+B AQA MMS UNIVERSITY FARM THE RUSTS OF AUSTRALIA (UREDINEAE). 438. GALL-FUNGUS DESTROYING GOLDEN WATTLE. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, VICTORIA. THE RUSTS OF AUSTRALIA THEIR STRUCTURE, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. BY r>. Government Vegetable Pathologist. WITH 55 PLATES (INCLUDING 366 FIGURES). BY AUTHORITY : ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. l!To~6 . PREFACE. The Rusts are among the most widespread and destructive of our fungus parasites, and in order to mitigate the injury caused by them as much as possible, it is necessary to know their nature and mode of life. The rust of wheat has naturally received a large share of attention on account of its influence upon one of our staple industries; but it is still only one of a number that require to be studied. Hence, at the several Rust in Wheat Conferences held in the different States, investigations were invariably recommended to be made " regarding all plants that are affected by rust in the different colonies," because it was felt that such a wide outlook was necessary even for understanding properly the history of a single species. The present work, then, which has been in hand for a number of years, aims at recording all rusts, as far as known in Australia at present, and this will prepare the way for a consideration of the best methods of preventing their appearance, or limiting their spread in the numerous commercial crops subject to their ravages. The familiar saying that to know any subject well we must know the details of it, is very applicable in this case. The necessary details are given here to enable one to recognise the different forms the rusts assume, and the different stages through which they generally pass in order to complete their life-history. Besides, there is a special object in view in thus recording and describing the Rust-fungi of Australia, for this can afterwards be used as a basis in working out the life-history of those particular forms which attack our cultivated and economic plants, and often do considerable damage. All the species known to occur in Australia are included, and when proved to be aliens, they are noted as introduced in the index. Every species of which specimens are available is also figured in its essential parts, so that there may be no doubt as to the form intended. In this I have been ably aided by my assistant, Mr. G. H. Robinson, who has supplied the numerous photomicrographs reproduced here, which give such a vivid representation of the peculiar and distinguishing characters of the spores. A number of drawings have likewise been executed by Mr. C. C. Brittlebank, who has had considerable experience in drawing from microscopic preparations. The principal works consulted, or referred to, are given in the Bibliography at the end, and those wishing for fuller references, will find them in Klebah'n's Die wirtswechselnden Rostpihe [The Heteroecious Rusts], 1904. This will give a good idea of what has already been done in the investigation of the rust's, but no one can fail to appreciate the work accomplished by that veteran mycologist, Dr. Cooke, in his 3 VI Handbook of Australian Fungi. When one considers that the material had to be sent such long distances, and often limited in quantity, as well as imperfectly preserved, it is surprising the number of rusts recorded, and the general accuracy of the descriptions. It is a matter within my personal experience, that in order to do justice to the rusts, it is necessary to have plenty of material and to have it fresh, and there is always a decided advantage in collecting your own specimens. The Australian rusts recorded in the Handbook published in 1892 were 72, and the number now has reached 161. To all those who have contributed specimens, my best thanks are due. The late Mr. Luehmann, F.L.S., Government Botanist of Victoria, allowed me free access to the specimens in the National Herbarium and Mr. Bailey, F.L.S., the Government Botanist of Queensland, who has done so much in every division of botany, always willingly aided me with specimens or information; the Government Botanist of New South Wales, Mr. Maiden, F.L.S., as well as R. T. Baker, F.L.S., of the Technological Museum, and A. G. Hamilton also supplied me with any material required from the sister State, as well as Dr. Morrison, of Western Australia, and Mr. Rod way, F.L.S., of Tasmania. Messrs. Molineux and Quinn, of South Australia, have also contributed, and Mr. J. G. O. Tepper, F.L.S., has generously supplied me with numerous, and often type specimens from his extensive collection. My colleague, Mr. French, F.L.S., Government Entomologist, and his assistant, Mr. C. French, junior, never lost an opportunity of securing specimens in their frequent collecting trips; and Messrs. Reader and Musson have added new species to the list. I have also to acknowledge the courtesy of the Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew, in supplying me with any specimens required for verification or illustration. Xo one is more conscious than myself of how much yet remains to be done before the Rusts of Australia are thoroughly understood, but the present work will at least lighten the labours of those who desire to increase that knowledge, and by the combined efforts of various workers in this promising field, their true nature and life-history may be so- revealed that the ravages due to them, in a congenial climate such as ours, may be reduced to a minimum. Melbourne, March, 1906. CONTENTS. PART FIRST. CHAPTER. VACiE I. Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 II. Vegetative Organs Mycelium ... ... ... ... ... 3 III. Reproductive Organs Spores ... ... ... ... ... 7 IV. Spermogonia and Spermatia ... ... ... ... ... 13 V. Aecidia and Aecidiospores ... ... ... ... ... 16 VI. Uredospores ... ... ... 19 VII. Teleutospores ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 VIII. Mesospores and Amphispores ... ... ... ... ... 25 IX. Sporidiola or Promycelial Spores ... ... ... ... 27 X. Paraphyses and their Function ... ... ... ... ... 29 XI. Origin of the Principal Spore-forms ... ... ... ... 31 XII. Rusts in their relation to other Fungi ... ... ... ... 40 XIII. Indigenous and Introduced Species ... ... ... ... 42 XIV. Indigenous Species with their Hosts ... ... ... ... 45 XV. Australian Distribution ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 XVI. Origin and Specialisation of Parasitism ... ... ... ... 52 XVII. Heteroecism and its Origin ... ... ... ... ... 55 XVIII. Predisposition ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 XIX. The present position of the Rust in Wheat question in Australia ... 64 PART SECOND. XX. Classification with special reference to Biologic forms ... ... 79 XXI. Systematic Arrangement and Technical Descriptions Uromyces ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 84 Uromycladium ... ... ... ... ... .. 104 Puccinia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 112 Phragmidium ... .. ... ... ... ... 185 Cronartium ... ... ... ... ... ... 189 Melampsora ... ... ... ... .. 191 Caeoma ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 193 Aecidium ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 194 Uredo 202 Excluded or Doubtful Species ... ... ... ... 207 Glossary of the principal scienti lie terms used ... ... ... 211 Literature consulted ... ... ... ... ... ... 213 Explanation of Plates ... ... ... ... ... 222 Host Index with Rusts ... ... ... ... ... 329 Fungus Index with Sy 110113-1118 and Hosts .. ... .. 337 General Index . ... 343 PART FIRST. GENERAL CHARACTERS AND MODE OF LIFE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. . The Uredineae, or rusts, constitute one of the most important groups of parasitic fungi, and their ravages are known wherever plants are cultivated. The cereals and grasses of our fields, the fruit trees of our orchards, even the ornamental plants of our gardens, and many of our forest trees are attacked by members of this family, and their study is not only interesting from the point of view of the scientist, but from that of every grower of plants for pleasure or for profit. Rusts are usually so conspicuous that they attract the attention of even the ordinary observer, and they have been known and recognised even from the earliest times, particularly from their blighting effects on the wheat and corn crops. Although so long known as regards their naked-eye characters, and the effects they produce, their structure and life-history have only been understood within comparatively recent times, and even now there are many points concerning them which await investigation. Their structure essentially consists of an inconspicuous mycelium bearing the usually conspicuous spores, and while this vegetative mycelium is generally similar throughout the group, the spores produced by it are very dissimilar. The general study of this group will therefore mainly resolve itself into a knowledge of "the different spore forms, and their relation to each other, either on the same plant or on different plants. The finishing spore or teleutospore may be regarded as the ultimate stage of the Uredineae, and which, after usually resting for a period, long or short, germinates by putting forth a germ-tube, which bears, in turn, another kind of spore. The germ-tube is known as the pro-mycelium, and the spore as the promycelial spore, or sporidiolum, so that if the latter is regarded as the starting point, the teleutospore will constitute the finish. Between these two forms there may be various intermediate stages, and the series may consist of the following: 1. The sporidiolum, when it produces its germ-tube, enters the tissues of the host-plant, and may either produce from its myoelium teleutospores similar ,to those from which it originated ; or 2. It may give rise to uredospores at first, and subsequently teleutospore; or 3. It may produce aecidio spores, uredospores, and teleuto spores in succession, the aecidio spores being generally preceded or accompanied by a peculiar form of spore, known as a spermatium. Hence the complete series of spore-forms will be spermatium, aecidiospore. uredospore, teleutospore, and sporidiolum, although between the initial sporidiolum and the final teleutospore, one or more of the above may be suppressed or omitted in the life-cycle. 2 Introduction. This succession of spore-forms may be represented graphically by the following diagrams: Sporidiolum Sporidioluni Teleutonport L 4- Aecidlospore \^+J Uredospore Fio. 1. Sporidiolut Teleutospore "V 7* Aecidiospore ^-^T^ Teleutospore -*^ f* Uredospore Teleutospore Fio. a FIG. 4. The first shows the complete cycle of development in which all the spore-forms follow each other in invariable order, and this is the most common form. In the second the uredospore is suppressed, and the number of species undergoing this contracted cycle is much reduced. In the third the aecidiospore is wanting, and the number of forms is still further reduced. And in the fourth the cycle of development is reduced to its lowest limits, a direct succession of teleutospores occurs, and the number of species, instead of reaching a minimum, probably ranks next to those with a complete development. The spermatia succeed the sporidiola, and a.re generally present in the life-cycle, but they do not enter into the general development. Besides these regular forms, there are others which are generally re- garded as representing either stages in the life-history of imperfectly known species or degraded forms of which only the uredospores or aecidiospores are known. The subject, therefore, naturally divides itself into a consideration of the vegetative organs or mycelium and the various reproductive bodies or spores enumerated above, together with the structures accompanying them. The life-history of each form, as far as known, will ibe briefly sketched ; but this has still to be investigated in most of the recorded species. Vegetative Organs. CHAPTER II. VEGETATIVE ORGANS MYCELIUM. The vegetative portion of many fungi is very inconspicuous as com- pared with the reproductive, but its importance is not to be measured by its size or extent, rather by the part it plays in the life of the organism ; and since it is the foundation of the whole, it' is worthy of the most careful study. Of late years, however, this part has come into special prominence, particularly in the case of the cereal rusts, for it has been asserted that it is not always by external infection that the rust begins its career in the growing plant, but that in some cases it originates from within, and this theory will engage our attention later on. Meanwhile this is referred to to show that the key to the propagation of the rusts from year to year may be not only on the surface, among the special reproductive bodies which spread it throughout the growing season, but also in the interior among the cells where the first beginnings of its life may appear. Among the recent investigations on the mycelium, there are two which *tand out on account of their completeness, owing to the use of the most modern histological methods the one by Professor Marshall Ward 9 on the Histology of Uredo dispersa Eriks, and the Mycoplasm hypothesis, and the other by Professor Eriksson 14> 15 on Das vegetative Leben der Getretderost- pihe [The Vegetative Life of the Cereal Rusts]. The study of an indivi- dual case will prepare us for the more general examination of the mycelium throughout the rusts, and we will begin with that of Puccinia dispersa Eriks., or, strictly speaking, P. bromina Eriks., which Ward has so thoroughly dealt with and illustrated with such admirable clearness. Starting with the germination of the uredospore on the surface of the leaf, which usually occurs within twenty-four hours, we find that the young germ-tube grows rapidly, and that the nucleus of the spore passes into it ; sometimes, however, two or more nuclei may appear in it. The tip of the tube begins to swell over a breathing pore or stoma into a thin vesicle, and the contents derived from the spore accumulate here. This external vesicle or appressorium, as it is called, is the first stage in inoculation from the outside, for a thin process is passed through the opening of the stoma, and swells inside into another vesicle. The proto- plasmic contents are transferred from the external to the internal vesicle, and so the future growth takes place among the tissues of the leaf. At one or more points this inmer swelling forms a delicate tube, into which the protoplasm is again transferred, and its nucleus soon divides. This is the first-formed hypha, and the foundation of the vegetative system. It soon branches and develops cross partitions or septa, and extends rapidly among the cells of the host-plant to form the mycelium. Even at an early stage, when the primary hypha is still unbranched and unseptate, suckers or liaiistoria may be formed to provide a large imbibing surface for the fungus. The haustorium begins as a small delicate process or projection from the hypha, and this pierces the cell-wall and swells up into a minute spherical head, which is provided with a nucleus. Shortly after entering the cell this head takes on an irregular growth, and may assume a variety of shapes. The mycelium now becomes denser towards the surface, and prepares for the production of the reproductive bodies or spores. This constitutes the history of the mycelium from the time it starts as a germ-tube until it reaches its full development. Vegetative Organs. with an a^ed mternal germ of disease, which he considers in certain cases to be a source of rust, in addition to the ordinary infection by spores. It is often stated that this rust passes the winter as mycelium n such leaves as are attacked in late autumn, and which persists till the following spring; but the examination of hundreds of sections of leaves taken from rusty plants, although not rusty at the place chosen for section. failed to reveal the presence of such a mycelium dormant in the tissues. It may be taken for panted, then, that there is no mycelium to start with, and it will be interesting to follow Eriksson's theory as to the manner in which the mycelium arises afresh in the tissues IB certain cells of the autumn and spring leaves a peculiar thick plasma is found, containing a distinct nucleus, and this Eriksson considers to be, not the ordinary pro- toplasm of the cell, but a mixture of it, with the earliest vegetative form of the fungus. This intimate mixture or symbiosis, or living together ot the ordinary protoplasm of the host and that of the fungus he distinguishes as mycoplasm. This mycoplasm is stated to occur only in certain cells which favours the assumption that it is not a necessary constituent of the cell. The next step and the youngest stage of mycelial formation, according to Eriksson, is the presence .of a plasma in the intercellular spaces, which is partly in the form of growing filaments, partly as irregular masses. There are no septa, and no distinctly recognizable nucleus, and even a dis- tinct wall is not formed. The primary stage is quickly followed by a secondary stage, in which the only visible advance is a very distinct nucleus. These two stages are very sharply marked off from the normal mycelium, both by their plasmodia-like nature and the absence of transverse septa, and for distinction the special name of protomycelium is given. Eriksson has no doubt that the intracellular mycoplasm and the inter- cellular protomyctlium are genetically connected, but this, which is a necessary link in the chain of evidence, requires to be further investigated. (Note i, p. 74.) The formation of haustoria is the next) process, and consists in a small straight prolongation of the protomycelium passing into the interior of the cell, and at the apex forming a globular swelling, probably containing a nucleus. Soon the whole forms a sac-like irregular organ, which may become detached from the protomycelium. These detached bodies in the cell were mistaken by Eriksson for a preliminary stage in the formation of hyphae, and called "special corpuscles," but Ward pointed out their true nature, and that they really had been formed by, instead of giving rise to the hyphae, a correction which Eriksson himself has acknowledged. The haustoria are often found closely adjoining the nucleus, which thereby degenerates, and simultaneously with the shrinking of the nucleus, and soon after the first entrance of the haustoria, trans- verse septa begin to be formed in the protomycelium. In most of the cells thus formed several nuclei are contained, and the stage is now reached where a true mycelium is present, composed of hyphae. This multiplication of the cells of the fungus is a sign of advancing maturity. By continued division a true pseudo-parenchyma is formed, and at certain spots, where the cells appear to be particularly rich in food- material, a kind of hymenium arises, from which ultimately the spores are detached. Where spores are being formed, there the complete destruc- tion of the cells of the host-plant occurs, and now the vegetative life of the fungus is ended, and the reproductive phase is entered upon. Vegetative Organs. 5 Perennial Mycelium. In contrast to the localized mycelium, there may- be a mycelium with unlimited growth which does not confine itself to par- ticular spots, but may permeate entire shoots, or evem the whole plant. This is known as a perennial mycelium, and wherever it occurs the fungus may reappear on the same plant year after year without the necessity for reinfection by means of spores. This vegetative reproduction through a perennial mycelium is not always easy to prove, but its importance cannot be overrated, for hidden in the tissues of the plant it cannot be reached by the ordinary means for con- trolling the growth and spread of fungi, but involves the destruction of the plant, or at least of those parts which harbour it. As Australian ex- amples, we may note Uromyces trifolii, which attacks the white clover (Trifolium repens) and Phragmidium subcorticium or rose-rust, in which the mycelium of the aecidial stage penetrates all the tissues, an3 in each succeeding year forms a new layer beneath the old. Uromycladium notabile and U. tepperianum occurring on species of Acacia are further examples, for the mycelium gives rise to large galls, which persist from year to year and produce spores. Even although the host-plant is an annual, and dies down every year, it is still possible for the mycelium to be perennial, for it may be carried over winter in the seed, as in the case of Uromyces euphorbiae, according to Carleton 3 . Witches'-brooms. It is not unusual among the forest trees and shrubs of Europe to find shoots very much deformed and distorted, and looking at a distance like large birds' nests or brooms, and to these the popular name of witches '-brooms has been given. These peculiar and diseased conditions were difficult to account for, and so the idea may have originated with superstitious people that the trees were bewitched, in order that the witches might be provided with brooms for their midnight rides, hence the name. But the true cause is seen when the matter is investigated in the light of our present knowledge, and parasitic fungi a/re often found to be respon- sible for the strange transformations of the normal shoots into the dense twiggy, irregular tufts met with. This may also be produced by other means, such as gall-mites, but a very striking case and the first recorded instance in Australia is thalt of the rust-fungus, Cronartium jacksoniae, which deforms the shoots of various leguminous plants as shown in Pis. XXXVII., XXXVIII. Uromycladium tepperianuni also produces this peculiar appearance on Acacias as shown in PL XLII. The perennial mycelium in the shoots stimulates a number of buds to abnormal growth, quite different from the ordinary, and the result is seen in the numerous densely crowded and considerably altered shoots as com- pared with the normal. They are also thickly studded with the ruddy brown columns of teleutospores, in the case of Cronartium, which stand out like so many curved or straight, stiff bristles, towards the ends of the shoots, which are gradually being destroyed. Next year the mycelium will grow into the young shoots and produce the same result. Formation of Galls. It is well known that the mycelium of fungi exer- cises a stimulating effect upon growth, and not only causes the cells to grow larger and divide more frequently than usual, and the chlorophyll to dis- appear, but it may alter the character of the tissues. When an insect pierces the young and living tissue of a plant with its proboscis or ovipositor. it often causes the cells immediately surrounding it to grow and divide more rapidly than elsewhere, so that a swelling of the tissue occurs, which is known as a gall. So among the rusts there are instances where the stimu- lation of growth occurs in a marked degree, and if a vegetable gall be 6 Vegetative Organs. considered as a morbid enlargement of the affected part of the plant, due to ; agency (Connold 1 ), then there need be no hesitation in calling those structures galls. Perhaps the most striking illustration of a gall is seen in Uromy- dadium tepperianum. In the neighbourhood of Melbourne hedges of Kan- garoo Acacias (A., armata} are being gradually and completely destroyed by the ravages of this fungus, which resemble on a superficial view large galls caused by insects. Most of the branches, including the phyllodes, are infested with the chocolate-brown swellings, which may be in the form of a succession of small excrescences about the size of peas, or collected into large clumps about the size of walnuts, and measuring 4 cm. across. In some cases they are solid round knobs, and the external appearance is due to the dense covering of the chocolate -brown teleutospores. One of the lar- gest was met with at Myrniong on Acacia implexa of an irregular leg-of- mutton shape and weighing about 3 Ib. (PI. XLI). On A. pycnantha, or Golden Wattle, the galls are as large as potatoes, and in some of the wattle plantations, where the trees are cultivated for tlv-ir bark, they hang in large numbers from the branches like so many fruits, and numbers of the trees are either dying or dead. The swellings are primarily caused by the fungus, and then various insect larvae may ultimately invade them, boring and tunnelling through them. In A. implexa the swellings may run along the whole length of the elongated phyllodes, and in A. salicina there is an all-round swelling of the branches, and the periderm is ultimately ruptured. Magnus 3 found the galls to be per- meated by an intercellular mycelium, which was multiseptate with numerous and somewhat branched haustoria. Some very large galls were also found on the Black Wattle (A. decur- rens} and Silver Wattle (A. dealbata} either surrounding or terminating the branches, and caused by U. notabile. Some measured 4-5 inches across, and 3-4 inches was not uncommon, while one of the largest weighed is cz.' The i>eculiar gall-like swellings caused by Gymno sporangium may be mentioned, the mycelium of which is perennial in the various species of Juniper, and from their appearance are popularly known as " cedar [ in America. It may be an annual gall only bearing the teleuto- spores for one season, or a perennial gall, producing- successive crops of teleutospore:? year after year, and not requiring the transfer of the spores each Localr.cd M ycdhtm. The localized mycelium may likewise produce conspicuous swellings, particularly on the stem and midrib of the leaves Thus, that of Aecidinm urticae causes hard curved thick swellings of con- siderable extent, and such a development of starch takes place in some Jimalayan species of nettle attacked by this fungus that the natives eat the overgrown and hypertrophied stems for food. In other cases the affected tissues may be so stimulated bv the localized mycelium as to cause their death Thus almond leaves have been found , riddled w.th "shot-hole." due to the mvcelium of Pucdnia prum Pers just as P. malvacearum may also destroy a circumscribed . and falls Out, e mycelium, whether localized or perennial, is always beneath the surface of the plant and formed within the living tissues. It 's delicate in texture. l,ke all mternal mvcelia, and branches to form a regular Vet work ultimately forming compact cushions or spore-beds. It can often be traced from a ungle point of infection, whence it radiates all round and spreads, gathering matem! for the fresh production of spores Re-productive Organs. CHAPTER III. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS SPORES. A detailed account of the different spore-forms will be given in the sys- tematic part in connexion with the vairious species ; but it will be convenient here to take a preliminary view of some of the more essential general features, such as distribution, germination, and infection, suppression or omission, and repetition of spore-forms. DISTRIBUTION. The most important means of distribution of the rust-spores, as for fungus spores generally, is the wind. They are usually exposed on longer or shorter stalks, often powdery, and their immense numbers and lightness all render them easily detached, and spread by the slightest breath of wind. That the wind is an important factor in the distribution of rust-spores is strikingly shown in an example given by Halsted 1 . The asparagus rust (Puccinia asparagi, DC.) was very bad, but in one field the plants had been cut over, and the rusty brush removed in order that the new growth might escape. On examining this field about five weeks afterwards, he found that the rust showed only on one side of the green plants, and that was the side exposed to an old and very badly rusted! asparagus bed. That this was the source of infection was obvious from the fact that a house with a few trees around it intercepted a portion of this field, and there was less rust upon that portion of the new bed in line with the house. The dust-storms which occur will also be a fruitful source of spreading them, and in our northern areas where the dust is sometimes carried in such quantities as to obliterate fences, it can easily be understood how even in virgin soil the spores of wheat rust may be found. The rain will also help to scatter them, particularly over individual plants, and on the surface of the soil, for it is a common observation how rusty plants are cleared after a heavy shower. Insects as well as other animals serve the same purpose. I have often observed the larvae of a species of Cecidomyia feeding on uredo and aecidio-spores, and at the same time spreading them while crawling along. Lindroth 1 has observed in Finland the occurrence of these larvae on no less than sixty-one species of rusts, and similar larvae have been found feed- ing on the conidia of various species of Oidium (Salmon 1 ). In some pot experiments with wheat, I found the larvae associated with the Oidium of E. graminis, and feeding on the conidia. At first sight it might seem as if this devouring of the spores would tend to reduce the fungus, but the wholesale way in which the spores are carried about more than counter- balances any decrease from this cause. GERMINATION. As a rule, uredo and aecidio-spores germinate easily in a damp chamber, and I have found the method recommended by Plowright to be very con- venient. A gardener's propagating glass is used, placed on a plate of water, and a simple stand is made with two flat oblong pieces of gutta- percha. Holes are easily bored in them, and glass rods placed parallel !>ehveen them, so that the microscopic slides may be laid across the rods. g Reproductive Organs. The influence of various chemical substances on germination has been in - vesLate^ and t has been found that some substances, such as solutions of su g gar and nitrate solutions, hasten germination ; but for general purposes water alone is all that is necessary. Sometimes, however the spores will germinate and infect the leaves of the host-plant, although they may nol d Freema^'found this to be the case in dealing with the uredo-spores of Puccinia bromina, and concludes that the negative results in distilled water tests are not always an indication that the spores are incapable of germination. The temperature seems to exercise an important influence^ Eriksson found that in many cases the spores germinated more freely if previously exposed to a temperature of o deg. C. or under and Marshall Ward that the uredospores of P. bromina were not injured by being ex- posed' to a temperature of - 5 deg. C. for ten minutes while the same tem- perature continued for four to five hours killed them. Heat or cold, drought or damp, age and ripeness, are all factors of importance in germination. DURATION OF GERMINATING POWER. How long do the spores retain their germinating power is an important question to settle; but not many definite determinations have been made. De Bary states that the uredospores of P. gramims, kept dry, lose their germinating power in one to two months. Marshall Ward found that (the uredospores of P. bromina preserved dry for sixty-one days retained their germinating power ; but it was feeble. Barclay found certain uredospores still capable of germination after from two to eight months, the leaves on which they occurred being kept dry. 'it is a question of great scientific interest in connexion with rust in wheat if the uredospores can retain their germinating power during the winter. The results vary, ajs might be expected, according to the condi- tions prevailing at the time. In contrast to De Bary's results, Eriksson found that the uredospores of P. graminis lost their germinating power during the winter if kept in the open, but retained it if kept inside. Hitchcock and Carleton 1 , however, collected fresh uredospores from growing plants of P. rubigo-vera at various times during the winter, and found them capable of germination. In our comparatively mild winters the uredospores retain their power of germination, and this seems to be the means whereby the fungus is continued from season to season. I have had freshly gathered uredospores of P. graminis from growing wheat and oats, and P. triticina from wheat germinating freely in water in winter (June to August). The uredospores can germinate at once, and directly infect the host-plant, or they can act as resting spores for a time, and freely infect the next season's growth, under the climatic conditions which prevail here. The germination of teleutospores takes place ait different periods, ac- cording to the nature of the species. They may either germinate imme- diately on reaching maturity, or, as is the case in the majority of heteroecious lusts, only after undergoing a period of rest in the old world usually in the winter, but here, as no doubt sometimes elsewhere, the period of rest is often partly in the summer, when drought checks growth as effectively as the cold of a European winter. Eriksson 10 has shown that the teleutospores of P. graminis, with few exceptions, only germinate in the spring following their formation, and only then if kept in the open during the winter. He kept spores in the herbarium for one or two winters, and then on exposing them for another winter, he found that they germinated, but this was exceptional. Reproductive Organs. 9 In other species there is considerable variation. According to Woronin 1 , the teleutospores of P. helianthi germinated equally well when kept dry in a room, or when taken from the leaves of a plant which had been under the snow all winter; and Carleton 3 found them to germinate even without a resting period. After wintering, Eriksson found that the teleutospores of P. graminis could retain their germinating power even to the beginning of autumn September in Sweden. In Victoria the germination of the teleutospores of P. graminis has been tested for several seasons, and it is found that after a period of rest ex- tending over about eight months, and including the usually hot and dry summer, they begin to germinate in our spring (September), and if the weather conditions are favourable, may retain their germinating power until November. Rusted straw has been kept outside exposed to the weather, and in a room, but no germination took place outside of the above months. When spores have once begun to germinate it is a mistake to suppose that they will all germinate at the same time, for there is a certain irregularity about germination in the open which causes the period of ger- mination to be considerably extended. INFECTION. The mode of infection usually varies in different classes of spores. The germ tube of the uredospore or aecidiospore generally enters by the stomata into the tissues of the host-plant, while that of the sporidiolum bores through the epidermis direct, and this difference in the mode of infection influences the stage at which it occurs in the development of the host-plant. The sporidiola are, as a rule, only able to infect young and tender portions of the plant; but the uredospores and aecidiospores can evidently attack old and fully developed organs. Further, since the germ -tube of the sporidiolum) in piercing the epider- mal cells must dissolve the wall at the spot where it enters, there is evidently a reciprocal influence exerted between the parasite and its host; but even in the case of the uredospores and aecidiospores, where an entrance is effected through the stomata, there also exists some mutual relation, for it is only in certain hosts that the parasite can grow and develop. This relation will be more fully dealt with when the origin of para- sitism is considered, but meanwhile the fact may be emphasized, that the mere entrance of the germ-tube through the stoma does not constitute infection. Miss Gibson 1 carried out infection experiments with uredo- spores and aecidiospores of various rusts on a number of plants other than the original hosts, and she found that while the germ-tube may enter the stoma freely, yet, once inside, death ensues sooner or later, and in no single instance was a haustorium formed. The fungus was unable to penetrate the cells of the foreign host-plant, and so died of starvation. The period which elapses between the entrance of the germ-tube into the host-plant and the appearance of the result is known as the incubation period. During this time the germ-tube grows and ramifies among the tissues, abstracting nourishment from the cells by means of haustoria, and finally proceeds to the formation of fresh spores. The first visible trace of this does not generally appear before eight days, but, according to the nature of the fungus, it may take much longer. Schimper, in his 1 masterly work on Plant Geography, begins with the statement " No factor affecting plant life is so thoroughly clear as the influence of water," and even^ for parasitic fungi this factor is of prime importance. Smith l has determined the water relation for Pucdnia on asparagus, and probably the same prin- ciple applies in a general way to other rusts. From a study of the direct JO Reproductive Organs. relation or the effect of atmospheric moisture upon the spores or mycelium it has been shown that dew is absolutely necessary for infection, and of more importance .than rain, and, in fact, that without dew there can be no infection. Further, that the effects of atmospheric dryness not only influence spore germination, but also spore production, and the aecidial .and uredo stages art checked thereby, but if the mycelium is not completely destroyed, the teleuto stage may appear independently of conditions u favorable to the others. The indirect relation of water or the effect of soil moisture, which acts upon the parasite through ifts host, has also been studied and shown to be of great importance. An abundance or sojl moisture at the growing season, in the case of asparagus rust m California, is stated to increase the vigour and vitality of the host, and retard the development of the fungus. That the growth of the fungus is retarded by increased vitality of the host scarcely agrees with Marshall Ward s- conclusions in regard to brome rust (Chap. XVIII.)- That the weather exercises a commanding influence in hastening the development ? of rust in wheat is abundantly shown by its rapid spread in hot " muggy weather, especially when accompanied by heavy dews. Irrigation before ploughing gives the wheat a good start, but if applied in the spring it makes the wheat soft and very liable to rust, a case in which great vigor of growth of the host is followed by a strong development of the rust. While the ordinary mode of infection is as stated above, exceptions may occur. Thus, according to De Bary, the germ-tube of the sporidiolum of Puccinia dianthi (P. arenariae} may enter by the stomata, and Bolley 4 gives illustrations to show that the germ-tube of the uredospores of P. triticina may enter direct through the epidermal cells as well as by the stomata. SUPPRESSION OR OMISSION OF SPORE-FORMS. As already pointed out in the Introduction, the complete cycle of develop- ment follows an invariable order. The germinating teleutospore gives rise to sporidiola, from the mycelium of which arises the spermogonia and aecidia ; later the uredospores appear, and finally the teleutospores complete the cycle. The aecidio, uredo, and teleutospore forms are represented respectively for convenience by the Roman numerals I. II., III., and if the sporidioia arising from the teleutospore are designated by IV., and spermogonia by a cypher, then it will be comparatively easy to represent the different stages 'diagramatically. A complete cycle of development will be repre- sented thus O., I., II., III., IV. The teleutospore with its sporidiola is believed to be a constant factor in the cycle, although .there are various rusts in which it has not yet been found, so that I. or II., or both, may be omitted or suppressed, as well as O, \\hirh, however, is rarely absent. The germinating sporidiolum produces a myo'lium which may in turn give rise to spermogonia and aecidia. These may either occur on the same species of host-plant as that which Dears the teleuto- spore, and the rust is thus said to be autoecious, or they may occur on a totally different plant when the rust is said to be heteroecious/The aecidio- spore on germinating may skip the uredo stage, and directly produce the teleutospore, and thus the cycle is shortened. There are numerous examples of this in Australian forms, among which may be mentioned the rust on the marigold (P. calendulae), and that on the daisy (P. distincta). This variation in the alternation of spore-farms has been used by Schroeter as a basis of grouping, and although these biological sections by no means indicate close affinity, yet they conveniently group together forms \\hirh luuv similar associated stages. Taking the genus Puccinia as an Reproductive Organs. n example and it applies to other genera as well the complete cycle is designated Eu-puccinia, and represented diagramatically as O., I. II III., IV. Then the stage in which the uredo does not appear is known as Pucciniopsis, and represented by O., I., III., IV. Again, the germinat- ing sporidiolum may produce a mycelium which bears spermogonia and ure- dospores, thus skipping the aecidial stage. This stage is called Brachy- puccinia, and represented by, O., II., III., IV., or the spermogonia may like- wise be suppressed when practically only half of the cycle is retained, and it is known as Hemi-puccinia, represented by II., III., IV. This is a stage which is probably based upon imperfect observation, and the presumed absence of the spermogonia. Further, the germinating sporidiolum may skip the aecidial and uredo-stage and produce the teleutospore direct, with its accompanying spermogonium. This is known as Lepto-puccinia when the teleutospore germinates immediately, and Micro-puccinia when it undergoes a period of rest. lit' would be represented diagramatically as O. III., IV. As might be anticipated, the greatest number of species have a complete life cycle, and next to that come probably- those species in which the life cycle is reduced to its lowest limits, thus showing that the aecidial and uredo generations may be dispensed with. In the former case (there is, as it were, a succession of forms adapted to the varying seasons, well fitted to meet any sudden changes, and living upon the same, or having a change of host-plant as may be found most convenient, while in the latter the change consists not in the variety of spore-forms, but in having a general purpose spore, which can either germinate upon the living plant as soon as it reaches maturity or undergo a period of rest in ithe decayed organic matter before producing sporidiola. Hollyrock rust, or Puccima malv ace arum, is a good illustration of a single-spored form adapting itself to the most varied con- ditions, and making its way in the world. The complete scheme for grouping Puccinias, according to the alterna- tion of their spore-forms, is as follows: Eu-puccinia, O., I., II., III., IV. Pucciniopsis, O., I., III., IV. Brachy-puccinia, O., II., III., IV. Hemi-puccinia, II., III., IV. Lepto-puccinia, O., III., IV. (Teleutospores germinating imme- diately). Micro-puccinia, O., III., IV. (Teleutospores germinating after a period of rest). REPETITION OF SPORE-FORMS. In connexion with the suppression or omission of spore- forms, we may also consider the repetition of spore-forms, because it would appear that in many instances the suppression is brought about or initiated by one of the spore-forms being able to repeat itself in the course of the cycle, and thus making up for the loss of one member of it. It is the doctrine of substitution in another form. This will be more conveniently dealt with when treating specially of the aecidio and uredo spores, where it will be seen that when the uredo generation is suppressed or omitted, the aecidio- spores often repeat themselves, and when the aecidial generation is omitted the uredospores repeat themselves. INVESTIGATION OF SPORES. . Th.? microscopic investigation of rust spores is comparatively easy, although k requires careful observation with regard to their minute details. 12 Reproductive Organs. If the loose spores are examined as to their individual structure, whether aecidio uredo or teleutospores, it is simply necessary to mount them direct, and 1 lind the most convenient mounting medium to be glycerine and water in equal proportions. For permanent preparations glycerine jelly may be preferable; but for the rapid examination of material the above serves very well, and where desirable the mount can be preserved. The surface markings of the spores are often obscured in mounting, and have sometimes been overlooked by otherwise good observers. As a general rule, they are best seen in the dry condition and without any special pre- paration, but they are usually also seen in glycerine and water, especially if examined when freshly mounted. The number and position of the germ-pores require to be carefully studied, since they are often of specific value, and there are various re*- agents which show them up with great clearness. Among these, I have successfully used lactic acid and Bismarck brown. A 50 per cent, solution of lactic acid was used as a mounting medium, then the spores were added, and the slide was heated over a spirit-lamp just until the liquid reached the boiling point. Sometimes it is necessary to boil for a little in order to get the best results, taking care, not to burst the spores, but as a rule bringing it to the boil is sufficient. After the preparation has cooled, the cover-slip is placed over it. Some, use a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and alcohol for mounting the spores before adding the acid. Boiling in lactic acid not only drives out the air and makes the, spores more transparent, but it swells them to their normal shape and size, and not only brings out the germ-pores, but the surface markings as well. Por pale-coloured spores or spores which have partially lost their colour through age, I have found nothing to surpass Bismarck brown. The clear germ-pores show up well against the brown stain. The spores are simply laid in the smallest possible amount of water or water and glycerine on a slide, then thoroughly separated by stirring with a needle. Sufficient of the stain is next applied, covered, and after gentle boiling the spores are ready to be examined. It stains quickly, but does not overstain, and is fairly permanent. Soaking hard tissues for twenty-four hours in a solution of caustic potash or caustic soda softens them wonderfully, and mounts made from minute pieces of the material thus treated are often extraordinarily beauti- ful, and the relation of the parts to one another is preserved in a surpris- ing manner. Though soaking for several days nearly always destroys the colour of the spores, yet details may sometimes be distinguished with a certainty not obtainable by any other method. For determining the average size and shape of the spores I know nothing better than photography. Numbers of spores are photooraphed ier, and the general shape can be determined by comparison while size is deduced from the exact measurement of individuals in large In this way the average size has been obtained for the teleu/to- res chiefly, of all the species accessible for observation. At the same ge number were measured direct by an eye-piece micrometer and I the results compared. All the microscopic investigations were irade Spermogonia and Spermatia. CHAPTER IV. SPERMOGONIA AND SPERMATIA. The spermogonium, sometimes called pycnidium, is a small punctiform body, hemispherical to flask-shaped, produced beneath the epidermis or cuticle, and ultimately the narrow neck bursts through in order to allow the contents to escape into the air. The narrow opening is generally sur- rounded by a brush of sterile projecting stiff hyphae, the so-called para- physes, and in the interior of the spermogonium there are numerous con- verging hyphae surmounted by very minute oval or rounded bodies borne in short chains the so-called spermatia. These bodies were considered to be of the nature of male sexual organs, hence the name; but whatever may have been their original function, now lost in the course of develop- ment, there is no reliable evidence to support the view of their being sexual in function. The spermatia are embedded in a sugary secretion, and though it is not known whether this serves to cause the spermatia to germinate, insects are probably attracted to the spermogonia sometimes by means of this sweet bait, and also by their powerful and penetrating odour, as in Puccinia suaveolens Pers., which is so named on account of its sweet scent. The honey colour of the spots may also serve as an attraction, and the project- ing hairs or paraphyses are believed to retain the spermatia and prevent them being washed away. Colour, scent, and honey dew will thus co-operate in alluring insects to the spot, and the evident resemblance of these relations to those which prevail in the fertilization of flowers by insects naturally led to the belief of the spermogonia and spermatia being concerned in some way with the fertilizing process. This view was further strengthened by the fact that in Lichens, which possess similar structures, there called pycnidia, a true process of fertilization occurs. But actual experiments fail to prove any such connexion, and the probabilities are that the original function has disappeared owing to modifications consequent upon' the fungus becom- ing parasitic. Spermatia do not germinate in water, but do so when placed in a suitable nutritive solution, such as white cane-sugar dissolved in water. Germination consists in a minute prolongation at one end, which ultimately becomes like the parent spore, and thus, as far as present know- ledge goes, the spermatia are isolated structures, and do not enter into the regular development of the fungus. Spermatia, whatever may be their function, do not occur as solitary spore-forms, but always precede or accompany one of the others. They are usually associated with aecidia, but this is not invariably the case, for there may be aecidia without them, and in the absence of aecidia they may be associated with other spore-forms, such as uredospores in the case of Uromycladium robinsoni, Puccinia hieracii (Schum.) Mart. &c., and teleutospores, as in P. liliacearum Duby and Uromycladium tepperianum (Sacc.) McAlp., and either uredo or teleuto spores, as in U. maritimum. The same mycelium which proceeds from (the teleutospores, and produces the spermogonium, also produces aecidio uredo or teleutospores, as the case may be, although it may seem a needless waste of material and an unnecessary act, since the one is left behind in the race, while the others 14 Spermogonia and Spermatia. continue their further development. In a paper by Arthur 3 on the Taxo- notnic Importance of the Spermogonium, he shows that, in the first pla^t, ihe presence of the spermogonium, along with its associated spore-forms, gives important information regarding the length of the life-cycle. Thus he concludes that if spermatia and uredospores arise from the same mycelium, aecidia do not occur, and if spermatia and teleutospores thus arise, neither uredo nor aecidio spores will occur. There are cases, how- ever, in which the spermogonia are found in association with both uredo and teleuto spores, as in Uromycladium maritimum, U . notabile, and U. robinsoni. When the spermatia are associated with aecidia, it is only where teleutospores and aecidia arise from the same mycelium that it can be definitely stated that there are no uredospores. I n the second place, the characters of the spermogonium, such as posi- tion, size, form, and colour, and its relative position to the accompanying spore-forms, furnish characters for positive identification, although of minor value. There is an interesting relation of the spermogonium to other spore- forms to be noted in the cases afterwards referred to, where there is a repeated formation of aecidiospores, uredospores, or teleuto- spores, as the case may be, and these spore-forms do not directly proceed to their normal development. In such cases, as far as our present know- ledge goes, the spermogonioim is the only one which does not repeat itself, as stated by Arthur 3 : "An observation more pertinent to our inquiry is that the spermogonium occurs but once in the cycle, not being repeated with each generation of repeating aecidia or uredo. In case the teleutospore takes on the conidial function (repeating process), it is uncertain whether the spermogonium is repeated with each summer generation or not. In Puccinia malvaceamm and similar Lepto-Uredineae, the spermogonium seems to be wholly suppressed even with the first generation in spring." The question of sexuality has been raised in connexion with the presence of nuclei, but what constitutes an act of fertilization is interpreted differ- ently by different authors. Sappin-Trouffy 2 , for instance, has observed in Uredineae having the various stages the following nuclear cycle : Uni-nucleate. Mature teleutospores. Sporicliola. Mvn-lium. producing spermatia and aecidiospores. Spermatia. Bi-nucleate. Aecidiospores. Mycelium, producing uredo and teleutospores. Uredospores and Young teleutospores. in the mature teleutospore the two nuclei fuse, and this fusion was regarded by Sappin-Trouffy as an act of fertilization, but the fusion of s nuclei may be interpreted otherwise. Blackman 2 has confirmed the ove nuclear cycle, and concludes that the spermatia are male cells which have become functionless, the nuclear characters being those of male cells and not of spores. The fertile cell of the aecidium or primary aecidiospore becomes bi- leate by the nucleus of a neighbouring vegetative cell migrating through >e wall, and this association of the two nuclei Blackman considers to be Hindoo rather than the act of fusion in the teleutospore, since the fertile cell is stimulated to further development by the entrance of a nucleus from without. (Note 2, page 75.) Spermogonia and S-permatia. 15 Massee also considers the aecidium to be a sexual product, and both authors ag,ree that the spermatia are not concerned in it. If the spermogonia and aecidia represented male and female reproductive organs, a distinct alternation of generations would be present, the spore-bearing stage or sporophyte commencing with the fertilized cell in the aecidium, and the egg- bearing stage or gametophyte starting with the uni-nucleate teleutospore. But the most probable view is that the spermatium is a functionless organ, and its presence is an indication that the ancestors of the rusts may have possessed an alternation of generations similar to that referred to above. Aecidia and Aecidiospores. CHAPTER V. AECIDIA AND AECIDIOSPORES. The aecidia, or cluster-cups, as they are often called, are usually brightly coloured, and attract attention not only from their colouration, but from their elegant forms as well. The mycelium derived from the germ- tube of a promycelial spore may first produce its spermogonia, and then proceed to the development of aecidia, or aecidia may be succeeded by aecidia. The spore layers are contained in a receptacle or pseudo-pendium, which is formed from a simple layer of flattened sterile cells. It increases in size by the formation of new cells at its base, and is cup-shaped or cylindrical, rupturing at the apex to allow the escape of the spores. The aecidiospores are always unicellular, and are arranged in linear series, arising from densely-crowded, erect hyphae or basidia in basipetal order. The young spores are at first separated from each other, according to De Bary, by sterile, intermediate cells, which are soon, however. absorbed, and this makes it often difficult to prove their presence. From the mode of their formation, from above downwards, the ripe spores are at the top, and readily separate to be blown away, while the young spores become polygonal from mutual pressure, lateral and lengthwise. The. spores have usually a colourless membrane, with the exception of those of Gymno sporangium, in which it is usually a deep brown, and in the great majority of species are provided with points, spines, or warts, to make them adhere in order to germinate. The granular contents are coloured, as a rule, with an orange-yellow or orange- red oil, although this also occurs in many uredo and teleutospores. Germination takes place as in the uredospores by means of a simple cylindrical germ-tube which enters through the stoma into the interior of the host-plant. At certain weak spots in the membrane germ-pores are formed, which are usually only distinctly visible at germination, owing to the swelling of the membrane at these spots, and through these the endo- spore is protruded in the form of a tube. As the aecidiospore germinates very readily in water, the process of germination can be easily followed. A germ-tube rarely arises from more than one pore, and the contents of the spore gradually pass into it along with the orange-colouring matter, so that the spore is ultimately emptied and the endochrome is towards the extremity of the tube. I found aecidiospores of Puccinia tasmanica, from the common ground- sel (Senecio vulgaris), to germinate freely in the manner indicated. They were very plentiful in November, and in a drop of water they began to germinate within a few hours, and soon produced germ-tubes of consider- able length. As to the length of time that aecidiospores retain their germinating power there is much difference of opinion. De Bary states that they may retain it for some weeks, while Plowright considers it a matter of hours. Eriksson, on the other hand, found that the spores of Aecidium berberidis, for instance, were very capricious and uncertain in their germination, but there is always the possibility that although the spores do not germinate in water, they may infect a host-plant when brought into direct -contact with the living leaf. According to Bolley, the aecidiospores on barberry and other hosts are still capable of germination, even after lying in the herbarium for some time, or being sent through the post. Aecidia and Aecidiospores. 17 The development of the aecidia has been traced by De Bary, Neumann 1 , and others. The hyphae derived from the promycelial spores form at certain points,, deep down in the parenchyma of the leaf, little compact bodies which have been called primordia by De Bary, because they are the beginnings of the aecidia. These bodies gradually increase in size by the rapid multiplication of the mycelium until they assume a spherical form, only being slightly flattened at the part immediately beneath the epidermis, and considerably thickened at the base. If sections aie made at this stage the differentiation of the cells is seen to have begun. From the dense basal layer of hyphae arise numerous, closely-crowded, short, erect hyphae, somewhat club-shaped, and generally known as basidia. From each of these erect hyphae an apical cell is separated off, and beneath that another, and so on until a linear series is formed. At the same time, as the basal cells give rise to the so-called basidia, the surrounding cells develop into the external envelope or peridium. At first they are absolutely indis- tinguishable from the others, but after the third or fourth division they are seen to be much broader. Then, simultaneously with the formation of the first spores, they acquire their characteristic markings and polygonal form. At first the peridial cells are filled with the coloured protoplasm or endo- chrome, but the colour gradually disappears. With regard to the peridial cells, Fischer 1 has shown that in Gymno sporangium the sculpturing of the walls may be used for the dis- tinction of species, and while in the genera Puccinia and Uromyces these cells are much more uniform in their markings, yet there is considerable variation. Mayus 1 has examined peridial cells from several species of these two genera, and has found that within the limits of the same species the nature of the peridium undergoes variation under the influence of external conditions. These variations chiefly consist in the relations of the lumen and the thickness of the wall, the lumen being relatively larger in shady places and the converse in sunny places. The typical aecidium possesses an external envelope of cells or peri- dium, which surrounds the spores, and when this becomes ruptured at the top to allow the escape of the spores it assumes the form of a cup. But the envelope may assume different forms, or even be absent, and then different names are given to it for convenience, although in its essential character of spore-formation it is still the same structure. When the peri- dium is elongated, and often horn-like, it is called a Roestelia, or it may be rather irregular in shape and confined to coniferous plants, when it is called a Peridermium (not represented in Australia), and when the peridium is absent it is known as a Caeoma, as in C. apocyni. Even in the genus Puccinia the pseudo-peridium is wanting in indi- vidual species. In a number of species, as in Puccinia prenanthis, the aecidium is sunken and formed by the more or less altered tissue of the host-plant, and a special pseudo-peridium is either completely wanting or very imperfect. Such aecidia are to be regarded as intermediate forms between the true distinctly walled aecidia and the caeoma form. The origin of the aecidium has given rise to a good deal of discussion, and it is not universally accepted that it originates from non-sexual cells. Massee 1 , in his paper On the presence of Sexual Organs in Aecidium. considers it to be a sexual product, and has even drawn the swollen ends of two mycelial hyphae imbedded in the tissues of the host-plant, supposed to be in the act of conjugation. Arthur, in his Problems in the Study of Plant Rusts,' 2 ' and The Aecidium as a Device to restore Vigour to the Fungus 1 comes to the conclusion \that " the aecidium, with its accom- panying spermogonia, represents the original sexual stage of the fungus, and that it still retains much of its invigorating power.'' 1 8 Aecidia and Aecidiospores. Hut it is quite possible ithat the time of appearance of the aecidia has something to do with their invigorating power, if such exists. They usually appear in the spring, when the first rush of vegetation commences, and naturally the parasite shares in the* strong growth of the host-plant. The nature of the host will likewise affect the result. It may appear on the leaves of an annual such as Helicmthus annum, which also bears teleutospores, or on those of a deciduous shrub such as barberry, the uredo and teleutospores of which occur on wheat and other grasses. But it is a striking fact that the aecidium is so rare upon a grass that, until the discovery of an aecidium on a species of Danthonia in Victoria, only one instance was known, viz., Puccinia graminella, in which the aecidia and teleutospores occur together, the latter being often very rare, or wanting altogether. Repeated Formation of Aecidia. The normal development of heteroe- cious fungi, as well as of autoecious forms, follows a regular cycle, as already shown. In those forms possessing all stages in the life cycle, the sporidiola produce only the aecidia, and the aecidiospores in turn give rise only to uredo and teleutospores, as in Uromyces trifolii (Alb. & Schw.) Wint. But among those autoecious species which produce aecidiospores and teleuto- spores without uredospores, this regular succession of forms may be departed from in some cases, and (the aecidiospores, provided the mycelium is not perennial in the host, may repeatedly produce new aecidia before the teleutospores are reached, as in P. senecionis Lib. Spermatia h Sporidiola _ _ Aecidiospores Teleutospores Aecidiospores t This repeated formation of aecidia was principally investigated bv .el, who named the aecidia arising directly from the germination of primary aecidia," and -those arising from the germination of aecidiospores "secondary aecidia;" and it was noticeable that spermo- nia were usually absent from the latter. Thus the germinating spori- um may produce a mycelium which bears only aecidia; but the aecidio- s, instead of giving rise directly to teleutospores, may repeat them- everal generations, and then give rise to teleutospores. How- x>mplete cvcle the aecidia originate only from sporidiola, while and Uredospores. 19 CHAPTER VI. UREDOSPORES. Uredospores may originate from the hyphae developed from the germ- tube of an aecidiospore, a promycelial spore, or another uredospore. They are generally ovate or elliptic, and are developed singly on the ends of separate short upright hyphae, known as basidia. In some genera, however, such as Coleosporium and Chrysomyxa, they arise like the aecidiospores, in short chains, and thus resemble Caeoma- forms in fact, they are sometimes regarded as such. The spore-bearing hyphae are crowded together just beneath the cuticle, or epidermis, of the plant, and such an aggregation is known as a spore-bed, or sorus. The uredospores are always unicellular, and never smooth, the mem- brane being beset with projections in the form of short prickles (echinulate) or fine warts (verrucose). Two-celled uredospores have ibeen described and drawn by Roze l and Jacky 2 , in Puccinia chrysanthemi, but they are very probably monstrosities, as suggested by Sydow, two unicellular spores becoming united when young, and growing up together. In the same rust I found, in one instance, two uredospores produced on the same stalk, the one slightly beneath the other ; but this was merely a freak. They differ generally from the aecidiospores on the one hand in the mode of forma- tion, and from the unicellular teleutospores of the genus Uromvces on the other, in having two or more germ-pores, and this character also dis- tinguishes them from the .mesospores. Only in exceptional cases is there only one, as in Puccinia monopora. They vary in colour, generally being some shade of orange or brown, and in the brown spores De Bary has shown that, as in teleutospores generally, the colouring matter is in the wall, and not in the contents. Germination occurs similarly to that of the aecidiospores. When ripe, and kept moist, a germ-tube is readily protruded through one or more of the germ-pores, and this enters the host-plant by a stoma, and' in the interior develops a mycelium like that from which it originated. It is interesting to notice that in some cases the uredospores may be produced, not only at the surface, but within the tissues. This happened with Puccinia pruni, in a peach fruit, where spore-beds of rust freely producing uredospores were imbedded in the tissue, in more or less roundied cavities, up to 5 mm. below the surface. The decaying fruit would form a splendid matrix for preserving the spores till next season. Since they are chiefly produced in the summer, and adapted, as a rule, for rapid germination, they are often spoken of as summer spores, and as soon as they arrive at maturity become detached from their stalks. Repeated Formation of Uredospares. Just as aecidiospores may -pro- duce aecidiospores for several generations, so may uredospores produce uredospores. This is well seen, for instance, in P. graminis. where uredo- spores are produced direct from the uredospores without the intervention of aecidia and teleutospores, as is the case in Australia, and this repeated formation of uredospores may continue indefinitely. But there are several cases where the first-formed uredospores are different from those produced later, and, in order to distinguish such forms, the two kinds of generations are known respectively as primary and secondary , Uredospores. The primary generation appears in the early spring, and originates either by infection from the promycelial spores, aecidiospores, or, it may Spennatia Sporidiola, Uredospores Teleutospores Uredospores FIG. 6. he, from a perennial mycelium. The spore-layer is usually distinguished by its larger size, and the corresponding injury it causes ^ to the host- plant; while the secondary generation, produced by infection from the preceding uredospores, has' a smaller spore-layer. A well-investigated and very striking case is seen in Triphragimum ulmariae, in which the primary" and secondary uredospores generally re- semble each other; but the sori of the former are much larger and pro- duced in great abundance, occurring; on the stalks and midribs of the leaves, while those of the latter are small and scattered on the under sur- face of the leaf. So striking is the difference that a special name has been proposed for the sorus, epiteosporiferotis and epiteospore for the primary spore; but it is quite superfluous, since the larger and more prominent sori of the primary generation may be accounted for from the strong vigour of growth in "the plant at the time when the first infection occurs. The wintering of the rust-fungi, in the form of the uredo, depends on the nature of the rust itself, and also on that of the host-plant. If any portion of the host-plant remains green and succulent during the winter, then the fungus has an opportunity of surviving, and it is thus seen that climatic conditions have a deal to do with the persistence of the fungus. When the winter is mild and green vegetation flourishes, the mycelium of the rust fungus may continue to grow, and may even produce spores; whereas, if the winter is severe, and the mycelium does not remain in the perennial parts of the plant, then the continuance of the fungus is likely to be by teleutospores, which can last through the winter on dead stems or other decaying vegetable matter. This so-called winter- ing of the uredo depends so much on the climate that in a mild climate the fungus may perpetuate itself exclusively by uredospores ; whereas, under severe conditions, it has to resort to teleutospores. A very striking case is recorded by Lagerheim 1 , in Uromyces fabae (Pers.), De Bary, which in Europe passes through the three stages of the aecidio-, uredo-, and teleuto-spore, while in Ecuador it only produces the uredo-form. Heteroecism, or alternation of generations, "is an arrange- ment suited to conditions where the seasons are variable, but in an equable climate such as Ecuador there is no occasion to produce such a variety of spore-forms, and so the fungus adheres to the one which serves its purpose best. Australia is also a case in point as far as Puccinia graminis is con- cerned, and it is necessary to remember that our seasons are the reverse of those of the Old World. Our cereal crops are generally sown in the aufuimn months of April and May, or even earlier, and the harvest is Uredospores. 2 1 reaped at the end of spring, or beginning of summer in November and December, so that it is the heat ajnd drought of summer, not the cold and wet of winter, which the fungus has to provide against. In fact, the wintering of the uredo is a misnomer here, for it is the excessive dryness and heat which is most injurious. Bearing this in mind, it is easy to understand that P. graminis, although it still continues to produce a certain amount of (teleutospores, is per- petuated from season to season by means of uredospores. Self-sown wheat or oats, or even the aftermath of either of these crops cut for hay, is always more or less rusty during the late summer and autumn, the uredospores being freshly produced then through the depth of winter. The teleutospores of P. graminis seem, unable to infect the barberry in Australia, and this heteroecious rust would appear ito be fast becoming like Uromyces fabae reduced to its lowest Kmits, and reproducing itself only by uredospores. Of course the absence of the barberry would tend to weaken if not destroy the capacity to produce the aecidial stage. Although the germination of uredospores during winter has already been generally referred to, some definite instances may be given here, and I will select those of Puccinia graminis, P. triticina, and P. chrysanthemi from a number of tests made. The rust appeared on some self-sown wheat, which Avas growing vigorously during winter ,(June), and on placing the uredospores of P. graminis in a drop of water, they were found to germinate sparsely in seventeen hours, and in twenty-one hours they germinated freely and very generally. At the same time, and from the same wheat plants, uredospores of P. triticina were placed under similar conditions, and they also began to germinate within 21 hours, but after several hours longer, only a few were germinating, and not too luxuriously. The uredospores of P. chrysanthemi were also taken from green leaves in May, and they germinated freely, producing long curved germ-tubes. Thus uredospores taken from growing plants during the winter are cap. able of germinating, and this proves conclusively that self-sown, or volunteer wheat, on the headlands or elsewhere in the neighbourhood of growing crops is one of the means whereby rust may be continued from season to season. In one case, which I have every reason to believe is quite exceptional, the season's wheat, sown at Wellington, New South Wales, in April, was badly rusted as early as May, but, as a general rule, it is exceedingly difficult, even for the trained observer, to find more than an odd speck of rust in a crop of wheat earlier than the end of September, though there may be plenty on self-sown plants. There is a conflict of evidence, however, as to the conditions under which germination takes place when the spores are not taken direct from the fresh and growing plant. Eriksson (Eriksson and Henning 1 ) found that the uredospores of P. graminis lost their capacity for germination during the winter if exposed to the weather, but retained it if kept inside, and even then it gradually disappeared, while Jacky 2 found that the uredospores of chrysanthemum rust still retained their germinating power, after exposure to the weather for 66 days, from ist December to 5th February. And Miss Gibson kept spores of the same rust in a dry test-tube in a cool room for 7 1 days, from March to May, and at the end of that time about one quarter germinated, while a week after none germinated. The uredospore is primarily a spore for the rapid reproduction of the species. As a rule, it is produced in immense numbers, it is provided with a thin wall, having projections of some sort to act as a holdfast, and it generally infests the leaf or sheath, so that nutrition is not directly 22 Uredospores. interfered with, as in the case of ithe teleutospores on the stem. But the uredo may become inured to unfavorable conditions, such as drought or cold, ;unl <\irrv on the life of the species, independent of the teleuto- spore. This is well seen in Pucdnia poarum, for in both Europe and America it has been found on the leaves of Poa pratensis even after the melting of the snows, and in Australia it occurs on Poa annua throughout the winter months, the rust disappearing with the withering of the host, which generally happens early in October. An extreme case seems to have been reached in P. vcxans, Farl., where, in addition to the ordinary uredo, there is a specialised form to which the special name of amphispore has been given, which is thick- walled, strongly papillate, and only ger- minates after a period of rest. It is quite common for the uredo-layer to be attacked by the parasitic fungus, Darluca filum, Cast., so much so that it has been found upon 24 per cent, of the species of Pucdnia. It is somewhat unfortunate that Dr. Cobb" has confounded this parasite with spermogonia, producing spermatia, for in referring to peach rust, he writes: "I frequently find among the uredospores of a pustule of this rust, small black pycnidia, producing a multitude of two-celled spores, which, when placed in a moist chamber, often bud and multiply after the manner of yeast plants, but which occa- sionally produce a mycelium. These two-celled bodies have, as I have on several occasions publicly remarked, no slight resemblance to the so- called spermogonia of several species of Aecidium." Although spermatia are well-known to be unicellular, yet Carleton 2 quotes this authority for the statement that ordinary germ-tubes are produced in the germination of spermatia as well as in the other spore-forms. This rust parasite is very commonly distributed, attacking the mycelium and probably checking the development of spores. It occurs on aecidia, uredo, and teleuto-layers, and is recorded on Uromyces (9), Uromycladium (i), Pucdnia (22), Phrag- midium (i), and Aecidittm (2). Paraphyses most commonly occur in connexion with the uredosori, and are found in Australian species of Puccmia, Melampsora, and Phragn:idi::m as well as in Uredo. Occasionally they arise in both uredo and teleuto-sori, as in Pucdnia magnusiana and P. purpurea, and sometimes they are variable in their presence as in Pucdnia poarum, where Plowright found none in Britain, although they are common in Australian specimens. In Phragmidiuin subcortidum not only are the uredosori provided with paraphyses, but like- wise the aecidial patches, since they are without a surrounding membrane. The following are the known Australian species, with paraphyses in tneir uredosori : Pucdnia lotii, P. magnusiana, P. poarum, P. ' pruni, P. pnrpurca; Melampsora hypericorum, M. lint; Phragmidium barnardi, P. subcortidum; Uredo kuehnii, and U. spyridit. Teleutos-pores. 