GIFT OF Felix Flugel Dr. FIOsil LBlPzig,8idonlenstr.3S| HAND-BOOK TO LAND-CHARTERS, ETC. EAELE Ronton HENRY FROWDE Oxford University Press Warehouse Amen Corner, E.G. A Hand -Book to the Land- Charters, and other Saxonic Documents BY JOHN EARLE, M.A. Formerly Fellow and Tutor of Oriel College PROFESSOR OF ANGLO-SAXON IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD RECTOR OF SWANSWICK Otrfotr6 AT THE CLAEENDON PEESS M DCCC LXXXVIII M150 r.t. PEEFACE This book has grown to something beyond its first design. A further text-book being required when the available things were exhausted, it was to have been just a few specimens of land-charters, so grouped as to exhibit roughly the contrast of genuine and spurious. On this principle the book was begun and so far proceeded with that the first sheets bear permanent traces of a plan which was afterwards enlarged. At an early stage of the work, when I was discouraged by some inceptive difficulties, I had the happiness to obtain the help of my friend the Rev. Charles Plummer, of Corpus Christi College in Oxford ; and this imported into the task an element of pleasure, which had an expansive effect. As any improvement suggested itself with the progress of the work, I adopted it without stopping to question what the effect would be on the symmetry of the whole. Accordingly, I have to confess that the First Part contains some pieces which would not have been there, if I had had from the beginning a matured prevision of the grouping of the Second Part. This is a defect in form which I thought it well to incur, rather than miss any possible gain in the way of critical discrimination. iv)303413 VI . PREFACE Upon a consistent plan, the First Part should have contained no documents from the Worcester Chartu- lary (Heming), which forms the basis of Group ii in the Second Part ; nor should there have been any from the Rochester Book but in Group iv. The gift of Osric to Bath should not stand where it is (p. 6) any more than that of Headdi to Glastonbury (p. 9). A good general indication of an original document (in the First Part) is the presence of contractions. This is due to the circumstance that many of the best docu- ments were printed straight off from the volumes of the British Museum Facsimiles. The student who has handled the Codex Diplomaticus will not find it strange that an abbreviated text should be a token of high quality. Where the documents could be com- pared either with the original manuscript or with a facsimile, they have for the most part been printed as they stand and the contractions have been kept. The want of uniformity, whereby contracted and expanded texts are intermixed, will not be without its advant- age. The unexpanded documents will afford exercise in reading contractions, for which the expanded texts will supply the key. In the Introduction I have ventured to emancipate myself from the authority of Kemble in two matters of great importance, one chronological and the other constitutional. As regards the former, I have only exercised a right of choice between his statement and another ; but as to the latter, I have taken upon myself to reject his view of the elementary scheme PREFACE Vll of English life, and I have offered an entirely new exposition of my own. If I am right in my opinion that the manorial system was part of the first plant- ation, it ought to approve itself by the luminous effect which new truth generally has in lighting up places that are dark. And I seem in my own mind to have found it so ; — for it has awakened most un- expectedly a new interest in the Donation of -^thel- wulf, a problem which I had long ago abandoned as hopeless. If I have now contributed anything towards the solution of this old and acknowledged difficulty, it has been wholly due to the light which a new elementary truth threw upon the general situation ; the explanation grew naturally out of the new conception of the functions of the lord of the manor, and if it should be approved, it will tend to confirm that view. This explanation did not present itself until after the Introduction was in type, so that it had to go into a footnote, where, though con- densed, I hope it will be intelligible ^. The study of these documents has its place as a natural antecedent to the study of Domesday Book, and the two studies are in fact two parts of one whole. The progress which has been made in the knowledge of the great taxing-book, as evidenced by the recent appearance of ' Domesday Studies,' seems to promise a new era of enquiry into our early his- ^ See page Ixix. Lord Selbome's book, * Ancient Facts and Fictions concerning Churches and Tithes' (1888), in which a chapter is de- voted to the Donation of ^thelwulf, appeared too late for me to benefit by the use of it. Tin PKEFACE tory. "We in our day enjoy a great advantage over the men of any former generation, in that we can have the very reflection of the original in our hands and read it at our ease, as light as a pamphlet, and almost as cheap. It is to the late Lieut.-General Sir Henry James, Director-General of the Ordnance Sur- vey, that we owe the facsimiles of Domesday, and with them also three volumes of facsimiles of land- charters, and other documents, which were edited and translated by Mr. W. Basevi Sanders. The example of printing facsimiles of these early charters was given by the authorities of the British Museum, the First Part of whose work is dated in 1873 5 ^^^ it was continued with results so much the more im- portant, as the original documents at their disposal exceed in value all other collections put together. The four volumes of British Museum Facsimiles were edited by Mr. Bond, who has since become the Principal Librarian. These invaluable publications are not merely the stimulants of historical curiosity ; — rather let us say that as they furnish those external criteria which are the true counterpart of the internal evidence, they complete the data upon which criticism is to work, and impart to historical studies a scientific quality. The period in which we live will be characterised by and bye as the period in which great provincial Libraries were founded. Now is the time to store up some things which will ere long be inaccessible and beyond price, and among such I would reckon PREFACE IX the three sets of Facsimiles above described. If any borough is so happy as to have a Library Committee which thinks that something should be acquired be- yond the standard of immediate demand, perhaps they might be disposed to look favourably upon these great national publications. For books like these tend to awaken local investigation and to illus- trate the land we live in, the land our forefathers 1400 years ago took possession of, the land in which they have through toil and struggle and vicissitudes grown to be a mighty nation, the land they have made illustrious and classical ; and there is no kind of study so varied, so healthy, or so favourable to social geniality, as a study which has country for its object, and especially a country in which all men are interested. The time may perhaps come when the average aim of life will be somewhat modified, when a larger sphere will be accorded to the intellectual part, when com- merce will be relinquished for contentment as soon as a modest competence is assured, when men will cultivate a garden of their own, and will seek in books not merely anodyne from care and passive amusement, but materials and tools for the exercise of their mental energies. Then will rise a demand for such books as I have named, and I will name another of like national rank with them, the New Enghsh Dictionary, now issuing in Parts from the Clarendon Press — a work of unpre- cedented compass, a work which is a library in itself. X PREFACE a work which (apart from its design) affords, to an extent that is truly marvellous, a first introductory key to every kind of human knowledge. I close this Preface as I began it, with gi^ateful acknowledgments to Mr. Plummer, not only for his constant and valuable help, but even more for the solace of his companionship ; and at the same time I thank the Delegates of the Press for the readiness with which they promoted my wish for a coadjutor. Oxford, March, i88 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction xiii-cxi Part I. Primary Documents. (i) Genuine Records Datfid 3 (2) Genuine Records Undated 249 Part II. Secondary Documents. Group I (single sheets) . . . . . . .281 Group 2 (Worcester Chartulary) 303 Group 3 (Fabrications in the name of King Athelstan) . 320 Group 4 (The Rochester Book) 330 Group 5 (Documents of the Peter borough Chronicle type) 339 Group 6 (The Saxon Renaissance) 348 Group 7 (A Bath Book at Cambridge) .... 369 Group 8 (The Chartularies of Abingdon) . . . 378 Group 9 (A Book from St. Alban's) .... 395 Group 10 (Abstracts made in the Thirteenth Century) . 407 Group II (The Crediton Roll) 416 Group 12 (A Chartulary of Glastonbury), 14th century . 425 Group 13 (A fifteenth century Register of the Abbey of Shaftesbury) 427 Group 14 (The Liber Albus at Wells) . . . • 430 Group 15 (Rhyming Records) 434 Appendix 441 Additional Notes 453 Glossarial Index 479 General Index . . 510 CORRIGENDA P. 20 1, 1. 19, add T. p. 206, S. ii 7 „ 1. 21, for Sundbury read Sunbury P. 209, 1. 9, for 39 read 36 P. 326, 1. 18 /or K37 reacZ K371 P. 417, heading, for Group X read Group XI ,, 1. 14, for mougeus read mongeus INTRODUCTION Among the less explored remains of Saxon antiquity are the numerous legal documents of which the largest and best-known collection is that by J. M. Kemble, in six octavo volumes, under the title of Codex Dijjlomaticus Aevi Saxonici. Some inconsiderable additions to this collection were made by Thorpe in his Dijolomatarmm Anglicum ; but what distinguishes this volume, and gives it a value peculiar to itself, is that all the Saxon portions are furnished with a translation in a parallel column. Thorpe neglected to indicate for the reader's convenience what were the new pieces in his volume, and hence it is not easy to sum up the total number of deeds when his are added to those of Kemble. But we are safe in saying that the total number would fall under 1400. Mr. de Gray Birch is now engaged in making a new collection, which is to be as comprehensive as possible, and we are told that it will embrace between two and three thousand documents. It is entitled Car- tularium Saxonicum^ and two volumes have already appeared. We must not expect to find that the sub- stantial addition to Kemble's material will be in pro- portion to the numerical increase of the documents. Kemble first reaped the field, and he left for his suc- cessors little more than gleanings. But there is this great advantage in a collection which is thoroughly exhaustive — that it improves to the full the chances of illustration by comparison, and such illustration may often rise from records of an inferior order, which have been hitherto neglected. In many a later and, perhaps, XIV INTKODUCTION slovenly abstract, there may be sometbing" preserved which is not elsewhere to be found ^. But, though as yet imperfectly explored, these docu- ments are no longer so obscure that it is necessary for an editor to advocate the utility of them. The writings of historians and constitutionalists — such as Sir F. Palgrave, Dr. Stubbs, Mr. Freeman, J. R. Green, Professor Pollock in England, and Nasse, Konrad Maurer, Steenstrup, Gneist abroad — have abundantly demonstrated their importance, and even to some extent popularized the knowledge of them. For the rich and peculiar in- formation they contribute towards the early history of property, society, and institutions ; for the manifold light they cast upon the English language ; they are beginning to be almost famous : and if more were needed for their recommendation, it might be added that their very defects, confusions, and deformations, offer for the cultivation of the critical faculty such an admirable field of exercise as can hardly be found any- where else in the world. The matters which demand explanation in these documents are so numerous and so various, that it will hardly be possible for me to touch on them all in these preliminary pages. Perhaps the Notes and Indices at the end of the volume may serve in some respects as a supplement to the Introduction. But here I find it necessary to guard against the danger of being de- sultory by a definite selection, and the parts of this ^ The increased bulk of the collection is not wholly due to the insertion of deeds that were unknown or disregarded by Mr. Kemble ; but further by the incorporation of pieces not of a strictly diplomatic character, such as professions of obedience by newly-elected bishops, papal correspondence, and other ecclesiastical documents ; in defence of which the editor pleads that they serve to illustrate the deeds by the side of which they stand. I XV wide subject which I propose to keep before me are — First, The outline and structure of the Land-charter or public grant of land, including some notice of the marks of degeneracy ; Secondly, The relations between land-tenure and the elementary frame of English society ; and Lastly, The varying conditions of the two languages employed in the composition of these documents. The whole institution of written contracts is with our people an adopted practice, which they had learned from the Roman world. Still, there is a local character about our deeds, and if we compare the Frankish muni- ments, or their formula-books, we shall easily see that with a broad general likeness, there is a well-defined specific difference. The earliest documents are rather vague in outline, running sometimes into the address of an epistle (25 h), but at length the land-charter assumes a very definite form consisting of the following parts or members : — I. The Preamble. 2. The Grant. 3. The Sanction. 4. The Description. 5. The Date. 6. The Signatures. Each of these parts will admit of a few observations. i. The Preamble is sometimes prefaced with an In- vocation, or it may be that the Invocation itself con- stitutes the Preamble, as in the Charter of Hlo'Sari a.d. 679 (p. 8). When the Preamble is extended, it will contain either a pious reflection upon the transitory nature of earthly things, and the duty of making a good use of them ; or else a commendation of the practice of recording contracts and gifts by the use of written documents, 196 1. The theme of documentary contracts reminds us that XVI INTEODUCTION our ancestors had but recently begun to make use of written conveyances, and that the practice was but im- perfectly established. Their ancestral usage had been to convey land by a symbolical act like that of cutting a sod and handing it to the new owner, in the presence of w^itnesses legally qualified ^. Thus the right, or at least the origin, of ownership depended for its evidence upon living testimony, which was liable to accidents and contingencies, and in no case could last beyond a certain term of years. When writings began to be usual, the ceremony of the sod was not dropped ; the old symbolism and the new record went on together. The veritable conveyance consisted in the performance of the symbolical act in the presence of the qualified witnesses : the written sheet was (or purported to be) but the record and memo- randum of this formal transaction. In a royal grant of the eighth century, the king is made to say to the grantee : — 'But because there is need of care lest our grant of to-day be in the future disowned and called in question, I have thought fit to prepare this document (hanc paginam), and together with a turf of the fore- said land to deliver it to thee ; whereby I prevent not only my successors whether kings or princes, but also my own self, from dealing otherwise at any time with the said land than as it is now settled by me.' (p. 50 1)^ The documentary habit did not for many centuries * When land was given to a church the sod was laid upon the altar. Mr. Plummer says that in Irish f6d for altdir, fdd fri altoir (lit. sod upon, sod to, the altar) is a regular phrase for church lands. Four Masters, A. d. 645 (where O'Donovan's note is misleading) ; Chronicon Scotorum, Rolls Series, p. 90. 2 Where a letter is added to the number of a page, it is to signify as follows : t = top J h = high j m = middle ; 1 = low ; b = bottom ; r =^ re- peatedly. For other abbreviations, see p. 479. I XVll extinguish the ceremony of personal giving and taking ; the old custom survived into the period when Norman- French became the language of law, and then it was called livery of Seisiriy and the feudal investitures were conducted with a solemn delivery of possession. A short paragraph from Stephen's Commentaries will bring this subject down to its present position. ' This method (which is still capable of being used) is called a feoffment^ and the parties between whom it takes place are called a feoffor and the feoffee. By the common law, the donation with which the livery is ac- companied might be merely oral ; but, by the Statute of Frauds (29 Car. II. c. 3), some instrument in writing under the signature of the feoffor (or of his agent by writing legally authorized), was made essential.' The two prevailing topics of the Preamble bear a reasonable relation to the transaction itself and to the times in which it takes place ; but this does not hinder the frequent appearance of an extreme conventionality and unreality in this introductory member of a docu- ment. Conventionality has reached to the point of absurdity when, in the ninth century, we find ^Ethelwulf booking as private property to himself a portion of the public land with a preamble to the following effect: — 'Whereas nothing of all his labour is secure to a man except what he has bestowed in good works, there- fore I have, with consent of my lords, ordered twenty manentes of land to be booked to me as private and heritable property ' (p. I20t). Such an incongruity can only be accounted for by the supposition which all the data seem to warrant, that there was no educated profession of notaries, and that the person who acted as notary or clerk for the occasion b XVlll INTRODUCTION would help himself to a prologue out of a ready col- lection of such compositions, like the Frankish Formula- book of Marculphus. What I have called the Preamble, is divided by Kemble into two parts, the Invocation and the Proem, and he closes his examination of the Proem with five general rules which I here transcribe for the benefit of the critical student. 1. 'That the early charters have generally a simple form. 2. * That in the cases which are exceptions to this rule, it depends more upon the nature of the contents, than upon their amount or complication, whether the document is, or is not, to be received as genuine. 3. ' That allusions to the approaching end of the world, are not to be taken as evidences of forgery ; such being found in Gregory's letters, and in Marculf 's and other formularies. 4. ' That complicated proems^ filled with Greek words, such as cosmi, protoplastos^ soter and the like, are confined to the period subsequent to the commencement of the tenth century. If found in documents professing an earlier date, they are strong evidences of forgery. 5. '-That narrative proems are suspicious, whatever be the supposed date of the instruments in which they are found.' ii. The Grant, Here we must notice the persons between whom the transaction passes, the estate con- veyed, and the conditions attached to it. I. The names of the Grantor and Grantee are for the most part stated either in the formula Ego M dono tibi N (54 h) ; or Ego M dono cuidam comiti (ministro, abbati, episcopo) nomine N (96 1). I XIX A motive is often added, which is either of a religious nature ; e. g. for my souVs ease, and for hope of eternal reward^ 137 m ; pro redemptione animae meae^ 304 m ; or it intimates services performed ; e. g. daho ^delnodo pre- fecto meo fidelissimo^ Sfo,, 75 1 ; / ^ive and grant to my faithful tha7ie Ealdhere for his humble obedience and because to me he hath in all things been always a faithful servant, 1 24 1 ; cuidam meo fideli ministro nomine Eadulfo ; 173m; Quapropter ego Eadredtis rex Anglorum cetera- Tumque gentium in circuitu persistentium gubernator et rector Cuidam mihi fidelissimo ministro Oswig nomine, de- votionis eius sollertia eiusdemque placatus obsequio dig- flatus sum impertire bis denas mansas, i8:jl; — 209 m, 293 1\ Sometimes in this place a valuable considera- tion enters ; pro eius amabili pecunia, 157 b, 242 h. 2. In the more important instances the effect of the Grant is to convey a manor with the village that is upon it, with seignorial rights and hereditary posses- sion. We find nothing about occupation tenures, nothing which involves any agricultural details. In a certain number of instances the estate is leased for a term of lives, after which it is to revert to the repre- sentative of the grantor. There are many documents of this kind by Oswald, Bishop of Worcester and his suc- cessors (e. g. 207 1, 234-242), and they are mostly for 1 It is curious and interesting to see the same formula in Scotland down to the i6th century : — ' In the year 1504, the barony or manour of Auchinleck (pronounced Affleck) in Ayrshire, which belonged to a family of the same name with the lands, having fallen to the Crown by forfeiture, James the Fourth, King of Scotland, granted it to Thomas Boswell, a branch of an ancient family in the county of Hfe, stiling him in the charter dilecto familiari nostra; and assigning, as the cause of the grant, pro bono et fideli servitio nobis prcestito.' Boswell's Life of Johnson, anno 1776; in Dr. Birkbeck HilFs admirable edition, vol. ii, p. 413. b2 XX INTRODUCTION three lives (sometimes for one life, 248 h), after which the land is to revert to the See. But these are not coordinate with the land-charters ; they form a class apart, as will appear in the next section. Usually 'the free and entire fruition of the land with all its advantages, its woods, its waters, its birds and beasts and fishes, is made over to the grantee,' in full and un- restricted possession and with complete power of disposal. The great bulk of our documents imply royal grants of territory with perpetual and testamentary rights, and with all the privileges of superior tenure which establish lordship. The testamentary clause, usually unlimited — cuicumque post se voluerit heredi derelinquat — is in a few Mercian grants by Offa and Burgred, limited to grantee's descendants or kindred or even heirs male ^. The land which is granted is commonly characterized as ' terra juris mei,' an expression which is explained by Kemble as ' the King's common of pasture.' See note on p. 453. This seems to me unsatisfactory. I take it to mean ' land in my jurisdiction, in my right, of which I have the disposal.' In a Mercian deed of a.d. 811 (87 1) there is an interesting variation of the phrase, ' Coenuulf rex has terrulas sui propriae puplicae juris cum predicto concilii consensu,' i.e. lands of his own proper public right, which would seem to mean lands at his disposal in his public capacity. Kemble seems to have generalized from an accidental combination like * juris mei ad pascendum ' 35 1. This assertion of right we see combined with another by which it is limited, namely, ' cum consensu et licentia meorum optimatum,' and this phrase is so constant in the earlier centuries that the consent of the witan must * See Kemble, Cod. Dipl. vol. i, p. xxxii f. I XXI have been regarded as indispensable to the king's act of bestowal. Offa of Mercia denied the right of Ecgberht (a former king of Kent) to give land with hereditary right (83 b), presumably without consent of the witan. This consent is almost uniformly alleged in all grants before the middle of the ninth century, e. g. Ecgberht of Wessex 107m; ^thelwulf i2oh, 123b; ^thel- berht 125 b ; ^thelred 137 h ; but the phrase is omitted by ^thelberht (a.d. 863) 133, by Alfred 157, by iEthelstan 173 m, by Eadmund 175 b, by Eadwig 194 h, by ^thelred 209 m. The folcland thus appears to have become almost assimilated to royal demesne. 3. In these grants, there is only one limit to plenary possession, and that limit is constant. It is that obli- gation which is known by the name of the trinoda necessitas. The trinoda necessitas or threefold burden incident to all property in land, was also sometimes called communis lahor^ generalis incommoditas , onus inevitabile. The three burdens were — {\) fyrd^ military service; (2) hricg-bot, repair of bridges ; (3) burh-bSt, repair of fortresses. The Latin phrases for the specific burdens were subject to variations ; but the most prevalent terms were ' expeditio et pontis arcisque restauratio.' In 858 (p. 126b) it is ' absque expeditione sola et pontium structura et arcium munitionibus.' In the vernacular it is ' butan wall geweorce and brycg geweorce and ferd socne^' (242 m). ^ A difficulty has been made about the bridgebote; some have even proposed to understand roads, or embankments across low ground, by the word hricge or pons. Moritz Heyne, in his tractate TJeher die Lage und Construction der Halle Heorot, thought that the bridges meant in the trinoda necessitas were the draw-bridges crossing the moats of the burghs ! I cannot see what occasion there ever was for making a difficulty in the matter; I suppose it rose from an XXll INTKODUCTION In ecclesiastical leases church-rate is sometimes added, e.g. 248 h. The duty of the trinoda necessitas is undefined as to quantity. Kemble cites two examples (Introd. p. lii) in which the grantee is to be required to send on Ex- peditw only so many men. Of these examples one is plainly post-Norman (K3I4)5 and the other may be seen below, p. 48 h. The Grantee receives his land in full ownership, with complete freedom of testamentary power and alienation. He has moreover no ' services ' to perform in return for the land, as the occupiers of folkland have. In the land- book, of which the Latin part is given in brief abstract below, p. 166, these clauses run as follows: — ut ille earn sinejugo exosa servitutis, cum pratis^pascuis^silvis, rivulis^ omnihusque ad earn utilitatibus^ rite pertinentibns^ liberaliter ac aternaliter, quamdiu vivat haheat ; et post generalem qui omnibus certus incertusque homunculis constat transitum, cuicunque successionis heredi voluerity imperpetuum dere- linquat. Variations of the same formula may be seen on p. 124 h, 133 n, 140 h, 142 1, T73I. Such a privileged estate is called in Latin libertas, liberty or franchise, and it is said to be held liberaliter^ 196 h ; and in English the estate or the charter convey- ing it is called freols 197 1, or freols boc 231 1, and the restoration of this franchise where it had been inter- rupted is described by the verb geedfreolsian refran- cxaggerated notion of the barbarism of the Saxon era, as if there were at that time no bridges to speak of, and as if the rivers were only crossed by fords. But there were undoubtedly many good stone bridges, which had been built by the Romans, and of this we might be sure even if we had not the direct evidence of Beda. But he says in H. E, i. II, 'that the cities, bridges, and roads, to the south of the wall of Severus, bear testimony to the Eoman oocupatiou.' I XXUl chise, 197 1. In a grant by Edward the Confessor it is thus expressed : aeterna liheralitate imjpertior K769. Towards the end of this period we find the jurisdiction attaching to such estates described as sacv, and socn, toll and team, infangenthef and flymenafyrmth, &c., formulae very familiar to all who have dipped into our legal an- tiquities, but nevertheless rather obscure. And this will seem only natural when we observe that though the terms themselves are pure Anglo-Saxon, yet the transmission of them has been mostly through Norman scribes, who did not understand what they wrote, and could not spell the words. Kemble says that sac and soc, &c., is not found in any genuine grant before the time of Edward the Confessor. I go a step further and add, that I do not know of any genuine grant of Eadweard's that has the sac and soc in it. I should be inclined to look very narrowly at any land-book purport- ing to be of the Saxon period which had sac and soc. But here I make a distinction between a land-charter and a deed of general confirmation where estates are enumerated in a land-roll. Such is K817, purporting to be of the year 1065, and having the Sac and Soc clause ; — here I leave the question of genuineness open. But if the clause is not found in Saxon land-books, it is found in writs, and as an example I would point to a writ of Cnut's, below p. 233 ; a document which seems to be quite above suspicion. When this formula appears in land-charters or even in confirmations of territorial possessions which purport to be older than the Norman Conquest, it is mostly an alteration which took place in a later redaction, under Norman rule (340 1) ; — but there is in general no reason for suspecting any misrepresentation in regard XXIV INTEODUCTION to the powers or rights claimed by the use of this formula as having been exercised during the Saxon period. This is one of the incidental lights which bring to our know- ledge the fact that the Saxon charters are very inexplicit, that they imply more than they express, that they indicate only by general phrases those territorial prerogatives which were sufficiently guaranteed by local tradition. There is no reason to doubt that these terms repre- sent incidents of the superior tenure, though it is hard to define the exact limits of the class to which they belonged. By tol was meant the right of a lord to have a tariff of his own within his domain ; to require of those who conveyed goods through his territory to pay something for the accommodation of the road or the water-way. By t^am was meant the legal recog- nizance of bargains and contracts, which primarily belonged to the Tything, but which upon certain manors could be held by the lord's agent. By infan- GENTHEF was meant the right to execute justice upon a thief taken within the domain. Sometimes utfan- GENTHEF is added, claiming the right to deal with the thief taken off the manor. By flymen afyrmth is meant a claim to appropriate the whole or a part of the fine exacted for harbouring proscribed persons. These are but branchlets of this memorable formula. The nucleus upon which they centre, and the term which is of the highest importance, is soCN. This is the common basis, the right of the lord generally, the prerogative of the manor, indeed the Saxon term which was super- seded by the Norman ' manerium.' This is a word of the earliest period of our history, and one that yet lives as Soke or Soken in many local names. It meant juris- diction, from the verb sacan discuss, contend. At the I XXV head of the file stands sacu litigation, an ordinary colloquial word prefixed to the formula for alliteration sake, and the sheen of its novelty is manifest by contrast with the mellow obscurity of the venerable terms in its suite. iii. The Sanction, i.e. 'the punishment attached to the violation of the premises ' (K). After the Grant comes the utterance of an imprecation, g-ood or bad, upon any who may promote or counteract the intention of the grantor. Rarely, as 14 m, it is only a benediction upon those who uphold the deed : ordinarily there is the darker counterpart of a malediction, and this member exhibits an expansive tendency. He who shall divert the grant is sometimes excommunicated (p. 8) ; some- times he is threatened with final doom (9 h, 242 1). A complete formula of this clause, and of a moderate type, may be seen in 236 h. It runs thus : ' The man that upholds this, God uphold him : and the man who diverts or diminishes it, God diminish his reward in the life to come ; unless he before his end make the deeper amends.' Sometimes this member was expanded with a grotesque luxuriance of malediction. The notion of employing curses in defence of property is very ancient. Maitland (' Church in the Catacombs,' p. 52) quotes a heathen epitaph saying ' olla eius si qui violarit ad inferos non recipiatur.' It was mostly applied to objects that were peculiarly exposed to depredation, such as graves, books, deeds. The various impreca- tions that are inscribed in old books are well known. Besides this spiritual sanction, there is in the Frankish muniments also a temporal sanction consisting of a money penalty, of stated amount, to be exacted by the fiscal authorities, in case of infringement. This kind XXVI INTRODUCTION of sanction is quite absent from our land- charters. The Frankish formulary may be seen in the Codex Dipl. vol. i, p. Ixiv. iv. The Description or Perambulation, The boundaries of the land are described, starting from such a point, or such an object, and passing through a series of stations, until the starting-point is reached again. As a general rule this part of the deed is in English ; sometimes however in Latin or a mixture of Latin and English. It must not however be imagined from the use of the vernacular in this part that this member is more native than the rest of the deed. It is just the con- tinuation of an old Roman usage, the formula of which maybe seen in the book of Hyginus, the land-surveyor^. It is the formula that was used by the agrimensores of the Empire, when they had to describe irregular ground, which did not well admit of their rectangular system of mensuration and allotment. Still, there is a true originality in the phraseology of the topographical description ; the expressions are in themselves very genuine, and they prove this quality by growing in depth and attractiveness to the patient student. It sometimes happens that a conversational remark, not alien to the business, is interjected in passing, which has an enlivening effect, like a human figure in a landscape. Thus, 197 f, ]7onne is seo meed gem8ene = by the way the meadow is common. These perambulations offer an attractive field for local investigation, as it is not improbable that some of them might still be verified with the aid of the maps of the Ordnance Survey, and a good knowledge of the local ^ Hyginus, ed. Lachmann, p. 1 14, quoted by Mr. Seebohm, English Village Com. pp. 9, 375, XXVll names, including those of the fields, streams, paths, lanes, and any other landmarks. But here it must be admitted that little is known of the original accuracy of these descriptions. How far the landmarks were taken down from actual perambulation, how far the details were gathered from the memory of some old in- habitant, whether the bounds of any township being once in writing were ever revised, or whether they served for a common formula for deeds concerning that township for ever after, — these are points which might even yet be tested by actual survey, and with the further aid, where it may be had, of old manorial maps. Meanwhile, we may safely assume a general verity of outline in the better sort of documents, though the degree of accuracy remains untested ^. There are indeed occasional specimens which we cannot hesitate to pronounce worthless, having evidently been made up with some arbitrary variations from an earlier deed to which we can point. Thus the perambulation on p. 290, which is clear and well described, has evidently been the chief source from which the clumsy farrago in K1198 has been trumped up. From an examination of the Abingdon chart ulary Nasse argued that, in the smaller grants, the perambu- lations describe the bounds of the whole common field of the township, and not the particular piece or pieces which are dealt with in the conveyance. This seems probable ; but it is much to be wished that these bound- aries could be subjected to patient investigation by local field clubs. According to Mr. C. S. Taylor, the boundaries of manors as described in the Charters will generally be ^ The facts being of a patent nature — his notissimis confiniis circum- cincta 51 b — juxta terminos videlicet antiques et indigenis certissimos. BC199. XXVIU INTRODUCTION found to agree witli the parochial boundaries as marked on the Ordnance map^. But apart from the identification of the boundaries and the verification of the area of a given ancient trans- action, there are incidental points which are curious and worthy of investigation. For example : our docu- ments sometimes speak of an 'Avon ' which is not found in the Maps. It would be interesting if local enquiry could establish the fact that there have been more streams bearing that British name than there are now. Another point to be observed is the way in which the local names impinge upon Folk-lore and the old mythology. The more prominent points have been noticed by Kemble and others ; lately Mr. H. Bradley added a new and interesting surmise that ' Hodes ac/ 446 m, may give the clue to the name of Robin Hood 2. V. The Date. In this member we have to notice an important documentary improvement, an improvement which originated among ourselves, and which other nations have copied from us. We take up the discussion at the point where it was left by Mr. Kemble. He urged that the use of the era Anno Domini must have been introduced into this country by Augustine and his fellow-missionaries ^, and he earnestly combated the idea of referring it to so late a date as that of Bede or his times. He relied upon the fact that the era was certainly known and used in com- putation before the mission of Augustine; — but the ^ An Analysu of fhe Domesday Survey of Gloucestershire. By Charles S. Taylor, Vicar of S. Thomas the Martyr, Bristol (1887), p. 45. ^ For other examples see Glossary vv. Bdowa, Eomer, Fitela, Grindel, Herm('>des J)orn, Hnaefl^ah, Scucca, Scylf , Teowes jjorn. ^ Echoed by Thorpe ; Diplom. Pref. xx. I XXIX question as it arises here is, not whether the era was already existent, hut whether it was made use of in the practical afiairs of life. The question here is — At what time was the era introduced into deeds of con- tract ? We shall see that it dates from Bede's time, and was largely due to Bede ; and that from England began a practice which has spread through Christendom. This enquiry must be kept altogether distinct from the scientific work of chronologists. The general rule of history is that chronological standards have come in late, and even then they have been little regarded by the general public and have been very limited in their field of application. The chronological standard of Greek literature is that of the Olympiads, but Thucydides did not reckon the years of his history by Olympiads ; his only constant era is measured by the duration of the war which he describes. In Xenophon's History, the date is only once stated by the Olympiad, and that in a passage which is suspected. And when the literary use of this era had become established, it did not obtain a universal application. Not a single Greek inscription has been found with the Olympiad upon it. The Roman era from the Building of the City (A.U.C.) is commonly found in Latin historians, but it was never used in ordinary life. Neither public acts nor private letters were dated by it, nor has a single inscription been found with the era A. U. C. upon it. Thus it appears that an era may be in existence, and yet so confined in area, that its general utility is unthought of. The Era of the Incarnation had been determined in the course of the enquiries which were made for the purpose of fixing the time of the Easter festival. The calculations originally took their start from the Cruci- XXX INTKODUCTION fixion, and by a subsequent inference they arrived at the era of the Incarnation. It was in the year ^^2, that Dionysius Exiguus, a Roman abbot, put forth his scheme initiating" the chronolog'ical system which ultimately prevailed, and which is known to us by the familiar ex- pression Anno Domini. Mr. Kemble thought it safe not only to assume that these tables must have been brought to Britain by Augustine in 597, which is emi- nently probable, but also to infer that the use of this new era must have been at once appreciated and gener- ally adopted, an inference which is as contrary to the particular evidence as it is to the general analogy of history. About the same time that Augustine came hither, Gregory of Tours was engaged in writing his history, and though this was already three quarters of a century after the publication of the Easter Tables of Dionysius, yet he takes no notice whatever of the new era. Still more weighty is the negative argument from the voluminous writings of his contemporary Gregory the Great, who does not mention the Dionysian Era. It was the habit of that pontiflp to date his letters by the regnal years of the emperors ; and letters so dated may be seen inserted in Bede's Ecclesiastical History as they were copied from Roman archives. This is the more forcible as Gregory the Great was somewhat of a reformer in the matter of the Calendar. He initiated one improvement which though but feebly supported at the time and then long neglected, has since been universally adopted. For he discarded the old and obscure divisions of the month into Nones, Ides, Calends ; and he numbered the days serially from the beginning to the end of the month as we do now. Examples of this method are not common, I XXXI but it may be seen in our documents, e.g. 8b: ' in mense maio in die septiraa ' ; and again 1 7 1 where the elder formula is added as an interpretation ' tertia de- cima die mensis Junii quod est Idus Junii '; and again 7 1 1, ' xi* die. iiii* idus octobris.' The history of our modern habit of dating by Anno Domini was briefly this. Early in the sixth century Dionysius Exiguus was continuing the Easter calcula- tion of Cyril, which had extended to a period of 95 years and which was then expiring. He not only produced a continuation of another 95 years upon the lines of Cyril, but he prefaced his Tables with an argument (Epistola ad Petronium) which had the happy effect of removing- an old cause of strife and dissension between the East and the West. But while his method was the same as Cyril's, there was one highly important innovation. The Bishop of Alexandria had numbered his years by the Diocletian Era, as was usual in Egypt. Dionysius altered this, and substituted the Era of the Incarnation. His motive is best told in his own words : Quia S. Cyrillus primum cydum ah anno Diocletiani cen- tesimo quinquagesimo tertio coepit, et ultimum in ducente- simo quadragesimo sejotimo terminavit^ nos a ducentesimo quadragesimo octavo anno ejusdem tyranni potius quam principis inchoantes^ noluimus circulis nostris memoriam impii et persecutoris innectere, sed magis elegimus ah Incar- natione Domini nostri lesu Christi annorum tempora prae- notare. So he, as he says, not choosing that his work should serve as the memorial of an impious and persecuting tyrant, framed his new Tables upon the Era of the Incarnation, and thus he introduced a change which XXXll INTKODUCTION slowly and gradually pervaded Christendom. The Easter Tables were subsequently continued by Isidore, Beda, and others, according to the era a.d., and this era from being the constant medium of the Easter Tables gradually be- came familiar. For a long time it was confined to the Calendar, then it passed into literature, and then into the Acts of Synods ; but it took centuries to bring it into civil use. Beda was the first to plant it in literature, as in his De Temporum Ratione^ cap. 45, entitled Be Annis Lominicae Incarnationis, and still more conspicu- ously in his History, which is chronologically framed upon it. Indeed this way of reckoning time holds so conspicuous a place in the structure of his History as to suggest the idea that the skeleton of his work was a series of annals arranged upon a scale of years Anno Domini, like the work of those English chroniclers who must be regarded as his successors in the historical office. Two hundred years before he finished his history, this era had been the basis of scientific computation in the study of a Roman abbot, and it had got so far as to be posted in annual notices upon church doors, but it required a further movement to bring it into literature and correspondence and the transaction of business. Bede, in his Be Batione Tem- porum, has recorded the following incident : — In the year 701 some of his brethren — that is, brother-monks of Jarrow or Wearmouth — being in Rome at Christmas-tide, saw a notice posted up on the tablets of St. Mary's church, of which they made a copy there and then : — * From the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ the years are 668.' The motive of this graphic little narrative is of a scientific nature — namely to settle the chronological interval between the Birth and the Death of Christy and I XXXI 11 to claim the authority of the Eoman See for the state- ment that the years of that interval were ^^. Thus it appears, that the first literary use of the era now so universally established, is identified with the name of our native historian, the Venerable Bede. The chronological evidence of our early documents, so far as it goes, tends to the same conclusion. When Kemble says that the documents on which we can rely are too few to found a negative proof upon, this is indeed a perfectly true statement in itself ; but it does not forbid us to use their data in combination with other evidence. If we take a series of eight documents at the highest date where such a series can be formed with a certainty of their genuineness, they will be of the follow- ing years :— 679, 692, 697, 733, 734 |1 y^6, 740, 759. These eight documents have been selected as a true repre- sentative series of the first quality ; and of this series the first five, though all more or less dated, whether by the month or the regnal year, or the Indiction, or by all these at once, have not the year Anno Domini ^. On the other hand, the last three agree in using the era ^, and from this time the practice is continuous. In the intervening year which breaks this series into two parts, falls the death of Bede, a.d. 735, and this coincidence harmonizes with the rest of the evidence in associating this great practical im- provement with the Anglian historian and chronologist. An important contribution to this enquiry is afforded by the decree of a Council holden in 816, where it is ordained that the bishop shall put the Acts of the Synod into writing, and date them by the Era of the Incarna- tion. Such an order could have been enacted only in an ^ See pp. 8 b, 14 1, 25 m, 28 h, 408 b. 2 At pp. 30 1, 35 1, 46 t. C XXXIV INTRODUCTION interval of transition ; it bespeaks a time when ecclesi- astics knew the era well enough, but had not acquired the punctual habit of using it ; which is indeed very much the way in which the matter stands even now with a section of the letter- writing community at the present day. Here then we have a formal epoch, a point of time from which it became obligatory to attach the date Anno Domini to a particular class of documents. Thus it appears that the documentary usage of the Christian Era established itself in England between the death of Bede in 735, and the year 816, when the prac- tice was enjoined upon all bishops in regard to Synodal Acts. And we are justified in concluding that this now universal practice comes down to the modern world from the hand of the Venerable Bede, that it grew and pre- vailed first of all in England, that it passed from this to other countries, and that ultimately it was adopted at Rome itself, which in this particular was a tardy follower of Anglian practice ^, Under Charles the Great and his early successors the era was rarely used, and during some of the Karling reigns it was neglected altogether. So much was this the case that Charles the Eat (d. 888) has been credited with the introduction of the practice ; and although this is incorrect, yet so slow was the progress which it made on the continent that it did not become general in France and Germany until the tenth century. ^ The materials of the above argument, except what these documents contribute, may be found in Ideler, but I am not aware that it has yet been presented in any English book. I must however add that I am indebted to my [lately departed] friend Mr. Dale of Balliol College for having called my attention to it, and that my ideas on the subject have been much enlarged by the conversation of another friend, Mr. Boase of Exeter College. I XXXV It has been asserted that this era was established by the authority of the see of Rome ^. Such an assertion looks strange by the side of the fact that Mabillon found no papal document so dated before Leo IX in the middle of the eleventh century. And even after this time the era was sparingly and mistrustfully used in papal bulls, nor was it until the fifteenth century that it came to be systematically adopted in the city of Dionysius ; — the first Pope who so used it being Eugenius IV (1431- AlY- Another way of characterizing the year, is by the ' Indiction,' which is often added in our documents. This term is not used to signify an era; it does not measure the present time by any fixed epoch in the past ; but it defines the year by its beginning and its end, and gives the place which such a year holds in one of the small cycles of fifteen years which followed one another continually. At first the use of this cycle was fiscal, being connected with the tribute due from public lands, which was newly assessed every fifteen years, and the new rate was announced by public Notice (indictio). This recurring event was naturally of great interest to farmers, and it generated a mode of popular chronology which was found to have qualities that fitted it for diplomatic use. The ideal epoch from which Indic- tions began to run, is B. c. 3, three years before our Era ; and it seems not improbable that in some partial sense they were actually in use from that epoch. But practically the Indiction, as a note of time, starts from A.D. 31 :^, the first year of Constan tine's undivided empire ; * And Kemble is under this impression all through. See his Intro- duction, p. 75. ^ Ideler, Eandhuch der Chronologie, ii. 366 fE. C % XXXVl INTRODUCTION and towards the end of the fourth century it is found entering into dates. Its advantage lay in the fact that it afforded a means of defi7iing any given year at a time vs^hen the ordinary means were failing : — the consular years being unsettled by the irregular appointment of the consuls, and there being no uniformity of practice as to when the year began. The formula of ' such a year of the Indiction ' (or briefly, ' such an Indiction ') indicated a well-defined and particular twelve months, beginning always with September i and ending with August 31. This was a welcome gain, and the Indiction won great repute. Duranti, writing in the thirteenth century, says : ' Tantse fuit auetoritatis indictio, ut nullus sine ea fieret contractus, nee privilegium, nee testamentum, nee alia scriptura sollennis : et etiam hodie eandem obtinet auctoritatem'^. Sometimes a charter is dated by the regnal year of the reigning king : according to Thorpe our earliest example of this is K175, a charter of Coenulf of Mercia, A.D. 798. Compare 295 b. vi. The Signatures. These are not autographs. The names appended to an Anglo-Saxon deed are not the manual subscription of the signataries : they are all scribe's work. And further, it is not the names them- selves that constitute the signatures. The essence of the signature consisted in making the ' sign ' of the Cross, which presumably may have been at the outset traced by the hand of each of the signataries. In a.d. 732 it is explicitly said that king JEthilberht wrote the sign of the cross (25 1). But in general the appearances suggest that the crosses too were prepared by the scribe, and that each signer perhaps went over it with a dry ^ Dictionary of Christian Antiquities v. Indiction. I XXXVll pen or laid a finger upon it ^. There is therefore nothing autographic in these lists of witnesses ; they are simply a written record of the fact that such persons assisted at the execution of the deed. The terras for the emblem of signature are in Latin signum, and its diminutive sigillum : — in English rode tacn^ 103 h ; mid cristes rode tacne^ iiom. The simplest formula recording the act is ' signum manus illius' e. g. 9, 14, 26 1, 28 m, S5 1> 59 ni. '53'^ 1- The force of custom in such matters is very strong and lasting ; so that we cannot from the absence of manual subscription conclude anything about the general pro- gress of the art of writing, much less about the inability of individuals to write. In a genuine deed of the eighth century by Wihtred of Kent, the king says ' pro igno- rantia litterarum + signum sanctae crucis expressi ' (p. 333 note). The general inability to write at first would have set the custom which afterwards operated collectively ^. The ratification by such signatures is of two kinds. A person may sign either as a party to the transaction, or as a witness only (52 t). These two functions are pretty clearly distinguished, even where the generic phrase ' signum manus ' runs throughout, as on p. 9, where the ^ In K816* the king says : — in hac cartula coram subnotatis testibus manu propria dominicae crucis depingo signum. ^ Mabillon quoted this instance, and added two parallels, one of the eighth century by Tassilo, duke of Bavaria, and one in the ninth century by Heribaud, comte du palais under Lewis II (a.d. 873); as if these proved general inability to write. The authors of the * Nouveau Trait^ de Diplomatique,' produced a fourth example in the case of Gui Guerra, count of Tuscany. But it was urged by Dr. Maitland, ' Dark Ages," p. 1 3, that the fact of a man's name being written for him by a scribe is no proof that he was unable to write, though no doubt such was often the fact. The very uniformity of the non-subscribing habit excludes all argument touching individuals. XXXVlll INTRODUCTION giver is distinguished as such in the attesting list which in other respects is uniform. Such a distinction seems to attach to those whose consent would naturally have been asked for the disposal of public land (p. 46, 59 m, 303 t, 1 25). Sometimes the signatures seem to represent the deliberative council, as p. 108. Instead of ' signum ' the diminutive ' sigillum ' some- times occurs, as a mere variety of expression and without any distinctive meaning. The first sense of this diminu- tive became merged in its later sense of seal, and this misled Hickes, who condemned any charter wherein a 'sigillum ' was said to be affixed. This error was corrected by Kemble. Hickes was however so far right in his general position, that the genuine documents of the Saxon period were not ratified with seals, at least not until the time of Edward the Confessor ^. Whether this negative assertion can be made absolutely concerning all the earlier reigns, is perhaps still open to question ; — but such is the general state of the case. This is the more re- markable, as Sir F. Madden observed long ago, inasmuch as the practice of sealing had prevailed among the Franks from the time of Clovis ^. Sealing was however something more than a national or local custom. The use of seals is one of the institutions of the elder world ; it is almost as old as the art of writing, and, being a rudiment of printing, it may be said to make the sister arts of writing and printing coeval with one another. The antiquity of seals is familiar to us in the Old Testament ; in Jeremiah xxxii. we see the seal associated ^ A charter of Edward the CJonfessor, granting the manors of Cley- gate (Surrey) and Staines (Berks) to the Abbey of Westminster, is exhibited under glass in the Chapter House there. This charter has a seal appended on a self- strip of the vellum. ^ Archaeological Journal, vol. xiii. p. 355. XXXIX with a purchase-deed. In the earlier Christian centuries seals were ordinarily impressed on wax from rings often set with gems, but sometimes they were made in a simple metallic matrix, like that of Dagobert I (a.d. 628-38) which is extant, bearing the king's face, and the legend DAGOBERTVZ REX PRANCORUM ^. The importance of the seal in public transactions is represented by the titles of high officers to whom the several kinds of seals were con- fided : in the Holy Roman Empire the Elector of Mainz as Imperial Chancellor, was Keeper of the Seal of the Empire, and he wore it round his neck on high occasions of state. In England we have the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, who is the Lord Chancellor ; the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal ; and another great official in Scotland is called the Keeper of the Signet 2. It is with reference to this official seal that a public notary in Scotland is called a Writer to the Signet, a circumstance which gains in historical interest from the fact that it was the profession of Sir Walter Scott's father. After the Conquest, the use of seals, at first confined to kings and great men, passed gradually into general use, and by the thirteenth century it was regarded as a necessary part of a deed, and from that time for some centuries every man who had important dealings had a seal of his own. The habit is now effete ; seals are only used by corporations ; in private transactions tlie figure of sealing is retained but the authentication depends solely upon duly witnessed subscription. The absence of seals from the transaction of public business in the Saxon period is further remarkable from ' Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, v. Seal. ^ The Earl of Glasgow is ' Lord Clerk Register and Keeper of the Signet ' — according to Whitaker for 1887, p. 301. xl INTBODUCTION the fact that eminent men had their own private rings and seals at that time, which they used for the authen- tication of notes and letters by sealing ; for so we must understand those passages where we read of the 'insegl' being sent as a credential, unless we suppose that the ring or seal itself was sent to give certainty to an order or message ^. The order of the signatures is available as historical evidence of rank and precedency, and so it has been used by Mr. Freeman in an instance quoted below, p. :Z27. We know that the sentiment was strong in the first century from Juvenal's Third Satire 8 1 , 'me prior ille signabit?' shall such as he sign before me? But it must be added, that there are examples of a disregard of strict precedency in favour of a fanciful order of signa- tures. In K118 (Heming) OflPa of Mercia signs first, his queen CyneSri'S last but one, and then, last of all, their son, ' Ecgfri^ filius amborum.' In the eleventh century we see the pretence of signing is sometimes abandoned, and a mere enumeration of witnesses inserted instead ; as with the goodly company 342 b. A few more remarks upon the degeneracy of these documents, in addition to what has already been said incidentally. Their depravation is for the most part associated with progress of time and change of cir- ' Two matrices of seals are preserved in the British Museum ; one of * Godwine, a Thane,' and another of 'MUric' The latter was erroneously quoted by Sir F. Madden as ' Leofric ' in Archaeological Journal, xiii. Also in the same case a leaden bulla of Coenulf, king of Mercia, 800- 810, which Mr. Franks thinks was probably taken from a document of foreign transaction. It is only reasonable to suppose that in diplomatic intercourse with people who used the seal we should have done the same. Concerning a seal of Offa, king of Mercia, see Dictionary of Christian Antiquities (Smith and Cheetham), vol. ii. p. 1872 ; and BC259. I xli cumstance; — the suspicious writings, whether fabrica- tions or modified revisions, are generally products of the times subsequent to the Norman Conquest. Not that contemporary forgeries were wanting, but either they have not come down to us, or we are without evidence of their falsity. That there were many such, we gather from repeated allusions, e. g. 44 1. But for our enquiry it is practically the first question in the examination of a document : — What is the date of its present form ? When charters are arranged in the order of the dates which they purport to bear, as in Kemble, we have a series of writings apparently in order, but really in chronological chaos. And there- fore in the Second Part of this book, the later copies or compositions are grouped in a descending scale of gradation which (with this hint) will enable the student to make his own observations. It would require much space to illustrate each particular, but a few examples may be useful. The inconsistency of the professed date with the veritable age of the composition is sometimes betrayed by continental terms which were not in use with us before the Conquest : thus, in TL2,^6 grapJiio^ palefridis ; and in Kiooi, 1050, the title comes in the Norman sense. Another of these words is vasallus^ for which see the Glossary. One of the commonest indications of a later hand is recognised in explanatory bits of historical or anti- quarian lore : — e. g. unam villam quod nos Saxonice an haga dicimus, 336 1; quae patria Ungua hagan appellari solent, 403 1 ; a taxationibus quod dicimus witeredenne, K1063. And generally, any proffer of explanation is suspicious: e.g. when I went over sea to Rome, 337 h. xlii INTKODUCTION Here however it must be added (and this fact makes it hard to lay down general rules), that there is hardly any feature in spurious deeds but something like it may be found in those which are genuine, e. g. 87 m. It is however a broad feature of spurious documents that they are industrious in explanation and allusion. They import historical events, as if to rivet themselves the more securely upon the time purported, and by the very effort they betray themselves^. Sometimes the documentary is merged in the narrative tone of the historian, as in BC620, partly given in this volume, p. 290. Historical events so imported are often quite correct. It would be too much to rank such allusions as trust- worthy evidence which might safely be used as authority sole ; — but when other grounds, even by themselves im- perfect, exist for giving probability to such statements, they may be made available, not only in confirmation, but even in extension of our knowledge. A good example is K233. This document, purporting to be of a.d. 833, is manifestly spurious ; but it alludes to an assembly of the magnates of the realm convened by Ecgberht to take counsel about the Danish invasions, and there is every probability that such a meeting was held about that date^. But when in K731, Cnut is made to ad- dress his thanes as ' twelfhynde and twyhynde ' ; as we have no other example of ' twyhynde ' thanes, and as this document bears other suspicious marks, it is not available as historical material. In K8i6"^, Edward the Confessor says — ' manu propria dominicae crucis depingo signum, et meae imaginis adnecto sigillum.' This docu- ment being a manifest fabrication, we might have treated ^ See Kemble, Introduction, p. 89. ^ Steenstrup Vikinyetogene, p. 39. witli undeserved contempt the mention of the king's seal with his own image upon it, if we had not known from extant impressions that it is a fact. The Seal of this king is the first of the Great Seals of England which form an unbroken series down to our own day. It bears the full-faced figure of the king seated ; with this superscription : >I< SIGILLVM EADVVARDI ANGLORVM BASILEI. This section would not be complete without a few remarks upon the external and material form of these documents. The originals are upon parchment, and a few of the earliest are written in uncial or minuscule characters. A word that will frequently meet the student's eye is Chirographum, commonly spelt Cyro- graphum. This Greek word for a Hand- Writing, is sometimes blazoned out large on the upper margin or the under margin, or both ; e. g. :Z42, 243, 244, 2,47. It seems to apply particularly to Contracts, and the practical import was, that the agreement being written three times upon one skin, with this word stretched over the interval between the copies, the knife was then passed through the two interspaces and so through the middle of the letters of this word, leaving the upper apices on one copy and the lower relics of the same word upon another copy, in such a manner that the original oneness of any two of the copies could at sight and with- out perusal be verified, if not by comparison with one another, at least upon the production of the third. When the skin had been thus divided into three, one part was taken by each of the contracting parties, and the third deposited in a place of security. Examples 216 h J 236 h, 344 1, 247 m. II The systematic study of these documents was first entered upon by Dr. George Hickes, in Ms Dissertatio Epistolaris, 1705. Since his time the chief explorer in this field has been Mr. J. M. Kemble, whose results are seen in the Prefaces to his Codex Liplomaticus, and in his later work The Saxons in England, The enquiries of Hickes were limited to the techni- calities, such as the points of evidence of genuineness or the reverse ; but Kemble, after having made a careful technical analysis, proceeded to study the documents as materials for the illustration of our early constitution. His enquiries led him into a reconstruction of our unwritten insular history, and the lines which he laid down, though challenged here and there, still continue to fiimish us with the current tracings of our early institutions, and constitute the basis of the outstanding discussion. He availed himself freely of that Comparative Method which in his time was a new discovery ; and he drew material from the kindred nations to serve in rebuilding the early framework of EngKsh society. A remarkable completeness of outline was thus attained ; but the benefit must be accepted with caution. In order to use his work profitably the student must distinguish between those things for which we have domestic evidence in our own documents, and that which has been taken over from comparative analogies. The Comparative Method is a fine aid to reconstruction when cognate sources mutually II ' xlv supplement each other's flaws and defacements ; but when the entirety of any institution is guaranteed by foreign sources only, the improved method of enquiry is apt to become a snare. It is now generally admitted that something of this kind happened to Kemble in his picture of the ' Mark ' as the unit of our early social state. Kemble says : ' Among the Anglosaxons land so held in common was designated by the names Mark, and Ga or Shire ^.' The word mearc occurs repeatedly in the documents, but never in the sense of the area of occupa- tion, still less in the poKtical sense of the occupying community ^. What Kemble calls ' its restricted and proper sense of a boundary ' (KS. i. 43) is the only sense it bears in our records ^. Kemble imagined the Marks as primary units which were grouped into districts bearing the name of ' Ga.' This is entirely derived from ^ Saorons in England, i. 36. The word shire scir has beeu much discussed ; it seems to me that the territorial sense is secondary, and that the primary sense is simply that of function or office. In the oldest glosses it represents procv/ratio, dispensatio, negotiatio. Sweet, Oldest English Texts, p. 624. This is the sense in all the three places which Kemble relied on in his chapter on the Shire, from the Laws of Ini, Sections 8, 36, 39 ; though in the third instance the thought of area is simultaneous. ^ Saxons in England, i. 42, 53. ^ The most manifest examples are such as in 200 b, to OswiSes mearce and Eadwoldes, to the dividing line between Oswith and Eadwold. The doubtful cases, if any, are few. The compound mearc- loud signifies, not the land of the community, but land on the border, outlying wild or forest land. Kemble's * mearc mdt ' occurs but once, in a poor document, stigmatized by himself, in the form merceviot K 568 ; and it may very well have meant a moot for the business of the moorland. For mearcbeorh, which he translates ' Markhill,' saying it is not at all of rare occurrence, I know but three places, as given in the Glossary. I see in the recent Number of the Bosworth-Toller Dictionary that this compound is explained (rightly as I think) — ' A hill which forms part of a boundary.' xlvi INTRODUCTION the comparative sources, and it is nothing less than the introduction of a word unknown to our insular literature. Kemble thought that he had recovered the term ' Ga ' as equivalent to German Gau district, and that its ex- istence and constitutional use was vouched for l»y the document printed below, p. 458 ; whereas the appear- ance was deceptive, and those names are but genitive plurals in -inga ; some of them ill written. An author is at liberty to borrow what terms he pleases from historical analogies if they will aid him as technical terms in the expression of his meaning ; but the student must be warned against accepting them as if they were based upon domestic evidence. In Kemble's reconstruction, Mark and Ga are not historical but theoretical terms. This being once understood, it will be recognised as an open question whether his Mark theory is justified by further examination. According to Kemble, each Mark was an agricultural community managing its own aflfairs with republican equality and simplicity, there being as yet no manorial lords. And although at the first moment of full historic light we find manorial rights everywhere, yet this he considered as a departure and a degeneracy from the local autonomy of the primitive settlement, and he traced it to some abuse of power. Mr. Kemble's sketch of the cradle of our institutions has by no means given general satisfaction, but it cannot be said that in the criticism it has undergone it has received any definite or substantial rectification. Little is gained by rejecting the terms he adopted if the sub- stance of his plan is retained ; — the real source of his weakness is in the defective nature of his elementary plan. That the conquerors did really establish some II xlvii such an agricultural system as the Mark, seems to be quite certain. Tacitus at one end, and the agricultural Re- ports at the other, establish the fact so well, that it must be taken as immoveable and axiomatic. ' The Mark was a voluntary association of free men, who laid down for themselves, and strictly maintained, a system of cultivation by which the produce of the land on which they settled might be fairly and equally secured for their service and support ; and from parti- cipation in which they jealously excluded all who were not born, or adopted, into the association.' Saxons in England, i, 54. So far is common ground : — but when he goes on to develop the Mark-courts as at first quite independent of lords, and to tell us that ' even long after the downfall of the primaeval freedom, the lord himself had been only the first Markman ' — we are led by our data to part company with our guide. Our contention is not so much against what Kemble asserts, as against what he denies. We have not a word to say against Kemble's Mark as an agricultural system, except that the picture is mutilated in its social and political relations. It will be the aim of the following pages to show that from the first there was an authority over the Markmen, and that the lord of the manor is an essential member of the original settlement. The influence of Kemble's Mark theory has been very wide, and its consequences may be traced even where the theoiy itself is not accepted ; for there is a sort of tacit assumption that the beginnings were different in constitution from anything that history reveals, and that between the beginnings and the time when evi- dences become available an agrarian revolution had taken place. The lords of manors are thought to have attained to their position through usurpation of power by lucky members of the community who somehow had xlviii INTRODUCTION emerged from the primitive equality and had grown powerful over the rest. Besides the arbitrary nature of such a conjecture, entirely unevidenced, there is the a priori improbability that such a fortuitous evolution would have resulted in a net- work of little local dominions wherein a highly organized structure is combined with that broad identity of family likeness with which the manors, under all their minor diversities, are so con- spicuously stamped. In the study of these land-charters we are driven by very necessity to construct for ourselves a plan and a picture of the original land distribution of the country, and therewithal to form an elementary sketch of the whole social and political fabric ; for without some such a plan in the mind it is not possible to get any definite idea of the nature and bearings of the transactions represented in these writings. The large number of documents of one general type which time has spared us, is such as to suggest that as a body of writings they have a signifi- cance beyond that of a fortuitous aggregation of trans- fers, which may just shed some incidental light upon the page of history. The circumstance that a large proportion of them concern monastic lands has perhaps had a misleading effect. It has been thought sufficient to refer the whole collection to the religious enthusiasm of our simple forefathers in the days when Christianity was recent among them, and so to explain the Grants as so many offerings of piety or superstition. There is not a little in the documents themselves to flatter such a view of the case. And indeed it is true so far as it goes. But as an explanation it is* by no means com- mensurate with the facts to be explained. It may seem to cover a large part, but it manifestly does not cover II xlix the whole of the data ; and to say the least of it, we should require a separate explanation for the motive of those Grants which were made to lay hands. In these matters it is quite impossible to obtain a right point of view, unless we first have a definite notion of the rela- tion that subsisted between the distribution of the land and the general fabric and intercourse of society. Indeed, it is only from an orderly view of the latter that we can see the reason of the former ; and it will be (incidentally) an evidence that our view of the structure of society is right, if it carries with it a solution of the perplexities of the land-tenures. At the entrance of our fathers into this island (I am thinking particularly of the invasion by way of Hampton, which was the latest and therefore conducted, presumably, upon the most matured plan) they ad- vanced inland and occupied the ground in the face of the enemy without making any distinction at the mo- ment between a military occupation and a colonising settlement. Their banded forces were divided by hun- dreds, and by hundreds they spread over the face of the land, and under the exigencies of war with the guidance of their plan of campaign they shaped the first draft of the political map, such as in its most elementary ground- work it continues to this day. At this moment the Hundreds on our map represent the first permanent encampments of the invading hosts, and the military organization of the country was worked on that first outline for many centuries. The civil administration fell into the mould of the military, and at this moment the old common law remains, though now made statute - able, that the Hundred is the unit of our finance and police administration, where personal or corporate respon- d I INTEODUCTION sibility is not .otherwise provided for, as in the case of destruction by rioters, or by wreckers ^. It must be remembered that the military hundred contained twelve tens, and accordingly we find in the internal division of the Hundred there were twelve ' Hyndens,' or, as they afterwards came to be called, Tithings. The two words mean the same thing, for the word HUND at first meant, not lOO but lo. In hynden we see a feminine abstract substantive derived from liund in its elder sense, with umlaut of the u. And this ex- plains the terms twelphynde and sixhynde as expres- sive of ranks of men. The former was originally ^ captain of 1 20, the latter of 60 men 2. The first internal work to be done by the Hundred, as soon as they had leisure to look about them, would be the land distribution. This would naturally be con- ducted upon traditional principles and according to national custom, except where the novelty of the cir- cumstances required some innovation in detail or led perhaps unconsciously to the creation of some new form of institution. The allotted land was of two distinct kinds. Certain ^ When Nottingham Castle was burnt by the mob in 1832, the Hun- dred was sued, and the owners recovered damages to the amount of £21,000. Annual Begisterfor 1832 : — 'Leicester : The Duke of New- castle V. the Inhabitants of the Hundred of Broxtowe.' Within the last two or three years destruction of property at elec- tions has come upon the Hundred, and ratepayers have had occasion to learn that the Hundred is not dead. The Hundred is still alive as a financial division. My friend Mr. Alfred Hill writes me from Birmingham : * I am a Commissioner of Income Tax, Land Tax, and Inhabited House Duty for the Hundred of Hemlingford.' He adds that this Hundred was rated to pay for the Birmingham riots of 179 1 and of 1839. ^ The twelfhynde man's life-price was 1200 shillings, Ine 70; but this does not appear to me to contain the reason of the name — rather to be a consequence of it. II li land was given absolutely to every head of a family and indeed to every free man, for a perpetual inheritance in the family, and subject to no burdens but such as were elementary and essential as conditions of general security. Other lands were assigned, not to individuals, but to each township as a corporate body, every member of the township having his share in the use and enjoyment of it according to traditional custom. When all present demands were satisfied, there still remained land un- allotted, and this was the property of the nation, this was the folc land, or as it was also sometimes popularly called No man's land, Nanes mannes land ^ The historical word, which designated land allotted under the first of these conditions, was most likely edel ^. To this corresponds the Frankish alod^ not by any ety- mological affinity, but by a practical equivalency of sig- nification. The word alod ^, in its latinised form alodium * ' The village greens which still exist in many parts of the country, may fairly be regarded as a remnant of old unappropriated common land,' F. Pollock, Land Laws, p. 39. ^ The word edel is of high antiquity, being found in every Teutonic dialect, and it had early passed to a secondary stage of signification in which it was expressive of nobility of descent. This divided sense may have been the cause which led to the continental invention of the term alod. At the time of the English colonization edel must have been already tinged with the secondary sense even in our dialect, but it was still serviceable in its original and proper sense as a designation of the family inheritance, and it seems to have been used as the general term for the patrimonial estate whether great or small. It is perhaps some evidence of this that with us edel became the general word for home or native country, and in Latin studies the recognised equivalent of patria. ^ This term is resolved by Grimm into at and 6d (A.S. bad) i. e. whole or solid property. R. A. 493. This derivation was, I believe, new ; h\xt feodum had been derived long ago from/eo and od by Wachter, Glossarium Germanicum, quoted by Robertson, Charles V, vol i. note 8, ' intimating that it was stipendiary, and granted as a recompense for service.' Both these derivations are sustained by the authority of Dr. Murray in the New Dictionary ; v. Alod. da Ill INTRODUCTION or allodium^ first entered this country wifch the Normans, and appears often in Domesday. Not only was the estate and residence of the noble called his i^del ; but also I imagine that each detached hut in the village or in the fields, with its breadth of curtilage about it, and a few acres of croft or paddock around, was the edel or private estate of the commoner ^. To the second class of allotted land belongs the much-questioned term Hide hId, higid. What was the relation of this word to the former as a question of terminology? Was it another word for the same thing, a mere equivalent of Ethel ? This seems to have been Kemble's view, as he puts the two words upon a level, but he is not very explicit upon the point. Certainly the same natural title was at the base of both kinds of property ; but heir-land and common land must have had their several designations, and we will suppose (at least provisionally) that these two terms were thus distributed. This at least appears certain, that the term hId is as old as the time of the very first settlement. The universality of its use and the obscurity of its definition are two threads of evidence which seem to converge upon the cradle. On the other hand, there is no indication of a higher antiquity than the time of the colonization ; the word is not found in any of the sister dialects, and is dis- tinctly an insular term. As to the portion of the soil * Modern authorities call this ^del either 'family land,' as Mr. H. Cabot Lodge in his 'Anglo-Saxon Land Law' {Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law, Boston, U.S. and London 1876) ; or * heir-land,' as Professor Pollock in his Land Laws, p. 191. The latter phrase is supported by the term erfes, 149I. This is the terra salica of the Franks ; Grimm, JR. A. 493. In 327m there is a remarkable expression * Edfer^es eald land/ which seems to indicate land of this nature. II liii which it designated, I think Kemble's view must be preferred, that it applied particularly to the arable land ; — including perhaps the rights of pasture which were appended to the arable. Beyond the village of the commoners and its circuit of Ethel-land lay the common arable field with its en- vironment of meadow and pasture. These lands were enjoyed in common by rules of ancient custom which were administered by officers annually chosen. Each household had its share in all the various parts and sorts of land according to the working of agricultural custom. Each household had a household's portion, called in Latin casatus, manens^ mansa^ &c., and these Latin words represent the vernacular hid. When the work of distribution was finished, there re- mained wide tracts of unappropriated land, and such sur- plus land was the property of the nation, and was called FOLC LAND ; in Latin terra communis^ 394^- I^ was com- pletely analogous to the jmblicus ager which occupies a prominent place in Roman history. This was the great reserve fund of the nation, by which the public service was provided for, and from which were made those grants and laens which we shall come to by and bye. In the meantime it will be useful to take a general view of the situation. But first, there is one little remark to be added about the folk-land. Apparently not all folk-land was held by the nation at large, it was not all king's folk-land, ' terra juris mei.' We find mention of Tithing-land TEG'S ung LOND 164b; and it seems reasonable to infer that the Hundred held land ^. Indeed, as there must have been ^ I do not understand K. Maurer's reasoning in Ueberschau, i. 69, where he concludes that in England the Hundreds had no common land. liv INTRODUCTION expenses attending the business of the Hundred, it is not clear how these were to be otherwise met. The Hundred and the Tithing were the first elementary centres of administration, one of which has kept up a continuous function even to our day, while the other had a broken and patched career^. The system was originally military, and out of the military grew the civil administration. It is sometimes difficult to follow Kemble so as to verify the consistency of his views about the first organisation of English society. In particular, I cannot reconcile his democratic Mark with a sentence like the following, a sentence which rivets attention by its intrinsic probability, and which I perceive also has had a strong attraction for Dr. Stubbs, who recurs to the idea more than once. Kemble's words are — ' there can be no doubt that some kind of military organisation preceded the peaceful settlement, and in many respects determined its mode and character' (Saxons, i. p. 125). This fruitful idea has had no organising eflfect upon Kemble's treatment, He shows from Nordstrom, that in Sweden, besides common fields of the village (bys-almanningar), and national lands (lands-almanningar), there were also lands of the Herad, a division like our Hundred (haraths-almanningar), and the parallel is more forcible than any- thing suggested against it. See Stubbs, Const. Mist., c. v. p. 97 note. As to the Shires, however, which have been coupled with the Hun- dreds in this question, I do not think that in early times they did hold public land. ^ The later institution of the frib borh or Frani Pledge, plegium de stando ad rectum, which ran in personal groups of ten, Jidejusno decennalis, must be carefully distinguished from the territorial area of the original Tithing. But there is also a sense in which the two institutions must be associated; for the later institution seems to have been a substitute for the original Tithing which had become eflfete. II Iv nor, so far as I have observed, upon that of subsequent constitutional historians. Nothing can be much further from the idea, of military organisation than Kemble's idyllic sketch of the self-government of the ceorls. Of all principles of military regiment there is none so necessary or so elementary as this, that all men must be under a captain, and such a captain as is able to command prompt and willing obedience. We have abundant experience that this was recognised as the most elementary principle in Anglo-Saxon politics, Upon this military principle I conceive the English settlements were originally founded, that each several settlement was under a military leader, and that this military leader is the ancestor of the lord of the manor. There appears in our early history an order of men who are manifestly in a position of superiority but of an intermediate and subordinate kind ; they are called GESiDAS. They are distinctly recognised in the early Laws as constituting one of the divisions of society, but are no more heard of after the eighth century. The term fades away as that of ]7EGN comes into prominence ; and I venture to suggest that this order of men, for whom no local habitation has yet been found, are the commissioned officers of the invading bands and the first incumbents of our manorial lordships. Kemble has indeed assigned to the gesi'Sas a sphere, and in his famous chapter on ' The Noble by Service' he has made the development of our most prominent insti- tutions to turn upon the agency of this order of men. But whatever the merits of his argument as an explana- tion of the growth of feudal nobility, it seems to me quite wide of the mark as concerns the nature of the lord of the manor. Ivi INTBODUCTIOK The gesi'Sas being identical with the comites sur- rounding a jorinceps in the description of Tacitus, he traces their growth into a little standing army about the king, a band much admired by the simple ceorl, who only sees in the institution a troop of volunteers ready to take the military duty off his hands, little suspecting the danger with which his own order is threatened. These gesi'Sas are (we are told) men who have abandoned their freedom to live in military insolence under a lord, being all the while in their own personal rights nothing but menials ' the unfree chattels of a prince ■^.' Gradually the freemen are overawed, and rights of lordship are established over them, and in this overbearing usurpation we are invited to recognise the origin and growth of a new nobiKty upon the ruins of the ancient orders eorlisc and ceorlisc alike, and this new growth gives also the development of the manorial lordship ; — for what took place about the person of the king took place also (we are told) in the several communities, and so the manor is represented as a deductive result from the comitatus or military institute of the royal eoui-t. There is no direct evidence for this representation, but Kemble, having committed himself to the assertion that the first colonists lived in Marks which were so many autonomous little republics, found it necessary to recon- cile this theory with the fact that when the open day- light of history succeeds to the obscure dawn of the Mark, all village communities are found to be living under lords. This transformation had to be explained, ^ Professor Pollock {Land Laws, p. 29) says : * Kemble's opinion tliat this relation [that of the geslS] involved the loss of freedom can only be called the eccentricity of a man of genius. It is disposed of by Konrad Maurer, Kritische Ueberschau, ii. 391 sqq.' II Ivii and the above is Kemble's explanation. So he started with a misconception of the gesithas, which, though bnt a film from the truth at first, diverged with progress, and was incapable of rectification in his hands, because he was interested in the error. Kemble's argument appeared as a counter-statement to that view of our agrarian constitution which had long ruled the law-books, and which is thus formulated in the oft-quoted words of Blackstone : — ' Villeins in process of time gained considerable ground on their lords, and in particular strengthened the tenure of their estates to that degree, that they came to have in them an interest in many places full as good, in others better than their lords. For the good-nature and benevolence of many lords of manors having, time out of mind, permitted their villeins and their children to enjoy their possessions without interruption in a regular course of descent, the Common Law, of which custom is the life, now gave them title to prescribe against their lords, and on performance of the same services to hold their lands, in spite of any determination of the lord's will. . . . Thus it appears that copyholders are in truth no other but villeins, who by a long series of immemorial encroach- ments on the lord, have at last established a customary right to those estates which before were held absolutely at the lord's will.' The doctrine which Kemble laid down is the reverse of the above ; he held that the rights of the lord of the manor have grown by encroachment upon the original common ownership of the free and independent mark- men^. He seems throughout his argument to confuse two ^ I say ' doctrine laid down ' — but the fact is Kemble never fairly faced the problem of the manor at all ; he had in the background a pre- Iviii INTKODUCTION things, which sprung out of the same elements and have a natural similarity, but which need on this very ground the more carefully to be distinguished, namely, the manorial system and the feudal system. These two systems are from one nest, and that nest the comitatus, the band of companions in arms who follow chieftain or king ; and springing from this common parentage, they have a family likeness apt to deceive ; for, much as they have in common, they belong to different times and circumstances, and even the character of the comitatus itself differed at the birth of the two. The manor sprang from the comitatus of the chieftain, the adventurer ; the feudal system from the comitatus of the long-established king. The manor is far older than the feudal system and has over-lived it ; the manor has seen the feudal system come and go, and yet there is life in the manor. Upon the origin of manorial rights there are two chief theories, and Mr. Scrutton has aided the discussion by providing these rival theories with technical names, calling the elder of the two, that authorized by Black- stone, the legal theory; and the modem one, which has sprung out of later economic and historic enquiries, the historical theory. According to the legal theory, the lord of the manor is the absolute owner of the soil, and whatever rights or benefits the community enjoy, they owe to his concession and clemency. According to the historical theory, on the contrary, the Manor is a degenerate transformation of the Free community, through the aggrandisement and usurped powers of one conceived opinion, which he referred to when convenient, like any axiom. Thus : — * in Manors, where the territorial jurisdiction of a lord has usurped the place of the old Markmoot, &c.' KS i. 54. n lix of its members : — the Freemen of the Township having sunk down into the Villeins of the Manor ^. Mr. Scrutton thinks that there is room for both these theories, inasmuch as the historical theory may well represent the state of things in England before the Norman Conquest, while yet the legal theory may furnish a correct legal statement of manorial relations for the period which followed after William's grant or regrant of almost all the land of England -. Athwart these rival theories comes Mr. Seebohm's ingenious argument as if to effect a compromise be- tween them, or rather to blend them together in one continuity of historical development. He urges that the Saxon invader found in Britain a system of agri- culture which is the true antecedent of the manor. Upon his view of the case the legal theory triumphs ; not, however, to the exclusion of the historical theory, but rather by its subordination and absorption. The original type is the Roman villa with its gang of slaves, and from this the manorial system has been developed through the wise and humane policy of the lords. This theory assigns to the whole community on a Saxon estate a servile origin, and whatever its defect-s, it does at least affoi-d adequate explanation for the in- * The Law Qtuirterly Review, October, 1S87. I have to thank Mr. Whittuck, of Oriel College, for putting this Article into my hand, and for other good suggestions. ^ My impression is, that the so-called historical theory (as usually stated' does not represent a state of things that ever existed at all. I do not deny that encroachment took place ; there always is en- croachment by every order of men when in a position to encroach. It seems to me that there was a growing tendency on the dominical side of the Soken to absorb the commoners, and to assimilate them to the condition of the customary tenantry. But I contend that we cannot find in such encroachment an adequate cause for the origination of manorial lordship. ]x INTKODUCTION cidents of servile tenures, which are not so well provided for in the historical theory. The objection which has been raised against Mr. Seebohm's view is that it leaves no place for those free proprietors, who (it is well known) were necessary to the constitution of a manor. This objection may be put in another way. It may be asked— Where then are all the rank and file of the conquering Saxon host ? They could not every one of them step into the place of a wealthy Romano-British proprietor, and become the progenitor of a race of manorial landlords. These cer- tainly became allodial owners, and they must be ac- counted for in any theory that purports to be complete. What favours Mr. Seebohm's view is the strange paucity of free tenants in Domesday. But here we must bear in mind that in the course of 600 years many causes of decline might occur, which would press heavier on the small proprietor than on the man of liberal estate ^. If Mr. Seebohm's explanation cannot be accepted as satisfactory and final, I believe that he has considerably advanced the discussion, and has brought the problem ^ One such cause we see in operation below, 275 m. But I think there is another matter to be considered. Is it certain that we rightly understand the ' liberi homines ' of Domesday ? The earlier sense of Latin liher and English free, with their derivatives, may sometimes escape observation. The following quotation presents the case with double-barrelled authority : — *And how keen and true is this criticism on the changed sense of the word "liberty": — "A great many words have changed their meaning. The word liberty, for example, had at bottom among the ancients the same meaning as the word dominion. I would he free meant, in the mouth of the ancient, / would take part in governing or administering the State; in the mouth of a modern it means, / would he independent. The word liberty has with us a moral sense ; with them its sense was purely political." ' Matthew Arnold, Essays in Criticism, ' Joubert.* II Ixi much nearer to solution than it was before. The Roman Villa does seem to supply with a remarkable fitness that dominical element in the Manor, which is alien to the free agricultural Community, and which cannot be derived from it but by a violent and arbitrary hypothesis of aggrandisement and usurpation. But, on the other hand, the idea that a co-tillage Community was developed out of the servile household of a Villa, is surrounded with an atmosphere of im- probability. The process may not be inconceivable in itself, but what are its relative probabilities when compared with that obvious explanation which is already in possession of the field, namely, that the conquering Saxons when they settled upon their new territory continued those habits of agriculture in which they had been reared ? If we accept at Mr. Seebohm's hands the dominical side of the manorial constitution, we must on the other hand continue to derive the Common Fields from those free ancestral customs for which our text is Tacitus^. ^ It is recorded of Aristotle that he advised the conqueror of Asia to govern his Greek subjects as a president, but the conquered races as a master. This wise counsel aptly represents what took place at the English Conquest of Britain. The course which Alexander did not take;, though advised by the greatest of political philosophers, our forefathers were led to take by their political instinct in following the lead of circumstances. The conquerors found a system of agriculture worked by families of slaves in Eoman villas ; they kept what they found, only putting an English lord into the place of a Romano-British dominus, and so without further change they founded the ' domain ' or ' vill ' of the English manor. The gesi^, who was a lord to the conquered people, was but a captain and president to his own kindred. This striking parallel is from Grote, History of Greece, c. 94. He quotes Plutarch, Fortun. Alex. M. p. 329 ; ov yap, ws 'hpiaroTeK-qs avve^ov- \€V€V avT^, Tois fxev "EW-qffiv ^ye^ioviKus rots Se fiap^apois SeairoTiKuis Xpoj/ievov, . . . dWa koivos tjkhv OcoOev dp/ioCT^s Kal SiaXXaKT^s tuv o\(tiV VOfU^OJVy K.T.\. Ixii INTRODUCTION When the ceorlas received their land, they proceeded to divide and administer it according to traditional rules, subject however to this additional circumstance that they were planted as an army corps, and transacted all their aflPairs under the ruling hand of a commander, that is to say, under the presidency of a commissioned officer. The military character of that officer continued for centuries, and even outlived the Norman Conquest ; but a civil character was engrafted upon the military character, as this officer was held responsible for legality and local order towards his superior driJiten, the hundredes ealdor. That which has occasioned the difficulty in the history of the manor is its composite nature, but this difficulty exists only on the assumption of perfect simplicity and equality at the outset ; — the difficulty vanishes if the manor had a composite origin. The military officer settled with a suitable provision by the side of his company is the lord by the side of free owners. We have not to resort to any theory of encroachment on the part of some overgrown ceorl, as the votaries of the historical theory have found it necessary to do ; nor need we make the lord the generous source of free rights as in the legal theory ; nor thirdly, we are not driven to base the growth of a common agriculture upon the sagacious ingenuity of landlords as Mr. Seebohm does. All the essential parts and members of the manor are found in the germ of the original institution. This view is quite compatible with the acceptance of almost all that recent authors have said about com- munity of land and rotation of tenure ; all that system which we now understand by the ' Village Community.' If Ixiii That system has been abundantly evidenced by modern agricultural Reports, which have directed public atten- tion to the remaining traces of common-field cultivation in association with manors. The time is hardly beyond the reach of living memory when this system was still prevalent in some parts of the country. The recon- structed picture of the life of our first colonists on the ' Village Community ' plan is true so far as it goes, but it is not the whole truth. By the side of, and in a kind of presidential authority over, this agricultural republic was seated a lord, who had his own separate domain and an establishment of slaves and of tenants in various degrees of servitude or of personal dependence upon his will. In later times, when tenures are described by legists, we find the manor in possession of two courts, the court baron and the customary court of the copyholders. This duality of administration within the manor is the natural and mature outcome of a duality that was stamped upon the primal settlement. The court baron is the original court of the free settlers under a presi- dent ; the second court is a development, and this development consists wholly in the growth and expan- sion of new rights to the limitation of that absolute power which the lord enjoyed at the outset ^. The modern manor with its two courts and two systems of agriculture existing and working along side by side is but the faithful conservation of the original ^ My subject does not require me to speak of the Court Leet, "because it was not inseparably incident to a Manor of common right, as the Court Baron was. I gladly pass it by, because I can find no light upon its history. Dr. Stubbs can only say that the grant of sac and 80C is probably the basis of the Court Leet. Const. Hist,, i. 85. Ixiv INTKODUCTION type. These two courts are tlie organs of the two groups of population, which may perhaps at one time have been discriminated by the two terms which are now used synonymously, namely, township and vill. The township is the settlement of the free men, the rank and file of the conquering nation ; the vill is (I apprehend) the seat of their captain, as a territorial lord. And what the lord was in his village or his batch of villages that the king was over the nation. Both are of the same moment and of the same motive. Much of the enquiry into the Growth of the Royal Prerogative might have been spared, if it had been seen that the royal office was military in its inception, and hence we might expect to see it elevated and imperial in its nature, even at the earliest date at which evidence begins to be available ^. The royal character is a natural development from that of a chieftain with his council of war around him ^. Most surely Kemble's instinct led him right, when he fixed upon the gesi^as as an order of men around whom the problem revolved. These are the words in which he 1 yEthelberht's Laws, cap. 8, 15. Stubbs, Const. History, § 71. Gneist has a note on the clever monograph of Allen, * Inquiry into the rise and growth of the Royal Prerogative in England ' (1830), in which he says : 'In the background one can perceive in this author the idea of usurpation and a continual dislike of monarchy ; everything that is immature and anomalous in the development of kingly power he ac- cordingly places in the foreground.' The History of the English Constitution, tr. Ashworth, vol. i. p. 17. The same kind of prejudice is only too perceptible in Kemble. It sometimes leads him into extra- vagant errors (as it seems to me) of interpretation, or at least helps to content and confirm him in them ; e. g. Cod. Pipl. Introduction, pp. 53, 56. ^ The history of the Council after the Norman Conquest is developed in the Arnold Prize Essay of i860 by Mr. Dicey; entitled The Privy Council, Eepublished 1887 (MacmiUan). II Ixv introduces us to the gesi^. 