m m i ? n \ V/l I I n % ^ I University of California. OK THE ( tI KT < )1- Received Q-TyC^^^i^ ■ ^^o^ Occasions No.J5'7ff ■ Chns No. GENERAL CATALOGUE BowDOiN College MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE 1 794- 1 894 INCLUDING A HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE INSTITUTION DURING ITS FIRST CENTURY PREPARED I)Y GEORGE THOMAS LHTLE THE LIBRARIAN IJRUNSWK K MAINE PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE 1894 c.^ <> N^/- I'KINTED AT JOURNAL OFFICE, LEWISTON, ME. PREFATORY NOTE. At their annual meeting in 1893, tlie Boards of Trustees and Over- seers requested the librarian to issue a new edition of the general catalogue, which should include a concise history of the college. They also directed that this publication sliould not bi- distributed to the alumni gratuitously, but should be sold at one dolhii- a cojjv, a [jrice that does not exceed tlie actual cost of manufacture. Tlie librarian soon found that the preparation of a concise history wliicli should be both authoritative anased upon tin; jxiriisal and study of all tlie original authorilii's and sources of information that have occurri'd to iiiiu as worthy of con- sultation. The large amount of illustrative and interesting material to be found in old documents and in printed addresses which were iiot apparently used in the valuable history of the college prepared by Messrs. Cleave- land and Packard, has led him to (|iiote freely fi-om liolli llicsc sources, believing that the very words of the chief actors and their contemi)ora- ries afford truer pictures than would any attempt of his to remould them into his own narrative. The general catalogue has been prepared on substantially the same plan as the last, that of 1889. It aims to give the date and place of birth, also, Avhen necessary, (5f death, the residence and occupation, and the academic degrees of every graduate. Membership in the upper branches of State Legislatures and in Congress, the holding of otiier IV BOWDOIN COLLEGE of the hi^flier political and jiulicial offices, and service in the late civil war are noticed. As a rule, residence in different places is not given unless the person has I'esided in each ten years. Change of occupation and other considerations, however, have frequently modified the appli- cation of this principle. When not otherwise stated the place of death is the residence last mentioned. Every one who detects an error, or can supply any deficiency, is earnestly requested to inform the compiler at once. It was decided shortly before the printing had begun, to include in a separate list all regularly admitted academic students who had not received a degree from the institution. It was impossible in the brief time at his disposal for the compiler to engage in as extended inquiries as he would otherwise have attempted. It is sincerely hoped that many of the imperfect records in this portion of the catalogue will be completed at once through the co-operation of those who consult it. The names of many, known in earlier times as " university students," and more recently as " special students," have been omitted, because there was no source from which a satisfactory list could be compiled. The length of time, four months, during which the volume has been in press, has rendered it possible to add at the close of the histor- ical sketch numerous facts and dates received too late for insertion in their proper place in the catalogue. The writer takes this opportunity to express his gratitude for aid rendered l)y numerous correspondents, by several of the student assist- ants in the library, by General Joshua L. Chamberlain, LL.D., and Professor Jotham B. Sewall, A.M., who have read the advance sheets of the historical sketch, and especially by the assistant librarian, whose untiring labor has alone made it possible to prepare and print the volume without undue neglect of the routine work of the lil)rary. BowDoiN College Library, May 14, 1894. CONTENTS. PAfJE Pkeiwtory Note, iii List of Ii,lii.strations, HISTORICAL SKETCH. CiiAi'TER T. The Establishment ix Need and general desire for a college in Maine — First move- ments — Legislative delays — Location — Provisions of the cliar- ter — Criticism and proposed change — College townships — Massachusetts Hall. CiiAi'TEU II. The Bowdoins xix The Huguenot ancestor — elames T>o\vdoin, the mercliant — Gov- ernor Bowdoin — His scientilic and literary attainments — His political services — Hon. James Bowdoin, the jtati-on of the Col- lege — His benefactions — His will — The contingent remainder — The I>owdoin Art Collections — Benefactions from other mem- bers of tlie family. CiiAi'TER HI. President McKeen's Administration. . . xxxi Rev. Joseph McKeen — Professor John Abbot — Re(piirements for admission — Inauguration of President — The cun-icu- lum — Metliods of instruction — Salaries — Library and ai)))ar- atus — Tutors — College discipline — Professor Parker Cleave- land — Cleaveland Recitation Room and Cabinet — Thoi'ndikc Oak — President's liouse — The old chapi-l — The first Commence- ment — President McKeen's death. Chapter IV. President Aitleton's Administration. . . xli Rev. Jesse Appleton — Bible study — College discipline — Maine Hall — State aid — Commons — The President as a teacher — Professorsliip of English and Heltrew — Other instructors — Stu- dent societies — Religious life — President Appleton's death — Political antagonism to the college. VI BOWDOIN COLLEGE Chapter V. President Allen's Administration. . . . lii Rev, William Allen — State and College — Increase of students — Benevolent society — Winthrop Hall — Maine Hall burned — Pro- fessor Newman — Professor Packard — Professor Upham — Pro- fessor Smyth — Professor Longfellow — The old faculty — The curriculum by departments — Student life — Attempted removal of the president — Second fire in Maine Hall — President Allen's resignation. Chapter VI. President Woods's Administration. . . Ixxiii College finances — President Woods — His views on College dis- cipline — Residence abroad — The chapel — Tutors — Impairment of the endowment — Denominational position of the College — Collins Professorship — Representation of different denomina- tions in the Board of Trustees — Semi-centennial — Law school — Improvement of the grounds — The curriculum — Alumni be- quests — Resignation of President Woods. Chapter VII. President Harris's Administration. . . Ixxxv President Harris — His views on collegiate instruction — Teacli- ing of Natural Science — Changes in the corps of instructors — Memorial Hall — Student societies — The Peucinian and Athe- najan — Tlie Greek-letter societies — Resignation of President Harris. Chapter VIII. President Chamberlain's Administration. xc President Chamberlain — Changes in college methods — The scientific department — Course in engineering — Its discontinu- ance and rearrangement of the curriculum — The military drill — The Alumni Association — Representation of the alumni on the Board of Overseers — The Winkley and Stone professor- ships — President Chamberlain's resignation. Chapter IX. President Hyde's Administration. . . . xcvi Professor Packard's death — The college jury — Professor Chap- man as dean of the faculty. President Hyde — Mission of tlie small college — The Sargent Gymnasium — Tlie curriculum — The observatory — The library — Benefactions — The Garcelon bequest — Renovation of Maine Hall — The Walker Art Build- ing — The Searles Science Buildin":. CONTENTS vii C'liArxEU X. Medical School of Maine cii Kstablii^lmu'iit — State aid — Dr. Nathan Sniitli — Proposed hos- pital — Dr. Jolin D. Wells — Medical professors — Adams Ilall — Seavey Anatomical Cabinet — Changes in the curriculum — Pro- posed removal to Portland — Bequest of Mrs. Garcclon. Index to Historical Skp:tch, cvii Additions and Cokkections, cxi Alumni, 27 Medical Graduates, 104 Honorary Graduates, 14G Non-Graduates, 157 Undergraduates, 177 Summary, 181 Index, 183 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The Walker Art Building. The Bowdoin Gallery. BowDoiN College in 1822. The Chapel Bowdoin College in 18r)2. The Mary F. S. Searles Science Building Bowdoin College in 1892. PAGE ix . xxv . Ivii Ixxiii Ixxxix xcvii 1 ^^^ OP TH»! >^ :TJKIVEE3IT71 o z. Q J 3 CQ h or a, or tii a tn X HISTORICAL SKETCH. CHAPTER I. THE ESTABLISHMENT. Need Jind general desire for a college in Maine— First movements- Legislative delays — Location— Provisions of the charter — Criticism and proposed change — College townships— Massachusetts Hall. Bowj)OiiSr College does not trace its origin to the niunifi- eence of an individual, the zeal of a denomination, or the devel- oj)nient of a previously-existing school of lower grade. Its estahlislunent was due to a wide-spread feeling among the [)eople in the District of Maine that a college was needed within their holders. The po])ulati()n of the three counties of York, Cum- berland, and Lincoln, which, in 177i;ind iiimiu .-onic good Hoay the Boards of the college, tliis proviso is removed, and tlie institution is not rfslricted as to the amount of funds it may hold in carrying out the purpose of its charter. XIV BOWDOIN COLLEGE universities ; ' to elect the president, professors, and instructors, to fix their salaries and define their duties ; in general to serve as the executive board of the institution. No corporate business, liovvever, can be transacted luiless seven Trustees are present, and no act of theirs is valid until it is agreed to l)y the Overseers. These also form a corporate body, consisting of not more than forty-five nor less than twenty-five persons, of whom fifteen form a quorum. The President of the college and the Secretary of the Trustees are ex officio members. The Overseers have the right to remove a member for incapacity or neglect of duty ; to fill all vacancies in their numl)er ; to require an account of the Treasurer of the college and to fix his boncl; and, most important of all, to veto any act of the Trustees. No person except the President and the Secretary of the Trustees can be at the same time a member of each Board. The legislature has the right to grant further powers to the corporations, or to alter or annul existing powers as far as necessary to })romote the best interests of the college . The closing section of the charter grants, from the unappro- priated lands belonging to the Connnonwealth, five toAvnships, each six miles square, with the provision that the Trustees or their as.sigfns should cause fifteen families to be settled on each of these townships witliin twelve years. The customary reserve is also made in each township of three lots of three hundred and twenty acres each, for the first settled minister, f. 212. Xvi BOWDOIN COLLEOE public seminary can never become prosperous, unless by accident, or by the peculiarly meritorious labours of a wise and vigorous Faculty ; overcoming many disadvantages, and preventing with uncommon pru- dence, and felicity, the mischievous effects of indigested, desultory regulations." The evils foreseen and described above have been realized on several occasions. Fortunately, during the decades in which they were most noticeable, they were more than neutralized by the loyal and efficient group of men who then formed the teaching- force and whose customary title for many years was " the executive o-overnment." At the outset, what might seem to be a lack of interest in the infant institution was displayed in the lower Board. Of its forty- two members, one-third never attended a meeting. A few of these absentees were men whose names were included in the charter solely on the ground of official station. Most of them were kept away by the expense and difficulty of traveling or by the infirmities of age. In subsequent years, however, the number of overseers who have kept themselves informed as to the interests of the institution has been so large, and the assistance they have rendered so material, that a proposal made by a prominent alumnus in 1SS4 to do away with this Board received comparatively little a})])roval.' Slow progress was made in the task of organizing the college. Eight years elapsed between the granting of the charter and the beginning of instruction. The two governing Boards had diffin-ent theories as to the cause of this. The Overseers claimed that the Trustees were old and dilatory. The Trustees maintained that the lack of money was the root of all the evils under which the institution labored. Furthermore, if they were slow, tlie Overseers were obstinate.^ The records seem to indicate that the latter were over-anxious to have their own way in the matter of iSee Boiocioin Orient, vol. xiii., p. 239; vol. xiv., pp. 5, 7, 22, 38, 70. 2 The dissatisfaction of the Overseers went so far as to lead them to petition the General Court to increase the number of Trustees. That body made a formal reply to the legislature, an abstract of which is given in Cleaveland's History of Bowdoin College (p. (i), and the matter was apparently dropped. IIISTOinCAL SKETCH XVll the size and cost of the first hiiiMinix to he erected. For this purpose tliey were wilUni;' to dispose of" two of the fi\(' townships lirauted hy the state, and tlieir repeated vetoes of the more eaiitioiis proposals of the Trustees dehiyed action. Au"ain, some time was lost hy the failure of each Board to ohtain a (piorum for one iiii|)()r- tant special meeting to he held 25 August . 17'.l."».at Uruusw ick. The chief reason for this delay in organization was inal)inty to realize a sufficient amoinit of money from the unprodncti\e lands granted hy the state. "There was much land in tiic niai-ket selling at twenty cents (an acre) and even lower, and it was difficult to sell at any price."' To sell the e(dlege townships for a hnvcr price than such propei'ty had ohtained in the past and was likely to secure in the future seeme(l an unw ise course to the committee having the matter in chai'ge. Fortunately, as the se(piel proved, these conservative counsels |)re\ailed. The five townships, the gift of the ( 'onnnonwealth, were sui'\cycd and formally transferred to the college, 25 Fehruary, ITIH!. They are now known as Dixmont, Sehec, Foxcroft, (iuilford, and Ahhot. The value of this amount of wild land, if cstimatecl at the average price per acre received hy the C'onnnonwealth for other land sold in 171)4, was $21,441. 12. ^ The expenses of survevinii' and settlintj were considerahle, and the losses from unfulfilled contracts not a few during a long series of ycai-s, yet the net amount realized from this charter endowment may he conservatively estimated at twenty-five thousand dollars, with interest at six per cent, from the very first. In 17i)S, a hegimiing was made upon a "House for the use of the College." This house is now known as Massachusetts Hall. It was to he completed as soon as the Treasurer could |)ay the $2,400 approi)i-iated for its erection. Tiie site had hccn chosen two years hefore, when, on the 111 .Inly, ITlMi, the r)oar I'nr English Dissertations have been i-egnlarly awarded foi- a long series of years. He was active in organizing the Massachusetts Humane Society, and served as its president foi- a long pciiofl. It was not, however, by his scientific attainments and philan- thropic disposition that Governor Bowdoin won the high place he held in the estimation of his generation. It was his fortune to live at a period when ))olitical iitfairs dcni:indcd thought .-iml action on the part of every true-hearted citizen. It is to his honor that his study of the j)olitical situation, ennieil on thorouirhlv, conscicntiouslv, and boldlw led him to choose the party of American independence, a [)arty which, though possessed of several leaders of e1. In XXU BOWDOIN COLLEGE the rough draft of a speech, delivered by him in the colonial leg- islature, occur these words : " If the Colonies were united, they could easily drive the French out of this part of America ; but, in a disunited state, the French, though not a tenth part so numerous, are an overmatch for them all. They are under one head and one direction, and all pull one way ; whereas the Colonies have no head, some of them are under no direction in military matters, and all pull different ways. Join or die must be their motto." In 1757 he was chosen a member of the Council, or upper house of the colonial legislature, and was annually re-elected for the next seventeen years. Here he took part in all the discussions of the prolonged controversy between the British Ministry and the Colony, and drafted a lai^ge part of those state papers which, as a distinguished descendant has said, "originally and gradually pre- pared the })opular heart for the great issue of independence." He was styled the leader and manager of tlie Coimcil, as Samuel Adams was of the House. The royal governor writes of him : "Bowdoin greatly encouraged, if he did not first propose (as a measure of retaliation for the arbitrary taxes imposed by Great Britain) the association for leaving off the custom of mourning dress for the loss of deceased friends ; and for wearing, on all occasions, the common manufactures of the country." In 1 774 his election to the (\)un<'il, which had once before been vetoed by the royal governor, was again negatived by General Gage, acting in accordance with express orders from His Majesty George HI. The same year he was chosen first on the list of delegates to represent Massachusetts at the First Continental Congress at Philadelphia. Had not the serious illness of his wife and the partial failure of his own health hept him at home, his name would probalily have held the prominent place on the Declaration of Independence now occupied by that of his substitute, -John Hancock. In 1775 he was elected a mem])er and chosen presi- dent of the Provincial Coimcil, a body which exercised supreme autliority in the colony. Tliis position brought him into personal relations with Washington, which resulted in an intimate acquaint- ance and a lasting friendship. In 177!) lie served as presiding officer of the convention that framed the constitution of the HISTOl.'K'AL SKKTCII Xxiii commonwealth, and also as chairman of the select committee that framed the first draft. Under this constitution he was ottered hv the first legislatm-e the position of iiciifciiant-H-ovcnior iiiid also that of senator. He declined each, hut accepted, a few months later, meml)ership on the commission to revise and codifv the laws of the state. In 1785 he was chosen (jovernor, and re-elected the followinassed bv Massa- chusetts in ITS") at the suggestion and earnest reconuuendation of Governor Bowdoin. Still more noteworthy was his action at I lie time of Shays' rel)ellion. The firnmess and the wisdom he dis- played in putting d(»wn this insiu-rection at the cost of nnich j)ersonal unpopularity ha\c established with |)osteritv his reputa- tion as a far-sigiited and lUiselHsh pati'iot. It was a critical pei'iod. l)el)t and discontent wi're evcrywliere rile, and the triiunph of law and order in Massachusetts meant the triumph of the saoK- princi- ples in the other states. After retiring from the chief magistracy, (JoNcrnor Uowdoiu was again called to exert his inttuence in the coin cntion asseinl)Icd in 17 temple, sacred to liberty and \ irtue, — sacred to justice, the first and greatest })olitical virtue, and built upon the broad and solid foundation of perfect union — be dissoluble only by the dissolution of nature I XXIV BOWDOIN COLLEGE and may this convention have the distinguished honor of erecting one of its piDars on that lasting foundation." Governor Bowdoin's health, never robust, failed rapidly in the fall of 17110, and he died on November sixth of that year. Of his many eulogists one has described his character as truthfullv as forcefully, in the sentence : " It may be said tliat our country has produced many men of as much genius ; many men of as much learning and knowledge ; many of as much zeal for the liberties of their country ; and many of as much piety and virtue ; but is it not rare indeed to find those in whom they have all combined and been adorned with his other accomplishments ? " The death of this man amid wide-spread sorrow on the part of the ])eople, seems to have In-ought the friends of the proposed college in the District of Maine to a decision as to its name. With genuine New England shrewdness, however, one of them procured an introduction to the only son of the late governor, mentioned the pro]>osed action, and made natural suggestions as to the interest shown in learning hy the family in the past, and the many needs of a new institution. Mr. James Bowdoin, as a descendant of the interviewer writes, lieard him through without objectioH, l)ut made no promises. Subsequently, however, assur- ance was given that the new college should have aid from the family, though the assurance was coupled with the caution that too much must not be expected. Hon. James Bowdoin, the third to bear this name, and the patron of the college, was graduated at Harvard in 1771, studied law ten months at the University at Oxford, and spent nearly the same time in travel in England. After a short stay at home, he again crossed the Atlantic, mainly on account of his health, which was always delicate, spent some time in Italy, and was on his way to Eno^land when the news of the Battle of Lexinjiton called him home. He was anxious to enter the army, but his parents' health, not to mention his own, seemed to forbid. He was with General Washington, however, when the latter entered Boston in iNIarch, 177(i, and took his conunander to dine at his grandfather Erving's, where the best the town could afford was placed before them in a piece of salted beef. Mr. Bowdoin entered political life as a 'TJSIVEI13IT71 o M Q a Of >:< a: o O « X h HISTOHICAL KKETCir XXV rej)resentative to the legislature from Dorchester iu ITlSl!. IK- was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 178H, and also served in the state senate and the governor's council. In 1S04 he received a commission from President Jefferson as Minister Pleni[)otentiarv to the Court of Spain. He was sul)sc(|U(ntlv made associate minister with (Jcncral Armstrong tit the ('(init of France. His stay abroad, though not successful in the ohjcct especially l)efi)re him — compensation for rc[)eated spoliations of American commerce — was indircctlv of the gfreatcst bcncHt to the college, the needs of which he seems constantly to have had in mind. Ill health caused his return in 1808, and three years later, October 11, 1811, he died suddenly at his favorite residence on the island of Xauslion in Buzzard's Bay. At the first meeting of the Trustees of tiic college at Portland, December 3, 1794, a letter was read from Mr. Bowdoin, express- ing his appreciation of the respect shown his father's memory iu the name chosen for the college, and announcing a gift of one thousand dollars in specie and one thousand acres (»f land in Powdoinham. The land was valued by the rccii)ients at :?.'>, 000. The next year another communication was received, translciiing to the college a well-seeiu'cd mortgage ibr nearly three thousand dollars, and asking that it might be employed for the endowment of a [)rofessorship of mathematics and natural and expciinicntal philosophy, the interest being added to the principal until a })rofessor was chosen. Mr. Powdoin was urged to accept the position of President of the Board of Overseers, but ficclined owing to the difficulty of regularly attending the meetings at Brunswick. His interest, as well as his confidence in the insti- tution, appears from the fact that his grand-nephew and heir, James (AA'inthrop) Bowdoin, was sent to the "down-cast "' college rather than to Cambridge. Shortly before his death, Mr. Bow\('(l, to be worth. I be other, ^Ir. James Temple Bowdoin, continued to Uw al)r()ad witli his family. At his death in 1X42, President \\'oods was h-d to believe that the patron of the college, a strong Jcfii-rsonian democrat, never intended any of his property should be held abroad by British subjects, and his study of the law of contingent XXVIU BOWDOIN COLLEGE remainders convinced him that the college could now justly advance its claims as residuary legatee. After consultation with eminent lawyers, he had this course pursued in spite of the lukewarmness of some of the Trustees, themselves jurists of eminence, and of popular disap[)roval in Boston of the pai-ticular steps taken to bring the matter before the courts. The case, however, was never tried. A compromise was proposed by the heirs of Mr. James Temple Bowdoin, and, in accordance with its terms, $31,696 was received by the college.^ In accordance with the provisions of the will, the college received at once Mr. Bowdoin 's library. This consisted of upwards of two thousantl volumes and of as many pamphlets. The books Avere largely purchased abroad, and were evidently chosen with much personal care and thought. The collection was especially strong in French literature and history, in science and agriculture, and in international law. In mineralogy it seems to have included almost everything in print. The works in English literature are well selected, but the absence of poetry is noticeable. If Greek and Latin poets, and Shakespeare, jNIilton, and Pope are excluded, hardly one volume is found where one might expect a dozen. Among the more expensive sets may be mentioned Bulliard, Herbier de la France, Le Moniteur Universel, 1781»-1S()7, Tab- leaux Historiques de la Revolution Fran^aise, Memoires de rinstitut National, and the first American edition of the Encyclopiedia Britannica. The library was appraised at $5,362.26. Time has made queer work with some of the values assigned by the ap- praisers. The " 131 bundles of pamphlets in number about 2117 " contained some of the rare tracts on American history now so diligently souglit for, and their market value to-day, instead of being one-twentieth, might well exceed that of the books. With the library came the Haiiy collection of minerals valued at $400, models in crystallography valued at $200, and other scientific apparatus ap[)raised at an equal amount. The following lA fuller account of this transaction is given in Cleaveland's History of Bowdoin College, p. 108. The reader, however, should be cautioned against one sentence so unfortunately worded as to seem to reflect upon the honor of a most loyal Trustee of the college. HISTORICAL SKETCH Xxix chapter will show the iiiHuonce these exerted on the character of the instruction in science in the coUeii^e. Of tar o-reater value, ,thou<>-h of less immediate service, were the seventy })aintin<;s and one hundred and forty-two drawings, bcfjueathed to the ccdlene with the lil)rary. Mr. r)owd<»in in his re[)eated visits to Europe seeins to have develo|)ed a lo\c for .nt which his last residence in Paris gave him an excellent opportunifv to gratify. Unfortunately no memoranda are extant of the inan\ purchases he made there. No catalogue from his own h.-md exists, or appears to have existed at his death, of a collection then considered the finest in this country, and wdiich still holds a niost [)rominent place among those possessed hv American colleges. The inventory furnished hy the executors identifies each picture 1)\ its subject but fails to give the name of the painter except in case of twenty-two canvases. These belong mainly to the Dutch school and include good examples of Wouvermans, Hondekoter, Berghem, Van Balen. and Michael Carr^. The Flemish school is represented by originals or fine cojnes of Rubens, Vandvck, and Teniers ; the French school by originals by Stella, Patel, Mau- glard, and Laroix ; the Italian school by a Sahatoi- Kosa ;ind bx copies from Raphael, Titian, and (iuido Reui. Portraits nf Thomas Jefferson and -lames Madison, painted by (iilbert Stuart at Mr. Bowdoin's s[)ecial request, are admirable specimens ot" American art. The Bowdoin family portraits w'hich were received at later date include good examples of the work of Roi)ert Feke, John Singleton Copley, and possibly of John Smibert. Less known to most graduates of the college, because not till recently arranged for j)ublic exhibition, is the collection ot one hundred and forty-two drawings by old masters. These, there is reason to siu-mise, were bought at one time from an e\pci-t col- lector. In inherent worth as well as in representative cliai- acter they form a collection that is surpassed by (»nly one or two on this side of the Atlantic. Among the famous artists re|)re- sented are Titian, Domeuichino, Claude Lorraine, Poussin, and Rembrandt.' 1 A series of pliotogravures of some of tiie drawings and paintings, edited by Rev. Frederic II. Allen, was issued in 1S.S(! and is still sold by the college librarian. It is also projjosed to issue reproductions in color of the choicest drawings. XXX BOWDOIN COLLEGE This account of the Bowdoin benefactions would l)e incomplete without l)rief allusion to the interest taken in the colleg'e by the ladies of the family. Madame Elizabeth Bowdoin, the widow of Governor Bowdoin, requested President McKeen to indicate what books were needed at the opening of the institution in 1802, and these to the value of five hundred dollars were immediately purchased in England and delivered at Brunswick free of all expense. Mrs. Sarah Bowdoin at about the same time presented an elegant time-piece. To her subsequent gift of one thousand dollars for the foundation of a professorship of modern languages is due in great measure the prominent position early awarded that sul)ject in the college curriculum, and the addition to the Faculty of one of its most honored names, Henry W. Longfellow. CHAPTER J 1 1. PRESIDENT McKEEN'S ADMINISTRATIOX. Rev. Joseph McKeen — Professor John Abbot — Requirements for admission — Inauguration of President— The curriculum — Methods of instruction— Salaries— Library and apparatus— Tutors— College disci- pline — Professor Parker Clcaveland — Cleaveland Recitation Room and Cabinet — Thorndike Oak — President's house— The old chapel— The first Commencement — President McKeen's death. At a special meeting- \\v\d in July, l-SO], Rev. .loscpji McKeen was chosen president of the collei>e.' President McKeen was born at Londonderry, N. H., Octoher 15, 1757, and inherited from his Scotch-Irish ancestry a stron^^ constitution and viiiorous and athletic body. He was graduated at l^artmouth at seven- teen, taught in his native town for eight years, iind tjun, ni'lcr ;i briel' course in natural phiIoso[)hy and astronomv at II:ir\ard, gave liimself to the study of theology under Rev. Mr. ^^'illi:lUls, of AVindhani, X. H. In r7- the Latin authors read, while Dalzel's Colleetanea Grreca jNIajora and Webber's Mathematics were the bulky text-i)ooks that supplied material for study in the other two branches. liiu'toric and elocution were taught by exercises throuiihout most of the course. Geography was a Freshman, logic a Sophomore, and Locke on the Human Understanding, a Junior study. Palcv's Evidences of Christianity, Butler's Analogy of Religion, Stewart's Elements of the Philoso[)liy of the ]Mind, Priestley's Lectures on History, Burlamaqui's Natural Law, Enfield's Natural Philosophy, and Chaptal's Chemistry were text-books used duiiiig the Sc nior year. As a rule, college recitations were literally recitations. The words of the author and not of the learner were sought. In the classics, construing, i. e., giving the e(piivalcnt of each word rather than translating into connected sentences, was every- where in vogue. President McKeen evinced a disposition to break away from the old methods, as may be inferred fiom the following account by one of the first |»upils : "As a teacher in mathematics he was lucid, and uncommonly suc- cessful in his illustrations. The exemplitication of al)Stract propositions by models has been introduced into modern })ractice ; hut at the time referred to, it was, if at all, very sparingly used. With Dr. ISIcKeen it was a familiar custom. Some of the properties of conic sections, in particular, were so illustrated. As a teacher of historical science, he evinced a philosophic mind and generalized its lessons with ha])py eifect and useful results. As a teacher of intellectual and moral pln'losophy he exhibited a thorough comprehension of his subject and was felicitous in gathering illustrations from actual life Dr. McKeeu had eminent administrative and gubernatorial talent. He very highly estimated the efficiency of what is termed " moral suasion," l)ut prob- ably never dreamed of its being the exclusive means of government. He never mistook men for angels." ' If consideration be had of their limited resources, it is clear that the Trustees pursued at the outset a lil)eral ])olicy in regard 1 Manuscript address by John M. O'Brien, Es|>h'ton, then pastor at Hampton, N. 11.. and this was a|)pi-o\('(l l)\ ihc other Board. President .Vppleton was born 17 November. Ill 2, at New r[)swich, N. II., graduated at Dartmoiitli in 171)2, and stuiHcd theology with Dr. Joseph Lathrop, ol" A\'cst Si)ringficld, Mass. While yet a young man he had won a reputation for ability and scholarship, and had been a [)rominent candidate for the Hollis professorship at Harvard. Of the esteem in which his parish- ioners held him, evidence is given in the curious claim they made upon the college to be [)ecuniarily reimbursed for the loss of their pastor. Thougli not a controvei'siaHst, President Appleton was a leader on the evangelical side in the division that was then beginning to separate the Congregational churches of New Eng- land. He brought to the president's chair a sense of personal responsibility for the moral, religi<^us, and intellectual welfare of the young men connected with the institution which many would characterize as morbid, and which certainlv led to excessive labor xlii BOWDOIN COLLEGE and anxiety. In his inaugural address, delivered in December, 1807, after a tribute to the literary value of the Bible he suggests " vrhether some general system containing the outlines of Christian theology might not with advantage be considered as a necessary part of collegiate studies and whether his education should not be regarded as deficient who has no particular knowledge of the facts and doctrines described in the sacred volume." ' In furtherance of this belief he conducted regularly a Sabbath evening exercise in Bible study in the chapel, in which all the students participated and for which he himself made especial preparation. This course was supplemented by the " theological lectures " delivered on Thursday afternoons. They were composed with great care and form the major portion of his works which were publislied posthumously in two octavo volumes. So earnest was he, not only in these public ministrations, but also in his daily recitations and private conversation, that it was said by one of his pupils that no one could go through Bowdoin College without receiving serious impressions. A large portion of President Appleton's inaugural was devoted to the subject of college discipline. He held the view then prev- alent that college authorities should guard with paternal care, the students should render strict obedience, and that every transgression should receive a just recompense of reward. The specified [)un- ishment nlust be inflicted not solely to maintain due subordination and respect for lawful authority, but as a part of a fair and hon- orable contract between two parties. This theory was executed with a conscientiousness and an impartiality that won respect, but that caused an amount of labor and of friction at which college Fac- ulties of the present day would stand aghast. For playing cards, for staying away from his room at night, for failing to ol:)serve study hours, for walking or driving unnecessarily on the Sabbath and for other similar offences, definite penalties were fixed and imposed. Unfortunately, delinquencies of this sort, while they occupy page after page of the records of the executive govern- ment, were not the only ones to be punished. The habits of iThe works of Jesse Appleton, D.D., in two volumes, with a memoir of his life and character. Andover, 1837. "Vol. ii., p. 392. HISTORICAL SKETCH xliii society at that time and the circumstance that the students, for the first twenty years of the college's existence, were mostly from the wealthier class in the community, made intemperance a formid- able foe to college order and morality. The temptation to drink to excess, if opportunity be considered a part of temptation, was surely far greater than at the present day ; while the i)ersonal oversight conscientiously exercised by college officers living in the buildings made every shortcoming known. The failures of men well disposed and generally correct were not overlooked. On one occasion a young man, who afterwards became a faithful and honored pastor, was publicly admonished for having been over- come with liquor. There is no reason to believe that intemper- ance and kindred vices were more prevalent at Bowdoin than at other colleges at this period, but it seems proper to mention the earnest and open measures taken to check them. On the failure of the public admonition, the usual course was to suspend the student. Of sixteen cases of suspension during this administra- tion, six resulted in permanent separation from college. There were also two instances of dismissal or removal by tlic parent at the request of the Faculty. It became evident in the previous administration tliat the endow- ment of the college was not sufficient to provide new buildings as they were needed, or even to maintain a suitable number of instructors for the increasing body of students. The college, therefore, was forced to appear as a suitor for legislative aid on several diffiarent occasions. In 1804 the General C\)urt bestowed upon the two younger colleges, Williams and Bowdoin, equal rights in a "residuum of land in the town of Sullivan." This land proved to be ledge and was unsalable, until the era of spec- ulation in 18o2, when Bowdoin received two tliousand dollars for its half. In March, 180(5, the township now known as Etna was granted to the college. It was promptly sold, and a[)parently brought into the college treasury $11,311.49, the amount appro- priated in September of that year for the erection of a new structure. A college dormitory one hundred feet long, forty feet wide and four stories high, had long been an aspu'ation of the Boards. xliv BOWDOIN COLLEGE They had formally voted to build it ten years before, but poverty forbade. In 1808 such an edifice was completed and occupied by the students. A few years later, having perhaps lost some of that pristine importance which rendered a special name unneces- sary, it was formally designated Maine Hall, in honor of the new state. The various vicissitudes it has since experienced will be referred to in their chronological connection. It should be remem- bered, however, that the building was originally of greater archi- tectural pretensions than at present, having entrances in front with an elaborate pediment. The architect was Mr. Samuel Melcher of Brunswick, who also designed the old church and Winthrop Hall. The rooms were heated by open fire-places and provided with closets for study, which could not, however, be used in winter, and with capacious " wood-holes." They were without carpet, paint, or paper, but the charge for room rent was only five dollars a year. Encouraged by the liberality of the previous legislature, the Boards in Septeml)er, 1807, petitioned for the grant of two town- ships of land to increase the permanent endowment of the college. The petition was granted. ITnfortunately, however, the demand for wild lands had slackened. After repeated eiforts to sell them unlocated, two townships in Piscata({uis County, still known as the Bowdoin College Grant, were formally transferred to the col- lege in 1813. They continued in its possession, a source of expense rather than income, for twenty years. They were then sold for $21), 440. Owing to the presence of squatters the college had difficulty in disposing of the valuable lands given l)y Mr. Bowdoin in Bowdoin and Lisbon. Sebec, one of the townshi[)s in the original grant, brought |14,000 into the treasury ; but the sales from two others, Guilford and Abbot, which were made directly to settlers, ceased during the so-called " Ohio fever," while the severe seasons of 1816-17 crippled many who had already pur- chased and given notes on long time. The annual income of the college repeatedly failed to meet its current expenses. Under these circumstances the President and the senior professor agreed that two hundred dollars should be deducted from their salaries each year until " better times." Some of the Trustees proposed a HISTORICAL SKETCH xlv lottery, but fortunately for the record, if not for the wealth of the institution, this pro[)Osal did not receive tlie sanction of the Boards. The legislature was petitioned for j>ecuniarv aid, not "for authorization to raise $30,000 hy a lotteiy," IIa[)[)ily for all concerned, the friends of the two other colleges in the C\)nnn(tn- wealth, Harvard and Williams, who were before the General Court on a similar errand, made a joint request. As a result an act was passed, February, 1, who had given the three intervening years to teaching, was appointed tutor in 1811), and professor of ancient languages and classical literature in 1824. For forty-one years Professor Packard conducted the work in Latin and Greek, a part of the time without the assistance of a tutor, while for three of these years, 1842—5, he also had over- sight of the department of I'hetoric and oratory. In his inaugural address on the method in which the classics should be taught, he said: "Like faithful guides we are to show the ])U|)il th(! most direct path to knowledge and become companions of his way, pointing out to him as he advances, wliate\cr may animate and iHon. Peter Thacher of Boston, Mass. Ivi BOWDOIN COLLEGE allure, and leading him to the most favorable points, whence he may view all that is grand and beautiful." This simple yet com- prehensive ideal he faithfully strove to carry out. His habit was not to dwell upon minute philological and grammatical details, but to unfold and illustrate the thought of the author. His reci- tations were enriched by occasional lectures carefully prepared to stimulate the student's appreciation of the literary style of the author read and the historical relations of the text. He felt keenly the importance of a correct yet free translation of the original, paragraph by paragraph, a method to which William Pitt, as he was wont to remind his pupils, owed much of his remarkable fluency and facility in debate. This characteristic of his teaching, the more noticeable by reason of its departure from the traditional method,^ sometimes incited his students to render- ings more idiomatic than he desired, as, for instance, when John P. Hale translated dimidium facti,qui coepit, habet — "well lathered is half sliaved." His o^enuine interest in educational matters led to several essays and addresses which were published in tlie JS^orfh American Review and in the C. Smith wrote in lleste, at the close of days of vexatious drudgery. His manuscrii)ts with their carefully elah- orated formula? show that he not only read hut mastered. Under circumstances that woidd have deterred one of less indomitable will, he prei)arcd his well-known series of mathemat- ical text-books. The first was a small work on [)lanc trigonome- try, issued for the use of his own classes in 1S25. His algebra appeared in 1830, received warm conunendation from Dr. Bow- ditch, and was adopted as a text-book at Harvai-d and at other institutions. After passing through several editions it took the form of two separate l)ooks, tlie P]lcnicntary .Vlgebra and the College Text-book of Algebra. In l-So 4 elementary algebra was made one of the requirements for admission. Two years later he [jublished an enlarged edition of the trigonometry with the applications of the science to surveying and navigation. His treatise on analytic geometry was issued in the same year, and in IS.")^ Iiis Klcmcnts of the Differential and Integral Calcnhis. The List nuntioiiiMl work evinced no little oi'iginality. It i'ccei\ed ('m|)hatic ap|»ro\al in high (piarters, notably from the late Professor Bache. In addition to his mathematical instruction Professor Smyth gave lectures on natural philosoj)hy, and towards the close of Ins hfe on astronomy. With all his college work he found time to lal)or earnestly for the general interest of the community and in social reforms. The [)ublic schools of the town were graded and suitable buildings erected largely through his exertions ; the chuix-h and the parish found him a never-tiring worker. He early joined the anti-slavery movement, met hardship and even outrage in the advocacy of his views, and his house was a well-known station on the under-ground railwav. The [)rofess()rship of modern languages was the last <»f the four new chairs established under President Allcu. Instinct ion in French had been given as early as 1820 l)y a native who was not awarded a place upon the faculty, though on one occasion, at least, the college treasurer assumed the payment of iiis fees. Ix BOWDOm COLLEGE In September, 1825, the Boards voted "that a professorship be established for the instruction of the Junior and Senior cLisses in the modern languages of Europe, particularly in French and Spanish, and that until a professor be elected, the executive government make the best .provision in their power for such instruction at an expense not exceeding $500." This temporary provision was made by engaging Joseph Hale Abbot, of the class of 1822, who had pursued post-graduate studies at Cambridge, and who was subsequently a successful teacher in Boston. A professor, it is said, was informally selected at the same time in the person of a talented young man of the graduating class, whose well-known literary ability had recently, according to tradition, forced itself upon the attention of a prominent trustee by the fine rendering of an ode of Horace. It was soon after arranged that Henry W. Longfellow, after three or four years of study abroad (he was then a youth of nineteen ) , should fill the chair now known as the Longfellow Professorship. Upon this he entered in 1829. One who enjoyed his instruction writes as follows : ' " He had secured a large place for his department in the currieuhim and lie awakened great enthusiasm among the students. In studying French we used a grammar which he had himself prepared. In stiuly- ing Italian we used a grammar in the French language also prepared by the professor. His painstaking in preparing these grammars was one of many indications of his enthusiasm in his teaching. But he did not confine himself to linguistic teaching. He aimed to open to us the literature of these languages, especially the French, and to arouse us to interest in it. In addition to the recitations already mentioned he gave a course of lectures on French literature. They were given in the chapel to the students of all the classes who chose to attend. I remember these lectures as highly elaborated and in their style highly finished and polished. Under his teaching we were able to gain a knowledge of these languages which it was easy to retain and complete after gradu- ation so as to use them through life in the study of their respective literatures. But he did not attempt to teach us to converse in them. His literary attainments, spirit, and enthusiasm did not fail to exert an inspiring and refining influence on those thus associated with him through four years." 1 Rev. Dr. Samuel Harris, in Bowdoin Orient, v. 14, p. 203. HISTORICAL SKETCH 1x1 Of Mr. Longfellow's own view of his work, the following extracts from his inaugural address, delivered 17 August, 1880, give an interesting glimpse : " When a man's duty and liis int'linntion go hand in hand surely he lias no small I'cason to rejoice, no ieehle stimulus tt) act. The truth of this I feel. I regard tlie profession of a teacher in a far more noble and elevated point of view tlian many do. I can not helj) believing that lie who bends in a right direction the pliant disposition of the young and trains up the ductile mind to a vigorous and healthy growth, does some- thing for the welfare of his country and something for the great interests of humanity 1 cannot regard the study of a language as the pastime of a listless hour. To trace the progress of the human mind through the progressive development of language, to learn how other nations thought and felt and spoke, to enrich tlie understanding by opening upon it new sources of knowledge and by speaking many tongues to become a citizen of the world, these are objects worthy the exertion their attainment demands at our hands. The mere acquisi- tion of a language then is not the ultimate object, it is a means to be employed in the acquisition of something which lies beyond. I should therefore deem my duty but half performed were I to limit my exertions to the narrow bounds of grammatical rules, nay, that I had done little for the intellectual culture of a pupil, when I had merely put an instru- ment into his hands without explaining to him its most important uses. It is little to point one to the portals of the magic gardens and enchanted halls of learning and to teach him certain cabalistic words at whose utterance the golden hinges of its gates shall turn : — he must be led through the glittering halls and fragrant bowers and shown where the richest treasures lie and where the clearest fountains spring. And it will be my aim not only to teach the turns and idioms of a language, but according to my ability and as soon as time and circumstances shall permit, to direct the student into the literature of those nations whose languages he is studying." It is believed that under Professor Longfellow, Bowdoin was the first New England college to give that prominence to modern languages as a part of the required course which has since become so general. The appointment of Professor Ticknor at Harvard antedates his by a dozen years, but the duties assigned to the former in the work of instruction were far less. At Yale, during this period, teachers in French and Spanish were recommended Ixil BOWDOIN COLLEGE by the faculty, but the students paid extra fees for such instruction, and the study of modern languages was not required for a degree. After his resignation in 183G to accept a corresponding position at Harvard, the character and traditions of the professorship were worthily maintained for nearly twenty years by Daniel Raynes Goodwin, afterwards provost of the University of Pennsylvania, who, like Mr. Longfellow, had prepared himself for his duties by residence and study abroad. The academic fsiculty which President Allen gathered around him continued, with the exceptions already noted, to be the teaching force for two-score years. The services of Cleaveland, Newman, Upham, Packard, and Smyth, continuing on an average upwards of forty-five years, gave a peculiar individuality to the institution for the first half of its existence. They were men of marked and varying personality. Their characters have been thus portrayed by one who knew them well, both as pupil and as colleague : i "There was tlie impassive, inflexible Allen, precise, stately, stiff ; but just and kind and faithful ; antujua homo vii'tnte e.t fide ; more learned than apt to teach ; a good ruler for all but the unruly. There is a maxim of college goverimient emanating from the school of the cele- brated and excellent Dr. Nott, Avhich reads something like this: 'Be sure you make friends of the scoundrels, you need have no fear from the good men'; or, in its earlier and naive pagan version, 'Keep on good terms with the Devil, and God will do you no harm.' President Allen never adopted the detestable maxim. He never courted popu- larity, and so, perhaps, he never deserved it. With a warm and gener- ous heart beating unseen and unsuspected beneath the cold exterior, living in all good conscience before God every day, he met abuse and obloquy with the invincible bravery of Christian meekness. Late he has gone to his rest. "There, too, was the gentle Newman, the faithful friend, the classical scholar, the skillful and patient teacher, the accomplished Christian gentleman ; — beautiful, delicate, pure as the opening flower of spring, he faded early from our sight ; but he left the fragrance of a good man's name behind. iRev. Dr. Daniel R. Goodwin, in liis Alumni Address of July 8, 1873. The graceful tribute to Professor Packard, who was present, is omitted, as it does not attempt to characterize the man. HISTORICAL SKETOTl Ixill "There was the magiiilicent and massive CU^avehiiid, rldnim cl ven- crabile nomen^ — lotus, feres atque rotundus, — with stuti' eiioiiiih in hiiu to make a dozen men ; exuberant in intellectual powers, in labor inde- fatigable, of" eagle vision, masterly in construction, wise in selection, lucid in exposition, a true lover of science, l)ut an inveterate hater of theory; as a lecturer unequaled, as a teacher unsurpassed; the model professor, joining gravity and playfulness in one, making knowledge attractive and study a delight ; in government claiming severity as his own exclusive privilege, yet always shrinking from its actual exercise ; forgetting nothing, remembering eveiybody ; among the fathers and founders of the college, yet the genial brother of all her sons. He fell bravely in the harness ; and never did college suffer a sorer bereave- ment. " There was the indomitable and uncompromising Smyth : Justus, propositi tenax, stern in principle, rough in exterior, yet of finest sensibilities, a great heart in courage and in kindness, a Bayard in chivalrous sentiments, of more than feminine tenderness and delicacy, unselfish, uncalculating, often the best frii'nd of those who took him for their enemy. To be first a man and then a gentleman, esse quam videri, was the motto of his life. He was a conscious enemy to no one. His was a fierce and tiery nature, but its intensest heats had their locus in the intellect and the conscience, in the clear apprehension and ilecp sense of right, and not in any violence of passion. His greatest fault was that, born an enthusiast, \\i' was made a professor of matlu'Uialics. He loved his family with a peculiar strength of aireclion,— so he loved Iiis friends, so he loved his church, so he loved his country, and so lie loved the college. Whatever he felt, he fcdt through and through ; whatever he did, he did with all his might. The college had no more devoted and zealous servant or benefactor than Professor Smyth. Foi- the college he lived and for the college he died. "There, too, was the sensitive and saintly Upham, who has but just passed away from his earthly labors ; — half hermit, half man of the world ; a most extraordinary combination of weakness and strength, of simplicity and astuteness, of bashful modesty and unflinching l)oldness, shrinking as the mimosa, not only from human touch but from the very gaze of human eyes, yet ready to march fearlessly to the cannon's mouth^in the dark; a poet, a philosopher, a philanthropist, a mystic, the very apostle of universal love ; prolific in plans, exhaustless in expedients, in eflfort unwearied, as versatile and many-sided as Ulysses, — but to the right and the good as steady at heart as the needle Ixiv BOWDOIN COLLEGE to the pole ; often, perhaps habitually, driven by sheer modesty out of the straightforward high road into by-paths and circuitous ways. Of large and varied learning, and of the broadest human sympathies, genial, and generous to a fault, he sought to find what was good in everybody, — even in the oddest and most anomalous specimens of human kind. He did as much as any man to give a high reputation to Bowdoin College. He knew no vacation Avhen any work was to be done in her behalf, and that he might increase her endowment, he impoverished himself." To o-ive at the same time a definite and an accurate account of the work these men did and of the curriculum as it existed tinder President Allen, the following tabidar statement has been pre- pared from the annual reports to the visiting committee for the year 1833. It should be noted that Professor Newman had charge of the chapel services in the absence of the President, and that Professor Longfellow was college librarian, a position requiring his attendance at the library from twelve to one each day. Occasional lectui-es not mentioned in their reports were given by him and by Professor Packard, for which pr()l)ably some reo-ular recitation was omitted. The aAcrage length of the three terms was a little more than twelve weeks. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY. First Term. Seniors, 74 recitations in Astronomy and Spherical Trigonometry, including Nautical Astronomy, with exercises on globes, tellurion and other apparatus. Second Term. Seniors, 74 recitations in Chemistry. Medical Class, Seniors, Juniors, 62 lectures on Chem- istry. Third Term. Seniors, 49 recitations in Natural History. Seniors, 41 lectures on Mineralogy and Geology. Seniors, 33 lectures on Natural Philosophy. Professor Cleaveland's famous lectures on chemistry must not be mentioned without describing them. "After an early breakfast, it was his invariable custom, continued to the last years of his life, to go to his laboratory, and employ the whole intervening time in preparing for the lecture of the day, laying out his topics, performing beforehand every experiment, and practicing every manipulation. These prepara- HISTORICAL SKETCH Ixv tions were interrupted only by the irugal repast sent to lilni ironi liis lioiise in a small basket when the dinner hour had arrived. In these preparations he always had one or more assistants. When at length the hour of the lecture had arrived, and the eager and punctual audience had assembled, and, after seven minutes by the watch, the door was closed, and silence pi'evailed, and the Professor stood forth amidst his batteries and retorts, master of his subject and of the mighty agents he liad to deal with, he was theia indeed in his element and in his glory. Though clad in garments almost rustic, he had a dignity of appearance and an air of command, by which the eye of every student was kept fixed, and all listlessness and inattention were banished. His stern and venerable features were lit up with a glow of genuine enthusiasni. Forgetful of himself he became wholly absorbed in liis subject. He professed no great discoveries, he propounded no new tlieories, he made no pedantic display of learning ; but with the modesty of true wisdom aimed only to exhibit those certain facts and obvious inductions, which constitute the elements of his science. Having clearly (conceived of these, and having them well arranged in his own mind, lie produced them in a clear and orderly manner. There was no confusion in liis thoughts, and none in his discourse. By his clear and simple style and its easy and uninterrupted flow, by his lucid order, by the earnestness of his manner, by the interest with which he seemed to regard the smallest and most common things pertaining to his theme, by his happy illustrations and never-failing experiments, and by his occasional sallies of wit and good humor, he carried along the delighted attention of his hearers without weariness to the end of the hour, making plain to them what had been obscure, investing even trivial things, by a salutary illusion, Avith an air of importance, and in short accomplishing in a manner which has never been surpassed, the great object of conveying to the mind of the learner definite notions and useful knowledge on tlie subject under consideration." ^ DEPARTMENT OF UHETOKIC, ORATORY AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. First Term. Seniors, 120 themes, of which 80 are corrected and returned. Juniors, 300 themes, of which 250 are corrected and returned. Sophomores, 330 translations, which are corrected and returned. iKev. Dr. Leonard Woods, in his Address on Life and Character of Parker Cleaveland. Ixvi BOWDOIN COLLEGE Second Term. Seniors, 74 recitations in Political Economy. Seniors, 120 themes, of which 80 are corrected and returned. Juniors, 300 themes, of which 250 are corrected and returned. Sophomores, 330 translations, which are corrected and returned. Third Term. Juniors, 300 themes, of which 250 are corrected and returned. Sophomores, 330 translations, which are corrected and returned. Sophomores, 36 recitations in Rhetoric. Freshmen, 72 exercises in Elocution. Public declamations were conducted every Wednesday afternoon in the first and third terms, and private declamations on Fridays in the same terms. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. First Term. Seniors, 62 recitations in Stewart's Philosophy. Seniors, 48 recitations in Vattel's Law of Nations. Freshmen, 72 recitations in Latin. Second Term. Seniors, 48 recitations in Hebrew. Juniors, 62 recitations in Upham's Mental Philosophy. Freshmen, 72 recitations in Livy and Roman Antiqui- ties, Third Term. Seniors, 20 recitations in Butler's Analosry. Seniors, 40 recitations in Hebrew. Juniors, 30 recitations in Upham's Mental Philosophy. Juniors, 30 recitations in Rawle's Constitution of United States. Freshmen, 36 recitations in Latin. Freshmen, 30 recitations in Hedge's Logic. Forensics by the Seniors during the first two terms and by the Juniors during the third term were under the charge of Professor Upham. department of ancient LANGUAGES. First Term. Juniors, 48 recitations in Juvenal. Juniors, 60 recitations in Homer. Sophomores, 72 recitations in Gr;T3ca Majora and Excerpta Latina. '■ Freshmen, 72 recitations in Greek Historians. HISTORICAL SKETCH Ix Second Term. Seniors, 48 recitations in Virgil. Juniors, 60 recitations in Homer. Sophomores, 72 recitations in Gra'ca Majora and Horace. Freshmen, 72 recitations in Griuca Majora. Third Term. Juniors, 24 recitations in Greek. Sophomores, 36 recitations in Gneca Majora and Horace. Freshmen, 72 recitations in Greek Orators. Optional class, 18 recitations in Latin. As Professor Packard tVe(iuently heard his classes in two divisions, it was practically impossible for him to conduct the work of the Fresh- men in Latin, which was for many years assumed ]>y Professor Upham. DEPARTJIENT OF MATHEMATICS. First Term. Juniors, 72 recitations in Mechanics. Sophomores, 72 recitations in Plane Trigonometry. Freshmen, 60 recitations in Algebra. Second Term. Juniors, 72 recitations in Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics. Sophomores, 72 recitations in Surveying and Naviga- tion. Freslnnen, 60 recitations in Algt'l)ra. Third Term. Juniors, 72 recitations in Calculus. Sophomores, 72 recitations in Projections and Lt'V(ding. Freshmen, 60 recitations in CJeonn'try. Li this department also the Sophomores and Freshmen recited for a portion of the year in two divisions each, so that Professor Smyth had on the whole an average of four recitations a day during the academic year. DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES. First Term. Juniors, 66 recitations in Spanish. Sophomores, 60 recitations in Freiu-li. Second Term. Seniors, 48 recitations in German. Senioi's, 48 recitations in Italian. Juniors, GQ recitations in Spanish. Sophomores, 60 recitations in li'rench. Third Term. Seniors, 32 recitations in German. Seniors, 32 recitations in Italian. Juniors, GG recitations in Spanish. Sophomores, 60 recitations in French. Ixviii BOWDOIN COLLEGE According to the printed regulations the life of a, student during this administration was marked by a healthful regularity in the hours of work and play. He rose with the ringing of the chapel bell at six. Immediately after morning prayers, held in a building that was deemed by the Faculty too cold during the winter term for any exercise lasting more than fifteen minutes, he attended the first recitation of the day. At its close came break- fast in Commons Hall.' As the association which conducted Commons was under student management and only charged a shilling a day for board, it is fair to assume that the average collegian did not tarry long, and consequently had an hour and a half for play before the nine o'clock bell called him to his room for study. At eleven came the midday recitation. After that he had the opportunity of consulting the college library, open for an hour. Since no under-graduate could borrow books oftener than once in three weeks, and Freshmen were limited to one book at a time, this opportunity did not keep many from dinner, which was served at about the same time. Study hours began again at two o'clock and continued till the afternoon recitation, which preceded evening prayers by an hour. These two daily religious exercises were conducted by the President. After prayers the third period for exercise and relaxation extended to eight o'clock. It is probable, however, that some tolerably good as well as the bad boys did "without permission of the executive Government go a shooting or fishing," while many of the hours so carefully allotted to study and to sleep were spent in concocting and executing various "scrapes" which the published memoirs of graduates and college tradition have made sufficiently familiar.^ President Allen's administration, which opened with a distinct advance in the character of the institution and the number of its pupils, was clouded towards the end of its first decade by his personal unpopularity with a majority of the Boards, and by the 1 This brick building on Bath Street was erected in 1829 at a cost of $1,750. It was used for this purpose for several years and has since served successively as a gymnasium, chemical laboratory, and store-house. 2 Interesting accounts of student life at Bowdoin may be found in Abbott's New England and her Institutions, in Hamlin's My Life and Times, and in Kellogg's Whispering Pine Series. HISTORICAL SKETCH Ixix unjust measures taken to secure his renio\aI. Ilis stately and reserved hearing concealed a warm and generous heart, vet few realized this save his intimate friends. His manners were those of his own college days, when President AVillard had but to show himself in the college yard, and students and tutors alike kept their heads uncovered till he was out of sight. AVith this out- ward coldness of demeanor was coml)ined a firm and inflexil^le will which followed what seemed the right course, with no attem[)t to avoid or lessen the personal opposition his decisions would arouse. These circumstances, coupled with di'nominational jealousies, led to a singular piece of special legislation. In March, 1anic of l' agent of the collei^e, a^'ain a[)[)ealed to the C^)n^•re^■ationalists of Maine and Massachusetts. Almost all of the seventy thousand dollars which he secured came from that denomination, 'i'his hirge accession to the college funds, besides ensuring the comple- tion of the chapel, which it was found would cost three times the fifteen thousand at first appropriated, warranted the erection of a new dormitory which the increase of students had long made desirable. This was built in 1843 at a cost of nine thousand dollars, and four years later was formally named Aj)pleton Mail, in honor of the second })resident of the college. A portion of the new endowment w^as devoted by the donors to the foundation of the Collins professorship of natural and revealed religion. This chair w^as the result of a belief on the part of several friends of the college that the time and thought of one man could well be given to the direct work of moral and religious instruction outside of the organized course of study. The pro- visions of its incumbency are so peculiar and so frequently mis- understood that they are given in full. "The professor shall at all times be selected from ministers or ordained clergymen in regular standing of tlie Trinitarian Congrega- tional denomination of Christians. "The professor shall not be a member of the executive government of the college, nor be required or allowed to communicate any knowl- edge of the character, opinions, or conduct of any student of the college obtained by intercourse or conversation with the students. " It shall be his duty to endeavor to cultivate and maintain a familiar intercourse with the students, and to visit and converse with them at their chambers ; and by conversation, as well as by more formal teach- ing and preaching, to impress upon tlicir minds the truths of the gospel iThe declaration is printed in full in Cleaveland's History of Bowdoin College, page 21. Ixxx BOWDOIN COLLEGE of our Loi'cl Jesus Christ, and their suitableness to promote the happi- ness of the present life, and the necessity that they should be cordially embraced to secure the happiness of a future and endless life. " The Trustees and Overseers of the college may regulate the manner in which these duties shall be performed, and may prescribe other duties to be performed, including ordinary instruction in the college ; but they may not do this so as to prevent the performance of the duties enjoined, or so as to cause the professor to teach or conduct in any manner incon- sistent Avith the faithful performance of those duties." The chair was held by a succession of distinguished men. The first was Calvin Ellis Stowe, of the class of 1824, who resigned the position in 1852, to accept a professorship at Andover Theological Seminary. He was succeeded by lioswell D wight Hitchcock, whose long connection subsequently with Union Theo- logical Seminary testifies to the character of his work at Bowdoin. Egbert Coffin Smyth then held the chair for seven years, till he, like the first incumbent, was drawn away to Andover Hill. The duties of the position were then discharged by the venerated and beloved Alpheus Spring Packard for the last twenty years of his life. For several years before his death the income from the endowment of this chair was insufficient to pay the salary of the incumbent, and, while the title has been held of late by the professor of Greek, it is definitely imderstood that he assumes only a portion of the duties prescribed. The scope of these is well illustrated by the annual report of Professor Hitchcock for the year 1854 : "First of all his care is to make the particular acquaintance of each individual student, as he enters upon his college course ; gaining, if possible, his confidence that he may learn his character and adopt the wisest measures for the mental and moral advancement of each and of all. To this end, the students are invited to his house ; called upon, so far as practicable, at their rooms ; and in every way encouraged to make him their friend and adviser. These endeavors, he desii'es to say, have met with the kindest and most generous appreciation on the part of the students whose bearing towards himself has been everything that could be asked. "During the whole of the fall and a part of the spring term, he has had the Freshmen three recitations a week in Paley's Natural Theol- ogy ; connecting with these recitations, near the beginning of the colle- HISTORICAL SKETCH Ixxxi giatc year, a sliort series of practical lectures on sucli subjects as Health, Study, Manners and Morals. Willi tlie 8(f]>Iii)niore class, a few weeks in the spring term were devoted to the readinjj of Cicero's Treatise De contemnenda morte. With the Juniors, Alexander's Moral Science, assigned to the summer term and last year gone llnouiili with, has this year been omitted on account of the sliorteninir ol' the term. "On Saturday evenings, once a fortnight, religious lectures have been delivered, the attendance upon which, though voluntary, has been as lai-ge as the dimensions of the lecture room have allowed us to accommodate. "And, finally, on the Sabbath in the village cluircli, where a large majority of the students worship, some ten or twelve discourses have been delivered with special referen(;e, in most cases, to the peculiar circumstances and wants of a community like this of ours. "In all of which labors, so entirely congenial to his own tastes, the undersigned has enjoyed the heartiest sympathy and co-operation of the president and other officers of the college, to wliom he feels himself largely indebted for that measure of success and comfort with wliicli he has been enabled to pursue his work." The definite avowal that the collep;e was a Confjregationalist institution aroused nuich feelinn' on the part of a few eai-nest and active friends wlio were on the lioard of Trustees, and did not agree with the majority of their colleagues, cither as to the facts stated m the declaration, or as to the policy to be pur- sued. They held that the college was founded by the state, that differences in theoloo^ical matters had not then divided the churches of the commonwealth, and were not Ijcfore the mind of the principal benefactor. They admitted that the declaration debarred the college from choosing any one save a Congregation- alist as president or as theological professor, but maintained that it should not control their action in filling vacancies in their Board. This view was antagonized at the time by a majority of the Overseers, and several elections to the up[)er Board were vetoed by the lower. A prominent layman in the Baptist denom- ination was then chosen, and sidiscquently two Congregational clergymen were elected. Since that period a majority have belonged to this denomination, although care has been taken to Ixxxii BOWDOIN COLLEGE have other protestant denominations represented. Subsequent gifts have been conditioned upon the denominational character of the college, which there has been little disposition, of late years, to question. At the Commencement of 1852, the semi-centennial of the opening of the college was celebrated with much eclat. Over four hundred of the thousand living graduates were present, among them the three survivors of the first graduating class. The anniversary exercises consisted of an address by Nehemiah Cleave- land, reviewing the histoiy of the college with s})ecial reference to its personnel, an address by Chief Justice Tenney on the same subject viewed from the standpoint of the curriculum, a poem by Rev. Ephraim Peabody, and the singing of an ode written by Rev. Elijah Kellogg. At the anniversary dinner, held in a tem- porary building erected for that purpose on the campus, Hon. George Evans of the Class of 1815 presided, and, among other speakers, gracefully called upon Hon. Franklin Pierce as one of the two sons of Bowdoin towards whom the nation was now looking for a chief magistrate. His college mate, Hon. John P. Hale, was the candidate of the Free Soil party for the presidency. The attendance of the public was perhaps greater than at any subsequent Commencement, as three thousand persons are reported to have sought admission to the chur(?h. The important place the Medical School had won for itself in professional circles led many friends of the college to belie\'e that the time had come for a law school to be added to tlie collegiate foundation. In 1850, and again at a later period, a professor of law, and statutes for such a school were definitely decided upon by the Trustees. On each occasion, however, it proved impossible to secure at once the additional endowment of twenty-five thousand dollars upon which the execution of the votes was conditioned. In the formulation of these plans the advocates of the school had the assistance and sympathy of Professor Simon Grcenleaf, who partially consented to lend his services as lecturer. The two gentlemen selected as law professors had served as chief justice, respectively, of Maine and of Vermont. The purchase and removal of the old tavern in the corner near HISTORICAL SKETCH Ixxxiii the church, tlie inclosure of more land to the south and tlie u;rove on the east of the doriiiitories, the plantini;- of the huckthorn hedge and the adjacent l)ek of trees, all took place in this administra- tion, and converted the college yard into the spacious campus of the present day. Unfortunately, neither the taste of the land- scape gardener nor the votes of the Boards had influence over the sandy soil. When the railroad was constructed through the village, a large amount of clay and loam was disti'ihuted over the inclosure with good results. Subsequent attempts at enrichment of the soil have been confined to very limited portions. There wei-e few changes in the curriculum during this atlmin- istration ; the languages, ancient and modern, and mathematics continued to hold far the largest part of the course. English lit(!rature was introduced as a voluntary study in 18.55, and a few years later a term was taken from the higher mathematics and given to physics. The conservatism of the professor of chcmistrv and minci-alogy, the restraint of narrow means, and especially the dithculty of finding a place in a curriculum over which the [)rin- ci[>le of required rather than elective studies held sway, prevented any material increase of instruction in the natural scimiccs in the academic department . Professor Paul A. Chadl)ourne, subsequently president of Williams College, succeeded Professor Cleaveland in 1859. Not long afterwards the establishment of the Josiah Little professor- shi}) of Natural Science enabled the college to add to its teachers a graduate of 1859, Cyrus Fogg Brackett, now professor of physics at Princeton. This professorship, and the bequest a year previous of ten thousand dollars from Col. George William Boyd, of the class of 1811, were the substantial beginnings of a series of testamentary gifts from alunmi, which have been and must continue to be a most essential factor in the maintenance of the efficiency and prosperity of the institution. President Woods's extreme independence in ecclesiastical mat- ters had repeatedly separated him from prominent clergymen in the Congregational denomination. His reactionary views in regard to political matters, which, though not proclaimed, were Ixxxiv BOAVDOIN COLLEGE never concealed, and which the events of the civil war bronght into prominence, had natnrally produced much dissatisfaction in the dominant political party. These circumstances may have hastened a resignation which he intended to offer on attaining his sixtieth year. It was tendered in July, 186(i. He carried from the position he had held so long the love and esteem of a larger number of Bowdoin students than any of his predecessors had been privileged to win ; and the sharpest critics of his actions — more frequently his inaction — willingly paid him their heartiest respect as a cultured gentleman and a profound scholar. The subsequent years of his quiet life Avere devoted to historical studies. He died, after a long illness, at Boston, December 24, 1878. The twenty-seven years during which he presided over the college were, as a whole, a period of marked prosperity. The average number of students was slightly greater than in any following administration. The institution in part won, and surely maintained, an honorable position among New England colleges which has been a source of strength and influence to it in later years of transition from the old to the new in educational methods and ideals. Since a majority of the nine hundred graduates of this administration are still living, the time has not come to mention individual names. It can safely be said, however, that no future student of the history of the nation, whether legal, political, military, religious or educational, will tail to find prominent actors who received their diplomas from the hand of President Woods. chaptp:r VII. PRESIDENT Harris's administratiox. President Harris— His views on collegiate instruction— Teaching of Natural Science — Changes in the corps of instructors— Memorial Hall — Student societies— The Peucinian and Athen;ean— The Greek letter societies — Resignation of President Harris. The fifth president of Bowdoin College was the first to he chosen from its alumni. Samuel Harris, a mcnil)er of the class of 1833, was graduated from Andovcr Theological Seminary in 1838, and, after two pastorates in Massachusetts, was called to the chair of systematic theology at Bangor Seminary. The duties of this position he had discharged with marked success for twelve years, wlien, in 18()(), he was chosen, at the suggestion of the retiring president, to fill the vacancy. lie at first declined, hut was persuaded, several months later, lo acec[)t, and entered upon his office in May, 18(57. His inaugural, delivered the following Commencement, was u[>on the necessity, the idea, and the mctliods of college instruc- tion. The foll(Jwing extracts will show the aims of this admin- istration : "The college is preparatory to the professional school. It aims to develop the man, to ground him in the principles of knowledge, and to make him acquainted with its methods and instruments. Tlie ])rofes- sional school and the school of industry and arts aim to impart the special training and knowledge necessary to a special profession. The college aims to effect a systematic and harmonious discipline of the whole man, and thus to prepare the student for the special study necessary to tit him for his special husiness in life. lie is not shut up by his college education to one of the so-called learned professions, but is trained as a man so as to more readily master any business, and in whatever business to possess stronger powers, a I)etter l)aliiiieed luiud, a richer culture and a broader sympathy with all true minds and true learning in other professions Ti-aining, then, is the first and dominant design of collegiate education ; training that produces Ixxxvi BOWDOIN COLLEGE the happiest development of the physical, intellectual and moral powers. The second design is to impart knowledge. A well arranged college course will impart the largest amount of useful knowledge possible in securing the most complete mental discipline. But the value of the college course does not consist so much in the amount of knowledge as in its quality. "The demand that increased attention be given to the natural sciences is reasonable. The recent expansion of knowledge in this direction has been so great, that a collegiate education cannot be com- plete, nor adapted to the times, which does not introduce the student to these sciences. They provide also a peculiar intellectual discipline ; they train the powers of observation, of discrimination and classifica- tion ; they educate in inductive reasoning ; they hold the mind rigor- ously to facts; they restrain, or at least ought to restrain, tlie tendency to fanciful speculation and theorizing." In accordance vv^ith the opinion last expressed, a place was made in the last two years of the cnrriculum for the practically new studies of botany, zoology, physiology, and geology. The addition, in 18(i8, of Professor George L. Goodale, now professor of Natural History at Harvard and, two years later, of Pro- fessor Edward S. Morse, to the corps of instructors in science, and tlie introduction of recpiired lahoratory work from the students, gave especial interest and [)r<>niinence to that side of the curricu- lum. A fortnightly pul)lication, known as the Bowdoin Scientific Itevieiv, was conducted by Professors Brackett and Goodale for two years. The enthusiasm they aroused is indicated by the circumstance that five per cent, of the students graduated during this administration have devoted themselves to scientific investio-a- tion as their life work. On the other side of the curricuhim, marked changes resulted from the death or retirement of the older professors. In ancient languages. Professor Jotham B. Sewall, now master of Thayer Academy, succeeded Professor Packard ; in mathematics, Pro- fessor Charles G. Rockwood, Jr., now of Princeton College, followed Professor Smyth. Professor Upham became professor emeritus, and President Harris assumed himself the duties of the department of mental and moral philosophy. The public appre- ciation which his Philosophical Basis of Theism and Self-Revela- HISTORICAL SKETCH Ixxxvii tioii of (i()(l li:i\(' obtained on each side of the ocean, afford ample testimony to the (quality and ehanicter of his instrnetion. The civil war had hardly closed before it was proi)oscd to erect a hall in memory of the Bowdoiii stndents who had fallen or taken part personally in the strngglc. The scheme enlisted the enthu- siastic lal)or of Professor William Smyth who, before his sudden death in 18(58, had solicited upwards of thirty thousand dollars for this object, chiefly from the alumni and in small anu)unts. Plans by S. B. Backus, of New York City, for a structure in the French Gothic style of architecture were accepted in 18()S, and the exterior of the buildinii,- was erected of Ilallowell j^-ranite at a cost of forty-seyen thousand dollars. The interior was completed in General Chamberlain's administration throuu-h the liberality of Mrs. Valeria Stone, of Maiden, Mass., who gave twenty-five thousand dollars for this object. The first floor contains a room for Faculty meetings, a large assembly i-oom and two recitation rooms. The second floor is given entirely to the Memorial Hall [)roper, a spacious audience room used for the public exercises of the college. On the walls hang porti-aits of the presidents, l)enefactors, and distinguished graduates of the institution. On the east side on bronze tablets, the gift of Gen. Thomas H. Hubbard, of the Class of I'S.')