UC-NRLF $C SO 3=10 iM^ ^. „--« — ^ — «— ^ — - — -^ University of California. t^ •».. -^ iilti} SHostt ^ugrartng^* THE GIFT OF THOMAS G. APPLETON, ESQ. RECEIVED OCT.. 1869. CONTENTS. ' '^ n A U \ -^vriii ^^a4^ '•-A/./F( /. Bulletin Xo. 13, Apinly 1870, pp. 221-27. Printa in bound volumes. Nearly 5,100 in nmiiber. Entries under Engrav- ers, etc. //. HuUetiu No. 15, Oct., 1S70, pp. 270-75. reference.s of the previous list. Cross- III. Bulletin No, 21, April, 1872. pp. 47-50. (56 framed prints (not portraits) in the Bates Hull. Main entries and cross- references. IV. Portraits, June 1871, pp. 24. 676 prints. Main entries and cross-references Appended, an account of the collection. y. Supplementarf/ list. May, 187.3, pp. 24. 282 framed prints (not portraits) in the Lower Halls, ami 225 prints in port- folios, beside 110 plates omitted under previous heads. Main entries and cross-references. Total number of prititu nenily 6,500. V^^ ov )]l BOSTON: ISSUED BY THE LIBRARY. 1873. Mo Division Range Shelf ■■.. Received 187 -J L I B-R A li Y UNIVERSITY Of CALIPOKNIA. BULLETIN OF THE PUBLIC LIBKAEY OF THE CITY OE BOSTON. BOSTON. APEIL, 1870. No. 13. Georgr 0. Carpenteii, . . . Mki.villk E. Ingalls, . . . . Stkphen R. Niles, Board of Trustees. WILLIAM W. GREENOUGH, President. . . . 10 Union Park, Alderman, .... Term expires 1871 . . • 538 Broiulway, CotincilnKin., . . . • • 1871 1871 1870 . , \\ Piuckney Street At Lovoc, ....... Samuel A. Guken, George Putnam, Westox Lewis, William \V. Greenougii, Jarvis D. Braman, 1870 . T^O Hi«»'lilftiifl Sfri'pt .... " 1871 ... SI Worrpstor Strppt .... " 1871 ... ."ifi Tpiiinlp Sfrppt *' 1872 ... 38 Clifti'lps Strpet . .... .. " 1872 Officers. JUSTIN WINSOR, Superintendent, and Secretary of the Trust es. "William A. Wiierler, Assistant Superintendent. Edward Capen, Librarian. Joseph Svkes, Office Secretary. William E. Ford, Janitor. The Library Opens at 9 o'clock, A. M., Kvcry secular day throughout the year, except the five legal holidays,— Feb. 22, Fast day, July 4,Thank8givinij and Chriatmas, — and such other days as the Trustees may direct. The Reading Koom for periodicals, provided with seats for one hundred readers, and having by far the best coUec. tion of American and foreign periodicals in the country, Is closed at 10 o'clock, p. M. The liower Hall delivery of books ceases at 8 o'clock, p. M. Thi.s hall now cont.iins nearly 30,000 volumes. The Bates Hall delivery of books for home use, as well as for use in the hall, ceases at 6 o'clock, P. m., from October to March, Inclusive, and at 7 o'clock, P. si., from April to Sep- tember, inclusive. This hall now contains about 127,000 volumes. Trinted Catalogues and Manuscript Bulletins are provided in each Hall. Additions to the books in the Bates Hall are also made accessible by means of a Public Card Catalogue. 1 Persons Admitted to nse the Library. I. To use periodicals or books in the building. Any person above the age of 14 years may use the Heading Room for periodicals, and, if above 16, may make use of the books within the building, without previous registration. II. To take hooks away from the building. All citizens and residents of Boston above the age of 16 years; all non- resident Clergymen and Teachers having regular occupation in the city; and all inhabitants, even If under 16, who have received certificates of graduation, medals, or Lawrence prizes, from the Public Schools, or who belong to the Girls' High and Normal Schools, are entitled to a full use of the Library. All these must sign the application card, and give the names of two citizens, who may be consulted, if necessary^ The registration takes place in the Lower Delirery Hall. III. Members of such other of the higher educational insti- tutions in the city as the Trustees may have especially per- mitted arc entitled to a full or a partial use of the Library. The Prince Library. The completed catalogue of this Library, now a part of our collection, is ready for delivery. It is a volume o^ the same form as the Bates Hall catalogues, and contains one hundred and seventy-five pages. The introduction gives a succinct history of the Library. The first part, embracing the titles of books printed in, or relating to, America, has been considerably corrected since its tentative issue in August, 1868, and we are indebted to several scholars versed in early New England books for assistance rendered. The second part shows mainly the ancient theological library of the Old South Church, all the works in which were printed abroad, and a large number of them in Latin. The third part is a synoptical summary of the manuscripts of the collection, and what these precious memorials contain is now for the first time made completely manifest, each document being numbered afcd described. Books Kecommended. Any person desiring a book not in the possession of this Library may ask, on blanks furnished for the purpose, that it may be immediately purchased; and the assurance is given, that, unless there is some special reason why it should not be ordered, it will be procured as soon as possible, and the applicant — in all cases where the book is abso- lutely bought upon his recommendation — will be notified of its reception. If duplicates for the Lower JTallare asked for, they will be ordered, provided our records show a circulation of the present copies to warrant such additions. In asking that a duplicate shall be purchased, the applicant will be particular to designate it as such. We do not duplicate copies ia the Bates Hall. Those availing themselves of this privilege will greatly contribute to avoid delay and disappointment, if, in their appli- cations, they will give exact titles, as well as authorship, imprint, etc., and if they will, above all, write legibly. Pamphlets Solicited and Exchanged. The collection of pamphlets belonging to the Library is now all arranged; and many of them are in bound volumes and catalogued. It is our intention in future to keep no pamphlets unbound, except in order to complete sets or series. These we shall put on the shelves in boxes, and substitute for the box the bound volume, when the needful numbers are procured. We renew our solicitations for lots of pamphlets, which we will willingly send for, if informed that they are ready for us. The chances are, thatany miscellaneous lot will contain a fair proportion of the very pamphlets we want, and the others will avail us in exchanges. We have some 30,000 (more or less) duplicate pamphlets, all arranged, and are ready to exchange them for others that we have not. With distant libraries, we have found the following method of exchange the most convenient: If they will send 1,000 pamphlets printed in their State, we will send 1,000 printed in Massachusetts. Each may acquire some duplicates, but a great part will probably be fresh accessions. To Boston Authors. We have begun the preparation of the second supplement of the Bates Hall catalogue, and it is extremely desirable that the new volume should contain all the productions of Boston writers — books or pamphlets — not enumerated in the two earlier volumes. We shall be glad to receive such, or to be told of the titles of any that we do not now possess. Memorials of Boston. The Public Library of the city should contain every memorial, whether book, pamphlet, map, broadside, print, photograph, or the like, which is procurable, and which in any way illustrates our local history or topography. Books printed in Boston at an early date are very desirable acquisitions. It is to be hoped our citizens will help us in our attempts to gather everything of this kind. Special Students Desiring to be informed when any book in their line of investigation is received in the Library can have word sent them if they will communicate their name and address, and the subject of their inquiries, to the Superintendent. The Interleaved Catalogue. It is intended to substitute a card catalogue for the present interleaved catalogue of the Bates Hall, as it will thus oe possible to present a perfect alphabetical arrangement, \?^ich with the increase of titles soon becomes difficult or impossi- ble in the interleaved form. The copying or transferring of the titles is a work of considerable care and magnitude, but it will be pressed forward as rapidly as possible. Accessions will hereafter be entered on the cards and not in the present catalogue. LIST OF BOOKS PLACED EST THE LIBEAKY, OR NEWLY LOCATED, DURING THE MONTHS OF DEOEMBEE, 1869, AND JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1870. N. B. — The books whose titles are embraced in this List are, for the most part, either recent American and foreign publications, or they are works both old and rare ; but, in some cases, for particular reasons, titles of books have been given which are included in neither of these categories. Certain classes of works have been uniformly omitted, such as continuations of periodicals, the earlier volumes of which are given in the printed Catalogues of the Library ; also, booksellers' catalogues, duplicate copies of the same edition of a book, and the like. 1^- Books on shelves numbered 2110 and upwards are in the Bates Hall; those on shelves below 2110 are in the Lower Hall. — A single dash indicates the omission of the preceding heading; a subsequent dash, the omission of a subordinate beading.— K. II. means Reading Koora.— In the headings of titles, the German diphthongs a, ii, U, are written ae, oe, ue. Initials Inclosed within marks of parentheses stund for Christian names which are not usually retained by the persons to whom they properly belong; as. Bar tsch, F. (J. A.) von.— 8°, 12°, 10°, etc., designate the form of a book, or the actual or probable fold of the sheet as shown by the signatures, and do not always indicate the size or shape of the bound volume. The epitheU " large," " small," or the like, are sometimes added for the sake of greater precision. JIS" AH books in this list, except the few which are starred, can be had without special application. *** Friends of the Public Library will confer a favor if they tcill kindly communicate to the Superintendent the correction of any error they may discover in this List, or the authorship of any works treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonym. The Arts. Amatki;r mechanic's workshop. London, 1870 [1869]. 8° 8013.26 Ameri« AN institute of architeots. Proceedings of the third annual convention, held in New York, Nov. 16 and 17, 1869. New Yoik. 1869. 4° . *8090.16 Andresen, a. Job. Gottlinrd v. MUller und .lohann Fric'dr. Wilhelm MUller. Beschreibendes Ver- zeichniss ihrer Kupferstiche. Leipzig, 1865. pp. 45. 8° 8075.17 — and Weigel, R. Der dcutHche Peiiitre-graveur. Leipzig, 1864-66. 3 v. 8° *8065.17 Ancelico, J-'ra. See Giovanni, Fra. Akchitectlral review and American builders' journal. By 8. Sloan. Vol.1. Philadelphia, 1869. 8° ♦8090.2i Abchiv fiir die zeichnenden Klinste mit bcsonde- rer Beziehung auf Kupferstecher- und IIolz- schneidekunst und ihre Geschichte. Heraus- gegeben von U. Naumann, unter Mitwirkung von R. Weigel [und A. Andresen]. Jahr- gang 1-14. Leipzig, 1855-68. 14 v. In 13. 8°. *8065.18 Ayres, G. B. How to paint photographs in water colors. 2ded. Philadelphia, 1870. 12°. . .8068.24 B., J. F. The velocipede. Its past, its present and its future. London, 1869. 16° 197.37 Baltzer, C. Ein Beitr."»g zur Entcloakirungs-Frage derStiidte. Danzig, 1867. pp.8. 8° . . . .8017.14 Barky, J., Opie, J., and Fuseli, or Fuessli, (J.) II. Lectures on painting. Edited by R. N. Wor- num. London, 1848. 16° 8067.7 Bartsch, F. (.1. A.) von. Die Kupferstichsammlung der K. K. Hofbibliothek in Wien. Wien, 1854. 8° 8075.11 Baucheb, F. CEuvres completes. Mdthode d'<;quita- tion basde sur de nouveaux priiicipes, revue et augmentee. 13e ed. Suiviedes Passe-temps ^questres. Dialogues sur reguitalion, Dictioii- naire raisonne d'equitalion, [etc.]. Paris, 1867. 8° 6003.7 Baudicoir, p. de. Le peintre-graveur fran^ais con- tinue, ou catalogue raisonne des estampes t'r!iv(5e8 par les peintres el les dessinateurs de I'ecole fran^aise nes dans le xvillc siecle. Paris, 1859, 61. 2v. 8° *8065.13 Beau-mont, Vicointe E. H. de. Etudes th^oriques et pratiques sur la pisciculture. Paris, [1869]. 18° 6008.7 Shelf. No. Behrend, F. J. Die Kanalisirung der Stadt Berlin in gesundheitlicher Beziehung. Berlin, 1860. pp. 62. 8* 8013.27 Betto, B.de.,c«Merfl*inturicchio. See Romano, F. O. BlOWEl.L, G. H. Treatise on the imposition of [priTiters'] forms. New York, 1866. sm. 12° . 6119.2 Blanc, (.\. A. P.) C. L'ujuvre complet de Rem- brandt decrit et commcnte. Paris, n.d. 2 v. 8° ♦80615.16 BlERGER, W. MuK^ed'Anvers. Bruxelles, 1862. 12°.*8079a.ll Campin, F. Construction of iron roofs. London, [1866]. 4° g090a2j — Principles and conctruction of machinery. Lon- don, [18691. 16° 8018.3 Carcenac, 11. Du coton, du chanvre, du lin et des laines en Italic. Paris, 1869. pp. 55. 8° . . 5653.5 — Des laines et des plantes textiles en Portugal et dans ses colonies. Paris, 1869. pp. 40. 8° . 5653.5 — Des laines et des vdgetaux textiles en Espagnc et dans ses colonies. I'aris, 1869. pp. 61. 8°. 5653.5 Central union agriculturist and Missouri valley farmer. J. Behm, editor. Vol. 1. Omalia, 1869. 4° *5991.9 Child, G. W. The present slate of the town sew- age question. Oxford, 1865. pp.34. 8°. . .8017.18 Clacssin, (J. J.) de. Catalogue raisonne de toutes les ehtanipes qui forment I'ojuvre de Rem- brandt, et des principiiles pieces de ses eleves. Nouv. 6d. Paris, 1824. 8* *806d.l5 Xote. — Appended, Supplement «u catnloKue de Beinl>randt, liuivi d'une description ilea vatampeB de ses eleves, Letc.]. Taiis, 182S. 8". COLBURN, Z. Locomotive engineering and the mech- anism of railways. P.1-14. London, n.d. f. *8010.3 Conte-Gran DOHA MPS, — . Rapport sur le perce- ment du grand tunnel des Alpes. [No title- page ] II. p., n.d. pp.51. 8* 8017.17 Cook, 1). Art in England. London, 1869. 16° . . 8067.9 Dante Ai.I(!IIIEKi. Dantis Alighierj sepvlcrvni. riorentiae, 1783. obi. f ° . *47.C.l Davenport F.8. Ortfangems. Boston, 1864. obi. 4°. 8042.29 Delforge, II. Tralte des construofions ruruies. Contenant vues, plans, coupes, elevations, de- tails et dcvis des bailments de ferme. Liege, 1867. f° *80.L.l Demas,E.F. The flnx Industry. London, 18o2. 8°. 8017..9 Devili.ez, a. (B.) Elements de conslruclione civi- les. Mods, 18G9. 8° 8094.26 204 Shelf. No. DiTSON, 0.,andco. Standard librettos. Boston, n.d. 7 V. am. 4° *8042.27 ContentK. — Yoh I. Auber, D. F. E.: Fra diavolo, Masaiiiello; Biilfe, M. W.: Bohemian girl; Beethoven, 1^. van: Fidelio; Bellini, V.: I piiritaui, Konieo and Juliet; BoVeldieu, F. A.: La dame Blanche; Cagnoni, A.: Don Bucefalo. II. Donizetti, U.: Anna Bolena, Don Pasquale, I martiri. La favorita, L'elisire d'a- inore, Maria di Rohan. III. Eichberir, J.: Doctor of Alcantara, libretto by B. E. Woolf; Flotow, F. F. A. von: Martha; Gounod, C. ¥.: Faust; Halevy, J. F.: The tiewess; Herold, L. J. F.: Zampa; Mercadante, C: II. giuramento. IV. Meyerbeer, G.: L'Afrlcaine, Dinorah, Le prophete, Le* Huguenots, L'etoile du nord, Kobert le diable; Mozart, (J. C. S.) \V. A.: 11 flauto magico. Marriage of Figaro. V. Oft*enbach,J.: Barbc-bleue, La belle Ilelene, Genevieve de Brabant, Grand duchess of Gerolftein, La pericholc, Orpheus. VI. Pacini, G.: Saffo; Petrella,— : Carnival of Ven- ice, lone; Ricci,F. and L. : Crispino e lacomare; Kos- Bini, G. A.: Cinderella. II barbiere di Siviglia, La gnzza ladra, Moses in Egypt, Otello, Semira- mide, William Tell. VIL Verili, G.: Don Carlos, I Lonibardi, Luisa Miller, 11 trovatore. The masked ball, RIgoletto, Sicilian vespers; Weber, C M. von: Der freyschiitz. Dubois, U. Artistic cookery. London, 1870. 4° . *6001.4 DuPLE.s.sis, G. (G.) Lea merveiiles du la gravure. Paris, 1869. 16° 8068.6 Eastlake, C. L. Contributions to the literature of the fine arts. 2d series. With a memoir by [E.] Kastlake. London, 1870. 8" *8063.8 Edwakds, F.,jr. Our domestic fire-places. New edition. London, 1870. 8° 4103.18 ElGENBRODT, C. Die Stiidtereinigung. Darmstadt, 1808. pp. 89. 8° 8017.15 Engel, J. Richard Wagner's " Das Judenthum in der Musik." Eine Abwehr. Leipzig, 1869. pp.32. 8° 8045.8 France. Ministry of the interior. Musee des thermes et de I'liotel de Oluny. Catalogue et description des objets d'art, [par E. du Som- merard]. Paris,1868. 8° *8076.6 Georgens, J. D., and Gayette-Georgens, J. M. von. Die Schulen der weiblichen Handarbeit. Ber- lin, 1889. 4° *8020a.l0 Gerhardt, (G.) a. Manuel d'equitation. Paris, 1859. 8° . 6003.6 Giovanni Fra, da Fiesole, called Angelico [Guido Petri da Mugello]. See Komano, F. G. Gordon, S. T. Short voluntaries for the organ, har- monium, or melodeon. From the best authors. Now York, [1868J. obi. 4° 8043.32 Gounod, C. F. Faust: a lyric drama in five acts. The music. Boston, [1864]. 4° 8042.22 Gruver, F. A. Les vierges de Raphael et I'icono- graphie de la vierge. Paris, 1809. 3 v. 8° .8065.11 GuiDl, T., called Masaccio See Medico, A. del. Haiin, G. Ornamenten-8chule fUr den Zeichnen- unterricht. Abth. 1. Dresden, 1868. f " . *80.M.l Harvey, Sir G. Celebrated paintings. A selection from [liis] works. With descriptions by A. L.Simpson. London, 1870. f° ***80.G.2 Hausmann, B. Albrecht DUrer's Kupferstiche, Ra- dirungen, Holzsclinitte und Zeichnungen. Hannover, 1831. 4° *8061.11 Hay, D. R. Nomenclature of colours, hues, tints, and shades. Edinburgli, 1845. 16° *8066.9 Head, G. E. A new system of fortification. New York, 1869. 4° 5952.28 HoLLEY, A. L. American and Europo.in ruilway practice in the economical generation of steam. New York, 1867. 4° *8010.4 HuMBER, W. Handy book for the calculation of strains in girders. New York, 1869. pp.71. 16°. 4109.3 INDUSTRIA del ferro in Italia. Milano, 1865. pp.25. 8°. 8017.8 Jacqmin, F. De I'exploitation des chemins de fer. Paris, 1868. 2 v. 8° 8013.16 Jacquemakt, a. Les merveiiles de la ceramique. P. 3. Paris, 1S69. 16° 4025.8 Jameson, A. (M.) Legends of the Madonna as repre- sented in the fine arts. Corrected and en- larged ed. Boston, 1896. 16° 6578.34 — Legends of the monastic orders, as represented in the fine arts. Corrected and enlarged ed. Boston, 1866. 16° 6578 33 — Sacred and legendary art. Boston, 1836. 2 v. 16°. 6578.32 Johnstone, J. An account of the most approved mode of draining land ; according to the sys- tem practised by J. Elkington : with an appen- dix. Edinburgh, 1797. 4° 8010.20 JuLlEN, S. (A.) Industries anciennes et modernes del'empire chinois. Accompagneesde notices industiielles et scientifiques, par P. Cham- pion. Paris, 1869. 8° 5562.31 Shelf. No Kensington, Eng. Catalogue of the pictures, etc. in the new gallery at South Kensington. London, 1858. 8° *8075.5 Kerl, B. Practical treatise on metallurgy, adapted from the last German edition by W. Crookes and E. Rtihrig. Vol. 3. London, 1870 [1869]. 8° 7861.2 Knight, W. The arch of Titus and the spoils of the temple. London, 1867. 1. sq. 16° *8095.3 Lambe, R. The history of chess. London, 1764. 8°. 60o7 .11 Lea, M. C. Manual of photography. Philadelphia, 1868. 8° 7973.6 Lear, E. Journal of a landscape painter in Corsica. London, 1870. 1.8° *8063.24 Le Blanc, C. Catalogue de I'ojuvre de J. G. Wille. Avec une notice biographique. Leipsic, 1847. 8° .:,.......... 8075.4 Lefranc, (C.) De I'esprit moderne au point de vue religieux. Paris, 1869. 8° 7602.12 Liebig, J. von. Einleitung in die Naturgesetze des Feldbaues. Braunschweig, 1802. 8° • . . . 5993.12 London. Arundel society. Descriptive notice of the drawings and publications of the society, from 1849 to 1868 inclusive; illustrated by photographs. By F. W. Maynard. London, 1869. 1. 4° *8070.12 Longman, F. W. Chess openings. London, 1870 [1869]. pp. 64. 16° 6009a.l2 Majendie, V. D., and Browne, C. O. Military breech- loading rifles. Woolwich, 1869. 8° 5954.13 Mantz, p. Les chefs d'ceuvres de la psinture itali- enne. [Avec] 20 chromolithographies par F. Kellerhoven. Paris, 1870 [188yJ. 1.4°. . ***80.M.2 Maryland farmer, The : devoted to agriculture, hor- ticulture, rural economy and mechanical arts. Vol. 6. Baltimore, 1869. 8° *5990a.3 Masaccio. See Guidi, T. Mason, 8. W. Manual of gymnastic exercises for schools and families. Boston, 1863. pp. 47. 12° 6009a.7 Massachusetts charitable mechanic association. Eleventh exhibition, Sept., Oct. ,-1869. Boston, 1869. 8° *2354.25 Meaume, fi. Recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages deJ. Callot. Paris, 1860. 2 v. 8° . . . . . *8065.14 Medico, A. del. [Engravings from frescoes by Ma- saccio in the church of San Clemente in Rome.] n. p.,n.d. f° . . **80.B.2 Merrill, W. E. Iron truss bridges for railroads. New York, 1870. 4° 8010a.l8 MetZjC.M. Principj deldisegno. Roma, 1812. obi. r **80.M.3 Milan. Pinacoteca di Brera. Palazzo dclle scienze e delle arti. 248 incisioni in rame col testo di R. Gironi. Milano, 18-33. 3v. sra. f° *8070.9 MONNIER, M. The wonders of Pompeii. From the French. New York, 1870 [1869]. 12°. . . . 937.15 Montegut, fe. Les Pays-Bas. Impressions de voyage et d'art. Paris, 1889. 12° 4869.4 Moore, J. W. Complete encyclopaedia of music. Boston, n. d. 8° *8043.37 Nash, J. The mansions of England in the olden time. Edited by J. C. Anderson. With 104 illustra- tions, reduced by 8. Stanesby. Vol.1. London, 1869. 1.4° *8090.14 Newspapers. [Spfcimens of American agricultural papers.] v. p., 1869. 2 v. f° *4490a.4 NiCCOL, R. Essay on sugar and sugar refining. Greenock, 1834. pp. 63. 4° . . 8010a.l7 Nichols, T. Hamly-book of the British museum. London, 1870. 8' *8074.8 Ottlev, W. Y. a series of plates, engraved after the paintings and sculptures of ihe most eminent masters of the early Florentine school. Lon- don, 1826. r *8070a.ll Page, T. The art of shooting flying, fimiliarly ex- plained. Norwich, 1766. pp. 44. 8° . . . 6007.11 Pettenkofer, M. von. DasKanal- oder Siel-System in Miinchen. Munchen, 1869. 8° 8010a.l5 Pianist's album. The, or home circle. Vol.3. Bos- ton, [1867]. 4° ._ 8042.21 Prechtl, J. J. von. Technologische Encyklopiidie. Fortgesetzt von C. Karmarsch. Supplement b and 5 [and atlas]. Stuttgart, 18B9. Text 8°, atlas obi. f ° *8036.2,atla8 *8030a.5 Contents — SchlessbaumwoUe— Zwirn. Prenner, G. C. von. Illustri fatti farnesiani coloriti nel real palazzo di Capraroia da T,, F., e O. , Zuccari. Coll'acqua forte incisi in rame. Roma, 1748. f° **80.L.3 205 Shelf. No. Reed, E. J. Our iron-clad sbipB; their qualities, performances and cost. London, 186a. 8° . 5952.29 RiTCniE, K. Treatiseon ventilation, natural and arti- ficial. London, 1862. sin. 8° 8092.3 ROEBLiNn, J. A. Long and sliort span railway brid:,'e8. New York. 1839, f " *80.1.2 Romano, F. U. Cappella reali nella chiesa di 8. M. d'Aracosli in 10 tavole. Bernardino Betto (Pin- tiiricchio) piujc. TXo title-page.] lioina, n.d. r **80.L.4 — Le pitturc della cappella di Nicolo v. Opere del Beato Giovanni Angelico, esistenti nol Vati- cano. Disegnate el incise a contorni da Fran- cesco (riangiacomo Romano in 16 rami. Uoma, 1811). r **80.B.2 Ross, J. AV. The universal decorator. Illustrations by \V. Gibbs. [^««n.] London, n.d. 4°. *8090a.l Rossini, L. Gli archi trionfali, onorarii e funebri, degll antichi Komaiii, sparsi per tutta Italia. Ro.na, [1.S3BJ. i.f° •♦80.H.2 Rural church architecture. New York, n.d. obl.f . *80.L.2 RussEl.L. J. S. On the nature, properties, and appli- cations of steam, and on stoara navigation. Edinburgh, 1841. 16° 8017.13 Sadzay, a. Marvels of glass-raalclng in all ages. London, 1870 [1869]. 16° 8020.22 SCHNAASE, (J. Geschichteder blldenden KUnste. 2te Aurt. B. 3. DUsseldorf, 1869. 8° . . . . »4076.13 0»>lcHt». — Altchristliche, byzaiitiuUche, muham- meUaiiMche, karoliiii^iiiche Kunnt. SCHUETZENBEKGER, M. P. Die Farbstoffe. Deut- sche Uebertragung von 11. Buhroder. B. 2. Berlin, 1870 [1869]. 8° 8026.17 BlBlRE, Abbd A. Les lulhiers italiens aux xvil* et XVIII* siecles. Nouvelle edition du Parfait luthier, suivie de notes sur lusmaitres des dl- verses ecoles, [Par J. GallayJ. Paris, 1869. 12° 8048.6 Smith, M. W. Modern tactics of the three arms. [London.] 1869. 8'' 5952.10 S.urTii, W. W. Coal and coal-mining. London, 1869. 16° 1195.9 Spattii, H. TheAmerican draught player. 5th ed. New York, 1869. 10° 6007.10 — The game of draughts. 3d ed. New York, 1 1863]. pp.67. 16° 6004.16 fiTEPiiE.N, i!ir G. Adventures of a gentleman in siarch of a horse. By Caveat Emptor, gent., [pseiiU.]. Philadelphia, 1836. 12* 6009a.8 Stonev. B. B. Theory of strains in girders and simi- lar structures. London, 1869. 2 v. [Vol. 1, 2d ed.] 8° 8092.2 Street, G. E. Some account of Gothic ar^shitccture in Spain. 2a ed. London, 1869. 8° . . . . *8091.5 SZWYKOWSKI, I. von. Anton van Dyck's Biidnisse bukannter Personen. Leipzit;, 1809. 8° . . . 8075.16. Taine, IL (A.) Italy, Florence and Venice. From the French by J. Durand. New York, 1869. 1.12° 4763.8 Tiio.MAs, W.C. Mural or monumental decoration. London, [1869]. 8m.8° 8094.3 Thorwirtu, W. Ueber Canalisirung grosser Stadte. Mil specieller Beriickiiiclitigung der Ver- hiiltnisse Berlin's. Berlin, 18tJ3. pp.64. 8°, 8013.28 Tredgoli), T. Elementary principles of carpentry. 6th edition, corrected and enlarged. With an appu-ndix, containing specimens of ancient and modern roof:", by P. Barlow. Loudon, 1870. 4° 8010a.l9 Trowbiiidge, L. Excelsior cook book and house- keeper's aid. New York, 1870. 12° 186.66 Turnek, J.M. W. Celebrated landscapes. Repro- duced in pcrmanetit tint by iho autotype process. London, 1870 [1869J. 4° . . . . •»*80.Q.3 Ure, a. Dictionary of arts, inaiiufactures, and mines. [With supplement from the last edition, edited byR.Huul.] New York, 1866, 68. 3 v. 8°. K.R.,D.17 Cbntofte.— Vol. I. A— I. II. K— Z. III. Sup- plement. A— Z. Varrentr.\pp, G. Ueber EntwUsserung der Stiidf e, liber Wurth oder Unwerth der Wasserclosette. Berlin, 1868. 8° 8017.16 Venice. Pinacoteca vencfa. Raccolta del migliorl dipinti delle cliiese di Venezia, illustrati da F. Zanotto. Venezia, 1808,60. 2 v. sm. 4° . *8071.11 VlARDOT, L. Les mervellles de la sculpture. Paris, 1869. 16° 8068.4 — Wonders of Italian art. [Transl.] London, 1870 [1869]. 16° *8065.12 Shelf. No. VciLLEMiN, L., Ouebhard, A., and Dieudonn^, C. Chemins de fer. De la resistance des trains et de la puissance des machines. Paris, 1868. 8°. 8010a. 1 Waagen, G.*F. DicGemiildesammlung in der kai- serlichen Erniitage zu St. Petersburg. Bemer- kungen Uber andere dortige Kuiistsannnlun- gen. Munchen, 1864. 8° 8075.13 Warnes, J. On the cultivation of flax ; the fattening of cattle with native produce; box -feeding; and summer-grazing. 2d ed. Lot.don, 1847. 8° . 5994.5 Wasielewski, J. W. vou. Die Violiue uud ihre Meister. Leipzig, 1869. 8° 8045.6 Westropp, U. M. The traveller's art companion to the museums atid ancient remains of Italy, Greece, and Egypt. London, 1838. 8° . . . 6235.21 Williams, C. W. Elementary treatise on the com- bustion of co.U and the prevention of smoke. London, 18J8. sm. 12° 4109.4 Wilson, E. L. The American carbon manual. New York, 1868. 12° 8026.13 Wilson, T. Descriptive catalogue of the prints of Rembrandt. [Anon.] London, 1836. 8° . . *8074.6 WOROAN, G. The art of modeling flowers in wa<. Brooklyn, [cfVJ. 1867]. pp. 39. 12° 184.20 WORNLM, ii. N. Descriptive and historical cata- logue of the pictures in the National gallery: with biographical notices. Foreign Bchools. 52d cd. London, 1869. 8° ♦8065.10 Bibliography and Literary History. Amiens. Jiibliothctjue commuiuile. Catalogue me- thodiquc. Amiens, 1853-69. 8 v. 8^ . . . . *6135.23 Contenlt.—tViA. I.] Mudccinc. (II.] Bcl!*ii-Icttr«». [Ill, IV.] Ili»t«ire. rV.] SciciicM it arts. [VI.] Hi»- luire (leit reliKiomt. [VII.] JurUprudencv. [VlII.] Thi-ulugie, Ira partie. A'ofc. — Appended to Vol. 7, i» cataloRUe of the library of L. J. A. Cozette, with distinct pagination. AuFRECiiT, T. Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the library of Trinity college. Cambridge, 1869. 8° 6130a.l9 Book buyer. The, a summary of American and for- eign literature. Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1867- 69. 2 v. in 1. 8' *6153.6 Boston. Public library, l-ifteenth - seventeenth annual report of the trustees. Boston, 1867- 69. 8° •6201.6 Bremen. Statltbibliothek- Verein. Accessions-Cata- log fur 1868. Bremen, [1869]. pp.44. 16^ •6135.14 Brunnemann, C. Geschlchie der nordaraerlkanl- schen Literatur. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1868. 16°. 4407.10 DUPONT, P. Uistoire de I'lmpriinerie. [Nouv. Od.] Paris, n.d. 12° 6118.24 Fifteen O's, The, and other prayers. Printed by W. Caxton (circa 1490). Reproduced In photo- lithography by 8. Ayling. [London,] 1869. sm. 4- •2118.7 Georgetown, Mass. Peabody library. Catalogue. [Prefixed, Historical sketches.] Balem, 1869. 8° *6137.21 Hettner, H. J. T. Literaturgeschichte des acht- zehnten Jahrhunderts. Th. 3. 3te8 Buch. Das klassische Zeitaltcr der deutschen Lite- ratur. Ablh.l. Die Sturm- uudDrangpcriodc. Braunschweig, 1869. 8° 2193.10 Johnston, R. M. The English classics: sketch of the literature of England to George ill. Philadelphia, 1880. lz° 4576.23 KiRCHlIOFF, .v. Katalog derBibliothekdes Biirsen- vereins der deutschen Buchhiiudler. Leipzig, 1869. 8° ♦6136.22 LORCK, C. B. Skandinavischer Sortimentskatalog, 1800-1852. Leipzig, 1853. 12° *6139.3 Mac6, J. Morale en action; mouvement de propa- gande iutellectuelle in Alsace. Paris, 1865. 18° ♦6129.8 Mackei.lar, T. The American printer: a manual of typography. [5th ed.] Philadelphia, 1870. 16° •6117.2 O'Callagiian, E. B. List of editions of the Holy Scriptures and parts thereof, printed in Amer- ica previous to 1860: with introduction and bibliographical notes. Albany, 1861. 1. 8°. **2190.29 Paler.mo, F. I manoscritti palatini di Firenzc. Vol.3. Firenze, 1868. 4^ ♦2200.13 206 Shelf. No. Predsker, C. (B.) Ueber offentUche, Vereing- und Privat-Bibliotheken. Ileftl. Leipzig, 1839. 8°. *6128.3 Contents. — VeXiet Stadt-Bibliotheken fiir dA Biir- gerstand. R^ACME, E. Les prosateurs franjais du xvie siecle. Paris, 1869. 8° 6642.6 ROOARD, K. Notice sur la bibliothj-que d'Aix, dite de Mejanes; precedce d'un essai sur I'liistoire litteraire de cette ville. Paris, 1831. 8° . . . *6124.4 Savage, R. Collection of pieces published on oc- casion of the Dunciad. London, 1732. 16° . *6569.19 SkOWHEgan, J/e. Library association. Catalogue [and librarian's first annual report] . Skowhe- gan, 1869. pp. 52. 12° *6137.17 Staaff, F. N. La lltterature fran^aise depuis la for- mation de la langue jusqu'a la revolution. 3e ed. Paris, 1868. 8' 6672.4 Syracuse, N. Y. Central library. Catalogue. Syr- acuse, 1869. 8° *6204.10 Tanner, T., bp. of St. Asaph. Bibliotheca Britan- nico-Hibernica: sive, de scriptoribus, qui ad saeculi xvilinitium floruerunt, commentiirius. Praufixa est 1). Wilkinsii praefatio, liistoriain literariam Britannorum ante Caesaris adven- tum complectens. Londini, 1748. f° . . . . *6170.1 United States. Library of congress. Catalogue. Index of subjects. Washington, 1869. 2 v. in 3. 1.8° *6130.5 - Catalogue of works relating to political econ- omy, and the science of government. Ar- ranged by subject-matters. Washington, 1869. 1.8° *6130.6 Wartig, E., and Zeibig, J. W. Handbuch der Btenografischen Literafur. Leipzig, 1869. pp.36. 16° *6114.1 Biography, Genealogy, and Heraldry. Adlard, G. Amye Robsartand the earl of Leyces- ter. History of Kenihvorth castle: with me- moirs aud correspondence of Sir R. Dudley, son of the earl of Leycester. London, 1870. 8° . 4540a.ll Alexander, H. C. Life of J. A. Alexander. New York, 1870 [1869]. 2 v. 12° 4444.12 Allen, J. Genealogical sketches of the Allen family of Medfield. Boston, 1869. pp. 88. 16° . . *4435.14 Andrews, J. R. Life of O. Cromwell to the death of Charles I. London, 1870 [1869]. 8° 4540a.6 Acsten-Leigh, J. K. Memoir of J. Austen. Lon- don, 1870. 16° 6543.3 Barrett, Walter, clerk, pseud. See Scoville, J. A. BowDlTCH, H. I. Nat the navigator. A life of.N. Bowditch. [A11071.] Boston, 1870 [1869]. 16°. 1519.4 Brat, A. E. The good St. Louis and his times. London, 1870 [1869]. 16° 6646.6 Brewerton, G. D. Ida Lewis, the heroine of Lime Hock. Newport, 1869. pp. 66. 16° 1519.3 Brisbane, T. The early years of Alexander Smith. London, 1S69. 16* 6549.22 Brown, S. G. Life of R. Choate. 2d ed. Boston, 1870. 16° 521.13 and 4444.27 Bryan, M. Biographical and critical dictionary of painters and engravers. London, 1816. 2 v. 4° *8071.7 Buchner, W. Alexander von Humboldt. Ein Lebensbild. Lahr, n. d. 24° 4849a.ll BuRGE.s.'i, A. Memoir of G. Burgess. Philadelphia, 1869. sm. 8° 2096.20 and 4444.14 BURKE, ,S'ir(J.) B. Genealogical and heraldic dic- tionary of the landed gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 4th ed. London, 1868. 8° . . *4530a.3 — Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 32d ed. London, 1870. 8° *6531.1 BURNET, G. Memoirs of James and William, dukes of Hamilton and Castle-Herald. Oxford, 1852. 8° 4540a.8 Campbell, W. W. The life and writings of De Witt Clinton. New York, 1849. 12° ... .1525.22 Cantu, C. Alcuni Italiani contemporanei delineati. Milano, 1868. 2v. 16° 4743.20 — Vlte parallele di Mirabeau e Washington. Mi- lano, 1867. 16° 4743.21 Slielf. No Capecelatro, a. Storia di S. Pier Damiano, e del suo tempo. Firenze, 1862. 16° 4749 19 Cartwrigiit, W. C. Gustave Bergenroth; a me- morial sketch. Edinburgh, 1870. 16° . . . . 4846.7 Coleman, J. General index to printed pedigrees. London, 1866. 8° *4535.17 Coleridge, J. T. Memoir of J. Keble. New York, 1869. 2 V. 16° 2088.15 Colet,L. Enfancescelebres. 6e ed. Paris, 1868. 16°. 2076.38 Curtis, G. T. Life of D. Webster. Vol. 1. New York, 1870 [1869]. 8° 512.14 and 4441.2 Dionisotti.C. Vita di Carlo Botta. Torino, 1867. 8°. 4744.6 Drake, R. Revelations of a slave smuggler. Pref- ace by II. B. West. New York, 1860. 8° , . 1523.1 DUCLOS, H. (L.) Madame de La Valliere, et Marie- Therl'se d'Autilche, femme de Louis xiv. Avec pieces et documents inedits. Paris, 1869. 8° 6642.23 DussiEux, L. Gt'nealogie de la maison de Bourbon, de 1256 a 1869. Paris, 1869. 8° *6642.7 Eastlake, Larh/ E. Life of J. Gibson. London, 1870 [1869']. 8° 8083.1 Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story. Edin- burgh, n.d. 16° 569.27 EIkuiv Bao-iAt/cjj. 'J'he portraiture of King Charles I. New ed. Oxford, 1869. 16° 6548.19 EXEQLIAS t'eitas em J{oma a mairestade do Senhor Key Dom Joao v. Roma, 1751. f° *3070.23 Faral/AV, M. Life and letters. By B.Jones. Lon- don, 1870 [1869]. 2v. 8° 6541.3 FiNLAsoN, W. F. History of liereditary dignities. With si)ecial reference to the case of the earl- dom of Wiltcs. London, 1869. 8° *4535.5 FiSKE, A. A. History of the family (ancestral aud descendant) of W.Fiske, sen. 2d ed. Chicago, 1867. 12° *44S8.5 Galilei, G. The private life of Galileo. London, 1870. 16° 4746.17 Gauthier, J. Histoire de Marie Stuart. T. 1. Pa- ris, 1869. 8° 6542.4 Gothaischer genealogischer Hof-Kalendar. Al- manachdeGotha, 1870. Gotha, [1869]. 32°. *6219a.l Gothaischer genealogischer Ilof-Kalendar, nebst dii)lomatisch-statistischeni Jahrbuch auf das Jahr 1870. Gotha, [1869]. 32° *A.119a.2 GouGii, J. B. Autobiograpny and personal recollec- tions. Springfield, 1869. 8° . . . 1534.1 and 4444.11 Grant, J. Memoirs of Sir G. Sinclair. London, 1870. 8° 4540a.l2 Greene, R. H. The Todd genealogy, or register of the descendants of Adam Todd. New York, 1867. 8° *4433.10 Grinsted, T. p. Last homes of departed genius. London, 1867. 16° 549.41 Hacket, J. Scrinia reserata: memorial of J. Wil- liams. London, 1693. f* *4540.2 Halsey, L. J. Life and educational labors of P. Lindsley. [IL-irtfurd,] 1859. pp. 46. 8° . . . 4444.15 Heaton, Mrs. C. Life of Albrecht Diirer. W'ith a translation of his Ittters and journal, and some account of his works, London, 1870. 8°. *8063.9 Heraldic journal; recording the armorial bearings and genealogies of American families. Vol. 3,4. Boston, 1867,68. 2v. 8° *6226.10 Hesekiel, J. G. L. Life of Bitmarck. Translated, with notes, by K. R. H. Mackenzie. London, 1870 [1869]. 8° 4841.9 Hume, D., of Godscroft. History of the houses of Douglas and Angus. Edinbuigh, 1643, 44 f°.*4541.26 Irving, W. Life and letters By P.M.Irving. Vol.3. New York, 1869. 16° 2394.1 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian paint- ers. From the 10th English edition. Boston, 1866. 16° 6578.31 — Memoirs of the loves of the poets. From the last London ed. Boston, 1866. 16° ... . 6578.27 Jeaffreson, J. C. A book about the clergy. Lon- don. 1870. 2 v. 8° 4540a.l0 Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers. London, 1869. 3v. 16° 1566.4 Klencke, II. Alexander von Humboldt's Leben und Wirken, Reisen und Wissen. 6te illiistr. Ausg. erweitcrt ur.d umgearbeitet von H. T. Kiihne. Leipzig, 1870 [18691. b° 4844.12 Lawrence, T. B. [Memorials of] T.B.Lawrence. [Boston, 186i..] pp. 43. 16° **4438.6 Lee, L. M. Life and times of J. Lee. Louisville, 1848. 8° 4443.23 Leslie, C. Historical records of the family of Leslie from 1067 to 1808-9. Edinburgh, 186U, 3 v. 8°. 4540a.7 207 Shelf. No. LiTTA, P. Faraiglie celebri d'ltalia. DUpenaa 156- 160. Milaiio, 1868, 69. f *07-l0.1 MacDonald [M'Doiiald], P. Autobiography. Kd- ited by her grand-daughter. Edinburgh, 1870. 2v. 16° 6546.9 Mackay, C. Medora Leigh ; a history and autoblog- rapliy . With an introduction, and a commen- tary on the charges brought against Lord Byron by Mrs. 1$. Stowe. [.Vdded, Cjnversa- tlons with Lord Byron in Greece in 1823. J London, 1809. 16° *, ♦6547.9 -Same. New Vorlc, 1870. pp.63. 8° . . . ***6543.4 MAbaii, W. II. Memoirs of archbishop Juxon and liis times. With a sketch of the parish [ofj Little Compton. Oxford, 1869. 8° . . . 6542.22 Mariam, C. 11 I'lutarco Italiano; vltl di lllustri Italian!. Milano, 1869. 16° 4749.18 Marshall, O. W. Catalogue of pedigrees hitherto unindexed. Mnon.] London, 1867. pp.70. 8°. *4536.11 Marwick, J. 1). History of the high constables of Kdinburgh. Edinburgh, 1865. sm. 4° . . . 2467.12 Mathews, C, ^Aee/f/er. Life and correspondence. By Mrs. Mathews. New edition, by E. Yates. London, 1800. 16° 6549.23 Men who were earnest. Edinburgh, n. d. 16° . . • 549.40 MiCHELET, J. Jeanne d'.Vrc. I'arls. 18:.6. 16°. .4677.28 MissiKiNl, M. Degli lllustri Italiani c loro scoperte nelle gclenzc, nelle lettere, nelle art!. 8iena, 1838. 8° 4745.9 MlTFOUi>, M. 11. Life related In letters to her friends. Edited by A. O. (K.) L'Estrange. London, 1870 [1889]. 3v. 16° 6544.2 Same. New York, 1870. 2 v. 12" 1517.12 Montagu, E. W. Autobiography. London, 1809. 3v. 12° •6545.17 Morel, A. Napoleon iii, sa vie, ses eeuvresetses opinions. Paris, 1870. 18° 6649a.l2 Nichols, J. Biographical anecdotes of W. Ho- garth ; and a catalogue of his works chrono- loi^ically arranged. London, 1781. 8° . . . *8069a.l8 Parr, II. Maurice and Kugeniu de Uuerin. Lon- don, 1870. 16° 6647.24 Pertz, a. II. Leben des Orafen Neithardt von Gneisenau. Herlln, 1864-69. 3 v. 8° . . . . 4344.11 PiLKiNGTON, L. Memoirs. Written by herself. London, 1748-54. 3 v. sm. 12° 6540a.5 PlOZZi, H. L. (Afrs. Thrale.) Piozziana; or, recol- lections and anecdotes of Mrs. Piozzi. [Kd- ited by E. Mangin.] London, 1833. sm. 8°. 6546.8 POUGEOIS, A. Vansleb, sa vie, sa disgrace, scs oeu- vres. Paris, 1869. 8° 4844.10 QuiN, J. Life. With tlie [contemporary] history of the stage. London, 1766. sm. 12° 6579a.8 Reumost, a. von. Andrea del Sarto. [Lebensbe- schreibung.] Leipzig, 1835. 12° 8069.4 Richardson, R. Memoirs of A. Campbell. Vol.1. Philadelphia, 1838. 8° 4444.13 Russell, (C.) W. Vita del cardinale G. Mezzo- fanti e memoria del piu chiari poliglotti an- t^chi e moderni. Dall' Inglese recata e accre- sciuta di documenli. Bologna, 1859. 8° . . . 4741.9 SCHELE do Vere, M. The great empress. Phila- delphia, 1870 [1869]. 12° 1517.11 Schmidt, F. Alexander von Uumboldt. Ein Le- bensbild. Berlin, [1869]. 24° 4S49a.l2 Schramm, II. C. F. Ph. v. Martius. Sein Lebens- und Characterbild insbesondere seine Reise- crlebuisse in Brasilieu. Leipzig, 1869. 2 v. 16° 4849a.l4 Scott, W. B. Albert Dnrer: his life and works. London, 1869. 1.16° 8065.9 BcoviLLE, J. A. The old merchants of New York city. By Walter Barrett, clerk, [pseud.]. 5th series. New York, 1870. 12° 536.17 Serres, O. W. Life of the author of the letters of Junius, J. Wilmot. London, 1813. 8° . . . . 6545.6 SIMMS, W. G. Life of J. Smith, the founder of Vir- ginia. 7th ed. Philadelphia, 18t)6. 16° . . . 547.23 — LifeofN. Greene. New York, 18S1. 12°. , . 528.15 Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters, engravers, sculptors and architects, and curiosities of art. New York, 1865. 3 v. 16° 8067.8 — Biographical history of the fine arts. 4th ed. New York, 1887. 2v. 8° *R. li., D. 16 S POKES, W. Life of G. Petrie. London, 1868. 8° . 6542.3 BrowE, H. (E.) B. Lady Byron vindicated. A his- tory of the Byron controversy. Boston, 1870.- 16° 6547.7 Taintor, C. M. Genealogy and history of the Tain- tor family. Greenfield, 1847. pp. 82. 12° . *4439a.3 Shelf. Mo. TONINI, L. Memorie storicho intorno a Francesca da Rimini, ad illustrazione del fatto nnrrato da Dante nel canto V. dell' Inferno. Rimini, 1852. 'pp. 80. 8° 4743.11 Townsend, G. a. The life, crime, and capture of J. W. Booth. New York, [1866]. pp. 79. 8°. 1830.3 Ule, O. Alexander von Humboldt. Biographic. Berlin, 1889. 16° 4849.24 Walker, J. Trial and imprisonment for aiding slaves to escape. With a sketch of his life. Boston, 1846. 12° 5579a.l6 Wasielkw.resden, 1869. 16° . 8,45.19 White, (J. M.) Blanco. Life, written by himself; with portions of his correspondence. Edited byJ.lI.Thom. London, 1845. 3 v. 12° . . 6544.3 Wilson, II., and Caulrteld, J. The book of wonder- ful characters in all ages and countries. Ivon- don, [18691. 16° 1546.5 WuBZBACil, (T.) C. von. Biographlsches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Ocsterreich. Tli.20. Wien, 1869. 8° *2843.7 Contents — NabieUk-Odclga. ZsCHOKKE, J. H. D. Autobiography. London, 1845. »° 4849.23 Education. Arev, n. W. Girard college and its founder. Philadelphia, 1860. pp. 85. 12° 4445.7 KossSAGRlVEf. J. B. LVducation physique des jeuncs fllles. Paris, 1889. 12° 5599a. 7 Gessekt, F. (F.) Handbuch der Schuldisciplin. MUnster, 1835. sm. 8° 5599a.29 Hermann, F. B. \V. Ueber polytechnischc Insti- tute im Allgemelnen und liber die Erweiterung der lechnischen Schule zu Nilrnberg insbe- sondere. Mit einum Anhange, die Einrichtung der polytecnnischen Anstalten zu Prag, Wiea und Berlin betreflend. Nilrnberg, 1826. sm. 8° 5599a.28 HONEGUER, J. J. Grundsteino einer allgcmeiDcn Cullurgeschichtc der neuesten Zeit. B. 1. Leipzig, 1868. 8* *6561.2 Mansfield, R. B. School-lifo at Winchester col- lege. London, 1870. 10° 1817.24 Neaves, C., lord. On fiction as a means of popular teaching. Edinburgh, 1869. pp.36, lo' .. 6579.17 New York, City, ilmird of eductUion. Public education. Offlcial report to the board, by T. Boese. New York, 1869. 8° 5590a.l9 New York, State. Inntitution for the. inntrtiction of the denf and ilumb. Ninth, eighteenth, twentieth-fiftieth annual report and docu- ments. New York, 1828, 37, 39-69. 5 v. and 3 pph. 8° •5590a.7 — Regents of the university. Minutes, 1853-59. Albany, 1860. 8° •6485.3 Perry, W. C. German university education. 2d ed. London, 1846. 12° 5599.25 Santagata, D. Bologna sede perenne degli studi. Bologna. 1868. pp. 52. 8° 4732.3 Wilmsen, F. P. Derdeutscho Kinderfreund. 134te Aufl. Berlin, 1835. 16° 4889.23 Zerrenner, C. C. G. Grundsatze der Schul-Discl- plin. Magdeburg, 1826. 16° 6599a.27 Geography, Travels, Description, eto, Adam, J. Mountain, loch, and glen, illustrating [Queen Victoria's] " Our life in the Highlands." With an essay on Scottish scenery by N. Mac- leod. 2dcd. London, 1870 [1869]. 4°. . ***24.B.l Allen, C. H. Visit to Queensland and her gold- fields. London, 1870 [1869]. 16° 5047.5 Amati, a. Dell' Australia e della fondazione d'una colonia con bandiera italiana. Milano, 1868. pp. 50. 8° 5043.29 Arnold, R. A. From the Levant, the Black sea, and the Danube. London, 1868. 2t. 16°. 5086.2 Audouard.O. Atravers I'Amerique — Le far- west. Paris, 1869. sm. 12° 4469. 208 Shelf. No. Bernard, H., and Tissot, E. Itin^raire povn-l'isth- me de Suez et les grandes villes d'Egypte. Paris, 1869. 18° 5059a.3 Bebtrain, — . Wagien. Baltische Studien und Erinnerungen. Dorpat, 1868. 8° 4868.13 Beste, J. R. D. Nowadays: or, courts, courtiers, churciimcn, Garibaldians, lawyers and brig- ands at home and abroad. London, 1870. 2v. 8° 4565.16 BlNKERD,A.D. The mammoth cave [Kentucky]; descriptive guide. Cincinnati, 1869. pp. 96. 8" . , . . 4462.10 Blackbcrn, H. Normandy pictureBque. London, 1869. sm.4'' 4661.10 Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller; or, notes of things seen in Europe and America. New- York, 1869. 12° 6278.2 Burnes, Sir a. Cabool: narrative of a journey to, and residence in that city. I'hiladelphia, 1843. pp. 96. 8° 5045.29 Carver, John, pseud. Sketches of New England, or memories of the country. New York, 1842. 12° 4469a.l3 Chester, G. J. Transatlantic sketches in the West Indies, South America, Canada, and the Uni- ted States. London, 1869. 16° 4467.11 Clerk, A. M. The antipodes and round the world. London, 1870 [1869]. 8m.4° 6263.12 Cook, C. Description of the New York Central park. [Anon.] New York, 1869. sm. 4° *4474.3 Cox, S. 8. Search for winter sunbeams in Kiviera, Corsica, Algiers, and Spain. New York, 1870. sm. 8° 1653.1 D., M. J. M. Art and nature under an Italian sky. London, 1860. 8° 4763.9 Daumas, (M. J.) E. Laviearabe et la soci^t^ mu- sulmane. Paris, 1869. 8° 5043.7 Dempsey,J. M. Our ocean highway: a condensed universal route book. London, 1870 [1869]. 16° 6287.11 Description des phares et fanaux existant sur le littoral maritime dn globe; a I'usage des navi- gateurs. Paris, 1869. 18° *6247.20 De Vriks, D. P. Voyages from Holland to America, 1632-1644. From the Dutch, by H. C. Murphy. New York, 1853. 4° **2360.19 Du CiiAiLLii, P. (B.) Lost in the jungle. New York, 1870 [1869]. 12° 1699.12 Eckardt, J. Modern Russia. London, 1870. sm. 8°. 5062.1 Kenton, R. Historical tour through Pembroke- shire. London, 1811. 4° *2460.23 FOL'QDIER, A. Horsde Paris. Canal de Sues;. Le Caire. Jerusalem. Uamas. Paris, 1869. 16°. 5046.3 Grey, T. Journal of a visit to Egypt, Constantino- ple,, the Crimea, Greece, etc. London, 1869. sm. 8° 5058.17 Hakliiyt, R. Collection of the early voyages, travels, and discoveries of the English nation. New ed., with additions. London, 1809-12. 5 V. imp. 4° *6251.10 HalIi, N. From Liverpool to St. Louis. London, 1870. 16° 4467.10 Hatfield, J. The Bryant homestead-book. [Anon.] New York, 1870 [1869]. sm. 4° . . 4442.5 Hawthorne, Mrs. N. Notes in England and Italy. New York, 1869. 12° 1666.15 Hayes, I. I. An Arctic boat journey. New ed., enlarged and illustrated. Boston, 1869. 12° . 706.22 Hutchinson, T. J. The Parana; with incidents of the Paraguayan war, and South American recollections from 1861 to 1868. London, 1888. 8° 4464.10 Jameson, A. (M.) Diary of an ennuyee. From the last London ed. Boston, 1866. 16° . . .6578.28 Joanne, a. (L.) Itineraire general de la France. Le Nord. Paris, 1889. 16° 4639a.5 JONVEAUX, "^j. L'Amdrique actuelle. Preced<5 d'une introduction par i]. Laboulaye. Paris, 1869. 12° 4468.11 Lalande, J. J. le F. de. Voyage d'un Francois en Italic, 1765 et 1760. Nonv. ed. [par J. E. Ber- trand]. Yverdon, 1769, 70. 8 v. sm. 8° . . . 6768.2 L^WLOR, 1). S. Pilgrimages in the Pyrenees and Landes. London, 1870. sm. 8" 6063.1 MacCabe, J. !>.,,;■»•. Paris by sunlight and gaslight. Philadelphia, [1869]. 8° 1674.2 MACLEOD, N. Eastward : travels in Egypt, Pales- tine, and Syria. London, 1869. 16° 1694.10 Maine. Hijdroqraphic mirveij. The water-power of M;iine,'by W. Wells. A ugusta, 1869. 8° . 6311.2 Martin de Moussy, V. See Monf^ in. X 2 ft. 3in.; scale, ll-16in. to 50 m.].*4473.20 Vacani, C. Delia laguna di Venezia e dei ftumi nelle attigue proviticie. Firenze, 1867. 8°. . 6721.3 Van Lennep, H. J. Travels in little-known parts of Asia Minor. London, 1870. 2 v. 16° , . . 5046.4 Weld, C. R. Notes on Burgundy. London, 1839. 16°. 4628.2 Wyse, Sir T. An excursion in the Peloponnesus in I8.18. London, 1865. 2 v. 8° 5073.10 Young, E. D. The search after Livingstone. Re- vised by H. Waller. London, 1868. 16° . . 5059.4 History, Antiquities, J^jTumismatics, etc. A Beckett, G. A. Comic history of England. With etchings and woodcuts by J. Leech. London, n.d. 8° 4528.24 Account of the funeral honors bestowed on Capt. Lawrence and Lieut. Ludlow : with eulogy by J. Story, [and] account of the engagement be- tween the' Chesapeake and Shannon. [Title- pase missing, and supplied in Ms.] Boston, 1813. pp.64. 8° *4443.24 Adams C. F., )>. A chapter of Erie. Boston, 1869. 16° .... 447924. 209 Shelf. No. Aiken, L. Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth. 6th ed., revised. London, 1839. 16° 4528.2 Aver, I. W. The great north-westeru conspiracy. Chicago, 188d. 8° 4424.14 BiZOT, r. Histoire metallique de la republique de Hollande. Nouv. (id. T. 1, 2, and suppl. Amsterdam, 1688, 90. 3 v. sm. 8° . . . ". . *6223.10 BOLAN A.CHI, G. C, and Fazy, H. Precis 66 I'histoire de Crete jusqu'k la fin du la domination romaine. Fans, 186.^. 12" 5079a.4 Bond, J. J. Handy-book of rulesand tables for veri- fying dates with the Christian era. London, 1869. 16° *6235.26 Borough, Sir J. Notes of the treaty carried on at Kipoii between Charles l. and the covenanters of Scotland, 1640. Edited by J. Bruce. [Lon- don,] 1869. sm. 4° *2427.2 Bosio, A. llomasotterranea. Compita, dispostaed accresciuta dal G. Severanl. Roma, 1632. f °. *6750.2 Bosro.N. [Oocuments concerning the annexation of Dorchester.] Boston, 18aj. ppli. v. 8° . . *6344.12 Contents. — Repartn.—CUfing argument In behalfof the petitioners for oiincxatioi), by C. R. Train. — Clo«- ing argument of B. W. Uarria, for tlie remonstrants.— [Circular, signed N. F. S.] —[Circular to votem.] — Fuctsto bceousiilered. [Circular.] — Ye* or No? Plain facta for thiukiu;; men. T Broadside.] Bourne, H. H. F. The story of our colonics: with sketches of their present condition. London, 1869. 16° 4527.3 Bredow, G. G. Weltgeschiohte In Tabellon, nebst einer tabellarischen tfberslcht der Litlerar- gesciiichte. 4te Ausg. Altona, 1816. f ° , . 62S0a.l Brigh AM, W. The colony of New Plymouth, and its relations to Massachusetts. Boi«ton, 18i3<). pp. 27. 8° 4451.15 Burton, J. II. History of Scotland. (1689-1748.) London, ISiS. 2 v. 8° 4.124.3 Cansick, F. T. Epitaphs in the ancient church and burial grounds of Saint Pancras, .Middlesex. London, 18*59. 16° •4538.23 CaAMBER^^, li. History of the rebellions in Scotland in 1689 and 1715. Edinburgh, 1829. sm. 12°. 999.23 ClIlJS, P. O. van der. Do munten der voorinaligo hertogdommen Braband en Limburg. Haar- lem, 1851. 4° *6221.11 Churchill, C. H. The Druzes and the Maronltes under the Turkish rule from 1840 to 18 j'J. Lon- don, 1862. 8° 3085.16 .Vo/«. — Uniform with Churchill'* Mount I^ebanon, 3 v., London, l^i. An index to the four voluniei is appended. CicoGNA, E. A. Dellelnscrizionl venezlane. Vene- zia, 1836-53. 6 v. In 7. 4° *4741.4 CocKBijRN, H. (T.), lord. Memorials of his time. New York, 1856. 12° 6544.7 COSEL, E. von. Geschlchte des preussischen Staates und Volkes unter den Holienzollern'schen Filrsten. B. 1, 3. Leipzig, 1859. 2 v. 8° . 4823.2 Cucheval-Cl\rionv, A. HIstoire de la constitu- tion de 1852. Paris, 1869. li° 4629.10 Cushman, F. K. History of the 53th regiment Massa- chusetts vols. By F. E. C. Washington, 1885. pp. 38. 16° 4429.5 Debat des heraul-x d»rme« de frftco et dengleterre. England and France in the 15th century. Trans- lated; with an introduction, notes, an inquiry Into the authorship, etc. By H. Pyne. Lou- don, 1870 [1869]. 8° 6642.5 7Vb<«. — Proumed to have been written between ltS8 and 14til by Charles, due d'Orleans. De Costa, B. F. The Northmen In Maine. Added a chapter on the discovery of Massachusetts bay. Albany, 1870. 16° 4422.7 Demmin, a. Weapons of war. A history of arms and armour. Translated by C. C. Black. Lon- don, 1870 [1869]. 16° 6-232.2 Dix, W. G. The unholy alliance : an American view of the war In the East. New York, 1855. 12°. 5085.2 Drapeyron, L. L'empereur Heraclius et Tempiro byzantin au Vii' siecle. Paris, 1869. 8° . . 5074.5 DuBARKY, A. .Deux mois de I'histoire de Venise (1888). Paris, 1839. 18° 4729a.21 DUBY, p. A. Tobiesen . Kecueil gener.il des pieces ob- sidionales et de necessite. Paris, 1788. 1.4°. . *0250.4 Traite des monnoles des [prelats et des] barons [de France]. Paris, 1790. 2 v. 1.4° *6250.5 DuvERGiER DE Hauranne, P. Hlstoire du gouverne- ment parleinentaire en France. 1814-48. T. 9. Paris, 1869. 8° 4618.1 2 Shelf. No. DuTTS, F.dcn. Les anclennes monnalcs des comtes da Flandre, duos de Brabant, comtes de Hainaut, comtes de Xamur et dues de Luxembourg, faisant partie de la collection des med:iilles do , I'universite de Gaud. Nouv. ed. Gand, 1847. 8° *6222.H Bllet, E. F. (L.) The court circles of the repubUc. Hartford, 188J. 8° 4341.29 Elliot, Sir H. M. Memoirs ofthe history, folk-lore, and distribution of the races of the northwes- tern provinces of India : amplilied edition of tho Suppleme itarv glossary of Indian terms. Edited by J. Beames. London, 1889. 2 v. 8°. 5041.4 Pinlay, G. History of the Byzantine empire from 716 to 1057. 2ded. Edinburgh, 1856. 8° . . 5073.9 Florence. li. deputaziont augli studi di storia patria. Commissioni di Kinaldodegll Albizzl per il comune di Firenze dal Mcccxcix al MCCCCXXXIII. T. 2. (1424-1423.) Flrenzo, 1839. 4° •6710.1 France. Ordonnance du rol, portant dciclaratlon deguerro contre le rol d'Angleterre. Du 9 julnl756. (No title-page.] u.p., n.d. pp.12, sm. 12° *U29a.l3 Freeman, E. A. History of the Norman conquest of England. Vol. 3. Oxford, 1839. 8° . . . 4515.1 French, B. F. Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida. New series. New York, 1869. 8° •4464.9 OintentA. — M. de Rimonville on the importance of establisliinic a colony in I^uisiana; Theex|>edition of P. Ierville to Ijouisiiiua: Annals of Louisiana, ItCM-l'^i. by .M. Penicant; History of t)>e first attempt of the Hui^ueuots to colon i/.e Florida, by Hini Laudouniere. Translated by K. llakluyt. Froude, J. A. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish armada. Vol. 11, 12. London,. 1870 [1869]. 2 v. B° . *2436.5 GAHAT, D. J. Orlgioes des Basques de France et d'Espagno. Paris, 1869. 16* 6237.8 Gardiner, S. K. Letters and documents Illustrat- ing the relations between England and Ger- many at the commencement of tho thirty years' war. 2d series. London, 1868. sm. 4°. *2428.35 Gaskin, J. J. Varieties of Irish history. Dublin, 1889. 16* 4518.10 Gattinara, M. (.'^O conte di. II sacco dl Roma net 1527. Gluevra, 1886. 18° 4759a.4 Gibbon, E. History of the decline and fall of tho Uomsn empire. With notes by [H. H.] Mil- • man and [F. P. G.] Gulzot. Edited by W. Smith. London, 1882. 8 v. 8° 4754.2 Grant, J. W. The flying regiment. Journal of the campaign of the 12th regt. Rhode Island vol- unteers. Providence, 1885. 18° . . . . .». 4429.8 Gregg, A. Historyof the oldCheraws. New York, 1887. 8° 4465.22 GuiOTlI, J. L. Histolrc nnmismatique de la Bel- gique, faisant suite a l/histoire nnmismati- que de la revolution b^lgc. T. 1. Hasselt, 1851. 4° *6251.19 — Histoire numlsm.itiquc de la revolution beige. Hasselt, 1814. 4° *6251.13 Harvey, G. The city remembrancer : narratives of the great plague, fire, and storm, [1665, 66, 1703], Added, Observations on the plague In general. London, 1769. 2v. Inl. 8* . . . . 4530a.2 Haven, S. F. History of grants under the great council for New England. Boston, 1869. pp. 38. 8° 4422.5 Hennin, M. Histolre uumlsraatlquede la revolution frauQaise. Paris, 1825. 2v. 4° *6211.23 Henry, G. V. Military record of civilian appoint- ments In the United States army. Vol. 1. New York, 1869. 8" 4423.8 Hervey, J., lord. Memoirs of the reign of George u. Edited by J. W. Croker. London, 1848. 2v. 8° 4525 3 History of Gibraltar and its sieges. With photo- graphic illustrations, by J. H. Mann. Lon- don, 1870 [1889]. sm. 4° *5094.19 History of the session of congress, which com- menced Dec. 7, 1301. Washington, 18J2. 8°. 4422.2 HOTCHKiss, J., and Allan, W. The battle-fields of Virginia. Cliancellorsville. New York, 1867. 8° 4423.9 Howe, H. Historical collections of the great West. Cincinnati, 1851. 2v.ini. 8° 4372.14 Hudson, E. H. Queen Bertha and her times. Lon- don, 1888. 16° 4529.17 210 Shelf. No. JODAR, F. de, or Francesco de Jesus. Narrative of the Spanish marriage treaty. [1604-2-i.] Ed- ited and traPHlatcd bv 8. R. Gardiner. [Span- ish and English.] [London,] 1869. sm. i" . . *2427.3 JOJJES, J. P. Paul Jones, ou propheties sur I'Ameri- que, [etc.]. Y joint, Le rOve d'un Suisse sur la revolution de I'Amerique. [Basle, 1781 ?] go ; . . *4428.14 La BouTETliRE, L., comte de. Le chevalier de Sapi- naud et les chefs vendeens du centre. Paris, 1869. 8° 6642.8 Laube, H. Das Burgtheater. Ein Beitrag zur deut- schen Theater-Oeschichte. Leipzig, 1888. 8 .4868.12 Lecomte, F. fitudes d'histoire milit-aire. Antiquite et moyen-age. Paris, 1869. 8"" 5954.12 Lee, p. D., and Agnew, J. L. Historical record of Savannah. Savannah, 1869. 12" 4375'.34 Lee, II. Memoirs of the war in the southern depart- ment of the United States. New edition, with hiography of the author, by R. E. Lee. New York, 1869. 8° 4402.2 Leo, J., surnamerl Africanus. A geographical his- torie of Africa. Translated and collected by lohn Pory. Londini, 1600. f " *5051.10 LOCir, H. B. Personal narrative of occurrences dur- ing Lord Elgin's second embassy to China, 1860. London, 1869. 16" 5015.9 LOEIIER, F. von. Jakobiia von Bayern undihre Zeit. • 2teAusg. B.l. NordUngen,1869. sm. 8" . . 4824.5 Long Island historical society. Memoir*. Vol. 2. Brooklyn, 1869. 8° *4371.22 Contents — The battle of Long Island, with preced- ing and subsequent events; Introductory narrative by T. W. field; Authentic documents. LuBOMiRSKi, Prince J. Souvenirs d'un page dutzar Nicholas. Paris, 1869. 12° 5069a.9 Lynn, jl/«ss. Thecity hall of Lynn. Lynn, 1869. 8". 6340.23 Manningham, J. Diary, 1602-3. Edited by J. Bruce. Westminster, 1868. sm. 4" . . . . *2427.1 Margoliouth, M. Vestiges of the historic Anglo- Hebrews in East Anglia. With apiiendices. London, 1870. 8" 2527.16 Maryland historical society. Fund-publication, No. 2. Namely: — — Streeter, 8. F. The first commander of Kent island 4472.9 Massey, W. History of England during the reign of George ill. 1745-1802. London, 1855-63. 4v. 8" 4525.2 MbiMOiRE contenant le precis des faits, avec leurs pifeces justificatives, pour servir de reponse - aux observations envoyees par les ministres d'Angleterre dans les cours de I'Europe. Paris, 1756. sm. 12" *4429a.l3 Metey^ard, E. The hallowed spots of ancient Lon- don. Newed. London, 1870. l.sq. 16° . . *2493.25 Mddena. Monument! di storia patria delle provin- cie modenesi. Serie degli statuti. T. 1. Par- ma, 1864. 4° *4711.2 Contents. — Statuta civitatis Mutine, anno 1327 re- forniata. — Regia deputazione di storia patria. Monu- menti di storia patria delle provincie mode- nesi. Serie delle cronache. Parma, 1861-67. 6 v. 4° *4711.3 Contunts. — T. I. Cronaea modenese di Jacopino de' Bianchi detto de' Lancellotti. II — VI. Cronaca modenese di Tommasino de' Bianchi detto de' Lan- cellotti. MoMMSEN, T. History of Rome. Translated by W. P. Dickson. New ed. Vol. 2. New York, 1870. 12" 4754.4 MUR.\TORi, L. A. Ad scriptores rerum italicarum Muratorii accessiones historicae Faventinae; prodeunt nunc primum opera J. B. Mitta- relli. Venetiis, 1/71. f° *6710.3 Oliphant, M. (O. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George ii. Edinburgh, 1869. 2 v. 8". 4527.2 Same. Boston, [1869]. 8" 983.4 Paget, J. The new '• Examen " ; or an inquiry into certain passages in Lord Macaulay's history. Edinburgh, 18ai. 16" 4527.9 PARALLliLE de la conduite du roi avec celle du roi d'Angleterre, relativement aux atfaires de I'empire, et nommement a la rupture de la capitulation de Closter-Seven par les Ilano- vriens. Paris, 1758. sm. 12" *4429a.l3 Parker, J. The first charter and the early religious legislation of Massachusetts. Boston, 1869. pp. 85. 8" 4451.16 Shelf. No. Pearson, C. H. Historical maps of England, dur- ing the first thirteen centuries. With explana- tory essays and indices. London, 1869. f" . *4520.3 Peter, C. Geschiehte Roms. Halle, 1865-69. 3 v. 8°. 4755.2 Prescott, W. H. History of the conquest of Mexico. London, 1869. 3 v. 8° 4413.4 — History of the conquest of Peru. Philadelphia, 1868. 2 v. 8" 4413.3 Quebec. Literary and historical society. Manu- scripts relating to the early history of Canada. [2d series.] Quebec, 1866. sm.8° *4472.7 Revue de la numismatique beige. Vol. 1-6; 2e serie, V. 1-6; 3e sdrie, v. 1-6; 4e serie, v. 1-6 ; 5e serie, v. 1, livr. 1, 2. Bruxelles, 184'2-69. 25 v. 8° *6223.1 — Table des deux premieres series [1842-1856J par A. Pinchart. Bruxelles, 1858. 8° *6223.2 RiKART, C. von. Menes and Cheops identified in history under different names : with other cosas. London, 1869. 8° 5054.19 RiTT, O. Histoire de I'isthme de Suez. Paris, 1869. 8° *5054.16 RoBBiNS, C. The regicides sheltered in New Eng- land. Boston, 1889. pp.36. 8° .4424.13 Rome. Instituto di correspondenza archeologica. Annali. T.40. Roma, 1868. 8° *5266.1 St. John, J. A. History of the four conquests of England. London, 1862. 2 v. 8" 4525.1 San Francisco. Municipal reports for 1868-9. San Francisco, 1869. 8° »6401.5 Sardinia. Historiae patriae monvmenta edita ivssv Caroli Alberti. T. 12. Codex diplomaticvs 8ardiniae,T.2. Avgvstae Tavrinorvm, 1868. f°.*4800.1 Sargent, L. M. Notices of the histories of Boston. By Sigma, [psewrf.]. Boston, 1857. pp.7. 8°. 4451.12 Scott, J. Partisan life with Col. J. 8. Mosby. New York, 1867. 8° 4423.7 Scott, Sir 8. D. The British army : its origin, prog- ress, and equipment. London, 1868. 2 v. 8°. *4523.2 Sewell, B. M. The child's first history of Rome. Newed. London, 1869. 8m.l2° 948.19 &iGyiA., pseud. See Sargent, L. M. Smith, G. Irish history and Irish character. 2d ed. Oxford, 1862. 16° 4518.9 Staffer, P. A. Bonaparte, Talleyrand et Stopfer. 18J0-1803. Zurich, 1869. 8° 6642.20 Stevens, J. The royal treasury of England: or, an historical account of all taxes, from the con- quest. London, 1725. sm. 8° *4527.10 Stiles, II. R. History of the city of Brooklyn. In- cluding the old town and village of Brook- lyn, Bushwick, and Williamsburgh. Vol. 2. Brooklyn, 1869. 8° 4373.15 — Supplement to the history and genealogies of ancient Windsor, Conn. Albany, 1863. 8° . *4431.3 Stokes, W. British war history during the present century. London, 18o9. 16" 4529.18 Stone, J. B. History of Lichfield cathedral. Lon- don, 1870. sm. 4° *2506.5 Streeter, S. F. The first commander of Kent island. Baltimore, 1B68. pp. 44. 8° .... 4472.9 Swift, 8. History of Middlebury, Vermont. Pre- fixed, a statistical and historical account of [Addison] county. Middlebury, 1859. 8°. +4431.9 Theiner, a. Codex diplomaticus dominii tempo- ralis s. sedis. Rome, 1861,62. 3 v. I. 4" . . *6710.2 — Monuments historiquos relatifs aux regnes d'AlexIs Mieliaelowitch, F6odor ill et Pierre, le grand czars de Russie. Rome, 1859. 1. 4° . *5060.1 — Vetera monunienta Ilibernorum et Scotorum historiam illustrantia. 1216-1547. Romae, 1864. 1.4° *4520.2 — Vetera monumenta historica Hiingariam sacram illustrantia. Romae, 1859^ 60. 2 v. 1.4° . . *4820.2 — Vetera monumenta Poloniae et Lithuaniae gen- tiumque finitimarum historiam illustrantia. Romae, 1860-64. 4 v. 1.4° *5060.2 — Vetera monumenta Slavorum meridionalium his- toriam illustrantia. T. 1, Romae, 1863. 1. 4°.*4820.1 TobiJ;;sen-Duby, P. A. See Dtihy, P. A. Tobiosen. Troya, C. Studii intorno agli annali d'ltalia del Muratori. [Prefixed, Avvertenzadi A. Cape- celatro. Delia vita e delle opere di C. Troya, discorso di E. Mandarin!.] Vol. 1. Napoli, 1869. 8° 4743.12 Turin. Regin deputazione distoriapatria. Miscel- lanea di storia italiana. T.5, 7. Torino, 1868, 69. 2v. 8° *4712.1 United States. Department of war. Jitireatt of engineers. Report of the chief of engineers for 1869. Washington, 1869. 8° *C. 211 Shelf. No United States, continued. Quartermaster genernPs office. Roll of honor. • (No. 20.) Names of soldiers interred in the national cemeteries at Corinth, Miss., Pitts- burg Landiiiif.Tenn., and Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Washington, 1869. 8" *4450a.l Roll of honor. (No. 22.) Names of soldiers interred in the national cemetery at Nashville, Tenn. Washington, 1889. 8° ♦4450a.l Roll of honor. (No. 24.) Names of soldiers interred in the national cemeteries at Vicks- burg, Miss., and New Albany, Ind. Washing- ton, 1869. 8° •4150a.l Varnhagen von Ense, C. A. Blatter aus der preus- sischen Geschichte. B. 3-5. Leipzig, 1868, 69. .3v. 8° 4833.3 Vaughan, R. Revolutions in English history. Vol, 2,3. Vol. 2, 2d ed. Loudon, 1863, 67 . 2 v. 8°. 2525.1 Vermont. Legislative documents and ofDcial re- ports, annual session of the general assembly, 1869. Montpelier, 1869. 8° *6329.1 Vebtoogh van Nieu Nederland, and Breeden raedt aende veroenichde nederlandsche provintien [by Cornelis Melyn], Two rare tracts, pnnte 1 in 1649-50. Relating the to administra- tion of affairs in New Netherland. Translat- ed from the Dutch by H. C. Murphy. New York, 1854. 4' **4410.10 JVo(«.— Vertoo;h van Nicii Velerland Was probably writtea by Adriaa van der Donck. Walker, -V. F. The Vermont brig.ide in the Shen- andoah valley. Burlington, 1869. 12° . . . 4427.8 Washburn, E. Slavery as it once prev:iiled in Massachusetts. Ijoston, 1S69. pp. 35. 8° . 5573.27 Watson, W. C. Military and civil history of the county of Essex, N. Y. ; embracing an account of the northern wilderness, and the military annals of Crown point and Ticonderoga. Albany, 1869. 8° 4473.22 Williams, J. History of Wales. London, 1869. 8'". 2473.13 Wright, J. 8. Chicago : past, present, future. Chi- cago, 1868. 8° .4376.37 Wright, T. Wdfnankind in western Europe from the earliest times to the 17th century. Lon- don, 1869. sm. 4° *6235.22 Iianguage, Bhetorlc, etc. . Ahn, F. Practical metliod of learning the Italian language. London, 1801. 12° 2048.4 Alden, J. The natural speaker. New York, 1870. 12° 1397.8 Bachi, P. Rudimentsof the Italian language. Bos- ton, 1832. sq. 10° 2048.5 Bingham, W. Orammar of the English language. Philadelphia, 1870. 16° 4588.10 — Grammar of the Latin language. Philadelphia, 1867. 12° *. 4939.33 BocHER, F. Key to Otto's French grammar. Bos- ton, 1869. pp. 64. 12° 2069.38 BlJLLION.4, P. Analysis, parsing and composition. [Edited] by J. Cruikshank. New York, 1870. 12° 4588.9 Chiose anonime alia prima cantica della Divina Coramedia, di un contemporaneo del poeta, pubblicato per la prima voita da F. Selml. Torino, 1865. 8° 4791.17 CnoDZKO, A. (B.) Grammaire paieoslave, suiviede textes paleoslaves. Paris, 1869. 8° . . . . 5036.9 Cleasbv, R. Icelandic-English dictionary. En- larged and completed by Gudbrand Vigfus- son. P. 1. A-H. Oxford, 1883. 4° . . . •4880a.4 Comfort, G. F. A German course. New York, 1870. 12° 4889.26 Dante Alighieri. Commento di F. da Buti sopra la Divina Comedia. P^iblicato per cura di C. Giannini. Pisa, 1858-62. 3 v. 8° *4795.1 — La divina comniedia, portata alia coniune intelli- genza. Coll' nsgiunte del cenni cronologici [dlB. Bellomo]. 2a ed. Fircnze, 1868. 16°. 4797.8 M)te. — The Cenni cronologici are separately paged. Delille, C. J. Condensed French instruction. 2d Amer. from the 13lh London ed. New York, 1868. sm. 12° 2069.37 Egger, t. L'Uelliinisme en France. Paris, 1869. 2v. 8° 4672.10 ElliSi a. J. Early English pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspcre and Chaucer, from the Anglo-Saxon period. Including are- arrangement of F. J. Child's memoirs on the language of Chaucer and Gowcr, and reprints of Salesbury and Barcley. P. 1. 14th, 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. London, 1869. 8° . *4522.8 Faerar, F. W. Families of speech. London, 1870. 16° 4956.24 Fisher, E. T. Easy French reading. Added a brief French grammar by C. J. Delille. New York, 1868. 12° 2069.36 Fleming, LP. Analysis of the English language. London, 1869. 16° 4588.7 Ghibardini, a. Studj sulla lingua umana, sopra alcune antiehe iuscrizioni, e sulla ortogrofia Italiana. Milano, 1869. 1.8° 4950.3 GiRARD, (G.) Syiionymes frannois. 3e ed. Paris, 1740. 8m.r2° 6680a.l2 GOVETT, R. English derived from Hebrew; with glances at Greek and Latin. London, 1869. 8°. 6585.0 Gham.matograpi'y; a manual of reference to the olphabeU of ancient and modern languages. London, 1861. 1.8° *6110a.3 Green, II. Shakespeare and the emblem writers. London, 1870. 8° 4593.4 BLaldeman, S. 8. Anaiytic orthography: an in- vestigation of the sounds of the voice. Phila- delphia, 1860. 4° 4950.4 Johnson, 8. Dictionary of the English language. [Revised] by R. O. Latham. Vol. 2. P. 1, 2. London, 1870. 2v. 4° *4583.4 JossELTN, C. B. Elements of pronunciation. Bos- ton, 1866. pp.64. 16° 4583.11 Kradbs, K. C. F. Elements of German grammar. Boston, 1869. 12° .- 4888.16 — First book in German. Boston, 1889. 12°. . .4889.22 Mab Jacob, bn. of Kdessa. A letter on Syriac or- thography; also a tract bv [him], and a dis- course by Gregory Bar llebrajus on Syriac accents. Edited, in the original Syriac, with an English translation and notes, by Q. Phil- lips. London, 1869. 8° 5036.16 MCBDOCii. J. Dictionary of distinctions. London, 1811. 8° *0585.2 Ogilvie, J. Comprehensive English dictionary. London, 1868. 8° *6580.2 — English dictionary, for the use of schools. Lon- don, 1867. 16° ♦6586.5 — Imperial dictionary. English, technological and scientific. [Added, a supplement.] I>ondon, 1868. 2v. 1.8° *6580.1 — Student's English dictionary. London, 1866. 1. 16° *6586.4 Pbendeugast, T. The mastery series. Spanish. New York, 1870. 12° 5639a.4 Q'INTILIANUS, M. F. Institutlonls oratoriae Ubrl duodeclm. Recensult C. llalm. Llpsiae, 1868, 69. 2v. 8° 4935.13 Rudolph, L. ErliiuterndesWortcrbuclj zu Schiller's Dichterwerken. B. 2. L-Z. Berlin, 1869. 16° *4905.31. Schmidt, J. A. E. Neugricchisch-dcutsches und deutsch-neugriechisclies Worterbuch. Leip- zig. 18-25, 27. 2v. sm. 4° *5039a.21 Siiabpe, 8. The decree of Canopus, in hieroglyph- ics and Greek, with translations, [etc.]. London, 1870. 8° 5036.15 Smith, W., and Hall, T. D. English-Latin diction- ary. London, 1870. 8° v. 2of*2932.9 Taylor, 8. II. Classical study : its value illustrated by extracts from the writings of eminent scholars. Andover, 1870 [^869]. 12° ... . 4958.3 ToMMAsfco, N. Studl crlllcl. Venezla, 1843. 2 v. Inl. sm.S' 4745.10 WiDAL, A. Juvenal et ses satires. Paris, 1869. 8°. 4927.14 Law, Science of Q-overnment, Political Economy, etc. Anstey, T. C. Plea of the unrepresented commons for restitution of franchise. London, 1866. 8° 6564.22 Bai'DRILLART, H. (J. li.) tconomie politique po- pulaire. Paris, 1869. 16° 5659.3 Beccaui, d. B. 11 commercio Chinese nel 1865. Cenni geografici, statistici e commerclalt. S. Giovanni Yaldarno, 1869. 8° *5662.3 212 Shelf. No. Bluntschli, J. C. Allgettieines Staatsrecht. 4te Aufl. Miinchon, 1868. 2 v. 8° 5611.22 Boston. Charters and locations of the several street railways. Boston, 1869. 8° 6.340a.l7 Britton, Breton, Bretoun, or Brickton. John, ftp. of Hereford {ascribed to). Uritton. The French text revised, with an English transla- tion, introduction and notes. By F. M. Kichols. Oxford, 1865. 2v. 8° . . . . . . . *4512.2 Broom, H., and Hadley, E. A. Commentaries on the laws of England. London, 1869. 4 v. 8°. 5615.2 Browne, A. G.,jr. Reports of cases in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. Boston, 1869,70. 3v. 8° *5703.2 Ci-Avt, J. Princlpcs d'economie politique. Paris, [1869]. 18° 5659.4 Cox, H. The British commonwealth. London, 1854. 12° 5564.15 Davis, J. C. B. The Massachusetts justice. AVor- cester, 1847. 8° 5635.4 Greelev, H. Essays [on] political economy. Bos- ton, 1870. 16* 1139.4 and 5645.16 Greg, AV. K. Political problems for our age and country. London, 1870. 8° 5563.19 Hallam, H. Constitutional history of England. London, 1869. 16° 4517.5 Hamburg. Vorstand des statistischen Bureau der Deputation fur directe Steuern. Statistik des hamburgischen Staats. Heft 2. Ergebiiisse der Volksziihlung vom 3. 1)ecemberl867. Be- volkerungs- und Wohnungsverhiiltnisse. Sta- tistik der Unterrichtsanstalten von 1869. Hamburg, 1869. 4° 4830.2 Holland, T. E. Essays upon the form of the law. London, 1870. 8° 5611.5 Klostermann, K. Das geistige Eigenthum an Schriften, Kunstwerken und Erflndungen. B.2. IteHiilfte. Berlin, 1869. 8° 5663.3 Contend.— Die Patcntgesetzgebung aller Lander. Laurent, F. Principcs de droit civil frangais. T.l. Paris, 1869. 8° 5613.8 Massachusetts. Returns of the railroad corpora- tions, 1867, 68. Boston, 1868,69. 2v. 8°. . *6453,11 Meitzen, a. Der Boden und die landwirthschaft- lichen Verhaltnisso des prcussischen iStaates. B. 2, 3, and atlas. Berlin, 1869. 2 v. sm. 4°, and atlas obi. f° *4821.15, atlas *48.A.l MiDY, C. H. Le regime constitutionnel. Paris, 1869. 8° 5564.28 Mill, J. tJ. Chapters and speeches on the Irish land question. London, 1870. 16° 5659.6 Morse, J. T., j>. Treatise on the law relating to banks and banking. Boston, 1870. 8° . . . . 5642.7 Norman, G. W. Taxation. 4th edition. London, 1864. 8° 5655.4 Ogden, E. D. Tariff of the United States. New York, 1869. 8° 5645.3 llOBlDOu, B. La republique de Platon comparee aux idees et aux litats modernes. Paris, 1869. sm. 12° 5008.29 S.MOLKA, F. Autriche et Russie. Avec une preface de H. Martin. Paris, 1869. 8° 4836.3 Stewart, J. A. Conservative views. Atlanta, Ga., 1869. pp.92. 8° 5567.9 Throop, M. H. The future: a political essay. New York, 1864. 12° 4427.3 United States. Public laws, passed at the 1st ses- sion of the 33d congress. Edited by G. Minot. Boston, 1854. 8° 5620a.24 Wildman, K. Institutes of international law. Lon- don, 1849,50. 2 v. 8° 5625.4 Zumpt, a. \V. Das Criminalrecht der romischen Republlk. B. 1, 2. Berlin, 1865, 69. 4 v. 8°. *o628.2 Medical Science. • Amort, R., and Webber, S. G. Contribution to the physiological study of Veratrum viride and veratrla. Boston, 1869. pp. 66. 12° .... 5789 15 Archives g6n6rales de mddecine. Publiees par C Lasegue et S. Duplay. Vol. 1. (6e seric! tome 13.) I'aris, 1869. 8° *7755 1 Arrals, E. M. Arbor vita;; or, a physical JcJount of the tree of life in the garden of Eden I ranslatc'd out of the Latiue, [by K. Browne! London, 1683. sm. 8° *5769a 34 Shelf. No. Bacon, R. The cure of old age, and preservation of youth. Translated out of Latin; with an- notations and life, by R. Browne. London, 1683. sm. 8° *5769a.34 Barclav, a. W. Manual of medical diagnosis. 3d American from the 2d London ed. Phila- delphia, 1864. 8° 5791.13 Bert, P. l^e^ons sur la physiologie comparee de la respiration. Paris, 1870. 8° 5763.15 Child, G. W. Essays on physiological subjects. 2d ed. London, 1869. 16° *5761.33 Cruikshank, W. Anatomy of the absorbing vessels of the human body. 2d edition. London, 1790. 4° *5740.18 Cyr, J. Traite de I'alimentation. Paris, 1869. 8' . 5765.3 Ualton, J. C. Trichina spiralis: lecture. New York, [1869]. pp.4. 4° 6791.14 DioscoHiDEs Pedacils. De materia medica libri sex, cum notis. [Title-page gone. Imperfect.] Lvgdvni, 1546. sm. 8° *5789a.l9 EsMARCH, F. Der ert^te Verband auf dem Scblacht- felde. Kiel, 1869. pp.23, sm. 16° 5759a.9 Fort, (A.) J. A. Des difformites des doigts. Paris, 1869. 8° 7745.9 Galton, D. On the construction of hospitals. London, 1869. 16° 5763.1 Gardner, a. K. Conjugal sins against the laws of life and health. New York, 1870. 12° . . %*5568.27 Gavaret, L. D. J. Les phenomenes physiques de la vie. Paris, 1869. 12° 5769a.33 GouRLAY, \V. Observations on the natural history, climate and diseases of Madeira. London, 1811. 8° 5797.38 Hall, W. W. Health by good living. New York, 1870. 16° 1157.26 Hamilton, P. H. Practical treatise on fractures and dislocations. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1866. 8°. 5740.17 Harley, J. The old vegetable neurotica hemlock, opium, belladonna and henbane. London, 1869. 8° 7785.8 Hartshorne, H. Conspectus of the medical sci- ences. Philadelphia, 1869. 12° 5727.4 Hassall, a. H. Illustrations of the microscopic anatomy of the human body. With, additions by H. Vanarsdale. New York, 1869. 8° . . 5749a. 23 HOGBEN, J. Anatomical tables, illustrative of mid- wifery. [London, 1813.] f° *57.C.l Holmes, O. W. The medical profession in Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1869. pp. 45. 8° . . . . 5710a.l2 Holmes, T. . Surgery theoretical and practical, in treatises by various authors. Vol. 1. Local injuries. 2d ed. London, 1870. 8° . . . . *7741.19 Laycock, T. Treatise on the nervous diseases of women. London, 1840. 8° *5774.12 Letheby, H. On food. London, 1870. 16° ... . 6763.18 LiZARS, J. System of anatomical plates, with de soriptions and observations. Edinburgh, 1822-26. 8°, and atlas f ° *3750.14 Lofffleh, F. Das preussische Militiir Saniliitswesen und seine Reform nach der Kriegserfahrung von 1866. Th. 1. li>ie freiwilUge Kranken- pflege, und die Genfer Convention. Berlin, 1868. 8° 5760a.7 Ludlow, J. L. Manual of examinations upon anat- omy, physiology, surgery, practice of medi- cine, chemistry, obstetrics, materia medica, pharmacy and therapeutics. Added a medical formulary. Ncw ed. I'hiladelphia, 1867. 12°.*5788.9 Macnamaha, C. Treatise on Asiatic cholera. Lon- don, 1870 [1869]. 8° 5S02.18 Mayne, 11. G. Expository lexicon of the terms, ancient and modern, lu medical and general science. London, 1860. 8° *7730.2 MOREAU, (J. J.; Traite pratique de la folic nevro- pathique. I'aris, 1869. 18° 5779.9 Napiieys, G. H. -Physical life of woman. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1869. 12° ***5566.17 Newton, O. E. Essay on Asiatic cholera. New York, 1867. pp. 30. 8° 5802.17 Parkes, E. A. Manual of practical hygiene. 3d ed. London, 1869. 8° 5763.16 Peyraud, 11. i;tudes experimcntales sur la regen6- ratioii des tissus cartilaginiux etosseux. Paris, 1869. 8° 5749a.22 POMET, P. Histoire generale des drogues simples et composees. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1735. 2v. 4°.*o780.2 Probe, 'J'he; an inquiry into the use of stimulants and narcotics. By J. Parrit^h. No. 1-3. Phila- delphia, 1869. 8° *6788.15 SANNfe, — . £tudesur le croup apr^s la tracheotomie. Paris, 1869. 8°. . . . . ; 5790a.l5 213 Shelf. No. Swain, "W. P. Injuries and diseases of the knee- joint. London, 1809. 8' 5749a.l7 Tatlor, Sir Alexander. The climate of Pau. 3d ed. London, 1866. 12° 5769a.32 Tavlor, Alfred S. Principles and practice of medical jurisprudence. London, 1865. 8° 7785.10 Thomas, J. Comprehensive medical dictionary. Witli an appendix. I'iiiladelpliia, 1870 [1869] . 