23 CHAPTER VII. TELEUTOSPORES. Teleutospores are very varied in their shape and size, and are on that account often regarded as the characteristic form for distinguishing genera. They may be produced directly from ithe mycelium of the aecidiospore or uredospore, or indirectly from the teleutospore itself by means of the sporidiola. As the name denotes, it is the last formed, or finishing spore, in the life-history of rusts, although in many instances it is the only spore formed, and there are cases where it has not yet been found. Where it exists alone it may be that the other spore-forms originally existed, but have now come to be dispensed with, and where it does not exist it may be a degenerate type like the other, only it is the teleutospore form which has been dropped. It is a question, however, whether it is not a necessary stage in the life of every rust, and its apparent absence is simply owing to our not having discovered it. As an example, Uredo symphyti, D'C. was considered by De Bary to be an independent species, and having lost its other spore-forms to be capable of existing without them, but Bubak 2 afterwards found the teleuto- spore in Bohemia, and so it may turn out in other cases. They arise like the uredospores in smaller or larger spore-beds, often closely crowded together, and usually directly beneath the epidermis which they often rupture. It is seldom that they originate directly beneath the cuticle. The colour of the spore layer is very variable, hut generally it is darker than the uredo layer, being dark-brown to blackish, and only rarely reddish. In the simplest cases teleutospores are unicellular, and originate in a similar manner to the uredospores. The spore-bed, consisting of inter- lacing and crowded hyphae, gives off erect branches, which become swollen at their free ends, and the finely granular protoplasmic contents are invested by an inner membrane, or endospore, in addition to the outer or epispore, which becomes relatively thick and dark in colour. The teleutospores are generally formed towards the end of the active vegetative period of the host-plant, and are often called winter spores in contrast to the uredo or summer spores. They are specially adapted and equipped for continuing the species over periods of drought, or damp, or cold, or seasons of scarcity. This is seen in the firm outer wall, which is often sculptured in various ways, as well as in the reserve material stored up in the contents. Sydow 1 states that in all Leptopuccinieae, or those only possessing iteleutospores which germinate at once, the epispore is perfectly smooth; but there is one exception in Australia P. plagianthi. In other groups the epispore may be smooth, warted, striated, &c. The portion of the hypha supporting the spore becomes the stalk, or pedicel, by means of which it (remains attached to the spore-bed for a longer or shorter period. In Endophyllum the teleutospores originate in chains, and are produced within a peridium similar to aecidia. They would be called aecidiospores, only they produce a fouir-celled promycelium, which bears promycelial spores. They serve the purpose of summer spores, since they germinate as soon as they are ripe, and the fungus winters by means of its mycelium in the host-plant. 438. as Teleutospores. This genus is so anomalous, that it is now coming to be regarded, not an independent form, but as a biologic genus in connexion with Puccima or I'romyces. Teleutospores may be simple, as in Uromyces, or compound as i Puccinia. In the newly-constituted Australian genus, Uromycladtum, the teleutospores are of the Uromyces type, but they have the peculiarity of being produced, not solitary at the end of a stalk, but in groups sometimes accompanied by a colourless vesicle. In Uromyces and Uromycladium there is only one germ-pore, situated at the apex, and the membrane is generally smooth, although it may be warted or striated in Urpmycladuim. As yet there are known only two Australian genera with compound spores Puccinia and Phragmidium, in the one case consisting of two spore- cells, and in the other of three or more in a vertical row. 'uccinia the germ-pore of the upper cell is at the apex, and that of the lower at the side just beneath the transverse partition. In Phragmidium, the number of germ-pores/ varies in Australian species from one to three in each cell. Dietel 1 has stated that there is only one germ-pore in each cell of P. barnardi, but three were invariably found by me in examining a large amount of material. Para-physes are not frequently found in teleutosori, probably because teleutospores are generally so well constructed for withstanding variable conditions that they do not require such protection. The best-known ex- ample is that of the old species, Puccinia rubigo-vera, now split up into several, such as Puccinia bromina and P. triticina, in which the teleuto- sori are divided into compartments by the clavate brown paraphyses. (Note 3, p. 75.) It is worthy of note that the teleutospores are capable of ger- mination in the autumn of the year in which they are produced. There are no other Australian species in which paraphyses are confined to the teleuto- sori, but they may occur in connexion with the latter as well as with uredo- sori in Puccinia magnusiana, P. -pnrpurea. and Uromyces -phyllodiorum. The germination of the teleutospores of Puccima graminis in Australia was tested under different conditions, and the most important condition seems to be the season of the year, for they were only known to germinate during the spring months. Badly rusted straw was placed in the cool stores for three months, one portion being kept at a temperature of 4 deg. C., and another at- 18 de'g. C. A third portion of the same straw was simply kept in the opem, and when tested for germination in the spring only the spores exposed to the weather germinated. Another feature of germination worthy of mention is the way in which it is spread over a period of time, and the spores in the different sori are not all ready at once. There seems to be a succession of ripening, for among a patch of sori only one out of every fifteen or twenty will be found to contain spores capable of germination. This shows the necessity for germinating spores in bulk when tests are being made, for you might happen to select spores which would not germinate, being taken from an unripe sorus. Not only are the spores ready for their work of germination at dif- ferent times, but the sporidiola are produced in succession, for you never find the promycelium bearing its four spores all at once, at least in P. gra- minis. This is well shown in Plate XV.. with the germinating teleutospores of P. malvacearum. Mesospores and Amphispores. CHAPTER VIII. MESOSPORES AND AMPHISPORES. In the great majority of Australian Puccinias, 80 per cent, at least, there occur associated with the teleutospores, and quite distinct from the uredospores, unicellular spores which somewhat resemble the two-celled spore in coloration, though generally much paler. It is generally notice- able that wherever the teleutospores are thickened, or apiculate, or pro- longed into processes at the apex, or warty on the surface, these spores possess the same characteristics. The conclusion one would naturally draw is that they are teleutospores in the process of making, with t'Jie lower cell wanting, just a survival of what is normal in the Uromyces. From their partaking of the nature of a middle spore-form between Uromyces and Puccinia, they are gent-rally called mesospores, and simply represent an imperfectly developed or abortive teleutospore, which may, however, in certain cases perform the functions of a fully-developed teleutospore, although only one-celled. In the newly-constituted genus Uromycladium there are found in con- siderable numbers among the uredosori, smooth- walled spores smaller than the uredospores, produced singly on basidia and entirely different from the teleutospores, to which the term mesospores has also been applied. Just as there are two kinds of teleutospores, so there may be two kinds of uredospores, which are represented at present in a few species (belonging to Uromyces and Puccinia, but have not hitherto been found in Australia, This modified uredospore, while agreeing with the normal uredospore in the mode of germination, possesses a thickened epispore, and a more or less persistent pedicel. From its partaking of the characters of both spores, those of the uredospore in its possession of two or more germ-pores, and those of -the teleutospore in its germinating only after a period of rest, it has been called an Amphispore, by Carleton. AMPIII SPORE. This peculiar kind of spore was first investigated in connexion with Puccinia vexans Farl. This species has a true uredo and teleuto-stage, in addition to a third form of unicellular spore, and the latter was the first to be recognised and recorded. In 1879 it was described as Uromyces brandegei by Peck, the unicellular spores being rough with minute warts, and therefore suggestive of Uromyces. Then, in 1883, Dr. Farlow 1 found true bilocular teleutospores associated with the supposed Uromyces, and named the fungus Puccinia vexans, the specific name referring to the perplexing nature of the unicellular spores. As Dr. Farlow writes: "The perplexing question arises, are the one-celled spores a unilocular form of teleutospores similar to what is known as P. cesatii, Schr., or are they ,the uredospores of this species?" Their true nature was finally settled in 1897, when Carleton succeeded in germinating them, and ultimately they were found to give rise to two germ-tubes, as in the true uredospore which had been discovered the previous year. Now that the three spore-forms are known in this species, it becomes possible to answer the question, in what respect does the amphispore differ from the teleutospore, on the one hand, and the uredospore on the other. It agrees with the uredospore in being unicellular, and having more than one germ-pore, but differs in 26 Mesospores and Amphispores. being strongly papillate instead of echinulate, -thick instead of thin-walled, with persistent pedicel and only germinating after a period of rest. Its essential difference from the teleutospore is its unicellular character and the possession of more than one germ-pore. Besides the amphispores, mesospores are very numerous in this species, so that there is a Puccinia provided with two kinds of uredospores, and two sorts of teleutospores. Up till recently this was the only instance known of the occurrence of amphispores, but Arthur 5 has given descriptions and illustrations of nine different species, one of which belongs to the Uromyces, in which this form of spore is met with. According to this author, amphispores are mainly developed in arid or semi-arid regions, and represent a resting or winter form of uredospores, being provided with thickened walls to enable them to withstand unfavorable conditions, just like a teleutospore. MESOSPORES. In examining the relatively large number of Australian species of Puc- cinia possessing mesospores, one finds that as a rule they are comparatively scarce in point of numbers, and that while a few may resemble the ordinary teleutospore in colouration the majority are paler and altogether with an immature appearance. But there are a few cases, such as Puccinia hetero- spc-ra and P.- simplex, in which the one-celled spores far outnumber the regular teleutospores, so much so that the latter have been frequently over- looked, and there is every probability that they undergo germination, and are therefore unicellular teleutospores in the fullest sense of the term. In P. heterospora there are no uredospores, and the unicellular spores are smooth, and otherwise resemble the teleutospores, while in P. simplex the uredospores are spinulose and yellow, and quite distinct from the smooth unicellular spores associated with the teleutospores. Owing to the teleuto- spores not having been obtained at first, the former has .been variously named Uromyces pulcherrimus, B. and C., U. thwaitesii, B. and Br., and U. malvaceantm, Speg., and the latter as Uromyces hordei, Rost. In fact, these spores have been regarded as a transition stage from the unicellular Uromyces to the bicelTular Puccinia spore. In such cases the one-celled spore functions as a teleutospore, and ithere would be a certain convenience in distinguishing between the undeveloped and immature spores and those which are fully formed, and in all probability capable of germination, reserving the term mesospore for the one, and unicellular teleutospore for the other. But it is so difficult to draw the line sometimes, and since it is not desirable to multiply names unnecessarily, I will use the term meso- spore to designate a unicellular teleutospore form in Puccinia and Uromy- cladium, which may either be imperfectly developed and incapable of ger- nrnation, or fully formed and germinable. The presence of mesospores in a species would seem to indicate its still close relationship to Uromyces, and that its separation from the parent form had not yet proceeded sufficiently far to obliterate every trace of its former connexion. Sporidiola or Promycehal Spores. 27 CHAPTER IX. SPORIDIOLA' OR PROMYCELIAL SPORES. When the teleutospore germinates, whether at once or afiter a period of rest, the endospore is protruded through the germ-pore as a germ-tube, and the contained protoplasm passes into it. This germ-tube does not behave like that of the aecidiospore or uredospore, and elongate and branch indefinitely, but it soon ceases to grow in length, and terminates blindly. Hence it has received the special name of promycelium, because it directly produces its spores. The promycelium is soon divided by septa, generally stated as formed from above downwards, but my own observations in regard to Puccinia malvacearum show that the median septum is first formed, dividing the promycelium into two, and then each of these subdivides again into two, making in all four cells, from each of which there is a short lateral protuberance which dilates at the end, and becomes a promycelial spore or sporidiolum. The two upper cells, as a rule, produce their sporidiola first, then the next, and lastly the lowest ; but occasionally .the two median cells start first. The name sporidium is often applied to this spore, but since it is already used as equivalent to ascospore, the present name has been proposed by Saccardo. The sporidiola are easily detached, and, provided with moisture, they can germinate at once, and on the surface of a living leaf the germ-tube can pierce the epidermis, and, growing and branching in the interior, pro- duces a mycelium similar to that derived from the aecidiospore or uredo- spore. But in the case of grasses the walls of the epidermis often contain much silica, and this may be one of the reasons why aecidia are so scarce in that family. Blackman * has shown that there is considerable variation in the length of the promycelium, according to the conditions of growth. Teleutospores, germinating in moist air, produce very short promycelia, and form sporidiola almost immediately, while those germinating in drop cul- tures, with their germ-tube submerged, grew to a length only limited by the reserve material, but no sporidiola we're formed. On reaching the air, however, their formation took place. The free air necessary to their for- mation is correlated with their distribution by the wind. If the teleutospore be regarded as the final stage of the cycle, then the sporidiolum will be the starting point, and from that there may proceed in regular succession the various spore-forms already enumerated, viz., sper- matia, aecidio, uredo, and teleutospores, back to sporidiola again. All these may occur in the same species, and the general course of development is briefly as follows: From the teleutospore in the spring, sporidiola are formed which develop on a suitable host-plant a mycelium, from which usually on the upper side of the leaf spermogonia are developed, and either on the same side, but generally on the opposite side, aecidia are soon after- wards produced. Infection by the aecidiospores produces the uredo-stage, and these spore-forms often reproduce themselves. The uredo is specially adapted for ithe rapid spread of the fungus, since from the time of infection up to the formation of new uredospores, only eight to ten days may elapse. Finally, along with the uredo, or in special layers, teleutospores arise which, on germination, produce again the promycelia and sporidiola, and thus complete the course of development. This is the typical mode in which the alternation of spore-forms occurs in many species belonging^ to different genera, but there is often variation in the order, or even omission of some of the stages. So constantly are aecidial or uredo stages associated 28 Sporidiola or Promycelial Spores. with at least another stage, that when found alone ot isolated they are regarded as incomplete, and it is taken for granted that the associated form has yet to be found. In the case of teleutospores, however, there are numerous species which produce them alone, and in such cases, all the other spore- forms aje considered to have been suppressed or never formed. And of these surviving teleutospores, in some species they are able to germinate at once, and thus produce successive generations in the course of a year, while in others they can only do so after a winter's rest, and are thus pro- duced only once a year. In the heteroecious rusts there is no evidence to show that the sporidiola can infect the plant bearing the teleutospores, hence it would appear that P. gramhris in Australia can only be propagated, as far as spores are con- cerned, by means of the uredospores. It has not been definitely proved how the sporidiola are distributed, but no doubt the wind is an important factor, and probably also animals assist in the distribution. In connexion with the teleutospores of Gymno sporangium, Plowright 2 says: " It is prob- able that the promycelial spores are implanted upon the ovary by insects which had previously visited the Podisoma under the delusion that it was a flower, and carried the minute spores with them to the hawthorn." The wind, however, is likely to be the common agency. Since the leaves and stalks bearing the germinaiting teleutospores often lie upon the ground, it might seem at first sight as if they were not favorably situated for the wind to act upon them, but as they are usually produced in large numbers, suffi- cient of the sporidiola are likely to be suspended in the air to infect fresh plants when the conditions are suitable. How long the sporidiola retain (their germinating power, and how far they can stand drying up, are questions not yet satisfactorily determined. Paraphyses. 29 CHAPTER X. PARAPHYSES AND THEIR FUNCTION. Paraphyses are variously shaped often hair-like, or capitate unicellular bodies, sometimes accompanying the spores, and are just branches of the hyphae not concerned in, but accessory to, reproduction. These sterile fila- ments may occur in the spermogonia, where they assume the form of stiff hairs projecting from the mouth, and possibly serve to retain the spermaitia until they are carried away and distributed by insects. But it is in the uredo-layer that they are most commonly met with, and there they are of various shapes. They are recorded in Australian species of Puccinia, Phragmidium, Melampsora, and in Uromyces phyllodiorum, and along with other characters may be useful in the discrimination of species, as in Puccinia magnusiana, Koern., where they at once distinguish it from the other species occurring on Phragmites communis. They usually surround and arch over the spore-bed, and the apex is often swollen in a globose or clavate manner. Their principal function is probably the same as that of the hairs, in some grasses and other plants to protect the spores when exposed by the rupture of the cuticle against excessive evaporation and consequent drying up during ,the day, and to moderate the temperature in the cold nights. In the genus Melampsora and some species of Puccinia and Uredo, e.g., the uredo of P. poartim, P. magnusiana, and U. spyridii growing on hosts in damp situations or along rivers and in moist valleys, the paraphyses have always swollen capitate heads, and their function is suggested by their structure and position. The wall is much thickened, so as to leave a very small cavity in the head, and in the stalk it may become so thick as completely to obliterate the cavity and thus render it solid. The thickened head has a great capacity for retaining moisture, and since they are crowded together and over-lap the spores, they will prevent them from getting soaked and at the same time protect them against excessive evapora- tion, which would have a drying effect according to Dietel 9 . Their great function is as protective organs when the spores are exposed by the rupture of the cuticle, and Plowright compares them with the pseudoperidial cells of the aecidiospores. He has made observations on the paraphyses of certain species, and found thatt their presence greatly depends upon some special condition of the fungus. " I find them con- stantly present with the uredospores of Puccinia perplexans, Plow., when these have arisen, not directly, but rather at a considerable distance from the aecidiospores. On the other hand, when the uredo arises directly from the aecidiospore, they are hardly present at all ; this looks very much as if they were an indication of exhaustion of vital energy on the part of the fuingus, which _was combated by protective efforts on the part of the parasite in conserving those spores which it does produce, but when full of vigour and fresh from the aecidiospore it is less careful of its spores. When it begins to feel the, effect of exhaustion, and is unable to develop such energetic spores, it takes more care of those which are produced." Or it may be that when the fungus begins to feel exhausted, it is unable to develop 1 so many spores, and barren protective filamesnits take the place of those which would normally produce spores. If the paraphyses serve to prevent excessive evaporation, then it would follow that in the early spring, when there is little need for protection on this account, tEere would be little use for them ; but towards the summer, when the air is 30 Paraphyses. ilry, they would be required in much larger numbers. The presence or absence of paraphyses at different periods of the year seems to have been only definitely observed in this one species, but there are other instances which may possibly belong to the same category. Thus Winter describes Uromyces dactylidis Ot-th. with capitate thickened paraphyses, and Plow- right distinctly states that they are absent, and this discrepancy may arise from the observations having been made at different seasons of the year. Again, Puccinia pomum Niels, is without paraphyses, according to Plow- right ; but Schroeter found them in Germany, and I have found numerous long ones in Australia. In P. magnusiana Koern. the clavate paraphyses are of a dark smoky brown colour in the head and hyaline in the stalk. They only occur at the margin of the uredo-layer, and there is a slight indentation on the inner side, so that the head bends over. In Phragmi- dium subcorticium the tubular, thin walled paraphyses are always mar- ginal both in the uredo- and aecidio-spore generation, and are curved inwards. Another function has been suggested by Magnus 6 in addition to \that of protection. In several species of Coleosporium he found that the paraphyses served both for protection and for raising and bursting the epidermis so as to make room for the growing spores. To a certain extent paraphyses may assist in raising the cuticle and hastening its rupture; but there are plenty of species which rupture the cuticle in the absence of paraphyses, and in the case of paraphyses asso- ciated with teleutospores, they rather appear to prevent the cuticle break- ing away until it decays. Origin of Spore-forms. 31 CHAPTER XI. ORIGIN OF THE PRINCIPAL SPORE-FORMS. The most characteristic feature of the Uredineae and that which renders them specially interesting is the variety of spore-forms which they pro- duce. But while on the one hand there is a regular succession of spore- forms, on the other the number may be reduced even to a single kind, and the question arises in such cases whether the missing spore-forms have dropped out of the course of development, or whether they have never been iormed. Since, as we shall see, there is every reason to believe that the various spores originated from a primitive form, the natural conclusion would be that where they do not occur they have not yet been developed, yet there are cases where intermediate forms may have been suppressed, judging by what obtains in closely allied species. In all rusts whose complete development is known there is one kind of spore which is invariably present, and which serves to distinguish the various genera, and that is the teleutospore. But the teleutospore on germination gives rise to another kind of spore, the sporidiolum, which may be regarded as the starting-point of the life-cycle, just as the teleuto-. spore is the last-formed or finishing spore. The simplest form of spore, using this term in its widest sense, was at first developed from any joint of the exposed hyphal filament, but ulti- mately as the differentiation between the vegetative and reproductive por- tions of the fungus became more marked, the point of origin was restricted to a definite spot of an upright hypha towards the apex. By a process of abstriction, the end of the hypha was rounded off and detached by simple contraction without the formation of any septum. These might either be produced solitary or several formed in succession, constituting a chain. (Fig. 7 a, b.) b. FIG. 7. The spore might also originate by budding, as in the case of the Yeasts, where a small protuberance quickly grows to its full size, becomes rounded off, and detaches itself. In this process of budding the pro- tuberance often narrows 1 itself at the point of attachment into a slender stalk, whereby the connexion with the parent cell is maintained until the spore is fully formed. (Fig. 8.) FIG. 8. This short delicate stalk proceeding from the parent cell is known as a sterigma, and either by abstriction or budding the origin of the various spore-forms may be explained. 32 Origin of Spore-forms. SPORIDIOLUM. The sporidiolum was probably the earliest form of rust spore, and represents the transition from the saprophytic to the parasitic mode of life. If we start from undoubted saprophytes, the passage from the one to the other will be made clear. It was not only necessary for the spread of these fungi that the spores should germinate rapidly, but that they should be produced in sufficient numbers, and so the basidium, or parent cell, had either to produce more than one spore or divide up into several cells. In accordance with this, in one type, the one-celled basidium produces mostly four spores (Fig. 9) ; in another type the basidium divides usually finto FIG. !). four cells, each cell producing a spore. The latter type is well seen in the Auriculariaceae where in such a genus as Saccoblastia the basidia are transversely septate, and each cell bears a sterigma with its spore (Fig. 10). FIG. 10. Turning now to a parasitic genus such as Coleosporium, there is a close resemblance in the mode of formation of spores. The body called the teleutospore is found to consist of four cells 1 placed one above the other, and each cell gives rise to a sterigma, with a sporidiolum at the end of it (Fig. n). This is something very different from the typical teleutospore, FIG. 11. in which each cell produces, not an ordinary undivided germ-tube but a promyceltum divided into four cells, each of which bears a sterigma with a sporidiolum. The so-called teleutospore of Coleosforium is evidently the representative of the septate basidium in the Auriculadaceae, although it s generally considered to be an exceptional form of teleutospore, which occurs in other genera of Rusts as well, such as Ockrojtsora, Trichofsora, and Chrysopsora. If the basidia in one of the saprophytic Auriculariaceae, s Saccoblastia ovtspora Moell., are compared 'with those of the parasitic Coltosponum senecionis, there is seen to be complete agreement in the structure. Origin of Spore-forms. 33 The sporidiolum was thus at first the product of a basidium arising from a mycelium, but there was nothing specially characteristic in this, nor any advance upon the mode of reproduction in a saprophytic f ungus'. That which constituted the Rusts a distinct class, and separated them from their nearest allies, was the development of a new kind of spore, the teleutospore, which produced directly on germination, without the intervention of any mycelium, a basidium bearing sporidiola. In the one case the sporidiola were derived from a basidium borne by a mycelium nourished on dead or decaying matter ; in the other the basidium, or so-called promycelium, was the direct product of a living spore. This spore is the special feature of this group of parasitic fungi, and will now be considered. TELEUTOSPORE. In the sporidiolum the fungus is provided with a spore capable of germinating at once and reproducing the original form, but a parasitic fungus requires further to accommodate itself to the varying seasons of growth of the host-plant, and so a spore that could persist during the winter while vegetative activity was practically suspended, became a neces- sity. Hence the teleutospore, or typical resting- spore;, was introduced into the cycle to provide a thick-walled form, which could withstand the vicis- situdes of climate and be ready to germinate when spring, with its revival of growth, returned. While some teleutospores are capable of immediate germination, the great majority undergo a period of rest, and a thickening of the wall is associated with this condition. While the sporidiolum was thus 1 probably the earliest-formed rust spore, it did not meet all the requirements of the new mode! of life, and thus the teleutospore became a necessity for parasitic life, a condition dependent on the changes of a living organism. The great feature of a teleutospore is the mode of germination and its product, and perhaps the simplest form is represented by that of Bar clay ella Diet, in which there are several cells in a row, and each cell produces a promycelium or septate germ-tube. The peculiarity and primitiveness of this promycelium lies in the fact that, instead of dividing transversely and each cell giving rise to a sporidiolum, the promycelium itself breaks up into four divisions, each of which becomes a sporidiolum (Fig. 12). FIG. 12. The only species belonging to this genus occurs on a Conifer (Pice a morinda Link) in the Himalayas, and neither uredospores nor aecidiospores are known. It produces the most primitive form of teleutospore, and the geim-tube produced from each cell breaks up directly into sporidiola, which again reproduce the fungus. This is an evident contrivance for multiply- ing the spore-form (teleutospore) and providing a fresh start with a sporidiolum, minute, light, and easily transported by the wind. The next advance in the development of the teleutospore may be seen in an interesting genus, just described by Arthur 6 , to which he has given the name of Baeodromus. It occurs on Senecio, and resembles Coleos-porium 34 Origin of Spore-forms. senecioms so much in general appearance, that it was at first regarded as that species, but the teleutospore produces a regular promycelium, with sterigmata and sporidiola, so that it well illustrates the transition from the basitlia bearing sterigmata in Coleosporium to the typical teleutospore with a promvoelium. The teleutospores are united into a solid mass and are arranged in chains consisting of 5-8 cells in a series, and while Arthur considers each cell as a teleutospore, the chain of cells might be regards as a multicellular teleutospore. The spores germinate immediately and the promvcelia, together with the four globose sporidiola, have bright orange contents (Fig. 13). Closely related to this form is Chrysomyxa, in FIG. 13. which the teleutospore consists of a series of cells, and on germination pro- duces promycelia of several cells, each of which bears a sterigma with sporidiolum. In Melampsora the unicellular teleutospores form a compact mass, producing promycelia of the typical form, and thus a teleutospore may either consist of a simple cell or a series of superposed cells. A teleutospore is thusi a unicellular or multicellular spore, producing on germination a promycelium, which dither directly breaks up into usually four sporidiola or divides into four cells, each of which produces a sporidiolum at the apex of a sterigma. There is one exception to this in the genus Endophyllum, in which the promycelium is the product of an aecidiospore, but this may be regarded as a case where the function of a teleutospore has been transferred to a derivative form, the aecidiospore. UREDOSPORE. The view that the uredospore is probably derived from the teleutospore is favoured by the variability of the latter in many species, and the grada- tions which are found to occur. At first sight the differences between the uredo and teleutospore seem so great as to be insurmountable, but there are distinct transitional forms from the one to the other. The membrane of the typical uredospore is covered with spines, and this is an evident adaptation for the spore which germinates immediately and is short-lived, and the characteristic spines serve to attach it to the surface of the host-plant in order that germination may be successfully accomplished. Magnus 2 , who inclines to the view that the uredospores have developed out of teleuto- spores, shows that in Uromyces scutellatus (Schrank), Lev., a gradation can be traced between the reticulate or tuberculate membrane of the teleutospore and the finely tuberculate or echinulate membrane of the uredo- spore. As to the thinning of the wall, there is also every gradation to be met with from the thick brown membrane to the thin, almost colourless one. The passage from the one to the other possibly took place through such a form as the amphispore, a modified uredospore still capable of undergoing a period of rest, and in Avhich the wall still retains its thickness, but there are several germ-pores. They may resemble the uredospores in shape, Origin of Spore-forms. 35 echinulation, and germ-pores, but still they are resting-spores with thick- ened walls. Fischer 1 has also illustrated the transition in a series of two- celled teleutospores of Gymno sporangium confusum, which have all ger- minated, and which show a dense thick membrane at one end of the series and an excessively fine one at the other. And Dietel 3 has pointed out that the occurrence of thick and thin-walled spores in species of Gymno- sporangium is quite common, and that it is a character of the genus that the teleutospores formed in the interior of the gelatinous mass are thin- walled, while the external ones are thick-walled. The gelatinous substance is formed from the gelatinous walls of the stalks of the teleutospore, and readily absorbs the rain-water and thus facilitates the germination of the spore. Another important difference between the uredospore and teleuto- spore of Uromyces is that while the latter only possesses one germ-pore, the former has two or more often arranged as an equatorial band. But here again Magnus shows in species such as U. proeminens (DC.) Pass, and U. tuber culatus, Fckl., every transition from thq normal teleutospore with apical germ-pore, through one with the germ-pore becoming somewhat lateral, then with apical and lateral germ-pores, until the typical uredospore is reached with a band of germ-pores confined to the equator, or several scattered. In Puccinia podolepidis there is often a germ-pore on either side of the upper cell of the teleutospore, as shown in PI. XXIX., Fig. 257. A third and very important difference between the uredospore and teleutospore lies in the mode of germination. Not only does the uredospore germinate im- mediately on maturity, but it puts forth a germ-tube which penetrates directly into the host-plant, while the teleutospore often undergoes a period of rest and does not directly reproduce the fungus, but gives rise to a piomycelium bearing promycelial spores, which germinate and enter a host-plant. It would appear at first sight asf if this mode of germination created a distinct barrier between the two kinds of spore, but when closely looked into there is considerable variation in the germination of the teleuto- spore, and under certain conditions it may forego the production of inter- mediate spores. Kienitz-Gerloff 1 has shown that in Gym no sporangium clavariaeforme, Jacq., the thin- walled teleutospores do not produce' a promycelium and promycelial spores, but simply a germ-tube like that of a uredospore. And Dietel 3 has further shown that both thick and thin-walled spores may sometimes germinate in this way, and thus serve the purpose of the uredo- spore occurring in other genera. Fischer 1 has also pointed out the influence of external conditions on the mode of germination, the sporidiola, only being formed in air, while in water or in the interior of the gelatinous mass surrounding the spores, an elongated germ-tube is formed. This has been corroborated by Blackman 1 , who found that the germ-tube is incapable of sporidiola formation when submerged, and that under these conditions it continues to grow in length until its reserve material is exhausted. He also found that when germ-tubes of Phragmidium rubi were produced in water, they might become divided into four cells, as if about to bear sporidiola, but these cells, instead of following the ordinary course, rounded themselves off and separated. Fischer observed in Gymno sporangium confusum that the cells of the promycelium separated before forming sterig- mata and promycelial spores, but Blackman, in a MS. note to his paper 1 , kindly sent to me, says: "These are the cells of the promycelium which are rounding themselves off and becoming directly sporidia." So that there appears to be every gradation in the germination of the teleutospore. from the production of a simple germ-tube to the division of the germ-tube into cells which germinate, and finally the promycelium bearing promycelial -6 Origin of Spore-forms. It is worthy of mention that Magnus 2 has repeatedly obsewed that when the teleutospores of Puccinia graminis were germinated in water te- produced an undivided germ-tube just like that of a uredospore, but; he could not satisfactorily settle the question, if this germ-tube could directly a thick to a thin wall, from one to a number ol germ-pores, and from a typical promycelium to an ordinary germ-tube, has been shown, and it all tends to support the view that the uredospore may have been derived from a teleutospore. This peculiar germination of the teleutospore, in which e'ach promy- celium breaks up into three or four detached cells', apparently representing sporidiola, had been observed by Barclay' as early as 1891, in -P^cirna firainiana, Bard, and Uromyces solidaginis, Niessl. He considered this abnormal mode of germination to be due to the restricted supply of air obtained bv the spores in a hanging drop of water, for, when allowed to germinate in a watch-glass of water, with freer access of air, the germina- tion was normal. But this rounding off of the promycelial cells may be due to the influ- ence of micro-organisms in the water. So far as our own observations go, certain organisms are always present in great abundance when this rounding off of the cells occurs. A similar phenomenon is observed ^n connexion with the hyphae of numerous fungi growing in water or fluids invaded by bacteria. In another respect the uredospores show a distinct transition. In a \vell -developed spore-layer they always precede the associated teleutospores, but in Uromyces scutellatus', as Magnus 2 has repeatedly observed, in different years they may appear simultaneously. The uredospores 1 may thus be regarded as having been derived from the teleutospores, or from a mycelium common to both, and the question naturally arises as to the origin of the aecidios pores. AECIDIOSPORES. Aecidiospores and uredospores are often so much alike that they are mistaken for each other, and sometimes there is a difference of opinion as to whether a spore-form should be regarded as one or the other, as in Triphragmium ulmariae ; but, generally speaking, aecidiospores are produced in chains, and uredospores singly on evident pedicels. In Coleosporium and Chrysomyxa, however, the uredospores are developed in chains as well as the aecidiospores, and this renders necessary the further distinction that the aecidiospore always precedes the uredospoie in point of time. In Phragmidium subcorticium, for instance, the aecidiospores were not recognised at first as distinct from the uredospores, but although the indi- vidual spores resemble each other closely, the fact that one is produced in chains and the other not, distinguishes them. When aecidiospores are pro- duced without any special envelope or pseudo-peridium, as it is called, it is distinguished from the Accidium proper as a Caeoma, and there is every gradation from naked to covered aecidia. In Chrysomyxa the uredo is re- garded as a caeoma-form by Raciborski but in Phragmidium the aecidio- spores are protected by a dense layer of paraphyses, which surround them, and thus take the place of a peridium. Triphragmium ulmariae (Schum.) Link, has what are called primary and secondary uredospores, although the former are described by De Toni as aecidiospores, but they are not pro- duced in chains. Winter regards them as biological representatives of the aecidium, and Drs. Milesi and Traverso l speak of them as epiteospores, to distinguish them from caeomospores, which are arranged in chains. There Origin of Spore-forms. 37 is no essential point of distinction between aecidiosporcs and uredospores, for though the former are always formed in chains, yet undoubted uredo- spores may also be thus produced. Hence there is no valid distinction between the two, even to the matter of nuclei, for both are binucleate. The aecidiospore is just like the uredospore, thin-walled, and adapted for immediate germination; but since it is essentially a spring form, and required to keep pace with the rapid growth which then takes place, it is not formed solitary upon a stalk, but tier upon tier, to make abundant provision for the coming season. It is usually uredospores and aecidio- spores which are confounded together, but there is one case at least in which the aecidiospore partakes of the character of a teleutospore. In Endophyllum the spores are produced in chains, and within a pseudo- peridium just like normal aecidia, but instead of germinating in the usual way, each one produces a four-celled pTomycelium, giving rise to promy- celial spores just like a teleutospore. They may either be described as aecidiospores which produce promycelia or as teleutospores resembling aeci- diospores. This genus is not now generally regarded as independent, but as related biologically to Uromyces or Puccinia, and it will probably turn out to be a case where an aecidiospore still retains marks of its earl} origin from a teleutospore in its mode of germination, (Note 4, p. 75.) SPERMOGONIA AND SPERMATIA. If the aecidiospores were the ^result of a sexual process, as is some- times maintained, then of course they could not be derived from teleuto- spores, and the mere fact that I have attempted to account for their origin from this source shows that some other explanation must be forthcoming for the so-called male sexual organs spermogonia and spermatia. In lichen-fungi such as a Collema a true process of conjugation occurs, and the male organ or spermogonium, with its contained spermatia, resembles very closely in structure the similarly named bodies in the rusts. It was Tulasne who originally discovered these bodies in 1851, and who suggested their sexual nature, which he based partly on the fact that the spermatia were not known then to germinate, and partly that they usually preceded or accompanied the bodies they were supposed to fertilize, viz., the aecidia. Great attention has, therefore, been paid to the spermatia, in order to discover if they were capable of germination, and it has been found that in a nutritive solution they grow and bud after the manner of yeast, but no definite mycelium has been produced. It is generally stated that the spermogonia either precede or accompany the aecidia, but they may occur with all the spore forms, according to the one which is first produced. Aecidia usually follow the germination of the sporidiola, and therefore spermogonia accompany them most frequently : but if the first formed spore is the uredo, as in Tripliragmium uhuariae, Uromy- cladium maritimum, and Puccinia obtegens (Lk.) Tul., then they accompany it, and if a teleutospore as in P. liliacearum, Duby. or Uromycladimn tep~ perianum, the spermogonia are associated with it. But Arthur 3 states the case more generally when he remarks that " every one who has made cultures of the rusts knows that in about a week after sowing the germinating teleu- tospores there will appear spermogonia, without any regard to the kind of spore that is it'o follow." There are even instances where the spermogonium has entirely disappeared, as in Puccinia malvacearum, Mont. It is ac- knowledged by those who have given special attention to the subject that the spermogonium is an isolated organ, of uncertain origin and function, and that the balance of evidence is against its being a sexual organ. The spermogonium is seldom absent from the life-cycle, and vet it takes no direct 38 Origin of Spore-forms. part in the reproduction of the fungus. Its meaning seems to have been lost, but its origin from the sporidiolum seems to indicate that it may be the survival of the conidial reproduction of the sporidiolum. Unless in cases where the mycelium is perennial, the sporidiolum ger- minates and produces a mycelium, which gives rise to the spermogonium. The same mycelium may either produce aecidia, as is usually the case, or in the absence of aecidia, uredospores; or, if both are absent, the teleuto- spores, as in Uromycladium tepperianum. The spermogonia are never pro- duced alone, but always precede or accompany some other spore form, for the very good reason that they are incapable of reproducing the fungus. When the spermogonium is about to be formed, the hyphae become inter- woven, and form a tangled mass in (the sub-epidermal tissues. From this numerous delicate branches are given off, which are directed towards the epidermis. These branches converge towards a central point and form a somewhat round or piriform body, which is only covered by the cuticle at the top. The periphery of this body consists of a dense felted mass of sterile hyphae, quite unlike the peridium of the aecidia, which are likewise always deeper-seated than the spermogonia. The so-called spermatia arise inside the spermogonia in short chains by a process of abstriction at the end of fertile converging hyphae, and are held together by a gelatinous sub- stance which contains a certain amount of saccharine matter. (PI. XXIII., Fig. ^203.) The probable origin of this puzzling body may thus be accounted for : We may suppose that the sporidiola were spread principally by wind and rain, and at first only produced teleutospores. But in order to secure the intervention of insects which were now becoming adapted to the floral world, a new kind of reproductive body was developed, and the sper- matia abstricted in chains were produced in spermogonia with a sweet bait to attract insects. But when the teleutospores gradually developed uredospores and the same mycelium could produce the three spore-forms spermatia, teleuto. and uredo spores then the former became less and less necessary. When finally the aecidiospores were developed, produced in gieat abundance, and also in chains, then the competition was too keen, and the necessity for spermatia practically ceased to exist, since the germinat- ing sporidiola could produce the aecidia, and the germinating aecidia both the uredospores and ithe teleutospores. Besides, the bright colour of the uredo and aecidio spores may serve -to attract insects for purposes of distribution, and so they were able completely to replace the- spermatia. Finally, the spermatia lost their capacity for germination, and now the spermogonium is an organ which has survived its function, and only remains as a land- mark to show what once had been the prevailing type of reproductive body adapted for distribution by insect life. We can thus picture to ourselves the progenitors of the rusts leading a saprophytic existence and gradually adapting themselves to the new mode of life when the parasitic habit was developed and a modification in the spore-forms occurred. The evidence of this great change is shown in the development of a spore primarily adapted for undergoing a period of from the stored-up material directly producing a basidium with sporidiola, instead of being preceded by a more or less scattered mycelium The peculiarity of the teleutospore lies in the fact that it is an in- pendent body capable of giving rise directly and without any further ood supplv to fresh spores by the production of a septate germ-tube which develops secondary spores unlike the original, being smaller, thin- walled, and ready to germinate at once on the damp surface of a living leaf In course of time the teleutospores became differentiated into forms adapted for extremes of temperature and resting, as well as other forms Origin of Spore-forms. 39 adapted for favorable conditions and rapid dissemination of the species uredospores. The third form of spore would probably be developed later in point of time. The aecidiospores were at first just like the uredospores, only produced tier upon tier as required, and the great purpose served by all these different kinds of spores would be to provide a continuous succes- sion of spore- forms aecidiospores in the early spring, when the first rush of growth commences; then uredospores during spring and summer, when tteady growth is maintained ; and finally teleutospores towards the autumn, capable of remaining dormant during the winter and starting the whole series again in the spring by means of prom'ycelial spores. The so-called spermogonium does not enter functionally into the present cycle, being a relic of the past and a survival of the time when insects were being catered for by the rust-fungi in order to aid in the distribution of their spores ; but the development of such numerous and varied bright- coloured spore-forms has rendered unnecessary this special form of fructi fication. VARIABILITY OF TELEUTOSPORES. When the teleutospores in the different genera of rusts are carefully examined, it is often found that there is not only considerable variation in (he size and shape, but the seemingly constant character of the number of cells is departed from. It is not always convenient to record this in a systematic description, and I have selected a few species to give an indi- cation of what is not at all uncommon throughout the Uredineae (PI. XL.). This variability not only shows how the uredospore in each genus might have been derived from the teleutospore, but also how the multicellular form of spore might have originated from the unicellular. Starting with the genus Uromyces, there is no difficulty in showing how the bicellular spore of Puccinia may have originated as in Uromyces orchidearum, U. tricorynes, and U. vesiculosus (Pis. XVI., XVIII., XL.) Then in the genus Puccinia there is not only the unicellular teleutospore or mesospore to indicate its pro- bable origin from the Uromyces, but in addition to the two-celled spore there are three and four celled spores, in which the cells are arranged in a manner suggestive of various genera. The different forms seen in a single preparation of P. dichondrae^ Mont, are shown in Plate XL., and there are at least seven forms met with (i) the unicellular spore, or mesospore, generally with thickened apex, and resembling the uppermost cell of the next form; (2) the typical bicellular teleutospore; (3) the three or four- celled spore, with the cells arranged in linear series, superposed more or less regularly and after the Phragmidium type; (4) a three-celled spore, consisting of one basal cell supporting two longitudinally divided on top, and resembling the Triphragmium type; (5) a three-celled spore, consisting of two basal cells longitudinally divided and a single cell on top, as in Hapalophragmium; (6) a four-celled spore with the two lower superim- posed, and the two upper longitudinally divided; (7) a four-celled ellipsoid spore longitudinally and transversely divided, as in Sphaerophragmium. It is worthy of note (that there are no uredospores in P. dichondrae, but, even in P. hidwigii, where uredospores are present, there is also a con- siderable amount of variation. A two-celled spore is met with here, having the septum longitudinal instead of transverse, and the pedicel in a line with it, as in Diorchidium. P. graminis and P. triticina also show a considerable amount of variation, if large quantities of material are examined. Other genera exhibit variation of a similar kind, and there is a basis here provided for natural selection to work upon, and evolve the various forms which are used to characterize the different genera of the Uredines. 40 Relation of Rusts to other Fungi. CHAPTER XII. RUSTS IN THEIR RELATION TO OTHER FUNGI. The Fungi, as a class, are generally regarded as having descended from the Algae, but since the latter possess the green colouring matter or chlorophyll which enables them in the presence of sunlight to abstract carbon from the carbon dioxide of the air, they do not seem to be the most primitive forms. But the fission-fungi, such as the nitrifying bac- teria occurring in the soil, are able, in the absence of light and chloro- phyll, to split up carbon dioxide and obtain the necessary carbon likewise from inorganic material, so that the first forms of life to appear upon the earth could thus obtain their nourishment without organic compounds at all. The development of the chlorophyll would thus occur at a later period, and the fungi proper, as well as the algae, may have had a common origin from these primitive bacteria, instead of the one being a degenerate form of the other. Following the fate of the fungi, with which we are more immediately concerned, their course of development ran parallel with that of the algae, so much so that they have, been regarded as degenerate algae or algae without chlorophyll. This primitive stock resembling the algae so closely is known as Phycomycetes, and from this divergence has taken place in two directions, the offshoots representing two main divisions of fungi. In the one case the Ascomycetes or fungi producing spores in delicate sacs or asci, and in the other, the Basidiomycetes or fungi producing naked spores on large terminal cells known as basidia. To this latter division belong the Uredines or rusts, since they produce basidia which are trans- versely divided, and bear naked spores ; but they occupy a low position as compared with the higher Basidiomycetes, including the mushrooms and toadstools. In the Ustilagines or smuts closely related to the rusts, the basidia are not as yet definitely fixed, since the, spores are produced at any part and new ones are developed when the old ones fall away, which is not the case in the rusts. The following arrangement will show the position of the rusts in this scheme of classification : Fungi. ( Ascomycetes Phycomycetes (Alga-like Fungi) J B (Hemibasidii (Smuts) ' j Basidiomycetes 4 Protobasidii (Rusts) [Holobasidii (Mushrooms, &c.) Starting from the Phycomycetes or alga-like fungi, there is one divi- sion of them which bears both sporangia and naked spores, and another in which the sporangia may be wanting. The former would give rise to the Ascomycetes, and the latter to the Basidiomycetes, which exclusively reproduce themselves by naked spores. The srnuts are generally regarded as stepping-stones from the Phycomy- cetes towards the rusts, which have become more closely identified with the true Basidiomycetes, where the basidia are entire and not divided. The above gives a very general idea of the position of the rusts among the fungi, and indicates briefly, without entering into detail, how they may have originated. The parasitic habit of the rusts will account for several features in their life-history as well as in their structure. Being dependent on other Relation of Rusts to other Fungi. 41 plants for their sustenance, they must accommodate themselves to their surroundings, and so they may pass through different stages, sometimes on the same plant, or on different plants. These various stages represented by different reproductive bodies, enable the rust to produce spores which can germinate at once if food supplies are available, or others which can rest if need be. The change of host is an evident advantage, not only from the point of view of a change of diet, but it may thus pass from one plant that dies down to another that is perennial. It may even become perennial itself in the underground parts of some plants, and then it vegetates, only producing rarely the reproductive bodies which would be formed under normal conditions. 42 Indigenous and Introduced Species. CHAPTER XIII. INDIGENOUS AND INTRODUCED SPECIES. In a large continent like Australia, where so many plants have been introduced, both for economic and ornamental purposes, it is not always easy to determine what rust-fungi are native to the country, and those that have been introduced on imported plants. A plant may be indigenous, and yet the rust upon it may have been derived from an allied species, as in the case of P. thuemeni on native celery (Apium fro stratum) which was possibly introduced with cultivated celery (Apium gravtolens), P. menthae on native minit introduced upon cultivated mint, and Melampsora lint, on. native and cultivated flax. On the other hand, species of rust occur on well-known imparted plants, such as the daisy, groundsel, and marigold, which are not recorded elsewhere, and the natural conclusion is that they are indigenous, or have been overlooked elsewhere. It is only in raire cases that the first introduction of any species of fungus is observed and accurately determined, so that we must fall back upon some well recognised principle to settle whether a rust is indigenous or not. Where a new species is found on a native plant, it may be taken for granted that it is indigenous, and even where the species is already known, but the plant has a wide distribution, such as Phragmites communis, then there is no reason to doubt that a rust upon it, such as Puccinia magnusiana is also indigenous. The great majority of the rusts here recorded are, of course, native, and it will only be necessary to single out those which have, in all probability, been imported firom other countries. The following species may be regarded as having been introduced on the grounds indicated* : Puccinia anthoxanthi Fckl. on Anthoxanrthum odoratum (1896). P. arenariae (Schum.), Schroet. on Stellaria media (1896). P. beckmanniae n. sp. on Beckmannia erucaefarmis (1904). P. chrysanthemi Roze, on Chrysanthemum indicum (1904). P. cichorii (DC.) Bell., on Cichorium intybus (1885). P. cvani (Schleich.) Pass, on Centaurea cyanus (1904). P. festucae Plowr. on Festuca pratensis (1903). P. graminis Pers. on Wheat, &c. (1825). P. helianthi Schwein. on Helianthus annuus (1887). P. hypochoeridis Oud. on Hypochoeris radicata (1889). P. impatientis (Schw.) Arthur, on Elymus condensatus (1903). P. lolii Niels, on Lolium perenne (1896). P. malvacearum Mont, on Malva, &c. (1857). P. maydis Bereng. on Maize (1880). P. menthae Pers. on Mentha laxiflora (1884). P. poarum Niels, on Poa annua (1890). P. prenanthis (Pers.), Lindr. on Lactuca sp. (1892). P. pruni Pers. on Prunus sp. (1883). P. purpurea Cooke, on Sorghum halepense and S. vulgare (1892). P. simplex (Koern.), Eriks. and Henn. on Barley (1902). P. thuemeni (Thuem.) McAlp. on Apium graveolens and A. pros- tratum (1892). P. triticina Eriks. on Wheat (probably 182^). Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.). Link! on Vigna catiano- (100=;) U. betae (Pers.), Kuehn, on Beta vulgaris (1878). The year in brackets indicates wten first recorded for or observed in Australia"! Indigenous and Introduced Species. 43 U. caryophyllinus (Schrank), Schroet. on Carnations (1896). U. fab'ae (Pers.), De By. on Beans (1898). U. polygoni (Pers.), Fckl. on Polygonum aviculare (1896). U. trifolii Alb. and Schw. on Trifolium repens (1892). Phragmidium subcorticium (Schrank), Wint. on Rosa sp. (1892). Melampsora lini (Pers.), Tul. on Linum usitatissimum and L. marginale (1889). Uredo kuehnii Krueg. on Sugar-cane (1893). It would be interesting to trace from what quarter these species found their way into Australia, but from 'the very nature of the case, it is impossible to tell exactly, except in a few instances, and one can only make shrewd guesses as to the rest. The inquiry would mainly resolve itself into the importation of the host-plants, either by cuttings or seed, and the seed of such weeds as chick-weed (Stellaria media) and knot-weed (Poly- gonum aviculare} might easily be carried in straw packing or in hay. Mr. Ellery, F.R.S., late Government Astronomer, has pointed out that the scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis] was first observed as an intro- duced weed in the Observatory grounds, and he informs me that as many English and African plants appeared there at different times after unpack- ing cases from the different countries, he came to the conclusion that seeds from the packing were the source. Both uredo and teleutospores of Puccinia graminis have been found on wheat straw envelopes on bottles of wine imported from France. (Note 5, p. 75.) In the case of the cereals and grasses, the rust spores would probably be brought with the seed, and this is certainly true as regairds Puccinia beckmanniae. The seed of Beckmannia erucaeformis Host, was forwarded to me in 1903 by the United States Department of Agriculture, and on growing it at Leongatha, the rust was very copiously developed in February and March, 1904. E. D. Holway informs me that it is known in Minnesota, U.S.A., although it has not hitherto been published. The seed of Elymus condensatus was also sent from America in 1903, and the rust (Puccinia im-patientis) appeared upon the plants in December of the same year. The latest addition to, our imported rust-fungi is that of Puccinia chry'santhemi, and it was observed for the first time in New South Wales in 1904. Cuttings had been imported from England, and thus the rust was carried ; but it has not as yet spread very much. Only the uredospores occur here as in England, and I was able to germinate them freely in tap-water towards the end of May. It is by means of this trade in cuttings that the rust is likely to be spread, unless proper precautions are taken. The history of its distribution is rather interesting. It is pro- bably indigenous to Japan, and in 1895 it first appeared in England, then in France in 1897, and about the same time in Denmark and Germany. In 1900 it reached America and Switzerland, and now, in 1904, or earlier, it has come to Australia, probably by way of England. It was also re- corded for New Zealand in 1904. The mallow rust (Puccinia malvacearmri) has been known in Australia since 1857, when it was found! in the neighbourhood of Melbourne, and now it is one of the commonest rusts we have. It is remarkable for the rapidity of its spread, nearly over the whole world, since it was first de- scribed in 1852 from Chili, where it is indigenous. After its appearance in Australia, the next record of it is in Spain (1869), then France (1872). England and Germany (1873), Italy (1874), Switzerland and Cape of Good Hope (1875), Austria and Hungary (1876), Greece (1877), North America (1886), Sweden (1887), and even reaching Finland (1890). 44 Indigenous and Introduced Species. The hollyhocks on which this rust occurs are ornamental plants, and the disease may have been spread in the ordinary course of trade or exchange. The first record of a rust is by no means a guide to its first appearance, for it is generally only when it has become established and has proved injurious that it attracts attention. The prune rust, Puccinia -pruni, which now occurs in all the States, was first observed in Queensland in 1886, and was recorded for Victoria in 1883. Although con- fined at first to certain districts, it has since then spread considerably, and as settlement increases it becomes more widespread^ The flax rust, Melampsora lini, was first determined on some cultivated flax from South Australia in 1889 by Galloway of the Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S.A. Bolley, in a letter dated 29-th December, 1904, informs me that' it is a very abundant rust upon all the wild varieties, and is always more or less destructive in the flax crop. It is common enough here on the native flax, and was probably introduced with flax seed. There are four species of Phragmidiwn in Australia a genus confined to the Rose family, and only one of them is supposed to have been intro- duced. Phr. subcorticium only occurs on the imported genus Rosa, and was probably introduced in rose cuttings, since the mycelium of the aecidium is known to winter in the stem. Phr. potentillae on species of Acaena was determined by Winter, and' although referred by him to this widely distributed species, it is probably new. Phr. longissimum was first discovered at the Cape of Good Hope, and is now known to occur in other parts of Africa. Its appearance on a native Rubus in Queensland would seem to support the generally accepted opinion of a former land -connexion between Africa and Australia. But Wallace in his Island Life offers an alternative view. " We .should prefer to consider the few genera [of plants] common to Australia and South Africa as remnants of an ancient vegetation, once spread over the Northern Hemisphere, driven southward by the pressure of more specialised types and now finding refuge in these two widely separated southern lands." From the shape and arrangement of the teleutospores and their germination immediately on ripening, this species stands apart from ithe others belonging to this genus, and Dietel 13 draws the conclusion that it separated at a very early period from the common stem of the genus Phragrnidium, a conclusion which harmonizes with the views of Wallace. But the most interesting case of distribution is that of Phr. barnardi, which is not confined to Australia as was formerly believed. Quite the same type has now been found in Japan on the same host-plant (Rubus parvifolius)^ and, according to Dietel 13 , it is simply a variety of the Aus- tralian species, having fewer cells in the teleutospore, and therefore dis- tinguished as variety pauciloculare. A number of plants are common to Eastern Asia and Australia, and R. parvifolius is included by the late Baron von Mueller in a list of plants which extend from Eastern Australia to Japan. There are various ways in which the species may have attained to its present wide distribution, which is given as Malaya, China, Japan, and Australia. Birds may have carried the seeds, and with it some attached spores of the fungus to the Asiatic continent, or inversely from Japan to Australia. There is also the possibility of a former land-connexion between Australia and Asia, which is assumed by -the zoologists, and ait that time the two forms of Phr. bar- nardi may have existed. The flora of Japan, like that of Australia, is regarded as being of the same character as that of the Tertiary period, so that the ^yild raspberry and allied plants had plenty of time to spread from a point to the north of both Australia and Japan, carrying with them to their new homes, the rusts already developed upon them. Indigenous Species with their Hosts. 45 CHAPTER XIV. INDIGENOUS SPECIES WITH THEIR HOSTS. The great majority of Australian rusts complete their life-history on one and the same plant, and are thus autoecious ; but, although heteroecism, or the division of the life cycle into two generations, each on different host- plants, has not yet been proved for any of them, still it has been so well established for several in other countries, that we may accept it for the present as likely to hold good here. As to the recognised indigenous species which are also heteroecious, there are only four Puccinia agropyri, P. agrostidis, P. magnusiana, and P. caricis the three former on Gramineae having their aecidial stage on Ranunculaceae, and the latter on Cyperaceae with its aecidial stage on Urticaceae. If we arrange the indigenous species of rusts known in Australia under the different families of their host-plants, which are further classified ac- cording to their predominance, as determined by the late Baron von Mueller (Table) some interesting deductions may be made; but it must always be remembered that the number of known species is probably far short of those actually existing. Under these circumstances our conclusions can only be partial, still, even with these limitations, it will be instructive to compare the predominance of the native host-plants with that of the native rusts. It is found that the greatest number of rust-species occurs on the families of native plants which are large in point of numbers. Thus the Leguminosae with the greatest number of species have eighteen different rusts, while the Compositae, which only stand fourth in the list, have seventeen. At the same time it ought to be noted that future discoveries may alter this rela- tion, for no less than seven species of the new genus, Uromycladium, have been added to the Leguminosae within /the last few years. The Cyperaceae, which succeed the Compositae, have only four species, while the Gramineae, which come next, have thirteen species. Then the Liliaceae have seven species and the Rubiaceae five ; but on the remaining families they vary from one to five. The Leguminosae and Compositae have eighteen and seventeen species respectively, the Gramineae coming third with thirteen species. The grasses and composites are gene- rally herbaceous, quick-growing plants, with succulent leaves, and the rust-fungi can most readily penetrate their tissues and secure during the growing season sufficiency of food. They would also be guided in their choice by the chemotactic nature of the substances contained in the host- plants ; but there are so many factors which enter into the choice of a host- plant by a rust that we can only mainly at present note their preferences. Confining our attention now to the species of Puccinia alone and compar- ing them with the numbers and distribution as given in Sydow's Mono- graph, it is found that while one-fourth of all the species inhabit Com- positae and one-eighth occur in Gramineae, so with the naitive Puccinias in Australia more than one-seventh belong to the Compositae and one- ni'nth to the Gramineae. In the Leguminosae only one species has been met with, and only fifteen species are recorded altogether. Indigenous Species with their Hosts. - 1 S | 1 || 1 1 11 | ill | PP -; pp p Hi Hi i 851 * X 2 i gal Hi 444 ^^^ ti r g < > 1 S <1 s tz; H I 02 8 < i a ai " a 2 ^ _ 004 ~ iflljlj - 5ZJ | tllftif fe PPPPPPP W \ 8M > 11 |E 111 if! " microtidis orchidearum thelymitrae puccinioides PPPP PPP PPP P J .Jl l8| 2 -i. If 111 1 s H 44 '3 o 1 at c >> 1 .2 1 =5 1 1 CD a c O Is 1 C 4 I i _a PP P P P p P boroniae correae eriostemonis burchardiae wurmbeae coprosmae oliganthae operculariae dielsiana kochiae heterospora plagianthi , xanthosiae 1 A 15 dichondrae haemodori j alyxiae . carissae | . mussoni . tetragoniae . loranthicola PHPH'O; PH&H PHPnPH PnCM - - PH OH PH | ; 1 o "3 PH Liliaceae Rubiaceae | rf ! o a OJ B g 3 - Umbelliferae Amarantaccac Sapindaceae I B v: '5 1 | 1 Scrophulariaceat Convolvulaccae- e c6 B Cruciferae Apocynaceae Campanulaceae- Acanthaceae Ficoideae Loranthaceae 48 Indigenous Species with their Hosts. ! 