. and a.) that, that by you. Kha khawn^, {y.) to gnash the teeth. Khak-rak, {$.) see Phakrak. Khai, {y.) the name of various Lushai sacrifices. Khai, {v.) to play about with, to handle. Khai, {a.) congealed, heavy (as bread), thick (as paste), plastic, waxy (as potatoes), {v.) to congeal, etc. Khal-chuam, ) . c i ^ • -r tri ., , ' >■ the name 01 a Lushai sacnhce. Khal-chuang, ) Khalh, {v.) to drive (as cattle), to outstrip, to get in front. 120 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Khal pui, (s,) the name of a Lushai sacrifice, Kham, (5.) a precipice. Kham, {v.) to be tired or stiff (with standing in one position, etc.), to have had sufficient of. Khara, (v.) to proclaim or appoint a holiday, rest day, etc., to place in a horizontal position, to define (as a boundary), (adv.) hori- zontally. Kham, (v.) to give as an earnest, to bespeak by part payment, to mark as one's own. « Kham-phei, (v.) to place in a horizontal position, (adv.) horizontally, Kham-tluan, (5.) a shelf for pots. Khan, {adv.) when (in reference to past time). Khan-chhuk, (5.) the cross beams in the roof of a house. Khan-dai, {s.) a sword, Khan-in, {adv.) when (in reference to past time). Khan-kawn, {s.) a saddle joining two ridges. Khang, {a.) congeal, {v.) to congeal. Khang, {s.) the sheaths round the knots of bamboos, a piece of string or wire round the leg of a bird, etc., to identify it. Khang- ding, {s.) a creeper, the bark of which is used to kill fish. Khang-ho-kha, {a.) those, those near you. Khang-kha, {a.) those, those near you. Khang-te-kha, {a.) those, those near you. Khao, {s.) a grasshopper, a locust, a cricket. Khao-bop-pui-tial, ^ (5.) the names of different kinds of grass- Khao-chem-pai, ) hoppers. Khao-chher, (5.) a small green cricket. Khaoh, {a.) stiff, inflexible, strong (as the current of a river). Khao-hnah-chang, {s.) a species of poisonous cricket. Khao-hriang, {s.) a species of small cockroach. Khao-khim, (s.) the name of a flowering tree with red blossoms. Khao-khuap, {s.) a species of edible locust. Khao-lu-zum, ") Khao-mam, [ {s.) the names of different kinds of grasshoppers. Khao-phar, } Khao-pui, {s.) the name of a tree. Khao-pum-deng, ^ {s.) the names of different kinds of grass- Khao-sa-nghar, ) hoppers. Khao-sher, {s.) the name of a small green cricket. Khap, {v.) to blink. Khap, {v.) to prohibit, to restrain. Khap, (v.) to span with thumb and middle finger, {s.) a span as above. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 121 Khar, (v.) to shut. Khar,, {v.) to congeal on the surface, to crust over, to have a thin coating of ice on the surface, to be frozen over. Kha-ruam, {s.) the name of a tree. Khat, (a.) full, one, {v.) to be full." Khat, {a.) far apart, {v.) to be far apart, {adv.) occasionally, at long intervals. Kha-ta, ) (adv.) there, there in that place, there near you. Kha-ta-khan ) . Kha-teh, {interjection) Here! as in ' Here ! take this.' ^ Kha-tual, (5.) the name of a plant, a decoction of which is taken internally as a remedy for enlarged spleen and externally for sores. Khaw, (^.) a contracted form of khua. Khaw-cheng, {s.) very wet weather. Khaw-chung, \s.) Kukis or Lushais living in the Cachar Hills and thereabouts. Khaw-duai, ") / \ . 1 i • • 1 1 • Khaw-dur, j ^^-^ stormy-lookmg, rainy-looking. Khaw-eng, (5.) daylight. Khaw-fing cha^, (^.) the first break of dawn. Khaw-fing a cha/*, (2'.) to become daylight, to break (as day). Khavvh, (t'.) to spear, to fall end downwards upon, to throw as a spear, &c., to make (a booth, or temporary house). Khaw-har, (z'.) to have time hang heavily, to be lonely, (tz.) lonely. Khaw-har-len-pui ni, (^.) the day after a burial. Khaw-har thlak, («.) Icnely. Khawh-ral, {y^ to spend (as money), to sell. Tr, u- • '\ (■^•) to be affected by the evil eye. Khaw^-nrmg-m ei, ) ^ "^ ^ ■' Khaw-hring nei, (i/.) to have the evil "eye, (5.) one having the evil eye. Khaw-hring-nei tu, (5.) one having the evil eye. Khavv-hring thiar, (7;.) to ward off the evil eye, to perform the ceremony which averts the evil eye. Khawk, (7'.) to echo. Khaw-kherh, {y.) to cross (as the legs, &c.), to fold (as the arms), to take another's arm. Khaw-kherh, (5.) the walnut tree, the leaves of which are used for poisoning fish. Khaw-kherh rah, (^.) a walnut. Khawl-khawm, } ^^'^ ^° ^^^ "P' ^° accumulate, to store up. 122 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Khaw-lam, (s.) a contracied form of khiialam. ' ■ Khaw-lo, (z', ) 'to be spoiled, to be perverted. Khawm, {y,) to put or gather together, {adv.) together. Khawm-tLi-tur, {s.) an heir to anything. Khaw-mual, {s.) land (in contradistinction to water). Kha\v-mual-a chhuaX', [v.) to land. Kbaw-mual-kai-kuang, {s.) a scorpion. Khaw-mual-kai-kuang shuak, {$.) a small pseudo-scorpion. Kbawn, {v.) to drink through a tube. Khawn-bawl, {s.) an elder, a mantri. Khavvng, {v.) to sLrike ( with stick or flat of a dao ). Khaw-ngai, (7'.) to love, to pity, to regard or treat with favour, Khaw-ngai-tak-in, {adv.) kindly. Khaw-ngai tl ei, {a.) pitiful, kind. Khsw-ngai ihlak, {a.) pitiable. Khaw-nge, {adv.) where? also used as an interjection. Khawng-pui, {s.) a large trap which crushes its victim by letting a heavy beam or beams fall upon it. Khawn-var, {s.) a candle, a lamp, a lantern. Khawn-var bur, {s.), a lamp glass or chimney. Khawn-var-tui, (s.) lamp oil. Khaw-om, {s.) dry or unusually dry weather. Khaw-pal, {s.) one who has fits, an epileptic. Khaw-per, {s.) a tributary village, a small ou'lying village. Khaw-pui-ri, (5.) thunder, {v.) to thunder. Khawr, {v.t.) to double up (as a leaf to form a drinking cup), to curl up, {a.) doubled up or turned over at the edge, dog- eared, curled up. Khaw-iens:, 1 r \ ,\ c i ut «. in A ^ ^^ F [s ) the names or very durable trees, Knaw-reng-iar, ) ■' Khaw-sha, (u.) to manage. Khaw-shak, ) / \ • . in ♦. <. yr, ,1 • M^.j Circumstances, worldly estate. Khaw-snak-zia, ) ' -^ Khaw-shang, {s.) dry or unusually dry weather. Khaw-shik, [s.) fever, cold. Khaw-thiang, {s.) clear weather. Khaw-thim, (i". 1 evening, nightfall, nigh^, darkness. Khaw-thlang, {s.) the v/est. Khaw-thili, {s.) a species of oak. Khaw-tin-a, everywhere, to or in every village, Khaw-t1ang-lung-len, {v.) to be melancholic, {s.) a hypo- chondriac. Khaw-var, {s.) Cc.rly dau'n, daybreak, day, daylight. Khaw-var tian, {s.) caily dawn. PART III.—DICTIONARV—LUSHAI -ENGLISH. 123 Khaw-var tir a-ta, from the first dawn of light, from the begin- ning of the world. KhaW-veJ, (^.) a shortened form of /7//mzv"/. Khei, (v.) to prick as a blister, to pick out or dig out (as a thorn). Khei, (s.) the name of a red paint. Khei-mit, (s.) the ankle. Khek, (7;.) to hoard, to put by, to save for the future, to put off, to defer. Khek, (v.) to cry (as an elephant or monkey), Khei, {s.) the hips, the side of the upper part of the thigh. Khei, {s.) a false alarm, (v.) to be falsely alarmed. Khei, (a.) bhnd (as a road), (adv.) without completing. Khel-ruh, (s.) the hip bone. Khei shiam, {v.) to make a false alarm. Khen^, (v.) to kick out behind, to hammer in (as a nail), to nail. Kheng, (a.) dry (as weather). Khen^-bet, (?;.) to nail to, to nail up, to nail down. Kheoh, (v.) to pick (as a sore, &c.) T^i ',11 (■ (adv.) bv chance, haply. Kher-hlaoh, ) ^ ' ' y f j Kher-mei, {v.) to be strict, particular, {adv.) strictly, parti- cularly. Kher-phei'in, (^/^z;.) haply. Khi, {v) to crack, {s.) a crack. Khi, {a.) that up there. Khiang, [s) the chilauni tree {Schima wallichii). Khiang-moi, {v.) to begin to form in the bud (as rice, etc.) Khiang-te-zawng-zim, {s.) the name of a group of stars in Taurus near Aldebaron. Khi khi, {a.) that up there. Khim, {v.) to bind on (as a turban). Khin, {v ) to weigh, {s.) a seer. Khing, {s.) one side (having another corresponding side). Khing-hnih-in, with both hands. Khing-ho-khi, {a.) those up there. Khing-khang ruh, {s ) the collar bone. Khing-khat-in, with one hand. Khing-khi, {a.) those up there. Khing-khih, {s.) the name of a weed. Khing-pui, (.?.) one on the opposite side, a defendant or plaintiff in a law case, a fellow, a mate, one of a pair. Khing-te-khi, {a.) those up there. R 2 124 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Khir, (s.) a scab, (v.) to scab. Khirh, {a.) hard to bear (as pain), difficult (to accomplish, to say, etc.). .Tr?J\^', , . i (adv.) up there. Khi-ta-khian, ) ^ ' ^ Kho, (5.) the name of a basket. Khoi, (5.) a contracted form of khuni, ' a bee.* Khoi, {v.) to tame, to domesticate, to cultivate, (a.) tame, etc. Khoi-a, (adv.) where? Khoi-a-emaw, (adv.) somewhere, in a certain place, somewhere or other. Khoi-a-lam-a-nge, 1 /■ j \ \, -s rr, ■ , ,^ ' > (aav.) whence? Khoi-a-iam-a-ta-nge, ) ^ ^ Khoi-a-ma, ) / ^ \ u .. rr, • '1 > (adv.) nowhere. Khoi-a-ma ... 10, ) ^ ^ Khoi-a-mi-nge, (adv.) whence? Khoi-a-nge, (adv.) where? Khoi-a ... nge, {adv.) whence? Khoi-a-pawh (or poh), (adv.) anywhere. Khoi-a-pawh ... na a-piang-a, (adv.) wherever. Khoi-a-tal, (adv.) somewhere, anywhere. Khoi-a-ta-nge, {adv.) whence? Khoi-a-tang-in-nge, from where? as in 'from where did you see it ? Khoi-chuai, {s.) a contracted form of khuai chuat. Khoi-dang, {s.) a wasp. Khoih, {v.) to touch. Khoi-hli, (5.) a boil, an abscess. Khoi-hli zang, {s.) the hard piece in the centre of a boil. Khoi-hnun, (y.) bees' wax. Khoi-hnur, (s.) the round bead in the centre of an amber necklace, sometimes used for the whole necklace. Khoi-i-nge, {pro.) which ? Khoi-lama-pawh ... na-a-piang-a, {adv.) wherever. Khoi-nge, {adv.) where? also used as an interjection, somewhat similar to the English ' Now then ! ' * Here ! ' Khoi-roh, ") • , • , • • -i . 77 • Kh '-'p \ ^'^^^^l^^i'^^^^i similar to knot nge. Khoi-thlar, (^.) honeycomb. Khoi-tur, (.s.) the same as khuai-tiir. Khoi-zu, (.9.) honey. Khok, (7;.) to peel off, to pull off (as skin, bark, etc.) to be grazed, to have the skin or bark scraped off. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I25 Khom-bma, {s.) the name of a tree the wood of which is used to make charcoal for gunpowder. Khcn, {v.) to collect. Khong. {v.) to be stiff (as leg, neck, cloth, etc.) Khop, (^^) to be sufificient, to be enough, {adv.) sufficiently, enough, {s.) a sufficiency. Khor, {a.) deafened, {v.) to be deafened. Khorh, {v.) to dish up, to serve out (as food). Khu, {a.) that down there. Khua, (s.) a village, weather, country. Khua-a-cheng, {v.) to be very rainy, to be wet weather. Khua-a-duai, \ .. ^^ ^^ stormy or rainy-looking, to be cloudy. Khua-a-dur, ) ^ ■' _ Khua-a-eng, {v.) to be or become daylight. Khua-a-shik,(z'.) to be cold, to have fever. Khua-a-thiang, {z'.) to be clear weather. Khua-a-thim, (v.) to be or become dark. Khua-a-var, {v.) to dawn (as day), to become light. Khua fang, (v.) to itinerate, to go from village to village, to go all over a village, Khua-har, {v^ to be lonely, to have the time hang heavily on one's hands, to wait for, to be impatient for. Khuah-hrolh, {s.) a rail, a railing. Khuah-khirh, {v.) to keep, to detain, to hinder. Khuai, (s.) a bee, a wasp, a hornet. Khuai-chuai, (s.) a cake of bee's wax weighing as much as can be supported when suspended from the tip of the forefinger, with the palm of the hand downwards. Khua-in pal, (v.) to have an epileptic fit. Khuai-thlar,(5.) honeycomb. Khuai-tur, (s.) the name of a tree the fruit of which is used to kill fish, and the smoke of the burning bark for stupefying bees. The seeds are edible and yield oil. Khual, (o.) see mi khuaL Khua-lam, (5-.) a country. Khual-buk, (.?.) a rest-house for strangers, a dak-bungalow. Khua-leh-tui, [s^ a kingdom, a domain, a subject or subjects of a chief. Khua leh Vang, (5.) used by some as the name of an evil spirit, by others as the name of a good spirit. Khual-lam, (5.) the name of a dance, those who take part in the above dance. Khual-thu-thang, (^.) false rumour, hearsay. Khuang, (z'.) to crow (as a cock), (5.) a drum. 126 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Khuang chi-rit, {s.) the name of a kind of house cricket. Khuang-choi, {s.) the name of a public feast given by chiefs and by well-to-do Lushais, (v.) to give the above feast. Khuang-choi-thla, {s.) the time of year corresponding nearly with October. Khuang-ruang, {s.) the name of a black ant. Khuang-thli, (s.) the name of a tree. Khuang-tir, (s.) the name of a kind of house cricket, Khuang-tum-fung, (s.) a drumstick. Khua-om, {s.) dry or unusually dry w^eather. Khuap, (v.) to dam up. Khua-per, (s.) a small outlying village, a dependent village. Khuar, (s.) a hole, a cavity. Khuar-khu-rum, {s.) a hole, a hollow, a cavity (in the earth). Khua shak, (t;.) to manage. Khua shang, (s.) dry or unusually dry weather. Khua-tlai, {v.) to make an offering of food or drink to the spirits before eating or drinking when in the jungle, {s.) an offering so made. Khua-vang, (s.) see Khiia leh Vang. Khua-vang-buh, {s.) the name of a species of grass. Khua-v^ng-chhin-chhiah, {s.) a mole, a spot. Khua-vang zawl, (7/.) to be possessed by Khuavdng, (s.) one so possessed. Khuh, (s.) a cover, (v.) to cover, to hide, to conceal. Khuh, [v.) to cough. Khuh-hip, (s.) whooping cough, Khuh-hriang, (5.) the name of a kind of saucer used as a cover for a cooking pot. Khui, (v.) to stop crying. Khuih, (s.) a comb, [v.) to comb. Khuih-hniar, [v.) to comb out. Khu-khu, (a.) that down there. Khum, {prep.) upon. Khum, {s.) a bedstead, a machdn. Khum, (z;.) to carry on the head, to wear (as a hat), to put on (as a hat), to cover. Khum, {prep, and adv?) over, Khum-ai, (^ ) the bed near the front door in a Lushai house. Khum-beo, (.s.) the name of a Lushai hat. Khum- fa, (5.) a bug. Khum-ngiao, (9.) the name of a cloth. Khum-pui, (5.) the bed in a Lushai house on the further side of the fireplace. , p;^I^X III. — DICTIONARY — LUSH AI - ENGLISH. I27 Khung, (v.) to put in, to imprison. Khung, (v.) to Lincoci^ (a gun). Khung-ho khu, ") Khung-khu, > {a.) those down there. Khung-te-khu, ) Khun-tak-in hril, (v.) to explain thoroughly. Khup, (s.) the knee. Khup-al, (s.) the name of a flowering tree. Khup-khang, (5.) the name of a cloth. Khup-koi, {s.) the patella. Khup-tuah, {a.) knock-kneed, {v.) to be knock-kneed. Khur, (v.) to tremble, to shiver, to shudder. Khur, (s.) a hole, a cavity. Khur-chhia, {s.) an unlucky cavity or subterranean passage. !5u''''^'ii ](adv.) down there. Khu-ta-khuan, ) ^ ^ K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K (s.) a horn, am, (v.) to lessen, to be lessened, to be reduced, to be degraded, an^, (v.) to disperse, to clear. ang-a, {adv. and prep?) near, -bar, {$.) the barb of an arrow, spear, etc. k, (?;.) to rap. -kiao, {a.^ zigzag. 1, (.?.) an angle, a corner. 1, \y^ to sit down to eat food, to surround. Ih, (7;.) to button, to nail, to fasten. Ih, (5. j a measurement equal to the circumference of the two thumbs and two middle fingers joined. Ih-na, (5.) a button, a nail, a fastening. Ih-na tial, (.?.) a screw. 1-koi, (?'.) to look after, to superintend. 1-li, («.) four-cornered, square, btum, {ci^ triangular. m, (-y.) to be sutficient, entire, enough, complete, {adv.) sufHcIent- ly, completely, etc. m-ki, [v.] to bury the face in the hands, to put the hand to the face or head, to be downcast, to hang the head, n, [v.) to be comipleted, or finished, to come to an end. ng-ha, {a.) chipped (as the edge of a knife, chopper, etc.) p-a-koi-in, {adv.) thoroughly, r, {v.) to return, {adv.) back, again. r, {a.) curly, [v.) to curl. -du°' } (^-^ ^^"'"^ snippet. 128 LUSHAl GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ki^, (v.) to fell, to cut down, Kiu, (s.) the elbow. Ki-u, {v.) to bellow. Kiu'hit,' } ^^'^ ^^^ funnybone. Ko, {v.) to call. Ko, (v.) to have a good appetite, to be ravenous. Ko, (s.) a mound, raised ground, the brow of a hill or incline. Ko-bawk, ( s.) a measurement from tip of middle finger to opposite shoulder with arm extended, the tip of the shoulder. Ko-chhuak, {v.) to call out from, {s.) the same measurement as kobawk. Ko-hrang, (v.) to call on one side. Koi, (a.) crooked, bent, (7;.) to be crooked, etc., (s.) a bend. Koi, {s.) the seed of a creeper which is used as a plaything. Koih-sa-pir, [s.) a crook, a hooked stick. Koih-thuang, (5.) the name of a tree. Ko-khawm, {v.) to call together. Ko-kl, (5.) the shoulder. Ko-kim, (v.) to be complete (as guest at a feast, warriors at a fight, etc.), to call a sufficient number. Kok-pui, (s.) a tree fern. Koi, (v.) to keep, to have In possession, to receive or keep as a trust, to take care of. Koi, {s.) fetters, manacles, stocks. Kol-a, {s.) a pet name for a little boy. Koi bun, (v.) to fetter, to put in stocks. Kolh, {a,) ferocious, savage, (v.) to be ferocious, etc. Kolh, (a.) bald, bare. Kol-I, (5.) a pet name for a little girl. Kol-te, (s.) a pet name for a child. Kol-tir, {v.) to entrust with, to give into one's keeping. Kol-tuk, (v.) to secure a roof by passing a bambuo over it and imbedding each end in the ground, {s.) the name of the above wind-tie. Kom, (v.) to bend (the leg at the knee), to be bent. Kom, {a.) miserly, stingy, mean, (v.) to be miserly, etc. Kom-char-a, {prep.) behind a house. Kom-chhak-a, (prep.) above (spoken of a house on a hill- side). Kom-deo, {a.) provident, thrifty, {v.) to be provident, thrifty. Kom-kaw-raw, {s.) a shell. Kom-thlang-a, {prep.) below (spoken of a house on a hillside). Kong, {s.) a path, a doorway, a way. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I 29 Kong awh, {v.) to block up the way, to be in the way, to cumber, to be profitable, to be of use. Kong-ka, (s.) a doorway. Kong-ka-biang, (s.) a door post, the side of a doorway. Kong-khar, {s.) a door, (v.) to shut a door. Kong-khAr-biang, (s.) a door post, the side cf a doorway. Kong-khel, (s.) a blind path or road. Kong-long, (s.) a species of rice. Kong-nak-pek, (s.) a path running along the side of a steep moun- tain. Kong-peng, (s.) a branch road or path, the place where one path runs into another. Kong shial, {v.) to make a road. Kong-thuam, (s.) the place where several roads join. Kop, (adv.) at one time, at one go, at the same time, at once. Kop-kim, {v.) to be even in number. Kop-kim lo, (v.) to be odd. Kop-pui, (s.) a fellow, a mate. Kop-thek, (s.) the name of a plant. Kor, (s.) a coat. Kor, (s.) a Bengali. Kor, (s.) a small valley, a ravine. Ko; ban-bul, (s.) a waistcoat, a sleeveless vest. Kor-dung, (s.) a small valley, a ravine. Ko-ri-tu, (v.) to be of use or importance, to be careful of observing customs, to have respect for customs. Kor-pum, (s.) a shirt. Kor-thin-deng, (5.) the name of a tree with large fruit. Kor-tong hkk, (v.) to wear a cloth in such a manner as to make it do duty for a coat. Kor-vom-va, (s.) the name of a tree with edible fruit. Kot, (s) the space in front of a house. Kot, (v.) to carry a load on each end of a stick the centre of which rests on the shoulder. Kot-chhuah, (s.) the entrance to a village. Ko-tir, (v.) to send for. Kot-lai, "^ Kot-lai thler, > {s.) a street, the space in front of a house. Kot-tbler, ) Kua, {s.) a hole, the bowels. Kua, {a.) nine. Kua a khawh, (v.) to have diarrhoea. Kua a puar, {v.) to have a feeling of fulness in the stomach. Kua a tha lo, {v.) to have diarrhoea. 130 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Kuah-khirh, (v.) to keep, to detain, to hinder. Kua hreoh, (v.) to burrow. Kuai, (a.) drooping, {v.) to pull down towards one (as a bough), to bend. Kuai-kur, (v.) to bend, to pull down towards one (as a bough). Kua-in zut, (v.) to have diarrhoea. Kual, (5.) a coil (as of rope), (v,) to make into a cylinder, to coil, to be winding, to be bent, {adv.) round about, (a.) winding, round about. Kuam, 1 / N ^j^g channel (of a river, etc.), a groove. Kuang, ) ^ ^ > /» c Kuang, (s.) a cofifin, a trough. Kuang-ngo, {s.) a species of rice. Kuang-tuah, (s.) a coffin. Kuang ur, {v.) to enclose a dead body in a hollow tree in the house until the flesh is all decayed. Kuh-mum, (s.) a bud, (v.) to bud. Kuh-va, (s.) the areca palm and nut, the betel nut. Kuk, (v.) to shriek. Kul, (a.) slanting from the roots upwards and drooping at the top (as bamboos). Kulh, (s.) a stockade, a fort, a wall round a village, (v.) to fortify, to stockade. Kulh a tang, {v.) to take the lead, to take the most prominent part, to set an example. Kulh bing, {s.) a blockhouse. Kum, {$.) a year. Kum, ) / \ T^A f ('^.) concave. Kum, ) ^ ^ Kum, (a.) small and narrow (as the mouth of a bottle or other vessel). Kum-in-a, this year. Kum-khua, (adv.) always, at all times. Kiim-leng, (s.) the name of a plant. Kumpi-nu, (s.) the Lushai name for Queen Victoria (literally 'the Company's mother'). Kum-tin thla nei lo, (s.) the name of a species of wingless grass- hopper. Kun, (v.) to stoop, to lean or bend forward. Kung, (s.) a plant, a tree, the trunk of a tree, the stem of a plant. Kung-hmui, (s.) stubble, short stumps of bamboos, etc. Kung-pui mu-thi, (s.) the name of a flowering plant. Kur, (v.) to bend down, to droop. Kur-tai, (v.) molasses. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI- ENGLISH. 131 Kut, (5.) the hand. Kut bilh, (v.) to sprain the wrist, Kut chang, (s.) a knuckle. Kut-choi, (s.) a backsheesh, something thrown in as a present. Kut dawh, {v.) to hold out the hand, to ask an alms. Kut-dawh mi, (s.) a wayside beggar. Kut-durh, (s.) the name of a beetle. Kut-hmet-ri, (v.) to snap the fingers. Kut-in hui, (v.) to beckon. Kut in-man, {v.) to shake hands. Kut kem nei, (v.) to be a thief, to be given to stealing, (5.) a thief. Kut-kor, {s.) a glove. Kut phah, (s.) the palm of the hand. Kut phah beng, (5.) a measurement equal to the width of the hand. Kut-phah kor, (5.) a glove. Kut phah leng-thla, {s.) a measurement from the tip of the middle finger to the opposite wrist with the arms extended. Kut suih, {v.) to clasp the hands. Kut thing ri, (v.) to snap the fingers by shaking the hand. Kut thla./^, (a.) to lay hands upon (with the intention of arresting, stealing, etc.), to strike, to touch. Kut-tum, {s.) the fist, (v,) to clench the hand. Kut ulh, (v.) to crack the knuckles, to sprain the wrist. Kut ulh ri, {v.) to crack the knuckles. Kut-ze en thiam, *) {v.) to be skilled in palmistry. Kut-zia en thiam, ) (s.) one skilled in palmistry. Kut-zung, (5.) a finger. Kut-zung chal, {s.) the first finger. Kut-zung lai, (s.) the middle finger. Kut-zung pui, (s.) the thumb. Kut-zung tang, (s.) the fingers and thumb collectively. Kut-zung te, {s.) the little finger. Kut-zung te u, ) / n ., .1 • 1 r Kut-zuni u, j (^•) ^^^ t^'^^ fi"g^^- La, (5.) cotton, yarn. La, (s.) the spleen, {v.) see Idk. La, (adv.) yet, still, by .and bye, presently. La a tla, (v.) to have enlarged spleen. La-chawn, (s.) rolled cotton ready for spinning. Lah, as for, but. s 2 132 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. La-hldm, {s.) a reel or ball of cotton. La-hlum-na, (s.) a cotton reel. Lah-ui, (s.) the pineapple. Lai, (5.) tlie centre, the middle, the navel. Lai, (v.) to dig, to hoe, (s.) time, season, place {prep.) about (as in ni shorn lai, about ten days). Lai-a, {adv.) when (in reference to past time). Lai-chin, {s.) a relation, a fellow clansman. Lai-fei, {s.)2i bayonet. Lai-herh, {s.) the name of a plant. Lal-in, {adv.) when (in reference to past time). La_i-khan,_ | [adv.) when (in reference to past time). Lai*knan-m, j Lai-king, {s.) the chameleon, the bloodsucker. Lai-len, {s.) the wagtail. 1 Lai len tui pal, (7;.) to make ducks and drakes on the water with flat stones, etc. Lai-lung-dawt, {s.) a bayonet. Lai-na, {s.) one who compassionates, a friend. j Lai-na/", {v.) to feel sorry for, to compassionate, {a,) compassionate. * Lai phir, {s.) a double-barrelled gun. Lai pui, {s.) a cannon. Lai shuih, (5.) paper, reading and writing. Lai-tel, {s.) the name of a lizard. Lai-zawn, ") / \ r 1 > • ♦ T • > (s.) a female s sister. Lai-zawn-nu, ) ^ ^ La/^, {v.) to take, to fetch, to bring. Lak-a, {prep.) from, because of, with. La kai, {v.) to wind cotton. La-kaih-na, {s.) a cotton winder. m La-kher, {s.) the name of a tribe in the south of Lushai. La-khuih, (5.) a species of screw pine. La-khuih-thei, {s.) the pineapple. Lak-lawh, {v.) to be above or under the required weight, number, etc., to be engaged in doing something, to partly do a thing. {adv.) partly. Lak-sak, {v.) to confiscate, to take away. Lai, {s.) a chief, {a.) great. La-la, {adv.) at this or that very time. Lalmanga nu hlaw roi thla, {s.) the time of the year corresponding nearly to April. Lalruanga be-lhi, {s.) the name of a plant. Lalruanga peng-tawng, {s.) the name of a plant. Lam, (s.) way, direction, place. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 133 Lam, (v.) to pronounce, to summon, to call for, to search or look for, to mention, to speak of. Lam, (con/.) that. Lam, {v.) to dance, to drill. Lam-bun, (v.) to come to meet and relieve of a load. Lam-lian, {s.) a road. Lam-pak, (v,) to welcome by a dance, to give a dance in one's honour. Lam thuam, (5.) the place where paths meet, cross roads. Lem thu zong, ) / . . % .,, j Lam zonfy \ \P^^P') ^^^" regard or respect to, concerning. Lan, (y.) to usurp or take the place of, to supersede, to excel, to eclipse. Lang, {v.) to become unpopular, to lose the esteem of others, to come into disrepute, to give place to, to float. Lan^, {v.) to appear, to be visible. La;?^, if thou. Lao, {v. t.) to slant, {adv.) at an angle, slantingly. La-pui, {s.) the name of a stinging nettle. Lar, {a.) bright in (colour), clear (as amber, etc.), {v.) to be bright, clear. La-shi, (5.) the fabled creator of animals, the spirit which presides over hunting. La-tla, {s.) enlarged spleen. La-tui, (5.) spun cotton on the spindle. La-zai, \s.) cotton thread. Law, {v. a.) contracted form of luak. Lawh, {v.) to pluck (as flowers or fruit). Law-^, {adv.) beforehand. Lawk, {v.) to scoop or to shovel up, to take down from the fire shelf, to lift down a sitting hen, to lift anything on a tray. Lawm, {v.) to assist a person to do anything in exchange for similar help recei/ed or to be received. Lawm, {v.) to be pleased, to be pl'eased with, to have pleasure in, to be contented, to be happy, to be grateful, to be thankful. Lawm-na, {s.) something to give pleasure. Lawm-na chang hre, {v.) to be thankful, to be grateful, {a.) grate- ful, thankful. Lawm-na chang hre lo, {v.) to be ungrateful, to be unthankful, {a.) ungrateful, unthankful. Lawm-na chang hria, {v.) to be grateful, to be thankful, {a.) grate- ful, thankful. Lawm-om, {a.) pleasurable, enjoyable, pleasing. Lawm-zawng, {a.) anything which gives pleasure. 134 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Lawn, (v.) to climb, to ascend, to embark, Lawr, (v.) to collect, to gather here and there, {adv.) in different places, from different places, here and there. Law-tuk, {adv.) too. Leh, {adv.) again, then, {conj.) and, or, if. ^ Leh-khalh, {v.) to get in front of, to outstrip. Leh lam, the other side, the opposite side or direction. Leh lam leh lam, on either or both sides. Leh-lan^, {v.) to go anywhere and return the same day, to go through and come out the other side or end. Leh-pek, {adv.) again, {a.) next. Leh-zual, {adv.) more. Lei, {v.) to buy, to barter. Lei, (s.) a bridge. Lei, (s.) the tongue, a fine, a debt, a tax. Lei, (s.) earth, ground. Lei ar-chang, {s.) the name of a curved bridge. Lei-ba, {s.) a tax, a tribute, a fine, a debtor. Lei ba/, {v.) to owe a tax, etc. Lei-chhia, {s.) a fine. Lei-diak, {s.) mud. Lei-dum, {s.) the name of a tree. Leih, {v.) to pour out (as a fluid,) to water plants. Lei-haoh, {v.) to bespeak. Lei-hrui-shen, {s,) the name of a creeper. Lei hrut-na, {s.) a plough. Lei-ka, {s.) the platform in front of a Lushai house. Lei-ka pui, {s.) a platform built at the side of the lei-ka. Lei-kha, {s.) a species of white ant. Lei-ko, {v.) to misrepresent. Lei-kulh, {s.) earthworks for fortification, an entrenchment. Lei-lawn, {s.) a bridge. Lei-lung-lan' bun (or lai), {$.) early dawn when things are just beginning to become visible. Lei lung pian tir a-ta, from the foundation of the world. Lei min, {s.) a landslip. Lei pui, {s.) a large suspended bridge. Lei pui, {s.) a kitchen garden at a distance from the house. Lei pui chen, {s.) a measurement of about a mile. Lei phum, {s.) the foundation of a house, the part of a post buried in the ground, {v.) to bury in the ground. Lei-ruang-tuam, {s.) an unlucky mound like a grave. Lei shi, (7'.) to bow down to the ground, to touch the head on the ground, {s.) the name of a creeper. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI -ENGLISH. 135 Lei tha, (s.) a debt, a tax. Lei tha, (5.) a species of white ant, good soil. Lei tha uih, (s.) the name of a small insect with an offensive smell. Lei tlang, (s.) a debt, a tax, •^ Lei tlang, (s.) a clod, a lump of earth. Lek, (v.) to be twisted. Lek, {v.) to take or hold in the hand, to hold up, to wave.^ Lekha, (s.) playing cards, a letter, paper, reading and writing. Lekha-bu, (s.) a book. Lekha-in-den' na, (s.) playing cards, Lekha-tlan-pui, (s.) a dak runner, Lekha -tui, (s.) ink. Lekha-tui bawm, ") / n • 1 ^ Lekha-tui bur, 'jWan.nkpot. Lekha-ziak-na, (s.) a pen, a pencil. Lekha-ziak-na tui, {s.) ink. Lekha-ziak-tu, (s.) a writer, a clerk, a scribe. Lek-lek, (adv.) on the point of, almost, Le-len, (s.) a species of iris. Lem, (s.) the name of a species of palm. Lem, (5.) difference, (v,) to be different, (adv.) more than others. Lem, (s.) a model, an image, a picture, imitation. Lens, (v,) to swallow. Lem-chuang, (s.) difference, {v.) to be differerjt, {adv.) more than others. Len, {v.) to wave about, Len, {s.) a net. Len, (v.) to waft, to bear along. Len, {a.) a contraction of Izan. Len-chhawn, (s.) a plume worn by those who have slain men in a raid. Len-hling, (s.) a species of thistle. Len-hmui, ") (^.) the name of a tree and fruit, the Bengali 'kala L^n-hmui, } jam.' Len fung choi, (v.) to swim upright, carrying a net and catching fish. Len^, {v.) to be prevalent (as a disease), to stroll, to walk, to take a walk, to float (in the air), to fly about. Leng, (v.) to kick out, to kick about. Len^, (v.) to penetrate, to enter, to go in (as one thing In another). Len^ kir, (s.) a ledge of rock in a river bed over which the water falls. ^ Len^-lai, {s.) the time of life before marriage. 136 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Leng-leh, (s.) a young widow or young woman who has been di- vorced, a young widower or young man who has been divorced. Leng-ma-sher, {s.) the name of an aromatic herb. Leng-tul, (s.) a spinster, a bachelor. Len' lai zai, {s.) the name of a song. Len' lang, (v.) to float along. Len-lang, {s.) the name of a tree. Len pat, (s.) the name of a species of tree moss. Lep, (v.) to turn up, to roll up, to turn inside out. Lep-chiah, {a.) fiill of animal spirits, frivolous, fond of joking, unreliable in. character, unstable, desultory, capricious, (v.) to be full of animal spirits, etc. Lep-she, {v.) to turn up, to roll up, to turn inside out. Ler, {s.) the top (of tree, post, etc.), the end (of a sentence). Let, (v.) to alter, to transform. Let, {-v.) to return, to come back. Let, (v.) to turn upside down, to capsize, to turn over. Le^lin^, (a.) upside down, inside out, wrong way about, vice versd, (v.) to be upside down. Let-ling kal, {v.) to walk on the hands. Le/-thla^, {v.) to get the better of, to turn aside, to refute. (a.) four. (s.) a deep pool (in a river). , (s.) a spring (as of watch, gun, etc.). ak, (v.) to lick, to lap. am, {v.) to overflow, to go or be out of sight behind anything. ^^' > beyond, more than, am-a, ) ^ ' an, (a.) large, eminent, great, (z;.) to be large, etc., to increase in size. Liang, (s.) a handle (of pot, spoon, etc.), a wall plate. Lian-kual vai-hlo, (s.) the name of a plant with burrs. Lian-pui, {a.) immense, gigantic. Lian-ran, (s.) a species of rice. Li luh, (v.) to dive, to plunge. Lim, {s.) a picture, model, imagfe, imitation. Ling, {a.) red hot, {v.) to be red hot, to plant (as bulbous plants). Lip, (v.) to flay, Lir, ('6'.) to roll. Lir a nghing, {v.) to quake (as the earth). Lir nghing, (s.) an earthquake. Li teng shawl, {s.) a bay, a cove, a creek. Lo, {adv.) not. Lo, a verbal prefix signifying motion towards the speaker. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI -ENGLISH. 137 Lo, (5.) a Lushai cultivation, a //zz^wz. Lo, (v.) to pluck (as flower, fruit, etc.) Lo ang-in, (prep.) contrary to. Lo beng var, {v.) to be on the alert, to be in readiness. Lo chen, {s.) a measurement equal to about three or four miles. T °"^h"' \ ^P^'^P-) ^^^^ ^^^ exception of, except, but. Lo-ding, {v.) to stand. Lo en, (■y^ to search for a fit place iox jhuming. Lo haw, ") / \ . Lo haw^g, 1 (^-^ '° '=°"^- , ^ J.' > {p^^P') with the exception of, except, but. Loi, {s.) a buffalo. Loi, {v.) to conduct a bride to a bridegroom's house, to entice fowls into a coop, the act of a bride going to the bridegroom's house, to go into a coop (as fowls). Loi-chal, (5.) a man who accompanies the bride to the bride- groom's house. Loi-rawl, {s.) a bugle. Lo-in-ring, {v.) to be on the alert, to be in readiness. Loi-thlem, {v.) to commit adultery with a woman by force or stratagem. Lok, {v.) to punch or rap with the knuckles. Lok, {adv.) soon, for a short time. Lok, {a,) knobby, rugged. Lo-kal, {v.) to come. Lo-kalh, {v.) to contradict, to oppose. Lo-kir, {v.) to come back, to return. Long, {$.) a boat. Long ba'din'na, {s.) an anchor. Long-barh, (s.) mica. Long chelh ding tu, {$.) an anchor. Lo-nghak, {v.) to wait for. Long-leng, {s,) an open boat. Long-par, {s.) a clove. Lo".p6h,^' } ^'''P-^ ^^s^^^s- Lo pom, {v.) to select a site for a ne^ jhum. Lor, (7;.) to protrude. Lo ring, {v.) to make preparation for eating, etc., to get or make ready. Lo-sul-haw;2^, {v.) to return home from the field or from work. Lo-sul-thlen^, {v.) to arrive home from the field or from work, T 133 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Lo'thlen^, (v.) to arrive, to befal. Lo va/, (7;.) to cut a jJnun. Lu, {s.) the head. Lu, {v.) to copulate with. Lua, {adv.) too. Luah, (v.) to occupy, to take possession of, to enter into posses- sion of. Lu a ha, {v.) to be giddy. Lua-^', {s.) to vomit. Luak-thei, {s.) the name of a tree with edible fruit. Luak a chhua/^, {v.) to feel sick. Lu a na, {v.) to have a headache. Luan^, {v.) to flow. Luang, {s.) the name of a reed, ekra. Lua-tuk, {adv.) too. Lu-dip, {s.) the fontanel. ^• Luh, {v.) to importune. Luh-lul, {a.) disobedient, obstinate, stubborn, self-willed, {v.) to be disobedient, etc. Lah-thlu/^, {v.) to persuade by importunity. Lui, {adv.) purposely, intentionally, in an insistent manner, {v.) to insist. Lui, {s.) a stream, a river. Lui-dung, {s.) a valley. Lui hnar lam-a, {adv.) upstream. Lui-hram, {adv.) persistently, perseveringly. Lui in-khan, {s.) a watershed. Lui kai, {s.) a ford, bridge, or any crossing of a river. ] Lui liam, {s.) the name of a creeper. Lui mong lam-a, {adv.) downstream. Lui-pui, {s.) a river. Lui-tir, {v.) compel, force. Lu-ka, {s.) the platform in front of a Lushai house. Luka-pui, {s.) a platform to the side of the lu-ka. Lu-kham, {s,) a pillow, a bolster. Lti-khum, {s.) a hat, a cap. Lu'khung, {v.) to cohabit with, to serve for a wife, to enter a house with the intention of killing, assaulting, or quarrelling with its inmates. Lum, {v.) to roll. Lum, {a.) warm, hot, {v.) to be warm, to be hot. Lum, {s.) the name of a tree the roots of which are used for making a yellow or red dye, Lum, {v.) to be, to do. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I 39 Lum-ler, (s.) the name of a species of plum. Lli met, (v.) to cut the hair. Lu-met mi, •) ^^^ ^ ^^^^ Lu-met-tu, ) ^ ' Lu na, (s.) headache. Lung, (s.) a stone, a rock. I.ung, {s.) the heart. Lung, (s.) a maggot, (a ) maggotty, (v.) to be maggotty. Lung a leng, {v.) to feel sad, to feel homesick, to let the miiid wander, to ponder over the past. Lung chhe, {v.) to be heartbroken, to be sad, to be hurt in the feelings. Lung chhia, (s.) a rock. Lung chhia/, (v,) to be heartbroken, to be sad, to be hurt in the feelings. Lung chhiat pui, {v.) to feel sorry for anyone. Lung chhiat thlak, {a.) heartbreaking, sad, grievous. Lung-dawh, {s.) a platform erected in memory of the dead. Lung in, (s.) a prison, a stone house. Lung kham, (a.) anxious, worried, troubled, (v.) to keep or have in the mind, to wish, to be anxious, worried, or troubled. Lung lai-shuih, (s.) a slate for writing. Lung lai-shuih ziak-na, (s.) a slate pencil. Lung lekha, (s.) the same as limg lai-shuih> ,r Lung-li, (^.) the name of a very durable tree, the juice of which is used as a remedy for sores. Lung muang, (7/.) to have peace of mind. Lung-ngai, \y^ to be sad, to grieve, to be sorrowful, discour- aged or disheartened. Lung ni, (2;.) to be pleased, to be contented. Lung ni lo, (2;.) to be vexed, annoyed, displeased, or discontent- ed. Lung-oi, (2;.) to be pleased, to be contented. Lung-oi-lo, (2;.) to be vexed, annoyed, displeased, or discontent- ed. Lung-pat, (.?.) stone moss. Lung-phur-buh-tun, (5.) the name of a grass. Lung-ral, (5.) a pickaxe. Lnng-sam, (.y.) a maidenhair fern. Lung-tat, (5.) a hone, a grindstone. Lung-ten, (z;.) to disHke, detest, disown, Lung-thil, U.) gravel. Lung-thu, (^.) a trivet, stones used to support a pot over the fire. T I I40 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Lung ti chhiaif, {v. f.) to hurt the feelings, to break thfe heart, to make sad. Lung tu'hrat, | , ^ ^ -^^^^^^ Lung tuk-na, ^ ^ >" ^ Lung-vai chi, (5.) the name of a kind of Lushai salt. Lun lai, (s.) the time when a thing is in full swing. Lu-phut, (5.) scurf. Lu'pui, (v.) to bring in. Lu-ruh, (5.) a skull. Lu-shun, (v.) to put down the hair as a sign of mourning for the dead, to go into mourning, to neglect the personal appearance, clothing, etc., as a sign of mourning. hut, {v.) to enter, to sink, to appeal to (as in a law case). Lu tan, {v.) to decapitate. Lu-tuk, (adv.) too. Lu-virh, {s.) a headache which comes on every morning soon after sunrise. M Mah, {adv.) even (used only in the negative). Mah-na, it may be, perhaps. Mai, {adv.) merely, to no purpose. Mai, {s.) a pumpkin. Mai-cham, {s.) an altar. Mai-hun, {s.) a basin. Mai-mai, {adv.) merely, uselessly, gratuitously, undeservedly, simply, causelessly. Mai-maw, {s.) silk. Mai-mit chhin^, {v.) to shut the eyes. Mai-mom, {s.) a spider. Mai-mom in, {s.) a spider's web, a cobweb. Mai-mom ril, [s.) a spider's thread, a cobweb. Mai-pawl, (5.) the name of a pumpkin. Mai-tam-tok, {s.) the name of a vegetable {mordica mixta). Mak, (^.) wonderful, {adv.) wonderfully, {v.) to be wonderful. Ma./^, {v.) to divorce, to give up. Ma/^-mawh, {adv.) certainly, without fail, also a particle joined to a verb with the meaning of 'compelling,' 'provoking,' as oi-jjiakmawh = belief compelling. Mak-pa, {s.) a sister's or daughter's husband. Mak ti, {v.) to be amazed, to be filled with wonder. Mai, (5.) a drop, a grain, a single one. Mai chung, {s.) the lap. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI- ENGLISH. 141 Ma-lek, {v.y to not trouble, as in kal malekroh = don't trouble to go. Mal-mak, (z'.) to renounce upon oath, to abjure, to cast off for ever. Mal-mal-in, {adv^ one at a time, one after another, one by one. Mal-pheng, (5.) the side of the thigh. Mal-pui, (s.) the thigh. Mal-shawm, («.) fortunate. Mai-shawm sak, (2;.) to bless, to call down blessings upon. Mai theoh-vm, | (^cidv.) one at a time, one after another, one by one. Mam, ((2.) smooth, (7;.) to be smooth. Mamawh, (x'.) to have urgent business, to have imperative need of, to be imperatively necessary. Mam-rem, (a.) smooth, even (as a road, etc.) Man, (z^.) to seize, to hold, to grasp. Man, (5.) price, reward, recompense, wages, (■y.) to be good value for money, to be expensive. Mang, (z;.) Co die, to die out, to become extinct. Mang, {adv.) very, much. VMang, (5.) a dream. Mang-an§^, (z-.) to be bewildered, perplexed, amazed, troubled in mind, to be in a predicament. Mang-an'thlak, {a.) bewildering, perplexing. Mang-khawh, {v.) to gather together the pieces of burnt wood, etc. after the burning of 2.jhum. Mang-khawng, (.s.) a species of rice. Mang-khawng, (.y.) the name of a trap for rats in which the animal is killed by a falling beam. Mang-khawng-dai, (5.) the name of a small palm. Mang-khai ral-veng, (.9.) the plover. Mang nei, (z;.) lo dream. Mang phan, (z;.) to dream of what one has been talking about. Ma-ni, {p^o.) own, self. Man-tir, {v.) to deliver up, to cause to be seized, to cause to seize. Man-zang, (5.) a species of edible arum. Mao, {s.) a bamboo. Mao ar-fep, {s.) new shoots springing from the roots of old bamboos after a jungle fire. Mao-buh, {s.) a species of rice. Mao-hak, (5.) a patch of bamboos not to hejliilmed, but preserved for building purposes. Mao-hnu, {s.) the shoots of bamboos msi j'kum. Mar, (s.) the pulse. 142 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARYr Mar, (a.) straight, even, stretched tightly, (v.) to be straight, even, stretched tightly. Mar darh, j , ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ .^^^ Mar tai, ) Ma-thei lo, _ I , ^^ V certainly, without fall. Ma-thei lo vin, ) ^ ' -" Ma-tu, (s.) the Kumi tribe. Maw, an interrogative particle. Mavvh, {v.) to be unable ; affix like the English affix ' less' or the prefix ' un '. Mawh-chhia/, (v.) to blame falsely, to lay blame upon. Mawh phur, (v.) to bear the consequences or blame. Mawl, (v.) to be plain, to be without adornment, without common sense, foolish, (a.) plain, etc. Mawn, (s.) the g/ans clitoris. Mavvt, {s.) the name of a creeping cane. Me, {s.) the liber cells of certain trees, the minute thorns on certain fruits and plants, {v.) to be covered with the above minute thorns, to be irritating (as flannel to the skin), {a.) covered with me, irritating. Me, the Lushai call for goats. ^ Mei, {s.) fire, a tail, the stern of a boat. Mel-alh, (5.) a flame. Mei-bu, (5.) tinder. Mei chhem, {y.) to light a fire, to blow a fire. Mei chher, {s.) a torch, a firebrand. Mei ek thiar, {v.) to snuff (candle, torch, etc.) Mei-hle, (5.) the name of a tree similar to the sago palm. Mei-hol, (5.) charcoal. Mei khu, {s.) smoke. Mei khu chhua'na, (5.) a chimney. Mei khu long, {s.) a. steamboat. Mei ling, {s.) live embers. Mei long. (5.) a steamboat. Mei lung, (s.) a flint. Mei-pek sllai, {s.) the name of a gun used by the Lushais before the advent of flintlocks, fired with a firebrand. Mei pui, (s.) a bonfire anywhere oatside a village. Mei-shi, {s.) a spark. Mei talh, (5.) a lucifer match, flint, steel, and tinder, (7;.) to strike a light. Mei talh bawm, (s.) a tinder box, a match box. Mei-tei, {s.) a Manipuri. Mei-tei ruk-ru, {s.) the sensitive plant. PART III. — DICTIONARY— LUSHAI -ENGLISH. • 143 Mel-thal-lawn, (s.) fireworks, a rocket. Mei-thui, (s.) the name of a tree, the juice of the above tree which is used for japanning. Mei-vam, (s.) live embers. Mei-vap, (s.) ashes, burnt leaves. Melh, (v.) to stare at, to look at steadfastly, to stare. Men^, {v.) to wake, to be awake, to open (as eyes). Men'lai, (s.) the time between supper and bedtime. Meoh = self. Me/, (v.) to scrape, to shave, to cut (the hair). M M M xM M M M M M M (s.) a person, a man, a thing, one. a, (5.) a fool, an idiot, a silly person, a mad person, dah bel, (s.) the name of a large earthen pot. daw'thei, (s.) a liar, en-khal thei, (a.) dazzling, fir, {s.) a miser, a niggard, bring, (s.) a man, a person, khua, (s.) another village. khual, (s.) a stranger, one belonging to another village, khua mim kut thla, (s.) the time of the year corresponding nearly to August. -Um ' f ^^'^ ^ model, a picture, an Image, a scarecrow. m, {s.) Job's tears, a nut, see also mti a 7ntm, m kut, {s.) the name of a Lushai feast. n, {pro.) me, us, for me, for us, to me, to us. n, {v.) to slip away (as the side of a hill, a path, etc.) -ngei, {a.) full of buoyant spirits, fond of joking. -pa, {s.) a male, a man. -pa naopang, {s.) a boy. -pui, (5.) a crowd, a multitude. -rang, (5.) a Magh. -rong, [s.) a Naga. -ruk-ru-hmang, } (^■) ^ ""'^f- -sual, {s.) a quarrelsome, foolish, or bad person, a sinner. t, {s.) the eye. t, {s.) a skein (of yarn, etc.) t, [s.) the gall bladder, -tang, (5.) a prisoner. t a mim, {v.) to have something in the eye. t a vai, {v.) to be dazzled, to see one thing as if It were another, to see indistinctly. Mit-del, {v,) to be blind, {a.) blind. M U u M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 144 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Mit doi vai, (v.) to conjure, to deceive the eyes. Mit doi vai thiam, (s.) a conjurer, a magician. Mit-dum, (s.) the iris of the eye. Mit fe-re, {s.) the name of a fly, the discharge on the lashes during a cold in the eye. Mit-fim, (a.) keen-sighted, {v.) to be keen-sighted. Mi-thl, (s.) a corpse, a dead person. Mi-thi huh, the Sc.me as khuavdng biih. m Mi-thi chhiah, {v.) to make an offering to a departed spirit. Mi-thl-in a \.h\\\k, {v.) to have a fit. Mi-thi-khua, {s.) the abode of departed spirits. Mi-thi ngai, {v.) to mourn for the dead. Mi-thi ral, {-v.) to hold a wake, (5.) the men who assemble to drink at a burial. Mi-thi-thluX', {s.) a kind of fit. Mit-hmul, (5.) the eyelashes. Mit-kalh, {a.) crosseyed, {v.) to be crosseyed. Mit khap, {v.) to blink the eye, (5.) a moment. Mit-khap-kar lo vin, {adv.) in an instant, instantaneously, In the twinkling of an eye. Mit-khing-shiai, {v.) to wink, to shut one eye. Mit-la, {v.) to take the fancy. Mit len, {v.) to look round about. Mit-mal, {v.) to be afflicted with night blindness. Mit mei, [y.) to watch, {s.) behaviour, manner. Mit mei hmu, {s.) to have the approbation of. Mit mei ven 'thiam, {v.) to know how to read a person*s thoughts by his manner, (5.) one so skilled. Mit meng-zia, {s.) behaviour, manner. Mit-men'sak, {v.) to be drowsy, to cause drowsiness. Mit-mu, {s.) the eyeball. Mit nao-te, {s.) the pupil of the eye, Mit-shiai, (7;.) to wink, to shut one eye. Mit shir-in melh, {v.) to watch out of the corners of the eyes. Mit-thla, {s.) imagination. Mit-thla-in hmu, {v.) to imagine, to see in imagination. Mit tl-val, {v. t.) to dazzle. Mit-tlang kawm, (s.) the edge of the eyelid. Mit-tui, (5.) tears. Mit var, {a.) keen-sighted, {v.) to be keen-sighted. Mit var leh, {y.) to regain sight. Mit var riei, (y.) to receive sight. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI- ENGLISH. 145 Mlt vun, {s.) the eyelid, Mit vun chuar, {v.) to frown. Mo, (5.) a bride, a son's or brother's wife. Mo-chal, (5,) a daughter's or sister's husband who goes to live in his wife's house. Moi, (a.) pretty, (v,) to be pretty, beautiful, exalted, honoured, to be fit or proper. Moi, (a.) d)eginning to form in the bud (as rice). Moih, (a.) rotten, \v.) to rot, to be rotten. Molh, (adv.) assuredly, certainly, specially. Mo loi, (s.) the friend of a bride who accompanies her to her husband's house. Mom, (a.) shining, glistening, polished, greasy, (v.) to shine, glisten, etc. Mong, (5.) the bottom of anything, the posterior, the mouth of a river. Mong-chep, (s.) an earwig. Mong-choi, (v.) to commence cutting a f/mm at the lower end and working upwards. Mong-er, (5.) the name of an ant. i\*°"^ 1 u ' L f i^-) one who practises sodomy. Mong knaw hur, ) ^ '' ^ Mong kua, {s.) the anus. Mong-phu-hru, (s.) a false bottom. Mong-thun-silai, (s.) a breechloading gun. Mu, (s.) the hawk. Mu, (s.) a seed, a kernel. Mual, (s.) a mound, a hill, a spur (of a hill). Mual-dung, (s.) a spur (of a hill). Mual-pho, (v.) to be put to shame. Muan, (7;.) to encourage. Muan^, (v.) to be encouraged, to take courage, to be in comfort- able circumstances, to have no anxiety. Muan^, (v.) to be slow, leisurely, or self-collected, to take things quietly, (adv.) slowly, leisurely, self-collectedly, steadily, quietly. Muan^ chang, (v.) to be slow, leisurely or self-collected, to take things quietly. Mu Ar la, (s.) the name of a species of hawk. Mu beng nei, (s.) a vulture. Mu-chhia, (s.) the name of a hawk, Muk, {a.) pressed tightly together, close together, prosperous, (v.) to be pressed tightly together, etc., (adv.) tightly together, closely together. Muk, (3.) the name of a tree with a durable heart. u 146 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Muk, (a.) dull (of colour). Mu-khao, {s.) the name of a tree. Mu-lu kolh, (s.) a vulture. Mum, (a.) round, cylindrical. MCim, {v.) to close (as a flower), to be closed (as a flower). Mu-mang, {$.) a dream. Mu-mang-a mang, (v.) to dream. Mu-manr-in hmu, *) / \ ^ 1 e . • 1 Mu-man| lama hmu, J ( ^•) ^^ dream of, to see m a dream. Mu-mang nei, (v.) to dream, to have a dream. Mum-pal, {a.) perfectly cylindrical. Mum-shawl, (a.) cylindrical. Mun^, (v.) to stew, to boil for a long time. Mu-nghil, (v.) to sleep, to be asleep. Mu-nghil der, {v.) to be fast asleep. Mun^-koi, (v.) to boil or stew until the whole substance is dissolved. Mur, (v.) to be frosted (as the centre of amber bead), (v.) to have the appearance of goose skin. Mu-ra, (s.) the name of a fabulous gigantic bird. Mur-pui, (s.) a species of swallow. Mu-shao, (s.) a slug for a gun. Mu-shep, (s.) small shot, small, abortive or undeveloped seeds. Mu/, (v.) to lie down, to recline, to sleep, to close (as a leaf at night). Mut, (v.) to smoulder. Mut a chhuak, (v.) to feel sleepy. Mut-hil, (v.) to sleep, to be asleep. Mut-hil der, (v.) to be fast asleep. Mut-hniun, (s.) a sleeping place. Mu-tih, (s.) the castor oil plant. Mut thlu/^, (v.) to fall asleep while sitting or standing, to be heavy with sleep. Mu-van-lai, (v.) the name of a kind of hawk which eats snakes. N Na, (s.) the outside (of bamboos, etc.) Na, (a.) boisterous, scorching, intense, (v.) to be boisterous, etc., (adv.) boisterously, etc. Na, {prep.) for, also an instrumental and causative alBx, also an affix denoting ' place of.' Na, see 7tat. Na-a, {conj.) although, even though. Na a nei, {v.) to be stringy (as beans, etc.) PART III. — DICTIONARY—LUSHAI- ENGLISH. I47 Na-aplang-a, (adv.) wherever. Na-chin, {adv.) whence, where. Nak, (5.) the side. Nak-a-lai-In, just when, when. Nak-in-a, {adv.) by and bye, presently. Nak-kum-<7, {a.) next year. Nak-lam, {s.) the name of a creeper the leaves of which are used to relieve pain in the side. ^ Nak ruh, {s.) a rib, the ribs. Nak-tiam-rt:, three days hence. Nak-thai-<2, the day after tomorrow. Nak-thai-zan-<2, the night after tomorrow night. Nak-tip-rt, the day after tomorrow. Nak-tip-zan-^, the night after tomorrow night. Nak-luk-rt, tomorrow. Nak-tuk-tuk-leh-^, the day after tomorrow. Nak-tuk zan-<2, tomorrow night. Nak-zan-^, tonight. Nal, (^.). slippery, smooth, {v.) to be slippery, etc. " Nam, {v.) to push, to knock against. Nam, {v.) to smell of, to give forth a smell, to be high, to be strong smelling. Na-mai, {a.) ordinary, common, any sort of, every sort of, all sorts of, {pro.) whoever, whomever, whatever. Na- men, {a.) ordinary, common. Na-men-lo, {a.) extraordinary, uncommon. Nam-liam, {v.) to push over the edge. , Nam-nul-mai, {v.) to do a thing anyhow. Nan, {v. t.) to wet, to fall upon (as rain). Nan, {prep.) for. Na-na-na-in, just as, exactly as. Nan^, {v.) to get a glimpse of an animal when tracking, to overtake, to be in time, to meet. Nang, {pro.) thou, thine, thee. Nang-a, {pro.) thy. Nang-a-ta, {pro.) thine. Nang-ma, {pro.) thou, thy, thee. Nang-ma-a-ta, {pro.) thine. Nan2;-ma-ni, {pro.) you, your. Nang-ma-ni-ta {pro.) yours. Nang-ma-ta, {pro.) thine. Nang-ni, {pro.) you, your. u 2 148 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Nang-ni-ta, (pro.) yours. Nao, (5.) a younger brother or sister, a child, a paternal uncle's younger child, a maternal aunt's younger child, a younger brother's wife, a husband's younger sister or brother. Nao a chhia^, {v.) to have a miscarriage. Nao-ban, {s.) an orchid. Nao-chaw-thing-bavvm, {s.) the name of a small red ant. Nao-huai-hlo. | , . ^^^ ^^^^ ^j ^ flowering creeper. Nao-huai-hrui, ) ^ '' & r Nao pal, (v.) to be with child. Nao-pang, (s.) a child, a boy, a girl. Nao-pang chal-a, (a.) childish. Nao-pang hri, (5.) the name of a disease. Nao-pan^ lai, (s.) childhood. Nao-shen, (5.) a baby. Nao-thak, (s.) the name of a tree. Nao-va-oi-mu, (s.) the name of a plant. Nao vei, (v.) to labour with child. Nao vei na, (2;.) to travail with child. Na-ran, (a.) ordinary, common, any sort of, every sort of, all sorts of, {pro.) whoever, whomever, whatever. Na-ran-in, {adv.) whenever, wherever. Na-sha, {adv.) exceedingly, {a.) immense, intense. Na^, {v.) to pain, to ache, to feel pain, to be ill, {s.) pain, sickness, Nat-ni-nei-in, {adv.) intermittently (as in fever). Nat-tlun, {s.) ague. Na-zia, an affix similar to the English affix 'able.' Na-zong, {a.) ordinary, common, any sort of, every sort of, all sorts of, {pro.) whoever, whomever, whatever. Na-zong-in, {adv.) whenever, wherever. Naw' alh, {s.) 2l lucifer match. Naw-chi-zuar, {v.) a harlot. Naw'-fung, {s.) the bow of a Lushai fiddle. Nawh-phuai, {s.) the name of a creeper. Nawh-thuh, {v.) to bribe, {s.) a bribe. Nawl, {s.) debris, drift, a heap of dust or rubbish. Nawl, {v.) to graze, to strike at an angle and slip along (see huawl). Naw/, {v.) to rub, to scour. Nawt-chik, {v.) to creak. Nawt-fai, {v.) to clean by scouring or rubbing. Naw-ti-zuar, {s.) a harlot. Nawt-kiu,")/ v ^ , KT . • K^'O to creak. Nawt-ri, 3 ^ ^ .PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENG LISH. I 49 Nawt-tle, (v.) to polish. Ne, (s.) the young tubers of bulbous plants. Nei, (v.) to get, to have, to obtaui. Nei-tu, (s.) an owner. Nek, (5.) a fellow, a term of contempt. Nek, (adv.) with force, vehemently, very much. Nek, (adv.) to throng, to press against, to treat with unfairness or without respect, to disrespect the rights of, to take advantage of, to cause to bear the blame, to beat down, to offer a price lower than the one quoted. Nel, (a.) soft (as skin). Nel, (v.) to be used to, to be familiar with, to be not afraid of. Nel, (a.) flexible, supple, {v.) to be flexible, to be supple. Nei-tlang, {s.) a clod of earth. Nem, (v.) to press, to squeeze. Nem, (a.) fine in texture, soft, weak (as beer). Nem, {adv.) not. Nem-i nu chhu uih, (s.) the name of a plant used by the Lushais as a medicine for worms. Nem-in ziak, (v.) to print, to impress. Nem-sawr, {v.) to squeeze liquid out of anything. Nen, [prep.) with, equivalent to 'and'. Nep, \v.) to ask a price higher than the right value, to offer a smaller price than the one quoted, to pretend not to want in buying anything in hopes that the price will be reduced, to do without. Ner, iy.) to mushroom out (as top of post when beaten with a mallet, bottom of walking stick, etc.) Nga, {a.) five. Ngah, iy.) to have much, to possess much. Ngai, {adv.) ever. Ngai, {a.) the same. Ngai, {v.) to bear, to endure. Ngai, {s.) the name of a kind of screw-pine. Ngai, (2;.) to love, to long after an absent one, to copulate, to listen, to obey, to take notice of, to think, to consider, to wait for, to be necessary, to have need of, to be customary, {a.) beloved. ^ Ngai-bei-shei, {v.) to expect. Ngai-dam, {v.) to pardon, to forgive. Ngaih-hih, {s.) a creeper, the roots of which are used to poison fish. \Ngai hlu/, {v.) to think much of, to value highly. Ngai-hna-thiam, {v.) to forgive, to pardon. "^ Ngai-hrui, {s.) a string of black, red and white yam tied round the wrist by friends when parting. 150 LUSHy^I GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ngai-koi, (v.) to put a wrong construction upon. Ngai-lo, (adv.) never, {v.) to be not customary. Ngai-mawh, (v.) to be unable to put up with or bear. Ngai-na, (v.) to be fond of, to like, to set great store by, Noiai-na hre, ") / \ , 1 1 »T^ . u • 1 c i'^'-j to know how, Ngai-na hria/, j ^ ^ Ngai-na-reng hre lo, (v.) to not know what to do, to be in a fix, to be at a loss, to be in suspense. Ngai-na-reng hre-lo-vin shiarn, {v.) to put in a fix, to hold in suspense. Ngai-nom, (s.) anything pleasant to hear. Ngai-ruat, {v.) to calculate, to guess, to reckon, to put on one side for a set purpose. Ngai-ruat-in, (adv.) according to calculation, reckoning, or guess. Ngar-m^^^^^^ Ngai-sak, {v.) to regard, to have respect to or for, to heed, to care about, to care for, to show respect to or for. Ngai-sam, (a.) heedless, careless, {v.) to be heedless, careless, Ngai-shang, (v.) to be interested in, to take interest in, to regard, to respect (as word, etc.) Ngai-shan' tlak, {a.) interesting. Ngai-tak, {a.) beloved. Ngai-thei, {v.) to put up with, to suffer, to endure. Ngai-thlaZ', (7;.) to listen, to give heed to, to eavesdrop. Ngaitlawm, {v.) to disregard, to think of no account, to think little of another, to look down upon one as an inferior. Nga Nga Nga Nga \Nga tua, (v.) to consider, to ponder, to be anxious, -tua-pui, (v.) to advise, -tua reng, (v.) to remember, -vek, the same again. -ven', {v.) to watch, to keep guard over, to look after, to Usten to. Ngai-vom, {s.) the name of a plant. Ngal, {s.) the shin. Ngal-char, {s.) the shin. Ngal-hem, {s.) a contrivance made by boys to hit people on the leg as they walk along the path. Ngam, (a.) brave, daring, tame, (v.) to be brave, etc., to dare, to gain a victory, to be prepared to do a thing, T.,^ "P '{(v-) to be familiar with, to be not afraid of. Ngam-pao,)^ ^ ' Ngam-thlem, {v.) to deal craftily with, to use stratagem. Ngam-thlem hraang, (v.) to be crafty, {a.) crafty. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSH AI - E NGLISH. I51 ^ L_!i Ns^an, {s.) rice ready damped for making beer, Ngan-bawm, {s.) the name of a tree. Ngao, {s.) a grey monkey. Ngap, {a.) gritty. Ngaw, {s.) virgin forest. Ngawt, {s.) the name of a painless swelling on the head. Nge, {conj.) or (generally used in interrogative sentences only). Ngei, self. Ngei, {adv.) really, certainly. Ngei, {v.) to make to feel sick, to make one turn against, to cause one to turn against, to nauseate. Ngei-a-lom, an emphatic verbal particle. Ngeih, {v.) to be acclimatized, to agree with, Ngei-kha-le, an emphatic verbal particle. Ngek, {v.) to squeal. Ngen, (s) bell metal. Ngen, (7'.) to ask for, to demand, to ask. ^ Ngen chiam, {v.) to beseech. Nget, {s) the name of a boring insect. Nget, iy.) to be eaten by insects, to decay (as teeth), {a.) eaten, decayed. Ngha, {s.) a fish. Ngha clihan, [v.) to rest upon or against, {s.) a rest of any kind for arms, feet, etc. Nghai-sha, {v.) to destroy wilfully, to torture, to ill-treat, to mutilate, to handle, to work at. Nghak, {v.) to wait. ^ Nghak-hlel, {v.) to be impatient, to be eager, {a.) impatient, eager. Ngha-kol, {s.) a fish-hook. Ngha-koi-ngul, {s.) a fishing rod. Ngha-kuai, {a.) a fish-hook. Ngha-kuai ngul, {s.) a fishing rod. Nghal, {adv.) immediately, straightway, while about it. Nghal, («.) ill-behaved, unruly, over-famihar, rude, {v.) to be ill-behaved, etc., to take liberties. Nghal-chang, {s.) a large male wild boar. Nghal- fek, {s.) the name of a stinging bee. Ngha-lim, {s.) the name of a small fish. Nghal-mal, (5.) a large male wild boar. Nghal -pol, {s.) the name of a plant. Nghal-pui, (5.) the name of a stinging bee. Nghal-rual, {s.) the name of a wild boar. Ngha-mi, {$.) a species of large cat-fish. 153 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ngha-ngiai, (s.) the name of a fish. Ngha-phu, {s.) the mahseer fish. Nghar-dal, (s.) the name of a bramble. Ngha-rul, (s.) an eel. Nghat, {v.) to put down (as a load upon the ground) to rest against or upon. Ngha-thu, (5.) Bengali dried fish. Ngha-tun-bek-bor-tleng-in hleoh, (v.) to swim on the side. Ngha-vok, (s.) the name of a fish. Nghawng, (s.) the neck. Nghawng-kol, (5) a yoke worn by the Lushais when carrying loads, a silver neck ornament. Nghawng-puar, (s.) a goitre. Nghei, (v.) to fast. Nghen'-chhan, (v.) to lean against. Nghen^, {v.) to be in contact with, to knock or lean against, to touch, to depend upon. Ngheng-a, S ^ ^ j^^^^^ Ngheng-lama, ) ^^ '^ ' ^ Nghet, {a.) firm, rigid, prosperous, stable, {v. ) to be firm, etc., (adv.) firmly, etc. Nghet-lo, (a.) loose, unstable, {v.) to be loose, etc. Nghing, (v.) to shake, to wave. Ngho, (s.) a tusk, a tooth. Nghong, [s.) a measurement from the tip of the middle finger to the opposite elbow with arms extended. Nghor, (v.) to shake, to boil galloping. Ngial, {adv.) rather, fairly. Ngiat, (v.) to want, to wish for, to ask for. Ngil, {a.) straight, {v.) to be straight, (adv.) straight. Ngil nei, {a.) kind, thoughtful, considerate, unselfish. Ngo, (a.) white, fair, of a light colour, {v.) to be white, etc. Ngoi, (s.) a fish trap. Ngoi, (s.) quiet, silent, {v.) to be quiet, silent, to stop, to pause. Ngoi-choi, (a.) morose, quiet (in disposition, or through sickness,) (v.) to be morose, to be quiet. Ngoi-hem, {s.) the name of a tree. Ngoi-tao, (v.) to sulk, to be sulky. Ngol-tawt, {a.) obstinate, self-willed, stubborn, disobedient, {v.) to be obstinate, fJtc. Ngong, (a.) slow of understanding, dull, stupid, (v.) to be slow of understanding, etc. Ngor, (s.) consumption, any chronic or wasting disease, one so afflicted. PART III. — DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 153 Ngorh, (z'.) to keep on at, {adv.) continuously. Ngorh chhen, {v. t. and int^ to keep on at, to keep on the go, {adv.) continuously. Ngorh-shek, {y. and adv.) the same as 'ngorh.' Ngot, {a.) crisp, short. Ngot, {adv.) merely, actually, very much, also with the meaning of ' without preparation, warning, permission, cause, or taking heed.' Ngo-te-kherh, {s.) the name of acloth. Ngot shiah shiah, {a.) crisp, short. Nguai, {v.) to cause to feel sick or bilious. Nguai, ) {a.) listless, quiet, silent, downhearted, sad, miserable, Ngui, ) (7;.) to be listless, etc. Nguk, {v.) to grunt. Ngul, {s.) the barrel (of a gun), the stick or sapling bent down for a spring in making a noose trap, a rod. Nguai, {s.) the tail of a bird without the feathers, the lower end of the spine. '*^ Ngum fi-ruh, {s.) the coccyx. Ngum-hnam, {s.) a sword. ^ Ngum-ruh, {s.) the sacrum. Ngun, {s.) the name of a bracelet. Ngun, {v,) to be careful, {adv.) carefully. Ngun-kual, {s.) a spiral, a spiral spring, the name of a creeper. Ngur, {v.) to growl. Ngut, {adv.) only, really. Ni, {s.) the sun, day, a paternal aunt. Ni, {v.) to be, {adv.) yes. Ni-chin-a, {adv.) a short time ago. Ni-chhua/^, {s.) sunrise, {v.) to rise (as the sun). Ni-chuang, {v.) to stay over a day and a night. Ni-e, {adv.) yes. Ni-eng, (5.) sunlight. Ni-hlawh, (a.) fortunate, lucky, (?'.) to be fortunate, to be lucky. Ni-hliap, {s.) a sunshade, an umbrella. Ni khat ban, ^ Ni khat kal, > one day's journey. Ni khat kong, ) ^ Ni-khua, {v^ to thrive, to prosper. Ni-kum-iz, last year. Ni-kum-hma-sha-(2, the year before last. Ni-len', {v.) to spend or pass time. IS'i-leng-in, ) ^ X 154 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ni-lengkal na chen, {s.) a measurement, a full day's journey, about 15 to 20 miles. Ni-lo, {adv.) no. Ni-lum, (s.) sunshine. Ni-ma-shela, {conj.) nevertheless, yet, still, but. Ni-min-^, yesterday. Ni-min-piah-^, the day before yesterday. Ni-min-piah Zdn-a, three nights ago. Niminzan-^, the night before last. Nin^, (v.) to be tired of. Nin-hlei, (v.) to fidget, {a.) fidgetty. Nm-no, {s .) a burning glass, a magnifying glass. Nin-om, (a.) fatiguing, monotonous, tiresome. Ni-pui hun (or lai), (s.) the summer, the hot weather. Ni-pui-par, (s.) the name of a creeper with scarlet flowers. Ni-sari, {s.) a week. Ni-sha, (5.) sunshine. Ni-shu-e, {adv.) no. Ni tla/^, (s.) sunset, {v.) to set (as sun). Ni-tin-in, } ^'^^^'^ ^^*^y' ^^>' ^^ ^^>'- Ni tum-toi, {v.) to pass time quickly. Ni tum-toi-na, {s.) a pastime. Ni-zan-rt, last night. Ni-zawn-in, {adv.) day after day. No, {s.) a cup, a vase, a jug. No, (s.) the young of animals, birds, etc, {a.) young, soft, tender. No a chhiat, ") ^ 1 . . No a tla-sual, j |° ^^^^ ^ miscarriage. Noi, {s.) small pieces, small change, dregs, {a,) small, {adv.) in pieces. Noi-nawk, {s.) the name of a plant with edible leaves. Nom, {a.) a contracted form of nuam. Non, {s.) the trunk (of an elephant, etc.) Non, {v.) to do or say anything over and over again, {adv») again and again, over and over again. Nor, {v.) to butt, to push (as a pig), to collide with. No-thei, {s.) a bamboo cup. Nu, (r.) a mother, a maternal aunt, a paternal uncle's wife, a hus- band's mother, a female, a feminine afifix. Nu, {a ) muddy, turbid, {v.) to be muddy, to be turbid. Nuai, {a.) one hundred thousand. Nuai, {v.) to brush, to rub, to blow about violentlv. Nuai-eng, (5,) the balsam plant. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAl - ENGLISH. 155 Nuai-phuan, (5.) the name of a shrub with white flowers. Nuai-thang, (s.) the balsam plant. Nuam, (v.) to \vish, to want. Nuam, [a.) comfortable, nice, {v.) to be comfortable. "^ Nuar, (v.) to sulk, to get into a temper, to be disappointed. Nu-beng-chah, (s.) the name of a reed. Nu-fa, (^.) mother and child, used also to express 'one and a half' and 'one hundred and fifty.' Nu-hnun, (s.) the papaw {car tea papaya). Nu-bron, (s.) a stepmother. Nuhron ben' in beng, (v.) to slap with the open hand. Nui, (v.) to laugh. Nui-chhiah, {s.) a laughing stock. ^ Nui-shan, (v.) to laugh at, to mock, to scoff at. Nui za, (v.) to feel like laughing. Nui za-thla/i', (a.) ridiculous, funny, laughable. Nui, (v.) to brush past, to rub against. Nu-la, (5.) a maiden, a young woman. Nun a nem, (v.) to be good-tempered. ^ Nun chhia, (a.) cruel, vicious, bad, (v.) to be cruel, etc. Nun^, (a.) alive, {v.) to live, to revive (after fainting, chloroform, etc.) ' Nun^-chan^, (s.) nature, mode of life, disposition, habit. ^^ Nun-nem, (a.) good-tempered. ^ Nun'ning, (v.) to be tired of life. Nu-pa, {s.) husband and wife. Nu-pui*, (s.) a wife. Nu-pui nei, (v.) to marry a wife. Nu-ta, (s.) a female's brother. Nu tak ben'in beng, {v.) to slap with the hand hollow. Nu-tar, (s.) the name of the Poi's religious rites. Nu-thloi, {s.) a young woman either divorced or widowed. Nu tlin^, (5.) a full-grown female, (a.) full grown, {v.) to be of age, to arrive at the age of puberty. O, (a.) extensive (spoken of several jhiims, etc., joined together). Oi, {v.) to hush a child. Oih, {a.) steep. \ Oih, {v.) to believe, to allow, to obey, grant. ' Oih-lo, {v.) to disbelieve, to disallow, to disobey. ^ Oih-mak-mawh, {a.) convincing. Oih-mak-mawh-in, {adv.) convincingly. X 2 156 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Gih-om, (a.) credible. Oih-pui, (v.) to assent to. Olh-sak, (tj.) to believe (one's word). Oi-tlak, (a.) credible. Oih-tlla', {v.) sl shortened form of tiai tliak. Oi-nr.u, (z*.) to hush to sleep. 01, (^.) easy, (7;.) to be easy. Cm, (z;.) to be, to remain, to exist, to have, to stop, to rest, to do no work, to wait. ^\Om-eo, («.) capricious, desultory, (z'.) to be capricious or desultory. Om-lai, (5.) the name of the personification of death who is supposed to be the author of death and sickness. Om-na, (s.) abode, home, place. Om-na-chin, whereabouts. Om-na-tlak, "J ^ Om-na-tui, >• (^.) habitable. Om-na-zia, ) Om ni, (5.) a day of rest, a holiday, Om-pui, (7;.) to adopt, to keep, to receive or entertain as a guest. Om-pui-tu, (5.) a keeper, a master, an owner. Om-tual, {s. ) a fire in the open air in or near a village. Om-zia, (5.) meaning, shape. Ong, (5.) the crop (of a bird). Ong-puar, (5.) a goitre. Ong-rop, (^.) unsubstantial, badly constructed, unreliable, {y.) to be unsubstantial, etc. Op, {y^ to brood over, to sit (as a fowl), to govern, to rule. Op, (z'.) to collapse, to break down. Op chhia, ia?) to be addled. Op-tlei, (i'.) to bring up (as a child), to rear. Op-tu, (5,) a ruler, a governor. Op-tui, (7;.) to be addled. Or, (5.) the throat (outside). Or, (■7'.) to wear round the neck. Or-fual, (.<:.) the dewlap. Or-puar, (5.) a goitre. Or-rang, (5.) the name of a large black squirrel. Or, {y.) to covet, to envy. Pa, (5.) a father, a husband's father, a paternal uncle, a maternal aunt's husband, a male, a masculine affix. Pa, (^.) a fungus, a mushroom. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 157 Pa-ar-dang, (s.) the name of a species of edible fungus. Pa-chang, (s.) the name of a species of edible fungus. Pa-chhe, (a.) poor, badly off. Pa-chhia, (s.) a toadstool, an unedible fungus. Pa-chhia, (a.) poor, badly off, (•z'.) to be badly off. Pa-chuao, (s.) the name of a Lushai clan. ^ Pa-dawp, (s.) an hermaphrodite, a neuter. Pa-hnah-kar, (s.) the name of an edible fungus. Pa-hnih, (a.) two. Pa-hron, (s.) a stepfather. Pai, (s.) a sheath, a scabbard. Pai, (•c;.) to stagger, Pai, (v.) to conceive, to have in one's inside or below the skin, to digest, to keep to one's self, to keep in. Paih, (v.) to throw away, to abandon. Pai-hol, (s.) a cowrie. Pai-kawng, (s,) the name of a basket. Pai-per, {s.) the name of a basket. Pai-sha, (s.) a pice. Pai-sha de-re, ) / \ • / \ D • u 1 1 • I 1 c {^-j 3- pie (money). Pai-sha khmg-phel, j ^ ^ t^ \ )j Pai-te, (5.) the name of a tribe to the east of Lushai. Pai-tung, (5.) the name of a powder-horn. Pak, {y.) to wheedle, to make up to, to make much of. Pa-kai, (7'.) to go over to the side of another, to join another party after deserting one's own. Pa-kai shan, (c'.) to desert in order to join another. Pa-khang-bun, (^.) the name of an edible fungus. Pa-khat, (<7.) one. Pa-kua, (^.) nine. Pal, (5.) a fence. Pal, (z'.) to knock- against with the lower part of the leg or with foot, to trip against. Pa-lai, (.y.) an ambassador, an emissary, (?'.) to go as an ambassador. Pa-lai tir, (t'.) to send as an emissary or ambassador. Pa-lang, {s^ a bottle. Palh, {adv.) unintentionally, accidentally. Pal-hni-fen^, (5.) the lower part of a fence which is made double to keep pigs and other animals out of a garden, (v.) to make the above. Pa-li, {a.) four. Pa-luang, {s.) a species of edible fungus. Pal-tung, {s,) a fence made of upright posts. Pa-lu-rul, (s.) the perpetuator of a man's name. 158 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Pal-za, (s.) a rail, a railing. Pam-tul, (v.) to leave unfinished or incomplete, to leave without finishing, to abandon a J/mm without completing the cultivation of it. Pan, (a.) thin (as paper, etc.) Pan, (s.) a sore, a wound, (v.) to break into a sore. Pan, (v.) to make for, to steer for, to go towards. Pan-bawm, (5.) a small cane-work shield made to protect a sore on the leg when going through the jungle. Pang, (a.) to balance (on the tip of finger, etc.). Pang, (s.) the cotton tree. Pang, (adv.) without delay, soon. Pang, {s.) the body, the side (of a mountain, etc.) Pa-nga, {a.) five. Pa-ngai, according to, the same. Pa-ngai-in, according to, the same as. Pa-ngang, (s.) a caterpillar. Pa-ngang bawm, I ^^^ ^ chrysalis. Pa-ngang bu, ) "^ Pa-ngang dum-de, (s.) a glowworm. Pang-chang, (a.) peevish, pettish, ('Z'.) to be peevish, etc. Pang-kai, (s.) the lutqua or bhooby tree {baccaiirea sapidd). Pang-la, [s.) a kind of cotton yielded by the pang tree. Pang-par, {s.) a flower. Pang-parh, (5.) a fin. Pang-ti, {s.) substance, form. Pan-ruang, {s,) a species of betel. Pa-par, {s.) a species of edible fungus. Pa-puan-veng, {s.) a species of edible fungus. Pa-pui, (5.) a receptacle for storing rice. Par, {s.) a flower, a blossom, {v.) to bloom, to blossom. Par-ar-shi, {s.) the name of a plant with white flowers and edible leaves. Par-di, {s.) the name of an aromatic herb. Pa-reng, {s.) a receptacle for storing rice. Parh, (7'.) to open (as a flower, etc.) Pa-riat, {a.) eight. Par-lak, {v.) to harvest by cutting off the ears of grain and leaving the stalks standing. Pa-rol, {s.) a man divorced from his wife, a widower, a middle aged or old bachelor, a man living away from his wife, Par-thi-hrui, {s.) a garland of flowers. Par-tlan, {s.) the name of a tree. Pa-ruk, {a.) six. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I 59 Par-va, {s.) a pigeon. Pa-sai-beng, (s.) the name of an edible fungus. Pa-sal, (s.) a husband. Pa-sal nei, {v.) to marry a husband. Pa-sal tak-a-za, (s.) the name of a tree the leaves of which when bruised are used to heal sores. Pa-sal -tha, {s.) a man who is brave and manly, (a.) brave, manly. Pa-sari, (a.) seven. Pa-shi, (s.) the name of an edible fungus. Pa-son-tlun{;, {s.) the name of an edible fungus. Pat, (s.) moss. Pa-te, (s.) a receptacle for'^storing rice. Pat-ek, (5.) a species of water plant. Pa-thian, {s.) God, the Giver and Preserver of Life. Pa-thian biak, (v.) to worship God. Pa-ihlang-lam, {s.) the side of a house opposite the fireplace. Pa-thloi, (s.) a young married man or widower, a man of marriage- able age. Pa-thum, {a.) three. Pa-thur, (s.) the name of an edible fungus. Pa-til, {s.) a woman who dresses and behaves like a man. Pa-tling, [s.) a full grown male, (a.) full grown, {v.) to arrive at the age of puberty, to be of age. Pa-zawng-beng, (5'.) a species of edible fungus. Paw, {v.) to carry on the back (as child, etc.) Pawh, {adv.) also, even. Pawh, (v.) to come up to, to reach. Pawh-chbiat, {s.) the last crop of w^eds on a.j7ium. ^ PavTh-in, (conj.) although, notwithstanding. Pawl, (5.) straw. Pawl, (5.) a group, a flock, a herd, a pair, a company, a species, a kind, (v.) to company with, {a.) blue, covered with bloom (as fruit). Pawl-bul, (s.) stubble. Pawl-delh-ruah, [s.) the rain which falls soon after the gathering in of harvest. Pawl-kut, (s.) the name of a Lushai feast after harvest. Pawl -mi, ■) \ Pawl-pui, [ {s.) a companion. Pawl-te, ) Pawl-tlak lai (or hun), (s.) the time between the harvest and the cold weather. Pawl-tu, [s.) a companion. Pawn, (s.) the outside, {a.) shallow, l6o LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ti ' , ' > (adv. and prep.) outside, r awn- lama, ) ^ r r j Pawng, {adv.) by force, without paying for. (Is placed before the verb.) Pawng, {a.) higher in one place than another, swollen, uneven. Pawng-ek-lir, {s.) the name of a dung beetle. Pawng-hram, {v.) to speak unadvisedly, to gabble, to chatter. Pawn-ta, {a.) outer. Pawn-ta ber, {a.) outermost. Pawn-to, {v.) to be out of doors in the evening or at night. Pe, {v.) see pek. Peh, {v.) to break or to be broken (as the hole in the lobe of ear, a hole in wood, etc.), to have a piece of the edge off or to be split at the edge (as paper, cloth, etc.), to be frayed, {a.) broken, frayed, etc. Peh-buk, {s.) a tassel. Pei, {v.) to pinch. Pei, {v.) to offer for sale at a profit. Peih, i^v.) to be ready, to be able, to complete, to have inclination to, to have strength or ability to, to have time to. Pei-pung, [v.) to sell at a profit. Pek, {adv.) again. Pei, {v.) to give, to offer. Pe>^-kir, {v.) :o give back, to return. Pel, {v.) to pass, to pass by, through or out, to allow to pass. Pelh, (5.) the name of a plant. Pelh-solh, {a.) dislocated, crossed (as pen, etc.), {v.) to be dislo- cated, etc. Pem, {v.) to migrate, {s.) one who has migrated, Pem, (?'.) to be wounded so that blood flows or bones are broken, (j.) a fresh wound. Pen, {v.) to step, to stride, to pace, (s.) a step, a stride, a pace. Pen, {v.) to fillip. Pen^, (2'.) to turn (to the right or left when walking, etc.), to branch, to branch off, {a.) branching off, branch. Peng-leng, {$.) the name of a bird resembling a swallow. Pen'na, [s.) the place where roads, etc., meet, a branch road, an offshoot. Per, (a.) flat and thin, (^^7'.) fiat. Per, {v.) to stamp, to hop, to spiing. Perh, (7,'.) to shoot with the pellet bow, to spring up or fly back (as a springy stick, etc.) Perh'khet, (^.) a spring gun. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH. l6l Perh-pawng, (s.) the name of a cricket. Perh-pawng-chaw, (s.) the name of a plant. Per-shen, (s.) the name of a weed. Pet, (v.) see hmm pet. Pe-tek, {y^ to stumble. Phah, (2'.) to spread (as cloth, etc.) Phah, object of or for, cause of, meaning of, reason of or for, means of. Phai, (^.) low-lying, low, (T^) to be or get low. Phai, (.?.) the name of a reed. Phai-khiW hlum, ") / n 1 rfii „, . , , ,,. ' > is.) a low range of hills. Phai-khaw tlang, ) ^ ' ^ Phai-phak, (^.) the name of a plant. Phai-pheng, (^.) the name of a reed. Phai-phu-leng, (5.) a concertina, an accordion. Phai-sa-pui, (^.) a large tiger. Phai-tual, (5.) the plains. Pha,^, (■z'.) to overtake, to reach, to be able to reach. Phak, (^.) rough (to the taste). Phak-rak, (.?.) split bamboos spread out under the floor matting or under the roof to keep it level. Phai, (5.) a sheaf (of rice, etc.) Phai, {v^ to permit, to allow, to grant. Phan, (5.) the name of a durable tree. Phan, (z'. ) to knit, to crochet. Phar, (.?.) leprosy, (v.) to have leprosy. Phar, (7;.) to spread out or hold out (the arms or hands on either side), to straighten (the arm), to lift or hold up (the arm). Phar, (i-.) the name of a species of bamboo. Pharh, (7;.) to open (the hand, flower, etc.), to spread out or open out (as cloth, etc.) Pha/, (7;.) to confess and ask pardon, to apologise, to deny. Phaw, {s.) a shield. Phaw-hlaw, (7;.) to cut off the outside of a tree, etc. Phawk, (7;,) to startle a bird or animal. Phei, an emphatic particle. Phei, (.y.) a foot, a leg. Phei, (.) to bind. Phu-ba \'dk, ) / N , rji , 1 ' > (v.) to avens^e. rhu-ba lam, j Phu-hlip, (s.) scales (of fish, sores, etc.) Phu-hrui, (v.) to insert, to fill in, to tamp. Phui, (a.) closely woven, free from holes, airtightj (v.) to be closely woven, etc., (adv.) firmly, thoroughly, closely, etc. Phui-hnam, (s.) the name of a plant with edible leaves. Phui-hnam-chhia. (s.) the name of a plant with an offensive smell. Phuk-phu-hlum, (s.) the name of a puffball. Phul, {v.) to sprinkle. Phul, {v.) to froth, to bubble up, to effervesce. Phul, (5.) an open tract of country generally covered with grass and with few or no trees. Phu Vdk, ") / X , Phu lam, i (^^' ) ^° ^^^"§^- Phu lo, (a.) unsuitable, {v.) to be unsuitatjje. Phum, (v.) to bury. Phun, (v.) to plant, to set up by burying one end in the ground. Phun, (v.) to mutter, to murmur, to talk to one's self, to grumble, to find fault with. \Phun-chiar, (v.) to grumble, to find fault with. Y 2 164 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Phun chong, {s.