?, are inscribed the names and rank of twt) hundred and ninety Bowdoin students who fought to maintain the Union. The luunber is signiflcant, if oni; remembers that there were in LSfi-t, less than twelve hundred living graduates. The two general literary societies, the Peucinian and the Athena^an, have played an important part at Bowdoin not only in the social life of the students, but also in their education. Their establishment dates from the first decade of the century, and they gradually came to include in their mcml)ership the entire student body. Each held regular meetings for litei-ary exercises for over fifty years. Many of the distinguished nu-n whose names appeal- in their triennial catalogues — catalogues that rivaled in si/e and usefulness those of the college — are said to have gained as well as displayed oratorical skill in the carefully prepared debates which were a leadinn" feature of these occasions. The anniversaries of Ixxxviii BOWDOIN COLLEGE the societies, at which an oration and poem were delivered by some prominent graduate or honorary member, stood next to Commencement as the chief events of the academic year. The intense rivahy that long prevailed between them fortunately extended to the character of their literary exercises and the growth and value of their respective libraries. The amounts contributed by undergraduates for the purchase of books were not infre- quently double that appropriated by the Boards for the increase of the college library. Much care was taken in the selection of new books ; the advice of the President and members of the Facidty was often sought. Graduate members, as a rule, main- tained their old interest in the organization, and were often solicited for gifts, both of books and of money for their purchase. The Athena^an Society received as late as 1886, a bequest of one thousand dollars from the estate of a former member. The Ayer book fund established in his memory by the society, adds annually fifty volumes to the college library. Their two libraries, each numbering upwards of five thousand volumes, when, in this administration, their growth ceased, were remarkably complete and valualile collections of the general literature and current periodicals of the forty years preceding. They occupied, with the assembly rooms of the societies, one-half the lower story of Maine Hall, which had I)een fitted up for their occupation in President Allen's administration. In 1880 they were merged in the college library. The story of the decline of these societies is tliat of similar organizations in the other New England colleges. For a series of years tlie secret, or Greek Letter, fraternities existed side by side with them. Gradually, however, the latter gained in influence and importance and engrossed the time, thought, and interest formerly given to organizations more avowedly and distinctively literary. Of several attempts to revive undergraduate interest in them, the most notable occurred in this administration, when the Bowdoin Association of the East offered, for several years, a prize of fifty dollars to the best debater in a public contest between the two. Since these contests there have been no literary exercises conducted by the societies. ^^ OP THE ^. tFHI7EIlSIT7l HISTORICAL SKETCH Ixxxix A chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity was establi«heil at Bowdoin in 1S41, one of the Psi Upsilon in 1843, one of the Delta Kappa Epsilon in 1844, one of Theta Delta Chi in l.sr)4, revived in 1872, one of Delta Upsilon in 1857, revived in 181IH, and one of Zeta Psi in 1867. For thirty years it has been cus- tomary for a large majority of each entering class to accept invitations to memhership in some one of these societies. They are rec(^gnized by the Faculty, many of whom as former members are welcomed at their meetings. Each has a well furnished hall. While social intercourse and good fellowship are frankly aAowed objects, literary work has a hardly less im|)ortant [)art in their activities. Though their rivalries occasionally lead to a partisan- ship in the selection of class officers, as foolish as it is unfortunate, it is believed they su[)ply a valuable means for a(;quaintance and helpfulness between the upper and lower classes, and tend to neutralize some of the l)ad effects of the strong class feeling which always prevails in the smaller colleges. The element of secrecy has not l)een, to any extent worthy of notice, a means of hiding dissi[)ati()n or unlawful practices. On the other hand the society pride has occasionally been evoked as a restraining force in the case of tliose inclined to evil courses. The res[)onsibilities of the college presidency weigbed heavily upon Dr. Harris. He felt, furthermore, a distrust of liis personal (pialifications for obtaining the large increase of endowment necessary to a successful accomplishment of his plans. These circumstances led him, to the sincere regret of the friends of Bowdoin, to accept, in 1(S71, the professorship of theology in Yale University, a [)osition he still occupies. CHAPTER VIII. PRESIDENT chamberlain's ADMINISTRATION. President Chamberlain — Changes in college methods — The scientific department — Course in engineering — Its discontinuance and rearrange- ment of the curriculum— The military drill — The Alumni Association — Representation of the alumni on the Board of Overseers — The Winkley and Stone professorships— President Chamberlain's resignation. The sixth president, like his predecessor, Avas chosen from the alumni. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, of the Class of 1852, after completing a course of theological study at Bangor Seminary, was recalled to Bowdoin as an instructor, and held in succession the chairs of rhetoric and oratory, and of modern languages. In 1862 he received leave of absence, entered the army, and served to the end of the contest. He was twice wounded, once so seriously that its effects are still felt ; was promoted by Gen. Grant on the field of battle to be brigadier- cjeneral 'Tor jjallant conduct in leadinii' his briffiide in a charire" : was assigned to receive the surrender of Lee's army at Appo- mattox Court House ; and left the army with the rank of brevet major-general and the command of a division. After a brief service as acting president, at the close of President Woods's administration, he resigned his professorship of rhetoric and oratory to accept the office of governor of the State, to which he was chosen in 1866, and to which he was thrice re-elected by large majorities. On entering upon his administration President Chamberlain, under the authorization of the Boards, and in response to a wide-spread demand and expectation, inaugurated several changes in former college methods, and a distinct and considerable enlarge- ment of the curriculum. Morning prayers were held after break- fast, and all the recitations of the day followed at consecutive hours. P]vening prayers, except on Sunday, were discontinued. The so-called " dignity days " were given up, all classes had the HISTORICAL SKETCH Xci same number of exercises (fifteen each week), and there were no recitations on Saturday. The long winter vacation was abolished, Commencement was placed in June, and the summer vacation correspondingly lengthened. The account of scholarship was kept entirely separate from that of deportment. Previously, irregularity of attendance u[)on religious and otlier rerpiired exer- cises affected, to some extent, the standing of the scholar in the assignment of college honors. Physical exercise was reipiircd. The gymnasium had long been established, was under tlie care of an accomplished instructor, but those who most needed athletic culture had least frequently availed themselves of its advantages. The college library was made more accessible to the students by a large increase in the number of hours it was o}>en. Tlie tuition, which had l)cen made to include various incidental ('harvever, which was required of all during half the year, soon became extremely unpo[)ular with the students. They com[»lain(>d that the time it required was excessive and that the exercise itself was irksome. The suspension of a few students in the spring of 1874 for disrespect shown this part of the course, led to one of those sudden college rebellions, which possess an inexplicable power to carry into foolish and indefensible action not only the excitable and wayward, but also young men ordinarily clear-headed and well-disposed. ^Yith few exceptions all the mend>ers of the three lower classes signed a compact not to drill again. Despite the re|)resentati<)ns and arguments of the Faculty, they persisted in maintaining that they were obliged to keep this agreement with their associates. Consequently far the greater part of the student body were sent to their homes, followed by a circular letter to their parents stating that eacli student must renew within ten days his matricndation pledge of obedience to all the regulations of the col- lege, including the requirements as to the military drill, on |)enalty of expulsion. This resulted in the return within the s[)ecitied time of all save two or three. At the following Conunencement, the Boai'ds, not without strenuous opposition, made the military drill elective with work in the gymnasium. This arrangement con- tinued until 1882, when instruction in military science was entirely discontinued. A general association of the alumni was first formed in Pres- XCIV BOWDOIN COLLEGE ident Allen's administration ; it was revived and reorganized in 1857, and has since, with the exception of a few yeai's before and during the civil war, held annual meetings. Together with the subsidiary associations in several of the larger cities of the country, it has through its membership exerted much influence upon the conduct of college affairs, and through its various committees been of great service in increasing the endowment of the institu- tion. Perhaps most notable of these undertakings was the raising in 1873 and the following years, of an alumni fund of one hundred thousand dollars to meet in some measure the urgent needs arising from the extension of the course of study. The subject of the direct representation of the alumni on the Boards was naturally brought forward by the active manifestation of interest shown in this and the previous administration. After prolonged discussion and deliberation it has been found inexpe- dient, in the opinion of a large majority of the Board of Overseers, to attempt any modification of the charter of the college as to the method of filling vacancies in their body, but for over twenty years they have, in accordance with a formal vote passed in 1870, selected for one-half of these vacancies the nominees of the alumni association. The association chooses its nominee by a system of preliminary nominations from the entire body of the alumni, fol- lowed by a formal balloting which is carried on through the mail. Gen. Chamberlain's administration was marked by substantial additions to the college funds.' Besides the alumni fund, just men- tioned, in which generous gifts from many not alumni were included, Mr. Henry Winkley of Philadelphia liberally endowed the Latin professorship, and Mrs. Valeria Stone of Maiden, Mass., gave fifty thousand dollars for the establishment of the Stone professor- ship of mental and moral philosophy. Since its endowment, this chair has been occupied by Professor George T. Ladd, now of Yale University, Professor Gabriel Campbell, now of Dartmouth College, Rev. Dr. Samuel G. Brown, the late president of Ham- ilton College, and President Hyde, the present incumbent. Pres- 1 Their total, as given in tlie annual reports to the Commissioner of Education, amounted to two hundred thousand dollars. HISTORICAL SKETCH XCV ident Chamberlain suffered much durinfr the Liter years of his administration from the wound which lie liad received in the war and which occasionally forbade [)er,s(>nal attention to the duties of his office. Extended commercial enterprises, furthermore, in wliich he had o;raduallv become interested, were making urg-ent demands upon his time and eneri>ies. These circumstances led to his resign- ing the presidency in 1883. The Boards, however, persuaded him to continue for two years, as lecturer, the instruction in polit- ical economy, constitutional and international law, which had been a po})ular and })rominent feature of the course. Since that time his residence has been in New York City, where he is now president of the Institute of Arts. CHAPTER IX. PRESIDENT Hyde's administration. Professor Packard's death — The college jury — Professor Chapman as dean of the faculty — President Hyde — Mission of the small college — Sar- gent Gymnasium— The curriculum— The observatory— The library- Benefactions— The Garcelon bequest — Renovation of Maine Hall — The Walker Art Building— The Searles Science Building. The interval of two years that followed President Chamber- lain's resignation was marked by the sudden death of the acting- president, Professor Alpheus S. Packard, which occurred imme- diately after the Commencement of 1884. He had spent sixty-five years in uninterrupted service of the college. He had known personally nearly every graduate of the institution. From them, as from the poet w^ho voiced the sentiment, he had won " Honor and reverence and the good repute That follows faithful service as its fruit." His departure remov^ed the living link between the Bowdoin of the past and the present. The transition from early methods of college discipline was emphasized, in 1883, in the adoption by the faculty and students of a scheme of government, devised by Professor Charles H. Smith, now of Yale University, which places in the hands of a college jury the right to decide, in cases of public disorder among the students, both as to the guilty parties and the penalty that shall be inflicted on them.^ This jury is made up of representa- tives of each class and of each local chapter of an intercollegiate fraternity, and is presided over by its foreman. The President of the college attends, however, its regular meetings, brings matters to its attention, and gives advice when desired. He also retains the right to administer private advice and warning, without refer- ence to the jury. iThe details of this system are printed in "Articles of agreement between the faculty and students of Bowdoin College for the administration of justice in the college. OP TtIT? in HI7EE3IT oar -^V' HISTORICAL SKETCH XCVll The maintenance of college discipline under this system rested largely upon Prof. Henry L. Chapman, who had been appointed by the Boards dean of the faculty, and who performed this as well as most of the other duties of the exccutiA-e office for two years. The precedents established at the outset have made this form of self-government an unobtrusive but, it is believed, an efficient means of leading the student body to realize the unity of interests between the teachers and the taught and the obligation resting upon the latter to maintain good order. » At the Connuencement of 1885 the Boards unanimously cliose Rev. William DeWitt Hyde president of the college and Stone professor of mental and moral })hilos()p]iy. President Hyde was graduated with high honors at Harvard in 1879, at once entered upon the study of theology at Union Theological Seminary, and completed the course at Andover. After giving an additional year to the study of philosophy at Cambridge and at Ando^'er, he held, until his call to Bowdoin, the pastorate of the Congrega- tional church in Paterson, N. J. President Hyde is a firm believer in the important mission of the small college. Stated in his own words ^ it is this : " For combining sound scholarship with solid cliaracter ; for making men both intellectually and spiritually free; for uniting the pursuit of truth with reverence for duty, the small college, open to the worthy graduates of every good high school, presenting a course sufficiently rigid to give symmetrical development, and sufficiently elastic to encourage individuality along congenial lines, taught by professors who are men first and scholars afterward, governed by kindly personal influence, and secluded from too frequent contact with social distrac- tions, has a mission which no change of educutional conditions can take away, and a policy which no sentiment of vanity or jealousy should be permitted to turn aside." The first year of this administration was marked by the com- pletion of the Sargent Gymnasium. This was erected at a cost of twelve thousand dollars, of which one-half was contributed by alumni and the balance taken from the general funds of the insti- tution. It was fully equipped with approved gymnastic apparatus 1 Educational Review, v. 2, p. 320, November, 1891. XCVlll BOWDOIN COLLEGE at the expense of Dr. Dudley A. Sargent, of the Class of 1875, for several years instructor in physical culture here, and now director of the Hemenway Gymnasium at Harvard. The facilities thus secured have resulted in the development of the required gymnastic work of the previous administration into a definite system of physical culture, Avliich is a recognized part of the curriculum, has its influence in deciding college honors, and requires the entire attention of one member of the faculty,' The changes in the curriculum, during this administration, have been gradual but noteworthy in their entirety. Required French and German have been moved forward into the first two years, and provision made for the continuance of the study of these languages in the following years. Natural science has been introduced into Sophomore year. New courses in history, English literature and political economy have been planned. General courses in each department are followed or supplemented by special courses of such a character that mental training as well as useful knowledge may be gained from every study, and not alone from those formally classed as disciplinary. As a result, the larger part of the course is nominally elective. Practically the under-graduate, while enabled to gi'atify his natural tastes and inclinations, is not allowed to select his studies at hap-hazard or for frivolous reasons. The restraint of special requirements for special courses, and the interference of hours of recitation compel all to choose and pursue courses from both the literary and the scientific side of the curriculum. By a generous gift from Mr. John J. Taylor, of Fairbury, 111., supplemented by contributions from several alumni, a sub- stantial astronomical observatory was erected south-east of the chapel during the academic year 1890—1. Though the smallest of the college buildings, it is fully equipped and well adapted for purposes of instruction. The college library is the largest collection of books in the state, yet it has suffered severely in the past from the poverty of the institution. For eighty years the average annual expen- 1 An account of this system will be found in The Forum, vol. 11, p. 446, June, 1891. HISTORICAL SKETCH XCIX (liturc for hooks was less than two luiiidrcd dollars. These accessions, however, were selected with cure hy the presidents in earlier years, suhseriuently hy the successive ])r()f"essors of modern lanoua<>'es who acted as lihrarian (lurin<>: the lireater portion of this period. In lS(j3, when the eoHection nuniheiH'd fifteen tli(»ns:niow(l()in lihrary was the most noteworthy, niid hy consolida- tion with the society lihraries, tlie collection came, in 1leinented the munificent gift of the structure by the donation of works of art of uni- formly great value and of wide range as to variety. These objects include about forty choice specimens of ancient glass and pottery, dating from the seventh century B. C. onward; a marble portrait bust ascribed to the late Roman liei'iod; a set of Saracen armor, six pieces, eleventh century; various mediajval and modern weapons; Flemish tapestry; modern oil paintings, cliieHy of the French schools, represented by Corot, Daubigny, Millet, Troyon, and others. American art is represented by works in oil, water-color, or pastel of J. Fox- croft Cole, F. Hopkinson Smith, Winslow Homer, J. Appleton Brown. A bronze bas-relief portrait of Mr. Theophilus Wheeler Walker, which has been set in the western wall of the Walker gallery, is the work of the sculptor, Daniel C. French. The beautiful large bronze lantern of the Sculpture Hall is a copy of one in the Chateau de Blois. The smaller wrought-iron lantern of the loggia is of old Italian workmanship. Bronze copies by De Angelis of Naples of the cla.ssical statues of Demosthenes and Sophocles have been erected in the niches on the front of the building, and on either side of the entrance copies in stone of the lions of the Loggia dei Lanzi. If the wall paintings of the Sculpture Hall by Elihu Vedder, John La Farge, Kenyon Cox, and Abbott Thayer are included with tlie above- mentioned American works, and those in the Bowdoin collection and among the college portraits, it will be seen that the college deserves a high rank among institutions possessing valuable specimens of our national art." CHAPTEK X. THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE. Establishment — State aid — Dr. Nathan Smith — Proposed hospital — Dr. John D. Wells— Medical professors— Adams Hall — Seavey Anatomi- cal Cabinet — Changes in the curriculum — Proposed removal to Portland — Bequest of Mrs. Garcelon. Immediately upon his acceptance of the presidency of Bow- doin College, President Allen wrote to Dr. Nathan Smith, the founder of the Dartmouth Medical School, then professor of the theory and j)ractice of medicine at Yale, with regard to the improvement of medical instruction in the state to which he was soon to remove. His correspondent said in reply : "I think after what experience I have had, we could form a medical school that would, in point of real utility, ecpuil any in the country. In a new state like Maine, where neither habit nor parties have laid their ruthless hands on the public institutions, and where the minds of men are free from their poisoning influence, every thing- is to be hoped for. Such a field would be very inviting to me ; and such a place I take Maine to be. For though tliey have heretofore been divided into parties, I am disposed to think, that now they have become a state and are left to themselves, party spirit will in a great measure subside, and they will be ambitious to promote the honor and the welfare of the state." This hoj)e of aid from the state was realized. The first legislature of Maine, to its honor and to the material increase of the health and happiness of the people, established, June 27, 1820, the Medical School of Maine, to be under the control of the Trustees and Overseers of Bovvdoin College ; granted fifteen hundred dollars for procuring necessary books, plates, preparations and other apparatus ; and authorized the annual payment of one thousand dollars for general expenses until otherwise ordered. The first series of lectures was given in the spring of 1821 by Dr. HISTORICAL SKETCH ciii Smith, assisted by Dr. John Doane Wells, who, at first as assistant, but soon as a full professor, contlucted the courses in anatomy and surgery, and l)y Professor Cleaveland, who had charge of the chemistry for nearly forty years, and for an equal period was the devoted and efficient secretary of the school. Twenty-one young men were in attendance. The next year there were forty-nine, and subsequent chisscs to tlie [)resent time have averaged nearly eighty. Tem[)orary quarters, as it w^as then supposed, were provided for the school in Massachusetts Hall. Time moved on but the school did not. The building came to be spoken of as the Medical College. Possil)ly the conservatism of the secretary was responsible in part for this inaction. The accommodations, narrow and insufficient as they were, had served several of the largest and most talented classes to which he had lectured. He saw no insuperable objections to remaining. The principal reason, however, lay in the changed relations of the college and tlie connnonwcalth. Tiu; fostering hand of the state which, it was believed, would continue to suj)[)()rt the institution, abandoned it at an early age. Subsequent legislatures did not maintain the reputation of the first. The need of a general hospital, both for the insane and for surgical cases requiring especial skill, early became manifest to the Medical Faculty and to the leading pliysicians of the state. The desirableness of coiniecting this with the medical scliool was even more clear. The legislators, though providing an act of incorporation for such a hos[)ital in 1826, after the persistent efforts of Professor Cleaveland and Hon. Robert P. Dunlap, of the Class of 1815, repeatedly refused to endow it or make any grant sufficient to warrant an attempt to open it, and depend upon private benevolence for its maintenance. Not only were these attempts to secure a lios[)ital at Brunswick unsuc(;essful, but the aiuiual grant itself was discontimied in 1834. How efficient this had been in establishing the character and increasing the efficiency of medical instruction, is shown by the circumstance that the school possessed, at this time, the finest library and apparatus of any in New England, though four others surpassed it in age. CIV BOWDOIN COLLEGE Dr. Smith's connection with the school was severed in 1825, when his duties in New Haven had become such as to forbid his absence. His successors in the chair of the theory and practice of medicine have been, ahnost without exception, gentlemen who have had extended experience as lecturers in other medical schools in this country. Dr. William Sweetser and the present incumbent, Dr. Israel Thorndike Dana, may from their length of service, extending over a score of years, be claimed as belonging especially to the Maine Medical School. The early death, in 1830, of Dr. John Doane Wells, was a severe blow to the school in wliich he had taken tlie deepest interest. The expenditure of a great portion of the legislative grant of |1,500 was made by him during an extended residence abroad, and to his skill as a surgeon and brilliancy as a lecturer much of the success the school attained in its first decade was due. Of his successors in the chair of anatomy and surgery, only Dr. Edmund R. Peaslee exceeded him in length of service. In 1857 the chair was divided and instruction in physiology was added to the duties of Dr. David S. Conant, the new professor of anatomy. Of subsequent professors of surgery. Dr. M^illiam W. Greene and Dr. Stephen H. Weeks have each held tlie chair upwards of a decade. In 1825 the chair of obstet- rics was established, and Dr. James McKeen, of Topsham, the youngest son of the first president of the college, filled it for fourteen years. His successors have been Dr. Ebenezer Wells, Dr. Foi'dyce Barker, Dr. Amos Nourse, Dr. Theodore H. Jewett, Dr. Wilham C. Robinson, Dr. Edward W. Jenks, and the present incumbent, Dr. Alfred Mitchell. At the time of offering instruc- tion in tliis subject, the fees were increased from forty-five to fifty dollars. These, as well as the length of the course, three months, remained practically unchanged for thirty years. An important addition to the course was made in 184G, by the establishment of the chair of materia medica and therapeutics. No sketch, however short, can omit mention of the service in this brancli of the curriculum of Dr. Charles A. Lee, Dr. Fred- eric H. Gerrish, and Dr. Charles O. Hunt. Three years later a formal course of lectures on medical jurisprudence was first gi^'en. With two exceptions, the subsequent annual courses on this subject HISTORICAL SKETCH CV have been given l)v Hon. John Searle Tenney, lion, Charles \\'. Godtlard, and Hon. Lueilius A. Emery. These and other chang-es required, in l.sei)li Male CO. Abbot, town of 31,44. Abbott, .Jacob ,")1. Academies, in Maine 13. Adams, Jolin Quincy 54. Gov. Samuel 13. Dr. Sanniel 71. Seth 10.5. Adams Hall 101, 105. Admission requirements 32, .54, 91. Allen, Kev. William ry2-~-l, 93, 102. Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity 89. Alumni Association 93. Alumni fund 94. Amer. Academy of Arts and Sciences 20. Amory, Robert 105. Anatomical cabinet 105. Ancient languajfcs 31, 4(!, .55, 86. Andover Theological Sem. .51!, .58, SO, 85, 97. Andrew, .John A. 72. Apparatus .34, 97. Appleton, Rev. Jesse 41-51. John 72. Appleton Hall 79. Art collections 29, 101. Astronomical Observatory 98. Athen.'eaii Society 48, 87 scq. Library 71. Ayer book fund 88. Backus, S. B. 87. Bangor Theological Seminary 73, 85, 90. Barbary Creek 19. Barker, Dr. Fordyce 72, 104. Baudouin, Pierre. See Bowdoin, Pierre. Benefactions 25, 28, 30, 54, 79, 83, 94, 98 seq., 105. Benevolent Society .54. Beverly, Mass 31. Bible study 42, .56. Boards. See Overseers, Trustees. Bond, Rev. P:iias 99. Bowditch, Dr. 59. Bowdoin, Madame Elizabeth 30, .34. Gov. James 21 seq. Hon. James 24 seq. James Temple 2fi. James (Winthrop) 25 scq. Bowdoin, Pierre 19. Mrs. Sarah 30. Bowdoin art collections 29. Bowdoin College : Charter 13 seq., 52. Date of incorporation 13. Delay in opening Ifi scq. Establishment 9. In the Civil War 87. Jury 96. Legislative interference .53, 69 seq. Location 10 seq. Name 24 seq. Opening 10 seq., 32. State aid 43 seq., 51, .53. Bowtloin library 28, 99. Bowdoin Scientific Review 86. Bowiloinham 25, 44. Boyd, Col. George William 8,3. Brackett, Cyrus Fogg 83. Bradford, Hon. Aldcn, letter 17. Bramhall's Hill, I'ortland 11. Brown, Samuel G. 94. Brown University 73. '' Brunswick, Location of college at 13. Public schools in 59. Proposed hospital in 103. Calhoun, John C. .54. Cambridge 9, 32, 34. Campbell, Gabriel 94. Campus 39, 83. Cargill, James 49. Catalogue of library 99. Chadbourne, Paul A. 83, 105. Chamberlain, Gen. Joshua L. 87. Chapel, The old .39. The new 76 seq. Chapman, Henry L. 97. Chemistry 38, 64 se(i. Cleaveland, Nehemiah 48, 82. Cleaveland, Parker 36 seq., 62 .scq., iH, 103 seq. Cleaveland cabinet 38. Colby University 51. Colonies, union of 22. Collins professorship 79 Commencement, First 39. In 1821,. 53. (Change in lime 90. Commons 46. CVlll BOWDOIN COLLEGE Commons Hall 68. Conant, David S. 104. Congregationalists 78 serj. Continental Congress 9, 22 scq. Cox, Kenyon 101. Cumberland County 9. Justices of peace 10. Cumberland County ministers 10. Cumberland Gazette 10. Curriculum 33, 64 seq., 83, 86, 91 seq., 98. Dana, Dr. Israel T. 104. Dartmouth College 40, m, 70, 94. Dartmouth Medical School 102. Dartmouth University .'52, 70. Daveis, Charles Stewart 40, 76. Davy, Sir Humphrey 38. Deane, Rev. Dr. Samuel 11, .34. Deerfleld, Mass. 34. Delta Kappa Epsilou Fraternity 89. Delta Upsilon Fraternity 89. Denominational position 78 seq. Discipline 3.5, 42, 74, 96 seq. Dodge, Mrs. John C. 99. Dormitories. See Appleton Hall, Maine Hall, Winthrop Hall. Drummond, Thomas 72. Dunlap, John, Esq. 18. Robert P. 103. Dwight, Pres. Timothy 15. Electives 92, 98. Emery, Hon. Lucilius A. 105. Engineering 92. Estabrook, Col. T. S. 46. Etna 43. Evans, Hon. George 82. Everett, Charles Carroll 74. Executive government 16. Falmouth 20. Faycrweather, Daniel B. 99. Fessenden, William Pitt 72. Fires 54, 70. Finances 34, 43, 4.5, 51, 73, 77 seq., 98 seq. Franklin, Benjamin 20 Freeport, proposed site of college 11. French, Daniel C. 101. Furber, Heury J. 99 Garcelon, Mrs. Catherine M. 100, 106. Gerrish, Dr. Frederic H. 104 Goddard, Charles W. 105 William G. 73 Goethe 37 Goodale, George L. 86. Goodrich, Chauncey A. 73. Goodwin, Daniel Raynes 62. Gorham, proposed site of college 11 Grant, Gen. 90 Greek-Letter fraternities 88 Greene, William W. 104 Greeuleaf, Hon. Simon 69, 82. Guilford 44 Gymnasium 91, 93, 97 seq. Hale, John P. .56, 72, 82. Hallowell 87. Hamilton College 94. Hamlin, Cyrus 57, 68. Hampton, N. H. 41. Harris, Dr. Samuel 60, 72, 8.5-89, 100. Harvard College 10, 14, 21, 31, .34, 37, 40 seq., 45, 52, 59, 61, 97 seq. Hancock, Gov. John 13, 22. Haiiy collection of minerals 28. Hawthorne, Nathaniel 72. Hebrew, Instruction in 48. Hemenway Gymnasium 98. Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight 70, 80. Hospital, proposed 103. Houses for professors 100. Hubbard, Thomas H. 87. Huguenots 18. Humboldt 37. Hunt, Charles O. 104. Henry H. 105. Hyde, William DeWitt 94, 97 seq. Institute of Arts 95. Instruction, Methods of .33, 46 seq., .55 seq. 60 seq., 72, 85 seq. Intemperance 43. Jefferson, Thomas 25 Jenks, Edward W. 104. William 47. Jewett, Theodore H. 104. Johnson, Rev. Alfred 11. Jury, College 96. Kellogg, Kev. Elijah 68, 82. Kennebec, Lands on the 27. King, Gen. William 51, 70, 76. Knox, Gen. Henry 40. Ladd, George T. 94. La Farge, John 101. Lathrop, Dr. Joseph 41. Law school 82. Lee, Charles A. 104. Lewiston 9. Library 30, 34, 39, 49, 64, 68, 88, 91, 98. Lincoln County 9. Lisbon 25, 44. Little, Josiah, professorship 83 Longfellow, Henry W. 30, 38, 60 64, 72. Hon. Stephen 69. Lord, Nathan 40. Lottery 10. McKeen, Dr. James 104. Rev. Joseph 31-40, 48. McKeen Hall 70. McKim, Mead & White 100. Maine, District of 9. INDEX TO HISTORICAL SKETCH CIX Maine, State of lU, .")!. Maine State Agricultural College 02. Maine Hall, 44 seq., W, 70, 88, 100. Mnssacluisctts, Legislative action 10 scrj. Massachusetts Hall 17 seq., 32, .'JS, 10."?. Massachusetts Humane Society 21. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 02. Matlieniatics, professorship 25, .36. Instruction in .")8, Sfi. Medical School "iS, 52, 102. A ,57. Robinson, William C. 104. Rochelle 10. RockwooiJ, Charles G., Jr. 86. Room-rent 44, 53, 01. Salaries .34, 37, 44, 02. Sargent, Dudley A. 07. Scholarships 45, 90. Scientific department 91 seq. Seai'les, Edward F. 101. Mary F. S. 101. Searles Science Puilding 101. Seavey, Calvin 105. Sebec 44. Sonii-centennial 82. Sewall, Rev. Jotham 49 seq. Prof. Jotham B. 86. Shay's rebellion 23. Sibley, John L. 99. Silsbee, Samuel 71. Small College, The ideal 97. Smith, Charles D. 105. Charles H. 96. Henry B. 57, 72. Nathan 102 seq. Smyth, Egbert C. 50, 80. William .58, 62, S('>. Societies, College 86. Sec also Athcna'an, Benevolent, Peucinian, Praying Circle, Theological. Southgate, Frederic 49. Stanwood, Col. William 18. State aid 43 seq., 51, ,53, 102, 105. Stone, Mrs. Valeria 87, 94. Stone professorship 94, 07. Story, Judge 69. Stowe, Calvin Ellis 80. Stuart, Gilbert 29 Student life 68, 90. Sullivan, Richard 26 seq. Sullivan, Town of 43. Sweetser, William 104. Tappan, Benjamin 35. Taylor, John J. 98. ex BOWDOIN COLLEGE Teiiney, John S. 82, 105. Thacher, Hon. Josiah 10. Hon. Peter 55. Thayer, Ablwtt 101. Theological society 48. Tlieta Delta Chi Fraternity 89. Thompson, Gen. Samuel IS. Thorndike, George 39. Thorndike Oak .39. Ticknor, Prof. 61. Townships, College 17 seq., 31, 43, 105. Trustees 13, 25, 53, 70, 78, 80, 102. Tucker, William P. 99. Tuition 45, 53, 91. Tutors 35, 46, 48, .58, 77. Union Theological Seminary 80, 97. University of Pennsylvania 37,61. University of Virginia 37. Upham, Thomas Cogswell 56 seq., 62 seq., 79, 86. Upjohn, Richard 76. Vaughan, Henry 101. Vedder, Elihu 101. Vose, George L. 92. Walker, Miss Mary Sophia 100. Miss Harriet Sarah 100. Walker Art Building 101. Walker, Theophilus Wheeler 100. Washington, George 22, 24. Weeks, Stephen H. 104. Wells, Dr. Ebenezer 104. John Doane 103, 104. Wilder, Burt Green 105. Williams, Rev. Mr. 31. Williams College 43, 45, S3. Willard, President 31, 34, 69. Samuel 34. Winkley, Henry 94. Winthrop College 9. Winthrop, James Bowdoin 25 John 9, 54. Robert C. 19. Thomas Lindall 26. Winthrop Hall 44, .54. Woods, Dr. Leonard 65, 73-84, 100. Woods Hole 26. Yale College 40, 61, 73, 89, 94, 96, 102. Yarmouth, proposed site of college 11. Zeta Psi Fraternity S9. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. p. xxxviii. The bell, not the belfry, was then removed. 1). Ixxxiv. After " following iidniinistration " add cxceiit the last. p. 14. For Ebcnezcr T. Warren read Ebenc/.er Tucker Warren. p. 17. For Jedidiah Cobb read Jedediah Cobb, also on \). ;il. p. 27. Moses (,>uiuby. b. 19 Aiu'il. p. ;j(). David Starrett. b. March. Edward T. Ingrahani. d. 24 June, 1828. p. ;}.'). Mark II. Newman, d. 23 Dec, 1S52. p. :H>. For Samuel Ilarwood Blake read Samuel Ilarward Blake, p. 41. Horatio Southgate. d. 12 April, 1894, Astoria, N. Y. p. 45. John J. Butler, d. 16 June, 1891. p. 47. Cliarlcs T. Chase, b. 7 May. p. 50. Charles M. Blake, b. 24 Dec., 1819, Brewer, p. 54. Francis P. Hale. b. 27 Sept., 1819. d. 10 Sept., 187(i. p. .55. Elbridgc Smith, d. 11 May, 1894. p. 50. Henry Orr. d. 17 Nov., 1SS8. Charles W. Barrett, b. 22 Nov., 1820. d. 8 May, 1800. p. .57. Jose))!) O'Brien, d. 10 Oct., 1809. p. 59. Animi II. Mitchell. Insert Hes., Blue Kapids, Kan. Charles E. Butler, d. 30 Oct., 1890. p. 02. David T. Bradford. Add Kansas City, Mo. p. 0(!. For Lewis Osmond IJrastow reail Lewis (Jrsmond Brastow. p. ()8. John Dennett Frost. Omit linal t in Dennett, p. 09. George W. Howe. d. 21 Mar(;h, 1894. |). 70. Nicholas E. Boyd. Add Lecturer, Berkeley, Cal. For Koscoe E. Farnum reail Uoscoe E. Farnham. p. 71. Augustus W. Oliver. Add Heal estate, Los Angeles, Cal. Edwin B. Shertzer. d. 5 Feb., 1894. p. 73. William A. Hobbic. b. 1838, Vassalboro. Add Damascus, Oregon, p. 77. James F. Dudley. For Sec'y read Vlce-Pres. Charles Weeks, b. Jefferson, d. 5 March, 1894. Charles M. Beccher. Manufacturer, New Westminster, U. C. Charles A. Boardman. Omit Jacksonville, Fla. Dclevan Carlcton read Delavan Carletou. Add teacher, Oriska, N. Dak. p. 78. George T. Sumner. Add Justice Supreme Court, p. 79. For Charles Edwin Chamberlain read Charles Edward Chamberlain. George W. Foster. Add Washington, D. C. Fjlias S. Mason. For Res. read Life Insurance, p. 81. Oscar L. Billings. For .Skowgan read Skowhegan. Edgar F'. Davis. For Eng. read Rhetoric. Add Editor Boston Cour- ier. Prot. Epis. Ministry, Littleton, N. H. p. 91. For Fred II. Eames read Frederick H. Eames. p. 94. Freeman D. Dearth. Add Dexter. George W. Parsons. For Winthrop i-ead Medford. 1). 95. Leander B. Variiey. A;) Kev. 1 s-)'.) Kev. isoo H.ni. 18(50 Hon. lS(i4 Hon. i-s(;4 Rev. l-SOl Hon. i.sdi; Rev. ISCC Hon. l.S(J7 Hon. i.s(;7 Rev. l.scs Hon. l.s7() Hon. l.s 70 Hon. 1.S70 Hon. 1,S71 Rev. 1871 Hon. 1872 Hon. l.s 7 4 John 1S77 Rev. 1.S81 Hon. 1 S84 Hon. l.s.s.-, Rev. 1881) Gen. • 1891 Hon. 1892 Gen. (iKOUGE Evans, LL.l). Asa CuMMiN(}S, D.D. John Skaklk Tennkv, LL.l). JoSIAH PlEHCK, A.M. John Our Fiske, D.D. Sewall Tennev, D.D. Wn.LiAM Pitt Fessenden, LL.D. James Ware Bradbury, LL.D. Philh^ Eastman, A.M. Samuel Harris, D.D., LL.D. Henry Hill Boody, A.M. Alexander McKenzie, D.D. Edward Emerson Bourne, LL.D. Joshua Lawrence CiiAiHiERUAiN, LL.D David Shepley, D.D. Joseph Titcomu, A.M. John Arrleton, LL.D. John Bundy Brown. Amos DeForest Lock wood. P^DWiN Bonaparte Webu, D.D. Peleg Whitman Chandler, LL.D Charles Edward Swan, M.D. Taylor Gilman, M.D. Egbert Coffin Smyth, D.D. William Pierce Frve, LL.D. William LeBaron Putnam, LL.D. John Smith Sewall, D.D. Thomas Hamlin Hubbard, A.M. John Andrew Peters, LL.D Oliver Otis Howard, LL.D. 1807 1856 1 8(19 18GG 1893 1885 18()9 1869 1871 1.S71 186.S 1873 1877 1891 1891 1881 1884 1 .SS'J 1874 1S84 1865 Hon. Franklin Mellen Drew, A.M. Secretary. BOWDOIN COLLEGE TREASURERS 1794 Hon. David Mitchell, A.M. 1796 Hon. Samuel Freeman. 1799 Hon. Dummer Sew all. 1805 Hon. Benjamin Jones Porter, A.M 1815 Hon. Benjamin Orr. 1816 John Abbot, A.M. 1829 Joseph McKeen, A.M. 1865 John Rogers, Esq. 1871 Hon. Amos DeForest Lockwood. 1873 Hon. Joseph Titcomb, A.M. 1874 Hon. Stephen Jewett Young, A.M 1796 1799 1805 1815 1816 1829 1865 1871 1873 1874 OVERSEERS. 1796 John Abbot, A.M. 1810 Hon. Jacob Abbot. 1828 Jacob Abbot, Esq. 1841 Rev. Jacob Abbott, D.D. 1855 Hon. John Stevens Abbott, A.M. 1851 Rev. John Stevens Cabot Abbott, D.D 1817 Joseph Adams, Esq. 1830 Rev. George Eliashib Adams, D.D. 1866 Rev. Aaron Chester Adams, A.B. 1870 Rev. George Moulton Adams, D.D. 1889 Rev. Jonathan Edwards Adams, D.D. 1797 Nathaniel Coit Allen, Esq. 1825 Hon. Frederic Allen, LL.D. 1860 Rev. Stephen Allen, D.D. 1889 Rev. Charles Frederic Allen, D.D 1818 Hon. Benjamin Ames, A.B. 1797 Rev. Rufus Anderson, A.B. 1821 Hon. John Anderson, A.M. 1868 Hon. John Appleton, LL.D. 1821 Samuel Aver, M.D. 1800 Rev. Kiah Bailey, A.M. 1801 Hon. Jeremiah Bailey, A.M. 1868 Hon. Joseph Baker, A.B. 1816 1820 1842 1847 1870 1862 1819 1872 1871 1816 1864 1888 1828 1808 1832 1870 1824 1816 1830 1878 OVERSEERS 1873 Rev. William Macleod BAKiiOuu, D.D. 1849 Hon. PiiiNEHAS Barnes, A.M. 1868 Hon. William Gkiswold Hahkows, LL.I) 1889 Samuel Cliefoku Belcheh, A.IM. 1888 Charles Uphaji Bell, A.M. 1839 Hon. Samuel Page Benson, A.M. 186() Hon. James Gillespie Blaine, LL.I). 1870 Hon. Samuel Harward Blake, A.B. 1804 Hon. James Bowdoin, A.M. 1827 James Bowdoin, A.M. . 1794 Hon. Jonathan Bowman, A.M. 1814 Robert Boyd, Esq. 1815 Hon. GeoK(;e Bradkurv. 1850 Hon. James Ware Bradbury, LL.D. 1847 Samuel Bradley, A.M. 1861 Israel Bailey Bradley, M.D. 1794 Edmund Bridge, Esi]. 1810 Rev. Francis Brown, D.D. . 1867 Gen. John Marshall Brown, A.M. 1831 Mekritt Caldwell, A.M. 1794 Hon. Alexander Campbell. 1794 Rev. Benjamin Chadwick, A.M. 1797 Salmon Chase, A.M. 1860 Rev. Oren Burbank Cheney, D.D. 1846 Rev. John White Chickering, D.D. 1821 Hon. Ebenezer Clapp. 1849 Rev. Jonathan Clement, D.D. 1804 Hon. Matthew Cobb. 1817 Richard Cobb, A.M. 1874 Hon. Francis Cobb. 1794 Rev. P^benezer Coffin, A.B. 1794 Rev. Paul Coffin, D.D. 1798 Dr. Charles Coffin, A.M. . LSI 8 Rev. Jonathan Cogswell, D.D. 1794 Hon. Daniel Cony. 1813 Gen. Samuel Cony. 1800 Hon. Orchard Cook, A.M. . 1890 Rev. Edgar Millard Cousins, A.B. 1857 Rev. Henry Kinsman Craig, A.M. 1860 Hon. Marshall Cram. 1844 Hon. William George Crosby, LL.D. 1874 1860 1874 LS76 1873 1874 1806 1831 1796 1817 1821 1860 1849 1874 1796 1814 1892 1848 1796 179.S 1806 1867 1866 1835 1870 1821 1836 1877 1796 1797 1798 1830 1797 1831 1805 1864 1873 1850 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1880 Hon. JosiAH Crosby, A.M. 1888 John Leland Crosby, A.M. 1821 Rev. Asa Cummings, D.D. 1877 Rev. Albert Henry Currier, D.D 1796 John Cushing, Esq. 1818 Levi Cutter, Esq. 1830 William Cutter, A.M. 1852 Rev. Edward Erancis Cutter, D.D 1794 Edward Cutts, Esq. 1794 Thomas Cutts, Esq. 1820 Hon. JuDAH Dana, A.M. 1873 Hon. Joseph Dane, A.M. 1816 Hon. Charles Stewart Daveis, LL.D 1794 Hon. Daniel Davis. 1813 Samuel Davis, Esq. 1865 Woodbury Davis, Esq. 17*94 Hon. Henry Dearborn. 1873 Hon. Nelson Dingley, LL.D. 1872 Hon. John Calvin Dodge, LL.D 1821 Hon. John Dole. 1854 Hon. George Downes. . 1880 Hon. Lemuel Grosvenor Downes, A.M. 1821 Charles Dummer, A.M. 1864 Charles Dummer, A.M. 1794 John Dunlap, Esq. 1814 Hon. David Dunlap. 1821 Hon. Robert Pinckney Dunlap, A 1800 Benjamin Dunning, Esq. 1805 Robert Dunlap Dunning, Esq. 1839 Rev. William Theodore Dwight, 1831 Hon. Philip Eastman, A.M. 1794 Rev. Samuel Eaton, A.M. 1880 Rev. James Henry Ecob, A.M. 1794 Rev. Jonathan Ellis, A.B. 1816 Rev. John Wallace Ellingwood, D.D. 1794 Rev. Ezekiel Emerson. 1813 Hon. Nicholas Emery, A.M. 1874 Hon. Lucilius Alonzo Emery, A.M 1830 Hon. Williams Emmons. 1827 Hon. George Evans, LL.D. 1832 John Eveleth, A.M. M. D.D. 1849 1888 1813 1856 1841 1880 1797 1797 1821 1885 1836 1811 1818 1867 1798 1873 1888 1834 1870 1839 1872 1814 1843 1860 1808 1839 1860 1864 1820 1885 1811 1860 1810 1817 1855 1845 1835 OVERSEERS 9 1817 Ebenezeu Everett, A.M. 1794 Joshua Fabyan, Esq. 1822 Hon. Samuel Fessexden, LL.D. 1843 Hon. William Pitt Fessenden, LL.D. 1854 Hon. Samuel Clement Fessenden, A.M 1868 Hon. Thomas Amory Deblois Fessenden, A.B. 1879 Gen. Francis Fessenden, A.M. 1800 Hon. BoHAN Prentice Field, A.B. 1807 Rev. George Warren Field, D.T). 1884 Rev. William Phineas Fisher, A.M 1851 Rev. John Orr Fiske, D.D. 1856 Erastus Foote, A.B. 1893 Hon. Enoch Foster, A.M. 1794 Rev. Samuel Foxcroft, A.M. 1821 Hon. Joseph Ellery Foxcroft. 1794 Hon. Samuel P^reeman. 1799 Hon. Samuel Freeman. 184G Rev. Charles Freeman, A.IM. 1857 Barnabas Frekman, Esq. 179 1 Hon. Simon Frye. 1872 Hon. William Pierce Frye, LL.D 182.S Hon. Henry Weld Fuller, A.M. 1875 Hon. IMelville AVeston Fuller, LL.D 1811 Robert Hallowell Gardiner, A.M. 1886 Frederick Henry Gerrish, M.D. 1798 Rev. P^liphalet Gillett, D.D. 1866 John Taylor Gilman, M.D. 1879 Hon. John Holmes Goodenow, A.M. 1794 Hon. William Gorham. 1823 Rev. Daniel Gould, A.M. . 1826 Rev. Allen Greely, A.M. 1815 Hon. Simon Greenleaf, LL.D. 1848 Hon. Simon Greenleaf, LL.D. 1800 Andrew Greenwood, A.M. 1821 Hon. Nathaniel Groton, A.M. 1849 Hon. AVilliam Pickerinc; Haines. 1798 David Hale, Esq. 1870 Rev. Henry Fiske Hardinc;, A.M. 1884 Hon. Austin Harris, A.B. ]7'.»7 Benjamin Hasey, A.M. 1828 1798 1829 1860 1867 1868 1886 1803 1868 1893 1859 1866 1797 1834 1796 1819 1847 1798 1881 1811 IS 7!) 1811 1816 1874 1804 1834 1851 1828 1853 1816 1835 1855 1805 1831 10 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1874 Hon. David Robinson Hastings, A.M 1825 William Allen Hayes, Esq. 1794 Rev. Moses Hp:mmenway, D.D 1796 Rev. Jacob Herrick. 1796 Hon. Mark Langdon Hill. 1839 Rev. Samuel Hopkins, A.M. 1849 Hon. Joseph Howard, A.M. 1866 Gen. Oliver Otis Howard, LL.D. 1874 Gen. Thomas Hamlin Hubbard, A.M. 1878 Hon. Samuel Fisher Humphrey, A.M. 1798 John Angier Hyde, M.D. 1892 Hon. Henry Ingalls, A.M. 1872 Geor(;e Edwin Bartol Jackson, A.M 1806 Rev. William Jenks, D.D., LL.D. 1794 Rev. Caleb Jewett. 1794 Rev. Alfred Johnson, A.M. 1821 Hon. Alfred Johnson, A.M. 1829 Rev. Samuel Johnson, A.M. 1869 Alfred Waldo Johnson, A.M 179cS Dr. David Jones. 1794 Rev. Elijah IvELixxiG. 1797 Hon. Williaini King. 1.S21 Hon. Sanfokd Kin(;sberv, A.M l.S2;j William Ladd, Es(i. 18oll WiLLiAiM Clark Larrabee, A.I\L 1798 Hon. Silas Lee, A.M. 181.') Hon. Lothrop Lewis. 1843 Joseph Libbey, A.M. 1888 Hon. Charles Freeman Libby, A.M 1805 Lsaac Lincoln, M.D. 1866 John Dunlap Lincoln, M.D. 1.S47 n )n. Josiah Little, A.M. 1869 Hon. Amos DeForest Lockwood. 1794 Hon. Stkphen Lon<;fellow. 1811 Hon. Stephen Longfellow, LL.D. 1855 Hon. Daniel Walker Lord. 1856 Charles Austin Lord, A.M. 1806 Rev. Asa Lyman, A.M. 1847 John McDonald, A.M. 1821 Hon. RuFus McIntire, A.B. 1813 Joseph McKeen, A.M. 1893 1839 1797 1810 1821 1848 1870 1874 1889 1831 1891 1811 1798 1798 1838 1836 1869 1805 1798 1821 1835 1840 1843 1799 1823 1871 1868 1877 1859 1870 1810 1817 1880 1878 1813 1857 1860 1829 OVERSEERS 11 183i) John McKeen, A.M. . 1841 James McKeen, M.D. . 1886 James McKeen, A.M. . 1798 Rev. Daniel Marueit. 1872 Hon. William Colhurn Marshall, A.M 18r.2 Rev. Javan Knapp Mason, D.l). 182G Rev. Asa Mead, A.M. . 1811 Hon. Prentiss Mellen, LL.D. 1805 John Meurick, A.IM. 171)'.* John Merrill, Escj. 1817 Rev. Enos Mekrhx, A.M. \7\U'> Hon. Am.ah I\UHa:\iah jMitchell. 181(; Josiah Whit.man INIitchell, Es([. 1877 Alfred Mitchell, M.D. 17!)1 Rev. Silas Moody, A.M. 1791) vSamuel Moody, A.M. . 1888 John Adams Morrill, A.M. 1802 Rev. Elisha Moseley, A.M. 1880 Galen Clapp Moses, A.M. . 182!) John Mussey, A.M. 181;; Rev. Reuren Nason, A.M. 1877 Hon. P^DWARD BowDOiN Neallev, A.M, 1887 Hkxry Newrechn, A.lNI. 1810 Rev. IcHAiJOD Nichols, D.I). 1874 Hon. William Dummer Northend, A.IM 1880 Hon. William Dummer Noi;ihknd, A.M 1794 Hon. Joseph Noyes. 1808 Hon. Benjamin Orr. 1802 Rev. Hkzekiah Packard, D.D. 1871 Eliphalet Franklin Packakd, Es(i. 1881 Rev. Edward Ne\v:man Pa( kard, A.M. 1881 C'harles Appleton Packard, M.D. 1821 Hon. Jonathan Paoe, M.D. 1848 Rev. Ray Palmer, D.D. 1878 Rev. P^dwin Beaman Palmer, A.M. 180;^ Rev. Freeman Parker, A.M. 1819 Hon. Alrion Keith Parris, A.li. 1794 Isaac Parsons, Usq. 18(j4 Rev. ElSENEZER (iREENLEAF PaRSONS, A.jNI. 1798 Stephen Patten, Es([. 1842 George Fi;lton Patten, Estj. 1802 1873 1801 18;51 1813 18;")! 181,5 l8.-)0 1824 1830 1790 1813 1820 1839 1 83;") 1817 1879 1892 1795 1811 1813 1887 18 12 18,-)2 1819 1821 181;; 1805 1870 12 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1820 Rev. P^DWARD Payson, D.D. 1871 William Stanwood Perry, E,s(j. 1872 Hon. Jairus Ware Perry, LL.D. 18G1 Samuel Pickard, Esq. . 1831 Hon. JosiAH Pierce, A.M. 1863 Rev. John Pike, D.D. . 1831 Rev. Swan Lyman Pomeroy, D.D, 1796 Hon. Benjamin Jones Porter, A.M. 1821 William King Porter, A.M. 1821 Hon. Barrett Potter, A.B. 1820 Hon. William Pitt Preble, LL.D. 1893 George Colby Purington, A.M. . 1868 Hon. William LeBaron Putnam, LL.D 1818 Hon. Benjamin Randall, A.M. 1828 Isaac Gardner Reed, A.M. 1840 Hon. Asa Redington, LL.D. 18S8 Hon. John Bakeman Redman, A.M. 1860 Hon. Richard Drury Rice. 1870 Hon. William Whitney Rice, LL.D. 1816 Alfred Richardson, Plsq. 1838 William Richardson, Esq. 1854 Augustus Co(iswELL Robbins, A.M. 1884 Daniel Arthur Robinson, A.M., M.D. 1821 Hon. Daniel Rose. 1797 Samuel Phillips Russell, A.M. . 1815 Hon. Edward Russell. 1794 Paul Dudley Sargeant, Esq. 1873 Rev. William Thomas Savage, D.D. 1821 Hon. JosiAH Willis Si<:aver, A.M. 1794 David Sewall, A.M., LL.D. 1794 Hon. Dummer Sewall. 1805 Hon. Dummer Sewall. 1875 Rev. John Smith Sewall, D.D. 1877 Rev. Jotham Bradbury Sewall, A.M. 1821 Hon. Ether Sheuley, LL.D. 1838 Rev. David Shepley, D.D. . 1830 John Hannibal Sheppard, A.M. 1800 Ezra Smith, Esq. 1801 Eliphalet Smith, Esq. 1821 Hon. Samuel Emerson Smith. 1866 Hon. Jeremiah Smith. . 1824 1873 1877 1868 1855 1887 1850 1805 1826 1825 1821 1884 1857 1844 1842 1879 1821 1847 1868 1831 1803 1835 1796 1888 1834 1815 1799 1810 1885 1829 1867 1854 1811 1804 1831 1870 OVERSEERS 13 1874 Rev. Kijiskut Cokkin Smytji, D.I). l.S;52 LssAciiAR Snkll, M.D. 17!)4 Dr. KoiiEUT Soutiigate. 1S.S7 William Edwaku Si'ear, A. 15. 1.S21 Hon. Peleg Sprague, A.M. . 17!)8 William Stanwood, Esq. 188G Edward Stanwood, A.M. 1800 Hon. Jo.siAii Stehhins, A.M. 1891 Oliver Crocker Stevens, A.M. 1799 Rev. Daniel Stone, A.M. 179(5 Woodbury Storer, Esq. 1843 Seth Storer, A.M. 1857 Rev. Henry Gookin Storer, A.M. 1837 William Swan, Esq. 1861 Hon. Charles EIdward Swan, M.D. 1797 William Symmes, A.M. 1871 Hon. Joseph White Sy'monds, A.M. 1871 Hon. Francis Loring Talbot, A.M. l.S()2 Hon. Peleg Tallman, . 1814 Rev. Benjamin Tappan, D.D. 1816 Enoch Sawyer Tappan, M.D. 1864 Rev. Benjamin Tappan, D.D. 1864 Thomas Tasii, A.M. 1821 Rev. Petrus Stuyvesant TenBroeck. 1842 Hon. John Searle Tenney, LL.D. 1806 Hon. George Tiiacher, A.M. 1821 Hon. Stephen Tiiacher. 1870 H(jn. Peter Tiiacher, A.M. . 1798 Hon. Samuel Thatcher, A.M. 1856 Hon. William AVidgery Thomas. 1794 Rev. John Thompson. 1794 Hon. Samuel Thompson. 1801 Rev. Benjamin Thurston, A.M. 1832 Rev. David Thurston, D.D. 1839 Rev. Eli Thurston, D.D. 1794 Hon. Nathaniel Thwing. 1862 Hon. Joseph Titcomb, A.M. 1867 William Henry Todd, M.D. 1794 Rev. Charles Turner, A.M. 1831 Rev. Bennet Tyler, D.D. 1811 Charles Vaughan, Esq. 1877 1848 1801 1835 1815 1816 1816 1825 1857 1866 1854 1872 1806 1 880 1841 1863 1847 1887 1889 1825 1849 1818 1827 1890 1818 1887 1798 1798 1804 1864 1856 1797 1868 1885 1796 1841 1839 14 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1830 Rev. JoHX Apthoup Vaughan, D.D. 1841 Hon. Richard Hampton Vose, A.M. 1794 Hon. Peleg Wadsworth, A.M. 171)4 Hon. John Waite. 1847 Rev. Joseph Walker. 1797 Rev. Hugh Waleis, A.M. 1821 P^benezer T. Warren, Esq. . 1868 Rev. William Warren, D.D. 1880 Hon. John Anderson Waterman. 1799 William Webb, Esq. 1856 Rev. Edwin Bonaparte Webb, D.D. 1794 Rev. Nathaniel Webster, A.M. 1841 Allen Hayden Weld, A.M. 1794 Hon. Nathaniel Wells, A.M. 1805 Rev. Daniel Weston. 1820 Hon. Nathan Weston, LL.D. 1864 Hon. P^dward Payson Weston, A.M. 1825 Rev. Seneca White, A.B. 1816 Hon. EzEKiEL Whitman, LL.D. 1859 Rev. Eliphalet Whittlesey, D.D. 1794 Hon. William Wid(;ery. 1800 Hon. Samuel Sumner Wilde, LL.D. 1850 Rev. John Wilde, A.M. 1794 Rev. Ebenezer Williams. 1826 Rev. Thomas Williams. 1821 Hon. William Durkee Williamson, A.M 1893 Franklin Augustus Wilson, A.M. 1813 Joshua Wingate, A.M. 1797 Rev. Josiah Winship, A.M. . 1794 Rev. Francis Winter, A.M. 1811 Hon. Abiel Wood. 1831 WiLMOT Wood, A.M. . 1857 William Wood, M.D. . 1847 Rev. Richard Woodhull, A.B. 1873 Cyrus Woodman, A.M. 1840 1864 1800 1801 1851 1800 1830 1879 1892 1800 1871 1798 1860 1797 1813 1821 1880 1840 1818 1863 1800 1811 1868 1799 1846 1831 1821 1800 1798 1835 1865 1864 1873 1889 1891 Barrett Potter, A.M., Secrefavj/. PROFESSORS 15 PROFESSORS.* ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND CLASSICAL LITERATURE. 1802 John AniiOT. 1816 1820 Samuel Philhi'S Newman. ..... 1824 1824 Alpheus Spring Packaud. ..... 1865 GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITEHATURE. 1865 JoTHAM BuADIiUUY SiCWALL. 1877 John Aveuy. 1\wto\. 18!»2 William Addison HorciHioN. 1875 1877 1876 1881 1882 1 .S,S5 isin l.Si»2 ALV riiKALvncs. 1805 Parker Cleaveland. ..... 1825 William Smyth. . . . . . . 1860 William Packard Tuckek, lustiuctor. . 1865 J^dward Neavman Packard, Assistant Professor, 1.S68 Charles Greene Pockwood. 1873 Charles Henry Smith. .... 1887 William Aliuon INIoody. .... 1825 1868 1863 1868 1873 1887 hel'.rew and english litehature. 1812 William Jenks. ...... 1816 *The following groups are not. so iimcli intended to show the exact titles held hy the various professors as to indicate the departments of instruction in their charge. 16 BOWDOIN COLLEGE CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 1805 Parker Cleaveland. ...... 1858 1859 Paul Ansel Chadbourne. ..... 1865 1863 Cyrus Fogg Brackett. 1873 1872 Robert Lawrence Packard, Assistant Professor. . 1874 1873 Henry Carmichael. ...... 1885 1874 Franklin Clement Robinson. .... natural history. 1859 Paul Ansel Chadbourne. 1863 Cyrus Fogg Brackett. 1868 George Lincoln Goodale, 1870 Edward Sylvester Morse. . 1871 Alpheus Spring Packard, Lecturer. 1874 Alonzo Garcelon Whitman, Instructor 1873 .Charles Abiathar White. 1875 George Langdon Chandler, Instructor. 1865 1872 1873 1873 1874 1874 1875 1876 GEOLOGY AND BIOLOGY. 1876 Leslie Alexander Lee. PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY 1887 Charles Clifford Hutchins. THEORY and PRACTICE OF MEDICINE 1820 Nathan Smith. 1826 Henry Halsey Childs, Lecturer 1827 Daniel Oliver. 1829 John Delamater. 1833 William Sweetser. 1835 Henry Halsey Childs, Lecturer 1836 William Perry. 1837 Henry Halsey Childs, Lecturer. 1838 James McKeen, Lecturer. 1840 John Delamater. 1842 William Sweetser. 1861 Israel Thorndike Dana. 1869 Alonzo Benjamin Palmer. 1869 Alfred Mitchell, Assistant Professor 1879 Israel Thorndike Dana. 1825 1826 1828 1832 1834 1836 1837 1838 1839 1841 1861 1869 1879 1873 TROFESSORS 17 AXATO:\iy AXD Sl'RGEHY. 1820 John Doane Wells. ..... 1830 1831 Reuben Dimond Mussey. 1836 1836 Jedidlah Cobb. 1837 1838 Joseph Robv. 1842 1843 Edmund Randolph Peaslee. 1857 1857 Davh> Sloan Conant. . 1863 1863 Corydon La Fokd. 1871 1870 Thomas Taunton Sabine. 1872 ANATOMY. 1872 Thomas Dwight. 1877 Stephen Holmes Weeks. 1882 Fkederick Henry Gerrish. . 1876 1882 SURGERY 1857 Edmund Randolph Peaslee. 1860 1860 Timothy Childs. .... 1863 1863 David Sloan Conant. .... 1865 1866 AVilliam Wauren Greene. 1881 1861) Alpheus Renning Crosby, Loctiirer. i.s(;:» 1882 Stephen Holmes Weeks. rmsioLooY. 1872 Robert Amory. ..... 1875 1875 Burt Green Wilder. .... 1884 1884 Henry Hastings Hunt. 1891 181)1 Charles Dennison Smith. , , PUHLIC HYGIENE. 1875 Frederick Henry Gerrish, Lecturer, 1885 Albion Gustavus Young, Lecturer. 1890 Charles Dennison Smith, Lecturer. 1 884 181)0 iniKTORIC and ORATORY 1824 Samuel Phillips Newman. 1842 Alpheus Spring Packard. 1845 Henry Hill Boody. 1854 Egbert Coffin Smyth. 183!) 1845 1854 1856 18 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1856 Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. 1862 Eliphalet Whittlesey. 1865 Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. 1862 1865 1866 RHETORIC, ORATORY, AND ENGLLSH LITERATURE. 1867 John Smith Sewall. 1875 Henry Leland Chapman. 1883 Barrett Potter, Instructor. . 1890 Albert Walter Tolman. 1893 WiLMOT Brookings Mitchell, Instructor. 1875 1885 ELOCUTION. 1858 William Russell, Instructor. 1862 Nathaniel Lindsay Briggs, Instructor. 1871 James Brainerd Taylor. 1880 Mark Beal, Instructor. 1862 1866 1873 1881 mental and moral thilosophy. 1824 Thomas Cogswell Upham. 1867 Thomas Cogswell Upham, Professor emeritus 1867 Samuel Harris. ..... 1871 Paul Ansel Chadbourne. 1872 Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings. 1873 Mark Hopkins 1874 Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. 1879 George Trumbull Ladd. 1881 Gabriel Campbell. .... 1883 Samuel Gilman Brown. 1885 William DeWitt Hyde. 1867 1872 1871 1872 1873 1874 1879 1881 1883 1885 OBSTETRICS. 1825 James McKeen. ..... 1.S39 1840 Ebenezer Wells. .... 1845 1845 FoRDYCE Barker. .... 1846 1846 Amos Nourse. 1866 1866 Theodore Herman Jewett. 1869 1869 William Chaffee Robinson. 1872 i PROFESSORS 1871 Edward Watrous Jknks. 1878 Alfred Mitchell. .... 1892 John Franklin Thompson. MODERN LANGUAGES. 1829 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1835 Daniel Raynes Goodwin. 1855 Ciiakles Carroll Everett. 1857 Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Instnu'tor 1859 William Alfred Packard, Instructor. 1861 Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. . 1862 Stephen Jewett Young. 1872 Robert Lawrence Packard, Instructor. 1874 Charles Henry Moore, Instructor. 1876 Charles Chesley Spkin(;er, Instructor. 1877 Henry Johnson. ..... 1882 George Sihttlkworth Atwood, Assistant Prot'esso 1888 Benjamin Lester Lowen. I.SS'J John Ehnst Matzke. .... 1891 Charles Nathan Brooks Wheklek, Instruct 1890 (iEor(;e Taylor Files, Instructor. 181)2 Frkdehic Tudor Farnsworth, Instructor. 3IATKKIA MKDIGA AM) I'll Ki; Al'KUTIGS 1.S4G Charles Alfred Lee. .... 1 l.SCl i,s(;9 1873 1 .S.S2 1.S69 1870 1.S71 1889 1852 1855 20 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1856 Egbert Coffin Smyth. 1864 Alpheus Spring Packard. 1891 Frank Edward Woodruff. 1863 1884 MILITARY SCIENCE. 1871 Joseph Prentiss Sanger. 1875 Louis Vasmer Caziakc. 1879 Medorem Crawford. 1875 1879 1882 ENGINEERING. 1872 George Leonard Vose. history and political science. 1879 Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Lecturer. 1886 Charles Henry Smith. 1890 David Collin Wells. .... 1893 William MacDonald 1881 1885 1890 1893 MENTAL DISEASES. 1892 Albert Roscoe Moulton. diseases of the eye and ear. 1892 Willis Bryant Moulton. PHYSICAL CULTURE. 1866 William Colyer Dole, Instructor. 1870 1870 Dudley Allen Sargent. 1875 1875 Frederick King Smyth. 1877 1877 Alfred Greeley Ladd. 1878 1878 Daniel Arthur Robinson. 1881 1886 Frank Nathaniel Whittier. TUTORS. - 1804 Samuel Willard. .... 1805 1805 Nathan Parker. ..... 1807 1807 Benjamin Burge. .... 1808 1807 Jonathan Cogswell. .... 1809 1808 John White. 1809 TUTORS 1809 Andrews Norton. 1809 Benjamin Tappan. 1810 WiNTHROP Bailey. 1811 Nathaniel Whitman. 1811 Stephen Fales. 1812 David Brigham. 1812 Frederic Soitikiate. 1814 Enos Merrill. 1814 Alvan Lamson. 1816 Henry Robinson. 18 IG John Parker Boyd Storer 1816 Charles Brkigs. 1817 Nehemiah Cleaveland. 1817 Samuel Green. 1817 Joseph Huntington Jones. 1818 Samuel Phillips Newman. 1819 Asa CuManNos. 1819 Alpheus Spring Packard. 1820 Benjamin Hale. 1822 William McDougall. . 1828 William Smyth. 1runs\vick. 7 — *7 Class of 1807. Charles Stewart Daveis. A.M. LL.D., 1844. b. 10 May, 1788, Portland. Lawyer. State Senate, 1841. d. 29 Mar., ISO.'J. Robert Means. A.M. b.23 Jan., 1786, Amherst, N.H. l>awyer. d. 20 Sept., 1842, Lowell, Mass. Seth Storer. A.M. b. 17 Feb., 1787, Saco. Lawyer, Scarboi'o. d. 22 Mar., 1876. 3—* 3 Class of 1808. Alfred Johnson. A.M. b. 13 Aug., 1789, Newhuryport, Mass. Lawyer, Bel- fast, d. 22 March, 18.i2. Enos Merrill. A.M. b. 18 Mar., 17S(), Falmouth. And. Theo. Sem., 1813. Tutor B. C, 1814-1(). Pastor, P'recport. d. 22 INIar., 18(11, Orford, X. IT. John Patten. A.M. b. 4 Oct., 1785, Topsham. Farmer, Bowdoinhara. d. 28 Aug., 18(;tt. Joseph Sprague. A.M. b. Aug., 1788, Topsham. Lawyer, Thomaston. d. 21 Sept., 182(1. David Stanwood. A.M. b. lo Feb., 1788, P.runswick. Lawyer, d. Feb., 1834. "WiUiam Allen Tompson. A.M. b. 18 Apr., 1787, South P.erwick. Teacher, d. 3 Oct., 183,5. (i— *G Class of 1809. Lithgow Hunter. b. (i Nov., 1787, Top.shani. Fanner, d. 28 Aug., 18(;2. Nathan Lord. A.M.; also Dart., 1821. D.D., 182S; LL.D., Dart., 18(!4. b.28Xov., 1792, Berwick. And. Theo. Sem., 1815. Pastor, Amherst, N. H. Pres. Dart. Coll. d. 9 Sept., 1870, Hanover, X. H. John Mussey. A.M. b. 15 Oct., 1790, Portland. Lawyer, d. 21 May, 188G. Benjamin Randall. A.M. b. 14 Nov., 1789, Topsham. Lawyer, Bath. State Sen- ate, 1833, 1835, 1838. M. C, 1839-43. d. 14 Oct., 18.57. William Richardson. M.D., Harv., 1813. 1). 1.! Mar., 1788, Boston. Physician, Portsmouth, H. 1., .Johnston, K. L d. 30 Sept., 18G4. Class of 1810. John Emery Abbot. A.M.; also Harv., 1815. b. (i Aug., 1793, Exeter, X. H. Pas- tor, Salem, Mass. d. 6 Oct., 1819, Exeter, X. II. George William Boyd. A.M. b. 30 Aug., 1791, Portsmouth, X. H. Lieut. U. .S. A. Editor and merchant, Xew Orleans, d. March, 18G0, Portland. William Clark. A.M. b. 12 Oct., 1788, Hallowell. Lawyer, d. 18 May, 1855. 28 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Edward Henry Cobb. A.M. b. 30 Jan., 1792, Portland. Mercliaut. d. IS Jan., 1818, Havana, Cuba. Jeremiah Fellowes. b. 1 May, 1791, Exeter, N. H. Lawyer, d. 5 .Sept., 186.0, Concord, N. H. Benjamin Lincoln Lear. A.M. b. 11 Mar., 17!>'2, Philadelphia. Lawyer, Wash- ington, d. 1 Oct., 1833. Arthur McArthur. A.M. b. 14 Jan., 1790, Limington. Lawyer, d. 29 Nov., 1874. Robert Page. A.M. b. 25 April, 1790, Readlield. And. Theo. Sem., ISl.i. Pas- tor, Bradford, M. H.; Kenduskeag; West Farmington, O. d. 12 Jan., 1876. Henry Smith, A.M. b. 2 Jan., 1789, Durham, N. H. And. Thco. Sem., 1815. Pastor, Camden, N. Y. d. 19 July, 1828. Frederic Southgate. b. 9 Aug., 1791, Scarboro. Tutor, d. 29 May, 1813. James AVeston. A.M. b. 9 Nov., 1791, Augusta. Pastor, Litchfield, d. 20 Jan., 1870, Standish. John Wise. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1816. b. 20 Jan., 1790. Physician, Sherburne, Mass. d. 8 Mar., 1829, Kennebunk. 12— *12 Class of 1811. Cornelius Dennison. b. 2 Feb., 1783, Freeport. Teacher and farmer, d. 15 April, 1846, near Beardstown, 111. John Barton Derby. A.M. b. 13 Nov., 1793, Salem, Mass. Lawyer, Dedham. d. 8 July, 1867, Boston. Josiah Little. A.M. b. 13 Jan., 1791, Newbury. Land owner. State Senate. (1. 5 Feb., 18C0, Newburyport, Mass. John McKeen. A.M. b. 21 Dec, 1789, Beverly, Mass. Merchant, Brunswick, d. 2 Dec, 1861. John Merrill. A.M. b. 3 Jan., 1793, Newbury, Mass. Merchant. State Sen- ate, 1827-31. Judge Court of Sessions, 1826-8. Res., Brooklyn, d. 10 Aug., 1861, Orange, N. J. Asa Kedington. LL.D., Bates, 1873. b. 4 July, 1789, Vassalboro. Lawyer, Au- gusta. Judge Dist. Court. Res., Lewis- ton, d. 6 June, 1874. William Cobb Wilde, b. 2 Sept. , 1792, llallowoll. Lawyer, d. 23 Dec, 1825, Newburyport, Mass. Class of 1812. John Parker Boyd. A.M. b. 1 June, 1792, Portland. Lawyer, d. 20 July, 1871. Charles Freeman. A.M. b. 3 June, 1794, Portland. Pastor, Limerick, d. 19 Sept., 18.53. George Freeman, b. 9 Mar., 179G, Portland. Law student, d. 1815. George Lamson. A.M. b. (J Oct., 1793, Exeter, N. II. Editor and publisher, d. 1826, New York City. William Pilsbury. b. 16 June, 1793, Boston. Law student, d. 10 Aug., 1815. Joseph Sewall. A.M. b.26 Apr., 1795, Bath. Lawyer, d. 27 Apr., 1851. John Parker Boyd Storer. A.M.; also Harv., 1817. I). 6 Nov., 1793, Portland. Tutor. Pastor, Walpole, Mass. d. 17 Mar., 1844, Syracuse, N. Y. Class of 1813. John Anderson. A.M. b. 29 July, 1792, Windham. Lawyer, Portland. State Sen- ate, 1824. M. C, 1825-33. U. S. Att'y, 1833-6. d. 21 Aug., 1853. Nathan Dane Appleton. A.M. b. 20 May, 1794, Ipswich, INIass. Lawyer, Al- fred. State Senate, 1839. Att'y-Gen., 18.57-9. d. 12 Nov., 1861. Nehemiah Cleaveland. A.M. LL.D., 1869. b. 1(> Aug., 1796, Topsfleld, Mass. Tutor. Prin. Dummer Acad. d. 17 April, 1877, Westport, Conn. Rufus King Porter. A.M. b. 3 Sept., 1794, Biddeford. Lawyer, Machias. d. 11 Dec, 18.56. Benjamin [Franklin] Salter, b.6 Apr., 1792, Portsmouth, N. H. Mei'chant, Fay- etteville.N.C; New York City. d. 8 Sept., 18.58. 5—* 5 Class of 1814. James Bowdoin. A.M.; also Harv., 1818; Yale, 1826. b. 23 July, 1796, Boston. Lawyer, d. 6 Mar., 1833, Havana, Cuba. John Bush. b. 3 July, 1792, Boylston, Mass. Physician, Vassalboro. d. 27 Feb., 1876. James Cargill. b. 22 Feb., 1790, New- castle, d. 17 Sept., 1814. Charles Northend Cogswell. A.M. b. 24 April, 1797, South Berwick. Lawyer. State Senate, 1833-4. d. 11 Oct., 1843. ALUMNI 29 John Abbot Douglass. A.M. b.4Feb., 17!t-2, Portland. Pastor, VVaterford. <1. 7 Aug., 187S. Charles Dummer. A.M. b. Aug., 1791, Hallowell. Law.ver. Treas.Dept, Wash- ington, D. C. d. -28 .Iiine, 1872, Ilallowcll. Stephen Emery. A.M. b. 2!) April, 17'.»0, Minot. l>a\v.yer, Paris. Att'y-Gen., lf<31i-41. Judge District Court, d. 18 Nov., 18(13, Auburn. John Eveleth. A.M. b. 24 Oct., 1786, New Gloucester. Lawyer, M'indhani. d. 17 Sept., 1859. Nathaniel Groton. A.M. b. 9 May, ]7!)1, Waldoboro. Lawyer, Bath. State Senate, 1832, 1834. d. 28 Oct., 1858. Samuel Hale. A.M.; also Harv., 1818. b. 30 April, 1793, Barrington, N. H. Mer- chant, Portsmouth, N. H. Manufacturer, Rollinsford, N. II. d. 20 Dec, 1869. Winthrop Hilton. A.M. b. 14 Sept., 1794, Deerlield, N. H. Fanner, d. 1.5 Aug., 1869. Elijah King. b. 21 May, 1781), Minot. Lawyer, Kentucky, d. before 1830. Edward Orne. b. 3 April, 17!)1, Salem, Mass. Sea captain. Land agent, Missis- sippi, d. 7 April, 1845. William King Porter, b. , 1795, 'I'opslKini. Lawyer, Turner, d. 1834. "William Henry Robbins. A.M. b. 22 ( )ct., 1794, Ilallowell. Lawyer, Cheraw, S. C. d. 26 Mar., 1843. 15—* 15 Class of 1815. Robert Pinckney Dunlap. A.M. b. 17 Aug., 1794, Brunswick. Lawyer. State Senate, 1824-8, 1830-2. Pres., 1827-8, 1831-2. Governor, 1834-7. M. C, 1843-7. d. 20 Oct., 1859. George Evans. A.M. LL.D., 1847; also Washington Coll., Pa., 1846. b.l 2 .Ian, 1797, Hallowell. Lawyer, Gardiner; Portland. Speaker State Leg., 1829. M.C., 1829-41. U. S. Senator, 1841-7. State Att'y-Gen., 18.53-5. d. 6 April, 1867. Perez Bryant Mann. b. 26 Aug., 1798, Ilallowell. d. Dec, 1817, Augusta, (Ja. Richard Elvins Orne. b. 20 May, 1795, Salem, Mass. Sea captain. Land agent, Memphis, Tenn. d. 22 Sept., ISGO, near St. Paul, ]Minn. Chandler Robbins. M.D., Harv., 1818. b. 21 Aug., 1796, Hallowell. Physician, Boston, d. 24 May, 1836, Cheraw, S. C. Levi StoweU. A.M. b. 14 Jan., 1794, Paris. Lawyer. d.8Sept., 1865, INIazeppa, ]Minn. Solomon Thayer, b. 4 Sept., 1789, Bridge water, Mass. Lawyer, Lubec d. 22 Dec, 1857, Portland. John Apthorp Vaughan. D.D., Ken- yon, 18.39. b. 13()ct., 1795, Moston. Clergy- man. Prof. ProL. Kpis. Divinity School, Philadelphia, d. 5 June, 1865. 8—* 8 Class of 1816. Edward Emerson Bourne. A. M. LL.D., 1872. b. 19 INIar., 1797, Kennebunk. Lawyer, d. 23 Sept., 1873. Randolph Augustus Lawrence Cod- man. A.M. b. 24 Nov., 1796, Gor- ham. Lawyer, Waterville; Portland, d. 28 Oct., 18.53. Rodney Gove Dennis. A.M. b. 17 April, 1791, New Boston, N. H. And. Theo. Sem., 1819. Pastor, Topsfleld, Mass. ; Somers, Conn. d. 29 Sept., 1865, Southbor- ough, Mass. Stephen Longfellow Lewis. A. M. b. 17 Mar., 1795, Gorham. Lawyer, Ath- ens, d. 1825, Gorham. Dudley Norris. b. 6 Jan., 1796, Hal- lowell. Medical student, d. 1817. Alpheus Spring Packard. A.M. D.D., m\(). b. 23 Dec, 1798, Chelmsford, Mass. Tutor. Prof. Greek and Latin, Rhet. ami Oratory, Nat. and Rev. Religion. Acting President, d. 13 .Inly, 1884. Charles Richard Porter. A.M. b. 14 Oct., 1797, Topsham. Lawyer, Bath. d. 18 July, 1860. Ebenezer Shillaber. A.M. b. 29 July, 1797, Salem, Mass. Lawyer, d. 9 Nov., 18.56, Biddeford. William Augustus Staples. A. M. M.D., Univ. Penn. b. 25 Oct., 1795, Eliot, d. March (?), 1820, Havana, Cuba. John Searle Tenney. A.M. LL.D., 1850. b. 21 Jan., 1793, Rowdey, Mass. Lawyer, Norridgewock. J ustice Supreme Court, 1841-55. Chief Justice, 185.5-62. State Senate, 1864-5. Lecturer Medical .Iiu-isi>rudence. d. 23 Aug., 1869. Wilmot Wood. A.M. b. 16 Feb., 1796, Wiscasset. Merchant, d. 2 May, 1865. 11— *11 30 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Class of 1817. Ebenezer Cheever. b. 12 May, 1791, Readinjr, Vt. Pastor, Newark, N. J.; Ypsi- lanti, Mich. d. 31 Dec, 1866. Nathan Cummings. b. 23 Aug., 1796, Waterford. Lawyer, Portland, d. 15 July, 1878. Samuel Johnson. A.M. b. 19 May, I7i1'2, Wiiithrop. Pastor, Alna; Saco. d.l6 Nov., 1836, Hallowell. James McKeen. M.D., Harv., 1820. b. 27 Nov., 1797, Beverly, Mass. Physi- cian, Topsham. Prof. Obstetrics, d. 28 Nov., 1873. Joseph Green Moody. A.M. b. 3 Nov., 1797, Keiinebunk. Merchant, Bos- ton, d. 30 May, 1879, Cambridge, Mass. Charles Packard. A.M. b. 12 April, 1801, Chelmsford, Mass. Lawyer, Bruns- wick. Pastor, Lancaster, Mass. d. 17 Feb., 1864, Biddeford. Phineas Pratt, b. 23 May, 1789, New Ipswich, N.H. Merchant, Gardiner, d.9 Dec, 1865. John Widgery. A.M. b. 17 June, 1802, I'ortland. Lawyer, Little Kock, Ark. Surveyor, St. Louis, Mo. d.2Aug., 1873, Portland. 8—* 8 Class of 1818. Rufus Anderson. A.M. LL.D.. 18()8. D.D., Dart., 1836. b. 17 Aug., 1796, North Yarmouth. And. Theo. Sem., 1822. Sec'y A. B. C. F. M., Boston, d. 30 May, 1880. Isaac Parsons Anderson, b. 12 April, 1798, Nortli Yarmouth, d. 16 Dec, 1818, Beverly, Mass. Israel Wildes Bourne, b. 25 Dec, 1795, Kenncbunk. Book-keeper, Boston. d. 7 Nov., 1862. Edmund Theodore Bridge. A.M. b. 6 Dec, 1799, Augusta. Editor. U. S. civil service, d. 17 Feb., 1854, Jersey City, N. J. Carieton Dole. A.M. b. 28 March, 1798, Alna. Merchant, Augusta. State Senate, 1831. d. 7 April, 1870, Salem, Mass. Moses Emery, b. 10 July, 1794, Minot. Lawyer, Saco. d. 12 May, 1881. Joseph Palmer Fessenden. b. 24 Oct., 1792, Fryeburg. Pastor, Kennebunkport; South Bridgton. d. 13 Feb., 1861. Benjamin Hale. A.M.; also Dart., 1827. M.D., Dart., 1827. D.D., Columbia, 1836. b. 23 Nov., 1797, Newbury, Mass. Tutor. Prof. Chemistry, Dart. Pres. Ho. bart Coll. d. 15 July, 1863, Newburyport, Mass. Frederic Benjamin Page. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1821. b. 5 July, 1798, Hallowell. Physician, Donaldsonville, La. d. 26 July, 1857, Edwards, Miss. George Dummer Perley. b. 18 June, 1797, Hallowell. Lawyer, d. 1826. Josiah Pierce. A.M. b. 15 Aug., 1792, Baldwin. Lawyer, Goi-ham. State Senate, 1834-6. Pres., 1835-6. d. 25 June, 1866. George BarreU SewalL A.M. b. 29 Jan., 1799, Hallowell. Lawyer, d. 1825, Mobile, Ala. Seba Smith, b. 14 Sept., 1792, Buck- fleld. Editor, Portland. Author, New York City. d. 29 July, 1868, Patchogue, L. I. Gideon Lane Soule. A.M. LL.D., Harv., 18.56. b. 25 July, 1796, Freeport. Prin. Phillips Acad., Exeter, N. H. d. 28 May, 1879. David Starret. b. 1790, Warren. Pas- tor, Weld ; Litchflehi. d. 3 April, 1851, Augusta. George Starret. A.M. b. 15 May, 1798, Warren. Lawyer, Bangor, d. 3 Feb., 1837. James Parker Vance. A.M. b.lMar., 1800, Calais. Lawyer. Pastor, Elgin, 111. d. Joseph Walker. A.M. b. 19 Feb., 1792, Townsend, Mass. Pastor, Paris, d. 8 April, 1851. W^illiam Bicker Walter. A.M. b. 29 April, 1796, Boston. Author. d.23Api'il, 1822, Charleston, S. C. 19—* 19 Class of 1819. Thomas Perkins Bourne. M.D., 1823. b. 27 Dec, 1798, Kennebunk. Physician, Calais; Newcastle, N. B. d. May, 1863. Jonathan Hammond Chesley. b. 12 May, 1794, Paris. Teacher, Baton Rouge, La. d. 27 Nov., 1826, Saco. David Hayes. A.M. b. 11 July, 1795, N. Yarmouth. Lawyer, Saccarappa. d. 26 Mar., 1870. Edward Tyng Ingraham. A.M. b. 1799, Portland, d. 1823. George Means Mason, b. 3 Oct., 1800, Portsmouth, N. H. Lawyer, Boston, d. 16 Aug., 1865. John Dennis McCrate. b. 1 Oct., 1802, Wiscasset. Lawyer, Damariscotta; Wis- casset. M. C, 1845-7. d. 11 Sept., 1879, Sutton, Mass. ALUIMNI 31 John Louville Megquier. A.M. b. 9 Sept., 17!I4, New Gloucester. Lawyer, Portland. State Senate, 1S2S, 1830-3'2. d. 3 Jan., 1S40. Israel Newell. A.M. b. 5 Apr., 1794, Durham. I'rin. Kimball Union Acad., I'lainlield, N. H. I'astor and teacher, Durham, d. !l Feb., 1S4(>. James Stackpole. A.M. b. 19 Nov., IT'.iS, Waterville. Lawyer, d. IS July, 1880. George Cobb Wilde, b. 13 Dec, 1800, Ilallowell. Lawyer, Boston, d. 27 June, 1875, Lenox, Mass. Adam Wilson. A.M. D.D., Colby, 18.5L b. 8 Feb., 17114, Topsham. Pastor and editor, Portland, d. l(i .Jan., 187 J, Waterville. 11— *11 Class of 1820. Jacob Abbott. A.M. D.D., Amherst, 1874. b. 14 Nov., 1803, Ilallowell. And. Theo. Sem. Prof. Mathematics, Amherst. Teacher and author, New York City. d. 31 Oct., 1879, Farmington. Samuel Bradley. A.M. b. '29 Mar., 1802, Fryeburg. Lawyer, Hoi lis. d. 2(; June, 184!), Saco. Theodore Sedgwick Brown. A.M. b. 20 June, 1803, \'assall)oro. Lawyer, P.angor. d.Jan., 1802, Augusta. Jedidiah Cobb. A.M. M.D., IS'Jo. b. 27 Feb., 1800, Gray. Prof. Med. Coll., Ohio. Med. Sch., Louisville, Ky. d. IC. Nov., 18(iO, Manchester, Mass. Philip Eastman. A.M. b. 5 Feb., 17011, Chatham, N. H. Lawyer, North Yarmouth ; Harrison ; Saco. State Senate, 1840, 1842. d. 7 Aug. , 1869. William Jewett Farley. A.M. b. 12 Apr., 1802, Newcastle. Lawyer, Thom- aston. d. 1.1 .June, 1839. Joshua Warren Hathaway. A.M. b. 10 Nov., 1797, New Brunswick. Lawyer, Ellsworth; Bangor. State Senate, 1827-8. Judge District Court, 1849-.52; Sui)reme Court, 18.i2-9. d. G June, 18G2. Josiah Hilton Hobbs. A.M. b. L'Nov., 179.i, Effingham, N. H. I^awyer, Wake- field, N. II. d. 17 June, 1854. William McDougall. A.M. M.D., 1820. b. 1 March, 1797, Gorham. Tutor. Physician and teacher, Wetunipka, Ala. d. 9 June, 1S.V2. Samuel Morrill. A.M. M.D., 1823. b. 4 Feb., 1800, Wells. Physician, Boston. d. 27 Mar., 1872. Caleb Fessenden Page. A.M. b. 15 Feb., 1797, Fryeburg. Pastor, Limington; Bridgton. d. « Nov., 1873, Milton, N. H. Thomas Treadwell Stone. A.M. D.D., 18G8. b. 9 Feb., 1801, Waterford. Pastor, East Machias; Bolton, Mass.; Brooklyn, Conn. lies., Uock Bottom, Mass. 12— *11 Class of 1821. John Barrett. A.M. M.D., 1824. b. 21 Feb., 1802, Northficld, Mass. Physician, Portland, d. 20 Apr., 1842. Plummer Chase, b. 13 Mar., 1794, New- bury, Mass. And. Theo. Sem., 1824. Pas- tor, Carver, Mass. d. 17 Sept., 1837, New- bury, Mass. Daniel Clarke, b. 11 Dec, 1796, Wind- ham. Lawyer, d. 2 Dec, 1825. John Payne Cleaveland. A.M. D.D., Marietta, 1844. b. 19 July, 1799, Rowley, Mass. Pastor, Salem, Mass. Pres. Mar- shall Coll , Mich. Pastor, Lowell, Mass. Chaplain ,30th Mass. Vols. d. 7 Mar., 1873, Newburj'port, Blass. Rufus King Cushing. M.D., 1824. b. 23 July, 1802, Brunswick. Physician, Brewer; Bangor, d. 28 I\Iar., 1889. W^illiam Cutter. A.M. b. 1.5 May, 1801, Yarmouth, .^lerchant, Portland. Literary work, Bedford, N. Y. d. 8 Feb., 1807. Daniel Evans, b. 5 Oct., 1802, Hallow- ell. Physician, d. 9 Feb., ls(;7, Cornville. Godfrey John Grosvenor. b. 13 Mar., ]S01,Minot. Lawyer, Geneva, N.Y. d.21 June, 1849. Isaac Giddings Groton. A.M. b. 30 Mar., 17119, Waldoboro. Lawyer, Waldo- boro. d. 23 Jan., 1833. Charles Harding, b. 2() June, 1798, Gorham. Lawyer, Raymond; Portland, d. 1849. Joseph Howard. A.M. b. 14 Mar., 1800, Browutleld. Lawyer, Portland. U. S. Dist. Att'y, ls;J7-41. Judge Supreme Court, l848-.i5. d. 12 Dec, 1877, Brown- field. Lot Jones. A.M. D.D., Columbia, 18.59. b. 21 Feb., 1797, Brunswick. Rector, New York City. d. 12 Oct., 18G5, Phila- delphia. James Larry, b. 31 Jan., 1798, Gorham. Teacher, Virginia, d. 27 Aug., 1872, Wash- ington. 32 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Joseph Libbey. A.M. b. 13 Dec, 1793, Biixtou. Teacher, Portland, d. 27 Aug., 1871. "Winthrop Gray Marston. b. 6 July, 1802, Salem, Mass. Res., Portland, d. 182.5. George Packard. A.M. M.D., 1825. b. 23 May, 1S0.3, Wiscasset. Physician, Saco. Rector, Lawrence, Mass. d. 30 Nov., 1870. Ichabod Plaisted. b. 29 Mar., 1796, Gardiner. Pastor, N. Rochester, Mass. d. 21 June, 1831, Gardiner. Charles Soule. A.M. b. 29 Aug., 1794, Freeport. Pastor, Norway, d. 31 May, ISIHI, Portland. Stephen M'Lellan Staples. A.M. b. 13 .June, 1800, Gorham. Civil engineer, Mexico, d. 1832, Philadelphia. Isaac Watts Wheelwright. A.M. b. 17 Sept., lS01,Newburyport, Mass. Teach- er, Valparaiso, Chili. Res., Byfleld, Mass. Joseph Abiel Wood. b. 7 May, 1803, Wiscasset. Lawyer, Ellsworth, d. 1844. 21 *20 Class of 1822. Joseph Hale Abbot. A.M. b.25Sept., 1802, Wilton, N. H. Tutor and Librarian. Teacher, Boston, d. 7 Apr., 1873, Cam- bridge, Mass. James Anderson, b. 17 Feb., 1800, North Yarmouth, d. 1 June, 1823, Charles- ton, S. C. John Appleton. A.M. LL.D., 18G0. b. 12 July, 1804, New Ipswich, N. H. Lawyer, Bangor. Judge Supreme Court, 18.'52-83. Chief Justice, 1862-83. d.7Feb., 1891. Charles Edwards Barrett, b. 6 Jan., 1804, Northlield, Mass. Treasurer, A. & St. L. R. R., Portland, d. 4 Jan., 1894. James Bell. b. 13 Nov., 1804, Frances- town, N. H. Lawyer, Exeter, N. H.; Gil- ford, N. H. U. S. Senate, lS.55-7. d. 26 May, 18.i7. John Boynton. b. 11 Apr., 1801, Wis- casset. Pastor, Pliippsl)urg. Farmer, Wis- casset; Felton, Del. d. 1 Mar., 1876. Otis Livingston Bridges, b. 21 Feb., 1708, Cliarlotte. Lawyer, Calais. State Att'y-Gen., 1842-3. Lawyer, Stockton, Cal. d. 1870. Charles Parsons Chandler. A.M. b. 29 Oct., 1801, New Gloucester. Lawyer, Foxcroft. State Senate, 1857. d. 17 Nov., 1857. Richmond Loring. A.M. M.D., 1825. b. 29 Oct., 1801, North Yarmouth. Physi- cian and merchant, Aux Cayes, Hayti. d. 1854, France. Charles Hugh Patterson McLellan. A.M. M.D., 1825. b.5 June, 1S03, Gorham. Physician, Portland. Teacher, Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. d. 2 April, 1862. Moses Parsons Parish, b. 9 Oct., 1803, Byfield, Mass. Lawyer, Newburyport. Editor, New York City. d. 12 Feb., 1865, Baltimore. Simeon Perkins. A.M. b. 4 May, 1795. Lawyer, Hebron ; Otisfield. d. 1842. Milton Pierce, b. 22 Sept., 1803, Mon- mouth. Lawyer, d. July, 1827. Sylvanus W^aterman Robinson. A.M. b. 29 Sept., 1801, Litchfield. Lawyer, Hal- lowell; Bangor, d. 16 Sept., 1849, Litch- field. Benjamin Sanborn. A.M. M.D.,Dart., 1827. b. 24 Aug., 1799, Falmouth. Phy- sician, Belgrade; Falmouth, d. 1845. WiUiam Smyth. A.M. D.D., 1863. b. 1 Feb., 1797, Pittstou. Tutor. Prof. Mathematics, d. 4 Apr., 1868, Brunswick. Timothy Walker Stone, b. 8 June, 1805, Brunswick. Law student, d. 4 July, 1826. David Humphreys Storer. AM. LL.U., 1876. M.D., Harv., 1S25. b. 26 Mar., 1804, Portland. Physician, Boston Prof. Tremont St. Med. Sch. Prof. Ob- stetrics, Harv. d. 10 Sept., 1891. Daniel Dana Tappan. b. 20 Oct., 1798, Newburyport, Mass. Pastor, East Marsh- field, Mass.; Farniington, N. H.; Weld, d. 15 .Jan., 1890, Topsfleld, Mass. Noah Tebbets. A.M. b. 26 Dec, 1802, Rochester, N. H. Lawyer. Circuit Judge, 1843-4. d. 9 Sept., 1844. Richard Hampton Vose. A.M. b. 8 Nov., 1803, Northfield, Mass. Lawyer, Augusta. State Senate, 1840-41; Pres., 1841. d. 19 Jan., 1864. John Hubbard White, b. 30 Nov., 1802, Dover, N. H. Lawyer, d. 7 Sept., 18S2. Benjarain Glazier W^illey. b. 11 Feb., 1796, Conway, N. H. Pastor, Milton, N. H. ; East Sumner, d. 17 Apr., 1867. Jabez Cushman W^oodman. A.M. b. 23 Jan., 1804, New Gloucester. Lawyer, Minot; Portland, d. 8 Nov., 1869. 