'As the proper name for the freeman is ceorl, and that for the born noble eorl, so is the true word for the comes or comrade, gesid.' As much as to say, that gesi^ is a term of such sig- nificance as claims to rank third by the side of those two words which represent the most radical and ex- haustive distinction in the early composition of free society ^. This is a profound observation, and one that was by no means self-evident ; but the statement is not matured to that aphoristic lucidity which renders exposition superfluous. Consequently, some explanation is needed to bring out its meaning and application, and to win for it due estimation as a guiding historic sentence. For it is not plain on every aspect of the case that gesi'S has a claim to be brought near to eorl and ceorl, those matchless patriarchal designations. Indeed at the first glimpse we are rather struck by a glaring disparity of condition between this third term and the elder two. Each of these absolutely covers its own field, and there is no synonym for either ; whereas gesi^ is by no means singular as a word for comes. On the contrary, the group ^ ' The origin of the distinction it is in vain to search after ; the difference of the Eorl and the Ceorl is a primary fact from which we start ; it is as old as the earliest notices of Teutonic institutions ; and the only attempt at its explanation is to be found in an ingenious mythical story in a Northern Saga.' Freeman, N. C, i. 88. The story referred to is the Rlgsm^l, for which see Vigfusson and Powell, Corpus Poeticum Boreale, vol. i. p. 234 ff. It should be observed that * eorl ' here is not a title of nobility, but the common designation of an upper class, a superior order in free society ; this word does not appear in England as a title until the eleventh century, and then it is an adaptation of the Scandinavian ' Jarl.' Still more important is it to keep the Saxon comes distinct from the Comes of the Normans, which still stands for the Latin equivalent of the titular ' Earl.' The so-called * Asser ' has this Comes ; and it is ominous. e Ixvi INTRODUCTION of words importing companion is so numerous as to ob- scure the fact that amidst such a vocabulary of comrade- ship there was one word and one only which represented comes in the Tacitean sense, and in the sense which interests the constitutional historian. It was Alfred's employment of the word to translate the titular comes of Beda that led Kemble to the discovery which he has embodied in the above dictum. The most ordinary word for companion is gefera, from fara7i to go. Etymologically, this is the most exact representative of comes. It is obliquely repre- sented in the German Gefahrte. In 42I we have the signature of a ' cinges gefera.' In the poetic literature we have gestealla, one who shares the same place {steal) ; eaxl gestealla, companion at a prince's shoulder ; fyrd gestealla, marching comrade ; hand gestealla, close companion ; lind gestealla, shield- fellow ; will gestealla, Q^o^en Q0Tc\Y2i^e. A rarer poetic word is gesella, dweller in the same hall {sal) ; whence hand gesella in the Beowulf. Current as an ordinary word in German Geselle. An uncommon word is ge)70fta, of obscure etymology, which is glossed colihertus, contubernalis, cliens. A word of great importance is geneat, which is extinct in modem English, but lives in Dutch gen 00 1- schap, and German Genosse companion, Genos- senschaft society. It is connected with neotan enjoy, and it rests upon the idea of fellowship in domestic accommodations, especially the common fire and the common board. The phrases are beod gen:^at table- companion, eald GENiifeAT old comradc, heokd gen^iat hearth-fellow ; the first and third in Beowulf, the other in Maldon. II Ixvii But of all this set of words the one which has had the longest and most prominent career is geri^fa, still extant in English reeve^ and the second part of sheriff sciE GEREFA, a word which Giimm's derivation [Rechts- alterthumer, 753) based upon the shelter of a common roof and rafter. If phonetic laws exclude this etymo- logy, the derivation from an adj. EOF excellent, seems contrary to analogy ^. In the Parker Glossary (8th cen- tury) occurs the entry ' Proceres^ geroefan^.' It seems to be generally agreed that any connection of this word with the Prankish graj^hio and the German title of nobility Graf must be abandoned, and that these words are to be traced back to the Greek ypdcf)€Lv write^. We come now to the term which alone is capable of ranking with eorl and ceorl, namely gesid. In Moeso- Gothic it appears as gasintha, from sinthan to travel ; — the n, which in our word is merged, retains its place in the modem German Gesinde and its diminutive Ge sin del. The present signification of these words in current German takes a humble range, but this is perhaps due to degeneracy, as the figure which the word makes in the Lombard laws implies a certain dignity, not unHke that of the English gesid*. ^ Kemble himself, who is the author of this derivation, did not like the adjective for a source, and therefore he feigned a substantive rdf clamor. Saxons, ii. 154. His two arguments against Grimm's deriva- tion seem to me unsatisfactory, both of them. ^ At an early date this word became so official that we seldom find it in its first sense of companion. It is, however, sometimes inter- mixed and confused with gefera in the MSS., and in particular may be mentioned the Law of Ine, 63, where his gebefan is in the Latin version rendered socios suos. ^ Weigand, v. Graf; Skeat, v. Meeve. * In a Table of Wergilds : — ' Gasindius maximus .ccc. solidi. Ga- sindius minimus .cc. solidi.' See Robertson, Scotland's Early Kings, ii. 2 78.. e % Ixviii INTRODUCTION In Middle High German the Gesinde is a military companion or man-at-arms, and this is apparently the sense which the word had commonly borne at the de- parture of the Saxons from their mother country. It was natural that this word should rise in value and get intensified through the organisation and struggle of the invasion, where I apprehend the general term for the well-born officers was gesid. Of all the titles of com- panionship hitherto enumerated none but gesid seems to have been capable of the most familiar and affec- tionate epithet — 'swaese gesi'Sas,' as it is in Beowulf. But what particularly justifies the aphorism of Kemble, is the fact that this term actually supplanted the term EORL as a designation of the noble in contradistinction to the commoner. I do not know that a clear instance of EORL in this original sense can be found after the Laws of Aethelberht, though there are many passages where it might seem so to the unwary reader. In the early laws, the GEsi'S appears as the local police officer. In the Laws of Ine (before a. d. 694) it is assumed and implied that there is in every township a gesi'S. This is a universal institution ; the local administration of public order rests everywhere upon the gesi"Sas. One of the most important functions that devolved upon the gesiS was the outlook against banished men, a duty which implied the cognizance of strangers in general. The harbouring of such outlaws was called flyme7ia fyrmd^ and this is a crime of which we learn the importance by the numerous and emphatic repetition of the sanctions. The penalties were at first ruinous, but they appear to have grown more lenient with the progress of society and the growth of security. What demands our attention at this point is the remarkable II Ixix fact that the penalty fell not only upon the actual offender, but likewise, and with equal weight too, upon the gesidman. Thus it is laid down Ine 30 : ' If a man of ceorl's degree be charged with harbouring a fugitive, let him clear himself on penalty of his wergild. If he cannot clear himself, let him redeem himself with his own wergild, and the gesi'Sman do likewise with his wergild.' The meaning of this is plain. The gesi^ ought to be so vigilant as to know what is going on ; and if the law is infringed without his knowledge, such ignorance in a chief official makes him partner in the guilt. N(5r is this the only text which evidences the strin- gency of the gesi^man's obligations as a guardian of the public peace. In Ine 50 we read : ' If a gesi'Scund man makes peace with the king or the king's alderman for members of his community, or if it be with his lord that he makes peace for unfree or free, he, the gesi-S, takes no share of the fine in such a case, because he did not choose to keep people out of mischief at home,' Here we see that the gesi'S had ordinarily his share of fines arising from the administration of justice in his district, and this is in itself a magisterial privilege. We learn moreover from Ine 2^, that the gesi^ shared escheats with the king himself. ' If a foreigner is slain, the king has two-thirds of his wergild ; the other third goes to his son or relations. If he has no relations, the king has half, and the gesi^ half.' Who then were these gesidas who constituted an order of such national importance, whose ranks supplied the entire staff of the primary local magistracy; and how came this title to import so much more in English than in any cognate dialect? My surmise (already Ixx INTEODUCTION implied) is, that they are the original captains and officers of the Conquest of Wessex, men of eorlisc birth, the co-adventurers who organised and led the invasion, and who obtained a share of the conquered soil duly proportionate to their services or contributions to the successful venture ^. All we know of the gesi^ is in perfect keeping with the character of a military officer, who had naturally developed into a local prefect of police. But while the ordinary duties of the gesi'S in time of peace were of a police nature, this does not alter the fact that his function is primarily and essentially military. He is a military officer to whom in the relaxation or rather intermission of military duties a district of police ad- ministration has been assigned. I say intermission, because I imagine that garrisons were still kept up in every Hundred or small group of Hundreds, and that every village was required to march out its contingent when the season of the year came round. On such occasions of muster the same band of men would supply the garrison as soldiers (fierd), and work at repairs of forts and bridges in the district around, and thus the obligations of their tenure as described in the trinoda necessitas would be discharged^. We saw above that Kemble had joined the term GEsi'S ^ It is not without force as a parallel, that the warrior kings of Macedonia conferred upon their choice and favourite troops, the heavy cavalry, composed wholly or chiefly of native Macedonians, the hono- rary designation of The Companions. Grote, History of Greece, c. 92. ^ We catch a glimpse of the local military administration in Sax. Chr. 894 (p. 92m of my ed.) where the king's thanes are seen ' at home/ that is to say, posted in their several garrisons (set ham set ])aem geweorcum). Compare also * of ))am niehstum burgum.' Chr. 921 (p. 1 06b). These 'works' and 'burghs' I apprehend to be no other than the green earthworks so familiar to our eye all over the country. II Ixxi comes^ on to the two terms eorl and ceorl, whicli ex- pressed tlie first simple di^dsion of free society. It has a vital relation to those terms. For the gesidas were an order of men who sprang out of the eorlisc ranks but gained a new distinction by special service. Presently we see the term eorl drops out of use, and remains only as a word in Epic poetry^. Widely different the fortunes of these two cardinal terms eorl and ceorl, for while the latter kept its place all through, the former was supplanted in life by a series of substitutes. Already in Wihtraed 5, we see the gesidcund man and the ciorlisc divide society: the same in Ine 51, 54. From the time of Ine the gesi^ disappears from our laws, and after lingering a moment in the Alfredian literature is lost altogether ^. The term which steps into its place is ]?egen, and in 229 h we may see all free society comprised in J;egenas and ceorlas. After the Saxon period we see another term figuring as the antithesis of ceorl, namely knight ; in the thirteenth century everybody was either of knightly or of churlish blood. This term had its growth and character impressed on it in the Saxon period, though it does not yet make a prominent figure. See Glossarial Index, v. Cniht. In the thousand years from the fifth to the fifteenth century we see a train of words succeeding one another in the same oflice, and if they fail to be absolute equivalents, it is because of changes in the times, and not in the relative social incidence of the terms. These words are, eorl, gesith, thane, knight, squire, gentleman. The last two run abreast. ^ It should be noticed that with Cnut came in a secondary use of EORL, its titular use, which though written in Saxon form is really the Scandinavian ' JarL' See 229 1. ^ With one remarkable exception, to be noticed below. See p. Ixxvii. Ixxii INTKODUCTION The functions of this order of men were rather in- definite, and upon this quality their peculiar usefulness hinged. The gesi'S had not much, if any, routine ad- ministration, hut a general responsibility that things should go right. Others called out the Fierd, others witnessed bargains or fined trespassers, others parcelled out the fencing or gave the ploughs their daily task ; — but the Gesi^ meanwhile took account of the military duty and of the administration of the law, and of the fair conduct of the co-tillage. If any dispute arose, he was looked to as the arbiter ; if a question of law, he was the interpreter. While minor officials administered the rigid letter of the law, he was there to supply the element of elasticity when occasion arose. In later days when the manorial courts were presided over by the steward, the lord still retained the prerogative of equity ; he was chancellor in his dominion ^. The bearings and influence of such an order extended upwards and downwards. To them the people looked up as to their natural leaders, through them opened the vista from the plough to the throne, and the sense of national unity was cultivated or sustained. Much of the spirit of this office has in later centuries passed into the ranks of the parochial clergy, who in some sense were instituted by, and who for some purposes now are the genuine representatives of, the early gesi'Sas. For it is to such an instrumentality that we must trace the hitherto imperfectly explained establishment of our parishes. The parish priest was at first a priest engaged by the gesi'S and his people for the regular administration among them of the word and sacraments. In this, which ' Scriven, On Copyholds, p. 339 ; and Index v. Court Baron. II Ixxiii seems to me the only possible explanation, lies also the histoiy and the reason of lay patronage ^. An expressive memorial of this relation is often seen in the contiguity of the manor house to the church. In ^ A signal light upon this early relation between squire and parson is afforded by the Donation of ^thelwulf. Kemble is altogether in confusion about the meaning of that act ; though in sweeping away the notion, prevalent since Selden, that it was somehow the establishment of tithes, he did good service. Moreover, we thankfully acknowledge his excellent catalogue of the materials, Saxons ii. 480 flf. Besides the notices in historians, he refers to eleven documents in Cod. Dipl., viz. 270, 271, 275, 276, 1048, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1057. To these eleven we may now add four more from Mr. Birch's Car- tularium Saavmcum, namely, Numbers 471,474, 483, 485 ; so that we have fifteen diplomatic writings touching the Donation of ^thelwulf. A comparative study divides these into three classes, viz. (i) K 270, 271, 1050, 1054, and BC 471, 474; (2) K 275, 1048, and BC 483,485 ; (3) K 276 (p. 336), 1051, 1052, 1053, 1057 (P- 349)- (Only two of these are among the texts printed in this book ; in fact, I did not know what to make of them, and the light I now have has come to me in the course of the work.) The third class consists of late fabri- cations, which just avail themselves of the Donation of vEthelwulf for colour's sake. In these we may catch a phrase or two that reflect a genuine source, like pro decimatione agrorum quam cceteris ministris meis facere decreri, 336 1. The second class is united in itself and distinguished from the rest, by the rare word witerceden in the clause of exemption from services ; as also by a Preamble of more than com- mon reality, which may indeed have stood at the opening of the original Donation ; and further, they agree in a general characterisation of the act, consilium salubre ac remedium uniforme affirmavi. Of the first class it will be enough to say that they all contain the following lines with almost exact agreement: — consilium salubre cum episcopis comi- tihus et cunctis optimatihus meis perfeci, ut decimam partem terrarum per regnum nostrum non solum Sanctis ecclesiis darem verum etiam et ministris nostris in eodem [v.l. eisdem'] conMtutis. These, combined with other scattered indications, all in Kemble as above referred to, point to the following conclusion. The king granted to each local and residentiary squire a tenth part of the spare and available lands in his district, part for himself and part for religious purposes, namely, the maintenance of the clergy, the sustentation of the fabric, and the relief of the poor ; and if there be any parishes which possess lands traditionally devoted to any of these purposes, their history being un- known, it is possible they may date from vEthelwulf's Donation. (PS. A Ixxiv INTRODUCTION recently formed parishes the parsonage is, if possible, placed next the church ; but in those ancient parishes which grew by nature and without design, the grouping of the church with the manor house is the typical arrangement. This manor house may be taken in bulk to represent the seat of the gesith or thane ; and there are places where, the manor house having changed site, the earthworks of the Saxon mansion are still extant. Local archaeologists will do well to form a habit of looking over the church-yard wall. The most remark- able instance known to me is that of Laughton in the West Riding. Earls Barton in Northamptonshire, the place with the remarkable Saxon tower, has a mound and ditch which tell the same story. Such a Saxon mansion was often the successor of a Roman villa. In Mr. Seebohm's map of Wymondley, in Hertfordshire, we see, as it seems to me, the banks of a Saxon fortified house outside the church-yard wall, on a site richly stored with Roman remains. The admirable cementing of society which was thus achieved was probably due to no one man's policy, but to the half-conscious wisdom of national instinct. Per- haps it may have been partly a continuation, partly an improvement upon a like distribution of eorl and ceorl in the old country. It is dangerous for the state when two widely differing conditions of men live side by side without constitutional provision for their sound mutual relations and their healthy influence upon one another : gixteenth instance of ^thelwulfs Donation is preserved in the Register of Sherborne Abbey, now in the Phillips Library at Cheltenham. It is neither in Kemble nor Birch ; but it is (minus the preamble) in Hearne's Collections, now being edited by Mr. Doble for the Oxford Historical Society; vol. iii. p. 450; with a sight of which I have been kindly favoured.) II Ixxv — as in the France of last century and the Ireland of this. It may surprise the reader to learn, that the gesi^ whose traces have been so carefully followed, does not appear by that name so much as once in all our land- charters. This, however, is only because the grants are expressed in Latin, for the grantee is sometimes styled comes, which is the equivalent of gesiS, and sometimes he is styled minister, i. e. J^egen, a title which, as we saw, succeeded to gesi'S. For all purposes of constitutional argument the comes and the minister are identical. Whether under the one or the other title, these grants are directed towards the endowment of a local squire- archy, as a guarantee of legality and order, and as a means of embracing in a body politic all the parts of a scattered population. If we have in our hands fewer grants made to comes or minister than of those which were made in favour of religious houses, this is not because the latter were historically the more numerous, but because they have had better chances of preserva- tion. The monastic grants are not the types, but they are rather to be considered as an imitation and a variety of those which were made to lay hands. The whole must be looked upon as a general movement and as the expression of a policy for which a demand was felt, and perhaps a demand that was always still in advance and never quite overtaken by the progress of endowments ^. In the generations next after the first Conquest, the primary settlements sent off* new swarms. It is in ^ In confirmation of the general view here taken of the order of society, I may point to a remarkable passage in 37 b, 40 h, where comes, presbyter, diaconus, clericus, monachus, stand in that order, as a list of persons removable from office. Ixxvi INTKODUCTION these, planted without circumstance of war, that we must look for the reproduction of the simple Mark, the lordless village Community. That there were townships in the country without squires we can see by Domesday, where we read from time to time of an estate held as a Manor by two, or five, or nine freemen ^ ! When we come upon such a case we seem to see a settlement upon the simplest plan, without a gesiS, as in Kemble's Mark. But the recognized policy was, to follow the type which war had initiated, and to plant a royally commissioned officer by the side of each rural community. The real difficulty of our problem is to reconcile this manorial jurisdiction with the functions of the Hundred. The gesi'S was plainly subordinated to the Hundredes ealdor, and that functionary was his immediate ealdor- man. But the incidence of subordination is obscure, and especially the relation of the Manor to the Hynden or original Tithing. The area of the Hundred framed witbin itself a complete system of magistracy and local authority both military and civil. With no clerks, no writers to speak of, all transactions were in community. Not a head of cattle could change hands, but the tithing-man and wit- nesses must take account of it. The business of one was the business of all. All life was communal, and the ranks were interwoven. With the king's representative always in view, and yet the daily administration of so popular a kind that it was shared in turn by all ' true ' men, there grew up that full and neighbourly under- standing which constitutes mutual confidence and makes a nation compact. It is to this consolidating internal policy that I would ^ Only here again, have we caught the true sense of * liberi homines ''? II Ixxvii attribute the ultimate supremacy of Wessex. When everything else was dissolved, Wessex alone proved equal to check the Danes in the maturing stages of a victorious career. The subsequent union of the country made the system of Wessex the system of the whole : and this has been the making of England, and the basis of national sturdiness. And as strength lay in the native policy of combina- tion, so Cnut's subdivision into provinces proved when his strong hand was withdrawn to be a mere disruption which gave the next invader an easy victory. Our national solidity was however to prove its mettle in the ordeal of the Norman Conquest and its sequel. In the Saxon period the nation had made that healthy and robust growth which enabled it, when apparently overwhelmed by the invader, to assimilate what it liked of the foreign element, and not to be assimilated by it. The provision made for the gesith forwards us another step in the history of the land-settlement. So far as the Ethel and the Hide, there is no appearance of the instrumentality of written records. All facts affecting property were so patent, the habits of life were so inter- dependent among the members of the community that the common memory was a sufficient archive. Our people in the old country had used no writings for the transac- tion of business, whether conveyancing, testamentary, or otherwise. But, now, having become masters of this island, they had come within the pale of Roman civiliza- tion, and here it becomes a question of great curiosity and interest whether we should say that they gradually adopted the legal usages which they found esta- blished in their new country, or whether we should rather say that the usage of the Roman world was Ixxviii INTRODUCTION first brought home to them along with other Roman influences at the Conversion. In either case we here encounter a new institution, and one of which it is hardly possible to exaggerate the importance. Here- ditary estates, having all the desirable attributes of Ethelland, were created by government charter. When the king and his witan made such a grant from the folkland, the concession was written on a sheet of parchment, and that sheet, in Latin pagina, lihellus, scriptura, documentum, cartida^ was in the ver- nacular called Boc a book ; and the nature of the tenure so created is expressed by the name of boc land. These grants carry with them the general purport of being made in consideration of services of a superior kind, and they are given with seigneurial rights (liberaliter), and with exemption from a variety of services which we shall have to consider presently. These land-grants are something more than conveyances, they are the creation of a parliamentary title, and the approved parallel is a private Act of Parliament^. There is one attribute which we must particularly notice as an eminent distinction of bookland, namely this, that it carried with it the power of testamentary disposition which Ethelland did not. Every land-book has a clause of this type — ita ut cuicumque voluerit post se heredi derelinquat — ^o that he may leave it to what heir he will after his day. Examples I24h, 133 m, 140 h, 142 1, I ']2, !• This attribute differentiates bookland from the conditions of feudal tenancy. In both cases the owner is an oflBcer settled on land, and the circumstances have enough in common to account for the difficulty which some writers have experienced in discriminating ^ Kemble, Saxong, i. 305. Pollock, Land Laws (ed. i), p. 191. IT Ixxix them. But this testamentary freedom of bookland, which implies a power of alienation, is an incident of fall ownership which was denied to the feudal tenant. Besides its direct information, the clause just quoted has also an indirect and collateral value ; it not only tells us of the rights of bookland, but it implies (by the fact of its careful insertion) that there were tenures with different conditions. And this difference is further emphasized by the word immunis which enters into this clause in the course of the tenth century : — et post se cuicumque sibi placuerit heredi immunem derelinqnat, and after his time he may leave it to what heir he will un-subject to payment, 209 1, 293 h. Here we perceive that there were lands which if devised by testament were subject to a payment. These were the loan-lands, and this payment is seen in the Wills, and it is that which became the Relevium. This grant of full ownership is followed by a sepa- rate clause (sometimes distinguished by a Cross of its own, e.g. 133 1) of exemption from all services ex- cept the inevitable and universal three. Examples 173 1, 181 h, 194 m, 209 1. This clause again conveys to us not only direct, but also indirect information. It not only describes a privilege of bookland, but it also re- flects a side-light upon the tenure of those who had laens on the folkland, a tenure which is here the tacit object of comparison. The general aim was to establish the nation accord- ing to its immemorial traditions in the two classes of eorl and ceorl, gentle and simple, that the whole popu- lation might be always in presence of a superior, that a gradation of ranks might be provided, as a guarantee of legality and social order. The inherited distinction IXXX INTRODUCTION between noble and freeman was not only perpetuated, but was probably systematized as it never had been before, and this as an immediate consequence of the logic of events. To convert an army into a civil society is an undertaking" that calls for the maintenance of discipline, and this discipline was carried out by the gesi-Sas. In the Laws of Ine, § 51, we see two classes of these officers, one landowning (landagende) and the other not landowners (unlandagende). I understand by the latter such gesi'Sas as had no family estate, whether ethel or bookland ; but were provided for in the common field. I conjecture that such a gesi'S w^ould have a double portion, namely two Hides. The gesi^as were at first only so many military and police officers stationed at the villages over the land ; and some, perhaps the bulk of them, remained to the end of the period, with little change in their condition. Even these however acquired the prevalent title of Thanes (J^egenas), and gained some degree of political ascendency over the ceorlas beyond what was native to the original constitution. The advance which was gained by this more stationary section of the gesi^as was so much taken away from the powers of the original Hynden or Tithing, a sub-division which was the first to fall into desuetude. But the more favoured section of the gesi'Sas acquired a jurisdiction which supplanted the original functions of the Hundred itself ; and these may perhaps represent the estates which in modern times have been called Honours, by a translation of the Saxon term ar or land ab. And in this connection we find the term gesi'S not quite extinct in the twelfth century, for it crops up in the so-called Laws of Henry I (vi, i) in the compound siffes-socn (as if gesi^es somi). It Ixxxi There we read : — Ipsi vero comitatus in centurias et sij7es- socna distinguuntur ; centurice vel hunclreta in decanias vel decimas et in dominorum plegios. i.e. The shii*es are divided into Hundreds and Sith-Sokens ; the Hundreds into Tithings and dominical wards ^. And this may account for the fact that there were seven Hundreds in Worcester- shire, which the king's sheriff had nothing to do with^. It was a view of policy to endow the eorlas as an upper class of locally resident gentry, not suddenly by one enactment, but progressively as townships grew in importance, and as public servants gave proof of ability or merit. Of the way in which the folc land — which did not become bog laxd, but remained folc land — was dealt with, our texts give us no direct information. These transactions were not written, and our knowledge is to be gathered from incidental notices ^. Our chief ^ I might claim that this compound sipes socna, in this context, imports the whole doctrine of the identity of the Manor with the Soken of the Gesith. But the text lies under some disadvantages of transmission, which may for a time retard its complete recognition. In the first place the Code in which it occurs is not authoritative, nor is it contemporary with Henry I, but it is a later and a private compilation, the credit of which must depend upon the criticism of its contents. Next, the writing of the MS. is sipessocna, from which si/>es socna is an emendation. But these objections are met by observ- ing, First, that the Leges Henrici I are judged to be no later than the middle of the 1 2th century, and that the paragraph in question bears every mark of validity ; Secondly, that the confusion between/ and p is so usual as to count for little or nothing ; and Thirdly, that the har- mony of the passage with our best evidences, and the flood of light which it lets in upon our local institutions, are such as to dissipate any remainder of uncertainty. ^ Stubbs, C. H., § 47 ; quoting Domesday, i. 172, ' There is no extant deed which deals with, folc land as such ; it is only mentioned incidentally in deeds of bdc land. A chief text is that of A.D. 858 where the king exchanges land with a thane ; the land he gives is to be discharged 'ab omni servitute regali operis,' as had already happened to the land he receives. Both estates were manifestly taken from folc land, one at the actual date, the other previously. f Ixxxii INTRODUCTION text is printed below (pp. 1 49-1 51, and note), and we gather from it that it could not be held by a woman, and was not hereditary, and could not be testamentarily devised, but that the continuation of it in the family depended on the will of the king. Such a tenure was called a u^ i. e. loan, and the word was used in the same sense in German Lehen, which has not become obsolete, but still survives both in the simple form and in a multitude of compounds redolent of old feudal relations. The leading characteristic of Igen land was this, that the lender never finally divested himself of his original right, and the land was always liable in certain con- tingencies to revert to the original owner or his repre- sentative. In the bulk of instances the owner was the State, and we see it reverting to the State in p. 149, where it seems to be in the power of the king (naturally in gemot) to decree its continuance in the family. There is no reason to think that the succession was ordinarily disturbed ; but the holder of loan-land had not a legal right of testamentary bequest. When folc land became ISn land it seems to have remained liable to certain burdens peculiar to itself, and which are in keeping with its nature ^. Being essen- tially national property it might be used when required by the king and his chief officers ; it was bound to help when a house had to be built for the king's service ; and we see special remission of such obligations e. g. p. 100 1, II 2 m, 140 h, 397 1. It is a like class of burdens from which the land is exempted that -^thelwulf got * The affinity between the liabilities and the nature of the property seems to have suggested the expression in K 118, 'tributum publica- lium rerum.' I II Ixxxiii booked to himself (p. 1 20 m) ; but here we gather that one of the burdens incident to such land was to aid in the execution of justice, as in the pursuit and capture of a thief. To be exempted from such liabilities Eadulf, bishop of Crediton, gave to Athelstan in the year 933 sixty pounds of silver (p. 1 70 h). Our evidences justify us in saying that it was a re- cognised principle that this land, being public, must be employed in the public behoof, whether as reward of public services done in the past, or as a retainer and guarantee for the future discharge of such services. That such a principle was acted upon can be sufficiently demonstrated. The largest recorded grant of folkland is found in the Chronicle under a.d. 648, where we read that Cenwalh gave to his relative Cuthred ' iij ]?usendo londes be ^sces dune.' The name of Ashdown still survives on the Berkshire hills to the south of Didcot, and the grant probably represents a large part of that county. It seems clear that there was a military obli- gation attached to the grant ; that this territory was the bastion of Wessex against the dreaded power of Mercia, and that the corollary of Cuthred's possession was the defence of that border, and a constant posture of vigilance against invasion. Presently, in 661, Wulfhere, the king of Mercia, did invade the territory and harried it, but got no further than Ashdown. Again, in 871, we find the Danes arrested in their westward course at Ashdown, and they have to fight a great battle there. A less conspicuous instance of the same principle is that where, in a. d. 997, a grant of bookland in Corn- wall is made subject to coast-guard duties, which obligation is incorporated in the trinoda necessitas clause, 295 1. These are extraordinary cases, but they f 2 Ixxxiv INTRODUCTION seem to furnish evidence of the principle which was understood to rule all dealing's with the public land. Our chief source of information as to the kind of duties which were ordinarily and normally attached to the enjoyment of a Isen on the folkland is found in the clauses of exemption for those privileged beneficiaries who received their lands subject to duties of a higher order. The ordinary beneficiary was liable to be called upon to entertain the king and those in authority under him, and to furnish such persons with a house of call when they were upon their journeys in the public service. Inter alia, they had to provide for the ' fsesting men,' perhaps the relays of men who garrisoned the forts and acted as a rural police; then they owed to their chief patron the king some gratifications as if he were their private landlord, such as the fostering of dogs and falcons ; and generally they would seem to have been at his service in all that concerned the appliances of sport. So even to our own day has it been no uncommon thing for a tenant-farmer to have about him a couple or so of young foxhounds which he keeps and rears for his landlord's use. In those days the sitter on a Isen not only kept the dogs but the dog- keepers too. A more important and onerous duty was laid on the holders of these lands. They were bound to aid the executive in the prosecution of justice against criminals, even if we may not almost say that they largely constituted the executive of the criminal law. This part of their duty was called wite e^den, in Latin res penales criminal concerns. It seems they had to pursue and capture a malefactor and presumably to undertake his custody until he could be brought to justice. II Ixxxv A good illustration of these liabilities may be seen (tooI) where the king says : — ' Moreover I will free the aforesaid land from all subjection in worldly matters, from entertaining the king, bishops, lords, aldormen, bailiffs, keepers of hounds, horses, hawks ; from board- ing and lodging all those who are called "fsesting men," from all services works burdens or inconveniences — what more or less shall I enumerate or say? — from all lia- bilities greater and less, known and unknown, let the land remain in all respects free for evermore, excepting these four things which now I will name : expedition against pagan enemies, bridge-building, fort-making or removing.' Again, 1 26 1, the king grants exemption in the following terms : ' in such a manner that from all over-lordship of royal tributes and compulsory works and criminal con- cerns and thief-capturing and every worldly burden, saving alone fyrd and bridge-building and burg-making, it is to remain secure and exempt, &c.' In K1063 the exemption is thus worded: — 'liberam ab omnibus terrenis difficultatibus omnium gravitudinum, sive a pastu regis, principis, exactoris, et ab omni aedi- ficiorum opere, tributo, a parvaredis, a taxationibus quod dicimus witeredenne, omnium rerum secularium perpetualiter libera sit, excepta expeditione et pontis aedificatione,' etc. That is: the land to be free from every burden in the nature of a land-tax, from enter- taining king, prince, reeve, and from all building work, tribute, post-horses, from the liabilities called wite r^den, etc. The obligation to pay ' gafol ' in kind for the pro- visioning of the king's villas is sometimes given in detail, e.g. 311 b^. ^ What relation this has (if any) with the tenure now known as Ixxxvi INTRODUCTION The tenant of such a Isen on the folkland, if his farm was near the chief routes, must have had to keep open house perpetually, and this was probably one of the means of forming our good old-fashioned country inns which of late years have become so rare. In K 261 we see the English word for this indefinite obligation, namely cumfeoem, which in K ^^58 is thus expressed in Latin, ' ab hospitorum [i. e. hospitum] refectione,' from providing refreshment for callers, presumably only callers who are on the road in the public service ^. It resulted from this state of things that fiscal diffi- culties were unknown ; there was no annual revenue to be raised. All things were consumed where they arose ; there was no system of collecting provision to a centre, or of dispensing it from a centre. The king and his court made their stated progresses from one royal vill to another, and enjoyed the fruits of the earth where they had grown. All expenses of government and adminis- tration were met by the proceeds of land on the ground where they were incui-red, first of all by the system of the trinoda necessitas, and next by the obligations of the sitters on the Isen lands. As all holders of land were bound to a yearly term of military service, and as they actually did serve even in peace, there was always a ready means of bringing an army into the field. Even the navy was supplied by local means. Every county had to produce its contingent of ships according to its hidage, and the minor details of arming and outfitting were conducted on the same footing. We find no in- stance of general taxation eai'lier than a.d. 991, when Gavelkind, J will not here enquire ; — I will only point to an uncommon passage in 334 b, which may possibly have some bearing upon it. ^ For more examples 133 b, 140 h. II Ixxxvii ten thousand pounds were collected to buy off the Danes ; this happened during the reign of ^Ethelred five times altogether, and these are the only instances of public imposts in money which we meet with in the Anglo- Saxon period. So completely did the land-system pro- vide for all the branches of public expenditure ^, Such was the general plan of the distribution of the land in the Saxon period. So far as I can judge, it was politic and economical ; — calculated to favour industry and good neighbourhood, and likewise to promote the moral and religious improvement of the people. That it was well adapted to educate a nation politically, and that it did so educate them, needs hardly be said. The History of England is the sufficient vindication of the wisdom of our early institutions. I do not forget that there were abuses, and that the abuses had serious consequences. We know that in course of time some families possessed an altogether dispropor- tionate share of land (22:jh), and it is not difficult to imagine the sort of arts by which influential men might accumulate grants of bookland or laenland. It was in- deed this, joined to the excessive development of private jurisdictions, which made the richer nobles too powerful, and reduced the king to isolation and impotence. It was this that caused the wretchedness of the later reigns, this that gave William his opportunity, and it was just this that his policy rectified, by reinstating the king in a position from which he might not only reign but also govern. ^ On this subject, how much was done without the medium of money, see Freeman, N. C, i. 369, on the assessment for raising a fleet in 1008. If the method was clumsier, the risk of malversation was less. A useful outline of the heads of public expenditure in the fifteenth century may be read in Sir John Fortescue's fifteenth century English in his Governance of England, c. 6 ; ed. Plummet (1885), p. 1 20. Ixxxviii INTKODUOTION But now to bring the whole argument to a point at its bearing upon our land-charters. Diverse as are the aspects which the tenures assumed, there is a uniformity of principle underlying all the varieties which restores simplicity. The land was assigned for public services. This is repeatedly declared in the grants, especially those which are made to a gesi'S or a thane, comiti or ministro meo^ and these are grants of lordship, i. e. of manors. These were not merely social positions, but were offices of trust and jurisdiction, and upon them reposed the good order of the country generally. The lords of the manor presided over the administration of justice, the military organization including the roads and bridges as well as the forts, and also over the agricultural economy. They were not the agents of daily administration, but they were general surveyors. The lands booked to them for these services are the same as our manors, and the principle on which they were booked is the same principle as that on which Icens were granted though the terms are very different. The real state of the case is obscured by the fact that so large a proportion of our land-charters are in favour of monastic institutions. This is supposed to be some- thing different in principle from the grants to gesi^ or thane ; but it is not so. In both cases alike, the broad and general principle of the concession was public utility ; the best means for ensuring legality and public security and good neighbourhood, and the general wel- fare moral and religious. Here it is that the leases of the bishop of Worcester, already noticed in the previous Section ^, afford a most acceptable light. These are the instruments by which the house gave to the estate a ^ See p. XV f . n Ixxxii layman for a lord, and it is among these lessees that we must recognize the character of the 'biscopes )7egn' [Sax. Chron. A looi). In monastic or ecclesiastical grants the terms are the same as in lay grants, the grantees have no exemptions from the burdens commonly incident to the possession of bookland. They have to fulfil their share of military service, and of public works on fortresses and bridges. The motives which led kings to make these liberal grants to the monks were not exclusively religious, or as some historians call it superstitious ; they were chiefly influenced by considerations of social and political utility. The monks were for many centuries the best landlords; they took a more personal interest in the welfare of their tenants than did the average lay pro- prietor ; they had more cultivated minds, more know- ledge of agriculture and every branch of good husbandry, and they kept up a correspondence with the most civilised countries. "VVe may be quite sure that life upon a monastic estate was more quiet and more orderly, and that the monastic tenantry presented to the observer a manifest superiority in manners and in comfort. Their military duties they discharged by forming a corps of military men, who were supported by pro rata con- tributions from all the tenants on the estate ; thus making the military art a separate profession, and securing for the bulk of their population more leisure for the arts of peace ^. * In ttis connection the first chapter of Sir W. Scott's Monastery will be found very good reading. The great romancer was endowed with a rare historic sense. — In Waverley, the Clan of Fergus Mac Ivor is the best description anywhere to be found of a comitatus in its rudimentary and less disciplined form, somewhat perhaps as it worked in Germany in the time of Tacitus. This remark was, I believe, first made by Sir H. Maine. XC INTKODUCTION There had been a time in the beginnings of our Christianity when lands granted to religious houses were absolutely exempt from public burdens, and we see this roundly expressed as a fundamental principle in the first captel of the laws of Wihtred, a. d. 699. But we know that this worked badly and led to dangerous abuses, of which Bede complained in his epistle to Archbishop Ecgberht ; and although the peculiar mode of tenure called Jus ecclesiasticum does not appear to have been quite discontinued, yet the general rule in charters granted to religious houses in and after the eighth century was to subject them to the same burdens with laymen ^. The time indeed came round again when all tenures underwent a new change, and then the original im- munity was restored to the lands of the Church, which were held subject only to divine service, exactly as in the old law of Wihtred. This was the change which followed the Norman Conquest, when ecclesiastical lands were again held free of military service m frank almoigne as it was called, that is to say, in free alms ^. After the Norman Conquest all the varieties of tenure were assimilated to laen-land. Every other kind of tenure was obliterated, and all the land of the country was made to assume the character of Loanland, whereof the king was held to represent the original owner ^. The * This is the meaning of the exclamation of Boniface, that in no part of the world was such servitude imposed on the church as among the English. Hallam, Middle Ages, chap. vii. Part i; vol. ii. p. 141 (ed. 1856). ^ Some of the lands of ecclesiastical corporations to this day are ancient bookland, which has been held without a break from the original Saxon charter. See Professor Pollock, Land Laws, p. 35. ^ Mr. Freeman {Norman Conquest, vol. iv. p. 25 note) was the first to point out the connection between a sentence in the Chronicle 1066 II xei Loanland was the nearest approach made in the Saxon period to the nature of that feudal tenure, which was rapidly matured after the Norman Conquest. One of the consequences of this tenure was the general suspension for centuries of the devising of land by testamentary bequest. In Saxon times, as we have seen, this pri- vilege attached to one form of tenure only, namely Bookland. It was a well-understood rule of Saxon law, that every species of property was stamped with its own principle of succession. This was determined by the nature of the original acquisition. The e^el land was hereditary according to ancient custom ; it went its own way, there was no place for a Will. How the Hide land passed is not plain, but when we consider the in- terests of the community in the co-tillage, we cannot suppose that it could be broken up at the discretion of a testator. Most likely it attached to a house, the house of an e^el, and remained undivided ; — or, if divided, there were limits set to the process of sub-division^. It is very- tempting to see in the transmission of the Hide the natural and proper occasion for the incidence of Borough English. Where the house rather than any particular and syddan heora land holitan, and an incidental notice in Domesday, ii. 360 : Hanc terram habet abbas in vadimonio pro xi. marcis auri, concessu Engelrici, quando redimebant Anglici terras suas. If this does not necessarily carry with it any alteration in the character of the tenure, if it is only an extraordinary event which like the ordinary and periodical Relief taxes the tenant but does not disturb the tenure ; yet, in practical working, it afforded the starting-point for a new assumption in the legal doctrine of tenures, and it introduced the ideal principle that all land is held of the sovereign. ^ On this point very telling are Mr. Seebohm's data from the Middlesex Domesday, of holdings in the definite grades of hides, half-hides, virgates, and half-virgates. English Village Community, p. 92. Compare also p. 77 ; where however I do not agree with him as to * the reason underlying.' XCll INTKODUCTION member of it was the unit of the community, there seems a fitness in pitching* upon the youngest member to personate it, for in him generations are stretched to the longest and transfer of hands is made rarest ; he is the one longest tied at home, and surest to be found when a corporate duty is to be claimed of the house ; he is at once the most insignificant and the most serviceable, and his elder brothers have had their nurture before him, and have had time to move away and better themselves. So long" as the word of Tacitus held good — super est ager^ there is always more land ; so long the natural right of the youngest to take the homestead and its belongings is very easy to understand, and this arrangement seems to fit well with the tenure of e^el and Md in the early times ^. Of Isen-land we know that it did not give the holder the right of testamentary disposal, and yet nevertheless it was as a matter of fact bequeathed by Will. The king could give permission, with the approval of his council (227 m), and we see Wills which acknowledge the ne- cessity of the royal consent and some which even pro- vide for the contingency of its being withheld. On p. 217 may be seen a formal permission by the king in Council (not without onerous conditions) that a * On the subject of Borough English, see Elton, Origins of English History, c. 8. Of the various ways in which junior-right has been explained, he treats on p. 198 ff. Some have thought the custom merely perverse ; such was the opinion of N. Bacon, Laws of England^ 1739: — 'The custom was catched we know not how, and by the name may seem to have been brought in by some whimsical odd Angle that meant to cross the world.' Sir H. Maine associated it with the prerogative oi the paterfamilias', the unemancipated son being preferred in the inheritance. But when we consider the wide and various distribution of ultimogeniture as described by Mr. Elton, a doubt may rise whether any one explanation, however plausible, will avail to cover all the instances. II XClll certain Will may stand. Here we have a sufficient explanation of the petitionary preamble which appears in many of the Wills ^. The prayer was accompanied with a valuable present, which gradually assumed the character of a payment for the continuance of the property in the family. Under the matured feudal system this was the Relevium, the relief, recovery, payment made for the retaking up of the estate. The further determination of the heir according to the rule of primogeniture for the military convenience of the lord made Wills superfluous, and they in fact ceased as instruments for the succession to land until the end of the feudal period 2. The tenancy of the dominical side of the manor has been unnoticed in the above ; it makes little figure in our documents, though it has filled a large space in modern legislation. The domain was farmed first by the lord himself in the home farm (in land 376 m, BC609) ; next, by gebukas who paid him rent in labour and in produce and in money, 276f, 376f; and thirdly, by cot- tiers who cleared the wild land of the domain, and occupied the essarts : 385 b, 388 t & h, 394 m. These are the hordarii and cotarii of Domesday. They are the INWAEE and tjtwaee of 1'^^ b. These two classes of dominical tenants are apparently the ancestors of the modern copyholders. ^ Kemble made out of this an argument to prove the servile status of the gesiSas ; so hardly bestead was he to maintain his theory. ^ * Complete freedom of dealing with land by Will was a result of the abolition of military tenures, an event which may be taken as marking the full close of the mediaeval stage of the law. . . . The Act of the first Parliament of Charles II for abolishing the military tenures and their incidents was passed in 1660.' Pollock, Land Laws, p. I24f. xciv INTRODUCTION III The subject of this Third Section is the two languag'es which are employed in these documents, namely, the Latin and the English, in both of which the variations of form are numerous and interesting. I . Of the Latin in these documents. The transactions which these writings purport to record are spread over a range of time from the seventh century to the eleventh, and the genuine originals are comprehended within that limit. But, inasmuch as they have been the subject of transcription, revision, reconstruction, and the most varied manipulation, down to the sixteenth century, the result is that we have here to deal in one part or another of our field with variations of language ranging over the nine centuries from the seventh to the sixteenth. At first the deeds were wholly in Latin, or with an occasional word in English, then the languages were sometimes mixed, 87 m ; especially in the description of the bounds, 142m; and at length the bounds were expressed wholly in English. In the seventh and eighth centuries the Latin is in itself a distinct feature of interest. It is so rude as to suggest a doubt whether the school-Latin of the scribe did not retain some mixture of the vernacular Latin of the Roman province^. Gradually it becomes more ^ H. C. Coote, Bomans of Britain, p. 465, considered that we have in the Latin of the earlier documents the native forms of current or traditional Latin which from the Roman period long continued to survive in this island. Especially he cited the expression ' trinoda necessitas,' as a form of words that does not exist either in Gaul or Spain, though the burdens to which it refers were as usual in those countries as in Britain, and he therefore thought that it was a phi'ase Ill xcv grammatical and literary; in tlie tenth century it is rhetorical and turgid ; in the secondary period when imitation has set in, we get the earlier varieties curiously alternating, now strong grandiloquent Latin, now feeble and barbarous ; — the most curious of all is where the good Latin scholar of the thirteenth century sets himself to make a deed of the eighth, and accordingly tries to be barbarous, but some subtle bit of Latin culture {e.g.^ a nice use of the subjunctive) slips into his fabrication, he little suspecting what a tale it will tell some future day. It will be convenient to follow the order of time, and notice first the Latin of the earliest documents. It would be a mistake to suppose that this ' infima Latinitas ' were a thing to be scorned as destitute of interest. On the contrary, it is rich in relations which are interesting and curious in a high degree. (i) First among these points of interest must be accounted any ray of light they may seem to afford as to the relics of current Roman speech in this island after the date of the English Conquest. (2) Its peculiarities sometimes illustrate the dis- turbances which have happened in the transmission of Latin classics, and which have tended to introduce some of their various readings. (3) Sometimes we catch glimpses of the history of forms or significations of words which characterize the early stages of the modern Romanesque languages. The same may be said as to transitions of idiom or of Syntax. (4) It is not uninteresting to observe sometimes that which had been invented by the Komans of Britain and inherited by the Saxons. XCVl INTKODUCTION the Latin catches the influence of the living English of its time. By attention to these points we shall see how very unsatisfactory it is to blend all the Latin writings of the Dark and Middle Ages under the one indiscriminate designation of ' Monastic Latin.' The Latin we have to consider is not ' monastic ' until we come to the later stages of its career. Orthography. The most conspicuous divergencies from the received orthography are those which concern the labial series P, B, F, V. 1. B for V; impleherint (impleverint) 35 m; silha (silva) loih; exarrabi (exaravi) 1:21 1; conhertere (convertere) 124I; bicissitudo (vicissitudo) I26t; Mibentium (viventium) 137b; cibitate (civitate) 138 h ; m^m^«(caveata) i86t; 06'^«56> (octavo) 284m; debotissimo (devotissimo) 288 1; bica (vica=vico) 288 h. In verbs of the first and second conjugations this change tends to confuse the tenses, as the difference of B or V is often the whole difference of form between a Preterite and a Future verb. The context generally determines the tense, e.g. memorabitnus (memoravimus) 9 1, and I am not aware of an instance in which it has been the cause of ambiguity in these documents, as it has been in classical authors. 2. U (V) for B : these are fewer, siui (sibi) 93 h ; liuenti (libenti) 1 26 1 ; liuerabo (liberabo) 1 26 h ; liuertas (libertas) 126 1. In the Vespasian Psalter the future -abit is written -avit (Sweet, Oldest English Texts, p. 185). This mixture of B and V has been a source of various readings in the texts of the classics, and of disputed meaning; thus Juvenal Sat. iii. 168, negavit and negabit ; ix. 80, servabit and servavit. Ill xcvu 3. B also stands for P; blebi (plehi) 198 1; ohtimates (optimates) 395 1 ; and vice versa P for B ; puplica (publica) 132 h, but this is rare and perhaps derivable from archaic Latin ; apsit (absit) BC396 is affectation. 4. F for V ; as cBfum (sevum) loob. A few other substitutions, though of less importance, may be added : K for C ; karorum (carorum) 100 m. T for D ; set (sed) often ; aliut (aliud) 1 24 1 ; and D for T ; deliquid (deliquit) 293 m ; velud (velut) 300 m ; inquid (inquit), 322 h. Under this head it only remains to notice the ab- normal presence or absence of a G or an H. Abnormal absence of G: eliens (eligens) 169b; aio (hagio) 312 b. These instances happen between vowels, and they seem due to the national pronunciation which gave little consonantal value to g in such a situation, as witnessed by the frequency of such orthographical duplicates as LUi'iGE, LuriE, I love. Abnormal presence of G by sub- stitution for I ; juris meg (mei) BC370. Abnormal presence of H at the beginning of a word or of a syllable ; hei (ei) 124 1, 133 m ; hubi (ubi) 133 m ; histius (istius) 152b; honeris (oneris) 196 h; hoboedi- entia (obedientia) 133 1; — coherceret (coerceret) 88 h ; saxhonica (saxonica) i34h ; — especially curious those before 5; hsabaoth (Sabaoth) 133 h; Jisi (si) I34r; hsatis (satis) 134 1. Abnormal absence of H : is (his) 100 b; ostes (hostes) loi t ; auendum (habendum) i24h: abuerat (habuerat) 1 26 h ; abet (habet) 1 26 m. Flexion. The reader must not be very dependent upon the grammatical accidence of the Latin, but must catch the sense over the heads of words that do not XCVni INTRODUCTION always display the approved tokens of concord in Gender, Number, and Case. For example, I2i m, Si quis autem huius^ &c. A few particulars may be added in detail : — as to Gender : in ipsa antememorato die 8 b ; «^ imaginem suum ly ^ h ', prisco relatione 176 1; other examples on loi f. In documents purporting to be by Offa ; nohile thesaurum 396 h ; tale thesaurum 398 m. as to Number : ah omni gravitatibus 100 b. as to Case : hos omnes consenserunt 132 b. There are some Case-endings to be noted ; e. g. vires (viri) 48 h ; but the most peculiar is an ablative singular in -ae, generally of the first Declension, but not always : seriae (serie) ; ignorantiae avaritiaeve 61 1 ; cum ignor- antiae et insipientiae 62 1; canitiae (canitie) 316 1. A singular instance is servitu (a cunto sit immunis servitu) 194 m. These examples will suffice to show that the reader of the earlier documents must pass lightly over the flexional terminations, although the confusion here is far less than that which is seen in the Merovingian writings, and especially in the formulae of Marculfus. In fact, we find ourselves at the great turning-point in the history of the Latin language, between the ancient and the modem, between the vernacular and the scholastic. Flexion being no longer understood, and being written only by dint of blind traditional habit, the principle of coherence is transferred to the collocation ; and the only way to read such Latin is to shut one's eyes to the grammar of flexion, looking only at the stems of the words and reading it as if it were a modern language. On the one hand, flexion had fallen away from the living parlance, or if retained it had no syntactic value; on the Ill XCIX other hand, elementar}^ education was in decay (of this fact Gregory of Tours is the witness and the example), perhaps less so in Britain than in Gaul ; — when accidence is recalled to Latin composition, it is due to the scholastic revival, the Renascence of the seventh and eighth centuries, of which the seat was at first Anglia, and then Frankland. In this connection it will be interesting to trace a few indications of the aflSnity of our specimens to that colloquial vernacular Latin which generated the Modem Romanesque languages. Both in the signification and in the symbolism of words, as well as in one conspicuous verbal flexion, we may see the modem usage anticipated in the old literary speech, or what represented it. As to Signification : parens relative 13 b; caum thing, affair 48 h ; pietas mercy, ' pity,' 10 1. As to Symbolism : illut monasterium 1 1 1 b, has little of the demonstrative pronoun about it, and is nearly if not quite equivalent to ' the monastery ; ' so also ilia congregatio 1 1 8 1. This is already a Definite Article. Perhaps this wiU be the right place for a peculiar use of the Conjunction qtiafimis = m order that, 176 t, 406 m ; and see sive, seu in the Glossary. Of peculiar interest is the pluperfect subjunctive, when put where classic Latinity used the imperfect or perfect subjunctive. Thus curavi ut facilius potuissent (possent) 83 h; si quis scire desiderat quare ham donam dedisserti (dederim) loi m ; rogaverunt domiimm ahbatem ut dedisset (daret) 406 1. The interest of such examples is enhanced by the fact that this pluperfect subjunctive was the selected one of several forms of preterital sub- junctive which survived through the transition and was continued in the younger vernaculars ; thus in the verb C INTRODUCTION esse, the French subjunctive of the past tense is not from esset oT/uerit, but from, fuisset, i. e.fut ^. In matter of Syntax our early period is characterized by an Accusative Absolute: manentem hanc dotiationis chartulavi in sua nihilominus firmitate 81, 14 h, ^'^ m. To the early period belongs also a tendency to intro- duce poetic cadences : super ethera regnans in sedihus altis ima et alta omnia sua dicione guhernans 133 h ; or heroic collocations : inlesus atque vitalis spiritus in cor- ruptihili came inhereat 176 1 ; to which we may add the elaborate rhyming colophon, 283 1. Yet, mingled with all this antique or rustic oddity, we see the little beginnings and crude efforts of the Renascence which reaches not to maturity, nor covers the whole composition, until late in the tenth century, and hardly even then. Among such I suppose we must reckon those prepositional compounds in which the prefix is studiously reclaimed (Tacitus-like) from the obscurity of assimilation; conruens (corruens) 175b; inriguis (irriguis) 176m, i8im; inmmiem (immunem) iJOQl. With the progress of the Latin revival is mixed also an ambition of Greek, and we witness some rather grotesque affectations in the strain after erudition : — thus fastidiosam melancolice nausiam abominando . . . peripsema quisquiliarum ahjiciens 169b; cosmi sother 189I; nniversis sophio; studium intento mentis conamine sedulo rimantihus 309 h. Here we fix the beginning of that period in which the Latin may with propriety be called 'monastic' The Latin of the time before the tenth century and ^ Cornwall Lewis, B.omance Languages, pp. 188, 191. Ill CI even much within that century is to be distinguished from monastic Latin ; it may perhaps be rig-htly styled ' ecclesiastical,' but not ' monastic' The latter term is fully applicable only to the age which comes after this. The Secondary Latin. The Latin of the Secondary documents so far as it differs from that of the primary, is a result of tampering with the old deeds, in the way either of improvement, alteration, or pure fabrication. Fabrication does not always condescend to imitation of diction ; but when it does, it mostly exposes itself by its excess. Of the two forms of early Latin delineated above, it sometimes chooses the magniloquent strain of the tenth century, and sometimes the faltering Latinity of the more primitive specimens. In both varieties we are able to trace a distinction between the real and the counterfeit. There is, on the one hand, the elaborate style which is natural to a period of reviving scholarship, displaying a simple honest pride in the new-found magniloquence ; and then there is, on the other side, an insatiable accumulation of pretentious words by the fabricator who, though he is stimulated by a tenth century pattern and thinks to imitate it, yet produces quite another effect. And equally when the fabricator tries to imitate the rude Latin of the earlier documents, his proceeding is for the most part very transparent. There is no cir- cumstance more suspicious than when archaism or barbarism is overdone, as p. 288, dehotissimo . . . linera . . . serbitia . . . is testibus . . . carrahas linguorum ; and then bica^ not found elsewhere. Other examples of affected bad Latin are K 1064 ; BC296, which contains the abnormal variation terra juris nostri ; BC536, si quis autem obserbare boluerit serbetur . . . serbet, &c. Cll INTKODUCTION On this ground sucli an incongruous phrase as con- demnaturum fore 407 m, might suggest suspicion, but in that place it seems probable that it is an honest blunder. Sometimes the Latin is expressed with an English syntax, as : cum his testibus qui eorum nomina infra scripta liquescunt 6i\\ sexaginta solidorum argenti 315 1; alicnius personis homo (where personis stands for a genitive case, and the original pattern is ceniges hades man) 132m, 3i4h; a new turn is given to the phrase, 318 1; and to these we may add the familiar bene- dictory phrase, haheat et hene utatur 319m; feliciterque in diebus eorum peTfruendum 132 m. Cf. Beow. 1045, 2812. 2. Of the English in these documents. The general rule is that the conveying portion is in Latin, while the description of the boundaries is in English. But with the progress of time there is an increase in the proportion of Saxon to Latin. The oldest deeds are indeed all in Latin, or have just a name and perhaps two or three peculiar words in English ; towards the end of the period we get entire deeds in English. And, as to the form of the native language, if we confine ourselves to genuine originals, or to transcripts made within the Saxon period, we find two chief types of the old vernacular English. These are the Kentish and the West Saxon. The early Mercian specimens are in Kentish, as being the standard dialect of the time. We find nothing that can be called Northumbrian. Almost all the trans- actions belong to the south, and rarely have any relation to land north of the Humber. There is indeed K25, in which Ecgfrid of Northumbria endows Cuthberht and his successors with Crayke and Carlisle ; but this piece is an ill-disguised adaptation of a paragraph in HI cm Beda H. E. IV. 38, with the help of some other authority which is reflected in Simeon of Dm-ham. i. 9. The northern archives were exposed to two destruc- tive epochs, first, the Danish ravages of the ninth century, and then the harrying of the North by William in the eleventh. The only relics, or rather traces, that have yet been recovered, of northern diplomacy, must be sought in that low stage of degeneracy which is represented by our Group XV. On page 10:2 and following pages may be seen three writings in the Kentish dialect, the first of which is furnished with a translation. I here add a translation of the sanction which is appended to the third, 106 1 : — ' I, Luba, the humble handmaid of God, appoint and establish these foresaid benefactions and alms from my heritable land at Mundlingham to the brethren at Christ Church ; and I entreat, and in the name of the living God I command, the man who may have this land and this inheritance at Mundlingham, that he continue these benefactions to the world's end. The man who will keep and discharge this that I have commanded in this writing, to him be given and kept the heavenly blessing ; he who hinders or neglects it, to him be given and kept the punishment of hell, unless he will repent with full amends to God and to men. Fare ye well.' We may recognize traces of Kentish as late as a.d. 934 (171 f), in the io and leh for leak. The West Saxon prose falls into two periods, repre- sented by the names of Alfred and JElfric. The Alfredian prose is the natural link between the old Epic language and the most mature development that prose attained before the abrupt termination of its growth by the CIV INTEODUCTION Norman Conquest A few characteristics of the Alfre- dian stage of English will be useful here. The later and better known language is assumed to be most convenient as a standard of comparison. I. In Case-endings a for e, as, minas lafordas 240 1 ; mid dda (a-Se) 164 h. %. In the termination of the Plural Preterite -an for -on, as, we ridan . . . we gehyrdan . . . we cwcedan i64t; {\n!^ forgeafan 164 b. 3. Adjective or Participle in concord with Noun Feminine, ends in -u : Jiwonne hi^ engu spcec geendedu gif=.^ffh.ell is any cause ended if &c., i64h. The same form characterizes the Neuter Plural ; manegu yrfe gefiitu, many dispute about succession 145 m. 4. The combination s^ for st,sbS,wes3^an i88m ; wesde- weard 188 b. 5. The peculiar construction whereby a dual Pronoun of the First Person is joined with a Proper Name to express ' I and N,' or * mine and N's ' ; as, Jiealf micer £rentinges =}ialf mine and Brenting's, 179 m ; 144 mN. 6. There is one more peculiarity which I cannot omit. This is an old construction in which verbs of deprival take a double government, namely the Dative of the person deprived and the genitive to express the privation ; a construction made famous by Beowulf 5, and occurring in prose literature, so far as my observa- tion goes, only in Alfred's translations. This construction is to be seen below, 2i!Zh; qfteah JSlfrice Ms hreder landes and dhta — he deprived ^Ifric his brother of land and possessions. These details are not only of general philological interest; they have a practical value in documentary criticism, especially in cases where we have to do with Ill cv later transcripts, pui-porting to represent documents of the Alfredian age. There is one particular document of pre-eminent interest, to which this applies. Alfred's Will, 144 ff, is not extant in the original nor in a copy of his day ; we must allow that there is a wide interval between the original and our oldest extant copy. It is indeed a writing of such pith and force, that its very presence is evidential, and no ultimate doubt could overshadow its genuineness, even if the copy had suffered in transmission more than it has. But never- theless, in a document of such high interest we must welcome every subsidiary proof which tends to make our confidence complete. Hardly anything can be more perfectly convincing than the traces of Alfredian English which cling to it, being of such a kind as either would not provoke imitation, or, if imitated, would surely betray the imitator. In our copy the later orthography mostly prevails, the orthography of the copyer's time, as forgeafon 144 m, gedfjeldon 144 1, gecwadon 145 t, hegeaton 145 h, hygerehton 145 1 ; we hmfdon 148 m ; mixed however with an occasional relic of the elder spelling, as, (we) odfcestan 144 m, hymihtan 145 1. But then there is wyt jEdered^ I and ^thelred 144 m ; manegu yrfe gejiitu, many litigations about succession 145 m ; and if we needed evidence that the piece was no artifice of a later time, these alone would go far to assure us. We may observe in these documents a certain con- servatism of phraseology by which antique expressions are found later than in the general page of literature. It would be easy to explain this as an instance of the affinity of law for old and quaint diction ; in other words, as the natural conservatism of a professional order CVl INTRODUCTION of men. But it may be due to a different and indeed an opposite cause. It may be that the very absence of professional influence, of everything that can be called routine, would favour this vitality of old words and phrases. Some of the examples of Alfredian English given above are collected from documents many years later than the time of Alfred. Occasionally they appear in the midst of good English of the ripest prse- Norman development. This is part and parcel of the native character of these writings. This occasional archaism is pure simplicity and rusticity ; it is a proof that although a new style had sprung up since the fresh revival of Latin studies, yet the conversation and correspondence of the country still retained much of the complexion of an earlier stage. And these writings have this peculiarity, that they are un-bookish, that they are full of the tone of conversation or free cor- respondence, in short, quite easy and unconstrained. In particular the Wills have a domestic homely simpli- city and sincerity which is cheering and refreshing. There is nothing formal in them, but such as one patriarchal friend might write to another describing how he intended to dispose of his goods, and using the living words that came to hand. Examples 215 ff. In the documents which have been transcribed, or in whatever sense re- written, or even originally composed, after the Norman Conquest, there is found a great variety of sorts of Anglo-Saxon, we might almost say a grotesque variety. The first general movement which draws our atten- tion is the formation of Chartularies or Registers. These were books into which the separate muniments of a religious house were transcribed and so collected together. Ill evil Of these collections the earliest now extant, and possibly the earliest that ever was made, is the Worcester Chartulary, written in the generation of the Norman Conquest, from which specimens are taken to form our Group II of Secondary documents. With this we may class a book which was put together in the following generation, the Rochester Chartulary, which forms the subject of Group IV. It was compiled under Ernulf, bishop of Rochester, 1115-1135. The general character of these early Chartularies is honest transcription, and they are the best of their kind. Of the stimulus given to the art of fabrication by the changed conditions of life after the Norman Con- quest, Group III affords a curious example. The twelfth century offers some remarkable features. Of the documents which were copied or compiled during this century, we observe two kinds. In the first sort the English is left free to its natural change in the process of deflexionization ; and it is with such speci- mens that Group V is occupied. Here we come upon the overlapping of English and Latin ; Latin texts, as most affected by Norman lawyers, seem to engross attention ; old writings now appear in duplicate, English and Latin, and it is not always easy to say which of the two is the original, or whether both alike are products of scholastic ingenuity. The twelfth century was in our documentary history a bilingual age, an age of Latin and English ^. 1 When the old native language fell into contempt, Latin translations were made of English deeds, and then the originals would sometimes be neglected and left to perish. The following is from Chronicon A bhatice Rameseiensis, edited by the Eev. W. D. Macray in the Rolls CVUl INTRODUCTION Priority of attention to Latin, with a growing neglect of the mother tongue, was the prevailing tendency in the first half of the twelfth century ; but then came a reaction, perhaps only partial and local, of which our best specimens are in a book from Winchester. This movement is the subject of Group VI. Here we see that the studious reviser and compiler of the old native muniments has become awake to the significance and characterizing value of the ancient grammar, and he has become a student of Old English composition, which he pursues as diligently as ever he strove to compose sentences in Latin. Consequently we observe all the tokens of a Renaissance of the Mother tongue. Just that* mixture of crudity and scrappy splendour which characterizes the Latin com- position of the tyro is here displayed in vernacular efforts. This school has not indeed abandoned the study of Latin documents, but their first attention is engaged by the English. It may perhaps be that they seek not so much to be intelligible as to be im- posing ; — but quite apart from the desire to produce an efiect upon the inspector, the study has manifestly engendered a real taste for the royal stjde of the old language and a sincere passion to master the charm of it. Moved though we sometimes are to smile at the Series, 1886. The unknown author speaks much of his labours of translation: — donaria ... universa fere Anglice scripta invenimus, inventa in Latinum idioma transferri curavimus, p. 65 ; — litteris Anglicis quas nos in Latinum transtulimus, p. 1 1 1 ; — alia dona in figuris Anglicis neglecta remanserunt, p. 1 1 2 ; — quam de Anglico con- vertimus in Latinum, p. 151 ; — de Anglico in Latinum ad posterorura notitiam curavimus transmutare, p. 161 ; — universis itaque cartis quae in archivis nostris Anglica barbaric exarata invenimus, non sine difficultate et tsedio in Latinas apices transmutatis, p. 1 76. For these references I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Macray. Ill CIX imagined strength and learned security of this school, there is nevertheless an aesthetic grasp and a conscious magnificence about it which compels admiration. But this recondite scholarship brings with it the ability and the temptation of imposture, and we see on p. 349 a bold and would be cunning fabrication, of which Kemble said — ' it bears marks of forgery in every line, and seems to have been made up out of some history of ^thelwulf s sojourn in Rome.' Saxons ii. 487. The reader who has taken the trouble to acquire an exact grammatical knowledge of the old mother tongue, will find a curious interest in the genuine early forms that here and there peep out through the scholastic text, proving that the elaborator had really originals before him. The Dative case in -a for example, cefter pcere IcRna 353 t. A good bilingual example is that on pp. ^iSS-?^^^ which, like most of Group VI, is from the Codex Wintoniensis. Another is K 1053 from the same book. This Chartu- lary is our chief monument of the products of this Revival, but it must not be supposed that the proof of such a revival rests upon the sole evidence of a single book. The same influence is seen, at least so far as orthography is concerned, in a Harley Charter, p. 3645*; and for another example of the same school contributed by another manuscript, I would instance K715, a fine specimen of an artificial bilingual writing from the manuscript Cotton Claudius A. III. In the next two Groups, VII and VIII, the standard of the old language is kept up and bears marks of Renaissance ; — and this brings us to the end of the twelfth or the beginning of the thirteenth century. After passing two Latin Groups, when we next touch ex INTRODUCTION the mother tongue, it has gone far in degeneracy. Group XI and the following groups exhibit this decadence in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries under varying aspects. It will be readily perceived that a great character of these texts is their diversity, and the variety of materials they offer for increased knowledge of English. Some words not heretofore recognised will be found in the Glossary ; particularly I would mention rod a clearing in the forest, related to the Dutch roding stubbing ; see Weigand vv. Rod, Roden, Reuten. Here we have the source of our peculiarly English word for highway road, a word which awaited explanation. Be- sides this new and hitherto unnoticed noun, we find also the transitival verb therefrom, viz. redan to clear ground \ Another word not previously understood, is lam a running stream, the source of the west country lake in the same sense, and of our local terminations in -lake, as in Shiplake. Some of the obscurer words suggest interesting queries. Thus, is snoc the older form of our nook ? ^ The verb to reed for to clear out a stable, is still current in Devon- shire. They also talk of reeding out a dreng (drain). In an Ordnance of the Commission of Sewers for the Fens (a.d, i6i6) it is ordered that the Old Ea " shall be roaded and cleansed to the old bottome and an tient breadth." Wells' Sistort/ of the Bedford Level, ii. ^s,. I now understand this 'roaded,' which I did not before. Upon this Mr. Plummer writes : * To me as a Northerner the word " to red " (so we pronounce it) is perfectly familiar : — " Shall I red up the hearth ? Shall I red up the room?" Where a Southerner would say " do up " or " clean up."' — It has been argued that the Saxons were not road- makers, on the ground that they took the Eoman name for a road, street. But so far as language affords evidence, they were road-makers, because they enriched the family tongue with a new word thereanent, namely, road itself ; not found in German, which has only the Roman street ^^Strasse) and the native way (weg). Ill CXI Here I had intended to collect the relics of the British dialects which are sprinkled in parts of these texts, but by the length to which this Introduction has already run, I am deterred from opening a new theme. To assist the student in reading the abbreviated words I here reprint Kemble's list of contractions : 0^ b: orum. bus. 1 uel. 7 and, et. If autem. u° uero. p per, prae, pro. p per. pro. ter. .i. id est. -i- est. cb-q- qui, quae, quod. • OS 7 sub Qsens 7 s dm. di. d< ub . 3. con. consensi et subscripsi. consensi et subscripsi. deum, dei, deo. diis. dno. etc. . dominus, domino, etc. a. u. am. urn. pr. prs. pbr. . presbyter, (princeps). pfin diac. princeps. diaconus. sb diac . subdiaconus. arc diac . archidiaconus. eps. arc epi. € episc. pise . episcopus. archiepiscopus. TABLE TO FIND ANY OF KEMBLE'S BOOK, BY ITS NUMBER IN Kemble. page. Kemble. page. Kemble. page. Kemble. page. Kemble. page. K lis at 3 86 is at 34 162* is at 396 235 is at 108 328 is at 162 „12 . .. 6 87 . . 36 164 . . 63 237 .. . HI 330 .. . 159 »16 . .. 8 88*. . 304 166 . . 311 239 .. . 287 341*.. . 319 ,,18 . .. 281 90 . . 40 170 . • 64 240 .. • 113 353 .. . 166 „19 . .. 9 95 . . 41 183 . . 68 243 .. , 122 356 .. . 369 „ 20*. • 425 99 . . 42 185 .. . 70 248*.. . 312 358*. . 436 „27 . . 10 100 . . 283 189 .. . 78 260 .. . 119 359*.. • 433 „32 . . 12 102*. . 305 190 .. . 284 269 .. . 123 360*.. • 437 „35 . .. 13 105 .. • 45 191 .. . 75 276*.. • 336 362 .. . 169 „43 . . 407 110*. . 331 195 .. . 82 280*.. . 315 364 .. ■ 171 »47 . . 17 111*. . 334 196 .. . 86 281 .. • 125 369 .. . 322 „48 . . 15 114 . • 49 199 .. . 89 282 .. . 130 370 .. . 323 „52 . . 15 116 .. . 46 200 .. . 92 287 .. . 288 371 .. . 326 „ 55* . . 310 121 . • 51 204 .. . 94 288 .. . 133 373 .. . 329 „67 . . 19 124 . • 52 205 .. . 98 293 .. . 132 377 .. . 173 „69 . . 20 126*.. . 308 207 .. . 96 294 .. . 137 385 .. . 175 „71 . . 21 132 .. . 53 216 .. . 100 296 .. . 139 399 .. . 178 „75 . . 23 143 .. . 55 219 .. . 285 307 .. . 141 407 .. . 180 „77 . . 24 144*.. . 332 226 .. . 79 312*.. . 338 413 .. . 182 „78 . • 27 149 Introd. 228 .. . 102 314 .. • 144 421 .. . 184 „79 . . 26 152 . • 59 229 .. . 104 316*.. . 316 424 .. . 370 „80 . . 29 156 .. . 61 231 .. . 105 317 .. 149 425 .. . 185 „82 . . 31 160 .. • 57 234 .. • 107 324 .. . 157 427 .. . 189 „85 . . 32 161* . .. 395 DOCUMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS THE CODEX DIPLOMATICUS. Kemble. page. Kemble. page. Kemble. page. Kemble. page?. 430 is at 373 696 is at 401 945 is at 404 1159 is at 380 435 . .. 426 699 . . 215 981 . .. 271 1160 . . 413 437 . .. 291 704 . . 216 993*. .. 408 1171 . .. 381 441 . .. 374 716 . . 222 1000 . .. 22 1172 . . 383 445 . .. 193 722 . . 224 1004* . .. 408 1173 . .. 360 450 . . 194 732 . . 228 1005 . .. 409 1208 . . 385 452 . • 375 751 . . 393 1013 . . 409 1216 . .. 384 453 . . 192 758 . • 297 1014 . . 410 1218 . . 386 481 . . 195 759 . . 240 1019 . . 65 1221 . . 387 487 . . 197 773 . . 243 1024 . . 72 1238 . . 388 488 . . 199 781 . . 246 1025 . . 411 1252 . . 389 490 . . 200 789 . . 247 1043 . . 411 1276* . . 389 505 . . 426 792 .. . 394 1047 . . 412 1288 . . 211 519*. • 413 800 .. • 394 1057 . . 349 1289 . - 390 52-2 . . 427 803 .. . 236 1058 . . 128 1291 . . 364 526 . . 294 822 .. • 377 1072 . . 412 1296 . . 391 570* . • 441 829 .. . 340 1073 . . 154 1298 . . 218 641 . . 428 837 . . 341 1077 . • 350 1305 . . 392 652* . . 361 840 .. . 342 1086 . • 352 1310 .. . 393 657 .. . 209 853 .. . 343 1098 . . 412 1323 .. . 237 658 .. . 363 925 .. • 275 1102 .. . 353 1325 .. • 237 672*.. . 399 933-7 .. . 268 1110 .. • 355 1351 ,. . 269 685 .. . 364 940 .. . 249 1151 .. . 379 1354 .. • 275 PART I. PRIMARY DOCUMENTS. I. GENUINE EECOEDS DATED, n. GENUINE RECORDS UNDATED. I GENUINE EECOEDS DATED. SEVENTH CENTURY. Textus Boffensis 119. 28 April, 604. Kemble 1. iEthilberht king ; his Donation to the church at Rochester. Mr. Kemble saw no reason to doubt its authenticity. The register in which it stands was made by Bp. Ernulf and has a high character among registers ; but we can hardly expect a twelfth-century copy to preserve a deed of the seventh with absolute fidelity. Of this very copy, however, Hickes spoke in the highest terms : — ' Extant verb [chartae] quae vii se- culo inito et deinceps confectae erant, vetustissimae. Scilicet charta ^Ethelberti I regis Cantwarorum, omnium antiquissi- ma ; cujus apographum extat in Textus Roffensis folio 119a; . . . quae omnimodam veritatis speciem prae se fert.' Diss. Ep. p. 79. »J< Regnante in perpetuum domino nostro lesu Christo saluatore! Mense Aprilio, sub die iiii kl. Maias, indictione vii. Ego Aethilberhtus rex filio meo Eadbaldo admonitionem catholicae fidei optabilem. Nobis est aptum semper inquirere qualiter per loca sanctorum, pro animae remedio uel stabilitate salutis nostrae, aliquid de portione terrae nostrae in subsi- diis seruorum dei, deuotissima uoluntate, debeamus ofierre. Ideoque tibi sancte Andrea, tuaeque ecclesiae quae est constituta in ciuitate Hrofibreui, ubi praeesse uidetur Justus episcopus, trado aliquantulum telluris mei. Hie est terminus mei doni : fram su^geate west, B 2 4 GENUINE KECORDS DATED." andlanges wealles, o^ nor'Slanan to streete; ^ swa east fram strsete o^ doddinghyrnan, ongean bradgeat. Siquis uero augere uoluerit hanc ipsam donacionem, augeat illi dominus dies bonos. Et si praesumpserit minu- ere aut contradicere, in conspectu dei sit damnatus et sanctorum eius, bic et in aeterna saecula, nisi emen- dauerit ante eius transitum quod inique gessit contra cbristianitatem nostram. Hoc, cum consilio Laurencii episcopi et omnium principum meorum, signo sanctae crucis confirmaui, eosque iussi ut mecum idem facerent. Amen. Addit. Chart. 19, 788. A.D. 674? B. iv. 1. Wulfhere king of the Mercians, conveys to Berhferth a relative 5 Manentes in perpetuity, at Dilingtun. He had received for the land thirty mancuses of pure gold. The date ncxxnii being inapplicable, I have adopted Mr. Bond's correction, which by supplying one letter makes dclxxiiii the last year but one of Wulfhere's reign. ^ K/EGNANTE in pcrpctuum Domino Deo uiuo et uero sine fine uUo in aeternum, cuncta tempora labentis eeculi in uelocitate deficiunt adque ad instar umbre meridiano tranando decidant, et cotidie uolendo nolen- doque de hoc seculo labimur. Ideo magnopere cogi- tandum est ut cum caducis et temporalibus rebus aeterna premia comparare ualeamus in coelis; memor illius ex- empli de quo Dominus dixit : Sicut aqua extinguit ignem ita elemosina extinguit peccatum. Ob quam causam ego Wulfhere rex Mercentium gentis pro amore omnipotentis Dei et illius fidelis ministri beati Petri SEVENTH CENTUBY. 5 apostoli, et quia in euangelio dictum est Dilige proxi- mum tuum tamquam temet ipsum, et reliqua : ideo cum consensu et licentia amicorum meorum et optimatum meorum dabo Berhfer^e propinqus mens aliquam partem agri in hereditatem perpetuam, id est . v . manentes, ubi ruricoli nominantur Dilingtun, cum campis et siluis et omnibus utensilibus rebus ad isto agro pertinente ; aeternaliter ac perseuerabiliter possideat abendi vel dandi cuicumque eligere uoluerit. Hoc agrum liberatum est cum XXX mancusis cocti auri, et semper liber permaneat omnibus habentibus, ab omnibus duris secularibus notis et ignotis, praeter arcem atque pontem ac uulgare mili- tiam. Si quis uero quod non obtamus [hoc in aliquo] frangere uel minuere temptauerit . sciat se anathematum ab omnipotenti orum nisi hie cum satisfacione digne Deo et hominibus emenda[verit] [ha]nc meam donationem signo crucis XPi perscribere iussi . . . ege suisque ptipientibus perscripsi. >J< Wita ep. >J< Totta ep. »J< Ofa princeps. >{< Eadbriht princeps. >J< Tepra prin. >J< Cynred prin. >J< Eadbald miii >J< Hearnbriht min i^ Eada >{« Eoppa i^ Ofa >{< Acta est autem haec donat' an ab incarnat' Dni . Dcxxiiii. Haec sunt confinia istius ruris : — aerest andlong dihng broces ^ hi ... n ... to leofnes ... "p be su'San ]7a broce XXX acera "p eft to )?a broce andlong broces p on andlong broces to ]?am ealdan strsete up andlong straete be halh p west on pone feld up rihte wiS prim gemaerum andlong heges to aid .... Ihe rifflan . be fif acerum in ^a lacu andlong paere lace norpmestan fennes in brocces broc . p eft in dili[ng broc] ^Endorsed in a hand of the loth cent. ' dillingtun/ B. GENUINE RECORDS DATED. C. C. C. Camb. cxi. 59. 6 Nov. 676. K12. Osric king of the Hwiccas, gives land beside Bath for a monastery of nuns. The place had been distinguished as a seat of heathen idolatry, and therefore the more to be selected for a Christian foundation. Osric had been converted by Oftfor (Beda iv. 23), and had founded the See of "Worcester. , This document is only preserved in a Register book ; but Mr. Kemble passed it without challenge. Mr. Thorpe (Dipl. p. xx) spoke of it as a charter 'the genuineness of which there appears no reason to question'; and as perhaps the earliest undeniable instance of reckoning by the year Anno Domini. The deed of Wulfhere (above) was unknown to Mr. Thorpe. JBe ♦ c ♦ faints qui Eitacmt dmtditi 93atfjae. >J« Regnante ac gubernante regimonia regni Osrici regis, anno recapitulationis Dionisii, id est ab Incar- natione domini nostri lesu Christi, sexcentesimo sep- tuagesimo sexto, indictione quarta, mense Nouembrio, vi[i°. idus nouembris. Cum nobis euangelica et apos- tolica dogmata post baptismi sacramentum, dec sufFra- gante, fuissent delata, et omnia simulachrorum figmenta ridiculosa funditus diruta, tum primitus ad augmen- tum catholic^ et orthodoxy fidei pontificalem dumtaxat eathedram erigentes, iuxta sinodalia decreta construere censuimus. At uero nunc cum gratia superna longe lateque profusius enitesceret, c^nobialia etiam loca sparsim uirorum sparsimque uirginum deo famulantium, erigenda statuimus, ut ubi truculentus et nefandus prius draco errorum deceptionibus seruiebat, Nunc uersa nice ecclesiasticus ordo in clero conuersantium domino patro- I SEVENTH CENTURY. 7 cinante gaudens tripudiet : Quamobrem ego supradictus Osricus rex, pro remedio anim^ me§ et indulgentia pia- culorum meorum, hoc priuilegiura impendere ad laudem nominis domini nostri decreueram : Id est Bertan§ abbatiss§, qu^ pro Christiana deuotione et pro spe etern^ beatitudinis dei famulam se profitetur. Centum manentes, qui adiacent ciuitati qu§ uocatur Hat Bathu,^ tribuens ad construendum monasterium sanctarum uir- ginum. Igitur subnixis precibus imploro, ut nuUus, post obitum meum, de ea cespitis conditione toUere uel auferre quippiam, contra canonic^ auctoritatis inter- dictum, pertinaciter p'sumat. Si quis uero, quod absit, succedentium episcoporum seu regum contra banc nos- trae diflfinitionis cartulam, propria temeritate, p'sumere temptauerit, sit sequestratus a communione corporis domini nostri lesu Christi, et a consortio omnium sanctorum in ^uum priuatus. Signum manus Osrici regis, qui banc cartam dona- tionis fieri rogaui.>J< Ego iE^elredus rex consensi et subscripsi.>I« Ego Theodorus, gratia dei archiepiscopus, testis subscripsi. >i< Ego Leutherius, acsi indignus, epi- scopus subscripsi.>I< Ego Wilfridus episcopus consensi et subscripsi. »I« Ego Hedda episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >I< Ego Ergnualdus episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >I* Ego Saxuulfus episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >I< Signum Baldredi. Osuualdi. Gadfridi. iE^elmodi. *5jc* ' But the charter is questionable as to the indiction, and is signed by both Leutherius and Hedda, successive bishops of the West Saxons. If it is genuine, it only shews that the arrangements may have occupied some years.* H & S. iii. 1 29. ^ It is not necessary to suppose that this form of the name of Bath is as old as a.d. 676. 8 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Cott. Aug. ii. 2. May, 679. K16. B. i. 1. HloShari king of Cantware, grants to Bercuald, abbot, land in Thanet, and in Sturry. Has Sturry Court, the remains of which are near Sturry church, had any historical connection with this property ? The diction is an illiterate Latin ; not as if learnt by grammar and at school. Besides internal evidence, the originality of the document is attested by the uncial and doubtless contemporary penmanship. A rigorous criticism might consider this as the earliest of our genuine charters. But at this rate we should have to give up all the charters of the Seventh century, except this and one other. For there are but two of them that are absolute Originals. >I< In n d nostri saluatoris ihu xpi . ego hlotharius rex cantuariorum pro remedium animae meae dono ter- rain . in tenid . qu§ appellatur uuestan ae tibi bercuald. tuoque monasterio cum omnib: ad se pertinentibus campis pascuis meriscis siluis modicis fonnis piscaris omnibus ut dictum est ad eandem terram pertinentia . sicuti nunc usq: possessa est . iuxta notissimos terminos a me demon- stratus et proacuratoribus meis . eodem modo tibi tuoque monasterio conferimus . teneas possideas tu . posterique tui in perpetuum defendant a nuUo contradicitur . cum consensu archiepiscopi theodori et ^drico . filium fratris mei nee non et omnium principum . sicuti tibi donata est ita tene et posteri tui : — quisquis contra banc dona- tione uenire temptauerit sit ab omni xpianitata separatus et a corpore et sanguini dni nostri ihu xpi suspensus . manentem banc donationis cbartulam in sua nihilominus firmitate et pro confirmatiorie eius manu propria signum see crucis expraessi et testes ut subscriberent rogaui, actum in ciuitate recuulf. in mense maio in d septima : In ipsa antememorato die adiunxi ^liam terram in sturia iuxta notissimos terminos a me demonstratus et pro- SEVENTH CENTURY. 9 acuratoribus meis cum campis et siluis et pratis sicuti ante memorabimus supradictam terrain, ita ista sit a me donata eodem modo cum omnibus ad se pertinentia in potestate abb' sit . in perpetuum . a me donata . a nullo contradicitur quod absit . neque a me neque a parentibus meis neque ab aliis. si aliquis aliter fecerit a do se damnatum sciat , et in die iudicii rationem j-eddet do in anima sua : — gnum manus blothari regis donatoris. o^num manus o-umbercti. gnum manus g^bredi. gnum manus osfridi. gnum manus irminredi. gnum manus aedilmaeri. gnum manus hagani. gnum manus aeldredi. gnum manus aldhodi. gnum manus gudhardi. gnum manus bernhardi. gnum manus uelhisci. *** Tn Beda v. 8 we read that Berctuald who was Abbot of Reculver succeeded Theodorus as Abp. Cant, in 693 ; and Smith identifies him with the Bercuald of this deed. ^ si * si •i* si ^ si ^ si •i* si * si * si ^ si *h si ^ si * si Bodl. Wood. i. 149 (collated). K19. Headdi 6 July, 680. bishop of "Winchester, grants land to Hengils abbot of Glas- tonbury. Kemble admits this charter to be substantially genuine, notwithstanding an error of the indiction, which is not of much account in a modern copy. Haddan and Stubbs regard this as the new or Saxon foundation of the abbey of Glastonbury, the territory of which had recently been taken 10 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. from the Britons. The first name in the roll of Glastonbury abbots was Hengils or Hemgils. H&S. iii. 164. E-EGNANTE ac gubernante nos domino nostro lesu Christo ! mense lulio, pridie nonas, Indictione quinta, anno incarnationis eiusdem dclxxx. Nichil intulimus in hunc mundum, uerum nee auferre possumus ; ideo terrenis eelestia et cadueis eterna comparanda sunt. Qua propter ego Eddi episcopus terram que dicitur Lantoeal, tres cassatos, Hegliseo abbati libenter largior : necnon terram in alio loco, duas manentes, hoc est in insula qui girum cingitur hinc atque illinc pallude, cuius uocabulum est Ferramere. Denique solerter peto, ut nullus post obitum nostrum hoc donatiuum in irritum facere presumat. Siquis uero id temptauerit, sciat se Christo rationem redditurum. »J« Ego Eddi episcopus subscripsi. Axil. Trin. f. 38. June, 686. (Harl. 686. f. 132.) K27. Eadric king of Cantware, grants for an adequate price, namely ten pounds of silver, certain land of his right to the monastery of St. Peter at Canterbury (St. Augustine's). The grant is witnessed by Abp. Theodore. In nomine saluatoris, cuius pietate^ regimen assequti sumus, quo eciam gubernante regnamus, et omnia quae habere cognoscimur ipso largiente habita possidemus! Pro qua re ego Eadricus rex Cantuariorum, a praesenti die et tempore, terram iuris mei, quamuis praetium com- petens acceperim, hoc est argenti libras decem, in monasterio beati Petri apostolorum principis quod situm est iuxta ciuitatem Dorouernis, una cum consensu me- SEVENTH CENTURY. 11 orum patrieiorum, in perpetuum donaui et dono : quae supradicta terra eoniuncta est terre quam sancte memorie Lotharius, quondam rex, beato Petro, pro remedio anime sue, donasse cognoscitur; que terra determinatur,, ex una parte habet uadum quod appellatur Ford streta publica indireetum, et a parte alia flumen quod nominatur Stur ; omnes terras sationales, cum pratis, campis, siluis, fontanis uel mariscum quod appel- latur Stodmersctij^ cum omnibus ad supradictam terram aratrorum trium pertinentia, beato Petro, eiusque fami- liae in qua nunc praeesse Adrianus abbas dinoscitur, tradidi possidendam, et quicquid exinde facere uoluerint, utpote dominij liberam habeant potestatem. Sicut dona- tum est manere decerno ; nunquam me haeredesque meos uel successores contra banc donacionis mee cartu- 1am, uUo tempore, esse venturos: quod si aliquis pre- sumpserit, sit separatus a participacione corporis et sanguinis domini nostri lesu Christi, manente bac cartula nibilominus in sua firmitate. De quibus omnibus supra- dictis ac a me definitis, ut ne aliquis in posterum sit aduersitas, propria manu signum sancte crucis ex- pressi, et sanctissimum atque reuerentissimum Tbeo- dorum archiepiscopum nostrum ut subscriberet rogaui, et alios testes similiter. Actum in mense lunio, Indic- tione XIII. Ego Aedricus rex in banc donatio nis mee cartulam signum sancte crucis expressi.>J< Ego Theodorus, archiepiscopus gratia Dei, subscripsi.>I< ^ This is a vernacular use of the word. See Glossary. ^ This form betrays the lateness of the copy. The date of the Trinity Hall manuscript (our best authority here) is about 1400, as I am informed by Professor Skeat, who has collated it for me. 12 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. Harl. 4660, fol. 1. A.D. 691 or 692. £32. .ZEthelred of Mercia grants 30 cassati at Henbury and Aust to the church at Worcester. For the probable identity of cet Austin with the AugustincBS dc of Beda ii. 2, see Haddan and Stubbs, vol. iii. p. 40, note b. >J< Apostolus Paulus de extremo iudicio manifestis- sime loquens ita dixit omnes enim stabimus ante tri- bunal xpi ut recipiat unusquisque prout gessit sine bonu sine malu . etiam ipse dus in euang suo manifestat dieens Ibunt impii in suppliciu aeternum iusti autem in uita aeternam. Hoc sane tremendu et terribile di omni- potentis iudiciu omnibus est nobis perhorrescendii. Qua- propter ego iEthelred xpo donante rex Mercensiu pro absolutione criminu meoru et pro amore di uiuentis terram qui uetusto uocabulo nuncupatur Heanburg et in alio loco set Austin hoc est circiter in illis duob' locis XXX. cassatorum Oftforo meo uenerabili episc. in propriam possessionem tradidi ad ilia ecctia beati Petri principis apost. quae sita est in Uueogoma ciuitate cu antiquis confiniis et captura pisciii et cum omnib' utilitatib' campo \ in silua i* in flumine ad se rite pertinentib' illi pfruantur in aeuu ; similiter etiam ab secu- laribus omnibus seruitutib' leuis sint in ppetuum liberati nisi tantu et expeditione contra hostes n si seruantibus minuentibus uero ^ con sempiterna. amen. }^ Ego aethilred rex ppria donatione corroborans, titulo scae crucis subscripsi. >{< Ego headda epTs consen. 7 su'bs. i^t Ego oftfor epTsc donatione quam a rege [accepi] propria manu connotaui. SEVENTH CENTURY. 13 >J< Ego torhtuuald consen. 7 sut>. ►J. Ego eaduuald consen. 7 suh. >J< Ego cille consen. 7 sut). >I< Ego OS frith consen. 7 sut). >I< Ego ecgfrith consen. 7 sul3. >J< Ego tuddul consen. 7 sut). ►{< Ego guthlac consen. 7 sut). >I< Ego sigiuuald consen. 7 sut>. >J< [Ego folchere] consen. 7 sut>. »I< [Ego berhttred] consen. 7 su'b. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 29. March, 692 or 693. MS. Cott. Vesp. A. ix. 141. K35. B.i. 2. Oethilred a relative of Sebbi king of the East Saxons, grants land on the north bank of the Thames to Ethilburg, abbess of Bed- danham. This is from an Original in uncials, and a specimen of the writing was given by Kemble. Besides king Sebbi and the donor, it is signed by Erconwald bp. London, Wilfrid bp. York, and Haedde bp. Winchester, This is the other of the two absolute Originals spoken of under May 679. 1^ In nomine dni. n. Ihu. xpi. saluatoris. Quotiens scis ac uenerabilib: locis uestris Aliquid ofiPerre uidemur Uestra nobis reddimus non nostra largimur. Qua- propter ego Ho[di]lredus parens sebbi prouincia East- sexanorum . Cum ipsius consensu propria uoluntate Sana mente integroq: consilio Tibi hedilburge abbatissae Ad augmentum monasterii tui quae dicitur beddanhaam . perpetualiter trado et de meo iure in tuo transscribo terram Quae appellatur ricingahaam budinhaam d^ccan- haam angenlabeshaam Et campo in silua quae dicitur uuidmundesfelt Quae simul sunt coniuncta . xl. manen- 14 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. tium usq: ad terminos quae ad eum pertinent Cum omnib: ad se pertinentib: Cum campis siluis pratis et marisco Ut tarn tu quam poster! tui teneatis possideatis Et quaecumq : uolueris de eadem facere terra liberam habeatis potestatem Actum mense martio et testes conpetenti numero ut subscriberent rogaui Si quis contra banc donationis kartulam uenire temptauerit aut cor- rumpere Ante omnipotentem dm et ihm xpm filium eius et spm scm Id est inseparabilem trinitatem Sciat se condemnatum et separatum ab omni societate xpiana M[anentem] banc kartulam donationis in sua nibil- ominus firmitate . et ut firma et inconcussum sit donum termini sunt autem isti huius taerre cum quib: accingi'B ab oriente writolaburna ab aquilone c^ntinces triovv and bancbemstede ab australe fiumen tamisa Si quis autem banc donationem augere uoluerit augeat ds bona sua in regione uiuorum cum scis suis sine fine amen .