^ the name of a tree yielding a kind of cotton. Phung, {s.) a ghost. Phung-ching, (s.) a fellow clansman, a friend, (a.) friendly. Phung-lem, (s.) the name of a game, blindman's buff. Phung-sa-hmim, (s.) the name of a bad-smelling fungus. Phung zavvl, (7;.) to have a fit, {s.) a person subject to fits. Phun-noi, (7;.) to murmur. Phun-ru, (7;.) to whisper, to mutter, to murmur, to talk to one's self. Phur, (7'.) to carry on the back (as load), (5.) a load. Phurh-hri, } (^•) S""^"-?""- Phur-thak, (5.) the name of an itching sore on the feet. Phut, {adv.) suddenly. Phut, (a.) scurfy, floury, powdery, {s.) powder, dust. Phut, (7;.) to move (as the ears and nostrils). Phut, (7'.) to demand, to ask for, to hint at. Phu-tap, (7;.) to go unavenged. Phu-tir-zok, (7;.) to startle, to surprise, to make to jump with surprise. Phu/-zok, (7'.) to be surprised or startled, to jump with surprise. Pi, (s.) a grandmother, a greatgrandmother, a wife's female relation, a maternal uncle's wife or daughter, a term of respect for women. Piah, {prep.) beyond. Piah-Uma, } ^f't'-) beyond. Pial-lung, {s.) the barrel (of a gun). Pial-ral, {a.) the Lushai paradise. Pian^, (7'.) to be born. Plang-hlawh chham, (7'.) to be afflicted from birth. Pian^-sual, (7;.) to have any great infirmity, to be deformed, to be maimed. Pian-lung, (5.) the barrel (of a gun). Pian-pui, (s.) an own brother or sister. Pi-buh-deng, {s.) the name of a long-legged spider. Pi-khoi-zu, {s.) the name of a kind of bee. Pil, {s.) bark (of tree, etc.) Pil, (5.) depth, (7;.) to sink. Pilh, (7;.) to chop or pull off small pieces of bark, skin, etc. Pin-dan, {s.) a partition, a room. Pin-dan-chhung, {s.) a room. Pin^, {a.) closed up, {v.) to close up, to be closed up. Ping-pih, {s.) a species of wild Job's tears. Pip, {s.) the name of a basket. Pi-pu, (5.) a swing. PART III. — DICTIONARY— LUSHAI- ENGLISH. 165 Pir, (v.) to butt, to push (as a bull), to hit and scrape past (as a bamboo, etc., suddenly released). Pir, (v.) to take a small quantity of anything with the finger or knife. Pi-ring, {s.) a land snail. Pit, (5.) the name of a small bird. Pi-tar, (s.) an old woman, (v.) to become an old woman. Pi-zon, {s.) a wife's mother, a wife's sister. Poh, (adv.) also, even (the sa.me as paivh throughout). P6h-in, (con/.) although, when, notwithstanding. Poi, (v.) to be of consequence, to matter, to be a pity, to be a misfortune. Poi, (s.) the Chins and other tribes who wear their hair in a knot upon the top of the head. Poi khoih, (v.) to do harm, to do mischief, to harm. Poi-mawh, (a.) important, necessary, (v.) to be important, etc. Poi-sha, {s.) a pice, see pai-sha* Poi-sha, {v) to respecc, to regard. Poi shoi, {v.) to make mischief, to speak to another's hurt. Poi ti, {v.) to care, to regard. Pok, (v.) to pop. Pok, {a.) improvident, {v.) to be improvident. Polh, {v.) to mix. Pom, {v.) to embrace, to take hold of, to accept, to obey, to give heed to, to take. Pon-to, {y.) to be out of doors in the evening or at night. Pop, {$.) a hole, an aperture, {v.) to have a hole in. Por, (^.) untidy, frayed, fluffy, rough, {y.) to be untidy, etc. Por-nei, {a.) fluffy. Po/, {v.) to pull, to pull up. Pot-chhta, j ^^'^ ^° P"^^ "P ^^^ ^^^^ ^''°P °^ ^eeds on d^jhiim. Pu, (5.) a grandfather, great grandfather, a wife's male relation, a maternal uncle's son, a maternal uncle, one in charge of any one or anything, a term of respect for a man. Pu, iy.) to have upon one's person (as dirt, sores, whiskers, etc.) Pu, {"d.) to carry on the shoulder, or in the mouth (as dog). Pua, {v,) to make (as a blanket). Pua/^, {v.) to carry on the back (as child, etc.) Puak, \v.) to explode, to burst, {s.) explosion. Puak-per-phur, ) / n 1 j • ,. Puak-phur, j ^^'^ ^ '°^^' ^ carrier, a coohe, a porter. Puak-phur-mi, {s.) a carrier, a porter, a coolie. Puak-tam silai, {s) a revolver, a repeating rifle. 1 66 LUSHAI GRAMM-AR AND DICTIONARY. Pual-eng, (s.) the name of a tree. Puam, (a.) swollen, (v.) to swell, to be swollen, Pnan, (s.) a cloth, cloth. Puan-bu, (s.) a weaving machine with partly woven cloth. Puan-fen, (s.) a short petticoat or kilt worn by Lushai women. Puan^, (7;.) to tell of, to make known, to expose, to reveal, to spread (as sore, news, etc.) Puan^-tir, {v.) to spread abroad. Puan-hrui, {s.) the name of a cloth. Puan-kang thui, (v.) to buttonhole, {s.) buttonholing (a kind of sewing). Puan-kop, {s.) the name of a cloth. Puan-lai-choih, "^ Puan-lai-shen, > (s.) the names of white cloths with stripes. Puan-lai-tial, 3 Puan-mawl, (s.) the name of a plain white cloth. Puan-phei, (s.) the woof. Puan-pui zung thui, {v.) to feather stitch, (s.) feather-stitching. Puan-rin, (5.) the name of a young woman's cloth. Puan-tung, (s.) the warp. Puan-vual, (s.) the name of a cloth. Puar, {v.) to have had sufficient food, to be full. ^ P to) c (^^ the name of a creeper with edible fruit. Puh, (v.) to blame, to accuse. Puh-khel, (■z^.) to accuse or blame falsely. Pui, (i).) to help, to assist, (afBx.) means of, cause of. Pui, (a.) large, big, full grown (generally used of female animals, birds^ etc., after having had young), (v.) to be large, to be full grown. Pui noi, {s.) great and small (people). Pui-thiam, (s.) an exorcist, a priest. Pui-thu, (v.) to be religious, conscientious, superstitious, conservative or zealous for one's own customs, to observe or keep religiously, ( ^ -c * r> • 1 1 \{v.) to sacrihce to. Ran-m luh, y '' Ran-nung, {s.) an animal, an insect, living creatures. Rao, {s.) a swarm (of bees), {v.) to swarm (as bees). Rap, {s.) the shelf over the fire in a Lushai house. Ra/>, (v.) to tread upon, to tread. Rap, (v.) to frighten, to scare, to terrify. xRa^-bezf, {v.) to trample under foot, to oppress, to lord over. Rap-hak, {s.) a bamboo mat used to dry rice, etc., upon. Ra/i-ri, {s.) a footfall. \Rap-thlak, {a.) terrifying, fearful, (7;.) to be terrifying, etc. Raw-chhem, {s.) the name of a Lushai musical instrument. Rawh, {v.) to heat, to roast, to bake. Rav>rh-puak, {v.) to blast, as rocks. Raw-kuai, {s.) along bamboo set up in a village with the skin of a wild cat or other animal suspended from it. Raw-lak,] . s , • n l •'} is.) names or species of bamboo. Kaw-mi, ) ^ ^ ^ Rawn, (7;.) to massacre, to ask advice, to consult, to ascertain a person's wishes, to make enquiries, to ask. Raw-nal, {s.) a species of bamboo. Rawng, {a.) vicious, cruel, destructive, {v.) to be vicious, etc. Rawp, {v.) to feel a desire for animal food after illness. Rawp, {v.) to waste away (as in illness), to wither, to dry up. Raw-pui, {s.) a species of bamboo. Rawt, {v.) to cut off (as edge of thatch, bamboo stump, etc.), to massacre. Raw-te, "J Raw-thing, ^ {s.) the names of various kinds of bamboos. Raw-thla, ) z lyo LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Raw-tuai, {s.) the edible shoots of bamboo. Reh, (v.) to stop, to abate, to fade. Reh, (a.) oppressively silent, (v.) to be oppressively silent. Rei, {s.) delay, long time, {z>.) to delay, to be a long time, (adv.) slowly, for a long time. Rei-lo-tean, after a short time. Rei-ngial, (adv.) some time, some little time. Rei-om-lo-vin, ") .,u ♦. ;i^i „ T^ . . , , . ' >• without delay. Kei-nal-lo-vm, ) ■' Rei-ta-ngial, some time ago. R-ek, (a.) notched, more slender at one place than at another, (v.) to be notched, etc., to notch. Rek, (v.) to seize by the throat, to squeeze in. Re/^-hlum, (v.) to throttle. Kek-Tpop, (v.) to break through, to make a hole through. Rel, (v.) to begin to build a house, to put up the framework of a house, (a.) unfinished (as house), (.9.) the lowest beam under the floor of a Lushai house, framework. Rel, (v.) to backbite. Rel. (v.) to pay a debt, to pay lor anything, to return the equiva- lent of a thing lent, to repay. Rel, (v.) to purpose, to plan. Vi^]h [ ('^•) ^° escape, to run or go away secretly. Rem, to stop flaring. Rem, (v.) to be at peace. Rem, (a.) convenient, proper, (v.) to be convenient, etc. Rem-chang, (s.) opportunity, (a.) opportune, convenient, (v,) to be opportune, etc. Rem-chang tir, (v.) to permit, to consent, to make convenient. Rem-hre-tak-ix), (adv.) prudently, wisely. Rem hria/' (v.) to be prudent, wise. Rem ruat, (v ) to advise, to plan, to devise. Rem-ruat-pui, (v.) to advise. Rem ti, (v.) to agree with or to, to consent, to permit, Rern-tir, (v.) to permit, to consent, to make convenient. Ren, (v.) to economise, to take out, Ren a chham, (v.) to be out of anything. Reng, (advf) already, also an aflfix denoting previous action. Reng, an affix denoting continuity. Reng-an, (5.) the name of a plant with edible leaves. Reng-chal, (5.) the name of a large chirping insect. Reng-fei, (.?.) the name of a tree. Reng-pui, (^.) the Raja of Hill Tipperah. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - EMGLISH. 171 Keng-puiJ / X ^^^ names of baskets for storing rice. Reng-te, )^ ^ ^ Rep, (7^) to dry over the fire, to be sore or cracked (as the lips), (a.) dried over the fire, etc. Re-raw, (s.) the name of a blackish dye and the tree from the bark and fruit of which it is made. Re-thei, {a.) poor, unfortunate, miserable, tired, (v.) to be poor, etc. Ri, (s.) a boundary, see also rzk. Kia, (a.) slender, slight (as a man). Ria' buk, (s.) a temporary hut in the jungle to spend the night in. Riai lo, (adv.) surely not, certainly not. Ria^, {v.) to put up for the night. Rial, (s.) hail, glass, china, earthenware. Rial, [v.) to give up coming or going for a time, to not come or go for a time. Rial-hlen, [v.) to give up coming or going altogether. Rial-no, (s.) a glass, a tumbler, an earthenware or china cup or mug. \ Riang vai, (s.) a poor person, (a.) poor. Riat, (a.) eight. Rih, {adv.) for a little while, for the present, at present. Rih, (s.) the name of a lake to the east of Lushai said to be passed by spirits on their way to Mithikhua. Rih-m.im, {s.) a species of Indian fig tree. Ri^, {s.) sound, {v.) to sound. Ril, {s.) the bowels, entrails. Ril [s.) the heart (of a tree, etc.) {a.) deep, profound (as a saying), difficult, weighty, important, iy.) to be deep, etc. \Ril-a-tam, {v.) to be hungry. "^ Ril-ru, {s.) the mind, the thoughts. Rll-ru a shei, {v.) to have thought for the future. Rii-ru a toi, {v.) to have no thought for the future. Ril-ru hmun-khat-in, with one mind. Ril-ru^, {v.) to think of, to conceive (an idea), to purpose, to intend, to think, to ponder, to remember. Ril-ru lam-let, {v.) to change the mind. Ril-ru nei, {v.) to make up the mind, to decide. Ril-ru ngai pu, {v.) to be in one's right mind, to be in one's former state of mind, to be of the same mind. Ril-ru shon, {v.) to change the mind. ^ Ril-tam, (5 ) hunger. Rim, {a.) tired, toilworn, exposed or subjected to friction or wear , and tear, (7;.) to be tired, etc., {adv.) hard, toilsomely. Rim, {s.) smell, odour. ^ Rim, {v.) to visit (a young woman), to court, to go courting. z 2 172 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ri-men-holh, (s.) the name of a creeper with crimson flowers. Rim hria^*, (i'.) to smell. Rim-tong, {v.) to be overworked, to be thoroughly worn out with work. Rin, {s.) a line, a scratch, {v.) to draw a line, to scratch. Rin, (s.) faith, belief. Rin' chhan, {v.) to lean against. Ring, [s.) the neck. Rin^, (v.) to believe, to trust, to think, to "suppose, to depend on, rely upon, to make or get ready, to make shift with, to lean agamst. Ring, {a.) loud, (adv.) loudly. Rin^-hlel, (v.) to doubt. Ring-thar, (s,) 2Ljhum of the present year. Rin'om, (a.) reliable, trustworthy, honest. Rin'shoi, (7;,) to guess, to express an opinion. Rin'tlak, (a.) reliable, trustworthy. Rip, (s.) a cage or enclosure in which mad people, etc., are kept, a cage, a prison cell. Ri ri, the Lushai call for pigs. Ri/, (1'.) to scrape with a hoe. Ri/, (v.) to cultivate a jhihn two or more years in succession. Rit, (a.) heavy, difficult, hard, profound, (v.) to be heavy, etc. Ro, {a.) dry, dead, [v.) to be dry, etc., to lack. Ro, {s.) treasure, property, (v.) to prize, to set store by, to treasure. Ro chung, (v.) to take possession of. Roi, a contracted form of hriiai. Roih, {s.) an employe. Rok, {adv.) without permission. Rok, {v.) to take away one's goods, to plunder, to loot. Ro khavvm, {v.) to inherit property. Ro-khawm-tu, {s.) an heir. Rol, (a.) stiff after work, (v.) to be stiff. Roih, {v.) to push in, to probe. Rol-thar, {s.) a young man, {a.) young, {v.) to be young. Ro luah, (7'.) to inherit property. Ro-luah-tu, {s.) an heir. Rolura thlah-te mim kut thla, {s.) the time of year corresponding nearly to August. Ro-mei, [s.) haze. Ron, (7^) to fire a volley, {adv.) together, one after another. Ron, a verbal prefix signifying motion towards the speaker. Rong, {s.) the mouth of a bottle, jar, etc. Rorig bawl, {v.) to minister, to serve, to attend upon. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I 73 Rong bawl tu, {s.) a minister, a servant, an attendant. Ron-hawn, {v.) to bring. . P.on-hnai, (v.) to draw near. Ron-shin, (v.) to bring. Ron-thlen', (v.) to bring. Rop, (a.) rotten and brittle, rotten (as cloth), (v.) to rot. Ro-pui, (a.) mighty, marvellous, commanding, grand, magnificent, stupendous, great. Ro pui-na, (s.) glory, anything which tends to one's greatness. Ro-rel, (v.) to judge, to arbitrate, to take counsel, to talk over a matter, to make arrangements, to govern, to manage. Ro-rel tu, (5.) a judge, an arbitrator, a manager. \Ro-rum, (a.) reckless, daring, {v.) to be reckless, etc., {adv.) reck- lessly, daringly. ^Rot, {v.) to suggest, to suppose. ^ Rot-pui, {"J.) to advise, (s.) an adviser. Ru, (s.) the name of a creeper, the roots and leaves of which are used to poison fish, various roots, leaves, etc., used for poisoning fish, (a.) pungent, strong (as spirits, tobacco, etc.) Rua, (s.) a bamboo. Rua, (a.) unmanufactured, (s.) material for making anything. Ruah, {s.) rain. Ruah a shur, (v.) to rain. »- Ruah bing, {s.) a local shower. y-- Ruah kung, {s.) rain beginning in the distance and gradually advancing. Ruah mal, (s.) a rain-drop. Rua hman, (v.) to mark out, to plan. Ruah mual-liam, (s.) a short sharp shower. Ruah phing-phi-shiao, {s.) a drizzling rain, (v.) Xp drizzle. Ruah-tui, {s.) rainw^ater. Ruah var-pui, (s.) a shower with large drops far apart. V Ruai, {v.) to employ. Ruai, (adv.) almost, on the point of. Ruai dong, (v.) to partake of a feast, to be a guest at a feast. 'Ruai theh, {v.) to make a feast. '- Ruai-tu, (s.) an employer. Ruai tuan, (v.) to prepare a feast. Ruak, {a.) empty, hollow, naked, {v.) to be empty, hollow, naked. Ruak, (adv.) lengthily, in streaks. Ruak-lo,- (a.) pregnant, (v.) to be pregnant. Ruai, (a.) worthy, possible, fit. Ruai, (s.) a herd, a flock. Ruai, (a.) even, level, (adv.) evenly, etc., together. 174 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Rual ani lo, (v.) to be impossible. Rualrem, (a.) even, level. Ruang, (s.) a dead body, a corpse. Ruang-chai-che'thlak, (v.) to get an enemy between two companies of an army. Ruat, (■z'.) jo set apart, to choose, to appoint, to fix upon, to ordain, to select, to believe, to consider, to think, to be of opinion. Ruh, (a.) caked together, firm (as muscle), hard, (v.) to be caked together, etc. Ruh, (s.) SL bone, the framework of a house. Ruh-sheh, (s.) rheumatism. Ruh-sheh vei, (z;.) to have rheumatism. Ruh-tak-in turn, {v.) to be determined. Ruh-tuah, {s.) a joint (of bones.) Rui, (v.) to be drunk, to be intoxicated, (a.) drunk, intoxicated. Rui-tir, (v.) to intoxicate. Ruk, (a.) six. RM, (v.) to steal, (adv.) secretly, slyly, on the sly, stealthily. Ruk-rak, (s.) the name of a plaid cloth. Ruk-ru, (s.) a thief. Rul, (s.) a snake. Rul, (v.) to compensate, to recompense, to give in place of or instead of, to pay a debt, {s.) a compensation, a recompense. Rul, {a.) springless, (v.) to be without or to lose springiness. Rul-hut, (s.) a tapeworm, worms, disease. Rul-hut pai, {v.) to have worms. Rul muk, (s.) the name of a poisonous snake. Rul ngan, (s.) the name of a poisonous snake. Rul ngawng shen, {s.) the name of a snake. Rul pui, (s.) the name of a large snake. Rul-pui lu din', (v.) to stand on the head. Rul-puk, (s.) the name of a plant with edible fruit, a species of solani0n. Rul-ruah, {s,) the name of a creeper without leaves. Rul-thi, (5.) the name of a plant. Rul-thur, {s.) the name of a tree with edible fruit. Rul-tu-ha, {s.) the name of an ovoviviparous snake, Rul-van-kai, {s.) a species of green snake. Rum, (7;.) to groan, to growl, to purr, to hum. Rum, ((?.) suddenly. Run, {v.) to raid, to attack, to exact a fine in lieu of work. Run, {v.) to provoke, to offend, to aggravate, to exasperate, to grieve, to be provoked, offended, etc. Run-hmui, {s.) the name of an aromatic plant. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI • ENGLISH. I75 Run-ral, (v.) the same as run. Run-thlak, [a.) aggravating, grievous, provoking, exasperating, [adv.) aggravatingly, etc. Ru-sakei, {s.) the name of a creeper used for poisoning fish. Rut, [v.) to scoop up, to gather up. Ru-thei, {s.) the name of a tree, the fruit of which is used for poisoning fish. Note. — The initials 5 and sh are often interchangeable. Sa, (s.) an animal. Sa, (s.) religious rites and customs, religion. Sa-beng-tung, {s.) an ass, a mule. Sa bual, (s.) a hole where animals wallow. Sa-bual hlo, (s.) the name of a plant. Sa-fia, (s.) the name of an animal, probably the crab-eating mungoose. Sa-hai, {v.) to bevel, to cut off at a slant, (a.) bevelled, etc., (adv.) slantingly. Sa hmai-tha, (s.) the name of a small animal (a species of mun- goose). Sa-hmim, {s.) a netted haversack used with a skin cover. Sa-hmiro khuh, (5.) the skin cover of a sahmim. Sa-hmul, (s ) fur, hair of animals. Sa-hmul phah thla, {s.) the time of year corresponding nearly with November. Sa-hram, {s.) an otter. Sa-hriak, (5.) oil, grease. Sa-huai, {s.) the slow-paced lemur {Nycticebus tardigradus), Sai, {s.) an elephant. bai, {s.) wormwood. Sai-ar, {s.) a turkey. Sai-doi-um, {s.) a bottle. Sai-hlit, (5.) a water leech. Sai-hlum, {s.) a clay pellet for the pellet bow. Sai-hri, (5.) syphilis. Sai-hum, {s.) an elephant trap. Sai-hmar-thur, (5.) the name of a species of ant. Sai-ip, (5.) a sack, a gunny bag. Sai-khup, (5.) the name of a bowl. Sai-lung-var, {s.) the name of a white stone. Sai-lu-tar, {s.) the name of a flowering tree. 176 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Sai-man-thing, (s.) the name of a tree. Sai-pan, (s.) a syphilitic sere. Sai-phah, (s.) the name of a plate. Sai-pir-hmer, (s.) a measurement, as much as can be encircled with the first finger and thumb. Sai-pir-khap, (s.) a span (with thumb and first finger), (v.) to span, Sai-pir-kil, (5.) a measurement, as much as can be encircled by the thumbs and the forefingers of both hands joined together. Sai-raw-kherh, {s.) the pellet bow. Sai-ril, (s.) the name of a cane. Sai-shiak, (s.) the name of a tree, Sai-shik, (v.) to whistle through the teeth. Sai-shir, {v.) to put or get on the side, (adv.) sideways, on the side. Sai-thei, (s.) the name of a tree with a non-edible fruit. Sai-thi, (^.) the name of small round red bead. Sak (affix), for, from. Sa-kei, (s.) a tiger. Sa-khi, (5.) a barking deer {Cervulus vaginalis). Sa-khi-chal, {s.) a stag. Sa-khua, {s.) the spirit who presides over the house, religion, religious rites and customs. Sa-kor, (s.) a horse. Sa-kor bak-cheh, {s.) scissors. Sa-kor beng tung, {s,) a mule, an ass. Sa-kuh, (5.) a porcupine. Sak-rong, | ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Sak-ruangJ ^ ^ ^ Sal, {s.) a captive taken in war. Sal-tui-hleoh, {v.) to swim with the hands behind the back. Sam, {s.) the hair of the head. Sam, (7;.) to cut down (weeds, trees, etc.), to clear (jungle), to massacre. Sa-mak, {s) a rhinoceros. Sa-mang, {s.) a small species of bear. Sa-mat, {s.) the Kasalong river. Sa-mat dawr, {s) Kasalong bazar. Sam-chhawl-leng, (5.) hair which is too short to be gathered into a knot. Sam-hram pu, {v.) to be unclean or in mourning for the dead, to have one's hair unoiled, (5.) one so unclean. Sam-khai, (5.) a head-dress of beetles' wings, seeds, beads, etc., worn by girls on festive occasions. Sam-khuih, {s.) a comb, (v.) to comb the hair. Sam-tho, (5.) bristling hair, {y.) to stand on end (as hair). PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I 77 Sam-tok, {s.) a species of solanuiit, Sam-zai, (s.) a hair. Sam-zial, (5.) a knot of hair, {v.) to put the hair up into a knot. Sa-na, {s.) a watch, a clock. Sa-na lam thei, (s.) a watch, a clock. San^, {v.) to strain (tenesmus), to puff out the stomach. Sa-ngai, (5.) the name of a deer. Sa-ngha, {s.) a fish. Sa-ngha dan'na, {s.) a fishing weir. Sa-nghal, (s.) a wild boar. Sa-nghar, {s.) a wild cat {Felt's marmoratd). Sa-nghar-kuai,") (5.) a wild-cat skin suspended from along bamboo Sa-nghar-ngul, J in a Lushai village. Sa-nghawng, {v.) see sahai. San-ten, {s.) dysentery, {v.) to have dysentery. Saoh saoh, {adv.) quickly. Sap, {s.) a corruption of Sahib. Sap berh-bu, {s.) the name of a bowl with tha rim turned out- wards. Sap-bok-bawn, {s.) the tomato. Sa-pel, {v.) to hunt, to go hunting, Sa-per, {s.) the name of a tree. Sa-phai, (5.) the python. Sa-phi, {s.) the name of an animal. Sa-phi-hrik, {s.) a tick. Sa-phit, {s.) the name of a small plant used for dyeing hair, etc., red. Sa-phi-vok, {s.) the hog badger {Arctonyx collaris), Sa-phu, (.?.) the pangolin or scaly ant-eater. Sa-phun, (z;.) to adopt the religious customs of another, (5.) a convert, a proselyte. Sa-phut, (5.) the name of a tree. Sa-pui, (.?.) a tiger. Sari, («.) seven. Sar-in-thi, (z;.) to die an unnatural death. Sa-ri-tom, (5.) a crocodile. Sa-ri-vai-thun, (^.) the name of an animal. ' Sar-thi, {y^ to die an unnatural death. Sa-ruak, {a,) naked. Sa-rual, (^.) a species of wild boar, a herd of animals. Sa-sherh, (5.) the parts of a sacrificed animal set apart for the spirits. Sa-shua, (^.) the name of an oak {Quercus serrata.) Sa-tel, {s^ a tortoise. Sa-thah-hneh, (5.) the name of a game something like draughts, {y^ to play the above game. 2 B 178 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Sa-thang-dai, {s.) the name of a small palm, a fence made with small apertures in it for catching animals. Sa-thar, (s,) a wild goat. Sa-thla, {v.) to refuse to believe, to disbelieve, to thrust from one. Sati-kang, (s.) Chittagong. Sa-tliah, (a.) common, ordinary, {adv.) under any circumstances. Sa-tlum, {s.) a large civet cat {Viverra megaspeld). ' Sa-va, (s.) a bird. Sa-va-hmul, {s.) a feather. Sa-vok len Ion, (a.) thick set, short and strongly built (as man). Sa-vom, (s.) a bear. Sa-vom bu hreo, (5.) a bear's nest. Sa-vun, (s.) hide, leather. Sa-vung-a mim kut thla, {s.) the time of year corresponding nearly to September. Sa-za, {s.) a wild goat {Nemorhcedus bubalind). Sa-zaw, {s.) the name of a species of civet cat (probably the small- toothed palm civet). Sa-zu, {s.) a rat. Sa-zuk, (.9.) the sambar deer {Rusa aristotelis). Sa-zuk-hnawng hlap, (5.) the name of a plant. Sa-zuk thei, {s^ the name of a tree and fruit {Randia dumetorum), Sa-zu-pui, {s.) a hare, a rabbit, a full-grown female rat. Sa-zu thei-pui, {s.) a species of fig. Saw, {pro. and adj.) that. Sawh, {v.) to beat up (as eggs, etc.), to dump up and down, to mix up, to churn, to ram down or in. Sawh-bawl, {v.) to stir up, to beat up. Sawh-khak, {v.) to ram (as with a ramrod). Sawh-khal, {v.) to churn. Sawh-khawk, (v.) to rebound, to bounce. Sawh-muk, {v.) to ram (as with a ramrod, etc.) Sawh-thing, {s.) ginger. Saw lam-a, {adv.) there, in that direction. Sawm, {v.) to ask, to invite. Sawm-hmul-phah-thla, {s.) the time of year nearly corresponding to November. Sawn, {s.) a bastard. Sawng saw, {a.) that, those. Sawr, {v.) to wring, to squeeze. Saw saw, {pro. and adj.) that. Sawt, {v.) to profit or benefit by, to increase (as money), to be profitable, {a.) profitable, beneficial, {adv.) quickly, to some purpose, not in vain. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I 79 c ' J (adv.) there. ba\v-ta-sa\vn, y ^ ^ Se-bawng, (^.) a cow, a bull. Se-ba\vng no, (5.) a calf. Se-bawng pa, (5.) a bullock. Se-bawng pan, (j-.) the name of a sore. Se-bawng pui, {s!) a cow. Se-bawng sha, (.s.) beef. Se-bawng til rek, ) / n Se-bawni til ret, 1 ('•) ^" <"=• Se-bawng vengtu, (j-.) a cow-keeper. Ser, (.?.) a lemon, a lime. Ser thlum, (j-.) an orange. Ser-tok, (.?.) a species of lemon. Sha, (j-.) flesh, meat. Sha, (^.) hot, (z'.) to be hot. Sha, an affix signifying ' ready ' and ' already ', as shiam- sha^ ready-made. Sha-buak, {s.) see sha-lum. Shah, {v.) to burst or break (as a dyke), to give way. Sha-har, {s.) a chip. Shak, [a.) hard (not soft), {v.) to be hard. Sha-lum, {s.) an avalanche of stones used in war time. Sham, {a.) easy. Shan, {v.) to leave, also an affix used with an intransitive verb to make it transitive, similar to the English word *at\minfuiz- shan, ' he laughed at me.' Shang, (s.) a thousand. Shang, {a.) dry, rainless. Shan_^, (a.) high, tall, {v.) to be high, etc. Shar, (s.) the name of the prismatic colours sometimes seen in the sky in fine weather, considered a bad omen. Shar, (a.) healthy looking, (v.) to be healthy looking. Sha^, {v.) to chop (with dao), to cut, to build (a house), to make (a net). Sha^ fik, (v.) to cut right through at one blow. Shai rek, (v.) to notch. Sha urn, {s.) potted fat, (v,) to pot fat. • Shawl, {a.) oblong. Shawn^, {v.) to shrivel, to contract, (a.) shrivelled, etc. She, (s.) a contracted form of shta/. She-fa, (s.) bears, boars, rats, birds, and all animals which eat the crops. Sheh, [v.) to bite, to sling. 2 B 2 l8o LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. She-hnap, (s.) the name of a flowering plant. She-hneh, (s.) the name of a tree with edible leaves. She-hor, (s.) the name of a tree. She-hrui shazf chha^?, (v.) to steal the affections of a woman already engaged to another and to cause the marriage not to take place. Sheh-shen, (s.) the name of a tree from the leaves of which a dye is extracted. Shei, {a.) long, {v.) to be long. Shei lian, (v.) to grow up.^ ^ She-khup-thur, (s.) a species of begonia. She-ki, (s.) a four-anna piece, a gayal's horn. She-ki buh chhuak, (s.) a fabled horn from which the owner could obtain anything he desired. She-kot-rolh, (s.) a slip rail. She-le, (s.) a wild gayal. She-loi, (s.) a buffalo. She-lu, (s.) the fan palm, a gayal's head. She-lu phan, {s.) a post upon which gayals' skulls are placed. She-lu-tun, (s.) the name of a kind of plaiting. Shem, {v.) to divide, to distribute. Shen, {a.) red. Shen, (v.) young. Shen^, {adv.) completely, an ailBx meaning being able to finish. Shen^, {v.) to use up, to spend (as money, strength, etc.), to give as a price. Shen^, (v.) to gather up, to gather or take in. Sheng-ma-tawk, {s.) the name of a thorny tree. Shen-shiar, (s.) the name of a creeper. Shen-te-lek, {s.) red yarn. Shen-te-zel, {s.) the name of a flowering tree. Sheoh, (adv.) completely, unreservedly. Shep, {v. t.) to dance up and down (as a child). She-phung, (s.) the name of a beetle. She-pui-ki-a-tia, (v.) to be in the first quarter (as moon). Sher, (s.) a scar, {v.) to scar. Sherh, (s.) to keep, to observe a holiday, to swear not to do or say a thing. Sherh, (s.) the parts of a sacrificed animal set apart for the spirits. She-sam' (s.) the name of a plant. Shi, {v.) to butt (as a bull), to rest the forehead on anything. Shi, (s.) a fragment, (a.) blind, bad, barren (as a seed). Shi, {con/'.) yet, still, but, for, although. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. l8l Shi, a contraction of arshi, a star. Shiak, {s.) the spur (of a cock), small stones, pieces of baked clay, etc., mixed with potter's clay before making pots. Shiak, {v.) to syphon, to draw with a syphon, Shiak-thur, {s.) wood-sorrel. Shial, {s.) the domesticated gayal {gavoeus frontalis), Shial-hma, {s.) the name of a tree. Shial-lu, {s.) the fan palm, a gayal's head. Shial-ring chi, {s.) the name of a kind of Lushai salt. Shial-shir, {s.) the name of a small hawk. Shial-tang, {s.) a small Manipuri coin. Shial-tuai, {s.) the name of a tree. Shiam, {v.) to get ready, to make, to construct, to make arrange- ments, to appoint. Shiam-mihring, {v.) to make a man of, to bring up (as a child), to assist into better circumstances. Shiar, {s.) a copy, a resemblance. Shiam-sha, {a.) ready made, {v.) to be ready or already made. Shi-chak-ai, {s.) the configuration formed by a certain cluster of nebulae and two stars. Shih, {s.) a small spring. Shi-hal, {s.) a jackal. Shi-hlo, {s.) a species of reed. Shi-hnok-khur, {s.) a configuration made by four stars in the con- stellation Delphin. Shik, {v.) to pinch, to nip. Shik, {a.) cold, {y.) to be cold. Shi-kei-shen, {s.) the planet Mars. Shi-ki, {s.) a four-anna piece. Shi-koi-kap, {s.) a configuration made by three stars in Aquila and four stars in Delphin. Shik-sherh, {s.) fever, feverishness, {v.) to have slight fever, to be feverish. Shik-shil, {s.) the Lushai umbrella. Shil-hlu, {s.) the emblic myrobalan {phyllanthus emhlica). Shil-ong, iy) to be weakly-looking, to be deformed, to have some- thing the matter with one. Shim, (7;.) to reform, to repent, to give up, to keep one's self from doing a thing. Shi-mei-khu, {s.) a comet. Shi-mei-talh, (->.) the configuration made by three small stars in the constellation of Orion. Shin, (7;.) to carry, to have with one (as money, etc.), to wear (as cloth), to hold. l82 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Shin, an emphatic verbal particle. Shin, (a.) fine (as cotton), high (as voice), (v.) to be fine, etc., (adv.) finel}!', high. Shing, (a.) ten thousand. Shing-ship, {s.) the name of an imaginary insect which is supposed to be humming when one has a buzzing or singing in the ears (as — ka beiig-a shing-ship a hrdm, I have a singing in my ears, lit., a shing-ship is singing in my ears). Shin-hlu, {s.) see shil-hlu. Shir, {s.) the side (of anything). Shir-kam, {s.) the name of a tree. Shi-ruk, {s.) the Pleiades. Shi-shen, (5.) the name of a small red ant. Shi-shep, {s.) a winnowing fan. Shi-ship, (i-.) see shing-ship. Shi-vok bawm, (s.) the name of a configuration of stars. Sho, {"iJ.) to boil, to bubble up, to effervesce, {a.) boiling, etc. Shoi, iy.) to say. Shoi-chhia, (y.) to run down, to speak against, to blaspheme, to speak evil of. Shoi-hnawm, {y.) to speak depreciatingly of. Shoi-koi, iy.) to speak away from the point. Shoi-lawk, {v.) to foretell, to prophesy, to say beforehand. Shoi-lian, {y.) to magnify by praising. Shoi ngil, {v.) to correct, to explain, to say correctly, to speak to the point. Shoi-shei, {v.) to be prolix, to beat about the bush. Shoi-shel, {v.) to raise objections, to find fault with, to make excuse, to speak against. Shoi-shel hmang, iy.) one given to raising objections, finding fault, etc. Shorn, {a.) ten. Shom-hnih, {a.) twenty. Shom leh pahnih, {a.) twelve. Shom leh pakhat, {a.) eleven. Shom leh pakua, {a,) nineteen. Shom leh pali, {a.) fourteen. Shom leh panga, {a.) fifteen. Shom leh pariat, {a.) eighteen. Shom leh paruk, {a.) sixteen. Shom leh pasari, {a.) seventeen. Shom leh pathum, {a.) thirteen. Shom-kua, {a.) ninety. Shom-li, {a.) forty. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 183 Shom-nga, (a.) fifty. Shom-riat, {a.) eighty. Shom-ruk, (a.) sixty. Shom-sari, {a.) seventy. Shom-thum, {a.) thirty. Shon, (v.) to move from one place to another, to change the mind or opinion, (adv.) in another place. Shu = do not thou (imperative negative termination). Shu, {z'.) to collide with, to knock against. ShuaX', (•t^.) to ladle out. Shuak, (a.) spurious, pseudo. Shuan, (s.) lead. Shuan, (v.) to take off the fire (as a pot). Shuan-kang, {s.) the name of an iron pot. Shuan-kual, (s.) a pair of tongs for taking pots off (he fire. Shuar, {s.) a shallow place in a river, a rapid, a ford. Shui, {v.) to scrape. Shuk, (v.) to wash (clothes). Shuk-tlong, (s.) the name of a durable tree. Shum, (5.) a measurement equal to twice the length of the closed fist. Shum-bul, (s.) the name of a plant. Shun, (v.) to outlive. Shun-hlu, (s.) see shilhlu. Shur, {s.) an aerial root, a branch growing downwards from the trunk (as in the fig tree). Shut, {s.) a. post inside a house supporting the ridge pole. Sil, (v.) to wash. Sil, (a.) maimed, wounded, disabled, injured, deprived of members, (v.) to be maimed, etc. Si-lai, {s.) a gun. Silai ai-bop, (s.) the hammer of a gun. Silai beng-kua, (s.) the touch-hole of a gun. Silai beng-thleng, (s.) the pan of a gun. Silai hlo, {s.) gunpowder, saltpetre. Silai hlo thun, {v.) to load a gun, (s.) a loaded gun. Silai hme' per-na, (s.) the trigger of a gun. Silai holh-fung, (s.) a ramrod. Silai kawm, {s.) the stock of a gun. Silai kep te, (s.) the nippers of a gun which hold the flint. Silai khiang rah, (s.) the screw of the nippers of a gun. Silai li-pui, (s.) the spring of a gun. Silai li-te, {s.) the small spring of a gun. Silai mong pheng, (s.) the butt of a gun. l84 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Silai mu, (s.) a shot, a bullet. Silai mu-hnawh, (s.) a wad. Silai pial-lung, (s.) the barrel of a gun. Silai tho-chuan, (s.) the sight-piece of a gun. Silai ui lei, (s.) the steel of a gun upon which the flint strikes. Silai zawn, (s.) a measure, conical heap of rice, etc., the apex of which will be level with the end of a gun held high above the head of an ordinary-sized man. Sil-fai, {v.) to wash, to wash clean. Silh, {v.) to wear (as a cloth). Silh-fen, (s.) clothes. Sil-fen chhia, (s.) left off clothing, old clothes. Si-pai, (s.) a sepoy, a soldier. Soi, (s.) bird lime made from the sap of the hmawng tree. Soi, iy.) to punish. Soi-sha, {v.) to handle, to work at. Soi-zoi, {v. t.) to exercise, to break in (as horse, etc.) Sok, {adv.) violently. Som, {adv.) in small pieces. Son-tlung, {s.) a species of clay, raised by white ants into mounds. Son-tlung-lei, {s.) a species of clay. Sop, {s.) a contrivance for frightening birds, etc., worked from the jhthn house by means of a rope. Sop, {v.) to wash clothes, etc., by squeezing and dashing them up and down upon anything. Sop, {v.) to collapse. Sop-rop, {v.) to be fragile, to be in bad order or condition, to be easily upset or made ill, {a.) fragile, etc. Sor, {v.) to shake. Sot, {v.) to go by bounds (as a mouse, rat, etc.) Sua/^ sual, the same as * sual.' Sual, (5.) a fault, sin, {a.) bad, wicked, sinful, ill-dispositioned, faulty, wrong, {adv.) by mistake, in error, wrongly. Sual pum hmom, •) {v.) to be entirely evil without having any Sua' sual pum hmom, J redeeming feature, {a.) entirely evil. Suat, {v.) to thin out (as plants), to kill off, to decimate. Suih, {v.) to tie in a weaver's knot, to tie, {s.) a knot, {a.) knotted. Suih-bawk, {v.) to tie a knot in a single piece of string, etc., {s.) a knot. Suih fin, {v.) to tie together. Suih-hlih, {v.) to tie in a bow, (5.) a bow. Suih tung«tu-rut, {v.) to tie in an ordinary knot, {s.) an ordinary knot. Suk, {s) a large pestle for pounding rice, etc., a pestle. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 185 Suk biU lem,| .V ^ ^^- ^^^g ^f ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^f ^ ^^gg^ Suk lem, J ^ ■' ^ ^ Suk-sawn, {s,) the name of a brass girdle. Suk-te, (s.) the name of a tribe to the east of Lushai (the same as Paite). Sul-pel, (v.) to overlap, to miss anyone when going to meet him by taking the wrong road. Sul-rul, (s.) the name of a small maggot which is destructive to "clothes, the name of a species of white-ant. Sum, {s.) a large mortar for pounding rice, a mortar. Sum, (s.) goods, chattels, furniture, possessions. Sum dawn_^, (v.) to trade, to be fortunate in trading, to do a good stroke of business, to buy cheaply, to sell at a good price. Sum-duk, *) / \ u c. JIT > is.) a box. Sum-duk-bawm, j ^ ' Sum hmun, (^.) a verandah, the front verandah of a Lushai house. Sun-rul, (i".) see sulriil. Su-rai, {s.) file. T Ta' awh, (i;.) to persuade by entreaty or tears, to entreat. Ta' chhan, (7^) to weep over or about, (5.) a cause of weeping. Tab, (7;.) to weave, (^.) woven. Ta-ham, (5.) the name of a plant. Ta-hian, {adv.) here. Tah-rang, {s.) the name of a matting. Tai, {s.) the lower extremity of the bowels. Tai, {y.) to be at enmity with, to hate. Tai, {a.) yellov/ or ripe (as fruit), ruddy, rosy, {v.) to be ripe, etc. Tai, {v.) to push or butt with the tusks (as hog, etc.) Tai, {s.) the Vv'aist. Tai, (i-.) the name of a species of rice. Tai a tla, (^'.) to have protrusion of the bowels. Tai-fe, {s.) rice fr8m which beer has been brewed. Tai-kuang, {s.) a butt for holding pigs' wash, etc., made of a hol- lowed-out tree, a water butt, a tub. Tai-ma, {a.) diligent, energetic, {v.) to be diligent, etc., {adv.) dili- gently, etc. Tai-pui, {s.) the name of a species of rice. Tai-rua, {s.) the name of a species of cane. Tai-taw, {s.) see toi-taw. 2 c l86 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tai-te, (5.) a pet name for a little boy, or used if the real name is unknown. Tai-tem, ^ / v ^^^ ^^^^^ ^j ^ stinsjine: nettle. Tai-teng,J ^ ^ ^ *= . Tai-vang, {s.) the name of a large ant. Tai-von', (v.) to wear in the belt (as a dagger), to keep in the belt (as money). Tak, (v.) to increase in size or numbers (used of things under ground only, such as potatoes, etc.) Tak, {adv.) very, really, exactly, (a.) real, exact. Takam, [s.) the Chakma tribe. Tak meoh, {adv.) really exactly, {a.) real, exact. Tak-na-nglal-in, {adv.) just as, in exact accordance with. Tak-3a, {s.) the body. Tak-tak, {adv.) really, exactly. Tak zet, {a.) real, exact. Tal, {v.) to kill (an animal). Tal, {adv.) at least, at any rate, even then (see chiat). Tal, {v.) to struggle, to move, to wriggle. Talan, (s.) the name of a species of bamboo. Talh, {v.) to strike together (as flint and steel, etc.) Talh-tek, {v.) to strike fire. Tal-tum, {s.) a club, a mallet. Tarn, {a.) much, many, common, plentiful, T^m, {v.) to suffer famine, to be hungry. Tam-kor, {s.) the name of a species of mustard. Tam-tak, {a.) very much, very many. Tan, {v.) to chop or cut off, to cross (as a river, etc.), {adv.) ofY, across. Tan, {v.) to commence, to start. Tan, {v.) to take one's part, to side with, to choose. Tan, {J>rep.) for, Tan^, {v.) to deny. Tan^, {v.)Xo put forth strength, to exert one's self. Tan^, {a.) dry. Tan^, {v.) to engage one's self to do, etc. Tang, (5.) a twig, a small branch. T^n^, {v.) to stick in, to catch in, to lodge in, to be imprisoned, Tang-In, {prep,) from. Tang-ka, {s.) money, a rupee, {a.) silver. Tang-kai, {a.) useful, {v.) to be of use. Tang-ka pul, {$.) a medal. Tang-ka rua, {s.) silver, white metal. Tang-ka rua chher-tu, {s.) a silversmith. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 187 Tang-ka sum, {s.) money, riches. Tan^-keo "^' I ^^'^ ^^^ "^"^^^ °^ ^ species of large lizard. Tang-kham, (v.) to support, to hold up (a sick person, etc.) Tang-kun, (5.) the name of a tribe, probably the Tangkhul Nagas. Tang-phel, (s.) a measurement from the tip of the middle finger to the breast-bone with the arm extended. Tang-rah, (s.) a vegetable or fruit arrested in growth. Tang-rual, (v.) to band together. Tang-thawm, (a.) cold (as weather after rain), {v.) to be cold. Tang-tial, (s.) the name of an edible spider. Tang-tir, (v.) to engage, to employ. Tang-tlang, (v.) to band together, Tan-pui, (z;.) to side -with, to help, to be witness for, (s,) an ally, a helper, a witness for. Tan-tir, (v.) to commence, to start, to begin. Tan-zawng-in, {adv.) across, crosswise. Tao, (v.) to be cross, displeased, angry. Taoh, (v.) to be cross with, to appear displeased with. Taoh, (v.) to butt (as goat), to knock with the head, to knock the head against. Tao-hmang, (7;.) to be in the habit of getting cross, {a.) cross, disagreeable. Tap, (v.) to be lost, to be missing, to be detained or delayed, (a.) lost, etc. Ta/>, {v,) to cry, to weep. Tap, (s.) a Lushai fireplace, a hearth. Tap-chal, (s.) the mound of earth at the back of a Lushai fireplace to protect the wall from fire. Tap-chhak, {s.) a Lushai fireplace, a hearth. Tap-kawm, (s.) the wooden framework of a Lushai hearth. Tar, {v.) to stick on a pole, to make or set up a landmark, to hang Tar, (a.) old (in age), (v.) to become old. Tar-a, (v.) to be childish with age, to be in one's dotage. Tar-mit, {s.) spectacles, eyeglasses. Tar-pi lu, (5.) the name of an ant's nest used for burning in order to keep away sand-fiies. Tar-tiang, (s.) the name of a small palm resembling the areca. Ta-shing, (s.) the name of a species of grass. Tat, (v.) to rub, to besmear. Tat-fai, (v.) to rub clean, to rub (as the feet on a mat or scraper). Tat-hriam, (v.) to sharpen. Tat-kawng, (5.) a species of jack fruit. 2 c 2 l88 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ta-tur, {prep) for. Tawh-ek, {s.) the name of a large ant. Tawh-lo, {adv,) never (used only in the future). Tawk, {v.) to meet. Tawk, {adv.) enough, sufficiently, {y.) to be enough, to be sufficient. Tawk chao, {v.) to be exactly enough, to be ample, {adv.) exactly enough, amply. Tawk fang, about the right quantity, size, etc., about sufficient. Tawk-fang-in, {adv.) moderately. Tawl, {s.) the heart of a tree from which the outside has rotted, {v.) to die unknown and uncared for and to go without burial. Taw-lai, {s.) a kind of stretcher or seat of cloth on a pole used for carrying sick persons. Taw-lai-lir, (5.) a cart, a carriage, a barrow or any conveyance with wheels, a wheel. Tawn, {v.) to tie, to bind. Tawn, {v.) to push on one side, to run up against, to approach. Tawng, {v.) to attack, to fight, to assault. Tawp, {s.) conclusion, end, finish, {a.) last, {v.) to conclude, etc. Tawt, {a.) tight fitting, tight, crowded, {v.) to be tight fitting, etc. Taw-taw-rawt, {s.) a bugle. Taw-taw-rawt h4m-tu, ") ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ faw-taw-rawt pu, ) Te, {a.) small, httle, {v.) to be small, to get small. Te, {adv.) exactly. Te, a plural suffix. Teh, {v.) to disperse. Teh, {v.) to measure, to compare, to liken unto. Teh-khawng, (5.) a measure, {v.) to compare. Teh-khin, {v.) to compare, to liken to. Teh-khin thu, {s.) a parable, a proverb. Teh-lul, {adv.) even, also an emphatic particle. Teh-lul em-in, an expression of incredulity. Tei, {v.) to twist (a single thread of yarn, etc.), {a.) twisted. Tei, {a.) self, Tek, (s.) a meteorite, a thunderbolt, {v.) to make sparks, to break into sparks, to throw out sparks, Tek-em, (5.) the name of a tree. Tek-ral, {$.) the name of a species of mantis, Tel, {s.) a bundle, a bunch, {v.) to tie up into a bundle, etc. Tel, {v) to accompany, to join with, to be one of a company, to form part of, to take part in, to be present, to be added, to add. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 189 Tel-hawng, (s.) a species of arum. Telh-telh, {adv.) gradually, little by little. Telh-telh, (adv.) just a little, slightly. Tel khaw-mual, {s.) the name of a tortoise. Tel-pui, (s.) the name of a large tortoise. Tel-rang, (s.) the name of a small tortoise. Tem, (v.) to taste. Ten, (v.) to detest, to dislike, to abominald, to loathe, to have an aversion to. Ten^, (v.) to obtain salt from a salt spring by evaporation. Te-ngeng, {s.) a small round bell. Ten^-khal, {v.) to evaporate salt water to obtain salt. Ten-om, (a.) detestable, abominable, disgusting, loathsome. Teoh, (v.) to chip, to be uneven (as edge of a knife), to be slightly bad, also an affix signifying ' many ' or * much. ' Teoh hriam, (v.) to sharpen (a flint, etc.) by chipping. Tet, (a.) torn, (v.) to be torn. Tha, (s.) a sinew, strength. Tha, (a.) good, well-to-do, advantageous, beneficial, well, (v.) to be good, etc., (adv.) well, thoroughly. Tha a chat, (v.) to get cramp. Tha dah, (v.) to be idle, to do a thing listlessly because not work- ing for one's self. Tha-do, (s.) the rtame of a tree, the same as ' kha-do. ' "^ Tha-hnem, (adv.) much, largely, in large quantities, {s.) much, a lot, a large quantity, (a.) useful, very good, (v.) to be useful, etc. Tha hnem ngai, {a.) ambitious, earnest, greedy, zealous, thorough, (v.) to be ambitious, etc., (adv.) thoroughly, well, carefully. Tha hrui nei, (a.) strong, mighty, (v.) to be strong, etc. Thai, (v.) to scratch up, to scrape up or to scrape together (with the fingers or feet). Thai-chhawni-nu, (5.) the cat-fish. Thak, (v.) to itch, to be pungent, to be hot (as pepper), (a.) pun- gent, hot. Thak-pui, (s.) the name of a stinging plant. Thak'thing, (s.) the cinnamon tree, cinnamon. Thai, (s.) an arrow, a dart. Thai, (s) the dry season'. Thai, (v.) to scoop or dip up (water, etc.) "^Thal, (s.) the groin. Thal-be, (5.) the gland in the groin. Thal-be-a mi, (s.) posterity. Thal-hrit, (s.) lac, sealing wax. 190 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Thal-ngul, (s.) a bow (weapon). Tha-lo, {a.) bad, disadvantageous, not beneficial, (v.) to be bad, etc. Thal-teh, (s.) the name of a tree. Thai-thing, (s.) lemon grass. Thal-vuai-fu, {s.) the name of an inferior kind of sugarcane. Tham, (sufifix) of sufficient size, number or importance. Ti^ f \ ( ^^ reward, to give in return for service rendered, to 1 nam, ^7;.; | ^^j^^^ ^^^^ ^ reward, a bribe. Tham, {v.) to claw, to take up in the fist or fingers. Thang, {v.) to sojourn (in a strange place), to remain (in another place or country). Thang, {a.) having a smell like raw flesh, dried pulse, etc., having a metallic taste or smell. Thang, {s.) a trap, a snare. Thang, {a.) greasy, {v.) to be greasy. Than^, (v.) to spread (as fame), to be rumoured abroad, to become known, to be renowned, {a.) renowned, etc. Than^, {v.) to grow. Than^, (v.) to be accustomed to, to be used to. Thang, (s.) the bamboo grass. Thang-chhuah, {s.) a title given to a man who has killed a certain number of animals in the chase, or to one who has given a public feast. Such a one is entitled to make a window in his house, Thang-chhuah puan, {s.) the name of a cloth. Thang-fen, (5.) the name of a blue bird. Thang-harh, (v.) to wake up. Thang-khawk, (v.) to echo, (s.) an echo. Thang-thar, (s.) the present generation, a new generation. Thang-tung, (5.) the name of a species of palm, the fibre of which is used for fiddle strings. Thang-zang, {s.) the name of a weed. Than'kin, {a.) full grown, (v.) to be full grown, to stop growing. Thao, (5.) fat, grease, mucus, (a.) fat, corpulent, (v.) to be fat. Thap, (a.) rough (as wood), (v.) to be rough. Thap, (v.) to sift in a thlangra. Thar, (^f.) new, (2/.) to be new, {adv) anew. Tha-suih-hlo, (5.) the name of a small plant with a purple flower, a decoction of which is used by the Lushais as a lotion for cut sinews. Thajf, {v,) to kill. Tha/, see tha. Tha-tak-in ti, {v.) to treat well, to do well by, to do well. Tha-tawk-in, {adv.) according to ability. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI-ENGLISH. 191 That-chhia, (a.) lazy, (v.) to be lazy, (adv.) lazily. ^ That-fam-kim, (a.) perfect, faultless, excelling in everything. Thathla, (v.) to be idle, to do a thing listlessly because not working for one's self. Tha-zam, (s.) veins, arteries, nerves. Thaw, (adv.) almost, nearly. Thaw'chham, ") .^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^j ^^^^^^^ 1 haw dang, J ^ ' Thawh, {v.) to rise (the same as f/io). Thawh, {v.) to contribute, to subscribe. Thaw hlop-hlop, {v.) to pant. ' Thawh la™"^' I ^""^'^ ^° contribute, to get up a subscription. Thaw/^, (v.) to breathe, to breathe out, to sigh. Thaw/^, (v.) to work, to do, to perform, ^ Thawk-khat-a, [adv.) suddenly. Thawk-rim, (v.) to labour, to work hard, to toil. Thawl, {a.) loose fitting, (z;.) to be loose fitting. Thawm, (s.) a sound, a voice. Thawn^, (v.) to attack or seize suddenly. Thawng-a lei vir, (s.) a whirlwind. Thawp, (a.) spongy, light (as bread), pithy (as radish, sugarcane, etc.), (v.) to be spongy, light, etc. Thaw-pik, (a.) embarrassed, not prosperous, having a confined situation, (v.) to be embarrassed, etc. Thaw-pik-thlak, {a.) embarrassing, depressing. Thaw-sha, (a.) hot, close, (v.) to be hot, etc. Thaw-ven^, (a.) prosperous, having a high and open situation, (v.) to be prosperous, etc. The, a contracted form of t/itaf. The, (a.) stale, dry, (v.) to be stale, etc. The, (s.) a bundle, (v.) to tie in bundles. Theh, (v.) to sprinkle, to splash. Theh, (v.) to offer, to give (as something to eat or drink), Theh-chhuai, (v.) to bring forth or out. The-hlan, (s.) a shelf in a Lushai house on the rafters, a loft. The-hlei, (s.) a squirrel. Thei, (v.) to chew, to masticate. Thei, (z;.) to be able. Thei, (s.) edible fruit. Thei-ar-lung, (s.) the name of a tree with edible fruit. Thei-bal, ") / % . r n Thel-ba'Je, j (^•) 'P^^^^^ °^ ^S^- Thei-chhung-shen, {s.) the name of a tree with edible fruit. 192 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY Thei-fei-mung, {s.) the name of a tree with edible fruit, only bears very occasionally. Thei-hai, {s.) the mangoe. Ihei-hmu, (s.) a raspberry, a blackberry. Theih-nghil, .(^'O to forget. Thei-kel-ek, (5.) the name of a tree with edible fruit. Thei-kel-ki, (s.) the name of a creeper with edible fruit. Thei-khuang-chawra, "^ Thei-khuang-thlup, > (5.) the names of trees with edible fruit. Thei-kum, ) Thei-la-khulh, (s.) the pineapple. Thei-pa-buan, "^ Thei-pa-ling-kawh, > (s.) the names of trees with edible fruit. Thei-pan^-kai, J Thei-pui, (5.) a species of fig. Thei-rah, (s.) edible fruit. Thei-ria, ") Thei-sa-khi, >• (s.) the names of trees with edible fruit. Thei-sa-ruh, ) Thei-she-chal, (s.) the Indian medlar {Pyrus pashii). Thei-sheh-ret, (5.) the name of a tree with an edible fruit. Thei-son-tlung, {s.) the name of a creeper with fragrant flowers and edible fruit. Thei-tat, {s.) the name of a tree with edible fruit. Thei-tawk-in, {adv.) according to ability. Thei-tawp-in, {adv.) according to utmost ability. Thei-te, {s.) the peach. Thei-thit, {s.) a species of fig. Thei-vok-mit, \ .s ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^jl^l^ ^^.^.^^^ Ihei-zawl, ) ^ ^ Thel, {v.) to blaze (with a hatchet, etc.), to strip off bark. Thelh, {v.) to extinguish or partially extinguish fire, to quell, to put a stop to (as quarrel, etc.) Thelh, {adv.) nearly, almost, {v.) to miss (not to hit, etc.) Thel-ret, {s.) a contraction of thial-ret, Thel-ret puan, (5.) waterproof cloth. Them, (6\) a small or sample piece of anything, a piece. Them-bu, (5.) a weaving machine. Them-dawh, (2;.) to put in splints. Them-dawh-na, (5.) splints. Them-thiam, («.) expert, clever, skilful, (z'.) to be expert, eio..^ to practise, to compete with one another, (5-.) a skilled workman, a craftsman. Then, {adv^ exactly. PART III. — DICTIONARY— LUSHAI • ENGLISH. I 93 Then, (s.) the name of a tree. Then, (v.) to swing to and fro. Then, a contracted form of thian. Then, (r.) to smile, to grin, to make grimaces. Then, (<:'.) to divide, to separate, to leave, to take leave of, to separate from, {adv.) separately, apart. Then, (pro.) some, others, (s,) part. Then-fai, see thiang-fai. Then khat, {pro.) some, others. Then-ngo, {s.) the name of a tree. "" Then-om, {s.) a neighbour. Then-shan, {v.) to grin at, to smile at, to make grimaces at. Then-shen, {s.) the name of a tree. Then-zawl hlo, {s.) the name of a species of grass. Theo, {v.) to make a fence or lattice, to fence in. Theo, {a.) dishevelled, {v.) to be dishevelled. Theoh, {pro.) each, everyone, everywhere. Thep, {v.) to wait or sneak about, to walk about aimlessly. Thep, {v.) to sink in, to be sunken, to contract. Ther, {s.) a splinter, a jagged edge, {v.) to be jagged. The-reng, {s.) the generic name for all chirping insects. Therh, {s.) a civet cat. Thi, {v.) to die, {a.) dead, Thi, {s.) blood, menses, {v.) to bleed. Thi, {s.) a bead' a bell worn by cattle. Thial, {v.) to chew, to masticate, to grate the teeth. Thial, {s.) the gizzard. Thial-pawn, {s.) the temples, the lock of the jaw. Thial-ret, {s.) india-rubber, the india-rubber tree. Thial-ret puan, {s.) waterproof cloth. Thiam, {v.) to know how to, to know. Thiam, {v.) to be not guilty, to be justified, to be in the right, to be innocent, to be indulgent, to pronounce not guilty, to justify, etc., {a.) innocent, indulgent, etc. Thiam chan^, {v.) to be cleared of guilt, to be justified. Thiam-chang tir, {v.) to pronounce guiltless or right, to clear of guilt. Thiam hawn, {v.) the same as thiam chang, Thiam-hon-tir, {v.) the same as thiam-chang tir. ~ Thiam-lo, (z'.) to be guilty, to be in the wrong, to pronounce guilty, to condemn, (a.) guilty. \ Thiam-na thu shoi, (z'.) to make a defence. Thiam-thai-nu mong-talh, {s^ the name of a small sand-bur:owing insect. 2 D 194 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Thian, (s.) a friend, a. companion. Thian, (s.) the name of a creeper with white jBowers resembling the convolvulus. Thian fai, (v.) to clear up, to clear away. Thian_c^, (^a,) clear (as atmosphere), clean, lawful, right, (v.) to be clear, to be clean, etc., to take out (as dust from the eye), to cleanse, to clean up. Thiang, {adv.) side by side, 'rhiang-hlim, {a.) clean, ceremonially clean, without blemish, holy, {v.) to be clean, etc. ' Thiang-lo, {a.) unlawful, wrong, {v.) to be unlawful or wrong. Thian-hmul,| {s.) the name of a creeper with yellow flowers resembling the convolvulus. Thian-kom-ngeih, {s.) bosom friends. Thian-lo, {a.) unclean, {y.) to be unclean. Thian-nu, {s.) see thian-hmuL Thiar, {y!) to pick out, to pick over, to take out, to remove from one place to another, to clean up. Thiar-chhua/^, (z;.) to unload (as a boat, etc.), to take out. ihiar-lut, {v) to load (as a boat, etc.), to put inside. Thi-ar-ngal, {$,) the name of a small red bead. Thiat, (t/.) to tuck in, to stick in. Thiat, ly.) to undo, to take to pieces, to dismantle. Thi-a-tlin^, {y) to have a bi%ise. Thi-be, (^.) a man's ear-bead. Thi chhawng-in lum, (z^.) to lie dying. Thi chhawng-in om, iy.) to be dying. Thi-dang, iy.) to faint. Thi dawn lo, {y) to risl^|^ hazard one's life, to be regardless of death. ^T Thih, (7;.) to anoint. ^hi-hmu, {$) the name of a black bead. 'Ihi-hna, (.j.) an amber bead or necklace, amber. Thi-hrui, (^.) a necklace. Thih-thiap, (5.) name of an animal. Thik, (z;.) to be jealous of. Thi kir, {y.) to staunch blood by charming. Thil, (7;.) to be swollen out (as ears of rice, etc.) Thil, Is.) a species of oak. Thil, {s.) a thing. Thil, \v.) to thread, to skev/er. Thi-la/^, {y.) to bleed by cupping. Thil dang-a, in other respects, in other things, Thil phal, {a.) generous, {y.) to be generous. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. I95 Thil-te, (5.) the name of a species of cane. Thil-thek, (s.) the name of a plant the leaves of which are used by the Lushais for thatching. Thil tiling, (s.) the name of a tree. Thil ti, (s.) works, doings, deeds. Thil ti thei-na, {s.) power, ability. Thim, (a.) dark, (v.) to be dark, to be benighted, to be overtaken by night, (s.) darkness. Thim, {v.) to wither, to wilt, to be languid, to be slightly unwell, ^1.) withered, etc. Thim, (v.) to cut off a small piece. Thim, {s.) an insect which destroys clothes and leather. . Thi-mal, (5.) a cornelian bead. ^ Thim-hlim-, ) / \ . t 1. Thim-kual, (s.) the name of a brass hairpin. Thim-tham, (s.) darkness, a dark place. Thin, (s.) the liver. Thin, (adv.) always, continually, also a verbal affix vvith the meaning of • used to, ' ' in the habit of.' Thi-na, (a.) poisonous. Thin a chhia, (v.) to be bad-natured, irritable, surly. Thi-na hlo, (s.) poison. Thin a thawn^, (v.) to be startlejj, to receive a shock by bad news, etc. \ Thin chhe, (a.) bad-natured, irritable, surly, (v.) to be bad-natured, etc. "^Thi-nei, (v.) to have menstrual discharge. Thing, (s.) a tree, wood, (a.) wooderjM| Thing, (v. t.) to shake. ^y Thin^, {v.) to collect a debt from, to ask for anything owing. Thing, (/7.) stale, cold, not eaten the same time as cooked, {v.) to get stale, cold, etc. Thing-dim, {s.) the name of a dance and those v/ho take part in it, iy.) to perform the above dance. Thing-dol, {s.) the name of a tree. Thing-fak, {s.) firewood. Thing-fang-hma, {s.) the papaw. Thing-har, {s.) a chip of wood. Thing-hnah-cbang, {s.) the name of a tree. Thing-hmar-cha, {s) a pepper corn, pepper. Thing-kha, {s.) the name of a tree. Thing-khim, {s.) the name of a durable tree. Thing-khuai-lu, {s.) the name of a durable tree. 2 D 2 196 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY.' Thing-khuang, (s.) the flat buttress-like roots at the foot of some trees. Thing-kual, {s.) see ' fhtm-kual,* Thing-lu-bul, (s.) a short undeveloped tree supposed to be haunted. Thing-lung, {s.) the name of a durable tree. Thing mam-na, (s.) a plane, tool. Thing.parh ") .s ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^ Thmg-pnarh, ) ^ ^ ^ Thing-phur-na chen, (s.) a measurement of about one mile. Thing-puan-chhia, (s.) the name of a tree. Thing-pui, (s.) the tea tree, tea. Thing-pui rah, (s.) tea seed. Thing-pui thing, {s.) the name of a tree. Thing-rem, (^.) a box, v.'ooden furniture of any kind. Thing-rem sbiam-tu, (5.) a carpenter. Thing-ri, {s.) the name of a tree. Thing-sai hrua, (s.) a tree of a certain peculiar growth supposed to be haunted. Thing-sai pliaw, "l ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Thmg-sa-phu, ) ^ ^ Thing-sha-um-bur, (.?.) the name of a tree resembling the sago palm. Thing-shia, (s.) a species of chestnut tree. ^Thing-shia-mim, {s.) a chestnut. Thing-tawl, (5.) the heart of a tree from which the outside has rotted away. Thing-thel-na tom, (s.) shavings. Thing'thi, {v.) to kneel. Thing-thiang, {s.) the name of a tree. Thing-thu, (5.) wood with one end burnt, partly burned wood. Thiing-thu-pui, (s.) the name of a tree. Thing-tlang, (s.) mountainous country. Thing-tuai, (s.) a young tree, a shrub. Thing-tum-bu, (s.) the name of a tree. Thing-ui-ha-hni, (s.) the name of a tree. Thing-van-dawt, {s.) the name of a very tall tree. Thing-zai-na, (s.) a saw, Thing-zai-noi, {s.) sawdust. Thing-zung-thlar, (s.) the same as iJiing khiiang. Thin-lung, (.9.) tlie heart, the mind. Thin-lung a him, {v.) to feel elated, happy, joyful. Thin-lung a khiei, {v.) to be cut to the heart so as to cause great anger. PART III.— -DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 197 Thin-lung a sha, (7'.) to be angry, to be in a temper. Thin-lung a tha, (v.) to be good-natured, to be good. Thin-lung shon, (v.) to change the mind. Thin-lung-tha, (a.) good natured, good. Thin-nel, (a.) easy going, good tempered, (v.) to be easy going, etc. NThin ram, (a.) touchy, easily made angry, quick-tempered, {v.) to be touchy, etc. Thin-rim, (a.) angry, (v.) to be angry. Thin tawt-in puak-keh lek lek, {v.) to be bursting with rage. Thin-ur, (a.) angry, (v.) to be angry. Thip, (s.) the name of a species of grass. Thip, (v.) to smart, to be pungent. Thir, {s.) iron. Thir-bawm, {s.) a tool-basket, a basket in which old tools and pieces of iron are kept. Thir-chak-ai, (s.) an anchor. Thir-chher-thiam, ) (j.) ^ blacksmith. Thir-deng, ) ^ ^ Thir-hrui, (s.) wire, iron wire. Thir-khen, (s.) a chisel. Thir-kilh-na, {s.) a nail, an iron nail. Thir-tlawn, (s.) a bar of iron, a jumper, a crowbar. Thir-tu'lungj, ) / \ Thir-tu'-thulh, 1 ('■) ^" "°" )""P'^'^- Thi-sawn, {v.) to die from exposure, to die a natural death (used of domestic animals), to die and not have the usual sacrifice offered. Thi-shen, (s.) blood. Thi-shen, (v.) to offer a sacrifice for the dead. Thi-shen chhua/§, (v.) to shed blood. Thi-tek, {s.) the name of a yellow bead. Thi-tling, (s.) a bruise. Thi-thlo-chao, just enough to keep alive. Thla, (5.) the moon, a month. Thla, (5.) a spirit, one's double. Thla, (s.) a wing. Thla a chhuak, {v.) to rise (as moon). Thla a de, (v.) to be a new moon. Thla-bar, (v.) to receive a great shock or fright. Thla-bar-in na, (v.) to be ill through a shock cr fright. Thla-bar-in thi, (v.) to die of fright or as the result of a shock. Thla-do, (5.) the name of a tree, the same as khado. 198 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Thlah, (s.) a descendant, posterity. Thlah, {v.) to let go, to release. Thlah, (v.) to accompany partway, to see off. ™^i^^^^' , I last month. Thla hma-sha, ) Thla-hnak, (v.) to comfort, to cheer. Thla-hual, (5.) the halo round the moon, a m-in thla a hiial, there is a halo round the moon, literallj^, ' the moon is encircled by its house.' Thla hual, {v.) to offer a sacrifice to quiet one's mind. Thlah-thlam, {v.) to leave, to abandon, to forsake, to neglect, to leave to one's own devices, to leave in the lurch, to let alone. Thlah-tu, (5.) an ancestor, a progenitor. Thlai, {s.) vegetables, Thlai-chhiah, (i'.) to sacrifice an animal at the death of anyone, to accompany the departed spirit to the other world. Thlai-zong, {s.) the wild cherry. Thlak, an affix denoting 'causing' or 'begetting,' as in khaiv- ngai-thlak, pitiable (lit., pity causing). Thla/', {v.) to relieve, to take another's place, to act as a substitute, to lower, to let down, to throw down, to drop. Thla/^-hlel, {v.) to hold dear, to be attached to, to be reluctant to part Avith or give up. Thlak- kha^f, {s.) an embankment, a road on an embankment, {y.) to make an embankment. Thlak-thla, (■y.) to let down, to drop down, to lower. Thlak-thlen^, {v.) to change, to exchange. Thlak-tu, {s.) a substitute, a successor. Thla-leh, (5.) next month. Thla-ler, (s.) uninhabited country, waste region, desert, wild- erness, {a.) desolate, uninhabited, waste, {v.) to be or become desolate, etc. Thlam, (5.) a jJiiim house. Thla mang lai (or hun), the time when there is no moon. Thla-muan, {v.) to comfort, to cheer. Thla-muang, to be comforted, to cheer up, to have peace of mind. Thlan, (5.) a grave. Thlan, {s.) perspiration. Thlan a sha, {v.) to perspire. Thlan dai, {v.) to be cool, to get cool, to feel cool. Thlang, {adv.) lower, down, (s.) the west. Thlang, (^.) to choose, to select. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 199 Thlang-a, {prep.) below, lower down. Thlang-dar-rim-chhia, (5.) the name of a beetle. Thlang-lam, {s.) the west. Thlang-lam-a, {adv. and prep) below (lower down). Thlang-ra, {s.) a Lushai sieve. Thlang-tiang, {s.) the name of a reed. Thlan-nghah ni, {s) the day after a burial. Thia noi, {s.) the last quarter of a moon. Thlan-thla-chang, {s.) a crest of feathers worn as a sign that the owner has given a public feast. Thlan-vong, {s.) the name of a flowering tree the wood of which is used for making troughs, plates, etc. Thlao, {v.) to forsake. Thlaoh, {v. t.) to drop unintentionally, to leave behind (as a slain comrade in battle). Thlao-thla, {v.) to forsake, to give up. ^Thla-phan^, (z;.) to be exceedingly anxious, to be in anguish, to be in fear of death. Thla-phur, {s.) the time of year corresponding nearly to the month of May. Thlar, {s.) a bunch (as of plantains, keys, etc.) Thla-rao, {s.) a spirit, the spirit, the soul. Thla-rao hmu, {v.) to see a vision. Thla-rao in-lar, {s.) a vision, Thla-rao in-lar hmu, {v.) to see a vision. Thla-sherh, {s.) the time of year corresponding nearly to Sep- tember. Thla-shik, {s.) the cold weather. Thla-shik kong, {s.) the milky-way. Thla thar, {s.) the new moon. Thla-var, {a.) phosphorescent, {v.) to be phosphorescent. Thlawh-bua, {s.) a disused jhilm, land which has been jJmmed. Thlawh-hlawh, {v.) to weed a jkum, etc., for wages. Thlawh-hma, {s.) a jhiUn, crops. Thlawh-hma chen, {s.) a measurement of about two to four miles. ThlawX', {v.) to fly. Thlawk-bir, {v.) to swoop down. "■ ™, ,^^^'"'. I {adv.) to no purpose, in vain, gratuitously, uselessly. Thle, {v.) to move on one side (as the body or head), to turn head, to lean on one side (as body or head) to be lopsided, {a.) lopsided. 200 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Thlei, (v.) to sift, to separate, to divide, to distinguish between, to have respect of persons, to make a distinction betVv'een. Thlem, {v.) to comfort, to persuade, to try to persuade, to pacify, to appease, to entice, to tempt. Thlem chiam, {v.) to beseech, to try hard to persuade. Thlem-thlu, (v.) to persuade, to succeed in persuading, comforting, appeasing, enticing or tempting. Thlen^, (v.) to change. Thlen_^, {v.) to arrive, to put up, to lodge, to board, to cause to arrive, to escort, to appeal in a law case. Thleng, {s.) a plate, a trough. Thleng-in, (prep.) as far as, up to, all the way to. Thleng-reng, (s.) the name of a tree. Thleng thleng-in, [prep.) all the way to^ as ^^r as, so far as, up to. Thlen'in, {s.) a temporary lodging. Thle/', (2'4 to fold up. _ ^ Thler, (i'.)Ho tear, to split, to rip up. Thler, (s.) a street between two rows of houses. Thler, {y.) to cross at an angle. Thler-zawng-in, {adv.) crosswise, at an angle. Thli, {s.) wind, a drought. Thlia/', (v. t.) to snap, the same as ti-tliak. Thliar, (7'.) to divert the water of a river, to catch fish by diverting the water of a river. Thliar, (7^.) to slight. Thliar-kar, (^.) an island. Thliar-thla, (z;.) to slight. Thli-fim, (^.) a breeze. Thlik-thli-dir, (5.) the crest (on a bird's head). Thlik-thli ek bawm, (5.) the name of a parasitical plant. Thlim, (7'.) to glance at stealthily to see if being watched, to listen stealthily, to hear if any one is coming, to watch stealthily, to leave stealthily. Thling, (5.). marrow. Thli-pui, (s.) a wind storm. 1 hlir, (7;.) to look at from a distance, to look, to look at, to view. Thli/, (7'.) to strain through a strainer, to pour out slowly, to pour off (as water). Thli/-fai, (7;.) to winnow by pouring from a height slowly and allowing the wind to blow away the chaff. Thli up, (7;.) to be free from or sheltered from the wind. Thlo, (7;.) to weed. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 201 Thloh, (s.) a woodpecker. Thlob-kor-ha, "^ Thloh-pu), I* Thloh-pui-lu-eng, [ (5-.) the names of different species of wood- Thloh-sai, { peckers. Thloh-te, I Thloh-tial, J Thlon, {v,) to fall out, to come out (as teeth, horns, etc.), to come off (as the stalk of a fruit), to pull out (as tooth, etc.) Thlop, [v.) to support, to stand up for or on behalf of, to stand by, in time of need, to befriend. Thlor, {v.) to make saltpetre or lye. Thl°^'b' I ^^'^ ^ funnel for making saltpetre and lye. ^ Thluak, (s.) the brain. Thluak-nem, (a.) good-natured, good-tempered, (v.) to be good- natured, etc. Thluam, (a.) smooth, (v.) tr) be smooth, [adv.) smoothly. Thluang, {v.) to straighten (the leg). Thlu-hial, {adv.) contrary to expectation, on the contrary, an aflfix signifying that something contrary to e.^pectation has taken place. Thluk, {s.) the back of the head, the nape of the neck. Thluk-zia, (5.) tune, tone. Thlum, {a.) sweet, strong (as beer), {v.) to be sweet, etc. Thlum a pawn, {-v.) to be weak (as beer). Thlun^, {v.) to tie up (as an animal), to stretch from one place to another (as a wire, rope, etc.), to suspend (a rope, etc.) Thlur, {v.) to spin (with a hand spindle), to pursue for a long distance. Tho, {s.) a fly. Tho, {v.) to get up, to rise (same as thawh.) Tho, {a.) not fully fermented (as rice for beer), {v.) to be not fully fermented. ^ Tho-a, {v.) to be dazed or stupid upon waking from sleep. Thoi, {u.) to exercise, to doctor. Thoi, {-u.) to slightly graze, to go or pass close to (as shot), to go round about or up and down in front of. Thoi, {a.) ambiguous, {adv.) ambiguously, in parables. Thol-thu, a contracted form of thualthu, Thom-hnaw, a contracted form of thuvmhnaw. Thom-mawl, {s.) a pile or post (under a house). Thon, {v.) to send. Thon-thu, {s.) a story, a fable, a tale. 2 E 202 LU3HAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tho-shi, (s.) a mosquito. Tho-shi len, {s.) a mosquito curtain. Thu, (s.) a word, a saying, news, {p^ep.) about, concerning. Thu, {a) half burnt, partly charred, {v.) to be half burnt, etc. Thu, {s.) fluid which comes from a corpse. Thu, {a.) greasy. Thu, see thut. Thuah, {s.) a layer, {a.) ot more than one thickness, {adv.) in layers, one on top of another. Thuah-riat, {s.) the name of a tree. Thuai, {adv.) quickly. Thuai, {adv.) under no circumstances, on no condition. Thuai-a, {prep, and adv.) underneath. Thuai thuai, {adv.) quickly. Thual-tbu, {s.) the name of a tree the kernel of the fruit of which is eaten as an aperient and as an anthelmintic. Thuam, {s.) goods, things, property, articles. Thuam-chhia, (.?=) a cloth for covering clothes during work. Thuam-hnaw, (5.) things, articles, goods, property, implements. Thuam-pui, {s.) the name of a tree. Thuam-riat, (s.) the name of a tree the juice of which is used as a medicine for sores. Thuang-ruah, {s.) the rain which sometimes falls after /kiem cutting. Thu-buai, {s.) a question, a complaint, a dissension. Thu dawn lo-vin, {adv.) rashly, inconsiderately. Thuei-chhum, {v.) to twist, to wrench. " Thu hmu, {v.) to receive authority. Tha-hmun, {a.) alike, same, equal, {v.) to be alike, etc. Thu-hnuai-rolh, {a.) humble, {v.) to speak humbly. Thu-hre-tu, {s.) a witness for. Thui, {v.) to sew, {s.) a seam. Thui, {adv.) far, high. Thui-hruai, {v.) to act as a regent for, {s.) a dependant, one under authority, a follower, a regent. Thui-op, {s.) the name of a large ant. Thuk, {s.) a grate, a stove, a fireplace, the place enclosed by the three stones which support the pot on a Lushai fireplace. Thuk, {a.) deep, {v.) to be deep. Thuk duk, {s.) fire, live embers. Thu-khat vua-in, {adv.) unanimously, with one mind, with one desire. Thu-khai vua/^ (or vaw), {v.) to be unanimous or of one mind. I PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 203 '^Thu-khawh-chang shoi, (v.) to converse, to gossip, (s.) gossip talk. Thuk-Yuk, (v.) to conceal, to hide. Thuk-thai, (s.) fireirons (poker, shovel, etc.) Thul, (s.) the name of a large basket with a cover. Thulh, (v.) to not do a thing, to leave undone, to omit to, to be prevented. ' Thul[i-tir, (v.) to prevent, to cause or tell not to do, say, etc. Thum, (v.) to scoop up with both hands, (s.) a double handful. Thum, (a.) deep, grufT, (v.) to be deep, etc. Thum, (a.) three. Thu-mi, (s.) a kind of pigeon. Thum vawr, {v.) to augur, to cast lots. Thum-vawr thiam, {s.) an augur, one skilled In augury. Thun, (v.) to put in (to anything long and narrow as bottle, etc.) to load (as gun). 7hu nei, (?'.) to receive authority. Thu-nei-a shiam, (v.) to give authority to. Thu nei pck, (v.) to give authority. Thu-nei-tu, (s.) one in authority. Thu-nei-tu ang-In, (adv.) authoritatively. Thung, (adv.) now, after this, an affix with th'e Idea of taking one's turn. Thu-nun, (v.) to bring into subjection, to cause to obey, to break in, to train. Thup, (v.) to conceal, to hide. Thu-pe/^, (v.) to command, to give permission. ^ Thu-pha choi, (v.) to apologise, to confess, to capitulate. Thu-phiar, (v.) to plot, to conspire, to plan, (s.) a plot, a con- spiracy, a plan. ^Ihu-poi, (5.) a complaint, a judicial case. Thu/j-ruk, (v.) to conceal, to hide. Thu-pui, (a.) important. Thur, [a.) acid, sour, {v.) to be acid, etc. Thur, (a.) rough (as hair), (v.) to be rough. Thu ral-kah, [s.) an Irrelevant speech. Thu rem-tu, {s.) a judge, a magistrate, an arbitrator. Thu ril, (s.) a mystery, a deep saying. Thu-ro, (s.) a dove. Thur-pui, (s.) the name of a creeper with an acid fruit. Thur-shiak, (s.) wood-sorrel. Thu-rual, (v.) to be unanimous or of one mind. Thu-rual-In, (adv.) unanimously, with one mind or desire. ^Thu-ruk, (^.) a secret. 2 E 2 204 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Thu-rum, (a.) foolhardy, reckless, fearless, daring, {v.) to be foolhardy, etc. Thut, {adv.) suddenly. Thur, (v.) to sit, to sit down, to succeed to a chieftainship. Thu^ chhuak, (v.) to sit up, to sit upright. Thu-thang, (s.) a report, a rumour, {v.) to get reported or rumoured. Thu-thlun^, {v.) to make a covenant, agreement, or contract, {s.) an agreement, a covenant, a contract. Thu-thu, (s.) command, pleasure, wish. Thu-thu-in om, (v.) to be subject to, to obey. Thu thiam, {v.) to command, to order, to threaten, to promise, [s.) a command, etc. Thu ti-tlu, {v.) to give a verdict, to pass sentence, to wind up a case, to setile a case. Thut-na, (s.) a seat, a stool, a chair. T hu/-ngil, {v.) to sit up, to &it upright. Thut-phah, (s.) a seat, a stool, a chair. Thu/-sop, (v.) to sit right down. Thut-thleng, {s.) a seat, a stool, a chair. Thu/-tung, {v.) to sit on the haunches. Thu vei vir, (v.) to misrepresent (so as to stir up strife). Thu zep, (s.) a secret. Ti, (v.) to do, to say, to act towards. Ti, {prefix) used to make intransitive verbs transitive, to cause to be. Ti, (7'.) to fear, to be nervous, to be timid, (r?.) nervous, timid. Ti, (s.) muscle, fiesh, lean, substance, form, complexion. Tia, as, like, as much as, same size as. Tiak, (7;.) to come to an end, to finish. Tiak, {s^ a sprout, (t^.) to sprout. Tial, (6-.) the thread of a screw, a screw. Tial, (<7.) spotted, striped, of various colours, tattooed, (7'.) to be spotted, etc., (.?.) spots, stripes, markings, tattoo. Tiam, (7'.) to promise, to threaten, to command, to appoint (a day etc.), to allow, to be ready, to be willing. Tiang, {s.) a stick, a staff. Tian^, (7;.) to pile up, to put one on top of another, {^adv^ one on top of another. Tiin' hrang thlan, (.9.) a Poi grave, a vault. Tiao, (i.) sandy shingle. Tiao, (7;.) to disperse. Tiao-chhum, {s.) morning mist. Tiao-lung, (.s.) shingle. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 205 ^ — . . — — — ___— — ___ . . - Tiao-mi, (s.) the name of a beetle which is said to produce madness if eaten. T t t t T T T T T T T T T T T T T ao-pho, {s.) a beach, a shingly beach, a sandbank. -vai-vut, ) / \ 1 ' > (s.) sand, -vut, ) ^ ^ ar, (s.) the name of a tree, a-ve, (a.) half (lengthwise). a za, {v.) to feel creepy, -awn, {v. t.) to slant, -bal, {v. i.) to chip, -bal, {v.) to make dirty, -ban^, (t'. t.) to staunch, to stop, -bet, {v.) to hold down, to keep down, -bo-ral, {y. t.) to ruin, to lose. bua, {v. t.) to spill, to upset. -buai, {v. /.) to worry, to disturb, to set in an uproar, -bum, {v. /.) to swindle, to deceive. - P n ll P J hh" ' t \ (^' ^'^ ^° destroy, to damage, to spoil, to degrade. -chi-mit, {v. f.) to exterminate, to extinguish. -chhua/^, {v. t.) to put out, to eject, to originate, to bring to light, to bring out, to institute. Ti-chhua/^-tu, {s.) one who brings out or puts out, a founder, an originator, a composer, an institutor. Ti-dam, {v.) to make well, to save. 7"i-dang, {v.) to make speechless, to refute, to confute. Ti-dang-lam, (7^. t.) to alter. Ti-dap, {y. t.) to bevel. Ti-dawn^, {v.) to take in, to swindle, to deceive, to deprive. "^Ti-der, [y.) to pretend, to deceive, to do out of a thing. Ti-dim-dem, {a.) fussy, particular, {v.) to be fussy, etc. Ti-dip, {v.) to make into fine powder. Ti-duh-dah, {v.) to oppress, to ill-use, to persecute, to do any- thing carelessly or lazily, to be idle. Ti-dul, {v. t.) to shut (as umbrella), to slacken, to loosen. \Ti-el, {ik) to ridicule, to scoff, to speak sarcastically. Tih, the same as ' ti.^ Tih, {coiij.) that, also a particle used with the interrogative pronoun to give it the force of a relative. Ti-hah, (v. t.) to fatigue. Ti-harh, (v. t.) to revive, to strengthen, to refresh, to cheer up, to wake up, to enlighten. Ti-hek, {v. t .) to chip. Ti-hek, {y. t.) to use up, to consume, to waste, to eat a lot of. 206 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ti-hel-leh, (v.) to cause to revolt after being subjugated. Ti-him, (f.) to preserve from harm. Ti-hlum, (v.) to kill, to extinguish. Ti-hmin, (v. t.) to cook, to ripen, to bring into subjection. 