24— *24 f ALUMNI 33 Class of 1823. Charles Shaw Adams. A.M. b. 31 May, 1797, T.atli. I'astor, Westfonl.Conn.; Hillsdale, Mich. il. 29 July, 1873. George Washington Bachelder. b. 13 Nov., 1802, Hallowell. Lawyer, Gardi- ner, d. 185-2. John Macclintock Bartlett. b. 3Apr., 1803, Pembroke, X. H. Hook-keeper, N. Y. City. d. 1849, Gibraltar. Luther V Bell. M.D., Dart., 182G. D.C.L., King's Coll. [N.S.],1847. LL.D., Amherst, 1855. b. 20 Dec., 1806, Francis- town, N. H. Physician, Londonderry, N. H. Supt. McLean Insane Asylum. Surg. 11th Mass. Vols. d. 11 Feb., 1862, Budd's Ferry, Va. Edmund Bridge Bowman, b. 211 Aug., 1804, Wiscasset. Lawyer, I'.owdoiiiliam; Wiscasset. d. 19 Mar., 1864. William Browne. A.M. b. 12 Nov., 180(), Portland. Lawyer, Tazewell, Va.; San Antonio, Tex. d.l877 (?), Austin, Tex. Jonas Burnham. A.M. b. 11 May, 1798, Kennebunkport. Teacher and clergyman, Farminglon. d. 9 Mar., 1889. Egbert Benson Coffin. 1). 2i) July, 1805, Bath. Law student, d. 1827. John Crosby. A.M. b. 11 Sept., 1803, Bangor. And. Theo. Sem., 1827. Pastor, Castine. d. 26 May, 1833, Barbailoes, W. L William George Crosby. A.M. LL.D., 1870. b. 10 Sept., 1805, ISelfast. Lawyer. Governor, 1853-4. d. 21 Mar., 1881. Joseph Dowe. A.M., Dart., 1828. b. Jan., 1796, Durham, N. H. Teacher and bookseller, Boston, d. 17 May, 1873, South Natick, Mass. Kichard William Dummer. b. 17 Sept., 1802, Hallowell. Farmer, Grover, Kan. William Pitt Fessenden. LL.D., 1858. Harv., 1864. b. 16 Oct., ]80(!, Boscawen, N. H. Lawyer, Portland. M. C, 1841-3. U. S. Senate, 18.54-(;4, 18(i.'i-9. Sec. U. S. Trcas., 1864-5. d. 8 Sept., 1869. George Parsons Giddinge. D.D., St. Paul's Coll., Mo., 1856. b. 23 Jan., 1801, South Auburn. Rector, Quincy, 111. d. 9 May, 1861, Palmyra, Mo. James Gooch. b. 12 Dec, 1800, North Yarmouth. Pastor, Hebron ; Denmark. d. 28 Mar., 1848, Oxford. Romulus Haskins. b. 29 Sept., 1801, Hampden. Merchant, Bangor, d. 8 Oct., 1863. Nathaniel Haynes. A.M. b. 11 Mar., 1799, Hebron. Lawyer and editor, Bangor, d. 6 Dec, I83(i. Hiram Hayes Hobbs. b. 12 Jan., 1802, North Berwick. Lawyer, Soutli Berwick. d. 9 Mar., 1884. William Bradford Holmes. A.M. b. 16 Sept., 1801, Alfred. Lawyer, d. 29 Nov., 18.50. Josiah Stacy Hook. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1827. b. 4 Mar., 1803, Castine. Physician, Adrian, Mich. d. 1844. WiUiam Rufus King. b. G Nov., 1804, Saco. Lawyer, Sullivan, d. July, 1836, Shiloh, N. C. WiUiam Allen Lane. A.M. b. 19 Dec, 1798, New Gloucester. Planter, Clinton, La. d. 28 June, 1872. Benjamin Lincoln. M.D.,1827. b. 11 Oct., 1802, Dennysville. Prof. Anat., Univ. Vermont, d. 26 Feb., 1835, Dennys- ville. John McDonald. A.M. b. 17 Dec, 1800, Limerick. Lawyer, Limerick; Bangor. d. Jan., 1867. Samuel MiUet. b. (> Apr., 1801, Nor- way. Planter, Scguin, Tex. d.. Inly, 1861. Lory Odell. b. 1(1 Sept., 1801, Conway, N. IL Lawyer, Portsmouth, N. H. d. 24 Mar., 1883, Portland. John Otis. b. 3 Aug., 1801, Leeds. Lawyer, Hallowell. M. C, 1849-51. d. 17 Oct., 1856. Isaac Parsons, b. 3 May, 1801, New Gloucester, il. 1824. George Lessley Parsons, b. 3 Oct., 1801, Norwa}-. Lawyer, Sebec. d. 29 Oct., 1829, Bangor. James Patten, b. 23 Nov., 1795, Lon- donderry, N. H. Lawyer, Berne, N. Y. (1. 28 Oct., 1886. William Jeffrey Read. b. 19 Oct., 1800, Danvers, INIass. Lawyer, Eastport. d. 28 May, 1829, Belfast. William Tyng Smith. A.M. b. li) June, 1802, Gorham. Lawyer, I'ortland. d. 10 Mar., 18,54. Jacob Smith. A.M. b. 15 May, 1803, Hallowell. Lawyer, Wiscasset; Bath. d.23 Julv, 1876. 33— *32 Class of 1824. Harrison Allen, b. 2(i Apr., 17il2, In- dustry. And. Theo. Sem., 1828. Mission- ary, Choctaws. d. 19 Aug., 1831, Elliot, Miss. 34 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Frederic Wait Burke, b. 14 Feb., 1806, Woodstock, Vt. Lawyer, N. Y. City. Zenas Caldwell. b. 31 Mar., 1800, Hebron. Prin. Me. Wesleyan Sem. d. 21 Dec, 1826. William Henry Codman. b. 29 Sept., 1S06, Portland. Lawyer, Camden, d. 3 May, 1870. Ebenezer Furbush Deane. A.M. b. 10 May, 1801, Minot. Lawyer, Gardiner, d. 2-2 Sept., 1848. William Hatch. A.M. M.D., 1827. b. 27 July, 1806, Exeter, N. H. Physician, Georgetown, Ky. Pastor and teacher, Bloomington, III. d. 23 July, 1876, Han- nibal, Mo. W^illiam Avery Little. M.D., Harv., 1827. b. 20 July, 1806, Castine. Phy- sician, d. 8 Aug., 1828. William Mason. M.D., Harv., 1832. b. 8 May, 1805, Castine. Physician, Bucks- port; Charlestown, Mass. d. 13 Mar., 1881. Thomas McDougalL A.M. b. 2 Oct., 1799, Gorhani. Teacher, Wetumpka, Ala. ; Montgomery, Ala. d. 28 May, 1869. Theodore Lyman Moody, b. .30 June, 1804, Kennebuiik. Merchant, Mobile, Ala. State Dept., AVash., 1). C. d. 14 Feb., 1878. Franklin Pierce. LL.D., 18.53; Dart., 1860. b. 23 Nov., 1804, Hillsboro, N. H. Lawyer, Hillsboro, N. H.; Concord, N. H. Speaker State Leg., 1831-2. M. C, 1833-7. U. S. Senate, 1837-42. Brig.-Gen., 1847. President U. S., 1853-7. d. 8 Oct., 1869. Calvin Ellis Stowe. A.M. D.D., Univ. Indiana; also Dart., 1839; also Mi- ami Univ. b. 26 Apr., 1802, Natick, Mass. And. Theo. Sem., 1828. Prof. Lat. and Or., Dart. Prof. Bib. Lit., Lane Theo. Sem. Prof. Nat. and Rev. Rel., B. C. Prof. Sac. Lit., And. Theo. Sem. Res., Hartford, Conn. d. 22 Aug., 1886. Samuel Talbot. A.M. b. 11 Jan., 1801, Freeport. Pastor, Wilton; Alna. d. 15 Nov., 1859, Waldoboro. 13—* 12 Class of 1825. Charles Jeffrey Abbott, b. 9 Jan., 1806, Castine. Lawyer. State Senate, 1866. d. 19 Aug., 1882. John Stevens Cabot Abbott. A.M. D.D., 1875. b. 18 Sept., 1805, Brunswick. And. Theo. Sem., 1829. Pastor, Roxbury, Mass. Teacher, New York City. Author, Brunswick ; Fairhaven, Conn. d. 17 June, 1877. Thomas Ayer. b. 27 Dec, 1796, Plais- tow, N. H. Pastor, Albany. Farmer, Litchfield, d. 7 Feb., 1863. Elisha Bacon. A.M. b. 27 June, 1799, Freeport. Pastor, Sanford. Teacher, Centreville, Mass. d. 18 Jan., 1863. Samuel Page Benson. A. M. b. 28 Nov., 1804, Winthrop. Lawyer. State Sen- ate, 1836-7. M.C., 18.53-7. d. 12 Aug., 1876, Yarmouth. Alden Boynton. b. 30 Dec., 1805, Wis- casset. Pastor, Industry. Farmer, Wis- casset. d. 25 Dec, 1858. James Ware Bradbury. A.M. LL.D., 1872. b. 10 June, 1802, Parsonsfleld. Law- yer, Augusta. U. S. Senate, 1847-53. Richmond Bradford. M.D., 1829. b. 30 Apr., 1801, Turner. Physician, Auburn, d. 21 Dec, 1874. Horatio Bridge. A.M. b. 8 Apr., 1806, Augusta. Lawyer. Paymaster-General, U. S. Navy, Wa.shington, D. C. d. 18 Mar., 1893, Athens, Penn. George Barrell Cheever. D.D., Univ. City of N. Y., 1814. LL.D., Glasgow, 1860. b. 17 April, 1807, Hallowell. And. Theo. Sem., 1830. Pastor, New York City. Au- thor, Euglewood, N. J. d. 1 Oct., 1890. Jonathan Cilley. b. 2 July, 1802, Not- tingham, N. H. Lawyer, Thomaston. Speaker State Leg., 183.5-6. M. C, 1837-8. d. 24 Feb., 1838, Washington, D. C. Cyrus Hamlin Coolidge. M.D b. 11 INIay, 1800, Canton. Physician, Buckfleld ; California. d.l87I. Gorham Deane. b. 15 Feb., 1803, Bid- deford. d. 11 Aug., 1825, Providence, R. I. Jeremiah Dummer. M.D., 1828. b. 6 Mar., 1805, Hallowell. Physician, West- port, Kan. d. 29 Nov., 18.56. Nathaniel Dunn. A.M.; al.so Brown, 1828. b. 29 Jan., 1800, Poland. Teacher and lecturer, New Vork City. d. 17 Oct., 1889. Joseph Jenkins Eveleth. b 14 Nov., 1805, Augusta. Banker, Augusta, d. 9 Aug., 1891. David Haley Foster. A.M. b. 7 Apr., 1807, Topsham. Lawyer. Teacher, Ber- lin, Md. d. 26 Dec, 1850, Topsham. Patrick Henry Greenleaf. A.M.; also Trinity, 1827. D.D., Univ. Indiana, b. 11 July, 1808, Gray. Rector, Charlestown, ALUMNI 35 Mass.; Cincinnati, O.; Brooklyn, N. Y. (1. 22 June, ISfiO. William Hale. A.M. b. 10 Dec, 1804, Dover, N. H. Merchant, Dover, N. II. d. 1 June, IWio. Nathaniel Hawthorne. A. M. b. 4 July, 1804, .Salem, Mass. Author, Salem, Mass.; Concord, Mass. d. 19 May, 1864, riymoiith, N. II. John Dafforne Kinsman. A.M.; also Dart., 184.5. b. 17 Oct., 180.5, Portland. Lawyer, d. 27 IMay, 1850, Belfast. Josiah Stover Little. A.M. b. 9 July, 1801, Minot. liawyer, Portland. Speaker State Leg., 1841, 18.)(i. d. 2 Apr., 1862. Stephen Longfellow. A.M. b. 14 Aug., 1805, Portland. Lawyer, d. lit Sept., 18.50. Henry "Wadsworth Longfellow. A.M. LL.D., 1874; also Harv., 1859; also Cam- bridge, 1868. D.C.L., Oxford, 1869. b. 27 Feb., 1807, Portland. Prof. Mod. Lang., B. C. Prof. French and Spanish, Harv. Author, Cambridge, d. 24 Mar., 1882. Alfred Martin, b. 24 Aug., 1803, Hal- hnvell. Lawyer, AVinthrop. d. 1831. Alfred Mason, b. 24 Mar., 1804, Ports- mouth, \. 11. Physician, d. 12 A])r., 1828, New York City. Frederic Mellen. b. ;! Dec., 1804, IJid- deford. Lawyer, Portland, d. 13 Aug., 18.34, lioston. Mark Haskell Newman, b. 9 June, 1806, Andover, Mass. Bookseller and publisher, Andover, Msiss.; New York City. d. Dec, 1852. Hezekiah Packard. A.M. b. 17 Oct., ISOo, Wiscasset. Teacher, Portland. Book- seller, d. 23 June, 1867. George Washington Pierce. A.M. 1). 2 Dec, 1805, Baldwin. Lawyer, Port- land, d. 15 Nov., 1835. Edward Deering Preble, b. 22 Feb., 1806, Portland. Lawyer, d. 12 Feb., 1846. CuUen Sawtelle. b. 24 Sept., 1805, Norridgewock. Lawyer. State Senate, 1843-4. M.C., 184.5-7; 1849-51. Res., En- glewood, N. J. d. 11 Nov., 1887. David Shepley. A.M. D.D., 18G8. b. 1 June, 1801, Solon. And. Theo. Sem., 1S28. Pa.sUir, North Yarmouth; AVinslow. d. 1 Dec, 1881, I'rovidence, K. 1. Charles Snell. M.D.,1828. b. 17 June, 1805, Wiiithrop. Physician, Bangor, d. 20 Oct., 1868. William Stone, b. 12 Mar., 1804, Liv- erniore. Lawyer, Holmesville, Miss.; aionticello, Miss.; Hazlehurst, Miss. State Senate. Circuit Judge, d. 13 Nov., 1877. Edward Joseph Vose. A.M. b. 18 July, 1806, Augusta. Lawyer, d. June, 1831, Worcester, Mass. Eugene Weld. M.D., N. Y. Med. Sob. b. 10 Aug., 1805, Boston. Physician, New Iberia, La. d. 21 Jan., 1849. Seward Wyman. b. 8 Oct., 1803, No. Yarmouth. And. Theo. Sem., 1829. Clerk, New York City. Merchant, Portland, d. 4 May, 1860. 38-* 37. Class of 1826. Gorham Dvimmer Abbot. A.M. LL.D., Univ. Ingham, 1860. b. 3 Sept., 1807, Bruns- wick. Teacher, New York City. d. 3Aug., 1874, Natick, Mass. W"illiam Appleton. b. 7 Nov., 1808, Brunswick. Lawyer, d. 19 Oct., 1830, Cin- cinnati, O. Leonard Foster Apthorp. b. 1 July, 1805, Boston. Teacher, Baltimore, d. 2 Dec, 1827, Boston. Samuel Stillman Boyd. b. 27 Mar., 1807, Portland. Lawyer, Natchez, Miss. Judge Supreme Court, 1837. d. 21 IMay, 1867. Peter Allan Brinsmade. b. 1 Apr., 1804, New Hartford, Ct. Merchant, Au- gusta. U. S. Consul, Hawaiian Islands, d. 6 Oct., 18,59, Lowell, Mass. Samuel Lewis Clark. M.D., Jeff. Med. Coll. b. 11 Oct., 1807, Winthrop. Physi- cian, Bangor, d. 27 Oct., 1851, Northamp- ton, Mass. John Cleaveland. b. 29 Feb., 1804, Topsfield, Mass. Lawyer, New York City, d. 12 Dec, 1863. Obadiah Emery Frost, b. 13 May, 1807, Topsham. Lawyer, d. 1849. John Taylor Gilman. M.D., 1829. b. 9 May, 1806, Exeter, N. H. Physician, Portland, d. 16 Jan., 1884. Daniel Tristram Granger, b. 18 July, 1807, Saco. Lawyer, Eastport. d. 27 Dec, 1854. William Tyng HiUiard. b. 20 Feb., 18(16, Gorliam. Lawyer, Bangor, d. 19 Nov., 1881. Edward Davis Learned, b. 31 Jan., 1800, Gardiner. Lawyer, Jackson, Miss. d. 9 Sept., 1837. 36 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Joseph Warren Leland. b. 31 July, 1805, Saco. Lawyer, d. 7 Sept., 1858. Charles Austin Lord. A.M. b. 11 May, 1806, Kennebunkport. Prof. Lan- guages, Marion Coll., Mo. Editor, Port- land, d. 7 Aug., 1878. Isaac McLellan. A.M. b. 21 May, 1806, Portland. Lawyer, Boston. Author, Greenport, N. Y. Jonas Merriam. b. 12 May, 1804, Tops- fleld, Mass. Pastor and teacher, d. 27 May, 1S71, Concord, N. H. Benjamin Moody. M.D., Dart., 1835. b. 16 May, 1807, Falmouth. Physician, d. 1839, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Horatio Nelson, b. 21 May, 1807, Cas- tine. Farmer, Franklin, Mass. d. 29 July, 1861. William Paine, b. 28 Nov., 1806, Port- land. Lawyer, d. 30 Aug., 1861. Seargent Smith Prentiss, b. 30 Sept., 1808, Portland. Lawyer, Vicksburg, Miss. ; New Orleans, La. M. C, 1837-9. d. 1 July, 18.50, Longwood, Miss. James Samuel Rowe. A.M. b. 20 Oct., 1807, Exeter, N. H. Lawyer, Ban- gor, d. 23 Mar., 1884. Jonathan Maltby Rowland. b. 26 Jan., 1804, Fairfleld, Conn. Pastor, Brook- lyn, N. Y. d. 2 Oct., 1853. John Brown Russwurm. A.M. b. 1 Oct., 1799, Port Antonio, Jamaica. Gov- ernor of Maryland in Liberia, d. 17 June, 1851, Cape Palmas. George Beaton Sawyer. A.M. b. 5 Dec, 1805, Wakefield, N. H. Lawyer, Nashua, N. H. Cir. Judge, 1851-4. Judge Supreme Court, 1855-9. d. 15 June, 1882. Joseph Sherman. A.M. LL.D., Univ. Nashville, b. 3 Mar., 1800, Edgecomb. Prof. Anc. Lang., -Jackson Coll., Colum- bia, Tenn. d. 26 June, 1849. Manasseh Hovey Smith, b. 15 July, 1807, Warren. Lawyer, Warren; Port- land, d. 15 June, 1865, Boston. Robert Southgate. b. 28 Jan., 1808, Portland. And. Tlieo. Sem., 1829. Pastor, Ipswicli, INLass. d. (i Feb., 1873, Wood- stock, Vt. Benjamin Bussey Thatcher. b. S Oct., 1809, Wari'cn. Lawyer and author, Boston, d. 14 July, 1840. George Trask, b. 26 Aug., 1798, Bev- erly, Mass. Pastor, Fitchburg, Mass. d. 25 Jan., 1875. Charles [William] Cutts Wilcox, b. 4 Mar., 1807, Eliot. Banker, Kankakee, 111. d. 27 Dec, 1885. Moses Emery Woodman, b. 20 Jan., 1806, Fryeburg. Lawyer, Topsham. d. Mar., 1840, Brunswick. 31— *30 Class of 1827. John Stevens Abbott. A.M. b.()Jan., 1807, Temple. Lawyer, Norridgewock ; Boston. State Att'y-Gen., 18.55. d. 12 June, 1881, Watertown, Mass. Joseph Adams, b. 17 July, 1803, "West Newbury, Mass. Bank cashier, Gardiner, d. 26 Apr., 1879. Horatio Octavius Allen, b. 16 Mar., 1810, Sanford. Lawyer, d. 1837. Lewis Bailey, b. 23 Dec, 1801, Bruns- wick. Teacher, Utica, N. Y. d. 18.52. Abraham Chittenden Baldwin. A.M.; also Yale, 1843. b. 26 Apr., 1804, Guilford, Conn. Yale Theo. Sem., 1830. Pastor, New Haven, Conn. Res., Hartford, Conn, d. 6 July, 1887, Yonkers, N. Y. Samuel Harwood Blake, b. 1 Jan., 1807, Hartford. Lawyer, Bangor. State Senate, 1840. Pres., 1842. State Att'y- Gcu., 1848. d. 25 Apr., 1887, Bo.-?ton. Enoch Emery Brown, b. 3 June, 1806, Taunton, Mass. Lawyer, Hartland. d.31 Aug., 1881, Olathe, Kan. Moses Parker Cleaveland. A.M. M.I)., 1830. b. 6 July, 1807, Brunswick. Physi- cian, Newmarket, N. H. d. 7 Oct., 1840, Natick, Mass. John Codman. A.M.; also Harv., 1843. b. 27 Jan., 1808, New York City. Lawyer, Boston, d. 8 June, 1879. Asa Dodge. M.D., 1831. b. 15 Nov., 1802, Newcastle. Missionary physician, Syria, d. 28 Jan., 1835, Jerusalem. Joseph Hawley Dorr. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1837. b. 7 Dec, 1807, Boston. Phy- sician, Philadelphia, d. 13 April, 1855. Henry Enoch Dummer. b. 9 April, 1808, Hallowell. Lawyer, Beardstown, 111.; Jacksonville, 111. State Senate, 1860. d. 12 Aug., 1878, Mackinac, Mich. AlpheusPelch. LL.D., 1877; also Univ. Mich., 1879. b. 28 Sept., 1804, Limerick. Lawyer, Ann Arbor, Mich. Judge Su- preme Court, 1842-5. Governor, 1846-7. U. S. Senate, 1S47-53. Prof, of Law, Univ. Mich. Charles Field. M.D. b. 14 Jan., 1803, Yarmouth. Physician, d. 22 Aug., 1838, Plymouth, Mass. ALUMNI 37 Henry Cummings Field. 1). 14 Sept., isoii, Belfast. Lawyer, Lincoln; Lee. d. 4 Jan., ISijl, Lincoln. Franklin Gage. M.D., 18:50. b.oONov., 180(;, Augusta, riij'sician, Bangor, d. 4 Apr., 1S51, Brooklyn, N. Y. John Parker Hale. LL.D., Dart., 1801. 1). 31 Mar., Isoii, Rochester, N. H. Lawyer, Dover, N. II. Speaker State Leg., 1846. U. S. Dist. Att'y. M. C, 1843-.5. U. S. Senate, lS47-r)3, 18.V)-(i.i. Minister to Spain, 18(i.V(;il. d. 18 Nov., 1873. John Heddle Hilliard. b. 13 Jan., 1808, Gorham. Lawyer, Oldtown. d. 30 Nov., 1880. John Hodgdon. b. 8 Oct., 1800, Weare, N. H. Lawyer, Bangor; Hodgdon. State Senate, 1846-7. President, 1847. Res., Du- buque, la. d.'27 Aug., 1883. Ichabod Goodwin Jordan, b. (i Oct., 1800, Saco. Lawyer, Great Falls, N. H. State Senate, 18.53-4. d. 21 Feb., 1873, Ber- wick. Nahum Jordan. M.D., 18:50. b. 29 Nov., 1807, Ellsworth. Physician, d. 22 Mar., 1831. Gardiner Kellogg. A.M.; also Yale, 183(). 1). 3 .Jan., 1802, Windham. Teacher, I'eiin Yan, \. Y.; Sparta, Ga. d. 1841. James Tufton Leavitt. b.iljuly, 1804, Bangor. Lawyer, Skowhegan. State Sen- ate, 18,51-.52. d. 18.57. Caleb Locke, b. 5 May, 1802, Hollis. Lawyer, Gardiner, d. 18.36, Biddeford. "WiUiam Preble McLellan. b. 9 Feb., 1808, Portland. Law student, d. 30 Mar., 1831. Isaiah Preble Moody, b. 3 Dec, 1804, York. Lawyer and farmer, York. d. 1 Feb., 188.5, Newton, Mass. George Farrar Moulton. A.M. b. 25 Sept., 1806, Bucksport. Teacher and liljra- rian, Philadelphia, d. 20 Nov., 1872. John Owen. A.M. b. 28 Mar., 180(), Portland. Booksellerand publisher, Cam- bridge, :Mass. d. 22 Apr., 1882. Ephraim Peabody. D.D., 1848. b. 22 Mar., 1807, Wilton, N. H. Harv. Div. Sch., 1830. Pastor, Boston, d. 28 Nov., 18.5(i. Joseph Beebe Stevens, b. :5 .\ug., 1801, Brookfleld, Conn. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1829. Pastor, Savannah, Ga. d. 9 May, 1860, Whitney, Ga. James Higginson Tyng. b. 12 May, 1S07, Boston. Rector and teacher, d. 6 Apr., 1879, Brooklyn, N. Y. William Manning Vaughan. A.M. b.lO.June, 1807, Ilallowell. Manufacturer, Gardiner; Boston, d. 13 Oct., 1891, Ilal- lowell. Richard WoodhuU. b. 1.5 Jan., 1802, Fairfield, Ct. Pastor, Thomaston. Res., Bangor, d. 12 Nov., 1873. 33— *32 Class of 1828. WiUiam Allen, b. 2 Sept., 180S, In- dustry. Law student, d. 31 Mar., 1831, Norridgewock. Silas Baker, b. 9 Sept., 1807, Edge- comb. And. Theo. Sem., 1831. Pastor and teacher, d. 31 Oct., 1888, Standish. John Call Bartlett. M.D., Ilarv., 1831. b. 4 Oct., 1808, Charleston, Mass. Physi- cian, Chelmsford, Mass. d. 13 Jan., 1878, Boston. Francis Eugene Bond. A.M. b. 7 Feb., 1808, Hallowell. Lawyer, Darien, Ga. d. .5 Sept., 1846, Bangor. Charles Royall Brewster. A.M. b. 23 -July, 1808, I'.uxton. Lawyer, Charles- ton, S. C. d. 16 -July, 1885. Merritt Caldwell. A.M. b. 29 Nov., 1S06, Hel)ron. Prof. Metajjliysics, Dick- inson Coll., Carlisle, Pa. d. 6 .June, 1S4S, Portland. James Bowdoin Cleaveland. A.M. b. 17 .Jan, 1809, Brunswick. Lawyer, Passailumkeag. d. 12 Sept., 18.54, Bruns- wick. Edward Francis Cutter. A.M. D.D., 1871. b. 20 .Jan., 1810, Portland. And. Theo. Sem., 1831. Pastor, Warren ; Belfast; Rockland, d. 27 Mar., 1880, Charleston, s. c. Josiah Fisher, b. 17 Oct., 1802, Blue- hill. And. Theo. Sem., 1831. Pastor, Succasiinna.N. J. d. 17 .June, 187.5, Prov- idence, Pa. Henry Weld Fuller. A.M. b. 16 Jan., 1810, Augusta. Lawyer, Augusta. Clerk U. S. Circuit Court, Boston, d. 14 Aug., 1889, Roxbury, Mass. Albert Gallatin Green, b. 10 Apr., 1808, Bath. Law student, d. 18:50. Sanford Agry Kingsbery. D.D., Shurtk'ff Coll., 111. b. 19 Jan., 1S07, Gardi- ner. Lawyer, China. Pastor, Damaris- cotta. Chaplain 17lh Illinois Vols. Res., Upper Alton, 111. George Washington Lane. M.D., 1831. b. 19 July, 1804, Readfield. Dentist, Boston, d. 19 May, 18:33. 38 BOWDOIN COLLEGE ■William Clark Larrabee. A.M. b. 22 Dec, 1802, Strong. Inst. Wesleyan Univ. Prof. Mathematics, Asbury Univ. State Supt. Pub. Sell. d. 5 May, 1859, Greeu- castle, Ind. Joseph Loring. A.M. b. 28 Mar., 1804, Cumberland. And. Theo. Sem., 1833. Pastor, Lebanon; Edgecomb. d. 11 Feb., 1892, East Otisfleld. Gilbert HaU Marsh, b. 10 Mar., 1801, Thomastou. And. Theo. Sem. d. 6 Jan., 1832, Andover, Mass. John Usher Parsons. A.M. b. 1 Nov., 1806, Parsonsfield. And. Theo. Sem., 1831. Home .Miss., Wisconsin; Georgia. Pastor, Bristol, d. 21 May, 1874, Welles- ley, Mass. Horatio Nelson Perkins, b. 8 Feb., 1807, Kennebunkport. Lawyer, Boston. Res., Melrose, d. 3 July, 1883. Ezra Barker Pike. A.M. b. 21 May, 1809, Cornish, d. 24 June, 1832, Portland. Luther Dearborn Sawyer, b. 7 Mar., 1803, Wakefield, N. H. Lawyer, Ossipee, N. H.; Wakefleld, N. H. d. 10 July, 1884. 20— *19 Class of 1829. William Boyd Adams, b. 20 Oct., 1809, Wiscasset. And. Theo. Sem. d. 4 Jan., 1832, Boston. Henry Clinton Allen, b. 5 Mar., 1807, East Bridgewater, Mass. Theological student, d. 11 Nov., 1831. Harrison Otis Apthorp. A.M. b. 7 June, 180U, Boston. Elocutionist, Phila- delphia; Camln-idge, Mass. d. IS Sept., 1883. Dudley Perkins Bailey, b. 1!) April, 180.5, Yarmouth. Pastor, St. Albans; Mon- son; Hebron, d. 11 Dec, 1878. Phinehas Barnes. A.M. b. 21 Jan., 1811, Orland. Prof. Lat. and Gr., Colby Univ. Lawyer, Portland. State Senate, 1856. d. 21 Aug., 1871. Dennis Clark, b. 3 June, 1809, Strong. Teacher, d. 1832, New Orleans. Elisha Lord Cleaveland. D.D., Wash- ington Coll., Pa., 1850. b. 25 April, 1806, Topsfleld, Mass. And. Theo. Sem., 1832. Pastor, New Haven, Conn. d. 16 Feb., 1866. George Coffin, b. 21 June, 1802, New- bury, Mass. And. Theo. Sem. d. 1 Sept., 1830. John Quinby Day. b. 24 June, 1809, Portland. Harv. Div. Sch., 1832. Res., Portland, d. 5 Mar., 1884. Asa Moores Ditson. M.D., 1833. b. 10 Feb., 1802, Wilton. Physician, New Car- thage, La. d. 1835. Richard Stuart Evans. A.M. b. 5 Feb., 1811, Portsmouth, X. H. Lawyer, New York City; Washington, D. C. d. 6 Feb., 1892. Alexander Rogers Green. A.M. b. 10 Oct., 1808, Topsham. Lawyer and planter. Postmaster, Terry, Miss. Res., Jackson, Miss. Allen Haines. A.M. b. 27 July, 1806, Leeds. Lawyer, Bangor. Banker, Port- land, d. 15 Jan., 1878, Pittsburg, Penn. John Fairfield Hartley. LL.D., Nor- wich Univ., Vt., 1867. b. 13 June, 1809, Saco. Lawyer. Asst. Sec. Treasury, Wash- ington, D. C. Res., Saco. Isaac Knight, b. 29 Dec, 1802, Water- ford. Pastor, Hill, N. H. ; Franklin, N. H. d. .July, 1850. Augustus Frederic Lash. A.M. b. 10 May, 1801, Waldoborough. Teacher and merchant, Newcastle, d. 1848. Joseph Cammet Lovejoy. b. 25 July, 1805, Albion. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1834. Pastor, Cambridgeport, Mass. d. 19 Oct., 1871. Thomas Manning. b. 5 July, 1805, New Gloucester. Teacher, d. Mar., 1839, Kingsport, Tenu. Henry Bromfield McCobb. b. 8Nov., 1810, Liverpool, Eng. Planter, Porto Rico, W. 1. Treas. Gas Co., Portland, d. 22 May, 1855. James Thomas McCobb. A.M. b. 19 Jan., 1812, Phippsburg. Lawyer, Au- gusta; Portland. State Senate, 1854. d. 21 Aug., 1882. Samuel Munson. A.M. b. 23 Mar., 1804, New Sharon. And. Theo. Sem., 1832. Missionary, d. 28 June, 1834, Sumatra. Edgar Pike. b. 21 May, 1809, Calais. Medical student, d. 1831, Attakapas, La. James Riley, b. 17 July, 1803, Newry, Teacher, Ohio. d. Francis Brown Robie. b. 19 Aug., 1809, Gorham. Res., Gorham. d. 8 Oct., 1876. Joseph Washburn Sessions. A.M. b. 30 June, 1801, Lunenburg, Vt. And. Theo. Sem., 1832. Cong, ministry, Mass. and Conn. d. 10 June, 1890, Chaplin, Conn. ALUMNI 39 Kiah Bailey Sewall. A.M. b. 2 Dec, 1S07, Kdgecomlj. Lawyer, Mobile, Ala. d. HI Aug., 18U5, Boston. Moses Soule. A.M. b. 18 Mar., 1805, Freeport. Teacher, Gerniantown, Penn. Editor, Terre Haute, Ind. Prof. ill. Soldiers' Coll. d. 17 Mar., 1889, Lyons, la. David Stutson Stacy. A.M. b. 8 Oct., 180.i, Wilton. Lawyer, Concordia Pai'ish, La. d. a Mar., 1857, New Orleans. William Wood. M.D., 18;«. b. 2 Oct., 1810, Portland. Pliysician, Portland. 29— * 2(5 Class of 1830. Ezra Abbot, b. 27 Nov., 1805, Wilton, N. H. Teacher, Fauquier Co., Va. Res., Owatonna, Minn. d. 10 Aug., 1876. W^illiam Ebenezer Abbot, b. 2 May, 1810, IJeverly, Mass. Harv. Div. Sch., 1833. Pastor, Billerica, Mass. Res., Dor- chester, Mass. d. 4 May, 1888. Darius Adams, b. 1 April, 1805, Gilead. Manufacturer and farmer, Rockton, 111. d. 5 Nov., 18S0. Gushing Allen, b. 13 May, 1810, Bath. d. 1831. Francis Barbour, b. 13 Jan., 1811 , Gor- ham. Artist, d. 1 Mar., 183!). Bion Bradbury, b. 6 Dec, 1811, Bid- deford. Lawyer, Calais; Eastport; Port- land, d. 1 July, 18S7. George Washington Cole. b. 20 Jan., 180.'), Saco. Prof. Bristol Coll., Pa. Rector, Tecuniseh, Mich. d. 20 Aug., 1840, Kala- mazoo, Mich. John Harris Converse, b. 27 Dec, 1808, Durham. Lawyer, Nobleboro; New- castle, d. 1-2 June, 1880. James Merrill Cummings. A.M. M.D., 1834. b.-.>7 July, 1810, Boston. Ph3'sician, Portland, d. -20 July, 1883. David Quimby Cushman. b. 2 Dec, 1806, Wiscasset. And. Theo. Sem., 1834. Pastor, Newcastle; Warren; Bath. d. 13 Oct., 1880, Warren. Thomas Drummond. LL.D.,1870; also Iowa, 1871. b. 16 Oct., 1809, Bristol. Law- yer, Galena, 111.; Chicago. U. S. District Judge, 18.i0-69. U. S. Circuit Judge, 1869-84. d. 15 May, 1890, Wheaton, 111. Samuel Dana Hubbard, b. 4 Sept., 1807, Wiscasset. Merchant and banker, Montgomery, Ala. d. -26 .Jan., 1883. George Washington IngersoU. b. 20 Aug., 1803, New Gloucester. Lawyer, Ban- gor. Att'y-Gen., 1860. d. 5 Mar., 1860. William Sever Lincoln, b. 22 Nov., 1811, Worcester, Mass. Lawyer, Alton, 111. Farmer, Worcester, Mass. Lieut. -Col. 34th Mass. Vols., 186-2. Col., 1864. Bvt. Brig. Gen., 1865. d. 8 Nov., 1889. Jotham Tilden Moulton. b. 8 Oct., 1808, Bucksport. Lawyer, Cherrylield; Chicago. (1. 29 Dec, 1881. Nathan Munroe. A.M. b. 16 Mar., 1804, Auburn. And. Theo. Sem., 1835. Pastor andeditor, Bradford, Mass. d.8 July, 1866. Lewis PenneU. A.M. b. 19 Feb., 1803, Brunswick. And. Theo. Sem., 1833. Pas- tor, West Stockbridge, Mass. d. 23 May, 1883, Southport, Conn. Joseph Stockbridge. A.M. D. D., Western Univ., Penn., 1868. b. 14 July, 1811, Yarmouth. Chaplain, U. S.N. Res., Philadelphia. Frederic Payson Theobald. M.D., 1834. b. 23 June, 1812, Wiscasset. Physi- cian, Gardiner, d. 1856. Henry Waldron. b. 18 Sept., 1807, Portsmouth, N. H. Merchant, Boston. Importer, New York City. <1. 10 May, 187(i, Brooklyn, N. Y. 20—* 19 Class of 1831. Abiel Abbot, b. 11 May, 1808, Wilton, N. H. Harv. Div. Sch., 18.37. Teacher. Manufacturer. Samuel Adams. A.M. M.D., 183(5. b. 19 Dec, 1806, Gilead. Tutor. Prof. Nat. Sci., Illinois Coll., Jacksonville, d. 28 Apr., 1877. Richard Thomas Austin. A.M. b. 6 May, 1809, Waldoboro. Harv. Div. Sch., 1836. Pastor, Wayland, Mass.; Lunen- burg, Mass. d. IS Jan., 1847. Thomas Baker. A.M. b. 17 Nov., 1805, New Gloucester. Teacher, Glouces- ter, Mass.; Austin, Tex. d. 13 Oct., 1873. John Baker. A.M. b. 30 May, 1811, Edgecomb. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1835. Pastor, Kennebuiikport. d. 27 Oct., 18.i9, Edgecomb. John Ballard, b. 12 Dec, 1804, Tem- ple. And. Theo. Sem., 1834. Pastor, Perry, 111. d. 13 Feb., 1857. Joseph Tyler Huston. A.M. b. 2 Sept., 1802, Bristol. Prof. Math., U.S.N. Editor, Bath. d. . 40 BOWDOIN COLLEGE William Vaughan Jordan, b. 31 July, 1804, Saco. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1836. Pastor, Pownal; Andover. cl. 23 Jan., 1890, Chapman, Kan. Ezekiel Marsh, b. 5 Oct., 1808, South Dan vers, Mass. Yale Theo. Sem., 1834. Pastor, Ellington, Conn. d. .30 Aug., 1844, Enfield, Conn. John Gideon O'Brien, b. 21 Sept., 1812, Machias. Lawyer, d. 2 Oct., 1834. Joseph Packard. A.M. D.D.,Kenyon, 1847. b. 23 Dec, 1812, Wiscasset. Prof. Sacred Lit., P. E. Theo. Sem., Fairfax, Va. John Patch, b. 23 Aug., 1807, Ipswich, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Res., Ipswich, Mass. d. 9 Sept., 1887. John Kand. A.M. b. 1 Aug., 1811, Portland. Lawyer, Portlauil. Charles Darwin Rice. M.D., 1836. b.l2 Feb., 1810, New Salem, Mass. Physi- cian, Woodstock, N. B. d. 27 Feb., 18.')3, Eastport. George Robinson. A.M. b. 23 May, 1813, Augusta. Editor, Augusta, d. 25 Feb., 1840. Stephen Peter Talbot, b. 23 Oct., 1811, East Machias. Lawyer, d. 2 Oct., 1834. Peter Thacher. A.M. b. 14 Oct., 1810, Kennebunk. Lawyer, Machias; Rockland; Boston. Res., West Newton, Mass. Edward Henry Thomas, b. 1 Jan., 1813, Portland. Lawyer, Wapello, Iowa. Banker, Burlington, Iowa. Res., Port- land. Louis Turner, b. 14 June, 1808, Fay- ette. Teacher, Bangor. , New Gloucester. Teacher anil farmer, il. 1.5 Mar., 1881, Boston. 26— *20 Class of 1837. John Albion Andrew. LL.D., Am- herst, 1801 ; also llarv., 1861. b. 31 May, 1818, Windham. Lawyer, Boston. Gov- ernor JLnss., 18(il-.5. d. ,30 Oct., 1807. Fordyce Barker. A.M. M.D., 1841; also Paris, 184."). LL.D., 1887 ; also Colum- bia, 1878 ; also Edinburgh, 1884 ; also Glas- gow, 1888. b. 2 May, 1818, Wilton. Prof. Obstetrics, B. C; N.Y.Med. Coll.; Belle- vue IIosp. Med. Coll. d. .30 May, 1891. Elias Bond. D.D., 1800. b. 19 Aug., 181.3, Ilallowcll. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1840. Miss. A. B. C. F. ai., Sandwich Islands. Res., Kohala, S. 1. Nathaniel Bowman. A.M. b. 28 July, 1817, Batli. Lawyer, Si. Francisville, La. d. ') Oct., 1847. Ammi Ruhamah Bradbury. A. M. I). I)., West Virginia College, 1890. b. 3 Dec, 1810, Minot. Yale Theo. Sem. Pas- tor and teacher. Res., Providence, R. I. John Jay Butler. A.M.; also Hamil- ton, 1849. D.D., 1860. b. 9 April, 1814. And. Theo. Sem., 1844. Prof. Sys. Theo., Whitestown,N. Y. ; New Hampton, N. H.; Bates Coll. Prof. Sac. Lit., Hillsdale Coll. W^illiam Henry Clark. A.M. b. 6 April, 1819, Hallowell. Lawyer, San Fran- cisco. Res., Waltham, .Mass. George Washington Cleaveland. b. 21 Dec, 181.5, Salem, Mass. And. Theo. Sem., 1841. Pastor, Waterford, Penn.; Harbor Creek, Penn. d. 22 May, 1893. John Reed Coffin. A.M. b. Ki Nov., 1817, Damariscotta. Lawyer, d. 26 Oct., 1801. John Lewis Cutler, b. 15 Dec, 1810, Farmington. Lawyer, Farmington; Au- gusta. State Senate, 1854. Res., Quit- man, Ga. Joseph Ellery Poxcroft Dunn. b. 14 Mar., 181.5, Poland. Lawyer, INLichias. Merchant, Waterville. d. 18.54. Andrew Dunning, b. 11 July, 1815, Brunswick. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1840. Pastor, PlaiuUeld, Ct. ; Thompson, Ct. d. 20 Mar., 1872. Jordan Goodwin Ferguson. b. 12 Dec, 1810, South Berwick. Lawyer, New York City. d. .30 Oct., 18.51, Middlelown, Conn. George Warren Field. D.I)., 18()<). b. 9 Dec, 1818, Belfast. Bangor Theo. Scni., 1840. Pastor, Boston ; Bangor. John Orr Fiske. A.M. D.D., 1868. b. 13 July, 1819, Bangor. Bangor Theo. .Sem., 1842. Pastor, Bath. d. 18 Dec, 1893. Mark Gould. A.M. b. 2 Dec, 1811, Wilton. And. Theo. Sem., 1841. Pastor, Andover; Chichester, N.H. Res., Worces- ter, Mass. Albert Ruter Hatch, b. 10 Oct., 1817, Greenland, X. 11. Lawyer, Portsmouth, N. II. Speaker State Leg., 1874. d. 5 ]Mar., 1882, William Hawes. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1840. b. 2 April, 1817, Boston. Physi- cian, tl. 4 Feb., 18.54. Eliphalet Smith Hopkins, b. 20 Sept., 1812, New Portland. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1840. Pastor, Rum ford. d. 20 .June, 1801, New Portland. George W^hitefield Lamb. A.M. LL.B., llarv., 1S,3',I. b. 9 i^l.iy, I8l8, Bruns- wick. Lawyer, New Orleans. il. 22 Aug., 18.53. Horace Lunt. b. 7 Jan., 1818, York, d. 18 Sept., 1837. Albert Merrill. A.M. b. 10 Mar., 1812, Frankfort. Lawyer, Bath; Portland, d. 13 Feb., 1870. Edward Francis Mitchell, b. 15 May, 1817, Waldoboro. I'riiiceton Theo. Sem. d. 4 .June, 1n4I, Waldoboro. William Daniel Morrin. A.M. M.D., Edinburgh, b. 7 Dec, 1817, Quebec. Phy- sician, West Indies, d. Bryce McLellan Patten. A.M. b. 1 IMar., 1814, Topsham. Supt. State Inst. Ell. Blind, Louisville, Ky. Farmer, Ben- tonsport, Iowa. d. 15 March, 1891, Farm- ington, Iowa. Thomas Fitch Perley. M.D.,1841. b. 23 Feb., 1816, Bridgton. Physician, Bridgton; Hazzard's BluflF, Fla. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1861-5. d. 21 Mar., 1889, Port- land. 46 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Charles Edward Pike. A.M. b. 15 Apr., 1816, Calais. Lawyer, Machias; Bos- ton ; Oshkosh, Wis. Res., St. Paul, Minn. ■William "Wilberforce Rand. D.D., Univ. N. Y.,1883. b. 8 Dec, 1816, Gorhani. Bangor Tlieo. Seni., 1840. Sec'y Anier. Tract Soc.,New York City. Charles Alexander Savage. A.M. b. 26 Oct., 1814, Bangor. Lawyer and banker, Quincy, 111. d. 2 Fel)., 1884. John Quincy Adams Scamman. b. 2 Dec, 1814, Saco. Lawyer, Saco. Rufus King Sewall. A.M. b. 22 Jan., 1814, Edgecomb. Bangor Tlieo. Seni., 1840. Pastor, St. Augustine, Fla. Lawyer, Wis- casset. John Rutledge Shepley. LL.D., 1868. b. l.i .June, 1817, Saco. Lawyer, St. Louis, d. 11 Oct., 1884. Samuel Silsbee. b. 30 April, 1817, Alfred. Tlieo. student, d. 22 Oct., 1842, Jackson. Gustavus Adolphus Steward. A.M. b. 24 .June, 1817, Anson. Lawyer. State Senate, 18."):;. d. 2 Aug., 18.53. Ebenezer Stockbridge. A.M. b. 15 Oct., 1807, Freeport. Teacher, Ga. Pros. Ilolston Coll., Tenn. d. 6 July, 1893, Quanali, Tex. Moses Erastus Sweat. A.M. M.D., 1840. b. 12.Jan., 1816, Parsonsfleld. Phy- sician, Limington; Parsouslield. il.LJan., 1892. Lorenzo De Medici Sweat. b. 26 May, 1818, Parsonsfleld. Lawyer, Port- land. State Senate, 1862. M.C., 1863-5. Isaac Winslow Talbot. A.M. b. 4 May, 1813, Turner. Lawyer, Andover. R. R. contractor. Merchant, Peru, Ind. George Foster Talbot. A.M. b. 16 Jan., 1819, East Machias. Lawyer, Port- land. U. S. Dist. -Attorney, 1861-70. Francis "William Upham. LL.D., Union, 1869. b. 10 Sept., 1817, Rochester, N. H. Lawyer, Boston. Prof. Rutgers Female Coll. Author, New York City. W^illiam Warren. A.M. D.D., 1870. b. 21 Oct., 1806, VVaterford. Pastor, Wind- ham. Dist. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Gorham. d. 28 Jan., 1879. George Albert Wheelwright. A.M. b. 3 .Jan., 1818, Bangor. Te;icher, Port- land. Farmer, ^Vells. d. 8 Sept., 1882. George Woods. A.M. LL.D., 1878; also Jefferson Coll., Pa., 1863. b. 24 Jan., 1813, Yarmouth. Prof. Math., Jackson Coll., Tenn. Chancellor Western Univ., Pittsburg, Penn. 43— *27 Class of 1838. Dean Andrews, b. 15 Feb., 1808, F'rye- burg. Pastor and teacher, Marshall, 111. d. 14 Sept., 1872. Amander Barker. A.M. b. 23 Mar., 1810, Waterford. Pastor and teacher, d. Elbridge Gerry Bassett. b. 21 Aug., 1814, Atkinson, N. H. Lawyer, Newcastle, Ky. d. 10 Oct., 1850. Maurice Cary Blake. LL.D., 1884. b. 20 Oct., 1815, Otisfiekl. Lawyer, Cam- den; San Francisco. Edward Augustus Dana. b. 3 Nov., 1818, Boston. Lawyer. Inventor. Res., Boston. Edward Henry Daveis. LL.B.,Harv., 1841. b. 3 April, 1818, Portland. Lawyer, Portland. Pres. Gas Light Co. Isaac Newton Feleh. b. 16 Feb., 1815, Limerick. Lawyer, Belfast. Editor, Port- land, d. 21 April, 1870, Hollis. Smith Bartlett Goodenow. A.M. b. May, 1817, Providence, R. 1. Pastor, Milford, Mass.; Waterloo, Iowa. Res., Battle Creek, Iowa. Stephen Hobbs Hayes, b. 14 Nov., 1813, Industi'y. Bangor Tlieo. Seni., 1843. Pastor, Winterport; South Weymouth; Boston. Claude Lewis Hemans. A.M. b. 25 Nov., 1816, Dublin. Med. student. d.l812, Edinburgh. James Jeremiah Hill. A.M. b. 29 May, 1815, Phippsburg. And.Theo. Seni., 1843. Home Miss., Iowa; Illinois, d. 29 Oct., 1870, Fayette, Iowa. Joseph HiU. b. 12 Sept., 1814, Buxton. Teacher, Bluehill. d. 1842, Buxton. George Payson Jefferds. M.D., 1844. b. 7 May, 1816, Kennebunkport. Physician, Kennebunkport; Bangor. Elderkin Roger Johnson. A.M. b. 4 June, 1814, Plainlield, Conn. Clergyman. d. 1862. Thomas Glidden Kimball. A.M. b. 3 Sept., 1811, Monmouth. Merchant, Water- ville. d. Dec, 1879. Daniel Lane. A.M. D.D., Iowa, 1886. b. 10 Mar., 1813, Leeds. And. Theo. Sem., 1843. Pastor, Keosauqua, Iowa. Prof. Men. and Mor. Sci., Iowa Coll. d. 3 April, 1890, Freeport. ALUMNI 47 Lorenzo Marrett. A.M. b. 18 Mar., 181(i, Staiulisli. La\V3'er, E. Cambridge, Mass. d. 31 Mar., 1887. Benjamin Mead. A.M. b. 28 Dec, 1813, Xcwfleld. Bangor Theo. Seni., 184;}. Prof. Shelbyvillc Coll., Ky. d. 12 Jan., 184(;, Newfield. Benjamin Francis Mitchell. A.M. b. 1'2 Aug., 1811), Yarmouth. I'rcs. Jackson Coll., Columbia, Tenn. d. Aug., 1865, ]>renii)liis, Tenn. Charles Copeland Nutter. A.M. b. 12 Jan., 1820, Hallowell. Lawyer, Boston, d. 1(5 June, 1884. Gideon Stinson Palmer. A.M. M.D., 1841. b. 14 June, 1813, Gardiner. Thysi- cian. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1861-5. Prof. Howard Univ. d. 8 Dec, 1891, Washing- ton, D. C. Ammi Larrabee Parker, b. 21 May, 1813, Greene. Farmer. Contractor, Au- burn, d. 4 Sept., 18S3. Horace Piper. A.M. LL.B., Nat. Univ., 1871). b.30 Dec, 1810, Parsonsflcld. Priu. High Sell., Biddeford. Member State Bd. Education. U. S. civil service, Wash- ington, D. C. Enoch Pond. b. 20 June, 1820, Auburn, Mass. IJangor Tlico. Scm., 1843. Pastor, Georgetown, Mass. d. 17 Dec, 184G, Bucksport. David Sawyer Rowe. A.M. b. 10 Jan., 1814, Gloucester, Mass. Prin. Normal Sch., Westlield' Mass.; Irving Inst., Tarrytown, N. Y. d. 9 Dec, 1888. Nathaniel Larrabee Sawyer. b. 9 April, 1814, Greene. Lawyer, Gardiner, d. 13 Oct., IS45, Greene. Joseph Couch Smith. A.M. b. 18 July, 1819, Waltham, Mass. Pastor, Gro- ton, Mass. d. 29 Dec, 1857, Sandwich Islands. Loring Blanchard True. b. .'i June, 1810, Pownal. Pension agent, Washing- ton, I). C. d. 14 June, 18(i4. Stephen Montfort Vail. A.M. ; also Wesleyan, 1841. D.D., Syracuse, 18.56. b. 15 Jan., 1818, Union Vale, N. Y. Union Theo. Sem., 1842. Meth. Epis. ministry, N. Y. Prof. (ien. Bib. Inst., Concord, N. H. d. 26 Nov., 1880, .Jersey City, N. J. Edward Webb. A.M. b. 1.5 Nov., 1814, Newcastle. Teacher and farmer, Wash- ington, Ky. Lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. d. 5 Nov., 1893. Robert Wyman. A.M. b. 31 Aug., 1814, Cumberland. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1841. Missionary, Ceylon. d.l3 Jan., 1845, at sea. .31— *24 Class of 1839. Charles Frederic Allen. A.M. D.D., 1872; also Wesleyan, 1872. b. 28 Jan., 1816, Norridgewock. Meth. Epis. ministry, Maine. Pres. State Agr. Coll. Pastor, Kennebunk. Samuel Hazen Ayer. b. 19 Dec, 1819, Portland. Lawyer, Hillsboro', N. H. ; Manchester, N. H. Speaker, State Leg., 1848-9. d. 4 Oct., 1853. William Griswold Barrows. A.M. LL.D., 1879. b. 12 Jan., 1821, Yarmouth. Lawyer, Brunswick. Judge Supreme Court, 1863-84. d. (i April, 1886. Samuel Elliot Benjamin, b. 29 Dec, 1818, Winthrop. Lawyer, Patten, d. 20 Jan., 1888. Calvin Chapman, b. 13 Nov., 1814, Bethel. And. Theo. Sem., 1842. Pastor, Saccarappa ; Lakeville, Mass. d. 19 Mar., 1889, Kennebunkport. Charles Tappan Chase. b. 7 Mar., 1817, Portland. Lawyer, Di.xon, III. d.28 Aug., 1851. Franklin Davis. A.M. b. 24 Jan., 181(5, Bangor. Hangor Theo. Sem., 1845. Pas- tor, Newington, N. H. ; Tamworth, N. H. d. 26 Oct., 1882, Ipswich, Mass. John W^alton Davis, b. 14 Jan., 1817, Welllleet, Mass. Lawyer, Welllleet, Mass. ; Provincetown, Mass. d. 27 June, 1880. John Dunlap. A.M. b. 21 June, 1820, Brunswick. Literary work. d. 26 Mar., 1848. Alfred Fletcher, b. 31 Aug., 1817, China. Lawyer. State Senate, 1859. Capt. 24th Me. Vols., 1862. d. 18 Sept., 1868. Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller. A.M. b. 23 May, 1818, Augusta. Lawyer, Augusta ; Boston, d. 24 Jan., 1885, Brook- line, Mass. Ichabod Goodwin. A.M. b. 9 July, 1819, Soutli Berwick. Tutor. Lawyer. U. S. civil service, Washington, d. 7 Dec, 1869, South Berwick. Alpheus Grover. b. 25 Oct., 1809, Bethel. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1842. d. 5 Nov., 1842, Auburn. Samuel Johnson. A.M. b. 23 Sept., 1815, Alfred. Farmer, Jackson ; Bangor, Cal. d. 13 Feb., 1884. 48 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Hiram Kelsey. b. 12 April, 1819, Not- tingham, N. H. Lawyer, New Liberty, Ky. d. 1860. Israel Kimball. A.M. b. 26 Jan., 1812, Wells. Teacher, Portsmouth, N. H. Treas. Dept., WashiDgton, D. C. d. 10 Dec, 1890. Isaiah McMahon. b. 19 July, 1808, Ertnageeragh, Co. Tyrone, li-elaud. Meth. Epis. ministry, N. Y. d. 17 Jan., 1892, Lima, N. Y. "William Henry Jefferson Marr. b. 1 Feb., 1817, Scarboro. Lawyer, Nauvoo, 111. d. 5 Sept., 1844, Appanoose, 111. Joseph Pennell. b. 7 Sept., 1812, Bruuswicls. Chemist, d. 31 Aug., 1868, S. Newark, Conn. Charles James Perkins, b. 19 Oct., 1818, Farmington. Physician, Upperville, Va. d. 12 Feb., 1843. Frederic Augustus Pike. b. 9 Dec, 1817, Calais. Lawyer, Calais. Speaker, State Leg., I860. M. C, 1861-69. d. 2 Dec, 1886. Henry Lincoln Richardson. b. 21 Nov., 1819, Bath. Banker, Boston, d. 28 Mar., 1866, New York City. Samuel Emerson Smith, b. 20 April, 1821, Warren. Lawyer, Warren. Banker, Thoniastiin. (\. o Dec, 18.35. John Coffin Talbot, b. 3 Nov., 1816, E.lNIachias. Lawyer, Liibec; E. Machias. Speaker, State Leg., bS.W. Augustus Haines Titcomb. b. 2 Sept., 1816, Farmington. Law student, d. 22 Mar., 1842. Edward Payson Weston. A.M. b. 19 Jan., 1819, Cumberland. Teacher, Gor- ham. State Supt.Sch., 1860-65. Teacher, Lake Forest, 111. d. 13 Oct., 1879, High- land Park, 111. 26— *24 Class of 1840. Ezra Abbot. A.M.; also Harv., 1861. LL.D.,187S; also Yale, 1869. D.D.,Harv., 1872. b. 28 April, 1819, Jackson. Ass't Lib'n, Harv. Prof. New Test. Crit. d. 21 Mar., 1884, Cambridge, Mass. Alexander Hamilton Abbott. A.M. b. 14 Sept., 1822, Farmington. Teacher, Farmington. William Stinson Blanchard. A.M. b. 10 Feb., 1813, Wilton. Lane Theo. Sem., 1845. Prof. Cleveland Univ., O. Liter- ary work, Waukegan, 111. Res., Winthr.op. Edmund Chadwick. A.M. b. 12 Jan., 1812, Middleton, N. H. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1845. Teacher, Starkey, N. Y. Res., Eddytown, N. Y. Benjamin Pearson Chute. A.M. b. 13 May, 1816, Byfleld, Mass. Teacher. Res., Newbury port, Mass. John Appleton Cleaveland. A.M. b. 29 Mar., 1819, Brunswick. U. S. civil service, Boston, d. 3 Dec, 1873, Newton, Mass. Nathan Smith Cleaveland. A.M. b. 10 April, 1821, Brunswick. U. S. civil service, Boston. Res., Roxbury, Mass. Adoniram Judson Copeland. A.M. b. 10 Mar., 1814, Brewer. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1843. Pastor, Como, 111. d. 3 Aug., 18.55, Geneseo, 111. Isaiah Dole. A.M. b. 23 May, 1819, Skowhegan. Teacher, Gorham. d. 17 May, 1892, Keene, N. H. Thomas McCuUoch Hayes. b. 18 Aug., 1819, Kennebunkport. Lawyer, Saco. State Senator, 18.54. d. 1 Feb., 1869, Boston. Leonard Pitz-Edward Jarvis. A.M. b. 23 Aug., 1819, Surry. Lawyer, Ells- worth. Horticulturist, Columbia, Cal.; Centreville, Cal. Elijah Kellogg. A.M. b. 20 May, 1813, Portland. Andover Theo. Sem., 1843. Pastor, Ilarpswell. Chaplain, Seaman's Friend Soc, Boston. Author, Harpswell. Silas Morton, b. 26 Oct., 1818, Hebron. Bangor Theo. Sem.; 1845. Teacher. Farmer, Otisfleld. d. 16 July, 1879. Frederic Perley. b. 29 Nov., 1819, Bridgton. d. 11 Dec, 1840. Preston Pond. b. 14 Feb., 1818, Wrentham, Mass. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1843. Pastor, Boston, d. 5 Aug., 1853, Somerville, Mass. William Pitt Preble. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1843. b. 15 April, 1819, Portland. Lawyer. Clerk, U. S. District Court, Me. Res., New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Newell Anderson Prince. A.M. b. 4 Oct., 1815, Cumberland. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1844. Pastor, New Gloucester; W. Suflleld, Conn. d. 5 April, 1887. W^illiam Reed Prince. A.M. b. 11 Aug., 1817, Cumberland. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1844. d. 25 Sept., 1845, New York City. Joseph Carpenter Richardson, b. 3 Mar., 1813, Baldwin. Teacher, Gorham. d. 26 Sept., 1846. ALUMNI 49 Edward Robie. A.M. D.D., Dart- mouth, LS7G. b. .') April, 1821, Gorham. And. Theo. Sem., 1843. Inst, and Lib'u, And. Theo. Sem. J'astor, Greenland, N. H. Luther Sampson. b. 28 Sept., 1814, Readneld. d. 1812. Thomas Smith. A.M. b. 17 Aug., 1S12, I-itchficld. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1843. Pastor, I'.rewcr. d. 7 April, 18G1. John Babson Lane Soule. Ph.D., Coll. for Women, Chicago, 1879. D.D., Blackburn Univ., 1880. b. 4 April, ISl.i, Freeport. Teacher, Terre Haute, Ind. Prof. Anc. I>ang., Blackburn Univ. Pastor, Highland Park, 111. d. 31 Aug., 18itl. Cornelius Stone. A.M. b. 28 May, 1817, Jay. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1843. JNIeth. Kpis. ministry, Maine. State Sen- ate, 18()r)-(;. 1. John Knowles True. A.M. b.2May, isj."), Moiitville. Piin. W'estbrook Sem. d. !l Aug.,lS47, IMount X'ernon, <). Albert Gallatin Upham. A.M. M.D., Castleton Med. Coll., 1842. b. 10 July, 181'.i, Rochester, N. II. Prof. Anat., Cas- tleton Med. Coll. d. IC June, 1847, r.oston. James Partelow AVeston. A.M. D.D., Tufts, 1S(;4. li. 14 July, isl."), Bremen. Pastor, Gardiner. Prcs. Lombard Univ., 111. Prin. Westbrook Si-m. d. 31 Dec, 1888, Deering. Eli AATight. b. 1(! Jan., 1818, Bethel. Teacher, d. 2(> Aug., 1841. Samuel Lane Young. A.M. M.D., Harv., 18.')2. b. 3 Jan., 1813, Gloucester, Mass. Physician, Marbleheail, INIass. ; Cape Kllzabeth. d. 19 April, 1893. 31— *22 Class of 1841. Samuel "Woodbury Blanchard. M.D., Jeir. Med. Coll., 1,^44. b. l.j April, 1818, Yarmouth. Physician, d. 23 Dec, 18.57. George Washington Brown, b. 4 Sept., 1820, Bangor. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. Joseph Farwell Clark, b. 18 Jan., 1820, Andover, Mass. Lawyer, Lawrence, Mass. d. 30 Mar., 1879, Cambridge, Mass. Henry Thornton Cummings. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1844. b. 12 Nov., 1822, Yar- mouth. Druggist, Portland. Res., Ta- coma, Wash. Charles Davis, b. 22 Oct., 1817, Ban- gor. Lawyer, Uangor. "William Bradford Dean. b. 14 Jan., 1820, Frankfort. Merchant, Prince Ed- ward Island; Boston. Res. Nathan Elden. b. 10 July, 1817, Bux- ton. Teacher, Mississippi. Farmer, Bux- ton, d. 30 June, 188G. James Fogg. A.M. b. 28 Oct., 1815, Berwick. Merchant, Boston, d. 2G July, 18.>'), Charlestown, Mass. Joseph Garland. A.M. b. 12 Aug., 1811, Parsonslield. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1844. Pastor, Sandwich, Mass.; Bristol, N. H. Res., North Fryebui-g. Washington Gilbert, b. 14 Mar., 181G, Turner. Lawyer, Bath. d. 12 June, 1890. Charles Dickinson Herbert. A.M. ai.D., Ilomieiipathic Med. Coll., Philadel- phia, 18GG. b. 28 .Sept., 1818, Ellsworth. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1844. Pastor, W. New- bury, Mass. Physician, Rutland, Mass. Pastor, Hebron, N. Y. d. 13 Oct., 1893. Oliver Perry Hinkley. b. 12 Dec, 181."), Georgetown. Ti'acher. d. 9 Dec, 1883. Amory Holbrook. b. 1.5 Aug., 1820, Rowley, Mass. Lawyer, Salem, Mass. U. S. Att'y, Oregon, d. 26 .Sept., 1866, Portland, Ore. Edward Howe. A.M. b. S Mar., 1820, Portland. Union Theo. Sem., lf. Organ- ist, N. Y. City. Henry Ingalls. A.M. b. 14 Mar., 1819, Bridgton. Lawyer, Wiscasset. Albion "Williamson Knight. A.IM. M.D., 1848. b. 5 Jan., 1822, F.ilmouth. Physician, White Springs, Fla. ; Jackson- ville, Fla. d. 7 Sept., l.'^.SO. Francis Dudley Ladd. A.M. b. 20 May, 1820, Hallowell. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1846. Pastor, Philadelphia, d. 7 July, 1862. "William Henry Lowell. A.M. b. 24 Nov., 1821, Standish. Lawyer. Mining, Nevada Co., Cal. ; Virginia City, Nov. George Frederic Magoun. A.M. D.D., Amherst, 1867. b. 29 Mar., 1821, Bath. Pastor, Davenport, la. Pres. and Prof. Men. and Mor. Sci., Iowa Coll., Grin- nell, la. 50 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Asa Cummings Mitchell, b. 28 Aug., 1821, Yarmouth. Civil engineer. Drug- gist, Bellows Falls, Vt. d. 19 May, 1883. William Cochran Nichols, b. 28 May, 1823, Newcastle, d. 17 Mar., 1842, Noble- boro'. John Holbrook Packard. A.M. b. 11 Dec., 1814, Newcastle, d. 1 Sept., 1847. Benjamin Franklin Parsons. A.M. b. 20 June, 1820, Wiscasset. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1846. Pastor, Dover, N. H. Res., Derry, N. H. Nathaniel Smith Partridge. b. 24 Mar., 1820, Westbrook. Lawyer, West Newton, Mass. d. 28 l\Iar., 1853. Franklin Partridge. A.M. b. 18 June, 1821, Westbrook. Bank cashier, Bath, d. 23 July, 18(55. Henry Everard Peck. A.M., Oberlin, 18.56. b. 27 .July, 1821, Rochester, N. Y. Oberlin Theo. Sem., 1845. Pastor, Frank- fort, N. Y\ Prof. Oberlin Coll. U. S. minister, Hayti. d. 9 June, 1867. Barrett Edwards Potter, b. 22 Feb., 1819, Augusta. Teacher. Banker, Au- gusta. Daniel Fox Potter, b. 22 Feb., 1819, Augusta. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1848. Pastor, Topsham. d. 17 Sept., 1884, Brunswick. John Moor Prince. A.M. b. (j June, 1820, Bangor. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1845. Pastor, Georgetown, Mass. d. 16 Nov., 18.58, Bridgewater, Mass. Daniel Thompson Richardson, b. 8 Aug., 1815, Baldwin. Merchant, E. Bald- win. State Senate, 1865-6. d. 12 May, 1890. Frederick Kobie. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1844. b. 12 Aug., 1822, Gorliani. Physician, Waldoboro'. Res., Gorham. Paymaster U. S. A., 1861-6. Bvt. Lieut.- Col.,1866. State Senate, 1867-8. Speaker State Leg., 1872, 1876. Governor, 1883-6. Benjamin Smith, b. 19 Nov., 1814, Litchfield. Teacher and pastor, d. 1 Sept., 1858. Thomas Davee Sturtevant. A.M. b. 5 Dec, 1818, Minot. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1844. Pastor, Providence, R. I. d. 18.50, Sacramento, Cal. George Albert Thomas. A.M. b. 16 Sept., 1819, Portland. Lawyer. Res., Portland. Richard Bowers Thurston. A.M. b. 28 June, 1819, Cluirlestown, Mass. Ban- gor Theo. Sem., 1846. Pastor, Watervllle ; Stamford, Conn. ; N. Greenwich, Conn. ArnoWiswelL A.M. b. 5 Aug., 1818, Frankfort. Lawyer, Ellsworth, d. 7 Nov., 1877. 3(5— * 22 Class of 1842. Jacob Atkinson. A.M. b. 16 Aug., 1817, Newburyport, Mass. Lawyer, Bos- ton, d. 29 Jan., 1857, Somerville, Mass. Josiah Atkinson. A.M. M.D., Berk- shire Med. Sch. b. 16 Aug., 1817, New- buryport, Mass. Physician, Newbury- port. d. 21 June, 1869. Alison Barbour Bartlett. A.M. b. 12 July, 1819, Bethel. Lawyer, Wyan- dotte, Kan. Senate, 1858. Georgetown, Fla. d. 9 Nov., 1885. Charles Morris Blake. A.M. M.D., Uuiv. Cal., 1876. Capt. 3d U. S. C. 1., 1863. Chaplain, U. S. A. d. 3 June, 1893, San Francisco. Henry Hill Boody. A.M. b. 10 Nov., 1816, Jackson. Tutor. Prof. Rhetoric and Oratory. State Senate, 1855. Banker, New York City. William Hammond Brown. A.M. M.D., Harv., 18.50. b. 14 June, 1822, Ban- gor. Physician, d. 23 Nov., 1882. Edmund Alexander Chadwick. b. 21 June, 1817, Frankfort. Paymaster, U. S. A., 1861. Lawyer, Gardiner, d. 20 April, 1875. Paul Langdon Chandler, b. 27 July, 181S, Fryeburg. Lawyer, Watervllle. Instructor in French, Oberlin Coll. Res., Wendell, Mass. John Craig Clark. A.M. b. 6 May, 1818, Portsmouth. Merchant, New York City. d. 16 Sept., 1873, Mont Clair, N. J. John Marshall Colby. A.M. b. 23 Jan., 1823, Richmond. Pres. Agric. Coll., Maryland, d. George Washington Junius Copp. b. 28 Jan., 1820, Wakefield, N. H. Journal- ist, Boston, d. 22 April, 1864. Robert Hartley Dunlap. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1845. b. 19 May, 1823, Brunswick, d. 26 Dec, 1847. Charles Elliot, b. 11 Sept., 1815, New- castle, d. 28 Nov., 1843. George Gannett. A.M. D.D., Mid- dlebury, 1887. b. 29 Oct., 1819, East Bridgewater, Mass. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1847. Prin. Gannett Inst., Boston, d. 11 June, 1893, Englewood, 111. Frederic Gardiner. A.M. D.D.,1869. b. 11 Sept., 1822, Gardiner. Rector, Bath. ALUMNI 51 Prof. Ganibier Thco. Sem. ; Berkeley Div. Sch., Midilletown, Conn. d. 17 July, 1«S'.). "William Russell Hunter. A.M. M.D., Jeff. Med. Coll., 1848. b. 14 Oct., 1814, Strong. Physician, St. Cloud, Minu. d. 2.T April, 1874, Rrown.sdale, Minn. William Lyman Hyde. b. 27 Dec, 1819, Bath. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1848. Pas- tor, Gardiner; Dunkirk, N. Y. Chaplain ll-2tli N. Y. Vols., 18(i2-5. Teacher, Ovid, N. Y. ; Jamestown, N. Y. Leonard Parker Merrill. A.M. b. 27 Sept., 18-21, Brunswick. Lawyer. Sea captain, d. 'M Oct., 1870, New Orleans. Samuel "Woodbury Mitchell, b. 20 Sept., 1811), Yarmouth. Prof. Anc. Lang., Jackson Coll. Pastor, Columbia, Teun.; Smyrna, Tenn. d. 2 Feb., 1890. James Lewis Nutting. A.M. b. 12 June, 1818, Oiisfleld. Manufacturer, Pine Grove, Penn. d. 2.t June, 1880. Charles Packard. A.M. b. 14 Oct., 1818, Minot. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1845. Pastor, New Gloucester; Windham, N. II. d. -20 Feb., 1881. Jesse "William Page. M.D., Univ. IMd., 1848. b. 14 Oct., 18'20, Bath. Physi- cian, Baltimore; New York City. d. '21 Mar., 1888, Bath. "William Edwards Phillips, b. '>. Res., London, Kng. "William "Whitney Rice. LL.D., 188(). b. 7 Mar., 1826, Dcerfleld, Mass. Lawyer, Worcester, Mass. M. C, 1876-86. Frederic Dummer Sewall. A.M. b. 22 Jan., 1826, Bath. Lawyer. Col. liHh Me. Vols., 1862. Bvt. Brig. -Gen. ,1865. Super- visor U. S. Int. Rev., Washington, D. C. Leonard Downes Shepley. b. 29 Apr., 1826, Saci). Merchant, Portland. d.3Dec., 1S78. Benjamin Galen Snow. A.M. b. 4 Oct., 1817, Brewer. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1849. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., Micro- nesia, d. 1 May, 1880, Brewer. Perez Southworth. b. 11 Aug., 1822, Winthi-op. Pastor, Garrettshurg, Ky. d. 15 .June, 1849, near Gallatin, Tenn. Charles Augustus Spofford. A.M. b. 12 Jan., 1822, Deer Isle. Lawyer. State SenatCi 1854. Speaker State Leg., 1857. Thomas Hammond Talbot. A.M. b. .31 .July, 1823, E. Machias. Lawyer, Portland. Lieut.-Col. 18th Me. Vols., 1862-4. Bvt. Brig.-Gen., 1865. Asst. Att'y Gen., Wash- ington, D. C. Lawyer, Boston. James Brown Thornton. A.M. b. 6 July, 1825, Saco. Pastor, Scarboro; INIil- ford, Mass. d. 9 Nov., 1888, Scarboro. George Barnard Upham. A.M. M.D., 1850. b. 29 Mar., 1824. Physician, Yonkers, N. Y. d. 9 Aug., 1889. John Anderson "Waterman. A.M. b. 21 .June, 1827, Windham. Lawyer, Gorham. d. 6 Mar., 1893. Edwin Bonaparte "Webb. A.M. D.D., 1877; also Williams, 1865. b. 19 Jan., 1820, Newcastle. BangorThoo. Sem., 1850. Pas- tor, Augusta; Boston. Res., Wellesley, Mass. Samuel Jameson "Witherbee. b. 18 Jan., 1826, Machias. Teacher, Laurel, Del. d. June, 1862. 34— *22 Class of 1847. "Walter Bingham Alden. b. 4 April, 1827, Belfast. Lawyer, Belfast. Merchant, New York City. d. 9 Sept., 1893, Belfast. "William Melville Baker, b. 4 July, 1822,Phippsburg. Chaplain 97lh 111. Vols., 1861-4. Prof. Univ. 111. d. 16 April, 1873, Champaign, 111. Charles "Woodbury Barrett. A.M. b. Nov., 1826, Portland. Civil engineer, Portland, d. 7 INIay, 18(i6. Samuel Augustus Bickford. b. 21 Oct., 1823, Skowhegan. Lawyer, Anson. Instii'ance agent, Skowhegan. Alvin Boody. A.M. b. 2:'. July, 1820, Jackson. Teacher, Auburn, d. 6 Oct., 1858, Hudson, Wis. •Jonathan Greenleaf Eveleth. A.M. b. 8 May, 1821, New Gloucester. Lawyer, New York City. d. 10 Dec, 1861. Samuel Archer Eveleth. A.M. b. 5 .Jan., 1826, Windliam. Lawyer, Windham. d. 1 April, 18.56. Henry Fossett. b. 4 Feb., 1824, Strong. Lawyer, IMeridian, Tex. Major frontier service, 18(i.'5-5. d. 15 July, 1881. Samuel "Wesley Hatch, b. 17 Dec, 1826, Bowdoinham. Teacher, Augusta, Ga. ; Jeflersonville, Ga. d. 10 April, 1864. Ebenezer Stevens Jordan. A.M. b. 11 Sept., 1819, Raymond. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1855. Pastor, Cumberland; Brown- lield. d. 7 Jan., 1890, New Gloucester. John Dennys Kilby. b. 26 Aug., 1826, Dennysville. Med. student, d. 19 Sept., 1849, Bangor. Edwin Leonard. A.M. b. 11 Nov., 1826, Brewer. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.50. Pastor, Milton, Mass.; Morris, Conn.; Dover, Mass. ALUMNI 57 William Colburn Marshall, b. 17 Aug., lS-27, IJulfast. Lawyer, llacine, Wis. Mer- <-haiit, Belfast. Charles Edward McDougall. A.ISI. M.U., L'niv. I'enii., 1853. 1). 4 July, 1830, Charleston, S. C. Physician, Milton, Fla. Kector, Milton, Fla. George Jarvis Means. A. M. b. 29 Mar., ls-27, Aii<;iista. Pastor, Howells, N. Y. (I. 30 May, IST'.i, Augusta. Samuel Newell Merrill, b. Ki April, 1S19, Conway, X. II. Ijawycr, Lowell, Mass.; Tehama, Cal. il. 22 Feb., 1882. Franklin Benjamin Merrill. M. D., .lull". Med. Coll., 18r)2. b. Ki Feb., 1825, IJuxton. Physician, ^Vlfreil. Charles Benjamin Merrill. A.M. LL.B., ilarv., lS4il. b. U April, is-i", Portland. Lawyer, Portland. Lieut. Col. 17th Me. Vols., lS(i--'-t. d. r, April, 1801. Isaac Stevens Metcalf. A.M. b. 29 Jan., lS-2-2, Koyalston, Mass. Civil engi- neer. Res., Klyria, Oliio. Henry Baker Neil. A.M. b. 21 Dec, 18'27,.Skowliegan. Miner, Australia. Mer- chant, Tie Siding, Wyoming. Joseph O'Brien, b. 19 Feb., 1828, Ma- cliias. Lawyer and merchant, d. Oct., 18(i'.l. George Stevens Peters. 1). 2 June, 18-20, Ellsworth. Lawyer, Ellsworth. (l.(> Oct., 1881. SamuelJohn Pike. A.M. b. 15 April, l.s-2s,Newl»uryport, Mass. Tutor. Teaclier, Sonierville, Mass. d. 5 Nov., 1801, Boston. George Nelson Richardson, b. 27 Nov., 18-27, Eastport. Pastor, Wcstboro', Mass. d. 11 .Sept., 1870, Worcester, Mass. John Cotton Smith. A.M. D.D., Co- lumbia, 186-2. b. 4 Aug., 18-20, Andover, Mass. GambierTheo. Sem.,0.,]84!). Rec- tor, New York City. d. Jan., 188-2. Albion Parris Spinney, b. 4 July, 1825, Eliot. Lawyer and banker, Ashland, Penn. Anson Gancello Stanchfield. b. 7 Sept., 1822, Leeds. Lawyer, llallowell; Boston. Charles Henry Wheeler. A.M. b. 11 June, 1831, Salem, Mass. Harv. I)iv. Sch., 1854. Pastor, Peabody, Mass. ; Winchen- don, Mass. d. 30 June, 1888. Crosby Howard Wheeler. D.D.,1887. b. 8 Sept., 18-23, Hampden. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1852. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., Turkey. Pres. Armenia Coll., Harpoot, Turkey. Henry Donald Whitcomb. b. 19 Feb., 18-20, Eastport. Civil engineer, Rich- mond, Va. Jasper Strong W^hiting. A.M. b. 25 April, 18-28, Iloulton. Brig.-Gen., C. S. A. d. -25 Dec, 18()2, Richmond, Va. 31—* 19 Class of 1848. Augustus Oliver Allen. A.M. b. 21 Dec, 1827, Gardiner. Lawyer, Boston, d. 17 Aug., 1800. Edwin W^allace Bartlett. A.M. b. 12 Sept., 1820, Bethel. Teacher, Ro.xbury, Mass. d. 20 Feb., 18.55, Bethel. Adino James Burbank. A.M. b. 22 July, 1821, Gilead. Lawyer, New York City. d. 22 Mar., 1873, Schaghticoke, L. I. Isaac Winslow Case. A.M. b. 14 Nov., 1822, Kenduskeag. Farmer and teacher. Capt. •22d Me. Vols. d. 6 July, 1803, Port Hudson, La. John Dinsmore. A.M. b. 20 April, 1821, Anson. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.52. Pastor, N. Hampton, .N. II. ; Winslow; Harpswell. Res., Auburn. Henry Edward Eastman. A.M. b. 2G .Jan., 18-20, Derry, N. II. Mcriihant. Res., Frainingham, Mass. George Albert Fairfield. A.M. b. 1 Mar., 1829, Saco. U. S. coast survey, Washington, I). C. David Fales. b. 20 June, 1822, E.Thom- aston. Lawyer, Biddeford. Merchant, New York City. d. 20 Dec, 1882, Bidde- ford. Charles Stewart Daveis Fessenden. M.D., 1851. b. -23 Feb., 1828, Portland. Surgeon U. S. marine hospital service, Mobile, Ala. Frederick Fox. b. 3 Nov., 1827, Port- land. Lawyer, Portland. W^illiam Frederic Goodwin. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 18.54. b. '27 Sept., 1823, Bux- ton. Lawyer, Concord, N. H. Lieut. lOth Inf. U. S. A., 1801; Bvt. Capt., 1803. d.l2 Mar., 1872, Concoril, N. H. Julius Lorenzo Hallett. b. Nov., 1828, Augusta. Lawyer, d. 10 Mar., 1852, Mo- bile, Ala. Dexter Arnoll Hawkins. A.M. b. 24 June, l.'-*-25. Canton. Lawyer, New York City. d. 24 July, 18.'-!0, Groton, Conn. Simon James Humphrey. A.M. D.D., Beloit, 1879. b. 31 Dec, 1820, Derry, N. H. 58 BOAVDOIN COLLEGE And. Theo. Sem., 1852. Pastor, New- ark, O. Dist. Sec'y A. B. C. F. M. Res., Chicago, 111. Samuel Fisher Humphrey, b. 8 Mar., 1822, Derry, N. H. Lawyer, Bangor. Joseph Christmas Ives. A.M. b. 25 Dec, 1828, New York City. Lieut., U. S. A. Col., C. S. A. tl. 12 Nov., 1869, New York City. John Jewett. A.M. b. 25 Sept., 1827, Readlield. Lawyer, Appleton, Wis. Capt. 21st Wis. Vols. (1. 21 Nov., 1862, Mitchells- ville, Tenn. Charles Fisk Merrick, b. 19 Dec, 1827, Natchez, Miss. Cotton broker. R. R. agt. Edward Watts Morton. A.M. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1856. b. 30 Aug., 1828, Kennebunk. Physician, Kennebuuk. d. llJan., 1894. Guilford Snow Newcomb. b. 3 Feb., 1824, Warren. Princ. New Bedford High School; Lincoln Acad. Farmer, West- borough, Mass. Charles Appleton Packard. A.M. M.I)., 1856. b. 10 Nov., 1828, Brunswick. Physician, Waldoboro'; Bath. Daniel Webster Pickard. A.M. b. 7 June, 1830, Rowley, Mass. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1852. Pastor, Croveland, Mass. d. 6 Feb., 1860, Auburn. William Chauncey Pond. D.D., 1888. b. 22 Feb., 1830, Cambridgeport, Mass. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1852. Pastor, Dowuie- ville, Cal.; San Francisco, Cal. Thomas Hill Rich. A.M. b. 5 Sept., 1822, Bangor. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1852. Prof. Hebrew, Bates Coll. d. 6 July, 1893. John Hodgdon Rogers. A.M. LL.B., Haw., 18.52. b. 7 Aug., 1827, Bath. Law- yer, d. 7 July, 1861. Benjamin Shurtleff Savage, b. 8 June, 1828, Bangor. Teacher, Madison, Ga. d. 11 Oct., 18,51, Quincy, 111. Jotham Bradbury Sewall. A.M. b. 3 Oct., 182.1, Newcastle. Tutor. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1854. Pastor, Lynn, Ma.-is. Prof. Greek B. C. Head Master, Thayer Acad., South Bi-aintree, Mass. Egbert Coffin Smyth. A.M. D.D., 1S6G; also Harv., 1887. b. 24 Aug., 1829, Brunswick. Tutor. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.i3. Prof. B. C. Prof. Eccles. Hist., Andover Tlieo. Sem. Benjamin Stanton. A.M. b. 20 Oct., 1817, Lebanon. Prof. Latin, Union Coll., Schenectady, N.Y. d. 18 July, 1874. Olivei- Stevens, b. 22 June, 1825, North Andover, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Dist. Att'y. Albert Gookin Thornton, b. 25 Dec, 1827, Saco. Lawyer. Res., England. Richard Henry Tibbits. b. 2 Aug., 1827. Merchant, San Francisco, Cal. Phy- sician, Rosario, Mexico, d. 9 Oct., 1885, San Francisco, Cal. WiUiam Titcomb. b. 23 Jan., 1828, Kennebunk. Mariner, d. 11 Aug., 1851. Charles Ames W^ashburn. b. 16 Mar., 1822, Livermore. Journalist, San Fran- cisco. U. S. minister, Paraguay. Res., Morristown, N. J. d. 26 Jan., 1889, New York City. 34—* 19 Class of 1849. ZabdielBoylston Adams. M.D., Harv., 1853. b. 25 Oct., 1829, Boston. Physician, Framingham, Mass. Surgeon 32d Mass. Vols.; Capt., 1863; Bvt. Major, 186.5. Augiistus Jedediah Burbank. b. 5 Mar., 1829, Bethel. Capt. 1st Me. Cav., 1861. Real estate, Chicago, 111. Charles Cothren. b. 16 June, 1822, Fannington. Teacher, New Jersey. Man- ufacturer, New York City. Res., Red Bank, N. J. Nathaniel Cothren. A.B., Yale, 1850. b. 21 Jan., 1825, Farmington. 23d Nat'l Guards, N. Y. Vols. Lawyer, New York City. Llewellyn Deane. b. 23 April, 1829, Ellsworth. Lawyer, Portland; Washing- ton, D. C. Lincoln Fletcher Emerson. b. 18 Sept., 1829, Kennebunk. Teacher, Boston, d. 5 Mar., 1864. John Marshall Eveleth. A.M. M.D., 1854. b. 24 Feb., 1828, Windham. Physi- cian, Mechanic Falls; Hallowell. Charles Franklin Henry Greene, b. 21 April, 1827, Athens. Lawyer, Athens. d. 23 June, 1875. Eugene Bergin Hinkley. b. 6 Mar., 1827, Hallowell. Lawj'cr, Boston. Marine insurance, Boston. William Hobson. A.M. b. 13 Oct., 1826, Buxton. Teacher, Saco. Capt. and Lieut.-Col., 17th Me. Vols., 1862-5. Bvt. Brig. -Gen. Lawyer, Boston. George Edwin Bartol Jackson. A.M. b. 14 Aug., 1829, Portland. Prest. M. C. R. R. Lawyer, Portland, d. 19 Oct., 1891. ALUMNI 59 Orville Jennings. A.M. b. 14 Jan., 18-25, Leeds. Lawyer, Washington, Ark. Juilgo Circuit Court. U. S. Dist. Att'j'. il. 3 Oct., 1866, Little Rock. Ark. "William Ladd Jones. A.M. b. 18 Sei>t., 18-27, :\Iin()t. Hangor Theo. Sem., 1853. Home Miss., California. Pres. Oaliu Coll., S. 1. Pastor, Clovcnlale, Cal. Ammi Ruhamah Mitchell. A.M. b. 11 Kfli., 18-26, Portlaiiil. Pangor Tlieo. Sem., 1852. Home Miss., Iowa; Kansas. John St. Clare Paine, b. 12 Aug., 1828, ■ShaiJleigh. Pes., Springvale. (i. G Feb., 1851, Key West, Fla. George Augustus Perkins. A.M. b. 24 June, 18-27, Farmington. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1853. Miss., A. B. C. F. M., Marash, Turkey. Prof. Robert Coll., Constanti- nople. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Wendell, Mass. George Leland Richardson, b. 14 ,Ian., 18-211, Bath. Broker, Boston. Res., Somerville, Mass. George Oliver Robinson. A.M. b. 13 Mar., 1821, Oxford. Lawyer, Blooming- ton, 111. Res., Cambridge, ISlass. John Thomas Stanley, b. 13 Dec, 1826, Farmington. Teacher, Bastrop, Tex. ; Chapel Hill, Tex. d. '23 Oct., 1868. Robert Richardson Thompson. A.M. b. 17 Dec, 18'22, Rumford. Civil engineer. Lieut. 13lh N. H. Vols., 18G3. d. 19 Sept., 1864, Fort Harrison, Va. Albert Harris "Ware. A.M. b.TAug., 1827, Athens. Lawyer, Xo. Anson, d. I April, 1893, Portland. Spencer "WeUs. A.M. b. 17 Feb., 1827, West Newbury, Mass. Teacher, d. 25 May, 1881, Portland. Joseph "Williamson. A.M. b. .5 0ct., 1828, Belfast. Lawyer, Belfast. 23-*!) Class of 1850. John Pickens Abbot. A.M. b. 26 July, 1828, Warren, R. I. Purser, U. S. N. Capt. 12th R. I. Vols., 1862. Physician, Warren, R. I. d. 10 Oct., 1886. Francis Adams. A.M. b. 10 July, 1824, Topsham. Lawyer, Bath. Lemuel "Weeks Atherton. A.M. b. 12 May, 1828, Castine. Lawyer, Dixon, 111. .1. Aug., \S59. ^AAilliam Nelson Nailing Bell. b. 20 .July, 1828, Dresden, Tenn. Lawyer, d. 3 July, 1862. Samuel Preble Buck. A.M. M.D., 18.53. b. 13 Dec., 1827, Woolwich. Physi- cian, West Woolwich. John Johnson Bulfinch. A.M. b. 1 May, 1830, Waldoboro. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18,56. Pastor, Newcastle; Bremen. Res., Waldoboro. Samuel Gushing Burr. A.M. b. 14 Feb., 1830, Boston. Lawyer, d. ,30 Dec, 1861, Bolton, Mass. Charles Edward Butler, b. 1.5 Oct., 1825, Hallowell. Teacher, Trenton, Tenn. Merchant, Fulton, Tenn. d. 1890. Charles Carroll Everett. A.M. D.D., 1870; also Harv., 1874. b. 15 June, 1829, Brunswick. Pi-of. Mod. Lang. Librarian. Harv. Div. Sell., 18.59. Pastor, Bangor. Prof. Theology, Harv. Coll. William Pierce Frye. A.M. LL.D., 1889 ; also Bates, 1881. b. 2 Sept., 1830, Lew- iston. Lawyer. State Att'y Gen., 1867-70. M. C, 1871-81. U. S. Senator, 1881-. "William Sewall Gardner. A.M. b. 1 Oct., 1828, Lowell, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Judge Superior Court, 187,5-85. Judge Supreme Court, 188,5-7. d. 4 April, 1888, Newton, Mass. George Peabody Goodwin. A.M. b. 22 April, 1S25, Baldwin. Lawyer, Dixon, 111. Res., Evanston, 111. d. 12 .June, 1878. Henry Piske Harding. A.M. b. 28 Mar., 1827, Union. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1854. Pastor, Machias. Manfr., Hallowell. Pastor, East Machias. Samuel Little Hodgman. b. 17 Dec, 1827, Warren. Book-keeper, Boston. Res., Taunton, Mass. Freeland Salmon Holmes. A.M. M.D., Columbian Univ., 18,54. b. 8 Sept., 1.S27, Foxcroft. Physician, Foxcroft. Surgeon 6th Me. Vols., 1.862. Brig. Surg., 1863. d.-23 .lune, 1863, near Germantown, Va. Oliver Otis Howard. A.M. LL.D., 1888; also Colby, 1865; also Shurtlefl", 111., 1865; also Gettysburg Theo. Sem., 1866. b. 8 Nov., 1830, Leeds. U. S. Mil. Acad., 18.54. Prof. Math., West Point. Col. 3d Me. Vols., 1861. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1861. Brig. Gen., U. S. A. Bvt. Maj. Gen., 1865. Major Gen., U. S. A., 1886. Daniel Cony Ingraham. A.M. b. 14 July, 1830, Augusta. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.56. Rector, Lewiston. d. 23 Nov., 1860, Augusta. George Follansbee Jackson. A.M. M.D., .Jeff. Med. Coll., 18,53. b. 7 Oct., 1827, Pittston. Physician, New York City. 60 BOWDOIN COLLEGE John Nelson Jewett. b. 8 Oct., 1827, Palmyra. Lawyer, Chicago. State Sen- ate, 1871-2. Arthur MoArthur. A.M. b. 15 Sept,, 1830, Limiiigton. Lawyer. Major6tliLa. Vols., C. S. A. (I. 28 May, 1862, Win- chester, Va. Abner Morrill. A.M. b. 18 Aug., 1827, Limerick. Pastor, Farmington ; Painted Post, N. Y. ; Susquehanna, Penn. Peleg Stone Parley. A.M. b. 14 July, 1829, Llvermore. Lawyer, Henry, 111.; Phoenix, Arizona. Trueman Summerfield Perry, b. 20 Dec, 182H, Oxford. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Pastor, Cumberland; Limerick. George Gilmer Poindexter. A.M. b. 28 Feb., 182St, Louisa Co ,Va. Lawyer. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Editor, Nashville, Teuu. d. 18 Nov., 1859. John Smith Sewall. A.M. D.D., 1878. b. 20 Mar., 1830, Newcastle. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.58. Pastor, Wenham, Mass. Chap. 8th Mass. Vols., 18G4. Prof. Rliet. and Oratory, B. C. Prof. Sac. Rhet., Bangor Theo. Sem. Thomas Robinson Smith. A.M. b. Nov. , 1830, Bath. Lawyer, Bolivar, Tenn. ; Memphis, Tenn. d. Mar., 1872. George Harvey Snell. A.M. b. 27 July, 1829, Unity. Lawyer, d. 19 Mar., 1858. Samuel Adams Stinson. A.M. b. 22 Nov., 1831, Wiscasset. Lawyer, Leaven- worth, Kan. d. 18 Feb., 1866, Wiscasset. Eugene Thompson, b. 8 May, 1828, Topsham. d. G Oct., 1850. Patrick Henry Townsend. b. 28 Oct., 1823, Salisbury, N. H. Lawyer. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. d. 21 May, 1864. George Howe Vose. A.M. b. 19 Mar., 1829, Augusta. Farmer, California. Res., San Lorenzo, Cal. 31— *1G Class of 1851. Philip Henry Brown, A.M. b. IfiOct., 1831, Portland. Banker, Portland, d. 25 Oct., 1893. John Warren Butterfield. A.M. b. 20 Dec, 1829, Vassalboro. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Lawyer. Daniel Lewis Eaton, b. 31 Oct., 1825, Calai-s. Journalist, Pittsburg, Penn. Pay- master, U. S. A. Bvt. Lieut.-Col., 1865. Bank cashier, Washington, I). C. d. 22 Feb., 1873. Joseph Palmer Fessenden. M.D., N. Y. Med. Coll., 1854. b. 27 Sept., 1831, Portland. Physician, Lewiston; Salem, Mass. John Samuel Hatch Frink. b. 9 Nov. , 1831, Greenland, N. H. Lawyer, Ports- mouth, N. H. Judge Supreme Court, 1877. Paris Gibson, b. 1 July, 1830, Brown- field. Manufacturer, Minneapolis, Minn. Real estate and mining. Great Falls, Mon- tana. Augustus Choate Hamlin. M.D., Harv., 1855. b. 28 Aug., 1829, Bangor. Physician, Bangor. Asst. Surg. 2d Me. Vols., 1861. Med. Inspector, U. S. A. Bvt. Col., 1865. George Lafayette Hayes. A.M. b. 5 Dec, 1831, Barnstead, N. H. Teacher, Rus.sellville, Ky. d. 23 July, 18.54. Hiram Hayes, b. 24 May, 1831, In- dustry. Lawyer, Superior, Wis. Quar- termaster, U. S. A., 1862. Chief Quarter- master, 1864. John Sydney Hurd. A.M. b. 2(5 Dec, 1832, Fryeburg. Surgeon, Iowa Vols. Phy- sician, Hampton, la.; Chapin, la. Elias Osgood Libby. b. 17 Aug.y 1829, Limerick. Publisher, Boston, d. 31 Oct., 1860, New Orleans. William Martin Luther Marshall. A.M. b. 12()ct.,1827, Hallowell. Lawyer, Baltimore, d. 18fi3. John Cummings Merrill. M.D., N. Y. Med. Coll., 1854. b. 3 Nov., 1831, Portland. Surgeon, C. S. A. Physician, Portland. William Oliver Otis. A.M. b. 18 Dec, 1831, Hallowell. Teacher and lawyer, Austin, Tex. d. 13 Mar., 1889, Terrell, Tex. W^illiam Henry Owen. A.M. LL.B., Columbia, 1861. b. 5 Feb., 1830, Brook- haven, N. Y. Lieut. .3d Me. Vols., 1861. Col., 1864. Civil engineer. U.S. Quarter- master Dept., Washington, D. C. W^illiam Alfred Packard. A.M.; also Dartmouth, 1864. Ph.D., Hamilton, 1868. b. 26 Aug., 1S30, Brunswick. Tutor. An- dover Theo. Sem., 1857. Prof. Greek, Dart- mouth. Prof. Latin and Science of Laug., Coll. of New Jersey. George Adams Pollard. A.M. b. 18 Aug., 1830, Hallowell. BangorTheo. Sem., 18.54. Miss., A. B. C. F. M., Turkey. Pas- tor. Micliigan. Res., Grand Rapids, Mich. ALUMNI 61 Charles "Wentworth Roberts. A.M. b. 22 Oct., 1828, Oldtdwn. Lumber mer- chant. Bank cashier. Lieut.-Col.2cl Me. Vols., 1861. Bvt. Brig.-Gen., 18r>5. Res., Bangor. William Scott Southgate. A.M. D.D., 1889. b. 10 April, 1831, Portland. Gen. Theo. Seni.,18or>. Rector, Annapolis, Md. Joseph Ashur "Ware. b. 30 Aug., lSo2, I'ortland. .Journalist. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. d. 25 May, 1874. Henry -Willis. A.M. LL.B., Harv., IS.')!, b. 5 .June, 1831, Portland. Lawyer, I'ortland. d. 10 Mar., 18(i8. Joseph Charles Augustus Wingate. A.M. 1). 16 Nov., 1830, Stratham, X. H. Lawyer, Concord, N. H. U. S. consul, Swatow, China; Foochow, China. Res., Stratham, N. H. Class of 1852. George Franklin Allen. A.M. b. 30 .June, 1828, Wolfboro', X. IL Harv. Div. Sch., 180."). Sup't Children's Mission Home, Boston, d. 17 Mar., 18(;o. Jesse Franklin Butterfield. b. 30 May, 182"), Farniinglon. TeaclR'r. d. 24 Si'i)l., 18(;8, E. IMiunca[)(ili.s, Minn. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. A.M. LL.D., 1869; also Coll. Penn., 1866. b. 8 Sept., 1828, Brewer. Baugor Thco. Scni., 18.5.'j. Inst. Logic and Nat. Theol. Prof. Rhet. and Oratory ; Mod. Lang.; Ment. and Mor. Phil.; Lect. Pol. 8ci. and Pub. Law. President, 1871-8o. Lieut.-Col.20th Me. Vols., 1862; Bvt.Maj. -Gen., 1865. Gov- ernor, 1867-70. Pres. Institute of Arts, New York City. Charles Chesley. b. 12 April, 1827, Wakefield, N. H. Lawyer, Wakefield, N. H. Solicitor Int. Rev., Washington, D. C. John "White Chickering. A.M. b. 11 Sept., 1831, Bolton, Mass. IJangor Theo. Seui., 1860. Pastor, Exeter, X. II. Prof. Nat. Hist., National Deaf Mute Coll., Wash- ington, D. C. James Deering Fessenden. b. 28 Sept. , 1833, Portland. Lawyer. Capt. 2d U. S. Vols., 1861; Bvt. Major-Gen., 1865. d. 18 Xov., 1882, Portland. John Holmes Goodenow. A.M. b. 25 Sept., 1832, Alfred. Lawyer, Alfred; Saco. Pres. State Senate, 1861-2. U. S. Consul-Gen., Constantinople. Res., New York City. Joseph Dana Howard. A.M. b. 15 July, 1833, Limerick. Lawyer. Literary work. New York City. d. 15 Jan., 1872. Bezaleel Freeman Kendall. A.M. b. 7 Oct., 1827, Bethel. Lawyer, Olympia, Washington, d. 7 Jan., 1863. John Walker May. b. 21 Jan., 1828, Winthrop. Lawyer, Auburn. Lewis Pierce. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1855. b. 15 April, 1832, Gorham. Lawyer, Portland. Dana Boardman Putnam. A.M. M.D., Georgia Med. Coll., 1854. b. 19 Sept., 1825, Rumford. Physician, LaGrange, Ga.; Boston, d. 11 Feb., 1881. Albion Quincy Randall. A.M. b. 23 Feb., 1828, Bowdoinliam. Teacher, Pough- keepsie.X. Y.; Richmond, d. 30 Mar., 1878. Henry Stone. A.M. b. 27 Aug., 1830, Andover. Harv. Div. Sch., 1860. Jour- nalist. Lieut. 1st Wis. Vols., 1861; Bvt. Col., 1865. Editor, Xew York City. Res., Boston. George Harward Theobald. M.D., 1854. b. 1 Feb., 1829, Richmond. Ship- builder and l)anker, Richmond. Walter W^ ells. A.M. b. 17 Nov., 1832, Salisbury, X. H. Teacher and author, d. 21 April, 1881, Portland. 1(5— * 8 Class of 1853. Jonathan Edwards Adams. A.M. D.D., 1888. b. 29 April, 1822, Woiihvich. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.58. Pastor, Searsport. Sec'y Maine 3Iiss. Soc. Res., Bangor. W^illiam Carruthers. A.M. b. OJuly, 1833, Liverpool, Eng. IJangor Theo. Sem., 1856. Pastor, Calais; Fairhaven, Mass.; Richmond Hill, X. Y'. Res., New Bedford, Mass. John Leland Crosby. A.M. b. 17 May, 1834, Bangor. Merchant. City Treas., 1873-93. Treas. ISangor Savings Hank. Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings. A.M. b. 2 Sept., 182,5, Albany. Tutor. Baugor Theo. Sem., 18.57. Pastor, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Chap. 15th Vt. Vols. Prof. Men.andMor.I'hil.,B.C. Res., Portland. Henry Richards Downes. A.M. b. 17 Sept., 1832, Calais. Lawyer, Presque Isle. d. 24 Oct., 1883. William Paley Drew. A.M. b. 11 Nov., 1829, Augusta. Prof. Anc. Lang., Tufts Coll. U. S. civil service, Washing- ton, D. C. U. S. bank examiner, Phila- delphia. 62 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Charles Drummond. b. 11 July, 1831, Phippsburg. d. 28 Aug., 1853, North Con- way, N. H. James Wallace Emery. A.M. b. 7 Feb., 1829, Buxton. Teacher, Bunkerhill, Tex.; Kaufman, Tex.; Roby, Tex. Marcellus Emery. A.M. b. 24 July, 1830, Frankfort. Lawyer and editor, Ban- gor, d. 23 Feb., 1879. Stephen Eoss. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1859. b.20Juue,1825,New Portland. Sur- geon, U. S. N. Physician, Cincinnati; St. Mary's, Kan.; Brooklyn, N. Y. Melville Weston Fuller. A.M. LL.D., 1888; also Northwestern Univ., 1888; also Harvard, J891. b. 11 Feb., 1833, Augusta. Lawyer, Chicago. Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court. Henry Clay Goodenow. A.M. b. 23 June, 1834, Alfred. Lawyer, Lewiston; Bangor. George Stone Kimball. A.M. b. 2 Jan., 1833, Gardiner. Lawyer. Lieut. 1st Me.Cav.,1861. d. 19 June, 1863, Aldie, Va. Woodbury Fogg Langdon. b.lFeb., 1830, Rumney,N. H. Merchant, Wasioja, Minn. Express agent, Plymouth, N. H. W^illiam Miltimore McArthur. b. 7 July, 1832, Limiiigton. Adm. Ijar, 1860. Capt., 8th Me. Vols., 1861 ; Bvt. Brig. -Gen., 1865. State Senate, 1869. Farmer, Lim- ington. Joseph McKeen. A.M. M.D., 185(1. b. 15 Oct., 1832, Brunswick. Surg. U. S. Vols., 1862. Physician, Topsham. d. 15 Jan., 1881. Kingman Fogg Page. A.M. b. 10 Oct., 1831, Rochester, N. II. Contractor, Washington, D.C.; New York City. d. 22 April, 1885. David Marks Place, b. 4 Feb., 1832, Strafford, N. H. Merchant, Boston. Book- keeper, Lynn, Mass. Jeremiah Evarts Pond. b. 23 June, 1831, Cambridgeport, Mass. Bangor Theo. Sem.,1856. Pastor, Platteville, Wis.; War- ren, d. 14 Feb., 1886, Alfred. Luther Puffer, b. 11 Sept., 1833, Sud- bury, Mass. Law student, d. 27 Oct., 1854, Grafton, N. H. Thaddeus Roberts Simonton. A.M. b. 27 Sept., 1829, Camden. Lawyer. State Senate, 1885-6. John Barrett Southgate. A.M. b. 25 July, 1833, Portland. Gen. Theo. Sem., N. Y^,1857. Rector, Lewiston. d. 7 Feb., 1862, Scarborough. John Franklin Spalding. A.M. D.D., Trinity, 1873. b. 25 Aug., 1828, Belgrade. Gen. Theo. Sem., 18.57. Rector, Erie, Penn. Bishop of Colorado. Res., Denver, Col. William Henry Todd. A.M. M.D., Eldinburg, 1857. b. 19 June, 1832, Milltown, N. B. Physician, St. Stephen, N. B. Francis Everett Webb. b. 13 Mar., 1829, Wiuthrop. Tutor. Lawj'er. d. 20 Nov., 1869. William Adolphus Wheeler. A.M.; also Harv., 1871. b. 14 Nov., 1833, Leices- ter, Mass. Literary work. Asst. Supt., Boston Public Library, d. 28 Oct., 1874, Boston. 26— *11 Class of 1854. George Washington Bartlett. b. 19 Feb., 1828, Litchfield. Harv. Div. Sch., 1857. Pastor, Augusta. Chap. 14th Me. Vols., 1861. d. 2 June, 1864, Coal Harbor, Va. William Morrison Bartley. A.M. b. 9 May, 1833, Hampstead, N. H. Rector, Alabama, d. 3 Dec, 1862, Winchester, Tenn. David Thaxter Bradford, b. 14 Aug., 1828, Cumberland. Music dealer, Atchi- son, Kan. Henry Purehis Brown. A.M. b. 1!) Oct., 1830, Baldwin. Merchant, Fond du Lac, Wis. d. 21 Sept., 1890. Charles Peleg Chandler. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1857. b. 4 Jan., 1835, Foxcroft. Lawyer, Boston. Major 1st Mass. Vols., 1861. d. 30 June, 1862, Malvern Hill, Va. John Frederic Deane. b. 3 Sept., 1834, Bangor. Teacher and lawyer. New Or- leans, d. 2 Jan., 1872. John Abbot Douglass. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1861. b. 20 Oct., 1829, Water- ford. Surgeon 11th Mass. Vols., 1863-4. Physician, Amesbury, Mass. Henry Dunlap. A.M. LL.B., Albany, N. Y., 1858. b. 16 Nov., 1834, Brunswick. Lawyer, New Y'ork City. U. S. civil serv- ice, Washington, D. C. d. 27 April, 1888. Ambrose Eastman. A.M. b. 18 April, 1834, North Y'armouth. Lawyer, Boston. James Bonaparte Farrington. A.M. b. 3 Jan., 1831, Rochester, N. H. Physi- cian, San Jose, Cal. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. V. d. 22 Mar., 1883, Salinas City, Cal. Samuel Freeman. A.M. M.D., 1857. b. 17 Mar., 1830, Limerick. Druggist, Chelsea, Mass. Res., Everett, Mass. ALUMNI 63 Harrison Gray. b. 18 Oct., 1827, Daii- vers, JIass. Lawyer, tl. 13 Feb., 1878. Council Greeley. A.M. b. 20 Mar., ls-2.'), Dover. Lawyer, Quincy, 111.; Clii- cago. James Lewis Hatch, b. 13 Feb., 1832, New Gloucester. Journalist, Cliarleston, S. C. d. 2.5 Sept., 18.58. Charles Melvin Herrin. A.M. b. 9 Nov., 1834, Houltoii. Lawyer, d. !l May, 1876. AVarren Johnson. A.M. b. 24 Dec, 183(),Faruiington. Tutor. Teacher, Tops- ham. State Sup't Sch. d. '28 April, 1877, Newton, Mass. Edwin Sewall Lenox. A.M. M.D., 1859. b. 1!) Feb., 1830, Newcastle. Manu- facturer, Worcester, Mass. Daniel Clark Linscott. A.M. b. 17 Mar., 18-28, JeJl'er.son. Lawyer, Boston. George Washington McLellan. A.M. b. 11 June, 1826, Monmouth. Teacher, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Manufacturer and teaclier, San Jose, Cal. d. 11 Feb., 1883, Red Hank, N. J. Henry Nettleton Merrill, b. 23 Mar., 1S27, Norway. Lawyer, Haverhill, IMass. Joseph Edward Merrill, b. 8 Dec, 1832, Yarmouth. Supt. N. E. News Co., Boston. Res., Newton, Mass. Benjamin Franklin Morrison, b. *.) April, 1832, Farniingloii. Teacher, Mai- den, Mass. James Ripley Osgood. A.M. b. 22 Feb., 1836, Fryeburgr. Publisher, Boston; Loudon, Eng. d. 18 May, 1892. John Owen Robinson. A.M. b. 7 July, 1832, Thomaston. Lawyer, Thomas- ton ; Seattle, Wash. John Wesley Simonds. A.M. b. 10 May, 1829, Franklin, N. II. Teacher. State Sup't Sch., N. H. Pres. Univ. of Dakota, d. 3 June, 188.5, Vermillion, S. Dak. Henry Hyde Smith. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1860. b. 2 Feb., 1832, Cornish. Lawyer, Boston. Joseph Emerson Smith. A.M. b. 19 Mar., 1835, Wiscasset. Lawyer, Wiscas- set; Chicago, 111. d. 16 June, 1881. Charles Winslow Smyth, b. i) April, 1829, Ilolderness, N. H. Prof. Math., Ca- tawba Coll. d. 3 Nov., 18().5, Newton, N. C. Daniel Carlton Stanwood. b. 3 May, 1829, Alna. d. 23 April, 18.5.5. John Glidden Stetson. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1860. b. 29 Feb., 1833, Newcastle. Lawyer, Boston. Clerk U.S. Circuit Court. William Law Symonds. A.M. b. 29 April, 1833, Raymond. Literary work, New Yorlv City. d. 18 Jan., 1862. Charles Frederick Todd. A.M. b. 11 May, 1834, St. Stephen, N. B. Manufact- urer, Calais, d. 13 July, 1893, St. Stephen, N.B. William Packard Tucker. A.M. b. 24 July, 1834, Biddeford. Instructor and Li- brarian, B. C. I{ector, Pawtucket, R. I. William Drew Washburn, b. 14 Jan., 1831, Liverniore. Manufacturer, 3Iinne- apolis, Minn. M. C, 1879-8.5. U.S. Senate, 18S9-. Nathaniel McLellan Whitmore. A.M. b. 1.5 Sept., 18.33, Richmond. Lawyer, Gar- diner, d. 4 Mar., 1871. Franklin Augustus Wilson. A.M. b. 6 Nov., 1832, Bradford. Lawyer, Ban- gor. Pres. M. C. R. R. Henry Clay Wood. A.M. b. 2G May, 1832, Winthrop. 2d Lieut. 1st Inf.,U. S. A., 1856. Bvt. Lt. Col., 1865. Col. and- Asst. Adj. -Gen., U. S. A. 37—* 19 Class of 1855. Samuel Sewall Adams, b. 21 Aug., 1828, Woolwich. Teaclier. d. 11 Mar., 18.58, Red Wing, Minn. Wilmot W^ood Brookings. A.M. b. 25 Oct., 1830, Woolwich. Lawyer, Sioux Falls, Dak. Provis. Gov., Dakota, 18.59-60. Speaker Ter. Leg., 1864. Ter. Senate, 1861-2; 1867-8; Pres., 1868-9. Judge Su- preme Court, 1869-73. Seth Cornelius Burnham. A.M. b. 20 Mar., 1833, Bridgton. Lawyer, Boston. Banker. Res., St. Louis, Mo. Thomas Henry Clark, b. Ifi Nov., 1829, Bristol. Teacher, Ottawa, 111.; Au- rora, 111. d. 12 Nov., 1883. Samuel Roland Crocker, b. 17 Jan., 1837, Boston. Journalist, Boston, d. 23 Aug., 1878. Daniel Crosby, b. 28 Feb., 1835, Hamp- den. Manufacturer, Hampden ; Topeka, Kan. Henry Boody Durgin. b. 7 May, IS^M, Portland. Merchant, d. 31 Mar., 1882, Newburgh, Ind. Charles Henry Foster. A.M. b. 18 Feb., 1830, Orono. Col. 1st N. C. Vols., U. S. A., 1861-5. Merchanl, Murfrees- boro,N. C. Journalist, Philadelphia, d. 14 Mar., 1882. 64 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Benjamin Browne Foster. A.M. b.23 Nov., 1831, Orono. Lieut. 11th Me. Vols., 1862. Bvt. Col., 1865. La-nTcr, Norfolk, Va.; New York City. Asst. U. S. Dist. Att'y. Samuel Spring Gardner. A.M. b. 9 Jan., 1831, Brewer. Bangor Tlieo. Seni., 1861. Chaplain, U. S. A., 1864. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Joseph Kingsbury Greene. A.M. D.D., 1884. b. 10 April, 1834, Auburn. Union Theo. Sem., 18.58. Miss. A. B. C. F. M., Constiintinople. Edward Hawes. A.M. D.D., 1879. b. 18 Oct., 1834, Topsham. Bangor Theo. Sem., 185S. Pastor, Philadelphia; New Haven, Conn.; Burlington, Vt. Benjamin Francis Hayes. A.M. D.D., Hillsdale, 1871. b. 28 Mar., 1830, New Gloucester. New Hampton Theo. Sem., 18.58. Pastor, Olneyville, R. I. Prof. Psychol, and Logic, Bates Coll. Thomas Albert Henderson. LL.B., Harv., 1861. b. 1 Dec, 1834, Dover, N. IL Adjutant 7th N. H. Vols., 1861; Lieut.