12° *1{..U.,H.5 Wharton, F., and Stille, M. Treatise on medical jurisprudence. The medical part, with addi- tions, by A. Stille. 2d cd. Philadelphia, 1860. S" *7785.9 Shelf. No. 973.2 Mental and Moral Science, Social Science, etc. Adam, W. An inquiry Into the tlicories of history, with special reference to tiie principles of the positive philosopliy. '2d ed. London, 1864. 8°. 7602.17 American annals of the deaf and dumb. Vol. 1-14. Hartford, 184&-69. 14 v. in?. 8° *559?.4 American Instructors of the deaf and dumb. Pro- ceedings of the lst-5th convention. Hartford, 1850-59. 2v. 8° •5598.3 Antoninus, M. A. Thoughts. Translated by G. Long. 2d ed. London, 1869. 16° 4979.12 AUBERTIN.C. SenequeetHaintPaul. Paris, 1869. 8°.7602.16 Barratt, A. Physical ethics; or the science of ac- tion. London, 1869. 8° 5585.5 Baumann, J. J. Die Lehren von Kaum, Zeit und Mathematilc in der neucren Pliilosophic. Ber- Un, 1868,69. 2v. 8° 6600a.22 Cmitenl».—\oX. I. Suarcz, ne«cartc«. Splnoxa, llobbes, I>ocke. Newton. U. Leibniz, Leibniz und Clarice, Berkeley, llume. Kurzcr Lehrbegrift von ueo- nietrie, Itaum, jl,e\t und Zahl, etc. Bebgmann, F. G. R>'sum<5 d'etudes d'ontologle generale et de linguistique g6uira\e. 2e ed. Paris, 1869. 18' T602.23 BosANQiET, C. B. P. London : its growth, charitable agencies, and wants. London, 1869. 16° . . 2498.6 BrOCKETt, L. 1*. Woman : her rights, wrongs, privi- leges, and responsibilities, llartford, 1869. 16°. 1128.5 Clark, H. F. MIrthfulness and iU exciters. Bos-. ton, 1870 ri86«]. 16° 1827.1 Colons, T. W. Humanics. New York, 1860. 8° 7601.4 COLONNA, E. Del reggimeiito di;' principi di Egidio Komano. Pubblicato per cura di h . Corazzini. Firenzc,1858. 16° 4774.19 CONTI, A. Kvidenza, amore e fede, o i criterj della fllosoila: discorsl e dialoglii. Firenze, 1858. 2v. 16° 7607.16 DOUAT, E. Le suicide, ou la mort volontaire. Paris, 1870 [1869]. 18° 5577.19 Emminoiiaus, a. Das Armenwesen und die Ar- raengesetzgebung in europiiischeii Staaten. Berlin, 1869. 8° 5575.20 FiCHTE, J. G. New exposition of the science of knowledge. Translated by A. E. Kroeger. St. Louis, 1869. 8° 7602.18 Flamank, J. Mind and manner, or diversities of life. London, 1870 [1869]. 16' 5535.10 Fouillke, A. La philosophic de Platon. Paris, 1869. 2v. 8° 7601.13 Galton, F. Ilereditary genius : its laws and conse- quences. London, 1869. 8° 7602.21 iiume. New York, 1870. 8° 7602.16 Geikik, J. C. Life : a book for young men. 2d ed. London, 1870. 16° 1126.33 Illinois state hospital for the insane. Reports. 1847-62. Chicago, 1863. 8° *5800a.8 1 Jameson, A. (M.) Cliaracteristicsbf women, moral, poetical, and liistorical. From the last Lon- don ed. Boston, 1866. 16° 6578.26 Janet, P. Elements de morale. Paris, 1870 [1869]. 18° 5589a.7 Johnson, A. B. The meaning of words. New York, 1862. 12° 7605.15 Karbp, W. Ilandbuch der Lebensvcrslcherung. Abth. 1, 2. Leipzig, 1869. 2 v. 8° 5665.2 Contents. — AMh. I. Geschlchtcder Lehensverslche- ning und deren Litteratur, nelwt Kinleitung in die l,cben8verBiehorunKs-Wis8en»clmft. II. Die Morta- litiitsstatistik und die WaUrscheiulichkeitslehre. Labor question. The. Extracts, magazine articles, [etc.] on trades unions, co-operative societies, model houses, [etc. J. Chicago, 1867. 8° . . 5578.39 Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. New York, 1870 [18691. 2v. 8° MacDjNALD [McDonald]. J. S. Vital philosophy. A survey of substance and an exposition of natural religion. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° . . 7605.16 Mamiani, T. Confessioni di un metaflsico. Firenze, 1865. 2v. 16° 7602.20 Content*.— Vol. 1. Principj di ontologia. II. Prin- elpj di coamologia. Maurice, F. D. Social morality. Lectures. Lon- don, 1869. 8° 5585.8 Michelet, J. Woman. Translated by J. W. Palmer. New York, 1869. 12° *» •5568.33 MoNTfeE, P. La philosophie de Socrate. Paris, 1869. 8» . . . , 7602.14 NOYES, J. 11. History of American socialisms. Phil- adelphia, 1870. 8° 5561.21 Oetti.vgen. a. von. Die Moralstalistik und die christliche Sittenlehre. Versuch einer Soclal- ethik auf empirischer Grundlage. Eriangen, 1868,69. 8° : 5564.23 Co>if«i/». — Th. I. Pie MoralsUtlstik. II. Analrse der moraldaliiitigchen Daten. Apiwnded, Tabellen nebtt QuellenanKabc, with distinct papuation. Palermo, F. San Tommaso, Aristotele, e Dante, ovvero della prima ttlosofla italiana. Firenze, 1869. pp.42. 4° 4790.5 Pellico, S. The duties of men. Translated by T. Roscoe. London, 1834. 8m.l2° 5589.6 Perty, M. Die Natur Im Lichte philosophischer Anschauung. Leipzig, 1869. 8' 6600a.31 Rambaud, C. Methods d'enseigncment raisonne. Partle phllosophique. Psycljologlc. Lyon, 1869. 8^ 7602.13 Reei>, J. Man and woman, equal but unlike. Bos. ton, 1870. pp. 78. 16° 55698.8 ROS^BACH, J. J. Geschichte der Gesellschaft. Th. ?. Die MIttelklasscn in der Culturzeit der Volker. Abth. 1. WUrzburg, 1869. 16° . . 6568..32 ROZAN.C. Labonle. 2o ed. Paris, [1869]. 18°. . 6589 2 Samuelron, J. The German working man. I.K)n- don, 1869. 16° 5578.38 Seymour, A. Home, the basis of the state. Boston, 1869. 16° 5577.18 Simon, J. La peine de mort. R6cit. 2e <5d. Paris, 1869. 18° 6677.21 Six months' experience at home of spirit-communion . 2ded. London, [1868]. pp.30. 16° ... .7607.18 TEicnMLELLEB, G. Aristotelisclie Forschungen. B. 1. Hiille, 1867. 16° 4978.13 TnofGiiTS of peace. From the latest London cd. Philadelnhl.1, n.d. 16° 2099.24 TOMMAsfto, N. Della pena di morte. Firenze, 1865. 16° 5577.30 Travis, H. Free-will and law In perfect harmony. London, 1868. pp. 67. 8° 7603.23 Wanley, N. Tlie history of man : or, the wonders of human nature, in relation to the virtues, vices, and defects of both sexes. [Atwn.] 3d cd. Dublin, 1791. 2 v. in 1. 8° 7605.14 Whewell, W. Novum organon renovatum. Sded., with large additions. London, 1858. 16° . . 5589.7 White, C. Ecce feraina: an attempt to solve the woman question. Hanover, 1870 [1809]. 16°. 5578.20 Physical and Mathematical Science. Airy, G. B. On soond and atmospheric vibrations, with the mathematical elements of music. London, 1868. 16° 8049.7. Alliot, E. La vie dans la nature et dans I'homme. Role de I'eiectricit^ dans la vie universelie. Paris, 1868. 12' 5979.16 American entomologist. The. Edited l.y B. I). Walsh and C. V. Riley. Vol. 1. St. Louis, 1868. 1.8° *5890a.2 American stock journal, and farmers' and stock- breeders' advertiser. Vol. 4. Parkesburg, 1869. 8° *5991.4 Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. See Annalen der Phnrmncie. Annalen der Ph.armacie. Herausg. von R. Bran- dos, P. L. Geiger, J. Liebig, [u. s. w.]. B. 1-149 [und Supplementhiindu, 1-6]. Lemgo, Heidelberg, Leipzig, 1832-69. 155 v. 8° . . *5966.3 214 Shelf. No. Xote. — With thea3d vol. (1840), the title was changed to Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. With the 7rth vol. (1851), a new scries wa.s commenced by the present editors, F. Wohler, J.Liebig, and H. Kopp. Six supplementary volumes have been published. Thel.st(lH(;i), follows vol. 120, and has been numbered ]20a; the 2d (1802, 0:1), has been numbered 128a; the .Sd (1804, (»), 130a, the 4th (IS05, GO), 14tfa; the 5th (1807), 144a; the Gth (1808), 148a. — Autoren- und Sach-ltegister zu den Banden 1- 116 (1832-60). Bearbeitet von G. C. Witt- stein. Leipzig, 1861. 2 v. in 1. 8° . . . . *5966.1a — Register zu Band 1-40. Heidelberg, 1843. 8° . *5966.1 Annalen der Physik. Ilerausgegeben voa Gilbert [undPoggendorff]. Leipzig, 1799-1869. 215 v. 8°. .......... *3918.1 JVbfe. — This work is a continuationofGrcn's Jour- nal der Physilc (8 v , 17!)()-l)4) and Neues Journal der Physik (4 v., 1795-97). The volumes are numbered continuously from 1 to 212, but there have been various series, each numbered separately, as well as changes of editorsliip, title, etc., as is shown below. Whole no. Title. Serial no. l-.W Annalen der Physik, hrsg. v. Gilbert 1-:10 3I-(iO — Same. Neuc Foljje, " " " 1-30 01-70 Annalen der Physik u. Physikali- schcn Chemie, hrsg. v. Gilbert 1-16 77-106 Annalen der Physik und Chemie, hrsg. V. Poggendorff 1-.30 107-130 — Same. 2te fieihe (1-30) 31-00 ]37-l(i« — Same. 3te Keihe (l-;«)) 61-ilO l]07-li)6 — Same. 4te Reihe (l-34) follow* vol. 100 (90 of Poggendorff), and is numbered 106a. — Register zu den 76 Banden hri^g. von L. W. Gll- b^-rt, 1799-1821, angef. von II. MUIlcr. Leip- zig, 1828. 8° *3918.3 — Register zu den Banden 1-90 [brsg. von Poggon- dortt"; der ganzen Polge, 77-166; 1824-53], und den Ergiiiizungstanden, [1-] 4, bearb. von VV. Barentin. Leipzig, 1845-54. 2 v. 8° . . . . *3918.4 Annuaiue de thdrapeutique, de matiere medicale, de pliarmacie, et de toxicologie, 1841-68. Conte- nant le resume des travaux therapeutiques et toxicologiques publics [de 1840 a 1887]. Par A. Bouchardat. Ire — 28e annce. Paris, 1841-68. 28 v. 32" and 18° *d739a.l Note. — With supplements for 1»40, 1856, 1861, each having a distinct pagination. BiANCONi, G. B. Cenni intorno all' origine, ed ai progress! • dell' arte galvano-plastica. [Bo- logna, 1841.] pp. 67. 8° -. . . . 5968.23 BONAPAUTE, C. L. (J. L.), and Schlegel, H. Mo- nographic des loxiens. Leiden, 1850. 4° . . 5901.7 Brandes, R. See Annalen der Pharmacle. Bkandt, J. F. Naturgeschichte des Dodo. St. Pe- tersburg, 1848. pp. 45. 8° 5904.6 — Neue Untersuchungen Uber die systematische Btellung unddie Verwaridtschaften des Dodo. [No title-page.] [St, Petersburg, 1867.] pp. 20. 8° 5904.11 Brown, R. Miscellaneous botanical works. Vol. 2, V. 3 atlas. London, 1867, 68. 8°, and atlas 4°. *3847.22, atlas*38.J.2 Cavendish society. [Publications.] London, 18jl. 8°. Namely .• — Lehmann, C. G. Physiological chemistry. Vol. 1. Transliitedby G. E. Day 3974.5 Canadian naturalist and geologist. New [second] series. Vol. 1-3. Montreal, 1864-68. 3 v. 8°. . *7862.13 Clare, (.T.) M. The motion of fluids, in a familiar manner proposed and proved. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1747. 8° 5969.18 CttO.MBiE, J.M. LichenesBritannici. Londini,1870. 16° *5819.3 Darwin, C. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. 5th ed. London, 1869. 16° 3829.26 Denison, E. B.- Astronomy without mathematics. From the 4th London ed. With notes by P. E. Chase. New York, 1889. 12° 7924.21 FlGUtER, (G.) L. L'homme primitif. Paris, 1870. 8° 6235.18 — Reptiles and birds. Edited by P. Gillmore. London, 1870. 8° 6903.9 Fbeseniu.s, G. R. a system of instruction in quanti- tative chemical analysis. From the last Eng- lish and German editions. Edited by S. VV, Johnson. New York, 187J. 8° 7973.8 Shelf. No. Qemminger, Dr. — , and Harold, B. von. Catalogus coleopterorum. T. 5. Monachii, 1869. . . 8°.*5894.23 Gilbert, L. W. See Annalen der Physik. Great Britain. Admiralty. Itoyal observa- tory, Greenwich. Astronomical and magnet- ical and meteorological observations, in 1867; made under the direction of G. B. Airy. Lon- don, 1869. 4° **5190.2 Gren, F. a. C. See Journal der Physik and Neues Journal der Physik. Grier, W. Mechanic's pocket dictionary. 9th ed. Glasgow, 1851. sm. 12° *8039.2 GuiLLEMiN, A. The sun. From the French by T. L. Phipson. Loudon, 1870 [1869]. 16° ... 7924.6 Haeckel, E. (H.) Zur Entwickelungsgcschichte der Sipbonophoren. Utrecht, 1869. 4° . . . 7870.2 Hartlaub, G. Ornithologischer Beitrag zur Fau- na Madagascar's. Bremen, 1861. pp. 87. 8°. 5904.8 — System der Ornithologie Westafrica's. Bre- men, 1857. 8° 5904.3 Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of astronomy. 10th ed. London, 1869. 8° 5921.5. Hooker, Sir W. J., and Baker, J. G. Synopsis filicum; or, a synopsis of all known ferns. London, 1868. 8° 5845.16 Horsfield, T. Description of birds from the island of Java. [No title-page.] n. p., n. d. pp.67. 4° ............. 5901.23 IluMBOLDT, (F. H.) A. von. Im Ural und Altai. Briefwechsel zwischen A. von Humboldt und G. von Cancrin, 1827-32. Leipzig, 1869. 8°. . 5046.21 Jodrnal der Physik, herausgegeben von F. A. C. Gren. Leipzig, [1790-94] . 8 v. 8° *3918.1 See aim Neues Jounal der Physik and Annalen der Physik. • KcRR, J. Or. von. Mineralogy illustrated. Boston, 1869. 8m.f° 7862.10 La Fresnaye, F. de. Contributions a I'ornithologie. Paris, 1832-55. 8° 5904.7 Law, H. Rudimentary treatise on logarithms. Lon- don, 1851. 12° 5926.13 Lehmann, C. G. Physiological chemistry, trans- laced by G. E. Day. Vol. 1. London, 1851. 8° . . ; . *3974.5 Leibnitz, Or. W. von. Prwtogee, ou de la formation et des revolutions du globe. Traduit, aycc une introduction et des notes, par B. de Saint- Germain. Paris, 1859. 8° 7862.11 LlEBiG, J. See Annalen der Pharmacie. LiNDERMAYER, A. Die Vogel Griechenlands. Pas- sau, 1860. 8° 5904.4 LOEWENBERG, J. Alexander von Humboldt's Reisen in Amerika und Asien. 2te Aufl. Berlin, [1843]. 2 v. 16° 6279.2 Lowe, R. T. Primitise et noviti® faun» et florae Ma- deriB et Portus Sancti. London, 1851. 12°. . 5849.9 MacCosii [M'Cosh], J., and Dickie, G. Typical forms and special ends in creation. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1867. 16° 588S.1 Mac Leay, W. 8. Remarks on the comparative anatomy of certain birds of Cuba. [No title- page. London, 1827.] pp. 46. 4° 5901.21 Mangon, H. Experiences sur Pemploi des eaux dans les irrigations. 2e ed. Paris, 1869. 1. 8°. 5992.25 Mazzoni, a. 1 corpi considerati come chimiche in- dividualita. Faenza, 1868. pp. 40. 8° . . . . 7973.5 Moody, 8. The palm tree. London, 1834. 16° . . 169.5 Moquin-Tandon, C. H. B. a. The world of the sea. Translated and enlarged by H. M. Hart. London, 1870, [1869]. 8° 5822.2 Napier, C. O. G. The book of nature and the book of man. London, 1870 [1869]. 8° 5823.10 Neues Journal der Physik. Herausgegeben von F. A. C. Gren. Leipzig, 1795-97. 4 v. 8° . . . *391S.2 Sse also Jouraal der Physik and Annalen der Chemie. — Register [von] C.J. B. Karsten. Leipzig, 1800. 8» ' v. 4of*39I8.2 Doling, W. Outlines of chemistry. London, 1870 [1869]. 16° 5974.5 Oliphant, T. La musa madrigalesca; or a collec- tion of madrigals, ballets, roundelays, etc., chiefly of the Elizabethan age; with remarks and annotations. Jjondon, 1837. 12° .... 6567.9 Parker, W. K. Monograi>h on the structure and developmenjt of the shoulder-girdle and ster- nutn in the vertebrata. I>ondoii, 1868. f ' . . *38.J.3 Pepper, J. H. Cyclopaedic science simplitted. Lon- don, 1869. 16° 5936.4 215 Shelf. No. Petit de la Saussaye, (S.) Catalogue dea mollus- ques testaces des niers d'Kurope. Paris, 1869. 8° *5875.4 PoGGENDORFF, J. C. Stc Annalen der Physik. Power, J., formerly De Villepreux. Observations et experiences physiques sur [plusieursj aul- maux niarins et terrestres. 2e ^d. Paris, 1867. PP.-76. 8° 5885.18 Prescott, H. p. Strong drink and tobacco smoke; the structure, growth, and uses of malt, hops, yeast, and tobacco. [Kdited by T. H. Hux- ley.] London, 1869. 8' 5993.6 Pricvost, F., and Leraaire, C. L. Histoire naturelle des oisoaux d'Europe. Avee 80 pl.tnchcs. f Appendice : de la cliasse et de la preparation des oiseaux.] Paris, n. d. 8° 5902.2 Histoire naturelle des oiseaux exotiques. Avec 80 planches. [Appendice: de la cliasse et de la preparation des oiseaux.! Paris, n.d. 8'. 5902.3 Proctor, II. A. Half-hours with the stars. Lon- don, 1869. 4° 5920.7 — Half-hours with the telescope. London, [1868]. 16° 7928.10 Prussia. Die preussische Expedition nach Ost- Asien. Zoologischcr Theil Ton E. v. Marlins. B. 1, lt« Hiilfle. Berlin. 1865. 8° *4833.3 Ptnchon, T. R. The chemical forces : heat — light — electricity. Hartford, 1870. 12* 6974.22 Rav society. Publications. 2 v. f , and 1 v. 8°. N timely .• — Brown, R. Miscellaneona botanical works. Vol. 2, V. 3 atlas 3847.22 Parker, W. K. Monograph on the structure and development of the shoulder-girdle and sternum in the vertebrata *38.J.3 Riley, G. The beauties of the creation ; or, a new moral system of natural history. PhiKidel- phia, 1792. sm. 12° 5889a.6 ROLFE, W. J., and Qillet, J. A. Natural philosophy, for high schools and academies. Boston, 1870. 16° 7965.3 Natural philosophy, for school and home use. Boston, 1870. 16° 7965.2 Sabine, E. The birds of Greenland; with descrip- tions and notes on the species observed in Da- vis's straits and Baflin's b:iy. [No title-page. London, 1819.] pp. .12. 4° 5901.22 Saviony, (M.) J. C. (L. de). Systfeme des oiseaux de I'figypte et de la Syrie. Paris, 1810. f ° . 5900.7 Note.— Appended, Observation* sur le syitcme oiseaux de 1 Egypte et de la Syrie. pp. 16. Pi 1811. dea Paris, Schimfer, W. p. TraitN, M. La legende sacree. Paris, [1839]. 18° 6677.28 Chaucer, O. Poetical works. Edited by R. Morris, With memoir by Hir H. Nicolas. New ed. London, 1870 [1869]. 6 v. 16° 4575.2S — A six-text print of [the] Canterbury tales In parallel columns, from MSS. Edited by P. J, Furnivall. P. 1. The prologue and Knight's tale. London, [186S]. obi. 4° ♦4522.1 — The Cambridge Ms. of [the] Canterbury tales. EdiU'd by K. J. Furnivall. P. 1. London, 18i}8. pp. 88. 8° ♦4522 4 — The Corpus Ms. of [the] Canterbury tales. Edited 4y F. J. Furnivall. P. 1. London, 1868. pp. 88. 8° ♦4522.5 The Ellesmore MS. of [the] Canterbury tales. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. P. 1, London, 1868. pp. 88. 8° ^4522.2 The Hengwrt Ms. of [the] Canterbury tales. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. P. 1. London, 1868. pp. 88. 8° ♦4522.3 The Lansdowne Ms. of l^the] Canterbury tides. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. P. 1. London, 1868, pp. 88. 8° ♦4522.7 The Petworth MS. of [the] Canterbury tales. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. P, 1. London, 1863. pp.88. 8° ♦4.522.6 Child-world. London, 1869. 24° 1338.16 Cochrane, C. B, Mimosa and other poems. New York, 1869. 16° 1327.28 DiABO-LADY, The: or, a match in hell. A poem. I.K)ndon,1777. pp.20. 4° ♦,♦4575.26 DOGGET, T. The country-wake : a comedy, Lon- don, 169B. pp. 71. 4° ♦♦♦4575.27 DOBfe, G. Hood's poems. Illustrated. iSee Hood. T ^4570.20 Embury, EC. Poems. New York, 1869. 16°. . .1326.15 Flash, H. L. Poems. New York, 1860. 12° . . . 1326.16 Gerok, C. Palm leaves. Translated from the Ger- man bv J. E. A. Brown. London, 1869. 16° . 7448.12 Gilbert, W. S. The " Bab " ballads. London, 1869. 16° 4575.8 Goedeke, C, and Tittmann, .1. Deutsche Dichter 17ten Jahrhunderts. B. 2, 3. Leipzig, 1870. 2 V. 16° 4879.2 Content*. — \n\.\l. Gedichte von Paul Fleminff. hc- raii>!S. vim J. Tittmann. HI. Sinntfcdichte von Fried- rich von Logan, hcrauug. von G. Eitner. Goethe, J. W. von. Faust. A tr.igedy. From the German, with notes, by C, T, Brooks. Bos- ton. 1856. 10° 4906.3 Gould, ,1. T. A chaplet of leaves. New York, 1869. J6° .,• .1338.14 216 Shelf. No. Henry, the minstrel. Wallace ; or, the life and acts of Sir W. Wallace. With notes, [etc.] . By J. Jamieson. New cd. Glasgow, 1869. 16°. v. 2 of 2536.25 HOELTY, L. H. C. Gedichte. Nebst Briefen des Dichters, herausgegeben von C. Halm. Leip- zig, 1869. 16° 4906.4 HOMEKU.s. The Iliad, translated into English blank verse. By W. C. Bryant. Vol. 1. Boston, 1870. 4° 4993.3 Hood, T. [Poems.] Illustrated by G. Dore. Lon- don, 1870 [1869]. f° *4570.20 — Miss Kilmansegg and her precious leg. A golden legend, with 60 illustrations. London, 1870 [1869]. sm. 4° *4576.7 Hopper, B. Old horse Gray, and the parish of Grumbleton. New York, 1869. pp. 82. 12°. 4508.32 HORATius FI.ACCIIS, Q. The odes and epodes. A metrical translation into English, by Lord lA-tton. With Latin text. Leipzig, 1869. 2 v. in 1. 16° 4929.8 Same. New York, 1870 [1869]. 12° .... . 315.19 Kaines, J. The love poems of all nations. London, 1870 [1869] . 16° 1327.2 LEiiAND, C. G. Hans Breitmann's party. New and enlarged ed. Philadelphia, [1869]. pp. 48. 8°. 1345.11 LiLIESCRON, K. V. Die historischen Volkslleder der Beutschen vom 13 bis 16 Jahrhundert. B. 1-3. Leipzig, 1885-87. 3v. 8m.4° ...... . *4901.1 Lowell, J. K. The cathedral. Boston, 1870 [1869]. pp. 53. 16° 1348.24 and 4508.31 MacGee [McUee],T. D'Arcy. Poems. With intro- duction and biographical sketch, by Mrs. J. Sadlier. New York, 1869. 12° 4574.23 Maine historical society. Jamestown of Pemaquid : a poem by M. W. Hackelton. [With prefa- tory notice by E. Ballard, and historic sketch by M. W. Hackelton.] New York, 1869. 16°.4479a.l6 Mangan, J. C. Poems; with biographical intro- duction by J. Mitchel. New York, 1859. 12°. 1335.2 Markland, A. The art of shooting-flying: a poem. 3d ed. London, 1767. pp.32. 8° 6007.11 Massey, G. a tale of eternity and other poems. London, 1870 [1869]. 16° .... 1329.33 and 4565.14 Mercer, W.T. Under the peak; or, jottings in verse. London, 1869. 16° 4567.2 Morris, W. The earthly paradise, a poem. P. 3. London, 1870 [1869]. 16° 4568.4 Same. Boston, 1870. 16° 1348.8 Mother Goose's melodies for children, with notes, music, and an account of the Goose or Ver- goose family. [Edited by W. A. Wheeler.] New York, 1869. sm. 4° *4404.3 Our life illu.straled by pen and pencil. London, [1869]. 8° j_ 4574.6 Phocylideh. Poeraa admonitorium. Notis J. B. Feuling. Andoverii, 1889. pp. 32. sq. 16° . 4969.16 Plautus, T. M. Captivi, Trinummus et Uudens. With English notes, by C. S. Harrington. New York, 1870. 12° 4939.34 Prati, G. Armando. Firenze, 1868. 16° 4774.17 KiTSON.J. Scottish [sic] songs. [2d ed.] Glasgow, 1869. 2v. 16* 4538.5 Shakespeare, W. Doubtful plays, Leipzig, 1869. 16° 1359.4 and 6599.9 — Hamlet. With notes, etc. By J. Hunter. Lon- don, 1869. 12° 6598.36 — Henry the eighth : with notes; and life of cardi- nal Wolscy. By J. Hunter. New ed. Lon- don, 1869. 12° 6598.25 — Julius Caesar : with notes. By J. Hunter. New ed. London. 1869. 12° 6598.28 — King Lear. With notes. By J. Hunter. Lon- don, 1869. 12° 6598.34 — King Richard lir. With notes. By J. Hunter. London, 1869. 12" 1359.5 and 6598.24 — Merchant of Venice : with notes. By J. Hunter. Newed. London, 18e9. 12° . .' 6598.9 — Midsummer-night's dream. Designs by P. Ko- newka. Boston, 1870 [1869]. pp.88, sm. 4°. *4592.4 — Sonnets, and A lover's complaint. Reprinted in the orthography and punctuation of the origi- nal edition of 1609. London, 1870. 8° . . . 4593.5 — The beauties of Shakespeare. By W. Dodd. From the last London edition, with large addi- tions. Philadelphia, n. d. 16° 6599.10 — Charles Kemble's Shakspere readings. Edited by R.J.Lane. London, 1870 [1869]. 3 v. 16°. 6599.11 — Mottoes and aphorisms from Shakespeare. London, [1889]. 16° 6599.12 Shelled, P. B. Poetical works, including additional I pieces. With notes and memoir, by W. M. Uossetti. London, 1870. 2v. 16° 4605.11 1 Shelf. No. SIMMS, W.G. Warpoetry of the South. New York, 1867. 12° 4406.11 HONGS of life. New York, 1870 [1869]. sm. 4° . . . *4404.2 Stedman, E. C. Rip Van Winkle and his wonder- ful nap. With illustrations. Boston, 1870 [1869]. pp.8. 4° 1320.1 8toI)Dard, R. H. The story of Putnam the brave. With illustrations. Boston, 1870 [1869]. pp.8. 4° 1320.1 Stolte, F. Faust. Dramatisches Gedicht. Vol.1, 3te Aufl.; 2-4, 2te Aufl. Hamburg, 1869. 4 v. sm. 8° 4874.19 Contents. — Vol. I. Outtenberg. If. Richard und Coelesta. III. Ahasverus. IV. Faustina. Story, J. Power of solitude. A poem [followed by fugitive poems]. Newed. Salem, 1804. 12°. *4507.21 Strodtmann, A. H. Heine's Leben und Werke. B. 2. Berlin, 1869. 8° 4895.3 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. The ballad of Abraham Lin- coln. With illustrations. Boston, 1870 [1869]. pp. 8. 4° 1320.1 Tennyson, A. The holy grail and other poems. London, 1870 [1869J. 16° .... 1348.26 and 6568.23 Same. Boston, 1870 [1869]. 16° . 1348.25 and 6568.24 Thompson, A. C. Christus consolator. Hymns for the suflfering and sorrowing. New York, 1869. 12° 7443.16 Thompson, D'A.W. Nursery nonsense. 2d edition. London, 1865. pp. 56. 16° 4559a.ll Trowbridge, J. T. The story of Columbus. With illustrations. Boston, 1870 [1869]. pp.8. 4°. 13201. Uncle Sam series for American children. 4°. . . . 13208. Contents. — The story of Columbus, by J. T. Trow- bridge; Rip Van Winkle's nap, by E. C, Stedman; The ballad of Abraham Lincoln, by B. Taylor; The story of Putnam the brave, by K. H. Stoddard. Whiteheap, W. [Poems. 3d ed., with a memoir by W. Mason. No title-page.] n. p., n. d. 16°. 6607.1 Williams, S. Twilight hours; a legacy of verse. With a memoir by E. H. Plumptre. London, 1868. 16° 6577.5 Zanella, G. Versi. Firenze 1^68. 16° 4774.16 Polygraphy (Miscellanies, Collections, etc.). Ann^E, L', philosophique. Par M. F. Pillon. Ire annee (1867). Paris, 1868. 12° *7608.2 Appleton's journal. Vol.1. April 3 - August 14, 1869. New York, 1869. 8° *5407.I Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Siimmtliche Werke. Mitelner Eiiileitung von Humboldt. Deutsche Origi- nal- Ausgabe. Herausg. von W. G. Hankel. Leipzig, 1854-60. 16 v. 16° *7937.2 Arm-chair, An, in the smoking-room: or fiction, anecdote, humour, and fancy for dreamy half- hours. Ix)ndon, n. d. 16° 4575.41 Bertani, a. L'epistolario di Giuseppe La Farina. Ircpolitiched'oltretomba. Firenze, 1869. 16°. 4749.22 Bianconi, G. G. Degli scritti di M.arco Polo e dell' uccello rue da lui menzionato. Meraoria 1, 2. Bologna, 1862, 68. 2v.ini. 4° *2240.21 Boyle, R. Occasional reflections upon several sub- jects. [Anon.] 2d ed. London, 1669. 8° . . 4575.39 Brooke, F. The old maid. By Mary Singleton, spinster, [pseud.]. New ed. London, 1764. 12° *4575.38 Brown, H. The sonnets of Shakespeare solved, and the mystery of his friendship, love and rivalry revealed. London, 1870. 8° 4593.6 Buechner, (F. C. C.) L. Aus Natur und Wissen- schaft. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1869. 8° . . . . 7602.29 — Kraft und StoflF. Empirisch-naturphilosophi- sche Studien. lOte Aufl. Leipzig, 1869. 16°. 7605.11 — Natur und Geist. Gespriiche iiber den Materi- alismus und iiber die realphilosophischen Fragen der Gegenwart. 2te Aufl. Hamm, 1865. 16° ' 7605.12 Camden society. [Publications.} Namely: — No. XCVIII. Gardner, 8. R. Letters and documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the thirty years' war. 2d series . . . . . 2426.35 XCIX. Manningham, J. Diary. 1602-3. Ed- ited by J. Bruce 2427.1 C. Borough, Sir 3. Notes of the tre.ity car- ried on at Ripon between Charles I. and the covenanters of Scotland, 1640. Edited by J. Bruce 2427.2 217 Shelf. No. Oamden society, continued. — - CI. Jodar, F. de, or Francisco de Jegus. Narrative of the Spanish marriage treaty. Edited and translated by S. K. Gardiner . . 2127.3 ClI. Ludlow, Shropshire, Eng. Churchwar- dens' account. 1540[-1600]. Edited by T. Wright 2427.4 — Report of the council, Ist May, 1869. [London, 1839.] pp.12. 8m.4° *2427.2 Catnach, J. " The Catnach press." A collectioa of the books and wood-cuts of J. Catnach. London, n. d. 16° ... *4579a.5l Chalklev, T. Worlcs. Philadelphia, 1749. 2v.ini. sm. 8° 4a79a.49 Ciiamber.s, W. and li. Information for the people. New ed. London, [1869]. 2 v. 8° . . . . •A. 183 .3 CiiAMPFLEURV, pseud. See Husson-Fleury, J. (F. F.) Chaucer society. Publications. 1st series, no. 1-7. 2d series, no. 1-3. London, 1868. Iv. obi. 4°, and 9 V. 8° *4522.1-10 AbT, (F. H.) A. von. Briefe an C. C. J. von Bunscn. Leipzig, 1869. 16° 4847.3 — Humboldt-Perlen. Ein Demantkranz aus A. v. Humboldt's Leben und Schriflen. Leipzig, 1809. 16° 4849a.l3 Humphreys, E. R. America, past, present and prospective. Suljjoiued, essays. Newport, 18o9. pp. 77. 16* 4406.23 Shelf. No. Hunt, (J. H.) Leigh. A day by the fire; and other papers, hitherto uncollected. Boston, 1870. 16° 657:.7 Hdsson-Flel'RY, J., (F. F.) Les chats; hlstoire — mcEurs — observations — anecdotes. [I'ar] Champfleury, [pseudA. 4e 6d. Paris, 1870. 16° . . 6009.9 iNTERMfcDiAiRE, L', des chercheurs et curieux. (Notes and queries franjais.) lre-4o annuo. Paris, 1864-68. 4 v. 8° *6402.1 Jameson, A. (M.) Sketches of art, literature, and character. Boston, 1866. 16° 6578.30 — Studies, stories, and memoirs. Boston, 1866. 16° 6678.29 LABOUI.AYE, fc.(R.L.) Discours populaires. Paris, 1869. 12° 6676.17 Ladies', The, own magazine. Edited by M. C. Bland. Vol. 1. Indianapolis, 1809. 8° . . ♦5390a.2 La Farina, G. Epistolario. Raccolto o publicato daA. Franchi. Mihmo, 1809. 2 v. 16° . . .4749.21 Lamb, C. The essays of Ella and Eliana. Leipzig, 1869. 16° 1819.23 Leo, F. a. Shakespeare's Frauen-Ideale. Halle, 1868. pp. 44. 16° 6597.9 Logan, O. Before the footlighu and behind the scenes. Philadelphia. 1870 [18691. 8° . . . . 1662.3 London. Royal society. [Fellows of the society, 1868,1869. No title-page.] pp. 27,(2). 4° .♦5262.9 Lowell, J. R. Among my books. Boston, 1870. 16° 1816.19 and 4508.34 Lowell ofifering. The; a repository of original arti- cles, written by females employed in the mills. [A. C. Thomas, editor.] Vol. 1, 2. Lowell, [1840-42]. 2 v. 8° ♦5224.6 Massachusetts society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Our dumb animals. Vol. 1. Bos- ton, 1868, 69. [No title-page.] 4° ♦5570.23 Mixing In society. London, 1870. 16° 137.15 NAPOLftos I. CorrcHpoudauce. T. 31, 32. Paris, 1861. 2v. 4° ♦2661.2 New England business directory. By Sampson, Davenport, and co. Boston, 1868. 8° . . . . ♦2381.8 Newspapers. [Specimens of American temperance journals.] v. p., 1869. f ° ♦4490a.5 — [Specimensof college papers.] v. p., 1869. f°. ^4460.3 — [Specimens of juvenile papers.] v. p., 1869. f°.^4490a.6 — [Specimens ofmasonic and I.O. of O.F.journals.] V. p., 1869. f ° ♦4490a.7 Paisley, ScotUtnd. Inaugural ceremonies in honour of the opening of Fountain gardens. Paisley, 1868. 4* ♦2460.24 Pamphleteer, The. [Vol. 1, 2d ed.] London, 1813-18. 12 v. 8° ♦6576.1 Paris. Society protectrice des animaiix. Bulletin. T. 1-14. Paris, 1855-68. 14v. iul3. 8°. . .♦5576.4 Parkinson, J. C. Places and people. London, 1869. 16° 1827.2 Parrish, R. a., /r. Details of an unpaid claim on France for 24,000,090 francs, guaranteed by the parole of Napoleon III. Philadelphia, 1869. 8°. 4651.9 PiERER, H. A. Universal-Lexikon. 5te Stereotyp- Aufl. B. 1-6. Altenburg, 1867, 68. 3 v. 8°. ♦A.142.2 Pummill, J. Russet leaves. Philadelphia, 1870. 1.16° 1817.25 Reclus, £. Histoire d'un rulsseau. Paris, [1869]. 18° 5948.7 Reynolds, L .E. The mysteries of masonry. Phila- delphia, 1870. 12° 5569.27 RUSKIN. J. The mystery of life and its arts. New York, 1869. pp.45. 12° 1827.4 SCHUiLER, (J. C.) F. von. SiJmmtliche Schrift«n. HIstorisch-kritische Ausgabe von K.Goedeke. Th. 5, B. 2; Th.8. Stuttgart, 1869. 2 v. 8° . 4905.1 SfeVIGKft, M. de Rabutin-Chantal de. Letters to her daughter and her friends. From the Paris ed.oflSOO. London, 1811. 9v. 12° .... 6667.6 Smith, A. Essays. London, 1869. 16° 7607.16 Taillandier, R. G. E. Boheme et Hongrie xve- xixe siecle. Histolre-littdrature-politique, Paris, 1869. sm. 8° 4824.10 Trevelyan, G. O. The ladles in parliament and other pieces. Cambridge, 1869. 16° 6577.8 Vebey, J. The open air; or sketches out of town. London, 1809. 16° 1827.3 Vermont. Annual directory for the use of the gen- eral assembly. Moiitpelier, 1869. 16° . . .^4449.12 Whitaker, J. Almanack for 1870. London, [1869]. le' ^4588.12 Woolman, J. Works. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1800. 12° ..... 6547.8 218 Shelf. No. Year-book and almanac of British North Amer- ica for 1867-70. Montreal, 1866-66. 4v.ini. le- *4489.1 Prose Fiction. A.'L.Q.'E.,psmd. 5'^e Tucker, C. Abbott, J. William Gay ; or, play for hoys. New York, 1869. 4v. 16° 440.72 Contents. — Vol. I. Play for winter. II. Play for spring. 111. Play for summer. IV. Play for autumn. AiKiN, J. Evenings at home. See Uncle John. 736.24 Alg£r, H.,jr. Luck and pluck; or, John Oakley's inheritance. Boston, [1869]. 16° 428.24 Ames, N. Up Broadway, and its sequel. By Elea- nor Kirk, [psf?«/.]. New York, 1870. 16°. ***4407.23 Andersen, H. C. Wonder stories told for children. New York, 1870. 16° 726.1 Atkin.«on, J. C. Lost, or what came of a slip from ' honour hright'. London, 1870. 16° . . . . 716.2 Aijerbacii, B., and others. German evenings. Translated from the original. By J. L. Low- dell. London, 1869. 16° 766.4 AuGUSTlN. 5e ed. Parin, 1867. sm. 12° 6677.19 Baleantyne, R. M. Chasing the sun ; or, ramhles in Norway, rhiladelp'hia, 1869. sm. 12° . . 728.1 — Erling the bold: a tale of the Norse sea-kings. Philadelphia, 1870 [1869]. 16° 748.20 Barran, T. H. Tales of lilial love. Edinburgh, [1869]. 16° 737.25 Barton, K. Io : a tale of the olden fane. New York, 1851. 12° 427.38 Beckford, W. Vathek. [In French.] Londres, 1815. 16° 4579a.4 Beggar, A, on horseback. New York, 1869. 8°. 754.21 .Bennett, E. Ellen Norbury. Philadelphia, [1855]. 12° 426.23 Bjornson, B. Ovind : a story of country life in Norway. From the Norwegian. London, 1869. 12° 415.24 BouiELY, J. N. Contes a ma iille. [Nouv. ed.] Paris, [1863]. 18° 2076.37 BOWEN, C. E. Dick and his donkey. [Anon.] London, [1869]. sq.l6° 741.3 — The young potato-roasters. [Anon.] London, [1869]. Bq.l6° 741.4 Bremer, F. The president's daughters. From the Swedish. Boston, 1843. pp. 86. 8° . . . 455.9 Brewster, A. M. H. Compensation, or always a future. 2ded. Philadelphia, 1870 [1809]. 16°. 767.10 Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. L.), lord Lyttun. Eva, the ill-omened marriage, and other talcs and poems. Paris, 1842. 16° 466.10 — The last of the barons. New York, 1843. 8° . 465.20 Buntline, Ned, psetid. See Judson, E. Z. C. Burton, R. F. Vikram and the vampire, or tales of Hindu devilry. London, 1870 [1869]. 10° .. 5048.17 Cakleton, W. Valentine McClutchy, the Irish agent. New York, 1868. 12° 758.9 Chakees, E. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevyly an. Leip- zig, 1869. 16° 710.67 Cherbuliez, v. L'aventure de Ladislas Bolski. Paris, 1869. 16° 6677.18 Church, F., formerly Miss Marryat. Veronique. Leipzig, 1869. 2v.ini. 16° 710.72 Clack, (M.) L. Our refugee household. New York, 1866. 12° 767.12 Cladee, L. (A.) Mes paysans. Le houscassie. Pa- ris, 1869. 8° 6672.5 Ceark, M. 8. The lost legends of the nursery songs. London, 1870 [1869]. 16° 737.24 Clarke, C. and M. 0. "Many happy returns of the day." New ed. London, [1869]. 16°. . 723.17 COBDEN, P. Beacon lights for boys and girls. Phil- adoljihla, [1868]. sm. 12° 1496.15 — People and fiirios. From the French. Philadel- phia, [1888J. 8m.l2° 1727.2 Cooke, J. E. Leather stocking and silk. [Anon.'] New York, 1854. 12" 755.2 Cousin Virginia, pseud. See Johnson, V. W. Dale, C. II. Patty Gray's journey. From Balti- more to Washington. Boston, 1870 [1869]. 16°.1496.20 On the way; or, Patty at Mount Vernon. Boston, 1870 [18691. 16° 1496.21 Davis, C.E.K. Baby's Christmas. Boston, [1869]. sq. 16° 728.26 DELAFAYE-BRf:riiER, J. Le college incendi6 ; ou Ics ecoliers en Voyage. 9e ed. Paris, 1868. 18° . 2076,32 Shelf. No. Delafate-Br£hteb, J., corttimied. — Les enfants de la providence ; ou avcntures de trois jeunes orphelins. 6e ed. Pevue et corrigee par F. Kichomme. Paris, 1861. 2 v. 18° 2076.39 De Leon, E. Askaros Kassls the Copt. Philadel- phia, 1870. 12° 766.17 De MiLLE, J. The "B.O.W.C." [i. e. Brethren Of the White Cross.] [Anon.] Boston, 1870 [1869]. 16° 717.4 De Vere, X«(72/D. True love. By Lady Di Beau- clerk, [pseud.]. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° . . 777.23 Dick, W. B. Uncle Josh's trunk-full of fun. By Joshua Jedidiah Jinks, [pseud.]. New York, [1869]. pp. 64. 8° 1474.1 Dickens, C. (J. H.) Christmas number of "House- hold words." New York, 1854. 8° 1473.22 Doughty, S. P. Mountains and molehills. Boston, 1870. 16° 736.10 Dudeyant, a. Iv. a. D. Consuelo, par George i^and, [i>s«se«rf.]. Boston, 1869. 16° 736.22 Judson, E. Z. C. Matanzas. By Ned Buntline, [pseud.]. Boston, 1848. pp.98. 8° 754.20 Juvenile adventures. The, of David Ranger. 2d ed. London, 1757. 2v. sm. 12° 6579.4 King, S. P. Lily. [Anon.] New York, 1855, 12°. 755.3 KlKOSLEY, C. Madiim How and lady Why. Lon- don, 1870 [1869]. sq. 16° 726.22 219 Shelf. No. Lawrence, Gt. A. Sword and gown. New York, 1859. pp. 07. 8" 792.19 LONG.sTREET, A. B. Georifia sceiios, characters, incidents, etc., in the first half century of the republic. [Aiioii.] 2d ed. New Vorli, 1809. 12* 767.1.') Love the .avenger. Leipzig, 1S69. 2v.ini. W . . 710.70 Low, C. II. Tales of old ocean. Philadelphia, 1889. Iti" 459.10 Lytton, Lord. See Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. L.), lord Lytton. MacCartiiv [Mc Carthy], J. My enemy's daughter. New York, 1839. 8° 1472.4 MacDosali), Q. Adela Cathcart. London, 1864. .■5v. 18° 422.13 — The portent: a story of the inner vision of the Highlanders, commonly called the second Bight. London, 1864. 18' 764.15 Macgkkuor, a. L. The professor's wife. Phila- delphia, 1870 [1889J. 12° 775.12 MacInto.sh [.Nfclntosh], SI. J. Conquest and self- conquest. [Anoti.] New York, ISliO. 18° . 437.16 — Woman aa enigma. [Aium.] New York, 1884. 16° 437.17 M'ACKAKNE.sg, M. \.,formerlji Afiss I'lanche. Sun- beam stories. 4th scries. {An'on.\ London, 1870. 18° 436.4 MacKeever [M'Keever], II. B. Wostbrook parson- age. FhiLadelphia, 1870 [188'.f, II. W. Edith Vaughan's victory. Phila- delphia, 1870. 8m.l2° 439.18 Powell, M. W. Philip Brantley's lifework, and how he found it. By M. E. M., f pseud.]. New York, 1869. 12° T . . . . 1496.16 Pressensk, ^fme. E. de. Deux ans au lycee. 2e (id. Paris, [1888] . 16° 6677.31 Rame, L. de la. Puck : his vicissitudes, adventures, observations, conclusions, friendships, and philosophies. By " Ouida," [pseurf.]. Phila- delphia, 1870 [1863]. 12° 786.13 Shelf. No. IlBEVE.cunients, by J. Edwards. Philadelphia, 1.S44. — The Sabbath, n. p.,n.d. — Obaery- ance of the Snlibath, rebuke to Dr. Allen, n. p., I(M7. — • Der amerikanische Sonntag, von K. Patterson, n. p., n. d. — Same. New York, u. d. — Letter to canon Stow- Shelf. No. Sunday question, continued. ell, by a working-man. Manchester. 1S.V>. — The Ameri- can Sabbath, by R. Patterson. Philadelphia, n. d. — Abuses and uses of church-going, by W. K. Alger. Boston, 1808. TizZANi, V. Les conciles gdndraux. Traduction de I'original italicn el inddit par J. A. Doussot. T.3, 4. Paris, 1869. 2 v. 8° 7522.2 «»i<«i/ji. — Vol.III. Les conciles d'Occident. IV. Le Seme concile general de Latran ct le conclle de Trente. TOWNSEND, L. T. The controversy between true and pretended Christianity. Boston, 1869. pp. 82. 16° 5469a.3 TowNSON, J. Gospel truths in parochial sermons. London, 1861. 16° 7458.24 Trelawny, C. T. C. Perranzabuloe, the lost church found. [6th ed.] London, 1868. 16° ... . 5549.19 Upham, C. W. Salem witchcraft and Cotton Mather. Morrisanla, 1869. 1. 8° 5600a.39 Urlin, It. D. John Wesley's place in church history. London, 1870. 16° 5559a.lO Vaughan, C. J. Last words in the parish church of Doncaster. London, 1869. 16° 7443.15 Ward, H. D. The gospel of the kingdom. By Senior Harvard, [pseud.]. Philadelphia, 1870 [1869]. 8° . . . . . 7452.29 Was8Ertrilling,II. Matnath Nachkliel. Produkte neuhebriiischer Literatur, poeiisch bearbeitetc Legenden und Mythen aus Talmud und Mid- rasch. Bre8lau,1866, 68. 2 v. sm. 8° . . . . 5487.4 Waterland, D. Review of the doctrine of the eucharist. Oxford. 1868. 16° 5466.24 Weiss, C. History of the French protestant refugees. Translated [from the French] by F. Ilardinan. Edinburgh, 1854. 8° 5523.3 West, G. Defence of the Christian revelation : [or] obser\-ations on the resurrection of Christ. And observations on the conversion of St. Paul, by G. Lyttelton. London, 1748. 8° 7436.3 Whatelv, R. Historic doubts relative to Napoleon liuonapartc. From the llth London ed. An- dover, 1870. pp. 48. 12° 5454.39 — Peculiarities of the Christian religion. From the 7lh London ed. Andover,1870. 12° ... 5454.39 WniCHCOTE, B. Moral and religious aphorisms. Collected by Dr. JeffV-ry. Ite-publishcd with additions, by 8. Salter. Added, letters. Lon- don, 1753. 8° 7457.19 Williams, B. W. Old South chapel prayer meet- ing: its origin and history. [AnuH.] Boston, 1859. 16° 5449a.24 Wood, J. Q. Bible animals; Ving a description of every living creature mentioned In the Scrip- tures from the ape to the coral. [With illus- trations.] New York, 1870 [1869]. 8° . . . . 2084.1 THE TOSTI E3SrQ-R,.A.'V"I3SrC3-S. NOTE. — The following list covers that portion of the collection of engravings made by the late Cardinal Tosti, of- Rome and, given to this Library by Mr. Thomas G. Appleton, which is in bound volumes, and it includes nearly 5,100 prints. There are about twelve hundred other prints, more than one-half of which are framed. These will all be catalogued as soon as prac- ticable, and their titles inserted in a subsequent Bulletin. Among the bound volumes are five not enumerated below, which, being duplicates, have been assigned to their proper places in the general collection. A map of Rome has also been similarly assigned. The entries are mostly under the names of the engravers, but works of a painter, when en- graved by several artists, are put under the name of the painter. Shelf. No. Aquila, F. F. [Four cupolas In Rome; — three after p. Bcrretinl (Pietro da Cortona); namely, one (pi. 24) in the church of 8. Maria in Valll- cella, c.illed Chiesa Nuova; one (pi. 26) in the chapel of St. Sebastian ; one (pi. 27) in the cliapel of the Holy Sacrament; — the fourth (pi. 25), after C. Ferri, in a chapel in St. Pe- ter's.] f° pi. 24-27 of a;., A. 5.2. — and P. Pictvrse ILiphaelis Sanctij Vrblnatis ex avla et conclavibvs palatij Vaticani, in aereas tabvlas nvnc priravm omnes dedvclBB, explica- tionibvs illvslratee, typlsqve edJtse. Romae, 1722. 23 pi. f ° t., C.3.2 Aquila, F. F. and P., continued. Contentn. — l. Engraved title; 2. Constantine's address to his troops, in the .Sala di Costantino; 3— .'Id. Battle of Constantine against Maxentius, in the same; 4. The baptism of Constantine, in the san>e; .5, Home presented by Constantine to Silvester i, in the same; G. Ileliodo- rus driven from the temple, in the Sala d'Elio. Cre- ation of Adam, by the same; 47. The temptation and expulsion, by the same; 48. Noah's sacrifice, by G. Carattoni; 49. Noah's drunkenness, by the same; .50. The deluge, by A. Fabri; 51. .Toel. by D. Cunero; oi. Ery- thraean sibyl, by the same; 53. Ezekiel, by the sanie; 54. Persian sibyl, bv the same; ,5.5. Jonah, by A. Fabri; .W. Jeremiah, by D. Cunego; 57. Libyan sibyl, by A. Fabri; 58. Daniel, by the same; 59. Cumajan sibyl, by the same; GO. Isaiah, by the same; Ul. Delphian sibyl, by the same ; 62. Zechariah, by the same; (J-3. Joel, by G Ghisi; 01. Erythrajan sibyl, by the same; (i.5. Ezekiel, bv the same; OH. Persian sibyl, by the same; 07. Del- pliian sibyl, bv the same; 08. Jeremiah, by the same; 69. Judith and llolofcrnes, by A. Fabri; 70. David and Goliath, by the same; 71. The brazen serpent, by the same; 72. Haman, by D. Cunego; 73. Azor and Nah- shon, by A. Fabri; 74. Achim and Amminadab, by U. Cunego; 75. Jacob and Joseph ; 70. Eleazar and Matthan, by A. Cunego; 77. Zerubbnbel, by P. Savorelli; 78. llz- ziah, by D. Cunego; 79. Rehoboam. by the same; 80. Salmon, by the same; 81. .Jesse, by P. Savorelli; 82. Asa, by the .same; 83. Ilezekiah, bv the same; 84. Josiah, by D. Cunego; 85. Outline of triangular sections; 86. Out- line of ceiling, by D. Cunego; 87. The last judgment, by N. La Volpe. — [Frescoes in the Sistine chapel, in the Vatican, at Rome.] Rome, v. d. 60 pl. f ° il., A.2.2 Contents. — 1. Outline of the ceiling, engraved by I). Cunego; 2. Joel, by the same; 3. Libyan sibyl, by A. Fabri; 4. Isaiah, by the same; 5. Jonah, by the same; 0. Zechariah, bv the same; 7. .Judith and Holofernes, by the same; 8. Haman, by D. Cunego; 9. David and Go- liath, by L. Fabri; 10. The brazen serpent, by the same; 11. Persian sibyl, by the same; 12. Ezekiel, by D. Cune- go; 13. Erythrsean sibyl, by the same; 14. Jeremiah, by thesamc; 15. Daniel, by A. Fabri; 10. Cumajan sibyl, by the same; 17. Delphian sibyl, by thesame; 18. Achiin and Amminadab. by D. Cunego; 19. Eleazar and Mat- than. by A. Cunego; 20. Jacob and Joseph; 21. Azor and Nahshon, by A. Fabri; 22. Salmon, bv D. Cunego; 2.3. Ilzziah, bv the same; 24. Kehoboam.by the same; 25. Zeriihbnbel, by P. Savorelli; 20. Ilezekiah, by the same; 27. Asa, by the same: 28. Jes.se, by the same; 29 Josiah, by D. Cunego: .30. The temptation and expul- sion, by the same; 31. The deluge, by A. Fabri; 32. The creation of vegetation, and of the sun and moon, by D. Cunego; 33. Creation of Adam, by the same; 34. God dividing light from darkness, by thesame; 35. Creation of Eve. hy the same; 30. Creation of sea-animals, by the same: 37. Noah's sacrifice, by G. Carattoni; .38. Noah's drunkenness, by the same; .39. Daniel, by G. Volpato; 40. Zechariah, by the same; 41. Delphian sibyl, by the same; ii. Erythrsan sibyl, by the same; 43. 'Cuni.TBan sibyl, hy the snnic; 4t. J'oel, by the same; 45-00. The lastjudgment, by C. M. Metz. Camuchtni, V. [Various works.] n.p.,n. d. 12 pi. f " €., A.4.1 Contents. — '\. Portrait of Camuccini. by Sir T. Law- rence, engraved by P. Bettelini: 2. The Roman dnmes offering their jewels for carrying on the war, by D. Mur- chetti; 3. The departure of Ilegulus for Carthage, by the same: 4. Death of Cajsar, by P. Fontuna; 5. Death of Virginia, by O. Folo; 0. The magnanimity of Scipio, hy D. Marchetti : 7 Psyche taking the cup of nectar from Jovp, hy P. Fon'ana; 8. lloratius Codes defending the bridffP, by D. Marchetti; 9. Lucretia, among her maids, visited by Sextns Tarquinius, by P. Fontana: 10. Curius Dentatus rejecting the offers of the Samnitcs, by A. Bertini; 11. Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, presenting her treasures, by P Bettelini; 12. Brutus approached by the conspirators (!•), by P. Fontana. — [Various works.] n. p., n. d. 21 pl. obl.f . CT., A.4 2 Contents. — I. Portrait of Camuccini, by Sir T. Law- rence, engraved by P. Bettelini; 2. The presentation of Christ in the temple, by A. Kicciani; 3. The incredulity of St. Thomas, by the same; 4. The preparations for the burialof Christ, by P. Bettelini; 5. The Eternal Father, by the sume;0. St. Mary Magdalene,by D. Marchetti; 7. Prin- cipini Gagarin, by P. Fontana; 8. Countess Schouwalof, by D. .Marchetti; 9. Princess Dietrichstein, by the same; ]fl. Entrance of Baglioni into Perugia, by L. Tomba; 11. Sacrifice, by the same; 12. Pio settinio, by A. Ber- tini; 13. Thorvaldsen, by G. Folo; 14. Bartolucci, by A. Bertini; 15. Holy family, by Roschwein; IG. Madonna and child, by D. Marchetti; 17. The Saviour, by the same; 18. Same as 15; 19. Battle, by L. Tomba: 20. Holy family, by the same; 21. Camillus expelling the Gauls from Rome, by the same. ' Canova, a. [Bassirilievi, comprising 10 allegorical plates representing the birth, sale, flight, etc., of Love (no engraver given) ; 4 plates of dancing female figures, engr. by G. M. de Boni; Mi- nerva and Apollo, engr. by G. B. Balestra.] n.p., n.d. obl.f". ......' C., C.2.2 — Btampe delle opere. Roma, 1817. 78 pl. f° . ST. ,0.2.1 Contents. — 1. Mausoleum of Clement xiii, engr. hv .\. Banzo: 2. Tomb of Clement xiv, by P. Vitali; ,3. Mon- ument of the Archduchess Maria Christina, of Austria, wife of Prince Albert of Saxony, by P. Bouato; 4, 5. 223 Shelf. No. Canova, a., continued. Model for n monumpnt to r.ord Nelson, by F. Hayes nnrt P. Ffintana; li. Moniinicnt for Cardinal York, with busts of the three last Stuarts, in mczzo-rilievo, by D. Mari-heiti; 7. Monuinint for the countess d'llaro, by P. Fontaiia: H. Cenotauh for G. Volpato, by P. Fontana: 9. Cenotaph for the chevalier Trcnto. by G. Balestra; 10. Cenotaph for A., count de Sousa, by A. CampancUa; 11. Cenotaph for G. Falicr, by P. Bonuto; 12. Ccnotapti Jor Frederick William, prince of Orange, by G. Balestra; ].">, U. Hercules hurling IJchas into the sea fj-oni the Buniniit of .Mt. (Eta, by G. Folo and P. Fontana; 13. Hi. Theseus eonquerinj; the centaur, by P. Uettelini and P. Bonato: 17. .Monument of V. Alfleri, by P. Fontana; IN. Benetieenee, a group from No. .1, by 1). Marchctti; 11). Kquestrian statue of Charles III, ot Naples, by P. Kontann: iO, 21. The three Urnees, by 1). .Marchctti; 22, 2.'!. Uanioxenus and Creugas. or the boxers, by P. Fontana; 24. Colossal mo. Marehetii; 2H. 2!!. Hector, by A Ber- tini and P. Bonato: 30. 'il. Ajiix. by P. Fontana and A. Bcrtini: .•!2, :«. Paris, by G. B. Balestra and A. Testa; 34, :Vi. Venus coming out of the bath (Florence gallery), by 1). Marchctti: :Vi. Venus (Hope's collection), by .4. Bertini; 'l?. Peace, bv P. Fontana; 'W. Terpsichore, by P. Fontana; .'Kt. Hebe (Counters Guicciardini), by A. Bertini; W. Hel)e (Lord Cawdor), by 1). Marchetti; 41. Dancing girl with cymbals (Vienna), by A. Bertini; 42. Dancing girl (.sig. .Manzoni), bv 1). Marchctti: 4.'!. ])aneii!g girl (.Malmaison). by P. Ff)ntana: 44. Psyche, bv B. Consorll: 4.5. Piety, by (J. Balestra; 4<>. Mother of Napoleon, by A. Bcrtini; 47. Sitting statue of Maria I^iuisa. witiithe attributes of Concord, by 1). .Marchetti; 4M. Sitting statue of l.eopoldina Esterhazy, princess of IJchtcnstcin, by A. Bertini; 4'.t. Polvhvninia, by O. Balestra;. Vl. Concord, by I). .Marchetti (see 47); .11. .Meek- ness, by G. Balestra: 52, Xl. Sitting statue of Washing- ton (at lliUeigh, N. C). by \. Bertini and I). Marchetti; 54. Mary .Miigdulenc, kneeling (three views), bv A. Ber- tini: .Vi. A sitting statue of the infant St. John the Baptist, by B. Consorti: .">7. Venus victorious (a recmnlK'nt statue of the Princess Maria Paulina Borghese), by 1). Marchcttiand A. Bertini;. W. .M. Halestra;. Pope Pius VI, bv I'. Fontana: tai.W. Colos»«l horse, bv D. Marchetti: M. "Beatrice (buht). bv A. Bertijii: tSt. Bea- trice (henna), by A. Bertini: .0. ftust of (i. Bossi. bv B. Cimsoiti: 71. Bust of himself, by A. Bertini: 72. Cohissal bust of himself, bv P. Fontana; 7:1. Ideal head, by B. Consorti; 74. Herina of Sappho, bv I). Marchetti; 7!>. Bust of Laura, by A. Bertini; 7ti. Bust of the king of Naples (Murat), bv Fontana; 77. Bust of the queen of Naples ((.'arolina Annunziala), by Fontana; 70. Bust of Count L. Cicognara, by A. Bertini. — [Sepulchrnl monuments, statucR, bassirilievi In model, etc.] n. p., n. d. 69 pi. obi. f , . C, C.'iM Conlenln. — 1. Cenotaph for G. Falier (no engraver given); 2. Cenotaph for G.Vol|)iito(no engraver): :!. The Bame. on a smaller scale (no engraver); 4. Cenotaph for A., count de .Sousa (no engraver); 5. Cenotaph tor G. B. Mellerio, by P. Fontana: (i. .Monument ol \ . .\ltieri, by the same; 7. Cenotaph for Frederick William, prince of Orange (no eniiraver):H. Cenotaph for E. .Mellerio, by P. Fontana; it. Model in bas-relief of a monument to V. Alfleri, bv the same; 1(1. Model for a monument to the couniess d'Haro. by the same; II. Design for a monument to the archduchess Maria Christina, by T. Metz; 12. Cenotaph of A. Emo, by P. Fontana; l.'l. Adonis and Venus, by A. Banzo: 14, l."". Mother of Na- poleon, by P. Fontaiia; 10-18. Leopoldina Esterbazy, jirincess of Lichtenstein, by Fontana: 11). 24. E^^ue8lrian statue of Napoleon, by P. Fontana: 2f before letters); 4. oversion of Saul (p'nHif before letters); .5. Tliecrueiliz- 1, by O. F. Barbieri ((iuercino), engr. by P. Ma^ Col ion, by O. F. Barbieri ((iuercino), engr. by P. Ma^ rlietti: (i. The last eoiiiiiiunion of St. Jerome, by D. Zumpieri (Domenichino), engr. by I. Boni^iiti; 7. The transtigurati by Raphael, engr. by I. Pavoii (prrsif with artists' names onlv): S. Ihecrueitixion. I>y Guidu Reni, engr. bv (i. Guaif:ignini (proof before letters); It. Virgin ana clnl.t in a glorv, with St. Thomas and St. Jerome below, by Guido Rlni, engr. by P. Betteliiii; 10. The transfiguration, by Kaphael, engr. by A. Kicciani; 11. Virgil reading the .£iieid to Augustusand Dctavia, by J. A. D. Ingrt's, engr. by C. S. Pradier: 12. Eece Homo, by Ouercino, engr. by P. Fontana (prf before letters, witn artists' names only): 13. .Martyrdom of St. Cecilia, by Jiomenichino, engr. by (pr.M)f before letters); 14. Madonna of the rosary, by O. B. Salvi ( Sassoleratu), engr. by G. Balestra: 1.5. .Madonna and child, with tlie you..„ _ . ... Iiy Garofalo, engr. by U. Consorti; l(i. Adoration of the kings, by Kanhuel, engr. by A. Banzo; 17. Presentation in tlie temple, by itaphoel, engr. by H. Persiehini; IM. St. Andrew going to bismartyrdcmi, by (iuido Kenl, engr. by G. Voiiiato; 19. Flagellation of St. Andrew, by Domenichino, engr. by G. Folo; 'J». Tomb of Clement XIII, ttt\er Canova, engr. by A. Banzo; 21. The Trinity, Kaiihael's fresco in San Severo, at Perugia, engr. by (pr(Kif before letters); 22. .^rora, by (iuido RenI, engr. bv P. Fontana: 23. Aiiniri (a fresco in a ganlcn pavilion' of the Villa Liidovisi, at Uoine). by Guereino, engr. bv G. Volpato: 24 De:ith of Adonis, with Venus springing from her ear to him. by Domenichino. engr. bv N. Aureli; 2.5. Perseus shiying Medusa. by Annibale C'aracci, engr. bv the same: 'ili. .VjhiIIo and tlie .Mil Antr.n RapliiicrMengs, engr. by Raffaello .Morglu AiHillo and tlie .Muses, by ^ _. .. .y Raffaello .Morghen : 27, i!iitombiiient of Christ, by G. Hontborst (culled Dalle V'otti), engr. bv P. Gliigi; 2S. Monument of Pius vi, .eulpturecf by A. Canova. engr. by P. Fontana; 29. .Milo, of Crotona, devoured by n lion, sculptured by G. Fabris, engr by P. Betteliiii; .'iO-.37. Architectural decorati'Uis at Po'mpeii, engr. by G. Morghcn and others; ."W-JO. Walls and ceili iig of the Farnese palace, at Rome, painted bv .\iinibale Caracei,ctched in outline by G. Vol- pato and "filled in with the graver by P. Bettelini;41~t«. Mosaic pavement in tlie .Museum of tile Vatican, engr. by P. Ruia and others; 47. Two figures (perhajis Bacchus and Ariadne) in a chariot drawn by four centaurs; 48. Unknown, by . eniir. by - — — ; 41). Annunciation to the Virgin, by Guido Keni, in the pope's private chapel, ••luc. uello studio Toschi, 1843 "( no other letters). — [After various paintings and frescoes.] n. p., V. d. 26 pi. f '' €., A.5.4 Cnntenln. — 1-4. Frescoes in thechurch of San Silvestro di M(mtc Cavalio. in Rime, by D. Zunpieri (Domeni- chino), namely, I. Esther sitting on the throne with .Vhas- uerus, engr. l)y A. Bertini ; 2. Esther before Ahasuerus, engr. bv N. Aureli; 3. David dancing before the ark, en^r! by G. Balestra; 4. Judith showing the head of llciioter'nes, engr. bv I. Bon;\JMti; 5. Adoration of the shepherds, bv A. vaii der Wcrff, engr. by P. Betteliiii; C .Mother and child with bird, by G. F. Barbieri ((iuer- cino) engr. by the same; 7. Bclisarius begging, by F. Rehberg, engr. bv the same; 8. I,a marcliesa Fanny Grimaldi, by F. "X. Fabre, engr. by the same: 9, lO. Cupid with bow, and Cupid trying his arrow's point, by S. Tofanclli, engr. by O. Folo; 11. The presentation of 224 Engravings, continued. Christ in the temple, by V. Camuccini, engr. by A. Ric- cianii 12. The incredulity of St. Thomas, by the same; 13. La Pieta, by the same, engr. by P. Bettelini; 14. Mur- der of the innocents, by iV. Pousain, engr. by G. Folo; 15. Madonna of the rosary, with St. Dominic and St. Catharine of Siena, by G. B. Salvi (Sassoferrato), engr. by G. Balestra; 10. Salus infirmorum (Madonna and child), by the same, engr. by P. Folo; 17. Madonna and child in a glory, St. Thomas and St. Jerome standing below, by Guido Ileni, engr. by P. Bettelini; 18. Con- spiracy of Catiline, by Salvator Rosa, engr. by F. Rai- naldi; I'J. Joseph and Potiphar's wife, by J. Bilivert, engr. by the same; 20. Cephalus and Procris, by P. Ben- venuti, engr. by the same; 21. Herodias receiving John the Baptist's head in a charger, by Guercino, engr. by the same; 22. Rape of Europa, by Paolo Cagliari, or Caliari (Paul Veronese^, engr. by the same and P. Bet- telini; 2.I. Aurora, the fresco in the Palazzo Rospigliosi, by Guido Reni, engr. by F. Rainaldi; 24. John the Bap- tist, by Guido Reni, engr. by RaiFaello Morghen; 25. Endymion sleeping, by Guercino, engr. by A. Mor- fhen; 2(J. The Eternal Father, by V. Camuccini, engr. by '. Bettelini. jV^,(e. — There are two other volumes nearly duplicates of this, one having the plates transposed, the other lack- ing No. 14 and IT. — rAfter various paintings, etc.] n. p., v. d. 50 pi. sm. f° ST., A. 6.2 Contents. — 1. A hermit (J. L. Gerusus), accompanied by two boys, painted and engraved by F. Vilhimena; 2. A beggar, by the same; 3. A blind beggar, by the same; 4. A crier with his bell, etc., by the same; 5. A Roman antiquary, by the same; 6. A mendicant friar (F. de Ribalaio), by the same; 7. A man with a cloak and a dog, by the same; 8. Madonna and child, by P. Alignard. engraved by J. B. de Poilly ; 9. Maaonna and child, by P. Testa, engr. by G. C. Testa; 10. St. Peter delivered from prison, painted and engr. by P. Testa; 11. The sacrifices, by Raffaello iMotta (Raffaellino da Reggio), engr. by ("tc /e"); 12. Nativity of the Virgi". by G. Pippi (Giulio Romano;, engr. by ; 13. The visitation, by F. Baroceio, engr. by ; 14. Ma- • donna and sleeping child, b^ Guido Reni, engraved by C. Blocmaert ; 14a. The Virgin and child at the cro.ss, with God and angels, by P. Testa; 15. Virgin and child in crescent moon, with St. Francis of Ac^sisi and St. Jerome below, by L. Caracci, engr. by Girolamo Rossi, the elder; Ki. The raising of Lazarus (?), by J. Robusti (Tintoretto), engr. by ; 17. The Holy family, by A. Allegri(Corriggio), engr. by G. Faccioli; 18. St. Cecilia, by Raphael, engr. by P. Thomassin: 19. Santa Bibiana refusing to sacrifice to false gods, by P. Berretini (Pietro da Cortona),engr. by G. B. Mercati ; 20. Madonna and child, with St. Roch and St. Sebastian, by F. F. Baroceio or Barocci da Urbiuo, engr. by C. Blocmaert; 21. Virgin and child in glory, by C. Maratti, engr. by ; 22 Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh, by F. Zuc- caro, engr. by ; 23. Holy family, by L. Cambiaso (Luchetto da Genova), engr. by R. Schiamiiiossi; 24. Creation of Eve, by F. Zuccaro, engr. by C. Cort; 25. Holy family, J>ain ted and engr. by B. Bisi (Padre Fittorini); 21). Holy family, by Raphael, engr. by F. de Poilly; 27. Coronation of the Virgin (Sixtinc chapel), by Raphael, engr. by A. Lafreri; 28. Christ at the well, by Michel-Angelo, engr. by the same; 29. The nativity, by G. Romano, engr. by A. Ghisi; ,30. The de- scent from the cross, model of abas-relief by Michel- Angelo, engr. by 1. Feodor ; 31. Madonna and child in the clouds, with Micha»l, Gabriel, and Raphael below.by Raphael, engr. by U. Ghisi ; 32. The Martyrdom of St. Placidus anu St. Flavia, by Correggio, engr. by ; S:i. Holy family, by Correggio, eugr. by G. B. Mercati; 34. St. Andrew, by G. Cagnacci, engr. by U. Cunego; a5. St. Peter, by Guido Reni, engr. by v. Zarlatli ; m. The adoration of the magi, by G. Chiari, engr. by B. I Fariat; 37. St. Margaret, by Annibale Caracci, engr. by C. Bloemacrt; 38. St. Roch distributing his goods to the poor, by Annibale Caracci, engr. by ; 39. Unknown, by , engr. by ; 40. , by L. Caracci, engr. by ; 41. Incredulity of St. Thomas, by G. F. Barbierl (Guercino), engr. by G. B. Pasqualini; 42. Christ seized in the garden, by the same; 43. The last trump, by the same; 44. Christ giving the keys to St. Peter, by the same; 45. The Holy family, with angels offering re- freshments, painted and engr. by P. Testa ; Hi. St. Roch and two bishops interceding with the Virgin and child for the cessation of the plague, by the same; 47. Martyrdom of St. Erasmus, by the same; 48. Madonna and sleeping child, by the same; 49. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, by Guido Reni, engr. by F. Floridi ; .50. Ma- donna with the basin, by Giulio Romano, engr. by — . — [After various paintings, sculptures, etc.] n. p., V. d. 21 pi. f ffi., A.6.6 CbH(en(s. — I.Pope Scxtus iv, by F. Melozzo da Forli, engr. by F. Garzoli; 2. A saint with his foot upon a demon, by ■, engr. by ; 3. The crucifixion, by Guido Reni, engr. by G. Volpato; 4. Beatrice Cenci, by Guido Reni, engr. by Benjamino del Vecchio; 5. Madonna and child, by Francesco Francia Raibolini, engr. by F. Zuliani; 0-15. B. Thorvaldsen's Apostles, engr. by P. Folo, P. Fontana, 1>. Marchetti, P. Bette- lini; 10. Holy family and angels, by D. Zampieri, (called nomenichino), engr. by A. Ricciani; 17. St. Sebastian, by G. F. Barbierl, (called Guercino), engr. by G. Folo; 18. The prodigal son, by the same, engr. by P. Ghigi; 19. David and Abigail, by the same, engr. by D. Mar- chetti; 20,21. Columns of Raphael's Loggie. with small outlines of his frescoes, engr. by H.Mainaand B.Piuelli. Shelf, ^o. Engravings, continued. — [In outline, without letter of any kind, repre- senting tlie iiistory of tiie true cross, the na- livitv, tiie sibyls, the apostles, the early fathers, etc.] n. p., n. d. f pi. 9-26 of E., A. 7.1 fSee also Landscapes. Feoli, v. [Camere del Museo Vaticano. Roma,] n. d. f " E., B. 2. 1-3 N'ote. — B. 2. 1 has 20 plates, of which the first 24 are engraved by Feoli, the 25th by G. Balzar, and the 20th by G. Balzar and G. Bianchi; B. 2.2 has all of these but the last; and B. 2.3 has all but the last two. Florence. Azioni gloriosi degli uomini illustrl florentini, espresse co' loro ritratti, nelle real galloria di Toscaiia. fFirenze,] n. d. 54 pi. obl.f» : . . . 8i;.,D.2.4 — Imperiale e reale galleria, pubblicata con incisioni in rarae da una societa, edillustrala da F. Kanalli. Firenze, 1841-18-. 3 v. f° . . tt., D. 3.2 Folo, Q. Studio del disegno ricavato dall' estremita delle figure del celebre quadro della trasfigura- zione di Raft'aelle, delineato del V. Camuccini. Roma, [1808]. 31 pi. f E., D. 1.5 Frezza, tr. G. [Kngravings from various paintings by D. Zampieri (Domenichino).] n. p., n. d. 8 pi. f " pi. 26, 27, 31-36 of E., A. 6.3 Contents. — oa. Sacrifice of Iphigenia; 27. Venus and the Graces, illustrating Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 2; 31. Pan offering to Diana; .32. m. Cupids; 34. Latona with Apollo and Diana; 35, 36. Cupids. — [Engravings from various paintings by F. Alba- no.j 13 pi. f pi. 16-25, 28-30 of ST., A. 6.3 Contents. -IC. Thefallof Phaethon; 17-24. Heads and ornaments; 25. Neptune and Galatea; 28. Illustration of Ovid, Metam. II, 200, 01; 29. A fauu drinking; 30. 11- lustratiou of Ovid, Metam. ii, 272-75. GiuNTOTARDi, F. [Twelve landscapes after G. I'oussin.] n. p., n. d. [Xo title-page.] f° . . E., B.4.1 GuiDl, T., called Masaccio. Le pitture di Masaccio esistenti in lioma nella basilica di S. Cle- mente, coUe teste lucidate dal C. Labruzzi, e pubblicate da G. dall' Arml. Roma, 1830. 44 pi. obi. f E., C.6.1 ^'ole. — The plates are without the name of any en- graver. Ivory and glass, "Works of art in. n.p.,n.d. f ° E., B.8.2 jVojg. _ This work contains 97 plates, and these i without letters. It has no title-page, but is lettered l the back, " Avori e vetri." Landscapes, n. p., n. d. 23 pi. f " E., B.4.2 Contents. — l-U. Scenes after G. Poussin, engr. by G. Cunego; 12. The mill, by Claude Gelee (Claude Lor- rain ), engr. by W. F. Gmerin ; 13. The temple of Venus, by the same; 14. I sepolchri del Pussiuo, by N. Poussin, eiigr. by W. F. Gmelin; 15, 16. Falls of Tivoli, drawn and engr. by W. F. Gmelin; Falls of the Velino, near Terni, by the same; 18. The grotto of Neptune, at Tivoli, by the same; 19. II temporale del Pussino, by G. Poussin, engr. by W. F. Gmelin ; 20. The flight into Egypt, by Claude Lorrain.engr. by W. F. Gmelin; 21. Rinaldo and Armida, by G. Poussin, engr. by W. F. Gmelin; 22. Acis and Galatea, by Claude Lorrain, engr. by W. F. Gmelin; 2.3. A group of cypresses planted by Michel-Angelo in a court-yard of the Carthusian mon- astery adjoining; the church of S. Maria degli Angeli, in Rome, by k . Sablet, eugr. by (proof before let ters). — Same. n. p., n. d. 25 pi. obi. f ?r.,B.4.3 Contents. — I. The mill, by Claude Gelee (Claude Lorrain), engr. by W. F. Gmelin; 2. The temple of Venus, by the same; ">. The flight into Egypt, by the same; 4. I sepolchri del Pussino, by N. Poussin, engr. by W. F. Gmelin; 5. Acis and Galatea, by Claude Lorrain, engr. by W. F. Gmelin; 0. Falls of Tivoli, drawn and engr. by W. F. Gmelin; 7. Rinaldo and Armida, by G. Poussin, engr. by W. F. Gmelin; II temporale del Pus- sino, by the some; 9. The falls of Tivoli, drawn and engr. by W. F. Gmelin ; 10. Grotto of Neptune at Tivoli, by the same; II. Falls ol flic Velino, near Terni, by the same; 12. Landscape (with the motto ''Aegria est quae pracbet aquas," etc.), by Claude Lorrain, engr. by A. Porretta; 13. Landscape (with the motto '• Rvra niihi, et rigvi pliiceant," etc.), by N. Poussin, engr. by A. Valli and A. Testa; 14. Landscape (with the motto " luniperi gravis umbra," etc.), by Claude Lorrain, engr. under tlie direction of G. Volpato; 15. Landscape, with Orpheus playing on the lyre, by N. Poussin, engr. by P. Par- boni; 10. A youth devoured by a serpent, by N. Pous- sin, engr. by A. Valle and A. Testa; 17. Repose of the Holy family during the flight into Egypt, by Claude Lorrain, engr. by G. Volpato; 18. Temple at Delphi, by the same; 19. The adventures of Phocion, by N. 225 Shelf. No. Landscapes, continued, Foussin, engr. by P. Parboni; 20. Ccphalus and Pro- crig, by Claude Lorrain. engrr. by G. Volpato; 21. Mer- cury stealing the cattle of Admetua from Apollo, by the same; 22. A rural scene, by N. Pous8in,engr. by P. Par- boni; 2.'t. Polyphemus on a mountain top, by N. Pous- sin, engr. by A. Valle and A. Testa; 24. Diogenes, by N. Poussin, engr. by A. Testa; 25. Mercury trying to steal lo away trom Argus, by N. Pousain, engr. by Q. Volpato. Lanfbanco, Q-. [Engravings from frescoes In the church of S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini,atRomeJ 9 pi. f ° E.. A.3.2 Contents. — I. The ascension of Christ, engr. by S. Coppa; 2. Daniel, by D. Cunego; S. Zcchariah, ly tlic same; 4. Isaiah, by the same; 5. Haggai, by the same; U. Christ bufteted, by the same; 7. Christ seized, by the game; 8. The agony m the ganlen, by C. Tinti; t). Cnrist bearing his cross, Dy G. 8. Perini. Lasisio, C. [ Aflfreschi celebre del xiv. e xv. secolo. Firenze, 1841.] [No title-page. Usually called the Quatrocentisti ftorentinl.] 41 pi. obi. f C..A.6.4 Conlentf.—\. a. Crucifixion of St. Peter; ft. St.Peter and St. Paul before Nero, painted by T. Guidi (Masaccio); 2. St. Peter and St. Paul raising a vouth from the dead, by .Masaccio; '!. Christ calling M. Peter and St. Andrew, by Masolino da Panicale; 4, .I. St, Peter in prison, and de- livered from prison, by .Masaccio and Masolinoili, 7. The expulsion and the temptation of Adam and Eve, by Ma- saccio and .Masolino: H. St. Peter healing the cripple at the gate of the temple, and healing Petronella, Ins daugh- ter, by .Maiiolino; 'J. .Miracles of St. Peter and St. John: the healing of the cripple, by Fra Kilippo Lippi; I0. The s.ime: St. Peter giving alms to the poor and neuliiig the sick, by the same; 11. St. Peter preaching to the heathen, by the "same; 12. St. Peter baptizing the heathen, by the same; 13 Elevation of the host, by Cosinio Koselli; 14. Child restored to life by the apparition of St. Krancis, by Dominico Uhirlandajo; IS. P(i|>e Uoiiorius ill approving the order of the .Minorites, presented by St. Francis, by the same; 10. Scenes from the life of St. Francis, by the same; 17. Death of St. Francis, by the same; l«. St. Francis receiving the stigmata, by the same: I'.i. a. The high-priest driving St. Joachim troiii the temple: /». The angel ap|«!aiingto St. Joachim, by Taddeo Gadili; 2l). The meeting of St. Joachim and St. Anne, and the birth of the Virgin, by the same; 21. The annunciation to the shepherds, by the same; 22. The birth of Christ, by the same; 'Ji. The annunciation to the magi, bythesamei 24. The adoration of the magi, by the same; 2.'>. 'I'he Virgin descendiiig the stairs of the temple, by the same; 20. Marriage of the Virgin, by the same; 27. The last supper, by Giotto; 28. St. Joachim driven from the temple, by D. Gliirlandajo: 2U, The visitation, by the same: M. Nativity of the Virgin, by the same; 31. N»- "^'ity of John the liaptist, by the same; .'<2. The angel ■appearing to Ziicharius, by the same: ;«. Zaciiarias writes that the boy shall be called John, by the same; 34. The Virgin ascending the stairs of tne" temple, by the same; .'tS. The marriage of the Virjjin, by the same; 3U. St. John the llaptist preaching to the poiiple, by the same; 3". The baptism of Christ, by the same; 38. The adoration of the magi, by the same; 3U. The feast of Henxl, by the same; 40. Tiie death of the Virjfin, by the same; 41. Fallof the rebellious angels, by SpincUo Are- tino. Louis XV. Le saore de Louis xv, dans I'dglise de Reims, le 2o octobre, 1722. n. p., n. d. 47 pi. f " C, C.8.1 Note. — By various painters and on"nivera, with en- graved text, borders, ornamental initials, etc. Marchetti, p. [Engravings from tapestries by Raphacl.l S pi pi. 1-8 of C., A.7.1 Ointenl.i. — l. The natirity of Christ; 2. Presentation in the temple; 3. Adoration of the magi; 4-t! Slaughter of the innocents; 7. The resurrection; 8. An allegori- cal representation of the virtues of Leo x, or of the popes. Marseille, G. de. Le vetrate da Fra Ouglielrao da Marcilla esistenli nel coro della chiefn di 8. Mivriadel popolo. F. Giangiacoino dise- giio; ed incise da varj autori. Roma, n. d. 13 pi. f° jr., C.6.6 Metz, C. M. Principj del disegno ricavnti dagli antl- chi monumenti, dalle opere di RaflfauUo, Mi- chelangelo, ed altri. Roma, 1812. 28 pi. obi. f° C, C.8.5 Orvieto, Italy. [Plan and views of the cathedral, with pictures and sculptures iu the samc.t n. p., v. d. 38 pi. f £., C.4.4 JVb. Facade of the basilica of the I^lrran, by G. Vasi: m. St. Paul without the walls, by F. Barbazza; .'17. Santa .Ma ia Maginore, by G. Vasi; .38. Vestibule of the Imsillca of the Latcran, by P. L. Mangini: 3. Arch of Constan- tine; 30—31. Piazza del popolo. SCRIVERIUH, or Schreiner, P. Prlnoipes IFollandltB et WestfrisisB, ab anno Christl ucccL.xiii, et prlmo comlte Theodorico, usque ad ultinuim Philippum Hispaniarum regem, a.'ri omncs In- Shelf. No. ScRivERius, P., continued. cisi, ac fideliter descrlpti. Harlemi, 1650. 40 pi. f C, D.2.3 ,Voff. — Painted by P. P. Rubens, A. Moro, Tiziano Vecellio (Titian), J. Mostart, Lucas van Ley den, Rogier van Brugglie, and J. van Eyck. StOAHT.J. [Engravings, chiefly architectural, of an- tiquities of Athens, etc.] n. p., n. d. 2 por- traiU, 191 pi. r Z-, B.3.1 Testa, P. R-iccolta dl opcre varie, inventate, ed In- cise all' aqua forte, in xxxii rami. Roma, n. d. f°. pl. 37-66 of C., A. 6. 3 Thokvaldsen, B. Collezione di tuttc le opere in- ventate e scolpite, inclsa a contorni con illus- trazioni del abate Misserini. Itoma, 1831. 128 pi. 2v. r ac., C.7.1 J^'o/«. — Plates ;ii and 108 are encravcd by A. Banzo, pi. ItX) by F. Fontana, the rest by F. Garzoli. There are a few duplicate plates, and some plates and pages of the text are missing. Uggeri, A . Delia basilica Vlpia nel foro Traiano is- toriacristavrazlone. n.p.,n.d. 51 pi. f.C, D.2.5 Vanni, G. B. [Fresco in the dome of the cathedral at Parma, representing the assumption of the Virgin, painted by Antonio Allegri (Cor- reggio)!. Roma, n. d. t". pi. 1-15 of C, A. 5.3, and 9-23 of C, A.5.2 Vannuchi, a. or Agnolo, A. d', called Andrea del Sarto. La vita di 8. Gio.Bat'ta. e le quattro principali virtu dipinte a fresco nel chiostro della gia compagnia dello Scalzo, ed ora in- cise in XIV. tavole. Fireiize, 1794. f. pi. 1-14 of E., A. 6.1 Xote. — Engraved by B. Eredl and O. B. Cecchl. Thl« set of plates, with the exception of No. 9 and 10, ii re- peated in pi. lG-27 of C, A. 4.3. Zahfiebi, D., called Qomenichino. [Varioua works.] 50 pi. f pl.l6-64of B.,A.5.1 (Tnnleiitii. — l.'S-.TO. Frescoes in a chapel of the cathedral at Fano, representing acenei in the lid' of ChrUtand the Virgin, etc., cngr. by t>. Cunego; .'U-.'!;. Frescoes in the Costaguti palace, at Rome, by tlic same; .'18-04. Frescoes in the Grotta Ferrata, representing scenes In the Uvea of St. Nilo and St. Bartolonieo. with figures of sainti, etc., by F. Bartolozzi, P. A. Pazzl, A. Cai>elUn, and C. Gre- gori, published at Rome in 1762. ,Vore. — Plates 31-3r are duplicated in plates 14-SO of C, A.G.I; and platea 15-30 are duplicated in plate* 21-36 of J5., A. 6.L Our Art Department, and its Literature. The present Bulletin gives the public a partial Itnowledge of the extent and character of the collection of engravings recently added to the Library. Its strength lies in the Italian school ; and its groupings are rather indicative of the taste of its late owner than suggestive of any systematic growth, its development having doubtless been controlled in some degree by his opportunities. As patron of the school of San Michele in Rome, he stood in intimate relations with two of its scholars, who gained eminence in the art of engraving, Mercuri and Calamatta, and he doubtless had their assistance in gathering, whence he could, specimens of their art, while they, furthermore, did not leave him without the earliest impres- sions of their numerous worlcs. When the titles of that portion of the collection which is in frames, is given in a subse- quent Bulletin, this fact will appear moro prominently than in the present list. A distinctive feature of the collection is beyond doubt its portraits, which are mostly framed. A list of these is intended for the next Bulletin. Edelinck, Drevet, Nanteull, and Schmidt are here strongly represented. In a still subsequent Bulletin, it Is hoped to catalogue the rest of the collection, framed and unframed. The earlier Italian masters will not be found to be well represented. There are no Marc Autonios, except a few of his fac-similes of DUrer. Of the letter's wood-cuts there are between twenty and thirty, large and small. There is little or nothing of his cotemporaries or immediate successors. The English school is but slightly represented; and etchings, beside a volume of Salvator Rosa's and a few of Rembrandt's, are not numerous. The modern French school from Audran to Lelli is well set forth. An attempt has been made to supplement this collection very fully with general lexicons of art and monographs on particular artists, and the latest additions to our already good selection will be found in the main list of this Bulletin. We have been aiming at making our Architectural department the best in the city, as it perhaps now is. In addition to text-books and descriptive works in general and in details, there are not a few special monographs on celebrated build- ings, which have an historical as well us artistic interest. American Newspapers held for Exchange. American traveller. Vol. I, II (1825-27), VII, VIII (1831-32). Boston. 4 v. f . hf.-sh. Atlas and daily bee. May 17 to Deo. 31, 1858. Boston. f°. hf.-sh. Boston daily courier. Jan. 1837 to July, 1841; Jan. 1846 to July 1849; all of 1851, 55, 56; July to Dec. 1858. 26 V. f°. hf.-sh. Boston daily mail. 1841, 42; Jan. to July, 1844; July to Dec, 1845; Jan. to June, 1846; Jan. to June, 1853. 5 V. f °. hf.-sh. Centinel, The. 1796, 1800 to 1814, 1816. Boston. 15 v. f*. hf.-sh. Degrand's weekly report. Vol. 1,2, 3,4. Boston, 1819 to 1822. 2v. f°. hf.-sh. National era. 1850 to 1853. Washington, f °. hf.-sh. New England galaxy and masonic magazine. Vol. 1 to 8. Boston, 1817 to 1825. 4 v. f°. hf.-sh. World, The. 1861 to 1864. New York. Unbound and imperfect. Lists of Books Newly Published And received between the successive issues of the Bulletin, will be kept, in the order of their accession, in a separate record for each Hall, open for public inspection. Books from London, Paris, and Leipsic are received twice a month; from Florence, once a year. An invoice from Italy is embraced in the present Bulletin. Newspapers. We have now provided a separate room for the storage of our collection of newspapers, and we would gladly receive from friends of the Library files or bound volumes. If any one, so disposed to favor us, will communicate with the Super- intendent, an exact statement can be rendered of the state' of any particular set. Medical Pamphlets. There has been added to the Library a collection of 105 volumes containing about 800 pamphlets (mostly French, but with some in the Italian, English, and German languages), relating to a great variety of subjects connected with the theory and practice of medicine. These have all been catalogued and placed upon the shelves; and, although it has not been deemed advisable to print their titles in the Bulletin, their contents can be ascertained or the volumes consulted at the Library. Engraved PortraitSi Portfolios and scrap-books have been prepared for the preservation of engraved portraits, and any contribution of this kind will be gladly accepted. Particular attention will be paid to the gathering of likenesses of Bostonians. The Bulletins are for Sale In the Library at two cents each. The Indexes to the books in the Bates Hall (in two volumes) are also for sale at $2. each, and the Catalogue of the Prince Library (gust issued) at $1.00. BULLETIN OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. BOSTON. OCTOBER, 1870. No. 15. Board of Trustees. WILLIAM W. GREENOUGII, Pkesident. 10 Union Park, Alderman, Terra expires 1871 " 1H71 Gkokc.k O. Carprxter, . . MKLVir.LK E. Ingam-S, 538 Broadway, Councilman, " Stkpiikn U. NiLKs, 17 Pinckuey Street, Councilman, " Gkouok Putnam, 130 Highland Street, At Large, " Wkston Lkvvis, ,.... 81 Worcester Street " " WiLMAM W. GuKENouGii, .. 5G Tcmplc Street, " " Jarvis D. Braman, 38 Charles Street, " " Samukl A. Green, 25 Kneelaud Street " " Ellis W. Morton, 23 Beacon Street, *' " 1871 1871 1871 1872 1872 1873 1873 Officers. JUSTIN WINSOR, Superintendent, and Secretary ok the Trustees. William A. Whekler, Assistant Superintendent. Edward Cai'en, Keeper of Lower Halls. Joseph Sykes, Keeper of Bates Hall. William E. Ford, Janitor. The Library Opens at 9 o'clock, A. M., Every secular day throughout the year, except the five legal holidays, — Washington's birth-day, Fast day, Inde- pendence day, Thanksgiving, and Cliristmae, — and such other days as the Trustees may direct. The Heading Room for periodicals, provided with scats for one hundred readers, and having by far the best collec- tion of American and foreign periodicals in the country, is closed at 10 o'clock, p. m. The Lower Hall delivery of books ceases at 8 o'clock, p. M. This hall now contains 31,000 volumes. Books may be returned after 8.30 A. M., but the delivery does not begin till 9 o'clock. Persons leaving applications between those hours will find the books ready for delivery at a later hour. The Bates Hail delivery of books for home use, as well as for use in the hall, ceases at 6 o'clock, p. M.,from October to March, inclusive, and at 7 o'clock, P. M., from April to Sep- tember, inclusive. This hall now contains 133,000 volumes. 