1 i ^ 1 fl "eS AKCIDIDK A. nymphoi A. calthae A. ranuncul arum A. plantagi variae '5 3 < 1 s | .22 o-O 5 r J i i 1 il i 1 II c 99 5 g SB p S e 4 2 Jz; 1 o 05 w 1 3J. i 5 w 1 |f|l s < J2* O S Hji^f OQ 02 OS i P;^; p; O SB p w S 2 2 g i i & 6 o s UKOMYCES. f 1 a I j; 5 - PDOCINIA. ludwigii muehlen- beckiae . hypoxidis 1 '1 i | geranii-pilosi morrisoni i- z. PnOt (V CH P^P^ PH PMPM PH S I | i i i 1 1 II lilt 4i i 8 H i H fill!!!] I 1 i j 1 I I Indigenous Species with their Hosts. 49 It is worthy of remark that on some of our most predominant families, such as Myrtaceae and Proteaceae, which are only exceeded by the Legu- minosae, the rusts are practically absent. It is passing strange that upon our numerous Eucalypts and kindred species not a single rust-fungus should have developed, while in the Proteaceae, with their wonderful variety of foliage, only a single species, and that a Uredo, is recorded. Melamp- sora eucalypti Rabh. found in Calcutta on the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus is merely a name, and the specimens show no indications of a rust. I have carefully examined the original specimen in Rabenhorst's Fungi europaei 2592, and while the leaves have numerous blister-like swellings over them, they are found to consist of discoloured cells, the epidermal cells parti- cularly being brown and discoloured, and might superficially be mistaken for spores. In the preceding table only indigenous rusts are given which occur on native host -pi ants, but such rusts may either be confined exclusively to native planits or they may occur on other allied introduced plants growing here as well. Thus Puccinia tasmanica is found on the introduced weed the common groundsel (Senccio vulgaris), but one stage of it is also found on native species of the same genus, and, therefore, it is regarded as in- digenous. The rust may also be found on native plants, though in other parts of the world on allied species, and yet be regarded as native, as in the case of P. perplexans and P. agropyri. There are even cases where native rusts, or at least rusts not known elsewhere, are confined exclusively to imported plants, as P. calendulae, P. cinerariae, and P. distincta. As regards introduced rusts, they may be found on both native and imported plants, the presumption being ithat the rust spread from one to the other, though some may incline to the view that these are as much natives of Australia as of any other country. Disregarding Puccima graminis, there are four such species, P. menthae, P. malvace- arum, P. thuemeni, and Melampsora lini. There is still another group consisting of introduced rusts found here on imported plants alone, siuch as Puccinia chrysanthemi and Phragmidium subcorticium. Australian Distribution. CHAPTER XV. AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTION. It would be premature to attempt to arrange the Australian rusts in geographical districts, since they are as yet too imperfectly known, and large areas have not been explored sufficiently to give any exact idea as to the number of species or the distribution of those already known^ So for the present I will content myself with indicating their distribution m the different States, and this may lead to a filling up of many of the gaps, when it is seen what species may exist in one State, and are probably to b lound in some of the others. There is one evident way in which our knowledge of this group might be extended and the area of distribution made better known. They depend for their existence on the occurrence of suitable host-plants, and since these are given for each species, as far as known, wherever the host-plants are to be found, there the parasites might be looked for. The total number of species at present recorded is 161, and they are distributed among the different genera as follows: 1905. 1892. Uromyces ... 27 13 Uromycladium ... 7 Puccinia ... 90 ... 24 Phragmidium ... 4 ... 4 Cronartium ... i ... i Melampsora ... 2 .., 3 Roestelia ... ... i Caeoma ... 2 ... o Aecidium ... 15 ... 16 Uredo ... 13 ... 10 161 72 It will be seen that the Puccinias constitute more than one-half of the whole, and the Uromyces come next. In Cooke's Handbook of Australian Fungi, published in 1892, there are only 72 recorded, or less than half the number, and even some of these do not stand the test of further investigation. In Melampsora, for instance, there are three species given, and two of these must be withdrawn, one belonging to another species also recorded, and another not being a rust at all. And in Sydow's Monograph, just completed for the Puccinias, only 43 are given for Australia. The following list shows the distribution of species in the different States, and it is naturally very unequal. In Victoria, which heads the list, there has been a zealous band of collectors stimulated into activity by the late Baron von Mueller and encouraged by a progressive and active Field Naturalists' Club. In Queensland the Government Botanist has always been most enthusiastic in working up the Fungi generally, and in New South Wales and Tasmania good progress is being made. Although South Australia does not possess an official Government Botanist, that State is fortunate in having such a zealous Botanist as J. G. O. Tepper, F.L.S., Australian Distribution. 51 who has given special attention to this group, and has not only described some species himself, but has had several named in his honour, such as Puccinia tepperi and Uromycladium tepperianum. - No. of Species. Victoria. Now South Wale.-. Queensland. South Australia. West Austral! ii. Tasmania. Uromyces 27 21 12 7 6 6 Uromycladium 7 7 3 i 2 I 6 Puccinia 90 69 26 >4 15 10 28 Phragmidium .. 4 3 i 3 ... 2 Cronartium . . . i i i ... I Melampsora . . . 2 2 i ... i ... I Caeoma 2 1 2 ... Aecidium *5 9 5 3 .. I 7 Uredo i 3 5 3 4 I 2 Totals 161 118 5 33 27 13 53 Parasitism. CHAPTER XVI. THE ORIGIN AND SPECIALISATION OF PARASITISM. In a group of parasitic fungi like the rusts the question naturally arises, How did this parasitic habit originate? Parasitism in fungi is an adapta- tion whereby the fungus can directly draw its nourishment from the living material, and in order to do this it must have become accustomed to a new mode of life, for it is assumed that originally the fungi obtained the requisite substances for food from dead or decaying organic material. The saprophytic mode of life seems to have led up to the parasitic, tor there is every sort of gradation between the two. Some parasites are able to complete their development entirely on artificial nutritive media. Others require to infect the living plant first, and then undergo their final develop- ment on dead tissue, while others begin their life on dead material, as a preparatory stage to passing over to the living substance. The origin of parasitism and that of specialisation are so intimately bound up that they may be conveniently considered together, for at the critical moment, when the spore first put forth its germ-tube into the living tissue of a particular host-plant and was able to grow there, then parasit- ism was established, and if the fungus confined itself to that host then specialisation had begun. What induced the fungus to enter the living plant by means of its germ-tube, and afterwards confine itself to one or a few closely-allied species is the question to be answered. It does not seem difficult to account for the entrance of the germ-tube into the stoma, for it follows the lines of junction of the cells, and ultimately comes to a stoma, into which it dips just as it would into any other opening. But to be able to penetrate the cells and abstract nourishment from them is the point which requires explanation. It is assumed that the saprophytic habit was the normal one among fungi, and that parasitism is an acquired habit. Massee 9 claims to have proved this assumption to be a fact, for he says " A saprophytic fungus can be gradually educated to become an active parasite to a given host- plant, by means of introducing a substance positively chemotactic to the fungus into the tissues of the host. By similar means a parasitic fungus ran be induced to become parasitic on a new host." Parasitism, then, is flue to chemotaxis, which is a form of sensitiveness in the plant whereby it has an affinity for certain substances, and is opposed to others. Thus there are various substances which are capable of attracting or repelling the germ- tubes of fungi, and the name of positive or negative chemotaxis has been given to this property. In an extensive series of experiments conducted with both parasitic and saprophytic fungi, Massee 9 has shown that certain substances in the plant are positively chemotactic in their nature, and others negatively so. Thus it was found that sugar is the most general of positive chemotactic sub- stances, although its action on the germ-tubes of obligate parasites is very slight. Experiments showed that " it was not sufficiently powerful in any instance to attract the germ-tubes through perforations in mica or through stomata." Specialisation of Parasitism. Recent investigations in connexion with heteroecious rust-fungi, or those which change their hosts and produce a different kind of fungus on each Parasitism. 53 host, together with the results of infection experiments, have considerably modified our views as to the limits of species in such fungi. Eriksson l , in dealing, with cereal rusts particularly, found that they were not liable to infect indiscriminately the different cereals, but were confined to one, or, at most, a few closely-allied host-plants, and to this phenomenon, so widespread among parasitic fungi, he applied the appro- priate name of specialisation. As examples of specialisation among heteroecious rust-fungi may be given those of Puccima coronata, Corda, and P. graminis, Pers. Klebahn } proved by infection experiments that the crown rust on Dactylis glomerata and other grasses only produced its aecidium on Frangula alnus, while that on Lolium perenne required for its aecidial host Rhamnus catliartica. Hence the old species was split up into two, which can also be separated by mor- phological characters. Eriksson 1 also proved in 1894 that the well- known and much-investigated species of Puccima graminis could be split up into a series of forms, all of which agreed in producing aecidia on the barberry, but differed in the uredo and -teleutospore generations, only being able to infect special host-plants. Puccinia dispersa, Eriks., was proved to be an independent species, with uredo and teleutospores on rye, and its aecidia on species of Anchusa. Included in this were a number of forms which had no known aecidial stage, and they were afterwards separated and raised to specific rank as P. triticina, P. bromina, P. agro-pyrina, &c. If a general view be taken of this phenomenon it is found that when two closely-related species, say, A and B, are attacked by a rust-fungus, the one on A will not infect B, and that on B will not infect A, even although the two fungi are the same species, regarded from a morphological point of view. There must, however, be some adaptation between the host and the fungus, so that the latter is attracted towards the one host and repelled by the other. But it has been shown by Ward l that occasionally a spore from A may gain a footing on B, and once having done this it can continue to infect B, since it has now become adapted to it. According to the same observer, parasites may be educated to attack fresh plants by means of what he calls bridging-species. Thus, while the parasite on A may be unable to infect B, it mav be able easily to infect a related species C, and after establishing itself on C it may then have the power to infect B so that C becomes the bridging species from A to B, Massee 9 has also shown that a parasitic fungus can be led to attack a new host-plant by injecting a substance positively chemotactic to the fungus into the tissues of the living leaf. Parasitism is thus an acquired habit, and, generally speaking, it be- comes specialised, because only in certain plants are the substances present which attract the fungi, while in others there are also certain substances which repel, and thus prevent their germ-tubes gaining a footing in the tissues. But in contrast to this specialisation, there occurs in a few species what may be called general parasitism, where the parasitic fungus is able to in- fect host-plants widely separated in their affinities. 'Fischer 3 and Klebahn 1 have shown that Cronartium asclepiadeum can attack plants belonging to such distantly related families as Ranunculaceae and Scrophu- lariaceae, as well as Asclepiadeae, so that it has become necessary to unite under this name, species which were formerly separated on account of the difference of host-plant. Chemotaxis can hardly be held accountable for such a widely-divergent distribution of host-plants, and although it does not clear the matter^ up, it may be referred to the " internal developmental tendencies Klebahn l until a better explanation is forthcoming. 54 Parasitism. The specialisation of parasitism resulting in the evolution of biologic forms is not confined to the Uredineae, but probably extends to parasitic fungi generally, which frequent more than one host, and this has been experimentally proved, particularly in the mildews or Erysiphaceae. Seve- ral biologic forms may occur within a morphological species, so that it will be necessary in the future, for the proper understanding of any such species, not only to determine its limits by means of structural characters, but also the special forms included in it with restricted powers of infec- tion. Hitherto it has been generally assumed that the same parasitic fungus occurring on two closely related host-plants would be mutually infective, but this does not necessarily follow, even with different species of the same genus. Neger 1 , in 1902, proved by numerous experiments that there were biologic forms of Oidium for several species of Erysiphe, and Marchal 1 in the same year divided the one species of E. graminis into seven distinct forms, using only the conidia for purposes of infection. He showed that the biological form on barley was unable to infect wheat, oats, and rye, and Salmon 2 carried the experiments a stage further by using the asco- spores, which had the same restricted powers of infection. This difference in infective power is not due to any apparent structural change in the fungus, for the form of E. graminis on the wheat is indis- tinguishable, even under the microscope, from that on the barley, and yet the form on barley cannot infect the wheat, nor can that on wheat infect the barley. The difference, therefore, lies in the physiological peculiarities of the host-plant, and it has been suggested that the cells of the leaf contain an enzyme which is fatal to the growth of the haustorium of any other form. But probably the action is reciprocal, and the germ-tube of the fungus finds something in the particular host-plant which attracts it, and is conducive to its growth. Heteroecism. CHAPTER XVII. HETEROECISM AND ITS ORIGIN. In a great many species the various stages of the self-same fungus, as already indicated, occur on the, same host-plant, but the variety in. the mode of reproduction has also brought about a variation in the mode of nutrition, for there are a number of species in which one part of their life is passed upon one species of plant, and the remainder on a totally different species. The host-plants are not even related to each other, but stand far apart in their natural affinities. Those which passed their entire existence on one plant have been called autoecious species, while those which spread it over different plants are called heteroecious species. As a general rule it is assumed that the different forms of rust occur- ring on the same host-plant are genetically connected, ialthough it is always desirable, where possible, to have experimental proof of it. In Uromyces fiolygoni, for instance, the three stages of aecidio, uredo, and teleuto- spores may all occur together on the same leaf, or the aecidia may occur on one portion of the plant, and the uredo and teleuto sori on another ; and in both cases the species is regarded as having three stages, which are different forms of the same fungus. It is but a step further to have, say, the aecidia on one host-plant and the uredo and teleuto stages on another, and this affords a greater variety of food supply. Just as in the separa- tion of the sexes in flowering plants, we are justified in assuming that all the different stages occurred at first on' the same host-plant, but gradually, in the struggle for existence, one reproductive body matured on one plant and the others on a different plant, so that a change of food was secuied and a succession of crops insured. This heteroecism of the rusts was first discovered by De Bary in 1864, when he proved that the rust in wheat, Pucdnia graminis, produced its uredo and teleutospores on the Gramineae, while its aecidial stage developed on the barberry. It has thus been assumed that heteroecious species originated from autoecious species in the simple and seemingly natural way ithat the two generations separated, just to occupy fresh ground, at first passing over to nearly allied plants, and gradually to plants further and further re- moved in the natural system, until the present position of affairs was brought about that the two generations of the same fungus attack plants widely removed from each other, as far as their natural affinities are concerned. But there is no evidence to prove that such a gradual separation took place, for even although the species of Pucdnia on Phalaris may have their related aecidia on other Monocotyledons, and the Uromyces on the pea, with its aecidia on a Euphorbia, yet they are always considerably remote from each other. In fact, (the view that heteroecism originated suddenly and without the different generations slowly and gradually pass- ing from plant to plant, seems to have most in its favour. It is admittedly a difficult problem, since from the very nature of the case no one has been able to observe an autoecious fungus becoming heteroecious. Heteroecism is only possible when more than one spore-form occurs in the life-cycle, and how the variety of spore-forms originated is capable of different interpretation. It may either have been a progressive develop- ment from the simplest forms, or it may have been a retrogression from the most highly developed forms. We may conceive heteroecism to have 438. c 5 6 Heteroecism. proceeded from the formation of teleutospores being succeeded by aecidio- spores, presumably at first both arising from the same mycelium. Next a division of labour took place, and the, mycelium of the aecidia was pro- duced by the sporidiola, while the mycelium of the teleutospore proceeded from the aecidiospore. The advance to heteroecism took place when the aecidiospores produced their mycelium in one host-plant and the : spores, through the sporidiola, in another, and the kerne of the matter lies in the answer to the question, How did this come about? It may either have taken place bv a long series of slow and gradual changes, whereby the different spore-forms gradually accustomed themselves to the new mode of life or it may have developed suddenly by one of the spore-forms terminating .and growing on a different host-plant, and continuing to do so But this latter view is hardly borne out by some experiments conducted liss Gibson 1 , in which the aecidia from different host-plants were use to infect Ranunculus ficaria, and while the germ-tube as a rule entered the stoma freely, it was generally dead and shrivelled by the third day. This result was not supposed to be due to starvation, for she says: " Whether the incapacity to penetrate the cells is due to lack ot attractive substance or to the presence of anything actively repellent is not clear though, as before stated, certain facts seem to suggest the presence ot something harmful to the hyphae." A few concrete examples may be given to show how far these views are borne out by facts. De Bary considered the probable origin of three species of Chrysomyxa occurring in the Alps, and the relation existing between them : C. rlw- dodendri (DC.) De Bary, forms its uredo and teleutospores on species of Rhododendron, while its aecidiospores occur on Picea excelsa, the name given ito this form before its connexion was discovered being Aecidium abietimim, Alb. and Schw. C, ledi (Alb. and Schw.) De Bary, forms uredo and teleutospores on Ledum palustre, and its aecidia also on Picea excelsa, there being little or no distinction between them and those of C. rhododendri. The third, C. ab'ietis (Wallr.) Ung., forms the same kind of teleutospore on Picea excelsa, but the sporidiola from the germ-tube produce mycelia which only form teleutospores and no aecidia or uredo- spores have been observed. In seeking to account for this, he assumes a common origin of the three forms, and considers that either the original form from which they were all derived had no aecidial fructification to start with, or there was an aecidial fructification, and C. abietis has in course of time dropped it. The latter view is the one he favours. We can imagine these three forms competing for Picea as an aecidial host, and while two succeeded in establishing themselves, the third, C. abietis. was compelled to drop it altogether. Barclay 2 , in tracing the developmental history of Uredineae, attempted to show that in the struggle for existence, heteroecism was beneficial, and that if two species compete against one another for a host, that which makes for heteroecism will more probably succeed than that which makes for autoecism. There is another interesting series of forms worthy of consideration known as " coronate " rusts, because the apex of the teleutospore is pro- longed into and crowned by a number of finger-like processes. There are both heteroecious and autoecious species as follows: 1. P. roronata, Corda, I. Franguli alnus, II., III., Grasses. 2. P. lolii, Niels., I. Rhamnus cathartica, &c., II., III., Grasses. 3. P. himalayensis (Barcl.), Diet. I. R. dahurica, II., III., Grasses. Hcteroechm. 57 4. P. festucae, Plow., I. Lonicera periclymenium, &c., II., III., Grasses. 5. P. mesneriana, Thuem. III., Rhamnus alaternus. 6. P. digitata, Ell. and Hark. III., R. croceus. 7. P. schweinfurthii (P. Henn.) Magn. III., R. slraddo. 8. P. longirostris, Komarov III., Lonicera hispida. 9. Uromyces phyllodiorum (B. and Br.) McAlp. O., II., III., Acacia notabilis, &c. Fischer considered that the original forms of the heteroecious species lived both on the grasses and Rhamnus as autoecious fungi, and that they could undergo their complete development on either of them. These original forms were thus supposed to be able to live on a variety of hosts, and it is assumed thait only in recent times had they become specialised. In support of this view there is a rust Puccinia graminella which produces both aecidia and teleutospores on a grass, and I have also found an aecidium on Danthonia, and although teleutospores were not observed on the same plant, I still regard the two as belonging to the same species, viz., Uromyces dantliomae. Fischer presupposes that the original form was both autoecious and plurivorous, and it is reasonable to suppose that a fungus which could live upon two such distinct hosts as Rhamrtus and grasses would, at the same time, select numerous other plants as hosts, so that this view hardly explains the fact. lit is much simpler to suppose that since these primary forms had begun to form aecidia and eventually uredospores, they no longer carried out their complete development on their original hosts, since a change of host was in a sense equivalent to a cross in flowering plants. They accord- ingly changed their teleutospores (and uredospores) to new hosts, so that the autoecious stage was dispensed with because it was not so advantageous as the other. This change of host is not a haphazard affair, but takes place according to a definite plan. lit may be confined to a single or' a few distinct species., and attempts to bring it about on plants which do not belong to the regular cycle, as a rule, end in failure. But, of course, the regular host plants may fail, owing to drought or some other climatic conditions, and then the fungus often obeys the law of self-preservation, by repeating the same generation again and again. This may even become a fixed habit until the single generation is more or less independent, and then it is all that remains of what was once a complete cycle. Among the heteroecious fungi there is a regular course of development which is usually followed. The one host-plant bears the aecidium genera- tion, and the other host-plant the uredo and teleuto spore generations, but there are slight differences in detail which may be noted here. The complete cycle of development, as already stated in the introduc- tion, is the most common, in which the teleutospores germinate in the spring after a winter's rest, and produce sporidiola. The sporidiola infect the young leaves of the proper host, and produce aecidia, usually accom- panied or preceded by spermogonia. Then the aecicliospores infect the host which bears the uredo and teleuto spores, but as a rule the regular course of development is interrupted by the repeated production of uredospores before the final stage is reached." The fungus is thus widely spread from plant to plant by means of the uredospores and then the teleutospores are formed in the autumn, either from the same mycelium or from a teleuto- ^spore-bearing mycelium proceeding from the uredospores. c 2 Heteroecism. This course of development may be represented graphically as follows, taking P. gr ambus as the type: , in Europe. &, in Australia. Spennatui Teleutospores Teleutos pores Uredospores Aecidiospores FIG. 14. Uredospores Fio. 15. The aecidial stage of the spring rusts of wheat (P. tritidna) or barley (P. simplex] is not known, but Klebahn hazards the suggestion that the hosts to which they respectively belong may only exist in their original home, and thus not hitherto observed. With such widely and extensively cultivated plants, the uredospores could easily be carried on the grain or by the wind, and the fungus could thus be perpetuated without the intervention of an intermediate host. The tiding over of the winter is most important for those fungi which depend upon two host plants for their continued existence, but while this is usually accomplished by means of the teleutospores, other and additional measures may be taken .to secure the same result. Sometimes the uredo- mycelium persists during the winter, and in the case of Pucdnia arrhenatheri the aecidium-mycelium becomes perennial, and reproduces the aecid'ia year after year, while the teleutospore is also produced. When the aecidiai stage is dropped, as in the case of Pucdnia graminis in Australia, then there is a profuse development of uredospores in comparison with teleutospores, and there is abundance forf present needs, as well as for future germination in the spring. In other cases where the aecidial host is absent, the same thing has been observed, as in Caleosporium senedonis, when occurring in a district destitute of fir trees, or Chrysomyxa rhododendri when the silver fir is absent. Heteroecism ds said to increase the vigour of the fungus, and a striking illustration is given by Pucdnia graminis on wheat. It is sometimes said that the aecidiospores from barberry are much more virulent than the uredosppres derived from the wheat itself, since the teleutospores produced are earlier, more copious, and more injurious to the wheat. With reference to this, Plowright says : " There is a wonderful difference in the amount of injury done by mildew, when derived directly from the barberry, and when derived from uredo that has reproduced itself through several gener- ations. . . . The fungus grows with such energy that it so injures the \vheat plant as to prevent it producing more than a few starved kernels." As against this view, it may* be well to bear in mind that in no country in the \yorld probably does P. graminis cause as great injury to wheat as it does in Australia, a country with barberries practically non-existent, amd in which the aecidial stage has never been found. Of course further observations on a number of species are necessary :abhsh the fact, but Klebahn considers that the utilization of the vegetative periods and other peculiarities of the host-plants, rendered pos- sible by the change of hosts, gives the fungus a decided advantage. Heteroecism. rp Whatever view we take as to the cause of heteroecism, it is a well- established fact that the promycelial spores, no matter how freely applied produce no effect on the grasses which bear them, and the most probable theory as to its origin assumes that the uredo and teleuto spore generation were at first associated with the aecidia, but ultimately passed over to other hosts. 60 Predisposition. CHAPTER XVIII. PREDISPOSITION. Wherever epidemic diseases caused by parasitic fungi occur, the ques- tion is raised as to the relative susceptibility of different varieties or indi- viduals. The fungus has the power of causing disease in the host plant attacked, but the latter in its turn may either be favorably or unfavor- ably disposed towards its development. This predisposition of the host for the attacks of the parasite is very variable, and is influenced by vari- ous factors. It is generally considered that a sickly plant is more liable to rust than a sound one ; but, on the contrary, strong and sound individuals are more easily and more virulently attacked, so that for artificial infection strong-growing plants are selected. Ward 7 has shown that when the host- plant is starved by withholding/ certain mineral salts, and thus stunted in growth and generally enfeebled, it is not affected in its susceptibility or otherwise. A starved plant certainly develops smaller pustules and fewer spores on account of the diminished supplies of food available for the mycelium, ibut the power of infection is just as great as in normal plants. As far as brome rust is concerned and we have no reason to doubt that it holds good for others as well predisposition and immunity on the part of the host, and impotence and virulence on the part of the parasite are alike independent of mere nutrition. But, as we shall see afterwards, certain substances not of the nature of food-material, introduced into the plant may affect its liability to disease. There are various factors, how- ever, which may either dispose the plant towards disease or tend to render it immune, and some of these may be given here. The age of the part attacked has an important influence on infection, particularly where the sporidiola are concerned. Young leaves and shoots are most easily infected, and when they get older little or no effect is pro- duced. This is owing to the germ-tube of the sporidiolum penetrating the epidermis direct, and it is well known that this laver becomes firmer and tougher and less easily penetrable as it gets older. The uredospores and aecidiospores, on the other hand, infect the older leaves as well ; as the younger, and this is easily explained from the fact that their germ-tubes enter through the stomata. Different parts of the same plant are also variously affected. Some- times it is the leaves, sometimes leaf and stem, and it may be on one or both sides of the leaf. The different species of rust on the same host- plant are apt to choose different portions. Thus Puccinia triticina, from its earlier attack, is found most commonly on the lower leaves, and extends on to the sheath, mostly near its junction with the leaf, while P. graminis 5 worse on the upper leaves, and often particularly bad on sheath and stem. ^Different varieties or sorts of the same species vary considerablv in ;ity, and, as will be shown later, it is by the selection 'and such rust-resistant sorts that solution of the rust-in-wheat ques- m Australia is being attempted. The same is the case with other have seen one kind of flax (Linum usitatissimum) badly l.y Mclampsora /*/, and another kind growing alongside quite Jennings 5 has recently made observations which tend to show that lants previously susceptible to the attacks of a parasitic fungus mav gradu- come immune when they are changed to rich ground where they are better nourished and more vigorous. Predisposition. 61 In 1894 several rhizomes of Peltandra virginica were sent to him from North America, and planted in pots. An aecidium developed on the sterns and midribs of the leaves, which was found to be new and named Aecid- ium importation. One plant was left in the pot, which was placed in water, and the others were planted out in a soil composed of damp humus. The pot plant has annually produced the aecidia up till the time of writing (1902), while the other plaints only showed the fungus very slightly in 1895 and 1896, after which they grew exceedingly strong, and since then have remained perfectly sound. It must be remembered that this is a hardy marsh-loving plant, and there is probably more than mere nutrition concerned in its freedom from disease, since it would be more reasonable to regard the result mentioned as due to the change of situation than to change of soil. Salmon 3 considers that the evidence which is gradually accumulat- ing on the subject of the relations between host-plants and parasitic fungi leads us to the conclusion that immunity and susceptibility are due to con- stitutional (physiological) peculiarities, and not to any structural ones. He has also shown experimentally that while the uninjured leaf may be im- mune, the same leaf when cut or injured may /become liable to infection, and the conidia produced on such leaves are then able to infect uninjured leaves. In this way the range of infection of a biologic form may be in- creased. Different species of the same genus, when they are generally at- tacked by a rust-fungus, may vary considerably in their susceptibility to infection. If we attempt to explain the varying susceptibility of different plants or different kinds of plants, then the difficulty is apparent, and the sym- biotic relation between the parasite on the one hand, and the host-plant on the other, complicates the matter. Why is the fungus able to infect certain host-plants, and not others? Why is the host-plant capable of resisting certain fungi, and not others? How is the fungus able to accommodate itself to certain plants, and not to others ? These and other questions may be asked, but cannot be fully answered at present. De Bary 2 says : "The physiological reason for these predispositions cannot, in most cases, be ex- actly stated ; but it may be said in general terms to lie in the material composition of the host, and therefore to be indirectly dependent on the nature of its food." The question has been asked, if there is any relation between liability to infection or power of resistance and the visible structural features of the leaf, and it has been answered differently by various investigators. Hennings 2 lays stress upon the physical characteristics of the parts of the plant on which the parasitic fungi occur. He considers that the para- site develops differently on a thin-skinned, delicate leaf, and a thick- skinned, firm, leathery 'leaf. Also that the venation and hairiness of the leaf may affect the result. Marshall Ward 1 fully investigated the structural peculiarities of the leaves of the various species of Bromus used in his infection experiments with brown rust such as thickness of cell-wall and cuticle, " bloom," size, number, and distribution of hairs, distribution of chlorophyll-tissue and vascular bundles and he arrived at the conclusion that " the resistance to infection of the immune or partially immune species and varieties is not to be referred to observable anatomical or structural peculiarities, but to internal, that is, intra-protoplasmic properties beyond the reach of the microscope. ' ' Salmon 3 comes to the same conclusion from his infection experiments with the oidium of Erysiphe, but the physical characters of the wheat-plant seem to have some some effect on its liability to rust, for there are certain 6 , Predisposition. typical characters associated with the quality of rust ^ s ^ a " ce ' would appear therefore to have a share in bringing albout this, re suit. rust-resistant wheat, the leaves have a tough cuticle, and the straw is well glared often with a glaucous bloom. The flag is narrow not broad, erect not drooping, stiff and firm, not soft and flabby. Still all these characters may be present, and yet the climatic conditions may overrule them and weaken the power of rust-resistance. It will thus be 'seen that a variety of causes may contribute to rendering a plant im- mune, and that not only the chemical and other properties of protoplasm come into play, but there is also the mutual reaction of the living proto- plasm of host and parasite to be considered. As far as the rust fungus is concerned, there is no such thing as a per- fectly immune wheat-plant, for, given the necessary conditions of situation, heat, moisture, and spores at the right season, and ati some time or another rust will appear. We express this by saying that there are rust-resistant wheats, but not " rust-proof." Animals are sometimes rendered immune, or, at least less susceptible to disease, by repeated infections, so that they become gradually accus- tomed to the effects of the parasite, and the important question arises, Can plants also be submitted to " protective inoculation " ? Inoculation witl attenuated bacteria is the simplest method with animals, and this treatment retards their vegetative development, and so lessens their injurious effects. This artificially-induced immunity only lasts a certain time, varying; in different cases. Ehrlich and Huebener 1 have shown, from numerous experiments upon animals, that an immunized mother can impart immunity to her offspring, but it is not lasting. In the case of plants, as in animals, there seem to be two opposing forces at work. On the one hand, the protoplasm of the fungus is endeavouring to overcome the resistance to its entrance offered by the host- plant, while on the other hand the host is more or less successfully resisting the inroads of the fungus. There are no known cases of a plant becoming "immune" or "partially immune" by inoculation with the parasitic fungus to protect it against further attack, but advantage has been taken of the great sensitiveness of certain spores to copper salts to protect the organism against them. (Note 6, p. 75.) Chemotaxis is the name given by Pfeffer 1 to a form of sensitiveness which certain organisms possess towards certain chemical substances. This power, which certain nutritive and other substances have of attracting bacteria and other organisms towards them, is known as -positive chemotaxis, and of organic substances with a high nutritive value which are positively chemofactic, may be mentioned asparagin an< peptone, while sugar, which is one of the best food stuffs and rich( sources of energy, has but little attractive power. The power of othe substances, on the contrary, to repel bacteria, is know as negative chei taxis, and free acids and alkalies, as well as alcohol, have this effe Glycerine, as far as known, is an inactive substance. Massee 9 has stal that immunity is owing to the absence or small proportion of the substance chemotactic to the parasite in the plant not attacked, and if a plant can be impregnated with some substance which is negatively chemotactic, and at the same time does not affect the utility of the plant, then immunity against parasitic fungi may be obtained in this way. Laurent 1 , acting on this principle, conducted a series of experiments to test the possibility of producing potatoes which would be proof against Phyto-phthora infestans. He grew very susceptible varieties in pots, to the soil of which sulphate of copper was added, and when the tubers were harvested, some were cut in two and their cut surface placed in contact with Predisposition. 63 the mildew of potato leaves. After four days, the tubers grown in the soil containing copper did not show any infection, while those girown in untreated soil were infected in a very decided manner from being brought into contact with a mildewed leaf. Marchal 2 , following on the same lines, tried to secure immunity to lettuce against Bremia lactucae, and he found that /the plants treated showed considerable resistance, and the immunity seemed to be in proportion to the strength of the solution. He also experimented with cereals for pro- tection against rusts, but without success, and the probability is that he did not use the proper substance which repelled the germ-tubes of the irust- spores when they attempted to enter the plant. Massee 7 experimented with cucumber and tomato plants, watering the soil on which they were grown with a solution of sulphate of copper. The result was that " not a single one of the treated tomato plants showed a trace of disease " after being sprayed with water containing the spores of the fungus, while the untreated check plants were badly diseased. It is important to note that tomatoes produced from plants treated with solutions of copper sulphate were found on analysis to show amounts of coppesr 'not sensibly greater than that found in the fruits obtained from un- treated plants. These experiments at least show that certain substances entering into the constitution of the host-plant render it for the time being immune to the attacks of certain fungi, even although it was naturally predisposed to that particular form of disease. 64 Wheat Rust in Australia. CHAPTER XIX. THE PRESENT POSITION OF THE RUST IN WHEAT QUESTION IN AUSTRALIA. It will tend to clearness if we con-fine our attention to the rust in wheat, for the general considerations which hold in this case will apply to the rusts on the other cereals chiefly cultivated, viz., oats and barley. And the rust which is most important from the farmer's point of view, because* it does the most damage, will be chosen viz., Puccinia graminis, which is so distinct in its characters that there is no difficulty in recognising, it. There are only two kinds of rust in wheat in Australia, the positively injurious Puccinia graminis and the comparatively harmless P. triticina, because it does not pinch and shrivel the grain like the other. In the early days wheat and other cereals had to be imported into Sydney, but now it is grown to such an extent in the Australian Commonwealth that in the season 1903-4 there were 5,566,340 acres under wheat, yielding a total of 74,149,634 bushels. Wheat will always form one of our staple products, and from the great extent of the industry, whatever increases the yield or tends to diminish the losses from disease, will have a corresponding far-reaching effect. Ever since attention has been given to the subject, it has been found that not a year passes without its being present on wheat to a greater or less extent, and in some years, which are commonly spoken of as rusty years, it seriously injures the grain and considerably diminishes the yield. To give some con crete idea of the extent of the loss, it may be stated that in a particularly bad season like that of 1889, the loss was estimated to be for the whole o Australia between ^2, 000,000 and ^3, 000,000. In such favorable years for the rust, there is always an evident connexion between the weather and its epidemic nature. In 1889 it was a wet spring, and about the blooming season the weather was what was known as " muggy," consisting of showers with heat between, and heavy dews, so that the wheat-plant, at the time of coming into flower, was particularly susceptible, and the rust spores found a ready entrance into the tissues of the plant, with their accumulated stores of food, and thus it spread rapidly. Atmospheric conditions a,re often regarded as the prime factors in the production of rust, but they are only concerned in the matter in so far as they favour or hinder the development of the parasite which causes it, and this is strikingly shown in the existence of rust-resisting wheats. Owing to the importance of the subject, and the widespread losses, delegates from the various States were appointed to meet and confer periodically, and these various conferences extended from the first in 1890 to the last in 1896. The results of their labours may be seen in their voluminous reports, which practically cover the different phases of the question. But there were some important points with which they were not then in a position to deal, such as the effects of rust on the straw and grain, and experiments in the inocu- lation of the bartberry. These will be considered preliminary to the main question. EFFECTS OF RUST ON THE STRAW AND GRAIN. The visible effects of the rust on the wheat plant is well shown in PI. -IV., where the straw of the rust-resistant Rerraf is bright, glossy deep yellow, and well ripened, while that of the badly rusted Queen's jubilee has a dirty, streaky, patchy appearance. The ears of the one are full-sized and well formed, with plump, well-filled grain, and the other has poor ears with light and shrivelled grain. Wheat Rust in Australia. 65 But the effect upon the composition of the plant, and particularly its feeding value, is not known to the farmer, who cuts his crop for hay when rust threatens to ruin it. This has recently been determined by F. T. Shutt l , chemist, Dominion Experimental Farms, Canada, who analyzed two samples of wheat grown at Manitoba in the same field and of the same age, only the one was rusted and the other rust free, so sthat the results are strictly comparable. The analysis is as follows: ANALYSIS or RUSTED AND RUST-FREE WHEAT-STRAW AND GRAIN. a -z o j a. p g " . B 5 3 Q g "3 b: .X O o s E 1 Grams. Straw from rust-free wheat 7' 9 2 2-44 65 39-00 39'95 9-04 Straw from rusted wheat .. . 7-92 7-69 1-97 3678 7-20 Grain from rust-free wheat 3*0504 I2-26 io'5o 70*55 2-29 1-84 Grain from rusted wheat I -4944 10*66 13-69 *'35 68-03 3-03 2-24 The Straw. It is pointed out that in crude protein the rusted straw is much richer, and since this includes all the nitrogenous compounds of a food that go to repair waste, form blood and build up muscle, it may safely be concluded that the rusted straw is much superior in feeding value. There is also in the rusted straw slightly more fat and somewhat less fibre, so that all this affords additional evidence of its more highly nutritious nature. The handling and feeding of rusty straw in Australia from the farmer's point of view has received attention. The experience of one who has done a deal of threshing is to the effect that when very bad it caused an itchy sensation, and made the men about the thresher rub their skin until it was broken. As regards feeding rusty hay, another with large experience informs me that horses and cattle relish it far before ordinary hay. Of course, it was fed as chaff. The Grain. This from the rusted wheat is only about one-half the weight of that from the rust- free wheat, but as the protein content shows, it has, weight for weight, a considerably higher nutritive value. He accounts for the higher protein content in the smaller grain in its larger pro- portion of bran, but chiefly in the partial and incomplete transference and accumulation of starch. These results likewise afford interesting evidence as to the physiological effect of the rust on the wheat plant, and agree with what has been deduced from other data. In the actively growing and feeding period of the plant's life, it is apparently able to provide for the wants of the fungus as well as its own, and therefore its vitality is not seriously affected. But when the second period of forming and ripening the seed arrives, when feeding is gradually ceasing, and the accumulated materials are being transferred to the seed, then the fungus draws upon the plant's capital, crippling its energies, and checking the movement of the food materials to the seed. As Shutt sum- marizes the whole process: " The growth of the rust arrests development, and indicates premature ripeness, which, as we have seen, means a straw in which still remains the elaborated food, and a grain small, immature, rich in protein and deficient in starch." This emphasizes what we have frequently insisted on, that the critical period, literally the turning point in the plant's life, is reached when it 66 Wheat Rust in Australia. begins to form the grain, and if that season is favorable for the develop- ment of rust, then the fungus has to draw upon the stored-up material, and consequently the grain is not fully formed, if at all. Incidentally this investigation also throws light upon the reason why the earlier rust (P. iriticind) is comparatively harmless, since its period of greatest activity^ is when root and leaf are busy manufacturing material sufficient to provide for the necessities of both. On account of the comparatively late appearance of P. gramtnis, it is by some considered to do the least damage to the grain, but, as a^ matter of observation, and on physiological grounds, it is known, at least in Aus- tralia, to be the most injurious. \ PUCCINIA GRAMINIS AND THE BARBERRY IN AUSTRALIA. In Europe and America the identity of P. graminis is determined, not merely from its morphological characters, but from its ability to infect the barberry and produce aecidia. But in Australia infection of the barberry- has not been successful, although several attempts have been made, and some have doubted whether we have got the true P. graminis, and not a distinct biological form of it. From a comparison with European speci- mens and a critical examination of the sori, the uredo and teleuto spores, there is no doubt that the rusts are very much alike, only if the infection of the barberry is accepted as a diagnostic character, then the identity is not proved. The relation of this rust, therefore, to the barberry in Australia became a pressing subject for experiment. The germination of the teleutospores may be easily accomplished at the proper season, either by placing them in a drop of water on a slide under a bell-jar, or, better still, if copious germination is required, iby taking some of the rusty straw and placing it on a drop or two of water in a petri dish, the cover of which is lined with damp blotting-paper. It is only after a considerable rest that they will germinate, and they start on warm days about the end of September, which is the beginning of our spring. This may continue through the warmer days of October, almost or entirely ceas- ing in a cold spell, and even until November germination continues if the conditions are favorable ; but although numerous trials have been made, no germination has occurred outside these months. Generally speaking, the middle of October is the height of the season for germination, and then, too, the uredospores may be multiplying rapidly on the growing wheat- plant ; so that there is no "off " season in Australia, as far as wheat is con- cerned, when the teleutospores are active and the uredospores dormant, In any case, as our wheat crops are usually harvested in November and December, even if the barberry were common, and developed rust freely, it could hardly be^of much importance as a factor in spreading the wheat rust, since the aecidia would not be developed profusely before the wheat crop had passed the danger point. The barberry is not a native of Australia, and very few hedges exist, so that the question of its- infection is not of great immediate practical im- portance, but it is of high scientific value to establish the fact that the rust may pass one portion of its life on one plant, say, wheat, and continue it on a very different plant as an intermediate host, say, barberry, and thus settle that the rust with which we have to deal is the P zraminis of Europe. As early as October, 1892, I succeeded in germinating the spores freely and ^ copiously in a watch-glass with water, and infected four different species of barberry obtained from the Botanic Gar'dens, two of which were Wheat Rust in Australia. 67 known elsewhere to carry the aecidial stage of P. graminis. In one case the infected branch was placed under a bell-jar to preserve moist conditions, but there was no result with any of the species, since the weather was too hot and dry. In 1902, in order to give the experiment another trial under the most favorable conditions, Dr. Plowright kindly forwarded several young bar- berry bushes from England, which arrived here in December in good con- dition. Rusted straw was specially kept exposed to the weather in order to inoculate the barberries. About i6th September the barberries were putting forth their young leaves, and looked very healthy. One was kept as a check, and the others were infected, either by scattering rusted straw around the plants and tying it on to them, or, in two cases, by applying germinating spores direct to the leaves. Some plants were kept under bell-jars, others exposed, and all were attended to and watered freely. The result was that not the slightest trace of any fungus appeared on any of the barberry leaves. It may be stated that the conditions for fungus growth were most favorable, as at times that muggy heat prevailed, which so quickly spreads the rust in a growing crop. In 1904 the experiments were continued in the pots, partly on the same lines with rusted straw, and partly by planting a rusty wheat beside the barberry, so that it might be naturally infecfed next season. Cuttings from the English barberries have also been planted at Port Fairy in a rusty spot where they have thriven, and Queen's Jubilee wheat planted around them produced abundance of P. graminis. The rusted straw was allowed to die down on the spot, and every facility given for the inoculation of the barberry, but without result so far. Some P. graminis on wheat was sent by Dr. Plowright in March, 1903,' which was gathered In September, 1902, and kept in his garden till March. On arrival here some of it was kept inside, and a portion placed outside exposed to the weather, just as was done with Australian rusted straw. It was thus exposed during our winter months of June, July, and August, and in September it was tested, being then exactly twelve months old. While the teleutospores about six months old from the Australian wheat germinated freely, there was no change in the spores from the English wheat, and although attempts were made at different times, there was never any sign of germination. Probably they were kept too long, as they might have germinated on or about the English spring. Prior to this, I had sent rusty Australian straw for trial to Dr. Plowright, but none of the teleuto- spores showed the slightest trace of germination. Writing in the Gardeners' Chronicle for i5th January, 1898, he says 6 : "I have tried on two occasions to get the teleutospore of Puccinia graminis from Australia to germinate in England, but I have not succeeded. The first attempt was made nine years ago, when Mr. D. McAlpine was good enough to send me material ; but I was quite unsuccessful. Last year he was kind enough to send me a further supply ; but, although I kept the straw out of doors during the latter part of last winter and the spring of 1897, I was equally unsuccessful. Is it probably like the seeds of some of the higher vege- tables, the teleutospores require not only a period of rest, but also an exposure to a certain degree of cold?" Seeing that the spores germinated freely here, the "exposure to cold " theory does not hold ; and the most probable explanation is that they had been kept too long, and attempts to germinate them should Rave been made in the English autumn. As far as Australia is concerned, the rust which does the principal damage has apparently no intermediate, stage. gg Wheat Rust in Australia. The Australian rust has been determined as Puccinia gramas by Eriksson and other authorities; but if the ability to produce the aecidmm >n the barberrv is taken as the final criterion, then judgment must be suspended in 'numerous other cases. Thus Massee * has found P. wmiis on Alopecurus pratensis, and Avena elatior in the Royal Gardens ut he significantly adds-- Notwithstanding the great quantity of Jfcrfefii and Mahonia present in the grounds, the most careful and con- tim, , has failed to reveal the presence of the aecidiospore stage. " 7, P- 7 THE PROBLEM STATED. In dealing with the rust question from a practical point of view, there were two main issues to be determined: i How is the rust spread and continued from season to season? 2*. How may its injurious effects be mitigated or counteracted or prevented ? The first question is a most important one, for if we could find out where and under what conditions, the rust is lying dormant during the time from reaping the crop to sowing it again, then we might be able destrov it at this stage, and prevent its reappearance. Although the question may thus be simply stated, it is by no means easy to answer. The second subject of prevention or mitigation will evidently depend on our knowledge of the life-history of the rust fungus, as well as of the wheat plant itself, and how far the conditions can be controlled which render it susceptible to the fungus. How the Rust is Spread and Continued from Year to Year. We know exactly now, thanks to the labours of Eriksson, Marshall Ward, and others, how the, rust-spores enter the plant by means of their germ-tulbes, how they grow and ramify among the tissues, and drain them of their contents, until they again form a spore-layer, and reproduce the spores on the surface in great abundance. We thus know how fresh spores orginate once they have got a start; but it is the starting-point which is the difficulty. Although the rust was known, and the effects produced by it were familiar from remote antiquity, yet its true nature was not discovered until the latter half of the eighteenth century. As late as 1733, Jethro Tull, writing about it in his Horse-hoeing Husbandry, attributes it to the attacks of small insects " brought, some think, by the East wind, which feed upon the wheat, leaving their excreta as black spots upon the straw, as is shown by the microscope." In 1767, its true nature as a fungus, and therefore as a plant, was determined by Felice Fontana, and in 1797, Persoon gave it the name by which it is still known, Puccinia graminis. The rust then is a fungus growing inside the wheat-plant, and living at its expense, and reproducing itself by means of minute seed-like bodies or spores, which are so conspicuous on the leaves and stem of the wheat at certain seasons. For a long time there was a suspicion in the minds of many practical farmers that the barberry bush- had something to do with its spread', and so firmly was this believed in, that the State of Massachusetts passed an Act compelling the inhabitants to extirpate barberry bushes. And when De Bary, in 1864, justified the farmer, and proved scientifically that there was a connexion between the fungus which appears on the barberry bush, and that which appears on the wheat, then it was thought by many that we had reached the root of the matter, and that we had simply to destroy the barberry bush in order to get rid of the rust But it is well Wheat Rust in Australia. 69 known that here in Australia, where barberry bushes are not native, and where they are comparatively scarce, the rust is particularly bad in certain seasons, so that there must be other causes to account for the prevalence of rust. The connexion between wheat-rust and barberry has already been dis- cussed, so need not be further referred to here. There are several possible ways in which the presence of the rust year after year may be accounted for, and it may be worth while to consider some of these. 1. The uredospores produced in such immense numbers may serve to carry it on. They are very minute and light, easily distributed by the wind, and it has been shown- that they exist in the air and on the ground. They might thus be readily transported and even carried to localities far removed from wheat-growing areas, in some cases by the duststorms which are very prevalent in the northern parts of Victoria. But the mere presence of spores is not sufficient to account for the rust being spread, since they must be capable of germination. I have often tried to germinate uredospores taken from straw that had been left on the ground, but without success. My latest attempt was with uredospores still retaining their colour from a sorus on a dead leaf of Queen's Jubilee wheat on March 25th. The spores^ were kept moist under a bell -jar, but not a single one ger- minated. But the result is different when spores are taken from self-sown wheat growing in the interval between the two crops. (Note 8, p. 75.) 2. These spores are not only in the air and on the ground, but they are commonly to be found entangled in the bearded tip or " brush " of the grain. In one variety, Queen's Jubilee, this was so common that not a single grain could be found without the uredospores. Dr. Cobb 11 has likewise examined the brush of a number of varieties in New South Wales, and found in about 57 per cent, of the grains examined ithat the spores were in the brush. This is an evident starting-point for the rust, but not the only one, since seed wheat treated with bluestone. formalin, corrosive sublimate, and other fungicides, produced rusty plants, and in fact there was little difference as regards rust between the plants from treated and untreated seed. 3. It was commonly supposed until recently that the rust could readily pass from one cereal crop to another, and thus it was passed on to the wheat at the proper season. This view was put forward as late as September, 1904, in the Journal of Agriculture of South Australia, by A. Molineux 1 , who states: "I have observed for many years that when ever we have a mild autumn and summer, accompanied with occasional showers, we have complaints of red rust in the succeeding crop j and I have been led to the belief that until the new wheat crops have started, the rust is nursed by the wild oats and other cereals that may always be found growing on the headlands and by the roadsides." Of course, this is a very convenient way of accounting for the presence of rust throughout the year, but Eriksson has shown thaT the spores from oats will neither infect wheat nor barley, nor will the spores from the barley infect wheat or oats. It follows from this that adjacent fields of these crops will not affect or be affected iby each other, so far as this rust is concerned. Probably, however, Molineux' s view is correct, except that it is the self -sown or volunteer wheat growing in our paddocks or on the headlands that carry it over. The system of harvesting practised in Australia with the com- bined harvester, which takes off the heads only and delivers the winnowed grain into bags, necessarily implies the scattering of a certain amount of seed on the ground, and this germinates with the first rain, and is almost always partly rusted, and often badly so. Our hay being la/rgely made ^ Wheat Rust in Australia. i wheat, when rains fall shortly after it has been cut, the second growth or aftermath is almost always rusted, and so a second crop of uredospores is produced. 4 Since " intermediate hosts," such as the barberry, are not concerned in Carrying over the rust from season to season, it has been suggested that infi-tion may be communicated to the wheat from other grasses which, as ave elsewhere shown, may also be attacked by Puccima gramims Klebahn 1 (p. 230) has shown that uredospores from various grasses will infect wheat, and it remains to be determined how far the grasses occurring in our wheat-fields, and attacked by this rust, are capable of infecting it. c. Towards the end of the growing season, a second kind of spore is produced, known as the teleutospore. It will not germinate immediately, but onlv after a period of rest, and it may also aid in carrying over the rust from season to season. But although it can germinate in the spring, and produce other minute spores known as sporidiola, still they have not been proved to infect the wheat-plant, and so we do not know what pur- pose thev serve, if any. In other countries they a.re said to germinate upon barberry leaves, and produce the aecidial form of the rustand it may be that here they are simply dying out are becoming functionless, because the barberry bush which they normally infect is not now available for them. 6. There is still another way in which some rusts are propagated, and that is by means of the threads of the fungus or mycelium remaining in- side the seed and starting into life with the germination of the grain. But although hundreds of seeds have been carefully examined by the micro- scope, no trace of this has been found, and therefore for the present we must decline to regard it as a probable cause. 7. There still remains another possible means of continuation from sea- son to season, which has been prominently brought forward by one who has devoted considerable attention to the study of the rusts in Sweden, Profes- sor Eriksson. Although he has not yet succeeded in giving scientific proof of his theory, he considers that while infection by spores does occur, yet the primary infection is from within, firom an internal germ of disease inherited from the parent plant and latent in the seed. He grew wheat in closed chambers, where it was believed to be secure against infection from without, and still the rust appeared all the same, and he can only account for this by supposing that in the cells of the seed the protoplasm is asso- ciated with the plasma of the fungus what he calls mycoplasm and from this there arises, if the conditions are favourable, the mycelium of the rust fungus, quite independent of external infection^ He does not seem to have considered the possibility of the spores of the fungus being attached to the seed, and until the soil and the seed are thoroughly sterilized and every precaution taken to exclude infection from without, and the disease still produced, until then we must suspend our judgment and accept the Scotch verdict of Not Proven. A very striking case, however, that the seed may be the means of continuing rusts from season to season is given by Carleton 3 in connexion with Euphorbia rust (Uromyces euphorbiae, Cooke and Peck). The pods of Euphorbia dentata, and even the naked seeds, were found to be affected with aecidia, and on growing the rusted seeds under a bell- jar, those that were disinfected produced plants without rust, while those not disinfected gave rise to rusted plants. Here the seeds actually bore the aecidia, and propagated the rust through the germinating seed. A similar instance is met with in Aecidium platylobii McAlp., where the aecidial cups are borne on the pods, and on opening the diseased ones, the seeds are frequently found covered with the mycelium, which, on microscopic examination, is found to penetrate them. Wheat Rust in Australia. 71 PREVENTION OR MITIGATION OF THE RUST. The all-important question now remains to be answered, how to pre- vent or mitigate (the effects of the rust. In the various reports of the Rust-in-Wheat Intercolonial Conferences, special attention was paid to the solution of this question, and the effect on the crop of different cultural methods ireceived a large share of attention. Drainage. It is commonly affirmed that rust is worst in hollows, where water lodges, and on general grounds it is considered that drainage by removing the surplus moisture would tend to afford the wheat themost favorable conditions for its healthy development, and thereby render the rust less injurious. But, as a matter of fact, when it was experimentally tested in Victoria, an increased yield was the result ; but as regards rust, it did not seem to affect it, for out of six areas artificially drained, five of them were rusty. In a number of our wheat-growing areas, it is not excess of moisture in the soil, but deficiency of it, which is complained of, and in such areas the rust is very severe in seasons marked by copious late spring rains, Irrigation. At the present time irrigation is the great problem which overshadows all others in connexion with the utilization of the land in Aus- tralia, and its relation to the development of rust has not been overlooked. In irrigated areas where wheat was grown, the effect was observed, and it was seen that the judicious application of water was beneficial if done at the right time, and with due iregard to atmospheric conditions. There is only one rational method of irrigation for wheat in Victoria, and pro- bably for all Australia, and that is a thorough soaking of the ground prior to ploughing. Mr. Geo. Pagan, of Ardmona, who has successfully irrigated in the Goulburn Valley, states in the Journal of the Department of Agriculture for March, 1905, that his routine practice is to flood the land in March, unless there has been heavy rain, and then plough as soon as the horses can work without sinking. This one watering, followed by proper working of the land, will usually mature the grain. Even in 1902, when the year's rainfall Was only six inches, this was the case. The application of water later in the growing season is always risky, and often does more harm than good. It spoils the grain, making it soft, may bring on rust, and results in very uneven ripening. Seed-bed. A relatively dry and firm seed-bed is generally considered best for wheat, and especially if there is a prospect of rain after sowing to ensure a good germination. Its effect on rust has not been definitely determined, but farmers are generally of opinion that sowing on a dry seed-bed gives the plant a better chance to escape the rust. If the seed- bed is moist, the condition will be favorable for the rust-spores on the soil, or on the grain, to infect the germinating wheat-plant, but probably it is not so much the nature of the seed-bed as the aftergrowth which will affect the result. This also applies to the mode of sowing, for it did not appear to make any difference, as regards rust, whether the wheat was sown broad-cast or drilled. Ploughing and Harrowing. The question of deep as opposed to shallow ploughing does not seem to have much to do with the rust. In experi- mental tests, deep ploughing yielded the heavier crop, and thus indirectly favoured the development of rust ; but both were about equally affected. Harrowing when the crop was about two feet high was equally incon- clusive. Rotation. Rotation is undoubtedly good for the crop, and is a factor in clean cultivation ; but it is another question whether it is good or bad for 72 Wheat Rust in Australia. the rust. At Port Fairy, in Victoria, where rotation is regularly prac- tised, and where I have had crops grown the same st^ason, sometimes after mangels, or potatoes, or onions, there was no perceptible difference in rustiness from those crops of wheat grown in succession. From the stand-point of good farming, it is to be recommended ; but cropping year after year does not seem to affect the liability to rust further than this, that self-sown wheat is likely to appear in the interval between the two crops. Such "volunteer" wheat, if not killed in cultivating, is much more forward than sown grain, and on account of its earliness may escape the rust, but on the other hand, there is a risk attending it, for it is some- times more rusty than the ordinary wheat, and appears earlier, so that it is one of the means of carrying over the rust from one season to another. All such wheat should therefore be kept down by means of sheep. Fallowing. This practice is similar in its effects to rotation as regards rust. Professor Lowrie, speaking from a large experience, in South Aus- tralia, considers that the apparent exemption which fallow-land sometimes enjoys from rust is due to the fact that it is customary to sow bare f allow - land first, and the crop ripens sufficiently early to escape the rust in some seasons. Burning Stubble. It is sometimes recommended to burn the stubble in order to destroy any spores of rust that may be about ; but as a matter of experience, this has not been found to produce any appreciable differ- ence. Theoretically, the burning of the surface of the soil should destroy a number of spores, and to that extenti is beneficial ; but, practically, the difference in result is not marked. As far as most wheat-soils are con- cerned here, the loss of vegetable matter is much more serious than any possible increase of rust. Soils. Soils are sometimes said to be rust-liable and rust-free, like the wheat itself; but on closer investigation, it will be found that the soil is only one of several factors that require to be taken into consideration. Rich soils are said to surfer most, and in rusty years the best crops have sometimes been raised from the poorest soils. On the rich soils the crop is naturally heavier and more luxuriant than on poor soils, and the softer and more susceptible tissues are easily invaded by the parasite. Hence it is that the rust may sometimes be worst in the best crops. The mallee, in Victoria, vis said to be particularly rust-free ; but in some seasons the crop has to be cut for hay, in order to save it from being completely destroyed by rust. The reason for general freedom from rust lies not so much in the soil as in the light rainfall and the early ripening of the crop. But if " muggy " weather should prevail when the wheat is flower- ing, then the crop is just as liable to rust here as elsewhere. At Port Fairy the low-lying black soils more readily produce a rusty crop than the sandy soils, and this may be partly due to the fact that the dark-coloured soils absorb more heat, and are more likely to preserve the spores in a fit state for germination, or because they grow a heavier crop, which often lodges and thus encourages the rust. Manures. Perhaps no means for the prevention of rust have been more thoroughly and continuously tested than the application of different manures. In all the States, as well as in New Zealand, experiments have been conducted to this end, and the general opinion has been expressed by a late Director of Lincoln College, New Zealand: " No manure has yet been discovered that is a preventative of rust in cereal crops." The tests were carried out under varying conditions, and, as might be expected, the results of one year were often contradicted by those of the next; till, it was generally found that nitrogenous manures favoured the rust, while phosphatic ones had a tendency to diminish it. Nitrogenous manures \\heat Rust in Australia. 