- Col., 1863. d. IS Aug., 1864, Deep Run, Va. Obadiah Brown Hewitt. A..^L b. 18 Sept., 1828, Hope. Lieut. 2d Neb. Cav.; Capt., 1864. Lawyer, Brownville, Neb.; Hastings, Neb. Thomas Barclay Hood. A.M. b. 17 Mar., 1826, Halifax, N. S. Merchant, New Orleans. Teacher, Texas, d. 12 Dec, 1877, Seguin, Tex. John Lathrop Hunter, b. 13 Mar., 1833, Gardiner. Lawyer, Willimantic, Ct. Sumner Increase Kimball. Sc. D., 181)1. b. 2 Sept., 1834, Lebanon. Lawyer, North Berwick. U. S. civil service, Wash- ington, D. C. Supt. U. S. life saving service. Thomas Henry Little. A.M. b. 15 Dec, 1832, Augusta. Supt. Wis. Inst, for the Educ. of the Blind, d. 4 Feb., 187.5, Janesville, Wis. John Alexander Mcintosh. A.M. b. 2 .Jan., 1831, Farmington. Tutor, d. 26 Dec, 1860, Farmington. Flavins Vespasian Norcross. A.M. b. 25 April, 182i), Dixfleld. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1858. Pastor, Union ; Andover. William LeBaron Putnam. A.M. LL.D., 1884. b. 26 May, 1835, Bath. Lawyer, Portland. Judge U. S. circuit court of appeals. Ezekiel Ross. A.M. b. 25 Sept., 1829, Jefferson. Lawyer, Rockland; Newcastle. John Farnham Shaw. A.M. b. 5 Mar., 1829, Greenville. Teacher, South Carolina, d. 1863. Charles Edwin Shaw. b. 5 Sept., 1835, Portland. Merchant. Lieut. Col., 25th Me. Vols. d. 3 Mar., 1876, Austin, Tex. George Henry Shepard. b. 30 June, 1831, Hallowell. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1858. d. 23 July, 1S59, Winthrop. Thomas Bowman Sherman. A.M. b. 10 Aug., 1834, Augusta. Lawyer and real estate, Boston. Res., W. Somerville, Mass. Benjamin Poor Snow. A.M. b. 14 Feb., 1831, Rumford. Tutor. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1861. Pastor, Alfred; Cape Elizabeth. Prin. Yarmouth Academy. Levi Wentworth Stanton. A.M. b. 19 Jan., 1827, Lebanon. Teacher. Prof. Gr., Bates Coll. Res., Center Sandwich, N. II. Peleg TaUman. A.M. b. 18 April, 1836, Bath. Lawyer, Dubuque, Iowa. d. April, 1863. Emery Purinton Thompson, b. 10 Aug., 1831, Topsham. d. 11 Aug., 1875, Somerville, INIass. John Frothingham Tinkham. b. 7 May, 1833, Portland. I^awyer. d. 28 April, 18.58, New Orleans. Charles Titcomb. 1835, Farmington. 18.59, Farmington. Gardiner Chandler Vose. A.M. b. 15 Aug., 18.35, Augusta. Lawyer, Augusta. d. 13 June, 1889. John Wingate. b. 5 Oct., 1831, Ossi- pee, N. II. Teacher, Wolf borough, N. H. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. d. 10 Oct., 1881. 35—* 18 Class of 1856. Thomas Lyford Ambrose, b. 10 June, 1829, Ossipee, N. H. Miss., A. B. C. F. M., Persia. Chap. 12th N. H. Vols., 1862. d. 19 Aug., 1864, Fortress Monroe, Va. Isaac Denny Balch. b. 18 April, 1835, Ncwburyport, IMass. D. C. Vols. Lawyer, Jersey City, N. J. U. S. civil service. New York City. d. 16 Feb., 1889, East Orange, N.J. James Olcutt Brown. A.M. b. 28 Oct., 1836, Portland. Banker, d. 15 Aug., 1864. Cyrus Henry Carlton. A.M. b. 2 April, 18.32, Sangerville. Newton Theo. Sem., 1860. Pastor, Limerick; Buckfleld. d. 26 Dec, 1868, Foxborough, Mass. A.M. b. 22 Oct., Lawyer, d. 4 Sept., ALUIMNI 65 Franklin Carsley Davis. A.M. b. 14 Jan., 1834, Farniiiij;ton. Lieut., M Penn. Cav., 1SG2. U. S. civil service, Wash- ington, D. C. d. -2,5 Mar., 1870, Philadel- phia. Henry Farrar. A.M. b. 26 Nov., 1831, Lancaster, N.H. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1862. Pastor, Dalton, N. H.; Chatham, N. H. ; Gilead. Samuel Edward Floyd, b. 18 May, 183(>, Xewmarket, N. II. Lawyer, Boston. d. 21 May, IST.S, Whitehall, N. Y. William Gaslin. A.M. b. 29 July, 182(!, Augusta. Lawyer, Augusta; Alma, Xeb. .Judge district court. Rowland Bailey Howard. A.M. b. 17 Oct., 18:54, Leeds. Kangor Theo. Scm., 18(>0. Pastor, Farniington. Sec'y Amer. Peace Soc, Boston. d.2.').Jan., 1892, Rome, Italy. Thomas Leavitt. b. 2'.t Sept., 18:!2, Hampton, N. H. Lawyer, Exeter, X. 11. State Senate, 187(>. Thomas Blanchard Lenoir, b. L".l Nov., 18-.'S,('iihinii)ia, Aliss. Phinler, Miss. Adj.-Gen., !\Iiss. d.ll Dec, 1874, Thayer, Kan. Prentiss Loring. A.M. b. 18 Feb., ls;!4, Yannouth. Insurance agent, I'ort- land. Enos Thompson Luce. b. 27 Jan., 18:?2, Wilton. Lawyer, Auburn. Lieul.- Col. 2:id. Me. Vols., 1802. Lawyer, Boston ; Waltham, Mass. Judge district court. Woodbury Lunt Melcher. A.M. b. 7 <)ct.,18:i2, Meredith r,ridge,X.H. Lawyer. Banker, Laconia, N. II. James Francis Miller. A.M. b. 13 Oct., 1832, Ilollis. Lawyer, Portland. Capt. 7th Me. Vols., 1801 ; Ass't Adj. -Gen., 1SG4. d. 12 Dec, 1873, Portland. Galen Clapp Moses. A.M. b. 30 Aug., 183."), Uath. Manufacturer. Rea., Bath. Edwin Beaman Palmer. A.M. b. 25 Sept., 1833, Beltast. Bangor Theo. .Sem., 18.59. Chap. 19th Me. Vols., 1803. Pastor, Ipswich, Mass. Treas. Mass. Home Miss. Soc. Res., Winchester, Mass. Edwin Pond Parker. D.D., Yale, 1875. 1). 13 Jan., 1830, Castine. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.19. Pastor, Hartford, Conn. Albert Smith Rice. A.M. b. 4 April, 1837, Augusta. Lawyer, Rockland. Thomas Sargent Robie. A.M. b. 21 Sept., 1835, Gorhara. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1859. Pastor, Waldoboro; Staffordville, Conn.; West Granville, Mass. George Robinson. A.M. b. G Aug., 1834, Augusta. Prof. Jefl'erson Coll., La. U. S. civil service, Monroe, La. d. 21 June, 1807. Moses Mason Robinson. A.M. b. 14 April, lS.3.i, Walerford. Capt. 12th Me. Vols., 1801-4. Lawyer, Xew York City. Edwin Bradbury Smith, b. 3 Oct., 1832, Kenneluinkport. Lawyer, Saco. Speaker Maine Leg., 1871. Ass't U. S. Att'y Gen., Washington, D. C. Lawyer, Xew York City. W^illiam Henry Smyth. A.M. b. 13 Oct., 1835, Brunswick. Civil engineer. Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf., 1801. Bvt. Major U. S. A., 1803. U. S. Marshal for Ga. Law- yer, Atlanta, Ga. Jonathan Young Stanton. A.M. b. 10 June, 1834, Lelianon. Prof. Greek and I.,atin, Bates Coll. James Henry Taylor. D.D., Hamil- ton, 1879. h. 3 Jan., 1829, ISallston, X. Y. Union Theo. Sem., 18.')9. Pastor, Lake Forest, 111.: Rome, N. Y. Samuel W^illiam Tenney. A.M. b. 10 lMar.,1834, Norridgewock. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1801. U. .S. Christian Commission. (1. 23 June, 1804, Washington, D. C. Edward William Thompson. A.M. b. 28 Feb., 1830, Brunswick. Capt. 5th ISle. Vols., 1801. Bvt. Lieut. -Col., 1865. Lawyer, Batesville, Ark. d. 19 Dec, 1879. Charles Henry True. A.M. 1). 25 •lune, 18.32, Litclilield. .Journalist, Port- laud ; Vermillion, Dak. d. 14 Jan., 1875. John PiUsbury W^atson. A.M. b. 23 Nov., 1820, Gilford, X. H. Union Theo. Sem., 1801. Pastor, I'utnam, Conn. d. 22 Jan., 1887, Laconia, X. H George Augustus Wheeler. A.M., M.D., 18.59. b. 26 July, 18.37, Standish. Surgeon U. S. Vols. Bvt. Lieut. -Col. Physician, Castine. George Sidney Whitmore. b. 31 July, 1835, Richmond, d. 30 May, I8(il, Bruns- wick. George Ralph W^illiamson. A.M. LL.15., Ilarv., 18(>0. b. 13 April, 1830, Belf.ist. .Manufacturer, Xew York City. George Campbell Yeaton. b. 22 May, 1830, South Berwick. Lawyer, South Ber- wick. 34— *15 66 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Class of 1857. Francis Page Adams, b. 10 Aug., 1835, Xewfield. INIcrchant, Portland. Res., Wolfboroiigh,N. H. William Henry Anderson, b. 18 Oct., 1835, Belfast. Paymaster, U. S. N. Gen'l agent N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Portland. EbenezerBean. A.M. b. 20 July, 1829, Conway, N. H. Bangor Theo. Seni., 1861. Pastor, Gray; Bluehill. Samuel Clifford Belcher. A.M. b. 20 Mar., 1839, Farmington. Capt. 16th Me. Vols., 1862; Miijor, 1864. Lawyer, Farm- ington. Lewis Osmond Brastow. D.D., 1880. b. 23 Mar., 1834, Brewer. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1860. Pastor, St. -Johnsbury, Vt.; Burlington, Vt. Chap. 12th Vt. Vols. Prof. Homiletics, Yale. Charles Henry Burbank. b. 8 Dec, 183.5, Limerick. Teacher, d. 15 Mar., 1860, Mt. Pleasant, Wis. Horace Beriah Chamberlain. A.M. b. 15 Nov., 1834, Brewer. Lawyer, Bangor. d. 7 Dec , 1861, Brewer. Edward Thurston Chapman. A.M. b. 6 Felj., 1833, Unity. Paymaster, U. S. N. d. 6 May, 1864, James River, Va. Thomas Upham Coe. A.M. M.D., Jeff. Med. Coll., 1861. b. 8 Dec, 1837, Northwood, N. H. Physician, Bangor. Albert Henry Currier. A.M. D.I)., 1884. b. 15 Nov., 1837, Skowhegan. And. Theo. Sem., 1862. Pastor, Lynn, Mass. Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theo., Oberlin Coll., Ohio. Henry Dame. A.M. h. 7 Dec, 1836, Biddeford. Teacher, Bangor; Westfleld, Mass. Insurance, Boston. "Walter Enoch Darling, b. 15 Sept., 1835, Milltown, N. B. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1860. Pastor, Kennebunk; Farmington, N. H. d. 18 Sept., 1890, Arlington, Mass. Edward Eastman. A.M. b. .3 April, 1837, Harrison. Lawyer, Saco. d. 5 July, 1882. Hampden Fairfield, b. 8 Dec, 1835, Saco. Lawyer, Saco. John Nelson Fuller. A.M. b. 22 Feb., 1831, Paris. 11th 111. Vols. Teacher. Prof Chcm. and Nat. Phil., Marshall Coll., Henry, 111. Res., Beatrice, Neb. Andrew Goodwin, b. IG Feb., 1837, Berwick. Civil engineer, d. 1874, Chi- cago. Henry Sidney Hagar. A.M. b.GAug., 1837, Richmond. Ship builder. Lieut. 7th Me. Vols., 1861 ; Adjutant, 1862. d. 7 Mar., 1868, Richmond. Charles Hamlin. A.M. b. 13 Sept., 1837, Hampden. Major 18th Me. Vols., 1862; Bvt. Brig.-Gen.,1864. LaAvyer, Ban- gor. Speaker State Leg., 1885. John Burgin Haselton. A.M. b. 4 Feb., 1837, Portsmouth, N. H. Paymas- ter, U. S. N., 1862-4. Lawyer, Suncook, N. H. James Tracy Hewes. b. 23 Mar., 18.36, Saco. Harv. Div. Sch.,1861. Pastor, Sa- lem, Mass.; Fitchburg, Mass. d. 21 Nov., 1882, Cambridge, Mass. David Sutherland Hibbard. b. 27 April, 1831, Lisbon, N. H. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1860. Cong, ministry. Me. and N. H. Pastor, Sumner. Henry Ripley Howard. A.M. S.T.D., St. Stephens Coll., N.Y. b. 5 May, 1838, Portland. Rector, Hallowell; Potsdam, N. Y. Dean of Nashville. Rector, Tulla- homa, Tenn. John Barrett Hubbard. A.M. b. 4 Feb., 1837, Hallowell. Teacher, Lynn, Mass. Lieut. 1st Me. Battery, 1861 ; Capt. d. 27 May, 1863, Port Hudson, La. Thomas Hamlin Hubbard. A.M. b. 20 Dec, 1838, Hallowell. Adjutant 25th Me. Vols., 1862. B\t. Brig. -Gen., 1865. Lawyer, New York City. Benjamin Barnes Kingsbury. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1862. b. 15 May, 1837, Temple, N. H. Lawyer, St. Charles, Mo. ; Defiance, O. Joshua James Laighton. b. 14 Oct., 1837, Portsmouth, N. H. Harv. Div. Sch., 1861. d. 27 Sept., 1864, Somerville, Mass. John Gilbert Langdon. b. 6 Feb., 1835, Concoi'd,N. H. Lawyer, d. 18 May, 1869, Plymouth, N. H. Malcolm Mclntyre. b. 2 May, 1835, Parsonsfleld. Teacher. U. S. Int. Rev. service, Owensboro, Ky. Edward Bagley Merrill. A.M. b. 25 Jan., 1835, New Bedford, Mass. Lawyer, New York City. Thomas Freeman Moses. A.M. M.D., Jeff. Med. Coll., 1861. b. 8 June, 1836, Bath. Ass't Surg. U. S. v., 1862-4. Phy- sician, Hamilton Co., O. Prof. Nat. Sci., and Pres. Urbana Univ. Henry Newbegin. A.M. b. 2 May, 1833, Pownal. Lawyer, Defiance, O. ALUMNI 67 Charles Lewis Nichols, b. 30 July, lt^-2'.», .Starks. I'.anffor Theo. Seni., 1861. Pas- tor, Brownville; South Freeport; Phipps- burj?. Thomas Kimball Noble. D.D. b. 19 Jan.,is;i2, Norway. lJanf,'or Theo. Sein., 1M63. Pastor, San Francisco; Norwallc, Conn. Edward Parker. A.M. b. 31 Mar., 1838, Charlestown, IMass. Teacher, Biildefonl; Urockton, IMass. Charles Weston Pickard. A.M. b. 2S Oct., 183fi, Lewiston. Puljlisher Port- lanil Transcript, I'ortiand. George Washington Pierce. A.M. b. 1 July, 183fi, Goi'hani. Civil engineer, West IJ.'iklwin. Benjamin W^isner Pond. A.M. b.2G Mar., 183(i. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1861. I'astor, York. Chief examiner patent offute, Washington, 1). C. Edward Augustus Rand. A.M. b. 5 April, 183T, Portsmouth, X. II. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1863. Pastor, Soutli Boston. Rector and antlior, \Vatcrto\vn, Mass. Charles Henry Reynolds. A.M. M.D., Colmnbia, 1861. b. 5 July, 183."), Portland. Physician, Hay City, Mich.; Gorham. d. .") Nov., 1S77, Turner. Nathaniel Augustus Robbins. A.M. b. 24 Aug., ISS.'J, Union. Lawyer, liock- land. Lieut. 4th Me. Vols., 1862. U. 8. • civil service, Washington, 1). C. John Crockett Sanborn, b. 2(> Aug., 1832, Saidjornton, X. II. Lawyer, Law- rence, IMass. Daniel Freeman Smith. A.M. b. 25 April, 18.36, Saco. Prot. Epis. ministry. Hector, Chicago. Robert McKown Spearing, b. 8 Jan., 1838, New Orleans. Officer, C. S. A. d. 13 Dec, 1862, Fredericksburg, Va. Gustavus Augustus Stanley. A.M. b. l.j .June, 1832, Farniington. Capt. 2d Me. Cav. Lawyer, Pensacola, Fla. d. 16 Jan., 1884. Samuel Barrett Stewart. A.M. b. 'J June, 183ii, Farmington. Harv. Div. Sch., 1862. Pastor, Nashua, X. 11.; Lynn, Mass Abner Chase Stockin. A.M. b. 30 Aug., l.s.!i, Limington. Agent, Houghton, Milllin & Co., Boston. Cyrus Stone. A.M. D.D., Wesleyan, 1874. b. 20 April, 1837, Jay. Tutor. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1863. Meth. Epis. ministry, Me. d. 7 Feb., 1889, Hallowell. Lyman Sawin Strickland, b. 22 July, 1833, Liverniore Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf., 1861 ; Bvt. Major, 1864. Lawyer, Houlton. State .Senate, 1880. James Charles Strout. A.M. b. 16 April, 1834, Portland. 22d Mass. Vols. Asst. lib'n. Library of Congress, Wash- ington, D. C. Francis Asbury Waterhouse. A.M. b. 27 Jan., 18.3.5, Scarborough. Teacher, .Vngusta; Newton, Mass. Head master, English Iligli School, Boston. Granville Clifford Waterman. A.M. b. 4 May, 183,5, Unity. Teacher. Pastor, Dover, N. H.; Littleton, N. H ; Provi- dence, R. 1. 51—* 15 Class of 1858. William Allen Abbott, b. 11 Sept., 18.36, Xorridgewock. Lawyer, New York City. Isaac Adams. M.D., Harv., 18()2. b.20 Feb., 1836, Boston. Physician, Boston. Pres. U. S. Nickel Co. Res., Annisquam, Mass. Almarin Ferdinand Badger. A.M. LL.n., Harv., 1864 b. 26 June, 1833, Wil- ton. Lawyer, I'.oston. d. 5 June, 1867, Medfonl, Mass. Samuel Ayer Bradley. A.M. b. 27 Nov., 183(i, Frycburg. Merchant, Chicago. d. 3 June, 1874, Hyde Park, 111. Alexander Stuart Bradley, b. 1(J Sept., 1838, Fryeburg. Lawyer, Chicago. Kes., Hyde Park, 111. Samuel Brown, b. Ki Feb., ]83(j, Dan- vers, Mass. Capt. 16th Conn. Vols., 1861. d. 17 Sept , 1862, Antietam, Md. Daniel Coffin Burleigh. A.M. M.D., 186!t. b. 8 April, 1834, Sanbornton, N. II. Ass't Surg. U. S. N. d. 10 Jan., 1884, Dres- den, Germany. Sewall Chandler Charles, b. 11 June, 1838, Fryeburg. Law student. 12tli Me. Vols. <1. 8 Nov., 1863, Fryeburg. Samuel Frye Chase, b. 21 Aug., I«;i7, Saco. Lawyer, Saco. d. .5 May, 1889. Jonathan Prince Cilley. b. 2!) Doc, 183."), Thoinaston. Capt. 1st Me. Cav., 1861. ISvt. Brig. -Gen., 186,5. Lawyer, Rockland. Nathan Cleaves. A.M. b. !) Jau., 1835, Bridgton. Lawyer, Portland, d. 5 Sept., 1892. Edward Card Conant. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1865. b. 29 April, 1835, Alfred. 68 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Merchant, Little Rock, Ark. d. 29 Sept., 1879, Providence, R. I. Kufus Washburn Deering. A.M. b. 10 Nov., 183G, Portland. U. S. civil service, Washiiifiton, D. C. Franklin Mellen Drew. A.M. b. 19 July, 18.37, Turner. Capt. 15th Me. Vols., 18G1. Bvt. Col., 186.5. Lawyer, Lewiston. Robert Ellis. A.M. b. 4 Sept., 1833, Topsham. Lawyer, Oldtown; Oconto, Wis. d. 10 Dec, 1888. Francis Fessenden. b. 18 Mar., 1839, Portland. Capt. 19th U.S.Inf.,18Gl. Major- Gen., U. S. v., 1SC.5. Lawyer, Portland. John Dennett Frost, b. 5 July, 1831, Kliot. Farmer and teacher, Eliot. Lysander Hill. A.M. b. 4 July, 1834, Gushing. Capt. 30th Me. Vols., 186-2-3. Lawyer, Alexandria, Va.; Washington, D. C. Judge circuit court, Va. Lawyer, Chicago. Charles Knapp Hutchins. b. 2GNov., 1834, Leeds. Capt. 16th Me. Vols., 1861. d. 13 Dec, 1862, Fredericksburg, Va. Osceola Jackson, b. 16 Dec, ]83(i, Worcester, Mass. Merchant, West Africa. d. 27 June, 1888, Barracoa, Africa. Albert Jewett. b. 9 Aug., 1833, Alna. Lawyer, Knoxville, 111. d. 26 May, 1862. Cyrus Jordan. A.M. b. 22 June, 1830, Last Raymond. Prof. Hillsdale Coll. Ed- itor Morning Star, Boston. Francis Blunt Knowlton. 1). 12 Jan., 1832, Farmington. Bangor Theo. Seni., 1863. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Athol, Mass. Charles Parkman Loring. M.D.,Bel- levue Med. Coll., N. Y., 1863. b. 2.5 July, 1834, Danville. Physician, Providence, R.I. d. 27 Jan., 1877. George Robinson Mclntyre. b. 8 Mar., 183.5, Warren. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. d. 16 Nov., 1863. Edward Bowdoin Nealley. b. 22 July, 1837, Thomaston. Lawyer. U. S. district attorney, Montana. Merchant, Bangor. Speaker Me. Leg., 1877. State Senate, 1878. John Wyman PhiUips. A.M. b. 22 Dec, 1829, Orrington. Teacher and farmer. State Senate, 1S77-S. Augustus Moses Pulsifer. b. 15 June, 1834, Sullivan. Lawyer, Lewiston. Man- ufacturer, Auburn. Edwin Reed. A.M. b. 19 Oct., 1835, Bath. Ship owner. Author, Andover, Mass. "William Henry Savage. A.M. b. 27 Sept., 1833, Woolwich. Prof. Math., Del- aware Coll. Capt. 17th Me. Vols., 1862. And. Theo. Sem., 1867. Pastor, Leo- minster, Mass.; Watertown, Mass. Frank Sewall. A.M. b. 24 Sept., 1837, Bath. Pres. Urbana Univ. Pastor, Glas- gow, Scotland; Washington, D. C. Samuel Bragdon Shapleigh. b. 25 Nov., 1835, Lebanon Centre. Lawyer, Great Falls, N. H. Res., Milton, N. H. Isaiah Perley Smith. A.M. b. 13 Feb., 1836, North Bridgton. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1861. Cong, ministry. Res., Water- bury, Conn. Ellis Spear, b. 15 Oct., 1834, Warren. Capt. 20th Me. Vols., 1862. Bvt. Brig.- Gen.,1865. Comm'r of Patents. Solicitor, Washington, D. C. John Milton Staples, b. 16 April, 1836, Buxton. Lawyer, New York City d.l869, New Orleans. Solomon Bates Starbird. A.M. b. 4 Oct., 1832, Fairfield. Lt. .5.5th Mass. Vols. Civil engineer. Mining, Canon City, Col. d. 20 Sept., 1889, Denver, Col. John Durann Stetson, b. 13 Mar., 1835, Durham. Lawyer, Lewiston; Revt. P>rig.-Gen., isi;,"). .Journalist, Chicago, 111. George "Wilson Howe. A.M. b. 5Jan., 183:}, Lowell, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem., 18()2. Pastor, Harrison. Teacher, Lowell, Mass. James Albert Howe. A.M. D.D., Hillsdale, 187G. h. 10 Oct., 1834, Lowell, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem., 1862. Pastor, Olneyville, U. 1. Prof. Sys. Theo., Bates Coll. Franklin Freeman Hutchins. b. 21 Sept., 1835, Fryeburg. Fanner. d.lXov., 188.-!. Henry Dearborn Hutchins. b. 5Nov., 18:>7, Kryeburg. Lawyer, Lovell. Farmer, Fryeburg. d. 2.") .June, 1880. George Newton Jackson. A.M. b. .'U July, 1833, Fo.\croft. Agent for educa- tional publications, d. "20 Oct., 1879, Chi- cago, 111. Samuel Henry King. b. 2:i Aug., l.S;!S, Monmouth. Clerk, Augusta, d. 11 Dec, 18G1. Henry Melville King. A.M. D.D., Colby, 1877. b. 3 Sept., 1838, 0-\ford. New- ton 1'lieo. Sem., 18(;'2. Pastor, Uoxbury, Mass.; Albany, N'.Y.; Providence, U.I. Horatio Oliver Ladd. A.M. b. 31 Aug., 1839, Hallowell. Yale Theo. Sem., 18()3. Prof . Olivet Coll. Pres. Univ. New Mexico. Hector, Fishkill, N. Y. Oliver Libbey. A.M. b. 7 June, 1S35, Gorliam. Lawyer, (ireen Ba.v, ^V'is. Benjamin Franklin Manwell. A.M. b. 18 Feb., 1831, Jay. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1802. Pastor, Lawler, Iowa. d. 24 Feb., 1874. George W^hitney Merrill, b. 26 June, 1837, Turner. Capt. 48th IJ. S. C. T., 1863. Major (iOth Ind. Vols. Speaker Nevada Leg., 1881-82. U. S. Jlinister, Sandwich Is. Lawyer, Saii Francisco. Alfred Mitchell. A.M. M.D., Colum- bia, 18(i.'). b. 17 Mar., 1837, Yarmouth. Ass't Surg. 9th Me. Vols., 1SG4. Physician, Brunswick. Prof. Obstetrics. George Owen Moody. A.M. M.D., Dart., 1803. b. 17 July, 1833, Lebanon. Ass't Surg., U. S. v., 18G4. Physician, Titusvillc, Penn. d. 6 Feb., 1887. "William Gray Nowell. A.M. b. 11 Aug., 1838, Portsmouth, N. II. Harv. Div. Sell., 1802. Pastor, Calais. Pres. State Normal Univ., Del. Teacher, New York City. Mark Pitman. -V.M. b. 24 Oct., 1831, Williamsburg. Teacher, New Haven, Ct. Franklin Putnam. b. Sept., 1833, Croyden, N. H. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. d. 3 Nov., 18G.5. Edward Mussey Rand. A.M. b. (J Aug., 1839, Portlaud. Adjutant 27th Me. Vols. Lawyer, Portland. Howard Malcolm Randlett. M.D., Harv., 1804. b. 20 Feb., 1837, Stratham, N. H. Asst. Surg. G4th N. Y. Vols. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. d. 20 May, 1873, Annapolis, Md. Francis Wallingford Sabine. A.M. b. 7 Aug., 1839, Bangor. Law student. Lieut, nth Me. Vols, 18G1; Capt., 18G2. d. b") Sept., 18(i4, Fortress Monroe, Va. Aretas Rowe Sanborn. b.(i Oct., 1834, Sanbornton, N. H. Lawyer, Lawrence, Mass. Caleb Saunders. A.M. b. 4 Sept., 1838, Lawrence, Mass. Lieut. 1st Mass Heavy Aitillery. Lawyer, Lawrence, Mass. David Robinson Straw. A.M. b. IG May, 183(;, Guilford. Lawyer, Guilford. William Henry Stuart. A.M. b. 18 May, 183G, Richmonil. Bank cashier, Richmond. George Webster, b. 26 Aug., 1834, Bangor. Lieut, 12th Me. Vols., 18G1. Bvt. Lieut. -Col., ISG."). Merchant, Bangor. John W^lUiam Weeks. b. 21 Oct., 183."), Bath. Oil business. Oil City, Penn. Res., Butler, Penn. Albert Purington Whittemore. b. 20 Oct., 18.30, Lisbon. 14th HI. Vols. d. 10 Oct., 1803, JefVerson Barracks, Mo. Stephen Jewett Young. A.M. b. 7 Nov., 1839, Pittston. Prof. Mod. Lang. Librarian. Treasurer. State Senate, 1883-G. 3G— *12 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Class of I860. Amos Lawrence Allen. LL.B., Colum- bian Univ., 1866. b. 17 Mar., 1837, Water- boro. Lawyer, Alfred. U.S. civil service, Washington, D. C. John Francis Appleton. A.M. 1). 29 Aug., 1835, Bangor. Capt. 12th Me. Vols., 1861; Bvt. Brig.-Uen., 1S6.5. Lawyer, Bangor. U. S. District Judge, Texas, d. 31 Aug., 1870. Nicholas Emery Boyd. A.M. b. V.i Aug., 1837, Portland. 35tli Me. Vols. Meadville Theo. Sem., 1871. Pastor, Can- astota, N. Y. Journalist, San Francisco, Cal. Samuel Stillman Boyd. b. 16 May, 1838, Portland. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. d. .5 Mar., 1883. Albert Williams Bradbury, b. 29 Jan., 1840, Calais. Lieut. 1st Me. Bat., 1861. Bvt. Lt.-Col., 1865. Lawyer, San Fran- cisco; Portland. John Marshall Brown. A.M. b. 14 Dec, 1838, Portland. Adj.2.'5th Me. Vols., 1862; Bvt. Brig.-Gen., 1864. Banker, Port- land. Harlan Page Brown, b. 12 Oct., 1839, Bethel. Teacher, Bordentown, N.J. Lient. 7th Me. Vols., 1861; Capt., 1862. d. 17 Sept., 1862, Antietam. Alvan Felch Bucknam. A.M. M.D., 1864. b. 27 Nov., 1837, Yarmouth. Lieut. 25th Me. Vols., 1862. Asst. Surg. 2d Mass. Cav., 1864. Physician, Warren, 111. Horace Harmon Burbank. A.M. b. 27 Oct., 1837, Limerick. Capt. 32(1 Me. Vols, l^awyer, Limerick; Saco. Samuel Mclntyre Came. A.M. b. 4 .Jan., 1838, Alfred. Lawyer, Alfred. George Gary. M.D., Columbia, 1866. b. 29 Aug., 1837, Houlton. Lieut. 1st Me. Cav., 1861 ; Capt., 1862. Physician, Houl- ton. State Senate, 1869. Robert Cash. b. 30 Sept., 1832, Cam- den, N. Y. Metallurgist; Librarian, San Francisco, Cal. Marshall Dixey Chaplin, b. 18 Oct., 1836, Bridgton. Lawyer, Lewiston. d. 13 Dec, 1869. Fuller Gove Clifford, b. 22 Aug., 1832, Edgecomb. 28th Me. Vols. Fanner, North Edgecomb. Waterman Thomas Hewett Craig, b. 7 June, 1840, Fayette. Teacher, d. 27 May, 1863, Augusta. W^illiam Llewellyn Crowell. b. 15 Aug., 1835, Bath. Editor, San Francisco, Cal. d. 11 Feb., 1867. Abner Harrison Davis. A.M. b. 13 Dec. ,1834, Farmington. Teacher, Worces- ter, Mass. Prof. Lat., B. C. Clerk U. S. Circuit Court, Portland. Lemuel Grosvenor Downes. A.M. b. 26 Oct., 1839, Calais. Lawyer, Machias; Calais. George Barrett Emery. A.M. b. 28 .June, 1838, Gorliam. Lawyer, Gorham. Simeon Adams Evans. M.D.,1865. b. 14 April, 1837, Fryeburg. Asst. Surg. 14th Me. Vols., 1863. Physician, Conway, N. H. Roscoe Edwin Farnum. A.M. b. 19 Nov., 183.5, Woolwich. Civil engineer, Chicago. Seth Chase Farrington. A.M. b. 2 Dec, 1836, Fryeburg. Capt. 12th Me. Vols., 1861. Bvt. Lieut.-Col., 1865. Civil engineer. W^oodbury George Frost. A.M. M.D., 1866. b. 3 May, 1838, Brunswick. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. N., 18G4. Physician, Freeport; Danversport, Mass. Charles W^illiam Gardiner. A.M. b. 19 May, 1841, Farmington. Lieut. 3d Me. Vols., 1861. Bvt. Major, 1865. Railroad agent, d. 12 Apr., 1880, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. David Hale. b. 17 Mar., 1837, Bridg- ton. 23d INIe. Vols. Lawyer, d. 16 Dec, 1873. William Dudley Haley, b. 6 June, 1837, Bath. Lieut. 3d Me. Vols., 1861. Quartermaster. Lawyer, Bath. d.6Jan., 1880. Edwin Alphonso Harlow, b. 5 Dec, 1833, Mexico. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1863. Home Miss., Kan. Pastor, Robbinston. W^illiam Lewis Haskell, b. 7 Jan., 1836, Poland. Lieut. 7th Me. Vols., 1861. Capt., 1862. d. 17 Oct., 1862, Chambers- burg, Penn. Granville Parker Hawes. b. 4 July, 1838, Corinth. Lieut. 128th N. Y. Vols., 1862. Bvt. Lieut.-Col., 1865. Lawyer, New York City. d. 29 Dec, 1893. Augustine Jones. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1867. b. 16 Oct., 1835, China. Lawj^er, Boston. Teacher, Providence, R. I. Frederic Augustus Kendall. A.M. b. 28 Aug., 1838, Concord, N. H. Lieut. 4th N. H. Vols., 1861. Capt., U. S. A., 1865. Retired, 1879. Res., Cleveland, O. ALUMNI 71 Levi Randlett Leavitt. A.M. b. 5 June, 18.51, Meredith, N. H. Teacher, lies., Sag-ainore, Mass. Benjamin Kingsbury Lovatt. A.M. I). 27 Aug., 1838, Boston. Lawyer, Fall River, Mass. Judge District Court. Ezekiel Robinson Mayo. b. 18 Jan., IS.54, Ilanipdeii. IJeut. .".d Me. Vols., ISGl. Cajit., 180,1. Lawyer, Eldred, Penn.; Siuctliport, I'enn. Charles Sullivan McCobb. b. 20 Feb., 18:57, Boothbay. Teacher. Lieut. 4th Me. Vols. d. 8 July, 18(3;?, Gettysburg, Peun. Joseph Nicholas Metcalf. M.L)., Univ. I'enn., ISfw. b. 27 Oct., 1837, Garrettsburg, Ky. Physician, Garrettsburg, Ky. Charles Edwin Morrill, A.M. b. 14 May, 184J, Westbrook. Manufacturer, Westbrook; Boston, d. 1.5 Feb., 1891, Kochester, N. Y. James "William North. A.M. M.D., 18G4. b. 24 Mar., 1838, Gardiner. Asst. Surg., 107th U. S. C. T., 18G4. Physician and farmer, Augusta. "Winthrop Norton, b. 10 Nov., 1838, Industry. Teacher, d. 20 Sept., 1803, Chickaniauga, Tenn. Augustus Wyman Oliver. A. INI. b. 1 1 June, 183.">, Bath. Teacher, Gilroy, Gal. ; San .lose, Cal. ; Portland, Oregon. Charles Fox Penney. A.M. D.D., I'.ates, 1884. b. 10 May, 1832, New Glouces- ter. Pastor, Augusta; Auburn. Charles Sumner Perkins. A.M. b. 25 Oct., 1830, Lewiston. Bangor Theo. Seni., 1864. Free Baptist ministry. Pastor, Dover, N. H. James LiddeU Phillips. A.M. D.D., 1878. M.l)., Columbia, 1804. b.l7 Jan., 1840, Balasore, India. New Hampton Theo. Seni., 1802. .Missionary. Res., Calcutta, India. Walter Stone Poor. b. 23 Nov., 183(), Andover. Lieut. 7th N. Y. Cav., 1862. Lieut. -Col., 1804. Lawyer, New York City. Thomas Brackett Reed. LL.D., 1890; also Colby, 1885. b. 18 Oct., 1839, Port- lanil. Act. Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N., 1864. Lawyer, Portland. State Senate, 1870. Att'y-Gen., 1870-72. M. C, 1877—. Speaker, 1889-91. Henry Clay Robinson. A.M. b. 21 Dec, 1831, Newcastle. Lawyer. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Bolton, Conn. Abram Newell Rowe. A.M. b. 28 Oct., 1837, New Gloucester. Lieut. 30th Me. Vols , 1803. d. 21 Nov., 18(i4, Win- chester, Va. Edwin Berger Shertzer. b. 25 Dee., 18.34, Annville, Penn. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. d. Feb., 1894. David Osgood Stetson, b. 18 Jan., 1837, Durham. Lumber merchant, Mason, Illinois. Philip Henry Stubbs. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 180.3. It. 7 April, ISJJS, Strong. Lawyer. State Senate, 1883-0. Joseph White Symonds. A.M. b. 2 Sept., 1840, Raymond. Lawyer, Portland. .Judge Superior Court, 1872-8; Supreme Court, 1878-84. William W^idgery Thomas. A.M. b. 26 Aug., 1839, Portland. Lawyer, Port- land. Speaker State Leg., 1874-.5. State Senate, 1879. U. S. Minister, Sweden and Norway. Jacob Hale Thompson. A.M. b. 9 April, 1837, Portsmouth, N. II. Journal- ist, New York Times. Adelbert Birge Twitchell. A.M. b. 14 Dec, 1830, Bethel. Lieut. 5th Me. Bat., 1861. Bvt. Maj.,1865. Merchant, Newark, N.J. Francis W^illard Webster, b. 26 Aug., 1830, Bangor. Capt. 3(1 U. S. C. T. Man- ufacturer, Milwaukee, Wis.; Sherwood, Tenn. 55—* Ki Class of 1861. Charles Grandison Atkins, b. 19 Jan., 1841, New Sharon. U. .s. Fish Commission. Res., Bucksport. James Ware Bradbury. A.M. b. 22 July, 1839, Augusta. Lawyer, d. 21 Sept., 1876. Theodore Dwight Bradford. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 180."(. b. 1 Sept., 1838, Auburn. Physician, New York City. d. 11 May, 1883. James Briarr Cochrane. M.D., Al- bany Me(L Coll., 1864. b. 23 Mar., 1833, Fayette. Physician, Dover. Nelson Perley Cram. b. 24 June, 1839, Bridgton. Serg. 11th Me. Vols. d. 18 Sept., 1802. W^ellington Rolvin Cross. A.M. b. 24 Mar., 1835, Albany. Tutor. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1805. Pastor, Camden; Mill- town, N. B. d. 20 Sept., 1891, Foxcroft. Charles Albert Curtis. A.B., Nor- wich Univ., 1801. b. 4 Oct., 18.35, Hallowell. Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf., 1862. Bvt. Capt., 1865. Prof. Mil. Sci. and Pres. Norwich Univ. Author, Madison, Wis. 72 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Frank Lambert Dingley. A.M. b. 7 reb., 1840, Unity. Editor Lewiston Jour- nal. Res., Auburn. William "Winslow Eaton. A.M. M.D., Univ. City of N. Y., 1864. b. 26 May, 1836, Brunswicli. Surgeon 16tli Me. Vols. Phy- sician, Danvers, Mass. Edwin Emery. A.M. b. 4 Sept., 1836, Sanford. Lieut. 17th Me. Vols., 1863-.'i. Instructor cadets, U. S. Revenue Marine. Insurance, New Bedford, Mass. Lucilius Alonzo Emery. A.M. b. 27 July, 1840, Carmel. Lawyer, Ellsworth. State Att'y-Gen., 1876-8. State Senate, 1874-5, 1881-2. Judge Supreme Court, 1883—. Loring Farr. b. 2 June, 1835, Man- chester. Capt. 19th Me. Vols., 1863. Law- yer, Augusta; Manchester. Merritt Caldwell Fernald. A.M. Ph.D., 1881. b. 26 May, 1838, Levant. Pres. State Agric. Coll., Orono. Prof. Math, and Astronomy. Samuel Fessenden. b. 6 Jau., 1841, Portland. Lieut. 1st Me. Art'y> 1861. d. 1 Sept., 1862, Centreville, Va. Sidney Michael Finger. A.M. h. 24 May, 1837, Lincoln Co., N. C. Merchant and man'f'r, Newton, N.C. State Senate, 1S7C>-S, 1881-2. Supt. Pub. Instruction, N. C. Edmund Eastman Fogg. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1869. b. 7 June, 1839, Limerick. Physician, Buxton Centre, d. 13 April, 1887. Henry Jewett Furber. b. 17 July, 1840, Great Falls. Lawyer, New York City. Lawyer and banker, Chicago, 111. Benjamin Shute Grant, b. 12 Sept., 1839, Prospect. Lawyer. Merchant, Bos- ton. Charles Glidden Haines, b. 10 Jan., 1840, Portland. Paymaster, Biddeford. Res., Portland, d. 1 Dec , 1886. Gordon Merrill Hicks. A.M. b. 19 ]\rar., 1835, North Yarmoutli. Lawyer, Rockland. Frank Orville Libby Hobson. b. 8 Jan., 1839, Saco. Manufacturer, Saco. Res., Oakland, Cal. Albion Howe. b. 16 May, 1840, Jack- sonville, Fla. Lieut. 14th N. Y. Heavy Art'y, 1863. Bvt. Lieut.-Col., 1865. Lieut. 4th Art'y, U. S. A. d. 26 Apr., 1873, Oregon. Charles Oliver Hunt. A.M. M.D., Univ. Penn., 1868. b. 6 April, 18.39, Gor- ham. Lieut. 1st Me. Art'y. Supt. Me. Gen. Hospital, Portland. Prof. Materia Medica, B. C. Thomas "Worcester Hyde. A.M. b. 15 Jan., 1841, Florence, Italy. Capt. 7th Me. Vols., 1861. Bvt. Brig.-Gen., 1865. Man- ufacturer, Bath. State Senate, 187.5-7; Pres., 1876-7. Albion Henry Johnson, b. 12 Oct., 1840, Augusta. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1864. Pastor, Clarendon Hills, Blass. Samuel Jordan. b. 22 Feb., 1836, Poland. Act. Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N. d. Aug., 1865, I'oland. George Beaman Kenniston. A.M. b. 18 Dec, 1836, Boothbay. Lieut. 5th Me. Vols., 1861. Bvt. Lieut.-Col., 1864. Law- yer, Boothbay Harbor. Edward Payson Loring. A.M. LL.B., Albany, 1868. b. 2 Mar., 1837, Norridge- wock. Lieut. 13th Me. Vols., 1861. Bvt. Lieut.-Col., 1865. Lawyer, Fitchburg, Mass.; Boston, Mass. Augustus Nathaniel Lufkin. A.M. b. 2 June, 1837, Orriugton. Capt. 45tli U. S. C. T., 1864. Farmer and teacher. East Orrington. Stephen Hart Manning, b. 4 July, 1835, Lewiston. Lieut. 5th IMe. Vols., 1861. Bvt. Brig.-Gen., 1865. Sheriff, Wilming- ton, N. C. Res., Lewiston. Abram Maxwell, b. 6 Dec, 18:52, Swe- den. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1866. Home Miss., Nebraska, d. 30 Jan., 1882, Ando- ver, O. "William "Wilson Morrell. b. 12 Feb., 1836, East Livermore. Lieut. 20th Me. Vols., 1862. il. 8 May, 1864, Spottsylva- nia, Va. Moses Owen. b. 21 July, 1838, Bath. Lawyer, d. 11 Nov., 1878, Augusta. Alpheus Spring Packard. A.M. M.D., 1864. Ph.D., 1879. b. 19 Feb., 1839, Bruns- wick. Asst. Surg., 1st Me. Vet. Vols., 1865. Lect. Entomology, B. C. Prof. Zoology and Geology, Brown Univ. Albert DeForest Palmer, b. 12 Mar., 1839, North Anson. Newton Theo. Sem., 1864. Pastor, North Berwick; Plaistow, N. II. Gustavus Steward Palmer. A.M. b.9 June, 1841, North Anson. Dentist, Water- ville. d. 16 Oct., 1888. George Loring Peirce. M.D., Jeff. IMed. Coll. b. 10 Aug., 1837, Kittery. Phy- sician, New York City. Lauriston Floyd Purinton. b. 3 May, 1835, Bowdoinham. Res., Riclnnond. ALUMNI 73 Fabius Maximus Ray. A.M. b. 30 INIar., 1837, South Winclliani. Lawyer, Sac- carappa; Portland. State Senate, 18Sa-U. John Rich. b. 29 Mar., 1838, Farming- dale. ThooloKical student, d. ]4Nov.,18(i3. Reuben Augustus Rideout. A.M. b. 30 Nov., 1834, (Jarland. Teacher, Everett, INfass. Charles Bean Rounds. A.M. b. 8 Dec, 1S34, Danville. Lieut. .3'2d Me. Vols., ls»i3. Capt., 18().j. Lawyer, Calais. Edward Simonton. A.M. b. 3 Oct., 1839, Searsport. Lieut. 'iOth Me. Vols., 18(J-2. P.vt. Lieut. Col., 18(ir). Lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. Edwin Smith, b. 8 Mar., 1836, Sears- jjort. liangor Theo. Sem., 1804. Cong. ministry, Mass. I'astor, liedford, Mass. Henry Sutton Burgess Smith. M.D., Berkshire Med. Sch., 186.5. b. 12 July, 1838. Bridgton. Asst. Surg. 3-2d Me. Vols., 18G4. I'liysician, Bowdoinham; Middle- boro, Mass. Edward Stanwood. A.M. b. 16 Sept., 1S41, Augusta. Journalist, Boston. Res., Urookline, Mass. George Eastman Stubbs. A.M. M.D., Ilarv., 18(i3. b. 30 Dec., 1830, Strong. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 18()3. Asst. Surg., U. S. V. Bvt. Capt., 18U0. Prof. Surg. Pathology, MedicoChirugical Coll. Physician, Philadelphia. John Warren Thorp. A.M. M.D., Univ. City of X. Y., isTl. b.'20 April, is;ii), P>()<)thl)ay. Physician, Oxford, N. Y. Grenville Mellen Thurlow. A.M. b. 3 Oct., 1838, Poland. Teac'her, Newcastle. Manufacturer, Boston ; Newport, R. I. Joseph Badger Upham. A.M. b. 25 Dec., 1840, Portsmouth, N. II. Past Asst. Engineer, U. S. N. Retired, IS"."). Res., Portsmouth, N. H. d. 13 Aug., 1889. Sylvanus Dexter "Waterman, b. 14 Sept., 1842, Litchlleld. 3d .Mass. Vols. Superintendent of Schools, Berkeley, Cal. Philenthius Cleaveland Wiley. A.M. M.D., 1804. b. 21 Feb., 1840, Bethel. Physician, Bethel, d. 2G April, 1877. 52—* 16 Class of 1862. Frederick Henry Beecher. A.M. b. 22 June, 1841, New Orleans, La. Lieut. Kith Me. Lieut. U. S. A. d. 18 .Sept., 1868, Colorado. Albion Burbank. A.M. b. 25 Dec, 18.30, Limerick. Prin. High School, Exe- ter, N. H. Sylvester Burnh am. A.M. D.D.,1885. b. 1 Feb., 1842, Exeter, N. H. Newton Theo. Sem., 1873. Prof. Hebrew, Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y. James Aiistin Burns. A.M. Ph.D., 188.5. b. 25 Jan., 1840, Oxford. Lieut. 7th Conn., 1861. Capt., 1862. Civil engineer. Prof. Chemistry, Southern Med. Coll. Res., Atlanta, Ga. Joseph Webber Chadwick. A.M. b. 8 May, 1836, China. Teacher. Master Boston Lat. Sch. Res., IVL'ilden, IMass. Isaac Bassett Choate. A.M. b. 12 July, 1833, Naples. Prof. Buchtell Coll. Teacher and author, Boston. Melville Augustus Cochran. A.M. b. 18 July, 1836, Litchfield. Capt. 16th Inf., U. S. A. Bvt. Major, 1863. Col. 6th Inf., U. S. A. Samuel Page Dame. A.M. b. 23 Nov., 1840, Falmouth. Druggist, Sharon, Penn. William EUingwood Donnell. A.M. b. 1 Oct., 1841, Portland. Adj. 20th Me., 1863. Bvt. Maj., 1865. Journalist, New Y'ork City. EUis Richmond Drake, b. 11 Feb., 1840, (iarland. Andover Theo. Sem., 1868. Cong, ministry, Mass. Pastor, Maidiattan, Kan. George William Edwards, b. 27 Nov., 1830, Gorham. Lt. 16th Me. Vols. d. 13 Dec, 1862, Fredericksburg, Va. Almon Goodwin, b. 18 Mar., 1840, IJaldwin. Lt. 10th Me. Vols., 1862. Law- yer, New York City. Thomas Hayden Green, b. 31 Mar., 1842, Calais. Capt. U. S. V., 1862. d. 9 Aug., 18<;2, Cedar Mountain, Va. Frank Alpine Hill. A.M. b. 12 Oct., 1841, Biddeford. I'rin. Chelsea High Sch. Head INIaster Eng. High Sch., Cambridge, Mass. Sec'y Mass. Board of Education. William Albert Hobble, b. 25 Oct., 1837, Garland. 16th Iowa Vols. Teacher. Res., Garland. Henry Hastings Hunt. A.M. M.D., 1867. b. 7 July. 1842, Gorham. Ist Me. Art'y. Prof. Physiology, B. C. Physi- cian, Gorham; Portland. Frederick Nickels Huston. M.D., 1873. b. 1 Oct., 1830, Damariscotta. Lt. 21st Me. Vols., 1862. Physician, Rockland. d. 7 May, 1801. W^iUard Morse Jenkins, b. 1 Mar., 1838, Chatham, N. H. 1st Lt. 17th Me. 74 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Vols., 1862. il. 10 Xov., 1862, Edward's Ferry, ISld. George Gustavus Kimball. A.M. LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1866. b. 2S Feb., 1843, Portsmouth, N. H. Lawyer, Boston. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Dorville Libby. A.M. b. 17 Aug., 1837, Portland. I'ublisher, San Francisco, Cal. Augustus Newbert Linscott. b. 6 Sept., 183T,.Jeflerson. Capt. 21st Me. Vols., 1S62. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. John Thomas Magrath. b. 7 Oct., 1842, Gardiner. Prot.Epis. ministry. Rec- tor, Mattapan, Mass. Albert George Manson. A.M. b. 10 Nov., 1836, Liniington. Real estate, St. Paul, Minn. d. 11 Nov., 1878. George Adams Mark. A.M. b. 23 Oct., 1837, Portland. Librarian, Washing- ton, D. C. d. 1 Dec, 1887. Joel Marshall. A.M. b. 23 May, 1834, Buxton. Lawyer, Buxton. Charles Porter Mattocks. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1807. b. 11 Oct., 1840, Danville, Vt. Lieut. 17th Me Vols., 1862. Bvt. Brlg.- Gen., 1865. Lawyer, Portland. Charles Widgery Milliken. A.M. M.D., Univ. Mich., 186.i. b. 17 Mar., 1836, Buxton. Physician, Slmllsburg, Wis. d. 14 June, 1880, Limerick. Eugene Putnam Morse. A.M. b. K! Dec, 1839, Bridgton. Lawyer, Chicago. d. 31 Dec, 1871. George Edwin Moulton. b. 7 Nov., 1839, Westbrook. Lt. 13th Me. Vols., 1861. Capt. 30th Me. Vols., 1864. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Noble. A.M. b. 7 Oct. 1839, Augusta. Lt. 9th Me. Vols., 1861. Lt.-Col., 1864. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Edward Newman Packard. A.M. D.D., Syracuse Univ., 1891. b. 16 Dec, 1841, Lancaster, Mass. Tutor. Asst. Prof. Math. Pastor, Evanston, 111.; Dorchester, IMass. ; Syracuse, N. Y. Samuel Wiggin Pearson, b. 24 Oct., 1836, Alna. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1866. Cong, ministry, Me. Manufacturer, Bruns- wick. John Melvin Pease. A.M. b. 30 Aug., 1840, Bridgton. 2.')th Me. Vols. Free Bap- tist ministry. Pastor, Lebanon. Res., Valley City, Cal. John Edwin Pierce. A.M. b. 22 Sept., 1839, Monmouth. Serg. 1st Wis. H'vy Art'y. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18(!8. Mis- sionary, Turkey. Res., Monmouth. Charles Henry Pope. b. 18 Oct., 1841, Mnchias. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1865. Home Miss., Cal. Pastor, Thomaston ; Kenne- bunkport. Howard Lyman Prince. A.M. LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1876. b. 17 May, 1840, Cumberland. Lt. 20th Me. Vols., 1864. Bvt. Capt., 1864. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Librarian Patent Office. Isaac "Warren Starbird. A.M. M.D., Dart., 1878. b. 6 Aug., 1839, Litchfield. Capt. 19th Me. Vols., 1862. Bvt. Brig.- Gen., 1865. Physician, Dorchester, Mass. Henry Otis Thayer. A.M. b. 2 Dec, 1832, Paris. Bnngor Theo. Sem., 1865. Pastor, Woolwich ; Gray. Almon Libby Varney. A.M. b. 5 April, 1839, Windliam. Lt. 13th Me. Vols., 1861; Capt., 1862. Major, Ord. Dept, U. S. A., Indianapolis, Ind. Charles Henry Verrill. A.M. Ph.D., Lafayette, 1881. b. 29 May, 1837, Dor- chester, Mass. Prin. State Normal Sch., Mansfield, Penn. Prin. Delaware Liter. Inst., Franklin, N. Y. Daniel "Wingate ^A/■aldron. A.M. b. 11 Nov., 1840, Augusta. Andover Theo. Sem., 1866. City Miss., Boston. Marcus Wight. A.M. b. 7 July, 1838, Albany. Lt. 4th Cav., U. S. C. T., 1864. Salesman. Res., Lowell, Mass. 42— * 9 Class of 1863. Joseph Clement Bates. A.M. b. 1 July, 1836, Richmond. Lawyer, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Charles Upham BeU. A.M. b. 26 Feb., 1843, Exeter, N. II. 42d Mass. Vols. Lawyer, Lawrence, Mass. Thomas Taylor Beverage, b. 13 Aug., 18.38, Thomaston. Teacher, d. 12 May, 1864. Addison Blanchard. b. 12 Feb., 1840, Cumberland. Lt. 21st U. S. C. T., 1865. And. Theo. Sem., 1868. Cong, ministry. Me. Supt. Home Miss. Society, Kansas. Pastor, Denver, Col. George Edgar Brown, b. 1 Nov., 1841, Hampden. Lt.22d Me. Vols., 1862. Patent office, d. 29 April, 1873, Georgetown, D. C. Horace Rundlett Cheney. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1868. b. 29 Oct., 1844, Par- sonsfleld. Lawyer, Boston, d. 13 Dec, 1876, Philadelphia. ALUMNI 75 Alvah Berton Dearborn. A.M. M.D., 1S70. b. 3 Au{,^, 184-2, Topshani. Physi- cian, Newburyport, Mass.; Somerville, IMass. John "Wheeler Duxbury. A.M. b. 4 Oct., 1841, Diivor, N. H. Electrical engi- neer, Lowell, IMass. George Addison Emery. A.M. b. 14 Xov., ls;i<), Saco. Lawyer, Saco. James Lewis Fogg. A.M. b. 10 Dec, 18;!,"), Windham. Insurance agent, Oak- laixl, Cal. Rodelphus Howard Gilmore. A.M. LL.I5., Albany Univ., N. Y., 186.5. b. 19 Keb.,184-2, Leetls. Lawyer, Cedar Rapids, la. ; Denver, Col. Thomas Martin Giveen. A.M. b. 29 Mar., 1841, Brunswick. Lawyer, Bruns- wick. William Ellsworth Greene. A.M. b. 14 Nov., 18.'5", Newport. Lawyer. Judge Superior Court. Res., Oakland, Cal. Benjamin Dwight Greene. A.M. b. 2(> June, 1844, Brunswick. West Point Mil. Acad., 18(!G. Capt., Engineer Corps, U. S. .\. Civil engineer. New York City. George Augxistine Haines. A.jNI. b. 2 Aug., 184;?, P.iddcford. Merchant, Boston. George Goodwin Harriman. b.2 Jan., 1842, Great Falls, N. IL Rochester Theo. Seni., 18Gi). Pastor, Urbana, Ohio. Elec- trician, Cleveland, Ohio. Res., Morelia, IMexici). George Lewis Holmes. A.M. b. .'iO Jan., 1843, Ellsworth. Lawyer, d. 13 .Ian., 1884, Augusta. James Madison Howe. b. 2.3 Oct., 1830, Fryeburg. Lt. 23d Me. Vols., 1862. Res., Fryeburg. d. 17 Feb., 1894. Thomas Wright Hale Hussey. A.M. b. 30 May, 1836, Barrington, N. II. Teacher, Nashua, N. H.; Methuen, Mass. Res., INIarblehead, Mass. Henry Irving Jordan. M.D., Colum- bia, 1867. b. 31 Jan., 1844, Westbrook. Physician, d. 16 Oct., 1870, Stillwater, Minn. Henry Kimball. A.M. b. 14 Dec, 1833, Shapleigh. Lawyer, Rochester, N. II. Gideon Libby. A.M. b. 13 Mar., 1837, Saco. Garrett Biblical Inst., 1867. Meth. Epis. ministry. 111. d.6 Sept., 1879, Bethel, 111. George Manlius Pease. M.D., 18G7. b. l.") Dec, 1841, Bridgton. 1st Me. Lt. Art'y. Physician, Bridgton. d. 18 Dec, 1873. Adoniram Judson Pickard. A.M. INI.D., Homu'opathic IIosp. Coll., Cleve- land, O., 187-2. b. 24 Dec, 1838, Hampden. Lt. 2d Me. Cav., 1863. Physician, Pensa- cola, Fla. d. -26 Dec, 1882, Carmel. Frederick W^illiam Augustine Pike. b. 27 May, 1842, Cornish, d.3 Jan., 1864. Evans Searle Pillsbury. b. 8 Aug., 1839,Monson. Lt. 1st Me. Cav., 1861. Law- yer, .San Francisco, Cal. Nathaniel French Putnam, b. 2 Feb., 1839, Croydon, N. II. Gen. Theo. Sem., 1866. Prot. Epis. ministry. Rector, Salt Lake City, Utah. d. 26 April, 1891. Frank Chadbourne Remick. b. 29 Aug., 1841, Cornish. Merchant, Chicago, 111. Richard W^infield Robinson. A.M. b. 9 Jan., 1840, Portland. Lawyer, Chi- cago, 111. Charles Burnham Shackford. b. 29 Dec, 1840, Barrington, N. H. Lawyer, Dover, N. H. d. 2 Jan., 1881. Andrew Jackson Smith. A.M. b. 10 Sept., 1836, Swan's Island. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1866. Pastor, Boothbay; Waterforil. (1. 16 Nov., 1876. Andrew Robinson Giddinge Smith. A.M. M.D., Dart., 1866. b. 2 May, 1841, Bridgton. Asst. Surg., 2d Me. Cav. Phy- sician, Whitclield. State Sen., 1879-80; 1891-2. Benjamin Fuller Smith. A.M. b. 28 Feb., 1842, Wiscasset. Lawyer, Wiscasset. d. -23 Mar., 1885. Newman Smyth. A.M. D.D., Univ. N. Y., 1881. b. 25 June, 1843, Brunswick. Lt. 16th Me. Vols., 1864. Andover Theo. Sem., 1867. Pastor, Quincy, III.; New Haven, Conn. Albion Wesley Stuart. A.M. b. 11 June, 1839, Etna. Tea(;her. Supt. Sch., Ottunnva, la. Edward Lewis Sturtevant. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1866. b. '2;{ Jan., 1842, Bos- ton. Lt. 24th Me. Vols., 1862; Capt., 1863. Farmer, Soutli Framingham, Mass. Di- rector N. Y. Agr. Exp. Station, Geneva, N. Y. Res., So. F'ramingham, Mass. Isaiah Trufant. A.M. b. lli Dec, 1833, Ilarpswell. Prin. Miami Classical Sch., Oxford, Ohio. Res., No. Parsonsfleld. Cyrus Bede Varney. A.M. b. 13 Oct., 1839, Windham. Teacher. Res., Deering. Charles Chaplin Watson. A.M. b. 2.5 Sept., 18:i5, Gilford, N. H. Union Theo. 76 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Seni., 1860. Pastor, Hinsdale, N. II. ; Ware- ham, Mass.; Lynn, IMass. Jacob Brackett "Webber, b. 23 Aug., 1830, Prceport. Teacher, d. Sept., 1863. Alexander Drummond "Willard. A.M. LL.I?., Cohimbian Univ., 1869. b. 24 Nov., 1836, New I'orthind. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. 41—* 15 Class of 1864. Frederick Hunt Appleton. A.M. 1). 14 .Jan., 1844, Bangor. Lawyer, Bangor. Charles Bennett, b. 27 Mar., 1839, Bridgton. Lt. 19th Me. Vols , 186t. Law- yer, Mattoon, 111. Joseph Bennett, b. 2(i May, 1840, Bx-idgton. Lawyer, Boston. State Sen., 1880-81, 1891. Samuel Shannon Caswell. A.M. b. 5 Mar., 1840, Straftbrd, N. H. Lt. 18th N. H. Vols., 1SC4. Lawyer, d. 17 Oct., 1870, Junction City, Kan. Charles Curtis. A.M. Ph.D., Rutgers, 1878. b. 17 Aug., 1837, Garland. Prin. Free Acad., Kingston, N. V. Dept. Public In.struction, New York City. Owen W^arren Davis. A.M. b. 21 Dec, 184-2, Great Falls, N.H. 7thR.I.Cav. Man- ufacturer, Bangor; Middlesborough, Ky. John Emery Dow. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1806. b. 6 Aug., 1842, Portland. Lawyer, New York City. d. 7 May, 1878, Augusta. Albert Owen Fellows. A.M. b. 3 June, 1842, Fayette. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. Enoch Foster. A.M. LL.B., Albany, 1865., b. 10 May, 1839, Newry. Lt. 13th Me. Vols., 1861. Lawyer, Bethel. State Senate, 1874-5. Judge Supreme Court, 1884—. Sanford Oscar Frye. b. 10 Dec, 1841, Bath. Act. Asst. Paym'r; Clerk, U. S. N. d. 21 Sept., 1864, Hilton's Head, S. C. "William Little Gerrish. b. 31 Aug., 1^41, Portland. Lt. 19th Me. Vols., 1864. d. 11 Feb., 1865, Petersburg, Va. George Mark Gordon, b. 9 Aug., 1843, Saco. Teacher, d. 19 Feb., 1806, Somer- ville, Mass. Nahum "Wesley Grover. A.M. b. 13 Feb., 1836, Betliel. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1867. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Ossipee Centre, N. H. John Calvin Harkness. A.M. b. 19 Nov., 1839, Bangor. Pres. Del. State Normal Univ. Lawyer and journalist, Wilmington, Del. Myron Munson Hovey. A.M. b. 19 April, 1839, Waldoboro. Act. Asst. Paym., U. S. N. U. S. civil service, Brooklyn, N. \'. Res., Nashua, N. II. Henry Nason AVest Hoyt. A.M. b. 5 Nov., 1844, Portland. 7th R. 1. Cav. Lawyer. Teaclier, New Brighton, Penn. Edward Chase Ingersoll. LL.B., Co- lumbian Univ., 1868. b. 1 April, 1843, Bangor. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. (1. 24 Dec, 1883. Charles Jewett. A.M. M.I)., Colum- bia, 1871. b. 37 Sept., 1839, Bath. Physi- cian, Brooklyn, N. Y. Prof. Obstetrics, L. I. Coll. Hospital. Augustus Frost Libby. A.M. b. 16 Nov., 1841, Limerick. Merchant, New York City. Charles Freeman Libby. A.M. b. 31 .Jan., 1844, Limerick. I^awyer, Portland. State Senate, 1889-92; Pres., 1891-2. Franklin Littlefield. A.M. b. 3 April, 1842, Saco. Merchant, Saco. James Henry Maxwell, b. 17 Nov., 1843, Saco. 20th Me. Vols. d. 2 May, 1865, Washington. James McKeen. A.M. b. 5 Dec, 1844, Brunswick. Lawyer, New' York City. Nathaniel Melcher. A.M. b. 10 May, 1837, Topsham. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1868. Baptist ministry. Prof. Mathe- matics, Colby. Salesman. Res., Auburn. Henry Tucker Francis Merrill. A.M. LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1870. b. 10 Aug., 1842, Portland. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. (1. 1881. "William Henry Pierson. A.M. b. 12 .Jan., 1839, Newburyport, Mass. Prince- ton Theo. Sen)., 1867. Pastor, Fitchburg, Mass.; Somerville, Mass. Charles Augustus Robbins. A.M. M.D., 1867. b. 2 July, 1843, Brunswick. Act. Asst. Paymr., U. S. N. Publisher, New York City. Thomas Herbert White. A.M. b. 5 Oct., 1843, Bangor. Broker and banker, Chicago, 111. Joseph Newell "Whitney. LL.B., Co- lumbian Univ., 1868. b. 13 Sept., 1836, Raymond. Lt. 2d R. I. Cav., 1862. Chief clerk. Bureau of Statistics, Washington, D.C. John Green "Wight. A.M. Ph.D., Hamilton Coll., 1887. b. 2 Mar., 1842, Gil- cad. U. S. N., 1802-3. Prin. Cooperstowu ALUMNI 77 Acad., N. Y. ; High School, Worcester, Mass. Webster Woodbury. A.M. b. 20 April, 1841,S\veilen. Bangor Thco. Sem, 18GS. Cong, ministry. I'astor, Skowhe- gan ; Milford, ^rass. John Harrison Woods. A.M. b. 23 Aug., 1840, Farmiiigton. Composer anil publisher of music, Boston. Alonzo Parsons W^right. A.M. b. 24 Nov., 1840, New Miieyaril. Lawyer, Odell, 111.; Streator, 111. 33_*8 Class of 1865. George William Mosher Adams, b. '23 Feb., 1838, Wilton, d. 4 Sept., 18(i8, LaCrosse, Wis. Thomas Davee Anderson. LL.B., Colnmbian Univ., 18ii8. b. 10 May, 18,311, Belfast. Lawyer, Washington, I). C. d. 22 Oct., 187!), Portland. W^illiam Henry Harrison Andrews. b.lO May, 1831t, I'lcasant Ridge. Quarter- master, 11th >re. \'ols. Lawyer, Boston, d. HI April, 180-2, Philadelphia. Charles Robinson Brown. A.M. M.D., New York IIoma'oi)athic Med. Coll., 1872. b. 2(! May, 1838, Gorham. I'hysiciau, Lynn, Mass. John Bradbury Cotton, b. ;> Aug., 1841, Woodstock, Conn. Lawyer, Lewis- ton. Asst. Att'y Gen., \Vashington, 1>. C. Horatio Sumner Dresser, b. 5 Mar., 1841, Brunswick. ^Manufacturer, Read- ing, Pcnn. d. Aug., ls7r), Littleton, Col. James Frederick Dudley. A.M. b. 1 Feb., 1841, Hampden. Ins. manager. New York Cit.y. Sec'y yEtna Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. David Augustus Easton. A.M. b. 10 Aug., 1843, Cincinnati, (J. AndoverTlieo. Sem.,18()9. Cong, ministry, Ct. IJankor, N. Y. City. d. 1 Mar., 1894, Cambridge, Mass. Charles Fish. A.M. b. 2 Sept., 18.32, Patten. Teacher. Prin. Brunswick High Sch. Charles Fuller. A.M. M.D., 186!). b. 10 June, 1843, Lincoln. Tutor, Mead- ville Theo. Scin. I'hysician, Lincoln. Jeremiah Ellsworth FuUerton. b. 4 July, 1843, Keadlield. AndoverTlieo.Seni., 1870. Cong, ministry. I'astor, Bellows Falls, Vt. Stephen W^alter Harmon. A.M. b. 24 July, 1837, West Buxton. Lawyer, Boston. Frank Lord Hayes, b. 6 July, 184.3, Saco. Lawyer, Boston. Melvin Joseph Hill. A.M. b. 25 Dec, 1843, Biddeford. Prin. High Sch., Wake- fleld, Mass. Master Eng. High Sch., Bos- ton. Res., Wakefield, Mass. Horatio Bartlett Lawrence. A.M. b. 19 Dec, 1841, Wayne. Newton Theo. .Sem., 1870. Teacher. Res., West Sutton, Mass. Joseph Alvah Locke. A.M. b. 25 Dec, 1843, Hollis. Lawyer, Portland. Pres. State Senate, 1880-2. Edward Jarvis Millay. A.M. b. 5 .Tunc, 1840, Bowdoinhaiu. Lawyer, Bow- doinham. Joseph Eugene Moore. A.M. b. 14 Mar., 1841, Lisbon. Lawyer, Thomaston. Moses Cornelius Stone. A.M. M.D., Univ. City of N. Y., 1808. b. 23 April, 1842, Jay. Physician, Newburgh, N. Y. Henry William Swasey. b. 17 Jan., 1842, Standish. Lawyer, Standish; Port- land. Charles Weeks. A.M. b. 1 Jan., 1845, Damiiriscotta. Lawyer, Wiscasset. 21— * 5 Class of 1866. Charles McCulloch Beecher. A.M. b. 10 Aug., 184.'i, Georgetown, Mass. Mer- chant, Bridgepiirt, Conn.; British Colum- bia. Charles Augustus Boardman. A.M. I). 24 Dec, 1844, St. Stephens, N. B. Merchant, Palatka, Fla.; Jacksonville, Fla. Delevan Carleton. b. 22 June, 1840, Portland. Music teacher, Manistee, Mich ; Farmer, Dak. Sylvester Benjamin Carter. A.M. b. 23 June, 184.'), Newburyport, Mass. In- surance, Boston. Henry Leland Chapman. A.M. D.D., 1890. b. 20 July, 1845, Bethel. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1809. Tutor. Prof. Latin. Prof. Rhet., Oratory and Phig. Lit. Hiram Kendall Colby, b. 18 Feb., 184.5, Topsham. Serg. loth Me. Vols., 1864. d. 22 Jan., 1809, Topsham. Ezekiel Hanson Cook. A.M. Ph.D., St. Lawrence Univ., 1889; also Colgate Univ., 1889. b. 18 Dec, 184,5, Lewiston. Teacher, Columbus, Ohio. 1st Me. Art'y. Pres. Nat. ?;duc. Assoc Supt. Schools, Flushing, N. Y. John Allen Chandler Fellows, b. 13 May, 1841, Athens. Tutor, d. 5 Feb., 1,869, Brunswick. 78 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Joseph Greenleaf Pernald. b. 12 Aug., 1843, roland. Tutor, Bates, d. 19 Nov., 1867. Frederic Henry Gerrish. A.M. M.D., 1869. b. 21 Mar., 1845, Portland. Physi- cian. Prof. Materia Medica, Univ. Michi- gan. Prof. Anatomy, B. C. John Parshley Gross. A.M. Ph.D., Rutgers; also Lafayette, b. 1 May, 1841, Brunswick. Teacher, Plaiufleld, N. J. d. 30 Sept., 18^1. John Jacob Herrick. A.M. b. 25 May, 1845, Hillsboro, 111. Lawyer, Chicago. Charles King Hinkley. A.M. M.D., 1870. b. 16 Nov., 1844, Gorham. Druggist, Boston. Music teacher, Gorham. George Freeland Holmes. A.M. b. 5 Nov., 1844, Oxford. Lawyer, Portland, d. 6 Mar., 1892, Augusta. WiUiam Penn Hussey. A.M. b. 26 July, 1840, Newburgh. Teacher, Chi- cago. George William Kelly. A.M. b. 3 Nov., 1844, Portland. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1869. Cong, ministry, Maine; Vermont. Pastor, South Portland. Hiram Bartlett Lawrence. A.M. b. S Mar., 1840, Wayne. Teacher. Prin. Ap- pleton St. Sch., llolyoke, Mass. George Edwin Lord. A.M. M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1871. b. 17 Feb., 1846, Brunswick. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. d. 25 June, 1876, Little Big Horn Riv., Mon- tana. Leander Otis Merriam. A.M. b. 5 May, 1843, Garland. Manager R. R. Trans- fer Co., Minneapolis, Minn. George Thomas Packard. A.M. b. 11 Feb., 1844, Lancaster, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem., 1869. Prot. Epis. ministry. Literary work, Philadelphia, Penn. George True Sumner. A.M. b. 30 Jan., 1S44, Appleton. 26th Me. Vols. Law- yer, Sheboygan, Wis.; Dnrango, Col. Francis Storer Thacher. A.M. b. 23 Oct., 1842, Machias. Harv. Div. Sch., 1873. Unitarian ministry. Res., West Newton, Mass. Charles Edwin Webster. A.M. M.D., 1869. b. 9 Feb., 1841, Portland. Physi- cian, Portland, d. 24 Dec, 1892. Russell Davis Woodman. A.M. b. 30 April, 1844, Searsmont. Banker, West- brook. 24— * 7 Class of 1867. Melvin Franklin Arey. A.M. b. 19 Jan., 1844, Hampden. Corp. 22d Me. Vols. Teacher. Supt. Pub. Schools, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Prof. Nat. Sci., Iowa State Normal Sch., Cedar Falls, la. Jotham Franklin Clark. A.M. b. 5 Oct., 1844, Wells. Insui'ance manager, Portland, d. 15 Mar., 1884, Portland. Oren Cobb. A.M. b. 22 Sept., 1841, Winthrop. Teacher, New Hamburgh on the Hudson, N. Y. Hollo Marble Cole. b. 27 Feb., 1844, Paris. Law student, d. 13 Sept., 1868. Isaac Sanford Curtis. A.M. M.D., 1872. b. 1 Jan., 1839, Bath. Physician, Eastport; Brunswick. Usher Ward Cutts. A.M. b. 10 April, 1843, North Berwick. Prin. High Sch., Orange, N. J. Supt. Schools. George Patten Davenport. A.M. b.29 May, 1844, Bath. Broker and insurance agent, Bath. James Payson Dixon. A.M. b. 20 Seiit., 1842, Lebanon. Prin. Colby Acad., New London, N. H. Merchant, Worcester, Mass. Benjamin Briarly Eaton, b. 11 May, 1842, Wells. Civil engineer, St. Paul, Minn. Res. (1892), New York City. William Elden. A.M. b. 4 Nov., 1842, East Corinth. Teacher. Prof. Nat. Sci., Wayland Univ. d. 22 May, 1883, Beaver Dam, Wis. Napoleon Gray. b. 12 Jan., 1843, Har- rison. Lawyer, Brooklyn, N. Y. Stephen Calvin Horr. A.M. b. 27 Nov., 1835, Waterl'ord. Teacher, Maple Rapids, Mich. d. 29 April, 1875, Cumber- land Mills. William Stickney Huse. A.M. b. 27 Mar., 1846, Newburyport, Mass. Lawyer, d. 13 Oct., 1876. Winfield Scott Hutchinson. A.M. b. 27 May, 1845, Buckfleld. Lawyer, Bos- ton. John Norris McClintock. A.M. b. 12 May, 1846, Winthrop. U. S. coast survey. Editor, Concord, N. II. Civil engineer, Boston. James Wallace McDonald. A.M. b. 26 Jan., 1843, Bangor. Teacher. Agent Mass. Bd. Educ. Res., Stoneham, Mass. Richard Greenleaf Merriman. A.M. b. 14 Mar., 1846, Brunswick. Teacher. Res. (1886), Applegate, Cal. ALUMNI 79 . WiUiam Pitt Mudgett. LL.B., Co- lumbia, isil'.t. b. ■>:, .Jan., lfi-l-2, Newburgh. Lt. mil l\Ie. X'ols., lS(;-2. I>a\vyer, tireen- leaf, Kan. Stephen Morrill Newman. A.M. D.I)., 1SS7. b.21 Nov., 184.'), Falnioutli. Andover Tbeo. Sem., 1S71. Pastor, Taunton, Mass. ; Ripen, Wis. Trof. Math., Ripen Coll. Pastor, Washington, D. C. Prof. Past. Tlieo , Howard Univ. Stanley Plummer. b. 25 Feb., 1.S4G, Dexter. Serg. Unattached luf., Me. Vols., 18R5. Lawyer, Bangor. U. S. civil service. Law-yer, skowhcgan ; Dexter. George Tingey Sewall. A.M. b. 19 July, 1844, oldtown. Lawyer, <_)ldtown. Joshua Vincent Smith. M.D., 1869. b. 9 .Sept., 184,5, Bridgton. 2d Me. Cav. Physician, Melrose, Mass. d. 18 April, 1887. Frederick King Smyth. A.M. b. 1 Jan., 1840, Brunswick. Tutor, B. C. Prof. Matli., Franklin and Marshall Coll., Lan- caster, Penn. Farmer, .Santa Barbara, Cal. Res., Napa, Cal. Henry Sewall Webster. A.M. b. 2(5 Sept., 184."(, Augusta. Lawyer, Gardiner. Joseph Colburn Wilson, b. 22 Mar., 184,5, Oi'ono. Lawyer, Orono. d. 4 Aug., 1890. 25— * 7 Class of 1868. Orville Dewey Baker. A.M. LL.B., llarv., 187i. b. 22 Dec, 1847, Augu.sta. Lawyer, Augusta. State Att'y-Gen., 1885-8. George Madison Bodge. A.M. b. 15 Feb., 1841, Windham. Fife Major 7th Me. Harv. Div. Sch., 1878. Pastor, East Bos- ton ; Leominster, Mass. Charles Edwin Chamberlain. A.M. b. 23 Aug., 1846, Bristol. JIurchant, Bristol. George Langdon Chandler. A.M. b. 2.1 Jan., 1849, Waterville. Instructor, B. C. Teacher, Newton, INIass. Charles Jarvis Chapman. A.M. b. 29 Jan., 1848, I'.uthel. Merrhantand banker, Portland. Charles Henry Cushman. b. 14 July, 1845, New Gloucester. Teacher. d.29Sept., 1868, Dover, N. H. John Say ward Derby, b. IG Jan., 1846, Alfred. Lawyer, Saco; New York City; Alfred. Thomas Jefferson Emery. A.M. LL.B., Bostiin Univ., 1877. b. 26 Dec, 1845, Poland. Lawyer, Boston. Simon Fogg. b. 10 Aug., 1844, Stetson. Lt. U..S.C.T. Teacher, d. 21 April, 1870, Panora, la. George Winslow Foster. A.M. Pb.D., 1870. M.D.,1S7I. b.28 8ept., 1845, Bangor. Physician, Bangor; Salt Lake City, Utah. Llewellyn Sprague Ham. b. 15 Jan., 1843, Wales. Teacher. .Siipt. .Schools, Pana, 111. John Adams Hinkley. A.M. b. 12 Mar., 1848, Gorham. iNIanufacturer, Gor- ham. Frank Eastman Hitchcock. M.D., 1871. b. 3 Mar., 1847, Damariscotta. Phy- sician, Rockland. Charles Galen Holyoke. A.M. b. IG Feb., 1842, Brewer. Lt. 17th Me. Vols. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1875. Cong, ministry, Maine. Pastor, Edgecomb. Elias Synclair Mason, b. 18 Aug., 1846, Pethel. Sec'y Live Stock Asso., Terre Haute, Ind. Res., Rankin, 111. Robert Lawrence Packard. A.M. b. 24 Nov., 1847, Brunswick. Instructor, B.C. Prof. Cheni., Me. State Coll. Prof. Chem., Mich. Mining .Sch., Houghton, Mich. U. S. civil service, Washington, D.C. Charles Aiigustus Ring. A.M. M.D., 1872; also Columbia, 1873. b. 6 F^eb., 1845, Portland. 25th Me. Vols. Physician, Portland. Leonard W^arren Rundlett. C.E., 1881. b. 21 Sept., 1846, Alua. City engineer, St. Paul, Minn. William Frank Shepard. M.D., 1871. b. 2G Jan., 1845, Bangor. Physician, Bangor. George Adams Smyth. A.M. Ph.D., Berlin, 1876. b. 23 Sept., 1847, Brunswick. Prof. Chem., Univ. Vermont. Scientilic expert. Res., Bergen Point, N. J. Charles Edgar Webber, b. 8 Aug., 1844, Damariscotta. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Thom WeUs. b. G Sei^t., 184U, Great Falls, N. II. Merchant, Wakefield, N. H. Res., Maiden, Mass. Charles Otis Whitman. A.M. Ph.D., Leipsic, 1878. b. 14 Dec, 1842, Woodstock. Prof. Zoology, Univ. Tokio, Japan; Clark Univ. Prof. Animal Morphology, L'niv. of Chicago. 23 *2 80 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Class of 1869. Frederic Henry Boardman. b. 28 April, 1848, St. Stephens, N. B. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Norman Call. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1872. b. 23 Oct., 1844, Newcastle. Physi- cian, Boston. Charles Abraham Cole. A.M. b. 23 May, 1847, Paris. Teacher. Priu. Pleas- ant View Inst., Pawtucket, R. 1. John Colby Coombs. LL.B., Harv., 1871. b. 9 Mar., 1845, Bowcloinham. Law- yer, Boston. John Colby Cotton, b. 21 April, 1844, Wolfboro, X.H. Teacher, Ossipec, X. H. (1. 24 Dec, 1872. Oscar Porter Cunningham, b. 29 Sept., 1846, Ellsworth. Lawyer, Bucksport. James Dike. b. 27 June, 1848, Bath. Teacher. Merchant, Greensboro, N. C. d. 23 Nov., 1886. Thomas Henry Eaton, b. 23 Aug., 1S4!I, Bath. Banker, Ottinnwa, Iowa. Frederic Augustine Fogg. b. 12 July, 18.50, Portlanil. Teacher. Real estate, St. Paul, Minn. Oscar Fitz Allen Greene. A.M. b. 2 Feb., 1842, Troy. l.st Me. Cav. Lecturer Roman Law, Univ. Colorado. Lawyer, Bonhler, Col. George Weeks Hale. A.M. M.D., Coluniljia, 1872. b. 13 Aug., 1847, New Sharon. Pliysician, Sedgwick; Nashville, Tenn. Clarence Hale. A.M. b. 15 April, 1848, Turner. Lawyer, Portland. James Hunter Kennedy, b. Ki April, 1844, Strong. Serg. 24th Me. Vols. Law- yer, Buffalo, N. Y. (1883). David Hunter Knowlton. b. 21 Dec, 1844, Farmington. IMnter and publisher, Farmington. Leavitt Lothrop. b. 11 June, 1848, Lisbon. Planter, La. d. 26 Sept., 1873, New Orleans, La. "William Pitt Morgan. A.M. b. 17 Nov., 1845, North Yarmouth. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. George Frank Mosher. A.M. b. 12 Feb., 1S44, China. Editor Morning Star, Dover, N. H. U. S. consular service. Pres. Hillsdale Coll., Mich. Edward Payson Payson. LL.B., Harv., 1871. b. 16 July, 1849, Wcstbrook. Lawyer, Portland; Boston. "Willard Humphrey Perley. LL.B.,. Univ. Mich., 1871. b. 17 Oct., 1848, Port- land. Lawyer, Detroit, Mich. d. Sept., 1873, Saginaw Bay, Mich. Cassius Clay Powers, b. 23 Jan., 1846, Pittsfleld. Lawyer, Boston. Henry Brewer Quinby. A.M. M.D., Columbian Univ., 1880. b. 10 June, 1846, Biddeford. N. H. State Senate, 1889-90. Manufacturer, Lakeport, N. H. Frank Whitman Ring. A.M. M.D., 1878. b. 28 Aug., 1848, Portland. Phy- sician. New York City. Charles Rowell. A.M. b. 10 Mar., 1849, Lebanon. Lawyer. Treas. Savings I$ank, Fairfield. Charles Asbury Stephens, b. 21 Oct., 1845, Norway. Author and editor, Boston. Hiram Tuell. b. 16 Mar., 1844, Sumner. Teacher. Prin. High Sch., Milton, Mass. Marshman Edward Wadsworth. A.M.; also Harv., 1874. Ph.D., Harv., 1879. b. May, 1847, Livermore Falls. Instructor, Harv. Univ. Prof. Min. and Geol., Colby. Director, Mich. Mining Sch., Houghton, Midi. State geologist. Harrison Spofford Whitman. A.M. b. 5 Feb., 1844, ^Vood^tock. Tufts Div. Sch., 1877. Universalist ministry, Maine. Prin. Westbrook Seminary, Deering. Oscar Scott Williams. A.M. b. 2 July, 1844, Durham. Teacher, Haverhill, Mass. Supt. of Sch., Nashua, N. H. ; Ded- liam, Mass. d. 11 Oct., 1893. Fitz Allen Woodbury. A.M. b. 8 Aug., 1845, Auburn. Lawyer, Chicago. Albert Woodside. A.M. M.D.,1874. b. 19 July, 1847, Wales. Physician, Ten- nant's Harbor; Rockland. William Haskell Woodwell. b. 9 Sept., 1844, Newburyport, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem.,1872. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Sandwich, Mass. 31— * 5 Class of 1870. DeAlva Stanwood Alexander. A.M. b. 17 July, 1845, Richmond. 128th Ohio Vols. Lawyer, Indianapolis, Ind. U. S. Dist. Att'y- Lawyer, Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Edwin Beale. A.M. LL.B., National Univ., 1872. b. 10 Aug., 1845, Bowdoin. Lawyer, Boston. LeRoy Zuinglius Collins, b. 23 Sept., 1844, Union. Teacher, South Manchester, Conn. ALUMNI 81 Albert James Curtis, b. 2 Aug., 1846, Bowiloin. Teacher. Res., Freeport. "William Edwin Frost. A.M. b. (i Dec, 184-2, Norway. Corporal 23d Me. Vols. Teacher. Prin. Westford Acad., Westford, Mass. Charles Franklin Oilman, b. 24 Feb., 18.)0, Porthmd. d. 12 May, 1871. John Henry Gooch. b. 2.5 Sept., 1845, Yarmouth. Musician, California. Orville Boardman Grant, b. 4 Sept., 1844, Ellsworth. JIariiie, U. S. N., 1865. Teacher, Port Townsend, Wash. Albert Gray. b. .30 May, 1847, Naples. Prin. High School, Xorthboro, Mass. d. 20 Jan., 1893, Mechanic Falls. Everett Hammons. b. 10 Jan., 1850, Cornish. Lawyer, Anoka, Minn. Frederick Ernest Hanson. A.M. b. 17 Mar., 1850, Buxton. Prin. Ford High Sch., Lafayette, Ind. d. 20 May, 1880, Chicago, 111. George Wheelwright Hobson. A.M. b. 18 Aug., 1847, Huxton. Manufacturer, Saco. Teacher, Lowell, Mass. AATalter Ebenezer Holmes. A.M. b. 31 .July, 184(!, Oxford. Merchant, Welch- ville. Lucien Howe. A.M. M.D., L. I. Coll. IIo.s., 1871 ; also Bellevue Hos. Med. Coll., 1871. 1). 18 Dec, 1849, Standi.sh. Oculist and aurist, Buffalo, N. Y. Prof., Univ. of Piiiralo. Joseph Wadsworth Keene. A.M. M.D., 1875; also Harv., 1878. b. 23 .Jan., 1847, Bremen. Physician, Buffalo, N. Y'.; National Citj-, Cal. Willis Howard Meads. A.M. b. 22 Feb., 1847, Liinington. I^awyer, Buffalo, N. Y. Burdus Radford Melcher. A.M. b. 7 Feb., 1849, Brunswick. Teacher, Saco. Life insurance. Kes., Cambridge, Mass. d. 15 Nov., 1888. Charles Henry Moore. A.M. b. 2(i Sept., 18.50, Lewiston. Instructor Latin. Publisher, Chicago, 111. Wallace Kilbourne Oakes. A.M. M.I)., Columbia, 1873. b. 6 Nov., 18.50, Auburn. I'liysician, Auljurn. Caleb Alexander Page. A.M. b. 20 May, 1848, Burlington. Teacher, r^eices- ter, Mass.; Methuen, Mass. Roland Marcy Peck. A.M. b. 21 Oct., 1849, KUsworth. Teacher, d. 20 Jan., 1891, North Wilbraham, Mass. G John Bakeman Redman. A.M. b. 11 June, 1848, Brooksville. Lawyer, Ells- worth. Erastus Fulton Redman. A.M. b. 10 -June, 1849, Brooksville. Lumber mer- chant, Ellsworth. James Arthur Roberts, b. 8 Mar., 1847, Waterboro. 7th Me. Battery. Law- yer, Buffalo, N. Y. Comptroller State of New York. W^illiam Edward Spear, b. 2 Jan., 1847, Rockland. Bangor Theo. Seni., 1873. Pastor, Duubarton, N. H. Lawyer, Bos- ton. Davis True Timberlake. b. 21 Nov., 1844, Livermore. Teacher. Prin. Lan- caster Acad., Lancaster, N. H. Charles Turner Torrey. M.D., Co- lumbia, 1873. b. 21 Dec, 1845, North Yar- mouth. Physician, Naples; Yarmouth. Edward Burbank W^eston. A.M. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1873. b. 31 July, 1840, Auburn. I'liysician, Chicago, 111. Alonzo Garcelon Whitman. A.M. b. 7 Sept., 1842, Auburn. Instructor. I'rin. High Sch., Melrose, Mass. Edwin Cox Woodward, b. 1 Aug., 1849, Damariscotta. Teacher. Assayer and chemist, Lcadville, Col.; Everett, Wash. 30— * 5 Class of 1871. Kingsbury Bachelder. A.M. b. 25 Oct., 1849, Prospect. I'rin. Me. Central Inst. Prof. Greek, Hillsdale Coll., Hills- dale, Blich. Oscar Lewis Billings, b. 1 Feb., 1845, Fayette. Prin. Bloomlield Acad., Skow- gan. Manufacturer, Philadelphia. James Franklin Chaney. A.M. b. 22 Feb., 1845, Clinton. 4th Me. IJalt'y. Aler- chant, Brunswick. Res., Topsham. Charles Edward Clark. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1877. b. 8 July, 18,50, Auburn. Phy- sician, Boston. Res., Lynn, Mass. Edmund Chase Cole. A.M. b.SOct., 1S45, Milton Plantation. Editor and pub- lisher, Warner, N. II. Newton Freeman Curtis. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1874. b. 13 -July, 1849, Hamp- den. Physician, White Plains, N. Y. Edgar Foster Davis. A.M. b. 17 April, 1851, East Machias. Teacher. Cong, ministry, Maine. Prof. Eng., Penn. State Coll. 82 BOWDOIN COLLEGE ■William Sawyer Dennett. M.D., Harv., 1874. h. 1 Mar., 1849, Bangor. Oculist, Boston; New York City. Sylvanus Otis Hussey. b. 31 July, 1S44, Newburgh. Teacher, d. 20 Dec, 1873. Edwin Howard Lord. A.M.; also Harv., 1881. b. 1 June, 1850, Springvale. Teacher, Lowell, Mass.; Lawrence, Mass.; Wolfboro, N. H. William Palmer Melcher. M.D., Univ. Penn., 1876. b. 10 April, 1848, Brunswick. Physician, Pemberton, N. J. ; Mt. Holly, N. J. Edward Page Mitchell, b. 24 Mar., 18.W, Bath. Journalist. Litei-ary editor New York Sun. Alfred Johnson Monroe, b. 2 Oct., 1849, Belfast. Law student, d. 3 Jan., 187.'5, Pau, France. William Sullivan Pattee. A.M. LL.D., Iowa, 1891. b. 19 Sept., 1840, Jackson. Prof. Nat. Science, Lake Forest Univ , 111. Lawyer, Nortlifleld, Minn. Dean of Law Dept., Univ. Minn., Minneapolis. Vernon Dana Price, b. 7 June, 1S48, Cincinnati, O. Merchant, Louisville, Ky. Charles Lord Shepard. b. 1 Oct., 1847, Bangor. U. S. civil service, Helena, Mon- tana. Clerk, Boston. Augustine Simmons. A.M. b. 20 Feb., 1849, Toi)shani. Lawyer, North Anson. Everett Schermerhorn Stackpole. A.M. D.D., 1888. S.T.B., Boston Univ., 1878. b. 11 June, 1850, Durham. Meth. Epis. ministrjs Maine. WaUace Rowell W^hite. LL.B.,Univ. Mich., 1874. b. 17 Oct., 1849, Dixfleld. Lawyer, Winthrop. U. S. Dist. Att'y, Idaho. Lawyer, Ogden, Utah. 19— * 2 Class of 1872. John Getchell Abbott, b. 17 April, 1848, Windsor. Lawyer and journalist, Boston, d. 23 April, 1884, Dorchester, Mass. James Bigelow Atwood. A.M. b. 10 Jan., 184(), Williamsburg. Farmer and teacher, St. Albans. Charles Bemis Benson, b. 27 Feb., 184G, North Paris. Lawyer, Snow's Falls. Warren Franklin Bickford. A.M. b. 31 Jan., 1842, Newburgh. Ist Me. Cav. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1876. Pastor, Berke- ley, Cal. ; Islington, Mass. Marcellus Coggan. b. 6 Sept., 1847, Bristol. Lawyer, Boston. Res., Maiden, Mass. George Henry Cummings. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1875. b. 6 April, 18.50, Portland. Physician, Portland. Frederick George Dow. LL.B., Co- lumbia, 1875. b. 24 Aug., 18.51, St. John, N. B. Lawyer, New York City. John Sumner Frost. A.M. b. 7 April, 1851, Springvale. Teacher, Thomaston ; Lawrence, Mass. d. 2 Oct., 1887, Spring- vale. Samuel Lane Gross. A.M. LL.B, Columbia, 1876. b. 18 Nov., 1846, Bruns- wick. Lawyer, New York City. Herbert Harris. A.M. b. 17 Dec, 1846, East Machias. Composer and music teacher, Boston. Res., East Machias. Herbert Milton Heath. A.M. b. 27 Aug., 1853, Gardiner. Lawyer, Augusta. State Senate, 1887-90. Walton Olney Hooker, b. 17 April, 1849, Gardiner. Sea captain, d. Aug., 1878, Rio .Janeiro. Weston Lewis, b. 2() Dec , 1850, Pitts- ton. Banker, Gardiner. Simeon Pease Meads, b. 11 Jan., 1849, Limington. Teacher, Oakland, Cal. Jehiel Simmons Richards, b. 1 Aug., 1847, Bristol. Bangor Tlieo. Sem., 1877. Pastor, Waterford; Alfred; Deer Isle. Freeman Alonzo Bicker, b. 13 Oct., 1849, Ossipee, N. H. Merchant, Portland, d. 31 Dec, 1877, Martin's, N. Y. Osgood W^yman Rogers, b. 8 Feb., 1840, Windham. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1876. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa. George Melville Seiders. b. 15 Jan., 1844, Union. Corp. 24th Me. Vols. Law- yer, Portland. State Senate, 1893-. W^illiam Cummings Shannon. M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1874. b. 8 May, 1851, Loudon, N. H. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Frank Wood Spaulding. M.D.,Univ. City of New York, 1875. b. 29 April, 1844, Bingham. Physician, Epping, N. H. George Webber Stone. A.M. b. 7 Jan., 1849, Livermore Falls. Farmer, Livermore Falls. George Mason W^hitaker. A.M. b. 30 July, 1851, Southbridge, Mass. Editor and pi'oprietor New England Farmer, Boston. ALLTMNI 83 Harold Wilder, b. 24 Nov., 1850, Roch- ester, N. Y. Teacher, Barre, Mass. 23— * 4 Class of 1873. Loren Foster Berry. A.M. b. 31 Mar., 1847, Leeds. Yale Div. Sell., 1877. Pastor, Plantsville, Conn.; Freniout, Neb.; Ot-- timiwa, Iowa. AATilliam Augustine Blake. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1875. h. 4 July, 18.51, Ban- gor. Lawyer, d. "2.") Nov., 1875, Bangor. Albert Joel Boardman. b. G Feb., 1852, St. Stephen's, N. 15. Broker, Minneap- olis, Minn. James McLellan Boothby. M.D., Detroit Coll. of Med., 187U. b. 7 Dec., 1851, Newfleld. Physician, Dubuque, Iowa. Hervey Wilfred Chapman. A.M. b. 15 Oct., 18.")U, IJeiliel. Cong, ministry, Cal. Pastor, Lakeport, Cal. Nathan Dane Appleton Clarke, b. 15 April, 18.W, Alfred. Lawyer, Lynn, Mass. Edwin James Cram. b. 17 Oct.>]84(i, I'ar.sonslield. Lawyer, IJiddeford. John Arthur Cram. b. 10 July, 1848, Parsoiislield. Teacher, d. IS July, 1874. Augustus Luther Crocker. A.M. M.K. b. 4 M;iy, 1850, Paris. Mechanical engineer, INIinneapolis, IMinn. Benjamin Tappan Deering. A. INI. b. li) Nov., 1850, Augusta. Physician, Paris, France. Isaac Luther Elder, b. 27 July, 1847, Windham. Lawj'cr, Portland. John Frederick Eliot, b. 15 April, 1850, Auburn. Master K. Boston High School. Res., Hyde Park, Mass. Albert Cushman Fairbanks. A.M. b. 21 Aug., 18,50, Augusta. Student ot music, Boston, d. 17 Ma}% 1877, Augusta. William Green Fassett. b. 25 Sept., 1850, Bath. Lawyer, Denver, Col. d. 23 Jan., 1880. Frank Astley Floyd. A.M. b. 31 May, 1848, Saco. Lawyer, Bangor. Royal Erastus Gould. A.M. b. 8 Feb., 1851, Uiddefonl. Supt. of Schools, Biddeford. Francis March Hatch, b. 7 June, 1852, Portsmouth, N. II. Lawyer, Honolulu, Sandwich Islanils. Minister of Foreign Affairs. Addison Emery Herrick. A.M. b. 24 June, 1847, Greenwood. Lawyer, Bethel. State Senate, 1S93-. Horace Barrows Hill. A.M. M.D., L. I. IIosp. Coll., 1880. b. 28 June, 18.51, Harrison. Asst. Supt. Insane Hosp., Au- gusta. George Evans Hughes, b. 19 Jan., 18.51, Bath. I'rin. Higli Scli., Path. Law- yer, Bath. Alfred Greeley Ladd. M.D., 1878. b. 2 April, 1851, Portland. I'hysician, Great Falls, Montana. John Nathaniel Lowell. A.M. b. 20 Sept., 184G, Newburgh. Yale Div. Sch., 1877. Pastor, Haverhill, Mass. Augustus Freedom Moulton. A.M. b. 1 May, 1848, Jay. Tutor. Lawyer, Portland. Res., Scarborough. George Sewall Mower. A.M. b. 20 April, 1853, Greene. Lawyer, Newberi'y, S. C. State Senate, 1893. William Gilman Reed. M.D., 1878. b. 31 Mar., 1840, Dresden. Physician, IloUiston, Mass. Albert Francis Richardson. A.M. b. 2 July, 1841, Sebago. Priu. High .Sch., Bridgton ; Fryeburg Acad. State Normal Sch., Castine. Daniel Arthur Robinson. A.M. M.D., 1881. b. 22 June, 18.50, Orrington. In- structor. Physician, liangor. Franklin Clement Robinson. A.M. b. 24 April, 18.52, Orrington. I'rof. Chem- istry and Mineralogy. Cassander Cary Sampson, b. 2 Sept., 1850, Harrison. Andover Theo. Sem., 1878. Pastor, Pembroke, N. IL ; Tilton, N. II. David William Snow. b. 10 Nov., 1851, Boston. Lawyer, Portland. Clarence Marshall Walker. A.M. b. 11 Oct., 1847, Wilton. Teacher, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Frank Shepard Waterhouse. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 187(). b. 10. Sept., 18.53, Port- land. Lawyer, Portland. | Frederick Eugene W^hitney. b. 26 Nov., 1850, Farmington. Prof. Eng. Lit., Tokio, Japan. Lawyer, Oakland, Cal. Frederic Arthur Wilson. A.M. b. 23 April, 18.52, Orono. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1882. Pastor, Billerica, Mass. ; Andover, Mass. Andrew Peters W^iswell. b. 11 July, 18.52, ?;ilsworth. Lawyer, Ellsworth. Speaker Leg., 1801-2. Judge Supreme Court, I893-. 35 — *4 84 BOAVDOIN COLLEGE Class of 1874. Albion Gilbert Bradstreet. A.M. C.E. h. 30 .Jan ., 1852, Bridgton. Lawyer. Civil engineer, Mexico. Banker, New Yorli City. d. 17 Jan., 1893, Phoenix, Arizona. George Milton Brock, b. 21 Nov., 18.5-2, Portland. Book-keeper, Portland. Samuel Valentine Cole. A.M. b. 29 Dec, lS.il, Machiasport. Instructor Latin. Andover Tlieo. Sem., 1887. Pastor, Taun- ton, Mass. Marshall Wheelock Davis, b. 20 July, 1854, Milan, N. H. Teaclier, Roxbury Latin School, Boston. Hannibal Hamlin Emery, b. 7 Jan., 18.53, Portland. Merchant, Portland. Cassius Melville Ferguson, b. 29 July, 1850, Dixmont. Lawyer, Minneap- olis, Minn. Elbridge Gerry, Jr. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1877. b. 18 Aug., 1853, Portland. Lawyer, New York City. Res., Paris, France. AAT alter Temple Goodale. M.D., Harv., 1888. b. 7 Sept., Is51, Saco. Head master, St. Augustine Coll., Benicia, Cal. Physi- cian, Saco. Rotheus Augustus Gray. A.M. M.D., 1872. b. 5 Aug., 1851, Dublin, Ireland. Physician, Colusa, Cal. Frank "Warren Hawthorne, b. 1 July, 1852, Bath. Merchant, Bath. .Journalist, Jack.sonville, Fla. Willard Roseoe Hemmenway. b. 4 Mar., 18.50, Wellington. Lawyer, LaCrosse, Wis. Ernest Sidney Hobtas. M.E. b. 1 Oct., 1850, Saco. Cotton manufacturer, Selma, Ala. ; Aurora, 111. Edward Otis Howard, b. 11 Mar., 1852, Winslow. Lawyer, Fairfield ; Boston. Charles Henry Hunter. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1878. b. 6 Feb., 1853, Clin- ton. Physician, Minneapolis, Minn. Prof. Minn. Hosp. Coll. Henry Johnson. A.M. Ph.D., Univ. Berlin, 1884. b. 25 June, 18,55, Gardiner. Prof. Mod. Lang. Levi Houghton Kimball. M.D., Bos- ton Univ., 1877. N. Y. Ophthalmic Hosp., 1878. b. 23 Feb., 18.53, Bath. Physician, Bath; Boston. Charles Frederic Kimball, b. .31 July, 1854, Portland. Manufactui'er, Chicago, 111. Thomas Kneeland. A.M. b. 19 June, 1851, Harrison. La\vyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Ira Stephen Locke. A.M. b. 4 Feb., 18.53, Biddeford. Lawyer, Portland. Daniel Ozro Smith Lowell. A.M. M.D., 1877. b. 13 April, 1851, Denmark. Teacher, Roxbury Latin School, Boston. Edward Newton Merrill, b. 11 April, 1849, Harmony. Lawyer, Skowhegan. Harry Vane Moore. A.M. b. G July, 1854, Limerick. Lawyer, Berwick. William Henry Moulton. A.M. b. 18 Mar., 18.52, Portland. Banker, Portland. Charles James Palmer. S.T.B., Gen. Theo. Sem., 1882. b. 4 Nov., 1854, Fair- field. Rector, Lanesboro, Mass. William Martin Payson. b. 18 Aug., 18.52, Westbrook. Lawyer, Portland. Arthur Lincoln Perry. A.M. b. 10 Mar., 1851, Gardiner. Lawyer, Gar- diner. Horace W^iley Philbrook. b. 24 June, 18.52, Brunswick. Lawyer, San Francisco, Cal. Don Arba Horace Powers, b. 8 Dec, 1850, Pittsfield. Lawyer, Newport; lloul- ton. John Wheeler Pray. M.D., Harv., 1879. b. 8 Aug., 1851, Dover, N. H. Phy- sician, Northwooil, N. H. Thomas Charles Simpson. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1877. b. 21 Mar., 1852, New- buryport, Mass. Lawyer, Newburyport, Mass. Charles Edwin Smith. A.M. b. 20 July, 1844, Monmouth. Supt. Schools, Ci'ookston, Minn. d. 5 June, 1883. Charles Chesley Springer, b.4 Nov., 1852, Livermore. Instructor. Lawyer, Boston. George Bourne W^heeler. b. 1 Aug., 18.53, Kennebunkport. Manager Electric Light Co., Ban Claire, Wis. Frank Kingsbury Wheeler, b. 23 Nov., 1854, Kennebunkport. Journali.st, Bloomington, 111. d. 14 April, 1891, Ken- nebunkport. Henry Kirke White. A.M. b. 8 Feb., 1849, Dresden. Prin. Washington Acad.; Lincoln Acad.; High Sch., Bangor. Henry Gardiner W^hite. A.M. b. 24 Jan., 18.55, San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer, Gardiner. Res., Providence, R. I. 36— * 2 s ALUMNI 85 Class of 1875. Reuben Richard Baston. A.M. M.D., 1S79. 1). 18 Fcl)., 1S.".(), IJridgton. Physi- (5ian, Cnpc Klizalx'tli. d. 28 Sopt., 1880. Frederick Oren Baston. A.M. b. 14 Jan., IS.')-.', Hriiljiton. Teacher. Prin. High Sch., Nalick, Mass. Charles Alvah Black. A.M. b. 2 June, 18.')f), I'aris. Teaeher, Gowaiida, N. Y. Herbert Gerry Briggs. b. 8 Feb., 18.1.3, Auburn. Lawyer, Porthmd. Seth May Carter, b. 25 July, 1854, Wlnthrop. Lawyer, I^ewiston. Charles Lorenzo Clarke. M.S. C.E. b. 16 April, 18.53, Portland. Consulting and electrical engineer, New York City. George Croswell Cressey. A.M. b. 1 April, ls,i(), Buxton. Prof. Mod. Lang., Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan. Andover Tlieo. Sem., 1884. Unitarian ministry. I'astor, .Salem, Mass. William John Curtis, b. 28 Aug., 1854, JJrunswick. Lawyer, New York City. William Augustus Deering. A.M. Ph.D., Alleghany Coll., 1893. b. 17 June, 1849, Harrison. Teacher. Principal Clif- ton Springs Seminary, N. Y. George Newell Dorr. b. 11 Jan., 1848, Sandwidi, N. II. Meth. Epis. nunistry, N. H. Pastor, Whitefleld, N. 11. Melville Augustus Floyd, b. 20 Aug., 18.V2, Portland. Lawyer, Portland. Edwin Herbert HaU. A.M. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1880. b. 7 Nov., IS");"), Gor- liam. Asst. Prof. Physics, Harvard. George Frank Harriman. LL.B., Bos- ton Univ., 1870. b. 10 Sept., 1852, Waldo. Lawyer, New York City. William Edwin Hatch. A.M. b. 8 .June, 18.52, Jeflersonville, Ga. Supt. Schools, New Bedford, Mass. Benjamin Warren Hewes. b. 23 Aug., 18.52, Plymouth, Mass. Lawyer, Danforth. Charles William Hill. b. I'J Sept., 1847, Biddeford. Yale Div. Sch., 1878. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Benicia, Cal. W^ alter Hamlin Holmes. M.D.,Harv., 1879. b. 23 June, 18.54, Calais. Physician, Waterbury, Conn. William George Hunton. b. 13 Nov., 18.52, Readfleld. Farmer, Readfleld. Seth Leonard Larrabee. A.M. b. 22 Jan., 18.55, Scarboro. Lawyer, Portland. David Maurice McPherson. b. 11 Feb., 18.52, Montreal, Can. U. S. postal service. Res., Portland. George Fulton McQuillan, b. IS April, 1849, Xaples. Lawyer, Portland. WUson Nevins. b. 22 Dec, 1848, Brunswick. Teacher, Clifton Springs, N. Y. Ernest Henry Noycs. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1880. b. 21 Nov., 1853, Gloucester, Mass. Physician, Newburyport, Mass. Edward Sherburne Osgood. b. 18 May, 1848, Shell)urne, \. 11. .Journalist, Portland. Frederick Blanchard Osgood, b. 10 Nov., 1851, Fryeburg. Lawyer, North Conway, N. H. Horace Reed Patten, b. 20 Feb., 1854, Bath. Law stuilent. d. 28 Oct., 1870, »an Francisco, Cal. Newland Morse Pettengill. b. 24 Mar., 1851, Monmouth. Lawyer, Mem- phis, Mo. Orestes Pierce, b. 5 June, 185.'?, Bid- deford. Lawyer. Res., Oakland, Cal. Frederick Alton Powers, b. 11) June, 18.55, Pittslleld. Lawyer, Houlton. State Att'y-Gen., 1893-. Woodbury Pulsifer. A.M. b. l."> May, 1855, Auburn. Stenographer, Lewiston. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. William Edgar Rice. M.D., Colum- bian l^niv., 1878. b. 12 May, 18.52, Bath. Physician, Bath. Lincoln Albion Rogers. A.M. b. 22 April, 18.52, Topsham. Teacher. Prin. Classical and Scientilic School, Paterson, N. J. Dudley AUen Sargent. M.D., Yale, 1878. h. 28 Sept., 1849, Belfast. Director Gymnasium, B. C; Yale. Prof. Phys. Training and Director Gymnasium, Har- vard. Parker Prince Simmons. A.M. b. 13 Oct., 18.52, Kingston, Mass. Supt. School Supplies, Board of Educ-, Brooklyn, N. Y_ Myles Standish. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1879. b. 17 Oct., 1851, Boston. Physician, Boston. Robert Given Stanwood. A.M. M.D., 1878. b. 1 July, 1854, Brunswick. Physi- cian, Newark, N. J. George Robinson Swasey. M.S. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1878. b. 8 Jan., 1854, Standish. Lawyer, Boston. Lecturer, Boston Univ. Law School. William Sylvester Thompson. A.M. M.D., Homtcopathic llosp. Coll., Cleve- land, 1879. b. 10 April, 18.53, Newbury port, Mass. Phy.sician, Hallowell. 86 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Horace Roger True. A.M. h. 21 May, 1851, LitchtJeld. Photogi-apher, Augusta. Francis Robbins Upton. M.S., Prince- ton, 1877. b. 26 July, 1852, Peabody, Mass. Manufacturer. Res., Orange, N. J. Frank Pierce Virgin. M.D., Detroit Med. Coll., 1877. b. 13 Oct., 1850, Rumford. Physician, ^yeynloutl^, Mass. Christopher Henry "Wells, b. 5 July, 185(), Great Falls, N. H. .Journalist, Great Falls, N. H. Albion Stinson Whitmore. A. M. M.D., Columbia, 1878. b. 12 Dec, 1852, Brunswick. Physician, Boston. Samuel Warren Whitmore. LL.B., Union, 1878. b. 21 April, 1853, Bowdoin- ham. Lawyer, Albany, N. Y. Stephen Chalmers Whitmore. b. 19 July, 1850, Bowdoinham. Lawyer, Gai'- diner. 45— * 2 Class of 1876. William Alden. A.M. M.D.,1879. b. lii Aug., 1855, Portland. Physician, Du- luth,Minn. Charles Sewall Andrews. LL.B., Hastings Law Coll., 1881. b. 19 Dec, 1851, Otisfleld. Lawyer, San Francisco, Cjil. d. 12 April, 1883, Norway. Tascus Atwood. b. 8 Feb., 1851, Au- burn. Lawyer, Auburn. Arlo Bates. A.M. b. 16 Dec, 1850, East Macliias. Author. Prof. Eng. Lit., Mass. Inst. Tech. Collins Grant Burnham. b. 9 May, 1854, Saco. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1879. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Chicopee, Mass. Charles Herbert Clark. A.M. b. 14 Mar., 1854, Bangor. Teacher. Priu. San- born Sem., Kingston, N. H. Osman Charles Evans, b. 21 Mar., 1851, Milan, N. H. Manufacturer, Port- land. Oriville Clark Gordon. A.M. b.2Feb., 1845, Chesterville. Med. student, d. 13 Jan., 1880. Howard Elijah HaU. b. 13 Nov., 1853, Newcastle. Lawyer, Damariscotta. Charles Taylor Hawes. b. IG Aug., 1853, Bridgton. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1882. Tutor, B. C. Cong, ministry. Res., Bangor. Jere Merrill Hill. A.M. b. 23 Oct., 1851, Buxton. Teacher. Priu. Higli Sch., Hyde Park, Mass. Charles Davis Jameson. C.E., 1881. b. 2 July, 1855, Bangor. Civil engineer. Prof. Engineering, Univ. of Iowa, low'a City, la. Edward Hazen Kimball. LL.B., Bos- ton Univ., 1879. b. 24 Aug., 1854, Bath. Lawyer. Merchant, Bath. Frank Reed Kimball, b. 10 July, 1853, Salem, Mass. Manufacturer. Res., Salem, Mass. John Samuel Leavitt, Jr. b. 5 June, 1852, Gorham. Merchant, Gorham. John Gair Libby. A.M. b. 7 Dec, 1854, Wells. Clerk. Res., Auburndale, Mass. Walter Hastings Marrett. A.M. b. 28 Oct., 1851, Standish. Editor, Boston. George Bartol Merrill. C.E. b. 15 Nov., 18.54, Cumberland. Mechanical en- gineer, Cleveland, O. John Adams Morrill. A.M. b. 3 June, 18.55, Auburn. Lawyer, Auburn. Erwin Barrett Newcomb. M.E. b. 9 .Jan., 1855, Zanesville, O. Mechanical engineer, Cumberland Mills. Arthur Taylor Parker, b. 21 June, 1854, Chelsea, Mass. Manufacturer, Bos- ton. Res., East Orleans, Jlass. George Parsons. A.M. b. 8 April, 1854, Kennelnmk. Manager Cairo Trust property, Cairo, 111. John Howard Payne. M.D., Bo.ston Univ., 1879. b. 14 June, 1855, Bath. Phy- sician, Boston. Franklin Conant Payson. A.M. b. 4 Sept., 185fi, Portland. Lawyer, Port- land. Charles Albert Perry. A.M. b. 11 April, 1852, Blanchard. Andover Theo. Sem., 1879. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Hyde Park, Mass. George Franklin Pratt. A.M. b. 5 April, 1852, Bangor. Gen. Theo. Sem., 1881. Rector, Clinton, Mass. Unitarian ministry. Pastor, Berlin, Mass. George Thomas Prince. C.E. b. 23 July, 1854, Woburn, Mass. Supt. water works, Atlantic City, N. J. Walter Augustine Robinson. A.M. b. 15 Dec, 1854, East Orrington. Teacher, Boston. Allan Ellington Rogers. A.M. b. 23 April, 1855, Ellsworth. Prof. Hist., Logic, and Political Economy, Maine State Coll. William Henry Gulliver Rowe. M.D., Columbia, 1880. b. 20 Feb., 18.53, Auburn. Physician, Cape Elizabeth. Manufacturer, Boston. Res., Winchester, Mass. ALUMNI 87 Alvah Horton Sabin. M.S. b. 9 April, isf)!, Norfolk, N. Y. Prof. Chem., Ripen Coll. Prof. Chem., Univ. of Vermont. Chemist, N. Y. City. Alpheus Sanford. b. 5 July, 185(), Atlk'boro, i\rass. Lawyer, Bcston. Charles Sargent, b. 21 May, 1853, Ma- cliias. Lawyer, Machias. Merchant, Port- land. Hardy Ropes Sewall. b. 18 Mar., 1856, Newton, Mass. Manager telephone ex- change, Albany, N. Y. d. 17 Ai>ril, 1884. Oliver Crocker Stevens. A.M. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1871). b. .'} June, 18.").'), Bos- ton. Lawyer, Boston. Fred Milo Stimson. b. 17 Mar., 1855, Waterville. Broker, Cincinnati, O. Charles Sumner Taylor, b. 3 Mar., 18.5."), Newcastle. Teacher, Chicago, 111. William Gay Waitt. A.M. b. 8 Feb., 18.").), Pittston. Lawyer, Boston. Charles Gardner "Wheeler, b. 21 Sept., ]8."),i, Pcabody, Mass. Literary work. Res., Winchendon, Mass. John Henry "White. A.M. b. 30 Dec, 18.").'i, Bowdoinham. Teacher, Essex, Mass. Charles Augustus "Whittemore. IM.E. b. 4 Dec, 18.J0, Lisbon. l\Iainifacturer, lirand Rapids, Mich. Bion "Wilson, b. 21 April, 1855, Thom- aston. Lawyer. U. S. Bank Examiner. Res., Portland. Frank Vernon "Wright. M.S. b. 13 Oct., 18.").), Boston. Lawyer, .Salem, Mass. 43— * 3 Class of 1877. "William Gerrish Beale. b. 10 Sept., 18.')4, Winthrop. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. Phihp Greely Brown. A.M. b. 24 June, 18.").), Portland. Banker, Portland. Nathan Clifford Brown, b. 13 Oct., 18.")(;, Portland. Res., Portland. John Eliphaz Chapman, b. 14 July, 18."):5, Bethel. Journalist, Boston. Charles Edwin Cobb. A.M. b. 13 Aug., 18.")(;, Auburn. JIanufacturer, Au- burn. "William Titcomb Cobb. b. 2:'. July, 18.")7, Rockland. Alanufacturer, Rockland. Edgar Millard Cousins, b. 7 Sept., 1850, Southwest Harbor. Bangor Theo. Sem.,1880. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Cum- berland Mills. Sec'y Me. Miss. Soc'y. Frank Herbert Crocker. M.D., 1882. b.8 Aug., 18.")1, Machias. Physician, Booth- bay; >Iacliias. Frederick Henry Dillingham. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1880. b. 7 April, 1857, Bangor. Physician, New York City. David Blin Fuller, b. 18 Jan., 1853, Albion. Lawyer, Eureka, Kan. Joseph Knight Greene, b. 23 Sept., 1852, Otisfield. Lawyer, Worcester, Mass. "William Chute Greene, b. 23 Sept., 1852, OtislieUl. Lawyer, Sag Harbor, N. Y. Serope Armenag Giirdjian. M.S. b. 12 Dec, 1847, Talass, Ciesarea, Asia Minor. Mercantile pursuils, Constantinople. Frank Hobart Hargraves. b. 13 May, -1854, Effingham, N. H. Manufacturer, West Buxton. George Arthur Holbrook. A.M. b. 17 Feb., 1857, Portsmouth, N. H. P. E.Theo. Sem., Cambridge, Mass., 1880. Rector, Troy, N. Y. Phineas Henry Ingalls. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1880. b. 18 April, 18.')6, Gorham. Physician, Hartford, Conn. Chai'les Egbert Knight, b. K! Mar., 1854, Wiscasset. I^awyer and mcrc^hant, Wiscasset. George Thomas Little. A.M. b. 14 May, 18.57, Auburn. Librarian. Frank Josselyn Lynde. b. 2 Oct., 18.55, Bangor. Druggist, Portland, d. 4 Oct., 1880, OKI Orchard. George Hersey Marquis, b. 17 Jan., 1850, Portland. Lawyer, Clear Lake, Dak. Samuel Appleton Melcher. b. 1 Apr., 18.56, Brunswick. Prin. High Sch., Whit- insville, Mass. Edward Clarence Metcalf. b. 11 Apr., 1857, Brunswick. Civil engineer, d. 8 July, 1880, Newport, R. I. Frank Asa MitcheU. b. 30 Oct., 1855, Auburn. Gen. Pass. Agt., M. & N. E. R. R., Manistee, Mich. CarroU Willie MorriU. b. 13 July, 18.53, West Falmouth. Lawj'er, Portland. Charles Wyman Morse, b. 21 Oct., 185(), Bath. Ship owner. New York City. Charles Lendol Nickerson. A.M. b. 2 Feb., 1854, Dorchester, Mass. Farmer, Garden City, Minn. Fremont Manning Palmer, b. 29 Feb., 18.56, Portland. Book-keeper, Portland. d. 22 June, 1885. 88 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Robert Edwin Peary. C.E. b. 6 May, 1856, Cresson, Pemi. Civil engineer, U. S. N. Arctic explorer. Curtis Appleton Perry, b. 6 May, 1S54, Dorchester, Mass. Artist. Res., Braintree, ISIass. Wmiam Perry, b. 22 July, 1857, Salem, Mass. Lawyer, Salem, Mass. Edwin Judson Pratt. M.D., N. Y. Homoeopathic Meil. Coll., 18S1. b. 7 July, 1853, Yarmouth. Physician, New York City. Lewis Henry Reed. b. 28 Jan., 1853, Mexico. Manufacturer, Mexico. John Alfred Roberts, b. 10 Sept., 1852, Gardiner. Lawyer, Norway. Edwin Albert Scribner. M.S. b. 18 April, 185(!, Topshara. Prof. Nat. Science, Ripon Coll. Manufacturer, Boonton, N.J. Charles Bailey Seabury. b. 5 Feb., 1857, Gardiner. Salesman, New York City. James "Wingate Sewall. C.E. b. 11 Nov.,18.')'2, Oliltown. Civil engineer. Res., Oldtown. Addison Monroe Sherman. b. ."0 Mar., 1855, Lincoln, Mass. Gen. Theo. Sem., 1880. Rector, Batavia, N. Y. Henry Herbert Smith. A.M. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1877. b. 9 Jan., 1855, Machias. Physician, Machias. Albert Somes. A.M. b. 17 Dec, 1852, VViscasset. Prin. Berwick Acad., South Bcr\vi(,'k ; High School, Manchester, N. II. Lewis Alfred Stanwood. A.M. LL.B., Univ. Iowa, 1882. b. 4 April, 18.52, Bruns- wick. Lawyer. Res., Harvey, Oklahoma. George Ladd Thompson, b. 15 April, 1855, Newlniryport, Mass. Merchant, Brunswick. George "William Tillson. C.E. b. 18 Dec, 18.52, Thomaston. City engineer, Omaha, Neb. Henry Dwight Wiggin. b. 30 April, 18.56, Auburn. Merchant, Boston. 43— * 3 Class of 1878. Clarence Atwood Baker. A.M. M.D., 1882. b. .3 Jan., 1852, Newcastle. Physi- cian, Portland. Hartley Cone Baxter, b. 19 July, 1857, Portland. Manufacturer. Res., Bruns- wick. Alfred Edgar Burton. C.E. b. 24 Mar., 1857, Portland. Prof. Engineering, Mass. Institute Technology. James Thomas Davidson, b. 28 July, 18,56, Oxford, O. Lawyer, York. Daniel Henry Felch. b. 19 Sept., 1856, Groton, Mass. Lawyer, Cheney, Wash. Willis Walton French. M.S. M.D., Columbia, 1883. b. 27 April, 1857, Ports- mouth, N. H. Physician, New York City. d. 11 Mar., 1888. • John Franklin Hall. b. 22 Aug., 1851, Peru. Editor, Atlantic City, N. J. Carson Minor Jacobs, b. 22 June, 1857, Plymouth, O. Supt. cattle ranche, Chinook, Montana. Philip Lee Paine, b, 4 Feb., 1857, Portland. Lawyer, Heppner, Ore. d. 10 Feb., 1886. George Washington Phillips. A.M. M.D., L. I. Coll. Hosp., N. Y., 1881. b. 15 Nov., 1857, Lewiston. Physician, Vinal- haven. Barrett Potter. A.M. b. 19 April, 1857, Readfield. Instructor, B. C. Lawyer, Brunswick. Thomas Moses Pray. b. 21 Mar., 1857, Dover, N. H. Lawyer, d. 8 Sept., 1887. George Colby Purington. A.M. b. 27 June, 1848, Embden. Teacher. Prin. State Normal Sch., Farmingtou. William Edward Sargent. A.M. b. 23 May, 18.56, Sanford. Teacher. I'rin. Hebron Acad. Samuel Emerson Smith, b. 8 June, 18.56, Thomaston. Lawyer, Thomaston. John W^entworth Thing, b. 9 Oct., 1854, Alfred. Lawyer, Limerick. 16— * 3 Class of 1879. John Warren Achorn. M.D., 1887. b. 30 Jan., 1857, Newcastle. Physician, Boston. George William Bourne. A.M. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1882. b. 9 Oct., 1857, Kennebunk. Physician, Kennebunk. Heber Durgin Bowker. A.M. b. 11 Feb., 1858, Turner. Merchant, Milford, Mass. Frank Melville Byron, b. 20 Sept., 1857, Freeport. Ticket agent, Chicago, 111. Henry Babb Carleton. b. 1 Feb., 1858, Rockport. P. E. Div. Sch., Phil., 1882. tl. 10 Sept., 1882, Rockport. ALUMNI 89 Ozro Daniel Castner. b.2 June, 1857, Wal(l()l)oro. Lawyer, Waldoboro. Frank Stanwood Corey, h. '.) Jan., l,s^)^<, rortland. Morcliaiit, Calais. Oscar Charles Sanborn Davies. A.M. M.D., 188.'.. b. s ( )ct., is.")"), Sidney. Asst. Supt. Insane Hosp., Augusta. Physician, New York City. Walter Goodwin Davis. A.M. b. (i Jan., 1857, Portland. Manufacturer, Port- land. Holmes Boardman Fifleld. A.M. b. 22 DtiK., IS,')."), jMt. Vernon. Merchant, Con- way, N. II. Horace Eben Henderson, b. l(i Jan., 18.5i), Wiscasset. Teacher, Garden City, L. I. Joel Payson Huston, b. 22 Sept., 1857, Daniariscotta. Lawyer, Damariscotta. Henry Augustus Huston. A.M. A.C., Purdue I'niv., 1882. b. 20 April, 1858, Damariscotta. Prof. Physics, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Charles Fletcher Johnson. A.M. b. 14 Pel)., 18,59, Winslow. Lawyer, Water- ville. George Washington Johnson, b. Feb., 1,S49, ISlueliill. Bangor Theo. .Sem., 1882. Cong, ministry. Pastor, Lyman. Frank Kimball, b. K! Oct., 18.5.''), Ken- nobunk. Druggist, Norway. Ansel LeForest Lumbert. A.M. b. ."> Sept., 1853, Ripley. Lawyer, Iloulton. State Senate, 188.5-8. Millard Kimball Page. A.M. LL.B., Columl)ian Univ., 1,881. b. 3 Oct., 1856, Houlton. Lawyer, Denver, Col. Albert Henry Pennell. b. 5 Dec, 1853, Westbrook. Bangor Theo. Sem. d. 12 Sept., 1882, Saccarappa. Henry Wilson Ring. A.M. M.D., 1887. b.3Feb.,lS57, Portland. Physician, New Haven, Conn. Seward Smith Stearns. A.M. b. 11 Mar., 18")G, Lovell. Lawyer, Norway. James Cushman Tarbox. b. 10 April, 1857, Phillips. Lawyer, Monticello, Minn. 22 *2 Class of 1880. Emery Wilson Bartlett. A.M. b. 12 Jan., 18.50, Bethel. Journalist, Pittsburg, Penn.; Boston. Edwin Charles Burbank. b. 27 Mar., lS,5i), Limerick. Journalist, Boston. W^illiam Higgins Chapman. C.E. b. 1 Oct., 18.5(;, Bowdoinham. Sanitary engi- neer, Newport, l{. I. Frederick OdeU Conant. A.M. b. 1 Oct., 1857, Portlaml. Merchant, I'ortlaud. Walter Lee Dane. b. 15 June, 18.59, Kennebunk. Lawyer, Kennebunk. Ayres Mason Edwards. A.M. LL.B., Iowa State Univ., 1884. b. 12 Jan., 18.57, Bethel. Supt. Schools, Lcwiston; Pitts- field, Mass. William Proctor Ferguson. A.M. b. 9 Feb., 1,8,53, Shapleigh. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Teacher. Roswell Chase Gilbert, b. 1 Nov., 18.50, Turner. Clerk, Lewiston. d. 26 Oct., 1887, Turner. Horace Robert Given. A.M. b. 9 June 18.59, Topsham. Teacher. Co. Supt. Schools, Vyeaverville,Cal. Franklin Goulding. b. 21 Nov., 1859, Groton, Mass. Manufacturer. Herbert White Grindal. LL.B., Co- lumbia, 1882. b. 8 Sept., 1857, Salem, Mass. Lawyer, New York City. Frederick Winslow Hall. A.M. b. 20 Mar., 1800, Gorham. Lawyer, Vallejo, Cal. ; San Francisco, Cal. Albra Hamlin Harding. LL.I5., Co- lumbian Univ., l.s,83. b. 12 Sept., 18.50, Ilanipilen. Lawyer, Bangor. Albert Harmon Holmes. A.M. b. 14 Dec, 1851 , Bridgton. Lawyer, Brunswick. Alvin Dennett Holmes. M.D., 1883. b. 13 Jan., 18,50, Bridgton. Physician, Hyde Park, Mass. Thomas Frederick Jones, b. 23 Jan., 18.54, Tredegar, Eng. Meth. Rpis. min- istry, Maine. Pastor, Lewiston. William Pierce Martin; also Bates, 1880. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1883. b. 30 July, 1858, Lewiston. Lawyer, Boston. Harry Lincoln Maxcy. A.M. b. 19 Mar., 1856, Gardiner. Forwanling agent, Chicago, 111. George Shipman Payson. b. 14 Feb., 18.58, Portland. Banker, Portland. Walter Payson Perkins, b. 6 Aug., 1858, Kennebunk. Lawyer, Cornish. Francis Orren Purington. A.M. b. 16 Aug., 1852, Kmbden. Lawj-er, Mechanic Falls. Eliphalet Greely Spring. M.S. b. 19 May, 1859, Portland. Merchant, I'ortland. 90 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Richard Lewis Swett. A.M. M.D., 1884. b. 5 Sept., 1S5S, Brunswick. Medi- cal student, d. 26 Dec, 1884. George Leverett Weil. b. 5 Nov., 18.57, Nortli Andover, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. "Warren Stephen Whitmore. b. 13 Nov., 1859, Gardiner. Lawyer, Gardiner. Henry Brown Wilson, b. 15 June, 18.'J6, Gardiner. Cleric, Kedlands, Cal. Virgil Clifton Wilson, b. 12 April, 1857, Portland. Lawyer, Portland. Henry Asa Wing. b. 10 Sept., 1853, Waterville. Editor, Lewiston Sun. Frank Winter. A.M. b. 26 Mar., 1854, Paris. Lawyer, LaCrosse, Wis. 29— * 2 Class of 1881. Edgar Oakes Achorn. b. 20 Aug., 1859, Newcastle. Lawyer, Boston. Clinton Lewis Baxter, b. 29 June, 1859, Portland. Manufacturer, Portland. Edward Everett Briry. A.M. M.D., Boston Univ., 1884. b. 35 Nov., 1859, Bath. Ph3'sician, Bath. W^illiam Moses Brown. M.S. b. 30 Sept., 1859, Bath. Civil engineer, Bangor. Harold Wyllys Chamberlain. A.M. b. 10 Oct., 18.58, Brunswick. Lawyer. Edward Henry Chamtaerlin. M.D., Eclectic Med. Inst., Cincinnati, 1884. b. 11 .Jan., 1858, Westford, Mass. Physician, Chelmsford, Mass. Albert Clifford Cobb. b. 27 Aug., 18G0, Rockland. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. William Isaac Cole. A.M. b. 21 Mar., 1859, Machias. Andover Theo. Seni ., 1888. Pastor, Houlton. Charles Herrick Cutler, b. 18 Dec, 18.59, Farmington. Tutor. Andover Theo. Sem., 1886. Pastor, Bangor. James Donovan. A.M. b. 4 Sept., 1857, Leeds. Lawyer, Great Falls, Montana. Frederick Alvan Fisher. A.M. b. 9 Oct., 1855, Westford, Mass. Tutor. Law- yer, Lowell, Mass. William Alexander Gardner, b. 21 April, 1860, Augusta. Salesman, Boston. Henry Goddard. b. 13 July, 1801, Auburn. Merchant, Boston. Albion Dwight Gray. A.M. b. 29 Jan., 1861, Foxcroft. Teacher, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia. Robert Holmes Greene. A.M. M.D., Harv., IS86. b. 27 April, 1861, Brunswick. Physician, New York City. Charles Haggerty. b. G Dec, 1854, Newburg, N. Y. Lawyer, Southbridge, Mass. State Senate, 1890. Carroll Everett Harding, b. 23 Aug., 1861, Machias. Gen. Theo. Scni., 1885. Rector, Baltimore, Md. Horace Burleigh Hathaway. A.M. b. 8 June, 18.58, Hallowell. Journalist, Augusta, d. 2 April, 1888, Hallowell. Alfred Hitchcock. A.M. M.D., 1883. b. 5 Aug., 1859, Strong. Physician, Farm- ington. Fred LaForest Johnson. A.M. M.D., Howard Univ., 1887. b. 2 Mar., 1859, Pitts- field. Physician, Wichita, Kan. Herbert Lewis Johnson. A.M. M.D., 1884. b. 3 Oct., 1859, Augusta. Physician, Augusta. Albert Laurens Joyce. LL.B., Univ. Michigan, 1884. b. 4 Mar., 1857, Bruns- wick. Merchant, San Francisco. W^iUiam King. A.M. M.D.,1887. b. 18.T Illy, 1857, Portland. Physician, Bruns- wick. Leland Burton Lane. A.M. LL.B., Iowa State Univ., 1884. b. 12 April, 1859, West Sumner. Teacher, Falmouth, Mass. Edgar Willis Larrabee. b. 19 Jan., 1860, Gardiner. Paymaster, Lowell, Mass. Frank Hall Little. A.M. b. 18 June, 1860, Portland. Merchant, Portland. George Francis Manson. A.M. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1885. li. 13 Aug., 1858, Havre, France. Lawyer, Boston. John William Manson. A.M. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1884. b. 22 Mar., 1862, Pitts- field. Lawyer, Pittsfield. Daniel John McGillicuddy. b. 27 Aug., 18.57, Lewiston. Lawyer, Lewiston. Ferdinand Byron Merrill, b. 24 Aug., 1859, Yarmouth. Civil engineer, Y'ar- mouthville. John Witham Nichols. A.M. M.D., 1887. b. 4 Aug., 1859, Searsport. Physi- cian, Farmington. Henry Storer Payson. A.M. b. 4 Mar., 1860, Portland. Lawyer, Portland. Treas. Harris-Payson Co., Portland. Arthur Gooding Pettingill. B.D., Yale, 1885. b. 30 Oct., 18,58, Brewer. I'as- tor, Yarmouth. ALUMNI 91 Albion Quincy Rogers. A.M. b. 21 Dec, 1S()0, Pembroke. L.awyer, Mhuie- .•i]M)lis, IMiiin. Carleton Sawyer. M.D., Univ. Ver- mont, 1SS5. b. 1 Nov., 1805, Cumberland. I'liysician, North Conway, N. H. Otis Madison Shaw. A.M. LL.H., IJoston Univ., 188-1. b. 7 Dec, 1857, Bicl- (leford. Lawyer, Boston. Frank Eugene Smith, b. (i May, 1800, Augusta. Clerk, Boston. Henry Loring Staples. A.M. M.D., 18S(i. b. -21 Sept , 18.')8, Wales. Physician, Minnea|)olis, Minn. William Warren Towle. A.M. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1884. b. 21 Aug., 18G0, Frye- burg. Lawyer, Boston. John Edwin Walker. A.M. M.D., 1884. b. 23 Feb., 1857, Union. Physician, Thomaston. John Oliver Patten Wheelwright. A.M. b. 24 April, 1861, Bethel. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Alvin Everett Whitten. A.M. b. 22 Aug., ISo.'J, Yarmouth. Teacher, Bloom- ingtoii. 111. John Wallace W^ilson. b. 25 Aug., 18.58, Gardiner. Bank cashier, Redlands, Cal. 4;i— * 1 Class of 1882. George Francis Bates. M.D., L. I. Coll. IIosp., 1885. b. 17 Jan., IHHO, Yar- mouth. Physician, Hillsboro, No. Dak. Arthur Fuller Belcher. A.M. b. 24 April, 18(il, Farmington. Lawyer. Bank cashier, Farmington. Frederic Herbert Blondel. b.. 7 Aug., 1856, Topsham. Teacher, 31inneapolis, Minn. Howard Carpenter, b. 25 July, 18.59, Houlton. Lawyer, Oberliu, Kan. Herbert Harrison Chase, b. 2.3 Jan., 18,58, Unity. Lawyer, Brockton, Mass. Josiah W^iUis Crosby. A.M. b. 29 May, 1862, Dexter. Lawyer, Dexter. William W^oodside Curtis. A.M. b. 22 Dec, 18.58, Freeport. Teacher. Prin. High .Sch., Pawtucket, R. 1. Edwin Upton Curtis. A.M. b. 26 Mar., 1861, Boston. Lawyer, Boston. Fred Henry Eames. A.M. M.D., 1892. b. 23 Feb., 1860, Bath. Physician, Man- chester, N. H. Anson Morrill Goddard. b. 1 Sept., 185it, Auburn. Lawyer, Augusta. Myron Henry Goodwin, b. 23 Oct., 1860, Baldwin. Teacher, West Newbury, Mass. Melvin Smith Holway. A.M. b. 2G May, 18(il, Augusta. Lawyer, Augusta. Edward Rountree Jewett. A.M. b. 16 April, 1860, Chicago. Lawyer, Chicago. James Ross Jordan, b. 12 June, 1859, Brunswick. ISlerchant, Brunswick. Jesse Felt Libby. b. 12 Feb., 18,59, Locke's Mills. Teacher. Lawyer, Gor- ham, N. II. William Curtis Merryman. A.M. b. 23 Mar., 1861, Brunswick. Civil engineer, St. Paul, Minn. William Albion Moody. A.M. b. 31 July, 1859, Kennebunkport. Prof. Mathe- matics. George Howard Pierce. M.D., Yale, 1886. b. 17 Mar., 1860, Portland. Physi- cian, Danbury, Conn. Warren Oscar Plimpton. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1888. b. 24 July, 1858, Litch- field. Physician, New York City. William Gardner Reed. A.M. b. 4 May, 18.58, Waldoboro. Lawyer, Boston. Irving Stearns. A.M. b. 5 Nov., 1855, Newry. 3Ierchant, Berlin, N. II. Charles Eben Stinchfield. b. 2 May, I860, Sandwich, N. H. Teacher, d. K; Nov., 1882, Patten. 22— *1 Class of 1883. Herbert Lincoln Allen. A.M. b. 24 Dec, 1861, Waterboro. Lawyer, Alfred Arthur Everett Austin. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1887. b. 11 April, 1861, Boston. Physician, Dorchester, Mass. Prof. Chem., Coll. Phys. and Surg., Boston. Henry Albert Bascom. A.M. b. 26 Oct., 1860, Portlanil. Merchant, Boston. Edward Webb Chase. A.M. M.D., 1880. b. 18 Mar., 1860, South Windham. Physician, Omaha, Neb. Herbert Elmore Cole. A.M. b. 26 Mar., 1800, Sebago. Prin. High Sch., Bath. Wallace Jason CoUins. M.D., 1886. b. 18 Oct., 1860, Farmingdale. Physician, Montevideo, Minn. Charles Alvah Corliss, b. 8 May, 1860, Bath. Civil engineer, Bath. John Alton Crowley, b. 16 Sept., 1862, Lcwiston. Publisher's agent, Ilydc Park, Mass. 92 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Francis Jerome Day, Jr. b. 7 May, 1860, Hallowc'll. Merchant, Canova, So. Dak. John Edward Dinsmore. A.M. b. 17 Nov., 1S(!'2, Wiiislow. Teacher. Priu. Lin- coln Acad., Newcastle. Charles Herbert Dunning, b. 23 July, ]&r)9, Jaj'. Merchant, Brownville. Frederick Howard Files. A.M. M.D., 1888. 1). 1 Dec, 18(i-2, West Gorham. Phy- sician, Sioux Falls, So. Dak. Arthur CoUis Gibson. A.M. M.D., 1885. b. 18 April, 18G0, Bangor. Physi- cian, Bangor. Howard Robinson Goodwin, b. 7 Nov., 1863, Augusta. Lawyer, Tacoma, Wash. d. 30 Jan ., 1802, Santa Barbara, Cal. Edward Freeman Holden. A.M. b.2 Sept., 1857, Otisfield. Teacher, Melrose, Mass. Charles Clifford Hutchins. A.M. b. 12 July, 1859, Canton. Prof. Physics and Astronomy. Stuyvesant Ten Broeck Jackson, b. 19 Oct., 1860, Portland. Banker, Portland. Elmer Porter Jordan, b. lit June, 1861 , Lisbon. Publisher. Herbert Philbrook Kendall. A.M. b. 9 Feb., 1861, Bowdoinham. Banker, Bow- doinham. d. '22 Feb., 1891, Philadelphia. James Daniel Lennan. b. 21 May, 1863, Richmond. Salesman. Res., Port- land. Roswell Linscott. b. 24 June, 1858, Chelsea, Mass. Farmer, Damariscotta Mills. Edward Albert Packard. A.M. M.D., Columbia, 1886. b. May, 18.58, Auburn. Physician, New York City. William Stacey Pearson. A.M. b. 9 Jan., 1861, Bangor. Sec. Board of Educ, Minneapolis, Minn. d. 21 Oct., 1890. William Abbott Perkins. A.M. b. 20 Nov., 1861, Brewer. Andover Theo. Sem., 1888. Teacher, Lynn, Mass. Noah Brooks Kent Pettengill. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1888. b. 23 Dec, 1862, Au- gusta. Lawyer, Tampa, Fla. Joseph Barton Reed. b. 24 April, 1858, Orrington. Lawyer, Portland. Arthur Joseph Russell, b. 14 Mar., 1861, Hallowell. Newspaper work, Min- neapolis, Minn. Benson Sewall. A.M. b. 2 July, 1802, Wenham, Mass. Bangor Theo. Sem. d. 28 Dec, 1887, Bangor. Horace Edwin Snow. A.M. M.D. b.5 IMay, 1860, Bucksport. Physician. Charles Henry Stetson. A.M. b. 4 Oct., 18.54, Last Sumner. Teacher. Res., East Sumner. George Benjamin Swan. b. 1 Mar., 1862, Richmond. Co. Supt. Schools, Great Falls, Montana. Edward Francis Wheeler, b. 20 Jan., 1862, Grafton, Vt. Hartford Theo. Sem., 1889. Pastor, St. Louis, INlo. Charles Simeon Woodbury. A.M. b. 4 Nov., 1860, Cape Elizabeth. Lawyer, d. 28 Oct., 1886. 3.3— * 5 Class of 1884. Charles Everett Adams. A.M. b. 3 Sept., 1863, Bangor. Director Gymna- sium, Colby Univ.; Rutgers Coll., New Brunswick, N. J. Llewellyn Barton. A.M. b. 24 Nov., 18.54, Naples. Lawyer, Portland. Henry Russell Bradley, b. 29 Oct., 1861, Bangor. ISIerchant, Tomahawk, Wis. Augustus Homer Brown. A.M. b. 14 April, 1860, Topsham. Medical examiner metropolitan police. New York City. Sampson Reed Child, b. 22 Sept., 1860, Paris. Lawyer, IMinneapolis, Minn. Donald Campbell Clark, b. 5 Feb., 1863, Bangor. Banker. WiUiam HoUey Cothren. A.M. b. 20 Sept., 1862, Farmington. Tutor. P^lec- trician, Chicago. Alfred Harris Fogg. b. 2 May, 1858, Freeport. Farmer, South Freeport. WiUiam Keene Hilton. A.M. b. 30 Sept., 1860, Damariscotta. Merchant. Zachariah Willis Kemp. A.M. b. 12 April, 1857, Otisfield. Prof. Greek and Latin, French Prot. College, Springfield, Mass. Franklin Pierce Knight. A.M. b. 15 Feb., 1853, Sweden. Teacher, Mechanic Falls. Philip Sidney Lindsay. M.D., 1888. b. 27 Mar., 1862, Norridgewock. Physi- cian, Santa Monica, Cal. Clas Wilhelm Longren. A.M. b. 27 Feb., 1857, Wirserum, Sweden. Andover Theo. Sem., 1887. Pastor, Barre, Vt. Oliver W^illiam Means. A.M. b. 9 Oct., 1860, Perry, N. Y. Hartford Theo. Sem., 1887. Pastor, Enfield, Conn. Melvin Horace Orr. b. 3 April, 1801, Brunswick. Lawyer, Stockton, Cal. .' 1 I ALUMNI 93 Horace Coleman Phinney. A.M. b. 28 June, ISdl, rortlaiiil. Meirhant, New York City. Charles Everett Sayward. b. 2."> July, 1801, Wells. Teacher, Hostoii. Ernest Charles Smith, b. 3 May, 18G4, Augusta. Harv. Div. Sell., 1S88. Pastor, Franiingham, Mass. Rodney Irving Thompson, b. 27 Mar., ISdl, t'riemlsliip. l^awyer. Union. Joseph Torrey. A.M. b. 15 July, 1862, llardwick, Vt. Prof. Chemistry, Iowa Coll. Instructor, Harvard Coll. Charles Cutler Torrey. A.M. Ph.D., Strasburg, 18M. b. 20 Dec, 1863, Hard- wick, Vt. Tutor. Andover Theo. Sem., 1889. Instructor, Andover Theo. .Sem. Sherman Warren Walker, b. 28 Feb., 1S6-2, Cornish. Banking, Portland, Ore. John Anderson W^aterman, Jr. A.M. b. 14 Mar., 18G3, Gorham. Lawyer, Gorham. Henry Merrill Wright. A.M. b. 6 Nov., 18(10, Westford, aiuss. Master, Eng. High .Sch., Boston. qi Class of 1885. Frank West Alexander. A.M. b. 14 Mar., 1860, Richmond. Teacher, K. Provi- dence, R. 1. Boyd Bartlett. b. 15 Jan., 18(14, Ells- worth. Teacher, North Andover, Mass. Prank Irving Brown. A.M. M.D., 18!)I. b. -27 Oct., 1861, Bethel. I'hysician, .South Portlanil. Wilson Ryder Butler. A.M. b. l(i I>ec., is^V), North Hancock. Teacher, Wal- tham, jNIass. Oliver Richmond Cook. A.M. b. 22 Jan., 1863, Casco. Prin. High Sch., Brain- ti"ee, Mass. Frank William Davis. A.M. b. 7 Oct., 18.")it, Naples. P.angor Theo. Sem., 189-2. Pastor, Cumljcrland Centre. Albert Webb Donnell. b. 14 Dec., 18.'')it, Alna. Literary work. Res., Sheep- scot Brialli. Teai^her, Millbury, Mass. Charles Henry Tarr. b. 20 April, 1861, Brunswick. Teacher, d. 28 Nov., 1887, Brunswick. Eugene Thomas. A.M. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1887. b. 12 June, 18.59, Richmond. Lawyer. Res., Topsham. Charles Henry Wardwell. b. 28 Feb., 1862, Gorham, N. II. Teacher, Bridgton. Law student, Boston. Jesse Francis Waterman. LL.B., Bos- ton Univ., 1887. b. 4 Aug., 18.58, Waldo- boro. Lawyer, Los Angeles, Cal. Frank Nathaniel Whittier. A.M. b. 12 Dec, 1861, Farmington. Director Gj'm- uasium and Lecturer on Hygiene. 28— *1 Class of 1886. George Stillman Berry. A.M. b. 17 Dec, 1864, Damariscotta. Teacher. Arthur Robinson Butler. A.M. b. 16 May, 1SG3, Portland. Teacher. 94 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Charles Albert Byram. b. 18 May, 1863, Freeport. Teacher, Pittsfleld, Mass. Charles Albert Davis. A.M. b. 29 Sept., 1861, Portsmouth, N. 11. Prof. Nat. Scieuce, Ahiia Coll., Alma, INIich. John Herbert Davis, b. 12 Aug., 18(53, Bangor. Journalist, Bangor. Thomas Worcester Dike. A.M. M.D., Boston Univ., 1890. b. 2 June, 1865, Bath. Physician, Newton Centre, Mass. Irving William Home. A.M. b. 10 July, 1859, Berlin, N. H. Supt. Schools, Braintree, Mass. Wallace Warren Kilgore. A.M. b. 15 Mar., 1862, Newry. Teacher, Red Wing, Minn. Allan Percy Knight, b. 14 May, 1864, Norfolk, Va. Journalist, Cleveland, O. Amos Arnold Knowlton. b. 4 Jan., 1859, Boston. Instructor, Univ. Wis., Madison, Wis. George Merrill Worris. A.M. LL.B., Cincinnati Univ., 1S88. b 20 Aug., 1863, Monmouth. Lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. John Clement Parker. A.M. M.D., 1891. b. 20 June, 1864, Lel)anon. Physi- cian and druggist, Farmington, N. H. Elmer Ellswrorth Rideout. A.M. b. 18 June, I8(i2, Cumberland. Lawyer, Boston. Frederick Lincoln Smith. A.M. b. 22 Jan., 1865, Waterboro. Teacher, Wm. Penu Charter School, Philadelphia, Penn. Herbert Lawrence Taylor, b. 1 Jan., 18.58, Belgrade. Teacher. d. 7 Mar., 1890, Red Bluff, Cal. Levi Turner, Jr. A.M. b. 16 Feb., 18.59, Somerville. Lawyer, Portland. Charles W^hitcomb Tuttle. A.M. b. 28 May, 1862, Hancock, N. H. Chemist. Res., San Francisco, Cal. Walter Vinton Wentworth. A.M. b. 11 Dec, 1863, Rockland. Ass't in Chemis- try, B. C. Chemist, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 18— *1 Class of 1887. Carroll Merton Austin. A.M. b. 8 Oct., 1863, Mexico. Teacher, Westfield, Mass. Harry Bursley Austin, b. 30 April, 1866, Farmington. Manufacturer, Weld. Mortimer Hayes Boutelle. b. 20 Oct., 1866, Brunswick. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence Blendon Burleigh. A.M. b. 1 Nov., 1864, North Linneus. Editor Ken- nebec Journal, Augusta. Edward Butler Burpee. A.M. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1891. b. 6 Oct., 1864, Rock- land. Lawyer, Boston. Austin Cary. A.M. b. 31 July, 1865, East Machias. Tutor. Forestry expert. Res., East Machias. Craig Cogswell Choate. b. 12 June, 1865, Salem, Jlass. Business, Portland. Freeman Daniel Dearth, Jr. A.M. b. 16 April, 1861, East Sangerville. Lawyer. Samuel Bartlett Fowler, b. 12 Sept., 1865, Augusta. Electrical engineer, Chi- cago, 111. William Lewis Gahan. A.M. b. 15 Mar., 1864, Harpswell. Teacher. Res., Brunswick. Charles Jaques Goodwin. A.M. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1890. b. 13 Mar., 1866, Farmington. Prof. Greek, Cornell Coll., Iowa; WesleyanUniv., Middletown, Ct. Merton Lyndon Kimball. A.M. b. 18 Mar., 1867, Waterford. Lawyer, Norway. John Veasey Lane. A.M. b. 18 Nov., 1861, Chichester, N. H. Journalist, Au- gusta. Edward Toppan Little. A.M. LL.B., Boston University, 1890. b. 17 May, 1866, Auburn. Lawyer, PhaMiix, Ariz. Edgar Leland Means. A.M. b. 23 Nov., 1864, Milbridge. Banker, Orleans, Neb. Arthur W^arren Merrill. A.M. b. 7 Mar., 1863, Chesterville. Banker, Port- land. Henry McCoUister Moulton. A.M. M.D., 1889; also Dartmouth, 1889. b. 2 Dec, 1863, Canton. Physician, Cumber- land. Charles Fred Moulton. A.M. M.D., Dartmouth, 1890. b. 23 June, 1865, Canton. Physician, Roxbury, Mass. George W^infield Parsons. A.M. b. 4 May, 1863, Brunswick. Teacher, Win- throp, Mass. Arthur W^ellesley Perkins. A.M. b. IS Dec, 1860, Farmington. Res., Farm- ington. Edward Clarence Plummer. A.M. b. 23 Nov., 1864, Freeport. Journalist, Bath. Fermer Pushor. A.M. b. 8 Dec, 18C6, Exeter. Lawyer, La Conner, Wash. Ivory Hovey Robinson. A.M. b. 3 Mar., 1859, Augusta. Prin. Washington Acad., East Machias. i I ALUMNI 95 Oliver Dana Sewall. A.M. b. 2:5 Jan., 186,5, Chcsterville. Andover Theo. Sem., 1892. Pastor, Strong. Henry Boody Skolfield. h. .31 Aus-, 1864, Uriinswick. Publislier'.s agent, Phil- adeliiliia, Penn. Francis Loring Talbot. A.M. b. 18 April, 1S64, Kast Macliias. IMercliant. Elliot Bouton Torrey. A.M. b. 7 Jan., 1867, Hard wick, Vt. Electrician, Shirley, Mass. Leander Brooks Varney. A.M. b. 9 Sept., 1864, Litchtield. Teacher. Charles Henry Verrill. A.M. LL.B., Georgetown Univ., 1890. b. 2.i April, 1866, Auburn. U.S. civil service, Dep't Labor, Washington, D. C. 29 Class of 1888. Thomas Herbert Ayer. A.M. M.D., 1893. b. 18 June, 1865, Litchfield. Phy- sician. Ernest Seymour Bartlett. A. INI. b. 17 Mar., 1866, Stouehani. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. "William Lincoln Black. A.M. b. 24 Nov., 1861, llaminonton, N. .1. Druggist. William Herbert Bradford. A.M. 1\[.I)., 1891. b. 1 .Jan., 1866, Lcwiston. Physician, Portland. George Patten Brown. A.M. b. S -June, 18(>7, Hudson, AVis. ISankiiig, Den- ver, Col. Horatio Smith Card. A.M. b. 11 Sept., 1866, Gorhani. Teacher, Bath. George Foster Gary. b. 16 Mar., 1867, East Machias. Bank cashier. Charles Thomas Carruthers. b. 29 April, 1S.")9, Portland. Teacher, Freeport. Lincoln Hall Chapman. I). l(i Jan., 1867, Daniariscotta. Merchant. Dennis Moore Cole. A.M. b. 6 Oct., 186-2, Lovell. Teacher, We.stfleld, INIass. James Lee Doolittle. A.M. b. 18 Sept., 1866, N. Y. City. Lawyer, Brunswick. Alvin Cram Dresser. A.M. b. 6 Dec, 1866, Standish. Teacher. Law student, Boston Univ. Richard "William Coding. A. M. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1890. b. 8 Nov., 1867, Acton. Lawyer, Boston. "William Toothaker Hall, Jr. A.M. b. 4 -Inly, 1866, Richmond. Teacher. Res., Somerville, Mass. Henry Clinton Hill. b. 1 Oct., 1866, Cape Elizabeth. AgentGinn & Co., Boston. George Ansel Ingalls. A.M. b. 25 .Jan., 186.1, Soutli Bridgton. Real estate, Boston. George Howard Larrabee. A.M. b. 16 .July, 1866, P.ridgton. Prin. Bridgton Acad. Frank Knox Linscott. A.M. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1893. b. 16 April, 1866, Chel- sea, IMass. Lawyer, Boston. Percy Freeman Marston. b. 14 Oct., 1864, Gorhani. Andover Theo. Seminary. John Herbert Maxwell. A.M. b. 2 June, 1862, Webster. Teacher. Albert Wesley Meserve. A.M. b. 31 Oct., 1862, Naples. Teacher. Howard Lester Shaw. A.M. b. 22 Oct., 1S6.J, Cumberland. Clerk, Coving- ton, Kj'. Albert Currier Shorey. b. 10 June, 186,"), Portland. Editor Brunswick Tele- graph. Frank Louis Smithwick. b. 10 Nov., 186.5, Spain. Druggist, Boston. Marsena Parker Smithwick. A.M. b. 31 Aug., 1867, Newcastle. Harv. Medical Sch. Albert "Walter Tolman. A.M. A.B., llarv., 1889. 1). 29 Nov., 18(i6, Ro(!kport. Ass't Prof, llhetoric;. Joseph "Williamson, Jr. A.M. b. 14 Feb., 1869, Belfast. Lawyer, Augusta. Willard Woodbury "Woodman. A.M. b. 18 Jan., I860, Hebron. Principal High School, Gorhani. 28 Class of 1889. Emerson Leland Adams. A.M. b. 6 Feb., 1866, Wilton. Insurance, Boston. Lincoln John Bodge. A.M. b. 24 May, 186.5, South Windham. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Bernard Chauncey Carroll. b. 30 May, 1868, Fort Jones, Cal. Lawyer, Stockton, Cal. John Rogers Clark. A.M. b. 13 Dec, 1863, New I'ortland. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., New York Cit_v. Thomas Stowell Crocker. LL.B., Co- lumbian Univ., 1891. b. 2.1 Nov., 1864, Paris. Lawyer. James Louis Doherty. b. 24 Mar., 186.5, Canterbury, N. B. Lawyer, Old- town. 96 BOWDOIN COLLEGE "Wallace Stedman Elden. A.M. b. 25 May, 1808, Waterville. Johns Hopkins Univ. Teacher. "William Morrell Emery. A.M. b. 2 Oct., 1866, Brunswick. Journalist, New Bedford, Mass. George Taylor Files. A.M. Ph.D., Leipsic, 1893. b. 23 Sept., 1866, Porthmd. Instructor in German. Sanford Leroy Fogg. A.M. b. 26 June, 1863, Milan, N. H. Lawyer, Bath. Charles Houlton Fogg. b. 8 Julj^ 1866, Houlton. Merchant, Houlton. Frederick William Freeman. A.M. b. 1() Mar., 1866, Saco. Teacher. Wilbur Dennett Gilpatric. A.M. b. 16 Feb., 1868, Biddeford. Teacher. Res., Saco. George William Hayes. A.M. b. 22 Oct., 1867, Lewiston. Law student and journalist, d. 31 Jan., 1894, Denver, Col. Charles Francis Hersey. A.M. b. 11 Jan., 1860, Waterford. Andover Theo. Sem., 1892. City missionary. New Bed- ford, Mass. Frank Howard Hill. b. 5 Sept., 18(57, Cape Elizabeth. Lawyer, Portland. Fremont John Charles Little. A.M. b. r^ Dec, 1861, Whiteflekl. Lawyer, Au- gusta. Ferdinand Joshua Libby. A.M. b. 11 INIar., 186.'), Lisbon. Lawyer, Boston. Frank Lynam. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1893. b. 14 Apr., 1866, Trenton. I'hysi- cian, Diiluth, Minn. Earle Abbott Merrill. A.M. b. 22 Sept., 1867, Farmington. Electrician, Chi- cago, 111. Clarence Lincoln Mitchell, b. 9 Aug., 1860, Freeport. Teacher, Wareham, Mass. Albert Edwin Weal. A.M. b. 10 Apr., 1867, Brunswick. Lawyer, Portland. Daniel Edward Owen. A.M. b. 30 April, 1868, Saco. Teacher, Thornton Acad. John Murry Phelan. A.M. b. 25 Jan., 1865, Mendon, Mass. Life insurance, New York City. Lory Prentiss, b. 10 Mar., 1867, Saco. Teacher, Newark Acad., Newark, N. J. Merwyn Ap Rice. A.M. LL.B., Co- lumbia, 1893. b. 8 Nov., 1867, Rockland. Lawyer. Oscar Louville Kideout. A.M. b. 25 June, 1865, Cumberland. Merchant, Port- land. William Pitt Pessenden Kobie. b. 5 Nov., 1863, Dorchester, Mass. Farmer, Gorham. George Lyman Rogers. A.M. b. 12 Feb., 1866, Providence, R. I. Lawyer, Farmington. Frank Melvin Russell, b. 21 June, 1864, Lovell. Merchant, Boston. Fred Cutler Russell. A.M. b. 23 Feb., 1866, Lovell. Medical School of Maine. Edward Augustus Burton Smith, b. 19 June, 1867, Augusta. Deputy U. S. Marshal, Portland. Orrin Ripley Smith. A.M. b. 9 Nov., 1866, Bowdoinham. Merchant, Middle- boro, Mass. Sidney Grant Stacey. b. 20 July, 1868, Porter. Johns Hopkins Univ. lust, iu Latin, Iowa Coll., Grinnell, la. Frank Leslie Staples. A.M. b. 28 Jan., 1866, Topsham. Lawyer, Augusta. Edward Roland Stearns, b. 10 Nov., 1867, Biddeford. Andover Theo. Sem., 1892. Pastor, New Vineyard. George Thwing. A.M. b. 14 Sept., 1867, New Sliaron. Lawyer, Minneapolis. Oliver Patterson W^atts. A.M. b. 16 July, 18(>5, Thomaston. Teacher. Verdeil Oberon White. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1892. b. 13 Oct., 1866, East Dixfleld. Physician, East Dixlield. 39— *1 Class of 1890. Homer Ellsworth Alexander, b. 19 May, 1867, Richmond. Teacher, Vance- boro. Fred John Allen, b. 27 July, 1865, Alfred. Lawyer. Ernest Leon Bartlett. b. 9 Feb., 1863, Newburgh. Teacher, Thorndike. George Wesley Blanchard. Also Harv., 1891. b. 3 July, 1868, Kinglield. Medical School of Maine. Percy W^illis Brooks, b. 2 Dec, 1868, Augusta. Banking, Boston. George Brinton Chandler, b. 21 Oct., 1865, North Fryeburg. Agent, Ginn & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Edgar Frank Conant. b. 26 June, 1867, Skowhegan. U. S. War Department, Washington, D. C. Walter Elliot Cummings. M.D., Baltimore Med. Coll., 1892. b. 26 Nov., 1868, Dexter. Physician. f ALUMNI 97 Frank Emory Dennett. LL.B., Co- lumbian Univ., 1893. b. 18 Nov., 1868, Bath. U. S. Naval Observatory, Wash- inj^ton, D. C. William Trickey Dunn, Jr. I). 7 Sept., 18(j."), North Yarniduth. Law student, Portland. George Franklin Freeman, b. 2 June, 1S()8, Everett, Mass. Ilarv. iNIed. School. Willian Horace Greeley, b. 21 Dec, 1S(!T, New Gloucester. Clerk, Boston. Henry Harmon Hastings, b. 25 Mar., 18(i5, JJcthel. Teaclier, I'awtucket, R. I. William Wingate Hubbard, b. 15 June, 18(>8, Bangor. Law stmlent. Walter Reid Hunt. b. 15 Nov., 1867, Camden. Harv. l)iv. School. Charles Lyman Hutchinson, b. 17 Feb., 18G8, Gray. Lawyer, Portland. Gilbert Berry Littlefleld. b. 2i Aug., 1808, l?iddeford. .Journalist. Edward Aloysius Francis McCul- lough. b. 19 June, 18<)8, Bangor. Ilarv. INIed. School. Wilmot Brookings Mitchell. 1). 24 Aug., 18(;7, Freeport. Instr. in Klietoric. John Marshall Washburn Moody, b. 1;> June, 18(;7, Turner. Literary work, N. Y. City. d. 1 .June, IS'J2, Auburn. Frank Purinton Morse, b. 1 Sept., 18(37, Brunswick. Prin. Freeport High School. Joseph Brooks Pendleton, b. 10 May, 1807, P>elfast. Salesman, Boston. Albert Sidney Ridley, b. 27 Dec, 18(!',t, Bowdoin. Law student, Lewiston. Herbert Clarence Royal, b. 4 Mar., lS(i(), Auburn. Law student. George Bowman Sears, b. 5 June, 1865, Danvers, Mass. Law student, Bos- ton Univ. Frank Edward Simpson, b. 7 Sept., 1868, Saco. Medical student, Chicago, 111. Arthur Vincent Smith, b. 8 July, 1808, Bowdoiidiam. Ilarv. Med. School. Warren Rufus Smith, b. 10 July, 18(39, Litchlield. Chicago Cnivcrsity. Thomas Cotter Spillane. b. 15 May, 186'.t, Lewiston. Lawyi'r, Lewiston. Elvington Palmer Spinney, b. 'M JuTie, 18(58, Georgetown. Law stndent, Alfred. Aretas Elroy Stearns, b. 19 July, 1869, Lovell Center. Lawyer, Humford Falls. Victor Veranus Thompson, b. 14 May, 1866, Friendship. Prin. High School, Rockland. George Averill Tolman. M.D., 1893. b. (i July, 1867, South Deer Isle. Physi- cian, Dover, N. H. Oliver W^illiam Turner. M.D., Jeff. Med. Coll., 189:i. b. 10 Dec, 1867, Augusta. Physician, Angusta. Henry Wilson Webb. b. 15 Oct., 1868, North Bridglon. Andovcr Theo. Scm. Walter Irving Weeks. 1). 14 Sept., 1867, Wakefield, N. II. Teacher, Warren, Mass. Harry Cargill Wingate. b. 4 Oct., 1867, Bangor. Harv. I-aw Sch. ;57— * 1 Class of 1891. Dennis Milliken Bangs, b. 1.3 June, 1868, Waterville. Student, Mod. Lang. Arthur Taylor Brown, b. .31 Dec, 1867, Peabody, Mass. Yale Law School. Lewis Albert Burleigh, b. 24 Mar., 1870, Linneus. Harvard Law Sch. Thomas Stone Burr. b. 14 Mar., 1870, Bangor. Prin. High Sch., Oldtown. Henry Smith Chapman, b. 28 June, 1S71, (jiorham. .Journalist, New York City. Jonathan Prince Cilley, Jr. b. 3 Nov., 1868, Rockland. Law student. Thomas Rich Croswell. b. 19 Nov., 18(i9, Farmington Falls. Prin. Wilton Acad. Henry Eastman Cutts. A.M. b. 21 Sept., 1867, Y'ork. Chemist, New York City. Fred Drew. b. 18 Dec, 18(57, Alfred. Harv. Med. Sch. Edwin Clarence Drew. b. 26 Aug., 1868, Portland. Law student, Minneap- olis, jNIinn. Fred W^inburn Dudley, b. 26 Oct., 1867, P.ridgton. Teacher. Kes., Harrison. Algernon Sidney Dyer. b. 2 May, 1S68, Hollis. Harv. Div. Sch. Res., Bar Mills. Samuel Hodgman Erskine. b.2 Feb., 1861, Whitelield. Teacher, Hiitland, Vt. Fred Ober Fish. b. 24 Mar., 1869, East Ma(;hias. Patent ollice, Washington, D.C. Warren Leavitt Foss. b. 25 Mar., 1867, North Leeds. Teacher. Edward Nathan Goding. b. 4 Nov., 1870, Alfred. Law student. 98 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Owen Eaton Hardy, b. 13 July, 1862, Wilton. Andover Theo. Sem. Charles Harris Hastings, b. 6 Nov., 1867, Bethel. Chicago University. John Mason Hastings, b. 1 Oct., 1869, Bangor. Ilarv. Med. Sch. Emerson Hilton, b. IJan., 1869, Dam- ariscotta. Law student. Weston Morton Hilton, b. 1 Oct., 1870, Daniariscotta. Harv. Med. Sch. John Roberts Home, Jr. b. 6 Sept., 1S67, Berlin, N. H. Andover Theo. Sem. Ralph Hudson Hunt. A.M. b. 12 Dec, 1869, Camden. Medical School of Maine. Henry Chester Jackson, b. 22 Sept., 1863, Wiscasset. Director Gymnasium, Phillips Acad., Exeter, N. H. Henry "Whiting Jarvis. b. 15 Aug., 1869, Aulnu-n. Law student, Denver, Col. Ivory Chandler Jordan, b. 8 Mar., 1868, Palmyra. Law student, Charleston, W. Va. John Francis Kelley. b. 15 J una, 1870, Biddeforil. Teacher. Charles Stuart Pessenden Lincoln, b. 13 Aug., 1869, Brunswick. Hospital Coll. ot Medicine, Louisville, Ky. Everett Grey Loring. b. 10 Nov., 1S(;9, North Yarmouth. Teacher, St. Paul, IMinn. Alexander Peter McDonald, b. 25 Dec, 186.), Prince Edward Island. Ando- ver Theo. Sem. Angus Martin McDonald, b. 16 Mar., 1867, Prince Edward Island. Andover Theo. Sem. George Clifton Mahoney. b. 15 Oct., 1866, Shcepscot Bridge. Medical student. Wilbert Grant Mallet, b. 10 April, 1867, Topsham. Inst. Nat. Sci. State Nor- mal Sch., Farmington. Charles Vincent Minott, Jr. b. 12 Sept., 1867, Phippsburg. Merchant. Elden Philip Munsey. b. 30 Dec, 1868, Wiscasset. Prin. High Sch., Wis- casset. Henry Nelson, b. 15 Nov., 1865, Alua. Civil engineer, Rumford Falls. Parker Cleaveland Newbegin. b. 19 May, 1869, Deflauce, O. Mass. Inst, of Technology. Edward Henry Newbegin. b. 25 Nov., 1870, Deflance, O. Prot. Epis. Theo. Sch., Cambridge, Mass. Albert Kansas Newman, b. 18 Aug., 1870, East Wilton. Harvard Law Sch. Henry Herbert Noyes. b. 8 Dec, 1868, Portland. Andover Theo. Sem. George Harris Packard, b. 24 Jan., 1871, Auburn. Merchant, Boston, d. 10 Jan., 1894. Fred Eugene Parker, b. 8 Oct., 1868, Stroudwater. Director of Gymnasium, Brown Univ. Walton WilUs Poor. b. 20 Mar., 1867, Sebago. Priu. Hampden Acad. Gould Alexander Porter, b. 10 May, 1869, Strong. Harvard Law Sch. Bertrand Dean Ridlon. b. 11 June, 1868, Kezar Falls. Medical Sch. of Maine. Charles Edward Riley, b. 20 Sept., 1867, Brownfleld. Prof. Math, and Phys- ics, Drury Coll. d. 21 May, 1892, Spring- field, Mo. Otto Clifford Scales, b. 21 Sept., 1868, Wilton. Harvard Law Sch. Fred James Simonton, Jr. b. 26 Mar., 1869, Rockland. Merchant. Harry DeForest Smith, b. 22 Jan., 1869, Gardiner. Teacher, Rockland. Thomas Henry Tibbetts. b. 8 June, 18(i8, Woolwich. Teacher. Frank Martain Tukey. b. 21 .June, 1870, Newcastle. Harv. Med. Sch., Boston. Charles Sias Wright, b. 17 Oct., 18()8, Winterport. Ilarv. Med. Sch., Boston. 52— * 2 Class of 1892. Samuel Belcher Abbott, h. 17 May, 1872, Farmington. Law student. Percy Bartlett. b. U April, 1871, Ells- worth. Teacher, Queechy, Vt. Roy Fairfield Bartlett. b. 26 Oct., 1869, Caribou. Law student, d. 15 Feb., 1894. Joel Bean, Jr. b. 4 Dec, 18()7, Presque Isle. Law student, Lewiston. Frank Howard Cothren. b. 10 July, 1871, Brooklyn, N. Y. Law student. George Downes. b. 23 Dec, 1868, Machias. Law student, Calais. Frank Durgin. b. 19 Aug., 1871, Cor- nish. Law student. Henry Crosby Emery, b. 21 Dec, 1872, Ellsworth. Post-gi-aduate student. Harvard; Columbia. Herbert Tobey Field, b. 25 Mar., 1868, Belfast. Bank cashier. ALUMNI 99 Leon Melcher Fobes. b. 20 Mar., 1869, Portland. Merchant. Thomas Henry Gately, Jr. b. 19 Apr., 18(!it, Portland. Law student. Fred Vincent Gummer. b. 27 Aug., 18(ifj, I5run.s\vick. Teacher. Herbert Reed Gurney. b. 25 Sept., 18G9, Brockton, Mass. Teacher, Poiigh- keepsie, X. Y. Arthur Lyndon Hersey. b. 18 May, 1869, Portland. Salesman. "Will Osmar Hersey. b. 9 Jan., 1867, Pembroke. Prin. Bridgton Hi^h Sch. John Fernald Hodgdon. b. 10 Sept., 18G8, .S. Berwick. .Journalist. John Carpenter Hull. b. 1 Nov., 1870, Deeriug. Prin. Fryeburg Acad. William Beaman Kenniston. b. 20 Nov., 1870, Boothbay. Medical Sch. of Me. Harry "Woods Kimball, b. 29 Aug., 1870, Portland. Andover Theo. Seni. Theodore Studley Lazell. b. 20 Aug., 1871, Rockland. Merchant, Roanoke, Va. Lyman Kingman Lee. b. 25 April, 1807, Koxcroft. Teacher, Thomaston. Harry Farrar Linscott. A.M. b. 4 June, 1871, Thomaston. Chicago Univ Roland "William Mann. b. ii July, I8(i8, Bangor. Banking, Boston. Alfred Mitchell Merriman. A.M. 1). 1 May, 1808, Harpswell. Ass't in Chcni. James David Merriman. b. 11 July, 1807, Litchlicld. Prin. Gould's Acad., Bethel. Thomas Flint Nichols, b. 10 Nov., 1870, Pownal. Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass. Ervine Dewey Osborne, b. (i June, 1809, Gorham. Prin. High Sch., llolliston, Mass. Samuel Leon Parcher. b. 12 July, 1809, Biddeford. Medical student. Charles Melvin Pennell. b. 20 July, 1804, Harpswell. Prin. Topshatn High Sch. Howard Wellington Poore. b. G Aug., 1807, Denmark. Teacher, Concord, INfass. Everett Alberton Pugsley. b. 'A Jan., 18.58, Rochester, N. H. Instructor in Rhet- oric, St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, N. Y. "Winfield Scott Randall, b. 16 Nov., 1807, Ilarpswell. Andover Theo. Sem. Charles Selwyn Rich. b. 10 April, 1870, Portland. Andover Theo. Sem. Harold Robinson Smith, b. 8 Feb., 1870, X. Whitefleld. Law stuileut, Au- gusta. Clinton Stacy, b. .30 Nov., ]8()8, Porter. Medical School of Maine. Frederic George Swett. 1). 16 Sept., 1869, Wintcrport. Res., Bangor. John Moss "Wathen., b. 17 Jan., 1867, Richibuoto, N. B. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1890. Pastor, Lisbon, N. H. Edward Haven Wilson, b. 3 Nov. , 1809, Orono. Law student, I'ortlilnd. Earl Boynton "Wood. b. 7 Jan., 1871, Bangor. Ilarv. I)iv. Sch. Ernest Boyen Young, b. 11 July, 1869, Brunswick. Harv. Med. Sch. 40— *1 Class of 1893. Prank Russell Arnold. b. 1 Oct., 1871, Braintree, Mass. Prin. High Sch., Southbridge, Mass. Sanford Oscar Baldwin, b. 25 Aug., 18(;7, Topsham. Medical School of Maine. Byron Fuller Barker, b. 19 Nov., 187-2. Medical School of Maine. Charles Calvin Bucknam. b. 18 Nov., isTl, Ea.stport. Law student, Portland. Elmer Howard Carleton. b. 11 July, lS(i8, Dresden. Director Gymnasium, Dart- mouth Coll. "Weston Percival Chamberlain, b. 4 .June, 1871, Bristol. Ilarv. Med. Sch. George Scott Chapin. b. 12 May, 1871, Torch I>ake, Mich. Prin. Derby Acad., Hingham, ISIass. Milton Sherburne Clifford, b. 6 Apr., 1871, Lincoln.' .Journalist, Bangor. Harry Smith Emery, b. 23 Jan., 1872, Buxton. Teacher. Harry Clifton Fabyan. b. 15 June, ISTO, Portland. Law student. Reginald Rusden Goodell. b. 14 July, 1809, Portland. Teacher, Kryeburg. Arthur Sewall Haggett. b. 8 May, 1870, Newcastle. Johns Hopkins Univ. Charles Henry Howard, b. 12 May, 1870, Dixfield. Andover Theo. Sem. Augustus Alphonso Hussey. b. 26 May, 1872, Houlton. Medi(-al student, Co- lumbia Coll. Albert Savage Hutchinson, b. 27 Oct., 1872, Auburn. Teacher, Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. 100 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Alley Rea Jenks. b. 23 May, 1871, Brownville. Law student, IToulton. il. 28 Feb., 1894. Albert Marshall Jones, b. 5 Mar., 1872, Portland. Prin. High Sch., Cornish. Jesse White Lambert, b. 27 Nov., 1867, Wiscasset. Teacher, Bath. George Wood McArthur. b. 8 Jan., 1872, Mannsville, N. Y. Manufacturing, Biddeford. Herbert Lindsay McCann. b. 21 Sept., 18Go, llolling Dam, N. B. Bangor Theo. Sem. George Stover Machan. b. 21 July, 1S67, Argenta, 111. Assistant in Biology. John Shepard May. b. 25 Sept., 1871, Augusta. Merchant. Herbert Augustine Owen. b. 10 Mar., 1871, Buxton. .Merchant, Chicago. Richard Conant Payson. b. 5 Nov., 1870, Portland. Manufacturer, Portland. Clarence Webster Peabody. b. 26 Jan., 1871, I'ortland. Law student. John Higgins Pierce, b. 17 Mar., 1870, Portland. Ilarvai-d Law Sch. Charles Hale Savage. b. 11 Oct., 1872, Northlield, Vt. Law student. Au- burn. Frederick Milton Shaw^. b. 14 Feb., 1871, Gorliani. Teacher. Philip Morton Shaw. b. 30 Mar., 1872, (iorliani. Law .student. George Wilder Shay. b. 31 Mar., 18(i(!, Haynesville. Prin. Patten Acad. Henry Merrill Wilder, b. 19 Jan., 1871, Williamsburgh. Res., Brownville. 31— *1 Class of 1894. Candidates fok Degree of Bachelor OF Arts. William Fernald Allen, b. 30 Nov., J870, Marblehead, Mass. Res., Portland. John Wendell Anderson, b. 25 Dec, 1871, Gray. Res., Togus. Harry Edwin Andrews, b. 25 July, 1872, Sturbridge, INIass. Res., Kenuebunk. Harry Lee Bagley. b. 31 May, 1870, .Jonesport. Rupert Henry Baxter, b. 2(3 July, 1871, Portland. Alfred Veazie Bliss, b. 23 Jan., 1872, Bangor. Frank Ellsworth Briggs. b. 30 June, 1869, Paris. Res., Mechanic Falls. Harry Edgar Bryant, b. 26 Oct., 1872, Saco. Samuel Preble Buck, Jr. b. 17 Dec, 1868, West Woolwich. Arthur Chapman, b. 6 Aug., 1873, Deering. Res., Woodfords. Trelawney Clarendale Chapman, Jr. b. 23 Dec, 1869, Upton. Res., Springileld, Mass. William Eugene Currier, b. 10 June, 1871, Lynn, Blass. Res., Leicester, Mass. Francis William Dana. b. 27 Nov., 1871, Portland. George Colby DeMott. b. 27 Sept., 1865, Chelsea, Mass. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1892. Frank G-eorge Farrington. b. 11 Sept., 1873, Augusta. Charles Aleott Flagg. b. 1 Oct., 1870, Sandwich, INIass. Fred Whitney Flood, b. 26 Jan., 1870, Ellsworth Falls. Francis Alvan Frost, b. 26 Aug., 1872, Belfast. Res., Westford, Mass. Fred Weston Glover, b. 24 April, 1874, Rockland. Rufus Henry Hinkley, Jr. b. li) Feb., 1873, Portland. Hiram Lionel Horsman. b. 30 Oct., 1870, Princeton. Frank Herbert Knight, b. 30 July, 1873, Durham. Res., Deering Centre. Charles Milton Leighton. b. 8 July, 1870, Osage, la. Res., Portland. James Atwood Levensaler. b. 9Mar., 1871, Thomaston. Fred Joseph Libby. b. 24 Nov., 1874, Richmond. George Curtis Littlefield. b. 23 June, 1872, Saco. Albert Jones Lord. b. 1 Oct., 18()8, Ellsworth Falls. Norman McKinnon. b. 6 Oct., 1862, Kilmarnock, Scotland. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1892. George Anthony Merrill, b. 6 Nov., 1870, Pownal. Charlie Edward Merritt. b. 9 April, 1869, Jay. Clarence Edward Michels. b.5Dec., 18(i9, Durham. Res., Brunswick. Philip Henry Moore, b. 8 Sept., 1867, Champlaiu, N. Y. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1892. ALUMNI 101 Andrew Urquhart Ogilvie. b. 25 Mar. , 1866, Dunrlee, Scotland. Bangoi- Theo. Seni., 1S9-2. Frederick William Pickard. b. 2 Sept., 1S71, Portland. Ralph Parker Plaisted. b. 17 Mar., 1871, Bangor. Kes., Augusta. Howard Andrew Ross. b. 21 Oct., 1871, Biddeford. Robert Lester Sheaff. b. 19 Mar., 1863, Norridgewock. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1889. Edgar Myrick Simpson. 18(;!t, Charlestown, Ma.'is. Newcastle. Samuel Richard Smiley 1860, .St. Lambert, Quebec. Sem., 1892. b. 14 Mar., Kes., North b. 4 Nov., Bangor Theo. Leon Leslie Spinney, b. 28 Mar., 1870, Lewiston. Res., Brunswick. Pliny Fenimore Stevens, b. 1 Nov., 1872, Jlechanic Falls. Emery Howe Sykes. b. 17 Feb., 1874, Auburn. Elias Thomas, Jr. b. l,") Mar., 1871, Bortlaml. William Widgery Thomas, 2d. b. 18 April, 1873, Portland. William Putnam Thompson, b. 20 April, 1873, Brooklyn, N. Y. Res., Bath. Benjamin Bradford W^hitcomb. b. ',i Dec, 1873, Ellsworth Falls. Res., Ells- worth.' Harry Cooley W^ilbur. b. 21 June, 1872, Cloverdale, Cal. Res., Portland. 47 i CATALOGUE MEDICAL GRADUATES, Class of 1821. Phineas Ingalls. b. 22 Dec, 1797, Britlgtoii. Phj-sician, Standish. il. '24 Fel)., 18oS, Goi-hani. Wheeler Randall, b. 21 Feb., 1797, Colchester, Conn. Physician, Huntsville, Tex. d. 25 Aug., 1865. 2 *2 Class of 1822. Samuel Austin, b. New Haven, Ct. Date of death unknown. George Griswold Baker, b. 19 Dec, 1708, Montville, Conn. Physician, Nor- walk, O. U. S. Consul, Athens. Pliysi- cian, Norwich, Conn. d. 20 April, 1877. Green Berry Bowles, lies. (1822), Bed- ford Co., Va. James Coffin, b. 24 Jan., 1799, Saco. Physi(-ian, Pittston. d. July, 1833. John Duncan, b. 178(5, Scotland. Phy- sician, Charlestown, X. II. d. 3 Oct., 1825. George Frost, b. 1800. Pbysiciau, Springfield, Mass. d. 28 July, 1846. James HaU. b. 9 April, 1802, Cornish, N. H. Governor, Cape Palmas Colony. Merchant, Baltimore, d. 31 Aug., 1889, Elk Ridge, Md. Allen Phillips, b. 29 June, 1798, Greene. Physician, Farmington ; Dul)U(iue, Iowa, d. 9 Oct., 1878. Moses Rust PvUsifer. b. 9 Oct., 1799, Poland. J'hysician, Sullivan; Minot; Ells- worth, d. 27 Jan., 1877. Asa Quimby. lies., Albion, d. before 1834. Albus Rea. b. 1794, Windliam. Phy- sician, Portland, d. 14 Oct., 1848. Abiel Reed. Physician, Deer Isle, d. 21 Feb., 1866. John Ricker. b. 17 Feb., 1787, Buck- field. Physician, Durham; Orono. d. 25 Jan., 1867, Watervillc, Minn. Ahimaaz Blanchard Simpson. A.M., 1824. A.B., Union, 1819. Physician, New Hampton, N. H. d. 1827. Maltby Strong. A. B., Yale, 1819. b.24 Nov., 1796, Heath, Mass. Physiciau, South Hadley, Mass. ; Rochester, N. Y. d. 5 Aug., 1878. George Washington Tinker, b. 1798, Ellsworth. Physician, Bowdoiuham. d. 21 Aug., 1882. 16— *15 Class of 1823. John Atkinson. b. 13 April, 1799, IVIinot. Physician, Newbia-yport, Mass. d. 21 Aug., 1852. John Bell. A.B., Union, 1819. M.D., Dart., 1825. b.5 Nov., 1800, Francestown, N. H. Prof. Anat. and Phys., Univ. Ver- mont, d. 29 Nov., 1830, Thibodeaux, l.a. Thomas Perkins Bourne. A.B., 1819. Samuel Crockett Bradbury, b. 31 Oct., 1798, Buxton. Physician, Bangor, d. 16 Jan., 1831. Roland Hammond Bridgham. b. 15 May, 1800, Minot. Physician, Sullivan; Castine. State Senate, 1832, '34, '43. d. 25 Jan., 1871. Jedediah Cobb. A.B., 1820. Sumner Cummings. b. 24 April, 1800, Waterford. Physician, Portland, d. 24 Nov., 1848. Melzer Flagg. b. West Boylston, Mass. Physician, Cincinnati, O. d. James Fogg. b. Aug., 1799, Lebanon. Physician, Limerick, d. 2 July, 1861. Daniel Garcelon. b. 7 Feb., 1795, Lew- iston. Physician, Lisbon, d. 7 Sept., 1863. CastiUo Hamlin, b. 3 July, 1797, "Wa- terford. Ph}-sician,Foxcroft; Portsmouth, R. I. d. 18 April, 1834. John P. Haynes. Res. (1823), Bedford Co., Va. 104 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Asa Heald. b. 6 May, 1798, Nelson, N. H. Physician, Dublin, N. H. tl. 28 Jan., 1874. Aaron Lufkin. Physician, Freeport. d. 12 Feb., 1826. Anselm Martin. b. 1787, Hartford, N. Y. Physician, d. 3 Jan., 1872. Samuel MorrUl. A.B., 1820. Seth Peirce. b. 3 June, 1790, Lisbon. Physician, d. 5 May, 1826. Titus Collins Pratt, b. 19 April, 1797, Saybrook, Conn. Physician, Somerset, N. Y. d. 8 May, 1878. Moses Sweat, b. 18 Mar., 1788, Port- land. Physician, Parsonsfleld. State Sen- ate, 1831-32. d. 25 Aug., 186.5. Samuel Vose. b. 2 Aug., 1792, Antrim, N. H. Physician, New Portland, d. 14 Nov., 1860. Malthus Augustus Ward. b. 1792, Haverhill, Mass. Physician, Salem, Mass. Prof. Nat. Hist., Univ. Georgia, d. June, 1863. Ebenezer WeUs. b. 9 Mar., 1801, War- ren. Prof. Obstetrics. Physician, Free- port, d. 23 Oct., 1879. Eber West. Res. (1823), Tolland, Conn. 23 *21 Class of 1824. Symonds WiUiam Baker, b. 18 Nov., 1709, Durham. Physician, Windham ; Aus- tin, Tex. d. 2 Mar., 1884. John Barrett. A.B., 1821. Calvin Blake, b. r> Sept., 1798, Turner. Physician, Hartland. d. 8 Oct., 1870. John Adams Bodwell. b. 11 May, 1797, Methuen, Mass. d. before 1828. Stephen Coffin Brewster. Baptized 5 Aug., 1804, Buxton. Physician, Buxton ; New York City. d. 1847, Bloomingdale, N. Y. Ezra Carter, b. 27 Dec, 1798. Physi- cian, Concord, N. H. d. 28 Jan., 1879. Tolman Cary. b. 17 July, 1796, Ster- ling, Mass. Physician, Sangerville; Ban- gor, d. 28 June, 1830. Jonathan Chase. b. 9 Feb., 1801, Cornish, N. H. Physician, Lockport, N. Y. d. 17 Dec, 18.52. Eliphalet Clark. b. 12 May, 1801, Strong. Physician, Portland, d. 8 June, 1883. James Cochran, b. 1 Dec, 1802, Lim- ington. Physician, Monmouth. d. 7 Sept., 1874. Rufus King Cushing. A.B., 1821. John Shapleigh Pernald. b. 1 May, 1800, Eliot. Physician, Barrington, N. H. d. 4 Jan., 1863. Simeon Fuller, b. 3 Oct., 1799, Paris, d. 1841. Timothy Gordon, b. 10 Mar., 1795, Newbury, Mass. Physician, Ilingham, Mass. d. 5 Nov., 1877, Plymouth, Mass. Ezekiel Holmes. A.B., Brown, 1821. A.M., Colby, 1824. b. 24 Aug., 1801, Kings- ton, Mass. Lecturer, Chemistry and Nat. Hist., Colby. Editor, Wiuthrop. State Senate, 1840-42. d. 9 Feb., 1865. Benjamin Johnson, b. 14 June, 1802, Limerick. Physician, Frankfort; Dover, d. 20 Nov., 1869. Asa Howe King. A.B., Yale, 1821. b. 5 April, 1798, New Haven, Conn. Physi- cian, Essex, Conn.; Old Saybrook, Conn, d. 20 Nov., 1870. Clark Lillybridge. A.M., Colby, 1826. b. 20 Mar., 1799, Stafford, Ct. Physician. John Gale MerriU. A.B., Brown, 1821. A.M., Colby, 1824. b. 3 June, 1797, Sedg- wick. Physician, Sedgwick, d. 1826. Samuel Whittlesey Pratt, b. li Mar. , 1795, Essex, Conn. Physician, Saybrook, Conn. d. 21 Mar., 1831. Charles Snow. b. 24 July, 1803, Fitch- burg, Mass. Physician and merchant, Tuscaloosa, Ala. d. 15 Jan., 1884. 21. * 20 Class of 1825. Horace Bacon, b. 1804, Scarborough. Physician, Biddeford. d. 24 April, 1888. David Folsom. b. 24 Mar., 1800, Tam- worth,N. H. Physician, Vassalboro; Au- gusta, d. 11 Aug.,18G5. Samuel Ford. b. 1800, Gray. Physi- cian, Newcastle, d. March, 1875, St. Jos- eph, Mo. Alva Godding, b. 5 Nov., 1796, Troy, N. H. Physician, Winchendon, Mass. d. 11 Jan., 1875. William Baston Gooch. b. 1796, Yar- mouth. Physician, Yarmouth; South Dennis, Mass. ; Truro, Mass. d. 29 June, 1868. Samuel Greeley, b. 6 Nov., 1793, Mt. Vernon. Physician, Ellsworth, d. 29 Dec, 1877. Ebenezer Parsons HiUs. b. 1804, New- bury, Mass. Physician, Fitchburg, Mass. d. 22 Mar., 1854, Shirley, Mass. MEDICAL GRADUATES 105 Gad Hitchcock. b.l8 April, 1788, Pem- broke, Mass. Physician, North Yarmouth. (1. 17 Nov., 1837. Cyrus Knapp. b. 10 Mar., 1797, Leeds. I'hysiciau, Winthrop; New York City; Chicago, d. 24 Sept., 1871, Mahlen, Mass. Richmond Loring. A.B., 18'22. William Ludwig. b. 17!t8, Waldoboro. Physician, Lincoln, d. 14 Oct., 1849, Wal- doboro. Martin M. H. Markoe. Res. (182.')), St. Croix, W. I. Charles Hugh Patterson McLellan. A.B., 18-22. George Packard. A.B., 1821. Eben Parsons, b. 11 July, 1798, New Gloucester. Physician, d. before 18'28. Augustus Peirce. A.B., Harv., 1820. A.M., Harv. b. 13 March, 1802, New Salem, Mass. Physician, Nashua, N. H. ; Tyugs- borough, Mass. d. 20 May, 1849. James Hamilton Peirce. b. 3 Oct., 1803, Waterboro. Physician, Waterboro. (1. 3 Aug., 1878. Jeremiah S Putnam. b. 20 Aug., 17i(8, Danvers, Mass. Physician, York, d. 5 April, 1877. Increase Sumner Sanger, b. 2G Oct., 1788, Framingham (? ), Mass. Physician, Hampden, d. 14 Oct., 1848. Cephas Whitney, b. 19 Feb., 1802, Gray. d. 211 .June, 1820. Levi Willis, b. 30 Aug., 1802, Paris, d. 12 April, 1826, in Louisiana. 21 — * 20 Class of 1826. John Adams. Res. (182()), Bloomfield. Benjamin Ayer. b.Alna. Pbysiciau. d. John Goodeve Brown, b. 14 Oct., 1797. Physician, Waldoboro; Bangor; War- ren; Damariscotta; Winthrop; Wakefield, Mass. d. 6 April, 18(iC. William Freeman Cooper. M.D.,La- porte Med. Coll., 18,50. b. 20 Sept., 1801, Croydon, N. H. Physician, Kelloggsville, N. Y. d. 4 April, 1881. Silas Durkee. A.B., Dartmoiith, 1822. b. 22 Nov., 1798, Hanover, N. H. Physi- cian, Portsmouth, N. H.; Boston, d. 17 July, 1878. Homer Earle. b. 30 May, 1798, Milford, Mass. Physician, Ohio. d. Benjamin Fowler, b. 2 Nov., 1801, Unity. Physician, Troy. d. 29 Aug., 1840. Asa Heath, b. 7 Sept., 1804, Saco. Physician, Detroit; South Windsor, d. 26 Nov., 1881, Freeport. Daniel Sanborn Hobbs. b. Oct., 1799, Ellingham, N. H. Physician, Madi- son, N. H. d. 8 Nov., 1883. Eliakim Atherton Holman. b. 20 Apr., 1799, Bolton, Mass. Physician, Harvard, Mass. d. 22 .Jan., 1869. Job Holmes, b. 17 Oct., 1799, Oxford. Physician, Paris ; Calais, d. 1 March, 1864. Daniel Knight Kennedy. A.M., Colby, 1828. b. 1798, .Jefferson. Physician, Booth- bay; Wiscasset. d. 26 Aug., 1873. Phineas Washington Leland. b. 8 Oct., 1788, Grafton, Mass. Physician, Bos- ton. U. S. Collector Customs, Fall River, Mass. State Senate, 1843. d. 22,Jan.,1870. Ivory H. Lucas, b. 1792, Edgartown, Mass. Physician, Edgartown, Mass. d. 18 Aug., 1870. WiUiam McDougall. A.B., 1820. Tobias Purington. b. 19 Mar., 1801, Windham. Physician, Lewiston. State Senate, 1836. U. S. civil service, d. 3 May, 1880, Washington, D. C. David Marston Sanborn, b. 7 Sept., 1801, Sanbornton, N. H. Physician, Pierce- land, Md. d. Francis Shurtleff. Res., Litchfield. (1. before 1828. Edward Southwick. b. ."0 Aug., 1798, Danvers, Mass. d. .'> Nov., 1840, Augusta. George Washington Stiekney. b. 16 April, 1799, Hallowell. Physician, North Anson, d. 8 Mar., 1887. Greenfield Pote Thompson, b. 25 June, 1796, Falmouth. Physician, Yarmouth; Portland, d. 30 < )ct., 1880, Yarmouth. James Bigelow Whitcomb. b. 1 Sept., 1804, Bolton, Mass. Physician, Brooklyn, Conn. Surg. 11th Conn. Vols. d. 22 Dec, 1880. 22— *21 Class of 1827. Niran Bates, b. 27 Nov., 1801, Fay- ette. Physician, Orono; East Machias. d. 1 June, 1863. Gilman Lougee Bennett, b. 13 Dec, 180.1, Parsonsfield. Physician, Middleton, N. H. ; Parsonsfield. State Senate, 1841-2. d. 10 Dec, 1872. Nathan A. Bradbury, b. 20 June, 1801, Poland. Physician, Sweden, d. 18 April, 1879. 106 BOWDOIN COLLEGE SUvanus Brown. b. 22 Mar., 1807, Hamilton, Mass. Phj'sician, Derry, N. H. d. 18 Oct., 1870. Charles Choate. A.B., Harv., 1823. b. 12 Feb., 1803, Ipswich, Mass. Pliysician, La Harpe, 111. d. 17 June, 1874, Monti- bello. 111. Alanson L. Cooper, b. IG Oct., 1804, Croydon, N. H. Physician, Auburn, N. Y. d. 1841. William Samuel Emerson. A. B,, Harv., 1823. b. 12 Feb., 1801, Keunebunk. Physician, Alton, 111. d. 28 Sept., 1837. Daniel Forbes, b. 15 April, 1802, Ban- gor. Physician, Lincoln, d. Sept., 18(55, Florida. Arcbelaus Putnam Fuller, b. 12 Feb., 1799, Middleton, Mass. Physician, Fair- field, d. 8 Oct., 1880. Moses Gould. A.B., Colby, 1826. b. 27 May, 1800, Boxford, Mass. Druggist, Bal- timore, d. 30 June, 1843, Boxford, Mass. AATiUiam Hatch. A.B., 1824. Benjamin Kittredge. Res. (1827), Sa- lem, Mass. d. before 1840. Josiah Lane. Res. (1827), New Glouces- ter, d. Benjamin Lincoln. A.B., 1823. Thomas Luce Megquier. b. 1802, New Gloucester. Physician, Winthrop. d.l855. John Merrill, b. 3 June, 1803, Tops- ham. Physician, Rockland, d. 23 April, 1868. David H. Mirick. b. Brookfield (?), Mass. Physician, Gardiner, d. 1837. Joseph Perham. b. 6 Jan.. 1804, Farm- ington. Pliysician, Ohio; Missouri. Drug- gist, Anoka, Minn. d. .Jan., 1886. Byron Porter, b. 11 May, 1802, Vienna. Physician, Dixmont; Bangor; Waterville. d. 24 Feb., 1871, Worcester, Mass. Epaphras K. Prescott. b. 29 June, 1801. Physician, Monmouth, d. about 1876. "William Henry Augustus Chandler Prescott. b. 20 Mar., 1807, Dresden. Physician, Phippsburg. d. Oct., 1832. Isaac Ray. A.M., 1846. LL.D., Brown, 1879. b. 16 Jan., 1807, Beverly, Mass. Physician, Eastport. Supt. Butler Insane Asylum, Providence, R. 1. Res., Phila- delphia, d. 31 Mar., 1881. Zachariah Spaulding. b. 13 Nov., 1799, Westminster, Mass. Physician, Bingham, d. 16 Nov., 1865. Amos Collins Wilbur, b. 25 Nov., 1796, Hopkinton, R. I. Physician, Fall River, Mass. d. 28 Dec, 1873, Hopkin- ton, R. I. 24— *24 Class of 1828. David Bdmond Allen Brainard. b. 28 Nov., 1807, Winthrop. Physician, Hal- lowell; St. Albans; Palmyra, d. 5 July, 1847, Whitefleld. Nelson Howard Car y. b. 5 Jan., 1807, Bridgewater, Mass. Physician, Gorham ; Wayne; Durham, d. 10 April, 1877. Moses Dakin. b. 20 May, 1794, Mason, N. H. Physician, Hojie; Islesborough. d. 13 June, 1864, Hope. Michael G. Delaney. b. 1812, Ireland. Surgeon, U. S. N. d. 5 April, 1866, Geneva, N. Y. Jeremiah Dummer. A.B., 1825. Seth W. Eells. Physician, Belfast (1830). d. David Flanders, b. 13 May, 1800, Goffs- town, N. H. Physician, Londonderry N. H. d. 5 Nov., 1850. Thomas Emery Gage. b. 1801, Au gusta (?). Pliysician, Rochester, Mass d. April, 1865. Henry Gillmore. Res. (1828), Stafford Conn. Cyrus Hamlin, b. 16 July, 1802, Liv ermore. Physician, Calais, d. May, 1839 Galveston, Tex. Daniel Harwood. b. 21 Mar., 1801 Barre,Mass. Dentist, Boston. Prof . Den tistry, Harv. Dental School, d. 2 Oct. 1881, Dorchester, Mass. Sullivan Holman. Res. (1828), Corn- ville. Oliver B. Howe. Res. (1828), Bethel. Nathaniel Knight Kelly, b. 14 Sept., 1800, Plaistow, N. H. Physician, Plais- tt)w, N. H. d. 12 Nov., 1886. Alfred Marcy Leonard, b. 1802, Shutes- bury, Mass. Physician, Clarkson, N. Y. d. 14 Dec, 1856. WiUiam McLellan. b. 18 Feb., 1803, Newlield. Physician, Lisbon, d. 6 May, 1879. Richard Moody, b. 8 Mar., 1803, Saco. Pliysician, Belfast, d. 2 Oct., 1884. Edward Bucknam Moore, b. 12 June, 1801, Lancaster, N. H. Physician, Boston, d. 16 Sept., 1874, Chelsea, Mass. MEDICAL GRADUATES 107 b. Mer- Physi- b. 18 a. 20 18 d. 05, 26 Samuel Plaisted. A.B., Brown, 1825. A.M., Colby, 18-28. b. 24 Nov., 1801, Gardi- ner. Physician, Waterville. d. 14 April, ISCO. Charles Glidden Robinson. edith, N. II. d. before ls:U. Levi P. Sawyer, b. Betbel. cian, DenmarK. d. 10 Oct., 1804. Thomas Sherman, b. 29 June, 1803, Edgecomb. Physician, Dresden, d. 20 Aug-., 1842, Augusta. Charles Snell. A.B., 1825. Tristram Oilman Stockbridge. Aug., 180(), Bath. Physician, Bath. Jan., 1871. William Swazey. b. 25 Aug., Limerick. Physician, Limerick. Dec, 1883. WiUiam Thornton, b. 13 April, 1805, Coventry, R. I. Physician, Grafton, Mass. d. 27 Feb., 1862. Robert Wyman. b. 1806, North Yar- mouth. Druggist, Poughkeepj^ie, N. Y. Physician, Fort Madison, la. il. 2.5 June, 1842. 27 *24 Class of 1829. Stephen Adams, b. 31 Mar., 1804, Lim- erick. Physician, West Xewfleld. Abraham "W. Anderson. b. 1804, Windham. Phy.sician, Gray. d.lS76(?). Addison Kennedy Beckwith. b. 22 Mar., 180."), Cazenovia, X. V. Physician, Palermo, X. Y. d. 28 Jan., 1856. James Blaisdell. Physician, Auburn. Mortimer Bodwell. b. 19 May, 1805, Somersworth, X. H. Physician, Solon, d. 17 Nov., 1887. Isaac Boyd. A.B., Dart., 1820. b. 11 Sept., 1800, Londonderry, N. H. Physi- cian, West Newbury, Mass. d. 25 Mar., 1844. James Crockett Bradbury, b. 5Mar., 180C, Buxton. Physician, Oldtown. d. 3 Oct., 186.5. Richmond Bradford. A.B., 1825. Chauncey Brown. A.B., Union, 1827. b. 14 Mar., 1802, Canterbury, Conn. Phy- sician, Hartford, Conn. d. 9 Aug., 1879. Thomas Jefferson Carter, b. Bridg- ton. Physician, Naples, d. 1882, Fayette, Iowa. Jeremiah Sullivan Cochran. b. 16 Jan., 1805, New Boston, N. H. Physician, Sandusky, O. d. 6 July, 1845. Zaccheus Colburn. A.B., Brown, 1827. b. W. Nottingham, N. II. d. 21 Nov., 1864, Manchester, X. II. Calvin Dorr Ellis. A.B., Amherst, 1826. b. 6 Nov., 1802, West Brookfleld, Mass. Physician and dentist, Boston, d. 10 May, 1844, Hopkinton, Mass. JohnS.Farnum. Res. (1829), Alfred, d. Jonathan Fogg. b. 5 Feb., 1804, Saco. Physician, Saco. d. 4 Feb., 1879, Brock- ton, Mass. Stephen Gale. Res. (1829), Raymond, N. H. Druggist, Portland (1865). John Taylor Gilman. A.B., 1820. Thomas Gore. Res. (1829), Poland. Nathaniel Grant, b. 28 Feb., 1804, Lebanon. Physician and fai'mer, Ossipee Centre, N. H. d. 5 Oct., 1889. William Grover. b. 20 Feb., 1802, Hampstead, N.H. Physician, Barnstead, N. H. d. 12 Jan., 18.53. William G. Hannaford. Res. (1829), Enfield, N.H. WUUam Harper. Res. (1829), West- brook. Abiel Wood Kennedy, b. 1804, Wal- doboro. Physician, Warren; Oldtown. d. 15 June, 1861, AVarren. Nathaniel Kingsbury, b. 28 June, 1798, Rindge, N. H. Physician, Temple, N. H. State Senate, 1846. d. 3 Mar., 1870. Temple, N. H. Addison Knight, b. 28 Aug., 1803, Leicester, Mass. Physician, Cumberland, R. I. d. June, 1845. Jonathan Leighton. b. 6 Oct., 1804, Harmony. Surgeon, U. S. A. Physician, Manchester, 111. d. 6 Jan., 1837. Calvin Barstow Magoun. b. 15 July, 1798, East Kingston, N. II. d. before 1840. Stephen Martin, b. 26 Nov., 1787 (?), Hollis, N. II. Physician, Landall", N. H. d. 1885. James Laha Mayo. b. 27 May, 1803, Brewster, Mass. Physician, Harwich, Mass. Teacher, Syracuse, X. Y. d. 26 June, 1843. Joseph Merrill, b. Oct., 1805, Gorhaiu. Physician, Gardiner, d. 29 Oct., 1803. Charles Millet, b. 5 April, 1803, Nor- way. Physician, Minot. State Senate, 1843-4. d. 18 Aug., 18.54. Daniel F. Mosely. Res. (1829), Hamp- ton, Conn. d. before 1834. Orlando Holbrook Partridge. A.B., Colby, 1826. b. 19 Sept., 1805, Augusta. 108 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Physician, Truro, Mass.; Philadelphia, d. 11 May, lS.o9. Kelly Peck. b. 1(5 July, 1802, Pelham, Mass. Physician, Cumberland, R.l. d. 14 Feb., \SiO. John Langdon Perley. b. 10 June, 1805, Laconia, N. H. Physician and banker, Laconia, N. H. d. 18 Sept., 1888. William Bennett Pike. b. 22 Nov., 1798, Cornish. Physician, Cornish, d. 24 Dec, 1870. John Plant. Res. (1829), Benson, Vt. Bzekiel Erasmus Darwin Skinner, b. 27 June, 1808, Lebanon, Conn. Physician, Greeuport, N. Y. d. 17 Feb., 1875. Jonathan Ambrose Smith, b. 7 Dec, 1801, Deerfleld, N. H. Physician, Vassal- boro. Res., Methuen, Mass. d. 24 Mar., 1892. Joseph Haven Smith, b. 17 Nov., 1805, Rochester, N. H. Physician, Dover, N. H.; Lowell, Mass. N. H. Senate, 1844-5. d.25 Feb., 1886. Albert Fisk Stanley, b. 28 April, 1806, Attleboro, Mass. Physician, Dixfield; Wiuthrop. Surg., Armory Square Hos- pital, Washington, D. C, 1862. d. 10 July, 1867, Winthrop. Christopher Columbus Tobie. b. 1 Jan., 1805, New Gloucester. Bank cashier, Westbrook. Physician, Netawaka, Kan. d. 12 Aug., 1885. John Warren, b. 20 Sept., 1806, Ash- ford, Conn. Physician, ti. 30 Aug., 1883, Bennington, Vt. Constantine Preston Weever. b. 22 Feb., 1806, Rockingham, Vt. Physician, Virgil, N. Y.; Detroit, Mich. d. 9 Sept., 1834. Abraham Wendell, b. 10 May, 1806, Farniington. Physician, Piura, Peru; Limn, Peru. d. 16 Sept., 1872, New York City. Ashbel Woodward. M.D., Yale, 1S55. b. 26 June, 1804, Willington, Conn. Phy- sician, Franklin, Conn. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1861-5. d. 20 Dec, 1885. 46— *38 Class of 1830. Benjamin Atkinson, b. 29 Jan., 1806, Minot. Physician, Aniesbury, Mass. d.22 Oct., 1861. Aaron Gardner Babcock. b. 30 May, 1803, Princeton, Mass. Physician, Holden, Mass. ; Lexington, Mass. d. 6 Aug., 1888. Liberty Warrener Bacon, b. 24 Oct., ]807,Scarboro. Physician and merchant, Lee; Portage, Wis. ; Minneapolis, Minn. Ariel Ballou. b. 25 Oct., 1805, Cumber- land, R. I. Physician, Woonsocket, R. 1. d. 15 July, 1887, Providence. Ezekiel M. Bartlett. b. Bethel (?). Physician, Louisiana, Mo. Benjamin Flint Buxton, b. Nov., 1810, Warren. Physician, Warren. Surgeon, 5th Me. Vols. d. Oct., 1876. Moses Parker Cleaveland. A.B., 1827. Luther Cross. Res. (1830), Keene, N. H. Alexander H. Day. Physician, St. Au- gustine, Fla. d. before 1837. Joseph Priestly Dorr. b. 9 July, 1805, Chatham, N. Y. Physician, Hillsdale, N.Y. d. 1879 (?). Franklin Parker Fletcher, b. 2 May, 1808, China. Physician, d. 22 Oct., 1876, China. Octave C. Fortier. Res. (1830), Que- bec, P. Q. Moses Frost, b. 13 July, 1801, Nor- way. Physician, Sidney, d. 16 Jan., 1854. Franklin Gage. A.B., 1827. Seward Garcelon. b. 28 April, 1806, Lewiston. Physician, Clinton. Res., Oak- land, Cal. d. Feb., 1877. George W. Goodwin. Res. (1830), South Berwick. Jerome Harris. Res. (1830), Methuen, Mass. Physician, Salem (1860). Nahum Jordan. A.B., 1827. Sherman McLean. Pbysician (1830), Audover, Conn. U. S. civil service, New York City (1865?). N. Y. civil service, Albany, N.Y. (1870?). Calvin McQuesten. b. 1801, Bedford, N.H. Physician, Brockport, N. Y. Man- ufacturer, Hamilton, Ontario, d. 20 Oct., 1885. William Marrett. b. 5 Sept., 1804, Standish. Physician, Searsport; Sacca- rappa. d. 3 Oct., 1859. Jacob MitcheU. b. 14 Sept., 1802, North Yarmouth. Physician, Kennebunkport ; Wellfleet, Mass.; Chelsea, Mass. State Senate, d. 11 June, 1873. Robert Smith MorriU. b. 11 May, 1807, Canterbury, N. H. Physician, Can- terbury, X. H. d. 25 Feb., 1842. Selim NeweU. b. 4 Aug., 1803, Burke, Vt. Physician, Burke, Vt. ; St. Johns- bury, Vt. d. 23 Aug., 1871. MEDICAL GRADUATES 100 George Parcher. b. 19 Nov., 1803, Ilallowcll. I'liysician, Ellsworth. State Senate, 1S44. d. -19 Dec., 1884. John Dole Pillsbury. b. 16 April, 180.5, Pembroke, N. II. Physician, Pembroke, N. H.; Lowell, Mass.; Rochester, N. Y. (1. '21 Dec, J8.').'). Hosea Powers. Physician, Sauforil. a. 1S31. Israel Putnam. A.B., Brown, 1827. b. 2;) Dec, 18()."», Sutton, Mass. Physician, Bath. (1. 30 June, 1870. Thomas Roberts, b. 22 Nov., 1805, Hanover. Physician, No. Norway; Rum- ford, d. 8 June, 187(3. Luke WincheU Stanton, b. 17 Sept., 180(!, Norwich, Mass ( ? ) . Physician, Ar- menia, N. Y. d. 5 Feb., 18611. Isaac Thompson, b. 180(i (?), Ruinford. Physician, Nantucket, Mass. ; California, d. 13 Mar., 1881. Erastus Chase Torrey. A.B., Dart., 1827. b.'2'> Mar., 1807, Windsor, Vt. Phy- sician, Windsor, Vt.; Detroit, Mich. U.S. civil service, Washington, D. C. d. 17 Jan., 1879. Nathaniel Carter Towle. 1). 1 Dec, 180.'), Alton, N. H. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Res., Andover, Mass. Isaac Waterhouse. b. Poland, d. be- fore 1834. Lewis "Whitney, b. 1807, North Yar- mouth. I'hysician, Yarmouth, d. May, 18.57. Thomas "Wight, b. 2 Mar., 17'.t!», Bethel. Physician, d. 1.5 Feb., 1832. Albert "Williams. A.B., Amherst, 1826. b. 14 Nov., 1801, West Brookfleld, Mass. Physician, Boston, d. 13 March, 183.5. 37—* 29 Class of 1831. Oliver "Winslow Avistin. b. IG April, 1806, South Berwick. I'hysician, Great Falls, N. H.; Portland, tl. March, 1840, China. Joseph S. Barber. Res. (l.S.'Sl), Water- ville. Horace Aurelius Barrows, b. 8 Aug., 1809, Hebron. Physician, Olislleld; Har- rison, d. 7 June, 18.r2. John Benson, b. 1809, Carmel. Phy- sician, Newport. State Senate, 1861. d. 28 July, 1882. Samuel Moulton Bradbury. b. 22 Aug., 1805, Parsonsfluld. Physician, Lim- ington. d. 23 Sept., 1888. Joel Burt. b. 12 Mar., 1796, AVesthamp- ton, Mass. Physician, Benton, Ala. <1.28 Nov., 1858. Benjamin Carter, b. 12 April, 1803, Mniitelield. Thomas Child, b. 1808, Sturbridge, Mass. Physician, Phippsburg; Bath. d. 1872. George S. Currier, b. Readfield. Phy- sician, Readlield. d. 9 Apr., 1863. Asa Dodge. A.B., 1827. George Fillebrown. M.D., Columbian Univ., 1830. b. Winthrop. Physician, Phippsburg. d. before 1834. Silas P. Foster, b. Bethel, d. before 18.34. Noah Gilman. b. 1805, Tamworth, N. H. Physician, South Deerfleld, Mass. (1850); Hatneld,Mass. (1860). d. 1884. Levi Gould, b. 3 May, 1800, Stone- ham, Mass. Physician, Wilmington, Blass. ; Melrose, Mass. d. 6 .Jan., 1850. Joel Holton. b. 14 May, 1803, Dum- merston, Vt. Phj'sician, .Jamaica, Vt. d. 1 Aug., 1884. Edward A. Kittredge. b. July, 1811, Salem, Mass. Physician, Lynn. d. 25 Feb., 1869, Newton, Mass. George "Washington Lane. A.H., 1828. James Leighton. b. 20 May, 1806, Har- mony. Physician, Manchester, 111. John Mulberry Milliken. b. 1808, Scarboro. Physician, West Scarboro. d. 24 Nov., 1867, Hamilton, O. Boothe C. Mulvey. b. Aug., (?) 1800, Bridgton (?). Physician, Saco. d. 16 July, 1858. Horatio Nelson Page. b. 20 June, 180(5, Frycburg. I'hysician, Brewer; Chel- sea, Mass. d. 23 Sept., 1893. Joseph Noyes Pidgin. b.4Mar., 1808, Hampton, N. H. Physician, Litchfield, d. 13 Dec, 18,36. "WiUiam Plummer. b. 19 June, 1805, Raymond. Physician, Raymond, d. 14 May, 1855. Charles Proctor. A.B., Harv., 1828. 1). 1807, Westford, Mass. Physician, Row- ley, Mass. d. 12 IMar., 1877. Ralph Abercrombie Severance, b. 15 Jan., 1803, Greenfield, Mass. Physician, Saxton's River, Vt. ; Bellevue, Ohio. "William Sinclair. Res. (1831), Unity. Jonathan Small. Res. (1831), Green- wood. 110 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Moses Daniels South wick. A. B., Brown, 1828. b. 9 July, 1805, Mention, Mass. Physician, Blackstone, Mass. State Senate, d. 9 June, 1875. Jonathan Woodbury Thorne. b. about 1795, Wilmot, N. S. Physician, Bridgetown, N. S. d. about 1840. Ethan A. Ward. Res. (1831), Calais. Benjamin T. Wright. Res. (1831), White Creek, N.Y. 31-*23 Class of 1832. Horatio Gates Allen, b. 7 Aug., 1807, Bath. Physician, Dresden. Druggist, Boothbay. d. 27 Mar., 1884. James C. Boynton. b. 1 April, 1808, Monmouth. Physician, Richmond, d. 27 July, 1875. James Madison Buck. b. Sumner. Physician, Paris, d. Nov., 1836. Charles Chase, b. 5 Jan., 1808, Deer- fleld, N. H. Physician, Chelsea, Mass.; Deerfield, N. H. d. 5 June, 1864. Hosea L. Cushman. b. 22 Sept., 1806, Hebron. Pliysician, Cape Elizabeth, d. about 1840. Asher Ellis, b. 4 June, 1803, Topsham. Physician and druggist, Brunswick, d. 12 Sept., 1885. Samuel Lamson Gould, b. 26 Mar., 1809, Topsfield, Mass. Physician, Booth- bay. Pastor, Albany, d. 16 Jan., 1892, Auburn. Lewis W^illard Houghton, b. 1 Jan., 1806, Waterford. Physician, Waterford. d. 25 Oct., 1870, Naples. Jonathan Huse. b.27 April, 1811, War- ren. Physician, Camden, d. 30 Nov., 1883. Jacob Osmyn Loomis. b. 24 Oct., 1802, Andover, Conn. Physician, Brockport, N. Y.; Batavia, N. Y. Porter K. Lovell. Res. (1832), Jere- mie, San Domingo. John Calvin Martin, b. 17 May, 1809, Seekonk.Muss. Physician, Illinois. Kes., Worcester, Mass.; Taunton, Mass. d. 6 Feb., 1888. Isaac Morrill, b. Sept., 1808, Corni.sli. Physician, Borodino, N. Y. Druggist, Elmira, N. Y. d. Sept., 1887. Edwin Parsons, b. Portland, d. 1860. Benjamin Pollard. Res. (1832), Corn- ville. d. 1872. Alexander Poole, b. 25 July, 1804, South Reading, Mass. Physician, Chelsea, Mass. d. 30 Aug., 1878, Amherst, Mass. Robert E. Rider, b. 1803, Albion. Physician and merchant, Washington. State Senate, 1860-61. d. 1 Jan., 1873, Albion. Paul Ruggles. b. 20 June, 1801, Car- mel. Physician, Carmel. d. 14 May, 1857. Jefferson Smith, b. 20 Oct., 1807, Ber- wick. Physician and dentist, Dover, N. H. d. 17 May, 1864. James Sullivan Tobey. b. 12 Aug., 1808, Fairfield. Physician, Athens, d. 22 Oct., 1891. Nathan Ward. b. 21 Nov., 1804, Ply- mouth, N.H. Miss.,A.B.C.F.M., Ceylon, d. 25 Nov., 1860. Moses Roberts Warren, b. 20 May, 1804, Alton, N. H. Physician, Wolfboro, N. H. ; Rochester, N. H. d. 26 June, 1881. Theodore A?V"ells. b. 12 Feb., 1807. Phy- sician, d. 21 July, 1862, Sanford. Nahum Wight, b. 20 Nov., 1807, Gil- ead. Physician, Gilmanton, N. H. d. 12 May, 1884. Robert Williams W^ood. A. B., Colby, 1829. b. 22 April, 1803, Stow, Mass. IMiy- sician, Honolulu, S. I. Sugar planter. Res., Jamaica Plain, Mass. d. 4 Jan., 1892. 25— *23 Class of 1833. Alvan Bacon, b. 25 April, 1806, Scar- boro. Physician, Skowhegan ; Biddeford. d. 24 Nov., 1880. Benjamin A. Battey. Res. (1833), Prov- idence, R. 1. Edward Bean. b. Oct., 1800, Levant. Physician, Bradford, d. 16 Dec, 1858. John Adams Berry, b. 24 Sept., 1808, Saco. Physician, Saco. d. 20 April, 1879. William Cochran, b. Edgecomb. Phy- sician, Litchfield, d. 31 Dec, 1887. Elijah Athern Daggett, b. 2 March, 1806, Union. Physician, Waldoboro. d. 28 April, 1881. William Pottle Deane. b. 21 May, 1809, Minot. Res. (1833), Minot. Charles Morris Duncan, b. 1 July, 1808, Dummerston, Vt. Physician, Shel- burne, Mass. d. 4 Oct., 1884. George Fabyan. b. !) June, 1810, Scar- boro. Physician, Boston, d. 25 May, 1874. Simeon Foss. b. 5 July, 1796, Leeds. Physician, Lisbon, d. 12 July, 1868. MEDICAL GRADUATES 111 John Gale. Physician, Epsom, N. H. a. hetore 1S34. Joseph Huse. b. 3 Jan., 1813, Warren. Physician, Rockland, (i. 4 Oct., 1S38. William Henry Jewett. b. 24 Sept., 1805, (Janliner (?). Physician, Portage Lake (1856) ; Bangor, d. 1872. Gardner Ludwig. b. 20 June, 1812, Waldoboro. Physician, Rockland ; Port- land. Daniel Mann. b. 6 Feb., 1811 (?), Ray- mond. Res. (1S70), Quincy, Mass. Ephraim Marston. b. 30 July, 1807, Falmouth. Physician, New York City; Cambridge, Mass.; Lakewood, N. J. d. 10 Sept., 1883. Ebenezer Coolbroth Milliken. b. 14 March, 1805, Farmington. Phj'sician, Winthrop. Merchant, Boston. d.3Nov., 1889. Daniesl Parker, b. 28 Oct., 1806, Bil- lerica, Mass. Physician, Billerica, Mass. d. G Jan., 1890. John Pierce, b. 25 Nov., 1805, Leba- non, Conn. Pliysicinn, Edgartown, Mass. d. 21 Mar., 188.-). William Penwick Perry, b. 9 Dec., 1809, Easton. Mass. I'hysician, Manslleld, Mass. d. 17 Oct., 1873. John Swain, b. 4 Mar., 1808, Now- burypoit, Mass. Physician, Balhirds- ville, Ky. Theophilus Tompson. b. 22 Jan., 1808, Freeport. Phj'sician, Vicksburg, Miss.; St. Louis; Sonora, Cal. d. 27 Jan., 1801. Lewis W^ashburn. A.B., Brown, 182(5. Res., Bi-idge\vater, Mass. d. 1834. Charles March Weeks. A.B., Dart., 1830. A..