*. >^ Ego sebbi rex eastsax pro confirmatione subscripsi. Ego oedelraedus donator subscripsi. i^ Ego ercnuual- dus epi Scopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego uuilfridus epis consens et subsp. i^ Ego baedde epTs consn et sb. Ego guda pr et abbas consentiens subs. i^ Ego egc- baldus pr et ab consen et subsp. >^ Ego bagona pr et abb cons et subsp. »J< Ego booc pr et abb cons et subsp. Sig>I«num manus sebbi regis. Sig>J^ In nomine domini Ihesu Christi saluatoris nostri ! ego Ini regnante domino rex Saxonum cogitans vitae eternae praemium, verens poenas inferni perpetuas, pro remedio animae meae et relaxatione criminum meorum aliquam terrae particulam donare decreui uenerabili Aldhelmo abbati, ad augmentum monasterii sui quod Meldunensburg uocatur ; id est XLV. cassatos in locis ab accolis infra nominatis. Id est v. manentes in loco qui dicitur Gersdune ; et ubi riuulus qui uocatur Corsaburna oritur xx ; et in alio loco iuxta eundem riuulum x ; et iuxta laticem qui uocatur Reodburna x. Et hoc actum est anno ab incarnatione Christi dcci. Indixione xiiii*. >J< Signum manus Ini regis. >J< Signum manus Oshelmi. >I< Ego Haddi episcopus huic donacioni con- sensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego XJuynberchtus banc dona- cionem dictans subscripsi. Cott. Aug. ii. 82. 13 June, 704. K52. B.i.3. Suaebraed king of East Saxons, grants to Waldhere, bp. London, land at Twickenham in the Middlesaxon province. Essex was now 16 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. under Mercian supremacy, and the licence of JEdelred is obtained. But it is Coenred (not JEdelred) who signs as overlord. This seeming incongruity led "Wanley, p. 262, § 77, to condemn this document as ' Carta ut videtur fictitia, etsi valde antiqua ' : but the suspicion turns to confirmation when we consider Beda v. 24, where we read that JEdilred, after ruling for thirty-one years, became a monk in 704, and gave the kingdom to Coenred. »i< In nomine dni nri ihu xpi saluatoris Quamuis solus sermo sufficeret ad testimonium attamen p cautella futurorum temporum ne quis forte posterum fraudulen- tam ignorantiae piaculum perperam incurrat idcirco scedulis saltim uilib: ^ ampliore firmitatis supplimento necessarium reor adnectere Quapropter ego sueabraed rex eastsaxonoru et ego pseogthath cum licentia oedel- redi regis comis aliquantulum agri partem pro remedio animarum nrarum uualdhario episc in dominio donare decreuimus id -r . xxx. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur tuican hom in puincia quae nuncupatur middelseaxan Hsec autem terra his locorum limitib: designatur ab oriente et austro flumine tamisae terminata a septem- trione plaga torrente Cuius uocabulum -r fiscesburna Possessionem autem huius terrse taliter ut supradiximus Cum campis sationalib: pascualib: pratis palludib: pis- cuariis fluminib: Clusuris omnib: quae ad eam perti- nentibus in dominio supra dicti epsc possidendam ppetuale iure tradidimus et libera habeat potestatem agendi quodcumq: uoluerit porro ut firmior huius dona- tionis largitio iugiter seruaretur etiam testes adiunximus quorum nomina subter tenentur inserta Si quis uero successorum nrorum banc donationis nras munificentia augere et amplificare maluerit auget dns partem eius in libro uitae Si quis e diuerso quod absit tyrannica potestate fretus infringere temptauerit sciat se ante tri- EIGHTH CENTURY. 17 bunal xpi tremibundum rationem redditurum Maneatq: nilhominus in sua firmitate hsec kartala scripta Anno ab incarnatione dni nri dcc.iiii. idic ii. tertia decima die mensis iunii quod -r id iunii. >I< Ego coenredus rex mere banc terram waldbario epsc pro remedio anime mese in dominio donare decreui in loco qui dicitur tuiccanbam et libenti animo ppria manu cruce infixi. >J< ego ciolred mere banc donationem quam ante donauit ppinquus meus coenrsedus rex 7 ego confirmaui in loco arcencale et sTg see crucis expressi. >J< ego beadda eps consensi et subscripsi >I< ego cotta at) con. et sub »I< ego suebrsedus rex eastsaxonu propria m. ^ ego peobtbat sTg ma inposui >J< ego friodored sTg m »J< coenbeard sig m >^ cudraed sig m >^ uilloc sig m >{< selric sig m ►}< sceftwine sig >I< eadred sig >{< lulla sig m >J< wulfbat sig >I< cymmi sig >i< cynric sig m >I< tuduna sig »I< pagara sig >{« eadberbt sig *^* ^Endorsed ly a contemporaneous hand^ ' Tuicanham ; * and hy a hand of the izth century, * Suebred Rex dedit tuickenham Waldhario episcopo. Latine.' B. Cott. Aug. ii. 88. July, 700 or 715. K47. B.i.4. Uuihtraed king of Cantware, grants land to tbe churcb (basilica) at Lyminge, Kent. Tbe donor signs with the cross because of his ignorance of letters. The alternative dates are Mr. Kemble's : Mr. Bond follows him, but with the remark, that in Gervase 18 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. of Canterbury the grant is referred to 693. All these years fall within the reign of Wihtred. ►J< In nomine dni di nostri ihu xpi. Eg-o uuihtredus rex cantuariorum prouidens mihi in futuro decreui dare aliquid omnia mihi donanti et consilio accepto bonum uisuta est conferre basilicae beatae mariae genetricis di quae sita est in loco qui dicitur limingae terram iiii aratrorum quae dicitur pleghelmestun . cum omnib: ad eandem terram pertinentib: iuxta notissimos terminos id est bereueg" . et meguuines paed et stretleg . terrulae quoq: partem eiusdem di genetrici beatae mariae simi- liter in perpetuum possidendam perdono . cuius uocabu- lum est ruminingseta . ad pastum uidelicet ouium tre- centorum . ad australe quippe fluminis quae appellatur liminaea . terminos uero huius terrulae ideo non ponimus quoniam ab accolis undiq: certi sunt. Quam donationem meam nolo firmam esse [in] perpetuum ut nee ego seu heredes mei aliquid inminuere praesumant. Quod si alitor temptatum fuerit a qualibet persona sub anathematis interdictione sciat se praeuaricari ad cuius confirma- tionem pro ignorantia litterarum >J< signum scae crueis expressi et testes idoneos ut subscriberent rogaui id est berhtuualdum archiepisc. uirum uenerabile. 1^ Ego berhtuualdus episc rogat[us] consensi et sub- scripsi. >i< Signum manus uuihtredi regis »J« Signum ma- nus aethilburgae reginae )^ Signum manus enfridi. >^ Signum manus aedil- fridi. >{« Signum manus hagana >i< Signum manus botta. >i< Signum manus bern- haerdi >J< Signum manus theabul >J< Signum manus frodi ' >{< Signum manus aehcha >I< Signum manus aesica. EIGHTH CENTURY. 19 ^ Signum manus adda >{< Signum manus egis- berhti. Actum in mense iulio indictione xiiima. . *5|c* indorsed in an ancient hand : — * rumening seta inn to limining mynster'; and in a hand of the 12th century: — ' Wictredus rex can- tuarie contulit ecclesie sancte marie de limminge iiii. aratra plegelmes- tun et rumingsete ad pastum ouium ccc/ B. Heming 193. A.D. 716. K67. .ZEthelbald king of the Mercians, makes an exchange of saltworks on the Salwarp with the monastery at Worcester : he giving them on the south side of the river land for three sheds and six furnaces; and receiving as an equivalent six furnaces in two sheds on the north side of the same river. Archdeacon Hale says that this is the earliest notice of the Monastery of Wor- cester possessing property in Droitwich, and that at the time of the Domesday Survey (vol. ii. p. 174) the Monastery had eight Salinae in Droitwich. He also notes the conventionality of the profession, 'pro redemptione animae meae,' in a contract avowedly based upon mutual convenience. Begister of Wor- cester Priory, p. Ixxxiii. Camden Society, 1865. '^ In nomine domini Ihesu ! Ego Aetliilbald, ex diuina dispensatione Mercensium rex^ rogatus a saneta familia Christi consistenti in loco cui nomen Uigran- ceastre, aliquam agelli partem in qua sal confici solet, ad meridianam plagam fluminis quod dicunt Saluuerpe, in loco qui dicitur Lootuuic et Coolbeorg, ad constru- endos tres casulos et sex caminos, pro redemptione animae meae, in uoluntariam possidendi libertatem, con- cedens donabo ; sex alios a supradicta Christi familia caminos, in duobus casulis, in quibus similiter sal con- ficitur, uicarios accipiens, ad aquilonalem uidelicet partem fluminis memorati cui uocabulum est Saluuerpe. Hanc autem mutuam uicissitudinem idcirco fecisse nos constat, quia utrisque nobis magis aptum esse uisum est. c 3 20 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. 1^ Hanc autem libertatem ego Aethelbaldus, rex Merciorum, signo sanctae crucis confirmabo. >^ Ego Eguuinus episcopus. >i< Ego Uuilfridus dux. >J< Ego Aetheluuard dux. >{< Ego Stronglic dux. >J< Ego Sig- berbtus minister. ►$< Ego Eadberht minister, t^ Ego Oba minister. >i< Ego Eaduulf minister. Heming 31. A.D. 718. K69 -aathelbald king of the Mercians, grants to Begia six cassati of land for a monastery at Daylesford in Worcestersbire. >J< Ego Aethelbald, diuina dispensante gratia Mer- censium rex, terram sex cassatorum,, iuxta fluuium, cui nomen est Bladaen, prope uadum, cui uoeabulura est Daeglesford, pro redemptione animae meae, seruo dei, quern uocant Begia, in possessionem iuris ecclesiastici libertatisque tradidi ; ita ut in ea monasterium con- strueretur et seruorum dei habitaculum fieret ; ea tamen conditione in omnibus rebus donabo illi noti et ignotis ^ regis sine principis, libera permaneat in sempiternum. Si quis autem banc donationem meam uiolare tempta- uerit, sciat se in tremendo extremi iudicii dei examine rationem deo redditurum. >i< Ego Aethelbaldus rex propriam meam donationem consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Uuilfrithus episcopus consensi. >J< Ego Eadberht consensi. >{< Ego Aethelrie consensi. >J< Ego Cyneric consensi. i^t Ego Aelfraed consensi. >J< Ego Sigebed consensi. t^t Ego Osraed consensi. Acta est autem hec donatio, anno Incarnationis Christi Dccxviii. Indictione . x. ^ Mr. Kemble proposed to correct thus : * Ea tamen conditione donabo illi, ut in omnibus rebus, notis et ignotis, &c.* EIGHTH CENTURY. 21 Bodl. Wood. i. 201 (collated). 20 July, 723. K71. Ini king of the Saxons, gives ten cassati of land to abbot Hemgisl. Kemble observes that this charter cannot be of the inscribed date 663, but may well be of 723. 'It bears marks of authenticity, but the year of the Incarnation has been inter- polated, and falsely calculated from the Indiction.' >J4 In nomine dei patris omnipotentis ! Anno incar- nationis saluatoris humani generis dclxiii. Indictione sexta XIII °. kalendas Augusti . scripta est haec pagina priiiilegii. Ego Ini rex Saxonum, pro remedio anime mee aliquam partem terre donans impendo, id est decem cassatos, Hengisli abbati, cum pontificis nostri consilio, consentiente Baldredo qui banc terram do- nauit ei per petitionem Sergheris per me donatio hec imperpetuii sit confirmata ut nullus infringere audeat. Terra autem hec sita est in monte et circa montem qui dicitur Brente ; habens ab occidente Sabrina^ ab aquilonem Axam, ab oriente Termic, ab austro Siger. Siquis uero cupiditate inlectus uoluerit irritam facere banc donationem, sciat se rationem domino redditurum. >I< Ego Heddi episcopus consentiens propriis manibus subscripsi. Hec enim sunt nomina testium subrogatorum pos- terioris temporis, pro maioris munimine firmamenti. >^ Ego Baldredus rex. »J< Ego Athelbaldus rex. >^ Ego Hereuualdus speculator eeclie dei, cum multis aliis. Isti prefati, ne sequentiu rapacitas praece- dentium irrumperet instituta, hiis uerbis inhibitionem indidisse uidentur. Siquis autem quouis deinceps tem- pore hoc infringere, tot nobilitatis gradibus robo- ratum, psumeret ius, sit a consortio bene merentiu 22 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. anathema, rapaciumqj collegio adplicitus temeritatis sue commissa luat, sub diris dentibus salamandri, cerberiq^ rictibus reatum exsoluat proprium sine fine semper moerens. Siquis uero beniuola intentione potius prae- dutus haec exacta decernit, possideat bona sempiterna cum bene merentibus. *** Ruhricated, ' Carta Regis Ine de Brente/ — The margin has BRENTE in large illuminated capitals. Chart. Dec. & Cap. Cicestr. A.D. 725. Reg. B. xviii. 5. ibid. K 1000. Nunna king of the South Saxons, grants land to Eadberht (the first bp. Selsey, Beda v. i8) : — stated as 20 tributarii in the body of the deed, but in the endorsement 20 hides. Kemble's text, here reproduced, was made from a mutilated original at Chichester, the lacunae being partly supplied from Bishop Beed's Begister there. [>I< Begnante perennitus dec ac domino n]ro ihu xpo simulq : spiu see par[aclit]o in trib : psonis una deitas sine fin[e permansura. Qua de re unicuique cogitandum quantum sibi suf]ficiat possessio ut cu reb : transitoriis labentibusq : sibi seterna pre[paret praemia quod huius uitae praesentis quibusque nolentibus] i uolentib : adppin- quat terminus. Quamobrem ego nunna rex a[ustralium Saxonum aliquas telluris partes pro amore dei et coeles]tis patriae uenerando epio eadberhto in suu et in di seruitiu liberate [assensu saeculari aeternaliter conscribo et fir- miter ad] episcopale sedem adtingens cu totis ad ea ptinentib : in campis in siluis [montanis pascuis piscariis terra quae uoeitatur] hugabeorgii et set dene .xx. tribu- taries libenti animo attribuo. Si quis au[tem success- orum meorum quod absit banc donationem] mea in EIGHTH CENTURY. 23 modico t in magno minuere t inuadere temptauerit Sciat se in treme[ndo examine coram Christo rationem red- dere nisi ante satisfactio]ne emendauerit. >I< Istis ter- minib : circugirata esse uidentur : g dices on ^Seodweg nor^ ofer )?one weg lauingtunes dices east ende . of ^sere die nor'S e 7 )7anan east to freccehlince of ]>a, hlince to halignesse beorge of J>a beorge east to stse am garan of )?a garan to J^am byrgelsan of ]78em byrgelsan to billingabyrig 7 swa andlang Isese. 7 "Sa dsenn serest ]7ser scealces burna 7 bollanea hi gega- deria'S on nor'Shealfe pses br 7 bulan hoi . 7 isenan sewylm . 7 Saengelpicos 7 feale beag . tibbanhol. [Scripta est autem haec cartula anno] ab incarna? dni .dcclxxv. Indic[tione .11.] Testiu ergo et csentientiu huic donat[ioni signa aeterna demonstrabo. >^ Ego Nunna rex primus] crucis xpi signo munio. »I< Ego u[uattus rex ]c[onsensi et subscripsi]. >^ Ego [Coenredus] rex w[estsaxonum roboraui.] [>i< Ego Eadbirht episcopus mihi terram] tributam confirmo signo crucis xpi. [>I« Ego Ine consensi et] propria manu scripsi. Dorso. ]?is is seo landboc ]?e nunna cyng gebocade eadberhte b into hugabeorgu .xx. hida. Cott. Vesp. B. xxiv. 35. A.D. 727. K75. ^thilbald king of the Mercians, grants land of three manentes to Buca for a perpetual habitation of the servants of God. >J< In nomine dei summi ! Reuerentissimus rex Mercensium, ego Aethilbold, pro redemptione animae 24 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. meae largitus sum terram quae dicitur Aactune, trium manentium^ Bucan comiti meo ; firmiter possidendum benignissime trado, contra eius pecuniam. Ita largitus sum terram lianc prefato comiti meo, ut perpetuum sit habitaculum seruorum dei, diuina suffragante gratia, soUicite in eo seruetur. Hanc autem donationem si quis tirannica potestate infringere uoluerit, sciat ilium in examine deo rationem redditurum. >J< Ego Aethilbald rex Mercensium propria manu signum crucis impressi. »I< ego Uuor episcopus con- sensi. >J< ego Torthere episcopus consensi. >J< ego Tida consensi. i^ ego Osfrid consensi. >{< ego Aethil- mod consensi. >I< ego Puda consensi. >J< ego Uuil- broth consensi. >J< ego Eadberht consensi. >{< ego Uuilfrat consensi. i^ ego Qua consensi. ►{< ego Tu- nualud consensi. »i< ego Peot consensi. >J< ego Teol consensi. >i< ego Theodor consensi. Actum autem hoc meae concessionis donum anno dominicae incarnationis Dccxvii ^. indictionis x. * * The date 717 is erroneous, and is not only refuted by the Indiction, but by the date of Uuor, one of the witnesses. On the other hand, 727 agrees with the Indiction, and is consistent with the dates of Uuor and Torchere/ K. Cott. Aug. ii. 91. 20 Feb. 732. K 77. B. i. 6. ^thilberht king of Kent, the second of that name, grants to the abbot Dun land used for salt-works near the Limen. The form is almost that of an epistle addressed by the grantor to the grantee. A specimen of the writing is given in the Codex Diplomaticus, and the whole piece is facsimiled in the British Museum Series. >i< In nomine dni di saluatoris ni Ihu xpi. Est ter- rula quaedam id -;- quarta pars aratri unius iuxta limi- EIGHTH CENTURY. 25 naee sali coquendo accommoda quam ego aethilberhtus rex cantuariorum dudum praestiteram antecessori tuo hymoran . et tu o abba praesbyter dun . iam per tempora plura me annuente eadem usus es praesta- tione. Hanc ipsam ego nunc terrulam iuris mei non p pecunia aliqua saeculari sed p remedio tantum ani- mae meae tibi et ecclesiae beatae mariae cui tua prae- est sollicitudo . ita tribuo et dono ut a praesenti die et tempore uestrae sit potestatis earn semper habere ac possidere qualiter uobis placuerit. Et ius regium in ea deinceps nullum repperiatur omnino . Excepto dum- taxat tale quale generale est in uniuersis ecclesiasticis terris quae in hac cantia esse noscuntur. Et ut iugiter firmitate suam haec ipsa mea donatio habeat . subter hie signum scae crucis ex[praessi] testesq: illius ut subscribant petam. [Actum est] die uicesima februarii mensis . anno regni nostri septimo. Indic[tione qjuinta decima dorouerni : — Et insuper ego aethilberhtus rex addidi huic dona- tioni quam p remedio animae meae dedi in omni anno centum^ plaustra onusta de lignis ad coquendum sal. Item dedi ei centum iugera eiusdem ruris . in loco qui dicitur . sandtun . termini uero terrae illius hec sunt . ab oriente terra regis . ab austro fluuius qui dicitur limenaee . ab occidente et in septentrione hudan fleot. li^t signum scae crucis qd scripsit aethilberhtus rex atq: donator. >^ Ego tatuuinus episc ad petitione aethilberhti regis subscripsi. >^ Ego albinus abbas iubente piissimo rege aethil- berhto subscripsi. >i< signum manus balthhaeardi. 26 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. »i< signum manus bynnan. >J< signum manus aeanberhti. lit signum manus aethiliaeardi. *i^* Endorsed in an early hand, ' Sand tunes hoc ' ; and in a later hand, 'Viile: B. Cott. Nero E. i. 388. 24 Nov. 723 or 728 or 734\ 7. K79. -asthilbald king of the Mercians, grants to Cyneburh 6 cassati at Bradan- laeh (Maiden Bradley, Somerset. K). ^ DoNANTE domino nostro Ihesu Christo ! Ego Aethilbaldus rex Merciorum terram iuris mei vi. cassatorum, cui uocabulum est Bradanlaeh, pro redemp- tione animae meae Cyneburge trado ; ut fiat eius pos- sessio in perpetuum ; et cuicumque uoluerit tradere, uel in uita illius uel post obitum eius, [potestatem] habeat tradendi. Si quis temptauerit banc donationem fraudare, sciat se reddere rationem in die iudicii. Huie donationi optimates mei testes sunt quorum nomina infra expressa sunt. ^ Ego Aethilbaldus rex Merciorum confirmationem banc confirmaui propria manu. >J< Ego Uuor episcopus. >J< Ego OflPa confirmaui. ^ Ego Eadberht confirmaui. ^ Ego Uualdhere confirmaui. ^ Ego Uuilfrid episco- pus. >J< Ego Aldberht confirmaui. ►!< Ego Ontuuini confirmaui. Hanc cartam composui in iiii. feria viii. kal. decemb. passio sancti Chrisogoni martyris. ^ The 24th of November fell on a Wednesday in the years 7i7» 723» 728, 734, 745, 751, and 756, between 716 and 757- But as Uuor became bishop in 721, and died in 737, while Uuilfrith died in 743, we must exclude 717, 745, 751, and 756. Kemble i. 95 and ii. p. xi. EIGHTH CENTURY. 27 t Chart. Cotton, xvii. 1. A.D. 734. (Text. Roff. 120.) K 78. B. ii. 1. jasthilbald of Mercia grants to Aldulf, bp. of Rochester, the toll of one ship in the port of London. Written in very rude disjointed Latin. Appended is a Confirmation of the grant by Berhtulf of Mercia, about 840. >J< In nomine dni di saluatoris nri . ihu . xpi, Si ea quae quisq : p recipienda a do mercede hominib: uerbo sue largitur et donat stabilia iugiter potuissent durare supuacaneu uideretur ut litteris narrarentur ac firma- rentur, Sed dum ad pbanda donata ad conuincenduq: uolentem infringere nihil prorsus robustius ee uideretur quam donationis manit) auctoru ac testiu roborate non inmerito plurimi petunt, ut quae eis conlata dinoscuntur paginaliter confirmentur . quorum pos- tulationib: tanto libentius tantoq: promptius consensus pbendus -?- quanto et illis quae pcatores s? utilior res secundu hoc uisibile sctm nunc inpertitur, et illis qui concessores existunt p inpertito opere pietatis ube- rior fructus secundu inuisibile postmodum tribuetur, quamobrem ego . ethilbaldus rex mere psentib: litteris indico me dedisse p anima mea alduulfo episc eccle- siseq: beati andrese apost quam gubernat unius nauis sine ilia proprie ipsius siue cuiuslibet alterius hominis sit incessum id h- uectigal . mihi et antecessorib: meis iure regie in portu lundonise usque hactenus conpeten- tem quemammodii mansuetudinem nram rogauit, quae donatio ut in perpetuum firma et stabilis sit ita ut nullus eam regu t optimatum t teloniarioru t etiam iunioru quilibet ipsorii in parte aut in toto [in irrijtum 28, GENUINE EECORDS DATED. psumat aut possit adducere manu ^prio signum see crucis subter in hac pa[g'ina faciam testesque] ut sub- scribant petam, quisquis ig id q^ pro anima mea donaui aut [donatu]m -h inlibatura permanere pmiserit habeat communionem beatam cum psente xpi ecclesia atq^ futura, si quis autem non permiserit separetur a societate [non solum] scorum hominu sed etiam angeloru . manente hac donatione nra nihilominus in sua firmitate, actum mense septembrio die indie ,ii, anno regni nri XVII, >J< ego aethilbald rex subscripsi >I< ego danihel episc scripsi >J< signum manus oba, »J< signum manus sigibed Indorsed. >I< hoc etiam iterum confirmatu -4- a beorhtuulfo regi mereioru in uico regali uuerburgeuuic ; >^ Ego berhtuulf rex mere banc meam donationem et pdecessoris mei ethilbaldi regis cum signo see crucis x^i confirmaui, his testib : consentientib : et quoru nomina hie continent ad indulgentia delictorum meoru atq^ |)cessoris mei ae^elbaldi regis. Si quis autem successoru meoru regu aut pncipu \ theloniarioru banc donatione nram infringere \ minuere uoluerit sciat se separatu a congregatione omniu scoru in tremendo die iudicii, nisi prius digne emendauerit, >}< ego berhtuulf rex mere >{< ego tatnoth epis >J< ego ceolnoth arcepis >J< ego hunberht dux ^ ego sse^ry^ regina >}< ego mucel dux >J< ego ceolred epis >J< ego hunstan dux *^* JEndorsed in a hand of the 10th century, * Anes ceoles ryne (?) on[lo]nden ethibald rex merciorum sancte an[d]ree apostoli duro. (?) et beom . . . episcopo in hereditatem.' B. EIGHTH CENTURY. 29 Cott. Aug. ii. 3. A.D. 736. K 80. B. i. 7. -ffithilbalt king of the Mercians and of all the South Anglian provinces, grants land of lo cassati to Cyniberht, to build a coenubium in the district of Husmera by the river Stur. This is the Stour of Staffordshire and Worcestershire, on which is Stour- bridge, and which joins the Severn at Stourport. The name of Cynibre lives on in Kinver alias Kinfore ; and probably Moerheb is not unconnected with Eymore Wood. Is this the germ of Kidderminster] This fine document is coeval and is one of our three uncial writings, and it was selected by Mr. Kemble for one of his small facsimile specimens. >I< Ego Aethibalt dno donante rex non solum mar- cersium sed et omnium prouinciarum quae generate nomine sutangli dicuntur pro remedio animae meae et relaxatione piaculorum meorum aliquam terrae parti- culam id est .x. cassatorum uenerando comite meo cyniberhtte ad construendum coenubium in prouincia cui ab antiquis nomen inditum est busmerae iuxta fluuium uocabulo stur, cum omnibus necessariis ad eam pertinentib. cum capis siluisq. cum piscariis pratisq. in possessionem ^cclesiasticam benigne largiendo trade. Ita ut quadiu uixerit potestatem habeat tenendi ac possi- dendi cuicumq. uoluerit uel eo uiuo uel certe post obitum suum relinquendi . est autem supradictus ager in circuitu ex utraq. parte supranominati fiuminis habens ex aquilone plaga siluam quam nominant cynibre ex occidentale uero aliam cui nomen est . moerheb. quarum pars maxima ad praefatum pertinet agrum . si quis autem banc donationem uiolare temptauerit sciat se in tre- mendo examine tyrannidis ac praesumptionis suae do rationem terribiliter redditurum. scriptum est autem baec cartula anno ab incarnatione 30 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. dni iii ihu xpi septincentissimo tricessimo . ui indictlone quarta >J< ego aetdilbalt rex britanniae propriam donationem confirmans subscripsi. »J< ego uuor episcopus consensi et subscripsi. ^ ego uuilfridus episc. iubente aethilbaldo rege subscripsi. >^ ego aethilric subregulus atq. comes gloriosis- simi principis ^thilbal[di] huic donatione consensi et subscripsi. >I< ego ibe ac si indignus abbas consensi et sub- scripsi. >I< ego heardberbt frater atq. dux pr^fati regis con- sensi et subscripsi. >I< ego ebbella consensum meum acomodans sub- scripsi. >^ ego onoe comes subscripsi. >^ ego oba consensi et subscripsi. »I4 ego sigibed consensi et subscripsi >J< ego bercol consensi et subscripsi >i< ego ealduuft consensi et subscripsi »I< ego cusa consensi et subscripsi >J< ego pede consensi et subscripsi Est autem agrum in memorata silua moreb cui uoca- bulum est brochyl quern ego edilbalt rex suutanglorum fidele duce atque comite meo cyniberhtt^ in ius ecclesias- ticam cum supradicto agro largiendo donaui. *j|c* Endorsed hy a hand of the loth century, *Nort$ stur/ and again hy a later handy of the iith century, *Nor5 stur. (Ethelbad rex/ B. EIGHTH CENTURY. 31 Heming 25. A.D. 736-737. K 82. Nothelm abp. Canterbury, in synod, orders the restoration of a monastic land-book to Hrotwari, who claims to be abbess. Here we see a monastery disposed of as a private estate ; and it is, as pointed out by Haddan and Stubbs, iii. 338, a practical illustration of Beda's complaints (Epistola ad Ecgbertum, § 6, 7) as to the abuse of monastic privileges. The monastery was Withington (Griou.), and when it fell to "Worcester in due course it was again leased by Mildred the bp. at the time. See below, a.d. 774. >I< Gloriosissimus Mercensium rex Aethelred, cum comite suo, subregulo Huuicciorum Oshero, rogatus ab eo, terrain .xx. cassatorum iuxta fluuium, cui uocabulum est Tillath, duabus sanctiraonialibus, Dunnan uidelicet et eius filiae Bucgan, ad construendum in ea monaste- rium, in ius ecclesiasticum sub libera potestate, pro uenia facinorum suorum condonauit, propriaeque manus subscriptione banc eorum donationem firmauit. Prae- fata autem dei famula Dunne, constructum in praedicto agello monasterium, cum agris suis necnon et cartulam descriptionis agri, cui tunc sola ipsa praeerat, filiae nimirum filiae suae, in possessionem, ad dominum mi- gratura largita est. Sed quia haec in paruula adhuc aetate erat posita, cartulam conscripti agri, necnon et omnem monasterii procurationem, quoad usque ilia ad maturiorem peruenisset aetatem, matri illius maritatae conseruandam iniunxit. Quae cum cartulam reddi poposcisset, ilia reddere nolens, furtu hanc sublatam respondit. Quo tandem omni negotio ad sanctam sacer- dotalis concilii synodum perlato, decreuit omne uenera- bile concilium, cum reuerentissimo archiepiscopo No- thelmo, hanc cartulam donationis, uel regum uel 32 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. supradictae dei famulae Dunnan, manifestissime describi, praefataeque abbatissae Hrotuuari reddi, eiusque posses- sionem monasterii firmissimam esse; damnato nimirum eo, atque anathematizato synodi saeratissimae decreto, qui cartam illam subscriptionis agri primitiuam vel per furta, uel quolibet modo fraudulenter auferendo subripere praesumpserit. Atque hoc decernit sacra synodus, ut post obitum eius, sicut ante statutum fuit a senioribus eius, ad episcopalem sedem castrum Uueogernensis liber hie, cum terra, reddatur. »J< Ego Nothelmus, gratia dei archiepiscopus, ca- nonice subscripsi. i^ Ego Daniel episcopus subscripsi. >J< Ego Uuor episcopus subscripsi. >J< Ego Incguuald episcopus subscripsi. >I< Ego Uuilfrith episcopus sub- scripsi. 1^ Ego Alduuulf episcopus subscripsi. i^ Ego Aluuine episcopus subscripsi. i^ Ego Forthere episco- pus subscripsi. »J< Ego Cuthberht episcopus subscripsi. >J< Ego Hereuuald episcopus subscripsi. ^extus RofiF. 119. April, 738. K 85. Eadberht king of Kent, gives land to the bishopric of Kochester. After the signature of the grantor, several other signataries follow, who use the same royal style in that they make their comites to confirm and subscribe. Mr. Kemble has dwelt on this deed as conclusive evidence of the plurality of kings in Kent at this date. Saxons i. 149. »^ In nomine domini dei nostri Ihesu Christi ! Ego Eadberht, rex Cantuariorum, donaui aliquam partem terrae pro remedio animae meae atque indulgentia delic- torum meorum, episcopatui beati Andreae apostoli, ac uenerabile uiro Ealdulfo, eius ecclesiae antistiti, in re- EIGHTH CENTURY. 33 gione quae uocatur Hohg*, in loco qui dicitur Andscohes- ham, id est decern aratrorum, iuxta aestimationem prouinciae eiusdera. Huius uero terrae possessionem ita praedicto episcopo largitns sum, cum omnibus ad earn pertinentibus, id est campis, siluis, pratis, piscariis, salsilagene, atque omnibus utensilibus eius, iuxta notos terminos constitutos. Hoc quoque praecipimus ut nullus praesumat propinquorum [m]eorum uel successorum [mjeorum banc donationem meam minuere infringere quoquomodo. Si quis uero, quod non credimus, contra praeceptum meum huic donatione meae malibolo animo contrarie temptauerit, sciat se in die iudicii rationem deo redditurum, manentem tamen banc cartulam nihilominus in sua firmitate. Si quis uero magis de- fendere augere uoluerit, addat deus bona eius in terra uiuentium. >I< Hanc quoque donationem meam ego Eadberht rex cantuariorum propria manu confirmaui et signum sanc- tae crucis infixi ; testes quoque idoneos commites meos confirmari et subscribere feci. >^ Ergo Uuilbaldus commites meos confirmari et subscribere feci. >I< Ego Dimheabac commites meos confirmari et scribere feci. >J< Ego Hosberth commites meos confirmari et scribere feci. »J< Ego Notbbaltb commites meos confirmari et scribere feci. >{< Ego Banta commites meos confirmari et scribere feci, i^ Ego Ruta commites meos confir- mari et scribere feci. >I< Ego Tidbalth commites meos confirm are et scribere feci. ►!< In nomine domini dei summi. Ego Alduulfus epi- scopus inprimis penitus ignoraui quod a Dorouernensis ecclesiae praesuli et rege hac kartula confirmata esse de- buisset, postea agnoui, et tam diligenter postulaui ab archiepiscopo Nothelmo et rege Aethilberhto, praesi- 34> GENUINE EECORDS DATED. dente meo largitore Eadberhto, ut ipsi manu sua banc donationem corroborassent : et sic in metropolitano urbe perfecte compleuerunt. Actum mense April, indie, vi. Anno ab incarn. Christi Dccxxxviii. >i< Ego Notbelmus gratia dei archiepiscopus testis consentiens subscripsi kanonice. >}< Ego Aethilbertus rex praefatam donationem signo sanctae crucis confirmavi. >I< Ego Beornbeard testis subscripsi. >J< Signum ma- nus Tunan. >{< Signum manus Balthardi. »I< Signum manus Eanberbti. Cott. Aug. ii. 101. A.D. 740. K 86. B. i. 8. -ffilthilberht king of the Centware, had granted land and right of fishing to the abbot of Liminge, who was at the time of granting Cuthberht, now Archbishop. This document is above sus- picion, though the year and the Indiction do not agree. Mr. Kemble proposed a.d. 740, the date of Cuthberht's consecra- tion, a year of which the Indiction is viii, for which iii would be a likely error. >J< In nomine dni di saluatoris m itiu xpi. Pro- uabilib ; desideriis et petitionib : piis assensum semp' praebere gloriosu constat esse et rectii et tum maxime cum eadem desideria et petitiones ad dilatandum et au- gendam uitam xpi sacerdotum eiusq : seruorum respi- ciunt . qua de re ego aethilberht rex cantuarioru pro remedio animae meae capturam pisciii quod est in ostio fluminis cuius nomen -f- limin aea et partem agri in qua situm -^ oratoriu sci martini cum edib: piscatoru et extra eam quartam parte aratri circa eunde locum et EIGHTH CENTUKY. 35 altera partem iuris mei ad pascendum . cl . iumentoru iuxta marisco qui dicitur biscopes uuic usq : ad silbam qui appellatur ripp et at terminos suthsaxoniae sicut olim habuit romanus pr ad ecclesiam beatissimi birginis mariae quod est in limin iaeae libenter donaui atq : dono regimen habente eiusdem monasterii domno cuthberhto archiepiscopo tunc temporis abbati. Uerum quia cauen- dum est ne hodiernam donationem nostram futuri tem- poris abnegare ualeat et in ambiguum deuocare pre- sumptio, Plaeuit mihi banc paginem condere per quam non solum omnib : meis sueeessoribus atq : heredibus set etiam mihimet ipsi interdico ne aliter quam a me constitutum est ullo tempore quippiam agere audeant quod si qui forte obseruare neglexerint et absque digna satisfactione presentis uitae impleberint dies . sciat se omnipotentis di ira incurrere et a socitate scorum om- nium segregatum. Quoniam scissimam beatissimae uirginis mariae locum deonestare conatus est. Qui uero haec augenda custodierint nihilq : inrogarent aduersi . auribus percipiant uocem clementissimi iu- dicis inquientis ad pios . Uenite benedicti patris mei percipite regnum quod nobis paratum est ab origine mundi. Actum in loco qui dicitur limin iaee Anno dominicae incarnationis . dccxli. Indictione iii. . >J< Ego aethilberhtus rex cantiae banc donatione a me factam propria manu signo scae crucis roboraui. ^ Ego cuthberbtus gratia di archiepisc banc piam donatione predicti regis consensi et subscripsi. >J< signum manus balthbardi >J< signu man aedelbuni »J< signia man dunuualhi pincerni >I< sig man duanuuallan HZ 36 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. 1^ sig man aldberhti prefect! 1^ sig man aethelnothi *5ie* Endorsed hy a hand of the C)th century, * Limenea boec/ and other words now illegible; and hy one of the 12th century, * Ethel- bertns Rex dedit piscationem in limene et alia quedam ad ecclesiam sancte Marie de limenea.' * Latine.' B. Canterbury Charters M. 363. A.D. 742. Cott. Claud. D. ii. 30. Lambeth 1212, f. 308. K 87. T. 26. S. i. 1. .Ethelbald king of the Mercians, in synod at Clovesho, heard the Privilege of Wihtred recited, and with the approbation of all present he confirmed it. — Besides the three MSS. above given, the document is also found nearly whole in the Saxon Chronicle F (Cott. Domitian A. viii. 2). Kemble printed it from Cott. Claud., taking the signatures from the Canterbury MS. : Thorpe followed Kemble's text, adding at the foot some variations from Cott. Domitian. The text here printed is from the Ordnance Survey Facsimile of what Wilkins called * a faulty MS. at Canterbury' (H & S. iii. 342). It is faulty, and it is very rude in grammar ; but I apprehend it is nearest to the original, and that all the others are improved copies. For comparison the Lambeth copy is appended. >J< Regnante in perpetuum dec et domino nostro ihesu christo anno uero dominie^ incamationis dccxlii. Indictione . x. et regni ae^elbaldi regis Mereiorum . xxvij. synodus congregatum fuerat in loco ce[leb]ri ubi nominatur clofeshos . de diuersis eecle[sia]rum dei. Et hutilitatibus pr^sitente autem eodera synodo ae^elbaldus rex cum suis optimatibus necnon cutberhtus uenerabiles archiepiscopus . ceterisque episcopis . s[imul] necessaria diligenter examinantes de statu EIGHTH CENTURY. 37 tlus christianitatis uel de symbolo ex antique sanc- torum patrum institutionibus traditam esse uel qualiter in primordia nascentis ecclesi^ . iubebatur habere aut ubi honor cenubiarum secundum normam equitatis seruaretur : h^c et is similia anctie inquirentes undique antiquas priuilegias recitantes . tandundem peruenit ex rogatu ae^elberhti regis Canti§ coram omnibus legatur libertas ecclesiarum dei. Et institutio uel preceptum wihtredi regris . de electione dominarum cenubiarum in regno cantuariorum : quomodo uel qualiter secundum imperium et electioni archiepiscopi fieri stare precipitur. Post eo hoc priuilegium lecta et inter se examinata ante regis et episcoporum presentia fuisset : placuit itaque omnibus pariterque condixerunt nee ullam aliam ; tarn nobilem tamque prudent er constitutum inuenire potu- issent : secundum ecclesiasticam disciplinam. Et hoc adnuentes stare seu ab ,omnibus firmare rectum esse sancserunt : Ideo que pro hac re Ego ae^elbald rex merciorum pro salute anime mee et pro stabilitati regni mei nee non ex petitioni : ae^elberhti regis canti§ seu . . . pro reuerentiae cutberhti archiepiscopi hoc idem munifiea manu propria mea subscribe ut per omnia h[onor] et auctoritas et securitas christi ecclesi§ citra humbrensis flufio [a nulla persona] denegatur . . . omnium cenubiarum in terra canti^ . . . tam in liber- tate a secularium seruiciis quam etiam in omnibus causis maioris minorisque secura permanet et sicut supradictus . . . pro se suos que constituit ad seruandum .... per omnia irrefragabilis et immutabilis usque ad terminus seculi perdurare precipimus si quis autem regum suc- cessorum nostrorum seu epis[coporum] uel princlpum hoc salubre decretum inf[ringere temptauerit, reddat] rationem deo omnipotenti in die tremendo : si comes 38 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. uel presbyter diaconus clericus aut moniales huic insti- tutioni restiterit sit sui gradai priuatus et a partici- patione corporis et sanguinis cliristi : separatus et alienus a regna dei, nisi ante ea satisfactione emendauerit quot sui malo superbi^ iniqui egessit . quia in euangelio dictum est : quicumque ligaueritis super terram : erit ligatum : et in celis. Et quecumque solueritis super terram erit solatum et in celis. >^ Ego e^elbald rex : diuino suffragio fultus ; gentis Merciorum regens imperium ; signum sancte crucis sub- scribo. >I< Ego cu^berhtus archiepiscopus propria manu subscripsi. >J< Ego uuita episcopus consensi et subscripsi. 1^ Ego torbthelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi. 1^ Ego willfredi episcopus consensi et subscripsi. »i< Ego cu^berbt episcopus consensi et subscripsi. ►!< Ego huetlac episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >I< Ego eanfri^ episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >^ Ego ecglaf episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >J« Ego aluuig episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >^ Ego hunwald episcopus consensi et subscripsi. 1^ Ego daniel episcopus consensi et subscripsi. ►!< Ego aldwulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego e'Selfri^ episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >I« Ego herewald episcopus consensi et subscripsi. »J< Ego sigcga episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >^ Ego redwulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi. »J< Ego ofa patricius consensi et subscripsi. >I» Ego aldwulf dux consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego ae'Selmod indolis merci^ consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego heardberht dux consensi et subscripsi. >^ Ego eadbald dux consensi et subscripsi. EIGHTH CENTURY. 39 >I< Ego bercul dux consensi et subscripsi. ►!< Ego cyneberht consensi et subscripsi. ►!< Ego freo'Sorne consensi et subscripsi. *it Ego wermund abbas consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego cu'Sred abbas consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego buna abbas consensi et subscripsi. *».* Endorsed in a hand nearly coeval : ' Libertas eclesie Christi Ej)el- baldi regis mercie et cu])berti archiepiscopi.' In a hand of the nth century : ' Decretum Athelbaldi regis et Cuthberti archiepiscopi de libertate ecclesiarum , latine/ S. Tke Lambeth Copy. >J< Anno Dominicae Incarnationis dccxlii. congregaturn est magnum Concilium apud Clovesho, praesidente eodem Concilio Athelbaldo Rege Merciorum, cum Cuthberto Archi- episcopo Doroberniae caeterisque episcopis simul assidenti- bus, diligenter examinantes circa necessaria totius religionis, et de symbolo ex antiquis sanctorum patrum institutionibus tradita, studioseque perquirentes qualiter in primordio nas- centis Ecclesiae hie in Anglia jubebatur habere, aut ubi honor cenubiorum secundum normam aequitatis. Haec et hiis similia anxie inquirentes antiquaque privi- legia recitantes, tandem pervenit ad manus libertas Eccle- siarum, institutio vel praeceptum Wihtredi gloriosi Regis, de electione et auctoritate coenobiorum in Regno Cantiae, quoraodo et qualiter secundum imperium et electionem Can- tuariensis Metropolitan! fieri [et] stare praecipitur. Ex praecepto itaque Regis Adelbaldi, lectum est coram omnibus privilegium praefati Wilitredi gloriosi Regis, et placuit cunctis hoc audientibus, pariterque dixerunt : Nullum aliud tam nobile, tamque prudenter constitutum decretum invenire potui&se secundum Ecclesiasticam disciplinam, et ideo hoc ab omnibus firmare sanxerunt. Igitur ego Athelbaldus Rex Merciorum, pro salute animae meae, et pro stabilitate regni mei, proque venerabilis Archi- episcopi Cuthberti reverentia, propria manu mea munitica 40 GENUINE RECORDS DA.TED. subscribens confirmo : ut per omnia libertas, honor, aueto- ritas, et securitas Christi Ecclesiae a nulla persona denegetur, sed sit libera ab omnibus secularibus servitiis, et omnes terrae ad illam pertinentes, exceptis expeditione, pontis et arcis constructione. Et sicut ipse praefatus Kex Wihtredus, pro se suisque constituit servandum, ita per omnia irrefra- gabiliter et immutabiliter perdurare praecipimus. Si quis autem Regum successorum nostrorum, seu episcoporum, vel principum hoc salubre decretum infringere temptaverit, reddet rationem Deo omnipotent! in die tremendo. Si autem comes, presbyter, diaconus, clericus vel monachus huic in- stitution! restiter!t, sit suo gradu privatus, et a participatione Corporis et Sanguinis Domini separatus, et alienus a Regno Dei, nisi ante placita satisfactione emendaverit, quod malo superbiae inique gessit. Scriptum est enim : * Quaecunque ligaveritis super terram, erunt ligata et in caelo : et quae solveritis super terram, erunt soluta et in caelo.' Heming 26 (collated). A.D. 716-743. K 90. ^thilbald king of the Mercians, grants land at Aston and Notgrove (Glou.) to Osred, a scion of the royal race of Hwiccia, free of tribute; so he pay his ecclesiastical dues. — This grant afterwards passed into the possession of the Church at Worcester. >I< Sit nomen domini benedictum in secula! Ego Aethelbaldus, dec dispensante rex Mercensium, terram XX. cassatorum, id est x. et viii. in loco quern dicunt aet Eastune et ad Natangrafum ministro meo ualde fideli, qui est de stirpe non ignobil! prosapia regali gentis liuicciorum, Osredo, in possessionem iuris aecclesiastici, pro redemptione anime meae, largiens concedo ; qua- tinus eo uiuente possideat et regat, et post se cuicumque yoluerit hominum possidendum, liberum arbitrium r EIGHTH CENTURY. 41 habens, derelinquat ; et ut ab omni tribute uectigalium operum onerumque saecularium sit libera in perpetuum, pro mercede aeterne retributionis, regali potestate de- cernens statuo ; tantum ut deo omnipotenti ex eodem agello aecclesiastice seruitutis famulatum inpendat. Haec autem testamenti traditio perpetualiter postea tradita est sancte Mariae Uueogeruensis monasterii pro ipsius regis salute. >I< Ego Aethelbald rex Mercensium, banc donationem meam subscribe . ^ Ego Uuilfrithus episcopus. i^ Ego Huita epis- copus. 1^ Ego Torhtbelm episcopus. »I< Ego Cuthberht episcopus. »I< Ego Albuig epis- copus. »I< Ego Sigebed episcopus. This synd ]>a. land gemaera set Eastune )7e ^tbelbald cyning myrcna gebocade Utele bisceope into see marian. -^rest of Turcanwyllas heafde andlang straete on Cynel- messtan on Mylenweg ]?onne andlang hrycges on Heort- ford ];anen andlang streames on Biiruhford on foron ]?a spelstowe J^onan on Turcandene on Seofenwyllas mid- deweardan of ]?am wyllan to Balesbeorge su^an J?onne on Cealcweallas ]?onan eft on Turcandene andlang eft on Turcanwyllas heafod. Dis waes gedon \}y geare )7e waes agaen from Cristes flaescnesse dccxliii. on ]?ani cynebame J7e is gecyged Bearuwe. Heming 20 (coUated). A.D. 743-745. K 95. ^thilbald king of the Mercians, remits to Milred, bishop of Worcester, the port-dues on two ships at Londontown hythe. An interesting specimen of eighth century English; and our earliest example of a genuine Charter wholly in Saxon. >I< In usses drybtnes noman haelendes cristes ic 42 GENUINE RECOBDS DATED. ae^elbald myrcna cincg waes beden from ]7aem arfullan bisceope milrede J^aeti ic him alefde and his J7aem hale- gan hirede alle nedbade tuegra sceopa ]>e ]7aert6 limpende beo^ )7eti ic him forgefe ]>a ]?aem eadgan petre apostola aldormen in ]?aem mynstre )7e6vvia^ )7aet is geseted in huicca maeg^e in }?aere stowe pe mon hate^S weogerna- cester |7aere bene swjrSe arfulre ge^afunge ic waes syl- lende for minre savvle laecedome to "Son ]?aeti for minum synnum hi heo geea^medden |7aette heo waeren gelom- lice fingeras wi'S drihten swy^e lustfullice pa, forgeofende ic him alyfde alle nedbade tuegra sceopa ]7a J?e J?aer abaedde bee's from ]?aem nedbaderum in lundentunes hy^e ond naefre ic ne mine lastweardas ne "Sa nedbaderas ^ gcSristlaecen )7at heo hit onwenden o^^e )7on wi^gaen . gif heo )7at nyllen syn heo |7onne amansumade from dael- neomencge liceman and blodes usses drihtnes haelendes cristes and from aire neweste geleafulra syn heo ascea- dene and asyndrade nym^e heo hit her mid J)ingonge bote gebete. >J< Ic Aethelbald cincg mine agene sylene trymmende ic heo wrat. >i< Milred bisceop )>are halegan rode tacen he heron gefaestnode. >{< Inguwald bisceop ge- 'Safiende he hit wrat. >J< Wilfrid bisceop he hit wrat. 1^1 Alda cinges gefera he hit wrat. ^ nedba'Seras MS. Spelman's Concilia i. 256. (MS. Beg. 13. D. 2, f. 21.) A.D. 749. K 99. T. 33. -ffithilbald Iving of the Mercians, grants to monasteries and clmrclies the privilege that their lands shall be exempt from royal and public burdens, with the exception of bridge building and the defence of the country. ^ Plerunque contingere solet pro iucerta futurorum EIGHTH CENTURY. 43 temporum uicissitudine, ut ea, quae prius multarum fide- lium personarum testimonio consilioque roborata fuerunt, ut fraudulenter per contumaciam plurimorum, et machi- namenta simulationis, sine ulla consideratione rationis periculose dissipentur, nisi auctoritate literarum, et tes- tamento cyrographorum aeternae memoriae inserta sint. Quapropter ego Aethilbaldus rex Merciorum, pro amore coelestis patriae et pro remedio animae meae, hoc maxime agendum esse praeuidi, ut eam bonis operibus liberam efficerem ab omnibus uinculis piaculorum. Dum enim mihi omnipotens deus per misericordiam clemen- tiae, absque uUo antecedente merito, sceptra regiminis honorifice largitus est^ ideo ei libenter et uoluntarie ex eo quod aceepi iterum retribuo. Huius rei gratia banc donationem, deo teste^ me uiuente concedo, ut monasteria et ecclesiae a publicis uectigalibus et ab omnibus operi- bus oneribusque, auctore deo, seruientes absoluti ma- neant; nisi sola quae commimiter fruenda sint, omnique populo, edicto regis, facienda iubentur, id est instruc- tionibus pontium, uel necessariis defensionibus arcium contra bostes, non sunt renuenda. Sed nee hoc prae- termittendum est, cum necessarium constat ecclesiis del, quia Aethelbaldus rex, pro expiatione delictorum suorum et retributione mercedis aeterni, famulis dei propriam libertatem in fructibus siluarum agrorumque, sine in caeteris utilitatibus fluminum uel raptura pis- cium, habere donauit ; et ut munuscula ab aecclesiis in saeculare conuiuium regis uel principum a subditis minime exigantur, nisi amore et uoluntate praebentur : sed cunctas tribulationes quae nocere uel impedire pos- sunt in domo dei, omnibus principibus sub eius potestate degentibus demittere et auferre praecipit ; quatenus sub- limitas regni eius prosperis successibus polleat in terris, 44 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. et meritorum manipuU multipliciter maturescunt in coelis. Qui uero haec benig-na mentis intentione atque inlaesa cogitatione custodierit, aeterna claritate, coro- netur, ornetur, glorificetur. Si quis hoc, quod absit, cuiuslibet personae, tyrannica cupiditate instinctus, contra banc donationis cartulam, saeciilari potentia fretus, uenire nititur, sit sub anathemate ludae, proditoris domini nostri Ihesu Christi. Ad confirmandum uero hoc nostrae benificentiae munus, hii testes adfuerunt, et nostri magistratus optimates et duces fidelissimique amici consenserunt et scripserunt. >J< Ego Aethelbald divino *.• fultus suffragiis, hiis sta- tutis consentiens, confirmandoque signum crucis araui. »I< Ego Huita Mercensis ecclesiae humilis episcopus subscripsi. >^ Ego Torhthelm gratia dei episcopus signum crucis infixi. >{< Ego Headberbt primatum tenens subscripsi. i^ Ego Eada his statutis consentiens subscripsi. ^ Ego Cyneberht his gestis consentiens subscripsi. >j^ Ego Bercul patricius his donis consen- tiens subscripsi. t^* Ego Friothuric consentiens sub- scripsi. >J< Ego Eopa his statutis consentiens subscripsi. >i< Ego Eadbald subscripsi. ►J* Ego Byrnbelm sub- scripsi. 1^ Ego Mocca subscripsi. >J< Ego Aldceorl subscripsi. >{< Ego Alhmund subscripsi. Huius scedulae scriptio dominicae incarnationis an DCCXLViiii. indictione secunda in loco celebre cuius uocabulum est Godmundeslaech . xxxiii. anno Aedel- baldi regis peracta est. *** This text is slightly conflate : basing upon Spelman's first form, K took something from the second. The MS. reference given by K (and T) represents (as now corrected "i Spelman's second form. — There are several privileges of this kind in existence, as may be seen in H & S. iii. 238 ff. The oldest, and that which has stood for the type of its class, is the Privilege of Wihtred to the foundation in Kent, 606-716 : though extant only in a late copy, it seems to retain genuine features of the original. EIGHTH CENTURY. 45 Addit Chart. 19, 789. A.D. 759. K 105 (from Heming 24). B. ii. 2. Three Brothers Eanberht, Uhctred, Aldred, everyone of them a regulus, and apparently of the province of the Hwiccas, give to abbot Headda for pious uses, ten cassati aet Onnanforda. The place is unknown. f^ In nomine dni nri ihu xpi saluat[oris] nihil in- tulimus in hunc mundum uerum nee auferre quid pos- sumus idcireo terrenis ac caducis aeterna et caelestis patriae praemia mercanda sunt, quapropter: cum li- centia et pmissione piissimi regis offan merciorum. nos tres germani uno patre editi. eanberht atque uhctred necnon et aldred praetio redemptionis animae nostrae n ignorantes in futuro prodesse si quid xpi membris libenter impendiraus donauiraus tibi . headda a^. terram iuris nostri decern cassatorum. aet onnan- forda confiniae tamen eiusdem terrae : ab australi plaga uuisleag. ab occidente rindburna^ a septemtrionale meos- gelegeo, ab orient uero onnandun cum campis siluis pratis pascuis cum omnib : ad se ptinentibus. ut quidquid exinde agere uolueris liberam habeas arbitrium donandi in tuo sit potestate. numquam nos heredesque nostros ullo tem- pore : contra banc donationem ee uenturos quod si quis praesumserit in magno uel in modico inrumpere, sit se- paratus ab omni societate xptianorum et in examine : dis- tricti iustiq : iudicis praesumtionis suae poenam incurrat. ad cuius cumulum nihilominus firmitatis testes co- petente numero ut subscriberent rogauimus. et ipsi signum scae cruel s inpraeserunt. peracta est autem haee 46 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. donatio in mense febr indictione xii*. anno uero ab in- carnatione xpi dcc''l° uiii[i]. et isti testes consenserunt : ►J* ego offa rex mere huic donationi consensi et sub- scripsi >J< ego eanberht regulus osensi et sub. \^ ego uhctred regulus osensi et sub. >I< ego aldred regulus osensi et sub. \^ ego milred episcop osensi et sub. >J< ego tilhere abbas osensi et sub. >J< ego cusa abbas osensi et sub. »J< sig manus . . acan »J< sig manus dilran >J< sig manus bobban >J< sig manus bynnan >J< sig manus berhtuuald »J< sig manus tilberbti abb ; *** Written in round characters of the semi-uncial Irish type. B. In the Codex Dipl. this record is printed from Heming*s Chartulary, which was compiled in the eleventh century : but since Mr. Kemble's time the original has been found, and, notwithstanding two or three discrepancies, it affords a valuable testimony to the accuracy of Heming. Heming's most important defect is that he does not give all the signatures j and these, in the present case, throw light on the persons of the grantors. Cott. Aug. ii. 26, 27. A.D. 764. K:116. B.i. 9. Offa king of the Mercians, made an exchange of lands with abbot Stidberht. This is dated 764. At the close of the century this deed was owned by Pilheard, and he exhibited it before kingCoenulf in synod atCealchythe, and it was there confirmed. The handwriting of the first deed is very Irish : — that of the second, though rather more Saxon, has strong Irish features. EIGHTH CENTURY. 47 Both are among the facsimiles of Kemble. Here we see Saxon words in the midst of the Latin. In nomine trino diuino. Regnante in perpetuum dfio nostro. Ego offa . diuina gubernante gratia rex mercior. Stidberhtae uenerabili uiro atq: abbatis cura praedito . terram . xxx . manentium in middil saexum . bituih . gumeninga hergae end liddinge . et est vi . manentiii et habitatio ab oriente torrentis . lidding . libentissime concedens donabo. et iste praefatus stidberht mihi terram totidem manentium id est . xxx . in eiltinne . in loco ubi dr wichama in uicem commutationis p'donauit. Si quis autem q absit banc nram commutationem infringere pertemtet sciat se coram xpo et angelis eius rationem redditurum. Dominicae autem incarnationis . an . dcc.lxiiit . Indict. V. haec donationis datio et muneris mutatio peracta est . his testibus consentientib . et scribentibus quorum nomina infra karaxata .... nentur. >I< Ego . offa rex merciorum subscrib. 1^ Ego . gengberht gratia dei archiepis }^ Ego . eadberht eps >i< [Ego .] cuutfert eps Endorsed hy Pilkeard, 799 — 802. Has igitur cartulas donationu uel commutationu pno- minatoru reguu aethelbaldi uidelicet atqu offani cum ad me usq: peruenerunt. Ego pilheardus misellus comis regis mercioru coenuulfi iustissime adquirens accipi, easq: in synodali conciliabulo iuxta locum qui dicitur caelichyth . coram rege ia nominate mercioru et psulib: ecclesiaru di necnon et ducibus seu principib; produxi 48 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. et per pecunia a piissimo iam tu domino meo rege mere libertatem terraru illaru consecutus su . id est . cc . solidis . et ut postea in dieb: meis uel successoru meorii omni anno . xxx . 7 ut ab omniu fisealiu redituu operu oneruque sen etia popularium concilioru uindictis nisi tantum . praetiii p ptio liberse sint in ppetuu. Trium tamen causarum pupliea^ ratio reddatur hoc h- instruetio pontuu et arcis . ueru etiam in expeditionis necessitatem uires . v . tantum modo mittantur. Huius rei gest§ hi fideles testes aderant quos haec cartula ophendit. At nc ego Coenuulfus do dispensante rex mere propriae donationis me^ libertatem signo scse crucis libentissime Subscribo ►!< . ^ ego sethelheardus do largiente arc epis sig uene- randse crucis inpssi. »J< ego unuuona epis osen >J< ego uuigberht epTs osens >I< ego aldulf epTs osen >l4 ego alhheard epis »I< ego utol epis osen >J< ego ti'Sfer^ epis »I< ego eadulf epis osen >J< ego uuihthun ab >I< ego deneberht epis oseS >I< ego beonna ab }^ ego ha^oberht epis osen >i< ego fol^red ab ►!< ego cyneberht epTs osen >I< ego coenuulf di dono rex mere osentiendo sub- scribo ^ ego hea'Soberht ^ ego se^elmund ^ ego esne >h ego heardberht *h ego ceolmund ^ ego wigga ^ ego cydda >h ego cu^red * ego osulf EIGHTH CENTURY. 49 >J< ego beornno^ >J< ego cynhelm *:)c* On the face of the Charter is the following inscription ly a hand of the 12th century : — 'Offa Rex dedit Stidberhto abbati ten-am in Middelsexe/ B. ^ Calichyth'] The identification of this name, which is more commonly written CalchyS or Cealchythe, with Chelsea, is the subject of a detailed note in Haddan and Stubbs, iii. 445 ; where it is said that the form Chelsey appears first in a.d. 1554. Text. Roff. 125. A.D. 759-765. K 114. Sigered king of half Kent, gives land to Earduulf bishop of Roches- ter. The conveyance is made by writing and by the delivery of a sod. At first the writing was only a memorandum of the performance of the symbolical act, but it came in process of time to be regarded as the very conveyance itself, and then it superseded the ancient ceremony. Palgrave, Engl. Com- monwealth, i. 142. ^ In nomine domini dei saluatoris nostri Ihesu Christi ! Quamuis parua et exigua sint, quae pro amissis offerimus, tamen pins omnipotens deus non quantitatem muneris, sed deuotionem offerentium sem- per inquirit. Qua de re Ego Sigeredus, rex dimidiae partis prouinciae Cantuariorum, tam pro animae meae remedio, quam pro amore omnipotentis dei, terram ara- trorum xx. quae appellatur Aeslingaham, tibi reueren- tissimo episcopo Earduulfo sanctae Hrofensis ecclesiae, cum uniuersis ad se pertinentibus campis, siluis^ pratis, pascuis, paludibus et aquis, et cum omni tributo quod regibus inde dabatur, in potestatem, cum consilio et consensu principum meorum, libenter in perpetuum per- dono; ut possidendi uel habendi sine uendendi, uel etiam tradendi cuicunque uoluerit, liberam per omnia E 50 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. habeat potestatem. Sane quia cauenHum est, ne hodier- nam donationem nostram futuri temporis abnegare ualeat et in ambiguum deuocare praesumptio, placuit mihi banc paginam condere, et una cum cespite terrae praedictae tradere tibi ; per quam non solum omnibus meis successoribus regum sine principum, sed etiam mihi ipsi penitus interdico, ne aliter quam nunc a me consti- tutum est, ullo tempore de eadem terra quippiam agere audeant. Quod si qui forte obseruare neglexerint, et absque digna satisfactione praesentis uitae impleuerint infelices dies, audiant uocem aeterni iudicis sub fine mundi dicentis ad impios: Discedite a me, maledicti^ in ignem aeternum, qui praeparatus est diabolo et angelis eius. Qui uero curauerint custodire nihilque inrogarint aduersi, audiant uocem clementissimi arbitri, inquientis ad pios : Uenite, benedicti patris mei, percipite regnum quod nobis paratum est ab origine mundi. Adiectis iiii. daenberis in commune saltu, hoc est Uueald se uuestra, Billincgden, Cealcbyras, Meosden, Rindigsel. >J< Ego Sigeredus rex banc donationem a me factam, signum sanctae crucis propria manu scribendo, firmaui coram Bregouuino Archiepiscopo. i^ Ego Bregouuinus Archiepiscopus, ad petitionem donatoris ante praedicti, consensi et subscripsi. i^ Signum manus Hereberhti Abbatis. i^ Signum manus Baere Abbatis. >J« Sig- num manus Bruno Abbatis. »i< Signum manus Aes- cuualdi presbyteri. >J< Signum manus Eegbaldi comitis atque praefecti. >J< Signum manus Ealdhuuni. i^ Sig- num manus Esne. >I< Signum manus Badohardi. »I« Signum manus Aethelnothi. »J< Ego Eanmundus rex banc piam donationem su- prascriptam propria manu roborandam hoc signaculo sanctae crucis expressi, in loco cuius uocabulum est EIGHTH CENTURY. 51 Godgeocesham ; praesente uenerabili archiepiscopo Bre- gouuino et consentiente, consilio quippe atque consensu omnium optimatum et principum gentis Cantuariorum. >J< Ego laenberhtus abbas consentiens testis affui et subscripsi. >{< Ego Huuaetred abbas consensi et sub- scripsi. >{< Signum manus Egesnothi. >{< Signum manus Balthhardi. i^ Signum manus Aldhuni. >J< Signum manus Uda. »{< Signum manus Puda. Aug. ii. 99. A.D. 774. K121. B. iv. 4. Of fa king of the Angles, grants land at Higham (Kent) to abp. laenberht. The deed is attested by Offa and his queen Cynethrith, by the archbishop, three bishops, live abbots, two principes, one dux, one praefectus, and seven others without designation. It is considered by Haddan and Stubbs, iii. 435, that this probably represents a Witenagemot of Mercia, before the great extension of the kingdom under Offa. >I< In nomine ihu xpi saluatoris mundi qui est et qui erat et qui uenturus est . per quem reges regunt et diuidunt regna terrarum. Sicut dispensator uniuers§ terr§ mihi distribuit secundu mensura su§ ppri§ uolun- tatis ita eiusdem gratia eoncedente . ego offa rex angloru dabo et concede iaenberhto archiepo aliquam parte terr§ in loco qui dicitur bebham et buius terrae estimatio . v . aratrorum esse uidetur bis notissimis confiniis circum- cincta . a circio msed ham . bine per confinia ac leage . et SIC iuxta wseterlea . debinc ad colling . sic per uiam quae ducit ad eohinga burb in terram sci andre^ . et sic per confinia mersc tunes . bine tendi? ad bulan bam . et E Z 52 GENUINE BECORDS DATED. sic in mere fleot. et hoc predictu donu ad cumulii maioris firmitatis signo sc§ crucis xpi anno dnicse incarnationis . DCC.LXXiiii . perstrinximus . cum sacerdotibus et se- nioribus populi more testiu subscribendo. >J< Signu manus offae regis suprascripta confirmantis. >J< Signu manus iaenberhti arcliiepi. i^ Signu manus cynethrythe reginse. i^ Signu manus eadberhti epi. >I< Signu manus aldberhti at)t>. >J< Signu manus bror- dan principis. >$< Signu manus berhtuuoldi princip. >J< Signum man eadbaldi ducis. >^ Signu man bror- dani pfecti. i^ Signu man folcberhti abt). >i< Signu man byrhthuni epi. i^ Sign man ceolulfi epi. t^ Sign man botuuini a'bb. >I* Sign man setheluuoldi ablj. >i< Sign man eadberhti a'b'h. Sign man esni. >J< Sign man eadberhti. Sign man boban. >J< Sign man bado- hardi. >J< Sign man uuigheardi. >{< Sign man ciani. >I< Sign man hearedi. >I< Sign man suithuni. *** indorsed in a hand of the nth century *boc to heh ham' : — in one of the 12th century, ' Offa Rex dedit heah ham lanberto archiepis- copo. latine. *; and in one of the \}yth cew^wry, * Archiepiscopi.' B. Heming 25. A.D. 774. K124. Milred bp. Worcester, disposes of the monastery of "Withington in Gloucestershire, which had belonged to successive abbesses Dunne and Hrotavari, but had fallen in to Worcester Cathe- dral. It is now granted to Ae'Selburg for her life, and then it is to come back to the church at Worcester. See above, A.D. 736-737. >J< Domino et saluatore nostro perpetualiter regnanti ! Ego Milredus Christi tribuente gratia humilis Huiccio- rum episcopus, terram monasterii quod nominatur Uui- diandun, quod situm est in occidentali parte fluuii qui dicitur Tillno'S. xxi . manentia, quam uidelicet terram EIGHTH CENTUKT. 53 Oshere subregulus Huicciorum Dunnan famulae dei ut esset iuris ecclesiastici tradidit, consentiente Aethelredo regi Marcionum. Ilia autem praefatam terram post se reliquit possidendam filiae suae, Hro'Suuare scilicet ab- batissae, cum conscientia atque licentia Egcuuini reue- rentissimi episcopi ; at ilia praedicta Hro^uuara abba- tissa mihi in ius propriae libertatis atque possessionis largita est. Nunc ergo cum licentia seruorum dei, qui sub meo regimine dei prouidentia constituuntur, libenter Ae^elburge honorabili abbatissae, filiae Aelfredi, eam trado ; ita tamen ut ipsa uiuente habeat et possideat, et post obitum eius ad aecclesiam beati Petri principis apostolorum quae sita est in Uueogerna ciuitate, ubi et pontificalis cathedra Huicciorum constituitur pro aeterna redemptione animae meae iterum reddat. Haec cartula scripta est anno ab incarnatione Christi . dcc.lxx.itii. indictione xii. his testibus confirmantibus. >I< Ego Milred episcopus banc meam donationem signo crucis confirmabo, ea conditione ut ilia Ae)7el- burh illud monasterium aet Uueogernacestre ^ cum om- nibus bonis quae ibi sunt post diem eius ad Uueoger- nensem quoque reddat aecclesiam, sicut praeceptum erat patris eius Aelfredi. * ? aet Uuidiandun. Chart. Cott. viii. 34. A.D. 778. (Text. Roff. 129.) K 132. B. ii. 4. Ecgberht king of Kent, grants to Diora bishop of Rochester, half a plough-land, and a marsh. The grantee is addressed in the Second Person : as below a.d. 785. This is a test document for the Textus Roffensis. It is found in that Register, and was thence copied by Mr. 54 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Kemble : it is now known to be extant in coeval writing, which has been facsimiled in the British Museum series. The comparison results in a testimony of the highest kind to the Rochester chartulary. >i< In nomine dni ni ifeu xpi. pietatis beneficium quod quisq : fidelium pro xpi reuerentia seruo di fideliter dfio seruienti misericorditer contulerit xpo hoc conferre dinoscitur. nam ipse in fine mundi ad electos suos loquens dicturus est. cum uni ex minimis meis fecistis mihi fecistis. idcirco ego egcberhtus rex cant, banc dominicam sententiam memoriter retinens et piis ope- ribus do instigante adimplere curabo tibi dioran hro- fensis ecclesiae antistiti aliquam partem terrae iuris mei libenter concedo id est dimidiam unius aratri partem ubi nominatur bromgeheg simul et mariscem uocabulo scaga et ut per omne ab hac die et deinceps subsequens tempus cum notissimis terminis omnibusq : utilitatibus ad eam rite pertinentibus tuo proprio iuri aeternaliter habendam possidendam tradendamq : cuicumq : homi- num uolueris hilari concedo animo huius autem marisci terminus est aqua pene undiq : circumperfusa. Si quis ergo heredum successorumq : meorum contra banc piam donationem meam uenire fuerit ausus et temerare eam inuido maliuoloq : temtauerit animo sit anathema mara- natha. manente hac chartula in sua nihilominus stabili- tate quam roborare propria manu curaui et alios idoneos religiososq : testes ^ut' id ipsum agerent adhibui quorum nomina infra caraxata continentur. Actum anno dnicae incarn .dcclxxviii. in ciuitate dorouerni. >i< ego egcberhtus rex cant banc donationem meam signo crucis xpi roboraui. >I< ego iaenberhtus archiepisc testis consentiens sub- scripsi. »^ s 1^ s >J< s >I< s >J< s 1^ s ►!< s »^ s EIGHTH CENTURY. 55 ign manus escuuald pt>r ign manus uban ign man boban ign man uualhard ign man ubban ign man aldhun ign man sigired ign man esni >J< eaniardi •.• huic u° trre adiacent prate ubi dr hreodha. in iiii^"^. locis. in uno loco .xvii"^. agros. on eastan clifwara gemaere. 7 on suSan tucincgnaes. 7 on waestan culin- gagemaere. 7 on noriSan; et in alio loco. xii™. agros. on eastan is culingagemaere. 7 on su^an clifwarage- meere. 7 on westan. 7 on nor^an ; et in ?tio loco. vii™. agros. be eas'tan'. is mearcfleot. 7 be su^an. 7 be westan 7 be nor^an is clifvvaragemere ; et in quarto loco, sex agros. be eastan is clifwaragemaere. 7 be su"San is culingagemaere. 7 be westan is 7 be nor'San clifwarage- maere ; *^* Endorsed in a hand of the loth century, * + brom gehaeges boc./ and in a hand of the le^th century, ' Egcbertus rex.' B. Homing 106. A.D. 781. K143. Hea'Sored bishop of "Worcester, consents to Offa's views about the title deeds of the church at Worcester, insomuch that, in synod at Brentford, Offa recovers from HeatSored the monastery of Bath, and 30 cassati on the south of the Avon ; as a re- compense for which, he confirms to the family in Worcester the remainder of their possessions. >J< In nomine dei summi! Tempora temporibus subeunt, et uicissitudinum spatiis euenit, ut prisca iam 56 GENUINE EECOKDS DATED. dicta inrita fiant nisi scriptis confirmemur. Quare ego Hea^oredus, deo dispensante supplex Huieciorum epis- copus, insimul etiam cum consensu et consilio totius familiae meae quae est in Uuegerna ciuitate constitute, diligentissime scrutans cogitaui atque de pace uel statu aecclesiastica rimatus sum. Equidem de aliquibus agellis conflictationis quaerulam cum Offano, rege Mer- ciorum, dominoque dilectissimo nostro habuimus. Aiebat enim nos, sine iure haereditario propinqui eius, Ae^el- baldi scilicet regis, haereditatem sub dominio iniusto habere ; id est, in loco qui dicitur aet Beathum . xc . manentium, et in aliis multis locis; hoc est, aet Stretforda XXX. cassatos : aet Sture . xxxviii. Simili etiam uoca- bulo aet Sture in Usmerum^ . xiiii . manentium, aet Breodune . xii . in Homtune xvii . cassatorum. Haec autem praefata contentionis causa in sinodali concilia- bulo demissa in loco qui dicitur aet Bregentforda. Beddidimus quoque illo iam nominato regi Offan, mo- nasterium illud celeberrimum aet Ba)7um, sine ullo con- tradictionis obstaculo, ad habendum, uel etiam, cui dignum duxisset, ad tribuendum ; semperque perfruen- dum, iustis eius haeredibus libentissime concessimus ; et in australe parte fluminis ibi iuxta quod dicitur Eafen . XXX . cassatos addidimus, quam terram mercati sumus digno praetio a Cyneuulfo rege Uuestsaexna. Qua- propter idem ille praefatus rex OfFa, ad reconpensationis satisfactionem, et pro unanimitate firmissimae pacis, praefata loca aet Stretforda, aet Sture, aet Breodune, in Homtune, aet Sture in Usmerum, extra omni contro- uersionis et ammonitionis causa, ea libertate ad supra- dictam aecclesiam nostram, id est in Uuegerna ciuitate, libertas concessit, ut nullo maiore cessu alicuius rei essent subiectae, quam praememorata sedis episcopalis. EIGHTH CENTURY. 57 Nec non et trium annorum ad se pertinentes pastiones, id est, VI. conuiuia libenter concedendo largitiis est. Nunc ergo ego OflPa dei gratia rex praescriptam liber- tatem terrarum, pro remedio animae meae concessam, in synodo aet Bregentforda, una mecum consedente lam- berhto archiepiscopo, nee non omnes episcopi, abbates et principes consenserunt et subscripserunt. Propria manu signum sacratissimae crucis Christi pro firmitatis stabi- limento conscripsi. Conscripta est haec eartula aet Bregentforda, anno ab incarnatione Christi . dcc.lxxxi. Indictione iiii. >J< Offa, rex Merciorum. i^ laenberbt arcbiepiscopus. >i* Brorda princeps. i^ Eadberbt episcopus. >I< Berbtuuald princeps. >J< Hygeberbt episcopus. >^ Eadbald princeps. >J< Ae|7elmod episcopus. >I< Esne princeps. ►!< Ecgbald episcopus. »i< Eadbald princeps. >J< Ceoluulf episcopus. »^ Eadberbt princeps. i^ Heathoredus episcopus. >J< Diera episcopus. >I< Gislhere episcopus. >I< Aetheluulf episcopus. i^ Eadberbt episcopus. >J< Heardred episcopus. ►J* Aldberbt episcopus. ^ aet Sfure in Usmerum.'] On the Stour in Worcestershire. See above, a.d. 736 (K 80). Text. Roff. 127. Before 785. K160. Ecgberht^ king of Kent, grants land to Diora bp. Eochester (765-785), who is addressed in the second person. 1^ In nomine domini saluatoris nostri Ihesu Christi ! Omnem igitur hominem, sicut frequenter coelesti magis- terio adhortante didicimus, qui sub christiana religione uitae coelestis praemia consequi desiderat, necesse est ut in praesenti pietatis insistat operibus, et terrenis rebus 58 GENUINE BECOBDS DATED. atque transitoriis,, in quantum deo largiente sufficiat, sibimet aeterna mercatur bona, suasque pieces ad diui- nam peruenire clementiam cotidie citius per hoc faciat, quod ipse aliorum in suis necessitatibus libenter exau- diat ; attentius reminiscens, quod quibusque religiosis pos- tulationibus tan to libentius tantoque promptius consensus praebendus est, quanto et illis qui precatores sunt, utilior res secundum hoc uisibile saeculum nunc impertitur, et illis qui concessores existunt, pro impertito opere pietatis uberior merces secundum inuisibile postmodum tribuetur. Quamobrem ego Egberht, rex Cantiae, tibi dilectissimo episcopo Dioran, atque tuae aecclesiae quae in honore sancti Andreae apostoli consecrata est, pro remedio ani- mae meae, cum consensu meorum optimatum atque prin- cipum, terram iuris mei decem aratrorum, in loco ubi nominatur Hallingas, cum omnibus scilicet ad cam per- tinentibus rebus, iuxta terminos indigenis certissimos, cum campis, siluis, pratis, paludibus, piscationibus, uena- tionibus, aucupationibus, libenter tenendam possidendam- que concedo. Ita ut quicquid de ea agere uolueris, liberam per omnia in perpetuo potestatem teneas. Quisquis igitur haeredum successorumque meorum banc donationem meam augere atque amplificare uoluerit, habeat beatam communionem in praesenti cum diligen- tibus deum, et in futuro perpetuam cum omnibus Sanctis. Quisquis autem maliuola mente de ilia immutare aut inminuere temptauerit, separetur a societate non solum aeternae felicitatis omnium sanctorum, set etiam in aeterna poena cum scelerum suorum crudelibus compar- ticipibus sit condempnatus. At uero ut banc donationem meam quilibet hominum aliquando non possit irritam facere, manu propria signum sanctae crucis subtus in hac pagina facere curaui, testesque religiosos ut idipsum EIGHTH CENTUKY. 59 facerent adhibeo. Adiectis denberis in commune saltu, Bixle, Speldhirst, Meredaen_, "Saer be eastan, "^ Ruste- uuellae "3 Teppan hyse. Sunt autem termini. A loco qui uocatur Hrofesbreta usque in arborem quae uocatur Cuturs ac ; et inde uia recta per medium campum qui appellatur Hiuetin hamstedi usque in locum qui dicitur Halles meri ; et inde circumit per locum qui uocatur Heort leagu ; usque in flumen Medeuusege. >J< Ego Egcberhtus rex banc donationem a me fac- tam signo sanctae crucis roboraui. >i< Ego Heaberhtus rex signo sanctae crucis roboraui et subscripsi. >I< Ego laenberhtus arcbiepiscopus gratia dei consensi et sub- scripsi. >J< Signum manus Eangisli. >{< Signum ma- nus Udan. >J< Signum manus Baltbardi. 1^ Signum manus Egesnothi. ^ Signum manus Uban. >{< Sig- num manus Tyccan. *^ Signum manus Heardraedi. )^ Signum manus Uuiobtnothi. >{< Signum manus Coenberhti. ^ A great obscurity hangs over the personality of this king Ecgberht. Kentish royalty was now in its latter stage : the subjugating blow had been given by Offa in 773. Only in Henry of Huntingdon's list of Kentish kings does a name occur at all like this. He says, with manifest hesitation, ' Egfert regnum idem xxxiv annis, ut conjicere possumus ex scriptis, tenuit.' These 34 years would be 761-795. But partly in the same years falls the time of Ecgfri^, son of Offa, who in 785 was asso- ciated with his father in the kingship of Mercia, and who may very conceivably have been previously made king of Kent. At any rate the election of Eadberht Praen as king of Kent synchronizes with the death of this Ecgfri'S. But then there is another obscui-e king in this piece. Who is Heaberhtus rex ? In all this, we feel what an eclipse has come over English history since the close of the work of Beda ! Text. Roff. 131. A.D. 788. K 152. Offa king of the Mercians, gives land to St. Andrew's, Rochester. 60 GENUINE HECORDS DATED. Among the signatures is Ecgfri^ the son of Offa, who be- came fellow-king with his father in 785, and Higeberht the Mercian archbishop, whose elevation took place at the same time. Sax. Chron. 785 : H&S. iii. 446 d. >J< In nomine dei summi et saluatoris nostri Ihesu Christi, ipsoque in perpetuo regnante disponenteque suauiter omnia, terrena quoque sceptra et regalia iura temporaliter distribuente. Unde et ego Offa, rex Mer- ciorum, aliquam terram pro remedio et salute animae meae tradam, id est, sex aratrorum, ubi nominatnr Trottesclib,- ad aecclesiam beati Andreae apostoli et ad episcopium castelli quod nominatur Hrofescester, ubi beatus Paulinus pausat^ quam etiam episcopalem sedem modo in praesenti rite regit Uuaermundus religiosus antistes. Hanc itaque supradictam terram ad banc con- ditionem perpetualiter habendam et possidendam con- cedo, cum omnibus ad eam rite pertinentibus rebus, cum campis, siluis, pascuis, pratis, pastinationibus, et cum propriis terminis. Huius autem terrae termini sunt isti ; ab oriente et a meridie Boerlingas, ab occi- dente Uurotaham, ab aquilone Meapaham. Ad hanc quoque terram pertinent in diuersis locis porcorum pastus_, id est uuealdbaera, ubi dicitur Holens- pic bi su^an ee, Eppan hrycg, non longe ab eo loco Langan hrycg. Quisquis uero contra hanc donationis cartulam callido malignoque tractatu contraire prae- sumpserit, nouerit se, quisquis ille fuerit, in discrete dei iudicio sinistrae partis socium fore, et a Christi et dei corpore sanguineque segregandum. Manente hac cartula in sua nihilominus firmitate ; propria manu sig- naculo crucis Christi roborare curaui, et testes religiosos et consentientes, id ipsum agentes adhibui, quorum nomina cum propriis cruciculis infra adnotentur. Actum anno dominicae incarnationis dcclxxxviii. EIGHTH CENTURY. 61 >J< Eg-o Offa rex Merciorum^ hanc snpraseriptam do- nationem meam hoc signum crucis impress!. >J< Ego Ecgfri^ rex Merciorum, testis consentiens subseripsi. *in Ego Cyne'Sry^ regina consensi et subseripsi. >I< Ego laenberhtus, gratia dei archiepiscopus, signum crucis Christi impressi. i^ Ego Hygeberht archiepiscopus subseripsi. >{< Ego Ceoluulf episcopus subseripsi. >J< Signum manus Brordani praefecti. >J« Signum manus Berhtuualdi. >J< Signum manus Eadbaldi. ►{< Signum manus Ceolmundi. Harl. 4660, f. 7. A.D. 789. Heming 7. Nero E. i. 388. E:156. Heathored bp. "Worcester, versus Wulfheard son of Cussa, before the council at Celchy'5, touching the inheritance of Hemele and Duda. The decision was in the bishop's favour. See again below A.D. 803. *i< Saeculi namque labentis tempora uelocius uento aerem tranant. ideoque omnes firmas statutiones seriae litterarum adnotamus ne forte in posterum aliquis ig- norantiae auaritiaeue ea decreta infringere praesumat quae uenerabilium uirorum fiunt uerbis confirmata. Anno dominici incarnationis dcc^lxxx^viiii*'. indictione uero XII*. qui est annus xxxi. regni offan strenuissimi Merc regis factum est pontificale conciliabulum in loco famosa qui dicitur celchy^ praesidentib: duob; arcepis lamberhto scilicet et Hygberhto mediante quoq: offan rege cum tmiuersis principibus suis ; ibi inter alia plura aliqua contentio facta est inter heathoredum epis et wulfheardum filium Cussan de haeriditate hemeles et 62 GENUINE RECOEDS DATED. dudae quod post obitu suoru nominarent ad weogorna- caestre, hoc est intanbeorgas et bradanlege . uoluisset ergo uulfheardus^ ilium agellulum auertere ab ecclesia praefata in weogornacaest cum ignorantiae et insipientiae [si potuisset. Tunc ille episcopus] ilium refutabat cum bis testibus qui eorum nomina infra scripta liquescunt coram synodali testimonio. Et aiebat quod ei rectum non fieret ulli alio post se trader e praeter et [antedijcta ciuitatem hoc est weogrinacaestor. Et propter eorum prece et amore qui illam terram [adqui]sierunt 7 ad ecclesiam prefatam dedissent illi senatores familiae con- sentientes fuerunt ut illud custodiret et haberet diem suum. Tune arc episc simul cum uniuersis prouinciali- bus episc ita finem composuerunt et reconciliauerunt.. ut wulfheardus terram possideret tamdiu uiueret 7 post- quam uiam patrum incederet sine aliqua contradictione [illuc ad] weogornense ec[clesiae] terras atq: libellus cum semetipso redderet [ubi corpora requiescunt hemeles et dudae.] ^ >J< Ego offa rex mere, osentiendo imposui. >J< Ego iamberht di gratia arc. ep . osens. et subs. >I< Ego hygeberht simit arc . ep . osen. 7 subs. ►J< Ego ceolwulf ep. os 7 sub. >^ Ego heardred . ep os 7 sub. >J< Ego unuuona ep os. >^ Ego hea^ored . ep. Os. ►!< Ego ceolmund ep. >J< Ego aeSelmod ep. >J« Ego cyneberht ep. >J< Ego wermund ep. >I« Ego boduine ab. 4* Ego utel ab. >ii Ego fordred. EIGHTH CENTURY. 63 »I< Ego uulfheard simul subs 7 ofirmaui. >J< berht . . . pr >i< Sig ceolmundi p. >J< . . mundi p >J< Sig ae^elhardi p. >I« Sig alhinuiidi p. »I« Sig bynnan. * MS. 3 reads as follows : ' Wlf heardus ergo uoluit illas a weogoma ciuitate atiertere, cum insipientia, si potuisset ; sed episcopus ilium uicit cum testibus quorum nomina infra notantur, coram uniuersa sinodo j et aiebat quod rectum non esset, ulli alii post se tradere, nisi ad weogernam ciuitatem, et praeter eorum prece et amore qui illam terram adquieserunt et ad praefatam aecclesiam dederunt. Tunc archiepiscopus,' etc. K. ^ The interpolations are from MS. 2. K. Heming 54. A.D. 794. K164. Of fa confirms by his signature what had been decided in 793 at a synod in Clofes hoas, that the 5 manentes at Austan, formerly given to the see of Worcester by King AetSelbald but sub- sequently seized by Bynna, should be restored to the bishop. In this deed it is worthy of observation that Hygeberht the archbishop of Lichfield, signs before AeSelheard the arch- bishop of Canterbury^. >J< Omnis itaque huius uitae prosperitas deo miserante existit, etiam et futurae uitae beatitudo eo largiente perueniet. Contigit autem in diebus Ofiani regis Mer- ciorum quod Bynna, comes regis, sustulit sine recto banc terram aet Austan . v . manentes, quod Ae^elbald rex ante liberauit, et hoc recte pertinebat ad sedem epis- copalem in Uuegrin ciuitate. Tunc fuit synodus in loco, qui dicitur Clofes boas, anno [ab] incarnatione Christi . dcc.xc.iiii. regni Ofiani . xxxvii . anno. Tunc episcopus Hea^oredus, cum conscientia totius synodalis concilii referebat, et fiducialiter incunctanterque confir- mauit cum testimonio scripturarum illarum quae Ae^el- bald rex ante in aetemam libertatem suis processoribus praescripsit. Et tunc rex cum omni consilio sancti con- 64 GENUINE EECOKDS DATED. cilii consentiebat, quod episcopus praefatus salua manu accipiebat in contenditum suam propriam praenomina- tam terrain, et hoc cum confirmatione sanctae crucis Christi omnes munierunt, ut firma et infracta permaneat in aeuum. »J< Ego OfFa rex Merciorum, signo sanctae crucis confirmaui. i^i Ego Ecgfer^ filius regis, consensi et subscripsi. >^ Signum Hygeberhti arcbiepiscopi. 1^ Signum Ae'Selheardi archiepiscopi. >^ Signum Ceoluulfi episcopi. >J< Hea^Sored episcopi. >J< Cyne- berhti episcopi. i^n Denefer^ episcopi. >I< Wigmund abbas. i^ Brorda dux. >J< Alhmund dux. ►J* Bynna dux. >^ Wigberbt dux. >J< Heardberht dux. >^ Uoba dux. ^ Compare p. 62 ; Ego hygeberht similiter arc. Cott. Nero E. i. 387. A.D. 796. K 170. Ecgfrith king of Mercia, grants 3 cassati aet Huntenatun to Aet5el- mund ; and the deed is dated at Bath. The signature 'Eadulf electus' is that of the elect bp. of Lindsey, who ruled that diocese forty years until a.d. 836. H&S. iii. 607- 1^ Saeculi namque labentis tempora sicut umbrae fugientes sic uelociter tranant, uarieque euentuum status in cogitationes hominum conscendunt. Quapropter ego Ecgfridus rex Merciorum concedo meo fideli principi AeJ^elmundo in. cassatos aet Huntenatun liberaliter ad possidendum, pro ereptione peccaminum meorum^ sicut antea Uhtred et Aldred Beornhardo concesserunt. Et hoc gestum est in celebri uico qui Saxonice uocatur aet Ba'Sum, his testibus consentientibus. EIGHTH CENTUKY. 65 >J< Ego Ecgfridus rex hanc meam donationem confir- maui. >i« Ego Brihtricus rex. ►!< Ego Ae]?elhardus archiepiscopus. i^ Ego Hea'Sored episcopus. >{< Ego Eadulf electus. >I« Ego ForSred abbas. >I< Ego Brorda princeps. »I« Ego Ae)?elmund. >J< Ego Ead- gar. MS. Lambeth 1212, p. 312. A.D. 798. K1019. .ffi^elheard abp. Cant, in synod at Clovesho, recovered an equivalent in Kent for the monastic estate of Cookham, of the acquisition and loss of which by Christ Church, Canterbury, an eventful story is told. >J< Regnante imperpetuum deo et domino nostro Ibesu Christo ! Ego Ae'Selhardus larga omnipotentis del gratia annuente Dorobemensis aecclesiae metro- politanus, cum praestantissimo rege nostro Cenulfo, conuocans uniuersos prouinciales episcopos nostros, duces et abbates et cuiuscunque dignitatis uiros, ad synodale concilium in locum qui nominatur Clouesho, ibi sollicito ab eis scrutinio quaesiuimus qualiter apud eos fides catholica haberetur, et quomodo Christiana religio exer- ceretur. Hiis ita exquisitis, una omnium uoce ita responsum est : Notum sit paternitati tuae, quia sicut primitus a sancta Romana et apostolica sede, beatissimo papa Gregorio dirigente, exarata est, ita credimus ; et quod credimus absque ambiguitate, quantum possumus exercere satagimus. Postquam autem super hiis uberius tractatum est, ita exorsi sumus : Necessarium est, fratres charissimi, aecclesias dei et uenerabiles uiros qui iam multo tempore terrarum dispendio et absumptione ciro- F 66 GENUINE EECOKDS DATED. graphorum miserabiliter laborauerant, corrigere. Hiis dictis, prolatae sunt inscriptiones monasterii quod uoca- tur Coccham in medium, terrarumque sibi adiacentium ; quod uidelicet monasterium, cum omnibus ad illud per- tinentibus terris, rex inclytus Merciorum Ae'Selbaldus aecclesiae saluatoris quae sita est in ciuitate Dorobernia dedit ; utque illius donatio perseuerantior fieret, ex eadem terra cespitem et cunctos libellos praememorati coenobii, per uenerabilem uirum Cu^bertum archi- episcopum misit, et super altare saluatoris pro perpetua sua salute, poni praeeepit. Sed post mortem praefati pontifieis, easdem inscriptiones Daeibeah* et Osbertus, quos idem pontifex alumnos nutriuit, maligno acti spiritu furati sunt, et Cenulfo regi Occidentalium Saxonum detulerunt ; at ille, accipiens statim testimonia litterarum, praedictum coenobium cum omnibus ad illud rite pertinentibus suis usibus coaptauit, neglectis prae- nominati arcbiepiscopi Cu^berti dictis et factis. Item, Eregwinus et lanbertus arcbiepiscopi per singulas synodus suas, questi sunt de iniuria aecclesiae saluatoris illata ; et apud Cenulfum regem Occidentalium Saxonum, et apud Offam regem Merciorum qui uidelicet saepe- memoratum coenobium Coccbam et alias urbes quam- plurimas Cenulfo rege abstulit, et imperio Merciorum subegit. Tandem Cenulfus rex sera ductus poenitentia, telligraphia, id est, libellos quos a supradictis hominibus Daeiheb et Osberto iniuste perceperat, cum magna pecunia, aecclesiae Cbristi in Doroberniam remisit, bumillime rog^ns ne sub tantae autboritatis anatbemate periclitaretur. Uerum rex Offa praememoratum coeno- bium Coccbam, sicut sine litteris accepit, ita quanto tempore uixit, detinuit, et absque litterarum testimonia suis post se haeredibus reliquit. Secundo autem anno- EIGHTH CENTURY. 67 regni Cenulfi facta est synodus sicut supra est praeli- batum apud Clouesho ; at ego Ae^elhardus gratia dei Dorobernensis archiepiscopus, et Cuba primicherius me- cum, et multi alii ex ilia aecclesia Christi sapientes, libellos praefati coenobii Coecbam, in concilium detu- limus ; cumque coram synodo relicti ^ fuissent, omnium uoce decretum est iustum esse ut metropolis aecclesia saepepraefatum coenobium Coccbam, cuius inscriptiones in suo gremio habebat, perciperet, quo sub tanto tem- pore tam iniuste spoliata fuerat. Tunc autem placuit mihi Ae'Selbardo dei gratia arcbisacerdoti et Cyne'Sry'Sae abbatissae quae eodem tempore saepedicto coenobio prae- fuit, ac senioribus ex utralibet parte, Cantia scilicet et Bedeforde, ad boc ibidem congregatis, quatenus ipsa CyneSri"Sa in regione Cantia daret mihi pro commu- tatione saepe praefati coenobii, terram centum et decem manentium, sexaginta cassatorum uidelicet in loco qui dicitur Fleote, et triginta in loco qui dicitur Teneham, in tertio quoque loco ubi dicitur Creges aewylma, uiginti. Quas scilicet terras olim rex Offa sibi uiuenti conscribere fecit, suisque haeredibus post eum ; et post eorum cursum uitae, aecclesiae quae sita est apud Beodeford consignari praecepit. Hoc etiam coram omni synodo elegimus ; ut ipsa abbatissa a me percipiet saepe- nominatum coenobium cum suis inscriptionibus ; et ego terras et libellos terrarum illarum quas mihi in Cantia reddit, ab ea acciperem, quatenus nulla imposterum inter nos baeredesque nostros et Offae regis surgat contro- uersia, sed quod sub tam nobilis synodi testimonio inter nos confirmatum est indirupto foedere seruetur imper- petuum. Ego quoque Ae'Selhardus archiepiscopus con- cedo Cyni^ri'Sae abbatissae monasterium quod situm est in loco qui dicitur Pectanege ad habendum, quod mihi F 2, 68 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. rex pius Eg-fridus haereditario iure possidendum donauit atque conscripsit. ^ i.e. relecti. Cott. Nero E. i. Part 2. 388. \ 6 Oct. 803. (Harl. 4660 f. 7.) I collated. Heming 8. ) K183. T. p. 46. Deneberht bp. Worcester, ia Council at Clovesho, records the settlement of the dispute between the See of Worcester and Wulfheard son of Cussa. See above, a.d. 789. Jntanbcorge Sr 93ratianlca|b. 1^ In nomine dni . nri . itiu . xpi. Ea quae secun- dum ecclesiasticam disciplinam ac synodali decreto salubriter definiuntur quamuis solus sermo sufficeret tamen pro euitanda futuri temporis ambiguitate fide- lissimis scripturis et documentis sint comendata, Qua- propter ego deneberbtus epus fui memor pristinae locutionis antecessoris mei heatboredi . et wulfheardi epis circa terras illas aet intebeorgas ^ et aet bra- danlaehe tunc wulfheardus iterum coram sinodali testi- monio confirmauit cum sig-no crucis xpi deneberhto epo . et eius familiae in weogorna ciuitate ut ille noluisset umquam auertere ab ecclesia prenominata nisi ut ante ueraciter ac firmiter definitum habuit ut hoc per omnia firmum et fixum inter eos ppetuo maneret. Haec comemoratio facta est in loco qui dicitur clofesho . an . incarna? . domnic . dccc*'. iii° Indie xi. pridie nona- rum octobrium his adstipulantibus. NINTH CENTURY. 69 >J« ego a'Selheard arci eps. >J< ego werenberht eps. >}< ego aldwulf eps. >{< ego denebriht eps. >J< ego eadulf eps. >{< ego wibriht eps. ►J< ego wulfheard eps. >J« ego alhheard eps. >J< ego alhmund eps. »J< ego osmund eps. >J< ego tidfer^ eps. >J< ego wihthun eps. >^ ego wermund eps. >I< ego koenulf rex mere. >J< ego aldred princeps. osensi 7 subs. >J< ego heaberht princeps. >i< ego beorno'S princeps. >i< ego ceolwald princ. >J< ego cynehelm prin. >J< ego wicga princ. *i* ego wiglieard prin. 1^ ego byrnwald princ. Indorsed: 821 — 823. 9Utemc0graf. ►i< Ceolulf rex wilnade tSaes landes set bremesgrafan to heaberhte be "3 to his hirede 3 tSa sende be his aerendwreocan to wulfhearde to intanbeorgum 3 heht 'Sset he cuome to him 3 to (Seem higum cSa dyde he swse t5a heo him to spraecon se bisceop 3 his weotan ymb cSset land ^aet he, his him geu'Se 'Saet heo maehten Sone freodom begeotan j t5a wses he ea'Smodlice ondeta 'Sset he swa walde •] to him wilniende waes Saette heo him funden swylce londare swylce he mid arum on beon mehte . j his wic "Saer on byrig beon mihte on his life. Sa sende he monn to Saem sercebisceope ■] to eadberhte 3 to dynne 3 him heht saecgan 6aet he wilnade 'Saes londes aet intanbeorgan. Sa se aercebisceop -j eadberht hit waeran ern- diende to cyninge. "Sa cuom dynne to gelaerde tSone cyning "Saet he his no gef)8ef waes. (Sa waes higen j hlaforde lond unbefliten eghuaes ^ seotS'San a oS his daga ende. *^* Kemble appears to have printed this deed from the Harleian transcript, which is inferior to Heming, as Heming is to Cott. Nero. I have corrected it by Cott. Nero, so far as that authority goes, viz, to ©a sende in the endorsement, and then by Heming. ^ intanbergan Heming : intanbergum Harl. 70 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. Cott. Aug. ii. 61. 12 Oct. 803. K185. B. ii. 6. -ffilthelheard abp. Canterbury, in Council at Clovesho, establishes the primacy of the See of Canterbury, and abolishes the metro- politan dignity which Offa had instituted at Lichfield. This important record, which disposes for ever of the archbishopric of Lichfield, is preserved in its original form, to be seen in the British Museum, and it is among the facsimiles edited by Mr. Bond. GLORIA in excelsis do et in terra pax homini'bs bonae uoluntatis. ^ Scimus autem quod multis in dm fideliter con- fidentibus no turn et manifestum est . et nihil tarn en illis placabile in eo uisum est . qui in gentibus anglorum commorantur quod offa rex mercio in diebus iaenberhti arcepis cum maxima fraude honorem et unitatem sedis sci agustini patris nostri in dorouernensi ciuitate diuidere et discindere praesumsit . et quomodo post obitum prse- dicti pontificis ae^elheardus arcepis di gratia dona^n'ti illius successor post curricula annorum erga plurima di ecclesiarum iura limina apostolorum et apostolicae sedis beatissimum papam leonem uisitare contigit . inter alias necessarias legationes etiam discissionem iniuste factam archiepiscopalis sedis narrauit . et ipse apostolicus papa ut audiuit et intellexit quod iniuste fuisset factum statim sui priuilegii auctoritatis prseceptum posuit et in brittan- niam misit et praecipit ut honor sci agustini sedis cum omnibus suis parrohhiis integerrime redintegraretur iuxta quod scs gregorius nrse gentis apostolus et magister con- posuit et honorabili arcepiseopo ae'Selheardo in patriam peruenienti per omnia redderetur et coenuulfus rex pi us mercioru ita compleuit cum senatoribus suis . anno uero NINTH CENTURY. 71 dominie^ incarnationis . dccc°iii°. indictione . xi*. die . iiii*. idus octobris . ego ae^elheardus arcepisc cum omni- bus . XII. episco SCO sede beati agustini subiectis per apostolica praecepta domni papae leonis in synodo qui factus est in loco celebri qui uocatur clofeshoas unianimo consilio totius sci synodo . in nomine di omnipotentis prsecipientes et omnium scoru illius et per eius tremen- dum iudicium . ut numquam reges neque episcopi neque principes neque ullius tyrannicae potestatis homines honorem sci agustini et suae sc§ sedis diminuere uel in aliquantula particula diuidere prsesumerint . sed in eo per omnia dignitatis bonore plenissime semper per- maneat quo utique in constitutione beati gregorii et in priuilegiis apostolicorum suorum successorum habea- tur nee non etiam et in scoru canonum rectum baberi sanctionibus uideatur. Nunc etiam do cooperanti et domno apostolico papae leoni ego ae"Selheardus arcepis et alii coepiscopi nostri et nobiscum omnes dignitates iiostri synodi cum uexillis crucis xpi unianimiter prima- tum scse sedis firmantes . hoc quoque praecipientes et signo scse crucis scribentes ut arcepiscopalis sedes in liccidfeldensi monasterio ^n'umquam habeatur ex hoc tempore neque in alio loco aliquo nisi tantum modo in dorobernensi ciuitate . ubi xpi ecclesia est et ubi primus in hac insula catholica fides penituit et a sco agustino sacrum baptismum celeb retur. insuper etiam cartan a romana sede misam per hadrianum papam de palleo et de archiepiscopatua sede in liccedfeldensi monas- terio cum consensu et licentia domni apostolici leonis papae praescribimus aliquid ualere. quia per subrepti- tionem et male blandam suggessionem adipiscebatur. et idcirco manifestissimis signis caelestis regis primatum monarchiae archiprincipatus permanere canonicis et apos- 72 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. tolicis munitioni'bs statuimus ubi scm enangelium xpi per beatum patrem agustinum in prouincia anglorum prlmii pr^dicatur . et deinde per gratiam sci sps late diffusum est. Si quis uero contra apostolicus praeceptis et nostrorii omnium ausus sit tunica xpi scindere et unitate see di ecclesiae diuidere . Sciat se nisi digne emendauerit quod inique contra sacras canones fecit aeternaliter esse damnatum . . 7 Hie st nomina scoru episcoporu et abbatum qui prae- scriptum cyrograpbi cartula in synodo qui factus est set clofeshoum. anno aduentus dni . dccciii cum signo scae crucis xpi firmauerunt . . 7 >I< ae'Selheardus arcepis. ^ deneberbtus epis. >J< alduulfus epis. >J< uuibthunus epis. >J« uuerenberhtus epis. »J< tidfri-Sus epis. >I< aleheardus epis. >I< uulf beard us epis. »J< uuigberhtus epis. >i< alhmundus prs ab. >^ alhmundus epis. >I< beonna prs ab. >}< osmundus epis. >I< f o'r^red prs ab. ►I* eaduulfus epis. »J< uuigmundus prs ab, %* Endorsed in a contemporary Jiand, ' Epistulas . . . ' ; and in a hand of the 12th century, 'Scriptum quomodo adnichilatum sit per ^thelardum archiepiscopum archiepiscopatus Licisfeldensis quod fieri debuit contra gcclesiam cantuariensem. per ofiam regem.' 'latine.' B. Canterbury Charters, C. 195. 12 Oct. 803. E:1024. T. p. 50. S. i. 4. iE^elheard Abp. Cant, in synod at Clovesho, and under mandate from Leo III, decrees that secular persons are not to be elected as lords of monasteries. The signatures are peculiarly interest- NINTH CENTURY. 73 ing, as giving an idea of the composition of the ecclesiastical council of the time. See H & S. iii. 547 b for further details and identifications. >I< Ego Ae^elheardus gratia del humilis sanctae doro- bernensis ecclesiae archiepiscopus unianimo consilio totius sancti synodi . congregationibus omnium monasteriorum quae dim a fidelibus christo domino perpetuam in liber- tatem dedita fuerunt. In nomine dei omnipotent] s . et per eius tremendum indicium praecipio . Sicut et ego mandatum a domno apostolieo Leone papa percepi . Ut ex hoc tempore numquam temerario ausu super heredi- tatem domini laicos et saeculares sibi praesumant domi- nos eligere . Sed sicut in priuilegiis ab apostolica sede datis habetur . seu etiam ab apostolicis uiris in initio nascentis ecclesiae traditum est per sanctos canones vel etiam a propriis possessoribus monasteriorum constitu- tum . ea regula et obseruantia discipline sua monastica iura studeant obseruare. Si ergo quod absit ipsi hoc nostrum mandatum . et domni apostolici papae spreuerint et pro nihilo ducunt . Sciant se ante tribunal christi nisi ante emendari uoluerint, rationem reddituros . Haec sunt nomina sanctorum episcoporum et uenerabilium abbatum et pr^sbyterorum et diaconum qui cum totius sancti synodi consensu pro confirmatione predictae rei . signum sanctae crucis subscripserunt. >J< Ego Ae^elheardus gratia dei archiepiscopus doro- bernensis ciuitatis . signum sanctae crucis subscripsi. >^ ae^elheah abbas 1^ Uulfheard presbiter »J« be- ornmod presbiter ►J< feologeld presbiter abbas 1^ werno'S presbiter >{< Uulfred archidiaconus t^ Ego aldulfus liccedfeldensis ecclesiae episcopus sig- num crucis subscripsi. 74 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. >i< hygberht abbas >J< monn presbiter ^ eadhere presbiter >I< lulla presbiter »J< wigfer'S presbiter i^ cu'Sberbt presbiter ►J< Ego werenberbt legorensis ciuitatis episcopus sig- num crueis subscripsi. >J< alhmtind presbiter abbas »{< for^red presbiter ab- bas >J< eadberht presbiter >I< eadred presbiter >^ eanred presbiter >^ beonna presbiter abbas i^ uuigmund presbiter abbas >J< berhthae'S presbiter >J< aej^elhaeb presbiter >J< mon presbiter >^ Ego eadwulf syddensis ciuitatis episcopus signum crueis subscripsi. >I< eadred presbiter abbas >J« plegberht presbiter ^ hereberbt presbiter >I< daeghelm presbiter abbas i^ eaduulf presbiter ^ hea'Sored presbiter >I< Ego deneberht wegoranensis ciuitatis episcopus signum crueis subscripsi. k^ byseberht abbas >I« paega abbas \^ coenfer^ pres- biter >J< 'Singcfer'S abbas >I< freo'Somund abbas >J« seler^d presbiter >^ Ego wulfheard herefordensis ecclesiae episcopus signum crueis subscripsi. >J« cu'Sred abbas ►{< dycga presbiter >J< hea^obald diaconus >J« strygel presbiter >J< monn presbiter »{< werfer^ >J< Ego wigberbt sciraburnensis ecclesiae episcopus signum crueis subscripsi. »J« muca abbas >{< berbtmund abbas ^ eadberht abbas NINTH CENTURY. 75 k^ 'Ego ealhmund wintanae ciuitatis episcopus signum crucis subscripsi. >I< cu^berht abbas t^t marcus abbas >J< notheard presbiter >I« cufa abbas >I< lulla abbas »J< wig'Segn pres- biter >i< Ego alhheard elmbamis ecclesiae episcopus signum crucis subscripsi. »I< folcberlit presbiter »{< eadberbt presbiter i^ hun- fri'S diaconus 1^ freo^uberbt presbiter >{< wulfluf presbiter i^ be- ornhelm diaconus. Cott. Aug. ii. 100. A. D. 805 ? K191. B. ii. 7. Cu-Sred king of Cantware, with consent of Coenuulf king of Mercia, conveys to JEtSelno?5 three ploughlands aet HsegycSe J)orne (1 Eythorne, Kent — B) for 3000 denarii : in hereditary right and free of services. >J< In nomine altithroni qui solus regat ac gubernat omnia omnipotenter in seuum ego cu^redus rex cantuua- riorum cum consensu coenuulfi regis mere et his testiBus quorum infra nomina tenentur adscripta . dabo se'Selno^o pfecto meo fidelissimo in puincia cantise terram trium aratrorum in loco qui dr set h^gy^e "Some pro conpetenti pecunia id -r . iii^. milia denariorii . nunc itaq : pdicta terra in potestate illius sit donata cum rectis terminib : et iure hereditario firmiter fixa pmaneat . seu etia ab omni uit sseculariii seruitiis intus uel foras libera pseuerat sine aliquo grauidine et lesione maiorum minoriiue causarum . 76 GENUINE EECOKDS DATED. ut habeat libertatem commutandi uel donandi in uita sua et post eius obitum teneat facultatem relinquendi cui- cumq : uolueris . nullus regum 'aut 'episcoporum uel principum psentium uel futurorum ista sit contemnere ausus . sin autem redat ratione cora do et coram angelis eius in die reuelationis djai nri itiu xpi amen : — >J< ego coenuulf rex mere banc donationem consen- siendo sub, *i< ego cu'Sred rex cantise banc donatione mea signo sc2e crucis xpi firmabo 7 subscribo »J« ego wulfredus gratia di arcbiepis cons 7 sub >J< ego coenwald consensi 7 subscripsi, ►!< ego osuulf cons 7 sub ►!< ego ealdberht cons 7 sub ►!< ego wealb cons 7 sub ►I* ego se'Selieard cons 7 sub 1^ ego berbtno'S cons 7 sub >J< ego ceolno'S cons 7 ^s'ub i^t wulfred arcepis 1^ alduulfepis »J< uuerenberht epis >J< beor n'mod epis »J< deneberbt epis ►!< wigberht epis >J< tidfer^ epis . ►$< alhmund epis 1^ albbeard epis 1^ wiohtbun epis '1^ eaduulf epis 1^ wigmund jjr ab 1^ wulf beard epis 1^ beonna pr ab' *^* Endorsed in a hand of the loth century, 'hegy^e ^orn . fSreo salunga,' and in a hand of the 12th century, ' Cudred rex cantiae edelnoSo praefecto' 'latine'. B. NINTH CENTURY. HI Endorsed by Aethelnoth and Gaenhurh, 805 — 831 ^. >J« Aethelnoth se gerefa to eastorege and gaenburg his wif araeddan hiora erfe beforan Wulfrede arcebiscope and aethel- hune his masseprioste and esne cyninges thegne suae huether hiora suae leng lifes were foe to londe and to aire sehte gif hio beam hebbe thonne foe [tSJaet ofer hiora boega dagas to londe and to sehte. gif hio thonne beam nsebbe and wulfred archibiscop lifes sie thonne foe he to thaem londe and hit . forgelde and thaet . wiorth gedaele fore hiora gastas suae aelmeslice and suae rehtlice suae he him seolfa on his wis- dome geleornie. and this [s]prece naenig mon uferran dogor on naenge othre halfe oneaerrende sie nimne suae Jjis gewrit . hafath. »J< Uulfred arcepis. >J< Aethelnoth. »J< Feol[o]geld pr ab. >J« Gaenburg. >J< Aethelhun pi^. 1^ Esne. >J< Cuthberht pr. jjisses londes aran thrie sulong aet haegethe thorne. and gif hiora othru oththe baem siith forgelimpe biscop that lond gebycge suae hif^ thonne geweorthe. Translation: — Aethelnoth, reeve of East Kent, and Gaenburg, his wife, declared their succession before Abp, Wulfred and Aethelhun his chaplain, and Esne, a thane of the king's. Whichever of the two should survive should take to the land and to all the property : if they have a child, it is to take, after both their days, to the land and property : if they have no child and Abp. Wulfred be alive, then he is to take to the land, and pay for it, and distribute the worth for their souls in the way of alms, and as justly as he in his wisdom may learn. And this bequest let no man in time to come divert in any other direction than as this writing containeth. — Of this land are three sulungs at Haegethe thome ; and in case of the prior decease of one or both, the bishop is to buy the land as it then stands. 1 This endorsement by the purchaser and his wife is after Kemble from the Stowe MSS. For language and for contents it is remarkable. Notice gastas for the usual sawla. ^ hie K. 7S GENUINE EECOEDS DATED. Cott. Aug. ii. 55. A. D. 805. Lamb. 1212. f. 314. K189. B, i. 13. ^thelheard abp. Canterbury, by synodal decree, restores to the brethren of Christchurch land formerly given them by Aldhun, of which, by the rapacity of some king, they had been unjustly deprived. The penmanship is remarkable, and it was selected by Kemble as one of his few specimens. ^ Ego aedilheardus metropolitanae ciuitatis in doro- bernia arc epis pro amore dni m ibu xpi et pro absolu- tione meoru criminii terrain quattuor aratror nomine aet buman in occidentali parte beorahames scae familiae eeclesiae xpi in propria possessionem donabo et obsecro in nomine dni omnes pontifiees nros successores . ut omne bonum quod in ilia terra lucrificetur fratres sibi singulariter ad mensam suam babeant et ad alteram necessitate faciant qua illis bona et spontanea uoluntate maxime utile uideatur. Hanc pnominatam terram quidam homo bonus nomine aldhun qui in hac regali uilla in buus' ciuitatis praefectus fuit pro intuitu aeternae mercedis fratribus nris ad mensam tradidit . sed sea ecclesia xpi sine norma iustitiae cum rapacitate cuius- dam regis de sua terra priuata est . et nos auxiliante dno iterum illam iusto et synodali iudicio restituere huic scae familiae curauimus . rogamus etiam amicos nros id est reges et pontifiees et omnes qui potestatem in hac prouincia habeant. ut semper augere his fratrib. et n minuere suum bonum dignentur . et certe credimus eo magis dm omnipotentem illis augere aeterna bona in cselestibus regnis. actu fuit Dcccv. anno incarna? xpi xiii. indictione testiu nomina hie infra caraxata sunt NINTH CENTURY. 79 \^ Ego aedillieard arc epi cum uexillo crucis xpi confirma >I< ego biornmod epi subscripsi. >J< eanred ppos. >I< biornhard ppo. >J< monn a' pr. >{< cuba p. »{< uulfhard p. >{< ciol- stan p. >J< osuulf p. ^ paul p ►i< heamund p >J< heremod p >$« uulfred arc dia >I< gu'Smund. >J< eadred dia >I« goda subdia >{< wine »J< ego eu^red rex cantie consensi et subscripsi >J< ego cudaman ab osensi et sub >i< ego feologeld ab. et subscr. i^ aldberht sub >i< osuulf dux subscri >J< esne subscri >i< berhtno'S subscrip >I< beahfir'S sub 1^ sigebard subscrip. *,(.* Endorsed hy a hand of the 12th century, 'Scrip. V.' 