1 Persons Admitted to nse the Library. I. To use periodicals or hooks in the building. Any person above the .igo of 14 years may use the Heading Hoom for periodicals, and, if above 16, may make use of the books within the building, without previous registration. . II. To take books away from the hut Iding. All clllzens and residents of Boston above the age of 10 years; all non- resident Clergymen and Teachers having regular occupation In the city ; all inh.ibltants, even if under 10, who have re- ceived certificates of graduation, medals, or Lawrence prizes, from the Public Schools; and all pupils attending the Girls' High and Normal Schools, are entitled to a full use of the Library. All these must sign tlie application card, and give the name of a citizen, who may bo consulted, if necessary. The registration takes place in the Lower Delivery Hall. III. Members of such other of the higher educational insti- tutions in the city as the Trustees may have especially per- mitted, are entitled to a full or a partial use of the Library. » Books Eecommended. Any person desiring a book not In the possession of this Library may ask, on blanks furnished for the purpose, that it may be immediately purchased; and the assurance is given, that, unless there is some special reason why it should not be ordered, it will be procured as soon as possible, and the applicant — in all cases where the book is abso- lutely bought upon his recommendation — will be notified of its reception. If duplicates for the Lower Hall sires asked for, they will be ordered, provided our records show a circulation of the present copies to warrant such additions. In asliing that a duplicate shall be purchased, the applicant will be particular to designate it as such. We do not duplicate copies la the Bates Hall. Those availing themselves of this privilege, will greatly contribute to avoid delay and disappointment, if, in their appli- cations, they will give exact titles, as well as authorship, imprint, etc., and if they will, above all, write legibly. Special Students, Desiring to be informed when any book in their line of Investigation is received in the Library, can have word sent them, if they will communicate their name and address, and the subject of their inquiries, to the Superintendent. Pamphlets Solicited and Exchanged. The collection of pamphlets belonging to the Library is now all arranged; and many of them areinbound volumes, and catalogued. It is our intention in future to keep no pamphlets unbound, except in order to complete sets or series. These we shall put on the shelves in boxes, and substitute for the box the bound volume, when the needful numbers are procured. We renew our solicitations for lots of pamphlets, which we will willingly send for, if informed that they are ready for us. The chances are, that any miscellaneous lot will contain a fair proportion of the very pamjihlets we want, and the others will avail us in exchanges. We have some 30,000 (more or less) duplicate pamphlets, all arranged, and are ready to exchange them for others that we have not. With distant libraries, we have found the following method of exchange the most convenient: if they will send 1,000 pamphlets printed in their state, we will send 1,000 printed in Massa- chusetts. Each m, C. a simple llower garden for country houses. Boston, [1870]. pp.76. 16° . . . . 150.23 Bellermann, H. iJber die Entwickiungder mchr- stimmigenMusik. Berlin, 1867. pp.40. 16°. 8049.18 Berlioz, (L.) II. Le» soirees de I'orchestre. 2e Edi- tion, i'aris, 1854. 18° 8048.9 Blanc, (A. A. P.) C, and others. Hisloire des jieinires de toutes les ecoles. tcole espagnole. Paris, 1869. 4° *8n80.7 f^cole flamande. Paris, 1868. 4° *8080 6 Ecole frangaise. Paris, 1865. 3 v. 4° . . . *8080.4 'koxAc hollandaise. Paris, 1863. 2 v. 4°. . , *8080.10 ficole veiiitienne. Paris, 1868. 4° *8080.5 Itigres; sa vie et ees ouvragea. Paris, 1870. 1.8° *806'2.1 Blaze, F. H. J., called Castil-Blaze. De I'opira, en France. Paris, 1820. 2 v. 16° 8045.15 — L'cpera-italien de 1.548 a 1856. Paris, 1856. 8°. 8045.13 Boston musical times. Vol. 3, no. 10, v. 4, no. 1-4, V. 5, no. 2-4, 6-12, V. 6, no. 2-9,11, 12', v. 7, v. 8, no. 2-8, 10-12, V. 9, no. 1, 3-7. Boston, 1862- 68. 4° *5240a.6 aSf He ii'wA to obtain all the volumes and num- bers uot here named, to comiilcte our set. Shelf. No. BoiJT.Mr, ft. rhlloBophle do I'architccture en Grece. Paris, 1870. 18° 4099.7 Bradley, J.W., and Goodwin, T. G. Manual of illumination. On paper and vellum. 17th edition, lievlsedby J. J. Laiiig. Loudon, n. d. 10° 2118.2 Brenoel, F. Die Muslk der Gegenwart und die Gesammtkunst der Zukunft. Leipzig, 1854. 8° 8040.5 Bkialmont, a. (H.) La fortitieatiou improvisee. Bruxelles, 1870. 16° ' 0958.18 Buehoeh, W., pseud. See Thord, T. J. E. Carmiciiael, J. W. The art of marine painting in oil colours. 4th edition. London, 1869. pp. 77. 16° 8068.27 — The art of marine painting in water colours. 8ih edition. London, 1870. pp. 60. 16° . . . 8068.28 Carolina farmer, The. W. II. Bernard, editor. Vol. 1. Wilmington, 1868, 69. 8° *7992.4 Casey, 8. Infantry tactics. New York, 1862. 3 v. 24° 5959a.9 Castil-Blaze, F. II. J. See Blaze, F. H. J. CUOOKE8, W. On the manufacture of beetroot su- gar in England and Ireland. London, 1870. sm . 8° 6007.2 Davy, Sir II. Salmonia ; or, days of fly fishing. Bos- ton, 1870. 1«° 6009.20 Day, C. W. Tlie art of miniature painting. 7th edition. London, 1861. pp 57. 16° 8008.21 DuBOUR Puciiesse, G. Jean de Morvil- lier. fetude sur la politique fran9aiso au xvie slecle. Paris, 1870. 8° 4625.11 Bartiii':le.my, fe. (M.) de. Mesdaraes de France, lilies de Louis xv. Paris, 1870. 8° 4625.4 Beeton, 8. O. Dictionary of universal biography. 2d edition. London, [1870], 16° ♦6247.8 Bonneao, a. Life of Madame de Beauharnais de Miraraion, 1629-1696. Translated by the Bar- oness de Montalgnac. Edited by Lady Her- bert. London, 1870. 16° 6647.8 Booth, A. J.. Robert Owen, the founder of social- Ism in England. London, 186t. 16° 4549.27 Boston, Mass. School committee. Address on the life and character of T. Sherwin by R. C. Waterston. With an appendix by W. H. Mo- riarty. Boston, 1870. pp.93. 1.12° . . .♦4443.28 Brandt, H. von. Leben des Generals Heinrich von Brandt. Th. 1, 2. 2te Auff. Berlin, 1870, 2 V. in 1. 8° 4842.6 Bruce, M. E. C. Family records of the Bruces and the Cumyns with an historical introduction and appendix. Edinburgh, 1870. 4° . . . . ♦6530.1 Bryan, M. Biographical and critical dictionary of painters and engravers. New edition, by G. Stanley. London, 1865, 8° *8082.4 258 Shelf. No. Burke, Sir (J.) B. Genealogical and heraldic diction- ary of tlic peerage and baronetage of the Brit- ish empire. 32d edition. London, 1870. S'.m.R.iC.l Burns, K. Life and works. Edited hy 11. Cham- bers. New Yorlj,1852, 54. 4 v. 12° 4566.6 BuBNHAM, R. H. The Burnham family. Hartford, 1869. 8° *4335.10 CiCCONETTi, F. Vita di Gaetano Donizetti. Roma, 1864. 16° 4749.24 Craven, V., formerly Mile. Jm Ferronnays. A no- ble lady (Adelaide Uapece Minutolo). Transl. by E.Bowles. London, 1869. 16° . 599.25 and 4749 .23 CuiMMiNG Bruce, M. E. See Bruce, M. E.G. CusACK, M. F. The life of Saint Patrick. London, 1870. 8°, 1. p 5551.3 Debrett, J. Illustrated peerage, and titles of cour- tesy of Great Britain and Ireland. 1870. Lou- don, [1870]. 16° *65')7.1 Dickens, C. Charles Dickens: the story of his life. London, [1870]. 16° 1556.2 Edwards, E. Lives of the founders of the British museum; with notices of its chief augmeutors and other benefactors. 1570-1870. Fart 1, 2. London, 1870. 2 v. 8° 6113.40 Fallet, C. The princes of art. Trsinslated from the French by Mrs. 8, R. Urbino. Boston, 1870. 16° 555.10 Fkeytag, G. Karl Mathy. Geschiehte seines Le- bens. Leipzig, 1870. 8° 4842.7 Gasperini, a. de. Richard Wagner. Paris, 1866. 8° 8043.38 HALlivY, L. F. Halevy, sa vie et ses teuvres. 2e edition. Paris, 1863. 8° 8043.41 Harris, E. D. Genealogical record of Thomas Bas- com, and his descendants. Boston, 1870. pp. 79. 8° -. *4335.14 Haydn's universal index of biography. See Payne, J. B R.R., C. 13 History of Fulk Fitz Warine. Edited, with an English translation, by T. Wright. London, 1855. 8° 6574.1 HoziER, L. P. d'. Armorial general; ou registre de la noblesse de France. Continue par [A. L. M.] d'llozier et [A.] C. [A.] .dllozier. Paris, [1844-48]. 2v.ini. 8° *2632.5 Irving, W. Life of George Washington. Leipzig, 1856-59. 5 v. 16° 1579.7 — Oliver Goldsmith. Leipzig, 1850. 16° ... . 1579.6 MacCheyne [M'Cheyne], R. M. Memoir and re- mains. By A. A. Bonar. Loudon, 1869. sm. 8° 6546.14 Mackenzie, R. S. Life of Charles Dickens. Phil- adelphia, 1870. 16° 1556.3 Markiiam, C. R. Life of the great Lord Fairfax. London, 1870. 8° 6542.6 Martin. F. Handbook of contemporary biography. London, 1870. 16° *624y.5 and *li. R., A- 17 Mitchel, J. Life of A. O'Neill, prince of Ulster; called Hugh, earl of Tyrone. With some ac- count of his predecessors. Dublin, 1860. 24°. 0549a.8 Moore, T. Life of R. B. Bheridan, 3d edition. New York, 1856. 2 v. 12° 6548.8 NiCHOLLS, J. F. Life, adventures and discoveries of Sebastian Cabot. London, 1869. 16° ... . *4415.8 O'CONNELL.D. Lite. Dublin, 1867. 2 v. 12°. . .6548.11 Parker, T. Experience as a minister. Boston, 1859. 12° 4446.16 Payne, J. B. Haydn's universal index of biography. London, 1870. 8° *R. R., C. 13 Peabody, G. [Collection of newspapers relating to his death.] v. p., 1809. f° *F.12.5 Perkins, F. B. Charles Dickens: a sketch of his life and works. New York, 1870. 12° ... . 1529.8 Prescott, W. The Prescott memorial: or a genea- logical memoir of the Prescott families in America. Boston, 1870. 8° *4335.11 Pryme, G. Autobiographic recollections. Edited by his daughter. Cambridge, 1870. 8° . . . 6542.7 Pcches.se, G. Baguenault de. See Buguenault de Puchesse, G. Redding, C. Memoirs of remarkable misers. Lon- don, 1863. 2 v. ^6° ;■ . . 6246.K Sainte-Beuve, C. a. Monsieur de Talleyrand. Paris, 1870. 18° 6649a.l4 Schletterer, H. M. Joh. Friedrich Reichardt. Sein Lebenund seine musikalische Thatigkeit. Augsburg, 1865. 8° 8045.12 S^GUR, Mile. de. See Armailld, M. C. A., covitesse de. Staffer, P. Laurence Sterne, sa pejsonne et ses ouvrages. /itude precede d'un fragment inedit. Paris, 1870. 8° 6542.8 Stevens, H. Sebastian Cabot — John Cabot ^= 0. Boston, 1870. pp. 32. 32°, 1. p *4415.9 Shelf. No. Tappan, L. The life of Arthur Tappan. New York, 1870. 12° 1528.3 Thompson, E. H. The life of St. Charles Borromeo. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° 1557.5 Trollope, T. a. a decade of Italian women. Lon- don, 1859. 2 v. 16° 2746.14 Ule, O. Alexander von Humboldt. 3te Aufl. Ber- lin, [1869]. 16° 2029.15 United States. Memorial addresses on W. P. Fes- senden, in the senate and house of representa- tives, Dec. 14, 1869. Washington, 1870. pp. 82. 8° 4441.7 Vapereau, (L.) G. Dictionnaire universel des con- temporains. 4e edition. Paris, 1870. 8° . . *6241.3 Waelich, G. C. Eminent men of the day. Photo- graphed. Scienti lie series. London, 1870. 16°.*6546.12 Whiteside, J. Early sketches of eminent persons. Edited, with notes, by W. D. Ferguson. Dub- lin, 1870. 16° 6546.11 Wilkinson, I. Memoirs of the Wilkinson family. Jacksonville, 1869. 8° *4435.9 Wilson, D. Chatterton : a biographical study, Lon- don, 1869. 16° 6547.23 Wilson, T. Biographical sketches of the leading men of Chicago. [By various writers.] Chi- cago, 1868. »' 4441.9 Wurzbach, (T.) C. von. Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich. Th. 21. Wien, 1870. 8° *2857.1 Contents. — O'DouncU— Peienyi. Education. Burlington, Vt. UniversiUi of Vermont. Cata- logue, 1844-47, 49, 51-63, 66-69. Burlington, 1844-69. 8° . - *4495.17 Common school assistant. Vol. 1, 2, Albany, 1836, 37. 2v.ini. 4° 7591.11 Davenant, F. What shall my son be ? London, [1870]. 16° 5589.13 Fowler, R. Mental state of the blind, and deaf, and dumb. Salisbury, 1843. 16° 5599a.l8 Gold, S. W. Education for the millions. New York, 1830. pp. 77. sm. 12° 6589a.l2 HaVtrey, S. Narrative essay on a liberal educa- tion. 2d edition. London, 1868. 8° . . _. 5595.18 Hippeau, C. L'instruction publique aux Etats-Unis. J'aris, 1870. 8° ." 5592.29 HULLAH, J. The cultivation of the speaking voice. Oxford, 1870. pp. 66. 16° 5597.10 Leicester, Mass. Catalogue of Leicester academy. 1838, 39, 41, 42, 44-57, 62-65, 67-69. v. p., 1838- 69. 8° *4495.16 Mann, M., and Peabody, E. P. Moral culture of in- farcy, and kindergarten guide. Boston, 1864. 12° 5597.5 MiCHELET, J. Nosfils. 4e edition. Paris, 1870. 18°. 5599a.31 Northend, C. The teacher's assistant. Boston, 1860. 12° 5597.7 O'DONNELL, F. II. Mixed education in Ireland. Vol. 1. London, 1870. 8° 5595.19 OuTis, pseud. Hiatus. The void in modern educa- tion, its cause and antidote. London, 1869. 8°. 5595.17 Porter, N. The American colleges and the Ameri- can public. New Haven, 1870. 12° 5597.9 Wells, W. H. The graded school. New York, 1862. 12° 6.597.6 Wisconsin. Annual report of the superintendent of public instruction for 1849, 66, "59, 63-69. Madison, 1849-69. 10 v. 8° *6394.3 G-eography, Travels, Description, etc. Adams, A. Travels of a naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. London, 1870. 8° ._ . 5015.11 Adams, A. L. Notes of a naturalist in the Nile val- ley and Malta. Edinburgh, 1870. sm. 8° . . 5086.3 Appleton, D., and co. Handbook of American travel. Northern and eastern tour. New York, 1870. 12° *4489.3l Barker, Lady F. N. Station life In New Zealand. London, 1870. 16° 5047.10 Bartlett, W. H. Scripture sites and scenes. London, [1851]. 12° 7428.7 Beach, W. R. Visit of the duke of Edinburgh to Hongkong in 1869. Hongkong, 1869. pp.59. 8°, l.p. *5010.8 Beadle, J. II. Life in Utah. Philadelphia, 1870. 8°.5543..50 Beers, F. W., and others. Atlas of Hampden co., Mass. New York, 1870. f° *4410.13 259 Shelf. No. Bexnet, J. H. Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediterranean. 4th edition. London, 1870. 16" 4763.12 BOBDE, P. L'isthme de Suez. 2e edition. Paris, 1870. 8° 5054.17 CnEVAi.iER, M. Lettres sur I'Amerique du Nord. Paris, 183S. 2 v. S° 4426.7 Coffin, C. C. The seat of empire. Boston, 187U. 16° 1636.16 COLTON'8 journal of geography and collateral • sciences. No. 1, 3, 4. New York, 1887, 69. 8° ♦6285.2 CttOrUTT, Q-. A. Trang-continental railroad guide. [Anon.] Chicago, 1870. 16° ... 1638 26 and 4489.30 _ DAl.li, W. H. Alaska and its resources. Boston, 1870. 8° 1636.21 and 4462.4 Daux, a. Ilechcrches sur I'origine et' I'emplace- inent dcs emporia phenlciens d.-ins le Zeugis et le Byzacium (Afrique septenlrionale). Paris, 1869. 8° 6051.11 De Quetteville, P. W. The pardon of Ouingamp ; or, poetry and romance in modem Brittany. London, 1870. 16° 6662.4 Dickens, C. (J. II.) Pictures from Italy, n. p., n. d. [Title-page missing.] pp. 64. 8° . . . 1662.1 Dixon, \V. II. Free Hussia. 2d edition. London, 1870. 2 V. 8° 5065.3 Same. New York, 1870. 16° 074.16 Dunbar, M. J. M. Art and nature under an It^ilian sky. By M. J. M^ D. London, 1800. 8° . . 4763.9 EviLI., W. A winter journey to Uomc and back, [etc.]. London, 1870. 16° 4763.13 Fetriikje, W. p. Harper's hand-book for travellers in Europe and the Kast. 9lh year. New York, 1870. 12° 6274.42 I'-ORTDNE, It. Two visits to the tea countries of Cliina and the British tea plantations In the ]limnl«ya. 3d edition. London, 1863. 2 v. 12° 5016.10 FOKWOOD, "W. S. The Mammoth cave of Kentucky. Philadelphia, 1870. 12'' 235.17 Qazettkeu of the world. Edinburgh, [1850-671. 7 v. 8° *6285.3 Contrnlii. — Voi.l. Aa — Br»7.ey-en-pIalno. II. Brazil — Derrygratli. III. DfrryK.vle — llfiisull. IV. Hiiishiirrow — tiurin. V. Liinisbin — Pertusa. VI. IVrii — SzyUlowicc. VII. Ta— Zzubin. And ap- pendix. Great Britain. Ordnance surrfy. Domesday book, or, the great survey of England of Wil- liam the conqueror, A. I). ML.\.\.WI. Fac- simile. Photo-zineographed. Houthomptun, 1861-64. 30 v. f°, 2 V. 4° ♦6520.1-32 CnntenI*. — Bedfordablre •C,'i20.l Berkshire "^aaO-S Buckinirhamshire •«4a)«? C'ttinbriiljjeshire •Jt>.iH StaflFordshire •(K20.25 Suffolk •G.'iaO.a! Surrey •«52n.27 Sussex •ftVJO.28 Warwickshire fiS'JO.i!) Wiltshire •(B20..'» Worcestershire •IWJO.Sl Yorkshire •0520.32 IIakluvt society. Works issued by the society. Ndmely .• — — Yule, H. Cathay and the way thither; a collec- tion of medieval notices of China 2264.31 lUNATius, C. ETF. Renseignements sur la popu- lation de Finlande. Helsingfors, 1869. pp. 37. 16° 48.36.17 Jack, G. Incidents of a journey through Egypt and the Holy Land. Edinburgh, 1870. sm. 8°. 6047.8 Keim. Do B. U. San Domingo. Philadelphia, 1870. 16° 636.32 — Sheridan's troopers on the borders. Philadel- phia, 1870. 16° 245.14 Shelf. No. Larimer, 8. L. Tho capture and escape ; or, life among the Sioux. Philadelphia, 1870. 12*. . 245.15 Letts, — . War map of Central Europe. [Lon- don, 1870. Size, 18 in. X 24 in.] ♦4039.7 LlNDLEY, A. F. The log of the Foriuna. London, 1870. sm.4° 5014.14 Livingstone, I). Travels and researches in South Africa. Philadelphia, [co/j. 1859]. 12° . . .1604.12 Lloyd, L. I'easant life in Sweden. London, 1870. 8°. 4861.1 MacClintock [M'Clintock], F. L. Narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir J. Franklin and his companions. Boston, 1860. 12° . . . 6276.6 MacClung [McClung], .J. W. Minnesota as it Is in 1870. [St. Paul,] 1870. 12° 4477.8 Macgregor, J. The Hob Hoy on the Jordan. New York, 1870. 16° 1687.5 — A thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe on* rivers and lakes of Europe. 5th edition. Lon- don, 1867. 16° 6274.9 Mackesun, C. Guide to tho churches of London and its suburbs for 1870. London, [1870]. pp. 85. 8° 4535.13 Macrae, D. The Americans at home. Edinburgh, 1870. 2 V. 16° 4467.15 Miller, J. P. The condition of Greece in 1827 and 1828. New York, 1828. 12° 5077.7 Miller, Mrs. M. Letters from Italy. [Anon.] London, 1776. 3 v. 8° 4763.11 Moore, J. View of society and manners in Italy. 3d edition. Dublin, 1786. 3 v. sm. 12° . . . 6709.2 Murray, J. ITandbook for travellers in Central Italy. 7th edition. London, 1867. 12° . . . 4737.3 — Handbook for travellers in Corsica and Sardinia. London, 1868. 12° 4737.0 — Handbook for travellers In Devon and Cornwall. 6th edition. London, 1865. 12° 4537.18 — Handbook for travellers in Egypt. By Sir [.I., not] I. G. Wilkinson. New edition. London, 18(57. 12° 5059.6 — Handbook for travellers in Franco, lltli edition. London, 1870. 12° 4638.11 — Handbook for travellers in Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, atul llertfordshiro. London, 1867. 12° 4537.20 — Handbook for travellers In Ireland. 2d edition. London, 186(s. 12° 4538.10 — Handbook for travellers in Kent and Sussex. 3(1 edition. London, 186S. 12° 4538.6 — Handbook for travellers In Northern Italy. 11th edition. LonOcm, 1869. 12° 4737.7 — Handbook for travellers in Portugal. 3d ed. London, 1864. 12° 6098.5 — Handbook for travellers In Scotland. 2d ed. I.,ondon, 1868. 12° 4538.9 — Handbook for travellers in Southern Germany. 10th edition. London, 1867. 12° " 4839.5 — Handbook for travellers In Southern Italy. 6th jedition. London, 1868. 12° 4737.4 — Handbook for travellers in Spain. By R. Ford. 4lh edition. London, 1869. 2 v. 12° .... 5098.6 — Handbook for travellers In Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight, 2d edition. London, 1865. li° . . 4538.8 — Handbook for travellers in Switzerland, and tho Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. 12th edition. London, 1807. 12° 4839.6 — Handbook for travellers In Syria and Palestine. New edition. London, 1868. 2 v. 12° . . . 5049.8 — Handbook for travellers in Wiltshire, Dorset- shire, and Somersetshire. New edition. Lon- don, 1869. 12° 4537.19 — Handbook for travellers In Yorkshire. London, 1867. 12° 4538.7 — Handbook to London as it is. New edition. London, [1867]. 16° 4537.17 — Handbook to Paris. 3d edition. London, 1868. 16° 4639.3 — The knapsack guide for travellers in Italy. 2d edition. London, 1865. 16° 4737.5 — The knapsack guide for travellers in Switzer- land. New edition. London, 1867. 16° . . 4839.7 — The knapsack guide for travellers in Tvrol and the Eastern Alps. London, 1867. W^. . . . 4839.8 Mu.SGRAVE, G. A ramble into Brittany. London, 1870. 16° 6662.3 New York, City. New York illustrated. New edition. New York, [1870]. pp.56. 8° . . 4473.3 Palestine exploration fund. Quarterly statement. No. 2-5. London, 1869, 70. 8° 6047.9 Parish, Sir W. Buenos Ayres and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata. 2d edition. London, 1852. 8° 4463.9 Pakkinson, J. C. The ocean telegraph to India. Edinburgh, 1870. sm. 8° 5650a.20 260 Shelf. No. Pollard, E A. The Virginia tourist. Philadelphia, 1870. 18° 638.18 PuLSiFER, D. Guide to Boslon and vicinity. Boston, 1868. 12° 1638.11 Rae, W. F. "Westward by rail : the new route to the East. London, 1870. 16° 4467.16 Reminiscences of America in 1869. By two English- men. London, 1870. 16° 4469.13 Ross, J., and Gary, G. From Wisnonsin to Califor- nia and return. Madison, 1869, 8° 4474.7 RCSSELL, \V. H. My diary North and South. Bos- ton, 1863. 12° 4428.11 Smith, C, and son. [Map of] the seat of waron the Rhine and Moselle. London, 1870. [iSize, 15 in. X 16 in.] *4639.4 Speer, W. China and the United States. Hartford, ^ 1870. 8° 5014.13 Speke, J. H. Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile. New York, 1864. 8° 5055.2 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 12th edition. New York, 1860. 2 v. 8° 4464.14 — Incidents of travel in Yucatan. New York, 1858. 2 V. 8° 4464.13 Thornburt, W. A tour round England. London, 1870. 2v. 16° 4566.7 Warne.F., and co. Map of the seat of war. 1870, [Germany and France.] London, [1870]. [Size, 17^ in. X 21iin.] *4639.6 WiLLEV, B. G. History of the White mountains. Itevised edition, by F.Thompson. New York, 1870. 12° 239.22 Willis, N, P. Health trip to the tropics. New York, 1853. 12° 4469.12 Yl'LE, H. Cathay and the way thither; a collection of medieval notices of China. 'J'ranslated and edited by H. Yule. London, 1866. 2 v. 8°. *2264.31 History, Antiquities, Numismatics, etc, Allen, P. History of the American revolution. Baltimore, 1822. 2 v. 8° 4415.13 Austria. K. K. GeneraUtabs- Bureau fur Kriegs- geschichte. Les luttes de I'Autriche en 1866. Traduit de I'allemand par F. Crousse. T. 3. Paris, 1870. 8° *4835.3 Belin, — . Des capitulations et des trait(Ss de la France en Orient. Paris, 1870. 8° 6642.11 Belknap, J. History of New Hampshire. Phila- delphia, Boston, 1784, 91. 2 v. 8° 4338.7 Bellohi, G. p. Scelta de medaglioni piv rari nella bibliotheca dell' cardinale G. Carpcgna. Roma, 1679. pp. 84, (3). 4° *6230a.5 Bernard, M. Historical account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the American civil war. London, 1870. 1.8° 4523.5 Blsset, R. History of the reign of George III. Al- bany, 1816. 2 V. 8° 4525.7 Blad<^:, J. F. fitudes sur I'origine des Basques. Paris, 1869. 8° 6237.11 BoiSSY, H. £. O. R., marquis de. Mdmoires, 1798- 1866. Rediges par P. Breton. Paris, 1870. 2 V. in 1. 8° 6648.33 BOLLAERT, W. The wars of succession of Portugal and Spain, from 1826 to 1840. London, 1870. 2 V. 8° 5093.3 BoNWiCK, J. Curious facts of old colonial days. London, 1870. 16° 5047.7 BOZMAN, J. L. History of Maryland, during the three first years after its settlement. Balti- more, 1811. 8° 4477,7 Brue, B. Journal de la campagne que le grand vesir All Pacha a faite en 1715 pour la conquete de la More^. Paris, 1870. 16° 5086.4 Burn, J. S. The star chamber. Notices of the court and its proceedings. London, 1870. 8° . . . 4527.5 Burnet, G. History of the reign of James the second. Notes by the Earl of Dartmouth, Speaker Onslow, and Dean Swift. [Edited by M. J. Koulh.] Oxford, 1852. 8° . . . . 4511.20 Burton, J. H. Histoi-y of Scotland, from Agricola's invasion to the revolution of 1688. Vol. 5-7. Edinburgh, 1870. 3 v. 8° 4524.3 Cavaniol, H. Les monuments en Chaldce, en As- syrie et a Babylone d'aprfes les recentes de- couvertes archeologiques. Paris, 1870. 8°. .6236.12 ,Clap, T. The annals or history of Yale college, 1700 to 1766 : with an appendix. New Haven, 1766. sm.S" *4498.1 Curry, J. Historical and critical review of the civil wars in Ireland. [2d edition.] London, 1786. 2 v. 8° 4514.3 Shelf. No. CU.SACK, M. F. Illustrated history of Ireland. [2d edition.] Kenmare, 1868. 8° 4517.8 — The student's manual of Irish history. Lon- don, 1870. 16° 4528.23 Daunt, W. J. O'N. Ireland and her agitators. New edition. Dublin, 1867. 12° 4518.18 Ewald, a. C. The last century of universal history. 1767 to 1807. London, 1868. 16° . . .*R. R.,A.19 Fewsmith, W. [Catalogue] of coins, medals, etc. [Philadelphia,] 1870. 8° *623].3 Figuiek, (G.) L. Primitive man. Revised trans- • lation. London, 1870. 8° 6236.10 FOLSOM, G. History of Saco and Biddeford, with notices of the early settlements, and of the proprietary governments, in Maine. [Title- page wanting, and supplied in MS.] Saco, 1830. sm. 12^ *4339.3 Frotiiinuham, R. History of Charlestown, Mass. No. 1-7. Boston, 1845-49. 8° *4352.6 GliNliRAL, Le, La Marmora, et I'alliance prussionne. Paris, 1868. 8° 4822.2 Gibbon, E. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Dublin, 1788, 89. 6 v. 8° . 4754.5 Gilbert, J. T. History of the viceroys of Ireland; with notices of the castle of Dublin. Dublin, 1865. 8° 4514.2 Gillon, ii. Precis de I'histoire de France. Stras- bourg, 1869. 2 V. 8° 4624.9 aVo^e. — Appended to A'ol. 2, by the same author, Cartes des operations miiitaires pendant les annees 9:2 et 'J3. Strasbourg, isro. Goodman, G. The court of king James the first. Added, letters illustrative. By J. S. Brewer. London, 1839. 2 v. 8° 4520.6 Great Britain. War department. Record of the expedition to Abyssinia, compiled by T. J. Holland and H. M. llozier. London, 1870. 2 v., 4°, and case of maps /*5050.5 — Treanury department. Master of the roils. Calendar of state papers, [etc.]. Namelij : — Elizabeth. Domestic series, 1598-1601. Ed- ited by M. A. E. Green 7052.1 Green, M. A. E. Calendar of state papers, domes- tic series, of the reign of Elizabeth, 1595-1601. London, 1869. 2 v. 1.8° *7052.8 Greene, S. D. 'J'he broken seal; or, personal reminiscences of the Morgan abduction and murder. Boston, 1870. 16° 5569.7 Grenville, R. p. T. N. B. C, duke of Buckingham and Chandos. Memoirs of the court of Eng- land, during the regency, 1811-1820. London, 1856. 2 v. 8° 4523.7 Hamel, E. Precis de I'histoire de la revolution fran^aise. Paris, 1870. 8° 4625.2 Hatdn, J. Dictionary of dates. Edited by B. Vin- cent. Revised for American readers. New York, 1869. 8° *Il. R., N.30 Henfrey, H. W. Guide to the study and arrange- ment of English coins. [Part 1-3.] London, 1870. 16° 2530.11 A'ote.— Each part has a distinct pagination. Hennebert, E. Histoire d'Annibal. T. 1. Paris, 1870. 8° 2754.2 Hilberg, a. Die Seeschlacht bei Lissa nach den Berichten und UrtheilenderenglischenPresae. Wien, 1867. 8° 4830.18 Histoire de la colonic frauQaise en Canada. Ville marie, 1865, 66. 3 v. 1.8° . . . ? 7024.20 HODDER, G. Memories of my time. London, 1870. 8°.4540a. 18 Holmes, A. Annals of America, 1492 to 1826. 2d edition. Cambridge, 1829. 2 v. 8° 4413.6 Hcbault, G., and Marguerin, fi. Histoire de France. 3e (jditiou. Paris, 1865. 18° 4629.6 Hume, D. History of England, from the invasion of JuliusCajsar, to 1688. Albany, 1816. 4 v. 8°. 4525.5 Inman, T. Ancient pagan and modern Christian symbolism exposed and explained. London, 1869. pp. XV, 68. 8° 5487.11 Jewitt, L. Grave-mounds and their contents. London, 1870. 16° 6237.10 Johnson, J. Tr.aditions and reminiscences chiefly of the American revolution in the South. Charleston, 1851. 8° ^ 4411.4 Klaczko, J. fitudes de diplomatie contemporaine. Les cabinets de I'Europe en 1863-1864. Paris, 1866. 8° 6292.5 Labberton, R. H. Outlines of history; with tables, chronological, genealogical and literary. Phil- adelphia, 1870. obi. 1. 8° 6227 .3 Locii, H. B. Personal narrative of occurrences dur- ing Lord Elgin's second embassy to China. 2d edition. London, 1870. .10° 5015.12 261 Shelf. No. Locke, E.W. Three years in camp and hospital. Boston, 1S70. 10" 270.18 and 4425.7 Ldbbock, Sir J. The origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man. London, 1870. 8°. 6236.13 Mackenzie, K. The United States of America: a history. London, 1870. I'i" 4427.9 Macray, W. D. Calendar of the Clarendon st.ite papers in the Bodleian library. Vol. 2, 1649- 54. Oxford, 1869. 8° *7075.1 Mahon, Lord. See Stanhope, P. II., earl. MAR(iRr, P. Belain d'Esnanibuc et les Normands aux Antilles. Paris, 1863. 8° 4624.8 — Relations et niemoireg inedits pour servir k I'hisloire de la France dans les pa'ys d'outre- nier. Paris, 1867. 8° 4624.7 Marichard, J. Ollierde. SceOllier de Marichard, J. Mendelssoiin-Bartholdv, C. (ieschichte Orie- clienlands von der Eroberung Konxtantinu- pels durch die Tiirken, 1453, bis auf unsere Tage. Th.l. Leipzig, 1870. 8" 5073 7 Mercer, C. Journal of the Waterloo campaign. Kdiiiburgh,1870. 2 v. 16* 6548.10 Merlim, 11. (Jrigine des cartes a jouer. [Text and album.] Paris, ri86<»]. 2v.ini. 4' . . . . ♦6002.8 MlTCllEL, J. History of Ireland, from the treaty of Limerick: a continuation of Macgeoghegan. Glasgow, 1869. 8° 4514.1 MOURIN, K. Les comtos do Paris. Histoire de I'avenemontde latroisltrae race. Paris, [1870]. 8° 4625.13 MuNSELL, J. Collections on the history of Albany. Vol.3. Albany, 1870. 8' ♦4373.16 Negri, C. Lastoriaantica restituita a veritk o raf- frontata alia moderna. Torino, 1865. 8° . . . 6293.3 O'Callaghan, J. C. History of the Irish brigades in the service of France. Glasgow, 1870. 8". 4511.19 O'CURRV, E. Lectures.on the manuscript materials of ancient Irijjh history. Dublin, 1861. 8°. .4511.21 Ollierde Makiciiari),.!. Hechercliessurl'ancien- n>te de I'hommc dans les grottes et monuments niegalithiques du Vivarais. Montpellier, 1869. pp. 76. 8° 6236.9 Orleans, F. P. L. C. U. J., due d'. Campagnes de I'armeo d'.Vfrique, 1835-1839. Publie par sOs tils. Paris, 1870. 8° 6052.4 Parrini, C. Le guerre dell' Indipendenza italiana dalla caduta dell' imporo romano alia libera- zione di Venezia. Milano, 1887. 16' ... . 4729a.4 Perrauo, a. Ireland under English rule. Trans- lated from the French. Dublin, 1884. 8° . . 4514.4 Peruin, a. fitudo prehistoriquo sur la Savoie, speciaiement a I'epoque lacustro (ago du bronze). Chamb6ry, 18ti9,70. 8", and atlas 4*. « *62;J6.11, atlas*62.A.l Point, Le, du jour, ou rdsultat de ce qui s'est pn^si la vtille a I'.assemblee nationale. No. 1-815. n. p., 178'J-yl. 28 V. 8" *6656.7 Poole, R. S. Horse ..Egyptiacse : or, the chronology of ancient Egypt. London, 1861. 8* . . . . 5055.13 RAMftE, D. Le grand perturbateur romain : Ctisar. Paris, 1870. 8° 4915.2 RcTZ, J* F. V. de Gondi, cardinal de. [Conspiracy] of If'iesco ag.ainst Genoa. See Saint Real, C. V. de 4728.5 Rich, A., />. Dictionary of Roman and Greek an- tiquities. London, 1860. am. 8° *4963.2 RonEKT.so.v, W. History of the reign of Charles v. »w edition. Dublin, 1783. 3 v. 8° . . . . 5096.4 , C. J . History of the castles of Hereford- shire and their lords. London, 1869. 4'" . . *2460.18 ROU.SSKT, C. (F. M.) Les volontaires, 1791-1794. 2© edition. Paris, 1870. 18' 4629.7 Rule, W. H. History of the Karaite Jews. London, 1870. 16' 6296.6 Russell, W. II. Todleben's history of the defence of Sebastopol. 1854-5. A review. London, 1865. sm.S' 5067.10 Saint R^al, C. V. de. Conspiracy of the Spaniards against Venice, andof-Flesco agaiuHt Genoa [by J. F. P. de Gondi, cardinal jle RetzJ. [Translated by B. Hale.] Boston, 1828. 12° *. . . 4728.5 SCHAEFFF.R, A. Los Huguenots dul6e8iecle. Paris, 1870. 8' 5524.12 Smith, B. Col^cion de viirios docuraentos para la historia do la Florida y terras adyacentes. T. 1. London, [1857]. 4' *4410.16 Smith, J. Captivity with the Indians, in 1755 [-] 69. Witli notes. By W. M. Darlington. Cin- cinnati, 1870. 8° 4444.21 S.\iollett, T. (G.) History of England, from 1688, to the death of George ii. (Designed as a continuation of Hume's history.) Albany, 1816. 2v. 8° , 4525.6 2 Bhelf. No. Smtth.W. Lectures on modern hi^ory. 2dAmer., from the 2d London edition, with preface, etc., by J. Sparks. Cambridge, 1843. 2 v. 8° . . 6305.2 SOETBEER, A. Denkxchrift betreffend deutsche Milnzeinigung. Berlin, 18 >y. pp.84. »m. 4'. 6232.3 StAKHOPE, P. H., earl St(inly)pe. History of Eng- land. 1701-1713. Leipzig, 1870. 2 v. iu 1. 16°. 1963.7 Staples, W. R. Rhode Ixiand in the continental congress, with the journal of the convention that adopted the constitution. 1705-1790. Edited by R. A. Guild. Providence, 1870. 8°. 4422.13 Stevens, E. T. Flint chips. A guideto pre-hi»toric archiBoiogy, as illuittrated by the collection in the l31ackmore museum, Salisbury. Loudon, 1870. 8° * . . . 6236.23 Stevens, H. Historical and geographical notes on the earliest discoveries in America, 1453-1530. JWith fac-similes of 16 early maps.] New laven, 1869. pp. 54. 8° •4412.12 Stiles, H. R. History of Brooklyn. Vol.3. Brook- lyn, 1870. 8' . .■ 4373.15 Stokt, The, of Ireland; a narrative of Irish history. Dublin, [1867]. 10' 4519.7 TftNOT, (P. p.) K. Paris In December, 1851. Trans- lated from the 13th French edition, with notes, by S. \V. Ad.ams, and A. H. Brandon. New York, 1370. 16' 1008.9 and 4828.7 TOLAND, J. History of the Druids, [etc.]. London, n. d. 8° • 4517.9 TOPIM, M. The man with the iron mask. Trans- lated and edited by H. Vizotelly. London, 1870. 16° 6042.10 Torrey. R. C. History of Fitchburg, Mass.; also of Lunenburg, to 1764. [2d edition.] Fltch- burg, 1885. 8° *4354.12 Tttler, a. F. Universal history. Boston, 1836, 37. 2 V. 8*. 6211.22 U.NiTED States sanitary commission. Cleretmid branch. Our acre and its harv>!St. Historical sketch of the .Soldiers' aid society of Xorthern Ohio. [By M. C. Bray ton and E. F. Terry.] Cleveland, 1809. 8" 4460a.l5 Vaublanc, V. V. H., ricomte. de. La Franco au temps des croinades. Paris, lS4i-47. 4 v. 8°. 4623.6 Vebtot u'AuBort. 1869. New York, 1870. 8° •6460a,2 Perrin, M. Traite pratique d'opthalmoacopie et d'optomctrie. Paris, 1870. 8°, and atlas 1. 8° 5800a.26 Perry, B. C. A treatise on the human hair, and its diseases. Now Bedford, 1859. 12° 7799.2 PiiiLADEi.i'iiiA jjmiversity journal of medicine. Kditor: AVT Paine. Vol. 12, no. 10-12, v, 13, no. 1-5. Philadelphia, 1869, 70. 2 v. 8° . . *7770.7 iSr- We wish to obtain vol. I-ll, V. 12, no. l-9r to complete our set. Saint Lodis medical and surgical iournal. Ed- ited [by] M. L. Linton [and] G. Baum- gartcn. New series, vol. 6. St. Louis, 1869. 8° . *7725.3 Savage, II. On the female pelvic organs. 2d edition. London, 1870. 4* *3740.21 Todd, K. B., and Bowman, W. The physiological anatomy and physiology of mau. Philadel- phia, 1857. 8° 7763.5 TOUTAIN, — . f:iectricit(5 mddicale. Paris, 1870. 18°. 5789.8 Trousseau, A. Lectures on clinical medicine. Vol. 3. Translated from the edition of 1868, by J. K. Cormack. London, 1870. 8° *5724.8 Verdi, T. Z. Maternity : a ijopular treatise for young wives and mothers. •New York, 1870. 16° *5779.6 AVasuington, D. C. Mailical society. Anniver- sary oration, Sept. 28, 18o8, by J. tt. Toaer. Washington, 1809. »p. 80. 8° 7730.12 Slielf. No. West, C. Lectures on the diseases of women. 3d edition. Tendon. 1804. 8° *5774.14 * Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. Kcdieirt von L. Wittelshofer. Jahrg. 19. Wion, 1869. 4°.»7750.3^ Mental and Moral Soience, Social Soience, eto. Anna.m Bhatta. The Tarka-Sancraha, with a Hindi paraphrase and Knglish version. Allahabad, 1850, 51. pp. 24, (48). 2 v. in 1. 8° 6013.2 Archer, T. The terrible sights of London. Lon- don, [1870]. 16° 5578.28 Ba'dara'vajja. The aphorisms of the Veda'nta philosopha. Sanskrit and English. [Parti. Edited by J. K. Ballantyne.] Mirzapore, 1851. pp.51. 8° 5013.4 Ballantvne, J. R. Lectures on the Nyaya philos- ophy, embracing the test of the Tarka San- graha. [Benares, 1852.1 pp. xiv, (1), 80. 8°. 5013.5 Bengal. Asiatic society. The aphorisms of S'a'ii- • dllya, with the commentary of Swapnes'wara. tTdlted by .1. R. Ballantyne. Calcutta, 18fU. 8°.5013.9 Cbidge, a. D. Man's rights; or, how would you like it? Boston, 1870. pp.48. 16° 5379a 24 Desjardins, a. Les morallstes fran^als du seizieme siecie. 2e edition. Paris, 1870. 18° 5589.12 Donovan, C. Ilandbook of phrenology. Loudon, 1870. 8° 76(J^.M Fretcinet, C. de. Traltd d'assainissement indus- triel. Paris, 1870. 8°, and atlas 1.8°.... *8020a.l3 Gadtama. The aphorisms of the Nyaya philos- ophy, with extracts frotn the commentary by Viswanatha. Sanskrit and English. [Part 1-4. Edited byJ.R. Ballantyne.] Allahabad, 1850-54. 8° 5013.6 Hahtmann, E. von. Philosophie des Unbewusston. Berlin, 1809. 8° 7604.17 Hodgson, B. IL The theory of practice. An ethical ' enquiry. London, 1870. 2 v. 8° 7603.22 Jaimini. Aphorisms of the Mimiinsa philosophy. Sanskrit and English. [Parti. Edited by J. R. Ballantyne.] Allahabad, IS.'.l. pp.30. 8°. 5013.7 Jeannel, J. (F.) De la prostitution dans les grandcs villes au dix-neuvierne slecle et de rextinction des maladies venerlennes. Paris, 1808. 18°. 5579a.23 Kana'da. The nphoiiBms of the Vais'eshiiia phi- losophy, with extracts from the commentary of S'aiikara Mis'ra. [In Sanskrit and English.] [Edited by J. R. Ballantyne.] MIrzapore, 1851. pp.34. 8° 5013.3 Kay, J. The social condition and education of the people In England. New York, 1803. 12° . . 5578.29 Landriot, J. F. A. T. De I'esprit chrciticn. I'aris, * 1870. 18° 7608.19 Le Roy, fc. fetude sur le suicide el les maladies men- tales dans le departement de Selne-et-Marnc. Paris, 1870. 8° 5806.11 M-Vroerie, A.de. Philosophic contemporaine. Paris, 1870. 18° 7609.14 P., D. (iuestiou-soclale. Le sublime, ou le travall- leur comme 11 est en 1870 et ce qu'il pcut etro. Paris, 1870. 8° 7565.13 Parent-Duchatelet, A. J. B. De la prostitution dans la vllle do Paris; la vie de I'autuur, par F. Leuret. l»aris, 1836. 2 v. 8° *5575.29 Patanjai.1. Aphorisms of the Yoga philosophy, with extracts from the commentary by Blioja RiVJa. [Part 1, 2. Sanskrit and Knglish. Edited by J. R. Ballantyne.] Allahabad, 1852, 53. 8° 5013 8 RibOT, T. La psychologic .anglaise contemporaine. •(fccole experimenlale.) Pwris, 1870. 12° . . 7608.18 Rousseau, J. J. Du contrat smiial, ou prlncipes du droit politique. Autun, [1795]. 16° 5363.8 Schuyler, A. The principles of logic. Cincinnati, [1369]. 12° ... 7606.1 Vacherot, £. La science et la conscience . Paris, 1870. 18° 7608.7 Waddington, C. Dleu et la conscience. 2e Edition. Paris, 1870. 18° 6489a.9 Physical and Mathematical Science. Basilewsky, 8. Ichthyographla China borealis. Pekin, 1852. pp. 48. 4° 5901.3 Bonaparte, C. L. (J. L.), prince de Canino. Cata- logo motodico del pesci Europei. Napoli, 1846. 4° *3900.19 Bree, C. U. History of the birds of Europe, not observed in the BritUh ides. London, 1866, 67. 4v. 8° ....'.. .*5901.11 264 Shelf. No. BUHAT, A. Lea houillferes en 1869. Paris, 1870. 8°, and atlas 4° 7860.13 CandolLiE, a. p. deand A. de. Prodromus system- batis naturalis regni vegetabilis. P. 1-16. Pa- risiis, 1824-69. 20 v. 8° *3S46.1 Catlin, G. The lifted and subsided rocks of Amer- ica, with their influences. London, 1870. sm. 8°. 7869.4 Chemical news. The, and journal of xjhysical sci- ence. [American reprint.] Vol. 1, no. 3, 6, V. 3, no. 6. New York, 1867, 68. 4° *7974.1 COQUAND, H. Monographic du genre Ostrca. Ter- rain cretace. Marseille, 1869. 8°, and atlas, f ° *7862.24, atlas *7860.11 Demanet, a. Gisement, extraction et exploitation des mines de houille. Paris, [1870]. 18°. .7864.33 Denison, E. B. Astronomy without nAlhematics. From the 4th London edition. Edited by P. E. Chase. New York, 1869. 12° 7924.16 Des Murs, (M. A. P.) O. Traite general d'oologie ornithologique au point de vue de la classiii- , cation. Paris, 1860. 8° 5904.13 Evans, E. W. School geometry. Cincinnati, [cop. 1862]. 12° - . 7921.14 Favre, E. Description des mollusquesfossiles de la craie des environs de Lemberg en Galicie. Geneve, 1869. 4° 7860.12 ElGUIER, (G.) L- Mammalia. Their various orders and habits illustrated by typical species. Lon- don, 1870. 8° 5885.5 Fiift.MMAKiON, C. Etudes et lectures sur I'astrono- mie. T. 1. Paris, 1867. sm. 12° 7929a.7 FOWNES, G. A manual of elementary chemistry. From the 10th English edition. Edited by It. Bridges. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° 148.33 Gemmingek, M., and Harold, B. von. Catalogus coleoptcrorum. T. 7. Monachji, 1870. 8° . *5894.23 Gll.t.ESPiE, W. M. Treatise on levelling, topogra- phy and higher survi'ying. Edited by C. Btiiloy. New York, 1870. 8° 7921.12 GouGET, H. Traite theorique et pratique du lev6 des plans etdel'arpentage. Orleans, 1870. 8°. 7921.9 Greene, W. B. The theory of the calculus. Bos- ton, 1870. 8° 5924.26 Kerl, B. Metallurgische Probirkunst. Leipzig, 18 6. 8° 7864.34 Leydig, F. Vom Bau des thierischen Korpers. B. 1. Tubingen, 1864. 8° 5887.5 — Tafeln zur vergleichenden ASatomio. Heft 1. Tubingen, 1864. f ° *5880.6 LOCKYER, J. N. Elements of astronomy. Ameri- can edition. New York, 1870. 12° 1148.14 London. British museum. Catalogue of sea-pens or pennatulariidas. By J. E.Gray. London, 1870. pp. 40. 8° 3875.13 Catalogue of the specimens of dermaptera sal- tatoria. Part 3. By F. Walker. London, 1870. 8° *5895.8 Maes, C, and Hannot, A. Traite de topographic, et de reproduction des cartes au moyeu de la plioto-lilhographie. Bruxelles, 1870. 8°, and atlas obi. f ° 7924.15, atlas 7920.7 Maury, M. F. The physical geogr.aphy of the sea. New edition. New York, 1856. 8° 5821.4 Maynakd, C- J. The naturalist's guide in collect- ing and preserving objects of natural history. Boston, 1870. 16° 175.30 Monthly microscopical journal. Edited byH. Law- son. Vol. 1,2. London, 1869. 2 v. 8° . . . *7875.1 Morrls, F. O. History of British birds. London, 1866. 6 V. 8° *5901.4 — Natural history of the nests and eggs of British birds. London, 18.56,67. 3 v. 8° *5901.9 NOOTEN, B. II. van. Flours, fruits, et feuillages choisis de la flore e^e la pomone de I'ile d * Java. 2e edition. Bruxelles, 1866. f ° . . . *38.F.3 Parkes, S. The chemical catechism. From the 6ih English edition. New York, 1816. 8° .... 5974.6 Pepper, J. U. The boy's playbook of science. New edition. London, 1869. 16° 183.5 Percy, J. The metallurgy of lead. London, 1870. 8°. 7862.26 PlDDlNGTON, H. The sailor's horn-book for the law of storms. London, 1869. 8° 5963.4 Proctor, K. A. A star atlas. [2d edition.] Lon- don, 1870. f° 5920.9 — Other worlds th-an ours. London, 1870. 16° . . 7924.12 C^UATREFAGES DE BHTiAU, (J. L.) A. de. Charles Darwin et ses precurseurs franyais. Paris, 1870. 8° 5824.6 Ronalds, E., Richardson, T., and Watts, H. Chem- ical technology. Vol. 1. Part 1-5. 2d edition. London, 1855-67. 5 v. 8° 7973.4 Content^.— Vol. I. Part I, 2. Fuel and its applica- tions. 'S-5. Acids, altuUies, and salts. Shelf. No-. Rossi, D. C. Le darwinisme et les gfodrations spon- tanoes. Paris, 1870. 18° 3829.28 Seeley, H. G. The ornithosauria : an elementary study of the bones of pterodactyles. Cam- bridge, 1870. 8° 7864.28 Smith, J. H. Treatise on elementary algebra. Lon- don, 1869. sm.8° 5938.17 SOMERVILLE, M. Physical geography. 6th edition, revised by H. W. Bates. London, 1870. 16° . 5827.3 Tenney, S. Geology. [Revised edition.] Philadel- phia, 1870. 12° -. . 7864.18 Tyndai.l, J. Notes of lectures, on light. London, 1870. pp. 74. 16° 7924.14 — Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crys- tallic action. London, 1870. 8° 5963.3 United States. Departmentof the interior. Pre- liminary field report of the geological survey of Colorado and New Mexico, by F. V. Hayden. Washington, 1869. 8° 7863.1 Wallace, A. R. Contributions to the theory of natural selection. London, 1870. 16° ... . 5827.4 Watt.s, H. Dictionary of chemistry* and the allied branches of other sciences. London, 1868, 69. 5 V. 8° *R. R., N. 33 Contents. — Vol. I. Abichite — Con|rlomeratc. II. Conhydrine — Gytge. HI. Uaemapheiin — Mjsorin. IV. Nacrite — Pyruoic acid. V. Quadrantoside — Zy murgy . Whewell, W. The plurality of worlds. [Anon.] With an introduction by E. Hitchcock. Bos- ton, 1854. 12° 7924.13 ' Williams, W. M. The fuel of the sun. London, 1870. 8° 5963.22 Wise, J. Lightning and the lightning rod. Thun- der and thunder storms. Lancaster, Pa., 1870. pp. 39. 8° 5964.8 Wonders of theplant-world. London, 1870. 16°. . 1179.19 Wood, J. G. The common moths of England. Lon- don, [1870]. 16° 5897.4 WOKMELL, R. Elementary course of hydrostatics aud soi>nd. London, 1870. 16° 5949a.4 Poetry and the Drama: Bates, D. Poetical works. Edited by S. Bates. Philadelphia, 1870. 16° 1326.23 Blackmore, Sir R. Poems. London, 1718. 8° . . *4567.12 Bode, J. E. Ballads from Herodotus. 2d edition. London, 1854. 16° 4998.16 CllAMBER.s, R. Popular rhymes of Scotland. New edition. London, 1870. 16° 2536.12 Connecticut. General association. The book of praise. Hartford, 1869. 8° 8053.15 DODD, H. P. The epigrammatists : a selection from the ancient, medifeval, and modern. With notes. London, 1870. 8° 6216.5 Elliot, C. S. Songs of Yale : a new collection. New Haven, 1870. 16° 8048.7 Freiligrath, F. Poems. From the German. Ed. by his daughter. Leipzig, 1869. 16° 1338.23 GOEDEKK, C, and Tittm.-vnn, J. Deutsche Diehter des 16ten Jahrhunderts. B.4. Leipzig, 1870. 16° *4879.1 Contents. — Dichtungen von Hans Sachs. Th. 1. " GuDE and godlie ballatcs. The." Reprinted from the edition of 1578. Edinburgh, 1868. 16° . . . 7440a.25 HARBAupii, U. Harbaugh's Ilarfe. Gedichte in pennsylvanisch-deutscher Mundart. llerausg. von B. Bausman. Philadelphia, 1870. 8° . . 4405.12 Havergal, F. R. The ministry of song. 2d ed. London, [1869]. 16° 7440b.29 Herd, D. Ancient and modern Scottish songs, he- roic ballads, etc. Reprinted from the edition of 1776, with an appendix. Glasgow, 1869. •2 V. 12° 2536.7 HOMERus. The Iliad [outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins. Edinburgh, 1870. 16° 4999a.5 — The Iliad, translated into English blank verse. By W. C. Bryant. Vol. 2. Boston, 1870. 4° . 4993.3 — The Odyssey [outlined and explained] by W. L.Collins. Edinburgh, 1870. 16° 4999a.6 Janiscii, J. Washington. Historisch-epische Dich- tung. Nebst geschichtlichen Erlaeuterungen. Le.pzig, 1870. 4° 4400a.25 Lessing, G. E. N ath»n the wise. Translated, with biography, etc., by A. Reich. London, 1860. 12° , 2874.23 LONGEELLOW, II. W. •Poetical works. Leipzig, 1856. 3 V. in 2, 16° 1409.15 265 8^^ Sheif. No. Macalxat, T. B., lord. Lays of ancient Rome. Leipzig, I80I. 16° 1409.16 Mac Donai-d, O.* Witliin and without. 2(1 edition. London, 1857. 16° 4567.9 Mangan, J. 9. German anthology: translations from German poets. Dublin, 184.i. 2 v. 10°. 4879a.l3 Mason, L., I'ark, K. A., and I'helps, A. The new 8<'#batli hymn and tune book. New York, 1869. 8° 8043.39 Massinger, I', riays, adapted for family reading. London, 1830, 31. 3 v. 16° 6579.6 Metcalf, O. J; jr. The Cliannel islands : historical and legendary sketclies. London, 1852. 8° . 6572.2 Milton, J. I'oelical works: with life, notes, and a verbal index. I?y C. D. Cleveland. [6th edition.] Philadelphia, [1865]. 12°. . .*K.li.,B.20 Morris, W. The lovers of Gudrun. Boston, 1870. 10° 1340.16 Myers, F.W.H. Poems. London, 1870. 16° . . . 1337.7 Pope," A. Poetical works. Edited, with notes and memoir, by A. W. Ward. London, 1869. 10°. 6606.1 Preston, M. J. Old song and new. I'hiladelphia, 1870. 16° 1346.17 Rodney, It. B. Alboin and Rosamond and lesser** poems. Philadelphia, 1870. sq. 16° 1357.20 pNOERS, F. Fewlival of song: a series of even- ings with the poets. New York, 1800. 8° . . *4502.2 Songs and carols, from a manuscrii)t of th<^ 15th century. Edited by T. Wright. London, 18.06. 8° 6574.1 Story, W. W. A Roman lawyer in Jerusalem. First century. Boston, [1870]. pp.32. 16' . 1338.22 Waring, A. Ij. Hymns and meditations. 11th ed. Loudon, 1870. 16° , 7440b.28 Polygraphy (Miscellanies, Collections, etc.). Abbott, E. Good things. Selected from the Con-" grcgationalistand Boston recorder, 1868-1870. [Anon.] Boston, 1870. 16° 1727.3 Adamm, W. 11. D. Lighthouses and lightships. New York, 1870. 16° 196.30 .J280PU8. Muthoi eklektoi. Nouvelle edition, accom- pagnee des imitations de La Fontaine, et d'un lexiqOe, avec des notes en Francais, par E. Sonnner. I'aris, 1855. '16° 4879.13 Airman, W. Life at home; or, the family and lis members. New York, 1870. 12° 1126.22 American annual cyclopa;dia and registerof impor- tant events of 1809. Vol. 9. New ^"ork, 1870. 8° *R. IL.G.IO, and *4313.1 American bond detector; and history of the United States government securities. Washington, • 1809. obi. 4° *2223.16 American year-book and national register for 1809. Edited by D. N. Camp. Vol. 1. U&rtfprd, 1809. 8° •R. Ii.,K.ll Ancient classics [outlined and explained] for English readers. Ed. by W. L. Collins. A'arnely : — Herodotus 4999a.3 Homer's Iliad 4999a.5 Homer's Odyssey 4999a.O Ajseud.]. London, 1822. 24* 2009.1 — Percy anecdotes, revised edition. [By Sholto and Reuben Vorcy, pseud.'] Added, American anecdotes. New York, 1858. 2 v. in 1. 8° . 4404.4 Camden, W. Remains concerning Britain. [7th impression, 1074.] [With notes by M. A. Lower.] London, 1870. 16° 2539.4 Chambers, W. and R. Information for the people. New edition. London, [1869] . 2 v. 1. 8°. 'R. R., K. 1 CiiANNiNG, W. E. Complete works. New edition. London, [1870]. sm.8° 6508.3 CllEVBEliL, M. E. 1)0 la melhodo a posteriori ex- perimentale el de la geni-ralite des ses appli- cations. Paris, 1870. 12° 5979.24' Cicero, M.T. E.xiracts, with English notes by II. Walford. Oxfoiia,.1809. 16° 4919.13 ClHCt'LAK, The. Vol. 2-12, and New scries, v. 1-5. Brooklvn, Oneida, Walllngford. 1852-69. 16 v. in 6. 1"° *5260a.l Clari's, L. Das Passionssjiiel zu Ober-Aramcrgau. 2te .Aull. Muenchen, 1860. sm.8° 4875.0 C0R8AIK, The.. Vol. l,ti». 1-3, 7, 5t-16, 18-21,23-31, 33-37, 39-51. New York, 1839, 40. f ° . . . . ♦7270.2 ajp If'r u-mA Io nlitnin all the numbers not here naintrd, to coiiipletc uiir M't. CRAYON^eoffrey, pseud. See Irving, W. Cretan, The. Vol. 1, no. 4-8. Boston, 1808, 69. 4° *5C71.1 Davis, a. J. Stellar key to the summer land. Part 1. Boston, IHOS. 12° . . .7605.27 Davy, .Sir H. Connolations in travel; or, the last days of a philosopher. Boston, 1870. 16°. .7607.19 Dexter, G. Catalogue of postage stamps, cVnicrican and foreign, and U. S. revenue stamps. [.-Inon.l Cambridge, 1863. pp.78. 16° . . . 2237.4 DtCKENS, C. ^I. H.) Speeches, letters, and sayings. Added a sketch of the author by G. A. Sala. New York, 1870. 8° . » 4574.26 Drake, D. lloneer life in Kentucky. Reininis- cential letters. Edited by C. D. Drake. Cin- cinnati, 1870. 8° 4444.20 Draper, L. C, and Croft'ut, W. A. A helping hand for town and country. Cincinnati, 1870. 8° 190.8 DuBOiK-OuoHAN, E. p. De I'esprit do mon temps. Paris, [1870J. 12° 4625.12 Early English miscellanies, from an inedited MS of the 15th century. Edited by J. O. Ualliwell. London, 1855. pp. IH5. 8° 6574.1 i^BRARD, N. Du suicide considerc aux points dc vuc medical, philosopbique, religieux et social. Avignon, 1870. 12° 7570b.9 EOAN, P. The show folks I London, 1831. pp.69. 1 .° 6579.13 — Tom and Jerry. Life In London. London, 1869. sm. 8° *»*6576.7 ESQUiROs, (H.) A. L'f}mile du dix-neuvi5me sie- cle. Paris, 1869. 8° 5595.21 Farrar, E. Recollections of seventy years. [3d edition.] Boston, 1866. 16° 4509.21 Fern, Fanny, psetid. See I'arton, S. P. Flandrin, (J.) H. Lettres et pensees, pr^c^d^es d'une notice biographique et catalogue des ceuvrcs du maitre par U. Delaborde. Paris, 1865. 8" 6643 9 Frank Leslie's monthly. Vol. 6, 8, », 18, 19. New Y'ork, 1860-66. 6 v. f ° 1860.1 266 Shelf. No. Free masonry. Centennial festival of Massachusetts lodge, including the historical address by C. W. Slack. May 12, 1870. Boston, 187u. pp.73. 8° *7565.9 Friend, The, an independent monthly. Vol. 2, no. 1-6, 8, 10, 11, T. 3, no. 4, 5. 2SIew York, 1867, 68. 8° *5352.1 Friend, The, of progress. Vol. 1, no. 1-6, 8, 9. New York, 1804, 65. 8" *7570b.3 Oalton, K. The art of travel. 4th edition. Lon- don, 1867. 10° C289.8 Gartenlaube, Die. lUustrirtcs Familienblatt. Leipzig, 1853-69. 17 v. 4° *5260a.2 Golden wedding ring. The; or observations on the iristitutiou of marriage. Boston, 1832. sm. 16° 1129.21 Good words for the young, 1869. Edited by N. Mac- leod. London, 1869. 8° 1861.1 Graham, J. Summing up, on the part of the de- fence, on the trial of D. MacFarland. New York, 1870. 8° 7685.13 Great Britain, rarliament. Accounts of the special trust funds of the British museum. 1869: [estimates] for 1870 : number of persons admitted 1862-8, [etc.]. [London, 1869.] pp.45. f° . .*6120.8 "GuCHAN, £. P. Dubois. See Dubois-Guchan, E. P. GUSHINGTON, A., pseud. Thoughts on men and things. [3d edition.] London, 1869. 16° .. . 1829.14 Harris, J., 1st earl of Mulmesbury. Letters of the lirsl earl of Malmosbury, his family, and friends, from 1745 to 1820. Ed., with notes, by his grandson, the earl of Malniesbury. Lon- don, 1870. 2 v. 8° 6541.4 IlAWKEK, li. S. Footprints of former men in Far Cornwall. Lond;^ical literature; Mohammetlan traditions; The Konm; The history of .Mecca; I'lie pedigree of .Mohammed; The proplieeies resi>ecting .Mohammed in the Old ami Ne«r Testament ; Un Sliakki-sadar and Meraj ; Tlic birth and cliildliood of Moliammed. yute. — Tliese essays have distinct titlc-pagcs and pagination, with the dates ISG'J and isro. SYLVE.STEB, J. J. The laws of verse exemplified In metrical transliitions : with the inaugural ad- dress to the mathematical and physical section of the British iissocialion. London, 1870. 16°. 7598.1 Tardieu, (A.) A. filudc niedico-leg:ile sur la pei;- daison, la strangulation et la sutfocation. • Paris, 1870. 8° 5806.10 Thiebland, — ? A little book about Great Britain. By Azamat Batuk, [pse»*t/.]. London, 1870. 10° 6579.8 Note. — This has been ascribed to Henry Kingslcy. TiLTON, T. Sanctum sanctorum. New York, 1870. 12° 1816.21 Tocsin, The. Edited by F. W. Bird. Vol. 1, no. 1-3. Boston, 1870. 4° *5650.24 Shelf. No. TOMLINSON, C tJyclopmdl.i of useful arts, manu- factures, mining, and engineering. Vol. 3. Appendix. London, 1800. 1.8° *R. R., L2 Trade circular and literary bulletin. Vol. 1, 2, no. 1-6. New York, 1869, 70. 8° t6149.4 Trans-continental, The. Vol. 1, no. 1-12. Edited by W. K. Steele, v. p 1870. pp. (50). 4°. .4472.18 United States. Congressional documents. i\st congress, 2d session. Causes of the reduction of American tonnage and the decline of navi- gation interests. Washington, 1870. 8° . . . 5653.20 Report of^he joint select committee on re- trenchment. Washington, 1870. 8° 5653.19 — Veimrtmeiit of the interior. Patent ojjice. List of pjitents, Jan. 4, 1870. [- July 19, 1870. Wii«hington,1870j. 8° *5981.3 — Department of the nar-y. Regulations for the * govern mentof the United Stjites navy. 1870. Washington, 1870. 16° *C.244.18 Report of the secretary, for 1869. With an" appendix. Washington, 1869. 8° .... . *C.244.17 — MisceUanvotis doriiments. Assassination of Abrah.-un Lincoln. Expressions of condolence, Washington, 1807. 4° *2390.5 Message of the president, and accompanying documents. [Dec. 9, 1868.] Washington, 1869. 8° *C. — Verne, J. Five weeks In a balloon. From the French. London, 1870. 16° 1094.11 Washington, I). C. Smithsonian institnlion. Contributions to knowledge. Vol. 16. Wash- ington, 1870. 4° ♦3340.1 ft>H^<'n/». — Vol. XVI. The Rrny Kubstance of the me- dulla oblonEala and trapezium. IJy J. IJean; KesulU of meteorolo(;ical ob»erviiliiins at Brunswick, Maine, Wir-.W. Bv 1". Cleaveland. Keduced and discussed, by. C A. Scholt; Kenultsol nieteoro|..;.'ic»l ol>servution« at .Marietta, U.. I'^^ii-.'iy. Hy .-i. IMIildreth. UesulU uf observationi at Marietta. lNl7-ai, by J. \ViK.d. By U. A. Schott; On the Gliihlon mummycnsc. By C. Pickering; The orliit aiul phenomena of a mcU-orio fire-ball. By J. H. Coffin; On the tranriatlantic hmsfl- tude. 'By B. A. Uould; The Indians of Uape i'lattery, Washington territory. By J. n/^. — Vol. VIII. Mono(jraph» of the dipteni of North America. Part 4. By B. Osten-Sucken : Cata- logue of the orthoptera of North Amei ica di-»cribeil pre- vious to lsi;7. By S. II. Scudder ; Land and fresh- water shells of North America. I'artl. Pulmonata ge- ophija. Bv \V. O. Binney and T. Bland ; Arran;;emcnt of families of birds; Circular to otHcirs of the Hud- son's bay company ; SnCKestions relative to objects of acientiflc investiKatlou in Kussian America ; Circular . relating; to collections in arclia-ology and ethnoloKy ; Circular to entomologists ; Circular relative to collec- tions of binUfrom .Middle and South America ; Smith- sonian museum miscellane*. IX. BiblioBraphy of North' American coucholony. By W. O. Binney. Part 'i. Foreign authors ; Catalocue of publicaliims of societies, and of periodical worKs, belongiut; to tlie Smitliboniaa institution, Jan. 1, 18Gton, 1870. 16°. 438.1 Cobb, O. and D-. The veteran of the grand army. Boston, 1870. 12° 473.24 Collins, (W.) W. Man and wife. New York, 1870. 8" , 752.10 Cooper, J. F. The spy. Leipzig, 1842. 16°... 780.35 County family, A. Boston, [1870]. 8° 796.3 Culver, S. W. Crowned and discrowned. With an introduction, by (i, VV. Eaton. Boston, 1870. 16° 2108.26 Cummins, M. 8. ElFureidis. Leipzig, 1868. 16°. 720.28 — Haunted hearts. Leipzig, 18.H. 16° . . . *. - 4;i0.78 -- Mabel Vaughan. Leipzig, 1857. 10° 410.19 CuPPLESjA.J. Alice Leightou. London, 1869. pp. 48. 16°. . 447.15 — Carrie's rose. London, 1869. pp.48. 16° . . . 447.16 — Hugh Wellwood's success. London, 1869. jjp. 48. 16° 447.17 — The stocking-knitter's manual. Edinburgh, [1867]. pp.32. 16° 189.46 Daily bread and other stories. Boston, 1870. 12° . 459.16 Davis, C. E, K. No cross, no crown. Boston, 1870. 16° 438.18 De Foe, D. Memoirs of Col. Andrew Newport. New edition. London, 1792. .»& 6547.22 De Mille, J. The boys of Grand Pre school. Bos- ton, 1871 [1870]. 16° 450.23 — The lady of the ice. New York, 1870. 8° . . . 1472.6 Dickens, C. (J. H.) Works. Library edition. Bos- ton, 1867-69. 27 v. 16°. Namely .- — I, IE. Pickwick papers *0603.1 HI, IV. Nicholas Nickloby *(;603.2 V, VI. Marlin Chuzzlewit *000.33 VII. The old curiosity shop. v. 1 .... . *0603.4 VIII. The old curiosity shop. v. 2. Reprinted pieces *6603.4 IX. Barnaby Kudge. v. 1 *6603.5 X. Barnaby lludge. v. 2. Hard times . . . *6603.5 — - XI. Sketches *6603.6 XII. Oliver Twist *6003.7 XIII, XIV. Dombeyandson *6603.8 XV, XVI. David Copperfield *6603.9 XVII. Pictures from Italy ; Reprinted pieces*66ij3 10 XVIII, XIX. Bleak house *6()03.11 XX, XXL' Little Dorrit *6603.12 XXII. Christmas books *6(iO:i.l3 XXIII. Atale of two cjlics *6603.14 XXU''. Great expectations *6603.15 X.XV, XXVI. Our mutual fri<'nd *6003.16 XXVII. The uncommercial traveller .... *6604.25 Disraeli, B. Lothair. Leipzig, 1870. 2v.ini. 16°. 710.16 Shelf. No. Du Bots, J. The beautiful Aurella. Translated from the French, by P. Preston. New YorK, [1870]. 8° 482.1 DuDEVANT, A. L. A. D. Le beau Laurence. Par George Sand, [pseud.]. 2e edition. Paris, 1870. 18° . 6678.32 — Monsieur Sylfletre, by George Sand, [psewrf.]. Translated from the French by F. G. Shaw. Boston, 1870. 16°. 476.20 — Pierre qui roule. Par •eorge Sand, [pse^id.]. 2e edition. Paris, 1870. 18° : 6678.33 ■Dumas, A. (D). The count of Monte-Cristo. A new edition. London, n. d. 2 v. in 1. 16° . 479.14 — The queen's necklace. Philadelphia, n. d. 2 v. in 1. 8° 793.19 Dumas, M. A. Aulitdemort. 2e Edition. Paris, 1868. 18° 6676.22 :fcNAULT, L. La destin<5e. Paris, 1870. 16° ... . 6676.21 Fitch, A. M. Bound down, or life and its possibili- ties. Philadelphia, 1870. 16° 765.1 FULLERTON, Lady G. Mrs. Gerald's niece. Leipzig, 1870. 2 v. in 1. 16° ^ 710.10 Gale, Mrs. N. Eunice Somers. [Anon.] Boston, [1870]. 16° 1727.4 Garrett, E. The crust and the cake. London, 1869. 3 V. 16° 775.10 Grey, Mrs. A marriage in high life. Philadelphia, n. d. 8° 732.22 GUTZKOW, K. Through night to light. From the German by Mrs. Faher. Leipzig, 1870. 16°. 1711.12 Gwendoline's harvest. New York, 1870. 8° . . . 732.24 — Same. Leipzig, 1870. 16° 710.14 Haderm.\nn, J. R. Forgiven at last. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° 765.18 Hall, A. M. The buccaneer. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 12° 804.1 Hawthorne, N. The scarlet letter. Leipzig, 1852. 16° . •. • • • 420.25 — Transformation; or, the romance of Monte Beni. Leipzig, 1860. 2v.ini. 16° 720.48 Nntc. — The same work as Tlie marble faun, kut pub- lished under a Uitfereut title. *^ Hewlin, S. E. Mrs. Marshall's key, and what it un- locked, [^ftrtil.]. Boston, [1870]. 16°. . . . 450.14 Hoefer, E. The old countess. From the German. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° 427.4 Hugo, V. (M.), vicomte. By order of the king (L'homme qui rit.) From the French. Leip- zig, 1870. 2v. in 1. 16° 730.85 KAVANAtiH, J. Wilvia. New York, 1870. 8° . . . 4.54.5 — -Same. Leipzig, 1870. 2v.ini. 16° 710.17 Keen, S. F. Orient boys. Bo.ston, [1870]. 16° . . . 450.9 — The island home. [Anon.] Boston, [1870]. 16°. 450.13 Kellogg, E. Elm island stories. 'Tlie hard-scrabble of Elm island. Boston, 1871 [1870]. 16°.. 727.9 Kennedy, G. Father Clement. [Anon.] Boston, 18i7. 18° 809.9 Kl.MBALL, R. B. Undercurrents. Leipzig, 1863. 16°. 720.30 — Was he successful ? Leipzig, 1805. 16° . . . . 720.26 Lee,E. B. Oliver Wyndhara. New York, [1870]. 16°. 437.7 Leo, pseud. The scapegoat. From the 2d English edition. Philadelphia, 1871 [1870]. 12°.., 478.21 Lo.ST piece. The, of silver. Boston, [1870]. 16°.. 450.10 Lytton, Lady R. Sec Bulwer-Lytton, Lady R. MacDonald,- G. Robert Falconer. Boston, [1870W 16° . . . . 422.14 MACLAiN[McLainJ,M. W. Lifting the veil. [Anon.] Now York, 1870. 16° 1117.3 Mannering, May, pseud. See Nowell, H. P. H. Martineau, H. Feats on the fiord. New edition. London, [1870]. 16° 438.11 Moth and rust. Boston, [1870]. 16° 450.12 MUEHLBACii, L., pseud. See Mundt, C. (M.) Mundt, C. (M.) Queen Hortense. By L. Miihlbach, [pseiid.]. From the German by 0. Coleman. New York, 1870. 8° 415.25 N., S. D. Chronicles of St. Mary's. By S. D. N: London, 1868. 16° 486.3 Neale, J. M. The farm of Aptonga. Burntisland, 1856. 12° 479.11 Neely, K. J. The proverb series. Actions spe.ak louder than words. Boston, 1871 [1870]. 16°, 1729.2 One good turn deserves another. Boston, 1871 [1870]. 16° 1729.3 Noriac, Jules, pseud. See Cairon, C. A. J. Nowell, II. P. H. The helping-hand series. The little maid of Oxbow. By May Mannering, [pseud.]. Boston, 1871 [1870]. 10° 1729.4 Oertel,(P. F.) W. The schoolmaster of Al)l)acli: and other stories. After the German of Van Ihn-n, [pseud.]. Philadelphia, 1870. 16.. 808.14 OFriCEK's, The, children. New York, [1870]. 24°. 440.73 269 • Shelf. No. Oliphant, M. (O. W.) Chronicles of Carlingford. Salem chapel. Leipzig, 1870. 2 v. in 1. 16° . 710.13 — John. New York, 1870. 8° , . . 753.16 — TUe rector and The doctor's family; [selections from] Chronicles of Carlingford. Leipzig, 1870. 16" 710.8 Optic, Oliver, pseiid. See Adams, W. T. Parkek, R. a. Kosa Ahbott stories. The pinks and blues. Boston, 1871 [1870]. 16° .... 1729.5 Pearl necklace, The, and other stories. Boston, [1870]. 16° 497.1 Porter, A. E. Frank May, the minister's son. Boston, [1870], 16° .............. . 450.8 Portrait, The, in my uncle's dining-room ; and other tales. Boston, n. d. 8° 732.23 Quinton, M. a. Aurelia; or the Jews of Capena- gate. Translated from the French by P. F. de Gournay. Baltimore, 1870. 18" 809.12 Reade, C. Put yourself in his place. New York, -^ 1870. 8° 4ir2 Same. New York, 1870. 12° 425.18 Reed, A. No fiction. 12th edition. London, n. d. 16° 788.1 Robinson, F. W. Stem necessity. New York, 1870. 8° 732.25 — True to herself. New York, 1870. 8' 731.2 St. John, P. B. The arctic Crusoe. Boston, 1866. 12° 767,13 Sand, Oeorge, pseud. See Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Savage, M. (W.) The woman of business. New York, 1870. 8° 732.19 Smart, H. Breezie Langton. New York, 1870. 8°. 433.4 Smith, J. P. Chrft and Otho. New York, 1870. 12°. 765.19 Smollett, T. (Q.) Peregrine I'ickle. Leipzig, 1870. 2 V. in 1. 16° 430.54* Stephens, At 8. Married in haste. Philadelphia, [1870]. 16° 427.18 Stowe, H. (E.) B. The minister's wooing. Leipzig, 1869. 16° 720.8 Strong, J. D. Child lifa in many lands. Boston, 1870. 16° 738.16 Sybil's way. Boston, 1870. 16° . . 729.25 Thurston, L. M. Charley Roberts series. Charley and Eva Roberts' home in the West. Boston, 1871 [1870]. 16° 1729.6 Townsend, ti. A. Lost abroad. Hartford, 1870. 16° 737.12 Trollops, A. An editor's tales. London, 1870. sm. 8° 6873.1 — Vicar of BuUhampton. Philadelphia, 1870. 8° . 486.1 Same. Leipzig, 1870. 2 v. in 1. 16° 710.16 Tytler, A. F. Leila; or, the island. Boston, [cop. 1833]. 12° 737.18 Van Horn, pseud. See Oertel. (P. P.) W. Walker, M. S. Both sides of the street. Boston, [1870]. 16° 460.11 Warner, 8. The hills of the Shatemuc. By Eliza- beth Wetherell, [psewrf.]. Leipzig, 1866. 2 v. 16° 730.19 — The old hehnet. Leipzig, 1864. 2 v. 16° . . . 410.16 — Queechy. By Elizabeth Wetherell, [pseud.]. Leipzig, 1864. 2 v. 16° 420.64 — The wide, wide world.- By Elizabeth Weth- erell, [psmd.]. Leipzig, 1854. 16° 420.48 Warren, E. Bloomfleld. Boston, 1870. 16° . . . 727.4 Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. See Warner, S. Wood, Afrs. II. .George Canterbury's will. Leipzig, 1870. 2 V. in 1. 16° 710.9 Wright, J. McN. Almost- a priest. Philadel- phia, 1870. 16° 486.1 Yonge, C. M. The caged lion." Leipzig, 1870. 2 v. in 1. 16° 710.12 Theology, Ecclesiastical History, etc. AdaHs, W. SacrM allegories. Leipzig, 1864. 16°. 2099.27 Alger, W. R. The end of the world, and the day of judgment. Two discourses. Boston, 1870. 12° 7450a.l2 Acberlen, C. a., Gess, W. F., and others. The foundations of our faith. London, 1867. 16°. 7460b.22 Berington, J., and Kirk, J. The faith of catholics. 3d edition, enlarged, by J. Waterworth. Lon- don, 1846. 3 v. 8° 7465.4 Bernard, E. Les orlglnes de I'^glise* de Paris. Paris, 1870. 8° 6624.9 Bible. Arabic. [The Bible.. In Ar.ibic. Trans- lated by E. Smith and C. V. A. Van Byck. Beirut, 1866.] sm. 8° » 7419.9 — English. Old and New Testaments. (Genevan.) London, by the deputies of Christopher Bar- ker, 1596, 97. 8° *7410.4 3 Shelf. No. Bible — Continued. — German. Vollstandlges Bibelwerk fiir die Gemeindc. Von 0. C. J. von Bunsen. 2lo Abth. 2terTh. B.6. Leipzig, 1870. 1.8°. 6420a.7 ^Contpnls. — Vol. VI. Bilx-liirkunden. Die jun- gcrn Propheten und die Schriflen. Ueruusgcgebcu vou U. J. Uoltzmann. — Isaiah. English. Amended version with notes, by T. K. Oheyne. London, 1870. 16° ... . 6426.16 Blackmore, Sir R. A paraphrase on the book of Job, [etc.]. London, 1716. sm. 12° *7429.6 Blunt, J. 11. Dictionary of doctrinal and historical theology. A— K. London, 1870. 1.8°. . . *7430.1 Bowden, J. W. Life and pontificate of Gregory the seventh. London, 1840. 2 v. 8° 5653.13 Bunot, — , abb^. i:ii5ment8 de phllosophie chre- tienne. Paris, 1869. 12° 7608.16 BusHNELL, H. Sermons for the new life. New York, 1858. 12° 7440b.22 Calvin, J. Aphorismi doctrinae Chrlstlanaj, ex In- stitutloneCalviniexcerpti. Per J. Piscatorem. Editio nona. Herbornaa, 1619. 24° *7460a.8 Christian ornaments, and sentiments of the heart. Lowell, 184;}. 32° 7449a.35 Clark, A. Workday Christianity. Philadelphia, 1871 [1870]. 12° 2089.17 Cox, G. W. The mythology of the Aryan nations.. . • London, 1870. 2 v. 8° 5486.9 EoAR,J.H. The threefold grace of the Holy Trinity. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° 7456.8 STusEBius Pamphilus, or Crosariensis. Scripta his- torica. T. 3. [Edldit F. A. Heinichcn.J Lip- siae, 1870. 8° *. - .6524.11 Feret, p., abbe. Dleu et I'esprit humain. Paris, 1870. 18° 5489a.ll Fpoulkes, E. 8. The church's creed or the crown's creed? London, [1868]. pp.66. 8° . . . . 5460.23 Fooo, M. R. a biblical view of the church cate- chism. In reference to baptismal responslbili- Ues. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° 7450b.23 Greenwell, D. a present heaven. [Anon.] Bos- ton, 1864. 16*^ 1116.17 Gcichard, V. La liberty de penser fin du pouvoto spirituel. Paris, 1869. 18' 5519.5 Hanna, W. [Life of our Lord.] New York, Edinburgh, 1869, 70. 6 v. IT, 16"* .... . 7443.7 Cbntenfci. — [Vol. 1.] The earlier year*. [II.l The ministry in Oalllee. [III. Edinburgh edition.] The close of the ministry. [I v.] The pauion week, ry.) The lant day of our Lord'a paaiion. [Vl.] The forty days after the resurrection. nAR8HA,J. W. The song of the redeemed. Phila- delphia, 1870. 1-2° 7460b .24 nEFTTER, M. W. Die Religion der Griechen und liiimer. Brandenburg, 1846. sm. 8° . . . . 5487.8 Hennell, 8. 8. Thoughts in aid of faith. London, 1860. 16* 7606.20 Hexaples, Les, ou les six colomnes sur laconstitu- tlon Unigenitus. Amsterdam, 1714. 4° . . . *7450.3 Irving, E. Sermons, lectures, and occasional dis- courses. Vol. 1,2. London, 1828. 2 v. 8° . 7440b.l8 Johnson, J. E. The monks before Christ. Boston, 1870. 12° 7653.1 Jones, W. The catholic doctrine of a Trinity. Lon- don, 1*47. 12° 7460a.7 Keble, J. Letters of spiritual counsel and guid- ance. Edited by R. F. Wilson. Oxford, 1870. 16° 7440b.24 Law, E. Considerations on the theory of religion. • Prefixed, a life of the author, by W.' Paley. A new edition. ByG.H. Law. London, 1820. 8°. 5487.8 LOYSON, J. T., abbe. L'assenibl^e du clerge de France de 1682. Paris. 1870. 8° 5524.10 MacCausland [M'CausIand], D. Adam and the Adamite ; or, the harmony of Scripture and etlinology. London, 1864. 16° 3487.0 Marriott, W. B. Testimony of the catacombs and of other monuments of Christian art, concern- ing questions of doctrine now disputed. Lon- don, 1870. 16* 7433.27 MARTINEau, J. The three stages ot unitarian the- ology : a sermon. London, 1869. pp.19. 8° . 7450b.l9 — and others. Unitarianism defepded. Liverpool, 1839. 8° 6467.5 JVote.— This volume, which han a general titlc-page, consists of thirteen Lectures, a General preface, and Public correspondence, each having a distinct pagina- tion, and each Lecture having a diatinct title-page, with the same date and place of publication as the general title-page. Mather, I. Disquisition concerning ecclesiastical councils. Boston, 1716. [Reprint. Cam- bridge, 1870.] pp.36. 4° ,*— 82.24 270 Shelf. No. Mkstkal, a. de. Tableau de I'egliee chretienne au 19e siMe. Lausanne, 1870 8° 5524.8 MiCHAL'D, E., abbe. L'esprit et la lettre dans la morale religieuse. La fol. Paris, 1870. 18°. 7450a.l4 MiLLEDONNE, A. Journal du concile dc Trente^ Publie [with appendix] par A. Baschet. Paris, 1870. 1.18° 5519.7 Newman, J. H. Miscellanies. London, 1870. 16°. 7450b.l5 Oliver, G. The history of initiation. New edition. London. 1841. 8° 7565.8 Panoplist,- The, or the Christian's armory. Vol.1, no.3, 4, 6, 7, 12. Boston, 1867. 8° . . . . *7450b.21 Parker, 8. A demonstration of the divine authority of the law of nature and of the Christian religion. London, 1681. 4° *— 82.23 PiCHLER, A. Die Theologie des Leibniz. Th. 2. Munchen, 1870. 8° 5454.32 Pkessensk, E. de. The early years of Christianity. Translated by A. Ilarwocd. The apostolic era. New York, 1870. 16° 5528.6 Protestant episcopal church in the diocese of Long Island. Journal of the third convention, Brooklyn, May, 1870. Brooklyn, 1870. 8° . *5538.28 Reichei,, O. J. The see of Rome in the middle ages. London, 1870. 8° 5512.11 Remgious thought in Germany. London, 1870. 8°. 5467.4 Kodrigues-Henriques, J. H., called Hippolyte Rodrigues. Le roi des juifs. Paris, 1870. 8°. 7450b.l7 • Shelf. No. Rose, 8. Ignatius Loyola and the early Jesuits. London, 1870. 8*^ 7.552.1 Sanson, — , abbd. The paradise of the earth. Translated from the French. By I. Sisk. Bal- timore, 1870. 16° 7440a.27 SherI/OCK, W. Church organization. The consti- tution of the [protestant episcopal] church in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. 2d edition. Dublin, 1869. 8° •. . .5549.27 Stone, J. K. The invitation heeded: reasons for a return to catholic unity. 2d edition. New York, 1870. 16° 2104.18 and 5468.13 Thomas, — ,abbe. ifitudes critiques sur les origines du Christianisme. Paris, 1870. 8° 7450b.l6 Thomas, L. Ta resurrection de Jesus-Clirist. Geneve, 1870. 8° 7450b.l8 Todd, J. H. St. Patrick: his life and mission. With a dissertation on the church in Ireland. Dublin, 1864. 8° 5555.12 VA.LOTLON, P. Le vrai Saint Paul. Paris, 1870. 18° 5479.5 Vaughan, C. J. Christ satisfying the instincts of humanity: eight lectures. London, 1870. 16° 7440a.26 Walker, J. B. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Philadelphia, 1870. 12° 7456.7 Wordsworth, C. The history of the church of Ire- land. London, 1869. 8m.8° 5528.5 . THE TOSTi Eisrca-R..A."viisrc3-s/ * Jvotje;.— Bulletin No. 13 contained a List of engravings— nearly 5,100 in number — com- prised, in that portion of the collection made by the late Cardinal Tosti; of Romei and given to this Library by Mr. Thomas G. Appleton, which is in bound volumes. With the exception of titles under Santi (or Sanzio), Raifaello, da Urbino, the following List contains only cross- references to the titles printed in that Bulletin. No. 16 will probably include a List of the Portraits belonging to the collection. Shelf. No. Agnolo, A. d'.. iS'ee Vannuchi, A. AL.BA.yo,y., painter. Various subjects. SecFrezza, G. G ". . pi. 16-25, 28-30 of K., A.6.3 Allegri, a., called Correggio, painter. Fresco in the dome of the cathedral of Parma. See Vanni.G.B. pl.l-15of SC., A.5.3and9-23of JE., A.5.2 — Various subjects. See Engravings ST., A.6.2 Andreani, Andrea, pamper. O. Ivlli Caesarls dic- tatoris triumphi. See Audenaerde, R. van. pi. 79-88 of E., A.3.2 Andkiot, F., engraver. Raccolta di statve antiche e moderne. See Rossi, D. de JC., D.2.1 Angelico, II beato Giovanni. See Fiesole, Fra Giovanni da. Antonini, C, engraver. Views in Rome. See Panini, F E., C.5.J-3 Antoninus, Column of, Rome. SeeBartoli, P. H. 2C.,C.7.2 Appian way. Monument! e ruderi antichl della via Appia. Rem-picci, A ST., C.4.2 Aquila, F. F., engraver. Raccolta di statve antiche e moderne. See Rossi, D. de E., D.2.1 Aquila, p., engraver. Picivrse Raphaelis Sanctij Vrbinatis. See Aquila, F. F E., C.3.2 Arches, Bartoli, P, S. Veteres arcvs Avgvstorvm trivmphls insignes ij., D.1.2 — Rossini, L. . Gli archi degli antichi Roman! . ff., 0.4.3 Aretino, Spinello, painter. Fall of the rebellious angels. See Lasinio, C. . . . .• E., A.6.4 Ahmi, G. dall', publisher. Le pitture di Masaccio nella basilica d! S. Cleraente. See Guidi, T :..€., C.6.1 Athens, Antiquities of. Stuart, J E., B.3.1 Audenaerde, or Oudenaerde, R. van, engraver. Raccolta di statve aniiche e moderne. See Rossi, D. de E., D.2.1 . AuDRAN, B., engraver.' Illustrations of the life of Maria de' Medici. See Rubens, P. P. . . . E., C.7.5 AuDRAN, J., mgraver. Portrait of Rubens, by A. van Dyck. S^e Rubens, P. P E., 0.7.5 AcBELi, N., engraver. Various subjects. See En- gravings E., A.3J. and E., A.5.4 Badoureau, J. F., engraver. Suite d'etudes cal- quees et dessiuees. See Sant! {or Sanzio), Raftaello, da Urbino E., C.3.1 Balestra, G., engraver. Various subjects. See Cauova, A E., C.2.1,2 Same. See Engravings . . .E., A,3.1 and E., A.6.4 Shelf. No. Balliu, B. de, engraver. Frescoes in the gallery of the Pitt! palace, Florence. See Berreliui, P pi. 31-66 of ST., A.3.2 Balzab, G., encrraver. Camere del Museovaticano. .See Feoli, V. . . E., B.2.1,2 Banzo, A., enoraver. Various subjects. SeeCano- va, A E., 0.2.1,3 Same. See Engravings ST., A.3.1 Same. See Santi (or Sanzio), Raffaello, da Ur- bino E., C.3.4 Same. See Thorvaldsen, B . 31., 0.7.1 Baratti, a., engraver. Feste celebrate in Parma. See Petitot, E. A E., C.8.2 Baratti, T., engraver. Feste celebrate in Parma. See Petitot, E. A 2E.,C.8 2 Barbazza, F., engraver. Perspective view of the Sis- tine chapeL See Buonarroti, Michel-Angelo. E., A. 2.1 — Views in liome. See Panini, F E., 0..5.1-3 Barberini palace, Rome. Frescoes, rfepresentiiig the glories of the Barberini famfty. Ber- , retini, P pi. 57-65 of ffi., A.3.2 Barbieri, G. F., called Quereiao, painter. Various subjects. See Engravings. E., A.3.1, E.,"A.5.4, E., A.6.2, and E., A.6.6 Baroccio, or Barocci da Urbino, Federiqo, or Fi- eri Federico, painter. Various subjects. See Engravings E., A.6.2 Bartoli, or Bartholi, F., engraver. Picturaj antiquae cryptarum Romanarum. See Bellori, G.P. ?E., D.1.6 Bartoli, or Bartholi, P. S., engraver. Picturae autlquse cryptarum Romanarum. iSeeBellori, « G. P il., D.1.6 Bartolozzi, F., engraver. Various subjects. See Zampicri, D .'pi. 15-64 of JE., A 5.1 Bassirilievi. See Canova, A 2E., 0.2.2,3 Bellori,G.P. Colonna Traiana. See Bartoli, P. S. ST., 0.7.3 — Oolurana cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino dicata, brevlbus notis. Sec Bartoli, P. 8 C, 0.7.2 — Veteres arcvs Avgvstorvm, notis ill vstrati. See Bartoli, P. S E., D.1.2 Benvenuti, p., painter. Cephalus and Procris. See Engravings E., A.5.4 Bernini, G. L., sctilptor. Statue of Santa Bibiana. See Audenaerde, K. van . ... pi. 26-30 of E., A.3.2 Berretini, p., called Pietro da Cortona, painter. Galeria dipinta nel palazzo del Prencipe Pan- tiUo. Sec Oe8i,0 pi. 10-25 of E., A.3.2 271 Shelf. No. Beretini, p., painter, continued. — SiintJi Bibiana. See Kngravln^s C, .4-6.2 — Subjects in the church of tianta Bibiana, Rome. See Audenaerde, K. van .... pi. 26-30 of C, A.3.2 — Three cui)oIa8 in Home. See Aquila, F. F. • ■, pi. 24-27 of E.. A..6.2 Bertini, a., engraoer. The sibylH, church of 8. Maria della Pace, Ilom6. See Banti (^or Sanzio), Fiaff.iello, da Urbino HE., C.3.4 — Various subjects. S'ee Camuccini, V. . . . E., A.4.1,2 Same. See Catiova, A ffi., C.2.1 Same. See Kngravin^fs . . . C, .'V.S.I and C, A.5.4 Bertram D, N. P., eiujraver. Suite d'dtudes cal- qut5el et deH«iiit'es. See Santi (or SanzioJ, Ilaf- faello, da Urbino C, C.3.1 Bettelini, p., emjraver. Theseus overcoming the •ntaur. See Canova, A C, C.2.1 — Various subjects. See Cainucclni, V. . . C, A.4.1,2 Same. See Engravings a;., A.3.1, E., A.5.4. and ST., A.6.a Betto, B. di, allied Pinturicchio, painter. Lunette nel chiostro di Santa Maria del popolo. See Komano, P. O. . . E., C.6.3-5,7 BiANCHi, G-., engraver. Camero del Miuseo vati- cano. See Peoll, V E., B.2.1 Bible. Old Testament. Ezekiel. In Ezechielem explanationea. Prado. G i^., C.6.2 •BlLlVERP, J., /«ti»i,{^..) v., engraver.' Suite d'etudes calqu6es et dessin^es. See Santi (or Sanzio), Kaffaello, da Urbino E., C.3.1 Ghelin, W. F., engraver. Various subjects. See Landscapes E., B.4.2,3 OOMIER, L., engraver. Vicv?s in Rome. See Panini, F a;., C. 5.1-3 Greece. Istoria greca. Pinelli, B , . E., C.8.4 ^.iREGO'a.I,C., engraver, VanBus subjects. SeeZam- pieri,D pi. 15-64 of E., A.5.1 Guadagnini, G., engraver. The crucifixion, after Guido Reni. See Engravings E,, A.3.1 Guercino da Cento. See Barbieri, G. F. Gdidetti, N., engraver. The sibyls, church of S. Maria della Pace. See Santi {or Sanzio), Raf- faello, da Urbino E., C.3.4 Guidi, T., called Masaccio, painter. Outline plates after pictures in the church of SanClemente. See Romano, F. G . . .E., C.6.8 — Various subjects. /See Lasinio, OL JE., A.6.4 Hayes, F., engraver. Model for a monument. See Canova, A E., C.2.1 Shelf. No. Holland. Principes Hollandiae et Westfrisiae. Scriverius, P E., D.2.3 Holy Sacrament, Chapel of the, Rome. Cupola, . after Pietro da Cortona. Aquila, F. F. pi. 27 of®., A.5.2 Honthorst, G., called Dalle Notti, painter. The • entombment of Christ. See Engravings . 