73 tend to increase the amount of flag, and retard ripening, by affording an excess of nitrogenous food, whereas phosphate of lime tends to induce early maturity, and' thus enables the crop to escape the rust to a certain extent. Treatment of Seed. This was thoroughly gone into, since ft is so often stated that the disease is in the seed. No doubt appropriate treatment destroys the spores entangled in the " brush," but inside the seed no mycelium has been traced. A great variety of " steeps " have been used, and I have myself experimented with over twenty, including the hot-water treatment; but they were all of no practical benefit. Last season (1904) two plots of Queen's Jubilee wheat were sown the same day and grown alongside of each other, in one of which the seed was treated with formalin, while the other was untreated. The rust was bad on both plots, and although special attention was given to the matter in the field, I could not say that treatment of the seed with formalin gave any advantage as regards rust. Both sulphate of copper and formalin destroy the rust spores on the seed-grains, and Dr. Hollrung, as the result of a series of experi- ments, has recommended the latter as the best for this purpose. But since infection chiefly takes place when the wheat plant is above ground, it is evident that the formalin treatment does not prevent it, and the experience of numerous farmers who have used formalin successfully for the treat- ment of stinking smut (Tilletia tritici\ bears this out. The hot-water treatment of the seed is constantly being brought forward as a remedy for rust, but in 1892 the seed for 118 plots, consisting of different varieties of wheat, was treated with hot water at 55 deg. C., and in some cases the rust was just as bad as if no treatment had been given. It was adopted as a conclusion at the last Rust-in-Wheat Conference that the treatment of the seed is valueless for rust, and Dr. Cobb 10 one of the representatives of New South Wales, went so far as to say: ' ' As for curing rust by treating the seed, the idea is ridiculous. It would be just as reasonable to expect to prevent measles among mankind by soaking babies in some sort of pickle." It has not been thought necessary to refer specially to spraying as a means of combating the rust ; for although this method is practicable in an orchard, and has been found successful in treating peach and plum rust, still the mechanical difficulties to be overcome in spraying a wheat-fielH are so great, that it is no longer regarded as of practical importance. So far it would seem as if the rust in wheat defied treatment, and the only practical measures' to be recommended for mitigating its effects were to sow early and to select early maturing varieties. In this way it is often possible to escape the rust, or the crop is too far advanced to suffer seriously. But in this, one is at the mercy of the weather, and the only hopeful remedy i's to grow wheats which will be able successfully to resist the rust, even when the weather favours its development. The question has been raised as to whether a wheat which resists one kind of rust cam succumb to another in a different country, and this has really been found to be the case. Professor Eriksson sent me ten varieties of Swedish wheats which had been grown in the experimental plots, and found to resist the rust which is prevalent in that part of the world, viz., Golden Rust (Puccinia glumarum). When grown here these rust-resisting Swedish' wheats became rotten with rust, although of a different kind ; and this, along with other experiments, points to the possibility that a wheat may resist a rust such as P. graminis in one country and succumb to it in another. Selection and Cross-breeding. - - As the result of numerous experi- ments, and the trial of hundreds of varieties of wheat from all parts 74 Wheat Rust in Australia. of the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, and America), it has been proved that no wheat is absolutely rust-proof, that to say, there is no wheat known which will be proof against the rust when grown under conditions favorable to its development. But the same experiments have shown that among a number of varieties grown in a particular district, some will resist the rust more than others, are able by their constitution it may be by their vigour of growth or toughness of their cuticle or glaucousness, or all combined to resist the inroads of the rust sufficiently to prevent its seriously injuring the grain, and such wheats are known as 'rust-resisting wheats. At present we have at least one such wheat which has been grown in various districts of different States along- side of other wheats badly rusted, and it has been able to withstand the rust. Rerraf is the wheat referred to, and perhaps it, too, in course of time, will succumb to the rust. For this great and burning rust-question the only measures I can suggest are : 1. To produce wheats suited to our Australian conditions by crossing, as Mr. Farrer, Wheat Experimentalist of New South Wales, is now so successfully doing. 2. To select and carefully cultivate the most rust-resisting plants from these and other wheats having the necessary hardy, prolific, grain-holding, and milling qualities, keeping up the strain and constantly renewing their constitutional vigour. 3. To cultivate early maturing varieties and sow them early, combined with the best agricultural methods, such as clean cultivation, judicious rotation, suitable (phosphatic) manuring and fallowing, to insure a good crop. In judicious crossing and careful selecting lies the solution of the great rust problem, as far as our present knowledge goes, a)nd to increase and extend this knowledge it would be desirable to follow the advice of Professor Eriksson, who has done more than any other single individual to enlighten us on the subject : " The question of the rust of cereals being of the greatest practical importance for every country, means should be furnished to those in whose hands the direction of these investigations are placed, to meet from time to time, that is to say, at least every five years, in order to discuss, according as experience is gained, the value of any new observations, and to gain for their work the advantage of being based on a plan common in 'its essentials to all." Rust in wheat has been known in Australia for at least 80 years. H. C. L. Anderson, Principal Librarian of the Public Library of New South Wales, informs me that the earliest record of it is given by Atkinson, 1 who, referring to 1825, or even earlier, says that " rust sometimes appears, but it is not very common." J. Montague' Smith, in 1828, notes that the plains and forest lands of the Hunter district of New South Wales suffered from rust in wheat. As the wheat-growing area extended, the rust also spread with amazing rapidity, until now it is undoubtedly the most widely distributed and the most destructive of all the diseases to which cereals are subject. NOTE i. P. 4. Eriksson 18 , in his latest work on the vegetative life of Puccima graminis, has described and figured a transition from the mycoplasm to the protomycelial stage, but it still remains to be seen how far his interpretation of the facts is borne out bv other observers. Wheat Rust in Australia. 75 NOTE 2. P. 14. Christman 1 , however, has clearly shown that two fertile cells or swollen hyphal branches come into contact, and at the point of contact an opening is formed by solution of the cell wall, and thus their contents mix although the nuclei do not fusie. There is thus true sexual cell fusion with- out the intervention of spermatia. NOTE 3. P. 24. Arthur 8 considers the sorus in such species as Puccinia bromina and P. triticina to be compound and the modified hyphae which separate the individual sori to form a stroma, hence they are not paraphyses, strictly speaking. NOTE 4. P. 37. The origin of the aecidiospores as shown by Christman, 1 from the fusion of sexual cells and the peridium from morphologically equivalent cells disposes of the view that the aecidiospores may have been derived from teleutospores. If, as Blackman suggests, the rusts originated from the red algae, then the sexual product or aecidium would represent an early stage in the history of the Rusts. NOTE 5. P. 43. Hooker, in his classical essay On the Flora of Australia (1859), has a chapter on some of the naturalized plants, showing that even nearly half a century ago, the chick-weed, knot-weed, scarlet pimpernel, daisy, mallow, sweetbrier, and various other common plants had been introduced. The groundsel, however, is not mentioned, and no doubt as trade increased with other countries and exchange of products took place, the importation of the seeds of weeds became common. NOTE 6. P. 62. Beauverie 1 has experimented with Botrytis cinerea, or grey rot, and obtained, in sterilised soil, an attenuated form of fungus. He infected soil liberally with this form, and grew plants therein from seeds and cuttings perfectly free from the fungus, while plants not rendered immune in this way perished. NOTE 7. P. 68. Kirk informs me by letter what he has already stated in his Annual Reports that " Barberries are being largely usedl in New Zealand for hedges, and, up to the present, I have never seen any sign of aecidia of Puccinia graminis on them, although I have examined hundreds. It would appear as if Puccinia graminis in Australia has lost the power of forming aecidia on barberries." NOTE 8. P. 69. Bolley, 5 however, has announced that he found the uredospores of Puccinia graminis successfully surviving upon dead leaves and straw, even retaining their vitality when exposed to the drying winds of autumn, and the intense cold of winter. * PART SECOND. CLASSIFICATION AND TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS. Classification. 79 CHAPTER XX. CLASSIFICATION, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BIOLOGIC FORMS. Our views as to the limits of species have undergone a change owing to the results of infection experiments in the rusts as well as in other groups of fungi. Species have hitherto been distinguished on morphological grounds, those possessing the same structural characters being considered identical, and separated from those which differ from them in essential points. But in recent times, when infection experiments have been carried out on an extensive scale, it has been found that parasitic fungi, completely agreeing in structural characters, or at least differing so slightly as to be incapable of separation, have very different infective powers. It has therefore become necessary to recognise such forms, and since the dif- ferences are based upon physiological or biological characters, they will be distinguished as "biologic forms." Various names have been proposed for these different varieties, such as "special forms," by Eriksson; "bio- logical species," by Rostrup ; "sister species," by Schroeter ; and "adapted races," by Magnus. The truly morphological species, such as Puccinia graminis, Pers. or Erysiphe graminis, DC., have still to be recognised; but each one may be split up into a number of different forms, with distinct powers of infec- tion. GRADATIONS OF SPECIFIC VARIATION. There is every possible gradation, however, between species which are morphologically distinct and those which can only be separated on biologic grounds. Puccinia graminis Pers., for instance, is recognised as an inde- pendent species, because all the forms of this rust produce aecidia on the barberry (except where it has lost this power), and the structural charac- ters are always practically the same. It is regarded by Eriksson as a collective species, in which the different members are so closely related, both morphologically and biologically, that they are only separable into biologic forms, and not to be distinguished as species. The forms on the different hosts are not identical, but they constitute a series, each member of which runs its course on definite host-plants, and is more or less strictly confined to them. Arranged according to the principal host-plants they are ^as follows: i, secalis; 2, avenae; 3, airae; 4, agrostidis; 5, poae ; 6, tntici. The collective species known as Puccinia rubigo-vera (DC.) Wint. was first divided in 1894 by Eriksson ,and Kenning 1 into the two distinct species of P. glumarum (Schum.) Eriks., the Yellow Rust, and P. dispersa, Eriks. and Henn. the Brown rust. P. glumarum has not been found in Australia, and it is not necessary here to refer to the various biologic forms into which it has been divided. No aecidial stage has been found in connexion with it. P. dispersa, when first separated from P. glumarum, was split up into four biologic forms by Eriksson, since he did not at that time consider them sufficiently distinct to be designated species. These forms were^:- i, secalis; 2, tritici ; 3, bromi ; 4, agropyri. Further investigation, however, led him in 1899 to raise the various biologic forms to the rank < independent species, and it will be interesting from our present stand- point to consider the reasons given by Eriksson for differentiating between 8o Classification. the biologic forms of P. dispersa and those of P. graminis. The name of P. dispersa Eriks., was reserved for the form on rye, and it is separated from that on wheat, for example, on the following grounds: 1. The uredo is only able to infect the host-plant, Secale. 2. This form regularly appears several weeks earlier than that on wheat, even when the host-plants are growing alongside of each other. 3. The aecidiospores on Anchnsa spp. only infect Secale, and the teleuto- spores of this form can in turn only produce the aecidJa on Anchusa. 4. The teleutospores are only capable of germination immediately after they are formed, while those of' the others only germinate in the following spring. It will be observed that these are only biological or physiological dif- ferences? but in the two species recognised by Eriksson which occur in Aus- tralia, viz., P. triticina and P. bromina, there are also structural differences sufficient to separate them apart from other considerations. In P. bromina the uredo-sori are much larger, and the bright orange uredospores are also slightly larger. It is in the teleutospores, however, that the difference is most striking, and those of P. triticina are much nai rower, only being about three-fourths that of the other. P. hieradi (Schum.) Mart., as at first constituted, was a collective species, but. like so many others, when the test of infective power is applied to them, it had to be broken up into several. It has been proved by Jacky 1 that the common Puccinia occurring on species of Hieracium can only infect this, and not other genera of Composites, so that the original name is restricted to the species found on this genus. Other species of Puccinia occur on Hieracium, but (they are readily distinguished by their different morphological characters. Similar results have been obtained with Puccinias occurring on> other genera, so that they also must be regarded as distinct species. It will be observed that only biological characters are here taken into account, depending on the nature of the host-plant, but it is believed that the closer and more careful investigation now rendered necessary will result in structural differences being found, possibly of a more minute and less striking character than formerly, where they were hitherto unsuspected and overlooked. The three types selected for illustration will show the spirit of our classification. P. graminis is the type of a single species which is split up into a number of biologic forms, agreeing in the faot of producing aecidia on the bar- berry, and the aecidiospores in turn infect the grasses. P. dispersa, as originally constituted, is the type of a collective species at first divided into biologic forms, which were afterwards found *to be distinct species, both on morphologic and biologic grounds. And the original P. hieradi is the type of a collective species, the members of which Strictly limited in their infective power to single genera, and their main title to distinction as species is this biological peculiarity. The phenomenon of specialisation, first discovered by Eriksson, has hus caused us to revise our conceptions of species, and it will be necessary the future not only to include under that name such forms as possess :t morphological characters, but also those which, although morpho- similar, are yet confined to definite host-plants. It will thus be necessary to split up the old species of P. hieradi into several of equal rank, the one growing on Hieracium spp. will form a type round which the others may be grouped. Just as in the old species there were differences of opinion as to the amount of structural differentiation necessary to separate Classification. 81 two allied forms, so in the new there is the same difficulty with the biological characters, but it may be laid down, as a general rule, that the sharper the distinction between two biologically different forms, the greater the reason for calling them species, while the less distinctly marked would be called biologic forms. lit is all a matter of degree, and it must be left to the good tact of the investigator, as Klebahn says, where to draw the line between species and biologic forms. Among the heteroecious rusts, there may be structural resemblances between one generation and differences in the other. In that case, as a matter of convenience, if the differences in the one generation are sufficiently distinct, such should be designated species. Biologic forms, in fact, may be regarded as incipient morphological species, the physiological differences at present existing becoming ultimately associated with morphological distinctions, which will mark them off as true species. It is not easy to explain how this has come about, but we may be sure that the explanation is to be sought, not along one line, but along various converging lines. The biologic forms of one and the same morphological species, such as Puccinia graminis, may be supposed to have had a common origin, and the most probable view is that the original form inhabited all the hosts on which its descendants now live, and some of these descendants specialised on one or other of these common host-plants. What caused them thus to specialise? It may have been either through gradually becoming adapted to certain of these host-plants in preference to others, or due to a spontaneous change arising from internal causes, as expressed in the mutation theory of De Vries. This is Fischer's 4 view, and Klebahn 1 , after examining the evidence, sums up as follows: "The manifold characters of the existing biological species and races appear to have come about owing to the alternating exten- sions and restrictions of the area of nutritive plants.. These changes, and especially the restrictions of area, have been influenced by adaptation and selection, but many observations indicate that internal developmental tenden- cies have also played a part in determining the direction of the evolution." The whole trend of this modern investigation is towards the recognition of more deep-seated characters in the discrimination of species. One para- site has become so thoroughly adapted to the physiological characters of a host-plant that it cannot infect another, and so the plant on which the para- site lives becomes a diagnostic feature of it. It is so much easier, and has been so long the custom to be guided by morphological characters alone, that physiological distinctions are not readily accepted, but now that they are known, they must be recognised in some way, and the most convenient is to incorporate them in the specific characters. Again, the different stages of a fungus require to be known, in order to classify it properly, and the mere knowledge of the uredo or aecidial stage will not suffice for this purpose. Hence the life-history and infective power, as well as structural characters, must all be taken into account in fixing and determining species. 82 Systematic Arrangement. CHAPTER XXI. SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT AND TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS. The different Rusts found in Australia are here named, described, and systematically arranged. The names are necessary to distinguish one from another, for, as George Eliot happily puts it " The mere fact of naming an object tends to give definiteness to our conception of it. We have then a sign which at once calls up in our minds the distinctive qualities wihich mark out for us that particular object from all others." fT-he descriptions are necessarily technical, and give those characters which enable the species to be discriminated from others, with the help of the illustrations. When the described 1 stage of any rust is enclosed in square brackets, this indicates that it has not been found in Australia. The systematic arrangement deals with the nine genera at present known, and arranges them according to their natural affinities. Taking a general view of the entire order, the following scheme of classification will be adopted, mainlv based upon that of Engler and Prantl, in their Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien: Order UREDINEAE, Tul. Fungi parasitic on higher plants and developing in the interior of their hosts, a filiform, branching, septate mycelium. Spores arising terminally or laterally from erect, transversely divided, crowded hyphae, and usually of more than one kind. Teleutospores germinating by a short promy- celium. The order may be grouped in the following four families, of which the third is not represented in Australia: Teleutospores stalked, single, in groups or rows, or several cells in a head. Fam i. Pucciniaceae. Teleutospores sessile, in columnar or filiform masses. Fam. 2. Cro- nartiaceae. Teleutospores sessile or stalked, in one or two-layered waxy masses. Fam. 3. Coleosporiaceae. Teleutospores sessile, in flattened one-layered masses, or loose in the tissues of their host. Fam. 4. Melampsoraceae. On account of their economic importance, the Graminaceous rusts are always treated first and the others are likewise grouped together under their respective families of host-plants, the order generally followed being that of Baron von Mueller's Systematic Census of Australian Plants, start- ing from the Grasses, and ascending to the higher forms. FAM. i. PUCCINIACEAE. Since the great majority of our Australian Rusts belong to this family, be treated at greater length than any of the others, and it will be nterestmg to trace (the different forms which the teleutospore assumes in the different genera. There are a number of genera based upon very slight ifTerentiating characters, and it is not always easy to settle whether they etamed or rejected, but I have given all those which are clearly tmct. It is a moot point whether such a genus as Diorchidium Kalch.. lould be retained, where the teleutospore is two-celled, as in Puccima only the septum is longitudinal instead of transverse. There are several j of Puccima in which there is a tendency to an oblique, and even a longitudinal septum, as well as transverse, but this genus is retained for those species in which the spore is distinctly divided longitudinally with a single germ-pore at the apex of each. Systematic Arrangement. 83 From a consideration of the distribution of the Uredineae on their host- plants, Dietel 12 has come to the conclusion that the genus Uredinopsis, belonging to the Melampsoraceae, and occurring on ferns, represents the oldest type of the Rusts, and that the P.ucciniaceae may have developed from the genus Melampsora. However that may be, we may assume that the primitive form of this family was one-celled, and 1 therefore the Uromyces type forms the starting-point ; also that the Transition from the one-celled to the two-celled spore as in Puccinia, was the next step in advance. The actual evidence of this transition is seen not only in Puccinia hetero- spora, B. and C., where the two-celled spore has not yet become completely established, being mixed with a large number of unicellular spores, but in such forms as Uromyces vesicul&sus, where there are occasional two-celled spores, Fig. 157, U. tricorynes, Fig. 134, and U. politus, Fig. 317. Both Uromyces and Puccinia species occur on plants of the most diverse character, and this would seem to indicate that many of the species came into existence before that specialisation had begun, which resulted in the genus Phragmidium, for instance, confining itself to the Rosaceae. The principal genera are here arranged according to the nature of the teleutospore, and the diagrammatic representation of the spores will show at a glance the peculiarities of each : 1. Uromyces, Link. Teleutospore one-celled, with single germ-pore, and solitary on its stalk. Uredospores echinulate or warty all over. Fig 16. 2. Hemileia, Berk and Br. Teleutospore one-celled as in Uromyces, but uredospore smooth on one face. 3. Uromycladium, McAlp. Teleutospore one -celled as in Uromyces. but the sporophore branching toward the apex produces either one spore with a colourless sterile spore or cyst, or two or more spores with or without a cyst. Fig. 17. 4. Puccinia, Pers. Teleutospore two-celled, with transverse septum and with only one germ-pore in each cell. Fig. 18. 5. Gymnoconia, Lag. Teleutospore as in Puccinia, but aecidia without pseudoperidia. 6. Uropyxis, Schroet. Teleutospore bicellular as in Puccinia, but each cell with two or more germ-pores, and the teleutospore membrane consisting of more than two layers. Fig. 19. 7. Diorchidium, Kalch. Teleutospore two-celled, with longitudinal septum and germ-pore at apex of each cell. Fig. 20. FIG. 16. FIG 17. FIG. 18, FIG. IP. FIG 20. 8. Gymno sporangium, Hedw. Teleutospore two-celled (rarely three to five celled), and walls which ultimately form a common gela- tinous mass, with usually several germ-pores in each cell. Fig. 21. 9. Hapalophragmium, Syd. Teleutosp :>re three celled, and consisting of two basal cells alongside of each other, with a third on top. Fig. 22. 10. Triphragmimm, Link. Teleutospore three-celled, and consisting of basal cell supporting two others alongside of each other. Fig. 23. Uromyccs. , , Phragmopyxis, Diet. Teleutospore three-celled in a longitudinal series, with outer layer swelling when moistened. Pig. 24 ^ 12 Phrazmidium* Link. Teleutospore three or more celled in a longi- O i _^11* ___ ___ 1-n-v *-*-*^-i r*4- r\-r\rf-\ tudinal series, Fig. 25. and outer laver not swelling when moistened. '-I FIJ. 21. ri... -1-2. FIG. 23. FIG. 25. 13. Sphaerophragmium, Magn. Teleutospore consisting of a spherical head of four to nine cells, and arising from a single cell by longi- tudinal and transverse fission. Fig. 26. Anthomyces, Diet. Teleutospores forming a head of ^ three to eight cells, barne on a single stalk, and arising from a simple cell by the formation of longitudinal septa. Several small sterile cells at base. Fig. 27. Ravenelia, Berk. Teleutospores forming a more or less hemispheri- cal, many-celled head, transversely and longitudinally septate, arising from a stalk compounded of several hyphae, and with several sterile cells or cvsts at the base. Fig. 28. FIG. 27. FIG. 28. Only four of these genera occur in Australia, and they will be dealt with in the following order: Uromyces, Uromycladium, Puccinia, Phrag- midium. UROMYCES Link. In this genus the teleutospores are unicellular as well as the uredospores, and this has sometimes caused the one to be mistaken for the other, but the single germ-pore in the former serves ito distinguish it. Besides, the uredo- spores are always echinulate or warted, and while the teleutospores are usually smooth, they may also be striated or warted, but the generally greater thickening of the wall, and the fact that the contents are nearly colourless, also serve to separate them. All the different spore-forms may be present in the same host-plant, or they may be reduced to the teleutospore alone. In clover rust (U . trifolii} and beet rust (U. betae) all the spore- forms occur, but in the latter, although the rust is very common, I have seldom found the aecidia, and Plowright states that the aecidia are very rarely found even in Britain. Pea rust (Uromyccs pisi}, with its aecidia on Euphorbia and its uredo- spores and teleutospores on the pea, has not been found here, nor any other heteroecious species of this genus. Uromyces Gramineae. 85 In carnation rust (U. caryophyllinus) only uredo and teleutospores are known, and this grouping of spore-forms is the most common with us. Aecidia and teleutospores occur on the same host-plant in U. limosellae and U, puccinioides, the uredospores being unknown, and teleutospores alone are found in U. bulbinis and U. di-ploglottidis. The rusts on clover, beet, and carnation are the best known, and since the carnation is attacked at all stages of its, growth, it has suffered considerably from this disease. General Characters. Spermogonia mostly globose, immersed, with conical projecting neck. Aecidia immersed, finally cup-shaped, with well-developed pseuclo- peiidium; aecidiospores without distinct germ-pores. Uredospores solitary on their stalks, with several usually distinct germ- pores. Teleutospores unicellular, pedicellate, only one produced from each sporophore, with a single germ-pore at apex. Sporidiola hyaline, ovoid, ellipsoid, or almost kidney-shaped. Australian species, 27. GRAMINEAE. Danthonia. 1. Uromyces danthoniae Me Alp. I. Aecidia amphigenous, densely crowded in relatively large clusters, bright orange ; pseudoperidia cup-shaped, ivory white, margin regular, upright, very finely toothed, up to 320 p in diam. ; pseudoperidial cells persistent, elongated and polygonal, with striated margin. Aecidiospores subglobose to polygonal, orange, average 1 6 jj. diam. or 16 x 12 //. II. Uredosori minute, erumpent, somewhat scattered, ruddy brown. Uredospores pale yellow to orange yellow, broadly elliptical to ovate, finely echinulate, with as many as six scattered germ-pores on one face, 27-32 x 23-26 /i. III. Teleutosori chocolate brown to black, elongated, running in lines, long covered by epidermis. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, pear-shaped to ovate or broadly fusiform, smooth, with thickened apex, 30-41 x 20-26 p, average 33 x 22 p ; pedicels elongated, persistent, slightly tinted adjoining spore, up to 96 ju long. I. on leaves of Danthonia sp. II. , III. on leaves of Danthonia semiannularis R. Br. Victoria Bacchus Marsh, I. Near Melbourne, Ardmona, Portland, Killara, Leongatha, Rutherglen, N"agambie, Kergunyah, fcc., II, III. Tasmania Domain, Hobart, Nov., 1894, II., III. (Rod way). The aecidium found on a species of Danthonia at Bacchus Marsh is described in connexion with this species as a matter of convenience. Puccinia gramindla (Speg.) Diet, and Holw., occurring on a species of Stipa in Argentine, Chili, and California, is the only instance hitherto known where the aecidium-stage is found on a grass. Teleutospores are developed on the same mycelium alongside of the aecidia, and compressing them on either side. 86 Uromyces Gramineae. The aecidia are described as follows : " Epiphyllous, and arranged loosely in interrupted lines ; pseudoperidia persistent, composed of oblong cells, with margin irregular and lacerated. Aecidiospores elliptic or ovoid, 21-29 x 18-21 jw." The aecidia on Danthonia are quite distinct. They occur on both sur- faces of the leaf, are arranged in dense clusters, the margin of the pseudo- peridium is regular and very finely toothed, and the aecidiospores are con- siderably smaller. There is a good deal of confusion over the species of Danthonia in Aus- tralia, and they probably require to be dealt with by a specialist. The late Baron von Mueller, in his Census, included D. pallida R. Br., D. semiannu- laris R. Br., D. pilosa R. Br., &c., under D. penicillata F.v.M. Following the Index Kewensis, these three species will be retained, but D. penicillata F.v.M., will be regarded as a synonym. Darlucafilum Cast., is common on uredosori. (Plate XVI., Fig. 131 ; Plate J.) Ehrharta. 2. Uromyces ehrhartae McAlp. McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W., VI., p. 855 (1895). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 405 (1899). Uredo ehrhartae McAlp. II. Uredosori on both surfaces of leaves and on sheath, minute, oval to elongated linear, sometimes confluent, at first covered then naked, yellowish-brown to orange. Uredospores subglobose to oval, orange, finely echinulate, 3-4 scattered germ-pores on one face, 21-25 x 18-20 u, average '24 x 19 fi. III. Teleutosori similar, up to 1 mm. long, confluent in lines, chocolate brown to black. Teleutospores pale chocolate brown to chestnut brown, only occasional uredospores intermixed, hooded and thickened at apex (8-9 p), and either conical or truncate, very variable in shape and size, elongated or short and stout, subglobose to elliptic, fusiform or oblong, 19-32 x 13-19 p, average 26 X 15 /i ; pedicels persistent, tinted, elongated, up to 45 p long. On Ehrharta stipoide* Labill. = Microlaena stipoides R. Br. Victoria Near Melbourne, Killara, Myrniong, Kergunyah. fcc., June-March. Uredospores common but teleutospores rather sparse, although in the eighbourhood of Melbourne during December and January the teleuto- jometimes rather common, usually on the lower withered leaves, rmixed with uredosori on those still partially green. Only the uredo-stage was found at first by Mr. Robinson, but latterly at Killara, in Kergunyah, in November, he secured the teleutospores. Darlucafilum Cast., is very common on uredosori. (Plate XVI., Fig. 13i>.) Uromyces Gramineae, Liliaceae. 87 Sporobolus. 3. Uromyces tenuicutis McAlp. II. Uredosori on both surfaces of leaves, but mostly on upper, and on stems, elliptic to oblong, orange-yellow, pulvinate, generally minute, but may reach a length of 1 mm., at first covered by epidermis, then erumpent, pulverulent. Uredospores orange, ellipsoid to ovoid, spinulose, rather large, with two distinct germ-pores on one face, equatorial or nearly so, 28-40 x 19-24 p, average 32 x 22 p. III. Teleutosori on lower surface of leaf, minute, pulvinate, covered by epidermis. Teleutospores yellowish-brown, smooth, obovate to oblong or piri- form, irregularly rounded or truncate, or even pointed at apex, and slightly thickened, sometimes broader than long, 22-35 x 16-25 ju, average 28 x 20 p ; pedicel sometimes persistent, usually tinted, commonly 20-35 p long, but often much shorter. On leaves and stems of Sporobolus indicus R. Br. Victoria Near Melbourne, Aug. March. U. sporoboli E. and E., found on leaves of Sporobolus asper Kunth, in the United States, has no uredo-stage, and the teleutosori are soon naked, while the teleutospores may be subglobose and provided with long pedicels. Darlucafilum Cast., is very commonly associated with the uredospores. (Plate XVI., Fig. 133.) LILIACEAE. Bulbine. 4. Uromyces bulbinis Thuem. Thuemen in Flora, p. 410 (1877). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 409 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 572 (1888). III. Sori amphigenous, small, densely gregarious, concentrically disposed in large circles, covered by the epidermis, firm, rather concave, brown. Teleutospores clavate or oblong clavate, mostly rather acute at the apex, and narrowed at the base, pedicellate, epispore smooth, rather thick, especially at the apex, 30-36 X 20-22 p, ; pedicel deciduous, unequal, straight or slightly curved, hyaline to yellowish brown, 12 x 4ju. On living leaves of Bulbine bulbosa Haw. Victoria Omeo (Morrison). New South Wales Upper Macquarie River. Specimen not seen. Tricoryne. 5. Uromyces tricorynes Me Alp. McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W., VL, p. 756 (1895). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 283 (1899). I. Aecidia on pale spots in small clusters, amphigenous ; pseudoperidia cup-shaped, with white edges irregularly torn and reflexed. Aecidiospores bright orange, subglobose to somewhat polygonal, smooth, average 20 x 17/;. 438. 88 Uromyces Orcliidaceae. \\. Uredosori on pale green patches, brick coloured to orange, amphigenous, but more common on under surface of leaves, elongated oval to elliptical, bullate, solitary or in groups, not confluent, at first papillate, then bursting through and surrounded by ruptured epidermis. Uredospores orange, subspherical to elliptic or ovate, finely echinulate, relatively thick-walled, with two to three germ-pores on one face, average 20-23 p diam. or 22-25 x 19-20 p. III. Teleutosori blackish on ruddy brown spots, elongated and confluent, sometimes completely enveloping stem, at first bullate, finally with greyish epidermis around or over them in shreds and patches, generally 2 mm. long, sometimes up to 3 mm. Teleutospores variable in form, oval, ovate, or somewhat globular, yellowish - brown to chestnut - brown, smooth, apex thickened (up to 8 p), round or conical, 25-32 x 20-29 p, average 30 x 25 p ; pedicels persistent, pale yellow, especially towards spore, up to 80 p long and 9 p broad. On leaves and stems of Tricoryne elatior R. Br. Victoria Near Melbourne, Oct., 1892, II., III. (Robinson). Rutherglen, July, Oct., 1893, 1., II., III. Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov. 1902 (Robinson). Nagambie, Nov., 1904, II., III. New South Wales Richmond, Oct. (Musson). I. on both surfaces of leaves, July. II., on stems and leaves, not very common in July, but prevalent in October and November. III. on stems and branches and both surfaces of faded leaves, very common in July, forming dark swollen patches. Several two-celled teleutospores occurred, coloured similarly to the ordinary teleutospore and thickened at apex. The spores were constricted at septum, which might be about the middle or towards the base. They were longer than the ordinary spore, and measured about 37 x 27 p. The pedicel was occasionally rather lateral. Darluca filum Cast., occurred on the uredosori. (PlateXVI, Figs. 134, 135.) ORCHIDACEAE. Microtis. 6. Uromyces microtidis Cooke. Cooke, Grev. XI V., p. 12 (1885). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 332 (1892). Sydow, Ann. Myc. I., p. 324 (1903), Sacc. Syll. VII, p. 579 (1888). Sori amphigenous, loosely arranged in irregular groups, minute, puncti- form, brown, pulverulent, girt by the ruptured epidermis. II. Uredospores globose, subglobose, ovate or ellipsoid, minutely acule- ate to warty, yellowish-brown, 22-30 x 17-25 p. III. Teleutospores intermixed with Uredospores, ovate, with hyaline apiculus, rough with warte, brown, 25-35 x 17-25 p, but mav reach 1 p t average 32 x 24 p pedicel very short, hyaline. On living leaves of Microtis porrifolia R. Br. New South Wales Bullahdelah, II., III. Uromyces Orchidaceae. 89 Only the teleutospores were described by Cooke, but in a portion of the original material kindly supplied by Massee there were numerous uredospores intermixed with the teleutospores. Sydow 2 has also found the uredospores with teleutospores intermixed, on specimens of the same host-plant sent from Chatham Island, New Zealand. If we compare the three rusts found on the Orchid genera, Microtis, Chiloglottis, and Thelymitra, it is found that aecidia occur on Chiloglottisj but are absent, as far as known, from the other two. The teleutospores are all provided with a hyaline apiculus, but in U. microtidis the epispore is very rough and knobby, and the size of the spore not generally exceeding 35 p. long, while in U. thelymitrae the epispore io generally thicker, and the spore polygonal and irregularly warted and altogether larger. The rust on Chtf.o- ylottis generally resembles that on Microtis, but the teleutospore is larger. The following table will show the points of resemblance and difference in the teleutospores : Size. Epispore. Thickness. Apiculus. Uromyces microtidis 25-35 x 17- 25 p Generally prominently 3-4 p Generally warted all over couoid U. orchiclearum 30-50 X 19-24 p Irregularly warted and 3-4 ft Generally warts not so pro- conoid minent U, thelymitrae 35-45 x 25-30 fi Less closely but more 5-6 p Generally prominently warted, obtuse hence polygonal (Plate XVI., Fig. 139.) Chiloglottis. 7. Uromyces orchidearum Cke. and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XVI., p. 74 (1888). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 332 (1892). Morrison, Viet. Nat. XL, p. 90 (1894). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 580 (1888). I. Aecidia hypophyllous, scattered, cup-shaped ; pseud operidial cells polygonal to wedge or pear-shaped, finely notched, 32-40 p. Aecidiospores pale yellow, subglobose to shortly elliptical, verru- culose, 16-20 p. or 18-22 x 15-20 p. II., III. Sori mostly epiphyllous, bullate, at length erumpent, golden- brown. II. Uredospores elliptic to ovoid, honey-yellow to golden-yellow, echinu late, with several germ-pores, 26-30 x 16-20 p. III. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, old gold colour variable in shape and size, elliptic to ovoid or oblong, with pro- minent hyaline apiculus (up to 9 p long), usually with irregularly warted epispore, which is 3-4 p thick and brightly coloured, 30-51 x 19-24 p, average 36 x 21 p ; pedicel hyaline, attenuated downwards, up to 77 p long. D 2 9 o Uromyces Orchidaceac, Scroplndariaceae. On leaves of Chiloylottis diphylla 11. Br., II., III. New South Wales Mt. Victoria (Hamilton). Victoria Oakleigh, July, 1894 (Morrison 1 ). Tasmania Bellerive Swamp, May, 1897 (Rod way l ). On C. (junnii Lindl., I., II., III. Victoria Oakleigh, Aug., 1892 (Morrison). In the original description of Cooke and Massee only teleutospores are recorded, but uredospores were also obtained from the original material labelled in Cooke's handwriting. Sometimes there are abnormal elongated teleutospores up to 60 JJL long. Several bicellular spores were met with similarly coloured to the normal teleutospores, constricted at septum, irregularly warted, with prominent hyaline apiculus, 59 x 28 p. (Plate XVI., Fig. 138; Plate XL., Fig. 303.) Thelymitra. 8. Uromyces thelymitrae McAlp. Sori on leaf and sheath, scattered or gregarious, bullate, ellipsoid, yellowish to brownish, compact, surrounded or almost covered by ruptured epidermis, except for a narrow slit, up to 1 J mm. long. II. Uredospores ellipsoid to obovate or pear-shaped, golden-yellow, echinulate, with as many as four equatorial germ-pores, 25-32 X 18-21 p. III. Teleutospores ellipsoid to oblong, or polygonal, chestnut-brown, relatively thick-walled, irregularly knobby, with hyaline apiculus 35-45 x 25-30 p, average 36 x 26 p pedicel hyaline, short, deciduous, up to 1 1 p broad adjoining spore. On Thelymitra antennifera Hook. f. and T. flexuosa Endl. Victoria Near Melbourne, Sep. and Oct. (C. French, jun.). An aecidial stage has been found in Java, by Raciborski, on Thelymitra javanica Blame, but it has probably no connexion with our native species. (Plate XVI., Figs. 136, 137.) SCROPHULARIACEAE. Limosella. 9. Uromyces limosellae Ludw. Ludwig in Dietel, Hedw., XXVIII., p. 182 (1889). Sacc. Syll. IX., p. 293 (1891). I. Aecidia amphigenous, scattered or gregarious ; pseudoperidia with whitish lacmiate margin, not deeply incised. ^Aecidiospores round to angular, hyaline, smooth, about 15 p III. Teleutosori mixed with the aecidia, often crowded, long covered by epidermis, pulvinate, dark brown. Uromyces Goodeniaceae, Rubiaceae. 91 Teleutospores obovate, oblong or clavate, rarely round, with yellowish-brown, thick, smooth wall, strongly thickened at apex, and for the most part paler, 32-40 X 18-22 p pedicel as long as or shorter than teleutospore. On leaves of Limosella aquatica L. S. Australia Kangaroo Island (Tepper). It differs from U. scrophulariae (DC.), to which it is otherwise allied, in the size and colour of the spores. Dietel observed two bicellular teleutospores among the ordinary ones in a spore layer. Specimen not seen. GOODENIACEAE. Selliera, Scaevola. it). Uromyces puccinioides Berk, and F.v.M. Berkeley and Mueller, Linn. Journ. XIII., p. 173 (1872). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 332 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 585 (1888). I. Aecidia aggregate, on brown orbicular spots, arranged in a circinate manner, opposite ; pseudoperidia with abbreviated margin. Aecidiospores orange, subglobose, 16-19 x' 13-16^u. III. Teleutosori bullate, intermixed with aecidia or surrounding them as a ring, at first covered with greyish glistening epidermis, finally naked. Teleutospores brown, apiculate, sometimes with the apex oblique or dentate, also thickened and rounded or flattened, 40-44 x 18-23 p, average 41 x 22 ^ ; pedicels hyaline, persistent, up to 48 p long. On leaves and flower stalks of Selliera radicans Cav. Victoria Near Melbourne, Nov. June. Wimmera Flats, May, 1897 (Reader). Phillip Island, Jan., 1900. Portland, Jan., 1901. Point Cook, May, 1902 (C. French, jun.). Sandring- ham, Nov., 1905 (R/obinson). South Australia Glenelg (Holdfast Bay), 1854 (Berkeley 2 ). Tasmania Bellerive Swamp, Dec., 1890, and May, 1897 (Rod- way a ). On Scaevola sp. Queensland St. George (Wedd) (Bailey 13 ). It is recorded in Cooke's Handbook as being found on Goodenia, but there are no certain indications of this. It occurred on Goodenia herpystica Schlecht., which, however, is a synonym of Selliera radicans. (Plate XVII., Fig. 140.) RUBIACEAE. Asperula. 11. Uromyces asperulae Me Alp. McAlpine, Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., VI., p. 851 (1895). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 276 (1899). II. Uredosori hypophyllous, minute, bullate, bursting through epidermis. Uredospores globose, subglobose or ovate, finely echinulate, orange-yellow, single germ-pore visible on one face, 21-25 X 20-21 u. 92 Uromyces Leguminosae. III. Teleutosori on stems towards their base, elongated oval, dark- brown, appearing almost black, confluent, erumpent. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, yellowish- brown to chestnut-brown, smooth, oval to ovate, or elliptical to broadly clavate, apex much thickened (11 p) and rounded, some- times tapering or flattened, 27-37 x 15-19ju, average 30 x IS p ; pedicels long, persistent, hyaline, up to 45 ^ long. On stems and leaves of Asperula oligantha F.v.M. Victoria Ardmona, May to Oct., and in moist places all the year round (Robinson). The host-plant is given as Asperula scoparia Hook, f., in the Index Kewcnsis, but the synonymy seems a little confused. A. oligantha F.v.M. is first given as Rubia syrticola Miq., then R. syrticola is given as a synonym of Asperula scoparia Hook. f. (Plate XVII., Fig. HI.) LEGUMINOSAE. Vigna- 12. Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.) Link. Link, Obs. II., p. 28 (1825). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 535 (1888). Uromyces phaseoli (Pers.) Wint. [O. Spermogonia on minute spots, whitish.] [I. Aecidia densely crowded in small annular groups ; pseudoperidia sliortly cylindrical, whitish, with deeply cut reflexed margins, Aecidiospores polygonal, finely warted, colourless, 17-32 x 14-23 p.] II. Uredosori on both surfaces of leaf, round, pale cinnamon brown, pulverulent, solitary or crowded and confluent, soon naked and surrounded by ruptured epidermis. Uredospores yellowish brown, ellipsoid to ovate, finely echin- ulate, 23-32 x 17-22 p. III. Teleutosori dark-brown, almost black, easily detached, otherwise like uredosori. Teleutospores dark brown to chestnut brown, subglobose to ellip- soid or oblong, smooth, scarcely thickened at apex, with broad pale flattened papilla, 27-37 x 19-25 p. ; pedicel hyaline, persistent,, elongated, up to 70 p long. On Cowpea (Vigna catjang Walp.). New South Wales. Richmond, May, 1905 (Musson). The distinction between the teleutospores of U. fabae and U. appendicu- latus is very marked. In the one the apex is thickened up to 9 p, while in the other the thickening is not perceptible. (Plate XLII., Fig. 306.) Uromyces Leguminosae. 93 Acacia. 13. Uromyces bicinctus Me Alp. II., III. Sori ruddy-brown, gregarious often confluent, raised, compact, rupturing epidermis irregularly. II. Uredospores yellowish-brown, clavate to oval or ellipsoid, rounded at apex and slightly thickened, densely warted and warts arranged in regular longitudinal lines, with distinct germ-pores, generally arranged in two bands about one-third length of spore from either end, and usually three to four in each band on one face, 30-40 X 13-18 //, occasionally reaching a length of 45 /z, and variable in breadth, average 34 x 15 p pedicel similarly coloured to spore or paler. III. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, pallid but thickened considerably at apex and brown (8-11 //), smooth, ellipsoid, and rounded at both ends, occasionally prolonged into one or two processes at apex, 28-34 x 17-23 /t; pedicel persistent, hyaline, short. On phyllodes and pods of Acacia f asciculif era F.v.M. Queensland Rockhampton, 1867 (from host-plant in National Herbarium, Melbourne). This species approaches somewhat to U. phyllodiorum (B. and Br.), Me Alp., in the uredospores, but they are shorter and much narrower, and distinguished at once by the two bands of germ-pores, on account of which the specific name is given. The teleutospores are also much thickened at apex and destitute of processes as a rule, although occasionally two may appear. (Plate XLIIL, Fig. 318.) Vicia. 14. Uromyces fabae (Pers.) De Bary. De Bary, Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. 4, XX. (1863). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 531 (1888). [O. Spermogonia yellowish, in small groups on leaves and stem.] [I. Aecidia scattered, in rings or orbicular patches ; pseudoperidia short, slightly prominent, flat, with torn white edges. Aecidiospores subglobose, orange, finely echinulate, 16-26 /t diam.] II. Uredosori amphigenous, roundish, pale brown, powdered, scattered, often confluent, soon naked. Uredospores subglobose or ovate, ochraceous, echinulate, with three equatorial germ-pores on one face, 20-30 x 17-20 yu. [III. Teleutosori rounded on the leaves, more abundant and elongated on the stems, often confluent, blackish-brown. Teleutospores variable in form, obovate or broadly clavate, smooth, dark-brown, apex darker, thickened (8-10 p), and rounded, truncated or conical, sometimes with colorless papilla, 24-47 x 17-30 ju; pedicels hyaline or pale brown towards spore, persistent, up to 110 /z long.] On stems, leaves, and pods of Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.). New South Wales. 1894 (Cobb 9 ). Queensland. Gladfield (Gwyther) (Bailey 19 ). 94 Uromyces Legmninosae. This rust has not been found in Victoria, and although it is said to very common in New South Wales, on applying to Dr. Cobb for specimens, he informed me that they had all been destroyed by insects. Only the uredo-stage was found in New South Wales, and the exact species is still doubtful. (Plate XLIL, Fig. 307.) Acacia* 15. Uromyces fusisporus Cke. and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XVI., p. 2 (1887). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 331 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 555 (1888). Sori amphigenous, solitary or in groups and then confluent, elliptic to* discoid, dark-brown or black, erumpent and girt by the ruptured epidermis. II. Uredospores golden-brown, fusiform, obtusely warted, with acute and more or less hyaline apiculus, 3-4 equatorial germ-pores on one face, 57-77 x 17-25 p, average 62 x 23 p. III. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, ruddy brown, globose to depressed globose, epispore rather thin, scarcely 2 p thick,, somewhat polygonal seen from above and then germ-pore very prominent, 25-30 p diam. or 16-21 X 25-35 //, average 18 x 28 p ; pedicels deciduous, hyaline, elongated, up to 96 p long, with/ septum at a short distance beneath spore. On phyllodes of Acacia salicina Lindl., and A. neriifolia A. Cunn. = A. retinodes Schlecht. Victoria Dimboola, Dec., 1895, and May, 1897 (Reader). New South Wales 1902 (Maiden). On Acacia sp. Queensland Islands of Torres Straits, June, 1897 (Bailey 18 ' 19 ). Portion of the original material named in Cooke's handwriting is in the National Herbarium, and our description is based upon that. In the original description by Cooke and Massee the uredospores were unfortunately mis- taken for teleutospores and vice versa. The uredospores are easily known from being obtusely warted and with equatorial germ-pores, apart altogether from size and shape. The teleutospore is solitary at the apex of the pedicel, but the sep- tum at a short distance from the spore foreshadows the Uromycladium wil a colourless vesicle or cyst produced laterally immediately beneath septum. The nature of the teleutospore and the presence of a septum in the stall was so suggestive of Uromycladium that the material was specially ex- amined to see if more than one spore was borne on a stalk, but the most careful search failed to reveal any indications that this was the case. (Plate XIX., Figs. 158-160.) 16. Uromyces hardenbergiae McAlp. Hardenbergia^ Sori on under surface of leaf, brown, crowded, globose to ellipsoid, often confluent, bullate, with ruptured epidermis, which usually remains. in large patches. Uromyces Leguminosae. 95 II. Uredospores golden-brown, elliptic to ovoid, echinulate, relatively thick-walled, with three distinct equatorial germ-pores on one face, 25-35 x 20-22 /*, average 27 x 20 p. III. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, very sparse, ruddy- brown, thick-walled, smooth, ellipsoid to obovoid, slightly thickened at apex, with hyaline apiculus and showing germ-pore, 25-28 x 18-21 //, average 26 x 19 p ; pedicel persistent, hyaline, elongated, up to 35 // long. On leaves of Hardenbergia monophylla Benth. Victoria Kergunyah, Dec., 1903, II., III. (Robinson). Frankston, January and August, 1904, II. (Robinson). The teleutospores were exceedingly rare, and somewhat resembled the uredospores, but slightly smaller, with ruddy smooth epispore and hyaline apiculus. This species persists all the year round. Darluca filum Cast., very prevalent on uredosori. (Plate XVII., Figs. 143-145; Plate G., Fig. 34.) Acacia. 17. Uromyces phyllodiorum (B. and Br.) McAlp. Berkeley and Broome, Linn. Trans. II., p. 67 (1883). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 331 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 556 (1888). Melampsora phyllodiorum Berkeley and Broome, Linn. Trans., II., p. 67 (1883). Uromyces digitatus Winter, Rev. Myc., p. 209 (1886). Uromyces phyllodiae Cooke and Mass. Grev. XVII., p. 70 (1889). O. Spermogonia brown at first, becoming shining black, numerous, small, blister like, seated in centre of swollen, brownish, scattered, discoid, amphigenous tubercles, varying in size from 1 to 4 mm. II., III. Sori surrounding spermogonia or alone, ruddy brown to dark- brown, round or elongated, crowded, often confluent, compact, raised, girt by the ruptured epidermis, which bursts irregularly. II. Uredospores golden yellow to golden brown, oval to ellipsoid, rounded at apex or bluntly pointed and slightly thickened, densely warted, and warts arranged in regular longitudinal lines, with distinct equatorial germ pores, 3-4 on one face, and even reaching to 6, 35-54 x 16-25 ^, average 38 x 22 /z, with elongated and hyaline pedicel. III. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, lemon yellow, and sometimes almost colorless towards base, fusiform to wedge- shaped, thickened at apex, and bearing finger-like erect or divari- cate processes, sometimes a single process, or bifid, or several, 60-70 X 14-20 /z, but may even reach a length of 86 p ; pedicels long, persistent, hyaline ; paraphyses intermixed with teleuto- spores or with uredospores accompanied by teleutospores, elongated, variously shaped, but generally somewhat cylindrical, thickened and rounded at apex, and tapering sometimes into a slender filament at base, 70-93 X 6-10 p. Uromyces Legnminosae. On phyllodes of Acacia notabilis F.v.M. S. Australia Near Gawler, July, 1885 (Tepper) (Ludwig 2 ). On phyllodes of Acacia dallachiana F.v.M., and A. penninervis Sieber, Victoria Alps, near Bright, Dec., 1904 (C. French, jun.) On phyllodes of Acacia dealbata Link. Victoria Orbost, Dec., 1905, II. III. On phyllodes of Acacia penninervis Sieber, A. microbotrya Benth. and A. neriifolia A. Cunn. in National Herbarium, Melbourne. New South Wales Twofold Bay. Queensland Brisbane River. On phyllodes of Acacia pruinosa A. Cunn. New South Wales Gosford, Jan., 1906 (Froggatt). On Acacia sp. Queensland Brookfield, Brisbane River (Bailey 1 ' 19 ). New South Wales (Cobb 10 ). The appearance presented by this rust varies according to the presence or absence of spermogonia. In the Queensland specimens there are black discoid tubercles with spermogonia in the centre and surrounded by the sori, while in the Alpine specimens the numerous sori are scattered over the green surface of the phyllode. The size of the uredospores is given by Winter as 32-35 x 20-25 but there are occasional elongated forms which may reach a length of 54 They somewhat resemble those of Uromycladium notabile, but the markings on the epispore are much closer together. The teleutospores are very characteristic, but very variable both in shape and size. The apex may be prolonged into a single process, or there may be quite a number, at least up to 6. As regards size they are generally elongated, and the measurements given are the mean of a number taken f roi spores ending in a single process. They germinate at once without a period of rest. The specific name of digitatus is so appropriate that it is unfortu- nate it has to be set aside in obedience to the law of priority. This species was first described by Berkeley and Broome in a list of fungi from Brisbane, Queensland, as Melampsora phi/llodiorum in 1883, and drawings accompany the description. Specimens of the original material have been kindly supplied to me by Mr. F. M. Bailey, Queensland State Botanist, and uredospores and teleutospores from these are shown in PI. XXV., Figs. 218-220. There is no doubt as to its identity. The following is' the original description of Berkeley and Broome : Sori in amphigenous tubercles ; spores arising from delicate filaments, rather fusiform, 55-58 p long, granulated, mixed with others which are elongated, uniseptate, fusiform, even, 22 fj. long." The longest uredospore found was 54 p long, and the uniseptate spores of Darluca filum Cast., wei a No very common. Next, Winter, in 1886, described the same fungus from S. Australia as Uromyoeu digitatus, the teleutospores being recorded for the first time. Then Cooke and Massee, in 1889, described a Uromyces phyllodiae f rom Brisbane as follows : " Sori minute, orbicular, compact, brown, crowded on <-lli).tir,lnill;ite, brown spots, 3-5 mm. long, at length naked, not pulverulent. Teleutospores elliptic, obtuse, rarely apiculate, Uredosporea not seen. brown ; epispore minutely warted, rather thick, hyaline, thickened at th apex, 40-45 x 16- IS /.-'' A portion of the original material ^as supplied by Mr. Bailey, and both uredospores and teleutospores have been found. Uromyces Leguminosae. 97 Cooke and Massee mistook the uredospores for teleutospores, but the existence of several gerin-pores, together with their general appearance, indicate their true nature. Spermogonia were present in this material. Finally Dr. Cobb, 10 in 1897, described the uredo stage of Afelampsora phyllodiorum, and gives a drawing of the uredospores with an average size of 41 x 17 fi. He also found the perithecia of Darluca filum Cast., among the sori, but their true nature was not recognised. (Plate XXV., Figs. 218-228.) Trifolium. 18. Uromyces trifolii (Alb. and Schw.) Winter. Winter, Die Pilze, I., p. 159 (1884). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 330 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 534 (1888). 0. Spermogonia honey-coloured, disposed in small clusters. Spermatia hyaline, globose, about 3 p, diam. 1. Aecidia in circular clusters, on pallid spots ; pseudoperidia cup- shaped, with a white laciniate margin. Aecidiospores subglobose, ellipsoid or irregular, very finely verrucose, pale orange, 14-23 ^ diam., or 22-25 x 14-16 yu. II. Uredosori rounded or elliptic, scattered, surrounded by the torn epidermis, ruddy brown. Uredospores irregularly globose or shortly elliptic, echinulate, golden-brown, with two equatorial germ-pores on one face, 22-26 x 18-20/i. III. Teleutosori smaller and rounded on the leaves, larger and elon- gated on the petioles, dark brown, almost black, bullate, long covered bv the leaden epidermis. Teleutospores generally intermixed with uredospores, ellipsoid, globose or pear-shaped, thickened at the apex with a small pale wart, smooth, dark-brown, 22-30 X 19--22 p, average 24 X 20 yu; pedicels long, hyaline, deciduous. On leaves, petioles and stems of Trifolium repens L. Victoria Near Melbourne, Apr., I., II., III. Sep., I., III. Bunyip, Nov., I., II. Nyora, Apr., L, II., III. Murramurrangbong Ranges, Jan., L, II., III. New South Wales (Cobb 12 ). Tasmania (Rod way 1 ). All the stages were found together in January and April, and occurred on petiole, leaf, and stalk of inflorescence. The uredospores and teleutospores were very common, but the aecidiospores were not so common, and they were found also on the calyces. The leaf stalk was often much swollen and dis- torted. The spermogonia usually precede the aecidia. The teleutospores are considered to germinate only after a period of rest, but they were ob- served in April, to germinate freely while on the leaf. The mycelium may be perennial, and Dietel z considers this a common occurrence. (Plate XVIL, Fig. 142; Plate G., Fig. 32.) 9 g Uromyces Polygonaceae. POLYGONACEAE. Muehlenbeckia. 11). Uromyces politus (Berk.) Me Alp. Berkeley, Linn. Journ. XIII., p. 174 (1872). Berkeley and Broome, Linn. Trans. II., p. 67 (1883). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 342 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 833 (1888). Roestelia polita Berk. I. Aecidia on dark- purplish, elongated patches, generally arranged in lines which may be parallel, bursting through epidermis, bright orange, becoming ivory- coloured with age, cylindrical to slightly compressed, straight, averaging 1| mm. high; pseudoperidia polished, smooth, with white, narrow, toothed margin ; peridial cells oblong to angular, with striated margin, 32-35 p long. Aecidiospores ochraceous, variable in size and shape, generally ellipsoid to ovoid or oblong, finely echinulate, 24-30x19-22^. III. Teleutosori on the same discoloured area as the aecidia and associated with or distinct from them, solitary or confluent, brownish to blackish, bullate, elongated to oval, surrounded by the raised and ruptured epidermis, compact, 1-2 mm. long. Teleutospores yellowish-brown, smooth, ellipsoid to oblong,, rounded or pointed and apiculate at apex, thickened (6-8 ^u), occasionally two-celled, variable in size, 28-40 x 20-25 p, average 32 X 24 p ; pedicel hyaline, persistent, elongated up to 150 p. On stems and branches of Muehlenbeckia cunninghami, F.v.M. New South Wales Pamamero Lake, Nov., 1860 (Berkeley 2 ). Victoria Murray River, Koondrook, Nov., 1905 (C. French, jr.) This species differs from U. polygoni in the projecting Roestelia-like aecidia, and in the larger teleutospores with elongated pedicels. Several two- celled teleutospores occurred, oblong, constricted at septum, upper cell with apiculate apex, thickened, and more deeply coloured than lower, which is sometimes colourless, size that of the largest ordinary teleutospores. The somewhat elongated aecidia, in the absence of any other stage, led Berkeley to regard this as a species of Roestelia, but the finding of specimens by Mr. C. French, jr., with teleutospores in addition, showed it to be one of tl Uromyces. Berkeley 2 first recorded the aecidial stage of this species on Muehlenbeckia cunninghami in the Journal of the Linnean Society XIII., 174 (1872), and at the same time Cronartium asdepiadeum was noted on Jacksonia scoparia from the Darling Downs, Queensland. Then just ten years later, in the transactions of the same society for 1882, 1. 67, R. polita is recorded on the latter plant from Brisbane (Berkeley and I Iroome 2 ), and it was rather peculiar, to say the least of it, that the same species of Roestelia, or even a Roestelia at all, should occur on plants so widely separated in a botanical sense as Muehlenbeckia (Polygonaceae) and Jacksonia (Leguminosae). At the end of his description Berkeley remarks II The plant is identical with a specimen in the Kew Herbarium, and is. growing on the same plant, Jacksonia scoparia R. Br." However, on examining the specimens on which this determination was based, it became evident how the error had arisen. Fortunately I have the specimen of Jacksonia scoparia from the National Herbarium, Melbourne, on Uromyces Polygonaceae. 99 which Cronartium \tas first determined, and Mr. Bailey has sent me a speci- men from his herbarium labelled " Roestelia polita Berk., " and which was so named by Berkeley. On comparing the Brisbane specimen with the Darling Downs specimen, they are seen to be the same, and Berkeley's original deter- mination of Cronartium is correct. When it is remembered that Roestelia, polita Berk., has only been found 011 Muehlenbeckia and not on Jacksonia it will reconcile certain discrepancies in Berkeley's original descriptions and drawings. In the original description of JR. polita the spores are given as large, while in connexion with its occurrence on Jacksoniait, is stated "the spores are globose about *0003 inch in diam. (7-7|- /u)." If we turn to the drawings on PI. ] 5, the otherwise puzzling figures become clear when they are taken to represent a Cronartium, and it will be seen from the description of this fungus on Jacksonia that the so-called aecidiospores are really the promycelial spores of that fungus. If the identical specimen in the Kew Herbarium, to which Berkeley referred, is examined I have no doubt it will turn out to be a Cronartium. At the time Berkeley wrote our knowledge of the distinctions between these forms was not so clear as now, but still the projecting pseudoperidium of the so-called Roestelia, with its characteristic peridial cells and contained spores, is quite distinct microscopically from the outwardly similar column of teleutospores of Cronartium which are wedged together into a solid mass. In the original description the locality for New South Wales is given as " Bambamero " Lake, but Dr. Howitt informs me that the name is as above, and that the lake is situated 20 miles from Menindie, close to the Darling River. (Plate XXXIX., Figs. 297, 298; Plate XLIIL, Fig. 317.) Polygonum. 20. Uromyces polygon! (Pers.) Fckl. Fuckel, Symb. Myc., p. 64 (1869). McAlpine, Agr. Gaz., N.S.W., VII., p. 301 (1896). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 533 (1888). 0. Spermogonia yellow to honey-coloured, conoid, in small groups. Spermatia hyaline, minute, 3 x 2 p. 1. Aecidia crowded in roundish patches, bright orange, mostly hypo- phyllous, but often opposite ; pseudoperidia rather flat, with broad whitish torn edges. Aecidiospores subglobose, finely verrucose, pale yellow to orange yellow, 16-28 p diam. II. Uredosori pale cinnamon to rusty brown, scattered, or arranged in a circinate manner and confluent, mostly amphigenous, pulveru- lent, round to oval, surrounded or partially covered by ruptured epidermis. Uredospores ellipsoid to obovate, yellowish brown, finely echinulate, with generally two lateral germ-pores on one face, 20-29 x 16-21 p, average 24 x 20 p. III. Teleutosori scattered, blackish, pulvinate, roundish on leaves, elongated on stems, bursting through browned epidermis, confluent in masses, surrounding and distorting stem. 100 Uromyces Chenopodiafeae. Teleutospores globose, subglobose or elliptfcal, smooth, bright chestnut brown, apex thickened (8 /*), rounded or occasionally somewhat pointed, 22-34 x 16--20 p, average 28 x 18 /* ; pedicels pale yellowish, persistent, firm, long, up to 90 p. On leaves and stems of Polygonum aviculare L. Victoria Near Melbourne, Rutherglen, Myrniong, Goornong, Ardmona, Bunyip, Murramurrangbong Ranges, &c. Common generally throughout the year. Tasmania Sandy Bay, January, 1906, II., III. (Rodway). It is only recorded for Victoria and Tasmania, but is probably to be found wherever the host plant occurs. Aecidia were first found on young plants along with the other stages in November, 1904. The uredospores are plentiful, more particularly in the spring and summer months, but the teleutospores are formed in the autumn months. Darluca filum Cast., commonly occurring on uredosori, was found on tdeutosori in May, 1904. (Plate XVIII., Figs. 150, 151.) CHENOPODIACEAE. A triplex. 21. Uromyces atriplicis Me Alp. Sori epiphyllous, orbicular, scattered, bullate, compact, ruddy brown, erumpent, girt by the ruptured epidermis, about \ mm. diam. II Uredospores pale -brown, ellipsoid, finely echinulate, with 3-5 scattered germ-pores on one face, 25-29 x 22 JJL. III. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, dark brown, sub-globose to shortly ellipsoid, finely striated longitudinally, slightly thick- ened at apex, with prominent single apical germ-pore, 22-29 x 24-27 p, average 26 x 25 /z. On leaves of Atriplex semibaccata R. Br. Victoria Royal Park, near Melbourne, April, 1899. (Brittle- bank). The groups of spores shown in the Figures are rather smaller than the average, being about 22 x 25 p. Occasionally an abnormal teleutospore occurred reaching a length of 37 ju. (Plate XVII., Figs. 146, 147.) Beta. 22. Uromyces betae (Pers.) Kuehn. Kuehn, Bot. Zeit., p. 540 (1869). Cooke, Grev. XT., p. 98 (1883). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 330 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 536 (1888). 0. Spermogonia yellowish to honey-coloured, in small clusters, on both surfaces of leaf. Spermatia hyaline, ellipsoid, 5-6 x 3 p. 1. Aecidia disposed on orbicular or oblong yellow spots, on both surfaces of leaf, mostly about mid-rib and on leaf stalk ; pseudo- peridia white, cup-shaped, with reflexed fringed margin ; peridial Uromyces Sapindaceae. lot cells firmly united, thickened all round but thicker on one side, striated, individually somewhat lozenge-shaped, collectively elon- gated polygonal. Aecidiospores angular, globose or oblong, orange-yellow, smooth, 18-28 x 16-22 /<. II. Uredosori cinnamon or chestnut-brown, scattered or circinate, small, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Uredospores sub-globose, elliptic or ovoid, yellowish-brown, echinulate, with two distinct equatorial germ-pores on one face, 25-32 x 16-25 /*, average 28 x 21 //. III. Teleutosori dark-brown, margined by the ruptured cuticle, scattered or orbicularly arranged. Teleutospores ovate or ellipsoid with a colourless papilla at apex, dark -brown, smooth, 26-35 x 19-25 jj, average 32 x 21^; pedicels thin, rather long, soon deciduous. On leaves of Beta vulgaris L. Beet and Mangel. Victoria This rust generally occurs wherever beet or mangels are cultivated, and has been found at Port Fairy, Maffra, Murtoa, Minyip, Ballarat, etc. It also occurs throughout the year from Jan. and Feb. to Nov. and Dec. As early as 1878 this rust from Ballarat was determined by Thuemen 2 . S. Australia Aug., 1897 (Quinn). Tasmania (Rodway ] ). Devenport, Jan., 1906 (Robinson). New South Wales Hawkesbury Agric. College (Musson). The teleutospores are rather scarce, but they were found at Port Faiiy in August and measured 27-33 x 22-24 //. The aecidiospores were found towards the latter end of August and up to December on young leaves of beet growing from roots left in the ground during the winter. According to Plowright they very rarely occur in Britain in a state of nature. They were found to germinate very freely in water. (Plate XVII., Figs. 148, 149 ; Plate XLIIL, Fig. 316; Plate H.) SAP1NDACEAE. Diploglotti*. 23. Uromyces diploglottidis Cooke and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XVII., p. 55 (1889). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p 331 (1892). Sacc. Syll. IX., p. 294 (1891). III. Sori epiphyllous, scattered, convex, minute, for a long time covered, at length splitting, pale brown, seated on orbicular greenish spots. Teleutospores elliptic, apex obtusely acuminate, base attenuated into a short pedicel, epispore hyaline, thick, contents granular, pallid, 50-60 x 20-30 p. On fading leaves of Diploglottis cunninghamii Hook. f. Queensland Woolston Scrub, Brisbane River (Bailey 6 > 19 ). This species was very destructive to the foliage of the Queensland Tamarind Tree. Specimen kindly sent by Mr. Bailey, but spores not obtainable. I02 Uromyces Caryophyllaceae. CARYOPHYLLACEAE. Dianthus. i 1 . Uromyces caryophyllinus (Schrank) Schroet. Schroeter, Brand, p. 10 (1869). McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VII., p. 300 (1896). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 545 (1888). II. Uredosori amphigenous, dark brown when exposed, but long covered by epidermis, round or oblong, scattered, often confluent, up to 3 mm. long. Uredospores roundish to oblong, yellowish brown to golden brown, decidedly echinulate, generally 3-4 scattered or nearly equatorial germ-pores on one face, 21-34 X 17-28 ju, average 32 x 24 ,1. III. Teleutosori amphigenous, blackish-brown, oblong, confluent in elon- gated lines, long covered by ashy epidermis, then margined by the ruptured and ragged cuticle. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, roundish, oval or ovate, cinnamon brown, generally thickened, with broad colourless papilla, average 28 x 20 /t or 22-32 x 17-23 p ; pedicels very deciduous, hyaline, up to 45 ^ long. On stems and both surfaces of leaves of Dianthus caryophyllus L. and D. chinensis L. Carnation and Dianthus. Victoria Near Melbourne, and at Ardmona. Very common in some seasons all the year round. New South Wales Ashfield, near Sydney. (Maiden.) South Australia Feb., 1902. Queensland Roma, 1901 (Tryon 8 ). There is not much difference between the naked-eye characters of the uredo and teleuto sori, only the latter are a little darker in colour, but the spores themselves are quite distinct, for the uredospores are covered with decided spines, while the teleutospores are relatively smooth and have a clear papilla at apex. The teleutospore is filled with finely granular protoplasm, in the centre of which is a large vacuole-like body. When the spore is examined in the dry condition, the surface appears to be covered with numerous very fine points, which Fischer 5 regards as warts. The wall of the uredospore is beset with loosely arranged spines, which project at the margin when seen in optical section, while that of the teleutospore has densely crowded fine points, which are not visible at the margin. These projecting points are so fine that the spore is generally described as smooth. Darluca filum Cast, is often parasitic on the uredosori and teleutosori. (Plate XVIIL, Figs. 152-154; Plate G., Figs. 30, 31.) Scleranthus. Uromyces scleranthi Rostr. Rostrup, Bot. Tidsskr., p. 40 (1897). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 275 (1899). II. Uredosori scattered, minute, orbicular or oblong, slightly raised, pale brown, erumpent, and surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Uromyces Zygophyllaceae. 103 Uredospores golden brown, finely echinulate, ellipsoid to ovoid or oblong, 3-4 scattered germ-pores on one face, epispore 3 u thick 25-32 x 17-21 /*. On Sderanthus diander R. Br. Victoria June, 1898 (Reader). Only the uredo-stage was found although numerous sori were examined and while the uredospores generally agree with those of the above species they are sometimes a little longer. It was originally found in Denmark on the stems and calyces as well as the leaves of Sderanthus perennis L. The description is as follows : " Sori scattered, minute, orbicular or oblong, pale brown, long covered by epidermis. Uredospores yellowish- brown, globose, echinulate, 15-22 ^ diam. or oblong, 24-25 X 18-20 p. Teleutospores rare, intermixed with uredospores, pear-shaped or obliquely ellipsoid, reddish-brown, apical papilla transversly thickened, 23-24 x 19-24 p. ; pedicel hyaline, deciduous." (Plate XXVIII., Fig. 248.) ZYGOPHYLLACEAE. Zygophyllum. 26. Uromyces vesiculosus Wint. Winter, Hedw. p. 22 (1885). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 330 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 547 (1888). Sori amphigenous, scattered or gregarious, often confluent, rounded or irregular, ruddy brown, covered by the cinereous vesicular epidermis, which ultimately ruptures and surrounds the sorus. II. Uredospores sub-globose, elliptic or ovate, yellow to brownish, densely warted, even prickly, epispore thin, with 3-5 equatorial germ-pores on one face, 26-35 x 19-24 //, average 28 x 20 p. III. Teleutospores globose, elliptic, ovate or pear-shaped, thickened at the apex, rounded or with a broad apiculus more or less shortly conical, 21 /z diam., or 23-31 x 17-22 /z, average 25 X 20 p epispore thick, smooth, dark bay brown when mature; pedicel long, thick, persistent, may be flexuous, pale olivaceous, up to 150 p. On living leaves and stems of Zygophyllum billardieri DC. S. Australia Spencer's Gulf (Tepper). (Winter ] ). On leaves, stems, and fruit capsules of Z. glaucescens F.v.M. Victoria Near Dirnboola, November, 1894, and Warracknabeal, March, 1904 (Reader). S. Australia Yorke's Peninsula, June, 1902 (Molineux). The confluent sori may form large conspicuous elongated patches up to 10 mm. long or more, and the greyish bladder-like epidermis remains unbroken for some time. Several two-celled teleutospores were met with and not constricted at the septum, which was decidedly thick and rather below the middle, sometimes approaching the base. They were, in other respects similar to the ordinary teleutospores, even to the size, and measured about 27 x 22 u. IC , Uromycladutm. Dietel observes that the occurrence of bicellular teleutospores is rare amoiiL' r/v,wyr/-x, for only once has he observed it in U. pisi and U. junci, and two were found in U.'limosel/ae. Dr. Cooke has also found a few in U. trifolii, and I have now to add U. orchidearum, U. tricorynes, U. vesi- culosus and U. politus. Darlucafilum Cast., is generally very plentiful on uredosori. (Plate XVIII., Fig. 155-157 ; Plate G., Fig. 33.) UROMYCLADIUM McAlp. This new genus of Busts is noteworthy, not only on account of the teleutospores forming a cluster at the top of the stalk, and generally accom- panied by a colorless cyst, but from the large galls produced by some species which seriously disfigure and ultimately destroy many of our Wattle-trees (Acacias). The seven species at present known show every gradation from one teleu- tospore accompanied by a cyst (U. simplex) through two teleutospores with or without a cyst (U. maritimum), (U. bisporum), and reaching to three teleu- tospores in a head always without a cyst (U. tepperianum). The presence of more than one teleutospore at the end of a stalk is a novel feature in rusts, and the addition of a colorless vesicle or cyst at the base reminds one of Ravenelia to which this genus is allied. The unicellular teleutospore also links it on to Uromyces, and I consider that here we have the connecting link between Uromyces on the one hand and Ravenelia on the other. The genus Anthomyces with only a single species is composed of a head of three or more cells united together with sterile cells at the base, and may prove a bridging species from Uromycladium to Ravenelia. Spermogonia, uredo and teleuto sori occur, but no aecidia. The two gall-producing species hitherto found are U. notabile and U. tepperianum, both of which produce three teleutospores at the top of the stalk, and the former has uredospores in addition. The only species known outside of Australia is that of U. tep- r rianum (formerly called Uromyces tepperianus, Sacc.), and it is noted for causing deformation of the shoots, but with us it is ruining whole plantations of Wattles. Near Altona Bay, Victoria, the branches of the beautiful Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) are deformed and destroyed by it when it forms numerous galls sometimes as large as a potato. In the neighbour- hood of Melbourne, too, hedges of the Kangaroo thorn (A. armata) are l>eing gradually and completely destroyed by this fungus. Some of the shrubs have most of their branches infested with the chocolate colored galls, the color being due to the spores, and they may be in the form of a succession of small ones as large as peas, or large ones the ssize of walnuts. The phyllodes as well as the branches in some species are deformed. On cutting across these galls they are seen to be solid to the core, and not the product of insects but of the fungus, although in many cases bored and tunnelled by insects after being produced. When our Acacias are more closely examined for rusts no doubt the number of species will be con- siderably increased. General characters Spermogonia somewhat hemispherical, produced under the cuticle, without paraphyses at mouth, preceding the formation of any other spore. Uredospores solitary at apex of basidia, and generally much larger than teleutospores with several distinct germ-pores. Teleutospores in clusters, composed of one spore and cyst or two or more spores with or without a cyst, depressed globose. Uromycladium Leguminosae. 105 This genus may be distinguished from Uromyces by the arrangement of the teleutospores, by their shape, which is not elliptical, but depressed globose, and by the presence, in most cases, of a colorless vesicle or cyst. Allied witk Uromyces on the one hand and Ravenelia on the other. Australian species, 7. ANALYTICAL KEY TO THE SPECIES. I. One teleutospore and vesicle in head. A. Uredospores fusiform, with hyaline apiculus, and finely warted. Ur. simplex. B. Uredospores sub-elliptical, without hyaline apiculus, thickened at apex, and coarsely warted. Ur. robinsoni. II. Two teleutospores in head. A. Uredospores unknown. Ur. bisporum. III. Two teleutospores and vesicle in head. A. Uredospores sub-elliptical, warted all over, much thickened and dentate at apex. Ur. maritimum. B. Uredospores sub-clavate, evenly warted all over, and scarcely thickened at apex. Ur. alpinum. IV. Three teleutospores in head. A. Teleutospores finely warted, warts arranged in lines ; uredo- spores known. Ur. Jiotabile. B. Teleutospores with converging striae ; Uredospores unknown. Ur. tepperianum. LEGUMINOSAE. Acacia. Uromycladium alpinum McAlp. O. Spermogonia minute, black, shining, punctiform, crowded,- on both surfaces of phyllodes on discoloured patches, appearing before sori and ultimately surrounded or accompanied by them. Spermatia hyaline, ellipsoid, 3 x 2 /u. Sori amphigenous, rusty-brown, scattered or in groups, bullate, soon rupturing epidermis and becoming naked. II. Uredospores yellowish-brown to golden-brown, shortly or elon- gated clavate, occasionally oval or oblong, warted equally all over, scarcely thickened at apex, with 3-5 equatorial germ-pores on one face, 35-51 x 21-26 //, occasionally reaching a length of 58 p. III. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, two in head with colorless vesicle, depressed globose to subglobose, yellowish- brown to dark-brown, smooth, very slightly thickened at apex with distinct germ-pore, 19-22 x 25-30 p ; vesicle arising from stalk immediately beneath septum, globose or slightly ellipsoid about 25 z diam. I0 <5 Uromycladium Leguminosae. X. Mesospores associated with uredospores, not uncommon, ellipsoid to oblong or obovate, rounded at apex, smooth-walled and wall of about equal thickness throughout, with colorless stalk, 15-25 x 10-15 ft. They differ from uredospores in being smooth and much smaller, and from the teleutospore in shape, in not being thickened at apex and without apical germ-pore. On phyllodes of Acacia daUachiana F.v.M. Victoria Alps, near Bright, Dec., 1904 (C French, jr.). On phyllodes of Acacia buxifolia A. Cunn. New South Wales New England. (From type of host in National Herbarium, Melbourne.) On leaves and pods of A. dealbata Link. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Jan., 1905 (Robinson). Tasmania Risdon, Dec., 1905, and Mt. Wellington, Jan., 1906 (Rod way). On phyllodes of A. implexa Benth. Victoria Myrniong, May, 1905 (Brittlebank). On phyllodes and pods of Acacia linifolia Willd., in National Herbarium, Melbourne. New South Wales Blue Mts. Queensland Rockhampton, Nerbool Creek. This species very much resembles U. simplex in the appearance of the sori, but it is allied to U. maritimum in bearing two teleutospores and a vesicle on one sporophore. It differs from the latter, however, in the uredospores which are generally clavate and warted equally all over. The vesicles vary in size, and are sometimes large and swollen when they are ready to burst. In old material they may have disappeared altogether. The teleutospores were much more numerous than the uredospores in December. (Plate XXIV., Figs. 209-215.) Acacia. -*. Uromycladium bisporum Me Alp. III. Teleutosori on the branchlets forming elongated slightly swollen chocolate-brown masses, and on the under surface of the leaflets appearing as powdery patches. Teleutospores two in a head, yellowish-brown, subglobose , depressed globose, occasionally with very short, colored, stalk-likt, basal projection, slightly thickened at apex with germ-pore im- mediately beneath, 18-22 x 22-30 p. On branches, leaves and pod's of Acacia dealbata Link. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, January, 1905 (Robinson). Tasmania Risdon, Dec., 1905 (Rodway). No vesicle occurs below the septum, so that this species is an intermediate form between U. simplex with a single spore and vesicle and U. maritimum with two spores and a vesicle in each head. The occasional presence of two teleutospores in U. simplex is a further indication of the passage from one to the other. (Plate XXIV., Figs. 207, 208 ; Plate XXXIII.) Uromycladium Leguminosae. 107 Acacia. 29. Uromycladium maritimum McAlp. O. Spermogonia at first ruddy-brown, ultimately black, dotted over the surface of prominent discoid tubercles, formed at corresponding points on both surfaces of the phyllodes, somewhat hemispherical, but broader than deep, and produced beneath the cuticle, averaging 120 ^ diam. Spermatia hyaline, shortly ellipsoid, 3 x 2 p. II., III. Sori dark-brown, elongated, compact, confluent, rupturing epidermis, 2-3 mm. long, partially surrounding the black discoid spermogonial tubercles. II. Uredospores oval to elliptical or elongated elliptical, pale-brown to dark-brown, warted all over and thickened at apex, where spikes are specially prominent, forming a tuft, with very distinct equatorial pores, 3-7 on one face, very variable in length and breadth, 45-60 x 24-28 ju ; pedicel deciduous, hyaline, elongated, up to 106 x 5 ju. III. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, two on each sporophore, with a lower and lateral colorless vesicle, very rarely three spores in cluster without a vesicle, subglobose to de- pressed globose, dark-brown, thick walled, smooth, with finely granular contents, slightly thicker at apex, with very prominent apical germ-pore, 30-32 ^ diam., or 22-25 x 24-30 ju ; colorless vesicle globose, with very thin wall, and arising from stalk immediately beneath septum, 30-35 ju diam. X. Mesospores intermixed with the uredospores, or even with uredospores and teleutospores, unicellular or very rarely bicellular, pale, smooth, with wall of equal thickness and finely granular contents, without any visible germ-pores, fusiform or ellipsoid, or even occasionally clavate, solitary at the end of a stalk like the uredospores, 22-45 x 11-19 /*, occasionally up to 57 JJL long. On phyllodes and stems of Acacia longifolia Willd. Victoria Saudringham and Beaumaris. Tasmania Mersey Bluff, Jan., 1906 (Robinson). II. April to August, occurring alone, or sparingly mixed with teleuto- spores. III. September to latter part of spring and during summer, intermixed with a few uredospores. In one form or another it occurs all the year round. This rust was first found on the coast at Beaumaris in 1895 on Acacia longifolia, although not investigated at the time, and it was in this species that the peculiar grouping of the teleutospores and the presence of a colourless vesicle or cyst was first observed. The teleutospores germinate freely in water or moist air and without a period of rest. They germinate all round the sorus on the surface of the phyllodes, forming a flaky mass of spores and sporidiola, which easily peels off. The uredospores were only found to germinate in water in the spring. The spermogonia are associated with uredo and teleutospores occurring in the same sorus. Only in rare instances were sori found without being accompanied by spermogonial tubercles. (Plates XX., XXL, Figs. 166-184; XXIV., Figs. 216, 217; XXXII., Fig. 273; XLIIL, Figs. 313, 314, 315.) jo8 Uromycladium Leguminosae. Acacia. 30. Uromycladium notabile (Ludw.) Me Alp. Ludwig, Bot. Centrbl. XLIII., p. 6 (1890). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 343 (1892). Sacc. Syll. XI., p. 222 (1895). Uredo notabilis Ludw. O. Spermogonia minute, punctiform, black, in swollen tubercles often intermixed with uredospores and teleutospores. Spermatia hyaline, ovate or ellipsoid, on elongated basidia, 4 x 2-3 /i. II. Uredosori on both surfaces of phyllodes, on branches and pods, ochraceous to yellowish-brown, seated on a distorted inflated gall. Uredospores ellipsoid to oblong, bright yellow when fresh, becoming yellowish-brown, on elongated hyaline pedicels, with 3-5 equatorial germ-pores on one face; epispore thick (3 p), reticu- late, 30-45 x 18-28 //. III. Teleutosori on branches, phyllodes and legumes, forming large, swollen, distorted galls, chocolate-brown, at length very powdery. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores at first, in clusters of three (rarely two or four), sub-globose to depressed globose, yellowish-brown, densely covered with warts arranged in lines, slightly thickened at apex, with germ-pore beneath, 16-23 x 21-26 p. On phyllodes of Acacia notabilis F. v. M. South Australia Roseworthy, Sept., 1889, II. (Tepper). On branches, leaves and pods of Acacia dealbata Link. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Jan., 1905, O., II., III. (Robinson). Bright, June, 1905, II., III. (Davey). Bairns- dale and Orbost, Dec., 1905, III. Tasmania Hobart, May, 1905, II. (Rod way). Cataract Gorge and Dulverton, Jan., 1906, III. (Robinson). On branches of Acacia decurrens Willd. Victoria Near Melbourne, Feb., 1905, III. Myrniong, July, 1905, III. New South Wales Exeter, near Moss Vale, May, 1905, III. (Baker). On branches of Acacia elata A. Cunn. New South Wales Lawson on the Blue Mountains, April 1905, O., III. (Baker). On branches of A. binervata DC. New South Wales Sydney, Sept., 1905, III. (Maiden.) On branches of Acacia pruinosa A. Cunn. New South Wales Gosford, Jan., 1906, II. (Froggatt.) The ochraceous uredosori are generally distinct from the chocolate-brown teleutosori, but sometimes the two kinds of spores are found intermixed. The arrangement of the teleutospores is generally the same as in U. tepperianum, but the dense covering of warty spines instead of distinct striae differentiates them at once and the height of the spore is greater. The spermogonia are found in association with both uredospores and teleuto- spores. The uredospores closely resemble in size and shape those of Uromyces phyllodwrum, but the surface markings serve to distinguish them. In the TJromycladium Leguminosae. 1 09 latter the warts are arranged in longitudinal lines, while in the former the surface markings are net-like. See Plate XXIII., Figs. 201, 202, and Plate XXV., Fig. 226. Some very large galls were found either surrounding or terminating branches of the Black Wattle (A. decurrens). A size of 3-4 inches indiam. was not uncommon, and one large clump resembling a big artichoke measured 5 x 14 inches, and weighed 15 ounces. In some cases the branches still flourished beyond the gall, but it was evidently an expiring effort of the tree to put forth leaves. The particular tree on which the largest galls occurred was about 30 feet high and 13 years old, but many of the branches were decay- ing, and it looked altogether rather dilapidated on account of the numerous galls which were often tunnelled by insects. The mycelium was evidently perennial, as some of these galls were several years old. Only the uredospores of this species were found at first, and were described as Uredo notabilis by Ludwig. Dieter 5 has thrown out the suggestion in his paper on "The Genus Ravenelia," that from the nature of the uredospores in Ludwig's species they may be found to belong to Raveuelia, and, considering the relationship of this genus with Uromydadium, the suggestion turns out to be not far from the truth. (Plate XXIII., Figs. 196-205 ; Plate XXXVI.) Acacia. 31. Uromycladium robinsoni McAlp. O. Spermogonia on discoid tubercles, minute, punctiform, ruddy-brown, partially or entirely surrounded by uredosori or teleutosori. Spermatia hyaline, minute, sub-globose, about 3-4 p diam. II., III. Sori amphigenous, numerous, crowded, up to f mm. diam., light rust color, soon erumpent, powdery, and often surrounding spermogonial tubercles. II. Uredospores pale yellowish, oval to ellipsoid or elongated elliptical, thickened at apex (up to 6 /.i), warted all over, particularly at apex, with 2-3 equatorial germ-pores on one face, 38-45 x 19-22 p. III. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, solitary at end of sporophore, with lateral vesicle beneath, golden yellow to golden brown, depressed globose to sub-globose, smooth, slightly thickened at apex, 19-26 X 25-34 p; vesicle hyaline, globose to shortly ellipsoid, often on distinct stalk with septum at base, 20-25 p diam. or 22-27 x 16-23 p. X. Mesospores not uncommon, ellipsoid to elongated ellipsoid or elongated oblong, with thin and smooth walls, rounded at apex, without germ-pores, 18-22 x 9-12 p. On phyllodes of Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov. 1902, Dec. 1903, Jan. 1905 (Robinson). Myrniong, May, 1905 (Brittlebank). Tasmania Hobart, Dec., 1905 (Rodway). This species was found near Kergunyah by my assistant, Mr. G. H. Robinson, in whose honor it is named. The teleutospores give a dingy appearance to the phyllodes on both surfaces, and sometimes the sori are so crowded as to convey the impression of a continuous mass of rust, or even 110 Uromycladium Leguminosae. red dust. It resembles U. simplex in having a single teleutospore at the apex of the sporophore, with a lateral vesicle immediately below, but it differs chiefly in the shape and size of the uredospores. The powdery masses of teleutospores soon spread over the leaf and germinate in situ, forming flakes which are easily detached. The spermogonia are seated on tubercles along with uredo and teleuto- spores, but there may be powdery patches of both kinds of spores even on the same phyllode, without spermogonia or the associated tubercles (Plate XXXII., Fig. 274). This species represents one of the simplest forms of the genus, in which the sporophore bears a single teleutospore with a lateral colorless vesicle immediately beneath it. (Plate XXII., Figs. 185-189 ; Plate XXXII., Fig. 274.) Acacia. 32. Uromycladium simplex McAlp. O. Spermogonia ruddy-brown, crowded, minute, punctiform, arranged in a circinate manner on both surfaces of phyllodes and very occasionally on young branches. Spermatia hyaline, shortly ellipsoid, 4-5 x 3-4 p. Sori amphigenous, ruddy brown to dark brown, numerous, sometimes arranged in groups, bullate, soon rupturing epidermis and be- coming naked. II. Uredospores yellowish brown to golden brown, fusiform or oval, with hyaline apiculus, finely warted, with as many as six equatorial germ-pores on one face, three being very common, 48-58 x 21-25 p. III. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, solitary at end of sporophore and lateral vesicle immediately beneath, yellowish brown, depressed globose to sub-globose, smooth, slightly thickened at apex and germ-pore directly beneath, 22-25 X 25-32 n ; sporo- phore fitting into a sort of socket on base of spore, hyaline, elon- gated, 80 p. or longer; vesicle hyaline, globose 19-22 ^ diam. On phyllodes and branches of Acacia pycnantha Benth. Victoria Grampians, Nov., 1900 (C. French, jun.), Dec., 1900 (Robinson). Little River, Nov., 1902 and Jan., 1905 (C. French, jun.), Feb., 1905. Werribee Gorge, Dec., 1902, and Nov., 1904. Malvern Gardens, near Melbourne, Sept., 1905. Very occasionally the colorless vesicle is replaced by an ordinary spore, thus showing that the sporophore bears at its apex two spores, or a spore and its substitute. The sori form numerous hemispherical pustules which may run together, and during the latter part of spring and early summer, while the teleuto- spores are being produced, the exuded spores are observed imbedded in gum, freely germinating and readily detachable in flakes. The uredospores somewhat resemble those of Uromyces fusisporus, but in the latter there are only 3-4 germ-pores on one face. The spermogonia were first found in September on a young tree about four years old, and they usually occurred on distinct ruddy spots produced by Coniothyrium pycnanthae McAlp. and other fungi. Darluca filum Cast, not uncommon on sori containing both uredo and teleutospores. (Plate XIX., Figs. 161-165; Plate XXXII., Fig. 275.) Uromycladium Leguminosae. 1 1 1 Acacia. 33. Uromycladium tepperianum (Sacc.) McAlp. Saccardo, Hedw. XXVIII., p. 126 (1889). Cooke, Handb, Austr. Fung., p. 331 (1892). Sacc. Syll. IX., p. 291 (1891). Uromyces tepperianus Sacc. O. Spermogonia minute, ruddy at first, then black, brownish by trans- mitted light, depressed globose, 150 JJL diam. Spermatia hyaline, ellipsoid, 3-3 J x 2-2 J ju. III. Teleutosori on the leaves or phyllodes forming swollen distorted gall-like masses along their whole length, and on the branches long and broadly effused, or large somewhat spherical galls coated with cinnamon to chocolate- brown powdery spores. Teleutospores in clusters of three, sphaeroid to depressed globose, cinnamon brown, thickly channelled and striate, striae converging towards apex, slightly thickened in upper portion of wall, 14-17 X 18-25 p ; sporophore hyaline, elongated, soon deciduous. On branches of Acacia salicina Lindl. ; A. hakeoides A. Cunn. ; A. myrtijolia Willd.; and A. spinescens Benth. S. Australia Blackhills, Sandy Creek, Murray Bridge, etc., Dec., 1889 and 1892 (Tepper). Dec., 1901 (Molineux). On phyllodes and branches of A. armata R. Br.; A. implexa Benth.; A. juniperina Willd. ; A. melanoxylon R. Br.; A. pycnantha Benth.; A. rigens A. Cunn.; A. siculiformis A. Cunn.; A. vomeriformis A. Cunn. Victoria Mallee near Hopetoun, Oct., 1903 (C. French, jun.). Ringwood, Aug., 1904, (C. French, jun.). Werribee Gorge, Jan., 1905, (Brittlebank). Oakleigh, Jan., 1905. Little River, Jan., 1905, (C. French, jun.), and Feb., 1905. Cheltenham, May, 1905, (Robinson). Myrniong, July, 1905. Mt. Macedon, 1882, and Murray River, 1874, from types of A. siculiformis and A. vomeriformis in National Herbarium, Melbourne. Common around Melbourne. On A. diffusa Lindl. ; A. verniciflua A. Cunn. ; A. verticillata Willd. Tasmania. Hobart, March- April, 1905 (Rodway and Lea). On Acacia lonyifolia Willd. New South Wales Rose Bay, near Sydney, July, 1905 (Froggatt). On branches and phyllodes of A. erioclada Benth., and A. glaucoptera Benth. West Australia From types of host in National Herbarium, Melbourne. On Acacia stricta Willd. Tasmania Gordon, D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Nov., 1905 (Rod- way). This species was first described and illustrated by Saccardo in 1889, who considered that the unicellular teleutospores were borne singly on long stalks, hence he placed it in the genus Uromyces. He failed to observe, however, that each sporophore bore a cluster of three in a head. It is the most widespread of all the known forms being found on nineteen different species of Acacia, and it shares the property with V. notabile of producing galls. This is particularly noticeable in the Golden Wattle (A. pycnantha}, where the galls are as large as potatoes, and in some of the Wattle plantations where the trees are cultivated for their bark they hang in , j 2 Puccini a. large numbers from the branches like so many fruits, and the trees are either dying or dead. (See Frontispiece.) The dark chocolate-brown spore-masses are quite powdery, and each spore has prominent ribs running from base to apex, so that it is easily known from being fluted. In fact, the appearance closely resembles trie markings the eggs of some butterflies, and no doubt the purpose is the same, to strengthen the membrane which is already relatively thick, and prevent the spore collapsing when dry conditions prevail. Occasionally a spore has been found germinating in situ, and they germinated freely in water in twenty hours. What is said to be the same fungus has been found on Albizzia montana Benth., in Java, and it would be interesting to know if it occurred on any indigenous species of this genus in New South Wales, Queensland or West Australia. On A. implexa at Myrniong there were numerous galls, and I found one at the end of a branch in July somewhat of a leg-of-mutton shape and weighing about 3 Ibs. (PI. XLL). Witches' brooms of various sizes also occurred on A. implexa, caused by this rust, and one of the largest measured 45 inches in circumference (PL XLIL). (Plates XXIL, Figs. 190-195; XXIIL, Fig. 206; XXXIY.; XXXV.; XLL; XLIL, Fig. 305.) PUCCINIA Pers. This genus includes more than half of all the Australian Rusts, and is important, not only on account of its numbers, but from its appearing on so many of our cultivated crops. It occurs on all the cereals and many of the grasses, on celery and chicory, on fruit trees, such as peach and plum, and many garden favorites are attacked by it, such as chrysanthemum and corn- flower, hollyhock, marigold and daisy ; even a parasite, such as the native mistletoe, is subject to it. The two-celled teleutospore is easily recognized and distinguished from the unicellular uredospore. All the spore-forms may be present on the one plant, as in P. hederaceae on the native violets ( Viola hederacea and V. betonicifolia), or reduced to the teleutospore alone, as in P. malvacearum. There may also be heteroecious forms, such as P. caricis, with the aecidial stage on the nettle (Urtica). The teleutospore, although normally two celled, and with a horizontal septum, is sometimes very vari- able in these respects. It may not only, occasionally, be one celled, but in P. dichondrae, for instance, it may be 3-4 celled, and it may be vertically, obliquely, or even muriformly divided by the septa. The most celebrated of all the species is P. graminis, or wheat rust, which seems to have lost the power here of infecting the barberry, for although germinating promycelial spores have been used upon specially imported barberries and rusty wheat grown around the latter, still no aecidia have been produced. Mesospores are common and paraphyses may be present in both the uredo and teleuto-layer. General characters. Spermogonia when present, mostly epiphyllous, minute, sub-globose or flask-shaped, honey-coloured. Spermatia very minute, globose or ellipsoid, hyaline. Aecidia when present at first globose and closed, then cup-shaped and open, or elongated and cylindrical, with margins generally everted. Aecidiospores originating in serial order and soon free, globose, sub- globose or angular, hyaline, yellowish or orange. Puccinia Gramineae. 113 Uredosori when present, generally minute and flattened, sometimevS paraphysate. Uredospores globose, sub-globose, ellipsoid or ovate, originating singly on the terminal ends of the hyphae, with germ-pores mostly in pairs or several, rarely one, never smooth. Teleutosori variable in size, flattened or pulvinate, sometimes para- physate. Teleutospores separate, variously shaped, pedicellate, 1 -septate, with one germ- pore in each cell. Sporidiola ovoid or reniform, generally hyaline. Australian species, 90. GRAMINEAE. Agropyron, Clematis. 34. Puccinia agropyri Ell. & Ev. Ellis and Everhart, Journ. Myc. VII., p. 131 (1892). Sydbw, Mon. Ured. L, p. 823 (1904). Sacc. Syll. XI., p. 201 (1895). Aecidium clematidis DC. Fl. franc. II., p. 243 (1805). 0. Spermogonia amphigenous, honey-coloured, in clusters on leaves, accompanying aecidia. Spermatia hyaline, globose, minute, 3 ^ diam. 1. Aecidia hypophyllous, on definite spots, bright orange, in irregular clusters ; pseudoperidia cup-shaped, flattened, with reflexed lobed margin ; peridial cells piriform to quadrate, striated at margin and punctate all over, 28-32 X 16-22 p. Aecidiospores orange-yellow, ellipsoid to sub-globose, finely echinulate, 21-29 X 16-19 ju, or 20-22 p diam. II. Uredosori epiphyllous, rarely on under surface, minute, elliptic or linear, sometimes confluent, yellowish to orange. Uredospores orange yellow, elliptical to ovoid, finely echinulate, 4-5 scattered germ-pores on one face, 25-32 x 19-22 ju, epispore up to 2|- ^ thick. III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, minute, covered by the leaden-coloured epidermis, at length occasionally erumpent, oblong or linear, sometimes forming lines on sheaths. Teleutospores yellowish brown, cylindric clavate to elongated oblong, smooth, slightly constricted at septum, variable in size, 40-70 x 12-25 ^u, average 60 x 18 ^ ; upper cell rounded or squarely truncate at apex and decidedly thickened (6-9 /u), some- times broader than long, darker in colour than lower, 19-29 x 16-25^; lower cell tapering towards pedicel or oblong, usually longer and narrower than upper, 25-41 x 12-20 /j, ; pedicel short, generally tinted. Occasionally three-celled teleutospores occur. X. Mesospores occasional, pale brown, elongated, rounded, or slightly pointed and thickened at apex, slightly tapering towards base, 40-48 x 13-16 ju, with short coloured pedicels. Aecidiospores on Clematis aristata R. Br. Victoria. Murramurrangbong Ranges, Dec., 1903, and Jan., 1905 (Robinson). Uredo and teleutospores on Agropyron scci/irum Beauv. Victoria Near Melbourne, Dec., 1892 (Robinson). Myrniong, March, Nov., Dec., Jan. Murramurrangbong Ranges, Dec., 1903 (Robinson). 1I4 Puccinia Gramineae. The teleutospores vary considerably in size and shape. They are some- times elongated cylindric but usually cylindric clavate, the lower cell being comparatively narrow and tapering slightly towards base, while the upper cell is expanded and considerably flattened out at apex. The length may vary from 40-70 /LI and the breadth from 12 p (in lower cell) to 25 /j, (in upper cell). It is noticeable that certain sori may consist of elongated and others of medium-sized spores. In the Agricultural Gazette for New South Wales, Vol. VI., p. 852, 1895, the rust on this native grass was given as P. dispersa Eriks. and Henn., but on further examination I find that it approaches most closely to P. agropyri Ell. and Ev. and is named accordingly. Specimens of P. agropyrina Eriks., were examined from Eriks. Exs. 419 on Agropyron repens Beauv., and the uredospores measured 21-24 /u diam. or 24^27 x 16-21 p. The teleutospores, however, were considerably smaller than our own material, measuring only 33-42 x 12-18 /u, average ;J9 x 15 /LI. The following table will show at a glance the different sizes of the spores on different hosts of the two species of rust : Uredospore. Teleutospore. P. ajropyrina Eriks. on Agropyron repens, Beauv. 1 6-25 /Lt diam. 36-41 x 13-16 \i /'. agropyri Ell. & Ev. on A. glaucum, Roem & Schult. 20-25 x 18-22 p 60-75 x 20-25 /t P. ajropyriEll & Ev. on A. scabrum, Beauv. 25-32 x 19-22 p 40-70 x 12-25 fi Although the uredospores are described as smooth by Ellis and Everhart yet in specimens from Sydow's Tired. Exs. 1362, they are seen to be decidedly echinulate and it is a question whether such a thing as a smooth uredospore exists among Puccinias. The species altogether is of the P. dispersa type. Dietel 4 infected Clematis vitalba with the germinating teleu- tospores of this species and produced spermogonia and aecidia (A. clematidis DC.) so that it is considered to be a heteroecious species and called by Klebahn, 1 p. 292, Puccinia (clematidi) agropyri Ell. and Ev. It is suggestive that both stages have been found in the Murramurrangbong Ranges growing near to each other. (Plate III., Fig. 25.) Deyeuxia. 35. Puccinia agrostidis Plow. Plowright, Grev. XXI., p. 110 (1893) and Gard. Chron., p. 139(1890). McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VII., p. 149 (1896). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 717 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XL, p. 202 (1895). II. Uredosori elliptical to elongated, soon naked, linear and confluent. Uredospores orange yellow, elliptical, finely echinulate, as many as 9 germ-pores seen on one face, forming a circle inside epispore, 22-24 x 17-18 /u. III. Teleutosori minute, black to dark-brown, long covered by the epidermis, sometimes elongate, sometimes in groups. Teleutospores dark-brown, smooth, oblong or subclavate, apex thickened (up to 5 /j), truncate or rounded, markedly constricted, attenuated below, almost sessile, very shortly stalked, 40-54 x 14-21 p, average 44 x 18 /u. Puccinia Gramineae. 115 X. Mesospores fairly numerous, similarly coloured to teleutospores or lighter, oval to elongated elliptical, thickened at apex, 24-30 x 12-14 p . On Deyeuxia forsteri Kunth. = Agrostis solandri, F.v.M. Victoria Near Melbourne, 1892 (Robinson). Ardmona, Oct.- Dec., 1894 (Robinson). Arthur's Creek, Aug., 1902 (Robinson). New South Wales (Cobb 2 ). Through the kindness of Dr. Plowright, I received some of the original material, and there is a general agreement in the spores. Dr. Cobb has described and drawn an unnamed species of Puccinia on Deyeuxia forsteri, which undoubtedly belongs to the same species. The teleutospores are given as 44-58 x 16-22 p, but the uredospores are rather larger, being 25-30 x 21-25 p. The life-history of this species was made out by Dr. Plowright, who found after several experimental cultures, that the teleutospores produced Aecidium aquilegiae Pers. on Aquilegia vulgaris, and that the spores of A. aquilegiae when applied to Agrostis alba, and Poa pratensis produced the rust. (Plate III., Fig. 27.) Anthoxanthum. 36. Puccinia anthoxanthi Fckl. Fuckel, Symb. Myc. II., p. 15 (1873). McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VII., p. 301 (1896). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 727 (1903). Sacc. Syll. VIL, p. 665 (1888). II. Uredosori on both surfaces of leaves, solitary or in elongated groups, elliptic or linear, confluent in lines, soon naked, pulver- ulent, dusky orange. Uredospores yellowish-orange, elliptic to obovate, finely echinu- late, with two to four very distinct equatorial germ-pores on one face, 25-32 x 15-20 /*. III. Teleutosori scattered, minute, dark-brown to black, elliptic, naked, surrounded by ruptured epidermis. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, chestnut- brown, elliptic to obovate or oblong-clavate, smooth, slightly constricted, rounded and thickened (6 p) at apex, occasionally tricellular, 28-48 X 15-21 p, average 35 X 20; upper cell usually darker than lower; pedicel persistent, tinted, 20-25 x 6-7 p, sometimes reaching a breadth of 10 p. X. Mesospores occasional, similarly coloured to teleutospores, obovate, thickened at apex, average 35 x 17/7. On sheath, flag and inflorescence of Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Victoria Near Melbourne, Dec., 1896, II. Rutherglen, Dec., 1903, II., III. Leongatha, Feb., 1904., II. The teleutospores were not very common. In my own garden, near Melbourne, the uredo-stage was plentiful, but no teleutospores were found, while at Rutherglen the teleuto- stage occurred on several specimens. (Plate III., Figs. 20, 21.) T 1 6 Puccinia Gramineae . Beckmannia. 37. Puccinia beckmanniae Me Alp. II. Uredosori on both surfaces of leaf, but most common on under, orange, elliptic, often confluent in lines, erumpent and surrounded by ruptured epidermis. Uredospores orange, elliptic, echinulate, with 3 to 4 equatorial germ pores on one face, 25-29 x 16-19 f.i. III. Teleutosori minute, black, linear, hypophyllous, long covered by epidermis, ultimately naked, about J mm. long. Teleutospores yellowish-brown, elongated clavate, not or only slightly constricted at septum, upper cell generally darker than lower and with numerous (up to 7) finger like processes, 45-60 X 16-25 p, average 56 X 18 ; pedicel very short or absent. X. Mesospores brown, oblong to elongated elliptical, thickened at apex, and either bare or with short stumpy processes, 32-35 x 13-16 On Beckmannia erucaeformis Host. Victoria Leongatha, February, March, 1904, II., III. Only uredospores were met with in February, but by March the teleu- tospores had developed. There is a general agreement with P. lolii, but the upper cell of teleutospore is generally broader. The grass on which this rust was found was grown from seed sent the United States Department of Agriculture for trial, and the spoi must have been imported with the seed. Holway informs me that he has collected it in the State of Minnesota, and kindly forwarded me a specimen. Darluca filum Cast., was very plentiful, both by itself and in conjunction with the rust. Probably in the former case it was parasitic on the hidden mycelium, and may have largely prevented spore formation. (Plate IL, Fig. 12.) Bromus. 38. Puccinia bromina Eriks. Eriksson, Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., p. 271 (1899). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 712 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XYIL, p. 382 (1905). Puccinia dispersa, f. sp. bromi, Eriks. II. Uredosori 1-1 Omm. long, 1mm. broad, ferruginous, on leaf blade chiefly on upper surface, crowded, sometimes on sheath and panicle. Uredospores bright orange, ellipsoid, with numerous scattered gerni-pores, as many as 11 on one face, echinulate, 27-31 x 18-24 p. III. Teleutosori elongated elliptical to oblong, black to dark-brown, hypophyllous, scattered or subgregarious, sometimes on sheath and panicle, covered by epidermis, divided into compartments, and Lch compartment separated by elongated, cylindric, or slightly clavate, yellowish-brown, barren filaments or paraphyses. Puccinia Gramineae. 117 Teleutospores oblong to clavate, dark chestnut-brown, con- stricted at septum, rounded or truncate at apex and slightly thickened, 40-56 x 18-24 /i, average 48 x 21 p lower cell generally narrower than and almost as dark as upper; pedicel short, hyaline to pale yellowish, up to 36 p long. X. Mesospores comparatively rare, dark chestnut-brown like teleuto- spores, clavate, oval or oblong, rounded or truncate and slightly thickened at apex, base sometimes attenuated, 28-36 x 16-21 jl. On Bromus mollis L. Victoria Nalinga, Nov., 1898 (Robinson). Kergunyah, Nov., 1902, Dec., 1903, and Jan., 1905 (Robinson). Domain, Melbourne, Dec., 1904, II., III., the latter very plentiful. Nagambie, Nov., 1904. New South Wales 1890 (Cobb 2 ). On Bromus arenarius Labill. Victoria Murray River. The specimen of B. arenarius in the National Herbarium attacked by an Ustilago and numbered Berkeley 202, also shows this rust, which, however, was overlooked. It is interesting as probably indicating that this is a native rust, although it also occurs on the imported B. mollis. Three-celled teleutospores are occasionally met with, sometimes owing to the upper cell being divided vertically, but more frequently there are two transverse septa instead of one. Specimens were examined from Eriksson's Fung. Paras. Scand., Exs. 420, and the uredospores measured 20-25 x 17-20 p, thus being rather smaller than the above. The teleutospores were much paler in colour, and measured 36-48 x 15-22/z, the largest being about the average of the Victorian specimens. Fritz-Muller 1 observed aecidia on Symphytum qfficinale L. and Pulmonaria montana Lej., and by infection with the aecidiospores produced the rust on Bromus. He therefore named it Puccinia symphyti bromorum. (Plate III., Fig. 28 ; Plate C., Figs. 11-13.) Rottboellia. 39. Puccinia cacao Me Alp. Uredo rottboelliae Dietel, Engler's Bot. Jahrb. XXXII., p. 52 (1902). Sori on both surfaces of leaves but mostly on under, scattered or in small groups, minute, elliptical, bullate, long covered by epidermis, about J mm. long. II. Uredospores brownish or chocolate brown, elliptic to ovoid or oblong, with distinct germ-pores, generally three equatorial on one face or may be scattered, epispore thin, dark-coloured, finely echinulate f 32-40 x 24-32 p, average 35 x 28 yu. III. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, sparse, somewhat paler, oblong, smooth, rounded or flattened and unthickened at apex, slightly constricted at septum, 32-35 x 21-22 p ; lower cell tapering slightly towards base and generally about equal in size to upper ; pedicel hyaline, deciduous. ! j g Puccinia Gramineae. On leaves and sheaths of Kottboellia compressa L. Victoria Creswick, Jan., 1893, II. (Robinson), Werribee Gorge, Dec., 1902, II. Killara, March, 1903, II., III. (Robinson). Kergunyah, Dec., 1903, II. (Robinson). Near Melbourne, Nov. and Jan., 1904. Various other localities. Queensland II. (Bailey 1 ?). The Queensland specimen is labelled Puccinia straminis DeBary. The chocolate-brown colour of the uredospores is very characteristic. The uredo-stage of this species was first described by Dietel on a specimen from Japan; on sending him some of our material he agreed that it was the same. Sydow in his Monograph (p. 800) has described a Puccinia on R. arundinacea with teleutospores alone, which however do not agree with these, being thickened at the apex up to 10 p and 34-56 x 22-27 /z in size. The uredosori frequently look quite black owing to the presence of Darluca filum Cast. (Plate XXX., Figs. 259, 260.) Cynodon. 40. Puccinia cynodontis Desm. Desmazieres Exsicc. III., No. 655. McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VII., p. 150 (1896). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 748 (1903). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 661 (1888). P. altera McAlp., Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VII., p. 151 (1896). II. Uredo-sori on both surfaces, minute, ellipsoid to lenticular, scat- tered or confluent, yellowish-brown to rusty -brown, soon naked, compact. Uredospores globose to shortly elliptical, yellowish-brown to brownish-yellow, delicately verrucose, 20-25 p diam., or 20-25 x 17-22 p. III. Teleutosori roundish to ellipsoid or oblong, scattered or confluent, pulvinate, black. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, variously shaped, ellipsoid or oblong, smooth, chestnut-brown, slightly constricted at septum, occasionally tricellular, 30-50 x 15-21, average 35 x 21 \i ; upper cell thickened at apex and generally elongated pointed, sometimes rounded ; lower cell rounded at base or attenuated ; pedicel firm, pale yellow, persistent, elongated up to 73 p. X. Mesospores plentiful, dark-brown, ellipsoid, rounded and thickened at apex, 24 x 19 /t . On Cynodon dactylon Pers. Victoria Burnley, Caulfield, Armadale, Pakenham, Killara, Somerville, &c., Oct. -March. On some plants the teleutospores were of a very regular ellipsoid shape, and rounded and thickened at apex, so that it was at first thought there were two species on the same plant. But on examining a number of specimens every gradation was found from the teleutospore, rather constant in size and shape with rounded apex, to those necessarily longer on which the thickened apex was somewhat conical. Puccinia Gramineae. 119-. It was likewise found by Magnus 5 that two kinds of uredospores occur, the one thin- walled with numerous (up to 9) germ-pores and echinulate, while the other is thick walled, with few (1-3) germ-pores and either smooth or only with a few scattered spines. There were transition forms between the two, and this shows how variable a description might be according to the nature of the spores regarded as typical. (Plate III., Fig. 24.) Festuca. 41. Puccinia festucae Plow. Plowright in Gard. Chron., p. 42 (1890) and Grev. XXL, p. 109 (1893). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 752 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XL, p. 194 (1895). II. Uredosori mostly on under surface of leaf, but generally present on upper as well, causing conspicuous yellow spots on upper surface, minute, oblong to elliptic, scattered or confluent, orange- yellow. Uredospores sub-globose to ellipsoid, echinulate, yellowish to orange-yellow, up to 5 scattered germ-spores on one face, 20-25 x 16-18 fi. III. Teleutosori mostly on under surface of leaf, minute, scattered or often in groups and confluent, oblong to linear, brownish-black. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, clavate to cylindrical, brown, smooth, slightly constricted at septum, generally tapering towards base, 40-60 X 15-20 ^u, often 60 X 16//; upper cell more or less truncate and thickened at apex, surmounted by a crown of 4-6 obtuse, straight or curved, sometimes bifid processes ; lower cell generally elongated wedge-shaped ; pedicels persistent, brown, stout, 15-25 ^ long. X. Mesospores very common, similarly coloured to teleutospores, clavate to cylindrical to somewhat oblong, thickened at apex and sur- mounted by processes, 31-46 x 11-14 p. On Festuca ovina L. Victoria Leongatha, July, 1903, II. III. On F. rigida Kunth. Victoria Rutherglen, Nov., 1895, II. In 1890 Plowright experimentally proved that the aecidium on Honey- suckle (Lonicera) was genetically connected with this species, and it has since been repeatedly proved by Fischer and Klebahn. (Plate IL, Fig. 13.) Stipa. 42. Puccinia flavescentis McAlp. McAlpine, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., XXVIIL, p. 558 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XVIL, p. 380 (1905). II. Uredosori on upper surface of leaf, minute, linear, often confluent, soon naked, p ulverulent, rusty brown, arranged along furrows of leaf. 438. E I2 o Puccinia Gramincac. Uredospores globose to shortly elliptical, finely echinulate, golden-brown, with at least ."> uvnn-pores irregularly distributed, 21 -24 p diam. or 25-32 x 21-24/i. III. Teleutosori minute, elliptical, numerous, black, often confluent lengthwise, soon naked. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, dark chestnut brown, oblong, constricted at septum, with rounded and thickened apex (up to 9 p), smooth, occasionally tricellular, 33-48 x 18-26 ju, average 44 x 24 /u ; upper cell generally hemispherical, and about equal in length to lower ; lower cell generally rounded at base, some- times narrowed and elongated like upper portion of pedicel ; pedicel persistent, tinted, elongated, up to 72 /i long. X. Mesospores common, similarly coloured to teleutospores, elongated ellipsoid, rounded or truncate and thickened at apex, smooth, 34-43 x 12-15 p. On Stipa fiavescens Labill. Victoria Near Melbourne, Dec.- April, II., III. On Stipa semibarbata R. Br. Victoria Nagambie, Nov., 1904, II., III. The pulverulent uredosori, and the numerous minute, black teleutosori are characteristic of this species. The uredospores form a rusty powder over entire upper surface of leaf. The pedicel of the teleutospore is sometimes lateral and the septum erect as in Diorchidium. It differs from P. stipae Arthur, in the uredosori being soon naked and decidedly ruddy brown, not yellowish, while the uredospores are broader. In specimens of P stipae (Op.) Hora, taken from Syd. Ured. Exs. No. 23, on Stipa capillata L., the teleutospores are decidedly different. The apex is generally bluntly pointed, and the size 48-54 x 18-21 p. In speci- mens of P. stipae Arth., from Arthur and Holway's Ured. Exs. No. 27, on Stipa spartea Trin., the teleutospores are more pointed at the apex and rather thicker. I have submitted specimens to Prof. J. C. Arthur, and he remarks that it is clearly distinct from his species, although there is very much similarity between the two, as one might expect, from the hosts being essentially alike. (Plate II., Fig. 17.) 43. Puccinia graminis Pers. Gramineae. Persoon, Disp. Meth., p. 39 (1797). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 335 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 692 (1903). Sacc. Syll. VIL, p. 622 (1888). II. Uredosori amphigenous, yellowish-brown, linear, 2-3 mm. ~ longer, either scattered or confluent in long streaks, especially on sheaths, pulverulent, soon naked, surrounded by ruptured epi- dermis. Puccinia Gramineae, 121 Uredospores elongated ellipsoid to ovate oblong, brownish yellow, echinulate, generally with 3-4 equatorial germ-pores on one face, 20-36 x 14-18 p. III. Teleutosori sparingly on leaf blades, more commonly on sheaths stalks and inflorescence, linear, elongated, pulvinate, often con- fluent, up to 10 mm. or more, dark brown to dense black, soon rupturing epidermis which is prominent. Teleutospores clavate to oblong clavate, chestnut brown, smooth, somewhat constricted at septum, very rarely three-celled, 35-63 X 14-25 p, average 52 X 18 p ; upper cell rounded or pointed at apex, rarely truncate, considerably thickened (up to 12 p.), some- times as broad as long, 21-29 p long ; lower cell attenuated to- wards base, equal to or longer than upper, 18-35 p. long; pedicel persistent, elongated, tinted, and sometimes as deeply coloured as spore, of equal thickness throughout, up to 73 X 8 //. X. Mesospores very common, intermixed in the same sorus with uredo and teleutospores, similarly coloured, dark chestnut or paler, oblong to elongated ellipsoid, generally slender, rounded, pointed or trun- cated apex and thickened like teleutospore, smooth, 34-46 x 10- 15 p ; pedicel generally short or of moderate length. Occasionally an obovate form occurs, deeply coloured, rounded and thickened at apex and much broader than usual, up to 22 p, with elongated pedicel. On Wheat (Triticum vulyare Yill.), Polish Wheat (T. polonicum L.), Oats (A vena sativa L.), Barley (HordeumvulgareL.),'Rje (Secale cerealelj.), and various species of the following genera of Grasses: Agropyron y Alopecurus, Amphibromus, Avena, Beckmannia, Briza, romus, Dactylis, Deyeuxia, Echinopogon, Elymus, Festuca, Gtyceria, Nordeum, Phalaris, Poa. Common in all the States. Occasionally I have seen a uredospore with a slight indentation on either side, just where the circle of germ-pores occurs, but never any indications of a septum. The range of variation in the size of the teleutospores is great. It may vary from 35 X 25 p. in the oblong, dark-brown, perfectly mature spore to 63 ju, long, and sometimes only 14 p broad in elongated clavate spores in the same sorus. The spore itself may be colourless, while the brown colouration is in the pedicel, and this has previously been observed by Dr. Ptowngbt in Austra- lian specimens ; or the upper cell only may be pale in colour as shown in Plate L, Fig. 8, which is from abnormal material met with on one occasion. There are no paraphyses, but there are numerous mesospores closely re- sembling teleutospores, but only one-celled. Darluca filum Cast., sometimes common on the uredosori, particularly on Wild Oab (Avena fatua) and Glyceria stricta. It has also been found on Agropyron scabrum, and Dr. Cobb 5 evidently mistook its true nature, for he says : " Among its red-rust spots there are certain black bodies which may constitute a fourth spore of the rust." The following is a complete list of all the grasses and cereals on which I have found Puccinia graminis Pers. This determination of the fungus has been based on morphological characters alone, for I have not yet succeeded in infecting the Barberry. Those marked with an * are also recorded by E 2 122 Puccinia Gramineae. other authors, and a double asterisk indicates those which by Eriksson in Europe to produce aecidia on the Barberry were sown upon it : Agropyron divergens Nees *A. scabrum Beauv. Alopecurus geniculatus L. Amphibromus neesii Stead. *Avena t'atua L. **A. saliva L. Beckraannia erucaeformis Host. *Briza minor L. Bromus racemosus L. . . . **B. secalinus L. B. sterilis L. ... **Dactylis glomerata L. Deyeuxia quadriseta Benth. Echinopogon ovatus Beauv. Elymus striatus Willd. E. virginicus L. Festuca broraoides L. Glyceria dives F.v.M. ... G. stricta Hook.f. **Hordeum murinum L. H. secalinum Schreb. ... **H. vulgare L. **Phalaris canariensis L. P. minor Retz. **Secale cereale L. Triticum polonicum L. **T. vulgare Vill. have been found when their spores II., III. II., III. II. II., III. II., III. II., III. II., III. II. II. II. II., III. II., III. II., III. II., III. II. II.. III. II., III. II., III. II. II., III. II., III. II., III. II., III. II., III. II., III. II., III. II., III. While P. graminis has been found on the above grasses, it must not be ^assumed that the one will affect the other if growing alongside of each other. It used to be considered that the same species would attack indiscriminately any of its hosts, but it has now been proved that a selection or specialisation goes on, and that the same morphological species living on different hosts is not identical in the sense of affecting all alike. By means of infection ex- periments with uredospores and aecidiospores obtained from definite teleuto- spores, Eriksson arrived at this result, that P. graminis resolved itself into a series of specialised forms, each of which was confined to a definite and circumscribed series of host-plants. As the result of experiments so far, six biologically distinct forms are constituted : 1. Secalis On Rye. 2. Avenae On Oat. 3. Tritici On Wheat. 4. Airae On Aira. 5. Agrostidis On Agrostis. 6. Poae On Poa. When time and opportunity offer, I hope to carry out experiments to determine how far the rusts of the P. graminis type on the various grasses are capable of infecting each other. (Plates I., Figs. 2, 5, 7, 8 ; XIV., Figs. 113-122 ; XL., Fig. 301 ; XLIIL, Fig.' 311 ; Plate A., Figs. 3, 4.) Gramineae. 123 Elymus. 44. Puccinia impatientis (Schw.) Arthur. Arthur, Bot. Gaz. XXXV., p. 19 (1903). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 751 (1903). Aecidium impatientis Schw. II. Uredosori epiphyllous and occasionally hypophyllous, scattered or arranged in lines and confluent, oblong, 1-1 J mm. long, pulvinate, erumpent, powdery, reddish-brown. Uredospores bright orange, subglobose or ellipsoid, finely echinulate, up to six scattered germ-pores on one face, 25-33 x 18-23/i. III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, greyish -black, pulvinate, long covered by epidermis, densely crowded, linear, often confluent and arranged in lines between the veins, with dark-brown paraphyses in clusters. Teleutospores brownish, oblong to oblong-clavate, smooth, slightly constricted at septum, 35-55 x 16-22 p, average 40 X 16 IJL upper cell rounded or truncate, and thickened at apex (3-5 p) ; lower cell generally paler in colour, and rounded or attenuated at base ; pedicel very short, hyaline or tinted, but dark-brown at apex. X. Mesospores not uncommon, pale brown, slightly thickened at apex, elongated, oblong, or obovoid, 29-35 x 12-17 p.. On living leaves of Elymus condensatus Presl. Victoria Rutherglen, Dec., 1903. The seed of this grass was obtained from the United States, and the rust was doubtless imported with it. Arthur sowed germinating teleutospores from Elymus virginicus L. on Impatiens aurea MuhL, and in fifteen days aecidia were produced. This result was confirmed in the succeeding year. Specimens on E. virginicus, from Iowa, in Sydow's Ured. Exs. 1380, are labelled Puccinia rubigovera (DC.) Wint., and agree with this species. There is another Puccinia on the same host plant (P. procera Diet, and Holw.), and according to the description it is quite distinct. The uredospores are 32-45 x 30-38 ^ and the teleutospores 45-100 ju long. P. montanensis Ellis also differs in the teleutospores being stouter and broader, sometimes reaching a breadth of 26 p. (Plate III., Fig. 26.) Lolium. 45. Puccinia lolii Niels. Nielsen in Ugeskrift for Landmaend. I., p. 549 (1875). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 704 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XL, p. 203 (1895). P. coronifera Klebahn, Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenk. II., p. 340 (1892). II Uredosori on upper and under surfaces of leaves, forming blister- like swellings, oval or linear, orange, soon bursting through epider- mis, pulverulent, often confluent, sometimes up to 2 mm. long. j 24 Puccinia Gramineae. Uredospores orange- yellow, subglobose, ovate or broadly elliptic, strongly echinulate, with 2-3 equatorial germ-pores on one face, 20-30 x 16-24 p. ; occasionally a few colourless capitate para- physes intermixed. III. Teleutosori on both surfaces of leaves, minute, black, linear or ' oblong, often confluent, long covered by epidermis, J-l mm. long. Teleutospores yellowish-brown to brown, elongated clavate, tapering towards base, smooth, constriction very slight or absent, sometimes unicellular, 35-60 x 12-20 p, average 53 X 16 /z; upper cell brown, truncate, thickened at apex, giving off irregular, blunt, generally curved processes variable in size and shape, averaging 6 to 7 or more ; lower cell generally paler in colour, longer than upper, and attenuated towards base ; pedicel persis- tent, coloured, short, stout, up to 1 1 /z long by 8 p. broad. X. Mesospores exactly resembling teleutospores only one-celled. On stem, leaf, and inflorescence of Lolium perenne L. Common. Victoria Near Melbourne, Myrniong, Port Fairy, &c., Aug. May. South Australia Mount Gambier, April, 1903, II., III. The teleutospores may be found as early as September, and through the summer and autumn. In some districts this rust is very severe and kills the grass down to the roots, especially if there are early autumn rains and warm weather. Darlucafilum Cast., on uredosori. Puccinia lolii avenae. On A vena saliva L., and Avenafatua L. Victoria Port Fairy, Dec. 1903, and Sept. Nov. 1904, II., III. Brighton, Jan., 1904, II., III. Myrniong, Nov., 1904, II. Near Melbourne, Jan., 1905, II., III. New South Wales (Cobb > 2 ). Eriksson has shown that the form occurring on Lolium will not infect Avena, nor the reverse, so that there are two biologic forms, and that found on the Oat may be distinguished as P. lolii avenae. This species may occur alongside of P. graminis, and the teleutosori were found together on the sheath of the cultivated oat ; A. sativa, and the wild oat, A. fatua. The teleutospores on the wild oat are sometimes very much longer than the normal. They range from 70 to 86 /u in length, and from 18-22 p. in breadth at the apex, and 7-8 p at the base. By infection experiments Klebahn 2 proved the connexion between this rust, and the aecidiurn on Rhamnns frangula L., but this genus does not occur naturally in Australia. P. coronata Corda, was the name originally given to the species occurring on Lolium percnne, Avena sativa, &c., with teleutospores surmounted by a crown of finger-like processes. It was found by culture experiments that the aecidial stage was produced on species of Rhamnus, and Klebahn deter- mined that the spores from some species of grasses produced aecidia exclusively on jRhamnus cathartica, while others did so exclusively on JR. frangula. This showed a biological distinction between the two, and Klebahn proposed the name of P. coronifera for the rust producing aecidia. Puccinia Gramineae. 125 on Rhamnus cathartica, while the original name was retained for the rust producing its aecidia on Rhamnus frangula. Nielsen had previously used the name of P. lolii for Klebahn's species, and so it is retained on the score of priority. (Plate II., Figs. 11, 14 ; Plate XXX., Fig. 261 ; Plate B., Figs. 5-8.) Phragmites. 46. Puccinia magnusiana Koern. Koernicke, Hedw. XV., p. 179 (1876). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 785 (1904). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 631 (1880). II. Uredosori on both surfaces of leaf, but mostly on upper, snuffy brown, erumpent, surrounded by ruptured epidermis, elliptic or linear, confluent lengthwise and forming long streaks, with clavate bright yellow paraphyses. Uredospores elliptic or obovate, golden yellow, echinulate, with four equatorial germ-pores, 24-35 x 16-19/z; intermixed with large numbers of clavate paraphyses, club thickened at apex, of a dark smoky-brown and stalk hyaline, commonly 80-90 p long. III. Teleutosori minute, black, very numerous, scattered, elliptic or linear, confluent into long black streaks on both surfaces of leaf, but mostly on upper, occasionally paraphysate as in uredosori. Teleutospores clavate to oblong, dark chestnut-brown, generally rounded and thickened at apex (up to 1 2 p}, sometimes bluntly pointed, hardly constricted at septum, 35-55 X 14-21 ^w, average 38 X 18 IJL ; lower cell attenuated towards base; pedicels firm, persistent, coloured yellowish, about length of spore or longer, up to 70 ju. X. Mesospores similarly coloured to teleutospores, variable in shape, somewhat ovoid to elongated, thickened at apex, 28-38 X 13-19 p. On Phragmites communis Trin. Victoria Orbost, Aug., 1901 (Pescott). Flinders, Jan., 1902. Port Fairy, June-Aug., 1902 and 1905. Killara, March, 1903. Bunyip, May, 1904. South Australia The Grange, April, 1891 (Tepper). River Torrens, Adelaide, Apr., 1903 (Tepper). Tasmania (Rodway ] ). The clavate paraphyses are usually described as hyaline, but Dr. Dietel compared the Australian specimens with intense dark-brown paraphyses with material from Europe, America, and the Cape of Good ^ Hope, and he found that the latter were sometimes scarcely coloured, at otlier times light or dark brown. The rust on Phragmites communis Trin., was considered as one species up to 1876, viz., Puccinia phragmitis Schum. Then Koernicke separated it into two, viz., P. phragmitis and P. magnusiana. The former was characterized by the absence of paraphyses from the uredosori, the large bullate teleutosori and the very long stalked markedly constricted teleuto- spores, while the latter had numerous clavate paraphyses in the uredosori, minute, punctiform or linear teleutosori, and shortly stalked, hardly constricted teleutospores. The aecidia in the two cases likewise occurred on different hosts. 126 Puccinia Gramineae. Subsequent research showed that there were still other species on the same host-plant. Plowright separated a third species in 1888, mainly based upon the fact that the aeeidiospores were only produced upon Rumex acetosa and not upon other plants. Next, Ludwig in 1892 distinguished another new rust on material sent from South Australia, viz., P. tepperi. Finally, Arthur in 1902 published another new species which he named P. simillima because it was very similar to P. magnusiana. There are thus at least five different species of Puccinia recorded upon Phragmites communis, and it is not always easy to differentiate them, at least by morphological characters. In three of them the aeeidiospores were proved to occur on different host-plants by a series of cultures, and this is considered by many a sufficient specific distinction. On these grounds they would be considered biological species as in the case of Puccinias on various cereals and grasses, but at the same time an attempt will be made here to show any points in which they differ morphologically. Only two of the five have hitherto been found in Australia, viz., P. magnusiana and P. tepperiy. for although Dr. Cooke gives P. phragmitis in his Handbook of Australian Fungi, it was probably intended for P. magnusiana, which has been found in Victoria and South Australia. The life-history of this fungus was first determined by Dr. Plowright, 5 who found that the promycelial spores produced aecidia on Ranunculus, repens and R. bulbosa, and conversely the aeeidiospores produced uredo- spores and teleutospores on Phragmites. This was afterwards confirmed by Fischer 1 and Klebahn. 1 The five species may be arranged according to their aecidial hosts whei known, as in the following table with their special characteristics shown :- Rumex sp. and Rheum. Urec Rumex acetosa. osori without paraph -/^ 9 yses. Ranunculus repens and R. bulbosa. Uredosori wil Anemone dichotoma. ,h paraphyses. P. phragmitis. Uredospores, 25-35 x 15-23/u Teleutospores, 45-65 x 16-25/t markedly con- stricted Pedicels, 150-200 [i long P. trailii. 25-35 x 20-25 /* 50-60 x 20-23 p, markedly con- stricted 75-100 p. long P. tepperi. 27-30 x 20-23 ju 45-68 x 18-26/i markedly con- stricted 1 80-250 n long P. magnusiana. 24-35 x 16-19 fi 35-55 x 14-21 /i hardly con- stricted About length of spore P. simillima. 26-44 x 18-22 /< 42-56 x 15-20 / hardly con- stricted About length of spore It will be seen from the above that there are two types clearly distinguishable morphologically, paraphysate and aparaphysate, and withi: these limits there are only " biological species " based upon a difference - aecidial host. If we compare P. trailii with P. phragmitis, tho teleutospores differ * having a granular spore-membrane, and shorter and stouter pedicels. If similar comparison is made of P. tepperi, the length of the pedicel is the striking feature, and it is, perhaps, rather premature to separate it from P. phragmitis until a distinct aecidial host has been proved. According to Arthur, P. simillima is distinguished from P. magnusiana in the slender pointed teleutospores, the more clavate and less roughened uredospores and the probably different aecidial host, viz., Anem ( dichotoma L (Plate II., Fig. 18.) Puccinia Gramineae. 127 Zea. 47. Puccinia maydis Bereng. Bereng., Atti VI., Riun. sc. ital., Milano, p. 475 (1844). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 337 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 830 (1904). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 659 (1888). Puccinia sorghi (in part) Schweinitz, N. Amer. Fung., p. 295, (1831). II. Uredosori amphigenous, elliptic or oblong, scattered or united into larger or smaller groups, here and there confluent, rather convex, soon erumpent from the longitudinal fissure of the cuticle, reddish-brown. Uredospores ellipsoid or obovate, slightly warted, at first yellowish then reddish brown, with two to three equatorial germ- pores on one face, 23-38 x 20-26 p. III. Teleutosori amphigenous, scattered or subgregarious, variable in form, mostly linear or oblong, long covered by epidermis, pro- minent, very black, 1-2 mm. long. Teleutospores obovate to oblong or subclavate, bright chestnut brown, smooth, constricted at septum, rounded or conoid and thickened at apex (up to 8 p), sometimes truncate, roundated, base and rarely somewhat attenuated, occasionally 3 or 4 celled, 32-52 x 16-24 ^, average 36 x 20 p. upper cell rarely vertically divided ; epispore thick ; pedicels persistent, elongated, yellowish, thickened particularly towards apex, up to 90 p, long. X. Mesospores occasional, similarly coloured to teleutospores, ovoid, rounded at both ends, thickened at apex, average 35 x 17 p. On leaves of Zea mays L. Victoria. Seville, April, 1897, II. (Hill). Tally Ho, April, 1902, II. (Cronin). Leongatha, March, 1904, II. Near Mel- bourne, April, 1904, II., III. New South Wales. Richmond (Cobb). Queensland. Toowoomba, 1887 (Tryon 1 ), (Bailey 1 , 5 ). Schweinitz considered that the same rust occurred on sorghum and maize to which he gave the name of P. sorghi, but since they are now found to be distinct Sydow in his Monograph has reserved the above name for this one. Arthur 4 inoculated maize plants with uredospores from an aecidium on Oxalis cymosa Small, and in five days uredosori appeared in abundance. The Oxalis is supposed to have been inoculated from the teleutospores of P. maydis, but this infection has still to be verified. Darlucafilum Cast., occurs on the uredosori. (Plate II., Figs. 15, 16; Plate C., Figs. 14, 15.) Alopecurus. 48. Puccinia perplexans Plow. Plowright, Quart. Journ. Micro. Sc. XXV., p. 164 (1885). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 719 (1903). Sacc. Syll. VIL, p. 632 (1888). II. Uredosori amphigenous and on sheath, orange, elliptic, rupturing epidermis and often confluent in lines. I2 8 Puccinia Gramineae. Uredospores orange-yellow, subglobose to elliptic, finely echini late, with 4-6 scattered germ-pores on one face, 25-29 x 19-22 III. Teleutosori amphigenous and on sheath, covered by leaden- coloured epidermis, at first minute, linear, then confluent in ve long lines and even forming patches. Teleutospores variable in shape, clavate to oblong, constricted at septum, brown, upper cell darker than lower, rounded or truncate at apex and slightly thickened, lower cell attenuated towards base or rounded, 35-52 x 16-24 p, average 37 X 17 p ; pedicel short, hyaline, may reach a length of 20 p. X. Mesospores common, similarly coloured to teleutospores, slighth thickened at apex, elliptic to ovate or pear-shaped, 25-32 x 16-21 p. Oil Alopecurus geniculatus L. Victoria Minyip, Nov., 1903 (Eckert). Among these plants one was badly rusted with the uredospores Puccinia graminis but no trace of the teleutospores of that fungus w found, although all the specimens were growing together. Plowright in a series of more than thirty cultures worked out the life history of this fungus and showed the genetic connexion between the aecidium on Ranunculus acris and this species, which was afterwards con- firmed by Dietel and Klebahn. (Plate III., Fig. 23.) 49. Puccinia poarum Niels. Nielsen, Bot. Tids. II., p. 26 (1876). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 336 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 795 (1904). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 625 (1888). II. Uredosori small, round or elliptical, scattered or aggregated togeth( orange-yellow or foxy- red. Uredospores shortly elliptical, finely echinulate, orange-yellow 21-24 x 15-18 p, seated on hyaline pedicels up to 30 p long, am intermixed with numerous, stiff, capitate paraphyses, reaching length of 68 p. III. Teleutosori small or large, scattered or orbicularly dispos dark-brown to black, covered by the epidermis. Teleutospores elliptical or subclavate, very variable, aj truncate, rounded or conical, thickened (4-8 p), dark-brown, smooth, not or hardly constricted at septum, 35-45 x 15-21 or may reach a length of 53 p when 3-celled, average 38 x 19 pedicels persistent, short, brown. On leaves and stems of Poa annua L. Victoria Near Melbourne, Jan.-Dec., 1886, &c., II., III. New South Wales Sydney, 1890 (Cobb). Botanic Gardei Sydney, May, 1898. On Poa caespitosa Forst. Victoria Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Dec., 1904. On Poa pratensis L. Victoria Port Fairy, Sept., 1904. Near Melbourne, Sept., 1904. Puccinia Gramineae. 129 Uredospores have been found all the year round and teleutospores from August to December. Teleutospores are fairly plentiful in October, and they are often three or even four celled. The three-celled forms have either transverse septa, or the upper cell may be divided vertically or slightly oblique. The four-celled is either produced by transverse septa, the upper one being usually oblique, or the upper third may be divided longitudinally. In these abnormal forms the length may reach 53 jj. and the breadth 34 /j. at the apex. The genetic connexion between the aecidium on Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) and this rust was first shown by Nielsen in 1876 and repeated by Plowright in 1882, who found that the aecidiospores produced the uredo- spores on POOL annua in ten to twelve days. But the Coltsfoot does not exist in Australia, and, therefore, this rust can reproduce itself without the intervention of aecidia. As might be anticipated the uredo stage carries it over the winter, and, indeed, the fungus is most plentiful in our winter and early spring months June, July, August, and September. Poa annua as a rule dies away early in October, as soon as the warm weather comes on, except in moist shady places. Lagerheim 1 , has found the spores on the leaves after the melting of the snow. Darlucafilum Cast., commonly occurs. (Plate III., Fig. 22.) Sorghum. 