'iiii aratra.' E^elardus archiepiscopus buman ecclesie Christi recuperavit et ad men- sam suam quam haldun prefectus civitatis prius ei contulit ' * V .' B. Cott. Aug. ii. 79. A. D. 805-810. K226. B. i. 15. Osuulf and Beorn'Sry^ an Alderman and his Lady, gave to diristcburcli (Canterbury) an estate at Stanstead (Kent), humbly petitioning that their anniversary might be kept with a solemnity equal to that of the governors and benefactors of that church. Then Abp. "Wul- fred, speaking in the First Person, engages that their request shall be granted, and that they shall have a yearly-day, which shall be kept with a special sei'vice and almsgiving, and a College Gaude ; the provision and preparation for which are hereby directed, as well as the Eubric for the commemorative services. — An early and striking example of Fraternization, of which we have a later example about 1050 (K945). This private anniversary is much the same as that which in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries came to be called a yearly 80 GENUINE EECOKDS DATED. Mynde. — The deed is further interesting as an early example of one wholly in Saxon ; and it is worthy of remark that it contains no f)orn, that sound being throughout represented by 'S. A specimen is facsimiled in Cod. DipL, and the whole by Mr. Bond, who describes the writing as ' rounded minus- cules, partly following the Irish type.' Mr. Kemble dated this piece 805 — 831, but Haddan and Stubbs have shewn that it cannot be later than 810. Dialect Kentish. >J< Ic osuulf Aldormonn mid godes gsefe ond beorn- "SryS min gemecca sella^ to cantuarabyrg to cristes cirican "Saet lend set stanham stede. xx. swuluncga gode allmehtgum 7 ^ere halgon gesomnunegse fore hyhte 7 fore aedleane daes aecan 7 daes towardon lifes, 7 fore uncerra saula hela 7 iincerra bearna. Ond mid micelre eadmodnisse bidda^ dset wit moten bion on dam gema- non de "Saer godes diowas siondan 7 da menn da 'Saer hlafordas wseron 7 dara monna de hiora lond to ^aere cirican saldon. Ond dsettse mon unee tide ymb tuself- monad mon geuueordise on godcundum godum 7 sec on aelmessan suae mon hiora doed, Ic donne uulfred mid godes gaefe arc epis das forecuae- denan uuord fulliae 7 bebeode dset mon ymb tuselfmonad hiora tid boega dus geuueor^iae to anes daeges to osuulfes tide ge mid godcundum godum ge mid ael- messan ge aec mid higna suesendum, donne bebeode ic daet mon das ding selle ymb tuselfmonad of liminum de dis forecuaede^ne' lond to limped of daem ilcan londe set stanham stede. cxx. huaetenra hlafa. 7 xxx. denra. 7 an hrider dugunde. 7. iii. sc^p. 7 tua flicca. 7. u. goes. 7. x. hennfuglas. 7. x. pund caeses gif hit fuguldaeg sie, Gif hit donne festen dseg sie. selle mon uu^ge csesa 7 fisces 7 butran 7 aegera dsetmon begeotan maege. 7 xxx. ombra godes uuelesces alod dset limped to xu. mittum. 7 mittan fulne huniges. odda tu^gen uuines. su§ hwaeder suae NINTH CENTURY. 81 mon donne begeotan maege Ond of higna gem^nu godii daer aet ham mon geselle. cxx. gesuflra hlafa to ael- messan for hiora saula. suae mon aet hlaforda tidii doed. Ond das forecu^denan su^senda all agefe mon d§m reogolwarde 7 lie brytni^ swae higu maest red sie 7 daem sawlu soelest. aec mon daet weax agsefe to ciricican 7 hiora sawlum nytt gedoe de hit man fore doed. aec ie bebeode minnm aefterfylgendu de daet lond h^bben aet human daet hiae simle ymb. xii. monad foran to ^sere tide gegeorwien ten hund hlafa 7 swae feola sufla 7 d^t mon gedele to aelmessan aet dere tide, fore mine sawle 7 osuulfes 7 beorndryde ^aet cristes eirican' 7 him se reo- golweord on byrg gebeode foran to hwonne sio tid sie. aec ic bidde higon dette hie das godcundan god gedon aet dere tide fore hiora sawlii. daet ^ghwilc messepriost ffesinffe fore osuulfes sawle twa messan twa fore beorn- a o dryde sawle. 7 aeghwilc diacon arede twa passione fore his sawle twa fore hire Ond ^ghwilc godes diow gesinge twa fiftig fore his sawle twa fore hire, daette ge fore uueorolde sien geblitsade mid dem weoroldcundum godum 7 hiora saula mid dem godcundum godum. aec ic biddo higon daet ge me gemynen aet dere tide mid suilce god- cunde gode suilce iow cynlic dynce. Ic de das gesett- nesse sette ge hueder ge for higna lufon ge deara saula de haer beforan hiora namon auuritene siondon. VALETE IN DNO. *5ic* Endorsed, hy a nearly contemporaneous hand ' f is is gesetnes osulf ond biarndryde;' and hy one of the 12th century, with the exception of the date, ichich is added later, ' Anno dcccvi Osulfus alderman dedit Stanhamstede ecclesie christi t^ipore Wlfredi archiepiscopi. An- glice.' B. 82 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Cott. Aug. ii. 47. 21 April 811. K195. B. ii. 11. Wulfred abp. Canterbury, who was a considerable landowner in Kent, exchanges land with Christ Church. H&S. vol. iii. p. 557- >I< In nomine altithroni di summi regis aeterni. Ego uulfred dni inspirante gratia xpi ecclesiae antistes p reuerentia dni nri ihu xpi. ac p deuotissimo sincerae caritatis affectu, et p expiatione piaculorum meorum . seu etiam p mutua commoda uicissitudinis agellorum nrorum quorundam . hoc -r- uerbi gratia g. familiae xpi ecclesiae id -H pprie nris frib; in perpetuae hereditatis facultate tribuens donabo terram trium aratrum meae ppri^ iuris in regione easterege quae inibi ab incolis folcuuining lond uocatur atq: iterum etiam in eade regione eosterege meae pprie hereditatis ruriculii unius aratri illis trib; adherens pdictis nfae fraternitati on byrg ad possidendii reddo. Haec quattuor qq po's's'es'siones aratra ita mihi in ppriam jftinerunt condicione . ilia ig tria aratra id -?- ■Saet folcwining lond on eosterge 7 unum aratrii ibi in nrae terrae medio et liminum coenuulf rex mihi cum suis primis dignitatum gradib: cum ceteris agellis donauerit. pro illius agelli conparatione on magonsetum set geard- cylle terra decim manentium quem k cyne^ry^ae adqui- rere 7 conparare curaui . Sed illud aratrum unu on liminii de quo pdiximus id e "Saet wynnhearding lond 7 babbing lond 7 an iocled on uppan ufre quam terram id -;- aratrum illud set liminii ad xpi ecclesia ^ tribuam p agello illius aratri q ffib: nris sicut pdixi tradidi on eosterge . et illud iam dudum etiam xpi ecclesiae pprium fuit, Insuper etiam addidi on eostorege quintum aratrum frib: nris concedendam q a reacoluensae ecclesiae prius NINTH CENTURY. 83 transmotauera qd dun waling lond dr. hoc eg ea con- dicione addens dabo ut quanto eoru humilitas atq: oboedientia circa nos deuotior fuerit . tanto ig illis semjf largiores in cunctis bonis dno miserante existere curamus . Has itaq: terrulas ideo coUegere et simul ita in unii coniungere eximiae caritatis industria curaui . ut facilius elaborare ac desudare sua propria in illis potuissent quasi adunate unius termini intra septa conclusi . atq: illas etiam meae ppriae arbitrio in dno nris frib: jfpetue dono cum omnib: bonis ad se rite undecumq: jftinentib: cum siluis pascuis pratibiq: 7 cum omni eximia libertatis honore eis tribuam exceptis trib: tantum debitis . id e expeditions 7 arcis munitione 7 pontis instructione ad- uersus paganos . ut nra familia uidelicet fi's nri feliciter et jTpetualiter salua iure illis . iuxta suae necessitatis pprietatem jf omnia ut illis placuerit in dno fruerentur . huius eg reconciliationis nrae uicissitudinem beniuola mente adnuendo consentiendo crucis xpi uexillo roborabo, Hac tn uera interposita rationis condicione tam clementer hoc agens q mihi 7 meis heredib: tam stabile 7 immune 7 j^etu^ inmobile fixum in dno in ^uum jfduret ilia uerbi gratia uicissitudinis transmotatio qua mihi familia nri frs uidelicet ex suo pprio iuris arbitrio unanimo desiderio 7 consono mentis consensu cunctorii seniorum iuniorumque ^pria uoluntate tradidert terram utiq: ubi ab incolis regionis set burnan uocabulum dr . quattuor aratrii quam terram to tam iam dudum aldhun quid am comes uenera- biles ppinquus domni iaemberhti arcepis familiae 7 ppriae singulariterq: frib: p aeterna familiaritate ac p animae suae redemptione iure jfpetua liberaq: ad possidendri illis donauerut . illamq: terram ecgberht rex aldhuno con- scribendo dederat . Sed p* eo rex offa pdictam terram a nra familia abstulit uidelicet quasi non liceret ecgberhto G % 84 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. agros hereditario iure scribere . Sed post ea beatae memoriae ae"Selheard arcepis a rege ofia adquirere studuit ilia terram cu integra libertate ad xpi eeclesia . Sed 7 ipse ae^elheard arcepis nr paulo ante obitum suu cum jTsuassione amicorii frib: nf is illam terram cum ilia liber- tate 7 cunctis reb: rite ad eam jftinentib: restituere demandauit . ut illi terr§ fructib: utilitatisq: usib: frs p redemtione anim^ illius jfpetu^ secundu suum placitii tantum in dno fruerentur . quamobrem frs ac familia nra ilia quattuor aratra ipsius terr§ set burnan jfpri^ illorum iuris hereditate mihi in ius ppri^ ac jfpetu^ hereditatis arbitrium tradidert ad trans motationis uicissitudine illius terr^ on easterege quam pdiximus, mihi qq tam liberam 7 securam jf omnia habendam fruendamq: jfpetu^ 7 ad tra- hendam secundum meae uoluntatis placitum arbitriumq: in aeuu dederunt 7 consentientib: animis cunctorumq: manib: crucis signaculo libenter subscribentib: atq: hoc etiam difinfui'mus 7 firmiter reconciliantes coram idoneis testib: roborauimus ut tota ilia terra quam ipsi tradi- derunt mihi set burnan tam immunis absq: alicuius con- tradictionis obstacula jipetu^ fieri posset sicut ilia terra on eostorege quam illis dederam eis jfpetu^ inuiolabilem ee desiderio. Si H" q absit aliquis maliuola audacia banc nfam uicissitudine jT tyrannide inuadere i infringere tem- tauerit nouerit se ante tribunal summi 7 tremendi iudicis xpi ee ratione redditurum . nisi illud prius digna satisfactione emendauerit . et si qualibet nrae partis condicio innocens 7 incontaminata reperta ipsius rei fuerit seu forte utraq: suae |)priae iuris possessio salua 7 integra ratione ad pristin^ hereditatis gremium reuertetur . pars M" ilia qu^ rea 7 deprauata fuerit suae ppriae partis rea priuetur et iustum arbitrorum iudicium. NINTH CENTURY. 85 subire cogetur ibiq: iuste districtiones accipiat sentiatq: satisfactionem >^ ego uulfred gratia di arcepis huius reconciliationis nrae nicissitudine signo scae crucis xpi confirmabo 7 subscribe >J< ego beommodus epis osens 7 subs >J< ego werno"S pr 7 ab osens 7 sub . >i< ego beornwine pr 7 ab osens 7 sub »J< ego feologeld pr 7 ab osens 7 sub , ►J< ae^elhun pr osens 7 sub . 1^ ceolstan pr osens 7 sub . »I< beamund pr osens 7 sub . 1^ osuulf pr osens 7 sub . »J< heremod pr osens 7 sub . >J< tudda pf . osens 7 sub . »I< deorno'S pr osens 7 sub . »I< abba pr osens 7 sub . >J< gu^mund pr osens 7 sub . 1^ badaheard pr osens 7 sub . >i« cu'Sric pr osens 7 sub . »J< bunfer^ pr osens 7 sub . >{< uuilno^ pr osens 7 sub . »I< drybtno^ pr osens 7 sub . >J< eangeard pr osens 7 sub . »J< ae^elheah pr osens 7 sub . >I< ealhun pr osens 7 sub . >I< deneberbt dia . consens 7 sub . ^ coenbere dia . osens 7 sub . ^ tilred dia osens 7 sub . »{4 billbeard dia osens p sub . ►i< dudd dia osens 7 sub . >I< goda dia osens 7 subs . 86 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. 1^ brunheard dia osens 7 suIj . 1^ uulf heard osens 7 su15 . 1^ Osmund osens 7 su'b . Actum -r- M* hoe anno dominie^ incarn .dccc.xi. indic- tione -|-|- .iiii*. imperii H* coenuulfi regis .xv. anno, pr^su- latus H* wulfredi arcepis anno .vi. die If undecimo ^1 mai . in loco pclara in ciuitate dorouernia . regnante dno sine fine, amen : — *:)(* Endorsed in a hand of the 12th century, ' .VI. Commutatio qua- rundam terrarum inter archiepiscopura Wlfredum "j fratres ecclesie Christi id est folquiningland .iii. aratra an eastreie. ~} .i. aratrum in loco qui dicitur biri. ^ .1. in loco qui dicitur dunwalingland . pro bume .iiii. aratrorum .' *. latine . bonum.' B. ^ It appears on the facsimile as if ecclesiae had first been written, and then corrected to ecclesia. Cott. Aug. ii. 10. 1 Aug. 811. K196. B. i. 14. Coenuulf of Mercia grants to abp. Wulfred two and a half ' hagan ' in Canter- bury. This was done at a council held in London. The ceremonious formality of the deed is remarkable. We see that land in a borougti was subject to the trinoda necessitas no less than in the open country. >J< In nomine di summi regis aeterni. Anno at mcarnationis eiusdem dni saluatoris mundi ihu xpi. Dccc**.xi'*. indictione uero. iiii\ Porro qq imperii piis- simi regis merciorii coenuu'lfi^ anno. xv**. praesulatus etia uulfredi archipontificis anno. vi**. prama kalendarii die augustaru in loco pclaro oppidoq: regali lundaniae uicu conciliii pergrande collectii habebatur. in quo uide- licet ipse rex coen u'ulf atq: uulfred arc episc cum NINTH CENTURY. 87 coepiscopis illius duob: uerbi gratia, deneberht hu u'ic- ciorii epis. Ae'Seluulf episcop australiu saxonu. cum principib: ducibusq: et maiores natu. quoru nomina infra craxantur. inter alias qq diuersarum rem causas in illo habentes concilio interpraetatas. Plaeuit pio regi coe- nuulfo cum consilio et consensu totius concilii illius id e episcoporu principu ducu iudicumue maiorumq: natu. Pro honore di omnipotentis ac pro expiatione piaculoru eius. atq: pro reuerentissima dilectione uulfredi arcepisci. seu etiam pro eius larga pecuniarii remuneratione. hoe e centum et uiginti. vi. mancosas pro his reb: in occiden- tale cantiae in regione suburbanaq: regis oppido ibi ab incolis roeginga ham nuncupato Terra duoru aratruum qd appincg lond illic nominatur. et rursii in alio loco et in regione suburbana ad oppidii regis quod ab incolis ibi fefres ham appellatur. Terra qq duorii aratruii in locis nominatis illic 'Saet sui^hunincg lond aetgrafon aea atq: iterii in ciuitate dorouernia in australe parte ecclesiae saluatoris^ duas possessiunculas et tertia dimedia id e in nra loquella ^ridda half haga et prata duo ad eas prius et modo pertinentia in orientale parte sture fluminis sita Coenuulf rex has terrulas sui propriae puplicae iuris cum praedicto concilii consensu, ac pro cunctis antedictis causis uulfredo suo archipontifici donare ac conscribere in propria atq: in perenne hereditatem habendii fruendumq: et ad tractandum cum campis pascuis pratib: siluis saltib: piscuosis ac maritimis fretib: paludib: uallibusq: dulcis salsuginesque salisq: stationib: coctionesq: et cum cunctis fructib: interius exteriusq: uel aliunde usquam ad eas rite uel umqua pertinentia in talem sibi usum quale semet ipsi utillimum optimumue fore uideretur firm iter pleniterq: deiudicauit. Integrum qq libertate his terrulis atq: ruriculis rex coenuulf cum auctoritate supra dicti 88 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. concilii deereuerat. Ut perpetue sint liberate ab omnib: puplicis tributis et a cunctis regaliu rem uel operum de- bitis. siue principu seu ducu uel procuratoru aut etiam ab omni saeeulariu causaru rerumue grauidine exceptis Lis debitis. id e pontis instruetione. et contra paganos expeditione. atq: arcis munitione distructionemue Cum tamen hoe uniuerso populo oportunitas summa poposeerit et neeessitas eximia boo agendu cunetos undicumq: eo- hereeret. tunc et illi rite sua reddent,, 1^ Ego coenuulf dni miserieordia rex mercior huius nrae dationis ac libertatis remuneratione mente consona propriisq: manib: crucis xpi signo confirmare roborareque st[atui]. >J< aelfJ^ryS regina consentiens subscripsit. »I< sigred rex subscripsit. >^ uulfred archi epis xpi gratia consentiens subscripsit. >i< deneberht epis subscripsit. 1^ beornmod epis subscrip. »J< ae'Seluulf epis subscrip. >i< heardberht princ subscrip. >i< beornno'S princ subscrip. 1^ cynehelm princ subscrip. 1^ eadberbt dux cons subscrip. >J< ecguulf dux cons subscrip. ^ eanberht dux cons subs. 1^ beahfer'S dux cons subs. >J< cyneberht ppin eius sub. 1^ coenwald ppin eius sub. >I< acSelheah pedes sessor sub. >I« cuuoenburg abba sub. >J< seleburg abb subscripsit. >J< cuSred pr subscripsit. *iti* Endorsed in an ancient hand, 'grafen ea;' in a hand of the NINTH CENTURY. 89 loth century, 'swi^huning land,' and 'grauanea;* and in a hand of the 1 2th century, ' Concilium cenulfi regis in quo dedit sui^ hunigland et grauenea Wlfredo archiepiscopo.' * Latine.' B. ^ The scribe wrote coenulfi, and a correcting hand has intimated another u over the line. This occurs three times in the early part of the deed, and after that the uu is duly written in its place. ^ At Canterbury Augustine heard of an old church of the Boman period, and by the king's help he recovered it, and consecrated it ' in nomine sancti Salvatoris.' Beda, E. H. i. 33. Afterwards it came to be called Christ Church. That is Canterbury Cathedral. Chart. Ant. Cantuar. C. 1278. A. D. 812. K109. S. i. 6. Coenuulf king of the Mercians, exchanges land in the eastern parts of Kent with Abp. Wulfred, who was a private landowner. »i< In nomine dei summi regis aeterni. Anno quoque incarnationis dei et saluatoris mundi . Dccc° . xii° . indictione. v. Regni quoque gloriosissimi merciorum regis coenuulfi Anno . xvi° Praesulatus etiam anno uulfredi archiepiscopi . vii°. INter alios quoque deo adnuente bonarum rerum euentos uerbi gratia placuit itaque regi coenuulfo atque uulfredo archiepiscopo quo- rundam commutation es agellorum ambobus conpetentius in orientalibus cantiae partibus sapientibus eorum eon- sentientibus ^ firmiter peragere. Ita quoque priraitus uulfred archiepiscopus hac interposita ratione aliquam terrae partiunculam . hoc est duarum manentium in loco ubi sueordhlincas uoeitantur iuxta distributionem suarum utique terrarum ritu cantiae an sulung dictum Seu in alio loco mediam partem unius mansiunculae id est an ioclet ab incolis ibi ecgheanglond appellatur. Quam terram uidelicet Uulfred archiepiscopus plenario 90 GENUINE BECORDS DATED. ac digno comparauerat praetio ab uulfhardo praesbytero iam dudum Ae^elheardi bonae memoriae archiepiscopi sibi ad possidendum atque fruendum per omne modum Sea etiam cum libertate sicut et ipse illam terram con- paiare et possedere optenuit . Id est ut iure bereditario perpetuae possederet et ab uniuersis etiam terrenis diffi- cultatum notis et ignotis condicionibus ac tributis siue ab omni opere puplico aedificiorum aut in quolibet du- catu perenniter libera frueretur et sua sic utilitate quale- cumque sibi dei dono praeuideret terram derelinqueret illam. UNde igitur cbristi gratia uulfred arcbiepiscopus eandem terram sibi tam propriam et quam liberam ha- bendam fruendamque in suum proprie arljitrium conpa- rare pleniter ut praediximus pracurabit. Atque etiam insuper sic regi coenuulfo dare atque ad rei puplic . . . . e condicionis donare decreuerat ubi uel cuicumque utilitati sibi fore uideretur. Pro agellorum Transmutatione Uerbi gratia istorum qui in partibus suburbanis regis oppidulo fefresham dicto fieri uidebantur . Hoc est terrae particula duarum manentium id est an sulung ubi ab incolis grafoneab uocitatur. Ab aquilone habens termi- num suuealuue fluminis . A plaga oriente sui'Sbuning lond . A parte occidentali ealhfleot . Ab austro sigheard- ingmeduue ond eac suitbbuning lond. Atque rursum in partibus australi in regione on liminum et in loco Ubi ab indegenis ab occidente kasingburnan appellatur de- mediam partem unius mansiunculae id est an ioclet . ad id insuper addito illo litore foris maritimo cum pristinis terminibus cunctis ad cam usquam rite pertinentibus . Dei gratia quoque rex Coenuulf has praedictas terrulas uerbi gratia aet grafon aea atque iterum aet casingbur- nan litoreque illo cum omnibus . undecumque legitimis limitibus campis salsuges pascuis siluis pratibus paludibus NINTH CENTURY. 91 litoribus piscuosis seu cunctis aliunde usibus quisquilibet maritimisque fructibus Pro illis praedictis agellorum uicissitudinibus aet sueordhlincum et ecgheanglond Uul- fredo archiepiscopo ueraciter et firmiter in propriae condieionis ac in perpetue possessionis hereditatem cum uniuersae integritatis libertate perpetualiter in domino concedens donabo sibi ipsi habendum ac perpetue fruen- dum ac sic ad trahendum Ut semet ipso utillimum esse uideretur . Cum uniuersae libertatis praedictae discretio- nem per omnia inmobiliter secundum quod terram prae- dictam Uulfred archiepiscopus conparauerat haberet. Atque hac condicione regi Coenuulfo Transmutare et in domino don are diiudicauerat Sicut superius ratum ac delibratum et infra crucis uexillo et sub idoneis testibus roboratum habetur,*- INsuper additur hoc Si huius uicis- situdinis persona quilibet ex utralibet parte banc com- mutationem aliter transmutare aut uiolare temptauerit quam difinitum fieri uidetur . salua iure intemerata pos- sessiuncula cum praedicta libertate absque obstaculo ali- cuius quaestionis ad proprie hereditatis gremium redeat. Aut etiam quilibet dominorum Seu summo saeculi dig- nitatum gradu ditatus huius uicissitudinis reconciliati- onem tyrannico fraude fretus ex his utralibus partibus quod Tam firmiter reconciliaretur banc mutare vel frau- dare iniqui temptauerit. Nouerit se anathematum esse et ante tribunal summi iudicis Xpi rationem redditurum. Nisi prius digna satisfactione emendauerit. >^ Ego coenuulf xpi gratia rex merciorum huius nrae uicissitudinis munificentiam larga manu donabo atq; crucis uexillo roborabo. >i< Ego Uulfred gratia di arc episc huius nostrae re- conciliationis munificentiam adnuendo consentiens et signo crucis xpi roborabo. 92 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. »J< Ego eaduulf epTsc consentiens subscripsi. >I< Signum manus cu'Sredi pr. >J< Sign man ploesa ducis. »i< Sign man cyneberhti reg ppinq. »i« Sign man ae^elheah ped sec. *** Endorsed in a hand of the nth century 'grauan ea : ' — in a hand of the 12th century ' Commutatio terrarum inter Kenulfum regem et Wulu- red archiepiscopum pro suerdling et ecgingland . grauenea et casinbume . latine : ' — and in a hand of the i ^th century * Carta Ceonulphi Regis de Suordlinge q' dedit Wulfredo archiepiscopo.' ^ sapientibus eorum consentientibus. As if the archbishop too had his witenagemot. See above, p. 69, * se bisceop and his weotan.' So Thurstan abp. York, in his charter to Beverley, says, *et consilio meorum baronum,* Stubbs, Select Charters, part iii. Somner's Ant. Battely. App. p. 35. A. D. 813. K200. Wulfred abp. Cant, having rebuilt his monastery ordains that the members of his familia may have and use the houses they have built, and may also give or bequeath them ; but only to members of the congregation. This is granted as a favour on condition of their greater devotion to their duties and con- stant attendance at prayers. They are also required to use the common refectory and dormitory. >J< In nomine sanctae saluatoris dei et domini nostri Ibesu Christi. anno ab incarnatione eiusdem dei et re- demptionis mundi Dccc.xiii. Indict, vi. praesidente Christi gratia archipontifice Uulfredo metropolitano sedem ecclesiae Christi quae sita est in dorouernia ciui- tate anno Yii. episcopatus eiusdem archiepiscopi diuina ac fraterna pietate ductus amore deo auxiliante reno- uando et restaurando pro honore et amore dei sanctum monasterium dorouernensis ecclesiae reaedificando refici auxiliantibus eiusdem ecclesiae presbiteris et diaconibus NINTH CENTURY. 93 cunctoque clero domino deo seruientium simul. Ego Uulfredus misericordia dei archisacerdos pro intimo cor- dis affectu dabo et concedo familia Christi habere ei> perfruere domos quas siui proprio labore eonstruxerunt iure perpetuo hereditatis munificentia illis uiuentibus seu decedentibus cuicumque relinquere uel don are uolu- erint unusquisque liberam habeant facultatem in eodem monasterio donaudi sed nee alicui foras extra congrega- tioni. Ita etiam in Christi caritate obseerans precipio omnibus successoribus meis banc praedictam donationem inconcussam et inuiolatam salua ratione seruaudam sed sine semper in euum. hac tamen conditione ut deo humiliores et gratiores omnium beneficlorum dei semper existant seduloque frequentatione canonicis horis eccle- siam Christi uisitent orantes ac deprecantes pro seipsis propriis piaculis et pro aliorum remissione peecatorum misericordiam domini implorent. Necnon domum re- fectionis et dormitorium communiter frequentent iuxta regulam monasterialis disciplinae uitae obseruant. Ut in omnibus honorificetur deus et uita nostra et bona conuersatio nobis nostrisque proficiat in bonum. Si quis illorum per audaciam suae malae uohintatis banc praedictam constitutionem inritam habere et in obli- uionem deducere et congregare conuiuias ad uescendum et bibendum seu etiam dormiendum in propriis cellulis sciat se quisquis ille sit reatum se esse propriae domi et in potestate archiepiscopi ad habendum et cuicumque ei placuerit donandum Ik manentem itaque banc kaitulam in sua nihilominus firmitate. ►J* Ego Uulfred gratia dei archiepisc signo sanctae crucis Christi firmans subscripsi. >J« Ego uuernoth pr at) con 7 subscripsi. >I« Ego wulfheard pr con 7 sub. 94 GENUINE RECOEDS DATED. >i« Ego heamund pr con 7 suli. 1^ Ego osuulf pr con 7 su^b. >i« Ego ceolstan pr con 7 sub. >J< Ego tudda pr con 7 su16. . >i< Ego diornoth pr con 7su'b. >J< Ego guthmund pr con 7 sulS. >i< Ego cuthberht pr con 7 suIj. »J< Ego coenhere con 7 sut>. >J< Ego brunheard con 7 su15. >J< Ego haehferth con 7 sub. *:,£* While the form is that of an extension of liberty, it seems plainly a politic concession of rights which had been already usurped, with a view to arrest the progress of encroachment and restore some elements of discipline. The limit here put on right of property within the pre- cinct, was necessary to prevent the acquirement of absolute possession. The appropriation of houses with limited freedom of testamentary dis- position is the very utmost that could have been conceded, without dissolution of cenobitic life. We may gather from this how secularized the monasteries had become, and how deeply rooted were those de- generate customs which Dunstan's reformation at length plucked up. Cott. Aug. ii. 77. A. D. 814. K204. B. ii 12. Coenuulf king of Mercia, grants land of ten ploughs at Bexley to Abp. Wulfred. A very interesting deed, with much in it to stimulate local research ; as for example : — Is there an Avon in Kent 1 »J< In nomine sci saluatoris di et dni nri i^u xpi. Regnante ac gubernante eodem dno itiu . Simulq: spu sco gubernacula in imis et in arduis disponendo ubique regit , licet sermo Sapientium consiliumq: pradentium stabilis jTmaneat . tamen ob incertitudine temporalium rerum diuinis numinibus muniendo . jTscrutando p ignotis et incertis euentis stabilienda roborandaque in do uiuo et NINTH CENTURY. 95 uero sunt . Quapropt ego coenuulfus gratia di rex mer- ciorii . uiro uenerando mihique in xpi caritate summo pontificalis apice decorate . uulfredo arcsepis dabo et concedo aliquam partem terr§ iuris mei quae mihi lar- gitor omnium bonoru ds donare dignatus est p intimo caritatis affectu ut apis ait . hilarem enim datorem dili- git ds . et hoc . est in loco qui dicitur byxlea .x. aratrorii in jfpetuam possession^ . et haec terra libera jTmaneat . pter arcem . et expeditionem pontisq: constructione . Quod si quisq: huic largitioni contradixerit . contradicat ei ds . et deneget ingressum cselestis uitse . et his limi- tibus haec pars telluris circumgyrari uidetur . aerest up of craegean on fulan ri^e . ylang ri'Se o'S }7one faestendic . ylang dices of> fact gebyhte . of ]7am gebyhte ylang hagan o'S cyninges healh . ]7anon ylang hagan ut on craegean . ylang craegean o|? ^one hagan . ylang hagan 0^ pae^feld . ]?anon ylang hagan o'S aescburnan . of "Sam human ylang hagan on casincgstraet . east ylang straete on scoffoces sae . }?anon nor'S ylang straete o^ lytlanlea . |?anon east ylang mearce o^ enede mere su^ rihte of "Sam mere to burnes stede . ]7anon ylang hagan o]? ca- singstraet . ylang straete on )7one calewan telgan . ]7anon ut on craegean . swa eft on fulan ri'Se. Haec sunt nomina pastuum porcorum . helfre^ingdenn . hunbealdinghola . frumesingleah . burnes stedes denn . heanyfre . faes ge- maere is on east healfe spachrycg . on su^an plumweard- ing pearrocas . on westan lind cylne . on norjjan auene . Actum -^ hoc anno dnice incarnationis .dccc°. xiiij°. in- dict .ui*. his testibus consentientibus atq: confirmantib: quorii infra nomina nota sunt. >^ ego coenuulf gratia di'rex merciorii banc dona- tionis confirmatione signo see crucis xpi roboraui . >i< ego uulfred arceps cons y sub . 96 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. ►!♦ ego denebyrht eps cons 7 snla »J< ego uulf hard eps cons 7 sutv ►J< signum manus eadberhti ducis . >J< signum manus ealhheardi ducis . »J« signum manus ceoluulfi ducis. *5i:* Endorsed in a hand of the 10th century ' to byxlea,' and in a hand of the 12th century, 'Kenulfus rex Wluredo archiepiscopo bixle .X. aratrorum.' ' latine.' B. Harley Charter 83. A 1. A. D. 814. K207. B. ii. 14. Coenuulf grants to Sui'SnocS ' comes ' land free for himself and his heirs. This document was thus described by Kemble in 1839 : ' An original of Coenuulf of Mercia, now in a case for the inspection of visitors.' Cod. Dipl. VI. xvii. But Mr. Bond pronounces it to be ' late ninth century.' Vol. iv. p. 7. ►!< In nomine di summi. Igitur anno dnce incar- nationis dcccxiiii regni uero nri a do concessi xuiii. Ego coenwulf rex mere sui^no^e meo comite terram . I . aratrorum in propriam possessionem et libertatem sibimet uel suis heredibus in ppetuum fruere pdonabo Scilicet iuxta silua quae dicitur caert cum campis cum siluis cum pascuis cum pratis . xv . carra de feno capi- entia cum uno molina 7 waldbera wiolhtringden 7 'Sorningabyra 7 beardingaleag 7 focgingabyra 7 speld- gisella 7 hege^onhyrs 7 hri^den 7 cunden 7 begcgebyra 7 sponleoge 7 "Set firhde bituihn longanieag 7 ^em su^tune 7 ^a snadas illuc ptinentia cum antiquis ter- minibus liberabo pdictam terram a notis causis 7 ig- notis a magnis uel modicis aetiam nomina testium infra adscribuntur pro cautella futuri ambiguitatis augentis NINTH CENTURY. 97 banc donatlonem meam a misericordissimo dno aeter- nam benedietionem consequantur : — Si quis uero regum uel principum seu pfectum hunc libertatem meam in- fringere aut minuere uoluerit Sciat se separatum ee in die iudicii a consortio scorii nisi digne emendauerit ante reatum suum : — >^ Ego coenwulf gratia di rex mere banc dona- tionem meam cum signo see erucis confirm 7 subscr. >J< Ego aelf^rySa regina mere osen 7 subscr. ^ Ego uulfred arcepi os 7 subscr. ►J* Ego alduulf epi os 7 subscr. ^ Ego werenbert epi os 7 subscr. >I< Ego denebierbt epi os 7 subscr. , >J< Ego eadwulf epi os 7 subscr. »J< Ego wulfhard epi os 7 subscr. ►J< Ego tidferd epis os 7 subscr. h^ Ego sibba epi os 7 subscr. >I« Ego beornmod epi os 7 subscr. ij< Ego ae^elno^ epi os 7 subscr. >I« Ego wigberbt epi os 7 subscr. >I* Ego wig^eng epi os 7 subscr. »J« Ego wilheard pr abb os 7 subscr. ►{< Ego wigmund pr ab os 7 subscr. ►J* Ego re^hun pr ab os 7 subscr. »{< Ego piot pr ab os 7 subscr. >J« Ego tidbald pr ab os 7 subscr. ^ Ego wulfhard pr ab os 7 subscr. >I« Ego cu^wulf pr ab os 7 subscr. >J« Ego heardberht dux os 7 subscr. »{4 Ego biornno^ dux os. >I< Ego dynne dux os. >^ Ego ^'Selheah dux os. ^ Ego mucel dux os. H 93 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. ►J< Ego sigered dux os. 1^ Ego ae^elmod dux os. >J< Ego wigheard dux os. >J< Ego eatfer^ dux os. 1^ Ego wulfred dux os. 1^ Ego eadberht dux os. >^ Ego ealhhard dux os. >}< Ego ciolhard dux os. >J« Ego biornhard dux os. >I< Ego bofa dux OS. >I< Ego ecgwulf dux os. 1^ Ego cudred os. »J« Ego wulfred os. p^ Ego wighard os. ►!< Ego eadwulf os. *5it* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, ' >J< be cert suitJno^es boec ; and in a later hand ' tunes boec' B. Somner*s Ant. Battely. App. p. 12. A. D. 814. K205. Coenuulf king of Mercia, grants to Abp. Wulfred, a piece of land in his right, about thirty jugera, at a place called Binnanea, situate between two rivi gremiales of the river Stur. »i« In nomine sancti saluatoris dei et domini nostri Ihesu Christi, regnante ac gubernante eodem domino Ihesu simulque spiritu sancto gubernacula in imis et in arduis disponendo ubique regit! Licet sermo sapien- tium consiliumque prudentium stabilis permaneat, tamen ob incertitudine tempo ralium rerum, diuinis numinibus muniendo, perscrutando, pro ignotis et incertis euentis, stabilienda roborandaque in deo uiuo et uero sunt. NINTH CENTURY. 99 Quapropter ego Coenulfus gratia dei rex Merciorum, uiro uenerando in Christi charitate summo pontificalis apice decorato, Uulfredo archiepiscopo dabo et concedo aliquam partem terrae iuris mei, quae mihi largitor omnium bonorum deus donare dignatus est, pro intimo caritatis affectu, ut apostolus ait, hilarem enim datorem diligit deus. Et hoc est in loco qui dicitur Binnanea, circiter xxx. iugera, inter duos riuos gremiales fluminis quod dicitur Stur. Et haec terra libera permaneat in perpetuam possessionem aecclesiae Christi. Quod si quisque huic largitioni contradixerit, contradicat ei deus, et denegat ingressum coelestis uitae. Actum est hoc anno dominicae incarnationis dccc.xiiii^. Indict, vi. his testibus consentientibus atque confirmantibus, quorum nomina nota sunt. 1^ Ego Coenuulf gratia dei rex Merciorum banc donationis confirmationem signo crucis Christi ro- boraui. 1^ Ego Uulfred archiepiscopus consensi et sub- scripsi. ^ Ego Denebyrht episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >I< Ego Uulfhard episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >I< Signum manus Eadberhti ducis. >J< Signum manus Ealhheardi ducis. >}< Signum manus Ceoluulfi ducis. *:(.* Kemble does not verify Binnanea, but he does identify Stur with the Stour of Kent. I am not sure whether rivi gremiales are two streams confluent to form a river, or two streams branching out of one river-bed to make their divergent ways to the sea. In the former case, Binnanea must be sought near Ashford ; in the latter case (which seems the likelier) at the S.W. angle of Thanet. However this be, the fact of the Latin description being a translation of the name, gives an in- terest to this deed : and binnan, it may be added, is not so frequent, but what a clear case of its entrance into a local name is a fact deserv- ing of attention. H 2 . 100 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Cott. Aug. ii. 93. 17 Sept. 822. K216. B. ii. 15. Ceoluulf king of the Mercians and Kentish men, grants to Abp. "Wul- fred land in the province of Kent called Mylentun (Milton). The exemptions are remarkably described, and so are also the necessary obligations. Several considerations are alleged for the grant, the concluding one being a gold ring of seventy- five mancuses. *The deed is a good example of ungrammatical half-vernacularized Latin. >J< In nomine itu xpi . saluatoris mundi qui est et qui erat . et qui uenturus est . per quern reges regunt et diuidunt regna terrarum . sicut dispensatur uniuers^ terre distribuit secundum mensuram sui propriae uolun- tatis . ita iedem di gratia concedente . ego eeolwulf rex merciorum uel etiam contwariorum . dabo et concedo uulfredo uenerabile arcepis . aliquam partem terre iuris meg . id est .u. aratro . in prouincio cauti^ ubi nominatur mylentu n' in propria potestatem . ad abendum possi- dendum commutandumq: uel etiam post se relinquendam cuicumq: ei karorum placuerit . cum omnibus usis ad earn rite pertinentibus . cum campis . silbis . pratis . pascuis . aquis . molinis . piscationibus . aucupationibus . uenationibus . et quicquit in se abentibus , insuper etiam banc pdictam terram liberabo, ab omni seruitute secularium rerum a pastu regis episcopis principum . seu prefectum exactorum . ducorum . canorum . uel ^quorum seu accipitrum ab refctione et habitu illorum omnium qui dieuntur fsestingmen ab omnibus laboribus operibus . et oneribus . siue difficultatibus . quit plus minusue numerabo uel dico . ab omni grauitatibus magi- oribus minoriis . notis ignotis undiq: liberata permaneat in §fum nisi is quattuor causis que nunc nominabo . ex- NINTH CENTURY. 101 peditione contra paganos ostes . et pontes constructione seu arcis munitione uel destructione in eodem gente et singulare pretium foras reddat . secundum ritum gentes illius . et tarn en nuUam penam foras alicui persoluat set semper sine aliqua . ui . uUius caus§ . in integritate liber et secura perseueret, uulfredo episcopi et eredibus eius in posterum cum certissimis terminis suis . ab oriente cyme- sine . in austral e se hole welle . et occidente diorente . ab aquilone scorham silba similitur qui dicitur cert ab occidente . et aquilone greotan edesces lond in oriente cyme singes cert et in austra ondred . item in ondrede pastum et pascua porcorum . et armentum seu caprorum suis locis . in hyrst sc i'ofing den . snad hyrst . et si quis scire desideral . quare banc donam tarn deuotissime de- dissem uel liberassim . sciat illi recitatur quod inprimis pro amore di omnispotentis et pro uenerabili gradui . preticti pontificis . seu etiam consecrationis mesB quam ab eo eodem die . per di gratia accepi . nee non pro eius placabili pecunia . id est anulus aureus abens .lxx.u . mancusas . ut ab eo accepi -r- Actum est anno dominice incati .dcccxxii. indicti .xu. die uero .xu. kl octot) . in loco regale qui dicitur bydie tun is testis consentientibus et scribentibus . quorum nomina infra abentur . >J< ego ceolwulf rex merciorum banc meam donationem proprio manu subscribo . >J< ego wulfred arhcepis consensiens subscribo . >^ ego ^'Selwald epis osensi 7 subscribo . >J< ego re^hun epis osensi 7 subscribo . t^t ego wulfheard epis osensi 7 subscribo . »J< ego lieaberht epis osensi 7 sub . »J< ego sigered dux osensi 7 sut) . >I» ego eadberht dux osensi 7 sub . 102 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. >I< ego wulfred dux osensi 7 sut> . »i4 ego muca dux osensi 7 sut> . ^ ego eatfer'S dux osensi 7 sut> . >J< ego bofa dux osens 7 suli . ^ ego piot prs osens 7 su'b . ►J< ego eadbald . 1^ ego cyneberht . ^ ego wighelm . 1^ ego beadheard . >I< ego tunred . *:ic* Endorsed in a hand of the loth century, 'mylentun,' and in a hand of the 1 2th century, ' Celulfus rex merciorum dedit Wluredo archi- episcopo mylentun.' * latine.' B. Cott. Aug. ii. 19. A.D. 831. K228. T. p. 465. B. ii. 19. Eadwald and Cyne«ry« with the advice of their friends, settle the succession to the land at Chart (Kent). A genuine contemporary specimen of the Kentish dialect, that is to say, of the English of the South in the earlier stages of its culture. >^ Dis is ge'Singe eadwaldes osheringes 7 cyneSry^e e'Selmodes lafe aldormonnes ymbe 'Set lond et cert 'Se hire e'Selmod hire hlabard salde wes hit becueden osbearte his bro'Sar suna gif he eyne'Sry^e oferlifde 7 si'SSan neniggra meihanda ma 'Ses cynnes ac hia hit atuge yfter hira dege swe hit him boem rehtlicast 7 elmestlicast were •Sonne hebfa^ eadwald 7 cyne^ "Sas wisan 'Sus fundene mid hira friandum gib eadweald leng lifige "Sonne cyne^ryS geselle et 'Sem londe et cert .x. 'Susenda gif he gewite er ^onne hia his barn a sue hwelc sue lifes sie agefe "Set feob ond atee ^ sue hit soelest sie for^a hit bege- NINTH CENTURY. 103 tan nis e^elmode enig meghond neor 'Ses cynnes 'Sanne eadwald his modar his bro^ar dohtar mest cyn "Set he ^et iond hebbe 7 his beorn yfter him 7 sue ateon sue him nytlicas "Synce for "Sa 'Se hit mid reohte begetan ►!< ego ceolno^ mid godes gefe ercebisc )>is mid xps rode tacne festnie 7 write >i< ego ^elwald episc os >I< ego whelm episc os ►J< ego Osmund pr os >J< ego e^elwald pr os >J< ego biarnhelm pf os >I< ego biarnheah pr os >I< ego eardulf pr os »I< ego eSelmund pr abb os fcj< ego sefre^ pr os f^ ego biarnhelm pr os ►t* ego eadgar pr abb os »I< ego elfstan pr os >I< ego sigefre^ pr os 1^ ego sigefre^ ardc os ^ ego ealhstan afdc os >I< ego biarnnoS ardc os >J< ego biarnhelm pr ab os tit ego cialbarht pb ^ dc os >J« ego weald helm sbdc os »I< ego tirwald sbdc os >I< ego oba mi os »I< ego sigemund pr os 104 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. >i< ego herefre'S pr cs >I< ego wynhelm arcd os >J< ego wunbeald os >i« ego wermund os Translation : — ^This is the agreement of Eadwald the son of Oshere and Cynethryth the relict of Ethelmod the aldormon, about the land at Chart which Ethelmod her lord gave her. It was bequeathed to Osbert his nephew if he had overlived Cynethryth, and after him no more of the relatives of that kin ; but she was to dispose of it after their time in such a manner as should be most right and pious for them both (i. e. for Ethelmod and Cynethryth). Accordingly Eadwald and Cynethryth with their friends have devised the following arrangement : — If Eadwald live longer than Cynethryth he is to give on account of the land at Chart ten thousand : if he die before her, then whichever of his children is then alive is to pay that money, and devise the estate as may be best for those who acquired it. There is no relative nearer of kin to Ethel- mod than Eadwald, whose mother is his niece ; and therefore it is most natural that he should have the land, and his children after him, and so devise as to them may seem most expedient for those who lawfully acquired it. * Cyne['5ri'S] Thorpe, as if rectifying a scribal error, but I apprehend this was a recognised form of speech, though it appears but rarely in the literary remains. See my Sax. Chron. a.d. 590 (A), and p. xxii, note. ^ oniatee K. & B. : I follow Thorpe's reading of the manuscript. 3 So MS.; butsbK. Cott. Aug. ii. 52. About A.D. 831. K229. T. p. 468. B. ii. 21. Ealhburg and Eadweald their bequests from the land at Burne to Christ Church, Canterbury. — Also the bequest of Ealhhere to the same, from the land at Denglesham. In contemporary Kentish, like the previous number. >^ Dis sindan ge'Singa ealhburge 7 eadwealdes et "Sem lande et burnan hwet man elce gere ob ^em lande to cristes cirican -Sem hiwum agiaban seel for ealhburge 7 for ealdred 7 fore eadweald 7 ealawynne .xl. ambra NINTH CENTUKY. 105 mealtes 7 xl. 7 cc. hlaba .i. wege cesa . i . wege speces . i . eald briber . iiii . we^ras . x . goes .xx henfugla .iiii. fo'Sra weada 7 ic ealhburg bebiade eadwealde minem mege an godes naman 7 an ealra his haligra ^et he •Sis wel healde his dei 7 si^^an for^ bebeode his erbum to healdenne 'Sa hwile "Se hit cristen se>J<7suelc mon se ■Set lond hebbe eghwylce sunnan dege xx gesuflra hlafa to ^are cirican for ealdredes saule 7 for ealhburge 1^ Dis is sia elmesse Se ealhhere behead ealawynne his doehter et "Senglesham et .iii. sulungum elce gere . c . pen to cristes cirican "Sem higum 7 suelc man se "Sisses landes bruce agebe 'Sis fiah an godes gewitnesse 7 an ealra his haligra 7 suilc man sue hit awege Sonne se hit on his sawale nas on "Ses "Se hit don bet *,ic* Endorsed in a hand of the 1 2th century, ' donum ealhbrege quod instituit donari de burne . familie ecclesie Christi,* 'Item donum ealh- bere ad opus familie ecclesie Christi de terra de Senglesham . anglice.' B. Cott. Aug. ii. 92. A.D. 832. K231. T. p. 474. B. ii. 22. Lufa her bequest for her soul's need to the brotherhood at Christ Church, Canterbury. In Kentish Saxon ^. >^ Ic lufa mid godes gefe ancilla di wes soecende 7 smeagende ymb mine saul 'Searfe mid ceolno'Ses serce- biscopes ge'Seahte 7 "Sara hiona et cristes cirican willa ic gesellan of "Sem serfe 'Se me god forgef 7 mine friond to gefultemedan §lce gere .Ix. ambra maltes 7 .cl. hlafa .1. hwite hlafa .cxx. elmes hlafes .^ an hri^'er an suin .iiii. we^ras .ii. w^ga spices 7 ceses "Sem higum to cristes circcan for mine saule 7 minra frionda 7 mega ^e me to gode gefultemedan and S§t sie simle to adsumsio scse 106 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. marie ymb .xii. mona^ end sue eihwelc mon swe "Sis lond hebbe minra serbenumena "Sis agefe 7 mittan fulne hunig-es .x. goes .xx. henfuglas. >i< Ic ceolnoS mid godes gefe ercebisc mid cristes rode tacne ^is festnie 7 write >I< beagmund pr ge^afie 7 mid write >J< beornfri^ pr ge^afie 7 mid write >I« wealhhere pr >I< Osmund pr iij< deimund pr >I< se^elwald diac >J< werbald diac >I« sifre^ diac »Ji swi^berht diac >I< beornbeah diac >I< SB-Selmund diac >J< wigbelm diac »i< lubo 1^ Ic luba ea'Smod godes -Siwen "Sas forecwedenan god 7 ^as elmessan gesette 7 gefestnie ob minem erfe- lande et mundlingbam ^em hiium to cristes cirican 7 ic bidde 7 an godes libgendes naman bebiade "Saem men "Se ^is land 7 "Sis erbe bebbe et mundlingbam "Set be "Sas god for"Sleste o'S wiaralde ende se man se "Sis bealdan wille 7 lestan ^et ic beboden bebbe an 'Sisem gewrite se him seaPd' 7 gebealden sia biabenlice Kl'edsung se his ferwerne o^^e hit agele se him seald 7 gehealden belle wite bute he to fulre bote gecerran wille gode 7 mannum uene ualete *** indorsed in a contemporary hand, ' »J< luf e pincg gewrit,' and in hands of the 12th century, 'luue mulier quedam dedit ecclesie Christi munlingham tempore celno^ archiepiscopi,' and *ix anno NINTH CENTURY. 107 dccc®xxxii<'. luue mulier dedit familie ecclesie Christi cantuariensi mun- lingham tempore chelnothi archiepiscopi/ B. ^ This piece is given in Thorpe's Analecta as a specimen of East Anglian ; but Kemble remarked that Mundlingham is in Kent. ^ The words .cxx. elmes hlafes . are written in the eleventh line of the charter with the reference mark ti corresponding with iS at the place of insertion. B. Cott. Aug. ii. 102. A.D. 833. K234. B.i.l6. Ecgberht king of Kent grants land to abbot Dunne and his brethren, and I20 loads of fuel from Andred for salt-boiling. 1^ E/EGNANTE in perpetuum dno nro ihii xpo. Cum cuncta cotidie fugitiue uitae tempera prosperis et aduersis causis consistere cernimus. rapidissimoq: cursu annorum spatia regnorumq: ubiq: gaudia. finita esse manifes- tissimis signis declaratum est. Quapropter ego ecgberhtus rex cantie necnon et aliaria gentium, cum consensu ac licentia meorum optimatum non p pecunia sed p remedio animae meae et pro expiatione scelerum meorum. aliquantulam partem terrae iuris mei id est centum quinquaginta iugera libenter donans im- pendo. ad aecclesiam beatae genetricis di et dni nri ihii xpi 7 dunne at)t> suisq: sociis in loco qui dicitur sand tun. et in eodem loco sali coquenda iuxta limenae. et in silua ubi dicitur andred centum uiginti plaustra ad coquendum sal. Et his limitibus haec telluris particula circiigyrari uidetur. ab oriente terra regis, ab austro fluuius qui df liminaee. ab occasu et in septemtrione hudanfleot. si quis autem aliquando pulsatus aut iudicatus fuerit aut heredis mens hoc neglexerit cii iuda traditore dampnatus in in- ferno inferiore. Scripta est haec cartula anno ab incar- natione dni nri ihii xpi .d.cclxxiii.^ his testibus consentientibus quorii nomina inferius annotari uidentur. 108 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. >J« Ego ecgberlit rex banc meam donatione signu crucis xpi inpressi. >J< Ego.cialnoth gratia di arch eps banc pdicta dona- tione oil signo scae crucis xpi roboraui 7 subscripsi. >J< Ego beornmod eps cons et subsc. »J< Ego alhstan eps cons 7 subsc. >I< Ego coenred eps cons 7 subsc. >i< Ego osmod dux cons 7 subsc. >J< Ego uulf hard dux cons 7 subs. »J< Ego eanuulf dux cons 7 subs. >J< Ego bofa dux cons 7 subs. lit Ego drihtnoth abb cons 7 subs »J< Ego freodoric abb cons 7 subs 1^ Ego heaberht diac cons 7 sub >i< Ego beornmod m cons 7 subs. >^ Ego heanoth m cons 7 subs. 1^ Ego oshere m cons 7 subs »J< Ego alhhere m cons 7 subs »i< Ego lulla m cons 7 sub *#* On the hack of the Charter is written hy a hand of the loth oentury, * Sand tunes hoc ; ' and hy a later hand, ' Egbertus Rex dedit c.l. iugera ad ecclesiam sancte Marie de Sandtun.' ' Latine.' B. * Kemble corrected the false date from the witnesses' names: and Mr. Bond observes that the corrected date is more consistent with the handwriting of the deed. B. i, p. vi. Cott. Aug. ii. 64. A.D. 835. K:235. T. p. 469. B. ii. 23. Abba a Reeve, his will — which has something about it suggestive of a marriage settlement. >J« Ic abba geroefa cySe 7 vvritan hate hu min willa is ]?3et mon ymb min serfe gedoe sefter minii dsage . serest NINTH CENTURY. 109 ymb min lond J>e ic hsebbe 7 me god lali 7 ic set minu hlafordu begset, Is min willa gif me god bearnes unnan wille ^set hit foe to londe sefter me 7 his brace mid minu gemeccan 7 sio^^an swae for^ mia cynn ^a hwile ]?e god wille "Sset "Seara senig sie )7e londes weor^e sie 7 land ge- haldan cunne, gif me ^onne gife^e sie 'Sset ic beam be- geotan ne mege |7onne is min willa ]7set hit hsebbe min wiif 'Sa hwile "Se hia hit mid clennisse gehaldan wile 7 min bro^ar alchhere hire fultume 7 J^set lond hire nytt gedoe . 7 him man s^lle an half swulung an ciollan dene to habbanne 7 to brucanne wi'S^an "Se he 'Sy geornliocar hire Searfa bega 7 bewiotige . 7 mon selle him to 'Sem londe .iiii. oxan . 7 .ii . cy, 7 .1. sc^pa 7 senne horn, gif min wiif 'Sonne hia nylle mid clennisse swae gehaldan 7 hire liofre sie o'Ser hemed to niomanne 'Sonne foen mine megas to 'Sem londe 7 hire agefen hire agen . gif hire "Sonne liofre sie an mynster to ganganne o^'Sa su'S to faranne 'Sonne agefen hie twsegen mine m^gas alchhere 7 se^elwold hire . twa 'Susenda 7 fon him to "Sem londe, 7 agefe mon to liminge .1. eawa, 7 .v. cy, fore hie . 7 mon selle to folcanstane in mid minii lice .x. oxan . 7 .x. cy. 7 .c. eawa .7 .c. swina . 7 higum ansundran .d. pend . wi^^an 'Se min wiif J^aer be nuge innganges swae mid minii lice swae sio^^an yferran dogre swae hwaeder swae hire liofre sie, gif higan "Sonne o'S^e hlaford J^aet nylle hire mynster lifes geunnan . o^^a hia siolf nylle 7 hire o'Ser 'Sing liofre sie, ]7onne agefe mon ten hund pend inn mid minii lice me wi^ legerstowe 7 higum an- sundran fif hund pend . fore mine sawle, 7 ic bidde 7 bebeode swaelc monn se ^aet min lond hebbe "Saet he aelce gere agefe 'Sem higum aet folcanstane .1. ambra maltes 7 . vi. ambra gruta . 7 . iii. wega spices 7 ceses 7 .cccc. hlafa 7 an hri'Sr . 7 .vi. seep 7 swselc monn se'Se to 110 GENUINE KECOEDS DATED. minum serfe foe ^onne gedele he selcum messepreoste binnan cent mancus goldes 7 selcum godes "Siowe pend^ 7 to see petre min wsergeld twa Susenda 7 freo'Somund foe to minu sweorde 7 agefe ^er set feower ^usenda 7 him mon forgefe ^er an 'Sreotenehund pending 7 gif mine bro'Sar serfeweard gestrionen ^e londes weor'Se sie )?onne ann ic ■Sem londes, gif hie ne gestrionen o'S^a him sylfu selles hwaet s^le sefter hiora dege ann ic his freo^omunde gif he 'Sonne lifes bi'S, Gif him elles hwaet seeled 'Sonne ann ic his minra swaestar suna swselcum se hit ge^ian wile 7 him gife^e bi'S, 7 gif Ipset gesele Ipsdt min cynn to ^an clane gewite "Saet 'Ser ^eara nan ne sie "Se londes weor^e sie |?onne foe se hlaford to 7 'Sa higon set kristes cirican 7 hit minum gaste nytt gedoen, an "Sas redenne ic hit Sider selle "Se se monn seSe kristes cirican hlaford sie ^se' min 7 minra erfewearda forespreoca 7 mundbora 7 an his hlaford dome ^we' bian moten, >J< ic ciolno'S mid godes gefe sercebiscop "Sis write 7 ■Seafie 7 mid cristes rode tacne hit festnise, >J< ic beagmund pr 'Sis ^eafie 7 write »J< ic wserhard pr ab ^is 'Seafie 7 write »J< ic abba geroefa 'Sis write 7 festnie mid kristes rode tacne >J< ic ae'Selhun pr ^is "Seafie 7 write >J< ic abba pr 'Sis j^eafie 7 write ij« ic wigmund pr Sis write 7 'Seafie »J« ic iof pr "Sis 'Seafie 7 write \^ ic osmund pr ^is Seafie 7 write >J< ic wealhhere diac "Sis write 7 'Seafie >i< ic badano'S diac "Sis write 7 'Seafie >J< ic heaberht diac 'Sis write 7 J^eafie >i< ic no'Swulf subdiac "Sis write 7 Seafie ^ ic wealhhere subdiac "Sis write 7 "Seafie NINTH CENTURY. Ill >I< ic ciolwulf subdiac ^is write 7 'Seafie >I< heregyS hafa^ "Sas wisan binemned ofer hire deg- 7 ofer abban ^aem higum et cristes cirican of ^sem londe et cealflocan . 'Saet is ^onne -Sritig ombra ala^ . 7 ^reo hund hlafa "Seara bi^ fiftig hwite hlafa, an weg spices 7 eeses . an aid hri'Sr . feower we^ras, an suin o'S^e sex we^ras,, sex gos fuglas . ten henn fuglas . "Sritig teapera gif hit wintres deg sie . sester fulne huniges . sester fulne butran . sester fulne saltes, 7 heregy^ bibeade^ ^em mannii ^e efter hire to londe foen . on godes noman ^set hie fulgere witen "Saet hie "Siss gel^sten "Se on "Sissem ge write binemned is ^ em higum to cristes cirican, ^7 ■Sset sie simle to higna blodlese^ ymb twelf monaiS agefen', 7 se mann se to londe foe agefe hire erfe honda xiii . pund pendinga . 7 hio forgife^ fiftene pund for ^j ^e mon 'Sas feorme 'Sy soel gelseste , , *:K* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, * abban geroefan arfe gedal his geSinga to kristes cirican,* and in a hand of the 12th century, * Testaraentum abbe . cuius uxor henhith dedit cheafloke . conuentui . tempore chelnothi . anglice,' and in a hand of the i^th century, 'Anno dccco.xxxoyo.' B. * to higum beodlese K. Cott. Aug. ii. 9. A.D. 836. £237. B. ii. 24. Wiglaf king of Mercia, grants to the monastery in Heanbyrg (Han- bury, Wore.) freedom from all but rampart and bridge con- struction. >I< Regnum di querendum -4- sup uniuersa lucra ter- rena paulo testante apostolo quae enim uidentur tempo- ralia sunt sed que non uidentur aeterna sunt quid prod-^ homini totum mundii lucrare si anima eius detrimentum patietur, Quapropter ego uuiglaf rex mercioru cum meis episcopis et ducib; et magistratibs illut monasteriii^ in 112 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. heanbyrg in circuitu cii silua ad earn ptinentem et cum campis et pratis 7 cum omnib; utenssilibs et cum putheis salis et fornacibus plumbis 7 uillis et omnia illuc ptinen- tia in cselestem culmen generaliter p totum gentem mer- ciorum et pro absolutione criminum nrorum liberaliter liberamus a modicis et a magnis causis a notis et ig- notis praeter uallis et pontes constructionem , Factum -r- haec donatio in craeft anno dominicae incarnationis .dccco. xxxo. uio, indie uero . xiiii^ regni H" nri a do con- cessi .uiio. p redemptione animae meae placabile atque dilectabile mente praedicta loca liberabo cum uniuersis casallis q; ipsis locis uniuersis st subditi ho^c' modo p aeuum liberabo a pastu regis 7 principu 7 ab omni ostruc- tione regalis uille et a difficultate ilia qua nos saxonice faestingmenn dicimus haec omnia mente concedo spon- taneo , Scitote ergo uos q^ banc labens regnii p't me obtineatis q^re hoc munus 7 hanc libertatem scripsi 7 scribere pcipi q in dm meii desidero et in 3 ineffabilem misericordia ofido ut dns nr ihs xps meas iniqHates quas p ignorantiam feci ds delere faciat Credo p hoc bonum a cunctis me emundare dignet' q scriptii -j- peccatii ibi emenda ubi nascitur modo posteros meos p gloriosii 7 |f mirabile nomen dni ni itiu xpi humilit supplico ut ele- mosina qua in altitudine caeli culminis in manus dni data habeo communis p me 7 p totii gentem merciorii ta benigni? stare demittetis 7 multiplicare dignemini — >^ ego uuiglaf rex mere >J< cyne^ry]? regina »{< ceolno'S archiepi >J< cynefer'S epi ►{< raej?hun epi >J« eaduulf epT >{< heaberht ^epi' >I< eaduulf epi ►!< alhstan epT >I< beormod epi >J« husa epi >J« cunda epi >I< ceolberht epT >J< cynred epi >{« ean- mund ab >{< uueohtred ab 1^ beorn- NINTH CENTURY. 113 helm at) >J< ego sigred dux: banc donationem gigno crucis xpi ofirmaui , ►!< mucoel dux >J< tiduulf dux >J< aej^el- hard dux >J* cyneberht dux ►J* ae)7eluulf dux >J< alhhelm dux >J4 humberht dux >J< aelfstan dux t^i mucoel dux »J< wiega >Jii aldred >i< aldberht >J< aelfred »I< hwithyse >J< werenberlit. >J< wulfred >I< wiglaf i^ eanuulf ►$< alh- mund »I< berhtuulf ►!< eegbard >J4 '(Ses friodom waes bigeten aet wiglafe cyninge mid ^aem tuentiffum bida aet iddes bale end "Saes londes friodom aet haeccabam mid ^y ten bida londe aet felda bi weoduman , end mucele esninge 'Saet ten bida lond aet croglea , bsebbf n beora dgeg 7 sefter beora daege agefe mon 'Saet land into daere balgan stowe into weogurnacestre : — *** Endorsed in contemporary hands ' ^ "Sis is heanbirige friodom se waes bigeten mid tSy londe aet iddeshale ■) aet heanbyrig ten hi(Ja Saes londes "j aet felda ten hida on beansetum.' '~} biscop gesalde sigrede aldormenn sex hund scillinga on golde.' ' i mucele aldormenn ten hida lond aet crog lea. ; ' and in a fourth hand, ' wiglaf cinig.' B. ^ The expression * illut monasterium ' simply means * the monastery.' So in a Mercian deed of 840, recently discovered, we find ' ilia congre- gatio ' for ' the congregation.' See below, Cu'Suulf 840. Cott. Aug. ii. 20, 21, 37. A.D. 838. K240. B. i. 17 ; ii. 26, 27. Ecgberht king of Wessex and his son ^felwulf, witb abp. Ceolnoth, held a Council at Kingston in Surrey, and there they made I 114 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. a Reconciliation or Concordat between the Royal House of AVessex and the Metropolitan See. >J< Regnante in perpetuum dno do nro sabaoth. Con- gregatii est uenerabile concilium in ilia famosa loco quae appellatur cyninges tun in regione sudregi^. Pr^sidente If huic eadem do deuote congregatione ceolnotho arc episc ceterisq. perplurimis episc. nee non excel lentissimis regibus nris ecgberhto et setheluulfo cum omnibus gentis su§ optimatibus. Omnesq. in unum consona mente. ac sincerissima cordis intentione spiritaliii saecu- lariuq. rerii necessitatib; inter semet ipsos commune consilio scrutantibus. quomodo pax et unianimitas eccle- siarum di totiusq. populi xpiani eorum seculari dicioni per di omptis gratiam subiecti firmissimi dilectionis uinculo seruari potuisset. Inter ea u° a pr^fato uenerabili arc episc ceolnotho flagitatum h- quod a regib; prenomi- natis ecgberhto et setheluulfo illis in sempiternam aelemo- synam ilium agrum aet mallingum ad ecclesiam xpi quae sita est in dorouernia ciuitate reddidissent. quod ante a baldredo rege ad eandem ecclesiam perdonata est. sed a quibusdam dictum est quia cum recto libertate facta non esset. quia in fugatu eius conscripta et concessa fuisset. Tunc u° pro intima caritatis affectu pr^eibus episc adnuentes cum consilio ac licentia omniii sapientii eorum spiritalium s^culariiiq. graduu qui inibi congregati fuissent. hoc pr^fatum agrum set mallingum pro sempi- terna salute animarum suarum ac spe remunerationis setern^ ad pr^nominatam ecclesiam xpi in perpetuam hereditatem cum omni libertate beniuola mente tradi- dissent. Hac u° condicione interposita haec pr^nominata donatio firma permaneat. quod nos ipsi nriq heredes semper in posterii firmam inconcussamq. amicitiam ab illo arc episc ceolnotho eiusdem congregatione ecclesie NINTH CENTURY. 115 xpi habeamus et ab omnib; successorib; eius hoc idem patrociniu ac protectionem illius sedis nos et hereditas nra nriq. heredes quicumq. di uoluntatis fuerit quod illi sint in omnib; necessitatib; nris absq. omni dubitatione spontaneura paratuq. amicali amore semper inueniant. sen etiam famili^ liberorii monasterioru qui antiquitus sub iure dominioq. abbatum abbatissaruq. constituti fuerint qui me meumq. patrem ecgberlitu regem pro suis propriis ac maximis necessitatib; sibi ad protectionem et ad dominiu elegerunt spiritalesq. dominos id -=- episc mecum constituti propria uoluntate mecum habuerunt ut in omnib; libertas et regula monasterialis uit^ rite ac recte ab omnib; illis seruetur. sed et post dies meos sue libertatis electione absq. omni obstaculo cuicumq. per- sonis digni habeantur. Insuper etiam pro hac nra susceptione electioneq. nequaquam a cuicuq. potestatis homine siue regi 1 episc mai[ori]s minorisue personis accussati caluraniantur neq. libertas eorii semper in posterum in aliqua frangatur. Nullaq. altercatio alicuius questionis inter nos nrosq. heredes et hereditatem nram et iUum arc episcpu successoresq. eius et ecelesiam xpi et familiam eius ex hac die et deinceps inimicaliter exorta sit. sed pax nra conglutinata amore uigere florere cres- cereq. inter nos nrosq. carissimos amicos perpetualiter ualeat. Duasq. scripturas per omnia consimiles^ huius reconciliationis conseribere statuimus. alteram habeat arc episc cum telligraphis ecclesise xpi. alteram ecgberht et aetheluulf reges cum hereditatis eorum scripturis. Actum -r- H* anno dominie^ incarnati Dcccxxiviii. In- dictione. f. die. iiii. feria. his testib; eonsentientib; qui hanc nfam reconciliationem cum signo sc§ crucis xpi con- firmantes subscripserunt. >J< Ego ceolnotht gratia di arc episc hanc reconcllia- 1 2 116 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. tionem et istam confirmaH cum signo see cruci[s] xpi rot) 7 sut). >J< Ego bsegmund pr ab cons j sut>. Ego uuerhard pr aH) cons 7 sut). >J« Ego brunhard pr cons 7 su'b »J< Ego hysenoth pr cons 7 sut) >i< Ego hunred pr cons 7 sut) >I< Ego wigmund pr cons 7 su1& >J< Ego beornno^ pr cons 7 su15 >J< Ego Osmund pr cons 7 sut) >I< Ego heaberht diac cons 7 sut) >^ Ego badano'S diac cons 7 sub »i< Ego uuealhhere diac cons 7 sub >I* Ego no^wulf s diac cons 7 sub >J« Ego ceolwulf s diac cons 7 sub Pro ampliore itaq: confirmatione iterii adducta h- hsec scedula cora aetbeluulfu rege et optimates eius in uilla regali qui appellatur uuiltun his testib: consentientib: et subscribentib: quorii nomina subter praenotata st. >I< Ego se'Seluulf rex cons et sub. 1^ Ego alhstan episc cons 7 sub 1^ Ego eadhun episc cons 7 sub »J< Signii ma wulf hardi prin >I< Sig ma se'Seluulfi prin »i« Sig ma eanwulfi prin ►I* Sig ma eadberhti diac >J« Sig ma 8e"Selheardi minis 1^ Sig ma ecgberhti minis pff Sig ma alhstani minis ^ Sig ma osmundi minis »I< Sig ma hudan minis >i< Sig ma osrici ministri NINTH CENTURY. 117 >i. Sig ma ceolrsedi minis >I< Sig ma uulflafi minis ►J< Anno ab incarnatio xpi Dccc.xxxuiiii. indictione. II. primo uidelicet anno regni e'Seluulfi regis post obitum patris sui factum est uenerabile conciliabulum omnium episcoporii qui eru n't in australe parte fluminis humbrf in loco quae dicitur set astran ibique pro firma stabilitate hec eadem scedula adducta est. et cum sig crucis xpi ab hiis testibus roborata quorum nomina subter pra)notat[a] cernentibus clare patescunt. ^ Ego ceolno^ gratia di donante dno archi epi banc reconciliationem iterato nice confirmens signum sc§ crucis exaraui et in nomine see trinitatis omnib: fidelib: obser- uandum pcipio. . »I< Sig ma alhstani epi. ►Ji Sig ma helmstani epi ►Ji Sig ma bumberhti epi 1^ Sig ma cyrredi^ epi >I< Sig ma cynefer^i epi >i« Sig ma rse^huni epi >J< Sig ma heaberhti epi 1^ Sig ma ceolberbti epi >!• Sig ma beorhtredi epi 118 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. >I« Sig ma uuillredi epi >I< Sig ma cu'Suulfi epi *:,c* ^Indorsed hy a hand of the 12th century, 'Egbertus et a^ulfus ^filius ejus' reges celDo"So archiepiscopo ad opus ecclesie Christi prius a bald redo rege datam et postea ablatam rediderunt mellinges. simul cum conditione firms pacis inter illos et ipsum et successores eorum.' *Latine.' B. * Two writings in all respects similar were to be made of this Eeconciliation, one for each of the high contracting parties. It is a remarkable fact that three copies of this Reconciliation are preserved in the Cotton Library ; and that two of them are in tlie same character and style, but the third is very different. They are all facsimiled as above indicated. I was curious to form an opinion about their age ; and I am glad to be able to say that I had judged them all three to be contemporaneous before I had seen that Mr. Bond had come to the same conclusion in the Preface to his second volume. The above is printed from B. i, 17. * cynredi K. corr. MS. Lee- Warner. A.D. 840. Arch. Journal, 1873. Cu^uulf bishop of Hereford, and the congregation of his church, grants to JElfstan dux, four manentes for three lives, sub- ject to a rent charge, with reversion to the monastery of Bromyard, which is not otherwise known. The manor of Bromyard belonged to the church of Hereford at the Domes- day Survey. ^ In nomine arci poli conditoris. Ego cu'Suulf divina dispensatione xpi ecclesiae antestis, necnon et ilia congregatio^ scae ecclesiae herefordensis cum consensu et licentia Berhtwulfi Mercioru regis, damus aelfstano duce terram .iiii. manentiu in uilla qui juxta flumine q' dr from situm est, ut habeat beneq: perfruat in diem trium homiuum. et postea sine ullo obstaculo intus tota reddatur ista terra ad monasterio qui dr bromgeard. et qui agrii habeat semel semper in anno ad Bromgearde de agro isto reddat .xv. medics de pura NINTH CENTURY. 119 celia hoc -r- buttam plena, uasque plenv mellis, t eius ptiu in liquore . . . . s cocto, alter dulcatu, uniimq: ar- mentii cu .c. panibus uniiq: ouem cum uno suillo .... nasterii q: ^tinent ad bromgearde foras^ nullo modo concedamus id -h jugerorv xxv banc terra supra- dicta liberalit liberabo aelfstano duce omnib:q: ea ha- bentibus .... ecunio id -r- in uno anulo .xv. mane, nisi pontum faciat et arce et expeditione solacium .... ad adpoena foras nihil persoluat. testes namq: huius dona- tionis sunt .... atq: libertatis quorum infra nomina notantur,, .... banc mea donatione atq: libertate simul cii signo crucis xpi confirmaui .... si 7 subscripsi. ►{< Ego cu'Swulf epi OS 7 svb. >I< aelfstan dux os 7 svb. >J< mucel dvx OS 7 sub ^ no's ^s 7 sub. >I< aldred cons 7 sub. >I< eadgar os 7 sub. >I< wiglaf os 7 sub. *:^* For the history, description, and facsimile of this beautiful frag- ment, which belongs to the Rev. Henry James Lee- Warner of Thorp- land, Norfolk ; see the Journal of the Archaeological Institute for the year 1873. * 'lUa congregatio' means 'the congregation': see above, Wiglaf 836. ^ This may refer to the outlying district in the neighbourhood of Bromyard called ' The Foreign,' Arch. Journal. ' The gaps are all of uniform length, and nearly equal to half of one of our lines. Chart. Cotton, viii. 36. 26 Dec. 847. K260. B. ii. 30. -ffilthelwulf king of the West Saxons, with consent and licence of his bishops and princes, books to himself twenty manentes of land in heredity. ^ REGNANTE dno uro ihu xpo in ppetuum, Siquidem sacris insertum . . . orum pclaris satisq: salutarib: co- 120 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. tidie instruimur oraculis . hoc solum supesse homini in omni labore suo quod laborat sub sole et in cunctis quae possidet dieb: uanitatis suse Si quid in elemoxsinarii lar- gitate piis intentus operib: expenderet proximoruq: com- municanda necessitatib: p possibilitate uirium faciat sibi secundii saluatoris pceptum amicos de mamona iniqui- tatis qui eum recipiant in seterna tabernacula . qua de re ego setbeluulf do auxiliante occiden? saxon rex cum consensu ac licentia episcoporu et principium meorii aliquantulam ruris partem uiginti manentiii . mihi in hereditatem ppriam describere iusi . id -r- me ad habendii et ad pfruendii cum pratis et pascuis cum campis et siluis cum aquis currentiii et incurrentiii . et iterii qualicumq: put me placabilis sit seternaliter relinquendum^ . Terra H* pdicta liber et securus omniii rerum pmaneat . id ^- regaliii et principaliii tributum et ui exactorum operii sine poenaliii causaru furisq: conphensione et omni sseculari grauidine sine expeditione et pontis instruc- tione . Scripta h- H* huius donationis pagina anno do- minici incarnationis .dccc^xluii^. indie? .x^*. Territoria uero ista sunt orum uigintorum cassatorum qui sethel- uulfe regi om homme^ senatores eius concedissent . IN illo loco qui nuncupater dornuuarana ceaster secunda die natalis dni coram idoneis testib: quorii nomina infra aspicientium oculis caraxata liquescunt ^^rest on merce cumb "Sonne on grenan pytt ^onne on "Sone torr set mercecumbes sewielme Sonne on dene waldes stan "Sonne on -Sone die "Sser esne "Sone weg fordealf Sonon of dune on Sses wselles heafod "Sonne "Sser of dune on broc cS tiddesford "Sonne up on broc o"S heottes die to "Ssere flodan from "Ssere flodan of dune "Saer fyxan die to broce g8e"S 7 "Sonne of dune on broc o^ sse . "Sonne from "Syre- l^n stane up on broc o'S smalan cumb fram smalan NINTH CENTURY. 121 cumbes heafde to graewan stane ^onon wi^ufan ^aes waelles heafod on odencolc "Sonon on 'Sone heal dan weg wi^ huitan stanes "Son on to 'Seem beorge 'Se mon hate^ set 'Saem holne 'Sonon an haran stan ^onon on secgwaelles heafod 'Sonon on "Sa burg eastewearde Sonon on '5a ly tlan burg westewearde "Sonon to strsete "Sonan benio'San wuda on gerjhte ut on hreodpol "Sonne up on afene o'S^set 5e se alda suinliaga utsciote'S to afene 5onne be ^aem hagan on anne beorg "Sonne on sueordleage wselle "Sonon on wulfwselles heafod 5onon on wealweg on "Sone stan set "Saere flodan from 'Ssem stane for'S on -Sone herepa'S on 5one die "Sonon of dune o5 weal denes ford "Sonon on "Sone holan weg "Sonon of dune on broc on hunburgefleot 7 ^aer to sae. Si quis If huius munificentia conlationem quouis tem- pore qualibet occasione cuiuslibet etiam dignitates uel pfessiones uel gradus puertere . uel in irritum dedueere sacrilega psumptione temptauerit . sit a consortio xpi ecclesise et a collegio scorii hie et in futuro dispartitus parsq: eius cum auaris et rapacibiq: ponatur et communi- onem habeat cum iudas scarioth qui tradidit dnm . si quis H" pia intentione potius pditus haec roborare hac de- fendere curauerit amplificet ds portione eius in hereditate iustoru et cum omnibus . . . sine fine gaudeat, ^ ego aetheluulf rex ad confirmanda banc donatione uenerabiliter trophei signii scse crucis exarrabi ►!< sig ma ae"Selbaldi fil reg >^ sig ma osrici prin ►$< sig ma osmundi min >{< sig ma ecgheard mini, >I« sig ma lulling min 1^ uulflafi abb >^ sig ma ecguulfi min >J« sig ma lulluc ministri, >^ ego alhstan episc cons et sub . >Ii sig ma ceorli prin >I< sig ma . . . . 12^ GENUINE RECORDS DATED. »I< sig ma uulfrsed mm . sig ma alhstan min »J< sig ma milrsed min %*■ Endorsed in a hand of the loth century, 'to haiiime.' B. ^ Mr. Kemble in Cod. Dipl. vol. ii. p. ix, has called particular attention to this deed as illustrating the nature of folcland. Cf. ^thel- berht, a.d. 858. ^ Blunder for on homme. Chart. Cantuar. C. 1280. A.D. 848. K243. S. i. 8. Berhtuulf king of Mercia grants to his thane Forthred nine hides of land in perpetuity. :P In nomine domini. Ego berchtwulf . cyning sile for'Srede minum "Segne . nigen higida ^ lond . in wudo- tune . in ece erfe him to hiobbanne 7 to siollanne . "Saem 'Se hit wille mi^ ea'Smodre hernisse him to geeor- nigan . ofer his daeg . cisse'Sebeorg . feower treovve hyl . 7 eanburge mere . tihhanhyl . 7 ut bigeht . tu higida lond in erfe . ece. 7 he salde to lond ceape . xxx . man- cessan . 7 nigen bund scillinga. wi'S "Saem londe . him in ece erfe. Ic berhtwulf . rex . "Sas mine gesaldnisse trymme 7 faestna in cristes rode tacne 7 in his 'Saere haligran^ 7 in his wotona gewitnisse . aerist . sae^ry^ regina . cynefer^ episcopus . alchhun . episcopus . berchtred . episcopus . deorlaf . episcopus . ceored . episcopus . wichred . abbas . aldred . abbas . mucel . dux . hunbercht . dux . burgred . dux . aefstan . cyneberht . dux . sigred . dux . alberht . dux . aldred . dux . mucel . dux . hunstan . dux . eadwulf . beornoS . wulfred . mucel . aldred . wicga . eadgar . baldred . weren- berht . eadred . ae'Selwulf presbiter . heaberht presbiter . ecghun . ecgheard . beornhae'S . aldred. NINTH CENTURY. 123 7 we aec alle bibeoda'S . "Se aet "Sisse gewitnesse werun . on cristes noman . 7 on his 'Saere haligran gif aenig monn . "Sas ure gewitnesse incerre . on owihte . "Saet he aebbe 'Saes aelmaehtgan godes unhlis^ . . 7 his 'Saere haligran unlu ^ This document is remarkable for the form higid, which with a col- lateral hiwisc, tends to identify Md with the idea on which are based such terms as familiatus, casatus, for quantities of land. See Kemble, Saxons in England, vol. i, c. 4, p. 91 sq. It is however doubtful whether a single instance of the form higid will bear so great a weight as is thus put upon it. Especially as the letter G plays in Anglo-Saxon a semi- vocalic part, as a mere consonantal film to keep two vowels distinct, so that the g might have just the same value as a modem diaeresis ; thus higid = hiid. * haligrana, K ; haligranna, S : — but two subsequent instances seem to justify haligran, and the added -a or-na looks rather like the attempt of a SiopOcorrjs to fill in a gap left by the scribe. Even in the two cases of haligran below, unless the manuscript is clearer than the facsimile, a doubt remains. In the genitive plural of adjectives after the article, the Kentish dialect seems to have had this peculiarity, that only the strong form was used. The phenomenon before us looks like a blending or confusion of this peculiarity with the more familiar syntax. See Rudolf Zeuner, Die Sprache des Kentischen Psalters (1882), § 65. 3 unhli . K. Cott. Aug. 11. 71. A.D. 853. K269. B. 11. 31. ^felwulf king of Wessex and Kent grants one ploughland at Ulaham to Ealdhere with hereditary right, and exemption from all services but the inevitable three. The bounds are described in Latin. One of the sons of the king, EtSelbearht, signs as rex ; and from this it is concluded by Stubbs (Constitut. Hist. c. vi. p. 142 n.) that he reigned as king of Kent, as his brother Ethelstan had reigned with his father until a.d. 850. Re- markable as a piece of chancery Latin. The document is dated 855, which Kemble corrected. >I< EEGNANTE in perpetuum dno do nro omnipotenti ego e'Selwulf rex occidentalium saxonum nee non et can- tuariorum cum consensu ac licentia meorum optimatum 1^4 GENUINE KECOKDS DATED. seu ^ expiatione piaculorum meorum et obsolutione crimi- num ^m'eorum dabo et concede meo fideli ministro eald- here p eius humili oboedTentia et q^a mihi in omnibus rebus semper fidelis minister extitit dono hei aliquam partem terre iuris mei in puincia cantuarioru hoc -r- unum aratrum ubi ulaham nominal siui auendum et possidendii feliciterq: in dies eius perfruendum et post dies eius cuicumq: bei eredi placuerit derelinquendum liberam per omnia abeat potestatem cum ' campis siluis pratis pascuis aquis uenationib: et cum omnib: utilitatibus rite ac recte ad eandem terram pertinentib: banc If terram supranominatam et ulabam . ego e^elwulf rex ab omni seruitute regali operis intus et foris magnis ac modicis notis et ignotis perenni desiderauo ^ nisi his tan turn trib: eausis hoc -r- expeditione et arcis munitione pontisq: constructione h§c terra suprascripta §t ulaham his notis- simis terminib: undiq: circumcincta est ab occidente ho- dowori^a ab aq^lone winterbur na' ab oriente prata ilia to iiminge . ameritie bromteag hsi quis uero heredu succes- soruq: meorii ban c' meam donationem i liuertatem seruare uoluerit seruef ei desujf benedictio sempiterna hsi H' alfquis q absit diabolica temeritate instigatus surrexerit q^ banc liuertatem t munificentiam infringere t minuere aut in aliut conbertere quam a nobis constitutum est temptauerit sciat se coram xpo iudice et celesti exercitu ratione redditurum esse nisi prius digna satisq: placauili factione do et hominib: emendare uoluerit hactum est H* anno dominie^ incarnationis indictio . i . his testib: consentientibus et signo see crucis xpi confirmantib: quoru hie noraina infra ac in scedula karaxata atnotant' 1^ ego e'Selwulf rex banc meam donationem cu signo see crucis xpi ro'b 7 subsc NINTH CENTURY. 125 >J< ego cialno'Sus gratia di arcepis banc donationem consensi 7 sut)s >J< ego ej7elbearht rex banc donationem cum signo see crucis xpi rot> 7 subs >J< ego luUede dux os 7 sbscr ^ ego e^elmod dux os 7 sbscr >i< ego eadred dux os 7 sbscr >J< ego elfred fili regis os 7 sb ►i< ego cSeric dux os 7 sbscr ^ >J< ego duduc m os 7 sb »i< ego cyneheard m os 7 sb >^ ego wiohtgar m os 7 sb ►J< ego cialmund m »J« ego milred m ►J< ego lulla m »I< ego wullaf m 1^ ego e'Selred m *:,.* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, '^ 'Sis sindan ?Jes landes bee et uluham ealdheres landes'; in a later hand 'uleam'; and in a hand of the \2th century, *Rex ethelwlf dedit vleham haldene ?. latine.' B. ^ Sic MS. : It perennitir liberauo K. ^ haldene is what the Norman scribe had made of the name Ealdhere ; having misread the Saxon p as n. Kemble, Cod. Dip. vol.i. p. xliii, has given some curious instances of similar errors. Cott. Aug. ii. 66. A.D. 858. K281. T. p. 119. B.ii.33. E'Selbearht king (of Kent) makes an exchange of land with his thane Wullaf. >J< EEGNANTE in pcrpctuum dfio do nro omm'potenti sabaot ego e^elbearht rex cum consensu ac licentia 126 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. meoru secularium optimatu diuinorumq: jTsonarii liuenti animo dabo et concedo meo fideli ministro wullafe ali- quam partem terre iuris mei hoc h- .u. aratra in ilia loco ubi wasngwelle nominal in bicissitudinem alterius terre hoc -r- et mersaham banc terram supranominatam et wassingwellan ego e'Selbearht ab omni seruitute regali operis eternaliter liuerabo sicut ante fuerat ilia prenomi- nata terra et mersaham hec sunt etenim marisci q: ad eandem terram rite ac recte jftinent q 'h'ega ante abuerat id est an wiwarawic q ante subiecta erat to wii 7 to leanaham 7 et febresham .i. sealtern 7 .ii. wena gang mid cyninges wenii to blean "Sem wiada 7 .iiii. oxnum gers mid cyninges oxnum an wiwarawic .xxx. statera kasei et item .X. statera in alia wiwarawic 7 .xx. lamba 7 .xx. fehta hec H" terra suprascripta et wassingwellan his no- tissimis terminib: antiq^tus circii iacentibus ab occidente cyninges folcland ^ q abet wighelm 7 wulflaf ab aq%ne cu'Srices dun herege^eland ab oriente wighelmes land a meritie biscepes land to cert .ii. q: molina ad illam ean- dem terram jTtinentia una an wassingwellan alia an hwiteceldan hec sunt pascua porcorum quot nostra lingua denbera nominamus hoc -i- lamburnanden orricesden teligden stanehtandenn et ilia silua sandhyrst nominal q: jftinet to wassingwellan hancq: liuertatem huic eodem ageri'ulo illo q: wullafe similiter et wassingwellan cum consensu ac licentia meoru optimatum liuenter largitus sum ut omnium regalium tributum et ui exactorum operum et penalium reru principali dominatione furisq: conprehensione 2 et cuncta seculari grauidine absq: expe- ditione sola et pontium structura et arcium munitionib : secura et inmunis jTmaneat si If aliq^s q absit diabolika fraude deceptus et mundana cupiditatsB inlectus hoc in- fringere i irritum facere conauerit sciat se a consortione NINTH CENTURY. 127 katholicoru segregatum et in die magni sexaminis quando celu et terra mouent coram xpo et exercitu celesti nisi ante emendauerit rationem redditurum esse hactum est If anno domiic incarnationis .dcccluiii. indictione ui his testib: consentientibus ac conscribentibus qoru hie nomina infra karaxant hec sunt prata to wassingwellan stocmed healf be nor'San hegforde be sturemeda sue ^er to limpa^ ►!< ego e^elbearht rex banc meam donationem cum signo see crucis xpi rouorauo et subscribe >J< ego e^elmod dux os 7 sbscr 1^ ego eastmund pedesecus os 7 sbscr >i« ego wullaf os 7 sbscr >^ ego e'Sered os 7 sbscr >{< ego sigenoth os 7 sbscr >J< ego beagmund os 7 sl>scr >J< ego ese os 7 sbscr ^ ego dun os 7 sbscr >I< ego oslac os 7 sbscr >J< ego dudda oss 7 sbscr »}< ego mucel os 7 sb. >I< ego burgno'S os 1^ ego e^elweald os >J< ego eadweald os >}< ego luUa OS >J< ego acka os 1^ ego cynelaf os >I< ego e^elhere os ►J< ego wighelm os >I< ego noSmund os »J< sigemund os >I< hunfre^ os >Ji "Sis siondan ^es landes boec et wassingwellan "Set 128 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. e^elbearht cyning wullafe sealde his ^egne wiS o^rum sue miclu lande et mersaha se cyning sealde 7 gebocade wullafe fif sulung landes et wassingwellan wi^ 'Sem fif sulungum et mersaham 7 se cyning dyde "Set land et mersaham him to folclande 'Sa hie ^em landii iehwerfed hefdan butan "Sem merscum 7 butan 'Sem sealtern et fefresham 7 butan -Sem wioda ^e to -Sem sealtern limp^ *5f:* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, * ^ ?yis siondan ^es landes boc et wassingwellan/ and in a hand of the 12th century, 'commu- tatio terrarum inter etSelbeartum regem ^ wuUafum . latine.' B. ^ This deed is remarkable as being one of three on which we de- pend for our knowledge of the nature of Folcland. See above, ^thel- wulf, Dec. 26, 847: Schmid, Gesetze, p. 577: and a deed bearing the name of OflFa in the Textus Roffensis, given below among the Secondary Eecords. ^ Kemble identified the formula 'principali dominatione furisque comprehensione' with the jurisdiction of infangenthef and utfangenthef which has not been found before the time of Edward the Confessor in any other document that is above suspicion. Cod. Dipl. vol, i, p. xlvii. But after all, I think it is here meant as an immunity and not as a jurisdiction. Cod. Winton. 112. A.B. 858. K1058. Swi^un grants Fearnham to AetSelbald, bis king, for life, and Aet5el- bald grants it after his time to the bishop and church at Winchester for evermore. >J« Regnante inperpetuum domino nostro Ihesu Christo summo et ineffabili rerum creatore ac modera- tore, omnium tempora qui sua multimoda disponens potentia, temporibus ut uoluerit fiiiem imponet ; iccirco cunctis agendum est ut hie, bonis actibus, futurae bea- titudinis foelicitatem adipisci mereantur. Quapropter ego Swi'Sun, diuina prouidente gratia, Wentanae aeccle- siae episcopusj cum consensu et licentia eiusdem aeccle- NINTH CENTURY. 120 « siae congregationis, hoc est presbyteris, diaconibus, et omni clero consentientibus, dedi atque concessi dilectis- simo domino meo et reuerentissimo Occidentalium Sax- onum regi ^^elbaldo, terrain .LX. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur Fearnham, ita ut babeat atque possideat praefatam terram quamdiu in hac uita praesente uixerit, sine uUa nostrorum successorum contradictione uel con- tentione, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, hoe est, campis, siluis, pascuis, pratis, piscariis, atque omnia in omnibus ad eandem terram pertinentibus. Ego autem ^Selbald, dei gratia, Occidentalium Saxonum rex, dono atque concedo pro dei amore atque animae meae remedio et parentum meorum, hoc est aui mei ^gelberhti regis et genitoris mei A^ulfi regis, post obitum meum ab hac ♦ praesenti uita ipsam terram, hoc est .lx. cassatorum in loco prsenominato set Fearnaham, episcopo et omni con- gregationi Wentanae aecclesiae ; et tam rato ac stabili tenore quilibet episcopus et ilia sancta congregatio ean- dem terram teneat atque possideat propria potestate ac uoluntate sibimet ad habendam, et nullus iam licentiam ulterius habeat Christi neque sancti Petri illam terram praedictam alicui dandi neque abstrahendi de illo loco, similiter nullus licentiam Christi neque sancti Petri neque ausus sit ulterius illam terram praedictam rogandi in beneficium ; terra autem iamdicta sit inperpetuum libera ab omni regali seruitio et omnium saecularium, quamdiu fides et Christiana religio in Anglorum gente inconcussa permaneat, praeter expeditionem, et pontium constructionem, et arcium munitionem. Si quis autem banc nostrae satisfactionis donationem augere uel ampli- ficare uoluerit, augeat omnipotens deus dies eius pros- peros. Si uero quis infringere uel mutare praesumpserit, noscat se ante tribunal Christi redditurum rationem, K 130 GENUINE KECOEDS DATED. nisi prius satisfactione emendauerit. Seripta est autem haec cartula anno dominicae incarnationis .dccc.lviii. in loco qui dicitur Amberesburg, testibus his consentienti- bus quorum nomina infra seripta esse uidentur. >^ ^'Selbald rex. >J< ludi'S regina. >J< Svvi^un episcopus. 1^ Osric dux. >J< Cynewulf dux. >J< Beer's vvald abbas. i^ Beornred abbas. >{< Os- mund minister. »J< Beor'Shelm minister. >J< Dud- da minister. i^ Wlfhere minister. i^ iE^elred minister. *:(.* Where judgment is difficult, I am glad to rest on the authority of Prof. R. Pauli, Alfred, p. 80, note: 'Ungemein merkwiirdig ist die von keiner Seite her zu bezweifelnde Urkunde bei Kemble C. D. 1058.' Cott. Aug. ii. 16. • A.D. 859. K282. B. ii. 34 Plegred bought of ^Selmod (dux) land whereof part belonged to Wilburge wella, an interesting name as shewing the natural- ized form of the Latin villa, of which the ordinary Saxon equivalent was haga. >J< In nomine almo trino diuino an^no' dominice in- carnationis .dcccluiiii. indictione septem ego plegred aliquam terre unculam emi ^et'^ e^elmode duci sex- centis denariis hoc est an healf tun que ante pertinebat to wilburgewellan 'Set land healf 7 healfne tun hiis terminibus circumcincta ab oriente cyniges heiweg a meritie stret to scufeling forde ab occidente stur ab aquilone cyninges land 7 halfne weruna prata on burg- wara medum su^eweardum 7 an nor^evveardum burg- waramedum healfmed 7 meahselog an cyninges strete hanc casam supranominatam ego e'Selmod plegrede donabo sibi abendum et possidendum feliciterque in dies eius perfruendum et post dies eius cuicumque ei NINTH CENTURY. 131 eredi plaeuerit derelinquendum liueram per omnia abeat potestatem si If contingaH' q^ aliquis posterum meorum banc meam donationem infringere i minnere temptauerit sciat se coram xpo iudice rationem esse redditurum com- muni uia per unam portam perfruendum intra uillulam et extra uillulam >I< ego e'Selwulf rex banc meam donationem cum bexillo see crucis xpi rouorauo 7 st>scr >J< ego eanulf dux os 7 sbscr >I< ego eSelwulf dux os 7 sbscr >I< ego e^elmod dux os 7 sbscr ►i< ego bun red os 7 st) >I< ego cSelbeald fili regis os 7 s'bscf >i< ego eyerie dux os 7 sbscr »I< ego dudda os 7 sbscr >I< ego wimund os et sbscr >J< ego ceolmund os >i< ego werenbearbt os >J< ego lulling os >i< ego eadweald os >I< ego wulfred os 7 sbscr »I< ego deimund pr at) os 7 sbscr *^ ego sebearbt pr os 7 sbscr >J< ego diar os 7 st> >J< ego biarnbelra pr os 7 st) >}< ego byse pf os 7 st) ^ ego osulf os 7 st) >J< ego dunincg arcdc os 7 st) >}< ego e'S'erno^ os 7 st) *;jj* indorsed in a hand of the 12th century, *pleired dedit e^elmod duci terram at wilburgewel . latine.' B. ^ This ^et' is so marked (after B) because it is in the margin and looks like a correction ; but with the same ink and hand. It is the Anglosaxon set = at ; and the sense is • I have bought of Ethebnod.* This ' et ' is not rare. K % 332 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Chart. Cantuar. M. 369. A.D. 860-863. K293. T. p. 127. S. i. 9. Ealhhere conveys land which he has sold. A mutilated but interesting piece. Alfred is among the signataries. Mr. Sanders edited this document more completely than Kemble or Thorpe had done, and we benefit thereby. >J< In nomine domini ego ealhhere dabo et eoncedo oswig-e et weahtrse'Se aliquem partem terre uirgas in latitudine contra eius pecunia que accepi ab eo hoc est cc. et Ixx. denarios . ex his land in miridie winesland in occidente tucenan land et in aquilone puplica semita hereditatem illis habendum et possidendum feliciterque in diebus eorum perfruendum derelinquendum liberam per omnia habeant potestates et si quis banc meam donationem ser benedictio si autem absit quod non optamus ut alicuius personis homo cum diabolica t infringere aut minuere temtauerit sciat se ante tribunal christi ratcio- nem et hominibus emendare u . . . . t his testibus consenticientibus et conscribentibus quorum no ego ^^elbearht rex banc mea nem cum uexillo sancte crucis christi roborabo et sub- scribo ego ego cialno^ archiepiscopus con- sensi .... ryhtwald dux ego mucel minister ego east- mund minister ego ealh ego ^Ifred filius regis . hos omnes consenserunt et signo sancte crucis conscripserunt ego ^^elwine minister ego ^Selstan et ingan burgware ego ^'Selhelm et cniahta geoldan ^ . ego herewine et herre^ . Ego * K. and T. gealdan ; S. gegildan = guildsmen ; hat this rests on a pro- cess of expansion. ^^ NINTH CENTURY. 133 Chart. Ant. Cantuar. M. 14. A. D. 863. K288. T. p. 121. S. i. 10. ^thelberht king of the West Saxons and also of the Cantware, grants to his thane Ethelred land at Mersaham. The bounds are in mixed Saxon and Latin. >^ In nomine trino diuino regi regnanti in perpetuum domino dec hsabaoth cui patent cuncta penetralia cordis et corporis terrestria simul et celestia necnon super ethera regnans in sedibus altis ima et alta omnia sua dicione gubernans cuius amore et eternis premiis >{< ego cSel- bearht rex occidentalium saxonum nee non et cantuario- rum dabo et concedo meo fideli ministro et principi meo e'Selredo aliquam partem terre iuris mei hoc est viiii. aratra in ilia loco hubi nominatur mersaham in sempi- ternum hereditatem sibi abendum et possidendum felici- terque in dies eius perfruendum et post dies eius cui- cumque hei heredi placuerit derelinquendum liberam per omnia habeat potestatem cum campis siluis pratis pas- cuis aquis uenationibus pascuis porcorum simulque ma- riscis et cum omnibus utilitatibus rite ac recte ad eandem terram pertinentibus hoc feci pro eius humili hoboedientia simulque pro eius placauili atque conpe- tenti pecunia quam ab eo accepi hoe est cccc.tos. maii- cusas auri purissimi banc autem terram supranominatam et mersaham >J« ego e'Selbearht rex ab omni seruitute regali operis intus et foris magnis ac modicis notis et ignotis perenniter liuerauo nisi his tantum tribus causis hoc est expeditione et arcis munitione pontisque con- structione et illud foras reddat quot siui intus faciendi appetat hec autem terra prenominata his notissimis ter- 134 GENUINE KECOKDS DATED. minibus circumcingitur a meritie et ab occidente stur usque blacanri^e ab aquilone et ab oriente eadwealdes bocland to bradeburnan estque una semis aratra ab oriente sture quae iacet at confinium usque garulfi regis ministri to mersaham 7 meda be eastan ee sue 'Ser mid riahte to ^em lande limpa^ unamque salis coquinariam hoc est . I . sealternsteall 7 "Ser cota to in ilia loco ubi nominatur herewic et . iiii . carris transductionem in silba regis sex ebdomades a die pentecosten hubi alteri homines silbam cedunt hoc est in regis communione hec sunt pascua porcorum que nostra lingua saxhonica den- bera nominamus hoc est husneah efreSing- denn herbedingdenn pafingdenn widefingdenn bleccingdenn nee non . xx . statera casei of mersce ad mersaham reddatur et XL agnos et xl uellera ouium et duorum dierum refectio uel xxx. argenteis hoc est semi cum libra redimatur hsi quis uero heredum successorumque meorum regum principum ducum optimatum siue exactorum banc meam dona- tionem seruare uoluerit seruetur ei desuper benedictio sempiterna hsi autem absit quod non optamus alicuius personis homo diabolica temeritate instigatus surrexerit qui banc meam donationem uel liuertatem infringere uel minuere aut in aliut conbertere quam a nobis constitutum est temptauerit sciat se ante tribunal summi et eterni iudicis rationem esse redditurum nisi ante digna hsatis- que placabili factione deo et hominibus emendare stu- duerit hacta est autem hec eadem donatio uel liuertas in ilia loco que uocitatur birenefeld anno dominice incar- nationis dccclxiii indictione xi his testibus consen- tientibus et signo sancte crucis christi confirmantibus quorum hie nomina infra ac in scedula patefacta li- quescunt. NINTH CENTUllY. 135 >J< ego e^elbearht rex banc meam donationem uel liuertatem cum uexillo sancte crucis christi roborabo et subscribe. >^ ego e'Sered dux consensi et snbscripsi. tin ego e'Sered filius regis consensi et subscripsi. >J< ego dryhtweald dux consensi et subscripsi. >^ ego mucel minister consensi et subscripsi, >I< ego heabmund presbiter consensi et subscripsi. ►J< ego beremod presbiter consensi et subscripsi. »^ ego garulf minister consensi et subscripsi. ►{< ego eastmund minister consensi et subscripsi. >I< ego uulfred minister consensi et subscripsi. >^ ego wigstan minister consensi et subscripsi. >J< ego ecgfer^ minister consensi et subscripsi. 1^ ealdred minister consensi et subscripsi. >I< ego sigeno'S minister. 1^ ego elfstan minister. >I< ego wigbelm minister. >I« ego piabtred minister. 1^ Item at stabilitatem huius suprascripte donationis uel liuertatis >i< ego ciolno'S gratia dei archiepiscopus mea propria manu signum sanctae crucis christi inpressi. >I« ego deimund presbiter abbas consensi et sub- scripsi. 1^ ego biarnulf presbiter abbas consensi et subscripsi. »}< ego cSelweald presbiter consensi et subscripsi. »J< ego no'Sbeard presbiter consensi et subscripsi. >J< ego Osmund presbiter consensi et subscripsi. >J* ego iab presbiter consensi et subscripsi. 1^ ego wigbelm presbiter consensi et subscripsi. t^ ego tida presbiter consensi et subscripsi. >I< ego biarnheab arcbidiaconus consensi et subscripsi. 136 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. >J< ego osulf archidiaconus consensi et subscripsi. lit ego ealhstan consensi et subscripsi. >J< ego sigefre'S arcbidiaconus consensi et subscripsi. >I< ego diarweald subdiaconus consensi et subscripsi. >I< ego sefre^ subdiaconus consensi et subscripsi. >^ ego Osmund consensi et subscripsi. >J< ego dudda consensi et subscripsi. »J< ego beagmund consensi et subscripsi. 1^ ego osweald consensi et subscripsi. »i< ego luUa consensi et subscripsi. >I< ego oba consensi et subscripsi. >J< ego lulla consensi et subscripsi. >J< ego bunfre'S consensi et subscripsi. ] »i< ego lulla consensi et subscripsi. 1^ ego eadulf consensi et subscripsi. >I< ego osbearbt consensi et subscripsi. »i< ego wealdhelm consensi et subscripsi. »J< ego ealdhere consensi et subscripsi. »J< ego diara consensi et subscripsi. ^ ego garulf consensi et subscripsi. ^ ego elric consensi et subscripsi. 1^ ego dudda consensi et subscripsi. >i< ego e'Selwulf consensi et subscripsi. Ic eadwald sello 7 forgeofu J^is lond et wifeles berge agustines bigum into hiora beode minre sawle to are 7 to leedome^ 7 iow fer godes lufe bidde 'pet ge bit minre sawle nyt gedeo 7 me hit for gode leanie eow to elmessum amen. *** Endorsed in a hand of the 11th century, 'merse ham:' — and in one of the 1 2th century : * Rex ethelbertus dedit merseham ethelredo miDistro suo. latine.' * And two cots there. T. But ? ' and there cots too ' = * and likewise the cots there.* ' So MS. Thorpe has lecdome, which he translates medicament. NINTH CENTUKY. 137 Cott. Aug. ii. 95. AD. 867. K294. B. ii. 37. Ethelred king of the W. Saxons and the Cantware grants in perpetuity to Wighelm a priest, in a place called St. Martin's Church, a spot of land with a little homestead upon it. >J< In nomine di summi regis eterni ego e'Selred rex occidentalium saxonum . non et eantvyariorum cum con- sensu ac licentia meorum optimatum dabo et conce^do' meo fideli amico wighelme prs unam sedem in loco q: dicitur sci martini ecclesia mihhi ad elemosynam et Vnam modicam uillulam at eandem sedem cum recte pertinet hec sunt termina . circumgacentia . ab aquilone puplica strata ab occidente bina meteren a meritie bina gemene weg ab oriente terra at scm agustinum banc pdictam dotionem pro remedio anime mee proq; spe remunerationis eterne in sempiterna ereditatem conce- dendo donabo sibi abendu et possidu feliciterq: in dies eius pfruendum et post dies eius cuicuq: ei eredi placuerit derelinquendum libera per omnia abeat potestatem et ab omni seruitute regaliu seculariuq: difficultatu intus et foras magnis ac modicis penniter liberabo supplicabo q°q: ego e^elred rex y in alme trinitatis nomine firmit pcipio omnib: successorib: meis quicuque sint reges 7 episcopos i principes i modo uibentib: i qui post illos futuri sunt p fidem sci martini confessoris xpi ut num- quam aliquis banc nram munificentiam infringere psumat sjquis u° quod non optamus alicuius perssonis homo dia- bolica temeritate* instigatus surrex^erit' ^ quod banc mea munificentiam mutare aut minuere temptet minuatur pars eius de terra uibentiii ipseq» reus ante tribunal terribili particeps existat illor q^ filiu di et uendiderunt , 138 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. et crucifixert nisi ante digno satisfactione do et ominib' emundare uoluerit: Hanc libertatem prescripta cu bis testib' ifra naminatis firmiter T ihu xpo cu signaculo see crucis ofirmantes roborauimus . Aetii -f- H* anno ab icar- natione dni .dccclxvii. indictione .xv. T dorobernia cibitate >I< ego e'Selred . rex anc mea donatione cii signo see crucis xpi roborabo 7 sbscr16 >I< ego eastmund . dux os 7 st>scr >I< egV ealhheard . at) os 7 st)scr tji ego heremod pb os 7 sbscr >J< ego mucel mi os 7 sbscr >J< ego beorhtno'S mi os 7 st)scr >J< ego for'Sred mi os 7 sbscr >I< ego e^elwulf mi os 7 sbscr ^ ego e^elred mi os 7 st)scr 1^ ego acca mi os 7 s"bscr ►J< ego biarbtwulf mi os 7 sbscr »J< ego mannel mi os 7 sbscr 1^ In nomine dni eodem regi regnante ego cialnoS gratia di areps banc donationem cSeredi regis cu signa see crucis xpi roboro 7 ofirmabo 1^ ego biarnhelm pr at) os 7 st)scr >I< ^ego' no^heard pr os 7 sljscr >J< ^ego" biarnfre^ pr os 7 sbscr 1^ ego osmund pf os 7 sbscr >J< ego wighelm pr os 7 s'bscr >J< ego e^elweald pr os 7 st)scr >I« ego eardulf pr os 7 sbscr ♦ >i< ego biarnhelm pr os 7 sbscr >^ ego tidweald pr os 7 sbscr >i< ego beornred pr os 7 st)scr NINTH CENTURY. 139 >^ ego sefre'5 pr os 7 s15scr >J< ego beornheah pr os 7 sl3scr >J< ego sigefre"S pr os 7 st)scr >i< ego sebearlit pr os 7 sbscr >J< ego sigemund pr os 7 sbscr >i< ego torhthelm pr os 7 sbscr >J< ego herefre'S pr os 7 sbscr ►I* ego beornweald pr os 7 sbser >J< ego wealdhere pr os 7 sbscr >I< ego elfstan pr os 7 sbscr »i< ego aldred pr os 7 sbscr >J< ego bearnulf pr os 7 sbscr >I< ego sigefred arc os 7 sbscr >J« ego bearno'S arc os 7 sbscr >J< ego herefre'S arc os 7 sbscr >I< ego ealhheard sub os 7 sbscr >I< ego cialbearht sub os 7 sbscr ►!< ego wealdhelm sub os 7 sbscr »I< ego tirweald sub os 7 sbscr *5ic* Endorsed in a contemporary hand • an setl set see martine ; ' above which are traces of another short endorsement. B. ^ With the marks of reference, ^ and tf. B. Cott. Aug. ii. 17. A.D. 868. K296. B. ii. 38. Cialulf conveys to his friend and relative Eanmund property in Canterbury. The date was corrected by Kemble. >J« In nomine dni ego cialulf anno ab incarnatione dni nri ihu xpi . dccclxxxviii. dabo et concedo eanmunde amico meo et cognito^ aliquam partem terre iuris mei hoc est in dorobernia ciuitate i^ -j- in longitudo .vi. 140 GENUINE RECOEDS DATED. uirgis et in latitude .iii. haec sunt terminib: in oriente ^"Selmund pr in meredie deibearht in Occident ciolulf in aquilone hemma haec omnia dabo eanmunde , pro conpe- tenti pecuniam quam ab eo accipio i^ —- cxx. denarios argenteis in sempiternam hereditatem sibi habendum et possidendum feliciterq: in dies eius perfruendum et post dies eius cuicumq: ei herede placuerit ad derelinqu^ndum liberam ab omni seruitute regali subgectione liberrima quando xpiana fides in terra seruatur ^ternaliter per- maneat hoc ipsumq: omnib: successorib; nris in nomine omnipotentis di obseruare precipimus 7 si quis hoc seruare uoluerit seruet eum omnipotens ds si quis uero jT tyrannicam potestatem fringe aut minuere uoluerit sciat se anathematum coram xpo et angelis eius nisi ante digna satisfactione ^mendare uoluerit do 7 hominib: manente hac cartula in sua nihilhominum firmitate roborata his testib: consentientib: ac scribentib: quorum hie nomina infra scripta sunt »i< ego §^ered rex banc meam donationem cum uexillo see crucis xpi roborabo et subscribe , , , 1^ ego ciolno^ gratia di archepisc os 7 sb >i< ego heahmund ^lec? episc os 7 sb 1^ ego ^'Selvvulf dux os 7 sb >J< ego dryhtweald dux os 7 sb »J< ego eastmund dux os 7 sb >J< ego garulf in os 7 sb ego ecgbearht m os 7 sb ego ecgfer^ m os 7 sb ego acca m os 7 sb ego wynsige m os 7 sb >I< ego ^^ered m os 7 sb >i< ego dudda m os 7 sb >i< ego lulla m os 7 sb NINTH CENTURY. 141 1^ ego ^^elweald m os 7 st> >i< ego ^'Selmund m os 7 s1& ►J< ego eacca m os 7 st) , >I< ego ^Sel weald m os 7 st> , >^ ego ^^elweald pr os 7 st> , ►I* ego osmund pr os 7 st> , >I< ego ciolulf fh OS 7 st) , *:(c* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, * >J< ciolulf sealde eanmunde his mege Sisne tuun betwix eura wi'S cxx* in gc grbe gSeredes cyninges friols T his bandseten ") sglen ; ' a«c? in a somewhat later hand, ' »J< aeSelerae gebohte et cialulfe ^a strgtg sitJ'San hae ^is land haefde Sae haer be aeften stent 'vii' fan • fgt an brsede Se to Sissum lande be- limpe^ sutJ innan ^et land an Sara wistrsete an lucaenan gewitnesse • •) hyldefriSes "j an cu'Sulfgs • ^ an hymman "j an eadulfgs • '] an biarhth- lafgs • • T Saer ne ggbyre^ an Sam landg an folcaes folcryht to lefsennae runiaes butan twigen fy t to yfaes drypae • ' ^ and in a hand of the 12th century, 'latine.' B. * cognato. See the first endorsement. ^ The memorandum in the endorsement about a right of two feet as easement for the eavesdrop as against the public way, is highly curious. Mr. Coote says: 'The easement thus referred to is the jus stillicidium vertendi in tectum vel aream vicini, Dig. 8. 2, 2 ; ' The Romans in Britain, p. 362. Kemble, Saxons in England, cap. ii, p. 45, treated this as a restraint upon the owner who is bound to leave this margin upon his possession, and not build to the verge, lest a neighbour or the public should be annoyed thereby. And this suits the text best. He refers to Plutarch, Solon 23, for analogous rules of the Athenian legislator, whereby the cultivator must leave a margin of five feet uncultivated, and may not plant a fig or olive tree nearer to his bounds than nine feet. Cott. Aug. ii. 89. A.D. 875. K 307. B. ii. 40. Eardulf grants to his friend Wighelm a piece of land at Ham, with all the rights conveyed to himself by Alfred, king of the West Saxons and Cant ware. In nomine dni regnantis per omnia ac disponentis 142 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. ubique omnia cuius melliflua largitate ditatus ego eard- dulfus dabo ac concedo amico meo wighelmo aliqua parte terra iuris mei 'Sset is an swulung 7 an iocleta in illo loco ubi ab incolis dictii est set bame cii eade libertate qua selfredus rex occidentaliu saxonu necnon set cantwa- rioru mihi in ius propriu cu multorii fideliii testimonio donauit hec facio pro eius conpetenti atque mibi placabili pecunia qua ab eo accepi id est .c. uiginti mancusas auri purissimi ista setenim terra pr^fata ^hls terminibus undiq: cireucincta -r- in oriente ha fleot in occidente puplica strata in aquilone hi redes seota to presta tune 7 se mersc se to "Sam ilcan lande belimp^ qu^ selfredus rex ad augmentii predicte donationis tradidit set in meridie puplica strata o^ "Sane ford isti sunt termini huius pr§- nominati marisci in oriente hiredes mersc to presta tune in occidente heferfleot in aquilone ha fleot in tneridie ilia ipsa terra set hame 7 an cinges bocholte ^ fif wena gang fra lacii o^ sumermessan . h^c omnia dabo ei in sempi- terna h^reditate sibi habendu set possidendii feliciterq: in dies eius perfruendii set post dies eius cuicumq: ei herede placuerit derelinquendu libera per omnia habeat potestate intus set foris magnis ac modicis notis atq: ignotis cii capis siluis pratis pascuis piscationibus omnibusq: ad ea rite hac recte pertinentibus hoc ipsumq: omnib: succes- sorib: nris in nomine omnipotentis di obseruare praecipi- mus utquadiu cristiana fides in terra seruetur libera abomni regali seruitute seternaliter permaneat nisi his tantu trib: causis id -4- expedicione set arcis munitione pontisq: con- structione si quis If hoc seruare uoluerit seruetur ei eterna benedictio in celis si If absit quot non obtamus ut alicuius personis homo diabolica temeritate instigatus surrexerit qui banc donatione infringere uel minuere temptauerit sciat se ratione esse redditurii set a do et NINTH CENTURY. 143 angelis eius in die iudicii separatu nisi antea digna satis- factione do et horainib: hoc emendare uoluerit actii est M* hec donatio anno dominice incamationis decclxxv°. indict .v°. viii. his testib: consentientib: hac conscri- bentib; quom ic nomina infra hac in scedula caraxsant'. ego selfred gratia di rex banc libertate donationis meae consensi manuq : mea propria roboraui et sub- seripsi ego se^eredus archieps . consensi . et subscripsi . ego oswealdus filius regis . o.s. 7 sb . ego selfstan dux . o.s. 7 st) . ego beorhtulf dux . o.s 7 st) . ego.sigulf . m . regis . o.s. 7 sb . ego sighelm . m . regis . o.s 7 sb . ego odda . m . o.s 7 sb . ego mired . m . o.s 7 sb . ego oswulf . in . o.s 7 sb . ego wulfstan . m . o.s. 7 sb . ego heahulf . m . o.s. 7 sb . ego cenweald .m . o.s. 7 sb . ego ceolmund . m . o.s. 7 sb . ego hereweald . m . o.s. 7 sb . ego eadmund . m . o.s. 7 sb . ego osweald . m. o.s. 7 sb . ego eanulf . m . o.s. 7 sb . ego wulfhere . prb 7 ab . o.s 7 sb . Ite ad stabilitate eiusde donationis ego plegmundus misericordia di archieps o.sensi et subscripsi . ego beornhelm prb 7 ab o.s . ego beornheah ctr 7 ab o.s . ego beahstan . prt> . o.s . ego wynhelm , prt) . o.s . *#* Endorsed in a hand of the loth century, 'hammes boc,' and in a 144 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. hand of the 1 2th century, ' Eardulfus dedit hamme amico suo Wigelmo quam dederat ei elfredus Rex . latine.' B. * In vielen Urkunden ertheilen die Konige Weide-, Mast-, und Holz- berechtigungen auf uncultivirtem Lande undbesonders in Waldem, die mitunter Walder des Konigs [K 307], mitunter auch gemeine Walder [K 96] genannt werden. Erwin Nasse, Ueber die, mittelalterliche Feldge- meinschaft, Bonn, 1869, p. 21. MS. Stowe, ed. Manning. A.D. 880-885. K314. T. p. 484. Alfred's Will. »i« Ic iElfred cingc, mid godes gife 7 mid gej^eaht- unge ^Seredes ercebisceopes 7 ealra Westseaxena witena gewitnesse, smeade ymbe minre sawle J^earfe, 7 ymbe min yrfe ^aet me god 7 mine yldran forgeafon, 7 ymbe "Sset yrfe 'Sset A'Sulf cingc, min fseder, us J^rim gebro^rum becwse^, A^elbolde 7 ^^erede 7 me, 7 swylc ure swylce lengest ware, "Sset se fenge to eallum. Ac hit gel amp "Saet ^^elbold gefor, 7 wyt iE^ered, mid ealra Westseaxena witena gewitnesse, uncerne dsel oS- fsestan ^^elbyrhte cincge, uncrum msege ; on "Sa ge- rffidene "Se he hit eft gedyde unc swa gewylde swa hit "Sa wses, "Sa wit hit him c^fsestan, 7 he ^a swa dyde, ge "Sset yrfe^ ge ^set he mid uncre^ gemanan begeat, 7 "Saet he sylf gestrynde. Da hit swa gelamp "Sset iE^ered to feng, ■Sa bsed ic hine, beforan urum witum eallum, "Saet wyt ^set yrfe gedaeldon, 7 he me ageafe minne d«l. f)a saede he me, "Sset he naht ea^e ne mihte todgelan, for'Son he hsefde ful oft ser ongefangen : 7 he cwse^ ^ses ^e he on uncrum gemanan gebruce 7 gestrynde, sefter his dsege he nanum menn sel ne u^e "Sonne me : 7 ic "Saes tSa wses wel gej^afa. Ac hit gelamp ^xt we ealle on hse- NINTH CENTURY. 145 •Senum folce gebrocude wseron; 'Sa sprsece wyt ymbe uncre beariij "Saet hf sumre are be}7orftan^ sselde unc on "Sam brocum swa unc sselde : 'Sa wseron we on gemote set Swinbeorgum ; "Sa gecwsedon wit on Westseaxena witena gewitnesse, 'Sset swa'Ser uncer leng wsere, ^aet he geii'Se o^res bearnum ^ara landa 'Se wyt sylfe be- geaton, 7 'Sara landa "Se unc A^ulf cingc forgeaf be ^^elbolde lifiendum, butan "Sam ^e he us |7rim gebro- 'Srum gecwse^ : 7 "Sees uncor segtJer oSrum his wedd sealde, swa^er uncer leng lifede, 'Sset se fenge seg^er ge to lande ge to madmum 7 to eallum his sehtum, butan 'Sam dsele 'Se uncer gehwee^er his bearnum be- cwse^. Ac hit gelamp 'Sset -^E^ered cingc gefor ; 'Sa ne cy^de me nan mann nan yrfe-gewrit, ne nane gewit- nesse, ■Sset hit senig o'Ser wsere butan swa wit on gewit- nesse ser gecwsedon. Da gehyrde we nu manegu yrfe- gefiitu : nu 'Sa Isedde ic AiSulfes cinges yrfe-gewrit on ure gemot set Langandene, 7 hit man arsedde beforan eallum Westseaxena witum. Da hit arsed wses, "Sa bsed ic hy ealle, for minre lufan, 7 him min wedd bead "Sset ic hyra nsefre neenne ne oncutSe forSon 'Se hy on riht sprsecon, 7 'Sset hyra nan ne wandode ne for minan lufan ne for minum ege, 'Sset hy 'Sset folcriht arehton ; 'Sylses senig man cwe'Se, ^set ic mine msegcild, o^'Se yldran, o'S^e gingran, mid wo fordemde . 