2E., A.3.1 .Ingres, J. A. D., painter. Virgil reading the .^neid to Augustus and Octavia, See En- gravings E., A.3.1 Italy. Ranalli, F. Storia della pittura in Italia . 2E., D.3.1 — Rossini, L. Gli archi trionfalionorariie funebri degli antichi Romani E., C.4.3 Jerusalem. Apparatvsvrbis actepmli. Prad(r, G. E., C.6.2 Labruzzi, C. Le pitture di Masaccio nella basilica di 8. Clemente, colle teste lucidate. See Guidi, T #., C.6.1 La Chausse, M. A. de. Pictures antiquae cryptarum Romanarum et sepulcri Nasonum descriptte. See Bellori, G. P E., D.1.6 Lafrehi, A., ewfirrawer. Various subjects. See En- gravings E., A.6.2 La Haye, C. de., engraver. Frescoes in the gal- lery of the Pitti palace. See Berretini, P. pi. 31-56 of E,, A.3.2 Landscapes, by G. Poussin. See Gluntotardi, F. . E., B.4.1 Lanfranco, G.,i9ai?i . ST., C.4.4 MORGHEN, A., engraver. lindyinion sleeping, after Guercino. .SVe Engravings '. . . C, A.5.4 Morghen, G., engraver. Architectural decorations at Pompeii. .ir><» Engravings K., A.3.1 Morghen, R., engraver. Various subjects. See tingravingu ST., A.3.1 and E., A.5.4 Same. See Santi (or Sonzio), Ratlaello, da Ur- bino S., C.3.4 MORO, A., painter. Principes Hollandim et West- frisio). See Scriverius, P C, D.2.3 M08TART, J. .painter. Principes Hollandias et ^(Vest- frisiw. .S'Cf Hcriverius, P C, D.2.3 MOTTA, Ratlaello, called Ratlaellino da Reggio, paint- er. The Kacrifices. ,SV^ Engravings . . . C, A.6.2 Naso family. i>epalcri Ka^onum. See Bellori, Nattier, J. M., draughtsman. La gallerie du palais G. P «:.,D.1.6 Luxembourg. See Rubens, P. P C,C.7.5 NiccoLO V [Tonamaso ParentucelliJ, pope. Capella nel Vatieano. See liomano, F. G St., C.6.8 Normand, C. p. J., draughtsman. Suite d'titudes caiquees et des^in^es. See Santi {or SafizioJ Raffaello, da Urbino fc., C.3.1 Ottaviani, G., engrat^er. I^ggle di Rafiele nel Vatieano. Se^ Santi {or Sanzio), Raiiaelio, da Urbino C, C.3.3 — Plan and views of the cathedral of Orvieto. See. Orvieto ST., C.4.4 — Views in Rome. See Panini, F C, C.5.1-3 OuDENAERUE, it. van. See Audenaerde, R. van. Paintini;. Storia della pittura in Italia. « Ranaili, F E., D.3.1 Panfili palace, Rome. Oaicria dipinta da Pietro BcrrettiiiidaUortona. OeBl,(!. pl.l0-26of E., A.3.2 Panicale, Masulino da. See Masollno da Panicale. Panini, F., evgrarer, I'lan and views of the cathe- dral of Orvieto. See Orvieto iE., C.4.4 Parboni, P , engraver. I^andscapes, after N. Poussin. Sec Landscapes C, B.4.3 Paris. La gallerie d^palais Luxembourg. Rubens, P.P CC.T.S Parma, Jtaly. Petitot, E. A. Feste celebrate in . E., 0.8.2 — Vanni, G. B. Fresco in the dome of the cathe- dral, by^orreggio. pi. 1-15 of E., A. 5.3 and 9-;23of E., A.5.2 Pasqualini, G. B., engraver. Various subjects. See Engravings E., A.0.2 Patbini, G., engraver. Feste celebrate in Parma. S^e Petitot, E. A E., C.8.2 Pavon, I., engraver. The transfiguration, after Raphael. See Engravings E., A.3.1 Pazzi, p. a., engraver. Various subjects. ISee Zarapieri, D pi. 15-64 of ff., A.5.1 Penni, F., painter. Various subjects. See Santi . -(or Sanzio), Raffaello, da Urbino E., C.3.4 Penni, L., painter. The baptism of (Jonstantine. See Santi {or Sanzio), Ralfaello, d*Urbino . E., C.3.4 Perfetti, p., engraver, Feste celebrate in Parma. See Petitot, E. A E., C.8.2 Perini, G. S., engraver. Christ bearing his cr.iss. See Lanfranco, G pi. 1-9 of E., A.3.2 Persiciiini, R., engraver. Presentation in the tem- ple, after Rapliael. See Engravings .... E., A.3.1 — Various subjects. See Santi {or Sanzio), Raf- faello, da Urbino • E., C.3.4 Peruzzi, B., painten. The adoration of the magi. See Caracci, Agoslino pi. 37-42 of ff., A.6.1 — Apside della chiesa di San Onofrio. See Ro- mano, F. G E., C.6.5 Pestrini, C., engraver. V.ariou8 subjects. See Santi {or Sanzio), Raffaello, da Urbino . . . E., C.3.4 Petrini, G., engraver. Various subjects. See . C mova, A E., C.2.3 PiCART,- B.; engraver. Illustrations of the life of Marj^de' Medici. See Rubens, P. P JT., C.7.5 PlNELLl, B., draui/htsman and engraver. Scenes in Spanish history. See Pomares, P. . . . E., B.8.1 PiNELLi, P., engraver. Columns of Raphael's Log- gie. See Engravings E., A.6.6 Shelf. No. PiNTCHiccnio. See Betto, B. di. PiPPi, Giuiio, painter. Various subjects. See En- gravings E.,A.6JZ Same. See Santi [or Satizio), Raffaello, da Urbino , . . . , C, C.3.1,4 PiROLi, T., engraver. Various subjects. See Ca- nova, A E., C.2.3 PiTTi palace, Florence, Frescoes In the. See Berre- tini, P. pL 31-56 of E., A.3.2 PiTTORlNl, Padre. See Bisi, B. PoiLLY, F. de, engraver. Holy family, after Raphael. See Engravings E., A.6.2 — Raccolta di statve aMiche e moderne. See Rossi, D. de . . . . E., D.2.1 — Views in Itome. See Panini, F E., C.5.1-3 PoiiiLY, J. B. de, engraver. Madonna and child, after P. Mignard. See Engravings .... E., A.6.2 — Raccolta di statve antiche e moderne. See Rossi, D. de C, D.2.1 POLANZANI, F., engraver. Views tn Rome. See Panini, F E., C.5.1-3 Pompeii. Architectural decorations. See Engrav- ings . : pi. 30-37 of E., A.3.1 PORRETTA, A., engraver. Landscape, after Claude Lorrain. See Landscapes E., B.4.3 Portugal. Li regni di Spagna e di Portogallo. Pomares, F E., B.8.1 rovst^TS, (i., painter. Twelve landscapes. See Giun- touirdi, F E., B.4.1 — Various subjects. See Landscapes .... E., B.4.2,3 PoussiN, N., painter. The murder of the inno- cents. See Engravings E., A.5.4 — Various subjects. See Landscape* .... E., B.4.2,3 Pradier, C. 8., engraver. Virgil, Augustus, and Octavia, after J. A. D. Ingres. See Engrav- ings . .C, A.3.1 Pronti, D., engraver. Plan and views of the cathe- dral of Orvieto. See Orvieto E., C.4.4 Quatrocentisti tlorentini. Lasinio, C ST., A.6.4 (^uirinalk, I'alazzo apostolico del. Frescoes by Guido Reni. See Ottaviani, G. and C. pi. 1-15 of iS:., A.0.3 Raffaellino da Reggio. See Motta, liaffaello. Raffaello Santi {or Sanzio), da Urbino. See Santi {or Sanzio), liaffaello, da Urbino. Raibolini, F. F.. pat)(S«e Vannuchi, A. pi. 1-14 of a;., A.5.1 Salandri, v., engraver. Constantine's address to his trooiJS. See Santi (or Sanzio), liaffaello, da Urbino ?r.,£L3.4 Salvi, G. B., cafted Sa88oferrato,p(im — Tapestries. See Marchetti, P. .• . pi. 1-8 of K., A.7.1 — Various subjects. See Engravings. tt., A.3.1, E., andA.6.2,6 Sarto, Andrea del. See Vannuchi, A. Sassoferrato. See Salvi, G. B. SAUVt;, F., engraver. Suite d'(5tudea calqn^es et de8sin6e8. See Santi {or Sanzio), liaffaello, da Urbino JE.. C.3.1 Savorelli, p., engraver. Frescoes in the Sistlne chapel. See Buoiarroti, Michel-Ang(!l ffi., A.2.1,2 ScHi.vMiNOSsi, li., engraver. Holy family, after Luchetto da Genova. See Engravings . . . i!E., A.6.2 ScuLPi'URK. See Canova, A 2E.,C 2.1,3 — See Thorvaldsen, B 2t., C.7.1 275 • Shelf. No. Sepulchral monoments. Bellori, G. P. Picturae aiitiquae cryptarum Konianarum ST., D.1.6 — SeeCaiova, A JT., C.2.1,3 — jSff Uem-picci, A E., C.4.2 BiMON, P., engraver. FrescoeB in the gallery of the Pitti palace. See Berrethii, P. . pi. 31-56 of C, A.3.2 KlMONNEAi, C, engraver. Illustrations of the life of Maria de' Medici. See Rubens, P. P. . . C, C.7.5 818TINE chapel. See Home, The Vatican. Spain. Li regni di Spagna e dl Portogallo. Poma- res, F C., B.8.1 Specchi, a., engraver. Views in Rome. See Panini, F .• , . . . E., C.5.1-3 Spiekiie, F., engraver. Frescoes in the gallery of the intU palace. See Berretini, P. pi. 31-56 of E:., A.3.2 Spinello. See Aretino, Spinello. Htatuarv. Raccolta di statve antiche e moderne. Rossi, D.de . . ., E., D.2.1 TAPESTiUEg of Raphael. Marchetti, P. . pi. 1-8 of C, A.7.1 Temple, The, at Jerunalem. Apparatvs vrbis, ac templi. Prado, O C, C.6.2 Testa, a., engraver. Landscapes, afterN. Poussiii. See Landscapes ,... E., B.4.3 — Various subjects. See Canova, A E., 0.2.1,3 Testa, Q. C, engraver. Madonna and child, after P. Testa. See Engravings E., A.6.2 Testa, P., painter and engraver. Various subjects. See Engravings E., A.0.2 Thomahsin, p., engraver. St. Cecilia, after Raphael. See Engravings E., A.0.2 TiiOKVALDSEN, B. The apostles. See Engravings. pi. 6-15 of E., A.6.6 TiNTi, C, engraver. The agony in the garden. See Lanfranco, Q. . . pi. 1-9 of E., A.3.2 Tintoretto. See Robusti, Jacopo. T18I, or Tisio, B., calleit GaAfalo, painter. Various'" subjects. See Engravings E., A.3.1 Titian. See Vecellio, Tiziano. Tofanelli, d., painter. Cupids. See Engrafv- iiigs E., A,6.4 ToFiGNO, V. Li regni di Spagna e di Portogallo. See Pomares, F E., B.8.1 ToMBA, L., engraver. Various subject*. See Ca- niucninl, V E., A.4.2 Torres, M., engraver. Polyhymnia and Mne- mosyne. See Canova, A E., C.2.3 Trajan's column, Rome. Engraving, with explan- atory text. Bartoll, V. ti E., C.7.3 Trouvain, a., engraver. Illustrations of the life of Maria de' \fedlci. Se? Rubens, P. P E., C.7.5 Udine, G. da,j!>«inibrary, covering as interval of the nine months previous to the beginning of the newly-estab- Ifshed Li^brary year, May Ist. The figures given in it show the still-lncre&fng importance of an institution which at this time possesses about 170,00icarum et Persicarum. Editio secunda. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1717. pp. (16), 32, 32, [120]. sm. 8" 79a.30 Increased Use of the Library. The increase in the use made of the Bates Hall collection during the last five years has been very marked, as is shown by the following figures : Between May l|^and September 30th, there were 5733 issues in 1866; 7513 in 1867; 10,869 in 1868" 17 355 in 1869, and 20,348 in 1870. The increased use of the Reading Room foi periodicals is shown for the mouth of September by 4833 readers in 1866; 5421 in 1867; 6681 in 1868; 9289 in 1809, and 14,389 in 1870. In the Lower Hall, during September in 1867 there were 6753 issues; for the same month, 1868, 11,274 issues; 1869, 13,110 issues^ and 1870, 16,402 issues and the lar^e number qf persons here indicated have been supplied during the month last past at an average deten- tion of not over five minutes each. — Saturday Eoening Gazette, October Xbth, The Bulletins are for Sale * In the Library, at two cents each. The List of Periodicals currently received is also for sale at five cents. The Supple- mentary Index to the books in the Bates Hall (issued in 1866) lis for sale at $2.00, and the Catalogue of the Prince Library at $1.00. The main Index of the Bates Hall (issued in 1861) is out of print, but a limited number of copies of both the Index and Supplement circulate like other books. The Class or Finding Lists for English Prose Fiction, and for Poetry, the Drama, Collected Works, etc., are for sale, in the Lower Delivery Room, at ten cents each; the Finding List for Biography and Travels at five cents ; and that for Works in Foreign Languages at two cents. The Finding Lists for the Sciences, Arts, and Professions, and for History and Politics are out of print ; but new editions will be issued as soon as possible. BULLETIN No. 21 A.I*RIL, 1872. Board of Trustees. WILTilAM W. GREENOUGH, President. Samuel Little, 556 Warren Street, Alderman Term expires 1873 Frederick Pease, 14 Saratoga Street, Councilman, *' " 1873 Hebmax D. Bradt, 74 Forest Street, Councilman, " " 1873 William W. Greekough, 66 Temple Street, At Large, " '« 1872 Jarvis D. Braman, 38 Charles Street, " " " 1872 Samuel A. Green, 25 Kneeland Street, " '• " 1873 Ellis W. Morton, Tremont House " " " 1873 Geobob Pdtnam, 130 Highland Street, " " " 1874 Westom Lewis, 81 Worcester Street, " " " 1874 Officers. JUSTIN WINSOR, Superintendent, and Skcbetabt o» this Trustbbs. William A. Wheeler, Assistant Superintendent. James L. Whitney, Principal Assistant. Edward Capen, Keeper of Lower Balls. Joseph Sttkes, Keeper of Bates Hall. William E. Ford, Janitor. Miss Sabah C. Godbold, Librarian of East Boston Branch. of South Boston Branch. Mb8. Akita C. D. Keen, Librarian Days and HonrB, etc. All departments are open every secular day except the five legal holidays. — February 22, Fast Day, July 4, Thanks- giving, and Christmas, — and such other days lui the Trustees may direct. Bates nall,9A..u. to 6 P. M. (winter), to 7 p. H. (summer). Lower Hall, 9 A. M. to 8 p. m. Books received after 8.30 a.m. Central Reading Room, 9 a. M. to 10 p. m. Saat Boston Branch, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. South Boston Branch will be opened, in part, during the present month. Extent of the Collections. The Bates Hall contains 143,000 volumes ; the Lower Hall, 32,000 volumes ; the East Boston Branch, 6,700 volumes; the South Boston Branch, 4,500 vol- umes, — a total (including 7,300 sale duplicates) of more than 193,000 volumes, besides 99,000 pamphlets. The Central Reading Room has about 380 different period- icals ; the East Boston Branch Reading Room has 37 ; the South Boston Branch has 25. Persons Admitted to Use the Libraries. I. To use periodicals or books in the buildings. Any person above the age of 14 years may use the Reading Room for periodicals, and, if above Id, may make use of the books within the buildings, without previous registration, n. To take books away from the buildings. All citizens and residents of Boston above the age of 10 years ; all non- resident (^ergymen and Teachers having regular professional occupation in the city; all inhabitants, even if under 16, who have received certificates of graduation, medals, or Lawrence prizes, from the Public Schools ; and all pupils attending the Girls' High and Normal Schools, are entitled to a full use of the Library, All these must sign the application card, and give the name of a citizen, who may be consulted, if neces- sary. TTie registration takes place in the Lower Delivery Hall of the Central Library, and at the several Branches. m. Non-residents. Non-resident members of educational institutions in the city and other non-residents (when specially permitted, in consideration of the advancement of the public interests), may take books for home use, in ac- cordance with the conditions imposed in each case by the Trustees. C^T^LOaUES. Bulletins. A fresli list of accessions is posted almost daily in each Library. That for the Bates Hall shows all the books added to the Central Library. Those for the Lower Ilall and for the East Boston Branch show only the books added to those departments. The printed quarterly Bulletins reached the end of the first volume with No. 19; and the present, 1^0.21, is the second number of the second volume. For sale (excepting No. 2, 3, 19, and 20, out of print,) at 2 cents each. Books with numbers below 2110 are in the Lower Hall ; and above 2110 are in the Bates Hall. Those with E. B. prefixed to the number are in the East Boston Branch, Eates Hall. I. The Index of 1861. (Includes the Bowditch Library.) Royal octavo, 902 pages. Out of print. II. The Supplement of 1866. (Includes the Parker Lib- rary.) Royal octavo, 718 pages. For sale at $2.00. in. The Catalogue of the Prince Library. Royal octavo, 160 pages. For sale at $1.00. rv. Public Card Catalogue. The printed cards, to- gether with those in manuscript in the same boxes, show the books added to the Bates Hall since 1866. Those in print show also the books added to the Lower Hall since October 1, 1871, and contain all needful cross-references, under sub- jects, etc.; those in manuscript do not contain such cross- references, but only main entries, under authors, etc. It is the intention, however, to embody the titles of the Manu- script Cards in this Printed Card Catalogue, with the neces- sary cross-references, as rapidly as possible. The titles from the printed Catalogue of the Prince Library have been inserted among the printed cards in their proper alphabetical places; and iu due time it is hoped to em- body with them, in the same way, the printed titles from the Bates Hall Index and Supplement, from Vol. 1 of the Bulletins, and from the Lower Hall Class Lists, so that the public shall have access in one alphabet to a catalogue of all the books in the Central Library. Until this is done, the visitor will have to search in various printed alphabets in book form, and in the manuscript part as well as in the printed part of this card catalogue. V. The Official Card Catalogue, which can be con- sulted, in cases of need, upon application, supplements the printed Index and Supplement, and supplies full cross-refer- ences to that part of the Public Card Catalogue, which is at present in manuscript. Note. — A limited number of copies of the Index and Sup- plement circulate like other books. A List of the Portraits in the Tosti Engravings is for sale at 5 cents. Bulletins 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion of the Tosti collection of engravings which is in bound volumes, embracing nearly 5,100 prints. Lower Hall. I. Fiction and Juveniles. — 5 in full-face type, prefixed to the shelf number, indicate an addition to the East Boston Branch Library. jO" Shelves numbered 2110 and upwards are in the Bates Hall ; those below 2110 are in the Lower Hall. — A single dash stands for the preceding heading ; a subsequent dash for a subordinate heading. — R. U. means Reading Room ; N. R., Newspaper Room; M. 8., Map Stand. — In the headings of titles, the German diphthongs, o a, U, •re written, ae, oe, ue; as, Doering, H. von. — Christian names inclosed within marks of parenthesis are not usually retained by the persons to wliom they properly belong; as Dickens, Charles (John Huffam). — When the date of publication of a book could not be ascertained, the year in which it was copyrighted (if stated) is given within brackets, with '"CO/)." prefixed. — 8', 12°, 16', etc., designate the form of a book, or the actual or probable fold of the printed sheet as shown by the signatures; but the epithets ''large," "small." and "oblong," or the like, are sometimes added to g^ive a better idea of the size or shape of the bound volume. — The sign + is added to the number of pages, when a book contains several pages not numbered, and therefore not taken into account. Jt^ All books in this list, except the few wliich are starred, can be had without tpectal application. *^* Friends of the Public Library will confer a favor, if they will kindly communicate to the Superintendent the correction of any error they may discover in this List, or the authorship of any works treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonym,. Shelf. No. Abbey, Henry. Ballads of good deeds, and other verses. New York, 1872 [1871]. 129 pp. 16». 345.7 Abbott, Jacob. The August stories. Hunter and Tom. New York, 1871. 383 pp. Illustrated. 12» 450.77 — Science for the young. Water and land. With engravings. New York, 1872 [1871]. 330 pp. 12» 184.42 Academy, The. A monthly record of literature, learning, science, and art. Vol. 1. London, [1869, 70.]^ 4» *7390a.2 Adams, H. G. Beautiful butterflies described and iUustrated. London. 1871. vii, 133-|- pp. 16». 6897.9 Adams, Hannah. Memoir. Written by herself? With additional notices, by a friend. Boston, 1832. iv, 110 pp. 12» E. B. 198.12 Adams. Harriet A. Allegories of life. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 93 pp. bq. 12" 118.26 Adams, William H. Davenport. Anecdotal memoirs of P:ngli,sh princes. London, 1863. 2 v. 12» . 2448.54 Adams, William T. Upward and onward series. Bivouac and battle. By Oliver Optic. \jp»eud.']. With illustrations. Boston, 1872. 341pp. 16*. E. B. 13.8 — Young America abroad. 2d series. Northern lands ; or. Young America in Russia and Prus- • sia. Boston, 1872. 360 pp. le* . . . . E. B. 13.14 ADHfeMAK, (.Mplionse^ Joseph. R<5volution8 de la mer. Deluges periodiques. 2« Mition. Paris, 1870. Texte, 1 v. Planches. 1 v. 2 v. in 1. S". 3828.60 Adenez, Adenes, or Adans, called Adam Le Roi. Li romans dc Berte aus grans pies. Precede d'une dissertation sur le» romans dcs douze pairs ; par P. Paris. Paris, 1832. Ix, 198-|- PP- a pi. 12» 6677.35 Adolphus, John. Memoirs of John Bannister, com- median. London, [1842]. 2 v. in 1. 2 por- traits. 8" 2447.50 Mbcthyixs [outlined and explained] by R. 8. Copies- ton. Edinburgh, 1870. 196-f- pp. 16» . E. B. 192.1 AoASSiz, Elizabeth Carey and Alexander. Seaside studies in natural history. Boston, 1871. xii. 155 pp. Illustrated. ' 8» E. B. 31.29 AlMARD, Gustavo. The Indian chief. Philadelphia, N. D. 164+ pp. 8» E. B. 241.17 — The pirates of the prairies. Philadelphia, N. D. 152 pp. 8» 411.14 Shelf. No. AiUABD, Gustare, contttmed. — The red track. Philadelphia, N. D. 157+ pp. 8». E. B. 241.24 AxBERT, Paul. La lltt^rature franfaise au 17e si^cle. Paris. 1872. 428+ pp. 16» 6677.36 Alfieri, Vittorio. [Opere sceltc.l Milano, 1818. 4 V. Portrait. 8» •2801.60 <7oi«e7rt«. — Vol. I-III. TraRedie, viz.: — I. FiUppo; Folinice: Antifcooc; Virginia; Af^menone; Oreite; Ruamunua; IJMtere. II. Ottuvia; Timoleonc; Me- rope; Maria Bluarda; La congiura dc' Pazzi; Don Oarzia; 8aul| AKidn; Snfoniaba; Lcttcra. Note. III. Bnito primu; Mlrnt; Bnito •econdo: Aloedc di Eu- ripidc; Alcette(cooiida;,ParrrrcdeIl autore lulle di- cianDove prime traKcdie; OMCrrazioni del tradiittore •uir Alcecte ferunda; Poc«ie varie. IV. Vila dl V. Alfleri fcritta da eno, col Paueglrico di Plioio a Trajano. AUTORD, Henry. The year of praise : being hymns, with tunes. Assisted in the musical part by R. Hake, and T. E. Jones. London, 1867. ixxvi, (216) pp. 16» 8048.28 AXQAROTTI, Francesco, conte. Opere scelte. Milano, 1823. 3 V. 80 *2801.51 Co?tf«n(>. — Vol. I. Vita, etc.; Sopra 1' architettura ; Sopra la pittura ; Sopra 1' accademia di Fraucia oho i in Koma t Sopra I' opera in muslca ; Sopra la neceaaiti di Dcrivere uella propria lingua; Sopra la lingua fran- eeae; Sopra la rima; Sopra ii ccntilesinio; Sopra il commercio; Sopra orazio. II. Dialoghi sopra I' oUiea Neutouiana; Caritea; Discorso sopra la ricchezzadcUa lingua italiana ne' termini niilitan; Lettcrc di Folian- zio; n congre«<5 ARdTLi,. Duke of. See Campbell, George Douglas. Arm&e, L', d' Henri v. Les bourgeois-gentilshommes de 1871. Paris. 1872. xxiv, 2o8-|- pp. 18» . . 2679.66 Arnold, Walter. Life and death of the Sublime society of beef steaks. London, 1871. xxiv, 157 pp. 1 pi. 6 photographs. Sm. %".... 2478.55 Arseos, — . Historico e analyse esthetigraphica do quadro de um episodio da batalha de Campo Grande planejado e executado pelo Dr. Pedro Americo de Figueiredo e Mello. Rio de Ja- neiro, 1871. 101-J- pp. Portrait. 8» 2317.55 ASORIMSSON, Eystein. Lilja (The lily), an Icelandic religious poem of the 14th century. Edited, with a metrical translation, notes, and glos- sary, by Eirikr Magnusson. London, 1870. Ivi, 124 pp. 12» 2878.51 Atkins, Mary A. Must ; or, Ann Holbrook's girl- hood. Boston, [cop. 1864]. 328 pp. le* . E. B. 28.33 AuBER, Daniel Franjois Esprit. Album Aubcr : re- cueil de 25 morceaux de chant. A une voix. Paris, 1872. 67 pp. Portrait. 4" *8040.53 Audouard, Mme. Olympe. A travers l'Am6rlque. Paris, 1871. xi, 371-f pp. 12» 2369.52 Aunt Hattie, pseud. See Baker, Harriet Newell (Woods). Aunt Judith's recollections. A tale of the 18th cen- tury. London, 1870. 332-1- PP- 1 Pl- 16» . . 751.6 AVERiEii, AnnaS. Annie Mason. New York, [1871] . 420 pp. 12» E. B. 325.19 Baser, or Babur, {written afooBabourandBauhur), Mohammed, sumamed Zahir Eddin. Memoires de Baber (Zahir-Ed-Din-Mohammed). Tra- duits pour la prcmifere fois sur le texte djagatai par A. PavctdeCourteille. Paris, 1871. 2 v. 8" 5022.4 Baedeker, Friedrich W. J. Die Eier der europaei- Bchen Voegcl. Naoh der Natur gemalt. Mit eiuer Beschreibung des Nestbaues gemein- echaftlich bearbeitet mit L. Brehm und W. Paessler. Leipzig, [1855-63]. 4 v. in 2. 80 col. pi. F" *58.C.l CorUent». — Vol. I, II. Accipltres; Oscines. HI, IV. Grallae; Natatores. Baeehi, Bernhard. The science of therapeutics, ac- cording to the principles of homoeopathy. Translated with additions from other sources. ByC.J.Hempol. New York, 1870. 2 v. 8» . *3795.55 Bailey, Thomas John. English orders and papal supremacy : a manual of historical facts. Lon- don, 1868. 61-1- pp. 16" 5469a.l7 Baker, Harriet Newell (Woods.) Fashion and folly. By Aunt Hattie, [psewci.]. Boston, 1871. 287 pp. 16» E. B. 21.22 _ Shelf. No. Baker, H. N. (W.), continued. — The wheel of fortune. By Madeline Leslie, [pse7id.]. Boston, [1866]. 227 pp. 16» . E. B. 21.21 Baldasseroni, Giovanni. Leopoldo ii, granduca di Toscana, e i suoi tempi. Firenze, 187i. viii, 632pp. 8<> .2722.50 BAI.LANTYNE, Robert Michael. Miscellany. With illustrations. London, 1869. 13 v. 16' . E. B. 21.17. Contents.— Yol. I. Fighting the whales. II. Away in the wilderness. III. Fast in the ice. IV. Chasing the sun. V. Sunk at sea. VI. lost in the forest. Vn. Over the Rocky mountains. Vm. Saved by the lifeboat. IX. The cannibal islands. X. Hunting the lions. XI. Digging for gold. XII. Up in the clouds. Xm. The battle and the breeze. Baptist annual register. The, 1790-1802. [Vol. 1-4.] London, 1790-1803. 4 v. 8» *7467.10 Xote. — Appended to Vol. 1, 2 are the following articles, originally published in connection with the various numbers of the Register, but with independent pagin- ation; Tiameli/^-^ The narrative of the proceedings of the general assem- bly, 1689. — A confession of faith by the elders and brethren of many congregations. London, ICSS. — His- tory of the Baptist association in Wales, 1650-1790. By J. Thomas. London, 1795. Baretti, Giuseppe. [Opere.] MUano, 1838, 39. 4 v. Portrait. 8<> *2801.6a Cotaentt. — Vol. I, II. La frusta letteraria. lU. Lettere familiari. IV. Lettere e scritti varj. Baring-Gould, Sabine. Legends of the patriarchs and prophets and other Old Testament charac- ters. New York, 1872. 380 pp. 12» 3428.61 Barker, Ladt/ Mary Anne. [Mrs. F. N. Broome.] A Christmas cake in four quarters. With illus- trations. London, 1871. 304-1- pp. 16» . E. B. 21.18 Barnard, Charles Francis, jr. The tone masters. Bach and Beethoven. Boston, 1871. 243 pp. Illustrated. 16» E. B. 27.14 Barnes, Josiah. Wonderful adventures by land and sea of the seven queer travellers who met at an inn. Philadelphia, 1866. 360 pp. 12» . . . . 434.11 Barncm, Samuel Weed. Romanism as it is. With illustrations. Hartford, 1871. 753 pp. 8» . . 5467.13 Barrett, Benjamin Franklin. The new view of hell. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871], 215 pp. 12<> . 3459.57 Barry, Alfred. Life and works of Sir Charles Barry. 2d edition. With portrait and illustrations. London, 1870. xv, 407-1- pp. 2 folded sh. 8» . 2445.58 Bahtol, Cyrus Augustus. Radical problems. Bos- ton. 1872. 407 pp. 16» ... 877.23 and E. B. 367.37 Bascom, John. .(Esthetics. New York, 1872 [1871]. vii, 268 pp. 120 3608.53 Bastian, H. Charlton. Modes of origin of lowest organisms. London, 1871. xii, 109-1- pp. Ipl. Sm. 8» 3888.50 Bates, Joshua. Memorial of. See Boston . . E. B. 213.2 Bazzoni, Augusto. Storia diplomatica d' Italia, 1848- 68. Vol.1. (1848-1849.) Firenze, 1868. 225-}- pp. 8" 2726.51 Beale, Lionel Smith. Disease germs ; their supposed nature. Coloured illustrations. London, 1870. 82-1- pp. Sm. 8" E. B. 383.17 Beasley, Henry. The pocket formulary and synop- sis of the British and foreign pharmacopoeias. 9th edition. London, 1872. x, 547-1- PP- 16» . *3789.51 Beaussire, fimile. La guerre 6trangfere et la guerre civile en 1870 et en 1871. Paris, 1871. viii, 252 pp. 18» 4629.50 Beccaria, Cesare (Boncsana), marchese. Opere. Milano, 1821, 22. 2 v. Portrait. S" . . . . *2801.53 Contents. — Vol.1. Dei delitti edellepene; Riccrche intorno alia natura dello stile. H. Element! di econo- mia pubblicaj Del dlsordine e de' rimedii delle monete nello stato di Milano. BfiCHARD, Frederic. Maurice. A novel. Trans- lated from the original French by J. Douglas. New York, 1872. 306 pp. 12» 424.18 Beethoven, Ludwig von. Symphonlen. Arrange- ment f iir das Pianoforte zu vier Handen. Neue Ausgabe. Leipzig, N. D. 2 v. 4" 8040.54 Contents.— VoX.l. C dur Op. 21; D durOp. 36j Es. dur (Eroica) Op. 55; B dur Op. 60; C moll Op. 67. II. F dur (Pastorale) Op. 68; A dur Op. 92; Fdur Op. »i; D moll Op. 125. Behn, Aphra. Plays, histories, and novels. With life and memoirs. London, 1871. 6 v. With portrait. L. 12« ***6563.2 Contents.— Yol. I-IV. Plays; viz.,—1. The rover; The Dutch lover; The round-heads. II. Abdelazer; The young king; The city heiress; The feign'd curtc- zans. III. The town fop ; The false count; The lucky • chance; Forc'd marriage. IV. Sir Patient Fancy; The Widow Ranter; The emperor of the moon; The amoroiu prince; The younger brother. V, VI. Hi*- BEHN 29 BREUILL^O Shelf. No. Behit, Aphra, continued. tories and novels; viz., V. The life and mcraoira of Mrs. BchnLThc history of Oroonoko; The fair jill; The nun. VI. Agnes tie Castro: The lover's watch; Tlie ladies looking-elass ; The lucky mistake ; Memoirs of the court of the King of Bantam ; The adventure of the Black lady. N 2866.6 Black, William. A daughter of Ueth. Leipzig. 1871. 2 V. 8m. so. 16« 750.53 Blackie, John Stuart. Four phases of morals : Socrates, Aristotle. Christianity, utilitarian- ism. Edinburgh, 1871. vii, 614+ pp. le" . . 3488.54 BliANC, f Auguste Alexandre Philippe) Charles. Le tresor de la curiosite tire des catalogues de vente de tableaux, dessins, estampes. livres, marbres, [etc.], P.aris, 1857, 58. 2 v. 8» . .♦8076.11 Blandeac, H. K. La dictature dc Gambetta. Paris, 1871. 87 pp. 12» 2627.71 BlilGHT, John T. Ancient crosses and other antiqui- ties in the cast of Cornwall. London, 1868. iv,vl, 134pp. and ff. Illustrated. 8<> *2470.16 BiiCirr, John James. The right use of the early fathers. 3d edition. London, 1869. xvi, 642 pp. 8» 3445.50 BoiSDUVAi,, Jean Alphonse, and GutofeE, Achille. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Species geni-ral des lepidopti'res. T. 1 par [J. A.] Boisduval. [T. 5-10 par A. Gu6n6erj T. 1, 6-10 and atlas Shelf. No. BoiSDCVAi,, J. A., and GnfeNfeE, A., continued. to T. 5-10. Paris, 1836, 52-58. Text 7 v. Atlas ofcol.pl.lv. 8» *3895.61 Contmu. — Vot I. [Diarnes.] V-VTI. Noctuilites. Vin. Deltoides et Pyralitcs. IX, X. Uranides et Ph»- Mnites. Note. — Vol. 2-4 have not been published. BoissiER, Louis. Histoire da conflit amcricain. Ire partie. £tude sur les causes de la guerre civile aux EtatSTJUnls. Paris, 1870. x, 359 pp. 12» 2329.61 BoissoNADE. J. F. La Bible d<5voil6e. Paris, 1871. 276+ pp. 12» 3429.51 Bologna. Hodetd medico-chirurgica. Bullettino. Serie la-5a. Bologna, 1823-70. 79 v. in 30.16" •5749.1 BoLYAi, Janos. La science absolue de I'espace ind^- pendante de la veriUS ou de la faussete do Paxidme xi d'Euclide ; suivie de la quadrature gcometrique du ctjrcle, dans le cas de la faus- sete do I'axiSme xi. Notice sur la vie ct les travaux de W. et de J. Bolyai, par F. Schmidt. Paris, 1868. ft4 pp. 8° 3925.54 Bonie, (Jean Jacques) Theophile. Campagnc do 1870. La cavalerie francaisc. Paris, 1871. v, 203+ pp. 12* . . . .■ 2629.81 BOBHANI4, J. 11. Observations philologiques ct cri- tiques sur le tcxte du roman de Cleomades, public par M. A. van Hasselt. Liege, 1867. xvii, (1), 274, (1) pp. L. 8» 2675.50 BORREGO, Aidres. Le general Trochu devant I'his- toire. Traduit de I'espagnol par L. Gerdebat. Paris, [18711. 7(H-pp. 18° 2629.83 Boston, Mass. Municipal government. Memorial of J. Bates. Boston. 18<55. 58 pp. L. 8* . E. B. 213.2 — Boston co-operalire building company. Ist antnial report. With the act of incorporation and by-laws. Boston, 1872. 8* ♦5642.31 — GyncKological society. Monthly journal. Vol. 1-5. 1869-71. Boston, [1870-72]. 6 v. 8» . •5771.2 — Public library. BulleUDS. Vol. 1. No. 1 to 19. Oct. 1867 to Oct. 1871. [Appended, The Tostl engravings. Portraits.] Boston. 1871. 367, 24+ pp. §• . •6200a.32, •020Oa.33, •R. II . L. 18, aiidK.B.^R.R.,C.12 Catalogues. Boston, 1859-71. B* ♦R. R., L. 17 and *6200a.29 ContciKs.— Index to the lower hall. 15)59. 2(M pp.; Biilletlni, showing titles of books added !> the library. Vol. I. No. 1-19. 18li7-71. 1871. aU7-^ pp. ; Lower Hall. Class list for works in the arts and srieiires. 3d edition. 1871. 71 pp. ; Class lint for Eiigliuli prose fle- tion, including translations and juvenile dctlun. 5th edition. 1871. 7ii pp. ; Class list fur iH>ctry, the drama, rhetoric, elocution, collections, periodicals, and miscci- ■• lanrous works. lsteston branch. List of bonks, periodicals, oiid books of ref- erence. 90, 2 pp. 187L Class list for works In the arts and sciences. 2d edition. [Hoston. 1871.] 71+ pp. 8» . •6200a.30 Both, Carl. Small-pox. Boston. 1872. 50 pp. 12". 5799».7 BOURGOIN, Edme. De I'alimentation des enfants et des adultes dans une ville assic^gec. ct en par- ticulier de la viande do cheval. Paris, 1870. 28 pp. 8» -3768.50 — Du ble ; sa valeur alimentairc en temps de sidgc et de disette. Paris, 1871. Zi pp. 8» . . . . 3708.50 BOCROOING, FraiKjois de, comte. Histoire diploma- tique de I'Europo pendant la revolution fran- jaise. Ire partie. Piiris, I860. 2 v. 8° . . . 6295.1 Content*. — Vol.1. Origine de la coalition. II. 1, 2. Premiere coalition. BowDiTCH,Henry Ingorsoll . Memoir of Amos Twitch- ell. Boston, 1851. v, 212 pp. 12» . . . E. B. 198.13 Boy's, The, favourite. Vol. 1. Deo. 1870— June 1871. [Notitle-p.ige.] London, 1370, 71. 344+ pp. Sm. f • 1891.2 and E. B. 75.6 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. The Levels otArden. Leipzig. 1871. 2 v. Sq. lO" . 730.79 and E. B. 249.24 Same. With illustrations. New York, 1872. 179 pp. 8» 421.20 Brat, Anna Eliza. Hartland forest: a legend of North Devon. London, 1871. 223+ pp. 1 pi. Illustrated. Sm. S» 755.17 Brennecke, W. Sir Isaac Newton. Posen, 1866. 29 pp. 8* 6541.10 Breuillac, Georges. Campagnes de la Loire et do la Sarthe pendant la guerre Franco- Allcmande, 1870-71. Niort, 1871. vlil, 259+ pp. 1 fac- BimUe. 1 map. 18o 2929.84 BRITISH 30 CLAB8ICI Shelf. No. British heroes and -worthies. With portraits. Lon- don. [1871]. 224 pp. Bm. 4» *2445.54 Bkoce, Mn. Carey. Sunday echoes in weekday hours. [3d series.] The joumeyings of the children of Israel. London, 1871. viii, 476 pp. 16° 447.26 Brown, 'Williara. The labour question. Thoughts on paper currency and lending on interest. Philadelphia, 1872. 240 pp. 16» 3649.50 Bbown, William H. History of the first locomotives in America. New yorli, 1871. x, 242 pp. Illustrated. 8» A.200.11 Brcennow, Francis. Tables of Iris computed with regard to the perturbations of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Dublin, 1869. viii, 89 pp. 4». **E.175.10 Bryant. H. B., Stratton, H. D., and Packard, Silas 8. National book-keeping. New York, [I860]. 216 pp. L. 8» E.B. 381.4 Buchanan, James. Office and work of the Holy Spirit. 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1842. 519 pp. 16» 3459.61 Bdddington, Zadel Barnes. Can the old love ? A novel. With illustrations. Boston, 1871. 198 pp. 8» 421.18 Bdffon, George Louis Leclerc, comte de. Natural history. Illustrated. London, N. D. 224 pp. 16" 176.27 BniiWER-LYTTON, Edward (George Earle Lytton), lord Lytton. My novel. Philadelphia, 1871. 2 V. 16" E. B. 244.27 Bdonafede, Appiano. Delia istoria e della indole di ogni fllosofla. [Vol. 4, Della restaurazione di ogni fllosofla nei secoli 16, 17, 18.] Milano, 1837, 38. 4 V. Portrait. 8» *2801.55 Burgh, Nicholas Proctor. Modern marine engineer- ing. Illustrated. London, 1872. 403-f pp. 4» . 3951.50 BUKNHAM, George P. Memoirs of the United States secret service. And life of H.C. Whitley. 18 illustrations. Boston, 1872. 436 pp. Portrait. 8» 276.19 and E. B. 214.3 Burton, Richard Francis. Zanzibar; city, island, and coast. London, 1872. Illustrated. 2 v. S" . 5052.5 BuRVENiCH, C. The metric system of weights and measures. 2d edition. London, 1871. 96 pp. 16» 3687.3 C, L. 8. The fairy glass. With illustrations. Phila- delphia, 1872 [1871]. 66 pp. 16» 500.49 CffiSAR, Caius Julius. Commentaries [outlined and explained] by A. TroUope. Edmburgh, 1870. vi, 182 pp. 16» E. B. 192.2 OAIiLCOTT, Lady Maria. Little Arthur's history of England. New edition. London, 1869. xi, 253+ pp. Illustrated. 12» 969.11 Campagne, La, de Mctz. Par un general prussien. [Prom the German, with preface and notes.] Bruxelles, 1871. 84 pp. 1 map. 8» 2627.57 Campardon, fimile. Documents inedits sur J. B. PoqueUn Molitire. Paris, 1871. 76-|- pp. 8m. 120 2707.6 Campbell, Dudley. Compulsory education. 2d edition. London, 1870. 45-|-pp. 8" . . . .3598.50 Campbell, George Douglas, duke of Argyll. Pri- meval man. An examination of some recent speculations. London, 1869. ix, 2004- pp. Illustrated. 16« 1096.6 Cappelletti, Giuseppe. Le chiese d' Italia dalla loro origine siuo ai nostri giorni. Venezia, 1844-46. 4 V. 8» *5513.31 Cappelli, Antonio. Fra Girolamo Savonarola e notizie intorno il suo tempo. Modena, 1869. 110 pp. F" 4740.2 Capper, Samuel James. Wanderings in war time : journeys in France and Germany, 1870, and 1871. London, 1871. xv, 334-f- pp. Sm. 8» . 2828.51 Carlos, Calixto Bustamante. El lazarillo de ciegos caminantes desde Buenos-Ayres hasta Lima, con sus itinerarios segun la mas puntual obser- vacion. Sacado de las memorias que hizo Alonso Carrio de la Vandera. Gijon, 1773. Unp. 1 folded sh. 8m. 8» 4368.16 Carnot, Lazare Hippolyte. Memoires sur [L. N. M.] Carnot. Paris, 1861,63. 2 v. Portrait. 8» . 2645.52 Carre, Marius. Nouvelles recherches sur I'ataxie locomotrice progressive (myelophthisic ataxi- que). Avec figures. Paris, 1805. v, 349 pp. 4 pi. 8» 3805.56 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, — . Carter, Thomas. Curiosities of war and military studies. 2d edition. Illustrated. London, 1871. xi, 411 pp. lOO 5959a.24 Cathedral, The. Published in aid of the Cathedral fair, Oct. 24-Nov. 29, 1871. Vol. 1. 'F.o. 1-6. [No title-page.] Boston, 1871. F" 7460.15 Sbelf. No. Catholic record,The. Vol.1. Philadelphia,1871. 8» . *5467.14 C.*.nSES, Les, de nos desastres. Projetde reorganisa- tion de I'armee. Par un offlcier d'etat-major de I'armee du Rhin. Bruxelles, 1871. 239 pp. 8" . 2657.54 Cavacci, Jacopo. lUvstrivm anachoretarvm elogia. Venetiis, 1625. (14), 157. (9) pp. 32 pi. and illustrated title-page. 4" 5552.6 Cavelier DE CuvERViLLE, Jules Marie Armand. Appendice aux Etudes thdoriques et pratiques sur les armes a feu portatives. Documents etrangers traduits et annotes. Ire Uvraison. Avec planche. P-aris, 1867. 21+ pp. 8» . . 5956.7 Caxton, Laura, pseud. See Comins, Lizzie B. Ceruti, Antonio, editor. La seconda Spagna [da Ugonetto conte di Pietrafltta] , e L' acquisto di Ponente ai tempi di Carlomagno [da Aldolieri d' Ascalona] . Teste di hngua inedite del sec. xni. Tratti da uq ms. dell' Ambrosiana. Bo- logna, 1871. Ixxxviii, 271+ pp. 1 fac-similo pi. 160 Vol. 33of*4762.1 Cesarotti, Melchior. [Opere scelte.] Milano, 1820. 4 V. Portrait. S" *2801.53 Contents. — Vol. I-III. Poeaie di Ossian. IV. Saggi sulla filosofia delle lingiie e del gusto; Kagionameiito sul diletto della tragedia ; Lettera di un Paduvauo. CHAFFER.S, William. Hall marks on gold and silver plate, illustrated. 4th edition. London, 1S72. 112+ pp. 1 pi. and I p. of wood-cuts. 8" . *2433.50 Chaignet, Antelme fidouard. La vie et les ecrits de Platon. Paris, 1871. xi, 556 pp. 18» . . . 3005.13 Cham, pseud. See Noe, Amedee de. Champfleurt, pseud. See Husson-Fleury, Jules Francois FeUx. Chasles, Michel. Les trois Uvres de poriames d'EucUde. Paris, 1860. ix, 324 pp. 8» . . . 3926.52 — [Various pubUcations.] v. p., 1837-39. 40 . . 3921.53 Ctmtents. — Apergu hiatoriquo' eur I'origine et le dS- yeloppement des metliodes en geometric, suivi d'un meinoire sur la dualitS et rhomograpUic. Bruxelles. 8.51 -t" pp. — Sur I'origine de notre systerae de numera- tion. N. P. 12 pp. — Histoire de I'algebre. N. P. 15 pp. , Chatterbox. Edited by J. E. Clark. London, [1871] . iv, 411+ pp. Illustrated. Sm. 4» . E. B. 75.4 ChAtterton, Thomas. Poetical works. With an essay on the Rowley poems by W. W. Skeat, and a memoir by E. Bell. London, 1871. 2 v. Sm. 8» 2468.51 Chellis, Mary Dwinell. Molly's Bible. Boston, [1869]. 404 pp. Illustr.ated. 16» . . . E. B. 267.14 Cheney, Ednah D. Patience; a series of thirty games with cards. Boston, 1870. 96 pp. Il- lustrated. Sm. 16» 1198.17 — Social games with cards. Boston, [1871], 134 pp. Sm. 16» 1198.16 Chenu, a. Le memorial de Napoleon in. Paris, 1872. vui, 423 pp. 18« 2649.58 Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, Philip Dor- mer. Child, Lydia Maria. Looking toward sunset. From sources old and new, original and selected. Boston, 1871. 445+ pp. 12» E. B. 207.14 Christmas locket. The. A holiday number of Old and New. Boston, 1871. 96 pp. 8». 1902.3 and E. B. 392.3 Church, Florence, formerly 3fias Mam/at. Nelly Brooke. Boston, n. d. 255 pp. 8» .. E. B. 241.23 — Too good for him. Boston, n. d. 193 pp. 8°. E. B. 241.22 ClAXDlNI, Enrico. Riposta all' opuscolo Schiarimentl e rettiflche del generale Lamarmora. Firenze, 1868. 38 pp. 8» 4724.2 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Cicero [outlined and ex- plained] by W. L. Collins. Edinburgh, 1871. 197+ pp. 16» E. B. 192.3 CiCOGNARA. Leopoldo. Dei quattro cavalli riposti sul pronao della basilica di 8. Marco. Vene- zia, 1815. 34 pp. 4» 2732.50 Claretie, Jules (Arnaud). L'cmpire, les Bonaparte et la cour. Documents nouveaux sur I'histoire du premier et du second empire d'aprfes les papiers imptiriaux inedits. Paris, 1871. iii, 27iH- pp. 12" 2649.56 Clark, William Adolphus. Hard knocks ; or. Who is first? A satire. By Anicetus [pseud.]. ' Boston, 1872. 118 pp. Illustrated. 16" . . . 2409.57 Clarke, Richard H. Lives of the deceased bishops of the Catholic church in the United States. New York, 1872.. 2 v. Portraits. 8"> . . . . 3555.53 Clarke, R. S. The doctor's daughter. By Sophie May.lpseud.] Boston, 1872.330 pp. 16". E. B. 18.41 Classici italiani del secolo xviii. [No title-page.] Milano. 1818-50. 161 v. 8". Namely: — — Alfleri, V. [Opere soelte.] 4 v *2801.50 CLASSICI 31 CRUIKBHAIIK. Shelf. No. C1.A88ICI italiani del secolo xvm, continued. — Algarotti, F., conte. Opere scelte. 3 v •2801.51 — Barelti. G. [Opere.] 4 v *2801.52 — Beccaria. C. (B.). marchene. Opere. 2 v. . . *2801.5a — Buonafede, A. Delia ktoria e della indole di ogni fllosofia. 4 v *2801.55 — CesaroUl, M. [Opere scelte.] 4 v *2801.56 — Cocchi.A. [Opere.] 3v *2801.57 — Custodi. P. Continuazione alia storla di Milano di Pietro Verri •2801.58 — Denlna, (G. M.) C. Delle rivoluzionl d' Italia. 3v. . . . . •2802.50 — Fllanglerl, G. La scienza della legislazione con glunta degli opuscoli scelti. 6 v *2802.51 — Genovesi. A. Della diceosina, o eia della flloso- fia del giusto e dell' onesto *2802.52 Lezionl di comtnercio, o sia d'economla civile. 2 V •2802.53 Logica e metaflsica *2802.54 — Gerdil, G. 8. Opere scelte. 3 v *2803.50 — Giarmone, P. [Opere.] 14 v •2802.55 — Goldoni. C. Coramedie scelte. 4 v *2803.61 — Gozzl, G. Opere scelte. 5 v •2803.62 — Gravina. G. V. Opere scelte *2803.53 — Guglielminl. D. Delia natura de' fiumi. Trat- tato fisifo-miitematico. Con Ic annotazioni di Eustachio Manfred! . 2v •2803.54 — Lanzi, L. Storia pittorlca della Italia al fine del 18 secolo. 4v •2803.55 — Maffei, (F.) S., marchete. Verona illustrata. 6v. . . . . •2804.50 — Muratori, L. A. Annali d' Italia all' anno 1749. 18 V. •2804.51 Dissertazioni sopra le antichitk italiane. 6 v. •2805.51 Della pcrfetta poesia Italiana: con le annota- tazlonl critiche di A. M. Balvini. 4 v •2805.50 — Parini, F. Opere pubbllcate per cura dl Fran- cesco Reina. 2v •2805.52 — RaccolU di apologhi scrittl nel secolo xvm . . *2805.63 — Raccolta di commedle scritte nel secolo xvin. 2 V *2805.54 — Raccolta di melodrammi giocosi scrittl nel secolo xvm •2805.55 — Raccolta dl melodrammi serj scritti nel secolo xvm. 2 V •2805.56 — Raccolta di operette fllosoftcho e fllologiche scritte nel secolo xvm. 2v •2805.57 — Raccolta di poemi didascallci e di poemetti vaij scrittl nel secolo xvm . , ^2805.58 — Raccolta dl poesle liriche scritte nel secolo XTiu. •2805.59 — Raccolta dl poesio satlrlctae scritte nel secolo xvm •2805.60 — Raccolta dl prose e lettere scritte nel secolo xvm. 3v •2805.61 — Raccolta dl tragedle scritte nel secolo xvm. 2 v. •2805.62 — Spallanzanl, L. [Opere.] 6v •2806.50 — Statins. P. P. La Tebaide del cardlnale CorneUo Bentivoglio •2801.54 — Tiraboschl, G. Storla della letteratura italiana. 16 V *2806.61 — Trapassl, P. (B.), called Motastasio. Opere scelte. 5 v *2803.56 — Varano, A. Opere scelte ^2807.50 — Verri, A., conte. Opere scelte. 2 v *2807.a2 — Verri. P., conte. Opere filosofiche e di economia polltica. 2v •2807.51 Storia di Milano. 2 v •2807.53 — Vico, G. B. Principij di una scienza nuova d' intorno alia comune natura delle nazioni. 2v . •2807.54 — Zanotti. K. Trattato teorico-pratico di pros- pettiva •2807.55 — Zanotti, F. M. Opere scelte. 2 v •2807.66 COBDKN, Paul, piieiid. The beckoning series. Who will win? Boston, 1871. 303 pp. 16» . . E. B. 21.19 CocCHi. Antonio. [Opere.] Milano, 1824. 3 v. Por- trait. 80 •2801.57 ContenU. — Vol. I. DiscorBi e lettere. II. Dei baBiii di Pisa. III. Consult! niedici cou un' appcDdice d' altri scritti in parte iuediti. CocKTON, H. Life and adventures of Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist. New edition. London, N. D. vlU, 53.5 pp. 16» E. B. 118.4 Coke, Sir Edward. First part of the Instltvtes of the lawcs of England : a commentary upon Littleton. 3d edition. London, 1633. vl, 395-[- pp. 8m. f » •669P.2 Collet, Pierre. Lifcof St. Vincent of Paul. Trans- lated from the French. Baltimore, 1847. 347 pp. 120 55599 COLLINGWOOD, Cuthbert. A vision of creation. A poem. London,1872. xxxvil,217+pp. Sm.8''. 6567.1 COLUNI, Lorenzo. Codice del gius delle genti In terra e in mare. [No title-page.] Firenze, 1806. (9), 2-30, (4) ff. F« •7610.T Xote. — 25 copies only were printed, on large paper. Tnis copy is No. 2. CoUiiNS, James B. The private book of useful alloys and memoranda for goldsmiths, jewellers, etc. London. [1871]. 96pp. 8q. 16« A.202.2 COIXINS, Mortimer. Two plunges for a pearl. A novel. With Illustrations. New York, 1872. 122 pp. 8» 421.14 Cou.rN8, William Lucas. Ancient classics Tout- lined and explained] for English readers. Kamehj : — yEschylus. By R. 8. Copleston E. B. 192.1 Cwsar, C. J. By A. Trollope E. B. 192.2 Cicero, M. T. By W. L. Collins E. B. 192.3 Herodotus. By G. C. Swayno K. B. 192.4 Uomerus. The Iliad. By W. L. ColUus . E. B. 192.5 The Odyssey. By W. L. Collins . . . E. B. 192.6 Iloratius Flaccus, (^. By T. Martin . . , E. B. 192.7 Sophocles. By 0. A. Collins E. B. 192.8 Virgilius Maro, P. By W. L. Collins . . E. B. 192.9 Xenophon. By Sir A. Grant E. B. 192.10 Collins, (William) Wilkie. Poor Miss Finch. With illustrations. New York, 1872. 1964- pp. Portrait. 16» 421.19 and E. B. 241.18 COMIN8, Lizzie B. The Hartwell farm. By Laura Caxton [nseud.\. Illustrated. Boston [1871]. 200 pp. 12« . 755.18 and E. B. 246.27 CONANT, Caleb A. Grandmother's scrap-book. Bos- ton, 1869. xil, 384 pp. 16« . E. B. 325.21 OOOKE, George. Charts of classic art, embracing photographs and descriptions, of works of ancient Greek sculpture, and of the modern • masters. Istseries. No.l. Boston, 1872 [1871]. (27) pp. 9 photogr.iphs. 4« •A.220.2 OOOLET, Arnold James. The toilet and cosmetic art* in ancient and modern times. London, 1866. vlil. 804 pp. 8m. 8« 6008.17 COOPEK. James Fenimore. The bravo. Illustrated. New York. 1872 1 1871]. 460 pp. 12* . . .•••4399.29 — The headsman. Illustrated. New York, 1872 [cop. 1859]. X, 8-496 pp. 12" •••4399.33 — Lionel Lincoln. Illustrated. New York, 1872 \cop. 1859]^. 464 pp. 2 pi. 12o •••4399.30 — The weptof Wish-Tou-Wlsh. Illustrated. New York, 1872. 474 pp. 12* ••♦4399.32 CORMARO. Lulgi. Sure methods of attaining a long and healthful life. Translated from the Italian. 30th edition. Ixmdon. 1872. xx, 112 pp. 16* . 3769.36 COL-BCELLE Seneuel, Jean Gustave. L'heritAgo do la r^voluUon. Paris, 1872 [1871]. xi, 323 pp. go 2617.51 CODBCELLES, Jean Baptlste Piene Julien. chmalUr de. Dlctionnalre unlversel de la noblesse de France. Paris, 1820-22. 5 v. 8m. 8« . . . . ♦2639.51 Content: — In s«rie. Vol. I. A-L: 11. M-Z. tirie.l Vol. III. A-M; IV. N-Z; SuppKment. •*rie.] Vol. V. A-Z; SuppWment. C3e Coyrovs, Elliot C. France in 1870-71. An address, before the Cooper union. New York, Feb. 10, 1872. New York, 1872. 60 pp. 8« 2627.74 COWTAN, Robert. Memories of the British museum. London, 1872 [1871]. vii. 428pp. Portrait. 8» . 6127.1 Cox, Edward William. Spiritualism answered by science. London, 1871. vi, 56 pp. 8» . . . .3607.51 — Same. New York, 1872. 79 pp. 16* 125.11 Cox, George William, and JONES. Eustace Hinton. Popular romances of the middle ages. Lon- don, 1871. xl. 410-1- pp. Sm. 8« 2478.51 Coze, L, and Feltz, V. Recherches surles maladies infectieuses etudi(;es specialcment au point do vue de I'etat du sang ct de la presence des fer- ments. Avec 6 planches. Paris, 1872. 324 pp. go 3797.54 Craik, David. The practical American millwright and miller. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1871. X. 17-432 pp. 8'> A.200.10 Craik. Dinah (Maria) MviXoch, formerly Miss Muloch. Hannah. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. Sq. 16». 750.54 and E. B. 249.25 Cbebier, W. H., editor. The magician's own book. By the author of " The secret out," etc. With 2(K) illustrations. London, [1871]. 325 pp. 16». 186.11 CrOOKES, William.- Select methods in chemical analysis. (Chiefly inorganic.) Illustrated. Lon- don, 1871. xvi. 468 pp. 12» ....... • .3976.52 CRaKSHANK, George. A descriptive catalogue ^ot his] works, etchings, woodcuts, lithographs, etc:]. Compiled by G. W. Eeid. With an CRUtKSELANK 32 DUQUET Shelf. No. Crdikbhank, George, continued. essay on his genius and works by E. Bell, and 313 illustrations. London, 1871. 3 v. 4" . . *4570.7 Oaruents. — Vol. I. Text. II, III. Plates. CciSiNifeHE, La, assi^g^e, ou Part de vivre en temps de 8i6ge, par une femme de manage. Paris, 1871. 36 pp, 8m. 12" 2628.85 CdIiTure, The, of pleasure ; or, the enjoyment of life in its social and religious aspects. By the author of " The mirage of life." London, 1872. XX, 417 pp. 8m. 8» 2552.2 CuMMiNG, W. Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts. New York, 1872. xiv, 372-|- pp. Illustrated. 8m. 8» 696.21 and E. B. 233.9 CnPPi.ES, Ann Jane. A knitting-book of counter- panes: toilet-covers, pin-cushions, and other articles of fancy work. Edinburgh, 1871. 32 pp. 16« 189.47 — Singular creatures, and how they were found. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 333 pp. Illustrated. 16» . 447.18 CcRTins, Ernst. History of Greece. Translated by A. W. Ward. Revised after the last German edition, by W. A. Packard. Vol. 1, 2. New York, 1871. 2 v. 12» 5077.12 CnsHiNG, Luther Steams. Manual of parliamentary practice. Boston, 1872. 189 pp. 16» . . E. B. 159.2 CcsTODi, Pietro. Continuazione alia storia di Mi- lano di Pietro Verri. Milano, 1850. xxx, 290 pp. Illustrated. 8" *2801.58 Dahlgren, John A. Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871]. 308 pp. Portrait. 120 537.39 Dakin, Celia V. See Hamilton, Celia V. Dajite A1.1GHIERI. The Divina commcdia, trans- lated into English verse, by J. Ford. London, 1870. xvi, 430 pp. Sm. S" 2798.50 — Omaggio, oft'erto dai cattolici italiani nel maggio 1865, sesto ceiitenario dalla sua nascita. Roma, 1865. vi, 6564- pp. Portrait. 80 4792.2 Dark blue. The. Vol. 1. London, 1871. 8» . . . *7317.50 Darwin, Charles (Robert). On the movements and habits of climbing plants. London, 1865. 118-|- pp. Illustrated. 8» 5847.12 Davis, Andrew Jackson. Mental disorders. Boston, 1871. 487 pp. 1 pi. 12» 3809.50 Davis, Paulina W. A history of the National wo- man's rights movement, for twenty years, with the proceedings of the decade meeting, Oct. 20, 1870, [etc.]. [Appended^ecture on con- stitutional equality, by V. C WoodhulL] New York, 1871. 119, 28-fpp. 8» 5565.50 Day, Henry Noble. Logical praxis. New Haven, 1872. viii, 148 pp. 12» 3609.55 Decombes, v. ifetudes sur I'exploitatlon du cherain de fer de csinture de Paris. Thorigny, 1870. 96 pp. 16» 8018.17 De Forest, John W. Kate Beaumont. With illus- trations. Boston, 1872. 165 pp. S". 411.13 and E. B. 241.20 DeIiAPERCHE, Hippolyte. Essal de philosophic ana- lytique. Paris, 1872. 443+ pp. 8« 3608.54 Deligny, fidouard Jean Etienne, Arm6e de Metz. Paris, 1871. 82+ pp. 12<> 2629.82 DeIiSARte, FranQois (Alexandre Nicolas Ch6ri). Ar- chives dv chant. Hymnes, proses et antiennes, dispos^es conformement av type harmoniqve consacr^ par I'antiqve tradition de I'^glise. [Paris,] N.D. 4v. L.4» *8041.51 Dempsey, G. Drysdale. Iron applied to railway structures. Illustrated. London, 1850. 42-f- pp. 10 pi. 4« A.200.9 Denina, (Giacomo Maria) Carlo. Delle rivoluzioni d' Italia. Milano, 1820. 3 v. Portrait. 8" . *2802.50 De Puy, William Harrison. Threescore years and beyond. Illustrated edition. New York, 1872. 512 pp. L. 8» 2245.52 Deschamps. Auguste. Histoire de la chute du second empire. Paris, 1871. 488 pp. S" . . 2648.51 Destaminii,, — . La cuisine, pendant le siege. Paris, [18711. 24 pp. Sm. 12» 2628.85 Detail and conduct of the American war, under Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and lord Howe. 3d edition. London, 1780. 190 pp. 8" 4427.26 Dedtsch-franzosische Krieg, Der. Chronolo- gische Uebersioht. 6te Aufl. Leipzig, 1870. 2 V. in 1. 671+ pp. Portraits, maps and illus- trations. 16" 2829.52 Deutsche classiker des mittelaltors. Mit Wort- und Sacherklarungen. Begr-Undet von Franz Pfeif- fer. Leipzig, 1866-71. 11 v. Namely : — Shelf. NO. Deutsche classiker, etc., continued. — Eschenbach. or Eschilbach, W. von. Parzival und Titurel. Herausgegeben von K. Bartsch. 3 V 4858.« Deutsche Kriegs-Zeitung, 1870, 1871. Redigirt von A. Schrieker. [1871. Nebst Kriegsgeschichte, von W. Zimmermann.l Mit artistischen Bei- tragen. Stuttgart, 1870, 71. 2 v. 4» . . . . *4820.4 Dbutscher Volksfreund. Bin Wochenblatt fiir deutsche Familien in Amerlka. B. 1. New York. 1871. P" *7240.51 Dickens, Charles (John Huffam). The old curiosity shop. With illustrations. Boston, London, N.D. 2v. Sm. 8» 471.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Old curiosity shop. U. Old curiosity shop, continued ; Reprinted pieces. — Schools and schoolmasters. From [his] writ- ings. Edited by T. J. Chapman. New York, [1871]. 215 pp. Illustrated. 12» 876.W — Cricket on the hearth. Dramatized. See Smith, Albert 1389.1 Dictionary of the derivations of the English lan- guage. With definitions, and the pronuncia- tion of each word. Glasgow, 1872 [1871]. 400 pp. 160 *2489.51 Dtbz, Katharina. Heinrieh Heine's erste Liebe. Ro- man. Berlin, 1870. 344+ pp. 16" 4879.16 Distant cousins. By the author of " What makes me grow ; " etc. With 12 illustrations. Lon- don, 1872 [1871]. 179+ pp. 16" 733.14 Dixon, William Hepworth. The Switzers. Lon- don, 1872. X, 364 pp. 8» 4862.1 DOANE, George H. To and from the passion play. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 311pp. 1 pi. 16" . . , 678.21 DOD's peerage, baronetage, and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland, 1872. London. T1872]. 16».*2438.1 DODGSON, — . Alice's adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll [p.^eud'\. With illustra- tions. Boston. 1872. 192+ pp. 10» . . E. B. 22,33 — Through the looking glass. By Lewis Carroll fpnend.]. With illustrations. Boston, 1872 1871]. 224+ pp. 16'>. . . . 743.13 and E. B. 22.29 Same. London, 1872. 224+ pp. Sm. 8» . . . 755.13 DOELIilNGER, Johann Joseph Ignaz von. Fables re- specting the popes of the middle ages. Trans- lated, with introduction and appendices, by A. Plummer. London, 1871. Ixiv, 302 pp. 80 . 3517.51 Dor6, (Paul) Gustave, and Jerrold, (William) Blanchard. London. Parti. London, [1872]. Illustrated. F» *4560.3 Douglas, Amanda M. Lucia: her problem. New York, 1872 [1871]. 315 pp. 12» . . . . E. B. 322.37 DouRSTHER, Horace, Dictionnaircuniverseldespoids et mesures anciens et moderns, contenant des tables des monnaies de tons les pays. Bru- xolles, 1840. iv, 613+ pp. 8» *3685.50 Drake, Francis Samuel. Dictionary of American biography, including men of the time. Boston, 1872. xiv. 1019 pp. 80. *2345.55; *R.R.,L.17; and E. B. *R.R.,D.5 Draner, anagrammatic pseud. See Renard. — . Drew, Benjamin. Pens and types : or hints and helps for those who write, print, or read. Boston, 1872. 128+ pp. 16» 1137.22 Droz, Gustave. Le cahior bleu de MUe Cibot. 20e Edition. Paris, N. D. 374+ pp. 18» . . . . 2679.64 Dublin. Oaelic society. Transactions. Dublin, 1808. 8» *2477.51 DucROT, Jules Ambroise. La journ^e de Sedan. Paris, 1871. 159 pp. 2 maps. 8<> 2625.66 DUDEVANT, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin. The countess of Budolstadt. By George Sand \ pseud.']. Translated by F. Robinson. Phila- delphia, [1870]. 16» 426.24 — Handsome Lawrence. A sequel to " A rolling stone." By George Ba.nA.\ pseud.]. Trans- lated from the French by C. Owen. Boston, 1871. 122 pp. 80 421.16 DuMAS, Alexandre (Davy). Bragclonne. Philadel- phia, N. D. 288 pp. 8» E. B. 321.30 — The iron mask. Philadelphia, [cop. 1850]. 4- 420 pp. 8" E. B. 321.31 — Louise la Vallifere. Philadelphia, [1851.] 384+ • pp. 8» E. B. 321.33 — The three guardsmen. Philadelphia, N. D. 239 pp. 80 E.B. 321.32 DiJnster, H. p. Young collector's handy-book of botany. London, 1871. vi, 168 pp. 16 pi. 16». 168.3 DuQUET, Alfred. Irelande et France. Paris, 1872 [1871], 206+ pp. 3 pL 120 2469.80 DUTOT 33 FRERK Shelf. No. Ddtot, S. France et Br^sil. Notice eur Dona Fran- cisca par M. Aub6. 2e i'diUon. Paris, 1869. 430+ pp. Map. 8» 2316.52 East India company. Catalogue of the lepidopter- OU8 insects in the museum. By T. Horsheld, and F. Moore. London, 1857-69. 2 v. in 1. v, 440+ pp. 36 pi. 8» *3897.50 Easti-ake. Charles Lock. A history of the Gothic revival. Ix)ndon. 1872 [1871]. xvi,427+pp. Illustrated. 8m. 4» •4103.21 Eden, Ilmi. Emily. Letters from India. Edited by her niece [lion. Eleanor EdenJ. London. 1872 [1871]. 2v. 8m. 8'' . .6047.18 Edes, Harry Herbert. A memorial of Josiah Barker, of Charlestown. Mass. Boston, 1871. 25+ pp. 8» 4444.31 Educational year-book. New York, 1872. 222 pp. 120 *5597.13 Edward I. king of England. Life and reign of Ed- ward I. By the author of " The greatest of the Plantagenete." London, 1872 [1871]. xvi, 352 pp. Portrait. 8m. S" 2427.60 Edwards. J/r«. C. M. Sammy Seymour, the drunk- ard's boy. Three illuKtrations. New York, [1861]. 219 pp. 8m. 16" E. B. 29.6 El . . . *8102.8 "Fadette," /)«««(?. ^e-e Reeves, M. C. L. Fairy bells, and what they tolled us. Translated from the German by 8. W. Lander. Illus- trated. Boston, 1868. 204 pp. 12<> . . . E. B. 22.30 Farjeon, B. L. Joshua Marvel. Boston, 1871. 222 pp. 8» E. B. 241.21 Farrar, Frederick William. Eric. New York, 1871. 7-366 pp. 12» E. B. 325.18 Favke, Jules (Gabriel Claude). Rome et la rcpub- lique franjaise. Paris. 1871. 432+ pp. S" . 2754.5 Fenton, E. Dyne. Sorties from "Gib" [Gibraltar], in quest of sensation and sentiment. London. 1872. viii, 478+ pp. 8m. 8» 5097.24 Fergcsson, James. Rude stone monuments In all countries. With 234 illustrations. London, 1872. xix, 559 pp. 1 map. 8° 2235.51 Fern, Fanny, pseud. See Parton, Sara Payson. Ferri, Pictro Leopoldo, conie. Biblioteca femml- nilc italiana. [Parte bibliograflca.] Padova, 1842. 411+ pp. 8» *«162.11 Fedchtwanger, Lewis. A hand-book on silex. 1. On soluble glass. 2. On glass making. 3. A guide for soap making. New York, 1871. 347 pp. 12» A.202.6 I Shelf. So. Field, Walter. Stones of the temple, or lessons from the fabric and furniture of the church. London, 1871. 318+ pp. Illustrated. 16» . .3438.50 Fields, James Thomas. Yesterdays with authors. Boston, 1872. 352+ pp. VZ". 885.22. 2406.61 and E. B. 165.18 FiouiER, (Guill.iume) Louis. The to-morrow of death. Translated from the French by 8. R. Crocker. Boston, 1872. 395 pp. 12'. 119.20 and 3459.62 FiLANGiERi, Gaetano. La sclenza della legislazionc, con giunta degll opuscoli scelti. Milano, 1822. 6 V. Portrait. 8« *2802.51 DeUe Elofrio deir autore, [etc.]. • tivs. 11. D<"lle leg! Contmtt —Vol.1, rcgole gcncrali della scienza letjislati politiche cd economiche. III. IV. Dellc Icegi criniinau. V. Delle legKi •-•ho riguardnno 1' ediicazionc, i costunii e r irtruzionc pubblica. VI. Dollc Icggiclie rigiiardano r iatnizione pubblica. DeUe leggi che riguardaiio la rc- ligione. Upuscoli scelti. Fisher, Theodore Willis. Plain talk about insanity. With remarks on hospitals and asylums, and the medico-legal aspect of insanity. Boston, 1872. 97 pp. 4 pi. 8« . . . 3805.55 and E. B. 382.10 Fitzgerald, Percy. Principles of comedy and dra- matic effect. London, 1870. 368 pp. 8» . . 2477.52 Fledbiot, Z6naide (Marie Anne). Notre capitale Rome. Onvrage enrichl de 95 gravures. Paris. 1872. 318+ pp. 18« 4739a.8 Flotow. Friedrich (Ferdinand Adolphe) von. L'om- bre. Opera coniique. Partition piano seul arrang^e par A. Bazille. Paris [1872]. 118 pp. L. 8» 8042.62 Flte 8te Marie. Camille. Etudes analytiqnes sur le th^orle des parallMes. Paris, 1871. iv, 154+ pp. 8pl. S" 3925.53 FONTENAT, Louis Abel de Bonafons. abbi. Diction- naire des artistes. Paris, 1776. 2 v. 16» . . *8089.4 Ford. Theodosia. Christmas fairies. Philadelphia, 1872 [18711. 199 pp. Illustrated. 160 . . . . 500.50 Forester, Frank, paeud. See Herbert. Henry Wil- liam. FoBNERO.N. H. Histoire des d^bats politiques da parlemcnt anglais depuis la revolution de 1688. Paris, 1871. 270+ pp. 8» 4517.18 FORSTER, John. Life of Charles Dickens. Vol. 1. 18ia-1842. 2d ediUon. London, 1872 [1871]. 8« 2445.65 FORSTTH. James. The highlands of Central India. With map and illustratlonB. London. 1871. xU.472pp. 8» ..')045.51 Foster, Vere. Drawing copy book. London, w. d. 49 parts. Obi. 8» •8069a.22 FouRNiER, fidcuard. Les Prussiena chez nous. Paris, 1871. 402-}- pp. 18» 2627.70 FowLE, Thomas Wclbanke. The character of Christ : does it supply an adequate basis for a religion ? New York, 1872. 29 pp. 16" .3478.61 Fox. Tilbury. Skin diseases. 2d edition. London, 1869. viii, 472pp. Illustrated. 32» 5799a.6 France, ifivistry of state. Archives de la commis- sion des monuments historiques. le-129e li- vraison. Paris, 1855-N. D. 2 v. F» ♦F.9b.l — Mhiixtryoficar. Massif du Mont Blanc. Paris. 1865. Size, 22 in. X 28 in. fichelle en kilomi?- tres, 1-10.000 •M.8.20 ■Franklin, Benjamin. Complete works. With me- moirs of his early life, written by himself. 2d edition. London, [1811]. 3 v. Illustrated. 8» 4440a.26 Content: — Vol. I. Life; Letters and papers on elec- tricity. II. Letters and papers on philosophical sub- jects ; Papers on subjects of general politics. III. Paijcrs on American subjects ; Papers on moral subjects and the economy of life; Appendix 1, 2. Franklin-Berg ER, Victor. Contemporains, avant, pendant et aprfes la guerre. Paris, 1871. 140 pp. 18« 2627.71 Frauen-Anwalt, Dor. Organ des Verbandes deutscher Franenbildungs und Erwerbvereine. Jahrg. 1. 1870-71. Berlin, 1871. S" . . . . •5576.53 Frere, John Hookham. Works in verse and prose. A prefatory memoir by W. E. and Sir I3artlo Frere. London, 1872 [1871]. 2 v. 2 portraits. 8» 4564.12 Contenu. — \o\. I. Memoir; Contributions to Theml- crocosm; Miscellanies (Uft^-SG) ; Contributions to The anti-jacobin; Miscellanies. II. Translations from Aristophanes ; Theognis restitutus : Translations from " The poem of the Ciil " ; Miscellaneous translation*. FREYCINET 34 GREAT BRITAIN Shelf. No. Fbeyctnet, Charles de. La guerre en province pen- dant le si(5ge de Paris, 1870-71. Paris. 1871. 447 pp. 2 maps. 8<> . 2627.60 Gabokiau, jGmile. The mystery of Orcival. Trans- lated by G. M. Towle. New York, 1871. 168 pp. 8» 421.13 Gailhabadd, Jnles. L'architecture du 5me au 17iiie siecle et les arts qui en dependent. Publics d'apres les travaux in^dlts des priiicipaux architectes frangais et etrangers. Paris, 18.58. 4 V. Plates and accompanying text. 4" ; and atlas, 4'5 pi. F» *8102.9 : atlas *8084.3 Gaillardin. (Claude Joseph) Casimir. Histoirc du rfegne de Louis xiv. Ire partie. La France politique, religieuse, litteraire sous Mazarin. Paris, 1871. 8" 2657.56 Gaxezowski, Xavier. Trait6 des maladies des yeux. Avec 416 figures. Paris, 1872 [18711. xvi, 895 pp. 8» 3807.50 GaxI/Accini, Teofllo. Trattato sopra gll errori degU architetti. Vcnezia, 1767. xii, 81 pp. Illus- trated. F" 8100.50 Gamba, Bartolommeo. Gallcria del letterati ed artist! illustri delle provincie veneziane nel secolodecimottavo. Venezia, 1824. Portraits, with text. 2 V. 8<> *2746.50 Garnier, (Jean Joseph) Jules. Voyage autour du monde. Paris, 1871. 338-|-pp. 4 pi. 1 map. 18" 2269.50 Garnier, Jean Louis Charles. Le theatre. Paris, 1871. vii, 470-l-pp. 8» 8105.1 Gas-consomer's guide. The : a hand-book of instruc- tion on the proper management and economi- cal use of gas. With a full description of gas- meters, etc. Boston, 1871. 148 [144] pp. Illustrated. 16» A.202.1 Gadme, Jean Joseph. Ou en sommes-nous ? itnde sur les evencments actuels, 1870 et 1871. Paris, 1871. viii, 384 pp. 8" .2298.50 Gabtier, Th^ophile. Tableaux de si^ge. Paris, 1871. 376-^- pp. 12» 2627.72 Gavilan Peak, pseud. See Pope. Henry. Gayarr:^, Charles (E.Arthur). Fernando deLemos. . New York, 1872. 480 pp. 12» 475.2 GeneIiI/I, Christoph. Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Translated from the German by Charles Sainte Foi [pifiud. of filoi Jourdan] ; and from the French by T. Meyrick. London, 1871. xxviii, 357 pp. 16» 3658.50 Genovesi, Antonio. Delia diceosina, o sia dclla fllosofia del giusto e dell' onesto. Milano, 1835. xi, 578 pp. 8» *2802.52 — Lezioni di commercio, o sia d'cconomia civile, con un ragionamento sull' agricoltura e un altro sul commercio in universale. Milano, 1824, 25. 2 V. Portrait. 8" *2802.53 — Loglca e metafisica. Milano, 1835. v, 700pp. 8'>.*2802.54 Gerdil, GiacintoSigismondo. Operescelte. Milano, 1836. 3 V. Portrait. 8» *2803.50 Contents.— Yol. I, II. Ragionamento intomo alle opere di G. S. Gerdil; Introduzionc alio studio della religionc. III. Disscrtazioni sopia 1' originc del scnso morale e sopra 1' csistenza di Dlo. Gerstaeker, Fricdrich. In Mexico. Charakterbild au8 den Jahrcn 1864-^7. Jena, 1871. 4 v. 1 6" . 4466.13 GiANNONE, Pietro. [Opere.] Milano, 1823, 24. 14 v. Portrait. 8<> *2802.55 Contents. — Vol. I-XI. Vita di P. Giannone da Leo- nardo Panzini ; Istoria civile del regno di Nanoli ; Indice. Xn-XrV. Operepostuino-.Kf^., — XII, XIII. Apologia della istoria civile del regno di Napoli; Annotaziono critiche sopra il uono libro dclla storia civile di Napoli ; Riposta; Indice. XIV. Abbiura di P. Giannone; UfHiio di correro maggiorc; Osservazioni sopra la scrittura in- tomo la chiesa coUcgiata di 8. Maria della cattolica: Osservazioni deir abate Biagio Garofalo; Dei consigli edicasteri della cittadi Vienna; Ragioni del marchcse D. Mafleo Barberini ; Scrittura sulla collazione dell' arci- vcscovado bencventano; Sn|)plica sulla collazione de' benclicii ed oftici ; Document! e ragioni che giustificano la supplica; Explicatio nvmi cvivsdam Lvdovicl xn Francorvm regis. Gibbon, Edward. Decline and fall of the Roman empire. With notes, by H. H. Milman. New edition, [with] index. New York, 1860. 6 v. 120 4756.T GiBERNE, Agnes. Aim6e : A tale of the days of James n. London, 1872 [1871]. vii, 404 pp. Ipl. 16» 795.7 Gnxi. or Giu, Filippo Salvatore. Saggio di storia americana. Koma, 1780-84. 4 v. S" . . . .2388.51 Shelf. No. GiLLi, or GiEj, Filippo Salvatore, continued. Contents. — Yohl. Delia storia geografica, e naturale della provmcia dell' Orinoco. II. De' costumi degli onnochesi. HI. Dclla religionc, e delle lingue degli orinochesi. e di altri americani. IV. State prescnte di Terraferma. GiLLMORE, Parker. A hunter's adventures in the Great West. London, 1871. x, 336 pp. 8" . 2365.52 GiRARD. Jules. La photographic appliquco aux 6tudes g^ographiques. Paris, 1871. 86 pp. Illustrated. 18« . 8028.6 GiRARDiN, ilmile de. Du droit de punir. Paris. 1871. 440-1- pp. 1 folded sh. 8» 5618.6 GlCUABl, Giovanni Battista Carlo, conte. Della tipo- grafia Veronese. Verona, 1871. xiii, 196-t-pp. 8°, 1. P 6113.4 — editor. II libro di Theodolo, o vero La visione di Tantolo da un cod. del xiv sec. Bologn.a, 1870. xxxi, 95 pp. 16» Vol. 31 of *4762.1 G0DiN,A[lexi8?] Solutions soeiales. Paris, 1871. ill, 663^- pp. Illustrated. 8» 3567.51 GOEBEN. August von. Reise- und Lager-Briefe aus Spanlin und vom epanischen Heere in Marok- ko. Hannover. 1863, 64. 2 v. le" 5099.7 (JOLDONI, Carlo. Commedie ecelte. Milano, 1821. 4v. Portrait. 8» . . *2803.51 Contents. — Vol. X. Vita di C. Goldoni; TTn curioso accidentc ; II vero amico ; Pamela fanciuUa ; La bottega del caft'e. II. La locandiera; II cavaliere e ladama; L' impressario delle Smirne; L' avventuriere onorato; Terenzio. III. Gli aniori di Zelinda e Lindoro; Le gelosie di Lindoro ; Le inciuietudini di Zelinda ; La dama prudcnte: II Moliere. IV. Lavillcggiatura; Lesmanie per la villcggiatura; Le avventure della villcggiatura; H ritomo dalla vUleggiatiura ; H medico olaudese. GOODEVE, T. M. The elements of mechanism. 2d edition. London, 1871. viii, 269 pp. Illus- trated. 16» 5948.11 GooDSPEED, Edgar J. History of the great fires in Chicago and the West. With a history of Chicago, etc. Illustrated. New York. [1871]. 676 pp. 8" 2375.51 Goodwin. J/r«. H. B. Dr. Howell's family. Boston, 1872. 361 pp. 16" E. B. 323.20 Goodwin, William Frederic. Records of the pro- prietors of Narraganset township. No. 1, now Buxton. York county, Maine, 1733-1811. Con- cord, 1871. XX. 400 pp. 8" *2336.53 GOTHAiscHES genealogisches Taschenbuch der grjif- lichen Hauser. Jahrgang 45. Gotha, 1872. 32» *2839.51 GOTHAISCHES genealogisches Taschenbuch der frei- herrlichen Hauser. 1872. Jahrgang22. Gotha, 1872. 32» *2830.50 GouLDiNG, F. R. Cousin Aleck; or boy life among the Indians. London, [1871], viii, 245 pp. 16". Illustrated 719.14 Gozzi, Gasparo. Opere scelte. Milano, 1821, 22. 5 V. Portrait. 8» *2803.52 Contents. — Vol. I, II. Vita dl G. Gozzi; Osscrvatore. III. Osscrvatore; Lettere. IV. II mondo morale. V. ., Difesadi Dante; Prose; Novellettc eracconti; Novelle orientali tradotte; Componimenti varj. Granger, James. Letters between [him] and emi- nent literary men of his time. With miscel- lanies, and notes of tours in France, Holland, and Spain. Edited by J. P. Malcolm. Lon- don, 1805. 420, 114-1- pp. Illustrated. 8» .. 2447.51 Gra VINA, Giovanni Vincenzo. Operescelte. Milano, 1819. xix, 500-f- pp. Portrait. 8<> *2803.53 Contents. — Vita di G. V. Gravina scritta da G. B. Pas- «eri. D«Ila ragion poetica; Dclla trajedia; Discorso Bopra r Endimione di Alcssandro Guidi; Delia divi- eione d' Arcadia; Della istituzione de poeti; Regola- mento degli studi per nobil donna; Pocsic italiane. Gray, Mrs. Russell, and others. The rainbow stories for summer days and winter nights. London, N. D. 284 pp. Illustrated. 8» 755.14 Contents. —The seaside home, by Mrs. Russell Gray; The Northcrott lilies, by M. E. Siiipley ; Perils among pirates, by F. M. Wilbraham ; Headless and handless, by F. H. Wood ; Fritz, by G. Crockford ; The wanderer, by Lady Charles Thynnc. Great Britain. Department of justice. Commis- sioners of patents. Index, Alphabetical, of patentees and applicants, 1617-1870. London, 1854-71. 19 V. 8». Index, Chronological and descriptive, of patents applied for and patents granted, con- taining the abridgments of provisional and complete specific.itions for 1869-70. London, 1870,71. 2 v. 8°. GREAT BRITAIN 35 Shelf. No. Great Britatn, Gommissionern of patent*, contin. Index, Subject-matter, of patents applied for and granted, 1617-1869. London, 1854-71. 20 v. 8". Index to the foreign scientific periodicals in the Patent office library. Vol. 1. London, 18G7. 8». Journal, 1854-68. London, 1855-69. 15 v. 8»- Specifications of inventions, Jan. Ist-Dec. 3l8t, 1870. [London, 1871.] 34 v. text, 8«; 40 V. plates, f ». Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to bricks and tiles. 1619-1866. London, 1862, 71. 2v. 16*. Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to carriages and other vehicles for railways. 1807-66. London, 1871. xxxiv, 1496-f-pp. 16<>. Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to lamps, candlesticks, chandeliers and other illuminating apparatus; excluding inventions for lighting by gas or electricity. 1637-1866. London. 1871. xxvi, 678 pp. 16*. Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to music and musical instruments. 1694-1866. 2d edition. London, 1871. xiv, 520-|- pp. 16". Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to needles and pins. 1755-1866. London, 1871. xiv, 4424- pp. 16». Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to sewing and embroidery. 1765-1866. 2d edi- tion. London, 1871. xxli, 384-}- pp. 16». Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to sugar. 1663-1866. London, 1871. xvii, 442-|- pp. 16». Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to the production and applications of giis. (Ex- cepting gas engines.) 1681-1866. Loudon, 1871. 2v. 16». Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to the steam engine. 1618-1866. London, 1871. 4v. 16». Specifications. Abridgments of, relating to umbrellas, p.irasol8, and walking sticks. 1780- 1866. London. 1871. xxx, 152-|- pp. 16». Specifications, Abridgments of, relating to watches, clocks, and other timekeepers. 1661- 1866. Tx)ndon, 18f)8-71. 2 v. 16». — Specifications. Abridgments of. relating to weaving. 1620-1866. London. 1871. 2 v. 16». — India office. Pharmacopoeia of India. By E. J. Waring, assisted by a committee. London, 1868. xvi, 502-1- pp. S" *3788.52 — Parliament. Further correspondence respecting the sinking of British vessels in the river Seine by Prussian troops. London, [18711. v, 93-}- pp. F" 4510.11 North America. No. 1 (1871). Correspondence respecting the appointment of a joint high commission. London, 1871. 6-f- pp. F» . . 4510.13 No. 2 (1871). Despatch from her majesty's high commissioners, with copy of the treaty signed at Washington, May 8, 1871. London, 1871. r2-f- pp. F» 4610.13 No. 3 (1871). Instructions to her majesU-'s high commissioners, and protocols of confer- ences, held at Washington between February 27 and May 6, 1871. London, [1871]. 16-1- pp. F». . . . . 4510.12 Treaty between her majesty and the United States of America. Signed at Washington, May, 8, 1871. London. [1871.1 11-f- pp. F» . 4510.12 Grecs, Les, k toutes les epoques. Par un ancien di- plomate en Orient. 3e edition. Paris, 1870. 43G-f pp. 80 6074.4 Green, Samuel Abbott. The story of a famous hook : an account of Benjamin Franklin's au- tobiography. Boston, 1871. 14 pp. 8« . . . 4441.24 Green, Thomas Henry. Introduction to pathology and morbid anatomy. Illustrated. Philadel- phia, 1871. xii. 17-260 pp. 8» 3745.50 Greenm-ell, Dora. Cai-mina crucls. London, 1869. xii, 136^- pp. Illustrated. lO" 3449.67 Gregory, Donald. History of the Western high- lands and isles of Scotland, 1493 to 1626. Ed- inburgh, 1836. xxxix, viii. 453-|- pp. 8« . . . 2463.7 Grisceli.i de Vezzani. Arthur, self-styled Baron de Rimini. Memoires. Bruxelles, [1871]. 360 pp. 12» 2649.55 Grocott, J. C. An index to familiar quotations. 4th editioh. Liverpool, 1871. vi, 594-}- pp. 16" *2489.50 Guernsey, Clara F. Friends in need. Philadelphia, 1872. 480 pp. 4 pi. 16« 771.18 HENNESSY ; C^J > ^'/7> GnERNSET, Lucy Ellen. Lady Betty'B govemeks. '~^ JY New York, 1872. 369 pp. 16» 496.8 ^^ — The Langham revels. Philadelphia, 1872 [1871]. 416 pp. Illustrated. 16» 605.21 GcGLlELMiNl. Domenico. Delia natura de' fiuml. Con le annotazioni di E. Manfredi. Milano. 1821. 2 V. Illustrated. Portrait. 8» . . . ♦2803.54 GuiUiEMiN, Amddde. L'instruction republicalne. Paris. 1871. 336-|- pp. 16» 4659.51 GciELOTlN DE CORSON, — . abbi. R<5cita historiques, traditions ct Wgendes de Haute-Bretagne. lUe-ot-Vilaine. Arrondissement de Redon. Redon, 1870. viii, 205 pp. Bm. 12* 2839.52 Gl'IZOT. Franjois (Pierre Guillaume). Christianity viewed in relation to the present state of society and opinion. Translated. London, 1871. Ixxxii. 220+ pp. Bm. 8» 3488.62 Gutzkow, ( 'arl Ferdinand. Die Bohne Pestalozzi's. Roman. Berlin, 1870. 3 v. 16" 4879.15 H., I. Paradise transported and restored : shown at Christopher Whiteheads at the two wreathed posts in Shooe-Lane. London, 1661. Re- printed 1871. 6-1- pp. 8» *8573.5 Hadermann, Jeannette K. Dead men's shoes. A romance. Philadelpliia, 1872. 420 pp. 12» , 765.25 Hale, Anna Maria. Animal sagacity. London : N. D. 168 pp. 8q. 16» 175.31 Halt, Robert, pseud. See Vieu, Charles. Hamertos, Philip Gilbert. The unknown river [an etcher's voyage of discovery. Illustrated oy the author. London, 1871. vl, 68-j-pp. 37 pi. L.8» •A.225.10 Hamilton, Celia Y ., formerly Miss Dakin. A crown from the spear. Boston, 1872. vi, 172 pp. 8<> 431.29 and E. B. 261.63 Hamilton, James. Our Christian classics : readings from the best divines. London, 1869-66. 4 v. 12« 4557.4 Hamley, Edward Bruce. The operations of war explained and illustrated. 2d edition. Edin- burgh, 1869. xxiii, 456-}- pp. 17 maps and woodcuts. 4» 3954.50 — Our poor relations. A phllozoic essay. With lUustraUons., Edinburgh, 1872 [1871], 76+- pp. 16» 178.15 Hart, Charles Henry. Memoir of George Ticknor. Philadelphia, 1871, 24 pp. L. 8» . . . . %*D.201.10 Harting, James Edmund. The ornithology of Shakespeare. London, 1871. xxii, 321-f- pp. 8« . . r 2495.50 Hacbratii. a. Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschlchtc. Heidelberg, 1868, 72. 2 v. 8» 6425.10 C'onfenlf.— Vol. I. Die Zeit Jetu. VL. Die Zeit der Apostel. Haven, Gilbert, and Russell, Thomas. Incidents and anecdotes of E. T. Taylor. Boston, 1872. 445 pp. Portrait. Illustrated. 12« 637.40 Haviland. Alfred. The geographical distribution of heart disease and dropsy in England and Wales, illustrated by a coloured map. Edin- burgh, 1871. 61 pp. F» 6800.9 Haweis, Hugh Reginald. Music and morals. Lon- don, 1871. xiii. 576 pp. Sm. 8« 8049.32 — Same. New York, 1872. 478 pp. Illustrated. 12« E. B. 363.29 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from [his] French and Italian note-books. Boston. 1872. 2 v. 16« 1818.7, 2392.21, and E. B. 45.17 Haydn. (Franz) Joseph. Symphouien. Partitur. Leipzig. N. D. 2 v. 8» A.210.1 Haydn, Joseph, d. 1856. Dictionary of dates. 13th edition [published 1868], with a Supplement [June, 1868 -Dec], 1870. By B. Vincent. London, 1871. vii. 856, 56-f pp. 8» . . . *R.R., C. 15 Hayes, Isaac I. The land of desolation : a narrative of observation and adventure in Greenland. Illustrated. New York, 1872. 357 pp. ]2». 703.14. and E. B. 233.10 Heather. John Fry. A treatise on mathematical Instruments. 11th edition. London, 1871. vi, 186 pp. Illustrated. 12« 3939.50 Helps, Arthur. Thoughts upon government. Lon- don, 1872. viii, 245 pp. 8» 3565.53 Hengstenbekg, Ernst Wilhelm. Dissertations on the genuineness of the Pentateuch. Trans- lated by J. E. Ryland. Edinburgh, 1867. 