1 i-hmu, {v.) to set an example. Ti-hniam, {v.) to lower. Tih-oih, {a.) obedient, (v.) to be obedient. li-hril-hai, {v.) to confound, to put to shame. Tik-a, {adv.) when. Ti-kan^, {v. t.) to raise. Ti-keh, {v. t.) to break. Ti-khat, {v. t.) to fill. Ti-khaw-lo, {v. t.) to spoil, to pervert. Ti-khaw-tlai, {v.) to waste time. Ti-kher kher, {a.) particular, fussy, {v.) to be particular, etc. Ti-khok, {v. t.) to graze, to scrape up skin or bark. Ti-khol-kham, {v. t.) to hinder, to prevent. Ti-khong-khaw-bai, {v.) to hop on one leg. Ti-kiam, {v. t.) to lessen, to reduce. Ti-ki-li, {s.) an ordinary muzzle-loading gun with percussion cap. Ti-kin, {v. t.) to bring to a close, to finish. Ti-koi, {v. f.) to bend. Tik-tik, {s.) the name of a bird. Til, {v.) to fall off (as leaves, hair, etc.). Til, ly. t.) to roll about (as the tongue). Til, {s.) testicle, the testicles and scrotum. Ti-lam-dang, {v. t.) to alter. Ti-let, {v. t.) to turn round, to turn over or upside down. Ti-lian, {v.) to magnify. Til Xdik, (v.) to castrate. 1 il-mu, (s.) a testicle. Til rek, (v.) to castrate. Til-ril, (s.) a male born with but one or no testicles. Ti-lui, {v.) to insist upon doing or saying. Ti-lung-ni-lo, (v. t.) to displease, to offend. Tim, {v.) to be careful, to be wary, to beware, to be cautious, to shrink from, {a.) careful, wary, cautious, etc. Ti-mang, {v. t.) to exterminate. Ti-mang-ang, {v. t.) to amaze, to worry, to put in a fix. Ti-mawh, («.) self-willed, stubborn, obstinate, disobedient, {v.) to be self-willed, etc. Ti-mit, (?'.) to extinguish. Ti-mual-pho, {v. t.) to put to shame. Ti-muk, {v. t.) to press closely together. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 207 Tin, (v.) to try. Tin, (v.) to threaten, by gesture. Tin, {a.) every. Tin, (s.) a nail, a claw, a talon, a hoof. Tin, then, and so. (Used to introduce a sentence.) Tin, [v.) to disperse, to break up. Ti-na, {v. t.) to hurt. Ti-na, {s.) meaning. Tin ai-choi, {s.) the claw on the under toe of a tiger or other animal. Ti-na-zia, {s.) meaning. Ting, {a.) springy, {v.) to be springy. Ting, {s.) the hill or Assam indigo {Strohilanthes flaccidifoHus) yarn dyed blue. Ting, {v.) to make as if, to pretend. Ting dum, {s.) blue yarn, {v.) to dye blue. Ti-nghor, {v.) to cause to shake. Ti-ngil, {v» t.) to straighten. Ti-ngoi, {v, t.) to quiet. Ting-shen, {s.) red yarn. Ting-tang, {s.) the one-stringed Lushai fiddle, a fiddle. Tin-hna, {s.) the quick of the nail. Tin-hna ai-hni, {v.) to have a hangnail, {s.) a hangnail. Tin-kim-dawn, {y.) to consider a subject in all its bearings beforehand. Ti-noi, {v.) to pulverize, to make into small pieces. Tin-reng, {a.) all sorts of, all kinds of. Tin-tir, {v.) to dismiss, to cause to break up. Ti-nuam, {a.) obedient, {y.) to be obedient. Ti-nung, {v.) to save, to make well, to bring to life, to bring round after chloroform, to keep or make alive. Ti-parh, {v. t.) to spread out (as cloth, hands, tail, etc.) Ti-pawm, {v. t.) to mix. Ti-peh, {v. t.) to break (as the lobe of the ear), to split the edge, to pull a piece off the edge of any soft material (as book, cloth, etc.), it corresponds to ' chip' in hard materials. Ti-pelh-solh, {v. i.) to dislocate. Ti-pem, {v, t.) to v/ound. ^!-ph^"g^ \ {y.) to entangle. Ti-phiar, ) ^ ^ ^ Ti-phu-zok, {v. t.) to surprise, to startle. Ti-poi, (7;. t.) to mar, to spoil. Ti-polh, {v. t) to mix. Ti'puang, {v. t.) to spread abroad. 208 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tir, {v.) to cause, to send, to permit, to ask to do, to bid, to com- mission, to enable. Tir-chhiah, (v.) to order about, (s.) a drudge. Ti-reh, (v. t.) to stauncli, to stop, to quiet. T'^^l" ^\\^'i (^"^ obedient, {v.) to be obedient. lir-in, {adv.) at first, first of all, at the beginning. Tir-ko, {s .) a messenger. Ti-ro-pui, {v.) to glorify. Ti-r(ii, {u. t,) to intoxicate. Ti-sha, {s.) flesh. Ti-shi-she, (a.) particular, fussy, {v.) to be particular, etc. Ti-sil, (7;.) to maim, to injure, to wound, to disable- Ti-som, {v. t.) to make into pieces. Tit, {s.) a centipede. Ti.'tak'-m,} ^^^"^'"^ exactly, truly. Ti-tao, {v.) to throw about in anger, to do anything in a tantrum. Tit-ek, {a.) flyblown, {v.) to be flyblown. Ti-thaih, {v. t.) to frighten, to startle. Ti-thi, {y.t.) to kill, to extinguish. Ti-thiam,('Z'.) to count, reckon or pronounce just or right. Ti-thi-tling, {v, t.) to bruise. Ti-thler, {v. t.) to split, to rip up. Ti-thlui, {v. t.) to knock over, to push over, to knock down. Ti-ti, {s.) history, news. Ti-tlai, {v.) to treat, to stand treat. Ti-tlat, (7'.) to say emphatically, to charge strictly. Ti-tlawm, {v. t.) to put out of power, to depose, to abase. Ti-tliak, {v. t.) to snap, to break. Titlolh, {v. t.) to prevent. Ti-tlu, (v.) to settle. Ti-tui, [v. i.) to melt. Ti-ul, {v. t.) to scorch slightly. Ti-up, iy. t.) to shelter from the wind. Ti-ut, {v. t.) to scorch much, to burn. \ Ti-vui, {v, t.) to offend, to insult, to hurt one's feelings. Ti-vum, {y. t.) to pile up (as when measuring grain, etc.). Ti-za, {v, t.) to tickle. Ti-zaK, {v. t.) to put to shame. Ti-zam, {v. t.) to frighten, to make afraid. Ti-zia, {a.) opportune, good, just what is wanted. Ti-ziao, {v. t.) to set on edge (teeth). j| Ti-zuam, {v. t.) to assure, to give confidence. 1 PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 209 Tla, {v.) to make answer the purpose, to make shift with, to make suffice. Tla, (v.) to graze, to pasture, to search for food. Tla, (v,) to be, to exist (similar to ojh). Tla, (v.) see tldk, TIa-bung, (s.) Demagree. Tla-chham, (v.) to run out of anything, to lack. Tla-holh, (v.) to put the foot through, to fall through. Tlai, (s.) a score, a standard of reckoning equal to twenty rupees. Tlai, {v.) to be late, {adv.) late. Tlai, (v.) to be fully satisfied (with food), to be full. Tlai-berh, {s.) the bulbul. Tlai-lam, (s.) the afternoon, the evening. '^Tlai-var, (v.) to remain awake all night. Tlak, (5.) chalk. Tlak, (v.) to boil or cook without salt. Tlak, (v.) to make a clicking noise. Tla./^, (v.) to fall from a height, to set (as sun, etc.), to be born prematurely, to complete (as one's time for working), to finish paying a debt. Tlak, {v.) to be worthy, fit, proper. Tlak-deng, {v.) to face west and get the full rays of the setting sun. Tiak-lam, (s.) the side of anything facing the west. ^Tlak-tlai, {a.) useful, beneficial, serviceable, (v.) to be useful, etc. Tlak-tlum-tir, {v.) to receive with approbation, to like. Tla-lam, (tj.) to make suffice, to make answer the purpose, to make shift with. Tlam-em, {s.) the name of a basket. Tlan, (v.) to run, to take shelter, to eat or drink anything, to be in the habit of eating or drinking anything. Tlan, {v.) to ransom. ^Tlan-bo, {v.) to run away, to escape. Tlan-chhua/^, {v.) to run out, to escape. Tlang, {adv.) through. Tlang, {s.) a lump of anything. Tlang, {adv.) unanimously, all together, with one consent, it has also the same meaning as hlom. Tlang, {s.) a mountain, a hill. Tlang, {s.) border, tip, edge, brim, mouth (of pot, etc.) Tlang, {s.) the public, the people. Hang, {adv.) without violence, peaceably, quietly, willingly, in a straightforward manner, without gainsaying. 2 F 2IO LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tlang-ao, (v.) to herald, to proclaim, (s.) a village crier whose duty it is to make known the orders of the chief. T!ang-chil, {v.) to administer punishment in which the whole village joins, to punish or attack in a body. Tlang-dung, (s.) a range of hills. Tlang'hriam, (s.) a mountain range without level ground at the top. Tlang in-khan-na, (s.) the place where two ranges join. ' Tlang-nel, (a.) cheeky, brazen-faced, bold, forward, not shy or bashful, free and easy, (v.) to be cheeky, etc. Tlang-pui-dung, {s.) a large range of hills. Tlang thu, (s.) public opinion, the word of the people. Tlang-tlir, (v.) to fire a volley near a village when returning from hunting. Tlang-val, (s.) a young man. Tlang-zawl, (s.) a plateau. Tlar, {adv.) in a row, (j.) a row. Tla-sual, {v.) to be born prematurely. Tlat, {adv.) fast, firmly, emphatically. Tla'-tlum, {v.) to be received with approbation, to bo liked. Tlaw, {s.) a skeleton, bones, a dead body lying unburied In the jungle or in the open. Tlawh, {v.) to visit, to call upon. Tlawh, {v.) to kick (with the bottom of the foot). 1 lawh-bet, {v. t.) to trample upon, to oppress, to hold in bondage, to look down upon, to despise. Tlawh- chhan, {s.) a support for the feet used when weaving, a footstool, {v.) to rest the feet upon. Tlawm, {v.) to lose prestige, to be deposed, to lose power, to be beaten, to fall from power, to be abased, to beat or excel one who is superior. TIawm-ngai, (■^^) to perseverCj to endure patiently. Tlawm-ngai tak-in, {adv.) perseveringly, patiently. Tlawn, {a.) straight and long, {s.) a bar. 'i lawn-tlai, {s.) shape, form, figure (of a living creature). Tie, {a.) polished. Tleh, {v.) to blow (as the wind). Tlei, {a.) good (used of a baby that does not cry), {v.) to be goodj (as a baby). Tlei-rawl, {v.) to attain to the time of life between childhood and] puberty, (used also of animals and birds), {s.) one who has attain- ed the above age. Tlei-tla, {v.) to complete, to finish, to accomplish, to be completed, finished or accomplished. Tlem, {a.) little, few. PART III.—DICTIONARY— LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 211 Tlem-te, {adv.) little (quantity), few. "^ Tlem tlem-in, {adv.) gradually, little by little. Tleng, (7'.) to slide. Tleng, {s.) the large bamboo on a noose trap which slips down over the animal's leg and prevents it from gnawing itself free. Tlen^, {v.) to clean by pouring water over. Tleng-tle, {s.) che name of an iridescent beetle. Tleo, {v.) to slip. Thai, {v.) to be snapped, to be broken, {a.) broken. Tliang, {a.) polished, glossy, to be polished, etc. Tlin^, {v.) to collect (as water in a pool), to accumulate. Tlin^, {v.) to reach, to reach to, to amount to. Tlin^-tlai, {v^) to complete, finish or accomplish, to be conrapleted, finished or accomplished. Tl"^' h \ (^'^ ^^^ names of species of stinging horse-flies. Tlo, {a.) durable, strong, {v.) to be durable, to be strong, to be a long time (in doing, etc.) \Tlok-tlaw, {a.) dull of intellect, unable to acquire knowledge, inexpert, {v.) to be dull, etc. Tlolh, {v.) to miss fire (as a gun), to be prevented, to omit to, to not do, — see thulh. Tlon, (z;.) to be on goodterm^ with, to be friendly with. Tlong, (5.) the Delaswari river. Tlong-dawr, {s^ Changsil. Tlor, {a?) greasy, glossy, sleek, (z'.) to be greasy, etc. Tlorh, the same as tlor, Tlu, (7;.) to tall down (not fro-n a height), to be settled. Tluan, (^.) a complete length, a whole length or row. Tluang-hrui, (5.) an endless band. Tluang-rel, {s}) bamboos going crosswise under the floor in a Lushai house, immediately above the kaldung. Tluan-thir, (5.) the name of a species of edible arum. Tluk, (•y.) to equal. Tlum, (7;.) to draw in (the head, etc.), to go in, to sink in. Tlum-pui, (^.) the large civet cat {Viverra migaspila), Tlum-therh, (^.) the lesser civet cat {Viverra malaccensis). Tlun, {v.) to have ague. Tlung, (.?.) a ridge pole. Tlung-pi, (5.) a white-ant (wingless). To, («.) expensive, dear, (7;.) to be expensive. To, (7'.) to grow, to shoot up. Toh-lawt, (^.) a rocky excrescence on the side of a mountain, (<7.) projecting, (z'.) to be projecting, to project. 2 F 2 12 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Toi, {a.) short, (v.) to be short. Toi, (a.) symmetrical and having many branches, (as horns, trees, etc.) Toih, (a.) rotten, decomposed, putrid, (v.) to rot, etc. Toi-taw, {s.) the hogplum {spondta mangifera). Toi-taw zam, {s.) the name of creeper, the bruised shoots, leaves, etc., of which are used as a poultice for tiger biles and sores. Tok, {a.) blebby, red and spotted (as the nose), {v.) to be blebby, etc. Tok, {a.) sour, {v.) to be sour. Tok-tarh, {s.) a bait, {v.) to bait. Toi, (•y.) to move along. Tol-loh, {s.) the name of a young woman's cloth. To-lo, {a.) cheap, (v.) to be cheap. Tom, {v.) to crouch, to be rucked up, to be crumpled, to be drawn together, to be contracted, to be shrunken, to ruck up, to crumple, etc., to bend (as the finger, arm or leg). Tom, {a.) untidy, dirty, littered, (z/.) to be untidy, etc., (5.) litter, rubbish, the withered leaves of such plants as sugarcane, rice etc. Tom-im, {v.) to crouch, to cringe, to keep out of one's way (for shame, etc.) Ton, {y.) to wear (in the hair). Ton^, {v.) to meet, to come across, to arrive. Ton^, {v.) to knock against, to collide with, to knock the top of the head against. Tong, (, {s.) a dam, {v.) to dam up water. Tui-khur, {s.) a well, a waterhole. PART III.— DICTIONARY — LUSHAI- ENGLISH. 215 Tui-kuk, {s.) the Tipperah tribe. Tui-kun-luk, (s.) a cocoanut, a hookab. Tui lai rap ang-in om, (?'.) to be in suspense, to be in a fix. Tui ki rap angin om tir, ( {v.) to hold or keep in suspense, Tui lai rap ang-in shiam, ( to put in a fix. Tui leih, {v.) to water (as flowers, etc.), to pour out water. ^Tui let, {s.) a flood, {v.) to be a flood. \ Tui-lo, {a.) nasty (to the taste or smell), unfit, unworthy, (z;.) to he nasty, etc. Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu ^Tu Tu Tu pui, (.s-.) a large expanse of water, the sea. -pui sa-tang, (s.) a water newt. -pui shul-hlah, ) / x • r -n • u 4- ui u f i^-J a- species of willow, -pui shut-hlah, ) ^ '' ^ -pui tang-kawng, (s.) a water newt. -pum, {v.) to be swollen out (as an ear of rice). -rial, (s.) the Sonai river. -ruang, (s.) the Barak river. -sa-tel, (s.) the name of a water turtle. -sha-in leih, {v.) to scald. -shuk, (s.) cholera. -tai, {s.) a stream which dries up in the dry season, a rain torrent. Tui-thawl, (5.) a water bottle or flask. Tui-the, {s.) the name of a dragon fly. Tui-thlar, {v.) to outcast, to cast off (a relative, etc.), (s.) a water- fall. Tui-tla, (v.) to be received with approbation, to be liked. Tui-tlan, {s.) a water supply. Tui-tla lo, {v.) to be disliked. Tui-va-long, {s.) the name of several species of water birds. ^Tui-va-rak, (s.) a wild duck. Tui zang, (s.) the current of a river. Tui-zawn, {s.) an aqueduct. Tui-zu, (s.) a water rat, the flesh of which is eaten by the Lushais as a remedy in cholera. Tuy^, (v.) to make or cut anything out of wood, to cut (a bee's nest) out of a tree, to cut or chop (bough, etc.) off a tree. Tuk, (v.) to command, to promise, to order, to ask a larger price. Tuk, (s,) a knot of hair on the nape of the neck. Tuk, (v.) to cluck. Fuk-buk, (s.) a temporary hut or enclosure made of boughs of trees, etc., bamboos sprouting up from the roots. Tuk-chik, {s.) a small knot of hair. Tuk-<:horh, {s.) the sprouting stump of a felled tree. 2l6 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tu-kl-li, (s.) an ordinary muzzle-loading gun, used with a per- cussion cap. Tuk-in-a, this morning. Tuk-khum, {s.) the back of the head, the nape of the neck. Tuk-khum-khur, (s.) the nape of the neck. Tuk-lo, {s.) the name of a species of woodpecker. Tuk-rop, (s.) large bamboos notched and bent over the ridgepole to support the thatch. Tuk-thuan, (s.) the morning meal, breakfast. Tuk-tin, every morning. Tu-ku-li, {s.) see tiikili. Tuk-verh, (5.) a window. Tul, (1'.) to be high time, to be busy, to have on hand, to have a lot ot work to do, to have need of, to need. Tul, (5.) rank, jungly, covered with weeds, (2;.) to be rank, etc., 'to be old before getting married. Tul, (5.) a skewer, a kind of two-pronged fork. Tu-lum, (^.) the name of an evil spirit said sometimes to take possession of a dead body and cause it to speak. Tu-lung, (5.) a rammer. Tul-zum, (z'.) to be ready to burst (as a rice bud, etc.) Turn, (z^.) to wish, to want, to intend, to attempt, to try, to pur- pose, to be about to. Turn, {y?j to play (a musical instrument). Turn, (7'.) to do, to do as one's special w^ork, (5.) work, special or allotted work or task. Turn, (7;.) to jump with both feet together. Turn, {y!) to sulk, to be sulky, to pout, to look cross. Turn, (5.) the sago palm. Tu-ma, ■) ^^^^ ^Q Q^g^ Tu-ma...lo, ) ^^ ^ Tum-bu, (5.) the plantain flower in bud (edible). Tum-bung, (^.) half. Tum-chhang, (5.) a sago cake. Tum-fung, (^.) the bow of a fiddle, a drum stick, striker of a gc^ng. Tum-hram, \ (i'.) to strive, to try hard, to be determined, to be Turn lui hram, ) resolved. Turn-pang, (5.) a wild gayal, Tum-ruh, ") / , x ^^ ^^ determined, to be resolved. Tum-sa-rub, ) ^ ■' Tum-thang, {s.) the name of a plant with edible leaves and blossoms. Tum-the, {s.) a sour drink made from the fangra bean. Tum-tla, {v.\ to complete, to accomplish, to finish, to conclude. PART III.— DICTIONARY— LUSHAI- ENGLISH. 21; Tum-tlat, (v.) to be determined. Tun-a, (adv.) now, by now. Tun-a chin-a, (adv.) henceforth. 'Tun-a hian, (adv.) now. Tuna-pang-in, (adv.) now already, now at once. xTuna-pawh, ") , ^ x g^.^j ^^^^ ^^ Tuna-poh, ) ^ ' ^ Tuna-tei, (^^2;.) now at this moment. ' Tuna-zong, (adv.) now by this time. ' Tun-chin-a, (adv.) henceforth. Tun^, (v.) to prick up (as ears), to stand on end or upright. Tung-chaw, (s.) a Lushai bedpost. Tung-chaw-kua, (s.) a hole made in a Lushai bedpost to serve as a receptacle for small articles. " Tu-nge, (Z'r^.) who ? whom? to whom ? whose? Tung-thawh, j , v ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^j^^j posture. ^ Tung-tho, ) ^ '' d*^ ^ Tun-hnu-a, (adv.) hereafter. ^1 un-lai, (adv.) nowadays, now. Tun lai thang-thar, (s.) the present generation. ^i,!;^"",^' ^'^' ! (adv.) now at this moment, now (emphatic). Tun-law-law-a,) ^ ' » v r / Tun-pang-a, (adv.) now already, now at once. Tun-thla, this month. ' Tun-thleng-in, (adv.) yet, up to the present time, hitherto. • Tun-thleng-pawh-in,L^^^_) ^^j,, ^^^^ lun-thleng-poh-m, j ^ "^ Tu-nu, (5.) a granddaughter, a sister's daughter, a husband's sister's daughter, a paternal aunt's daughter. Tu-pa, (s.) a grandson, a sister's son, a husband's sister's son, a paternal aunt's son. Tu-pa-a7i tan^, (v.) to take the lead, to take the most prominent part, to set an example. Tu-pa-ber, (s.) a ringleader. Tu-pa-rong, (s.) an iron spud made with a place to receive a wooden handle. Tu-pawh, (pro.) anyone. Tu-pawh a-piang, (pro.) whoever. Tu-p6h, (pro.) the same as ttipawh. Tur, (i-,) poison. Tur, («.) strong, pungent smelling (as spirits, etc.) Tur, a verbal affix. Tur a-tha, («.) very poisonous (as snake, nettle, etc.), (2;.) to be very poisonous. 2 G T 218 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tur nei, (a.) poisonous, {v.) to be poisonous. Tur-shing, (s.) the name of a species of bamboo used for making the bowls ot men's pipes. Tut, (s.) the Gutur river. Tu-tal, {pf'o.) anyone. Tu-tal-e-maw, (pro.) someone, anyone. Tu-ta-nge, (pro.) whose ? Tu-te-e-maw, certain persons, certain. u U, (s.) an elder brother or sister, a husband's elder brother or sister, an elder brother's wife, a paternal uncle's elder child, a maternal aunt's elder child. U, (v.) to whine (as a dog). Uai, {v.) to swing. Uai, (a.) withered, wilted, (v.) to wither, to wilt. Uai-tliai,' (v.) to break ofi through having too great a weight upon it (as bough, peg, etc.) Uak, (v.) to retch. ^Uang, (v.) to boast. Uap, (v.) to make feel hot or depressed, to be sultry, to be depress- ing, to confine (such things as rice, etc., in an overfull basket), by forming a barricade of leaves, etc., round the edge, or by covering with a cloth and tucking in, {a.) sultry, depressing, hot. Uar, (v.) to emphasise, to exaggerate. Ui, {s.) a dog. Ui, (v.) to forbid, to be reluctant to part with or give up, to try to dissuade, to beseech or ask not to, to grudge. U-i, an interjection expressing wrath or contempt. Ui-ban^, {v.) to dissuade, to put a stop to. Ui-favvm, (5.) the praying mantis. Ui-fawm-ring, (s.) the name of a weed. Uih, {a.) stinking, high, strong smelling,, {v.), to stink, etc, , Ui-hli, (s.) a flea. Ui-om, (v.) to be a pity, to be a loss. Ui-re, (s.) an adulteress, (v.) to commit adultery (used only of a woman). Ui-sa-le'lin, (v.) to turn a somersault on a bar. Ui sa-thiam, {s.) a dog able to track game. Ui-sul, (s.) the name of a creeper. Ui-te-mc, [s.), the name of a creeper with a bean-like fruit. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 219 Ui-thak, (s.) the itch. Ui-thin-thang, (s.) the name of a plant with a flower resembling the convolvulus. Ui-tho-buh, {s.) a species of rice. Ui-thut, (v.) to sit on the haunches with the fore legs upright (as a dog, etc.) Ui-tui-hleoh, (v.) to swim like a dog. Uk, {a.) dirty, discoloured, karki coloured, (v.) to be dirty, etc. Uk, {v.) to make a noise, as a rat when being suffocated by smoke in its hole. Ul, {a.) slightly scorched, {v.) to be slightly scorched. U-la, ■) if you, U-lang, > also a participial termination used when two or more U-lang-in, ) imperatives come together. U-leoh, {s.) the name of a flying lizard. Ulh, {v. }.) to sprain, to bend. Ulh tliak, (v. t.) to break, to snap. Ulh-tliak silai, (5.) a breech-loading gun. U-long, (5.) a tadpole. U-luk, {a.) tidy, prim, particular in dress, etc., {v.) to be prim, to make tidy, to take pride in, to be particular. U-luk-tir, {v. t.) to make tidy. Om, {s.) the name of a pumpkin, a gourd, a bamboo or other receptacle for holding liquids. Um, {v.) to chase, to pursue, to hunt. Um, {v.) to preserve by boiling and potting, to pot, to put fruit in a pot to hasten its ripening. i Um, {v.) to develop or enlarge (as the breasts), Um-khal, {s.) the name of a tree. Un, {a.) old (as village, books, etc.), {v.) to be old. U-nao, (5.) a relation, a brother, sister or cousin. Ung, {a.) mouldy smelling, {v.) to smell mouldy. Ung, {a.) discoloured, kharki coloured, dirty, {v.) to be discoloured, Up, {v.) to be sheltered or free from the wind. Up, {v.) to put a lid on a pot when boiling on the fire to keep the steam in. U-pa, {s.) an elder, a chief man, a mantri, {v.) to be old, to be elderly. U-phar, (s.) a toad. Ur, {v.) to be angry. Ur, {v.) to distil, to brew (as beer). Urh, {a.) burnt (in cooking), smelling like burnt meat, {v.) to burn (as meat). Ur-ur, {adv.) denoting many or much. s G a 220 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ct, (a.) scorched badly by the fire, burnt, (v.) to scorch badly, to burn. "^U-tok, (s.) a toad. U-tok-hni, (s.) the name of a plant. . V Va, (adv.) how. (Used only in exclamatory sentences.) Va, verbal prefix signifying ' going,' generally on level ground, or from one place to another of equal elevation. Va-bak, (s.) the night jar. Va-cha, {s.) a heron. Va-chirh-dawt, (5.) a snipe. Vah, (5.) a woman's brother's child. Va-hai, (s.) a species of hornbill. Va-hla, (s.) the hill partridge. Va-hlut, (s.) a species of flying squirrel. Va-hmim, (s.) a quail. Va-hmim bung-pui, (s.) the name of a plant. Vah-nu, {s.) a woman's brother's daughter. Vah-pa, (s.) a woman's brother's son. Va-hrit, (s.) the black pheasant. " Va-hui, (s.) a wood pigeon. Vsi, {v.) to search for. Vai, (v.) to row, to paddle. Vai, (s.) a foreigner, a Hindustani, {a.) foreign. Vai, (s.) parched rice. Vai, (v.) to wave, to wave back with the hand, to wave the arm or anything horizontally, to cut or chop off horizontally. Vai-bel, (s.) a man's pipe. ,Vai-bcl-til, (s.) the projection on the bowl of a Lushai man's pipe immediately below where the stem enters. Vai buh, (s.) a species of rice. Vai-chj\, (s.) an oar, a paddle. Vai'der-ken, (s.) the zinnia. Vai-dip, (s,) bran. Vaih, (adv.) haply. Vai-hlen-hlo, (s.) the Kuki weed. Vai-hlo, (s.) tobacco. ^ Vai-hmi-to, (s.) a sandfly. Vaihren-hri, (s.) the itch. Vai-in, (a.) all. PART II. — DICTIONARY— LUSHAI -ENGLISH. 221 Val-lian-hlo, (s.) the same as vai-hlen-hlo. Vai-lung-hlan, (v.) to pass on from one to another. Vai-lung-thlar, {s.) the name of a game played with stones and holes in the ground. Vai-mim, {s.) Indian corn, maize. Va-iii-ro-nghak, {s.) the name of a bird which frequents houses. Vai-phaw-hlo, {s.) the name of a tree and also the juice of the same, which is used by the Lushais for japanning. Vai-va, {s.) the hill mainah. ^ "^Vai'Vut, {s.) dust. Vai-vut khu, {$.) dust (suspended in the air). Vai-vut ti-khuj {v.) to make a dust. Vai-za, {s.) the name of a flowering tree, the bark of which is used to make rope, and is then known as hrni khao. Vak, {adv.) with force, hard, vehemently. ' Vak, {v.) to go, to walk, to wander about. Va-kel-chal, {s.) the name of a small bird. Va-kep, {s.) the name of a plant. Va-ki, {s.) a parrot. Va-ki-ria, {s) the name of a headdress made of parrots' feathers, beetles' wings, seeds^ etc., worn on festive occasions. Va-ko, {s.) the name of a mauve flowering creeper. Va-kul, {s.) the bhimaraj. Va-kul chang, {s.) a head-dress made of the long tail feathers of the bhimaraj, also the long tail feathers of the same bird. ^Vak-vai, {s.) a homeless person, a wanderer, a vagabond, {v.) to be homeless, to wander, etc. Val, {v.) to go into rings or circles, {a.) circular, Val, [s.) a ring of cane to put under a pot to keep it from rolling. Va-la, {v.) to fetch. Valh, {s.) a slip knot, a noose, a loop, {v.) to make a slip knot, noose or loop. Va-lim-chho, {s.) a small woodpecker. VAm, {a) red-hot, live, {v.) to be red-hot. Vam, {v.) to crunch between the teeth, "^ Va-mur, {s.) a swallow, a martin. Van, {s.) the sky. Van, {v.) to stretch one's self, Van-a-tha^, {v.) to be prosperous. Van-chhe-ko-vin, through you, etc., because of the curse of heaven upon you, etc. "^Van-duai, {a.) unfortunate, unlucky, {v.) to be unfortunate, etc. Vang, {s.) the name of a species of acacia. 222 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Vang, (a.) scarce, scanty, uncommon, rare, {v.) to be scarce, etc. Vang, {s.) breadth. Vang-a, see vdng-in, Vang a zao, {v.) to be broad. Vang-in, {prep.) on account of, because of, for the sake of, because. Vang-lai, {s) the time when a thing is at its best, the time of greatest prosperity. Vang-lam-a, {prep, and adv.) across. ^ Vang-llang, {a.) average, medium, moderate. Van^-tlang hmu-in, | ^^^^ ,^ ^^jj^l j Van^-tlan2 hriat-m, ) "^ ^ ^ . Van^-tiang-mi, {s.) the general public, the people. ^ Van^-tlang zing-a, {adv.) publicly, openly. 'Vang-vat, {s.) a land-leech. Vang-vat hlo, {s.) the name of a small plant. Vang-zawng-in, {prep, and .) to say what one only imagines as if it were Zel-din-thu bawl, j really true. Zem, (s.) a large bamboo receptacle for storing rice. Zem, (7'.) to entwine (as creeper), to bind, to twist or wind round and round. Zen, (s.) gunpowder. Zen, (v.) to thrust the arm into (as a hole, coat-sleeve, etc.) Zen, (v.) to commit fornication wiih. Zen-chong, {s.) a small measure for measuring a charge of gunpowder. Zeng, (a.) withered, paralysed, useless (as limb), {v.) to be wither- ed, etc. Zen;-e-maw, some kind of. Zeng-nge, (^fo.) which ? what ? Zeng-zat-e-maw, some number, some quantity. Zep, (v.) to tuck in. Ze/*, (v.) to prevaricate, (0 lie, to keep anything back, to suppress, to conceal. Zet, {adv.) very, exceedingly, really. Zet, (adv.) nrst, previously. Zi, (v.) to stretch one's self. Zia, (s.) engraving, colouring, (a.) variegated, of various colours. Zia, mode of, manner of. It is sometimes used as an affix to adjectives to form abstract nouns. It is also affixed to verbs with the meaning of 'ought' or ' fit '. Zia, (adv.) exactly. Ziak, (v.) to write, to engrave. Zia'-kur, (s.) a piece of bamboo bent like a horse shoe and used for scraping beans. Zial, (a.) rolled up, done up in a knot (as hair), (v.) to roll up, etc. Ziao, (v.) to be on edge (as teeth). Zia/, (v.) to scrape. Zih-nghal, (5.) the name of a tree, the shoots of which are used as a remedy for stomach ache. Zik, {s.) a new shoot. Zik a chhuak, (v.) to feel like stretching one's self. Zik chhuai tak-in, (adv.) in order from beginning to end. Zik-no, (s.) a young leaf or shoot. Zik zuah, (v.) to strip a tree of all its leaves except a small bunch at the end of each bough or to cut off all the boughs except the topmost, and stripping that of its leaves except a bunch at the tip. A favourite pastime of the Lushais. Zilh, (v.) to correct, to admonish, to reprove, to exhort, to Instruct. Zilh-hao, (v.) to scold. Zim, {v.) to surround (an animal in hunting, etc.) 230 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Zim,(^.) narrow, small, close together, {v.) to be narrow, etc., {adv.) closely together, I'requently, at short intervals, little. Zin, (i'.) to go on a journey, to visit a distant village. Zi. {v.) to"? cumulate, to gather (specially used of clouds on hill )S and in valleys). Zin. (adv.) closely together, frequently, {v.) to be close together. Zing-a, in the early morning. Zing-a, {prep.) among, with, along with. Zir, (z'.) to learn, to copy, to imitate. Zir-sak, (■y.) to imitate, to mock. Zi-za, (5.) jute. Zo, (^.) to be able, to be sufficient for. Zo, (5.) the name of the Lushais and surrounding hill tribes. Zo, (a.) high, of great elevation, {v.) to be high, etc. Zo-ar-chhuang, (.?.) a species of Zthnso^ the cockscomb plant. Zo-chal, (.?.) a cord resembling chenille made of dyed goat's hair, worn round the head in the form of a turban. Zo-eng, (.9.) a species of yellow amaranthus. Zo-hniar, {$.) a species of amaranthus. Zoi, («.) limp, flexible, {y^ to be limp. Zoi, [a?) slow. Zoih zoih, [adv^ bitterly (cry), much. Zoi-in, {adv}^ slowly, gently, by degrees. Zoi-te-in, {adv^ slowly. Zoi-zoi-in, {adv>^ slowly, gradually, gently. Zom, (z^.) a contracted form of sawm. Zom, {v.) to join, to be joined. Zom-thaw, {a.) lazy, {v.) to be lazy. Zom-zat, {adv.) without intermission. Zong, an emphatic and distinguishing particle, for my part, for your part, etc., on the other hand. Zong, {v.) to search. Zong-chal, {s.) see zochal. Zong-chhang, (?'.) to be accustomed, addicted or used to. Zong-in, {conj.) if. Zong-zong, {a.) all. Zop, {a.) damp, {v.) to be or get damp. Zo-phei, {s.) the strong stick in a noose trap for keeping the sapling which is used as a spring from flying back. Zo-thing h^ng, {s.) the name of a tree. Zo-za\, many, much, more than necessary. Zu, (5.) beer. Zuah, (7;.) to spare, to leave. Zual, {adv.) more. PART III. — DICTIONARY — LUSHAI - ENGLISH. 231 Zual-ko, (s.) a messenger, (v.) to bear a message. ■ Zual-ko, {i',) to misrepresent. • ' Zuam, (a.) sure, confident, {v.) to be sure, to be confident, to have assurance. Zuan, (v.) to pounce upon, to spring upon. Zuan^, (v.) to leap, to jump, to gallop, to canter. Zuang, (v.) the name of a tree the bark of which yields ablue-biack dye. Zuang-thla, (v.) to jump down. Zuao, (a.) fussy or impatient in sickness or suffering, (v.) to be fussy or impatient. Zuar, {v.) to offer for sale, to sell. Zu-bel, (s.) a beer pot, a water pot. \ Zu-fang, (5.) fermented rice. Zu-fe, (s.) rice from which beer has been brewed. Zu-hrei, {s.) the name of a large rat. Zui, (v.) to follow, to go with, to accompany. Zuih, {a.) tapering, {v.) to taper. Zu/^, {v.) to suck, to suck through, to smoke (as pipe), to bite (as a leech). Zui^, a verbal prefix denoting motion downwards. Zuk-buh, (s.) the name of a tree. Zuk-bur, (s.) a cup of bamboo or horn used for drawing blood. Zuk-chal, (5.) a stag (see sazuk). Zuk-pui, (5.) a hind (see sazuk). Zum, (fl.) pointed, (z;.) to sharpen to a point. Zun, (5.) urine. \ Zun bawm, ") / n ,1 , , ^^ Zun-bu, j (^•) "'^ '^'^^^^'■- Zun^, iy) to urinate . Zung, (.s.) a finger, a toe, a root. Zung-bun, (^.) a finger ring. Zung-chal, (5.) the first finger or toe. Zung-khat-beng, \ (5.) a measurement equal to the width of one Zung-khat-hmet, j finger. Zung-lai, (s.) the middle finger or toe. Zu-ngol-vei, (5.) a boisterous drunkard. Zung-pui, (s-.) the thumb, the big toe. Zung-pui beng, ") {$,) a measurement equal to the width of the Zung-pui-hmet, j" thumb. Zung-tang, (5.) the toes or fingers collectively. Zung-te, (5.) the little finger or toe. Zung-te-u, ^ / \ , 1 • 1 /« Zung-u, / (^•) ^^^ ^^^^^ ^"Ser or toe. 232 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Zung-^a-beng, ") (s.) a measurement equal to the width of four Zung-za-hmet, 3 fingers. Zung-zam, (s.) a friend, one upon whom one can rely. Zun im, ") (s.) a stoppage of urine, (v.) to have a stoppage of Zun in, ) urine. Zun im pui, (s.) stone in the bladder. Zun-tui, (s.) urine. Zu-peng, {s.) a bottle made of a gourd. Zu-pui, {s.) steamed, fermented or unfejmented rice for making beer. Ziir, {a.) wizened, wrinkled, (v.) to wrinkle, to be wrinkled. Ziit, (v.) to stroke. Zu-va, (s.) rats and birds, a term which includes all animals and birds which destroy the crops. ^fip" -rs PART IV. — DICTIONARY— ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 233 PART IV -DICTIONARY. ENGLISH -LUSHAI. A, {adj.) pakhat. Abandon, {v.) kal shan, paih, (habit, etc.) shim thlah-thlani. Abandoner, {s.) kal shan tu. Abase, {v.) li-tlawm. Abased, {v.) (to be) tlawm. Abate, {v.) reh. Abbreviate, (7;.) ti-toi. Abdomen, {s.) pum. Abhor, {v.) ten. Abide, {y.) om, om reng. Abiility, {$.) thei-na, thil ti thei-na, (according to ability) thei-tawk- in. Abjure, {v.) mal-mak. Able, {v.) (to be) thei, thiam, peih, zawh, zo. Abode, {s.) omna. Abominable, {a.) ten-cm. Abominate, {v.) ten. About, {prep.) lai (as in ' ni-shom lai ' = about ten days), emaw- lei, thu, chanchin, chung-a, (about to) dawn, dawn ta, turn. Above, chung-a, chung-lam-a, chhak-a, (a house on hill side) kom- ■ chhak-a. Abrupt, {a.) ho. Abruptly, {adv.) ho. Abscess, {s.) khoi-hli. ^ Abscond, {v.) relh-ru, tlan-bo. Absent, {a.) om lo. * / Absent-minded, {a^ hai-hot, ham-haih. Absolve, (2;.) ngia-dam. Absorb, (7;.) hip-lut. Abstain, {y!) in-shum. Abstemious, {a) in-shum-thei, {v) (to be) in-shum. Abundant, («.) tam. Abuse, {s,) an-hla, (z;.) hao, an^. 2 r 234 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Acacia, (s.) vang. Accede, {v.) hlawh tUn'tir, zawm. Accept, (v.) chhan^, nei, \kk, pom. Acceptable, (a.) duh-zawng, (anything acceptable) duh-zawng. Accidentally, {adv.) pal. Acclimatized, (v.) (to be) ngeih. Accompany, (v.) kal-pui, tel, zui, (part way) thlah. Accomplish, (v.) tlei-tla, thin^-tla/^, tum-tla, pui-tlin. According to, {prep.) pa-ngai, pa-ngai-in. ^Accordingly, chu mi a-vang chuan. Accordion, {s.) phai-phu-leng. Account, {pyep.) (on account of) vang-in, vang-a. Accumulate, {v. t.) khawl, khawl-khawm, tuak, tuak-khawm' {int.) tling, zing. Accurate, {a.) dik, fel. . " Accurately, {adv.) dik tak-in, fel tak-in. Accuse, {v.) dem, puh, (to another) hek, (falsely) puh-khel. Accustomed to, {v.) than^, zong-chhang, nel. Ache, {v.) na, na/. Achieve, {v.) ti hlawh tling. Acid, {a.) thur, Acknowledge, {v.) oih. Acorn, {s.) hlai rah, sa-shua rah, khaw-thli rah, thil rah. Acquaint, {v.) hril. Acquaintance, {s.) hmel-hriat-mi. Acquainted with, (to be) hmel hria^. Acquire, {v.) nei. Acquit, {v.) thlah. Acrid, {a.) thur. Across, {adv.) tan, tan-zawng-in, vang-lama, vang-zawng-in, kai. Act, {v.) che/, ti, Action, {s.) chet-zia, thil ti. Actually, {adv.) chot, ngot. Adam's apple, {s.) hrok bawk. Add, (add to) belh, belh-chhah. Adder, {s.) rul. Addicted, {v.) dok-lak, zong-chhang, Addle, {v. t.) op-tui. Addled, {a.) dah, op-tui. Address, {v.) bia/^, be. Adequate, {a.) tawk. Adhere, {v.) bei, bet. Adherent, {s.) tan-pui. Adhesive, {a.) bet thei, char ihei. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 235 Adieu ! dam tak in om roh ! dam tak in kal roh ! Adjacent to, (prep.) kianga. Adjoin, {v.) in-shi, in-zom. Adjure, (v.) vao. Adjust, iy.) ti tha, bat tha. Administrator, {s.) ro-rel tu, ho tu. Admire, {v.) duh. Admit, {v.) lut tir. Admonish, {v.) zilh. Adopt, {v.) chen'-pui, om-pui. . Adorn, {v.) chei-moi, ti-moi, (one's self) in chei. Adornment, {s.) chei moi, ti moi na. Adult, {s.) pa-tling, nu-tling. Adulteress, {s.) ui-re. Adultery, {v.) (to commit) (used only of woman) in-r6, (by stratagem, used of man) loi-thlem. Advantageous, {a.) tha. Adversary, {s.) hmel-ma. Advice, (to ask) rawn. Advise, {v.) fuih, ngai-ruat-sak, ngai-tua-pui, ngai-ruat-pui, rem- ruat, rem-ruat-pui, rot-pui. Adviser, {$.) rot-pui. Adze, {s.) rhei-pui. Aerial root (5.) shur. Aerolite, (5.) tek. Afar, {adv.) hla. Affable, {a.) zai-dam. Affectionate, {a.) ngai thei. Affirm, {v.) ti tlat. Afflict, {v.) ti na. Affright, {v.) rap, ti-thaih, ti-zam. Afoot, {adv.) ke-in. Aforetime, {adv.) hman-a. Afraid, {v.) hlao, (for another) hlao pui, (not afraid) nel, ngam- pao, ngam-pah. After, {conj.) chin-a, {prep.) hnu-a, hnung-a, zawh-in. Afterbirth, {s.) chhul, hlam. Afternoon, {s.) chaw-hnu, tlai-lam. Afterwards, {adv.) hnung-a, hnung-lama. Again, {adv.) leh, leh-pek, pek, kir, vek. Again and again, {adv.) non. Against, {prep.) chung-a, dep-a, ngheng-a, ngheng-Iama, hrual- a. Aged, {a.) tar. 2 1 2 236 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Aggravate, {v.) run, run-ral. Aggravated, {v.) (to be) run, run-ral. Aggressor, (s.) (in war) do-la-tu, (in quarrel) kawh-mawh bawl-tu. Agitate, (7^.) chok-hnok. Aglow, (a.) ling. Ago, ani-ta, ani-tawh. Agony, (s) na. Agree, (v.) (with) ngeih, rem ti. Agreement, (v.) (to make) thu thlung ; also noun. Ague, {s.) nat-tlun, (v.) (to have) tlun. Ahead, (adv.) hma-sha. Aid, {v.) (in work or food) chhom-dawl. Ail, {v.) dam lo, bor-shom. Ailment, (s.) na. ^ ^ Air, (s.) bo-ruak, {v.) (in sunshine) pho. Air-tight, {a.) phui. = Akimbo, {v.) (to put the arms) kawng-dom, kawng-beno-. Alarm, (false) (s.) khel, also to be falsely alarmed, (falsely) (v.) khel shiam. Alder, (tree) hriang-pui. Ale, {s,) zu. Alert, (to be on) lo in-ring, lo beng-var. Alien, (s.) aw zia mi. Alight, (v.) fu. Alike, {a.) thu-hmun, hmun-khat. Alive, (a.) dam, nun^. All, an-za-in, a-za-in, a-vai-in, zong-zong, za, za-in, vai-in, an-vai-in, tlaiig, (whole) pum, pum-in. Allay, "(x'.) ti reh, ti bang. Alley, [s.) kawm-kar. Alligator, {s.) aw-le. AHot, (v.) chan^-tir. Allow, {v.) oih, phal, tiam. All right, aw-le. Ally, (-?.) tan-pui. Almost, {adv.) lek-lek, ruai, thaw, dawn-ta, thelh. Alms, {v.) (to ask an) kut dawh. Alone, {adv.) chaoh-vin. Along, {adv.) dung-zawng, dung-lam. Along with, {prep.) hnena, chop-in, fawm, zing-a. Aloud, {adv.) ring-tak-in. Already, {adv.) tuna pawh. Also, {adv,) bok, pawh, poh, ve. Altar, {s.) mai-cham. PART IV. — DICTIONARY— ENGLISH- LUSHAI. 