7 hy ^a ealle to rihte gerehton 7 cwsedon, 'Sset hy nan rihtre riht ge- )7encan ne mihtan, ne on "Sam yrfe-ge write gehyran: " nu hit call agan is on "Sseron o'S ^ne hand : 'Sonne 'Su hit becwe^e 7 sylle swa gesibre handa swa fremdre, swa^er ^e leofre sy :" 7 hi ealle me "Sses hyra wedd sealdon 7 hyra handsetene, i^set be hyra life hit n^nig man nsefre ne onwende on nane oSre wisan, butan swa swa ic hit sylf gecweSe set 'Sam nyhstan dsege. 146 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Ic Alfred Westseaxena cingc, mid g-odes gife 7 mid ■Sisse gewitnesse, gecwe^e hu ic ymbe min yrfe wille sefter minum daege. jErest ic an Eadwearde minum yldran suna, ^ses landes set Strtetneat on Triconscire,^ 7 Heortingtunes, 7 "Sa bocland ealle "Se Leof heah hylt, 7 ^set land set Carumtune, 7 set Cylfantune, 7 set Burn- hamme, 7 set Wedmor ; 7 ic eom fyrmdig to ^am hiwum set Ceodre 'Sset hy hine ceosan ^ on "Sa gerad "Se we ser gecweden hsefdon, mid Sam lande set Ciwtune 7 "Sam ^e "Sserto hyra^ ; 7 ic him an 'Sses landes set Cantuctune, 7 set Bedewindan, 7 set Pefesigge, 7 Hysseburnan, 7 set Suttune, 7 set Leodridan, 7 set Aweltune. And ealle •Sa bocland 'Se ic on Cent hsebbe, 7 set "Sam nytSeran Hysseburnan, 7 set Cyseldene, agyfe man into Win- tan ceastre, on -Sa gerad 'Se hit min fseder £er geewse^, 7 -Sset min sundorfeoh "Sset ic Ecgulfe oSfseste on "Sam neoSeran Hysseburnan . 7 ^am gingran minan suna "Sset land set Eaderingtune, 7 "Sset set Dene, 7 ^set set Meone, 7 'Sset set Ambresbyrig, 7 set Deone, 7 set Stu- reminster, 7 set Gifle, 7 set Crusern, 7 set Hwitancyrican, 7 set Axanmu^an, 7 set Branecescumbe, 7 set Columtune, 7 set Twyfyrde, 7 set Mylenburnan, 7 set Exanmynster, 7 set Su^eswyr^e, 7 set Liwtune, 7 'Sa land "Se 'Sser to hyran, ^set synd ealle ^e ic on Wealcynne hsebbe butan Triconscire. And minre yldstan dehter "Ssene ham set Welewe; 7 'Seere medemestan, set Clearan, 7 set Cen- defer; 7 ^sere gingestan tSone ham set Welig, 7 set JEsctune, 7 set Cippenhamme ; 7 ^^elme, mines broker suna, "Sone ham set Ealdingburnan, 7 set Cumtune, 7 set Crundellan, 7 set Beadingum, 7 set Beadingahamme, 7 set Burnham, 7 set Dunresfelda, 7 set -^scengum ; 7 -^"Selwolde, mines bro'Sor suna, 'Sone ham set Godel- mingum, 7 set Gyldeforda, 7 set Stseningum; 7 Os- NINTH CENTURY. 147 fer'Se minum msege, ^one ham set Beccanlea, 7 set HrySeranfelda, 7 set Dicceling-um, 7 set Su^tune, 7 set LuUingmynster, 7 set Angemseringtun, 7 set Felhhamme, 7 -Sa land "Se ^ser to hyran ; 7 Ealhswi^e ^one ham set Lambburnan, 7 set Waneting, 7 set E'Sandune ; 7 minum twam sunum an ]7usend punda, ag^rum fif hund punda ; 7 minre yldstan dehter, 7 ^sere medemestan, 7 ^£ere gingstran, 7 Ealhsvvi^e, him feowriim, feower hund punda, gelcum an hund punda ; 7 minra ealdor- manna selcum an hund mangcusa, 7 ^^elme, 7 iE^el- wolde, 7 Osfer^e, eac swa ; 7 ^'Serede ealdormenn an sweord on hundteontigum mancusum ; 7 'Sam mannum "Se me folgia'S, ^e ic nu on eastertidum feoh sealde, twa hund punda agyfe man him, 7 dsele man him betweoh, £elcum swa him to gebyrian wille, sef'ter "Ssere wisan tSe ic him nu dselde ; 7 Sam ercebisceope .c. mancusa, 7 Esne bisceope, 7 Wserfer'Se bisceope, 7 "Sam set Scire- burnan. Eac swa gedale for me 7 for minne fseder, 7 for "Sa frynd "Se he fore )7ingode 7 ic fore J^ingie, twa hund punda, fiftig maessepreostum ofer eall mln rice, fiftig earmum godes J^eowum, fiftig earmum J7earfum, fiftig to 'Ssere cyrican Se ic set reste; 7 ic nat naht gewislice hwse^er 'Sses feos swa micel is, ne ic nat ^eah his mare sy ; butan swa ic wene. Gif hit mare sy, beo hit him eallum gemsene "Se ic feoh beeweden hsebbe ; 7 ic wille 'Sset mine ealdormenn 7 mine J^enigmenn 'Sser ealle mid syndan, 7 "Sis Sus gedselan. Donne hsefde ic £er on oSre wisan awriten ymbe min yrfe, Sa ic hsefde mare feoh 7 ma maga, 7 hsefde monegum mannum Sa gewritu oSfsest, 7 on 'Sas ylcan gewitnesse hy waeron awritene ; Sonne hsebbe ic nu forbserned "Sa ealdan "Se ic geahsian mihte. Gif hyra hwylc funden bi^, ne for- stent ^set naht ; for^am ic wille ^set hit nu ^us sy mid L 2 148 GENUINE RECOKDS DATED. godes fultume. And ic wille "Sa menn "Se "Sa land habba'S, "Sa word gelaestan ^e on mines fseder yrfe- gewrite standa'S, swa swa by fyrmest magon: 7 ic wille gif ic senigum menn senig feob unleanod haebbe, "Sset mine magas "Sset burn geleanian. And ic wille "Sa menn "Se ic mine bocland becweden hsebbe, ^set by hit ne asyllan of minum cynne ofer beora dseg ; ac ic wille [ofer] byra dseg "Sset hit gange on ^a nyhstan hand me, butan byra hwylc beam bssbbe ; "Sonne is me leofast •Sset bit gange on 'Sset stryned on Sa wsepned bealfe, Sa bwile ^e genig dses wyr'Se sy. Min yldra feeder baefde gecweden bis land on "Sa sperebealfe, nses on "Sa spinl- bealfe; "Sonne, gif ic gesealde senigre wifbanda ^ait be gestrynde, ^onne forgyldan mine magas, 7 gif by bit be "San libbendan habban wyllan; gif bit elles sy, gange bit ofer byra daeg swa swa we ser gecweden bsefdon : for^on ic cwe'Se, "Saet hi bit gyldan, forSon by fo^S to minum "Se ic syllan mot swa wifbanda swa wsep- nedhanda swa'Ser ic wylle. And ic bidde on godes nam an 7 on his baligra "Sset minra maga nan ne yrfe- wearda, ne geswence nan nsenig cyrelif "Sara "Se ic fore- geald, 7 me Westseaxena witan to rihte gerehton, ^set ic hi mot Isetan swa freo swa )7e6we, swaSer ic wille ; ac ic, for godes lufan 7 for minre sawle ]7earfe, wylle "Sset by syn beora freolses wyr^e 7 byra eyres ; 7 ic on godes lifiendes naman beode "Sset by nan man ne brocie, ne mid feos manunge, ne mid nsenigum ]?ingum, "Sset by ne motan ceosan swylcne mann swylce by wyllan. And ic wylle "Sset man agyfe "Sam biwum set Domrabamme byra landbec 7 byra freols, swylce hand to ceosenne swylce him leofast sy, for me 7 for ^Iflaede, 7 for "Sa frynd "Se beo fore j7ingode 7 ic fore )?ingie. And sec ■man ^ac on cwicum ceape ymbe minre sawle ];earfe, swa NINTH CENTURY. 149 hit beon msege^ 7 swa hit eac gerysne sy, 7 swa ge me forgyfan wyllan. ' uncrum Thorpe ; who translates, 'that which he with our common property had acquired.' ^ 'At Stratton in Cornwall.' T. See Stubbs, Constit. Hist. i. p. 100. ^ As there are charters of Eadwig, Eadgar, and Eadmund, which are dated from a royal home at Cheddar, Mr. Thorpe understands by the hiwan either the king's vassals or else the members of a religious house there, having a legal right to choose their loixi. The latter seems most favoured by the singular term 'cyrelif * below, and the light aflForded by the context there. See Bosworth, ed. Toller, v. Cyrelif. MS. Stowe. Lye, App. Diet. A.D. 871-889. K317. T. p. 480. Elfred dux his will, addressed to king Alfred and others concemeii. 1^ Xp. Ic Elfred dux hatu writan 7 cySan an "Sis- sum gewrite . Elfrede regi 7 eallum his weotum 7 ge- weotan . 7 ec swylce minum megum 7 minum gefeorum . ^a men "Se ic mines erfes 7 mines boclondes seolest onn . ■Sset is 'Sonne Werburg min wif 7 uncer gemene beam . ^aet is ^onne set serestan an Sonderstede 7 on Selesdune XXXII hida . 7 on Westarham xx hida . 7 on Cloppaham XXX hida . 7 on Leangafelda vii hida . 7 on Horsalege X hida . 7 on Netelamstyde ^/u hida. Ic Elfred dux sello Werburge 7 Alh^ry^e uncum gemenum bearne . sefter minum dege . "Sas lond mid cwice erfe . 7 mid ear'Se . 7 raid allum J>ingum 'Se to londum belimpa^ . 7 twa J7usendu swina ic heom sello mid "Sem londum . gif hit hio gehalde'S mid "Sare clsennisse "Se uncer word gecwaedu seondan . 7 hio gebrenge set sancte Petre min twa wergeld gif 'Set godes wille seo ^aet heo "Sset fsereld 150 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. age ; Ond sefter Werburge dsege seo AUi'Sry^e -Sa lond unbefliten on Sonderstyde . 7 on Selesdune . 7 on Lean- gafelda. Ond gif heo beam hsebbe . feo 'Sset beam to ■Ssem londum sefter hire . gif heo beam nsebbe . feo ^onne an hire rehtfsederen sio neste bond to ^em londe . ond to 'Sem erfe . 7 swa hwylc minra fsedrenmega swa ^set sio "Sset bine to ^an gehagige . "Sset he 'Sa o'Soro lond begeotan msege . 7 wille . 'Sonne gebyege he ^a lond set hire mid halfe weor'Se. Ond swe hwylc mon swa ^set sio ^set Ses londes bruce ofer minne dseg on Cloppaham ^anne geselle he cc peninga eghwylee gere to Ceortesege for Elfredes sawle . to feormfultume. Ond ic sello ^^elwalde minum suna in hida hoc londes . 11 hida on Hwaetedune . anes hides an Ga- tatune . 7 him sello ^serto c swina . 7 gif se cyning him geunnan wille ^es folclondes to 'Ssem boclonde . Sonne habbe 7 bruce . gif hit "Sset ne sio . Sonne selle hio him swa hwaSer swa hio wille . swa Set lond on Horsalege . swa Set an Leangafelda; Ond ic sello Berhtsige minum mege an hide boclondes on Lsencanfelda . 7 Sserto c. swina . 7 geselle hio c. swina to Cristes cirican for me . 7 for mine sawle . 7 c to Ceortesege . 7 Sone oferecan mon gedsele gind mynsterhamas to godes ciricum in SuSregum . 7 in Cent . Sa hwile Se hio lestan willen ; Ond ic sello Sigewulfe minum mege . ofer Werburge dseg . Sset lond an Netelhamstyde. Ond Sigulf geselle of Sem londe . c peninga to Cristes cirican. Ond eg- hwylc Sara erfewearda Se seffcer him to Ssem londe foe . Sonne ageofen hio Sa ilcan elmessan to Cristes cirican for iElfredes sawle . Sa hwile Se fulwiht sio . 7 hit man on Ssem lande begeotan msege ; Ond ic sello Eadrede minum mege Set lond on Fearnlege sefter iESelredes daege . gif he hit to him geearnian wile . 7 he geselle NINTH CENTURY. 151 of ^em londe xxx [sestra] cornes seghwelce gere to Hrofescestre. Ond sic Sis lond gewriten 7 unbefliten sefter Eadredes dsege in -^Ifredes reht meodrencynn ^sl hwile ^e fulwihte sio on Angelcynnes ealonde. ©eos foresprec . 7 ^as gewriotu . ^e her beufan awreotene stonda'S . ic iElfred willio . 7 wille ^set hio sion scS- faestlice foi-Sweard getrymed me 7 minum serfeweardum. Gif 'Sset 'Sonne god allmsehtig geteod habbe . ond me "Saet on Isene geli^ "Saet gesibbra serfeweard for'Scyme^ wepnedhades . 7 acenned weor'Se^ . ^anne ann ic ^sem ofer minne daeg alles mines erfes to brucanne . swa him leofust sio ; And swa hwylc mon swa 'Sas god . 7 "Sas geofe . 7 ^as gewrioto . 7 "Sas word . mid rehte haldan wille . ond gelestan . gehalde hine heofones cyning in "Sissum life ondwardum . 7 eac swa in "Ssem towardan life ; Ond swa hwylc mon swa hio wome . 7 breoce . gewome him God almahtig his weorldare ond eac swa his sawle are ; Her syndon "Saera manna naman awritene ^e "Seosse wisan geweotan sindon. >I« Ic ^^ered ar.bisc. mid ^sere halgan Cristes rode tacne ^as word 7 'Sas wisan fsestnie 7 write. >^ Alfred dux. >i< Beorhtuulf dux. >^ Beornhelm abb. >I< Ear- duulf abb. ►$« Werburg. >J< Sigfred pr. >J< Beon- heah pr. >^ Beagstan pr. >i< Wulfheah. >^ ^Sel- wulf pr. 1^ Earduulf pf. >{« Beorno^ diac. >{« WeaJd- helm diac. >I< Wine sb diac. >{« Ssefre^. ►{< Ceolmund m. >J< Eadmund in. 1^ Eadwald in. >^ Siguulf m, *:(.* This Will is a chief text for the definition of folcland. See Schmid v. Folcland. The testator bequeaths to Werburg his wife large estates which are spoken of as hereditary and as bocland ; and he also bequeaths three hides of like tenure to his son ^Selwald — ' and if the king will grant him the folcland in addition to the bocland, then let him have it and enjoy it : but if that be not so, then, she (Werburg) is to 152 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. give him one or the other, which she pleases, of two estates above given to her, of which the one was seven the other ten hides.' From this we learn an important difference between bocland and folcland, that the former could, the latter could not, be willed. And we gather that folc- land could not go to a woman. Moreover, in this will, we catch a glimpse of the large herds of swine which the Saxon landowners kept. This Elfred the testator was the person who gave to Christ Church that book which is known as the Golden Gospels, and which is now at Stockholm. It is &csimiled in Kask's Grammar, and by Prof. West- wood, 1868. Canterbury Archives. A.D. 889. S. i. 11. Suithulf bp. of Rochester, with the brotherhood there, grants land to Biorhtwulf a priest. This was first published in the Fac- similes of the Ordnance Survey. ►J< Regnante in perpetuum domino nostro ihesu christo Omnia regna huius labentis uitae regnorumque dispensatores ab initio histius sseculi cum uelocitate deficientes ceciderunt . Ideo fugitiuis ex mortalibus rebus aeterna gaudia promerenda sunt, qua propter ego swi^u- ulf episcopus 7 'Sa higan set hrofes cestre, dabunt biorhtuulfo presbitero aliquam partem terre in pro- uincio can tie in regione que uocatur haddun id est dimidium unius aratri pro eius placabili pecunio in hereditatem sempiternam iure hereditorio tibi ad haben- dum set possidendum feliciter perfruendum in dies tuos . set post dies tuos cuicumque herede tibi placuerit . dere- linquendum liberam per omnia habeas potestatem. Hsec sunt set enim termini histius predicti agelli circumia- centia biscopes mearc annor'San east be hunesbiorge o'S ciolmundes mearce 7 ^es landes in erefwe su^ ober haddune middewearde 7 ober "Sane ealdan tunsteall 0^ NINTH CENTUKY. 15S cinges mearce 7 su'S be cinges mearce o^ 'Sane myclan del nor^an 7 west be cinges mearce 0^ ciolmundes wioda 7 west be % wioda andlanges 'Sare rode o^ ^ane pyt 7 east fram "Sy pytte Surh "Sane wioda wi^ su'San hunes- biorge 7 wen weg 'Sy lande ober ciolmundes land to ealdan strete, haec sunt prata que ad illam terram pertinent. .1. Et bioccan lea . 7 an su'S healfe strodes an cyninges medum ^a ^e ^serto belimpa'S. Anni domini nostri ihesu christi dccclxxxviiii scripta est hec cartula his testibus consentientibus set subscri- uentibus quorum hie nomina tenentur ad scripta ^ Ego suui^ulf episcopus banc donationem signo sancte crucis christi confirmavi, >J< Ego sigehelm dux consensi et subscripsi >i< Ego ealhhere minister consensi et subscripsi 1^ Ego dioruulf presbyter consensi et subscripsi 1^ Ego earduulf presbyter consensi et subscripsi »i< Ego sigebearht presbyter consensi et subscripsi ^ Ego ciolmund archidiaconus consensi et subscripsi tit Ego ealhstan diaconus consensi et subscripsi *:(.* Endorsed : — >J< Eadgar cynincg of his agenre handa sealde ]}a& boc leofrice on J)ara gewitnesse ]>e her benij)aii standa]). dunstan . archiepis- copus »J< athelwold episcopus. oswald episcopus. aelf here . dux. selfwine frater eius. >J< wulstan . minister, osgar abbas, ealdred minister. eadehn . minister, wulfheh minister, leofstan minister, aelfheh minister. wulfsige minister, byrhtric minister, wulfsige minister, leofric minister. SuiJ)ulfus episcopus rofFensis . et conuentus dederunt biortuulfo diniidium aratri at haddun » . latine . Haddune booc. 154 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Cott. Vesp. A. V. 169. A.D. 896. K1073. T. p. 139, from Heming. iEJSelred of Mercia held a great council for revision of government, and it was at this Witenagemot that WerfertS bishop of Worcester re- covered from one iESelwald the woodland of Woodchester (Gloucester), which had been given to his see by king iESel- bald. This woodland had been appropriated to the conter- minous estates of Bisley, Avening, Thornbury, &c., for all which annexations a single man is answerable, named ^ESel- wald. He does not pretend to dispute the bishop's claim, but petitions the enjoyment on lease for his own time and that of his son Alhmund. >^ RixiENDUM ussum dryhtene "Ssem hselendan Crist! ^fter ^on 'Se segan wses ehta hund wintra and syx and bund nigontig efter his acennednesse and % feower- teo^an gebonngere, "Sa ^y gere gebeon ^E^elred ealder- man selle Mercna weotan tosomne to Gleaweceastre bisceopas, and aldermen, and alle his dugu^e, and "Sset dyde be jiElfredes cyninges gewitnesse and leafe; and heo 'Sa 'Seer smeadan hii heo rihtlicost heora J^eodscip seg^er ge for Gode ge for weorlde gehealdan mehton, and ec monige men ryhtan ge godcundra hada ge weorldcundra, ge on londum ge on ma ^ara J?inga 'Se heo on forhaldne weran. Da cy^de Werfer^ bisceop "Sam weotum "Sset him wsere forneh eall "Sset wudulond on gereafad "Se to Wuduceastre belomp 'SaBt -^'Selbald cyning gesealde to Weogornaeeastre him to eere selmessan, Wilfer'Se t) to msestlonde and to wudu- londe ; and "Saet ssede 'Sset hit wsere sume genumen to Bislege, sum to ^feningum, sum to Scorranstane, sume to Dornbyrig "Ssbs "Se he wende; ^a cw£edon eall "Sa NINTH CENTURY. 155 weotan ^set mon u^e 'Ssere cyrcan rihtes swa well swa 6'Serre, and 'Sa sona wses ^^elwald 'Sees wordes ■^set he no "Ses rihtes wi^sacan wolde, and ssede 'Saet Aldberht and Alhhiin bisceop wseron ser ymb 'Sset ylce and cwaeiS ^aet he selcre cireaen aa his d^la rihtes u^e ; and hit swa swiSe mildlice ageaf 'Sam bisceop and heht his geneat, Ecglaf hatte, ridan mid ceastersetna preoste, Wulf hun hatte, and he hine ^a, gelsedde ealle ^a gemgeru swa he him of ^am aldan bocum raedde hu hit ser ^^elbald cyning gemserude and gesalde. Da wilnede ^Selwald swa 'Seh to ^am % and to 'Sam higen "Sset heo him mildemode alefdan f he his moste bruean "Sa hwile 'Se he wsere and heo Alhmund his sunu ; and heo hit woldon habban on his Isene and hina, and he nsefre ne heora nowSer hine bereafian wolde ^^ere maestreddene 'Se he him aleafed hsefde on Longan hryege ^am tldum 'Se hine God him salde ; ond he ^a ^^elwald Saet word gecwse^ ^set hit aa haefde ofer Godes est 'Se hit hsefde butan 'Sare cyrcan hlaforde ^e he hit to ageaf butan Alhmunde, and ^set 'Sonne on ^a gearan^ "Se he heolde "Sa ylcan freonde- reddene ^e he heold wi^ ^one bisceop ; gif hit 'Sonne gebirie 'Saet Alhmund swa 'Sa freondreddene healdan nolde o^^e hine mon oferricte ^set he ne most landes wyr^e beon, o^^e J^ridda wend gif him ser his ende geselde, 'Sset 'Sonne 'Sgere cyrcan hlaford fenge to his londe swa hit MsBrena weotan on 'Sa gemote gerahton and him Sa bee wisedon 'Sses londes. And ^is wses gedon on ^'Selredes gewitnesse aldormonnes, and on ^^elflaede and ^Sulfes aldormonnes, and iE'Selfer'Ses aldormonnes, and Alhhelmes aldormannes, and Ead- no^es, and ^Ifrsedes, and VVerfer'Ses, and ^^elwaldes, msessepreostees, and his agenra maga iE^elstanes and 156 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. -^"Selhunnes and eac Alhmundes his agenes sunu : and ^us se ceastersetna preost hit gerad and se JE^el- waldes geneat mid hine, £erost on Ginne^l^ege^ and "Sanon on Roddanbeorg sylfne, 'Sanon on Smececumb "Sanon on Sengetlege, "Sanon on Heardanlege ^sere is o^er noma Dryganleg, 'Sset swa on "Sa Isessan Naegles- lege, and swa to iE'Selfer'Ses londe. Bus him gewisede se ^^elwaldes mo[n] 'Sa gemseru swa him "Sa aldan bee ryhtan and wisedon. ^ Thorpe suggests gerad. 2 GemySlege T. Translation : — ^ Under the government of our Lord and Saviour Christ ! When there was gone 896 years after his birth, and in the fourteenth Indiction, in that year summoned alderman ^thelred all the Mercian councilmen together to Gloucester ; bishops, and aldermen, and all his nobility ; and that he did by king Alfred's knowledge and leave ; and they then there deliberated how they could rightliest order their people as well before God as before the world, and likewise to right many men both of the spiritual and of the temporal orders in respect of lands and other things besides, wherein they had been injured. Then did bishop WerferS declare to the councilmen that he had been dis- possessed of well-nigh all the woodland belonging to Woodchester, which king jE'Selbald had given to Worcester for a perpetual alms on his own account, and for mastland and woodland to bishop WilferS : and that he said had been partly taken to Bisley, part to Avening, part to Scorranstan, part to Thornbury, as he supposed. Then said all the councilmen that justice should be accorded to that church as well as to any other ; and immediately upon that JEthelwald expressed himself as having no wish to dispute the right, and he said that bishop Aldberht and Aldhun had been formerly about the same business, and he said that he had always for his part been disposed to render full right to every church : and so he mildly yielded it up to the bishop, and ordered his yeoman, Ecglaf by name, to ride with the citizens' chaplain who was called Wulfhun, and he, shewed him all the bounds as he read to him out of the old books, according as king ^Selbald had originally defined and granted it. Then did ^'Selwald however make request to the bishop and to the society that they would graciously allow him to enjoy it for his lifetime and that of Alhmund his son ; and how that they would hold it on loan from him and the society, and he would never, nor would either of them, deprive him of the swine-pasture that he had let him have on Long Ridge for such times as God should give NINTH CENTURY. 157 it him ; and he then ^thelwald spake the word that whoever held it, except the lord of that church to whom he had restored it, would always hold it under God's displeasure, with the exception of Alhmund, and that exception made upon the understanding that he was to maintain the same friendship with the bishop as he (-(Ethelwald) had done. If however it should come to pass that Alhmund refused to maintain that friendship, or if he should be convicted of a crime which would make him incapable of holding land, or, a third case, if his end should happen first, that then the lord of that church should take to his land, as the Mercian councilmen at that Gem6t had settled it, and as the deeds of the land directed them. And this was done with the witness of -^thelred alder- man, and of -^thelflsRd, and of ^thulf alderman, and ^thelferS alderman, and Alhhelm alderman, and Eadnoth, and ^Ifraed, and Wer- fer'S and^thelwald priest, and his own kinsmen ^^elstan and^Selhun and likewise Alhmund his own son ; and thus the citizens' priest rode the bounds and -^^elwald's yeoman with him, first at GinneSleah, and thence on to Rodborough itself, thence to Smececumb, thence to Senget- leah, thence to Heardanleah, otherwise called Dryganleah, and so on to the lesser Naeglesleah, and so to ^SelferS's land. Thus did ^thel- wald's man guide him over the bounds as the old deeds directed and indicated. Chart. Ant. Cantuar. F. 150. A.D. 898. K 324. S. i. 12. -aaifrsedus Saxonum rex, grants in perpetuity to aldorman Sighelm one manens at Fearnleag (Farleigh on the Medway above Maid- stone) and one large ' wisce ' to go with the land. This may- be a * wash ' or marish ; and Mr. Sanders cites Domesday for eel fisheries at Farleigh. He also notes that Eadweard the heir to the throne is styled * rex ' in his father's lifetime. >J< In nomine domine ego selfrsedus gratia dei saxonum rex . meo fideli duce sigilmo^ concede in perpetuam possessionem terram iuris mei uniusque manentis in loco qui dicitur fearnleag et an myclan wisce vi. seceres msede into "Sam lande an nor^eweardre wi^ eadweald sibirhtigne^ pro eius amabilii pecunia ut abeat et posse- deat quam diu uiuat . postque suum ab ac uita decessum 158 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. liberam abeat potestatem dandi cuicumque placuerit acta est autem hsec donatio anno ab incarnatione cbristi . Dcccxcviii. in loco qui dicitur wulfamere . biis testi- bus consentientibus quorum nomina infra karaxata esse fidentur »J< ego selfred rex saxonum banc meam donationem signo sancte crucis confirmo. i^ eadweard rex . banc regis donationem stabilito >J< ordlaf dux. ^ beorbtsige minister, t^ eadweald minister. »J< ecgfer^S minister. >J< sigulf dux. ^ osfer'S minister. f^ se^elstan sacerdos. i^t eadhelm minister. f^ wullaf dux. »J< wulfhere minister. i^ cu^ulf minister. }^ Ista autem prsefata terra hiis terminibus circum- cincta esse uidetur. ►I* serest easte weard "Saet ealde bocland to fearnleage li^ "Sonne is "Saet su'S land gemaere 'Sses cinges west and- lang "Sees fyrb'Ses o'S "Sone bradan weg "Se uppan scet to fealcnes forda "Sonne belt mede wsege "Sset nor^ land gem sere : ^ *5|.* Endorsed : — aelfredus Kex dedit sigilmo terrain in farnlege . feamleg . latine fernleah * Under the year 905 the Saxon Chronicle preserves a circumstantial record of the death of Sighelni aldorman of Kent, who is almost cer- tainly the grantee of this deed ; joining with him another Kentish aldorman Sigulf who here appears among the signataries: and with these two is immediately joined the name of ' Eadwald cynges J)egn,' whom we may identify, if with less certainty, yet with little doubt, as the same person with the * Eadweald minister,' who is a signatary, and the Eadweald Sigbrihting, who was a conterminous landlord. ' For Sibirhtingne, a strong adjectival accusative of the patronymic. ^ The bounds are brief but rich in material. Eastward was the old book-land at Farleigh ; and this old book -land we take to be East Far- leigh, while the estate here conveyed is perhaps West Farleigh, or the germ thereof. And though the southern meer blends somewhat vaguely NINTH CENTURY. 159 with the western, we cannot avoid identifying the singular term * "Saes fyrhSes * with the * Fright Wood ' in the Ordnance Map, nearly though not quite in the situation corresponding to the description. Perhaps the present Fright Wood is but a remnant of that long stretch of wood- land which the terms of the deed require. Cotton Charter viii. 27. A.D. 901. KSSO. B. iii. 1. ^^ered and -ffiJ^elfled joint rulers of the Mercians, grant land to Wenlock abbey, in compensation for other land that had been alienated therefrom for the royal domain. They also give to the same church a golden chalice weighing 30 mancuses. ►!< Regnante rege reguum qui in tribus . psonis sue . >I« sc^ diuinitatis consistit qui angelos . necnon et . >i< animas c^lum terramque . sine materia creauit . »I< corpora namque de . iiii . id est ex aere et aqua et . >I< de terra . igneue . p ipsius excelsi regis nutu . »^ transiet tempus psens et qua lis dies fugiunt . >J< et ut sapiens Salomon ait generatio uenit generatio . »J< recedit . et quos uidi non uideo et quos uideo non . >J< uidebo et semp omnia ad finem festinant . ideo atra- . >J< mento litteras chartulis comendamus ut qu^ cupira . >I« .... possint ad euitandam supuenientium scandalorum . >J< periculosam contentionem . ne a posteris labentur . >J< sine memoria priscorum procerum statuta . His . 1^ itaque . pdictis ad memoriam reuocemus . quod . »i< severed sepelfledquje opitulante gratuita di gratia 1^ monarchiam . merceorum tenentes honorificeque . >J< gubernantes et defendentes . insu^ eorum congre- . 1^ gatio wininicensis eclesi^ consentiens consentit il . . >{< rum dominie terram . manentium . viii . in east . >I< hope . iii . in peatting tune . v . in hereditatem . 160 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. >J< ppetuam habendi possidendique . pro comutatione >J< illius terr^ in stan tune .* x cassatarum qu§ prius >J< erat foras concessa in dominium regalem . pro >j^ libertate illius monasterii sed nos iterum cum i^ licentia et testimonio pantorum pcerum merceorum »J< comodauimus ea condicione ut sit sub dominio >J< senioris illius ecl§si§ et .... ad mensam sed et >I< terram . iii . manentium qu^ dicitur cahing Iseg ad >J< mensam illius congregationis ppetualiter dona- >I< uimus qu^ antea in trium hominuminum diem >i< foras concessa fuerat , ista a . . . e supradicta terra >i< id est in east hope et in peating tune . libera scripta ►!< constat ab omnium psonarum iugo seruitutis . Nos >i< etiam condonauimus . kalicem aureum pensans ►J< . XXX . mancusos ad istam . . . . n di amore hono- >5< req; uirginis . uenerabile . . . mildburge . abbatiss^ >^ ut securius possimus pfrui huius terre possesionem »J« ea condicione ut pmaneat indesinenter . semp in »i< ista §clesia quamdiu cussa pmaueat . ^ nisi sub iurem istius §clesi§ ad illorum >J< mensam si necessitas euenerit . acta . est If ista >^ chartula anno dominice incarn . dcccc°i° .in »^ in ciuitate scrobbensis trina magestas 1^ conseruet conseruantes . condemnet ledentes . hii »^ sunt testes . buius . cbartul§ . >I< ego severed ij« ego se'Selfled . c TENTH CENTURY. 161 un, d. OS wired . selfric . cu^ulf . wulfsig . [tjidelm . aldred . wigburg . burgred 8e"Selswi^ . wulfsig . wulfgyS culfre . cineburg . At {he "bottom of the charter are the upper portion of the letters ME . CEVCI8 . >J< . *#* 'Endorsed, *east hop.'; and in a hand of the i^th century, ' donum effredi Vegis' de esthop scilicet stowell . patteneia.* B. Addit. Chart. 19, 791. A. D. 904. B.iii. 2. Werfrith bp. Worcester, grants to Wulfsige his reeve one hide in East tun. COROGRAPHVM RixiENDUM on ecnisse ussum drihtne hselende criste se-oe all "Sing gemetega'S ge on heofenum ge on eor'San J^aes inflsescnisse 'Sy gere J^e agen waes dcccc wintra 7 iiii winter 7 ^y uii . gebon gere . ic uuerfrid biseo'p' mid mines arweor^an heorodes ge'Sa- ftmega 7 leafe on weogerna ceastre sylle wulfsige minum gerefan wi'S bis holdum msegene 7 eadmodre bernesse anes bides lond on easttune swa swa berred bit bsefde on "Sreora monna dseg 7 all "Sset inn lond belige'S an die utane 7 )7onne ofer "Sreora monna d§g agefe monn eft 162 GENUINE KECOKDS DATED. 'Saet lond butan elcon wi'Sercwide inn to weogerna ceastre 7 "Sis seondan 'Sara monna noman ^e "Sset ge^a- fedon 7 mid cristes rode tacne gefaestnedon >I< uuerfri'S biscop >^ cynebelm abb >I< uuerfri'S prs >J< eadmund prs »J< berhtmund prs >J< tidbald prs >J< hildefri^ prs >J« ecfri-S prs i^ eaduulf prs 1^ wiglaf prs >I< oslac diacon 1^ cyna'S diacon >J< berhthelm >J< wigheard 1^ monn >J< earduulf >J< uullaf >I< berhthelm >{< heahred ►$< cynelaf >J< uulfred >J< cynehelm 1^ uulfric 1^ cenfri'S >J< hwituc 1^ cynelaf >^ ceolhelm 1^ uullaf >J< ealhmund >J< earduulf 1^ uulfgar. *5ie* Endorsed, 'unlfsiges lond boc'; and in later hands, 'heast- unesboc * ' and * Eadward senior.' B. Chart. Ant. Cantuar. C. 1282. About 007. K328. T. p. 169. S. i. 13. Anonymous Memorial or petition, in form of a letter, addressed to the king, who can be no other than Eadweard the son of Alfred. The petitioner informs the king how he has dealt with five hides of land at Fonthill (Wilts), which became his in the manner described, and he prays the king that what has been done may stand. The result appears on the back ^. >J« Leof ic "Se cy^e hu hit wses ymb "Saet lond set funtial "Sa fif hida "Se se'Selm higa ymb spyc^ "Sa helm- stan "Sa undaede gedyde 'Sset he se'Seredes belt forstsel . "Sa ongon higa him specan sona on mid o'Sran onspe- cendan 7 wolde him o^flitan "Sset lond "Sa sohte he me 7 bsed me "Sset ic him wsere forespeca for^on ic his hsefde ser onfongen set biscopes honda ser he "Sa undsede gedyde . •Sa spaec ic him fore 7 "Singade him to selfrede cinge TENTH CENTURY. 163 •Sa god forgelde his saule 'Sa lyfde he 'Sset he moste beon ryhtes wyr^e for mire forspsece 7 ryht race wi'S se'Selm ymb ^aet lond ^Sa het he hie seman "Sa wees ic ^ara monna sum "Se 'Sser to genemned wseran 7 wihtbord 7 selfric wses ^a hrsel ^en 7 byrhthelm 7 wulf hun *Ses blaca set sumortune 7 strica 7 ubba 7 ma monna "Sonne ic nu genemnan maege 'Sa reahte heora seg^er his spell •Sa "Suhte us eallan "Sset helmstan moste gan for^ mid "Son bocon 7 geagnigean him "Sset lond ^set he hit hsefde swa se^eldry^ hit osulfe on seht gesealde wi'S gemedan feo 7 heo cwse'S to osulfe "Sset heo hit ahte him wel to syllanne for 'Son hit wses hire morgengifu "Sa heo aest^ to a^ulfe com 7 helmstan "Sis eal on 'Son a'Se befeng 7 selfred cing "Sa osulfe his hondsetene sealde ^a he Saet lond set se^eldry^e bohte ^set hit swa stondan moste 7 eadweard his 7 se^elna^ his 7 deormod his 7 selces 'Sara monna 'Se mon "Sa habban wolde "Sa we hie set weardoran nu semdan 'Sa bser mon "Sa boc for'S 7 rsedde hie "Sa stod seo hondseten eal "Sseron 6a "Suhte us eallan "Se set 'Ssere some wseran ^et helmstan wsere a^e 'Sses "Se near ^a nses se^elm na fullice ge^afa ser we eodan into cinge 7 rsedan call hu we hit reahtan 7 be hwy we hit reahfcan 7 se^elm stod self 'Sser inne mid 7 cing stod Swoh his honda set weardoran innan "Son bure 'Sa he Sset gedon haefde "Sa ascade he se^elm hwy hit him ryht ne 'Suhte ^set we him gereaht hsefdan cvvse'S 'Sset he nan ryhtre ge^encan ne meahte "Sonne he -Sone a^ agifan moste gif he meahte "Sa cwse^ ic "Sset he wolde cunnigan 7 bsed ^one cing "Sset he hit andagade 7 he 'Sa swa dyde 7 he gelsedde Sa to "Son andagan ^Sone a'S be fullan 7 bsed me "Sset ic him fultemade 7 cwse'S "Sset him wsere leofre "Sset he pset land me se] aide "Sonne se a^ forburste o^S^e hit sef [re] . . . . . . sede ^a cwse'S ic "Sset ic him wolde fylstan to ryhte M 2 164 GENUINE EECOEDS DATED. 7 nsefre to nanan wo on 'Sa gerada ^e he his me u^e 7 he me "Sset on wedde gesealde 7 we ridan "Sa to "Son andagan ic 7 wihtbord rad mid me 7 byrhthelm rad "Sider mid sB^elme 7 we gehyrdan ealle 'Sset he 'Sone a'S be fulan ageaf 'Sa we cwsedan ealle "Sset hit wsere geendodu spsec ^a se dom wses gefylled 7 leof hwonne bi^ engu spsec geendedu gif mon ne mseg now^er ne mid feo ne mid a'Sa geendigan o^^e gif mon selcne dom wile on- wendan 'Se selfred cing gesette hwonne habbe we "Sonne gemotad 7 he me "Sa hoc "Sa ageaf swa he me on 'Son wedde ser geseald haefde sona swa se a'S agifen was 7 ic him gehet "Sset he moste 'Ses londes brucan 'Sa hwile ■Se he lifde gif he hine wolde butan bysmore gehealdan •Sa on ufan 'Sset ymb an o^er healf gear nat ic hwe'Ser "Se ymb tua ^a forstsel he ^a unlsedan oxan set funtial "Se he mid ealle fore forweai"S 7 draf to cytlid 7 hine mon SsBrset aparade 7 his speremon ahredde "Sa spor wreclas "Sa he fleah 'Sa torypte hine an breber ^ ofer "Sset nebb 'Sa he setsacan wolde "Sa ssede him mon "Saet to tacne "Sa swaf eanulf penearding on wses gerefa "Sa genom eal "Sset yrfe him on "Saet he ahte to tyssebyrig * 'Sa ascade ic hine hwy he swa dyde 'Sa cwse^ he 'Sset he wsere ^eof 7 mon gerehte ^set yrfe cinge for^on he wses cinges mon 7 ordlaf feng to his londe for^on hit wses his Isen ^set he on sset he ne meahte na his forwyrcan 7 tu hine hete ^a flyman -Sa gesahte he ^ines fseder lie 7 brohte insigle to me 7 ic wses set cippanhomme mit te "Sa ageaf Tc ^set insigle "Se 7 ^u him forgeafe his card 7 ^a are "Se he get on gebogen hsefS 7 ic feng to minan londe 7 sealde hit ^on biscope "Sa on 'Sine gewitnesse 7 ^inra weotena "Sa fif hida wi"S "Son londe set lidgeard wi^ fif hidan 7 biscop 7 eal hiwan forgeafan me "Sa feower 7 an was teo'Sing lond ^onne leof is me micel neod^earf ^set TENTH CENTUBY. 165 hit mote stondan swa hit nu gedon is -j gefyrn wses gif hit elleshwset bi^ 'Sonne sceal ic 7 wylle beon gehealden on -Son "Se "Se to selmessan ryht "SincS. In dorso: — >J< 7 se'Selm higa eode of -Sam geflite 'Sa cing wses set worgemynster • on ordlafes gewitnesse 7 on osfer^Ses 7 on oddan 7 on wihtbordes 7 on selfstanes "Sys blerian 7 on se^elno'Ses. ^ Heltnstan being convicted of theft, a claimant to Helmstan's land, named ^'Selm Higa, thought it a good time to push his claim. The petitioner had stood godfather to Helmstan at his confirmation, and Helmstan resorted to him in his trouble. So he took up his godson's cause, and spoke for him to the king, who was then Alfred. The king thought it should be referred : — and petitioner was one of the referees. Helmstan produced his title ; and at Wardour (Wilts), where the king then was, the referees met to decide. All were agreed that Helmstan might bring his oath, but M^qIvo. demurred ; and so they went before the king. They found the king in his bower washing his hands. They told him what conclusion they had come to, and why : — and ^Selm stood with them in the chamber. When Alfred had done washing, he asked iESelm why he was not satisfied ; adding, that he could not think of anything fairer than that Helmstan should vouch it by oath if he could. The petitioner then sjwke, and said that Helmstan would see what he could do : — and so the king named a day. Now it was not an easy matter for Helmstan to muster the requisite number of co- jurors, and so he once more sought the petitioner's aid. This was granted on condition that the reversion of the land should be his. The oath suc- ceeded, and Helmstan was again in quiet possession. But in less than two years he stole oxen, and they were tracked, and he had to run for it ; and in his flight he got a great bramble-scratch across the nose, which made part of the evidence against him. The sheriff was dowoi upon him, and seized his land in the king's name : those of whom he held laen-land reentered : and the present king pronounced his banish- ment. Still Helmstan found means to propitiate the king, acting through petitioner, who was then with the king at Chippenham. He revoked Helmstan's outlawry, allowed him a place to live on, and consented to let the land go in its appointed course. So the petitioner became pos- sessed of the land, and he had since dealt with it, and he hopes the king will allow the arrangement to stand — A postscript on the back records how ^^elm Higa yielded the dispute (the king being at War- minster) in the presence of witnesses. ^ = aerest. ^ = brember. * Tisbury, 3 m. from FonthilL Wardour is close by. 166 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. Chart. Cott. viii. 16. 12 Nov. 931. K 353. B. iii. 3. ^thelstan, premising that the things below are peripsema quisquiliarum, while the things above are ad instar pretiosonira monilium, grants to his trusty thane Wulfgar g cassatae aet Hamme (Ham, Wilts) liberaliter ac eternaliter. In the Saxon there are two words, beowa and grendel, that recall the Beowulf. The date is elaborate; and the place is in uilla omnibus Ukotissima qu^ leowtun nuncupatur. Appended is grantee's Will, in writing of another type, but apparently coeval. The provisions are calculated (if known) to ensure the good conduct of the relatives during the testator's lifetime. The land at -^scmere is reserved for disposal by a nuncupative Will. >J< Pr^.dicta siquidem tellus . his termini s . circum- cincta clarescit; serast on eastewardan . on lin leage geat . 7 ^onne on lin leage middewearde . 7 'Sonon su"Srihte wi'S 'Sara stan ceastla ., 7 "Sonne of 'Ssem stan eeastlum to pyddes geate . 'Sonon to oswaldes berghe . "Sonon ondlong herpo'Ses . on burghardes anstigo . "Sonne for'S to bares anstigon . 'Sonon on heardan leage midde- wearde . "Sonne su^ on gerihte . ondlong henna dene . o'S hit cime'S to "Ssere die . ^onne west ut ^urh henna leah . o'S hit cime'S to "Ssere efese . "Sonne a nor^ be wyrt walan tSaet on efen Sone greatan aesc ; "Sonne nor^ ondlong "Sses ^h'linces . "Sset on bofan hangran ; "Sonne ondlong hagan . on wifiling falod westeweardne ; Son nor"S ofer dune . on meos ^h'linc westeweardne ; -Sonne a dune on ^a yfre . on beowan hamraes hecgan . on bremeles sceagan easteweardne ; "Sonne on "Sa blacan grsefan . "Son nor^ be ^em 7 heafdan . to "Ssere scortan die . butan anan secre ; "Son to fugel mere to ^an wege ; ondlong weges . to ottes forda ; ^onon to wudu mere ; "Son to "Saere TENTH CENTURY. 167 ruwan hecgan ; ^set on langan hangran ; "Sod. on grendles mere ; 'Sonon on dyrnan geat ; ^on eft on lin leage geat ., Si autem quod absit . aliquis diabolico in flatus spu . banc meq copositionis ae confirmationis breuiculam . in- fringere uel elidere temptauerit \ sciat se nouissima ac magna examinationis die . stridula clangente archangeli salpice . bustis sponte debiscentibus . somata iam redi- uiua relinquentibus . elementis omnib; pauefactis . cum iuda pditore . qui a satoris pio sato . filius perditionis dicitur . ^terna confusione ..^edacibus ineffabilium tor- mentorum flamis periturum ., huius namque a do dnoque itu xpo . inspirat^ . atq; inuent^ uoluntatis scedula . anno dominie^ incarnationis . dcecc° . xxx°i° . regni uero gratis mibi commissi . uii^ . indictione . iiii* . epacta nulla . concurrente . u° . ii . idus . nouebris . luna . xx* . uiiii* . in uilla omnib; notissima . qu§ leowtun . nuncupatur . episcopis . abbatibus . ducib; . patr i'^ procuratoribus . regia . dapsilitate ouantib; perscripta est ; cuius etiam inconcuss^ . firmitatis auctoritas \ his testibus roborata constat . quoru nomina subtus . caracteribus depicta'l' annotantur. R : — ^(5elstanus florentis brytani^ monarcliia pr§ditus rex. Abp : — "Wulfhelmus dorobernensis eclesig Wulfstanus ebora- censis eclesi^. Subreg : — Howsel. lu'Swal. Epsc; — Aelfwine. Eadulf. Cunan. Aelfbeah. Sigelm. Cen- wald. Beornstan. Oda. "Wynsige. Wulfhun. Deoderd. CynefercS. Tidelm. Cynsige. Eadward. Aescberht. Wired. Dux: — Aelfwald. Osfer'5. Aldred. Uhtred. Aescberht. Aelfstan. Uhterd. Urm. Gu'Srum. Haward. Gunner. DurfercS. Aelferd. Hadd. Scule. 168 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. A'bb: — Aelfric. Eadwine. AecSelnocS. Biorhtsige. Seaxhelm. m: — Odda. Wulfgar. Ae'Selstan. Aelfheh. Ae'Selfer'S. Aelf- here. AeSelwold. Eadric. Aelfwald. Buga. Aelfric. Ealhelm. AeSelstan. Beorhtulf. Hefa. Aelfric. Aelf- sige. Sigeric. AetSeric. Aelfheh. Swi(Sulf. WuUaf. AefSelm. Eadric. AetSelweard. AetSelmund. Ealhhelm. Ae'SelnocS. Wulfsige. Wynsige. Aelfhelm. Aelfric. Aelfstan. "Wulfric. AecSelmund. Burherd. Wulfsige. Beorhtric. AetSelstan. Aet5elm. Wulfno^. Wulfmser. "Wulfbold. Wulfsige. Wihtgar. Aelferd. Wulfric. Ael- fric. AetSelweard. Eadulf. AetJelsige. Wifer'5. Wulf- helm. Cyred. Aefelstan. Aelfno'S. Aelfsige. AecSelstan. Aelfsige. *5is* ^Indorsed in a contemporary hand, '))is is })8es landes boc set hamme '; in one of the 12th century, ' Donum hamme latine et anglice ' ; in one of the i^th, 'Adelstani Eegis*; and in one of the i6th, 'this is the landes booke of hame in y® Saxon Charater ' * Wolstan Rex '. B. >i< Ic wulfgar an Jjses landes get collinga burnan ofer minne daeg seffan hiere dseg 7 heo tilige uncer begea sawla ]?earfe gemsenelice "Sger on . 7 feormige jjrie dagas fa godes f>eowas fger min lie reste'on pone gemynd dseg'' 7 selle f)am maesse- preoste fif peningas 7 J>ara of)ra selcum twegen 7 ofer hiere daeg to winte ceastre fam niwan hierede for mine sawle to habbenne 7 to brucenne 7 na of f>am mynstre to sellanne . 7 ic an f)ses landes set inge penne ofer minne dseg seffan to brucenne 7 to bewitanne 7 J^set heo hsebbe selce gere to fam tune ealra gearwsestma pa, J?rie dselas 7 f>one feorf>an to cynetan byrig )?am godes J^eowum for mine sawle 7 for mines fseder 7 for mines ieldran fseder . J?onne ofer hiere dseg in to cynetan byrig to fsere halgan stowe for wulfgares sawle J^e ic hit in selle 7 for wulfrices 7 for wulf heres pe hit serest begeat to habbenne 7 to brucenne 7 naefre ut to sellanne ^ fonne an ic pads landes set crseft ofer minne dseg wynsige 7 selfsige 7 ealles {)ses pe ic jjser on begite 7 ic an )?ses landes set denforda ofer minne dseg se}3elstane 7 cynestane gif hie me o]? f on ryht gehieraf ^ 7 ic an fses landes set buter mere ^ ofer minne TENTH CENTUEY. 169 dseg byrhtsige twegea hida 7 ceolstanes sunum anes gif hie me oS t58et on ryht gehieraf) ^ j \q cwef>e on wordum be sescmere on minum geongti magum swelce me betst ge- hieraj? ^ 7 ic wille f aeffe feormige of J^sem f>rim dselum set inge penne ]?a godes Jjeowas set cynetan byrig f)rie dagas on twelf mon]?um senne dseg for me oj^erne for minne fseder )?riddan for minne ieldran fseder . 7 ic an J^ses landes set hamme sefifan ofer minne dseg 7 heo tilige )?8er on uncer begea sawla fearfe 7 feormige J^rie dagas )?a godes fieowas jjser min lie reste on eastron 7 ofer liiere dseg in to w'i'nte ceastre to fisem ealdan hierede to see trinitate . to hsebbenne 7 to brucenne 7 nsefre ut to sellanne v^ ^ *:(.* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, ' Her swutelaj) ^ wulfgar geujje hamme in to ealdan mynstre aefter aeffan dsege hys wifes.' B. * Buttermere, 2 m. S, E. of Ham. ^ This Will is translated by Thorpe, Biplomatarium, p. 495. Cott. Aug. ii. 31. A.D. 933. K362. B. iii. 4. .^thelstan sells a charter of immunity to the bishopric of Crediton. ^ Flebilia forti? detestanda totillantis scii piacula diris obscen^ horrend^que mortalitatis circumsepta latra- tibus non nos patria indept§ pacis sec[u]ros sed quasi fetid§ corruptel^ in uoraginem casuros prouocando am- monent ut ea toto mentis conamine cum casibus suis non solum despiciendo sed etia[m] uelut fastidiosam melan- coli§ nausiam abominando fugiamus tendentes ad illud euangelicum date et dabitur nobis . Qua de re infima . quasi peripsema q[uis]quiliarum abiciens superna ad instar pretiosorum monilium eliens animum sempiternis 170 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. in gaudiis fieus ad nanciscendam melliflu§ dulcedinis inisericordia[m] perfruendamq: infinity letitise iocundi- tatem ego 8ej7elstanus per omipatrantis dex?ain apice totius albionis sublimatus eircumquaq: basilicas in honore d[i] scorumq: eius dedicatas prout potero ab antique ritu uectigalium redimam quod sibi mei antecessores usur- patiue decreuerunt habere . nunc uero pro di omnipo- tentis amore et beat§ di genetricis rnari^ ueneratione scorumq: ofhium auctorifcate necnon pro uenerabilis epi eadulfi placabilis pecuni§ dation[e] idn-. Ix . librarum argenti tantam libertate episcopatui cridiensis ecclesi^ perdonare diiudicaui . ut sit perpetualiter tutus atq: munitus ab omnibus secularib3 seruitutib5 fiscis regalib^ tributis maiorib5 et minorib^ atq : expeditionalib^ uide- licet taxationib^ omniumq: rerum nisi sola expeditione et arcis m[u]nitione * Si quis autem post hoc subdola cauillatione deceptus nostrum non perhorrescat machinari decretum sciat se nouissima ac magna examinationis die classica archangeli clangente salpice bustis sponte paten- tibj somata iam rediuiua propellentib^ cum iuda prodi- tore infaustoq: pecuniarum compilatore suisq: impiissimis fautorib3 sub setern^ maledictionis anathemate edacibj innumerabilium tormentorum flammis sine defectu peri- turum . Acta est haec pfat§ libertatis munificentia . . dcccc . xxxiii . dominie^ incarnationis anno . indictione . vi . his testib5 eonsentientibj signumq: crucis xpi ad- ponentib3 quorum nomina infra caraxata esse monstrant'^ . >I< Ego 8e]?elstanus gratia di largiente totius brittannie rex pfatam libertatem cum sigillo see crucis confirmaui . ^ Ego wulfhelm dorobornensis ecclesi^ archieps eiusdem regis largitatem cum tropheo see crucis con- signaui . TENTH CENTURY. 171 1^ Ego selfheah wintaniensis eclesi^ eps triumphalem agi§ crucis tropheum impress! . >i< Ego ]7eodred lundoniensis eclesi^ eps consignaui . >J4 Ego coenwald eps consensi . >J< Ego oda eps confirmaui . ►J< Ego wulf hun eps roboraui . >J< Ego self here dux >^ Ego wulfsige minister . ►J< Ego wulfgar dux >J< Ego wulmser minister . >J< Ego uhtryd dux >J< Ego aelfsige minister . >J< Ego odda minist \^ Ego eadric minister . >i< Ego eadmund minister . »J< Ego eallihelm minister . *5^* JEndorsed in a contemporary hand, ' libertas totius cridiensis seclesig episcopatus • '; in a hand of the 13^^ century, ' Libertas totius cridianensis episcopatus concessa eaddulfo episcopo ab Adelstano rege pro sexaginta libris pecunie • Anno domini dceec • ^nongentesimo' tri[cesimo tercio] *; in one of the beginning of the \/^th century, 'Carta adelstani Regis ecclesie Creditonensi Anno domini Nongentesimo tri- cesimo tercio :• Bene conseruetur \ quia fide digna in perpetuum :•'; and in one of the 16th century, *Ista Carta concessa fuit ante conquestum cxxxiij • Antiquitas eius dclxxv . ad hunc annnm mdeviij / B. Cott Aug. ii. 65. 28 May, 934. K364. B. iii. 5. ^thelstan grants to his trusty thane Aelfwald 12 cassatae near Christ Church, Canterbury; in loco quem solicolse . set derantune . uocitant. ^ Predicta siquidem tellus ^h'is terminis circum- cincta clarescit; serast on sescwoldes hlaw . "Sonne on gemot biorh^ . "Sonne on setl "Sorn . "Sonne on lytlan biorh . ^onne on gat ham . "Sonne on ae^elgi'Se deno . "Sonne on widan leh . "Sonan on wulfa biorh . "Sonne be- 172 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. tweonan twsem biorgum . 'Sonon on paebbeles hoi . ^onon on mearc biorh . "Sonon on pis berh ; 7 'Sis synt ^Sa den- bsera "Se to Sissum londe mid rihte belimpa^ . hlos dionu . swana dionu . gehsBg holt . prentsan hlaw . ruwan biorg . ecgwealdes cumb . wseter "Sorn . eofor sol . 'Syrran mere . bioh^h'an dun . wi'Sig wic . garunga leah . hude- linga scydd . scealces hom , broc hyrst . byring falod . fsestan falod . hsecinga hleah. Elaborately dated, in ciuitate opinatissima . quae winte ceaster nuncupatur . tota populi generalitate . sub alis regiae dapsilitatis ouanti . perscripta est ; cuius etiam . inconcuss^ firmitatis auctoritas . 'h'is testibus roborata constat . quorum nomina subtus . caracteribus depicta ] annotantur ; R : — AeJ?elstanus singularis priuilegii ierarchia preditus rex. Abp : — Wulfhelmus dorobernensis. Wulfstanus eboracensis. Subreg: — Howael. lutSwal. Teowdor. (and a fourth whose name is illegible.) Ep : — Aelfwine. Eadulf. Cenwald. Biornstan. Diodred. "Wulfhun. "Wynsige. Aelfred. Tidhelm. Burhric. Ael- fred. Conan. Wulfhelm. Cynsige. Wired. Ssexelm. Aescberht. A'bb: — Aelfric. Eadwine. Ae'SelnotS. Biorhtsige. Dux : — Aelfwald. Osferc5. AeSelstan. Urm. Inhwser. Half- dene. Osulf. Uhtred. Aescberht. Aelfstan. Scule. Hadd. m: — Ordheh. Aelfgar. ^Selelm. AetSelwold. Eadstan. AeSered. Wulfheh. Wullaf. Wulfgar. Wulfmser. Wulf- not5. Odda. Wulfgar. Ae"Selstan. Aelfhseh. Wulfsige. Wihtgar. ^Elfhere. Eadric. AecSelwold. Eadwald. Ael- fric. Eadmund. Wulfric. Hun. ^(5elberht. Wynsige. Aet^elfercS. Aelfstan. ^cSelmund. ^tSelnotS. EadnocS. AtSulf. HsetSred. Sigered. Eadwald. Sigefer?5. Ead- weard. M^ehige. iElfstan. Wulfric. iBlfsige. Biorhstan. ^Ifsige. Biorhtelm. Eadsige. Tiobcon. Wulfsige. Eal- helm. Wulfstan. Berhtric. ^ gemotbiorh. Kemble thought this might be the meeting-place of TENTH CENTURY. 173 the Shiremoot; and that the mearcbiorh ( = markhill) must be the place where the markmen were wont to meet. Saxons in England , Book i, c. 2, p. 56. Cott. Aug. ii. 23. A.D. 939. K377. B. iii. 9. -Slpelstan grants to his faithfiil thane Eadulf 12 mansse at Meapham. ^ Regnante in perpetuum dno nro ihu xpo . omnia de summo caeli apice uisibilia et inuisibilia ordinabiliter gubernante presentisque uitse semper curriculo cotidie decreseente ac nobis mortalibus temporalia gaza necnon et lucra possessionum inaniter fruentibus facescunt ac defluunt . Quapropter ego . ^J^elstanus . diuina mihi adridente gratia rex anglorum et curagulus totius bryt- tannise aliquam partem terr§ iuris mei perpetuali dona- tione libenter concede . cuidam fideli meo ministro . nomine . eadulfo . xii . mansas in illo loco cui ruricol^ apellatiuo usu ludibundisque uocabulis nomen indi- derunt . set meap ham . quatinus ille bene perfruatur ac perpetualiter possideat quamdiu . istius caducis scti uitam tenere presumet . et post se cuicumque uoluerit ceu corroborauimus perhenniter heredi derelinquat in seter- nam hereditate . Sit autem predictum rus liberu ab omni mundiali obstacnlo cum omnibus ad se rite perti- nentibus . campis . pascuis . pratis . siluis . exceptis istis tribus expeditione pontis arcisue constructione . Si quis autem quod non optamus banc nram difinitionem elationis habitu incedens infringere temptauerit perpessus sit gelidis glaciarum flatibus et pennino exercitu malig- norum spirituum . nisi prius inriguis psenitentiae gemi- 174 GENUINE RECOKDS DATED. tibus et pura emendatione emendauerit . Istis terminibus predicta terra circugyrata esse uidetur . pis synt ]7a land gemaero to meap ham on su]7an 7 on westeweard setl ]7on nor]? fram setle to netles stede to J^aere hane )7onan nor]? on gerihte andlang hrycges o]? hredles stede ]?8et for]? ]?onan to fearn leage geate )?on nor]? ]?onan to cobba hammes mearce ]?onan east on gerihte to heorot felda geate fram ]?am geate east 7 su]? on hludes beorh of ]?am beorge for]? be ]?9ere mearce o]? ]?one calewan stoc ]?onan su)? to blacan meres geate ]?8et su]? ]?onan on ]?one oran foran wi]? eastan ecgulfes setl west be J>am oran eft toweard setle . ]?is synt ]?a den bsera on wealda ]?e ]?8erto gebyria^ be su]?an ea stanihtan hyrst . 7 ceolan hyrst 7 be nor]7an ea gelecan camp 7 gumbrihting hyrst 7 ceorla den Acta est haec prefata donatio . Anno ab incarnatione dni nri ihu xpi . dccccxxxix . Indictione . xii . >J< Ego 8e]?elstanus rex totius bryttanniae prefatam do- nationem cum sigillo see crucis confirmaui . >^ Ego wulf helm dorobonensis secct^ archiepis eiusdem regis donationem cum tropheo agie crucis consignaui . >^ Ego selfheah wintaniensis secct^ eps triumphalem tropheum agie crucis inpressi . »i< Ego ]?eodred lundoniensis secct^ eps consignaui . >J« Ego cenwald eps predictum donum consensi . >J« Ego wulf hun eps consensi . ►J* Ego oda eps confirmaui . p^ Ego wulf helm eps consignaui . ^ Ego burhric eps consensi . »^ Ego 8ej7elgar eps roboraui , >J« selfhere . dux . 1^ se]?elwold . mi . ^ wulfgar . dux . <^ aelfred . mi . TENTH CENTURY. 175 »J< 8e]7elstan . dux . >{< wulfmser . mi . >J< uhtred . dux . >^ wulfgar . mi . »J« odda . mis . i^ selfsige * mi . f^ selfric . mi . >J< ordeah . mi . >J< eadmund . mi . >J< sigulf . mi . >J< wulfsige . mi . f^ eadric . mi . >}< wihtgar . mi . >I< ealhhelm . mi . 1^ selfsige . mi . >I« wulf helm . mi . >J< 8ej7ered . mi . i^ wuUaf . mi . >J< 8e)7elmund . mi . i^ *5ic* ^Endorsed in a contemporary hand, * ^ J)is is meap hames land boc Jje • aejjelstan cing gebocode • ealdulfe his ])egne on ece yrfe .'; and in one of the 12th century, ' Ethelstanus Rex dedit . xii . mansas apud meapham . ealdulfo ministro suo .' * latine/ B. Cott. Aug. ii. 62. A.D. 940. K 385. B. iii. 10. Eadmund grants to a * religious' lady AetSelswi]? 10 hides at Oswald- ingtun, »I4 Regnante inperpetuum dno nro iftu xpo . Dum conditoris nfi prouidentia omnis creatura ualde bona in principio formata formoseque creata atque speciose plas- mata est supra et infra caelos tarn in angtis quam etiam in hominibus ac in multimodis ac diuersis speciebus iumentorii animalium piscium uolucru . Sicque ab initio mundi usque ad finem statuta precepta conditoris sui iure custodiunt nisi homo solus qui ad imaginem suri creatus et omnibus prelatus ereaturis propter pr^uari- cationem conruens in mortem . Quapropter ego .ead- MUNDVS . rex angloru cselestis patrie exardens cuidam 176 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. religiose see monialis femine uocitate . -aE^ELSWibE . x . mansas largiendo condonaui illic ubi uulgus prisco relatione uocitat . mt oswalding uillam . Quatinns ilia bene perfruatur ac perpetualiter possideat dum buius labentis eui cursu transeat inlesus atque uitalis sps in corruptibili carne inbereat . et post se cuicumque uoluerit perenniter beredi derelinquat ceu supra diximus in seter- nam bereditate . Sit autem predictum rus liber ab omni mundiali obstaculo cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . campis . pascuis . pratis . siluis . siluaruque nemoribus . excepto istis tribus expeditione pontis arcisue cosedifi- catione . Si quis H" quod non optamus banc nram difi- nitionem elationis habitu ineedens infringere temptauerit perpessus sit gelidis glaciaru flatibus et pennino exercitu malignoru spirituii . nisi prius inriguis poenitentiae gemitibus et pura emendatione emendauerit . Istis ter- minibus predicta terra circumgyrata esse uidetur . pis synt ]7a land gemsero to oswalding tune . sorest selfgySe mearc on eastan o'S teting ford |7on ]7onan west o]> done j7onne ]7onan op eadgife mearce j7onne ]?onan to ]73es biseopes mearce to cirringe of cirringe nor]? }7onan to emecing mere . to oswalding tune bier]? . holen byrst . 7 byrbt tring den . 7 eoreding den . 7 liccing den . 7 bere- fer]?es lea . 7 dynning den . 7 cyr]7ring hyrst . 7 trip hjrrst 7 insnadis into oswalding tune . 7 seo msed aet brunes forda 7 seo msed set beo broce bier]? into oswalding tune . Acta est b^c prefata donatio . Anno ab incar- natione dni nri ihu xpi . dccccxl . Indictione xiii . >J< Ego eadmundus rex anglorum pr^fatam donationem cum sigillo see crucis confirmaui . >J< Ego wulfbelm dorobonensis seccfe arcbieps eiusden . + . . . regis donationem cu tropbeo agi§ crucis consignaui . »i< Ego eadred eiusdem regis frater consignaui , TENTH CENTURY. 177 >I< Ego ]7eodred lundoniensis seecte eps consignaui . ►J* Ego self heah wintaniensis seccte eps triumphalem tropheu agi^ crucis inpressi . >J< Ego cenwald eps predictu donum consensi . >Ii Ego oda eps confirmaui . >I< Ego selfric eps consignaui . >^ Ego wulfhun eps consensi . 1^ Ego wulf helm eps consignaui . 1^ Ego burgric eps consensi . >J< Ego 8e]7elgar eps roboraui . self here . dux . wulfgar. dux. sethelstan . dux . uhtred . dux . odda . mi . selfric . mi . eadmund . mi . wulfsige . mi . wullaf . mi . wihtgar. mi. sejjelwold . mi . aelfred . mi . wulfgar . mi . selfsige. mi. »J< ordeah. mi. >I< eadric. mi. >i< ealhhelm . mi . »Ji selfsige. mi. >J< 88 Jeered . mi . a)7elmund. mi. wulf helm . mi . wulf heah . mi . wulfsige . mi . wulfho^ . mi . aeSelstan . mi . se^elsige . mi . eanulf. mi. *:):* Endorsed in a contemporary/ hand, ' »^ })is is oswalding tunes boc J)e eadmund cing gebocade 8e])elswi])e [on] ece yrf e ', and in a hand of the 12th century, ' Eex edmundus dedit oswalding tun cuidam femine nomine e]jelsui|je * . latine/ B. 178 GENUINE RECOKDS DATED. Cott. Aug. ii. 63. A.D. 944. £399. B. iii. 11. Eadmund grants to Aelfric, bishop (probably of Eamsbury) 30 mansas in illo loco ubi iam dudum solicol^ illius regionis n[omen] inposuerunt set baddan byrig 7 to doddan forda 7 to efer dune (Badby, Dodford, and Everdon, S. of Daventry, North- ants). The boundaries are rich in descriptive terms and make mention of Watling Street. 1^ Dis sint )7a land gemsera 7 se embegang ]7ara landa to baddan byrig 7 to doddan forda 7 to efer dune . "Sset is }7on serest set baddan byrg westeweardre 7 nor^e- weardre set }7am lytlan toclofenan beorge . ]7on on gerihte of "Sam beorge nor'S to wearge dune . betweox J7a lytlan twegen beorgas . J^set ]?3er nor^ ylang ^sere lytlan die set J^ses grafes ende 0^ "Sa smalan 'Somas . "Son of "Sam J?ornum up on 'Sa lytlan dune midde- weardre . j7on of "Ssere dune east on fox hylle easte- weardre . Jjon geu'Se ic selfvvine 7 beorhtulfe Jjaes leas 7 |58es hammes be nor^an }78ere lytlan die . -Son li'S "Sset gemsere on gerihte of fox hylle nor^eweardre on })one holan weg SBt hinde hlypan . ]?on of hinde hlypan on j7one wylle 83t )?am lea ufeweardan . of 'Sam wylle on •Sset heorot sol . of "Sam heorot sole nor'S on gerihte on "Sone beorg . j7on of ^am beorge on gerihte to 'Sam lea . f fori5 be lea on wi^igwylles heafud . of 'Sam wylle BOP'S on gerihte on 'Sa 'Sornehtan dune to emnes J;am geate set J^aere ealdan byrg . ]78et fram "Sam geate on gerihte east to mser pytte . )7on of "Sam pytte on gerihte to ^am stane set J?am wylle wi^ nor^an mseres dsel . )7on su^ on gerihte 7lang wseclinga strset on )7one weg to weoduninga gemsere . }?on west 7lang weges on 'Sone lytlan beorg . ^ser se stoe stod . "Sset ]?onan su'Srihte on TENTH CENTURY. 179 ^one ealdan mylier J^ser ]7a welegas standa^ . ^set west ylang burnan o'S hit cym^ )78er bli^e utscyt • )73et ylang bli^an o^ "Sa stan bricgge . f east of 'Ssere bricgge . ylang die o^ ^one hsej^enan byrgels . of J^am byrgelse for^S iior"S be wj^rttruman o^ fes lieges ende be weo- duninga gemsere . f ]?onan ylang gemaeres on gerihte to "Sam stocee on easteweardan J;am lea . of ^am stocce su'Srihte on )?8ere straet . ylang street to )78ere fyrh "Se seyt su^rihte to J^sere miclan straet set ]78es wylles heafde aet snoces cumbes genciaere . f west ylang straet on "Sone aesc . ]78et fram "Sam aesce ylang straet betweox ]?a twegen leas on "Sa ealdan sealt straet o^ "Sone steort . fram J7am steorte ylang ]?aes fulan broces o'S bli^an . 'Son is f land aet snoces cumbe healf ]7aes cinges healf ^uncer' bren- tinges . buton me god geunne y min hlaford J^aet he his me geunnan wille . )7on gse-S sio mearc for^ ylang bli^an west o^ "Saet seo lacu utscyt on bli^an wi^ ufan stan bricgge . f nor^ ylaog lace . o'S "Sa die ^oii ylang die o'S "Sone weg ]7e scyt to fealuwes lea on ]?am slade . ]78et on fealuwes lea J^aer aelfric biscep redan het to )7aere ealdan die . ylang die to "Sam wege )?e scyt up to ^am hricgge . ylang hricgges to J7am wege ]>e scyt fram fealuwes lea to baddan by ane lytle hwile . 'pon of ^aere apuldre ]>& stent wi'S westan J^am wege ]?urh ]7one lea to )7am miclan haesl wride . of ]?am haesl wride adun on )7a blacan rixa . of J?am rixun on J^a lytlan hecggan aet ]7am wege ]7e scyt fram baddan by to cear wyllun . ylang weges o'S "Sone broc ]7e scyt to fealuwes lea to ]>a> forda "Saet west aefre ylang broces o'S 'Sone weg "pe scyt to staefer tune wi^ suiSan pa. ealdan burh aet baddan byrg f west ylang weges o^ to emnes J^aere micelan die o^ westewearde pa. burh . ylang "Saere die y be j^aere byrg westeweardre nor^ o^ ^one tobrocenan beorg . "Se J^aer is N 2, 180 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. toclofen on nor^weardre 7 on westeweardre baddan hyrg Acta est hsec prsefacta donatio . Anno ab incarnatione dni nri itiu xpi . dccccxliiii . indictione . ii . E, : — Eadmundus rex anglorum. Eadred eiusdem regis frater. Eadgifu eiusdem regis mater. Archieps : — Oda dorobonensis ecctg archieps. "Wulfstan archieps. Eps : — Deodred lundoniensis eccte eps. Aelfheah Winta- niensis ecJc§ eps. Cenwald. Aelfred. Ae})elgar. "Wulf- sie. Wulfhelm. Dux: — Aejjelstan. Aefelwold. Aef>elstan. Ealhhelm. AtSel- mund. Mis: — Wulfgar. Eadmund. Aelfsie. Aelfstan. Wulfric. Aelf- sie. Aejjelgeard. Wulfric. Wihtgar. Aelfred. Aepered. *^* JEndorsed in a hand of the 12th century, 'Badebi'; and in one of the iith, ' Baddebi.' B. Cott. Aug. ii. 73. A.D. 946. K407. B. iii. 12. Eadmund grants to Ordhelm and Aelfwold, two brothers, a piece of his own inherited land in perpetuity. The notice of a Kentish term is interesting. »J< In nomine scae teinitatis . Imminentibus uit^ caducis terminis qua in nos sceleris licefc onere pressi nutu diuino statuti . Tamen dominica prosequentes monita prout quimus scdm illud euangelii . ubi dicitur . date et dabitur nobis . Quapropter ego . eadmvndvs . rex anglorii ceterarumque gentium in circuitu persistentium gubernator et rector . quibusdam meis hominibus id est duobus fratribus . ordhelmo . et alfwoldo . aliqua por- tionem hereditatis mef in aeterna possessionem concedo . TENTH CENTUBY. 181 quod cantigene scdm suam propria linguam dicunt . an ivclaete et insuper . x . segetes . vbi ruricoli appellatiuo usu ludibundisque uocabulis nomen indiderunt . ^t GAMELANWYK©E . eatenus ut hoc diebus suis possideant tramitibusque uit^ su§ . et post se cuicumque sibi pla- cuerit post hoc tradant hereditario seternaliter ceu pr§- dixi illis . Maneatque prout iam pr^dixeram donu istud ab omni sctari seruitio exinanitum cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus campis . pascuis . pratis . siluis . ex- cepto istis tribus . expeditione . pontis . arcisue con- structione . Si quis autem quod non optamus banc nram diffinitione elationis habitu incedens infringere tempta- uerit perpessus sit gelidis glaciarum flatibus et pennino exercitu malignorii spituum . Nisi prius inriguis peni- tenti^ gemitibus et pura emendatione emendauerit ^ . Istis terminibus pr^dicta terra circumgyrata esse ui- detur . pis synt "pa, land gemsero to gamelan wyr)7e . su]? fealcing rip o]? sse . widan fleot mearc on west hand set ]7ara hina lande to folces stane 7 ]7onne faes biscopes mearc on norj? healfe 7 on east healfe ut to saB . Acta est hsec pr^fata donatio . Anno ab incarnatione dni nri itiu xpi • dccccxlvi . indictione . iiii . >I« Ego eadmundus rex anglorum pr^fatam donatio- nem cum sigillo sc^ crucis confirmaui . >I< Ego oda dorobonensis secct^ archieps eiusdem regis donationem cum sigillo sc§ crucis conclusi . >{< Ego selfheah wintaniensis seccif eps triumphalem tropheum agie crucis inpressi . >J< Ego burgric episcopus consensi . >J< Ego selfred episcopus confirmaui. 1^ sej^elwold dux . >I« 8e]?elstan dux 182 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. * eadmund mis . * wulfric mis >I< SBlfsige mis . ^ selfstan mis . ^ selfwold mis . ►!< selfgar mis . * selfwold mis . >J« beorhtsige mis . >i« 8e]7elsige mis . *h selfric mis . *:^* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, ' >J< Jiis is ])8es landes boc set gamelan wyrj)e ' ; and in one of the \ith century, ' Rex edmundus dedit gameling wjrthe . ordelmo et alf woldo ' ' ' latine * ' B. ^ ' Si quis . . . emendauerit.' Verbally identical with the corresponding clause in 940 above. Cott. Aug. ii. 83. A.D. 947. K413. B. iii. 13. Eadred grants to Oswig a thane for his devotion, bis denas mansas . quod anglice dicitur . twentig hida . in illo loco ubi iam dudum solicole illius regionis nomen inposuerunt . ^et MEABS^T HAM. The rhetoric of the Sanction is remarkable. >J« IsTis terminibus pr§[dic]ta terra circugyrata esse uidetur . ]?is synt ]7a land gemsero to mearssetham on )7one )7orn be nor)7an eadrices stane ]?onon up to bean stede betwib );am twam hammu . of bean stede swa for)? on ]?a ruwan apuldre , ]7onon on esnes ham . of esnes ham me on cusesstede beorh of J^a beorge on tunles weor]? easteweardne . ]7onon );urh J^a ige on )7one fulan broc . of ]7a broce ylang streames on J?one blaec pol . of )?am pole ut to fa beorgum )78et j7onon on becces ham TENTH CENTURY. 183 westewear d'ne J^onon for]? to bade woldes hagan weste- weardne of )7a hagan on todan camp of todan campe on ceomman treow ]7onon on scynes weorj? westeweardne of scynes weorj7e on j7one hundes J^yfel . of hundes J^yfele for]? be wyrtwalan on }>one ]?orn be nor^an eadrices stane . ]?is synt )?a den to mearsaetham . pedan hrycg 7 set lace ]?8et forraepe on ]?unres feld nor]?an an hid. Acta est haec pr^fata donatio . Anno ab incarnatione dni nri ihu xpi . dccccxlvii . indictione . v . R : — Eadredus rex anglonim. Eadgifu eiusdem regis mater. Abp : — Odadorobernensis secci^ archieps. Wulfstanus archons diuin^ seruitatis ofiBcio mancipatus eborac^ ciuitatis archieps. Bp : — peodred lundoniensis secctf eps. Aelfheah wintaniensis secctg eps. Cenwald. Aelfric. Ae]?elgar. Aelfred. Wulf- sige. Dux : — Aef>elstan. Eadric. AeJ?elstan. Wulfgar. Ealhhelm. Af)elmund. Aelfgar. Scule. Mis : — Eadmund. Aelfstan. Wulfric. Aelfsige. Wulfric. Wulfsige. MpelgesLrd. Beorhtsige. iEf>elnol?. t^ Certis uero causis et in certis temporibus uni- cuique pr^cauendum est ut tutella defensionis pr^ponat antequa machinatores retinacula fraudulenter insidia- tionis muscipula ilium defraudauerint a fastigio recte et iust^ tramitis studio quia iniquitatis adquisitores alienu lucrii sibi usurpatiue cu ambitione iniquitatis uendicare satagunt . Sed torpentes auariti^ omni modo interdico . Ita ut meum donum corroboratii sit cum signaculo sc§ crucis . etiam si quis aliu antiquu librii in propatulo protulerit nee sibi nee aliis proficiat . Sed in sempiterno graphio deleatur et cu iustis non scribatur nee audiatur. *** Endorsed in a contemporary hand, ' >J« J)is is J)ara twentiga hida 184 GENUINE RECOKDS DATED. boc set mearssetham \>e eadred cing gebocode oswige his J^egne on ece yrfe • ' ; and in one of the 12th century, ' Rex eadredus dedit duas mansas id est duas hidas apud mericham oswic ministro suo . latine.' B. Chart. Cott. viii. 11. A.D. 948. K421. B. iii. 14. Eadredus basileus angloru ceterarumq : gentiu in circuitu persistentiu gubemator et rector restores to the church in "Winchester 100 mansae in Duntun and Eblesburne which had been granted by Cynewalh in the early days of Christianity (in exordio xpiane religionis) and confirmed by Cynewulf and Ecgbriht, but subsequently reoccupied by later kings. The original deed is defective ; but a copy in the Winchester Register helps us to make out the terrier \ [Dis synd "Sa land gemere to duntune . erest of crawan crundu]! on were'San hylle . on fyrdinges lea . on ebles burnan to afene . on pysere . on "Sa su^an lace . on earnes beorh . on die . set beoredes [treowe . on ^one herepa^ . to headdan grafe . }7onne on "Sone ha]gan to pytan wyr'Se . on dyre broc . on welewe . on "Sa die set hieeles wyriSe . J^onne ofer 'Sone feld on hagan ut ]7urh brember wudu [on "Sone stenenan stapul . andlang here- pa^es to fobban wylle .] anlang herepa^es to "Saes hagan ^nde to fseger hylde forda . on "Sone hagan on ceorles [hljaewe . on crawan crundul . 'Sonne on ^a [yferan ge- mere on eblesburnan . on stret ford ^ . on hrofjan hric . anlang weges on "Sa die to bymera eumbe . 7 ^aer •Swyres ofer ^reo crundelas . ofer 'Sa straet . Swyres ofer "Sa dune to wudu [beorch hylle ofer berigan cumb . on yblesburnan . on beord]une . on "Sees hlinees sende . on "Sone smalan weg . ofer big eumb . on ^sem smalan wege . on "Ssene stan . on ^set hse^ westeweard . on ^one TENTH CENTURY. 185 beorli [to 'Sem rig- wege . "Sonne east andlang hrig weges to brytforjdingea land sceare . f su^ on strset- ford :-^Acta est hsec pfata donat . ann ab incarfi dni . dccccxlviii . indict . via . *** Endorsed in a contemporary hand, ' J)is is 'Sees landes boc set duntune . ©e eadred cyngc ednywon gebocade scae trinitate . and scae petre . and paule ing to ealdan mynstre : -^ '; in one of the 1 3^A century, '[djtjntun' *confirmatio Eegis'; and in one of the i6th century, '...., Alredus in manerio de Dunton in eblesburnam xlv mansas.* B. ^ This copy is printed in full by Mr. Bond, vol. iv, Pref . p. 6. But it is not exact to call it a perfect copy of the Cotton Charter ; nor has it been altogether overlooked by Kemble, who used it in his vol. iii, p. 427. ^ This is Stratford Tony on the Ebele (here called yblesbume) a stream which runs into the Wiltshire Avon. On this stream is Ebbes- bourne (our eblesbume), and on the other side of the Avon is Downton. The boundaries of this grant touched on those of the Brytf ording com- munity, for which there is now Britford outside Sarum. Canterbury Charters, R. 14. A.D. 949. Cott. Aug. ii. 57. K425. B. iii. 15 (= Cott.). S. i. 15 (=Cant.). Eadred grants the monastery of Reculver to Christ Church, Canter- bury. Mr. Kemble (C. D. ii. p. viij) called this a 'very im- portant charter,' It asserts that it was drawn by the hand of Dunstan. [>I«] MuLTis itaque uitiorum pstrigiis mantes humanas incentor fraudulentus piugulando [deludit .] nunc inqua promissis quasi prolixioris uitae studiis decipit^ nunc rebus migrantibus puicaciter q*si necessariis inlicitJ intea etiam stigia inferni supplicia tamq^m leuia et 186 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. transitoria suggerit 1 quatinus miserorum corda in cupi- ditate lasciuiaque eneruit dissoluat^ secumque cabeata ad tartara ducat ; Sed sci uiri psago spu bestiales pcog- noscentes insidias scuto bonae uoluntatis coronati quic- quid in semetipsis terrenu sentiunt . indesinenter atque nauit opib; scis exhauriunt unde disscoriatis cora xpo ihu meritis rutilantes simillima titan^i fulgoris luce psentenf^ ; De quorum pconio tuba scse script urse re- bohans inter alia testimonia ppensius intellegenda nris hsec gemina auribus resultando pfudit ) Beati quorum uestimenta alba sunt in conspectu dni ; Et alibi . lusti fulgebunt sicut sol in regno patris eorii; Huius ergo dnici conspectus et paM amore regni ^fusus . unde nobis uictus restat sine dubio certus . de quo ^ dns dixit . beatus qui manducabit panem in regno di ; [Ego eadred EEX diuina gratia totius albionis] monarcbus et primi- cerius . xpo regi meo in tbrono regni pennis ppetualiter subtbronizato ) e concessis mihi ab eodem labilium gazis rerum [accepti tirocinii quarto mei terrestris regni] anno ad templu sue inconphensibili dedicatum nfhi . in urbe dorobernia . odone arcbiepiscopo metropolitanam catbe- dram psidente et regni c^lestis sup arua brittannica [c]laues [pporjtantei monastium raculfense bis denis senisque ^stimatum cassatis . intius ex?riusq; [cum] omnibus ad boc rebus rite ptinentibus . sine litorum siue camporum agrorum saltuumue . sicut inferius territoria pmulgantur . bumillime atque deuotissime sincero corde in ppetuum ius quamdiu xpianitas uigeat p meis ab- luendis excessibus indeterminabiliter inpendo; Si quis autem c|^ absit tirrannica fretus potestate . regalis . §pis- copalis . siue homo alieuius dignitatis . hoc decretum a do mihi conlatum infringere temptauerit ^. siue huiusc§ donationis a pfata ^cclesia uel passum pedis segregauerit . TENTH CENTURY. 1 87 ni prius hoc inorme scelus poenitendo deterserit^ se sacrile[gii] culpam [incurrisse et a dno] i'hu xpo in ppetuum sine ullo subtractionis refocilatu dampnaturum psentiat ; [Haec enim singrapha] anni . dnicse incarna- tionis . dccccxlixj orthodoxor[um scripta -h unajnimo consensu uirorum quorum inferius nma litteraria quali- tate distingui uidentur . [Ego e]adred rex . diuina protegente gratia albionis summam psidens agisB crucis banc cartulam notamine |>strinxi . >J< Ego odo arcbiepisc . metropolitana psidens guberna- mina hoc donum regia concessum munificentiae signo crucis fixi . »J< Ego wulfstan arcbiepisc. metropolici honoris fastigio eboracensi ciuitate suffultus buic largitati crucem as- scripsi . 1^ Ego selfheah episc. uuintaniensis ^cclesie hoc donum signo crucis confirmaui . ^ Ego aethelgar cridienensis ^cclesise psul banc largi- tatem corroboraui . ij* Ego aelfric episc. buius donationis constipulator signu crucis depinxi . >J< Ego wulfsige episc. buius largiflui muneris donum signo salubri adnotaui . ►$< Ego theodr^d episc. ^digam banc inpensione patibuli confirmatu addidi . t^i Ego selfred episc. hoc do instigante donu crucis xpi constipulatu muniui . >J< Ego beorbtsige episc. buiuscf donationis corrobora- tionem contuli . >J< Ego cenuuald episc. consensii adibui . >{< Ego cynesige episc. unamitatem pbui . >Ii 188 GENUINE EECOKDS DATED. Ego uulfhelm episc. permissione pfudi . >J< Ego eadhelm abbas deuotus in hoc pstiti . >I< Ego osulf dux consensi et humiliter asstiti . >J< Ego eadmund dux libens consilio aderam . >{< Ego se^elstan dux prompto animo consensi Ego eadgifu regis genetrix pfati animo banc pfatam letabundo in xpo largitionem ob optabilem remunera- tione concessam signi corroboratione salutiferi humillime consignaui . >{< Ego dunstan indignus abbas rege eadredo impante banc domino meo bereditariam kartulam [dictitando] conposui. et propriis digitorum articulis pscripsi ^ . >J< 1^ His inquam limitibus bee telluris particula cir- cumgirari uidetur . ^rest on nor'S healfe 7 on wes^an of yfinga bo ut on sse . [se^elfer^es londe] ^ swa for^ be sande o^ noriS mu}7an from nor^ mu"San to macan broce J?onan to serne wege . Of serne wege to eanflaede mu^an of eanflaede mu'San on mearc fleotes mu^an of mearc fleotes mu'San eft on eanflaede mu'San . ponne on east healfe to mylen fleotes mu^an o'S su^ tun of Su'S tune andlang broces to ha^e maeringe "Sonne on su'S healfe of haiSe maeringe to stoccum of stoccum andlong straete o^ see agustines mearc [fro see agustines mearce] oS broc andlang broces o'S stan brycg su'5 from stan brycge oS wifelinge to criste[s c]iricean gemaere fro c[ristes cirican gemaere] oS ealdan hege . on west healfe of ealdan hege . to feaxum . "Sonne west from feaxu to celdan to cinges gemaere . from cinges gemaere oS gata gehaegge wes'Se- weard . )7anon on yfinga ho . 7 swa ut on sse . * ponne siendan feower sulung^ binnan ea Saes landes )?e gebyreS inn to raculfe on t^net . iiii . sulung ond an laes on warn "Se gebyreiS innto raculfe . "Sonne is ealles ]7aes landes TENTH CENTURY. 189 XXV . sulunga 7 an sulung on c[eolul]fing tune su"S be wealda l?8ere cirican to bote .* *:).* 'Endorsed, * Rex eadredus dedit monasterium de recnlf ad eccle- siam Christi •' * • latine • ' ^ Instead of die (^o, Cott. Aa* def uictoq ; — which becomes intelligible tvhen we find that Cant, has s. uictu written over de quo as a gloss. Mr. Bond inferred that Cant, is the original from which Cott. was copied, but the other divergencies do not fully bear this out. It seems, however, that Cant, does in the main represent that original, and it has been used here (as it was by K.) for the basis of the text ; the deficiencies being supplied from the better preserved Cotton. Those who study emendation of manuscripts will find this an in- teresting case. The ignorant scribe has shewn the fidelity of his craft ; in his * def uictoque ' he has altered some letters, but he has not lost a single one. It should be remembered that the Saxon s has much in common with the Saxon f . ^ These words, which in Cott. and Cant, are inserted here, are in Cant, also written in Gothic Capitals round the margin of the document. 3 Sere Cant, has not the words seSelfertJes londe ; or if it ever had them, they have disappeared in the damaged margin. The same re- mark applies to the words fro See agustines mearce, below. * In Cant, the words down to sae are written above the line, and this seems the intended place of insertion. ^ swulung Cott., and so in every recurrence of the word. Cott. Aug. ii. 44. A.D. 949. K427. B. iii. 16. Eadred grants to his intimate friend Wulfric 18 mansse at Welford (Berks) in exchange for other land in Cornwall. ^ In ^teknitate perenni cosmi sother oma iura regnoru ab alto Cfli culmine gubernans ac disponens qui quidem scienti§ dona monstrando indeficienter con- spicitur c§lum ae terra camposque liquentes lucentem- que globii lun§ titaniaque astra^ sua ineffabili gratia retinens ac custodiens . Quapropter ego eadredvs . di- uina indulgente dementia rex anglorum . cuidam mihi 190 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. intimo pr^cordialis affectu amoris fideli . immo et priui- legio dilectionis in omnibus mihi caro uocitato nomine . VYVLFRico . XVIII . mansas dedi . in illo loco ubi iamdudu solicole illius regionis nomen inposuerunt .* mt welig- FOEDA . pro commutatione alterius terr§ qu^ sita'e'in cornubio narratur . ubi ruricole illius pagi barbarico nomine appellant . pendyfig . quatenus habeat ac possi- deat quamdiu uiuat . et post se cuicumque sibi libuerit superstiti derelinquat in seternam hereditatem . Sit au- tem pr^dictu rus liber ab omni mundiali obstaculo cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . campis . pascuis . pratis . siluis . excepto communi labore expeditione . pontis . arcisue cosedificatione . Si quis uero hominum banc meam donationem cum stultiti^ temeritate iaeti- tando infringere certauerit . sit ipse grauibus per colla depressus catenis inter flamiuomas tetrorum demonum cateruas . nisi prius hie ad satisfactionem uenire ma- luerit . Istis terminibus pr^dicta terra circumgyrata esse ui- detur . pis synt ]>a land gemasro to weligforda . serest of wines treowe ylang dene J^set up on J?one weg ]7onon on bradan leage norj7eweardre on anne ham 7 j7on J^urh ut ]7one lea on anne ham su)?eweardne on f'a ealdan hege raewe in on wopig hangran of ]?a hangran on scilling hangran J^onon on bradan ham westeweardne on ]>a hamme on cardan hlaew on ]7a hlsewe on lamburnan ]7onon up on deoran treowe of J7a treowe on ]7one ele- beam styb ]7onon on ceolbaldes wylle of J^a wylle on cyta sihtes ford of J^a forda to wulfrices gemsere )?onon to hord hlince ufewea^r'dum of J^a hlince on sihtre msede nor)?eweardre swa forj? on cenelmes st^n of J^a stane on )7one grenan weg on )7a wege to rige hamme ]7onon ut x)n J7a Um pyttas on )7ane crundel of "Sa crundele on )?one TENTH CENTURY. 191 sesc J^onon for]? ofer burnan ylang mylen pajjes on |7a ]7rie ]7ornas 7 swa for]? ylang hlinces on cardan ham of J7am hamme iit J7urh f>one lea on grenan beorh of J^a beorge on ecgunes treow of )?a treowe on mearc weg J?onon on ]7a dene 7 swa for]? to J^am J^rim gemserura of ]7am gemserum eft on wines treow . Acta est hsec pr^fata donatio . Anno ab incarnatione dni nri i^u xpi . dccccxlix . Indictione . vii . >J< Ego eadredus rex anglorum pr^fatam donatione sub sigillo sc§ crucis indeclinabiliter consensi atque ro- boraui . >J< Ego eadgifu eiusdem ^ regis' mater cum sigillo sc^ crucis confirm aui . ►J* Ego oda dorobornensis secct^ archieps eiusdem regis principatum et beniuolentia sub sigillo sc§ crucis conclusi . ►J< Ego wulfstanus archons diuin^ seruitutis officio mancipatus eborac§ ciuitatis archieps sigillum sc§ crucis impressi . 1^ Ego ]7eodred lundoniensis aecct^ eps corroboraui 1^ Ego aelfheah wintaniensis aecct^ eps testudinem sc§ crucis subscripsi et confirmaui . 1^ Ego wulfsige episcopus consensum pr^bui figens crucem . 1^ Ego selfric episcopus donum regis confirmaui . »I< Ego 8e]?elgar episcopus crucis uexillo corroboraui . >J< Ego selfred episcopus crucis modum depinxi . >i« eadmund dux . >J< selfric mis . »I< ealhhelm dux . >J< 8e]?elsige mis . >J< a]7elmund dux . >J< 8e]7elgeard . mis . »J« selfgar dux . >J< aelfheah . mis . >I< wulfric mis . >I< sej^eric . mis . 192 GENUINE RECOEDS DATED. >I< aelfsige mis . >J« selfred . mis . >J< wulfric mis . >{< osfer]? . mis . *i^* Endorsed ly a contemporary hand, • ^ ])is is |)ara . xviii . hida boc set welig forda J)e eadred cing gebocode wulfrice his f egne on ece yrfe . wi]> )58es landes gewrixle })e on wealu is setpendyfig .*', hy one of the 12 fh century, 'carta de Weliford . '; by one of the i^th, 'prima .' ; and by one of the i^th, 'Iste Rex concessit istam terram cuidam amico suo carissimo/ B. ^ iSneid vi. 724, 725. Cott. Aug. ii. 43. A.D. 956. K453. B. iii. 19. Eadwig rex et primicerius totius Albionis grants to a thane Brihtric 5 cassati in loco qui dicitur TademaDr tun in hereditatem per- petuam. Dis syndon "Sa land gemsero set tademsertune ^ara .v. hida . serest of eadwardes mylne f on "Sa ealdan die of ^sere die on mser broc of mserbroee on f eastre sic of "Sam sice on maer stan of mser stane on "Sane ealdan garan of 'San garan a be heafdan a be heafdan f on "Sone broc of "Sam broce ongean stream ^ on ^ riscbed of "Sam riscbedde ^ on "Sone weg f su^ ylang weges ^ on ^ slsed f of "San slaede up on "pa, ecge f ylang ecge on heort wyllan of heort wyllan on 'Sa ealdan styge f ylang styge on "Sone mser pyt of 'Sam pytte on wilbaldes ecge of wilbaldes ecge f eft on eadwardes mylne • Acta est autem hsec donatio anno ab incarnatione dnica .dcccclvi. indie? .xiiii. regni autem mei primo anno ; B, : — Eadwig rex Anglorum. Eadgar frater eiusdem regis. Abp :— Oda. Bp :— JElfsige. Osulf. Brihtelm. Wulfsige. Daniel. TENTH CENTURY. 193 Dux : — ^tSelstan. ^t5elsige. ^Ifhere. Eadmund. M^el- wold. ^(Selmund. fit:— ^Ifgar. ByrhtfertJ. iElfheah. iEtSelgeard. ^Ifryd. JESylmser. *^* indorsed in a contemporary hand, ' Sis Hs' 'Sara ^V' hida boc set tademaer tune "Se eadwig c^riing gebocajj brihtrice on ece yrfe.'j and in one of the I2tli century y 'carta de tademertona/ 'iii.' B. Cott. Aug. ii. 45. A.D. 956. K445. B. iii. 20. Eadwig egregius Angulsaxonum basileus caeterarumque plebium hinc inde habitantium grants to Eadmund one of his nobles i6 cassati with all rights and legal immunities. pis sint )7a land gemaero to anninga d[u]ne aerest on )?a deopan ri]?e be eastan bremre swa west ofer bremre to cumb hsema gemsBro swa be cumb hsema gemsera to den tunninga gemsere of den tunninga gemsere swa to suntinga gemsere swa be suntinga gemsere to bidelinga gemaere swa J?[on]ne for|? east be bidelinga gemsere oj^er to . . . bremre . ]7is sint )7a den stowa broc hyrst 7 bead- dan syla 7 set fyrnj^an 7 hlij? wic 7 strod wic. R : — ^Eadwig gra di totius brittannic? telluris rex. Eadgar eiusdem regis fr. Abp : — Oda dorouernensis aecclse archipsul. [Bp] :— Oscytel. Osulf. Bjrhtelm. Aj^ulf. Dux: — ^f»elstan. ByrhtfertS. iEf)elstan. JEfielsige. Mis :— ^Ifsige. Wulfric. iE}>elgeard. ^Elfheah. JElfgar. Byrhtfert5. Af>elwold. Wulfgar. Alfwold. ^Ifsige. *:ie* indorsed in a contemporary hand, ' >J< |)is is J)ara 'Xvi hida bdc set anninga dnne ])e eadwig cing gebocode eadmunde ealdormen on ece yrfe-'; and in one of the i^th century, 'Concessit istam terram cuidam optimati suo.' B. 194 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Chart. Cott. viii. 12. A.D. 956. K460. B. iii. 21. Eadwig grants to Wulfric (princjeps) 7 cassati in perpetuity with all legal immunities. ^ Anno herdic§ incarnationis dcccclvi . indictione .xiiii. Eadwig numine cselesti gentis geuuisoru ^ orienta- liiiq : nee non occidentaliu simul etia aquilonaliii saxonii archons cuida meoru principii que nonnulli uocitant noto uocamine . wvlfric .vii. cassatos perpetualiter trado . 11 lie ubi uulgariter dieitur . set Melebroce . quandiu hie corpus animatii habere uidebitur nri doni priuilegiii sibi uendicet et postero denique suo quemciique elegerit perenniter impertiat cii campis . paseuis . pratis . siluis . Hsee tellus a euncto sit immunis seruitu nisi pontis . et arcis . ae expeditionis iuuamine . Si quis ante infringere temptauerit quod absit . seiat s6 ratione reddituru eora do et angelis eius . nisi prius hie digna satisfaetione emendare satagerit . Istis terminis ambif^ prsedieta tellus . fis synt )7a land gemsero to melebroee . serest of hreodbrycge ylang st'r'sete on fearninga broce ylang mearce on melebroces ford east ylang mearce on ]7unres lea norj^eweardne J^onon ylang weges on cinges die ]7onon ylang mearce on holan weg of ]7a wege on ]>si ea 0)7 midne stream ylang streames on hreodbrycge . y se haga an ham tune )7e )78erto gebyret . »J« Ego eadwig rex anglorii indeclinabiliter coneessi »I< Ego eadgar eiusdem regis fr consensi »i< Ego oda arehieps cu signo sc^ crucis roboraui >i< Ego selfsinus presul sigillu agi§ crucis impressi . TENTH CENTURY. 195 >J< Ego oscytel eps consignaui >I< Ego osulf eps adquieui »I< Ego wulfsige eps subscripsi p^i Ego byrhthelm eps conclusi >{< selfsige mis . »I< wulfric mis . >J< se]?elgeard mis . >J« sej^elstan dux >I« selfheah mis . >i< eadmund dux ►}< selfgar mis . >I< byrhtferj? dux >J< byrhtf'er]? mis . >J< selfhere dux pI< selfred mis . *;^* indorsed in a contemporary hand, ' »^ ])is is ])ara 'vii' hida bdc aet melebroce ])e eadwig cing gebocode wulfrice Ms ]>egne on ece yrfe '; and in one of late i^th century, * vii hyda in mylbrooke. saxon/ B. ^ The antiquated name of Gewissi is strange, as Mr. Freeman has observed, N. C. i. 602 ; but the strangeness is eclipsed by other parts of the title which are still more unusual. If we had found these afPecta- tions in a Chartulary, we should have been mistrustful, but the writing is coeval. Cott. Aug. ii. 40. A.D. 960. E:481. B. iii. 22. Eadgar restores to his thane Wulfric certain lands which for some offence had been * interdicted.' The said thane gave the king 120 mancuses of the purest gold. J Quamuis enim regalium dignitatum decreta et saluberrima regnorum consilia manente imunitatis sin- grafa iugiter fixa jBrmaque perseuerent . adtamen quia non umqua tempestates et mundi turbines fragilem uite cursum humane pulsantes contra diuina supernae affirma- tionis ac legitima iura illidunt . Idcirco ordine littera- % 196 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. rum ac cartarum scednlis sunt roboranda ne fortuitu casu suceessorum progenies posterorum ignorato preee- dentium patrum cirographo inextricabilem horendorum barathrorum uoraginem incurrat . Quapropter ego . ead- GAR . totius brittannise gubernator et rector cuidam ministro qui a peritis . wulfric . appella[tu]r uocabulo rura que ei ob cuiusda offensaculi causa interdicta fue- rant perpetualiter restituo seternam libertatem concedens quatinus [ipse quandiu in hoc mortali deguerit sec[u]lo sine alieuius honeris grauitate liberali? possideat et post su§ uit§ obitum quibuscumq* sibi placuerit heredibus incontaminata derelinquat . hec etenim sunt terrarum illarum nomina que rex prefatus wulfrico seternalit libe- rauit . sescesburuh . 7 deniceswyr^ . garanford . cifanlea . stanmere . ceadelanwyr'S . boxoran . bennanham . wyr- tingas . ticceburnan . steddanham . tuUingtun . psecein- gas . puningas . nitimbre . Si quis denique quod non optamus hane nram libertatem cupiditatis liuore depressi uiolare satagerint agminib; tetr§ caliginis lapsi uocem audiant examinationis die arbitris sibi dicentis . discedite a me maledicti in ignem seternum ubi cum demonibus ferreis sartaginib; crudeli torqueantur in poena si non ante mortem digna hoc emendauerint poenitentia . Dedit enim predictus minister regi prefato centu .xx. mancusas auri probatissimi causa huius libertatis . Scri[p}ta .e. namq* huius libertatis cartula anno dominicae incarna- tionis .dcccc.lx. his testibus consentientibus quorum in- ferius nomina secundum uniuscuiusque dignitatem carax[antu]r . >^ Ego eadgar rex banc libertatem >^ Ego osweard m eoncessi ^ Ego osulf m >i< Ego dunstan archieps cfirmaui »I« Ego uulfgar m TENTH CENTURY. 197 lii Ego oscytel archieps robomui ►J< Ego osulf eps csolidaui >I< Ego byrhthelm eps corroboraui >I< Ego a)?ulf eps concessi >J< Ego alfwold eps consensi >I« Ego aJ>elwold abb depinxi ►!< Ego aelf here dux »}< Ego selfheah dux ^ Ego 8e]7elstan dux ►J< Ego a]?elwold dux >J< Ego byrbtno'S dux >I< Ego eadmund dux >i< Ego 8ej7elmund dux >J< Ego selfgar mis ►I* Ego selfwine fh »I< Ego byrbtfer^ m ►i< Ego 8eJ7elsige m >^ Ego eadric m >i< Ego osweard fh »i«Ego >i« Ego »I«Ego ^Ego ►I* Ego ►II«Ego »I< Ego >i«Ego »i< Ego ♦J« Ego >I«Ego jJ^Ego »J«Ego ►!< Ego .I«Ego >I«Ego osulf m uulfgar m wulf here m 8e]7elsige m SBlfsige m wulf helm m se]7elsige m aBlfred m ealdred m 8e)7elsige m. self heah m selfwine m 8eJ7elwine m ealdred m leuincg m aelfwig m selfwine m 8e]?elweard m sej^elfer^ m *^* indorsed hy the same hand, ' »^ f>is is ealra })ara landa freols \e eadgar cyning geedf reolsade wulf rice his Jjegene on ece yrfe ' ; and in a hand of the i^th century, * Concessit istas terras Hnfrascriptas' cuidam seculari/ B. Cott. Aug. ii. 39. AD. 961. K487. B. iii. 23. Eadgar totius Brittannise gubernator et rector, grants 2 2 cassati, loco qui eelebri Kimecuda ^ nuncupatur onomate, to the Church at Abingdon. His metis pfatii rus bine inde girat^ Dis synd )?a land gemsera to rimecuda . of J^sere br ea ylaug- ea on biccan pol of ]?am pole on dyrnan ford f onne is 198 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. seo msed gemsene of )?am forda on lucan beorh of ]?am beorge on pisteles sec of J^sem acum on broclea ford of J?3em forda on |7a stigele of ]?8ere stigele on cuttes msed of )7sere msede on afene up on wudeburge hlinc of ]7am hlince on lind ford of J?8em forda on )?one see troh of ]78em troge on }7one h8e]?enan byrgels of ]?am byrgelse up to wind geate of wind geate on spon ford of J^sem forda on )7one fulan ford of ]7am forda on mules cumb of mules cumbe on ]7one herepa^ ylang herepa]?es on l7iofa cumb of ]7ara cumbe on blype burnan of J7am burnan on leofan mearce on ]?SL die of J^sere die on |?a brembel j^yrnan of |78ere ]?yrnan on burhrydineg ford on }>a msed lace of ]78ere lace on ]7one haran wi^ig . |7onne is seo msed gemsene of ]?am wijjige on afene up on sandford of J?am forda on a^el- woldes mearce of his mearce on undernbeorh of ]78em beorge on |?one haran wij^ig of ]?8em wi|?ige eft on ]>a. bricge . 7 ]?isses landes is ealles xxii hida Anno dominicae incarnationis .dcccclxi. scripta est haec carta his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina caraxantur . E. : — Eadgar britannise anglorum monarchus. Abp : — Dunstan dorobernensis seclesise archiepus. Oscytel seboracensis basilicse priamas insegnis. Bp : — Osulf presul. Byrhtelm blebi di famulus. Afulf pon- tifex. ^Ifstan antistes. Oswold legis di catascopus. Atib : — Ajpelwold. Dux :—iElf here. ^Ifheah. ^]5elstan. Afelwold. Byrhno'S. Eadmund. iE)?elmund. in: — ^Ifgar. ^Ifwine. B3rrhtfert5. iEf>elsige. iE)?elwine. Osweard. JEJ?elsige. Osulf. Uulfgar. ^f)elsige. JElf- sige. Wulfhelm. iElfsige. Alfred. Ealdred. Alfwold. *:ic* Endorsed in hands of the 12th and i^th centuries, ' Carta regis TENTH CENTURY. 199 eadgari de Rimecuda/ the later of the two inscriptions heing followed hy * id est le Rye,* in another hand. B. * Rimecuda according to K. is in Berks : but B. says Wilts : where also K. put the Rimucwudu of K 436. Harley Charter 43, c. 21. A.D. 961. K488. B. iv. 11. Eadgar di omnipotentis nutu rex totius albionis insula, grants to Cenulf for his service and fidelity 4 mansse, ubi anglica apellatione dicitur . set Wi)?iglea. Hsec sunt confinia supradict^ terre * ^ pis synt ]7a land gemaero to wi]7ilea . aerest on ucing ford . of J^am forda on gerihte to )7ani smalan wege . for'S on j7one weg to poddan beorge . of )?am beorge to wij^ig slsede . of ]7am slsede on gerihte to broce- nan beorge . of J^am beorge to wudu forda . of J?am forda on gerihte to lulles beorge . of J7am beorge for'S ylang herpo]7es to cynulfes treowe . of ]?a treowe on gerihte to msegen stanes dene . of ]?8ere dene on ]7one weg to wiJ7ilea gate . of )7a gate for'S be j^aere die eft to ucing forda . Haec cartula scripta -r- anno dnic§ icar . deccc . Ixi . indie . iiii . R : — Eadgar rex anglorum. Abp : — Dunstan archieps. Bp :— Byrhtelm. Osulf. Alfwold. Byrhtelm. ^Ifstan. Dux :— ^Ifhere. ^Ifheah. ^f»estan. Afelwold. Ead- mund. Ajjelmund. Byrhtno'S. m: — iElfgar. ByrhfertS. Oswerd. Osulf. Eadwig. ^Ifwine. Alfwold. iEfelsige. ^)?elwine. ^Ifhelm. iElfric. Byrhtric. 200 GENUINE RECOKDS DATED. aet wi])iglea "pe eadgar cing haef S gebocod centdfe on ^ce yrf e. ; ' in a hand of the 12th cent., ' wijiiglea', above which has been written in a hand of the i6th cent., *Donum Edgari regis factum Cenulf de terris vocatis — ;' and in another hand of the i6th cent., ' 961 Carta Edgari Regis de Phiphide continente quatuor Mansas cum omnibus pratis silvis pascuis campisque, sit ab omni regali servicio libera, exceptis tribus rebus arcis munitione, pontis constructione, et hepidicione/ B. Translation : — These are the landmeers to Witbiglea : First at Ucingford, from the ford straight to the small way, along on the way to Pod's hill, from that hill to withy slade, from the slade straight to broken hill [? landslip], from the hill to Woodford, from the ford straight to Lull's hill, from that hill forth along the highway to Cynulf's tree, from the tree straight to Mainstone hollow, from the hollow along the way to Withilea gate, from the gate along by the dyke and so back to Ucingford. Harley Charter 43, c. 3. A.D. 962. K400. B.iii. 25. Eadgar totius brittannise gubernator et rector uni matrone cui uo- cabulum certa astipulatione j)fertr ^}3ELFljed, grants 7 mansse, illo m loco ubi a ruricolis uulgariter ceoeleswtede . pro- latum est cum omnibus, &c. ^ His metis rus hoc giratur . Dis syndon )7a land gemaero to ceorles wyr'Se . Of caforda ylang cwyrnburnan f hit cym^S to mannan mearce j7onne J?anon ylang wealc hyrste forS be anan burnan f hit cym^ eft on mannan mearce 7 on asan |?onne )7anon ylang heges f hit cym^ to anre dene ]7onne svva for'S f hit cym^ on )?one burnan J7e scyt to culan fenne J^onne swa for'S ylang Jjaes burnan ^ hit cym^S to oswi^es mearce y eadwoldes . fonne for'S ylang heges J7e scyt of fam burnan f hit cym^ to strsete swa for'S ylang strete f hit cym'S inn on mearcellan . )7onne forS ylang mearcellan f hit cym^S )?8er cwyrnburna y *' TENTH CENTURY. 201 mearcella sceota^ togsedere )7onne for^ ylang cwyrn- burnan f hit cynics eft in on caford. Anno dominicae incarnationis dcccclxii . scripta est haec carta his testibus consentientibus quorii inferius nomina notanf. R : — Eadgar rex anglorum. Abp : — Dunstan archieps. Oscytel arcbieps. Bp:— Osulf. Byrbtelm. At)b : — Afelwold. Dux :— iElfhere. ^Elfheah. JEpeht&n. Afelwold. m:— ^Ifgar. JElfwine. Byrhtfer?5. Wulfhelm. iEfelwine. *:ic* JEndorsed in a hand of the early 12th century, 'Carta ^dgari regis de cherlesworde cuidam ^ffleade.' continued in a later hand, 'que per istam et per propriain cartam reddidit manerium sancto aedmundo'; and in one of the i^th century, 'Carta Edgar de Chrles- worde/ B. * Below, under 991, we shall see this property the subject of bequest in the Will of ^Jjelflsed. Archseologieal Journal, 1857. After 962. Eadgar was king when the lands at Send and Sundbury were bought by Dunstan in the manner related. Se fruma waes "Saet mon forstsel senne wimman set Iceeslea JElfsige Byrhsiges suna : Durwif hatte se wimman. Da befeng ^Ifsige 'Sone mann set Wulfstane Wulfgares fader. Da tymde Wulfstan bine to jE^el- stane set Sunnanbyrg. Da cende he tem. let "Sone forberstan . forbeh 'Sone andagen. jEfter "Sam bsed -^Ifsige aegiftes his mannes . and he bine agif ^ and for- geald him mid twam pundum. Da bsed Byrhfer^ eald- 203 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. ormann ^}?elstan hys wer for -Sam tembyrste. Da cwse-S ^)?elstan ^set he nsefde him to syllane. Da cleopode Eadweard ^]?elstanes bro'Sor, and cwse^, ic hsebbe Sunnanb urges boc "Se uncre yldran me Is^fdon, laet me ^set land to handa ic agife ]7inne wer )?am cynge. Da cwse^ ^^elstan "Sset him leofre wsere "Sset hit to fyre o^^e flode gewurde. 'Sonne he hit sefre gebide: "S^ cwseS Eadweard hit is wyrse "Sset uncer na^or hit nsebbe : ^a wses ^a swa. and forbead Byrh- fer^ "Sset land ^E^elstane. and he offerde and geb6h under Wulfgare set Nor^ healum. Binnan ^^m wendun gewyrda. and gewat Eadred cyng : and feng Eadwig to rice, and wende j^E'Selstan hine eft into Sunnanbyrg. ungebetra ]?inga. Da geahsode 'Saet Eadwig cyng and gesealde "Saet land Byrnrice. and he feng to and wearf ^^elstan ut. gemang ^am getidde ^set Myrce gecuran Eadgar to cynge. and him anweald gesealdan ealra cynerihta. 'Sa gesohte ^"Selstan Eadgar cyng and bsed domes. 'Sa setdemdon him Myrcna witan land buton he his wer agulde "Sam cynge swa he o^ram ser sceolde. ^a nsefde he hwanon. ne he hit Eadwearde his brewer ge^afian nolde. -Sa gesealde se cyng. and gebecte 'Sset land j^^elstane ealdormenn. to hsebbenne, and to syl- lanne for life and for legere "Sam him leofost wsere. sefter "Sam getidde 'Saet Ecgfer^ gebohte boo and land set iE^elstane ealdormenn. on cynges gewitnesse and his witena swa his gemedo waeron. hsefde and breac o^ his ende. "Sa betsehte Ecgfer^ on halre tungan. land and boc on cynges gewitnesse Dunstane arcebisceope to mundgenne his lafe and his bearne. Dd he geendod wses ^a rad se bisceop to ^am cynge. myngude ^sere munde and his gewitnesse. ^a cwse^ se cyng him to andsvvare. mine witan habba^ setree^ ^ Ecgfer^e ealle TENTH CENTURY. 203 his are. furh ^set swyrd ^e him on hype hangode ^a he adrane. nam ^a se cyng ^a are 'Se he ahte. xx. hyda set Sendan. x. set Sunnanbyrg. and forgef ^Ifhege earldormenn. Da bead se bisceop his wer 'Sam cynge. ^a cwse'S se cyng. ^set mihte beon geboden him wi'S clsenum legere. ac ic hsebbe ealle ^a spsece to -^Ifhege Iseten. ^ses on syxtan gere gebohte se arcebisceop set ^Ifheofe ealdormenn. "Sset land set Sendan. mid xc. pundum. and set Sunnanbyrg mid cc. mancussan goldes unbecwedene. and unforbodene. wi^ selcne mann to ^sdve ^segtide and he him swa 'Sa land geagnian derr\ swa him se sealde ^e to syllene ahte. and hi ^am se cyng sealde. swa he^ him his witan gerehton. ^ sic K, 'hi legendum. as a contribution from Mr. Kemble, But he died before the proofs were revised, and I have been unable to trace the source. I have enquired at Westminster without success. Under these circumstances I simply append his preface and translation. ' The very remarkable document which I here print with a transla- tion, is one of the title deeds of Westminster. It relates how certain lands at Send and Sunbury, in Middlesex, came into the hands of Arch- bishop Diinstan, and by what series of events their ancient owners became divested of their property. The light which it incidentally throws upon the Anglo-Saxon forms of law, and the state of society, is very great ; and it may be considered one of the most instructive monu- ments which we possess. As it is written in a rather barbarous way, though not by any means a confused one, our readers may possibly like to see a compendious account of the transactions described. It appears that a female serf, named Thurwif , was stolen from ^Lfsige : he de- tected his property in the hands of Wulfsige, who teamed it over to ^^elstan, in Sudbury, i. e., vouched him as the person from whom he acquired it. It was now iE'Selst^n's business to produce his voucher, which he undertook to do ; but when the term came, he did not hold it, and consequently admitted the wrongful possession. -^Ifsige now claimed, and got back his property, and two pounds damages. But there was a public consideration besides the private one ; the sheriff in the king's name demanded iESelstdn's wergyld, which he had forfeited 204 GENUINE EECOKDS DATED. to the king by not vouching his warranty as he undertook to do. ^8'el- st^n having no means, his brother, EMweard, who possessed the charter of Sunbury, although ^Selstan held the land, proposed to pay the fine for him, if he would give up the land to him. This ^Selstan refused, and consequently both lost it. The sheriff turned ^^elst^n out of it, and seized it no doubt to the king's hand, the old proprietor taking refuge as a tenant upon WuLfg^r's land. But Eadred dying, ^Selstan took advantage, probably of a change of sherifB, to return to his land, **ungebetra Ipinga.," without having mended matters, — without having made amends. But E^dwig learning this, granted the land to Beornrie, who turned JESelst^n out and took possession. In the mean while the revolution in Mercia took place, and E^dgar was elected king in the coimtries north of the Thames. iESelst^n now seems to have had some hope that he might find some favour with the new king, and brought his case before him. But the law was clear enough ; E^dgar's witan decided as E^wig's had done, and iESelst^n was condemned to pay his wergyld for the Te^mbyrst, or forfeit his land. On this occasion, as before, he had not wherewithal to pay, and obstinately refused to let his brother do it, and consequently again both lost it. The king now granted it to MfSelstdn, one of his ealdormen, and gave him a book or charter, on which occasion it is certain that the old charter, in Ead- ward's possession, was annulled. From this time, the old owners, MfSel- st^n and EjCdweard, vanish altogether, the property is in ^^elst^n the ealdorman, and his devisees. It now appears that one EcgferS bought the land of him in full and entire property, and enjoyed it till his death. He made it over in trust to Archbishop Diinst^n, as it appears, to the use of his widow and child. This act he is described to have executed "h^lre tungan,*' with a whole tongue, i.e. with a sound, un- impeached right to bequeath; but after this he appears to have died under circumstances of suspicion, and the witan believing him to have been felo de se, confiscated all his property, and delivered it as a a escheat to the king. He gave it now to iSlf he^h, the ealdorman. And when Ddnst^n, on behalf of the widow and child, claimed the land of EMgar, he received for answer, that the man was a suicide, and that the estates were escheated. Diinst^n now offered to redeem the escheat by payment of EcgferS's wergyld; but the king rejoined, that if he paid that, Ecgf erS might perhaps be allowed to lie in a clean grave, i. e., in consecrated ground, but, for the rest, that the whole matter was handed over to JElfhe^h. Under these circumstances the Archbishop made up his mind to pay a large sum for the two estates, amounting in all to thirty hides, or nearly looo acres, and ^Ifhe^h made him a clear title, upon the warranty of the king's grant, and the authorisation of the witan thereto. I may mention, that in addition to several in- teresting examples of what may be called the symbolism of the Anglo- Saxon law, this charter contains the only evidence we have of escheat for suicide, in the Anglo-Saxon period.' TENTH CENTURY. 205 *The beginning was that some one stole away a woman at Icceslea from ^If sig, Byrbtsige's son : tbe woman's name was Tburwif . Tben iElf sige detected the person in the possession of Wulf st^n, Wulfg^r's father. And WulfstiCn teamed her to M^e\%t^n at Sunbury. Then he gave notice of Team, but let it go by default, and did not appear at the term. After that ^Ifsige claimed his property, and he gave it up, and paid him damages with two pounds. Then ByrhtferS the ealdorman sued ^Selstan for his wergyld, for making default of team. Then said ^Selstan that he had no means to pay with. Then called out E^dweard, iESelst^n's brother, and said : " I have the charter of Sun- bury, which my ancestors ^ left me j give me the possession of the land into my hand, and I will pay the king your wergyld." Then said ^Selstan that he would rather it should all sink in fire or flood, than that he should ever abide that. Then said EcCdweard, " It would be worse, that neither of us should have it." Then w^as it so, and Byrht- ferS forbade iESelstiln the land, and he decamped, and took service under Wulfg^r at Northhale. Meanwhile fortune changed, and king Eadred died, and Eadwig succeeded to his kingdom, and M^eXstin re- turned to Sunbury, without having mended the matter. Then Eddwig the king discovered that, and gave the land to Beorm'ic, and he took possession and cast ^Selstan out. Meanwhile it happened that the Mercians elected EMgar king, and gave him the power to exercise all the rights of royalty. Then ^Selstan sought king Eadgar, and de- manded judgment : and the witan of Mercia condemned him to foi-feit the land, unless he paid his wergyld to the king, as he should have done to the other, before. Then had he no means, nor would he allow his brother Eadweard to do it. Then the king gave and booked the land to ^^elst^n the ealdorman, to have and to give, in life and in death, to whom he best pleased. After that it befell that EcgferS bought the charter and land from ^^elst^n the ealdorman, by witness of the king and his witan, as his covenants were, he had and enjoyed it to his end. Then did EcgferS with a whole tongue bequeath land and book to Arch- bishop Dunst^n, by witness of the king, in trust for his widow and child. And when he was dead, the bishop rode to the king and put him in mind of the trust and of his testimony ; then did the king give him this answer, " My witan have deprived Ecgfer'S of all his estate, by the sword that hung on his hip when he was drowned." Then the king took all the estate he had, twenty hides at Send, ten at Sunbury, and gave them to ^Ifhe^h the ealdorman. Then did the bishop tender his wergyld to the king ; then said the king, that that might be offered him, in consideration of a grave in consecrated ground : but he had given over the whole discussion to ^Ifheah. In the sixth year after this, the archbishop bought the land at Send of ^Ifheah the ealdorman, for ninety pounds, and that at Sunbury for two hundred mancusses of gold, unbeclaimed and unforbid, against every man soever up to that date, and he warranted him the land[s] as his property, even as he had 206 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. given it him that had it to give, and as the king had granted them to him, even as his witan had adjudged [them]/ * our parents, yoxu's and mine. Addit. Chart. 