2 v. go 5423,51 HENNE.SSY, W. J., and others. Edwin Booth In 12 dramatic characters. The portraits by W. J. Hennessy. The engraving by W. J.Linton. The biographical sketch by W. Winter. Bos- ton. 1872 1^8711. 51+ pp. 13 pi. 4» . . ♦2490.61 HENRY 36 JENKINS Shelf. No. Henry IV, of France. Cantiqve faict a I'honnevr de Diev apres la batallle obtenve svr les ligvevrs le 14 de mars, 1591. Paris, 18G3. 7+ pp. 16" . 2679.67 Hentz. Caroline Lee. Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. With illustrations. Philadelphia, [1872]. 21-322+ pp. 16» 000.53, and E. B. 346.13 Hepworth, George Hughes. Christ and his church. Two sermons. New York, 1872. 43 pp. 8» . 3465.50 Hekbert, Henry William. Frank Forester's {pieud.'\ sporting scenes and characters. With illustra- tions. Philadelphia, [cop. 1857] . 2 v. 16". .6008.19 Contents. — Vol. I. My shooting box ; The deerstalk- ers. II. The Warwick woodlands ; Tom Draw's visit to Pine brook ; The Quorndon hounds. Herodotus [outlined and explained] by Q. C. Swayne. Edinburgh, 1870. 1804- pp. 16<>. E. B. 192.4 Hermann, Conrad. Philosophie der Geschichte. Leipzig, 1870. viii, 666 pp. 8» 2307.50 Herrmann, Carl Heinrich. Bibliotheca orientalis et Ijnguistica. Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1850- 68 in Deutschland crschienenen Biicher, Schrif- ten und Abhandlungcn orientalischer und sprachvergleichender Literatur. Halle, 1870. 184-j- pp. 8» *6174.1 HXSBA Stretton, pseud. See Smith, Hannah. Heyli,!, Georges d', pseud. See Poinsot, Antoine Edmond. Heywood, Joseph C. How will it end ? A romance. Philadelphia. 1872 [1871]. 301pp. 120 . . . . 788.17 HiNMAN, Royal Rodolphus. Catalogue of the first puritan settlers of Connecticut. Hartford, 1846. [New edition, consisting of portions of the original edition, and other portions of that edition reprinted; with an index. Albany, 1872.] 367 pp. 8» *2337.53 Huston, Henry L., editor. Plays, as produced by Edwin Booth. No. 1, 2. New York, [cop. 1868]. 2v. 120 6573 3 Contents. — [ Vol. I.] No. 1-3, 5. Shakspeare, "W. : No. 1. Richard III; 2. Macbeth; 3. Merchant of Venice; 5. Romeo and Juhet. 4. Taylor, T. The fool's revenge. CH.] No. 6. Payne, J. H. Brutus; 8. Shakspeare, "W. Othello. Hitchcock, Benjamin W. Half dime series of music for the million. No. 1^59. New York, [cop. 1868-71]. 4v. 8m. fo *8053.2 HODGDON, N. C. A denominational oiTering : from the literature of universalism. In 12 parts. Boston, 1871. 432 pp. S" E. B. 369.4 Hodge, Charles. Systematic theology. New York, 1872 [1871]. 2v. 8» 7460.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Introduction; Theology proper. II. Anthropology. HOEI-Li, and Yen-Thsong. Histoire de la -vie de Hiouen-Thsang et de ses voyages dans I'Inde, 629-645; suivie de documents et d'eclaircisse- ments geographiques tires de la relation origi- nale de Hiouen-Thsang; traduite du chinois 'par S. Julien. Paris, 1853. (6), Ixxxiv, 472 pp. 8« 5045.53 Hogarth, William, and others. Hogarth's frolic. The five days' peregrination around the Isle of Sheppey of William Hogarth and his fellow pilgrims, Scott, Tothall, Thonihill and Forrest. With sketches in sepia from the original draw- ings illustrating the tour. London. [1872]. xiv, 42-f- pp. Wood-cuts and 13 pi. 8m. 4» . 2467.51 HoiiBERG, Ludvig, baron. A journey to the world under-ground. By Nicholas Klimius [pseud.]. Translated from "the original. London, 1742. 324-1- pp. 8m. 12» 6568.13 HoijiiAND, Sir Henry. Recollections of past life. London, 1872. viii, 346 pp. 8m. 8» 2447.54 — Same. New York, 1872. x, 351 pp. 12». 585.17, and E. B. 195.12 Holt, Emily Sarah. Isoult Barry of Wynscote. A tale of Tudor times. London, [1871]. 408+ pp. 1 woodcut. 16° 795.8 HOMANs, Isaac Smith. The coin book, comprising a history of coinage ; [etc.]. With engravings of the principal coins. Philadelphia, 1872 [18711. 139-f- pp. 17 pi. 8» 2227.50 Homebus. The Iliad [outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins. Edinburgh, 1870. viii, 148 pp. ]6» E. B. 192.5 — The Odyssey [outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins. Edinburgh, 1870. 136+ pp. le". E. B. 192.6 Shelf. No. Hone, William. The year book, of dally recreation and information. 114 engravings. London, N. D. 856+ pp. 8» *2246.50 Hope, Ascott R. Texts from The times. 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1872 [1871]. xi, 252+pp. 16''. .2478.53 Hoppin, Augustus. Ups and downs on land and water. [A series of illustrations.] Boston, 1871. 48 flf. Obi. f *4500a.33 HORATius FiiACCUs, Quintus. Horace [outlined and explained] by T.Martin. Edinburgh, 1870. Ix, 203+ pp. 16" E. B. 192.7 HOBNE, Richard Henry. Orion : an epic poem. 9th edition. Boston, [London,] 1872. xxvii, 158+ pp. 16» 6568.14 HowEiL.s, William Dean. Their wedding journey. With illustrations. Boston, 1872 [1871] . 287+ pp. 16» 644.23 and E. B. 326.30 HowiTT, Mary. A pleasant life. London, [1871]. iv, 7-192+ pp. Ipl. 160 733.13 HowsON, John Saul. The companions of St. Paul. London, 1871. vi, 290+ pp. 8m. 8» 3558.51 HuMBER, William. A treatise on east and wrought iron bridge construction. Illustrated. 3d edi- tion. Vol. 1, text [with plates] ; v. 2, plates. London, 1870. 2 v. F» *8010.55 Hunt, Helen. Bits of travel. Boston, 1872. 104 pp. 12» 909.21 — Verses. Boston, 1871. 107 pp. Sm. 16<> . . . 339.19 Husson-FleOry, Jules Franjois Felix. Histoire de la caricature au moyen age, par Champfleury [pseud.]. Paris, [1871]. xx, 270+ pp. Illus- trated. Sm. 12" 4079.6 HcTTON, Charles. Course of mathematics. New edition, by W. Rutherford. London, 1841. vii, 895+ pp. 8» 3936.51 Huxley, Thomas Henry. Essays selected from Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews. London, 1871. 143+ pp. 16» 4559a.23 — More criticisms on Darwin, and Administrative nihilism. New York, 1872. 85 pp. 12" , . . 5827.22 Institdt zur Forderung der israelitlschen Literatur. Schriften hcrausgegeben unter der Leitung von L. Philippson, A. M. Goldschmidt, und L. Herzfeld. Namely: — — Loew, J. Beitrage zur judischen Alterthums- kunde 5488.15 Illustrated Christian weekly. Vol. 1. April 15- Dec. 30, 1871. [No title-page.] New York, 1871 *7240.50 Illustrated library of wonders. Namely : — — Marion, F. Wonders of vegetation. 1179.22 and E. B. 34.37 Infants delight. Vol. 2. London, [1871] . 141+ pp. Illustrated. Sm. 4» 345.23, and E. B. 75.5 Ingelow, Jean. Stories told to a child. 2d series. With illustrations. Boston, 1872. iv, 322 pp. 16» E. B. 21 23 Internationale, L', Karl Marx, Mazzini et Bakou- nine. Bruxelles, 1871. 16 pp. S" 5562.34 J***, E. Les vaincus de Metz. 3 cartes. Paris, 1871. iii, 323 pp. 8» 2627.63 Jaccoud, Sigismond. Traits de pathologic interne. T. 1. Paris. 1870. Illustrated. 8» 3795.54 Jacini, Stefano. Due anni di politica italiana (dalla convenzione del 15 settembre alia liberazione delVeneto). 3a edizione. Milano, 1868. 195+ pp. 8» 2726.50 Jacob, Arthur. Practical designing of retaining walls. Dublin, 1867. 23+ pp. Illustrated. 8''.A.201.1 Jacquemont, M. 8. La campagne des zouaves pon- tificaux en France, 1870-71. Paris, 1871. 203 pp. 1 pi. 18" 2627.73 Jalabert, C. the elder. Les cooperateurs du fusil a aiguille. [No title-page. Saint-Etienne, 1868.] 8 pp. 8» 5956.8 — Historique des armes se chargeant par la culasse et des fulminates employes a leur inflamma- tion. Saint foienne, v. d. 14+ pp. 2 pi. 8<> . 5956.8 — Notice historique sur le fusil a aiguille. [No title-page. Saint Etienne, 1866.] 15 pp. go 5956.8 Jacquot, Charles Jean Baptiste. La marquise de Courcelles, par Eugene de Mirecourt [pseud.]. Paris, 1871. 310-{- pp. 18" 2679.63 Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. Animal and vegetable parasites of the human skin and hair. Boston, 1872. 102 pp. Illustrated. lO" 3799.52 Jenkins, Edward. Lord Bantiira. A satire. New York. George Routledge and sons. 1872 [1871] . viii, 243 pp. 120 1827.8 — Same. New York : D. Appleton and co. 1872. 103 pp. 80 822.3 JENNINGS 37 O, "''If- LEICEBTKR V ^^\/ f ^ KOHDT. Adolpli. Alexander von Humboldt und das Judenthum. Leipzig, 1871. xv, 194 pp. 8" . 3487.50 KORTRIGIIT, Fanny Aikin. The true rights of -womau 2d edition. London, [1871]. viii, 69 pp. 8» 5576.52 KU£BNER, Raphael. Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der grlechiBchcn Sprache. 2te Auflage. Hanno- ver, 1869-72. a V. 8» 4985.4 CotUentt. — Vol. I. Elemcntarlchrc i Formenlehret Wortbildungdehre. U, At>tb. 1, 2. Syntaxe. Labobde, Jean Baptistc Vincent. Les hommes et les actes de I'insurrection de Paris devant la psychologie morbide. I'aris, 1872. iv, 1514- pp. 180 .4029.51 Lachmlnd, Friedrich. De ave Diomedea disser- tatio. Amsteiodaml, 1674. 62-|- pp. 2 pi. Bm. 120 5829a.2 La GtEHONNiERE Alfred de, romte. L'homme de Metz. 2e edition. Bruxelleg.1870. 79+ pp. 8». 2027.57 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de. Homer and Bocrates. Translated by K. W. Smith. With a brief biography. Philadelphia, 1872. 93 pp. 12" 4959.3 — Twenty-five years of my life, and memoirs of my mother. Translated by Lady Herbert. Lon- don, 1872. 2 v. Bm.S'' 2847.62 Lancewood, Lawrence, pseud. See Wise, Daniel. Lame, Edward William. Manners and customs of the modern Egv-ptians. fith edition. Edited by E.B.Poole. Loudon, 1871. 2 v. Illustrated. Sm. 8» 5059.11 Langenbeck, Conrad Johann Martin. leones ana- tomicae. Editio nova. Gottingae, n. d. 6 v. L. fo V. 1-3, •57.E. 1; v.4-5. *57.F.l ron/tnl*. — [Vol. 1.] Anglologia. [11.] Myologia. [III.] OMeuloeiaet Syndomolugia. [IV.J Splanckno- Tugia. [V.] Keurulogia. Lanoford. John Alfred. The Birmingham free libraries, the Shakespere memorial library, and the Art gallery. Birmingham, 1871. viii, 78 pp. 8». . . . ♦6126.6 Lanzi, Luigl. Storla pittorica della Italia al fine del ISsecolo. Milauo, 1824, 25. 4 v. Portrait. 8» *2803.66 Content: — Vol. I. La icuola florentina e la senccc. n. La Kuula romana e iiapolitana. III. La acuola veneziana e le leuole lombarde di Mantuva, Modena, Farma, Cremona c Milaiiu. IV. Ijb ncuole boloKpoae e fenarew, equclle di Geuova e del Fiemonte ; Indici. Larchet, (Etienne) Lorddan, and others. Memorial Illu8tr6 dea deux sieges do Paris, 1870-1871. Texte de L. Larchey. 320 illustrations. Paris, 1872. viii, 32U-t- pp. F» *4620.5 Laurent, Francois. Prlncipes de droit civil fran- ?ais. T. 6. Paris, 1871. 8» 6613.8 Lavebone, Louis Gabriel L(}once Guilhaud de. L'agriculture et la population. 2e Edition. Paris. 1865. xil, 468+ pp. 18' 3569.61 Lawrence, William Beach. Disabilities of American women married abroad. Appendix : conven- tions of naturalization, [etc.]. Marriage laws of various countries, as affecting the property of married women. New York, 1871. 144-f- pn. 8» 3664.2 Lear, Edward. More nonsense, pictures, rhymes, botany, etc. London, 1872 [1871]. 8m. 4» . 896.22 Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. The leaders of public opinion in Ireland : Bwift, Flood, Grattan, O'Connell. New edition. London, 1871. xxiv, 320 pp. Sm. 8» 4519.23 — Same. New York, 1872. xxiv, 320pp. 12» . . 894.18 Leclercq, fcmlle. La guerre do 1870. L'esprit parisien. 8e Edition. Paris, 1871. xv, 2194- pp. 12» 2629.85 — Le second empire fran<;ai8. De la prison de Ham anx jardins do Wilhelmshiehe. 4e Edition. Paris, 1871. 196 pp. 12» ^. . .2649.57 LEDEini., fedouard. Carapagnede 1870-71. Chateau- dun, 18 octobre, 1870. 2e(;dition. Paris, 1871. 13&H-PP. Imap. 8» 2625.67 Leech, John. Pictures of life and character. From Punch. lst-5th series. London, [1854-]69. 5 V. Obi. fo •4570a.5 LEOOUE8T, Venaiit Antoine L(5on. Des kystes syno- viatsx du poignet et de la main. Paris, 1857. 135-1- pp. 8''. 3740.51 Le Grange. IL M. Salted with fire. New York, 1872. 177 pp. 12« 478.25 Leicester, Masn. Celebration of the 150th anniver- sary of the organization of the town, July 4, 1871. Cambridge, 1871. 77 pp. 8» 4463.7 Shelf. No. Jennings, G. H. and John.^tone. W. S. A book of parliamentary anecdote. London, N. D. vl, 407-f- pp. 10" 876.20 Jevons, W. Stanley. The theory of political econ- omy. London. 1871. xvi, 267 pp. 8" . . . . 5645.1 Jewbt, Mary. Warne's every-day cookery. With illustrations in colours. London, [1872]. 364-}- pp. Sm. 8» 6008.21 JOHW, Eugenie. The little moorland princess. From the German of E. Marlitt [pneiid.] by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Philadelphia. 1872. 406 pp. 12». 425.9 and K. B. 325.20 Johnson, W. Forbes. An essay on the science of law and on Its reform. Dublin, 1870. vil, 140+ pp. 8» 5627.6 Jones, (Henry) Bence. The royal institution: its founder and its first professors. London, 1871. X, 431 pp. Sm. 8» . 2478.54 Jottrand, Lucien. Du repos hedomadaire. Bale et Gen5ve, 1870. 10.^- pp. 8" 3453.50 JODBERT, P. Ch., and Sagmer, Andr6. Le contrat social de Pavenir, suivi d'un projet de consti- tution du pcupic fran^ais. 2e edition. Paris, 1871. 10 pp. 8« 5562.83 JOCI.IN, Desird .Joseph. Les caravanes d'un chirur- gien d'iunbulances pendant le siege de Paris et sous la commune. Paris, 1871. 117+ pp. 12<' 3799.51 Journal des joumaux de la commune : tableau re- sume de la prcsse quotidiecne du 19 mars au 24 rnai 1871. Paris, 1872. 2 v. 18» 4629.52 Journal fiir Omithologie. Eiu Centralorgan fiir die gesammte Oruithologie. Zugleich Organ der Deutschcn. Omithologen-GeseilBchaft. He- rausgegeben von J. Cabanis [18CO-66. und Eduard Baldamus] . In Verbindung mit J. H. Blasius [u. a.]. Jahrg. 1-17. Cassel, 1853-69. 17 V. 8° *5908.50 Joyce, P. W. A hand-book of school management and methods of teaching. 3d edition. Dublin, 1867. 228 pp. Illustrated. 16» 3599.50 JuUAN, George W. Speeches on political questions. Introduction bv L. M. Child. New York, 1872 [1871]. XX, 472 pp. 8» 2392.61 JUTEAU. Joseph Fred(?ric. R.-ipport sur la campagne de I'Est (1870-1871). Paris, 1871. 71 pp. 1 map. 80 2625.66 Juvenile rambler; or, family and school journal. [No title-page.] Boston, 1832, 33. 2 v. 4» . ♦7390a.3 Kasthofer, Carl. Der Lehre Im Walde. Bern, 1828.29. 2v.ini. Illustrated. 8m. S" . . .3859.51 Kelley. William D. Speeches, addresses and letters on industrial and iinancial questions. Phila- delphia, 1872 [1871]. XXX. 514 pp. 8», . . .2392.52 Kersten, Otto, eOiUir. Carl Claus von der Deckcn's Reiscn in Ost-Afrika in den Jahrcn 1859 bis 1865. Leipzig, 1869, 71. 2 v. Illustrated. L. 8» 5061.8 CtmlrtUM. — I. Die Innel Sansibar; Relsen nac-h dem Nimisasii." iiiul (Icm .Schni , bergc KiUiiiaiidacliaro. II. Rei!*<>n Ini Iiineren und an der Kiiitte; Die ostafrika- nlsehi- Iiuclwelt ; Bciwn in den Landera der Galla und Sumali. KuuEN. Andreas. Der Wartberghof, oder die Raths- Eiche. Eine wahre Begebenheit aiis dem vori- gen Jiilirhundcrte. Aus dem Englischcn na- cherzahlt. Wicn, 1869. 34 pp. 8» 6566.1 Kino, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Ne- vada. Boston, 1872. 232+ pp 8». 623.20 and E. B. 235.5 Kino, Edmund Fil'ingham. Ten thousand wonder- ful things. With illustrations. Loudon, N.D. xvi, 084 pp. ]0» 6246.4 Kino, Thomas Starr. The White hills. With 60 illustrations. Boston, 1862. xv, 403+ pp. 8». E. B. 136.26 Kingston, William H. G. On the banks of the Ama- zon. London, 1872. 512 pp. lihislrated. 10» . 424.17 — Ben Burton ; or. born and bred at sea. London, 1872]l87l1. 2274- pp. Illnstrated. 16» . . . 756.26 Klein, J. L. Geschichte des Drama's. Leipzig, 1865-71. 8 V. in 9. 8» 4874.4 Cottlents. — Vol. I. Einleitunz. Griwhische TragC- dio. II. Die eriechische Koniodic unrt das Drama der Rflmer. III. Das aussercnrnpUische Drama und die latcln. Sclmusnicle iiach Cliristn* bis Elide des x. Jalirhunderta. IV'-\1I. Daa italienische Drama. VIII. Daa spanisclie Drama. Klimius. Nicholas, pseud. See Holberg, Ludwig, baron. Knight, Charles. Old England: a pictorial museum of antiquiUes. London, 1845, 46. 2 v. F" , . •4520.T LELAND 38 MARMORA Shelf. No. LEtAND, Charlps Godfrey. Meister Karl's sketch- book. Philadelphia, [18V2]. 287 pp. 8" . . . 876.18 — The music lesson of Confucius, and other poems. Boston. 1872. viii, ICS pp. 16» 1359.7 Lemonnvt.r, J. Les iouninux de Paris pendant la commune. Paris, [1871]. 94 pp. 12" *6165.1 Lenoir, Paul. Le Fayoum, le Sinai' et Petra. Ouv- ragecnrichidel3«-avure8. Paris, 1872. 332+ pp. 18» 3049.50 Leo L, Emil. Anleitung zum Tunnelbau. Quedlin- burg, 1853. 113-f- pp. 8 pi. 8° 8016.14 Leonard, Joseph, and co. Catalogue of engravings and etchings, of G. 11. De Vries and [others]. Sold, October 10-13 [1871]. Boston, 1871. 66 pp. 8° *8076.19 Le Petit, Alfred. Album de La Charge. Carica- tures publi(^es depuis le 4 septembre. [Paris, 1870,71.] 15 pi. F» *4620.4 Les 31 8(''ances oflicielles de la commune de Paris. Paris, 1871. 280 pp. IS" 2627.67 Leslie, ^f .Tdeline, pseud. See Baker, Harriet Newell (Woods). Letters to the ministry from governor Bernard, general Gage, and commodore Ilood. Also memorials to the lords of the treasury from the commissioners of the customs. Boston, 17G9. 108 pp. 8» 4429a.34 Levittocx, Henri. Philosophiede la nature. D'apriis la 3e (Edition polonaise. Bruxelies, 1872. 556-|- pp. 8» 3605.55 Levy, W. Hanks. Blindness and the blind. London, 1872. xvi, 518 pp. 1 wood -cut. Sm. 8» . . . 3809.52 Lewes, Marian J., formerly Miss Evans. Wise, witty, and tender sayings from the works of George Eliot [/x^Mrf.]. By A. Main. Edin- burgh, 1872. xvi. 331-fpp. 16» 2479.53 Ley, W. Clement. The laws of the winds prevailing in Western Europe. With charts, diagrams, etc. Part 1. London, 1872 [1871]. vi, 164+ pp. 8" 3965.50 LiDDON, H. P. Walter Kerr Hamilton; a sketch. 2d edition. London, 1869. 8<> 6547.17 LiGHTFOOT, Joseph Barber. On a fresh revision of the English New Testament. 2d edition. Lon- don, 1872. xxil, 259+ pp. Sm. 8" 3429.52 Lights and shadows in a canine life, with sketches of travel. [Anon.] London, 1871. vi, 115+ pp. 1 pi. 8» 435.17 Linton, William J. Claribel and other poems. [With illustrations by the author.] London, 1865. xi, 266+pp. 16° 6568.15 LiTTRfe, (Maximilien Paul) i^mile. Medecine et m6decins. Paris,- 1872. viii, 512+ pp. 80 .. 3717.51 LrvET, Charles Louis. Lc journal ofliciol de Paris pendent la commune. Histoire. Extraits. Fac-simile du dernier n" (■24mai). Paris, 1871. 8, 286 pp. 1 folded sh. 12» 2627.69 LocKiiART, Laurence W. M. Fair to see. New York, 1872. 163 pp. 8» 421.9 LOEW, Julius. Beitrage zur judischen Alterthum- skunde. B. 1. Ite, 2te Lief. Leipzig, 1870. 8» .• . . .5488.14 Contentt. — Graphische Bcquisitcn und Erzeugniise bei den Juden. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Poetical works. Complete edition. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1872 [1871]. xiv, 504 pp. 8" *2405.51 Lopez, Vincente Fidel. Les races aryennes du Perou, leur langue. lour religion. Icur histoire. Paris. 1871. 421+ pp. Illustrated. 8" . . . .2315.51 LORENZ, Alfred. Praktischer Tunnelbau in scinem ganzen Umfange, nebst Besohreibungen ausge- fUhrter Tunnelbauten. Wien, 1860. iv, 188+ pp. 8»;atla8, obi. f» . *8011.50 LovEJOY, Joseph C. and Owen. Memoir of E. P. Lovejoy. With an introduction by J. Q. Adams. New York, 1838. 382 pp. 12» . . . 4446.35 Low, C. R. Tales of naval adventure. With illus- trations. London, 1872. 331 pp. 12° ... . 756.27 Lucretius Carcs, Titus. On the nature of things. Translated into English verse, by C. P. John- son, New York, 1872. 333 pp. 16" ... . • 4927.4 LcEBKE, Wilhelm. Geschichte der Plastik. 2te Aufl. Mit [533] Holzschnltt-Illustrationen. Leipzig, 1871. 2v. 8» *A.225.5 — Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte. 5te Aufl. Mit [442] Holzschnitt-Illustrationen. Stuttgart, 1871. 2 V. 8» A.225.8 Lyne, Augustus A. The midshipman's trip to Jeru- salem and cruise in Syria. London, 1871. x, 450 pp. 3 pi. Bm. 8» 6047.17 Shelf. No. Lyon, 'William Penman. Homo versus Darwin : a judicial examination of "The descent of man." [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1872 [1871]. 155 pp. Illustrated. 16" 5827.23 Lytton, Lord. See Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (George Baric Lytton). Maccabe [McCabe], James D. The great republic; a descriptive, statistical and historical view. niustrated. Philadelphia, [1871]. 1118 pp. 80 ............. 2865.61 Mac Crib [M'Crib], Theophilus. Kennaquhair: a naiTative of Utopian travel. London, 1872 [1871]. viii, 3.35 pp. Sm. 8<> 14T8.H. Macdonald, George. David Elginbrod. Leipzig, 1871. 2v. Sm. sq. 16» 750.62 — Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. London, 1872. 299 pp. Illustrated. 16« 445.17 — The princess and the goblin. London, 1872. 313 pp. 160 500.55 and E. B. 22.32 — "Wilfrid Cumbermede. 14 illustrations. New York, 1872. x, 498 pp. 8° 496.7 Macduff, John R. Saint Paul in Rome. Sermons. London, 1871. 341pp. 1 photograph. 16» . .3459.60 Mackarnebs, Matilda Anne, form-frhj Miss Planche. Old saws new set. Illustrated. London. 1872 [18711. viii, 433 pp. Sq. 16" . . . . E. B. 268.8 Mac Piierson [McPherson], Edward. Pohtical his- tory of the United States during the period of reconstruction, (April 15, 1865, to July 15, 1870). Wa.shington, 1871. 9,048 pp. 8". . .2322.50 Macpher.«0n, Kobert. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, with an examination of the speculationa of Strauss, and the present position of theo- logical Inquiry in reference to the existence of God and the miraculous evidence of Christian- ity. Edinburgh, 1867. xliii, 467 pp. Sm. 8« . 3447,60 Macquoid, Katharine S. Patty. A novel. New York, 1872. 188 pp. 8» 793.11 Maffei, (Francesco) Scipione, marchese. "Verona illustrata. Milano, 1825, 26. 5 v. Illustrated. Portrait. 8» *2804.80 Magenta, Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de MacMa- hon, due de. L'arni6e de Versailles depuis sa formation jusqu'a la complete pacification de Paris. Paris, 1871. 45+ pp. 1 map. 8". . .2625.66 Magill, Edward H, French prose and poetry; being an advanced French reader. Also a treatise upon French versification. New York, 1870. xii, 448 pp. 12 » 2689.62 Maistre, Xavier de, comte. A journey round my room. Translated by H[enry] A[twellJ. London, 1871. xi, 152 pp. 16", 1. p 2678.66 Maitland, James A. Sartaroe : a tale of Norway. Philadelphia, [1857]. 448 pp. 12« . . . E. B. 267.18 Malleson, G. B. Recreations of an Indian official. London, 1872. xii, 467 pp. 16<> 5046.51 Mallory, Wheeler and co., JNew Haven, Conn. Door locks, knobs, padlocks, etc.. illustrated and described. Hartford, 1871. 292 pp. L. 4« *8010.54 Mandeville, Sir John de. Viaggi, volgarizzamento antico toscano, ora ridotto a buona lezione, per cura di F. Zambrini. Bologna, 1870. 2v.ini. 16° Vol. 31 of '*4762.1 Mandrot, (Louis) Alphonse de. R^sum^ de I'organ- Isation militaire de la Suisse. 2e Edition. Bale, 1871. 52 pp. 16° 6957.6 Manneking, May. pseud. See Nowell, H. P. H. Manning, Jacob Merrill. Half truths and the truth. Lectures on the origin and development of pre- vaiUng forms of unbelief. Boston, 1872. 398 pp. 16° 2095.23 Marcy, Randolph B. Border reminiscences. New York, 1872 [1871]. 396 pp. 12° 638.22 Marion, Fulgence. The wonders of vegetation. From the French. Edited by Scheie de Vere. 61 illustrations. New York, 1872. 2^3 pp. Sm. 8° 1179.22 and E. B. 34.37 Marlitt, E., pseud. See John. Eugenie. Marlowe, Christopher. Works, [edited] by A. Dyce. London, 1850, 3 v. 16° 6606.5 Con<«?««. — Vol.1. Life; Tamburlainc the Great ; The Jew of Malta; IT. Faustus; Faustiis (with a later text); Ballad of Faustus; Edward the Second; Massacre at Paris; Dido. III. Hero and Lcander; Ovid's elegies; ' Epigrams; First book of Lucan ; Appendixes, [etc^. Marmoka, Alfonso Ferrero, marcTiese della. II gen- erale La Marmora e la campagna del 1866. 2a edizione. Firenze, 1868. 130 pp. 8° . . . . 4724.2 — Schiarimenti e rettiflche. Firenze, 1868. 44 pp. 8» 4724.2 MARRTAT 39 NADAR Shelf. No. Makryat, Florence. See Church, Florence. Masi, Ernesto. Fra Girolamo Savonarola. I tempi e la satira di Giuseppe Giusti. Firenze, 1871. 126 pp. le" 4746.12 Massachusetts homceopathic hospital and the La- dies' aid association. 1st annual report, 1871. Boston, 1872. 8» *7804.9 MASSAcnusETTS temperance society. When will the day come ? Boston, N. D. 12° . . . £. B. 163.31 Conttntn. — Extracts fhjm the records of the Moss, so- ciety for the suppression of intemperance; Dr. Warren '■ iournals Dr. Carpenter on the use and abuse of alcoholic liquors ; Bishop Fottei'a address on the drinking usages of society. Matteucci, Carlo. Lezioni di fieica. 4a edizione. Pisa, 1850. 544+ pp. Illustrated. 8» . . . . 3967.51 May, Sir Tlionias Erskine. The constitutional his- tory of England. 1760-1860. 3d edition. Lon- don, 1871. 3v. 16» 2419.50 Mayer, Adolf. Lehrbuch der Agriculturchemie. Heidelberg, 1871. 2 v. 8« 5994.11 Contentt. — Vol. I. Die EmahrunR der grtinen Qo- ■wachse. II. Die Theorie des Feldlwues. Medical directory, 1872. London, 1866. 8» , . , , •4636.1 Medical, times, The. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1871. 8m. 4» •5711.50 Metastasio, Pietro (Bonaventnra). See Trapassi, Pietro (Bonaventura). Meeban. C. p. The fate and fortunes of Hugh O'Neill, carl of Tyrone, and Kory O'Donel, earl of Tyrconnel. 2d edition. Dublin, 1870. XX, 651 pp. 5 portraiU. Small 8» 4527.7 Meffray, — , comte de. Lcs fautcs de la defense de Paris. 2e edition. Paris. 1871. 87 pp. 18« . 2629.82 Melville, Herman. Typee. Revised edition, with a sequel. New York, 1871. xlv, 307 pp. 12» . E. B. 234.27 Memminger. Robert Withers. What is religion? Philadelphia, 1872. 246 pp. 12« 3459.60 Mehdelssoiin-Bartiioldy, Felix. Lettres in^ditcg. Traduites par A. A. RoUand. Paris, [18641. viii, 344-f pp. 18» 8049.34 Mercantile agency United States business direc- tory for 1SC7. New York, 1867. (4), 22-788 pp. 4» •2381.61 Meriden britaniiia co.. West Meriden, Conn. Illus- trated and descriptive price list of coiBn and casket trimmings. [Hartford, 1869.1 27 pp. Obi. f » *8070.62 — Illustrated catalogue and price list of heavily plated goods. THartford, 1871.] IW pp. and photographs. F* *8070.52 Meurs {Lat. Meurcius), Jan van. [Opera.] Ultra- jecti, 1080-87. 4 v. in 1. Sm. 4« ♦4967.3 Content: — De regno Laconico, libri 2. (8), 108 pp. — Firseeus. 51, (5) pp.— Helladii Boaantinoi chrestomathi«, cum notis. 71, (9) pp.— Themis Attica, sive do legibui Atticis, libri 2. Miles, Ellen E. Our home beyond the tide. And iindrcd poems. \8elections.\ Boston, 1872 [18711. 252 pp. Sm. sq. 16" 339.16 MUXETT, Mrs. Edward. An Australian parsonage. London. 1872 [1871]. xvi, 415 pp. 1 pi. 8* . 5046.10 Milton, John L. On the pathology and treatment of gonorrhoea. London, 1871. viii, 219 pp. Il- lustrated. 8<> *5774.21 MIRECOURT, Eugfcne Ac, pseud. See Jacquot, Charles Jean Baptiste. MoLESwoHTii, Guilford L. Pocket-book of useful formulae and memoranda for civil and mechan- ical engineers. 17th edition. With additions. London, 1871. viii, 440 pp. Obi. 16<> 5939a.5 MOLESv ORTH. William Nassau. History of England from 1830. Vol. 1. London, 1871. 8» . . . 4512.3 Moli£:r£, Jean Baptiste Poqueiln de. CEnvres com- pletes. Edition variorum. [Avec] notes [etc.]. Par Charles Louandre. Paris, 1869. Portrait. 3 V. 120 E. B. 277.8 Conlentt. — Vo}. I. Precis de I'histoirc du theatre 6n France ; Vie de Moliire ; La jalousie du barbouili^. Le ni6decin volant ; Letourdi ; Le depit amoureu.x ; Les pr4- cieuses ridicules ; SKuanarelle, ou le coco imaginaire ; Don Gracie de havarre; Lccole dcs maris; I/Ca fachcux ; L'^cole des femmes ; La critique de I'ecolc des fenimcB ; L'impromptu de Versailles ; Ix; mariagc Torc6. n. La princessc d'Elide ; Don Juan ; L'amour nif decin ; Le misanthrope; Le mWccin malgrfi hii; Mclieerte; Pastorale eomique; LeSicilien: Ix;Tartufe; Amphi- tryon; George Dandin ; Fete de Versailles ; Appen- dice. III. L'avarc; M. dc Fourceaugnac; Les amants magnifiques ; Le bourgeois gentilhomme ; Psyche; Lcs fourberlcs dc Scapin ; La comtesse d' Escarbagnaa ; Les femmes saTantes ; Le malade imaginaire ; Foities di- venei. Shelf. No. MONTARLOT, Paul. Journal de llnvasion. Chateau- dun (4 sept. 1870 — 11 mars 1871). Chateaudun, 1871. 306-1- pp. IS" 2627.68 Moquin-Tandon, (Christian Horace B^n^dict) Al- fred. Histoire naturelle des mollusqnes ter- restres et fluviatiles de France, lllustr^c. Paris, 1855. Text, 2 v. in 1; atlas, 1 v. 8» . 3871.50 Morale de I'invasion prussienne. Par I'autenr du Journal faumouristique du sii^ge de Sebastopol. Paris, 1871, 208 pp. 12" 2629.82 MORANTE, joaquim Gomez de la Cortina, marques de. Catalogue do [sal bibliothfcque. Prec6d6 d'une notice biograpniquc par Fr. Asenjo Barbieri et de quelques mots sur celte biblio- thfeque par M. Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1872. xl, 362-j- pp. 8» •6203.18 MORGANN, Maurice. An essay on the dramatic char- acter of Sir John Falstaff. [2d edition.] Lon- don. 1820. XV, 189 pp. 8" 6596.2 MORLEY. John. Voltaire. London, 1872 [1871]. xlii, 346-f pp. 8» 6646.2 Moscow. Soiiiti impSriale des naturalistes. Bul- letin. [T. 1^3.] Moscou, 1829-70. 43 v. in 74. Illustrated. 8m. 8» ^3837.7 MOTENS de construire un tuni)«l sous-marin reposant au fond de la mcr et destint* k relier par nn chemin de fer la France k I'Angfeterre. Syst^rae Ernest Martin et Gilbert Le Gay. [No title-page. Paris, 1869 ?] 15 pp. 3 pl. 4» 3950.50 Mozi^Y, James Bowling. A review of the baptismal controversy. London, 1862. viii, 393-1- pp. 8» 3464.6« Mdeblbach, Louise, pseud. Bee Mundt, Clara (Mueller). MuELLENHOFF, Carl. Deutsche Alterthumskunde. Band 1. Mit elner Karte vonUeinrich Klcpert. Beriin, 1870. 8» 4832.2 Mueller, (Frledrich) Max. Chips from a German workshop. London, 1867-70. 3 v. 8" . . . . 5028A Content: — Vol. I. The science of religion. 11. My- tholoKY, traditions, and customs. UI. Literature, Si- ograpny, and antiquities. — Same. New York, 1869-71. 3 r. Bra. 8» . . .2097.28 — Lectures on the science of religion ; with a paper on Buddhist nihilism, and a translation of the Dhammapadaor " Path of virtue." New York, 1872. iT. 300 pp. 8m. 8« 2096.21 Mueller, Johann. Lehrbuch der Physik und Me- teorologic. Thcilweisc nach Pouillct's Lehr- buch der Physik selbstiindig bearbeitet. 7t« Aufl. Braunschweig, 1868. 2 t. 3798 wood- cuts. 30 pl. 2 photographs. 8» 3967.50 MULOCH, Dinah (Maria.) See Craik, Dinah (Maria) Muloch. Mundt, Clara rMnellcr). Mohammed All and his house. An historical romance. By L. Mfihl- bach [pseud.]. Translated by Chapman Cole- man. With illustrations. New York, 1872. 229 pp. 8« 421.10 MuNK, Salomon. Palastina, geographische, histo- rische und archiiol{)gi8che Beschreibung. Nach dem Franzosischen. Bearbeitet von M. A. Levy. B. 1. Leipzig, 1871. le" . . . 5488.60 MURATORI, Lodovico Antonio. Annali d' Italia all' anno 1749. Milano, 1818-20. 18 r. Portrait. 8» •2804.51 C-1219. XI. VJ2a-V.*l7. XII. I.108-Ut99. XIII. I400-l.'iOO. XrV. IWl-Lira. XV. 1574-I(»2. XVI. 1653-1724. XVH. 1726-1749. XVIIl. Tavole cronolo- giche ed indico. — Disscrtazioni sopra le antichitk italiane. Con note. Milano, 1836, 37. 5 v. 8» *2805.51 — Delia perfetta poesia italiana : con le annotazioni critiche di A. M. Balvini. Milano, 1821. 4 v. 8» *2805.50 Mcs^ du Louvre, Paris. Notice des tableaux ex- ?oses dans les galeries. Par F. Villot. Paris, 868,69. 3v.ini. 12« 8079a.26 ContenU. — Vol. I. ficoles d'ltalie et d'Espagne. 16» Edition. — n. Ecolea allemande, flamande et nolland- aise. 9eMition. — m. Ecole frangaisc. 3e &lition. Musters, George Chaworth. At home with the Pat- agonians. With map and illustrations. Lon- don, 1871. XX, 322-1- pp. S" 2367.63 My young days. With illustrations by Paul Konewka. London, 1872 [1871]. 151-}- pp. Sq. 16« . . . 500.54 NADAB,p«eu<2. iS^eeToumacboQ, OiutaveF^lix. NAQUET 40 PHARMACEUTICAL Shelf. No. Naqdet, Alfred. Principles of chemistry, founded on modern theories. Translated fiom the 2d [French] edition, by W. Cortis. iii^vised by T. Stevenson. London, 1868. xxviii, 848 pp. 8» . f .3976.51 Nauman, Mary D. The enchanted princess. Phila- delphia, 1872 [1871]. 201 pp. Illustrated. 16« ......... 500.51 Naumannia. Archiv [1855-68, Journal] fiir die Or- nithologie, vorzugsweise Europa's. Organ der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gescllschaft [1851. Omithologen-VereinsJ . Kedigirtvon K, Bal- damus. Jahrg. 1-8. Cothea, [etc.], 1849-58. 8v. S" . *5908.6 iVo 751.7 Owen. Robert Dale. Beyond the breakers. Phila- delphia, 1870. 9-274 pp. 1 plate. 8". . E. B. 241.18 — The debatable land between this world and the next. New York, 1872. 542 pp. 12» . . E. B. 369.5 Page, David Perkins. Theory and practice of teach- ing. Added a biographical sketch of the author. 90th edition. Now York, 1871. 358 PP- 16° , 138.28 Paine, Martyn. Physiology of the soul and instinct, as distinguished from materialism. [3d edi- tion.] New York, 1872. 707-|- pp. Portrait. 8» 3605.54 Paxgrave, Robert Harry Inglis. The local taxation of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1871. xi, 124-1- PP- 8» 5647.22 Palikao, Charles Guillaume Marie Appollinaire An- toine Cousin-Montauban, comte de. Un ministfere de la guerre de vingt-quatre jours. Paris. 1871. 196+ pp. 1 map. 8» 2627.61 Pall Mai-l budget, The : a weekly collection of articles printed in the Pall Mall gazette. "Vol. 6. March 31 to Sept. 29, 1871. London, 1871. F» *7210.5O Paoli, Cesare, and Piccolomini, Enea, editors. Lettere volgari del secolo xnr, scritte da senesi. Illustrate con document! e annotazioni. Bo- logna, 1871. xxiv, 173-f- pp. 16<> . . Vol. 32 of *4762.1 Parieu, Marie Louis Pierre F^lix Esquirou de. • Considerations sur I'histoire du second empire et sur la situation actuelle de la France. [Anon.] 2e (Edition. Paris, 1871. 57 pp. 8» . 2625.68 Parigot, J. Th^rapeutique naturelle de la folio. L'air libre et la vie de famille dans la commune de Gheel. Bruxellcs, 1852. 129 pp. L. 12" . 3807.51 Parini, Giuseppe. Opere pubblicate per cura di F. Reina. Milano, 1825. 2 v. Portrait, 8" . . *2805.52 Contents. — Vol. I. Vita di G. Parini ; II giomo ; Odi j Canzonette j Sonetti ; Poesie piacevoli ; Poesie varie j Frammenti. 11. De' principj dolle belle lettere; Pareri e giudizj letterarj; Elogi; Discorsi; Dialogo della nobilta; Lct- tera; Programmi di belle arti. Pensieri diversii De- scrizione delle teste celebrate in Milano, 1771. Parisot, C. C. Valentin, and Liskenne, Louis. Dic- tionnaire portatif des rimes riches. Paris, 1835. XV, 569+ pp. Sm. 12» 6689a.36 Parsons, Theophilus. Elements of mercantile law. 2d edition. Boston, 1862. xcii,684pp. L.12» . 3671.3 — The infinite and the finite. Boston, 186 pp. 16" . 3459.59 PartON, Sara Payson. Ginger-snaps. By Fanny Fern [pseud.] New York, 1870. 312 pp. 16". E. B. 157.30 Pasquin, Anthony, pseud. See Williams, John. Pastedr, Louis, toelques reflexions sur la science en France. Paris, 1871. 40 pp. 80 7911.6 Paton, Chalmers I. Freemasonry and its jurispru- dence. London, 1872, [1871]. xx, 397 pp. 8» .3565.51 Pavy, Frederick W. A treatise on the function of digestion; its disorders, and their treatment. 2d edition. London, 1869. 218+ pp. 8» . . . 3765.52 Peak, Gavilan, pseud. See Pope, Henry. Pearson, Edwin. Angler's garland, and fisher's delight, for 1871. With woodcuts by T. Bewick. Westminster, 1871. 24 pp. 4» *6008.20 Pearson, Jonathan. Contributions for the gene- alogies of tho first settlers of the county of Albany, 1630 to 1800. Albany, 1872. 182+ pp. 8m. 4» *2337.52 PjfcGOT-OoiER, Eugfenc. The Fortunate isles ; or, the archipelago of the Canaries. Translated from the French by F. Locock. London, 1871. 2 v. Sm. 8» 5046.50 Pereira da Silva, Juan Manuel. Situation sociale, politique et (Sconomique de I'ompire du Bresil. Rio do Janeiro, 1865. 248+ pp. 18» 2369.51 Perraud, Adolphe. Les paroles de I'heure prc^sente, 1870 et 1871. Paris, 1872. 496+ pp. 18» . . .4629.53 Perry, William Stevens. Historical collections re- lating to the American colonial church. [Hart- ford,] 1870-71. 2 V. 40, 1. p *5520.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Virginia. U. Pennsylvania. Persano, Carlo Pellion, conte di. Diario privato- politico-militare nella campagna navale degll anni 1860 e 1861. Parte 1-4. 3a edizione. Torino, 1870, 71. 4 parts in 1 v. 16« 2729.15 Pharmaceutical journal. Index [Vol. 1, Old series, to Vol. 9, Second series. 1841-68.] London, 1857,69. 2v.ini. 8» *5717.3 / f^lli I ^'N PHARMACOPOEA 41 RACCOLTA '^^^liit Shelf. No. PHARMACOPOEA Austriaca. Editio sexta. Vlennw, 1869. X, 293pp. 8» •3785.51 Phuximore, »S't> Robert (Joseph). Commentaries upon intematioual law. 2d edition. London, 1871. 2v. 80 5616.4 Ptedagnel, Alexandre. Les ambulances do Paris pendant le si^ge. Paris, 1871. 106+ pp. 12<> . 2629.83 PiTRfe, Giuseppe. Nuovi profili biogranci di con- temporanei italiani. Palermo, 1868. 207+ pp. 16» 4746.11 — Profili blografici di contemporanel italiani. Pa- lermo, 1864. 189+ pp. 16» 4746.9 PitANCHft, Matilda Anne. /S'ee Mackamess, Matilda Anne. Plattner, Carl Friedrich. Manual of qualitative and quantitative analyeis with the blowpipe. From the last German edition. By T. Uiclitcr. Translated by H. B. Cornwall [and] J. H. Cas- well. New York, 1872 [18711. xv, 548+ pp. Illustrated. 8» 3976.60 Putt, Hermann. Zinzendorfs Thcologie. B. 1, 2. Gotha, 1869,71. 2 v. 8» 6465.26 Contentt. — Vol. I. Die anprQneliche Resundc Lchre Zinzendorfs. 1723-42. II. Die Zeit krankliafter Verbil- dungen in Zinzeudorfs Lehrweise, 1743-fiO. PoiNSOT, Antoine Edmond. Le livre rouge de la commune. Ertraitsdn Journal officiel. [Par] Georges d'Hcylli [pseud.]. Paris, 1871. xv, 173 pp. 18» 2628.86 — M. Thiers k Versailles. L'armistlce. Docu- ments officiels, publics par Georges d'Hcylli [pseud.]. Paris, 1871. 34+ pp. 8m. 12» .. 2628.85 Pole, William. Theory of the modern scientific game of whist. New York, 1872. 94pp. 12« . . . 189.39 POLI, Baldassare. Element! di fliosona teoretica e morale. Padova, 1837. 3 v. 8« 3609.64 Content t. — VoU I. FaicoloKia empirics. II. Logica e meta&sica. LU. Filosotia morale. POLIZIANO, Angelo (or more fully Angelo. Anglolo, or Agnolo Ambroginl, — by contraction CSii, — sumamed Polizlano, — in Lat. Polltisnus). Omnia opera et alia quaedam lectu digna. [Colophon.] Venetiis in sedibus Aldl Roroani, mense lulio M. IID. F» ♦4790.3 lConaUon. — K2 ff. (including title and index) not numbered by the printer, and incorrectly numbered by some fonncr owner as 449, th« title, the iiidex, and tlie last folio of sigiiaturu K — which \» blanic — not being taken into uccuunt. Following the suhwription or colo- phon arc two leaves containing a register of the catch- words, and some versei entitled " Monodia in likuren- tium Medlcem."] PONTMARTIN, Afmand Augustin Joseph Marie Fer- rard, comte de. Le radeaa de la M^duse. Paris, 1871. 301+ pj)- 18* 2628.87 Poou:. Francis. Queen Charlotte Islands. Edited by J. W. Lyndon. London, 1872. xlv, 347+ VV- Hlustiatcd. S" 2365.50 Pope, Henry. The struggle for existence. By Gavi- lan Peak [pseud.]. New York, 1872 [1871]. 71-f- pp. 12» 2409.56 POHTER, J. L. Life and times of Henry Cooke. Lon- don, 1871. XV, 504+pp. Iportrait. 2pl. 8» . 2445.53 Porter, Noah. The sciences of nature versus the science of man. New York, 1871. 98 pp. 12». 3919.60 Potiquet, Alfred. L'institut national de France, sea diverses organisations, ses mcmbres, ses asso- ci^s et ses corrcspondants, (1795-1869). Paris, . 1871. XX, 474 pp. 8« ♦4672.14 POTWIN, Mr». H. K. Ruby Duke. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 421 pp. 12* E. B. 267.5 POUCHET, Georges. De la plurality des races htunaines. 2e Edition. Paris, 1864. 234+ pp. 8" 2236.60 POUUN, P. Dieu selon la science. Bruxelles, 1871. xxl, 548+ pp. 18» 3609.56 Prentiss, E. Aunt Jane's hero. New York, [18711. 292 pp. 120 E. B. 324.27 Prescott, Harriet (Elizabeth). See Spofford Har- riet (Elizabeth). Pbice, Bartholomew. Infinitesimal calculus. [Vol. 1-3] 2d edition. Oxford, 1857-68. 4 v. 8» . .3926.66 Contenlt. — Vol.1. Differential calculus. II. Integral calculus, calculus of variations, and difl'erential equa- tions, m. Statics, and dynamics of material particle*. IV. The dynamics of material systems. Prime, Edward Dorr GriflSn. Around the world: sketches of travel. With iUustrationfl. New York, 1872. 455 pp. 16« 867.24 Shelf. Jto., Privat-Deschanei,, Augustin. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. Translated, with ad- ditions, by J. D. Everett. Illustrated. New York, 1872. 3 v. 8» 3967.62 Content* — Vol. I. Mechanics ; Hvdrostatics ; Hydrau- lics ; Pnemuatics. n. Heat. III. iBlcctricity and mag- netism. Proske, Carl. Musica dlvlna. Sive thesaurus con- centuum seiectissimomm ab excellentissimis Buperioris aevl musicis numeris hnrmonicis compositorum. Annus primus. Ilarmonias quatuor vocum continens. Ratlsbonae, 1853- 69. 4v. 4» ♦8041.65 Content/. — Vol. I. I..iber missarura. II. Liber motet- torum. HI. Psalmodiam, Magiiitlcat, Uymmxliam et Antiphonias B. Maria Virg. complecteni. IV. Liber vespertinui. — Selectus novus mlssamm pracstantissimorum superioris aevl auctorum, juxta codices origi- nalcs tum manuscriptos tum impressos edita- rum. Ratlsbonae, 18!)5-61. 2 v. 4» . . . . ♦8041.60 . Protestant episcopal church in the United States. Hymnal. New York, 1872. 491 pp. 16* . . . 3449.68 Prussia. Resultate der auf Btfohl sr. Majestat des Konigs Wilhelm I. von Preussen im Sommer 1868 nach Aegj-pton entsendeten archiiologisch- photographischen Expedition. Herausgege- ben von J. Diimlchen. Th. 1. Beriin, 1869. F" . ♦eOSO.O Content*. — Vol. I. Vorwort, [etc.], vom llcrausgeber; Uebcr das Seewesen der alten Aegyptcn, von Bcnihard Oraser; Bemerkungen zu den mitgothcillen Thierdar- ■tellungen, von Bobsrt Uartmann ; 67 Tafeln. PSAXMS and hymns for public worship. With an appendix. London [1863?] xvi, 197,93+pp. 24* 3449.60 PCTHAM, George Palmer. The best reading. Hints on the selection of books ; on the formation of libraries, etc. With a classified bibliography. New York, 1872. 255 pp. 12*. 1398.5, ^6125.7, *6125.8, and E. B. 155.19 "Q." Dramatists of the present day. Reprinted from "The athenseiim." London, 1871. vi, 140 pp. 8m. 8» 2479.62 QCERRY, A. Droit musulman. Rccucil de lols con- ccrnant les musulmans scbyites. T. 1. Paris, 1871. 8» 6610.6 QuESNOY, Ferdinand (D^sir^). Campagne de 1870. Armee du Rhin. Paris, 1872. ill, 235+ pp. Map. 8» 2628.61 Quetelet, (Lambert) Adolphe (Jacques). A nthropo- m^trie, ou mesure des difierentes facultes de I'homme. Bruxelles, 1871. 479+ pp. 2 pi. L. 8» 3605.63 QciNCY. Mass. Public library. List of books in the library, Jan. 1,1872. Boston, 1872. 26+pp. 8». ♦6142.1 Rabaud. Camille and £douard. Le repos hebdoma- daire. Bale et Genfevs, 1870. viii, 274+ pp. 8« 3454.66 Rabelais, Francois. Works. Translated from the French, with variorum notes, and illustrations by Gustavo Dor6. London [1871]. xx, 640 pp. 8m. 8» ♦2678.57 Raccolta di apologhi scritti nel secolo xviii. Mila- no. 1827. xviii. 419+ pp. Portrait. 8» . . . ♦2805.53 Raccolta di commedie scritte nel secolo xviii. Mi- lano, 1827. 2 v. Portrait. S' ♦2806.64 Content*.— Vol.J. Gigli, G.: llDonPilone; La so- rellina. — Albergati Capacelli, F. : Ilciarlatore maldi- cente; Le eonvulsioni. n. Pepoli, A. (E.) ! I prpgiudizj dell' amor propriot La icommessa. — Frederici, C. I I pregiudizj deipaeai piccolij II cappello parlante ; II delatore. — Sogran, A. (8.) : Olivo e Pasquale ; Le couvenienze tcatroli. Raccolta di melodramml giocosl scritti nel secolo XVIII. Milano, 1826. xvl, 673+ pp. Portrait. 8» *2805.55 C. Ifti-f pp. Illustrated. — Epis- tola ad aliquas oppositiones factas in su&s obscrvationes circa viperas. Ex Italica in Latinani translata. CNo title-page. J C2 pp. — Obser\'ationes, circa illas guttulaa et iila ex vitro 48; La reggenza dissimulata. l()48-lti63; Carlo Emanuele U. I(i63-ltj76; Govemo interiore. 1630- 1675. RiEGO DE La Branchardiere, Eleanor. The point lace sampler. London, 1871. 13 pp. 1 folded leaf. Obi. 16» 6009a.35 Robert, Charles (Frederic.) L'instruction obliga- toire. Paris, 1871. 158+ pp. 8" 3597.50 Robinson, W. Hardy flowers. Descriptions and directions for their arrangement, culture, etc. London, 1871. viii, 341+ pp. 1 pi. Sm. 8» 5847.11 ROBSON, William. Great sieges of history. New edition, including the siege of Paris. With coloured illustrations. London, [1871]. x, 742+ pp. le" 996.8 Rodrigues-Henriques, Jacob Hippolyte. Saint Pierre. Paris, 1871. xxxvii. 366 pp. 8<> . . 3555.52 Roe, Azel Stevens. True to the last. New York, 1871. 384 pp. 12» E. B. 243.28 Rogers, James E. Thorold. Social economy : lessons for the upper classes of primary schools. Lon- don, n.d. 127 pp. 16» 129.15 BOMAGNOLI 43 SHEPHERD Shelf. No. ROMAGNOLI, Qaetano. Scclta di curiosita letterarie , Inedite o rare dal secolo xm al XVII. Disponsa 1-120. Bologna, 1861-71. 34 v. 16» *4762.1 Cmlenls. — Vol. XXXI. Giuliari, O. B. C, edilor. n libro di Tlicodold overo la visionedi Tuntoln tla un ciia]. XXXIV. Bianehini, F. Carte da giiioco ill xervigio deli iatoria e della cronologia. — Sercainbi, O. Novclle. Roman, Le, do8 quatro flls Aymon. [fidition do Prosper Tarb6.] Rcimd, 1861. xxiv, 137 pp. 8» 2676.51 Roaur, Won de. Anthologie japonaise, traduitc en fraiKjais, et publico avec le taxte original. Paris. 1871. 70+ pp. 8» 5028.12 — Recueil de textes japonais. Paris, 1863. viil, 102 pp. 8« 5028.12 RosETTi. Maria Francesca. A shadow of Dante : an essay towards [his] study. Boston, [IvON- DO.N,] 1872. 296+ pp. 4 pi. 1 portrait. 16» . 862.13 Rothschild, Constance and Annie de. Ilixtory and literature of the Israelites according to the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. Abridged edition. London, 1872. xit, 4y8pp. 10"> . .3429,50 RouTLEUGE, E. Every boy's annual. With illustra- tions. London, 1872 [1871]. vhl, 696 pp. 8». E. B. 76.2 Rowley, Hugh. Oamosagammon ; or, hints on Hy- men. Illustrated. London, [18701. xvi, 237 pp. Sra. 8» 2478.58 ROTAL astronomical society. London. General Index to the first 38 volumes of the memoirs of the society. London, 1871. 54 pp. 8» . . . .**E.148.2 RcsKiN, John. [Worts. Revised edition. Vol. 1.] London, 1871. S" ♦2476.61 CotttmU. — iVol. I.] Sesame and Ulief. Reviied edition. Russell, Alexander J. The Red river country, Hud- sou's bay and North- West territories, consid- ered in relation to Canada. 3d edition. Mon- treal, 1870. XV, 197 pp. 8 pi. 1 map. 8» . 4467.28 RziHA. Franz. Lehrbuch der gesammten Tunnel- baukunst. B. 1. Berlin. 1867. 723-j-pp. Il- lustrated. 4* 8011.51 Sadlier. Dennis and James. Catholic directory, almanac, and ordo, 1870. New York, 1871. 12» •5549.9 Sadoleto. Jacopo. Opera quae exttant omnia. Ve- rouse, 1737, 38. 4 v. A" 3411,51 CmUenU. — VoX. I. Vita Sadoletl ; Epistolae. H. Epistolae ; Ad Paiilum Sadolctiim epistolarum liber; Ix-ttere italiauc ; Uratioiies ; Autonius FIoret>ellus: Urati<>[nes, etc.]. III. De regno Ungariac ab hosti- bii9 Turcicis oppresso ct capto ; De oliitu F. Frcuoii j P)iilo8uphicu3 c(>usolation«< et iiieditatiDiies in adverais; l)c libPTs recte iiistitucndis [«tc.]; De philosopbia; Poeniata ; Interpreta'ui in l' . .3488.53 Sa'i'sset. Adolphe. L'origine des cultes et des mys- t5res. Paris, 1870. 335+ pp. S" 3488.51 Saixaberrt, J. D. J. Chants populaires du pays basque; paroles et musique originales. Ite- caeillies et publi^es avec traduction fran9aise. B-iyonne, 1870. x. 415+ pp. 8» 8042.61 Salviati. Leonardo. Rime, secondo la lezionc ori- ginale. confrontata con due codici. per cura di L. Manzoni. Bologna, 1871. xv, 113 pp. W. Vol. 32of*4762.1 Sanborn, Albert J. Green mountain poets. Clare- mont, N. H., 1872 [1871]. 511+ pp. 12" . . , 2409.53 Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, AJnantine Lu- cile Aurore Dupin. Sander.s. John. Israel Mort, overman. With illus- trations. Philadelphia. 1872. 291 pp. 16» . . 806.22 Sangster, William. Umbrellas and their history. With illustrations. London, [1871]. 80 pp. Sm. 8» 6237.16 Barb, Michael. Memoires pour servir k la connais- sance des crinoides vivants. Avec 6 planches. Christiania, 1868. 65+ pp. 4« . 5882.1 and **E.175.13 Shelf. No. Saonders. Frederick. Salad for the solitary and the social. Illustrated. Now York, 1872. 626 pp. 8» 2405.52 Saunders. Katherine. The high mills. With Illus- trations. Philadelphia. 1872. 117 pp. 8" . . 421.15 Sayous. folouard. Histoire des Hongrois et de leur litterature politique de 1790 a 1815. Paris, 1872. xiv, 283+ i)p. 18« 2829.53 Scheffel. Joseph Victor and others. Gaudeamus ! Humorous poems. Translated from the Ger- man by C. G. Leiand. Boston, 1872. xix, ir4 pp. Sm. sq. l»i» 339.18 Scheffler. Hermann. Trait6 des stabilitds des con- structions. Traduit du I'allemand et annot^ par V. Fournie. Ire partie. Theorie des vofltes et des mura de sout^nement. Paris, 1864. Text, xi. 375 pp., illustrated; atlas. 19 figures. 2 v. 8» A.202.4 SCHELi.EN. H. Der elcktromagnetische Telegraph in den Hauptstadien seiner Entwickelung und in seiner gegenwiirtigen AusbllJung nnd An- wendung. nebst einem Anhange Uber den Betneb der elektriscben Uhrcn. 5te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1870. xxiii, 866 pp. Illus- trated. 8» 5965.8 — » Die Spectralanalyse in ihri;r Anwendnng auf die Stoue der Erde und die Natur der Himmelskur- per. 2te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1871. xvi, 619 pp. 5 portraits. IllustraU-d. S" . . . . 3927.51 — Spectrum analysis. Translated from the 2d Ger- man edition by J. and C. Lasssll. Edited by W. Huggins. With woodcuts, coloured plates and Angstrom's and KirchhoflTs maps. Lon- don, 1872. xxvl, 602 pp. 8» . 3'J28.54 and E. B. 382.16 Schwaase, Carl. Geschicnte der bildenden Kiinste. 2te Aufl. DUsseldorf, 1866-71. 4 v. 8» . . *4076.13 Cimtentt.—\o\. I, 11. Bei den Alten. m, IV. Im Mittelalter. Schneider. F. Maximilians i Kaiserreich und Tod. Mit Portraits von Maximilian i und Juarez, [2te Aufl.) Berlin, 1867. 32 pp. 8» 4849.9 SCHOULER, William. History of Massachusetts in the civil war. Vol. 2. Towns and cities. Boston. 1871. xli. 711 pn. 8» E. B. 131.10 Schwartz, Marie Sophie. Two family mothers. Translated fk-om the Swedish by 8. Borg and M. A. Brown. Boston, 1872. 217 pp. 8». 431.28 and E. B. 241.19 ScoviL, William E. A short-hand, with a simplifled system of verbatim reporting. Edited by W. E. Scovil.jr. New York. 1871. xii, 74+ pp. 9 pi. Illustrated. 16» 128.34 SCROPE, George Poulett. Volconoes. The character of their phenomena [etc.] . 2d edition. With a map, irontlspiece, woodcuts, etc. London, 1873. xl, 506+ pp. 8» 3867.61 Sercambi. Giovanni. Novelle. Bologna, 1871. Ix, 298+ pp. 16" Vol. 34 of *4762.1 Sexe, S. a. Boiumbroeen I Juli 1868. Med Traosnit. Christiania. 1869. [Appended, the same, in French.] 40 pp. 4» 7800.19 and **E.175.12 Seymoi'R, Silas. A review of the theorv of nar- row gauges as applied to main trunK lines of railway. New York, 1871. 56 pp. 1 pi. 8» A.200.8 Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion in some of their relations. New York, 1872. 197 pp. lO". E. B. 364.36 Shakespeare, William. Plays prepared for use in schools, clubs, classes, and families. With introductions and notes. By H. N. Hudson. Vol. 1,2. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 12« 6597.13 Contenlt.—\o\.\. Life; State and sources of the text; As you like it ; Tlio merchant of Venire ; Twcltlh night ; King Henry IV ; Jnliu« Ca!9ar ; Uainlet. II. The tempest : Wmter's talc ; King Henry V ; King Richard m: King Lear; Macbeth; Antony and Cleo- patra. — Bang Henry vni. Edited by W. J. Rolfe. With engravings. New York, 1872. 210 pp. Sq.16''. 359.21 and 6599.16 — The tempest. Edited, with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. With engravings. New York, 1871. 143 pp. 16" 359.20 and 6599.14 Shaw, Robert. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashghar (formerly Chinese Tartary), and return journey over the Karakor.iu pass. With map and illustrations. London, 1871. XV. 486+ pp. 8» 5045.52 Shepherd, Sophy Winthrop. Miss Roberts' fortune. A story for girls. By Sophy Winthrop. New York, [1871]. 428 pp. 12'> E. B. 324.28 SHIPLEY u l-HORVALDBEN Shelf. No. BHIPI.EY, Orby. A glossary of ecclesiastical terms. By various writers. London, 1872 [1871]. xiv, 508+ pp. Sm. 80 *3438.51 BiEVEKiNG, Amelia Wilhelmina. Life. From the German. Edited by C. Winkworth. London, 1863. xxviii, 520+ pp. 2 pi. Portrait. Sm. 8" 4846.13 BmUjES, — . A boy's voyage round the world. Edited by 8. Smiles. With illustrations. London, 1871. XV, 304+ pp. 16" 646.23 — Same. New York, 1872 [1871] . 289 pp. 12» . 646.22 Smiles, Samuel. Character. London, 1871. viU, 388 pp. 16» 876.17 — Same. New York, 1872. 387 pp. 12» . . E. B. 116.15 Smith, Adam. Nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Edited by J. E. Thorold Rogers. Oxford, 1869. 2 v. 80 5647.26 Smith, Albert. The cricket on the hearth. Drama- tized [from] Dickens. New York. N. D. 31 pp. 16» 1389.1 Smith, Francis S. Poems for the million. New York, 1871. 271 pp. 1 portrait. 16" ... . 346.25 Smith, Hannah. Bede's charity. By Hesba Stretton [pseud.]. New York, 1872. 311pp. 12». 505.22 and E. B. 267.10 Smith, John Barker. A pharmaceutical guide to the first and second examinations. London, 1870. xii, 194+ pp. 16" *3788.51 Smithsonian institution, Washington. D. C. Mis- cellaneous collections. List of foreign corre- spondents. Corrected to January, 1870. Wash- ington, 1870. 53+ pp. 8» *3350.1 SociftT^ genevoise d'utilite publique, Geneva. Du repos hebdomadaire. Par L. Jottrand. Bale et Genfeve, 1870. 105+ pp. 8" 3453.50 — Le repos hebdomadaire. Par C. et ]5. Rabaud. Bale et Genfeve, 1870. vili, 247+ pp. 8» . . . 3455.55 Somers, Robert. The Southern states since the war. 1870-1. With map. London, 1871. xii, 286 pp. 8" 2365.53 Somerset, Duke of. See St. Maur, or Seymour, Edward Adolphus. BoPHOCiiES [outlined and explained] by C. A. Col- lins. Edinburgh, 1870. 181+ pp. 16" . E. B. 192.8 BOREL, Albert. La grande falaise, 1785-1799. Paris, 1872. 320+ pp. 18» 2679.65 Bocthworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte. The lost heir of Linlithgow. Philadelphia, [1872]. 570 pp. 16° 444.10 and E. B. 344.12 Spalding, Samuel Jones. Spalding memorial : a genealogical history of Edward Spalding, of Massachusetts bay, and his descendants. Bos- ton, 1872. xi,619pp. 5 pi. 10 portraits. 8<'.*2335.56 Bpaixanzani, Lazzaro. [Opere.] Milano, 1825, 26. 6 V. Illustrated. Portrait. 8» *2806.50 Contents. -^Yo\.l— Til. Viaggl alle due Sicllie e ia alcuuc parti dell' Appcnnino; Appendice: Sopra di- versi animali. IV, V. Dissertazioni varie. VI. Opu- scoU di tisica animals e vegetabile. Bpenser society. Publications. [Manchester, 1867- 71.] 2 v. Namely : — — No. 9, 10. Wither, G. Juvenilia. 2 v *6605.9 Spiegei,, Friedrich. ErS.nisch6 Alterthumskunde. B. 1. Leipzig, WilhelmEngelmann. 1871. 8» . 5045.55 Contents.— Y oh I. Geographie, Ethnographie, und alteate Greschichte. Spofford, Harriet (Elizabeth) Prescott, formerly Miss Prescott. The thief in the night. Boston, 1872. 217 pp. 12» 479.22 and E. B. 266.19 Sprecher, Samuel P., andLLOTD, Thomas Spencer. Manual of the First Lutheran church, Albany. Albany, 1871. vi, 128+ pp. Illustrated. 16» . 5549.61 Squire, Peter. Companion to the last edition of the British pharmacopoeia, comparing the strength of its various preparations with other pharma- copoeias. 8th edition. London, 1871. xxxv, 397 pp. 8" *3788.50 — The pharmacopoeias of seventeen of the London hospitals. 2d edition. London, 1869. 8, 199+ pp. 16» *3789.50 Squire, William. Temperature-variations in the dis- eases of children. London, 1871. 66+ pp. 80.5779.22 Staatenoeschichte des neuesten Zeit. B. 9, 14, 17. Leipzig, 1858-71. Namely: — — Baumgarten, H. Geschichte Spaniens von Ausbruch der franzosischen Revolution . . . 5085.2 Staempfli, Jacob. Referat iiber die Revision der Bundeavcrfassung. Biel, 1871. 21 pp. 8<> . . 4829.8 — Ueber Verb esserun gen und Ersparnisse im eid- genossischen Wehrwesen. Bern, 1866. 88 pp. 8» 5957.5 Stancovich, Pietro. Biografla degli uomini distinti dell' Istria. Trieste, 1828, 29. 3 v. 8» . . . 2748.50 Sheli'. No. Stanhope, Philip Dormer, earl of Chesterfield. Let- ters to his son. Edited by C. S. Carey. Lon- don, 1872. 2 V. Portrait. Sm. 8<> 4557.8 Statius, Publius Papiuius. La Tebaide del cardinale 0. Bentivoglio. Milano, 1821. xvi, 466+ pp. Portrait. 80 *2801.54 Stephens, Ann Sophia (Winterbotham). A noble woman. Philadelphia, [1871]. 479 pp. le" . 456.5 Stephens, William Richard Wood. Saint Chrysos- tom ; his life and times. With a portrait. London, 1872. xiv, 474+ pp. 8° 3555.54 Sterne, Lawrence. A sentimental journey through France and Italy. Added Letters and life of the author. Leipzig, 1861. vili, 347 pp. Por- trait. 16» E. B. 88.4 Stillman, William J. The Acropolis of Athens, illustrated in photography. London, 1870. (28) ff. 26 photographs. F» *8085.2 Stowe. Harriet (Elizabeth) Beecher. Key to Uncle Tom's cabin. Boston. 1853. 262 pp. 8» . . 2404.50 Stratmann, Franz Heinrich. A dictionary of the old English language, compiled from writings of the 12th-15th centuries. Parti. 2d edition. Krefeld, 1871. Sm. 4» *4581.60 Streeter, Horace R. Voice building. A new theory for the mechanical formation of the human voice. Boston, 1871. 93^42 pp. 12" . 137.36 Stretton, Hesba, pseud. See Smith, JSannah. Sturges, Joshua. Guide to the game of draughts. Revised by G. Walker. New edition. By R. Martin, and a treatise on Polish draughts, by H. G. Bohn. London, 1864. 405-510+ pp. 16» . 6008.18 Sumner, Charles. Works. Boston, 1871. 4 v. 8» . 4507.3 C(mterUs. — Yo\. I. 1845-47. H. 1847-51. lU. 1851- 65. IV. 1855-60. Sunday half-hours. With illustrations. London, N. D. 183+ pp. 8» . . . . 895.25 and E. B. 363.23 Switzerland. AUgemeine geschichtsforschende Gesellschaft. Die Bemer-Chronik des Con- rad Justinger. Herausgegeben von G. Studer. Bern, 1871. xxxvii, 499-f pp. 80 2828.53 SchweizerischesUrkundenregister. B^l. Bern, 1863. 8" 2823.50 — Topographische Karte der Schweiz. Aufge- nommen und reduziert durch cidgenossische Ingenicure unter der Aufsicht des Generals G. H. Dufour. Maasstab der Karto 1 : 100.000. [Bern, 1869.] 1833-63. Nachtriige 1862-69. 25 Blatter. Obi. f » *M.S.19 Taillandier, Ren6 Gaspard Ernest, called Saint- Ren6 Taillandier. La Serbie, Kara-George et Milosch. Paris. 1872. xii. 413+ pp. 8» . . . 5066.3 Taine, Hippolyte (Adolphe). History of English literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1871. 8" 2476.51 — Notes sur I'Angleterre. Paris, 1872. vili, 394+ pp. 16" 2468.6 — Du suffrage universel et de la manifere de voter. Paris, 1872. 62 pp. 16» 4659.50 Tale of a nest. Illustrated. London, 1872 [1871]. 192+ pp. 16» E.B. 22.31 Talfourd, Thomas Noon. The Castilian. An his- torical tragedy. London, 1853. xiv, 191+ pp. 16» 6568.12 Tardeeu, (August) Ambroise. litude medico-l^gale sur les blessures par imprudence, I'homicide et les coups involontaires. Paris, 1871. 196+ pp. 8» 3747.50 Taylor, (James) Layard, editor. Illustrated library of travel, exploration, and adventure. Name- ly : - Cumming, (W.) G. Wild men and wild beasts 696.21 and E. B. 233.9 Thaxter, Celia. Poems. New York, 1872 [1871]. 86 pp. Sm. sq. 16" 339.17 Thayer, William Makepeace. The pioneer boy. Boston, 1864. xiv, 310 pp. 120 B. B. 26.34 Thomes, Edward. The revenue resources of the Mughal empire in India, 1593-1707. London, 1871. 54+ pp. 8» . . . 8047.50 Thomas, William H. The ocean life series. A slaver's adventures on land and sea. Illus- trated. Boston, 1872. 406 pp. lO* . . . E. B. 22.38 Thomson, George. The discovery of a new world of being. London, 1871. 271+ pp. Sm. 8» . . . 3608.62 Thornton, John. The preciousness of Christ. Bos- ton, 1864. 188 pp. Sm. 16» E. B. 368.13 Thorvaldsen, Albert, or Bertel. Thorwaldsen and his works, containing 365 engravings, with explanatory text. By J. M. Thiele. Trans- lated by P. C. Sinding. New York, 1869. 4 v. 40 . , *8085.6 TICKNOR 45 VICO Shelf. No. TiCKNOR. George. History of Spanish literature. 4th American edition. Boston. 1872. 3 v. 8» . . 3090.50 TiMBS. John. Notabilia; or, curious and amnslntf facts about many things. London, 1872 [1871^ xii. 3S4pp. 8m. 80 2478.56 — Oddities of history. London, 1872. vl, 90 pp. 10» 909.16 — One thousand domestic hints In the choice of provisions; cookery, [etc.]. London, 1871. Iv, 90 pp. 10* 188.18 — Popular science. London, 1871. viil, 92 pp. 16». 149.1 — Thought* for times and seasons. London, 1872. vl. 90 pp. 16" 909.15 TfBABOscm. Oirolamo. Storia della lettoratnra italiana. Milano. 1822-20. 16 v. Portrait. 8» . •2806.51 ToNDiNi. Csesarius. The pope of Rome and the popes of the oriental orthodox church. London, 1871. xiii, 1*3+ pp. Sm. 8» 3518.50 TouRjfeE. Eben. New Kiigland conservatory method for the piano-forte. Boston, 1870. 72 pp. 4* . 201.19 TotiRNACHON, Oustave Fiilix. Lcs ballons en 1870. Par Nadar [p»eMth edition. [Title- page missing. 1 Boston. 1748. 121-f-pp. 8* . 5469a.l3 Tracy. Htcphen. The mother and her offspring. New York, 1870. xxiv, 453-|- pp. Illustrated. 12* •5779.26 Trail, C.ithcrino Parr. The backwoods of Canada. [Anon.] New edition. London, 1846. 243 pp. Illustrated. Sm. 12» 850.17 TRAPASsf, Pietro (Bonaventura), called Metastasio. Operescclt«. Milano, 1820. 5 v. Portrait. 8«. •2803.66 Contents.— Yo\. I-III. Drammi; W».,— Vol. I. Vlt« di P. Metantaaio; Didonc abbandonata; Siroc: Sifaoe; Catone in Utica; Ezio; Alnsandri) n«ir Indie; Scmiro- midc; Artasersc. II. Adrianu in Siria; Issipile: Urme- trio; Olimpiadc; DcniofDoiito; Iji clemenza ui Tito; Achille in Soiio; Ciro ricDnosciuto ; Tcinistoele. III. Zenobia; Attilio RcRolo: Ipcrnieiitra; Antigono; lire pastore ; L' eroc cintsc ; Nitteti ; II trionfo di Clelia : Ro- mulo ed Ersilia; II ruRgiero; Giustino. IV. Azioni e feste teatrali: t'l'z., — La Galatea; L' Kndiiiiione; Gil orti Mpcridl ; u Angalica : La roiitiMu dc' nmni ; II tempio deir etemili; 1/ amlo d' Ainore; I>> cined ; II •oeno di Scipione; II palladio conacrrato; Lc gnuic renoicate; n Farnaw) accusato e difcso; La pace fm la virtii e la bellezza; Astrra plarata; II natal di Giove: L' Amor prigionieni; II vcro uniagKio; La danza; Augurio dl relicita; La riapsttoaa Tenerezza; L' iaola diaabitala; Tribnto di ri»|)ctto e d'ainnrc; Lagara; II logno; La vitruniadiiiarniata; Alctdoal bivio; L' ape : L' Atenalde ; Kgcria: II Parnaw confusu; La corona; La pace (Vale tre dec; II trionfo d' Amorc; Partenope. V. Opere ■acre poeiie vorie e traduziouL Trench, W. Stewart. leme. A tale. 2d edition. London, 1871. 2 v. 8» 794.10 Trognon, Auguste. Vie de Marie- Am^llo relne des Fran^ais. Paris, 1871. lii, 489 pp. 8» . . . . 2647.51 Troi8-£toii,e.s, punid. The member for Paris: a tale of the Second empire. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. Sq. 16» 730.78 and E. B. 249.22 Trowbridce, John Townsend. Jack Hazard and his fortunes. London, 1871. 258 pp. 16" . . 446.18 — Neighbor Jackwood. Boston, 1871, 414 pp. 12'. £.8.248.29 Tucker, Charlotte. On the way. * By A.. L. O. E. \p»eud.] London, 1871. 230 pp. Illustrated. 16<> 5UU.52 and C3. B. 305.36 MM. — Tales illustrative of the PUgrira'i progrcai. — A wreath of smoke. By A. L. O. E. [pBend.] London [1871]. 191 pp. 3 pi. 16* . . . . 733.11 TCRT, field and farm. Vol. 10-12. [No title-page.] New York, 1869-71. 3 v. F» *7990.3 TCRIN. Reale accademia dflle acifnte. Jiegio o»»er- vatorio. Atlante di carte celesti contenentl lo 634 Btclle principali visibili alia I.ititudine boreale di 45°, e catatogo dclle posizione medie di dctte stelle per 1' anno 1880. [Torino, 1871.] (4) pp. 12 pi. Obi.f *39.H.2 TcRNBULL, Laurence. A clinical manual of the dis- eases of the ear. Philadelphia, 1872. 486 pp. Illustrated. S" 3805.53 TwEEDiE, William K. Environs of Jerusalem, pic- torial and descriptive. London, 1871. 144 pp. Illustrated. 16» 698.33 Tytler, Sarah. Sisters and wives. London, 1871. iv, 314-l-pp. 16« 806.5 Ueber Land und Meer. Allgemeine illustritc Zei- tung. B. 15, 16. Stuttgart, 1868. 2 v. F» . . *6220.50 Shelf. No. Ungeb. C. R., editor. Morkinskinna. Pergaments- Dog fra f iirste Halvdel af det trettende Aar- hundrede. Indeholdende en af de seldste Optegnel.ser af norske Kongesagaer. Christi- anla, 1867. iv. 247-f pp. 8" . 2826 51 and **E.213.21 United States. Deparment of the interior. Patent office. Classification of subject-matter of fatents Issued. July, 1871. [No title-page.] Washington. 1871.] 8 pp. 8» *5985.1 — - - Specifications and drawings of patents. July 4 — Dec. 12, 1871. Washington, 1871. 24 v. L. 8» **A.P.l-24 — Department of state. Universal exposition, Paris, 1867. Report to the department of state on silk and silk manufactures. By E. C. Cowdin. Washington, 1868. 114 pp. 8« 4026.11 — Senate. Constitution of the United States, the declaration of independence, the articles of confederation, and the ordinance of 1787 ; the rules of the senate, the joint rules of the two houses, and Jelfcrson's manual of parlia- mentary practice [etc.]. Compiled by \V. J. McDonald. Washington, 1871. 405-|- pp. 16* 2327.61 v., L. ThelanguBge and sentiment of flowers. Lon- don [1866]. vl, l.-)4pp. Sm. 16» 1338.5 Vaxxindigham, James Laird. A life of Clement L. Vallandigham. Baltimore, 1872. xil, 573 pp. 8« 2346.52 Van Name, Addison. Contributions to Creole gram- mar. [No title-page.] N. p., 1871. 123-107 pp. 8» 4463.12 Varano, Alfonso. Opere scelte. Milano, 1818. xv, 671-}- pp. Portrait. 8» •2807.50 Vauban, Sebastien Le PrCtrc de. Projet d'une dixmo royale. Rouen, 1707. vili. 268 pp. 4 folded sh. Sm. I2« 5649.17 Veitmeyer, L. a. Vorarbeiten zu einer zukiinfligen Wasser-Versorgunx d«r tjtadt Berlin. Im Auftrage des Magistrats und der Stadtverord- netcn zu Berlin, ausgefiihrt, 1868 und 1869. Ilierzu cin Atlas mlt 13 Pliinen und Zeichnun- gen. Berlin, 1871. xxxvl, 368-J- pp. 2 pi. %*, andatUis. f ♦3U46.50; atlas 39.B.3 Velde. C. W. M. van de. Mapof the Holy land. 2d edition. Ootha, 1865. F*. ScaU : proportion of ^TTiWinr *^''-^8 — Notes on [his] map of the Holy land. 2d edition. Gotha, 186J. 48-f pp. 8* •5040a.l6 Verdet, (Marcel) £mile. [2; Conaulta aulla rifonna delle monete ncllo stnto di Milano; Procetto di una torifia; Memoric storiche aulla economia pubblioa della ■tatodi Milano; Latrnttodi alcuni capitoli preliminari ol bilancio generate d«l coninicreio dollo atato di Milano par lIGi ; Diacorai tratti dal giornale intitolato II caffi. — Storia dl Milano. Milano, 1834, 35. 2 v. Illus- trated. 8« •2807.53 VtsiNiER. P. History of the commune of Paris. Translated from the French by J. V. Weber. London. 1872. x. 337-f pp. Sm. 8« 2627.65 Vettobi, Pietro. Lettere, per la prima volta pub- blicate da Giovanni Ghiuassl. Bologna, 1870. 80 pp. 16» Vol. 32of*4762.1 Vecillot, Louis. Paris pendant les deux sieges. Paris, 1871. 2 v. 8<> 2627.62 ViCO, Giovanni Battista. Principj di una scienza nuova d' intomo alia comune natura delle nazioni secondo 1' cdizione del 1725. Con note da G. Ferrari, e la vita dell' autore [scritta da sfemedeslmo, etc.]. Milano, 1836. 2 v. Por- trait. 1 pi. 8« . . . . _ *2807.64 VICTORIA 46 YONGE Shelf. No. Victoria, Australia. Parliament. Report of the trustees [etc.] of the public library, museums, and national gallery of Victoria, 1870-1. Mel- bourne. [1871]. 103 pp. Ipl. L. 8° . . . . 6200.5 ViEU, Charles. Papicrs sauves des Tuileries, suite a la correspondanco de la famille imperiale. Publies par Robert Halt [pseud.^ . Paris, 1871. vi, 292 pp. 8» 2645.51 ViGNES, £douard. Traill des impots en France, suivi du mouvement detaille de la dette pub- lique depuis 1789. 3e edition. Paris^ 1872. 2 V. 8» 5645.26 VU/LEVERT, E. Chemins de fer. Construction des travaux d'art, tunnels, [etc.]. Texte et des- Bins-types. Paris, 1S66. 28 pp. 36 pi. 4" . . *8010.56 ViOliliET-LEDUc, Eugene Emmanuel. Memoire sur la defense de Paris, septembre 1870-janvier 1871. Paris, 1871. 2 v. Text, lix, 237+ pp. 8»; atlas. 12 pi. F» *4624.14; atlas *4620.3 ViRGiLTUs Maro, Publius. Globe edition. Works, rendered into English prose. With introduc- tions, notes, [etc.] by J. Lonsdale and S. Lee. London, 1872. 310+ pp. 16» 4949,4 — Virgil [outlined and explained] by W. L. Col- lins. Edinburgh, 1870. 190+ pp. 16». K. B. 192.9 — The Georgics. Translated by R. D. Blackmore. London, 1871. viii, 143+ pp. 16"> 4949.5 ViSENTlNl, Antonio. Osservazioni che servono di continuazlone al trattato di Teoftlo Gallaccini Bopra gli error! degli architetti. Venezia, 1771. vii, 141+ pp. Illustrated. F° 8100.50 Waisbhooker, Lois. Helen Harlow's vow. 3d edi- tion. Boston, 1872 [1871]. 290 pp. Sm.8». E. B. 247.14 Warner, Charles Dudley. My summer in a garden. Boston, 1871. xii, 183 pp. 16" E, B. 35.15 Warren, E. How I managed my house on two hun- dred pounds a year. "Jth American edition. Boston, 1800. 95 pp. 12» E. B. 323.27 Wasielew.ski, Joseph Wilhelm von. Life of Robert Schumann. Translated by A. L. Alger. Bos- ton [1871]. 275 pp. 16" 4047.28 WA88ERMANN, M. Judah Touro. Biographischer Roman. Leipzig, 1871. 276 pp. 16" 5488.51 WEDDiNti ring. The. A journal for ladies and gen- tlemen, with which is incorporated "Marriage bells." Vol. 1. London, 1871. F" 1851.1 Westmoreland, Maria Jourdan. Heart-hungry. New York, 1872. 332 pp. 12» 475.3 Wheeler, Gervase. The choice of a dwelling. A Practical handbook on points connected with iring, buying or building a house . With plana and views. London, 1871. xii, 299 pp. Bm. 8» 4108.2 Wheeler, J. Talboys. Journal of a voyage up the Irrawaddy to Mandalay and Bhamo. Ran- goon, 1871. 102. ii+ pp. 8° 3045.50 Wheildon, William W. Oration delivered at Wil- son's grove. Maple creek. Dodge co., Ne- braska, July 4, 1871. [In slips from a news- paper.! (7) ff. 8" *4392.50 Whipple, John A. [Photographs of the ecliijse of sun on Aug. 7th, 1869, as observed by the as- tronomers of Harvard college, at Shelbyville, Ky.] 8 photographs. L. 4" *50.D.l Whitakeu, Joseph. An almanack for 1872. Lon- don, [1871]. 16" *4588.12 White, James. Landmarks of the history of Eng- land. New edition. London [1854], viii, 288 pp. 16» 969.10 White, Joseph Blanco [originaUy and properly Jos6 Maria White y Crespo, but popularly changed in Spain into Jose Maria Blanco y Crespo] . Observations on heresy and ortho- doxy. 2d edition. London, 1839. xxxii, 158 pp. 12» 5469a.l6 White. Richard Grant. The chronicles of Gotham. New York, 1871, 72. 2 v. 12" 1849.2 Whittle.sey, Elsie Leigh. Helen Ethinger. Phila- delphia, 1872. 318 pp. 12» 797.26 WiESE. L. Das hohere Schulwesen in I'reussen. Historisch-statistische Darstellung. Berlin, 1864. 69. 2 v. 10 pi. 2 maps. 8» 3595.50 WU/DER, Marshall Pinckney. California. Boston, 1871. 31+ pp. 8« 4475.31 Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. A popular account of the ancient Egyptians. Revised and abridged. 500 woodcuts. New edition. Lou- don, 1871. 2 v. 8m. 8» 5059.12 WiLLAliD, Clara A. Fifty years ago. A story of New England Ufe. New York [1871]. 323 pp. 120 496.9 Shelf. No. Williams, Charles J. B. and Charles Theodore. I'ulmonary consumption. London, 1871. xxvi, 4U2 pp. gm. 8" 3797.51 Williams, John, jjoet and editor, d. Oct. 12, 1818. The Hamiltoniad ; or an extinguisher for the royal faction of New England. With notes. By Anthony Pasquin {pseud.']. Boston, [1804]. 104 pp. 8» 4500a.34 Williams, John, assist, sec. li. A. S. Observations of comets, from b. c. Oil to A. D. 1640. Ex- tracted from the Chinese annals. Translated, with introductory remarks, and an appendix, comprising the tables necessary for reducing Chinese time to European reckoning; and a Chinese celestial atlas. London, 1871. xxxii, 124+ pp. 16 pi. 4» **E.175.11 WiLLMOTT, Robert Aris. The poets of the nine-' teenth century. With additions by E. A. Duyckinck. Illustrated. New York, 1872 [18711. xvi, 674 pp. Bm. 4» 4573.7 Wilson, John. A treatise on English punctuation. 20th edition. New York, 1871. xii, 334 pp. 16» 2487.51 WiNCKELMANN, Johann Joachim. History of an- cient art, translated from the German, by G. H. Lodge. Boston, 1872. 3 v. Illustrated. 80 *A.225.9 Contents. — Vol. I. Life of Winckelmann ; Oriijin of art; Art among the Egyptians, rhociiicians and Per- sians; Among the Etruscans and their neighbors. II. Art in Greece. III. Drapery ; Greelt art. Winer, Georg Benedict. A grammar of the idiom of the New Testament. 7th edition, by G. Liinemann. Revised and authorized transla- tion. Edited by J. H. Thayer. Andover, 1870. xviii, 728 pp. 8» 3485.50 Wise, Daniel. Lindendale stories. Nellie Warren. By Lawrence Lancewood, [pseud.]. Boston, 1870. 256+ pp. Illustrated. 16<> . . . E. B. 24.36 Wither, George. Juvenilia. Poems. [Part, 1, 2.] [Manchester.] 1871. 2 v. 16", 1. p *6605.9 WOLTMANN, Alfred. Holbein and his time. Trans- lated by F. E. Bunnett. 60 illustrations. Lon- don, 1872 [1871]. xvi. 468 pp. Bm. 4» . . . *A.225.6 Wood, Ella Price. Dene hollow. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. 8q. 16" 7li0.77 and E. B. 249.23 Wood, Sara. The gift of life, a book for the young. London, 1872. vii, 160 pp. 16» 129.28 Wood, Thomas. Comic annual for 1872. With en- gravings, by the brothers Dalziel. London [1871]. 112 pp. Bm.4» 896.21 Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke, Wilks, Theo- dore Chambers, and- Lockhart, Charles. History of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight. With illustrations. London [1870]. 3v. 4» *4570.8 WoRBOisE, Emma Jane. Nobly born. London, 1871. iv, 469 pp. 160 806.7 Wright, Julia McNair. A milliou too much. A temperance tale. Philadelphia, 1871. 276 pp. 16» 788.16 Wright, Thomas. The homes of other days. A history of domestic manners and sentiments in Englaud. London, 1871. xv, 511 pp. Il- lustrated. 8» 4523.9 — Roll of arms of the princes, barons, and knights who attended king Edward I to the siege of Caerlavcrock, in 1300; edited, with a transla- tion and notes. London, 1864. viii, 39 pp. 5 pi. of emblazjned coat-armour. 4° . . . . *2430.50 Wl'Nderlicii. Carl August. On the temperature in diseases : a manual of medical thermometry. Translated by W. B. Woodman. London, 1871. xii, 468 pp. Illustrated. 8» *5724.15 Wyatt, W. J. Hungarian celebrities. London, 1871. X, 296 pp. Sm. 8» 4849.11 Wythe, Joseph H. The agreement of science and revelation. Philadelphia, 1872. 290 pp. 12" . 3438.53 Xenophon [outlined and explained] by Sir A. Grant. Edinburgh, 1870. 180+ pp. 1 map. 16". E. B. 192.10 YATES,,Edmund, Nobody's fortune. Leipzig. 1872. 2 v. Bm. sq. 16» 750.51 and E. B. 249.26 YONGE. Charles Duke. Three centuries of English literature. London, 1872. xxi, 649 pp. Sm. 8« 2479.64 Y'ONGE, Charlotte Mary. Historical dramas. Illus- trated. London, N. D. Unp. 16" 367.7 Cfyntents. — The mice at play. — The apple of discord. — The strayed falcon. YONGK 47 ZINCKE Shelf. No. YONGE, Charlotte Mary, continued. — editor. A storehouse of stories. Storehouse the second. Loudon, 1872. ix, 403+ pp. 8» . . 786.14 Contents. — Family stories j Elements of morality j A puzzle for a curious girl ; Blossoms of morality. YOBKE, Onslow. Secret history of "The interna- tional" worliingmcn's association. London, 1872. viii, 166 pp. 16» 5569.50 YoRKE. Stephen. Tales of the North riding. Lon- don, 1871. 2 V. 16» 806.4 Ybiarte, Charles. Les Prussiens k Paris et le 18 mars; avec la s(^rie dcs ddpSchcs officiclles In^dites des autorites frani;aise8 ct allemandcs da 24 f^vrier au 19 mars. Paris, 1871. 375 pp. 8* 2626.50 Shelf. No. ZAia, Pietro. Enciclopedia metodica critlco-ragio- nala delle belle arti. Parte la. Vol. 1-19. Parte 2a. Vol. 1-9. Parma, 1817-23. 28 v. 8» •A.lSl.S Zahotti, Eustachio. Trattato teorico-pratico di prospettiva. Milauo, 1825. xxxU, 230 pp. 6 pi. Portrait. 8<> ♦2807.55 Zanotti. Francesco Maria. Opere scelte. Milano, 1818. 2 V. Portrait. 8» ♦2807.56 Contentt.—yol. I. Vita di F. M. Zanotti; Dell' arte poetica ; Orazioni j Lettcrc ; Prose critichc ; Poesie scelte. U. Delia forza dc' eorpi. La tllotoUa morale; Ragio- namento sopra un libro franccse. ZmCKE, Foster Barham. Egypt of the Pharaohs and ofthekediv^. London, 1871. viii, 458 pp. 8°. 5045.64 THE TOSTI ENGTtAYINGS. The following list covers that portion of the collection of engravings made by the late Cardinal Tosti, of Rome, and given to this Library by Mr. Thomas G. Appleton, consisting of the framed prints in the Bates Hall and the officers' apartments adjoining, which are not portraits. The entries are under the names of the engravers, with cross-references from the names of painters, or designers, and from the subjects of the engravings. Bulletins numbers 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion of the Tosti collec- tion of engravings which is in bound volumes, embracing nearly 5,100 prints. A list of the Portraits has been separately published. The framed prints, not being portraits, which are in the Lower Halls of the Library, are partly catalogued ; and they may probably be given in the next Bulletin. There is, in addition, a small number of engravings, not framed, which will be catalogued and printed as soon as possible. ACCORD^E, L', du village (The village bride), after J. B. Grenze. See Flipart, .Teau Jacques .... 151 Agricola. Filippo, Italian painter, b. 1776. d. 1857. Dante and Beatrice. AVeMarchetti. Domeiiico. 157 Axdegraef, or Aldegrever, Ileinrich, German painter and engraver, pupil of Alhrerht Due- rer, b. 1502. d. about 1562. The rich man and Lazarus. Size, 3} in. X 4} iu 63 Note. — With AldeirreTer's monoeram and the date 1554, with tlie inscription upon a tablet upon a column, " Aide Grave in Svzato fecit," and an inscription at the bottom. AixoRi, Cristofano, or Cristoforo, Florentine paint- er, b. 1577, d. 1619, or 1621. The Christ child sleeping upon a cross. See Gandolfl, Mauro. 62 Anderloni, Pietro, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1784, d. 1849. Moses at the ■well, defending the daughters of Jethro, after N. Poussin. Petnis Anderloni dell et Sculpt 1818. Size, 16| in. X 25J in 162 Hate. — " Enpnaved ft-om a picture in the collection of the Countess Pino," at Milan. StmOk J. Catalogue ratsonne. Part 8, p. 12. — The woman taken In adultery, after Titian. P. Anderloni deU et sculpt Size, 16J in. X 25 in. 114 NcU. — Engraved in 1821, from a picture then in the collection or the Countess Pino in Milan, now in Eng- land. This copy has the address of Tanner (the later address is Lissant) followed by three dots, indicating it to be an impression of the third hundred. Apoixo and the mnses, after Rafael Meng:*. See Morghen, Raffaello 00 Athaxiah, Expulsion of, after V. Camuccini. See Bertinl, Angelo 98; 118 ACDRAN, Benoit, the elder, French designer, etcher, and engraver, b. 1661, rf. 1721. The raising of the cross, after C. Le Brun. 1706. Size, 21 In. X 28 in 11 ti'cte. — The origiual ii in the Ixravre. Baxebtra, Giovanni, contemporary Italian engraver. Christ and the woman of Samaria, after Garo- falo. Ignaz. Podio delin. Size, 163 f in. X 253 in 159 Banzo, Antonio, Italian engraver, fl. 1810. The adoration of the magi, after liaphael. 