50. Puccinia purpurea Cooke. Cooke, Grev. V., p. 15 (1876). Sydow, Mon. Ured. T., p. 803 (1888). Sacc. Syll. VIL, p. 657 (1888). Uredo sorghi Fckl. II. Uredosori amphigenous, seated on indeterminate, elongated and con- fluent, bright red to purple spots, scattered or in small irregular groups, covered by epidermis, and then splitting, yellowish-brown, 1-1 J mm. long. Uredospores ellipsoid, obovate to piriform, yellowish-brown, roughly aculeate, with 3-4 germ-pores on one face, 28-34 X 20-25 ^/, average 31 x 21 /j. ; paraphyses intermixed. [III. Teleutosori on similar spots, mostly hypophyllous, oblong, elliptic, or linear, always or long covered by epidermis, reddish-brown. Teleutospores ellipsoid, oblong or ovate-oblong, rounded at apex, not or scarcely thickened, not or very slightly constricted at septum, mostly rounded at base, smooth, bright brown, with very thick epispore, 35-56 x 22-32 p. ; pedicel hyaline, persistent, thick, up to 100 n long ; paraphyses present.] On leaves of Johnson Grass (Sorghum halepense Pers.) and Sugar-cane {S. vulgar e Pers.). Queensland Gladfield (Gwyther), Nerang (Shirley), (Bailey H , 15 ). Only Uredospores have been met with here. In P. maydis the teleutospores are thickened at apex. Originally P. sorghi Schwein. included rust on Zea and Sorghum, but it is now found that the same rust does not occur on both, and Sydow, in his Monograph, has wisely determined to reserve P. purpurea Cooke, for Sorghum and P. maydis Bereng., for Zea. Darlucafilum Cast., is very common on uredosori. Puccinia Gramineae. Hordeum* 430 and 51. Puccinia simplex (Koern.) Eriks. and Henn. Eriksson and Henning, Getreider. p. 238 (1896). Me Alpine, Journ. Dep. Agr. Victoria I, pp. 529 (1902). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I, p. 756 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XVII, p. 377 (1905). Puccinia straminis Fckl. var. simplex Koern. in Land und Forstwirtsch. Zeit. (1865). II. Uredosori very minute or up to ^ mm. long, sparingly scattered 01 sometimes numerous on both surfaces of leaves, but mostly on upper, citron yellow. Uredospores subglobose or ellipsoid, echinulabe, yellow, relatively thick walled, with numerous scattered germ-pores, 4-7 on one face, 21-24 p diam, or 24-30 X 17-20 u. III. Teleutosori covered by the epidermis, amphigenous, numerous, minute, punctiform, mostly oblong and confluent, black, somewhat longer on leaf sheath than on leaf, divided into compartments brown paraphyses, often strongly enlarged and thickened towards, the apex and spread out horizontally. Teleutospores oblong clavate to clavate, dark chestnut brown, smooth, usually rounded or truncate at apex, or obliquely conical, and slightly thickened at apex, but may sometimes reach 6 p, an<~ slightly constricted at septum, 40-54 X 17-24 p ; upper eel oblong, generally as broad as long, 15-21 X 17-22 p ; lower cell tapering towards pedicel, sometimes quite narrow at base, long* than upper, 21-33 x 15-18 p ; pedicel short, slightly tinted. X. Mesospores very numerous, similarly coloured and similarly thickened at apex to teleutospores, asymmetrical, sometim< elongated, saccate or inversely triangular, very variable, 24-45 x 15-24/z. On Hordeum vulgare L. Victoria Port Fairy, Warrnambool, Nov.-Jan. This form was first described in 1865 by Koernicke as a variety, but now Eriksson and Henning have raised it to the rank of a species. A very characteristic feature of it is the great predominance of unicellub spores. A sorus may consist entirely of these or there may be a few norm* teleutospores intermixed. They are produced alongside the two-celled forms and are quite similar to them except that they are one-celled, and thei evidently show the transition from the one-celled to the two-celled teleul spore. There is usually a slight thickening at the apex of both, but it rareb exceeds 4-6 p. It was early recognised as an exceptional form, and named Uromyces hordei by Nielsen in 1875, and Puccinia anomala by Rostru] in 1876. The teleutospores only germinate after a period of rest, according Eriksson and Henning 1 . (Plate I, Figs. 1, 4, 9 ; Plate B., Figs. 9, 10.) Pucdnia Gramineae. 13! Distichlis. 52. Puccinia subnitens Diet. Dietel, Erythea, p. 81 (1895). II. Uredosori' hypophyllous, orange, powdery, soon naked and sur- rounded by ruptured epidermis, often in long lines and confluent bullate. Uredospores yellowish-brown, globose to slightly ellipsoid, densely echinulate, with 3-4 scattered germ-pores on one face thick-walled, 21-23 p. diam. or 21-28 x 18-20 /u. III. Teleutosori similar to uredosori, but dark-brown. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, dark chestnut- brown, oblong to clavate, rounded at both ends or slightly tapering towards base, Slightly constricted at septum and thickened at apex (4-7 ju), smooth, 28-46 x 19-23 jj. ; pedicel persistent, yellow, up to 56 /z long. X. Mesospores not uncommon, similarly coloured to teleutospores, obovate, rounded and thickened at apex (up to 7 /u), smooth, 28-37 x 19-22 ^ ; pedicel similar to that of teleutospore. Darlucafilum Cast., common on uredosori. On living leaves of Distichlis maritima Rafin. Victoria Flinders, Jan., 1902. Near Melbourne, April and Nov., 1905, II., III. (Robinson). This species is quite distinct from P. distichlidis E. and E., which, however, was originally found on Spartina gracilis Trin., the host-plant being mistaken for a Distichlis. Arthur 7 has obtained some remarkable results by sowing the- teleuto- spores of this species derived from Distichlis spicata Greene, on various plants. The germinating teleutospores produced aecidia on three widely-separated families of plants, viz. Chenopodiaceae, Capparidaceae, and Cruciferae. According to the Index Kewensis, D. spicata is a synonym of D. maritima. (Plate XXX., Figs. 262-264.) Phragmites. 53. Puccinia tepperi Ludw. Ludwig, Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenk. II., p. 132 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured., I., p. 792(1904). Sacc. Syll. XL, p. 203 (1895). Sori epiphyllous, large, scattered or gregarious and confluent, up to 3 cm. long, firm, thick, pulvinate, erumpent, dark-brown ; paraphyses in clusters, hyaline or pale yellow, capitate, thickened at apex, up to 75 p long. II. Uredospores ellipsoid or pear-shaped, echinulate, pale yellowish, with as many as 9 scattered germ-pores on one face, 27-30 x 20-23 p. III. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, subcylindrical to occasionally oblong, with rounded or acute slightly thickened apex (4-5 /*), markedly constricted at septum and upper cell often becoming detached, rounded or rarely attenuated at base, smooth, yellowish-brown, occasionally 3-4 celled, 45-68 x 18-26 /i, average 50 x 19 n; pedicel hyaline, persistent, up to 250 // long. j-^2 Puccinia Gramineae. X. Mesospores very rare, similarly coloured to teleutospores, elongated ellipsoid, rounded and slightly thickened at apex, tapering very slightly towards base, 58 X 21 ju. On Phragmites communis Trin. S. Australia The -Grange, near Adelaide, April, 1891 (Tepper) (Ludwig 3 ). The mesospores had all the appearance of teleutospores without the septum. The rounded apex and stalk at base showed that this was not the basal cell of a normal teleutospore. (Plate II., Fig. 19.) Triticum. 54. Puccinia triticina Eriks. Eriksson, Ann. Sci. Nat. Series VIII., p. 270 (1899). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I. p. 716 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XVII., p. 376 (1905). P. dispersa f. sp. tritici Eriks. and Henn., Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenk. IV., p. 257 (1894). II. Uredosori 1-2 mm. long, reddish-brown, amphigenous, but mostly on upper surface of leaf -blade, elliptic, sometimes confluent, scat- tered or somewhat gregarious, occasionally on sheath and stem. Uredospores subglobose to shortly ellipsoid, echinulate, orange- yellow, 4-6 scattered germ-pores on one face, 20-28 x 18-21 p. Teleutosori oblong, black to dark-brown, hypophyllous, scattered, often arranged lengthwise in lines, sometimes on sheath and stem, covered by epidermis, divided into compartments surrounded by brown paraphyses. Teleutospores clavate to oblong, smooth, yellowish-brown to dark-brown, slightly constricted at septum, very occasionally 3-celled, 39-57 x 15-18 /u, average 48 x 16 ^; upper cell deeply coloured, generally rounded or flattened at apex and thickened, 17-31 x 15-18 n ; lower cell paler and attenuated towards pedicel, Ill longer and narrower than short, coloured. upper, 22-36 x 12-14 p ; pedicel X. Mesospores occasional, similarly coloured to teleutospores, ellipsoid to clavate or sub-clavate, shortly stalked, smooth, slightly thickened at apex, 25-38 x 13-16 p. On wheat, Triticum vulgar e Vill. and T. polonicum L. Common. Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, West Australia, and Tasmania. The uredospores are distinctly different from those of P. graminis in being subglobose instead of elongated, and the more numerous germ-pores are scattered instead of forming an equatorial band. Uredospares taken from young wheat plants in the winter months (June- August) readily germinated in a moist chamber. (Plate I., Figs. 3, 6, 10; Plate XL., Fig. 302; Plate A., Figs. 1, 2.) Puccinia Cy-peraceae. 133 CYPERACEAE. Carex, Urtica. 55. Puccinia caricis (Schum.) Rebent. Rebentisch, Fl. Neom., p. 356 (1804). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 648 (1903). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 626 (1888). Aecidium urticae DC. Fl. franc. II., p. 243 (1805). 0. Spermogonia in small or large groups, honey coloured. Spermatia hyaline, ellipsoid, 4J x 2 p. 1. Aecidia in rows or groups on yellowish or reddish spots, closely crowded, reaching 1 mm. in diam.; pseudoperidia cup-shaped, becoming wide at the mouth and campanulate, flattened or outstanding, with whitish margin which is toothed and reflexed. Aecidiospores orange, polygonal to subglobose, finely echinulate, 16-26 x 12-20 p. II. Uredosori elliptical or oblong, minute, hypophyllous, scattered or subgregarious, often confluent in long lines, erumpent, girt by the ruptured epidermis, ferruginous. Uredospores ellipsoid or ovoid, yellowish brown, echinulate 1-2 germ-pores on one face, 25-30 x 19-24 p. III. Teleutosori minute, dark-brown or black, round to elliptic, scattered or gregarious, sometimes confluent, compact. Teleutospores clavate to elongated oblong, dark-brown, smooth, constricted at septum, apex much thickened (up to 12 p) and rounded or bluntly pointed, lower cell generally attenuated towards base, 35-64 x 16-22/1, average 52 x 22/z; pedicels tinted, persistent, generally short, up to 30-40 /t long. X. Mesospores not common, elongated elliptical, coloured like telea- tospores, thickened and bluntly pointed at apex, 35-44 x 12-16 p. Aecidia on leaves, leaf stalks and stems of Urtica dioica L. Victoria. Bacchus Marsh, Myrniong, Fern Tree Gully, etc. TJredo and teleutospores on leaves of Carex breviculmis R. Br. Victoria Killara, Sept., 1902 (Robinson.) On Carex pedunculata Muhl. Tasmania Cascades, May, 1892, II., III. (Rodway). On Carex yunniana Boott., and C. inversa, R. Br. Tasmania Longley, Dec., 1894, II. (Rodway). On Carex alsophila F.v.M. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Dec., 1903, II. (Robinson) On Carex paniculata L. Victoria Gembrook Ranges, March, 1904, II., III. (C. French, jun.) Dr. P. Hennings has recorded a new species, Uredo breviculmis, on Carex breviculmis var. leucochlora Bunge, from Japan, and seeing that the host plant is a native of Japan as well as of Australia, I forwarded some of this material to him, and he replied that he scarcely thinks the two species are identical. 134 Puccini a Cyperaceae. Magnus first experimentally proved, in 1872, that Aecidium urticae DC., was genetically connected with Puccinia caricis occuring on Car ex hirta. Dr ' Plowright also, in many cultures, has shown that the aecidiospores pro- duce the uredospores on species of Carex, and the teleutospores produce the aecidiospores on Urtica. On the under surface of the leaves the aecidia occur in small groups, but on the leaf-stalks and stems they are in large, bright-orange patches, thickening and distorting the parts on which they occur. Magnus 1 has also shown that this rust winters on Carex hirta by means of the uredo-generation. (Plate IV., Figs. 29, 30.) Cyperus. 56. Puccinia cyperi Arthur. Arthur, Bot. Gaz., p. 226 (1891). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 681 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XL, p. 199 (1895). II. Uredosori hypophyllous, on brown effused spots, scattered irregu- larly or aggregated, ellipsoid to oblong, variable in size, 1-2 mm. long, long covered by the thick epidermis, ochraceous or brownish. Uredospores yellowish-brown, ellipsoid, echinulate, 22-25 x 19-21 ju. III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, on similar spots, 1-3 mm. long, almost always covered by the epidermis, blackish brown. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, elongated oblong to elongated fusiform, brown and paler beneath, smooth, constricted or hardly constricted at septum, 35-57 X 15-20 p, average 48 X 15 fj. ; upper cell rounded or often obtusely and obliquely acuminate at apex, and thickened (up to 13 p) ; lower cell paler, oblong, but usually attenuated towards base ; pedicel coloured like lower cell, persistent, 20-30 ^ long, but may reach a length of 40 p. X. Mesospores generally paler in colour than the teleutospores, ellip- soid to fusiform or even curved, obtusely and sometimes obliquely pointed at apex, thickened (up to 5 p), 30-32 X 13-17 /t ; pedicels similarly coloured, persistent, up to 22 f.i long. On leaves of Nut grass (Cyperus rotundus L.). Queensland Gatton, Aug., 1903 (Shelton) (Bailey, 18 , 20 ). The teleutospores are very variable in shape, and sometimes the cells may be placed almost at right angles to each other. They are sometimes excessively elongated, and may reach a length of 67 p. Intermixed with the teleutospores there are numerous stalked bodies similarly coloured, and representing what are usually called mesospores, although Sydow describes them as paraphyses. While mesospores generally have an undoubted resemblance to the teleutospores with which they are associated, their function in this case steems to be that of paraphyses, and it may be in some other cases as well. Darluca filnm Cast., was common on uredosori. (Plate IV., Fig. 32.) Pticcinia Cyperaceae. ^ Carex. 57. Puccinia longispora McAlp. IT. Uredo-sori hypophyllous, minute, elliptic to elongated, confluent in long lines, long covered by epidermis, rusty- brown. Uredospores sub-globose to shortly elliptic or obovate, yellowish- brown, thick-walled, echinulate, with three equatorial <*erm-pores on one face, 22-30 x 19-22 //, or 23-27 /z diam. III. Teleutosori black, compact, elongated, buliate, crowded, confluent in long black lines, covered for some time, then girt by ruptured epidermis. Teleutospores clear yellowish-brown to smoky-brown, elongated, narrow, smooth, constricted at septum, 50-80 X 14-19 ^, average 63 X 19 fj. ; upper cell darker than lower, generally rounded and slightly expanded at apex, sometimes bluntly pointed, much thickened (9-12 p) ; lower cell longer than upper, almost cylin- drical or slightly attenuated towards base ; pedicel yellow, short and often stout. * On Carex caespitosa L., and C. vulgar is Fr. Victoria Werribee Gorge, January, 1903. Gembrook Ranges, April, 1904 (C. French, jun.) On Carex sp. Victoria Killara, March, 1903 (Robinson). In immature forms of teleutospore the upper and lower cells are much alike, but ultimately the lower cell is much elongated and nearly equally broad throughout. Although 33 different Puccinias are recorded on species of Carex, the elongated narrow teleutospore with short pedicel is quite characteristic for this species. In P. schoeleriana Plow, and Mag., the teleu- tospores may be equally long, but the lower cell is more cuneiform than cylindrical, and the pedicel may reach a length of 57 ^u. An examination of teleutospores from Carex arenaria L. in Syd. Ured. Exs., No. 282, showed these differences distinctly. Specimens of P. caricis (Schum.) Rebent. were examined from Exsicc. Sydow Ured. No. 1065 and Exsicc. Briosi and Cavara, No. 12$, and the teleutospores were decidedly different. The lower cell in P. longispora is much more elongated and narrower and gradually merges intb the short, stout and coloured pedicel, while in P. caricis besides being generally considerably shorter, more wedge-shaped and somewhat inflated, the pedicel was much narrower. It is in the upper cell, however, that the difference is most striking. In P. caricis the thick- ened apex is one-half the length of the cell, while in P. longispora it is only one-third, taking the average of a number. The thickened apex, also, in P. caricis is much darker than in P. longispora. Of course, as in so many other cases where there are a number of species on the same genus of host- plant, there is a family resemblance too, between the rusts, and P. caricis and P. longispora have many points in common along with differences in detail. (Plate IV., Fig. 31.) 136 Puccini a Juncaceae. JUNCACEAE. 58. Puccinia juncophila Cooke and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XXII., p. 37 (1893). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 644 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XL, p. 199(1895). Uredo armillata Ludwig, Bot. Centrbl. XLIII. p. Juncus* (1890). II. TJredosori ruddy-brown, ellipsoid, crowded, confluent, often girdling stem, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis and sparingly covered by shreds of it. Uredospores sub-globose, elliptic or piriform, very spiiiulose, relatively thick-walled (3-4 p) yellowish-brown, 24-32 x 16-22 /*. III. Telutosori dark-brown, elliptic to oblong, surrounded by ruptured epidermis, confluent. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, elliptical to oblong, golden-brown, with finely granular contents, slightly constricted at septum, rounied and a little thicker at apex (5-6 p), lower cell rounded at base and generally resembling upper, but often some- what narrower, 30-40 x 20-28 p, average 36 X 25 yn ; epispore thick, smooth ; pedicel hyaline, generally deciduous, often attached obliquely, up to 54 /u long. X. Mesospores similarly coloured to teleutospores, shortly elliptical, occasionally globose, smooth, thickened at apex, 23-28 x 19-21^. On Juncus effusus L., J. mwitimus Lam., J. pallidus R. Br., J. pauciflora R. Br., and other species. Victoria Coromby, Oct., 1889, II. (Tepper), the original of Uredo armillata Ludw. Dimboola, Nov., 1891, II., III. (Reader). Oakleigh, April, 1893, II., III. (Morrison). Ardmona, Christmas Hills, Killara, Millbrook, Minyip, Mordialloc, Myrniong, near Melbourne, Phillip Island, Stawell, Werribee Gorge, Murramurrangbong Ranges, &c. Tasmania (Rod way 1 ). In the original description of this species by Cooke and Massee, some mistake must have been made in the measurement of the uredospores, since they are given as 16-18 x 12-14 p. Through the kindness of Dr. Morrison, I have also been able to examine some of the original material from Oakleigh. Uredo armillata was the name given at first by Ludwig in 1889, from the uredospores only being found on Juncus pallidus, but the subsequent dis- covery of teleutospores intermixed with uredospores showed that it was a Puccinia. Material sent by Reader to Kew Herbarium was originally referred to Uromyces junci by the authorities there, but the identical specimens being later forwarded to us the two-celled toleutospores weiv found mixed with the uredospores. Uromyces junci, therefore, has not been shown to exist in Victoria. Darluca filum Cast., was very common, in some cases rendering the patches quite black. It occurred both on uredo and teleutosori. (Plate IV., Figs. 35, 36.) Pticcinia Juncaceae. 137 Luzula. 59. Puccinia tenuispora McAlp. II. Uredosori hypophyllous, round to ellipsoid, scattered or often con- fluent in lines, yellowish-brown, soon naked and girt by the ruptured epidermis, compact, on irregular, confluent, purplish spots. Uredospores yellowish to pale yellowish -brown, elliptical to obovate, echinulate, with 1-2 germ-pores on one face 20-25 x 15-22 p. III. Teleutosori dark-brown, ellipsoid, scattered or crowded, often con- fluent, pulvinate, compact, soon naked, on similar spots. Teleutospores oblong to clavate, ochrey-yellow, fragile, smooth, apex generally rounded, rarely truncate or conical, thickened up to ll/i, attenuated towards base or rounded, constricted at septum, 30-50 x 14-20 p, average, 42 x 17 ^ ; pedicel hyaline, per- sistent, generally about 30 p long. X. Mesospores abundant, clavate to obovate or oblong, smooth, thickened at apex and similarly coloured to teleutospore, 22-32 x 13-16 p. On leaves and stems of Luzula campestris L. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov. and Dec., 1902-3, Jan., 1905 (Robinson). Wandin, Nov., 1903 (C. French, jun.) On Luzula oldfieldii Hook. f. Tasmania Mt. Wellington, Jan., 1892, II. (Rod way). Cooke in his Handbook of Australian Fungi gives Aecidium bellidis Thuem. which is supposed to represent the aecidial stage of Puccinia obscura Schroet., occurring on Luzula, but the aecidium found on Bellis perennis here is associated with its own teleutospores, and belongs to a distinct fungus, P. distincta McAlp, so that whatever may be the case in Britain, the rust on the daisy is autoecious with us. The discovery of a rust on Luzula campestris, which does not belong to the Old World species, i a further proof against its genetic connexion with that of the daisy. The species differs from P. obscura and P. oblongata. The teleutospores are characteristically fragile, thin-walled, and easily collapsible, and while of the same general type as in P. oblongata, they are much smaller. In P. obscura the colour is much deeper, and the wall is de- cidedly thicker and firmer. This is well shown in Plate IV., Fig. 34, in which the spores are taken from a specimen of Luzula campestris in Sydow's Ured. Exs., 1076, collected in 1896, and the material from which our de- scriptions are made is as recent as 1905. In P. oblongata the apex of the teleutospore is much thicker, being 10-20 p, and the size is 40-80 x 16-24 /i. The teleutospores are frequently found germinating, showing that they do not require to undergo a period of rest. Dariuca filum Cast, occurs frequently on the uredosori. (Plate IV., Figs. 33, 34.) 138 Puc cinia Liliaceae . LILIACEAE. Burchardia 60. Puccinia burchardiae Sacc. Saccardo, Hedw. XXXII., p. 57 (1893). Ludwig, Zeitsch. f. Pflanzenkr. III., p. 137 (1893). McAlpine, Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic. VII., N.S., p. 215 (1894). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 620 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XI., p. 197 (1895). II. Uredosori amphigenous, bullate, elliptical or sometimes circular, crowded, light-brown, erumpent, surrounded at base by dry cuticle of epidermis. Uredospores elliptic to subglobose, yellowish-brown, epispore echinulate, 28-31 x 22-25 p.. III. Teleutosori amphigenous, numerous, small or large, erumpent, surrounded at base by cuticle of epidermis, circular cr elliptical, black. Teleutospores clavate, constricted at septum, thickened at apex (up to 14 or 15 p) and rounded, sometimes truncate or acute, 40-60 x 14-23 yu, average 48 x 20 p., but sometimes attaining a length of 70 p; lowejr cell tapering towards pedicel, yellowish- brown; upper cell elliptical or rarely spherical, chestnut-brown, 21-23 p broad; epispore smooth; pedicel hyaline, 30-60 x 5-6 p. X. Mesospores fairly common, similarly coloured to teleutospores or paler, clavate to ovate, rounded or pointed at apex and thickened, 37-43 x- 12-15 p. On steins and leaves of Eurchardia umbellata R. Br. Victoria Dandenong Creek, Oct., 1891. (C. French, jun.). Near Melbourne, Sept. Feb. Myrniong, Sept., 1898, and Dec., 1903. Murrumurrangbong Ranges, Dec., 1903 (Robinson). S. Australia Teatree Gully, Oct., 1890 (Tepper). The first record of this species appeared in Hedwigia of March and April, 1893, where Saccardo described it as differing from the type P. metanarthecii Pat. (Plate V., Figs. 38, 39.) Wurmbea. 61. Puccinia wurmbeae Cooke and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XVI., p. 74 (1887). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 337 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 640 (1903). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 664 (1888). Sori elongated, bullate, dark-brown. II. Uredospores elliptic, granulate, brown, 25-28 x 15-18 p. III. Teleutospores clavate, slightly constricted at septum, smooth, upper cell convex or truncate, at apex darker, lower cell tri- angular, attenuated downwards into the short, hyaline pedicels, 48-60 x 21-28 /z, average 50 x 24 p (according to Cooke and Massee, 60-70 X 20-25 p) ; pedicels persistent, generally short, but attaining a length of 52 p and a breadth of 7-8 p, being broadest at the junction with the spore. Puccinia Haemodoraceae, Amaryllidaceae. 139 X. Mesospores numerous, similarly coloured to teleutospores, elongated, elliptical to oblong, thickened at apex and acute, rounded or trun- cate, 40-49 x 17-21 fi. On leaves of Wurmbea dioica F. v. M. South Australia Beltana, 1887 (Richards). No uredospores were found on the specimen in National Herbarium. (Plate V., Fig. 37.) HAEMODORACEAE. Haemodorum. 62. Puccinia haemodori P. Henn. Hennings, Hedw. XL., p. (96) (1901). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 609 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XVII., p. 366 (1905). III. Teleutosori amphigenous, round or often oblong, scattered or aggregated and then confluent, pulvinate, compact, erumpent, black, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, 1-2 mm. long. Teleutospores oblong to oblong clavate, obtusely rounded or apiculate at apex and strongly thickened (8-13 ju), slightly con- stricted at septum, attenuated or rounded at base, smooth, chestnut-brown, 40-57 x 14-20 p, average 46 x 19^i; pedicel persistent, slightly brownish towards apex, 40-55 x 5-7 //. X. Mesospores very common, subfusoid or ovoid to subclavate, apex gibbous to apiculate, somewhat obtuse or two-horned, thickened at apex (up to 9 ju), brown, 25-40 x 12-18 p, pedicel hyaline to brownish. Occasionally a more deeply coloured spore occurs, with somewhat truncated apex, 30-46 x 5-7 p.. On leaves of Haemodorum sp. West Australia Near Perth (1900). Hennings described uredospores in his original diagnosis, but Sydow did not find them afterwards in the original material. He remarks that the teleutospores readily separate into their two constituent cells, and since the supposed uredospores agree with the upper cell of the teleutospore, they are probably the same. No uredospores were found by me in the specimen kindly sent by Hennings. The teleutospores are somewhat variable in shape, and occasionally the upper cell may be ellipsoid and deep chestnut, while the lower is cylindrical, much paler in colour, and two-thirds the entire length. (Plate V., Fig. 40.) AMARYLLIDACEAE. Hypooxs. 63. Puccinia hypoxidis McAlp. McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VL, p. 853 (1895). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 607 (1903). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 341 (1899). II. Uredosori on both surfaces and margins of leaves, minute, rust- coloured, rounded or oval, bullate, gregarious or scattered, bursting through and surrounded by epidermis. 140 Puccini a Labiatae. Uredospores shortly elliptical, yellowish, finely echinulate, 20-23 x 16-18 jji, average 21 x 16 p. III. Teleutosori amphigenous, black, blister-like, largely confluent and distorting leaf, long covered by epidermis. Teleutospores with a few uredospores intermixed, elongated clavate, chestnut-brown, slightly or not at all constricted at septum, commonly truncate and much thickened at apex, 36-54 x 15-22 /*, average 42 X 18 /u ; upper cell squarish or oblong or club-shaped, apex very much thickened (up to 15 p), sometimes strongly beaked, generally shorter than lower cell, dark chestnut-brown; lower cell tapering towards base, lighter in colour than upper, of a yellowish or golden brown ; pedicel pale yellow, persistent, generally about 18-20 p long. X. Mesospores chestnut to pallid, rounded or beaked at apex and thickened, somewhat fusiform to elongated elliptical, 25-36 x 11-18 p. On leaves of Hypoxis glabella B. Br. Victoria Ardmona, July, 1893 (Bobinson). Burnley, Buther- glen, &c., July-Oct. It differs from P. burchardiae Sacc. in the much smaller uredospores, and decidedly in the teleutospores. which in the latter are generally rounded at the apex or beaked, and distinctly constricted at the septum. (Plate Y.,. Fig. 41.) LABIATAE. 64. Puccinia menthae Pers. Mentha. Persoon, Syn., p. 227 (1801). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 282 (1902). Sacc. Syll. VIL, p. 617 (1888). [O. Spermogonia either arranged in small groups or scattered, honey- coloured.] [I. Aecidia hypophyllous, or frequently on stems which are much'swollen, more rarely on purplish-red spots on leaves, seldom scattered ; pseudoperidia immersed, flat, opening irregularly and margin scarcely or irregularly torn. Aecidiospores subglobose, ellipsoid or polygonal, coarsely granular, pale yellowish, 24-40 x 17-28 p.] II. Uredosori hypophyllous, small, seated on pale spots, roundish or elliptical, scattered or aggregated, soon pulverulent and confluent, girt by the ruptured epidermis, cinnamon-brown. Uredospores subglobose, ellipsoid or obovate, echinulate, pale- brown, generally three equatorial pores, 20-30 X 16-19 p.. III. Teleutosori similar, but blackish-brown in colour. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, ellipsoid to ovate, rounded at both ends, apical papilla pale or hyaline, broadly expanded, hardly constricted at septum, finely warted, golden to chestnut-brown, 24-32 x 19-22 p, but commonly 24-25 x 19-20 p ; pedicel hyaline, slender, generally surpassing length of spore, up to 40 p. Pucdnia Acanthaceae. 141 X. Mesospores, occasional, similarly coloured, nearly globose, very slightly roughened, 20 p diam. On leaves of Mentha laxiflora Benth. Victoria near Melton (Reader). On leaves of Mentha pulegium L. Victoria Myrniong, Aug., 1904, II., III. (Brittlebank). The teleutospores are prominently warted. (Plate XXIX., Fig. 250.) ACANTHACEAE. Ruellia. 65. Puccinia mussoni McAlp. Sori amphigenous, minute, usually rounded, bullate, scattered or some- times in groups. II. Uredospores yellow with thick, chestnut wall, globose to shortly ellipsoid, strongly echinulate, with two germ-pores on one face, 30-38 /* diam., or 28-34 x 18-23 p. III. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, dark chestnut-brown, oblong, with thickened wall and roughened surface, sometimes slightly constricted, rounded at both ends, not thickened at apex, 36-46 x 28-36 p; upper cell resembling lower, but usually a little larger ; pedicel generally lateral and even sometimes on a level with the septum, flexuous, hyaline, up to 60 p long and 7 p broad. On living leaves of Ruellia australis Cav. New South Wales Richmond River, June, 1896 (Musson). The teleutospores were not very plentiful in the specimens examined, but the sori containing them could be detected by their darker brown colour. The lateral pedicel to the teleutospore naturally suggests P. lateripes B. and Rav., but a closer inspection reveals important difterences in the two kinds of spores. I have compared the Australian species with specimens on the leaves of R. strepens L. from N. America in Sydow's Ured. Exs., No. 1374, and Kellerman's Ohio Fungi, No. 130, and it is evident that we are dealing with similarity of type due to the affinity of the host-plants, with considerable divergence in the character of the spores. Unfortunately, P. lateripes B. and Rav. and P. ruelliae (B. and Br.) Lagh. are confounded, for although Sydow labels his specimen as the former, in his Monograph he names it the latter. In this specimen the finely echinulate uredospores are ellipsoid to ovate, and measure 24-28 x 19-21 /*, while here they are larger. The teleutospores likewise only measure 29-34 x 18-22 p, and are very strongly warted. This species differs from P. longiana Syd., in the larger uredospores and the teleutospores not being thickened at apex, and from P. lateripes and P. ruelliae in the larger size of uredo- and teleuto-spores. (Plate V., Figs. 43, 44.) 142 Puccinia Convolvulaceae. CONVOLVULACEAE. Dichondra. 66. Puccinia dichondrae Mont. Montagne in Gray's Fl. Chil. VIII., p. 46 (1845). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 338 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 321 (1902), and p. 881 (1904). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 717 (1888). P. dichondrae Berk. Linn. Journ. XIII., p. 173 (1872). P. berkeleyana De Toni, Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 717 (1888). P. munita Ludwig, Zeitsch. f. Pflanzenk. II., p. 133 (1892). III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, punctiform, very minute, erumpent to superficial, somewhat pulverulent, densely gregarious and often covering entire surface, deep cinnamon, nestling among hairs, 70-100 fj. diain. Teleutospores clavate to oblong, golden brown, constricted at septum, with comparatively thin epispore, thickened at apex and produced into a hyaline apiculus (occasionally two), with granular contents, and each cell 1-guttulate, occasionally 3 to 4 celled, 30-40 X 12-18 ju, average 32 x 14 /z ; pedicel hyaline, sometimes tinted, persistent, generally slender, up to 46 p long, occasionally 6 p broad. X. Mesospores sub-ellipsoid to oblong, similarly coloured to teleutospore, thickened at apex and usually with hyaline apiculus, 21-30 x 15-22 p. On Dichondra repens Forst. Victoria Near Melbourne, 1886 (Reader). Cheltenham, Nov. 1887 (French). Goulburn River Flats, Oct., 1896 (Robin- son). Christmas Hills, May, 1900 (Robinson). Point Cook May, 1902 (French, jun.). Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov. 1902 (Robinson). Mt. Blackwood, Dec., 1902. Port Fairy, Aug., 1905. Mentone, throughout the year, 1905, etc. New South Wales 1901 (Camfield). Richmond, April, 1905 (Musson). Recorded by Maiden 1 . South Australia Mount Lofty, near Adelaide, Oct., 1891 (Tepper). Tasmania North East (Mueller). I have examined the original material from the National Herbarium, Melbourne, and find that there must have been some mistake over the measurements of the spores, which were given as *005 inch (130 ^i) by Berkeley, which is evidently a misprint. Next, Dr. Cooke in his Handbook of Australian Fungi makes a correction by giving the size of the spores as 12-13 /LI long, which evidently errs on the other side. Then De Toni changed the name to P. berkeleyana, seeing that the size of the spores as given did not at all agree with those of P. dichondrae, Mont. Another unfortunate error has arisen in connexion with this species through the wrong naming of the host-plant. Mr. Tepper sent a rust to Prof. Ludwig from S. Australia, said to be on the living leaves of Hydrocotyle hirta R. Br., who determined it as a new species, P. munita. But on Prof. Ludwig kindly sending me some of the original material it was found that the leaves belonged to Dichondra repens and that the rust was P. dichondrae, a conclusion with which Prof. Ludwig agreed after examining the specimens sent to him. Puccinia Apocynaceae. 143 The teleutospores are frequently 3-4 celled, and there is great variety in the arrangement of the septa. The spore may be divided vertically as in Diorchidium, or it may have a vertical or oblique septum in its upper or lower cell. . The septa may even be arranged muriformly. There may be a lateral hyaline apiculus in the lower as well as in the upper cell, and the pedicel may stand out at right angles to the lower cell. There is thus every gradation from the unicellular spore and the bicell- ular, in which the upper cell is more or less atrophied, up to the multicellular, which is vertically, obliquely or muriformly divided. Aecidia have been found on this plant and are regarded as belonging to this species, but although numerous specimens have been examined from various localities no trace of aecidiospores has been found here. It is worthy of note that some of our native species of Viola closely resemble the Dichondra, and the one may easily be mistaken for the other when no flowers are present. (Plate V., Fig. 42 ; Plate XL., Fig. 299.) APOCYNACEAE. Alyxia* 67. Puccinia alyxiae Cooke and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XVI., p. 2 (1887). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 338 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 336 (1902). Sacc. Syll. VIL, p. 714 (1888). III. Teleutosori generally hypophyllous, occasionally epiphyllous, discoid, compact, dark-brown, girt by the ruptured epidermis, l-2mm. diam. Teleutospores almost pear-shaped or oblong, yellowish to brownish, constricted in the middle, thickened at apex and generally apiculate, sometimes rounded or truncate, occasionally 3-celled, 40-52 x 20-25 p, average 45 x 20 p. ; epispore thick, smooth, coloured ; pedicels persistent, hyaline, broadish, elongated, up to 130 //, occasionally at right angles to the spore. X. Mesospores not uncommon, similarly coloured, elongated oblong, thickened and sometimes apiculate at apex, 38-50 X 19-21 p. On leaves of Alyxia buxifolia B. Br. Victoria Brighton and Broadford, Sept., 1887 (Miss Campbell 1 ). Beaumaris, March, 1895. Cheltenham, May, 1902 (C.French, jun.) Sandringham, April, 1905. (Bobinson). South Australia Gawler, Sept., 1893. (Tepper). Tasmania Near George's Bay, Nov., 1892. (Bodway '). The sori are generally isolated, much inflated and surrounded by a conspicuous, brown, elevated ridge. When on both surfaces they are opposite to each other. In the Cheltenham material, the spores had germinated on the leaves lying on the ground on 19th May, while the spores on the Gawler material found in September had not. This spore probably undergoes a period of rest during the summer before germination. Cooke and Massee have given the length of the spores as 50-70 p, but this is evidently a misprint. (Plate VI., Fig. 46.) 144 Puccinia Apocynaceae, Goodeniaceae. Carlssa. 68. Puccinia carissae Cooke and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XXII., p. 37 (1893). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 336 (1902). Sacc. Syll. XL, p. 195 (1895). III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, gregarious, on orbicular spots, forming rings which are at length confluent, rather compact, dark-brown. Teleutospores elliptic, constricted at septum, rounded at ends or occasionally flattened, smooth, brown, 30-34 x 17-25 p, average 32 X 22 p ; occasionally 3-celled, then reaching to a length of 49 f-i ; pedicel hyaline, deciduous or persistent, sometimes origin- ating laterally, rather long. X. Mesospores occasional, just resembling a teleutospore, but without the septum, elliptic, with hyaline pedicel, 29-31 x 22-25 p. On living leaves of Carissa ovata R. Br. Queensland Gladfield, (Gwyther) (Bailey l3 ). Dalby, (Bancroft) (Bailey 1G ). Mr. Bailey has kindly sent me some excellent material from his herbarium and the teleutospores have been carefully measured. In the original description the size is given as 20-22 x 16 /*, but probably 30-32 p was in- tended for the length. Sometimes both upper and lower cell have an oblique division. It differs from P. alyxiae Cooke and Mass., in which the spores are much larger and thickened at the apex. (Plate VI., Fig. 45.) GOODENIACEAE. Brunonia. 69. Puccinia brunoniae Me Alp. McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VI., p. 851 (1895). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 193 (1902). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 320 (1899). 0. Spermogonia dark honey-coloured, disposed in clusters on yellowish spots, or intermixed with aecidia on the same surface of the leaf, usually the upper. 1. Aecidia scattered 01^ more often circularly arranged on reddish, slightly swollen indeterminate spots, mostly on upper surface of leaves and on petioles ; pseudoperidia with white margin, torn, slightly recurved and soon falling away, average ^rnm. diam.; isolated peridial cells, generally short and stout, less commonly elongated oblong, punctate, with striated margin, generally 24-31 x 14-17 ,u, or when elongated 38-45 x 21-24 jz. Aecidiospores subglobose or angular, or even oval, deep orange, smooth, 17-21 p diam. or 18-21 x 15-16 p, occasionally as long as 24 . Puc curia Goodeniaceae. 145 III. Teleutosori amphigeiious, but mostly on upper surface, very rarely mixed with aecidia, forming clusters of black, bullate pustules on indefinite, pale, ruddy, thin spots, oval or elongated, usually confluent, arranged circularly, or in lines, at first girt by ruptured epidermis, which finally falls away. Teleutospores clavate, golden-brown to chestnut, thickened at apex, constricted at septum, sometimes 3 or 4 celled, 45-60 x 18-21 ju, average 50 x 20 p. ; upper cell generally pointed, but often rounded and occasionally truncate, deeper in colour than lower ; lower cell tapering towards base and generally longer than upper; pedicels persistent, pale-yellowish to hyaline, 40-50 x 9-10 p. X. Mesospores occasional, similarly coloured to teleutospores, rather oblong, thickened at apex, rounded or truncate, slightly narrowed at base, 28-38 x 17-21 //. On leaves and petioles of Brunonia australis Sm. Victoria Drysdale, Oct., 1895, III. Murramurrangbong Ranges. Nov., 1902, Dec., 1903, O., L, III., and Jan., 1905, III, (Robinson). Alps, near Bright, Dec., 1904, III. (C. French, jun.). Rutherglen, Dec., 1904, III. Three-celled teleutospores occasionally seen, varying in length from 60-73 p and in breadth from 21-24 //, the lower cell generally about as long as the other two. Four-celled teleutospores are very rare, elongated clavate, 63 X 24 p y the two upper cells about 33 x 24 p, and the two lower 30 x 14 p. In the same group there were three 3-celled teleutospores with an average size of 59 x 23 //. At first no aecidia were known, but these were found along with the teleutospores by G. H. Robinson. The discovery of aecidia rendered it necessary to carefully compare the two fungi found upon the Goodeniaceous plants, Brunonia and Goodenia, and a large number of specimens and slides were accordingly examined and compared. While the rusts are of the same general type, they differ in several important respects. The aecidiospores in P. saccardoi are considerably smaller, and the peridial cells are generally much more elongated, and more than twice as long as broad. In the original description by Dr. Ludwig the size of the aecidiospores is given as 13-15 p diam., and the peridial cells as 18-25 X 15-18 //, but if the latter are measured when isolated they are found to be much longer. Again in P. saccardoi the teleutospores are generally intermixed with or surround the aecidia, but this very rarely occurs in P. brunoniae. In the former the teleutospores are generally rounded at apex, but in the latter generally pointed and altogether narrower. In the Murramurrangbong Ranges where the aecidia and teleutospores of P. brunoniae were found very plentifully in November, though Goodeniaceous plants which, in other districts are affected by P. saccardoi y were exceedingly common and were often growing alongside the Brunoma, no rusts were found on them, even although the country was subjected to a most exhaustive search. The rusts, therefore, on the two different genera are considered to be specifically distinct. (Plate VI., Fig. 50.) 146 Puccinia Goodeniaceae. 70. Puccinia dampierae Syd. Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 193 (1902). Sacc. Syll. XVIL, p. 315 (1905). I. Aecidia on stems and both surfaces of leaf, gregarious, bright orange ; pseudoperidia with white reflexed and torn margins, ^ ^ mm. in diam. ; peridial cells lozenge-shaped to oblong, with thick striated margins, 30-40 p long. Aecidiospores orange, subglobose, ellipsoid to oblong, finely echinulate, 15-17 p diam. or 17-19 x 13-14 p. III. Teleutosori on stems, scattered or aggregated, round or oblong, about 1 mm. diam., compact, dark-brown, girt by the ruptured epidermis. Teleutospores clavate, rounded or acute at apex and strongly thickened (8-11 /;), constricted at septum, attenuated down- wards, rarely round, smooth, brown, 48-66 x 16-26 p.; pedicel yellowish, persistent, up to 80 JJL long. X. Mesospores intermixed with teleutospores, clavate, 40-55 x 14-22 /*. On stem and leaves of Dampiera stricta R. Br. Victoria Monbulk, Dec., 1905, I. (C. French, jr.). On wings of the stems of Dampiera alata Lindl. West Australia, III. (L. Preiss). Though I have not seen the West Australian specimens I prefer to regard the aecidia found in Victoria as a stage of the same fungus. If they should prove to be unrelated they would be easily separable at any time. 71. Puccinia gilgiana P. Henn. Leschenaultia. Hennings, Hedw. XL., p. (95) (1901). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 194 (1902). Sacc. Syll. XVIL, p. 314 (1905). Aecidium perkinsiae P. Henn. Hedw., XL., p. (96) (1901). I. Aecidia on thickened and slightly deformed parts, gregarious or scattered ; pseudoperidia hemispherical to cup-shaped, semi- immersed, yellowish to ruddy ; peridial cells round or oblong- polygonal, subhyaline, reticulate, 18-24 X 16-20 /u. Aecidiospores subglobose or ellipsoid, angular, finely echinulate, yellowish, 15-20 /u diam. II. Uredosori on stems, gregarious in streaks, oblong, surrounded or almost covered by the ruptured brown epidermis, somewhat pulverulent. Uredospores subglobose, ovoid or ellipsoid, yellowish to brown, echinulate, 14-21 x 12-18 p. III. Teleutosori similar, but black. Teleutospores clavate or oblong, constricted at septum, smooth, obtusely rounded or truncate at apex and slightly thickened (up to 5 p.), obliquely papillate and occasionally crested, rounded at base or attenuated, brown, 30-45 x 16-22 //, average 42 X 20 /u ; pedicel brownish, thick, persistent, 30-50 fj, long. Puccinia Goodeniaceae. 147 X. Mesospores very common, oblong or oblong-clavate, thickened at apex, rounded or acute, chestnut-brown, smooth, stalked 23-32 X 15-20/1. On petioles, calyx and stems of Leschenaultia linarioides DC. West Australia Near Perth, 1900 (Pritzel). Aecidia on petioles, flower-stalks, and calyx ; uredo and teleutosori on stems. Specimens kindly supplied by Hennings. (Plate VI.,Fig. 47.)' Goodenia, Velleia. * 2. Puccinia saccardoi Ludw. Ludwig, Hedw. XXVIII., p. 362 (1889). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 337 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 193 (1902). Sacc. Syll. IX., p. 309 (1891). P. nigricaulis McAlp., Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VII., p. 151 (1896). Aecidium goodeniacearum (in part) Berkeley, Linn. Journ. XIIL, p. 173 (1872). I. Aecidia on yellowish or brownish spots, scattered or in groups arranged in circular patches (up to 6mm. diam.), amphigenous causing distortion of stem ; pseudoperidia cup-shaped, with white torn, everted edges, 215-325 p, diam. ; isolated peridial cells punctate, with striated margin, generally elongated oblong, or somewhat oval or lozenge-shaped, more than twice as long as broad, 35-42 x 16-21 p. Aecidiospores subglobose, polygonal to oval, orange, very finely verrucose, 14-16 p, diam., or 15-17 x 13-14 p. III. Teleutosori on both surfaces of leaves and on stems, black, com- pact, roundish or elongated, confluent in loag swollen patches, generally intermixed with or surrounding aecidia, bursting through epidermis. Teleutospores clavate to oblong, dark-brown, constricted at septum, smooth, variable in size, rarely 3-celled, 40-66 x 17-25/7, occasionally up to 70 p long, average, 54 x 20 p ; upper cell subglobose or somewhat quadrate, thickened at apex (up to 9 /*), generally rounded or truncate, occasionally pointed, 21-30 x 17-25 //, sometimes reaching 32 fj. in length; lower cell generally paler in colour than upper, elongated and tapering towards base, sometimes subglobose, longer and narrower than upper, 17-35 X 16-21 /i, occasionally 38 /t long; pedicel usually persistent, hyaline, occasionally pale-yellow, 35-60 x 7-12 //. X. Mesospores common, similarly coloured to teleutospores or paler, variously shaped, ellipsoid to oval, or oblong to clavate, smooth, with pointed and thickened apex (up to 9 /u), and generally slightly tapering towards base, 25-49 x 12-21 p, or averaging 36 x 17 . j 48 Puccinia Campanulaceae . On steins, leaves and calyx of Goodenia geniculata R. Br., G. glauea F. v. M., G. pinnatifida Schlecht., G. albiflora Schlecht., G. hederacea Sm., and G. ovata Sm. Victoria Port Phillip, 1886, I. Dimboola, Sept., 1892, I., III. (Reader). Minyip, near Colac, Grampians, Warracknabeal, Nhill, Killara, Mt. St. Bernard, Borung, Gembrook, near Melbourne. S. Australia Tanunda Scrub, Oct., 1887 (Tepper). Mt. Brown Creek, near Quorn, Sept., 1892 (Molineux). Tasmania Cascades, Jan., May, Nov., 1892 and 1893, I. (Rodway 1 ). Devonport, Jan., 1906, I., III. (Robinson). On Velleia macrocalyx De Yriese. New South Wales Guntawang, Sept., 1886 (Hamilton). On Velleia paradoxa R. Br. Victoria Pine Plains, I. (Reader). New South Wales Guntawang, Sept., 1886, I. III. (Hamilton). I have received from Prof. Saccardo some of the original material on G. geniculata from S. Australia, and on comparing it with P. nigricaulis McAlp,, have no doubt but that they are the same. The Victorian specimens, however, occur very plentifully on the stems as well as on the leaves, and under favorable conditions the fungus obtains such profuse development as to cause blackening and distortion of the stems. Aecidium goodeniacearum Berk, belongs partly to P. saccardoi and to Uromyces puccinioides. In specimens of Goodenia pinna tifida, received from F. M. Reader, Dimboola, the fungus is' named A. goodeniacearum Berk, in Massee's handwriting, while the teleutospores of P. saccardoi are also met with intermixed with the aecidia. In Velleia paradoxa, from New South Wales, while the teleutospores are of the general type, there are quite a number in which the apex is truncate and prolonged laterally into a thickened, more or less beak-like projection. But Ludwig observed in the original type on Goodenia geniculata a similar variety, so that the spores on the genera Goodenia and Velleia cannot be differentiated. He writes " Mixed among the nori teleutospores there are three and one-celled spores, the latter sometimes abnormal size, as I have observed under similar conditions in P. heterospora. Frequently very peculiar forms appeared, in which the upper cell bore 1-3 horn-like projections as long as the cell itself, or finger-like cells, as long a& the upper, proceeded from the lower cell." (Plate VI., Figs. 48, 49.) CAMPANULACEAE. Lobelia , Pratit 73. Puccinia aucta Berk, and F. v. M. Berkeley and F. von Mueller, Linn. Journ. XIII., p. 173 (1872). Cooke, Grev. XL, p. 98 (1883). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 338 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. L, p. 196 (1902). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 676 (1888). Aecidium microstomum Berk. Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII, p. 173 (1872). A. lobeliae Thuem. Grev. IV., p. 75 (1875). Puccinia Campanulaceae. 149 0. Spermogonia slightly raised, with projecting paraphyses, honey coloured, in groups. Spermatia numerous, hyaline, ellipsoid, 5-6 x 3 p. 1. Aecidia amphigenous, rounded or ovate, scattered or densely gregarious and occupying the entire surface of the leaves or petioles, at first covered by the epidermis, then free and rupturing like a broken blister, vesicular, ochraceous ; pseudoperidial cells, oval to oblong, covered with spines, loosely connected, 30-40 x 18-25 p. Aecidiospores irregularly globose, sub-angular or ellipsoid, finely echinulate, with distinct wall, ochraceous, 18-22 p. or 22-28 x 18-20 p. III. Teleutosori on under surface, numerous, bullate, then girt by the ruptured epidermis .so that they resemble little Pezizae. Teleutospores cylindric to sub-clavate, elongated, yellow, thickened apex (9-10 ju), rounded or truncate, deeply constricted at septum 56-70 x 15-26 /i, average 60 x 24, occasionally bi* and tri- septate when they may reach a length of 80 p ; upper cell generally broader than lower ; lower cell generally cylindrical, and may taper slightly towards pedicel ; pedicel hyaline, short, stout, 7-13 jj. broad. Aecidiospores on Lobelia anceps L., L.pratioides Benth., L.purpurascens R. Br., Pratia erecta Gaudich., P. pedunculata Benth., P. platycalyx Benth. Victoria Colac (F. v. Mueller), (von Thuemen). Murtoa, Oct., 1892, (Reader). Ringwood, Oct., 1892 (Robinson). Minyip, Oct., 1901 (Eckert). Werribee Plains, June, 1902 (C. French, jun.). New South Wales Guntawang, Sept., 1886 (Hamilton). Kurra- jong Heights, Apr., 1894 (Musson). Tasmania Bellerive Swamp, Dec., 1891 (Rod way). Teleutospores on leaves of Lobelia anceps L. South Australia Port Lincoln, Nov., 1852 (C. Wilhelmi), (Berkeley 2 ). The aecidium was first determined by Thuemen on a specimen of Pratia platycalyx sent by the late Baron von Mueller from Colac, and named A. lobeliae. Then Berkeley received a specimen from the same source on P. pedunculata which he named A. microstomum. I have examined portions of the original material of both these specimens, and as a rule it is difficult to detect a peredial wall even in fine sections, so mueh so that they were as first taken for caeomata. But there is occasionally a loosely fitting layer of surrounding cells, so that we may regard them as aecidia. The aecidial stage is given in connexion with the teleuto stage since, although not found actually together, they occur separately on the same species, Lobelia anceps. The teleutospore is occasionally tri-septate, and is then slightly curved, and the lower septum oblique. The description of the* teleuto stage is drawn up from original specimens in the National Herbarium, named in Berkeley's handwriting. (Plate VI., Fig. 51 ; Plate XXXIX., Fig. 289.) jr O Puccinia Compositae. COMPOSITAE. Scorzonera. 74. Puccinia angustifoliae Me Alp. I. Aecidia in dense clusters on the leaves, more sparingly on stems, about J to nearly mm. diam. ; pseudoperidia with finely laciniate everted margins. Aecidiospores orange-yellow, globose to elliptical or sub- quadrate, 16 x 11-13 p or 13-14 p diam. III. Teleutosori on leaf and stem, black, long covered by epidermis, confluent, forming elongated patches, partially rupturing and throwing off epidermis, distinct from or along with aecidia. Teleutospores clavate to oblong, smoky-brown, slightly con- stricted at septum, smooth, generally rounded and thickened at apex (up to 9 /x), slightly tapering towards base or often rounded, 40-53 x 16-21 //, average 50 x 20 ^ ; pedicel hyaline, deciduous, generally short, up to 38 p, long and 9 ^ broad. X. Mesospores common, similarly colored to teleutospores. or paler, generally somewhat oval, thickened at apex, 25-30 x 16-17 yu. On Scorzonera anguslifolia L. Victoria Dimboola, Nov., 1892, I., III. (Reader). This species differs from P. podospermi DC., P. scorzonerae (Schum.) Jacky and P. tragopogi (Pers.) Corda, in the absence of uredospores and the smooth teleutospores. (Plate VII., Fig. 53.) Brachycome. 75. Puccinia brachycomes Me Alp. I. Aecidia crowded on swollen and distorted portions of leaves, also on stems and branches, about ^ mm. diam.; pseudoperidia round, out-standing, with white, slightly everted, laciniate margin ; pseudoperidial cells firmly united, oblong to sub-quadrate, punctulate all over, with broad striated margin. Aecidiospores yellowish, sub-globose to ellipsoid, finely echin- ulate, 13-16 p diam. or 13-16 x 10-13 //. II. Teleutosori elliptical, pustulate, black to blackish-brown, long covered by epidermis, crowded, confluent, and ultimately forming elongated patches several mm. in length. Teleutospores clavate, dark chestnut-brown, smooth, very slightly constricted at septum, 48-64 x 18-25 JJL, average 50 X 20 /JL ; upper cell truncate or conoid, occasionally rounded at apex, thickened (up to 9 /JL) ; lower cell generally attenuated towards base, sometimes rounded and generally longer than upper ; pedic persistent, tinted or hyaline, up to 35 ju long. X. Mesospores not uncommon, similarly coloured to teleutospores, ellipsoid, either rounded or pointed, and thickened at apex, 28-30 x 14-19 p. On Brachycome ciliaris Less., L, III., and B. pachyptera Turcz., I. Victoria Dimboola, May -July, 1896 and 1898 (Reader). On Brachycome scapiformis DC. and B. diversifolia, Fischer and Mey. Victoria Buffalo Ranges, Dec., 1904, L, III. (C. French, jun.). Darluca filum Cast., is a very common parasite on the aecidia. (Plate VIIL, Fig. 66.) Puccinia Compositae. 151 Calendula. 76. Puccinia calendulae Me Alp. McAlpine, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. XXVIII., p. 558 (1903). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 852 (1904). Sacc. Syll. XVII., p. 280 (1905). Aecidium calendulae Me Alp. Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VII., p. 152 (1896). I. Aecidia araphigenous or on stems, orange-yellow, in clusters up to 6 mm. diam, sometimes circinate, or may be scattered irregularly ; pseudoperidia with white, torn and reflexed margin ; peridial cells quadrate or polygonal, striated at margin, 21-24 p, long. Aecidiospores very irregular, sub- globose to polygonal, very finely echinulate, pale orange, 14-17 X 11-12 jj. or 12- 16 p diam. III. Teleutosori intermixed with aecidia, black, erumpent, soon naked, girt by the ruptured epidermis, circular to elliptical, minute, compact, often confluent. Teleutospores yellowish-brown, clavate to oblong clavate, con- stricted at septum, rounded or acute at apex and thickened (up to 12 p), attenuated towards base, smooth, 36-52 x 19-23 //, average 48 x 20 p ; upper cell darker in colour and broader than lower, 21-31 /x long; lower cell slightly or not at all tapering towards pedicel and averaging same length as upper ; pedicel persistent, hyaline, but coloured towards apex, 28-37 X 7-8 yi/, but may attain a breadth of 10 ju at junction with spore. X. Mesospores not uncommon, similarly coloured to teleutospores, ovate to elliptical or pear-shaped, thickened at apex, 30-42 x 21-23 p. On leaves and all green parts, including fruits of Calendula officinalis L. Victoria Near Melbourne, growing in gardens, 1892, Q. Victoria Ardmona, Dimboola, Myrniong, and Marysville, Alps near Bright, and Mt. St. Bernard, &c. On E. quadridentata, E. arguta and E. pren&nthoides DC. Tasmania Huon Road, Dec., 1891, March, 1893, I. (Rodway). On Erechtites sp. New South Wales Guntawang, I. (Hamilton). I. Very common all the year round, except during middle of summer. III. From January to June, but not so common. The New South Wales specimen was named Aecidium senecionis Desm. by Cooke. (Plates VII., Fig. 59; XXVII., Fig. 240.) 158 Puccinia Com$ositae. Gnaphali 85. Puccinia gnaphalii (Speg.) P. Henn. Hennings, Hedw. XLL, p. (66) (1902). Morrison, Victorian Nat. XL, p. 120 (1894). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 88 (1902). Sacc. Syll. XVI., p. 295 (1902). Uredo gnaphalii Speg. Fung. Arg. IV., p. 28 (1882). Puccinia gnaphaliicola P. Henn. Hedw. XXXVIII., p. (68) (1899j. II. Uredo-sori common on stem and leaves, on the latter amphigenous,. but mostly on under surface, bursting through and surrounded by epidermis, also piercing woolly tomentum, scattered, sometimes; aggregated, compact, cinnamon, circular or oval, lenticular on stem, ^-i | mm. diam. Uredospores globose, sub -globose or ellipsoid, brown, finel echinulate, 21-24 /* diam. or 21-26 x 17-21 p. III. Teleutosori similar, but chestnut-brown to black. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, oblong o: oblong-clavate, dark chestnut-brown, slightly constricted at septum,, rounded or obtusely pointed or even beaked at apex, and thickened (up to 8 /i), usually slightly attenuated towards base smooth, 35-53 x 15-24 p, average 48 X 20 p, ; pedicel hyaline,, persistent, up to 66 x 8 p. X. Mesospores similarly coloured, few, oval or elongated, ellipti thickened at apex and sometimes beaked, 24-38 x 15-18 /i. On stems and leaves of Gnaphalium purpureum L., and G. japonic Thunb. Victoria Oakleigh, Jan., 1904 (Morrison). Drysdale, Jan., 189 and Oct., 1903. Whittlesea Ranges, Nov., 1898 (C. Frenc jun.) Killara, Oct., 1902. Near Melbourne, Feb. and Nov 190-1. Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov., 1904 (Aitken). The teleutospores are rather variable in length and breadth, sometime being short and stout and sometimes rather elongated and slender. The pedicels average 40-50 p. in length, and may vary in breadth from 4 p. up 10 p. at junction with spore. Sydow gives size of teleutospores as 32-56 18-24/1, and Dietel as 30-35 x 19-22 p. I am indebted to Dr. Morrison for some of the original material f: which he determined this fungus as P. investita Schwein. He found sp mogones immersed among spores in the sori, and the spermatia were fu form. Plenty of Darluca filum Cast., was found, and no doubt these we mistaken for spermogonia. (Plate VII., Fig. 57.) Heliai 86. Puccinia helianthi Schwein. Schweinitz, Syn. Carol., p. 73 (1821). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 333 (1892). Sydow, Mon. Ured. I., p. 92 (1902). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 603 (1888). [O. Spermogonia honey-colored, in small clusters.] [I. Aecidia crowded or orbicular, or arranged in broadly expandu^ oblong *spots ; pseudoperidia cylindrical, plane, with white laciniate margins. : Puccinia Compositae. 159 Aecidiospores orange-red, ellipsoid to polygonal, finely echin- ulate, 21-28 x 18-21/i.J II. Uredosori roundish, chestnut-brown, scattered or confluent, pul- verulent, often on yellow or pale green spots on upper surface of leaf but generally forming brown mass on under surface. Uredospores sub-globose, elliptic or obovate, golden-yellow, echin- ulate, epispore sub-hyaline, showing one germ-pore on one face. 21-24 /i diam. or 24-29 x 15-22 p. III. Teleutosori roundish, dark-brown or black, prominent, scattered at first but ultimately in clusters, confluent, dotting both surfaces of leaf, but most prominent on under. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospares, chestnut- brown, oblong-elliptical or pear-shaped, smooth, but occasionally a little rough at apex, slightly constricted at septum, thickened at apex (6-9 p), generally rounded at base, 36-50 X 21-27 p, average 44 x 26 ^ ; upper cell similar in colour or just a shade darker than lower, and rather larger, 22-29 x 21-27 /u; lower cell either the counterfeit of upper or slightly tapering towards base, 17-23 X 20-22 p pedicel hyaline, persistent, generally much longer than spore, up to 90 and 110 /i long. On leaves, branches, involucral bracts and corolla-leaves of Helianthus considered to be an independent form, and named Peridermium cornui Rostr. and Kleb. General characters. Sperm ogonia truncate to conoid. Aecidia with bladder-like, irregularly opening pseudoperidia (Pet^ider- mium). Aecidiospores without germ-pores, separated by distinct intermediate cells, epispore always more or less regularly warty reticulated. Uredo-layer included in hemispherical pseudoperidum, which opens at apex by a narrow pore. i o,o Cronartium Leguminosae. Uredospores echinulate, without germ-pores. Teleutospores unicellular, united into a cylindrical, vertical, horny coluirn germinating in situ, surrounded at base by the uredospores. Sporidiola subglobose, hyaline. Australian species, 1. LEGUMINOSAE. Jacksonia, &<. 126. Cronartium jacksoniae P. Henn. P. Hennings, Hedw. XL., p. 127 (1901). O. Spermogonia honey- coloured, crowded or in lines, circular, flattene on branches and lower surface of leaves. Spermatia hyaline, ovoid to ellipsoid, 5-6 X 2J-3 p. III. Teleutosori forming ruddy-brown, straight or curved, simplt columns, crowded, 2-2 J mm. high, with blunt apex, on young and swollen branches. Teleutospores ruddy-brown in mass, more or less colourless indi- dividually, elongated, generally somewhat tapering towards end, with large vacuole, cylindrical to fusiform, contents granular, 40-50 X 8-10 JJL ; teleutospores germinate at once and produce promycelia with promycelial spores, which are hyaline, globose, and average about 6-7 /z diam. On Jacksonia scoparia R. Br. Queensland Darling Downs (Law), (Bailey 3 ). Near Brisbai (Bailey 4 ). On Platylobium formosum Sm. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov. and Dec., 1902-{ (Robinson). On Gompholobium lati folium Sm. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Dec., 1903 (Robinson). On Bossiaea cinerea R. Br. Victoria Near Melbourne, Nov., 1904 (Robinson). Tasmania Bellerive, Dec., 1905 (Rodway). On Aotus villosa Sm. Victoria Near Melbourne, Sept., O. Nov., 1904, III. (Robinson). It deforms the shoots of the plant on which it grows, causing mal- formation of branches and multiplication of shoots (witches' brooms), and is so common in some parts that the great majority of the shrubs attacked. The spermogonia were only found on Aotus and before the appearanc of the teleutospores, but the multiplication and deformation of the shoot had already been produced. On Bossiaea cinerea on one occasion Aecidiu eburneum McAlp. was found on the same plant near Melbourne. The horn-like aggregation of teleutospores varies in length from 1-2 mi on Aotus and Bossiaea to 2-2^ mm. in Platylobium and Gompholobium. The original specimen on Jacksonia scoparia in the National Herbarium, Melbourne, is given as a variety of C. asclepiadeum (Willd.) Fr., in Berkeley's handwriting, and is recorded in the Journal of the Linnean Society, p. 174 (1883), with the remark that the only specimens are in a young state. The same species was subsequently found by G. H. Robinson very plentifully in Victoria on various species of Leguminous plants, and the germinating teleutospores were clearly seen. Melampsora Hypericaceae. i 9I Considering its occurrence on indigenous Leguminous plants, together with the narrower teleutospores and colourless promycelial spores, as com- pared with C. asdepiadeum, I considered it a new species and had named it C. leguminum. But I find that Hennings in a footnote in Hedwigia XL., p. 127, states that the form occurring on Jacksonia is specifically distinct from C. asclepiadeum, and had better be named C. jacksoniae, the name now adopted. (Plates XXXVII., XXXVIII.) MELAMPSORA Castagne. In this genus there are both heteroecious and autoecious species, but only the latter occur in Australia. The two species known are on native plants, but they also occur in Britain on the same genera. They only possess uredo and teleutospores, but the three spore-forms may occur on the same host (M. amygdcdinae Kleb.), or only aecidia and teleutospores (M. saxi- fragarum (DC.) Schroet.). The teleutospores form flat irregular crusts, and are united to each other like the cells of a honeycomb. Rostrup first pointed out in 1883 the connection between this genus and Caeoma species, and now the relation between a number has been proved by cultures. General description. Spermogonia forming a minute, hemispherical, flattened stratum, often subcuticular, otherwise subepidermaL Aecidia after the eaeoma type, destitute of a pseudoperidium, usually without paraphyses, pustular. Uredospores usually without distinct germ-pores, included in more or less developed peridia. Teleutospores unicellular, rarely transversely divided, coalescing in a plane, firm, black or dark-brown stratum. Sporidiola globose, yellow, then orange. Australian species, 2. HYPERICACEAE. Hypericum. 127. Melampsora hypericorum (DC.) Schroet. Schroeter, Brand und Rost., p. 26 (1872). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 591 (1888). II. Uredosori mostly hypophyllous, scattered or subgregarious, at first bright orange, becoming pale, pulverulent, small, up to J mm. diam, erumpent and surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Uredospores subglobose to ellipsoid, finely verrucose, orange yellow, with two germ-pores on one face, 14-21 x 11-17 ^, average 17 X 1 4 p ; paraphyses intermixed, numerous, hyaline, capitate, over-topping the spores, 50-68 p long, with head 18-24 p. III. Teleutosori minute, dark-brown, flat, irregular, solitary or gre- garious. Teleutospores yellowish-brown, intercellular, subcylindrical or prismatic, 25-37 + 6-9 p. On leaves and occasionally on stems of Hypericum japonicum Thunb. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov. and Dec., 1902-3, and Mt. Blackwood, Jan., 1903 (Robinson). Buffalo Mts. and Alps, near Bright, Nov. and Dec., 1903-4 (C. French, jr.). Near Melbourne, Nov., Jan. 192 Melampsora Linaceae. The paraphyses are noted as absent by Dr. Plowright in his Monograph of the Uredineae, but in these specimens they are particularly abundant, and form a striking feature of the uredosori. Fischer 5 also found the paraphys wanting, and he came to the conclusion with others, that the caeonaa form had been mistaken for the uredo, since the spores were in chains. But Klebahn 3 has proved the existence of both the caeoma form without para- physes and the uredo form with paraphyses, so that the three stages may occur on species of Hypericum. Aecidium disseminatum Berk, is found hex on the same host-plant and in the same locality as this species. LIN ACE AE. Linum* 128. Melampsora lini (Pers.) Tul. Tulasne, Ann. Sci. Nat,, p. 93 (1854). Cooke, Grev. XL, p. 98 (1883). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 332 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 588 (1888). II. Uredosori scattered, rounded, orange, soon pulverulent, up to 1^ mm. diam. Uredospores round or ovate, bright orange-yellow, echinulate, pedicellate, 15-25 x 13-18 p, exceptionally reaching a length of 28 fji paraphyses curved, markedly capitate, 17-20 ^t thick. III. Teleutsori flattened, often confluent, reddish brown, then black, shining. Teleutospores densely crowded beneath epidermis, cylindrical] prismatic, intercellular, polygonal in section, 45-60 x 17-20 //, very occasionally two-celled. On leaves and stems of Linum, marginals A. Cunn. Widely distributed. Victoria Near Melbourne, Oct., 1885 (Reader). Ardmona, Kergunyah, Killara, near Melbourne, Rutherglen, &c., Oct., March. New South Wales Hume River, 1886 (Jephcott). Guntawan< Mudgee (Hamilton); Merilla, Oct., 1890 (Cobb 2 ). South Australia Murray River, 1890 (Tepper), (Ludwig 2 ). Tasmania Near Waterworks, Hobart, Jan., 1892 (Rodway 1 ). On Linum usitatissimum L. wherever flax is cultivated. Victoria Near Melbourne, 1902. Donald, Nov., 1903, II., III. Port Fairy, Jan., 1904, II., III., &c. South Australia Near Adelaide, 1889 (Crawford). New South Wales Brungle, 1891 (Cobb 4 ). In the Journal of Mycology for 1889, Galloway 1 records this rust being sent to him from South Australia by the late Frazer S. Crawford, w] wrote that it had destroyed a crop of flax near Adelaide, and was likely spread and prove a troublesome pest. Bolley informs me by letter thai in Dakota it is a very abundant rust on all the wild varieties of Linum, is always more or less destructive in the flax crop. He further states that it was especially destructive in 1904, in many cases practically destroying crops which he had bred from seeds supposed to be immune to the wilt disease or flax-sick soil disease. Dr. Cobb 4 in the Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales for 1891, notes it as causing serious injury to cultivated flax, and in some parts of Victoria, particularly at Port Fairy, I have found it injuring the crop. (Plate XXVI., Fig. 236 ; Plate I., Fig. 36.) Caeoma Apocynaceae. 193 CAEOMA Link. There are several imperfect forms which only occur in one stage and cannot with certainty be assigned to their proper genera. For such it is convenient to have a form-genus, which simply serves as a resting-place until their true affinities are determined. At first they were considered to be independent fungi and had generic names assigned to them. These form- genera are Caeoma, Aecidium, and Uredo, and of the former there are wnlv two known for Australia, one of which was called an Aecidium by Cooke and the other a Uredo by Berkeley. This is not surprising when one considers that the caeoma is not distinct from the aecidium, as in those cases where the one merges into the other. Thus in Puccinia prenanthis (Pers.) Lindr., the aecidial wall is very imperfectly formed, so that the aecidia approach caeoma-forms. Barclay 3 also found a variety of this species in Simla, in which there was not a vestige of a peridium, and he considers this, along with others, an interesting example of an inter- mediate and mostly vanishing stage between Aecidium and Caeoma. In the aecidial stage of Puccinia aucta (Aecidium lobeliae Thuem., A. micro- stomum Berk.), the peridial wall was sometimes absent, so that I described it at first as a Caeoma. Caeomata are generally considered to be stages in the life-history of the Melampsoraceae, but since true caeoma-forms occur in connexion with Puccinia, and species such as Melampsora tremulae Tul. have so-called caeoma-forms as Caeoma laricis (Westd.) Hart, with an investment of barren cells, the evidence for this connexion is weakened and the necessity for retaining this as a form-genus much reduced. In Saccardo's Sylloge Fungorum the isolated forms are treated as a sub-genus of Uredo with sub- ^atenulate spores. They have no special significance here, but elsewhere they form witches'-brooms. General Characters. They are simply aecidia without peridia, the spores are produced in chains, with or without paraphyses, and accompanied by spermogonia. Caeoma-forms, 2. APOCYNACEAE. Tabernaemon tana. 129. Caeoma apocyni McAlp. I. Sori on both surfaces of leaf, minute, crowded, brownish, bullate. Spores yellowish, very variable in shape, ellipsoid, ovoid, pear- shaped, oblong or angular, with finely granular contents, 25-34 x 20-26 p. ; epispore hyaline, coarsely verrucose, 5 p. thick. On Tabernaemontana orientalis B. Br. Queensland Brisbane, (Bailey 1 ). Mr. Bailey kindly sent me a specimen of this from his herbarium, which had been named by Dr. Cooke Aecidium apocyni Schwein., as given in his Handbook of Australian Fungi, p. 341 (1902). It has no pseudoperidium, however, and is therefore a Caeoma, and since the spores do not apparently agree even with those of Caeoma (Aecidium) apocynatum Schwein., it is constituted a new species. i 9 4 Aecidium Scrophulariaceae. Clematis. RANUNCULACEAE. 130. Caeoma clematidis Thuem. Thuemen, Myc. Univ. No. 539. Berkeley, Hook. Journ. VI., p. 205 (1854). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 344 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 867 (1888). Uredo clematidis Berk. I. Sori hypophyllous, generally on pale-green portions of leaf, solitary or arranged in circular groups, more or less rounded, pulvinate, ruddy- brown at first and bright orange when burst. Spores in rows, bright orange, variable in shape, ellipsoid, ovate, oblong or polygonal, epispore hyaline, scolloped, 22-32 x 16-20 p. On living leaves of Clematis aristata R. Br., and C, microphylla DC. Victoria Near Colac, Sept., 1897 (Hill). Phillip Island, Jan., 1900. Murramurrangbong Ranges, Dec., 1903 (Robinson). Near Melbourne, Feb. and July, 1904. Frankston, Jan., 1904, Aug., 1904 (Robinson). Queensland Bailey ' 5 . This species was first described from S. Africa as a Uredo, but it has the spores in chains and is a true Caeoma. Specimens were examined from Thuemen's Myc. Univ. 539 and found to be the same. AECIDIUM Pers. Several of the aecidia given in Dr. Cooke's Handbook oj Australian Fungi are now referred to their proper Puccinias. A. urticae is accepted as a stage in the life-history of Puccinia caricis, and described in connexion with that form. A. goodeniacearum, A. senecionis and A. violae are placed under their proper Puccinia or Uromyces, and the aecidium on the daisy (A. bellidis) is now found to belong to P. distincta Me Alp., and to have no connexion, as in Britain, with P. obscura on Luzula. The most noteworthy aceidium is that found on a grass (A. danthoniae), and constitutes the second known example. They often cause deformation of the branches known as witches' brooms, and various swellings, and in some instances compound galls are formed up to 5 cm. across (A. englerianum). One species causes thickening and distortion of the leaves in Veronica, and nettle stems are often abnormally swollen from the same cause. General Characters. Pseudoperidia cup-shaped or urn-shaped, rarely cylindrical, with margin often crenate or laciniate and revolute. Spores, globose or angular, commonly orange yellow, growing in chains. Aecidium-forms, 15. SCROPHULARIACEAE. Veronica* 131. Aecidium disciforme Me Alp. O. Spermogonia on under surface of upper and younger leaves, honey- coloured, flat, numerous, minute. Spermatia hyaline, elliptical, 5-6 p. long. Aecidium Plantaginaceae 195 I. Aecidia on both surfaces of leaves, but mostly on under, bullate, brownish, resembling dotted discs, often confluent, at first entirely enclosed, ultimately opening irregularly by small pore, 1-1 J mm. ; peridial cells hyaline, loosely adherent, subglobose, elliptic or lozenge-shaped when united, with striated margin, 25-30 p. Aecidiospores orange-yellow, subglobose to elliptic, 16-20 u. diam or 19-22 x 14-16 /u. On Veronica gracilis R. Br. Tasmania Sandy Bay, Hobart, Aug., 1896 (Rodway). On Veronica calycina R. Br. New South Wales Kogarah, Oct., 1900 (Maiden). This species causes thickening and distortion of the leaves. It is quite distinct from A, veronicae Berk., of which there is a portion of the original material in the National Herbarium, Melbourne. The latter forms a regular cup with fimbriate margins, while the former only opens by a minute pore. The spores are also quite different. Veronica. 132. Aecidium veronicae Berk. Berkeley in Herb., Grev. XI., p. 97 (1883). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 814 (1888). I. Aecidia numerous, crowded, semi-immersed, on under-surface of leaf arid a few scattered on upper surface, J mm. diam.; pseudo- peridia cup-shaped, becoming discoloured and dark-brown with age, with fimbriate margins ; peridial cells, oblong to angular, with very broad striated margin, average 32 X 2o p. Aecidiospores dark yellow, variously shaped, ellipsoid, oblong or angular, with finely -granular contents, 24-30 x 16-20 ju ; epispore hyaline, finely verrucose, about 2 p. broad. On Veronica sp. Victoria (F. v. Mueller). Tasmania ( Rod way) . There is an old specimen in the National Herbarium which had been submitted to Berkeley by the late Baron von Mueller. There are plenty of spores still in the cups, but probably the thoroughly mature ones have fallen away. (Plate XXXIX., Fig. 287.) PLANTAGINACEAE. Plantago. 133. Aecidium plant aginis-variae McAlp. 0. Spermogonia on both surfaces of leaf, but mostly on upper, honey- coloured, numerous, 160-180 p, diam. Spermatia hyaline, elliptical, 4-5 p. long. 1. Aecidia on both surfaces, sub-gregarious or gregarious ; pseudoperidia cup-shaped, outstanding, with recurved and lobed margins ; peridial cells oblong to lozenge-shaped, or polygonal, with broad striated margin, 35-40 p long. Aecidiospores bright orange-yellow, elliptic to oblong, finely echinulate, 22-25 x 16-23 p, sometimes reaching a length of 28 p. 196 Aecidium Genticwaccae, Compositae. On leaves of Plnntagn vnria R. Br. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov., 1902 (Robinson). Mt. Black wood, March, 1905 (Cyril Brittlebank). New South Wales Guntawang, near Mudgee (Hamilton). Tasmania Knocklofty, Oct., 1895 (Rodway 1 ). This species is given as A. plantaginis Ces., in Cooke's Handbook of Australian Fungi, but there are no spots on the leaves, and the spores are echinulate not tuberculate, as well as considerably larger. The Victorian specimens were rare, and the fungus was much overrun by Darlucafilum Cast. (Plate XXXIX., Fig. 288.) GENTIANACEAE. Limnanthemum. 134. Aecidium nymphoidis DC. De Candolle, Fl. fr. II., p. 597 (1805). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 341 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VIL, p. 809 (1888). I. Aecidia on upper surface of leaf, gregarious, disposed without order on rounded spots, or in concentric zones ; pseudoperidia scutelliform, margin scarcely prominent, entire, or irregularly laciniate. Aecidiospores orange-yellow, angular, delicately warted, 12-20 ji diam. On Limnanthemum indicum Thw. Queensland Near Brisbane, 1884 (Bailey 4 ). This aecidium was first found on the leaves of Limnanthemum nymphoides Hoff. and Link and its connexion with Puccinia scirpi DC., was first sug- gested by Chodat 1 . Then Bubak 1 , by means of cultures, proved the connexion, but until the teleuto stage is found in Australia only the aecidium stage will be given. Specimen not seen. COMPOSITAE. 135. Aecidium cymbonoti Thuem. Cymbonotus. Thuemen in Muell. Supp. Phyt. Austr. XI., p. 96 (1880). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 833 (1888). 0. Spermogonia minute, honey-coloured, in groups, surrounded bj aecidia, 130-160 ju diam. Spermatia minute, hyaline, ellipsoid, 3 fj. long. 1. Aecidia on upper surface of leaves, markedly circinate, about J mm. diam.; pseudoperidia yellowish, with fimbriate margin ; peridial cells considerably overlapping each other, elongated oblong to slipper- shaped, with striated margin and reticulate all over, 28-38 X 16-17 p. Aecidiospores orange-yellow, ellipsoid to sub-globose, finely echinulate, 13-18 x 13-15 p. Aecidium Compositae. 197 On Cymbonotus lawsonianus Gaudich. Victoria Dookie, Jan., 1892 (Pye). Dimboola, May, 1896. (Reader). Preston, April, 1900 (C. French, jun.). Myrniong (C. C. Brittlebank). Some of the specimens were overrun with Darluca filum Cast. There is no clue to the description of this species, but I have drawn out the above from abundant material. (Plate XXXIX., Fig. 290.) Abrotanella. 136. Aecidium monocystis Berk. Berkeley, Flor. N.Z. II., p. 196 (1855). McAlp., Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic. VII., N.S., p. 218 (1894) Sacc. Syll. IX., p. 319 (1891). I. Aecidia solitary, relatively large (J mm. diam.) persistent on the upper surface of the leaves towards their tips, surrounded with a tough border ; pseudoperidia white, with margin toothed ; peridal cells somewhat wedge-shaped to angular oblong, appearing hexagonal when united, covered with projecting points, 50 x 22 ^. Aecidiospores pale orange-yellow, ellipsoid, finely verrucose, 25-30 x 19-22 p. On leaves of Abrotanella J or sterioides Hook. f. Tasmania Summit of Mt. Wellington, Feb. 1891 (Rodway). This is a very characteristic species, occurring solitary at the tips of tine leaves. It was first recorded on Phyllachne (Helophyllum) coleusoi Berggr. from New Zealand, but L. Rodway, Government Botanist of Tasmania, has grave doubts as to the correct determination of the host-plant. He is of opinion that this rust is attributed to New Zealand by mistake, and that it was really found in Tasmania. He informs me that this Aecidium is abundant on every tuft of A. forsterioides, which grows in profusion near Hobart, and is not likely to have been overlooked by the early botanists. The coloured drawing of the plant in the New Zealand Flora certainly closely resembles Abrotanella, and I have forwarded a specimen of the plant to the Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew, for comparison with the original. It is not likely that the same Aecidium occurs on a Composite and a Stylidiaceous plant. (Plate XXXIX., Fig. 291.) 01 c 137. Aecidium oleariae Me Alp. I. Aecidia crowded on steins and leaves, generally running in lines lengthwise, about 1 mm. ; pseudoperidia round to elongated, with lacerated margins ; peridial cells hexagonal, striated, 35-42 p long. Aecidiospores orange, elliptic to oblong, with granular contents, 22-26 x 14-17 p. On stems and leaves of Olearia axillaris F.v.M. Victoria Port Fairy, June, 1899 (Robinson). The aecidia occur most commonly on the stem, and are deeply imbedded in the tissues of this coast shrub. 198 Aecidium Rubiaceae, Leguminosae. RUBIACEAE. Canthium. 138. Aecidium plectroniae Cooke. Cooke, Grev. X., p. 124 (1882). Bailey, Queensland Agr. Journ. IV., p. 284 (1899). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 795 (1888). 0. Spermogonia on upper surface of same spots which bear the aecidif sometimes accompanied by one or a few aecidia. 1. Aecidia hypophyllous, rotund, in small clusters on orbicular dis- coloured spots ; pseudoperidia somewhat prominent, whitish, mar- gins sub-entire ; peridial cells ovate to somewhat quadrate, punctate all over, and with striate margin. Aecidiospores yellow, finely echinulate, sub-globose to ellipsoid or polygonal, 25-26 x 19-20 /*, or 22-28 p diam. On leaves of Canthium coprosmoides F. v. M. Queensland Endeavour River (Roth) (Bailey, 31 - 22 ). The host-plant is sometimes placed under the genus Plectronia. This species was first found on Canthium (Plectronia) guenzii Sond., from Natal, and the spores were undescribed, but I have been able to redescribs it from specimens kindly sent from Queensland by Bailey. LEGUMINOSAE. Be 139. Aecidium eburneum McAlp. McAlpine, Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic. VII., N.S., p. 218 (1895). P. Hennings, Hedw. XL., p. 352 (1901). Sacc. Syll. XIV, p. 375 (1899). A. bossiaeae P. Hennings, Hedw. XL., p. 352 (1901). I. Aecidia mostly hypophyllous or on stems and legumes, scattered or ii dense clusters, bright orange, average J mm. diam.; pseudoperidia cup-shaped, becoming ivory-coloured then brownish, with reflected finely toothed margin ; peridial cells polygonal, reticulated, 24-31 long. Aecidiospores ellipsoid, bright orange, very finely echinulate, 18-28 x 12-17 fi. On Bossiaea cinerea R. Br., stems, leaves, flower-stalks, calyx, ant legumes. Victoria Near Melbourne, Sept.-Nov. (Barnard, Robinson, &c.). Tasmania Bellerive swamp (Rodway !), and Dec., 1905. On leaves of Bossiaea linophylla R. Br. West Australia King George's Sound, July, 1901 (Pritzel). On fruit of Bossiaea rhombifolia Sieber and B. microphylla Sm. New South Wales Richmond, Nov., 1896, and Falconbridge, Oct., 1904 (Maiden). On fruit of Bossiaea heterophylla Vent. New South Wales, Sep., 1896 (Maiden). I have revised the description of A. eburneum from fresh specimens, and have no doubt but it is the same as Hennings' species, a specimen of which Aecidium Leguminosae. 199 he kindly sent me. The spores in both cases are very finely echinulate, and in the West Australian specimens they are 18-23 x 15-18 p, while in the other they are 18-28 x 12-17 p. On the stems of B. cinerea there are oval to lenticular swellings, some- times half an inch long, separate or close together, with dark purplish border, and often becoming depressed in the centre. On the leaf -stalks the swelling may completely surround them, and on the leaf there are brown raised orbicular spots, with aecidia on both surfaces, but sparingly on upper. On the flower-stalks the swellings are similar to those on the leaf-stalks, and on the legumes large circular or irregular patches are formed on margins and both valves. (Plate XXVII., Fig. 239.) Platylobium. 140. Aecidium platylobii Me Alp. 0. Spermogonia honey-coloured, minute, scattered, either associated with or on opposite side to aecidia. Spermatia very numerous, hyaline, cylindrical, 3 x 1 p. 1. Aecidia on pallid spots or on swellings on pods, amphigenous, in small groups or in dense clusters, deep orange ; pseudoperidia cylindrical, white, with small portion inserted in matrix, margin finely toothed, up to 1 mm. long. Aecidiospores orange, elliptic to sub-angular, finely warted, 21-25 x 14-18 11. On leaves and legumes of Platylobium formosum Sm. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov., 1902, Dec. 1903, and Jan. 1905 (Robinson). It is closely related to Aecidium soleniiforme Berk., but until further stages are found it will be retained as a distinct species. While the bright orange aecidia are very conspicuous and very plentiful on both surfaces of the legumes, they are very rare upon leaves, having hitherto only been found on the first or second pair of leaves of young seedlings. The mycelium bearing the aecidia penetrated the fruit cover and entered the seed, so that the young plant'is probably infected from the start. (Plate XXVII., Figs. 237, 238.) Goodia. 141. Aecidium soleniiforme Berk. Berkeley, Fl. Tasm. II., p. 270 (1860). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 340 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 788 (1888). I. Aecidia on brown orbicular spots, sometimes densely crowded, par- ticularly when on fruit ; pseudoperidia cylindrical, elongated up to J mm., white, radiately laciniate at margin. Aecidiospores rather angular, orange, 25-26 fi diam. On leaves and fruits of Goodia lotifolia Salisb. Victoria Nov., 1895 (French). Gellibrand River, Dec., 1895 (Hill). Tasmania 1860 (Archer). (Berkeley 1 ) The aecidia, as the specific name denotes, are rather tubular at first. (Plate XXXIX., Fig. 293.) 200 Aecidium Amarantaceae, Hyp eric aceae. AMARANTACEAE. Deeringia. 142. Aecidium deeringiae Cooke and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Queensland, p. 40 (1893). 0. Spermogonia on discoloured spots on the upper surface. 1. Aecidia crowded on orbicular pallid spots (2-3 mm.) on the under surface, which are somewhat thickened, semi-immersed, margin white, crenulate. Aecidiospores sub-globose, very finely echinulate, 12 ^ diam. On living leaves of Deeringia relosioides R. Br. Queensland Gladfield (Gwyther), (Bailey. 12 ) The colour of the spores could not be determined in the dried specimens. Only the name of this fungus was given in the Annual Report, and Dr. Cooke has kindly furnished me with the description in MS. Uromyces deeringiae Syd. occurs on Deeringia indica in Java and the Philippine Islands, but the aecidiospores are 22-28 ^ diam., so that they are quite distinct from the present form unless there has been a mistake in the transcription of the size of the spores. The host in both cases is the same according to the Index Kewensis. (Plate XXXIX., Fig. 294.) HYPERICACEAE. Hypericum. 143. Aecidium disseminatum Berk. Berkeley in Hook. Handb. Fl. N.Z., p. 756 (1867). Sacc. Syll. IX., p. 322 (1891). I. Aecidia on under surface of leaves, causing corresponding eleva- tions on upper surface, sub-gregarious or crowded, sometimes confluent, fully ^ mm. diam. ; pseudoperidia raised, with white margin, reflexed, fimbriate; peridial cells sub-quadrate, average 30 x 22 fi. Aecidiospores orange-yellow, sub-ellipsoid to sub- angular, finely verrucose, 16-17 x 11-13 p.. On Hypericum japonicum Thunb. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov. 1902, and Dec., 1903 (Robinson). The original description by Berkeley is very brief : " Spots none or effused. Peridia scattered, short ; margin lobed ; spores white." Since it was hardly possible from this description to be certain of the species, a specimen was sent to the Royal Gardens, Kew, for comparison with the type specimen there, and it was found to be identical. This aecidium occurs on the same host-plant as Melampsora hypericorum (DC.) Schroet. and is occasionally found on the same leaf with the uredosori. Aecidium Ranunculaceae. 201 RANUNCULACEAE. Caltha. 144. Aecidium calthae Grev. Greville, Fl. Ed., p. 446 (1824). McAlpine, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., XXIV., p. 301 (1899) Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 602 (1888). 0. Spermogonia arranged in small groups, honey-coloured. 1. Aecidia distributed on upper surface of leaf and often confluent, about J mm. diam. ; pseudoperidia white, margin laciniate ; peridial cells pentagonal or hexagonal, margin finely streaked, 28-32 p. Aecidiospores bright orange, angular to sub-globose or oval, finely echinulate, average 22-23 x 17-20 p. On living leaves of Caltha introloba F. v. M. New South Wales Mt. Kosciusko, Jan., 1899 (Maiden). I have provisionally named this as above, although Greville describes the aecidium as hypophyllous and on the petioles, while here it was epiphyllous, and only on the blade of the leaf. However, the spores and pseudoperidial cells quite agree with British specimens. The host-plant is indigenous to Australia, and was found in a rocky creek, on eastern side of Mueller's Peak, Mt. Kosciusko, at a height of about 6,500 feet. This was the only micro-fungus found there by Mr. Maiden. The Puccinia-stage of this fungus occurs in Europe and America, and has hitherto only been found on the marsh marigold (Caltha palustris L.) ; until that stage has been dis- covered here, it cannot be definitely stated that the two fungi are the same. (Plate XXXIX., Fig. 295.) Ranwwulus 145. Aecidium ranunculacearum DC. De Candolle, Fl. fr. VI., p. 97 (1805). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 340 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 776 (1886). I. Aecidia hypophyllous or surrounding lobes of leaf and on stalk, densely crowded, very bright orange, often causing a swelling ; pseudo-peridia cup-shaped to cylindrical, whitish, with margin brittle and lacerated, 1 mm. high ; peridial cells somewhat quadrate and tapering to a point where they dovetail into each other, with striated margin, 27-28 X 18-22 p. Aecidiospores orange-yellow, polygonal to oblong or ellipsoid, very finely echinulate, 17-30 x 14-20 p, average 22 x 17 p. On Ranunculus parvi/lorus L., R. rivularis Banks and Sol., R. lappaceus Sm. and R. gunnianus Hook. Victoria Mount Emu Creek, 1854. Omeo, Nov., 1882 (Stirling). Ardmona, 1896 (Robinson). Near Dimboola, Nov., 1897 (Reader). Murramurrangbong Ranges, Nov., 1902 (Robin- son). Buffalo Ranges, Dec., 1904 (C. French, jun.). On Ranunculus sp. New South Wales Guntawang and Mudgee (Hamilton). Rich- mond (Musson). Tasmania St. Patrick's River, Nov., 1844 (Gunn), (Berkeley 1 ). This aecidium occurs on several species of Ranunculus, and varies some- what in general characters, although the aecidiospores all agree in being very finely echinulate. As the result of cultures, this has been found to be 2O2 Uredo Gramineae, Cy-peraceae. a composite species, the aecidiospores infecting various grasses on which they produce uredo and teleutospores. Until similar experiments are carried out here, the different aecidia, occurring on species of Ranunculus must be grouped together. Darluca filum Cast, was found associated with the aecidia. (Plate XXXIX., Fig. 296.) UREDO Pers. This stage probably belongs to teleutospore-forms which have not been observed, and which may only rarely be produced. But it is also quite possible that some may possess a perennial mycelium, and dispense with the necessity of forming teleustopores. Several in Dr. Cooke's Handbook of Aus- tralian Fungi have been referred to their proper genera. U. notabilis Ludw., belongs to Uromycladium notabile, and U. armillata Ludw., to Puccinia juncophila. U. clematidis Berk., has already been shown to be a Caeoma, and U. cichoracearum DC., as determined by Cooke, belongs to U. bidentis P. Henn. General characters. Seri without pseudoperidium, covered or erumpent, for the most part orange-yellow, rather pulverulent, and spores produced singly on the terminal ends of hyphae, never smooth. Germination by germ- tube, which enters the host-plant through stomata. Uredo-forms, 13. GRAMINEAE. Saccharum. 146. Uredo kuehnii Krueg. Krueger, Bericht. Zuck. Java IX., p. 117(1891). Cobb, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. IV., p. 799 (1893). Sacc. Syll. XL, p. 182 (1895). Uromyces kuehnii Krueg. II. Sori mostly hypophyllous, linear, at length bursting through epidermis and forming elongated brownish or blackish narrow streaks, single or confluent, with clavate, brown paraphyses. Uredospores globose to ellipsoid or piriform, brown or orange, rather thin-walled, echinulate, 47-53 x 28-35 ^u ; pedicels hyaline, clavate, somewhat shorter than spore. Common on leaves of Snccharum offiicinarum L. New South Wales Clarence River (Cobb 7 ). Queensland Brisbane and Mackay, 1898 (Tryon 5 ). Dr. Cobb found the spores to possess four equatorial germ-pores, and I have given his measurements, although Krueger makes them out to be 28-57 x 18-34 p. Specimen not seen. CYPERACEAE. Scirpus. 147. Uredo scirpi-nodosi McAlp. II. Sori bullate, elongated, splitting lengthwise, running in lines on stem, 1J-2 mm. long. Uredospores brown, subglobose, ellipsoid to oblong, variable in size, 25-32 n diam., or 27-36 X 19-25 /j. ; epispore echinulate, often 3 thick. Uredo Liliaceae. 203 On Scirpus nodosus Rottb. Victoria Mordialloc, Dec., 1885 (Reader) (Winter 2). This specimen is given as Puccinia rimosa (Link) Wint., by Winter, but on carefully examining some of the original material, there are coarsely echinulate uredospores and nothing else. It is evidently not that species described by Winter in Hedwigia, p. 28 (1880), and since it does not agree with the uredo stage of Puccinia scirpi DC. of which I have examined specimens from Sydow's Ured. Exs. 685 on Scirpus lacustris L., I have named it as above. (Plate XXVIII., Fig. 241.) LILIACEAE. Wurmbea. 148. Uredo anguillariae Cooke. Cooke, Grev. XIV., p. 11. (1885). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 343 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 840 (1888). II. Sori on both surfaces, gregarious, elliptic, bullate, long covered by the epidermis. Uredospores globose or globosely oval, smooth, brown, epispore thin, 20-22 x 20 /z, on short deciduous hyaline pedicels. On leaves of Wurmbea (Anguillaria) dioica F. v. M. New South Wales Guntawang (Hamilton). It is curious to note that Cooke and Massee have also described a Puccinia with uredo and teleutospores on this plant, the uredospores being 25-28 x 15-18 p. Specimen not seen. Geitonoplesium. 149. Uredo geitonoplesii McAlp. II. Sori on under surface of leaves on vinous patches, in small groups minute, elliptical, ultimately rupturing epidermis. Uredospores yellowish to yellowish brown, elliptical to ovoid, very finely echinulate, 19-27 x 17-19 ^. On Geitonoplesium cymosum' A. Cunn. Victoria Orbost, July, 1901 (Pescott). Schelhammera. 150. Uredo schelhammerae Me Alp. II. Uredosori epiphyllous, yellowish-brown, round to ellipsoid, compact, scattered or in groups, occasionally confluent, soon naked and sur- rounded by ruptured epidermis, \ mm. diam. or up to 1 mm. long. Uredospores golden yellow, ellipsoid to obovate, very finely echinulate, usually with two germ-pores on one face, 22-26 x 15-20 ^, average 24 x 18ju. On Schelhammera undulata R. Br. New South Wales Kurrajong Heights, 1892 and 1903 (Musson). 204 Uredo RJiamnaceae, Stylidiaceae, Compositae RHAMNACEAE. Spyridium, Pomaderris. 151. Uredo spyridii Cooke and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XV., p. 99 (1887). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 343 (1892) Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 861 (1888;. II. Sori hypophyllous, punctiform, generally scattered, sometimes con- fluent, ochraceous to snuffy brown, soon bursting through epidermis, pulverulent. Uredospores yellowish to orange-yellow, ellipsoid to obovate, distinctly echinulate, with coarsely granular contents, 22-31 x 17-22 nj paraphyses enveloping sori, long, curved, tufted, hyaline to pallid, generally slightly swollen at apex. On leaves of Spyridium parvifolium F.v.M. Victoria Oakleigh, June, 1886 (Watts). Sept., 1887 (Mrs. Martin). Murramurrangbong Ranges, Dec., 1903, and Jan., 1905 (Robinson). On Pomaderris apetala Labill. Victoria Murramurrangbong Ranges, Jan., 1905 (Robinson). Tasmania Devonport, Jan., 1906 (Robinson). On both genera of host plants the sori are surrounded by paraphyses. The rust is very plentiful on the leaves, and, although a large quantity of material has been examined at different seasons of the year, only the uredo- stage has been found. (Plate XXVIII., Fig. 245.) STYLIDIACEAE. Stylidium. 152. Puccinia stylidii Me Alp. II. Sori on both surfaces of leaf, solitary or sub-gregarious, elliptic, bullate, and splitting raised epidermis, sometimes confluent later- ally, reaching 1 mm. or more in length. Uredospores orange-yellow, elliptic to subglobose, echinulate, with solitary germ-pore on one face, 22-24 X 16-18 p, or 22-24 p diam. III. Teleutosori, p. 210. On leaves of Stylidium graminifolium Sm. Tasmania New Waterworks, Hobart, Nov. 1892, II. (Rod way). Darluca filum, Cast., literally covered some of the sori. (Plate XXVIII., Fig. 242.) COMPOSITAE. 153. Uredo bidentis P. Henn. Bidens. Henniiigs, Hedw. XXXV., p. 251 (1896). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 395 (1899). II. Sori scattered or densely gregarious, amphigenous, most numerous on under surface, minute, pulvinate, then flattened or somewhat patelliform, ochraceous, surrounded by the epidermis. Uredospores ovoid, ellipsoid or subglobose, yellow or pale brown, epispore pale chestnut-brown, 2-3 ^ thick, finely echinulate or almost smooth, 25-35 X 22-27 p t in exceptional cases 41 p long; para- physes numerous, hyaline, clavate, 50-60 ^ long. Urcdo Compositae. 205 On leaflets and leaf stalks of Bidens pilosa L. Queensland Brisbane, 1886 (Bailey 5 ). Part of the original specimen named by Dr. Cooke Uredo cichoracearum DC., was kindly forwarded to me by Mr. Bailey, and on comparing it with the above species in Exsicc. Syd. Ured., 1647, it was found to be the same. Even the paraphyses, which are not recorded by Hennings, occurred in both. Puccinia bidentis Diet, and Holw. was described in the Botanical Gazette, XXIV., 32 (1897), on a species of Bidens in Mexico, and probably is the complete stage of this uredo. The original species was founded on Bidens pilosa from Brazil. (Plate XXVIII., Figs. 243-244.) Crepis. 154. Uredo crepidis-japonicae Lindr. Lindroth, Acta Soc. Fauna et Flora fennica, XXII., p. 1 1 (1902). Sacc. Syll. XVII., p. 438 (1905). II. Sori amphigenous, but often hypophyllous, cinnamon brown, round, minute, at first surrounded by epidermis. Uredospores sub-globose or broadly ellipsoid, yellowish, finely echinulate, with three scattered germ-pores and epispore 1 ^ thick, 14-18 fji diam. On leaves of Crepis japonica Benth. Queensland. Specimen not seen. Olearia. 155. Puccinia oleariae McAlp. Me Alpine, Agr. Gaz. KS.W. VI., p. 756 (1895). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 278 (1899). Uromyces asteris Me Alp. II. Uredosori hypophyllous, pulvinate, scattered, bright orange. Uredospores oval or irregularly pear-shaped to spathulate, stalked, bright orange, apiculate at apex and somewhat thickened, with three equatorial pores on one face, 39-51 X 19-24 ^; epispore longitudinally striate, average thickness 1 J // ; pedicels relatively short, hyaline, and continuous with spore. III. Teleutosori similar but brownish. Teleutospores intermixed with uredospores, bright orange, oblong to oblong-clavate, smooth, fragile, constricted at septum, rounded at apex, generally tapering slightly towards base, 62-90 x 18-28 /uL- } pedicel hyaline, persistent, short, up to 56 ^ long. X. Mesospores occasional, similarly coloured, elongated ellipsoid, rounded at both ends, 60-68 x" 18-22 p. On leaves of Olearia aryophylla F. v. M. (Aster argophyllus Labill.). Tasmania Near Hobart, November, II. (Rod way 1 ). Cataract Gorge, Jan., 1906, II., III. (Robinson). This species was originally described as Uromyces asteris, but on extended critical examination of the type material I placed it in the genus Uredo on account of the number of the equatorial germ-pores. Since then additional material has been found, showing it to be a Puccinia. (Plate XXVIII., Fig. 249.) 206 TJredo Proteaceae, Crasstdaceae, Leguminosae. PROTEACEAE. Hakea. 156. Uredo angiosperma Thuem. Thuemen, Symb. Myc. Austr. IV., No. 95 ("1880). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 343 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 840 (1888). II. Sori on both surfaces, large, commonly disposed about a circle, covered by the splitting, torn, and elevated epidermis, powdery, brown. Uredospores oval or ellipsoid, rounded at the apex, somewhat narrowed at the base, 45 x 30 n ; epispore smooth, pale brownish, 5-7 ju thick. On living leaves of Hakea sp. West Australia Oct., 1877 (F. v. Mueller) (Thumen 2 ). Specimen not seen. CRASSULACEAE. Tillaea. 157. Uredo tillaeae McAlp. McAlpine, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. VL, p. 757 (1895). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 390 (1899). II. Sori hypophyllous, minute, round to oval, sometimes confluent. Uredospores variable in size and shape, usually globose or some- what oval, smooth, orange-yellow, about 19 ^t diam. or 20 x 16 p. On leaves of Tillaea sieberiana Schult. Victoria Studley Park, near Melbourne (Barnard). LEGUMINOSAE. Bossiaea. 158. Uredo bossiaeae McAlp. II. Uredosori on both surfaces of leaves but mostly on under, chocolate brown, erumpent, surrounded by ruptured epidermis, compact, scattered or aggregated, sub-globose, 1-1J mm. diam. Uredospores elliptic, finely echinulate, golden-brown, epispore about 3 p thick, 24-31 x 17-21 /x. On leaves of Bossiaea prostrata R. Br. Tasmania Hobart, April, 1893 (Rodway). An Aecidium has been found on species of Bossiaea in West Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania, but there is no evidence to con- nect it with this form. It is also noteworthy that a Cronartium is found on species of Bossiaea. (Plate XXVIII., Fig. 246.) Cassia. 159. Uredo pallidula Cke. and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XXII, p. 37 (1893). Sacc. Syll. XI., p. 222 (1895). II. Sori pallid, convex, gregarious, splitting irregularly and then girt by the ruptured epidermis, on both surfaces. Uredospores pulverulent, tawny in the mass, pale-yellow by transmitted light, elliptical to ovoid, finely echinulate, 16-19 X 12-13 ji. Excluded or Doubtful Species. 207 On leaves, twigs, and legumes of Cassia sp. Queensland Gladfield (Gwyther) (Bailey 13 ). In the original description, the spores are given as smooth, and 12-14 x S-10 (.(, but on examining material kindly supplied by Mr. Bailey, of Brisbane, tkey were found to be as above. (Plate XXVIIL, Fig. 247.) CHENOPODIACEAE. JRhayodia. 160. Uredo rhagodiae Cke and Mass. Cooke and Massee, Grev. XV., p. 99 (1887). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung., p. 343 (1892). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 859 (1888). II. Sori hypophyllous, scattered, globose, ruddy-brown, a long time covered, at length torn and girt by the remains of the epidermis, up to 1 mm. diam. Uredospores yellowish, ellipsoid, echinulate, with four or more scattered germ-pores on one face, 24-30 x 17-22 p. On leaves of Rhagodia billardieri R. Br. Victoria Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, June, 1886 (Watts). Sandringham, April, 1905 (Robinson). Cooke and Massee gave measurements of spores as 20 x 15 p from Watts' specimen from Botanical Gardens, Melbourne. I have been able to examine part of that same material returned by Cooke and Massee to the National Herbarium and find the spores to measure 24-30 x 17-22 p. The rust is fairly abundant along the eastern shores of Port Phillip, and in fresh material examined the spores have the same measurements, roughly about 27 x 20 p. Darluca filum Cast, is often found on the sori. (Plate XXX., Fig. 267.) EXCLUDED OR DOUBTFUL SPECIES. When one considers that specimens of the various Rusts have hitherto been mostly sent to Britain or Germany for determination, it can readily be understood that sometimes the material was in an imperfect condition or not in the best possible state for proper examination. Hence in some cases the species were wrongly determined, and there are several recorded in Cooke's Handbook of Australian Fungi, which on further investigation must be removed from the list of Australian species. Sometimes, although rarely, it happened that the host-plant of the parasite was wrongly given, and then a new species has been created which afterwards turned out to be a known one. On these and other grounds the following are excluded : 1. Uromyces amygdali Pass. Cooke determined this on Peach and Almond leaves from Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland, but when complete specimens were examined it was found to be merely the uredo- stage of Puccinia pruni Pers. 2. Uromyces junci (Desm.) Wint. This species has not been found in Australia, as it was wrongly determined at Kew Herbarium for Puccinia juncophila Cooke and Mass. 3. Puccinia acetosae (Schum.) Koern. This rust was determined by Cooke on a native species of Rumex, but on the examination of a specimen in the National Herbarium, Melbourne, named in his own handwriting, it 208 Excluded or Doubtful Species. was found to agree with P. ludwigii Tepper. P. acetosae and its synonym, P. rumicis Lasch. are therefore excluded. 4. Puccinia aegra Grove. P. depauperans (Vize) Syd. The rust 011 the native violets ( Viola hederacea and V. betonicifolia) is comparatively common, and has been collected at various localities in Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania. It was at first determined by Winter as this species, and Cooke has also recorded it, but the examination of numerous specimens, including part of the same material forwarded to Dr. Cooke, showed the teleutospores to be warted, not smooth, and aecidiospores likewise finely vvarted, and therefore not this species. 5. Puccinia apii Desm. The rust found on Celery, both native and imported, in Australia, is found to be quite distinct from this species. 6. Puccinia caulincola Corda is given by Cooke on Hypochoeris glabra, but the species on this host-plant is undoubtedly P. hypochoeridis Oud. 7. Puccinia geranii Corda was the name given by Cooke to the rust occurring on Pelargonium australe, but it is now found to be a different species, P. morrisoni McAlp. 8. Puccinia investita Schw. was determined by Dr. Morrison on species of Gnaphalium, but on investigating the original material I found it to be P, gnaphalii (Speg.) P. Henc. 9. Puccinia microseris McAlp. Since the host-plant of this species was really Hypochoeris radicata it is now excluded. 10. Puccinia phragmitis (Schum.) Koern. This species has not yet been found in Australia, only P. maynusiana Koern and }'. tepperi Ludw. 11. Puccinia rimosa (Link.) Wint. This species is given by Winter 2 as occurring on Isolepis nodosa R. ~Br.Scirpus nodosus Rottb. in Victoria, but an examination of the original material only shows uredospores which do not agree with those of this species, and Sydow * has arrived at the same conclusion. The local specimen I have named Uredo scirpi-nodosi. 12. Puccinia violae (Schum.) DC. This species is also given by Cooke as occurring on violets in Victoria, but the history of the specimens shows how necessary it is to guard against recording species as Australian which may have been imported in the dry condition. The original material, with the name in Cooke's handwriting, is accompanied by the following note from the collector, Mr. Reader : " On leaves of what appears to be Viola sp. found in an old book." I was so convinced, however, that P. violae did not occur on our native violets, and had not been found growing on culti- vated species, that I communicated with the collector, who informed me that the leaves on which this species was found had been brought from Europe and forwarded with other specimens for determination to Dr. Cooke. Unfortunately, on the strength of this determination, Mr. Tryon, in Queensland, and others, have also credited Australia with this species. Mr. Reader, who is a chemist, also sent myself some jaborandi leaves (Pilocarpus pennatifolius, Lem.) with a rust upon them, and it was found to be Puccinia pilocarpi Cooke, but of course it had been imported. 13. Cronartium asclepiadeum (Willd.) Fries. This widely distributed species is recorded on a leguminous plant from Queensland, and the name is given in Berkeley's handwriting on the specimen in the National Herbarium. Dietel, however, regards it as a new species, and has named it C. jacksoniae. 14. Melampsora nesodaphnes B. and Br. This species was found on the fruit of Beilschmiedia (Nesodaphne] obtusifolia Benth., sent by Bailey to Berkeley from Queensland, and I also found it on the fruit of Cinnamomum oliveri Bail., sent by Baker from New South Wales. There is a mass of powdery spores on the surface of the fruit which h swollen and distorted. Excluded or Doubtful 'Species. 209 These spores are exceedingly numerous, and very variable in size and shape. They are hyaline individually, although oehraceous in the mass and finely granular. They vary from elliptic to ovoid or pear-shaped, and are occasionally slightly curved. There is a clear central axis to the spore, and it is generally broken in the centre, or may be several times transversely divided. Their average size is 24-32 x 9-10 p. They are usually borne on short hyaline filaments, and occasionally a long filament is adherent to a detached spore. There is nothing in the appearance or nature of this fungus to indi- cate that it is a Uredine ; it rather suggests some form of Hyphomycete. 15. Aecidium apocyni Schwein. The specimen referred by Cooke to this species is Caeoma apocyni. 16. Aecidium barbareae DC. The Cruciferous host-plant is not a Harbarea, and a portion of the original specimen shows teleutosori as well as aecidia. I have named the rust Puccinia cruciferae. 17. Aecidium bellidis Thuem., was determined by Cooke on Bellis perennis from Victoria. This is considered to represent the aecidial stage of Puccinia obscura Schroet. which occurs on Luzula, but since teleuto- spores have been found from year to year on Victorian specimens along with the aecidia, it is evidently quite a distinct species. I have, therefore, named it Puccinia distincta. Mr. Cheeseman, one of our leading nurserymen, informs me that the seeds of Bellis perennis are imported from England and Germany, mostly from the latter country. He also states that some have had to give up growing the plants on account of the rust (Puccinia distincta), since it attacks the youngest seedlings sometimes, and at other times the plants remain healthy till late in spring and then become badly attacked. One would naturally conclude that the rust had been imported with the seed, but it is strange that no teleutospores have been found accompanying the aecidia in the countries named. Although I have provisionally recorded it as a native rust, the probabilities are that it will be found to exist in the countries from which the seed has been derived. 18. Aecidium COmpOSitarum Mart. All the species occurring on Compositae have been distributed among their respective host-plants. 19. Aecidium plantaginis Ces. The species on the native Plantago varia is distinct from this, the spores being echinulate instead of tuberculate, and considerably larger. It has been named A. plantaginis variae. 20. Aecidium senecionis Desm. This has also been determined in the absence of complete specimens, but since the teleutospores have been found associated with the aecidia, it has been determined as a new species by Dietel, and named P. tasmanica. It is a striking fact that on three such common imported plants as the garden daisy, Bellis perennis, groundsel, Senecio vulgaris, and marigold, Calendula officinalis, there should have been new species of Purcinia discovered. As regards the grcrundsel, aecidia have been found on native species of Senecio, probably belonging to the same rust. 21. Aecidium violae Schum., is also recorded, but this belongs to P. violae, and is therefore excluded. 22. Uredo Cichoracearum DC. originally determined by Dr. Cooke on Jtidi'-n* piloMi is now found to be U. bidentis P. Henn. 23. Uredo leguminum Desm. This species originally occurred on Phaseolus, and is recorded by Cooke as being found on pods of Acacia in Queensland, but since there is every reason to believe that the rust on a bean is distinct from that on a wattle it is excluded from the list. Probably it is a stage of a Uromycladium, 2IO Addenda. ADDENDA. AMARANTACEAE. Polycnemum. 161. Uromyces polycnemi McAlp. I. Aecidia bright orange, generally covering lower surface of leaves, crowded, cylindrical, surrounded at base by ruptured epidermis, up to H ram. long; pseudoperidia colourless, with toothed margin; peridial cells oblong to somewhat lozenge-shaped, with moderately thick striated margins, 37-40 p, long. Aecidiospores orange, ellipsoid to oblong or sub-globose, very finely echimilate, 22-23 X 17-20 p or 20-22 p diam. II. Uredo-sori on both surfaces of leaf, bullate, at first covered by leaden-coloured epidermis, then splitting, scattered or gregarious, sometimes confluent, up to 2mm. in diam. Uredospores ellipsoid to oval, orange coloured, finely echinulate, with three equatorial germ-pores on one face, 28-32 X 18-22 p.. III. Teleuto-sori similar to uredo-sori, but generally larger and darker in colour. Teleutospores dark golden-brown in mass, tawny brown indivi- dually, ellipsoid to elongated ellipsoid, rounded at both ends, occasionally slightly thickened at apex and germ-pore prominent, smooth, 34-46 X 17-25/x; pedicel hyaline, persistent, compara- tively short. On Polycnemum pentandrum F.v.M. Victoria Port Fairy. Dec., 1905. The aecidia were very conspicuous, often covering the under surface of every leaf, and as the host plants grew in dense masses, in the saline marshes near the coast, it was difficult to find one without the rust. A Tuberculina was frequently parasitic on the aecidia. (Plate XLIIL, Fig. 319.) STYLIDIACEAE. Stylidium. 152. Puccinia stylidii McAlp. II. Uredosori, p. 204. III. Teleutosori on both surfaces of leaf, dark-brown to black, round to elliptic, sometimes confluent in long lines, pulvinate, splitting and surrounded by epidermis, up to 1^ mm. or longer. Teleutospores at first intermixed with uredospores, bright chest- nut-brown, clavate to oblong, smooth, slightly constricted at sep- tum, rounded or bluntly pointed and thickened at apex (9-11 p), rounded or attenuated at base, not infrequently three-celled, very variable in shape and size, 40-62 x 17-28 ju; pedicel hyaline, persistent, up to 45 p long. X. Mesospores common, similarly coloured to teleutospores, thickened at apex, oval to ovoid or elongated ellipsoid, 30-40 x 15-23 p. On leaves of Stylidium graminifolium Sm. Tasmania Devonport, Jan., 1906 (Robinson). Only the uredospores were at first sent by Rodway in Nov., 1892, and the discovery of the final stage shows that Uredo stylidii is a Puccinia, the description of which is now completed. Glossary 211 GLOSS AET. Abstriction. The formation of a spore by pinching off the end of a spore-forming hypha, without the production of a septum. Aecidios-pore. A spore formed in an aecidium, serially and successively abstricted. Aecidium. A spore-body consisting of a cup-shaped envelope or peridium with a hymenium at the bottom of the cup, from which aecidiospores are successively detached; also the generic name originally applied to the aecidiospores. 'Amphigenous. Growing on both surfaces of a leaf. Am^his-pore. A modified uredospore with thickened wall, and only germinating after a resting period. A-p^pressorium. The vesicle formed by the tip of a germ-tube over the stoma of a leaf before entering it. Autoecious. Applied to a parasitic fungus of which all the spore-forms are capable of being produced on the same host. Basidium. The mother-cell or hypha from which spores are given off. Basi-petal. Growing in the direction of the base from above downwards. Bullate. Raised like a blister. Caeoma. A spore-layer in which the spores are formed in chains but without an envelope of peridial cells; an aecidium without a peridium. Caeomos-pore. A spore formed in a caeoma. Ca-pitate. Ending in a head, as when the free end of an upright hypha enlarges in a spherical manner. Chemotaxis. A form of sensitiveness which certain organisms possess towards cer- tain chemical substances. Circinate. Arranged in a circular manner or nearly so. Clavate. Club-shaped, enlarging towards the apex. Deciduous. Falling away, applied to the pedicel of a spore when it does not re- main attached to it. Echinulate. Covered with short spines. Elliptical. Shaped like an ellipse or oval. Endochrome. The peculiar colouring matter in the cells, and usually applied to the coloured cell-contents of spores. Endos-pore. The innermost coat of a spore. E-pi-phyllous. Growing on the .upper surface of a leaf. E-pileos'pore. A name suggested for a uredospore which functions as an aecidiospore, and the sorus contains or is surrounded by prominent paraphyses. Erum-pent. Bursting through the surface of the host-plant. Fimbriate. Fringed, when the margin is bordered by slender processes. Form-genus. A genus in which the species are only represented by single stages of what is believed to be an incomplete life-history, as Uredo, Aecidium. Gall. A morbid enlargement or hypertrophy of the cells of a plant, due to para- sitic agency. Gatnetofhyte.lhe stage in the life-cycle of the plant which bears the sexual organs. Germ-fore. An opening on tho surface of a spore through which the germ-tube passes. Germ-tube. A tubular process developed from the spore in germination, and may either become a mycelium or promycelium. Gibbous. Swollen at the base. Globose. Spherical. Haustorium.A short lateral branch of a hypha, penetrating a cell of the host-plant and acting as a sucker as well as an organ of attachment. Heteroecious Applied to a parasitic fungus of which certain spore-forms occur on one host and others on plants widely remote. Host. A plant which nourishes a parasite. Hyaline. Colourless or translucent. 212 Glossary Hymenium. A spore-bearing layer of hyphae. Hy-pertro-phy. An abnormal enlargement or excessive growth of particular parts, which may be caused by excess of nourishment or induced by parasites. Hy-pha. A tubular thread-like cellular structure, collectively constituting the vege- tative body or mycelium of the fungus. Hy-po-phyllous. Growing on the under surface of a leaf. Indigenous. Native to a country, and not introduced. Intercellular. Between the cells of the host-plant. Intracellular. Within the cells of the host-plant. Laciniate. Cut up into narrow lobes. Lumen. The cavity bounded by the walls of an organ. Mesos-pore. A single-celled spcre-form related to the teleutospore, and probably representing a transition from the unicellular Uromyces. Micron or 'Micromillimetre. Indicated by the sign p, is the standard unit for microscopical measurements, and equals i-ioooth of a millimetre, or i-25,oooth of an inch. Mutation. That kind of variation produced by internal influences, in which the equilibrium of the organism is disturbed and a new position of equilibrium found strikingly different from the original one, sometim-es called spontaneous variation. , Mycelium. The vegetative portion of a fungus composed of one or more hyphae. Nucleus. An organized proteid constituent of the cell, necessary for its continued growth and life. Obligate parasite. One in which a parasitic mode of life is indispensable for com- plete development. Orbicular. Applied to a flat body with a circular outline. Papillate. Covered with protuberances or terminating in a papilla. Paralyses. Barren filaments associated with the spores, either slender or variously swollen, hyaline or coloured. Parasite. An organism living on r,r in another living organism, and at its expense. Pedicel. Spore-bearing stalk. Persistent. Lasting, not soon falling away, applied to the pedicel of a spore. Firifcrm. Pear-shaped. Plasmodium. A mass of naked protoplasm, containing many nuclei and exhibiting movement. Plurivorous. Applied to a parasite which can exist on a variety of host-plants. Predisposition. The tendency to disease exhibited by an organism when the con- ditions are favorable to the development of the parasite. Primordia. The beginnings of any structure, such as the aecidium. Promycelial S'pore. The spore produced by a promycelium, also known as a sporid- iolum. Promycelium. The short germ-tube of a teleutospore, which produces a few spores unlike the teleutospores, and then perishes. Protomycelium. A term used by Eriksson to denote the early plasmodia-like stage of the mycelium in certain Rusts. Protoplasm. The living substance in plants, consisting of albuminoid matter. Pseudo-parenchyma. False tissue or compact mycelium, so called because it is formed by the union of previously separate elements or hyphae into a dense mass, while true tissue is derived from a single cell, which divides and forms a coherent, more or less firm, mass of cells. Pseudo--peridium. The outer envelope of the aecidium, consisting of sterile cells. Pulverulent. Powdery Pul-vinate. Cushion-shaped. Reticulate. Covered with lines or ridges crossing each other so as to form a net- work. Saccate. Bag-shaped. Sa-pro-phyte. A fungus which preys upon dead organic matter only, in contrast to a parasite. Se-ptate. Partitioned off into distinct divisions. Sorus. A cluster of spores constituting a spore-bed, as uredosorus, teleutosorus. Literature. 213 S-permatium. A minute detachable cell produced in a spermogonium, and formerly considered to have a male sexual function. Spermogonium. The receptacle in which spermatia are produced and detached. It is sometimes called a pycnidium, although that term is generally reserved for a spore-receptacle in another division of Fungi. S-pore. A detachable cell, capable of reproducing the fungus. S-poridiolum. Spore produced by the germ-tube of a teleutospore. Also called sporidium, but since this term is already used as equivalent to an ascospore, Saccardo has proposed the present name. S-poro-phyte. The stage in the life-cycle of a plant which bears the spores. Sterigma. A delicate stalk from which a spore is detached and arising from a basidium. Stoma. A breathing pore or aperture in the epidermis forming a means of communi- cation between the inside of the plant and the outer air. Stroma. A cushion or receptacle bearing reproductive bodies. Symbiosis. The living together of dissimilar organisms, both contributing to their mutual welfare. It differs from parasitism' in which the benefit is all on the side of the parasitic organism. Teleutosfiore. Generally regarded as the final spore in the life cycle of the Rusts, which germinates and produces a promycelium and promycelial spores. Truncate. Cut off abruptly. Uredo. The generic name originally applied to the uredospores. Uredos-pore.A spore detached from the apex of a pedicel and producing a mycelium. Verrucose. Covered with small warts. Witches' broom. A diseased state of the shoots of a plant, when they are developed in tangled masses or tufts, due to parasitic agencies and especially fungi. LITERATURE. A. 1. ARTHUR, J. C. The Aecidium as a Device to Restore Vigour to the Fungus. Proc. Soc. Prom. Agric. Sci., Vol. 23, p. 65. 1902 2. - - Problems in the Study of Plant Rusts. Bull. Torr. Club, Vol. 30, p. i 3 . 1 -'Taxonomic Importance of the Spermogonium. Ibid. Vol. 31, p. 3- -'The Aecidium of Maize Rust. Bot. Gaz., Vol. 38, p. 64. 1904. - Amphisporea of the Grass and Sedge Rusts. Bull. Terr. Club, Vol. 32, f, P ' 35 A N 9 ew Uredineous Fungus from Mexico Baeodromous holwayi Arth. Ann. Myc., Vol. 3, p. 18. 1905. -. Cultures of Uredineae in 1904. Journ Myc. Vol. n, p. 54- X 93- 8 Terminology of the Spore-Structures in the Uredmales. ., V i. ARTHUR, J. C., and HOLWAY, E. W. D.-Descriptions of American Uredineae. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist., Univ. Iowa, Vol. 5, p. 3*9- I( > 2 - i. ATKINSON, J.-An account of Agriculture and Grazing in New South London. 1826. B. Vol. i, Part I., p. 18. 1884. ' ^opsis'of Yhi ^ue 9 ensland 4 Flora, First Supplement, pp. 84, 85. Bris- Supplement) p p. 125-127. Brisbane . l888 ' __ e ) . . 6. - Ibid, Third Supplement, p. 123. Brisbane. iboo. Additional Fungus Blights observed to have injured Plant , di year. Ann. Rep. De* P . Agric. of Queensland, p. 45- Brisbane. 1890-9 1. 8. - - Contributions to the Queensland Flora. Botany Bull. 2, p. 34. B o. l89I ' A nn. Rep. Dep. Agric. of Queensland p. $1. Brisbane. 1891-2. 214 Literature. io. BAILEY, F. M. 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Neue Untersuchungen ueber die Uredineen, insbesondere die Entwickelung der Puccinia graminis und den Zusammenhang derselben mit Aecidium berberidis. Monatsber. K. Acad. d. Wiss, p. 25. 1865. 2. Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bac- teria. English Edition, Oxford. 1887. i. BEAUVERIE, M. J. Essais cl'immunisation des vegetaux centre les maladies crypto- gamiques. Compt. rend. Vol. 133, p. 107. 1901. 1. BERKELEY, M. J. Flora of Tasmania Fungi. Hooker's Botany of the Ant- arctic Voyage, Part III., Vol. 2, p. 270. 1860. 2. Australian Fungi. Journ. Linn. Soc., London, Vol. 13, pp. 173, i74> 1872. i. BERKELEY, M. J., and BROOME, C. E. List of Fungi from Brisbane, Queens- land. Trans. Linn. Soc., London, Vol. i, p. 407. 1878. 2. Ibid, Part II., Vol. 2, p. 67. 1882. 3. Ibid, Part III., Vol. 2, p. 221. 1886. i. BLACKMAN, V. H. On the conditions of Teleutospore germination and Spori- dia formation in the Uredineae. New Phytologist. Vol. 2, p. io. 1903. 2. -On the Fertilisation, Alternation of Generations, and general Cytology of the Uredineae. Ibid. Vol. 3, p. 23. 1904. 3. On the Fertilisation, Alternation of Generations, and general Cytology of the Uredineae. Ann. Bot., Vol. 18, p. 323. 1904. 1. BOLLEY, H. L. The Heteroecismal Puccinieae. Am. Micro. Journ., Vol. io, p. 169. 1889. 2. Wheat Rust. Bull. 26. Agr. Exp. Station, Indiana. 1889. 3. Wheat Rust : Is the infection local or general in origin? Agric. Science, Vol. 5. 1891. 4. Einige Bemerkungen ueber die symbiotische Mykoplasmatheorie bei dem Getrefderost. Centralb. f. Bakt., Vol. 4, p. 855. 1898. 5. New work upon wheat rust. Science N.S. Vol. 22, p. 50. 1905. 1. BUBAK, 'F. Puccinia scir-pi DC. Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr., Vol. 48, p. 14. 1898. 2. Uredo sym-phyti DC., und die zugehorige Tele'utosporen und Aecidienform. Ber. d. Deutsch Bot. Gesellsch., Vol. 21, p. 356. 1903. i. BUTLER, E. J. The Indian Wheat Rust Problem. Bull. No. i, Dept. Agric., India. Calcutta. 1903. Literature. 2*5 C. i. CAMPBELL, F. M. Victorian Fungi. Viet. Nat. Vol. 4, p. 96. 1887. 1. CARLETON, M. A. Cereal Rusts of the United States. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology, Bull. No. 16. Washington. 1899. 2. Culture Methods with Uredineae. Journ. Applied Microscopy and Lab. Methods. Vol. 6, p. 2109. Rochester, N.Y. 1903. 3. Investigations of Rusts. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry. Bull. 63. Washington. 1904. i. CHODAT, R. Identite du Puccinia scir-pi DC. avec Aecidiam nym-phoidis DC. Verh. Schweiz. Nat. Ges., p. 43. 1888-9. i CHRISTMAN, A. H. Sexual Reproduction in the Rusts. Hot. Gaz., Vol. 39, p. 267. 1905. 1. COBB, N. A. Peach Rust in our Orchards. Agric. Gaz., N.S. Wales. Vol. i> p. 93. 1890. 2. Contributions to an economic knowledge of Australian Rusts (Uredineae). Ibid., pp. 185-214. 1890. 3. - Maize Rust. Ibid. Vol. 2, p. 215. 1891. 4. - - Notes on Diseases of Plants. 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Hedwigia, Vol. 28, p. 99. 1889. 4- - - Ueber den Generationswechsel von Puccinia agro-pyri Ell. and Ev. Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. Vol. 42, p. 261, 1892. 5. - - Die Gattung Ravenelia. Hedw., Vol. 33, pp. 22 and 367. 1894. 6. - - Ueber Rostpilze mit wiederholter Aecidienbildung. Flora. Vol. 81, p. 394. 1895. 7- - - Waren die Rostpilze in friiheren Zeiten plurivor? Bot. Centralb. Vol. 79, p. 81 and 113. 1899. 438. II 2 1 6 Literature. 8. DIETEL, P. Uredinaies in ENGLER and PRANTL, Die natiirlichen Pflan familien. 1900. 9. Ueber die biologische Bedeutung der Paraphysen in den Uredolagern von Rostpilzen. Hedw., Vol. 41, p. (58). 1902. Ueber die auf Leguminosen lebenden Rostpilze und die Verwandt- schafts verhaltnisse der Gattungen der Pucciniaceen. Ann, Myc. Vol. p. 3. 1903. -ii. Eine neue Puccinia auf Senecio. Ibid., p. 535. 1903. 12. Betrachlungen ueber die Vertheilung der Uredineen auf ihrer Nahr- pflanzen. Centralb. f. Bakt., Vol. 12, p. 218. 1904. 13. Ueber die Arten der Gattung Phragmidium. Hedwigia, Vol. 44, p. 122 and p. 330. 1905. i. DUMEE, P., and MAIRE, R. Remarques sur les Uredospores de Puccinia firuni Pers. Bull. Soc. Myc., France. Vol. 17, p. 308. 1901. E. i. EHRLICH, and HUEBENER. Ueber die Vererbung der Immunitat bei Tetani Zeitschr. f. Hygiene. Vol. 18. 1894. 1. ERIKSSON, J. Ueber die Spezialisierung des Parasitismus bei den Getreiden pilzen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Vol. 12, p. 292. 1894. 2. Ueber die Forderung der Pilzsporenkeimung durch Kaite. Centralb. Bakt. Vol. i, p. 557. 1895. Ueber die verschiedene Rostempfanglichkeit verschiedener Getreidesorte Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenk. Vol. 5, pp. 80 and 156. 1895. 1st die verschiedene Widerstands fahigkeit der Weizensorten konst oder nicht? Ibid., p. 198. 1895. Welche Rostarten zerstoren die australischen Weizenernten ? Ibid. Vc 6, p. 141. 1896. 6. Welche Grasarten kb'nnen die Berberitze mit Rost anstecken? Ibid., 193. 1896. 7. - Neue Untersuchungen ueber die Spezialisierung, Verbreitung und H kunft des Schwarzrostes (Puccinia graminis Pers.). Jahrb. f. Wiss. Bot. Vc 29, p. 499. 1896. 8. Der heutige Stand der Getreiderostfrage. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. G< Vol. 15, p. 183. 1897. 9. Vie latente et plasmatique de certaines Uredinees. Compt. rend. Vol. 124, p. 475. 1897. 10. Ueber die Dauer der Keimkraft in der Wintersporen gewisser Rostpilze. Centralb. f. Bakt. Vol. 4, p. 376. 1898. Sur POrigine et la Propagation de la Rouille des Cereales par la Semence. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser. 8. Vol. 14, p. 107. 1901. Ueber die Spezialisierung des Getreideschwarzrostes in Schweden und in anderen Landern. Centralb. f. Bact. Vol. 9, p. 590. 1902. The Researches of Professor H. Marshall W T ard on the Brown Rust of the Bromes and the Mycoplasm Hypothesis. Arkiv for Botanik udg. of K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Vol. i, p. 139. 1903. 14. Ueber das vegetative Leben der Getreiderostpilze. K. Sv. Vet. Aka Vol. 37, No. 6, I. 1904. 15. - - Ibid. Vol. 38, No., 3, II. -III. 1004 16. - - On the Vegetative Life of some Uredineae. Ann. Bot. Vol. 19, p. 55. 1905. 1 7- Zur Frage der Entstehung und Verbreitung der Rostkrankheiten der Pflanzen. Arkiv. f. Botanik. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Vol. 5, No. 3. 1905. J ^- - Ueber das vegetative Leben der Getreiderostpilze. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Vol. 39, No. 5, IV. 1905. i. ERIKSSON, J., and HENNING, E. Die Hauptresultate einer neuen Untersuchung ueber die Getreideroste. Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenk.* Vol. 4, pp. 66 and 140. 1894. 2 - T)ie Getreideroste, ihre Geschichte und Natur, sowie Massregeln gegen dieselben. Stockholm. 1896. F. i. FARLOW, W. G. Notes on some Species in the Third and Eleventh Centuries of Ellis' North American Fungi. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Vol. 1 8. Boston. 1883. 2. The Conception of Species as affected bv recent Investigations on Fungi. American Naturalist. Vol. 32, p. 675. 1898. , 55- Literature. 217 1. FARRER, W. The making and improvement of Wheats for Australian condi- tions, together with Eriksson's General review of the principal results of ; Swedish research into the rust of cereals. Agric. Gaz., N S W'des Vol o p. 2 3 q. 1898. 2. - - Some notes on the Wheat " Bobs " ; its Peculiarities, Economic Value, and Origin. Agric. Gaz., N.S. Wales, Vol. 15, p. 739 and p. 849. 1904. 1. FISCHER, E. Ueber Gymnosporangium sabinae (Dicks.) Wint. and G. confusum Plowright. Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenk. Vol. i, p. 260. 1891. 2. - - Experiences d'infection avec les Puccinia helvetica Schroet. et P. mag- nusiana Koern. Arch. Sci. Phys. and Nat. Vol. 28, p. 376. 1892. 3. - - Die Zugehoerigkeit von Aecidium -penicillatum. Hedw. Vol. 34, p i. 1895. 4- - - Die biologischen Arten der parasitischen Pilze und die Entstehung neuer Formen im Pflanzenreich. Verh. Schweiz. Nat. Ges. Vol. 86. Locarno, p. 49, 1904. Die Uredineen der Schweiz. Beitr. zur Krypt. Flor der Schweiz. Vol. 2,. part 2, 1904. i. FREEMAN, E. M. Experiments on the Brown Rust of Bromes (Puccinia dis- $ersa}. Ann. Bot., Vol. 16, p. 487. 1902. G. i. GALLOWAY, B. T. Rust of Flax. Journ. Myc., Vol. 5, p. 215. 1889. i. GIBSON, C. M. Notes on Infection Experiments with various Uredineae. New Phytologist. Vol. 3, p. 184. 1904. II . i. HALSTED, B. D. Mycological Notes Observation in Wind infection of a Rust. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. Vol. 25, p. 159. 1898. i. HENNING, E. Ueber verschiedenartige Predisposition des G.treides fur Rost. Land. Akad. Handl. Tids. 1894. 1. HENNINGS, P. Fungi Warburgiani. Hedw., Vol. 32, p. 216. 1893. 2. - - Anpassungsverhaltnisse bei Uredineen beziiglich der physikalischen Beschaffenheit des Substrats. Hedwigia, Vol. 40, p. 125. 1901. 3. - - Fungi Australiae occidentalis I. Ibid., pp. 95 and 352. 1901. 4. - Fungi australienses. Ibid., Vol. 42 (p. 73). 1903. 5. -- Einige Beobachtungen ueber das Gesunden pilzkranker Pflanzen bei veran- derten Kulturverhaltnissen Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenk. Vol. 13, p. 41. 1903. 1. HITCHCOCK, A. S., and CARLETON, M. A. Preliminary Report on Rusts of Grain, Kans. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. No. 38. 1893. 2. - - Rusts of Grain, II. Ibid. Bull. No. 46. 1894. i. HOOKER, J. D., and JACKSON, B. D. Index Kewensis. Oxford. 1895, & c - 1. JACKY, E. Die Compositen-bewohnenden Puccinien vom Typus der Puccinia hieracii und deren Spezialisierung. Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenk. Vol. 9, pp. 193, 263, and 330. 1899. 2. - - Der Chrysanthemum-Rost. Ibid.. Vol. 10, p. 132. 1900. 3- - Der Chrysanthemum-Rost. Centralbl. f. Bakt., Vol. 10, p. 369. 1903. K. i. KIENITZ-GERLOFF, F. Die Gonidieu von Gvmnos-porangium clavariae forme. Bot. Zeit. Vol. 46, p. 389. 1888. i. KLEBAHN, H. Die Wirtwechselnden Rostpilze. Berlin. 1904. (This masterly work includes references to Klebahn's numerous contributions to the litera- ture of the Rusts.) 2. Kulturversuche mit heteroecischen Uredineen. Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenkr. Vol. 2, p. 337. 1892. 3. Kulturversuche mit Rostpilzen xii. Bericht (1903-1904). Zeitschr. f. Pflan- zenkr. Vol. 15, p. 106. 1905. i. KUEHN, J. Der Rost der Runkelrubenblatter, Uromyces betae. Bot. Zeit, p. 540. 1869. H 2 2l8 Literature. L. i. LAGERHEIM, G. v. Ueber Uredineen mit variablem Pleomorphismus. Troms Mus. Vol. 16, p. 105. 1894. i. LAURENT, E. De 1'action interne du sulfate de cuivre dans la resistance de h pomme de terre au Phyto-phthora infestans. Compt. rend., Vol. 135, p. 1040. 1902. i. LINDROTH, J. I. Cecidomyia-larver, som ata rostsporer. Medd. Soc. Faun*. Fl. Fenn. Vol. 26, p. 25. 1900. i. LUDWIG, F. Ueber einen neuen Goodeniaceenrost aus Siidaustralien. Hedw. Vol. 28, p. 362. 1889. Ueber einige neue Pilze aus Australien. Bot. Centralb. Vol. 43, p. 5. 1890. Ueber neue australische Rostkrankheiten. Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenkrank- heiten, Vol. 2, p. 130. 1892. Ueber einige Rost-und Brandpilze Australiens. Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 137. 1893. Lehrbuch der niederen Kryptogamen, p. 455. Stuttgart. 1892. M. Verb. Bot. Ver. Prov. MAGNUS, P. Ueberwinterung der Puccinia caricis. Brand, Vol. 18, p. 27. 1885. Ueber das Auftreten der Stylosporen bei den Uredineen. Ber. dei Deutsch. Bot. Gesellsch., Vol. 9, p. 85. 1891. Zur Kentniss des Verbreitung einiger Pilze. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., Vol. 10, p. 195. 1892. Die systematische Unterscheidung nachst verwandter parasitischer Pilz< auf Grund ihres verschiedenen biologischen Verhaltens. Hedwigia, Vol. 33, p. 362. !8 9 4. Fungi Pars. II. in J. Bornmueller, Iter Persico-turcicum. 1892-9: Verhandl. Zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, Vol. 49, p. 95. i8q9. Ueber eine Function der Paraphysen von Uredolagern. Ber. Deutsct Bot. Ges., Vol. 20, p. 334. 1902. Kurze Bemerkung zur Biologic des Chrysanthemum-rostes. Centralb. f. Bakt. Vol. 10, p. 575. 1903. MAIDEN, J. H. Report on Botanic Gardens and Domains, p. 10. N.S. Wales. 1902. MARCHAL, E. De la specialisation du parasitisme ohez /' Erysi-phe graminis. Compt. Rend., Vol. 135, p. 210. 1902. De F immunisation de la Laitue (Lettuce) contre le Meunier. Ibid 1067. 1902. MASSEE, G. On the Presence of Sexual Organs in Aecidium. Ann. Bot., Vol 2, p. 47. 1888. - Notes on Exotic Fungi in the Royal Herbarium, Kew. Grev., Vol. 21, p. 4. 1892. - Australian Fungi. Grev., Vol. 22, p. 17. 1893. Mycological Flora of the Royal Gardens, Kew. Kew Bull., p. 151. 1897. Chrysanthemum Rust. Gardeners' Chronicle, 8th Oct., - The Cereal Rust Problem. Does Eriksson's Mycoplasma exist in Nature? Natural Science, Vol. 15, p. 337. 1899. To protect Cucumbers and Tomatoes from fungus. Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc., Vol. 28, p. 142. 1903. A Text-book of Plant Diseases, 2nd. Ed. On the Origin of Parasitism in Fungi Vol. 197, p. 7. 1904. London. 1903.. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., Ser. MAYUS, O. Die Peridienzellen rTer Uredineen in ihrer Abhangigkeit von Stan< ortsverhaltnissen. Centralb. f. Bakt., Vol. 10. p. 644. 1903. McALPiNE, D. The Life-history of the Rust of Wheat. Bull. 14, Dep. Agric. Victoria, pp. 22-32, pis. 2. '1891. - Rust of Wheat. Ibid. pp. 33, 34. 1891. Beet-leaf Rust or Blighted Mangel leaves (Uromyces betae}. Ibid, pj 45, 46. 1891. - Report on Peach and Plum Leaf-Rust (Puccini -pnini}. Ibid, pp. 144, pis. 3. 1891. - Report on Rust in Wheat as Victorian Delegate. Proc. Conf., N.I Wales. 1801. Literature. 219 6. McALPiXE, D. Ueber die Verwendung geschrumpfter Koerner von rostigem Weizen als Saatgut. Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenkrankh., Vol. 2, p. 193. 1892. 7. - - Report on Rust in Wheat as Victorian Delegate. Proc. Conf. S. Aus- tralia. i8q.2. - The Undescribed Uredospores of Pnccinia burchardiac. Viet. Nat., Vol. 10, p. 192. 1894. 9. - Report on Rust in Wheat Experiments at School of Horticul- ture, Burnley. Illustrated with maps and drawings, p. 66. Dep. Agric., Victoria, 1894. Report on Rust in Wheat as Victorian Delegate. Proc. Conf., Queens- land. 1894. 11. - Australian Fungi. Proc. Roy. Soc., Victoria. Vol. 7, p. 214. 1895. 12. - Systematic Arrangement of Australian Fungi, together with Host Index and List of Works on the subject. Dep. Agric., Victoria. 1895. 13. - Notes on Uromyces amygdali a Synonym of Puccinia -pruni Pers. Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S. Wales. 2nd series, Vol. 10, p. 440. 1895. 14. - - Puccinia on Groundsel with Trimorphic Teleutospores. Ibid., p. 461. 1895. 15. - Australian Fungi. Agric. Gaz., N.S. Wales, Vol. 7, p. 752. 1895. 16. - - Ibid, p. 850. 1895. 17. - - Ibid. Vol. 7, p. 147. 1896. 18. - - Ibid, p. 299. 1896 19. - - Two Additions to the Fungi of New South Wales. Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S. Wales. Vol. 21, p. 722. 1896. 20. - - New South Wales Fungi. Ibid. Vol. 22, p. 36. 1897. 21. - - Rust in Wheat Experiments, 1894-1897. Dep. Agric., Victoria, 1897. 22. - - The Fungi on the Wheat Plant in Australia/ Agric. Gaz., N.S. Wales, Vol. q, p. 1009. 1898. 23. - - Rust in Wheat during the dry season of 1897. Ibid. p. 1421. 1898. 24. - On a micro-fungus from Mount Kosciusko, and on the first record of I'ndnula in Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S. Wales. Vol. 24, p. 301. 1899. - Two Mallee Fungi. Viet. 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Agric. of Queensland Vegetable .Pathology, pp. 39, 40. 1894-5. 3. -- Ibid. p. 39. 1895-6. 4 . - Ibid. p. 37. 1896-7. 5. -- Ibid. pp. 43, 44. 1897-8. 6. -- Ibid. p. 35. 1898-9. 7. - Ibid. p. 30. 1899-1900. 8. -- Ibid. p. 26. 1900-1. i. TUBEUF, K. F. V., and SMITH, WM. G. Diseases of Plants induced by Crypto- gamic Parasites. London. 1897. W. i. WARD, H. Marshall. Illustrations of the Structure and Life-history of Puc- cinia graminis, Ann. Bot., Vol. 2, p. 217. 1888. i. - - The Bromes and their Brown Rust. Brit. Assoc. Rep., Glasgow, p. 836. 1901. 3. - The Bromes and their Rust-fungus (Puccinia dispersa). Ann Bot., Vol. 15, p. 560. 1901. 4< _ _ Q n th e question of " Predisposition " and " Immunity" in Plants. Camb. Phil. Soc., Vol. n, p. 326. 1902. 5. - - On pure Cultures of a Uredine, Puccinia dis-persa. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 69, p. 451. 1902. 6. - - On the Relations between Host and Parasite in the Bromes and their Brown Rust, Puccinia dispersa. Ann. Bot., Vol. 16, p. 233. 1902. 7. - - Experiments on the effect) of mineral starvation on the Parasitism of th Uredine-fungus, Puccinia disfersa, on species of Bromus. Proc. Roy. bac., Vol. 71, p. 138. 1902. Further Observations on the Brown Rust of the Bromes, Puccinia dis- pcrsa, and its adaptive Parasitism. Ann. Myc., Vol. i, p. 132. i93- On the Histology of Uredo dispersa Eriks., and the Mycoplasm Hypo- thesis. Phil. Trans. B., Vol. 196, p. 29. 1903. Recent Researches on the Parasitism of Fungi. Ann. Bot., Vol. 19, p. i. . i. WEBBER, H. J. Peridial Cell Characters in the Classification of the Uredineae. Amer. Nat., Vol. 24, p. 177. 1890. 1. WINTER, G. Exotische Pilze II. Hedwigia, Vol. 24, p. 22. 1885. 2. Fungi australienses. Rev. Myc., Vol 8, p. 208. 1886. i. WCROXIX, M. Untersuchungen ueber die Entwickelung des Rostpilzes (Puc- cinia helianthi), welcher die Krankheit der Sonnenblume verursacht. Bot. Zeit., p. 677. 1872. 222 Explanation of Plates. Fig. 1. Uredosori on upper surface of leaf. 2. Teleutosori on under surface. PLATE A. (All Figures vat. size.} PUCCINIA TRITICINA ON WHEAT. PUCCINIA GRAMINIS ON WHEAT. 3. Uredosori on upper and under surface, also on sheath. 4. Teleutosori oa stem. PLATE B $ MPALpmc. .Dvezu,. OAT, RYE-GfiASS, AND BARLEY RUSTS. 22 4 Explanation of Plates. PLATE B. (All Figures nat. size.) PUCCINIA LOLII AVENAE ON OATS. 5. Uredosori on under surface of leaf. 6. Teleutosori on under surface Fig. PUCCINIA LOLII ON RYE-GRASS. 7. Uredosori on under surface of leaf. 8. Teleutosori on upper surface. PUCCINIA SIMPLEX ON BARLEY. 9. Teleutosori on sheath and blade. 10. Uredosori on under surface of leaf. PL ATE A. WHEAT RUST. 226 Explanation of Plates. PLATE C. (All Figures nat. size.} PUCCINIA BROMINA ON SOFT BROME (Bromus mollis). Fig. 11. Uredosori on under surface of leaf. 12. Teleutosori on under surface. 13. Teleutosori on stem. PUCCINIA MAYDIS ON MAIZE (Zea mays). 14. Uredosori on under surface of leaf. 15. Teleutosori on young stem. PUCCINIA THUEMENI ON CELERY (Apium graveolens), 16. Uredosori on upper surface of leaf. 17. Uredosori on under surface. PL ATE C. BROME-GRASS, MAIZE, AND CELERY RUSTS. Explanation of Plates. PLATE D. (All Figures nat. size.) PUCCINIA CICHORII ON CHICORY (Cichorium intybus). Fig. 18. Chiefly uredosori on lower surface of chicory leaf. PUCCINIA PRUNI ON PEACH AND APRICOT (Prunus persica ano P. armeniaca). 19. Uredo and teleutosori on lower surface of peach leaf, ao. Uredo and teleutosori on lower surface of apricot leaf. CHICORY, PEACH, AND APRICOT RUSTS. Explanation of Plates. PLATE E. (All Figures nat, size.) PUCCINIA CHRYSANTHEMI ON CHRYSANTHEMUM. Fig. ai. Uredosori on under surface of leaf. PUCCINIA CALENDULAS ON MARIGOLD (Calendula officinalis). 22. Aecidia and teleutosori on under surface of leaf. 23. Uredo and teleutosori on stem. PUCCINIA HEDERACEAE ON NATIVE VIOLETS. 24. Uredo and teleutosori on under surface of leaf of Viola hederacca. 25. Aecidia on under surface of leaf of V. betonicijoiia. PUCCINIA DISTINCTA ON DAISY (Bellis perennis). 26. Aecidia and teleutosori on rpper surface of leaf, showing the dark tel( surrounding the other. PL ATE E CHRYSANTHEMUM, MARIGOLD, VIOLET, AND DAISY RUSTS. 232 Explanation of Plates. PLATE F. (All Figures nat. size.) PUCCINIA LAGENOPHORAE ON LAGENOPHORA BILLARDIERI. Fig. 27. Aecidia and teleutosori on both surfaces of leaves. PUCCINIA MALVACEARUM ON LAVATERA PLEBEIA, 28. Teleutosori on under surface of leaf and on leaf-stalk. PUCCINIA MORRISONI ON PELARGONIUM AUSTRALE. 29. Aecidia, uredo, and teleutosori on under surface of leaf, and teleutosori on stem. PLATE F RSJireux, Gov*Prtnter. LAGENOPHORA, MALLOW, AND PELARGONIUM RUSTS. 234 Explanation of Plates. PLATE G. (All Figures nat. size.) UKOMYCES CARYOPHYLLINUS ON CARNATION (Dianthus caryophyllus). Fig. 30. Uredosori on upper surface of leaf. 31. Teleutosori on both surfaces. UROMYCES TRIFOLII ON WHITE CLOVER (Trifolium repens). 32. Aecidia, uredo, and teleutosori on leaf. UROMYCES VESICULOSUS ON ZYGOPHYLLUM GLAUCESCENS. 33. Uredo and teleutosori on both surfaces ot leaves and on stems. UFOMYCES HARDENBERGIAE ON HARDENBERGIA MONOFHYLLA 34. Uredosori on under surface of leaf. PLATE G CARNATION, CLOVER, AND OTHER RUSTS. Explanation of Plates. PLATE H. (Natural Size.) UROMYCES BETAE ON MANGEL (Beta vulgaris). Fig. 35. Uredo and teleutosori on under surface of leaf. This leaf was obtained from Mangels, the roots of which had been planted in August for seed, and in January the plants were fully six feet high, with abundance of foliage covered on both sides with rust. I'UTEH MANGEL RUST. 238 Explanation of Plates. Fig. PLATE I. (All Figures nat. size.) MELAMPSORA LINI ON NATIVE FLAX (Linum marginale). 36. Uredo and teleutosori on stem, PHRAGMIDIUM SUBCORTICIUM ON SWEET-BRIER (Rosa rubiginosa). 37. Aecidia (Caeomata) showing large swollen patches on stems and small patches on lower surface of leaves. PHRAGMIDIUM BARNARDI ON NATIVE RASPBERRY (Rubus parvifolius). 