19, 793. A.D. 969. B. iii. 29. Eadgar grants 15 cassati at ^pslea to his faithful thane Alfwold *. His metis prsefatum . rus hinc inde giratur ; Dis synt J7a land gemsera to aepslea . of hysse burnan on wendles dune eastewearde of wendles dune on flitanhyll J^anon on f)one hwitan mor . 7 si)7)7an be fenne on )7one heafod secer oj? J^one lytlan hlaw fonon to )?8ere apuldre J^ser ]?a J>reo land gemseru togsedere ga)? . woburninga 7 wafan- duninga . 7 sepsleainga . fram J7am deorg^te ofer J^one haej? to ]7am cumbe ]7onon ymbe westlea . of ]7am lea on }7one heafod secer se is on sepsleainga gemaere 7 on wafanduninga . )7onon . 7lang J^aere ealdan strate on dun- nes hlaw . J^onon on 'pone ealda'n' ford on psds fennes heafod andlang fennes up on J^sere dune to psere blacan J7yrnan to J^am ealdan stapole . of )?am stapole eall on- butan fotes eige of fotes eige in on ]?one blundan ford 7lang streames . of ]7am streame on crangfeldinga die . of ]?8ere die on j7one ealdan coll pytt J?8er J7a )7reo gemseru togaedere gaj? . crancfeldinga . 7 mercstuninga . 7 hola- cotan . of )?am J?reom gemseron on ]?one ealdan mapuldre . of ]?am mapuldre . on ]7one sidan healh . of )?am sidan heale a be J^am heh hylte in on ]?one langan )76rn . of J^am }76rne eft in on hysseburnan . of hysseburnan . eft in easteweardere wsendles dune ; Anno ab incarnatione dni nri ihu xpi . dcccc . Ixuiiii . Scripta est . huius dona- TENTH CENTURY. 207 tionis singrapha his testibus consentientibus quoru in- ferius nomina caraxantur. R : — Eadgar rex anglorum. Abp : — Dunstan archieps dorouernensis ecclesig xpi. Oscytel archieps. Bp : — JElfstan. iE]?elwold. Osulf. Wynsige. Oswold. Wulfric. aBb:— iEscwig. Osgar. ^Ifstan. JEpelg&r. ^Elfric. Cyne- weard. dux :— iElfere. jElfeh. Ordgar. JEpehtan. Byrhtnoj?. m: Byrhtfer)?. ^Ifwine. Wulfstan. ^felweard. Eanulf. Osulf. "Wulfstan. Leofwine. ^Ifweard. ^Ej^elmund. Osweard. Leofwine. *j|c* Endorsed, ' >J< Dis is J)ara 'XV- hida land boc • set ^pslea • ])e EADGAE cyning • gebocade selfwolde his leofan • getreowan J)egne a on ^ce yrfe ' ; and ' Eadgar rex/ ^ Kemble has only an imperfect copy of this deed, namely, K 1267: for which the assigned sources are, Cott. Vitell. C. ix. 1 26 : and Heming's Chartulary by Hearne, p. 559. Addit. Chart. 19, 794. A.D. 984. B. iii. 32. Oswold Abp. York, leases 2 J mansse set Caldingcotan for three lives with reversion to the bishop of Worcester. CYROGRAVVM. CP Anno dominie^ incarnationis . dcecclxxxiiii . Ego osuuoLD . superni rectoris fultus iuuamine archipr^sul cum licentia ^]7ELIiedi . regis anglorum ac iELFRiCE . ducis merciorum cuidam ministro meo qui a gnosticis nota . CYNELM . nuncupatur uocabulo ob eius fidele ob- 208 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. sequium quandam ruris particulam . ii et dimidium uide- licet mansas quod solito uocitaf^ nomine set caldinccotan . cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus liberaliter con- cessi ut ipse uita comite fideliter perfruatur et post uit§ su§ terminum duobus quibus uoluerit cleronomis dere- linquat . quibus etiam ex hac uita migratis rus predictum cum omnibus utensilibus ad usum primatis ecclesi^ di in weogerne ceastre restituatur immunis . j7onne is Ipses londes |7ridde half hid J^e oswold arcebisceop sel-S eynelme his ]7egne to boc londe swa he hit him ser hsefde tofor- laeten to Isen londe 8eg]?8er ge on eariS londe ge on hom londe . 1J4 Ego oswold archiepis >J< Ego godingc diac ►J< Ego wynsige prbt 1^ Ego leofstan diac ►J< Ego sej^elstan prbt ►J* Ego wulfhun ct ►i< Ego selfsige prbt >J< Ego cyne)7egn ct »J# Ego eadgar prbt ►J* Ego wulfgar cl »fi Ego wistan prbt >J< Ego leofwine ct >i< Ego eadward prbt »J< Ego ufuc ct 1^ Ego sef'elsige prbt >J< Ego selfno^ ct »J< Ego wulfward diac >^ Ego aj^elwold ct 1^ Ego se]7ric diac >}< Ego wulfno-S ct *5ic* ^Endorsed, ' >J< ])is syndon ])a lond giemsera into caldingc cotan "p is aerest on ruhwsellan o£ ruliwaellan *]long sices on ))one weg of Jjsem wege anbutan J)one garan eft on ])one weg of J)8em wege a be J)8em heafod londe "f eft in 'p oJ)er heafod lond ane liwile J)8enne in J)a f urh 1p andlong fyrh anbutan f heafod lond f swa on cyne burge lond gemsere •^ andlong gemseres on t* beafod lond of 3)8em heafod londe eft on ])one weg of J)8em wege on hlydan andlong hlydan on ]jone heafod weg of Jjsem wege on ])one hyll of l^aem hylle on J)a die set crawan Jjome of Jjsere die on caerent f andlong cserent on Ipa, mylen die on J^sere die on pa, dene ^ andlong dene on Jjone grenan weg of ]>seja wege on })a furh of jjsere f jrh a be J)8em heafdan to breoduninga gemsere to })sere fyrh ))8es bisceopes at londes p andlong fyrh to Jjsem heafdon of j^aem heafdon to J)8em heafod londe swa anbutan "p heafod lond p innan j)a furh ^ andlong TENTH CENTURY. 209 f yrh on suS brdc Ipset andlong broces J^set eft in rugan waellan . ; ' and in later hands, ' ^])elredi regis.' and 'caldicoto: ii . hidse et dimi- dium,' B. Chart. Cott. viii. 14. A.D. 987. K657. B. iii. 33. M^elred grants lo ploughlands at Bromley to his thane ^(5elsige. The same estate appears a.d. 862 to have been conveyed by king ^thelberht to his thane Dryhtweald : K 287 ; B. ii. 39. >^ Altithrono in aeternum regnante . uniuersis sophise studiu itento mtis conamine sedulo rimantib; liquido patescit . quod huius uitse periculis nimio ingruentib; terrore recidiui terminus cosmi appropinquare dinos- cuntur . ut ueridica xpi promulgat sententia qua dicit . surget gens contra gentem et regnum aduersus regnum et reliqua . Quapropter ego se^elrsedus fauente supno numine basileos industrius angloru c^teraruque gentium in circuitu persistentium quanda telluris particula id est . X . aratrorii illo in loco ubi a ruricolis . bromleg dicif^ . cuidam mihi oppido fideli ministro qui a notis noto ae^elsige nuncupatur onomate in perpetua possession^ donando donaui . ut habeat et possideat quadiu uiuat in seterna . hereditate . et post se cuicumq; sibi placuerit heredi inmune derelinquat . Sit ante predictum rus liberu ab omni mundiali obstaculo cum omib; ad se rite perti- nentib5 capis . pascuis . pratis . siluis . excepto istis tribus expeditione uidelicet . pontis . arcisue munitione . Si quis igit'' banc nram donatione in aliud quam consti- tuimus transferr^ uoluerit priua^ consortio scse di ecctse seternis barathri incendiis lugubris iugiter cum iuda xpi proditore eiusq; complicib; puniaf si non satisfactione emendauerit congrua quod contra nrum deliquit decretu . P 210 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Istis terminib; pr^dicta terra circumcincta clarescit . serest an nor'San fram ceddan leage to langan leage bromleaginga mearc 7 leofsnhaema . ]?anne fram langan leage to "Sam won stocce . Jeanne fram 'Sam w6n stocce be modinga hsema mearce to cinta stigole |janne fram cintan stigole be modinga hsema mearce to earnes beame . "Sanne fram earnes beame crseg ssetena haga on east- healfe seed hit to leowsan dene "Sanne fram leowsan dene to swelgende . "Sanne fram swelgende erseg setena haga to siox slihtre . ^anne fram seox slihtre to fearn beorhginga mearce fearn beorginga mearc hit seed to cystaninga mearce cystaninga mearc hit seed su^an to weard setle . ^anne fram weard setle cystaninga mearc to wichaema mearce . "Sanne seo west mearc be wichsema mearce ut to bipple styde . )7onne fram bipple styde to acustyde to beohhsema mearce . fram acustede to ceddan- leage . -Sonne belimpa^ |?8er to ^am lande . fif denn . an on ut wealda broccesh[a]m 'Sses dennes nama . 7 )?8es ©"Sres dennes nama ssenget hryc . billan ora is ]?3es |?rid- dan nama . j7onne twa denn an glaeppan felda . Anno ab incarnatione dni nri . dcccclxxxvii . indictione . xv . his testib; consentientib; quorum nomina infra scripta sunt scripta est aute hsec cartula . 7 ►J< ego se^elraed rex anglorum huius donationis liber- tatem regni totius fastigiii tenens libenter concessi . ^ ego dunstan archieps doruernensis ecclesise cum signo scse crucis confirmaui . >^ ego oswold eborac§ ciuitatis archipr^sul crucis taumate adnotaui . >I< ego selfstan eps consensi . ►!< ego self heah eps adquieui . >J< ego se]7elsige eps consolidaui . TENTH CENTURY. 211 >i< ego 8e]?elgar eps non rennui . >J< ego sescwig eps impress! . »J< ego sigeric eps consignaui . »J< ego sigegar eps subscripsi ►!< ego a'Sulf eps conclusi . >J< ego se'Selwine dux i^ »J« ego byrhtnoS dux >J< f^i ego 8e)7elwerd dux >J< >J< ego aelfric dux <^ >J4 ego ordbryht abba >{< »J^ ego leofric abba »J« »i< ego seluere abba »{< »J< ego leofric abba >^ >J< ego selfsige mst »J< ►J< ego selfgar mst >{< >J< ego wulfsige mst >J< »i< ego se^elsige mst >J< »i< ego selfric mst >J< >i< ego leofric mst »J< ego wulfric mst ego leofric mst ego ordulf mst ego ae^elmaer mst oswerd mst wulfgeat mst leofric mst wulfsige mst se'Selric mst leofstan mst godwine mst leofwine mst leofsige mst setSelnoiS mst . *^* Endorsed in a hand of the 1 2,th century, ' Bromleg Edelredus Rex dedit sancto Andree et Ethelsitho Episcopo/ B. Cott. Chart, viii. 20. Before A.D. 988. Harl. 311 f. 22. Text. Roff. 147. K 1288. T. p. 271. B. iii. 34. Abstract of Title how the land at Wouldham came to Rochester. A family romance. ►J< pus wseron 'Sa seox sulung set wulda ham see an- drea geseald into hrofes ceastre. se^elbryht cine hit P 2, 212 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. gebocode ]>a apte on ece yrfe . 7 betsehte hit "Sa biscope eardulfe to bewitenne . 7 his seftergsencan . ^a betweonan J^am wearS hit ute . 7 hsefdon hit cynegas 0^ eadmund cine . "Sa gebohte hit selfstan heahstaninc set 'Ssem cince mid hund twelftigan mancesan goldes . 7 ^rittigan pundan . 7 ^aet him sealde msest eal selfeh his sunii . sefter eadmunde cincge 'Sa gebocode hit eadred cine aelfstane on ece yrfe . )?a sefter a^lfstanes dsege wses selfeh his sunu his yrfe wserd 7 ^ he beleac^ on halre tungon . 7 ofteah aelfrice his brewer landes 7 sehta butan he hwset set him geearnode . 'Sa for ^sere bro^or sibbe geu^e he him . earhi^es . 7 ersegan . 7 senes fordes . 7 wulda hames his dseg . 'Sa oferbad selfeh 'Ssene bro^or 7 feng to his Isene . J?a hsefde selfric suna eadric hatte 7 selfeh nsenne . 'Sa geu^e selfeh ]?a eadrice . earhi'Ses . 7 crsegan . 7 wulda hames . 7 hsefde him sylf senes ford . 'pa gewat eadric ser selfeh ewideleas . 7 selfeh feng to his Isene . ^a hsefde eadric lafe 7 nan beam . ]>a, geujje selfeh hire hire morgen gife . set crsegan . 7 stod earhi'S . 7 wulda ha . 7 lytlan broc on his Isene . ^a hi eft ge^uhte ^a na he his feorme on wulda ha . 7 on ^am o)7ran wolde ac hine geyflade . 7 he "Sa ssende to "Sam arcebiscope dunstane . 7 he CO to scylfe to him . 7 he cwse)? his cwide beforan him . 7 he sette senne cwide to cristes cyrican . 7 o'Serne to see andrea . 7 "San "Sriddan sealde his lafe . 'Sa brsec sy'S'San leofsunu Surh f wif 'Se he na eadrices lafe 'Ssene cwide . 7 herewade J>ses arcebiscopes gewitnesse . rad 'Sa innon "Sa land mid J7am wife butan witena dome . ]?a man f 'Sa biscope cy'Sde . 'Sa gelsedde se biscop ahnunga ealles selfehes cwides to earhi^e on gewitnesse selfstanes biscopes on lundene . 7 ealles J>ses hiredes 7 ^ses set cristes cyrican . 7 "Sses biscopes selfstanes an hrofes ceastre . 7 wulfsies pre'o'stes J7ses scirig mannes . 7 bryht- TENTH CENTUKY. 213 waldes on msere weorSe . 7 ealra east cantwarena . 7 west cantwarena 7 hit wa?s g-ecnsewe on su}? seaxan . 7 on west seaxan . 7 on middel seaxan . 7 on east seaxan . f se arcebiscop mid his selfes a'Se geahnode gode '. 7 see andrea mid \>a. bocan on cristes rode ^a land J7e leofsunu hi toteah 7 ^sene a]? na wulfsige se seirig man -Sa he nolde to 'Saes cinges handa . 7 )?8er waes god eaca ten hundan mannan ^e J7ane a^ sealdan . *:^* indorsed in contemporary hands, 'uuldeam/ 'sal sapientiae.' B. ' leac K. and T. They seem not to have used the Cotton Charter. IDEM latine\ Isto tali ordine fuerunt illae vi. sulingae, quae vocantur Uuldeham, primum venditae ecclesiae Sancti Andreae apostoli de Hrofecestra, et postea extractae, et iterum emptae ipsi ecclesiae, ac tandem, per beatum Dunstanum archiepiscopum, juramento mille virorum eidem ecclesiae acquisitse, et jure hereditario in aeternum relictae. >J< Rex iEthelberhtus primum heredita,verat de Uuldeham apostolum Sanctum Andream, et ecclesiam suam in Hrofecestra aeterno jure, et commisit illud manerium Eardulfo episcopo Hrofensi ad custodiendum, et ejus successoribus. Igitur in manibus successorum ablatum est iterum apostolo et ecclesiae suae in manibus regum, ita quod plures reges, unus post alteram habuerunt illud postea, usque ad tempus regis Eadmundi. Tunc quidam probus homo nomine ^If stanus Heahstaninc emit illud a rege Eadmundo, et dedit ei pro illo centum duodecim mancas auri, et xxx. libras denariorum. Hujus pecuniae majorem partem dedit postea ipsi regi ^Ifegus filius ipsius ^Ifstani. Postea, mortuo rege Eadmundo, Eadredus rex hereditavit inde praedictum ^If- stanum in aeternam hereditatem, Itaque post mortem hujus ^Ifstani, praefatus iElfegus, qui regi Eadmundo dederat majorem partem pecuniae pro patre suo propter Uuldeham, successit huic ^Ifstano in heredita- tem. Qui statim conclusit, et omnino confirmavit totum quod pater suus in vita sua fecerat. Hie autem fratri suo ^Ifrico et terras atque pecunias patris sui ita plene subtraxit, quod ipse ^Ifricus nichil omnino inde poterat habere nisi servitio illud ab eo promeruisset, quem- admodum quilibet exti-aneus. Tamen praecogitatus tandem ^Ifegus, propter consanguinitatis fraternitatem, concessit illi Earhetham, et Craeiam, et.iEinesfordam, et Uuldeham, in diebus vitae suae tantum in ^ The Latin is evidently of much later date than the Saxon, but of which it is a useful paraphrase, elucidating some passages where the Saxon seems obscure. T. 214 GENUINE KECOKDS DATED. praestito solummodo. Itaque mortuo ^Ifrico ^Ifegus statim omnia praestita sua, quae fratri suo viventi praestiterat [resumpsit]. ^Ifricus autem habuit filium nomine Eadricum, iElfegus vero non habuit. Et ideo iElfegus concessit illi Eadrico Earhetham, et Crseiam, et Uul- deham, et retinuit in manu sua iEinesford- Mortuus autem ipse Eadricus absque commendatione vel distributione rerum suarum, tunc iterum ^Ifegus accepit praestita sua omnia. Habebat etiam ipse Eadricus uxorem, et non liberos. Hac de causa concessit ^If egus illi viduae donum dotis suae tantum quod ei dederat Eadricus, quando earn primum accepit uxorem in Craeia. Et tunc remansit Litelbroc et Uuldeham in praestito suo. Postea, quando ei visum placitum fuit, accepit firmam suam in Uuldeham, et in aliis volebat similiter f acere ; sed iterum infirmatus est. Et quia infirmatus valde, misit ilico ad archiepiscopum Dunstanum ut veniret ad eum, et locutus est ei in loco illo qui vocatur Scelfa. Ibi coram archiepiscopo fecit ^Ifegus com- mendationem sive distributionem omnium rerum suarum, et constituit unam partem ecclesiae Christi Cantuariae, et alteram partem ecclesiae Andreae, et terciam partem uxori suae, Postea fuit quidam Leofsunu, qui uxorem Eadi'ici nepotis iElf egi relictam accepit sibi in uxorem ; et per ipsam mulierem incepit f rangere constitutiones ^Ifegi, quas f ecerat coram archiepiscopo, et vituperare archiepiscopum, et testimonium ejus irritum f acere. Tandem, multa stimulatus cupidine, cum ilia muliere sua, quasi quadam securitate illius uxoris suae inductus, intravit in terras illas, absque consilio et judicio sapientum virorum. Quod ubi archiepiscopus audivit, sine omni mora induxit statim calumniam pro- prietatis in omnem distributionem ^Elfegi, cui ipsemet affuit, et quae per eum facta fuerat. Diem ergo placiti hujus rei constituit archiepi- scopus apud Erhetham, per testimonium ^Ifstani episcopi Lundoniae, et ^Ifstani episcopi Hrofecestrae, et totius conventus ecclesiae Christi Cantuariae, et omnium orientalium et occidentalium Cantiae, et Wulfsii presbyteri, qui tunc vocatus scirman, id est, judex comitatus, et Briht- uualdi de Maerewurtha. Ad ultimum ita notificatum in Suthseaxa, et in Westseaxa, et in Middelseaxa, et in Eastseaxa, quod archiepiscopus Dunstanus, cum libris ecclesiastici juris, et signo crucis Christi, quam suis manibus tenebat, sui solius juramento, acquisivit aeternam heredi- tatem Deo et Sancto Andreae apostolo omnes terras illas, quas Leofsunu sibi usurpabat, Ipsum vero juramentum archiepiscopi accepit Uulfsi scirman, id est, judex provinciae ad opus regis, quandoquidem ipse Leofsunu illud suscipere nolebat, Insuper ad hoc perficiendum fuit hoc quoque maximum adjumentum, temporibusque futuris maximum securitatis probamentum, quod decies centum vm electissimi ex omni- bus illis supradictis comitatibus juraverunt post archiepiscopum in ipsa cruce Christi ratum, et aeternae memoriae stabile fore sacramentum quod archiepiscopus juraverat. TENTH CENTURY. 215 Canterbury Charters, B. 2. A.D. 997. K699. T. p. 516^ S. i. 16. -ffiltheric his Will. First his lord's heriot, then he leaves all to his wife Leofwyn for her day. After her day, the land at Book- ing (Essex) is to go to Christ Church, Canterbury : — all but one hide, which is to go to the priest of the village church. Among other dispositions of remainder, is a bequest to JSlf- stan (bp. Elmham) who is named as guardian to the widow as well as ultimate executor, should he survive. The date 997 is taken from a late endorsement; it corresponds to the episcopate of bp. JElfstan (995-1001), and Mr. Thorpe's date 970 seems obscure. >I< Her cy^ 8e]?eric on j^issum gewrite hwam he geann ofor his dseig ]78era sehta ]>e him god alsened hsef^ . J?8et is serest sona minum hlaforde . syxti mancusa goldes . 7 mines swyrdes mid fetele . 7 ]>ar to twa hors . 7 twa targan . 7 twegen francan. and ic geann leof wynne minan wife ealles ]>ses 'pe ic Isefe hire daeig . 7 ofor hire dseg . gange J^set land on boccinge into cristes cireean )?am hirede for uncera saule 7 for mines faeder ]}e hit aer begeat eall baton anre hide ic gean into }78ere cyrcean )?am preoste J7e ]7ar gode J^eowa]?. and ic geann J78es landes set raegene be westan . into sanct paule ]>am bisceope to to geleohtenne . 7 )7ar on godes folce cristendom to daelenne. 7 ic geann J^ar to twegra hida Jjc eadric gafelaj? selce geare mid healfum punde . 7 mid anre garan . and ic geann be eastan straete 8eig]?er ge wudas ge feldas aelfstane bisceope into coppanforde . 7 pses heges on glaesne . and ic geann J^aes landes set nor^ ho . healf into sanct gregorie on suj? byrig. 7 healf into sanct eadmunde on bederices wyr)7e. Nu bidde ic ]?one bisceop aelfstan . ]7aet he amundige mine lafe 7 J^a J^incg ]?e ic 216 GENUINE RECOKDS DATED. hyre Isefe. 7 gif him god lifes geunne leneg J?onne unc ]7e lie gefultumige f selc J7ara J^inga stande J^e ic gecweden hsebbe : *:u* JEndorsed in a hand of the 12th century 'to boccinge; ' and in a hand of i ■^th century, ' Eajjeric dedit bockinge ecclesise christi . Anno dcccc**. xcvii".' ^ Thorpe adds also a later version from B. P, Cant. Ff. 2. 33 : — ►J< Her ki'SeS A'Seric on ])is write hwam he an ouer his day ])e ahte J)e him God alent haued. pat is sone erst . mine louerd syxti markes goldes T mine suerdes mid fetele . ~] ]?erto tueye hors i tueye targen ^ tue frangen. And ic an Lefwine mine wife al ])at ic leue hire day . and oner hire day go ])at lond at Bockinge into Cristes kirke })en hirde for unker bo^ere soule . T for mine fader ]>& it her begat . al buten an hide ic an into pe kirke \& prest J)e J)er God ])ewe^. "j ic an J)at lond at Begene be westen strete into Seynte Paule . })e bisscop to lihten . and ])eron Godes folke cristendom to delen. And ic an J)erto J)e tueye hide ])e Edric gaueli'S ilke iher mid half pund t mid acre garen. And ic an be esten strete . bu5e wudes '] feldes Alfstane bisscop into Coppingforde. T fe heges on Glesene. And ic an ))at lond at NorShoo half into Seynte Gregorie on Subyr. and half into Seynt Eadmunde on BidricheswrS. Nu bidde ic J)ene bisscop Alfstan })at he amunigie mine laue. T j^at ping ])at ic her leue . and gif him God Hues unne leng ))an unc . J)at he f ultume ]5at alle Jjinge stonde );e ic queSen habbe. Canterbury Charters, B. 1. A.B. 997. K704. T. p. 539. S. i. 17. -ffilthelred allows the Will of JEtlieric set Boccinge to stand. The widow was in danger of losing her estate, because of an old charge of connivance with the invader, which had been brought long ago against her husband, and was never quitted. When she came to the king at Cookham with the heriot, the question was revived. Her advocates were Abp. ^Ifric and ^'Selmser; and the king allowed the Will to stand, under condition that she gave her Morning-gift to Christ- church, Canterbury, for the king and all his people. This is a Cyrographum (see Introduction) : and the halvings of TENTH CENTURY. 217 that word both above and below this gewrit, show that this copy was the middle one of three, confirming the statement at the close. It is endorsed with the date 997 ; in a late hand, it is true ; but this date suits the names. The deed cannot be later than 999, for in that year Lyfing, who here signs as Abbot (of Chertsey), became bishop of Wells. It could not have been before 995, when ^ifric became arch- bishop, and Godwine bishop. >J< Her swutela^ on ]?ison g-e write hu se^elred kyning geu'Se )78et sej^erices ewyde set boccinge standan moste . hit wses manegon earon aer se^eric for^ferde )78et ^am kincge wses gessed J^aet he wsere on )7ara unrsede ]7set man sceolde on east sexon swegen underfon ^a he serest J7yder mid flotan com . 7 se cincg hit on mycele gewitnysse sigerice areebisceope cySde )7e his forespeca J?a wses for "Sses landes J^ingon set boccinge 'Se he into cristes cyrcean becweden hsefde . |7a wses he ]7isse spsece segj^er ge on life . ge sefter ungeladod ge ungebett o^ his laf his hergeatu (7am cincge to cocham brohte J^ser he his witan widan gesomnod hsefde . ]>a, wolde se cing 'Sa spaece beforan eallon his witan up hebban . 7 cwse^ |7set leofsige ealdor- man . 7 msenige men J^sere spsece gecnsewe wseron . ]>a bsed see wuduwe selfric arcebisceop 'Se hire forespeca wses . 7 se^elmser ]>set big |7one cincg bsedon J78et heo moste gesyllan hire morgengyfe into cristes cyrcean for 'Sone cincg . 7 ealne his leodscype wi-S ^am "Se se cing Sa egeslican on spsece alete . 7 his cwyde standan moste )?set is swa hit her beforan cwy^ . J;3et land set boccinge into cristes cyrcean . 7 his o^re land are into o'Sran halgan stowan swa his cwyde swutela'S . ]7a god forgylde J7am cincge getiSode he ^ses for cristes lufan . 7 sancta marian . 7 sancte dunstanes . 7 ealra J^sera haligra Se set cristes cyrcean resta^ . )7aes costes ^e heo ]7is gelseste . 7 his cwyde fseste stode . )7eosswutelung W8es]?serrihte gewriten . 218 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. 7 beforan )?am cincg^ 7 ]7am witon gersedd ; J?is syndon "Ssera manna naman 'Se 'Sises to gevvittnesse wseron . selfric arcebisceop . 7 selfheh bisceop on wintaceastre . 7 wulfsige bisceop on dorsseton . 7 godwine bisceop on hrofeceastre . 7 leofsige ealdorman . 7 leofwine ealdorman . 7 selfsige abbod . 7 wulfgar abbod . 7 byrhtelm abbod . 7 lyfincg abbod . 7 alfwold abbod . 7 se^elmser . 7 ordulf . 7 wulfget . 7 frsena . 7 wulfric wulfrune sunu : 7 ealle 'Sa 'Segnas "Se |?sBr widan gegsederode wseron seg'Ser . ge of west sexan . ge of myrcean . ge of denon . ge of englon^. ]7issa gewrita syndon -^reo . an* is set crystes cyrcean . o^er set J^aes cinges haligdome . ^ridde hsef^ seo wuduvve. *j|t* Endorsed in an iith century hand, 'E^Jelred cing u'Se ae'Serices qSe 1 his lafe ito xps circe . Set his boccig. Tep iEluric ar epi . scrip ; ' in a hand of the 12th century, ' anglice ; ' and in a hand of the i^th century, * ESelred' rex cofirmauit testaintu Edrici qui no^ legauit Bockinge Anno dccce" xcvij**.' ^ aegSer ge of West Sexan ge of &c. This gives an excellent view of the chief political divisions of the country, which Cnut afterwards more definitely organized and formed into four distinct governments. Freeman, N. C. i. 448. Reg. de Burton (penes W. Paget). A.D. 1002. K:1298. T. p. 543. Will of Wulfric The founder of Burton Abbey '^. >I< In nomine domini! Her swutela^ Wulfric his leofan hlaforde his cwide and eallon his freondon. Dset is 'Sset ic geann mxnum hlaforde twa hund mancessa goldes, and twa seolfor hilted sweord, and feower hors twa gesadelod and twa ungesadelode, and 'Sa wsepna ^a "Sfierto gebyria^; and ic geann selcum bisceope .v. man- ELEVENTH CENTURY. 219 cessa goldes ; and 'Sam twam arcebisceopan heora seg^ron tyn mancusas goldes ; and ic geann into selcum munuc- regole .i. pund ; and aelcon abbode and selcon ^ abba- tissan .v. mancusas goldes; and ic geann ^Ifrice arce- bisceope 'Sses landes aet Dumeltan for^ mid ^on o'Sran for mine sawle, wi^ 'Son 'Se he freond and fultum ^e betere sy into 'Ssere stowe "Se ic geworht hsebbe ; and ic geann jElfhelme and Wulfage "Ssera landa betwux E,ibbel and Mserse^ and on Wirhalum, "Saefc heo big dselan him betvveonan swa hig efnost magon, biitan heora £eg"Ser his agen habben wille, on 'Sset gerad^ "Sonne sceaddgenge sy, "Sset heora aeg^er sylle .iii. J^usend sceadda into 'Seere stowe aet Byrtune ; and ic geann JElf helm Rolfestun and Heorelfestun ; and ic geann Wulfage "Sses landes set Beorelfestune and set Mercham- tune ; and ic geann ^If helme "Saes landes aet Cunuges- burh wi'S 'Son ^e he do "Saet ^a munucas habben aelce geare J?riddan dsel "Saes fisces and he ^a twa dael ; and ic gean Wulfage ^aes landes aet Alewaldestune ; and ic gean Ufegeate "Saes landes aet Nor^tune on "Saet gerad 'Saet he freond and fultum "Se betere sy into ^xre stowe ; and ic gean minre earman dehter "Saes landes aet Elle- forde and Saes aet Aclea mid eallon "Sam "Se "Sar nu tohyr^ Sa hwile 'Se hire daeg biS, and ofer hire daeg ga "Saet land into 'Saere stowe aet Byrtune ; and heo hit nage mid nanon J^inge to forwyrcenne, ac haebbe heo "Sone bryce "Sa hwile "Se heo hit geearnian cann, and ga hit sy^'San into "Saere stowe aet Byrtune for'SonSe hit waes mines godfaeder gyfu ; and ic wile 'Saet ^If helm * sy hire mund and ^aes landes ; and "Saet set Tomwur'Sin hire to nanon )7e6wd6me ne nanon geborenan men, butan ^aet heo "Sone ealdordom hebbe; and ic geann Wulfgare minan cnihte Saes landes aet Baltry^eleage ealswa his 220 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. faeder hit him begeat ; and ic becwe'Se Morcare 'Sset land set Walesho, and ^set set Deogende^orpe, and -Sset set Hwitewille, and ^set set Clune, and fet set Barle- burhj and "Sset set Ducemannestune, and ^set set Mores- burh, and ^set set Eccingtune, and 'Sset set Bectune, and ^set set Donecestre and set Morligtune ; and ic geann his wife Aldulfestreo ealswa hit nu stont mid mete and mid mannum ; and ic geann -^If helme minan meage •Sses landes on Paltertune and ^ses ^e Sseg^ me becwse'S ; and ic geann ^fJelrice ^set land set Wibbetofte, and 'Sset set Twongan, his dseg, and ofer his dseg ga "Sset land^ for mine sawle and for his moder and for his into Byrtone ; and ^is sind "Sa land "Se ic geann into Byrtone, 'Sset is merest Byrton^ 'Se "Sset mynstre on stent, and Strseton, and Bromleage, and Bedintun, and Gageleage, and Witestun, and Laganford, and Styrcleage, and Niwantun set "Ssere wic, and Waededun, and "Sset little land ^e ic ah on o'Ser Niwantune, and Wyneshylle, and Suttun, and Ticenheale, and set Scenctune, and set Wicgestane, and set Haleii, and set Remesleage, and ^set set Sciplea, and "Sset set Su^tune, and -Sset sot Actune twegra manna dseg, ealswa ^a foreword spreca^, and Deorlafestun, and 'Sset "S^rto here's, 'Sset is Rudegard, and min litle land on Cotewaltune, and Lege mid eallon "Sam ^set -Sserto here^, Acofre mid Sam ^e "Sgerto haereS, "Sset is Hilum, and Celfdum, and Csetes^urne, and "Sset heregeatland set Siittune, and Morlege, and Brsegeshale, Mortun and eal seo socna "Se "Sserto here's, and 'Sset land "Siderinn set Wyllesleage, and Oggodestun, and Winnefeld, and Sno- deswic into Mortune, and "Sset set Ta^awyllan, and 'Sset land set ^ppelby 'Se ic gebohte mid minum feo, and set Westune, and Burhtun, and seo hid set Scearnforda into Wiggestane, and ^set set Hereburge byrig, and Ealdes- ELEVENTH CENTURY. 221 wur^e, and ^Ifredingtune, and Eccleshale, and set Wad- dune, and an hida set Sceon; and ic geann "Son liirede in Tamwurdin ^aet land set Langandune ealswa hi hit me ser toleton, and habban hi 'Sone bryce healfne and healfne ^a munecas into Byrtune ge on mete, ge on mannon, ge on yrfe, ge on selcon j7ingon ; and se bisceop fo to his lande set Bubandune ; and fon "Sa munucas into Byrtune to ^an ^e on ^am land is, ge on mannon, ge on eallon J7ingon, and "Sset land "Sam bisceope set Ssere syle. And ic wille 'Sset se cyng beo hlaford 'Sses myn- stres 'Se ic getimbrede and ^sera landara "Se ic %derinn becweden hsebbe, Gode to lofe and to wurdmynte, for minan hlaforde and for minre sawlan ; and ^Ifric arce- bisceop and jElfhelm mm bro^or "Sset hig ben mund and freond"^ and forespreocan into "S^re stowe wi"S gelcne geborenne man, heom to nanre agenre sehta butan into sanctus Benedictus regole ; and ic geann minre god- dohtor Morcares and EaldgySe^ "Sset land set Strsettune and Sone bule ^e wses hire ealdermoder ; and into "San mynstre set Byrtune an hundred^ wildra horsa and .xvi. tame hencgestas and 'S^erto eall "Sset ic hsebbe on lib- bandan and on licgendan, butan 'San "Se ic becweden hsebbe. And God selmihtig hine awende of eallum Godes dreame and of eabe cristenra gemanan se "Se ^is 4wende, butan_ hit mln ane cynehlaford sy ; and ic hopige to him swa godan and swa mildheortan 'Sset he^ hit nylle sylf don ne eac nanum o^rum ge'Safian. Ualete in Christo. Rubric. Dis is seo freolsboc to "San mynstre set Byr- tune "Se j^^elred cyng sefre eceHee gefreode Gode to lofe and eallon his halgan to weor^unge, swa swa hit Wul- fric gesta^elode for hine and for his yldrena sawle, and hit mid munecon gesette Sset tSser sefre inne 'S^s hades 222 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. menn under heora abbude Gode ]?e6wiau sefter sanctus Benedictus tseciDge. ^ Mr. Coote has cited this Will in proof of the vast estates of the Saxon aristocracy. *A king's thegn devises eighty estates — whole townships lying in the counties of Gloucester, Lancaster, Worcester, York, Warwick, Kent, Surrey, Derhy.' The Romans of Britain, p. 467. He might have added Cheshire. Peculiarly interesting is the notice of wild and tame horses. See Freeman, vol. i. p. 379. ^ sealcon K. The transcript from which K printed is late, and a few errors have been corrected ; specimens only are recorded. ^ This is the ancient name for the district now the County of Lan- caster. *0f the Northumbrian kingdom,* Yorkshire is the only one of the existing subdivisions which dates as a shire before the Conquest; Lancashire is a modern denomination for the country between Ribble and Mersey, which in Domesday is reckoned to the West Riding.* Stubbs, Const. Hist. i. 109. In the following 'on Wirhalum' we see Wirrall in Cheshire. * ^Ifhelme K. s lande K. ® zereste Byrtone K. ' freont K. 8 to my god daughter [the daughter] of Morcar and Ealdgyth. T. ^ hundra K. Cott. Claudius B. vi. 103. C. ix. 125. A.D. 1006. K 716. T. p. 549. The Will of .ffilfric, archbishop of Canterbury^ >J< Her sutela'S bu -^Ifric arcebisceop his cwyde gedihte. Dset is serest bim to saulsceate be becwae'S into Xpes cyrcan "Sset land set Wyllan, and set Burnan, and Risenbeorgas ; and be becwa^ his laford bis beste scip, and ^a segelgerseda ^arto, and .lx. healma, and .LX. beornena ; and be wilnode gif bit bis lafordes willa wsere 'Saet be gefsestnode into sancte Albane -Sset land set Cyngesbjrig, and fenge sylf wiiS "Sam eft to Eadul- fingtune ; and be becwse^ "Saet land set Dumeltun into ELEVENTH CENTUEY. 223 Abbandune, and JElfno^e 'Sarof .iii. hida his dseg and si^^an to 'San o^arau to Abbandune ; and .x. oxan and .II. men he him becwse^ and filgan hi Sam lafordscype "Se 'Sset land to hyre ; and he cwse^ "Saet land set Weal- ingaforda 'Se he gebohte Celewserde ; and hofer his dseg into Ceolesige ; and he becwse^ into sancte Albane 'Sset land set Tiwan *, and standan ^a forword betweonan ^an abbode and Ceolrice ^e ser wi^ 'Ssene arcebiscop gefor- wjrd wseran, "Sset is ^set Ceolric habbe ^sene deel "Sses landes ^e he hsef^ his dseg, and eac 'Ssene dsel "Se se areebisceop for his sceatte him tolet, "Sset wses ehto^e healf hid wi'S .v. pundun and .l. mancusum goldes, and ga hit ofer his dseg eall togsedere into sancte Albsene ; and heora forewyrd wseron iSset Osanig sefter Ceolriees dsege gange eac J^yder in ; and "Sset land on Lundene, "Se he mid his feo gebohte, he becwse'S into sancte Albsene and his bee ealle he cwse^ eac J7yder in and his geteld. And he becwse^ "Sset man fenge on "Se feoh "Se man hsefde and serest selcne borh agulde, and si'S^an tilode to his hergeatwsen "Sses 'Se man habban sceolde. And anes scipes he geu^e "Sam folce to Cent and o^res to Wiltunescire and elles on o^rum J^ingum gif "Sses hwset w^re, he bsed "Sset Uulfstan bisceop, and Leofric abbud dihton swa heom best J>uhte. And "Se land be westan set Fittingtune and set Niwantune he becwse^ his sweos- trun and heora beornun; and ^Ifheages land Esnes suna ga a on his cyn ; and he becwse'S Uulfstane serce- biscope ane sweor rode, and anne ring, and anne psaltere ; and -^If heage biscope ane ^ rode. And he forgeaf on Godes est Centingan 'Ssene borh ^Se hy him sceoldan, and Middel-Sexon and Su^rion 'Sset feoh ^set heom fore sceat. , And he wyle "Sset man freoge sefter his dsege selcne witefsestne man "Se on his timan forgylt vvsere. 224 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Gif hwa 'Sis awende, hsebbe him wiS God gem^ne. Amen. ' ^Ifric died on the i6th of November 1006, and was buried at Abingdon. That monastery was remembered in his will, and the will is found in the Abingdon Register. It is translated in Dean Hook's Lives of the Archbishops, voL i. p. 452 : where an interesting note of explanation is appended. Stubbs, Constitutional History, i. 116. Of peculiar interest are his bequests of ships. He gives the king his best ship, with rigging, and military equipments. But a still more re- markable and valuable record is that of the ships bequeathed to two shires. It appears that inland shires as well as those on the sea- board had to provide ships for the navy. This proved the high an- tiquity of ship-money. See Sax. Chron, 1018 and my note there; also Freeman, Norm. Conq. i. 370. 2 Ripan K. *at Tewin' T. tr.: but ? Great Tew. 3 anne K. T. Canterbury Charters. A.D. 1015. K722. T. p. 557. S.i. 18. -^^elstan se^eling his "Will. He was one * of the six sons of King ^thelred by his first wife -^Ifleed. Another of the six was Eadmund the famous Ironside who is mentioned in this Will. The Will is rich in terms descriptive of horses, and armour, and articles of English workmanship. >i< On godes selmihtiges naman . Ic se)7estan 8e|7eling gesutelige on ]?ysan gewrite . hu ic mine are and mine sehta . geunnen hsebbe . gode to lofe and to minre sawle alysednesse . and mines fseder 8e]?elredes cynges j^e ic hit set geearnode . )78et is serest J^set ic geann }73et man ge- freoge selcne wifce fsestne man ]?e ic on spsece ahte . and ic geann in mid me J78er ic me reste Criste and Sancte petre )>8es landes set eadburgebyrig . )7e ic gebohte set minan fseder mid twam hund mancusan goldes be ge- wihte . and mid fif pundan seolfres . and ]>sit land set ELEVENTH CENTURY. 225 merelafan J^e ic gebohte set minan feeder mid |?ridde healf hund mancusan goldes . and j^set land set mordune ]?e min fseder me tolet ic geann into J78ere stowe for uncra begra sawle . and ic hine )7ses bidde for godes lufan and for sancta marian and for sancte petres . J^set hit standan mote . and ]?ses swyrdes mid J^am seolfrenan hiltan Jje wulfric worbte . and ]7one gyldenan fetels . and ]7one beh ]>e wulfric worbte . and |?one drenc horn )?e ic aer set ]7am hired e bohte set ealdan mynstre . and ic wille )78et man nime J^set feoh 'pe sej^elwoldes laf me ah to gyldanne J>e ic for hire are gescoten hsebbe and betsece selfsige bisceope into ealdan mynstre for mine sawle ]78et synd .XII. pund be getale . and ic geann into Cristes cyrican on cantwara- bj^rig }7ses landes set holungaburnan and |/ses J^e ]?erto hyr'S butan }?sere anre sulunge ]>e ic sifyr^e geunnen hsebbe , and J?3es landes set garwaldingtune . and ic ge[ann] J^ses landes set hrySerafelda into nunnena mynstre sancta marian }>ances . and senne seolfrenne mele on .V. pun- dan . and into niwan mynstre senne seolfrenne hwer on fif pundan . On J^sere halgan J?rynnesse naman ]?e seo stow ys forehalig and ic geann to scseftenesbyrig to |73ere halgan rode and to sancte eadwearde )7ara .VI. punda J>e ic eadmunde minan bre'Ser gewissod hsebbe . and ic geann minan fseder sej^elrsede cynge ]?3es landes set cealc- tune butan ]7am ehta hidan ]>e ic selmsere minan cnihte geunnen hsebbe . and |?ses landes set nor]7tune . and }7ses landes set mollintune . and )7ses seolferhiltan swyrdes ^e ulfcytel ahte . and |7sere byrnan ]?e mid morcere ys . and }7ses horses "Se J^urbrand me geaf . and )7ses hwitan horses ]7e leowine me geaf . and ic geann eadmunde minan bre'Ser J^ses swyrdes 'pe offa cyng ahte . and Jjses swyrdes mid |7am pyttedan hiltan . and anes brandes . and anes seolforhammenes blaed homes . and ]7ara landa ]>e ic Q 226 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. ahte on east englan . and J>8es landes set peacesdele . and ic wylle )78et man gelseste selce geare ane daegfeorme J^am hirede into elig of )7ysse are on sancte 8e]7eldry^e mses- sedseg . and gesylle )?8er to mynstre an hund penega . and gefede J^ser on J^sene dseg an hund J^earfena . and sy sefre seo selmesse gelsest gear hwamlice age land se ]>e age . )7a hwile ]>e cristendom stande . and gif )7a nella^ J?as selmessan gefor'Sian ]?e "Sa land habbaj? gange seo ar into sancte sej^eldry^e . and hie geann eadwige minan brej?er anes sylfer hiltes svvyrdes . and ic geann selfsige bisceope }>8ere gyldenan rode ]>e is mid eadrice wynflaede suna . and anes blacan stedan . and ic geann selmsere ]?ses landes set hamelan dene J?e he ser ahte . and ic bidde minne feeder for godes selmihtiges lufan and for minan, }73et he J?aes geunne J?e ic him geunnen haebbe . and ic geann god wine wulfno^es suna {^ses landes set cumtune ]>e his fseder ser ahte . and ic geann 3elfswy}7e minre fostor medor for hire miclan earnung^n J^ses landes set westtune J7e ic gebohte set minan fseder mid J^ridde helf hund mancusa goldes be gewihte . and ic geann selfwine minan maessepreoste J^aes landes aet heorulfestune . and J^aes malswyrdes ]>e wi^ar ahte . and mines horses mid minan gersedan .and ic geann selmsere minan disc J^ene J^ara ehta hida aet catringatune and anes fagan stedan . and mines targan . and ]78es sceardan swyrdes . and ic geann sifyr^e ]78es landes set hocgganclife . and anes swyrdes and anes horses . and mines bohscyldes . and ic geann sej^elwerde stameran and lyfinge )7aes landes set ty wingan . and ic gean leofstane leowines bre'Ser cwattes |7aere Ian- dare ]>e ic ser of his brewer nam . and ic geann leom- msere set bigrafan J^ses landes J?e ic him ser of nam . and ic geann godwine drefelan )?ara ]>reora hida set lutegares beale . and ic geann eadrice wynflaede suna |7aes swyrdes > .*■ ELEVENTH CENTUKY. 227 \q seo hand ys on gemearcod . and ic geann segelwine minan cnihte J78es swyrdes J?e he me ser sealde . and ic gean selfnoi5e minan swjrrdhwitan j^ses sceardan mal- swyrdes . and minan headeor huntan }73es stodes )7e is on colungahryege . and gehealde man of minan golde selfric set bertune and godwine drefelan set swa micelan swa ead- mund min bro^or wat J^e ic heom mid rihte to gyldanne ah. Nu ]7ancige ic minan feeder mid ealre eadmodnesse on godes selmihtiges naman ]?8ere andsware \q he me sende on frige dseg sefter middan sumeres msesse dsege be alfgare seffan suna . )?8et wses }?8et he me cydde mines faeder worde ]78et ic moste be godes leafe and be his geun- nan minre are and minra sehta swa me msest raed )7uhte segj^er ge for gode ge for worulde . and )7ysse andsware is to gewitnesse eadmund min bro'Sor and selfsige bis- ceop . and byrhtmser abbod . and aelmaer selfrices sunn. Nu bidde ic ealle ]7a witan )7e minne cwide gehyron raedan 8eg]?er ge gehadode ge laewede ]?8et hi beon on fultume ]?8et min cwide standan mote swa mines faeder leaf ys and on minan cwide stent. Nu cySe ic fset ealle )7a "Sincg \^ ic to gode into godes cyrican and godes )7eowan geunnen hsebbe . J^set sy gedon for mines leofan faeder sawle aegel- redes cynges and for mine . and for 8elf)7ry^e minre ealde modor J7e me afedde . and for ealra J^ara ]?e me to J7ysan godan gefylstan . and se )7e "Sysne cwide )?urh senig )7incg awende . habb^ him wi^ god aelmihtigne ge maene . and wiiS sancta marian . and wi^ sancte peter . and wi'S ealle J^a ]?e godes naman heria]? ; *** ^Indorsed, * Testamentum ^^elstani qui fuit filius ^jyelredi regis. Hie dedit holingebume ecclesiae christi . anglice . Anno m° . xv . Scriptum .XV.* * Florenee and Brompton rank ^Selstan third; but Mr. Freeman (Norm. Conq. i. 409) thinks he was the eldest, because the order of Q 2 228 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. their signing in several documents is as follows : — iE^elstan, Ecgbriht, Eadmund, Eadred, Eadwig, Eadgar. There is also a deed (K. 1304) in which ^Selstan signs for himself and brothers. The Canterbury text here printed is superior to that of the Winton Register, which K. followed. I have adopted the date in the endorse- ment though written in the 13th century, because it is quite in keeping. Are. C. C. Cantuar. A. D. 1016-1020. K 732. T. p. 312. Godwine his marriage contract, made with Byrhtric, whose daughter he ' wooed '. This Godwine appears to be a Kentish thane, of whom nothing farther is known. Mr. Thorpe took it to be a record of the second marriage of the famous Earl God- wine ; a notion which Mr. Freeman corrected in Norm. Conq. i. 467. 1^ Her swutela^ on "Sysan gewrite "Sa fore ward -Se Godwine worhte wi^ Byrhtric ^a he his dohter awo- gode. Dset is serest "Sset he gsef hire anes pundes ge- wihta goldes, wi^ "Son^ c5e heo his spsece underfenge, and he geu^e hire "Sses landes set Str^ete mid eallan 'Son "Se ^serto her'S, and on Burwaramersce o^er healf hund secera, and 'Sserto J7rittig oxna and twentig cuna, and tyn hors, and tyn J>e6wmen. Dis wses gespecen set Cincgestune beforan Cnute cincge on Lyfinges aree- biscopes gewitnesse, and on ^ses hiredes set Cristes cir- can, and ^Ifmeres abbodes and 'Sees hiredes set sancte Augustine, and iE^elwines scire gerefan and Siredes ealdan, and Godwines Wulfeages sunu, and iElfsige cild, and Eadmer set Burham and Godwine Wulfstanes sunu^ and Kar[l] "Sses cincges cniht. And "Sa man "Sset msedan fette set Byrhtlingan^ "Sa code "Syses ealles on borh^ iElf- gar Syredes sunu, and Tier's preost on Folcestane, and ELEVENTH CENTURY. 229* of Doferan Leofwine preost, and Wulfsige preost, and Eadrsed Eadelmes sunuj and Leofwine Wserelmes sunn, and Cenwold Rust, and Leofwine Godwines sunu set Hortune, and Leofwine se reade, and Godwine Eadgeofe sunu, and Leofsunu his broker. And swa hwse'Ser heora Iseng libbe fo to eallan 8e[h]tan ge on 'Sam lande "Se ic heom gsef, ge o[n] selcon J7ingan. Dyssa ]?inga is ge- cnsewe selc dohtig man on Ksent and on Sud-Sexan, on J7egenan and on ceorlan ; and "Syssa gewrita synd J^reo, an is set Cristes cyrcan, o^er set sancte Augustine, and J^ridde hsef^S Byrhtric self. 1 «one K. and T. 2 on horh. Eleven names are given as security for the fulfilment of the contract, making, with their principal, the normal tale of twelve- Gospel Book at York. A.D. 1020. Cnut his manifesto of polity in England. Cnut cyning gret his arceb. 7 his leodbiscopas, 7 purcyl eorl, 7 ealle his eorlas, 7 ealne his leodscype, twelfhynde 7 twyhynde, gehadode 7 Isewede, on Engla- lande freondlice ; 7 Ic cySe eow ^ ic wylle beon hold hlaford 7 unswicende to Godes gerihtum 7 to rihtre worold lage ; Ic nam me to gemynde )7a gewritu 7 )?a word \q se arceb. Lyfing me fram J?am papan brohte of Rome, ^ ic scolde seghwaer Godes lof upp araeran, 7 unriht alecgan, 7 full fri^ wyrcean, be "Saere mihte )?e me God syllan wolde; Nu ne wandode ic na minum sceattum ]7a hwile \q eow unfri^ on handa stod ; Nu ic mid Godes fultume *p totwsemde mid minum scat- 230 GENUINE BECORDS DATED. tum^ ]7a cydde man me f us mara hearm to fundode J>on us wel licode, 7 J?a for ic m6 sylf mid J^am man- num J?e me mid foron into Denmearcon |7e eow msest hearm of com, 7 f hsebbe mid Godes fultume forene forfangen, f eow nsefre heononfor^ }?anon nan unfri'S to ne cym^ J^a hwile 'pe ge me rihtlice healda^ 7 min lif by^ ; Nu ^ancige ic Gode ^Imihtigum his fultumes, 7 his mildheortnesse, f ic ]7a myclan hearmas ]>e us tofundedon swa gelogod hsebbe, ^ we ne ]7urfon J^anon nenes hearmes us asittan ; ac us to fullan fultume 7 to ahreddingge gyf us neod byiS. Nu wylle ic ^ we ealle eadmodlice Gode j^lmihtigum J7ancian )78ere mild- heortnesse J?e he us to fultume gedon hsef^ ; Nu bidde ic mine arceb. 7 ealle mine leodb. f hy ealle neodfulle beon ymbe Godes gerihta selc on his ende )?e heom betseht is ; 7 eac minum ealdormannum ic beode f hy fylstan ]7am biscopum to Godes gerihtum 7 to minum kynescype, 7 to ealles folces J7earfe ; Gif hwa swa dyrstig sy, gehadod o^^e Isewede, Denisc cSSe Englisc, ^ ongean Godes lage ga, 7 ongean minne cynescype, cS^e ongean worold riht, 7 nelle betan 7 geswican sefter minra b tsecinge, |?6n bidde ic ]7urcyl eorl 7 eac beode f he 'Ssene unrihtwisan to rihte gebige gyf he msege ; Gyf he ne msege, J?on wille ic mid uneer begra craefte f he hine on earde adwsesce, o^ 6e ut of earde adrsefe, sy he betera sy he wy rsa ; 7 eac ic beode eallum minum gerefum be minum freond- scype, 7 be eallum )7am Ipe hi agon, 7 be heora agenum life, f hy seghwser min folc rihtlice healdan, 7 rihte domas deman be ^sere scira b gewitnesse, 7 swylce mildheortnesse ]?8eron don swylce ]?8ere scire b riht Jjince, 7 se man acuman msege 7 gyf hwa J^eof fri'Sige o^^e forena forlicge sy he emscyldig wi^ me fa ELEVENTH CENTURY. 231 ^e }?eof scold e, buton he hine mid fulre lade wi^ me g-eclaensian msege ; 7 ic wylle f eal )7eodscype, gehadode 7 laewede, fsestlice Eadgares lage healde, \>e ealle men habba'S gecoren, 7 to gesworen on Oxenaforda, for "Sam J7e ealle b secga'S f hit swyj7e deop [sy] wi^ God to betanne, f man a^as, o'S^e wedd tobrece, 7 eac hy us fur-Sor Isera'S f we sceolon eallan magene 7 eallon myhton )7one ecan mildan God inlice secan lufian 7 weor^ian, 7 selc unriht ascunian ; "Saet synd msegslagan, 7 mor^slagan, 7 mansworan, 7 wiccean, 7 wselcyrian, 7 aebrecan, 7 syblegeru, 7 eac 'Se beoda^ on Godes MU mihtiges naman, 7 on ealra his haligra, f nan man swa dyrstig ne sy, f on gehadodre nunnan o"S^e on mynecenan gewifige, 7 gyf hit hwa gedon hsebbe, beo he utlah wi^ God 7 amansumod fram eallum Cristen- dome, 7 wi^ ]?one cyning scyldig ealles ])ses )7e he age, buton he 5e ra'Sor geswice, 7 ]7e deopplicor gebete wi^ God ; 7 gyt we fur^or mania^, f man sunnan dseges freols mid eallum msegene healde 7 weor^ige, fram Sseternes dseges none o^ Monan dseges lyhtinge, 7 nan man swa dyrstig ne sy, f he aSor o^^e cypinge wyrce, o'SSe senig mot gesece, J?a halgan dsege; 7 ealle men, earme 7 eadige, heora cyrcan secean 7 for heora synnum ]7ingian, 7 selc beboden faestan geornlice healdan, 7 fa, halgan georne weor'Sian, ]>e us msesse preostas beodan sceolan, f we magan 7 moton ealle samod J^urh j^ses ecean Godes mildheortnesse, 7 his hal- gena Jjingrsedene to heofena rices myrh^e becuman; 7 mid him wunian, ]>e leofa^ 7 rihxa^ a butan ende: Amen. %* This interesting document has not yet appeared in any collection, but it was printed some years ago on a separate sheet by Professor Stubbs * in usum amicorum/ He also gave a translation of it in his 232 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. * Select Charters/ p. 75. To him I am indebted for a copy of the text, and to Canon Raine for a minute collation. The date is almost limited by internal evidence to 1020, the year in which Cnut returned from Denmark. It must be after 1018, the year in which the two races agreed in Oxford to live together under Edgar's law (Sax. Chron. 1018). On the other hand, Thurcyl, who is here ad- dressed, was outlawed in 102 1. Mac Durnan Gospels, Lambeth. A.D. 1020. Wulfstan abp. York, notifies Cnut the king and JElfgyfu the lady, of the consecration of JGthelnoth ; and asks on his behalf that he may be worthy of the possessions which had been enjoyed by his predecessors. ►{< Wulfstan arcet) gret cnut cyning his hlaford . 7 selfgife ]>a hlsefdian eadmodlice . 7 ic cy}>e inc leof f we habba'S gedon swa swa us swuteling fram eow com set "pa b se)7elno)?e . ^ we habba'S bine nu gebletsod . nu bidde ic for godes lufon . 7 for eallan godes halgan f ge witan on gode ]7a m8e]?e 7 on ]7am halgan hade . f he mote been J^sere ]?inga wyr];e ]?e o)?re beforan wseron. Dunstan ])e god wses 7 maenig o)?er f ]7es mote beon eall swa rihta 7 gerysna wyr'Se . f inc by^ bam J7earflic for gode . 7 eac gerysenlic for worolde. Mae Durnan Gospels, Lambeth. A.D. 1020. Arch. Journal, 1857. Cnut his Writ, to ensure -^thelnoth a peaceable entry into the temporalities of the archbishopric ^. The text is followed by Mr. Kemble's translation and note. »J< Cnut cyncg gret ealle mine b 7 mine eorlas, 7 mine gerefan on selcere scire^ J7e iE]7elnoiS arceb 7 se hired set ELEVENTH CENTUBY. 233 Cristes cyrcean land inne habba^ freondlice . 7 ic cy^e eow f ic bsebbe ge unnen hi f he beo his saca 7 socne wyr^e . 7 gri"S bryces 7 ha socne 7 forstealles 7 infan- genes ]?eofes, 7 flymena fyrm^e ofer his agene menn binnan by rig 7 butan 7 ofer Cristes cyrcean 7 ofer swa feala J^egna swa ic hi tolsetan haebbe . 7 ic nelle f senig mann aht J^ser on teo buton he 7 his wicneras for ]>a ic haebbe Criste ]?as gerihta forgyfen minre sawle to ecere alysendnesse 7 ic nelle f sefre senig mann ]>{s abrece be minum freondscipe. Translation. — ' >{« I, Canute, the king, greet all my bishops, and my earls, and my reeves, in each shire, in which Archishop iEthelnoth and the brotherhood at Christchurch have land, friendly. And I do you to know that I have granted him his privilege of Sac and Sdcn, and Grith- bryce and Hamsdcn, and Forstall, and Infangthief , and Flymenafirmth, in town and out of town, and over Christchurch, and as many thanes as I have allowed him. And I will not that any man shall meddle in aught therein, save himself and his stewards : seeing that I have granted these rights unto Christ, for the eternal salvation of my soul ; and it is my will that no man break this, — on my friendship : (i.e. on pain of losing it).' *** ' The foregoing writ of Cnut is probably the earliest we possess, of this form. It is possible that they were in use at all periods of the Anglo-Saxon rule, but till the time of Cnut, we have no instance of them. Under Eadweard the Confessor they became common. I look upon these instruments as the natural consequence of, and as the public announcement of the investiture in the temporalities of the see. Upon the election of a prelate and confirmation by the crown, he no doubt made suit for all the seignorial and other privileges attached to his barony, and this I presume is the patent by which his jurisdictions, &c., are secured to him. It is addressed to the usual administrative officers, and it removes their jurisdiction from all the bishop's lands and tene- ments. He is to have his own Sac and Sdcn, i. e., right to hold plea, and his infangenne J)e<5f, or thief taken on his manors, i. e,, the criminal jurisdiction. As ^SelnoS became Archbishop in a.d. 1020, and these letters patent must have been issued very shortly after the event, we have a tolerable certainty as to the date of the document. The formulary continued to be repeated in the charters of the Norman kings long after its meaning was entirely forgotten.' * This Writ was prepared by Mr. Kemble for the Archaeological 234 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Journal in 1857, but it has not yet been included in any collection. Professor Westwood discovered it in the Evangeliary of Mac Durnan at Lambeth; and he gave a facsimile of it in his * Palaeographia Sacra.' He thinks it is written in the same hand as the two grants in Cot. Tiberius, B. iv. namely, K 1323 and K 1325: — below, a.d. 1035. This would almost imply that the present writing is not strictly con- temporary with the event. See Smith's Dictionary of Christian An- tiquities, V. Investiture. Addit. Chart. 19,795. A. D. 1003—1023. B. iv. 13. Wulfstan abp. York and bp. Worcester, grants to Wulgyfu half a hyde at the Pear-tree, for her time and two heirs : after whom it is to revert to the church of Worcester. A Chiro- graph, and a noble original. CYROGRAWM ^ NatursB rerum uarie et labens seculu istis succe- dunt teporib; ita iit quis quauis sub uero testimonio constitut^ sit aliquando fraudulenter aut aliquando obli- uiosam ducit mente ideo quicquid huiusscemodi rei facim^ in scedulis scribendo adnotam^ . Nunc ego wulfstan^ dno puidente archipontifex quandam telluris particulu id est mansam dimidiam in loco q^ uocat'^ pyriae cuidam matron^ cuius uocabulu est wulgyuu ob huius erga me beniuolentia in ius ^priu condone ut duob; quib;cuque post se uoluerit derelinquat heredib; et post wiogornensi eccl^ reddaf^ inmunis . Sit aute h^c tellus a mundiali seruitio libera exceptis trib; ex- peditione pontis urbisue restauratione . His eteni metis pr^fata tellus circugyratur Dis syndan J78ere halfre hide lond gemaeru up set J^aere pirian "p is serest fornongean ]7sere cyrcan ollung j^sere hegreawe on seglardes mersc ollung ]7aere hegreawe inne ELEVENTH CENTUBY. 235 )7a strete ollung J78ere strete j^set upp on l^sene hyl of |7am hylle dun in ]7aet dsell "p oUung 'pses dseles f up on j7one hyll be henon lipperd ofer midne graf f in )7one midlestan holan weg f innan {7a hegreawe ollung ]7a hegreawe innan J7one readan weg ollung }78es readan weges ^ innan ]>a, hecce ollung ]>a. hecce ^ innan ]>a> hecce fornigean )?aere cyrcan . 7 ^ land )78erto ]>e 8e}7el- no]? ahte up set tan ofran 7 )78ene hagan J7e eadwerd ahte 7 )78ene msed secer ]?e }78erto hyr^ ego wulfstan archipsul ego wulfwar'S ct ego eadric prt) ego leofric ct ego wulfwine prt> ego 8e]7elwine ct ego 8ej7elrie diac ego eadric mii ego selfgar diac ego byrhtwine mil ego |7urrer^ diac ego leofric mit Addit. Chart. 19,796. A. D. 1017-1023. B. iv. 15. iElfwerd abbot of Evesham, and his Society, leased to ^thelmaer land at Norton for three lives, after which it was to revert to the Minster, stocked with i man, 6 oxen, 20 sheep, and 20 acres sown to corn. The MS. is the nethermost slip of a triple Chirograph. CYEOGRAPHVM. f)is syndon )7a foreword 'pe selfwerd abt> 7 se hired on eoues hame worhtan wi^ se^elmser J^a "Sa hi hi f land sealdon set nor^ tune . wij? . iii . pundon ]7reora manna dseg . f syndon . iii . hida to in ware . 7 o^er healf to utware swa swa he hit gebohte pa. 'Sa hit weste Iseg . set hacune 7 set leofrice . 7 set ealre scire . ^ is ^ we hit unnon hi on godes est . 7 on Sea marian . 7 on ]7ses 236 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. halgan weres S[cs EJgwines . J7e hit into ]>a mynstre beget . 7 gange seg^er ge cyricsceat ge teo'Sunge into ]>a halgan mynstre swa he mycele ]?earfe ah . ^ hi don . 7 toll 7 team sy agifen into ]?a mynstre hutan he hit geearnian maege to )7a ^e J^sen ah mynstres geweald . 7 sef t j7reora manna dsege gange f land in mid . i . men . 7 mid . vi . oxan . 7 mid . xx . sceapii . 7 mid . xx . secerii gesawenes cornes . 7 J^yssa gewrita synd . iii . an li^ on wigra cestre set Sea marian mynstre . 7 o'Ser li^ on eofes hame . 7 J^ridde haef^ se'Selmer . Se ]>e ]7is gehealde gehealde hine god . 7 se 'Se hit awende o'SSe gelytlige . gelytlige god his mede on ]?a toweardu life . butan he hit ser his ende ]}e deoppor gebete . 7 J?is wses gedon be J^yssa witena gewytnessse ]>e herwi^ ny^an awritene standa^ . f is serest aelfgeofu seo hlsefdie 'pe J^ses mynstres wait . 7 wulfstan arcebiscop . 7 leofsige biscop . 7 hacun eorl . 7 byrhtwold biscop . 7 eglaf eorl . 7 selfsige abb . 7 leofwine ealdorman . 7 selfwerd abb . 7 leofric . 7 eadwine . 7 leofsige abb . 7 byrhtteg munuc . 7 afa abb . 7 byrhtwine . ^7 selfsige in . Hickes Diss. Ep. p. 11. A.D. 1020-1026. K803. T. 373. Godwine had fully exculpated himself from a charge which Bishop Leofgar had brought against him ; and it was done at Lich- field. Her swutela'S an [^issum gewrite] ^set Godwine Ear- ELEVENTH CENTURY. 237 wiges sunu LaefS gelsed fuUe lade set 'San unrihtwife "Se Leofgar bisceop hyne tiht ; and "Sset wses Ised set Licit- felda. *** Kemble dated this memorandum 'before 1056 ' because he thought of Leofgar, for a brief space bishop of Hereford, as related in Sax. Chron. C. 1056. It seems more in accordance with the text to connect the transaction with a bishop of Lichfield of the same name. Hickes says the original is in the famous Book of the Gospels known as the Gospels of St. Chad at Lichfield. Cott. Tib. B. iv. 86 b. A.D. 1035. K 1323. Cnut by his Writ protects Abp. ^EtSelnoS from the Sheriff's attempt to reassess the archiepiscopal estates. >I< Cnut cyngc gret Eadsige bisceop, and ^Elfstan abbod, and ^gelric, and ealle mine |7egnas on Cent freondlice ; and ic cy^e eow "Saet ic wylle "Sset ^E^elno^ arcebisceop werige his landare into his bisceoprice nu ealswa he dyde ser iEgelric wsere gerefa, and siS^an he gerefa wses Tor's o^ ^is. And ic nelle na geSafian "Sset man "Sam bisceope genige unlage beode, beo gerefa se "Se beo. Cott. Tib. B. iv. 86. A.D. 1035. K1325. Cnut his Writ for restoring to the archbishop an estate that had been wrongly alienated. ►!< Cnut cyngc gret Eadsige bisceop, and -^elfstan abbot, and iEgelric, and ealle mine J^egenas on Cent freondlice; and ic cy'Se eow "Sset ic hsebbe geunnen 238 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. ^■Selno^e arcebiscope ealre "Sare landare 'Se -^^Elfmeer hsefde and mid rihte into Cristes cyricean gebyra'S, bin- nan birig and butan, on wuda and on felda, swa full and swa for^ swa -^Ifric arcebisceop hyre weold o'S^e senig his forgengena. ^ If the iElmser here dispossessed is that ^Imser Dyrling whose name is coupled ad. ioi6 in the Abingdon Chronicle with that of the traitor Eadric, as aiding the invaders, it might follow that Cnut was not re- strained from doing justice by his sense of obligation to disloyal aid. Addit. Chart. 19,797. A.D. 1033-1038. B. iv. 19. Byrhteh bp. Worcester, grants to Wulmser two hides of land in Easton for three lives, and then to revert to S. Mary's at Worcester. CYROGRAPHVM >i< In nomine dni . Ic byrhteh . 1j . mid godes ge- "Seahte 7 J78es arwyr^an hiredes on wigerna ceastre . 7 on ealra fsera 'Segena gewitnysse into glseawe ceastre scire ic cy)7e f ic gean wulmsere minum cnihte twegra hida landes in east tune for his godra gearnunge swa ful 7 swa for'S swa he hit hsefde under leofsige . b . 7 under me sy^j^an hsebbe he 7 wel bruce ]?reora manna dseg to rihtere geyrsumnysse . into "Saere halgan stowe to wigerna ceastre butan he hit forwyrce . Dees is to gewitnysse se hired on wigraceastre 7 on glseawe- ceastre . 7 on eofeshom . 7 on prese oran . ELEVENTH CENTUKY. 239 Addit. Chart. 19,798. A.D. 1038. B. iv. 22. Lyfing bp. Worcester, grants two cassati in loco qui ab incolis noto TAPEN TTAT.Aisr uocitatur appellamine, to his faithful eaecytel, for three lives ; after which the land with all its stock is to revert to the bishop of Worcester. Dis synd ]?a land gemsero into tapen halan . ^ is serest of brada forda east in ^a begreavve . sefter ]72ere heghreawe f cym^ innan "Sa ealdan die . sef t J^sere die f to "Sam bolan wege . ofer J?one weg west ribt to J^sere ealdan die . aefter ]78ere die to J^aere bradan strset . of ]?iere bradan straet be ]>am grafe innan -Sa port street . sefter strjete innan dillameres die . of ]73ere diee ende . innan J^a wsellan . of )78ere wsellan . in "pa, sandihte strset . sefter strsete nor'S on biseeopes scirlett . ofer . b . scirlett in lin aceran wege ]7a innmsestan . of lin aceran innan "Sone hege . sef? )7am hege on brocc boles weg . of broce boles wege innan j7one eroft . of )>a crofte be )7a gearde innan leofesunes croft . of ]>am crofte . innan salewearpan . sefter salewearpan in oter burnan , sefter oter burnan . ^ cym^ eft in salewearpan . 7 twegen bagan binnan porte : — Hii sunt testes et con- sentientes huius donationis : — 1^ Ego lyfingus eps xpi largitione caracterem salui- ficae crueis inpressi : — 1^ Ego selfweard^ . eps . confirmaui . >i< Ego se]?elstanus . eps . consolidaui . ►I* Ego leofrie dux . >^ Ego sej^elwine prlj . >!• Ego selfstan diac . i^ Ego wistan prb . ^ Ego odda mit . >I< Ego ]7urkel et . >^ Ego eadwine mit . ^J* Ego eatstan . prb . 240 GENUINE KECORDS DATED. »J< Ego earni . ►$< Ego wilstan . prij . »^ Ego earnwi ci . >J< Ego wulstan . prt> . >J< Ego leofric minist . >^ Ego berhtmser ci: — >J4 Ego berhtwine prb ; — 1^ Ego wulfward prb: — »I< Ego eadwig diacon : — CYROGEAPHVM:— *,(.* Endorsed in contemporary Tiands^ *'earkyteles b<5c to tapan halan : — " and " Harold senior/' B. Cott. Aug. ii. 85. A. D. (?) 1038. B. iv. 21. K759. T. p. 567. Bishop ^Ifric his Will.. >J< Her swytela^ on ]7issii gewrite hu selfric "b wille his are beteon |7e he under gode geernode 7 under cnute kyncge his leofue laforde 7 si|?]7an hsefS rihtlice ge- healdan under haralde cyncge ; ^ is J^onne serest ^ ic gean ^ land et wilrincga wer];a into see eadmunde for mira saule 7 for minas lafordas . swa ful 7 swa for'S swa he hit me to handa let . 7 ic gean ^ land set hunstanes tune be sestan broke 7 mid )?an lande et holme into see eadmunde . 7 ic wille ^ )?a munecas on byrig sellan syxtig punde for ]7an lande et tices welle 7 et doccyncge •] ic gean "J f J^erto gehera^ . 7 ic gean leofstane daecane J^set f mylne land et grimas tune swa ful 7 swa forS swa ic hit ahte . 7 ic gean min^ cyne laforde haralde • ii . marc gol . 7 ic gean mire hlefdigen an marc gol . 7 geleeste man * ELEVENTH CENTURY. 241 segelrice . iiii . pund mire fat fylre . 7 sela man mina cnihtas )7a mina stiwardas witan . xxxx . punda 7 fif pund into elig . 7 fif pund into holm . and fif pund wulfwarde muneke minne msege . 7 fif pund selffbeli e' min ssemestre ^ . 7 ic wille f man sella f land et wal- a man ^ feoh singa ham swa man derast mege . 7 gelesta mid ]?an feo swa ic gewissod hsebbe . 7 ic wille f man selle f land ere et fersa feld swa man derast msege . 7 recna man iunga brun an marc gol . 7 mid ]7an laue scytte man mina borgas . 7 ic gean selfwine minan preoste et walsinga ham . XXX . akera et egge me^e'ra . 7 uui prouast habba j7one ofar secan . 7 Mo gean' sedwine muneke ]?a mylne et gseyssete ^e ringware ahte . 7 ic gean aelfwig preoste . f land et ryge dune ]>e ic bohte to leofwenne . 7 ic gean f myln ]>e wulno'S ahte into see eadmunde . 7 ic gean sibriht f land ]?e ic gebohte on mulan tune . 7 ic gean f fen )7e J7urlac me sealde into selm ham ]?a preostas to foddan; 7 ic gean into hoxne . ]?a preostas . an ]7usend wer^ fen . 7 ic gean f fen ]>e selfric me sealde into holme . 7 ic gean J^on hage binnon nor^ wic for mire saule 7 for ealra ]>e hit me geu'Son into see eadmunde . 7 ic gean J7an hage into see petre binnon lunden . 7 ic gean iungre brun f healfe ]7usend fen . %* Endorsed in a hand of the 12th cent., *iEl£ricus episcopus Walinguuorda . Hunstanestun . Grimestxin . *Westle' . Molendinum Wulnotlii . Masuram apud Northwicum.* B. *:).* The scene is in East Anglia, and the bishop is probably one of the two iElfrics who successively filled the See of Elmham, and of whom only one date is known, namely, 1038, the year in which the first died and the second succeeded. Stubbs, 'Registrum Sacrum Angli- canum/ p. 169. The language has a tinge of the Anglian dialect. * Originally written sesaemestre. 242 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. Addit. Chart. 19,799. A.D. 1042. B.iv. 23. Lyfing bp. Worcester, with permission of King Harthacnut, grants to iEgelric, two hydes of land, with all legal freedom, for three lives. >J< In ures drihtnes naman hselendes cristes ic leofinc bisceop mid J7afunge 7 leafe heard acnutes cynges 7 ]?8es arwur]?an hiredes set wigornaceastre ge iunges ge ealdes gebocige sumne dsel landes minan holdan 7 getreowan fegene ]7am is ^gelric nama . ii . ^hida' set eadmunddes cotan hsebbe he 7 wel bruce ^ . for his eadmodre geher- sumnysse 7 for his licwur'San sceatte . ]?3et is )?8et he hit hsebbe 7 well bruce his dseg . 7 sefter his dsege twam erfewardum J?an "Se him leofest sy . 7 him betst to geearnian wylle . 7 he hit hsebbe to freon selces J^inges butan wall geweorce 7 brygc geweorce 7 ferd socne . God selmihtig fone gehealde . ]>e )7as ure sylena 7 ure gersednyssa healdan wylle on selce healfe . gif senig }7onne sy uppahofen 7 inblawen on ]7a ofer hyda J^sere gesettredan deofles lare . 7 wylle fas ure sylena gewem- man o^S^e gewonian on senigum J^ingum . wite he hine amansumadne mid annaniam 7 saphiram on ece for- wyrd . butan he hit her ser wur'Slice gebete gode 7 mannum . Dis wses gedon "py geare ]>e wses agan fram cristes gebyrtide an j^usend wintra 7 twa 7 xlii . wintra . Dis is seo gewitnes . f is hear)?acnut cyng 7 selfgeofu his modor . 7 lyfing . b . 7 eall se hired on wigra- ceastre . 7 selfward . b . 7 se hired on eofeshomme . 7 godwine abbod 7 se hired on wincelcumbe . 7 leofric . eorl . 7 ealle J^a ]?egenas on wigraceastre scire . ge englisce ge denisce . CYROGRAPHVM ELEVENTH CENTURY. 243 *:jc* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, ' To J)am . ii . hidan . set BAJ)MTTNDES COTAN.' B. * wel bruce. A benedictory phrase which is repeated. Compare Beowulf, 1046, 1217, 2163, 2813. Cott. Aug. ii. 70. A.D. 1044. K773. T. p. 354. B. iv. 27. MgelriG his agreement with Abp. Eadsige about land at Chart, county Kent. CYROGEAPHVM. >{« Her swutela^ on ]?isum gewrite embe J?a forewyrd fe segelric worbte wi'S eadsige arcebiseeop set J;am lande set cert . J^e ceolno'S arcebiseeop gebohte set bselej^an ]7a ]7egene mid his agenan seeatte . 7 aj^elulf cing hit ge- bocode ceolnoj^e arcebisceope on ece yrfe . ]?is synd ]7senne )7a forewyrd f segelric hsebbe f land set cert his dseg . 7 sefter his dsege ga Jjsenne f land }7am arcebis- ceope eadsige on hand . swa gegodod swa heom bam gerisan mage . 7 sy'S^an heora begra dseg agan si . segelrices 7 ]?8es arcebisceopes eadsiges . ]73enne ga J^is foresprecene land into xpes cyricean mid mete 7 mid mannan eal swa hit stande . for segelrices sawle . 7 for eadsiges arcebisceopes . j^am godes J>eowan to fostre . 7 to scrude . ]?e J^serinne godes lof dreogan sceolan dseges 7 nihtes . 7 segelric gif^ ]7a land boc ]?e ]?serto gebyre'S on his life criste . 7 J;am hired hi to ecere selmessan . 7 bruce segelric . 7 esbearn his sunu )7ara o^ra landa heora twegra dseg to J?a ilcan forewyrdan ]7e gegelno'S arcebiseeop 7 segelric ser geworhtan . f is stuting . 7 B 2 244 GENUINE EECORDS DATED. melentun . 7 se haga binnan port ]>e segelric him sylfan getimbrod hsefde . 7 sefter heora twegra dsege fo se arcebisceop eadsige ]?serto . gyf he leng libbe ]78enne hi . o^^e loc hwa his sefter gencga )?8enne beo . butan sum heora freonda )7a land furj^or on }78es arcebisceopes ge- mede ofgan mage . to rihtan gafole . o'S^e to o}?ran forewyrdan . swa hit man J^senne findan mage wi'S ]7one arcebisceop J?e Jeanne libbe . 7 ]7ises is to gewitnesse eadweard cyncg . 7 selfgyfu seo hlsefdige . 7 selfwine b . 7 stigand b . 7 godwine b . 7 godric decanus . 7 eal se hired set cristes cyricean . 7 wulfric abbud . 7 eal se hired set see augustine . 7 selfwine abbud . 7 siweard abbud . 7 wulfno^ abb . 7 godwine eorl . 7 leofric eorl . 7 atsur roda . 7 selfstan steallsere . 7 eadmser set burh- ham . 7 godric set human . 7 selfwine se reada . 7 msenig man ]?8er to eacan ge gehadude ge Isewede . bin- nan burgan 7 butan . 7 gif senig man on uferan dagan gehadud o^^e Isewede J^isne cwyde wille awendan . awende hine god selmihtig hrsedlice of fisan Isenan life into helle wite . 7 J^ser a wunige mid eallan ]7a deoflan ]?e seo la'Slice wunung betseht is . buton he fe deoppor hit gebete ser his ende . wi'S crist sylfne 7 wi'S |7one hired . Nu synd )7issa gewrita J^reo . an is innan cristes cyricean . 7 o];er set see augustine . 7 ^ J^ridde hsef^ segelric mid him sylfan . CYROGRAPHVM. %* JEndorsed in Tiands of the 12th cent., 'Eielric big . Tempore eduardi regis et eadsi archiepiscopi de cert . de stuting et meletun .'; * Eilric bigge dedit cert et stuting et meletun . tempore eadwardi regis et eadsi archiepiscopi et ecclesie Christi fratribus ad uictum et uesti- tum .*; 'Anglice:' and in hands of the i^th cent, *xvii* ; 'Anno .M<*. xliiij . scripta .' B. To this document both K, and T. have added a later transcript or ELEVENTH CENTUKY. 245 version, which K. calls 'an English translation made in the 13th century,' and T. calls *a later copy of the above in the Kentish Dialect/ The manuscript reference is Reg. C. C. Cantuar. C. v. 11. I print from Thorpe. DONATIO ETHELEIC BIGGE DE MANEEIO DE CHEET, STTJTING, ET MELETUNE. ANNO DOMINI MILLESIMO QUADEAGESIMO QTJAETO. Hyer soutelet on J)isen ywrite embe J)0 uorewarde 8e ESelrich wrogte wis Edsige archebiscop at San londe at Chert ^e Chelno'S archebiscop bogte at Hele^en J)an J)eyne mid his ogene sheatte . -j E'Seluf king hit ybokode Ceolno'S archebiscope on eche yrue. Dis sind Jeanne fe uore- werde- Set ESelrich habbe 'Set land at Chert his dey- and aef ter his dage go J)et land San archebiscope Eadsige an hand, suo ygoded suo hem bam yrisen mage, and si^tSen hire beyre day agon sy. ESelrices and ^as archebiscopes Edsiges- Jeanne go J)is uorespekene land into Cristes chereche* mid mete and mid mannen al suo hit stondet- uor EtSelriches saule- and for Edsiges archebiscopes. "San Godes Jjeuwen to uostre and to shrudc' ]>e ^erinne Godes lof Jjreugen shuUe dages and nigtes. And ESelrich geft "So landboc Se Serto yberS on his Hue Criste and ^an hirde him to echSes elmesse. And brake ESelrich and Esbarn his sime Sare oSre land here tueyre dey to J)an yleke uorewerde J)e EtJelnoS archebiscop and ESelric er ywrogten. Dat is Stutinge and Meletune- "j se hage binne port "Se ESelrich him self ytimbred hauede- and efter hire tueyre dage uo se archebiscop Edsige "SertO' gef he leng libbe })anne hy- oSer hwo his eftergengle tSanne by- bute sum of hyre frende Set lond furSer on J)as archebiscopes ymede ofgon mage to rigten gauellc' olSre to oSre uorewarde suo hit man "Sanne uinden mage wiS "Sane archebiscop 'Set ])an libbe. And 'Sisses is to yw^itnesse Edward king- and Elfgiue sy leuedi- and Elfwine biscop- and Stigand biscop- and God wine biscop' ~} Godrich decan- and al se hired at Cristes cherche- and WolfriS abot- and al se hired at Seynt Austines- [i manie abottes and hierles.] -j manie oSre men yhodede and lewede- binne burg and bute. And gef eny man on ure dagen- yhoded oSer lewed- "Sisne quyde wille awendc' awende hine God almigti raSlice of Sis [lene] line into helle wite- and Ser a wonie mid alle 'San deulen "Se se lodliche woninge his bitagt- bute he ])e diepper hit ybete er his ende wiS Crist selfne- and wi'S J)an hird. Nu send "Sis ywrite "Srie. On is at Cristes chereche- otSer at Seynt Austine- and Sat J)ridde hauet ESelrich mid him selue. 246 GENUINE RECORDS DATED. Cott. Ch. viii. 9. A.D. 1045. K781. B. iv. 31. Eadweard kiDg of the English and of all Albion grants 7 cassati at Melebroc to ^lfwine\ bp. Winchester, with all legal im- munity. The boundaries and date are as follows. IsTis namque terminis ] ambitur predicta tellus ; f)is synd J7a landgemsera to myle broce aerest of hreo[d bricjge on tserstan stream . andlang streames on hnut scyllinga mearce . 7 swa andlang mearce on )7one holan weg . of J>an holan wege ylang mearce on fearninga broc . and swa ylang mearce on myle broces ford . 7 swa east andlang [m]earce on |7unres lea nor^eweardne . )7anan ylang weges on cynges die . and swa 7lang mearce on ]?one o^eme holan weg . of ]7am wege on 'Sa ea 7 se wer stede be su^an hreod bricge ut J>urh )7one stream on |78es cynges stse^ and swa 7lang streames eft on hreod bricge 7 se haga on hamtune ]>e J^serto ge- byra^ . Anno dominicse incarnationis . Milt . quadra- gessimo quinto . in[d]ictione . xiii . et nullis epactis atq: uno concurrente rotantibus J haec regalis concessio atque donatio facta est . sub astipulatione primatum quorum nomina hie caraxata sunt. Translation : — These are the bounds at Milbrook. First from Reed-bridge to Taerstan stream, along the stream to the border of the Nutshalling folk, and so along the border to the hollow way, from the hollow way along the border to the brook of the Fearning folk ; and so along the border to Milbrook ford, and so east along the boi-der to Thunor's leigh at its north end, thence along the way to king's dyke, and so along the border to the other hollow way, from that way on to the water, (and the weir-stead to the south of Reed-bridge) out through the stream to the king's stathe, and so along the stream back again to Reed-bridge. — And the residence in Hamton that thereto pertaineth. ^ Codex Wintoniensis fol. 76 b, has this deed with the name of Earl Godwine for bishop ^Ifwine. K. ELEVENTH CENTURY. 247 Cott. Aug. ii. 35. A. D. 1044-1048. K789. B. iv. 28. Godric set Burnan his declaration; how he became possessed of the land at Offaham. >^ Her swutela^ on ];isii gewrite hu godric set burnan begeat f land at ofiaham f is -Sonne f he sealde eadgyuan his sweostor an marc goldes 7 xiii . pd . 7 Ixiii . pen . on geceapodne ceap to gyfanne 7 to syl- lanne on dsege 7 sefter dsege fam )7e him leofust sy . ])es ceap wses geceapod on wii set foran ealra scyre . J^ises is to gewitnesse eadsige arcet> . 7 siward \) . 7 godric decanus . 7 call se hired set cristes cyricean . 7 wulfric abt> 7 se hired set see augustine . 7 segelric bygga . 7 )7urgar selfgares sunu . 7 eadric selfrices sunu . 7 osweard set hergeardes ham . 7 leofwine preost 7 godric port gerefa . 7 wulfsige ]?aes cynges gerefa . 7 manig god mann ]?arto . Nu synd ]7issa gewrita ]7reo an is set cristes cyricean . 7 oJ?er set see augustine . 7 }>ridde hsefS godric mid him . CYROGRAPHVM: *,,£* Endorsed in a hand of the 12th cent., 'Quomodo Godricus emit terrain de ofEeham . anglice.' B. Addit. Chart. 19,801. A.D. 1058. B. iv. 38. Ealdred bp. "Worcester, grants land at NortS tun to Dodda for his life. CYROGRAUUM ^ Anno dnice ab incarnatione dni nri iftu xpi . Millessimo Iviii . Sc§ uuigornensis aecclesi^ . Ego ealdredus eps . cum licentia ac consensu familif 248 GENUINE KECOKDS DATED. duos monasterialis quandam ruris particulam ii . quoq: man- sas . et unam pticam . qui a gnotis uoeitatur nomine NOR© TUN . quadam meo ministro qui nuncupatur Dodda . Cum omnibus ad se rite ptinentibus . Campis . pascuis . pratis . siluis . liberaliter concedo ut ipse babeat et possideat quamdiu uiuat . et post uitam suam ad episcopalem sedem . sine contradictione restituatur . Sit aut terra ista libera preter pontis arcisue restaura- tione . et communi expeditione necnon et aecclesiastice census . Dis is "Ssere twegra bida boc 7 anre gyrde set nor'S tune 7 'Sa feower seceras "Sserto of ^sere styfycunge into ^am twam bidan 7 "Sa msode . 7 "Sone graf ^e ]78erto mid ribte tolige^ . 7 'Sa "Sry seceras maede on afan bamme . J?e see oswold geaf bercstane into "Sam lande . 7 "Siss synd ]>a land gemsero into ^am grafe . serost of 'Saere dune andlang J^sere rode o^ bit cym^ beneo'San stancnoUe ]?anon on geribte to ewenn hofoton . of cwenn bofoton . be nor^on ]?am mere ]?anon on geribte eft up on 'Sa dune . 1^ Ego Eaduueard rex anglorum banc prefatam do- nationem concessi . \^ Ego Ealdredus EPS Donaui . >i< Ego iEgelwig abb Ego bribtric min . 1^ Ego Godric abb Ego segelric min >J< Ego Eadmund abb Ego godric min f^ Ego wulstan sac Ego ceolmser min >i« Ego wulfwig sac Ego atser min »J< Ego wylstan sac Ego sestan min ij< Ego selfstan sac Ego eadric min >J< Ego godric sac Ego bribtwine min >i< Ego godric diac Ego nor"Sman min >I< Ego godwine diac Ego arngeat min . *** indorsed in contemporary hands, *to nor'Stune'; and *Ead- wardi iunioris.* B. II. GENUINE EECORDS UNDATED. MS. Bodl. Auct. D. 2. 16. f.l. Codex Exoniensis. Harl. 258. f. 125. K940. T. p. 428. Leofric the first bishop of Exeter; his benefactions to his new cathedral. ►J< Her swutela^S on "Sissere xpes bee hwset Leofric . h . hsef^ ge don inn to See Petres minstre on exan- ceastre . |78er his biseeop stol is . ^ is ^ he haefS ge innod ^ ser ge utod wses ]7urh Godes fultu 7 )7urh his fore sprsece . 7 ]?urli his gsersuma . f is aerost "p land set culm stoke . 7 f land aet brances cumbe . 7 set sealt cumbe . 7 f land set see maria circean . 7 f land set stofordtune. 7 set spearcan wille . 7 f land set mor- ces hille . 7 sidefullan hiwisc . 7 f land set brihtrices stane . ^7 ^ land set toppeshame ]?eah 'pe harold hit mid unlage utnam' . 7 f land set stoce . 7 ^ land set sydebirig . 7 f land set niwan tune . 7 set nor^tune . '7 ^ land set clist ]?e wid hsefde.' Donne ys J?is se eaca on landu ^e he beef's of his agenu ^ mynster mid gegodod . for his hlaforda sawlum 7 for his agenre . )7a Godes J^eowu to bigleofan ]?e for heora sawlum 250 GENUINE RECORDS UNDATED. J^ingian sceolon . f ys serost f land set bem tune . 7 set est tune . 7 set ceommenige . 7 f land set doflisc . 7 set holacumbe . 7 set su]? wuda . 7 he ne funde )7a he to fa mynstre feng nan mare landes ]?e Sider ynn ge wylde wsere . j7onne twa hida landes set ide . 7 ]78er on nses orf kynnes nan mare buton .vii . hru'Seru. Donne ys J^is seo oncnawennis |?e he hsefS god mid ge cnawen 7 sdm petrum in to J^am halgan mynstre . on circlicu madmum . ^ is 'p he hsef^ ]?ider ynn ge don . 11 . .b roda . 7 .11. mycele gebonede roda . butan o'Sru ^litlu' silfrenu swurrodu . 7 .11. mycele xpes bee gebonede^ . 7 .III. ge bonede serin . 7 .1. ge boned altare . 7 .v. silfrene caliceas . 7 .iiii. corporales . 7 .1. silfren pipe . 7 .v. fuUe msessereaf . 7 .11. dalmatica . 7 .111. pistel roccas . 7 .iiii. subdM'acones hand lin . 7 .111. canter kseppa . 7 jit. canter stafas . 7 V. psellene weofod sceatas . 7 vii. of brsedelsas . 7 .IT. tseppedu .^7 .111. berascin . 7 vii. setlhrsegel . 7 iii. ricgrsegel . 7 .11. wahreft . 7 .vi. msesene sceala . 7 .11. ge bonede hnseppas . 7 .iiii. hornas . 7 .11. mycele ge bonede candel sticcan . 7 .vi. Isessan candel sticcan ge bonede . 7 .1. silfren stor cylle mid silfrenii stor sticcan . 7 .viii. Iseflas. 7 .11. gu^fana . 7 .^i'. mere . 7 .vi. midreca . 7 .1. fird wsen . 7 J. cyste . 7 J^ser nseron ser buton .vii. upp hangene bella . 7 nu J?3er sind . xvi. upp hangene . 7 xii. hand bella . 7 .11. fuUe msessebec^ . 7 .1. collectaneii . 7 .11. pistel bee . 7 .11. fulle sang bee . 7 .1. niht sang . 7 .1. ad te leuaui . 7 .1. trope . 7 .11. salteras . 7 se)7ridda^ saltere swa man sing^S on rome . 7 .11. ymneras . 7 .1. deorwyr^e bletsing hoc . 7 .111. o^re . 7 .1. englisc xpes boc . 7 II. sumer rseding bee . 7 .1. winter rseding boc . 7 regula canonicorii . 7 martyrlogium * . 7 .1. canon on leden . 7 .1. scriftboe on englisc^ . 7 .1. full spell boc wintres 7 Bumres^ . 7 boeties boc on englisc . 7 .1. mycel englisc ELEVENTH CENTURY. 251 boc be gehwilcum |7ingum on lee's wisan geworbt"^ . 7 he ne funde on ]?am mynstre fa he to feng boca na ma buton ane capitularie . 7 .1. for ealdodne niht sang . 7 .1. pistel boc . 7 II. for ealdode rseding bee swi^e wake . 7 .1. wac msessereaf . 7 )?us fela leden boca he beget inn to J^am mynstre . liber pastoralis . 7 liber dialogorii . 7 libri .iiii. pphetaru . 7 liber boetii de consolatione . 7 isagoge porphirii [de dialectical .] 7 .1. passionalis . 7 liber pspi . 7 liber prudentii psicomachie . 7 liber prudentii ymnorum . 7 liber prudentii de martyrib: 7 lib ezechielis pphet^ . 7 cantica canticorum . 7 lib isaie pp1i§ on sundron . 7 liber isidori ethimologiarum . 7 passiones apto^ . 7 expositio bede sup euuangtiri luc§ . 7 expositio bede sup apocalipsin . 7 expositio bede super vii. eptas canonicas . 7 lib isidori de nouo & ueteri testamto . 7 lib isidori de miraculis xpi . 7 lib oserii • 7 lib ma- chabeoru . 7 lib psii . 7 sedulies boc . 7 liber aratoris . 7 diadema monacho^ . 7 glose statii . 7 lib officialis amalarii . 7 ofer his dseg he ann his capella ]?ider binnan for'S mid him silfu on eallu )7am "Singu J7e he silf dide mid godes ^eninge . on f gerad "p |7a godes j7eowas J7e ]78er binnan beo^ sefre his sawle gemunon mid heora ge bedii . 7 msesse sangum to xpe . 7 to see petre . 7 to eallu )7am halgu ]?e f halige minster is fore ge halgod . f his sawle beo gode ]>e an fengre . j se]>e "Sas gyfu 7 )?isne unnan wille gode 7 see petre set bredan . si him heofena rice setbroden . 7 si he ecelice geni^e- rod in to helle wite. *** Eemarkable not only for the catalogue of estates, but more for the inventory of ritual ornaments and f urnitm*e, and most of all for the list of books. There are about sixty books, of which the English half is cata- 252 GENUINE EECORDS UNDATED. logued first ; and among these the translation (presumably Alfred's) of Boetius de Consolatione, and the famous volume of Anglo-Saxon poems which to this day remains still unremoved from the sacred place. A memorandum of this sort might be made either before or after the death of the benefactor : it would probably be not at any wide interval on either side of that event, which happened in 1072. Among the Exeter deeds is one by William a.d. 1069 granting to Leofric most of the lands named in this memorandum as Leofric's own benefaction. The text is that of the Oxford Codex, which being a Gospel Book given by Leofric to Exeter probably contains what was considered as the original document. On f ol. 6 verso of the MS. is this entry : — *Hunc textum dedit leofricus eps gcctg sci petri apli in exonia ad utilitatem successoru suoru . Si quis ilium abstulerit . gtng subiaceat maledictioni . fiat . fiat . fiat / * Das cristes hoc gef leofric b sco petro . t eallum his seftergengum into exancestre gode mid to Jjenienne . T gif hig senig man utabrede . hsebbe he godes curs . t wrseSISe ealra halgena.' From Mr. Thorpe's preface to his edition of the Codex Exoniensis it appears that there is a triplicate of this document in another Leofric MS. preserved at C.C.C., Cambridge. * The very book from which this document is now printed is not im- possibly one of these * mickle Gospel Books.* * .11. fuUe msesse bee] One of these may be the well-known Leofric Missal, now Bodl. 579, from which some Manumissions are given below. 3 ])riddan MSS. * martyrlogium.] [?] now at C. C. C, Cambridge; vide Nasmith's Catalogue of the Parker MSS,, No. 196. ^ serif t hoc on englisc] Proved by the inscription to be No. 190 of the same catalogue. The same number contains ' capitula de canonibus,' which may be the preceding ' canon on leden.' Though this may also be No. 191, Canones Lat® et Sax® olim Exon. eccl. peculium. ^ .1. full spell hoc wintres and sumres.] Wanley, p. 240^ identified this with the Martyrologium, No. 196 in Nasmith's Catalogue. But it seems more natural to identify the latter with the 'Martyrologium' of Leofric's list ; and to understand this * spell boc ' (with Thorpe) as a yearly cycle of Homilies. ^ The book which is known as the Codex Exoniensis. * These words are in the Cod. Exon. in a somewhat later hand; but not in the Oxford Codex, which presents an erasure that has been left blank. ELEVENTH CENTURY. 253 MS. Bodl. 579 (coUated). Fol. la. -n -i. • Entries in the Leofric Missal, in the Bodleian Library. In Mr. Warren's complete edition of this Missal (1883) these texts are given with translations. Hunc missalem LEOFRICUS eps dat §ccl-§ see petri apH in exonia ad utilitatem successor u suorii. Siquis illu inde abstulerit . ^fn^ subiaceat maledictioni . FIAT . FIAT. Confirma hoc ds qd opatus es in nob'. Das boc leofric bisceop gef sco petro . 7 eallu his seftergengum into exancestre . gode mid to j^enienne . 7 gif 'hig' senig man ut abrede . hsebbe he godes curs and wrae^^e ealra halgena. (5) Halwun hoce on excestre freode hsegelflaede hire wiman ]>{ hy bocte 7 tilde for hire sawuale . crist 7 see peter 7 ialle cristes halga hi wur'Se wra^ ]>e hi haefre ge jjywie . am^. (4) Her kjrS on ]?isse bee f seilgyuu gode alysde hig 7 dunna 7 heora ofspring . set mangode to .xiii. mancson . 7 seignulf port gerefa . and Godric gupa namon f toll . on manlefes gewittnisse . 7 on leowerdes healta . 7 on leowines his bro^or . 7 on aelfrices map happes . 7 on sweignis scyldwirhta . 7 hsebbe he godes curs . J^e J^is sefre un do . a on ecnysse . Amen . Fol. 1 b. (i) Her ky^ on 'Syssere bee f god wine blaca bohte hine sylfne 7 his wyf 7 his ofspring set willelme hosethe mid .XV. scitt . on edmseres gwittnis p. 7 on selwies 7 on dunninges 7 on ssemseres 7 on selmseres 7 on ealles }78es hund redes on cuic lande . 7 selfric hasl na J^set toll for )7ses kynges hand 7 hsebbe he godes curs fe hit sefre un do . am . 254 GENUINE KECOEDS UNDATED. (3) Her ky^ on -Sysse bee f edwy beorneges sunu lysde hyne and his wif and bis cyld on edwerdes dsege cynges set bunewine bega suna ut of toppesbam lande . akyn- stanes ge wittnisse pr. and a leofsuna ge wittnisse a wun- forda 7 an selfrices bwita 7 on wycinges batswegenes 7 on ssewines lufa sunu 7 on leofsies 7 on selfsies . (2) Her kyS on ]7issere bee f ediuuu sseuugeles laf bobte gladu set colewine wy^ bealfe punde to eepe 7 to telle . 7 selword port ge refa na f toll . 7 J^ser to was ge witniss leowine leowordes bro'Sor 7 selwi blaea 7 selwine se cyng 7 land byriht 7 Alca . 7 Ssewerd . 7 bsebbe he godes curs ]>e J^is sefre un do on ecnisse . Am. ^ This Entry has been slipped in at a comparatively late time be- tween the benefactor's Title, and the Entry which had taken possession of the foot of the Title-page. It occupies this place simply because it was the only remaining blank. The following Entry, that which oc- cupies the foot of Title-page, came to be there by a similar necessity. For not until the back of the leaf was full did any one intrude private business on the page of the benefactor. Both the private Entries on fol. I a are later than all those on fol. i b. And further, if we examine the three on fol. i b, we quickly see the order in which they have been entered. The first spot taken up was the top of fol. i b, the next was the foot of the same page : the third took the space between the former two. When fol. i b was full, then the foot of fol. i a was occupied, and last of all that which now stands first and crowds up close to Leofric's sanction. I have indicated the order by figures. Pol. 8 a. . . . freode buna set ocmund tune on mides sumeres messe seuen for ]>otl ... 7 for ]?a ... on feower wegas on brunes gewitnesse ^messe' preostes 7 on ealra )?3era preosta. 1^ birbtric freode broda set curi tune on sunna dsege ofer pentecostenes messe daig on . . . ]? preosta ealra J^ara by red preosta 7 on ... p ELEVENTH CENTURY. 255 Fol. 8 b. The contents of this remarkable page were long overlooked ; and these Manumissions have never yet been included in any collection. The oversight was discovered by James B. David- son, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, and these entries were first printed by him in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association {1876), vol. viii. p. 417. ^ J?ys sint J^ara manna naman ^e man freode for ord'gar^ set bradan stane "Sa be laeg on adle. f ys cynsie fram liwtune 7 godcild of lamburnan ^7 leofric of swuran tune dola wines sunu' 7 eadsige of cyric forda 7 selfgyj? of boc lande 7 smala of ocmund tupe 7 w if man of brada stane 7 byrhflsed of tref meu tune 7 selflaed of clymes tune on wynstanes gewytnysse msesse preostses 7 on wulfsies set lamburnan 7 on eallra )7ara hired preosta . 7 selfgy^ of swuran tune 7 ]?8er his to gewitnysse cynsie p . 7 goda p . 7 selfric . p . 'Se ]?is ge wryt wrat . )7is was set borslea gedon for ordgar >I< eadgifu gefreode selfgi^e birhsies dobtor hlaf bryttan set borslea on feower wegas . on wynstanes gewittnesse maesse p . 7 on goda . p . 7 on eynstanes goda suna . 7 on afan . birhtric gefreode seffan set curritune on brunes gewitnesse maesse p . 7 on wynstanes p . 7 on ealra }7sera hyred p . »I< eadgyfu gefreode leofrune set curritune for ordgar on brunes gewittnesse messe preostes 7 on ealra J^sera hyred preosta . ^ byrhtric gefreode ribrost 7 hwite on middes wintres msesse dseg set tiwarhel on prudes gewitnysse msesse preost. >^ eadgyfu gefreode wulfric on feower wegas J7rim ucan ser middansumera . on gewittnesse byrhstanes msesse preostes . 7 on eynstanes 7 on clerices "pe J^is gewrat. >J< eadgyfu gefreode wulfwunne on middes sumeres 256 GENUINE RECORDS UNDATED. msesse dseg on wulfno];es ge witnysse msesse preostes 7 on ealra ]78era hired preosta. >i< eadgyfu gefreode sej^elgyfe wuncildes wif on feower wegas on middes sumeres msesse SBfen set brseg . on brunes gewittnisse maesse p . 7 on wulfho'Ses msesse p . 7 on eallra J78era hyred preosta. ^ Mr. Davidson suggested that this Ordgar may have been the famous ealdorman of Devon, who died in 971. He lived at Tavistock; and the places here mentioned are near that place. Mr. Warren com- pleted Mr. Davidson's idea with the suggestion that perhaps Eadgifu was the wife of Ordgar. This would assign the contents of f ol. 8 b to the tenth century. Any hesitation on this point may be relieved by noting that this page is not (as our other Leofric pieces are) first-hand. The last two entries may possibly be original ; but all the upper part of the page looks like a continuous transcript or register made from older records. Pol. 11 b. Dis synt }?a men 'pe synt anburge betwinon ead- gyfe abbedysse 7 leofrice abbode set J^a lande . set sto^c'- tune wulfsige edwig . 7 cytel . 7 denisc . 7 godwine . 7 hunwine . 7 sweta . 7 edwig boga . 7 brun p. . "p se abbod . hit h^bbe his dseg 7 sef t his dseg into mynstre. Pol. 377 b. Her cyS on J7isse bee f brihtmser set holacumbe hsefS geboht hine 7 selfgifu his wif 7 hira cild . 7 hira ofspring set roegere derindig to twa pundu sefre to freolse . on dudemannes gewitnisse preostes on exancestre 7 on leofwines pr on hwita stane 7 on selfgseres portgerefa 7 selfwserdes portgerefa )?e ^ toll namon for ]?8es cynges hand 7 leofwserdes his bro'Sor 7 edwines leofede suna 7 oteres dyrlinges suna . 7 selfgseres selfrices suna . 7 blakemanes 7 leofrices ssewines suna 7 dunstanes sae- wines suna . 7 randolfes . 7 alboldes . 7 smewines on holacumbe . 7 segilwserdes selfsies suna . 7 selfmser cynges ELEVENTH CENTURY. 257 suna . 7 selfsiges mid ]7a berde 7 edwine leofrices siina 7 edwine edmseres suna . 7 edric on hrena hricge 7 on ealles |?8es hundrides gewitnisse on holacumbe . 7 hsebbe he cristes curs 7 sea marian 7 scs petr' ]>e )?is sefre undo . 7 on ealles )78es hundrides gewitnisse on exan cestre. Codex Exoniensis. Quittances and Manumissions from the Exeter Book (collated). These are not in Kemble. They are in Thorpe, but dispersed. Here they are given in the order of the manuscript, with subjoined references to Thorpe. Fol. 4 a. Her kyS on J^issere becc J) Rotberd apoldraham cwse'S saccles Willelm his broker sune of poldraham lande 7 of elcre craurigge . Dar to is iwitnis Reinald preost . 7 Dunnig . 7 Dalfin . 7 Seuara . 7 Sewi . 7 Girard . 7 merescald a cuic wig sculdur gealdulesc Willelm . 7 Ricard . 7 Wulfricc . 7 Rau . 7 Ricard . 7 inna busc se webba se webba Herberd . 7 Segar . 7 Alger . 7 Alger . 7 Willelm . se stiwerd wianard swetleSer Rogere . 7 Rotberd , . 7 Ricard osanna {' . 7 Semer . 7 uppa eote edwies meg lohel . 7 Aseetill . 7 Rotberd . Se ^e j^iss cure un do . habbe he Godes curs . 7 sea Maria . 7 ealle Cristes ge corena . a butan ende . Amen. (T. p. 645.) Her ky'S on ]7issere boc f Oter 7 his cild cwede saccles Aluric ]7ane Reda 7 his ofspring. 7 ]7ar to is iwitnis Alword ps. . 7 Alured p. . 7 Waltere se can. . 7 Theodbald . 7 Semer Cipspones sune . 7 Waltere se Flemig ^ . 7 Gesfrei Hoel . 7 Randolf se cordewan . 7 Alwine Modi . 7 Alwi Kya . and Alger Oxawamb . 7 258 GENUINE RECORDS UNDATED. Ailwerd . 7 lordan . 7 Martin . 7 Osbern Hauoc . 7 Willemot Quikeuot. 7 Ricard se Flemig nam feor penegas to tolle. Se |?e JjIss mare undo . habbe he Godes curs . 7 Sea Maria . and ealle Cristes gecorena . a butan ende. Amen. (T. p. 646.) Her ki^ on ]7issere becc f Gesfrei Foliot cwe^S saccles Semer Aluredes mseg 7 eall his ofsprig^. 7 'par to ys de i' odin iwitnis Ricard se portreua . 7 Ran Theodb . 7 Waltere . pafard spalla sadelhack 7 Willelm . 7 Willelm . 7 Ailwerd . 7 Seuara . 7 Edmer Burwolles f ' . Se^e )7is un do . habbe he Godes curs . 7 see Marie . 7 ealle Cristes halgena . a butan ende . Amen. (T. p. 648.) Her kyS on ]7issere becc f A^elice Ricardes swuster scirreua cwse^ Hrodolf Sewies sune an Alfintune saccles of elere crauigge ^. Dar to is iwitnis Ricard se portreua . 7 Willelm Lambf. . Dunnig . Eorlawine. Reiner . Aluric Spoe . Rotberd Puddig . Wiggere . Dalfin . Got- selin gorpittel , Leggefot . lohan . Osbern Ceaca . Rotbern Sceanca . JBrihtric . Ailword Algar f ' . Ricard Trencard . lordan se prb. . Ricard . 7 eall f hundred of Alfin^. Se 'pe ]?is un do . habbe he Godes curs . 7 See Marie . 7 ealle Cristes halgena . a butan ende. Amen. (T. p. 645.) ^ ig = ing occurs repeatedly in these entries. Fol. 4 b. Her ky^ on ]?issere bee f Waltere Wulwordes sune ureode A];eluue inna Sees Petres minstre ouer his faeder lie . his feder saule to alisednisse 7 his . on Viuienes ge witnisse . 7 mestre Odo . 7 mestre Leowines . 7 God- ELEVENTH CENTURY. 259 wines p. 7 Edwakeres . 7 his sune . 7 a5ealra 'para hade- da 7 leweda ];e J^ar igge were. 7 se pe ]7iss un do habbe he Godes curs 7 ]7ere hlefdia See Marie . 7 Sees Petres 7 5ealle Cristes halga . a butan ende. Amen. (T. p. 632.) Her ky^ on ]?issere bee f Gesfrseg Feala sune gebohte Gidip Edwiges docter at Alpsta on Wunforda . 7 at Nesele Pynceune . to x. scift freoh 7 sacles . ut of Wun- forda . 7 Gyldeberd portgerefa nam f toll far J7as kinges hand. 7 "Sys ys seo gewitnisse Gedmaer on Cuike . 7 Saeger p. on Hefatriwe . 7 Randolf de Hage . 7 Roggere on Pynnoc . 7 Morin at Gestgete . Riceard Alpstanes sune . 7 Wlfword hys broker . Godwine Leowines sune 7 Goda his broker . 7 Geda . 7 Ssegser . Riceard Kyke- beauw . 7 Edmaer Nor^man sun. 7 se |7e )7iss un do . hsebbe he Godes curs . 7 Sea Maria . 7 Scs Petres . 7 ealle Xpes halgena a butan ende. Amen. (T. p. 631.) Her kjp on ]7issere bee f Huberd on Clist crsefede anne wifman pe Edit hatte Liuegeres wif mid un rihte . for ]7am Liueger hig alisde ut at Gosfreige bisceope ealswa man sceolde freohne wifman . 7 ealswa hit hriht waes on J^am dagum a^lcne freohne man . wij? xxx. p. 7 Huberd wses leosende ]78ere wifmanne for his unriht crsefinge ]?a 7 sefre mo . hig 7 eal hire of spring. 7 J^aer to is gewittnis Willm de Buhuz . 7 Ruold se cniht . 7 Osbern Fad era . 7 Unfreig de Tettaborna . 7 Alword portgereua . 7 lohan se cniht . 7 Rau Folcard. 7 ]7eos spsec wses innan Wilimes bure de Buhuz on Excestre ge spsece. (T. p. 6^^.) Her ky^ on |?issere bee f Willelm de la Brugere cwse^ saccles Wulwserd ^ane webba . inna tune and ut of tune s 2, 260 GENUINE RECORDS UNDATED. . of elce crafigge . 7 J7ar to is iwitnis . Rau Teodb. sune . 7 Teodt). his sune . 7 Atsun se hwita . HroSulf Alca s'. cuta kig pagenes s' alka s' hoel Hemeri . Philippe . Ricard . Geffrei . HerbS . 7 Gollein . faber uidic Ailwerd 7 his br . Rau de Salcei . Herlawine . Brihtmer . Se ]7e ]?is mare un do habbe he Cristes curs . 7 see Maria . 7 ealle Cristes halgena a butan ende. Amen. (T. p. 648.) Pol. 5 a. PRIVILEGIUM OSBERNI, ExONIENSIS EPISCOPI, DE PUL- SANDIS CAMPANISj MONACHIS SCI NiCHOLAI CONCESSUM. Wita ^a J7e nu beo^ . 7 ^a te cumene sy . ]7at ye Osbern Execestre biscop^ gef leaua "Sam munche on Sancte Nicholaus minstre to hringinde hyre tyde be dage 7 be nihte . hwanne hi efre willat . swa swa be- limp-S to hire andebernisse . bute an Cristes masseniht . 7 jiester sunneue . 7 Sancte Petres and Paules massedeg. And ]?eos leaua ]?urh hyre abbed Henri . 7 to foran him 7 his munchun . 7 to foran eallum mynum canunche innan minum capitule . of myne 7 hyre eallre helf swa fastlice ys ysett . ]7at non man after }7ys 'Sas ysettinge undon ne mage. And for "pyse leaua . twy^ys elce gere . Ipat is an Palmsunnendeg . 7 Cristes upstigan deg . to processiun mid j^am canunche hy gan sceule. (T. p. 437.) *5ic* Below this is a fragment of an entry j the effective portion is gone. * Osbern, Bp. 1072-1103. Pol. 5 b. Her kyS on j^issere becc ]> Willelm^ bisceop of Execes- tre cwse^ Wulfric Pig freoh 7 saccles of };a lande a Teig- tune a J7ane dseg ]?e ma dide Osbern bisceop . 7 Leofric ELEVENTH CENTURY. 261 bisceop of }?a jealla minstre inna f niwe . 7 hine freode for Godes luue . 7 Scse Marise . 7 ealle Cristes halgena . 7 for )7ara bisceopa saule . 7 for his saule to alisednesse. Dar to is iwitniss . Algar se bisceop of Constance^ .7 se prior of Plimtune . 7 se prior of Tantune . 7 se prior of Sees Nichol' minster . 7 se prior of Sees Andreas. 7 Leowine se canon . 7 Waltere p. . 7 Willelm p. . 7 Rodberd se Blund. 7 Aluric p . 7 Osbern se kapei . Witim 7 Osbern . WiH'm 7 ou oc Barthol . Odo . 7 Hugo . 7 Hugo . Wittm Edw' s'. Alger kmahtille s' dan Liffi s\ 7 lordan his s'. Randolf 7 Rau . Waltere . Os- iiauoc jalewa s' Theodt» bern . Ascetil buta port . Seuara . Dunnig . Rau . selewies s' Teodbald . Wittm . 7 fela o'Sra ]?e ma nemna ne meg. Se J7e ]7is efre un do . habbe he Godes curs . 7 Sea Maria . 7 ealle Cristes gecorena . a butan ende. Amen. (T. r p. 646.) * William Warelwast, Bp. 1 107-1 136. ^ Algarus, Bp. of Coutances 11 32-1 150, Gams, Series Episcoporum, p. 542. Freeman, Norm, Conq., vol. v. p. 362, points out that he was probably an Englishman (^If gar) : a supposition which is strengthened by this occurrence of his name in an English document. Pol. 6 a. Her cyS on ]7issere bee f Bruning Cola sunu gebohte Roting aet Colewyne 7 set Leofa . freoh 7 sacleas ut of Sceft beara . on Sserla ge wytnisse )?3es portgereua . 7 on Huberdes . 7 on ^Iwerdes . 7 on ^Igares Paiardes . 7 on Wyllelmes his suna . 7 on Godwynes Colwynes suna . 7 on Esbernes ^Iwerdes suna. 7 hebbe he Godes curs )?e ]>is sefre undo . Amen. (T. p. 6^^.) Her kyS on J>issere bee f Teolling gebohte iElword 262 GENUINE KECOKDS UNDATED. Stamera 7 Edwine his bro'Sor set Coluwine to vii. manc- son to cepe 7 to tolle . 7 ^Iword port ge refa nam f toll. 7 her to is ge witnesse . Ui^el set Culumtune . 7 Sse- wulf . 7 Uitula . 7 Eadmund p. . 7 Snelling Tullinges sunu . 7 Leowine Leowerdes bro^or . 7 jElfgar Helle bula. 7 hsebbe he Godes curs ]>e j^is sefre un do a on ecnisse. Amen. (T. p. 6^^,) Her ky^ on ];issere bee "p Leowine Lundenisca 7 laldgi^ his wif gebohton ^Ifilde set Touie to feower 7 sixtuge penegon . 7 -^Ifric Hals nam f toll innan Touies bure for ]>2ds kynges hand. 7 her to is ge witnesse Ro'Ssalin p. . 7 Ailword diacon . 7 Alwine deacon . 7 Dunstan Peoning. (T. p. 6^1^.) Her kyS on J7issere bee f Wulward bohte Leouede set Hierdinge Eadno^es sune wi'S v. scili. to cepe 7 to tolle . 7 f toll nam Gar wise gerefa to Toppes hamme . on Smecwines ge witnesse preostes . 7 on Alwines pr. . 7 on Ailwordes set Oteri . 7 on Dunninges Tailiferes ^ . 7 on Ailwordes Luunges sunu . 7 on Dune wines . 7 on God- wines set Hina tune . 7 on Hierdinges . 7 on Brihtmares Alfgares suna. 7 se ]>e J^iss un do habbe he Godes curs a butan ende. Amen. (T. p. 648.) Her ki^ on J^issere bee ]? "Regenere bohte Alfri'Se at Regenolde ]?am muneke at Cuicu wi'S v. sciit. freoh 7 sacles uppan Cuiclande to beonde on fridome . on Ed- mseres gewitnesse p. . 7 on Edwines J>as gereua . 7 on Rodberdes . 7 on Agel rices at Stanlince . 7 on ealles ]7as hundredes on Cuicu. 7 Alfric Hals nam f toll. 7 habbe Godes curs ]7e hit sefre un do. Amen. (T. p. 6^^.) Her ki'S on )?issere bee f Sewine Pinca bohte hine t ELEVENTH CENTURY. 263 silfne to x. sciii. at Willelme . on Edmseres gewitnisse pr. . 7 on Ed wines . 7 on Tailiferes ^ . 7 on Rod15. . 7 on ealles ]?as hundredes on Cuicu. 7 Alfric Hals nam f toll. 7 habbe he Godes curs ]7e hit sefre un do. Amen. (T. p. 632.) Her cyS on fisse bee J?a Osbern b. halgode Sea Maria portic . J7a freode Folcard ]78er Agelwine his man 7 his of spring . Criste to lofe 7 Sea Maria . 7 his sawle alised- nisse . 7 let him ceosa hlaford loc hwaer hig wolde. 7 hsebbe he Godes curs 7 ealra halgena ]>e J^is aefre un do. Amen. (T. p. 634.) Her ki^ on ]?issere bee f Liueger se bacestere on Excestre alysde an wifman EdiJ? hatte . Godrices dohter Cocraca ut of Clist lande at Gosfreige bisceope . to xxx. p. sefre ma freoh 7 saccles . heo 7 eal hire ofspring. 7 Gesfreig bisceop wses hlaferd ofer Clist land on {^am dagum. 7 j78erto is gewitnis Colswein . 7 Roger on Buin . 7 Hereberd on Clist . 7 Edric se cipa. 7 se J?e J7is un do hsebbe he Godes wrse^e a butan ende. Amen. (T. p. 637.) * The name of the Conqueror's warlike minstrel who sang a song of Koland at Senlac. Fol. 6 b. Her cy^ on J^issere bee f Huscarl lisde hine silfne wi'S Ealuwb . . . mid XL. p. on Godwines gewitnesse p. 7 on Alwordis portirefa . 7 on Ealdrides his suna . 7 on Osb. 7 on Walteres his bro'Sra . 7 on Ssemseris . 7 God- wine p. 7 Swegn. 7 Wulfet namon f toll for 'pas cinges hand . 7 for S series ]?e J^a was portigerefa. Godes curs he habbe fe hit sefre undo. Amen. (T. p. 6^^,) 264 GENUINE RECOEDS UNDATED. Her cy^ on j^issere bee f Leowine Feala sunu bohte hine silfne 7 his ofspring set Wulfworde Alfrices sunu at lacobes cyrca to healfe punde . on Willelmes gewitnesse preostes . 7 on God wines pr. 7 on Arnoldes pr. 7 on Edvvines pr. 7 on Bartholomeus Floheres suna . on Floheres . 7 on Algares Pagardes . 7 on Cona . 7 Algares Leoflsede suna . 7 Haim . 7 Oter Dirlinges sunu . Edwacer . Agelword Ofstanes sunu . Osber . Alwordes sunu . Alfsta on Wunforda . Edwi . Nobol . Ocing . Agelword Pudding diac. 7 on ealles ]7a[s hun]dredes on Excestre . to ceo- sende him hlaford 7 his ofspring swa hwser swa hig woldon. 7 Alword portgerefa 7 Alwine Dirlinges a]7um fangon to )7am tolle for )?8es cynges hand. 7 habbe he Godes curs 7 ealra halgena fe ]?is sefre undo. (T. p. 6^6.) Her cy"S on J)issere bee f Edi]? Leofrices docter Locoes bohte hi silue 7 hire ofspring at Hul .... to iiii. 7 xx. p. on Willelmes gewittnisse stiwerdes . 7 on Agilwerdes Wudinges . 7 on Edmeres preostes . 7 on Edwies Hreawa sun . 7 on Huscarles . 7 on Algeres pr . . cge God wines preost. . 7 on Leowines Lundeniscea. 7 habbe he Godes curs 7 ealra halgena Ipe hit sefre undo. (T. p. 6^6.) Cod. Exon. 7 a. T. p. 608. Gilds at "Woodbury and other places ; associated with the Canons of Exeter. On Cristes naman . 7 Scs Petrus apostolus . an gild- scipe is gegaderod on Wudeburg lande .7 se b. Osbern ^ 7 J7a canonicas innan Scs Petrus minstre on Excestre haba^ underfangen j7one ilcan geferscipe on bro^orrae- ELEVENTH CENTURY. 265 denne gemsenelice for'S mid o'Srum gebro^rum. Nu do^ hig" set selcum heor'Se to gecnawnisse ]?am canonicon anne penig to Eastron selce geare . 7 ealswa set aelcum for^farenum gildan set selcum heor^e aenne penig to sawul sceote . se hit bonda se hit wif . J^e on ]7am gild- scipe sindon. 7 ]7at sawul gesceot sceulon ]7a canonicas habban . 7'swilce ]7enisce don for hig swilce hig agon to done. 7 J7is sindon heora naraa ]>e beo^ on J^am gildscipe. Brihtwi . Wilno'S . Ealdwine . Leofric . Brihtmaer . Alfric . Eadmser . Ed wine . Algar . Edwi . Wlword . Alword . Edwine . Godwi . Osgod . A^eleoue . Brihtmser . Godric. On Wudeburge lande is eac an o^er gildscipe gega- derod Criste 7 See Petre . 7 hig do^S to Martinus msessan of selcum heor'Se anne penig into Scs Petrus minstre )7am canonicon . and selc sawul gesceot ealswa . set selcum heor^e anne penig. And j^is sind ]7sera manna nama . Kytel . Deoderic . 8cc.^ Of Clistunes gildscipe Isaac p. . Almser . Godwine . &c. Of Colatunes gildscipe . Or-Sric p. . Aimer . Ail wine . &c. Of Alwines gildscipe on Wudebirig . Alstan . Leawine . Ailwine . &c. Of Bridafordes gildscipe . Edwine . Wlfric . Ssewine . &c. Of Clistwike . Waltere p. . Eadmser . Leowine . &c. Of ]7am gildscipe on Lege . Ailwi p. . Tyrri p. .Wittra. &c. Of Hnutwille . Godric . Alwine . Edwine . &c. Of Colatune . Alwine Treddasunu . Godric . Ailric . &c. Of Sidemu'Sa . Algar . Ailric . Wlwine . &c. Of Halsforda . Ilberd p. . Edwine . Alwine . &c. 266 GENUINE EECORDS UNDATED. Of Hwita stane . Edzi . Godric . Edwine . &c. Of Examu^a . Godgi^ . Esgar . Edrid . &c. ^ Osbem, bp. Exon 107 2-1 103, was the successor of Leofric. ^ Here follow more names ; and so also in the other groups. Dean and Chapter, Exeter. S. ii. Exon. 15. Boundary on Dartmoor. Not in Wanley's list. Published first by Mr. Davidson, in 1876 in the Transactions of the Devon Associa- tion, viii. 396; and again in 1883 in the Journal of the Archaeological Association, xxxix. 