1810. Size, 15 in. X 27J in 86 Note. — Engraved from the picture in the Vatican of the size of the engraving. — Pope Pius VII, with Cardinal Consalvi, sur- rounded by allegorical figures of Justice, Plenty, Rome, etc., emblematic of the results of the deliverance of Home from the power of Napoleon. After F. MaiMio. Pietro Bettellini diresse. Proof, with artists' names only. Size, 16i in. X 20 in 165 Barbieri. Giovanni Francesco, called Guercino, Italian painter, b. 1590, d. 1666. David ap- peased by Abigail. See Marchetti, Domenico . 153 BERRETINI 48 EDELmCK Berhetini, Pietro, called Pletro da Cortoiia. Floren- tine painter and architect, b. 1596, d. 1669. The adoration of the magi. See Langot, Frangois . 104 Bertini, Angelo, Italian engraver, ft. 1810. The expulsion of Athaliah and enthronement of Jehoash, after V. Camuccini. Proof, with artists' names only. Size 18| in. X 28| in. . . 98 Same. Proof before any letters 118 BONAFEDE, — , Italian engraver. The adoration of the magi, after Garofalo. Without letters, with the engraver's name written with a pencil. Size, 7J in. X llj in 12 BuoNACCOHSi, Pietro, called Pierino {or Perino) del Vaga, Italian painter, b. 1500, d. 1547. The coronation of Charlemagne. (See Fabri, Luigi . 141 Buonarroti, Michel Angelo, Italian painter, sculp- tor, and architect, b. 1474. d. 1563, or 1564. The last judgment. See Ghisi, Giorgio . . . Ill Same. See Metz, Conrad Martin 106 Same. See Rota, Martin 10 Calamatta, Luigi, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1802, d. 1869. Galileo before the council, making his abjuration, after Robert-Fleury. Size, 21J in. X 343 in. 350 Note. — Proof before letterSj with the foUowinR written with a pencil, " Eppur )a gira." "Dipinto da Robert Flciiry. " Disegnato e Inciso da Ii. Calamatta." Same . 6 Note. — With the following eneraved at the bottom, " Galileo Eppur la eira | Con todo ella vnelve Dipinto da Robert Fleury Imp. Ch Chardon ainS Paris. Inci- sione diretta e tcrminata da L. Calamatta " Camccctni, Vincenzo, Italian painter, b. 1775, d. 1844. The expulsion of Athaliah and enthronement of Jehoash. ^See Bertini, Angelo 98; 118 — Horatius Codes defending the bridge. See Mar- chetti, Domenico 160 — The magnanimity of Scipio. See Marchetti, Domenico 158 — Regulus departing for Carthage. See Marchetti, Domenico 126 ; 161 Caracci, Agostino, Italian painter and engraver, b. 1557, d. 1602. The adoration of the magi, after Baldassare Peruzzi. Engraved, 1579. Size, 41g in. X 44i in 101 Note. — Engraved in parts. The original was made at Bologna, in chiaroscuro, in 1521, for Count C. Benti- ' voglio. The same picture, jjainted on wood, and a draw- ing of it, both said to be by Peruzzi, are in the National gallery at London. Waagen thinks the drawing un- questionably Peruzzi'a, but that the painting is a copy by an inferior hand. Trcatures o/ art. rol.l,p.W. The drawing, with a copy of the engraving, by A. Carocci, was given to the National gallery in 18£t9, by Lord Vernon. This copy is from the second state of the plate. Barttch, A. Le peintre-graveur. Vol. 18, p. 43. Christ. Scenesinthelifeof Christ, etc. Ifamely: — — The adoration of the magi, after Raphael. See Banzo, Antonio 85 Same. After Garofalo. See Bonafede, — . . 12 — Same. After B. Peruzzi. See Caracci, Agos- tino 101 Same. AfterPietro BerretinidaCortona. See Langot, Francois 104 Same. After Albrecht Duerer. /See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio 102 — Christ and the woman of Samaria, after Garofalo. See Balestra, Giovanni 159 — Christ crowned with thorns, after A. van Dyck. See Langot, Fran9oi8 108 — Christ in the temple, disputing with the doctors. See Duerer. Albrecht 142 — Christ taking leave of his mother, before his trial and crucifixion, after Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc- Antonio 69 — The Christ child sleeping upon a cross, after C. Allori. See Gandolfi, Mauro 62 — Circumcision of Christ, after Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi. Marc- Antonio 70 — The dead Christ, with Mary and two angels, after Guido Reni. See Ricciani, Antonio ... 154 — The entombment of Christ, after Raphael. See Volpato, Giovanni 149 — The flight into Egypt, after Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio 106 — The high priest rejecting the oftoring of Joachim, after Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc- Antonio 107 — Holy family. After Guido Reni. See Costa, Giovanni Battista 155 Same. After Garofalo. See Ferretti, L. . . . 163 Christ, continued. Same. After N. Poussin. See Pesne, Jean . 167 Same. After Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio 65 Same. By A. Ricciani. /See Ricciani, Antonio . 156 — Holy family, called Holy family of Francis I, after Raphael. See Edelinck, Gerard .... 9 — Same. See Frey, Johann Jatob 68 — The Last supper. See Duerer, Albrecht ... 64 — Marriage of the Virgin, after Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio 148 — Themeetingof Joachim and Anna, after Albrecht Duerer. »See Raimondi, Marc-Antonio . . . 109 — Pilate showing Christ to the Jews. See Duerer, Albrecht 61 — The presentation of Christ in the temple. After Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc-An- tonio ' 103 Same. After Raphael. /See Persichini, Raffaello . 164 — The raising of the cross, after C. Le Brun. See Audran, Benoit, the elder 11 — The rich man and Lazarus. See Aldegraef, or Aldegrever, Heinrich 63 — The Virgin ascending the steps of the temple, after Albrecht Duerer. See Raimondi, Marc- Antonio 110 — The woman taken in adultery, after Titian. See Anderloni, Pietro 114 Coronation of Charlemagne, after Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi 141 CORTONA, Pietro da. See Berretini, Pietro. Costa, Giovanni Battista, Italian engraver. Holy family, after Guido Reni. Size, 9g in. X 13 in. 155 Note. — Proof before letters, the artists' names being written with a pencil, as follows: "Guido Reni Pinx. Veritas Simon da Pcsaro." " Gandolfl delin." " Giovanni Battista Costa Sculpsit." Dante and Beatrice, after F. Agricola. See Mar- chetti, Domenico 167 David appeased by Abigail, after Guerclno. See Marchetti, Domenico 153 David in the cave of Adullam, after Claude Lorrain. See Testa, Antonio 130 : DiSPUTA di 8. Sacramento, after Raphael. See Vol- pato. Giovanni 138 i DOMENICHINO. See Zampieri, Domenico. Duerer, Albrecht, German painter and engraver, b. 1471, d. 1628. Various subjects from wood- cuts. Note. — These woodcuts have been mounted upon stiff paper, and cannot, without risk, be removed for more critical examination. For fac-similes, by Marc-Antonio, of various wood- cuts by Duerer, see Raimondi, Marc-Antonio. Namely : — — Christ in the temple, disputing with the doctors, from the series called The history of the Virgin. "With Duerer's monogram , but without date. Engraved about 1506. Size 8g hi. X Hi in 142 — "Hercules." Engraved about 1497. With Duerer's monogram, but without date. Size, 111 in. X 153 in 60 Note. — The subject ofthiswoodcnt is unknown. The name Ercvles is inscribed upon a scroll at the top, but no known scene in the life of Hercules is represented. See Pelberg, Jt. von. Duerera KupferHiche und HcHx- tclmitte. No. 24. — The Last supper. With Duerer's monogram and the date 1523. Size 8i in. X US in. . . . 04 Note. — This is a copy of the original woodcut, having five dashes in the line drawn horizontally upon the platter. See Heller, J. Das Leben und die Werke Al- hreclu Duerera. No. 1622. Pilate showing Christ to the Jews. Engraved about 1510. With Duerer's monogram, but without date. Size, llj in. X 151 in Note. — One of the scries called The greater passion. See Relhurg, R. von . Duerers Kupferstiche und Holx- tclmitte. No. 179. DVCK, Sir Anthony van, Flemish painter, b. 1699, ' d. 1641. Christ crowned with thorns. See Langot, Franjois . 61 108 Edelinck. Gerard, Flemish designer and engraver, b. 1640, d. 1707. Holy family, called The Holy family of Francis i, after Raphael. Size, llj in. X 15 in Note — Trimmed and mounted on rtiff paper. The original is in the Louvre. FABRI 49 MOSES Fabri, Luigi, or Alois (as given on the plates), Italian engraver, b. 1778, d. 1835. The coro- nation of Charlemagne by Leo iii, after Raphael. In the Stanza del incendio del borgo, in the Vatican. Franciscus Cavalleri delineavit. Size, 20Jin.X30in 141 Hole. — The completion of the above has been ascribed, bv Bome to Pietro Buonaccorsi (Pierino or Perino del Vaea), by others to Giovanni Francisco Penni, called II Fattore. — The oath of Leo iii. after Raphael. In the Stanza del incendio, in the Vatican. Size, 20i in. X 29* in- • • '1 — Rome presented by Constantine to Silvester I, after Raphael. In the Sala di Constantino, in the Vatican. Size, 204 "i. X 2yi in 67 — The victory of Leo IV over the Saracens, at Ostia; painted after Raphael's designs, by Giovanni da Udine. in the Stanza del incendio, in the Vatican. Size, 20 in. X 28i in 150 Fattore, II. See Penni, Giovanni Francesco. Feuretti. L., Italian engraver of the present time. Holy family, after Garofalo. Size, 14 in. X 17iin 163 Halt. — The original is in the possession of Count dc Bisenzo. 1- The triumph of Saul and David, after Domenl- chino. A. Cavallucci dU. Size, 19 In. X 264 in- 94; 122 ^ofe. — The original is in the Palazzo RuipigUosi, Rome. Fleury. Joseph Nicolas Robert, called Robert- Flcury, French painter, b. 1797. Galileo making his abjuration. ,S«e Calamatta, Luigi. 6; 360 FUPART, Jean Jacques. French engraver, b. IVii, d. 1782. The village bride (L'accord^c du village), after J. B. Greuze. Size, 19J in. X 24i in 151 Sale. — The artists' names are not given, the print bein^ trimmed and mounted on stiff paper. The original M in the Louvre. Fbey, Johann Jakob, Swisi engraver, b. 1681, d. 1752. Holy family, called The Holy family of Francis I, from G. Edelinck's engraving after liaphael. Size, Hi in. X 15 in 88 Afo<«.— Trimmed and mounted on stiff paper. The original is in the Louvre. Galileo before the council, making his abjuration, after Robert-Fleury. 6'«e Calamatta. Lulgi . .6; 350 Gandolfi, Mauro, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1774, d. 1834. The Christ child sleeping upon a cross, after C. Allorl. 1817. L. Fineschi disegno. Size. Sf in. X Hi in 62 Garofai-o. or Garofano. See Tisi. Benvenuto. GAZETifcRE, La, hollandaise, after G. Terburg. See Wille, Johann Georg 144 GELfeE, Claude, called Claude Lorrain, French land- scape painter, b. 1600, d. 1682. David in the cave of Adullam. See Testa. Antonio .... 130 — The judgment of Paris. 5f« Testa, Antonio . . 134 — The mill. See Gmelin, Wilhehn Friedrich ... 82 — The temple of Venus. See Gmelin. Wilhelm Friedrich 78 Ghisi, Giorgio, Italian painter and engraver, b. 1520, d. 1582. The last judgment, after Michel An- gelo's fresco, in the Sistine chapel, Rome. Size,41iin. X 47iin Ill fiote. — Engraved in parts, lettered A -I. L, and dedi- cated "All ill. mo sig. et pron. col.no il tig. Mathia di Mcrve signorc di Clootvyck." "Georgivs Mantvanvs fecit." Fur the same, in separate parts see QT-, A. 2. 1. pi. ao-29. Giovanni da Udine. See Ricamatore, Giovanni. Gmelin, Wilhelm Friedrich, German designer and engraver, b. 1745, d. 1821. , Cascatelle di Tivoli. " Dcsignata dal vero ed incisa da G. F. Gmelin. 1807." Size, 16J in. X 22j in. ... 74 — The mill, after Claude Lorrain. Size, 19i in. X 25i in 82 iVMe.— The original is in the Palazzo Doria-Pamphili, Rome. — The temple of Venus, after Claude Lorrain. 1805. Size, 19iin.x26gin 78 KoU. — The original is in the Palazzo Colonna, Rome. Greuze, Jean Baptiste, French painter, h. 1725, d. 1805. The dear mother. See Massard, Jean Baptiste 66 — The village bride. 5«e Flipart, Jean Jacques . 151 GuERCtNO. See Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco. GuiDO. See Reui, Guide. "Hercules." >5f«6 Duerer, Albrecht . ....... 60 HiERONTMUS, Eusebius Sophronius, St., b. about 340, d. 420. Size, log in.XlSJin 146 Kote. — The print is trimmed and mounted upon stiff paper. The artists have not yet been ascertained. HORATics CocLES defending the bridge, after V. Camuccini. See Marchetli, Domenico .... 160 Jerome, St. See Hieronymus. Eusebius Sophronius, St 68 Judgment of Paris, after Claude Lorrain. See Testa, Antonio 134 Langot. Fran5ois. French engraver, b. 1641 ? The adoration of the magi, after Pietro Berrctini daCortona. Size, 58 in. (?)X 85 in 140 Note. — Engraved in parts. — Christ crowned with thorns, after A. van Dyck. Size, 58in.(?)X85in 108 Jfote. — Engraved in parts. The original painting li in the Potsdam gallery. " There is also a print (now in the possession of Mr. M. Colnaghi), engraved by Fran- ?ois Langot, of the extraordinary dimensions of 7 ft. 1 n. by 5 ft., which is considered tu be untftu." Smith, J. Catalogue raitoniU, Part 3, page 36. Last judgment. The, after Michel Angelo. See Ghisi, Giorgio HI — Same. See Metz, Conrad Martin 106 — Same. See Rota, Martin 10 Le Brcn, Charles, French painter and engraver, b. 1619, d. 1690. The raising of the cross. See Au- dran. Benoit, the elder 11 Lorrain, Claude. See Qcl6e, Claude. Magnanimity, The, of Scipio, after V. Camuccini. iSff'Marchctti, Domenico 158 Manno. Francesco, Italian jxiinter, b. 1754, d. 1831. Pope Pius VII, Cardinal Consalvi and allegori- cal figures of Justice, etc. See Banzo, Anto- nio 165 Marc-Antonio Raimondi. See Ralmondi, Mare- Antonio. Marchetti. Domenico. Italian engraver, b, 1780. Dante and Beatrice, after F. Agricola. G. B. Boranldis. Size, 13 in. X 164 in 157 Nou. — Proof, with artists' names only, traced with tha needle. — David appeased by Abigail, after Guercino. Francesco Fontana dis. Size, 12^ In. X 161 In 153 Horatius Codes defending the bridge, after V. Camuccini, Gio. Batta Borani dis. Size, 17 in.X24in 160 — The magnanimity of Scipio, after V. Camuccini. Gio. Batia Borani dis. Size, 131 in. X 233 in . 158 — Regulus departing for Carthage, after V. Camuc- cini. G. B. Borani dis. Size, 16 A in. X 28| in. Proof, with artists' names only 128 Same. Proof before letters 161 — Venus blindfolding Cupid, after Titian. Size, 12i in. X16iin 162 Kote. — The inscription, " Venere ohe abonda Amore," is printed with a pen. The original is iu the Borgheie gallery at Rome. Massard. Jean Baptiste. French engraver, b. 1740, d. 1822. The dear mother {La mfere bien al- m^e). After J. B. Greuze. 1775. Size, 19J In. X24H >n 66 yoie. — This engraving is trimmed and mounted on stiff' paper, giving no artists' names. Mengs. Anton Rafael. German painter, b. 1728, d. 1779. Mount Parnassus, with Apollo and the Muses. See Morghen, RalTaello 90 MfeRE, La, bien alm6e. after J. B. Greuze. See Mas- sard, Jean Baptiste 66 Metz, Conrad Martin, German engraver, b. 1756, d. 1827. The Last judgment, after Michel An- gelo's fresco, in the Sistine chapel, Rome. Size, 651 in. X 72 in. .... , 106 Jfote. — Engraved in parts. 'Without artists' names or name of subject. For the same, in separate parts, see 5[., A. 2. 1, pi. 2-17 and ffi., A. 2. 2, pi. -tS-flO. Michel Angelo. See Buonarroti, Michel Angelo. Mill, The, after Claude Lorrain. See Gmelin, Wil- helm Friedrich 82 Morghen. Ratfaello, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1758, d. 1833. Mount Parnassus, with Apollo and the muses. After the fresco of Rafael Mengs iu the Villa Albani, Rome. Size, 17i in.X29iin 00 Moses at the well, defending the daughters of Jethro, after N. Poussin. See Ander]nni Pietro . . 162 NANNI 50 ZAMPIERI Nanni da Udine. See Ricamatore, Giovanni. Oath of Leo iii, after Raphael. See Fabri, Luigl . 71 Pahnassus, •with Apollo and the Muses, after Anton Rafael Mengs. See Morghen, Raflacllo ... 90 Penni, Giovanni Francesco, called II Fattore, Italian painter, pupil of Raphael, b. 1488, d. 1528. The coronation of Charlemagne, after designs by Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi 141 Pebsichini, Raffaello, modern Italian engraver. The presentation in the temple, after the original, by Raphael, in the Vatican. Ign. Podio dis. Size, 15in.X28i in 164 Pehczzi, BaAdassiire, Italian painter and architect, b. 1480, or 1481, d. 1536. The adoration of the magi. See Caracci, Agostino 101 Pesne, Jean, French engraver, b. 1623. d. 1700. Holy family, served by angels, after N. Poussin. Proof, with artists' names only, -with the ad- dress of Vallet. Size, 19^in.X25iin 167 Pius VII, Cardinal Consalvi and allegorical figures of Justice, etc., after F. Manno. See Banzo, An- tonio 165 Poussin, Nicolas, French painter, b. 1594, d. 1665. Holy family served by angels. See Pesne, Jean 167 — Moses at the well, defending the daughters of Jethro. See Anderloni, Pietro 162 Presentation of Rome, by Constantine, to Silvester I, after Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi 67 Raffaello Santi, or Sanzio, da Urbino. See Santi, or Sanzio, Raffaello, da Urbino. Raimondi, Marc-Antonio, Italian goldsmith, niellist and engraver, b. about 1488, d. about 1534. Fac-similes, from copper-plates, of woodcuts by Albrecht Duerer, in the series called The history of the Virgin. Namely : — The adoration of the magi. Numbered 9. Size, Sgin-Xlliin 102 Christ taking leave of his mother, before his trial and crucifixion. Numbered 16. Size, 8J in. X 111 in 69 The circumcision of Christ. Numbered 12. Size,8J in.X llg in 70 The flight into Egypt. Numbered 14. Size, 8g in. X Hit in 105 The high priest rejecting the offering of Joachim, the father of the Virgin. Numbered 1. Size, 8g in. X 11 J in 107 The marriage of the Virgin. Numbered 6. Size, 8^ in. X llf in 148 The meeting of Joachim and Anna. Numbered 3. Size, 8i in. X Hi in 109 The presentation of Christ in the temple. Num- bered 11. Size, 8g in. X Hi in 103 The sojourn of the Holy family in Egypt. Jo- seph at his trade. Numbered 13. Size, 8| in. Xllfin 65 The Virgin ascending the steps of the temple. Numbered 5. Size, 8J in. X Hf in 110 Raphael,. See Santi or Sanzio, Raffaello, da Urbino. Regulus departing for Carthage, after V. Camuccini. See Marchetti, Domenico 126 ; 161 Rent, Guido, Italian painter, b. 1575, d. 1642. The dead Christ, with Mary and two angels. See Ricciani, Antonio 154 — Holy family. See Costa Giovanni Battista . . . 155 Ricamatore, Giovanni, called Giovanni {or, by con- traction, Nanni) da Udine, Italian painter, pupil of Raphael, b. 1489, d. about 1564. The coronation of Charlemagne, by Leo iii, after designs by Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi .... 141 — The victory of Leo iv over the Saracens at Ostia, after designs by Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi . 150 Ricciani, Antonio. Italian designer and engraver, b. nib. The dead Christ, with Mary and two angels, after Guido Reni. Agostino Tofanelli disegn5. Size, 13J in. X 191 in 154 — Holy family, with John and angels. Antonio Ricciani disegnb ed incise Napoli Size, 13 In. X19in 156 Note. — Proof, with artists' names only, traced with the needle. Robert-Fleury, Joseph Nicolas. See Fleury, Joseph Nicolas Robert. Rota, Martin, designer and engraver, b. at Sebenico, Dalmatia, about 1532. The last judgment, after Michel Angelo's fresco in the Sistine chapel, Rome. Martinus Rota F[ecit] 1569. Angelus AUodi impress : Ant : Frauchetti Rota, Martin, continued. hujus Operis tertius editor, Parmae, 1838. Size, 9 in. X 12^ in 10 Note. — Trimmed and mounted on stift' paper. Santi, or Sanzio, Raffaello (Raphael), da Urbino, Italian painter, b. 1483, d. 1520. The adora- tion of the magi. See Banzo, Antonio .... 86 — The coronation of Charlemagne. See Fabri, Luigi 141 — Disputa di S. Sacramento. See Volpato, Gio- vanni 138 — The entombment of Christ. See Volpato, Gio- vanni 149 — Holy family of Francis I. A^ee Edehnck, Gerard . 9 Same. After Edelinck. See Frey, Johann Jakob 68 — The oath of Leo in. See Fabri, Luigi 71 — The presentation in the temple. See Persichini, Raffaello 164 — Rome presented by Constantine to Silvester I. See Fabri, Luigi 67 — Victory of Leo iv over the Saracens, at Ostia. See Fabri, Luigi 150 Temptation of St. Anthony. See Teniers, David, the ymmger 168 Teniers, David, the younger, Flemish painter, b. 1610, d. 1690. The temptation of St. Anthony. Size, 14^ in. X 20S in 168 Note. — The names of the artists, and the title, have been cut oft', and the print mounted on stifi' paper. Terburg, Gerard, Flemish painter, b. 1608, d. 1681. La gazetiere hoUandaise. See Wille, Johann Georg 144 Testa, Antonio, Italian engraver, b. 1775. David in the cave of Adullam, after Claude Lorrain. Antonio Testa disegnd ed incise A? 1813. Size, 15 in. X 221 in 130 Note. — The original is in the National gallery, Lon- don. It is also called, but probably without good rea- son, Sinon brought before Priam. — The judgment of Paris, after Claude Lorrain. Antonio Testa disegno ed incise Anno 1815. Size, 15 in. X 22fg in 134 Tisi, or Tisio, Benvenuto, called Garofalo. or Garo- fano, Italian painter, b. 1481, d. 1559. The adoration of the magi. See Bonafede, — . . 12 — Christ and the woman of Samaria. See Bale- stra. Giovanni 159 — Holy family. See Fcrretti, L 163 Titian. See Vecellio, Tiziano. TrvoLi. Italy. Cascatelle di Tivoli. See Gmelin, Wilhelm Friedrich 74 Triumph of Saul and David, after Domenichlno. See Ferretli,L 94; 122 Udine, Giovanni da. See Ricamatore, Giovanni. Vaga, Pierino, or Perino del. See Buonaccorsi, Pietro. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. See Dyck, Anthony van. Vecellio, Tiziano {Eng. Titian), Venetian painter, b. 1477, d. 1576. Venus bhndfolding Cupid. See Marchetti, Domenico 152 — The woman taken in adultery. See Anderloni, Pietro 114 Venus blindfolding Cupid, after Titian. See Mar- chetti. Domenico 152 Venus. Temple of, after Claude Lorrain. See Gmelin, Wilhelm Fredrich 78 Victory, The, of Leo IV over the Saracens at Ostia, after Raphael. See Fabri, Luigi 150 Volpato, Giovanni, Italian engraver, b. 1738, d. 1803. Disputa di S. Sacramento, after Raphael. Joseph Cades delineavit. Size, \% in X 28J in. 138 Note. — The original is in the Camera della segnatura, in the Vatican. — The entombment of Christ, after RaphaeL Steph. Tofanelli del. Size, 153 in- X 18 in- • • 149 Wiu-E, Johann Georg, German designer, etcher and engraver, b. 1717, d. 1808. La gazetifere hol- landaise, after G. Terburg. 1758. Size lOJ in. X ISy^in 144 JVo«e. — Second state, with letters. ZAMPIERI, Domenico, called Domenichlno, Bolognese painter and architect, b. 1581, d. 1641. The triumph of Saul and David. See Ferrctti, L. 94; 122 The Medical Alcoves. The following report is from the pen of Joel Seaverns, M.D., of lioxbury, who has kindly made a very careful ex- amination of the Medical Department of the Library. The Department of Medicine in the Library la especially rich in the classical works of authors of former times. It con- tains the works of Galen, Celsus, Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Fabricius ab Aquapendente, Eustachius, Sennertus, Boer- haave, Willis, Cullen, John Brown, Vesahus, and other old authors, many being so rare and valuable, from their antiquity and their quaint style, that one cannot speak of them too enthusiastically. It has also the productions of the great French masters, Amussat, Andral, Bichat, Boyer, Bourgeny, Bretonneau, Broussais, Brown-Sequard, Cabanis, Chassaignac, Chaussier, Chomel, Chopart. Civiale, Cruveilliier, Cullerier, Desault, Desgenettes, Dubois, Dupuytren, Fodere, Gu6rin, Jobert, Larrey, Lebert, Lisfranc. Malgaigne, Mandl, Marjolin, N^la- ton. Pare, Pelletan, Pinel, Piorry, Portal, Richeraud, Ricord, lloux, 86dillot, Trousseau, Velpeau, Vicq d'Azyr, and others, — a list embracing so much that is historical and brilliant in medicine, surgery, and literature ; men famoua on the battle- field or in the hospital, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. Besides these, mention should be made of a col- lection of M<5moire8 and Melanges in fifty-three volumes, many by the most eminent men of the times, selected by Baron Dupuytren, some of which are dedicated in thehand- writiug of the authors to that " viro praenobilisslmo, perillus- tri, ceieberrimo." The great English anatomists and surgeons are represented by the works of the Bells, Brodie, Cheselden, the Coopers, Curling, Erichsen, Glisson, Guthrie, Harvey, Hodgson, Hey, the Hunters, Lawrence, Percival Pott, Solly, Skey, Syme, Travers, and Wistar. Among German authorities are Billroth, Canstatt, Cohu, Eckhard, Frank, Gurlt, Henle, Hirsch, KSiiikcr, Liharzik, MUller, Niemeyer, Reichert, Rindfleisch, Rokitansky, Schwann, gpiess, Strieker, Traube, Valentla, VJrohow, Vo- gel, Wagner, Weber, and Wnnderlich. A long list might be made of American authors, especially of the leading physicians of the Philadelphia, New York, and Boston schools; the publications of those of onr own city being of course very numerous, and embracing nearly everytiiing that has been published here. The value of the collection is especially enhanced by its numerous volumes of plates, and atlases of Illustrations, many of which are of great cost and beauty and of superb execution. Mascagni's " Anatomia Universa," with colored plates, is probably the finest and most valuable work of the kind in New England ; there is also his " Iconographia va- sorum lymphaticorum," Lcbert's "Traits d'Anatomie pa- thologique," with one hundred and six engravings and colored plates; Albinus's splendid "Anatomical Tables," Sandifort's " Museum Anatomicum," Cruvellhier's superb work. Bourgeny and Jacob's Atlas of Descriptive Anat- omy, Braune's Atlas of Topographical Anatomy, Quain's Surgical Anatomy, Haller's works with Anatomical plates (said by John Bell to surpass all others in utility), Auvert's " Selecta Praxis Medlco-Chirurgical," Smellie's Midwifery, Malgaigne on Fractures, Swan on the Nerves, Hunter on the Gravid Uterus, the works of Bonamy, Broca, and Bean, Cullerier, Fan, Hyrtl, Masset, Moreau, Ricord, Ruyschius, and Soemmering, as well as the famous engravings of Sir Charles Bell and Scarpa. One of the most useful portions of this collection to the general practitioner, as well as to writers, is that of medical journals and the current serial literature of the profession. Its bulk, even more than its cost, forbids private individuals from filling the shelves of their libraries with it, yet it is almost indispensably necessary to be able to refer to it. There are here, IVom Great Britain, complete sets of th " Medico-Chirurgical Review,*' " Bralthwdite's Retrospect," the Sydenham Society's publications, the " London Lancet," the " Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal," the " Dub- lin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science," the Transactions of the Obstetrical and Pathological Societies of London, Winslow's "Psychological Journal," the "Medical Times and Gazette" (from 1840), Guy's "Hospital Reports," (from 1830), St. George's complete, as well as those of St. Bartholomew's, St. Thomas's, and the London Ophthalmic Hospital. From Italy there is the " Bullettlno delle Scienze Mediche " (from 1829 to 1867). France is represented by the M^moires de I'Academie de M^decine (from 1828), Bulletin of the same (fi-om 1834), "Annales d'Hygi^ne Publique " (fTom 1853), " Recuell de Memoires de Mddecine, de Chirurgle, et de Phartnacie Militalres" complete, "Gazette Medicale" (from 1853 to 1858). " Lancette Fran<;aise " (from 1853), Bou- chardat's "Manuel de Matifere Medicale" (from 1841), "Journal de Mddeeine et de Chirurgle pratiques" (from 1855), eleven volumes of Magendie's " Journal de Physiolo- gic," and the " Bulletin de la Soci^td Anatomiquo de Paris." Of German journals, there are Schmidt's " Jahrbuch der Gesammten Medicln " (from 1858), SchUltze's " Archiv flir Mikroskopische Anatomic " complete, " Jahresbericht von Physiologischen Wissenchaften," " Central-blatt fiir die Me- dicinischen Wissenschaften," Milller's " Archiv fiir Patholo- gische Anatomic und Physiologrie " complete, " Journal fUr Klnderkrankheiten (from 1843), twelve volumes of the " Ar- chiv der Heilkunde," Frank's " M.igazin Tdr Arzneimittel- lehre," the " Zeitschrift fiir Biologic," and Frerich's " Ar- chiv flir der gesammtc Physiologic." From the American press are complete files of the " Amer- ican Journal of Medical Sciences," the " American Journal of Insanity " (from 1853), the " American Journal of Obstet- rics," the " American Journal of Syphilis and Dermatology," the " Pharmaceutical Journal," the " Veterinary Journal " (from 1859), the " New York Medical Times " to its end, the " Medical Record," the " Boston Medical and Surgical Jour- nal." and the Journal of the Gyneecologlcal Society. Of these journals, both foreign and native, mention has been m.ide of the principal only, or such as are complete, or have been continued through a number of years, forming really but a small part of those which are now taken at the Library, arid are being made up into volumes. Of Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias, there are many, some of the best being the following: the " Dlctionnaire de Mddecine," in thirty volumes, by Adelon, Becquard, etc., the " Dlctionnaire de M<5decine et de chirurgle pratiques," in fifteen volumes, by Andrnl, Begin, etc., the " Dlction- naire des Sciences Mddieales," in sixty volumes, by Adelon, Alibert, etc., the " Encyclographie des Sciences Medlcales," in twenty-two volumes, eleven volumes of the " Nonvean Dlctionnaire de Medecine et de Chirurgle pratiques " by Bemutz, Boeckcl, etc., Todd's "Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, Dunglison's "Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine." the " Encyclopaedia Anatomique," of Soemmer- ing. Weber, BischofT, etc., in a French translation, Nysten's " Dlctionnaire de Medecine, do Chirurgie, et de Pharma- cle," Cooper's " Surgical Dictionary," Copland's and Hoop- er's Medical Dictionaries. Here .ilso may not improperly be mentioned Beale's "Archives of Medicine," Reynold's " System of Medicine," Holmes's " System of Surgery," Virchow's "Hand-buch der Spcciellen Pathologic unEM ( ?), — , painter. AitemUia Loml, calletl Gen- lileschi. .See Loml. A 403 Adolph (a capuchin monk), rfesifli/ier. George ''zo- leptsony. See .Szeleptseny, G. . . pi. oi5 of 8C., A.8.1 ADOLPn .loiiANN, count palatine of the Uhine. D. Klciucker pinxit. Grii^non sculp 301 Ar.NOLO, Andrea d'. See Vaiiaucchi, A. Agucchia, or Agucchio, Glrolamo, cardinal, d. 1605. Domenlchino dip. T. Bonajuli ini;. pi. 116, V. 2 of C, D.3.2 Aken, J. van. See Aachen, .1. von. Albani, Alessandro, cardinal librarian of the Vati- can, 1761. See Effigies pontlficvm 500 Albani, Giuseppe, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1830. Pietro Trasmondi dis. ed inc., 1830. On tinted paper . . .' pi. 42 of K., A.8.1 — Same. See Effigies pontiflcvm 500 Albany. Louise Marie Caroline (princess Stolherg- Gedem), countess of, wife of Charles Kdw^ird Stuart, the younger pretender. S. Fabre dip. .7. D. Nargeot inc pi. 170a, v. 3 of C., D.3.2 Albert, archduke of .Vustria, b. 1559, d. 1621. With- out artists' names. ...... . pi. 113 of C, A.8.1 Albert, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principos Hollandiae] pi. 27 of ST., D.2.3 Albinqni, Toraaso, Italian violinist and musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono. pi. 15of ?r., A.8.1 Alexander VI, pope. Proof on India paper, before any letti-rs pi. 34 of E., A.8.1 Alexander VII, pope. Q. Valet. Sculpsit .... 3.^3 — 8 ime See Effigies pontirt hbisbop of Salop. P.ainted by Wm. Etty. Engraved by Samuel Cousins. Publi.shed in 1836. Proof 273 Batoni, or Battoid, Pompeo Girolnmo, Italian paint- er. P. Baton! dip. A. March! inc. Engrav- er's proof .pl.9ofa:., D.3.3 — painter and designer. Prosper de Sciarra, car- dinal Colonna. See Colonna, P. de Sciarra, cardinal 85 Baugniet, K.. lithographer. Luigi Calamatta. See Calamatta, L 250 Bazin, N., engraver. Maria Theresa, wife of Louis XIV, after J. Le Febure. See Maria Theresa. 385 Beaubrun, or Bobrun,H. and 0., painters. Jacques de Coigneux. See Coigneux. J. de 93 — Pierre Ignace de Braux, baron de Champagne. See Champagne, P. I. de Braux, baron de . . 371 Beauvau, Ren6 Kran50i8.de, archbishop of Nar- boiine. (1664-1739.) Hyacints Rigaud pinx [1715J. P. Drevet sculp. 1727 57 Beccademi, Lodovico, Italian historian, 1502-1572. Tiziano dip. A. Perfetti inc. . pi. 79, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 Beccafumi, Domenico, called Mecarino, painter. D. Beccafumi dip. A. Calz! inc. . . pi. 10 of C, D.3.3 Bedetti, R . engraver. Jacques Callot, after himself. See Callot, J pi. 18 of il., D. 3.3 Bellarmino, Roberto, cardinal and controversial writer. Anton Wicrix fecit 515 Bellini, Giacomo. Venetian painter. G. Bellini dip. S. Richard inc pi. 11 of C, D.3.3 Belloli, p., engraver. Frans van Mieris, the elder, after himself. See Mieris, F. van. pi. 17lb, v. 3 of ST., D.3.2 Benedictus XI V, pope. See Effigies pontificvm . . 500 BentIvoglio. Guido, cardinal. Ant. vau Djck Pinxit. loan. Dom. Picchianti sculp 255 Berckmanns, II., painter. Hans Lipperhey. See Lipperhey, H. 513 — Zacharias jansen. See Jan sen, Z 513 Bernacchi, Antonio, Italian vocalist. See Profes- sori celebri di suono pi. 17 of ?E., A.8.1 'BERVAHn, T., medalurgist. Philip v, of Spain. See Phihp V pl.73of!!i;., A.8.1 BERNARDO 3 BUOJTACCORSI Hernahpo da Offida, capunhin. 1". Mallorini inv. I't del Anifs Oampaiiella sfulp. . pi. 26 of 2C., A. 8.1 — Baine. Without artists' naniee. Proof. pi. 27 of C, A.8.1 Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, Italian paiiitir, sculptor, and architect. L. Burnitii dip. Hlaiichard ftjg inc pl.l2of E., D.3.3 — 8:iine. lo : Bapt: GauUns pin. Arnold: Van Westerhont sc pi. 72 of E., A.8.1 BERNOL'iLLl.Ji'an, French mathematician. J. ROber [Hiiber] pinx. G. F. Schmidt sculp. 1743 . 228 Berketini, Pietro, called Pietro da Oortona, Flor- entine painter and architect. Without artidts' names 402 Berry, Charles, due de. Point par de Troye Grau6 par le Chevalier Edelinck 369 Bertim, a., enyrtiver. Monsignor Bartolucci, after V. Camuccini. 5ee Bartolucci . . pi. 14 of ^., A.4.2 — Pope Plus VII, after Cainucclnl. See Pius vil. 131 Berti.votti, Teresa. Italian female singer. See Prot'essori elt, and with the back of the arm-chair lininhed. Botticelli Sandro. See Filipepi, A. BouciiF.RAT, Louis, chancellor of France under Louis XIV. Nanteuil ad viuum. . .1677. 2d state . 508 BoLXLOGNE, or Boulogne, B.. painter. Claudius de La Chapelle. See La Chapelle, C. de . . . . 393 BODLLO.N'GNE. Jean de, comptroller-general of France. Piint par H. Uigaud. Gi-av6 par J. G. Wille. 17.JS 28 BOULLOSGNE, Louls. the i/ouuger. painter. Point par luy mfime. Grav6 par F. Ch^reau pour sa re- ception a l'Acad6mle en 1718 47 Bourbon. Louis Henri, due de, prince de Cond6. Gober [Gobert ?] pinxit. P. Drevet sculpsit. 23 Boi;ttat8, G., engraver. -Johann, baron von Rau- schenbergh. See Rauschenberi^h, J., baron von . pi. 97 of a:., A.8.1 — Otto Christopher, baron von Sparr. See 8parr, O. C, baron von pi- 106 of C., A.8.1 UocYS, A., painter. Eustache Teissier. A'cc Teissier, E 370 Brabant, f>6opold Louis Philippe Marie Victor, due dc. P. int par N. Dekeyser. DessinC^ & grav<5 par Lucio Lelli. Bruxellcs 1855 . . pi. 5 of E., A.8.1 Xote. — A presentation copy, with the engraver's au- togniph in ink. — '• A Sua Eminenza j Antonio Cardi- nal 'lost! t Lucio Lelli." Bracce.si, Alessandro, secretary of the Died in the Florentine republic In tiie latter part of the loth century. L. di Credi dip. )i. Bettazzi Inc pi. 37f. v. 2 of E., D.3.2 Bracciolini {Lnt. Braccolinus), Franceijco, Italian pool. 1626 Octauius Leonus . . . fecit. " Very rare." — /fartuch 515 Bragelognf., Marie de, widow of Claude Le Bou- tlilllier, superintendent of finances. Nantuil faciebat ad Viuum 1656. 3d state 132 iVote. — Without the name of the person represented. Brahe. Pchr Abrahamsson, count of Visingsborg. D. KI88cker pinxit. Grigiion soulp 381 Brancati, or Brancacci, Lorenzo, called Lauria, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1681. See KfBgieg pontificvm 500 Briclia, Giovanni Francesco, Italian painter. G. F. Briglia dip. P. Mancion inc. pi. 55 of E., A.8.1 ; pi. 14 of E., D.3.3 Xole. — The former copy is a proof before any letters. The eneraver's name is written in pencil by himself, as is the followiu(5, — •' A Sua Emix Kcvifia | 11 Sii{r« Card',' Antonio Tosti | L'umo Servitore Pietro Mancion." Brisacier, Guillaum.e de, secretary of Marie Th^rfese, queen of Louis xiv. N. Mignard . . . Pinxit. Ant. Masson sculpebat 1664 4x3 yote. — This engraving is known under the name of " The gray -headed man." Brouet PAques, companion of Loyola. See Loyola, I pl. 18 of E., A.8.1 Bronzing. See AUori, A. Bhugghe, R. van, patHter. Mary of Burgundy. See Mary of Burgundy pi. 33 of iE., D.2.3 Bruna, V. della, engraver. Annib.ile Carncci, after himself. 6'ee Caracci, Annibale . . pi. 21 of SC., D.3.3 — Giovanni Antonio Razz! (Sodoma), after him- self. See Razzi, G. A pi. 64 of C, D.3.3 — Giulio Strozzi, after T. Tinolli. See Strozzi, G pi 110, v. 2 of il., D.3.2 — Marcantonio Franceschini, after himself. See Francoschini, M pi. 37 of C, D.3.3 — Sauti di Titi, after himself. See Titi, 8. di. pi. 78 of K., D.3.3 Brdnetti. [Gaetano, violinist arid composer?]. See Professor! celebri di suono . . . . pi. 15 of C., A.8.1 BUCQLOI. Charles Bonaventure de Longueval, conite de. P. P. Rubens inuent. Lucas Vorsterman sculp 174 BtiLGARl, — , [Marianne Benfl Bulgarelli, Italian singer ?J . See Professor! celebri di suono. pi. 17 of S., A.8.1 Buonaccorsi, Pietro, called Pierino (or Perino) del Vaga, Florentine painter. Buonaccorsi dip. Levi Pollacco. dis. e inc pi. 15 of E., D.3.3 V. a'^ ^ ' "... BUONARROTI CAVOUR BuoNAHROTi, Michel Angelo, Italian painter, sculp- tor, and architect. Proof hefore any let- ters pi. 52 of C, A.8.1 — Same. Mich. Ang. Buonarroti dip. G P. L<>- renzi inc. . pi. 16 of E., D.S.S — Bame. Bust in oval. Alter inventor faeiebat. CJ. Ml- [Giorgio Ghisi sc] . . . . pi. 18 of C, A.2.1 — Same. At the age of eighty-one. Without painter's or engraver's name . . . pi. 30 of ST., A. 2.1 BUONONCINI, or Bononcini. [Giovanni Battirta, Ital- ian musical composer?]. 5fie Professor! cele- hri di suono pi. 15 of ST., A.8.1 Cabourf.t, F., designer. Jean Fronteau, o?-Fronto. See Fronteau, J 395 Cadet a la Perle. See Harcourt, H. de Lorraine, comte d'. Cadolini, Antonio Maria, cardinal. Moneta inc. pi. 45 of E., A.8.1 Caffahuxlo [Gaetano Majorano. colled Ciiffnrelli, Italian vocalist?]. See Prolessori celibii di suono pi. 17 of ST., A.8.1 Caffaro, Pasquale. Italian musical composer. 5i»e Professor] celebri di suono . . . . pi. 16 of C, A.8.1 Cagliaki, Paolo, colled Paolo Veronese (i'fljjr. Paul Veronese), Venetian painter. I'. Cagliari Veronese dip. E. Sonne inc. nello Bt. Tos- chi pi. 17 of jr., D 3.3 — painter. A man. See Unknown. pi. 83a. V. 2 of ST., D.3.2 Cajani. C. evffrorer. Marten de Vos, after himself. See V*s. Marten de pi 86 of K., D.3.3 CalAmatta. Luigi. Italian designer and engraver. Baugniet d'apres nature. 1837 260 — desif/ver avd eiiorarer. Beatrice Cenci, after Guido Reni. See Cenci. B 438 — Count Maihieu Louis Mol^, after Ingres. See Mol6. ML 293 — Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot, after Dela- roche. See Guizot, F. P. G 13 — George Band, in man's attire. See Dudevant, A. L. A. D 224 — Mme. Dudevant (George Sand). See Dudevant, A. L. A.D 15 Is apoUon I, after cast of his face. See Napol6on I . . 196 — Rer6 Francois Auguste. vicomte de Chateaubri- and, after Gigoux. 5ee Chateaubriand, R. F. A., vicomte de 490 — Tommaso Guidi (Masaccio). See Guidi, T. 183; pi. .39 of E., D.3,3 — enc/rover. Bartolm 6 Est eban Murillo, after him- self. .SeeMurillo, B. E 184 La bella Simonetta, after A. Filipepi (Sandro Botticelli). See Cattani, S 225 — Ciimillo Benso, conte di Ciivour. See Cavour, C. B.,contedi 330 — Cosmo de' Medici, after J. Carucci (Pontormo). ,S'ee Vandersypen, — . . . pi. 64 b, v. 2 of JT., D.3.2 — Duke of Orleans, eldest son of Louis Philippe, after Ingres. 5fe Orleans. .489; pi. 12 of 2C., A.8.1 — Guillaume, baron de Montmorency. See Mont- morency, G., baron de . 252 — Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, after himself. 5ee Ingres, J. A. D 14 — Mme. M;ircotte mere, after Ingres. See Duclos- Marcotte, 8. A 229 — A man. [Not identifi<.d] pi. 6 of ST., A.8.] — Marcotte-Genlis, after Ingres. See Marcotte- Genlis, - pi. 8 of ST., A.8.1 — Maria Ferdinand Francisco de Assis, husband ofl-abellall of 8pain, after F. de Madrazo. See Francisco de A ssisi 379 - Martin, minister from Hanover to France, after Ingres. See Martin, — pi. 7 of JE., A.8.1 — Mona Lisa del Giocondo, after L. da Vinci. See Giocondo, Mona Lisa del 341 — Nicol6 I'aganini, after Ingres. See Paganini, N 227 — Peter Paul Rubens, after himself. See Rubens, P. P 366 — Victor Emmanuel I. See Demanne?:, — ... 334 — School of, evgrorers. Adam Elzheimer, after himself. See Elzheimer, A. . . . pi. 35 of E., D.3.3 Giorgio Barbarelli. da Castelfranco(Giorgione), after himself. See Barbarelli. G. . . pi. 6 of C, D.3.3 Giovanni Manozzi (Giovanni da San Giovanni), after himself. See Manozzi, G. . . pi. 51 of SE., D.3.3 Callet, A. F., paij(o, J., designer. Giuseppe Saverio Poll. SeePoli, G.R pi. 29 of C, A.8.1 Campaneli.a. a., engraver. Bernardo da Offida, after P. Mallerini. See Bernardo de Oflida. pl. 26. 27 of E., A.8.1 Campiclia, G. D., designer. Cosmo iii, grand duke of Tuscany. See Cosmo lit 258 Campioni, Carlo Antonio, Italian musical com- poser. See Professori celebri di suono. pl. 16 of jr., A.8.1 CAMPOA^Tlco, L., engraver. Jacopo Coppi. after himself. See C'oppi. J pl. 28 of K., D.3.3 — Sir Joshua Reynolds, after himself. See Rev- nolds. SirJ pl. 66 of 2C., D.3.3 Camuccini, Vincenzo. Italian painter. Cavr? Toni- mnso I^aurence . . .disegno. Pietro Bet- telini incise . . . pl. 1 of ^T., A.4.1; pl. 1 of C, A 4 2 — Same. (Lithograph.) M. Danesi lit. e imp. pl. 114 of jr., A.8.1 — painter. Albert, or Bertel, Thorvaldsen. See Thorvaldsen, A . pl. 13 of E., A.4.2 — Countess Schouwalof. See Schouwalof. Con- tessa 205; pl. 8 of JE., A.4'.2 — Moi signor Bartolucci. See Bartolucci, Mon- signor pl. 14 of ?r., A.4.2 — PopePiusvii. SeePiusvii . .131: pl. 12of Ji:., A.4.2 — Princess Dietrichstein. See Dietriohstein. 7; pl.9 of E., A. 4.2 — Principini Gagarin. See Gagaiin, Principini. pl. 7 of E., A.4.2 Canosstni, P., engraver. A man, after Paul Vero- nese. See Unknown . . . . pl. 83a, v. 2 of ST., D.3.2 Canova, Antonio, Italian sculptor. Cavaliere Guise Bossi dipinse. Pietro Anderloni dis. ed inc., 1813 509 — Same. A, Canova dip. S. Levi Pollacco dis. e inc pl. 19 of 5E., D.3.3 Capisthano, Giovanni di. general of theFranciscans. P. Mercuri. Proof, with engraver's name only, which is written with a pencil 351 Capuzzi, or Capucci, Antonio, violinist and com- poser. See Professori celebri di suono. pl. 14 of jr., A.8.1 Cappont, Luigi, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1650. See Effigies pontilicvm 500 CAHArci.Agostino, Italian painter and engr.iver. A. Caracci dip. G. Rivera inc. . . . pl. 20 of JE., D.3.3 Caracci, Annibale, Italian painter. A.Carracci dip. V. Delia Bruna inc pl. 21 of JE., D.3.3 Caracci, Francesco, Italian painter. F. Caracci dip. D. L. Bigola inc. nello. St. Toschi. pl.22of JE.,D.3.3 Caracci, Ludovico, Italian painter. L. Caracci dip. G.Marriino pl. 23 of C, D.3 3 Caraffa. Alfonso, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1559. See Effigies pontificvm . 500 Caraffa. Antonio, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1581. See Effigies pontificvm 500 Caravaggio. See Ameriehi, Miciiel-Angelo. Cardi, Lodovico. called Cigoli, Italian painter. L. Cigoli dip. L. Livalli inc. nello Studio Tos- chi pl.24of JE., D.3.3 Carestini, Giovanni, Italian vocalist. See Profes- sori celebri di duono pl. 17of C, A.8 1 Cariani, [Pietro, Neapolitan musical composer?]. See Professori celebri di suono . . pl. 17 of 2E., A.8.1 Caron, J., evqraver. Gerard Honthorst (Delia Notte or Delle Notli). after himself. . . pl. 43 of E., D.3.3 Carccci, J., called Pontormo, painter. Cosmo de' Medici, "'Pater patriae." See Medici, C de' pl. 64b, V. 2 of E., D.3.2 Caruso, Luigi, Italian musical composer. See Pro- fessori celebri di suono pl. 15 of E., A.8.1 Casanatta, Girolamo, cardinal librarian of the Vat- ican, 1693. See Effigies pontificvm 500 Casella, — , Italian singer. See Professori celebri di suono pl. 17 of E., A.8.1 Casimih V, John, king of Poland. "Without articts' names pl. 101 of E., A.8.1 Catalani, Angelica, Italian singer. See Professori celebri di suono pl. 17 of JE., A.8.1 Cavour, Camillo Benso, conte di. Disegnato da A. Masutti. Inciso da L. Calamatta 330 Note. — Proof, with artists' names only, and tlie auto- graph inscription "A Sua Emii.a il Carl.e Tosti | L. Calamatta." / '^ iguor Cardinal Antonio [ I ostil 1 11 Suo Umil=n»> Aff=n>o e . . . [P. Toschi]." The inscription is imperfect, the margin of the prim having lieen cut down. V/. 455 500 500 491 422 421 421 500 93 424 384 400 373 COLONNA DUEVET COLONNA, D. Chiara, designer. Giuseppi de Sebre- guiidi. See Sebregoiidi, G. de . . pi. 122 of SC., A.8.1 COLOSNA, Marcaiitoiiio. cardinal librarian of the V'atioan, 1591 (1592?). ^'ee Effigies pontiftcvm. 500 COLONNA, Prosper de Seiarra, cardinal. Pompejus Batloni pinxit et del. I. G. VVille sculpsit, 17.54 85 CONDE, Louis ir.de Bonrbon. prince of, the Great. R. Xanteiiil faciebat Mense Augustj, 1662..W With artict's name only 46 CoNDOKCET. Joan Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, mar- quis de. Dessihc? par Aug. de. St. Aubin en 1786 et gr;iv6 par P. Mercurj. en 1846. With artists' names only 99 COSTARIM, Giovanni, Venetian painter. G. Coa- tarini dip. A. Costa inc. nello studio T( s- chi. pi. 27 of E., D.3.3 CoN'il, Sigismondo, chamberlain and secretary to pope Julius II pi. 31) of 2C., A.8.1 Note. — Proof on India paper, before any letters. From the *' Madonna di Foligno," painted by Raphael, in 1512, for Sigismondo Conti, who placed it in the church of Ara Coeli, whence it whs removed in 156.5 to Folisno, by his grand niece, Anna Conti. It is now in the Gallery of pictures in the Vatican. CoppENOL, Lieven van, writing-master. "Without any letters 458 Note. — A copy, by P. F. Basan, of the second state (according to Bartsch, or the fourth state according to Claui-sin, Wilson, and Blanc; of llembrandt's etching called " the larger Coppenol." Coppt, Jacopo, Florentine painter. I. Coppi dip. L. Campoantico inc ,. . pi. 28 of 5E., D.3.3 CORELLI, Arcatigelo, Italian musical composer. S^e Professor! celebri dl suono . . . . pi. 16 of ST., A.8.1 CORTONA, Pietro da. See Berretiiii, P. Cosmo 111, son of Ferdinaiido ii, 6th grand duke of l^uscany. Ec. Doms Campiglia del. G. M. Preisler so. Nov. 1738 258 CoSTA, A., engraver. Cristoforo Allori, after him- self. See Allori, C pi. 2 of E., D.3.3 — Giovanni Coutarini, after himself. See Coiit;i- riiii, G pi. 27 of tt., D.3.3 COUBF.RT, Samuel Bernard, comte de. Peint par Hyacinthe Rigaud. Grav6 par P. Drevet, 1729 38, 246 Cousins, H., engraver. Victoria, queen of Eng- land, after G. Hayter. See Victoria 378 Cousins, S., engraver. Edward Bather, after W. Etty. See Bather, E 273 COUVREUR, Adrienne, called Lecouvreur, French actress, as Cornelia. Peint par Ch. A. Coypel. Grav6 par P. Drevet 520 Coypel, C. A., painter. Adrienne Couvreur, cn/teii Lecouvreur. See Couvreur, A 520 — Charles RoUin. SeeUolIin.C 52,395 Cramer f°. [Wilhelm, violinist]. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 14 of JE., A.8.1 Cramer, padre [.Jacopo, Italian musician?]. See Professori celebri di suono . . . . pi. 14 of E., A.8.1 Cranach. See Sunder, L. Ckebillon, Prosper Jolyot de, French tragic poet. Without artists' names 393 Credi, L. di, called Sciarpelloni, painter. Alessan- dro Braccesl. See Braccesi, A. pi. 37f, V. 2 of E., D.3.2 Chescentini, or Crescentine, Girolamo, Italian vo- calist. See Professori celebri di suono. * pi. 17 of a:., A.8.1 Crespi, Daniele, Italian painter. D. Crespi dip. G. Hobruge inc. St. Perfetti pi. 29 of ffi., D.3.3 C.^ESTI, Domenico.cnWeriPassignano, Italian painter. D. Cresti do il Passignano dip. S. Livi Po- lacco dis. e inc pi. 30 of E., D.3.3 Creuzer [Georg .\nton Kreuser or Kreusser, violin- ist and composer ?]. See Professori celebri di Buono pi. 14 of JE., A.8.1 Dala, G., engraver. Emilio Amadeo de Tipaldo, after C. Dusi. See Tipaldo, E. A. de. pi. 65 of E., A.8.1 Dalco, a., engraver. Justus Sustermans, after him- self. /See Sustermans, J pi. 77 of 2E., D.3.3 — Quinten Matsys, after himself. See Matsys, Q. pi. 52 of E., D.3.3 — Vangelista Scappi, after F. F. Raibolini. See 8cappi,V pi. 73 of E., D.3.3 — Wife of Quinten Matsys, after Q. Matsys. See Matsys, Q pi. 53 of JC., D.3.3 Damele, E., engraver. A youth, after P. Bordone. See Unknown pi. 75, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 Damiani, F., Italian composer and singer. See Pro- fessori celebri di suono pi. 17 of E., A.8.1 Danesi, M.. lithographer. Eugenius a Rumiliaco. SeeRumiliaoo, E. a pi. 117 of E., A.8.1 — Vincenzo Camuccini. See Camucciiii, V. pi. 114 of E., A.8 1 Danzet,, E., engraver. Rubens's two sons, after Rubens. See Rubens's 622 DAULLfe, J., engraver. Claude Deshayes Gendron, after H. Rigaud. See Gendron, CD 45 — Hyacinthe Rigaud, painting the portrait of his wife. See Rigaud, II 315 David, Giacomo, Italian vocalist. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 17 of E., A. 8.1 David, II. ( ?), engraver. Artemisia Lorai, after Adem ( ?). See Lomi, A 403 Da vide, Giovanni, Italian opera singer, d. 1830. G. Gaddi Lito G. Sozzi dis. (Litiiograph on tinted paper) pi. 118 of E., A.8.1 Dekeyser. N., painter. Leopold Louis Phillipe Ma- rie Victor, due de Brabant. See Brabant, L. L. P. M. v., due de pi. 5 of E., A.8.1 Del^roche, P., painter. Francois Pierre Guillau- me Guizot. See Guizot, F. P. G 13 Delfine, D., engraver. A man, after Champagne. ,See Unknown pi. 161, v. 2 of ST., D.3.2 Demannez, — , engraver. Galileo Galilei, after J. Sustermaus. See Galilei, G. pi. 161, V. 3 of E., D.3.2 — and Calamatta, L., engravers. Victor Emman- uel I. See Victor Eiitimanuel I ....... . 334 Desjardins {French name of van den Bogaert), Martin, Dutch sculptor. Hiacinthus Rigaud pinxit [1692]. G. Edelinck sculp. [1698] . . . 442 DiETRlCHSTEiN, Frincess. Vine. Camuccini inc. e dip. Dom. Marclietti inc. . . .7; pi. 9 of E., A.4.2 DiEU, J., painter. Franjois Th6odoie de Nesmond. See Nesmond, F. T. de 126 — Louis Montenard de Lavergne de Tressan. See Tressan, L. M. de L. de pi. 19 of E., A.8.1 DOLCI, or Dolce, Carlo, Tuscan painter. C. Doici dip. G. Marri inc. pi. 31 of E., D.3.3 Do.MENiCHiNO. See Zampieri, D. D0.SSI, Dosso, Italian painter. Dosso Dossi dip. E. Fabbrini inc. n? St. Perfetti . pi. 32 of E., D.3.3 Dossier, M. ( ?), engraver. Bernard LeBouyer de Fontenelle, aifter H. Rigaud ( ?). See Fon- tenelle, B. Le B. de 515 Dou, Dow, or Douw, Gerhard, Dutch painter. G. Douw dip. I.e. rh<3venin inc. . pi. 33 of ST., D.3.3 — Mother of, calle/l La Devideuse (the winder). Peint par (Jerard Douw. Grav6 par Jean George Wille, 1755 » 437 Dragonetti, Domenico, Venetian j former on the double bass. See Professori celebri di suono. pi. 14 of E., A.8.1 Drevet, C., engraver. Charles Gaspard Guiliaume de Vintiraille, after Rigaud. See Vintimille, C. G. G. de 459 — Philip Ludwig, count von Sinzcndorf, after Rigaud. See Sinzendorf, P. L., count von 48 Drevet, P., the elder, engraver. Hyacinthe Rigaud, after himself. See Rigaud, H. 319 — J. M. Mitantier, after N. de Largilliere. See Mitantier, J. M 36 — Jean Balthasar Keller, after Rigaud. See Keller, J. B 41 — Louis XIV, of France, in royal robes, after Rigaud. See Louis xiv 35 — Louis XV, of France, as a child, on his throne, after Rigaud. See Louis xv 264 — Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Tou- louse, after Rigaud. See Toulouse, L. A. Bourbon, comte de 434; pi. 22 of St., A.8.1 — Louis Antoine de Noailles, cardinal, after Rigaud. See Noailles, L. A. de 22 — Maria Serro Rigaud, mother of H. Rigaud, after Rigaud. See Rigaud, H 435 — Nicclas Boileau-Despr6aux, after F. de Troy. See Boileau-Despr^aux, N pi. 75 of e., A.8.1 — Nicolas Lambert, after N. Largillifere. See Lam- bert, N 31, 446 — Ren(5 Franjois de Beauvau, after Rigaud. See Beauvau, R. F. de 57 Drevet, P. [elder or younger!], engraver. An ecclesiastic. [Not identified] . 515 — Lquis XIV, of France. See Louis xiv .... 419 — Louis Henri, due de Bourbon, after Gober( ?). See Bourbon, L. H., due de 23 Drevet, P. I., engraver. Adrienne Couvreur {called Lecouvreur), after C. A. Coypel. See Cou- vreur, A 520 — Cardinal Guiliaume Dubois, after Rigaud. See Dubois, G 24 — Jacques B6nigne Bossuet, after Rigaud. See Bossuet, J. B 179 DUE VET ERRANI Drevft, p. J., continued. — Jean Francois Paul de Ronnc df Cr6qui, due de Lt'fdijiuit'res.afU'i- IMt;aud. See Lusdiguieres, J F. P. do B. de Cr6qui, due de 59; 136 — Leonard de Lamet, after Uigaud. See Lamet, L. de 436 — Louis XIV of France, as dauphin, after Ri- gaud. See Louis xiv 29 — Samuel Bi-riiard, corate de Coubert, after Rigaud. .SV(> Couberl, 8. Bernard, comte de 38; 246 Dubois, Uiiillauinc, cardinal. Peint par Hyacinthe Kigaud 1723. Grav6 par P. Drevet. 1724 . . 24 DuCLOs-Makcotte, 8. A. (Mme. Marcotte mere). Ingres a son ami Monsieur Marcotte, 1825. Calamatta iiic 229 DUDEVANT, Amantine Lucille AuroreDupin, French writer. {George Sand.) L. Calamatta ad vi- vum delinenvitetsculpebat. I'aris 1840. Proof. 15 3'ofe. — The " sculppbat " is altered hy the engraver with a pen to "sculpsit," and tlie print bears theful- lowins? autojfnipli in*cription, — "All' Oapizio di S. Michele | L. Calamatta." — Same. In man's attire. Paris 1836. Disegnato e inclso da me L. Calamatta 224 Note. — Proof, with the engraver's name traced with the needle. DuERER, Albrecht, the elder. A. Durero dip. F. Ilavano inc pi 3.5 a. v. 2 of C., D 3.2 DuEKEK, Albrecht, /A*" yo»(ni7cr, German p.iinter and engraver. Gem. v. Alb. Dlirer. Ge?t. v. V. Forster 335 Same. A. Durero dip. Prof. M. Steimla inc. pi. 34 of Z., D.3.3 — painter. Albreclit DUrer the elder. See Due- rer. A., the elder pi. 3.3a of C, D.3.2 Du Lieu. Francois Antoine. R. Nanteiiii ad viuum pinge. et Bculpehat. 1697 497 Do MfcE, Le Chevalier, painter. Jean Baptistc do Banteul. See Sanleul, J. B. de 456 DuPLEssis. J. 8..pat;i«!; Orazio GiustinianI, ItU*!; Luiui Capponi, lii,10; Flavio Ohi^i, lUV.!; l.orenzo Brancuti, called di Laiiria, It^sl; Ginilamo Caaanatta, IliSt'f : Enrico Noris, 17(KI; Bene- detto I'anfili, 17114: Angelo Maria Ouirini, l/.MI: Uo- mcnico PasKionei. \'S!>\ Ak-Rsandro Alliani, I7H1; Fran- cesco Saveriode Zi'lada, 17M1); Luigi Vttlentio Gonzagu, lNfl2 ; Giulio Maria della Somai;lia, 182ii : Giuseppe Albani, 1.S:10 ; Lnigi Lambruschini, ISM: — (I'hoto- graphn.) Angelo Maj, 1853; Antonio Tosti, 1SJ4. EaiZlELLO, — , [Italian vocalist?]. See Professor! celebri di suono pi. 17 of E., A.8.1 Egizio, — . See Professor! celebri di suono. pi. 15 of eC., A.8.1 Elisi, Filippo, Italian vocalist. See Professori cele- bri di suono pi. 17 of C, A.8 I Klzhelmer, or Elzheiner, Adam, paititer, A. Elz- heimerdip, Calamatta dir. 1' inc. pi. 35 of ST., D.3.3 Emanuel, Philibert, duke of Savoy, general. loS Sadeler sculpsit pi. 67 of C, A.8.1 Empoli, Da. See Chimente, J. Englehart. G., paiJUer. A man. [Notidentifled]. pi. 28 of (ft., A.8.1 ErRani, L., designer and engraver. Sir George Hayler, after himself. See Hayter, Sir G. pi. 41 of E., D.3.3 engraver. Federigo Zuccaro, or Zucchero, after fiimself. See Zuccaro.F pi. 88 of E., D.3.3 Frans van Mieris, the elder, after himself. See Mieris, F. van pi. 56 of C, D.3.3 — Guido Reni, after himself. See Reni, G. pi. 65 of E., D.3.3 ESTERHAZY 8 ESTERHAZY, or Esztcrhazy.jof Galantha, Miklos {or Ntcliola«), count. Peint par L. Tocque, en 1758. Grrav6 . . . par G. F. Schmidt, en 1759 1 EsTREES, Cesar d', bishop of Laon, cardinal, peer of France. R. Nanteiiil ad viuu faciebat 1660 . . 113 Etty,\V.. painter. Kd ward Baiher, archbishop of Salop. Sep Bather, K 273 Evelyn, Ji)hn, English author. R. Xanteiiil delinabat, & Scul. 4th state, rare 77 EvREtJX, Louis de Latourd'Auvorgne,comted'. Peint par Hyaeinthe Rigaud [1705]. Grav6 par Georges Frederic .^ehtnidt a Paris en 17o9 . . 448 Eyck, J. van. painter. Charles i (Charles the bold), count of Holland. See Charles I. pi. 32 of C, i:).2.3 — Jakoba, countess of Holland. See Jakoba. pi. 30 of a;., D.2.3 — Philip I, count of Holland. See Philip i. pi. 31 of €., D.2.3 Fabbrini, E., engraver. Dosso Dossi, after himself. See Dossi. 1) pi. 32 of E., D.3.3 — Jacopo Chimenti (Da Empoli), aft'T himself. See Chimenti, J . . pi. 26 of C, D.3.3 Faber, F. T., painter. Sibylla van Grieihuysen. See Griethuysen, 8. van 396 Fabeb, or Leievre, Pierre, companion of Loyola. See Loyola, I. pi. 18 of JT., A.8.1 Faber, J., engraver. William iv, prince of Orange, after P. van Dyck. See William iv. pi. 58 of jr., A.8. Fabre, F. X., painter. (Jountcss of Albany. See Albany, L. M. C, countess of pi. 170a, V. 3 of jr., D.3.2 — Marchesa Fanny Grimaldi. See Grlmaldi, F pi. 8 of jr., A.5.1 — Vittorio Aliierl. See Allieri, V. pi. 170, v. 3 of JC., D.3.2 Faithorne, W., painter. John Rajus. See Rajus, J 395 Farinello, or Farinelli, Carlo Broschi, called, Italian singer. See Professori celebri di su- ono. pi. 17 of jr., A.8.1 Faucci, C, engraver. Antonio Doraenico Gab- biani, after G. B.Cipriani. See Gabbiani, A. D. pl.eiof jr., A.8.1 Feltko, Morto da, Italian painter. M.da Feltrodip. Blanchard Pere inc pi. i6 of JT., D.3.3 Feo, Francesco, Italian musical composer. See Pro- fessori celebri di suono pi. 16 of 5C., A.8.1 Ferdinand II, emperor of Germany. Without art- ists' names pi. 102 of jr., A.8.1 Ferdinand HI, emperor of Germany. Without art- ists' names , pi. 84 of E., A.8.1 Ferdinand, of Spain, cardinal, son of Philip iii. Without artists' names . .... , pi. 90 of E., A.8.1 Feretti, G., deaigiier. Comte de Chambord, called Henry v. See Chambord .... pi. 128 of JT., A.8.1 — Elena Gatti. See Gatti, E pi. 116 of JT., A.8.1 Ferrari, [Carlo, Itnlian violoncellist and compos- er ?] . See Professori celebri di suono. pi. 14 of jr., A.8.1 Ferri, Baldassare, Italian vocalist. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 17 of E., A.8.1 Ferri, Guido Postumio {p!>eud. Antelminelli Filo- lauro), author of La Catonea, 1568. Without artists' names . . pi. 79 of JT., A. 8.1" FiCQUF.T, K., P»J.(5rr«j,'er. Marquise di? Maintenon, af- ter P. Mignard. See Maintenon, Marquise de. 514 FiDANZA, R., designer. Cardiiial Luigi Frezza. See Frezza, L pi. 124 of JT., A 8.1 FlEUiiET, Gaspard de, poet, first president of the par- liament of Toulouse, and chancellor of Maria Theresa, of Austria. Nantuil . . . sculpebat. 124 FlLiPEPi. A., called Sandro Botticelli, painter. La bella Simonetta. See Cattani, 8 225 FiNETTO, Francisco, of the Society of Jesus. Jos. Marcucci expressit An. 1841 270 Note. — Proof with open letters. FiQUET, — , engraver, Saugrain, bookseller. See Saugrain, — 516 Florence I, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Prin- cipes Hollandia;] pi. 7 of JT., D.2.3 Florence II, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Prin- cipes Hollandiro] pi. 12 of JT., D.2.3 Florence III, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principes Hollandiw] pi. 14 of JC., D.2.3 Florence IV, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principes Hollandiaj] ..... . pi. 18 cf JC., D.2.3 Florence V, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principes Hollandia;] pi. 20 of JE., D.2.3 Floridi, F. designer and engraver, Luca Giordano, after himself. See Giordano, L. . pi. 38 of JE., D.3.3 Floridi F., continued. — engraver. Andrea Vannucchi (Andrea del Sar- to), after himself. See Vannucchi, A. pi. 80 of jr., D.3.3 FOLO, G., engraver. Albert, or Bertel, Thorvaldsen, after Camucclni. See Thorvaldsen, A. pi. 13 of jr., A. 4.2 FoLO, J., engraver. Peter Paul Rubens, after Wan- dick [ Van Dyck ?] . See Rubens, P. P. pi. 70 of Z., A.8.1 FoNTANA, P., engraver. Principini Gagarin, after Camuceini. SeeGagtriu pi. 7 of JC., A. 4. 2 Fontenellk, Bernard Le Bouyer, or Bovier, de, French philosopher and author. Without artists' names 515 A'ote. — H. Rigaud pinx., 1702? M. Dossier sc, 1709? FORMAN, Elena, second wife of Rubens. P. P. Ru- bens dip. A. Lauro inc. . . pi. 427, v. 3 of JE., D.3 2 FORNARi, Raphael, cardinal. M. le Angelo Martini dis. e inc. 18.52 pi. 25 of JE., A.8.1 For.STER, F , engraver. Albrecht Diirer, after him- self. See Duerer, A 335 — Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington, after P. G6rard. See Wellesley, A 32 Fos^l,i.\, Q., engraver. Erasmo Gattamelata, after Giorgione. See Gattamelata, E. pl.20c, V. 1 of jr., D.3.2 — Lukas van Leyden, after himself. See Lukas van Leyden pi. 46 of JT., D.3.3 — Orazio Riminaldi, after himself. See Riminaldi, O pi. 68 of jr., D.3.3 — Tiberio Titi, after himself. See Titi, T. pi. 79 of JE., D.3.3 Focquet, Charles Louis Augusfe, comte de, due de Belle isle, French general and statesman. I'eint par Hythe Rigaud [1713]. Grav6 par Johanii Georges Will, 1743 51 Focquet. or Foucquet, Nicolas, vicomte de Melun et de Vaux, marquis de Belle-isle, French finan- cier. [Le] Brun Pin. F. Poilly sculp. . . . 417 Francesca, Piero della, calledalso Pietro Borghese, painter. Battista Sforza. See Sforza, B pi. 15c, v. 1 of JE., D.3.2 — Federigo iii, count of Montefeliro. See Monte- feltro . . pi. 36 of JE., A.8.1; pi. 15b, v. 1 of JE., D.3.2 Franceschini, Marcantonio, Bolognese painter. M. Franceschitii dip. V. Della Bruna inc. pi. 37 of JE., D.3.3 Francesco d' Assihi. St. [Giov.anni Francesco Ber- nardone.] A Domenico Ziimpieri depicta. Dilineavit acre sculpsit Franciscus Rosaspina 1792 299 Francheville, or Francavilla. Pierre, Flemish sculptor, 6. 1548, d. about 1612. Porbusdip. G. Gnadagninl incise pi. 105, v. 2 of JE., D.3.2 Francia, F.. painter. See Raibolini, F. F. FrancA I. of France, on horseback. Holbein dip. F. Liviinc pi. 61, v. 2 of JE., D.3.2 Francisco de Arsi8 (or Assisi), Maria Ferdinand, husband of Isabella ii of Spain. Fed de Ma- drazo'lo Pinto. Dis. e Inciso da L. Calamatta. Proof, with artists' names only, which are merely traced with the needle 379 Franck, [J. ?]. engraver. Battista Sforza, after Piero della Francesca. See Sforza, B. pi. 15c, v. lof JE., D.3.2 Frederick III (II), the Great, king of Prussia G. F. Schmidt sculpsit 97 Fredehtck V, elector palatine, b. 1596, d. 1632. Without artists' names pi. 93 of 5E., A.8.1 Frederick Henry, prince of Orange, count of Nas- sau. Ant. van Dyck pinxit. Paxilus Pontius sculpsit. Ist state. In the Royal gallery of the Hague 347 — Same. Without artists' names . . pi. 109 of JE., A.8.1 Frederick William, elector of Brandenburg, b. 1620, d. 1688. Without artists' n.ames . . pi. 99 of JE., A.8.1 Frezza, Luigi, cardinal, d 1837. Raf Fidanza. (Lithograph, by Battistella, Rome, 1837). pi. 124 of JE., A.8.1 Friedrich, cardinal, landgrave of Hesse, etc., d. 1682. Ferdinandi Voet pinx. Alf. Clo-et sculp . . 421 Fronteau {Lat. Frunto), Jean, canon of St. Gene- Vieve. F. Cabouret post mortem delin. Nan- teuil sculp. 1663 395 FUSINATI, G., engraver. Leandro da Ponte (Bas- sano), after himself. See Bassano, L. da. pi. 61 of JE., D.3.3 — Tiziano {Kng. Titian) Veeellio, after hiniselt. See Veeellio, T pi. 83 of JE., D.3.3 Flx, orFuch8,Johann Joseph, German contrapuntist and musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 16 of JE., A 8.1 GABBIANI 9 OUZZI Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico, Florentine painter. Joan. Bapt. Cipriani del. Carol Faucci -culp. an. 1751 pi. 61 of t., A.8.1 Gabbrielli, or Gabrielll, Cattarina, Italian singer. See Professor! celebri dl suono . . pi. 17 of E., A.8.1 Gagarin, Principini. Vine. Carauccini iiiv. e dip. Pictro Fontana inc pi. 7 of e., A.4.2 Galen, Joan van, Dutch admiral. I. Llvius Pinxit. Mieliiel Mozyn sculpsit 449 — Same. I. Livius pinxit 272 Aote. — An impression differing from that described In liuitich, Kembmndt, II, p 174, no. !M, and in Claas- »in, Rembrandt, Supi)l.,6. 165, no. 'J5, by Iiaving the coat of arms dividing; the Dutch verses, and in the ap- pearance of the vessels in the sea-fiKht, and in the ab- sence of the beacon, — and varying m>m that described in Thies, Cat., p. 252, in having no engraver's or publish- er's name. GvLEOTTi. Stefano, Italian violoncellist. See Pro- fessori celebri dl suono pi. 14 of C, A.8.1 Galilei, Galileo, Italian philosopher. G. 8ubt«'r- nians dip. Demannez inc. . pi. 161, v. 3 of E., D.3.2 Galilei, Vincenzo, Florentine musician. See Pro- fessor! celel)ri di suono pi. 16 of C, A.8.1 Galle, C, engraver. Gottfried Heinrich, Gri.f von Pappenheim, after A. van Dyck. See Pappun- heim. G. H., Graf von 139 Galuppi. Baldessiiro, Italian musical composer. Se^, Professor! celebri di suono .... pi. 16 of C, A.8.1 Gantrel. E., designer and engraver. A military man wearing a peruke, and holding a plumed helmet. [Not Mentifled] 395 — engraver. Claudius de Gantrel, after B. Boul- iogne. See Gantrel. C. de . 393 Gahzoli, F., engraver. Pope Sextus iv, after Me- lozzo da Forli. See Sextus iv . . . pi. 1 of C, A.6.6 Gasparini, Casparo. Jos. Marcucci expressit An. 1844 pi. 1 of E., A.8.1 Note.— Proof before letters, with the engniver'a name only, which is in the middle. — - Same. With inscription in open letters. pi. 2 of €., A.8.1 — Same. Jos. Marcucci sc 210; pi. 3 of ilT., A.8.1 Ifote. — With the artist's name erased from the mid- dle, and placed at the right. Gaspahini. [Quiriiio, Italian violoncellist and com- poser ?] See Profossorl celebri di suono. pi. 15 of Cr., A.8 1 Gattamelata, Erasmo. Glorglone dip. G.Fosella inc pi. '.Wc, V. 1 of C, D.3.2 Gatti, Elena, 6. 1829. d. 1852. Giuseppe Feretti feco dal vero Litogratia di M. Danesi. pi. 116 of 8C., A.8.1 Gadlli, G. B., painter. Giovanni Loren zo Bernini. See Bernini, G. L. • . pi. 72 of C, A.8.1 Gadlt, Jean Baptiste, bishop of Marseilles. With- out artists' names 515 GazzanUiA, Giuseppe, Italian musical composer. Sec ProfesHorl celebri di suono . . pi. 15 of E.., A.8.1 Gendron, Claude Deshayes, French physician. Peint par Hyacintbe Kigaud. Grav6 par J. Paull6, 1737 45 Gentilesciii, Artemisia. See Lomi, Artemisia. GfeRARD, F., painter. Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington. See Wellesley, A 32 Gertrude, widow of Florence i and regent of Hoi- laud, etc. [Visscher. Principes Uollandiffi] pi. 8of ar., D.2.3 Gerusdr, J. L., a hermit. Franciscus Villamena [fecit] pi. 1 of E., A.6.2 Gesner, Salomon, Swiss poet and artist. Without any letters pi- 111 of C, A.8.1 Geulain, — , painter. Nicolas de Largilli^re. See Largillifere, N. de 453 Gherardi, Evarista, Italian actor and author. I. Viuen del. G Edelinck eq. ro. sc 614 Ghigi, Flavio, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1659. See Effigies poritificvm 600 Ghisi, G.,en5rrrtfer. Michel- Angelo Buonarroti. See Buonarroti, M. A pi. 18 of C, A.2.1 GiANGiACOMO, T., designer. Pope Pius ix. See Pius IX pi. 127 of ?[., A.8.1 — Jan Philippus Roothaan. See Roothaan, J. P. pi. 49 of C, A.8.1 GiARDiNi, Felice, Italian violinist and composer. See Professor! celebri di suono . . . . pi. 14 of E., A.8.1 GiGOUX, J. F., painter. Bene Francois Auguste, vlcomte de Chateaubriand. See Chateaubriand, R. F. A.,vicomte de '. 490 GiLLiER, Melchior de, royal counsellor. Nantveil ... la desseign^ et grau6 sur le naturel, 1652. 414 GiMlGNANi, — [Francesco Geminiani. Italian violin- ist, composer, and writer on musical subjects ?] . See Professor! celebri dl suoiio . . pi. 14 of &., A.8.1 2 GiOCONDO, Mona Lisa del. Leonardo da Vinci Piiise. Disegnato e Inciso da I.i. Calamatta 311 Aote. — Proof, with artists' names only, traced with the needle , and with the autfytrrnph dedication " A S. £. II Cardinal Tosti, L. Calamatta.." Giordano. Luca, Italian painter. L. Giordano dip. F. Florid! dis. e inc pi. 38 of t., D.3.3 GloRGlOSE. See Barbarelli, G. Giovanni da San Giovanni. See Manozzl, G. GIUSTINIANI, Orazio, cardinal librarian of the Vati- can, 1646. See Effigies pontiflcvm 600 GlUSTlNlANi, Vincenzo (Lat. Vincentius Justinia- nns), cardinal. Claud. Mellan del. et Sculp. 1631 pi. 62 of C., A.8.1 Glueck, Chrlstoph, German musician and composer. See Professori celebri di suono . . pi. 16 of C, A.8.1 GOBERT, P., painter. Louis xv, of France. See Louis XV 208 — (?) Louis Henri, due de Bourbon. See Bour- bon, L. H.,ducJJ. 2d state 49 Leoni, r..odovico, allied II Padovano or Padovanino, Ibilian painter, engraver, and modeler, (^tta- vius Leonus Roman' piclor fecit [1*525] . . . 295 Leoni, O., painter and engraver. Antonio Tempes- ta. See Tempesta, A 422 — Cristoforo Koncalli. See Ronealli, C 295 — Francesco Brucciolini. Sc Bracciolini, F. . . . 515 — Gabriel Ciabrera. See Ciabrera. G 422 — Giovaiiid Ciainpoll. See Ciampoll, G 422 — Giovanni Francesco Barbleri (Ouerclno). See Barbieri. G. K pi. 112 of C, A.8.1 — Giuseppe Cesar! (.Vrplno). See Cesari, G. . . 422 — Lodovico Leoni (II Padovano, or Padovanino). See Leoni, L 295 — Paulus Qualiatus Clodianus. See Olodianus, P. !udebat cum priuil. Refjis 1674-^ 2d state. 404 — Same. Ph. Champaigne Plnxlt R. Nantull. Sculpebat 2d state 128 Leu, T. de, engraver. Pierre Pigray. See Pigray, P. 513 Le VAVER,Fr'an5ols de La Mothe, tutor to Monsieur, due d'Orieaus, only brother of Louis xiv. Nanteuil ad vluum delln. et sculpebat. 1st state. '* Very rare " 211 Levden, Lukas van. See Lukas van Leydeu. La Chapki.i.k, Claudius de. B. Boulogne Pinxit. t?leph. Gantrel sculp. 1690 •• . . . 393 La DIcvideuse. See l>ou, G., mother of. La Fontaine, L., painter. ( ?) Daniel Charles Ga- briel de I'entels de L6vi8 de Tubiferes, de Cfv^- lus, bishop of Auxerre. See Caylus, D. C. G. de P. do L. de T., de 26 La Gardie, Magnus Gabriel de. count of Lecko and Arensberg. Dauid Kloocker pinxit. Petrus vanschuppen scul. 1669 359 Lallemant, I'lerre, prior of St. Genevieve, and chancellor of the university. Nanteuil Facie- bat 1678 413 La Mahf., L. de, the younger, painter. Georges Paul Miiulevrler. See Maulevrier. G. P. . . . 423 Lambert, Nicolas, royal counoellor. Nlc Largllliere pinxit, Petr. Drevet sculpslt 31, 446 Lamboy, William, count of, imperial general In the thirty years' war. Without artists' names. pl.l07of a:., A.8.1 Lambruschini, Luigi, cardinal librarian of the Vati- can, 1834. See Effigies pontiftcvm 600 Lamet, Leonard de, theologian. Hyacinths Rigaud pinx, [1695J. P. Dreuet scul. [1699J' .... 436 La Moth, — [Fran90i8 hamotte, violinist?]. See Professori celebri di suono . . . . pi. 14 of ST., A.8.1 La Motiie Le Vayer, Fran50ls de. See Le Vayer, F. de La Motlie. Lannoy, — de, engraver. Michel-Angelo Amerighi (Caravagglo), after himself. See Amerighi, M. A pi. 3 of C, D.3.3 Lapi, E., engraver. Giovanrd Francesco Pico della Miriindola. See Pico della MIrandola, G. F v. 3 of C, D.3.2 Larcber, Michel, president of the Cbambre des comptes 73 tTote. —HA state. The first state bore the inscription, "R. Nanteuil. faciebat" This ha* been erased, and the date WA'J substituted. The angles of tlo 1 II Signer Cardinal A Tosti | II suo DeviSo ed Obmo servo | P. Mcrcurj." — Same. Petitol pinx. P. Mercurj sculp. 1847 . 346 Mallerini, p., designer. Bernardo da Offida. See Bernardo pi. 2«, 27 of C, A.8.1 Manasseii ben-Joseph bf.n Israel, Portuguese rabbi. Kembrandt f. 1636. (Etching). ... 402 Manasseb, J. C engraver George t^zeleptseny, after Fr. Adolf (a capuchin monk). See Sze- lepiseny, G pi. 56 of JT., A 8.1 Mancion, p., etigrnver. Giovanni Francesco Briglia, after himself. See Briglia. G. F. pi. 55 of €., A.8.1; pi. 14of tS:.,D.Z.S — J. Tatti (Sansovino), after Tintoretto. See Tatti, J pi. 54 of €., A.8.1; pi. 88, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 Maneli,!, L.. engraver. Maria de' Medici, alter A. Allori (Bronzino). See Medici, M. de'. pi. 74, V. 2 of E., D.3.2 Manetti. Rutilio, Sienese painter. R. Manetti dip. F. Bargiacchi inc. nella Sc. Perfetti. pi. 50 of 3E., D.3.3 Manfkedini, Vincenzo, Italian composer. See Pro- fessori ceUbri di suono pi. 15 of E., A.8.1 Manna. Gennaro, Italian musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono . . . . pi. 16 of €., A.8.1 Manozzi, Giovanni, catted Giovanni da San Gio- vanni, Florentine painter. G. Manozzi da 8. Gio. dip. inc. nella t^c. Calamatta . pi. 51 of E., D.3.3 Mansard, or Mansart, Jules Haidouin. French architect. Hiacinte Rigaud pinxit [1702]. Ede- linck sculpsit [1704] 16,27 — Same. Peint en 1699 par F. Detroy grave par Simonneau, l'ain6 1710 18 Mansfelu, Ernst. Grat von. Ant. van Dyck pinxit. Robertus van Voerst 8culp^it ........ 115 Manzuoi,!, Giovanni, Italian vocalist. See Profes- sori celebri di suono pi. 17 of 2C., A.8.1 Mara, or Marra, Gertrude Elizabeth [t-chmalingl, German vocalist. See Professori celebri di suono • .... pi. 17 of E., A,8.1 Makatti, or Maratta, C, painter. Pope Clement IX. See Clement IX 455 Marcello, [Benedetto.Venetian composer of church music ?J. See Professori celebri di suono. pi 16 of E., A.8.1 Marchesi, a., engraver. Claudius Albert Sevin, after himself. See Sevin, C. A. . pi. 74 of €., D.3.3 — Pietro Francesco Mazzucchelli, (Morazzone) after himself. See Mazzucchelli, P. F. pi. 55 of E., D.3.3 Marchesi, or Marehesini, Luigi, Italian vocalist. See Professori celebri di suono . . pi. 17 of E., A 8.1 Marche.si, O., engraver. A man, after G. B. Mo- roni. See Unknown. . . . pi. 80 a, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 Marciietti, D., engraver. Countess Schouwalof, ' after Camuccini. See Schouwalof, Contes- sa 205; pi. 8 of E., A.4.2 — Princess Dietrlchstein, after Camuccini. See Dietrichslein 7; pi. 9 of E., A.4.2 Marciietti, J., engraver. St. Vincent de Paul, after F. Cecchi. See Vincent de Paul, St. pi. 11 of E., A.8.1 Marchi, a., engraver. Peter Paul Rubens, after himself. See Rubens, P. P pi. 71 of E., D.3.3 MARCni 13 MEHK8MAN Makchi, a., continued. — I'ompeo Girolamo Batoni, after himself. See Batoni, P. Q pi. 9 of ST., D.3.3 Marcotte-Genlis, — . J. Ingres Del 1852. L. Calamatta Incise pi. 8 of JT., A. 8.1 Marcotte, Mme., mfere. See Duclos-Marcotte, 8. A. Marcl'CCI, J., (ie-nfjner and engraver. Francisco Finitto. 5eeiFinetto,F 270 — engraver. Casparo Qasparinl. 5ee Gisparini, C. pi. 1.2, 3 of C, A 8.1; 210 — Pope Pius IX, after A. Sublet. See Pius ix . . 2 Margaret, countess of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principes Hollandiai] pi. 25 of E., D.2.3 Maria Anna, archduchess of Austria. I.Houbraken sculps. Amst. 1747 226 Maria Henrietta, queen of Leopold ii.ot Belgium. Peint par L. Tuerlinckx. Dessin6 & grav^ par Lucio Lclli 355 Ifote. — Proof, without the name of the person repre- sented, but with the imprint Bruxellrs ites 27c I'ubli- catiim.nnd the autograph dcdicatiim, " A Sua Eiiiza Rflia il cardinal Antonio 'I'onti | Lucio LclIl." Maria Thkresa, Infanta of Spain, wife of I.ouis xiv. Jacobus Le Febure pinxit. Nicolaus Buztn Bculp«itl681 385 Mabiani, fuiovanni Batlista, composer of dramatic music r] See Professori c^ebri di suono. pi. 16 of E., A.8.1 Mariani. [Giovanni Lorenzo, composer of church music ?] See Professorl celubrl di suono. pi. 16 of a., A.8.1 Maridat de Serri^re, Pierre de, councillor. Nan- teiiil a fait . . . L'imnge 514 Marigny, .-Vbel Fran9ois Poisson de Vandleres, mar- Suis de. Peitit par L Tocqu6. Grave par ean Georges Wille pour sa Reception k I'.Academie 1762. 6lh state 260 Marin de la Chataigneraye, Denis, secretary of the Iting. Ant. Masson ad Viuum pinxit et sculp. 1672. 2d state pi. 20 of E., A.8.1 Marquakd (//«<. Marquardus), )>ishop of Aichstadt, d. 1685. Wf. Clowet sculp 421 Marri, G.. engraver. Carlo Dolci, after himself. See Dolci, C pi. 31 of C, D.3.3 — Giorgio Vasari, after himself. See Vasari, G pl.82of e;.,D.3.3 — Giovanni Battista Maganza, after himself. See Maganza, G. B pi. 4« of K., D.3.3 - Giovanni de' Medirl (" Dalle band! nere "), after Titian. See Medici, Giovanni de'. pl.79d, V. 2ofI!!:., D3.2 — Jakob Jordaens, after himself. See Jordaens, J pi 44 of C D.3.3 — Ludovico Caracci, after himself. See Caracci, L pi. 23of a:.,D.3.3 — A man, after Bronzino. See Unknown. pl.74d. V. 2of E., D.3.2 — A man, after H. Holbein. See Unknowi . pl.eib. V. 2of E., D.3.2 — A man praj'ing, after H. Memiing. See Un- known pi. 159, V. 3 of eC., D.3.2 Martin, — , minister from Hanover to France. In- gres a son ami Monsivur Martin 1826. L. t'al.-»- matta Incise Parigi 1835 pi. 7 of JE., A.8.1 Martinet, A. L., engraver. Pietro Vannuccl (Pe- rugino) after himself. See Vannucci, 1*. pi. 81 of E., D.3.3 Martini, A., designer and engraver. Cardinal Ra- phael Fornari. See Fornarl, II. . pi. 21) of C, A.8.1 Martini, Andrea, Italian vocalist. See Prof« ssorl celebri di suono pi. 17 of E., A.8.1 Martini, Padre Giambattisti, Italian musician and composer. See Professori celebri di suo- no pi. 16 of E., A.8.1 Martino, S. [Giovanni Battista San Martini, or Sammartini, Italian musical composer?] See Professori celebri di Buono . . . . pi. 16 of JT., A.8.1 Marucci, G., engraver. A full-length statue of a man in a military dress. [Not identi- fied! 381 Mary of Burgundy, countess of Holland, etc. Ro- gier van Bruggbe pinx. [Visscher. Principes Hollandia?] pi. 33 of C, D.2.3 Mary, I'rincess, daughter of Charles I. See Charles, prince of Wales 166 Masaccio. See Guidi, T. Masse, J. B. Maria de' Medici, in the character of Minerva, after Rubens. See Medici, M. de'. pi. b. of E., C.7.5 Masson, A., engraver. Comte d' Harcourt (Cadet a la perle), after N. Mignard. See Harcourt, H. de Lorraine, comte d' 382 — Gaspard Charrier, after T. Blanchet. See Char- rier, G 96 Masson, A., continued. — Guillaume de Brisacier, after N. Mignard. See Brisacier, G. de — painter and engraver. Charles Patln. See Patin, C — Denis Marin de La Chatiigneraye. See Marin de La Chataigneraye, I) pi. 20 of ?C., — Francois Kouxel de Medauy. See Kouxel de Medauy, F — Jacques Nicolas Colbert. See Colbert, J. N. . — Pierre Dupuis, after N. Migriard. See Dupuis. P Masctti, a., designer. CamiUo Benso, conte di Cavour. See Cavour, C. B.. conte di . . . . Matsys (Matsijs. Metsys, Met-ijs, or Massijs). Quen- tiri (or Quintijn)- Pleniinh painter. Quintino Messis dip. Antonio Dalco incise, pi. 62 of E., Messis dip. Dalco inc pi. 53 of E., Matsys, Quentfn, Wife of. Quintino Messis dip 418 100 A.8.1 388 424 72 330 D.3.3 D.3.3 A.8.1 A.8.1 187 423 Mattei, PUidre Stanislao, Italian composer of church music?]