38. Ochraceous uredosori on lower surface of leaves and flower-stalks, powdery teleutosori accompanying uredosori. PLATE I. 1C BnttLeknJi . Del. r.e, 0irut R.S.8nun.GtvtPh*ttr SWEET BRIAR, RASPBERRY, AND FLAX RUSTS. 240 Explanation of Plates. Fig. PLATE J. AECIDIUM ON DANTHONIA. 39. Leaves with aecidia in dense clusters 40. Cluster of aecidia on leaf ... 41. Section of aecidium showing peridial wall and spores in chains 42. Chain of aecidiospores 43. Single spore detached and more or less rounded 44. Pseudoperidial cells seen from the surface ... nat. size ... X 15 X 50 ... X 1000 ... X 1000 ... X 550 PLATE J. tPruiter WALLABY-GRASS RUST. 242 Explanation of Plates. PLATE I. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise stated.} PUCCINIA. Fig. 1. Portion of sheath of barley (Hordeum vulgare) showing numerous crowded black dots, the teleutosori of Puccinia sim-plex, the spring or orange rust of barley ... ... ... ... ... ... ... nat. size 2. Portion of sheath of wheat (Triticum vulgare}, the broad dark lines representing the uredosori of P. graminis, summer rust of wheat ... ... nat. size 3. Portion of flag of wheat, the small dark dots representing the uredo and teleu- tosori of P. triticina, the spring or orange rust of wheat ... nat. size 4. Uredospores of P. sim-plex from barley, the numerous germ pores appearing as paler dots scattered promiscuously over the face of the spore. 5. Uredospores of P. graminis from wheat, with their three equatorial germ pores. 6. Uredospores of P. triticina from wheat with germ pores promiscuously scattered over the face. 7. Teleutospores of P. graminis from wheat, the thickened apex being very pro- nounced. 8. Teleutospores of P. graminis from wheat, upper cells checked in their develop- ment by some unknown cause as shown by their pale colour, not due to ger- mination having already occurred. 9. Teleutospores of P. simplex from barley, only one being two-celled. 10. Section of teleutosorus of P. triticina on wheat, with paraphyses at left. NOTE. The whole of the photomicrographs in this and the succeeding plates were taken with the horizontal laboratory camera made by Messrs. Watson and Sons, of London, using their Holoscopic lens of 12 mm. .65 N.A. to obtain the magnifica- tion of 250 diams., and the 6 mm. .95 N.A. for 500 diams. I'l.vn. II. Robinson, I'hot. to arid x 260. PUCCINIA. GRAMINEAE. 244 Explanation of Plates. PLATE II. (All Figures X 250.) PUCCINIA. Fig. if. Section of teleutosorus of Puccinia lolii avenae on oat (Avena sativa] with several unicellular as well as bicellular teleutospores. 12. Group of teleutospores of P. beckmanniae on Beckmannia erucaeformis. 13. Section of teleutosorus of P. festucae on Festuca $ratensis. 14. Section of teleutosorus of P. lolii on Lolium -perenne. 15. 16. Groups of teleutospores of P. maydis on Zea mays, including one four- celled spore. 17. Teleutospores of P. flavescentis on Sti-pa flavescens. 18. Section of teleutosorus of P. magnusiana on Phragmites communis. 19. Five teleutospores of P. te-p-peri on Phragmites communis, showing the extremel] Jong pedicels. 1'LATK II. G. H. Robinson, Phot. X 250. PUCCINIA, GRAMINEAE. 246 Explanation of Plates. PLATE III. (All Figures X 250.) PUCCINIA. Fig. 20. Section of teleutosorus of Puccinia anthoxanthi on Anthoxanthum odoratutn, one- spore with a septate pedicel laterally inserted. 21. Group of teleutospores of the same, one with a much inflated pedicel. 22. Teleutospores of P. -poarum on Poa annua. 23. Teleutospores of P. -per-plexans on Alo-pecurus geniculatus. 24. Teleutospores of P. cynodontis on Cynodon dactylon. 25. Section of teleutosorus of P. agro-pyri on Agro-pyron scabrnm. 26. Group of teleutospores of P. impatientis on Elymus condensatus. 27. Group of teleutospores of P. agrostidis on Deyeuxia forsteri. 28. Section of teleutosorus of P. bromina on Bromus mollis. J'J.ATI: G. H. Robinson, Phot. x 250. PUCCINIA. GRAMINEAE. 438. -48 Explanation of Plates. PLATE IV. (All Figures X 250.} PUCCINIA. Fig. 29. Group of teleutospores of Puccinia caricis on Carex breviculmis, Killara, Vic- toria. 30. Group of teleutospores of Puccinia caricis on Carex stricta, Berlin, Germany (Sydow, Uredineen, 460). 31. Teleutospores of P. longis-pora on Carex caes-pitosa. 32. Teleutospores of P. cy-peri on Cyferus rotundus. 33. Group of teleutospores of P. tenuis-pora on Luzula campeatris, Murramurrangbong Ranges, Victoria. 34. Teleutospores of P. obscura on Luzula cam-pestris, Berlin, Germany (Svdow, Ure- dineen, 1076). The spores of this species are differently shaped, much thicker in the wall and much darker than those of P. tenuis'pora. 35. Uredospores of P. junco-phila from sorus containing both uredo and teleutosporc* on lunciis maritimus. 36. Teleutospores of the s.ame. a >c\ <;. II. Robinson, Phot. x250. PUCCINIA. CYPERACEAE AND JUNCACEAE, 1 2 250 Explanation of Plates. Fig- PLATE V. (All Figures X 250.) PUCCINIA. 37. Teleutospores and mesospores of Puccinia wurmbeae on Wurmbea dioica 38. Uredospores of P. burchardiae on Burchardia umbellata. 39. Teleutospores, one three-celled, of the same. 40. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. haemodori on Haemodorum sp. 41. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. hy-poxidis on Hy-poxis glabella. 42. Teleutospores, two three-celled, of P. dichondrae on DicJiondra re-pens. 43. Teleutospore and uredospore of P. mussoni on Ruellia australis Richmond River, New South Wales. 44. Teleutospores of P. ruelliae on Ruellia sire-pens, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. (W. A. Kellerman, Ohio Fungi, 130). tit 1 m#- V e G. U. Robinson, Phot. PUCCINIA. LILIACEAE, HAEMODORACEAE, AMARYLLIDEAE, AND ACANTHACEAE. 252 Explanation of Plates. PLATE VI. (All Figures X 250.) PUCCINIA. Fig. 45. Group of teleutospores of Puccinia carissae on Carissa ovata. 46. Section of teleutosorus of P. alyxiac on Alyxia buxifolia, with teleulospores and mesospores. 47. Teleutospores of P. gilgiana on Leschcnaultia linarioides. 48. 49. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. saccardoi on Goodenia geniculaia. 50. Teleutospores and mesospores of P, brunoniae on Brunotna australis, with one three-celled and one four-celled teleutospore. 51. Teleutospores of P. aucta on Lobelia ance-ps. (From a drawing by C. C. Brittle- ' bank from the original material from Berkeley in the National Herbarium, Melbourne). 1'J.ATK VI, G. H. Robinson, Phot PUCCINIA. APOCYNACEAE, GOODENIACEAE, AND CAMPANULACEAE. 254 Explanation of Plates. PLATE VII. (All Figures X 250.} PUCCINIA. Fig. 52. Teleutospores and mesospores of Puccinia tasmanica on Senecio vulgaris, one teleutospore being three-celled. 53. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. angustifoliae on Scorzonera angustifolia. 54. 55. Sections of teleutosori of P. lageno-phorae on Lagenofhora billardieri, show- ing mesospores and teleutospores. 56. Teleutospores and mesospoies of P. helianthi on Helianthus annuus. 57. Teleutospores of P. gnaphalii on Gna-phalium ja-ponicum. 58. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. caloce-phali on Caloce-phalus drummondii. 59. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. erechtitis on Erechtites qnadridentata. I'l.VIK VII. G. II. Robinson, Phot. x 250. PUCCINIA. COMPOSITAE. Explanation of Plates. PLATE VIII. (All Figures X 250.) PUCCINIA. Fig. 60. Section of teleutosorus of Pucdnia cinerariae on Cineraria sp. cult, with teleuto- spores and mesospores. 61. Three uredospores and several teleutospores of P. cickorii on Cichorium intybus. 62. Uredospores and teleutospores of P. hy-pochoeridis on Hy-pochoeris radicata. 63. Teleutospores of the same. 64. Two uredospores and numerous teleutospores of P. cyani on Centaurea cyanus. 65. One mesospore and several teleutospores of P. calendulae on Calendula ojficinalis. 66. Mesospores and teleutospores of P. brachycomes on Brachycome ciliaris. 67. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. distincta on Bellis perennis. PLATK \ III <;. H. Robinson, Phot. x 250 PUCCINIA. COMPOSITAE. Explanation of Plates. Fig 68. PLATE IX. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise stated.) PUCCINIA. Three uredospores and four teleutospores of Puccinia thuemeni on A-pium -pros- tratum, showing thickened apex of uredospore and slight warting of teleuto- spore. Beaumaris, Victoria. 69. Uredospores and teleutospores from same, but in greater variety. 70. One uredospore and two teleutospores from the same, but more highly magnified, and showing more clearly the roughened epispore of both uredo and teleuto- spores ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x 500 7 1 - 72. 74- 75- Teleutospores of P. thuemeni on A-pium graveolens, from Brighton, Victoria. Uredospore and teleutospore from the same as 71, showing roughened epispore in both forms more clearly ... ... ... ... ... x 500 Uredospores and teleutospores of P. a-pii on A-pium graveolens^ Berlin, Ger- many. (Sydow, Uredineen, 558.) Teleutospores as in Fig. 73, showing distinctly smooth epispore X 500 Teleutospores of P. bullata on Aethusa cyna-pium, with coarsely warted epispore. (Sydow, Uredineen, 1261.) ... ... ... ... ... X 500 76. Teleutospores of P. xanthosiae on Xanthosia -pusilla. PLATE IX. V, ~-:j , '^~\ OS) 2;>ua PUCCINIA. UMBELLIFERAE. Explanation of Plates. PLATE X. (All Figures X 250.) PUCCINIA. Fig. 77. Teleutospore of I'uccinia oliganthae on Asperula oligantha. 78. Teleutospores, some having germinated, of P. coprosmae, on Coprcsma hirtella. 79. Uredospores and teleutospores of P. epilobii-tetragoni on Ep>ilobium glabellntn, Murramurrangbong Ranges, Victoria. 80. Uredospores and teleutospores of P. epilobii-tetragoni on Epilobitim montanum. (Sydow, Uredineen, 1369.) Si. Teleutospores of P. epilobii DC. on Epilobium roseum, the teleutospores having much thinner walls, and being more variable in shape than those of P. e-pilobii-tetragoni and also finely verrucose. (Sydow, Uredineen, 1418.) 82. Teleutospores of P. gel on Gettm renifoliutn. 8$. Uredospores of P. -pruni on Prunus -persica. 84. Paraphysis and uredospores of P. pruni on Prunus persica. 85. Teleutospores of P. pruni on Prunus persica, rather smaller than average. 86. Teleutospores of P. -pruni on Prunus domestica. 87. Uredospores and teleutospores of P. zorniae on Zornia diphylla. o G. II. Robinson, Phoc. PUCCINIA. RUBIACEAE, ONAGRACEAE, ROSACEAE, AND LEGUMINOSAE. 262 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XI. (All Figures X 250.} PUCCINIA. Fig. 88, 89. Teleutospores of Puccinia tetragoniae on Tetragonia im-plexicoma, one with nearly vertical septum in upper cell. 90. Teleutospores, strongly warted, of P. ludwigii on Rumex flexuosus. 91. Teleutospores strongly warted, of P. ludwigii on Rumex brownii, one spore being Tri-phragmium-Yfce. 92. Uredospore and teleutospores of P. acetosae on Rumex arifohus, all the latter with smooth walls. (Sydow, Uredineen, 954.) 93. Teleutospores of P. muehlenbeckiar on Muehlenbcckia adfressa. 94. Teleutospores and mesospore of P. diclsiana on Threlkeldia sp. 95. Uredospores of P. kochiae on Kochia sedifolia, showing the characteristic nume- rous germ pores. 96. Teleutospores of P. kochiae on Kochia sedifolia. t * G. II. Ilobiuson, Phot. PUCCINIA. FICOIDEAE, POLYGONACEAE, AND CHENOPODIACEAE. 264 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XII. (All Figures X 250.) PUCCINIA. Fig. 97. Teleutospores of Puccinia arenariae on Stellaria media. 98. Teleutospores of P. -plagianthi on Plagianthus sidoides, the epispore being slightly channelled. 99. Teleutospores (stained) of P. malvacearum on Malva rotundijolia. 100. Teleutospores and mesospore of P. malvacearum on Lavatera -plcbeia. 101. Teleutospores, mostly one-celled, of P. keteros-pora on Abutilon cris-pum. 702. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. morrisoni on Pelargonium australc. 103. Uredospores of P. geranii~-pilosi on Geranium -pilosum. 104. Teleutospores of the same, the single germ pore being noticeable as a pal channel through the apex of the cell wall. 1'I.ATK XII. x 250. PUCCINIA. CARYOPHYLLACEAE, MALVACEAE, AND GERANIACEAE. 266 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XIII. (All Figures X ?jo unless otherwise stated.) PUCCINIA. , Fig. 105. Teleutospores of Puccinia enostemonis on Eriostemon myoporoidcs. 106. Teleutospores of P. correae on Correa lawrenciana. 107. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. boroniae on Boronia s-pinescens. 108. Teleutospores and mesospores of P. 'pritzeliana on Tremandra stelligera, some teleutospores having germinated. 109. Teleutospores of P. hederaceae on Viola hederacea. no. Teleutospores of the same, more highly magnified, to show more clearly the slightly warted epispore ... ... ... ... ... X 500 in. Teleutospore of P. aegra on Viola tricolor with smooth epispore. (W. B. Grove in Rabh. Fungi Europaei, 3113) ... ... ... ... X 500 H2. Teleutospores of P. i-iolae on Viola arenaria, wtih smooth epispore. (Sydow, Uredineen, 286) ... ... ... ... ... ... X 5 PLATE XIII. G. II. Kobinson, Phot. * 250 and 500. PUCCINIA. RUTACEAE, TREMANDREAE, AND VIOLACEAE. 268 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XIV. (All Figures X 250.} PUCCINIA GRAM IN IS ON VARIOUS GRASSES. Fig. 113. Teleutospores and mesospores on wild oat, Avena fatua. 114. Teleutospores on barley, Hordeum vulgare. 1115, 116. Teleutospores, mesospores, and uredospore, one of the first three-celled, or native barley, Echino-pogon ovatus. 117. Teleutospores on cocksfoot, Dactylis glomerata. 118. Teleutospores and uredospores on silver grass, Festuca bromoides. IK;. Teleutospores and uredospores on an imported barley grass, Hord.enm secalinnm. 120. Teleutospores on small canary-seed grass, Phalaris minor. 121. Teleutospores on native wheat grass, Agro-pyron scabrum. 122. Teleutospores on Am-phibromus neesii. 1Y.VTK X 1 V G. H. Robinson, Phot. PUCCINIA GRAMINIS ON VARIOUS GRASSES. 270 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XV. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise stated.} GERMINATION OF TELEUTOSPORES OF PUCCINIA MALVACEARUM. Fig. 123. Germinating teleutospore, from each cell of which a promycelium has been pushed forth, cell contents collected towards apex of tube, and segmentation commenced. 124. Germinating teleutospore at a later stage, the promycelium having become divided into four segments, and comparatively stout tubes emitted from each seg- ment. 125. Two germinating teleutospores, in the one on the left only the two median seg- ments of the promycelium as yet bear sporidiola. 126. Germinating teleutospore with stout elongated and contorted filaments arising from the promycelial cells, those from the two median cells ultimately giving rise to abnormally small sporidiola. 127. Germinating teleutospore in which the upper two promycelial cells have produced sporidiola, while in the third from the apex the formation of the sporidiolum is just commencing. 128. Germinating teleutospore, the promycelium bearing three sporidiola on stout elongated sterigmata. The sporidiolum second from the base is already germinating and putting forth a germ tube extending across to the promy- celium. The segment second from the apex has not so far produced a sporidiolum, though a stout elongated filament has been emitted. 129. Promycelial spores 130. Germinating promycelial spore X 500 X 500 NOTE. All the above were grown in droplets of water on slides in a moist cham- ber, and prepared for photographing by being first dried, then fixed with a saturated solution of mercuric bichloride, washed, rinsed in dilute acetic acid, washed again, and after drying stained with alcoholic Bismarck brown, again washed and mounted in orlycerine and water. PLATE XV. G. H. Robinson, Phot. x .->.- & 500 PUCCINIA. TELEUTOSPORE GERMINATION OF P. MALVACEARUM. Explanation of Plates. PLATE XVI. (All Figures X 250.} UROMYCES. Fig. 131. Group of teleutospores of Uromyces dant/ioniae on Danthonia scmianmdaris. 132. Teleutospores of U '. ehrhartae on Microlaena (Ehrharta] sti-poides. 133. Teleutospores of U . tenuicutis on S-porobolus indicus. 1 34. Two one-celled and one two-celled teleutospore of U . trlcorynes on Tricoryne elatior. 135. Teleutospores of U '. tricorynes on Tricoryne elatior. 136. Uredospores of V '. thelymitrae on Thelymitra antennifera. 137. Teleutospores of the same. 138. Teleutospores of U. orchid earum on Chilo glottis di-phylla, from original type material in National Herbarium. 130. Teleutospores of U. microtidis on Microtis -porrifolia from type material from Massee. PLATK XVI G. H. Robinson, Phot UROMYCES GRAMINEAE, LILIACEAE AND ORCHIDACEAE. 274 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XVII. (All Figures X 250.} UROMYCES. Fig. 140. Group of teleutospores of Uromyces -puccinioides on Selliera radicans. 141. Teleutospores of V '. as-fcerulae on As-perula oligantha. 142. Uredospores and teleutospores of U. trifolii on Trifolium re-pens. 143. Uredospores of U . hardenbergiae on Hardenbergia mono-phylla. 144. Teleutospore of the same. 145. Two Uredospores of same at top and one teleutospore below. 146. Section of teleutosorus of V '. atri-plicis on Atri-plex semibaccata The teleuto- spores are faintly striate with one prominent germ pore at apex. 147. Two teleutospores of same at left and four uredospores at right. 148. Uredospores of U. betae on Beta vulgaris. 149. Teleutospores of same with prominent hyaline apiculus. PLATK XVII G. II. Robinson, Phot. UROMYCES. GOODENIACEAE, RUBIACEAE, LEGUMINOSAE, AND CHENOPODIACEAE 2 7 6 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XVIII. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise stated.} UROMYCES. Fig- 150. Uredospores of Uromyces polygoni on Polygomim aviculare. 151. Teleutospores of same. 152. Uredospores of U. caryo-phyllinus on Dianthus caryo-phyllus, with prominent scattered germ pores. 153. Teleutospores and one uredospore of same. 154. Section through leaf of Dianthus caryo-phyllus, showing uredosorus of U '. caryo- phyllimts with two pycnidia of Darluca filum growing upon it, and two young pycnidia on opposite surface of leaf ... ... X 5 155. Uredospores of U. -uesiculosus on Zygo-phyllnm glaucesccns. 156. Teleutospores of same. 157. Two-celled teleutospore of same. PLATK XVIII. X 50 & 250. G. H. Robinson, Phot. UROMYCES. POLYGONACEAE, CARYOPHYLLACEAE, AND ZYGOPHYLLACEAE. 2 7 8 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XIX. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise stated.} UROMYCES. Fig. 158. Teleutospores, seen from above, of Uromyces fusis-porus on Acacia nerii folia. 159. Side view of same. 160. Uredospores of same, with pronounced apiculus and equatorial band of germ pores. UROMYCLADIUM. 161. Teleutospores of Uromydadmm simplex on Acacia -pycnantha, part of the pedicel being still attached with the remains of the vesicle. (Stained). 162. Young teleutospores of the same showing the vesicles still attached. (Stained). 163. Portion of flake of gummy material on leaf of Acacia fycnantha, in which nume- rous teleutospores of U. simplex are embedded, nearly all germinating and producing sporidiola. [64. Germinating sporidiolum of same. (Stained) X 5< 165. Uredospores of same, being very similar to those of Uromyces iusis-porus, fig. 160, though somewhat shorter and broader and' possessing more germ pores. 'l.ATK XIX. G* H. Robinson, Phot. X 250 & 6UO. UROMYCES AND UROMYCLADI UM. LEGUMINOSAE-ACACIA. 438. 280 Explanation of Plates. Fi?. 166. PLATE XX. (All Figures X 250.) UROMYCLADIUM MARITIMUM. Section of teleutosorus of U. maritimum on Acacia longifolia, the mature teleutospores having the remains of the vesicles attached to the pedicels. 167. Group of mature teleutospores of the same. 168. Formation of teleutospore head ; a young cluster, showing the two young spores at the apex, and the lateral vesicle below the septum. (Stained.) 169. 170. Similar heads, more advanced. (Stained.) 171. Mature teleutospore head, two teleutospores above and one vesicle below. 172. Abnormal development of head of teleutospores, the lateral vesicle being re- placed by a true spore, and a septum placed in the stalk beneath it. In the normal head of two spores and a vesicle there is no septum below the vesicle. 173. Teleutospores germinating while still attached to each other ; two sporidiola on one promycelium, others so far undeveloped. 174. Uredospores with prominent equatorial germ pores and serrated epispore, thickened and dentate at apex. 175. One-celled spores (mesospores ?), occasionally found ' intermixed with uredo- spores. 176. Immature two-celled colourless spore, of same character, from .uredosorus. (Stained). PLATE XX li !!. Kuliinson, Phot. X 250. UROMYCLADIUM MARITIMUM. LEGUMINOSAE-ACACIA LONGIFOLIA. K 2 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XXI. (All Figures X 500.} UROMYCLADIUM MARITIMUM. Fig. 177. Two young teleutospore heads, arising from common stalk, the one on the right being younger than that on the left, and both intermediate between T2 and T3 in next figure. (Stained.) 178. Main stem, bearing teleutospore heads in various stages of development; T, filament with two septa, the upper two segments destined to become teleuto- spores, the lowermost a vesicle ; TI, similar filament, somewhat more ad- vanced, the vesicle beginning to push out from the lowermost segment; T2, similar filament still more advanced, the uppermost cell distending, in the next growth is taking place at the side, and in the lowest the vesicle has attained considerable development ; T3, nearly mature head, with two dark teleutospores ; U, basidium of a detached uredospore. (Stained.) 179. Abnormal teleutospore head of three teleutospores, a septum beneath the lower- most. r8o. Normal teleutospore head, with two teleutospores above septum and a vesicle below, there being no septum below the vesicle. 181. Teleutospore head in which the vesicle is apparently at the apex, but this is probably due to displacement in mounting. 182, 183. Normal teleutospore heads. 184. Uredospores with prominent germ pores, serrated epispore thickened and dentat( at apex. 'i. ATI: XXI. -f ClHJ. UROMYCLADIUM MARITIMUM. LEGUMINOSAE-ACACIA LONGIFOLIA. 28 4 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XXII. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise stated.} UROMYCLADIUM. Fig. 185, 186. Uredospores of U. robinsoni on Acacia melanoxylon. The solitary large smooth-walled spore (?) in Fig. 186 is difficult of interpretation. 187. Young and mature teleutospores of same, with and without attached vesicles. (Stained.) 1 88. Mature teleutospores of same, with vesicles. 189. Mature teleutospore of same germinating, the sporidiola just about to be formed. (Stained.) 190. 191, 192. Successive stages in the development of a. teleutospore head of U. te-p-perianum on Acacia salicina, the striated epispore being clearly shown in 192. (Stained.) ... ... ... ... ... ... X 500 193. Single teleutospore of same, seen from above, and showing striated mark- ings ... ... ... ... ... X 500 194. Mature teleutospore head of same. (The markings are indistinct on account of poor condition of material) ... ... ... ... X 500 195. Detached teleutospores of same. I'LATK XXII -250 i: SCO. UROMYCLADIUM. LEGUMINOSAE-ACACIA. 286 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XXIII. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise stated.} UROMYCLADIUM. Fig. 196. Uredospores of U. notabile on Acacia notabilis. Original type material of Uredo notabilis Ludw. (Somewhat swollen by lengthened treatment with caustic potash.) 197. Uredospores of the same, showing the net-like surface markings. ... x 500 198. Compound stem, with basidia and uredospores of the same. 199. Compound structure from uredosorus of same, being probably commencement of teleutospore formation ... ... ... ... ... x 500 200. Uredospores of U. notabile on Acacia dealbata. 201. 202. Uredospores of the same, showing the net-like surface markings... X 500 203. Portion of spermogonium of the same, with basidia bearing spermatia in chains. (Stained) ... ... ... ... ... x 500 204. Cluster of three immature spores of the same, attached to their stalk. (Stained.) 205. Mass of mature teleutospores of the same, separated from each other, from Acacia decurrens. 206. Mass of scarcely mature teleutospore?, separated from each other, of U. te$- perianum^ on Acacia melanoxylon, from Cheltenham, showing striated mark- ings on the surface. These are considerably smaller than the average. PLATE XXIfT. G. H Robinson, Phot. x 250 & 600. UROMYCLADIUM. LEGUMINOSAE-ACACIA. 288 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XXIV. (All Figures X -50 unless otherwise stated.} UPOMYCLADIUM. Fig. 207. Teleutospores of U. bis-porum, on Acacia dealbata, one cluster of two showing the common staik. 208. Teleutospores of the same. 209. Uredospores of U. al-pinum, on Acacia deaHata. 210. 211. Teleutospores of the same. 212. Five uredospores of U. alpinum on Acacia dallachiana^ mixed with teleutospores and one mesospore (M). 213, 214. Successive stages in the development of teleutospore clusters of the same. (Stained.) 215. Group of teleutospores of the same. 216. Section of leaf of Acacia longifolia attacked by U. maritimum, the uredosori being at the margin of the inflated tubercle, and the spermogonia in the centre ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x 30 217. Uredospore of U. maritimum attacked by some Hyphomycete, which has gained access to the interior of the spore and grown within it preparatory to forming the long septate threads which have pierced the wall near the germ pores. PLATE XXIV, (J. H. Robinson, Phot. x 30 & 250. UROMYCLADIUM. LEGUMINOSAE-ACACIA. 290 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XXV. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise slated.} UROMYCES PI1YLLODIORUM. Fig. 218. Two uredospores of U. -phyllodiorum (B. aud Br.) McAlp., on Acacia sp. from Queensland. (Type material of Melam-psora -phyllodiorum B. and Br., from Herbarium of F. M. Bailey, Government Botanist, Queensland.) 219. One of the very sparse digitate teleutospores present in the same material. 220. Uredospore from the same material ... ... ... ... x 500 (All the above from old and much faded material.) ^i, 222. Uredospores of V '. phyllodiorum, on Acacia sp. from Queensland. (Type material of Uromyces -phyllodiae Ccoke rnd Mass., these uredospores being described as teleutospores. From Herbarium of F. M. Bailey.) 223, 224. Two of the few digitate teleutospores present in the same material. (Material of above old and much faded.) 2215. Uredospores of U. -phyllodiorum on Acacia dallachiana, from Bright, Victoria. 226. Two of the same, more highly magnified, to show surface markings ... X 227, 228. Teleutospores from the same material, some beginning to germinate. (Stained.) NOTE. The markings of the uredospores are arranged in distinct lines, and are not net-like as in Uromycladium notabile. G. H. Robinson, Phot. X 250 & 500. UROMYCES PHYLLODIORUM. LEGUMINOSAE-ACACIA. 292 Explanation of Plates. Fig. PLATE XXVI. (All Figures X 250 unless otherwise stated.} PHRAGMIDIUM, MELAMPSORA. ;, 229. Aecidiospores of Phr. subcorticium on Rosa rubiqnosa. 230. Uredospores of same. 231. 232. Teleutospores of same. 233. Twig of Rosa rubiginosa, the uppermost shoot of which is swollen and dis- torted by the aecidia of Phr. subcorticium. ... ... ... nat. size 234, 235. Teleutospores and uredospore of P. barnardi on Rubus parvifolius, two germ pores being often seen on one face of each cell. 236. Teleutospores, closely attached to each other, of MeJam-psora lini on Linum usitatissimum. I'J.ATK XXVI. G H. Robinson. Phot. Nat. size & X 250. PHRAGMIDIUM AND MELAMPSORA. ROSACEAE AND LINACEAE. 2 9 4 Explanation of Plates. PLATE XXVII. AECIDIUM. Fi Brachycome diversifolia Fisch. and Mey. Puccinia brachycomes, McAlp. Brachycome pachyptera Turcz. Puccinia brachycomes, McAlp. Brachycome scapiformis DC. Puccinia brachycomes, McAlp. Briza minor L. Puccinia graminis, Pers Bromus arenarius Labill. Puccinia bromina, Eriks. Host Index. Bromus mollis L. Puccinia bromina, Eriks. Bromus racemosus L. Puecinia graminis, Pers. Bromus secalinus L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Bromus sterilis L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Brunonia australis Sm. Puccinia brunoniae, McAlp. Bulbine bulbosa Haw. Uromj/ces bulbinis, Thuem. Burchardia umbellata R. Br. Puccinia burchardiae, Sacc. Calendula omcinalis L. Puccinia calendulae, McAlp. Calocephalus drummondii Benth. Puccinia calocephali, McAlp. Calocephalus lacteus Less. Puccinia calocephali, McAlp. CalotisR.Br. Puccinia calotidis, McAlp Calotis cuneifolia R. Br. Puccinia calotidis, McAlp. Caltha introloba F.v.M. Aecidiurn calthae, Grev. Candollea serrulata Labill. = Sty- lidium graminifolium, Sw. Canthium (Plectronia) coprosmoides F.v.M. Aecidium plectroniae, Cooke. Carex L. Puccinia longispora, McAlp. Carex alsophila F.v.M. Puccinia caricis (Schum.) Reb. Carex breviculmis, R. Br. Puccinia caricis (Schum. ) Reb. Carex caespitosa L. Puccinia longispora, McAlp. Carex gunniana Boott. Puccinia caricis (Schum.) Reb. Carex in versa R.Br. Puccinia caricis (Schum. ) Reb. Carex paniculata L. Puccinia caricis (Schum.) Reb. Carex pedunculata Muhl. Puccinia caricis (Schum.) Reb. Carex vulgaris Fr. Puccinia longispora, McAlp. Carissa ovata R.Br. Puccinia carissae, Cke. and Mass. Cassia Tourn. Uredo pallidula, Cke. and Mass. Centaurea cyanus L. Puccinia cyani (Schleich.) Pass. Chiloglottis diphylla R.Br Uromyces orchidearum, Cke. and Mass. Chiloglottis gunnii Lindl. Uromyces orchidearum, Cke. and Mass. Chrysanthemum indicum L. Puccinia chrysanthemi, Roze. Cichorium intybus L. Puccinia cichorii (DC. ) Bell. Cineraria L. Puccinia cinerariae, McAlp. Clematis aristata R.Br. Caeoma clematidis, Thuem. Puccinia agropyri, Ell. and Ev. I. (Aecidium chmatidis DC.). Clematis microphylla DC. Caeoma clematidis, Thuem. Coprosma billardieri Hook. Puccinia coprosmae, Cke. Coprosma hirtella Labill. Puccinia coprosmae, Cke. Correa lawrenciana Hook. Puccinia correae, McAlp. Crepis japonica Benth. Uredo crepidis-japonicae, Liiidr. Cruciferae. Puccinia cruciferae, McAlp. Cryptandra hookeri F.v.M. = Spyridium parvifolium, F. v. M. Cymbonotus lawsonianus Gaudich. Aecidium cymbonoti, Thuem. Cynodon dactylon Pers. Puccinia cynodontis, Desm. Cyperus rotundus L. Puccinia cyperi, Arth. Dactylis glomerata L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Dampiera alata Lindl. Puccinia dampierae, Syd. 332 Host Index. Dampiera stricta R. Br. Puccinia dampierae, Syd. Danthonia DC. Uromyces danthoniae, McAlp. I. Danthonia semiannularis R.Br. Urorayces danthoniae, Me Alp. II., III. Deeringia celosioides R.Br. Aecidium deeringiae, Cke. and Mass. Deyeuxia fqrsteri Kunth. (Agrostis solandri F. v. M.) Puccina agrostidis, Plow. Deyeuxia quadriseta Benth. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Dianthus caryophyllus L. Uromyces caryophyllinus (Schrank) Schroet. Dianthus chinensis L. Uromyces caryophyllinus (Schrank) Schroet. Dichondra repens Forst. Puccinia dichondrae, Mont. Diploglottis cunninghamii Hook. f. Uromyces diploglottidis, Cke. and Mass. Distichlis maritima Rafin. Puccinia subnitens, Diet. Echinopogon ovatus Beauv. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Ehrharta stipoides Labill.=Micro- laena stipoides, R.Br. Elymus condensatus Presl. Puccinia impatientis (Schw.) Arth. Elymus striatus Willd. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Elymus virginicus L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Enchylaena tomentosa R.Br. Puccinia kochiae, Mass. Epilobium Dill. Puccinia epilobii-tetragoni (DC.) Wint. Epilobium billardierianum Ser. Puccinia epilobii-tetragoni (DC.) Wint. Epilobium glabellum Forst. Puccinia epilobii-tetragoni (DC.) Wint. Erechtites Rafin. Puccinia erechtitis, McAlp. Erechtites arguta DC. Puccinia erechtitis, McAlp. Erechtites prenanthoides DC. Puccinia erechtitis, McAlp. Erechtites quadridentata DC. Puccinia erechtitis, McAlp. Eriostemon myoporoides DC. Puccinia eriostemonis, McAlp. Festuca bromoides L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Festuca ovina L. Puccinia festucae, Plow. Festuca rigida Kunth. Puccinia festucae, Plow. Geitonoplesium cymosum A. Cunn. Uredo geitonoplesii, McAlp. Geranium pilosum Sol. Puccinia geranii-pilosi, McAlp. Geum renifolium F. v. M. Puccinia gei, McAlp. Glyceria dives F. v. M. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Glyceria stricta Hook. f. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Gnaphalium japonicum Thunb. Puccinia gnaphalii (Speg.) P. Henn. Gnaphalium purpureum L. Puccinia gnaphalii (Speg.) P. Henn. Gompholobium latifolium Sm. Cronartium jacksoniae, P. Henn. Goodenia albiflora Schlecht. Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. Goodenia geniculata R- Br. Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. Goodenia glauca F. v. M. Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. Goodenia hederacea Sm. Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. Goodenia ovata Sm. Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. Goodenia pinnatifida Schlecht. Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. Goodia lotifolia Salisb. Aecidium soleniiforme, Berk. Haemodorum Sm. Puccinia haemodori, P. Henn. Host Index. 333 Hakea Schm.l. Uredo angiosperrna, Thuem. Hardenbergia monophylla Benth. (Kennedya monophylla Vent.) Uromyces hardenbergiae, McAlp. Helianthus annuus L. Puccina helianthi, Schw. Helianthus tuberosus L. Puccinia helianthi, Schw. Helichrysum Vaill. Pucciuia kalchbrejmeri, De Toni. Hibbertia sericea Benth. Puccinia hibbertiae, McAlp. Hibiscus L. Puccinia heterospora, B. and C. Hordeum inurinum L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Hordeum secalinum Schreb. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Hordeum vulgare L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. P. simplex (Koern.) Eriks. and Henn. Hypericum japonicum Thunb. Melampsora hypericorum (t)C.) Scnroet. Aecidium disseminatum, Berk. Hypochoeris glabra L. Puccinia hypochoeridis, Oud. Hypochoeris radicata L. Puccinia hypochoeridis, Oud. Hypoxis glabella R. Br. Puccinia hypoxidis, McAlp. Jacksonia scoparia R. Br. Cronartium jacksoniae, P. Hena. Juncus effusus L. Puccinia juncophila, Cke and Mass. Juncus maritimus Lam. Puccinia juncophiia, Cke and Mass. Juncus pallidus R- Br. Puccinia juncophila, Cke and Mass. Juncus pauciflora R. Br. Puccinia juncophila, Cke and Mass. Kennedya monophylla, Vent. = Har- denbergia monophylla, Benth. Kochia sedifolia F. v. M. Puccinia kochiae, Mass. Kochia villosa Lindl. Puccinia kochiae, Mass. Lactuca L. Puccinia prenanthis (Pers.) Lindr. Lagenophora billardieri Cass. Puccinia lagenophorae, Ck\ Lagenophora huegelii Benth. Puccinia lagenophorae, Cke. Lavatera plebeia sim>. Puccinia malvacearum, Mont. Leschenaultia linarioides DC. Puccinia gilgiana, P. Henn. Limnanthemum indicum Thw. Aecidium nymphoidis, DC. Limosella aquatica L. Uromyces limosellae, Ludw. Linum marginale A. Cunn. Melampsora lini (Pers.) Tul. Linum usitatissimum L. Melampsora liui (Pers. ) Tul. Lobelia anceps L. Puccinia aucta, Berk, and F. v. M. Lobelia pratioides Benth. Puccinia aucta, Berk, and F. v. M. Lobelia purpurascens R. Br. Puccinia aucta, Berk, and F. v. M. Lolium perenne L. Puccinia lolii, Niels. Loranthus celastroides Sieber. Puccinia loranthicola, McAJp. Luzula campestris DC. Puccinia tenuispora, McAlp. Luzula oldfieldii Hook. f. Puccinia tenuispora, McAlp. Malva rotundifolia L. Puccinia malvacearum, Mont. Malva sylvestris L. Puccinia ^malvacearum, Mont. Mentha laxiflora Benth. Puccinia menthae, Pers. Mentha pulegium L. Puccinia menthae, Pers. Microtis porrifolia R.Br. Uromyces microtidis, Cke. Microlaena stipoides R. Br. (Ehrharta *ti]ioi* Labill.) Uromyces ehrhartae, McAlp. Muehlenbeckia adpressa Meissn. Puccinia muehlenbeckiae (Cke.) Syd. Muehlenbeckia cunninghami 1 Uromyces politus (B. and Br.) McAlp. 334 Host Index. Muehlenbeckia gracillima Meissn. Puccinia muehlenbeckiae (Cke.) Syd. Olearia argophylla F. v. M. (Aster). Puccinia oleariae, McAlp. Olearia axillaris F.v.M. Aecidium oleariae, Me Alp. Opercularia aspera Gaertn. Puccinia operculariae (Morr. ) Syd. Opercularia varia Hook f . Puccinia operculariae (Morr. ) Syd. Pelargonium australe Jacq. Puccinia morrisoni, McAlp. Phalaris canariensis L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Phalaris minor Retz. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Phragmites communis Trin. Puccinia magnusiana, Koern. P. tepperi, Ludw. Plagianthus sidoides Hook. Puccinia plagia'nthi, McAlp. Plagianthus spicatus Benth. Puccinia malvacearum, Mont. Plantago varia R.Br. Aecidium plantaginis-variae, McAlp. Platylobium formosum Sm. Aecidium platylobii, McAlp. Cronartium jacksoniae, P. Henn. Plectronia coprosmoides = Canthium coprosmoides, F. v. M. Poa annua L. Puccinia poarum, Niels. Poa caespitosa Forst. Puccinia poarum, Niels. Poa pratensis L. Puccinia poarum, Niels. Podolepis longipedata A. Cunn. Puccinia podolepidis, McAlp. Polygonum aviculare L. Uromyces polygoni, Fckl. Pomaderris apetala Labill. Uredo spy rid ii, Cke. and Mass. Pratia erecta Gaudich. Puccinia aucta, Berk, and F. v. M. Pratia pedunculata Benth. Puccinia aucta, Berk, and F. v. M. Pratia platycalyx Benth. Puccinia aucta, Berk, and F. v. M. Prunus amygdalus Stokes. Puccinia pruni, Pers. Prunus armeniaca L. Puccinia pruni, Pers. Prunus domestica L. Puccinia pruni, Pers. Prunus persica Stokes. Puccinia pruni, Pers. Ranunculus L. Aecidium ranunculacearum, DC. Ranunculus gunnianus Hook. Aecidium ranunculacearum, DC. Ranunculus lappaceus Sm. Aecidium ranunculacearum, DC. Ranunculus parviflorus L. Aecidium ranunculacearum, DC. Ranunculus rivularis Banks and Sol. Aecidium ranunculacearum, DC. Rhagodia billardieri R.Br. Uredo rhagodiae, Cke. and Mass. Rosa canina L. Phragmidium subcorticium (Schrank) Wint. Rosa laxa Retz. Phragmidium subcorticium (Schrank) Wint. Rosa rubiginosa L. Phragmidium subcorticium (Schrank ) Wint. Rottboellia compressa L. Puccinia cacao, McAlp. Rubus moluccanus L. Phragmidium longissimum, Thuem . Rubus parvifolius L. Phragmidium barnardi, Plow, and Wint. Ruellia australis Cav. Puccinia mussoni, McAlp. Rumex brownii Campd. Puccinia ludwigii, Tepp. Host Index. 335 Rumex flexuosus Sol. Puccinia ludwigii, Tepp. Saccharum officinarum L. Uredo kuehnii, Krueg. Scaevola L. Uromyces puccinioides, Berk, and F. v. M. Schelhammera undulata R. Br. Uredo schelhammerae, McAlp. Scirpus nodosus Rottb. Uredo scirpi-nodosi, McAlp. Scleranthus diander R. Br. Uromyces scleranthi, Rostr. Scorzonera angustifolia L. Puccinia angustifoliae, McAlp. Secale cereale L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Selliera radicans Cav. Uromyces puccinioides, Berk, and F. v. M. Senecio brachyglossus F. v. M. Puccinia tasmanica, Diet. Senecio pectinatus DC. Puccinia tasmanica, Diet. Senecio velleioides A. Cunn. Puccinia tasiiianica, Diet. Senecio vulgaris L. Puccinia tasmanica, Diet. Sorghum halepense Pers. Puccinia purpurea, Cke. Sorghum vulgare Pers. Puccinia purpurea, Cke. Sporobolus indicus R. Br. Uromyces tenuicutis, McAlp. Spyridium parvifolium F. v. M. (Cryptandra hookeri F. v. M.) Uredo spyridii, Cke and Mass. Stellaria media Cyrill. Puccinia arenariae (Schum.) Schroet. Stipa flavescens Labill. Puccinia flavescentis, McAlp. Stipa semibarbata R. Br. Piaccinia flavescentis, McAlp. Stylidium graminifolium Sm. (Can- dollea serrulata Labill.) Puccinia stylidii, McAlp. Tabernaemontana orientalis R. Br. Caeoma apocyni, McAlp. Tetragonia implexicoma Hook. f. Puccinia tetragoniae, McAlp. Thelymitra antennifera Hook. f. Uromyces thelymitrae, McAlp. Thelymitra flexuosa Emll. Uromyces thelymitrae, McAlp. Threlkeldia drupata Diels. Puccinia dielsiana, P. Henn. Tillaea sieberiana Schult. Uredo tillaeae, McAlp. Tremandra stelligera R. Br. Puccinia pritzeliana, P. Heiin. Tricoryne elatior R. Br. Uromyces tricorynes, McAlp. Trifolium repens L. Uromyces trifolii (Alb. and Schw.) Winter. Triticum polonicum L. Puccinia graminis, Pers. P. triticina, Eriks. Triticum vulgare VilL Puccinia graminis, Pers. P. triticina, Eriks. Urtica dioica L. Puccinia caricis (Schum.) Reb. I. (Aecidium urticae Schum.) Velleia macrocalyx De Vriese. Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. Velleia paradoxa R. Br. Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. Veronica L. Aecidium veronicae, Berk. Veronica calycina R. Br. Aecidium discJorme, McAlp. Veronica gracilis R. Br. Aecidium disciforme, McAlp. Vicia fabaL. Uromyces fabae (Pers.) De Bary. Vigna catjang Walp. Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.) Link. Viola betonicifolia Sm. Puccinia hederaceae, McAlp. 336 Host Index. Viola hederacea LabilL Puccinia hederaceae, McAlp. Vittadinia australis Rich. Puccinia vittadiniae, Me Alp. Wurmbea dioicaF.v.M. Puccinia wurmbeae, Cke. and Mass. Uredo anguillariae, Cooke. Xanthosia pusilla Bunge. Puccinia xanthosiae, McAlp. Zea mays L. Puccinia maydis, Bereng. Zornia diphylla Pers. Pnccinia zorniae (Diet.) McAlp. Zygophyllum billardieri DC. Uromyces vesiculosus, Wint. Zygophyllum glaucescens F.v.M. Uromyces vesiculosus, Wint. Fungus Index. 337 FUNGUS INDEX. Synonyms in italics ; * Species excluded from Australia ; t Doubtful species. PAOK. Aecidium Pers. ... ... ... ... _ 194 *apoeyni, Schwein. (See Caeoma apocyni, Me Alp., p. 193) 209 *barbareae, DC. (SeePuccinia cruciferae, McAlp., p. 184) ... 209 *bellidis, Thuem. (See Puccinia distiucta, McAlp., p. 156) "' 209 bossiaeae, P. Henn. = Aecidium eburneum, McAlp. ... ... jgg calendulae, Me Alp. = Puccinia calendulae, McAlp. ... ... "". 151 calthae, Grev. Caltha introloba .. ... ... ... .201 clematidis, DC. = Puccinia agropyri, Ell. & Ev. I. ... ... "' 113 *ccmpositarum, Mart. (See Puccinia tasmaiiica, Diet., p. 163) ... ... 209 cymbonoti, Thuem. Cymbonotus lawsonianus ... ... ... ... 196 cystoseiroides, Berk. = Puccinia operculariae (Morr.) Syd. I. ... ... 166 deeringiae, Cke. and Mass. Deeringia celosioides ... ... '200 disciforme, McAlp.- Veronica calycina, V. gracilis ... ... 194 disseminatum, Berk. Hypericum japonicum ... ... ... ... 200 eburneum, McAlp. Bossiaea cinerea, B. heterophylla, B. linophylla, B. microphylla, B. rhombifolia ... ... ... ... ... 198 goodejiiacearum, Berk. = Uroniyces puccinioides, Berk. & F.v.M. L, and Puccinia saccardoi, Ludw. I. ... ... ... ... 91, 147 impatientis, Schw. = Puccinia impatientis (Schw. ) Arth. I. ... ... 123 lobeliae, Thuem. = Puccinia aucta, Berk. & F.v.M. I. ... ... ... 148 microstomum. Berk. Puccinia aucta, F.v.M. I. ... ... ... 148 monocy stis, Berk. Abrotanella f orsterioides ... ... ... ... 1 97 nymphoidis, DC. Limnanthemum indicum ... ... ... ... 196 oleariae, McAlp. Olearia axillaris perkinsiae, P. Henn. = P. gilgiana, P. Henn. I. ... ... 146 *plantaginis, Ces. (See A. plantaginis-variae, McAlp., p. 195) ... plantaginis-variae, McAlp. Plan tago varia platylobii, McAlp. Platylobium formosum ... ... ... 199 plectroniae, Cke. Canthium (PUctronici) coprosmoides ... 198 ranunculacearum, DC. Ranunculus sp., R. gunnianus, R. lappaceus, R. parviflorus, R. rivularis ... *senecionis, Desm. (See Puccinia tasmanica, Diet., p. 163) soleniiforme, Berk. Goodia lotifolia ... urticae, DC. = Puccinia caricis (Schum.) Reb. I. veronicae, Berk. Veronica sp. *violae, Schum. (See Puccinia hederaceae, McAlp., p. 183) mttadiniae, McAlp. = Puccinia vittadiniae, McAlp. Caeoma Link apocyni, McAlp. Tabernaemon tana orientalis clematidis, Thuem. - Clematis aristata, C. microphylla ... Cronartium Fr. ... *asclepiadeum (Willd.) Fries (See C. jacksoniae, P. Henn., p. 190) jacksoniae, P. Henn. Jacksonia scoparia, Aotus villosa, Bossiaea cmerea, Gompholobium latifolium, Platylobium formosum . Hamaspora Koem. longissima, Koern.=Phragmidium lougissimum, Thuem. 191 Melampsora Cast hypericorum (DC.) Schroet. Hypericum japonicum ... Jjj lini(Pers.)Tul.-Linummargmale, L. usitatissimum. (Introduced.) ... 192 tnesodaphnes, Berk, and Br. Probably a Hyphomyccte ., r>r\ pkyllodiorum, Berk, and Br.-Uromyces phyllodiorum (B. and ^ McAlp. 338 Fungus Index. Phragmidium Link barnardi, Plow, and Wint. Rubus parvifolius longissimum, Thuem. Rubus moluccanus potentillae (Pers.) Karst. Acaena ovina, A. sanguisorba ... subcorticium (Schrank) Wint. Rosa canina, R laxa, R. rubiginosa. (Introduced). PAGE. 185 186 187 188 188 Puccinia Pers. ... ... ... 112 *acetosae (Schum.) Koern. (See P. ludwigii, Tepp. p. 174) ... ... 207 *aegra, Grove. (See P. hederaceae, McAlp., p. 183) ... ... ... 208 agropyri, Ell and Ev. Ayropyron scabrum II., III. ; Clematis aristata I. 113 agrostidis, Plow. Deyeuxia forsteri ... ... ... ... ... 114 altera, McAlp. = P. cynodontis, Desm. ... ... ... ... ... 118 alyxiae, Cke. and Mass. Alyxia buxifolia ... ... ... ... 143 angustifoliae, McAlp. Scorzonera augustifolia ... ... ... 150 anthoxanthi, Fckl. Anthoxanthum odoratum. (Introduced.) ... ... 115 *apii, Desm. (See Puccinia thuemeni, McAlp., p. 168) ... ... ... 208 arenariae (Schum.) Schroet. Stellaria media. (Introduced.) ... ... 177 aucta, Berk, and F.v.M. Lobelia anceps, L. pratioides, L. purpurascens, Pratia erecta, P. pedunculata, P. platycalyx ... ... ... 148 beckmanniae, McAlp. Beckmannia erucaeformis. (Introduce 1.) ... 116 berkeleyana, De Toni = P. dichondrae, Mont. ... ... ... ... 142 boroniae, P. Henn. Boronia spines cens ... ... ... ... 181 brachycomes, McAlp. Brachycome ciliaris, B. diversifolia, B. pachyptera, B. scapiformis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 bromina, Eriks. Bromus arenarius, B. mollis ... ... ... ... 116 brunoniae, McAlp. Brunonia australis ... ... ... ... 144 burchardiae, Sacc. Burchardia umbellata ... ... ... ... 138 cacao, McAlp. Rottboellia compressa ... ... ... ... 117 calendulae, McAlp. Calendula officinalis ... ... ... ... 151 calocephali, McAlp. Calocephalus drummondii, C. lacteus ... ... 151 colotidis, McAlp. Calotis sp., C cuneifolia ... ... ... ... 152 caricis (Schum.) Reb. Carex alsophila, C. breviculmis, C. gunniana, C. inversa, C. paniculata, C. pedunculata, II., III. ; Urtica dioica I. ... 133 carissae, Cke. and Mass. Carissa ovata ... .. ... ... 144 castagnei, Thuem. = P. thuemeni (Thuem.) McAlp. ... ... ... 168 *caulincola, Cda. (See P. hypochoeridis, Oud., p. 159.)... ... ... 208 chrysanthemi, Roze Chrysanthemum indicum. (Introduced.) ... ... 153 cichorii (DC.) Bell. Cichorium intybus. (Introduced.)... ... ... 154 cinerariae, McAlp. Cineraria sp. cult. ... ... ... ... 155 coprosmae, Cke. Coprosma billardieri, C. hirtella ... ... ... 165 coprosmatis, Morr. = P. coprosmae, Cke. ... ... ... -.. 165 coronifera, Kleb. =P. lolii, Niels ... ... ... 123 correae, McAlp. Correa lawrenciana , ... ... ... ... 181 cruciferae, McdJp. Crucifer unknown ... ... ... ... 184 cyani (Schleich.) Pass. Centaurea cyanus. (Introduced.) ... ... 156 cynodontis, Desm. Cynodon dactylon cyperi, Arth. Cyperus rotundus ... ... ... ... ... 134 dampierae, Syd. Dampiera alata, D. stricta ... ... ... ... 146 dichondrae, Mont. Dichondra repens. ... ... ... ... 142 dielsiana. P. Henn. Threlkeldia drupata, Diels. *dispersa Eriks. (See P. bromina, Kriks. and P. triticina, Eriks.)... 116, 132 distincta, McAlp. Bellis perennis ... ... ... ... ... 156 epilobii-tetragoni (DC.) Wint Epilobiurn sp., E. billardieranum, E. glabellum ... ... ... 170 erechtitis, McAlp. Erechtites sp., E. arguta, E. prenanthoides, E. quad- ridentata ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 157 eriostemonis, McAlp. Eriostemon myoporoides festucae, Plow. Festuca ovina, F. rigida. (Introduced.) ... ... 119 flavesceritis, McAlp. Stipa navescens, S. semibarbata gei, McAlp. Geum renifolium ... ... ... ... 170 *geranii, Corda (See P. morrisoni, McAlp., p. 180 )... ... ... 208 geranii-pilosi, McAlp. Geranium pilosum ... ... ... ... 179 gilgiana, P. Henn. Leschenaultia linarioides ... ... 146 gnaphalii, (Speg.) P. Henn. Gnaphalium japonicum, G. purpureum ... 158 gnaphaliicola, P. Henn. P. gnaphalii (Speg.) P. Henn. ... ... 158 Fungus Index. 339 PAGE. Puccinia Pers. continued. graminis, Pers. Agropyron divergens, A. scabrum, Alopecurus geniculatus, Amphibromus neesii, Avena fatua, A. sativa, Beokmannia erucae- formis, Briza minor, Bromus racemosus, B. secalinus, B. sterilis, Dactylis glomerata, Deyeuxia quadriseta, Echinopogon ovatus, Elymus striatus, E. virginicus, Festuca bromoides, Glyceria dives, G. stricta, Hordeum murinum, H. secalinum, H. vulgare, Phalaris canariensis, P. minor, Secale cereale, Triticum polonicum, T. vulgare. (Introduced.) ... 120 haemotlori, P. Henn. Haemodorum sp. ... ... ... ... 139 hederaceae, McAlp. Viola betonicifolia, V. he deracea ... ... ... 183 helianthi, Schwein. Helianthus annuus, H. tuberosus. (Introduced.) ... 158 heterospora, Berk, and Curt. Abutilon avicennae, A. crispum, Hibis- cus sp. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 177 hibbertiae, McAlp. Hibbertia sericea ... ... ... ... 185 hypochoeridis, Oud. Hypochoeris glabra, H. radicata. (Introduced.) ... 159 hypochoeridis, McAlp. (P.macalpini, Syd. ) = P. lagenophorae, Cke. ... 161 hypoxidis, McAlp. Hypoxis glabella ... ... ... ... ... 139 impatientis, (Schw.) Arth. Elymus condensatus. (Introduced.) ... 123 *investita, Schw. (See P.gnaphalii (Speg.) P. Henn. juncophila, Cke. and Mass. Juncus effusus, J. maritimus, J. pallidus ... 136 kalchbrenneri, De Toni. Helichrysum sp. ... ... ... ... 160 kochiae, Mass. Enchylaena tomentosa, Kochia sedifolia, K. villosa ... 176 lagenophorae, Cke. Lagenophora billardieri, L. huegelii lolii, Niels. Avena fatua, A. sativa, Lolium perenne. (Introduced.) longispora, McAlp. Carex sp., C. caespitosa, C. vulgaris loranthicola, McAlp. Loran thus eel astroides ludwigii, Tepp. Rumex brownii, R. flexuosus... macalpini,Syd. P. lagenophorae, Cke. magnusiana, Koern. Phragmites communis ... ... ; 125 malvacearum, Mont. Althaea rosea, Lavatera plebeja, Malva rotundifolia, Plaghnthusspicatus. (Introduced.) maydis, Bereng. Zea mays. (Introduced.) ... ... ... j 2 ? menthae, Pers. Mentha laxiflora, M. pulegium. (Introduced.)... ... HO microseris, Me Alp. P. hypochoeridis, Oud. morrisoni, McAlp. Pelargonium australe muehlenbeckiae (Cke.) Syd. Muehlenbeckia adpressa, M. gracillima ... 1/5 munita, Ludw. = P. dichondrae, Mont. ... "** i2 mussoni, McAlp. RuelJia australis ... - |*f nigricaulis. McAlp. = P. saccardoi, Ludw. **? oleariac, McAlp. Olearia argophylla ... oliganthae, McAlp. Asperula oligantha operculariae (Morr.) Syd. Opercularia aspera, 0. varia . ... perplexans, Plow. Alopecurus geniculatus ... '" ona *phragmitis (Schum.) Koern. (See P. magnusiana, Koern, p. 125) plagianthi, McAlp. Plagian thus sidoides ... *** poarum, Niels. Poa annua, P. caespitosa, P. pratensis. (Introduc podolepidis, McAlp. Podolepis longipedata prenanthis (Pers.) Lindr. Lactuca sp. (Introduced.) ... ... J?J pritzeliana, P. Henn. Tremandra stelligera ... ... pruni, Pers. Prunus amygdalus, P. armeniaca, P. domestica, f. p ^ (Introduced.) ... ... i< pycnantha ... salicina .... ... Aecidiospores, binucleate ... coloured membrane in Gymno- sporangium ... colouring matter ... ... development ... ... distinction from uredospores germination in Puccinia tasmanica ... infection ... 5 6 g 6 Q g 6 g 14 partaking of character of teleutospores repeated formation... retention of germinating power ... Aecidium, colour development invigorating power in heteroecious species on grass ... on seeds ... origin paraphyses peridiurn ... primary and secondary pseudoperidial cells rep'eated formation sterile cells sexuality ... 14 Aecidium abietinum bellidis ... ... ." berberidis, spore germination importatum platylobii, mycelium in seed Algae Alopecurus pratensis with Puc- cinia graminis ... Amphispore ... germination Anagallis arvensis, importation Anchusa Anthomyces Apium, graveolens (Puccinia) ... prostrat um ( Puccinia) Appressorium Asclepia'ieae, Oronartiam Ascomycetes :.. Asparagus rust (Puccinia aspar- agi), distributed by wind water relation Atmospheric influences on spore germination A uriculariaceae Australian rusts, number distribution 438. 17 36 16 16 17,36 37 18 16 16 17 17 58 18, 57 70 17, 75 22, 36 17 18 17 18 16 17,75 56 209 16 61 70 40 25 25 43 5 80 34 42 42 3 53 40 7 9 10 32 50 51 A i PAOB - Autoecious species ... ... 10, 55 most numerous ... ' j.-, repetition of aecidia ... ]s A vena elatior with Puccinic graminis ... gg Baeodromus ... Barberry, connexion with wheat rust ... KK KO . ... oo, OH in Australia ... gg infection experiments, local 60 in Kew gardens ... ... gg Barberry rust (Aecidium ber beridis) ... ... jg absent in Australia " gg connexion with wheat rust .. 55 increasing vigor of wheat rust 58 local attempts at inoculation 66 Barclayella, ... ... .. 33 Basidia in aecidia ... ... ig Basidiomycetes ... 40 Bean rust (Uromycesfabae) ... 20 Beckmanniaerucaeformis, importa- tion of rust on seed ... 43 Beet rust (Uromyces betae) ... 84 Binucleate spores ... ... 14 Biologic forms, and classification 79 evolution of ... ... 54 Bismarck brown .. ... 12 Black wattle gall fungus (Uro- mycladium notabile) ... li Brachypuccinia ... ... 11 Bremia lactuca, effect of copper salts ... ... ... 63 Bridging species ... ... 53 Brome rust (Puccinia brotnina) ... 3 infection by uredospores ... 3 starvation of host ... ... 60 uninfluenced by structural peculiarities of leaf ... 61 Brown Rust (Puccinia dispersa) ... 79 Burning stubble, effect on wheat rust ... ... ... 72 Caeoma ... ... ... 17, 36 Caeomospores ... ... ... 36 Carnation rust (Uromyces caryo- phyllinus) ... ... 85 Caustic potash for softening tissues 12 Cecidomyia, eating rust spores ... 7 Cedar apples ... ... ... 6 Celery rust (Puccinia thuemeni) ... 42 Cereal rusts not liable to affect other cereals indiscrimin- ately ... ... ... 53 Chemotaxis, parasitism due to positive and negative ... 52, 62 Chick weed rust (Puccinia aren- ariae) ... ... ... *'-' Chicory rust (Pua-inia rirhorii) . . 42 Chrysanthemum rust (Puccinia chrysanthemi) ... ... -1 germination of uredospores importation ... ... 43 344 General Index. Chrysomyxa, absence of fir trees 58 germination of teleutospore 34 origin of species in Alps ... 56 uredospores in chains ... 19 Chrysomyxa, abietis ... ... 66 ledi ... ... ... 56 rhododendri ... ... 56 Chrysopsora, teleutospore of ex- ceptional form ... ... 32 Classification and biologic forms of Uredines ... ... 79 Clover rust (Uromyces trifolii) ... 18, 84 Cluster cups ,.. ... ... 16 Coleospcriaceae ... ... 82 Coleosporium, function of paraphyses 30 teleutospore in ... ... 32 uredospores in cha ins ... 19 Colecsporium senecionis, and fir trees 58 Collema, fertilisation in .. 37 Compositae, native rusts on .. 45 Compound teleutospores .. 24 Copper salts, influence on fungi.. 62 Cronartiaceae ... ... .. .82 Cronartium, asclepiadeum on varied hosts ... ... ... 53 jacksoniae producing witches' brooms ... ... ... 5 Crossbreeding wheats for rust- resistance ... ... 74 Crown or coronate rusts ... 56 Cucumber diseases and copper salts 63 Cycle of development, in heteroe- cious species ... ... 58 in rusts ... ... ... 2, 10 Cyperaceae, number of native rusts on ... ... ... 45 Dactylis glomerata ... ... 53 Daisy rust (Puccinia distincta) ... 10 introduced on seed ... ... 209 Danthonia aecidium ... ... 18, 57 Darluca ftlum, a common parasite 22 mistaken f or spermogonia 22, 158, 165 Development of fungi ... ... 40 Dew necessary for infection ... 10 Diorchidium ... ... ... 83 doubtful genus ... ... 82 Distribution of Australian species 50 Distribution of spores... ... 7 Doubtful species ... ... 207 Drainage, effect on rust ... 71 Dry atmosphere and spore ger- mination ... ... 10 Early maturing wheat escaping rust 74 Echinulate uredospores... ... 19 Effect of rust on straw and grain 64 Elymus condensatus, importation of rust on seed ... ... 43 Endochrome ... ... ... 17 Endophyllum, teleutospores ... 23 Endospore, in aecidiospores ... 16 in teleutospores ... ... 23 Enzymes in leaf cells ... ... 54 Epispore of teleutospore ... 23 Epiteospores ... ... ... 20 Erysiphaceae, specialisation of parasitism ... ... 54 Erysiphe graminis, biologic forms 54 Eucalyptus globulus, supposed rust 49 Eu2)horbia, aecidium of Pea rust 55 dentata ... ... ... 70 rust ( Uromyces euphorbiae) ... 70 Eupuccinia ... ... ... 11 Excluded species ... ... 207 Fallowing, effect on rust ... 72 Fertilisation, in aecidium ... 17, 75 in Uredineae ... ... 14, 75 Fir trees and rust ... 58 Flax rust (Melampsora lini) ... 43, 60 first record in Australia ... 44 Formalin treatment of seed wheat 73 Frangula alnus :.. ... 53 Fungi, origin and development ... 40 Fusion of nuclei ... ... 14, 75 Gall formation... Gall fungi, on wattles (Acacias) ... Genera, Australian, and number of species ... General parasites Germinating power, duration, in aecidiospores in teleutospores in uredospores Germinating spores, methods for aecidiospores and uredo- spores ... teleutospores Germination, of aecidiospores of Puccinia tasmanica of amphispores of teleutospores, factors in- fluencing of Puccinia graminis 8, 24, 66 of P. malvacearum ... 24, 27 of Phragmidium rubi abnor- mal ... of uredospores, of Puccinia bromina of P. chrysanthemi of P. dispersa of P. graminis ... of P. rubigovera... of P triticina ... Germ-pores, demonstrating in aecidiospores in teleutospores of Puccinia podolepidis in uredospores solitary in Puccinia mono- pora ... Glycerine, and water ... jelly ... Golden rust (Puccinia glumarum) Golden wattle galls Gradations of specific variation ... Gramineae, native rusts on Grass aecidium Grasses, and heteroecious rusts ... and wheat rust Groundsel rust (Puccinia tas- manica) ... ... 16, 49 Gymnoconia, characters ... Gymnosporangium, aecidiospores colored membrane galls insects conveying spondiola sculpturing of peri dial cells ... 5 6 50 53 16 8 8,21 35 3, 8 21 3 21 8 21 12 16 24 35 19 19 12 12 73 6 79 45 18, 57. ' 57 69 83 16 6 28 17 General Index. 345 Gymnosporangium clavariae forme, direct infection by teleuto- spores ... confusum, promycelial cells separating teleutospores, thickness of cell wall Hapalophragmium Hard i issues, softening... Harvesting methods and rust Haustoria Hawthorn Hetianthus annuus, aecidia J-J emibasidii ... Hemileia Hemipuccinia ... Heteroecious species indigenous regular development Heteroecism ... beneficial ... causing increased vigor discovery ... origin when possible Hieracium, Puccinia ... Hollyhock rust (Puccinia malvace arum) ... wide distribution ... Hololasidii Honeydew of spermogonia Host and parasite, relation Host-plants, imported, and new rusts indigenous, and rusts starved Hot- water treatment of seed Hypertrophy of nettle Hyphae Immunity acquired and predisposition .. attempts to secure ... due to physiological peculiari- ties factors influencing ... Importation of rusts ... on cuttings on seed ... on straw ... Incubation period Indigenous species, table of and hosts... heteroecious Infection, aided by injury and age of parts attacked by aecidiospores by internal germ of disease By sporidiola germ tubes entering stomata by teleutospores ... by uredospores germ tubes piercing epider- mal cells dew necessary for ... experiments, with barberry in Australia with foreign host plants factors influencing 35 35 35 83 12 69 3 28 18 40 83 11 53 45 57 55 58 58 55 55 55 80 11 43 40 13 60 42 45 60 73 6 3 60 60 62,75 61 60 42 43 43,44 43 9 46 45 45 61 9, 60 9 4 9 10 35 9 10 10 Injuries, influence on infection ... Inoculation, protective... Insects attracted, by colour of spores ... by honey dew by scent of spermogonia conveying sporidiola eating spores Intermediate hosts of wheat rust Internal developmental tendencies Introduced species how introduced on native hosts Investigation of spores... Irrigation and wheat rust Kangaroo thorn, gall fungus Knot- weed rust ( Urcmyctspolygoni) Lactic acid showing up germ pores Ledum palustre Leguminosae, native rusts on Leptopuccinia ... with warted 61 62 38 13 ia 28 7 70 53 42 43 42, 4!) 11 71 6 43 18 66 4.'. 11 species epipspore Lettuce, attempt to confer immu- nity from disease Liability to disease influenced or not by structural characters Lichen-furgi ... Life -cycles of rusts heteroecious Life history of rusts Liliaceae, native rusts on Linum marginale usitatissimum rust -resisting variety Lolium perenne, crown rust with introduced rust Mahonia in Kew gardens, rust free Maize rust (Puccinia maydii] Mallow rust (Puccinia ma/i-acearum) Manures and wheat rust Marigold rust (Puccinia calendulae) 10, 42 Measuring spores by photography Melampsora, germination of teleu- tospore Melampsora eucalypti, merely name hypericorum lini introduced paraphyses Melampsoraceae Mesospores, in Puccinia in Uromycladium ... Micropuccinia... Mint, native, rust (Puccinia menthae) Mounting spores Mycelium, development of in seed of annuals ... investigation localized, causing hypertrophy perennial causing galls no evidence in wheat gram of Puccinia arrhenatheri ... of Uromyces euphorbiae ... 60 61 37 2,10 58 1 45 43 43 60 53 42 68 42 43 72 49 22 ... 22, 49 44 22 82 ... 25, 26 55 11 42 12 3 5,70 3 6 B 70 General Index, Mycoplasm theory bearing on rust in wheat Native celery ... flax mint ... ... .. rusts, and native hosts on imported hosts Nettle rust (Aecidium urticae) ... Nuclear cycle ... Nuclei, fusion of Oat, wild, and wheat rust Obligate parasites Ochropsora Odour of spermogonia ... Omission of spore-forms Origin of heteroecism ... of parasitism of spore- forms Paraphyses, function ... in aecidia in spermogonia in teleutosori ... 22, in uredosori Australian species with . . . Parasitism, origin specialisation Pea rust ( Uromyces pisi) Peach or prune rust (Puccinia pruni) .... Pedicel of teleutospore ... Peltandra virginica Perennial mycelium Peridermium ... Peridial cells Peridium, = Pseudoperidium often wanting varied forms Phalaris, Puccinia Photography in measuring spores Phragmidium barnardi, germ pores paraphyses longissirnum potentillae... rubi, teleutospore germination subcorticium paraphyses, in aecidia in uredosori perennial mycelium Phragmitcs communis, Puccinia Phragmopyxis Phy corny cetes ... Phytopthora infestans, and copper salts Picea excelsa ... morinda . . Ploughing, influence on wheat rust Plum or prune rust (Puccinia pruni) ... Poa annua pratensis ... Podisoma Polygonum avicu lare Potash, caustic, for softening tissues ... Predisposition... Primordia Promycelial spores (see Spori- diola) 4, 74 70 42 42, 44 42 45 49 6 14 14, 75 69 52 32 13 10 55 52 31 29 22, 30 13, 29 24, 75 22 22 52 52 55 19,44 23 61 5 17 17 16 17 17 55 12 24 22 44 44 35 5, 36 22 22 5 29, 42 84 40 62 56 33 71 44 22 22 28 43 12 60 17 Promycelium ... ... j abnormal ... ... ... 35 cells of, separating ... 35 elongated ... ... . . 27 in various genera ... .. 33 septa ... ... . . 27 Protective inoculation ... .. 62 Protobasidii ... ... . . 40 Protomycelium ... . 4 Pseudoparenchyma ... . . 4 Pseudoperidial cells (see Peridial cells) Pseudoperidium (see Peridium) Puccinia, introduced species ... 42 variation in teleutospores ... 39 Puccinia agropyri, heteroecious ... 45 agropyrina ... ... 53 agrostidis ... ... ... 45 anthoxanthi ... ... 42 arenariae, introduced ... 42 sporidiola germ-tubes enter- ing by stomata ... 10 arrhenatheri, perennial myce- lium ... ... ... gg asparagi, influence of wind ... 7 water relation ... ... 9 beckmanniae, imported ... 42 bromina contrasted with P. triticina... ... ... 80 paraphyses in teleutosori ... 24, 75 uredospore, duration of germinating power ... 8 germination and infection 3, 8 calendulae, marigold rust ... 10 Australian species ... 49 short cycle ... ... 10 caricis, heteroecious ... 45 cesatii ... ... ... 25 chrysanthemi, germination of uredospores ... ... 21 introduced ... ... 42 two-celled uredospores ... 19 cichorii, introduced ... 42 cinerariae... ... ... 49 coronata ... ... . 53 cyani, introduced ... ... 42 dianthi, sporidiola germ -tubes entering stomata ... 10 ditkondrae, variation in teleutospores ... ... 39 dispersa, biologic forms ... 79 subdivision ... ... 53 distincta, daisy rust, Aus- tralian species ... 49 introduced on seed ... 209 short cycle ... ... 10 festucae, introduced ... 42 glumarum, mycoplasm theory 4 gramineOa, with aecidium on * grass ... ... ... 18 graminis, biologic forms ... 79 carried over from year to year in Australia ... 21 , collective species cycle of development ... forms on special hosts ... heteroecism increasing vigor ... 69 69 79 58 53 58 General Index. 347 Pucdnia graminis, importation on straw ... ... 43 injurious rust in Australia 64 no aecidia in Australia ... 58 on grasses, wheat, &c. ... 70 repeated formation of uredospores ... 19 reproduced by uredo- spores in Australia ... 19 specialisation of forms ... 53 teleutosporeSjfrom Australia not germinating in Eng- land, and vice v< rsd ... 67 germinating power ... 8 germination, exposure to cold not necessary ... 67 in Australia... ... 24, 67 in water ... ... 36 time for ... ... 8 variation ... ... 39 uredospores, germinating power ... ... 8 on old straw ... 69 germination ... ... 21 persist through winter ... 8 graminis and barberry rust, connexion first discovered 55 in Australia ... ... 58, 66 in Kew Gardens ... ... 68 helianthi, germination of teleutospore ... ... 9 heterospora, one -celled teleuto- spores most common ... 26 transition form ... ... 83 hieracii, spermogonia with uredo... ... ... 13 subdivision of ... ... 80 impatientis, introduced ... 43 liliacearum, spermogonia with teleuto ... ... 13, 37 lolii, introduced ... ... 42 paraphyses in uredosori ... 22 magnusiana, heteroecious ... 45 paraphyses, in teleutosori and uredosori ... 22 malvacearum, causing "shot- hole" ... ... 6 germination of teleutospores 24, 27 importation and widespread distribution ... ... 43 suppression of spermogonia 14 maydis, introduced... ... 42 menthae, introduced ... 42 obtegens, spermogonia with uredo... ... ... 37 perplexans, on native host ... 49 paraphyses in uredosori ... 29 plagianthi, epispore ... 23 poarum, introduced ... 42 paraphyses in uredosori ... 22, 29 uredo withstanding cold ... 22 podolepidis, two germ pores in upper cell of teleutospores 35 prainiana, abnormal teleuto- spore germination ... 36 prenanthis, introduced ... 42 peridium often wanting ... 17 Pucdnia pruni, causing "shot-hole" 6 first record in Australia ... 44 producing uredospores within fruits ... ... 19 supposed spermogonia ... 22 purpurea, introduced ... 42 rufiifjovera, germinatingpower of uredospores paraphyses in teleutosori .. 24 subdivision ... ... 79 senecionis, repetition of aeeulia ! s xiiitfih-x, aecidia unknown ... 58 introduced ... ... .jj mesospores ... ... _>; suavcolens, scent of sper- mogonia ... ... 13 tasmanica, germination ol aecidiospores ... ... 16 groundsel rust ... ... 42, 49 thuemeni, introduced rust attacking native host .. 42, 49 triticina, aecidia unknown 58 comparatively harmless ... 64, 66 contrasted with P. bromina 80 germination of uredospores 21 paraphyses in teleutosori ... 2*J, 7"- preference for certain parts 60 vexans, amphispores ... 25 Pucciniaceae ... ... ... 82 Pucciniopsis ... ... ... 11 Queen's Jubilee wheat, rust spores on grain ... ... ... 69 Ranuculaceae, Cronartium ... 53 Ranunculus Jicaria, infection ex- periments ... 56 Ravenelia ... ... ... 84 compared with Uromydadium 104 Repetition, of aecidia ... ... 18 of spore forms ... ... 11 and spermogonia... ... 14 of uredospores ... .. 19 Rerraf, a rust-resisting wheat ... 64, 74 Rhamnus cathartica Rhododendron, Chrysomyxa ... 56 Roestelia, ... ... ... 17 Rose rust (Phragmidium subcorti- cium) ... ... 5 Rotation of crops and rust ... 71 Rubiaceae, native rusts... 45 Rust Conference Rust of wheat... connexion with rust on grasses early theories ... ... 68 effect of, drainage ... ... 71 early maturing wheats ... fallowing ... ... 7 '2 irrigation manures muggy weather ... 67, 7'- ploughing rotation of crops seedbed Tl seed treatment stubble burning effect on straw and grain ... first appearance in season ... first record in Australia ... 74 348 General Index. Rust of wheat, how carried over from year to year ... 21, 68 how spread ... ... 69 infection from within, my co- plasm theory ... ... 4, 70 influence on yield ... ... 65 losses from ... ... 64 mycelium not in seed ... 70 mycoplasm theory ... 4, 70 not spread from other cereals 53 prevention and mitigation ... 71 question, present position in Australia ... ... 64 spores, in soil ... ... 69 on seed ... ... 69 to destroy ... ... 73 wintering ... ... 8, 20 spraying impracticable ... 73 Rust-liable soils ... ... 72 Rust -proof wheat unknown ... 62 Rust-resistance and structural characters ... ... 61 Rust-resisting wheats ... ... 62, 74 Rusts, Australian, and their hosts 45 cycle of development ... 2, 10 in heteroecious species ... 58 indigenous and introduced ... 42 influence of parasitic habit ... 40 relation to other fungi ... 40 sexuality ... 14, 17, 75 Rusty straw and grain analyzed 65 Rye, rust ... ... ... 53 Saccoblastia ovispora ... ... 32 Saprophytes becoming parasitic 52 Scarlet pimpernel ... ... 43 Scent of spermogonia ... ... 13 Scrophiilariaceae, Cronartium ... 53 Secale ... ... ... 80 Seed, perennial mycelium ... 5 not in wheat ... ... 70 Seed-bed" and rust ... ... 71 Seed-treatment for rust ... 73 Seeds with aecidia ... ... 70 Selection and crossbreeding wheat 74 Self-sown wheat and rust 21, 69, 72 Senecio vulgaris ... ... 16 Septa... formation in promycelia ... 27 Sexuality and nuclei ... ...14,75 of aecidia ... ... 15, 17 Shot-hole caused, by Puccinia mal- vacearum ... ... 6 by P. pruni ... .... 6 Silver wattle gall fungus ( Uromy- cladium notabile) ... ... 6 Softening tissues for microscopical examination ... ... 12 Soil moisture, influence on rust ... 10 Soils, rust-liable and rust- free .., 72 treatment with copper salts to prevent disease ... 62 Sorus, uredo ... ... ... 19 Special corpuscles ... ... 4 Specialisation of parasitism ... 52 in Erysiphaceae ... ... 54 Specific variation, gradations ... 79 Spermatia, embedded in sugary secretion ... ... 13 formation... ... ... 13, >8 germination ... ... 13, 37 not male cells ... ... 13 uninucleate ... ... 14 Spermogonia, associated with cer- tain spore forms ... ... 1 3, 37 attractive to insects ... 13, 38 Darluca flum mistaken for... 22 functionless ... 13, 37, 39 importance ... ... 14 occurrence ... ... 13 origin ... ... ... 38 paraphyses ... ... 13 repetition of spore forms ... 14 suppressed ... ...14,37 Spore-bed ... ... ... 19 Spoie-forms ... ... ... 7 investigation .. ... 11 origin of principal ... ... 31 repetition... ... 11, 18, 19 suppression ... ... 10 Spores, distribution ... ... 7 germination, of aecidiospores 7, 16 of amphispores ... ... 25 of spermatia ... ... 13, 37 of sporidiola ... ... 27 of teleutospores ... 8, 24, 27, 66 abnormal ... ... 35 of uredospores ... 7,19,21,27 nuclei ... ... ... 14 on seed ... ... ... 69 parasites ... ... ... 7, 22 wintering, of teleutospores ... 8 of uredospores ... ... 8,20 Sporidiola, air necessary for for- mation ... ... 27 conveyed by insects ... 28 distribution ... ... 28 earliest spore form... ... 32 formation... ... ... 27 germination ... ... 27 incapable of infecting grasses bearing them ... ... 59 infection ... ... ... 9, 28 origin ... ... ... 32 uninucleate ... ... 14 Spraying for rust of wheat im- practicable 73 Staining spores ... ... 12 Starvation of host and infective power of rust ... ... 60 Stellaria media ... .. 43 Sterigma ... ... ... 31 Structural characters of host and susceptibility, to disease ... 61 to wheat rust ... ... 61 Stubble burning and rust ... 72 Sugar, influence on germ tubes of fungi ... ... ... 52, 62 Sulphate of copper, in seed treat- ment for rust ... ... 73 treatment of soil with ... 62 Suppression of spore forms ... 10 Surface markings of spores ... 12 General Index. 349 Susceptibility of host, due to physiological peculiarities influence of structural charac- ters 61 Teleutospores ... . direct infection by germ tube function ... germination, factors influenc- ing ... in Phragmidium rubi in Puccinia graminis in P. malvacearum 61 62 23 35 23 35 35 8, 24, 66 .. 24, 27 24 23 33 34 24 25 14 39 .. 33, 35 ... 24, 75 63 32 5 germ-pores occurrence origin and development peculiarity simple or compound two kinds... uninucleate variability, of form of germination ... Teleutsori paraphysate... Tomato, copper salts and disease Trichopsora Trifolium repens Triphragmium ulmariae ... 36 primary and secondary uredo spores ... ... 20, 36 spermogonia with uredo ... 13, 37 Uninucleate spores ... 14 Uredineae in relation to other fungi Uredino2)sis Uredo dispersa, histology kuehnii, paraphyses spyridii, paraphyses symphyti ... Uredosori, paraphyses ... parasites ... Uredospores, binucleate derived from teleutospores distribution formation... function ... germinating power duration of germination, in Puccinia chry- santhemi in P. rubigovera ... germ tubes, piercing cells ... infection by germ tubes origin primary and secondary produced within fruit in Puc- cinia pruni repeated formation two celled, in Puccinia chry- santhemi ... 19 wintering... ... 20, 21 Uromyces ... ... 24, 83 distinction between uredo- spores and teleutospores ... betae 42,84 bulbinis ... ... "J caryophyllinus ... ... 43, 85 40 83 3 22 22, 29 23 22, 29 7,22 14 34 7 19 21 20 8 21 8 10 3 34 19 li) 19 Uromyces dactylidit, paraphyses .'$< > danthoniae, with aecidium on grass ... ... ...18,57 diploglot/; euphorbiae, perennial mycelium 5,70 . j'abae in Ecuador ... .... 20 limosellae ... ... ... 85 orchidearum, two-celled teleu- tospores ... ... 39 phyllodiorum, paraphyses ... 24, 29 pisi ... ... ... 84 politus, two-celled teleuto- spores ... polygoni ... ... ...43,55 proeminens transition forms from teleutospore to uredo- spore .. puccinioides ... ... 85 scutettatus, origin of uredo- spore uredo with teleuto spore ... 36 solidaginis ... ... 36 tricorynes, two-celled teleuto- spores ... ... ... 39, 83 trifolii complete cycle introduced ... ... 43 perennial mycelium tuberculatus ... 35 vesiculosus, two-celled teleu- tospores ... ... 39, 83 Uromydadium 24, 83, 104 forming galls often mesospores ... 25, 26 spermogonia teleutospores vesicles ... ... - 24 Uromydadium maritimum, occur- rence of spermogonia ... 13, 37 notabile ... - 1* perennial mycelium and galls ... -. 6 robinsoni, spermogonia ... i> tepperianum, spermpgonia ... 13, 3/ perennial mycelium and galls Uropyxis Ustilagines ... Vegetative organs, mycelium ... 3 Verrucose uredospores ... Vesicle in Uromydadium Violet rust, native (Puccima hederaceae) Water relation, for Puccinia on asparagus to infection, direct and in- direct ... Wattles, gall- fungi on ... ... Wheat rust. See Rust of Wheat. Wheat, rust-resisting ...' J self-sown and rust ... ^ b., /- Wild oats and wheat rust ... J Wind distribution of spores ... / Wintering of rust spores Witches' brooms By Authority: ROBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, Melbourne. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAR 1.6 MAR 2 3 1536 APR 1 1935T JAN 23 1963 LD 21 3m-8,'3 MoAlpine, D The ruats 1 of Australia V . J $$> 8 3 1C I LIBRARY, BRANCH OF T