301: quoted below. pis is peading tunes landscaro ]78er sescburne ut scyt . on dertan stream cS wede burne ut scyt .up an wede burnan of wi^imor . of wi^i more on cealfa dune midde wearde of cealfa dune op] sufonstanas . of sufonstanii on hyfan treow . of hyfan treowe on hord burh . of hord- byrg on deor ford . of deor forda on langa stan . of langa stane on eofede tor . of eofede torre on hean dune fore wearde . of hean dune on |?one blindan wille . of "Sam wille on writelan stan . of ]7a stane on ruwa beorh . of ruwan beorge on fyrs penn . of fyrs penne on wyrt cumes heafod . of wyrt cumes heafde on rammeshorn . of rammes home on lulca stile . of lulca stile on wice cumes heafod . on lymen stream o]> wogga will lacu ut scyt . on ]7a lace o^S wocga willes hafod . of wocg^a willes heafde on ]7one weg o^ ]>SL greatan die of ]?8ere die on ]7one wille on )78es mores heafod . on ]?a lace to J^sere sweliende . of 'Saere sweliende on yederes^ beorh . of yederes beorge on stan dun ^ [ni'Se] wearde o]> )7a gretan linde . of j78Bre linde on dyra snsed midde wear[d]ne . of dyra snsede on ELEVENTH CENTURY. 267 hwita ford . of hwita forda on fulanford . of fulanforda on hildes ford . of hildes forda on hildes lege norSewearde o]f sole get . of sole gete to brynes cnolle suSe weardu on puneceswurSi . of puneces wur]?ige on hremues cumes heafod . of hremnes cumbe on )7a ri'Se o'S sescburnan . J^anon on stream to dertan. *** Mr. Davidson's local knowledge, and his affection for his native county, add weight to his comments. He says : " The Ashburn is a rivulet falling into the river Dart, just opposite to Buckfastleigh church. On it, about two miles above the outfall, was founded at the original settlement of Saxons in the county, a 'tun' or town, in con- formity with universal Devonshire practice, where every river has its ' tun/ The name of this town, Ashburntim, became Ashburton. The boundary begins at the point where the Ashburn falls into the Dart, and follows that river upwards, to the infall of the Withiburn brook, now called the East Webber. This it follows upwards to a manor called Dunstone, in the parish of Withicomb-in-the-Moor, thence to Hamilton's Down, and so to Langston in Manaton parish, thence to Lus^leigh Cleave ; and so by Ramshorn Down and the Ogwell river, back to the Ashburn rivulet. The area comprised is about ten miles long from south to north, and about six from west to east, having Heytor Rock and Rippon Tor in its centre. The parishes included are, Ashburton, Buckland-in-the-Moor, and the whole or parts of Withicomb-in-the- Moor, Manaton, Lustleigh, Bovey Tracy, Ilsington, Bickington, West Ogwell, Woodland, and Staverton." Mr. Davidson takes *'Peadingtun" as a man's name, in which I am not able to follow him : yet I will not withhold the remarkable informa- tion which he gives in connection with this. *'John Padyngton was the name of the steward, in about 1310, of Bishop Stapledon, a great benefactor to Ashburton, then part of the possessions of the see. Padyngton was, indeed, slain by his master's side, when Stapledon was murdered in Cheapside on the 1 5th of October, 1326. It may possibly be that this John Padyngton was a descendant of Peadingtun of the boundary. The document itself, one supposes, must be centuries older than 1310 ; nor did this tract of land, or any- thing like it, belong to the Bishop of Exeter at any date after the Conquest. In 1086 {Domesday does not state who held the lands T. R. E ), the only parts of this area belonging to the see were Ash- burton and Staverton. It is possible that at some date prior to the Conquest, this area belonged to Exeter ; but this could not have been the case at King Ead ward's death, and there is no proof of the fact known to the writer ; and no evidence, beyond the existence of an ancient boundary stone in a lane in Lustleigh parish, standing on this 268 GENUINE RECORDS UNDATED. actual boundary, which is traditionally stated to have had carved upon it the arms of the see of Exeter. As bishops, before the Conquest, certainly did not bear arms in the modern sense, it is clear that the tradition does not preserve a literal fact. It serves only to show some connection between the stone and the bishops of Exeter." ^ ye"Seres S. ^ Stan dun [ni^e]. Mr. Davidson's reading of a much defaced part, which Mr. Sanders leaves almost blank. C. C. C. Cantab. 111. K 933-937. T. p. 640. Entries now in a Eegister of Bath Abbey. Obviously this is not their original place, and Wanley (p. 149) thought the leaf had been taken from the Gospel Book to be mentioned next. (i) >i< Her swutela'S on J^isse cristes bee f leofeno^ segelncSes sunu set korstune beef's geboht hine 7 his ofspring ut set selfsige abb.^ 7 aet eallon hirede on ba^on . mid fif oran 7 mid .xii. heafdon sceapa. on kascilles^ ge- witnesse portgerefan 7 on ealre J>sere burhware on ba^on. crist hine ablende 'pe ]7is sefre awende. (2) >I< Her swutela^ on ]?isse cristes bee f segelsige set linncume hsef^S geboht wilsige his sunu ut set self- sige abb. on ba'Son 7 set eallon hirede . to ecean freote. (3) >Ii Her swutela^ on ]?isse cristes bee f segelsige byttices sunu hsef^ geboht hildesige his sunu ut set selsige abb. on ba^on 7 set eallon hirede mid syxtigon penegon to ecean freote. (4) >I« Her swutela"S on ]?isse cristes bee f godwig se bucca hsef^ geboht leofgife )?a dsegean set nor^stoke 7 hyre ofspring mid healfan punde set selsige abbod to ecan freote on ealles )7ses hiredes gewitnesse on ba'Son. crist hine ablende ^e ]?is sefre awende. ELEVENTH CENTURY. 269 (5) >J« Her swutela'S on J^isse cristes bee f aslsige at)t>. hsef^ gefreod godwine bace set stantune . for hine 7 for ealne )7one hired on ba^an . on ssemannes gewitnesse 7 wulwiges set prisctune . 7 selfrices cermes. *^* Professor Skeat writes that this leaf, now in MS. iii, has un- doubtedly been removed from MS. 140. It was the outside leaf of MS. 1 40 ; and that which is now the first leaf in this book was once the second. ' iElfsige (abbot) died 1087. Dugdale, Monasticon ii. 257 (ed. 1846). » Hascilles T. C. C. C. Cambridge 140. K1351. ^ ^ . Entries in the Benet manuscript of the Saxon Gospels, the book to which also belonged the five previous entries. The two sets of entries are united by a community of place aud of persons. The place is the Abbey of Bath, and the chief persons are abbots, or bishop, or prior. The entries are here ranged in the order of the manuscript, but this is not necessarily the order of time ; and the figures to each entry are an attempt (pro- visionally) to indicate the relative dates of the transactions. (6) >J< Her swutela^ on 'Sissere cristes bee f selfwig se red hsef'S geboht hine sylfne ut set selfsige abbod 7 eallon hirede mid anon punde. par is to gewitnes eall se hired on ba^an. crist hine ablende J^e j?is gewrit awende. (7) >J< Her swutela^ on ]?issere cristes bee f edric set fordan hsef^ geboht segyfu his dohtor set selfsige abbod and set );am hirede on ba'San to ecum freote . 7 eall hire ofspring. (11) >I< Her swutela'S on Jjisse cristes bee f aelfric scot 7 segelric scot synd gefreod for selsiges abbodes sawle to ecan freote. pis is gedon on ealles hiredes gewitnesse. (13) >i< Her swutela^ on J^issere cristes bee fast si wine leofwies sunu set lincumbe hafaj? geboht sydeflsede ut 270 GENUINE KECORDS UNDATED. mid fif scyllingum 7 penegan set iohanne )7am biscope^ 7 set eallon ]7am hirede on ba]?on . to ecum freote . 7 herto is gewittnesse godric ladda . 7 ssewold . 7 his twegen sunan . scirewold 7 brihtwold. (14) >J< Her swutela"S on J^isse cristes bee "p iohann hsef'S geboht gunnilde ]7urkilles dobter set gode leofen- a^Ses lafe to bealfan punde . on ealles hiredes gewitnysse. crist hine ablende J^e J^is gewrit awende. 7 be haef^S bi betaebt criste 7 see petre for bis moder sawle. (s) »J< Her swutela]? on ]7yssere cristes bee f saewi bagg set widecume bsef]? gedon ut bis twegen sunu sett selfsige abbude . on ealles biredes gewitnesse. (15) »I< Her swutela^ on J7isse cristes bee f lifgi^ set forda is gefreod 7 hire twa cild . for ]?one biscop iohann 7 for ealne J?one hired on ba'Son . on selfredes gewitnesse aspania. (16) >I< Her swutela]? on ]?isse cristes boc "pa fore- wordan ]>e j^e prior ^ on ba]?an 7 ealle ]7a gebro);ran babba)? gemaked wi'S ssewi 7 wij? jfeodgjiu bis wif. ^ is ^ we habba]? beom geunnen . of godes healf . 7 of s. mar. . 7 of see petres . 7 of ure . ]7a bro|7errseddene 7 ]?a bedrsed- dene for life 7 for de]?e . 7 gelsend beom f land of )7sere street ]}e ure wses . beore bus on to rymende . ]?a bwile J^e hi libbe]?. 7 bi us ]?ar togenes gifej? ^ bi us byrsumien wylle]? 7 holde beon . mid eallan ]7am ]?e hi magan 7 cunnen . 7 seffcer beore tweire dseie . ssewies 7 Seodgyfe . hi gyfej? beore bus 7 beore land 7 ure criste 7 see petre . to ]?am f me bi fsegere underfo . 7 holdlice for beore sawla beo. her is to gewitnesse . osward preost . 7 will. "Se clerec . 7 hugo ye portgerefe . 7 beoring . 7 leoffric . 7 hea]7ewulf . 7 burehhard . 7 wylwi . 7 geosfrsei . 7 selfword J7e smi]? . 7 edwi scredes sune . 7 ro^^. }7e frenccisce. (T. p. 436.) ELEVENTH CENTURY. 271 (12) >J< Her swutela^ on J;issere cristes bee f segyl- mser bolite S8e]?ry)7e set sewolde abbude^ mid iii. maxan . on ealles hiredes gewitn3^sse . 7 ofer his dseg 7 his wifes dseg" beo se man freoh. crist hine ablende )7e j^is gewrit awende. (9) »J< Her swutela'S on J^issere cristes bee *p wulwine hareberd bohte set aelfsige abbude selfgyj>e mid healfan punde . on ealles hiredes gewitnysse. 7 crist hine ablende J^e )7is gewrit awende. (10) >I< Her swutelaS on J^issere cristes bee ^ segyl- sige bohte wynric set selfsige abbude mid anon yre goldes. ]7ysses ys to gewitnysse selfryd portgereua 7 eal se hired on baj7on. crist hine ablende ]fe ];is gewrit awende. * John de Villula, Bp. Bath and Wells, 1088-1123. ' In 1 106 John de Villula appointed the monastery of St. Peter, Bath, to be governed by a Prior instead of an Abbot. Dugdale 1. c 3 Collinson (Hist. Somerset, i.55) makes Sewold abbot under Edward the Confessor ; but he gives no authority, and these entries suggest that he came after -^Ifsige. Mus. Brit. Add. MSS. 9381. Oliver, Monasticon Dioe. Exon. p. 431. K 981. T. p. 623. Manumissions in the Bodmin Gospels. These entries, forty-six in number, are mostly in Latin, but a few are in Saxon. Some speci- mens are here given of each. There is some Cornish-Latin, as prespifer; and some Cornish-Saxon, as Codgivo (Godgifu). Dr. Oliver's numbering is kept, as useful for reference. PoL 1 a. 1. Hsec sunt nomina illorum hominum. huna. et soror illius dolo. quos [lib]eravit byrhtflsed pro redemptione 272 GENUINE EECORDS UNDATED. animse suse super altare sancti petroci coram istis testi- bus. leofric prespiter. budda prespiter. morhay]7o pres- piter. deui prespiter. hresmen diaconus. custentini laicus. wurlowen^ layeus. ut libertatem habeant cum semine suo sine fine, et maledictus sit qui fregerit banc liber- tatem. 9. )?es ys )78es mannes nama "Se byrbsie gefreode et petrocys stowe . bybstan hate^ bluntan sunu on 8e]7elhide giwitnyse hys agen wyf 7 on byrhisiys msese preostes 7 on riol 7 myrmen 7 wunsie morbaeJ^J^o 7 cynsie priost. *;ic* In the Bevue Celtique i. 332 ff. these manumissions were printed from the MS. by Mr. Whitley Stokes ; and he analysed the Cornish names. The reader will be glad of a few illustrations from his hand. ^ custentin, " borrowed from Constantinus. Note the loss of the n in the first syllable and the umlaut of the a in the second." "^ wurlowen, "lowen = Welsh leguen (leguenid Isetitia) now llawen joyful," The prefix wur- is explained a few lines lower down. * = hatte, was called, is called. Fol. 7 b. 23. wuenumon 7 hire team moruiw hire swuster 7 hire team 7 wurgustel ^ 7 his team, wuarun gefreod her on tune, for eadryde cynige. 7 for se'Selgar^ biscop an thas hirydes gewitnesse "Se her on tune syndun. 24. Hoc est nomen illius hominis quem liberavit perem. pro anima sua. gurient.^ super altare sancti petroci coram istis testibus. adelces presbiter. morhaedo diaconus. gusedret. dericus. vale vive in Xpo. * wurgustel. *' ffustelis Welsh gwystl hostage; O.H.G. ^wa/." =» iE0elge[ard] W. S. ' " Gurient = Wur gent. In this and [other examples] the gur-, wur- is the intensive prefix = Gaulish ver-, Old Welsh guor-, gur- : Old Breton uuor-, guor-. (Grammatica Celtica, ed. 2 ; 895, 896.)" Fol. 8 a. 26. >J< Marh gefreode leSelt 7 ealle hire team for ELEVENTH CENTURY. 273 eadwig cyninge on his agen reliquias ^ . 7 he hie het Isedan hider to mynstere 7 her gefreogian on petrocys reliquias on thses hirydes gewitnesse. 27. Her ky^ on ]?issere bee f seilsig bohte anne wifmann ongyne)7el hatte 7 hire sunu gySiccael. set ]7urcilde mid healfe punde set ]?8ere cirican dura on bodmine 7 sealde seilsige portgereua et maccosse hun- dredes mann. iiii. pengas to tolle. J^a ferde seilsig to pe )7a menn bohte 7 nam hig 7 freode uppan petrocys weofede sefre sacles. On gewittnesse J>issa godera manna f waes isaac messe preost. 7 ble'Scuf ^ m. p. 7 wun- ning m.p. 7 wulfger m. p. 7 grifiuiS ^ m.p. 7 noe ih.p. 7 wur)?ici"S m. p. 7 selsig diacon. 7 maccos. 7 te'Sion modredis^ sunu. 7 kynilm. 7 beorlaf. 7 dirling . 7 gratcant. 7 talan. 7 gif hwa ]>as freot abrece hebbe him wi'S criste gemene. amen. 28. Hoc est nomen illius mulieris codgiuo quae liberata fuit pro anima maccosi centurionis super altare sancti petroci in vigilia adventus domini istis testibus videntibus . boia decanus. godricus pr. sewinus pr. eli diaconus. wulgarus diaconus. godricus diaconus. elwine diaconus. edricus clericus. elwinus. elwerdus. sicteicus. waso . wulwerdus. et alii quamplurimi de bonis homi- nibus. Si quis tam temerarius sit qui banc libertatem fregerit anathema sit a deo et ab angelis ejus, amen fiat. ^ I, e. relics which were the private property of the master. (Oliver.) ^ bletJcuf . " Better Bley^cuf 1 29 b. Here we have a compound of hledh=W. hlaidd, Br. hleiz, wolf. In the Cornish vocabulary the word is written hleit, leg. hleith. The Old Breton names Bledic, Bleid- lara, Fou-hleid contain this word ; so in Liber Landavensis (Old Welsh) Bledud, Bledris, Bledlui, Bledgur, Arth-hleid" 3 griiiutS. " The common Welsh name Griffud, Gruffud, anglicised Griffithr * modredis. Saxon genitive of Cornish " Modred, Old Breton Mo* droty 274s GENUINE RECORDS UNDATED. Pol. 8 b. 30. Her ky^ on }>issere bee ^ aslfric selfwines sunu wolde ]7eowian putraele him to nyd J^eowetlinge . ]7a cam putrael to boia j bed his fore spece to aelfriee his bre'Sere. ]?a sette boia }7as spece wi'S aelfriee. f wes f putrael sealde selfrice viii oxa set ]?ere cirican dura set bodmine. 7 gef boia sixtig penga for J?ere forspsece. 7 dide hine sylfne 7 his ofspreng sefre freols 7 saccles fram }7am dsege wi'S selfrice 7 wi'S boia 7 wi'S ealle selfwines cyld 7 heora ofspreng. on ]?issere gewitfcnisse. isaac messepreost 7 wunning p. 7 sewulf p. 7 godric diacon. 7 cufure prauost. 7 wincuf. 7 wulfwerd. 7 gestin thes bisceopes stiwerd. 7 artaca . 7 kinilm. 7 godric map. 7 wulfger. 7 ma godra manna. Pol. 129 b. 34. Hser cyS on ]7ison bee ^ selwold gefreode hwatu far hys sawle a psetrocysstow a degye 7 sefter degye. an selger ys gewittnisse 7 gotric 7 wallo'S 7 gryfyi^ 7 bleyScuf 7 salaman. 7 hebbe he godes curs 7 scs. petro- cus 7 sealle welkynes seas. J^e f brece "Sse ydon ys. amen. Pol. 137 a. 36. Wulfsie episcopus liberavit aedoc filiam catgustel . pro anima sua et eadgari regis super altare sancti pe- troci . cyngelt . et magnus . et sulmea]? ^. et iustus . et rumun . et wengor . et luncen . et fuandrec . et wen- deer n 2. et wuriSylic ^. et cengor . et inisian . et brenci . et onwean . et rinduran . et lywci. * " The sul here and in [other Cornish names in these entries] con- stantly occurs in Old Breton names [examples given]. It probably means 'sun* (Welsh, Cornish, and Breton sul borrowed from Latin soiy* I do not see why borrowed. I ELEVENTH CENTUKY. 275 ^ "-wendeeTn — wen teern = JAsh tigerne dominus : compare Middle Welsh Edern, Edyrn, Mabinogion. A woman's name ? = alba domina." ^ WurSylic = valde dilecta : "Sylic in Wurdylic, Ourdylyc, is borrowed from dilectus.^^ Cott. Dom. A. vii. 43. K 925. T. p. 621. Geatfled her manumissions. This entry (in a Gospel book which is perhaps of the eighth century, K) affords a glimpse of the fall from freedom to bondage in bad times. Geatfled ageaf freols . for Godes lufa 7 for heora sawla J7earfe . f is Ecceard smi'S . 7 ^Elstan 7 his wif . 7 eall * heora ofsprinc . boren 7 unboren . 7 Arcil . 7 Cole . 7 Ecfer^ Aldhunes dohter . 7 ealle J^a men ]>e heo nam heora heafod^ for hyra mete on J^am yflum dagum. Swa hwa swa )7is awende 7 hyre sawla )7ises bereafie . bereafige hine God selmihtig J^ises Rfes 7 heofona rices . 7 sy he awyrged dead 7 cwic aa on ecnysse. 7 eac heo hafa^ gefreod }7a men "pe heo ]?igede set Cwjespatrike . "p is iElfwald . 7 Colbrand . ^Isie . 7 Gamal his sune . E^red . Tredewude . 7 Uhtred his stepsun[e] . Aeulf . 7 purkyl . 7 ^Isige. Hwa J?e heom J?ises bereafie . God selmihtig sie heom wraS 7 See CuSberht. * "AH the men whose persons (literally heads, as of cattle) she took for their food in the evil days." T. Cott. Tib. B. V. 76. K 1354. T. p. 649. Gebtiras on the Hatfield estate (Herts) : their relationships, their T 2 276 GENUINE RECORDS UNDATED. settlements on other estates, and their intermarriages with gehuras of other manors ^. »J« Dudda wses gebur into Hse'Sfelda . 7 he hasfde ]?reo dohtor . an hatte Deorwyn . o'Ser Deorswy^ . J^ridde Golde . 7 WuUaf on Hse^felda hsef ^ Deorwynne to wife . 7 -^Ifstan set Tseccingawyr^e haef "5 DeorswySe to wife . 7 Ealhstan iElfstanes bro^ar beef's Goldan to wife. Hwita hatte waes beoeere into HseSfelda . 7 Tate hatte his dohtor wses Wulfsiges modor scyttan . 7 LuUe hatte Wulfsiges sweostar Hehstan beef's to wife on Wealadene. Wifus 7 Dunne 7 Seoloce syndan inbyrde to Hse'Sfelda. Duding hatte Wifuse sunu sit on Wealadene . 7 Ceol- mund hatte Dunnan sunu sit eac on Wealadene. 7 ^'Seleah hatte Seolecan sunu sit eac on Wealadene . 7 Tate hatte Cenwaldes sweostor Meeg bsef^ to wife on Weligun . 7 Ealdelm Here'Sry^e sunu hsef^ Tatan dohtor to wife. Wserlaf hatte Wserstanes feeder waes riht seht to Hse'Sfelda . heold 'Sa greegan swyn. »J< Brada hatte wees gebur to Hee'Sfelda . 7 Hwite hatte ]?8es Bradan wif wees gebures dohtor to Hee]?felda . seo Hwite wees Weerstanes 7 Weer'Sry'Se 7 Wynburge ]?ridde modor. 7 se Weerstan sit eet Wad tune . heefS Winnes sweostor to wife . 7 Wine heef^ Weer'SrySe to wife. 7 Dunne saet on Wadtune wees inbyrde to Hee^felda . 7 Deorwyn hatte hire dohtor beef's Cynewald on Mund- dene to wife . 7 Deorna^ hatte hire bro^ar bi'S mid Cynewalde. 7 Dudde hatte Wifuse dohtor sit eet Wilmundeslea. Cynelm hatte Cenwaldes feeder wees gebur into Hee'Sfelda . 7 Manna hatte Cenwaldes sunu sit eet Wadtune under Eadwolde. 1^ Buhe hatte wees Dryhtlafes moddrige . wees afaren ut of Hee'Sfelda into Eslingadene . 7 iE}7elwyn 7 Eadugu 7 iE)7elgyS heo weeran ^reo gesweostra . 7 Tilewine 7 ELEVENTH CENTUKY. 277 Duda wseron ealle ysere Buge beam . 7 Ealhstan Tile- wine sunu . 7 Wulfsige Eaduge sunu . 7 Ceolem,^)?elgy Se sunu . 7 Ceolstan . 7 Man wine, pis cyn com of Felda . Deorulf Cyneburhe sunu 7 his twa sweostar . 7 Cynric set Clsefring heora earn, pas men synd Tatan magas set Hse'Sfelda -Sses gebures. * These gebdras "boors" were the agricultural population of the manor, who tilled it and paid rent in produce, in money, and in work. They were serfs, adscripti fflebce, and the lord had a proprietary interest in them, which gives the motive of this record. The Hatfield serfs had relations at Datchworth, Walden, Welwyn, Watton, Munden, Wymondley, Essenden. The memorandum appears to be of the nth century. Mr. Seebohm identifies these gebiiras (as a class) with the villani of the same places in Domesday. English Village Community, p. 139. He adds that on some manors the pedigrees of villani or nativi were kept even after the Black Death. PART II. SECONDARY DOCUMENTS, SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. This Group comprises documents which are preserved in single parchments as the primary records are ; but which, unlike those, are not contemporaneous with the date assigned to the transaction ; and yet, on the other hand, probably not later than the eleventh century. Cott. Aug. ii. 86. A. D. 680. K18. B. iv. 2. Csedualla king of Wessex, granting land to bp. Wilfrid at Pecganham and places adjacent : — one of the signataries being Aldhelm, who had the charge of drafting and getting the document written. >i< In nomine saluatoris nri ihu xpi . Nihil intulimus in hunc mundum uerum nee anferre quid poterimus . idcirco terrenis et caducis seterna et cselestia supernse patriae prenaia mercanda sunt . Quapropter ego csedualla disponente dno rex rogatns a uenerando uuilfrido sepis- copo ut sibi aliquantulam terram ad suffragium uitae suae frmque suorum qui secum conuersarentur et in diuino seruitio huius peregrinationis qua uir uenerandus diutius peregit pro relaxatione criminii et perpetui premii re- ceptaculo largiri dignarer . cuius precibus annuens terrenam sibi possessiunculam de qua sugerere uidebatur pro remedio anim^ meae libenter inpendi . et banc liber- tate sub estimatione . Ixx . tributariorum taxauimus in illo loco qui dicitur pecgan ham . aliisque locis circum- quaque adiacentibus hoc est scrippan eg . ceorla tun . bucgan ora . beorgan stede . north beorgan stede . crymes 282 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. ham se northra mundan ham . other mundan ham . et haec omnia uenerabili uiro uuilfrido cum consensu et deuota confirmatione ecgualdi subreguli in potestatem propri^ dominationis pro su§ nimi^ scitatis conuersa- tione . et nro^ peccatorum relaxatione redigimus . in- super addidimus fribus suis do seruientibus ad ^cclesiam sci andre§ super ripam positam orientale portus qui dicitur uedring mutha . ?ram qu8B dicitur, tang mere . X . tributariorum . ut eis quamdiu fides catholica regnet hinc necessaria corporalis usus specialiter prebeantur . Si quis uero quod absit contra hsec decreta firmiter statuta contraire et ea soluere conatus fuerit nouerit se ante tribunal examinis xpi rationem redditurum et habere partem cum iuda traditore dni nri ihu xpi . in inferno inferiore . Haec sunt territoria ad pecgan ham pertinentia primit^ ab occidente uedring mutha . per ilium portum ad locum qui dicitur holan horan fleot et sic ducitur in lang port . inde ad aquilonem to unning lande . sic ad orientem on fleot super illud quod dicitur inufes ford . inde in locum qui dicitur cynges uuic . et sic ad locum qui dr langan ersc . inde on loxan leage . et SIC in locum qui dr bebbes ham . inde in pontem thel brycg . et sic ad aquilonem iuxta palustria loca . super haec ad locum qui dr hylsan seohtra et sic ad orientem in uusermundes hamm . hinc in uuadan hlseu . ab illo loco in fisc mere . et sic in brynes fleot . sicque dirigitur in mare . Sed et hi sunt termini pertinentes ad tang mere . primitus of hleap mere per uiam puplicam ad terram heantunensem ad angulii circianum . ide in locum horsa gehaeg . et sic ubi dr hean ersc . hinc ad aelrithe . ab ipso riuo ad fraxinu unum . et sic ad locum cealc mere . hinc ad headan scrsef . ab illo loco . to lulan treouue . et sic in tatan ham . sic ad rise mere . ab illo loco to hleap GROUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 283 mere . et sunt pascua ouiu in meos dune pertinentia ad tang mere . Anno dominicse incarnationis . dclxxx . Ego cseduualla rex a prefato rogatus ^po hanc donationis me§ cartulam scribere iussi . et absque trimoda necessitate totius xpiani populi id est arcis munitione . pontis emendatione . exercitii congestione liberam perstrinxi . Ego ecguuald subregulus mente deuota consensi et sub- scripsi >J< Ego sethelredus domino prestante rex pro remedio anirn^ mese hanc donatione corroboraui . >^ Ego hseddi eps consensi et subscr . »I< Ego ercenuualdus eps cons et subscr . >J< Ego aldhelmus scolasticus archiepi theodori hanc cartulam dictitans prout regis maiorumque inperia statuerunt scribere iussi . illisque sancientibus constitutum est . ut beato uiro uuilfrido liberum rema- neret arbitrium in uita sua de hac ruris possessiuncula • et post obitum cuicumque uoluerit in seternam posses- sionem iure hereditario derelinqueret . Pax cunctis le- gentibus . consensiiq; prebentibus . sitque laus utentibus . luxque perpes credentibus . uirtus uita fauentibus . rite constet senatibus anglorum atque cetibus qui dona firment nutibus. *j^* Endorsed in hands of the loth century, *kj^ pacgan hamm;' and ' t^ uuilfridus gpiscopus cartulam hanc • multimodasque et humilli- mas theodoro archiepiscopo in christo salutes : • ' ; and in a hand of the 12th century, ' Rex Ceduuala dedit paggeham sancto Wilfrido episcopo • latine.' B. Cotton Charter viii. 3. A.D. 755-757. KIOO. B. iv. 3. ^thilbald of Mercia grants lo cassati to abbot Eanberht. Mr. Bond assigns the writing to the 9th century. It is a fragment, of which the effective portion is complete : — [QuAPRo]pTER ego aethilbald rex non solum mercen- 284 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. sium . sed etiam in circuitu populorum quibus me diuina dispensatio sine meritorum suffragio pr^esse uoluit uenerabili seruo di eanberhttae abbati agrum .x. cassa- torum in dominium xpi ^eclesiae pro redemptione animae meae . et pro expiatione facinorum meorum libenter concedens largior . est autem terra ilia iuxta siluam quam dicunt toccan sceaga . habens in proximo tumulum qui habet nomen reada beorg. *;jc* Endorsed, ' reada beorg/ B. Cott. Aug. ii. 87. 26 July, 805. K190. B. ii. 8. Cuthred king of Kent, with licence of Cenulf king of Mercia, conveys land to Abp. Wulfred. Mr. Bond says the writing is 'rather later, and retouched.' >J< Anno ab incarnatione dni nri ihu xpi dccc**u° in- dictione xiii . ego cu^red rex cantiae cum licentia coen- ulfi regis merciae octabo anno regni mei a do ocessi wulfredo sedenti in archiepiscopatus solio . duorum ara- trorum terrae in jfpetuum donabo . est itaq: terra ilia con- posita in occidentali parte xu . manentium quae dicuntur bocholt hec duo aratra supra pdicta a quibidam campus armentorum id est hriSra leah appellantur hoc H* modo quasi pro conparatione in ptio xxx mancusarum illi banc pnominatam terram tradere curabo ut communem silbam secundum antiquam consuetudinem cum ceteris homini- bus abeat potestas quoq: ipsi datur ut in libertate terram habeat quamdiu uiuat j postea cuicumq: hominum uoluerit in aeternam libertatem derelinqu^ si quis banc largit'i'onem illi augeat augeatur illi a do uita si quis deminVerit quod absid deminuetur sibi gloria in xpo nisi satisfacsione emendauerit . GKOUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 285 huius confirmationis signa in celeberrimo loco haeleah nominato exponuntur in uii-*^* kas agustus die sabbati quo transfiguratus est xps . ^ ego coenuulf rex mere consensi et subseri ^ ald- uulf epis f^ werenberht epis >}< deneberht epis >J< eaduulf epis »J< vvulf hard epis ►!< alhheard epis >I< tidfer'S epis tJn osmund epis »J< wiohthun epis 1^ wig[be]rht epis >J« alhmund epis >{< bernmod epis >I< abh i^ . . . . Sib i^ werno'S ab >J« dudan ab >}< feolageld ab >i< ego cu'Sred Vex' cantiae os 7 sub , 1^ heaberht dux >{< beornno'S dux }^ cynehelm dux >J< tiduulf dux >J< wicgga dux >J< ceolward dux »J< ceolberht dux >^ dynne dux »I< wighard dux 1^ bjrnwald dux 1^ heardberht comes >I< cu'Sred pr. *5it* Endorsed in a hand of the loth century, ' hryj)eraleh,' to which is added in a hand of the 12th century, 'duonim aratrorum • CntJred rex • cantisB Wluredo archiepiscopo pro xxx marcis auri.' * latine.' B. Smith's Beda, p. 768. A.D. 825. Hickes Diss. Ep. p. 80. K219. T. p. 70. Beornuulf king of the Mercians, sate in council at Clovesho. There was a very great suit concerning the swine-pasture at Sutton. It appears to have been an action in the nature of an appeal, as the American legist has observed. The Bishop of Worcester appeals from a decision of the Swdngerefan, who were Com- missioners of "Woods and Forests, on the ground that they had disregarded the old established rights of his convent. The Witan allowed him and his chapter to take the oath, which was administered at Worcester, and of which Hama the Swdngerefa of Sutton was an eye-witness ; and so the 286 SECONDABY DOCUMENTS. bishop's claim was established. A bad copy of a rare piece. Nothing seems now to be known of the original, which Hickes described as *charta autographa Somersiana.' »i< In nomine trino diuino qui est deus benedictus in saecula. Amen, "py gere 'Se wes from cristes gebyrde ag£en eahta bund wintra and xxv and sio sefterre in- dictio waes in rime and wses biornwulfes rice mercna cyninges "Sa wses sioncSlic gemot on "Ssere meran stowe ^e men hate's clofeshoas and 'Saer se siolfa cyning biorn- wulf end his biseopas end his aldormenn end alle "Sa wioton "Sisse "Siode "Sser gesomnade wseron "Sa wses tiolo micel spree ymb wuduleswe to sii'Stune ongsegum west on scyrhylte^ waldon -Sa swangerefan "Sa Iseswe for'Sur gedrifan end "Sone wudu ge)?iogan ^ "Son hit aldgeryhto weron ^on cuae^ se biscop and -Sara hina wiotan "Set bio him neren maran ondeta "Son bit arseded wses on Ae'Sel- baldes dsege "Srim bunde swina msest ond se biscop 'Sa tugen^ ahten twsede "Sses wuda ond "Sses msestes. "Sa gersehte uulfred arcebiscop ond alle ^a wiotan "Set se biscop ond 'Sa bigen mosten mid aSe gecySan ^et hit sua wsere arseden on Ae'Selbaldes dsege ond bim mare to ne sohte ond he "Sa sona se biscop beweddade eadwulfe "Ssem aldormen "Sses a^Sses biforan allum Ssem wiotum ond him mon ^Sone gelsedde ymb xxx nsehta to "Ssem biscopstole et wiogoerna ceastre in ^a tiid wses hama suangerefa to su'Stune ond he rad 'Sset he wses et ceastre and 'Sone aa'S gesseh ond gesceawade sua bine his aldor- mon heht eadwulf ond he bine hwe^re ne grette. Hii sunt nomina et uocabula qui in synodali concilio fuerunt congregati. »I< Signum manus Biornwulfi regis Merciorum. >J< Wulfred archiepiscopus consensi banc conditionem. >J< Oe'Selwald episcopus consensi. »i< Hrse'Shun episco- GROUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 287 pus consensi. >{< Heaberht episeopus consensi. i^ Bionna episeopus eonsensi. >{* Eadwulf episeopus con- sensi. >J< Wilred episeopus consensi. >J< Wig'Segn episeopus consensi. >J< Alhstan episeopus consensi. >I< Humberht episeopus. ►!< Ceolberht episeopus »J< Cynred episeopus. >{< Torlithelm prior. >J< Ean- mund abbas. >I< Wihtred abbas. >J< Cu^wulf abbas. ^ Eanmund abbas. >^ Eadberht dux. i^ Biornno'S dux. >I< Sigered dux. >J< CuSred dux. >{< Eadwulf dux. >I< Mucel dux. >I< Uhtred dux. >J< Alhheard dux. >J< Bolam. }^ Aldran. »{< Bynna. >ii Wig- helm. 1^ Heabert. f^ Eadgar presbiter. >{< Wig- berht presbiter. i^ Heabstsef presbiter. >{< Brada presbiter. >J< Cu'Sbald presbiter. >J< Regengar pres- biter. >J< Cu'Sbert presbiter. i^ Ecgmund presbiter. >I< Heabferh^ diaconus. >i< Wighelm diaeonus. i^t Cyneberht diaconus. mid allra ©"Serra priosta butan "Sissum msesse-priostum efen Ix. * ongsegum west on scyrhylte. Thorpe translates, ' towards the west in Shireholt ' : but perhaps the text is corrupt. '^ ge])icgan T. ^ Sa tugen. Hickes reads 'and tSa higen,' which must be the true reading. It is tacitly adopted by Thorpe in his translation * the bishop and the convent held two parts of the wood and the mast.' Chart. Cott. viii. 30. A. D. 838. (Text. Roff. 138.) K239. B. iv. 8. Ecgberht with consent of his son ^thewulf king, grants to bp. Beorn- mod four ploughlands. The Chronicle gives Ecgberht's death in 836, but there are reasons for thinking that chronology wrong by two years. Mr. Bond says the writing is a ' later imitation.' >^ In nomin§ dni nfi iRu xpi saluatoris mundi . anno 288 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. dominie^ incarnation is .dcccxxx . uiii. indictione .i. Ego . ecgbearhtus rex cum consensu dil^ctissimi filii nri ^'S^l- wulfi regis dabo debotissimo episcopo meo . beornmodo . aliquam terre partem iuris mei . quattuor aratrorum . in loco que dicitur snodding land 7 §t holan beorge ut habeat et possideat et cuicumque uoluerit relinquat ita ut predicta terra sit liuera ab omni regali serbitia. »J< scripta est h§c cartula in bica regali . que dicitur fr^ric burna is testibus consentientibus et subscribentibus quorum infra nomina t^nentur . et unam molinam in torrente qui dicitur holan beorges burna . et in monte regis quYnquaginta carrabas lingnorum . adiectis . quat- tuor denberis . hw^ton stede . heah d§n . bese . helman hyrst >I< Egcberht rex. >J< ^^eluulf rex. 1^ Cialno^ . arhi . epc . >I< beornmod . epsc. >I^ Cynred epsc. 1^ Ceolbeorbt . epsc . >^ uulf heard . dux . »{< ^'Seluulf dux . 1^ eanulf dux . ^ herebearht dux. t^ ^^eluulf dux . >J< e'Sel- heard . . et in oriente ciuitatis hroui uuum uiculum. *** Endorsed in a hand of the 10th century, ' >J< snodinglandes boc • iiii • aratrorum •'; and in a hand of the i-^th century, ' Rex Ethelbrich dedit beormodo Episcopo snodiland et Holeberg/ B. Cotton Charter viii. 32. A. D. 862. K287. B. ii. 36. JEthelberht rex occidentaliii sax' seu cant' — to his thane Dryhtwald ten ploughlands at Bromley with exemption from all but the three inevitable burdens. Mr. Bond characterizes the writing GKOUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 289 as a ' later imitation.' See above, Primary Documents, A.D. 987 ; ,p. 209, perhaps the true document after which this has been fabricated. . . . H^c sunt et -j-[- termini pdicti agelli circu iacentia An nor^an fra ceddan leage to langan leage bromleag- inga mearc 7 liofshema "Sanne fram langan leage to ^am won stocce^ "Sanne fram 'Sam won stocee be modinga hema mearce to cinta stiogole "Sanne fram cinta stiogole be modinga hema mearce to earnes beame ^anne fram earnes beame cregsetna haga an easthalfe seed hit to liowsan dene "Sanne fram liowsan dene to swelgende "Sanne fram swelgende cregsetna haga to sioxslihtre ■Sanne fram sioxslihtre to fearnbiorginga mearce fearn- biorginga mearc hit seed to eystaninga mearc^ eystaninga mearc hit seed suSan toweard setle 'Sanne framweard setle eystaninga mearc to wichsema mearc^ 'Sanne sio west mearc be wichema meare^ ut to bipplestydse 'Sanne fram bipplestyd^, to acustyd^ to biohaVhema mearc§ fram acustyde to ceddanleage -^ "Sanne belimpo'S ^er to 'Sam londe fif denn an an ut walda . broccesham "Ses dennes nama . ^es o^res dennes nama t ssenget hryg ) billan ora . is i5es -Sriddan nama . 'Sanne twa denn an gleppan felda; actum -r- hec mea donatio anno pscripta in loco que dr willherestrio coram his testib: qui hsec osentientes subscripserunt quorii hie nomina infra tenentr adscripta : — anno dominice incarnal .dccclxii. *** Endorsed in a hand of the is^ih century, 'bromlegh Ethelberth rex.' B. ^ W(5nstocce. The wdnstoc Mr. Kemble had ' no hesitation in trans- lating Woden's post.' Saxons, bk. i, c. 2, p. 52, note. 290 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Harley Charter 43 C. 1. A.J). 909. B. iv. 10. Eadweard the Elder praising written records, and saying that at the time of his division of the diocese of "Winchester he was asked by bp. FritSestan to renew the title-deeds of the church for the lands given by successive kings ; and especially that privilege whereby the land about the city, estimated at lOO mansse or more, was to be assessed as one Mansa only. The lands that bp. Denewulf so freely leased out are to return to the church, but the king may retain for his day those which Denewulf leased to him. This piece is of a type repeatedly occurring in Cod. Winton; such are K 1090, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096. .... HiEC cartula scripta ert anno donQinc incarna? . dccccviiii . indie? . xii . his limitib: hoc rus undiq: cir- cudatur . et intra ambitum suii multas uillas complec- titur . quarii nomina incolis . liquido clarescurit . hnut scillinc tamen et ceolbolding tun . quae du§ uillae con- tiguse non sunt . c . manentiii quantitatem pficientes indumentis cleri deseruientes . non his limitib; set ppriis et ratis terminis ambiuntur . >{< ^rest on icenan set brombrigce up ylang weges to hlidgeate . ]7anon ylang slades to beanstede . f be hagan to searnaegles forda . ^ up be swse'Selinge to sugebroce . 'Sset for'S be mearce to cules felda . Tor's be gehrihtu ge- maere to stodleage . swa to ticnes felda . f to mearcdene . swa to tseppeleage . swa forS to scipleage . f to bradan ersce . swa to J^sere ealdan cwealmstowe . f for^S be deopan delle . ^ be craweleainga mearce to bacegeate . for^S be mearce to 'Saem ealdan falde . swa nor"S 7 east to hearpa'Se . a be hearpaSe to heafod stoccu . swa be hide burninga gemsere on icenan . 'p up be streame . f swa w'rb easton wordige J^onan be rihtre mearce to -Ssem GROUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 291 gemser ^ornan . f to "Ssere readan rode . swa for"S be ealdormonnes mearce . a be mearce . f hit cim"S on icenan . up be streame to aires forda . )7onon on ticce- burnan . up ylang burnan . to hearpa^e swa to tyrngeate wi^iniian "Sa aefisc to sceap wiean . f be riht gemaere to ellenforda . swa to bradan dene . f to meoluc cumbe , swa to meolsen beorge . ylang wages to wealthseminga mearce . be rihton gemaere to bige leage . ^ to clsenefelda . swa on are dene for^ be hagan on sceatte leage . f for^ on icenan be nor^an stanforde . swa mid streame ^a^t hit cym^ eft on brom bricge. *;)t* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, * Cyltan cumbes boc • ', subsequently added, 'Edweardi regis senior'; in various hands from the 1 2 th to the itth century, 'Hee sunt de Chiltecombe •* and ' De Cliiltecombe ' ; ' Hec est nobilis Carta de Cbiltecumba ' ; ' Custodiatur bene ' ; and * Eduueardus Angul Saxonum Eex/ B. Cott. Aug. ii. 33. A.D. 966. K437. B. iii. 17. Eadwig industris anglorum rex . . cuidam comiti . . nomine ^Ifhere . . XX mansos perpetualiter impendo. penes ilium locu qui assertione multoru hominum pfertur ita . aet [c]uj>enes dune . &e. pis syndon J>a land gemseru to cuj^enes dune .xx. hida . [of] hry)7era forda on holan ford . of holan forde on lahhan mere ylang rij^iges on bradan maedwa . ]?set swa nor^ 7^ang fura on set ]7orn . of set j7orne on fulan ripig on anne pyt . of J7a pytte ylang rij^iges on J7a3t heafod lond . of )?a heafodon ylang fura . on pric ]7orn on foreweardne eanfer]7es hlau . of eanfer]7es hlawe ylang fure . faat on an rij^ig . yl ang ri]?iges . ylang rij^iges ^ U 2, 292 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. on ane die . jlang* dices on dryg-ean broc . Jjset swa ylang dices on mserwelle broc . ylang broces on maer- welle . of mserwelle . on ]78et heafod long* on gerihte to straet . ]7onne east ylang strsete . o]? |78era strseta gelaeto . ]7[on]an rihte nor]? ondlong weges op ]?a heafdo "p on mser weg . ylong mser weges f onbutan ceorla graf . on fost broc . of fost broce on ]7one hli^ weg . ylong weges on bina gemaero . ylong bina gemseres on ]:;a blydan . f of )78er blydan on ]7a stan bricge . ylong heallitunes ge- mseres on rise dene . Ipast of rise dene on gerihte on ]?8et J^riex . of ]>a ]7riexe on J^a straet . ylong straet e on holan broc . ylong broces on herpaj^ ford on tame ylong tame •p eft on bry]7era ford . Haec carta scripta e . anno dnice incarnationis dcccclvi . indictione xiiii. *:ic* Endorsed in a contemporary hand, ' J)is is seo lanboc to cu])enes dune to ])an twentigan hidan J)e Eadwig cync gebocede selfhere his ealdormen on ece yrfe*'; and in one of the \2th century, 'eduii' ' carta de codesdona.' B. D. and C. Westm. A. D. 962. S. ii. 6. Eadgar granting land at Sunbury to his kinsman ^Elfheh. Mr. Sanders says it is not in K. nor T., nor mentioned by Wanley. Compare p. 203 above. P Altithrono in aeternum regnante uniuersis sopbiae studium intento mentis conamine sedulo rimantibus liquido patescit quod buius uitae perieulis nimio ingru- entibus terrore recidiui terminus cosmi appropinquare dinoscitur ut ueridica cbristi promulgat sententia qua dicit. Surget gens contra gentem et regnum aduersus rfignum et reliqua. Quam ob rem ego Eadgar totius GKOUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 293 brittanniae basileus quandam ruris particulam . decern uidelicet cassatos loco qui celebri set Sunnanbyrig . nun- cupatur uocabulo propinquo meo mihi oppido fideli qui ab Luiusce patriae gnosticis ^lfheh appellatur uocabulo . pro obsequio eius deuotissimo perpetua largitus sum hereditate ut ipse uita comite cum omnibus utensilibus pratis uidelicet pascuis siluis uoti compos habeat et post uitae suae terminum quibuscumque uoluerit cleronomis inmunem derelinquat. Sit autem predictum rus omni terren^ seruitutis iugo liberum tribus exceptis rata uide- licet expedition e pontis arcisue restauratione. Siquis igitur banc nostram donationem in aliud quam consti- tuimus transferre uoluerit priuatus consortio sanctae dei ecclesiae aeternis barathri incendiis lugubris iugiter cum iuda cbristi proditore eiusque complicibus puuiatur . si non satisfactione emendauerit congrua quod contra nostrum deliquid decretum. His metis prefatum rus hinc inde giratur. Dis sindon ]?a land gemsero to sunnanbyrig. ^rest on sunnan byg ^ j^anon andlang streames on crudan scyp- steal |7anon ofer "Sa maede on eclesbroc ylang broces on "Sa mearcdic ylang dices on liwaete dene nor^eweardre of bwaete dene on ]7a o^re mearcdic ylang dices on cottes byrste westewearde of cottes byrste on riscmere of rise- mere on eadbryhtes hlaew of ]7am hlaewe on ]?one ellen stub "Sonon on mearcwill of mearcwille on duddes byre of duddes byre on J;one clofenan beorb of ]?am beorbge on sunnan byg^ . 7 ber byr'S to tynn gyrda of J?8ere ma3de to balgan forde 7 aelce geare into sunnanbyrig of burh- wuda fiftig fo'Sra wudes 7 fiftig swina maesten. Anno dominic§ incarnationis . dcccclxii . scripta est . baec carta bis testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina notantur. 294 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. »I< Ego eadgar rex anglorum coDcessi. i^i Ego dunstan archiepiscopus corroboraui. >J< Ego oscytel archiepiscopns eonfirmaui. >J< Ego osulf episcopus con- solidaui. >^ Ego byrhtelm episcopus acquieui. >J< Ego oswold episcopus eonfirmaui. >J< Ego a)?elwold abbas. >I< Ego self here dux. >{< Ego selfheah dux. t^i Ego 8e)7elstan dux. >{< Ego a]7elpold dux. >{< Ego beorht- no'S dux. ►!< Ego byrhtfer^ minister. >^ Ego sellwine minister. ^ Ego 8e]7elsige minister. >I« Ego wulf helm minister. ►$< Ego se]>elwine minister. ^ Ego selfsige minister. ^ Qu. error for hyrg ? Harley Charter 43 C. 5. A. D. 966. B. iii. 27. Eadgar grants lo cassati at Niwanham to a noble matron of his own kin que ab istius patriae gnosticis eleganti . jelfgipv . apella- tur uocamine. pis sint )7a gemseru to niwanhamme Cattan ege into niwanham of ]?am hajj^nan birigelsan up ylang die innan mser wege up ylang mser wege j^set up on wearddune ]78er )78et cristel msel stod of J?an up on ]7a readan slo o]> ]78ere ealdan byrig of ]78ere readan slo on J?8et crundel ]>dsr se haga utlige]?. Of ]7an crundelle innan mid slaede ylang midslsedes on J?a grsegan hane of J78ere graegan hane ylang hearpdene on cealfa leage neoj7ewearde of cealfa leage a be hagen 7 be ]?an ealdan wege in on f bee si)7)7an ylang beces on tsemese ylang ea on cattan ege. *5^* Endorsed in large letters, ' ^ pis is Sara • x • hida land boc set niwanham pe eadgar cyning gebocode aelf gife his magan on ece yrfe.' B. GKOUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 295 D. and C. Exon. A.D. 977. S. ii. Ex. 14 dorso. Eadweard meo fideli comiti nomine ee'Selweard granting land in Corn- wall. Manifestly a later copy, as it is endorsed on a deed (below p. 300) dated 1059 which has relation to the same manor. It is not in K. or T. Deeds of this Eadweard are rare. >J< Regnante inperpetuum domino nostro ihesu christo. Cunctis sophi^ studium ferme rimantibus stabili notum constat ratione . quod presentis esenti^ periculis incum- bantibus et curis euanescentium rerum inopinate cre- brescentibus Hnmana mortalium rerum cognitio quasi ros minuendo elabitur et obliuioni tantundem traditur . nisi aliqua certa ratione prenotetur . quia non sunt aeterna qu^ hie conspiciuntur sed terrena . ut imbutus sermone tonantis apostolus inquit. Nunc uelut umbra cite sic corpore ^ fugiunt res. Sed decus seternum hoc uisu stat certius omni. Quapropter ego eadward annu- ente gratia dei rex anglorum ceterarumque circumqua- que nationum cum consilio atque consensu episcoporum obtimatumque meorum quasdam ruris particulas in diuersis locis possitus id est trefwurabo aet trefwaloc trefgrued set trefdewig. In perpetuam hereditatem ad- modum libenter concede meo fideli comiti nomine ae^el- weard cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . campis siluis pratis piscariisque libere ab omni regali censu excepta expeditione arcisue munimine et uigiliis marinis et postquam uiam uniuersitatis adierit cuicumque uolu- erit prefatam terram libenter dereliuqnat. Acta est autem h^c donatio anno . dcccclxxvii . ab incarnatione domini . indietione uero . v** . vi . concnrrentes epact^ . XXVIII . xvii° anno cicli decenouelis meique imperii . II . anno. His testibus consentientibus quorum nomina 296 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. infra caraxata fore uiclentur. Dis ys seo landscaru to trefwurabo serest set pollicerr J^senne be Jsere die and lang weges )7onne of ]7am wege )7onne on ]7a lytlan die on east healfe weges to poll hsescen adune be ]?am broce to ryt cendeurion j7oniie be ]>am. broce to earn ni'S bran to deumsen coruan . |7anon ylang weges to cruedrsenoc . '|?anon to carrecwynn 7 eft J^anon to pollicerr. Dis is seo landscaru to trefualoc serest to J^sere die )7onne fram dice adun to J?am broce of ]7am broce to crouswrach ylang weges on )?a die ]?anon to mayn bi]? to cruc mur . ]7anon to earn wlicet ylang Ipssre to ]7am broce . ]7anon ylang stremes o'S tuow wseter eft be fsere die. ©is is seo land- scaru to crucwse'S serest set nant buor'Stel ylang stremes o'S lenbrunn ]?anan to cestel merit j?anon west to wucou genidor west andlang die o"S broc ]?anon to fonton morgeonec J^anon adune to broce ]?8er hit set fruman wses. Dis .... landgemsero to trefdewig serest set pennhal meglar su'S to ]7am wege j7anon to ]7am forda ongerihte to erliwet ]?anon for^ J^^^S stremes to lyn- cenin j7anon up to penhal meglar. >J< Ego eadweard rex anglorum hoc donum cum triumpho agi§ sancte crucis. >J< Ego dunstanus archi- presul confirmaui. >{< Ego se'Selwoldus episcopus con- testor. Ego selfstanus episcopus annui. Ego wulfsige episcopus condictaui et subscripsi. ►J* Ego selffere dux. >J< Ego se'Selwyne dux. Ego bryhtno'S dux. Ego leofwine dux. Ego selfweard minister tester. Ego selfsige minister tester. Ego leofwynne minister tester. Ego bryhtmser minister tester. Ego selfgar minister tester. Quisquis igitur hoc nostrum donum conseruare imo augere inhianter desiderauerit . ampliuicetur dies illius et post obitum transire mereatur feliciter ad regna GROUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OP CENTURIES IX-XI. 297 polorum. Sin autem quod absit . et deum et semetip- suni obliuiscendo aliquis motare temptauerit . anathema sit et dies illius non dimidiauertt et gloriam dei cum choris angelorum nequaquam uideat in terra uiuentium. ^ Eead corporecB. These three hexameters occur again K1297. Cott. Aug. ii. 90. A.D. 1039. K758. T. p. 338. B. iv. 20. Harold surnamed Harefoot, lay grievously sick in Oxford, not ex- pecting to live, and bishop Lyfing from Devonshire was with him. A deputation arrived from Christchurch (Canterbury), to represent to the king that certain dues at Sandwich had been seized in the king's name and kept two years from the brotherhood. On hearing this, the king changed colour, and swore that it was not his doing : and so it came to light that the whole thing was a plot between ^Ifstan the abbot of St. Augustine's and those who acted for the king. The narrative is well told, and the manuscript is good; but not contemporaneous. On the date Mr. Freeman says : — ' Mr. Kemble dates the document in 1038, but it is clear that it must, as Sir Henry Ellis says, belong to 1039, ^^ perhaps to the beginning of 1040.' Norman Conquest, i. 563, note. Her kyJ7 on j^ison gewrite "p harold king* . let beridan sandwic of xpes cyrcean him sylfan to handa . 7 haefde hit him wel neh twelf mona^ . 7 twegen hseriVgc timan . swa ];eah fullice . eall ongean godes willan . 7 agen ealra J^ara halgena ]?e Testa's innon xpes cyrcean swa swa hit him sy^-San sorhlice |73er8efter agiode . 7 amanc }?isan si}7au siSe ^ wearS selfstan abt) . set see A . 7 begeat mid his smeh wrencan . 7 mid his golde 7 seolfre eall dyrnunVga ajt steorran J^e J^a wses ]?8es 298 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. kinges raedes mann f hi gewear^ se ]7ridda penig of ]78ere tolne on sandwic ]7a geraedde eadsige arcet) )7a he ]?is wiste . 7 eall se hired set xpes cyrc betweonan heom ^ man sende aelfgar munuc of xpes cyrc to harolde kingce . 7 wses se king ]7a binnan oxana forde swy]7e geseocled . swa "p he Iseg orwene his lifes . 'pa. wees lyfingc t) of defenan scire . mid ]7am kincge . 7 }7ancred munuc mid him . ]?a com cristes cyrc sand to )7a 'b . 7 he for'S ]7a to ]7am kincge . 7 aelfgar munuc mid hi . 7 oswerd set hergerdes ha . 7 )?ancred . 7 ssedon ]?a kinge . f he hsefde swy^e agylt wi'S crist f he sefre sceolde niman senig j^ing . of xpes cyrc j^e his foragengceon dydon ]7ider inn . ssedon pa kinge pa embe sandwic f hit wses hi to handa geriden . ]7a Iseg se king 7 aswear- tode eall . mid J^are sage . 7 swor sy]7)7an under god selmihtine 7 under ealle halgan )?arto f hit naefre nses . na his rsed na his dsed . f man sceolde sefre sandwic don ut of xpes cyrc . |?a wses so^lice gesyne . f hit wses o^ra manna g)7eaht nses na haroldes kinges . 7 so^lice self-, stanes abbodes rsed wses mid )?a mannan pe hit of xpes cyrc ut gerseddon . J^a sende harold king selfgar munuc agen to }>a arcet> eadsige . 7 to eallon xpes cyrc munecan . 7 grette hig ealle godes gretincge 7 his . 7 het ^f^ hig sceoldan habban sandwic into xpes cyrc . swa full . 7 swa for^ swa hig hit sefre hsefdon on senies kinges dsege . ge on gafole . ge on streame . ge on strande . ge on witun . ge on eallon ]?a J;ingan J^e hit sefre senig king fyrWest hsefde set foran hi . ]7a selfstan abb . ]?is of axode ]7a com he to eadsige arceb . 7 bsed hine fultumes to )?a hirode embe )7one j^riddan penig . 7 hi begen pa to eallon gebro)?ran 7 bsedon J^one hired f selfstan abb moste beon )7ses )7riddan peniges wur'Se of J^sere tolne . 7 gyfan fa hirede . x . pd . ac hy forwyrndon heom GKOUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 299 ealle togaedere endemes . f he hit na sceolde nsefre ge- bidan . 7 wses J7eah eadsige arcet) swi^or his fultum ])on ]78es hiredes . 7 )7a he ne mihte na for-S her mid ]>sl gy rnde he ^ he moste macian fornangen mildryj;e seker senne hwerf wi'S bone wodan^ to werianne . ac eall se hired him for wy rnde J^ass for'S ut mid ealle . 7 se arceb eadsige let hit eall to heora agene rsede . ]?a gewear-S se abt) selfstan set . mid micelan fultume . 7 let delfon set hyppeles fleote an mycel gedelf . 7 wolde f seip ryne sceolde }78erinne licgean eall swa hig dydon on sandwic . ac hi na speow nan J^ingc ]73eron . for Jjam he swing^ eall on idel pe swincS ongean xpes willan . 7 se abt) let hit eall )?us . 7 se hired fengc to heora agenan . on godes gewitnesse 7 sea marian 7 ealra J>ara halgena J7e resta^S innan xpes cyrcean . 7 set see augustine . J?is is eall BO'S gelyfe se )?e wylle . na gebad selfstan abb nsefre on nanan o]7re wisan )7one J^riddan penig of sandwic . Godes blet- sung si mid us eallon a on ecnysse . amen. *:,.* Endorsed in a hand of the 12th century, 'Altercatio de Sandwic intei' conuentum ecclesie Christi et Elfstanum abbatem sancti Augustini, tempore Eadsigi archiepiscopi . anglice . 'j and in a hand of the i^th century, 'Anno M° xxx" viij".' B. ^ The MS. has amane pisan sij)an si^e : with the word pisan under- lined, which means that the reviser had his misgivings about it, Kemble printed amanc J)isan si^e ; Thorpe amanc ])isan si))an, which he translated 'during this time/ I suppose the original had simply ' amang J)isum ' = meanwhile. ^ wis jjone wodan. 'That he might make a wharf over against Mildred's field, as a protection against the ford' Thorpe, who acknow- ledges his translation doubtful. Leo, A. S. Glossar 13 : ein Damm (Kai) gegen den Sturm. 300 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. D. and C. Exon. A.D. 1059. S. ii. Ex. 14. Eadweard granting to bp. Aldred land in Cornwall. Not in K. or T. See above p. 295. >J< Cum diuin^ maiestatis potentia . secundum uelle crearet omnia . hominisque speciem . ad suam crearet imaginem . inuidus omnium bonorum succinctus fraude malorum . ipsius hominis esse . su^ malignitatis penitus deprauauit posse. Sed misericors condolens fragilitati . se ipsum subegit bumanitati . quatenus futurorum pre- scius liberaret per semetipsum . quod ipse omnium ma- lorum radix illexit ad interitum. Huius rei memores . nos nostrique consimiles . ei persoluamus gratias . ut oportet perpetuas . qui nos libertati . dedit et saluti. Unde dignum ducimus de bonis temporalibus qu§ con- cessit dominus . uit^ sufFragari . ueniamque mereri . sic diuidentes transitoria . ut dum defecerimus recipiamur in ^terna tabernacula . quum velud umbra qu§ mode uidentur transibunt omnia. Qua propter ego . eadweaed rex anglorum . eorumque confinium . nutu dei con- punctus . totiusque regni monarcbia functus . optima- tum consilio . cuidam fideli meo episcopo nomine aldredo quandam partem telluris trado . id est . trefwurabo . et trefualoc . trefgrue'S . et trefdewig . cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus campis . siluis . pratis . piscariisque liberam ab omni regali censu . excepta expeditione . arcisue munimine . eo tenore . ut perpetua possideat hereditate . dumque uniuers^ carnis uiam intrauerit . cuicumque libeat . perpetuo possidendam relinquat. Acta est autem h^c donatio . anno millesimo . Iviiii . ab incarnatione domini . indictione . xii . epacte . xv . his GROUP I. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURIES IX-XI. 301 testibus consentientibus quorum nomina infra sunt pre- notata . )7is is seo landscaru to trefwurabo . serest set pollcerr . "Senne be J^sere die ylang* wages . )7onne of j^am wege on -Sa lytlan die . on easthalfe weges to poll hseseen . adune be ]7am broce to ryt cendeurion . )7onne be "Sam broce to earn ny}?bran . to deumsen coruan ]?anon ylang weges to cruedrsenoc . J^anon to carrec wynn . 7 eft 'Sanon to pollcerr. pis se landscaru to trefualoc . serest to J^sere die . )7onne fram dice adune to "Sam broce of "Sam broce to crouswrach . ylang weges on ^a die . ]?anon to main biw . to crucmur . )7anon to earnwlicet . ylang "Ssere to 'San broce . "Sanon ylang stremes oS tuow weter eft be Saere die. pis is seo land scaru to crucwaej? serest set nant buor'Stel ylang stremes o'S lenbrun . ]?anon to cestel merit . ]7anon west to wucow geniSor west ylang die o"S broc . Jjanon to fonton morgeonec . j^anon adune to broce . Sser hit set fruman wses. pis is seo landscaru to trefdsewig . serest set penheal meglar suS to ]7am wege J>anon to Sam forda ongerihte to erliwet . );anon for^ y^^-ng stremes to lyncenin . 'Sanon up to penhal meglar. >J< Ego EADWEAED rex anglorum banc donationem cum triumpho agi^ crucis impressi. Ego Stigandus archiepiseopus ebristi ^cclesi^ confortaui. Ego Kyn- sinus archiepiseopus eboracensis ^cclesi^ eonsensi. Ego Leofricus episcopus exoniensis ^cclesi^ confirmaui et subscripsi. Ego Dodica episcopus assensum prebui. Ego Alfwoldus episcopus testis fui. Ego ^Ifwinus abbas consolidaui. Ego ^gelnoSus abbas corroboraui. Ego Haraldus dux. Ego iElfgar dux. Ego Tostig dux. Ego Leofwine dux. Ego GerS dux. Ego Byrhtricus nobilis. Ego dodda minister. Ego ordulf minister. Ego selfric minister. Ego seglward minister. Ego 302 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Leofno^ minister. Ego Wulfno^ minister. Ego Leof- wine minister. Ego Eadmser minister. Huius uero predii donationem optamus et uolumus esse perpetuam . et omni contradictione securam . neque christianum se fateatur . qui earn infringere conatur . et si quis in hoc consenserit . quod absit . penarum ultio- nibus sit ab istis testibus tamdiu addictus . quo adusque per ignem urentem . debiti huius persoluat nouissimum quadrantem. *** The Latin of this deed is in a sort of rude rhymes. D. and C. Westm. A.D. 1051-1065. S ii. Westm. 10. Eadward his writ to William bp. London, &c. confirming to St. Peter's, Westm. the estate of Staines, and a vill in London named after the said estate. 1^ Eadward kincg grett Willelm biscop 7 Harold eorl 7 Esgar steal re . 7 ealle mine J^egnas 7 mine holde freond on middelsexan^ freondlice. Ic ky]7e eow f ice wille . 7 ice ann f See Peter 7 ]>sl gebro^ra on westmynstre habben to heora bileofan f cotlif stana . mid ]7am lande stseninga haga wi^ innon lundone . 7 fif 7 j^rittig hida sokne ]fsdv to . mid eallu ]7am ber wican J pe icc habbe for minre sawle alesednysse in to ]?3ere halgan stowwe gegyfan . 7 selce )?8ere ]7inga "pe J78er to mid rihte ge byra'S on cyrcan 7 on mylnan . on wuda 7 on feldan . on Iffise 7 on hse^e . on msedu 7 on eitii . on wajterii 7 on weru . 7 on eallii J7ingu swa full 7 swa for^ swa hy on ealdu timan in to stana sokne geled waBron . o'S^e me selfan fyrmest on handa stodan. And icc ann heom GKOUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 303 eft ealswa f hy habben |?8er to saka . 7 sokne . toll 7 team . infangene^eof . 7 flemenefyrm'Se . gri^bryce . 7 ham sokne . forsteall . 7 miskaenninge . 7 ealle o)7re gerihtu on eallii j^ingu f>e ]7aer upp a springa^ . inne tid . 7 ut of tide . binnan burh . 7 butan burhge . on strsete . 7 of strsete . For }>an icc nelle nateshwon gej^afian . f senig man aetbrede o^^Se geutige mine gyfe 7 mine selmesse swa mycel f sy an seker landes . J^aes 'pe on seniges mannes dsegge in to ]7a cotlifan gebyrede . o'S^e p ]7aer senig man senigne on styng habbe on senigu J^ingii. o'S^e on aenige timan . be strande ne be lande . buton se abbod 7 )?a gebroiSra to J^as mynstres neode ; 7 ice wille . 7 fsestlice bebeode . f j^eos mundbyrdnesse beo Strang . 7 staj7elf8est in to |78ere balgan stow we . a on ece erfeweardnesse. Amen. God eow ealle gehealda. *^* K855 is the same deed in a more debased form, and taken from a much later transcript, in Faustina, A iii. f. 104. II. The Second Group is based on the Worcester Chartulary (Cott. Tiberius A. xiii), which was compiled by Heming, a monk of Worcester, under guidance of Wulfstan (bishop 1062-1095). This book was edited by Hearne in 1723 under the title 'Hemingi Chartularium Ecclesige Wigorni- ensis.' In his Preface he is almost rapturous as he describes his first impressions : — ' Codicem . . nactus avidissime per- legi, omnia in eodem maximi facienda esse illico cernens. Immo, perinde ac si cuncta in lapidibus veteribus exscul- perentur atque celebrarentur, aestimanda duxi.' He corro- borates his own opinion by that of others, especially Hickes (who was then recently dead) : — ' Ceterum, ne quid putes me dixisse ex nescio qua vana opinione, contraque senten- 304 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. tiam judicum prsestantissimorum, id velim scias, clarissimum Hickesium Chartularium hoc inter pretiosissima regni monu- menta numerasse.' For some few of the deeds in this Kegister we have an older authority, namely, Cott. Nero E. I, which Kemble assigns to a.d. iooo. In these Registers of the nth century the vast bulk is genuine, and some speci- mens have been admitted into Part I. But artificial fabri- cation is already at work ; and these early collections, being of known dates, afford us some valuable indications for diplomatic criticism. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. ff. 15 and 167. A.D. 717-743. Cott. Nero E. 1. f. 391. K88*. iEthilbald granting 8 cassati to bp. Wilfrid, whose episcopate affords the most limited assignable date for this piece. >i< Ego Aetbilbald diuina inspirante gratia rex Suth- anglorum terrain viii. cassatorum quae nomen habet aet Baecceshoran, pro redemptione animae meae, ut sit iuris aecclesiastici, reuerentissimo episeopo Uuilfrido libenter largitus sum ; notis haec terra limitibus ab aliis litem discernit agris, mentis ad meridiem uersus baud paruam obtinet partem, ad orientem uia regia septa ab aquilone fluuialibus cingitur undis^ paludibus dyssis certis determinat illam. »I< Ego Aetbilbald rex meam donationem pro domino factam signaculo sacratissimae crucis confirmo. >I« Ego Uualhstod episcopus subscripsi. >I< Ego Uuilfrith sub- scripsi. >I< Ego Oba subscripsi. >^ Ego Aethilric subscripsi. >J< Ego Sigebed subscripsi. %* There are three copies, two in Tiberius, and one in Nero ; with unimportant variations. GROUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 305 Cott. Tib. A. xiii. f. 16. Cott. Nero E. i. f. 339. A.D. 757. K102*. Birch 183. Eanberht of the Hwiccas and his two brothers, granting to Milred, bp. Worcester, 30 cassati at Tredingtun, co. Worcester. >J< Regnante inperpetuum domino deo Sabaoth! ^Dum certum constat omnibus orthodoxis ac catholicis uiris, quod istius uolubilis uitae transitoria uidelicet tempora momentaneis cursibus termino adpropinquare, et inreuocabiles esse iam praeteriti dies, nee non an- norum curricula cum suis mensibus in priorem statum nunquam reuerti a nuUo credentium dubitatur ; et cae- tera quae restant subsequentia nullam facere moram festinando ad finem pro certo noscuntur. Idcirco ego Eanberhtus, deo praedestinante' ^ regulus propriae gentis Huicciorum simulque germani mei mecum, Uhtredus uidelicet et Aldredus, eadem uocabuli dignitate et im- perio fungentes, ^his ante dictis manifestissimis causis instruct!, quatinus cum istis saecularibus rebus quae citius transire constant, aeterna paradisi praemia quae sempiterna esse scimus lucrire ualeamus'^, aliquam agelli portionem, pro remedio animae nostrae, Milredo uene- rando antistiti, ad sedem pontificalem et ad aecclesiam beatissimi apostolorum principis Sancti Petri, ubi cor- pora parentum nostrorum quiescunt, quae in Uueger- nensi ciuitate fundata est, ter denos cassatos, id est, uicum qui nuncupatur Tredingtun, in duobus loeis, in altero quater senos, in altero bis ternos, iuxta fluuium qui dicitur Stuur, iisdem terminibus adiacentibus quibus Tyrdda comes antea tenebat, libentissime in commune X 306 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. largiti sumus ; ut semper seu nobis uiuentibus seu in Christo dormientibus, digna remuneratio in sanctarum orationum, cum missarum sacris celebrationibus, ab eadem aecelesia die noctuque, deo patrocinante, fideliter reddatur. Si quis vero, quod absit^ banc munificentiam nostram, pro deo omnipotenti concessam, plurimorumque consilio corroboratam, quorum infra nomina ponuntur, auaritiae aestibus succensus et diabolica praesumptione incitatus, infeliciter inritam facere praesumat, sciat se ab aeterna requie separatum, et cum luda impio traditore aeternis dampnationum legibus mancipatum. Si quis uero augendo multiplicare uoluerit^ Christi instinctus amore ^, augeat deus partem illius in remuneratione iustorum, ubi animae sanctorum fulgent in gloria. His hinc inde subscriptis ter minis praefata certissime circum- giratur tellus. Dis syndan "Sa landgem^ru to Tredingctune. Of Sture on ^a stan scale ; "Sonne be "San heafdan ; "Sset on ^a dunes ende ; endlong dunes "Sset on scire mere ; of sciran mere ^set on Brocnanbyrh; of Broenanbyrh on •Sset ri"Sig ; ondlong ri'Siges on morseaS ; of morseaSe on Si'Sry Se wellan ; of Si^SrySe wellan on rydmsedwan ufewarde ; of reodm^dwan on haran stan ; of haran stane on "Sa langan die ; ondlong dice "Saet on "Sone py t ; of "Sam pytte "Sset on reodwellan ; of reod wellan "Sset on "Sone ofer ; ondlong ofres ^set on Stanford ; of Stanforda ondlonges "Ssere lace ; of ^^re lace su^ be tJam heafdon "Sset on rah weg ; ^aet ondlong raliweges on rahdene ; "Sset "Sonne on Wadbeorgas ; of Wadbeorgan "Sset on "Sone rycweg ; of rycwege on hwsete dune ; of hwsete dune on 'Sone stapol ; of ^sem stapole on "Sa mserdic ; ondlong dices "Sset on Stures stream. »i< Ego Eanberht banc nostram communem dona- GROUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 307 tionem pro ampliori firmitate signum sanctissimae crucis libens araui. >J< Ego Uhtred ante praescriptam dona- tionem nostram confirmans subscribo, et uexillum crucis praetitulaui. >{< Ego Aldred, maiorum meorum conro- boratus exemplis, almae crucis uexillum inposui. >J< Ego Milred gratia dei episcopus, bis praedictis rebus canonice consensi et signum uenerabile impressi. >{< Ego Offa, nondum regno Mercionum a domino accepto, puer indolis in prouincia Huicciorum coustitutus, huic donationi eo- rum consensi et signum honorabile beatae crucis con- scripsi*. >I< Ego Totta, dei diffinitione antistes, hauc praenotatam munificentiam consensi et subscripsi. lit Ego Hemele, dei gratia praesul, aecclesiastice con- sensi, et signum salutiferae crucis praenotaui. >{< Sig- num manus Heardberhti praefecti. >i< Signum manus Aldberbti praefecti. >I< Signum manus Tiluuini abbatis. >J< Signum manus Cusan abbatis. >I< Signum manus Headdan presbyteri. i^t Signum Ealdbaldi praefecti. >J< Signum Eatan p.^ ^ Signum Cecces. >J< Signum Dunnes. »J< Signum Brogan. >J< Signum Pendheres. >i< Signum Uuales p."^ »I< Signum Beornhardus prae- fectus. *#* A comparison of the two copies suggests that the elder (Cott. N.) is an attempt at the composition of an ancient charter, which was thrown aside unfinished ; and that the latter one (Cott. T.), which is here printed, was considered satisfactory. ^ ^Dum . . . prsedestinante' — for all this Cott. N. has only 'cuius concedente dementia, ego Eanberht.' 2 Not in Cott. N. ^ Here Cott. N. breaks off. * I Offa, before I was king of the Mercians, being placed for educa- tion (?) in the province of the Hwiccas, signed this. ^ praefecti K. X 2 308 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. f. 34. A.D. 757-775. K126*. Birch 219. Of fa granting "Wick on the west of Severn to Milred, bp. Worcester. We have the bounds in two forms, of which the unmixed Saxon is manifestly the original. >J< Omnibus patet fidelibus quod hie non habemus manentem ciuitatem, iuxta gloriosi doetoris gentium Pauli uocem, quoniam per momentanea succedentium temporum curricula et carnis fragilitatem, omnia labentis uitae subsistentia festinare uidentur ad finem. Prop- terea ego Offa, rex Merciorum diuinae misericordia gratiae, pro adquirenda deificae remunerationis requie, animaeque meae remedio et salute, et meorum facinorum releuatione, terram cum finibus suis, quae pertinet ad uillam quae uocatur Wican, sitam in occidentali parte Sseferne, regio utens potestate, done libertati, et Mildrede pontifici perpetua haereditate trado in possessionem iuris aecclesiastici^ ad laudem et gloriam et honorem altissimi dei, omniumque sanctorum nuhc et omni tempore sae- culi. Si quis ergo banc nostrae donationis elemosinam minuere uoluerit et delere, auferatur et deleatur memoria eius de libro uitae, et cum luda Christi traditore cre- matur aeterna combustione ; et Annania et Saphira sentiat iram ultionis diuinae, nisi in praesenti uita emendauerit condigna satisfactione. Haec enim sunt nomina finium terrarum ad supra- dictam uillam adiacentium. Primus de Tamede mu^an recto cursu in os wjnna bgece ; deinde in Wuda mor ; sic extenditur in "Wsetansic; sic statim in locum quae dicuntur bakas ; proinde in ueterem uallem ; de ilia ualle usque in Secmseres oran; sic recto cursu in pulles GROUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 309 camp ; sic in longum usque ad )7orn brycge ; inde quoque in Kaderapull ; de Caderapulle in Becha brycge ; de hoc ad introitum hypes mor ; de ipsa more in Coforet broc ; in illam hagan ; post illud ad tumulum uocitatum kett ; ex kette usque ad monticulos ; ex inde uero in Lawern ; sic usque ad atsice ; post usque ad quercum quae nuncupatur scip ac ; inde autem ad locum dictum greatan aespan ; et ex eo loco ad hreadan sloh ; deinde uero ad alios monticulos ; postea uero ad uiam quae dicitur Fif ac ; recto itinere ad easdem fif ac ; proinde autem ad ]?reom gemjeran ; et ex illo loco recta occidentis semita in illam die ; sicque protenditur in kyllan hrygc ; deinde in Syllweg ; sic extenditur in hse^ihtan leahge ; et ita in fulan sloh ; post hinc supra Buttingc graf in locum dictum Eclesbroc, qui terminus adiacet in Doferic, usque ad Sseferne ; quod transit in ore Temede. Dis synd "Sa landgemaera into Wican. ^rest of Temede gemy^an ; andlang Temede in wynna bseces gemy^an ; of wynna bsece in wuda mor ; of wuda more in wsBtan sice ; of "Sam waetan sice in ^a bakas ; and of ^am bakan in ^a ealdan die ; of 'Sgere ealdan die in secges mere ; and of secges mere in "Ses pulles heafod andlong to J>ornbrycge ; of )7ornbryccge in kadera pull ; of kadera puUe in beka brycge; of becha brycge in forewardan hipes mor ; of ^am more innon Gofer's broc ; of "Sam broke innon "Sone hagan ; aefter ^am hagan innon kett ; of kette in ^a hlawas ; of "Sam hlawan in Lawern ; of Lawerne in "Saet atsic ; and sefter "Sam sice innon -Sa scip ac ; and of "Seere scip ac in "Sa gratan aespan ; and swa in f hreade sloh ; of 'Sam slo innon 'Sa hlawas ; and of "Sam hlawan in fif acana weg ; and sefter "Sam wege innon ^a fif £ecc ; of "Sam acan innon J?rim gemseran ; of ]7rim gemseran in lacge human ; of 310 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. 'Saere buman to mlla stane ; of "Sam stane on ^a haran apeltreo; of "Ssere apeltreo innon Doferic ; sefter Doferice ill Sseferne ; and andlang Sseferne in Temede mu^an. *** The former importance of the villa of Wick is testified by many names on the west side of the river. The Latin version occasionally adds something to the Saxon ; e. g. ad tumulum vocitatum kett. Cott. Nero E. 1. f. 390. A.D. 757-795. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. f. 107 {bis). K55*. Birch 123. Off a granting 33 cassati to the church at Worcester. >J< Regnante in perpetuum domino, uniuersitatis creatore! Ego Offa rex Merciorunij aliquam partem terrarum, id est xxxni. cassatonim, in ius aecclesiasticae libertatis Uuigornensis largior, aet Scottari^ ; quern tamen agrum fluuio, quem dicunt Afen, constat interlui ; is demum subregulus iii. postea cassatos ruris siluatici largiendo addidit, aet Hnuthyrste. Istis terminis prae- fatum rus cingitur, in primis Balgandun, Billeslseh, Westgraf, Heofentill, Baddandun, hoc est in occiden- tali parte fluminis ; in orientali plaga Wudanbergas, Rugganbroc, Bromhiinces dene ; inde on Sture ; ond- longes Sture usque in Afene. Addidit etiam praedictus Offa iii. cassatos in alio loco siluatici ruris, usitato nomine Hellerelege, pro remedio suae animae in ciuitate Wegornensi : his terminis cin- gitur : ^rest on Leontan "Sset cume on blacan mere ; 'Sonon ^set cume in 'Sa geapan linde ; "Sonon 'Sset cume on lindwyr'Se ; swa "Saet cume on Ciondan ; of Ceondan 'Saet cume on Reodmore ; "Sonon "Saet cume on ^a greatan ac ; ^onon "Sset cume in ^a readan sole ; ^onon 'Saet GBOUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OP CENTURY XI. 311 cume on csers pytt; swa "Saet cume in Usanmere; of Usanmere "Sget cume eft on Leontan. *:^* Kemble assies this piece not to the gi'eat formidolosus Offa (757-795), but to Offa of Essex, who became a monk in 709: Beda, V. 19 ; apparently in order to reconcile the expression * subregulus.' But then, how about 'rex Merciorum*? The fact is, no accommodation will make this piece anything but a crude attempt to consti'uct the early history of benefactions. This is from Nero E. i . The Heming copy has considerable variations, and K. has printed both in full. Heming moreover repeats the document with further but slight variation. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. f. 48. A.D. 791-797. Cott. Nero E. 1. f. 387. K166. T. p. 39. Birch 272, 273. Offa conveying land at Westbury, co. Grioucester, and at Hanbury, CO. Worcester. >{< In nomine Domini nostri Ihesu Christi ^ qui cuncta regit secula^'' Ego Offa trado illam terram ast Westbyrig cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus, id est sexaginta manentium, et in alio loco set Heanbyrig XX. manentium to Weogerna cestre, pro remedio animae meae ae paventum meorum, post obitum meum et filii mei Egcfri'Si, et eadem libertatis dicione in omnibus rebus jure permanendam qua earn ante jEJ^elbaldus rex, avo meo Eanulfo conscripserat ; id est, ut sit libera tarn in terrarum donatione seu in omnibus causis parvis vel magnis inconcussa permaneat usque in sseculum, tamdiu fides Christiana apud Anglos in Brittannia maneat. ^ Soluta sit ab omni vi regum et principum et subdi- torum ipsorum, in summo Dei nomine prsecipimus, praeter his vectigalibus, hoc est, )7ses gafoles ast Westbyrig Iwa tunnan fulle hlutres alo^. 7 cumb fulne li"Ses aloS. 7 cumb fulne "Welisces alo^. 7 vii. hri^ru. 7 six we^eras. 312 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. 7 XL. cysa. 7 vi. lang |7ero. 7 pritig ombra rues comes, feower ambru meolwes, ad regalem vicum '^^ Hoc itaque cum consensu et consilio pontificum et senatorum meorum firma foedere dejudicaverunt. Nulla ^ regalis vel princi- palis aut aliqua-^'ssecularis dignitas de nostra hereditate plus his in modico vel in magno appetendo, per vim aut petitionem aliquid exigerit, ^ absque hoc tantum quod haec prsesens cartula continet ^/ Hi sunt testes : >J< Ego Offa gratia Dei rex hoc regi singulis annis statum censum manus meae proprise signo con- firmo. >I< Ego Ecgfer'S ejusdem regis filius consensi et subscripsi. >{< Ego ^j?elheard archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. >{< Ego Hea'Sored episcopus consensi et subscripsi. »{< Ego Unuuona episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >J< Signum Brordani patricii. >J< Signum Beonnani abbatis. >J< Signum Alhmundi abbatis. ►J< Signum Wigmundi abbatis. >J< Signum For'Sredi abbatis. >J< Signum Bynna principis. ►!< Signum Esne ducis. >J< Signum ^j^elmund ducis. >J< Signum Alhmund ducis. >I< Signum Wigberht ducis. >J< Sig- num Wigcgan ducis. >J< Signum Eadgar ducis. li* Signum Alhmund ducis. ^ Not in MS. Nero. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. f. 13. 25 Dec. 841, Cott. Nero E. 1. f. 106, K 248*. T. p. 02. Berhtuulf king of the Mercians granting to Bredon abbey exemption from the burden of ' festingmen/ for a valuable consideration. ^ Aio^ et alto domino deo Zabaoth regnanti in GEOUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 313 aeuum^. Siquidem humani generis prosapia de primo patre et matre oriundus in hoc saeculum uenit, et sic per longa uaga temporum spatia diuersis nationibus dirimuntur, ut ianitor coelestis bibliothecae et uas elec- tionis, praedicator egregius, apostolus Paulus dixit, praeteriit enim iigura huius mundi, quomodo uelocitate dies et anni deficiunt : et iterum sagax sophista, qui quondam Solymis diues regnauit in aruis^, katalectico uersu cecinit dicens, Non semper licet gaudere : Fugifc hora qua iacemur. Et ideo sunt omnes nostrae serise literarum apicibus confirmandas *, ne posteris ex memoria labere possit quicquid facta praecedentium patrum ac regum firmiter statuerunt. Qua de re, ego Berhtuulf, domino disponente rex Merciorum, mihi et omnibus Merciis in aeternam elemosinam, donans donabo Ean- mundo uenerabili abbate et eius familie on Breodune, cum licentia et testimonia obtimatum gentis Merciorum, banc libertatis gratiam, id est, ut sit liberatum et ob- solutum illud monasterium in aeternitatem ab illis in- commodis quae nos Saxonica lingua festingmen dicimus, Christo domino teste et omnibus Sanctis in celis tam diu fides catholica et baptism um Christi in Britannia seruetur. Ob huius rei gratia, ipse uero supradictus Eanmund abbas et illius sancta congregatio Breodunensis monasterii dederunt mihi et omnibus Mercis regaliter perfruendum et possedendum, in famoso uico in Tome- wor'SiCj magnum discum argenteiim ualde bene opera- tum ac faleratum in magno pretio, et c.xc. mancusas in auro puro : similiter etiam decantauerunt duodecim uicibus c. psalteries, et c.xx. missas^ pro Berhtwlfum regem, et pro illius caros amicos, et pro omnem gentem Merciorum, ut eorum libertas firmior ac stabilior per- maneat in evum, et ut illius regis memoria et amicorum 314 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. eius, qui hanc pietatem in elemosinam sempiternam omnibus Mercis ille congregatione on Breodune dona- uerat, in eorum sacris orationibtis iugiter permaneat usque in evum. Insuper, in dei omnipotentis nomine, et nouem ordinibus angelorum, et omnium electorum Christi, praeceptum ponimus, ut riullus unquam regum uel principum, aut alicuius personis homo^ magnis sine modicis, in aliquo tempore banc praescriptam libertatis gratiam infringere ausus sit, sed semper stabilis et in- discussa firmiterque firmata ille congregatione on Breo- dune coram deo et bominibus iugiter permaneat in evum. Haec autem cartula caraxata est anno dominice incar- iiationis dccc^xli. Indictione iiii. in die natalis domini, in celebre uico on Tomewor^ie, bis testibus consenti- entibus, et signum crucis Christi scribentibus, quorum subter nomina notata sunt. >^ Ego Berhtuulf, largiflua dei munificentia rex Merciorum, banc meam libertatis gratiam ac omnium Merciorum cum signo sancte crucis firmiter consignabo. ►J< Ego Sse'Sry^ regina consensi et subscripsi. >I< Ego Cynefer'S episcopus consensi. >I< Ego Aldred episcopus consensi. >J< Ego Berebtred episcopus consensi. >I< Ego Heaberht episcopus consensi. >i* Ego Cu^uulf episcopus consensi. i^ Ego Eanmund abbas consensi. >^ Ego Wihtred abbas consensi. ►{< Ego Ceolred abbas consensi. *** Heame has passed over this document with the most meagre notice. Was he ashamed of it? Thorpe called it 'A choice specimen of monastic Latin in the 9th century.' ^ Agio N" (Hearne, p. 28). ^ honor N adds. ^ hexameter. * confirmandse K. GKOUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 315 Cott. Tib. A. xiii. f. 19 (collated). Easter, 857. K280*. T. p. 118. Burgred the last king of Mercia, granting to bp. Alhun a villa in London. >I< In nomine domini dei excelsi, qui est spes omnium finium terrae et in mare longe ! Ego autem Burhredus, omnipotentissimo dec concedente, rex Merciorum, do- nabo ac trado Alhuno^ episcopo meo, pro remedio animae meae, aliquam paruam portionem libertatis, cum con- sensu consiliatorum meorum, gaziferi age! lull in uico lundonioe ; hoc est, ubi nominatur Ceolmundingc haga, qui est non longe from westgetum positus, sibi epis in propriam libertatem ad habendum, uel ad uueogerna ciuitate pertinentem, cum omnibus rebus que ad se recte pertinent, modicis et magnis ; hoc est, quod habeat intus liberaliter modium et pondera et mensura, sicut in porto mos est ad fruendum. Hec libertas huius agri comparata est a rege cum sexaginta solidorum argenti, et ante empta cum tanto pecunia uno libra et ceolmunde pr^fecto. Pax et securitas sit omnibus seruantibus banc libertatem; contradicentes uero et renuentibus aeterni regis ultio sibi incumbat, si non digne emendauerint deo et hominibus. Gesta sunt haec anno dominici incarna- tione DCCCLVii. Indictione uero v. in loco famoso qui dicitur Tomanwor^ig, in sancta pascha domini. Ad censum uero regi reddatur in anno de agriunculo illo XII. denarios. Hii fuerunt testes quorum nomina hie sunt. >i» Ego Burgred rex Merciorum, banc libertatem 316 SECOND AKY DOCUMENTS. quam episcopo donaui, signo crucis Christi munio et confirmo. >J< Ego -^thelswyS regina banc donationem regis consensi et subscripsi. k^ Ego Tumberht epi- scopus. >J< Ego Ceorred episcopus. »{< Ego Albun episcopus. >J< Ego Byrbtred episcopus. >J< Ego Cu^- uulf episcopus. »J< Ego Hunberbt dux. >J< Ego Beorbtno^ dux. >J< Ego Ealdberbt dux. >^ Ego Mucel dux. >J< Ego A'Sulf dux. >J< Ego Beornbard dux. >|< Ego Eadred dux. *** Whether genuine or the product of a later age, this document may contain good material for the history of London. The * Westgate ' here is, according to J. R. Green, Conquest, p. 457, the 'Newgate' of later days. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. f. 18. A.D. 889. K316*. T. p. 135, Alfred and ^tbelred of Mercia granting a mansion or court in London to Werfritb, bp. Worcester, with market dues. >J< Sedule namque nonnuUis, et maxime per instantis uitae turbidam discordise rabiem, in bac decrepita finis mundialis canitise^ contingere solet, quod simplicem memorabilis praecordii oculum turbines obliuiosae ob- scenitatis quatientes reuerberant, seu nebulae negle- gentiarum nubiferis deprauationum fuscationibus a recte possessionis iure radiantem iustitiae Pboebum obnu- bilant ; quapropter necesse cuilibet homini est, ut Htera- toriis apicibus omnia atquisita seu possessa, ob praesen- tium siue suceedentium cautelam, quae a catbolicis uel heroicis uiris cuiuslibet personae maioris minorisue potestatis, deo ei usque Sanctis per celorum celsitudinem tradita sunt, etiam testimonio et roboratione ipsorum GKOUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 317 firme rationis serie firmentur, rectoque earaxantis stilo in scedulis notentur. Anno igitur postquam almifica celestini luminis gemma, per agriim uirginalis pudicitiae humano generi desiderabilis mistici spiraminis specimine enituit, octingentesimo octuagesimo nono, indictione .vii. cuius denique splendoris et gratiae nobis iubare radian te, ego Alfred rex Anglorum et Saxonum, et ^-Selred sub- regulus et patricius Merciorum, cum testimonio et li- centia seu consensu senatorura, episcoporum seu dueum utriusque gentis, pro releuatione facinorum nostrorum, et pro adquirenda deifice remunerationis requiae^, Uuser- fri"So, eximio Huicciorum antistiti, ad aecelesiam Uueo- gernensem,, in Lundonia unara curtem quae uerbotenus ad antiquum petrosum aedificium, id est, aet Hwaet- mundes stane a ciuibus appellatur, a strata publica usque in murum eiusdem eiuitatis, cuius longitudo est perticarum xxvi. et latitudo in superiori parte perticarum XIII. et pedum vii. et in inferiori loco perticarum xi. et VI. pedum, ad plenam libertatem infra totius rei sempi- ternaliter possidendum, in ecclesiasticum ius conscribi- mus, et concedentes donamus ; et intro urnam et trutinam ad mensurandum in emendo sine uendendo ad usum, sine ad necessitatem propriam et liberam omnimodis habeat; et totius debiti uel pene fiscalis, uel publice rei, nisi ad dominium episcopi ecclesie Uueogernensis quae intus contingat, absoluta persistat. Si autem foris uel in strata publica seu in ripa emtorali quislibet suorum mercauerit, iuxta quod rectum sit, tbelon ad manum regis subeat ; quod si intus in curte praedicta quislibet emerit uel uendiderit, tbelon debitum ad ma- num episcopi supra memorati reddatur; ct semper quamdiu unda sacri baptismatis populi Anglorum sine Saxonum per fidem Christianae religionis aspergentur, 318 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. seu ipsorum auctoritatis dominio urbs Londonia habilis subiaceat, ad Uueogernensem ciuitatem subdita persistat. Contestamur et obsecramus unius cuiusque personas hominum, praesentium siue subsequentium, ut hoc nostrum donum inuiolatum et integrum, sicut presens pagina testatur, permaneat. Si qui uero^ ut non opta- mus, serpentine suggestionis demonicse toxico inflati, buius tramitis seriem in aliquo temptauerint foedare, nouerint se cum Anna et Zapbira berebica aeterne anatbematis macbera perforandos, nisi prius digna satis- factione emendare maluerint. Haec autem sunt nomina illorum qui buic nostrae donationi testes et consentientes fuerunt, et tropbico sancte crucis uexillo roborantes propriis manibus subscripserunt. >J< Ego -Alfred rex Anglorum et Saxonum, banc donationem confirmans, signo crucis subscribo. >J< Ego ^^elred subregulus et patricius Merciorum banc dona- tionem signo crucis subscripsi. i^ Ego jEj^elflaed consensi. »J< Ego Uulfred episcopus consensi. >^ Ego Albard episcopus consensi. ►!< Ego Uuserfred episcopus consensi. >{* Ego Deneuulf episcopus consensi. i^ Ego Uulfsige episcopus consensi. *:((* Apparently a later writing than purported: it has the inflation of the time of Eadgar, or perhaps that inflation imitated and exaggerated. But it has good material in it. The Curtis or Court in London here conveyed was called ' Mt hwsetmundes stane,' and this Mr. Kerslake (Antiquary, July, 1880) interprets by means of the sculptured stone in Pannier Alley, Newgate Street. On this stone, which has been often engraved, e.g. Hone's Every Day BooJc, ii. 1 135, is the figure of a man sitting upon a pannier, with the date 1688. Now 'maund' is a well- known provincial word for basket or pannier or hamper : and Mr. Kerslake justly asserts that in Devonshire a large basket is hardly known by any other name. See also Halliwell, v. Maund. The pure form was 'mand*; Epinal Gloss. * Cofinus, mand.' If now the mund in hwcBtmund might be this mand ; then hwcet-mundes stan would be the stone of the wheat-maund, and the antiquum petrosum sedificium GROUP II. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XL 319 may have been the block of masonry that was once the platform or basis of a market cross, which had become the usual pitching place of cereal produce. Cf . Leo, Glossar v. Mand : Fromp. Parv. 330. ^ CB for e ablative. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. f. 17. A.D. 907. K341*. Werfrith bp. "Worcester, granting land to abbot Cynelm with licence of king Alfred, six years after that king's death. >J< In nomine dni. Ego uuserfer'S episc cum consensu et licentia selfredi regis et 8ej7elredi necnon et sej^elflaede ducis mercio^ et cum licentia uenerabilis famili^ in uueogerna cestre donaui cynelmo abbati ppinquo meo parte agri prope fluuium auen in loco qui dicitur benningc- uuyr^ sub quantitate ,x. manentium ut habeat et bene utatur dieb: uite sue . et post se derelinquat duob: heredib: quib: uoluerit . et decursis illorii terminib: iterii reddatur ad sedem episcopalem supradicta terra sine ulla contradictione . nisi heredes illius tempus plixius a pontifice sedis illius adipisci poterint. Et sciat quiciiq: banc terram teneat cotidie elemosinam faciendam p anima burhredi regis et alhuni episcopi qui banc terra dona- uerunt deo et see mariae ad ecclesiam in uueogerna cestre. Et hoc donii factum . e . anno donice incarna- tionis .Dcccc.vii. Consentientib: hiis quorum nomina inferius conscribi uidentur. ►J< ealhmund . presb. >J< ecgberht . presb. »J< uulf- hard . presbiter. >J< ceolberht . presb. ^ putta pre- positus. ^ eadberht diacon. >I< baldred diacon. >J« fri- •Sulf diacon. 320 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. III. The Third Group consists of six deeds ; the first a genuine one, the others later reconstructions. All of them are alike in the name of king Athelstan; but the latter five bear the meaningless date of 'dclxx indictione xi'; and while all the five are nearly uniform with one another, they are unlike the first or any known deed of Athelstan. The eccentricity of the date (i. e. as regards the Anno Domini — for the Indiction suits with a.d. 938, a year of Athelstan's reign) is such as to suggest a close relationship between these writings. It is not supposable that a blunder so senseless should have occurred repeatedly and indepen- dently. The fact that four of the five concern one house strengthens the likelihood of their literary affinity. Of these five deeds, three are preserved at Exeter ; one is in the British Museum ; and one is in the "William Salt Library at Stafford. The three at Exeter grant lands in Newton, Culmstock, and ' Hrocastoc ' ; these may be symbo- lized by the initials N, C, H. The one in the British Museum grants land at Monkton and may be called M ; the remaining deed grants land at Topsham and may be called T. The enquiry into the real date of these pieces is helped forward by the fact that Mr. Bond has given an independent opinion upon one of them, based solely on the evidence of pen- manship. He has assigned M to the 1 1 th century (B. iv. Pref.). But it is from N that we seem to get most light. This is a Bodmin instrument. It purports to be a grant by king Athelstan to the monastery of St. Petrock, and Mr. Davidson (who had the originals in hand and could see more than fac- similes show) was struck with the closeness of its resem- blance to T, * not only in the character of the writing, but also in the direction of the lines, which are entered along the breadth instead of the length of the parchment.' GROUP III. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 321 This N is a very stately piece of work, and superior in style of execution to all the others of the batch. It looks like the type and model, direct or indirect, of the whole '670' series. It is isolated, not only by a distinction of air, but also by the place of its original home. These characteristics seem to suggest that with N originated the error of date, and that when the Exeter monks wanted to reconstruct their muniments, they borrowed this writing for a pattern. And we have an intimation that they might want to reconstruct their titles. In K729 (not a first-rate authority, but pro- bably right in this) it is said that the charters of the church at Exeter had perished in the Danish troubles. For the Domesday commissioners they would naturally like to have their titles in good presentable form. Such fabrications were rather a formal imposture than an act of dishonesty — to judge by the lights and habits of those times. It was a restoration of lost evidence to support a real and existing right. All we otherwise know is in favour of a good construction, as to the substance of these fabrica- tions. The head-piece to this group appears to be a genuine deed of Athelstan, and if so, it establishes the rightfulness of T, and suggests a like inference for the others. TKis argu- ment was advanced by Kemble (C. D. ii. p. vij.) against the condemnation of Hickes. In his Dissertatio Epistolaris, p. 6, Hickes had pronounced H and C to be egregia doli et impos- turae exempla ; but Kemble, pointing out that TC is a war- rant for the substantial veracity of T, a deed labouring under the same chief ground of charge as H and C, claimed a gentle construction which would shield the whole batch ejusdem furfuris, in Hickes's contemptuous phrase. This genuine deed will further serve to show how far this * 670' group is from the native form of Athelstan s deeds. I call it TC, because it concerns Topsham, and lies at Canterbury. 322 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. Canterbury Charters, E. 206. A.D. 937. (TC.) K369. S. i. 14. Athelstan grants to St. Peter's afc Exeter land at Topsham, which is described first as a ' mansa ' and afterwards as a ' hyde/ >i< In xpi nomine atq: uirtute sagaci intuendo pspectu casus lapsusq: condicionis human§ de qua aecctsiastes . Uanitas uanitatii inquid at omia uanitas . et ido mer- canda st se^na caducis . dicente ueritate . Thesaurizate nobis thesauros in c^lo . et ceta. Qua ppt ego se^el- stanus rex monarchus totius bryttanni^ insule flante do . aliqua ruris particula id -r- unam mansam ubi ignostiei uocitant toppesham . liben? concedo ad monasteriu sci petri apli exoniensis aeccte p remedio anime me^ in seternam libertate habendi quadiu fides xpiana pmaneat. Inmunis amodo iste ager pmaneat ab omi censu regali excepta communi labore quod notu -h oiiiib: Si q^s amodo hanc nram donatione ammouerit . sciat se do contra ituru ire non mihi . quia ab illo potestate accepi. Territoria ante istius agri hec st. ^rest fram toppes oran up on exan on ]7one nearan team pol . }7anon up on exan . ]7onne of exa on J7a smala lace . of ]7sere lace eft on exa . J^anon up andlang exa on J^one uferan team pol . ]?anon up on exan stream o'S pole . upp of pole on j7one ealdan herpa'S to dyran treowe . J^anon su'S on wynford up on strea on wyndeles cumb middeweardne up on ]>a, pyrian . ))anon andlang die on ]7one weig . east andlang weiges on ]?8ere dice hirnan andlang die ut on clyst . andlang streames eft on toppes oran . ]7is synd {^aere anre gyrde landgemsero aet seschyrste ]>e gebyra'S into Jjsere hyde aet toppes hamme . aerest fram seschyrste . to aesc GKOUP III. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 323 wylles lace . |7anon up to herpa'Se . 7 fram )7am herpa^e su^rihte oS hit cym^ to gyrde hricges forda . fram gyrde hricges forda adun on stream to wungyfe fordan . )7anon west on J70ne herpa'S 0^ f hit cymS to aesc willes lace heafdon. Acta -i- h^c donatio anno dominie^ incarnationis DCCCCXXX.VII. k^ Ego se^elstanus rex totius bryttanni^ hoc donum cum signo sc^ crucis confirmaui. »{< Ego eadmund indolis clito^ consensi. >I< Ego wulfhelm subscripsi. >I< Ego selfheah adquieui. >^ Ego ae^elgar conclusi. >I< Ego howel regulus. >i< Ego wulgaj dux. >i< self- here dux. >J< se^elstan dux. ►!< ae'Selwold min. »{< aelfric min. >J< wulfsige mi. >I< odda mi. ' This description of the king's brother runs through this whole series, and appears to be quite peculiar to it. Salt Library. A.D. *670.' (T.) K370. S. ii. ad flnem. Athelstan granting to the monastery at Exeter land at Topsham. For substance it might be called an abstract of the preceding (and that is why I place it here), but in form it harmonizes with the following. >J< Anno dominie^ incarnationis dclxx . indie tione xi. Ego -^^elstan rex totius bryttanni^ insul^ . dabo pro ^terna retributione et pro expiatione anim^ me§ unum cassatum in loco ubi ab incolis uocitatur Toppesham deo et sanct^ mari§ ad monasterium quod a solicolis nomina- tur exaceaster ut habeat quamdiu fides catholica in gente anglorum permaneat . Precipimus et obsecramus in dei Y a 324 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. omnipotentis nomine et in sanct^ trinitatis honore . ut nullus hominum in aliquo tempore umquam ausus fuerit hanc nostram donationem minuere aut frangere in ali- quo sed semper stabilis et inconcussa permaneat tarn deo quam et hominibus usque in ^ternum tempus. Si quis autem hoe munus in aliquo frangere uel minuere tempta- uerit . sciat se coram deo et sanct^ mari^ rationem reddere . nisi hie prius celeriter emendet coram idoneis testibus. Huius agelluli temini^ h^c sunt, -^rest fram toppes boran up an exan on ]7one nearan teampol j^anon up on exan ]7aenne of exan on ]?a smalan lace eft an exan ]78enne up anlang exan on j7one uferan teampol ]7anon up on exan stream o^ pole up of pole on }7one ealdan berpo'S to dyran streowe ^ J?anan su^ on wynford up on stream on wyndeles cumb middeweardne up on J?a pyrian Jjanon anlang dice on j7one weg east anlang weges on ]73ere dice hyrnan anlang dice ut on clyst anlang streames eft to toppes boran. ^ Ego se'Selstan rex anglorum banc nostram dona- tionem cum signo crucis impressi. i^ Ego eadmund indolis clito consilium dedi. »J< Ego wulf belm archie- piscopus consolidaui. >I< Ego )7eodred episcopus sub- scripsi. »I< Ego selfheab episcopus adquieui. ►{< Ego bribtelm episcopus consensi. i^ Ego eadelm episcopus faui. >Ji Ego fle^elgar episcopus conclusi. »J< ae^elstan dux. >^ self here dux. >{< eadmund dux. >J< 8e]7elsige dux. >^ odda minister. >J< wibtmund minister. >I< ae^elmod minister. >{< deormod minister. »J< wulfgar minister. i^ osulf minister. ** last.* ' Sic. GKOUP III. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 325 Dean and Chapter, Exeter. A.D. * 670.' (N.) S. ii. Exon. 3. Athelstan grants to the monastery of St. Petrock one cassatus at Newton. This deed is not mentioned by Hickes or Kemble, and it has never been printed in any Collection. This seems, upon our present data, to be the piece after which the * 670' series took form. >I< Anno dominie^ incarnationis dclxx. Indictione . XI. Ego se^elstan rex totius bryttanni^ insul§ dabo pro ^terna retributione et pro expiatione animae ine§ unum cassatum in loco ubi ab incolis uocitatur set nywantune dec et sancto confessori petroco . ad monasterium eius- dem sancti . ut habeat quamdiu fides catholica in gente anglorum permaneat. Precipimus et obsecramus in dei omnipotentis nomine et in sanctae trinitatis honore . iit nullus hominum in aliquo tempore umquam ausus fuerit banc nostram donationem minuere aut frangere in ali- quo . sed semper stabilis et inconcussa permaneat . tarn dec quam hominibus usque in seternum tempus. Si quis autem hoc munus in aliquo frangere uel minuere temp- tauerit . sciat se coram dec et Sanctis eius ration em redditurum . nisi hie prius celeriter emendet coram idoneis testibus. Huius agelluli termini hi sunt, pis sind ]7a landgemsero to nywantune. (Erest on wudu ford . )7onne upp on stream 0^ ]7one lyttlan broc . |7onne andlang broces o^ hreodmores heafod . J7onne on gerihte su^ ofer dune to loddan broces sewylman . ]7onne adune on loddan broces stream o^ toric . )?onne upp on toric stream eft to wuduforda. >I< Ego se^elstan rex anglorum banc nostram dona- tionem signo crucis impressi. 1^ Ego eadmund indolis 326 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. clito consilium dedi. >J< Ego wulfhelm archiepiscopus consolidaui. >J< Ego ]7eodred episcopus subscripsi. >I< Ego selfheah episcopus adquieui. >J< Ego brihthelm episcopus consensi. >J< Ego eadhelm episcopus favi. >J< Ego S8pelg2LV episcopus conclusi. >J< seSelstan dux. >I< selfhere dux. jji eadmund dux. >I< e'Selsie dux. >I< odda minister. >J< wihtmund minister. >{< se'Selmod minister. >^ deormod minister. >J< wulfgar minister. »}< osulf minister. *** Mr. Davidson says that this deed represents, almost undoubtedly, a genuine grant, in the year 938, by Athelstan, to St. Petrock's, Bodmin, of the land which is now Newton Petrock, on the east bank of Torridge, North Devon. The boundaries are easy to trace. Torie = Tomdge, is especially noticeable. In Domesday, Newton is held by the priests of Bodmin, and assessed as one hide. Journal of Brit. Arch. Association, vol. xxxix. part iii. Dean and Chapter, Exeter. A.D. * 670.' (H.) K 37. S. ii. Exon. 1. Athelstan granting six perches of land at Hrocastoc to the monastery at Exeter. t^ Anno dominie^ incarnationis dclxx. indictione xi. Ego se'Selstan rex anglorum dabo pro §terna remunera- tione et pro expiatione anim§ me§ sex perticas ubi incolis uocit' hrocastoc deo et sanct§ mari§ ad monas- terium quod incolis uocitatur exa ceaster . ut habeat quamdiu Christiana fides in gente anglorum maneat . precipimus quoque et obsecramus in dei omnipotentis nomine et in trinitatis honore . ut nullus hominum in aliquo tempore ausus sit frangere uel minuere. Sed stabilis et inconcussa permaneat. Si autem aliquis hoc GROUP III. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 327 in aliquo frangere temptauerit . sciat se in eterna damp- natione p^nitere nisi hie celeriter emendat. Huius agelluli termini h^c sunt, ^rest of sulforda east an- lang" herpo'Ses on culum ]7anon east rihte to lang-an forda J?anon su^ anlang streames o'S culum lace anlang- lace of ]78ere lace up to ]73ere ealdan die anlang ]>3sve dice on ceaggan cumb J^anon on cinges sloh )7anon anlang weges to ))8Bm msegen stane )7anon su^ ]7ger 'Sa wegas to licga^ j^anon on ]7one nor'S mystan hryc weg anlang hrycges to ^aere eor^burh middeweardre ]7anon on brydenawyll ]7anon ut on exan up anlang exan o^ scrsewan leges lace 7 scriewan*leg J^serto fsenne fram se'Selstanes hammes forda on sulforda 7 feoper seceras bewestan exan forn agean edfer'Ses eald lande. >i< Ego se^elstan rex anglorum meum donum cum sigillo sanct^ crucis conclusi. >{< Ego eadmund indolis clito consolidaui. \^ Ego wulfhelm archiepiscopus ad- quieui. »J< Ego J^eodred episcopus coadunaui. >{< Ego brihtelm episcopus subscripsi. »I< Ego selfheab episco- pus faui. >J< Ego se^elgar episcopus consolidaui. 1^ ae^elstan dux. >^ selfhere dux. >J< eadmund dux. >^ odda minister. >I< wihtbord minister. >{< heremod minister. >^ wihtlaf minister. »J< selfhere minister. *** ' The locality bears the curious name of Hrocastoc, that is, Rookstoek. The prefix derived from a rookery has wholly disappeared ; but the boundaries sufficiently identify the place as Stoke Canon, in the fork of the rivers Culm and Exe, four miles north-east of Exeter.' James B. Davidson, Journal of British Archaeological Association, vol. xxxix. part iii. And the simpler name appears even in the (contem- porary) endorsement : ' six gyrda hoc to stoc tune/ 328 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Dean and Chapter, Exeter. A.D. *670.* (C.) K373. S. ii. Exon. 2. Athelstan giving five cassati at Culmstock (Devon) to the monastery of Exeter. »J« Anno ab incarnatione dominie^ dclxx. indictione XI. Ego asSelstan rex anglorum dabo pro ^terna retri- butione et pro expiatione anim^ me§ quinque cassatos ubi incol§ uocitant culumstocc . deo et sanct^ mari^ necnon et sancto petro principi apostolorum *ad monas- terium quod ab incolis nominatur exanceaster . ut habeat quamdiu fides catholica in gente anglorum ma- neat . precipimus quoque . et obsecramus in dei omni- potentis nomine et in sanct§ trinitatis honore . ut nuUus homo in aliquo tempore . umquam banc nostram dona- tionem infringere ausus sit. Sed stabilis sit coram deo et hominibus usque in seculum. Si quis autem hoc in aliquo frangere vel minuere temptauerit . sciat se in ^terna dampnatione puniri . nisi hie celeriter emendet. Huius agri termini h§c sunt. jErest on hacapenn fore- weard adun on secgwyll )7anon on craducc Ipon anlang streames on culumford of ]?8em forde to ]?orn wylle J^anon to bryd wylle ]?anon to ]78ere senlipan sec )7anon anlang her- po"Ses on heanhangran middeweardre Jjanon on hwitan beorh ]7anon on gerihtne on fengel ]?anon on gerihtne to ^am ealdan geweorce )7anon on byrichangran j7on up on gyran torr |7anon on ]7one hwyrfel J^anon on |7one )7orn ]?anon on peonmynet easteweard j7anon ongerihte on J^a lace adun on culum up of culum on "Sa ealdan lace on burhgeardes wor'Sig J?anon o gerihtne to rancumb }?anon west on gerihtne be ecge on hacapenn foreweardne. GKOUP III. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XI. 329 »I< Ego se^elstan rex anglorum hanc meam donationem cum sigillo sanct^ crucis impressi. >J< Ego eadmund indolis clito . consensi. >J< Ego wulf helm archiepiscopus dictaui. »{< Ego self heah episcopus adquieui. >^ Ego se^elgar episcopus notaui. >J< Ego brihtelm episcopus faui. >J< Ego wynsige episcopus conclusi. >J< wulfgar dux. ^ aelfhere dux. >i« se'Selstan dux. >J< odda minister. >J< wulfhelm minister. >J< aelfheah minister. 1^ ffi^elfer^ minister. i^ wihtgar minister. *:).* This deed is linked to M, not only by the common error, but also by a peculiar grammatical confusion in the first line. Add. Chart. 19,516. A.D. < 670.' (M.) B. iii. 7. ^thelstan granting one mansa at Muneca tun to the monastery at Exeter. Mr. Bond has judged this writing to be of the I ith century. B. iv, p. 7. 1^ Anno ab incarnatione dominie^ dclxx . indie? xi. Ego se^elstan rex anglo^ dabo p e^na retributione et p expiatione anim§ me^ unam mansam ubi incol§ uocitant muneca tun . do et sc§ mari§ nee non et sco petro p^cipi aplo^ ad monasteriu qd ab incolis nominaf^ exan ceaster . ut habeat qua diu fides catholica in gente anglorum maneat p^cipim^ q°q . et obsecram^ in di omiptis noie et in see trinitatis honore . ut nulP homo in aliq^ tepore . umqua hanc nram donatione infringere ausus sit . set stabilis sit cora do et hominibu^ usq . in sctm . Si q^s aut hoc in aliq° frangere t minuere teptauerit . sciat se in §tna dapnatione puniri . n^ hie celeri? emdet . huius agri ?mini h^c st . aerest of sceoca broces forda upp on 330 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. stream o)? "Sser seo die onfeh'S . swa andlang j^sere die of ]78ere dice hyrnan . swa adun on }^>one cumb on ]7a lace . adun on ]?a lace on ceacga broc . adun on ceacga broc on ]?8ere dice ende . swa east on Ipa die of J78ere dice hyrnan . swa su'S on 'pa die on pone J^eod herpa'S west on herpa'S eft to seeoca broces forda >I< Ego se'Selstan rex anglo^ bane meam donatione cum sigillo scf erucis impssi . >J4 Ego eadmund indolis clito . consensi . i^ Ego wulf helm arehieps dietaui . >^ Ego self heah eps adquieui . »I< Ego sej^elgar eps . notaui . >J< Ego brihtelm eps . faui . »I< Ego wynsige eps . eonelusi . >i< wulfgar dux . >J< self here dux . >I< se'Selstan dux . >J< odda mi . >J< wulf helm mi . >J< self heah mi . i^ se^fer'S mi . >J< wihtgar mi. *** Endorsed in hands contemporary with the writing of the charter, ' Munecatunes boc • ' and ' to muneca tune ^ ; in a hand of the early part of the I ^th century, ' Regis aedelstani de munecatiin .'; and in hands of the early i^th century, 'Carta Adelstani Regis . super manso quod oljfh vocabatur moneketon . modo tamen Exchestre pro fundacione Ecclesie.' * Carta Adthelstani Regis coneessa Beato Petro de manso quod antiquitus uocabatur moneketon ^ad monasterium' quod nunc nun- cupatur exechestre . [ad fundandum monasterium*] et diuise mansi sunt hee . primo de scokebroc forde . sursum per riuum etc. ut infra patet,' * Deuon.* B. * Erased. IV. This Group is taken from the famous Book at Rochester ("Textus Roffensis," edited by Hearne, 1723), which con- tains Laws and Charters, and which is said to have been compiled from the original documents by Ernulf, who was Bishop of Rochester, 1115-1124. Kemble took thirty-three documents from this Codex, and marked only five as spurious. These five are the constituents of our present Group. GROUP IV. CODEX OF CENTURY XII. 331 Text. Roff. f. 122. A.D. 762. KUO*. Sigiraed king of Kent, granting land to bishop Eardulf. >J< In nomine domini nostri Ihesu Christi ! Omnem hominem qui secundum deum uiuit et remunerari a deo sperat et optat, oportet ut piis precibus assensum hila- riter ex animo praebeat. Quoniam certum est, tanto facilius ea quae quisque a deo poposcerit consequi posse, quanto et ipse libentius hominibus recte postulata con- cesserit. Quocirca ego Sigiraed, rex Cantiae, tibi uener- abili Earduulfo episcopo, ut diligenter postulasti, aliquam partieulam terrae iuris mei, id est quasi unius et semis iugeri in ciuitate Hrofi, ad augmentum monasterii tui, aeternaliter possidendam concedo ac describo, cum omni- bus scilicet ad eam pertinentibus rebus. Haec autem terrula ab aquilonali portae monasterii tui iacet, et per- tingit usque ad septentrionalem murum praefatae ciui- tatis, intra terras uidelicet quas antea ab oriente et occidente possedisti, et ideo haec tibi satis accommoda quia in medio iacebat. Siquis autem contra banc do- nationem meam aliquando uenire inuido maliuoloque animo temptauerit, sit in praesenti separatus a commu- nione sanctae aecclesiae Christi, et in future a societate sanctorum omnium segregatus. Manentem banc kar- tulam in sua semper firmitate signo dominicae crucis roboraui, et idoneos testes ut et idipsum facerent, ad- hibui. Actum indict, xv. anno dominicae incarnationis DCCLXII. >J< Ego Sigiraed rex Cantiae banc donationem meam signo sanctae crucis roboraui. >{< Ego Eadbehrt rex Cantiae consentiens propria manu confirmaui. i^ Ego 332 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Bregouuine archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. 