. See Professori celebri dl suono pi. 16 of E., Matteiicci, Matteo Sassani, called, Italian vocalist. See Professori celfbri di suono . .pi. 17 of C, Matthias, emperor of Germany from 1612 to 1619. Bust, with allegorical ornaments. Egidivs Sadeler ad vivvm delineavil Maulevrier, Georges Paul, abbot. L. de la Mare tillus pinxit. Gas. Kdelinck sculp Maurice, of Nassau, son of William, prince of Orange. P. Boutman Inuen. Effigiavit et ex- cud. I. Suiderhoef Sculp. Note. — The inscription in written with a pen. Madrt, Jean Siffrein, French cardinal and orator. Grave par Frangois Godefroy • 65 Maximilian (archduke of Austria), count of Holland, etc. Lucas van Laydcn pinx. [Visscher, Prin- cipes Hollandia)] pi. 34 of E., D.2.3 Maximilian, duke of Bavaria, elector palatine, b. 1596, d. 1661. Without artists' names. pi. 71 of E., A.8.1 — Same. Without artists' names .. pi. 108 of ST., A.8.1 Maxi.mii.ian Kmanl'KL. duke of Bavaria, elector palatine, h. 1662, d. 1726. [C. G. vonj Ara- lingdelin: et sculpsit. MonachiJ. 1682 . ... 123 Xote. — Without the name of the peraon repre- sented. The letter! " C. O. von " are torn off Mater, or Mayr, Johann Simon, German musical composer. See Professori celebri di suo- no pi. 15 of C, .'V.S.I Mazarin, Jules, cardinal. Nantueil F. 2d state . . 372 Xote. — Proof with artist's name only, to which has been added with a pencil the date ItUS. — Same. Nantueil faciebat. 1656 76 Abte. — Without the name of the person represented. Mazzanti, Ferdinando, Italian composer, violinist, and singer. See Professori celebri di suo- no pi. 17 otE., MAZZDCCltELi.l, Pietro Francesco, called Morazzone, Milanese painter. P. F. Mazzucchelii dip. A. Marches! inc. ScuolaToBchi . . . pi. 65 of E., Mazzcola, Francesco, called Parmigianino, I.,om- bard painter. F. Mazzuola d? Parmigianino dip. L. Paradisi inc pi. 64 of E., Mecari.no. See Beccafumi, D. Medici, Cosmo de', called I'ater patriae. Pontormo pinxit. Calamatta direxit. Vandersypen sculp- sit pi. 64b, v. 2 of E. Medici, Francesco de', grand-duke of Tuscany. Rubens pinxit G. Edelink Eques efligiem sculp 204; pi. c of C Medici, Garcia de,' son of Cosmo i, the Great, grand duke of Tuscany. A. Bronzino dip. B. t?o- ster inc pi. 39 of E. Same. Proof, with the artists' names only, and "G. Tedeschl impressa." pi. 74a, v.2of E. Medici, Giovanni de, called Dalle bandi nere. T. Vecellio dip. G. Marri inc. . pi. 7Hd. v.2 of E. Medici, Lorenzo de', the magnificent. Vasari dip. F. Ravanoinc pi. 77. v. 2 of a., Medici, Maria de', daughter of Cosmo l, the great, A. Bronzino dip. L. Manelli inc. pi. 74, V. 2 of E. Medici. Maria de', queen of France, in the character of Minerva. Uubens pinx. J. B. Masse sculp- sit 1708 pi. b. ofE. Meersman, — de, engraver. Jean Racine, after H. Rigaud. See liacine, J pi. 9 of E. A.8.1 D.3.3 D.3.3 D.3.2 , C.7.6 A.8.1 D.3.2 , D.3.2 D.3.2. , D.3.2 , C.7.5 A.8.1 MELLAN 14 MUELLER Mellan, C, designer and engraver. Cardinal Vln- cenzo Glustiniani. See Giiistinlanl, V. pi. 62 of ST., A.8.1 — Jean Barclay. See Barclay, J 397 — painter and engraver. Virginia di Vezzo. See Vezzo, V.di 403 MeIiOZZO da Forli, Marco dcgli Ambrogi, called, painter. Pope Sextus iv. See Sextus iv. pi. 1 of E., A.6.6; pi. 32 of ST., A.8.1 Memling, or Heraling, or Hemmelinck.H., painter. A man praying. See Unknown. pi. 159, V. 3of E., D.3.2 Menicuccics, Raphael. Romse, 1625. Ott. L. f. . - 402 Menozzi, p., engraver. Alessandro AUori, after himself, ^ee AUori, A pi. 1 of ST., D.3.3 Mercurj, p., engraver. Cristopher Colombus. See Colombo, C 353 — Giovanni di Capistrano. See Capistrano G dl. 351 — Marquis de Condorcet, after A. de St. Aubin. See Condorcet, J. A. N. de Caritat, marquis de 99 — Marquise de Maintenon, after Petitot. )See Main- tenon, Marquise de 346 — Torquato Tasso. See Tasso, T 301, 347 Mestrino, Nicolo, Italian musician. See Professori celebrl di suono pi. 14 of C, A.8.1 Medll, — . See Professori celebri di suono. pi. 15 of ff., A.8.1 Meunikr, C, engraver. A man, after J. Suster- mans. See Unknown . . . . pi. 141, v. 3 of 2C., D.3.2 Meunier, J. B., engraver. A full-bearded man with a tliree-cornered cap. [Not identified] . . . 182 — Francesco Primaticcio, after himself. See Pri maticcio, F pi. 62 of C, D.3.3 Meurs. J. van, engraver. Hans Lipperhey', after H. Berckmanns. See Lipperhey, H 513 — Sibylla van Gricthuysen, after F. T. Paber. See Griethuysen, 8. van 396 — Zaciiarias Jansen, after H. Berckmanns. See Jansen, Z 513 Michael Korybut Wisniowiecki, king of Poland, 6. 1638, rf. 1673. Wilhout artists' names . . . 3 Michel-Angelo. See Buonarroti, Michel-Angelo. Miehis, Fr.ins van, the elder, Flemish painter, with a palette and picture in his lefthand, and an easel in the background. F. Mierisdip. L. Errani inc pi. 56 of C, D.3.3 — Same, playing on a guitar. P. Belloli inc. pi. 171b, V. 3 of ST., D.3.2 MiERS, Benedettino Giovanni. See Professori cele- bri di suono pi. 16 of ffi., A.8.1 MiGLiAVACCA, G., engraver. Baccio Bandinelli, after himself. See Bandinelli, B. pi. 5 of E., D.3.3 MiGNARD, N., painter. Comte d'Harcourt (Cadet a la perle). See Hareourt, H. de Lorraine, comte d' 382 — iidouard ( 'olbert, marquis de Villacerf. See Villacerf. E. Colbert, marquis de 492 — Guillaume de Brisacier. See Brisacier, G. de . 418 Marquise de Maintenon. See Maintenon, Mar- quise de 514 — Pierre Dupuis. See Dupuis, P 72 MiGNARD, Pierre, French painter. Peint par Hya- cinthe Rigaud en 1691. Grave par Georges Frederic Hchmidt pour sa Reception a I'Aca- d6raie, en 1744. 2.1 state 30, 39, 447 MIJTEN.S, M. van, painter. Charles vi, emperor of Germany. See Charles vi 43 MiLLico, Giuseppe, Italian singer. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 17 of 2C., A.8.1 Minardi, T., designer. Daniello Bartoli. See Bar- toli, D pi. 110 of JE., A.8.1 MiRAMlON, Marie Bonneau de, founder of the " Con- gr6gation de la Suinte-Famille." Peint par de Troy. Grav6 par le Chevalier Edelinck . . . 514 MlTANTlER, J. M., greffier. N. de Largilliere pinxit. Petrus Drevet sculpsit. With artists' names only 36 MOGALLI, C, engraver. Charles v, emperor of Ger- many, on horseback, after A. van Dyck. See Charles v 291 MoiiE, fidouard, president of the parliament of Paris and royal councillor. ..,Par...R. Nanteuil [1653] 89, 140 Same. Proof on India paper, before any let- ters pi. 50 of a:., A.8.1 Moii£, Franjois, abh6 de Sainte Croix de Bordeaux, grandson of fidouard M&16. R. Nantiieil de- lineabat et Sculpebat 1649 84 Moi>6, Matthieu, keeper of the seals, son of fidouard Mol6. Rob. Nantueil ad-Uiuum sculpebat . . 135 MOLfe, Mathieu Louis, comte. Peint par Ingres. Di- segnato e inciso da L. Calamatta. Paris 1840. Proof 293 MoLife, M. L., continued. Note. — A presentation copy, with the inscription, "Air Oapizio di S. Michele | L. Calamatta," written with a pencil. MoLiNARi, G., engraver. Daniello Bartoli, after T. Minardi. S^ee Bartoli, D pi. 110 of C, A.8.1 MOLlNARi, G. B., designer and engraver. Loyola and his companions. See Loyola, I. pi. 18 of K., A.8.1 MoLYN, or Molijn, Pieter, the younger, called MuUer, and Tempesta, painter. P. MuUer dip. A. Lauro inc pi. 57 of E., D.3.3 MONA I-iSA. See Giocondo. MONBELLI, [or Mombelli, Domenico, Italian singer?]. See Professori relebri di suono . . pi. 17 of e., A.8.1 MONCADA, Francisco de, count of Orsuna and mar- quis of Aitona. Antonius Van-dyck pinxit. Raphael Morghen incidit Romae 1793 .... 33, 365 MoNETA, N., eiH/raver. Antonio Maria Cadolini, car- dinal. See Cadolini, A. M. . . . pi. 45 of E., A.8.1 — Jan Philippus Roothaan, after T. Giangiacomo. See Roothaan, J. P pi. 49 of E., A.8.1 MONSINAT, Bertrand, of Toulouse, general of the Minorites. Paulus Pontius Antonius Robert de Seri ad Viuum pinxit [1680]. Arnoldus Van Westerhout soul. ...1722 359 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, French essayist. Grav6 par Ch6reau, lejeune. 1725 83 Montefeltro, Battista Sforza, wife of Federigo ill, count of. See Sforza, B. . . pi. 15c, v. 1 of E., D.3.2 Mojjtefeltro, Federigo in, conte di. P. della Francesca dip. Morelli dis. e inc. nella Sc. Calamatta [1841] pi. 15b, v. 1 of E., D.3.2 — Same. India proof. P. della Francesca dipe Morelli diso e ince Calamatta dir? Brux- elles, 1847 ."....■ pi. 36 of E., A.8.1 Montmorency, Guillaume, baron de, d. 1531. Cala- matta inc 252 MONTPEZAT DE CARBON, Jean, archbishop of Bourges, and of Sens. Nanteiiil ad viuum ping, et sculpebat. 2d state, after the date, 1673, was erased 398 Morales, Cristobal, Spanish musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono . . pi. 16 of 2E., A.8.1 MORAZZONE. See Mazzuchelli, P. F. MOREAU, L., engraver. Charles de Gondy, after A. Pezet. See Gondy, C. de 397 MORELbi, properly Morel, F., engraver. Federigo III, count of Montefeltro, after Piero della Francesca. See Montefeltro. pi. 36 of €., A.8.1 ; pi. 15b, v. 1 of E., D.3.2 Morelli, E., designer. Eugenius a Rumiliaco. See Rumlliaco, E. a pi. 117 of E., A.8.1 MOBERI, Louis, author of Le grand dictionnaire his- torique. De Troye Pin. G. Edelinck Sculp. 2d state pi. 57 of al., A.8.1 MORGHEN, R., engraver. Francisco de Moncada, after A. van Dyck. See Moncada, F. de . . 33, 365 — Giovanni Viilpato, after M. A. A. Kauffmann. See Volpato, G 512 — St. Philip Neri, after S. Tofanelli. See Philip Neri, St 298 — Stanislas Augustus Poniatowski, after D. Car- delli. See Poniatowski, S. A 226 MORICIIELLI, Anna [Bosello]. Italian vocalist. See Professori celebri di suono. . . . pi. 17 of 2C., A.8.1 MOBICHINI, Cav. Domenico Pino. Without artists' names 296 MORIN, J., engraver. Omer Talon, after Champagne. See Talon, 129 — Robert Arnaulu-d'Andilly, after Champagne. See Arnauld-d'Andilly, R 454 MORO, A., painter. Philip in (of Spain), count of Holland. See Philip ill (of Spain). pi. 38 of a;., D.2.3 MORONi, G. B., painter. Giovanni Antonio Pantera. See Pantera. G. A pi. 80, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 — A man. See Unknown ... pi. 80a, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 MOSTART, J., painter. Philip ii, count of Holland. See Philip n pi. 35 of ij., D.2.3 MOUY, Henri de Lorraine, marquis de. R. Nantueil Cum Priuilegio Sculpebat et Excudebat. Ist state. " Rare " 92 MouziJN, Mouzyn, or Mozin, M., engraver. Joan ,van Galen, after J. Lievens. See Galen, J. van 272, 449 Mozart, (.lohann Chrysostom Si^ismund Gottlieb) Wolfgang Amadeus, German musical com- poser and pianist. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 15 E., A.8.1 MCELLEU, J. G. von. engraver. Johann Georg Wille, al'ler J. B. Greuze. See Wille, J. G 75 — Louis XVI, of France, after J. 8. Duplessis. See Louis XVI 482 MDLLER 15 PEE Mlller, p. See Molyn, P. MuKiLi.o, Bartolni6 Esteban, painter. Murillo Pinxit. Digto e inciso da Calamatta 1842 . . 184 Ante. — With the autograph inscription, " Per 8. Mi- ehele L. Calamatta." MuziANO, G., painter. An unknown man. See Unknown pi. 250, v. 3 of iJ., D.3.2 Nanteuii,, R., (designer. Frangolg Tallemant. See Tallemant. F. 269 — designer and engraver. Francois de La Mothe le Vayer. See Le Vayer, F. de La Mothe . . 211 — Marie de Bragelogne. See BragcloKne, M. de. 132 — Pierre Seguier, marquis de Saint-lirison. See Saint Bricon, P. Seguier. marquis de 87 — enqraver. Cardinal Kichelieu, after Champagne. 'See Kichelieu 213 — Francois Bervien after Champagne, See Ser- vit-n, F 259 — Henri II d'Orldans, due de Longueville, after Champagne. See Longueville 120 — Jacques de Coigneux, after Beaubrun. See t;oigTieux, J. de 93 — Jean Fronteau, or Fronto, after F. Cabouret. See Fronteau. J 395 — Michel Le Telller, after Champagne. See Le Tcliier. M 128 — Philibert Emanuel de Beaiimanoir de Lavardin, after Champagne. See Lavardin, P. E. de B. de 133 — painter Pierre Armand de Caraboutde Coislln. ■See Cambout de Coislln, P. A. de 96 — pointer and engraver. Andre I^e Ffevre d'Or- mcsson. See Ormesson. A. Le F. de .... 117 — Anne of Austria, wife of Louis xiii of Franco. See Anne 607 — Cardinal C^sar d' Estr^es. See Estries, C, d'. 113 — Cardinal Mazarin. See Mazarin,,T 76,372 — £douardMol6. SeeMol^.f:. 89, 140; pi. 50 of C, A.8.1 — Franijois Antoine Du Lieu. See Du Lieu, F. A. 497 — Franijois de Bonne de Cr^qui, due de Lesdi* gHieres. See Lcsdiguiferes, F. de B. deCr^qui, due de — Fran5ois de Hnrlay de Chanvallon. See Chan- vallon, F. deH.de — Francois Mol6. See Mol6, F — Gaspard do Fieubet. See Fieubet, G. de . . . — Uardouin de Beautnont de P6refixe, See Vix6- fixe, U. de B. de — Henri de Lorraine, marquis de Mouy, See Mouy. H. de Lorraine, marquis de — Jacques Nicolas Colbert. See Colbert, J. N. . . — Joan l.ont. See Lorct, J — Jean Montpezat de Carbon. See Montpezat de Carbon, J — John Evelyn. See Evelyn, J — Jules Paul de Lionne. See Lionne, J. P. de . . — Louis II de Bourbon, prince of Cond6. See CondtS — Louis XIV, of France, in armor. See Louis xiv. — Louis, the dauphin, son of Louis xiv. See Louis, IJaupliiii — Louis Boucherat. See Bouchcrat, L — l-ouls Hcsselin. See Hesselin, Ij — Marquis de Louvois. See Louvois, F. M. Le Tellier, marquis de — Matthieu Mol6. See MoI6, M — Melchior de Gillier. See Gillier, M. de . . . . — Michel Amelot. See Amelot, M. ....... — Michel Larcher. See Larcher, M — Michel Le Tellier. See Le Tellier. M 127, 404 — Pierre de Bonzl, See Bonzi, P. de 386 — Pierre de Maridat de Serriere. See Maridat de Serriere, P. de — Pierre Dupuy. See Diipuy, P — Pierre Lallemant. See Lallemant, P — Victor Le Bouthillier. See Le Bouthillier. V. . Napolkon I, after cast of face taken at St. Helena, May 5, 1821. Disegnato e inciso da L. Cala- matta, [1840] — Same, as first consul. Without painter's or en- graver's name pl.l3of ST., A.8.1 Nardini, G., engraver. Giovanni Battista Salvi (Sassoferraio), after himself. See Salvi, G. B pi. 72 of 2!:., D.3.3 — Jacopo Robusti (Tintoretto), after himself. See Robusti, J pi. 69 of ffi., D.3.3 Nardini, Pietro, Italian violinist. See Profi-ssori ce- lebrl di suono pi. 14 of E.., A.8.1 Nargeot, J. D., engraver. Countess of Albany, after F. X. Fabre. See Albany, L. M. C, countess of pi. 170a, v. 3 of ST., D.3.2 Marie Louise Elisabeth [Viu^e] Le Brun, after herself. See Le Brun, M. L. E. pi. 45 of E., D.3.3 136 604 84 124 92 384 116 398 77 80 46 605 387 608 137 506 135 414 399 73 514 395 413 218 196 Nesmond, Franjois Theodore de. Dieu pinxit. Lenfant sculpebat 1661 261 Newton, Lord. See Hay, Charles. NoAlLLEs, Louis Antoine de, cardinal, archbishop of Paris. Hyaointus Rigaud pinx. [1697J. Pe- tru» Drevet sculp, [1721] 22 NOBILI, Roberto de', cardinal librarian of the Vati- can, 1555. See Effigies pontificvm 500 NOCCHI, P., engraver. George Henry Harlow, after himself. See Harlow, G. H. . . pi. 40 of ai:.,D.3.3 Nobis, Enrico, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1700, See Effigies pontificvm 500 NORMAND.V., en^rai'er. Giuseppe Cesari (Arpino), after himself. See Cesari, G. . . , pi. 25 of C, D.3.3 NoTTE, Delia, or Delle Notli. See Honthorst, G. Gets, P., painter. Johannes van Arxhouck, See Arxhouck, J. van 20 Orange, William iv. prince of. See William iv. Orleans, Ferdinand Philippe Louis Charles Henry Joseph, due de, eldest son of Louis Philippe. Paris, 1845, Peint par Ingres. Disegnato e inciso da L. Calamatta 489 Note. — Proof, with artists' names only, — which are traced with the needle, — anil the inscrintion, " A Son Kminence le Cardinal Tosti | Ingres et Calamatta," in the handwriting of the former. — Same. Paris 1842. Peint par Ingres. Disto e inciso da Calamatta pi. 12 of C, A.8,1 Note. — Engraver's proof, partially finished. Artista' names lightly traced. No other letters, but the auto- graph inscription, " A Sua E. il Cardinal Tosti | L, Calamatta." Orleans, Jean Baptiste Gaston, due d'. Ant. Van Dyck pinxit. Vorsterman sculp 81 ORHE880N, Andr6 ler Le Fevre d', councillor of state. Nantuil ad viuum faciebat, 1654 . . . 117 Note. — 1st state, before the year, IGM, was erased. Paccaiarotti, Gasparo, Italian vocalist. See Pro- fessor! celebri di suono pi. 17 of C, A.8.1 Padovano, or Padovunino, 11. See Leoni, L. Paoanini, Nicolo, Italian violinist, Ingres del roma 1818. Calamatta Sculp. Names traced with the needle 227 Paillet, a., designer. Andr6 Louis Personne. See Personne. A. L 393 Faisiello, Giovanni, Italian musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono .... pi. 15 of E-., A.8 1 Palestrina, Giovanni Pietro AInisio da, Italian mu- sical composer. See Professori celehri di suono pi. 16 of !r,, A.8.1 Palma, Jacopo, the younger, Italian painter. I. Palmadip. E. Salvi inc pi. i)8 of JT,, D.3,3 Panfili, Benedetto, cardinal librarian of the Vatican 1704. See Efflgie^ pontificvm 500 Fantera, Giovanni Antonio, author of Monarchia di Gesu Cristo, 1545. G. B. Moroni dip. G. Barni inc pi. 80, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 Paolucci, Guiseppe. Italian musical writer. See Professori celebri di suono . . , . pi. 15 of E., A.8.1 PAPPENHEIM, Gottfried Heinrich, Graf von. [Ant, van Dyck pinxit. C. Galle schuipsit ] . . . . 139 Note. — The names of the artists are missing, the mar- gin of the print having been wholly cut oft'. Par, Ferd. See Professori celebri di suono. pi. 15 of E., A.8.1 Paradisi, L., engraver. Francesco Mazzuola (Par- megiano), after himself. See Mazzuola, F. pi, 54 of E., D.3.3 Pakmeoianino. See Mazzuola, F. Parodi, P , painter. Nicolao Maria Spinola. See Spinola, N. M pi. 4of K,, A.8,1 Parrocel, £ , painter. Pierre de Querin de Ten- cin. See Tencin, P. de G. de 443 Pascali, E., engraver. Giulio Pippl (Romano), after himself. See PIppi. G. . . . pi. 59 of E., D.3,3 Pasin, — [Stefano Pasino, Italian composer?]. See Professori celebri di suono . . . . pi. 14 of E., A.8.1 Passignano. SeeCresti, D. Passionei, Domenico, cardinal librarian of tiie Vati- can, 1755. See Effigies pontificvm 600 Patin, Charles, physician and numismatist. A. Masson inv. et sc. 1670 100 Note. — Impression with the inscription from a sepa- rate plate, "In effigiem V. C. Caroli Patin," etc., and four Latin verses. Padl V, pope. See Effigies Pontificvm 500 Pee, T. van, painter. Jean Baptiste de Boyer, mar- quis d'Argens. See Argens, J. B. de Boyer, marquis d' 614 PENNA 16 QUIRINI Penna, Padre Lorenzo, Italian writer on music. See I'rofessori eelebri di suono . . . . pi. 16 of ST., A.8.1 PfiRftFiXE, Ilardouin de Beaumont do, tutor to Louis XIV, bishop of Rhodes, archbishop of Paris. Nanteuil ad Vivum f 1662 88 Perez, David. It.-ilian musical composer. See Pro- fessori eelebri di suono pi. 16 of JT., A.8.1 Perfetti, a., eufjrnver. L. Beccadelli, after Titian. See Beccadelli, L pi. 79 v. 2 of ST., D.3.2 Pergolesi, or Pergolese, Giovanni Battista. Italian musical composer. See Professor! eelebri di suono pi. 16 of a:., A.8.1 Personne, Andr6 Louis, at the age of 21. Ant. I'ailietdc-1. Gull Vallet scul 393 Perlgino. See Vannucci, P. Pesne, Antoine. French painter. Peintpar lui mgme, et grave par son .Ami Schmidt, ..., en 1752 . . 19 Petit, G. K., engraver. £verard Titon Du Til- let, after Largillfere. See Titon Du Tiliet, fi 393 Petitot, J., painter. Marquise de Malntenon. See Maintenon, Marquise de 346 Pezet, or Pezay, A, painter. Charles de Gondy. See Gondy, C. de 397 Philip I. count of Holland. Ian van Eyck pinx. [Visscher. Principes Hollandiae]. pI.31of ?!:.,D.2.3 Philip II, (the handsome), count of Holland, etc. I. Mostart pinx. [Vissther. Priricipes Hol- landiis] pi. 35 of E., D.2.3 Philip III, (Philip il of Spain), count of Holland, etc. Titianuspinx, A? 1549. [Visscher. Prin- cipes Hollandiae] pi. 37 of C, D.2.3 Philip III (of Spain), count of Holland, etc. A. Moro pinx. [Visscher. Principes Hollandiae]. pi. 38 of t., D.2.3 Philip IV, count of Holland, etc. P. P. Rubens pinx. [Visscher. Principes Hollandiae]. pi 40 of a:., D.2.3 Philip IV, of Spain, Without artists' names. pi. 87 of a:., A.8.1 Philip V, of Spain, T. Bernard P. S. Thomassin Sculptor pi. 73 of E., A.8.1 Philip Neri. St. Steph. Tofanelli inv. et del. Ra- phael Morghen sculps 298 Piantanida, Giovanni, Italian violinist. See Pro- fessori eelebri di suono pi. 14 of E., A.8.1 PiCART, 8., engraver. Fran5ois Tallemant, after Nanteuil. See Tallemant. F 269 Picchianti, G. D., engraver. Cardinal Guido Ben- tivoglio, after A van Dyck. See Bentivoglio, G 255 PICCINI. Niccol6, Italian musical composer. See Professor! eelebri di suono. . . . pi. 16 of E., A.8.1 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco. Ital- ian thiologian. NellaScuolaToscanadip. E. Lapi inc v. 3 of E., D.3.2 PiGRAV {Lat. Pigraeus), Pierre, French physician. Thomas de Leu fecit. 1608 513 Pilaia, — , [Italian vocalist ?]. See Professori eele- bri di suono pi. 17 of E., A.8.1 PiOLA, Domenico, painter and etcher. An old man with a long beard. [Not identified]. pi. 77 of jr., A.8.1 PiPPI, Giulio, called Giulio Romano, Italian painter and architect. G. Romano dip. E. Paseali inc pl.59of S., D.3.3 PiSTOCCHi, Francesco Antonio, Italian vocalist and composer. See Professori eelebri di suo- no pl.l7of ST., A.8.1 Pitau, N., engraver. Carl Gustaf Wrangel, count of Solvitzborg. See Wrangel, C.G 361 — Gustaf Otto Stenbock, or 8leenbock, count of Bogesund. See Stenbock, G. 359 Plus VI, pope. See Effigies pontiflcvm 500 Pius VII (Gregorio Barnaba Luigi Chiaramonti), pope. Cre Vin. Camuccini dip. Gio. Balestra inc. in Roma 1816 131 Pame. A. Bertini sc pi. 12 of C., A.4.2 — Same. See Eifiijies pontificvm 600 Pius IX, pope. Antonius Sublet pinxit. Jos. Mar- cucci sculp. 1855 2 — Same. In profile. T. Giangiacomo dis. (Litho- graph) pl.l27offf., A.8.1 Pleyel, Ignaz, German musical composer. See Professori di suono pi. 15 of ffi;., A.8.1 Ploosvan Amstel, J. C, engraver. A young man seated in a chair, after C de Visscher. [Not identified] pi. 120 of K., A,8.1 PoiLLY. F. de, engraver. Nicolas Fouquet, after C. Le Brun. See Fouquet, N 417 PoiLLY, J. B. de, engraver. Corneille van Cleve, after J. Vivien. See Cleve, C. van 491 POLi, Agostino, musician and composer. See Pro- fessori eelebri di suono pi. 16 of C, A.8.1 POLI, Giuseppe Saverio, Italian naturalist. los. Cammarano delineavit. Ant. Kicciani sculp- sit pi 29 of a;., A.8.1 POLIGNAC, Melchior de, French cardinal and diplo- matist. Peinte par Hyacinte Itigaud. Gruv^ parFrancoisCherau . . .1729 271,485 POLLACCO, S. L.. designer and engraver. Domenico Cresti (Passignano), after himself. SeeCresti, D pi. 30 of ffl:.,D.3.3 — Pietro Buonaccorsi (Pierino del Vaga), after himself. See Buonaccorsi, P. . . . pi. 15 of E., D.3.3 — engraver. Antonio Canova, after himself. See Canova, A pi. 19 of ST., D.3.3 Pomerance, II cavaliere delle. See Roncalli, C. PONCET, Petrus, probably the jurist of this name, who flourished about 1595. With only the monogram X pi. 63 of E., A.8.1 PONIATOWSKI, Stanislas Augustus, last king of Poland. DomusCardelli raorraore [sic] sculp- sit. Roman. 1786 Raph: Morghen Sculpsit Ro- mas 226 PONTE, Jacopo da, called Bassano, Italian painter. Jacopo da Ponte . . .dip. G. Barni incise. pi. 60 of a:., D.3.3 Ponte, Leandro da, called Bassano, Italian painter. L. da Ponte dip. G. Fu.ssinati inc. pi. 61 of E., D.3.3 Pontius, or Dupont, P., engraver. Frederick Hen- ry, prince of Orange, after A. van Dyck. See Frederick Henry 147 — Gustavus Adolphus, of Sweden, after A. van Dyck. See Gustavus Adolphus 125 — Isabella Clara Eugenia, countess of Holland, after liubens. See Isabella . . . . pi. 39 of E., D.2.3 Pontor.mo. SeeCarucci, J. PoKBUs, v., painter. Pierre Prancheville. or Franca- villa. See Franchfville, P. pi. 105, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 PoRDENoNE. See Licinio, G. A. PoRPORA, Nici olo, Italian musical composer. See Professori eelebri di suono .... pi. 16 of E., A.8.1 Porta, P. See Profesi^ori eelebri di suono. pi. 15 of ffi., A.8.1 Prati, Alessio, Italian musical composer. See I'ro- fessori eelebri di suono pi. 15 of C, A.8.1 Preisler, G. M.., engraver. Cosmo ill, grand duke of Tuscany, after G. D. Campiglia. See Cos- mo 111 258 Primaticcio, Francesco, Italian painter. Primatic- cio pinx. Meunier sc pi. 62 of E., D.3.3 Profe.vsoki eelebri di suono. Four sheets dedicated by La societa Rainaldi to conte Ant. Colom- biini Verzeri, conte Pietro Gherardi, Giovan- ni di Poggio Baldovinetti, and murchese Giu- seppe Auionio Corsi, respectively. Sheet 1-3, Luigi Scotti dis. pre.-so lo studio Bettel iii. Sheet 4, Ant. Fedi dis. presso lo studio Bette- lini pi. 14-17of E., A.8.1 Namely: — Sheet 1. Soraisj Loeatellij Gimignani; Pasin; Veraciui; Giardini; Tartini; Ferrari; Lolli; Cramer padre; Hugnani; Chabrand; Viotti; Janoviek; Pietro Nardini; Galeotti: Krunpholtz; dementi; Me- strino; Capuzzi; Stiebelt [Steibelt]; Cervetto; Pianta- nida; Creuzer; Dussech; Cramerf'i; Mad. Krunpholtz; Dragonetti; Kolla; La Moth; Rhode; Janievitz; Salo- mon. 2. Adolfo Hass; Oocchi; Saratelli; Anfossi; Mariani; Brunetti; Bornei [Bornet?]; P. Sabbatini; Alhinoni; Egizio; Colla; Gasparinl; Guglielmi; Manfredini: Bi- anchi; Ant. Salieri; Schuster; Paolucci; Tozzi; P. Mattei: Righini; V. [W.] A. Mozart; Ignazio Plejel [Pleyel]; Caruso; Tarcni; Gazzanii:a; Hajdn [Haydnl; P. Porta; Prati; Vinci; Borghi; Buononcini; Lulli; Meull;.Ferd Par; And. Basili; A-ioli; Zingarelli; .-arti; Tritto; Paialello; Cherubini; I. S. Majer [Mayer cyr MayrJ. 3. Guido Arezzo ; Bened?" Gioi Miers ; Fiamo PrinP^ della Venosa ; Cav. Scarlatti; Palestrina; Zer- lino[ZarlinoJ; Galilei; Ab. Stefani; Leonardo Leo; Feo: Mariani ; Porpora ; Handel [Haendel]; Traetta; Corelli; Marceilo; Poll; Kedi; Gluck [Glueck]; Clari; Pergo- lesi; Perez; Morales; Manna; Galuppi; Piccini; Fax; lonieili [JomcUi]; Sacchini: S. Martino; Bach; Schu- ster; Abel; Kameau; Durante; P. Vallotti; P. Penna; Ciiftaro; P. .Martini; Campioni; Ligneville [Liguiville]; Bertoni; Sala; Cimarosa; Kousseau. 4. Bernacchi; La Tesi [Tesi-Tramontini]: Farlnelloi La Bulbar!; Pistocchi; Cav. Ferri; Caffariello; Bordo- ni; Egiziello: Amorevoli ; Guarducci ; Carestini; La Taiber; Cariani; EliBi;'libaldi; Cav. Matteucci; Aprile; Manzuoli; Cav. Guadagni; Raff; Millico; MafFoli; La Gahbrielle; .Monbelli; Babbi; La Pilaia; Casella; Ten- ducci; La Bastardina: Pacchierotti [Pacchiarotti]; Maz- zanti; Ansani; Damiani: Babbini; Marches!; La Bilin- ton [BiUington]; l,a Catelani [Catalan!]; La Morichelli; t.aTodi: And. .Martini; Crescentine [Crescentini]; La Banti; De Amicis; La Silva; La Grassini; David; La Bertinotti; La Marra [.Mara]. Pufendorf. tiamuel, baron von, German publicist. 8. Blesendorfi". . Sculp pi- 46 of E., A.8.1 PoGNANl, Gaetano, Italian violinist. See Professori eelebri di suono pi. 14 of E., A.8.1 QciRiM, Angelo Maria, cardinal librarian of the Vat- ican, 1730. See Effigies pontificvm 500 RABU8 17 RTJBEKS Rabus, Pieter. Bodekker pinx. I. Houbrnken sculp. 112 Kacine, Jean, French poet. H. Rigaud pinx' De Meersman sculptt pl.9of C, A.8.1 Raeburn, H., painter. Lord Newton. See Hay, C 411 Rapf, Anton, German singer. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 17 of ST., A.8.1 Raffaello Santi, or Sanzio. da Urbino. See Santi, or Sanzio, Raffaello, da Urbino. Raibolini, F. F., p«tH/er. Vangelista Scappi. See Scappi.V. pl.47, v.2of C, 0.3.2; pl.73of E., D.3.3 Rajus. John, F. Ji. S. W. Faithome pinx. G. Vertue sculp. 1713 395 Rameai), Jean Philippe. French musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono . . pi. 18 of ^., A.8.1 Ramenghi, Bartolomeo, co//«/ Bagnacavallo. Italian painter. B. Ramenghi d" Bagnacavallo dip K. Sonne inc. nello St. Toschi . . . pi. 63 of €., D.3.3 Ramsav, \., painter. Philip Yorke, earl of Hard- wicke. /Se« Yorke, P 56 Ranc, J., painter. Kusfebe Renaudot. See Rcnaudot, E. 40 11 Aovx. J., painter. Jean Soancn. See 8oanen,J. 53 Raphael. See Santi or Sanzio, Raffaello, da Ur- bino. Rauschenbergh, Johann, baron von, imperial gen- eral in the thirty years' war. G. Bouttats 8ci pi. 97 of C, A.8.1 Ravano, F., engraver. Albrecht Diirer the elder, after A. Diirer. See Duerer, A., the el'/er. pi. 35a of C, D.3.2 — Giovanni Francesco Barbierl (Guercino), after himself. SeeBarbieri, G. F pi. 7 of C, D.3.3 — Lorenzo dc' Medici, after G. Vasari. See Me- dici, L. de' pi. 77. V. 2 of C, D.3.2 Razzi (Bazzi), Giovanni Antonio, called Sodoma, Sienese painter. G. A.liazzi ... dip. V.Del- la Bruna inc pi. 64 of C, D.3.3 Rebaldis, F. de, a mendicant friar. With the mono- gram pl [Francesco Villamena] . . . pl.6 of C, A.6.2 Redi, [Franceso, Italian singer?] See Professori celebri di suono pi. 16 of C, A.8.1 Rembrandt Harmenszoon, or Hermanszoon. van Rijn, Dutch painter and cneraver. Rembrant pinx. Soramerau scul. Etcliing 402 — etcher. Manasseh ben Joseph ben Israel. See Manasseh 402 Remus, Georg, philologist, legal writer, etc. Lucas Kilianus Aug. ad uivum delineault 396 RENACDOT.Eusebe, French orientalist. I. Ranc pinx. F. Cheveau, lain6, sculpsit 40 Reni, Guido, Italian painter. G. Rcnl dip. L. Er- rani inc pi. 65 of C, D.3.3 — painter. Beatrice Cenci. See Cencl. B. 438; pi. 4 of C, A.6.6 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, English painter. I. Jiey- nolds dip. L. Campo-Antico inc. . . pi. 66 of E., D.3.3 Rhode [J. F., builder of the organ in the church of Saint Peter ?] . See Professori celebri di suo- no pi. 14 of C, A.8.1 RiBERA. Jo8(5, called Bpagnoletto, Spanish paint- er and engraver. G. Ribera dip. G. Guzzi inc pi. 67 of C, D.3.3 RicciANi, A., engraver. Giuseppe Saverio Poll. See Poll, G. 8 pi. 29 of €., A.8.1 RiCClARDi, Tomaso. Simon Vouet deli. 1632. P. de lode junior sculp 394 Richard, 8.. engraver. Giacomo Bellini, after him- self. See Bellini, G pi. 11 of C, D.3.3 RlCHELlKU, Armand Jean Duplessis, due de, cardi- nal and statesman. Champaigne Pinxit. Nan- tiieil sculpebat 1637. Ist state, with artists' names only 213 RiGACD, felisabeth de Gouy, wife of the p.iinter. Peint par Hyathe Kigaud. Gravfe par Jean Georges Will a Paris 1743 502 RlGAUD, Hyacinthe. French portrait painter. Ab ipso met coloribus expressa [1698]. Aeri inci- dit Petrus Drevet Anno. M.D.CC.llI 319 — Same. Se ipse pinxit [1692]. Edellnck sculp. [1698], 317 — Same, painting the portrait of his wife. Peint par lui m6me. Grave par Jean Daulle pour sa Reception a I'Academie en 1742 315 Note — TYie original is in the museum of the Louvre. — painter. Augustus iii. king of Poland, when prince royal. See Augustus ill 263 — (?) Bernard Le Bouyer de Fontenelle. See Fon- tenelle, BLeB.de 515 — Cardinal ttienne Le Camus. See Le Camus, E. 25 — Cardinal Guillaume Dubois. See Dubois. G. 24 — Charles Gaspard Guillaume de Vintimille. See Vintimille. C. G. G. de 459 — Charles Rene d' Hozier. See Hozier, 0. R. d'. 37 3 RiQAUD, H., continued. — Claude Deshayes Gendron. See Gendron.C. D. 45 — Comte d'flvreux. See fivreux, Corate d' . . . 448 — Comte de Fouquet. See Fouquet, C. L. A., comte de 51 — filisabeth de Gouy, his wife. See Rigaud, jfc. de Gouy 502 — Fr6d6ric Leonard. See Leonard, F 49 — Hermann Moritz, count of Saxe. See Saxe, H. M.. count of 17 — Jacques Benigne Bossuet, bishop of Meaux. See Bossuet, J. B 179 — Jean Balthasar Keller. See Keller, J. B. . . . 41 — Jean de Boullongne. See Boullongne, .J. de . . 28 — Jean Francois Paul de Bonne de Cr6qui. due de Lesdiguieres. See Lesdigui&res, J. F. P. de B. de Cr6qui, due de 1.36 — Jean Racine. See Racine, J pi. 9 of E., A.8.1 — Jules Hardouin Mansard. See Mansard, J. H. . 16, 27 — Leonard de Lamet. See Lamet. L. de .... 436 — Louis XIV, of France, as dauphin. See Louis XIV 29 Same, in royal robes. See Louis xiv ..... 35 — Louis XV as a child, on his throne. See Louis XV 264 — Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse. See Toulouse, L. A. Bourbon, comte de. 4;i4;pl.22of C, A.8.1 — Louis Antoine de Noailles, cardinal. See No- ailles, L. A. de 22 — Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin, due d'Antin. See Antin, L. A. de Pardaillan de Gondrin, due d' ^ 444, 552 — Maria Serre Rigaud. hig mother. Sfe Rigaud, M.8 435 — Martin Desjardins. See Desjardins, M 442 — Melchior do Polignae. See Polignac, M. . . , 271, 485 — Philip Liidwig, count von Sinzemiorf. See 81n- zendorf, P. L., count von 48 — Pierre Mignard. See Mignard, P 30, 39, 447 — Ren(i Fran9ois de Boauvau, archbishop of Nar- bonne. See Beauvau. II. F. de 67 — Samuel Bernard, comte do Coubert. See Cou- bert 38, 246 RiOADD, Maria Serre, mother of the painter. A BC [H. Rigaud] picta, [1695]. Drevet suulpsit, [1702] 435 RiGtiiNi. Vincenzo, Italian musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono . . . .pi. 15 of C, A.8.1 RlMINALDl, Orazio. Italian painter. O. Riminaldi dip. G. Fosellainc pi. 68 of C, D.3.3 Rivera, G., engraver, Agostino Caracci, after him- self. SeeCaraccl, Agostino . . . . ul.20 of C, D.3.3 Robert de Fries, count of Holland, etc. [ Visscher. Princlpes Ilollandia)] pi. 9 of JT., D.2.3 Robert-de-Seri, p. p. a., painter. Bertrand Mon- hinat. See Monsinat, B 359 Robdsti, Jacopo, called Tintoretto, Venetian paint- er. I. Itobusti dip. G. Nardlni inc. Studio Toschi pi. 69 of C, D.3.3 — painter. J. Tatti (Sansovino). See Tatti, J. pi. 54 of E., A.8.1 ; pi. 88, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 Rodriguez, Simon, companion of Loyola. See Lo- yola, I pl.lSof jr., A.8.1 ROLLA. Alessandro, Italian violinist and composer. .9ee Professori celebri di suono . . pi. 14 of C, A.8.1 ROLLIN. Charles, French historian. C. Coypel pinxit J. Balechou sculpsit 52 — Same. O. Coypel pin. P. Tanje sculp 395 Romano, Giulio. See Pippi. G. RoNCALLi,Uristoforo, eaW«/ II cavalieredellePome- rance, Florentine painter. Octauius Leonus Roman' pictor fecit 1623 295 ROOTHAAN, Jan Philippus, general of the Jesuits. Tertno Glangiacomo dis. N. Moneta inc. pl.49ofjr., A.8.1 RosASPiNA, F., engraver. St. Francesco d'Assisi, after Domenichino. See Francesco d'Assisi . 299 RossENA, A., engraver. Leonello Spada, after him- self. SeeSpada, L pi. 75 of JT., D 3.3 Rossi, Francesco, called Cecchino Salvlati, Italian painter. F. Salvlati dip. A. Calzi inc. pi. 70 of C, D.3.3 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, writer on musical subjects. See Professori celebri di suono . . pi. 16 of E., A.8.1 ROCXEL DE Medauy, Fran9ois, archbishop of Rouen. Antius Masson ad viuum pingebat et sculpe- bat 1677 388 ROVERE, Francesco Maria l della, duca d'Urbino. Tiziano dip. I. Andrews inc. Boston 1842. pi. 79a, v. 2 of jr., D.3.2 Rubens, Peter Paul. Flemish painter. Dipinto da Rubens. Disto e Incisoda L. Calamatta. Proof, with artists' names only, which are written with a pencil 366 RUBEN'S 18 SIMONNEAU Rubens, P. P., covtimed. — Same. P. Paolo Rubens dip. A. Marclii inc. pi. 71 of IE., D.3.3 — Same. Van Dyck pinxit. I. Audran Scul 1710. pi. a of ST., C.7.5 — Same. Wandick [Van Dj-ck ?1 dip. Folo inc. pi. 70 of E., A.8.1 — painter. Count de Bucquoi. SeeBucquoi. . 174 — Elena Forman, his second wife . pi. 427, v. 3 of E., D.3.2 — Francesco de' Medici. See Medici, F. de'. 204; pi. cof 2C., C.7.5 — Isabella Clara Eugenia, countess of Holland. See Isabella pi. 39 of C, D.2.3 — Joanna of Austria. See Joanna . . . pi. d of ST., C.7.5 — Maria de' Medici, in the character of Minerva. See Medici, M. de' pi. b of C, C.7.5 — Philip IV, count of Holland. See Philip iv. pi. 40 of a., D.2.3 RuBENS's second wife. See Forman, E. Rl'BENS's two eldest sons, Albert and Nicholas. P. P. Rubens I'inx. Danzel scupl. [.s?c] . . . . 522 RCMILIACO, Eugenius a, general of the order of capu- chins. E. Morelli dis. Lit. Daneei. (Litho- graph) pi. 117 of S:., A.8.1 Rcspi, C, desir/ner. Aloisio Maria Ungarelli. See Ungarel'li, A. M 300 RuspoLi, Mario Leopoldo. Tofanelli del. Testa sculp pi. 37 of ST., A.8.1 Sabbatini, Padre Ludovico Antonio, composer of church music. See Professori celebri di suo- no pi. 15 of C, A.8.1 Sacchim. Antonio Maria Gasparo, Italian musical composer. See Professori celebri di suo- no . . . pi. 16 of E., A.8.1 SadeI/ER, E., designer and engraver. Matthias, em- peror of Germany. See Matthias ...... 187 — Otto Heinrieh, Graf von ."-chwarzenberg. See Schwartzenberg. O. H., Graf von 521 — engraver. Melchior Klesel. See Klesel, M. . . 360 — Philibert Emanuel, duke of Savoy. See Eman- uel, Philibert pl.67of2!;., A.8.1 Sailliar. L., engraver. William ii, of Nassau, after G. Honthorst. See William ii 58 St. Aubin, a. de, painter. Marquis de Condorcet. See Condorcet, J. A. N. de Caritat, marquis de 99 Saint Brison, Pierre Seguier, marquis de, pr6v6t de Paris, J659. Nanteuil ad viuum del. et sculpebat 1669 87 Baint-Florentin, Louis, Phelypeaux, comte de. Peint par Louis Tocqu6 en 1749. et Grave par Je. Geo. Will en 1761. 3d state . . pi. 21 of ff., A.8.1 St. George, Claude de, archbishop. Edelinck Sculp 430 Bala, Niccolo, author of Regole del contrapuuto prattico. See Professori celebri di suono. pl.ieof jr., A.8.1 Salieei, Antonio, Italian composer. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 15 of ST., A.8.1 Salmeron, Alfonso, companion of Loyola. See Lo- yola, I pi. 18 of E., A.8.1 Salomon, Johann Peter, German violinist. See Pro- fessori celebri di suono pi. 14 of K., A.8.1 Saevi, E., engraver. Jacopo Palma, the younger, after himself. See Palma. J. . . . pi. 58 of C, D.3.3 Salvi, Giovanni Battista, called Sassoferrato, Ital- ian painter. Q-. B. Salvi detto Sassoferrato dip. .Nardini inc. nella Scuola Toschi. pi. 72 of E., D.3.3 Salviati, Cecchino. See Rossi, F. Sanctis. G. de, painter. Giuseppe Maria Graziosi. See Graziosi, G. M pi. 119 of C, A.8.1 Sand, George. See Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Sansovino. See Tatti, J. Santeul {LMt. Sanctolius), Jean Baptiste de, French Latin poet, J)u M6e Eques pinxit. Edelinck Sculp 456 Santi, or Sanzio, Raffaello (Raphael), da Urbino, Italian painter. R. Sanzio pinx. Without artists' names pi. 76 of ST., A.8.1 — Same, and Vannucci, Pietro, called Perugino. (From the School of Athens.) Ratfaello pinx. F. Jordan sculp. Proof on India paper. pl.53offfl:., A.8.1 (1), painter. Pope Julius ii. See Julius ii. pi. 35 of a:., A.8.1 — Sigismondo Conti. See Conti. S. . . pi. 30 of S., A.8.1 Saratelli, Giuseppe, Italian musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono . . . . pi. 15 of ST., A.8 1 Saeti, Giuseppe, Italian musical composer. See Professori celebri di suono . . . . pi. 15 of E., A.8.1 Sabto, Andrea del. See Vannucchi, A. Sassoferrato. See Salvi, G. B. Baugrain, — , bookseller. Fiquet Sculpsit ..... 516 Saxe, Hermann, Moritz, count of, marshal of France. I'eint par Hiacinthe Rigaud. Grav<5 par J. G. Will 1745 17 SCAPPT. Vangelista, of the 1.5th century. F. Francia dip. L. Sivalli inc. nello St. Toschi. pl.47, V. 2of E., D.3.2 — Same. F. Francia dip. A. Dalco inc. nello St. Toschi pi. 73 of E., D.3.3 Scarlatti, Cav. Alessandro, Italian musical com- poser. See Professori celebri di suono. pi. 16 of C, A.8.1 Schley, J. van der, engraver. Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d'Argens, after T. van der Pee. See Argens, J. B. de Boyer, marquis d' 514 Schmidt, G. F., engraver. Antoine Pesne, after himself. See Pesne, A 19 — Augustus III, king of Poland, after L. de Hilves- Ire. See Augustus III 50 — Comte d' i^vreux, after H. Rigaud. See ilvrenx, Comte d' 448 — Count Miklos {or Nicholas, Esterhazy, after L. Tocqu^. See Esterhazy, M 1 — Daniel Charles Gabriel de Pestels de Lf^vis de Tubieres de Caylus, after Fontaine [L. La Fontaine ?] See Caylus, D. C. G. de P. de L. deT.de 26 — Frederick the Great. See Frederick iii (ii) . . 97 — Jean Bernouilli, after J. Huber. SeeBernouilli, J 228 — Pierre Mignard, after H. Rigaud. See Mignard, P 30,39,447 Schmutzer, a. and J., engravers. Charles vi, em- peror of Germany, after M. van Mijtens. See Charles VI 43 SCHOENBORN, John Philipp von, archbishop of May- ence, 1647. Without artists' names. pi. 95 of E., A.8.1 Schouwaeof, Conte.fsa. Vine. Camuccini inc. e dip. Dom. Marchetti inc. . . . 205 ; pi. 8 of C, A.4.2 SCHUPPEN, p. van, engraver. Magnus Gabriel de La Gardie, after D. Klocker. See La Gardie, M. G. de 359 — Michel Colbert, after J. Le Febure. See Colbert, M 373 — Pierre due de Seguier, after C. Le Brun. See Seguier, P., due de 445 — Pierre Ignace de Braux, baron de Champagne, after Beaubrun, See Champagne, P. I. de Braux, baron de 371 Schuster, [Joseph, German composer?]. See Pro- fessori celebri di suono pi. 15 of tK., A.8.1 Schuster, [Ignaz, comic vocalist and composer?] See Professori celebri di suono . . pi. 16 of C, A.8.1 Schwarzenberg, Otto Heinrieh, Graf von. ptore Joane Sadelero 521 Sciarpelloni. See Credi, L. di. SciLLA, Agostino, Italian 'painter. Aug Scilla : Mess : in : Arnold : van Westerhout Sculp. Rom« pi. 48 of E., A.8.1 ScRiVERius, Scriver, or Schriever, Petrus. C. de Visscherdel. I. Houbraken sculps 297 Sebregondi, Giuseppe de, aulic counsellor. D. Chiara Colonna disegno dal vero 1836. Roma Lithografia Battistelli pi. 122 of E., A.8.1 Seguier, Pierre, due de, chancellor of France. Car le Brun pinxit [1662]. P. Van Schuppen scul- pebat 1662. With artists' names only .... 445 Seguier, Pierre. See Saint-Brison, Marquis de. Semmedo, or Semedo, Alvaro, of the Society of Jesus, procurator of Japan and China in 1642. Without artists' names 396 Servien, Francois, bishop of Bayeux. Champaigne Pinxit. R. NantUeil sculpebat 13° Nou. A° 1658. 1st state. Proof with artists' names only. 259 Sevin, Claudius Albert (called Echo), painter. C. Sevin dip. A. Marches! inc. nelo St. Tos- chi pi. 74 of C, D.3.3 Sextus IV, pope. F. Melozzo da Forli inv. e dip. Francesco Garzoli inc pi. 1 of eE., A.6.6 — Same. iToof on India paper before any let- ters pi. 32 of E., A.8.1 Sextus V, pope. See Effigies pontificvm 500 Sforza, Battista, wife of Federigo iii, count of Montefeltro. Pier dellaFrancesca dip. Franck ,inc. nella 8c. Calamatta . . pi. 15c, v. 1 of E., D.3.2 SiLVA, — , [Italian vocalist?]. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 17 of ST., A.8.1 SiLVESTRE, L. de, painter. Augustus iir, king of Poland. See Augustus III 50 SiLVESTRi, E., engraver. Andrea Boscoli, after him- self pi. 13 of E., D.3.3 Simonneau, C., the elder, engraver. Jules Har- douin Mansard, after F. de Troy. See Man- sard, J. H 18 SIMONETTA 19 TOCQU^ SrMONETTA, La Bella. See Cattanl Slmonetta. SiNZE.VDORF, Philipp Ludwie;, count von. Hya- cliitus Risf.iud Finxit, [1729]. Claudius Drevet. Sculpsit, [1730] 48 SiRLETO, Gulielmo, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1570. 5e(; Effigies pontificvm 500 SiVALLi, L., em/raver. Vangelista Scappi, after P". F. Haiboiini. See Scappi, V. pi. 47, v. 2 of C, D.3.2 SoANEN. Jean, French prelate, bUhop of Senez. Pelnt par J. Kauux. [Engraved by J. J. Bale- chouj[ 53 SODOMA. See Kazzi. G. A. SOETERN, Philipp Christopher von, archbishop of Treves, 1623. Without artists' names. pi. 83of2r., A.8.1 SOMAOLTA, Giullo Maria della, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1826. See Effigies pontificvm . 500 BOMis, Lorenzo, Italian violinist. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 14 of Z.., A.8.1 SOMMERAU, L., em/raver, Rembrandt Harmenszoon, orllermanszoon, van Rijn, after himself. See Rembrandt 402 Sonne, E., enrl di suono . . . . pi. 17 of C A.8 1 Te8I-Tra.montini, Vittoria, Italian vocalist. See Professori celebri di suono . . . . pi. 17 of E., A.8.1 Testa, A., en^rarer. Mario Leopoldo Ruspoli, after' Tofanelll. See Ruspoll, M. L. . . pi. 37 of E. A 8 1 Theodoric I. count of Holland. [Visscher. Priiicl- pes HoIIandlap] pi. 2 of C, D.2.3 Theodoric II, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principes Hollandiae] ' ~ Theodoric III, count of Holland, etc. Principes HollandifeJ Theodoric IV, count of Holland, etc. Principes HollandlsB] .""pi. 6 of C., D.2.3 Theodoric V. count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principes HoIlandleB] pi. 11 of C. D.2 3 Theodoric VF, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principes Hollandia;] pi. 13 of C, D.2.3 Theodoric VII, count of Holland, etc. [Visscher. Principes Hollandioe] pi. 15 of C. D.2 3 THftvENiRi, J. C, painter. Gerhard Dou. after him- self. SeeDou, G pi. 33 of j:., D.3.3 Thobcassin. H. 8., engrnrer. Cardinal fitlenne I.e Camus, after H. RIgaud. See Lo Camus, fi. 25 TUOXASSIN, 8., engraver. Philip V, of Spain, after a medallion by T. Bernard. See Philip v. ^ pi. 73 of E., A.8.1 Thorvaldsen, Albert, or Bertel, Danish sculptor. Vine. CamuccinI dip. Gio.Foloinc. pi. 13of E., A.4.2 TuouRNEVSER, or Thournelssen, J. J., father and son, engravers. Emanuel Konig, after J. F. Wettstein. .See Koenig, E 396 Tibaldi, Carlo, Italian vocalist. See Professori cele- bri di suono pl. 17 of C, A.8.1 TiLLT, Johann Tserclaes, Graf von, commander-in- chief of the imperial armies in the thirty years' war. Ant van Dyck pinxit Pet. d« loden sculp. Munich gallery jjg Tinelli, T.,pain/er. Giulio Strozzi. .See Strozzl, O pl. 110, V. 2 of C, D.3.2 Tintoretto. See Robusti, J. Tipaldo, Emillo -Amadeo de, Italian biographer. Cosroe Dusi dis. G. Dala inc. . . pi. 65 of E., A.8.1 TiTIjOr Tito, Santi di, Italian painter and architect. S.' dl Tito dip. V. Della Bruna Inc. . pi. 78 of C., D.3.3 TiTi, or Tito. Tlberlo, lulian painter. T. Till dip. Q.FosellaInc pl. 79 of C. D.3.3 Titian. See Vecellio. T. Titian's daughter, Lavinia, with a casket. Titianus pinxit. James Heath . . . scuipsit . pi. 3 of C, D.2.3 [Visscher. . pi. 6 of €., D.2.3 [visscher. 367 JVb(«. — Titian repeated this flgure four times, sub- stituting fur the casket a dish of fruit, or a charger with the head of John the Baptist. TiTON Du Tillet, fiverard, French writer. Largil- lidre, P. Petit F 1736 393 TocQUft, J. L., painter. Marquis de Marigny. See Marigny, A. F. P. de Vandit-res, marquis de . 260 TocQuft, L., painter. Count Miklds (or Nicholas) Esterhazy. See Esterhazy, M 1 — Louis Phelypeaux, comte de Saiut-FIorontin. See Saint-Florentin pi. 21 of ®., A. 8.1 TODI 20 VINCI •roDl, Maria; Fraftcesca, Portuguese vocalist. See Professorl celebri di suono . ... pi. 17 of E., A.8.1 sToFA>F.Li.i, 8., painter. Mario Leopoldo Ruspoli. See Kuspoli. M. L pi. 37 of C, A.8.1 — and designer. St. Philip Neri. See Philip Neri, 8t 298 TOGNOLA, L.., engraver. Giovanni Antonio Licinio (Pordenone), after himself. See Licinio, G. A pi. 47ofC.,D. 3.3 TOMKlNS, P. W., engraver. A man, after G. Engle- hart. [Not identified] ..... . pi. 28 of C, A.8.1 Torres. I-odovico, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1607. See EfQgies pontificvm 500 ToRSTENTON, Lennart, Swedish general. Without artists' names pi. 89 of ST., A.8.1 TORTEBAT, F., painter. Ludovico de Mailly. See Mailly, L. de 407 ToscHi, P., engraver. Charles Albert king of Sar- dinia. See Charles Albert 368 — School of, eniyrni'ers. Hans Holbein, after him- self. See ilolbein, H. pi. 40 of a:., A.8.1; pi. 42 of E., D.3.3 TOSTI, Antonio, cardinal librarian of the Vatican, 1854. (Photograph.) See Effigies pontificvm. 500 Toulouse, Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de, governor of Bretagne, admiral of France. ( inthout the glove.) peint par Hyaciuthe Kigaud. P. Drevet sculpsit [1714] 434 — Same. {With the glave.) H.Rigaud pinxit. P. Drevet sculpsit pi. 22 of ST., A.8.1 Tozzi, Antonio, Italian musician and composer. See Prol'essori celebri di suono . . pi. 15 of J:., A.8.1 Traetta, or Trajetta, Toraaso, Italian musical composer. See Professorl celebri di suono. pi. 16 of a;., A.8.1 Trasmondi, or Trasmondo, P., designer and en- graver. Giuseppe Albani, cardinal librarian of the Vatican. See Albani, G. . .pi. 42 of ST., A.8.1 Trasmondi, or Trasmondo, T., engraver. A lady seated, [Joanna of Aragon, after a pupil of L. da Vinci?] Sec Vinci, L. da 321 Tressan, Louis Montenard de Lavergne de, bishop of Le Mans. loannes Dieu Pinxit. lo. J>en- fant sculpebat 1672 pi. 19 of ST., A.8.1 Tritto, Giacomo, Italian musical composer. See Professor! celebri di suono .... pi, 15 of K., A.8.1 Trojani, F., engraver. Aloisio Maria Ungarelli. See Ungarelli, A. M 300 Trouvain, a., engraver. Ludovico de Mailly, after F. Tortebat. See Mailly, L. de 407 Troy, F. de, painter. Charles, due de Berry. See Berry, C, due de 369 — James Francis Edward Stuart, the elder pre- tender. See James Francis Edward Stuart . 429 — Jean de Julien. See Julien, J.de 44 — Jules Hardouin Mansard. See Mansard, J. H. 18 — Louis Moreri. SeeMor6ri,L pi. 57 of K., A.8.1 — Nicolas Boileau-Despr6aux. See Boileau-Des- preaux, N pi. 75 of ST., A.8.1 TROr, Jean Frangois de, French painter. Peint par Franjois de Troy. Grav6 par Simon Vallee. 457 — painter. Marie Bonneau de Miramion. See Miramion, M. B. de 614 TUERLINCKX, L., painter. Maria Henrietta, queen of Belgium. See Maria Henrietta 355 TuiiDEN, or Thulden, Diodor, or Theodorus, van, Flemish historical painter and engraver. Ant. van Dyck piuxlt. Pet de lode sculp 223 Turner, C, engraver. Lord Newton, alter H. Rae- burn. f See Hay, C 411 Ungarelli, Aloisio Maria, author of Interpretatio obeliscorum urbis. Cav. C. Kuspi dis. F. Tro- jani iiic 300 Unknown. A cavalier of Jerusalem. Giorgione da Castelfranco dip. P. Anderloni inc. pi. 20d, V. 1 of ST., D.3.2 — A lady. A. Del Sarto dip. A. Caizi inc. pi. 43, V. 2 of 21., D.3.2 — A lady. Leonardo da Vinci dip. F. Argnani dis. einc pi. 89 of E., D.3.3 — A man. A. Bronzino dip. G. Marri inc. pi. 74d, V. 2of E., D.3.2 — A man. F. Champagne dip. D. Delfini inc. nello Studio Toschi pi. 161, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 — A man. G. B. Moroni dip. i). Mai-chesi inc. nello St. Toschi pi. 80d, v. 2 of ST., D.3.2 — A man. G, Muzziano dip. F. Clerici inc. pi. 250, V. 3 of ST., D.3.2 — A man. G. Subtermans dip. C. Meunier allievo di L. Calamatta Inc pi. 141, v. 3 of ST., D.3.2 — A man. H. Uolbeen dip, G. Marri inc. pi. 61b, V. 2 of jr., D.3.2 — A man. P. Caliari Veronese dip. P. Canossini inc. nello studio Toschi . . .pi, 83a, v. 2 of E., D,3.2 Unknown, continued. — . A man praying. G. Hemmelinck dip. G. Marri inc pi. 159, V. 3 of C, D.3.2 — A man wearing a full-bottomed wig. H.Rigaud pinxt L. Calamatta del. Bruxelles 1853. De Meersman sculpt Oval . . , . . . pi. 9 of ST., A.8.1 — An old man. Masaccio dip. Lelli inc. pi. 8a, V. 1 of C, D.3.2 — A youth. Paris Bordone dip. E. Damele inc. pi. 75, V. 2 of ST., D.3.2 Urbanus VIII, pope. See Effigies pontificvm ... 500 Vaga, Pierino, or Perino, del. See Buonacorsi, P. Vallet, or Valet, G., engraver. Andre Louis Per- sonne. See Personne, A. L 393 — Pope Alexander VII. See Alexander vil . . . 396 Vallotti, Padre Francesco Antonio, Italian mu- sician and composer. See Professori celebri di suono pi. 16 of ST., A.8.1 Vandersypen, — , engraver. Cosmo de' Medici, " Pater patriao," after Pontormo. See Medici, Cosmo de' pi. 64b, v. 2 of K., D.3.2 Van Dyck, A., painter. See Dyck, A. van. Vannl'cchi, Andrea, or Agnolo, Andrea d', called Andrea del Sarto, Florentine painter. An- drea del Sarto dip. Fco Floridi dis. e inc. pi. 80 of E., D.3.3 — painter. A lady. Sre Unknown, pi. 43,v. 2 of ST., D.3.2 Vannucci, Pietro, called Perugino, Italian painter. Pietro Vannucci. Achille Martinet 1841. pi. 81 of jr., D.3.3 Note. — The artists' names are merely traced with the needle. — Same, and Raphael, after Raphael. See Santl or Sanzio, Raft'aello, da Urbino . . pi. 53 of C, A.8.1 Vasari, Giorgio, Italian painter, architect, and writer on art. G. Vasari dip. G. Marri inc. pi. 82 of ST., D.3.3 — painter. Lorenzo de' Medici. See Medici, L. de' pi. 77, V. 2 of ST., D.3.2 Vecellio, Tiziano, (,Eng. Titian), Venetian painter. Tiziano Vecellio dip. G. Fuslnati inc. pi. 83 of E., D.3.3 — painter. Charles ii (the emperor Charles v), count of Holland. See Charles ii. pi. 36 of E., D.2.3 — Francesco Maria i della Rovere. See Rovere, F. M. I della pi. 79a, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 — Giovanni de' Medici ("Dalle bandi nere"). See Medici, Giovanni de' . . . . pi. 79d, v. 2 of E., D.3.2 — J. Tatti (Sansovino). See Tatti, J. pi. 79h, V. 2 of E., D.3.2 — Lodovico Beccadelli, Italian historian. See Bec- cadelli, L pi. 79, v. 2 of ffl!., D 3 2 — Philip III (II of Spain), count of Holland. See Philip III pi. 37 of jr., D.2.3 Vecchio, B. del, engraver. Beatrice Cenci, after Guido Reni. See Cenci, B pi. 4 of E., A.6.6 Venosa, Fiamo, principe della. See Professori cele- bri di suono pi. 16 of ST., A.8.1 Veracini, Francesco Maria, Italian violinist. See Professori celebri di suono .... pi. 14 of E., A.8.1 Verien, Nicolas, French engraver. Jouvenay Pinx. G. Edelinck sculp 513 Note.— The artists' names are written with a pen. Vermeulen, C. M., engraver. Nicolaus van der Borcht, after A. van Dyck. See Borcht, N. van der • 42 Veronese, Paolo. See Cagliari, P. Vertue, G., designer and engraver. Rev. Matthew Henry. See Henry, M. . ... pi. 66 of E., A.8.1 — engraver. John Rajus, after W. Faithorne. See Rajus, J 395 Vezzo, Virginia di, Italian painter. C. Mellan franc. f. Rom. 1626 403 Vicar, J. B., painter. A man wearing a coat but- toned. [Not identified] 383 Victor Emmanuel I, king of Italy. Inciso da De- maunez e Calamatta 334 Note. — Proof, with engravers' names only, and witli the following autograph dedication, " A Sua Emi^a U Carl.o Tosti \Li. Calamatta." Victoria, queen of England. 1839. Painted by Geo. Ilayter. Engraved by Henry Cousins . 378 ViLLACERF, Edouard Colbert, marquis de. Mignard Pinx. Edelinck sculp. 492 ViLLAMENA, F.. designer and engraver. J. L. Ge- rusus. See Gerusus, J. L pi. 1 of E., A.6.2 — painter and engraver. F. de Rebaldis. See Rebaldis, F. de . . • pi 6of2:., A.6.2 Vincent DE Paul, St. F. Cecchi inv. del I. Mar- chetti sculpt Romae, 1815 . . . . pi. 11 of ST., A.8.1 Vinci, Leonardo da, Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, etc., b. 1452, d. 1519. Leonardo da Vinci dip. Gustavo Bonalni inc. . pi. 84 of E., D.3.3 i^I VINCI 21 ZUCCARO (^ifi Vinci, L. da, continued. — A lady. See Unknown pi. 89 of 2C., D.3.3 — painter. A lady seated 321 Xote.— Probably Joanna of Aragon, after an imita- tion (in the Doria gallery at Rome) l)y a pujiil of i.co- nardo da Viuci of a portrait by Kaphael. — Mona Lisa del Qiocondo. See Qiocondo, Motia Lisa del 341 VlNCI, Leonardo da, Italian nmsicnl composer, b. lO'JO, d. about 1732. See Professori celebri dl suono pl.loof C, A.8.1 VINTIMILLE, Charles Gaspard Guillaume dc, arch- bishop of Paris. Peint par Hyacinthe Kigaud, [1731J. Grave par C. Drevet. [17.36] .... 459 ViOTTi, Giovanni Battista, Italian violinist. See Professori celebri dl suono. . . , pi. 14 of 81. , A.8.1 VlsscHF.R, Cornells de. desimier and evf/rarer. Prln- cipes HollandiicetWestfrisia!, ab annoChristl DCCCLXill, et primocoraite Theodorico, usque ad ultimum i'hilippum Hispaniarum regem, ajri omnes incisi, ac tideliter descriptl, auspi- clis Petri ScriverlL Harleml, 1650, 40 pi. f°. E., D.2.3 \amely:—l. Engraved title. 2. Theodoric i. 8. Theodoncii. 4. Arnulf; 8. Theodoric in. 6 The- odoric i v. 7. Florence I. 8. Gertrude, widow of Flor- ence I, and regent. 9. Robert de Fries. 10. (iodfrey the hunchback. 11. Theodoric v. 12. Florence il. IH. The- odoric VI. 14. Florence III. iH. Theodoric vii. Hi. Ada. ir. William i. IS. Florence iv. I'.t. fVilJiom ii. 20. Flor- ence V. 21. John I. 22. John II. 2:1. William ill. 24. William iv. 25. Margaret. »!. William T. 27. Al- bert 28. William vi. 2!K John of Bavaria. 30. Jaco- ba. .'{1. Philip I (the goomanarum et sepiilcri Xaso- num, delincatae, et expressae ad archctypa a Petro Saneti Uartlioli et Francisco ejus tllio. Descript^e vero, et illustratac a Johanne I'ctro licllorio ct .Micliaele An- felo Causseo. Roma:. 1819. F". This work is in the 'osti collection of the Boston Public Library. Sea jr., D.1.6. BXRTOLOZZi, Francesco, Italian painter, etcher and engraver, h. 1730, d. 1813. Death of Dido, af- ter G. B. Cipriani. Size. 12J in. X 17| in. . . 203 Bas-bei.iefs. Various baa-reliefs. Size, 17i in. X 12iin Ptf., 235 Note. — Without letters. Basset, Jean, called Valentin, French painter, fi. 1601. The flight into Egypt. See Fabri. Luigi Ptf., 144 Battle of Constantine and Maxentius, after C. Lc Brun. See Audran, Gerard 610 Battles of Alexander, after C. Le Brun. See Au- dran. Gerard 389; 401; 405; 511 Bazzi {or Kazzi), Giovanni Antonio, called II 8o- DOMA, Italian painter, b. about 1474, d. about 1549. St. Sebastian. See Meunier, Jean Bap- tiste Ptf., 26 Beadvarlet, Jacques Firmin, French engraver, b. 1733. d. 1797. L'arriv^e da courrier, after F. Boucher. Size (trimmed and mounted), 17 in. Xl2Jin 498 — Le depart du courrier. after F. Boucher. Size (trimmed and mounted), 17 in. X 12J in. ... 499 Belisariuh begging, after J. L. David. See Morel, Antoine Alexandre 231 Bella, Stefano della, Florentine painter, detigner and etcher, b. 1610, d. 1664. Etchings. Vari- ous subjecU 3; 177; 178; 421 Belle blancbisseuRe. La. After J. B. Greuze. See Danzel, Jerome 548 BENAScni, or Beinaschi, Giovanni Battista. Italian painter and engraver, b. 1636. d. 1688. Holv family, after Giovanni Domenico Cerrinf. Etching. 1652. Size. 17J in. X 1^ In- • • • Ptf-, 19 Bbnedictl'8, St. St. Benedict, after Carlo Cignani. See Frev. Johann Jakob Ptf., 22 Benvenuti, Pietro. Italian painter, b. 1769. d. 1844. The death of Petrus Chrysologus, archbishop of Ravenna. See Migliavacca, Innocenzio . 264 — - The death of Priam. 5«e RicciANi, Antonio . 428 — Judith showing the head of Holofernes to the people. See Ricciani, Antonio 432 Bernardub, St., of Clairvaxtx. The Madonna and child appearing to St. Bernard. See Marcuc- Ci, G Ptf., 31 Bebretini, Pietro, called Pietro da Cohtona, Florentine painter and architect, b. 1596. d. 1669. Allegorical representation of the tri- umphs of Marc- Antonio Colonna. See Qrec- ter. Giovanni Pederigo Ptf., 186 — Cupola in the Chapel of the Holy sacrament. St. Peter's, Rome. See Aquila, Francisco Fara- one Ptf., 200 — Cupola in the Chapel of St. Sebastian, St. Peter's. Rome. See Aqiiila. Francesco Faraone . . Ptf., 199 Bertini. Angelo. Italian engraver, fl. 1810. The adoration of the shepherds, after Garofalo. Size, 31Jln.X22iln 344 Note. — Proof, before letters. — Same. Proof, with the eng^raver's name writ- ten with a pencil 474 — The four sibyls, after Raphael. See Guidetti, Nicolo 249 — St. Francis de Paula restoring a dead youth to life. After V. Camuccini. 8ize.29iin.X l^iin- 472 Note. — With enpuver's name only, written with a pencil. The original painting is in the church of S. Francesco di Paola at Naples. See i'ope itoiiana delU belle arti, v. 3, Bettelini, Pietro, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1763. d. 1828. The Eternal Father, after V. Camuccini. Size, 12 in. X 18 in 320 Bettelini, Pietro. continued. — The gallery of the Palazzo Farnese, Rome, after Annibale Caracci. See Volpato. Giovanni. Ptf., 4&-60 BlOT, Gustaef. engraver, b. at Brunnelti, 1833, and Ca- lamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe). Flemish peasant scene, with the title " Oh ! " After J. B. Madou. " Imprime et public par Goupil et cie, 1857." Size, 2.5nn. X 18iin 3U Birds. Engravingsof various species of birds. See Tro/ani. Filippo Ptf, 169-171 Bis, Mile. — . Lithograph of a head from a design by L.Calamatta, after the original by Leonardo da Vinci. Size, llin. X 9in Ptf., 191 Note. — The uriginal,'painted en gritaiUe, ia in theUfB- zi gallery, Florence. Blaab. Carl, Swing painter. The elevation of the host. See Marcovich, B Ptf., 37 Blind man. The. deceived (L'aveugle dup<5), after Jean Baptiste Greuze. See Cars, Laurent . . 331 Bloemaert, Cornclis, Flemish engraver, b. 1603, d. 1680. St. Francis of Assisi, after Guido Renl. Size. 14 in. X 9 in IHf., 11 — St. Paul before the altar To the unknown God, after Giro Ferri. Size (trimmed and mounted), 12J in. X 8i in Ptf., 3 — Vision of St. Antony of Padua, after Ciro Ferri. 1678. Size, 20^ in. X 13i in inf., 39 Blot, Maurice, French designer and engraver, b. 17.'>3, d. 1818. Marcus Sextus, aft«r P. N. Gu^rin. Size, about 21 in. X 23 in 201 Note. — The original, which is in the Louvre, was first painted to represent the legendary storv of the return of the blind Uelisarius to his family. By the a'ee B%AU- VARLET, Jacqnee Firmin 498 — Le depart du courrier. See Beauvarlet, Jacques Firmin 499 Boclangek, Jean, French designer and engraver, b, about ISO"!. St. Francis de Paula restoring a child to life, after the design by F. Tortebat, from the original by Simon Vouet. Size (trimmed and mounted), 15 in. X 8 in 645 A'o<«. —The original painting is in the Chapelle des Mininies de la Place Royale, Paris. BsuMi, Francesco, Italian painter and etcher, b. 1648, d. 1726. The assumption of the Virgin, after Guido Rent. Etching. Size, 22^ in. X 16 in. Ptf., 60 Note. — The original painting is in the church of San Ambrogio, at Genoa. The commission for the painting was ottered to the Caracci and to Guido; the latter, be- ing willing to execute it for half the price demanded by his competitors, obtained the order. Buowarroti, Michelangelo, or Michel Agnolo, Ital- ian painter, sculptor and architect, b. 1474, d. 1664. The Fates. Size,. 12 in. X 9 in 328 Xote. — Without letters. ''The picture of the Fates, now in the Pitti palace, was, until lately, confi- dently ascribed to him [Michel Angelo], but moflern criticism has decided othc-iwise. It may probably have been painted from one of his designs. It is now pretty generally ascribed to Rosso I'iorentino. — J. S. llAK- FOBD. Zt/e 0/ Michel Angelo Buonarroti, v. l,p. 230. — Achim and Amminadab. See Cukego, Domeni- co Ptf., 46 — Christ upon the cross, with Mary and John standing below. ^Se* Soye. Philippe . . . . Ptf., 51 — The Libyan sibyl. See Fabri, Luigi 481 — Study for the head of a Fury. Lithograph. Size, about 12 in. X 8 in 354 — Same. Size, 18 in. X 14 in Ptf., 24 Jfote. — ITie original drawing is at Florence, in the gallery which crosses the Arno, connecting the tJffizi and Pitti galleries. They are both without letters. — The Virgin and infant Christ, with St. John hold- ing a bird. After a bas-relief of Michel Ange- lo. See Agricola, Filippino 470 Bust of a Roman. Size, lOJ in. X 7^ in Ptf., 219 Note. — So called in Clarac'i Mutec de sculpture antique et modeme. Without letters. Bust of a woman. Size, 11 J in. x 7J in Ptf., 234 Note. — Without artists' names, or any letters. Cacchiatelli, P., Italian designer and engraver, fl. 1843, and Cleter, Gregorio. Portico semicir- colare nclla Villa Albani Castelbarco. Size, ISin.XlS^in Ptf., 198 Note. —Mezzotint. "P. Cacchiatelli e G. Cleter dis^ ti inc' dal vero I'anno, 1848." The villa is at Moniste- Tolo, near "Vaprio and Milan. Casul'b fighting the dragon. Woodcut. Size, 15 in. XlSin Ptf.. 167 A'o(e.— Without letters. One of a scries, of which tho rest are wonting in this collection. Cagliari, Paolo, called Paolo Veronese {Eng. Pal'L Veronese), Venetian painter, b. about 1528, d. 1588. The presentation in the temple. Etch- ing. Size, 10^ in. X 22^ in Ptf., 66 Note. — Without engraver's name. — The adoration of the shepherds. See PicciONi, Mattco Ptf., 64 — The m«rtyrdom of St. Justina of Padua. See Caracci. Agostino 293 Caius Mucins Scaevola before Porsenna. After P. P. Rubens. See Schmltzer, Jakob Mat- thias Ptf., 34 Calamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe), Italian de- signer and engraver, b. 1802, d. 1869. Beatrice Ceiici, after Guido Reni. Size, 18 in. X 145 in 438 Note. — " Imprimi et publie par Goupil et c'*, 1857." — Diploma for the Universal exposition, 1855. Af- ter the design by J. A. D. Ingres. Sire, 21 in. X19in Ptf., 198 iVo««. — With the engraver's inscription to Cardinal Tosti, written with a pencil. See //. Dtlaborde't Ingret : ea vie, ses travaux, fa doctrine, p. 284. — Francesca da Rimini, after Ary Schcffer. (Dan- te's Inferno, canto v.) Size, 18J in. X 143 '"■ 306 AWe. — Engraved, 184.S. Proof before the engraved title, with the engraver's inscription to Cardinal Tosti, written with a pen. — Galileo before the council, making his abiura- tion. After Robert-Fleury. Size, 21J in. X 34J in 850 Note. — Proof before letters, with the following in- scription, written with a pencil : " Eppur la gira." "Di- pinto da Robert Fleury.' "Disegnato e Inciso da L. Calamatta." — Lithograph of the head of Leonardo da Vinci's Leda. Size, 14 in. X H in 6 Note. — Vfith "Calamatta," written with a pencil, and no other inscription. — Madonna della sedia, after Raphael. Diameter of the engraved portion of the plate, 12| in. . . 265 Note. — An artlBt's proof, from the plate before it was finished, of which, according to Aiidresen, there were 12 copies printed. The lollowirg inscription is written with a pencil : " Dipinto da Knfl'aele " Disegnato e Inciso daL. Calamatta." "A sua Eminenza il Cardi- nal Tosti L. Calamatta " The original painting is in the Pitti palace, Florence. — The return of Columbus from America, after Robert-Fleury. Size, 21i in. X 34J in 3(6 Note. — Proof, in open letter, with the inscription "... Imp. Ch. Chardon aine-Paris." "Incisione diretta e terminatada Ii. Calamatta" "Publie par Goupil et C'« . . . 18BS." There is also an inscription, written with a pencil, from Calamatta to Cardinal Tosti. — The vow of Louis xm, placing the kingdom of France under the protection of the Virgin. After J. A. D. Ingres. Size, 28 in. X 195 in. . 476 Note. — Proof, with artists' names only. The original was painted by Ingres for his native town, Montauban, and it is in the cathedral there. " La premiere chose qu'on voyait en entrant chez lui, c'etait un admirable dessin de Calamatta, d'apres le Vccu de Louis xill, le deasin dont I'illustre graveur a fait uiie cstampe magistrale, un chef-d'ccuvre. Ingres (•tait ficr de ce dessin, et il le niontrait avec enthousiasme a tous les visitcurs" C.Blanc. Ingres: sa vie et ses ourrages, p. 90, where may be found an account of the original. — Christ reproving Mai-tha. See Tactiel, Andr6 Benoit Barreau 202 — The crucifixion, after A. van Dyck. See Lelli, Lucio 480 — The deposition from the cross, after Giottlno. See France, Joseph Ptf., 27 — Design of a head, after Leonardo da Vinci. See Bis, Mile. — Ptf., 191 — Flemish peasant scene. See BlOT, Gustaef . • 311 — Holy family. After Mariotto Albertinelli. See MoRELLi, Marco 268 — St. Cecilia, after J. B. van Eycken. /See Lelli, Lucio 647 — St. Sebastian, after Sodoma. See Meunier, Jean Baptiste Ptf., 26 — Souvenir de la patrie, after Alfred Stevens. See Meersman, — de 325 — Spanish woman. See Lelu, Lucio 823 CALIGULA CHRis'r' ^' i \' '■: K H I T V ( Caligula, Caius Caesar, Roman emperor, h. 12, d. 41. Bust of CaUgula. Size, u\ in. X 9 in- • I^v 228 /fete. — Without the names of artists and subject. Callot, Jacques, French painter and engraver, b. 1592, d. 1635. The Inferno, according to Dan- te. After B. Barbatelli, called I'occetli. Size (trimmed and mounted), 29 in. X 34 in. . . . 461 JVoJe. — Engraved, 1012, on two plates, — The passage of the Red sea by the children of Israel. Size, 5 in. X » i" Ptf., 142 CAMA88F.I, Andrea, Italian painter and engraver, b. 3602, d. 1648. The infant Moses plhced in the Nile. iSee Piccioni, Matteo Tommaso . . . Ptf., 133 CAMUCCIM, Vincenzo, Italian painter, b. 1775, d. 1844. The conversion of St. Paul. See MAK- ciiETTi, Domenico 478 — The Eternal Father. See Bettelini, Pietro . 320 — The presentation in the temple. See RiCClANi, Antonio 643 — 8t. Francis do I'aula restoring a dead youth to life. See Bebtini, Angelo 472 — St. Thomas. See Ricciani, Antonio 542 Canova, Antonio, Italian smlptor, b. 1757, d. 1822. Colossal model for a statue of Religion. Size, 28in.X14»Jin 245 XoU. — Without artists" names or any inscription. For . the same subject, engraved by D. Marehetti, see pi. 24 of C C.2.1 of tlie ToKti collection of the Boston Public Library. — Faith. See Morchen, Raffacllo 367 — Monument for Cardinal York, with busts of the last three Stuarts. See Marchetti, Dome- nico 329 — Sitting statue of Maria Louisa, of Austria (wife of Napoleon l), with the attributes of Concord. See Makchetti, Domenico Ptf., 207 — Statue of Napoleon I. See IllcciANI, Antonio. Ptf., 205 — The tomb of Clement xiii. See Morghen, Raf- faello 380 Cappello, Feliciano, Italian lithographer. Christ on the cross, after A. van Dyck. Lithograph. Size. 26 in. X 19 in Ptf-, 42 Caracci. Agostino, Italian jointer and engraver, b. 1557, d. 1602. The martyrdom of St. Juslina of Padua, after Paolo Veronese. Size, 35 in. X 23i in 292 Note. — Engraved on two plates intended to Iw joinetl. The original is in the church of Santa Uiustina, at Padua. See Mn. Jamaon'n Sacrtd and legendarg art. Tills impression has ttie address ".Kunioi apud Caruluni Losi anno 1773."' For a description of earlier iinpres- fions see Bantck'i /,« ptintre-grarmr, v. Itt, p. 78, and Andreteu't Bandbuch fur KuprerttithtammUr, v. 1, p. 240. This print has been trimmed and mounted on stilt' paper. St. Francis of Assisl receiving the stigmata, af- ter Agostino Caracci, called The small St. Francis. Size, 18 in. X 12i in Ptf., 21 Kate. — The original painting is in the Belvedere gal- lery at Vienna. See JUrt, Jamcson't Legends of the Mo- natiir: order: This is one of the later impressions, with the address of G. G. de Rossi, 1(H9. — The communion of St. Jerome. See Perkier, Francois . . • Ptf., 7 Caracci, Annibale, Italian painter, b. 1560, d. 1609. Christ and the woman of Samaria. See R., A. V Ptf., 53 — The gallery of the Palazzo Farnese, Rome. See Volpato, Giovanni Ptf., 48-50 — The martyrdom of St. Stephen. See Chasteau, Guillaume 176 Caracciolo, Agostino, Italian painter. The vision of St. Francis of Assisi. See Scalzi, Filippo. Itf., 33 Caravaggio, Michel Angelo da. See Amehighi, Michel Angelo da Caravaggio. Cabmona, Manuel Salvador, Spanish engraver, b. 1730, rf. 1,807. Allegorical figures: — History, Time, etc., with the Virtues, supporting a me- dallion of Charles iii, of Spain. After F. Soli- mena. Size, 16i in. X 24i in 278 ' Kate. — Third state, with coat of arms and letters. — Le n^gllg6 galant, after C. A. Coypel. 1760. Size, 12 in. X 8 in 337 Cars, Laurent. Vremh designer and engraver, b. 1702, d. 1771. The blind man deceived (L'a- veugle dupe), after Jean Baptiste Greuze. Size, 181 in- X 1*4 in 331 CAgTIGLlONE, Giovanni Benedetto, called IL Gre- CHETTO or IL Benedetto, Italian painter and engraver, b. 1616, d. 1670. The flight into Egypt. Etching. Size, 12 in. X 8J in. . . . Ptf., 135 Cattermole, George, English waier-Qolptipfqnm'd ) l^ XT I A 6. 1800, d. 1868. The red mask. ,SS« H ' t ' * 1 ' '- <(^ /" /'^ ' CORTONA. Pietro da. See Berretini, Pletro. ^^ -^ ( } I > Costa, G. B. Italian engraver. Bust of Gregory i\ XVI ( ? ), by A. Tadoliiii, after a drawing by G. B. Borani. Size, 15 in. X lOJ in Ptf., 22S Costa, Hannibale, Italian engraver. The rape of Proserijine. " Bigioli Disegud." Size, 8^ in. X 14i in Ptf., 233 Kole. — Proof, with the artiit*' namet only, written with ink. The same engraving with llic artists' names engraved ran be found iu PittUaxt 11 Vatirano, v. 5, pi. 99. The original ia a bai-relicf iu the UaU of the Muaei iu the Vatican. CoYPEJL, Antoine. Fretich painter, b. 1661, d. 1722. St. Cecilia. See Duchange, Gaspard 33" COYPEL, Charles Antoins, I''rtnc}i painter and engra- ver, b. 1694, d. 1752. Le neglige galant. See Carmona, Manuel Salvador 33T Crescentia, St. St. Crescentia, Saint Vitus and Saint ModestuB. See Cleter. Oregorio ... 24T Cui8INi£:ke, La, flamande, after Q. Dou. .SeeMoiT- te, Pierre feuenne 484 CuisiNi^RE. La, hollandaise, after G. Metzu. See WiLLE, Johann Georg 624 CuNEGO, Donienico, Italian detigner and engraver, b. 1727, d. 1794. Achim and Amminadab, af- ter the fresco, by Micliel Angelo, in the Sis- tine chapel, Itoiue. " Vtncentius Dolcibenc delineavit." Size, 16 in. X 22 in Ptf., 46 — The deposition from the cross, after the design of A. Kicci, from the original by Spagnoletto. Size, 26 in. X 17i in Ptf., 41 Cl'NNINGHam, Joseph, ICnglish painter, fl. 1787. Grand review at Potsdam, called " Friedrich's last review." See Clemens, Johann Fre- derik Ptf., 186 Cupid sleeping under a tent. See GANDOLn, Mauro. 31S Daxen, Cornells van, the younger, Dutch engraver, b. about 1630. The four fathers of the church, St. Ambrose, St. Gregory, St. Jerome and St. Au- gustine, standing in a group. After P. P. Ku- bens. "A. BloteUngh Kxc." Size, 12i in. X 9iin 803 Sou. — Second itste, with A. Blotelingh'i address. Danesi, — . Italian lithographer. Gregory xvi bless- ing the Valmontonesl, May, 1843. Lithograph. Size, 18 in. X '•^ *" Ptf-> 188 — View of Oenazzano, Italy, after Ileliodorus Bo- det, 1846. Size, 12in.Xl'l4in Ptf., 189 Damzel, Jerome, French engraver, b. 1755, d. 1810. Woman washing linen in a bowl (•' La belle blanchisseuse"). After J. B. Greuze. Size, about 18 in. X IS in U8 DalxlA, Jean, French engraver, b. 1703. d. 1763. Madame Marie Justine Benoite Duronceray Favart in the role of Bastienne. After C. A. Vanloo. Size, 19J in. X 13 in (49 Jfole. — " Elle cr*a successivcmcnt les principaux rOlcs dans les pieces £crites par son niari, et se fit surtuut re- marquer dans: Basiicn et Hwtlirnnr, oil elle attvignait la pertection (c'est dans le costume de Bastienne que Vanloo la pcignit)." KouvMt biugraphit ii^n^ale. David, Jacques Louis, French painter, b. 1748, d. 1825. Belisarius begging. See Morel., An- toine Alexandre 231 David playing upon a harp. After Domenichino. See Kolsselet, Gilles 637 Dawe. Henry, Englith engraver. The industrious chUd, after T. Duchee. Size, 13 in. X 10 in. . Ptf., 150, Note. — Mezzotint. Published in 1825. Dead canary bird, after J. B. Greuze. See Flip art, Jean Jacques 439 Death of Dido, after G. B. Cipriani. See Barto- LOZZl, Francesco 203 Death of Petrus Chrysologus, archbishop of Raven- na, after P. Benvenuti. See Migliavacca, Innocenzio 254 Death of Priam, after P. Benvenuti. See Kicciani, Antonio 428 Deer chase. See Oitdry, Jean Baptiste 212 Delaroche, liippolyte, called Paul Delaroche, French painter, b. 1797, d. 1866. The execu- tion of Lady Jane Grey. See Merclrj, Pa- olo ... . 210 — St. Amelia, queen of Hungary. See Mercurj, Paolo 308 Della Longa, G. See Longa. G. della. DEPART, Le. du courrier, after F. Boucher. See Beauvarlet, Jacques Firmin 490 Chute, La. des feuilles (Fall of the leaves), after J. B. van Eycken. See Lelli, Lucio 248 CiGNAM, Carlo, Italian painter, b. 1628, d. 1719. Ma- ter dolorosa. 'See Cleter. Gregorio .... 376 — St. Benedict. See Frey, Johann Jakob . . 199; Ptf., 22 Cipriani, Galgano, Italian engraver, b. 1775. St. Pe- ter and Ht. Paul, after Guido Reni. Size, 21i in. X 14 in Ptf.. 30 A'ote. — Designed hy Cipriani, and engraved by him under the direction of Raphael Morghen. Open-letter proof, with dedication and name of the printer. The original painting, formerly in the Zainpicri gallery, Bo- logna, is now in the Brera gallery, Milau. Cipriani, Giovanni Battista, Italian painter and etcher, b. 1732. d. 1785. Death of Dido. See Bartolozzi, Francesco 203 CiULi, Augusto, Italian artist. Arch of Titus, Rome. See Gaddi, G inf., 72 CLAUDIL8, or Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero, 4th emperor of Borne, b. b. C. 10, d. A. D. 54. Statue of Claudius. SeeMANCiON, Pietro. 197 ; Ptf., 212 Clemens, Johann Frederik, iJaninh engraver, b. 1749, d. 1831. Grand review at Potsdam, called " Friedrich's last review," after Joseph Cunningham. Size (trimmed and mounted), 224in. X33Jin l»tf., 186 A'<;, is what print-collectors know hHisely as ' Friedrich's last review'; — one Cunnineliam, an Knglish painter ^son of a Jacobite ditto, and hiinsi'll of wandering hab- itat), and Clonuns. a Prustiun engraver, having done a very large and highly-8Ui>erior print of it, by way of ■peculation in military portraits (Berlin, 1787); in which, among many others, there figures the crediblest likeness known to me of Fritdrich in old age, though Friedrich himself was not there." CablyL£. Uitarg of Frederick Ike Urtat. Book 21, chap. 9. The names of the artists and the inscription (Fr£di- ric le Grand retouniant a Sans-Souci apres les iiianceu- vres, accompagni d« aes giu&raux) have beeu cut oif fiom this copy. Clement XIII, pope, b. 1693, d. 1769. Tomb of Clem- ent XIII, from a drawing by S. Tofanelli after A. Canova. See Morguen, Itaffaello .... 380 Cleopatra applying the asp. After Caspar Net- scher. See WlLLE, Johann Georg 646 Cleopatra dissolving the pearl, after C. Maratti. See Fkey. Johann Jakob 644 Cleter. Gregorio, Italian engraver, b. 1813. Mater dolorosa, after Carlo Cignani. Size, 2U In. X 144 In - 376 Kote. —'With the engraveT'i inscription, written with a pencil, to Cardinal Tosti. — Portico nella Villa Albanl Caatelbarco. See Cacciiiatelli, P Ptf., 198 — St. Crescentia, St. Vitus, and St. Modestus. " Greg. Cleter del. et sculp." Size. 9 in. X 12in. 247 Collaert, a driaan,/'/f mi«A engraver, b. about 1520, d. about 1567. Tlie cailing of the disciples, af- ter Federigo Barocci. Size, 17J iu. X 12 in. . Ptf., 64 A'ute. — Engraved, U91. The original paintiug is at Brussels. Collaert. Jan. Ihitch engraver, b. 1545. d. 1622. John the baptist in the wilderness, after H. Goltzius. Size (trimmed and mounted), 84 in. X 6i iu Ptf., 112 COLONNA, Marc-Antonio, d. 1584. Allegorical repre- sentation of the triumphs of Marc-Antonio Co- lonna. After Pietro da Cortona. See Greu- TER, Giovanni Federigo Itf., 185 Combat between a lion and a horse, after Giulio Ro- mano. See Ghisi. Adamo 336 Communion of St. Jerome. After Agosilno Caracci.. See Perrier, Francois Ptf., 7 — Same. After Domenichiiio. See Testa, Gio- vanni Cesare Ptf., 67 Conca, Sebastiano, Italian painter, b. 1679, d. 1764. Holy family. See Frey, Johann Jakob . . . Ptf., 32 — The nativity. See Fuey. Johann Jakob .... Ptf., 25 Conclusion, The, of peace (allegorical representa- tion). After P. P. Rubens. See Picart, Ber- nard 194 COMCLUSIONES philosophicae. after Pierre Mignard. See RouLLET, Jean Louis 464 Continence of Sclpio. After F. Lemoine. See Le- VA8SEUR, Jean Charles 217 Conversion of St. Hubert. See Meyssens, Johann, 198 Conversion of St. Paul, after V. Camuccini. See Marcuetti, Domenico 478 DE8NOYER8 8 FERRETTI DXBNOYERS, Auguste Gaepard Louis Boucher, baron, French denigner and engraver, b. 1779, d. 1857. The transfiguration, after his copy from the original of Raphael, Size, 30J in. X^lj ii*- • • 313 Kote. — Engraved on two plates intended to be joined. This copy has the inscription ; it has also the engraver's Bignature. written with a pencil. The original, the last work of Raphael, is in the Vatican. DfeviDEDSE, La (The winder, mothsr of Gerard Dou). Aft«r G. Dou. See Wille, Johann Georg . 437 Dletkich (.calling AimseZ/DiETEKiCY or Dietrici), Christian Wilhelm Ernest, German painter and etcher, b. 1712, d. 1774. Abraham receiv- ing Hagar. See Wille, Johann Georg .... 