^!., Dart. b. 10 Mar., 1809, Green- land, N. H. Physician, Eliot; Boston; Crawford, Ga. d. 27 June, 1882. Abiel Williams. A.B., Union, 1830. b. 9 Dec, 1805, Raynham, Mass. Phy- sician, d. 30 Dec, 1891. William Wood. A.B., 182'). 26— *20 Class of 1834. William Henry Allen. b. 3 Sept., 1806, Farmington. Physician, Orono. d. 29 Jan., 1863. Hiram Cone Baxter, b. 17 Aug., 1809, Alua. Physician, Kenduskcag. Simeon L. Bearce. Res. (1834), Minot. Henry Grafton Clark, b. 14 May, 1814, Kennebunkport. Physician, Boston, Mass. d.23 Sept., 1892, Hyde Park, :Mass. James Merrill Cummings. A. B., 1830. Andrew Dunn. b. 3 April, 1804, Po- land. Physician, Kingston, X. Y.; White Plains, N. Y. d. 14 Oct., 1880. John Nutter Frink. b. 19 May, 1808, Newiiigton, X. H. Physician, Portland. d. 10 Oct., 1844. Ezra Green, b. 26 Jan., 1811, Bidde- ford. Physician, Hampden; Warrington, Miss. d. 10 .June, 1845. Sumner Laughton. b. 5 April, 1812, Norridgewock. Physician, Orono; Ban- gor. Jesse F. Locke. Res. (1834), Bidde- ford. Ezra Manter. b. May, 1811, Wayne (?). Physician, Scarsport; Winterport. d. 22 Dec, 1881. Edgar A. Mclntire. b. 10 May, 1810, York. Physician, York. d. 12 June, 1860. James Norton, b. 19 Oct., 1806, Stand- ish. Physician, East Baldwin, d. 2 July, 1887. Lewis Page Parlin. b. 6 Dec, 1810, Somerset Co. I'hysician, Houlton ; Prov- idence, R. I. d. 1846, Penn. Edward Peabody. b. 18 June, 1806, Bridgton. Physician, Buxton, d. 29 June, 1874. Joshua Porter, b. 20 Oct., 1808, llaui- iltoii, ISIass. Phj'sician, North Brookfield, Mass. d. 6 Jan., 1874. George Whitefield Smith, b. Ken- nebunkport. Physician, Cape Elizabeth (1856). John DeWolfe Smith, b. 4 May, 1810, Maitland, X. S. Banker, Lexington, Miss. Res., Hallowell. d. 2 May, 1885. Elbridge Gerry Stevens, b. 30 Mar., 1811, Pittston. Physician, Kennebunk; Biddeford. Res., Old Orchard. Jesse Sweat. b. 1812. Physician, Brownfield. d. Aug., 1885, Minneapolis, Minn. Frederic Payson Theobald. A.B., 1830. Leander Smith Tripp. A.B., Colby, 1829. A.M., Colby, 1832. 1). 21 July, 1805, Hebron. Physician, Norway. Baptist Ministry, Maine, d. 29 Mar., 1894, Rock- land. 112 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Zachariah P. Wing. b. 22 Feb., 1802, Wayne. Physician, Ohio. il. 15 Sept., 1838. Clark Wright, b. 9 Aug., 1813, Ash- ford, Conn. Physician, Jamesport, N. Y. d. 10 April, 1888. 24—* 18 Class of 1835. Willard Adams, b. 6 Dec, 1806, New Salem, Mass. Physician, Swanzey, N. H. ; Marlboro, N. H. d. 19 July, 1883, Woburn, Mass. Boyal Mastin Ayer. b. 18 Sept., 1811, Newfleld. Physician, Danville, Vt. d. April, 1878. Madison James Bray. b. 1 Jan., 1811, Turner. Surg. 60th Ind. Vols. Prof. Surgery, Med. Coll. of Evansville. Pres. State Med. Soc'y. Physician, Evansville, Ind. Henry Simon Dearborn. Res., Mon- mouth (1835). d. before 1843. Samuel Dinsmore. b. 29 May, 1804, Saco. Physician, Medford. d. lit July, 1801. Ezekiel Dodge French. Physician, lloulton. State Senate, ISoG. d. 22 March, 1877. William Loring Harmon, b. 8 Dec, 1809, Durham. Kes. (1835), Durham. William Hunne well. b. 2 Aug., 1809, China. Physician, d 25 Oct., 1843, Thom- asville, Ga. Nathaniel Jordan Knight, b. 17 Sept., 1802, Otisfield. Physician, Somerville, Mass. d. 18 Oct., 1877. Joseph Henry Worth, b. 25 Aug., 1812, Clinton. Physician, West Water- ville ; Hammonton, N. J. d. 19 Sept., 1893. Alvah Parker, b. 1811, Parsonsfield. Physician, Lebanon; Great Falls, N. H. d. 1851. Noah Oldin Parker. b. 1815, Cor- nish (?). Physician, Fryeburg. d. 15 Aug., 1875. Hazard Arnold Potter. b. 22 Dec, 1810, Potter, N. Y. Physician, Potter, N. Y. ; Geneva, N. Y. Surgeon, 50th N. Y. Vols, d. 3 Dec, 1869. Joseph Fitch Potter. A.M., Water- ville, 1852. b. 1809 (?), Sebago. d. 5 April, 1868, Cincinnati, Ohio. Putnam Simonton. b. 10 Sept., 1812, Camden. Physician, Searsport. d. 13 Feb., 1870. Samuel Merrill Smith, b. 23 Jan., 1812, Parsonsfield. Physician, Cooper and Meddybemps; Baring, d. 28 Sept., 1S68. Henry Ayer True. A.B., 18-32. Aurelius Langdon Weymouth. A.B., 1831. 18— *15 Class of 1836. Samuel Adams. A.B., 1831. John Larrabee Allen, b. 2G April, 1814, Cornish. Physician, Springvale; Saco. Benjamin Hiram Bachelder. b. 18 Sept., 1811, Union. Physician, Montville. d. 20 Dec, 1889. Isaac Gordon Braman. M.D., Harv., 1838. b. 12 Mar., 1813, Rowley, Mass. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Physician, Brighton, Mass. d. 31 July, 1876. ' John Brown, b. 31 Dec, 1810, Union. Physician, Grenada, Miss. d. 25 -Jan., 1841. Josiah Carr. b. G Feb., 1814, Hebron. Surg. 4th Me. Vols. Physician, Miuot. d. 12 Aug., 1873. John Morland Cummings. A.B., 183.'>. Nathan Sidney Smith Beeman Cush- man. b. 2fi Aug., 1810, Wiscasset. Physician, Wiscasset. d. 24 Jan., 1890. Lyman Daniels. b. 26 Aug., 1813, Paris. Physician, Andover. Res. un- known. Charles Field. A.B., 1827. Moore Russell Fletcher, b. 17 Jan., 1811, Campton, N. H. Physician and in- ventor, Cambridge, Mass.; Boston, d. 12 Jan., 1894, Cambridge, Mass. Nathaniel Ford. b. 11 Jan., 1814, Jef- ferson. Physician, Alna; Brooklyn, N. Y. d. 9 Mar., 1885. Jared Fuller, b. 19 Jan., 1806, Hamp- ton, Conn. Physician, Corinth. d.6 0ct., 1878. Jacob Hayes, b. 17 Sept., 1809, Berwick. Physician, Boston, d. 28 Sept., 1861, North Conway, N. H. Hiram Hovey HiU. A.M., Colby, 1853. b. 30 April, 1810, Turner. Physician, Augusta, d. 2 Dec, 1889. Asa Hutchins. b. 8 July, 1811, Pow- nal. Physician, Poland; Durham; Co- lumbia, Conn. d. 8 May, 1865. Zebulon Knight, b. 9 Sept., 1812, Otis- field. Physician, Canton, Mo. d. 29 June, 1881. MEDICAL GRADUATES 113 Abel Merrill, b. 3 Jan., 1805, Tops- ham. I'hysician, Pliippsbiirg. d.2(! Feb., 184(;. Asa Tarbell Newhall. b. 2 Dec, 1809, Lynnfield, Mass. Physiciau, Lyiiu, Mass. (L 31 Dec, 1874. David Taylor Parker, b. 10 April, 1813, liramlou, Vt. I'liysiciaii, Farming- ton, N. II. (1. 1 Dec, 188S. Charles Curtis Porter. A.B., 1832. Charles Darwin Rice. A.B., 1831. Selim Augustus Stanley, b. 14 July, 180!), Attleboro, Mass. Physician, Frank- lin, Mass. d. 18 Oct., 1853, Attleboro, Mass. Samuel Longfellow Stephenson, b. ij June, 1811, Gorhani. Physician, St. Louis, Mo. d. 1!) -Vpril, 1847. John Adams Tarbell. A.B., Harv., 18:^2. b. 31 Mar., 1810, Lincoln, Mass. Physician, Boston, d. 21 Jan., 18(54. "William Wentworth. b. 2(3 Sept., 1808, Greenwood. Physician, Cherryfleld. d. .5 Nov., 1S(!1. Stephen Whitmore. b. !i May, 1814, Bowdoinliam. Physician, Bowdoinham ; Gardiner, d. 'J Feb., 1880. 27— *25 Class of 1837. John Taylor Achorn. b. 2 Oct., LSOIJ, Wiscassct. Physician, Newcastle, d. S Jan., 1888, Roslindalc, Mass. Amasa Durkee Bacon, b. 20 Aug., 180(i, No. Yarmouth. Physician, Glouces- ter, Mass. ; Sharon, Mass. d. 2!t JNIar., 1881. Abel BaU. b. 4 Dec, 1810, Northboro, Mass. Dentist, Boston, d. 3 Nov, 187(1, Philadelphia. Alphonso Bickford. b. 12 Dec, 1817, Dover, N. H. Physician, Durham, N. H.; Dover, N. II. d. 31 Dec, 18(J!). Ezra Bliss, b. 7 April, 1815, Vershire, Vt. Physician, Iowa City, la. Bank cashier, Toledo, Ohio. ISaiiker, New York City. d. 31 May, 187."), St. Catharine's, Out. Thomas Savage Brooks, b. 25 Dec, 1815, York. Physician, Greenville, 111. d. 3 Jan., 1879. Samuel "Webster Chase, b. 17 July, 1811, Kayette. Physician, Addison ; Liv- erniore; jMt. Vernon, d. 4 July, 1803. John Taylor Gilman Daveis. A.M., 1858. M.D., Univ. Penn. b. 21 Mar., 1810, Portland. Physician, Portland d. it May, 1873. Charles "Wesley Fabyan. b. 11 Mar., 1813, Scarboro. Physician, Providence, R. I. d. 23 July, 1886. Isaac Flitner. b. Pittston. Physician, Ipswich, Mass. d. 13 Aug., 1875. Seargent Smith Freeman, b. 180G. Physician, Georgia; Portland. Res., New- ficld. d. 8 Feb., 1888. George "Washington Garland, b. 13 Jan., 1813, Barnstead, N. II. I'liysician, Lawrence, Mass. d. 5 May, 1881. James Hopkins Glidden. b. Wiscas- set. Dentist, Memphis, Tenn. d. 18.i0(?). Joseph Sewall Glover, b. 17 Mar., 1813, Hebron. Ph3'sician, Joliette, 111. d. Mar., 1841. Joseph Perkins Grant, b. 11 Mar., 1813, Saco. Physician, Saco. d. 20 July, 1881, Portland. Moses Parker Hanson. Pliysician, Rlihvaukec, Wis. (1880). Benjamin Haskell. A.B., Amherst, 1832. b. 22 Oct., 1810, Rockport, INIass. Physician, Rockport, Mass. d. 21 Jan., 1878. Reuel "Williams Lawson. b. 11 June, 1800, Augusta. Physician, Richmond; Boothljay. d. 29 Nov., 1874, Somerville, Mass. Charles Lougee. 1). 2.> Oct., 1813, Par- sonsfield. Physician, d. 13 May, 18;!8. Samuel Benjamin Morison. b. 24 .July, 1811, Livermore. Surgeon, 2d Me. Vols. Pliysician, Bangor. Charles Nathan Ordway. b. IG Jan., 1814, Fitchburg, Mass. Amos Otis. Res. (1837), Jay. Charles Grandison Parsons. b. 15 Feb., 1807, Parsonslield. I'hysician, Wind- ham. Author and lecturer, d. 2 Oct., 18G4. Joseph Addison Parsons, b. 30 June, 1815, Parsonslield. Physician, Wiiidliam. d. 8 June, 1880. George Burrill Rawson. b. 21 July, 1815, I'aris. Physician, New Portland, d. 18.57. Daniel Rose. b. April, ]81.">, Boothbay. Physician, Thomaston. d. 21 Mar., 1871. Benjamin Edwards Sawyer, b. 11 -Vug., 1811, Capo KlizaliCth. Pliysician, Haverhill, .Mass. d. 1 Aug., 1879. Calvin Seavey. A.M., 1863. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1871. b. 15 June, 114 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1809. Physician, Exeter; Stetson; Ban- gor, d. 1 Aug., 1S86. William Sutliff Slocomb. b. 2(5 Sept., 1810, Argyle (?),N. S. Physician, Mil- ford, Mass.; Lunenburg Co., N. S. d. Sept., ISfi.i. George W^ashington Swazey. b. 10 Aug., 1812, Bucksport. Physician, Buclcs- port; Springfield, Mass. d. 9 Sept., 1877, Deerfield, JIass. Jacob Merrill Tewksbury. b. 7 Feb., 1814, Oxford. Physician, Buenos Ayres, S. A. d. (J Feb., 1877, San Francisco. Charles Widgery Thomas. A.B. , 1834. Thomas Barnes Townsend. Res., Sid- ney. Physician, Machias. d. before 1843. 33— *28 Class of 1838. Nicholas Hall Allen, b. 18 Aug., 1813, (Tray. Pliysician, Gray. d. '2G Jan., 1841. Thomas Croswell. b. 22 June, 1814, Mercer. Physician, Newport; Pontiac, 111. Druggist, Streator, 111. Moses Dodge, b. 9 Mar., 1812, Sedg- wick. Physician, Portland, d. 18 Oct., 1871). Ezekiel Porter Eastman, b. 18 June, 1817, Strong. Physician, Lynn, Mas.s. d. 18 Feb., 1860. Frederick Fogg. b. 1 Mar., 1805, Saco. Physician, Greensburg, Ind. d. 22 Jan., 1844. William Grey. Res. (1838), Waterboro. James Ahira Hall. b. 4 Ajiril, 1815, Portland, X.Y. Physician, d. April, 1865. Augustus Harris, b. 29 Sept., 1811, Paris. Physician, Colebrook, N. H. d. 20 April, 1874. Henry Marshall Hooke. Res. (1838), Brentwood, N. H. Henry Hunt. b. 2(5 Mar., 1812, Stroud- water. Physician, Portland; Stroud wa- ter, d. 18 Dec, 1877. Seth Libbey Larrabee. b. 12 April, 1813, Scarboro. Physician, Scarboro; Port- land, d. 7 Dec, 1853. John S. O'Shaughnessy. Res. (18.38), Boston. Sewall Francis Parcher. b. 20 July, 181.5, Leeds. Physician, East Boston, d.2'2 Dec, 180!), Livermore. William Elisha Payne, b. 25 Nov., 181.5, Unity. Physician, Bath. Prof. The- ory and Prac. Med., Boston Univ. d. 9 Mar., 1877. Olivier Robitaille. M.D., Harv., 1838. Physician, Quebec (1877). Enoch Carter Rolfe. b. 16 April, 1812, Rumford. Prof. Hygiene and Phys., Tufts. Physician and dentist, Boston, d. 27 Mar., 187.5. Freeman Sawyer. Res. (1838), Kenne- bunk. Physician, Huntington, Ind. (1841). John Sloan, b. 25 Sept., 1815, West- brook. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Physi- cian, New Albany, Ind. George Dennett Staples, b. 17 Aug., 1808, Limerick. Physician, North Ber- wick, d. 11 Feb., 1879. Charles Lamson Swasey. b. 1815, Limerick. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Phy- sician, New Bedford, Mass. d. 24 Dec, 1888. Charles Edward Townsend. b. 27 Feb., 1813, Norridgewock. Physician, Nor- ridgewock. d. 23 Aug., 1860, Farmington. Lorenzo D.Traf ton. Res. (1838), Alfred. Ervin Noyes Tukesbury. b. 15 Oct., 1812, Falmouth. Physician, Falmouth, d. 27 Aug., 1872. 23— *15 Class of 1839. James Ayer. A.B., 18.(4. Elbridge Bacon. Dentist (1839), Port- land. Washington Ingalls Bragg. Res. (18;5'.»), Bethel. Bphraim Buck. b. 1814. Physician, Boston, d. 13 Fob., 1847. John Richard Butler. Res. (1839), North Yarmouth, d. John Stanley Craig, b. 10 May, 1815, Farmington. Physician, d. 17 Jan., 1804, Farmington, Iowa. Joseph Cushman. b. (J Sept., 1814, Pownal. Physician, d. 18 Dec, 1845, Lovell. Washington Dain. b. 8 July, 1812, Bowdoinham. Physician, d. 4 Aug., 1847. Jotham Donnell. A.B., 183(5. Alexander Parsons, b. Portland. Den- tist, Portland, d. 31 Aug., 1887. Rufus King Pearl. Res. (1839), Farm- ington, N. H. David York Pierce, b. 31 Oct., 181(J, North Yarmouth. Physician, Bowdoin ; Pownal. d. 18.54. Orren Ross. b. 14 Sept., 1812, Kenne- bunk. Physician, Kennebunk. d. 20 June, 1881. MEDICAL GRADUATES 115 John Slemons. Res. (lS3i)), Wostbrook. (1. 1S70. Benjamin Harlock Tripp, b. Alfred (?). Res.(lS3il),Kei)nelnink. li. Rutland, Mass., 1873. Charles Crooker Waldron. Physician, Bath. (1. 1S41. Silas Bvirbank Wedgwood, b. 1814, Parsonslield. I'liysician, Great Falls, N. 11. (1. LS42. Chadbourne Warren Whitmore. b. 4 Oct., ims, Bowdoinhain. Pli3'.siciai), Gar- diner. (1. -24 Mar., 1884, Washington, D. C. Aaron Winslow. Res. (1839), Pownal. 19—* 15 Class of 1840. Reuben Young Atwood. b. 4 Aug., 181.'), Fairfield. Physician, Canaan, d. 7 Feb., 184.5, Fairfield. Zenas Willis Bartlett. b. 10 Aug., 1818, Bethel. Physician, Dixfield. d. '.) Sept., 1870. Rufus Messinger Chase, b. 1 Oct., 1S14, Bridj^ton. Physician, Canaan ; Clay- ton, N. .J. d. '28 I)e<;., 187!i. John Henry Coggeshall. b. Waldo- boro. Pliysician, Ueerlield, N. H. d.l850. Enoch Coffin Dow. b. June, 1812, Wakelicld, N. H. Physician, Tuftonlioro, N. II.; Ho(;he.ster, N. II. d. 4 Jan., 187G. Joseph Eastman. Res. (1840), Hamp- stead, X. II. Emerson Googing. b. 20 Nov., ISIO, Sullivan. Physician, Rlt. Desert; Ells- worth. Samuel Herrick Gould, b. 19 Dec, 1814, Ipswich, iMass. Physician, Brewster, Mass. d. 10 Aug., 1882. Jeremiah Home. b. 29 Jan., 1816, Rochester, N. H. Physician, Dover, N. H. Jesse Howe. b. 11 April, 181(5, Sum- ner. Physician, Norway, d. 2,5 Feb., 1873. John Stevens Lee. Res. (1840), Que- bec, P. Q. William Horace Luce. b. 1 Aug., 1814, West Tisbury, Mass. I'hysician, West Tishury, Mass. d. 21 May, 181)1. David McLellan. b. 4 Sept., 1811, Lon- donderry, N. S. Physician, d. 18(10, Sus- se.v, N. B. Dustan Page. b. Cliarleston. Pbysi- cian, Charleston, d. 1840. Lewis Phinney. b. 1812, Turner. Phy- sician, North Turner, d. 25 Sept., 1845. Lemuel Richards, b. 14 Sept., 1809, Bristol. Physician, Bowdoinhani; Ken- nebunk. d. 7 Nov., 1887. Frederick Tristram Storer. b. 15 Aug., 1815, Saco. I'hysician, Conn. Post- master, Saco. d. 5 April, 1881. Moses Erastus Sweat. A.B., 1837. John Toomy. b. 1819, Boston. Phy- sician, CheLsea, Mass.; San Francisco, Cal. d. 8 June, 1857. Almon Twitchell. b. 14 Sept., 1811, Bethel. Physician, Bethel. State Senate, 1857-8. d. 2U Oct., 18.59. Elijah Walker. Physician, jNIexico. d. 1846. Timothy Wilson, b. 27 July, 1811, Shapleigh. Physician, Ossipee, N. H.; Orleans, Mass. d. 18 July, 1887. 22— *17 Class of 1841. Fordyce Barker. A.B., 1837. Hiram Bartlett. b. 1815, Nevvry. Phy- sician, Mercer; Newry. d. 18 Nov., 1855. Silas Powers Bartlett. T). 3 Feb., 1817, Bethel. Physician, Willoii and Fast Dix- field. Josiah Merrill Blake, b. 1 July, 1817, Olisficld. Physician, Olislicld ; Bridgton. (1. 18 Jan., 18511. Eli Edgecomb. b. 27 Aug., 1811, Liv- erinore. I'hysician, Lewiston; Liverniore. d. 2.-! Oct., 18111. Hewitt Chandler Fessenden. A.B., Dart., 1838. b. 26 Dec, 1811t, New Glouces- ter. Physician, Saco; Kaslport. d. 22 Oct., 1885. Orville FoUett. b. 13 April, 1816, Northampton, Mass. Physician, Normal, Illinois. Andrew Jacob Fuller, b. 15 Sept., 1822, Paris. Physician, Bath. Grenville Ware Gay. b. 16 Jan., 1815, Boston. Physician, Bath. d. 1 Jan., 1805. Edwin Green, b. 20 Oct., 1816, Paris. Physician and farmer, Sumner. Physi- cian, Paris; Athol, Mass. (1884). Samuel Stinson Hazen. b. 7 June, 1813, Bridgton. Physician. <1. 15 Dec, 1847, Sedgwick. Luke HiU. A.B., 1835. Rufus Lord Hinkley. b. 26 Mar., 1817, Lisbon. Physician, Boston, d. 3 Oct., 1862, East Boston. 116 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Samuel Ingalls. b. Dec, 1818, San- down, N. H. Physician, Winthrop, Mass. d. 11 June, 1884. James North, b. 25 July, 1813, Ben- ton. Baltimore Dental Coll., 1850. Den- tist, Vienna, Austria. Res., Philadelphia ; Hammonton, N. J. d. 8 Jan., 1885. Gideon Stinson Palmer. A.B., 1838. John Payne, b. 16 Oct., 1801, Gorham. Phy^iciiin, Belfast, d. 8 Oct., 1857. Thomas Fitch Perley. A.B., 1837. Butler Hubbard Phillips, b. 17 Aug., 1815, Loudon, N. H. Physician, Pembroke, N. H. (I. 25 May, 1893, Suncook, N. H. Alvah Rowe. b. 3 July, 1817, New- port. Physician, New York City. Sidney Smith, b. 19 Feb., 1815, Brook- lin. Physician, East Sullivan, d. "Jan., 1883, Brooklin. William George Smith, b. 31 Dec, 1812, Wilton, Kng. Physician, Chicopee, Mass. d. 1(3 Jan., 1892. Curtis Stanhope. Res. (1841), Brad- ford, d. John Langdon Swinerton. b. 28 June, 1805, Newfield. Physician, Milton, N. H.; Wakelield, X. H. d. 2 Sept., 1882. Samuel Henry Tewksbury. M.D., Univ. Penn. b. 22 Mar., 1819, Oxford. Physician, Oxford; Portland, d. 27 July, 1S80. George Washington Turner. b. (i Mar., 1810, Leeds. Physician, Dixfleld; Buckflcld; Sumner, d. 4 Nov., 1859. 26— *21 Class of 1842. Charles Wesley Beedle. b. 21 Oct., 181G, Kichmond. Physician, Rochester, N. Y. d. 9 Feb., 1853, Trenton, Mich. Isaac Chandler. b. 27 Sept., 1815, Fryeburg. Physician, Lovell. d.l April, 1889. Joseph Brown Cutts. b. i) Oct., 1820, Kittery. Physician, Ogle Co., Mo. 2d 111. Cav., 1861. Surg. U. S. Vols, and Bvt. Lt. Col., 1S(J5. Res., St. Louis. John Emery Dunnels. b. 24 Nov., 1818, Newfield. Physician, Harrison. State Senate, 1852-3. d. 3 Jan., 1867. Nathan Coy Harris, b. 25 Jan., 1817, Minot. Physician, Addison; Auburn, d. 15 May, 1875. Joseph Cobb Hooper. Res., Portland. d. 4 April, 1851, Portland, Oregon. Charles Clark Keeney. Res. (1842), Detroit, Mich. Henry ElUs McCollum. b. 23 May, 1802, Chilmark, Mass. Physician, Barn- stable, Mass. d. 23 Dec, 1866. Asa Millet, b. 22 June, 1813, Leeds. Physician, East Bridgewater, Mass. d. 21 Mar., 1893. Nathaniel Tobey Palmer, b. 27 Feb., 1817, Gardiner. Physician, Brunswick. David Blethin Sawyer, b. Dec, 181<), Durham. Physician, Mechanic Falls; South Paris. Druggist, Lewiston. Ebenezer Stone, b. Unity (?). Phy- sician, AVestbrook. d. 1880. 12— * 8 Class of 1843. Alden Blossom, b. 24 Feb., 1820, Tur- ner. Asst. Surg., 6th Me. Vols. Physi- cian, Booth bay. Eben Hurd. b. 12 Feb., 1816, Newtield. Physician, Goodwin's Mills. Samuel Merritt. b. 30 March, 1822, Harpswell. Physician, San Francisco. Capitalist, Oakland, Cal. d. 17 Aug., 1890. Reuben Morrill Poindexter. b. Cor- nish. Physician, California. Horatio Southgate Smith. A. B., Dart., 1840. b. 28 July, 1820, Portland. Physician, Brooklyn, N. Y. d. 27 April, 1875. Joseph Sturtevant. b. 3 April, 1815, VVareham, Mass. Physician, Scarboro. d. Dec, 1884. Anthony Woodside. b. 28 Mar., 1820, Wales, d. 13 Nov., 1847, Bloomfield. 7—* 4 Class of 1844. William Dummer Bean. b. Bangor. Physician, Charleston. d. about 1849, Florida. William Pinckney Bridgham. b. 3 Sept., 1816, Buckfield. Physician, Buck- field. Ivory Brooks, b. 13 June, 1816, Water- boro. Physician, Springvale. d. 24 April, 1892. Greenleaf Clark Clough. b. 19 Feb., 1821, Sandown, N. H. Physician, Green- laud, N. II. d. 7 June, 1871. Marcellin Cot6. Res. (1844), Cacou- ua, P. Q. MEDICAL GRADUATES 117 Thaddeus Thompson Cushman. b. 29 June, 18-21, Sumner. Physician, Lunen- burg, Vt.; Littleton, N. H.; Kandolph, Mass. Daniel Gordon. b. 28 Aug.. 182.'?, Saeo. Physician, d. 3 .June, 1868. George Payson Jefferds. A.B., 1838. Robert Knowles. Res. (1844), Ches- ter, X. n. Mace Shepherd Leach. b. 25 .Tune, 1S19, Hartford, d. 13 April, 181G, Canton. William Meigs, b. 9 Mar., 1811!, Eas- ton,N. Y. Physician and teacher. Kes., Quiet Dell, Harrison Co., W. Va. d. 15 Feb., 18111. George LeBarron Randall, b.2:! Jan., 181.i, Vassalboro. Physician, Vassalboro. Merchant, Riverside. Edward Mortimer Simson. Res. (1844), Halifax, N. S. 13— * 6 Class of 1845. John Stuart Barrows. A.B., Dart., 184'2. b. 26 .July, 1824, Fryeburg. Physi- cian, Lovell. d. 2 Feb., 1849, Fryeburg. Briggs Thomas Carter, b. (> Mar., 1814, LTnity. Physician, Jefferson, d. 6 April, 1874. George Washington Colby, b. 7 May, 1818, Lisl)on. Physi(;ian, Richmond. Surg., IstMe. Cav. Brig. -Surg. Physician, Wal- doboro. d. 24 Feb., 1881. Hosea Ballou Eaton, b. 24 Mar., 1822, Plynioutli. Physician, Rockport. d. ]".» April, 1887. Arthur Duncan Edgecomb. b. 1820, Livermore. Physician, Auburn. d. It Aug., 1883, Edgecomb. Elbridge Gerry Edgecomb. b. 17 Aug., 1814, Livermore. Physician, Car- thage; Turner Centre, d. 18 Mar., 1893. Solomon Hunt. Res. (1844), Unity, d. 1847. John Mathews, b. Bath. Physician, Batli (18.56) ; Brooklyn, N. Y. d. Greenleaf Amasa Moulton. b. 1 Nov., 1818, Ossipee, X. H. Physician, Ossipee, X. H. d. 26 Dec, 18.")lt. Henry Lambard Nichols. A.M. b. 11 Sept., 1823, Augusta. Physician, Augusta ; Sacramento, Cal. Edward John Power. A.M., Trinity Coll., Dublin. C.F!., Poly. Inst., London, b. Dublin, Ireland. Physician, Mary- land ; Philadelphia, Pa. Louis Majorique Rousseau, b.2 Feb., 1820, St. Henri, P. Q. Physici.an, Ca- conna, P. Q.; Halifax, P.Q.; Pittsburg, Penn. d. 2.') Sept., 1882. Albert Shaw. Res. (184.5), Thorndike. Anthony UnderhiU. b. 12 Nov., 1818, Xew Yoi'k City. Physician, New Hacken- fsack, N. Y. d. 4 Sept., 188i). 14— *11 Class of 1846. Charles Hubbell Barker, b. 23 Oct., 1823, Cornish. Physician, Wayne, d. 19 May, 1891. W^illiam Marshall Barrett, b. 7 Oct., 1822, Townsend, jMass. Asst. Surg. .53d Mass. Vols. Surg. 87th U. S. C. T. Phy- sician, Boston ; VVestboro, Mass. Bowdoin Reed Buker. b. 1824. Phy- sician, Hampden, d. 8 Feb., 1884. Albion Pierce Chase, b. 18 Feb., 1817, Livermore. Physician, Amboy, 111. d. 27 May, 1879. Parmenas Dyer. b. 10 May, 1822, Windsor. Physician, Farmiiigton. d. 20 Nov., 1891. Luther Fitch. A.B., 1843. Andrew Jackson Harlow. b. Au- burn. Physician, AValdoboro. d. Joseph Avery Jackson, b. 25 Feb., 1824, Jefferson. Surg. 111. Vols. Physi- cian, Green Bay, Wis. ; Amboy, 111. d. 20 Mar., 1865. Asa Johnson, b. 18 June, 1821, Lim- erick (?). Physician, Dixmont. d. 17 Jan., 1864. Abial Libby. b. 1 Oct., 1822, Gardiner. Surg., 4th Me. Vols., 1862. Physician, lUch- mond. John Dunlap Lincoln. A.B., 1843. Daniel Evans Palmer, b. June, 1821, Tuftonborough, N. H. Surg. 81st U. S. C. T. Physician, Tuftonborough, N.H. d. 11 Mar., 1889, Kitterj'. Lycurgus Virgil Payne, b. 1824, Gor- ham (?). Physician, Belfast, d. 8 Aug., 18.53. James Sawyer, b. 5 June, 1822, Saco. Asst. Surg., 10th Me. Vols., 1862. Brig. Surg. Physician, Biddeford. Samuel Franklin Small, b. 1820, Jay. Physician, Temple, d. 1881. Nathaniel Tuckerman True. A.M., 1868; .also Colby, 1811. b. 15 Mar., 1812, Pownal. Teacher and lecturer. Bethel. d. 17 May, 1887. 118 BOWDOIN COLLEGE William Huntington Wattles, b. 12 April, 18-25, Lebanon, Conn. d. K! Sept., 1850. William Westcott. b. June, 1818, Standi.sh. Physician, Standish. Ass't Sm-f,'., Utli Me. Vols., 18(;-2. Farmer, Gor- ham. i\. 18 May, 1877. John Jameson Witherbee. b. Ma- chias. Physician, Dcnnysvillc; New Jer- .sey (18.54). 19— *15 Class of 1847. Samuel Weare Lang Chase. b. 21 Jan., 1821, Concord, N. H. Physician, Passadunikeag; Exeter Mills. Albion Keith Parris Childs. b. 22 July, 182-2, Jay. Physician, Jay. d. 11) July, 18.7(3. Francis Brown Clark. A.B., Dart., 1843 b. 22 Nov., 1820, Wells. Physician, Benicia, Cal. d. 12 Oct., 1864, Empire City, Cal. Isaac Somes Cushman. A.B., 1844. George Googins. b. 1.3 Nov., 1822, IIau(-ock. Physician, IMilbridge. Sumner Gould, b. 2 July, 1818, Farm- ington. Physician, IMadison. d. o July, 18(55. George William Haley, b. 21 Sept., 1810, P.ath. Ass't Surg. 1st Mo. Cav. Phy- sician, Pcaliod}'. d. 23 Aug., 1884. William Alonzo Harvey. Physician, Bradford (18.j(;) ; Yarmoulh (ISGO) . d. Chi- cago. Eufus Home King. b. 20 Sept., 1821, VVakeflold, N. H. Physician, Wolfboro, N. H. Friend Drake Lord. b. 1821, Limington. Pliysician, Waterboro; Newton Lower Falls, Mass. d. 8 Dec, 1883. Charles Belatty Nason. b. 18 Mar., 1810, Ellsworth. Physician, Brewer. d.20 April, 1875. John Gilman Pike. b. 17 Aug., 1817, Rollinsford, N. H. Physician, Salmon Falls, N. H.; Dover, N. H. Peter Pineo. b. 6 Mar., 1825, Corn- wallis, N. S. Prof. Med. Coll., Castleton, Vt. Surg., 0th Mass. Vols., 1861; Med. Inspector; Lieut. -Col., U. S. V., 18(53. Phy- sician, Hyannis, Mass., and Boston, d. 10 Sept., 1801, West Somerville, Mass. Edward Hartshorn Pratt. A. B., Dart., 1841. A.M., Dart. b. 12 Oct., 1815, Am- herst, N. H. Physician, Somersworth, N.H. d. 15 Nov., 18(17. Richard Russell Ricker. b. 12 Mar., 18-25, Acton. Ass"t Surg., 23d Me. Vols. Physician, Minot; Lewiston. Edmund Russell, b. 23 Nov., 1824, Temple. Phy.sician, Strong; Farmington; Lewiston. State Senate, 1874. d. -20 Dec, 1880. John Megquier Small, b. 14 Mai'ch, 1818, New Gloucester. Physician, Exeter; Lewiston. Warren Wing Springer, b. 1812, Bow- doinham. Physician, IJelgrade. d. 13 June, 1883. Albion Blanchard Stinson. Physi- cian, Litchiield. d. 1848. Charles Edward Swan. A.B., 1844. William Parker Sylvester, b. 2 July, 1821, Charlestown, iSIass. Physician, Po- land; North Pownal; South Sherborn, Mass. John W^ilson Toward, b. 15 Oct., 1816, Vienna. Physician, Augusta. Res., Ocean Point. Daniel Storer Tracy, b. 5 Jan., 1823, Peru. Physician, Canton, d. 8 Oct., 1862. John Bayley Walker, b. 12 Dec, 1825. Physician, Union ; Thomaston. State Sen- ate, 1864-5. d. 20 April, 1888. Richard Norris W^ebber. CM. M.D., Univ. Bishop's Coll., 1872. b. 20 April, 1822, Concord, Vt. Physician, Richmond, P. Q. Prof. Chem., St. Francis Coll., Richmond, P. Q. William Williamson, b. 22 Sept., 1812, Manor Hamilton, Ireland. Physician, Bethel. Res., Macksvillc, Kan. George W^alker Woodhouse. b. 1818, Madbui-y, N. H. Physician, Dover, N. H. d. 3 Nov., 18.50. 27—* Ifi Class of 1848. Albion Barnard, b. 5 Nov. , 1822, Dix- lield. Physician, Audover. Supt. Leech Lake Indian Agency, Minn. Manufact- urer, Minneapolis, Minn. Alexander Sloan Butler. Physician, Boston (1853). Charles Dexter Fairfield. Ptes. (1848), Springfield, Mass. Francis Eastman Hill. b. 1822. Phy- sician, Biddeford. d. 10 Oct., 1858, Saco. Josiah Jordan. Res. (1848), Monson. Physician, Foxcroft (1855). Albion W^iUiamson Knight. A.B., 1841. MEDICAL GRADUATES 11',) John Ladd. b. 15 Sept., 1824, Burke, Vt. I'liysician, Nortli Lixennore. d. .'5 April, isss. Albion Keith Parris Larrabee. b. ;>0 Sei)l., 1.'^'21, Scavljoro. I'liysician, Scar- 1)1)1-0. (1. 8 June, 18.51. David Christie Moorhead. ite.s. (1S4.S), New York Cily. John Byron Grant Morrison. Res. (1S4S), St. John, X. 15. Jabez Woodman Murray, b. 22 Dec, IS'i.i, Lcwistoii. I'liysician, Macliias; Min- neapolis, Minn. d. Ill April, 1892. Albert Hoyt Sanborn, b. 12 Feb., 182-2, Sandwich, N. H. Physician, Leip- sic, Del. d. 1-2 Jan., IS(J7. John King Stinchfield. b. 6 July, 1,S18, Leeds. Physician, Elniira, N. Y. (I. i;5 July, 188:5, Denver, Col. Mark Trafton, b. 1817, Industry. Phy- sician, Poseyville, Ind.; Mt. Vernon, lud. d. !l June, 1851. Francis Greenleaf "Warren, b. 4 Mar., 18-28, Ilollis. Surg. 5th Me. Vols. Phy- sician, P>iddeford. Oliver Addison "Woodbury, b. 4 Jan., 1818, Danvers, Mass. Physician, Nashua, N. H. d. !» Mar., 1875. 16— * 9 Class of 1849. Henry Milgrove Adams, b. 23 July, 18-23, Uumford. Physician and dentist. Cedar Falls, Iowa; Pukwana, S. Dak. Sumner Burnham Chase, b. 4 Oct., 18-21, Limington. Physician, Osage, Iowa. <1. 19 June, 1891. John "Van Surlay DeGrasse. b. June, 18-2G. Physician, Boston. Res., New York City. Asst. Surg., 3oth U. S. C. T., 18G3. d. '25 Nov., 18(>8. Charles Robert Pinckney Dunlap. A. P.., 184(>. Jonah Franklin Dyer. b. 15 April, 18-20, Eastport. Physician, Gloucester, Mass. Surg., 19th Mass. Vols., 1861-4. d. 9 Feb., 1879. Nathaniel Augustus Eels. b. 1827 (?), Belfast. Physician, Lincolnville. d. 6 Sept., l.'^.">3. Albion Parris Hilton, b. Hi Apr., 1823, l>eninark. Physi Jan., 1827, Franklin, N.H. Physician, Lawrence, Mass. d. 20 Dec, 1872. Joshua Lord Deane. Physician, Gar- . Silvanus Poor Perry. Re.s. (1857), Nashua, N. H. Ezra Barker Pike. b. 6 May, 1833, Hirani. Physician, Waterford. Cong. ministry, Elaine ; Now Hampshire. P. O. address, Exeter, N. 11. Ingraham Gould Richardson, b. 16 Oct., 1833, P.elgrade. Asst. Surg. 8th Me. Vols., 18(31-4. Physician, Clinton, la.; Minneapolis, Minn. Martin Van Buren Russell, b. 24 May, 18:5.'(, Temple. Physician, New Portland. d. G May, 1865. 14— * 5 Class of 1858. Lewis Allen, b. Nov., 18:32, Cornish. Physician, Saco. d. 6 April, 1872. Sewall Adams Allen, b. 7 Aug., 1820, (Jrecne. Physician, West Waterville; Oakland. Druggist, Sheldon, la. John Wesley Cook. b. 18 Aug., 1826, Vassalljoro. Asst. Surg. 22d Me. Vols., 1862. Physician, Foxci-oft; Chamljerlain, S. Dak. WiUiam Snow Dyer. Res. (IS.'jS), San Francisco. W^illiam Lindsay Ferguson. Res. (18.i8), Woodstock, N. B. Jonathan Radcliffe Henderson, b. May, 1811, Annan, Scotland. Physician, Londonderry, N. S. ; West River, N. S. d. George Zoeth Higgins. b. 2i) Dec, 1832, Exeter. Surg., 15th Me. Vols., 1863. Physician, Strong. Samuel Hilton, b. 24 Nov., 1834, Farm- ington f?). Physician, Sangerville. d. 27 Dec, 1861, Farmington. Joseph Milford Merchant, b. 15 Mar., 18:54, Belgi-ade. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., ]8()4. Physician, Warren, R. I. Jacob Manfred Moore. Res. (1858), Monrovia, Liberia. John O'ConneU. b. 1831, Ireland. Phy- sician, Boston, d. 5 Dec, 1893. Horace Kennedy W^heeler. b. 21 Aug., 1835, Whitelield. Physician, New York. d. 7 May, 1868. 12—* 5 Class of 1859. John Thwing Bates, b. 11 May, 18;U, Richmond. Asst. Surg. 11th Me. Vols. d. 11 April, 1863, Port Royal, S. C. William Buck. b. 15 Aug., 18.33, Hodg- don. Surg. 6tli Me. Vols., 18(;2-4. Physi- cian, Foxcroft. William Bradford BuUard. b. 12 April, 182:i, Turner. Physician, Lincoln; East FjOs Angeles, Cal. Francis Frye Dole. b. 1 Oct., 18:50, INIethuen, Mass. Physician, Chicopee, Mass.; Los Angeles, Cal. Jonathan Spaulding Houghton, b. 1 Feb., 1828, Anson. Asst. Surg., 8th Me. Vols., 1861. Physician, Seattle, Wash. Edwin Sewall Lenox. A.B., 1854. Daniel Edward Marston. b. 13 May, 1836, West Gardiner. Physician, Mon- mouth. Albion Keith Parris Meserve. b. 8 June, 18:53, Limington. Physician, Bux- ton; Portland. James Henry Thompson, b. 14 Sept., 1835, Foxcroft. Surg. 12th Me. Vols. Physician, Milwaukee, Wis. d. 1891 (?). Milton Curtis Wedgwood, b. 23 Dec, 18:52, Bowdoin. Asst. Surg. 11th Me. Vols., 1862. I'liysician, Lewiston. Horace Carr White, b. 26 Jan., 18.36, Bowdoin. Asst. Surg. 8th. Me. Vols. Physician, Lisbon Falls; Somerville, Mass. George Augustus W^heeler. A.B., 18.")6. 12 *2 Class of I860. Charles Barrett Adams. Re.s. (1800), Jay. d. Charles Thomas Bean. b. 13 May, 1823, Corinth. Lieut. Col., 24th Me. Vols., 1862. Asst. Surg., U. S. V.,1S63. Physi- cian, Chelsea, Mass. d. 24 Nov., 1890. Richard Leonidas Cook. b. 28 Nov., 18:52, Wakelleld, N. H. Asst. Surg., Uth Me. Vols., 1862. Physician, Oniro, Wis.; Sturgeon Bay, Wis. James Robinson Deane. b. 1 Oct., l.>^:53, Palermo. Asst. Surg.U. S. N. Phy- sician, Newton Highlands, Mass. WiUiam Henry Ealbeck. Res. (1860), Liberia, Africa, d. Thomas H Emery, b. 3 July, 1832, Buxton. Asst. Surg, llth Me. Vols., 1863. Teacher, Biddeford. 124 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Nehemiah Davis Faunce. b. 28 Aug., 1833, Oxford. Physician, Waterford ; So. Lake Wier, Florida. Charles Walker Gordon, b. 25 Nov., IS31, Sweden. Plij'sician, Bethel, d. 30 Sept., 1SS7. Aaron Whitney Gould, b. 22 July, 1837, Freedom. Physician, Freedom, d. 18 Aug., 18()0. Warren Hunter. b. 18 Oct., 1833, Strong. Asst. Surg. 16th Me. Vols. Phy- sician, Hampton, 111. Ansel Joseph Llbby. b. 24 Aug., 1834, Dexter. Asst. Surg. '24th Me. Vols. d. 28 Dec, 1SG2, East New York. William Baldwin Little, b. 22 Apr., 1822, Boston. U. S. Consul, Panama, d. 29 Jan., 1867, Panama. Charles Wesley Snow. A.B., Colby, 1856. A.M., Colby, b. 11 Aug., 1834, Corn- ville. Physician, Skowhegan. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1864-5. d. 28 Sept., 1876. Silas Edward Sylvester, b. 15 Oct., 1837, Turner. Physician, Portland. John Witham. Physician (18(30), Gal- latin, Miss. 15— * 8 Class of 1861. William Roseoe Benson. Ass'tSurg., 8th Me. Vols., 1864. d. 1865, Newport. Benjamin Bussey. b. G Sept., 1833, Newburgh. Asst. Surg., 19th Me. Vols. Physician, Houlton. John Pike Elkins. b. 5 Nov., 1838, New Durham, N. H. Physician, Wilmot, N. H.; New London, N. H.; Farmington, N. H. Robert Williams Gray. b. 2 Nov., 1835, South Paris. Physician, Kennebunk- port. Druggist, Boston. Oren Alphonso Horr. b. 8 Oct., 1835, Waterford. Asst. Surg., 114th U. S. C. T., 1864. Physician, Lewiston. d. 28 May, 1893. George Liberty Kilgore. b. 27 June, 1S35, Harrison. Physician, Windham; Wakelield, Mass. ; Boston. Thomas Curtis McLellan. b. 22 Mar., 1840, Augusta. U. S. A.,1864. Physician, South America; Frankfort; Bucksport. d. 6 April, 1893. Ezra Pray. b. 13 Mar., 1832, Eochester, N. H. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. N., 1861-6. Farmer, Rochester, N. 11. Henry Pickering Walcott. A.B., Harv., 1858. b. 23 Dec, 1838, Hopkinton, Mass. Physician, Cambridge, Mass. Pres. Mass. State Bd. Health. Edward Mayberry Wight, b. 5 Oct., 1S34, Casco. Physician, Gorhani, N. H. 10— * 3 Class of 1862. Roseoe Gilpatriek Dennett, b. 10 Feb., 1835, Buxton. Physician, Saco. d. 3 July, 1877. Melvin Augustus Emery, b. 12 Oct., 1837, Parsonsfleld. Physician, Illinois, d. 31 Dec, 1864. Timothy Steele Foster, b. 16 Mar., 1828, Lisbon. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1862. Physician, Laconia, N. H. Charles Frederick Haynes. b. 1 June, 1839, East Livermore. Surg. Me. Vols. Bvt. Lt.-Col., U. S. V. Physician, Skow- hegan ; West Newton, Mass.; Boston. Sumner Greenleaf Holt. b. 16 May, 1839, Albany. Asst. Surg. 1.5th Me. Vols., 1861. d. 23 Mar., 1863, Pensacola, Fla. Lewis Austin Merrill, b. 4 July, 1815, Georgetown, Mass. Physician, George- town, Rlass. d. 7 Sept., 1863. John Addison Morton, b. 10 Nov., 1835, Bristol. Asst. Surg. 24th Me. Vols., 1862-3. Physician, Bethel. Alden Dwinal Palmer, b. Orouo. Asst. Surg. 2d Me. Vols., 1862. Surg. 9th Me. Vols., 1863. d. 20 Mar., 1865, Wilmington, N. c: Rufus Payne Sawyer. M.D., Jeffer- son Med. Coll., 1873. b. 1841. Physician, Portland; Soldiers' Home, Hampton, Va. d. 14 July, 1893. Henry Hill Seavey. b. 22 Sept., 1841, Stetson. Physician, Bangor, d. 26 Nov., 1872. Joshua Otis Stanton, b. 22 Oct., 1837, Straftbrd, N. H. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1862. Physician, Washington, D. C. d. 9 April, 1891. Charles Lorin Wilson, b. 12 Sept., 1834, Newfleld. Physician, Waterford. d. 7 April, 1892. David Philip Wolhaupter. b. 6 April, 1840, Woodstock, N. B. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1862-4. Physician, Washington, D. C. 13— * 9 MEDICAL GRADUATES 125 Class of 1863. Delon Henry Abbott, b. '20 Dec, 1838, Orono. Surg. 9th Mo. Vols. Planter, merchant, and manufacturer, Vanclcmere, N.C. Cyrus Fogg Brackett. A.B., 1859. Charles Burr Bridgham. b. 1 May, IS-tl, lUicktield. Asst. Surg. 54th Mass. V'ol.s. Physician, Livermore; Bucklield; Cohassct, Mass. Elisha Peckham Clarke, b. 17 Aug., l.s:«, Westerly, R. I. Asst. Surg., :51st Mass. Vols., 1864. Physician, Hope Valley, R. I. George Lincoln Goodale. A.M., 1869; also Amlierst, ISGH. A.B., Amherst, 1860. M.D., Harv., 1863. b. 3 Aug., 1839, Saco. Prof. B. C. and Med. Sch. of Me. Prof. Nat. Hist. Director Botau. Garden, Harv. Coll. Evans Bartlett Harding, b. 12 Aug., 1823, Charlotte, Vt. Phj'sician, Northamp- ton, Mass. d. 1-2 April, 1877. Daniel Warren Hardy, b. 24 July, 18,34, Wilton. Surg. 37th U. S. C. T. Bvt. Lt. Col., 186.5. Physician. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1871. Pastor, Bethel; Billerica, INIass. Corydon Chadwick Hutchins. Res. (1S63), Augusta. Eugene William Johnson, b. (J May, 18311, Freeport. Asst. Surg., U. S. V., 1863-5. Druggist, Brunswick. William Bradbury Leavitt. b. 1840, Athens. Physician, Alliens, d. Oct., 187!). Melville Harrison Manson. b. K! A]ir., ]8;35, Limington. Asst. Surg. 5th Me. Vols. Physician, Minneapolis, Minn. John Wesley Mitchell. Physician, Decatur, 111. (188'.)). James William North. A.B., 1S()0. Frederick Grafton Parker, b. 24 Sept., 1840, Corinth. Physician, Canaan ; Prcsque . Isle. d. 18 Aug., 1883. Isaiah Lovell Pickard. b. 6 Mar., 1831, Canterbury, N. II. Surg. 11.5th U. S. C. T. d. -'0 July, 1865, Indianola, Tex. Parker Cleaveland Porter, b. 15 June, 1S33, Mt. Vernon. Asst. Surg. 37th N. Y. Vols. Merchant, Chicago. Edward Paul Roche, b. 11 Sept., 18.3(), Boston. Asst. Sui-g. 35th Mass. Vols., 1863. Brig. Surg. Physician, Bath. d. 25 May, 1893. Woodman Watson Royal, b. 16 Sept., 1835, Dover. Asst. Surg. 11th Me. Vols., 1863-5. Physician, East Portland, Ore. Benjamin Franklin Sturgis. b. 28 Oct., 1837, Gorham. Asst. Surg. 19th Me. Vols. Physician, Auburn. State Senate, 1876. Melville Emerson Webb. b. 3 Mar., 1842, Bridgton. Asst. Surg. .33d Mass. Vols. Physician, Boston. 20— * 5 Class of 1864. Hiram Francis Abbott. ]>. 2 June, 1835, Hiram. 2d Me. Vols., 1S6I. Physi- cian, Rumford. Edward Ballard, b. 14 Nov., 1837, Fryeburg. Physician, River Falls, Wis. Frank Bodflsh. A.B., Colby, 1862. b. 14 Feb., 1841, Waterville. Asst. Surg., 56th 111. Vols., 1864. Physician and apoth- ecary, No. Anson, d. 16 July, 1886. Charles Smith Boynton. A.M., Mid- dlebury, 1885. b. 8 Jan., 18:56, Laconia, N. II. Druggist, Brandon, Vt. Analyti- cal chemist, Burlington, Vt. Adjunct Prof. Chemistry, Univ. of Vermont. Benjamin Antony Boseman. Res. (1864), Troy, N. V. Physician, South Car- olina ( •'). Osgood Nathan Bradbury, b. 28 Oct., 1828, Norway. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1864-6. State Senate, 1864, 1865. Physi- cian, Paris ; Norway. Alvan Felch Bucknam. A.B., 1860. Silas Burbank. b. 2 Jan., 1840, Par- sonsfield. Physician, Mt. Vernon. Edgar Le Roi Carr. b. 12 May, 1841, Gilmanton, N. H. Asst. Surg., 29th Mass. Vols. Phy.si(ian, Pittslicld, X. H. Gardner Carpenter Clark, b. 15 Mar., 1841, Portland. Act. Asst. Surg.,U. S. A., 1864-5. I'hysician, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Atwood Crosby. A.M., Colby, 1874. b. 1 Nov., 1838, Albion. Asst. Surg., U. S. N., 1864. Physician, Waterville. d. 25 .Jan., 1883, Las Vegas, New Mexico. Charles Clark Ela. b. 27 Dec, 1834, Brownlicld. Physician, Conway, N. H. d. 29 Aug., 1868. Rufus Bradbury Foss. b. 12 Feb., 1839. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1864-5. Phy- sician, Farmington, N. II. Joseph Bernice Gray. b. 18.35, Den- mark. Physician, Denmark, d. 21 Jan., 1876, Rumford. 126 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Joseph Warren Hayward. b. 11 July, 1S41, Easton, Mass. Asst. Surg., U. S. V., 18G4. Bvt. Maj.,U. S.V. Physician, Taun- ton, Mass. Edward Kent Hill. b. 19 Sept., 1838, Newburgh. Asst. Surg., 4th Mass. Cav. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. U. S. civil ser- vice, Washington, D. C. Samuel Worth Johnson, b. 15 Oct., 184'2, Albion. Physician, Dixniont; Belfast. John Kenneth, b. 1838, Scotland. Pby- sician. Westerly, R. I. d. 2 June, 1S71. John Albert Larrabee. b. 17 May, 1840, Gorham. Act. Asst. Surg.,U. S. A., 1863. Prof, and Pres. Hosp. Coll. of Med., Louisville. Physician, Louisville, Ky. Simeon H. MerriU. Capt., 11th Me. Vols., 1864. Physician, .Jefferson; Ran- toul, Kan. Alpheus Spring Packard. A. B., 1861. Augustus Franklin Purington. b. 5 June, 1836, Bowdoinliam. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Phy.sician, Indiana, Penn. Otis Packard Rice. Also Hahnemann Med. Coll. and Hosp., 1881. b. 19 Mar., 1835, Hallowell. Asst. Surg. 9th Me. Vols. Pliysician, Atcliison, Kan. George Stanford Stebbins. b. 26 Oct., 1839, Granby, Mass. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1864-5. Physician, Springfield, Mass. Edwin Howard Vose. b. 20 Aug., 1858, Kobbinston. Act. Asst. Surg. U. S. N. Physician, Calais. Philenthius Cleaveland W^iley. A.B., 1861. Benjamin Williams, b. 22 Feb., 1836, Thomaston. Asst. Surg., 8th Me. Vols., 1864-6. Physician, Freedom; Rockland. 27— * 6 Class of 1865. Lorenzo Dodge, b. 1836. Ass't Surg., l."jth Me. Vols., 186-2. Physician, d. Dec, 1868, Wakefield, Mass. Horace Paul Downs. Phy.sician (1868), Taniworth, N. 11. Simeon Adams Evans. A.B., 1860. Charles Melroy Fellows. B.S., Dart- mouth, 186-2. M.S., Dartmouth, b. 4 June, 1831, Thetford, Vt. Physician, Lawrence, Mass. d. -23 Dec, 1876. William Melick Hartpence. b. 3 June, 1837, Broadway, N. J. Physician, Oxford, .N. J.; Washington, N. J. d. 9 July, 1889, West Hoboken,N. J. Albert W^ilbur Lincoln. A.B., Union, 1861. b. 11 Mar., 1833, Albion. Physician, Monroe; Gorham. Daniel Hey wood Lovejoy. b. 18 Oct., 1838, Rindge, N. H. Physician, Boston, d. 27 Feb., 1881, Concord, Mass. John Calvin W^ebster Moore. A.B., Yale, 1859. b. 30 Jan., 1837, Wells. Asst. Surg., 11th N. H. Vols., 1861. Physician, Concord, N. H. James Deering Nutting, b. 1 March, 1843, Otisfleld. Physician, Hallowell. William Henry Sawyer, b. 5 Nov., 1830. Physician, Kennebunkport. James Blake Severy. M.D., Bellevue Med. Coll., 1873. b. 29 June, 1840, Dix- fleld. Physician, Farmington. Lawyer, Colorado Springs, Col. William Oliver Grant Springer, b. 21 June, 1840, Litchfield. Physician, Tops- ham, d. 20 Dec, 1885, Blueflelds, Nicara- gua. Charles Knapp Stinchfield. b. 26 Feb., 1840, Leeds. Physician, Philadelphia; New York City; Wayue. d. 1 April, 1875, Leeds. George Henry Towle. b. 14 April, 1839, Pittsfield, N. H. Physician, Deer- field, N. II. State Senate, 1881-2. Jason Walker, b. 6 Aug., 1835, Union. Physician, Minot. Sewall Henry Webber, b. 21 April, 1840, Oxford. Physician, Paris, d. 6 July, 1873. Elisha Merritt W^hitten. b. 13 June, 1837, Bath. Prof. Surgery, State Univ., Neb. Physician, Nebraska City. Edward Stevens Young, b. 15 Nov., 1840, Washington. Physician, Washing- ton, d. 15 Oct., 1875. 18— * 8 Class of 1866. William Augustus Albee. b. 15 Oct., 1840, Washington. Physician, Union*; Camden; Rockland. Frederick W^illiam Bridgham. b. 3 Mar., 1845, Castine. Physician, Sullivan. Charles Henry Burnham. b. 20 Jan., 1837, Limerick. Physician, Jefferson, N. II. Prank Carter. Res. (1866), Portland. d. 1876. Freeman Hersey Chase, b. 2 Sept., 1838, Lincoln. Lieut. 12th Me. Vols., 1861. Physician, Orland; Bangor. MEDICAL GRADUATES 127 George Dillwyn Cook. b. 29 Mar., 1841, ;Milo. I'liy.sician, Charleston; Vas- sal boro. Ira Lothrop Davies. b. 10 Jan., 1845, Carroll. Physician, il. 2 Nov., 1870, San Diego, Cal. Alfred Randall Dearborn, b. 10 Oct., 1843, Epsom, X. II. Physician, Weare. (1. 18 Dec, 1871), Concord, N. II. Charles Amos Elliott, b. 10 Aug., 18o5, Great Falls, N. H. Asst. Surg. 117th U. S. C.T. Physician, Great Falls. Res.,Togus. Daniel Fulton Ellis, b. 14 Dec, 1840, Dexter. Surg. 108th U. S. C. T., 1864. Physician, P.ruuswick. d. 19 Sept., 1882. Edward Horatio Foster, b. 13 Oct., 1839, Canterljury, X. II. Physician, Con- cord, X. H. Jeremiah Clough Foster, b. 19 Oct., 1840, Canterbury, X. H. Physici;in, Can- terbury, X. H. ; Tamworth, X. II. ; Shrews- bury, Mass. ; Barre, Mass. ; d. 24 Sept., 1881. Woodbury George Frost. A.B., 1S60. Kobert Burns Oilman. M.D., Colum- bia, 1807. b. 5 Aug., 1842, Pierniont, X. II. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1868. Physi- cian, .Jersey City, X..J. Charles Edwin Gilpatrick. b. Mar., l837,Sliapleigli. Physician, Sanlnrd. d.7 Feb., 1809. George Herbert Greene. A.I!., Brown, 1803. b. 1 .July, 1837, Chicopee, Mass. Phy- sician, NViniihani, X. II.; Philadelphia; Xorth Andovcr, .Mass. d. 3 Jan., 187.5. John Randolph Ham. b . 23 Oct., 1842, Dover, X. H. Surg., 11.5th U. S. C. T., 1864-0. Physician, Dover, X. H. Eaton Shaw Hatch. Physician, Port- land, d. 1873, Memphis, Teun. Edmund Lebbeus Hovey. Physician, Xew Hrunswick (1806). David Smith Hunnewill. b. 1 Mar., 1840, Solon. I'hysician, Solon ; Madison. Hannibal Hamlin Kimball, b. 18 Aug., . 1843, Carmel. Physician, Minneapolis, Minn. John Lord. b. 25 June, 1843, Porter. Physician, Weaverville, Cal.; Biddeford. James "Warren Lowell, b. 22 Mar., 1842, Pliillipsburg. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. I'hysician, South Portland. Charles Baker Luce. b. 2(5 July, 1842, Union. Physician, Cooper's Mills; Genoa, Xev. Elisha Hammond Lyford. b. 11 Aug., 1840, Atkinson. 14th Me. Vols., 1861-2. Physician and druggist, Vinalhaven. John Throgmorton Middlemore. b. Edgarton, Eng. Supt. Kmigralioii Soci- et3', Birmingham, England. George Boardman Noyes. b. (! April, 1837, Atkinson. Hospital Stewaixl 11th Me. Vols., 1864-.). Physician, Grand Mcnan, N. B. ; Charleston. Owen St. Clare O'Brien, b. 31 Mar., 1833, Hants Co., X. S. Physician, Bristol; Rockport, Mass. David Elkins Parsons, b. 3 Dec. , 18.3(5, Cornville. 2d Lieut. 19th Me. Vols., 1862. Maj., 1864. Physician, (Jakland. Melvin Preble, b. 10 July, 1838, Cor- inth. Physician, Bangor. Willis Granville Robinson. Res., Jef- ferson City, Texas (1884). Bigelow Thatcher Sanborn, b. 11 July, 1839, Standish. Supt. Maine Insane IIosp., Augusta. Joseph Payson Spaulding. b. 19 Sept., 1839, Bingham. 20th ;Me. Vols., 1802. Phy- sician, Bingham; Richmond, d. 30 June, 1877. John Swan. b. 1 Nov., 1840, Brown- flcld. Asst. Surg. U. S. A., 1864-0. Phy- sician, Cumberland Mills. Daniel Arthur Wendell, b. 2() Aug., 18.39, Dover, X. II. Physician, d. 27 Mar., 1871, Dover, X. II. John Carlos Wheet. b. 15 Feb., 1840, Groton,X. H. I'hysician, Groton, X. II.; Bristol, X. IT. 3G— * 10 Class of 1867. John Winslow Chase, b. 9 Dec, 1839, Epping, X. IT. Physician, Dcdham, Mass. Walter Benajah Chase, b. 18 Dec, 1842, Lexington, X. Y. Physician, Wind- ham, X. Y.; Brooklyn, X. Y. William Swan Codman. b. 20 June, 1841, Camden. I'hysician, St. George, d. 17 Jan., 1873. Brainard Dearborn, b. North Hamp- ton, X. II. I'hysician, Portsmouth, X. H.; MinneaiJolis, Minn; Red Wing, Minn. Josiah Carr Donham. b. 26 July, 1847, Hebron. Physican, Lewiston; Hebron. Charles Elmer Drummond. b. 14 Oct., 1839, Xorth Siilney. Physician, Bed- ford, X. Y. Frank Stevens Hall. A.B., Haver- ford, 1864. b. 20 Dec, 18.39, Windham. Phy- sician, Cumberland Centi-e.d. 26 July, 1872. 128 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Orran Rensselaer Hall. b. 23 April, 1839, Naples. Phjsician, Buckfield ; Wes- ton, Mass. P. O. address, Buckfleld. Henry Hastings Hunt. A.B., 1862. Frank Asbury Kimball, b. 28 Mar., 1842, Mercer. Physician, Phillips; Gar- diner. Albert Quincy Marshall. A.B., Colby, is(;2. b. 12 Aug., 183G, Hebron. Physi- cian, New Gloucester, d. 3 May, 1880. George Manlius Pease. A.B., 1863. Charles Emerson Pbiloon. b. 17 July, 1S41, Livermore. Physician, Dixfleld; Auburn. John Greeley Pierce, b. 28 Oct., 1842, Foxcroft. Physician, Canton; Deering; Yarmouth. Albert Plummer. b. 7 Sept., 1840, Au- burn, N. H. Asst. Surg., 10th N. H. Vols., 186.5. Physician, Hamilton, Minn. Charles Augustus Robbins. A.B., 186-t. John Paris Sheahan. A.M., Western Maryland Coll., 1874. b. 28 Sept., 1842, Dennysville. 1st Me. Cav. 1st Lieut. 31st Me. Vols. Physician and dentist, West- minster, Md.; Dennysville. Davis Nevins Skinner, b. 17 Nov., 1841,Le\viston. Physician, Auburn. Ocu- list and aurist. Auburn, d. 18 June, 18i)2. Thomas Delap Smith, b. 5 May, 1837, Macliias. Hospital steward, U. S. A. Phy- sician, Gloversville, N. Y.; Broadalbin, N. Y. James Richard Nickerson Smith, b. 18 Mar., 184.5, Meddybemps. Physician, Pembroke; Baring; Milltowu. Seth Billlngton Sprague. b. 12 Jan., 1840, Dexter. Physician, Milo; Jersey City, N. J. Albert Hamilton Taft. b. 23 Dec, 1837, Nelson, N. H. 9th N. H. Vols. Phy- sician, Winchester, N. H. Frederick Charles Thayer. A.M., Colby, 18S4. b. 30 Sept., 1844, Waterville. Physician, Waterville. Alfred Walton, b. 22 June, 1832, Old- town. Physician, Bangor. Benjamin Bartlett Whitney, b. 13 Jan., 1844, Thorndike. Physician, Frank- fort; Lowell, Mass. d. 11 Dec, 1881. Daniel W^ebster W^ight. b. 21 Mar., 1837, Casco. 10th Me. Vols., 1862-5. Phy- sician, Winchester, Mass.; Pomeroy, la. Richard Jefferson Wilcox. Physi- cian, Algonac, Mich. d. Dec, 1872. Robert Fulton W^inchester. b. 27 April, 1845, Brewer. Physician, Santa Barbara, Cal. Albion Gustavus Young, b. 7 April, 1843, Linneus. Physician, Houlton. Lect- urer, B. C. Secretary State Board of Health, Augusta. 29— * 7 Class of 1868. John Stephen Clapham. b. 20 Jan., 1S44, Carmel. Physician, Princeton. Phy- sician and druggist, Bristol, Tex.; Poi't- land, Tex. George Bond Crane, b. 4 July, 1845, Chesterville. Physician, Milo. d.l2April, 1888. Luther Byron Crosby. b. 8 Sept., 1833, Albion. 2d Lieut., 7th Me. Vols. Phj'sician, Brownville. Alpheus Albert Deering. b. 8 July, 1845, Jackson. Physician, Moingona, la.; Boone, la. Bertrand Francis Dunn. b. 9 Jan., 1844, Oxford. 23d Me. Vols. Physician, Windham ; Portland. W^illiam Harvy Edwards, b. 28 Nov., 1842, Industry. 2(1 Lieut., 24th Me. Vols., 1863. Physician, Smith's Mills, Penn. Otis Fernald. b. 7 Mar., 1840, Sliap- leigh. Physician, Haverhill, Mass. John Murray Fletcher, b. 23 Mar., 1846, Lincolnville. Physician, Belfast. Chester William Frisbie. Res. (18G8), Springfield, Mass. Howard Lincoln Harmon, b. 1844 (?), Westbrook. Physician, Lyman, d. 28 Dec, 1870. John Henry Jackson. A.B., Colby, 1860; A.M., Colby, b. 26 Mar., 1838, Lee. Physician, Fall River, Mass. Edwin Devereux Jacques, b. 9 Mar., 1841, Machias. Physician, South Berwick. Francis Orlando Nash. ta. 28 Augj., 1841, Columbia. Physician, Hollister, Cal. Orrin George Ross. b. 12 Jan., 1843, Huntington, Vt. Physician, d. 29 April, 1885. George Dodge Rowe. b. 30 Oct., 1845, Campton, N. H. Physician, Boone, la. Augustus White Stinchfield. b. 21 Dec, 1842, Phillips. Physician, Eyota, Minn.; Rochester, Minn. John Irving Sturgis. b. 24 Dec, 1844, Gorham. Physician, New Gloucester. MEDICAL GRADUATES 129 William Edward Tarbell. b. 8 Feb., 1S47, Fairliekl. Missionary i)liysiciaii, Cliina. IMiysician, Solun ; North Anson. Stephen Edward Wentworth. b. 24 Mar., 1837, Limington. Pliysician, Brown- flekl; Auluirn. lit—* 3 Class of 1869. Alonzo Bishop Adams, b. 8 July, 184;!, Wilton. lOlli Me. A'ols. Physician, Wilton. Isaiah Leavitt Alden. b. 8 June, 1840, Hartford. Physician, Liverniore Falls. cl. 1 .July.lSSG. Joseph Louville Bennett, b. 6 Aug., 184'2. Physician, Ilirani ; Pridgton. William Henry Bragdon. 1). 1838, Shapleigh. Pliysician, Nortli Conway, N. II. (1. r> Sept., 1881). Daniel Coffin Burleigh. A.B., 1858. Ewan Cameron. M.D., DolIevueMed. Coll., 1872. b. 1 Aug., 1847, Albany, P. E. I. Physician, Grand Mcnan, N. B.; Lubec. Frank W^atts Chadbourne. b. 23 Oct., 184:5, Kcnnebunk. Physician, Lowell, Mass. Henry Martin Dearborn, b. 18 Nov., 184G, Epsom, N. II. Physician, New York City. Prof. N. Y. Med. Coll. and IIosi). Seth Melville Faunae, b. 15 July, 184-2, Oxford. Physician, North Water- ford, d. -2 Nov., 18(iU. George Melville Frost, b. 27 April, 184.;, Eliot. I'hysician, Peabody, Mass. Charles Fuller. A.B., 18(J5. Frederick Henry Gerrish. A.B., 18(i(;. Charles William Gross, b. 11 Dec, 184'2, IJruiiswick. Physician, IMilton Mills, N. IT. Eli Snow Hannaford. b. 10 June, 1847, Strong. Physician, Phillips; Readflekl. Ezra AUen Hobbs. b. 29 Dec, 1845, Berwick. Physician, Framinghani,Mass. Jacob Lyman Horr. b. 19 Dec, 1841, Watcrfortl. Pliysician, Westbrook. W^illiam Small Howe. M.D., Bellevue Med. Coll., 1873; also Ilahncnianu Med. Coll., 1883. b. i) Feb., 1834, St. .John, N. B. Cai)t. 1st Mc. Cav. Physician, Lewiston. d.-24 Aug.,l8'.)l. Guy William Johnson, b. 15 Dec, 1831), Stratford, N. II. Lunibcrinan and fanner. P. (>.,Coos, N. II. John Robinson Kimball, b. 28 Dec, 1844, Pembroke, N. II. Physician, Sun- cook, N. H. d. 8 Jan., 1893. Lyman Horace Luce. b. 10 April, 184(3, West Tisbury, Mass. Pliysician, Fal- mouth, Mass; West Tisbury, Mass. d. 31 .Jan., 180-2. Charles Hiram Maxim, b. 30 Aug., 183!). I'liysician, Grand Rapids, Mich. (1. 11 Mar., 1887. Sylvanus Melville McDermid. b. 30 June, 1844, Skowhegan. Physician, Gree- ley, Col. d. C Sept., 1884, Pasadena, Cal. William McLaughlin, b. 10 Aug., 1832, Cornvillc. Physician, Harmony. Samuel Andris Nash. b. 2(! Juno, 1840, East R;iynioiid. Maj. and Surg., 1st Me. Vols. Physician, North P>erwick. d. 5 Jan., 181)3. Charles Barton Sanders, b. 19 Feb., 1844, Lowell, Mass. 13th N. II. Vols. Lieut, and A.lj., 3()th U. S. C. T. Physi- cian, Acton, Mass. William Horace Sibley. M.D., Hahne- mann Med. Coll., 1878. b. 16 April, 184.'), Vassalboro. Physician, Easlport. Ileal estate, Gainsville, Fla. Joshua Vincent Smith. A. B., 18(17. Orin Stevens, b. 9 Juue, 1835, Wood- stock. Physician, Oxford. William Wallace Thomas, b. 4 June, 1838, O.xford. -23d Me. Vols., 18G2. Pliy.si- cinn, Yaniioutliville. Samuel Ellsworth Vei-rill. b. 8 Ai)ri!, 1844, Miiiot. Physician and tlruggist, O.x- ford. d. 1) June, 1871. Charles Edwin W^ebster. A.B., 18()(>. 31— *13 Class of 1870. Zenas Willis Bartlett. b. 7 Jan., 1848, Dixlield. Physician, Dixlield. d.'29.Sept., 188.5. Alden Edward Bessey. b. 1 Jan., 18.38, Hebron. Physician, Sidney ; Watcr- ville. George Albert Bragdon. b. 9 June, 1841, York. Pliysi(;ian, Dorchester, Mass. Joseph Chamberlain Caldwell, b. 3 Dec, 184-2, Topshain,Vt. Pliysician, Buck- field. George Albert Clark, b.2 Mar., 184(), Wells. Physician, Portland. Elisha Skinner Coan. b. 2() Jan., 1843, Exeter. '2(itli Maine Vols. Physician, Au- burn. Donald Darrach. M.I)., Harv., 1872. b. -2(; Oct., 1845, West River, P. E. Island. 130 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Fliysician. Merchant, Kensington, P. E. Island. Alvah Berton Dearborn. A.B., 18(J3. John Albert Fellows, b. 3 Dec, 1845, Limerick. Physician, Hollis; W. Buxton. Barzillai Bean Foster, b. 5 May, 1849, Unity. Physician, Portland. Frank Garcelon. b. 7 June, 1848, St. Albans. Pliysician,Liverniore Falls; Po- mona, Cal. Charles HoUis Greenleaf. Res. (1870), Augusta. Benjamin Atkins Harding, b. 4 Mar., 1S4'2, New Sharon. Physician, Blackstone, 111. John Richmond Hathaway, b. 22 Feb. , 1846, Temple. Pliysician, Howard City, Mich.; Everett, Wash. Charles King Hinkley. A.B., 1866. Seth Bradbury Hinkley. b. 5 Oct., 1S44, Mercur. Physician, Alanthus Grove, Mo. ; Stanberry, Mo. Charles Moreton Hussey. b. 8 Aug., 1876, P.elgrade. Physician, Guilford. Thomas "Warren Jones, b. 20 Dec, 1844, fiercer. Physician, Cornell, 111. Reuben Brackett Jordan, b. 20 Mar., 1S37, liaymond. Physician, Swampscott, Mass.; Gray. ■William Oliver Junkins. b. 13 May, ISl.'i, P>er\vick. IMiysician, Greenland, N. II.; Portsmouth, N. II. Osborne Greene Lord. b. 1 Dec, 1845, Porter. IMiysician, Kaukauna, Wis. Henry Marble, b. 5 Sept., 1848, Dix- lield. Druggist and physician, Lewistou. Physician, Gorhani, N. H. ■William Jabez Nickerson. b. 12 Sept., 1844, Litchfield. 19th Me. Vols. Physician, South Yarmouth; New Bedford, Mass. John Edmund Scruton. b. 23 Nov., 1S46, New Durham, N. H. Physician, Union, N. H. d. 6 Mar., 1894, Wakefield, N. H. Frank Eugene Sleeper. A.B., Bates, 1867. A.M., Bates, b. 12 Sept., 1846, Lew- istou. Physician, Sabattus. State Sen- ate, 1887-90. Elmer Small. A.B., Dartmouth, 1868. b. 14 Aug., 1845, Vassalboro. Physician, Belfast. Joseph Boniface Soto. b. 1842, Callao, Peru. U. S. N. Physician, Brunswick. d. 19 Nov., 1874. Emmons Franklin Stockwell. b. 10 Dec, ISi.'J, Lancaster, N. H. Physician, Alfred; Lancaster, N. H. Austin Thomas. A.B., Colby, 1866. b. 6 Sept., 1844, Waterville. 1.50th Ohio Vols. Physician, Nittany, Penn.; Unity. Newton John "Wedgwood, b. 19 June, 1840, Lit(;hlield. Physician, Lewiston. John Murray Wentworth. b. 10 Mar., 1842. Physician, Sedgwick, d. .5 July, 1873, Appleton. 31— * 4 Class of 1871. Solon Bartlett. b. .30 Aug., 1845, Han- over. Physician, Lowell, Mass. Randall Doyle Bibber, b. 1 Sept., 1845, Brunswick. Physician, Bath. U. S. Ma- rine Hosp. service. Charles Melville Bisbee. b. 21 Nov., 1848, Canton. Pliysician, West Sumner. Charles Blazo. b. 3 Aug., 1842, Parsons- field. Physician, Rochester, N. II. Charles Hayes Boody. b. 27 Dec, 1838, New Durham, N. H. Physician, Cochituate, Mass. Oilman Gould Boyd. b. 6 Dec, 1842, Monroe. Physician, Monroe, d. 2 July, 1875. Richard "Wayne Bradeen. b. 19 Apr., 1847, Porter. Physician, Chippewa Falls, Wis. d.l Mar., 1881. Edmund Bragdon. b. 6 June, 1843, Limington. Lieut. 27th Me. Vols. Physi- cian, Martinez, Cal. Horatio Hill Cole. b. 9 Jan., 1847, Se- bago. Physician, Harrison, d. S Nov., 1890. Michael Delaney. b. 1 May, 1842, Portland. Plij'sician, North Palermo. Daniel Hasty Dole. b. 12 June, 1843, Windham. Physician, Portland. Caleb Joseph Emery. b. 16 April, 1846, Mandarin, Fla. Physician, Bidde- ford. Albert Lemuel Fenlason. b. 14 Oct., 1841, Hodgdon. Physician, Caribou. George ■Winslow Foster. A.B., 1868. Augustus Noyes French, b. 21 June, 1845, Norway. Physician, Lovell ; Norway. Freeman Cram Harris, b. 18 Jan., 1850, Bridgton. Physician, Colebrook, N. H. Clement Caldwell Haskell, b. 16 Apr., 1847, East Livermore. Physician. Treas. So. Fla. R. R. Co. Res., Sanford, Fla. Frank Eastman Hitchcock. A.B., 1868. Benjamin Dudley Emerson Huse. b. 1 Feb., 1848, Camden. Physician, Camden. MEDICAL GRADUATES 131 Haven Palmer, b. lil Sept., 1843, Jef- ferson, N. H. Physician, Jlei-eilith, N. II. ; Plymouth, N. II. Nathaniel Prentiss Potter, b. i;i Oct., 1S4.'), l!riily:ton. Ptiy.siciiiii, ISridgton. AATaUace Winfield Potter. M.D., Bel- leviio Hosi). Med. Coll., l.sTl. b. 27 Sept., 1.^47, Scitu.ite, U. 1. J'hysiciau, Provi- dence, It. 1.; Spokane Falls, Wash. Albert Quincy Pottle, b. 4 June, 1847, Harrison. I'liysician, ^linot; Island I'ond, Vt. ; Canaan, Vt. "William Frank Shepard. A.B., 18G8. John Wesley Small, b. 5 June, 1849, Bowdoinliain. I'hysician, Quincy, Mass. ; New Rochelle, N. Y. George Sylvester, b. 125 June, 184f), Turner. Physician, Dayton. P.O., Good- win's Mills. Charles Lyman Toothaker. b. 25 April, lS4fi. I'hysician, I'hillips. Francis Nelson "Wheeler, b. 11 Mar., 1S44, Corinth. Pliysiri;in, Hl.xctcr ; Camden, d. VI June, IS'.tl. Frederick Granville Williams, b. 7 .Jan., lS4f!. I'hysician, T.inghani. Octavius King Yates, b. 25 Sept., lKi3, Greenwood. l'hysi(;ian, West Paris. .•;o— *4 Class of 1872. James Thomas Burns. lies. (1872), Augusta. Physician, CIiattanooLta.Tenii. (1S80). David Taylor Parker Chamberlin. b. '21 Nov., Is4(i, Lebanon. Physician, Dover, N. II. d. 21 July, 1802. Isaac Sanford Curtis. A.B., 18G7. Rotheus Augustus Gray. A.B., 1874. Milton Wilder HaU. b. 24 Oct., 1848, Casco. Physician, Saco; Roxbury,Mass. Hannibal Hamlin, b. 19 May, 1847, Milo. Physician, Milo; Orono. Hiram Brackett Haskell, b. 28 Nov., 1848, Limington. Physician, Chelsea, Mass. d. 24 April, 1891. "Wilson Levi Hawkes. b. 25 Feb., 1848, Windham. Physician, York Harbor. "William Henry Horr. b. 3 July, 1845, Lancaster, N. II. I'hysician, Salmon Falls, N.II. d. 21 Oct., 1881. "William Henry Jewett. b. G April, 1848, Sweden. Physician, Norway, d. li Mar., 1880, Augusta. Thomas Savory McAllister. b. 10 July, IS47, Londonderry, N. H. Physi- cian, Amesbury, Mass. d. 3 May, 1880. Ferdinand Wilsey Merrill, b. 5 July, 1842, I'.arnanl. Physician, Winn. Jeremiah John Page. As.st. Surg. U. S. N. Hcs., While Plains, N. Y. John Mussey Rand. b. 4 Aug., 1848, Portland. Physician, Detroit, Mich, d.2'.) .June, 1873. Charles Augustus Ring. A.B., 18(58. W^illiam Rogers. b. 2.3 July, 1840, Hampden. Physician, I?ar Harbor. Sidney Isaac Small. M.D., Columbia, 1873. b. 24 April, 1842, Carmcl. Physi- cian, Saginaw, Mich. "William Rice Smart. A.B., Dart- mouth, 1870. b. 7 April, 1849, Camden. Physician. Merchant, Camden. d. 19 Oct., 1892. ■ Arthur Noel Smith, b. 29 July, 1851, Meddybemps. Physician, Silver City, Idaho; Dover, N. II. Merritt Southard, b. 18 July, 1843, Corinna. I'hysician, Garland; Austin, Nev. Herbert Thomson, b. 29 July, 1852, St. Stephen, N. IJ. I'liysi(-ian, I'.oonville, Cal. Edward Martin Tucker, b. 22 April, 18;!'.i, Sprinnvale. J'liysician, ( anaan, N. 11. Frank Sumner Warren, b. 12 Mar., 1851, Pownal. Physician, Hiddeford. John Albert "Wilcox. 1). 23 April, 1847, Griswold,Conn. Physician, Charlestown, K. I.; Wakelield, li. 1. 24 *7 Class of 1873. Benjamin Webber Bartlett. b. 11 Feb., 1850, .Jackson. I'hysician, Rowley, Mass. William Crocker Clark, b. 12 Feb., 1845, F:dina, Africa. Physician, Somer- ville, Mass. Edwin Eaton, b. (i Nov., 1819, Wilton. Physician, t'layton, Mich. ; Hudson, Mich. Arthur Childs EUingwood. b. 4 Dec., 184(!, Swanvillc. Physician, IJclfast. Edwin Motley Fuller, b. 8 Jan., 1850, Portland. Physician, Bath. Freeman Clark Hersey. 1). 11 Dec, 1843, Corinth. Ph3'sician, Pittsflcld; Sa- lem, Mass.; Boston. Frederick Nickels Huston. A.B., 1802. 132 BOAVDOIN COLLEGE Lester Howard Jordan, b. 18 Aug., 1850, Toland. IMiysician, Kaymond. Onslow Marshall Kingsbury, b. 29 Nov., 1847, China, rhysiciau, Georgetown. James Freeland Newman, b. 30 Apr., 1845, Canton Point. Pliysician, Gray. d. 16 May, 1890, Gorham. Warren Wilbur Pillsbury. b. 10 Sept., 1S48, Manclicster, N. 11. Physician, Mer- rimack, N. II.; Newburyport, Mass. Isaac Rounds, b. 11 Sept., 1842, Dan- ville. Pliysician, Paris. James William Stuart, b. 14 Oct., 1844, Windham. Physician, Runiford. Charles W^esley Taggart. b. 9 Oct., 1848, Steuben. I'hysician, Wiuthrop. 14— * 2 Class of 1874. Isaiah Gilman Anthoine. b. 25 Mar., 184(i, Windham. Physician, Antrim, N.H.; Nashua, N. II. Frank Augustus Bickford. b. 14 Apr., 1853, IJrooksville. Physician, Bradford. Surgeon U. S. Dept. Interior, Fort Bel- knap, Montana. Physician, Oldtown. Sydney Tanner Brown, b. 19 Aug., 1841, Sebago. Pliysician, Denmark. Koland Curtis, b. 20 Jan., 184G, Bow- doinham. Physician, Richmond, tl. 13 Oct., 188-2. George Henry Emerson, b. 17 Feb., 1853, Hampden. Physician, Bucksport. Robert Edward Forbes. Res. (1874), Rlontrose, Scotland. Pliysician, New- foundland (? ). Frederick Charles Gardiner, b. 24 Aug., 1851, Corinna. Physician, Kendus- keag. d. 5 Nov., 188C, Hudson. Alonzo Lewis Gaubert. b. 28 Aug., 1847, Richmond. Physician, Mechanic Falls; Columbia, S. C. Irving Wayland Gilbert, b. 24 Mar., 1852, Litchfield. Physician, Litchfield Cor- ner. Henry Porter Hall. b. 2 Aug., 1853, Kenncbunk. Physician, Leominster, Mass. Erastus Eugene Holt. b. 1 June, 1849, Peru. Pliysician, Portland. Surgeon Me. Kye and Ear Infirmary. Stephen Converse Knight, b. Nov., 1844, ISrooklyn, N. Y. Physician, Marble- head, Mass. d. 3 Dec, 1880. Charles Fuller Leslie, b. 16 April, 1847, Patten. Physician, Sunapee, N. H.; Clyde, Kan. George Hoitt Sanborn, b. 8 Aug., 1851, Barnstead, N. H. Physician, Hen- niker, N. H. Nathaniel Harvey Scott, b. 16 Mar., 1851, Dalton, N. H. Physician, Wolfboro, N. H. Albion Thomas Stinson. b. 20 Feb., 1849, Litchfield. Physician, New Sharon. Almon Valorous Thompson, b. 22 Mar., 1843, Eaton, N. H. Physician, Stan- dish; Portland. James Utley. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1875. b. 13 July, 1840, New Marl- boro, Mass. Physician, Newton, Mass. Albert Woodside. A.B., 1869. W^ alter Melvin Wright. A. B., Dart., 1871. A.M., Dart. M.D., Dart., 1874. b. 22 May, ISIG, Hanover, N. II. Physician, Orange, Mass. Charles Everett Young, b. 6 April, 1853, Corinna. Physician, Bangor. 21— * 3 Class of 1875. John Burnham Bray. b. 21 Feb., 1833, Bridgton. I'hysician, Bridgton. Howard Leighton Br iggs. M.D., Jef- ferson Med. Coll., 1875. b. 19 May, 1845, Carmel. U. S. N., ISGO. U. S. Rev. Mar. ; Lieut. -Com'd'r, 1872. Physician, Bangor, d. 12 Aug., 1882, Boston. George Allen Brug. b. 29 May, 1853, New York City. Physician, Providence, R.I. Albert Martin Card. b. 26 Mar., 1850, Bowdoinhani. Physician and druggist, Alna. Avery Moulton Foster, b. 11 April, 1851, Gray. Physician, Belmont; Candia, N. H. Charles Keuel Gibson, b. 12 May, 1S52, Alstead, N. H. Physician, Woods- ville, N. H. Joseph Edward James. Physician, St. Stephen, N. B. (?). Joseph WadsworthKeene. A. B., 1870. Dan Osro King. b. 15 Dec, 1850, Smith- field, R. I. Physician, Pontiac, R. I. ; Au- burn, R. I. Sidney Aaron Merrill, b. 15 March, 1849, Barnstead, N. H. Physician, Bel- mont, N. H. ' Thomas Perley Pease. Res., Bridg- ton. U. S. civil service, d. Charles Wallace Price, b. 28 Aug., 1844, Boston. Physician, Bath ; Richmond. MEDICAL GRADUATES 133 Albert Thomas Stahl. b. 4 June, 1846, Attleljoro, Mass. Physician. U. S. postal service. Real estate, Boston. Charles Edgar Trafton. b. 12 Feb., l.s.")4, Ncwlield. Pliysician, Rochester, N. II. d. 21 Sept., 1877. Charles Henry Witham. b. 21 June, 1S.")1, Chicaj;:!), HI. Physician, North Cam- hridi^o, >Iass. 15—* 3 Class of 1876. John Lang Bennett, b. 19 Mar., 1851, ParsonslK'lil. Physician, Boston ; Ilotch- Iviss, Col. (1. 13 Sept., 188G, Quincy, Mass. Josiah Peet Bixby. b. 1 Oct., 1854, Kenduskeag-. Physician, Warren, INIas.s.; North Wobiirn, Mass. Roscoe Ellsworth Brown, b. 11 May, 1851, Lynn, Mass. Physician, East Wey- mouth, Mass.; Everett, Mass. Hiram Rand Corson, b. 13 Nov., 1848, Alton. Physician, New Sharon; Seattle, Wash. James Craig, b. 28 April, 18.50, Dix- nionl. Physician, Unity; White Snlphnr Springs, IMont. Thomas De La Cour Des Brisay. b. 19 July, 184S, Dartmouth, N. S. Physician, Lunenburg, N. S. Irving Ellis KimbaU. b. 2 Sept., 18.52, Clinton. Physician, Portland. George Willard Libby. b. 29 Jan., ls.')(), Ilirani. Pliysician, Searsport; Spo- kane Falls, Wasli. Hubert McLachlin. Res. (ISTU), St. George, N. P.. George Frank Merrill, b. 2 Feb., 1849, Corintli. Physician, Cambriovcll. Herbert Montell Post. b. 15 April, 18.59, Thoniaston. Phj'sician, St. Cloud, Minn. d. 4 Jan., 189.?. Frank Ellsworth Stone, b. IG July, 1862, Lj'iin, Mass. I'hysician, Lynn, Mass. James Brown Thornton, b. 5 Oct., 1861, Gilnianton, N. H. Physician, Bos- ton, Mass. Charles Edgar Wilson, b. 9 Sept., 18.5;;, Limerick. Physician, Hiram. 14— » 3 Class of 1886. Robert Noyes Adams. A.B., Dart., 1882. b. 1.5 Sept., 1861, Brighton, Vt. Phy- sician, Portland. William Rice Ballou. M.D., Bellevue IIosp. :Me(l. Coll., 1886. b. 27 July, 1864, Bath. Surg., Bellevue Dispensari'. Phy- sician, New York City. d. 10 Mar., 1893, Thomasville, Ga. Edward Webb Chase. A.B., 188.3. Wallace Jason Collins. A.B., 1883. W^illiam Lawrence Dana. A.B., Harv., 1883. b. 30 June, 1862, Portland. Physi- cian, Portland. Demonstrator Histology. Joseph Alb^ric G6n6reux. b. 12 Feb., 1861, Druinmondville, P. (J. Physician, Southbridge, Mass. Jesse Durrell Haley. b. 13 Oct., 1861, Cornish. Physician, Limerick. Willis Franklin Hart. b. 5 July, 1859, Ilolden. Physician, Kxeter. Alfred King. A.B., Colby, 1883. b. 2 July, 1861, Portland. Physician, Port- land. Charles Edwin Lander, b. 13 April, 1861, Lewiston. Physician, Lisbon Falls; Alfred. Herbert Alton Lombard, b. 2G Jan., 1863, Baldwin. Physician, Bridgtou. William Jordan Maybury. b. 27 Mar., 18.58, I'eru. Physician, Springvale; Saco. Alfred Ira Noble. A.B., Colby, 1883. b. 3 Mar., 1856, Fairfield. Asst. Physician, Lunatic Hospital, Worcester, Mass. Charles Howard Ridlon. b. 11 May, 1859, Cornish. Physician, Gorham. Henry Loring Staples. A.B., 1881. Lincoln Atwood Sukeforth. b. 19 May, 1860, Washington. Physician, Bar- num, Minn.; Carlton, Minn. Addison Sanford Thayer. A.B., Harv., 1881. M.I)., Harv., 1888. b. 5 Aug., 18.58, Med way, Mass. Physician, Portland Demonstrator A natomy . George Ernest Thomes. b. 12 June, 18;58, Portlauil. Physician, Stoughton, Mass.; Port Chester, N. Y. John Franklin Thompson. A.B., Dart., 1882. b. 14 Oct., 18,59, Eastport. Physician, Portland. Prof. Diseases of Women. Fred Elbridge Varney. b. 2G Jan., 18(;i, Skowhegan. Physician, Skowliegan ; Union. 20— *1 Class of 1887. John Warren Achorn. A.B., 1879. Henry Dexter Averill. b. 1 May, 1860, Kcnnebunkport. Physician, Bar Harbor. Edward Eugene Baker, b. 7 Nov., 1S62, Augusta. Physician, Friendship. Frank Byron Brown, b. 3 Sept., 18G3, North Chichester, N. II. Physician, Salina, Kan. ; Boston. 140 BOWDOIN COLLEGE George Clinton Chamberlain, b. IG Aug., ISGO, Richmond. Physician, Roclc- land; Friendship. Moses Bennett Cobb. h. 16 July, 1852, Saccarappa. I'h3-sician, Biddeford. "Walter Edward Elwell. b. 21 April, 1800, Woodfords. Surg. National Sol- diers' Home, Togus. Oscar Storer Erskine. b. 3 Jan., 18G5, Morrill. Physician, Allanlio; Frankfort. Edwin William Gould, b. 27 May, lS.'):i, North Bucksport. Physician, Sears- port. Comm'r of seashore Usheries. Ambrose Hastings Harding, b. 1!) May, lS()-2, Hermon. Physician, Monson. William King. A.B., 1881. Delorme Gilkey Luce. b. 4 Mar., 18G0, Anson. Physician, Caribou, d. 10 Nov., 1892. John Witham Nichols. A.B., 1881. Francis Sylvester Packard, b. 18 Feb., 18(;i, Parkman. Physician, VVaterford. Henry Wilson Ring. A.B., 1879. Arthur Wilmot Rowe. b. 7 Mar., 1859, Dedham. Physician, Oldtown. Herbert Benjamin Royal, b. 24 Sept., 18fi3, Garland. Physician, Harvard, Mass. Carleton Keith Sparrow, b. 15 Mar., 180."), Middleborough, Mass. Physician, Strong, d. S June, 1S88, Middleborougli, Mass. Edward Franklin Stevens, b. Carroll. Physician, Seattle, Wash. Edwin Leander Thompson, b. 31 Mar., 1801, Kennebunk. Physician, Bu.x- ton Centre. 20— * 2 Class of 1888. Dudley Johnson Bell. b. 27 June, 1803, Bristol, N. B. Physician, Fort Fair- field. Elmer Ellsworth Brown, b. 11 May, 1801, Clinton. IMiysician, Clinton. Frederick Leander Davis, b. 3 April, 18.59, Portland. Physician, Biddeford. Charles Augustus Dennett, b.5 Nov., 1803, Portland. Physician, Bar Mills. Frederic Howard Files. A.B., 1883. George Herbert Guptill. b. 5 Sept., 1804, Berwick. Physician, Raymond, N. H . Corydon W^ebster Harlow. A.B., Bates, 1885. b. 14 Sept., 1804, Washington. Physician, Melrose Highlands, Mass. John Keith Hooper, b. 30 Aug., 1859, Franklin. Physician, Camden. Henry Austin King. b. 22 April, 1861, Newbnrg. Physician, Dixmont. Charles Ernest Lancaster, b. Ki Apr., 1S02, Richmond. Physician, Bowdoinham. Philip Sidney Lindsey. A.B., 1884. Wilbur Grant Martin, b. 15 Mar., 1804, Lovell. Physician, Madison, N. H. Arthur Raymond Meader. b.SAug., 1S05, Waterville. Physician, Waterville. William Howe Merrill, b. 3 April, 1804, Newport. Physician, I'lymouth; Wo- burn, Mass. George Prentiss Morgan, b. 22 June, 1801, New Gloucester. Physician, Dover, N. H. Hartstein Wendell Page. A.B., Colby, 1880. A.M., Colby, b. 10 Oct., 1850, Rock- port. Physician, Lunatic IIosp., Worces- ter, Mass. John Grant Quimby. b. 8 April, 1862, Sandwich, N. H. Physician, Lake Village, N. H. Jesse Andrew Randall, b. 6 Dec, 1803, South Liniington. Physician, Old Orchard. Fred Ellsworth Sweetsir. b. 11 Nov., ISOO, Saco. Physician, Merrimac, Mass. George W^ alter Weeks, b. 1 Sept., 1801, Cornish. Physician, Cornish. W^illiam Wallace Wilcomb. b. 15 Oct., 1S04, Chester, N. H. Physician, Suncook, N. H. d. 2 Dec, 189-2. 21— *1 Class of 1889. Ellra Charles Andrews, b. 9 Sept., 1805, Lovell Centre. Physician, N. Anson. DeForest Woodruff Chase, b. 27 May, 1807, Lyini, IMass. Phj-sician, Boston. Charles Frederick Curtis. M.D., Bel- levue IIosp. Med. Coll., 1890. b. 20 April, 1803, Bath. Physician, Bath. Gilbert Gaudreau. b. 11 Nov., 1854, Frenchville. Physician, Augusta. Charles Eugene Harvey. M.D., Bel- levne IIosp. Med. Coll., 1889. Physician, Bath Beach, N. Y. Allston Frost Hunt. b. 17 Dec, 1863, Stroudwater. Physician, Swampscott, Mass. Leon Stephen Merrill, b. 22 Dec, 1804, Solon. Postmaster, Solon. Henry McCollister Moulton. A.B., 1887. Harry Melville Nickerson. b. 11 Mar., 1805, Phillips. Physician, Portland. MEDICAL (iRADUATES 141 Francis Egbert Nye. b. 12 Dec, 1865, South Orrington. rhysician, W. Brooks- ville. Michael O'HaUoran. b. 29 Sept., ISlil, Lowell. Physician, Iloulton. il. 28 June, 1S!)2, Denver, Col. George Merrill Randall, b. 20 Mar., ISty.), iiivcrsiile. Physician, Pasailcna, Cal. George Dill Rowe. b. 29 Sept., ISCG, Sniilhfield. Physician, Oakland. Matthew Francis Ryan. b. 14 May, iS.'iS, liaring. Physician, .Sherman. Frank AVilliara Searle. b. 8 Sept., ls")l, liuwcll, Mass. Pliysician, Portland. Charles Porter Small. A. B., Colby, l.sso. b. It; Nov., lSi>?>, T5angor. E.\ani. Physi(-ian, (Jliicago Univ., Chicago, 111. Charles Bradford Sylvester, b. 12 Fell., l.sd."), Ca.sco. Physici.m, Harrison. Albert Josiah Taylor, b. 19 Dec, 18G5, Burlington. IMcrchant, Caribou. George Thompson, b. 21 Mar., 18()1, Union. Physician, Taftville, Conn. Amos Brown Townsend. A.r>.,Coll)y, 188.). b. KS.July, 18()1, Xorridgcwock. Phy- sician, Alameda, Cal. Philip Henry Sheridan Vaughan. b. 1 .Jan., ISCI, New Porlland. I'hysiciaii, Insane Hospital, Augusta. Charles Alvano Whitney, b. 21 Oct., 18(J0, Phillii)s. Physician, Boston. Frank Nathaniel Whittier. A.IJ., 188."). Edward Archer Wight, b. 28 Nov., 18()4, Casco. Physician, Bolster's Mills. 24—* 1 Class of 1890. Charles Everett Adams. A.B., 1884. Quincy Adams Bridges, b. 4 Feb., 18t;i, IVnibroke. I'hysician, Guilford. Henry Herbert Brock. A.B., Am- herst, ISSG. b. 30 May, 1864, Portland. Physician, Portland. George Rigby Camp. b. 5 Feb., 1850, .Jem.scg, N. H. I'liysician, Fairville, N. B. John Turner Billing. I'hys'n, Spraguc's INlills. Nelson Carey Haskell. A.D., Am- herst, 1887. b. 14 Sept., 1866, Deering. I'liysician, Boston. Joseph Howard Mansur. b. 20 Oct., 1865, South Wakelleld, N. H. Pliysician, Orr's Island. W^illiam Truman Merrill. B.L., Dart., 1887. M.I)., Dart., 1890. b. 26 Jan., 1861 Deer Isle. Pliysician, Patten. Herbert Brainerd Perry, b. 5 Sept. 1865, Cape j:ii/,abcth. Physician, Amherst Mass. p:.\am. Surg. :Mass. Agric. Coll. James Kennard Paxil Rogers, b. 24 Aug., 186."), South Eliot. Physician, Knight ville. Edward Everett Shapleigh. b.SMar. 1868, Kittery. I'liysician, Kittery. Allan Lincoln Shirley, b. 15 Feb. 1865, Fryeburg. Physician, ilast Bridge water, Mass. Henry Atherton Smith. A.B., Colby 1886. b. 23 June, 1866, Auburn. Physi cian, I.ivermorc. Fred Merritt Stiles, b. 10 Jan., 1864 .Saccaraiipa. Physicuan, Waltham, Mass Fred EUiston Strout. b. 15 Sept. 1867, Albion. Physician, Gardiner. Arthur Leland Sukeforth. b. 9 July 1869, No. Union. Physician, No. White field. 16 Class of 1891. Chancey Adams. A.B., Colby, 1885. 1). 15 Mar., 1861, New Portland. Physi- cian, Anson. Burt Andrews. M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. b. 19 May, 1869, Cornish. Phy- sician, Rochester, N. H. W^illiam Herbert Bradford. A.B., 1888. Frank Irving Brown. A.B., 1885. Charles Burleigh, b. 2(5 Feb., 1855, Lewiston. Physician, Maiden, Mass. Herbert Knight Colbath. b. 9 May, 1869, Farniingtoii, N. II. Physician, North Berwick. Harris Obadiah Curtis, b. 14 Dec, 1860, Biclimond. Physician, Topsham. Benjamin Glazier Willey Cushman. A.B., Bates, 1885. b. 2 April, 1863, Sumner. Physician, Auburn. Samuel Wilbert Davis, b. 17 Feb., 18(!4, Fariiiington,N. II. Physician, Alton, N. H. Daniel Clement Dennett, b. 29 May, 18(!8, Saccarajipa. Physician, Bradford. Charles Herbert Fish. b. 5 Dec, 1865, Manchester, N. II. d. 20 Aug., 1892. John Smith Fogg. M.D., Bellevue llosp. Med. Coll. b. 31 Jan., 1865, Bidde- ford. Physician, Biddeford. 4^^^^'*' OF thp: ^?^^\ fUlTIVBESITYl 142 BOWDOIN COLLEGE George Augustus Gregory, b. 4 Mar., 1865, Churchoon, Nova Scotia. Physician, Bootlibaj' Harbor. Howard Clinton Hanson, b. 22 Sept., 18(14, Buxton Center. Pliysician, Yar- mouth. Edward Howard Hawley. b. 11 Oct., 18(;4, Batli. Physician, Clucaj,^o, 111. Harry Waldo Kimball, b. 17 Jan., 1S08, Woonsocket, R. I. Physician, Prov- ideuce, R. I. "Willis Hazen KimbaU. b. 2 Dec, ISO", Bridston. Physician, Medfield, Mass. Arthur Wayland Langley. b. 17 Mar., ISO.), Acton. Physician, Denver, Col. George Franklin Libby. b. 4 Mar., 1868, Portland. Physician, Togus. Frank Henry McLaughlin. b. 2(j Sept., 186:5, Carmel. Physician, Exeter. Joseph Harvey Murphy, b. 4 May, 1866, Andover, N. B. Physician, Fort Fairfield. John Clement Parker. A.B., 1886. Harry Snow Parsons. b. 14 Mar., 1867, Brunswick. Dentist, Boston. In- structor Median. Dentistry, Harvard. Herbert Harmon Purinton. b. 22 A pr., 186"), Saco. Physician, Greene. Arthur Asbra Shaw. b. 7 Apr., 1864, Ktiui. Physician, Clinton. John Ziba Shedd. b. 8 July, 1861, Norway. I'hysician, North Conway, N. H. "Willey Edgar Sincoek. b. 17 Dec., 1867, Presque Isle. Physician, Caribou. Clement Colfax Whitcomb. b. 16 Sept., 1868, Dixmont. Physician, Monroe. 28— *1 Class of 1892. Justin Darius Ames. b. 7 Deo., 1865, Canaan. Physician, Athens. Charles Howard Bangs, b. 14 April, 1861, Limerick. Physician, Lynn, Mass. James Prentiss Blake, b. 3 Oct., 1865, Harrison. Physician, Minot. Luther Grow Bunker, b. 1!) Mar., 1868, Trenton. Physician, North Berwick. John William Connellan. b. 21 Oct., 1868, Portland. Physician, Lewiston. David Benjamin Crediford. b. 19 May, 1864, Kennebunkport. Physician, Augusta. Russell Hubert Croxford. A.B., Wes- leyan, 1887. b. 17 May, 1858, Lincoln. Physician, Orlaud. Frederick Henry Eames. A.B., 1882. Salustiano Fanduiz. A.B., St. Do- mingo Inst., 1800. b. 8 June, 1868, St. Domingo. Pliysician, Brunswick. Roland Sumner Gove. b. 2 April, 1870, Linnngton. Physician, Biddcford. Charles Franklin Hamlin, b. 14 July, 186ii, Otislield. Phy.sician, Millis, Mass. Fremont Lincoln Hogan. b. 25 Aug., 1863, Bath. Physician, Bath. Samuel Edmund Knight, b. 21 July, 1869, Matloon, 111. Physician, Stockton, Cal. James Otis Lincoln, b. 27 Dec, 1863, Bath. Physician, Bath. Edward James McDonough. A.B., Holy Cross Coll., 1889. b. 10 Aug., 1867, I'ortland. IMiysician, Me. Gen. Hosp. Charles Francis Nutter, b. 24 May, 1870, Rochester, N. H. Physician, Me. Gen. Hosp. Charles Asa Palmer, b. 1867, Bath. IMiysician, Bowdoinham. Isaac Parke Parke, b. 16 Mar., 1867, Stockton. Physician, Revere, Mass. Sylvanus Cobb Pierpont. b. 4 May, IS.W, Washington. Physician, Washing- ton. David Arthur Plett. A.B., V.S., Mc- Gill. b. 1 Sept., 1857, Montreal.' Physi- cian, Brunswick. Herbert Winslow Robinson, b. 27 .July, 1857, South Windham. Physician, Epping, N. H. Owen Percy Smith, b. It April, 1869, Hiram. Physician, Portland. Clarence Augustus Stetson, b. 23 April, 1861, Boxford, Mass. Physician, Lowell, Mass. Eugene Leslie Stevens. A.B., Bates, 1889. b. 20 Sept., 1865, Troy. Physician, Howard, R. I. James Stephen Sullivan, b. 20 Sept., 1868, Manchester, N. H. Physician, Win- chester, N. H. Albie Warren Sylvester, b. 6 July, 1863, Etna. Physician, Plymouth. 26 Class of 1893. Herbert Hosea Allen, b. 14 April, 1868, Denmark. Physician, Scarboro. Thomas Herbert Ayer. A.B., 1888. Felix Barrett, b. 9 Aug., 1860, St. Louis, P. Q. Physician, Westbrook. Seth Davis Chellis. b. 9 Oct., 1868, South Parsousfleld. Physician, Limerick. MEDICAL GRADUATES 143 Gilman Davis, h. 13 Jan., 18(i<), Port- laud. I'hy.xician, WliitfliuUl, X. H. "William Chase Farley. b. 13 Dec, isii'.i, New r.ostDii, X. II. Pearl Tenney Haskell, b. 10 Mar.. ly(j8, Dcfiiiij;. I'liy.siciai), Union, N. H. Daniel Stevens Latham, b. 4 Jan., 18(;7, Aiibnni. Pliysician, R. I. City Hos- pital. Loring Sawyer Lombard. I'hy.siciaii, (irt'onc. Kalph Hemenway Marsh. B.S., Me. State Coll., 1888. b. 3 Feb., 18(j;?, Creenville. Physician, Guilford. Eben Jordan Marston. b. 30 Nov., 1870, liatli. I'liyaician, Maine General Hos- pital. Louis Arthur Merritt. b. 1 May, l.S(!4, Lincoln. Physician, Pittsticld. Edgar Colson Newcomb. b. 9 Jan., 18(;2, Xcwburg. Leland Howard Poor. b. 3 Apr., 1807, Bethel. Pliysician, Sebago. Charles Cushman Peirce. b. 20 Mar., 187(1, Dover, X. 11. Physician. d.lilSept., I8ii;!. Fred Leslie Redman, b. H Dec, 185'.t, llernion. Physician, Corinna. Moses »Victor Safford. B.L., Dart- nioutli, 181)0. )). 13 Dec, 18(h , Kittciy. Hos- pital stall' New York J'olyclinic. Robert Milford Small, b. 2i> Auf?-, 18(;8, P.owiloin. Physician, IJowdoinhani. Charles Leslie Sweetsir. b. 12 Dec, \sr,'.). Physician, Lowell City Hospital. George Averill Tolman. A.B., 1890. Ambrose Herbert "Weeks, b. 2 Apr., 18G8, .JeHerson. Pliysician, Maine General Hospital. 21— *1 Class of 1894. Candii).\tes fok Dkghee of Doctor OF Medicine. Eugene Hersey Andrews, b. 30 July, 18(1:2, Xorth Paris. Forrest Hartley Badger, b. 15 Jan., 1870, Hangeley. Ites., Farminston. James Mortimer Bodwell. b. 13 Apr., 18(i8, Solon. Thurlow "Weed Brimijion. J). 23 Feb., 1871, Madrid. Res., Phillips. George Riley Gate. b. 11 July, 1867, Northwood, N. H. Edward Chase Cook. b. .".O Aug., 1809, Vassalboro. Jesse Eugene Cook. b. .\pril, 1S70, North Troy. Res., Pittslield. William Henry Dyer. b. 17 Mar., 1809, Portland. Oscar Rodney Emerson, b. 12 Ajjril, 1872, Plymouth. Edward Irvin Folsom. b. 7 April, 1870, P><)stoii, Mass. Pes., Falmouth. Arthur Scott Gilson. b. 17 May, 1855, Portland. Res., Winthrop. George "Walter Greenleaf. b. OAug., 1870, Stark. Res., Stoiichani, Mass. "William Langdon Haskell, b. 3 Feb.. 1870, Kowdoinham. Res., P.runswick. Ralph Hudson Hunt. A. H., 1891. Robert John Kincaid. b. St. Stephen, N. P.. Res., P.oslou. Charles Jewett Lincoln. I). 11 July, ISO'.l, Albion Res., China. George Clifton Mahoney. A.B., 1891. John Lyman Pepper. A.B., Colby, 1.880. b. 1 1 June, 186.5, Fariiiiiiglon. Res., Xorridgewock. Albert "Wyman Plummer. b. 25 Jan., l8(;o, Lisiioii Falls. "Wallace Nathaniel Price, b. 29 Oct., 1871, Calais. Pes., Richmond. Hanson Llewellyn Raymond. b. 14 April, 18.")0, Viiialhaveii. Bertrand Dean Ridlon. A.B., 1891. Fred Cutler Russell. A.B., 1889. Joseph "Warren Sanborn, b. 28 Jan., 18(58, Etna. Res., Waldoboro. John "Watson Sawyer, b. 7 Julj% 18(58, Monmouth. Arthur AA/"ebster Shurtleff. b. 1 Aug., 1871, Chicago, HI. Res., Lewiston. Amos Elwyn Small, b. 14 Feb., 1869, Deer Isle. Res., Sunset. Eugene LeForest Staples, b. 8 June, 18(i7, Ellsworth. Res., lUuehill. Arthur James Stimpson. b. 11 July, 1871, ISruuswick. Arthur Davis Variell. b. 20 Aug., 1869, Gardiner. Walter Linwood "Watson, b. 19 May, 18(57, Everett, Mass. Res., IMddel'ord. Frank Sherman "Weeks, b. 2 April, 1871, Porter. Res., Kezar Falls. 32 HONORARY GRADUATES. 1806. Ebenezer Hunt Beckford. A.B. A.B., JIai-v., lf<05. b. 1 July, 178G, Salem, Mass. Lawyer, d. 10 Mar., ISii'J, Andover, Mass. Oliver Bray. A.M. A.B., Yale, 1795. A.M., Yale. b. -2 April, 1776, Guilford, Conn. Lawyer, Portland. d.26Dec , 1823. Jason Chamberlain. A.B. A. B., Brown, 1804. Prof. Language.^, Univ. Vermont, d. 1821. Thomas Jeffreys Eckley. A.B. A.B., llarv., 1804. b. 2G Dec, 1784, Boston. Lawyer, Pliiladelpliia. d. 13 Feb., 1840. James Henderson Elliot. A.M. A.B., Ilarv., 1802. b. 11 July, 1782, Boston, d. 20 April, 1808. Abraham Eiistis. A.B. A.B., Harv., 1S04. b. 28 Mar., 178G, Petersburg, Va. Lawyer, Poston. Capt. Lt. Art'y, U. .S. A., 1808. Bvt. Brig.