237 Alter, {v. t.) chang-tir, ti-dang-lam, let, ti-lam-dang, {int.) dang- 1am. Alternately, {adv.) chhawk. Although, {conj.) pawh-in, chung-a-pawh, na-a, shi. Although this is so, ani-na-a. Altitude, {a.) (of great) zo. Always, {adv.) fan, fo, thin, kum-khua. Amaranthus, {s.) zam-zo. Amaze, {v.) ti-mang-ang. Amazed, {v.) (to be) mak ti. Amazing, {a.) mak. Amibassador, {s.) pa-lai. Amber, {s.) thi-hna. (Also amber bead or necklace.) Ambiguous, {a.) thoi. Ambiguously, {adv.) a-thoi-in, thoi. Ambitious, {a.) tha-hnem ngai. Ambush, {v.) bun. Amiable, {a.) zai-dam. Amidst, {prep.) lai-a, zing-a. Amiss, {adv.) sual. Among, {prep.) zing-a. Amount, {v.) tling. Ample, {a), tawk-chao. Amply, {adv.) tawk-chao. Amputate, {v.) tan. Amuse, {v.) ti lawm, ti hlim. Amusing, {adv.) lawm om, hlim om. Ancestor, {s.) thlah-tu. Ancestry, (5.) thlah-tu-te. Anchor, {s.) long chelh ding tu, long ba' din* na, thir chak-ai. Ancient, {a.) cha-tuan. Anciently, {adv.) hman-a, hman lai. Ancients, {s.) hman lai mi. And, {conj.) leh, nen. Anecdote, {s.) thon-thu. Anew, {adv.) thar. Angel, {s.) Fathian tir-ko. Anger, {s.) thin-ur. Angle, kil, {adv.) (at an angle) lao. Angler, {s.) sangha man-tu. Angrily, {adv.) thin-ur tak-in. Angry, {a.) tao, thin-ur, thin-rim, thin-lung sha, ur. Angular, {a.) kil nei. Animal, {s.) sa, ran-nung. 238 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Ankle, (s.) ke mit, kheimit. Anna, (s.) na, (four-anna piece), she ki, shi-ki, (two-anna piece) dere, (eight-anna piece), du-Ii. Annihilate, (v.) ti bo-ral, tichi-mit. /•' Anniversary, (s.) cham-pha-phak. ^ Announce, (v.) hril, shoi. ^ / Annoy, (v.) ti lung ni lo, ti lung-oi lo. Annoyed, (v.) (to be) lung-oi-lo, lung-nl-lo. Annoying, {a.) run-thlak. Annually, {adv.) kum-tin-a, kum-tin-in. Anoint, (v.) thih. Another, (a, and pro.) dang, dang-lam, hrang. ' ^ ^ • Answer, (v.) chhan,f, chhawn, (as prayer) hlawh-tlin' tir. Ant, (5.) fang-hmir, dar-chong-tual-a, mong-er, nao-chaw-thing- bawm, chhim-tai-vang, thui-op, khuang-ruang, rai-sheh, tai- vang, tawh-ek. J Antagonist, (s.) do-tu. '■ Ant-eater, (s.) (scaly) sa-phu. -^ Antler, {s.) ki. Anus, {s.) mong-kua. Anvil, {s.) do-lung. Anixous, (a.) lung-kham, ngai-tua. Anxiously, (adv.) lung-kham tak-in. Anyone, (p^o.) tu-pawh, tu-p6h, tu-tal, tu-tal-emaw, tu-emaw- tal. Any, {ad/.) eng-pawh, eng-poh. Anything, {s.) eng-pawh, eng-poh, eng-lo. Any time, (at ) engtika-pawh, engtika-poh, eng-hun-pawh-in. Any time, (not at) eng-tika-ma, eng lai ma-in. Anywhere, {adv.) khoi-a-pawh, khoi-a-tal. Apart, {adv.) chhum, then. Apartment, (s.) pin-dan, pin-dan chhung. Ape, {s.) (gibbon) hao-huk. Aperient, {s.) dai-leng-na. ^ Aperture, {s.) awng. / Apex, {s.) chhip. Apologize, {v.) pha/, thu-pha choi. Apostle, {s,) pa-lai. Apothecary, (s.) dam-doi mi. Apalling, {a.) hlao-om. Apparel, {s.) puan, silh-fen. Apparently, {adv.) a-lang-in. Apparition, {s.) hmui-thla. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH -LUSHAI. 239 Appeal to, (v.) bei, \uf, thlen^. Appear, (v.) (as spirit, etc.), in-lar, lan^. Appearance, (s.) hmel. Appease, (v.) thlem. Appetite, (v.) (to have a good) ko. Appoint, {v.) ruat, shiam, tiam. Apportion, {v.) chang-tir. Apprehend, (v.) hria, hre, hriat. Approach, (v.) tawn, pan. Approve, (v.) oih. April, {s.) Lalmang-a nu hlaw roi thla. Apron, (s.) fen-thuah. Aqueduct, (s.) tui-zawn, tui-don. Arbitrate, (v.) ro rel. Arbitrator, {s.) ro-rel-tu, thu rem-tu. Arduous, (a.) har-sha, har, khirh. Are, (v.) ni, om. Areca, (s.) (palm and nut) ku-va. Argue, {v.) in-hnial. Argument, (s.) thu hnial. Arid, (a.) char. Aright, {adv.) fel, dik, tha. Arise, (v.) tho, thavvh. Arm, {s.) ban. Armed, {v.) hriam-shin, hriam-keng. Armpit, (s.) zak, zak-hnuai. Arms, (s.) hriam. Around, (adv.) vel, {prep.) vel-a, vel-in. Arouse, {v.) ti-harh, kai-tho, kai-thawh. Arrange, {v. ) tiam, ro-rel, shiam. Arrayed, (against) {a.) ep. - Arrest, {v.) man. Arrive, {v.) thlen^, lo-thlen^, ban, ton^. Arrogant, {a.) chal-tlai, cha-po. Arrow, {s,) thai. Artery, {s.) tha-zam. Artful, {a.) fin^. Article, {s.) thuam, thuam-hnaw, thom-hnaw. Artificial, {a.) lem. Arum, (edible) bal, bai-bing, man-zang, tluan-thir, ba'king, ba'sai-ke, ba'pui. As, {a.) tia, {conj.) zar-a, z4r-in. ^ Ascend, (7;.) chho, lawn. Ascent, {s.) chho. 240 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. As far as, {conj, and prep^ chin, china, thleng-in. Ashamed, {a.) zak, (to be ashamed of) za'pui. Ashes, (5.) mei vap, vut. Aside, (adv.) hran^. As if, ang-in, ang-chuan. Ask, {v,) (for) ciil, ngen, ngiat, phut, rawn, sawm, (question) zawt, (for anything owing) thin^. Aslant, (adv.) awn. Asleep, {v.) mu^hil, mu-nghil, (fast asleep) mu/-hil der, mu-nghil der, (fall asleep sitting or standing) mut thluk. As long as, {conj.) (in time) chhung-zong, chhung-in. As much as, tia. Ass, {s.) sa-kor-beng-tung, sa-beng-tung. Assail, {v,) bei, run, tawng, thawn^. Assailant, (s.) bei-tu. Assassin, {s.) phil-hmang. Assassinate, {v.) phil. Assault, {v.) bei, tawng. Assemble, {v.) in-khawm, pung, pung-khawm, {trajis.) pun. Assembly, {s.) pung-ho-te, pung. Assent, {v.) oih-pui. Assert, {y.) ti tiat, shoi tlat. Assist, iy.) chhom-dawl, kai, lawm, pui. Assistant, {s.) pui-tu. Associate, {v.) (with) in-kawm-ngeih. Assort, {v.) tlei. Assurance, {v) (to have) zuam. Assure, {v.) ti-zuam. Assuredly, {adv.) molh. Aslhma, {s.) thaw chham. As though, ang-in, ang-chuan. Astonish, {v.) ti mang-an^, mak ti tir. Astonishing, {a.) mak. Astound, {v.) ti-mang-ang, mak ti tir. '1 ■ Astray, {adv.) bo. Astringent, {a.) thur. Asunder, {adv.) chhum, then. As well, {adv.) kep. At, (affix, as in grin at, laugh at) shan. Atmosphere, {s.) bo-ruak. Attack, {v.) run, tawng, bei, thawn^, (suddenly) ral thawn. Attempt, {v.) duh-ting, turn. Attend, {v.) rong bawl. Attendant, {s.) kai-za-veng, rong-bawl-tu. I PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 241 Attract, (7'.) hip. Augur, (v.) ai shan, ai en, thum vawr, (s.) ai-shan-thiam, ai-en- thiam, thum-vawr-thiam. August, (s.) mi-khua mim kut thla, Rolura thlah te rninj kut thia. Aunt, (s.) (paternal) ni, (maternal) nu, (paternal uncle's wife) nu, (maternal uncle's wife) pi. Austerity, (v.) (to practice) in-soi-zoi, in ti-dawng. Authority, (one in authority) thu-nei-tu, (one under) thui-hruai, (to receive) thu-hmu, thu nei, (to give) thu nei-a shiam, thu nei pei. Authoritatively, {adv.) thu-nei-tu ang-in. Autumn, (s.) fa-vang. Avalanche, (of stones, used in war) {s.) sha-lum, sha-buak. Avaricious, (s.) duh-am. Avenge, (v.) phu Vdk, phu-ba lai, phu lam, phu-balam. Avenger, (s.) phu-ba Ilk tu. Avoid, (v.) pum-pelh. Await, {v.) nghak. Awake, (a.) men^, (to remain awake all night) {v.) tlai-var. Awaken, {v. mi.) men^. Award, {v.) tham. Away, (adv.) bo, ral. Awful, {a.) hlaoh-om. Awhile, (adv.) hrih, rih. Axe, {s.) hrei, hrei-pui, hrei-te, (small) ha-chhek. B Baby, (s.) nao-shen. Bachelor, [s.) leng-tul. Back, (adv.) kir, (s.) hnung, hnung-zang, zang, (on the back) [adv.) zang-thal, (of head) thluk, tuk-khum. Backbite, (v.) rel. Backbiter, (s.) rel tu. Backbone, {s.) zang-ruh. Backwards, {adv.) hnung, (on back) zang-thal. Bacon, {s.) vok-sha. Bad, {a.) chhia, chhe, tha-lo, huat-thla-Ia, sual, beng-tla-lo, (dis- positioned) nun chhia, thin-chhe, (as seed) shi. Badger, (hog) {s.) sa-phi-vok. Bag, {s.) ip-te. Baggage, (s.) bung-rua. Bait, {s.) chah, tok-tarh, {v.) chah, tok-tarh. 2 K 242 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Bake, (?'.) rawh, hem-hmin. Bakshish, (s.) kut-choi, davvng. Balance, (scales) {s.) buk-na, buk-khai-na, (v.) pang. Bald, (a.) hmul-kawng, kolh. Ball, (s.) hlum. Balsam, (plant) hme'zial, nuai-thang, nuai-en_|^. Bamboo, (s.) mao, rua, chal-te, (edible shoots) raw-tuai, (split for tying) hnang. Bamboo rat, (s.) bui, bui-pui, bui-shen, bai-luang-par. Banana, (s.) bal-hla. Band, (s.) (endless), tluang hrui. Bandage, (v.) tuam, {s.) tuam-na. Band together, {v.) tang-rual, tang-tlang. Bang, (v.) puak. Banish, (v.) hno/-chhua/^. Banjo, (s.) chong-pe-reng. Bank, (of river, etc.) kam, vao-kam, ral. Banter, (v.) dem, dem-fiam. Bar, (s.) tlawn. ' Barak river, (s.) Tui-ruang. Barb, (s.) ki-bar. Barber, (s.) lu-met-tu, lu-met-mi. Barbarian, (s.) aw zia mi, aw ze mi. Bare, {a.) kolh. Bargain, (v.) (with) dawr, in-don, in-dawr. Bark, (v.) baoh, (to strip of bark) thel, (s.) hawng, pil. Barrel, (of gun) ngul, piang-lung, pial-lung. Barren, {a.) (childless) chin^. Barrow, {s.) ta *v-lai-lir. '-^ Barter, (v.) in-don, in-dawr, lei. Base, (s.) bul, mong. Bashful, {a.) zak, zak-zum. Basin, (s.) mai-hun. Bask, {v.) ai. Basket, (.9.) bawm, em, ben-von, daw-ron, em-pai, fong, hrai, kho, paiper, pip, thul, reng-pui, reng-te, tui-choi-kawng, van-lai-fong, ba-bun-kho, bawm-rang, dan-hrai, pai-kawng, tlam-em. Bastard, (s.) fa-lak, sawn. Bat, {s.) bak. Bathe, (v.) bual, in-bual, (as with lotion) vua'fai. Bawl, {v.) ao. Bay, {s.) li-teng-shawl. Bayonet, (s.) lai-lung-dawt, lai-fei. Bazar, (s.) dawr, dawr-kai, dawr-hmun. PART IV. — DICTIONARY— ENGLISH- LUSHAI. 243 Be, (s.) ni, om, lum. Beach, (s.) tiao-pho. Bead, (s.) th'i. Beak, (s.) hmui. Beam, (cross) khan-chhuk. Bean, be, be-pui, be-pui-lei, be-pui-sa-ril, be-te, be-pui-shen, be- kang, be-hloi, be-hliang, (large species) fang-ra. Bear, (v.) (to bring forth) bring, (to bear consequences) mawh phur, bul turn, (the strain of a weight, etc.) dawl, (fruit) rah, (s.) vom, sa-mang, sa-vom. Bear, (along) (v.) len*. Beard, (s.) kha-be hmul. Beast, (s.) sa. Beat, (v.) vel, vua-^, (beat up) sawh-bawl, sawh. Beat down, (v.) (price) nek. Beautiful, (a.) moi. Beautifully, (adv.) moi. Beautify, {v.) chei-moi, ti-moi. Become, (7;.) chang, chhua/^. Because, (prep.) vang-in, vang-a, ai, ai-a, ai-in, lak-a, zar-a, z4r-in. Beckon, [v.) kut-in hui. Become, {v.) om, ni, chang. Bed, {s.) khum. Bedaub, {v.) hnolh, bel. Bedstead, (s.) khum. Bedtime, {s.) mut hun, mut lai. Bee, {s.) khuai, khoi. Beef, {s.) se-bawng sha. Beer, (5.) zu. Beerpot, {s.) zu-bel. Bees'wax, {s.) khoi-hnun. Beetle, {s.) (black) khao-hriang. Befal, {v.) lo-thleng. Before, hma-in, hma-a, hma-sha. Beforehand, {adv.) lawk, zet. Befriend, {v.) thlop. Beg, {v.) hmeh-bur-khon, kut-dawh, veh-bur-khon, dil. Beget, {v.) bring. Beggar, {s,) hmeh-bur-khon-mi, kut-dawh-mi, veh-bur-khon-ml. Begin, (v.) bei, tan, tan-tir. + Beginning, {s.) (of sentence) bul. . Begonia, {s.) she-khup-thur. Behaviour, {s.) mit-mei, mit-meng-zia. 2 K 2 244 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Behead, (v.) lu tan. Behind, hnu-a, hnung-a, hnung-lama, phen-a, (a house) kom-char- a, to get behind, (v.) phen. Behold, (v.) en. Belch, (v.) irh. Belief, (s.) rin. Believable, rim-om, oih-om. Believe, (v.) oih, rin^, oih-sak, ruat. Bell, (s.) dar, dar-she-thi, thi, (small round) te-ngeng. Bell metal, {s.) ngen. Bellow, (v.) bii, kiu. Bellows, (s.) pum, (cylinders of) pum-thei, pum-hrul. Belly, {s.) pum, dul. Beloved, {a.) duh-tak, ngai, ngai tak. Below, (prep.) (house on hillside) kom-thlang-a ; thlang-lama, thlang-a. ^^'<^; (>^.) kawng hren-na, kawng-fen. Bend, [v. t.) ulh, elh, ti-koi, torn, (bend back) eo, er, (droop) kur, (leg at knee) kom. Beneath, {prep.) hnuai-a, hnuai-lama. Benefit, (by) {v.) sawt. Beneficial, [a.) sawt, tha, tlak-tlai. Bengali, (s.) Kor, Kor-mi. Benighted, (to be) {v.) thim. Bent, {a.) koi, (crinkled) chhok-olh. Berry, {s.) rah. Beseech, [v.) thlem chiam, dil chiam vak, dil lui, dil tlat tlat, ngen-chiam. Besides, (prep.) lo-pawh, lo-p6h. Besiege, (v.) hual. Besmear, (v.) tat. Bespeak, (7;.) hual, lei-haoh. Best, (a.) tha-ber. Betel, (nut and tree) (s.) kii-va, (creeper and leaf) pan-ruang. Better, (a.) tha zawk, (^^2;.) tha deo. Between, (prep.) kar-a. Bevel, (v.) sa-hai, sa-nghawng, (v. t.) ti-dap. Beware, (7;.) tim. '. Bewilder, (v.) ti-mangan^, (to be bewildered) mang-an^. Bewildering, (a.) mang-an-'thlak. Bewitch, (v.) doi. Beyond, liam, piah. Bhimaraj, (.?.) (bird) va-kul. Bible, (s.) Pathian Ickha-bu. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 245 Bid, (7'.) tir. Bier, (s.) hiang. Big, (a.) hrol, Han, piii. Bilberry, (s.) cham-phai thei. Bill, (beak) hmui. Billhook, (Bengali) (s.) fa-vah. Bin, {s.) zem, pa-te, pa-pui, pa-reng, reng-pui, reng-te. Bind, phuar, tawn, zem, (as turban) khim. Binocular, (s.) en-tlang. Birch, (tree) {s.} hriang, hriang-zao, hriang-fang. Bird, (s.) sa-va, va. Bird-lime, (s.) hmawng-hnai, soi. Bird's nest, (s.) sava bu. Birth, (v.) (to give) bring. Bison, {s.) shial. Bitch, (s.) ui pui. Bite, (v.) keih, sheh, (as snake) chuy^, (as leech) zuk, (snap) hap, (the lips) heh pe/. Bitter, {a.) kha. Bitterly, (adv.) zoih-zoih. Bivalve, {s.) kep. Black, (a.) dum, vom. Blackberry, (s.) th«i-hmu. Blacken, (v.) ti dum. Blackguard, (s.) mi sual. Blacksmith, {s.) thir-deng, thir-chher-thiam. Bladder, (s.) zung-bu, zung-bawm. Blame, (v.) dem, puh, (falsely) mawh-chhia^', puh-khel. Blanket, (s.) puan pui. Blast, (v.) (to blow up) hal-puak, rawh-puak. Blaze, (v.) alh, (with hatchet) thel. Bleat, {v.) be, Blebby, (a.) tok. Bleed, (t;.) thi, (by cupping) thi lak. Blemish, (without) {a.) thiang-hlim. Bless, (v.) m.al-shawm sak. Blessed, (a.) eng thawl. Blighted, {s.) hut. Blind, {a.) mit-del, (night blind) mit-mal, (as road) khel, (as seed) shi. Blindfold, (v.) mit tuam. Blindman's buff, (s.) phung-Iem. Blink, (7'.) khap. Blister, (s. and 7'.)*durh: 246 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Bloated, {a.) buar. Blockhouse, {s.) kulh-bing, ral-ven^-buk. Blood, {s.) thi, thi-shen, (to shed)athi shen cbhua^. Bloom, {s. and v.) par, (covered with bloom, as fruit) pawl. Blossom, (5. and v.) par. Blow, {v.) chhem, (the nose) hnap hnit, (about violently) nual, (as wind) tleh, (at one blow) fik. Blow-gun, {s.) ham-hrul. Blow-pipe, {s.) (for blowing fire) chhem thei. Blue, (a.) pawl. Blunt, {a.) bil. Boar, (wild) sa-nghal, nghal-rual. Board, {v.) thlen^. Boast, {v.) in-fak, u-ang. Boastful, (a.) chal-tlai. Boat, (5.) long, (open boat) long-leng. Body, {s.) sak-rong, sak-ruang, tak-sa, pang, (dead) ruang. Bog, {s.) chirh-dup. Boggy, (a.) chirh-dup. Boil, (v.) chhum, (as water) sho, (galloping) nghor, (s.) khoi- hli. Boisterous, {a.) na. Bold, {a.) huai, tlang-nel. Boldly, (adv.) huai tak-in. Bolster, (5.) lu-kham. Bolt, {v.) (swallow) dolh, (so that food hurts passing down gullet) helh. Bone, (s.) ruh. Bonfire, {s.) (inside village) om-tual, (outside) mei-pui. Book, (s.) lekha-bu. Boot, (s.) phei-kok, ke-kok. Booth, {s.) bawk, bawk-te, buk. Border, (s.) tlang, hmawr. Bore, {v.) \U. Born, (v.) (to be) pian^, (prematurely) ilXk, tla-sual. Borrow, (v.) hawh, puk. Bosom, {s.) hnu-te, awm, ang. Both, dun, tuak, ve-ve, (both together) dun. Bother, {v.) ti buai, luh. Bottle, {s.) sai-doi-um, pa-lang. Bottom, {s.) mong, (false) mong-phu-hru. . . Bough, (s.) zar. Boulder, {s.) lung. Bounce, (v.) sawh-khawk. ■•JEW PART IV. — DICTIONARY— ENGLISH- LUSHAI. 247 Bound together, {a.) in-bel-bom. Boundary, {s.) ri. Bow, (s.) (for arrows) thal-ngul, (pellet bow) sai-raw-kherh (tied) suih-hlih, (of fiddle) tum-fung, naw'fung. Bow, (down to the ground) lei shi. Bowels, (s.) kua, ril, (lower extremity of) tai ; {v.) (to have protru- sion of the bowels) tai a tla. Bowl, (s.) berh-bu, sai-khup, sap-berh-bu. Bow-legged, (a.) ke-kual. Box, (s.) bawm, thing-rem, chhun-duk, sum-duk, sum-duk-bawm. Boy, (s.) nao-pang, mi-pa naopang. Boyhood, {s.) naopang-lai. Boyish, (a.) naopang ang. Braces, (s.) ke-kor a'na, ke-kor dar-bak, dar-bak. Bracelet, {s.) ban-bun, (the name of a) ngun. Brag, (v.) uang, in-fak. Brain, (s.) thluak. Brake fern, {s.) cha-kok, kat-chat. Bran, {s.) vai-dip. Branch, (s.) zar, chhawl, (small) tang, (a.) peng, (v.) (to branch or branch off) pen^, (road or path) kong-peng. Brass, (s.) dar. Brave, {a.) huai-shen, pasal-tha, huai, hrang, hrat, ngam, (under suffering) chhel, (v.) (to brave a thing out) hmai thing hawng. Bravely, {adv.) huai tak-in. Brawny, {a.) dolh. Brazen-faced, {a.) hmai-thin^-hawn^, tlang-nel. Bread, {s.) chhang. Breadth, {s.) vang. Break, {v.) elh-tliak, ti-keh, ulh-tliak, (as custom or law), baw- chhia^, (as rope) chat, (down) op, (through) rek--pop, (in, as horse, etc.) soi-zoi, thu-nun, (as lobe of ear, etc.), ti-peh, (wind) voih. Breakfast, {s.) tuk-thuan. Breast, {s.) awm, eng, (breasts) hnu-te. Breast -bone, {s.) awm-ruh. Breath, {s.) hu, {y.) (to be short of) thaw chham, thaw dang. Breathe, {v.) thawk, (upon) hu. Breathless, {a.) thaw chham. Breeches, (s.) ke kar. Breech-loading, {a.) mong thun. Breeze, {s.) thli-fim. Brew, {y.) ur. Bribe, (z;. and s.) nawh-thuh, tham. 248 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Bride, {s.) mo. Bridge, {s.) lei, lei-lawn, (suspension) lei-pui, (curved) lei ar chang. Brief, {a.) toi, tlem. Bright, (a.) en^, lar. Brightly, (adv.) eng tak-in. Brilliant, {n.) eng. Brim, (s.) tlang. Brimstone, (s.) kat. Brine, (s.) tui al. Bring, (v.) ron-thlen', keng, la/;, ron-hawn, ron-shin, (bring in) lut-pui, (bring up, as child) op tlei, shiam mi-hring, (out) theh-chhuak, (round, after choloroform, etc.) ti-nung. Bring forth, (bear) (v.) hung. Brink, {s.) hmawr, vao-kam. Brisk, {a.) tuan-rang. Brittle, {a.) ram. Broad, {a.) vang, zao. Broaden, (v.) ti zao. Broken, (a,) tlia/^. Broken-hearted, (a.) lung chhiat, lung chhe. Brood, (v.) (as fowl) op, tuam. Brook, [s.) lui. Brooklet, {s.) lui te. Broom, (s.) hmun-phiah. Brother, {s.) u-nao, (a female's brother) nu-ta, (elder) u, (younger) nao, (own) chul-khat kual-pui, pian'pui, (next to one's self in age) chhang-bung. Brother-in-law, (sister's husband) mak-pa, (husband's younger brother) nao, (husband's elder brother) u, (wife's brother) pu- zon. Brow, (s.) mit ko (of hill, incline, etc.) ko. Brown, {a.) hang. Browse, (v.) hnim pet. Bruise, {s.) thi-tling, {v. t.) ti-thi-tling, (to be bruised) thi a thin^. Brush, {v.) nuai, (past) nul. Bubble, {v.) phul, sho, {s.) phuan-puar. Bud, {s.) kuh-mum, {v.) kuh-mum. Buff coloured, («.) buang. Buffalo, {s.) loi, she-loi. Bug, {s.) khum-fa. Bugle, {s.) dar-loi, taw-taw-rawt, lol-rawl. Bugler, (5.) dar-loi pu, dar-loi ham-tu, taw-taw-rawt ham-tu, taw- taw-rawt pu, etc. PART IV. — DICTIONARY— ENGLISH -LUSHAI. 249 Build, {v.) (as nest) chhep, (house) sha/. Builder, (s.) sha tu, shiam tu. Bulb, (s.) bul-bal, bul-bawk. Bulbous, (a.) bul-bal nei, bul-bawk-nel. Bulbul, (s,) tlai-berh. Bulky, (a.) lian. Bull, (s.) se-bawng-pa. Bullet, (s.) si-Iai mu. Bullock, (s.) sebawng-pa, (driver) bawng-pu, bawng-khalh. Bunch, (s.) bawr, bu, tel, thlar. Bunchy, (a.) buk. Bundle, (s.) tel, the, (v.) (to tie up in a bundle) tel, the. Burglar, (s.) ruk-ru. Burly, (a.) awm-khaoh. Burmese, (s.) kawl-mi. Burn, (v.) hal, kang, urh, (as lamp, fire, etc.) alh, (out) ral. Burning glass, (s.) ni-no. Burnt, (a.) ut. Burr, (s.) ber-bek, cha-bet. Burrow, (v.) hreoh, kur-hreoh. Burst, (v.) puak, shah. Bury, {v.) phum ; (one end only) phun, (the face in the hands) kai-kun, kim-ki. Bushy, {a.) buk. Busy, (a.) tul. But, lah, nima-she-la, shi, (except) lo-chu, lo-hi. Butt, (s.) (for ridicule, etc.) chhiah, (of gun) silai mong pheng, (for pig's wash, water, etc.) tai-kuang, (v.) pir, shi, taoh, tai, nor. . Butterfly, (s.) pheng-phe-hlep, (a large species) kep-tuam. Buttock, (s.) mong. Button, (s.) chilh-na, kilh-na, (v.) chilh, kilh. Buttonhole, (v.) puan-kang-thui, {s.) (button-holing) puan-k^ng- thui. Buy, (v.) lei, chawk. Buzz, (v.) hram. By, {prep.) in. By and bye, {adv.) la, nakin-a, nakin-hnua, nakin-deo-a. By chance, {adv.) kher, kher hlaoh. By turns, in...chhawk. Cabbage, {s.) an-tam. Cable, {s.) hrui-zen. Cackle, {v.) dak-da-lek, kAk. Cage, {s.) rip. ah 250 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Caked together, {a.) ruh. Calculate, (v.) ngai-ruat. Calf, {s) se-bawng no, (of leg) chawn. Call, {v.) ao, ko, (for) lam. Calmly, {a,) tlang. Calumniate, (7;.) hek. Camp, {s.) ria'buk. Can, {v.) thei. Cancel, (v.) paih. Candle, {s.) khawn-v^r. Cane, (s.) hrui, hrui-tung, ch^ng-dam, sai-ril, (split for tying) hnang. Cannibal, {s.) hring-ei. Cannon, {s.) lai-pui. Canter, {v.) zuan^. Cap, {s,) lu-khum, (percussion) dar hlo. Capacious, {a.) zao, lian. Cape gooseberry, {s.) kel-a-sai-raw-phit, kel-a-sai-raw-pip, kel-a- sa-ri-phit. Capitulate, {y.) thu-pha choi. Capricious, {a.) lep chiah, om-eo. ^ Capsicum, {s.) hmar-cha. Capsize, {v.) let. Caprive, {s.) (of war) sal. Capture, {v.) man. Carcase, (s.) ruang. Cards, {s.) (playing) lekha, lekha in den'-na. Care, {y.) poi ti, (to take) dim, fim khur. Careful, {a.) dim, fim-khur, ngun, tim. Carefully, {adv.) ngun, dim, tha-hnem-ngai-tak-in. Careless, (to be) ngai-sam. Carelessly, {adv.) duh-dah. Caress, {v.) pom. Carpenter, {s.) thins;-rem shiam-tu. Carpet, {s) puan phah. Carnage, {s.) taw-lai-lir. Carrier, {s.) puak-phur, puak-phur mi, puak-per phur. Carry, (7;.) (on head) khum, chhip-chhuan_^, (lamp, torch, etc.) chhi, (on back, as child) paw, pua/^, (cock-shoulder) pung-pu-lut, (on shoulder) pu, put, (in hand, etc.) shin, (in satchel, or slung across shoulder) aX-, (a child in front) hma-thlaX', (loads on each end of pole the centre of which rests on the shoulder) kot, (on back, in a basket or as a load) phur, (on hip, or under arm) zak ze', (between two persons) zawn, (lashed to a pole between two persons) zawng-zawn. PART IV.— DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 251 Cart, (5.) taw-lai-lir. Case, (s.) bawm, (judicial) thu poi. Cast, (v.) (metal, etc.) chhung, (a net, stone, etc.), deng, (lots) thum vawr. Caste, (s.) chi. Castor-oil plant, (s.) mu-tih. Castrate, (7;.)\til rek, til \kk. Cat, (s.) zawh-te, (wild) sa-nghar, (call for cat) chhi-te, chhi-te nai nai. Catch, (v.) dong, dom, (in anything) tang. Caterpillar, (s.) pa-ngang. Catfish, (s.) thai-chhawn-i nu, ngha-mi. Cattle, (a.) ran. Caul, (s.) ham-da. Cause, {s.) bul, (v.) tir, (of) phah. Causelessly, (adv.) mai-mai. Cautious, {a.) tim. Cave, (s.) puk. Cavity, {s.) khur, khuar, khuar-khu-rum. Cease, (v.) hkng, han. Cell, (s.) (of prison) rip. Censure, {v.) hao. Centipede, {s.) tit. Centre, {s.) lai, lai-tak. Certain, (a. and pro.) tu-te-emaw, tu-emiw. Certainly, {adv.) ma-thei-lo, ma-thei-lo-vin, mak-mawh, niolh, ngei, phot, em, em em, (not) raih lo, rial lo. Chaff, (s.) favai. Chain, (s.) khai-diat. Chair, (s.) thut-phah, thut-na, thut-thleng. Chakma, tribe {s.) Takam. Chalk, (s.) tlak.^ Chamber, {s.) pin-dan, pin-dan chhung. Chameleon, {s.) lai-king. Chance, (adv.) (by) hlaoh. Change, {v.) thlak-thleno-, thlen^, (as mind or opinion) shon, (into) chang, (the mind) ril-ru shon, ril-ru lam let, thin-lung shon. Changed, (a.) dang-lam. Changsil, {s.) Tlong-dawr. Channel, {s.) kuang, kuam. Chapati, {s.) chhang-per. Chapped, (a.) chat. 2 L 2 253 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Chapter, (s.) bung. Char, (v.) hal. Charcoal, (s.) mei-hol. Charitable, (a.) thil phal. Charm, (v.) ai kaih. Chase, (v.) um. Chastise, [v.) vel, vua/^. Chatter, {v.) dang-nal. Chatterer, {s.) tong thei. Chattels, {s.) sum. Cheap, (a.) to lo. Cheaply, (adv.) hlawk. Cheat, {v.) bum. Cheek, (s.) biang. Cheeky, (a.) tlang-nel. Cheer, (v.) thla-muan, thla-nak, (to cheer up, to be cheered) harh, thla-muang. Cheerful, (a.) hlim, lawm. Cheerfully, (adv.) hlim tak-in, lawm tak-in. Cherry, {s.) thlai-zong. "^^^ Chest, (s.) awm. Chestnut, (s.) (tree) thing-shia, (nut) thing-shia mim. Chew, {v.) thei, thial (as quid, etc.) hmuam. Chicken, (s.) ar-te, ar-no. Chide, (v.) hao. . Chief, {s. and a.) lal. Child, (s,) nao-pang, (to be with child) nao pai. < Childbirth, (v.) (to die in) rai-cheh. • > Childhood, {s.) nao-pan,o-lai. Childish, {a.) naopang chal ^. Children, (sons and daughters collectively) fa-nao. Chilli, [s.) hmar-cha. Ch.lly, {a.) vot. Chimney, (s.) mei-khu chhua'na. Chin, [^.) kha-be, (double) kha-bor. China, (s.) rial. Chins, {s.) Poi. Chip, (s.) sha-har, thing-har, (v.) ti-hek, ti-bal. Chipped, (a.) bal, king-ha. Chirp, (v.) hram. Chisel, {s.) thir-khen. Chittagong, {s.) Sitik^ng. Choke, {v.) hak. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH- LUSHAI. 253 Cholera, {s.) tui-hri, tui-shuk. Choose, {v.) ruat, tan, thlang. Chop, {v.) sha/, c\\ek, tu^, (off) tan. Chopper, (s.) chem; Chrysalis, {s.) pa-ngang bawm, buh-chi-um, pa-ngang bu. Chubby, {a.) chom, chum. Chuckle, (v.) di-ri-a«i. Churn, (v.) sawh, sawh-khal. Cigar, (s.) dum-ei zial. Cinnamon, (5.) thak- thing. Circle, (5.) bial. Circuitous, {a.) kual. Circular, (a.) val. Circumcise, (v.) zang tan. Circumstances, (s.) khaw-shak, khaw-shak-zia. City, {s.) khua lian. Civet cat, (s.) therh, sa-tlum, sa-zaw, tlum-therh, tlum-pui. Claim, (v.) chuh. Clamour, (v.) buai. Clan, {s.) chi, hnam. Clansman, (s.) (a fellow) lai'chin. Clap, (v.) ben^. Clasp, {v.) hum, (hands) kut suih. Claw, {s.) tin, (of crab) ai bop, (v.) ham, tham. Clay, {s.) bel-lei, son-tlung-lei, son-tlung, (ready kneaded for making pots) hlum. Clean, {a.) fai, thian^, thiang-hlim, (v.) nawt-fai, (up) thiang, thiar. Cleanse, (v.) in-thian. Clear, {a.) fim, kiang, lar, thiang, (up or away) thian-fai, (of a crime) hul, (v.) (jungle) sam. Clearly, (a.) fiah. Clear-sighted, {a.) mit var. Clerk, (5.) lekha-ziak-tu. Clench, {v.) hum. Clever, (a.) beng-var, fing, them-thiam. Cliff, (s.) kham. Climb, (v.) lawn, zam-kai, zera. Clinch, (v.) (the hand) kut turn. Cling, {v.) bet, yuan. Clip, {tj.) chep. Clock, {s.) Sana, sana lam thei. Clod, (s.) lei-tlang, nel-tlang. Clog, {s.) phei-kok. 254 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Close, {v.) chhin, chip, kh^r, mCim, ping^CasMeaf at night) mu, (hot) thaw sha, (close together) phui, zing, zim, muk, (closed up) cping, {prep.) (close to) dep-a, hrual-a. Clot, {s.) tlang. Cloth, (5.) puan. Clothes, (5.) silh-fen, (old, left off) silh-fen chhia. Cloud, {s.) chhum. Cloudy, {a.) duai. Clove, (s.) long-par. Club, {s.) tal-tum. Cluck, {v.) tuk. Clump, {s.) hung. Cluster, (5.) bu, bawr. Coarse, {a.) phok. Coast, (5.) kam, tui pul kam. Coat, (6.) kor. Cobra, {s.) chong-kor. Coccyx, (5.) ngum-fi ruh. Cock, {s.) ar-pa, {v.) (a gun) kao, (half cock) kao-/^hat, (full cock) kao-hnih. Cockerel, (5.) ar-pa tlei-rawl. Cockroach, {s.) chuk-chu, khao-hriang. Cockscomb, {s.) (plant) zo ar-chhuang. Cocoanut, {s.) tui-kun-luk. Cocoon, {s) pa-ngang bawm, pa-ngang bu. Coflfin, {s.) kuang, kuang-tuah. Cogitate, {y.) ngai-tua. Cohabit, {v.) in-fan, in-lu-khung. Coil, [s. and v.) kual, vial. Cold, {ii.) vot, khua shik, shik, tang-thawm, (as food) thing, {s.) (a cold) hri-tlang. (Also to have a cold.) Cold, (to be) khua a shik, (the cold weather) thla shik. Collapse, {v.) op, sop, chim. Collarbone, {s.) khing-khang ruh. Collect, {v.) chhek-khawm, khon, lawr, {int.) tlin^, (a debt) thin^. Collide, {v.) in-chu, shu, nor, ton^. Colour, {s.) zia. Coloured, {a.) tial. Colt, {s.) sa-kor no. Comb, {s ) (of fowl) ar-chhuang, (for hair) khuih, sam-khuih, {v.) khuih, khuih-hniar. Combed out, {a.) hniar. Combustible, {a.) kang thai. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH -LUSHAI. 255 Come, (v,) lo-kal, haw, hawng, lo-baw, (come off) dawk, (come back) lo-kir, kir, (come to, from chloroform) nung, (come up to) pawh, (come out or off) thlon, (out) chhua/6, (come home from work) lo sill hawn^, (off, as cover, hat, etc.) phong, phok, (out, as teeth, or off, as stalk of fruit, etc.) thlon. Comet, {s.) shi-mei-khu. Comfort, {v.) hnem, thla-muan, thla-hnak, thlem. Comfortable, {a.) nuam. Comforted, (v.) (to be) thla-muang. Command, {v. and s.) thu tiam, tiam, thupc/^, tuk, (s.) thu thu. Commander, (s.) ho-tu. Commanding, {a.) ro-pui, zah-om. Commandment, (s.) thu, thu pek, thu tiam. Commence, {v.) tan, tan-tir, bei. Commission, (v.) tir, chah. Common, {a.) na-meii, na-ran, na-mai, na-zong, sa-tllah, tam^ (tj.) (to have or use in common) in-tawm. Commonsense, (a.) (without) mawl. Companion, (s.) pawl te, pawl-pui, pawl-mi, thian. Company, (s.) ho, ho-te, ho-va-te, pawl. Company with, (v.) pawl. Compare, {v.) en-ton, khai-khin, teh, teh-khin, teh-khawng. Compared with, hne/^-in, hne/^-chuan. Compassionate, (v.) lai-nat. Compel, (v.) lui-tir. Compensate, (v.) rul. Compensation, (s.) rul. Compete, (v.) them-thiam. Complain, (v.) phun-noi. Complaint, (s.) thu-poi, thu-buai. Complete, (a.) chap-char, fam-kim, kin, ko-kim, kim, peih, tla/§, tlei-tla, zawh, zo, tlin^-tla/^, tum-tla/^. Completely, {adv.) fai-ret, shioh, shen^. Complicated, («.) in-vet. Compose, (v.) phuah. Composer, (s.) phuah-tu, ti-chhuai^-tu. Comprehend, (v.) hriat, hria, hre. Compress, {v.) ti-muk. Comrade, (s.) thian. Concave, {a.) dam, kura, kum. Conceal, {v.) bi-ru, khuh, thu/ rui, thup, thu/t-ru/^, zep. Conceited, {a.) chal-tlai. Conceitedly, {adv.) chal-tlai. 256 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Conceive, (•:;.) pai. Concerning, {prep.) lam-thu-zong, lam-zong, thu. Concertina, {s.) phai-phu-leng. Conch-shell, {s-) kep-pum. Conciliate, {v.) thlem. Conclude, (2'.) tawp, tum*tla/^. Conclusion, {s.) tawp. Concourse, {s.) mi pung, pung-ho. Concubine, {s.) hmei. CoTidemn, (v.) thiam lo. Condense, {v.) ti khal. Conduct, {v.) hruai. Conductor, {s.) hruai-tu. Confess, {v.) thu-pha choi, (and ask pardon) pba/. Confident, {a.) zuam. Confiscate, {s.) lak-sak. Confluence, {s.) (of rivers) in-fin-na. Confound, {tj.) ti-hril-hai. Confuse, {v.) ti-buai. Confused, {a.) buai, ham-haih, hai-halh, chi-ai. Confusing, buai-thlak. Confute, {v.) chhal-dang, ti-dang. Congeal, {v.) dak, khal, khang. Congregate, {v. ) in-khawm. Congregation, {s.) mi pung, pung ho. Conjecture, {v.) x\r\g. Conjure, {v.) mit-doi vai. Conjurer, {s.) mit doi vai thiam. Connect, {v.) zom. Connive, {v.) hai-der. Conquer, {v.) ngam. Conqueror, {s.) ngam tu. Conscientious, {a.) pui-thu. Consecutively, {adv.) in-dot zel-in, in-dot tak-in, in-dot zia-in. Consent,' {v.) rem-tir, rem-chang-tir, rem ti. Consequence, (of) poi. Conservative, {a.) pui-thu. Consider, (z;.) bei-shei, dawn, ngai, ngai-tua, ruat. Considerate, {a.) ngil nei. Conspire, {v.) phiar, thu phiar. Constantly, {adv.) fo, fan. Construct, {v.) shiam. Consult, (v.) in-rawn, rawn. Consume, {v.) ti-hek. PART IV. — DICTIONARY— ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 257 Consumed, (a.) hek. Consumption, {s. ) ngor. Contact, (in) (2;.) in-shi. Contemn, (v.) chek-sholh. Contented, {v. and a.) lawm, lung-oi, lung-ni. Contiguous, (a.) in-shi, in-zom. Continually, {adv.) {0, fan, thin. Continue, {v.) cheng, om, om-reng. Continuously, {adv.) zel. Contract, (v.) shawno-, thep, tom, (disease) vei, (to make) {v. and s.) thu-thlun^, in-tiam. Contradict, (v.) hnial, hnial-kalh, kalh, khak, lo-kalh. Contrary, (adv,) (to expectation or on the contrary) thlu-hial, (to) ang-lo-vin, lo-ang-in. Contribute, {v.) thawh, thawh-khawm, thawh-lawn. Convenient, (a.) rem, rem-chang. Converse, (v.) thu-khawh-chang shoi. Convert, (s.) sa-phun. Convey, (v.) shin. Convict, (s.) mi tang, (v.) thiam lo, thiam lo chan^ tir. Convincing, (a.) oih-mak-mawh. . » Convincingly, (adv.) oih-mak-mawh-in, Cook, (v.) chhum, ti-hmin, chhum-hmin, (a large quantity of food for journey) fun-pui er, (with salt) bai, (without salt) tlak. Cooked, (a.) hmin. Cool, {a.) dai, thlan-dai. Coolie, {s.) be-kar, puak-phur, puak-phur-mi, puak-per phur. Coop, (s.) bawm. Copper, (s.) dar-shen, (sulphate of) kah-sa-mar. Copy, {v.) en-ton, zir. Copulate, (v.) in-ngai, (with) lu, ngai. Cord, (s.) hrui. Cork, (s.) chhin, chhin-na, {v.) chhin. Corn, (s.) (Indian corn) vai-mim, (v.) (to have a corn) chat. Cornelian bead, {s.) thi-beh. Corner, (s.) kil. Corpse, {s.) ruang. Corpulent, {a.) thao. Correct, (a.) chiang, fel, (v.) shoi-ngil, zilh. Correctly, (adv.) chiang, fel. Corrupt, (a.) tha lo, sual, (v.) ti-khaw-lo. Cost, (s.) man. Costly, (a.) to. 2 M 258 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Cotton, (s.) la (thread) la zai, (winder) la kalh-na, (spun cotton on spindle) la-tui,. (rolled cotton ready for spinning) la-chawm, (wind) {v.) la kaih. . Cotton tree, (s.) pang. Cough, (7;.) khuh. Council, (5.) pung ho, mi pung. Count, (v.) chhiar, chhin-chhiah. Countenance, (s.) hmel. Counterbalance, {v.) in-kai-kep. Counterfeit, {a.) lem. Country, (s,) khua-lam, ram. Couple, {s.) tuak. Courageous,- {a.) huai. Court, {v.) nula rim. Cousin, (5.) unao, (a paternal aunt's child) tu, (a ppternal uncle's younger child) nao, (a paternal uncle's elder child) u, (a mater- nal aunt's younger child) nao, (a maternal aunt's elder child) u, (a maternal uncle's daughter) pi^ (a maternal uncle's son) pu. Cove, {s.) li-teng-shawl. Covenant, (s. and v.) thu thlun^. Coventry, (z;.) (to send to) kawm-sherh. Cover, {v.) bawm, bawm-khat-luk, hu/», khuh, khura, (5.) chhin, chhin-na, (of book) kawra. Covet, {v.) It, ot. Cow, {s.) se-bawng, bawng, se-bawng-pui. Cowdriver, {s.) bawng-khalh, bawng-pu. Cowkeeper, {s.) se bawng veng-tu. Coward, (s.) mi doih. Cowardly, {a.) doih. Cowry, (5.) pai-hol. Cozy, {a.) nuam. Crab, (5.) chak-ai, ai. Crab-trap, {a.) ai-awt. Crack, {v. and s.) khi, (knuckles) kut-ulh, kut-ulh-ri, (on finger nail, as flea) deh. Cracked, {a.) dor, khi. Crafty, (a.) ngam-thlem hmang. Craftily, {tj.) (to deal) ngam-thlem. Craftsman, (s.) them-thiam. Crafty, (a.) fing. Cramp, {v.) (to get) tha a chat. Cramped, (for room) {a.) chep, tong-khong. Crane, (s.) kang-hlai. Crawl, {v.) bok-vak. ; PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSH AI. 259 Creak, (v.) nawt-kiu, nawt-chik, nawt-ri. Creased, (a.) chu-ar. Credible, (a.) oih-oni, oih-tlak. Credit, (s.) ba, bat. Creek, (s.) li-teng-shawl. Creep, {v.) vak. Creeper, (s.) hrui. Creepy, (v.) (to feel) ti a za. Crest, (s.) (of bird) thlik-thli-dir. Cricket, (s.) khao, (house) kbuang-tir, khuang-chi-rit. Crier, (s.) (a village) tlang-ao. Crimson, (a.) shen. Cringe, (v.) tom-im. Crinkled, {a.) chhok-olh. Crisp, (a.) ngot, ngot shiah-shiah. Croak, (v.) hram. Crochet, {v.) phan, phiar. Crocodile, (5.) aw-le, sa-ri-tom. Crook, (s.) koih-sa-pir. Crooked, (a,) koi. Crop, (s.) (of fowl, etc.) ong, chok-chaw-ong, chok-chaw-eng. Crops, {s,) thlawh-hma. Cross, (v.) kan, kai, tan, (to look cross) turn, (at an angle) thler, (legs, etc..) khaw-kherh, (angry) tao, (s.) (roads) lam thuam. Cross-examine, (v.) chhal. Cross-eyed, (a.) mit kalh. Cross-grained, {a,) phiar. Crossing, {s.) (of river, etc.) kai. Crosswise, {adv.) tan-zawng-in, thler-zawng-in. Crouch, (v.) bok-phek, tom, tom-im. Crow, (v.) khuang, {s.) cho-ak. Crow-bar, (s.) thir-tlawn. Crowd, (v.) chim, (s.) mi-pui. Crowded, {a.) tawt, zing. Cruel, {a.) beng-tla-lo, nun-chhia, rawng. Crumble, (v.) ti-noi. Crumple, (v.) tom. Crunch, (between the teeth) (v.) vam. Cry, {v.) hram, (weep) tap, (cry out) ao, (as black ape) hual-reo, (as elephant and monkey) khek. Cubit, {s.) tong. Cucumber, {s.) fang-hma. Cultivate, {v.) khoi. Cunning, (a.) fing. 2 M 2 26o LUSHAI GRAiMMAR AND DICTIONARY. * Cup, (s.) no. Cure, {v.) ti dam. Curl up, (v.) khawr, (as snake) vial. Curly, (a.) klr. Current, (s.) tui-zang. Curse, (v.) an-chhia lawh, an-chhe lawh. Cursed, (a.) an-chhia dong. Curtain, (s.) puan-zai-. Curved, {a.) ar-chang-koi, koi. Custodian, (s.) veng-tu. Custom, (s.) dan. Customary, (v.) (to be) ngai. Cut, (v.) a/, zai, bung, sha/f, tu/^, (off) tan, hlep, (in halves) phel, (hair) me/, (down) ki/, {/him) \kt, (with scissors) chep chhum, (short) dan^ cha^*, (through at one blow) fik, shat fik (down weeds, trees, etc., in large quantities) sam, (off, as edge of thatch, etc., bamboo stumps, etc.) rawt. Cylindrical, {a.) mum-shawl. Cymbal, {s.) beng-thek. D Daily, {adv.) nit-tin, ni-tin-In. Dainty, {v.) duh tui. Dam, {v.) (as water) khua/, {s.) tui khua/>. Damage, {v.) ti-chhiaz', ti-chhe. Damp, {a.) hnawn^, hnom, zop. Damsel, {s.) nula. Dance, (z;.) lam. Danger, (in danger of) hlaoh-om. Dangerous, {a.) hlaoh-om. Dare, {v.) huam, ngam. Daring, {a.) ro-rum, ngam, thu-rum. Dark, {a.) thin (in colour) dum, vom, duk, h^ng. Darken, {v.) ti thim, ti duk. Darkness, {s.) thim, thim-tham, khaw-thim. Dart, {s.) ham-thai, thai. Daub, {v.) hnoih, bei. Daughter, (^.) fa-nu. Daughter-in-law, {s.) mo. Dawdle, {v.) muan_^>-. Dawn, {v.) khua a var, {s.) (early dawn) khaw-v4r, khaw-vAr- t'.an. PA'rT IV.— dictionary — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. - 261 Day, (s.) ni, chhun, (daylight, daybreak), khaw-var, khaw-eng, (next) a-tuk-a, (day after day) ni-zawn-in, (all day) ni-leng, ni-leng-in, (three days hence) nak-tiam-a. Day after to-morrow, nak-tip-a, nak-thai-a, nak-tuk tuk leh-a. Day and night, a chhun a zan in. Day before yesterday, ni-min-piah. Dazzle, (v.) en-khal, mit ti-vai, (to be dazzled) mil a vai. Dazzling, (a.) mi en khal thei. Dead, {a.) thi, dam lo, (as tree) ro, {adv.) hlum. Deadly, {a.) thi-na. Deaf, {a.) beng-ngon^, beng-chhet. Deafened, (a.) khor. Dear, (a.) (not cheap) to. Debate, {i\) in-hnial. Debris, (s.) nawl. Debt, (s:) lei, tei-tha, lei tiang. Debtor, (s.) lei ba. Decapitate, (v.) lu tan. Decay, (v.) nget. Deceive, (7;.) bum, bum-ihlai, ti-bum, ti-der, ti-dawno". Decide, (f.) ril-ru nei. Decimate, (v.) suat. Declare, (zk) hril. Decompose, (v.) toih. Decrease, (v.) kam, kang. Deeds, {s.) che/-zia, thil ti. Deep, (a.) thuk, (as sound) thum. Deer, (barking) sa-khi, (sambar) sa-zuk. Defeat, {v.) ngam.' Defaecate, (v.) dai-len^, ek. Defence, {v.) (to make a) thlam-na thu shoi. Defend, {v.) hum. Defer, (v.) dab, khek. Deformed, (a.) pian^-sual, shil-ong. Defraud, (v.) ti dawng. Defrauded, (to be) dawng, dawng-thlawn. Degrade, {v.) ti-chhiat, ti-chhe, ti-kiam, (degraded) chhiat, chhe, kiam. Delaswari river, (s.) Tlong. Dela)', {s. and a.) rei, (without) rei lo vin, rel rial lo vin, rei om lo vin. Delayed, (to be) tap. y Deliberate, (v.) dawn, ngai-tua. Delicate, {a.) chhia-thj. Delicious, (a.) tui. 262 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Delight, {v.) lawm. Delightful, (a.) lawm-om. DeHver, (v.) man-tir. Demagree, (s.) Tla-bung. Demand, (2'.) phut. Demolish, (v.) ti chhia/, thiat. Demon, {s.) huai, ram.huai. Demoralized, {v.) (to be) zam. Den, (s.) puk. Dense, (a.) hreng, (with undergrowth) bon. Deny, (v.) tan§^, phat. Depart, (v.) kal, kal bo. Depend upon, (v.) bel, ngheng. Dependant, {s.) thui hruai. Depose, {v.) ti tlavvm. Deposed, {a.) tlawm. Depressing, {a.) thaw-pik-thlak, uap. Deprive, (v.) ti-dawn_^, (to be deprived' of) dawng, . dawng thlawn. Depth, (s.) pil. Deride, (v.) dem, nui-shan. Descend, {v.) chhuk. Descendant, (s.) chi thlah, hnah-thlak, thlah. Descent, {s.) chhuk. Desert, {v.) kal-bo-shan, (in order to go over another party) pa-kai shan, {s.) thla-ler ram, thla-ler. Deserted, {a.) ram. Desirable, (a.) duh-om, it-cm. • Desire, {v.) duh, it, {s.) duh-thu sam, (to express one's desires) duh-thu sam. Desist, {tj.) in-shum» Desolate, («.) thla-ler. Despair, (v.) lung-ngai. Despise, (v.) hmu-shit, tlawh-bet. Despond, (v.) lung-ngai. Destitute, {v.) pa-chhia. Destroy, {v.) ti-chhiat, ti-chhe, (wilfully) ngai-sha. Destructive, {a.) rawng. Desultory, (a.) om-eo, lep-chiah. Detached, {a.) fal. Detain, {v.) char, char-chilh, chelh, khuah-khirh, hren_^. Deter, {v.) thulh-tir. Determine, {v.) tum-tlat, tum-Iui, tum-lui-hram, tum-hram, tum-ruh, tum-sa-ruh, ruh tak-in turn. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 263 Detest, (v.) lung-ten, ten. Detestable, {a.) ten-om. Develop, (v.) (as breasts) urn. Devil, (s.) ram huai, huai. Devise, (ik) rem-ruat. Dew, (s.) dai. Dewlap, (i.) or-fual. Diaphragm, (s.) ham. Diarrhoea, (s.) kaw-chhia, von-a-shor, kaw-khawh, (v.) (to have) kua a chhia, von a shor, kua a khawh, kua a tha lo, kua-in zut. Die, (z'.) thi, hnuk a chhat, (to lie dying) thi chhawng-in lum, (to be in a dying state) thi chhawng-in om, [a natural death (used of domestic animals), to die and not have usual sacrifice offered, to die from exposure] thi-sawn, (die out) chi-mit, mang, (an unnatural death) sar-in thi, sar-thi, (suddenly, in sleep) zachham-in a la. Difference, (s.) lem, lem-chuang. Different, (a.) hran^, dang, dang-lam, lem, lem-chuang. Difficult, (a.) har, har-sha, rit, khirb, ril. Difficulty, (with), {adv.) hram.- Diffident, (hjx.^-tir, ti-chhua/^. Eke out, (7'.) ren. Ekra, {s.) luang. Elastic, {a) fan. 2 N 3 268 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Elated, (v.) (to be) thin lung a hlim. Elbow, (s.) kiu. Elder, (s.) kavvn-bawl, u-pa. Elephant, {s.) sai. Elephant trap, (s.) sai hum. Elevated, (a.) (as country) zo. Eleven, (a.) shorn leh pa-khat. Elfin lock, (s.) bak. Else, {covj.) ani-lo-leh, ani-lo-vek-leh. Elsewhere, {adv.) dang lama. Embank, {v.) chhun^-kha^f. Embankment, {s.) chhun^-kha/. Embark, {-v.) lawn. Embarrassed, {a.) thaw-plk. Embarrassing, {adv.) thaw-pik-thlak. Ember, {s.) mei-ling, mei-van, thuk-duk. Embrace^ {v.) ir len ir chuk-tuah, pom. Eminent, {a.) lian. Emissary, {s.) pa-lai. Emphasize, {v.) uar. Em.phalically, {adv.) tlat. Employ, {v.) ruai, tan^-tir. Employe, {s.) roih. Employer, {s.) ruai-tu. Empty, {a.) ruak, ram, (out) bun. Emulate, {v.) el. Enable, {v.) tir. Encamp, (for the night) ria/^. Encircle, {v) bun, vial. Enclose, {v.) fun, hung. Enclosure, {s.) huang, huang-chhung. Encourage, {v.) fuih, muan, (to be encouraged) muang. Encumbered, {a.) hnok, (with a family) chhang-chhe, chhang-chla/. End, {s.) tawp, bmawr, hmur, (of sentence) ler^ Endure, {d.) ngai, tuar, ngai-thei, (patiently) tlawm-ngai, chhel. Enemy, {s.) ral, hmel-ma. Energetic, {a.) tai-ma. Engage, {v.) tan^-tir, (one's self) tan^. Engrave, {v.) ziak. Engraving, {s.) zia. Enjoyable, {a.) lawm-om. Enlarge, {v.) ti-zao, horh-zao. Enlighten, {v.) ti-harh. Enlightened, {a.) beng-var. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 269 Enmity, (v.) (to be at) in-do, in-nghir-n2;ho, in-tai. Enormous, (a.) lian pui. Enough, {adv.) khop, tawk, (v.) (to be) kim, tawk, (it is enough) khai-le, khai-tawh-le, khai-tawh. Enquire, (v.) ravvn, za^vt. Enrage, {v.) ti-thin-ur. Entangle, (v.) ti-phiar, ti-pheng. Entangled, (a.) phiar, pheng, phek, (not entangled) hniar. Enter, {v.) lut, leno'. Entertain, {v.) chen' pui, om-pui. Entice, {v.) thlem. Entire, (a.) kim. Entirely, (adv.) vek, var, viah, vua, vur-var, fam-kim- Entrails, (s.) ril. Entrance, (s.) (to a village) kot-chhuah. Entreat, (v.) ta'awh. Entrenchment, (s.) lei-kulh. Entrust with, {v.) kol-tir. Envelope, (v.) bawm. Enviable, {a.) it-shik-om. Environs, (s.) dai-vel. Envoy, {s.) pa-lai. Envy, (v.) it-shik, ot. Epidemic, (s.) hri-pui. Epileptic, (s.) khaw-pal, (v.) (to have an epileptic fit) khua-in pal. Equal, {a.) in-chen, in-hen, in-tiuk, thu-hmun, tluk. Equally, (adv.) zat leh zat-in. Equivalent, (a.) thu-hmun. Erase, (v.) paih. Erect, (a.) fuk. Erroneous, ((?.) sual. Eructate, (v.) irh. Escape, (v.) pum-pelh, relh, relh-ru, tlan-chhua/^, tlan-bo. Escort, (v.) thlen^, hruai. Especially, {adv.) molh. Estimate, {v.) ngai-ruat. Eternal, {a.) cha-tuan. Eternally, {adv.) cha-tuan-a. Etcetera, chuti khati, eng-kim. Evaporate, {v.) kang, (salt water) ten^-khal. Even, (adv.) mah, tal, pawh, poh, {a.) mar, mam-rem, rual, rual- rem, (not odd) kop kim. Evening, {s.) khaw-thim, tlai-lam, (star) chong-moi-i. Ever, {adv.) ngai, (forever) cha-tuan-a, chatuan-in, kum-khua-in. 270 * LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Every, (a.) tin. Everyone, {pro.) theoh. Everything, (s.) eng-kim. Everywhere, {adv.) khaw-tin-a, ram-tin-a, theoh. Evil, {a.) sual. Evil eye, {v.) (to be affected with) khaw-ring, khaw-ring-in ei, (one having), (to ward off) khaw-ring thiar, (s.) khaw-ring-nei, khaw-ring-nei tu. Ewe, {s.) beram-pui. Exact, {a.) tak tak, tak. Exactly, {adv.) tak, then, ti-tak-in, zia, te. Exaggerate, {v.) uar. Exalt, {v.) choi-moi, (one's self) in ngai-hlu, in-ngai-na. Exalted, {a.) moi. Examine, (^'.)!(by questioning) chhuah-chhal. Example, {v.) (to set) kulh-a tang, tu-pa-a tan^, ti-hmu. Exasperate, {v.) run-ral, run. Exasperating, {a.) run-thlak. Exceeding, or exceedingly, {adv.) em, em em, viao, zet, na-sh a na, hie. Excel, {v.) Ian, (to strive to) el. Excellent, {a.) tha, tui. Except, {prep.) lo-chu, lo-hi, etc. Excepting, (prep.) lo-chu, lo-chuan. Exchange, {v.) in-thleng, thlak-thlen^. Excite, {v.) ti-hai-haih, ti-chi-ai, ti-ham-haih. Excited, {a.) hai-haih, chi-ai, ham-haih. ^ Excommunicate, {v.) hnon^-tir, (to be excommunicated) h^ong. Excrement, {s.) ck. \ Excrescence, (^.) bawk. Excuse, (5.) chhuan-lam, (7;.) (to make) chhuan-lam, chhuan-lam nei, hnial. • ••• Exercise, (7;.) soi-zoi, (to take) in-soi-zoi. Exert, (7;.) tan^. Exhausted, {v^ (to be) chao. Exhaustless, {a^ hek-thei-lo. Exhibit, {v^ en-tir. Exhort, (7;.) zilh. Exhume, (7;.) phorh. Exist, (7;.) om, tla. Exorcise, (7;.) thoi. Exorcist, (^.) pui-thiam. Expect, (7;.) bei-shei, ngai-bei-shel. Expel, (7'.) hnoZ-chhua-^. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— -ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 271 Expend, (v.) hral. Expensive, {a.) man, to. Expert, (a.) them-thiam. Expire, (z;.) thi. Explain, (s.) hril-fiah, hriat-tir, shoi-ngil, (thoroughly) khun-tak-in hril. Explode, (v.) puak. Expose, {v.) puang. Expound, (v.) hril-fiah. Extensive, {a.) zao, 0. Exterior, (s.) pawn, pawn-lam. Exterminate, (v.) ti-chi-mit, ti-mang. Extinct, (a,) mang, chi-mit. Extinguish, (v.) thelh, ti-chi-mit, ti-thi, ti-hlum, ti-mit. Extol, (v.) fak. Extort, (v.) hlep-ru. Extract, {v.) phoi. Extraordinary, {a.) dual lo, duai-dim lo, na-men lo. Exude, {v.) chhua/^. Eye, {s.) mit, (of needle) beng, (to have something in the eye) mit a mim. Eyeball, (s.) mit-mu. ^ Eyebrows, (s.) mit-ko, mit-ko-tlang. Eye-glasses, (s.) tar mit. Eyelashes, (s.) mit hmul. Eye-lid, {s.) mit-vun. Eye-witness, {s.) hmu-tu. Fable, (s.) thon-thu. Face, {v,) hma-chhon, chhon^, ep, hma-ton, (to be face to face) in hma-ton, in hoi-ton, {s.) hmai, hmel. Facing, {prep.) ep-a. Fade, {v.) reh, chuai, da. Fail, (without) (adv.) hlel lo, ma-thei-lo-vin, ma-thei-lo, ma/^- mawh. Faint, (v,) thi- dang. Fair, {a.) ngo, {s.) dawr pui. Fairly, {adv.) fe, ngial. Faith, {s.) rin. Fall, {v.) tla, tlak, (not from a height) tlu, tluk, (collapse) chim, (upon) delh, (out) thlon, (off, as hair, etc.) til, (through) put thla. ^li^y^^ 272 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AN^^^P^TRY False, {a.) dawt, der. False alarm, {s.) khel (also to be falsely alarmed). Falsehood, (s.) dawt thu. Falsely, {adv.) der. Familiar, (v.) (with) ngam-pao, ngam-pah, nel. Family, (s.) chhung, chhung-te. Famine, (v.) (to suffer) tarn. Famous, {a.) hming thang, hrat-khaw kheng. Fan, (s.) hmai zah, (v.) ikp. Fang, {s.) (of tooth) ha-bul. Fan palm, (5.) buar-pui, she-Iu, shial-lu. Far, {a.) hla, thui, (apart) khat. Farewell, {v.) (to say) tongtha-in thlah. Farther, {adv.) hla deo, {a.) hla zawk. Farthest, {a.) hla ber. Fascinate, {v.) ai kaih. Fast, {adv. and a.) chak, tlat, {v.) nghei. Fasten, {v.) chilh, zam. Fastidious, {a.) duh-tui. Fat, {a.) chom, thao, chum. ' Father, {$.) pa. Father-in-law, {s.) (husband's father) pa, (wife's father) pu-zon. Fatigue, {v.) ti-hah. Fatigued, {v.) (to be) hah. Fatiguing, {a.) nin-om, hah-thlak. Fault, (5.) sual, {v.) (to find) chip-chiar, dem, phun-chiar, phun, shoi-shel. ■* Faultless, {a.) that-fam-kim. Favour, {v.) voh, (one more than another) duh-sak bik, voh-bik, (by favour of) zar-a, zar-in. Fear, {v.) hlao, hlao-thawng, ti, tih. Fearful, {a.) hlao-om, rap-thlak. Fearless, {a.) thu-rum. Fearlessly, {adv.) chang. Feast, {v.) (to make) ruai theh, (partake of) rual dong, (to prepare) ruai tuan, {s.) (one who presides at feast) fa-tu, (a public ^feast and to give the same) khuang choi. Feather, {s.) hmul, sava-hmul. Featherstitch, {v.) puan pui zung thui. (Also feather-stitching.) Feeble, {a.) chak-lo. Feed, {v.) ei-tir, chawm, hrai, fah. Feel, {v.) hria/, hre, {tr.) dek, hme/, (sick, etc.), chhuak, (after) dap, (sorry for another) lung chhiat pui. Fell, {v.) ki/. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 273 Fellow, {s.) kop-pui, khing-pui, (villager) tual, (term of contempt) nek, (traveller) hnung-zui, (a.) pui. Female, {s.) nu, hmeichhia, pui. Fence, (s.) huang, pal, dai, hung, (v.) (to fence in) hung. Fern, (s.) (brake) cha-kok. Ferocious, (a.) kolh. Ferry, (5.) pum-hrut. Fetch, (v.) \a.k, va-Ia. Fetter, (s.) kol, (v.) kol-bun. Fever, {s.) khaw shik, shik-sherh, (v.) (to have) khua a shik. Few, [adv.) tlem, tlem-te. Fiddle, (s.) ting-tang. Fidget, (v.) nin-hlei. Fidgetty, (a.) nin-hlei. Field-glasses, (s.) en-tlang. Fierce, {a.) kolh. Fifteen, (a.) shorn leh pa-nga. Fifth, (a.) pa-nga-na, nga-na. Fiftieth, (a.) shcm-nga-na. Fifty, (a.) shom-nga. Fig, (s.) thei-pui, sa-zu thei-pui, thei-ba'te, thei-bal, thei-thit. Fig, (s.) (Indian) bung, hmawng, hnah-hlun, ri-hmim, zai-hri. Fight, (v.) in-ka/>, in-sual, tawng. Figure, (5.) (form) tlavvn-tlai. File, (s.) su-rai, {v.) surai-in nawt. Fill, (v.) ti-khat, (in or up) hnawh, phu-hru/^, vur. Fillip, (v.) pen. Filth, {s.) bol-hlawh. Filthy, {a.) hnawm, bol-hlawh. Fin, (s.) pang-parh. Find, (v.) chhar, hmu, hmu leh. Fine, {v.) choi-tir, (to pay) choi, (s.) lei, lei-chhia, lei ba, (a.) (in texture) nem, shin. Finger, (s.) kut-zung, (first) kut-zung chal (middle) kut-zung lai, (third) kut-zung te-u, kut-zung u, (little) kut-zung te, (fingers and thumb collectively) kut-zung tang. Finger-ring, {s.) zung-bun. Finish, (v) tawp, tiak, ti-kin, tlei-tla, tlin^-tlai, tum-tla, zawh, zo. Finished, {a.) kin. Fir, (s.) far. Fjre, (s.) mei, thuk-duk, (v.) kkp, (shovel) vut laah, vut lawh. Firebrand, {s.) mei-chher. Fireirons, (5.) thuk-thai. 2 o 274 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Fireplace, (s.) tap, thuk. Firetly, (s.) dum-de. Firewood, (s.) thing fak. Fireworks, (s.) mei-tlial-lawn. Firm, (a.) nghet, (as muscle) ruh. Firmly, (adv.) nghet, phui-tak-in, tlat. First, {adv,) hma sha, hma-sha ber, zet, (at first or first of all) a-tir-in, tir-in, (first met with) ton'tir. Fish, {s.) sa-ngha, ngha, (Bengali dried fish) ngha thu. Fisher or fisherman, {s.) sa-ngha man-tu. Fish-hook, {s.) ngha-kuai, ngha-koi. Fishing-rod, {s.) ngha-kuai ngul, ngha-koi ngul. Fish trap, {s.) ngoi. Fist, (5.) kut turn. Fit, {a.) tlak, rual, moi, tui, (to have a fit) phung zawl. Five, {a.) pa-nga, nga. Fix, (v.) (to be in a) ngai-na reng hre lo, (to put in a) ngai-na reng hre lo vin shiam, ti-mang-ang. Flabby, {a.) bui. Flame, {s.) alh, mei-alh. Flannel, {s,) bu-tu puan. Flap, {v.) za/>. Flare, {v.) alh. Flash, {v,) tug phut. Flat, {a.) per, phei, pheng, cham, (flat and thin) per, phek. Flatter, (v.) fak. Flawless, {a.) him. Flay, {v.) hlai, lip. Flea, (5.) uihh. Flee, {v.) tlan bo. Flesh, {s.) sha, ti, ti-sha. Flexible, {a.) nel, zoi. Fling, {v.) paih, vom, deng. Flint, (5.) mei-lung, zeh-lung, (flint, steel and tinder) mei-talh. Float, {v.) len^, len'lang, lang, (on the back) zang-thal tui hleoh. Flock, {s.) ho, pawl, rual. Flog, {v.) vudik vel. Flood, {s.) tui let. Floor, (5.) chhuat. Flour, (5.) chhang-phut, {a.) (floury) phut. Flow, iy.) luan^. Flower, {s.) par, pang-par, (to flower) par. Fluent, {a,) tong thei. Fluffy, [a.) por, por nei. PART IV.— DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 275 Fluid, (s.) tui. Flute, (s.) pheng-long. Flutter, (v.) za/*. Fly, (v.) ih\a.\vk, (fly about) len^, {s.) to. Fly-blown, {a.) ti tek. Flying creaturss, (5.) chung-leng. Foal, (s.) sgkor-no. Foam, (5,) (at mouth) chil phuan, phuan, (v.) phuan, (at mouth) chll a phuan, chil phuan a tla, chil phuan a chhua/^. Foe, (s.) do-tu, hmel-ma. Fog, (s.) chhum. Foggy, (v.) (to be) chhum a zing. Fold, (s.) huang, huang-chhung, (v.) (to fold up) thle/>. Follow, (7;.) zui. Follower, (s.) hnung-zui, thui-hruai. Fond of, (v.) hma-ngai, ngai-na, (especially of eatables) chak. Fontanel, (s.) lu-dip. Food, (s.) chaw, ei-tur, (left over after eating) ei-bang. Fool, (s.) mi-a, a. Foolhardy, {a.) thu-runn. Foolish, (a.) a, mawl. Foot, [s.) ke, ke-phah, phei, (of tree, pole, etc.) bul. Footfall, (s.) ke-per-ri, ke-chheh-ri, ra/>-ri. Footprint, (s.) hnu, hniak, (v.) (to make footprint) hniak. Footstool, (s.) ke-ngha' chhan, tlawh-chhan. For, (prep.) chung-a, sak, shi, tan, ta-tur. Forage, (v.) tla. Forbear, (v.) dawh-thei, dawh. Forbearing, (a.) dawh-thei, dawh, en-thei. Forbid, (v.) hnar, ui, khap. Force, (with) hrep, nek, {v.) lui tir. Ford, (s.) lui kai, shuar. Fore, {a .) hma. Forefather, {s.) chi-thlah-tu, thlah-tu. Forefinger, kut-zung chal. Forehead, (s.) chal. Foreign, (a.) vai. Foreigner, (5.) aw-zia, aw-zia-mi, aw-ze-mi, vai. Foreknow, (v.) hre lawk. Foremost, (a.) hma-sha-ber. Forenoon, (s.) chaw-hma. Forerunner, {s.) hna-hruai-tu. Foresee, {v.) hre-lawk. Forest, {s.) ram, ram-hnuai. 2 c 2 276 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Foretell, (v.) hril-lawk, shoi-lawk. Forever, (adv.) cha-tuan-a. Forewarn, (v.) hril-lawk. Forge, (v.) chher. Forget, (v.) theih-nghil, hai, hmalh, hmaih-thelh. Forgetful, (a.) hai-hot. ' Forgive, (v.) ngai-dam, ngai-hna thiam. Fork, (of tree, etc.) kak, (of leg) kap. Forked, (a.) kak, phir. Form, (s.), hmel, pang-ti tlawn-tlai, ti. Former, (a.) hmana. Formerly, {adv.) hman-a, hman-lai. Fornication, (v.) (to commit, with) zen. Fornicatress, (s.) chhu hur. Forsake, (v.) en-shan, thlao, thlao-thla, thlah-thlam. Fort, (s.) kulh. Forth, (adv.) chhuak. Forthwith, (adv.) nghal. Fortieth, {a.) shom-li-na. Fortunate, (a.) ham-tha, ni-hlaw, van-nei, (in war) chem-kal. Forty, {a.) shom-li. Forward, (adv.) bok-khup-in. Foundation, (5.) (of house, etc.) lei-phum. Founder, (5.) ti-chhuak-tu. Four, (a.) pa-li, li. Fourfold, (a.) thuah-li. Fourteen, (a.) shom leh pa-li. Fourth, (a.) pa-li-na, li-na. Four times, voi-li. Fowl, (s.) ar, (jungle) ram-ar, (call for fowls) chir chir, chiri chiri. Fowl-house, (s.) arin, (under eaves) ar chhiar, chhiar. Fragile, {a.) sop-rop. Fragment, (.?.) shi. Fragrant, (a.) tui. Framework, (s.) ruh. Frayed, (a.) por. Free, (v.) chhuak, thlah. Freely, (adv.) chang. Frequently, {adv,) fan, fo, zim, thin, zing.. Fresh, {a. and adv.) hlim, (as fruit, etc., not dried) bring. Fret, (i^.) lung-ngai. Friend, (s.) lai-na, thian, phung-cbang, tual, zung-zam, (bosom friends) thian kom ngeih, (v.) (to make friends) in-thian. Friendly, (v.) (to be) in-phung-chang, in-thian, zawl. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH- LUSHAL 277 Fright, (r.) (to receive a great) thla-bar, (to die of fright) thla- bar-in thi. Frighten, {v.) rap, ti-thaih, ti-zam. Fringe, (5.) fern. Frisk, (v.) tual-chai. Frivolous, (a.) lep-chiah. Frog, (s.) chung-u, dawng-thlek. From, (pf-ep.) a, ata, a-tang-in, hnena, hnena-ta, sak, tang-in, lak-a. Front, {a.) hma, (v.) (to gei in front of) leh-khalh. Frost, (5.) (hoar) vur. Froth, (v.) phul, phuan, (s.) phuan. Frown, (v.) mit-vun chuar. Fruit, (s.) rah, (edible) thei, ihei rah. Fry, (v.) kang. Fulfil, (v.) hlen. Fulfilled, (v.) (to be) lo-thlen^. Full, {a.) khat. Fullgrown, {a.) than' kin. Fungus, (5.) pa. Funny, {a.) fiam, nui-za-thla/^. Funny-bone, {s.) kiu-hit, kiu-hik. Fur, (s.) hmul, sa-hmul, Furlong, (s.) fing. Furniture, (s.) sum, (wooden) thing-rem. Furthesr''' } ^"-^ "^'^ ^^'' '^''P ^^'- Fuss, {v.) (to make) i-he. Fussily, (adv.) dim-dem. Fussy, (v.) (to be) ti dim-dem, ti kher-kher, ti shi-she. G Gabble, {v.) pawng hram. Gable, {s.) hul-hliap. G^&» (^0 kap-na, (v.) kap. Gain, {v.) hlep, hlawk. Gainsay, (v.) i-he, hnial. Gale, (s.) thli pui. Gallop, (v.) zuang. Gamble, (v.) buh vorh. Gambol, (v.) tual-chai. Gape, (v.) ham. 278 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Garden, (s.) huan, (kitchen garden at a distance from house) lei-pui. Gardener, {s.) huan veng-tu, huan-pu. Garland, (s.) par-thi-hrui. Garment, {s.) puan, silh-fen. Gate, ( How much ? i e"g-z^t ? eng-za/-nge ? eng-ti-nge ? Hum, (v.) rum. Humble, (a.) thu hnuai rolh. Humbled, (to be) in-ngai-tlawm. Humour, (v.) duat. Hunchbacked, {a.) zang-bawk, zang-kul. PART IV.—DICTIONARY— ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 285 Hundred, (a.) za, (hundred and fifty) za nu fa. Hundred thousand, (a.) nuai. Hunger, (s.) ril tarn. Hungry, {v.) ril a tarn, tarn. Hunt, (v.) um,^ ram-chhua/^, sa pel. Hurl, (v.) vom. Hurriedly, (adv.) hman-hmaw. Hurry, (v.) hman-hmaw. Hurt, (v.) ti-na, (tnf.) na, (one's feelings) (v. t.) ti-vui. Husband, (s.) pa-sal, (husband and wife) nu pa. Hush, {-v.) oi, (hush to sleep) oi-rau. Hut, {s.) buk, bawk, bawk-te. Hymn, {s.) hla, zai. Hypochondriac, {s.) khaw-tlang-lung-l^n'. Hypocrite, {s.) mi ver-vek, mi ver-ther. Hypocritical, {a.) awk-hrawl, ver-vek, ver-ther. I Ice, (-$•.) vur, tui-khal. Idiot, is.) mi-a, a-baw-raw. Idiotic, {a.) a, a-baw-raw. Idle, {a.) dawng-dah, tha-dah, tha-thla. Idol, {s.) mi-lem, mi-lim. If, (conf.) chuan, leh. Ignite, {v.) hal. Ignorant, {a.) a, fing-lo. Ill, (a.) dam-lo, na, nat. Ill-behaved, {a.) huang tao, nghal. Ill-tempered, {a.) vin, thin-chhia/. thin-chhe. Ill-treat, (v.) nghai-sha, ti-duh-dah. Image, {s.) mi-lem, mi-lim, lim, lem. Imagination, {s.) mit-thla. Imagine, (v.) mit thla-in hmu. Imitate, (v.) zir, zir-sak. Imitation, (a.) lem. Immediately, {adv.) chop-Ie-chil-in, nghal, ve-leh. Immense, (a.) lian-pui, na-sha. Immerse, {v.) chiah-pil. Immortelle, (s.) (a species of) chuai-Io. Impatient, (a.) nghak-hlel, (to be impatient for) khua har, (in sickness) zuao. Impede, {v.) dal. Impenitent, {a.) in-chhir lo. 286 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. mperfect, {a.) him lo. mplicate, (v.) kaih-hnoih. mplement, (s.) hriam. mportant, (a.) ril, thu-pui, poi-mavvh. mportune (v.), luh. mpossible, rual ani lo. mpDtent, (s.) chin^. mpress, (v.) nem-in ziak. mpression, {s.) hnu. mpriscn, (v.) khung, lung-in-a khung. mprisoned, (a.) iang. mproper, {a.) dik'-lo. mprovident, {a. and v.) pok. mpulsive, (a.) ho. n, {prep.) a, chhun^-a. ■. nattentive, {a.) hawk-dak. naccurate, {a.) dik-lo. ncompatible, (to be) {v.) in-hal. nconsiderate, {a.) ngil nei lo. nconsiderately , {adv.) thu-dawn:lo-vin. nconvenient, {a.) rem lo. ncorrect, {a.) dik lo. ncrease, {v.) pun^, (as money, etc.) sawt, (as bulbs, potatoes, etc.) tak. ncredible, {a) oih-om lo. ndeed, {adv.) bok. • ndia-rubber, {s.) thial-ret, thel-ret. ndigestion, {s.) kaw-chhia/, kawchhe. ndignant, {v.) thin ur. ndigo, {s.) chi-cha, ting. ndolent, {a.) that-chhia, that-chhe, tha-dah, tha-thla, dawng-dah. ndulgence, {v.) (to treat with) duat. ndulgent, {a.) thiam. nexpert, {a.) tlok-tlaw. nfant, {s.) nao-shen. nflate, {v.) ham-puar, h4m-puar. * nflexible, {a.) khaoh. nform, {v.) hril, hrilh, zai. nhabit, {v) luah. ^. nherit, {v.) (property) ro khawra. njure, {v.) ti-sil. njured, (<2.) sil. nk, {s.) lekha tui, lekha ziak-na tui. nk-pot, {s.) lekha tui bawm, lekha tui bur. PART IV.— DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 287 Inmost, (a.) chhung nung ber. Inner, (a.) chung-nung. Innermost, (a.) chung-nung-ber. Innocent, (a.) thiam. Inquire, (v.) zawt. Inquisitive, (a.) dil-shut, dil-chhut, hawk-dak. Insane, (a.) a. Insect, (s.) ran-nung. Insert, (v.) hnawh, phu-hru-^. Inside, (s.) chhung, (of animal) kaw-chhung, {prep.) chhung-a. Inside out, {adv. and a.) let-ling. Insist, {v.) lui. Inspect, {v.) fang. Instant, {s.) mit khap (in an instant) mit khap kar lo vin. Instantaneously, {adv.) mit-khap-kar-lo-vin. Instantly, {adv.) ngh4l, chop le chil-in. Instead of, {prep.) ai, ai-a, ai-in, chhang-in, chhang. Institute, {v.) ti-chhuay^. Instltutor, {s.) ti-chhuak-tu. Instruct, (2;.) zilh, hril, zir-tir. Insult, (v.) ti-vui. Intemperate, {a.) in-shum kar nei lo. Intend, {v.) turn, ril-ru^-. Intense, {a.) na, na-sha (also intensely). Intentionally, {adv.) lui. Intercept, {v.) dang. Interest, {v.) (to take interest) ngai shang. Interesting, {a.) beng-lut, beng-lut-zawng, ngai-shan'-t!ak. Intermittently, {adv.) (as fever) nat ni nei-in. Interrupt, {v.) chil-bual, tong-chhilh. Intervals, {adv.) (at long) khat, (at short) zim. Intestine, {s.) ril. Into, {prep.) a, chhunga. Intoxicate, {v.) rui tir, ti-rui. Intoxicated, {a.) rui. Introduce, *(i'.) khaw' hmu. Intrust, {v.) kol-tir. Inured, {a.) chhel. Invisible, {a.) lang lo. Invite, {v.) sawm. Iris, {s.) le-len. Iron {s.) thir. Irritable, {a.) vin, thin-chhe, thin-chhia/. Irritating, {a.) (as flannel) me. 288 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Is, (v.) ni, e, ni e. Island, {s.) thliar-kar. Isolated, {a.) bing, fal. It, {pro.) a, ama, ani. Itch, {v.) thak, (s,) vai-hren-hri, ui-thak. Itinerate, (v.) fang, khua khua fang, khua fang. Its, (pro.) a, ama, ani. Itself, (reflex prefix) in, {pro.) ama-in, ani-in. Ivory, {s.) sai-ngho. Jack, (tree and fruit) tat-kawng. Jackal, {s.) shi-hal. Jacket, {s.) kor. Jagged, {a.) ther, {s.) (a jagged edge) then Jail, {s.) lung in.^ jailor, (s.) lung in veng tu mi tang veng tu. Jam, {v.) chilh. Japanning (juices used for), {s.) chhim-hruk, IwuM-tbui, kawh-te-bel, mei-thui, vai-phaw-hlo, vom-bal. Jaw, {s.) (lower) kha, kha-be. Jealous, {v.) thik, (of) hu-phurh, it-shik. Jeopardy, {v.) (to be in) hlao thawn'om tak-in om. Jerk, {v.) phih. Jest, {s.) fiam thu, {v.) fiam thushoi, (at) dem-chiat, (jesting stock) dem chhiat. Jhum, {s?) lo, thlawh-hma, (a disused jhum) thlawh-bua, (a cut jhilm) chap-char, (between burning and springing of first seed) kang-var, (this year's jhiim) ring thar, {j hum-\iOw%Q) thlam, (z;.) (to go to jhum) feh, (to cut) vat. Job's tears, {s.) mim. Join, {v.) chuk-tuah, in-fin, zom, zawm, (in with) hnim-lut. Joint, {s,) chang, chuk-tuah-na, in-chuk-tuah-na, in-zom-na, tuah. Joke, {s,) fiam thu, {v.) fiam thu shoi. Journey, {v,) (to go on a) zin. Joyful, {a.) hlim, hlim-om, thin-lung hlim. Joyfully, {a.) hlim tak-in. judge, {s.) ro-rel-tu, thu-rem-tu, {v.) ro rel. Jug, (4 no-. Juice, {s.) tui, hnai. Jump, {v.) zuan^, turn, (down) zuang thla, turn thla, (with sur- prise) phu/ zok. Jumper, {s.) (iron) thir tu'lung, thir tu'thulh. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 289 June, (s.) chong-fang thla, fur-chon thla, vckhnia-zon thla. Jungle, (5.) ram. Jungly, {a.) tul. Just, (a.) fel, (adv.) (time), hlol, hlim. Justified, (v.) (to be) thiam, ihiam chang, thiam havvn. Justify, (v.) thiam. Jut, (v.) lor. jute, (s.) zi-za. K Kassalong, (s.) (river) Samat, (bazar) Samat dawr. Keen, (a.) (of sight, hearing, etc.) var, (keen-sighted) mit vkv, rnit fim. Keep, (v.) von^, kol, khuah-khirh, chen'-pui, om-pui, von^-reng, char, ch^r-chilh, (to keep hold of), char, char-chilh, (holiday or rest day) hrilh, sherh, (keep guard over) ngai ven', (to one's self) pai, (as animals, poultry, etc.), vulh, (as command) zawh. Keeper, {v.) om-pui-tu, veng-tu. Kernel, (s.) chhung-mu, mu. Key, {s.) kilh-na, (of concertina, organ, flute, etc.) bi. Kick, {v.) chhir, chhuih, ' (against) in-chhir, (v.) (out behind) kheng, (out or about) leng, (with bottom of foot) tlawh. Kid, {s.) kel no, kel doi. Kidney, (s.) kal. Kill, (v.) ti-hlum, tal, ti-thi, tha/, (off) suat, (by poisoning food) hrai-hlum. Kind, (s.) hmun, pawl, {a.) khaw-ngai thei, ngil-nei. Kindle, {v.) chhem. Kindly, {adv.) khaw-ngai-tak-in. Kindred, {s.) lai-chin, unao. King, {s.) lal, lal-pa. Kingdom, {s,) ram, khua leh tui. Kinsfolk, kinsman, {s.) lai-chin, unao. Kiss, {v.) ia.\vp. Kite, {s.) (bird) mu. Kitten, {s.) zawh-te no. Knead, (v.) hmet, hlawn. Knee, {s.) khup, (cap) khup koi. Kneel, (v.) thing-thi. Knickerbockers, {s.) ke-kor. Knife, (s.) chem-te. Knit, (z;,) phan, phiar. Knobby, {a.) lok. 2 Q 290 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Knock, (v.) (rap) kik, (top cf head against) ton^, (down or over) ti-tlu/', (the head agauist) taoh, (together) in-shu, (as heads) in-taoh, (against) nam, shu, chu/^, ton^, {a.) (knock-kneed) khup-tuah. Knot, (s.) bawk, bil-baw-lawk, suih-bawk, suih, (of hair) sam-zial, tuk, (Poi's knot ot hair) brum. Know, (v.) hria/, hre, thiam, (how) thiam, ngai-na hre, ngai-na hnat, Knuckle, (s.) kut chang. Kodali, (s.) bawng-tuh-thlawh, tuh-dal. Labour, (v.) thawk-rim, (with child) {v.) nao vei. Lac, (5.) thal-hrit. Lack, {v.) chham, ro. Ladder, {s.) hlan, (leading to Lushai house) kai-ten. Ladle, (v.) shua/^, {s.) hai-te. Lake, {s.) dil. Lamb, {s.) beram no. Lame, (a.) ke bai, bai. Lament, (v.) tap. Lamp, {s.) khawn-var, (glass) khawn-var bur. Lance, (v.) fei. Land, {s.) lei, khaw-mual, {v.) khaw-mual-a chhua/^. Landmark, (s.) pho-leng, (to make) pho-leng tar. Landslip, (s.) lei min. Language, (s.) tong. Languid, {a.) thim. Lantern, (s.) khawn-var. Lap, {v.) liai", (s.) mal-chung, ang. Lard, (s.) vok sa-hriak. Large, (a.) lian, pui, hrol, hlai, zao. Larynx, (s.) hrok-hrawl. Lasso, (v.) hiing. Last, {adv. and a.) hnu-hnung-ber, tawp, tawp-ber, {v.) daih. Last night, ni-zan-a. Last year, ni-kum-a. Late, (adv.) bar, tlai. Lather, {s. and v.) phuan. Lattice, {s.) zawng-dai-kalh, zawng-bilh-tah. Laugh, [v.) nui, (to feel like laughing) nui za, (at) nui-shan. Laughable, {a.) nui-za-lhlak. Laughing stock, {s.) riui-chhiah. PART IV. — DICTIONARY—ENGLISH- LUSHAI. 291 Law, (s.) din. Lawful, (a.) thian^. Lawsuit, (s.) thu-poi. Lay, (v.) (egg) tui, (up in store) khawl, khawl-khawm (hands upon) kut thlai', (ro lay out a dead body or lay a dead body in the grave), zalh. Layer, (s.) thuah. Lazy, (a.) that-chhia, daWng-dah, zom-thaw. Lead, (s.) shuan. Lead, (v.) hrual, kai, (lead the way or take lead in work, etc.) hma-hruai, hma-tawng, (to take the lead) kulh-a tang, tupa-a tan^. Leader, (s.) hma-hruai-tu, hma-tawng. Leaf, (s.) hnah. Leaf insect, (s.) kat-chat. Leak, (v.) far, horh, put. Lean, (v.) (upon) bawh, delh, ngheng, (the head or body on one side) thle, (back) eo, (against) nghen' chhan, rin' chhan, {a.) cher, (s.) ti. Leap, (v.) zuan^, (down) zuan^-thla, tum-thla. Learn, (v.) zir. Least, (a.) te ber, tlem ber. Leather, (s.) sa-vun. Leave, (v.) hnut-chhia/, kal-shan, kal-bo-shan, thlah-tblam, zuah, (affix) shan, (to one's own devices) en-shan, (to one's own devices or in the lurch) thlah-thlam. Leavings, (s.) chaw ei bang. Lee, {prep.) (under the lee of) phen-a. Leech, {s.) (land) vang-vat, (water) hlit, sai-hlit. Left, {a.) bang, bak, (hand side) veilam. Leg, {s.) ke, bop, fu-ke, phei, (hind leg) bop, (fore leg) dar. Leisure, {v.) (to have) hman. Leisurely, {adv.) muan^, (a.) muan^, muan^-chang. Lemon, (s.) ser, ser-tok. Lemon grass, {s.) thai-thing. Lemur, {s.) (the slow-paced) sa-huai. Lend, (v.) puk-tir, hawh-tir. Length, (5.) dung. Lengthwise, (adv.) dung-zawng, dung-lam. Leopard, (s.) kei te. Leper, {s.) phar, mi phar. Leprosy, (s.) phar. Less, (a.) tlem zawk, (adv.) tlem deo. Lessen, {v.) ti-kiam, {mL) kiam, 202 292 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Lest, {conj.) chu-ti-lo-chuan, dah-law-maw, dah-ang-e, (not) dah- ne-maw. Let, {v.) tir, phal, oih, (down) ihXkk, thlak-thla, (go) thlah, (alone) thlah-thbm. Letter, (s.) lekha. Level, [a.) zawl, cham, rual, phei, rual-rem, (?;.) chok-rual, chul- cham, chul-iual. Lever, {v.) kar. Levy, {v.) (tax) choi-tir. Liar, {s.) daw' thei, mi-daw' thei. Liberal, {a,) thil-phal. Liberties, (to take) huang tao. Lick, {v.) \\2,k, hliao. Lid, {s.) chhin, chhin-na, (of woman's pipe) chhin-khai, khai-chhin. Lie, {s.) dawt-thu, (■yA-^daw'thei, dawt thu shoi, dawt shoi, (down) mu/, bok, (in ambireh or in wait) chang, bun. Lifetime, {s.) dam chbung, dam lai. Lift, (7;.) khai, choi /(head) dak, (across, over, up, or down) hlang, (up, as cloth) hlfn. Light, {s) eng, en-na, var, (in colour) ngo, {a.) (not dark) eng, v^r, (not heavy) zang, (spongy) thawp. Lighten, {v.) kawl a phe. Lightning, (5.) ka^ phe. Like, {a.) ang, ti^tiang, {v.) duh, ch^k, hma-ngai, tlak-tlum-tir, ngai-na. Liken, (v.) teh,|"eh-khin. m Likewise, {adv^ pawh, bok, ve. ^ Lime, {s.) chi-nai, hol-ri-vap, (fruit) ser, (bird) soi. Limestone, [s.) chi-nai lung, hol-ri-vap lung. Limp, (a.) zoi, {v.) bai. Line, (5.) rin, (v.) (to draw) rin, (a.) (in a straight line) in-zawn. Lining, (s.) chhung-phum. Linked together, {a.) in-ba^f. Lip, (s.) (upper) hmui, (lower) heh. Listen, (v.) ngai, ngai-thla/^, zawm, ngai ven'. Listless, (a.) ngui, nguai. Litter, {s.) torn, (littered) (a.) tom. Little, (a.) te, tlem, tlem-te, (adv.) chang-chang, (little by little) deo deo, tlem-tlem-in. Live, (v.) uung, om. Lively, (a.) phok. Liver, (s.) thin. Lizard, {s.) chaw-ke, dai-dep, lai-tel, (large) tang-kawng, tang-keo, (flying) u-leoh. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLIS H - LUSH AI. 293 Load, (s.) phur, puak-phur, puak-per-phur, (v.) (a gun) hlo thun, (boat, etc.) thiar lut. Loaf, (s.) chhang-per. Lock, (s.) kilh-na, (of a gun) cheng, (v.) kilh. Lockjaw, (s.) kha chip. Locust, (s.) khao. Lodi^e, {v.) hron, thlen^, (and provide one's own food) in-kulh. Lodging, {s.) (temporary) thlen' in. Loft, (s.) the-lilan. Log, (s.) thing. Loin, (s.) kawng, (cloth) hren. Loggerheads, (v.) (to be at) in-nghir-ngho. Loiter, (7'.) muang. Lonely, ((?.) khaw-har, khaw-har thlak. Long, (a.) shei, fual, (time) rei, (v.) (to long for) ngai, chak. Look, (v.) en, thlir, chu-an, (for) zong, lam, (out for) in-ring. (at or in) bih, (in on sly) blh thla, (out, about or upwards) dak, (after) en-kil, ngai ven', (down upon) en-tleo, (steadfastly at) melh. Looking-glass, (s.) dar-thla-lang. Loom, (ft)r weaving) them-bu. Loop, (s.) hrui-valh, valh. Loose, {a.) nghet-lo, fual, (fitting) thawl. Loosen, {v.) phelh, phelh-dul, ti-dul. Loot, (v.) run, ru^. Lopsided, (a.) av;n, thle. < Lose, {v.) hloh, chan, li-bo-ral. Loss, {v.) (to be a) ui-om, (to beat a) ngai-na reng hre lo. Lost, {a.) bo. Lot, (5.)bchan^. Loud, (a.) ring. Loudly, {adv.) ring. Louse, (s.) ar-hrik, hrlk. Love, (v.) hma-ngai, khaw-ngai, ngai, (to be in love with) hmel duh. Low, (v.) bu, (adv. and a.) hniam, phai. Lower, {v.) thla^^, thlak-thla, ti-hniam, (adv.) thlang. Luck, (5.) chan. Lucky, (a.) ham-tha, van-nei, ni-hlawh. Luggage, (s.) bung-rua. Lumbago, {s.) kawng na. Luminary, (s.) en-na, en-tu. Lump, (s.) tlang. Lunatic, (s.) mi-a, a baw-raw. Lung, (s.) chuap. Lure, {v.) ngam-thlem. 294 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Lushai, {s.) Lushei, (general name for Lushais and surroundiag hill tribes) Zo, Mi-zo. Lust, (v.) hur. Luxurious, {a.) nuam. Lye, (5.) ching-al. M Mad, (a.) k. Madman, {s.) mi-a. Maggot, (s.) lung. Maggotty, (a.) lung. Magh, (s.) Mi-rang. Magic, {s.) doi. Magician, {s.) doi-thiam, mit-doi-vai thiam. Magistrate, {s.) thu rem tu. Magnificent, {a.) ro-pui. Magnify, (v.) ti-lian, shoi-lian. Magnifying glass, (s.) ni-no. Maiden, (s.) nu-la. Maiden-hair fern, {s.) lung-sam. Maim, (v.) ti-sil. Maimed, (a.) pian^-sual, sil. Maize, {s.) vai-mim. Make, {v.) shiam, (into) chan, chhuah, (saltpetre or lye) thlor, (lattice) theo, kalh, (net) sha/, (blanket) puah, (road) shial, (any thing raised above the ground, as table, bed, bridge, etc.), davvh. Make for, {v.) pan. Make known, {v.) puan^. Make up, (v.) (after quarrel) in-kawm-ngeih, in-ngeih. Maker, {s.) shiam-tu. Male, (5.) mi-pa, pa. Mallet, (5.) tal-tum. Man, (s.) mi, mi-hring, (young) rol-thar, tlang-val. Manacle, (s.) kol. Manage, (v.) khua sha/^, ro rel, khaw-sha. Mane, (s,) bak. Mango, (6.) thei-hai, hai-favang, hai-dai. Manipuri, (5.) Mei-tei. Mankind, (5.) mi-hring. Manly, {a.) pasal tha. Manner, (s.) dan, mit mei, mit-meng zia. Mantis, (s.) tek-ral, (praying) ui-fawm. Manure, {s.) ek, (v.) ek-in vur. Many, (a.) tam, zo-zaij hnem, kau, (how) eng-zat ? eng-z4/-nge? Mar, (v.) ti-poi. PART IV.— DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 295 Marigold, (s.) der-ken. Mark, {v.) chhin-chhiah, (out) raa hman, (s.) chhin-chhiah, chhln- chhiah-na. Market, (s.) dawr. Market place, {s.) dawr-hmun. Marrow, (s.) thling. Marry, (v.) (a wife) nu-pui nei, (husband) pa-sal nei, (without parents' consent) in-fan. Mars, {s.) (planet) shi kei shen. Martin, (s.) va-mur. Marvel, (v.) mak ti. Marvellous, (a.) mak, ro-pui. Mahseer fish, {s.) ngha-phu. Mass, (in a) hlawm. Massacre, {v.) sam, rawt. Master, {s.) ho-tu, om-pui-tu, pu. Masticate, (v.) thei, thial. Mat, (fine woven) zam-pher. Match, (lucifer) (s.) mei-talh, naw' alh. Match, (v.) in-phu. Mate, (5.) kop-pui, khing-pui. Materials, (s.) hman-rua. Matted together, {a.) hlawm. Matter, (v.) poi. Matting, (5.) (coarse bamboo) dap. Mattress, (s.) awng-phah. Mature, (a.) chang, hmin. May, (5.) (the month of) thla phur, {v.) thei, awm. Me, (pf'O.) min, keima m'\n (also for me, and to me). Meal, {s.) (of food) chhuan. Mean, {a.) fir, kom, ver-vek, ver-ther. Meaning, {s.) om-zia, ti-na, ti-na-zia. Means (of or for), phah, (by means of) {prep.) in. Measure, (v.) teh, {s.) teh-na, (for measuring charge of gun- powder) zen-chong. Meat, {s.) sha. Medal, (5.) tang-ka pui. Medicine, {s.) dam-doi, hlo. Meditate, {v.) ngai-tua. Medium, {a.) vang-tlang. Medlar, {s.) thei-shc-chal, vul. .;,. Meek, {a.) thu hnuai rolh. Meet, {v.) hmua/^, tawk, ton^, nan^. Mela, (5.) dawr-pui. 296 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Melancholic, (v.) (to be) khaw-tl4ng lung len'. Melon, (s.) hma-zil, (water) don-iawh. Melt, {v. t.) er, ti-tui, (v.) tui. Membrane, (s.) dal, ham-da. Men and women, (collectively) (s.) a-hmei-a-pa. Mend, (v.) shiam-tha. Menses, (s.) thi, (to have) (v.) thi nei. Mention, (v.) lam. Mercenary, (a.) dong-rawl duh. Merciful, (^.) zah-ngal thei tak. Mercy, (v.) (to have or show) zah-ngai. Merely, {adv.) mai, mai-mai. Merry, (a.) hlim. Message, {v.) (to bear) zual-ko. Messenger, {s.) tir-ko, zual-ko. Meteor, {s.) chhoih-fa, chhoih-fa thlawk. Meteorite, (s.) tek. Mew, {v.) hram. Mica, [s.) long-barb. Midday, {s.) chaw-fak-hun (or lai), (meal) chaw-fak. (Also to eat the midday meal.) Middle, (s.) lai. Midnight, (s.) z^n-lai. Midst, (in the) {prep.) lai-a, zir.ga. Mighty, {a.) ro-pui, tha-hrui nei. Migrate, {v.) pem. Mildew, {s.) hmuar. Mildewed, {a) ap, hmuar. Milk, {s.) hnu-te, hnu-te tui, {v.) hnu-te savvr. Milky-way, {s.) thla-shik kong. Millet, {s.) buh-tun. Millipede, {s.) ke-tam-i nu. Mimosa, {s.) hling-khang, vok-pui ruang ruh. Minah, (bird) {s.) vai-va. Mind, (5.) thin-lung, ril-ru. ?^ine, {pro.) kei-ma-ta, ka-ta. Minister, (5.) rong-bawl-tu, {v.) rong bawl. Mire, {s.) bol-hlawh, chirh-diak, diak. Miry, {a.) chirh-diak, diak, bol-hlawh. Miscarriage, {v.) (to have a) fa a tla-sual, fa a chhia/, nao a chhia/, nao a tla sual, no a tla sual, no a chhiat. Mischief, (to do) poi khoih, (to make) poi shoi. Miser, {s.) mi-fir. P»Iiserly, {a) fir, kom. PART IV. — DICTIONARY— ENGLISH -LUSHAl. 297 Miserable, (a.) hreh-om, ngui, nguai, re-thei. Misrepresent, (v.) lei-ko, thu vei-vir, zual-ko. Miss, (v.) thelh, (fire, as gun) tlolh. Missing, (v.) (to be) tap. Mist, {s,) chhum, tiao-chhum. Mistake, {v.) hai, (adv.) (by mistake) sual. Mix, (v.) polh, ti-polh, ti-pawm, (uiL) pawl, sawh. Moan, (v.) rum. Mock, (v.) nui-shan, zir-sak. Mode, (s.) dan. Model, {s.) lim, lem, mi-lim, mi-lem. Moderate, (a.) van^-tlang. Moderately, [adv.) tawk-fang-in. Modest, (a.) zak. Moist, (a.) hnavvng. Molar, (s.) ha-pui. Molasses, (s.) kur-tai. Mole, (5.) bui-ke-lek, (spot) khua-vang chhin-chhiah. Mollusc, (s.) (bivalved) kep. Moment, (s.) mit khap, {adv.) (in a moment) mit khap kar lo vin. Money, (s.) tang-ka, tang-ka sum. Monkey, (s.) zawng, (grey) ngao. Monotonous, (a.) nin-om. Month, (s.) thla, (next) thla leh, (last) tbla blui, thla hmasha, (this) tun thla. Monthly, (adv.) thla tin. Moon, (s.) thla, (the night of full moon) ar kai zan, hlei-nga zan, (half) chi-khawn-phel, (full) hlei-nga, (first quarter) she-pui ki tia, (new) thla thar, (to be new) thla a de, (last quarter) rhla noi, (when there is no moon) thla mong lai (or hun), (when only three quarters is visible) vom-la. Moonbeam, (s.) thla eng. More, {adv.) deo, zawk. leh-zual, zual, {a.) dang, (more likely) zawk, (than others) lem, lem chuang, chuang, bik, (than) liam, liam-a. Morning, {s.) chaw-hma, (this) tuk-in-a, (early) zing-a, (every) tuk-tin. Morose, {a.) ngoi-choi. Morsel, {s.) hmol. Mortar, (s.) (for pounding rice, etc.) sum. Mosquito, {s.) tho-shi. Mosquito curtain, {s.) tho-shi len. Moss, {s.) pat. Most, {adv.) ber. 2 R 29*^ LUSHAl GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Moth, (s.) pheng-phe-hlep. Mother, (s ) nu, (mother and child) nu fa. Mother-in-law, (wife's mother) pi-zon, (husband's mother) nu. Molionlessly, (adv.) che-lo-vin. Mottled, {a.) rang. Mould, (s.) hmuar. Mouldy, (a.) ap, hmuar, (smelling) ung. Mound, (s.) mual, vun^, ko. Mount, (v.) chuang. Mountain, {s.) tlang. Mountainous country, (s.) thing-tl^ng. Mourn or go into mourning, {v.) lu shun, sam hram pu. Mourn, (7;.) mi-thi ngai, Mouse, {s.) chai-chini. Mouth, (s.) ka, kam, (of bottle or jar) rong, tlang, (of river) mong. Move, (v.) che, shon, in-shon, phe phe, (along) tol, {trans.) dah- shon, (as ears, nostrils, etc.) phut, (the head or body on one side) thle. Much, {adv.) em em, em, mang, tarn, zo-zai, feng, hie, hnem, kau, ngot, tha hnem, (how) eng zat ? eng za^-nge ? eng-chen-nge ? Mucus, {s.) thao, (of nose) hnap. Mud, {s.) chirh-diak, diak, lei diak. Muddle, {s.) buai, {v.) ti-buai. Muddled, {a.) buai. Muddling, buai-thlak. Muddy, {a.) chirh diak, diak, (as water) nu. Mug, {s.) no. Mule, {s.) sakor beng-tung, sa-beng-tung. Multitude, (5.) mi-pui. Mumps, {s.) biang-boh. Murder, {v.) tual-tha^, (secretly) phil. Murmur, {v.) phun, phun-noi, phun-ru. Muscle, {s.) ti, (of upper arm) ban-puam. Mushroom, {s.) pa, {v.) (to mushroom out) ner. Musket, {s.) silai. Mustache, {s.) hmiii-hmul. Mustard plant, (s.) an-tam. Mutilate, {v.) nghai-sha. Mutter, {v.) phun, phun-ru. Mutton, {s.) be-ram sha. Muzzle, {s.) silai kua. .My, {pro.) kei-ma, ka. Myself, {pro.) keima-in, kei-in, (reflex prefix) in Mystery, {s.) thu-ril. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 299 N Nag, {v.) an^, hram. Naga, (s.) Mi-rong. Nail, (s.) tin, kilh-na, (v.) khen^, kilh, (to, up or down) khen^ bet. Naked, (a.) ruak, sa-ruak. Name,(^.) hming, (in the name of) hming-a, hming-in, (v.) (to take the name of another or call one's self by another's name) hming chhal, (to name) vuah, hming sha (falsely in the name of) hming chhal-in. Nape, (s.) thluk, tuk-khum-khur, tuk-khum. Narrate, (v.) hril. Narrow, (a.) zim, (as mouth of pot, etc.) kum. Nasty, {a.) tui-lo, chhia/", chhe. Nation, {s.) hnam. Nature, (s.) nun^-chan^. Naught, (p^o.) eng-ma. Navel, (s.) hi. Near, (prep.) dep-a, kiang-a, hrual-a, {a.) hnai. Nearest, {a.) ton'tir. Nearly, [adv.) dawn-ta, thaw, thelh. Necessary, {v.) (to be) ngai, (imperatively) ma-ma^\h. Neck, {s.) nghawng, ring. Necklace, {s.) thi-hrui. Need, {v.) duh, tul, (imperatively) ma-mawh. Needle, {s.) hriao. Neglect, {v.) thlah-thlam. Neigh, {v.) ao ur ur. Neighbour, {s.) then-om, veng, veng-te. Neighbourhood, {s.) veng. Neither, hek-lo. Nephew, {s.) (a man's brother's son, and a husband's brother's son) fa-pa, (a sister's son, a husband's sister's son) tu-pa, (a woman's brother's son) val'upa. Nerve, {s.) tha-zam. Nervous, {a.) ti, tih. Nest, {s.) bu. Net, {s.) len. Nettle, (stinging) kang-thai, la-pul, tai-tem, tai-teng, thak-pui, zawng-kang-thai. Neuter, {s.) pa dawp. Never, {adv.) ngai lo, top lo, tawh lo. Nevertheless, {conj.) ama-e-raw-chu, anina-a, eng-pawh nl-shela, er.g-pawh-ti-la, eng-pawh-ni-roh-se. 2 R 2 300 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. New, (^.) ibar, hlim. Newlaid, (a.) tui bltm. Newly, (adv.) hlim, Uiar. News, {s.) chan-chin, thu, ti-tl. Next {a. and adv.) dot, leh-pek, (to each other) in-dor, (s,) dot- tu. Nibble, (v.) sheb. Nice, (a.) nuam, tui. Nickname, {s.) hming-der, hming chbla. hming lem. Nicotine water, {s.) tui-bur. Niece, {s.) (a man's brother's dsiugbter, and a husband's brother's dauc^hter) fa-nu, (a sister's daughter, a husband's sister's dauo-hter) tu-nu, (a woman's brother's daughter) vah-nu. Niggard, {s.) mi fir. Nigh, (adv.) hnai. Night, {s.) zan, khaw-thim, (fall) khaw-thim, (night blind, to be) init mal, (night after night) zan-zawn-in, (all) zan-khua-in, zan khua, (night before last) nimin zan-a, (three nights ago) nimin- piah zan-a. Nightjar, {s.) va-bak. Nicrhtly, {adv.) zan-lin, zan-tin-a, zan-tin-in. Nine, (a.) pa-kua, kua. Nineteen, {a.) shom leh pah-kua. Nineteenth, (a.) shom leh pa-kua-na. Ninetieth, (a.) shom-kua-na. Ninety, {s.) shom-kua. Ninth, (a.) pa-kua-na, kua-na. Nip, (v.) chep, shik. Nippers, {s.) (of a gun, which hold the flint) silai kep te. Nipple, (s.) hnu-t.e hmur. No, {adv.) ni-lo, hnai-lo, ni-shu-e. Nobody, {v.) {pro.) tu-ma, tu-ma...lo. Nod, {v.) bu/^. Nohow, eng-tin-ma...lo. Noise, {s.) beng-chheng, {v.) (to make) beng-chheng. Noisy, {a.) beng-chheng. None, {pro.) eng-ma, tu-ma. Noon, {s.) chaw-fak. No one, (pro.) tu-ma, tuma...lo., Noose, {s.) valh, {v.) hling. Nor, {conf.) hek lo. North, {s.) hmar lam, khaw-hmar, hmar. ■ North-east, hmar-chhak. Northern, (a.) hmar. PXRT IV. —dictionary — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 30I Norlhu'ard, {adv.) hmar lam-a. North-west, {s.) hmar-thlang. Nose, {s.) hnar, (flat) hnar per, (turned up) hnar kern, (aquiline) hnar kul, (indentation above nose) hnar kawn, (flaps of nose) hnar te-ngeng. Nostril, {s.) hnar-kua. Not, {adv.) lo, nem, (at all) der-lo, hek-lo. Notch, {v.) chhu, shat-rek rah-bi, x^k. Notched, {a.) xek. Note, {v.) chhin-chhia. Nothing, {s.) engma, engma...lo. Notwithstanding, {conj.) pawh-in, p6h-in. November, {s.) sa hmul phah thla, sawm hmul phah thla. Now, {adv.) tun-a, tun-a-hian, tun-a zong, (now already) tuna-pang* in, (now at once) tuna-pang-a, (by now) tuna, tuna zong, (now, at this moment) tun-la-la-a, tun-law-law-a, tuna tei. Nowadays, {adv.) tun-lai. Nowhere, (^7^7;.) khoi-a-ma...lo, khoi-a-ma. Nowise, {adv.) top lo. Nude, {a.) ruak, sa-ruak. Nuisance, {a.) chim-om, hreh-om. Nurse, {v.) choi, enkol, o Oak, {s.) sa-shua, hlai, khaw-thli, thil, Oar, {s.) vai-cha. Oath, {v.) (to take) chhla chham, chhe-chham. Obedient, {a.) ti-nuam, tirh-nuam, tirh-oih. Obey, {v.) oih, pom, ngai, thu-thu-in om, zawm, zawh. Object, {v.) hreh, {s.) (of or for) chhan, phah, Objectionable, {a.) huat-thla-la. Objections, {v.) (to raise) shoi-shfel. jii^ Obliquely, {adv) awn, lao. ^^ '"' Oblong, {a.) shawl. ^ Obscure, {v.) hlia, (obscurely) {adv.) fiah lo tak-in, fiah le, a thoi-in. Observe, {v.) hmu, zawh (as a rest day, etc.), sherh, hrilh. Obstacle, {s.) dal-na. Obstinate, {a.) luh-lul, ti-mawh, ngol-tawt. Obstruct, {v.) dal. Obstructed, {a.) hnok. Obstructive, {a.) hnok-sak. Obtain, {v.) nei. 302 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Occasionally, {adv.) a ch^ng-chang-in, khat. Occupy, {-v.) avvh, luah. October, {s.) khuang-choi thla. Odd, {a.) (not even) kop kim lo. Odour, {s.) rim. Of, (prep.) in, a. Off, {adv.) bul, bal, chhum, tan. Offend, {v.) run, run-ral, ti-lung ni lo, ti-vul. Offended, (to be) vui, lung ni lo, run, run-ral. Offer, {v.) hlan, pe^, theh, (for sale) zuar. Offering, (to make an offering to spirit of departed) mi-thi chhiah. Officer, {s,) ho-tu. Offspring, {s.) fa, chhuan. Often, {adv.) fo, fan. Oil, {s.) sa-hriak, (lamp) khawn-var tui, tui alh. Old, {a.) hlui, tar, un, (man) pu-tar, (woman) pi-tar, (old and young) a puia pang. Omit, {v.) tlolh, thulh. ^ , On, {prep.) chung-a, a, in. Once, {a.) voi-khat. One, {a.) pa-khat, khat, (with one another, one another) in, (one at a time) mal-zel-in, mal-theo-vin, mal-mal-in, (one after ano- ther) zel, chhawk-zel. Onion, {s.) pu-run. Only, {a.) hlir, mai, fal, fang, ngut, {adv.) chaoh, chaoh-vin. Open, (7^) hong, (as flower, hand, etc.), ar, parh, pharh, (as umbrella) kap-parh, kap-pharh, (as mouth) an^, (as legs, cut, earth, etc., also to pull or force open) kao, (the legs) kam ka, (to force an opening through, or force open) keo, (as eyes) men^. Openly, {adv.) a-lang-in. Opportune, {a.) rem-chang, ti-zia. Opportunely, {adv.) fuh. Opportunity, {s.) rem-chang. Oppose, {v.) kalh, lo-kalh. Opposite, {prep.) zawn, hma-zawh-a, hma-zawn-a. Oppress, {v.) hneh-chhia/, hneh-sawh, ra/>-be/, ti duh-dah, tlawh- bet. Or, {conj.) nge, leh, emaw. Orange, {s.) ser-thlum. Orchid, {s.) nao-ban. Ordain, {v.) ruat. Order, {v.) thu thiam, tuk, (about) tir-chhiah. Ordinary, {a.) na-men, na-ran, na-mai, na-zong, sa-tliah. Originate, {v.) chhua/^, ti-chhua/^. PART IV.— DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 303 Originator, (s.) ti-chhuak tu. Orion, {s.) chho-hrei-vung. Ornament, (s.) chei-moi-na. Ornamental, {a.) moi. Orphan, (s.) fa-hrah. Oscillate, (v.) (as water) fawn. Other, (a.) dang, dang-lam. Otherwise, {conj.) chuti-lo-chuan, ani-lo-leh. Otorrhcea, {s,) beng kherh. Otter, {s.) sa-hram. Our, {pro.) kema-ni, kan. Ours, {pro.) keima-ni-ta, kan-ta, Ourselves, (reflexive prefix) in. Out, {adv.) chhua/^. Outer, {a.) pawn-ta. Outermost, {a.) pawn-ta-ber. Outlet, (5.) chuai-na. Outlive, {v.) shun. Outside, {s.) pawn, (of bamboos) na, {prep.) pawn-a, pawn-lama. Outskirts, {s.) dai. Outstrip, {v.) leh khalh. Outwardly, {a.) a-lang-in. Over, (left) chuang, {adv.) hlen. Over and over again, {adv.) non, (over again) vek. Overcome, {v.) hneh. Overflow, {v.) Ham. Overgrow, {a.) hnim. . Overlap, {v.) sul-pel. Overlook, {v.) hmaih, hmaih-thelh, (intentionally) hai der. Overseer, {s.) en-kil-tu, ho-tu. Overshadow, {v.) hlia. Overtake, {v.) nan^, phai. Overturn, {v.) let. Overworked, {a.) rim tong. Owe, {v,) ba, bat. Owl, {s.) chhim-buk, (horned) chhim-buk shial ki, (large) chine- piri-nu. ** Owner, {$.) nei-tu, om-pui-tu. Ox, (s.) se-bawng til rek, se-bawngjtil ret. Pace, {v.) k4r, p^n, {s.) pen. Pacify, {v.) thlem. 304 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Paddle, (5.) val-cha, (v.) vai, kar. Page, (s.) (as of book) phek. Pain, (s.) na, nat. Painful, (a.) na. Pair, (s.) tuak, pawl. Palate, (s.) dang. Pale, (a.) dang. Palisade, (s.) pal, kulh. Palin, (s.) (of hand) kut-phah. Palmistry, {s.) (one skilled in) kut zia en thiam, kut ze en thiam. Pamper, (v.) duat. Pan, (s.) thleng, (of gun) silai-beng-thleng. Pancake, (s.) chhang-per. Pangolin, (s.) sa-phu. Panic-stricken, (v.) (to be) zam. Pant, {v.) thaw hlop hlop. Papaw, (s.) nu-hnun, thing-fang-hma. Paper, {s.) lai-shuih, le-kha. Parable, (s.) thon-thu. Parasitical insects, (5.) hrlk. Paradise, {s.) Pial-ral. Paralysed, (a.) (as limb) zeng. Parasol, (s.) ni-hliap. Parched, (a.) char. Pardon, {v.) ngai-dam, ngal-hna thiam. Pare, (v.) hlep. Parents, {s.) nu leh pa. Parrot, (s.) va-ki. Part, (s.) then, bung, hmun, (the hair) (v.) ba-ri then. Particular, (a.) kher-mei, ti-kher-kher, ti-shi-she, ti-dim-dem. Particularly, (adv.) dim-dem, kher-mei, (not) hlei lo, hlel deo. Parting, (of hair) (s.) ba-ri. Partition, (s.) pin-dan. Partly, {adv.) lak-lawh. Partridge, (s.) va-rung, (hill) va-hla. Party, (s.) pawl, ho. Pass, (7;.) kal-pel, pel, hel, (aw^ay) ral, (through a village without putting up for the night) chhun-pelh, (over) hlen, (on, from one to another) in-hlan, (time) ni len', (pass time quickly) ni turn toi, (by or through or out) pel, (to allow to pass) pel. Paste, (s.) char-na. Pastime, (s.) ni turn toi-na. Pasture, (v.) tla. Pat, (y.) ben^. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 305 Patch, (v.) bel. Patella, (s.) khup-koi. Path, (s.) kong, kal-kong. Patient, (a.) en-thei, dawh-thei, (under suffering) chhel. Patiently, (adv.) tlawm-ngai-tak-in. Pause, {v.) ngoi. Pay, (v.) rel, man pek. Peace (to be at) in-rem, rem, (to have peace of mind) tla muang, lung muang. Peaceably, (adv.) tlang. Peach, (s.) thei-te. Peacock, (s.) ar awn-rang-ka-chak. Peak, (s.) tlang-chhip. Pebble, (s.) lung. Peck, (v.) chu/^, (up) chui. Peel, (v.) khok, pil-khok. Peep in, (v.) bih. Peevish, () thuk-thai. Polish, {v.) nawt-tle, (polished) mom, tie, tliang. Pond, {s.) dil-te. Ponder, (v.) ngai-tua, ril-ru/^. Pony, (s.) sa-kor. Pool, (s.) tui-hawk, dil-te, (deep pool in river) li. Poor, (a.) pa-chhia, re-thei, riang-vai. Pop, {a.) pok. Popgun, {s.) ka'pup. Popular, {a.) chal-iang. Porcupine, (s.) sa-kuh. Pork, {s.) vok-sha. Porpoise, (s.) zawng-duli nu. Porlion, {v.) (out) in-shem, (s.) bung, chan, chan-ai, chan-vo, chan-hrang. Position, (s.) zawng. Possess, (v.) (as spirit) chelh, (to have) nei, (to be possessed, as by spirit) zawl, (much of) ngah. Posses'^ion, (■y.) (to take or enter into) luah, ro'chung. PART IV.— DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 309 Possible, {z>.) rual. ^'y-^'-^- <^..^^ --^^ Possibly, {adv.) mah-na. Post, (s.) (of house) ban, (post upon which gayals' heads are placed) she-lu phan, (inside a house supporting ridge pole) shut. Posterior, (s.) mong. . . Posterity, (s.) chi-thlah, thal-be a mi. Pot, (s.) bel, (water) ka\vl-a bel. Potash, (s.) ching-al. Potato, (s.) (sweet) ba-hra-thlum, kawl-ba-hra. Potter, {s.) bel-vua-tu, bel-vua/^-thiam, bel-vaw-tu. Pounce upon, (v.) bawh, zuan. Pound, (v.) deno-^ (s.) (for stray animals, etc.) hren'na in. Pour, (zk) (in or out) chhun^, (out) bua/^, bun, leih. Powder, (v.) (to powder), chip, dip, (a.) (finely powdered) dip, (s.) phut, (powder measure) hah-teh, (powder horn) pai-tung, fung-ki, (gun) silai hlo. Power, {s.) thit ti thei-na. Powerful, (a.) chak. Practise, {v.) them-thiam. Praise, (v.) fak. Prawn, (s.) kai-I^uang. Pray, (v.) dil chiam-vak, dil lui, dil tlat-tlat, (to God) tong-tai, bia/^ be, chham-phual. Precipice, {s.) kham. Predicament, (to be in) mang-an^. Predict, {v.) shoi-lawk, hril-lawk. Prefer, (v.) duh zawk. Pregnant, (a.) rai, ruak-lo, (great with young) rai-teoh- Premises, (on the) hmun-a. Prepare, {v.) buat-saih, shiam, (beforehand or make preparation for) in-ring. Presence of mind, (v.) (to lose) chi-ai, ham-haih, hai-haih. Present, (for the or at) hrih, rih, (v.) om, tel. Presently, {adv.) nak-in-a, nak-in-deo-va, la, nak-in-hnua. Preserve, {v.) dah-tha, von^, von_^-reng. Press, (in) ben^, nem, (closely together) ti-muk. Prestige, {v.) (to lose) tlawm. Presumptuously, {adv.) vei. Pretend, {v.) der, ti-der. Pretty, {a.) moi. Prevail, {v.) ngam. Prevaricate, (v,) zep. Prevalent, {y.) (as disease) len^. 310 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Prevent, (v.) dal, thulh-tir, ti-khol-kham, ti-tlolh. Prevented, {v.) (to be) thulh, tlolh. Previously, {adv.) zet. Price, (s.) man, (v.) (to ask a price) chhiar. Prick, {v.) chhun, chiu, khei, (as ears) tun^. Prickle, {s.) hling. Priest, (s.) pui-thiam. Prim, (a.) u-luk. Prime, {v.) (a gun), beng-chah, hma-theh. Priming, (s.) (of gun) beng-chah, hma-theh. Print, (v.) nem-in ziak. Prison, (s.) lung in. Prisoner, {s.) mi-tang. Prize, (v.) ro. Probe, (v.) holh, rolh. Proclaim, (v.) tlang-ao. Procure, (v.) hmu, nei. Produce, (v.) de>^-chhua/5. Profit, (v.) (to make) hlep, (by) sawt. Profitable, (a.) kong awh, sawt. Profound, (a.) rit, ril. Progenitor, (s.) thlah-tu. ^ Prohibit, (v.) khap. Project and projecting, toh-lawt, lor. Prolix, (v.) (to be) shoi shei. Promise, (v,) tiam, tuk, thu tiam. Promote, (v.) choi-moi. Pronounce, {v.) lam. Proof, (s.) hriat-na, hriat-fiah-na. Prop, {v.) chhun-kal, do. Proper, (a.) chiang, dik, tlak, fel, moi. Properly, (adv.) chiang. Property, (s.) ro, thuam-hnaw, thom-hnaw. Prophesy, (v.) hrll-lawk, shoi-lawk. Prophet, (s.) zawl-nei. Proportion, (a.) (in right) In-phu. Propose, {v.) rot, (for marriage) bia-^. Proselyte, (s.) sa-phun. Prosper, (v.) ni-khua, thaw-ven^, v4n-ni chang. Prosperous, (a.) muk, nghet, eng-thawl. Protect, (v.) hum. Protrude, (v.) lor. Proud, (a.) cha-po, (of) chhuang. Prove, (v,) fiah. PART IV.—DICTIONARY— ENGLISH -LUSHAI. 3II Proverb, (s.) teh-khin-thu. Provident, {a.) kom deo. Provoke, {v.) run, run-ral. Prow, (s.) (of boat) hmur. Prudent, (a.) rem hria/, rem-hre. Prudently, (adv.) rem-hre-tak-in. Pseudo, {a.) shuak. Public, (s.) tlfing, van^-tlan^-mi. Publicly, (adv.) van^tlang zing-a, van^tlang hriat-in, van^-tlang hmu-in, a-lang-in. Publish, (v.) puan^. Puckered, (a.) chuar. Puddle, (5.) tui-hawk, tui-hawk-tling. Puff, (v.) (out the stomach) san^. Pull, (v.) hnuk, kai, po/, (up) po^, (out) phoi, (off) khok, (out, as teeth) thlon, (towards one, as bough, etc.) kuai kur, kuai. Pullet, (s.) ar-la. Pulse, (s.) mar, (v.) (to feel) mar dek. Pulverize, (v.) ti-noi. Pumpkin, (s.) mai, mai-pawl, urn. Punch, {v.) chum, (with knuckles) chum lok, lok. Pungent, {a.) ru, thak, thip. Punish, (v.) hrem, soi. Pup, (s.) ui no. Purchase, {v.) lei. Purify, {v.) in-thian. Purpose, {v.) chak-khai, ril-ru/^, ti, tum, rel. Purposely, {adv.) lui. Purr, (■y.) rum. Pursue, (v.) um, (for long distance) thlur. Pus, {s.) hnai. Push, {v.) nam, hnawl, nor, pir, (on one side) tawn, (in) holh, rolh, (over the edge) nam-liam, (over) ti-thlu/^, nam-tlui, (s.) ar-ngeng. Put, (v.) dah, (down, as load) nghat, (out) chhuak-tir, (by or off) dah, khek, (on, as coat) ha>^, (in) khung, thun, (on top or one on top of another) tian^, chher-chhuan, chhuan^, (together in one place) chhek-khawm, dah-khawm, (away or in order) dah- tha, (on the fire-shelf) hkk, (into mouth) hmom, (up for the night) nsik. Putrefy, (v.) toih. Putrid, {a.) toih. Python, {s.) sa-phai. 312 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Q Quadruped, {s.) fu-li-a-fa. Quail, {s.) va-hmim. Quarrel, (v.) in-hao, in-sual. Quarter, (s.) zat-ve khing phel. Queen, {s.) Lal-nu, (Lushai name for Queen Victoria, lit. ' The Company's mother ') = Kumpi-nu. Quell, (v.) thelh. Question, (s.) zawt-thu, thu-buai, (v.) chhuah chhal, chhal, (to ask a) zawt. Quick, (a.) chak, tuan-rang, (scented) hnaairfing, (of understand- ing) beng-var, (s.) (of nail) tin-hna. Quickly, {adv.) thuai, rang, thuai-thuai, saoh-saoh, sawt, hman-hmaw, Quick-tempered, (a.) thin ram. Quiet, [a.) chut, ngoi, ngoi-choi, nguai, ngui, {v.) dai, ti-ngoi. Quietly, {adTJ.) thlang, muan^. Quits, (v.) (to be) in-hen. Quite, {adv.) der, var, viah, vua, vur-var, hie, (not quite) deo lo. Quiver, {v.) khur. R Rabbit, {s.) sa-zu-pui. Race, {v:) in-tlan-shiak. Radish, {s.) an-tam bul bal. Raft, {s.) pum. Rafters, (of roof) in-chun. Rag, {s.) puan chhia. Raid, {v.) run. o^M- \ («?.) khuah-hrolh, pal-za. Raihng, ) ^ ^ ^ Rain, {s.) ruah, {v.) ruah a shur, (to go or be out in rain) do. Rainless, (as weather) shang. Rainwater, {s.) ruah tui, (caught from roof) kawn-tui. Rainbow, {s.) chhim-bal. Rain-coat, (used by Chins) hnaw-kal. Raindrop, {s.) ruah mal. Rainy weather, {s.) khaw cheng. Rainy season, {s.) fur. Raise, {v.) phok, ti-kan^, choi, (head) dak, (to a sitting posture) tung-tho, tung-thawh. Rake, {v.) huih, {s.) huih-na. Ram, {s.) be-ram pa, {v.) holh-khak, sawh-muk, sawh-khak. Rammer, {s.) tu-lung. Ramrod, {s.) holh-fung, silai holh-fung. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 313 Range, {s.) (of hills) tlang-dung. Rank, (a.) tul. Rankle, (in the mind) eng-to-a nei. Ransom, (v.) tlan. Rap, (v.) kik, lok. Rapid, (s.) shuar. Rare, (a.) vang. Rascal, (s.) mi sual. Rashly, (adv.) thu dawn lo-vin. Raspberry, (s.) thei-hmu, chul-thei-hmu. Rat, (s.) sa-zu, (musk) chhim-tir, (large species) zu-hrei, (water) tui-zu. Rather, (adv.) deo, fe, zawk. Ravage, (v.) ram. Ravenous, (a.) ko; Ravine, (s.) kor, kor-dung. Raw, (a,) hel. Razor, (s.) bak me'na, bak me'chem. Reach, {v.) ban, pavvh, pha*^, tlin^. Read, {v.) chhiar. Readiness, (z;.) (to be in) lo in-ring, lo beng vAr. Reading and writing, (s.) lekha, lai-shuih. Ready, (a.) in-shiam, peih, tiam, (affix, as in ready-made, etc.) sha, {v.) (to be or get ready) in-shiam, buat-saih, (to get or make ready) lo ring, shiam. Real, (a.) tak. Really, (adv.) ngei, tak, tak-zet, tak-meoh, tak-tak, zet, ng^. Steadily, {adv.) muan^. Steal, (v.) ru/('. Stealthily, {adv.) a ruk-in, ruk. Steam, {s.) tui-hu. Steam-boat, {s.) mei-long, mei-khu-long. Steel, {s.) kah-pa-thir, (of gun) silai-ui-lei. Steep, {a.) oih, (upwards) chho, chho tung-tu-rut, (downwards) chhuk. Steer, {v.) (for) pan. Stem, {s.) hnun, kung, dawn. Step, {v.) kar, pen, {s.) pen, (stairs) rah-ka, (over) kan. Stepfather, (.s-.) pa-hron. Stepmother, {s.) nu-hron. Stern, (of boat) mei. Sternum, {s.) ir ruh. Stew, {v.) mun^, mun^-koi. Stick, {v.) kai, bei, bet, char, bel, (in) bur, thiat, (as in throat, etc.) tang, (on a pole) tar, {s.) tiang, fung, (insect) ar-mong- holh. Sticky, {a.) ban. Stiff, {a.) khaoh, khong, (with work or being in one position) kham, rol. Still, {conj.) ama-e-raw-chu, ni-ma-shela, shi, {adv.) hie hie, la, tuna-pawh, tun thleng pawh-in. Still-born, {a.) bring h!um. 328 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Stilt, (s.) kal-chhet. Sting, {v.) slieh, (s.) zang. Stinging, {a.) (to tongue) hiar. Stingy, {a.) fir, kom. Stink, (v.) uih. Stir, (v.) chok, hot, sawh-bawl, (up) chok-hnok, ehokbuai. Stock, (s,) (of gun) kavvm. Stockade, (s.) kulh, dai-pui. Stocks, {s.) kol. Stomach, (s.) pum-pui, (of ruminating animal) bing. Stone, (s.) lung, (in bladder) zun-im-pui, (v.) deng, lung-in den^. Stool, (s.) thut-thleng, thut-na, thut-phah. Stoop, {v.) kun. Stop, {"v.) ban^, dal, dang, din^, lo-din^, cm, reh, ngoi, (stop crying) khui. Stopper, (s.) chhin, chhin-na, (v.) chhin. Store up, {v.) khawl-khawm, khawl. Storm wind, {s.) thli-pui. Stormy looking, {a.) khaw dur, khaw duai. Story (tale), {s.) thon-thu, (of house) chhawng. Stove, {s.) thuk. Straight, {a.) ngil, mar, (adv.) ngil, fuh. Straiuhten, {v.) (the arm, etc.) phar, char, (leg) thluan^, ti-ngil. Straightway, nghal. Strain, (v.) thli/, (tenesmus) san^. Strainer, {s.) chhih-hri. Stranger, {s.) hmel hiiat lo mi, mi-khual. Strangle, (v.) rek-hlum. Stratagem, {v.) (to use) ngam-thlem. Straw, {s.) pawl. Stray, {v.) kal-bo, bo. Stream, (s.) lui. Streamlet, (s.) lui te. Street, (s.) kot-thler, kot-lai, kot-lai-thler, thler. Strength, (s.) tha. Strengthen, (v.) ti-harh. Stretch, (v.) fan, (one's self) van, zi. Stretcher, {s.) hlang, taw-lai. Strict, (a.) I , , e^ • .1 / J \ } kher-mei. Strictly, {aav.) Stride, {v.) kar, pen, {s.) pen. Strike, (v.) vel, vua/', vaw, khawng, kut thla/^, (together) talh. String, (s,) hrui, hrui-zen, hrui-hrual. "Stringy, (a.) (as beans, etc.) na nei. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 329 Strip, (v.) (off, as leaves) hloi, (off) hik. Striped, (a.) tial. Strive, {v.) phe phe, turn lui-bram, turn hram. Stroke, {v.) ciiul, zut. Stroll, (v.) len^. Strong, {a.) tur, tha-hrui nei, chak, (as rope) fei ; khaoh, (as beer, tobacco, etc.) ru, (as beer) thlum, (durable) tlo. Struggle, (v.) tal. Stubble, (s.) kung-hmui, pawl-bul. Stubborn, (a.) luh-lul, ngdl-tavvt, ti-mawh. Stuck together, (a.) in-bel-bom. > Stumble, (v.) kat, pe-tek. Stump, (s.) bul, (short stumps of bamboo, rice, etc.) kung-hmui. Stupid, (a.) beng-tla-lo, ngong. Stutter, {v.) dang-awk. Subdue, (v.) ti-hmin, hmin. Subjects, (of a chief) khua leh tui. Subjugate, (v.) hmin, ti-hmin, (to be subjugated) hmin. Submerge, {v.) chim. Subscription, (to get up a) thawh-khawm, thawh-lawm. Substance, (s.) pang-ti, ti. Substitute, (s.) |ai-a\vh-tu, thlak-tu, (to take as) kai, (v.) (to become a) ai-awh. Succeed, {v.) hlawh-tling, pui-tlin', (to a chieftainship) thut. Suck, (v.) fawp, fep, hne/^, znk, (in mouth) hnuam, (up) davvt, dCit, hip, hup. Suckle, (v.) hne-tir. Suddenly, (adv.) phut, rum, thawk-khat-a, thut, voi-khat-a^. Suffer, (■y.]^ngai-thei. Suffice, (v.) daih. Sufficient, {a.) khaile, khai tawh le, khai tawh, kim, tawk. Sufficiently, (adv.) khop, tawk. Suffocate, {v.) hu/>-hlum. Sugar, (s.) chi-thlum. Sugarcane, {s.) fu. Suggest, {v,) rot. Suit, (v.) phu. Suitable, {a.) phu. Sulk, (v.) ngoi-tao. Sulky, (a.) ngoi-tao. Sulphur, (s.) kat. Sultry, (a.) uap. Summer, (s.) ni pui hun, ni pui lai. Summit, {s,) chhip, chung. 2 X 53^ LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Summon, (v.) lam. Sun, {s.) ni. Sunbeam, (s.) nl eng. Sunrise, (s.) ni chhua^. Sunset, (s.) ni tla/^. Sunshade, (5.) ni hliap. Sunshine, (s.) ni sha, ni lum. Superfluous, (a.) chuang. Superintend, {v.) en-kil, kil-koi. Superintendent, (s.) en-kil-tu. Supersede, (v.) Jan. Supper, (s.) zan-riah. Supple, (a.) nel. Support, (v.) dawm, kam, tang-kham, thlop, (to feed) chawm. Supporter, (s.) kai-za veng, chawm-tu. Suppose, {v.) ring, (supposing if) phei chuan, phei-in. Suppress, (v.) zep. Sure, (a.) zuam. Surely, (adv,) mathei-lo-vin, phot. Surge, (v.) fawn. Surly, (a.) thin chhe, thin chhiat. Surmise, (v.) hria/, ring. Surprise, (v.) phu-tir-zok, ti-phu-zok, (surprised, to be) phu/-zok. Surround, (v.) bavvw, hual, kil, vel, (animal, when hunting) zim. Suspense, (v.) (to be in) tuilai rap ang-in om, ngai-na reng hre lo, (to hold in) tui lai rap ang-in shiam, ngai-na reng hre lo vin shiam. Suspend, (v,) khai, zam. Swallow, (2).) lem, dolh, (s.) va-mur, (the wrong way) hak. Swarm, {s. and v.) rao. Swear, (v.) chhe-chham, chhia-chham, van-ni-chhal, (not to) sherh. Sweat, (s.) tlan, (7;.) tlan a sha. Sweep, {v.) hmun phiat, phiat. Sweet, (a.) thlum. Sweet-potato, (s.) ba-hra thlum, kawl-ba-hra. Swell, (■y.) puam, vun^, bawk. Swelling, {s.) bawk, vun^, puam. Swift, (a.) chak. Swiftly, (adv.) chak. Swim, (v.) tui hleoh, (or float catching hold of knees) bur chhe Ian, (with face under water) hmai phum tui hleoh, (like a dog) ui tui hleoh, (upright, carrying net and catching fish) len fung choi, (on side) ngha-tun-bek-bor-tleng-in hleoh, (with hands behind the back) sal tui hleoh, (to walk water) tui-dung chhir. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH -LUSHAI. 33I Swindle, (v.) ti-bum, ti-dawn^. Swindled, {v.) (to be) dawn^. Swing, (v.) uai, (to and fro) then, {s.) pi-pu. Swollen, (a.) pawng, puam, vun^. Swoop down, (v.) thlawk-bir. Sword, (s.) khan-dai, ngum-hnam, chem-shei. Syphilis, {s.) sai-hri. Syphon, (s.) don-kawn, {v.) shiak. Syringe, (s.) ka'chik. Table, (s.) dawh-kan. Tadpole, (s.) u-long. Tail, (s.) mei. Tailor, (s.) puan thui-tu, kor thui-tu. Tailor bird, {s.) dai-kat, hnah-khawr, hnah-fun. Take, {v.) Ikk, keng, pom, (away) kal-bo-pui, kal-pui, (off, as coat) blip, (away from) lak-sak, chhuh, chhuh-sak, (out) phorh, (to pieces) thiat, (up spinning top) dong, (part in) tel, (heed) fim-khur, (out from eye) thian^, thiar, (to one's home or with one) hawn^, (on one side) hruai hrang, (with one) hruai, (off, as hat, cover, etc.) phong, phok, (off the fire) shuan. Tale, (s.) thon-thu. Talk, (v.) tong, thu shoi, (in sleep or delirium) tong-a, tong-vai, (to one's self), phun, phun ru. Talkative, (a.) dang-nal, kam-tam. Tall, {a.) shan^. Talon, (s.) tin. Tamarind, (s.) chhim-kel-lek. Tame, {v. and a.) khoi, ngam. Tamp, (v.) hnawh, phu-hru/^. Tan, {v.) (as sun) hem-hang, hem-dum. Tang, {s.) (of knife, etc.) zang. Taper, (v.) zuih (also tapering). Tarry, {v.) om. Task, {s.) (special or allotted) turn, {v,) (to do task) turn. Tassel, (s.) peh-buk. Taste, (v.) tern, hria/, hre. Tattoo, (v.) tial, (s.) (a tattoo) tial. Taut, (a.) chhing. Tawny, (a.) vom. Tax, (v.) choi-tir, (s.) lei-ba, lei-tha, lei-tlang, chhiah. 2x2 532 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tax-collector, (s.) chhiah-khon-tu. Tea, (s.) thing-pui. Teach, (v.) hrilh. Tear, (v.) tet, thler. Tears, (s.) rait-tui. Tease, (v.) chhaih. Teat, (s.) hnu-te hmur. Teeth, (s.) ha, (milk) ha-hlam, (permanent) ha-tha, ha-thar, (mo- lars) ha-pui, (incisors) ha-hmai, (canine) ha ui ngho. Telescope, (s.) dar-chhem-thei, en-tlang. Tell, (v.) hril, hrilh, zai. Temper, (v.) (as steel) tuai. Temperate, (v.) (to be) in-shum, {a.) in-shum-thei. Tempered, (a.) (as steel) tuai-om, (bad tempered), vin. Temples, (s.) (the) thial-pawn. Tempt, (v.) thlem. Ten, {a.) shorn. Tenacious of life, {v.) hnuk a fei. Tend, (v.) chavvm, en-kol, (fire) tuah, (with care) duat. Tender, (?.) no. Tendon, (5.) tha. Tendril, (s.) ba. _ Tent, {s.) puan in. Tenth, {a.) shom-na. Tepid, {a.) lum deo. Terrible, (a.) hlao-om. Terrify, (v.) rap. Terrified, {v.) (to be) zam. Terrifying, {a,) rap-thlak. Test, (v.) fiah. Testicle, (5,) til, til-mu. Than, {conj.) ai, ai-a, ai-in, hne/^-in, hne/^-chuan, ai-chuan. 1 hank, (v.) lawm thu shoi. Thankful, (a.) lavvm-na chang hria, lavvm-na chang hre, lawm. That, Uo7ij.) lam, tih, (/r^. and a.) chu, kha, chu-chu, chung-chu, saw saw-saw, kha-kha, (up there) khi khi, (down there) khu khu. Thatch, {v.) di chih, chih, {s.) (thatching orrass) di. Thee, {pro.) che, (also to thee, from thee, and for thee). Their, {pro) an, an-ma-ni, an-ni. Theirs, {pro.) an-ta, anmani-ta, an-ni-ta. Them, {pro.) an-ma-ni, an-ni. Themselves, (reflex prefix) in ; an-mani-in, an-ni-in. Then, {conj.) ani-lo-leh, chu-ti-chuan, chiat, tal, {adv.) leh. PART IV.— DICTIONARY — ENGLISH -LUSHAI. 333 Thence, {adv.) chuta-chu-an, chuta-tang chuan. There, {adv.) chu-ta-chuan, kha-ta, kha-ta-khan, saw-ta, saw-ta- sawn, saw-lama, (up) khi-ta, khi-ta-khian, (down) khu-ta, khu- ta-khuan. Therefore, {conj.) chu-vang-in, chu-ti-vang-in, chu-ti-chuan. These, {a. and pro.) chung-chu, chung-te-chu, chung-ho-chu, heng-hi, heng-te-hi, heng-ho-hi. Tliey, {pro.) an, an-ma-ni. Thick, {a) chhah, phok, khal, ban, (as bamboo) var-lo, (as liquid) hnang, (set, in build), sa-vok-len-lon. Thief, {s.) mi ruk-ru, mi ruk-ru-hmang, kut kem nei, ruk-ru. Thigh, {s.) mal-pui. Thin, {a.) cher, (thin out) (as paper, etc.) pan, (as liquid) chiao, (as bamboo) var, {v.) hram, suat. Thine, {pro.) nangma-ta, nang-a-ta, i-ta. Thing, {s.) thil, mi. Things, {s.) bung-rua, sum, thuam thuam-hnaw, thom-hnaw. Think, {v.) ring, ngai-tua, bei-shei, dawn, ril-ru>^. Thirst, {v.) tui hal. Thirsty, {a.) tui hal. Thirteen, {a.) shom leh pa-thum. Thirty, {a.) shom thum. This, {pro. and a.) he, he-hi, hei-hi, chu, chu-chu, Thistle, {s.) buar. Thorn, {s.) hling. Thorough, {a.) tha-hnem-ngai. Thoroughly, {adv.) kip-a-koi-in, phui-tak-in, tha-hnem-ngai-tak-in, tha. Those, {a. and pro.) chung-chu, chung-te-chu, chung-ho-chu, khang-kha, sawng-saw, (down there) khung-khu, (up there) khing-khi. Thou, {pro.) nang-ma, nang, i. Though, {co7tj.) ma-shela. Thoughtful, {a.) ngil nei. Thousand, {a.) shang, (ten thousand) shing, (one hundred thousand) nuai. Thrash, {v.) vel, vuak. Thread, {s.) zai, (of screw) tial. Threaten, {v) thu tiam, tiam, vo, (by gesture) tin. Three, {s.) pa-thum, thum. Thresh, {s.) vua/^. Threshinsj-floor, {s.) fa-suar, hrui. Thrice, {adv.) voi-thum. Thrifty, {a.) kom-deo. 334 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Thrive, (v.) ni-khua. Throat, (s.) hrok, or. Throng, (v.) nek. Throttle, (v.) rek-hlum. Through, (adv.) tlang. Throughout, {prep.) vel-a, vel-In. Throw, iy.) den^, vom, (up) vorh, (away) paih, (down from the back, as a load of wood) keoh, (as spear, etc.) khawh, (down) thla^', (into the air) van vorh. Thrust, {v.) (from one) hnar kir, hnar-thla, (the arm in) zen. Thumb, {s.) kut-zung pui. Thunder, {s. and v.) khaw-pui ri, puvina thleng pui hnu' rik. , Thunderbolt, {s.) tek. Thus, {adv.) chu-ti-chuan. Thy, {pro.) nang-ma, nang-a, i. Tick, {s.) sa-phi-hrik. Tickle, {v.) dek, ti-za, zar. Tidy, {v.) chei, {a.) u-luk, in-chei. Tie, {v.) tawn, chilh, (in a weaver's knot) suih, (in a knot), suih tung- tu-rut, (a knot in a single piece of string, etc.) suih bawk, (in a bow) suih-hlih, (together) suih-fin, (in corner of cloth) bawk, (hands behind back) hnung-khirh, (up, as animal) thlun^. Tier, {s.) chhawng. Tiger, {s,) sa-kei, phai sa-pui. Tight, {a,) (taut, stretched tightly) mar. Till, {conj.) thleng-in, chin-a, hma lo chuan. Time, {s.) (future) hun, (past) lai, {v.) (to be high time) tul. Timid, {a.) ti, tih. Tin, {s.) rang-va. Tinder, {s.) mei-bu, (box) mei-talh bawm. Tingle, (as with cold) {v.) hit, hik. Tip, {s.) hmawr, hmur, tlang. Tipperah, {s.) Tui-kuk. Tip up, {v,) buk. Tire,^ {v, ir.) hah-tir, {v,) (to be tired) re-thei, hah, kham. Tired of, {v.) mng. Tiresome, {a.) hah-thlak, nin-om. Tiring, {a.) hah-thlak. To, {prep!) hnen-a. Toad, {s.) u-tok, u-phar. Toadstool, {s.) pa-chhia. Toast, {v.) hem-ro, {s.) chhang hem-ro. Tobacco, {s.) dum-ei, vai-hlo. Tobacco box, {s.) dum bawm, dum bur. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 335 To-day, (s.) voi-in, voi-in-a."' Toe, (s.) ke-zung, (big) ke-zung-pul, (second) ke-zung chal, (middle) ke-zung lai, (fourlh) ke-zung u, ke-zung te u, (little) ke-zung te, (toes, collectively) ke-zung tang. Together, (adv.) fin, khawm, ron, rual, in, (with) chop-in. Toil, (v.) thawk rim. Toilsomely, (adv.) rim. Toihvorn, (a.) rim. Tomato, {s.) sap-bok-bawn. Tomb, (s.) thlan. Tomorrow, nak-tuk-a, (tomorrow night) nak-tuk-zan-a. Tone, (5.) zai. Tongs, (s.) chai-che', (for lifting pot from fire) shuan-kual. Tongue, {s.) lei, (of reed in musical instrument) zang. To-night, (s.) nak-zan-a, zan-in-a. Too, (adv.) law-tuk, lu-tuk, lua, lua-tuk, (as well) ve, kep, fawm. Tool, (s.) hriam. Tooth, (s.) ha, ngho. Toothache, (s.) ha na. Top, (s.) chung, chhip, (of tree, etc.) ler, (spinning) kaih-bu. Torch, (adv.) mei-chher. Torrent, (s.) (rainy season) tui-tai. Tortoise, (s.) sa-tel, tel-khaw-mual, tel-pui, (small) tel-rang. Torture, (v.) nghai-sha. Toss, (v.) vorh, (from a sieve) chhok. Touch, (v.) dek, khoih, dep, ngheng, kut thla/^. Touch-hole, (of gun), (s.) silai beng-kua. Touchy, (a.) thin ram. Tough, (a.) pheng. Toward, (pre/>.) lam-a. Towel, (s.) in-hruk-na puan. Town, (s.) khua, khaw. Trace, (v.) chhui. Track, (v.) chhui, hnu chhui, hnu zui. Trade, (v.) sum dawng. Trample, (v.) chil, ra/-bet, tlawh-bet. Trance, (v.) (to put into a) zeL Transform, (v.) let, chan^-tir. Transparent, (a.) dang-da, en-tlang-thei, fim. Trap, (s.) thang, fal, khawng-pui, mang-khawng (wild fowl) be-af-thang, (tiger) fal-pui, (which spears) kar, (for fish) ngoi, (bear) vom-tlak, (monkey) zawng tlak, zawng-khar- khep. 33^ LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Tread, {v.) ra/", (out or upon) chil. Treasure, (v. and s.) ro. Treat, (v.) (badly) chhe-tak-in ti, hneh-chhiat, hneh-sawh, (well) tha-tak-in ti, (with unfairness) nek, (to anything) ti-tlai. Tree, (s.) kung, thing. Tree fern, (s.) kok-pui. Tremble, (v.) khur. Triangular, (a.) kil thum. Tribe, {s.) chi. Tributary, (a.) (as village or state) chhiah. Tribute, {s.) lei-ba, lei-tha, lei-tlang. Trickle, {v.) put, far. Trigger, {s.) hme'per-na, silai hme'per-na. Trip, {v.) (against) pal. Trivet, (s.) lung-thu. Trouble, (v,) ti-buai, chil-bual. Troubled, {a.) lung-kham. Troublesome, (a.) hah-thlak, hreh-om. Trough, (s.) kuang, thleng. Trousers, (s.) ke-kor. True, (a.) dik. Truly, (rt^z/.) ti-tak-in, ti-tak-a, tak, dik. Trunk, (s.) (of tree) kung, (of elephant, etc.) non. Trust, (v.) ring. Trustworthy, (a,) rin' thlak, rin* cm. Truth, (s,) thu tak, thu dik. Try, {v.) chhin, tin, hram. Tub, (s.) tai-kuang. Tube, {s.) dawn, dawt. Tuber, (s.) bul-bal, bul-bawk, (young tubers) n6. Tuck in, (v,) zep. Tumbler, (s.) rial-no. . Tune, {s.) hla kai-zia Turban, (s.) diar. Turbid, {a.) nu. Turkey, (s.) sai-ar. Turmeric, {s.) ai-eng. Turn, (v.) her, hoi, (down, as lamp) herb-lut, (up, as lamp) herh chhuak, (over, upside down or round) let, ti-let, (up or inside out) lep, lep-she, (towards) chhon^-, (to right or left when walking) pen^, (up) hlim, (to take turns) in-chhawk, (over, as page of book, stone, etc.) phok, (adv.) (in turns) chhawk. Turtle, (s.) tui-sa-tel. Tusk, {s.) ngho. PART IV. — DICTIONARY — ENGLISH - LUSHAI. 3J7 Tweezers, (s.) chai-che'. Twelve, (s.) shorn leh pahnih. Twenty, {a,) shom-hnih. Twice, {adv.) voi-hnih. Twig, (s.) tang. _ Twilight, (s.) thim-hmul, thim-hlim. Twin, (a.) phir, (twins) fa phir. Twist, (z;.) tei, thuei-chhum, (round and round) zem, (round) herb, (as rope) hrual. Twisted together, (a.) in-kherh, lek. Two, (a.) pa-hnih, hnih, (two together) dun. u Udder, (s.) hnu-te. Ugly, (a.) hmel chh'mt, hmel chhe. Ulcer, (s.) khoi-hii. Umbrella, (s.) ni-hliap, (Lushal), shik-shil. Unable, {v.) thei lo, mawh. Unadorned, {a.) raawl. Unanimous, {v.) (to be) thu-rual, thu khat vua/^. Unanimously, (adv.) thu-rual-in, thu khat vua-in, tlang. Unavenged, (v.) (to be) phu tap. Uncle, {s.) (paternal) pa, (maternal aunt's husband) pa, (maternal) pu. Unclean, (a.) thian lo, bol-hlawh, (because of a death) sam hram pu. Uncock, (gun) {v.) khung. Uncomfortable, {a.) nuam lo, hreh-om. Uncommon, (a.) dual lo, duai-dim lo, na-men lo, vang. Uncover, (v.) phok, hong. Undecided, (a.) ril-ru nei lo. Undemonstrative, (a.) chut. Under, {prep.) hnuai-a, hnuai lam- a. Undergrowth, {s.) hnim. Undermost, (adv.) hnuai ber. Underneath, {adv. and prep.) thuai-a, hnuai-a. Understand, (•y.) hria^, hre. Undeservedly, {adv.) mai-mai. Undetermined, {a.) ril-ru nei lo. Undo, {v.) phelh, thiat. Unearth, {s.) (by scratching) hai. Unencumbered, {a.) (with children) hul-har. 2 Y 338 LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Uneven, (a.) bum-boh, rual-Io. Unfasten, {v.) phelh. Unfledged, (a.) hmul-kawng. Ungrateful, {adv.) lawm-na chang hre lo. Unfortunate, . («.) ham-chhia, re-thei, van-duai, dawng, dawng- thlawn. Unharmed, (, thli/-fai. Winnowing fan, {s.) shishep. Winter, {s.) thla-shik. Wipe, {v.) hru/f. 344 LUSHAl GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Wire, (s.) thir hrui, (thin brass) dar-zai. Wise, {aJ) fing, beng-var, rem-hriat. Wisely, (adv) rem hre tak-in. Wish, [v.) duh, nuam, turn, lung-kham, nglat, (s.) thu thu, duh- zawng, Witch, (s.) doi thiam. Witchcraft, (s.) doi. With, iprep.) hnen-a, lak-a, nen, zing-a, chung-a, m. Withal, (adv.) vei-nen. Wither, (v.) thim, uai, vuai, rawp. Within, {prep.) chhung-a. Without, {prep.) pawna, lo-vin. Withstand, {y.) do-dal. Witness, {s.) hre-tu, thu-hre-tu. Wizard, {s.) doi thiam. Wizened, {a.) zur. Woman, (5.) hmei-chhia. Womb, {s.) chhul. Wonder, {v.) mak ti. Wonderful, {a.) mak. Wood, {s.) thing, (wooden) thing. Wood-louse, (5.) pu-van-a sai-hlum. Woodpecker, {s.) thloh, tuk-lo, va-lim-chho. Wood-pigeon, {s.) va-hui, ram-parva. Wood-sorrel, {s.) shiak-thur, thur-shiak. Woof, {s.) puan phei. Wool, {s.) be-ram hmul, hmul, kawl-la. Word, {s.) thu. Work, {s.) hna, hna-thaw/^, thil ti, iy.) thavvy^, ti, che/, hna thaw/^, phe phe, (for wages) hlawh fa, hlawh, (at) nghai-sha, soi-sha, (hard) thawk rim, \special or allotted work) turn, (to do the same) tum. Workman, {s.) be-kar, hna-thawk, hna-thawk-tu. Works, {s.) thil ti, chet-zia. World, {s.) khaw-vel, lei. Worm, {s.) chang-pat. Worms {s) (disease), hut, rul-hut, {v.) (to have worms) hut pal, rul-hut pal. Wormwood, {s.) sai. Worried, {a ) lung-kham, mang-an^. Worry, [v. t.) ti-buai, li-mang-ang. Worse, (a.) tha lo zawk, chhe zawk, {adv.) tha lo deo, chhe deo. Worship, {v.) biak. Worth, {v.) (to be) hu. PART IV.— DICTIONARY— ENGLISH -LUSHAI. 345 Worthless, (a.) hnai-shal-lo, engma tang-kai lo. Worthy, (a.) rual, tlak, tui. Wound, {v.) hham, ti-sil, ti-pem, {s,) p^n, (fresh) pern. Wounded, (a.) in-hliam, pern, sil. Wraith, (s.) hmui-thla. Wrap, (v.) fun, (round) tuam. Wrapper, (s.) fun-na. Wrench, (v.) thuei-chhum. Wrestle, (v.) in-buan. Wretched, (a.) hreh-om. Wriggle, (v. L) kar, {i?it.) ik\. Wring, (v.) sawr. Wrinkle, {v.) chuar, vuai, zur. Wrist, (s.) ban-rek. Write, (v.) ziak. Wrong, (a.) dik lo, sual, thian^ lo. Wrong way about, {a. and adv.) let-ling. X Ni'L Yam, (s.) ba-hra. Yard, (5.) huang, huang-chhiing. Yarn, (s.) la, (red) shen-te-lek, ting shen, (blue) ting, ting dum. Year, {s.) kum, (this) kumin-a, (next) nak-kum-a, (last) ni' kum-a. Yearly, (adv.) kum-tin. Yearn, {v.) ngai, duh, ch^k. Yeast, {s.) chol, doi-dim. Yellow, (a.) eng, (as fruit) tai. Yelp, {v.) be-leoh. Yes, {adv.) aw, a-ni, ni-e, ani-e. Yesterday, ni-min-a. Yet, {adv.) la, tun-thleng-in, {conj.) ni-ma-shela, shi, tiina-pawh, tun-thleng-pawh-in. Yoke, {s.) nghawng-kol. Yolk, {s.) tui chhung mu. You, {pro.) nang-ma-ni, nang-ni, in, {obj.) che u. (Also from you, for you, and to you.) 2 z 34^ LUSHAI GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. Young, (a.) naopang, shen, no, rol-thar, (s.) (of animals, birds, etc.) no. Your, {pro.) nang-ma-ni, nang-ni, in. Yours, (pro.) nangmani-ta, nangni-ta, in-ta. Youth, {a.) rol-thar, tlang-val. Zealous, {a.) tha-hnem-ngai. Zealously, {adv.) tha-hnem-ngai-tak-in. Zenith, {s ) van lai zavvl. Zig-zag, {a.) ki-kiao. Zinc, {s.) rang-va tui thei. Zinnia, {s.) vai der-ken. ft I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on tlie last date stamped below. kJUW 1 2 1978 INTERLlBRAr^Y LOAN JAN 2 7 iS83 DUE TWO WEEKS FROM DATE OF RZtElPT Q^ ■ St .d-tci-LjuMo RECT) UJ-tlRB MAR 8 1983 Fovm L9-Series 444 Hg 'Jv^naHHNH ll'™ S^SSH -^ f^^^HJ^^H Ctr y\ iiiiiiiiiiin 3 1158 00165 18d/ UCLA-Young Research Library PL40()1.L8 L8 y L 009 558 503 PL l8l8 ■'^^ ^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 305 279 o '''■'Xru \M ]~'4:'k