326 — Les offres r^ciproques. See Wille, Johann Georg 525 — Travelling musicians. See "Wille, Johann Georg 523 Diploma for the Universal exposition of 1855. After the design by J. A. D. Ingres. See Calamat- TA, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe) Ptf., 196 Dominic, St. 8t. Dominic receiving from St. Peter and St. Paul the symbols of ecclesiastical au- thority. See Sadeler, Gilles 185 DOMENICHINO. See Zampieri, Domenico. Don Quixote and Samson Carrasco, after a draw- ing by J. M. Wright. See Smith, Edward . . , 302 DONATELLO. See Donato di Nicolo di Betto Bardi. Donato di Nicolo di Betto Bardi, called Dona- TELLO, Italian sculptor, b. 1383, d. 1466. St. Cecilia, after a bas-relief by Donatello, in the possession of Lord Elcho. Without letters. Size, 21^ in. X 16i in 310 Nou. — "A profile head of St. Cecilia, worked out in relief, which in parts hardly rises more than the thick- ness of a sheet of paper above the surface, though full of the most delicate alternations, and modelled with consummate skill and truth to nature. Her head is en- circled witli a diadem, from beneath which her hair here and there escapes in locks so fine as to be only dis- coverable by the closest observation." C. C. Pebkins. Tuscan Sculptors^ v. 1, p. 151, DORIGNY, Sir Nicolas, French engraver, b. 1657, d. 1746, Christ walking on the sea; called "La barca," after Giovanni Lanfranco. Size (trimmed and mounted), 24J in. X 13i in. . . Ptf., 40 Note. — 2d state. Engraved, 1699. Dou {written also Dov, Douw and Dow), Gerard, J/utch painter, b. 1598, d. 1674, or 1680, La cuisiniere flamande. See Moitte, Pierre £ti- enne 484 — La devideuse (The winder, mother of G. Dou). See Wille, Johann Georg 437 — La menagfere hoUandaise. See Wille, Johann Georg 192 Droeshout, John, engraver, fi. 1620. The emperor Charles v at prayer. Size (trimmed and mounted), 5| in, XS^in Ptf,, 239 Drusus, Marcus Livius. Statue. See Mancion, P. . Ptf., 215 DUCHANGE, Gaspard, French engraver, b. 1662. d. 1757. St. Cecilia, after A. Coypel, Size (trimmed and mounted), 9J in. X'^i in- • • • 337 DucH^E, T.. French painter. The induBtrious child. See Dawe. Henry Ptf., 159 DuERER, Albrecht, German painter and engraver, b. 1471, d. 1528. Eighteen of the thirty-seven woodcuts representing scenes in the life of Christ, etc., called The little passion. Size (trimmed and mounted), about 6 in. X 3J in. 392; 617; 518; 519 Ifote. — Includes the following of the series ; namely , — The annunciation ; Christ taking leave of his mother before his cruciflxion ; Christ scourging the money- changers from the temple ; The agony in the garden ; The betrayal by Judas: Christ blindfolded and buffeted j Christ brought before Ilcrod ; Christ before Pilate j The flagellation; Pilate washing his hands; St, Veronica, with the sudarium, between St. Peter and St, Paul ; The crucifixion ; The descent from the cross; The mourning of the holy women over the dead Christ ; Clirist ap- pearing to Mary Magdalene in the garden ; The supper at Emmaus ; The incredulity of Thomas ; Christ seated for judgment. Ddghet or Duchet, Gaspard, called Gaspard PoussiN. French jminter, b. 1613. d. 1675, II temporale (The storm) del Pussino. See Gmelin, Wilhelm Friedrich Ptf., 73 Ddpuis, Louise A., formerli/ Mile. Martinet, French engraver, b. 1731. St. Gregory dictating his homilies, after C. A. Vanloo, 1770. PI, 5 of the series illustrating the life of 8t, Gregory, Size (trimmed and mounted), 21^ in. X 13| in. . . . 181 Dyck, Sir Anthony van, Flemish painter, b. 1599, d. 1641. Christ crowned with thorns. See Bol- HWERT, Schelte a, 362 Dyck, Sir Anthony van, continued. — Christ on the cross. See Cappello, Feliciano . Ptf., 42 — The crucifixion. See Lelli, Lucio 480 — Holy family. See Bolswert, Schelte a . . . . 501 Edelinck, Gerard, Flemish designer and engraver, b. 1640, d. 1707. Alexander in the tent of Da- rius. After Charles Le Brun. Size (trimmed and mounted), 27 in. X 35| in 495 Note. — Engraved on two plates intended to be joined. Impression with the name of tlie publisher, Goyton, en- graved in dots on each half of the plate. On the right hand plate nine dots are added after Goyton's name. The original painting is one of the series in the gallery of the Louvre, painted by Charles Le Brun, to illustrate the battles of Alexander. The rest of the series have been engraved by G. Audran, and are given in this list. ■See Audran, Gerard. — The crucifixion, called " Le Christ aux anges." After C. Le Brun. Size, 36^ in. X 24| in. . . 294 Note. — Third state, with the address, "Et sevend a Paris chez P. IJreuet [etc.]." Engraved on two plates intended to be joined. See Notice des tableaux du ifus^e imperial du Louvre, par F. Viliot, He tdition, 18.57. No. 62. — Holy family at table, called the Benedicite, after C. Le Brun. Size, 21i in. X 16 in 460 Note. — Third and last state, with the address of J. Audran. The original painting was in the church of St. Paul, in Paris, until its demolition, when ituas trans- ferred to the gallery of tlie Louvre, ' — Magdalen renouncing the vanities of the world. After C, Le Brun. Size, 23^ in. X ISj in. . . 487 Note. — .Wi state, with the address " Se vend a Paris chez P. Dreuet aux galleries du Louvre, avec privilege dulloy." It is said to be a portrait ofMadamede La Val- liere. Tlie oi'ipnal puiiitiiig was formerly in the church of the Carmelites in Paris ; it is now in tlie Louvre. — Moses with the tables of the law. See Nan- TELIL. Robert 375 Note. — The face and hands were engraved by Ede- linck, the rest by Nanteuil, Elevation, The, of the host, after Carl Blaas. See Makcovich, B Ptf., 37 Erminia and Vafrino finding the wounded Tancred, See Frey, Johann Jakob Ptf., 6 Eternal Father, The, after V. Camuccini. See Bettehni, Pietro 320 Execution of Lady Jane Grey, after Paul Delaroche. See Mercurj, Paolo 219 Eycken, Jean Baptiste van, Belgian painter, b. 1809, d. 1853. Avant. Apres. Two pictures. See Lelli, Lucio 493; 494 — La chute des feuilles (Fall of the leaves). See Lelli. Lucio 248 — St, Cecilia. See Lelli, Lucio 647 Fabri. Luigi, Italian engraver, b. 1778, d. 1835, The flight into Egypt, after Valentin, Size, 11 in, X 8i in. Ptf., 144 — The Libyan sibyl, .after Michel Angelo's fresco in the Sistine chapel. " F. Giangiacorao del." Size, 35| in. X 23| in 481 Fabri.«, C. ItuUnn sculptor. Bust of G. Moroni. See FOLO, Hetro Ptf., 209 Fabris, Giuseppe, Italian sculptor. Monument to Antonio Maria Traversi. See Monti roli, G. Ptf., 208 Faith, after A. Canova. See Morghen, liaffaello . 357 Fall of Dagon, and the infliction of disease upon the Philistines, Ai'ter N, Poussin. See Baron, Jean ,237 Fates, The. After Michel Angelo. See Buonarro- ti, Michelangelo 328 Favart, Marie Justine Benoite Duronceray, Ma- dame, French actress, b. 1727, d. 1772. Madame Favart in the role of Bastienne. After C. A. Vanloo, See Daull^, Jean 649 Feoli, Vincenzo, Italian designer and engraver, fl. 1800. Parte prima della parete sinistra della Galleria lunga nel Museo Pio-Clementino. " Vincenzo Feoli dis, ed incise." Size, 15|in. X31Jin 267 — Parte .seconda della parete destra della Galleria lunga nel Museo Pio-Clementino. " Vincenzo Feoli dis. ed incise," Size, 15J in. X 33^'g in. . 266 Ferretti, Ludovico, Italian engraver. Monument for Gregorio Moroni. " G. B. Borani dis, F. Agricola inv." Size. 16 in. X 10 in Itf., 210 — Statue of Agrippina, as Juno. "P. Guglielrai : dis." Size, 17 in. X 12 iti Ptf.. 217 Note. — Proof with the artists' names only. The orig- inal statue is iu the Latcrau museuui, Kouie. FERRI 9 GEORGE Ferri, Ciro, Italian architect and painter, h. 1634. d. 1689. St. Paul before the altar To the unknown God. See Bloemaert. Cornelis Ptf.. 2 — Vision of St. Antony of Padua. See Bloe- maert, Cornelia Ptf, 35 Feti, Domenico, Italian painter, b. 1589. d. 1624. La vie charapestre. See SCOTIN, Gerard Jean Baptiste . .• 327 FlUPEPl, AleB8andro, called Sandro or Alessan- DRO Botticelli, Italian painter and engrnghi. with the detlication " Al Sigr. Natlianiel George Philips Pittore Inglese," and the inscription in open letters, The origl- nalis in the Piuocoteca della Brcra, Milan. FONTANA, Pietro, Italian engraver, b. 1763, d. 1837. The entombment of Christ, after the design of L. Cochetti. from the original by Michel An- gelo Amcrighl da Caravaggio. Size, 20|^ in. X 14 in 534 Note. — The original is in the Vatican. — Statue of Mars. " Paolo Guglielmi dis." Size, 143 in. X lOi in Ptf., 220 Note. — An engravini^ of this subject, with a helmet added, by Luigi Fiorelli, is to be found in Pittoietit II Vatieano detcritto td iUxutrato, v. 8, pi. elt'l. FONTANA, — . Portrait of a woman, after P. P. Ru- bens. Size, 8 in. X 5i in Ptf., 153 Four ages of man (Les quatre ^ges), after J. Raoux. S«e MOYREAU, Jean 221; 230; 236 Four fathers of the church (St. Ambrose, St. Greg- ory. St. Jerome and St. Augustine). After P. P. Rubens. See Dalen, Cornelis van, the younger 303 Four sibyls. The, after Raphael. See Guidetti, Nicol6 249 Francesca da Rimini, after Ary ScheflTer. See Ca- lamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe) .... 306 Francesco d'Assisi, St. St. Francis of Assisi. After Guido Reni. See Bloe.maert. Cornells . . . Ptf., 11 — St. Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata, after Agostino Caracci. See Caracci, Agostino . Ptf., 21 — The vision of St. Francis of Assisi. After Ago- stino Caracciolo. ^«« ScALZi, Filippo . . . . Ptf., 33 Francesco di Paola, St. St. Francis restoring a child to life. See Boulanger. Jean 645 — St. Francis restoring a youth to life. After V. Camuccini . . . .* 472 Francis, of AxHH, St. See Francesco d'Assisi. Francis de Paula, St. See Francesco di Paola. Francjiscls de Hieronymo borne by angels, after the design of P. Guglielmi. from the original by Francesco Podesti. Lithograph. Size, 19 in. X 12J in . Ptf., 1 Franck. Joseph. Belgian engraver. The deposition from the cross, after Giottino. '■ Cal.imatta dlrcxit, Bruxelles, 1844." Size, 15 in. X lOJ in. Ptf., 27 Nate. — Proof, with artists' names onlv. Tl>e original painting, which is in the Uffizi gallerv.'FIorence, is de- scribed m Mrs. Jameton't Legende of ihe Madonna. Frederick ii, the Great, of Prusna. b. 1712. rf. 1786. Grand review at Potsdam, called " Friedrich's last review." See Clemens, Johann Fre- derik Ptf.. 186 Frey, Johann Jakob, Swiss designer and engraver, b. 1681, d. 1752. Cleopatra dissolving the pearl, after C. Maratti. Size (trimmed and mounted), 14i in. X 93 in 644 — Erminia and Vafrlno finding the wounded Tan- cred. " Giac. Freij inv. et inc." " Roma, 1761." Size, 123 in. X 17 in Ptf, • Note. — See Taseo't JerxuaUm delivered. Canto xix. — Holy family, called Holy fi^ily of Francis I, from G. Edelinck's engraving, after liaphael. 68 ; 214 Note. — The original painting is in the 1/OUvre. — Holy family, surrounded by angels, with God, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, and angels, in the clouds. After Sebastiano Conca. Size (trimmed), 25 in. X ISJ in Ptf., 32 — The nativity, after Sebastiano Conca. Size, 17i in. X 18i in Ptf., 25 — St. Benedict, after a drawing by J. Anciani from the original by C. Cignani. Size, 22 in. X 13i in 199 ; Ptf., 22 — The Virgin and child surrounded by angels, and crushing a dragon. After C. Maratti. Size, 184 in. X 131 in .... Ptf., 15 Fribocro, Switzerland. East view of the Jesuit school. 1827. Lithograph. Size, 6i in. X 9J ln.Ptf.,16« — View of Fribourg. Lithograph. See Bader. A Ptf., 165 Gaddi, Q. Italian lithographer. Arch of Tltns,' Rome, after the design of Augusto Clull. Lith- ograph. Size. 9 in. X 103 in Ptf., 73 Gagliardi, p., Italian painter. Maria Anna d Jesu Parades y Flores. See Mochetti, G Ptf, 68 Gajassi, v., Italian designer. Monument erected by the Provlncia della Comarca (States of the church), in honor of Gregory xvi. Size, 18J in. X 134 in Ptf, 300 Galileo before the council making his abjuration. After Robert- Fleury. See Calamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe) 350 Qandoi.fi, Mauro, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1774, d. 1834. Cupid sleeping under a tent. " Gandolft invent6 desegno ed incise In Milano 1820." Size, 9 in. X m in 316 — St. Cecilia, after Raphael. Size, 34 in. X Wf in. 471 iVcKs. —Third state, with open letters. Engraved in 1834, the last work of the engraver. It was published by his son, Democrito Gandoln, whose autograph inscrip- tion to Cardinal Tosti this copy bears. Garavaglia, Giovlta, Italian engraver, b. 1789, d. 1835. Jacob and Rachel, after A. Appiani. Size, 32 In. X 21 In 348 NoU. — Engraved, 18.30. 2d state, with the dedication. The original u iu the Parrocchiale, at^lzano. Garofalo, or Garofano. See Tisi, Benvenuto. " Garde k vous." A Cupid, after Angelica Kauff- ^ mann. See Porporati, Carlo Antonio . . . 244 Gateau, Le, des rois (Twelfth-night cake), after J. B. Greuze. See Flipart, Jfean Jacques . . . 440 Gacdentia. St. Representation of the body (in wax in a glass case ?) of St. Gaudentla. Size, I24 in. X 174 in 1»3 /Tote. — Without artists' names. Genazzano, Italy. View of Genazzano, after Helio- dorus Bodet. See Danesi, — Ptf, 189 Genevieve, St. St. Genevifeve reading, after C. A. Vanloo. See Balechou, Jean Jacques ... 240 George, St. St. George and the dragon. After A. Perucchini. 5fee ReiCER, Gustav Ptf , 211 GERMANICUS 10 JODE Gekmanicbs, Caesar, Roman general, b. B. C. 14, d. A. D. 19. Statue of Germanicus. See Bona- FEDE, Giovanni 526; Ptf., 213 Ghisi, Adamo, Italian designer and engraver, b. about 1530, d. about 1570. Clirist crowning the Virgin ; Paul and Peter, with St. Lawrence and St. Sextus in adoration. After Federigo Zuc- caro. Size, 19i in. X 14J in Ptf., 63 Note. — According to Bartsch this is a copy of the en- graving made by C. Cort, in 1576. The " Adam sculp- tor Mantuaiius excudcbat " would seem to indicate that Ghisi was tlie publisher. — Combat between a lion and a horse, after Giulio Romano. Size 5^ in. X 7J in 336 KoU. — With the engraver's monogram and the name of the publisher. Ghisi, Diana, called Diana Mantuana, Italian en- graver, b. about 1530, d. about 1590. The wom- an taken in adultery, after Giulio Romano. Size, 16J in. X 22S in Ptf.. 55 Xote. The 4th state, engraved 1633, with the dedica- tion to Pompeio Colonna. First engraved in 1575. GiOTTiNO, Tommaso di Stefano, orTommaso dl Lappo, Italian painter, b. 1324, d. 1366. The deposi- tion from the cross. See Franck, Joseph . . Ptf., 27 Giuiiio Romano, or Giulio Pippi {family name Giannuzzi), Italian painter. Dcholar of Ra- phael, b. 1492, d. 1546. Combat betwen a lion and a horse. See Ghisi. Adamo 336 — The woman taken in adultery. See Ghisi, Di- ana Ptf., 55 Gmelin, Wilhelm Friedrich, German designer and engraver, b. 1745, d. 1821. II temporale (The storm) del Pussino, after Gaspard Poussin. Size, 19 in. X 24 in Ptf., 73 Note. — Engraved, 1813. The original painting ia now in the Bridgewater gallery, London. Godfrey's army coming in sight of Jerusalem, as de- scribed in Tasso's Jerusalem delivered. Size. llj in. X 8 in Ptf., 125 Note. — Without artists' names. GOLTZius, Hendrik, Dutch painter and engraver, b. 1568, d. 1617. John the baptist in the wilder- ness. See Collaert, Jan Ptf., 112 Gbegori, Carlo. Italian designer and engraver, b. 1719. d. 1759. The Virgin and child, after Guido Reni. Size. SJ in. X 6 in Ptf., 138 Gkegorius I, the Great, St., pope, b. about 540, d. 604. Life of Gregory. Plate 4. St. Gregory, as pope, receiving the homage of the cardinals, after C. A. Vanloo. See Miger, Simon Charles ... 180 — Life of Gregory. Plate 5. St. Gregory dictat- ing his homilies, after C. A. Vanloo. See Du- puis, Louise 181 Gkegorius XVI ( ?), pope, b. 1765, d. 1846. Bust of Gregory xvi, by A. Tadolini. See Costa, G. B Ptf., 223 — Gregory xvi blessing the Valmontonesi. Litho- graph. See Danesi, — Ptf., 188 Gkeuter, Giovanni Federigo, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1600, d. 1660. Allegorical repre- sentation of the triumphs of Marc-Antonio Co- lonna, after Pietro da Cortona. Size, 21 in. X 29S in Ptf., 186 JVb<«. — Trimmed and mounted, giving art'sts' names only. Greuze, Jean Baptiste, French painter, b. 1725,rf. 1805. The blind man deceived. See Cars, Laurent 331 — The dead canary bird. See Feipart, Jean Jacques 453 — The Twelfth-night cake (Le gSteau des rois). See Flipart, Jean Jacques 44O — The widow and her cure. See T,E Vasseur, Jean Charles 441 — Woman washing linen in a bowl (called La belle blanchisseuse). See Danzee, Jer6me .... 548 GuERCiNO. See Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco. Gu^RiN, Pierre Narcisse, French painter, b. 1774, d, 1833. Marcus Sextus. /SeeBEOT, Maurice . . 201 Goglielmi, Paolo, Italian designer. Statue of Mars. See Fontana, Pietro Ptf., 220 — Statue of Agrippina, as Juno. See Ferretti, liUdovico Ptf,, 217 — Statue of Claudius, Roman emperor. See Man- CION, Pietro 197 ; Ptf., 212 — Statue of Sophocles. 5^ee Marcucci, G. 528; Ptf., 214 Guidetti, Nicol6, Italian engraver, fl. 1810, andBER- TiNl, Angelo. The four sibyls, after Raphael's frescoes in the church of Santa Maria della pace, at Rome. " lo. Bapt. Borani del." Size, 18 in. X 20 in 249 Guido. See Reni, Guido. Gypsy woman and children. See Visscher, Corne- lls de 191 HaberzetteIi, Giuseppe. John the baptist preach- ing. Size, 10 in. X 8 in Ptf., 4 Note. — Drawing. With the artist's autograph inscrip- tion to Cardinal Tosti. Head of a boy. Lithograph from a crayon. Size, 14 in. X 12 in Ptf., 172 Note. — Without letters. Heads of women. Unknown. Lithographs.Ptf., 173; Ptf., 174 Helena, St. St. Helena, after Andrea Sacchi. See Bombelli, Pietro Leone Ptf., 8 Hemecker, E., painter. The schoolmaster. See Le Vas.seur, Jean Charles 483 Herma, with triple head. After F. Podesti. See Trasmondi. Pietro Ptf., 229 Hierony^mus, Eusebius Sophronius, St. (St. Jerome), b. about 340, d. 420. See LuRAS van Lev- den 170 — After Guido Reni. See Porretti, A 343 — St. Jerome sleeping, after Giovanni Andrea Si- rani. See LoLi, Lorenzo Ptf., 113 Holy family, with St. Anna and St. John. Size (trimmed and mounted), lOJ in. X 7J in. . . Ptf., 117 Note. — Without the names of artists, or any designa- tion of the subject. Hope, T., English engraver. The red mask, after G. Cattermole. Size, 8^ in. X lOJ in Ptf., 163 HoRATii, The, and the Curiatii. Size, 18 in. X 261 in 222 Note. — Trimmed and mounted, giving no names of artists, or any designation of the subject. Hugh. St. St. Hugh, after Pietro Perugino. See PucciNELLI, Antonio Ptf., 10 Industrious child, The, after T. Duchde. See Da we, Henry Ptf., 159 Inferno, The. according to Dante. After B. Barba- telli, called Poccetti. See Callot, Jacques . 461 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique, French painter, b. 1781, d. 1867. Diploma for the Universal exposition, 1855. See Calamatta, Luigi (An- tonio Giuseppe) Ptf., 196 — The vow of Louis xiii. See Calamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe) 475 Isaiah, holding a scroll, and two angels, after Ra- phael. See Santi, Raffaello 242 Jacob and Rachel, after A. Appiani. See Gara- VAGLIA. Giovlta 348 Jeaurat, Edme, French engraver, b. 1672, d. 1738. John the baptist baptizing by the Jordan. After N. Poussin. " B. Picart sculp, direxit." Size, 11 in. X 13 in Ptf., 78 Note. — Engraved, 1709. The original painting is in the Louvre. Jeremiah with the potter's earthen bottle. Size, 10 in. X 8 in Ptf., 109 Note. — See Jeremiah, oh. xviii. This copy is trimmed and mounted, giving no names of artists, or any desig- nation of the subject. Jerome, St. See Hieronymus, Eusebius Sophro- nius, St. Jerusalem. Eastern face of the substructure of Solomon's temple. See Villalpando, Juan Bautista Ptf., 81 — Plan of Jerusalem. See Villalpando, Juan Bautista • . . 169 — Plan of the interior of the temple. See VILLAL- PANDO, Juan Bautista 289 — View of the eastern face of the temple. See Vi- llalpando, Juan Bautista 433 JODE, Pieter de, the younger, Flemish designer and engraver, b. 1606. St. Martin, bishop of Tours, casting out a demon. After J. Jordaens. Size (trimmed and mounted), 27^ in. X ISJ in. . . . 188 JV()««. — The original is in the Museum at Antwerp. JODK 11 LONGA JODE, Pieter de. continued. — The salutation of Mary by Elisabeth, after P. P. Kubens. Size, 24J in. X WJ in 284 JVatn<«r. Spanish woman. 5ee Lelli, Luclo 323 Klauber. Ignaz Sebastian, German engraver, b. 1754, of. 1820. Christ (Le Sauveur du monde), after J. Stella 409 Note. — Klauber was a pupil of J. O. WlUe ; he en- graved this picture in WiUe's studio, in 1782. Landscape, with animals, in the foreground, driven to water. Size, 15} in. X 13 in 175 Landscape, with groups of musicians, peasants, etc., in the foreground. Size, 15J In. x 12^| In. ^. 172 Note. — Trimmed and mounted on stiff paper, giving no letters. Lanfranco, Giovanni, Italian painter and en- graver, b. 1580, d. 1647. Clirist walking on the sea; called "La barca." See Aqulla, Francesco Faraoiie Ptf., 39 — Same. See Dorigny, Sir Nicolas Ptf., 40 — The separation of St. Peter and St. Paul. See PiCART, fctienne 232 Last communion of Mary Magdalene. After Jacques Stella. See Rol'sselet, GlUes Ptf., 65 Last judgment. After P. P. Rubens. SeeRosASPi- na, Francesco Ptf., 74 — Same. After P. P. Rubens. See Visschkr, Cornelis 290 Lauwers. Nicolas, designer and engraver, b. about 1620, at Leuze, in llainault ; worked at Antwerp. Philemon and Baucis entertaining Jupiter and Mercury, after J. Jordacns. Size (trimmed and mounted), 19 in. X 22 in 235 Note. — First state, before the address of Blooteling. The original painting is in the Imperial gallery in the Belvedere, Vienna. Le Bas, Jacques Philippe, French engraver, b. 1707, d. 1783. The temptation of St. Anthony, after D. Teniers, the younger. Size, 131 in. X 10 in 304 Le Brl'N, Charles, French painter and engraver, b. 1619. d. 1690. Alexander in the tent of Darius. See Edelinck. Gerard 406 — Battle of Constantise and Maxentlus. See Au- DBAN, Gerard 510 Le Brun, Charles, continued. — The battles of Alexander. See Audhan. Ge- rard 389; 401; 405; 511 — The crucifixion. (" Le Christ aux anges.") See Edelinck, Gerard 294 — Holy family, at table, called the Benedicite. See Edelinck, Gerard 460 — Magdalen renouncing the vanities of the world. See Edelinck, Gerard 487 — Martyrdom of St. Stephen. See Le Clerc, 86- bastien 173 ; 186 — The slaughter of the Innocents. 5i?utch engraver, b. 1603, d. about 1665. The Virgin in agony, supported by two angels. Aft«r P. P. Rubens. Size (trimmed and mounted). Hi in. X 8i In. . . Ptf., 120 'Le.IjL.i,\,\xc\o. Italian engraver. Aprts. After J. B. van Eycken. " Bruxelles, 1853. L. Calamatta direxit." Size, 19 in. X 15i in 494 Nue. — With the engraver's inscription to Cardinal Tosti, written with a pencil. — Avant. After J. B. van Eycken. Size, 19 in. X 15J in 493 Note. — A companion piece to No. i9i, witb the same lettering and autograph inscription. — La chute des feuilles (Fall of the leaves), after J. B. van Eycken. Size, 18i In. X 21J in 248 Note. — With an autograph inscription by the engraver to Cardinal Tosti. — and Calamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe), Italian engravers. The crucifixion, after A. van Dyck. Size, 28^ in. X 20J in 480 Note. — Engraved. 1848. Presentation copy, with an autograph inscription by the engravers to Canlinal Tosti. SaintCeclUa, after J. B. van Eycken. Bruxelles, 1860. Size, 18i in. X 16i in 647 Note.— With Lelli's autograph inscription to Cardinal Tosti. Spanish woman, aft«r K. Kellogg. Size, 14} in. X 12i in 323 Note. — Engraved, 1849 . Proof with artists' names only, and with an autograph inscription by tlie engravers to Cardinal Tusti. Lemoine, Francois. French painter, b. 1688. The continence of Scipio. See Levasseur, Jean Charles 217 Le Sueur, Eustache, French painter, b. 1617, d. 1655. Christ reproving Martha. See Taurel, Andr^ Benoit Barreau 262 — The martyrdom of St. Lawrence. See Audran, Gerard 241; 285 Levasseur, Jean Charles, French engraver, b. 1734, d. 1816. The continence of Scipio, after F. Lemoine. Painted, 1727. Engraved, 1767. Size, 184 in- X 24in 217 — The 8chool-ma.ster (Le maitre de I'^cole), after E. Hemecker. Size lOJ in. X 7i in 483 — The widow and her cure (La veuve et son cur6), after J. B. Greuze. Size, 19J in. X 25i in. . . 441 Note. — The artists' names are not here (rivenj the print being trimmed. The original painting is in the palace at Pavlovsk, near St. Petersburg. Libyan sibyl. The, after Michel Angelo. See Fabri, Luigi . 481 Loir, Alexis, French goldsmith, and engraver, b. 1640, d. 1713. The slaughter of the innocents, after C. Le Brun. Size, 25 in. x 37 In 403 A'o«.— Trimmed and mounted, giving only the artists' names. Engraved on two plates intended to be joined. LOLI, Lorenzo, Italian painter and engraver, b. 1612, d. 1691. St. Jerome sleeping, after G. A. Sirani. Size (trimmed and mounted), 9J in. X 6i in Ptf., 118 LONOA, G. della, Italian designer and engraver. Interior view of the Basilica di San Paolo fuori le mura, Rome, after the drawing by I. Polettl, 1823. Size, 9 3-16 in. X 12i in Ptf., 7» LONGHI 12 MARTIK LoNGHi, Giuseppe, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1766, d. 1831, and ToscHi, Paolo. Madonna with sleeping child, called Madonna del velo, after.Raphael. Size 18 in. X 1& in 541 Nute. — Bcwm bj- Ixmghi in 1829, and finished by Tosehi in 1884. Ttiis iinprrssion is a proof" of the plate as finished by Tosclii, with the coat of arms of tlie Prince of Prussia, and witli the artists' names, traced with the point. " Ratiaello dipfo. Kaggio dis". Longhi inc°. Tosehi ultimo." A square picture, engraved fram the painting owned by Sig. Brocea, in Milan, one of the eight ditlerent repe- titions and copies, some round and some square, of which the original is not known. Raphael's cartoon is in the Accadcinia delle belle arti, Florence. J. D. Pa8- 8AVAKT, Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater Giovanni Santi, vol. 2, no. 57. Lopez y Portaria, Vincente, Spanish artist, b. 1772. Chalice used at the Last supper. See Jordan, Francisco Ptf.. 161 LUCRETIA. See Reni, Guido 324 — After Domenichino. See Sharp, William, • • 207 LuKAS VAN Leyden, Lukas Jacobszoon, called, Dntch painter and engraver, b. 1494, d. 1533. St. Jerome. Size, 5^ in. X 7i in 170 yote. — With the monogram of louTre. There !> a tra- dition that Charles V and Cardinal Xiinencs are repre- sented bv the persons on the right and Ictl, respectively, of Christ, and that Philip II is represented by the page. This engraving is known as " \a Nappe," from the ex- Quisite work of the table-cloth,' etc. For the history of tnis painting and a description of the various state* of the engraving sec Soliee dtt lahlraux du Mvi'e imperial du Louvre, par F. ViUat, and Bcller't PraktUchf Uand- bue/i /mr JCup/erstichsammler. In La Brale galUria di Torino, published at Turin in 1S41, a copy of this picture is represented as being in the Royal |fallery at Turin, an engraving from it being S'ven. It IS believed that it ia not mentioned in any of c guide-books. Mater dolorosa, after Carlo CIgnani. See Cleter, Gregorlo 378 Matthew, St. St. Matthew, after Guerclno. See Pasqualino, Giovanni Battista Ptf., 131 Mazzuoli (Mazzuola, Mazzoli, or Mazzola), Gl- rolamo Francesco Maria, called 1'armegi- ANO, Parmegianino. or Parmesano, Italian painter and engraver, b. 1603, d. 1540. Moses breaking the tables of the law. " Franciscus Parmensis inuent." '• D. F. Parmensis. Fee. 1644." Size (trimmed and mounted), 14iJ in. X lOi In I^'-' <* ^o^e. — The original painting is in the church of the Madonna della (.teccata, Farma. It has become quite dark and indistinct. • Six apostles ; namely. — St. James the less, St. Peter. St. Matthias, St. Matthew, St. Jude, St. Bartholomew. 2 pi., with F. P. iu the right hand of the bottom of each figure. Size, 4\ in. X 7| in Ptf., 130 Note. —According to Bartech, there were engraved, by an unknown artist, after designs by Pannegiaiiiiio, thir- teen plates of the aiK)8tle». At the" left hand of the bot- tom of each of these plates are the letters F. P. Six of these figures were imitated and printed on two plates. These are distinguished from the originals bv having the F. P. at the right hand of the bottom of each figure. Meersman, — de, engraver. The meeting of Mary and Elisabeth, after M. Albcrtinelli. Size, ISJ in. X lOi in 305 Note. — Proof before letters, with the artists' names written with a pencil. The original is in the Uffizi gal- lery at Florence. — • and Calamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe). Souvenir de la patrie. After Alfred Stevens. " Imprime et public par Goupil et cie. 1857." Size, 18 in. X 12^ in 325 Meeting of Mary and Elisabeth. After M. Albertl- nelli. See Meersman, — 305 Meier, or Meiers, Melchior, German engraver, fl. 1577. The resurrection of Christ. Size, 7| in. X 4J in Ptt, 14S Kote.— The date and monogram only are (fiven. " Plu- sieurs auteurs rangent dans loeuvre de Martin Rota deux estampes qui ne la regnrdent en aucune nmniire. L'uue repr^sente la resurrection du Sauveur, marquee de I'an- nee ViT! ... . Ces deux pieces portent les lettres MM. et ont pour auteur Melchior Meier, artiste allemande de beaucoup de merite, mais dont I'histoirc de I'art ne fait pas la moindrc mention, quoiqu'il doive avoir beau- coup travaillc avant qu'il ait pu parvenir a la grande pcrlection avec laquellc sont cxecuti-es les deux es- tampes que nous venous de citer, et que sont les seules que Ton eonnoisse.de ce maitrc." ^artscA's Le peinlrt- graveur, v. 16, p. 246. Members of the order of Gonfalone, or Confalone giving thanks to the Virgin, and to St. Peter and St. Paul (who sit upon a cloud above them), for the delivery of two captives. See Martini, Michelangelo Ptf., 28 MfcNAGfeRE, La, hollandoise (The Dutch housewife), after Gerard Dou. See Wille. Johann Georg. 102 Mercurj, Paolo, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1804. The execution of Lady Jane Grey, after Paul Delaroche. " Imprime et public par Gou- pil et cic. . . 1858." Size, 17 in. X 19 in. ... 219 Note. — Without name of subject. Presentation copy, •with autograph, from Mercurj to Cardinal Tosti. The original is in tlic collection of Prince Anatole Uimidoff. — The reapers in the Pontine marshes, after Leo- pold liobert Size, 9 in. X HJ in SOT Kou. — The original is in the gallery of the Louvre. Engraved in 18.'U, with the aid of etching and the aqua- tinta manner, for the Paris journal L'artisle. Proof be- fore letters, having the engraver's and printer's names traced with tlic pomt. — St. Amelia, queen of Hungary, after Paul Dela- roche, 1837. Size, llj in. X 9J in 808 Kote. — 2d state, with tlie Inscription " Sainte AmWie," in open letters, before the addition of " Reiiie de Hon- grie." A presentation copy to Cardinal Tosti, with the inscription of tlie engraver, written with a pencil. — Simeon ( ? ) with the infant Jesus. Oval. Size, 3^^ in. X 3J in ttt Note. — The name of the engraver only is given. Merlen, Cornells vnn.IHttch engraver. Jl. about l^bO. Atalanta and Meleager, with others, attacking a wild boar, after P. P. Rubens. Size (trimmed and mounted), 17^ in. X 23^ in 238 Metzer. Gabriel, iHitch painter, b. 1615, d. about 1664. La cuisiulfcre hollandoise. See Wille, Johann Georg 624 Mednier, Jean Baptiste, French engraver. St. Se- bastian, after Sodoma. "Calamatta direxit, Bruxelles, 1844." Size, 13i in. X 9J in. ... Ptf., 28 Note.— Proof, on India paper, with artists' names only. The original painting is in the UflSzi gallery at Flor- ence. Meyssens, or Mytens, Johann, painter and en- graver, b. at Brussels, 1612. The conversion of St. Hubert. Size (trimmed and mounted), 27 in. X 17J in ^"' Michel Angelo. See Buonarroti, Michelangelo. MiGER, Simon Charles. French engraver, b. 1747, d. 1805. St. Gregory, as pope, receiving the hom- age of the cardinals, after C. A. Vanloo. Plate 4 of the series illustrating the life of St. Greg- ory. Size (trimmed and mounted), 21 in. X 13Jin. . 180 MiGLiAVACCA, Innocenzio, Italian engraver. The death of Petrus Chrysologus, archbishop of Ravenna, after the design of Baldassare Cala- mai, from the original by P. Bcnvenuti .... 254 iVoM. — The original painting is in the Cathedral of Ravenna. MiGNARD, Pierre, the elder, French painter and en- graver, b. 1610, d. 1695. Christ led to crucifix- Ion. See Audran, Gerard 230 — Conclusiones philosophicae. See Roullet, Jean Louis • • ^■^ — The three days' pestilence. See Audran, Ge- f^j.^ 466 Minerva. Statue. Size, 15 in. x 10 in Ptf., 218 y^e. — Without letters. The statue is in theVatican. Found among the ruins of the temple of Minerva, it be- came the propeitv of the Giusliniani family; after w ards it passed into the hands of Lucicn Bonaparte, by whom it wa« sold to the papal government. MIRACLB • 14 OMOBUONO SIiBACLE, The, of the loaves of hread. Size. 23} in. X28|in 431 Kott. — Trimmed and mounted, giving no names of artlats or any designation of the subject. HiBER, The, after G. Nogari. See Polanzani, Fe- lice Ptf., 164 MocHETTi, Alessandro, Italian engraver, b. about 1760. The Virgin, child, and St. John, called Madonna Aldobrandini. After Raphael. Size, about 18 in. X 14 in 631 Note. — Tlie original painting is in the National gal- lery, London. MOCHETTI, G., Italian engraver. Maria Anna a Jesu de Paredes y Flores. After P. Gagliardi. Size, 18J in. X 13 in Ptf., 62 MODESTIA, La, e la VanitJi. After Guido Reni. See FoiiO, Giovanni Ptf., 146 MoiTTE, Pierre fitienne, French engraver b. 1722, d. 1780. The Flemish cook (La cuisinifere flaman- de), after G. Don. 1749. Size, llj in. X 83 in. 484 MoiiiNARi, Giovanni Battista, Italian engraver. Bacchus. Antique torso. Designed by G. B. Borani. Size, 11 J in. X 9 in Ptf., 231 Note. — Without letters. MoNTiROLi, G., Italian designer and engraver. Mon- ument to Antonio Maria Traversi. Sculptured by Giuseppe Fabrls. Erected by Gregory xvi. Size, 22i in. X 12i in Ptf., 208 Monument erected by the Provincia della Comarca (States of the church), in honor of Gregory XVI. See Gajassi, V Ptf., 300 Monument erected to Antonio Maria Traversi. See MONTIROLI, G Ptf., 208 Monument to Cardinal York, with busts of the last three Stuarts. After A. Canova. See Mar- chetti, Domenico 329 Morel, Antoine Alexandre, French painter, b. 1765, d. 1829. Belisarius begging, after J. L. David. Size, 24 in. X 26J in 231 Note. — With the addi ess of botli painter and en- graver, and their initials stamped with inlj. The name of the printer is also given. For an acconnt of the origi- nal, which is in the Louvre, and which is a copy from a larger painting of the same subject, see Notice des ta- bleaux du Musie imperial du Louvre par F. Villo', Se parte. MOREEEI, Marco, Italian engraver. Bust of Gabriele Faerno(?). " Michel-Angiolo scolpi." •' Ca- lamatta diresse. Bruxelles 1847." Size, 14 in. X 9 in Ptf., 221 — Holy family. After Mariotto Albertinelli. Size, 10 in. X 16J in 268 A'tXe. — With the following inscription, traced with a needle. " Morelli sculp " " Bruxelles 1846 " " Cala- matta direx ". The orijjinal painting is a predella below the picture of The visitation, by Albertinelli, which is in the Ufflzi gallery, at Florence. MORELLI, Stanislao, Italian designer. Tabernacle in the Salviati chapel, in the Church of San Gre- gorio, Rome. See Trasmondi, Pietro . . . Ptf., 226 MORGHEN. Giovanni Elia, Italian engraver, b. 1721. St. Cecilia, after Guido Reni. Size, 13J in. X lOi in Ptf., 9 Note. — The inscription states that the original is in the Borghese gallery. According to some authorities it is neither there nor elsewhere recorded as being there. MORGHEN, Raflfaello, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1758, d. 1833. Charity, after Angelica Kauff- mann. Size, 3| in.X 3 in 358 — Faith, after Antonio Canova. Size, 3| in. X 3in 357 — Justice (allegorical figure). After the fresco, by Raphael, in the Camera della segnatura of the Vatican. " Bernardinus Nocchi del " '"loh. Volpato direxit. . ." Size. 16J in. X 15 in. . . Ptf., 43 — The Last supper. Size, 20J in. X 37 in 345 Note. — Engraved, 1800, after a drawing by T. Mattei- ni. from the original by Leonardo da Vinci. This im- pression has one dot under the R of the engraver's name, indicating that it is one of the first one hundred impressions of the second state of the plate. For a de- scription of the various states of this engraving see Jr. teller's Praktisches Handbnch fur Kupferstichsammler. The original is on the wall of the refectory of the con- vent of the Dominicans, in the church of Santa Maria delle grazie, in Milan. — The mass of Bolsena. from the drawing by 8. Tofaneili, after Raphael. " Raph«' Morghen sculp. lo"." Volpato direxit." Size, 22 in. X 293 in 339 Note. — Proof before letters, with the artists' names only. The original is in the Sala d'Eliodoro of the MORGHEN, Raffaello, continued. atanze of the Vatican. In the year 1263, it is said, » priest, doubting the doctrine of transubstantiation, saw blood flow trom the wafer. — Philosophy (allegorical figure). After the fresco, by Raphael, in the Camera della segnatura of the Vatican. ''Bernardinus Nocchi del." " loh. Volpato direxit . . ." Size, 16^ in. X 15 in Ptf., 44 — Pope Pius VI, after the design of S. Tofaneili. Size (trimmed and mounted), 10^ in. X 7 in. . 337 — The tomb of Clement xiii. From a drawing of S. Tofaneili, after Canova. Size, about 28 in. Xl7Jin 380 Moroni, Gregorio. Bust of G. Moroni, by C. Fabris. See FOLO, Pietro Ptf., 209 — Monument for Gregorio Moroni. See Ferretti. Ludovico Ptf., 210 Mortimer, Edmund. Mortimer in prison, visited by Richard Plantagenet. See Northcote, James Ptf., 162 Mosaic in the Lateran museum, Rome. See Tro- JANi, Filippo Ptf., 195 Moses breaking the tables of the law. See Mazzu- OLi, Girolamo Francesco Maria, called Parme- giano Ptf., 6 Moses placed in the Nile. After Andrea Camassei. See PicciONi, Matteo Tommaso Ptf., 133 Moses restoring light to the Egyptians. See TiKi- NELLi, Ignazio Ptf., 155 Moses smiting the rock, after Nicolas Poussin. See Stella, Claudiue Bouzonnet Ptf., 77 Moses with the tables of the law, after Philippe de Champagne. See Nantueil, Robert .... 375 Mount Carmel, and the Convent of Carmel. After the design by Jean Baptiste du Trfes-Saint-Sa- crement. See Pauquet, — Ptf., 166 MOTREAu, Jean, French painter and engraver, b. 1691, d. 1762. Three of a series of four engrav- ings after J. Raoux, called Les quatre ages, representing the four ages of man. Size (trimmed and mounted), 14 in. X 18 in. Mime- ly: — — L'enfance 236 — Lajeunesse 221 — L'age viril 230 Note. — The 4th of the series, representing Old age, called La vieillesse, is wanting, to malie the set com- plete. Mueller, Jan, Dutch engraver, b. aboutlhld, d. about 1625. The baptism of Christ. Size, 12^ in. X 8i in Ptf., 108 Nanteuil, Robert, French engraver and designer, b. 1630, d. 1678, and Edelinck, Gerard. Moses with the tables of the law, after Philippe de Champagne. Size, 22 in. X 16i in 375 Note. — Commenced by Nanteuil, 1699, and finished by Edelinck, who engraved the face and hands. 3d state, with Drevet's address. Napol6on I. statue, after A. Canova. See Ricci- ANl, Antonio Ptf., 205 Neefs, Jacob, Belgian engraver, b. 1630. Martyrdom of St. Thomas, the apostle, after P. P. Rubens. Size, 223 in. X 17i in 280 — Same. Trimmed and mounted on stiflf paper . 282 NfeGLlGfe galant, Le. After C. A. Coypel, See Car- MONA, Manuel Salvador 337 Netscher, Caspar, German painter, b. 1636. or 1639, d. 1684. Cleopatra applying the asp. See "WiLLE, Johann Georg 646 — Le petit physicien. See Wille, Johann Georg. 192 Night, after Guercino. See Volpato, Giovanni . Ptf., 194 NOGARi, Giuseppe, Venetian painter, b. 1699, d. 1765. Child with a horn. See Polanzani, Felice . Ptf., 158 — The miser. See Polanzani, Felice Ptf., 164 Northcote, James, English painter, b. 1742, d. 1832. Edmund Mortimer in prison, visited by Rich- ard Plantagenet. Size, 10 in. X 7 in. ... Ptf., 162 Note.— See Kinii Henry TJI, part 1. The name of the engraver is not given. Nova nupta In geneali thalamo. See Bartoli, Pietro Santi 406 NOZZE Aldobrandini. See Bartoli, Pietro Santi . 406 Occupation, L', du manage (Household work), after t.. Aubry 333 Offres, Les, reciproques, after C. W. E. Dietrich. See WlLLE. Johann Georg 525 Omobuono, St. St. Omobuono clothing the poor, af- ter the design by R. Bonajuti. See Sella. C. Ptf., 17 OUDRY 15 POMAREDE OCDBT, Jean Baptiste, French painter and engraver, b. 1686, d. 1756. The deer chaae. " Peint . . . par J. B. Oudry. et gravce par lui-mfime." Size Ctrimmed and mounted), 12J in. X lOJ in. 212 Nate. — The addreu, which indiotei the itate of the plate, i> torn off. Paemegiano. See Mazzlou, Girolamo Francesco Maria. PA8QUALINO, Giovanni Battista, Italian denigner and engraver, fi. 1620. Angela exhibititig to Mary Magdalene the instruments of the passion. After Guercino. Size, 161 in. X 14i in. . . . Ptf., 20 Note.— Sometime! called Mary Magdalene at the tomb of Christ. The original painting ia at Rome. — Christ with the two disciples at Emmaus. After Guercino. Size, TJ in. X 9J in Ptf., 132 — Holy family, after Guercino. Size, etln.X ^k in.Ptf., 150 — The raising of Lazarus from the dead. Aft*r Guercino. Size, 15^ in. X 18 In Ptf., 18 JVo/e. — The original ia in the Louvre. — St. John, after Guercino. Size, 71 in. X 6i in. . Ptf, 130 — St. Luke, after Guercino. Size, 71 in. X 61 In. Ptf., 129 — St. Mark, after Guercino. Size, 71 in. X t\ in. Ptf., 127 — St. Matthew, after Guercino. Size, 71 in. X 61 in Ptf., 131 — Ban Carlo Borromeo, after Guercino. Size, 91 in. X 6i in Ptf., 128 — The Virgin and child receiving fruit from an an- gel. After Guercino. Size. 4^ in. X 6 in. . Ptf., 148 — The Virgin, child, and St. John. After Guercino. Size, 61 in. X 5 in Ptf., 151 Passage of the lied sea by the children of Israel. See Callot, Jacques Ptf., 142 Paul before the altar To the unknown God, after Ciro Ferri. See Bloemaert, Cornells Ptf., 2 Pacqcet, — , engraver. View of Mount Carmel, and the convent of Carmel. After the design by Jean Baptiste du Tres-Saint-Sacreraent. Size, lOi in. X 13i in Ptf., 166 Perkier. Fran90i8, French painter and engraver b. about 1580, d. about 1650. The communion of Bt. Jerome, after Agostino Caracci. Size, 151 in. X 111 In Ptf., T jVo«. — The original painting if In the Pinacoteca at Bologna. Perricr. living in Kome, wa» called Franccaco Faria, aa upon this print. Pebucchini, a., sculptor. St. George and the drfkg- on. m vhich this may have t>een engraved. Percgino. See Vannucci, Pietro. Pesme, Jean, French engraver, b. 1623. d. 1700. The seven sacraments, after N. Poussin. Size, about 24 in. X 341 in- A^amely : — Baptism. The baptism of Christ 467 Confirmation 416 The eucharist. The Last supper 420 Extreme unction 468 Marriage. The marriage of Joseph and Mary, 408 Ordination. Christ giving the keys to Peter . . 426 Penitence, or Confession. Christ and Mary Mag- dalene in the house of Simon the Pharisee . . 412 Note.— These seven engravings are ft-om the 3d or 4th states of the various plates, the words "Cum priuil Regis" having been imperfectly craswl from each. Each is printed on two plates. The original paintings, designed by Poussin to represent the sacraments of the Roman catholic church, are now in the Bridgewater gallery, London. PESTiliENCE, The, inflicted upon the Israelites as a punishment for David's pride in numbering the people. After Pierre Mignard. See Al'DRAN, Gerard 466 Peteb and Paul, after Guide Renl. See Cipriani, Galgano Ptf., 30 Petit physicien, Le. After Caspar Netscher. See WiLLE, Johann Georg 192 Petbeni, — . Ecce Homo, after Titian. Size, 6J in. X 73 in Ptf., 164 Philemon and Baucis entertaining Jupiter and Mer- cury. After J. Jordaens. See Lauwers, Ni- colas 235 Philip and the eunuch. See Troiani, Filippo ... 814 Philosophy (allegorical figure), after Raphael. See Morghen, liafi'aello Ptf., 44 Picart, Bernard, engraver, b. at Paris, 1673, d. at Amsterdam, 1733. The conclusion of peace, after a drawing of J. M. Nattier, from the origi- nal by P. P. Rubens. Size, 191 in. X 13i in, 194 JVo. 1509, d. 1566. The descent from the cross. See T08- CHI, Paolo 312 RiCCiANi, Antonio. Italian designer and engraver, b. 1775. Colossal statue of Napoleon i, after A. Canova. " G. Tognoll dis." Size, 23 in. X 15 In Ptf., 205 fTole. — Proof, before letters. — The death of Priam, after the design by P. Er- minl, from the original by P. Benvenuti ... 428 tfote. — Impreuion with the in§ctiptinn "Aloj-fim Bardi excudlt." Preientation copy from the engraver, vith hia autograph, to the Hoiuital of San ^Ilehele, Borne. The original ii iu the Palazzo Coriini, Flor- ence. — Judith showing the head of Holofemes to the people, after the design of P. Ermlni, from the original by P. Benvenuti 432 Ncte.K- The original i> in the cathedral of Arezzo. — The presentation in the temple, after V. Camuc- cini. Size, 20^ in. by 20 in 543 — St. Thomas, after the design of G. B. Borani, from the original by V. Camuccini. " Engraved, 1821. Size, 20 in. X 16J in 542 — The transfiguration, after Raphael. " France Giangiacomo disegno." Size, 234 in. X 16 in. , 340 Rimini, Francesca da, after Ary Scheffer. See Ca- tAMATTA. Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe) .... 306 Robert. (Louis) L,<5opold, Swiss painter, b. 1794, or 1797, d. 1835. The reapers in the Pontine marshes. See Merourj, Paolo 307 Robert-Fleury. Joseph Nicolas. See Flelry, Jo- seph Nicolas Robert. ROBDSTi, Jacopo. called Tintoretto, Venetian painter, b. 1512, d. 1594. The crucifliion. called The great cruciflxlon. , Engraved on 3 plates intended to be ioined. Size (trimmed and mounted), 19^ in. X 46i in Ptf., 236 Kate. — There are rnfiravinga, by var!ou« arti(t«, from the painting of Tintoretto, the most fttmout of which ii that by Agostino Coraeci. This impression is without engraver's name, liaving only the addresses " Jacobus Tinctoretus Inuentor " and " Marco Sadeler excudit" The original painting is in the Scuola di San Bocco, Venice. Romano, Giulio. See Giulio Romano. Rome. Arch of Titus, after August© Ciuli. See Gaddi, G Ptf., 72 — Basilica di San Paolo fuori le mura. The inte- rior. " I Poletti inv. e diresse." See Longa, G. della Ptf, 75 — Cupola in the chapel of the Holy sacrament, St. Peter's. After IMetro Berretini da Cortona. See Aquila, Francesco Faraone Ptf., 200 — Cupola In the chapel of St. Sebastian, St. Pe- ter's. After Pietro Berretini da Cortona. See Aql'ILA, Francesco Faraone Ptf., 199 — Famese palace. Various subjects in theFarnese gallery, after Annibale Caracci. See Volpa- to, Giovanni Ptf., 48-50 — Hospital of San Michele. Size, 23 in. X SSJ in. . 233 note. — Without artists' names. — Museo Pio-Clementino. Parte prima della parete sinistra della Galleria lunga. See Feoli, Vin- cenzo 267 Parte seconda della parete destra della Galleria lunga. See Feoli. Vincenzo 266 — Tabernacle in the Salviati chapel. In the Church • of an Gregorio. See Trasmondi, Pietro . Ptf., 226 Romulus and Remus, after Carlo MaratU. See Au- DENAERDE, Robert van 220 ROSASPINA, Francesco, Italian derigner and en- graver, b. 1762, d. 1841. The last judgment, after P. P. Rubens. Size, 30^ In. x 22 J in. . . Ptf.. 74 Rossi, Geronimo, Italian engraver. The Virgin and child, after Carlo Maratti. Size, 9* in. X 7i in Ptf.. 140 RouLLET, Jean Louis. French designer and engraver, b. 1645, d. 1699. Conclusiones philosophicae. After Pierre Mignard. Size (trimmed and mounted), 23i in. X 32 in 464 NMe. — An allegorical picture, dedicated to Ijouis xrv. It is called by Napier A genius sccliing to aopease Mi- ner\'a. Engraved on two plates intended to be joined. RoussELET, Gilles, French designer and engraver, b. 1614, d. 1686. David playing upon a harp. After Domonichino. Size (trimmed and mounted), 16| in. X Uj In 637 .Vo«e. — The original painting is in the Louvre. — Holy family, called the Holy family of Francis I, after Raphael. Size (trimmed and mount- ed), 13i in. X 19i in 275 — The last communion of Mary Magdalene, after Jacques Stella. Size, 22J in. X 16^ in Ptf., 65 Note. — "The last conmiunion of the Magdalene is represented in two diti'crcnt ways, according to the two diiferent versions of the story : in t!ie first, she expires in her cave, and angels administer the last sacraments : one holds a tai>er, another presents tite cup, and a third the wafer. This has been painted by Domenichino. In the other version, she receives the sacrament from the liand of Maximin, who wears the episcopal rol)cs, and Magdalene iLneels betbre him, half-naked, emaciated, andsustained by angels. The scene is in the porch of a church." Mrt. Jamtton'M Sacred and legendary art. Rubens, Pieter Paul, Flemish painter, b. 1577, d. 1640. The adoration of the shepherds. See VOBSTERMAN. Lucas 283 — The assumption of the Virgin. See Ragot, Fran?oi8 190 — Atalanta and Meleager attacking a wild boar. See Merlen, Cornells van 238 — Caius Mucius Sca;vola before Porsenna. See ScHML'TZER. Jakob Matthias Ptf., 34 — Christ crucified between two thieves and pierced in the side. See Bolswert, Boetius a . . . . 274 — Christ sinking under the cross. See Pont, Paul du 281 — The conclusion of peace (allegorical representa- tion). See PiCART. Bernard 194 — The dead Christ surrounded by two angels, his friends and a capuchin (St. Francis). Called " Le Christ au capuchin." See Ragot, Fran- cois 193 — The descent from the cross. See Ragot, Fran- cois 200 — The entombment. Su Ryckmans, Nicolaus . . Itf., 3 Ptf., 12 — The four fathers of the church. See Daxen, Cornells van, the younger 303 — Holy family, with St. John and St. Elisabeth. Size, 15 in. X 10 in Ptf., 14 NUe. — The names of the painter and publisher only are given on the engraving. — The last judgment. See Rosaspina, Francesco. Ptf., 74 — Same. See Vihscher. Cornells 290 — Martyrdom of St. Thomas. See Neefs, Jacob. 280; 282 — Portrait of a woman. See Fontana, — . . . Ptf., 163 — The raising of Lazarus, See Ragot, Francois. 276 — St. Anne teaching the Virgin. See Bolswert, Scheitek 529 — The salutation of Mary by Elisabeth. See Jode, Pieter de 284 — The seizure of the Sabine women by the Ro- mans. See Martenasi, Pietro Ptf., 38 — The Virgin and child crowned by angels, called La reine des anges. See Visscher, Cornells . 364 — The Virgin, in agony, supported by two angels. See Leeuw, 'VVlllom van der Ptf., 120 RusciiEWEYH, Ferdinand. German designer and en- graver, b. 1785, d. 1845. Christ and the apos- tles, after the engraving of Marc- Antonio Uai- mondi, from the originals of Raphael. 13 fig- ures, each 5i in. X 24 in 603 Xcte. — Engraved in 1827. The original frescoes were designed by Raphael and painted by his scholars upon pilasters of the church of SS. Vincenzo ed Anastasio, Borne. They liave been nearly mined. See Barttck'M Le peintre-grfiveur. and Paaitavants Raphael d Urhin et ton pire Giovanni Santi. Edition /rantaise. Ruspi, Carolo, Italian designer. Engravings of birds. See Trojani, Filippo Ptf., 169-171 Ryckmans, or Ryckemans, Nicolaus, Flemish en- graver, b. 1600. The entombment of Christ, after P. P. Rubens. Size (trimmed and mount- ed), 11 in. X 73 in Ptf., 12 Note. — The original painting is in the Huseiun at Antwerp. — Same. With the Latin inscription trimmed off. Ptf., 3 SABLET 18 STELLA Bablet, Francois, Stciss painter and engraver, b. 1751. d. 1803. Cypresses planted by Michel Angelo in the court-yard of the Carthusian convent near the church of 8. Maria degli an- gell, Rome. Size, 22^ in. X 17^ in 363 Sacchi, Andrea, Italian painter, b. about 1594, d. 1661. St. Helena. See Bombelh, Pietro Leone Ptf., 8 Sadeler, Gilles (Lat. Aegidius), painter and en- graver, b. at Antwerp, 1570, d. at Prague, 1629. St. Dominic receiving from St. Peter and St. Paul the symbols of ecclesiastical au- thority. Size, 21i in. X 15 in 185 Note. — Trimmed and mounted. Saint trampling on a demon. Size, 24 in. X ISJ in. 479 Note. — "Without names of artists or any indication of the subject. St. Louis, Missouri. Cathedral of St. Louis. See Pomarede, L. D Ptf., 70; Ptf., 71 SAiiVATORi, Pietro, Italian designer and engraver. The violin-player, after Kaphael. Size, 13^ in. X 93 in 257 Note. — jThe original is in the Palazzo Sciarra, at Rome. Salviati, Giuseppe. See Porta, Giuseppe. Santi, or Sanzio, Raflfaello (Raphael), da Urbino, Italian painter, b. 1483, d. 1620. The adora- tion of the magi. See Banzo. Antonio . . . 349 — Christ and the apostles, after the engraving of Marc-Antonio Raimondi. See Ruscheweyh, Ferdinand 503 •- Christ bearing his cross, called " Lo spasimo di Sicilia." See Toscni, Paolo 473 — Christ giving the keys to Peter. See Percgini,— . Ptf., 28 — Christ with the two disciples at Emmaus. See Procaccini, Andrea Ptf., 123 — The Church (La Chiesa). See Cenci, Filippo . Ptf., 45 — The four sibyls. See Guidetti, Nicolo .... 249 — Head of the Virgin, from Raphael's Madonna of the fish. Lithograph. Size, 16iin. X 12|in. . Ptf., 184 JVoie. — Without letters. The original painting is in the' Madrid gallery. Holy family, called Holy family of Francis I. See Frey, Johann Jakob 68 ; 214 — Same. See Rousseeet. Gilles 275 — Holy family of Naples. See Bonafede, GioYan- ni 536 — Isaiah. Size, 203 in. X 12 in 242 Note. — Proof on India paper, without names of artists or any indication of the subject. The original fresco is in the church of San Agostino, Home. According to Vasari, Bapliael was so dissatisfied with the Isaiah which lie had finished, after liaving seen Michel Angelo's prophets in the Sistine chapel, that he destroyed his work and began it anew. The influence of Michel Angelo is clearly seen in the rendering of this Bubject. Tlie fresco was so injured by washing that Sanicle da Volterra was commissioned to restore it. Passavant states that his work upon the fresco left it in a worse state tlian before. In Richardson's Traiti sur la peirUure it is related tliat the price charged by Ra- phael was considered so high that an appeal was made to Michel Angelo, wtio, having seen the work, said that the knee alone was worth the price asked for tlie whole. A list of the various engravings from this ffesco is given in PoBsavant's Raphael d' Urhin et aim pere Gio- vanni Santi. — The judgment of Solomon. See Mancion, Pie- tro Ptf., 16 — Justice (allegorical figure). See Morghen, Raf- faello Ptf., 43 — Madonna Aldobrandini. See Mochetti, Ales- sandro 531 — Madonna and sleeping child, called " Madonna del velo." See Longhi, Giuseppe 541 — Madonna della sedia. See Caeamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe) 265 — Same. See Bonafede, Giovanni 530 — The Madonna of the Grand duke, ^ee M., E. 256; 342; Ptf., 29 — The marriage of the Virgin. See Foeo, Pietro. 338 — The mass of Bolsena. See Morghen, Raffaello. 339 — Philosophy (allegorical figure). See Morghen, Raffaello Ptf., 44 — St. Cecilia. See Gandolfi, Mauro 471 — The transfiguration. See Desnoyers, Auguste Gaspard Louis Boucher 313 — Same. See Ricciani, Antonio 340 — Violin-player. See Bonafede, Giovanni . . . Ptf., 140 — Same. See Salvatoki, Pietro 267 Santis, Orazio de', called Aquieano, Italian paint- er and engraver, Jl. 1572. The crucifixion, af- ter Pompeio Aquilano. Size (trimmed and mounted), llg in. X 9^ in Ptf., 116 ScAEZi, Filippo, designer and engraver. The vision of St. Francis of Assisi. Designed and en- graved after Agostino Caracciolo. Size, 20^ in. X 16 in Ptf., 33 SCHALHER, Gottfried, Dutch painter, b. 1643, d. 1706. Le jeune jouer d'instrument. See "Wilee, Jo- hann Georg Ptf., 167 SCHEFFER, Ary, Ihitch painter, b. 1795. d. 1858. Francesca da Rimini. See Caeamatta, Lui- gi (Antonio Giuseppe) 306 Schmutzer, Jakob Matthias. Austrian designer and engraver, b. 1733, d. 1811. Caius Mucins Sca9- vola before Porsenna, after P. P. Rubens. Size, 22i in. X 19 in Ptf., S4 Note. — Second state of the plate, with dedication. The original painting, formerly in the collection of Prince Kaunitz of Vienna, was afterwards owned by Prince Esterhazy. • SCOTIRI, G6rard Jean Baptiste, French engraver, b. 1642, d. 1718. The marriage of St. Catherine, after Alcssandro Turchi. Size, 9J in. X 12| in. 318 ^o«e.— Engraved, 1679. 2d state, before Audran's address. — La vie champestre, after Domenico Feti. Size, about 18 in. X 14 in 327 Sebastian, St. St. Sebastian, after Sodoma. See Meunier, Jean Baptiste Ptf., 26 Seizure of the Sabine women by the Romans, after P. P. Rubens. See Marten asi, Pietro . . . Ptf., 38 Sella, C, Italian engraver. St. Omobuono, patron saint of Cremona, clothing the poor. After the design by R. Bonajuti. Size, 13J in. X 91 in Ptf., IT Note. — The name of the painter is not given. Scenes from the life of St. Omobuono are frequently met with in the paintings of the artists of Cremona. Separation of St. Peter and St. Paul, after G. Lan- franco. jSeePiCART, Etienne 232 Seven sacraments, The, after N. PouBsin. See Pesne, Jean. Sharp, William, English engraver, b. 1746, d. 1824. Lucretia, after Domenichino. Size (trimmed and mounted), 12J in. X 17J in 207 SiRANi, Giovanni Andrea, Italian painter and en- graver, b. 1610, d. 1670. St. Jerome sleeping. See LOLI, Lorenzo Ptf., 113 Smith, Edward, English engraver of the present time. Don Quixote and Samson Carrasco. From an original drawing by J. M. Wright. Size, 65 in. X 4J in 302 Sodoma, II. See Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio. SOLIMENA, Francisco {sometimes called L'abbate Ciccio), Jfeapolitan painter and poet, b. 1667, d. 1747. Allegoricat figures — History, Time, etc., with the Virtues — supporting a medallion of Charles iii, of Spain. See Carmona, Ma- nuel Salvador 278 Sophocles. Statue of Sophocles. See Marcucci, G 528; Ptf., 214 SOPHRONIA and Olindo at the stake, as described in TasBo's Jerusalem delivered. Size, llj in. X 8 in Ptf., 124 Note. — Without artists' names. "Souvenir de la patrie, after Alfred Stevens. See Meersman, — de 325 SOYE, Philippe, engraver, b. 1538, d. 1575. Christ upon the cross, with Mary and John stand- ing below, after Michel Angelo. 3d state. Size, 20s in. X 14J in Ptf., 51 Spagnoletto. See Ribera, Jose. Spanish woman. After K. Kellogg. See Lelli, Lucio 323 Spasimo, Lo, di Sicilia, after Raphael. See Toschi, Paolo 473 Statue of a prisoner. Size, 17 in. X 13 in. . . 527 ; Ptf., 216 AWe. — Without letters. The original statue is in the Lateran museum, Rome. Stella, Claudine Bouzonnet ( ?), French painter and engraver, b. 1634, d. 1697. Moses smiting the rock, after Nicolas Poussin. Size, 10 in. X 14J in Ptf., 77 Note. — A portion of the inscription appears to have been trimmed off, rendernig it difficult to identify the print. There is an anonymous engraving of this pic- ture ascribed by Nagler to Stella. BTELLA 19 VAN DTCK BteIiI^, Jacques. French painter and engraver, b. 1594, or 1596, d. 1657. The last communion of Mary Magdalene. See Rousselet, Oilles . . Ptf., 65 — Le Sauveur du monde. See Klalbek, Ignaz Se- bastian *^ Stevens, Alfred, Belgian painter, ft. 1850. Souvenir de la _patrie. ^^e Meersman, — de 825 Strange, Sir Robert, English designer and en- graver, b. 1723, d. 1792. Abraham dismissing Bagar, after Guercino 216 Nate. — Second state, with letteri. The original Is in the Brera gallery, at Milan. — Christ appearing to his mother, after his resur- rection. After Guercino. Size, about 22 in. X 15 in 632 JVrte. — Designed, 1701, engraved, 1773. With the inscription " Painted by Ilocquct," engraved with the dry-point. The original was painted for a church of Cento, Gnercino's native town. The subject is at vari- ance witli the Scripture account, in which there is no mention of Christ s appearing to his mother after the resurrection. — Mary Magdalene, after Guido Reni 640 Note. — Third state, with letters. Engraved, 17S3. — The sleep of the infant Christ (known, from the inscription, as " Parce somniun rumpere "), after C. MaratU 638 *b««. — Second state, with letters. Engravvd. I7flO (?). Tlie original painting is now in the gallery of the Louvre. — TeDcumlaudamus, after C.Maratti. Size, about 16 in. X 12 in 243 AbM. — Called in some catalogues St. Cecilia, in others. The Virgin singing the praises of God. The origi- nal painting, "which was in the possession of Horace Walpole, carl of Orford, was purchased for the Imperi- al gallery of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Study for a Fury. See Buonarroti, Michelangelo. 354; Ptf., 24 BuiiPis, Jean Joseph, French engraver. Prie-Dieu given to pope Pius ix, by the ecclesiastical province of Tours. " Compose par Blottifere et execute par lui et ses neveux an Mans." " Tessier del*" Size, 21 J in. X 17i in. . . . Ptf., 192 Tadolini, Adamo, Italian sculptor, b. 1789, d. 1868. Bust of Gregory XVI {?). See Costa, Q. B. Ptf., 223 • Tadolini, Serafina, Italian engraver. The Virgin and child, after Titian. Size, 10 in. X 13| in . 322 Tancred ensnared by Armida while in search of Er- rainia, as described in Tasso's Jerusalem de- Uvered. Size, llj in. X 8 in Ptf., 126 ' Kote. — Without artists' names. Tasso, Torquato, b. 1544, d. 1595. Three Bccncs from the Jerusalem delivered Ptf., 124-126 Tauree, Andrd Benoit Barreau, French engraver, b. 1794, and Calamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe). Christ reproving Martha, after B. Le Sueur. Size, 22^ in. X 18 in 262 XoCe. — Artists' proof, with the following, inscribed with a pencil, '" Dipinto da Lesueur " " Inciso da Taurel e Calamatta " " A sua Emi» il Cardinole Tosti L. Cala- matta." The original was painted for the church of St Germain I'Auxerrois, Paris. Te Deum laudamus, after C. Maratti. See Strange, aSiV Robert 243 Temporale, li, del Pussino (Poussin's storm), after Gaspard Poussin. See Gmelin, Wilhelm Friedrich Ptf., 73 Temptation of St. Anthony. See Le Bas, Jacques Philippe 304 Teniers, David, the younger,. Flemish painter, b. 1610, d. 1690. The temptation of St. An- thony. See Le Bas, Jacques Philippe .... 304 Tebsier, Hlppolyte ( ?), French painter and de- signer. Prie-Dieu given to Pius ix. See SuLPis, Jean Joseph Ptf., 192 Testa, Giovanni Cesare, Italian engraver and etcher, b. about 1630, d. about 1655. The com- munion of St. Jerome, aft«r Domenlchino. Etching. Size, 22 in. X 14J in Ptf., 57 trvte. — The original painting is in the 'Vatican. — Two angels weeping over the dead Christ. Af- ter Pietra Testa. Size, 7i in. X 93 in Ptf., 80 Testa, Pietro, Italian painter and engraver, b. about 1611, d. 1650. Angels weeping over the dead Christ. See Testa, Giovanni Cesar» .... Ptf., 80 Thomas, St. St. Thomas, after V. Camuccini. See RicciANi, Antonio 542 Thomassin. Philippe, French engraver, b. about 1556. The adoration of the kings, after Federigo Zuccaro. 1613. Size, 21J in. X 18 in Ptf., 58 Note. — The original painting is in the cathedral at Lucca. Thorvaldsen, Albert, or Bcrtel, 6. 1770, d. 1844. Statue of Christ. See Folo, Giovanni . . . Ptf., 202 Tiberias Claudius Nero, emperor of Rome, b. 42 b. c, d. 37 A. D. Sitting statue. Size, 14| in. X lOJin Ptf., 232 ifoM. — Proof, without artists' names. The statue if in the Museo Chiaranionti, Rome. TiNTO, Camillo, Italian engraver, b. about 1738, d. about 1796. St. Augustine, after the design by Giuseppe Cereda, from the original by J. Varl6. Size, 26J in. X 15 in Ptf., 61 Tintoretto. »See liOBUSTi, Jacopo. Tirinelli, Ignazio, Italian engraver. Moses re- storing light to the Egyptians. . Size, 10 in. X 14in.: . 7. Ptf., 166 Tisi, or Tisio, Benvenuto, called Garofalo, or Gahofano, Italian painter, b. 1481, d. 1559. The adoration of the shepherds. See Berti- NI, Angelo 344; 474 Titian. See Veceelio, Tiziano. TOFANELLi, Stefano, Italian painter and designer, b. 1755, d. 1834. Pope Pius vi. See MOR- GHEN, Raffaello 837 — The tomb of Clement xiii. After Antonio Ca- nova. See Morghen, Raflfaello 880 ToscHi, Paolo, Italian designer and engraver, b. 1788, d. 1858. Christ bearing his cross, called " Lo spasimo di Sicilla," after liaphael. Size, 34 in. X 234 in *'^* Note. — ^'l,. Bardi imprcssc." The original wa» painted for the church of Santa Maria dello spasimo, in Palenno ; it is now in the Madrid gallery. Engraved in 1832. — The descent from the cross, after Danlele da Volterra. Size, 28J in, X 19J in 812 JVo««. — Artists' proof avec remarque, being finished up to a white square on the ladder at the right. Without letter, with the following inscription, written with apen- cil, " A sua Eminenza u Sig. Cardinalc Tosti . . . Pao- lo Toschi." The original fresco, executed under the direction of Michel Angelo, and considered by Poussin to be the third finest picture in the world, was detached from the wall of a chapel of the church of Trinita de' Monti, Rome, transferred to canvas and removed to another chapel of the same church. — Madonna and sleeping child, called Madonna del velo, after Raphael. See Longhi, Giuseppe . 641 Trasmondi, Pietro, Italian engraver. Herma, with triple head. After a design by Francesco Po- destl. Size, lOi in. X 8 in Ptf., 229 — Statue. " Francesco Podesti, dis." Size, lOJ in. X 8J in Ptf., 206 — Tabernacle in the Salviatl chapel, in the church of San Gregorio, Rome. '' Stanislao Morelli dis." Size, 13 in. X 10 in Ptf., 228 Travelling musicians, after C. W. E. Dietrich. See WiLLE, Johann Georg 523 Triumphal entry of Constantine into Rome, after C. Le Brun. See Audran, Gdrard 390 Trojani, Filippo, Italian engraver. Engravings of birds, after designs by Carolo Ruspi. Size, lOJ in. X 13i In Ptf., 169-171 — Mosaic in the Lateran museum, Rome. Size, 153 in. X 23 in I^-' ^^^ Note. — The name given on the base is that of the art- ist, Heracleitus. See Murray' t Handbook for Borne. — Philip and the eunuch. Size, 8i in. X Hi in. . 814 Ab««. — Engraved, 1859. With the monogram of the designer or painter. TURCHI, Alessandro, called L'Orbetto, Italian pain- ter, b. 1582, d. 1648. The marriage of St. Catherine. See Scotin, Gerard, Jean Baptiste. 318 Twelfth-night cake (Le gftteau des rois), after J. B. Greuze. See Flipart, Jean Jacques . . 440 Valentin. See Basset, Jean. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony. See Dyck, Sir Anthony van. VANLOO 20 WILLB VANiiOO, Charles Andr6, French painter, b. 1705, d. 1765. Madame Favart in the role of Bas- tienne. See1>AVljljt,, Jean 649 — St. Genevieve reading. See Bau;chou, Jean Jacques 240 — Bt. Gregory, as pope, receiving the homage of the cardinals. Plate 4 of the series illustrat- ing the life of St. Gregory. See Migeb, Si- mon Charles 180 — St. Gregory dictating his homilies. Plate 5 of the series illustrating the life of St. Gregory. See i)UPUl8, Louise 181 Vannucci, Pietro, called Pebugino, Italian painter, b. 1446, d. 1524. Madonna and child en- throned, with St. Lorenzo, St. Louis of Tou- louse. St. Hercolanus and St. Constantius. See Marchetti, Domenico 476 — St. Hugh. See Puccinelli, Antonio Ptf., 10 Vakl6, Joachim. St. Augustine. See Tintt, Ca- millo Ptf., 61 Vecchio, Beniaraino del, Italian engraver. Mary Magdalene with the box of ointment, after Leonardo da Vinci. Size, 13 in. X 6| in. . Ptf., 139 Note. — Proof, with artista' names only. VECELiiio, Tiziano {Eng.TvriATu), Venetian painter, b. 1477, d. 1576. Ecce Homo. See Pethi- Nl.— Ptf., 154 — . St. Christopher. /See Zucchi, Andrea Ptf , 47 — The supper at Emmaus. See Masson, Antoine. 215 — The Virgin and child. See Tadouni, Serafina. 322 Veronese, Paolo. See Cagliari, Paolo. Veuve, La, et son cure, after J. B. Greuze. See Le Vassel'r, Jean Charles 441 Vie, La, Champestre, after Domenico Feti. See SCOTIN, G6rard Jean Bapiiste 327 VlIiliAl-PANDO, Juan Bautista, Spanish Jesuit, b. 1552, d. 1608. Various views of the temple of Solomon, and plans of Jerusalem. 169; 289; 433; Ptf., 81 Note. — Engraved as a portion of the following work by G. da Prado and J. B. villalpando. In EzecJtielem ex- planationf.8 et apparatvs vrbis, ac temjdi Hierosolymitanl. Homo;, 1596-1(!04. 3 r. in 1. F". Engraved in parts. This work is one of the bound volumes of the Tosti col- lection in the Boston Public Library. See ®., C.6.2. VlliLAMENA, Francesco, Italian painter and en- graver, b. 1566, d. 1626. A hermit. Designed and engraved by Villamena. Size, 12i in. X Sin Ptf., 160 Note. — A duplicate of this engraving is in 2/. A.6.2. Vinci, Leonardo da, Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, etc., b. 1452, d. 1519. Head of a wo- man. See Bi."?, 3Ille. — Ptf., 191 — The Last supper. See Morgiien, Raffaello . . 345 — Leda. See Calamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giu- seppe) 5 — Mary Magdalene, with the box of ointment. See Vecchio, Beniamino del Ptf., 139 Violin-player. After Raphael. See Bonafede, Giovanni Ptf., 140 — Same. See Salvatori, Pietro 257 Virgin Mary, The. The assumption of the Virgin. After Guido Reni. See Bruni, Francesco . . Ptf., 60 — Same. After P. P. Rubens. See Ragot, Fran- 5ois 190 — Head of the Virgin, from Raphael's Madonna of the fish. Lithograph Ptf., 184 — The marriage of the Virgin, after Raphael. See FOEO, Pietro 338 — Mater dolorosa, after Carlo Cignani. See Cle- TER, Gregorio 376 — Saint Anna teaching the Virgin, after P. P. Ru- bens. See BOLSWERT, Schelte a 529 — The salutation of Mary by Elisabeth, after P. P. Rubens. See JODE, Pieter de 284 — The Virgin, after Guido Reni. See Baron. Jean Ptf., 136 — The Virgin (Mater puritatis). See Marcccci, G 635 — The Virgin, in agony, supported by two angels. After P. P. Rubens. See Leeuw, Willem van der Ptf., 120 — The Virgin praying, after Guido Reni. See PoiiiLY', Francois de 332 Note. — See also ChbiST. Vision of St. Anthony of Padua, after Ciro Ferri. See Bloemaert, Cornelis Ptf., 35 Vision of St. Francis in presence of the holy sacra- ment, after S. Vouet. See Audran, Charles . 171 Vision of St. Francis of Assisi, after Agostino Ca- racciolo. See Scalzi, Filippo Ptf., 33 Vision of St. Sulpiclus Severus, alter P. de Cham- pagne. See PiTAU, Nicolaas 279 Visscher, Cornelis de, Dutch designer and engrav- er, b. about 1610, d. 1658. Gypsy woman, with three children. Size (trimmed and mounted). 14^ in. X 12 in 191 — The last judgment, after P. P. Rubens. Size, 26 in. X 19 in 290 Note. — Engraved on two plates. The original is at the Pinacothek, at Munich. This impression is from the third state of the plate, with the address " F. de Wit et Petr Soutman cxcud." — The Virgin and child crowned by angels, called " La r'eine des anges," after P. P. Rubens. Size, 24J in. X 18 in 364 Note. — 2A state, with artists' names, engraved on two plates intended to be joined. VOLPATO, Giovanni, Italian engraver, b. 1738, d. 1803. Night, from the design of S. Tofanelli, after the original by Guercino. Size, 14| in. X 19J in. . . . . . Ptf., 194 Note. — The original fresco, and also Gucrcino's Au- rora are in the Casino of the Aurora, in the Villa Ludo- visi, Home. — and BETTEiiiNi, Pietro. The gallery of the Palazzo Farnese, Rome, after Annibale Carac- ci. 3 pi. Size of each, 18^ in. X Hi in. . Ptf., 48-50 Note. — These are the three smaller plates of the series of six. For the three larger plates see ffi.. A.3.1, pi. 38-40, in the bound volumes of the Tosti collection. " Volpato etched the outline, which, in the copies to be colored, he carefully finished in water-colors, and gilded the stucco-work. For the impressions not to be colored, the plates were afterwards finished with the graver by Bettelini, to which class belong these impres- sions." — Catalogue of the Gray collection of engravings. Volterra, Daniele da. See Ricciarelli, Daniele. VORSTERMAN, Lucas, the elder, Belgian painter and engraver, b. 1578. The adoration of the shepherds, after P. P. Rubens. Size, 22 in. X 17 in 283 VouEr, Simon, French painter, b. 1582, d. 1641. St. Francis de Paola restoring a child to life. See BouLANGER, Jean 645 — The vision of St. Francis in presence of the holy sacrament. See Audran, Charles ... 171 Vow, The, of Louis xiii, after J. A. D. Ingres. See Calamatta, Luigi (Antonio Giuseppe) ... 476 WiCAR, or Vicar, Jean Baptiste, French painter, d. 1834. Cardinal Consalvi receiving from Pius VII the bull of the ratification of the concordat with France. See Marchand, Jacques ... 195 Widow, The, and her cur6 (La veuve et son cur^), after J. B. Greuze. See Le Vasseur, Jean Charles 441 WiLLE, Johann Georg. German designer, etcher and engraver, b. 1717, d. 1808. Abraham re- ceiving Hagar. After C. W. E. Dietrich. Size, 18| in. x 15| In S26 Note. — 3d state (1st of the finished plate), with " 20te Platte" and "1775" in the upper margin. The first artists' proof is before letters and arms; the 2d state is before letters, but with the coat of arms. — Boy blowing soap bubbles, called " Le petit phvsicien," after Caspar Netscher. Size, 9J in. X 7Jln W2 Note. — 2d state, with arms and letters. — Cleopatra applying the asp. After Caspar Ketscher. Size (trimmed and mounted), 13J in. X 11 in 646 ' Note. — Fourth state, with the letters, address, etc. — La cuisini^re hollandoise. After G. Metzu. Size, 15^ in. X 11 in ^24 Note. — Second state of the plate, with letters. — La d^vJdeuse (The winder, the mother of Ge- rard Dow). After G. Dow. Size, 15^ in. X 11 in. ...... 437 Note. — Second state of the plate, with the letters, the coat of arms, and the address " a Paris, chez 1 Auteur ..." Numbered 23. — The Dutch housewife (La m<5nagfere hollan- doise), after Gerard Dow. Size, 9J in. X 7 in. 192 WILLE 21 zuccm * —^-hf^oi. Wright. John Mason, English designer, b. 1773, d. '^ * . 1866. Don Quixote and Samson Carrasco. See Smith, Edward 302 Young instrument player, after G. Schalken. See WiLLE, Johann Georg Ptf., 157 Zampieri, Doraenico, called Domenichino, Solo- gnese painter and architect, b. 1581, d. 1641. The communion of St. Jerome. See Testa, Giovanni Cesare Ptf., 57 — David playing upon a harp. See Rousselet, Gilles 537 — Lucretia. ^ee Sharp, William 207 — The martyrdom of St. Sebastian. See Mar- CHETTi, Domenico 477 — St. Cecilia distributing her property among the poor. See I'oilly. Francois de 277 — St. Luke. See Marcucci. G Ptf., 66 ZuccARO, or ZrccHERO. Federigo. Italian painter, b. 1542. or 1543, d. about 1607. The adoration of the kings. See Thomassih, Philippe . . . Ptf., 58 — Christ crowning the Virgin. Peter and Paul with St. Lawrence and St. Sixtus in adora- tion. See Ohi»ii, Adamo Ptf., 63 ZucCRi, Andrea, Italian painter and engraver, b. 1675, d. 1740. St. Christopher, after Titian. Engraved by A. Zucchi ( ?). Size, 21 in. X 13 in Ptf.,47 rrote. —Trimmed and mounted, giving no letters. The originBl f^eico is in the duge's palace, VeDicc. WiLLE. Johann Georg, continued. — Le jeune jouer d'instrument (The young instru- ment player), after G. Schalken. Size, 11 in. X 8g in. Ptf., 157 Note. — Third state of the plate, with letters, dedication and " Neuntc Platte. 1762 in the upper corner. — Les oflfVes r^ciproques; after C. W. E. Die- trich 625 /fole. — Sixth state of the plate, according to C. Le Blanc, with letters, anna, etc., and with the accent on the a in "Dedii a," the Sth state being without the accent. — Travelling musicians (Mnsiciens ambulans), af- ter C. W. E. Dietrich. Size, about 20 in. X 15 in 523 KoU. — Fifth state, with letters, arms, and the addition of the letter e to the word Electoral. WiLLE, Herre Alexandre, French painter and en- graver, b. 1748, d. 1815. La bonne m^re sans Bouci. See Chevillet, Justus 337 Woman and two children, over a pot of charcoal. Size (trimmed and mounted), about 14| in. X 12 in 18? Nou. — Without names of artists or any indication of the subject. Worship of the golden calf, after N. Poussin. See PoiLLY, Jean Baptiste de 462 APPENDIX. Note. — Since the publication (in Bulletin No. 13) of the catalogue of the bound volumes of the Tosti collection, it has been found convenient to collect and bind in volumes such of the engravings and maps as are parts of incomplete sets or volumes. A list of these, volumes is given below. Some of the engravings are duplicated in the bound volumes catalogued in Bulletin 13. Casini. Giovanni Maria. Globo tcrrestre. Delincato sulle ultime osHcrvazlonl con i viaggi e nuovo scoperte del Cap. Cook Inglese. [No title- page.] lioma, 1790. 4 pi. Obi. f» . . . . CT., C.2.0 A'o<«. — Plate 7-10. vol. 1, of Atlante gcnerale geogra- fico, by U. M. Casini, published by the Calcngrafia canicrale, Rome. Engravi-d in parts, which were de- signed, wheu united, tu fumi a terrcatrial glulio. Italy. Maps of parts of Italy, drawn by hand. V. p., 1837-43. f C, C.2.5 ContenU.—'Ho. 1. Topografla del grande circondario Zaniolo. 2. Lago Trasmipno, Marchesato dl Casti- Slione p del ChiuKi. ;S. Pianta del locale prpsso la Basilica i San Lorenzo fiiori le niura. 4. Pianta dellc valli di Coniacthio. 5. Pianta topograflca del ixirto di Civita- vecchia. 6. Pianta dcllo stato attuale della Bo- nitticazio]n« poutina. Maps and plans of parts of Italy, Greece, etc. v. p.,v. d. f» CT., C.2.4 CorUmts. — No. 1-4, 6, 8. Pianta di Roma. 5. Roma e Comarca. 7. Legazionc di Velletri, etc. 9, 10. DuciUo di Tosca, etc. 11. Topografitt della provincia ferrarese, della pianura boloenesc, e di una parte dclleprovinoied! RunmKna, da T. Barbantiui. 12. Piunta delle ripara- zioni fatte nel flume Aniene in TivdU. \X Pianta di Bologna. 14. Pianta della Can)paf;na roiiiana da L. Fiali. 15. Carte dcs royaunies d'Kspatjne ct de Portu- f»l, parCharlc. 16. Kartc von GrioolR-nland.von 0. O. iedler. 17. Carta della prcfettura apostolica di l^buan e sue dipendenze. 18. Carta di una parte dell' Oceania, da C. Cuarteron. Metz, Conrad Martin, Oerman engraver, b. 1756, d. 1827, AND OTHERS. Miscellaneous engravings, from various works. 18 pi. F* BE., B.7.2 Note. — Scenes in Shakespeare and Milton ; also classi- cal and fanrilul subjects. Panini, Francesco, Italian designer. Various vlewB of Rome and its buildings, designed by Pa- nini and others, engraved by various artists. 21 pi. F» C, B.7.3 Aii(«. — These plates arc duplicated in 01 ., C.5.1, and •re catalogued in Bulletin No. 13. PiiANS of buildings, etc., in Rome and elsewhere, by various artlsU. Obi. f fe., B.7.1 Rome. Pianta topografica di Roma, dalla direzione generate del censo. [Roma:] mocccxxix. Size, 48i in. X 62J in C.Map 32 Vasi, Giuseppe, Italian detigner and engraver, b. 1710, d. 1782. Various Itoman views. 14 pi. In 8. F» 5C., B.7.6 ContenU. — PI. L View of Rome. fVom the Janiculum. 5Engrav«l on twelve plates, intended to be joined, 765!l 2. View of the exterior of St. Peter's aud of a papal procession. [Engraved, 1778.] 3. View of the interior of St. Peter's, and of a papal procession. [En- graved, 1775.] Views of buildings in Rome and Tlvoli. By various arUste. 9 pi. F» tt., B.7.4 Contents. — PI. 1. View of the villa of Hadrian, at Ti- voli. Designed by D. Palmacci. 2, 4. Outlines of Michel Angelo's celling of the Sistine chapel. Designed by V. Dolcibene, engr. by D. Cunego. 3. Bell of the Basilica Vaticana; the design by the founder of the bell, G. Valadier, the engraving by G. Bossl. 5. View of tne interior of the Museo Chiarainonti, in the Vati- can. Designed by A. Toselli, engr. by G. Balzar. 6. View in the Museo PioCleinentino. m the Vatican. Designed bvF. Costa, engr. by V. Feoli. 7. View in St. Peter's, Rome. By Piranesi. 8. The vaults of the Vatican. 9. View in the Vatican. This List completes the cataloguing of the Tosti collection. ^ THE I'AST DAT^^ DAY AND TO * _^=======^ YD 329 I / ;2.3 6^^ ft? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY 'ff »•