-ticn., 1834. d. 27 June, 1843, Portland. James Charles Jewett. A.M. A.P)., Ilarv., 1800. b. 28 Nov., 1779, Portland. d. 1822, Ipswicli, Mass. Thomas Morton Jones. A.B. A.B., llarv., 18(Mi. b. 13 May, 1787, Poston. d. 18.')7, London, England. Isaac Lincoln. A.M. M.D. ,18:31. A.B., Ilarv., 1800. A.M., Ilarv. b.2(i Jan., 1780, Coliasset, Mass. Plij'sician, Topshani; Brunswick, d. 6 Mar., 18(i8. Samuel Orne. A.B. A.B., Harv., 1804; also Yale, 1804. A.M., Ilarv. b. 30 Jan., 1780, Salem, Mass. d.30 Aug.,lS30,Spring- neld, Mass. Albion Keith Parris. A.B. A. B., Dart., 1800. b. 19 Jan., 1788, Hebron. Lawyer, Portland. State Senate, 1814. M. C, 181,5-18. U. S. District Judge, 1818-22. Governor, 1822-37. U. S. Senate, 1827-28. Judge Supreme Court, 182S-3G. d. 11 Feb., 18.)7, Portland. Leverett Saltonstall. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1802 ; also Yale, 1802. A.M., Harv. LL.D., Harv., 1838. b. 13 June, 1783, Haverhill, :Mass. Lawyer, Salem, Mass. Pres. State Senate, 1831. M. C, 1838-43. d. 8 May, 1845, Salem, Mass. Ichabod Tucker. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1791. A.M., Harv.; also Yale, 1804. b. 17 April, 1707, Harvard, Mass. Lawyer, Ha- verhill, Mass. d. 23 Oct., 1840, Salem, Mass. Owen Warland. A.B. A.B., Harv., 1804. b. 26 Aug.,1783, Cambridge, Mass. Lawyer, d. 7 Mar., 1816, Matanzas. 1807. John Merrick. A.M. b. 27 Aug., 17G6, London, Eng. Res., Ilallowell. d. 23 Oct., 1801. Henry Putnam. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1802. A.M., Ilarv. b.2S June, 1778, Read- ing, Mass. Lawyer, Brunswick. d.Jan., 1827, Reading, Mass. Isaac Gardner Reed. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1803. A.M., Harv. b. IG Nov., 1783, Littleton, Mass. Lawyer, Waldo- boro. d. 20 Feb., 1847. Nathan Weston. A.M. LL.D., 184:>. A.P.., Dart., 1x03. A.M., Dart. LL.D., Dart., 18.31; also Colby, 1831. b. 27 July, 1782, Augusta. Lawyer, Augusta. Judge Supreme Court, 1820-34; Chief Justice, 1834-41. d. 4 June, 18?2. 1808. Andrew Greenwood. A.M. b. 177(), Salem, Mass. Lawyer, Path. d. 1,> Nov., 1810. Samuel Emerson Smith. A.B. A.B., Harv., 1808. b. 12 Mar., 1788, Ilollis, N. II. Lawyer, Wiscasset. Governor, 1831-3. d. 3 Jlar., 1800. Charles Wheeler. A. 11. A. B., Brown, 1807. Clergyman, d. 18.")1. 1809. Benjamin Jones Porter. A.M. b. 20 Sept., 1703, Beverly, Mass. Merchant, Topsham. State Senate, d. 18 Aug., 1847, Camden. John Phillips Thurston. A.M. A.B., Dart., 1797. A.M., Dart. b. 22 Feb., 1781, Exeter, N. H. Merchant, Portland; New York City. d. 38 June, 1832. 146 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1812. Bezaleel Cushman. A.B. A. B., Dart., ISll. A.M., Dart. b. 13 Sept., 1785. Teacher, Portland, d. 21 June, 1857. David Sewall. LL.D. A.B., Harv., 1755. A.M., Harv. b. 7 Oct., 1735, York. Judge Supreme Court, Mass. U. S. Dis- trict Juilge, Maine, d. 22 Oct., 1825, York. Benjamin Vaughan. LL.D.; also Harv., 1807. b. 19 April, 1751, Jamaica. Merchant, London. Member Parliament. Res., Ilallowell. d. 8 Dec, 1835. 1815. "Winthrop Bailey. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1807. A.M., Harv. b. 7 May, 1784, Berlin, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem., 1810. Tutor. Pastor, Pelham, Mass. ; Gi-eenfleld, Mass. d. 16 Mar., 1835, Dcerlield, Mass. David Brigham. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1810. A.M., Ilarv. b. 15 Aug., 1786, Shrewsburj' , IMass. Tutor. Lawyer, Fitch- burg, Mass.; Madison, Wis. d. 16 Aug., 1843. Benjamin Burge. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1805. M.D., Harv., 1811. b 5 Aug., 1782, Hollis, N. II. Tutor. Physician, d. 11 June, 1816. Jonathan Cogswell. A.M. A.B. , Harv., 1806. D.D., Univ. City of New York, 1836. b. 3 Sept., 1782, Rowley, Mass. Tutor. Pastor, Saco. Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theo. Inst., East Windsor, Conn. Res., New Brunswick, N. J. d. 1 Aug., 1864. Stephen Fales. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1810. A.M., Harv. b. 3 May, 1790, Boston. Tutor. Lawyer, Dayton, O.; Cincinnati, O. d. 3 Sept., 18.54. Alvan Lamson. A.B. A.B., Harv., 1814. A.M., Harv. D.D., Harv., 1S37. b. IS Nov., 1792, Weston, Mass. Tutor. Harv. Divinity Sch., 1817. Pastor, Ded- ham, Mass. d. IS July, 1864. Jeremiah Mason. LL.D.; also Harv., 1817; also Dart., 1823. A. B., Yale, 1788. A.M., Yale. b. 27 April, 1768, Lebanon, Conn. Lawyer, Portsmouth, N. II. State Att'y-Gcn. U. S. Senate, 1813-17. d. 14 Oct., 1848, Boston. Moses Merrill. A.M. A.B., Dart., isio. A.M., Dart. b. 8 May, 1782, Fal- mouth. Teacher, Baltimore, Md. d. 11 April, 18,53. Andrews Norton. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1804. A.M., Harv. b. 31 Dec, 1786, Iling- ham, Mass. Tutor. Librarian and Prof. Sac. Lit., Harv. d. 18 Sept., 18.52, Newport, R.I. Nathan Parker. A.M. D.D., 1823. A.B., Harv., 1803. A.M., Harv. b. 5 June, 1782, Reading, Mass. Tutor. Pastor, Portsmouth, N. H. d. 8 Nov., 1833. Benjamin Tappan. A.M. D.D., 1845; also Colby, 1836. A. B., Harv., 1805. A.M., Harv. b. 8 Nov., 1788, West Newbury, Mass. Tutor. Pastor, Augusta, d. 22 Dec, 1863. John White. A.M. A.B. , Harv., 1805. A.M., Harv. b. 2 Dec, 1787, Concord, Mass. Tutor. Pastor, West Dedhani, Mass. d. 1 Feb., 18.52. Nathaniel Whitman. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1809. A.M., Harv. b. 25 Dec, 1785, East Bridgewater, Mass. Tutor. Pastor, Billerica, Mass. Res., Deerfleld, Mass. d. 29 Oct., 1869. Samuel Willard. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1803. D.D., Harv., 1826. b. 18 April, 1776, Petersham, Mass. Tutor. Pastor, Deer- fleld, Mass. d. 8 Oct., 1859. 1817. DudleyAtkins. A.B. A.B. , Harv., 18U). A.M., Harv. M.D., Penn., 1820. b. 12 June, 1798, Newburyport, Mass. Physician, New York City. d. 7 April, 1845, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Briggs. A.B. A.B., Harv., 1815. A.M., Harv. b. 17 Jan., 1791, Hal- ifax, Mass. Tutor. Harv. Divinity Sch., 1818. Pastor, Lexington, Mass. Sec'y Amor. Unit. Asso. d. 17 Dec, 1873, Rox- bury, Mass. Simon Greenleaf. A.M. LL.D., Harv., 1834; also Amherst, 1845; also Alabama, 18.52. b. 5 Dec, 1783, Newburyport, Mass. Lawyer, Portland. Prof. Law, Harv. d. 6 Oct., 18,53, Cambridge, Mass. Henry Robinson. A.M. A.B., Yale, 1811. A.M., Yale. b. 20 Dec, 1788, Guil- ford, Conn. Andover Theo. Sem., 1816. Tutor B. C. Cong, ministry, Conn. d. 14 Sept., 1878, Guilford, Conn. Samuel Sumner Wilde. LL.D.; also Harv., 1841; also Dart., 1849. A. B., Dart., 1789. A.M., Dart. b. 5 Feb., 1771, Taun- ton, Mass. Lawyer, Hallowell. Judge Supreme Court, Mass., 1815-1850. d. 22 June, 18.55, Boston. 1818. Joseph Huntington Jones. A.B. A.B., Harv., 1817. A.M., Harv. D.D., Lafay- ette, 1842; also Harv., 1855. b. 24 Aug., HONORARY GRADUATES 147 1797, Coventry. Conn. Tutor. Pastor, New Brunswick, N. J.; I'hihulelphia. fl. 22 Dec, 1868. Moses Fenelon Randall. M.D. A.B., Brown, 1814. A. Ar., Brown, d. beforel849. Benjamin Silliman. M.D. A.B., Yale, 1796. A.M., Yale. LL.D., Mirldlebury, 1826. b. 8 Aug.. 1779, Trumbull, Conn. Prof. Cliem. anil Nat. Hist., Yale. d. 24 Nov., 1864, New Haven, Conn. Levi AVhitman. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1808. b. l(i Jan., 1781), VVellllcet, Mass. Lawyer, Norway, d. 2 Oct., 1872, Harri- son. 1820. Frederick Allen. A.M. LL.D., 1847. b. 22 Dec. , 1780, Cliilniark, Mass. Lawyer, Gardiner, d. 28 Sept., 186.'i. Daniel Cony. A.M. b. 3 Aug., 1752, Shutesbury, Mass. Physician, Augusta. ]\rass. State Senate. Judge of Probate, d. 21 .Jan., 1842. Jeremiah Elkins. A.M.; also Dart. A.B., Dart., 1817. b. 31 Aug., 179.5, Ando- ver,N. H. Lawyer, Gilford, N. H.; Barn- stead, X. H.; Meredith, N. H. d. 24 Feb., 18.54. Daniel Goodenow. A.M. LL.D., 1800. b. .id ( )ct., 17!«, Hciiniker, N. H. Lawyer, Alfred. Speaker State Leg., 18;!0. Att'y- Gen., 18.58, 1841. Judge Di.-^trict Court, 1841-S. .Judge Supreme Court, 18.5.")-62. <1. 7 Oct., ls(;,j. Prentiss Mellen. LL.D.; al.so Harv., 1820. A.B., Harv., 1784. b. 11 Oct , 1764, Sterling, Mass. Lawyer, Bidileford; Port- land. U.S. Senate, 1818-20. Chief Justice Supreme Court Maine, 1820-34. d. 31 Dec, 1840. John Hannibal Sheppard. A.M. A.B., Harv.,180S. A.M., Harv. b. 17 Mar., 1789, Cirencester, England. Lawyer, VViscas- set. l^ibrarian, Boston, d. 2.") June, 1873. Jonathan Delesdernier "Weston. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1802. A.IM., Harv. b. 30 April, 1782, Reading, Mass. Lawyer, Eastport. (1. 3 Oct., 1834. Reuel Williams. A.M. LL.D., 1855. A.M., Harv., 181.5. b. 3 June, 1783, Au- gusta. Lawyer. State Senate, 1826-8. U. S. Senate, 1837-43. d. 2.5 July, 1862. 1821. Samuel Bell. LL.D. A. B., Dart., 171)3. A.M., Dart. b. 9 Feb., 1770, London- derry. Lawyer, Francestowu, N. II. Speaker N. H. Leg., 1805-6. Pres. State Senate, 1S07-8. Judge Supreme Court, 1816-19. Governor, 1819-23. U. S. Senate, 1823-:55. d. 23 Dec, 1850, Chester, N. II. Nathaniel Coffin. M.D. b. 20 April, 1744, Portland. Physician, Portland. d.21 Oct., 1826. Erastus Foote. A.M. b. Oct., 1777, Waterbury, Conn. Lawyer, Camden ; Wis- casset. State Senate, 1812, 1820. Att'y- Gen., 1820-32. d. 4 July, 18.50. Benjamin Franklin Greene. M.D. Physician, Athens; Parkman. d.7Aiiril, 1869, P.ridgewater. Enoch Lincoln. A.M. b. 28 Dec, 1788, Worcester, Mass. Lawyer, Paris. M. C, 1818-26. Governor, 1827-9. d. 8 Oct., 1829, Augusta. Ichabod Nichols. J^.D.; also Harv., 1831. A.B., Harv., 1802. b. 5 July, 1784, Portsmouth, N. II. Pastor, Portland, d.2 Jan., 1859, Cambridge, Mass. Gideon Wanton Olney. A.M.; also Brown, 1822. d. 1838. Edward Payson. D.D., 1821. A.B., Harv., 1803. b. 25 Jan., 1783. Pastor, Portland, d. 22 Oct., 1827. Moses Shaw. A.M. M.D., Colby, 1835. b. 28 Oct., 1790, Georgetown (?). Physi- cian, d. 13 Sept., 1847, Wi.scasset. Bellamy Storer. A.M. LL.D., 1874; also Kenyon,1857. b. 26 Mar., 1796, Port- land. Lawyer, Cincinnati. M. C, 1835-7. Prof. Cincinnati Law Scliool. d. 1 .June, 1875. "William "Wirt. LL.D.; also Princeton, 1816; also Harv., 1824; also Itutgers, 1830. b. 8 Nov., 1772, Bjadcnsburg, Md. Lawyer, Richmond, Va. U. S. Att'y-Gen. d. 18 Feb., 1834, Washington, D. C. 1822. Hall Chase. M.D. 1). 17 April, 17'.)2, Fryeburg. Physician, Watervillc. d. 20 July, 18.51. Francois Andre Michaux. M.D. b. 16 Aug., 1770, Versailles, France. Botan- ist, d. 23 Oct., 18.55, Vaureal, France. John Pickering. LL.D.; also Harv., 1835. A.IJ., Harv., 1796. A.M., Harv. b. 7 Feb., 1777, Saleu), Mass. I^awyer and philologist, Bostctn. State Senate, d. 5 51 ay, 1846. 1824. Solomon Adams. A.M. A. B., Harv., 1820. A.M., Harv. b. 30 May, 1797, Mid- dleton, Mass. Andover Theo. Seni., 1823. 148 BOWDOIX COLLEGE Teacher, Portland; Boston. Res., Au- biirndale, Mass. d. 20 July, 1870. Parker Cleaveland. LL.D. A.B., Harv., 1799. A.M., Harv. M.D., Dart., 1823. b. 15 Jan., 1780, Rowle3% Mass. Tutor, Harv. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Prof. Chem- istry and Mineralogy, d. 15 Oct., 1858, Brunswick. John "Wallace Ellingwood. A.M. D.D., 18.51. A.M., Williams, 1810. b. 2 3Iay, 1782, Beverly, Mass. Andovur Theo. Sem., 1812. Pastor, Bath. d. 19 Aug., 1800. Jonathan Greenleaf. A.M. D.D., Princeton, 186.3. b. 4 Sept., 1785, Newbury- port, Mass. Pastor, Wells. Editor Sail- or's Magazine, New York City. Pastor, Brooklyn, N. Y. d. 24 April, 1865. Marie Jean Paul Eoch Yves Gilbert Motier, Marquis de LaFayette. LLi.D.; also Harv., 1784; also Princeton, 1790; also William and Mary, 1824; also Penn., 1825. b. 6 Sept., 1757, Chavagnac, Auvergne, France. Major-General, U. S. A. Vice-President, National Assembly, France. Commander-in-Chief National Guard, d. 20 May, 1834, Paris, France. 1825. Luther Gary. M.D. b. 31 May, 17(51, Bridgewater, Mass. Physician, Turner, d. 12 June, 1848. Asa Cummings. A.M. D.D., 1847. A.B., Harv., 1817. A.M., Harv. b. 29 Sept., 1790, Andover, Mass. Tutor. An- dovcr Theo. Sem., 1820. Pastor, North Yarmouth. Editor Christian Mirror, Port- land, d. 5 June, 1856, at sea. Samuel Green. A.M. A.B., Harv., 1816. b. 3 Mar., 1792, Stoneham, Mass. Tutor. Pastor, Boston, d. 20 Nov., 1834. WiUiam Jenks. D.D. LL.D., 1862. A.B., Harv., 1797. A.M., Harv. D.D., Harv., 1842. b. 25 Nov., 1778, Newton, Mass. Pastor, Bath. Prof. Oriental Lang. Pastor, Boston, d. 13 Nov., 186G. Edward Reynolds. M.D.; also Brown, 1S25. A.B., Harv., 1811. A.M., Harv. b. 28 Feb., 1793, Boston. Prof. Surg., Tre- mont Med. School. Physician, d. 25 Dec, 1881. John Smyth Rogers. M.D.; also Coll. Phys. and Surg., 1821. A.B., Columbia, 1812; also Harv., 1827. b. 1794. Prof. Chem. and Nat. Sci., Trinity. Prof. Mat. Med., N. Y. Coll. of Pharmacy, d. 30 Mar., 1851. 1827. Grenville Temple Winthrop. A.B. A.B., Columbia, 1827; also Harv. A.M., Columbia, b. 23 Mar., 1807, Boston. Law- yer, Boston, d. 14 Sept., 1852, Cambi'idge, Mass. 1828. Henry Bowen Clark Greene. A.M. M.D., Harv., 1819. b. 3 April, 1800, Saco. Physician, Saco ; Boston, d. 30 Jan., 1848. Stephen Longfellow. LL.D. A.B., Harv., 1798. b. 23 June, 1775, Gorham. Lawyer, Portland. M. C, 1823-5. d. 2 Aug., 1849. 1829. WiUiam Pitt Preble. LL.D. b. 27 Nov., 1783, York. Tutor, Harv. Lawyer, Portland. U. S. Dist. Att'y. .Judge Su- preme Court, 1820-28. U. S. Minister, Neth- erlands, d. 11 Oct., 1857. 1831. Moses Bailey Chase. A.M. b. 13 Jan., 1791, Salisbury, N. H. Rector, Hopkinton, N. H. Chaplain U. S. N. d. 1875. John Angier Hyde. M.D. b. 10 July, 1771, Rehoboth, Mass. Physician, Free- port, d. 19 Feb., IKy'. Jonathan Palmer Rogers. A.M. b. 10 Oct., 1802, Acton. Lawyer, Bangor. State Att'y-Gen., 1832. Senate, 1834. d. 26 Nov., 1846, Boston. 1834. Rufus Babcock. D.D. A.B., Brown, 1821. b. IS Sept., 1798, North Colebrook, Conn. Pastor, Salem, Mass. Pres. Colby Univ. Pastor, Poughkeepsie,N. Y.; Pat- erson.N. J. d. 4 May, 1875, Salem, Mass. 1836. Gershom Flagg Cox. A.M. b. 9 Nov., 1799, Hallowell. INIeth. Epis. ministry, Maine; Mass. d. 16 Nov., 1879, Salem, Mass. Elisha Jones Ford. M.D. b. 25 July, 1787, Gray. Phj'sician, Alna ; Gardiner, d. 1857. Robert Goodenow. A.M. b. 19 April, 1800, Ilenniker, N. H. Lawyer, Farming- ton. M. C, 1851-3. d. 15 May, 1874. John Neal. A.M. b. 23 Aug., 1793, Portland. Author and journalist, Port- land, d. 21 June, 1870. HONORARY GRADUATES 149 Jonathan Page. M.D. b. Oct., 1777, Ciinway, X. II. I'hysiciiin, Brunswick. State Senate, 18-»9. d. 18 Nov., 1S4'2. Thomas Price. D.D. Clergyman, Loii- ., Oxford, 1845. b. 14 .June, 1786, Philadelphia. Lawyer, Philadelphia. M. C, 183,5-7; 1843-9. U.S. iVrinister, England, d. 20 Feb., 1868. John Alfred Poor. A.M. b. 8 Jan., 1808, Andover. Lawyer, Bangor. Jour- nalist, Portland, d. 5 Sept., 1871. George Putnam. D.D. A.B., Harv., 1820. A.M., Harv. b. 10 Aug., 1807, Ster- ling, Mass. Harv. Div. Sch., ISJO. Pas- tor, Roxbury, Mass. d. 11 April, 1878. 1846. William Theodore Dwight. D.D. A. B., Yale, 1813. A.M., Yale. b. 15 June, 1795, Greenfield Hill, Conn. Tutor, Yale. Lawyer, Philadelphia. Pastor, J'ortland. d. 22 Oct., 1805, Andover, Mass. Samuel Fessenden. LL.D. A. B., Dart., 1806. b. 16 July, 1784, Fryeburg. 150 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Lawyer, New Gloucester; Portlaml. State Senate, 1818-19. il. li) Mar., 18(i9. Lorenzo Sabine. A.M.; also Harv., 1848. b. 28 Feb., 1803, Lisbon, N. H. Author anil journalist, Eastport. Res., Framingham, Mass. M. C, lSo2-3. d. 14 April, 1877. George Shepard. D.D. A.B., Am- herst, 1824. b. '2(1 Aug., 1801, PlainQeld, Conn. Andover Theo. Sem., 1827. Pas- tor, Ilallowell. Prof. Sac. Rliet., Bangor Theo. Sem. il. 2;{ Mar., 18(i8. Stephen Thurston. A.M. b. 22 Dec, 171)7, Sedgwick. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1S2."). Pastor, Searsport. d. 27 May, 1884. 1847. George Frederic Evans. A.B. b. 5 Dec, 182:5, Gardiner. B. C, lS3!)-42. U. S. Military Acad., 1846. 2d Lieut. U. S. A., 1847. Bvt. 1st Lieut, d. 29 Mar., 1859. Samuel Vaughan Merrick. A.M. b. 4 iSUiy, 1801, Ilallowell. Manufacturer, Philadelphia, d. 18 Aug., 1S70. George Merrick. A.M. b. 1 Nov., 1807, Ilallowell. Merchant, New Orleans, d. 7 Mt\y, 1802. Swan Lyman Pomeroy. D.D.; also Brown, 1S4S. A.B., Brown, 1820. b. 4 Mar., 1799, Warwick, Mass. Pastor, Ban- gor. Sec'y A. B. C. F. M. <\. 17 Mar., 1809, Sunderland, Mass. Richard Palmer Waters. A.M. b. 29 Sept., 1807, Salem, Mass. U. S. Consul, Zanzibar, Africa. Res., North Beverly, Mass d. 19 May, 1887. 1848. John Adams Albro. D.D.; also Harv., 1851. A.M., Yale, 1827. b. 13 Aug., 1799, Newport, R. I. Andover Theo. Sem., 1827. Pastor, Cambridge, Mass. d. 20 Dec, 1S6C, West Roxbury, Mass. John Barker. M.D. b. 12 Aug., 1785, Londonderry, N. II. Physician, Wilton. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1812-14. d. 4 Feb., 1858, N. Y. City. Reuel Barrows. M.D. b. 1791, He- bron. Physician, Fryeburg. d. 18 July, 1857. John Dempster. D.D. ; also Wesleyan; also McKendree. b. 2 Jan., 1794, Florida, N. Y. Meth. Epis. ministry. Prof. Bibl. Institute, Concord, N. H. Pres. Garrett Bibl. Inst., Evanstou, 111. d. 28 Nov., 1S(J3. Cyrus Eaton. A.M. b. 11 Feb., 1784, Framingham, Mass. Teacher and author, Warren, d. 21 Jan., 1875, Warren. Alfred Upham. A.M. M.D., Dart., 1834. b. 27 July, 1804, Rochester, N. IL Phj-sician, New York City. d. 16 Nov., 1878. 1849. George Eliashib Adams. D.D. A.B., Yale, 1821. b. 27 Oct., 1801 , Worthington, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem., 1826. Prof. Sac Lit., Bangor Theo. Sem. Pastor, Brun.swick; Orange, N. -J. d. 25 Dec, 1875. Robert Charles Winthrop. LL.D.; also Kenyon, 1851; also Harv., 1855; also Cambridge, 1874. A.B., Harv., 1828. b. 12 May, 1809, Boston. Lawyer, Boston. Speaker State Leg., 1838-40. M. C, 1840-42, 1843-50. Speaker, 1847-8. U. S. Senator, 1850-51. 1850. Hugh Johnston Anderson. A.M. b. 10 May, 1801, Wiscasset. Merchant, Bel- fast. M. C, 1837-41. Governor, 1844-6. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. d. 31 May, 1881, Portland. John May Berry. M.D. b. 16 Oct., 1809, Newington, N. IL Physician, Great Falls, N. H. d. 5 Oct., 18.56, Litchlield, Conn. Jesse Appleton Melcher. A.M. b. 19 Aug., 1823, Brunswick. Merchant, San Francisco. Wooster Parker. A.M. b. 9 May, 1807, Underhill, Vt. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1832. Pastor, Castiuc; Foxcroft; Belfast, d. 24 Jan., 1884. Thomas Mather Smith. D.D. A.B., Yale, 1816. A.M., Yale. b. 7 Mar., 1796, Stamford, Conn. Pastor, CatsklU, N. Y. Prof. Theo. Sem., Gambler, O. Pres. Ken- yon Coll. d. 6 Sept., 1864, Portland. Leonard Withington. D. D. A. B., Yale, 1814. A.M., Yale. b. 9 Aug., 1789, Dorchester, Mass. Pastor, Newbury, Mass. d. 22 April, 1885. Noah Woods. A.M. b. 26 Sept., 1811, Groton, Mass. Lawyer, Gardiner. State Senate, 1862-3. Treas. E. & N. A. R. R. Co., Bangor, d. 13 June, 1891, Fitchburg, Mass. 1851. Henry Joseph Gardner. A.M. LL.D., Harv., 1855. b. 14 June, 1818, Dorchester, Mass. Mei'chant, Boston. Governor Mass., 1855-7. d. 21 July, 1892, Miltou, Mass. HONORARY GRADUATES 151 Hosea Rich. M.D. b. 1 Oct., Cliarltoii, Mass. Physician, Bangor. 4th Me. Vols., 1SI4. d. .'JO Jan., lSG(i George Cheyne Shattuck. M.D. Dart., 1812; also Univ. I'enn., 1807. Dart., 180;?. A.M., Dart.; also Ilarv LI..D., Dart, 18.5:5. b. 17 July, 17S3. l>leton, Mass. Physician, Boston. Mar., 18,54. 1853. George Palmer Putnam. A.M. Feb., 1814, P.riinswick. Publisher YorliCity. d. -20 Dec, 1 873. 1780, Surg., ; also A.B., , 1807. Teni- d. 18 b. 7 New 1855. John White Chickering. D.D. A.B., Middlebury, 1S-2G. b. 1!) Mar., 1808, Wo- burn, IMass. Andover Theo. Sem., 1829. I'astor, I'ortland. Sec'y Cong. Temper- ance Soc, Washington, D. C. d. i) Dec, 1888, Brooklyn, N. Y. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock. D.D.; also Univ. Edinburgh, 1884. LL.D., Will- iams, 1873; also Ilarv., 1886. A.B., Am- herst, 183(1. A.M., Amherst, b. 1.5 Aug., 1S17, East Machias. Pastor, Exeter, N. IT. J'rof. Nat. and Rev. Rel., B. C. Pres. and Prof. Eccles. IIi.st., Union Theo. Sem. d. 1() June, 1887, Somerset, Mass. Cazneau Palfrey. D.D. A.B., Harv., 18-2(i. A.M., Ilarv. b. 11 Aug., 1805, Bos- ton. Ilarv. Divinity Sell., 1829. Pastor, Washington, D. C; Belfast, d. 12 Mar., 1SS8, Cambridge, Mass. 1856. Charles Ayer. A.M. b. 16 Mar., 182f), Charlestown, Mass. Clergyman, Bruns- wick President .Jackson Coll., Jackson, Miss. Paul Minot Fisher. M.D. b. 21 Feb., 1804, Wrentham, Mass. Physician, Cor- inna; Orono. Sui-g., 8th Me. Vols., ISGl. d. July, 1877, Chelsea, Mass. William Safford. M.D. b. 14 Aug., ISO", North Yarmouth. Physician, Litch- lield. d. 12 Dec, 18.58. John Langdon Sibley. A.M. A.B., Ilarv., 182.5. b. 29 Dec, 1804, Union. Harv. Div. Sch.,lS28. Pastor, Stow, Mass. Libra- rian, Harvard, d. 9 Dec, 1885. 1858. Seth Adams. A.M. b. 13 April, 1807, Rochester, N. H. Manufacturer, Boston. Res., Newton, Mass. d. 7 Dec, 1873. Edward Ballard. A.M.; also Dart., iS^O; also Trinity, 184.5. D.D., Trinity, 18G5. b. 11 Nov., 1804, Ilopkinton, N. II. Gen. Theo.. Sem., 1829. Rector, Pittslielii, Mass.; Brunswick. .State Supt. Schools. d. 14 Nov., 1870. Charles Danforth. A.M. b. 1 Aug., 181;5, Norridgewock. Lawyer, Gardiner. Justice Supremo ('ourt, 1864-90. d. :)0 March, 1890. Jefferson Davis. LL.D. b. 3 June, 1808, Todd Co., Ky. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1828. 1st Lieut., U. S. A., 1833. Planter, Vicks- burg, Miss. M. C, 1845. Col., 1st Miss. Vols., 1846. U. S. Senate, 1847-51; 1857-61. Sec'y War, 1853-7. Pres., C. S. A., 1861-3. d. 6 Dec, 1889, New Orleans, La. Daniel Smith Talcott. D.D.; also Colby, 1853. A. P.., Amherst, 1831. A.M., Amherst, b. 7 Mar., 1813, Newburyport, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem., 1834. Prof. Sacred Lit., Bangor Theo. Sem. Res., Bangor. I860. Nathan Clifford. LL.D.; also Dart., 1862; also Brown, 1808; also Harv., 1878. b. 18 Aug., 1803, Rumney, N. H. Lawyer, NewliehL Speaker State Leg., ia33-4. A tt'y-Gen., 1834-8. M. C, 1839-43. U.S. Att'y-Gcn., 1846-8. .Justice, U. S. Supreme Court, 18.58-81. d. 25 July, 1881, Cornish. John Wingate Thornton. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1840. b. 12 Aug., 1818, Saco. Law- yer, Boston, d. 6 June, 1878, Oak Hill, Scarboro. Amos Dean W^heeler. D.D. A.B., Williams, 1827. A.M., Williams, b. 13 Dec, 1803, Woodstock, Vt. Harv. Div. Sch., 1833. Pastor, Topsham. d. 28 June, 1876. 1861. George Freeman Dunning. A.M. b. 25 May, 1817, Brunswick. U. S. civil serv- ice, Philadelphia ; New York City. Res., Farmington, Conn. Abijah D. Sanborn. A.M. Joseph Springall. M.D. b. 16 July, 1811, Great Yarmouth, England. Physi- cian, Garland; Dexter. Sewall Tenney. D.D. A.B., Dart., 1827. A.M., Dart. b. 27 Aug., 1801, Brad- ford, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem., 1831. Pastor, Ellsworth, d. 6 June, 1890. Josiah Blake Webb. A.M. b. 19 Jan., 1826, Windham. Teacher. Prin. Gorham Seminary. Merchant, Portland. Res., Deering. 152 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1863. Isaac Adams. A.M.; also Dart., ISfiG. b. 2 Aug., 1802, Rochester, N. H. Manu- facturer, Boston. State Senate, 1848. Res., Sanilwich, N. H. (1. 19 July, 1SS3. Daniel McBride Graham. D.D. A.B., Oborlin, 1844. A.M., Oberlin. b. 17 Nov., 1817, Milan, Ohio. Pres. Hillsdale Coll., Mich. Pastor, Portland ; Boston, d. 21 Dec, 1SS8, Philadelphia. Hugh McCulloch. A.M. LL.D., 1889. b. 7 Dec, 1808, Kennebunk. Banker, Fort Wayne, Ind. Sec'y U. S. Treas., 180.5-9; 1884-5. Res., Washington, D. C. 1865. Ulysses Simpson Grant. T>L.D.; also Union, 18C5; also Harv., 1872. b. 27 April, 1822, Point Pleasant, Ohio. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1843. Bvt. Capt., U. S. A., 1847. Col. 21st 111. Vols., 18G1. Brig.-Gen., 1861. Maj.-Gen., U. S. A., 1863. Gen. -in-Chief, 1864. Pres. U.S., 1869-77. d.23 .Tuly,18S5, Mount McGregor, N. Y. "William Howard Fessenden. A.M. LL.B., Harv., 1800. b. ."> May, 1835, Port- laud. Lawyer, Portland; Riverside, Cal. Jeremiah Howard Gilman. A.M. b. 11 Nov., 1831, Tliomaston. U. S. Mil. Acad., 185G. Capt., U. S. A., 1861. Bvt. Licut.-Col., 1862. Mnjor, U. S. A. Com- missary of Subsistence, Washington, D.C. Charles Baker Rice. A.M. b. 29 June, 1829, Conway, Mass. Pastor, Saco; Dan- vers, Mass. State Senate, 1881. 1866. Alonzo Boothby. M.D.; also Univ Georgetown, 1865. b. 5 Mar., 1840, Athens Asst. Surg., 2d U. S. C. T. Prof. Surg Anat., Boston Univ. Physician, Boston Warren Thaddeus "Webster. A.M A.B., Brown, 18.51. b. G June, 1830, Kings ton, N. H. Prof. Lat. and Gr., Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert Blodgett "Weymouth. M.D. A.B., Harv., ISliO. A.M., Harv. M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1863. b. 18 March, 1839, Chelsea, Mass. Physician, Maplewood, Mass.; Los Angeles, Cal. Leonard "Woods. LL.D. A.B., Union, 1827. D.D., Colby, 1839; also Harv., 1840. b. 24 June, 1807, West Newbury, Mass. Prof. Sac Lit., Bangor Theo. Sem. Pres- ident, 1839-66. Res., Brunswick, d. 24 Dec, 1878, Boston. 1867. Thomas AmoryDeblois. LL.D. A.B., Harv., 1813. A.M., Harv. b. 2 Dec, 1794, Boston. Lawyer, Portland. U. S. Dist. Att'y, 1849-53. d. 14 Sept., 1867. "William "Willis. LL.D. A.B., Harv., 1813. A.M. b. 31 Aug., 1794, Haverhill, Mass. Lawyer, Portland. State Senate, 18.55. d. 17 Feb., 1870. 1868. George AATashington Dyer. A.M. b. 11 Jan., 1824. Maj. and Paymaster, U. S. V. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. d. 13 Aiiril, 1889. Charles Munger. A.M. b. 29 Oct., 1818, Rochester, N. H. Meth. Epis. min- istry, Maine. Richard Holbrook Tucker. A.M. b. 13 May, 1816, Wiscasset. Merchant, Wis- casset. 1869. George Brainard Blodgette. A.M.; also Brown. A.B., Brown, 1800. LL.B., Harv., 1870. b. 6 Dec, 1845, Georgetown, Mass. 48th Mass. Vols., 1862-3. Lawyer, Rowley, Mass. Grenville Theodore Fletcher. A.M. b. 3 Dec, 1834, Augusta. Prin. State Nor- mal Sch., Castine. Supt. Schools, Marl- boro, Mass. Agent Mass. Bd. Education. Res., Northampton, Mass. Eugene Hale. A.M. LL.D., Bates, 1882 ; also Colby, 1880. b. 9 June, 1836, Tur- ner. Lawyer, Ellsworth. M. C, 1809-81. U. S. Senate, 1881-. Edward Albert Kelly. A.M. b. 30 May, 1831, Frankfort. Lawyer, Boston. Johann Georg Kohl. LL.D. b. 28 April, 1808, Bremen, Germany. Traveler and author. Res., Dresden, Germany. Librarian, Bremen, d. 28 Oct., 1878. Charles Greene Rockwood, Jr. A.M. ; also Yale. A.B., Yale, 1804. Ph.D., Yale, 1806. b. 11 Jan., 1843, New York City. Prof. Math. Prof. Math, and Astron., Rutgers. Prof. Math., Coll. of N. J., Princeton, N. .1. Horatio Stebbins. D.D. A.B., Harv., 1848. A.M., Harv. Pastor, Portland ; San Francisco, Cal. Admiral Paschal Stone. A.M. LL.D., Colby, 1873. b. 1820, Piermont, N. H. Prin. High Sch., Portland. Supt. Schools, Springfield, Mass. HONORARY GRADUATES 153 1870. William Macleod Barbour. D.D. A.l!., obcilin, 18.V.I. b. i'.i May, 1827, Fo- chabers, Sc.otlaml. Pastor, South Danvers, Mass. Prof. Bangor Tlieo. Sem. Prof. Sac. Theo. and Pastor, Yale. Prin. Cong. Theo. Seni., IMontreal, P. <,). Charles Collins Rounds. A.M.; also Colby, 1877. U.S., Dart., 1857. M.S., Dart. Ph.D., Pates, 1881. b. I.t Aug., 1831, Water- ford. Teacher. Prin. State Normal Sch., Farmington ; Plymouth, N. II. RoUiston Woodbury. A.M. b. 17 Dec, 1840, Sweden. Teacher. Prin. State Nor- mal School, Castine. d. 1 Nov., 1888. 1871. Charles Deane. LL.D.; also Harv., 188(5. A.M., Harv., 1856. b. 10 Nov., 1813, Biddeford. Historian, Cambridge, Mass. d. 13 Nov., 1889. Charles Henry Fernald. A.M. Ph.D., Me. State Coll., 1887. b. 16 Mar., 1838, Mt. Desert. Ensign, U. S. N., 1862-5. Prof. Nat. Hist., Me. State Coll. Prof. Zoology, Mass. State Agr. Coll. John Franklin Moody. A.M. A.B., Colby, 1867. b. 18 Jan., 1845, Kingfleld. Teacher. Prin. Hebron Acad.; Bridgton Acad.; High Sch., Auburn. Edward Sylvester Morse. Ph.D. b. 18June, 1838, Portland. Naturalist. Prof. Comp. Anat. and Zool., B. C. Prof. Zool., Univ. Tokio. Director Peabody Acad., .Salem, Mass. Joseph Hale Noyes. A.M. b. 12 May, 18'25, Newbury, Mass. Teacher, New- ton, Mass.; Blarblehead, Mass.; Dedhani, Mass. Res., Newburyport, Mass. Hosea Ballou Perkins. A.M. b. i Aug., 1819, Dover, N. H. Merchant, New York City. Almon Augustus Strout. A.M. b. 8 May, 1835, Limington. Lawyer, Portland ; Boston. Francis Henry Underwood. A.M. LL.D., Univ. Glasgow, 1888. b. 12 Jan., 1825, Enfield, Mass. Clerk Superior Court, Boston. Author, Boston. U. S. Consul, Glasgow; Leith. 1872. James Swan Barrell. A.M. b. 12 Sept., 182f!, East Bridgewater, Mass. Teacher, New Bedford, Mass.; Lewiston. Prin. Harv. Gram. Sch., Cambridge, Mass. Alden Joseph Blethen. A.M. b. 27 Dec, 1845, Unity. l^awyer, I'ortland. Editor, Minneapolis, Minn. Samuel FuUer Dike. D.D. A.B., Brown, 1838. A.M., Brown, b. 17 Mar., 1815, North Bridgewater, Mass. Teacher, Yarmouth Acad. Pastor, Bath. Joshua Warren Hathaway. A.M. b. 9 July, 1832, Ellsworth. Lawyer, Ban- gor; Norridgewock. Artemas Libbey. A.M. b. 8 Jan., 1823, Freedom. Lawyer, Augusta. Jus- tice Supreme Court, 1875-94. d. 15 Mar., 1894. Joseph Prentiss Sanger. A.M. b. 4 May, 1840, Detroit, Mich. Bvt. Capt., 1864. 2d Lieut., 1st U. S. Art'y, 1861. Bvt. Maj., 1865. Prof. Military Science, B. C. Capt. 1st Art'y, U. S. A. Maj. and Insp. Gen., 1889. David Dinsmore Stewart. A.M.; also Colby, 1863. Lawyer, St. Albans. State Senate, 1864; President, 1865. 1874. Jacob Jackson Abbott. D.D. A.B., Dart, 1839. A.M., Dart. b. 17 July, 1813, Grotou, Vt. Tutor, Dart. Union Theo. Sem., 1845. Pastor, Uxbridge, Mass. ; Yar- mouth, d. 3 Dec, 1878, New Haven, Conn. David Barker. A.M. b. Sept., 1816, Exeter. Lawyer and author, Exeter. d.l4 Sept., 1874, Bangor. Charles Alfred Benjamin. A.M. b. 4 Nov., 1S44, Athens, Greece. 1st Lieut. 21st N. Y. Cav. Act. Asst. Adj. Gen., 1864. Lawyer, Salem, Mass. Ebenezer Charles Bethlehem Hal- lam. A.M. 1). 1 Jan., 18.33, Worces- ter, England. Missionary, Chandl)all, India. John Taylor Oilman Nichols. D.D. A.B., Harv., 1836. b. 24 April, 1817, Port- land. Pastor, Saco. 1875. George Washington Greene. LL.D. A.M., Brown, 1833. b. 8 April, 1811, East Greenwich, R. I. U. S. Consul, Rome. Prof. Mod. Lang., Brown. Prof. Amer. Hist., Cornell Univ. Author, East Green- wich, R. I. d. 2 Feb., 1883. Parker Jacques. A.M. b. 1817, New- buryport, Mass. Meth. Epis. ministry, Maine, d. 31 Mar., 1885, Deeriug. 154 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1876. Albert Cole. A.M. b. 15 July, 1818, Coruish. Pastor, Winslow; Limerick; Cornish, d. 2i) .Jan., 1881. Yorick Gordon Hurd. A.M. M.D., Dart., 18.54. b. 17 Feb., 1837, Lempster, N. H. Physician, Ipswich, Mass. Surg. 48th Mass. Vols., 1862-3. d. 24 Sept., 1888. George Leonard Vose. A.M. b. 19 April, 1831, Augusta. Civil engineer. Prof. Engineering, B. C. Prof. Eug., Mass. Inst. Tech. lies.. Bethel. 1878. Louis Vasmer Caziarc. A.M. b. 4 July, 1844, Boston. 3Sth Mass. Vols., 1862. Bvt. Capt., U. S. v., 186.5. Prof. Mil. Sci., B. C. Capt. 2d Art'y, U. S. A. Austin Luther Park. A.M. b. 24 Aug., 1836, Bennington, Vt. Pastor, Gar- diner; Falls Church, Va. Res., Redland.s, Cal. Joseph Whitman Spaulding. A.M. 1). 11 Aug., 1841, Carratunk Plantation. 1st Lieut, tilth Me. Vols. Lieut. -Col. Lawyer, Richmond. State Senate, 1871-2. Reporter of Decisions, S. J. Court, 1880-88. Pres. Fort Payne Coal and Iron Co., Ala. 1879. Richard Henry Mather. D.D. A.B., Amherst, 18.57. A.M., Amherst. b.l2Feb., 183.5, Binghamton, N. Y. Prof. Greek, Amherst, d. 16 April, 1890. James Alphonso Milliken. A.M. b. 8 Sept., 1813, Hancock. Universalist min- istry, Columbia. Lawyer, Cherryfield. d. 8 July, 1891. Lot Myrick Morrill. LL.D. A.M., Colby, 1848. b. 3 May, 1813, Belgrade. Governor, 18,58-60. U. S. Senate, 1861-76. Sec'y U. S. Treas., 1876-7. d. 10 Jan., 1883, Augusta. 1880. Mandeville Treat Ludden. A.M. b. 17 Feb., 1830, Canton. Lawyer, Lewiston. State Senate, 1868-9. d. 21 Sept., 1882. "Weston Thompson. A.M. b. 12 Aug., 1850, Bowdoin. Lawyer, Brunswick. 1881. James Phinney Baxter. A.M. b. 23 Mar., 1831, Gorham. Merchant and man- ufacturer. Historian, Portland. Medorem Crawford. A.M. b. 27 Jan., 1844, Yamhill Co., Ore. U. S. Mil. Acad., 1867. Prof. Mil. Sci., B. C. 1st Lieut. 2d Art'y, U. S. A. Ambrose Parsons Kelsey. Ph.D. A.B., Hamilton, 18.56. A.M., Hamilton, b. 30 Aug., 1832, Paris, N. Y. Prin. State Normal Sch., Farmington. Prof. Nat. His- tory, Hamilton, d. 30 Mar., 1S91, Clinton, N. Y. 1883. John Marshall Harlan. LL.D. A.B., Centre Coll., Ky., 18.50. b. 1 June, 1833, Boyle Co., Ky. Lawyer. Col. 10th Ky. Vols. State Att'y-Gen., 1863-7. Justice, U. S. Supreme Court, 1877-. Charles William Packard. A.M. M.D., N. Y. Med. Coll., 18.55. b. 7 Mar., 1833, Brunswick. Physician, New York City. 1884. James Gillespie Blaine. LL.D.; also Bates, 1869; also Colby, 1875. A. B., Wash- ington Coll., 1847. A. ]>!., Washington Coll. b. 31 Jan., 1830, West Brownsville, Penn. Editor, Augusta. Speaker State Leg., 1861-2. M.C., 1863-75. Speaker, 1869-75. U. S. Senate, 1876-81. Sec'y State, 1881; 1889-92. d. 27 Jan., 1893, Washington. Preston Bruce Wing. A.M. b. 16 Jan., 1839, Mt. Vernon. Bangor Theo. Seni.,1879. Pastor, Freeport; Hopkinton, Mass. d. 23 April, 1893. 1885. John Andrew Peters. LL.D.; also Colby, 1884; also Yale, 1893. A.B., Yale. 1842. b. 9 Oct., 1822, Ellsw^orth. Lawyer, Ellsworth. State Senate, 1862-3. Att'y Gen., 1864-6. M. C, 1867-73. Justice Su- preme Court, 1873-. Chief Justice, 1883-. Charles W^esley Walton. LL.D. b, 9 Dec, 1819, Mexico. Lawyer, Auburn. M. C, 1861-2. Justice Supreme Court, 1862-. Res., Deering. 1886. William DeW^itt Hyde. D.D.; also Harv.,1886. A.B., Harv., 1879. b.23Sept., 1858, Winchendon, Mass. Andover Theo. Sem., 1882. Pastor, Paterson, N.J. Pres. and Prof. Men. and Mor. Phil. Elihu Benjamin Washburne. LL.D. b. 23 Sept., 1816, Livermore. Lawyer, Galena, 111. M. C, 1853-69. U. S. Minis- ter, France. Res., Chicago, 111. d. 22 Oct., 1887. HONORARY GRADUATES 155 1887. John Avery. LL.D. A.B., Amherst, ISfil. A.ISr., Aiiilierst. b. IS Sept., 1837, Conwiiy, Mass. Prof. Lat. and Gr., Iowa Coll. Prof. Gr., B. C. d. 1 Sept., 1887, North I'.ridston. Lewis Barker. A.M. h. 18 Feb., 1818, Exeter. Lawyer, Stetson ; Bangor. State Senate, 1865-6. Speaker State Leg., 1867. d. !»Oct., ISilO. Crosby Stuart Noyes. A.M. b. 10 Vo\>., 18-2.J, INlinot. .Journalist, Washing- ton, I). C. Charles Morton Sills. D.D. A. 15., Univ. of N. B., 1870. A.M., Univ. of N. B. h. 30 April, 18.i0, Colney, Hertfordshire, Kng. Resident Canon, St. Luke's Cathe- dral, Portland. Eeuen Thomas. D.D. M.A., Univ. College, London. Ph.D., Rostock, b. 14 June, 1840, Warwiclcshire, Eng. Pastor, Liverpool, Eng.; London, Eng.; Brook- line, Mass. 1888. Franklin Simmons. A.M.; also Colby, 1885. 1). 11 .Jan., 183'.i, Webster. Home, Ital}'. Sculptor, 1889. Israel Thorndike Dana. A.M. M.D., Ilarv., 1850. b. (i June, 1827, Alarblehead, Mass. Physician, Portland. Prof . Theory and I'ractice Medicine. Pres. Me. Med. Asso. Henry Jewett Furber, Jr. A.M. B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1880. Ph.D., Halle, 1891. b. 12 May, 1865, Green Bay, Wis. Prof. Economics, Northwestern Univ. Alexander "Wadsworth Longfellow. A.M. 1). 20 May, 1814, Portland. Civil engineer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Res., Portland. Stephen Holmes Weeks. A.M. M.D., Univ. I'cnn., 1864. b. 6 Oct., 18;!5, Cornish. Physician, Portland. Prof. Surgery. Pres. Me. Med. Asso. 1890. Frederick Stanley Root. A.M. LL.B., Yale, 1874. b. 7 May, 18.53, New Haven, Conn. Yale Div. Sell., 187!). Pastor, Au- burn; Hartford, Conn. Nathan Webb. LL.D. A.B., Harv., 1846. b. 7 May, 1825, I'ortland. Lawyer. U. S. Dist. Att'y, 1870-8. Judge U. S. Dis- trict Court, 1882-. 1891. Horace Melvyn Estabrook. A. M. B.S., Maine State Coll., 1876. M.S., Maine StateColl. b.20Jan.,1849, Linneus. Prof. Rhet. and Mod. Lang., Maine State Coll. 1892. Stephen Melville Eaton. A.M. b. 7 Oct., 1S.!3, Portland. Lt. 12th Me. Vols., 1861. Bvt. Lt.-Col., 1865. U. S. Postmas- ter, New Orleans. 1893. George Angler Gordon. D.D.; also Yale, 1893. A. B., Harv., 1881. b. 2 Jan., 1853, Aberdeenshire. Bangor Tlieo. Seni., 1877. Pastor, Boston, Mass. William Wirt Pendergast. A.M. b. 31 Jan., 1833, Durham, N. H. Teacher. Prin. School of Agriculture, Univ. Minn., St. Anthony Park. M NON-GRADUATES. 1806. Ebenezer Wood. b. Nov., ITSd, Wis- casscl. il. 31 .Inly, 1803, at sea. 1807. Seth Trufant. h. 11 April, 1785, Bath. 15ank cashier. <\. about 1824. 1809. Thomas Parker Davies. b. 2 Nov., 1786. Farmer, Sidney, d. 17 Mar., 18G9. Joshua Davies. b. 6 Sent., 1789. Phy- sician, Sidney, d. Samuel Deane Ellis, b. 17 Aug., 17!)1, Topsliam. Law student, Bath. Served in 15ritisli navy (?). Ebenezer Herrick. b. 21 Oct., 1785, Lewiston. Merchant, Bowdoinliam. M. C., 18-21-7. State Senate, 18-28-1). Jour- nalist, VViscasset; New York City. d. 7 May, lS3'.t, Lewiston. Henry Wood. b. •) Oct., 17S9, Wiscas- set. Bank cashier. Clerk of Courts, d. Josiah Thacher. b. 21 Jan., 1789, Gorham. d. 18;07. 1810. Samuel Phillips Abbot, b. 9 Dec, 17SS, Saco. Merchant, d. -27 Jan., 1S13, New London, Conn. Ezra Bucknam. b. 24 Jan., 1784, Fal- mouth. Merchant, Eastport. Farmer, Fal- mouth, d. about 18.i7. Jacob Herrick. b. 29 Mar., 1790, Bev- erly, JNIass. Farmer, Durham. Notary public, Auburn, d. 14 June, 1804. Joseph Scott Jewett. b. 11 June, 1788, Portland. Farmer, Scarboro. d. .5 Oct., 1870, Portland. Moses Merrill. Hon. A.M., 1815. Francis Waldo, b. 28 Nov., 1791, Tortlaud. Lawyer, Boston; Thoniastou. d. about 1837. 1811. Henry Dyson, b. 21 Mar., 1791, Bev- erly, Mass. U. S. Navy. d. youn^. Ezra Haskell, b. 12 Mar., 1781, New Gloucester, d. Boston. Le-wis Page. b. 19 April, 1790. Teacher, Keadlield. d. 1811(?). Andrevir Thorndike. b. 20 Aug., 1791, Beverly, Mass. Res., Europe, d. before 1850. Charles Henry Vaughan. b. 9 Aug., 17811, Portland. Res. (18.56), Goshen, O. d. 1812. Moses Shaw. Hon. A.M., 1821. Caleb Hayward. b. 4 Nov., 1794. Res. (1812), Concord, Mass. 1813. Francis Carr. b. 14 Jan., 1791. Lieut. U. S. A., 1812. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. d. al)out 181.'}. Moses Bailey Chase. Hon. A.M., 1831. George Derby. A.B., Harv., 1814. b. (> Aug., 1704, Salem. Merchant, Salem, d. 1818, at sea. John Henniker Ingraham. A.M., Colby, 1836. b. 11 June, 1793, Portland. Pastor, Thomaston. Teacher, Augusta. d. 13 Apr., 1864. Charles Mussey. b. 8 Aug., 1792, Portland. Merchant, Portland. d.lFeb., 1876. Robert Boyd Storer. b. 2 April, 1795, Portland. Merchant. Russian consul, Boston, d. 14 Dec, 1870, Cambridge, Mass. Bellamy Storer. Hon. A.M., 1821. James Brown Thornton, b. 2() Sept., 171)4, Saco. Merchant. Res., Oak Hill, Scarboro. d. 15 Feb., 1873. Charles Wilson. b. 15 Dec, 1785, Topsham. d. 8 July, 1812. 1814. Theodore Atkinson, b. 6 Feb., 1794, Dover, N.H. Farmer, d. Aug., 18'23. 158 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1817. Charles Quincy Clapp. b. 29 May, 1799, Portland. Merchant, d. 2 Mar., 1808. Thomas McCray. b. 3 Nov., 1800, Wis- casset. Sea captain, d. Dec, 1829. 1818. Samuel Miller Nickels, b. 22 Aug., 1798, Wiscasset. Res., Mariana, Fla. d. 1819. Elijah Livermore Hamlin. A.B., Brown, 1819. A.M., Colby, 1823. b. 29 Mar., 1800, Livermore. Lawyer, Bangor. State Senate, 1858-9. d. 17 July, 1872. WiUiam M. Nickels, b. 2 Sept., 1801, Wiscasset. Res., Florida, d. 1821. Robert Smart Lambert, b. 11 Mar., 1801. Res., Bath. d. before 1838. Josiah Little, b. 29 April, 1801, New- buryport, Mass. Lawyer, Minot. Man- ufacturer, Winthrop. Res., Portland; Newburyport, Mass. d. 9 Aug., 1SG5, Mt. Desert. Jeremiah Searle. A.B., Union, 1821. A.M., Union, b. 19 Feb., 1794, Rowley, Mass. (?). Pastor, Woodbourne, N. Y. d. 1S(;1. George Howe Vose. b. 25 Oct., 1801, Augusta, d. 17 Nov., 1820. 1822. John Frost, b. 26 Jan., ISOO, Kenne- bunk. Teacher. Literary work. d. 28 Dec, 18.59, Philadelphia. John Green Richardson, b. 9 July, 1800, Bath. Clerk, Me. House Rep. d. 23 Feb., 1823. David Robinson Straw. A.B., Brown, 1822. b. 7 Nov., 1795, Newflcld. Lawyer, Guilford, d. 31 Aug., 1876. 1823. James Bridge, b. 17 July, 1804, Au- gusta. Manufacturer, Augusta. Rufus Dudley Folsom. b. Hi Aug., 1804. Res. (1820), Gorhani. Abraham Moore. Res. (185(5), Castine. John Albert Perry, b. 23 May, 1803, Brunswick. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1840. Pastor, Blanchai'd ; Guilford, d. 10 Oct., 1868. 1824. Moses Carleton. b. 15 May, 1802, Wis- casset. d. 1824. Abraham Drake Dearborn. M.D. b. 15 Feb., 1802. Physician, Exeter, N. H.; Newton, Mass. d. 1871. Vespasian Ellis, b. 11 Jan., 1802. Res. (1S20), Bluehill. Edward Gould, b. 27 Jan., 1805. Res. (1820), Gorham. Charles Henry Haven, b. 17 Sept., 1803. Res. (1822), Boston. John Pitt Holman. b. 12 May, 1803, Canaan. Lost at sea before 1824. John Mudge Merrick. Hon. A.M., 1837. Nathaniel Etheridge Quimby. b. 21 Jan., 1801. Res. (1821), Tamworth, N. H. Charles Chauncey Sewall. Hon. A.M., 1837. Charles Stanwood. b. 21 Aug., 1800, Brunswick. Clerk and farmer, d. 1829. John McNeil Wilson, b. 12 Nov., 1803, Hillsboro, N. II. Lawyer, Joliet, 111.; Chicago, d. 1825. John Badger, b. 22 Aug., 1804. Res., Gilmanton, N. II. d. 1825 (?). Daniel Haraden Griffin, b. 30 July, 1800. Res., Frceport. d. before 1825. James Milk Ingraham. b. 24 Aug., 1803. Merchant, Hallowell; Portland, d. George Washington Lane. b. 18 June, 1802, New Gloucester. Princeton Theo. Sem. d. Feb., 1829, Prince Edwards, Va. George Merrick. Hon. A.M., 1847. John Odlin Page. b. 11 Feb., 1805, Hallowell. d. before 1824. Arthur Thompson. A.B., Colby, 1825. b. 28 May, 1798, Pownal. Teacher, d. Dec, 1853. Alfred Upham. Hon. A.M., 1848. 1826. Thomas Allen, b. 12 July, 1805. Res. (1824), Stockbridge, Mass. Henry Black, b. 17 Aug., 1807. Res. (1824), Ellsworth. William Curtis. b. 8 Dec, 1805, Brunswick, il. 2 July, 1826. Samuel Farrar. A.B., Colby, 182G. b. 12 Oct. , 1805, Portsmouth, N. H. Manufac- tui'er. Dexter, d. Dec, 1862, Geneva, Wis. NOX-GRADUATES 159 Ebenezer Noyes. h. 9 Aug., 1807. Kes. (18'24), Newbuvj'port, Mass. Isaac Ray. M.D., 1827. Joseph Roby. A. B., Brown, 1828. A.M., Browu. M.I)., 1831, Harv. b. 25 Aug., 1807. Prof. Anat. aiul Surg., B. C. Prof. Theory and Practice Meilicine, Dart. (i. 18G0. 1827. Bailey Ames. b. 2 Aug., 1800. Res., Industry, d. before 183S. Allen Clark BuU. b. 10 Sept., 180:5. Res. (1825), Milford, Conn. Mighill HiU Blood, b. 2G Dec, 1804. lies. (1825), Bucksport. Joseph Carr. b. 27 Sept., 1807. Res. (1821!), Bangor. Ebenezer Cleaveland. Res., Rowley, Mass. d. 1827, Bylield, Mass. Charles Gilman. A.B., Brown, 1827. b. 28 June, 180", Bangor. Lawyer, Quincy, 111. d. 24 .luly, 1849. Peter Grant, b. 2i> Feb., 180(). Res. (1820), Ilalluwcdl ; (1850), Gardiner. James "Winthrop Harris, b. 21 Mar., 1800, Dorchester, Mass. Secretary, Cam- bridge, Mass. d. 1881. George Raleigh Dearborn "Wingate. I). 4 Apr., 1807, Washington, 1). C. (?) d. 24 Ai)r., 1820, Uoxbury, Mass. 1828. John Sturgis Burnham. b. 1 Anj^., 1S()5, ( (rland. d. 20 -Jan., 1,S27. Nathan Moore Cutler. b. 2 Aug., 1808, Farmington. U. S. civil service, Boston, d. .'JO Oct., 184it. Avery Williams Dewey, b. 15 May, 1808. Kes. (1827), Brunswick. George Everett, b. 9 Mar., 1808. Res. (1827), Montville. John Henry Gillet. b. 21 Dec, 1807. Itcs. (1827), Ilallowell. Joseph Gilpatrick. b. 15 Nov., 1802, Gardiner. <1. U May, 1827. Charles Rackleff. b. KJ Nov., 1807. Hcs. (1827), Porthuid. Henry Tallman. b. 2 Aug., ]80(). Law- yer, I'.atli. State Att'y-Gen., 1S49-.52. d. ■William Nelson Weston, b. 23 Nov., 180S, Kastport. Lawyer, Kastport. d. 18.'i,s, Florida. 1829. John Bartlett. b. 22 Jan., 1801, New Ipswich, N. II. d. 1828, Princeton, N. J. Alfred Granville Benson, b. 29 Oct., 1800. Res. (1828), Boston; (1856), Brook- lyn, X. Y. Joseph Bradstreet. b. 4 April, 1808. Res. (1828), Gardiner. Charles Henry Holmes. A.B., Brown, 1829. b.30 Oct., 1811. Lawyer, Topsfleld, Mass. Hugh McCuUoch. Hon. A.M., 1863. Samuel Veazie Mitchell, b. 18 Aug., 1810, Xortli Yarmouth. Lawj'or, Vernon, Miss. Richard Tappan Orr. b. 9 Aug., 1808, Brunswick. Farmer, Andover. d. 31 March, 1877. Roman Lyndes Putnam, b. 20 June, 1799. Res. (1828), Iloidton. Thomas Sherman. M.D., 1828. George Baker Swift. M.D., 1830, Ilarv. b. 30 .July, 1800, Andover, Mass. Physician, Mandiester, N.II. ; Lawrence, Mass. d. 1872. 1830. Horatio Gates Allen. M.D., 18.32. W^illiam Barrows, b. 8 Nov., 1802. Res. (1829), Hartford. Daniel Cleaves. 1).3 .Jan., l.so:t. Farmer, Saco. William Henry Ellis, b. 14 Oct., 1810. Res. (1829), Moston. d. Ijefore 18:18. John Angler Hyde. b. 27 Jan., 1809, Freeport. d. 5 Sept., 1829. John Adams Tarbell. M.D., 183(;. George Clinton Whitney, b. 23 Jan., 1805. Res. (1829), Hebron. 1831. Josiah Appleton Bearce. b. 2(j Feb., 1807. Res. (1830), Hebron. Jonathan Andrew Chute. M. D., Dart., 1835. b. 23 Ai)ril, 1811, Naples. Pliysician, Westport, Mo. d. 1 Oct., 1838. John Lord Pickard. b. 29 Feb., 1808. Res. (1830), Alna. 1832. James Porter Cunningham, b. 9 July, 1809. Res. (1831), Peterborough, N. H. Asher Ellis. M.D., 1832. Samuel Erskine. b. 28 May, 180(J. lies. (1S31), Dresden; (1850), Bristol. Isaiah Furber. b. Ifi Sept., 1812. Res., Bangor, d. 1830. Seth Storer Green, b. 10 Dec, 1812. Res. (1831), Saco. 160 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Henry Alfred Jones, b. 6 Aug., 1807. Merclmnt, Portlaud. d. 3 Sept., 1883. WiUiam Giddinge Lane. b. 27 Oct., 1809, Danville. Farmer, d. 6 March, 1840. James Madison McDonald. A.B., Union, 1832. D.D., 1854. h. 22 May, 1812, Limerick. Pastor, Jamaica, L.I. ; Prince- ton, N. J. d. 19 April, 1876. William John Newman, b. 26 Oct., 1811, Andover, Mass. Bangor Tlieo. Sem., 1835. Pastor, Stratiiam, N. H. d. 5 Mar., 1850, Andover, Mass. Stephen Peabody. b. 14 Dec, 1810. Res., Buoksport. d. 1830. Francis Welch, b. 30 Mar., 180.5. Res. (1831), Hanipstead, N. H. 1833. John Calvin Adams. A.B., Amherst, 1833. b. 7 Aug., 1810, Bucksport. Yale Theo. Sem., 1837. Pastor, Falmouth, d. 17 Jan., 1885. Solon Beale. b. 20 July, 1810. Res. (1832), Keadlield; (18.50), Baltimore, Md. Henry Dimmock. b. 3 Nov., 1810. Res. (1832), Brunswick; (18.5()), Washington, 1). C. Jonathan Ela. b. 20 Feb., 1802. Res. (18.32), Weld. d. before 1838. Samuel McLellan Gould, b. 24 Jan., 1809. lies. (1832), Gorham. W^illiam George Howard. A. B., 1835. A.M., VVesleyan, 1845. D.D., Rochester, 18.54. b. 6 Sept., 1813, Newburyport, Mass. Baptist clergyman, d. 17 May, 1865, New Orleans, La. Charles Adams McLellan. b. 21) Apr., 1813, Warren. Sea captain. Jacob Loring Mitchell, b. 27 Feb., 1812, North Yarmouth. Lawyer, Vernon, Miss. Henry Rand. b. 18 Oct., 1810. Res. (1832), Portland, d. before 1838. Charles Wood Upham. b. 9 Sept., 1814, Portsmouth, N. II. d. G Dec, 1834. John Warren, b. 16 May, 180!). Res. (1832), Palmyra. W^illiam Foster Williamson, b. If) Sept., 1814, Bangor, d. G Sept., 1832. 1834. Kinsman Atkinson, b. 16 Oct., 1807, Eaton, N. H. Meth. Epis. ministry, Maine, d. 15 Feb., 1894, Glenwood, Iowa. Lucius Bradbury, b. 3 Aug., 1814, South Berwick. U. S. Military Acad., 1835. Lawyer, Calais, d. 27 June, 1850. John Coombs. Hon. A.M., 1845. Chandler Spring Emery, b. 25 July, 1814, Eliot. Lawyer, Jacksonville, Fla. d. 20 July, 1880. Samuel Sumner Fairbanks. b. 21 Dec., 1813. Res. (1833), Boston, d. before 1838. Joseph Farley, b. 15 June, 1813, Waldoboro. Manufacturer, Rochester, N. Y. d. March, 1887. James Greenleaf. A.B., Dart., 1835. b. 15 Juue, 1814, Gray. Merchant, New Orleans, La. d. 23 Aug., 1865, Cambridge, Mass. Jeremiah Hacker, b. 5 May, 1808, China, d. 12 Nov., 1834, Brunswick. Samuel Augustus Hale. b. 14 Oct., 1809. Res. (1833), Rochester, N.H.; (1856), Tuscaloosa, Ala. Ferdinand Knight, b. 5 Jan., 1815. Res., Portland; Baltimore, Md. d. Owen Lovejoy. b. 6 Jan., 1811, Al- bion. Pastor, Princeton, 111. M. C, 1856- 64. d. 25 Mar., 1864, Brooklyn, N. Y. Moses McDonald. b. 8 April, 1814, Lin)erick. Lawyer. Speaker State Leg., 1845. M.C., 1851-4. Charles Merrill, b. 1 June, 1814. Res. (1833), Wiscasset; (18.58), Saco. John W^esley Merrill. A.B., Wesley- an, 1834. b. 9 May, ISOS, Chester, N. H. Pres. McKendree Coll. Meth. Epis. min- istry. Prof. Biblical Inst. Res., Concord, N. H. Alfred Mason Mitchell, b. 31 July, 1814. Res. (1833), North Yarmouth. George Palmer Pond. b. 24 Oct., 1810. Res. (1833), Bucksport; (1856), Bos- ton, Mass. Stephen Decatur Pond. b. 12 Feb., 1813. Res. (1833), Bucksport. d. before 1844. Edward Augustus Reed. b. 11 jNIay, 1814. Lawyer, Waldoboro. Francis Edward Russwurm. b. 23 July, 1814. Res., North Yarmouth; Cali- fornia, d. 1862, Campo, Cal. 1835. JohnBurnham. b. 28 April, 1813. Res. (1834), Limerick. William Batchelder. b. 12 Dec, 1813. Manufacturer, Saco. d. NON-GRADUATES 161 John Abner Briggs. A.B., Harv., 1S35. M.D., Ilarv., 1S38. b. IS Aug., ISIG. Physician, Xewburyport. d. 1S45. John Taylor Gilman Daveis. M.D., 1S37. Kowland Leonard Eaton, b. 2 Mar., 1811, Bowdoin. d. 1S33. Freedom Fogg. b. 23 April, 1810, Saco. d. 15 Dec, 1835. Nathaniel Ford. M.D., 1830. Edward Payson Gillet. b. 24 April, 1814. lies. (1834), Ilallowell. d. before 1849. Lemuel Gott. M.D., Harv., 1836. b. 23 Dec, 1808, Gloucester, Mass. Physi- cian, Berlin, Mass. d. IG June, 1888. Horatio Page Getchell. b. 17 Feb., 1814. Kes. (1834), Ilallowell; (185tJ), Cin- cinnati, O. Joshua HiU. A.B., Yale, 1835. A.M., Yale. b. '24 Aug., 1813, Limerick. Law- yer, llamiiden. d. 12 Oct., 18(i0. Ephraim Augustus Hyde. M.D. b. 10 Aug., 1814. Physician, Freeport. d. Thomas Cutts Lane. b. 12 Feb., 1810, Hollis. Lawyer. State Senate, 1841. d. 1881. William Loring Harmon. M.D., 1835. Thomas McCrate. b. 10 Jan., 1815. lies. (1834), Wiscasset. Christopher Morton, b. 5 July, 1813. Res., Portland, d. 1833. John Fitz Henry Mussey. A.B., Uarv., 1835. b. 8 Aug., I8l(i, Portland. Lawyer, Staudish. d. 14 April, 1846, Portland. "William Packard, b. Ki Aug., 1815, Wiscasset. d. 28 .Jan., 1834. "William Warren Tucker. A. B., Dart., 1835. A.M., Harv., 18G1. b. 18 Mar., 1817, Boston, Mas.s. Merchant, Boston, d. 2G Nov., 1885, Paris, France. Augustus Sylvester Crafts Strick- land, b. 11 Aug., 1S1.'>, Wiltou. Law- yer, d. 10 March, 1843. George Thomas Wentworth. b. 17 Oct., 1814, Dover, X. H. Lawyer, Dover, N. H. d. 3 July, 1874. Theodore Chase "Woodman. A.B., Dart., 1835. b. 10 April, 1815, Rochester, N. II. Lawyer, Bucksport. State Leg., 1857-8; Speaker, 18()8. d. 13 Juue, 1886. 1836. Joshua Downing Berry, b. 4 Dec, 1806. Res. (1835), Newington, N.H. Cler- gyman, Lexington, Ky. L Frederick Williams Boyd. D.D. , Cambridge, b. 15 Jan., 1814, Portland. Gen. Theo. Sem., 1839. Pastor. Miss., Waukesha, Wis. d. Dec, 188G. Frederick William Choate. A.B., Dart., 1836. A.M., Dart. b. 7 June, 1815, Beverly, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. State Senate, 1866. d. 4 April, 1891, Beverly, Mass. Francis Jerome Day. b. 22 Aug., 1815. Lawyer, Ilallowell. Nathaniel Dole. b. 17 May, 1817. Res. (1834), Ilallowell. d. George Clinton Durell. b. 7 Nov., 1815, Dover, N. H. Lawyer, d. 1838. John "William Tudor Gardiner, b. 5 June, 1817, Gardiner. U. S. Military Acad., 1840. Major, U. S. A. Bvt. Lt.-Col., 1865. d. 27 Sept., 1879, Gardiner. Stephen Gould, b. 13 Jan., 1810, Bridg- ton. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1842. Pastor, Poland, d. 30 July, 1859, Frankfort. Thomas Bailey Heath, b. 11 Dec, 1808, Whitefield. Res. (1835), Whitefleld. Daniel Kendrick. b. 21 Mar., 1818, Pittston. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1839. Pas- tor, Dennis, Mass. d. 19 Aug., 1867, Day- ton, Nev. Samuel Benjamin Morison. M.D., 1837. "William O'Brien, b. 4 Oct., 1814, Ma- chias. d. 25 Jan., 1836, Brunswick. Benjamin Robinson Palmer, b. 25 ]Mar., 1813. Res. (1835), Perry. Selim Augustus Stanley. M.D., 1836. George "Washington Swazey. M.D., 1837. 1837. George "Wyllys Adams, b. 26 May, 1815. Res. (1836), Boston; (18,58), New York City. John Adams "Welch Bailey, b. 4 Juue, 1818. Res., Wiscasset. <1. Wiscasset. William Rogers Chapman. A.B., Dartmouth, 1837. b. 26 Feb., 1812, Bethel. Yale Div. Sch., 1841. Pastor, Boston, Mass; Aurora, N. Y. d. 25 (Jet., 18.55, Hanover, Mass. James Crosby, b. G June, 1818. Res., Bangor, d. Aug., 1837. Joshua Gray. b. 31 May, 1811. Res. (18.36), Anson. Robert Fulton EUis. b. 16 Oct., 1809, Topshani. Newton Theo. Inst., 1838. Pas- tor, Springfield, Mass.; Alton, 111. d. 24 July, 1854, Clarke Co., Miss. 162 BOWDOIN COLLEGE George Payson Hayes, b. G June, 1817. Res. (1830), Saco. Joseph Hobson. b. 20 Mar., 1816, Bux- ton. Manufactiu-er, Saco. d. 4 Feb., 1893. WUliam Chase Knight, b. 11 Oct., ]8r2. Kes. (1836), Portland. Alexander Scammel Lincoln, b. 14 Apr., 1807. Kes. (1S3(J), Boston. Edmund Kimball, b. 12 Sept., 1813. Res. (1836), Marblehead, Mass.; (185S), Xew York City. Israel Potter Nelson, b. 20 Dec, 1811. Res. (1835), Retlilcheni, N. H. Thomas Bruce Paine, b. 10 July, 1810. Res. (1834), Somersworth, N. H. John Calvin Stockbridge. A.B., Brown, 1838. A.M., Brown. D.D., Harv., 18.59. b. 8 June, 1818, North Yarmouth. Newton Theol. Inst., 1844. Baptist ministry. Lit- erary work, Providence, R. I. Nathaniel Tuckerman True. M.D., 1840. William Prentiss Webster. A.B., Dart., 1838. b. 9 June, 1817, Newburyport, Mass. Lawyer, Lowell, Mass. d. 1877. James Cuthbert W^hite. b. Jan., 1818. Res. (1835), Quebec, P. Q. 1838. Nicholas Hall AUen. M.D., 1838. Alexander Francis Boardman. b. 2 Mar., 1819, Aiix Cayes, Hayli. Merchant, Brunswick, d. "29 Nov., 1870. George Washington Chase. b. IS May, 1815, Bridgtoii. Lawyer, Auburn. d. 17 July, 18.53. Henry Joseph Gardner. Hon. A.M., 1851. Samuel Greenleaf Lane. b. 8 Nov., 1811, Stratlium, N. H. d. about 1830. Samuel Longfellow. A.B., Harvard, 1839. b. 12 June, 1819, Portland. Harv. Div. Sch., 1846. Pastor, Brooklyn, N. Y. Literary work, Cambridge, Mass. d. 3 Oct., 1S92, Portland. Francis Miller McLellan. A. B., Brown, 1839. A.M., Brown. M.D., Harv., 1843. b. 31 Jan., 1817, Boston, Mass. Physician. .Surg. 13th N. Y. Art'y. d. 12 Nov., 1863, Maspetli, N. Y. Jesse Appleton Nason. b. 2 Oct., 1819, Gorbam. Res. (1836), Gorham; Pekin, 111. (18.56). Jeremiah O'Brien, b. 5 Sept., 1818, Machias. d. 21 April, 1838. Edward Hovey Smith, b. 20 Nov., 1813, Keuuebunkport. d. 10 March, 1836. Richard Holbrook Tucker. Hon. A.M., 1868. John Randall Varney. b. 13 March, 1812, Rochester, N. H. Teacher, New Jer- sey, d. 1846. 1839. Philemon Brown Francis, b. 22 Aug., 1813, Lunenburg, Mass. Res. (1840), Illi- nois, d. before 1844. William Harmon Hayford. b. 7 Aug., 1314, Hartford. Teacher, Lisbon, O. (1843). Octavius HiU. b. 22 Jan., 181(J, Paris. Teacher, Upperville, O. (1858). John Lillie, Jr. b. 9 April, 1818. Res. (1839), Kennebunk. d. before 1847. Charles Henry Osgood, b. 21 Jan., 1820, Denmark. Physician, Portland (1804). Timothy Osgood, b. 27 Dec, 1817, Fryeburg. d. 15 Dec, 1840. Charles Henry Porter. b. G Dec, 1810, Freeport. Merchant, New Orleans, La. d. 7 Sept., 1841. Wilder Brown Start. A.B., Colby, 1840. b. 10 Jan., 1815, Camden. Bangor Tlieo. Seni. d. 13 Mar., 1840. Charles Henry Strickland, b. 5 June, 1819, Wilton. Merchant, Wilton (1842) ; Portland (1850). Henry Cumings W^hitman. b. 5Jan., 1817, Billerica, Mass. Lawyer, Cincin- nati, O. State Senate, 1848-50. Circuit Judge. 1840. Elisha Bass, Jr. b.5 Sept., 1820, Wilton. Lawj'er. d. in Colorado. John Breed Dwight. A.B., Yale, 1810. b. 8 Dec, 1821, Norwich, Conn. Tutor, Yale. d. 20 Oct., 1843, New Haven, Conn. Nicholas Emery, b. 2 Dec, 1821, Port- land, d. 8 March, 1842, at sea. Joshua Sawyer Green, b. 20 June, 1809. Teacher, Union. Marshall Irish, b. 9 Sept., 1814. Man- ufacturer, Gorham. d. John Chandler Nourse. A.B., Harv., 1840. b. 28 April, 1822, Hallowell. Law- yer, Waltham, Mass. d. 22 Oct., 1844, Hallowell. Stephen Bayley Sewall. M.D., Harv., 1843. b. 22N0V., 1815, Chesterville. Phy- sician, Somerville, Mass.; Weaverville, Cal. d. 23 Dec, 1804. Horatio Southgate Smith. M.D.,1843. Alexander WeUs. b. 12 July, 1815. Res. (1838), Wells. NON-GRADUATES 163 1841. Asa Webber Cole. b. 11 Sept., 1814. Ilea. (ISW), r.iiklcfonl ; (185G), Alfrcil. George William Haley. M.D., 1847. 1842. William Allen. A. P.., Amluast, 1842. LL.D., 188;5, Amherst, b. 31 Mar., 1822, Brunswick. Lawyer, Nortlianiptou, Mass. -Tudgc Supreme Court, d. 4 June, 181)1. Samuel Bowker. b. 'JO Sept., 1813, I'liippsburg. ISaiiyor Tlieo. Sem., 1843. Chaplain '2Cth IMe. Vols. I'astor, Ilaynionil and Salem, N. II.; Ballardville, Mass. Kcs., Roadinj,', Mass. d. 10 Sept., 181)1. Alfred Button, b. 12 Feb., 181(1, New- bury, Mass. Teacher, Texas, d. about 1803. Moses Everett, b. 5 April, 1822, Hruns- wick. d. 11) .June, 1840. James Osgood. b. 27 March, 1815, Fryeburi,'-. lies. (183!)), Kryeburg. Daniel Tracey W^est. b. 27 March, 18-21, Kochester, N. Y. d. 1842. Joseph A. Wyman. b. 5 Nov;, 1821, liloomliold (?). d. about 1842, Galena, Wis. 1843. Henry Martin Chapin. b. 10 A[)ri], 1821. Printer, Portland (18.")1)). John Payson Edwards Curtis, b. !) Jan., 1811). Kcs. (1842), Woolwich. Kvs., liardincr (18.")8). George Washington Dyer. lion. A.M., 1808. George Frederic Evans. Jlon. A.B., 1847. Ebenezer Pierce Hinds, b. ,'!0 Jan., 1821. lies., I'iltston. Prin. ().\ford Nor- mal Inst., I'aris (18.")8). Benjamin Humphrey Merrill, lies. (1842), Alna. Res., Falmouth (18.58). Samuel Miller Parsons, b. 28 Sept., 1822. Res. (1841), Bangor. Benjamin Poole, b. 1) June, 1818, Glouces- ter, aiass. Lawyer, Lowell, Mass. (IS.')!!). W^illiam Stacey, Jr. b. 9 Mar., 1822. Kcs., Wiscassct. d. aliout 1843. John Rand Spring, b. 181!). Kes.(1841), Ncwburyport, Mass. Moses Rogers. M.D. b. 20 Sept., 1817. Physician, Falmouth, Mass. Hamden Aubery Stanwood. b. 27 Dec, 1810, Brunswick. Teacher. County Judge, Flemington, Fla. d. 1880. 1844. Charles Duxbury. b. 8 July, 1825. Res. (1842), Dover, N. 11. Clement Merrill Farnum. b. 5 Oct., 1822, Alfred (?). il. 18 Dec., 1813, Bruns- wick. George DeForest Folsom. A. 15., Yale, 184.5. b. 20 July, 1822, Bucksport. Union Theo. Sem., 1849. Cong, ministry. Res., San Francisco, Cal. Endicott King. b. !) April, 1824, Saco. U. S. civil service, Washington, 1). C. Silas Blake Mayberry. M.D. b. 1!) Oct., 1818, Otisliclil. Physician, Eastport (18.50). Elbridge Kenney Mitchell. M.D. b. 12 Sept., 181",). Physician, Portland, d. before 1858. David Washington Seiders. b. 22 Feb., 1823. Lawyer, Waldoboro. U. S. civil service, Washington, 1). C. d. 1 Feb., 1873. Joseph Edward Augustus Smith, b. 4 Feb., 1822. Res. (18.58), Pittslield, Mass. Washington Folsom Somerby. b. 15 Jan., 1817. Res. (1842), Ncwburyport, Mass. 1845. Charles Godfrey Dearborn. li.2() Jau., 1827, Monmouth, d. IjcI'oic 1847. Luther Sampson Gibson. b. 4 .\ufr., 1827. Res. (1S42), Winthrop. Noah Purington Godfrey, b. (i Auj;., 1811). Res. (18.50), Rocklord, 111. Benjamin Woodwell Hale. b. 20 Jan., 1815, Newbury, Mass. Bookseller, Han- over, N. 11. d. Feb., 1870. George Augustus Nourse. b. 10 Dec, 1824. Lawyer, Fresno, (jal. John Oilman Pike. M.D., 1847. Collins Munro Stevens. 1». 7 Dec, 1823. d. 1840, Foxcroft. George Willard True. b. 20 Scipt., 1823, Montvillc. Merchant, Portland. INIayor, 181)1. Thomas Lord Upham. b. 7 May, 1824, Brunswick, d. at sea, 1815. 1846. George Washington Came. b. (J Mar., 1825. Res. (18.58), North Berwick. John Butler Carter, b. liO Nov., 1827. Res. (1845), Portland. W^illiam O'Brien Dunning, b. July, 1823, Brunswick. Res., Matanzas, Cuba, d. 4 Feb., 1855. 164 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Thornton Cutts Emery, b. 16 Nov., 1824, Saoo. Merchant. Res., Oakland, Cal. James Henry Paine Frost. A.B., Amherst, 1846. A.M., Amherst. M.D., Penu. Homcpop. Med. Coll., 18.50. b. 24 May, lS-25, Bethel. Physician, Bangor. Px'of. Physiol, and Pathol., Penn. Homoeop. Med. Coll. Physician, Bethlehem, Penn. d.21Jan., 187.5. Lafayette Grover. b. 24 Nov., 1823, Bethel. Lawyer, Salem, Ore. Speaker Leg., 1856. Governor, 1870-77. U. S. Sen- ator, 1877-83. Res., Portland, Ore. Stetson Lobdell Hill. b. 31 Aug., 1821, Webster. Lawyer, Webster. Edward Augustus Jellison. b. 14 Dec, 1823. Res. (1844), Ellsworth. John Orr McKeen. b. 23 Oct., 1823, Derry, N. II. Teaclier. d. Joshua Rogers Purinton. b. 6 Mar., 1825. d. 2 Oct., 1846, Portland. Stephen Chapin Russell, b. 25 Sept., 1820. Res. (1845), North Yarmouth. James C. Shepley. b. 6 Dec, 1827, Saco (:■'). Res. fl8.58), St. Anthony, Wis. Christopher Nathaniel Thorn, b. 16 Oct., 1S26, Derry, N. H. Real estate, Wash- ington, D. C. Daniel Brewer Tompson. b. 23 Nov., 1824. Res. (1858), Freeport. Henry Starr Wattles, b. 17 May, 1825, Alexandria, Va. Merchant, rt. 9 May, 1893, Alexandria, Va. Orlando Henry White. A.B., Am- herst, 1846. A.M., Andierst. D.D., Adrian, 1870. b. 10 Jan., 1820, Livermore. Bangor Theo. Seni., 1849. Cong, ministry. Agent A. M. A., London, Eug. Lecturer, Bos- ton. Res., White River Junction, Vt. d. 8 Jan., 1892. 1847. John Gilman Clark, b. 27 Sept., 1827, Foxcroft (?). Res. (1856), Madison, Ga. Aldrich Barton Cook. b. 18 May, 1824. Res. (1856), Nashua, N. II. Leonard Maynard. Res. (1844), Ply- mouth, INIa.ss. Joseph Towne Nason. Res. (1858), Kenuebunk. W^illiam Robinson Pattangall. b. 6 (Jet., 1821. Res. (1856), Perry. Edward W^inslow RandaU. b. 26 May, 1827. Res. (1843), Bath. Richard Henry Rice. b. 27 Sept., 1827. Res. (1858), Boston, Mass. Henry lehabod Sloman. b. 9 Nov., 1826, Wiscasset. d. before 1847. Frank Vose. b. 13 Oct., 1826. Mer- chant, New Orleans, La. d. 1875, Denver, Col. Henry Illsley W are. b. 21 May, 1826. d. 12 Oct., 1847, Athens. Howard Wells, b. 14 Nov., 1821, Wells, d. about 1846. John McMahon Whiting, b. 3 Jan., 1826. Res. (1845), Houlton. Albert Newton Williams, b. 13 July, 1827. Res. (1858), Kenuebunk. 1848. Edward Watson Anderson. M.D., Harv., 1852. b. 9 Dec, 1828, Portland. Physician, d. 5 Sept., 1861. Jacob W^ardwell Brown, b. 2 Dec, 1823. Res. (1845), Albany. Charles Theodore Cotton. A.B., Yale, 1848. A.M., Yale. b. 21 Dec, 1824, Natchez, Miss. Lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. d. 15 Mar., 1877. George Henry Ellsworth, b. 9 Apr., 1828. Bath. d. 1846. Andrew Titcomb Fitch. M.D., 1851. William Osborne Fox. b. 12 Sept., 1825, Portland. City assessor, Portland. Edmund Hayes, b. 6 April, 1823, In- dustry. Publisher's agent, Portland, d. 2 Aug., 1848, Cleveland, O. Thomas Henry Marshall, b. 10 Feb., 1826, Belfast. Merchant, Belfast. State Senate, 1859; President, 1860. Col., 7th Me. Vols. d. 25 Oct., 1861, Baltimore, Md. Eliphalet Franklin Packard, b. 5 June, 1824, Auburn. Manufacturer, Au- burn, d. 2 Nov., 1887. Alpheus Felch Page. M.D., 1849. Thatcher Goddard Perkins. b. 25 Sept., 1825, Kennebunk. d. 3 Feb., 1848. Charles Russell. M.D., Univ. of Mary- land, 1848. b. 19 July, 1820, Bethel. Pliy- sician, Fayette, d. 1888. Napoleon Oliver Ward. M.D., Univ. Md. b. 30 Oct., 1826. Physician, Balti- more, INId. Res., Cohassct, Mass. Hezekiah Williams. M.D., Cleveland Med. Coll., 1850. b. 10 March, 1827, Cas- tine. Physician, Alton, 111. Surg. 2d 111. Vols. Med. Inspector, 1864-5. d. 22 May, 1872. NON-GRADUATES 165 1849. Charles Edward Clifford. A.B., Harv., ISM). )). 3 Nov., ls-29, Newficld. Lawyer, Xcwiield; Portland. James Lowe Hoole. b. 22 Auf^., 1824, Fryt'biivs. Lawyer, Holly Si»riiig.s, IMiss. Ma.j., i\Iiss. Vol.s. Hes., IMoiilrose, Ala. Robert Waterston Lord. b. 14 Ai)r., 1S-2S, Keniiebiink. MannfacUirer, Kciinc- binik. Edward Stanton Palmer. A.B., Union, 184'.i. b. 20 April, 1827, Bath. Bangor Theo. Sem., 185."). Pastor, Freeport; Wa- verly,Ia.; Berkshii-e, N. Y. Res., Gorham. William Henry StClair. b. 21 April, 1827, Strathani, N. H. d. 1849. William Cutter Ten Broeck. b. 14 Jan., 1829, I'ortland. Lawyer, Portland. d. 28 Dec., 18G."). ' George Henry Wakefield, b. 1 Nov., 182S, Saeo. Mereliant, North Berwick. .state .Senate, 1880-81. David Atwood Wasson. b. 14 May, 182.'J, Brooksville. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1851. Pastor, Groveland, Mass. Author, West Medford, Mass. d. 21 Jan., 1887. 1850. Henry Lyman Chamberlain, b. 10 ( )ct., 182:i. Res. (18.58) , San Francisco, Cal. Albion Flitner. b. 18 Dec, 1825, Pitts- Ion. Mining, California, d. 1 Aug., 1855. Edward Albert Kelly. Hon. A.M., my.). Frederick Augustus Soule. b. 10 March, 1825. Res. (1856), Wiscasset. Thomas Wilson, b. 4 Nov., 1824. Res. (1858), Houlton. 1851. George Edward Downes. b. 12 Apr., 1828, Calais. Lawyer, Calais, d. 17 Sept., 1882. Albert Gould, b. 18 Feb., IS.JO. Law- yer, North Bridgton (18.5(;). Lucien Bonaparte Hatch, b. 2() Aug., 1829, Res. (1849), China. Joshua Warren Hathaway. IIou. A.M., 1872. Albert Boyce Houston, b. 20 Dec, 1828, Belfast. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1857. Pastor, Searsport. Evangelist, N. Y. Bennett Pike. b. G Jan., 1828, Cornish. Lawyer, St. .Joseph, Mo. V. S. Dist. Att'y. Nathaniel Stillman Robinson. M.D., Ilarv., 18.52. b. 27 Mar., 1827. Physician, Neenah, Wis. Josiah Patterson Sherman. h. 25 July, 1823, Newcastle. Teacher, Potts- ville. Pa. Gilbert Carr Tebbets. b. 11 Aug., 1827. Res., Lisbon, d. 20 .fidy, 1807. Elbridge Augustus Thompson. M.D.. Castleton Med. Coll., 18.52. b. 4 .Jan., 1828. Physician, Dover. 1852. Edward Buck. A.B., Yale, 1852. b. 17 April, 1828, Oi'land. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.55. Res., Bucksport. AUen Tiles Farnham. b. 7 Dec, 1822. Res. (1850), Woolwich. Edward Fuller Foster, b. 31 Aug., 1834. Res. (18.5(;), Boston, Mass. James Garvin, b. 20 Mar., 1825. Res. (18.58), Acton. Nathan Cutler Goodenow. b. 2 Jan., 1831, Farinington. Lieut.-Col. l{!lh 111. Cav. Lawyer, Chicago, d. Feb., 188G. Benjamin W^ebber Kimball. M.D., 18,57. Robert Edward Kerr Whiting, b. 24 Oct., 1832. Res., New York City. d. 1875. 1853. Oliver Patten Barton, b. S Mar., 18.32, Sidney, d. 1 Feb., Is5t. Ralph Wardlaw Cummings. M.D., K. Y. Med. Coll., 1856. b. 4 Sept., 1832, North Y'armouth. Surg., U. S. C. Heavy Art'y. 1864-6. Physician, Bay City, Mich. Editor, Minneapolis, Minn.; San Fran- cisco, Cal. d. 17 Aug., 1880. James Holwell Kidder. b. 9 Oct., 1831, Portland. General Theo. Sem., ISGO. Rector, Owego, N. Y. John Stacey Tucker, b. 4 July, 1821, Foxcroft. Carpenter, Milford, Mass.; W. Upton, Mass. <1. Nov., 1893. Nathaniel Lord Upham. A.B., Dart., 1853. A.M., Dart. b. 27 Apr., 1833, Con- cord, N. H. Andover Theo. Sem., 18.58. Chap. 35th N. J. Vols., 1863-5. Pastor, Reaville, N.J. Res., Philadelphia, Penn. William Walker. M.D., Jeflerson Med. Coll., 1853. b. 4 Jan., 1828, Barnstead, N. IL Physician, d. 14 July, 18.55. 1854. Joseph Melcher Alexander. b. 12 Dec, 1829, Kichmond. d. 18.53. George Thomas Barrett, b. 17 Dec, 1824. Res., Saco. d. before 1858. 16G BOWDOIN COLLEGE Charles Peter Clark. A.B., Dart., 1856. h. 11 Aug., 1836. Merchant, New York City. Melvin Cunningham, b. 29 Nov., 1828. Res. (1858), Litchfield. John liibbey Daggett, b. 12 Feb., 1830. Res. (1853), Hope. Jeremiah Howard Oilman. Hon. A.M., 186,'j. Edwin Jarvis Hart. b. 16 Sept., 1825, Brewer. Bangor Theo. Sem., 18.55. Pas- tor, Merrimack, N. H. ; Cottage Grove, Minn. Charles Edwin Hatheway. M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surg. b. 14 May, 1834, St. John, N. B. Physician, d. 25 Sept., 18G3. Charles Stetson Hussey. b. 6 Feb., 1831. d. Jan., 1851, St. Louis, Mo. William Wirt Pendergast. Hon. A.M., 1893. Ezra Morton Prince, b. 27 Maj', 1831. Res. (1858), Turner. Andrew Ring, Jr. b. 25 July, 1833. Res., Lubec. d. 18.55. Edward Beeeher Smyth, b. 2 Jan., 1832. Brunswick. Farmer, Manhattan, Kan. (1.20 Feb., 18SK Charles Bradbviry Stetson, b. 12 Oct., 1831, Durham. Journalist, N. Y. City; Boston, d. 31 Mar., 1878, Newport, R. I. Henry Kennedy Turner, b. 8 Dec, 1829. Res., San Francisco, Cal. 1855. John Samuel Gushing. M.D., Harv., 18.58. b. 26 July, 18.30, Bloomfleld. Ass't Sui-g., 2Ist Me. Vols., 1862. Physician, Skowhegan. d. 4 Feb., 1889. Stephen MelviUe Eaton. Hon. A.M., 1892. W^illiam Howard Fessenden. Hon. A.M., 1865. W^illiam W^ilberforce Gooch. b. 2 Fell., 1832, Yarmouth, d. 14 Oct., 18,52. Dudley Sargent Jones, b. 11 Oct., 1833. Res. (1856), Ellsworth. William Trott King. b. 27 Mar., 1833. Res. (18.54), Calais. Jeremiah Hobson Lord. b. 4 Sept., 1831, Buxton. Merchant, Steep Falls, d. 23 Sept., 1889. Jonathan Piper, b. 7 Oct., 18.30, Strat- ham,N. H. Teacher. Publisher, Chicago, 111. Sutton Kerr Preseott. b. 22 Jan., 1836, Farmiiigtou. d. 19 Oct., 1854. William Edward Parker Smyth, b. 16 Mar., 1835. Res. (1854), Saco. Richard Albra Waldron. b. 23 May, 1832, Dover, N. H. Physician, Dillnian, Ind. Joseph Walker, b. 5 June, 18.30, Paris. Merchant, Portland. 1856. Joseph Greenleaf Barrows, b. 2 Jan., 1831, Augusta (?). d. 1853. Virgil Lafayette Craig. b. 24 Oct., 1832, Farmington. Farmer, Farmington; Spiritwood, Dak. Simon W^illiam Hatheway. A.B., Amherst, 1857; A.M., Amherst, b. 10 Sept., 1837, St. John, N. B. Lawyer, Boston. William Matheson Johnson, b. 28 July, 1834, Saco. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1864. d. 12 Oct., 1864, Brunswick. Josiah Locke Phillips. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1857. b. 8 June, 1835, Farm- ington. Surg. 16th Iowa Vols. Physician, Sioux Falls, Dak. d. 12 June, 1882. Augustus Hall W^alker. A.B., Yale, 18.56. b. 22 Dec, 1833. Lawyer, Lovell; Bridgton. Isaac Henry Wing. b. 8 July, 1832, Winlhrop. 1st Lt. 4th Wis. Vols. Clerk, Bayfield, Wis. 1857. Ward Chadwick. b. 25 Sept., 18.30. Lawyer, West Boxford, Mass. d. 1862. Justin Martyr Copeland. b. 17 Mar., 18.35. Res. (ls.55). New Sharon. John Howard Hayes, b. 5 Aug., 1833, Brewer. Res., Bangor; Moors Station, Cal. (1884). Stephen Hilton, b. 22 Feb., 1833, Bre- men. Farmer, Lyndeu, Wash. Charles Jenkins Little, b. 9 April, 1836, Auburn. Manufacturer. Res., Bos- ton. Samuel Johnson Lunt. b. 15 April, 1833, Bangor, d. 29 Nov., 1858, at sea. Daniel Hussey Page. b. 13 Apr., 1834. Farmer, Lindsborg, Kan. Edward Sampson. b. 2 July, 1835. Res. (1856), Bowdoinham. John Walker, b. 1 Jan., 1833, Exeter. Union Theo. Sem., 1863. Teacher, N. Y. City; Troy, N. Y. Res., Exeter. Leonard Othniel W^heeler. b. 3 Nov., 18.35, Methuen, Mass. Druggist, N.Y. City. d. 4 April, 1871, N. Y. City. NON-GRADUATES 167 Levi Henry Williams, b. 19 Dec, 1837. Lawj'er, St. Paul, Minn. 1858. Henry Joseph Atkins. 1). 2;> Feb., 1835, Mt. Vernon ( ?). Journalist, Jacksonville, 111. a. I Dec, 1870. John Edward Beale. b. 14 Jan., 18:59. Ucs. (1S."),S), Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Bradley, b. l.'i Feb., 1835. Com- niissiou merchant, Portland, d. George Adams Bright. M.D., Harv., ISOO. b. i) April, 1S37, IJangor. Surgeon, U. S. Navy. George Henry Brooks, lies. (1857), North Jay. George Fred Granger, b. 13 July, 1S37, Calais. Lawyer. 1st Lt. 9th Me., ]8(;i. P.vt. i;rig.-Gen.,U. S.V.,1865. d. 10 Feb., 18S3. Daniel Barker Grover. b. 15 March, 1S31, Bethel. Farmer, Bethel; Redlands, Cal. Moses Hooper. 1). 21 Jan., 1835, lay- man. Lawyer, Oshkosh, Wis. Horace Malcolm Jordan, b. 10 Dec, 1838, Wcstbrook. Kditor, Portland ; Bos- ton; New York City. Jefferson Bethel Meservey. b. 27 Oct. , 1 8'2i). Res . ( 1 8.)S) , Brewer. John Henry Moore. A.B., Wesleyan, 1851). b. 2 Aug., 1838, Clinton. Law stu- dent, d. 25 Aug., 180)3, Augusta. Simon Glover Philbrook. b. 14 Oct., ia33. Ues. (185(0, Lewiston. Edward Goodwin Raynes. b. 4 Oct., 1830. U. S. Navy. d. I'.l Feb., 1807. Donnel Reed. b. 28 April, 1837. Res. (1850), Woolwich. Wilbur Savage, b. 27 Sept., 1833, Nor- ridgewock. d. 23 Mar., 1858. James Henry Tallman. b. 3 Feb., 18.38, Bath. Law student. Lt. 3d Me. Vols., 1861. d. 18(IG. Henry Goddard Thomas. A.B., Am- herst, 1858. A.M., Amherst. Ij. 5 April, 1837, Portland. Capt. 5th Me., ISGl. Bvt. Maj.-Gen., 1865. Major 4th Inf., U. S. A. Pres. Nat'l Bank, Oklahoma, O. T. John Abbott Titcomb. b. 27 Oct., 1832, Farmiugton. Merchant, Portland ; Brooklyn, N. Y. 1859. Joseph Drew Burbank. b. 27 Mar., 1838. Teuclier, Limerick, d. 18(!0. Albert Smith Davis, b. 3 June, 1834. Farmer, Prcscott, Wis. d. 1884 (?). Henry Milton Folsom. b. Nov., 1834, IMonson. LI. 7th Me. Vols., 1802. Drug- gist, Riclimond. Ship broker. New York City. Daniel Edward Hayes, b. 23 Jan., 1838, Brewer. Res., San Francisco (1804). Luther Keene, Jr. A.B., Amher.st, 18.59. b. 30 Jan., 1830, Medford, Mass. Bangor Tiieo. Sem., 1802. Pastor, Frank- lin, Mass. d. 17 April, 1874. Lorenzo Moors Kyes. b. 28 Feb., 1834. Res., North Jay. d. 9 Aug., 1857, Bruns- wick. Charles W^inthrop Lowell, b. 20 Nov., 1834, Foxcroft. Capt. 8{)tli U. S. C. T., 18^. Bvt. Col., 1805. U. S. civil service. New Orleans, La. d. 3 Oct., 1877. Hugh Mc Adam. b. 8 Feb., 183.5. Res. (1858), St. Steplien, N. B. Charles Edward Mulloy. b. 25 Aug., 1839. U'es. (18.58), NorUi Parsonsfiekl. Francis Bartlett Smith. 1>. 5 Jan., 18,38. Res. (18,58), Westljrook. Daniel Woodman, b. 17 Nov., 1829, llollis. d. 17 Nov., 1856, Dayton. Henry Parker Worcester. Res., Gar- diner. Capt. 3d Mp. Vols., 1801. I860. Howard Abbott, b. 23 June, 18,39, Bel- fast, d. 21 May, 18.59, Brunswick. William Augustus Garnsey. b. 25 Dec, 1839. Res., P.angor. Capt. 2d La. Vols., 1802. John Webster Greene, b. 17 Dec, 1837. Res. (18.58), Pittslicid, N. II. Charles Rackleff Haines, b. 23 July, 1839, Portland. Auditor, Pittsburg, Pa. James Henry Hobbs Hewett. b. 16 Feb., 1830, Hope. Capt. 8th Me. Vols. Bvt. Major. Lawyer, Thomaston. Alvin Bacon Jordan, b. 29 Sept., 18.35, Raymond. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1871. Res., West Falmouth. Atwood Severance, b. .30 Nov., 18.32, Plymouth. Res. (18,59), Plymoutli. Edward Wetmore Smith, b. 10 Feb., 1830, Ilallowcll. d. 1859. 168 BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1861. Wendall Abraham Anderson. M.D., Columbia, 18G3. b. 9 Sept., 1840, Gray. Surjf., 3d M(l., ISGl. Physician, LaCi'osse, Wis. U. S. Consul, Montreal. Edward Larke Appleton. b. Sept., 1839, Bangor. Lt. Ist Art'y, U. S. A., 18C1-5. Merchant, Bangor, d. 1SG8. John Edward Butler, b. 6 July, 1835, Great Falls, N. H. Editor, Biddeford. Pres. State Senate, 1874. Lawyer, Boston, d. 2,5 June, 1889. Daniel Warren Hardy. M.D., 18(i3. Francis Everett MuUiken. b. 8 Aug., 18.39, Augusta. Manufacturer, Augusta (1864). Manuel Ebenezer Shell, b. 27 April, 1834, Catawba Co., N. C. C. S. A. d. 1802. Horace Vose. b. 29 Jan., 1840, Au- gusta. Ship broker, d. 1867. 1862. Thomas Westbrook Smith Bradbury. b. 24 July, 1841, Augusta, d. 11 May, 1868. James Drummond Erskine. b. 10 INIar., 1839, Bristol. Capt. 4th Me., 1862. d. 7 Jan., 1863, Bristol. George Washington Frost, b. G June, 1836, Monmouth. Teacher, Rockland (I860). John Granville Hancock, b. 22 June, 18.34, Otislicld. d. 14 May, 1859, Litchfield. Alonzo Channing Jordan, b. 3 June, 1S43, Brunswick, d. 13 Feb., 1860. Manasseh Smith, b. 24 Dec, 1841, Warren. Lawyer, Portland. Frederic Augustus Stevens, b. 10 May, 1838, Bangor. Capt. 13th Me. Vols., 1862. K. K. Agent, St. Louis, Mo. (1877). Josiah Augustus Temple, b. 8 July, 1836, Litchfield. 17th Me. Vols., 1863. Lawyer, Chicago. Henry Warren, b. 3 Feb., 1840, Guil- ford. Capt. 7th Me. Vols. d. 18 May, 1864, Spotsylvania Court House, Va. William Moody Webster, b. 4 Aug., 1839, Belfast. Journalist, Oakland, Cal. William Randall Woodside. b. 17 June, 1841, Bath. d. 2 Apr., 1862, Bath. 1863. Delon Henry Abbott. M.D., 1803. John LeBaron Andrews, b. 30 Nov., 1839, Eastport. 9th Me. Vols. Arthur Brainard Arey. b. 2 May, 1840, Hampden. U. S. Navy, 1862. Benjamin French Bryant. Lawyer, LaCrosse, Wis. Stephen Jones Coffin, b. 3 May, 1836, Thorndike. Edwin Dame. 1>. 13 Dec, 1840, Saco. (1. 13 June, 1861. David Morrill Greeley, b. 22 Oct., 1837, Foxcroft. d. Oct., 1860. Orran Rensselaer Hall. M.D., 1867. Calvin Lewis Hayes, b. 1 March, 1842. Adj.,.32d Me. Vols. Res. (1864), Kittery. Hamilton Smith Lowell, b. 23 Sept., 1841, Windliam. Capt., 12lh Me. Vols. Charles Stuart McArthur. b. 9 July, 1839, Limington. Daniel Moulton Phillips, b. 10 Jan., 18.36, Gorham. Lt. 12th Me. Vols. d. 19 Sept., 1864, Winchester, Va. Horace Lord Piper. LL.B., Colum- bian Univ., 1868. b. 14 July, 1841, Limer- ick. Lt. 27th Me. Vols. Bvt. Major, 1863. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. James Waterman Poor. b. 28 Feb., 1840, Belfast. 1st Lt. 1st Me. Cav. d. 2 Sept., 1890, Reno, Nev. John Harrison Roberts, b. 30 July, 1840. Capt. 4th N. H. Vols. d. 1864. Sewall Coffin Weymouth, b. 24 Sept., 1S3S. . C. d. 2.5 July, 1888. John Bann McDonald. M.D., Harv., 18().'). b. 17 Dec, 1838, Prince Edward's Island. Physician, Centralia, Wash. Joseph William Milliken. b. 21 Dec, 184.5. lies. (18(i3), Bangor. Henry Lebbeus Oak. A. B., Dart., 1865. b. 13 May, 1844, Garland. Librarian, Bancroft Library, San Francisco, Cal. John Fairfield Robinson, b. 13 Mar., 1842. Lawyer, Bangor. Edwin Searle Rogers, b. 31 Jan., 1843, Patten. 2d I^t., 3l8t Me. Vols. d. 8 June, 1864, Cold Harbor, Va. Juan Bautista Sariol. b. 10 Nov., 1844, Havana, Cuba. d. 1864. Thomas Shepard. b. 3 Mar., 1842, Bangor. U. S. civil service, Washington, D. C. Horatio Fox Smith, b. 4 July, 1845, Gorham. 31st Me. Vols., 1864. d. 20 Sept., 1864. Arthur Tappan Stearns, b. 23 April, 1840, Lovoll Center. 23d Me. Vols. William Lamb W^arren. A.B., Yale, 1885. b. 12 May, 1843, Saccarappa. Mer- chant, Saccarappa; Pasadena, Cal. George Roscoe Williams. A. B., Dart., 186.5. b.20 Feb., 1S42, Woolwich. Lawyer, Oakland, Cal. 1866. Arthur Beardsley. C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 1867. Ph.D., Swarth- more, 1889. b. 1 Nov., 184:}. Prof. Engi- neering, Swarthmore. James Allen Bedell, b. 10 April, 1839, South Berwick. 26th Me. Vols. d. 20 Dec., 1862. David Neal Bradstreet. b. 5 Mar., 184.5, Gardiner. Res., Hancock, N. H. Pulaski Corliss, b. 8 Oct., 1841, Car- mel. Cotton broker, Mexico, il. 1868. Benjamin Harvey Davis, b. 27 July, 1844, Foxcroft. Contractor, Foxcroft. Pliny Fiske Drew. b. 27 June, 1841. Res. (1863), Limerick. 26th Me. Vols. d.l9 Jan., 1803. Otis Hinkley. b. 16 Dec, 1838. Res., New Harmony, Ind. d. 1877. William Ogden Hough, b. 12 Mar., 1843, Ludlow, Vt. Book-keeper, Portland. William Augustus Huston. M. D. b. 11 Feb., 1843. Physician, Boston. Edward Elijah Jones, b. 20 Sept., 1842, Minot. 3d Me. Vols. Sergt. 1st Me. Heavy Art'y.- Merchant, New York City. Joseph Wesley Pressey. b. 10 June, 1842. 11th Me. Vols. Insui'ance, Roches- ter, N. Y. Charles Frederic Swasey. b. 10 Oct., 1843, Standish. Merchant, Standish. Melvin Cutts Wadsworth. b. 11 Feb., 1842. 2d Lt. 16tli Me. Merchant, Gardiner. John Francis Walker, b. 9 April, 1844. Banker, South Berwick, d. 20 Aug., 18'JO. Albert Wright, b. 20 July, 1841, New- castle. Druggist, Healdsburg, Cal. 1867. Benjamin Franklin Brickett. A.B., Dart., 1867. b. 10 April, 1846, Haverhill, Mass. Lawj'er, Haverhill, Mass. Frank Watts Chadbourne. M. D., 18011. 170 BOWDOIN COLLEGE "William Harris Chadwick. b. 24Juue, 1846, Gardiner. Real estate, Chicago. Thomas Burnliam Emery, b. 19 Sept., 1S42. Res. (lS65),Gorham. Roswell Darst Hancock, b. 18 Jan., 1841. Res. (1S6.")), Wasliingtoii, Mo. d. George Franklin Hubbard, b. 6 June, 1845. Res., Winterport. d. 1868. "William Huntress, b. 9 June, 1845. MaAliinist, Lowell, Mass. d. 17 Apr., 1SS8. John Russell Hussey. b. 24 July, 1842. Res. (1865),Newburg. Thomas "William Lord. I). 10 Dec, 1843. Res., Brunswick. 2d Lt. 17th Me. Vols. Frank Benton Mildram. A.B.,Harv., 1867. b. lo July, 184'2, Wells. Lawyer, Wells, d. 19 Sept., 1875. Bainbridge Chaplin Noyes. A.B., Dart., 1867. b. 13 Mar., 1846, Georgetown, Mass. Teacher, d. 17 May, 1889. Henry Reynolds. M.D., Harv., 1869. b. 4 June, 1843. Physician, Livermore Falls. Dwinel French Thompson. B.S., Dart., 1869. b. IJan., 1840, Auburn. Prof. Descrip. Geoni., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Lansingburg, N. Y. Elbridge York Turner, b. 20 June, 1S41, Durham. Teacher. Contractor, Au- burn. 1868. Charles Baker Besse. b. .3 June, 1841, Bristol. Meth. Epis. ministry, Maine; Illi- nois. Joseph Scribner Burns. A.B., Yale, 1868. A.M., Yale. M.D., Columbia, 1873. b. 14 Jan., 1842. Prin. Highland Military Acad., Worcester, Mass. Nicholas Fessenden. b.23 Nov., 1847, Eastport. Lawyer, Fort Fairfield. Sec- retary of State. Elbridge Gerry Fogg. b. 5 Dec., 1842. Res. (1866), Stetson. Oliver Guy Hamilton, b. 4 Feb., 1843, Waterboro. Teacher, Waterboro. d. 8 Oct., 1865, Waterboro. John Rogers Mason. A.B., Harv., 1869. LL.B., Harv., 1872. b. 21 Aug., 1848, Bangor. Lawyer, Bangor. Robert Giveen Sawyer, b. 28 June, 1848, Portland. Civil engineer, San Fran- cisco, Gal. d. 1887. John Irving Sturgis. M.D., 18G8. 1869. Charles Hoyt Bangs, b. 27 Aug., 1844, Salem. Manufacturer, Boston. Charles Staples Conant. b. 1 Nov., 1843, Turner. Lawyer, Lewiston (1880). Adelbert Dana Cornish, b. 3 Feb., 1843, Lisbon. Lawyer, Lewiston. Judge Municipal Court. George Henry Dean. b. 14 May, 1840. Res. (1866), Webster. Charles Edward Fowles. b. 25 May, 1842, Edgecomb. Farmer and teacher. d. 15 Feb., 1876, Edgecomb. John Adams Stoyell. b. 6 June, 1848, Farmington. Lawyer, Bismarck, North Dakota. 1870. Henry Darling Barnard, b. 14 Jan., 1847, Bucksport. Banker, Sullivan, Ind. d. 25 Dec, 1877, Bucksport. Frank Mason Brown, b. 9 Jan., 1845, Bluehill. Mining, Chippeta, Col. State Senate, 1877-8. R. R. I'resident. d. 10 .Tune, 1889, Marble Canyon. Charles Augustus Eaton, b. 14 Aug., 1850, Portland. Salesman, Portland. Samuel Sprigg. Res., San Francisco, Cal. Sullivan Haines Stockman. b. 30 Aug., 1847, East Auburn. Res. (1868), Au- burn. Arthur Jackson Upton, b. 22 June, 1S47. Res., Salem, Mass. d. 1871, San Francisco, Cal. 1871. Frank Tappan Bayley. b. 19 Aug., 1846, Boston, Mass. 6th Mass. Inf. Union Theo. Sem.,lS73. I'astor, Portland; Den- ver, Col. Edward Thomas Brown, b. 7 June, 1849, Paris. 1st Lt. 5th U. S. Art'y. Luther J. Drake. b. 27 Oct., 1845, Union. Res. (1869), Rockland. George Minot Garland. A.B., Harv., 1871. M.D., Harv., 1874. b. 14 Oct., 1848, Laconia, N. II. Prof. Thoracic Diseases, Univ. Vt. Physician, Boston. Alonzo Stockbridge Lambert. A.B., Amherst, 1882. b. 4 Feb., 1849, Durham. James Lewis Lombard, b. 6 Jan., 1850, Henry, 111. Banker, Kansas City, Mo. NON-GRADUATES 171 Percival Josiah Parris. A.B., Union, 1871. A.M., Union. I). .^ Jan., lS4i), Buck- lield. Lawyer, New York ; riiilailclpliia. Edward Waldo Pendleton. A.B., Univ. Mich., 1872. b. 22 IMay, 1848, Gor- hani. Lawyer, Detroit, Midi. "William Fiske Sandford. A.B., Yale, 1872. 'I'rin. High Scliool, St. Louis, Mo. 1872. Ambrose Virgin Ackley. b. 2 Feb., 1848, Humford. Res., I'eaks Island, Port- land. Arthur Burrill Ayer. b. K! Nov., 1852, Clinton, Mass. Farmer, Lawi'encc, Mass. (1880). Charles Joseph Brown, b. 10 May, 1S4(;, Medford, Mass. Edgar Henry Deering. b. 4 Mar., 18.il, Portland. Farmer, Minot. Frank Jones Goodwin. A.B., Am- herst, 1873. b. 12 Jan., 18.j2, P.iddeford. Insurance, Maiden, Ma.ss. John Lewis Hinks. b. 2(5 April, 1849, IJrewer. d. .'> May, 1880, Augusta. Franklin Pierce Ireland, b. 6 Dec, 18.52, Newburyport, Mass. Lawyer, Ne- braska City, Neb. J. Y. McClintoek. b. 21 April, 1853, Ilallowell. Civil engineer, Itochester, N. Y. "William Augustus McDowell, b. 25 Feb., 1848, Washington, d. i:! July, ls7n, nrunswi(;k. Frank Albert MitcheU. M.D., Belle- vne IIosp. Meil. Coll., 1874. b. 19 Aug., 1847, Kennebunkport. Physician, liridg- ton; Chicago, 111. Everett Totman. A.B., Dart., 1872. b. .5 Sept., 18.">0, Fairfield. Merchant, Du- luth, Minn. 1873. Charles Edwin Averill. b. 12 April, 18.'53, Portland. Res., Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph Emery Badger, b. 1!) Mar., 18.51, Augusta. Res., INIinneapolis, Minn. Benjamin Franklin Clark, Jr. b. 4 Dec, 1851, Stratham, N. 11. Res. (1870), Exeter, N. H. James "Wilson Clarke, b. 18 May, 1848, Nobleboro. Res., Nobleboro. Henry Oscar Hill. b. 27 May, 1852, Strallord, N. II. Res. (1870), P.yfield, Mass. Frederic "William Holt. C. E., Maine State Coll., 1873. b. 12 April, 1850, Hamp- den. Civil engineer, St. George, N. IJ. Arthur Herbert Locke. A.B., Harv., 1873. 1). 2.5 Sept., 18,52, Augusta. Prot. Epis. ministry. New York City. Harry Otis Perley. M.D., Detroit Med. Coll., 1876. b. 13 Nov., 18.52, Port- lanil. Ass't Surgeon, U. S. A. John Goddard Phillips, b. 29 May, 1848, Sharon, Mass. Merchant, Boston. George Albert Sargent, b. 1 Aug., 18.51, Ilaverliill, Mass. Francis Marion Smith, b. .5 May, 1845, llardingsl)urg, Ky. Augustus Gustavus Wooster. b. 21 Aug., 1840, Hancock. 1874. Jesse Piper Bickford. b. ,'5 Mar., 1874, Newburgh. Teacher. Res., Carmel. John Dickinson Boyden. b. 15 Aug., 1851, Amherst, Mass. Merchant, Ord, Neb. Sewall Messenger Chandler, b. 23 Dec, 18.53, Waterville. Res., Verndale, i\Iich. James Boscoe Day. D.D. LL.D. b. 17 Oct., 1845, Whilneyvillc. Meth. Epis. ministry. Chancellor of Syracuse Univ. Elmon Crocker Faunce. b. ;> July, 1847, Poland. Res., Poland. Elias Dudley Freeman. A.B., Am- herst, 1875. b. 31 Aug., 18.53, Yarmouth. Lawyer, Portland. Res., Yarmouth. "William Lincoln Palmer, b. 2 Feb., 1848, Albion, d. Charles Alvin Pike. b. 24 July, 1851, Cornish. Res., Phelps City, Mo. "William Rogers Stone. b. 19 Nov., 1S4>.», Portland. Charles Edward Stowe. A.B., Harv., 1875. b. 8 July, 1850, Brunswick. Pastor, Hartford; Simsbury, Conn. 1875. Albert Greenleaf Bowie, b. 3 July, 1850, Gardiner. Architect, Waterville. Daniel "Webster Bradley. A.B., Dart., 1875. b. 21 Feb., 18,53, Fryeburg. Insur- ance, Denver, Col. John Jay Bradley. A.B., Dart., 1875. b. 15 June, 1855, Fryeburg. Law student, il. 7 June, 187G, Fryeburg. Jabez Henry Cushman. M.D.,Dart., 1877. b. 3 April, l.S,52, Pownal. Physician, I'ownal. Frank William Dana. b. 25 Mar., 1851, Columbia Falls. Lawyer, Lewiston. 172 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Charles Alonzo Dorr. M.D., Dart., 1878. b. 12 Feb., IS.'jI, Centre Sandwich, N. H. Physician, South Hiiigham, Mass. "Walter Augustus Ford. M.D., Jef- ferson Med. Coll., 18S2. b. 24 May, 18.54, IJristol. Physician, Philadelphia, Pa. Arthur Philip French. A.B., Tufts, 1870. LL.B., Poston Univ., 1878. b. Id May, 18.54, Turner. Lawyer, Boston. Frank Lane Furbish, b. 2 May, 1849, Brunswick. Merchant, City of Mexico. Herbert Lyman Greene, b. 3 May, 18.51, West Troy. Loretto Hayford. b. 10 April, 18.52, Belfast. Res., Belfast. Elias Lane Lothrop. b. G July, 1855, Leeds. Sugar planter, Dalcour, La. Martin McNulty. b. 1 Aug., 1850, Portland. Res. (1873), Portland. Joseph McKeen Rogers, b. 7 May, 18o5, Brunswick. Clergyman, Galesville, Wis. Frank Sands, b. ID Sept., 1851, Ken- nebunk. Merchant, Lewiston. David McCrillis Scribner. b. 15 Oct., 18.5.3, Waterville. Civil engineer, Minne- apolis, Minn. 1876. Almon Ethan Andrews. M.D., 1877. Daniel "Webb Brookhouse. b. 23 Aug., 1854, Middletowii, Mass. Manufacturer, Pitzroy, Australia. Ralph Hemenway, Jr. b. 1 May, 1855, Wellington. Merchant, Davenport, la. Jeremiah Millay. b. 30 April, 1851, Bowdoinhani. Lawyer, Phrenix, Arizona. Joseph Ellis Sewall. b. 14 Mar., 1854, Bath. Captain, merchant marine. Williams Souther, b. 2 Feb., 1854, Fryeburg. Merchant, Crawford, Neb. Horace Russell Sturgis. b. 3 Nov., 18.55, Augusta. Merchant, Augusta. Charles "Wilbur "Whitcomb. A.B., Dart., 1876. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1880. b. 31 July, 18.55, Boston. Lawyer, Boston. Edgar Allan Poe Yates, b. 1 Mar., 1856, Biddeford. Teacher, Portland. 1877. "William Francis Ayer. b. C June, 1855, Portland. Rei'tor, Philadelphia. Edward Harward Blake. LL.B., Al- bany, 1878. b. 8. July, 18.5(5, Bangor. Bank Pres., Bangor. Alvan Joseph Bolster, b. 20 Dec, 18.55, Dixfield. Lawyer, d. 12 Dec, 1885, Sioux City, la. Osgar Brinkerhoff. b. 18 Oct., 1852, Fond du Lac, Wis. Teacher, Atlanta, 111. Edward Everett Dunbar, b. 13 Jan., 1854, Nobleboro. Joiu'nalist, Damaris- cotta ; Providence, R. 1. Charles Thomas Evans, b. 15 Mar., 18.54, Fryeburg. Insui-ance, Philadelphia, Pa. David Dunlap Gilman. b. 26 July, 18.54, Brunswick. Pay-master, Cabot Man- ufacturing Co. John Thomas Given, b. 30 Aug., 1857, Brunswick. Decorator, Woburn, Mass. "William Andrew Golden, b. 3 May, 18.52, Portland. Lawyer, Portland. Charles Harrington. A.B., Harv.,1878. M.D., Harv., 1881. b. 2i1 July, 1856, Salem, Mass. Inst. Harvard Med. Sch. Orlando Marrett Lord. b. 4 July, 18.53, Westbrook. Supt. Schools, Portland. Leander Hathaway Moulton. b. 6 Feb., 1851, Durham. Teacher. Res., Lisbon. "William Owen Peterson, b. 13 Aug., 1857, Bath. IMerchant, Brunswick. Samuel Russell BearcePingree. A.B., Boston Univ., 1877. b. 2 Nov., 18.56, Lewis- ton. Manufacturer, Lewiston. "William Herbert Sanborn, b. 5 Dec, 18.54, Hallowell. Pres. Davenport Coll., Lenoir, N. C. Howard Vinton Stackpole. b. 22 Mar., 1853, Durham. Merchant, Brunswick. Preeland Oscar Stanley, b. 1 June, 1849, Kingfleld. Manufacturer, Montreal. "William Stephenson. M.D., Columbia, 1880. b. 3 Mar., 1855, Portland. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Hiram Belcher Stoyell. b. 5 April, 18.53, Farniington. Farmer. Marcus Richard Williams, b. 13 Jan., 18.57, Taunton, Mass. Merchant, N. Y. City. 1878. John Micajah Burleigh, b. 24 Sept., 1854, Great Falls, N. H. Res., Searsport. Franklin Dyer. b. 29 Aug., 1856, An- nisquam, Mass. d. 27 July, 1875, Glouces- ter, Mass. Isaac "Watson Dyer. b. 13 Sept., 1855, Baldwin. Lawyer, Portland. U. S. Dist. Att'y. NON-GRADUATES 173 Stephen Deblois Fessenden. b. 2!) Maj-, lS.)(i, Aiiljurn. U. S. civil service, Washington, 1). C. Otis "Ward Garland, b. 31 Oct., 1856, Gloucester, Mass. d. 30 3Iarch, 1877, Gloucester, Mass. James Lucius Higgins. b. 1 July, IS.!"), Trenton. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Sanford Perry Record, b. 12 May, 1854, Stoughton, Mass. Teacher, Stone- ham, Mass. George Wentworth Seavey. b. 2 Dec, 18.")."), Lowell, Mass. I'iano tuner, Dover, N. n. Joseph Sewall. b. 22 Aug., 1854, Old- town. Civil engineer, rt. IG Jan., 18S7. Alton Jhacelous Shaw. M.E., Maine Slate Coll., 1871). b. 13 .Jan., 18.')8, Buck- fleld. Mechanical engineer, Milwaukee, Wis. William "Washburn Sleeper. A.B., Amherst, 1878. b. 12 Feb., 185.5, Worces- ter, Mass. Hartford Theo. Sem., 1881. Miss., A. B. C. F. M. Pastor, Beloit, Wis. Edwin Flye Stetson. M.D., Harv., 18711. b. 21 Dec, 18.53, Damariscotta. Phy- sician, Damariscutta. 1879. Herbert Edward Bourne, b. 22 June, 185(;, Kennelnink. Lawyer, Kenneljunk. John Briry Curtis. M.D., 187",t. Bryant 'Wood Dinsmore. b. 21 Nov., 1857, New York City. Business, New York City. Ansel Wingate Hanson, b. I Oct., 1857, Buxton. Res., Lafayette, Inil. Edward Ellis Hastings, b. 8 July, 1S57, Lovell. Lawyer, Fryeburg. EUwood Francis Varney. b. 24 Sept., 1858, Sanford. U. S. Military Acad. Mer- chant, San Jose, Cal. 1880. Howard Dudley Beane. b. 2'-i Nov., 18.')7,New York City. Broker, New York City. W^alter Allen Burleigh, b. 30 Mar., 18.")(;, South Berwick. Manufa(;turer. William Timothy Call. b. 8 July, 1856, r.angor. Journalist, Xew York City. Frederick Fulsome Coffin, b. 1 Jau., 1858, Skowhegan. Res., Wiuthrop. W^illiam Russell Collins. M.D., St. Louis Med. Coll., 1881. b. i) May, 1S5S, Winnebago, 111. Physician, Georgetown, Col. Frederick Cony. b. 19 June, 1856, Augusta. Merchant, Augusta. Nathaniel W^aldo Emerson. M.D., Boston Univ., 18,sl. b. GMar., 18.54, Boston, Mass. I'liysician, Dorc^hester, Mass. Charles Marcian Hay. b. 13 May, 1859, Portland. Dru^rgist, Portland. John Swanton Jameson, b. 15 Jan., 1857, Bath. Merchant, Bath. Arthur Talbot Lincoln. B.S., Am- herst, 187!). M.D., Harv., 1889. b. 16 Sept., 18.56, Denuysville. Physician, Den- nysville. Lyman Herbert Merrill, b. 2 Sept., 1858, Augusta. I'rotestant EpLscopal min- istry. Donald Littlefield Morrill. A.B., Brown, 1880. A.M., Brown, b. 8 Feb., 1860, Auburn. Lawyer, Chicago. William Wheelwright Northend. b. 30 May, 18.57, Saleni, >[ass. Architect, Lynn, Mass. d. 21 Mar., 1W)4. John Elmer Preston, b. 13 April, 1856, Bath. Med. student (1885), Bath. Thomas Harrison Riley, b. 26 July, 18.57, Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant, Bruns- wick. John Scott, b. 28 July, 1851, Clifton. Lawyer, Bath. Melville Josiah Smith, b. 1 Aug., 18.57, Cumberland. Taxidermist, Brunswick. Joseph Colcord Fabens Upton. b. 6 Feb., 1857, Salem, Mass. Steamboat cap- tain. South Newmarket, N. II. 1881. John Dike. M.D., Boston Univ., 1888. b. 27 Dec, 18,56, Bath. Physician, Melrose, Mass. Augustus Ford French, b. 11 May, 185',), Norway, d. 2 Oct., 1878, 1'aris. Artemas Fisher Gregg, b. 27 May, 1853, Bucktield. d. 17 April, 187!), Bruns- wick. Frederick Herbert Rowse. b. 20 Aug., 18.51), Augusta. Rector, IMymouth, Mass. W^arren Porter Skillings. b. 11 May, I860, Milford, Mass. Architect, Maiden, Mass. Harry Edgar Snow. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1887. b. 2 May, 18.58, Troy. Physi- cian, Santa Maria, Cal. 174 BOWDOIN COLLEGE i'rederick Clement Stevens. LL.B., Univ. of Iowa, 1SS4. b. 1 Jau.,18Gl, Bos- tou, Mass. Lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. Edward Lyon Swazey. b. 14 Dec, 1858, Bucksport. Stock raising, Howard, Kan. Nathaniel Rowe "Webster, b. 20 Dec, 1857, Gloucester, Mass. Merchant. 1882. Mandaville Freeland Corson, b. 22 Aug., 1855, Denmark. Merchant, Anilover. Frank Mitchell Crawford, b. 10 Apr., 1860, Kent's Hill. Merchant, Cameron, Tex. John Malcomson Curtis, b. 25 July, 1858, Brunswick. Merchant, New York City. Charles Howard Gilman. b. 14 Nov., 18.58, South Berwick. Keal estate, Min- neapolis. Elmer Ellsworth Jennings, b. 28 May, 18U1, Leeds. Railroad agent, Farmington. Thomas "Wesley Kimball, b. 14 Jan., 18(i0, Waterville. lies., Monmoutli. Thomas Carl Lane. b. 4 July, 1858, Portland. Mercliant, Waterbury, Conn. Frederic Evans Lally. b. 21 Nov., 1861, Portland. Merchant, Estelliue, South Dakota. Eugene Timothy McCarthy. b. 4 Sept., 1859, Peabody, IMass. Lawyer, Lynn. Adelbert Whitten Mansur. b. 1 May, 1854, Houlton. I^awycr, Palmer, Mass. "Wallace Edward Mason, b. 24 June, 1861, North Conway, N. H. Teacher, Orange, INIass. Frank Herbert Pease. b. l(j July, 18.58, E. Boston, Mass. Res., Dover, N. H. Albert Humphreys Perry, b. 10 Jan., 18.5'J, Quincy, Mass. Res., Braintree, Mass. Frank Merithew Porter. M.D., Univ. Tenn., 188-2. b. 13 Mar., 1860, Searsport. d. 28 Sept., 1888, Louisville, Ga. Moses Lendsley Sanborn. A.B., Dart., 1882. A.M., Dart. b. 30 Sept., 1859, Bald- win. Lawyer, Boston. Arthur Glenwood Staples, b. 3 July, 1861,Bowdoinliam. Journalist, Lewiston. Harry Howard Stinson. b. 17 Oct., 1861, Wiscasset. Lawyer, Hallowell. John Washburn, b. Aug., 1858, Hal- lowell. Manufacturer, Minneapolis, Minn. Hiram Thatcher Waterhouse. b. 3 Dec, 1861, Salmon Falls. Agent, Portland. George Granville "Weeks, b. 14 Apr., 1860, Fairfield. Lawyer, Fairfield. Frank Edmund "Winship. b. 17 Aug., 1860, Portland. Book-keeper, Portland. 1883. Fred Morrow Fling. Ph.D., Leipzig, isno. b. 4 Nov., 1860, Portland. Prof. History, Univ. of Nebraska. Samuel Stinson Gannett, b. 10 Feb., 1861, Augusta. Topographer, U. S. Geo- logical Survey, Washington, D. C. Fred Henry Gile. LL.B., Univ. of Michigan, 1882. b. 7 June, 1860, Alfred. Pastor, East Auburn. Jesse "Walter Knapp. b. 12 Jan., 1857, Bridgton. Res., North Bridgton. Franklin Eugene Perham. b. 21 Oct., 1857, East Wilton. Teacher. Frank Smith "Warren, b. 7 Mar., 1856, Deer Isle. Robert Charles Washburn. A.B., Tufts, 1883. b. 26 Mar., 1861, Hallowell. Lawyer, INIinneapolis. "Walter Clarence "Winter, b. 4 Aug., 18.57, Di.\tteld. Lawyer, LaCrosse, Wis. 1884. James "Wallace Bailey, b. 11 Nov., 1862, Portland. Manufacturer, Portland. Preston W^arren Charles, b. 24 Dec, 18.55, Lovcll. Res., Lovell. Alfred Cheney Cobb. b. 29 Feb., I8tJ0, Brunswick. Clerk, Boston. James Crosby, b. 5 Apr., 18(52, Ban- gor. Accountant, Bangor. John Ernest Cummings. A.B., Colby, 1884. Newton Theo. lust., 1887. b. 22 June, 1862, Saco. Missionary, Ileuzada, Burma. Herbert Edward Dunning, b. 22 June, 1862, Frecport. Res., Brunswick. Samuel Eaton Packard, b. 24 Sept., 1862, Portland. Law student, Omaha, Neb. (1886). Albert Pierce, b. 18 Sept., 1858, Frank- fort. Treasurer, Frankfort. Samuel Phinney Poland, b. 29 Feb., 1856, Topshara. Civil engineer, Boston. Frank Lewis Prince, b. 18 Aug., 1862, Bangor. Expressman, Portland. "Walter Emerson Stone, b. 19 July, 1861, Portland. Insurance, Boston. Albert Ferguson Sweetser. b. 10 Mar., 1861, Searsport. "William Preston "Watson, b. 23 May, 18.50, Lakeland, Wis. Res., Norridgewock. NON-GRADUATES 175 Wendell Phillips White, b. 12 April, 1857, New GloiicL'stcr. Farmer, Bruuswick. 1885. Edwin Howard Allen. A. 13., Dart., 1SS.5. M.l).,Harv.,18Si). b. 10 April, 1804, Alfred. I'liysician, Boston. Elmer Ellsworth Chase, b. 25 Dec, 1801, San Francisc-o, Cal. il. IZ Sept., 188;j, Boston, IMass. Leslie Willard Cutter. C.E., Maine state Coll., 1881. b. l.'i July, 180o, Bangor. Orlando Dyer. b. 22 Oct., 1857, Bow- doin. cl. 21 Feb., 1883, Kansas. Morrill Goddard. A.B., Dart., 1885. b. 7 Oct., 1800, Auburn. Journalist, New York City. Daniel Goodenow. A.B., Dart., 1885. M.D., Dart., 1881). b. 15 Dec, 180:5, Lew- iston. Physician, Alstead, N. H. John Robinson Gould, b. 14 July, 1801, Boston, lies., Ilallowell. Lewis Hodgkins. A.B., Dart., 1885. M.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1888. b. 23 May, 1802, Ellswortli. Physician, Ellsworth. David Patten Howard, b. 10 Aug;., 18t;i, Farniington. Lawyer, Denver, Col. Thomas Leigh, Jr. A.B., Dart., 1885. I). 17 Oct., 1802, Ilallowell. Lawyer, Ilal- lowell. Edward Tisdale McDonald, b. o Apr., 1801, Ellsworth, d. 10 Apr., 1884. Robert Louis Manson. A.B., Dart., 1885. b. 7 May, 1803, Bath. Journalist, New York City. Walter Mooers. A.B., Dart., 1885. A.M., Dart. b. 7 Dec, 1SC2, Oldtown. Teacher, Lancaster, INlass. Alanson Mansfield Phillips. A.B., Williams, 1885. b. :! Mar., 1804, Ellsworth. Salesman, Boston. John Charles Fremont Powers, b. 25 Aug., 1859, St. Albans. Ucs. (1883), I'itlslicld. Charles Augustus Strout. b. 12 July, 1803, Portland. Lawyer, PortlanS1 Clinton Lewis '78 Hartley Cone to'34 Hiram Cone h'Sl James Phinney '94 Rupert Henry Bayley ;i'71 Frank Tappan Beach. See Beech. Beal }} 18 Mark Beale '70 Charles Edwin ji'.58 John Edward ?t'3:i Solon '77 William Gerrisli Beaman. See Beeman. Bean 7»'78 Charles Edwin in'iSO Charles Thomas 'nl Ebenezer jft'33 Edward ?i.'97 George Samuel •it2 Joel, Jr. ?«'44 William Duninier Beane n'SO Howard Dudley Bearce ?i'31 Josiah Appleton jh'34 Simeon L. Beardsley «'G(J Arthur Beckford h'Oii Ebenezer Hunt Beckwith 7rt'29 Addison Kennedy Bedell «'0G James Allen Beech '33 Thomas Parnell 7H'59 William Beecher '34 Charles 'GO Charles McCulloch '0'2 Frederick Henry Beedle m'i-i Charles Wesley Beeman '32 Samuel Belcher '82 Arthur Fuller '57 Samnel Cliflford Bell '03 Charles Upham 7rt'S8 Dudley Johnson '22 .lames" to'23 John '23 Luther V /t'21 Samuel TiO William N. N. Benjamin /i'74 Charles Alfred '39 Samuel Elliot Bennett //'93 Arthur Leonard '64 Charles j«'27 Gilman Lougee ?/t'7(; .John Lang '04 .Joseph 77i'09 .Joseph Ijouville mTiH Sirvilla Aushey Benson /('29 Alfred Grenville '72 Charles Beniis ?»'31 John '25 Samuel Page w'Ol William Roscoe Berry '80 George Stillman 7n'33 .John Adams 7t'i50 .John May ?i'36 Joshua IJowning '73 Loren Foster Besse ?('08 Charles Baker Bessey m'70 Alden Edward Beverage '63 Thomas Taylor Bibber m'71 Randall Doyle Bickford ?«'37 Alphonzo 7«'74 Frank Augustus m'74 .Jesse l^iper '47 Samuel Augustus '72 Warren Franklin Billings '71 Oscar Lewis Bisbee r/t'71 Charles Melville Bixby m'70 .Josiah Peet Black '45 Alvah '75 Charles Alvah n'26 lienry '88 William Lincoln Blaine /t'84 .James Gillespie Blair «'95 Frank Weeks Blaisdell wi'29 James Blake »i'24 Calvin w'97 Cecil Jjcroy '42 Charles Morris «'77 lOdward Harward 7«'92 .James Prentiss '35 .Joseph wi'41 Josiah Merrill '38 Maurice Carj' '27 Samuel Harward '73 William Augustine Blanchard '03 Addison '90 (Jeorge Wesley 7«'84 Roscoe Granville '41 Samuel Woodbury '40 William Stinson Blazo w'71 Charles Blethen /t'72 Alden .Joseph Bliss '94 Alfre.'! Charles Calvin ji'lO Ezi-a Budge III'" James Laurin Buker m'Hi Bowdoin Recil Bulfinch 'oO John Johnson BuU ?j''27 Allen Clark Bullard w'Sy William Bradford Bunker 7rt''J2 Luther Grow Burbank '48 Adino James '62 Albion '43 Augustus Hannibal '49 Augustus Jedediah '57 Charles Henry '80 Edwin Charles 'CO Horace Harmon 2<'96 John Emerson ri'59 Joseph Drew ?«'64 Silas Burge ft'lo Benjamin Burke '•-'4 Frederic Wait Burleigh m"M Charles '87 Clarence Blendou 'US Daniel Collin »i'78 John Micajali '91 Lewis Albert n'i\i> Oliver Braird ?i'8i) Walter Allen 7re'o4 William Henry Burnham ?«'()(! Charles Henry '70 Collins Grant m'80 James Oliver Harmon 7i'35 John '23 Jonas n'm Perez Burr, Jr '55 Seth Cornelius '02 Sylvester Burns '62 James Austin m'72 James Thomas m'6S Joseph Scribner Burpee '87 Edward Butler Burr '50 Samuel Cushing '91 Thomas Stone Burt m'Sl Joel Burton '78 Alfred Edgar Bush '14 John Bussey m'61 Benjamin Buswell wt'78 Albert Currier Butler /rt'48 Alexander Sloan '86 Arlluir ItDlniison '50 CliarU's Kilward »i'94 Edward Henry n'61 John ICdward '37 John Jay w»'39 John Uichard '45 Moses Morrill •85 Wilson Ryder Butterfield '59 Charles Henrj^ '52 Jesse Franklin '51 John Warren Buxton m'30 Benjamin Flint Buzzell m'50 John Byram '86 Charles Albert Byron '79 Frank ^Melville Calderwood ra'86 James William Caldwell m'70 Joseph '28 Merritt '43 William Warner '24 Zenas CaU '34 Hamilton Moore '69 Norman n'SO William Timothy Came »t'46 George Washington '60 Samuel Mclntyre Cameron »i'69 Ewan Camp 7»'90 George Rigby Campbell p 7 Alexander 2} 18 Gabriel Card 7re'75 Albert Martin '88 Horatio Smith Carey. See Cary. Cargill '14 James Carleton '66 Delavan '93 Elmer Howard '79 Henry Babb n'24 Moses Carlton '56 Cyrus Henry Carmichael »'97 Cieorgu Kilward 2> 14 Henry Carpenter '82 Howard Carr ot'64 Edgar Le Uoi n'13 Francis »i'27 Joseph ?«'36 Josiah Carroll '89 Bernard Chauncey Carruthers '88 Charles Thomas '53 William Carter 7rt'31 Benjamin ?rt'45 Briggs Thomas wt'24 Ezra j«'66 Frank »«'82 Frank Henry m'50 John Augustus ■n'iC, John Butler '75 Seth May '(!6 Svlvester Benjamin ?«'2y Thomas Jefl'erson Cary '87 Austin '60 CJcorge '88 George Foster nt'78 Jefferson ft'25 Luther m'28 Nelson Howard jb'24 Tolman Case '48 Isaac Winslow Cash '60 Robert Castner '79 Ozro Daniel Caswell '64 Samuel Shannon Cate m'94 George Riley Caverly m'53 Moses Williams Caziarc /t'7S Louis Vasmer Chadbourne »m'69 Frank Watts 2) 16 Paul Ansel Chadwell '43 William Stone Chadwick p 7 Benjamin '40 Edmund '42 Edmund Alexander '62 J()sei)h Webber )i'57 Ward «'67 William Harris Chamberlain '68 Charles Edward '46 Charles Moody m'72 David T. P. m'87 George Clinton '81 Harold Wyllys w'50 Henry layman '57 Horace Beriah A'06 Jason '59 John Calhoun '52 Joshua Lawrence '93 Weston Percival Chamberlin m'52 DeWitt Clinton '81 Edward Henry Chandler '22 Charles Parsons '54 Charles Peleg m'77 Frederick '90 (ieorge Brinton '68 George Langdon p i John m'42 Isaac 188 BOWDOIN COLLEGE '42 Paul Langdoii '34 Peleg Whitman n"H Sewall Messenger A'37 Theophilus Parsons Chaney '71 James Franklin Chapin '!)3 George Scott 7i'43 Henry Martin Chaplin '(iO Marshall Dixey Chapman '94 Arthur '39 Calvin '68 Charles Jarvis '57 Edward Thurston '66 Henry Leland '91 Henry Smith '73 Hervey Wilfred '77 John Eliphaz '88 Lincoln Hall '94 Trelawney C '80 William'Higgins m'37 WilliamJRogers Charles ?k'81 Orlando Warrington m'84 Preston Warren '58 Sewall Chandler Chase j«'46 Albion Pierce m'33 Charles '39 Charles Tappan m'89 DeForest Woodruff 'as Edward Webb n'S5 Elmer Ellsworth »«'66 Freeman Hersey M'38 George Washington h'-22 Hall '82 Herbert Harrison w'67 Jolin Winslow m''24 Jonathan /t'31 Moses Bailey '21 Plunimer m'40 Rufus Messinger p 7 Salmon '58 Samuel Frye wi'47 Samuel Weare Lang »«'37 Samuel Webster '32 Stephen Henry m'49 Sumner Burnham »ft'67 Walter Benajah Cheever '17 Ebenezer '25 George Barrell '34 Henry Theodore CheUis »i'93 Seth Davis Cheney '63 Horace Rundlett p 7 Oren Burbank Chesley '52 Charles '19 Jonathan Hammond Chickering '52 John White ^'55 John White Child '84 Sampson Reed m'31 Thomas Childs »j'47 Albion K. P. p 16 Henry Halsey p 17 Timothy Choate j«'27 Charles '87 Craig Cogswell n'S6 Frederick William '43 George Francis '62 Isaac Bassett Christie m'95 Charles Sumner Churchill m'95 Allen Leon Chute '32 Ariel Parish '40 Benjamin Pearson n'31 Jonathan Andrew CiUey '25 Jonathan '58 Jonathan Prince '91 Jonathan Pi-ince, Jr. Claflin 7;i'57 William'Webster Clapham to'68 John Stephen Clapp m'17 Charles Quincy p 7 Ebenezer Clark 9j'73 Benjamin Franklin '71 Charles Edwai'd '76 Charles Herbert 9*'54 Charles Peter '29 Dennis '84 Donald Campbell »t'24 Kliphalet m'GS Elisha Pcckham ?«'47 Francis Brown m'6i Gardner Carpenter m'70 George Albert m'34 Henry Grafton '42 John Craig w'47 John Gilman '89 John [Rogers '41 Joseph Farwell '67 Jotham Franklin M'97 Ralph Harrison '26 Samuel Lewis '55 Thomas Henry '10 William m'73 William Crocker '37 William Henry Clarke '75 Charles Lorenzo '21 Daniel w'73 James Wilson '73 Nathan D. A. Clason OT'82 Pell Russell Cleaveland m'56 Daniel Athearn n'27 Ebenezer '29 Elisha Lord '37 George Washington '28 James Bowdoin '26 John '40 John Appleton '21 John Payne '27 Moses Parker '40 Nathan Smith '13 Nehemiah /t'24 Parker m'79 William Pitt Cleaves m'30 Daniel '58 Nathan n'Ql Seleucus Adams Clement p 7 Jonathan '34 John Milton Clifford «'49 Charles Edward '60 Fuller Gove '93 Milton Sherburne h'GO Nathan Clough m'56 Gilman Brown m'44 Greenleaf Clark M'96 Herbert Otis Coan m'70 Elisha Skinner Cobb '81 Albert Clifford ot'51 Albion w'84 Alfred Cheney '77 Charles Edwin '10 Edward Henry 2> 7 Francis '20 Jedediah to'81 Joseph Jordan p 7 Matthew m'S7 Moses Bennett '67 Oren '06 Richard m'52 Stephen Meserve '77 William Titcomb Coburn m'96 Henry Wheeler Cochran »«'o6 Charles Albert m''2i James ?)i'29 Jeremiah Sullivan '62 Melville Augustus j«'33 William Cochrane '61 James Briarr Codman '27 John '16 Randolph A. L. '24 William Henry »«'67 William Swan Coe '57 Thomas Upham Coffin p 3 Charles 2) 7 Ebenezer '23 Egbert Benson h'SO Frederick Fulsome '29 George '06 Isaac Foster m'22 James '34 John H. C. '37 John Reed 7t'21 Nathaniel p 7 Paul ■rt'63 Stephen Jones Coggan '72 Marcellus m'97 Marcellus Sumner Coggeshall to'40 John Henry Cogswell '14 Charles Northend 7t'15 Jonathan I I INDEX 189 Colbath m".)l Herbert Knight Colburn m'id Zaccheus Colby m'4i'> George Washington '66 Hiram Kendall '42 John Marshall Cole ';U Albert /^'76 Albert n'i\ Asa Webber '69 Charles Abraham '88 Dennis Moore '71 Edmund Chase J!'y2 Ernest Irving '.'!0 (ieorge Washington '.s;i llerliert l^lniore m'Tl Iloratii) Hill '()7 Kollo JMarlile '74 Samuel Valentine ni'83 William Hallett '81 William Isaac Collins '70 I.eRoy Zuinglius '83 Wallace Jason m'55 Willard Clark ii'SO William Russell Colman '44 Charles Hams Conant n'CiU Charles Staples /«'.')! David Sloan ".10 Edgar Frank '.")S Edward Card '80 Frederick Odell Condon '(".•7 John Wilbur Connellan w(,''.)-2 John William Converse '.'50 John Harris Cony /t'20 Dauiel yt'80 Frederick p 7 Samuel Cook «'47 Aldrich Barton «'97 Alfred I'age ?rt'94 Edward Chase '66 Ezekiel Hanson m'66 Cieorge Dillwyn tn".H Jesse Eugene to'58 John Wesley '85 Oliver Richmond p 7 Orchard 7rt'60 Richard Leonidas Coolidge '25 Cyrus Hamlin Coombs /t'45 John '69 John Colby Cooper m'21 Alansou L. 7«'26 William Freeman Copeland '40 Adoniram Judson «'57 Justin Martyr Copp '43 George W. J. •33 John Corey '79 Frank Stanwood Corliss '83 (.'harles Alvah /i'6(i Pulaski Cornish »'69 Adelbert Dana /('86 Will Albert Corson m'76 Hiram Rand h'82 Mandaville Freeland Cote ?«'44 ]\Iarcellin Cothren '49 Charles '92 Frank Howard '49 Nathaniel •43 William '84 William Holley Cotton w'48 Charles Theodore '65 John Bradbury '69 John Colby Cousins '77 Edgar Millard Cox h'SG Gershom Flagg Craig '44 Henry Kinsman to'76 James m'39 John Stanley h'56 Virgil Lafayette '60 Waterman T. H. '43 Wheelock Cram '73 Edwin James '73 John Arthur /) 7 Marshall '61 Nelson I'erley Crane 7«'68 George Bond Crawford n'82 Frank Mitchell m'95 James Winchell /t'Sl Medorem Crediford »i'92 David Benjamin Cressey '75 George Croswell •35 George Washington Crocker '73 Augustus Luther '77 Frank Herbert '55 Samuel Roland •89 Thomas Stowell Crosby 2) 17 Alpheus Benning »n'64 Atwood «'94 Charles James Fox •46 Charles Stetson •55 Daniel ;i'37 James «'84 James '23 John •53 John Lcland •35 Josiah '82 Josiah Willis 7»'68 Luther Byron •23 William George Crosman M'96 Ralph Wallace Cross »«'30 Luther '61 Wellington Rolvin Croswell m'38 Thomas '91 Thomas Rich Crowell '60 William Llewellyn Crowley '83 John Alton Croxford «('92 Russell Hubert Cummings /('25 Asa '53 Ephraim C. n'93 h'raiik Mutler '72 (k'drge Henry '41 Henry Thornton '30 James Merrill w'84 John Ernest •33 John Morland •17 Nathan K'53 Ralph Wardlaw ?m'23 Sumner '90 Walter Elliot Cumston '43 Charles McLaughlin Cunningham /i'32 James I'orter «'54 Melvin '69 Oscar Porter Currier '57 Albert Henry /"'31 George S. '94 William Eugene Curtis '70 Albert James '64 (Jharles '61 Charles Albert w'89 Ch/nies H'rederick '82 lOdwin t pton ^•91 Harris obadiah '67 Isaac Sanford w'79 John Briry ji'82 John Malcorason n'i^i John P. E. •71 Newton Freeman wi'74 R(jland h'S9 Thomas /('26 William '75 William John '82 William Woodside Cvishing ;«'83 Frank Burton p 8 John H'55 John Samuel '21 Rufus King Cushman /;i'91 Benjamin Glazier W. 7i'12 Bezaleel •68 Charles Henry '30 David Quimby 7;t'32 Hosea L. '44 Isaac Somes 7i'75 Jabez Henry 7;i^39 Joseph 771*36 Nathan S. S. B. 771*44 Thaddeus Thompson 77t'81 William Baxter 190 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Cutler '81 Charles Herrick '37 John Lewis ?i'85 Leslie Willard n'2S Nathan Moore Cutter '28 Edward Francis p 8 Levi '21 William Cutts p 8 Edward '91 Henry Eastman «('42 Joseph Brown ]) 8 Thomas '67 Usher Ward Daggett m'64 Charles Boardman ?»'33 Elijah Athern n'5i John Libbey Sain to'39 Washington Dakin ?rt'28 Moses Dale m'53 Martin Daly wj'55 William Shaw Dame '35 Charles »i'63 Edwin '57 Henry 7*j'55 Loamnii Bezalecl '62 Samuel Page Dana '38 P^lward Augustus '94 Francis William «'75 Frank William 7t'89 Israel Thoriidike ]) 4 Judah m'96 Philip m'SG William Lawrence Dane ?{'9(; Francis Smith '43 Joseph '80 Walter Lee Danforth /t'58 Charles Daniels m'S'i Frederick Henry m'SQ Lyman Darling '57 Walter Enoch Darrach ;h'70 Donald Daveis '07 Charles Stewart '38 Eilward Henry wi'37 John T. Gilman Davenport '67 George Patten Davidson '78 James Thomas Davies ?)i'66 Jra Lothrop ?i.'09 Joshua '79 Oscar C. S. jj'09 Thomas Parker Davis '60 Abner Harrison vi'59 Albert Smith r('66 Benjamin Harvey '41 Charles '86 Charles Albert }) 8 Daniel «t'97 Earl Clement '71 Edgar Foster '85 Frank William '39 Franklin '56 Franklin Carsley ni'SS Frederick Leander ?/i'93 Gilman m'51 Hall A'58 Jeflerson '06 John '86 John Herbert '39 John Walton '74 Marshall Wheelock '64 Owen Warren m'97 Philip Webb p 8 Samuel ?('65 Samuel Grenville m'^l Samuel Wilbert '79 Walter Goodwin 2} 8 Woodbury Day ?«'30 Alexander H. 7»'36 Francis Jerome '83 Francis Jerome, Jr. »i'74 James Roscoe '29 John Quinby Dean «'69 (Tcorge Henry '41 William Bradford Deane /t'71 Charles '24 Ebenezer Furbush '46 Frederick Augustus '25 Gorham '44 Henry Padelford »»'60 James Robinson '54 John Frederic j«'54 Joshua I>ord '49 Llewellyn /) 3 Samuel ;»'33 William Pottle Dearborn 7('24 Abraham Drake m'm Alfred Randall '63 Alvah Bertou la'ai Brainard «'45 Charles Godfrey p 8 Henry ?h'69 Henry Martin m'35 Henry Simon Dearth '87 Freeman Daniel, Jr. m'Si Leonard Deblois 7i.'67 Thomas Amory Decker wi'51 Elbridge Gerry Deering 9»'68 Alpheus Albert '73 Benjamin Tappaii «,'72 Edgar Henry 7i'64 Enoch Marshfield '45 James Henry «,'64 John, Jr. '.58 Rufus Washburn '75 William Augustus De Grasse ?«'49 John Van Surlay Delamater }} 16 John Delaney ?«'71 Michael wj'2S Michael G. DeMott '94 George Colby Dempster /i'48 John Dennett ?h'8S Charles Augustus ?«'91 Daniel Clement '90 Frank Emery »h'62 Roscoe Gil Patrick 7i'Q0 Wilford Waldron '71 William Sawyer Dennis '16 Rodney Gove '34 Samuel William Dennison m'95 Ami Louis '11 Cornelius Derby ?i'13 George '11 John Barton '68 John Sayward Des Br is ay »i'76 Thomas De La Cour Dewey h'28 Avery Williams «'95 Leroy Sunderland Dike '09 James 7('81 John 7t'72 Samuel Fuller '86 Thomas Worcester Dilling 7»'90 John Turner Dillingham '77 Frederick Henry Dimmock n':ys Henry Dingley '61 Frank Lambert ]) 8 Nelson m'S8 Parke Greeley Dinsmore «'79 Bryant Wood '48 John '83 John Edward w'35 Samuel '44 Samuel Porter m'SO Walter Harris Ditson '29 Asa Moores Dixon '67 James Payson Dodge '27 Asa '34 John Calvin /;i'65 Lorenzo wi'83 Mark Trafton m'SS Moses Doherty '89 James Louis m'95 Thomas Vincent Dole '32 Albert Gallatin '18 Carleton INDEX 191 '30 7h'71 '35 »('5il M'9T '40 2} cS •36 ;f'30 p -20 Daniel Daniel Hasty Kbene/er Francis Frye Frederick Howard Isaiah John Nathan Nathaniel William Colyer Donham »('(i7 Josiah Carr Donnell •8.-) All)ert Wel.li '3(> .lotliani '()-J William Kllingwood Donovan 'SI .Tames Donworth //'!)0 Albert Bernard Doolittle 'SS James Lee Dorr »'75 Charles Alonzo '75 George Newell '•27 Joseph Hawley (;('30 Joseph Priestley Douglass '14 John Abbot '54 John Abbot Dow m'\{) Enoch Cotlin '7'2 Frederick (jeorgc '04 John Kmery Dowe '■23 Joseph Downes }) .s (ieorge ".t2 George »f'51 (ieorge Edward '53 Henry Richardward Irvin 7('44 George DeFoi-est »r59 Henry Milton '85 Lucius Bion »'23 Rufus Dudley Foote 7t'21 Erastus '43 Erastus N Forbes 7tt'27 Daniel wi'74 Robert Edwaril Ford p 17 Corydon La Ji'iiit Elisha Jones ;«'.'^4 Harry Hale Hrs7 Louis Calelj m".'>i'i Nathaniel 'S5 Neliemiah Butler »n"25 Samuel ;)'75 Walter Augustus Fortier /?i'83 John Lewis ;»'30 Octave C. Foss m'i'ii Rufus Bradbury iii'lV.l Simeon '53 Stephen '91 Warren Leavitt Fossett '47 Henry Foster Hj'75 Avery Moulton jrt'70 Barzillai Bean '55 Benjamin Browne '55 Charles Henry '25 David Haley »i.'52 Edward Fuller m'GG Edward Horatio '64 Enoch «'95 George Henry Duutoii '(i8 George Winslow 7;t'G6 Jeremiah Clough M'9G John Wheeler ;h'31 Silas P. m'Vt-l Timothy Steele Fowler m"H> I'.enjainin '45 Natiian Lamson '87 Samuel Bartlett Fowles «'G9 Charles Edwaril Fox '48 Frederick «'48 William Osborne Foxcroft p 9 Josejjh Ellery p 9 Samuel Francis ii'liU Pliilemon Brown Frederick («'84 Hartwell James Freeman p U Barnabas '12 Charles '45 Charles Marsden '85 Elicn Winthrop «'74 Elias Dudley '89 Frederi(-k William '12 George '90 George Franklin ?«'55 George Howard }) 3 Samuel '54 Samuel );i'37 Seargent Suiitli »h'53 Smith French »('5G Alliert Gallatin w'82 Albert Lincoln 7i'75 Arthur Philip »i'81 Augustus Ford m'71 Augustus Noyes w'35 F;zekiel Dodge m'95 John Shaw '85 Ralph Spollbrd •78 Willis Walton Frink m'34 John Nutter '51 John Samuel Hatch Frisbie jii'ns Chester William Frost '94 Francis Alvan »('22 George 7«'G9 George Melville »'62 George Washington /i'46 James Henry I'aine 7* '22 John '58 John Dennett M'96 Jolni Edwin '72 John Sumner ?>j'30 Moses '2G Obadiah Emery '70 William Edwin 'GO Woodbury George Frothingham p 3 John Frye '64 Sauford Oscar p 9 Simon '50 William Pierce Fuller '59 Amcricus /k'41 Andrew Jacob 7/t'27 Arclielaus Putnam '39 Benjamin A. G. '65 Charles '77 David Itlin j»'73 Edwin Motley '33 Ezra IJourne p 9 Henry Weld '28 Henry Weld »»'36 Jaren'83 John Henry Keene '70 Joseph Wailsworth w'59 Luther, Jr. Keeney 7rt'42 Charles Clark Kelley ?«'83 Frederick William '91 John Francis KeUogg 7rt'82 Edward Brinlcy p 3 Elijah INDEX 199 '40 Elijah '27 Gardiner Kelly Wm Edward Albert '(i(i George William 7»''28 Nathaniel Knig-ht Kelsey /t'si Amln'ose Parsons ';W Ilirani Kemp 'tS4 Zachariah Willis Kempton ?i''Jl W'illiam True Kendall '52 Bezaleel Freeman '(iO Frederic Augustus '83 Herljert Philbrook '85 William Converse Kendrick 7i'3G Daniel Kennard m'84 John Allen Kennedy m'29 Abiel Wood ?)'()5 Aujrustine m'-Hi Daniel Knight '69 James Hunter Kenneth m'(i4 John Kenniston '01 George Beaman '92 William Beaman Keohan //'97 Tliomas Charles Kidder /('5.'{ James IIolwcll Kilby '47 John Dennys Kilgore 7ft'(il (George Liberty '80 Wallace Warren Kimball ?re'57 Benjamin Webber '74 Charles Frederic «'37 Edmund '76 Edward Hazen '79 Frank ni'67 Frank Asbury '76 Frank Ueed '62 George Gustavus m'95 George Lincoln '53 George Stone r«'66 Hannibal Hamlin to'91 Harry Wal A Ivan '12 George Lancaster to'88 Charles Ernest p 3 Thomas Lander w'86 Charles Edwin Lane '38 Daniel n'25 George Washington '28 George Washington '87 John Veasey m'27 Josiah '81 Leland Burton m'38 Samuel Greenleaf »i'82 'Thomas Carl ji'35 Thomas Cutts '23 William Allen m'32 William Giddingc Lang ?rt'78 Roger John Langley m'91 Arthur Wayland Langdon '57 John Gilbert '53 Woodbury Fogg La Plain ?k'57 James Larrabee 7re'48 Albion Keith PaiTis '44 Charles Weston '81 Edgar Willis '88 George Howard 7«'04 John Albert wi'38 Seth Libbey '75 Seth Leonard '28 William Clark Larry '21 James Lash '29 Augustus Frederic Latham ni'93 Daniel Stevens Laughton »ft'34 Sumner Lawrence '00 Hiram Bartlett '05 Horatio Bartlett Lawson 7ft'37 Reuel Williams Lawton p 15 William Cranston 200 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Leach to'44 Mace Shepard Lazell '92 Theodore Studley Lear '10 Beujamin Lincoln Learned '20 Edward Davis Leary n'Ul Edmund Mortimer Leavitt to'78 James Mellen '27 James Tufton '70 John Samuel, Jr. '60 Levi Randlett '56 Thomas m'63 William Bradbury Lee p 19 Charles Alfred m'77 George ftlelville m'40 John Stevens p 16 Leslie Alexander '92 Lyman Kingman p 3 Silas Leigh '35 Edwin m'85 Thomas, Jr. Leighton '94 Charles Milton m'Sl James m'29 Jonathan »n'57 Nathaniel Wilson u"X) K'alph Webster ?<'95 William Elstou Leland '26 Josejjh Warren m'26 Phineas Washington Lennan '83 James Daniel Lenoir '56 Thomas Blancliard Lenox '54 Edwin Sewall Leonard m"-2S A Ifred Marcy '47 Edwin Leslie m'74 Charles Fuller Levensaler TO'56 Henry Coombs '94 James Atwood Lewis n'Gi George p 10 Lothrop '10 Stephen Longfellow '72 Weston Libbey h'T2 Artemas '43 Francis Allen '21 Joseph '59 Oliver Lib by m'46 Abial jft'60 Ansel Joseph '64 Augustus Frost '64 Charles Freeman '62 Dorville '51 Elias Osgood '89 Ferdinand Joshua n'64 Frank Willard '94 Frederic Joseph wi'91 George Franklin «i'76 George Willard '03 Gideon ?«'96 Jerre Hacker '82 Jesse Felt '76 John Gair '85 John Puller Lillie «'39 John, Jr. Lillybridge m'24 Clark Lincoln m'65 Albert Wilbur ?('37 Alexander Scaramel ?i'80 Arthur Talbot '23 Benjamin 7re'94 Charles Jewett '91 Charles S. F. /i'21 Enoch A'06 Isaac 9rt'92 James Otis '43 John Dunlap ?ft'56 William Henry '30 William Sever Lindsey '84 Philip Sidney Linscott '62 Augustus Newbert '54 Daniel Clark m'97 Daniel Clark, Jr. '88 Frank Knox '92 Harry Farrar '83 Roawell Little m'57 Charles Jenkins p 3 Daniel '87 Edward Toppan '81 Frank Hall 'S9 Fremont J. C. '43 George Barker '77 George Thomas '11 Josiah M"21 Josiah '25 Josiah Stover '.55 Thomas Henry '24 William Avery ?»-'60 William Baldwin Littlefield '64 Franklin '90 Gilbert Berry '94 George Curtis OT'85 Otis Locke w'73 Arthur Herbert '27 Caleb '74 Ira Stephen wi'34 Jesse F. '05 Joseph Alvah Lockwood p 5 Amos DeForest Lombard m'86 Herbert Alton «.'94 James Edwin 7i'71 James Lewis wi'93 Loring Sawyer Longfellow /('S9 Alexander W. '25 Henry Wadsworth '35 Nathan w'38 Samuel p 10 Stephen '25 Stephen /t'28 Stephen Longren '84 Clas Wilhelm Look »»'S5 Frank Byron Loomis m'32 Jacob Osmyn Lord ^»i'.55 Abraham Brackett '94 Albert Jones '26 Charles Austin M'95 Charles E. D. p 10 Daniel Walker '71 Edwin Howard »i'47 Friend Drake '00 George Edwin M'97 Harry Dimmock n'55 Jeremiah Hobson m'06 John '09 Nathan «'77 Orlando Marrett ?h'70 Osborne Greene 7!.'49 Robert Waterston '35 Thomas Newman n'07 Thomas William Loring '58 Charles Parkman '61 Edward Payson '91 Everett Grey '43 Henry Sewall '28 Joseph '.56 Prentiss '22 Richmond Lothrop m'75 Elias Lane '69 Leavitt Lougee »j'37 Charles ot'83 George Woodworth Lovatt '60 Benjamin Kingsbury Lovejoy w.'05 Daniel Heywood «'95 Edward Sweet '29 Joseph Cammet H'34 Owen Lovell ?«'32 Porter K. Lowell m'59 Charles Wiuthrop '74 Daniel Ozro Smith ?j'03 Hamilton Smith ?rt'66 James Warren '73 John Nathaniel '41 William Henry Lucas m'20 Ivory H. Luce m'66 Charles Baker »i'87 Delornie Gilkey '56 Enos Thompson ??i'69 Lyman Horace m'iO William Horace Ludden h'SO Mandeville Treat Ludwig w'33 Gardner wi'25 William Lufkin ot'23 Aaron '61 Augustus Nathaniel INDEX 201 Lumbert '711 Ansel LeForest Lunt ':i' Horace '85 EIow aril Leslie m'!)'i Jaint's Kounds '3:i John Slcnions m'57 Samuel .Johnson lijrford M'lKi Earle Howard m't'ti't Klisha llanimoml Lyman p 19 Asa Lynam '8it Frank Lynde '77 Frank Josselyn Mabry to'7;i Charles ?re'8() Irving McAdam n'r,9 Hugh McAllister ?«'7'2 Thomas Savory McArthur '10 Arthur '50 Arthur w'63 Charles Stuart •93 George Wood '53 William Miltimore McCann '93 Herbert Lindsay McCarthy «'8-2 Eugene Timothy McClintock '67 John Norris »'7'2 J. Y. McCobb '00 Charles Sullivan '29 Henry Bromfield '29 James Thomas McCoUister Hi'82 Elislia Atwood McCoUum m'42 Henry Ellis McCorrison »«'78 James (Jlland McCrate '19 John Dennis 7i'35 Thomas McCray ?i'17 Thomas McCuUoch '90 Edward A. F. /t'63 Hugh McDermid m'(J9 Sylvanus Melville McDonald '91 Alexander Peter '91 Angus Martin n'8o Edward Tisdale «'32 James Madison '67 James Wallace '23 John 7i'G5 John Bann 7»'34 INIosc'b p 20 William McDonough 7;('92 Edward James McDougall '47 Cliarlos Edward '24 Thomas '20 \Villiam McDowell ?('72 William Augustus Mace ?('92 Fred Dunham McGillicuddy '81 Daniel John Machan '93 George Stover Mclntire to'34 Edgar A. p 10 Hut'us Mcintosh '55 John Alexander Mclntyre ?i'92 Daniel '58 George Robinson '57 Malcolm McKeen '17 James '64 James '11 John »i'46 John Orr p 3 Joseph 7i.'43 Joseph '53 Joseph McKenzie p 5 Alexander McKinnon '94 Norman McLachlin 7?i'7tJ Hubert McLaughlin m'Ul Frank Henry 77i'69 William McLean 7«'85 Hoderick Hugh 7h'30 Sherman McLellan 77'33 Charles Adams '22 Charles H. 1*. 77i'40 David /('38 Francis Miller '54 George Washington '26 Isaac 77i'61 Thomas Curtis 7H'28 William "27 William I'reble McMahon '39 Isaiah McMillan «'97 Donalil Baxter McNulty 7i'75 Martin McPherson '75 David Maurice McQuesten m'.iO Calvin McQuillan '75 George Fulton Magoun m'29 Calvin Barstow '41 George Frederic Magrath '(;2 John Thomas Mahoney '91 George Clifton Mallett '91 Wilbert Grant Mann 7jj'33 Daniel '15 I'erez Bryant '92 Roland William Manning 7rt'79 John Francis 77j'52 Joseph 'Gl Stephen Hart '29 Thomas Manson '62 Albert George 7i'89 Erasmus '81 George Francis '81 John William »i'63 Melville Harrison 77'85 Robert Louis Mansur 7i'83 Adelbert Whitten ?;i'90 Joseph Howard Manter 7/i'34 Ezra Manwell '59 Benjamin Franklin Marble 7;i'70 Henry Mark '62 George Adams Markoe 7«'25 Martin M. H. Marquis '77 George Ilcrsey Marr 7/t'79 Myron Lawrence '39 William H. J. Marrett p 11 Daniel "38 Lorenzo '76 Walter Hastings 77i'30 William Marsh '31 Ezekiel '28 Gilbert Hall 77i'93 Ralph Hemenway Marshall 77j'67 Albert Quincy '32 Enoch Smith '62 Joel TO'79 Nathaniel Mason w'48 Thomas Henry '47 William Colburn '51 William M. L. Marston M'96 (Charles Wlnslow 77! '59 Daniel Edward ;7J'93 Eben Jordan 7jj'33 Ephraim '88 Percy Freeman '21 Winthrop Gray Martin '25 Alfred 7W'23 Anselm '33 Edward to'32 John Calvin m'55 Pearl 202 BOWDOIN COLLEGE m'29 Stephen m'8S Wilbur Grant p 3 William '80 William Pierce Mason '■25 Alfred '(IS Klias Synclair '19 George Means '45 Javan Knapp 7t'15 Jeremiah >t'(JS John Rogers n'S2 Wallace Edward '•24 William Mather ft'79 Richard Henry Matthews m'45 John Mattocks '62 Charles Porter Maxcy m'79 Frederick Edward '80 Harry Lincoln Maxim m'69 Charles Hiram m'55 Leonard Howard Maxwell '61 Abram '64 James Henry '88 John Herbert May '93 John Shepard '53 John Walker Mayberry jb'49 Edwin n'44 Silas Blake Maybury m'aC) William Jordan Maynard n'il Leonard Mayo '60 Ezekicl Robinson ?<'95 Guy Bennett m'29 James Laha Mead p 11 Asa '38 Benjamin m'95 Frank Herbert Meader m'SS Arthur Raymond Meads '72 Simeon Pease '70 Willis Howard Means '87 Edgar Leland '47 George Jarvis '33 James '43 John Oliver '84 Oliver William '07 Robert Megquier '19 John Louville to'27 Thomas Luce Meigs jra'44 William Melcher '70 Burdus Redford h'50 Jesse Appleton '64 Nathaniel '77 Samuel Appleton '71 William Palmer '56 Woodbury Lunt Mellen '25 Frederic '46 George Frost /t'20 Prentiss Merchant m'5S Joseph Milford Merriam '26 Jonas '66 Leander Otis Merrick '48 Charles Fisk h'il George ;i'07 John h"i~ John Mudge /t'47 SamueJ Vaughan Merrill TO'36 Abel '37 Albert '87 Arthur Warren ji'43 Benjamin Humphrey m'34 Charles '47 Charles Benjamin '46 Donatus '89 Earle Abbott '57 Edward Bagley '74 Edward Newton '08 Enos '81 Ferdinand Byron m'T2 Ferdinand Wilsey '47 Franklin Benjamin n'8S Fred Guy '94 George Anthony '76 George Bartol wj'76 George Frank '59 George Whitney '54 Henry Nettleton '64 Henry T. F. n'89 Herbert '43 James p 11 John '11 John to'27 John '51 John Cummings to'24 John Gale '44 John Haskell n'Zi John Wesley m'29 Joseph '54 Joseph Edward m'89 Leon Stejihen '42 Leonard Parker to'62 Lewis Austin m'80 Lyman Herbert h'lo Moses '47 Samuel Newell ni'75 Sidney Aaron »t'64 Simeon H. '36 William m'88 William Howe m'90 William Truman Merriman '92 Alfred Mitchell '92 James David '67 Richard Greenleaf Merritt '94 Charlie Edward ?»'93 Louis Arthur w'43 Samuel Merrow wi'54 Augustus Davis Merryman '82 William Curtis Meserve '88 Albert Wesley m'59 Albion Keith Parris »ra'82 Charles Albion m'53 Richard Hunniwell Meservey n'5S Jeflerson Bethel Metcalf '77 Edward Clarence '47 Isaac Stevens '60 Joseph Nicholas Michaux /i'22 Francois Andre Michels '94 Clarence Edward Middlemore 7«'66 John Throgmorton Miles ?n'53 Joseph Decker Mildrana «'67 Frank Benton Millay '65 Edward Jarvis »i'76 Jeremiah Miller '56 James Francis Millet ?»'42 Asa m'29 Charles '23 Samuel Mlllett m'54 Albion Ricker Milliken '62 Charles Widgery m'33 Ebenezer Coolbroth /t'79 James Alphonso ?«'31 John Mulberry ?i'65 Joseph William m'51 Luther Smith 7«'80 William Hardy Minot m'96 John Clair Minott '91 Charles Vincent, Jr. Mirick ?rt'27 David H. Mitchell '59 Alfred ?*'95 Alfred, Jr. h'34 Alfred Mason p 11 Animi Ruhamah '49 Ammi Kuhamah '41 Asa Cummings '38 Benjamin Francis '89 Clarence Lincoln p 3 David '37 Edward Francis '71 Edward Page ?i'44 Elbridge Kenney ji'72 Frank Albert '77 Frank Asa m'30 Jacob ?)'33 Jacob Loring '43 John March OT'57 John Warren m'63 John Wesley p 11 Josiah Whitman re'29 Samuel Veazie '42 Samuel Woodbury u'96 Wallace Seymour '90 Wilmot Brookings INDEX 203 Monroe '71 Altreil Johnson Montgomery m'TA George Moody 'Zti Henjamln '5'.) George Owen '•27 Isaiah Preble 7t'71 John Franklin '<)() John M. W. '17 Joseph Green in"2S Richanl p 11 Samuel '45 Samuel Scammon '•24 Theodore Lyman '82 William Albion Mooers 7i'85 Walter Moore ))"23 Abraham '35 Asahel '70 Charles Henry '32 Ebenezer m-2s Kilward Bucknam '74 llarrv Vane (,'95 Hovt Augustus m'58 Jacob Manfred m'G5 John Calvin Webster 7i'58 John Henry '65 Joseph Eugene '94 Philip Henry Moorhead j/i'48 David Christie Morelen m'95 Alonzo William Morgan w'88 George Prentiss '09 William Pitt Morison iii':\l Samuel P.onjamin Morrell '(il William Wilson Morrill '50 Abner •34 Amos •77 Carroll Willie 'GO Charles Edwin 7i'80 Donald Littlefleld to'32 Isaac '76 John Adams '44 John INIcDonald 7i'79 Lot Myrick 7«'30 Robert Smith '•20 Samuel Morrin '37 William Daniel Morrison •54 Benjamin Franklin m'iS John Byron Grant Morse '77 Charles Wynian 7i'71 Edward Sylvester '6-2 Eugene Putnam '90 Frank Purinton u '97 John Hinckley '46 INIoses Leland m'79 Beth Bradford Morton 7i'35 Christopher '48 Edward Walts '62 John Aildison »(i'S2 Joseph Smith '40 Silas Moseley 7»'29 Daniel F. 2> 11 Elisha Moses '56 Galen Clapp •57 Thomas Freeman Mosher •69 (ieorgc Fi-ank Moulton w'76 Albert Koscoe '73 Augustus t reedom m'84 Charles Avery '87 Charles Fred 7ji'79 Charles Thompson '62 George Edwin '■27 George Farrar ,«'45 Greenleaf Aniasa '87 Henry McCollister '30 Jotham Tihlen )i'77 lA-aiuUn- Hathaway '74 William Henry m'83 Willis P.ryant Mower '73 George Sewall Mudgett '67 William Pitt Mvdliken i)'61 Francis Everett '43 George Samuel Mulloy ^ , , »'59 Charles Edward Mulvey /;i'31 Boothc C. Hi-54 James Wiliamson Munger /(■6S Charles Munroe '30 Nathan Munsey '91 Elden Philip Munson "29 Samuel Murch „j'82 Albert Francis Murphy ;/t'91 Joseph Harvey Murray ,rt'48 Jabez Woodman Mussey 71' 13 Charles '09 John ,,,'35 John Fitz Henrv ]) 17 Reuben Dimond Nash . ,^ , ,„ 7M'(>8 Francis Orlando 7,i'69 Samuel Andris Nason ^^ , ^^ ,n'47 Charles Belatty ,i'38 Jesse Appleton «,'47 Joseph Towne oil Reuben '34 Reuben Neal ^, . '89 Albert Edwin 7t'36 John Nealey ^, ,,1-83 Everett Thornton Nealley , . '58 Edward Bowdoin '35 Edward St. John '85 William Pope Neil f47 Henry Baker Nelson ^ , 7»'77 Gustavus Judson '91 Henry "26 Horatio ,i-37 Israel Potter Nevins '75 Wilson Newbegin '91 Edward Henry '57 Henry '91 Parker Clcaveland 7<'96 Robert Newcomb ?rt'93 Edgar Colson '76 Erwin Barrett '48 Guilford Snow Newell '19 Israel ,,,'30 Selim Newhall „i'36 Asa Tarbell Newman '91 Albert Kansas 77t'73 James Freelaud "25 Mark Haskell p 15 Samuel Phillips '67 Stephen Morrill 7i'32 William John Newton '45 James Hoyt 7,i'84 Mark Trafton Nichols '57 Charles Lewis 7rt"81 Francis Oliver 7,i'45 Henry Lambard 7i'21 Ichabod 7,'94 James Albert 7,'74 John Taylor Gilmau '81 John Witham '92 Thomas Flint '41 William Cochran Nickels ,,'18 Samuel Miller ,,•19 William INI. Nickerson '36 Albert Tilemachlis '77 Charles Lendol ,,,'89 Harry Melville ,«'70 William Jabez Noble 7«'86 Alfred Ira '62 Joseph , „ '57 Thomas Kimball Norcross •55 Flavins Vespasian Norris '16 Dudley '86 George Merrill North ,,,'41 James '60 James William „i'35 Joseph Henry Northend '43 William Dummer 7,'80 William Wheelwright 204 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Norton 7t'15 Andrews m'76 Charles Kliakim m'iH James '85 James Saflbrd '60 Winthrop Wourse p 18 Amos n'45 George Augustus w'40 John Chandler Nowell '59 William Gray Noyes »?.'67 Bainbridge Chaplin A'87 Crosby Stuart w'26 Ebenezer »i'85 Elmon Joseph '75 Ernest Henry m'66 George Boardman '44 George Freeman m'Sl Harold Verne '91 Henry Herbert p 11 Joseph A'71 Joseph Hale Nute ??j'81 William Herbert Nutter '38 Charles Copeland m'92 Charles Francis Nutting m'(j5 James Deering '42 James Lewis Nye »»'89 Francis Egbert Oak »i'()5 Henry Lebbeus Oakes ««'90 Harry '70 Wallace Kilbourne O'Brien jf'38 Jeremiah '31 John Gideon '06 John Maurice '47 Joseph m'66 Owen St. Clare w'36 William O'Brion 7h'81 Charles Carroll O'Connell ?»'58 John Odell '23 Lory Ogilvie '94 Andrew Urquhart O'Halloran m'89 Michael Oliver '60 Augustus Wynian p 16 Daniel OIney ft'21 Gideon Wanton Ordway m'37 Charles Nathan m'96 George Theodore Orne '14 Edward '15 Richard Elvins A'06 Samuel Orr p 4 Benjamin '46 Henry '34 John '84 Melvin Horace n'29 Richard Tappan Osborne '92 Ervine Dewey Osgood m'39 Charles Henry '75 Edward Sherburne '75 Frederick B. '32 Henry Brown m'42 James '54 James Ripley «'39 Timothy '46 W^illiam O'Shaughnessy m'38 John S. Otis m'37 Amos '23 John »7i'S0 Samuel Wilson '51 William Oliver O'Toole m'SO James Henry Owen '89 Daniel Edward m'96 Henry Wilson, Jr. '93 Herbert Augustine '27 John '61 Moses '51 William Henry Packard '16 Alpheus Spring '61 Alpheus Spring '17 Charles '42 Charles '48 Charles Appleton h'S3 Charles William '83 Edward Albert '62 Edward Newman p 11 Eliphalet Franklin m'78 Francis Henry m'87 Francis Sylvester '21 George '91 George Harris '66 George Thomas p 4 Hezekiah '25 Hezekiah '41 John Holbrook '31 Joseph '68 Robert Lawrence w'84 Samuel Eaton n'35 William '51 William Alfred Page ?»'49 Alpheus Felch ft'43 Benjamin '70 Caleb Alexander '20 Caleb Fessenden n'ol Daniel Hussey m'40 Dustan '18 Frederic Benjamin m'88 Hartstein Wendell m'Sl Horatio Nelson m'72 Jeremiah Jolin '42 Jesse William ?i'25 John Odlin '44 John Taylor ft'36 Jonathan '53 Kingman Fogg «'ll Lewis '79 Millard Kimball '10 Robert Paine '49 John St. Clare '78 Philip Lee m'57 Rothcus Emery '35 Sewall 9;'37 Thomas Bruce '26 William Palfrey /i'55 Cazneau Palmer '61 Albert DeForest m'62 Alden Dwinal p 16 Alonzo Benjamin h'36 Benjamin Robinson m'92 Charles Asa '74 Chnrles James «'92 Charles Leslie m'46 Daniel Evans M'49 Edward Stanton '.56 Edwin Beanian '77 Fremont Manning '38 Gideon Stinson '61 Gustavus Steward m'71 Haven '33 Isaac '44 Joshua Sears m'42 Nathaniel Tobey p 10 Ray Parcher m'30 George '92 Samuel Leon m'38 Sewall Francis Parish '22 Moses Parsons Park h'lS Austin Luther Parke m'92 Isaac Parke Parker m'35 Alvah '38 Animi Larrabee '76 Arthur Tavlor m'33 Daniel m'36 David Taylor '57 Edward '56 Edwin Pond '91 Fred Eugene ^t'9~ Frederic m'63 Frederick Grafton p 11 Freeman '45 Horace p 3 Isaac '86 John Clement m'49 John Selden h'15 Nathan m'.57 Nathaniel C. m'35 Noah Oldin M'95 Ralph Taylor 7i'50 Wooster Parlin m'34 Lewis Page Parris '35 Albert Whitman /t'06 Albion Keith ?i'71 Percival Josiah Parsons JH'39 Alexander '41 Benjamin Franklin '43 Benjamin Franklin m'37 Charles Grandison m'66 David Elkins ?»'25 Eben '33 Ebenezer Greenleaf m'32 Edwin INDEX 205 '76 George '23 George Lessley '87 George Winficld ?«'91 Harry Snow I) 11 Isaac "23 Isaac '28 John Usher m'37 Joseph Addison 7t'43 Samuel Miller Partridge ?i.'93 Elmer Willis '41 Franklin '41 Nathaniel Smith /?('2SI Orlando Ilolbrook Patch '31 John Pattangall »'47 William Kobinson Pattee '71 William Sullivan Patten '37 Bryce McLellan p 11 George Fulton '75 Horace Keed '23 James 'OS John '32 John Eaton p 11 Stephen Payne m'W John '76 John Howard J7j'46 Lycurgus Virgil n»'38 William Elislia Payson /t'21 Eihvard "32 Edward '6'.t Edward Tayson '76 Franklin (Jonant '43 George '80 George Shipman '81 Henry Storer '93 Hichard Conant "74 William Martin Peabody '93 Clarence Webster 7n'34 Edward '27 Ephraim ?("32 Stephen Peaks ?<'96 Francis Chadbournc Pearl ?ft"39 Rufus King Pearson '43 Edmund "62 Samuel Wiggin '8.3 William Stacey Peary "77 Robert Edwin Pease p 15 Ernest Mondcll ?t'S2 Frank Ilerljcrt '63 George Manlius '62 John Melvin ?/'97 Oscar F^lmer 7?8'75 Thomas Perley Peaslee ?«"83 Clarence Ardeen p 17 Edmund Randolph Peck "41 Henry Elverard »i'29 Kelly '70 Roland Marcy Peckham 7«'84 Cyrus Benedict Peirce ?tt"25 Augustus 7tt'49 Augustus Frederic 7rt'93 Charles Cushman '34 Charles Henry '61 George Loring 7«'25 James Hamilton 7rt"23 Seth Pendergast /i"93 William Wirt Pendleton 7(.'71 Edward Waldo '90 Joseijli Brooks Pennell '79 Albert Henry "92 Charles Melvin '39 Joseph '30 Lewis Penney "60 Charles Fox Pepper 77i'94 John Lymau Perham ?i'83 Franklin Eugene 7»'27 Joseph Perkins '87 Arthur Wellesley '39 Charles James '60 Chark's Sumner '49 (icoigc Augustus '28 Iloralid Nelson /4'71 Hosea I'.allou 7rt'84 Josi'iili \\'akeficld '22 Simeon ;7'48 Thatcher Goddard '80 Walter Pavson '83 William Abbott h"92 William P^dward Perley '40 Frederic 'IS George Dummer 7h'80 George Putnam 7("73 Harry Otis '43 Isaac 7?j'29 John Langdou '50 Peleg Stone '37 Thomas Fitch '69 Willard Humphrey Perry 7('82 Albert Humphreys '74 Arthur Lincoln '76 Charles Albert '77 Curtis Ajipleton '32 Erastus 7?t'90 Herbert Brainerd '46 Jairus Ware ?i'23 John Albert 7k'57 Silvanus Poor '50 Trueman S. p 16 William '77 William 7h"33 William Fenwick p 12 William Stanwood Peters '47 George Stevens /i'85 John Andrew '85 John Andrew Peterson 7i'77 William Owen Pettengill '81 Arthur Gooding '75 Xewland Morse '83 Noah Brooks Kent Phelan '89 John Murry Philbrook '74 Horace Wiley ji'uS Simou Glover Phillips 7;'85 Alanson Manslield 7rt'22 Allen 7?i'41 Butler Hubbard m'63 Daniel IMoulton '78 (ieorge Washington '60 James Liddcll 7i'73 John Goddard '58 John Wyman n'56 Josiah Locke '42 William Edwards Phil 771 '67 Don Charles Emerson Phinney '84 Horace Coleman 77»'40 Lewis Pickard '63 Adoniram Judson '57 Charles Weston '48 Daniel Webster 'VI4 Frederick William 7«'«i3 Isaiah Lovell 7i'31 John Fjord '46 Josei)h Collin '44 Josiah Little p 12 Samuel Pickering /t'22 John Pidg in 7rt'31 Joseph Noyes Pierce »'84 Albert ?«'39 David York '24 Franklin '82 (icori^e Howard '25 (iciirge Washington '57 George Washington M'96 Henry Hill 7?i'33 John '62 John Edwin 7«'67 John Greeley '93 John Higgins '18 Josiah '46 Josiah '52 Lewis '22 Milton '44 Nathaniel '75 Orestes Pierpont 7«'92 Sylvanus Cobb Pierson '64 William Henry Pike 7('51 Bennett h'74 Charles Alvin '37 Charles Edward TK'Sl ClitVord Llewellvn '29 Edgar '•28 Ezra Barker 77l'57 E/.ra Barker •39 Frederic AuK-ustus •63 Frederick W'. A. '33 John 206 BOWDOIN COLLEGE »«'47 John Gilmau '36 Richard '47 Samuel John m'29 William Bennett Pillsbury '63 Evans Searlc TO'30 John Dole m'73 Warren Wilbur Pilsbury '12 William Pineo 7re'47 Peter Pingree i/'77 Samuel R. B. Piper '38 Horace ??'63 Horace Lord ■(('55 Jonathan Pitman '59 Mark Place '53 David Marks Plaisted '21 Ichabod m'8l John Newton '94 Ralph Parker m'28 Samuel Plant ni'29 John Pletts m'92 David Arthur Plimpton '82 W^arren Oscar Plummer wi'67 Albert m'94 Albert Wyman ?rt'77 Alvah Augustus '87 Edward Clarence '67 Stanley m'31 William Plumstead M'96 Richard Tucker Poindexter '50 George Gilmer ?«'43 Reuben Morrill Poland m'84 Samuel Phinney PoUard ??j'32 Benjamin '51 George Adams Pomeroy n'5i) Eilward Noyes /i.'47 Swan Lyman Pond '57 Benjamin Wisner '38 Enoch w'34 George Palmer '53 Jeremiah Evarts '40 Preston m'34 Stephen Decatur '48 William Chauncey Poole m'32 Alexander ?i'43 Benjamin Poor '35 Henry Varnum n'63 James Waterman 7t'45 John Alfred ns'93 Leland Howard '60 Walter Stone '91 Walton Willis Poors '92 Howard Wellington Pope '62 Charles Henry ?<'95 Seth Ellis Porter 7j'09 Benjamin Jones ot'27 Byron ?k'50 Byron '32 Charles Curtis ?i'39 Charles Henry '16 Charles Richard '43 Charles Wendell n'82 Frank Merithew '91 Gould Alexander wi'34 Joshua »n'80 Millett Nathan wi'63 Parker Cleaveland '13 Rulus King '14 William King '43 William Reed Post j7i'S5 Herbert Montell Potter m'84 Augustus William p 12 Barrett '78 Barrett '41 Barrett Edwards '41 Daniel Fox m'35 Hazard Arnold wj'35 Joseph Fitch m'71 Nathaniel Prentiss 7k'71 Wallace Winfleld Pottle m'71 Albert Quincy Power 7?i'45 Edward John m'80 Edward Samuel Powers '69 Cassius Clay '74 Don Arba Horace '75 Frederick Alton ?('91 Herbert Thompson m'30 Hosea «'85 John Charles Fremont Pratt «'it7 Edgar Gilman 77t'47 Edward Hartshorn M'97 Edwin Francis '77 Edwin Judson '76 George Franklin 7«'56 John Frank '17 Phineas ??i'24 Samuel Whittlesey OT'23 Titus Collins Pray m'6l Ezra '74 John AVheeler '44 Thomas J. W. '78 Thomas Moses Preble 7;i'78 Edward '25 Edward Deering ?«'66 Melvin /i'29 William Pitt '40 William Pitt Prentiss '35 George Lewis '89 Lory '26 Seargent Smith Prescott to'78 Daniel ?re'27 Epaphras K. n'55 Sutton Kerr OT'27 William H. A.C. Pressey n'GG Joseph Wesley Preston n'89 Albert Ward «'S0 John Elmer Price in"i5 Charles Wallace /i'36 Thomas '71 Vernon Dana OT'94 Wallace Nathaniel Prince 9! '54 Ezra Morton n'84 Frank Lewis '76 George Thomas '62 Howard Lyman '41 John Moor '35 Joseph '40 Newell Anderson '40 William Reed Proctor '34 Benjamin ot'31 Charles m'97 Clarence William Puffer '53 Luther Pugsley '92 Everett Alberton Pulsifer '58 Augustus Moses ?)i'22 Moses Rust '75 Wooilbury Purington 7h'64 Augustus Franklin '80 Francis Orren '78 George Colby ?«'26 Tobias Purinton '35 George ot'91 Herbert Harmon »i'46 Joshua Rogers '61 Lauriston Floyd Purnell m'97 Wallace Archer Purrington '85 Marshall Ilagar Pushor '87 Fermer Putnam '52 Dana Boardman '59 Franklin /i'45 George 7t'53 George Palmer 7t'07 Henry m'30 Israel m'25 Jeremiah S '63 Nathaniel French ?7'29 Roman Lyndes '55 William LeBarou Quimby m'95 Allen w'22 Asa 7?i'88 John Grant ?i'24 Nathaniel Etheridge Quinby '43 Daniel Osgood '69 Henry Brewer '06 Moses f INDEX 207 Rackleff 7i'2S Charles Rand '57 Edward Augustus '59 Edward Mussey n'3'i Henry '31 John m'Ti John Mussey '37 William Wilbcrforce Randall '52 Albion Quincy '09 Benjamin ?i'47 Edward Winslow Hi'44 (_ieorge Le Barron ?«'S9 Georj;e Merrill '36 Isaac »('SS Jesse Andrew /i'18 Moses Fenelon w"97 Riifus Starkcy m'21 Wheeler ".)-2 Winlield Seott Randlett '59 Howard Malcolm Rankin m'SS Clark Barker Rawson m'37 George Burrill Ray '61 Fabius Maximus m"'27 Isaac Raymond m'94 Hanson Llewellyn Raynes «'5S Edward Goodwin Rea m'2i All)us Read '■-'3 William Jeffrey Record »«'53 James '45 Lewis Leonard »t'78 Sanfortl I'erry Redington '11 Asa Redman '70 Eraslus Fulton m''.y.> Fred Leslie '70 John Bakemau Reed m'-l-2 Ablel 7!'58 Donnel ?t'34 Edward Augustus '58 Edwin ft'07 Isaic Gardner '83 Joseph Barton '77 Lewis Henry '60 Thomas Brackett '82 William Gardner '73 William Gilmaii Remick ?<'97 Edmund ISlunt '63 Frank Chadbourne Reynolds '57 Charles Henry ft'25 Edward n'67 Henry Rhine s m'97 Horace Bray Rhodes m'97 James Edward 2d Rice '56 Albert Smith 7t'65 Charles Baker '31 Charles Darwin '89 Merwyn Ap wi'64 Otis Packard p 12 Richard Drury ;)'47 Richard Henry p 3 Thomas '75 William Edgar '46 William Whitney Rich '92 Cliarles Selwyn /i'51 Hosea '32 Jabcz Cushman '61 John '48 Thomas Hill Richards ?/i'5(i David Simpson '72 Jeliiel Simmons m'54 John Almond r«'40 Lemuel Richardson '73 Albert Francis p 12 Alfred '41 Daniel Thompson '49 George Leland '47 George Nelson '39 Henry Lincoln m'57 Ingrahani Gould »i'22 John Gi'een M'95 John Harry '40 Jose|)li Carpenter '45 Natlianiel I'utnam p 12 William '09 William Ricker '72 Freeman Alonzo m'22 John »n"47 Richard Russell Rideout »;j'S4 Charles Franklin 't<('> Elmer Ellsworth '89 Oscar Louville '(il Reuben Augustus Rider m"i2 Robert E. Ridley '90 Albert Sidney »'93 Edward Turner Ridlon '91 Bertrand Dean 7re'86 Charles Howard Riley '91 Charles Edward '29 James H'80 Thomas Harrison Ring ?i'54 Andrew, Jr. '68 Charles Augustus '(;9 Frank Whitman '79 Henry Wilson Robbins '35 Augustus Cogswell '15 Chandler '64 Charles Augustus '57 Nathaniel Augustus '14 William Henry Roberts '45 Charles Phelps '51 Charles Wentworth m'54 David '70 James Arthur '77 John Alfred j('6;i John Harrison M'95 Joseph Banks 7«'30 Thomas Robie '40 Edward '29 Francis Brown '41 Frederick '5(i Thomas Sargent '89 William P. F. Robinson Jrt'28 Charles Gliddeu '43 Charles Parker '73 Daniel Arthur '73 Franklin Clement '31 George '56 George '49 George Oliver /t'17 Henrv '60 Henry Clay to'92 Herbert Winslow ot'81 Horace Dean '87 Ivory Hovey »i'65 Jolin Fairfield '54 John Owen m'49 John Winter '56 Moses :Masoii «'51 Nathaniel Stillman '45 O'Neil Watson '6;i Richard Winlield '22 Svl\anus Waterman ii'W, W'allace '76 W'alter Augustine ;) 18 William Chaffee «('66 Willis Granville Robitaille 7»'38 Olivier Roby p 17 Joseph Roche in'Chi Edward Paul Rockwood /i'O!) Charles Greene Rodick jj'64 Daniel Rodick Rogers '81 Albion Quincy '85 Alfred Wilson '76 Allan Ellington n'65 Eilwin Searle ?m'76 Frank Alvin '89 George Lyman to'90 James Kenuard Paul p 6 John '48 John Hodgdou A'25 John Smyth ji'75 Joseph McKeen '75 Lincoln Albion 7(-'43 INI OSes '72 Osgood Wyman m'T2 William Rolfe ?n'38 Enoch Carter Rollins 7n'82 Frank Dumont Root /j'90 Frederick Stanley Rose p 12 Daniel 7n'37 Daniel 208 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Ross '55 Ezekiel '94 Howard Andrew m'39 Orren nvas Orrin George Bounds '61 Charles Bean 7i'70 Charles Collins »«'73 Isaac m'ltl John Mordough Rousseau ?«'45 Louis Majorique Howe '60 Abrani Newell »«'41 Alvah ot'87 Arthur Wilmot '38 David Sawyer 7«'89 George Dill m'68 George Dodge "26 James Samuel '76 William H. G. Howell '69 Charles Rowland '26 Jonathan Maltby Rowse w'81 Frederick Herbert Royal ?b'87 Herbert Benjamin '90 Herbert Clarence m'63 Woodman Watson Ruggles »»'32 I'aul Rundlett 'tiS Leonard Warren '33 Warren Russ «t'95 Harry Bertram Russell '83 Arthur Joseph 9('48 Charles m'47 Edmund 2) 12 Edward r«'80 Frank Eugene '89 Frank Melvin '89 J>cd Cutler m'97 James Percy m'57 Martin Van Buren p 12 Samuel Phillips »i'46 Stephen Chapin p 18 William Russwurm n'34 Francis Edward '26 John Brown Ryan m'89 Matthew Francis Sabin '76 Alvah Horton Sabine '59 Francis W. /t'46 Lorenzo 2} 17 Thomas Taunton Safford ?M'93 Moses Victor /i'56 William St. Clair n'49 William Henry Salter '13 Benjamin Saltonstall /t'06 Leverett Sampson '73 Cassander Cary w'57 Edward '40 Luther m'76 William Luther Sanborn 7j'61 Abijah D. ?»'48 Albert Hoyt '59 Aretas Rowe '22 Benjamin wi'66 Bigelow Thatcher J7i'26 David Marston r«'74 George Hoitt '57 John Crockett wi'94 Joseph Warren jj'82 Moses Lendsley »i'77 William Herbert Sanders m'69 Charles Barton Sands M'75 Frank Sandford »i'71 William Fiske Sanford '76 Alpheus '42 Oliver Sheppard Sanger wi'25 increase Sumner /t'72 Joseph Prentiss Sargeant p 12 l^aul Dudley Sargent '76 Charles '75 Duilley Allen '44 Elias Haskell m'73 George Albert '43 Gustavus Foss '78 William Edward Sariol »'65 Juan Bautista Saunders '59 Caleb Savage '48 Benjamin Shurtleff '37 Charles Alexander '93 Charles Hale M'95 Sewall Reeves M'58 Wilbur '58 William Henry '33 William Thomas Sawtelle '35 Culleu Sawyer 7n'37 Benjamin Edwards '81 Carieton ?t'93 Clarence Everett w'42 David Blethin m'38 Freeman '■26 George Yeaton u'91 Henry Hathorn m'46 James wi'94 John Watson »j'28 Levi P. '28 Luther Dearborn '38 Nathaniel Larrabee w'68 Robert Giveen wi'62 Rufus Payne m'84 Warren Gray ?rt'65 William Henry Sayward '84 Charles Everett Scales '91 Otto Clifford Scamman '37 John Quincy Adama Scammon 7i'43 Eliakim Parker Scott Ji'80 John «i'74 Nathaniel Harvey Scribner m'75 David McCrillis '77 Edwin Albert w'81 Ernest Varian Scruton m'70 John Edmund Seabury '77 Charles Bailey '33 Edwin Searle m'89 Frank William m'21 Jeremiah Sears '90 George Bowman Seaver p 12 Josiah Willis Seavey m'37 Calvin n"lS (ieorge Wentworth ?«'62 Henry Hill '45 William Henry Seiders »'44 David Washington '72 George Melville Sessions '29 Joseph Washburn Severance n'GO Atwood ot'31 Ralph Abercrombie Severy m'65 James Blake Sevey '32 Manasseh SewaU '83 Benson h"i'i Charles Chauncey ««'97 Charles Summers '32 Daniel h'1-2 David '36 David Brainerd p 3 Dunimer '58 Frank '46 Frederic Dummer '18 George Barrell '67 George Tingey '76 Hardy Ropes '77 James Wingate '50 John Smith '12 Joseph m'78 Joseph M'76 Joseph Ellis '48 Jotham Bradbury '29 Kiah Bailey '87 Oliver Dana '37 Rufus King «'40 Stephen Bayley '34 William Stinson INDEX 209 Shackford '63 Chiirlcs BunilKun Shannon '72 William Cuniiiiings Shapleigh 7?j''.tO Edward Everett '58 Samuel Bragdon Shattuck /j'51 George Clieyne Shaw ?7i'45 Albert «'78 Alton Jhaceloub ot'91 Arthur Asbra '55 Charles Edwin '93 Frederick Milton '8S Howartl Lester m'52 John Edward '55 John Farnham m'95 Joseph Thompson ft'21 Moses '81 Otis Madison '93 Philip Morton Shay '93 George Wilder Sheaff '94 Robert Lester Sheahan »«'()" John Paris Shedd 7«'79 George Ilosley /;t"91 John Ziba Shehan ;;t"84 Lyman Beecher Shell ■»'GI Manuel Ebenezer Shepard '71 Charles Lord /j'4(i George '55 George Henry m'65 Thomas '68 William Frank Shepley '25 David p 4 Ether M'46 James Currier '37 John Ilutledgc '46 Leonard Downcs '33 Samuel Howard Sheppard /t'20 John Hannibal '45 John Hannibal Sherman '77 Addison Monroe '26 Joseph ?4'51 Josiah Patterson to'28 Thomas '55 Thomas Bowman Shertzer '60 Edwin Berger Shillaber '16 Ebenezer Shirley 7rt'90 Allan Lincoln n'89 Edward Newton Shordon w"J7 Norman Clyde Shorey '88 Albert Currier o Shurtleff /rt'94 Arthur Webster 7«'26 Francis Shute ?<'i)7 John Melville Sibley ft'56 John Langdon m'69 William Horace Silliman ft'18 Benjamin Sills /t'87 Charles Morton Silsbee '37 Samuel Silsby m'''&l Edward Byron Simmons '71 Augustine /t'88 Franklin '75 Parker Prince Simonds '54 John Wesley Simonton '61 Edward 'ill Fred James, Jr. ?/i'35 Putnam '53 Thaddeus Uoberts Simpson 7«'22 Ahimaaz Blanchard '94 Edgar Myrick '90 Frank Edward 7«'84 Frederick Thomas 7t'95 George Eaton '74 Thomas Charles Hi'79 William Langdon Simson m'44 Edward Mortimer Sinclair 7/t'31 William Sincock 7n'91 Willcy Edgar Skeele '45 John Parker Skillings 7i'81 Warren I'orter Skinner 7«'67 Davis Nevins 77i'29 Ezekiel E. D. Skolfield '87 Henry Boody Sleeper 7/i'S3 Charles Martin 7»'70 Frank Eugene h'7S William Washburn Siemens 7«'39 John Sloan 7«'38 John Slocomb 7«'37 William SutlilV Sloman 7i'47 Henry Ichabod SmaU »«'94 Amos Elwyn M'95 A n< Ire \v Jackson m'89 Charles Porter 7«'70 Elmer J<'97 Frank Jackson «t'95 Fred Ossian 7»i'79 Fr("cnian Evans 7<'95 Harlan Page 77i'78 Henry Audubon 7re'47 Jolin'Meg(iuier 77i'71 John Wesley 7n'31 Jonathan 7«'93 Robert Milford ?<'96 Robert Orange 7H'46 Samuel Franklin vV'i Sidney Isaac Smart 77i'72 William Rice Smiley '94 Samuel Richard Smith '63 Andrew' Jackson '63 Andrew R. G. 7/i'72 Arthur Noel '90 Arthur Vincent '41 Benjamin '63 Benjamin Fuller jn'79 Charles Dcnnison '74 Charles Edwin J) 15 Charles Henry '57 Daniel Freeman '89 Eilward Augustus B. 7('38 Edward Ilovey »t'60 Edward Wetmoi'e '61 Edwin '56 Etiwin Bradbury '45 El bridge J) 12 Eliphalet '84 PJrnest Charles p 12 Ezra h'59 Francis IJartlctt 7t'73 Francis iNIarion '81 Frank Eugene u'\Wi Fred ISurniughs 'S(i Frederick Lincoln 7rt'81 Freeman I'ark 7;i'34 Geoige Washinglon 7«'52 (iciirgc Wliilelield 7ft'82 (iillicrl Austin '92 Harold Koljinson '91 Harry DeFoi'est '10 Henry 7«'90 Henry Atherton '34 Hfiirv llnvnion '77 IlciirV Herbert '54 Henrv Hvde '61 Henry S.'B. ?(.'65 Horatio Fox 7«'43 Horatio Southgate '42 Hosea Hildrcth '58 Isaiah Perley '23 Jacob 7rt'67 James R. N. 7»'32 Jeflerson p 12 Jeremiah '47 John Cotton 77J'34 John De Wolfe '34 John Duguid TO'29 Jonathan Ambrose '38 Joseph ( 'ouch 7t'44 Joseph Edward A. '54 .Joseph Kiiierson 7«'29 Joseph Haven '67 Joshua \inc,ent n'iVl .Manasseh '26 ^lanasseh Hovey h'8o Melville Josiah J) 1(! Nathan '89 On-in Ripley 77t'92 13 Daniel m'42 Ebenezer W85 Frank Ellsworth '72 George Webber '52 Henry '(>5 Moses Cornelius wi'78 Oscar Whitney '40 Thomas Newcomb '20 Tlionia.s Ti-cadwell '22 Timcitliy Walker Ji"84 Walter Emerson '25 William n'H William Rogers Storer 7i'21 Bellamy '22 David lluniphreys ?m'4() Frederick Tristriim '32 Henry (iookiri '12 John Parker Boyd ?)'13 Robert Boyd '07 Seth 2) 13 W^oodbury Stowe '24 Calvin Ellis ?i'74 Charles Edward Stowell '15 Levi Stoyell m'77 Hiram Belcher »i'69 John Adams Straw M'22 David Robinson '59 David Robinson m'77 O'Neil W. R. Strickland m'97 Alfred Hastings w'35 Augustus S. C. n'39 Charles Henry '57 Lyman Sawin Strong /«'22 Maltby Strout h'71 Almon Augustus Ji'85 Charles Augustus m'90 Fred Elliston '57 James Charles Stuart '63 Albion Woslev »k'73 James William '59 William Henry Stubbs '61 (Jeorge Eastman ?<'95 Philip Dana '60 Philip Henry Sturgis Ht'63 Benjamin Franklin H'7(i Horace Russell )«'68 John Irving Sturtevant '63 Edward Lewis w'S4 James Selden m'43 Joseph '41 Thomas Davcc Sukeforth j«'90 Artluir Leland m'SG Lincoln Atwooil Sullivan ««''.)2 James Stephen Sumner '66 George True Swain /k'33 John Swallow '43 George Clinton Swan '44 Charles Edward w'9G Frank Herbert '83 George Benjamin m'66 John p 13 William Swasey ot'38 Charles Frederic n'66 Charles Lamson j«'77 Edward '75 George Robinson '65 Henry W^illiain JH'53 Oscar Fitzallan Swazey '44 Arthur n'Sl Edward Lyon jft'56 i'rederick Rice m'37 George Washington in'-ZS William Sweat «t'34 Jesse 7«'80 John Aiken '37 Lorenzo De Medici »t'23 Closes '37 Moses Erastus Sweetser Ji'84 Albert Ferguson '40 Reuben p 16 William Sweetsir 7rt'93 Charles Leslie ?»'88 Fred Ellsworth 212 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Swett '02 Frederic George 'SO Richard Lewis Swift ?i'29 George Baker Swinerton wi"41 John Langdon Sykes '94 Emery Howe Sylvester m''.i2 Albie Warren w'Sii Charles Bradford m'"l George «j'60 Silas Edward m'16 William Hillman jm'47 William Parker Symmes 2} 13 William Symonds '60 Joseph White '54 William Law Syphers /rt'83 James Uoulton Taft »j'67 Albert Hamilton Taggart m'Td Charles Wesley Talbot '43 Francis Loring '87 Francis Loring '37 George Foster '37 Isaac Wiiislow '3"J John Collin '24 Samuel '31 Steplicn Peter '41! Thomas Hammond Talcott h'5S Daniel Smith Tallman 7ft'81 Augustus L. m'2S Henry n'oS James Henry p 13 Peleg '55 Peleg Tapley m'97 Edward Kent Tappan /*'15 Benjamin '33 Benjamin '22 Daniel Dana 2} 13 Enoch Sawyer '44 Winthrop Tarbell m'3G John Adams jn'68 William Edward Tar box '79 James Cushman Tarr '85 Charles Henry Tash '42 Thomas Taylor m'89 Albert Josiali '33 Charles Collin '76 Charles Sumner ?tt'80 Cyrus Freeland '86 Herbert Lawrence 2) IS James Brainerd '56 James Henry Tebbets w'51 Gilbert Carr '22 Noah Tebbetts ?«'55 George Washington See also Tibbetts Temple »i'62 Josiah Augustus Ten Broeck p 13 Putrus Stuyvesant M'49 William Cutter Tenney '35 Albert Gorham '16 John Searle '56 Samuel William A'61 Sewall Tewksbury '33 George Franklin m"6~ Jacol) Merrill j«'41 Samuel Henry See also Tukesbury Thaeher 'C(i Francis Storer p 13 George p 3 Josiah m'09 Josiah '31 Peter 2} 13 Stephen Thatcher '26 Benjamin Bussey 2) 13 Samuel Thayer m'SG Addison Sanford m'67 Frederick Charles M'95 Harvey Waterman '62 Henry Otis »i'82 Samuel Chase '15 Solomon Theobald '30 Frederic Payson '52 George Harward Thing '78 John Wentworth Thorn ?i'46 Clu'istopher Nathaniel Thomas wi'70 Austin '34 Charles Widgery '31 FIdward Henry '94 Elias, Jr. '85 Eugene '41 George Albert n'58 Henry Goddard m'79 John Glover /t'87 Reuen TO'69 William Wallace p 13 William Widgery '60 William Widgery '94 William Widgery, 2d. Thombs ?rt'80 Samuel Brackett Thomes m'S6 George Ernest ?i"88 Robert Scott Thompson m'74 Alniou Valorous '58 Andrew Jackson w'25 Arthur «'67 Dwinel French ?i'9] Edward Abner '56 Edward William m'S7 Edwin Leander w'51 Elbridge Augustus '55 Emery Puriuton '50 Eugene M'97 Fi-ank Astor w'92 Frederic Lincoln m'89 George '77 George Ladd wi'26 Greenfield Pole 7ft'30 Isaac '60 Jacob Hale ot'59 James Henry p 13 John M'96 John Budd »n'S6 John Fi-anklin '49 Robert Richardson '84 Rodney Irving 2) 13 Samuel '90 Victor Veranus /t'80 Weston '94 William Putnam '75 William Sylvester Thomson ?w'72 Herbert Thorndike m'll Andrew '06 George Thome 7«'31 Jonathan W. Thornton '48 Albert Gookin ?i'13 James Brown '46 James Brown m'85 James Brown fe'60 John Wingate '44 Thomas Gilbert m'28 William Thorp '61 John WaiTeu Thurlow '61 Grenville Mellen Thurston p 13 Benjamin p 13 David p 13 Eli /t'09 John Phillips '41 Richard Bowers '43 Samuel Royal A'46 Stephen INDEX 213 Thwing '80 George p 13 Nathimiel Tibbetts /H.'TS George IJurstow ".)1 Thomas Henry Tibbits 'IS Hichard Henry Se(! also Tebbets Tillson '77 George William Timberlake '70 Davis True Tinker m''Z'Z George Washington Tinkham '5") Jolin Krothingham Titcomb ':>'.) Augustus Haines "()(> Benjamin '55 Charles ?i'58 John Abbott '4;? Joseph m'si Joseph Dinsmorc \W Stephen 'IS William Tobey ?H'79 George Loring m'32 James Sullivan Tobie m'80 Charles Henry m'-lU CliristopherColumlius Todd '54 Charles Frederick '5;! William Henry Tolman '88 Albert Walter '90 George Averill Tompson ?i'4(; Daniel Brewer TO"3;5 Theophihis 'OS William Allen Toomy ?n'40 John Toothaker ?«'71 Charles Lyman Torrey 'S4 Charles Cutler '70 Charles Turner '87 Elliot Bouton to'30 Erastus Chase w'53 Horatio Dudley '84 Joseph Totman n'72 Everett Toward m'47 John Wilson Towle '44 David Ladd '58 George Bacon wj'65 George Henry wj'30 Nathaniel C. m'55 William (Element '81 William Warren Townsend »n'S9 Amos Brown jrt'38 Cliarlcs Kdward '50 ralricU Henry wi'37 Tliomas I'.arnes Tracy m'47 Daniel Storer Trafton to'77 Alonzo Gardiner m'75 Charles Edgar m'55 Clark Cornish »ft'56 Isaac Morrell m'3S Lorenzo D. m'iS Mark Trask '20 George '42 Samuel Tripp 7«'39 Benjamin Harlock »j'34 Leander Smith Trowbridge m'84 Edward Henry True '56 Charles Henry w'45 George Willard '32 Heni-y Aver '75 Hdrace ijcigcr '40 Jolm Know les '45 Josepli Merrill '38 Loring Blanchard to'46 Nathaniel T. Trueman w'S3 Thompson Joseph Trufant '03 Isaiah «'07 Seth Tuck »«'54 Cyrus Dcane Tucker m'72 Edward Martin A'OO Ichabod h'(jS Kichard Holbrook '54 William Packard ?i'35 William Warren Tuell '09 Hiram Tukesbury w'38 Ervin Noyes Tukey '91 Frank Martain Turner p 3 Charles ?t'07 Elbridge York TO'41 George Washington «'54 Henry Kennedy m'52 John Fitz Henry '80 Levi, Jr. '31 Louis '90 Oliver William 7«'70 Walter Lessley Tuttle '80 Charles Whitcomb Twaddle ?7i'77 John Adam m'77 Joseph B(!llis TwitcheU '00 Adelbert Birge m'40 Almon 7«'82 Asa Howard 7re'83 Herbert Francis 7re'50 William Leander Tyler p 13 Benuet Tyng '27 James Higglnson Underbill 7;j'45 Anthony Underwood /t'71 Francis Henry Upham '40 Albert (iallatin /t'4S Alfred ?(.'33 Ciiarles Wood '37 Francis William '4{! George Barnard '01 Joseph Badger m'53 Nathaniel Lord 2) IS Thomas Cogswell m'45 Thomas Lord Upton ?t'70 Arthur Jackson '34 Charles Horace '75 Francis Bobbins ri'80 Joseph Colcord F. Utley m'li James Vail '38 Stephen Montfort Vance '18 James Parker Variell m"M Arthur Davis Varney '02 Almon Lil)by '(>;5 Cyrus Bede n'79 Ellwood Francis 7n'Si) Fred Elbridge n'38 John liandall '87 Leander Brooks Varrell M'97 Harry Maxwell 214 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Vaughan 7t'12 Benjamin p 13 Charles m'll Charles Flenry '15 John Apthorp 9k'80 Philip Henry S. '27 William Manning Verrill '02 Charles Henry '87 Charles Henry w'69 Samuel Ellsworth Vining m'97 Eugene Conrad Virgin '75 Frank Pierce '44 William Wirt Vose '25 m'64 m'47 '55 n'21 '50 7t'76 m'61 '22 m'23 Edward Joseph Edwin Howard Frank Gardiner Chandler George Howe George Howe George Leonard Horace Richard Hampton Sanuiel Vosmus ?n'84 Solomon Addison Wade to'77 Joseph Armour Wadsworth '45 Isaac Newton '60 Marshman Edward Ji'GG Melvin Cutts p 14 Peleg Waite p 14 John AVaitt '76 William Gay Wakefield 9i'40 George Henry Walcott m'61 Henry Pickering Waldo M'lO Francis Waldron »i'39 Charles Crooker '62 Daniel Wingate '43 George Prentice '30 Henry n'55 Richa"rd Albra Walker m'56 Augustus Hall '73 Clarence Marshall m'40 Elijah »n'56 James Edwin »i'65 Jason m'57 John m'il John P>ayley '81 Jolin Edwin nTtC) John Fran(;is '18 Joseph w'55 Joseph '84 Sherman Warren n'53 William Walling m'Sil Justin Adfer WaUis p 14 Hugh Walter 'IS William Bicker Walton m'67 Alfred ft'85 Charles Wesley Ward M'flO Alfred Perley 7?i'31 Ethan A. }«'23 Malthas Augustus ?i'48 Napoleon Oliver ;ft'32 Nathan W^ardwell '85 Charles Henry »«'53 Henry Frost Ware '49 Albert Harris /t'37 Asluir 9('47 Henry Illsley '51 Joseph Ashur Warland /t'06 Owen Warren p 14 Ebenezer Tucker m'4S Francis Greenleaf ?i'83 Prank Smith wi'72 Frank Sumner ?i'62 Henry ?i'97 Henry Stanley TO'29 John ?i'33 John ?7i'53 Joseph Huckins m'96 Mortimer »i'32 Moses Roberts ??i'79 Percy '37 William m'65 William Lamb Wasgatt 7ii'S2 Cecil Ernest W^ashburn '48 Charles Ames '44 Frederic Lockwood '45 Ganem W. n'S-2 John 9?i'33 Lewis n'S3 Robert Charles '54 William Drew Washburne 7t'86 Elihu Benjamin Wasson «'49 David Atwood W^aterhouse m'50 Ai '57 Francis Asbury '73 Prank shepard n'S2 Hiram Thatcher 'ot'30 Isaac Waterman '57 Granville Clifford '85 Jesse Francis '46 John Anderson '84 John Anderson, Jr. '61 Sylvanus Dexter Waters /t'47 Richard Palmer Wathen '92 John Moss Watson '03 Charles Chaplin m'49 James Davis '56 John Pillsbury m'94 Walter Linwood n'Si William Preston AATattles n'iG Henry Starr m'46 William Huntington Watts '89 (Oliver Patterson Way 7«'S2 George Wells Webb '38 Edward '46 Kldwin Bonaparte '53 Francis Everett '90 Henry Wilson 7i'61 Josiaii Blake 7«'63 Melville Emerson 7j'90 Nathan «'85 Richard p 14 William Webber '68 Charles Edgar ?«'95 George Curtis w'79 George Franklin '63 Jacob Brackctt m%7 Richard Norris »i'65 Sewall Henry Webster '66 Charles Edwin '60 Francis Willard '59 George '67 Henry Sewall p 14 Nathaniel ?i'81 Nathaniel Rowe h'm Warren Thaddeus w'62 William Moody ?!'37 William Prentiss Wedgwood m'59 Milton Curtis w'70 Newton John rra'39 Silas Burbank Weeks m'93 Ambrose Herbert '65 Charles 7rt'33 Charles March j«'94 Frank Sherman n'S2 George Granville 9?i'88 George Walter '59 John William 7t'89 Stephen Holmes '90 Walter Irving INDEX 21i Weever m'29 Constantiiie Preston Weil 'SO George Leverett Welch «'32 Francis '45 Milton Weld p 14 Allen Ilaydeu "25 Eugene Weldon wi'84 William Aniasa Wells »('40 Alexander '75 Christopher Henry 2> -20 David Collin 7«'23 Ehenezer '42 George 7i'47 Howard p 17 John Doane p 14 Nathaniel h'SS Samuel '49 Spencer m'S2 Theodore '52 Widter '6S William Tliom WendeU m''lU Abraham •m'7ii Abraliam Guillerino jrt'UfJ Uaniel Arthur Wentworth 7J';55 George Thomas 7«'7G Jacob ISrackett m'TO John Murray m'iiS Stephen Kdward '8G Walter Vinton m'SC) William A^Tescott «i"81 James Bu/.zell vi'iG William West ji'42 Daniel Tracey 7»'23 Eber Weston p 14 Daniel ';!4 Daniel Cony '70 Edward Burbank '39 Edward I'ayson 7rt'7S George Henry '34 George Melville '10 James '40 James Partelow 7t'20 Jonathan D. '43 Joseph Warren h'Ol Nathan '33 Nathan 7?i'54 Samuel Loton '44 Samuel Martin ;('2S William Nelson W^eymouth 7t'(iG Albert IJ lodge tt '31 Aurelius Eangdon m'Si Harry Atwood 7i't)3 Sewall Coflin W^heeler h'iiO ft'OS '76 '47 pl9 '47 '83 »»'71 '74 '56 '74 »rt'58 '44 p 15 «'57 7/i'82 '53 m'76 Amos Dean Charles Charles Gardner Charles Henry Charles N. B. Crosby Howard Edward Francis Francis Nelson Frank Kingsbury George Augustus George Bourne Horace Kenneert /t'15 John '76 John Henry '•22 John Hubbard '45 Nathaniel Gilinau ?i'46 Orlando Henry p 14 Seneca '64 Thomas Herbert 7rt'49 Thomas Joiner '89 \'erdeil (Jberon '71 WallacA! Itowell 7t'84 Wendell Phillips M'n7 William Krye Whi '47 ting Jasper Strong 71 '47 John McMalion «'52 Uobert Edward Ker Whitman '70 Alonzo (Jarcelon '68 Charles Otis /t'43 Ezekiel '69 Harrison Spoflord 7('39 Henry Cuniings /I'lS Levi /t'15 Nathaniel Whitmore '75 Albiim stinson 7;i'-'!'.i (hadbourne Warren '50 (ieorge Sidney 7rt'7.s John Kdward '33 Nathaniel McLellan '54 Nathaniel McLellan '75 Samuel Warren j«'36 Stejihen '75 stei)hen Chalmers '80 Warren Stephen Whitney m'G~ Benjamin Bartlett 7ft'25 Cephas 7»'89 Charles Alvano /i'93 Fred Parker '73 Frederic Kuuenc 7i.'30 George Clinton »ft'56 George Washington '64 Joseph Newell 7/j'30 Lewis Whittemore '5'.) Albert Puriiigton '76 Charles Augustus Whitten '81 Alvin Everett ?«'65 Elisha Merritt Whittier '85 Frank Nathaniel Whittlesey p 14 Eliphalct Widgery '17 John P 14 William Wiggin '77 Henry Dwight Wight m'i'n Daniel Webster 7rt'8'.l Kdward Archer »H"61 Kdward xMavl^erry '40 Kli '64 John Green '62 Marcus «'32 Nahum m'30 Thomas Wilbur m'27 Amos Collins '94 Harry Cooley Wilcomb 7«'ss William Wallace Wilcox '26 Charles Ciitts 77i'72 John Albert 7n'67 Richard Jeflerson W^ilde '19 (ieorge Cobb p 14 John li'\" Samuel Sumner '11 vsilliam Cobb W^ilder p 17 Burt (ireen '72 Harold '93 Henry Merrill 216 BOWDOIN COLLEGE Wiley M'y5 ArUiiir Goodwiu '61 riiilcuthius C. ■Willard '63 Alexander D. M'96 Berlelle Glidtlen ft'15 Samuel Willey '22 Benjamin Glazier Williams m'33 Abiel ?7i'30 Albert ji'47 Albert Newton »t'64 Benjamin M'97 Charles Edward, Jr. 7t'38 Daniel p 14 Ebenezer '45 Francis Fenelon m'Tl Frederick Granville n'65 George Roscoe n'48 Hezekiah '44 Horace n'51 Levi Henry n'77 Marcus Ricliard '69 Oscar Scott 7t'20 Reuel p 14 Thomas u'm Walter '35 William Williamson '56 George Ralph '49 Joseph '88 Joseph, Jr. wi'47 William p 14 William Durkee /i'33 William Foster Willis '51 Henry m'77 John Lemuel Murray ni'25 Levi 7t'67 William W^ilson '19 Adam '76 Bion n'Vi Charles wt'85 Charles Edgar ■Hi'62 Charles Lorin '92 Edward Haven m'89 Frank Albert '54 Franklin Augustus '73 Frederic Arthur m'56 George Hamlin '80 Henry Brown w'24 John McNeil '81 John Wallace '67 Joseph Colburu 7i'50 Thomas ?;t'40 Timothy '80 Virgil Clifton W^inchester m'67 Robert Fulton Wing m'78 Kdward Payson m'79 Ellery May '80 Henry Asa n'56 Isaac Henry m'83 I'eleg Benson /i'84 Preston Bruce »ft'34 Zachariah V. Wingate n'27 George R. D. '90 Harry Cargill '55 John '51 Joseph C. A. p 4 Joshua W^inship ?i'82 Frank Edmund p 3 Josiah Winslow m'39 Aaron W^inter p 14 Francis '80 Frank M'S3 Walter Clarence Winthrop 7i'27 Grenville Temple 7t'49 Robert Charles Wirt 7i'21 William Wise '10 John W^iswell '73 Andrew Peters '41 Arno Witham m'75 Charles Henry ot'60 John Witherbee m'iG John Jameson '46 Samuel Jameson Withington 7t'50 Leonard Wolhaupter «t'62 Uavid Philip W^ood p 14 Abiel '92 Earl Boynton »i'06 Ebenezer ;i'09 Henry '.54 Henry Clay '21 Josepli Abiel jt'63 Nathan Henry w»'32 Robert Williams '29 William '16 Wilmot Woodbury '83 Charles Simeon jt'95 Ernest Rolistou '69 Fitz Allen ?i'64 George Walker ??i'82 Horatio m'54 Levi Jackson m'iS Oliver Addison 7t'70 UoUiston '64 Webster Woodford '34 Edward W^oodhouse ?rt'47 George Walker WoodhuU '27 Richard Woodman '36 Cyrus w'59 Daniel '23 Jabez Cushman '36 Jabez Howard '26 Moses Emery '66 Russell Davis m'35 Theodore Chase '88 Willard Woodbury W^oodruff p 15 Frank Edward Woods '37 George ??i'79 George Lyman '64 John Harrison 7t'66 Leonard 7i'50 Noah Woodside '69 Albert »«'43 Anthony '42 Franklin 7i'62 William Randall Woodward m'29 Ashbel '70 Edwin Cox '44 George Simeon Woodwell '69 William Haskell Wooster ?i'73 Augustus Gustavus Worth. »rt'78 Henry David Worcester »'59 Henry Parker Wormwood M'97 Daniel Lyman Wright ji'66 Albert '64 Alonzo Parsons jrt'31 Benjamin T. '91 Charles Sias m'34 Clark '76 Frank Vernon '84 Henry Mei-rill m'74 Walter Mel vin Wyman '44 Henry Augustus ?j'42 Josepli A. m'2S Robert '38 Robert '25 Seward Yates n'K Edgar Allan Poe m'n Octavius King Yeaton '31 Franklin '56 George Campbell Young m'54 Albert Tillotson m'67 Albion Gustavus m'74 Charles Everett m'65 Edward Stevens '92 Ernest Boyen '45 Joshua '40 Samuel Lane '59 Stephen Jewett '35 Timothy Roberts ■wmn' uiNivj^K«iTy UJ?' UALIFOENIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of r 'L?^^„''°'^™® ^^*®^ *^® 'li'rd day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth dav. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. MAR11I966 30 REC'D L.D MAR 7 -66 -2 PM ^ 50w-7,'16 ..yf" ^'