1^ Ego Aldhuun abbas subscripsi. »J< Signum manus Suuithuun. >{< Signum manus Aethilhuun. >J< Sig- num manus Esni. >J« Signum manus Egbaldi. i^ Sig- num manus Uuigbaad. i^ Signum manus Bunan. >J< Signum manus Heabeorhti. »{< Signum manus Tiidheah. Text. RoflF. f. 130. A.D. 761. K144*. Birch 242. Ethelberht II king of Kent, granting land to Diora, bp. Rochester. >i< In nomine dni nri ihu xpi cui patent cuncta penetralia cordis et corporis Ego etbelberht rex^ cantuarioru concedo hrofensis aeclesiae antistiti deoran aliquantulu terre iuris mei intra menia supradicte ciuitatis in parte aquilonali . id est fram doddinc hyrnan o'S "Sa bradan gatan east be wealle 7 swa eft su^ o^ "Saet east geat 7 swa west be strete o^ doddinc hyrnan. 7 ^reo hagan be eastan porte butan wealle 7 "Sar to feower aeceras maede be westan ee . hoc in aucmentii monasterii tibi ccessi sci andree Ut mea donatio inmobilis permaneat semp. Et si quis banc mea donatione augere uoluerit . augeat dns ei uita. Si quis la tunc minuere presiiserit sit separatus a con- spectu dni in die iudicii nisi prius emendauerit ante eius transitii qd nequiter gessit. XX Actii dominice incarnationis . dcclxi. ►{< Ego ethel- berhtus rex banc mea donatione signo see crucis cfirmaui. ^ Ego geanberht archieps corroboraui. >I« Ego deora GROUP IV. CODEX OF CENTURY XII. 333 eps consignaui. >J< signu manus uualhard. >J< sig manus uban. >J< sig manus udan. »J< sig manus ealhere. i^ sig manus dudec. >{< sig manus wuUaf. *;(:* The original parchment is extant in the British Museum, Cott. Chart, vi. 4; facsimile B. iv. 5. The hand is imitative of early writing, but Mr. Bond judges it to be "probably of the eleventh century." It is full of historical .mistakes. The date 761 (altered to 781 by a cor- rector) is not much amiss, though the Chronicle puts the death of jEthelberht in 760 ; we must aUow a little for the unsettled state of the chronology of that time. But it was years after his death when Diora became bishop of Rochester, and lanbryht archbishop of Can- terbury. Moreover, the original parchment styles Ethelberht king of Wessex and of Kent, thus confounding the history of the eighth century with that of the ninth. This error was rectified by Ernulf or his learned assistant, whose transcript is in other respects faithful. That the fabricator had his eye upon patterns of the eighth century we may see from the following which is a genuine deed of Wihtred the father of ethelberht of Kent. It is K43, Birch 97; and the original is in the Ashburnham Collection. >J< In nomine dni di nostri ihu xpi Ego uihtredus rex cantuariorum prouidens mihi in f uturo decreui dare aliquid omnia mihi donanti et consilio accepto bonum uisum est conferre bassilicae beatae mariae genitricis dT quae sita est in loco qui dicitur limingae terram .nil. aratrorum quae dicitur Uuieghelmes . tun . cum omnibus ad eandem terram pertinentibus iuxta notissimos terminos id est bereueg et me- guines paed et stretleg . quam donationem mea nolo firmam esse in perpetuum ut nee ego seu heredes mei aliquid minuere praesumant. Quod si aliter temptatum fuerit a qualibet persona sub anathematis interdictione sciat se praeuaricari ad cuius confirmationem pro igno- rantia litterarum >J< signii scae crucis expressi et testes idoneos ut subscriberent rogaui id est berichtualdum archiepiscopu uiru uenerabile. >J< Ego berichtualdus episc rogatus consensi et subscribsi. >J< >J< Sig- num manus uihtredi regis. >J< Signum manus aedilburgae reginae. >^ Signum manus enfridi. >j^ Signum manus aedilfridi. Signum manus hagana. >J< Signum manus botta. »^ Signum manus bemhaerdi. 1^ Signum manus theabul. >J« Signum manus frodi. >J< Signum manus aehcha. Signum manus aessica. »J< Signum manus adda. ^ Signum manus egisberichti. actum in mense iulio indictione . xma. Endorsed: — ^ses landes boc set Berdelhames wicum, nunc Wig- elmignetun, and }?ichtredus rex Ca'. ad ecclesiam de Liming pielme- stun. nil. arat*. ^ Here the original fabrication adds the words " occidentalium saxonu necnon," which Ernulf omitted. 334 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. Text. Roff. f. 123. A.D. 764. K 111*. Birch 195. Offa granting land to Eardulf, bp. Rochester. That which makes this spurious deed valuable is the formula: — "sicut olim habuerunt comites et principes regum Cantise, et cum omni tributo quod regibus jure competit :" — and again, " cum con- sensu . . . principum " — formulae which seem to be borrowed from genuine records, and to illustrate the nature of folc land. Schmid, Gesetze, p. 577. There is a primary record which mentions folc land, of a.d. 858 (K 281). >I< Regnante in perpetuiim domino nostro Ihesu Christo ac cuncta mundi iura iusto moderamine regenti ! Ego Ofia rex Merciorum, regali prosapia Mercioram oriundus, atque omnipotentis dei dispensatione eiusdem constitutus in regem, considerans et recolens quod uas electionis ueracissimis innotuit uerbis, quod istis tem- poribus instarent tempora periculosa : iccirco unus- quisque de semet ipso plenius poterit agnoscere, quod quanto quis in hoc terreno habitaculo longiorem pro- traxerit uitam, tanto ueraciora esse omnia quae olim antiqui uates implenda esse praedixerunt. Iccirco ne- cessarium duxi ut pro intercessionibus plurimorum, pro uenia meorum delictorum, et requie perpetua adi- piscenda animae meae, aliquid ex his quae mihi largitor bonorum omnium Christus dominus donare dignatus est, id est, terram aratrorum uiginti in loco cuius uoca- bulum est Aeslingaham, quae etiam iacet ad occiden- talem partem fluminis Meduuuaeian, contigua ipso fluuio, cum uniuersis terminis suis ad cam rite com- petentibus, cum campis, siluis, pratis, pascuis, palu- dibus et aquis, sicut olim habuerunt comites et prin- cipes regum Cantiae, et cum omni tributo quod regibus GROUP IV. CODEX OF CENTURY XIT. 335 iure competit, tibi uenerabili Earduulfo, sanctae Hro- fensis aecclesiae episcopo, libenter in perpetuum perdono. Et hoc cum consensu et licentia archiepiscopi nostri Bregouuini atque Heaberhti regis Cantiae, et principum nostrorum, ut possidendi uel uendendi, uel etiam tra- dendi cuicunque uoluerit liberam per omnia habeat potestatem. • Et quia pro ipsius terrae recompensatione aliquam partem pecuniae nobis fideliter, libenter optulit, ad promerendam non solum specialiter mihi a domino pietatem, sed indulgentiam delictorum totius gentis nostrae, humiliter dominicam exorantes clementiam, ut liberet nos a malignis spiritibus et importunis et malis hominibus. Terminos uero huius terrae ideo latins non scribimus quia undique ab incolis absque ullo dubita- tionis scrupulo certi sunt. Quicunque uero sequentium regum aut principum, aut aliquis saeculari fretus po- testate, haec nostrae definitionis scripta irrita facere, quod absitj nisus fuerit, sciat se in praesenti uita domini benedictione esse priuatum, et in nouissima maledictione subiacere, ut a consortio sit separatus sanctorum, et cum impiis et peccatoribus flam mis ultricibus esse damp- nandura, excepto si digna satisfactione emendare cura- uerint quod iniqua temeritate deprauarunt. Manente hac cartula in sua nihilominus firmitate, quam propria manu sacro signaculo roborare curaui et testes ut subscriberent rogaui, quorum infra nomina asscripta tenentur. Scripta est autem haec cartula in ciuitate Dorouerni, anno dominicae incarnationis dcclxiiit. ind.ii. ►J< Ego Offa, rex Merciorum, supra scriptam dona- tionem atque emptionem signo sanctae crucis roboraui. >J< Ego Bregouuinus archiepiscopus, iuxta petitionem clementissimi regis ante praedicti, consensi et scripsi. >^ Ego Heaberhtus rex consensi et subscripsi. 336 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. Cohaerent iiero huit3 terrae in commune saltu denberi III. Holanspic et Lindhrycg et Paedanhriecg-. ^ Ego Botuuini humilis abbas consensi et subscripsi. >i« Sig- num manus Esne. i^ Signum manus Uhtredi. >J< Sig- num manus Broerda. >i< Signum manus Eadbaldi. ►}< Signum manus Berhtualdi. ^ Signum manus Bobba. p^ Signum manus Cec. >{< Signum manus Huuithyse. t^ Signum manus Esne fratris eius. >I< Signum manus Badoheardi. ►$< Signum manus Egbaldi. i^ Signum manus Suithhuni. >J< Signum manus Eangesli. Text. Boff. f. 139. A.D. 855. K 276*. MthelwuU king of the "West Saxons, granting to Dunn a villa in B-ochester, which is called castellum Hrobi ; and the remark is made that the "Saxon" equivalent for "una villa" is "an haga." By a codicil in English, Dunn bequeaths the property to St. Andrew's, subject to his wife's life interest. 1^ In nomine trine diuino ! Ego Etheluuf rex Ocei- dentalium Saxonum nee non et Cantuariorum, pro de- cimatione agrorum, quam dec donante, caeteris minis- tris meis facere decreui, tibi Dunne ministro meo, dabo unam uillam, quod nos Saxoniee an haga dicimus, in meridie castelli Hrobi, et x. iugera a meridiano plaga uilluli illius adiacentia, necnon et duo iugera prati et x. carros cum siluo honestos in monte regis, et communio- nem marisci quae ad illam uillam antiquitus cum recto pertinebat. Et hoc ipsum tibi ad habendam et possi- dendam concedendo donamus, et post dies tuos cui- GKOUP TV. CODEX OF CENTUBY XII. 337 cunque haerede tibi placuerit derelinquendam, cum plena libertate habeas potestatem. Hanc praedictam donationem et libertatem ego Etheluulf rex deo do- nante, perfeci anno dncae incarnation! s dccclv. in- dictione iii. hoc est, diuina gratia largiente, quando ultra mare Romam perrexi, coram his testibus qui hoc mecum consentiendo subscripserunt. >I« Ego Ae^eluulf rex hanc meam donationem et li- bertatem cum signo sanctae crucis Christi roboraui et subscripsi. >J< Ego Ceolno^ archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Ae^elberht rex consensi et sub- scripsi. >I< Ego Lullede dux consensi et subscripsi. 1^ Ego Ae'Selmod dux consensi et subscripsi. >i< Ego Aelfred filius regis consensi et subscripsi. >I< Ego Eadred dux consensi et subscripsi. i^ Ego Ae'Selric dux consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Cineheh miles consensi et subscripsi. >^ Ego Milred miles consensi et subscripsi. >J« Ego Ceolmund miles consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Lulla miles consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Ae^elred miles consensi et subscripsi. i^ Ego Uulflaf miles consensi et subscripsi. i^ Ego Ae^elred miles consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Uuaehtgar miles consensi et subscripsi. i^t Ego Duduc miles consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Osberht miles consensi et sub- scripsi. >I< Ego Sigeno^ miles consensi et subscripsi. >I« In nomine domini! Dunn hafa'S "Sas boc gesald his wife, 7 "Sset land "Se 'Ssef' an gewriten is, an godes est ; "Sset hio hsebbe hire dseg 7 his bruce ; 7 efter hire dsege geselle hit on 'Sees halgan apostoles naman sancte Andreas -Sam hirode in, mid unnan godes and his halgena, for unc butu 7 ealle uncre eldran ; butan hi hit mit unnan hiredes ofgan to rihtan gafole^ swa swa hyt his gepmgmn magan, butan selcen brsede o^^e z 338 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. beswice ; 7 his ^onne se hired hit geearnian mid heora godcundnaesse ofer twelf mono^ . 7 stande simle mid cwide seo hoc on ^aes hiredes handa. Text. Roff. f. 141. A.D. " 880." K 312*. -ffilthelwulf granting land to the church of St. Andrew at Rochester. >Ji Regnante in perpetuum domino nostro Ihesu Christo! Ego Ae^elulf, rex Saxonum, dabo pro re- medio animae meae terram ad aecclesiam sancti Andreae apostoli Christi et Suui^uulfo episcopo aliquam partem in illo loco quae dicitur Cucolanstan atque aecclesiam sancti Michaelis archangeli. Hi sunt termini trium aratrum circumiacentes. In oriente, Miodowaege ; in meridie, Heallingwara mearc up wi'S halles meres ; in occidente, Briogening "Sara mearc o'S nor^dune nor'San ; in aquilone, east andlanges dune 0^ cinges mearc ; and ut fram cinges merce o^ "Sa aldan strset ; east be "Sare aldan strsete o"S hli"S ; and "Sanan ut be ■San hli^e oS ^a ea Medewegan. ut habeat et pos- sideat et cuicunque uoluerit illo uiuente sen moriente derelinquat, et post se tradendum concedamus liueram ab omni seruitute cum omnibus ad se rite pertinen- tibus, cum furis comprehengione, et cum omnibus rebus quae ad aecclesiam sancti Andreae pertinent, cum campis, siluis, pratis, pascuis, paludibus, in minimis et in maximis, notis et ignotis. Si quis uero, quod absit, haeredum successorumque nostrorum donationem immu- tare aliter uel minuere studeat, sciat se imprimis omnipo- tentis dei iram incurrere, et uiuentem in hac uita GEOUP V. CODEX OF CENTURY XII. 339 benedictione carere, et in nouissimo maledictione subia- cere. Qui uero haec augenda custodierit, nihilque inrogarit aduersi, sit benedictus in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Scripta est haec cartula anno dominicae incar- nationis domini nostri Ihesu Christi dccclxxx. indictione XIII his testibus consentientibus et subscribentibus, quorum hie nomina infra tenentur ascripta. »I< Ego Ae^elred archiepiseopus cum signo sanctae crucis confirmaui. >^ Ego Suui'Suulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Ae'Seluuald dux consensi et sub- scripsi. 1^ Ego Beornuulf dux consensi et subscripsi. >J« Ego Ealhmund miles consensi et subscripsi. >{< Ego Beornuulf miles consensi et subscripsi. >^ Ego Beorht- uulf miles consensi et subscripsi. >I< Ego Deoruulf miles consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Ceolbald miles consensi et subscripsi, >{< Ego Ealhhere miles con- sensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Deoring miles consensi et subscripsi. >i< Ego Beornhelm minister regis consensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Osraund minister regis consensi et subscripsi. >{< Ego Beorhtred minister regis con- sensi et subscripsi. >J< Ego Noi5helm minister regis consensi et subscripsi. Haec sunt prata set Co'Sam duos agros set Scite Cocce, o^er healf secer msede. Y. As the twelfth century advanced, deeds were sometimes copied with little attention to the English of the originals or of the time purported. A scholastic attention to the lost grammar was not yet awake. Such documents are often in duplicate, Saxon and Latin. To this class belong the docu- ments embodied in the Peterborough Chronicle. Z 2 340 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Cott. Faust. A. iii. f. 109. A.D. 1066. K829. Eadward his grant of Pershore and Deerhurst to St. Peter's, West- minster. >i« Eadward king- gret Ealdred ercebisceop and Wlstan bisceop and Wlfwi and alle mine heuedmen and mine ]7egnes and mine sirrefan and alle mine holde freond on Wigercestresire and on Glowcestre- sire and on Oxnefordscire freondlic. Ice ki^e eow •Sat ic wille and Sat ice an ^at sainte Petre and "Sa gebroSere on Westminstre habben to here bilefan ^a cotlife Perscore and Dorhurste mid alien "San^landen and mid alle ^an ^erewican "Se ice habbe for minre saule alesednesse into "Sare halagen stowe gegifan, and ale 'Sare fnge Se ^arto mid rihte gebirad, mid kirkan and mid milnen, mid vvode and mid felde, mid lase and mid ha^e, mid mseden and mid eyten, mid wateren and mid weren and mid alien )?ngen, swa full and swa for 5 swa hio on elden dagen into "Sare socne geleyd waren o^e meselfen firmest on hande stodan. And ice an heom eft alswa "Sat hi habben ^arto sace and socne, toll and team, infangene'Sef and flemenes- ferm^, gri^briche and hamsocne, forestal and mis- kenninge, and alle o^ere rihte on alien J^ngen 'Se •Sar upaspringa'Sj inne tid and ut of tid, binnen burh and buten burh, on strate and of strate ; for-San ic nolle na^eswon ge'Safian "Sat any man atbrede o^^e geu^e mine gife and min almesse swa mikel "Sat si an aker landes "Sas "Se on anyes mannes dages into ^an cotlifen gebired, ne eft ^at 'Sar any man any ousting habbe on any fngen o^e on any timen be strande ne GROUP V. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII. 341 bi lande buton se abbod and -Sa gebro^ere into 'San minstre. And ice wille and fastlice bebeodde ^at "Sar freodom and "Ser mundbirdnesse beo Strang and sta^- elfast into ^are balagen stowe, God to lufe and sainte Petre to wrdminte and to gewealde, a on ece erfwerd- nesse. Amen. God eow alle gehealde. Amen. MS. Harl. 6968. f. 6. K837. Eadward granting Wedmore to St. Andrews at Wells. >I< Eadwakd king gret Harold erl, and Ailnod abbot, and Touid schire reue, and alle mine ]7eines on Sumerseten frendliche ; and ich ky^e eow 'Saet ich habbe gegefen Giso biscope "Saet land at Weodraore and jelcli ^jere ]7inga "Sses "Se "Sserinne mid richte to- byre^, inne to his clerken bilseua set sancte Andrea aet Willan, mid saca and mid socna, swo full and swo for^ swo hit me syluen on hande stod, mid eallon iSa forwyrhtan ^e me oSer minon seftergengan to honda bogen wyllon on eallen ]?ingan for mine sawle and for mines fader and for allra minra yldrena sawlan ^e 'Sone bisceopstol gesta'Selo'Son. And gif anig man sig ^at mine gife awendan wyllen, awende hine God al- mihti fram his ansyne and fram selre cristenne manna. And ich wille "Sset se bisceop j^ichte priuilegium 'Saerto bi minon fullan gelifan. ►I* Eadwardus rex Haroldo comiti, Ealnodo abbati, et omnibus balliuis suis Sumersetae, salutem ! Sciatis me dedisse Gisoni episcopo ad sustentationem cleri, aecclesiam beati Andreae in Wellis terram de Wed- more, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, adeo plene et 342 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. libere sicut unquam plenius mihi manu stetit aut alicui praedecessorum meorum per omnia, pro anima patris mei et animabus antecessorum meorum qui dictam sedem episcopi statuerunt. Si quis autem banc meam donationem praesumpserit euertere, auertat eum domi- nus a conspectu suo et a conspectu omnium fidelium. Uolo etiam quod idem episcopus isto gaudeat priuilegio, et uos amici mei ipsius sitis coadiutores. Claud. B. vi. 114. Claud. C. ix. 130. K840. Eadweard his writ to the authorities and thanes in Berkshire, that Abingdon minster should exercise free and independent jurisdiction in Hornemere Hundred, and that no royal or local officer should act without the authority of the Abbot. Stubbs, Constitutional History, i. 107. >^ Eadwabd cyningc gret Hereman bisceop, and Harold eorl, and Godric, and ealle bis ]7egenas on Bearrucscyre freondlic ; and ic cy^e eow "Sset Ordric abbud and eal "Sset hired on Abbendunes mynstre be minre unne and gife frigelice habban and wealdan Hornemeres bunred on hyre agenre andwealde on ecere worulde, and swa ^set nan scyrgerefe o'S^e mot- gerefe "Sar habban seni socne o^^e gemot buton "Ses abbudes agen hsese and unne. »I< Eadvvardus rex salutat Hermannum episcopum et Haroldum comitem, et Godricum, et omnes suos barones ^ de Bearrucscira amicabiliter ; et ego ostendo uobis quod Ordricus abbas et omnis congregatio Ab- bendonensis monasterii meo concessu et dono libere GKOUP V. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII. 343 habeant et possideant hundredum de Hornemere in sua propria potestate in sempiterna saecula, et sic ut nullus uicecomes uei praepositus ibi habeant aliquam appropriationem seu placitum sine abbatis proprio iussu et concessu. ^ This harones seems to indicate that these Latin versions were made after the Conquest, for the use of Norman abbots, and others who knew Latin better than English. Cott. Otho B. xiv. f. 257. K 853. Eadward his writ of privileges to the Abbey of Ramsey, co. Hunt- ingdon. ►!< Eadward cyng gret Stigand ercebiscop, and ^gelmser biscop, and Gyr'5 eorl, and Toli scirreue, and ealle his J^eines inne Nor^folce and inne Suffolce and ealle his o^ra witen ofer eall ^nglande hadede and leawede freondlice ; and ic cy^e eow "Saet ic habbe gegeofen Criste and sancte Marie and sancte Benedicte and -^Ifwine abbod into Ramesege saca and soena, tol and team, and infaugen'Seof, fihtwite and ferdwite, forestall and hamsocne, gri^bryce and scipbryce, and "Sa S8d upwarp on eallan }7ingen set Bramesestre and aet Ringstyde, swa wel and swa freolice swa ic hit meseolf betst habbe bi 'Sa sse rune ahwser in Engelande, and ealle 'Sa gerihte "Sa ic meseolf eer ahte. And ic wylle "Sset seo socne wi^innen Bichamdic ligce into Ramesege to sancte Benedicte on eallen )7ingen swa full and swa for^ swa ic heo meseolf ahte, and ealle "Sa gerihte ^a seni kinge msei ahen, and ealle ^a men ^a beon motwur^i ^, fer^wur'Se and faldwur"^i in "Saet 344 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. o^er halfe hundred swa hwilc man swa 'Sa men ahe sancte Marie and sanctus Benedictus and se abbod and "Sa gebro^ra into Ramesege habben 'Sa socne on eallen J7ingen ofer heom and 'Sat market aet Dunham hi wsetere and bi lande, mid inlade and mid utlade, and mid eallen t5an gerihte "Se "Sserto hered, swa wel and swa freolice swa ie hit meself betst ahte. And ic nelle ge^afien "Sset ani man "Sis gelytlige mid aenige J^inge. And in selcer scire "Sser sanctus Benedictus hafS land inne his saca and his socne, tol and team, and infangeniSeof, wi'Sinne burhe and wi^uten and on selce styde, be lande and be strande^ be wude and be felde, swa hwylc man swa 'Sa socne ahe sanctus Benedictus habbe his freodom on eallen ]7ingen swa wel and swa freolice swa ic hit meseolf betst ahe ahwser in Enge- lande ; and ealle "Sa gyltes ^a belimpe'S to mine kine- helme inne lol and inne Easterne and inne ^a hali wuca set Gangdagas on ealle J^ingan al swa ic heo meseolf ahe, and tolfreo ofer ealle Engleland, wi'Sinne burhe and wi^utan, set gares cepinge and on sefrice styde, be wsetere and be lande. And ic forbeode Godes forbode and min 'Sat nan man ^is geofe ne lytlige ne awende. And gif seni man hit awunige mid sefrsenige )?inge of "San ^e ic habbe her geunnen on ^eosen ge write, si he gesyndred fram Criste and fram eallen his halgan. Amen. Dis writ wses gemaced set Windlesoren on feor^e Easter dseg on Eadgi'Se ge- witnysse ^sere cwene and God wines eorles and Haroldes eorles. >I< Eadwardus rex Anglorum Stigando archiepiscopo^ Ailmaro episcopo, Gir'S comiti, Toli uicecomiti, et omni- bus ministris suis de Nor^folke et Su^folke et uniuersis GROUP V. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII. 345 aliis fidelibus suis per totam Ang-liam constitutis tarn clericis quam laicis, salutem ! Notifico uobis me con- cessisse deo et sanetae Mariae et sancto Benedicto efc JElfwino abbati de Ramesia sacam et soeam, tol et team, et infangene^ef, fihtwite et ferdwite, forestall, et hamsokne, gri'Sbriche, et scbipbriche, et se up warp, in omnibus rebus apud Brameestre et apud Ringstede ita bene et libere sicut ipse ea melius et liberius habeo in littore marino alicubi in Anglia, omnesque recti- tudines et iura quae ibi ego ipse unquam habui ; uolo etiam ut soca quae est infra Bichamdich in omnibus ad sanctum Benedictum Ramesiensem pertineat ita plene et perfecte sicut eam ipse babui, et omnes recti- tudines quas rex ibi potest habere ; uolo praeterea ut sancta Maria et sanctus Benedictus et abbas et fratres Ramesiae habeant socam in omnibus super omnes homines qui sunt motwr'Si, ferdwr'Si, et faldwr^i in illo hundredo et dimidio, cuiaseunque homines sint. Concedo eis etiam mercatum de Dunham per aquam et terram, cum inductione et eductione, et cum omnibus rectitudinibus quae ad illud pertinent, ita bene et libere sicut illud ipse unquam melius habui ; et nolo pati ut aliquis hoc in aliquo imminuat. In omni quoque co- mitatu ubi sanctus Benedictus habet terram concedo eis sacam et socam suam, tol et team, et infangene'Sef, infra burgum uel ciuitatem et extra, ubique in terra et aqua, in bosco et piano, cuiuscunque fuerit soca, habeat sanctus Benedictus libertatem suam in omnibus ita bene et plene sicut ego ipse alicubi habeo in tota Anglia ; habeant et omnes forisfacturas quae pertinent ad regiam coronam meam in natali dominico, in pascha, et in sancta ebdomada rogationum, in omnibus rebus sicut ipse habeo, et per totam Angliam infra ciuitatem 346 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. et extra, in omni foro et annuls nundinis et in omnibus omnino locis per aquam et terram, ab omni telonii exactione liberi sint. Prohibeo itaque dei prohibitione et mea ne aliquis banc concessionem meam mutet aut minuat. Si quis uero aliquid horum quae in hoc scripto continentur temerare praesumpserit, segregatus sit ille a Christo et ab omni sanctorum eius consortio. Haec carta facta fuit apud Windleshoram in .iv. die ebdo- madae pascbalis sub testimonio Eadgi'Sae reginae, God- wini et Haroldi comitum. ^ A remarkable expression, like " have the franchise." Of the Brehon Law we are told that " The primary local tribunal was a quasi court baron, called the Airecht, composed of freemen of a certain status. The inferior classes were 6coma airecMa, that is, imjpares curia" Ency- clopcedia Britannica, v. Brehon Law. Harley Charter, 111. B. 49. A.D. 1155. Henry II 'his grant of temporalities to Theobald, archbishop of Canter- bury. H. ]?URH godes gefu sengle landes king gret ealle mine bissceopas 7 ealle mine eorlas 7 ealle mine scire- reuan 7 ealle mine j^einas frencisce 7 englisce . on ]7an sciran \q Teobalt erceli 7 se hiret set xpes chyrchen on Cantuarabirg habbad land inne freondlice 7 ic kej^e eow ^ ic hebbe heom geunnon ^ hi beon ajlc j^are lande wurj^a )7e hi eafdon en Edwardes kinges dege . 7 on Willelmes kinges mines fur)7er ealdefader . 7 on Henrices kinges mines ealdefader . 7 saca 7 socne . on stronde 7 on streame . on wudan . 7 on feldan . tolles 7 theames . grithbriches . 7 hamsocne . 7 forstalles . 7 ifangenes thiafes . 7 fleamene frimtha . ofer heore agene men . binna Burgan 7 butan . swa ful 7 swa GKOUP V. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII. 347 ford swa mine agene Wicneres . hit sechan scolden . 7 ofer swa fele ]7einas swa ich^ heom to leten habban . And ic nelle f eni man enig 'ping per on theo . butan hi 7 heara wicneras . ]?e hi hit betechan willa'S . ne frenciscne ne englisce . for ]7an Jjingan^ )?e ich habbe criste )7as gerichtan forgifan minre Saule to eche alis- endnesse 7 ic nelle ge)?auian "p enig man ]?is abrece bi minan fullen frenscipan. God geau gehealde. Henricus . Rex Angi et Dux Norm et Aqui? et Comes And . Episcopis . Comitibus . Baronibus . Jus- ticiariis . Vicecomitibus. Ceterisque suis fidelibus fran- eis et Anglis in Omnibus Comitatibus in quibus Teobaldus Archiepiscopus et monachi ecclesie xpi Can- tuarie terras habent ? Amicabiliter . salutem. Notum vobis facio me concessisse Teobaldo Archiepiseopo et monaehis Cantuarie omnes terras quas tempore Regis . Edwardi et Regis Willelmi proavi mei et Regis . Hen- rici . avi mei habuerunt et Sacha et Socne . On strande et stream e . On wude et felde . tolnes et theames . et grithbreches . et hamsocne . et forstalles . infangenes thiofes . et flemene frimtha . super suos homines infra Burgos et extra . in tantum et tam pleniter sicut proprii ministri mei exquirere . deberent . et etiam super tot theines? quot eis concessit Rex Willelmus^ proavus mens . Et nolo ut aliquis hominum se intro- mittat nisi ipsi et ministri eorum ? quibus ipsi com- mittere voluerint nee francus . nee x\nglus . propterea quia ego concessi xpo et ecclesie Cantuarie et archiepi- seopo et monaehis suis has libertates et consuetudines pro redemptione anime mee et pro animabus ante- cessorum meorum . Et nolo pati ? ut aliquis eas in- fringat ' si non vult perdere amiciciam meam. Testibus 348 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Philippo episeopo Baiocensi . et Arnulpho Episcopo Lexoviensi . et Theo. ^ Cancellario et Reginaldo Comite Cornubie . et Roberto . Comite Legrecestrensi et H. de Essexa Constabulario * . Apud Eboracum. Endorsed :—*' Carta Regis Henrici .ii. de sacha et socne." *** This was first printed by Mr. de Gray Birch in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol. xi. New Series, p. 312; and since by Mr. Furnivall in " Anglia/' 1884. We may consider this as a genuine original deed of 1155, and as such it is useful for testing the date of copies made in the twelfth century. * Compare the other version. ^ ])amgan MS. (Birch) — ])imgan (Furnivall). * Apparently for Tho. i. e. Thomas Beket, Chancellor ii 54-1 162. * Henry of Essex was disgraced in 1157; and the only time that Henry II. Avas at York before that date was in February 11 55 (Eyton, Itinerary of Henry II.) So this record, if genuine, is fixed to a month. VI. The Sixth Group is chiefly from a singular and remark- able book in the British Museum (Add. MSS. 15,350), commonly known as Codex Wintoniensis. From this fine manuscript Kemble took 185 documents. It belongs to the latter end of the 12th century. Though varying much in quality, it may be characterized generally as exhibiting a scholastic attention to the ancient forms of the language. The study of old models is sometimes overdone ; there are features in the orthography that can only have been derived from examples older even than the originals themselves. Especially is this to be observed in the frequent substitution of ce for plain e ; as if the compilers were anxious to be as archaic as possible, and as if they had old Kentish speci- mens before them. The whole effect of this book is to impress us with the idea (which other writings support) of an Anglosaxon Renaissance at the close of the twelfth century. GKOUP VI. CHARTULARY OF CENTURY XII. 349 Cod. Winton. f. 115 b (collated). A.D. 856-858. K 1057. T. p. 115. -ffiSelwulf of Wessex confirming to the church at Winchester the privilege of Ciltacurab, to be assessed as one hide, because Kinegils gave it to Birinus, and subsequent kings had confirmed it ; because God's land ought to be freer than secular holdings ; because when he was in Rome he had promised this to Leo ; and in this act his son Alfred who travelled with him had also engaged, and had pledged his children (should he have any) to the same obligation. Moreover, the king engages to pay tithe of all his landed estates. On ])3es naman "Se on eces lifes bee on heofonan ]>a awrit "Se her on life wel gecwema^. ic a^ulf kyning-c on "Sysum ge write geswutelie be Ciltacumbes freulse "Sone "Se kynegyls kyningc ]>e serest kininga cristen gewear)? on west sexan his fuUuht faeder see birine biscope ge u]>e. 7 si]?]7an asle ]78era kyninga ])e sefter o^ran on west sexan wseron gefri^odon 7 gefyr'Sredon, peah )7e he^ ser on gewrite ne stode o^ hit to me com J^e nu se nygo)7a kyningc com. Eac ic her geswutelie }78et ic ]7isne freols set foran see petre on rome 7 J?am halgan papan leone swa gefaestnode swa swa me 7 eallan "Seod scype gewear]? on englaland ser ic to rome fore, f wses ]78et mon selles •Sises freolses are sefre for ane hide werian scolde 2. for j?am ]>e godes ar sefre freogre beon sceal ]?onne aenig woruld ar. 7 min sune eac selfred ]>e mid me for . 7 ]78er to kyninge gehalgod wses. ]7an papan on hand gesealde J^set he "Sisne freols sefre gefyrj?rian wolde. 7 his beam . gif hi God senigra geuj7e. to )7am ylcan sprittan wolde. Ic eac . be foran ]?am ylcan papan . ealle J?a land are ^e ic on angla |?eode haefde. gode into halgan stowon. for me 7 for ealle j7eode 350 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. g'eteo'Sode. 7 on Rome, be )?es papan fyrpTunge 7 leaue. mynster ge worhte. Gode to loue . 7 sea marian his halgan meder to wyr]7mynte. 7 J?8er englisce scole gesette . ]?e sefre nihtes 7 dseges for ure ]7eode Gode )7ywian scolde. 7 [7a |?a ic on eard com. ic oncy^de ealle folce hwset ic on rome gedon hsefde. J^a J^ancodan hy }?yses gode 7 me swj'pe georne. 7 heom eall ]7is swy)7e wel licode. 7 cwsedon ]7at heora )7ances )7is on ecnesse stande. " Nu halsie ic ]?urh ]7a halgan J?rimnisse 7 scs petrus 7 ealne J^ane haligdom J7e ic on rome for me 7 for ealne J^eod scype gesohte. ]?et nsefre ne kyningc . ne 3e]7elingc . ne biscop . ne ealdorman . ne fegen . ne gerefa. hine silfne swa earme for wyrce J7set he J?isne freols gelyttlie ]>e be swylcre gewittnesse gefestnod is. buton tweonan se ]7e hit de^ . he abilh-S gode 7 see petre 7 eallan J?am halgan ]>e on romes eyrcean restaj?. 7 him seluan ece helle wite ungesseiiglice getila]?. Eac se halga forsseda papa leo godes curs 7 see petres 7 ealra halgena 7 his on Jjsene gesette ^e yis sefre undo. 7 eac eall J7es ]7eodscype ge on gehadodan ge on Isewedan f ylce dyde . ]>a, ic on gean com 7 him )7is cyj7de. *** This piece is written in a hand which is distinct not only from that of the body of the book, but also from any of the additional entries, of which this is one, near the end of the volume. * Namely, se freols. the privilege. ^ This is the original form of the Latin phrase in Domesday, ** Defendit se pro una hida." Cod. Winton. f. 69 (coUated). A.D. 900. £1077. T.p. 143. Eadweard of Wessex records that in the days of his grandfather ^thelwulf and his father Alfred, it was settled that Alfred should have the GROUP VI. CHARTULARY OF CENTURY XII. 351 land at Ceolselden (Chiseldon, "Wilts), and at Sweores holt (? Sparsholt) on condition that Alfred at his death should leave it to the venerable family at Winchester. But I Eadweard became possessed of these lands by exchange for lo hides at Stoke by Hisseburne including all the men who were on that estate when Alfred went the way of all flesh. Then follows: Haec sunt territoria utriusque terrae. Her synd gewriten ]7a gerihta ]?8e "Sa ceorlas sculan don to Hysseburnan. -^rest set hilcan hiwisce feowerti penega to herfestes emnihte. 7 vi. ciric mittan eala^. 7 iii. ses'Slar hlaf hwetes. 7 iii. seceras, ge erian on heora agenre hwile 7 mid heora agenan sseda gesawan. 7 on hyra agenre hwile on bserene gebringan. 7 J^reo pund gauol bseres. 7 healfne secer gauol msede on hiora agienre hwile. 7 ^set on hreace gebringan. 7 iiii. fo'Sera aclofenas gauol wyda to scid hrsece. on hiora agenre hwile. 7 XVI. gyrda gauol tininga eac on hiora agenre hwile. 7 to Eastran two ewe mid twam lamban. 7 we [tala^] ^ two geong sceap to eald sceapan. 7 hi sculan waxan sceap 7 sciran on hiora agenre hwile. 7 selce wucan wircen "Saet hi man hate butan 'Srim. an to middanwintra. o^eru to Eas[t]ran. 'Sridde to gand- dagan. ©is synd J7a landgemero. ^rest of twufyrde andlang weges to fearnhlince. J7anan andlang weges to aeses beorge. "Sanan on gerihte to J^sere pirigan. )7onne 7lang weges on ceardices beorg. "Sonne on wi'Sig grafe. }?onne on "Sone weg J^e scyt ofer "Sa die. j7onne andlang weges on J^a coppedan ac. ^anan andlang weges o'S he to wuda li'S. ]7onne on gerihte on stodleage su)7ewearde. ]?onne andlang mearc weges. utt wi'S feld beorga. j7onne andlang mearc weges to |7an hagan be suj^an fearn leage. andlang hagan utt to Ubban leage stigele. ]7onne and- 352 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. lang hagan to wocces geate. 'Sanan andlang hagan on tyrwenes sledes heafad. |?onne andlang hagan utt to bitan ^ cnolle on ^one lit hagan. andlang ]78ere j7orn grsefan J^wyres ofer hysseburnan on gosdaene. J^onne andlang J78es weges 'pe li^ andlang gosdaene J^wyres ofer in waldes weg. l?onne andlang weges on J?one beorg set wsecces treowe. "Sanan on butan hig dune ]7ornes to brunes hamme. }7onne andlang hagan to J^am grundeliesan pytte. "Sanan on gerihte andlang hagan to hremmes dene, f andlang hagan on "Ssere ealdan mapolder be su^an tutan msere. |7onne andlang hagan on sot ceorles secer . *Sanan ofer 'Sa dsene upp be wyrt walan. ]7onne on butan ]7one garan on ]7one piwin^lan. "Sonne on butan "Sone garan on "Sone biwindlan "Sonne andlang mearcweges to wifan stocce. Sanan andlang •Sses ealdan weges to bradan lea. "Sonne an weste weard geapan garan. Sanan to )7sere haran apoldre. |7onne ylang die utt on terstan on ]7one syjperan ste'S. )?onne ylang ste}7es. ^ be neoSan beamw^er on ]7one nor]?ere ste}?. andlang staSes seft on twyfyrde. *;i5* This deed is rare and valuable for the record of services due from the peasants ; among which occurs the duty of making enclosures at the proper season of the year. Each is bound to fence sixteen yards in his own time. Cited by Nasse, Community, tr. Ouvry, p. i8; and by Mr. Seebohm, Mnglish Village Com., p. 162, as an instance of servile tenure on an English manor. ^ Conj. K. ^ Mean K. Cod. Winton. f. 59 (coUated). A.D. 879-909. KlOSe. T.p. 147. Denewulf and the Society at Winchester granting Isen-land to king Alfred ; after his day to return to St. Peter. »J< Denewulf bisceop 7 "Sa hywan on Wintanceastre GROUP "VI. CHARTULARY OF CENTURY XII. 353 sen Isena'S ^Ifrede his deg XL. hida landes set Alresforda. sefter }78ere Isena ]7e Tunbryht bisceop ser alende his yldran. 7 agan wes on 'Sset gerad 'pet he gesylle selce geare to hserfestes emnihte Dreo pund to gafole 7 cyre- sceattas 7 cyresceat weorc. 7 J^enne )?8es neod ^ bi'S his menbeon gearuwe ge to ripe ge to hunto'Se. 7 efter his dege gange seo ar^ unbe^flitan into See Petre. ^is synt ]?ara witena handsetena 7 "Sere hina * "Se on l^sere ge^afunge weron. Dset is Denewulf bisceop. and Tata ^ bisceop. and Byrnstan bisceop. and Wighelm dia- conus. and -^]?elstan clericus. and Eadwulf clericus. and ^Ifstan clericus. and Wulfstan clericus. and Wulfric clericus. and Winsige clericus. and Wulfred clericus. and Beorhtsige clericus. and -^Ifsige clericus. and Wulfhelm clericus. and Wulfsige clericus. and Wiglaf clericus. and ^"Selm clericus. and Cynestan clericus. and A'Seric clericus. and Dru^gar clericus. and Wulfred minister, and Beornulf minister, and Winstan minister, and A'Sulf minister. ^ nu^MS. ^"SarMS. ^ umleMS. * "inmates" T. ' According to Stubbs, Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum, there is no bishop of the name of Tata at this period j nor any Byrnstan, except Beornstan, who was Denewulf 's next successor but one. MS. Cod. Winton. f. 32. 23 March, 931. K 1102. iE^elstan rex Anglorum, &e., granting to Abbot iElfric land at Clere, N. Hants. The bounds are as follows. Praedicta siquidem tellus his terminis circumcincta clarescit. JErest on east healfe J^ser Ecelesburna scyt on aleburnan ; and swa su)?weard up andlang Eceles- burnon to J>am mearcbroce ; andlang ]?ere ealdan die to Ceotan stapole ; and of Cseotan stapole to j7on crundele ]>e A a 354 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. se igj; onstent ; and of ]7am crundele on J7aet lange grauet ; of* )7am lange grafette su)7eweardon to j7on hnottan seale on Searleage stent ; of ]7am seale to j7on ipse]fe ; up andlang pa)7es to }78ere apoldre, and be eastan Bunteles pyte for}? to )?am ealdan adfini ; of J>am finie up to ]7am ealdan elebeame ; of J7am elebeame to ]7am hricgwege ongean |7one haran ]7orn ; west andlang weges to ]78ere easteran die ; suj; andlang die on )7one lytlan pa]? ; of ]7am paj^e on gerichte to secges geate ; of secges geate andlang paj^es to hamleas sceagan ; and swa andlang pa]7es on hremres wyr)7e; )?onne utt on )7one herpaj?; j7onne andlang herpa|7es to J^ere ealdan stret on suj7evveardon and on easteweardon ]>ani lande ; and swa west andlang stret to bradan hamme middeweardon ; of bradan hamme up to witan hamme ; of witan hamme on J^one miclan hseslwri)? wij? neo]7on )?8et grafet ; of ]7am hseslwrij^e on gerihte wij? )?8es lytlan stanbeorges up on hseslhille ; of ]?am stanbeorge ofer )7a dene be su]?an hilgrafon to )7on lytlan stanbeorge ; of )?am stanbeorge to ]7on oJ?erum lytlan stanbeorge be eastan hulgrafum ; swa andlang J^aes lytlan hricges be J7ere westmearce op ];one miclan hlinc ; andlang hlinces o]> ]?one lytlan eastlangan hlinc set nor)7eweardon pam miclan hlince; andlang J78es lytlan hlynces )73et ofer |?a dene on J^es hlinces heafod ; up an gemanan hylle ; swa on gerihte norj^east ofer gemanan hylle; to pam herepaj7e J^e scyt to meres byrig ; east andlang herpa)7es to holan wege ; and ny]?er andlang holan weges ; )7onne lij? be westan wege .X. eceras to )?on easteran lande; for]? nor]? and- lang weges to ]?on herepa]?e J?e scyt to ]?3ere byrig to west Clerau ; west andlang herpa]?es to J?ere miclan flodan aet Eadrices coton ; of }?8ere flodan nor}?west to )?8ere miclan apoldre ; west on gerihte wij? su]?an J?a GROUP VI. CHARTULARY OF CENTURY XII. 355 mede ]78et it stica]? to emnes )7am wi);ig }7yfelum be westan fucges flodan ; and ]>er nor]? ofer }7a mede ; and went "per eastweard ; and swa be nor)7an fucges flodan to rugan hlince ; and swa nor)? be rugan hlince ; of rugan hlince nor]?eweardne ; and J^er east hwon to fere broc rife ; )?8et nor]? andlang broces to J?ere ri]7e )7e scyt east andlang dene be nor)7e beorh dune o]? to emnes ]>es hlinces heafde ; and }?er up ]78et nor)? andlang iE|7eles wyr]7e on gerihte to ealdan wyrj7e su]7eweardne to ]?on j7ornum ; nor]? on gerihte wi]? westan ealdan wyr)7e to ]?on lytlan grafette up on wuncges dune ; and )7er west hwon to ]?on nor]?langan grafette ; fast nor)? to ]?ere lytlan die set ]?am crundelum ; swa nor)7east to )?8ere lytlan ri)?e ; of )?ere ri)>e nor)?eweardre on riht to gosleage wege to wuda ; andlang weges to Cleran finie ; )?8et to ]?8ere gemearcodan sefsan ; of )?ere gemear- codan sefsan to J?on readan slo ; of )?am slo to )?on rihte treowe set gosleage wicum westeweardon ; of )?am treowe to )?ere wican set ]?am boxe ; of ]?am boxe to J?sere gemearcodan sec set alerburnan ; set )?am lytlan egilande set westeweardon and set nor]?eweardon )?sere landmearce ; and swa be nor]?an )7am lande east andlang alerburnan ]?set hit stica)? set Eclesburnan on easte- weardon and on nor)?eweardon )>8ere mearce )7isses forecwe)?enan landes. *** Euhric. Dis is seo landboc .x. hydse to Clearan )je -^EJdelstan cing bocodae -^Ifricae biscope on ece yrf se. Cod. Winton f. 92 (collated). 16 Dec. 934. KlllO. ^•Selstan to the church of the Holy Trinity in Winchester. >I« Regnante et moderante domino nostro Ihesu A a :2 356 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS, Christo ! Ego iE^elstanus rex et rector totius huius Britanniae insulaej largiente domino et omnibus eius Sanctis, has terras dono aeternaliter familiae aecclesiae sanctae trinitatis quae est in Wintonia ciuitate, intus ad refectorium fratribus et ad uestimenta; sed et qui- cunque episcopus qui tunc superfuerit illiusque aecclesiae regimen teneat, eos de suis propriis episcopalibus uillis pleniter pascat, sicut ab antiquis temporibus illi honora- bili familiae a uenerabilibus patribus constitutum fuit. Haec autem sunt nomina uillarum huius meae dona- tionis ; hoc est in monasterio quod ab incolis Enedford nuncupatur .xxx. cassatas et in uilla quae uocitatur Ceolbaldinctun .X. mansas, itemquein uilla quae dicitur ^scmeres weor]? .x. cassatos. Et praecipio in nomine sanctae et indiuiduae trinitatis ut hae supranominatae terrae sint aeternaliter liberae ab omni iugo terrenae seruitutis, excepto expeditione, et arcis pontisque con- structione. Necnon et hoc praecipio in nomine omni- potentis dei, quod nullus rex aut episcopus, uel aliquis alius potens, sit tarn audax ut huius meae donationis condictum commouere seu confringere praesumat. Uolo itaque ut haec supradicta familia semetipsam pro me tribus diebus in anno pascat, hoc est in festiuitate Omnium sanctorum, et quamdiu ehristianitas perman- serit in hac insula sint illi mei intercessores ad dominum. Si quis uero banc meam donationem adaugera uoluerit, adaugeat deus praemium eius in regno coelorum. Si quis autem instituerit minuere, minuatur merces eius in regno dei, nisi prius cum satisfactione emendauerit. Necnon et praecipio ut omnes eorum terrae quas mei consanguinei seu aliqui fideles illis dederunt in hac eadem libertate sint. Hoc uero constitutum fuit in regali uilla quae ab omnibus From nuncupatur, anno GROUP VI. CHARTULAEY OF CENTURY XII. 357 dominicae incarnationis .dcccc.xxxiiii. indictione .vii. .XVII* kalendas lanuarii, cum eorum testimonio quorum nomina infra conscripta uidentur. ^is syndon J^ara .XXX. hida gemsera to Enedforda. ^rest of afenan east staj78e upp on )7a die to ]7am weallum ; of ]?am weallon andlang hserpa]78es into lortan hlsewe ; Of lortan hlsewse east andlang furh on ceaster herpa]? ; of J?am haerpa)78e andlang furh on dolh crundsel : of dolh crun- dsele for J; andlang wseges on ]7one 8e)?enan byrigsels ; of )7am byrigelsse to 'psere readan lianse ; Of ]?8ere readan hanse andlang strset on igean sea)? ; of igean sea]73e on ]7one greatan hling ; of ]7am hlince andlang drafse on ]?on8e hlinc set wad dsense ; Of wat dsene andlang furh on ]7on8e rugan beorg ; of ]>am rugam beorge andlang furh toamwican; ofamwican toblacandsenae ; of blacan dsense andlang street on j7one ford ; Of ]>am forda 7 lane streames on J7on8e bradan igeo}? ; of ]7am igeoj^e andlang streames to )78ere ealdan die set hrisc steorte ; of ];am hrise steorte on ]7one greatan hlinc ; Of J?am greatan hlincse. andlang fyrh on J^onse ruge sled ; of ]7am rugan slede on )7one flit garan ; of ]?am flit garan on fitelan sladses crundsel ; Of ]?am crundsele ylang ]?8es smalan weges on ];a rugan hylle, set jjsere ealdan furh ; andlang furh to );am ealdan lagan ; of )7am ealdan lagan to sescdsene ; of sesedsene andlang ]?ses smalan weges to rodmundes dsene ; on ]78es hlinces heafod ; Of ]7ses hlinces heafdae ylang )78es smalan weges on J^onse flit garan ; of "pam garan ylang J^sere ealdan die on ]7on8e wide geat ; Of ]?am widan geate forj? to ]7am heafod stocean ; )7anon ylang die on Randa ford. •I* Ego ^j^elstanus Angul-Saxonum neenon et totius Brittanniae rex, gratia dei regni solio sublimatus, signo sanctae crucis hoc corroboraui et confirmaui. 358 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. ►I* Ego Huwal subregulus. »JI< Ego Wulfstan archiepiscopus. >J< Ego Deodred episcopus. >J< Ego Wulfhun episcopus. ►$< Ego ^Ifheah episcopus. >J< Ego Oda episcopus. >^ Ego Alfred episcopus. i^ Ego ^Ifheah episcopus. »I< Ego ^Jjselgar episcopus. ►{< Ego Burgric episcopus. 1^ Ego Cenwald episcopus. >{< Ego ^Ila episcopus. t^t Ego Wynsige episcopus. t^t Ego Tidhelm episcopus. >J< Ego Cynesige episcopus. ►{< Ego Wulfhelm epis- copus. »J« Ego Alfred episcopus. >{< Ego ^Ifwald dux. >I< Ego -^J?8elstan minister. >J« Ego Odda minister. >^ Ego ^)78elstan minister. >J< Ego Wulf- helm minister. >J« Ego ^Ifhere minister. >^ Ego -^Ifheah minister. »J< Ego Wulfsige minister. >^ Ego Wulfgar minister. >{< Ego iE]?elmund minister. >i. Ego Wulfgar minister. ►!< Ego Wulflaf minister. ►Ji Ego Wulfmer minister. >J< Ego ^Ifheah minister. >J« Ego ^Ifric minister. >i« Ego Wulfno); minister. >{« Ego iE)?elstan minister. >I< Ego Eadric minister. *** Rubric. f>is is )5ara .xxx. hida boc to Enedforda, and })ara .x. set Ceolboldincgtune and )>ara .x. set ^scmaeres wyrjje. I)onum M}pe\- stani regis. The same in Saxon. Mid Godses gifse ! le ^j^elstan Ongol-Saxna cyning and. brytsenwalda eallses Jjyses iglandaes, )7urh Godses saslene and ealra his halegra, )7as land secelice saelle into sanctse trinitatan ]7am hiwum to hira beodlandae and to hregltalae ; ]78et is J^onnae set Enedforda .xxx. hida, and set Ceolbaldinctuna .x. hidae, and set ^scmseres weor)78e .x. hida. And ic wulla J^set )7as land ]?urhwunien on secelecum freodomse from seghwelcum eorj^lecum J^eowdomse, butan firdse and fsestsengewaeorcae, and GROUP VI. CHARTULAKY OF CENTURY XII. 359 biycggewseorce ; and ic bebeodge on Godses selmilitiges naman )7aet nau]?8er nse sie to j7on gedurstig-, ne cyning-, nae bisceop, ne nanes hades man, ^set ]7as minse gife onwsendae o^psd gewanie ; and ic wille J^et J7a hiwan selce gere gefermien for mse hie selfse )7rie dagas to Omnium sanctorum, and ahwilse )?8e Cristendom sie fullicse mid hira godcundnessae for me sien. And gif hwa )7as minse gife ecan vvillse, iecse God his on hsefaena rice ; and gif hit hwa )7onne wanige J^set he hit nsefre nse gebaete ser aetforan Cristes J^rymsetlse, nymj?ae he hit mid weor)7elicre dedbote gebaete. And ic wille J^aet ealra hira beodland ]7ae mine magas J^ydaer seal don beon on J7am ylcan freodomse, and se ]78et sae bisceop a )7aB |7aer j^onne sie him do hira fullan fostaer butan hira beodlandum of his bisceop hamum. pis waes gesaet on Jjara cynelicun hamae aet Fromae, on .xvii. kalendas lanuarii, indictione .vii. J7u gere ye waes agangen from Cristes acennednesse .dcccc.xxxiiii. wintra, on ]7yssae gewitnessae J78e hira naman haeron awritenae sint. »^ ^]7elstan Ongol-Saxna cyning and brytenwalda ealles ]7yses iglandaes J7urh Godaes gifae ]7is gesaette and gefaestnedae mid Cristaes rodae tacnae. >I< Huwal undercyning. >J< Wulfhelm arcebisceop. >J< Wulf- stan arcebisceop. >{< peodred bisceop. >J< Wulfhun bisceop. 1^ ^Ifheah bisceop. >I< Oda bisceop. i^ Alfred bisceop. >J< iElfheah bisceop. >{< MpelgSLT bisceop. >J< Burhric bisceop. t^ Cenwald bisceop. ►i« ^lla bisceop. >J< Wunsige bisceop. >I< Tidhelm bisceop. 1^ Cynaesige bisceop. >^ Wulfhelm bisceop. >I< ^Ifraed bisceop. >{« ^Ifwald ealdorman. >J< ^J^el- stan minister. »{< Odda minister. >J< iE]7elstan min- ister. 1^ Wulfhelm minister. >{< iElfhaere minister. ►!< ^Ifheah minister. >J< Wulfsige minister. >{< Wulf- 360 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. gar minister. >J< jE)?elmund minister. >J< Wulfgar minister, t^t Wulflaf minister. >J< Wulfmser minister. >J« iElfheah minister, i^t iElfrie minister. >J« Wulfrie minister. >{< WulfnoJ? minister. >I< ^)>elstan minister. >I« Eadric minister. >}< ^Ej^elwald minister. >{< Wigar minister. >{< Wulfrie minister. >{< ^Ifsige minister. >I« iElfsige minister. i^ iElfhaere minister. »J< ^f el- gerd minister. *** A fine example of the An^lo- Saxon studies kept up at Win- chester in the twelfth century. The translation of rector totius huius Britannise insulse into brytsenwalda eallses "Syses iglandaes is happily characterised by Mr. J. R. Green as "an instance of the literary archaism and affectation of the time" {The Conquest of England (1883), p. 241), a remark which is equally applicable, though with a dif- ference, both to the time of the purported date, that is the tenth century ; and to the time of the manuscript, that is the latter part of the twelfth century. Cod. Winton. f. 85a (collated). A.D. 946-955. K1173. T.p. 499. M^g\wo\6. ealdorman his will. The writing contains only a portion of the Will ; the rest being nuncupatory. It is noticeable that laen-lands are treated as hereditary and testamentary. Her geswutelad ]7aet Eadred cing geu)7e )78et land set Wilig. })a twelf hida. to scrud fultume ^ J^am hirede into Ealdan mynstre. Leof ^ JE)7ELW0LD ealdarman cy)? his leofan cyne hlaforde Eadred cynge hu ic vville ymbe )7a landare )?e ic aet mine hlaforde geearnode. ^rest Gode 7 ]78ere halgan stowe set )7am bisceop stole set Wintanceastre J>am bisceope 7 J^am hiwum J^set land set Wilig. ]7a twelf hida. to scrud fultume. )78et hi me on heora gebedd . redenne hsebben. swa swa ic him to gelyfe. 7 )7am GROUP VI. CHARTULARY OF CENTURY XII. 361 cinge minne hseregeatwa.^ feower sweord. y feower spsera. 7 feower scyldas. 7 feower beagas. twegen on hund twelftigum mancosun. 7 twegen on hund eahta- tigum. 7 feower hors. 7 twa sylfrene fata. 7 minum Lre^er eadrice ]>2et land set Oceburnan. 7 set secseesdune. 7 set cegham. 7 set wessinga tune.* 7 -^]7elsfcane minae brewer yet land set bradan wsetere. 7 ]>et set Niwan tune. 7 ^Ifsige mine bre'Ser suna J?et land set carcel. 7 ^Ifstanes suna mines broj7or ]78et land set Cleran. 7 eall Jjset yrfe )?se ic hsebbe on Isene lendum. ponne wylle ic J7set Jjset sie gedeled for mine sawle swa swa ic nu j^am freondum ssede )7se ic to sprsec. ^ Compare the allowances for livery in the mediaeval college statutes ; they were continued in some colleges almost if not quite down to our times. Stubbs, Const. Hist. iii. 531. ^ Mr. Thorpe takes Leof as a prenomen j I take it as an epistolary address to the king = Sire, My lord. ^ Here Mr. Thorpe remarks that had Mr. Hallam known this and other like texts, he would not in his "Middle Ages" have put the earliest trace of the heriot in the reign of Canute. The heriot was only defined by Canute. * Is Wessingatun the same as Wassingtun granted by Eadred to Eadric A.d, 947 ? Or, if Wassingtun is Washington by Steyning (Suss.) — is Wiston, close by there, possibly our Wessingatun ? Cod. Winton. f. 111b. A.D. 985. K652.* -ffil^elred granting his faithful friend iElferd 11 mansse set Micla- mersce (Michelmarsh near Eomsey, Hants). »{« MuNDUS iste transibit et qui eum diligit, qui dominum diligit manebit in aeternum ! Sic diligendus est mundus ut nullus abutatur eo ; male utitur mun- do ille qui philargyriam retinet in clauso uiscere tan- quam heram principalem, quia mundana retinendo 362 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. minuiintur, tribuendo multiplicantur, intonante apo- stolica fone, ' Quid habes, quod non accepisti ? ' Si acce- pisti, quid inde gloriaris quasi non acceperis ? ' Adeo deeantante psalmigrapho, 'Domini est terra et pleni- tudo eius, orbis terrarum et uniuersi qui habitant in eo.' Quamobrem ego ^}7elredus rex Anglorum prae- noscens quorsum praedicta tendant, scilicet ad dili- gendos homines bonis moribus adornatos, concedo cui- dam meo amico fideli nomine JElferd quandam telluris particulam, id est .xi. mansas in loco uulgari uocita- mine set Mielamersce, quatinus uita comite habeat ac perenniter possideat ; cum autem interitum com- munem aduenire cognouerit, cuicunque sibi libuerit haeredi post se commendet in propriam haereditatem. Sit autem praedicta tellus libera ab omni saeculari offendiculo, cum omnibus quae ad ipsa loca pertinere dinoscuntur, tam in magnis quam in modicis rebus, campis, pascuis, pratis, siluis, exceptis istis tribus, expeditione, pontis arcisue coaedificatione, anathema- tis antiquis cartulis, ita ut nichil ualeant ultra, etiam si iterum emergant. Hanc uero meam donationem cupientes minuere uel mutare uel frangere habeant portionem cum illis quibus dicitur, 'Diseedite a me operarii iniquitatis in flammas ignium.' nisi prius poe- nitentiae digna satisfactione emendent. Est autem praedictum rus talibus circumdatum terminis. -^rest of Terstan upp on Iww cumb ; of Iwwa cumbe on waen- hyrste ; of wseuhyrste on ]?one ealde iw ; J^onone of )?on iwe to Lullan setle ; of Lull an setle to beocera gente ; of beocera gente to horsweges heale ; of hors- weages heale to seppen lega ; of hseppen lege to Hig- solon ; of Higsolon on fsestan ao ; of fsestan ac on feora burnan aewylman ; of feora bur nan to ceomman GROUP VI. CHARTULARY OF CENTURY XII. 363 briege ; of ceomman bricge to wyrtwalun ; up be wyrtwalun oj? Cerswyll ; of Cseorswylle up to )?am ellene ; of )?am ellene to popul finige ; of popul finige to Lambhyrste ; of Lambhyrste to huntan wican ; j7onone eft on Terstan. Anno dominicae incarnationis. .DCCCC.LXXXV. his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina caraxantur. ►J< Ego iE]?elredus rex Anglorum huius donationis libertatem regni totius fastigium tenens libeuter con- cessi. >I< Ego Dunstanus Doruernensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus cum signo sanctae crucis roboraui. >J< Ego Oswoldus Eboracensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus crucis taumate adnotaui. >{< Ego ^Ifegus Wintoni- ensis praesul confirmaui. >J« Ego ^Ifstanus Lundoni- ensis praesul corroboraui. ►!< Ego ^J?elwine dux. ►{< Ego BryhtnoJ? dux. >J* Ego ^J?elweard dux. >J< Ego jElfric dux. Cod. Winton. f. 104. A.D. 987. £658. iE^elred king of the English, grants to his huntsman Leofwine portions of land at Westwood and Farleigh (Hants). In the bound- aries mention is made of Common land. pis syndon ]7a landgsemaero to Westwuda and to Cissanhammse. ^rest on Stanford ; of Stanforda andlang streamaes on Igford ; of Igforda on bserse haehgae ; andlang haegses on Afonae ; up bae straBamae on Windaerlaeh maed ; of J^aerae maed east onbutan cading laegae on hramaes hangran ; of )7am hangran sup to )7aere straet on )7a streatan hly wan ; of ]7aere hlywan suj? onbutan faers scagan on ]7a die ]?aet hit cymj? to ]?aere rodae ; J?anon on crawan ac ; of ]7aere aec aeft on Stanford ; 364 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. I^onnae licgeaj? J7a )7reo gyrda on ofsere haealfse fromae set Ffearnlseagse on gaemsenum landse. *** Rubric. — Dis is ^ara .iii. hida land hoc vet Westwuda and Sara .111. gyrda set Fearnlege Se iESelred cing gebocode Leofwine his huntan on ece yrfe. Cod. Winton. f. 4b. A.D. 996. K 1291. iE^elred basileus Anglorura adjudges to the church of SS. Peter and Paul at Winchester, at the request of Bp. -^Ifheah, a certain ' haga ' which a lady of the name of ^IfswytS had granted for that service, but her intention had been fraudu- lently defeated. The boundaries are interesting for the names of streets in Winchester. Dis is ]7es bagan embegang J>e ^]7elred cing geuj7e into Ealdan mynstre, ofer Wulfsiges dseg preostes. iErest fram Leofan bagan west andlang cypstrsete oj? hit cymj? to fl8es[c]mangere strsete ; andlang flsesc- mangara strsete ]?et it cymj? to scyldwyrhtana strsete ; andlang scyldwyrhtana strsete east eft }73et hit cym)? to Leofan bagan. *^* Rubric : — J>is is ^aes hagan boo on Winceastre and ^es healfan weres aet Braegentforda and ^ses aecersplottes Se Saerto US, fSe JESelred cyning geuSe God elmihtigum and his halgan apostolan Petre and Paule into Ealdan mynstre on ece inhymesse. Harley Charter 43 C. 4. Before 991 ^ Bibl. Publ. Camb. Ff. 2. 33. K685. T. p. 519. B. iii. 35. -ffillflSBd her Will. Begins by reciting that of ^f>elfl8ed, the second GEOUP VI. CHARTULARY OF CENTURY XIT. 365 queen of Eadmund. In Sax. Chron. D. 946, she Is called 'JEj^elflsed of Domerham,' and that estate comes first in the dispositions of this Will. The estate of Charlesworth was conveyed to iEJ^elflsed in 962. Above, p. 200. The ortho- graphy reminds us of Cod. Winton. pis is sej^elflsed'e' cwyde "p is gsrest f ic gean minii hlaforde ]7es landes set lamburnan 7 J^aes aet ceolsige 7 set readingan . 7 feower beagas on twam hund mancys goldes . 7 . iiii . pellas . 7 . iiii . cuppan . 7 . iiii . bleda . 7 . iiii . hors . 7 ic bidde minne leonan hlaford for godes lufan . f min cwyde standan mote . 7 ic nan o^er nebbe geworht on godes gewitnesse . 7 ic gean J78es landes aet domar hame into glestinga byrig , for sedmundes cinges sawle . 7 for aeadgares cinges . 7 for mire sawle . 7 ic gean ]7es landes set hamme into cristas cyrcan . aet cant- warebyrig for eadmundaes cinges sawle . 7 for mire a sawle . 7 ic gean ]>es landes . aet wude ham baeorhtno'Se . e aealdormen . 7 mire swustaer hyre daeg . 7 ofor hire deg into sea marian cyrcan . aet byorcingan . 7 ic gean )7eV landes . aet bed ham baeorhtno^ae ealdormen . 7 mire swuster haeora daeg . 7 aefter haeora daege into paulus byrig aet lundaenae . to bisceop hamae . 7 ic gean J^aes landaes . aet dictunae into ylig to scae ae}7ael(5ry^ . 7 to hire geswustran . 7 ic gean |?ara twegra landa aet coh- hanfeldaea 7 aet caeorles vveorj^e baeorhtno^ae aealdormen . 7 mirae swus? hire daeg . 7 ofer hire daeg into scae ead- mundes stowe to byderices wyr^e 7 ic ^ge'an ]?aes landes set fingringaho baeorhtno^e aealdermen 7 mire swust hirae deg 7 ofer hire daeg into scae paetres cyrcan aet myres igae . 7 ic gaean J^aes landes aet polstede baeorht- no'Se aealdormaen . 7 mire swus? hire deg . 7 ofor hira daeg into stocy . 7 ic gaean ]7aes landaes aet hwifersce into 366 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. stocy ofer minnae deg* 7 ic gsBan bseorhtno'Sge sealdermen . 7 mire svvus? j^ses landes set street forda hire dseg" . 7 ofer hire dseg . ic his gsean into stocy . 7 ic willae f lauan ham ga into stoce ofser ]7es aealdermannes daeg . 7 mire svvust . 7 ic gean j^ses landes set byliges dynse into stocy ofer )78es sealdermanes dseg . 7 mire swus? . 7 ic gean a ]7ara landa set peltendune . 7 et my res ige . 7 set gren- stede into stocy ofer minnse dseg . 7 ofer bseorhtno^es aealdormannses . 7 ofser mire swust . 7 ic gean J^es landes set ylmesseton beorhtno^e sealdormen . 7 mire swust hira dseg . 7 ofair hira dseg . ic his gsean seadmundse . 7 ic an ]78erse . arse hide set )?orp8e into hedlsege . for mire sawle . 7 for mira eldrena ofer [minne dseg] 7 ic gean 'Ssera .x. hida set wicforda sibrihte minii msegse ofer minne dseg . 7 ic gean segwinae minii gersefan . )7ara . uii . hida set hed ham ofer minne ^ deg . swa hit on seald dagu gestod . 7 ic gaean brihtwolde minii cnihtse ]7ara twegra hida . on dunninc lande ofer minnse dseg . 7 ic an alfwolde minii preoste twsegra hida on dunning lande ofer minne dseg . 7 ic gean aejjselmaere minii prseoste twsegra hida on dunning landse ofser ^ minne dseg . 7 ic gsean selfgseate minii megse . twegra hida on dunning lande ofar minnse daeg . ic gsean "Sses landses set wsealdinga fselda crawa mira magan ouser minnse dseg . 7 ic wille f man frigse haealue mine men on elcii tune for mine sawlse . 7 f man dele seal healf f yrue f ic hsebbse on selcu tune for naire sawle. iElflsed gseswytela]? on ]7is gewrite hu hseo wile habban gefadad hirse sehta for gode . 7 for worldse . serest f ic an minu hlaforde J7ara . viii . landa sef t minii dege f is erest set douorcortae . 7 set fulanpettse . 7 set seles- forda . 7 set stanwa^gun . 7 set byrsetune . 7 set Isexadyne . GROUP VI. CHARTULARY OF CENTURY XII. 367 7 set ylmessetun . 7 set bucyshealse . 7 twsegra bselia on twera punda gewihte . 7 twa sop cuppan . 7 an sseolfran fset; 7 J78e leof seadmodlice bidde for godes luuan . 7 for mines hlafordaes sawle lufan . 7 for minrse swystor sawlae lufan ^ ]>\i amundie J7a halgan stovvae et stocae ]78e mine o yldran on resta}? . 7 ]>a are ]>3d hi fider insseaden a to freogon godses rihte ; f is ]7onne f ie gean aealswa mine yldran his 'er' gsdupsm f is ]7onne f land set stoce into ]7erse halagan stowse . 7 seal f f ]78er to tunse gsehyr^ . 7 ]7onse wuda set hsej^fselda ]78e min swystar g8eu]7se . 7 mine yldran . ]7onn synd J^is J7a land ]78e minse yldran }78erto bsecwaedon ofser minre swystor dseg . 7 ofser minne . f is "Sonne stredfordse . 7 fresantun . 7 wiswyj7etun . 7 lauanham . 7 byliesdyne . 7 polstyde . 7 wifaermyrsc . 7 grsenstydae . 7 peltandune . 7 myrsesegse . 7 ^ wudse- land set totha ]7se min fseder geiifise into myresise . 7 colne . 7 tigan ; ]?onn synd )7is J^a land ]7e minse yldran becwsedon into oj^rii halgii stowii . f is j7onfi into cant- warabyrig to cristses circan J?an hired to brece |7es landes set illanlege 7 into paules mynstre into lundene . }?es lan^des' set hedha to biscop hame . 7 )?es landes set tid- woldingtune )7an hirede to brece into paules mynstre . 7 into beorcingan |7a hirede to brece |7es landes set babbing j^yrnan . 7 ic gean selfJ^VseSe minses hlauordses medder wuduhamses seftser minu dsege . 7 set? hirse dege gange hit into sea marian stowse into beorcingan sealswa hit stsent mid msete . 7 mid mannu ; 7 ic gsean into see aeadmunde . ]7ara twegra landa cseorles weor]7ae . 7 co- chanfelde fam hirsede to brece sealswa mine yldran his er geu]?an 7 J^ses landes set ^h'nyddinge seftser crawan degse mirse magan . 7 ic gsean into myresie . seft minii degse ealswa mm hlaford . 7 min swes? geu)?an . *p is 368 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. fingringaho . 7 )7ara six hida 'pse f mynstser onstent ; 7 ic gsean eflaer crawan dege 'pes landes set wealdinga felda into su^byrig to scse gregoriae ealswa min swestar hit er foraewyrde ; 7 ic gean into selig scse petre . 7 scse 8e|78eldry)7e . 7 see wihtburhe . 7 scse sexburhe . 7 see seormenhilde per mines hlafordes lichoma rest )7ara j7reo landa pe wit buta geheotan gode . 7 his halga^ . ^ is set rettendune pe wes min morgangyfu . 7 set ssegha . 7 set dietune ealswa min hlaford . 7 min swsestar his er geupan . 7 J7ar8e anre hide set cseafle pe min swystar begeat . 7 ]?es bseahges gemacan pe man ssealde minii hlaforde to sawle seseatte . 7 ic gean se^Selmsere sealdorm J7es landes set lellinge ofer mine deg mid mete . 7 mid mannii sealswa hit stent on ]7et gerad f he beo on minu life min fulla freond ^ . 7 forespreca . 7 mira manna . 7 efter minii dege beo J^ara halgan stowe . 7 |7erse are ful- freond ^ 7 forespeca set stocse pe mine yldran onrestaj? . 7 ic gean }?es landes set lissingtune e'Selmere mines hlafordes mege mid mete . 7 mid mannii ealswa hit stent . 7 hine eadmodlice biM'de ^ he min fulla freond ^ . 7 mundiend beo on minii dege . 7 ef? minii dege gefelste f min cwide 7 mira yldran standan mote ; ]7is sind ]?a land mearca to byligesdyne . of ^a human set humelcyrre . fra humel- cyrre to heregeres heafode . fra heregeres heafode sef ? 'Sa ealdan hege to "Sare grene sec . ]7on forS f hit cym^ to jjare stan strsete . of ]7are stan strsete 7lang sorybbe f hit cym^ to acantune fra acyntune f hit cymS to rigendune fra rigindune seft to |?ara burn an . 7 ];ser is . landes fif hida . pis sind pa. land gemsera to hwifer mirsce 7 to polestede . of loppandyne to scelfleage fra leage to mercyl 7lang mercyle into sture . 7lang sture to leofmannes gemsere 7lang leofmannes gsemsere to amalburnan fra amalburnan to nor'Sfelda . ^oii for^ GROUP VIT. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 369 t to bind hsecce . fra bind hsecce to dudan hsecce . fra tudan hsecce to giddincgforda fra giddingforda to hniit- stede fra hunt stede to hwitincgho fra hwitingho to wudemannes tune . fra wudemannes tune to caeresige gaemaere . fra cseresige gemaere to haedleage gemaere . fra haedleage gaemaere to bligba gemaere . fra hligha gemaere eft to loppandyne . to hwifraemera . . landes 7 . . . g . ^e sex *** Endorsed in a 12th century hand, ^^Iflaed CeorlesworS'e and Cokefelde.' B. ^ This will is by T. dated* circa 972'; by B. 'after 991.' But if the Byrhtno'S so often named is the hero of Maldon, then the date must be before or in 991, unless we take 993 as the date of that battle. '^ miminne MS. ^ of(2 MS. * The -n final is dropped. » fwUafreod MS. ^ fulfreod MS. VII. This group is from a Manuscript in the Parker Library at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge : No. cxi. described by Wanley, p. 149 ; the contents of which are as Kennett says 'principally matters appertaining to the Monastery of Bath.' I add some particulars for which I am indebted to Professor Skeat. The book is in good eaily writing to p. 129, of which the earliest part is pp. 55-129; at p. 116 (back) is the date 1136. On p. 131 is the date 1258. At the end are some paper leaves which go to the 15th century. C. C. C. Camb. cxi. 139. About 938. K356. Athelstan granting to ^Ifheah his faithful thane land, ubi ab incolis nominatur Feornbeorgan, of which the bounds are as follows. Dis sindan ^a landgemsero "Se to Fearnbeorgan B b 370 SECOND AKY DOCUMENTS. gebyriaS. Of Fearnbeorge west on 'Sone weg to 'Sam stanum ; of 'Sam stanum suS on "Sone weg o'S "Sa and- heafda ; of Sam andheafdum on "Sa hlincrsewe up to •Ssere die be nor'San stodfaldon; Sonne forS on "Sa die to m^erflodan be eastan lillinglea; Sonne foi"S andlang 'Sees suSeran weges o'S 'Sset lang trew ; Sonne forS west on Sone weg ofer Beoeumb to 'Sam stancrundle ; ^onne nor^ on Sone smalan weg wiS eastan brocenan beorg to "Sam wege ^ser east ligS ; "Sonne forS on "Sone weg to cytelflodan be westan mules cumbe ^£er ■Sa wegas twisliga'S ; Sonne for'S to Scyldmere ; "Sonne for'S on Sa furh to fureumbe ; andlanges furcumbes middeweardes to "S^ere dene ; Sonne forS on "Sa denu to Ssera wega gemySan ; "Sonne for'S to "Sam hwitan wege to "Sam baran ]7orne ; of Sam hwitan wege on Fearnbeorg, and se leag be eastan catmere "Se Sserto gebyre"S ; "Sset is on "Sone wege "Se liS to Stanleage ; Sonne forS si'S^an su^ on 'Sone stanihtan weg ; of Stanmeringa gemsere ; Sonne forS on Sone smalan weg to Sam fulan wege se hatte stific weg ; Sset is Cat- mseringa gemsere and 'Sses landes to Fearnbeorgan ; "Sonne forS andlang Sses weges ut on Sone felde ; and "Sonne ealle Sa hangran betweonan "Sam wege and ■Sam ^e to Stanleage ligS gebyria'S ealle to Fearne- beorgan. C. C. C. Camb. cxi. 143. A.D. 949. K424 (App. vol. vi.) Eadred his confirmation of land granted to iEJ^elmser. This docu- ment has much that is curious and suspicious ; e. g. the signature, "Osulf ad Bebbanburh heahgerefa " (Freeman, GROUP VII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 371 Norman Conquest, i. p. 292): the name of Csedmon, which occurs in one other record, viz. K4 1 1 . >J< Perpetuae prosperitatis priuilegium quod constat coelesti paradiso sublimatum sanctae Trinitatis dei mo- narchia gubernat magnopere : quae quoque deitatis essentia terrenae haereditatis patrimonium cunctis prae- stat, prout uult, promerentibus. Hoc apparet procul- dubio in rege Anglorum gloriosissimo beato dei opere praetio Eadredo ; quern Noi-Shymbra paganorumque seu caeterarum sceptre prouinciarum rex regum omnipotens sublimauit, quique praefatus imperator semper dec grates dignissimas larga manu subministrat. Cuius regis largitatem ^|?elm8erus praeses iam prouulgat de perenni usurpatione terrarum, quern denique honorifice locupletat, sibi suisque haeredibus liberaliter largiendo, praeter urbis atque pontis constructionem expedition - isque obsequio. Ast sequitur terminatio uiginti ma- nentium ad Cetwuda 7 aet Hildes dune hoc modo. Dis seond 'Sa londgemseru "Sses londes get Cetwuda and ffit Hildesdune. ^rest on "Sa halgan sec ; swa ollonc "Sses gemserheges to "Sgem slo set "Ssem more ufewerdan ; of 'Sam more on dunes pyt ; "Sonon ]7urh Wippan hoh ; 'Sset swa be 'Ssem gretan wyrtruman on 'Sone holan weg ; on "Sone 6'Serne weg to "Sam rugan hlawe ; 'Sonan on gerihte on "Saet lytle ri'Sig ; "Sset swa on Offan pol ; up ollonc streames on bylian pol ; "Sonan up ofer 'Sa msed "Sset swa be "Sara andheafdan on 'Sset sic ; iip of "Ssem sice to Cufanlea, on "Sa die to "Sam readan slo ; "Saet swa on "Sane lytlan die ; "Sonon on "Sone 6'Serne die ; "Sset swa ollonc "Saes gemsere heges onbutan Hreodlege ; "Sset swa on •Sone mserhege ^e sceot to 'Ssere halgan see. Jjis lond aelfstan said 3e]7elflede wi'S )78em. Huius certe codicis conscriptio peracta est anno dominicae incarna- B b 2 372 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. tionis DCCCC.XLViiii et tertio praefati regis anniculo, tali optimatum stabilitate conscribentium. >J« Eadred rex et rector. >J< Oda aercabis. >J< Wulf- stan archiepiscopus. ►J* Deodred pontifex. ►J* ^Ifheh praesul. t^ ^Ifric et Wulfsige episcopi. >J< Alfred antistes. i^ ^}?elgar pontifex. ^ Koenwald monachus. ^ Wulfhelm bis. >J« Cynsige consul. >^ Aldred epi- scopus. >J< ^J?elwald praesul pontificale cum augusto eulogiam cum iubilando dogmatizaui o Ead- geofu felix. t^ Howel regt. >{< Morcant >J« Cadmon. >I« Osulf ad bebb. hebgr. >J< ^)?elstan dux. 1^ Urm eorl. atque Coll.^ ►!< Alhbelm comes. »{« Ubtred eorl. 7 grim. >^ -^J;elmund alderman. >I« Eadric princeps. >{< Scule eorl. >{< ^Elfgar comes. uElfstan miles 7 Eadmund J?egn. ^Ifsige miles 7 Wulfric fegn . BerhferS miles regis. Wigstan abbud 7 Aldredus . Dunstan abbud. >J< Eadhelmus 7 ^Ej^elgeard. Berhtsige miles. >J< ^'E]7elm8er praeses . ^Ifheah miles 7 Eadsige. Hi porro praefati primates regale prae- rogatiuum scribendo consignabant cum triumphali uex- illo solidantes. Omnes sancti dei beatificent hoc bene- ficium stabiliter conseruantes. Si qui uero fraudulenter banc regalem libertatem minuendo denihilent, ad ni- hilum redigantur, nisi digne coram deo satis et satis faciant, emendantes in melius quod necligenter de- liquerant. Adtendat unusquisque fidelium quod im- perat auctor Christus, Date et dabitur uobis : amen. Contulit nempe hie mas en^ magno regi 11° cornua auro argentoque decorata ut eo liberius hoc praerogatiuum roboretur. *** JEndorsed. Lond aet Cendeles f untan t eft Eadred cin^ hit ageaf ^J)elmere witS jjsem ilcan land 4 on ece yrfe Jjsem J)e him leofast seon. ^ T Coll. Error of the copyist for the proper name Andcol. (K.) » Sic in MS. (K.) i GROUP VII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XTI-XIIT. 373 C. C. C. Camb. cxi. 155. A.D. 951. K430. Eadred grants seternaliter to "Wulfric his faithful thane 25 mansae in a place called aet Cifanlea (Chieveley 4 m. N". of Newbury, Berks) with pasture quae in quodam monte habetur, for his life and with power to will it. It is perpetually free of all but the three burthens. IsTis terminis praedicta terra circumgyrata esse iiidetur. £)is sint "Sa landgemara to Cifanlea. jErest of catbeorge andlang wages on ^'Selunes ]?orn ; 'Sonon andlang weges on sealhangran eastewarde ; "Sonon and- lang weges on "Sa byrgelsas ; -fionon andlang Byden- bsema gemseres on *ba haran apoldre ; 'Sonon on Orhaema gemsere ; andlang "Sses gemseres on Ciltewudes gemsere, to 'San stane ; Sonon west andlang weges to ^an haecce ; iSonon andlang gemseres to "San crundele ; 'Sonon and- lang gemseres to "San oSrum crundele ; 'Sonon to "San wonstocce ; and "S er to wuda ; "Sonon on "Sa syrfan ; ^onon ofer hean hrycg ; ^onon on "Sses cinges hagan ; "Sonne ^aev west andlang hagan on Hnsefleage suSe- wearde ; "Sonon andlang hagan to "Sam b^ece ; of "Sam baece ^£er norS ut an "Sone lytlan hse'Sfeld ; "Sonon and- lang weges be Winterburninga gemsere be westan "Ssere ealdan byrig on "Sone stanihtan weg ; of San wege to "San stancystlun ; Sonon on "Sa andheafda ; Sonne Sser west on "Ssene burnan biitan .vi. secrun ; "Sonne "S^er norS an furlang ; Sonne "Sser west ofer "Sa twegen beorgas to San bearpa'Se ; norS andlang herpaSes on bradan ford ; Saer west andlang burnstowe to Ibban stane ; "Sonne Sar est andlang weges on standene ; "Sonon west to "San wurtwalan ; Sonon norS on sceap hammas ; Sonon on gerihta Saer tunwegas utscettaS ; Sonon on gerihta to 374 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. "Saere haran apoldre ; of ^sdve haran apoldre }7urli 'Sone tun to 'San ruvvan crundele ; "Sonon andlang gem^res on •Sone lytlan beorh up on mules dune ; of 'San beorge andlang gemgeres on hiycgweg ; andlang hrycgweges o'S catmeres gem^re ; "Sonne "Sser est andlang gem^eres on Puttan pyt ; of "San pytte andlang gemseres eft on catbeorh. *j(c* These bounds, which are printed in K vi. 234, are from another MS., namely Cott. Claud. B. vi. 39 : and they seem full of promise for an enterprising club like that which has its headquarters at Newbury. C. C. C. Camb. cxi. 147 and 153. A.D. 956. K441. Eadwig to abbot ^'Selwald and the monastery at Abingdon * restores ' with the consent of his nobles twenty mansiunculse of which the bounds are such as to encourage local investigation. It is near Oxford, and the names of Bagley and Sunningwell are conspicuous. Et his limitibus haec telluris particula circumgyrari uidetur. j3Srest on Temese be su^an fordwere ^sere up on "Sa die on Eoccenes gserstun su'Sweardne ; "Sonne ondlang die to Eoceen ; ondlong Eoeeenes to abbodes die ; ondlong die to cealdanwylle ; of cealdanwylle on "Sset rise slsed middeweard o^ Beorhtwoldes mor ; "Sset 'Sser on 'Sa die ; ondlang die to meareforda ; "Sonne up ondlang broces o'S hyt cym^ to emnes "Ssem ealdan laeghrycge ; "Sonne on gerihte betweoh Potteles treow on "Soiie ellenstyb ; "Sset "Sser on wuduford on Sunninga wylles broe ; ondlang broees to dunnanforda ; ^aet "Sser on "Sset wi^igbed ; "Sonne on "Sone healfan secer nor'Se- weardne ; "Sonne andlang fyrh to 'Son heafdon ; "Saet :S8er su^ ofer "Sone healfan secer; ^set "Seer east on ^a GROUP VII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 375 furh ; "Sset to "Sam sceortan lond ; "S^r on "Sone hse'Se- nan byrgels ; 'Sonne "Seer on "Sa seofon seceras west- wearde ; "Sset ^sdv nor^ to lippan die ; ondlang die to sueg-an graf; "Sset oh Sone ellenstyb; 'Sonne on Sa brembel )7yrDan on 'Sa die ; andlang die to horspytte ; Sonne }>urh Madoces leah on 'Sa ealdan die ; Sonne on 'Sa aeeerdie ; 'Sonne on hseseldie ; of hseseldic on -Sonne gemserweg on bsegan wyrSe ^ ; andlang* weges to hig- wege ; ondlang hiweges to Eeguuines wyrSe ; 'Sonne on bacgan leah ; "Sset a be wyrtwalan ; 'Sset on bacgan broc ; of bacgan broc on hafoces oran ; ondlang Saes gem«rhagan Saet ut on rigewyrSe westeweardne on "Sa ealdan die ; "Sonne ondlang die to Ser hangran ; Sonne on Wulfrices broc ; "Sonne on gerihte ofer hyrd yige ^ to Sam greatan welige ; Sset Saer ut on Temese ; "Sonne ondlong Temese "Saet eft on occenes gserstundic suSe- weardne. Dis syndon Saes londes gemaero to Abban- dune "Se Eadwig cyning syleS Gode to lofe into Sam mynster and himsylfum to ecere are. ^ There is Bayworth a hamlet of Sunningwell. ^ There is Herd Eyot below Sandford. C. C. C. Camb. cxi. 57. A.D. 956. K452. Eadwig granting land set Dyddenhame (Tidenham) ad monasterium Sci Petri quod situm est in Bathonia, ubi tbermse amoenge calidis e fontibus deriuantur, xxx mansas in haereditate tribuo perhenne, ex quibus meo videlicet sacerdote Wulf- garo qui praeest supradicto monasterio, pro eius fideli obsequio et deuotione, tres tantum cassatos perpetuum inipertio, etc. IsTis terminis praedicta terra circumgyrata esse uidetur. f)is synd Sa landgem^ra to Dyddanhame. 376 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. Of W8egemu"San to iwes heafdan ; of iwes heafdan on stanrsewe ; of stanrsewe on hwitan heal ; of hwitan heale on iwdene ; of iwdene on bradan mor ; of bradan more on Twyfyrd ; of Twyfyrde on sestege pul ^ ut innan Ssefern. *** Translation of tJie Boundaries : — These are the land-meers at Tydenham. From Wye-mouth to Yew's head, from Yew's head to Stone-row, from Stone-row to White heel, from White heel to Yewden, from Yewden to Broad moor, from Broad moor to Twyfyrd, from Twy- fyrd to Astey pool out in Severn. ^ Mr. Seehohm, ^. V. C, p. 150, identifies ^stegepul with Ashwell Grange Pitt, which is now the northern limit of Tidenham. Diuisiones et consuetudines in Dyddanbamme ^. On Dyddanbamme synd .xxx. bida .ix. inlandes and .XXI. bida gesettes landes. To Street synd .xii. bida .XXVII. gyrda gafollandes; and on Sseuerne .xxx. cyt- weras ; to Middeltune .v. bida .xiiii. gyrda gafol- landes .xiiii. cytweras on Sseuerne : and .11. bsecweras on waege ; to Cinges tune .v. bida sind .xiii. gyrda gafollandes and .1. bida bufan die 'Sset is nu eac gafol- land, and "Sset utan bamme is gyt sum inland, sum bit is "San seipwealan to gafole gesett ; to Cynges tune on Saeuerne .xxi. cytwera, and on wsege .xii. to Biscopes tune synd .111. bida, and .xv. cytweras on waege ; on Landcawet synd .111. bida. and .11. baec- weras on waege. and .ix. cytweras. Ofer call ^aet land gebyra'S aet gyrde .xii. paenegas, and .1111. aelmes penegas, aet aelcum were Se binnan "Sam .xxx. bidan is gebyre^ aefre se o^er fisc 'Sam land blaforde, and aelc seldsynde fisc Se weor"Slic by*S, styria, and mere- swyn, healic o"Ser saefisc ; and nab man naenne fisc wis feo to syllanne ^onne blaford on land byS aer man bine bim gecySe. Of Dyddanbamme gebyreS GROUP VII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 377 micel weorcraeden. Se g-eneat sceal wyrcan swa on lande, swa of lande, hwe'Ser swa him man byt, and ridan, and auerian, and lade Isedan, drafe drifan, and fela o'Sra J7inga don. Se gebur sceal his riht don, he sceal erian healfne seeer to wiceworce, and raecan sylf 'Sset seed on hlafordes berne gehalne to cyrcscette sa hwe'Sere of his agenum berne to werbolde .xl. maera o^^e an fo'Ser gyrda ; o^'Se .viii. geocu byld .III. ebban tyne, secertyninge .xv. gyrda, o'S^e diche fiftyne ; and dicie .i. gyrde burhheges, ripe o^er healfne secer, mawe healfne ; on oSran weorcan wyrce, a be weorces mse^e. Sylle .vi. penegas ofer estre, healfne sester hunies to Hlafmsessan .vi. systres mealtes to Martines msesse an cliwen godes nettgernes. On "Sam sylfum lande stent se'Se .vii. swyn hsebbe "Sset he sylle .III. and swa for^ a ^set teo^e, and 'Sses na'Sulaes msesten- raedene 'Sonne mjesten beo. ^ This seems the natural place for this Memorandum; which is printed in K vol. iii. p. 450, referring to the MS. C. C. C. Camb. cxi. 71. C. C. C. Camb. cxi. 74. A.D. 1061-1065. K822. ^Ifwig abbot of Bath lets to Stigand 30 hydes of land at Tidenham (see above K452) for rent in money and six porpoises and 30,000 herrings. — K's date 1060-1066 is not exact; Aldred did not become archbishop, nor Gisa bishop until 1061 ; Tostig was banished in 1065. »I* Her swutela^ on "Sisum gewrite "Sset ^Ifwig abbud, and call seo geferraeden on Ba^an, hsef^ gelset- en to Stigande archebiseeop .xxx. hyda landes set Dyddenhamme his daege wi'5 .x. marcan goldes and wi'S .XX. pundon seolfres ; and sefter his dsege ga hyt 378 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. eft into ^am halegan mynstre mid mete and mid mannum, swa full and swa fori5 swa hit ^senne by^ ; and .1. marc goldes to eaean and .vi. merswin and .XXX. ]7usenda hseryngys selce eare. Dis ys to ge- wittnysse, Eadweard cinineg, and Eadgy^ seo hlsef- dige, and Ealdryd archebiseeop, and Hereman bisceop,, and Gisa bisceop, and Harold eorl, and Tosstig eorl, and ^-Selno^ abbod, and ^gelwig abbod, and ^gyl- sige abbodj and Ordric abbod, and Esegar steallere, and K/Oulf steallere, and Bondig steallere, and manega o'Sre gode menn "Se beora naman her awritene ne syndon. And gyf aenig mann si swa dyrstig ^xt wylle ^is awendan, si he amansumod fram Criste and fram sancta Marian and fram sancte Petre 'Sam halegan apostle and fram eallum Cristes halegum sefre on aecnysse buton he hyt eft ^e ra"Sor gebete. *+* Mr. Seebohm, JS. V. C, p. 154, suggests that this was an arrangement for mutual convenience whereby the Abbot of Bath got herrings from the east, and the Archbishop got salmon from the west. The porpoises are seen in the western no less than in the eastern sea ; but they do not now, and probably never did, come up the Severn estuary as they do up the Thames. My friend Mr. Mayhew was in a school of porpoises in the Thames as high as the Medway. As I write this (Dec. 1884) the papers tell us of a porpoise getting up the river to Westminster, where he was shot and landed. The cured porpoise and herrings would travel down west on the cattle that was to bring back the salmon. For porpoise as an article of food, see Hawker, " Footsteps in Far Cornwall." VIII. The eighth group (which largely concerns Berkshire) is from the Chartularies of Abingdon, namely Cott. Claud. B. vi. of the latter part of the twelfth century, and Cott. Claud. C. ix., of the thirteenth. Still some feeble tokens of that scholarly taste which we noticed in the sixth group. Such GROUP VIII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 379 form at this date affects us somewhat as when we first learn that the staircase to the Hall in Christ Church is a work of the seventeenth centurj\ Cott. Claud. B. vi. 29. A.D. 944. KllSl. Eadmund Angligenarum rex granting to Bp. JElfric, presumably of Ramsbury, loo mansse at Blewbury in Berkshire. The boundaries are interesting and include mention of the Icenild way. But they are suspiciously fluent, not to say poetical. f)is sindon "Sa landgemsero to Bleobyrig. ^rest on easteweardum "Sam lande set Amman uuelle ; "Sast swa su^ on gerihte on vvseterslsedes die ; "Saet andlang die o'S -Sone sii"S ende on 'Sset riht landgemgere ; ^aet up to 'Sam miclan beorge beneo^an Hrames lea ; -Saet of ^am beorge up andlang stanweges to ^am langan cyrstel m^eleset hafuc^orne ; 'Sonne of hafucSorne to ^an langan ]7orne set Ichenilde wege ; "Sset swa to ^an ]?riddan forne set wirhangran; of ^am |7orne to 'Sam feor^an ]7orne on wrangan hylle foreweardre stent; "Sset swa for^ to 'Sam f iftan ]?orne ^ ; to ^am elebeame ; "Sset west andlang 'Saes lytlan wages up to "Son ]?orne ; up to teonan hylle ; "Sset swa west on 'Sone ruwan hlync ; andlang ^ses rowan linces to "Son hse^enum byrgelsum set ^sere ealdun die ; -Sset andlang o^ "Sset treow steall ; Sonnon of 'San treow stealle on gerihte to ^on bradan beorge be eastan wrocena stybbe ; ^set swa to wrocena stybbe ; 'Sonne of wrocena stybbe on meoces dune on ■Sone byrgeles ; of 'Sam byrgelse to ^gere flodan set swm weges slo set "Sare wegegelseton ; "Sset up to "Sam eor'S geberste to foxes beorge ; of "Sam beorge west andlang drsegeles bseces o^ 'Sone hricgweg ; andlang 380 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. weges o'S Sa readan hane ; of ^are hane HOT'S andlang Saes smalan weges to Totancumbe ; set Sam beorge ; Saet swa norS on gerihte andlang Sees smalan weges to "Son herepa^e ; Saet to Saes linees ende ; "Sset swa forS norS andlang weges oS Ordstanes die ; "Sset andlang die ; of Saere die wi'S nor^an 'Saet yrSland ; Sonne bi Sam yrSlande to 'Ssere lace 'Se liS on Stocwelle ; "Sonne of Stocwylle nor"S andlang broces to 'Ssere die Saere se ae^eling meareode; Saet andlang die to 'Saere sceap wsescan on haccan broc ; "Sonne andlang haccan broces to huddes ige ; Sset swa forS nor"S andlang broces wi"S westan hunddes ig ; Saet up andlang Ssera andheafda to Sffire lytlan dice ende, and Sam norS andlang Sara and- heafda to San laiigan cyrstel msele set hae^dune ; "Sset swa norS andlang Sses smalan paSes on "Sa die sticc ea to "Son stodfalde ; Sset swa ea^ andlang "S^ere ealdan die o"S ^•Selstanes treow steal to Ssere dice byge ; Sset swa suSeast andlang die be Byrgwylla gem^re ; ^at swa suSest ofer "Sone mor to Mseringes ]?orne ; of Mseringes )7orne to sulgeate ; of sulgeate be wyrtwalan to "Son readleafan mapuldre ; of "Sam mapuldre on "Sa lace ; Sset on gerihte on Westwylle ; Sen on o^re naman hte^ aet Ammanwylle. ^ These five thorns with their numerical designations remind Mr. Plummer of an old grass road in his father's neighbourhood (Stratford Tony, Wilts), on which the miles are marked by trees. In K 554 the boundaries contain a similar series of five stones. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 37. A.D. 947. K1159. Eadred rex Anglorum, &c., cuidam mihi fidelissimo comitique dilecto nomine Eadrico, granting bis denas mansas, quod Anglice dicitur twentig hida, in a place called set Wassinga- GROUP VIII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 381 tune. The grant is in perpetuity, and free of all but the inevitable burdens. The bounds are so rich in bold terms that if the place is Washinorton near Steyning in Sussex, it ought to be capable of identijfication by local enquiry. Is this the same, or a conterminous property, with that which Edgar grants to bishop iE(5elwold in 963, K1250? Dis syndon "Sa landgemEere to Wasingatune. jErest on duhan lea ; of duhan lea on readan wylle ; of readdan wille to Lydgeardes broge ; of Lidgeardes beorge to Tatmonnes apoldre ; of Tatmonnes apoldre to Dene- burge hleawe ; of Deneburge hleawe to stanbeorge ; of stanbeorge to Ha^eburge hleawe ; of "Sam hlsevve to heregrafe ; of heregrafe to twam beorgum ; of twam beorgum to hremnes dune ; of heremnes dune to bidan holte ; of bidan holte 'Sset to wigan campe ; of wigan campe to bennan beorge ; of 'Sam beorge to blseccan pole ; of "Sam pole to 'Ssere apuldre ; 'Sonne to dunan heafde ; ^set to Hunes cnolle ; ^onne eft on duhan lea. f)is synt (Sa den ^e "S^rto gebyrigea'S ; Wynburgespser, and )7re6 crochyrsta, and Horsham, and Yffeles leah, and Hseslwic, and Gatawic, and Ridanfald, and Scacal wic, and Hundssedingfald. Claudius B. vi. 33. A.D. 955. K 1171. Eadred restoring to the monastery at Abingdon the vill of Abingdon which had been lost to the monastery in the troublous times of his grandfather Alfred, tempore quo archipiratsB totam banc insulam devastantes pervagati sunt. Also lands at Cumnor and other places, of which however the king is to have a lease for his life. The bounds are as follows. -^REST on Eoccenforda; up andlang Eoecenes to 382 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. abbes die ; "Sset to eealdan vvulle ; "Sset to mearcforda ; andlang broces o^ ^ene grenen weig ; andlang weiges to broce ; "Saet to Wuduforda ; 'Sset adune be broce o^ Pippelri^iges utscyte ; "Saet ]?urh "Sset deiiemor a be ri-Sige to guman graue ; 'Sset to Pippelbricge ; "Sset on Sene sic set "Ssere fulan sec; 'Sset to hseglea on 'Ssene bradan mere ; "Sset a be wyrtwalan to bromcumbes hea- fod; 'Sget on gerihtum to Abbendune to "Ssere port- strete ; "Sset andlang stret on hiwege ; ^38t to Ecgunes wyr^e ; 'Senne on baegan leah ; "Saet on scseceling secer ; "Sset ut on Stanford ; 'Sset to Mseg^e forda andlang lace ut on Temese; 'Sset on for^ mid streame wiS ufan miclan ige on Cearewyllan ; eft wi'S neo^an berige on Temese ; "Set -Ser up be streame ; "Sset on baegan broc ; "Saet on heafces oran ; ^set on holan dene ; ^set on Tidewaldes wylle ; andlang broces ut on Temese ; "Sset for^ mid streme o^ geafling lace; andlang lace eft ut on Temese ; -Sset up be streame on Occenes grestundic ; "Set a be die on Eccen ; ^set 'Ser up eft on Eccenforda. ^"Seleainguude, Colmanora^ and Geatescumbe byren into ^ys twentigum hidura, "Sa ic sylf stundum gerad stundum gereow, and rumodlice gescarode me sylfum and minum foregengum and eftyrgengum to ecum rymete, for Gode and for worulde. Gyf hwa J7urh deofles lare genyrwe "Sset ic Gode and sancta Marian meaglum mode on ece yrfe geseald hsebbe, drihten his andweald geny^rige her and on ecnesse, nym'Se he mid fulre dsedbote geinnige "Sset he on urum drihtne gereafod. GROUP VIII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 383 MS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 40. A.D. 955. K 1172. Eadred to his thane and relative, JElfheh 8 cassati at Cumton by Ashdown. Among the landmarks are the Icenhild way and Weland's smithy. »J< Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Ihesu Christi Ego Eadred, diuina gratia fauente, rex et primicerius totius Albionis, aliquantulam ruris parti- culam j^Elfheho ministro meo, mihi propinquitate con- iuncto, sub aestimatione .viii. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur set Cumtune, iuxta montem qui uocatur iEs- cesdune, libenter admodum concessi, eo tenore huius munificentiae donum perstringens, ut post obitum suum in perpetuum ius cuicumque uoluerit haeredi derelinquat. Quod si quisque, quod non optamus, huiusce donationis cartnlam infringere temptauerit, ni prius in hoc saeculo digne castigetur, in futuro perenni cruciatu prematur. Et his limitibus haec telluris particula circumgyrari uidetur. Dis sint -Sses landes gem^ere set Cumtune. ^Erest of hricgwege on ^aet wide geat ; of "San widan geate on ^E^elmes hlinc ; on forwerde dune of ^ESelmes hlince on Icenhilde weg; of Icenhilde wege on bican die ; of bican dice inon swynbroc ; of swynbroce on "Sone bradan )7orn be westan mere; of ^an |7orne on "Sa readan die ; andlang 'S^ere die on Hildes hlsew ; of Hildes hlffiwe on blsecpyt ; of blsecpytte andlanges "Ssere westran riscrgewe innan swynbroc; of swynbroce on read ; of rsede on Hwittuces hl^we ; on Icenhilde weg ; of Icenhilde wege on m seres crundel ; of mseres crun- delle on dinra beorh ; of dinra beorge on hricweg ; of hricgwege on fearnhylles slsed; of fearnhylles slade to hseslhylle su^eweardre; of hseslhylle west on iSone 384 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. grenan weg* ; andlang weges to ^£ere gedrifouan fyrh ; andlang fyrh o^ hit cym^ on "Sset wide geat be eastaii Welandes smi'S^aii. Huius doni constipulatorum no- mina inferius notata uidentur. >I< Ego Oda archiepiscopus eonsensi. t^t Ego Wulf- stan archiepiscopus roboraui. ►J* Ego ^Elfsige epis- copus roboraui. >i< Ego ^Ifwold episcopus corroboraui. »I« Ego Wulfsige episcopus suppressi. ►J^ Ego Osulf episcopus annui. >}« Ego Byrhtelm episcopus constitui. >J< Ego Cenwold episcopus conspexi. >I< Ego Cynsige episcopus subscripsi. >J< Ego Leofwine episcopus eon- sensi. »J< Ego iE^elstan dux. *^ Ego Eadmund dux. >I< Ego ^Ifsige minister. >^ Ego ^"Selsige minister. 1^ Ego ^Ifno'S minister. >J< Ego ^Ifgar minister. 1^ Ego Byrhtfer^ minister. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 45. A.D. 955-6. Cott. Claud. C. ix. 110. K1216. Eadwig granting to ^Selvvold abbot of Abingdon 20 cassates at three places, whereof two bear the familiar names of Hinksey and "Wytham, but the third is called SeofocanwyrtS^. IsTis terminis circumgyrata asseritur ante, scilicet, supra dicta terra. Dis sindon ^a landgem^ro "Sseses burlandes to Abbendune, "Sset is gadertang on J^reo genamod, ^aet is Hengestes ig and Seofocanwyr'S and Wihtham. ^rest on Meag'Se ford ; ^aet mid streame on Stanford ; for^ mid streame wi'Sutan Cytanigge on "Sa landlace ; of "Sere lace on scaecyling aecer ; ^aet on hiwege to yfemestan leage ; 'Saet on preosta leage ; 'Sset to Catleage ; "Saet to cybban stane ; of "Ssem stane GROUP VIII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XTI-XIII. 385 on "Sa )?ri6 gemteru ; -Saet innan ruwan leage to brogan gete ; -Saefc to sundran edisce on 'Sone greatan ]?orn ; of ^San ]7orne on cotan healas ; ^98t on Tiddancumb ; of ^sen cumbe on Tetanhylle ; of Tytanhylle to -Ssen hea- fodwege ; ondlong cumbes to "Sgem hecce ; of Sam haeece to pa'Se stocce ; "Sset to plum leage ; 'Saet on Fri'Sela byrig ; Sset to ydyr leage ; of ydyr leage to "Sam stane ; "Sset on Temese set Eanfl^de gelade Sse amid streame 'Sset hit cym^S eft on Mseg'Sa ford. His autem uocabulis diuulgari uidentur termini agrorum, iiidelieet, praedietorum. *^* The date of this document, if genuine, is fixed to a few months. For Eadred died 23 Nov. 955; and Dunstan (who signs^ went into exile early in 956. Stubbs' Dunstan, pp. Ixxxvi, Ixxxix. The bishops' signatures are in agreement. ^ I am informed by Mr. Mowat of Pembroke College that there is near Botley a farm now bearing the name of Seacourt, and that this is apparently a disguised form of Seckworth, the name (according to Pro- fessor Hussey) of a lost Saxon village, which can only be our Seofo- canwyrS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 46. 13 Feb. 956. Cott. Claud. C. ix. 111. K1208. Eadwig ruler of all Albion, grants abbot ^EcSelwold a wood at Pangbourne of somewhat over 60 acres, to build the church of St. Mary at Abingdon. The bounds are as follows — yErest on Panganburnan ; tSaet on "Sa die ; "Saet a be die on •Ssene hagan ; "Sset on cristelmselbeam ; -Sset andlang hagan on ^a }>ornihtan leage; 'Sset forS on Brygford ; 'Sset a be hagan on stanwege ; of stanwege a be weortwalan on 'Sa flexsecyras ; 'Sset a be weortvvalan on masan mere ; of "Sam mere on Cu^ulfes cot stowe ; c c 386 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. of 'Sam cot stowum on Panganburnan ; "Sset up mid streame eft on 'Sa die. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 75. A.D. 958. K 1218. Eadgar rex et primicerius Merciorum grants to Eanulf a thane 14 mansiunculse at Duclingtun. Dis sindon ^a landgemaero to Duclingtune .xiiii. hida and ^a ealdan cyricean set ^stlea and "S^rto .xl. ^cera and Byrnan lea eal into Duclingtune. iErest of Duclingtune on wenrie ; andlang wenrices on 'Sone byge ; of 'Sam byge on ^a ealdan lace ; andlang lace on •Sa nor^ea ; andlang streames on Folgorhyrste neo'Se- wearde ; "Sonon on "Sa ealdan die ; andlang die ^set su^ eft on wsenric ; up ongean stream on 'Sone ealdan ford ; of "Sone forda up on 'Sa ri^e an furlang wr6 su^an "Sa cyrican ; andlang ri'Se on "Sa wurtwalan ; 'Sset ut J^urh 'Sone hagan on burhdie ufeuuearde ; of 'Ssere die on "Sa ealdan rode ; of ^seve rode on Seottes healh ^ ; of ^am heale on Uuenburge byrgge ; of ^^ere brucge on "Sa die ; andlang dices on Easthsema gemsere; on -Sone bige; to "San heafdan ; on gatej^yrnan ; of 'Ssere )?yrnan on blace ]?yrnan ; on 'Sa die; of 'Ssere )?yrnan to uurtwalan. to ^an furan ; andlang fura on "Sa ealdan die to ^an ellene ; andlang dices to 'San o^ern ellene ; of ^an ellene to "Ssere apoldre ; "Sanon to ^glesuullan broce ; up ongean stream on Stanford ; of "San forda on fugel slsed ; of 'Sam slsede on eoluullan broe ; andlang broces on swyllan healas ; of 'San healain on Hastinges lace ; andlang lace on "Sone ea stream : and twegen hammas set Loppede^orne hyra^ into Duclingtune. GROUP Vlir. MANUSCEIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XTII. 387 * Scottes healh. An old Irish chapel ? and at a short distance an old- fasldoned Irish cross ? Cott. Claud. B. vi. 63. A.D. 959. K1221. Eadgar gives to St. Mary's, Abingdon, a charter of restitution for certain lands. Dis sind "Sa landgemsera to Gaing. ^Erest of Lilian Isewes crundle middewaerdan to Lodderebeorge ; ^onon to grenan lince westewardan ; of 'San lince to earnes dune westewserde ; ^onon to holan die eastwaerde ; andlang Ssere die twa furlang nor^weard ; "Sonne east be heafdan twa furlang andlang fura on "Sone lytlan wyl ; andlang wylles on Laeing broc ; andlang broees eft on Gseing broc ; andlang broees on "Sa sewylma ; "Sonne andlang hearpa'Ses on Frigedaeges treow ; of ^an treowe andliang weterdene west to Ssere deopan dene; of "Saere dene to "San readan stane ; of "Ssen stane eft on Lilian l^wes crundele. Dis sind ^a landgemaera to Gosige. ^rest on "Sa meerdic estwaerde ; 'Saet innan Tealeburnan ; andlang Tealeburnan "Saet innan Eccen ; andlang Eoccen "Saet innan "Sa maerdic ; of "Sa maerdlc •Saet innan Sa furh ; of "Sa furh 'Saet innan ^aet ri^Sig ; of ^am ri^ige "Saet innan landbroc ; andlang landbroces for^ onbuten "Sone ham ; eft on -Sa merdic estewearde. Dis sind 'Sa landgemaere to Wyr'Se. ^Erest of Eoccen on ^a gemaerlace ; andlang lace be westan Cearna graf be -San andheafdan to Eadulfes pytte ; ^onne andlang slaedes to 'San heafodaecere nor'Seweardon ; ^onon ond- lang aeceres to "San andheafdan ; ^aet to "San hge'San byrgeles on "Sa ealdan die ; andlang die to "Saen port- wege ; "Sonne on "Sa deopan furh ; "Sonne on ^a stan- C C 2 388 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. bricge on Temese ; ondlang Temese to ^an )7ornstybbe set Cingtuninga gemsere ; 'Sonne to ^an hea'San byrg- elese; "Sonne on 'Sa meardic be eastan ^^Ifsiges cotan; andlang die a to ^an pse^e ; "Sonne ofer "Sone mor on ^a heafda ; fet on "Sone wsenweg ; andlang weges to ■S^m )7ornstybbe wi'S "Sone weg ; "Sonne on Eoccen on "Sset morsl^de estwserde ; andlong Eoccen "Sset eft on ^a mserlace. Dis sind Sa landgemsera to Earmundes lea. iErest of Sandforda on "Sa fulen lace; andlang ■Sses gemserhagan ut to "San eoten ; "Sonan andlang gemseres on heaseldic, andlang strsete ut on styrian pol ; andlang ^sere die east to Wasan ; Sonon on Hrocan- leage noi"Sew8erde, andlang die on ufewearde h^egdune ; "Sset up on Snoddes bylle ufewearde to "San haran stane ; •Sonon to "Ssen ealdan wulfhagan; "Sonne andlang slsedes "Saet to Iseces forda; "Sonne andlang Luccinges eft on Sandford. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 75. A.D. 962. K 1238. Eadgar to his faithful thane Eadwine 20 mansse aet Mordune in perpetuity and utmost freedom. The bounds would probably afford good entertainment to the archaeologists of Bridge- north. It was Mr. Oswald Cockayne who first pointed out (Shrine, p. 161) the true locality, which Kemble had mis- taken. This terrier is repeated with variations, below, ^t5elred, a.d. 1008. Dis sind "Sa landgemsero to Mordune. ^rest on higford ; of bigforda andlang Hreodburnan on Uuorf ; andlang stremes on Purtanige uuestwerdne ; on Puv- tanige nor"Seuuerdan eft ut on Worfe stream ; andlang streames on wudebricge ; ^anon ut on sesclace "Sser aesclace GEOUP VIII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 389 fyl'S ut on Wuorf; up ongean stream on "Saes langan furlanges eastende ; "Sanne east on "Sa ealdan die ; of "Ssere ealdan die on Grindewylles lace an furlang ; 'Sanon on j^tden psen on "Sone ellenstyb; "Sanon a be ecge on 'Sa medemunga ; of ^aere medemunge ni^er on ^one ealdan uui^ig on ^ttan pennes Isece ; "Sonon on hortan ford ; of "Son forde on filican slsed ; andlang slsedes on ^one ealdan wylle ; -Sonne ut on lieaddan dune sized ; andlang slsedes o^ bradan weg ; of bradan wege and- lang" sl^edes ut on hagrford. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 70. A.D. 964. K1252. Eadgar gentis Anglorum et barbarorum atque gentilium rex ac prgedux grants to his queen ^IfSryS land at Easton in or near Blewbury, Berks. Dis sind ^a landgemsera to Easttune. -^rest of hacce broce on rugan die ; ^onne andlang weges on -Sone fulan forda ; of ^an fulan ford on Eanulfing }7orn ; of ^an )7orne on "Sone hwitan holan weg ; of "San hwitan wege andlang langan dune ^set eft on 'Sone stanihtan weg ; of ^an wege on "Sone crundel ; 'Sonon on gerihta on brochylle sl^d ; of ^an slade on hiccan ]7orn ; ^onon ofer Bleobyrigdune on haecceleas die ; ^onne andlang Saere die "Sset eft on haecce broc. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 86. About 977. K1276.* Eadweard giving to ^Ifstan (fidelis antistes) 13 mansae at Kingston Bagpuze on the Ock near Abingdon. The Si quis clause is 390 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. even more than usually anathematic, and recalls the Inferno of Csedmon. f)is sind "Sa landgemsero to Cyng-estiine secer onder aBcere. -^rest of Eoccene on merej^orn ; of msdrepoYjie on "Sa heafodseceras ; -Sannon on Swanesig on ^one ealdan garan middewearde ; of ^an ealdan garan and- lang riht gemseres on j^lfre[de]s beorh; "Sset andlang riht gemseres innan Cyngestun ; andlang riht geri^ on ■Sone pyt beneoSan Cyngestun ; swa andlang riht ge- mseres on 'Sone jjorn ; ut on Temese ; andlang Temese on 'Se ealda gemsera ; up andlang gemseres on iElf^ry'Se stan ; of "Sane stane andlang dice ; of "Ssere die andlang riht gemseres ; 'Sset eft on Eoccene. Translation : — These are the bounds at Kingston, field by field. First from Ock to meer-thom : from meer-tborn to headacres : thence to Swansey in the middle of the old gore : from the old gore right along the meer to Alfred's baiTow : so along the meer into Kingston : right along the brook to the pit below Kingston : so right along the meer to the thorn : out on Thames : along Thames to the old meers : up along the meer to iElfthrith her stone : from the stone along the dyke : from the dyke right along the meer, and so back again to Ock. *:it* The same bounds are given in another grant of land at Kingston, K1277. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 96. A.D. 995. K 1289. M^elred grants to ^Selwig 5 mansi in Eardulfes lea, that had come into his hands by forfeit. The story is told in the deed of gift. There were three brothers living together, and a man of theirs stole a bridle ; the owners of the bridle captured the thief and found it upon him, and being assaulted by the masters of the thief (the three brothers), they fought, and two of the brothers were slain ; the third brother with the thief escaped and got into the church of St. Helen \ iEthelwig the sheriflf of Buckingham and Winsige the sheriff of Oxford allowed the slain men to have Christian burial, but Leofsige the ealdorman went to the king about it, and charged the GROUP VIII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 391 sheriffs with miscarriage of justice. Ego autem nolens con- tristari JS^^elwig, quia mihi erat carus et preeciosus, una simul et sepultos cum christianis requiescere permisi, et praedictam terram eidem in hsereditatem concessi pei-petuam. Dis sindon "Sara f if hida landgemsera set Eardulfes lea. ^rest of 'Sare greatan die ^aet to -^^eluuoldes lea to "San landgemsere ; of ^an gemgere swa sefter dene in sexig broc ; of sexig broce "Saet into Uffewylle broce ; of "San broce ^iet on 'Sa grenan die; of ^sere die be su^an "Ssere eor^byrg ^set on Cwieelmes hlsew ; of ^an hlavve "Sset on "Sa portstrsete ; of 'Ssere portstrsete "Sset wi^ lytle Ciltene an secer brsede ; "Sset on "Ssene grenan weg ''^ "Se seyt to hegforda ; sefter "San grenan wege 'Sset foran ongen Cynewynne wylle ; of 'Ssere wylle 'Sset into "SsJere greatan die ; andlang "Ssere d le -Sset into bunon ; andlang bunan 'Saet to 'San ealdan forda ; of "San forda fet into Eardulfes lea ; of 'San lea "Sset eft to ^are greatan die. ^ Sanctse Helense. Probably the church at Abingdon. 2 on Saene grenan weg. " Still called by the neighbours ' the Green Way ' ; being a part of what is called the Drover's Road, by which, until outdone by the rail, cattle from the west were driven, for many miles, turnpike free, and with peripatetic grazing" T. Kerslake, Vestiges of the Supremacy/ of Mercia, p. 55. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 100. A.D. 1002. £1296. .ffi-Selred basileus Anglorum granting 10 mansae called 'Hseseleia set tSan nytSeran tune,' to a faithful thane named Godwine, with all uses and rights and liberties, save the threefold obligation. Dis sind 'Sa landgemsera to 'San .x. hidan set Hsesellea to ^an ny^ran tune, ^rest on roppan forda ; 'Sset and- lang wiegan d ic ^set hit sticaS on wearra ford ; swa 392 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. andlang mores o'S 'Sene bradan herepa-S ; 'Saet on -Ssera gecera heafada -Sset hit stica^ on Humbra ; andlang Humbra "Sset on roppan broc foron ongean stangedelf ; andlang ropan broces on hafocgelad ; eft andlang roppan broces "Sset hit cim^ on roppan ford ^ser hit ser onfeng. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 92. A.D. 1008. K1305. restores to the monastery of Abingdon an estate at Mordun which iElfgar his agent had wrested from that society for the king ; and he moreover adds thereto the gift of a homestead at Crocgelad. See above, Eadgar, a.d. 962. Dis sind ^a landgemaeru to Mordune. iErest on higford ; of higforda andlang Hreodburnan on Worf ; andlang streames on wurtanige westeweardne ; of wur- tanige nor^Seweardan eft ut on Worfe stream ; andlang streames on Wudebricge ; 'Sanon ut on sesclace ^ser easclacu fyl'S ut on Worf; up ongean stream on "Sies langan furlanges east ende ; -Sanon east on 'Sa ealdan die ; of ^£ere ealdan die on Grindewylles lace an fur- lang ; "Sanon on setten pen, on "Sone ellenstub ; "Sanon a be ecge on 'Sa medemunga ; of ^£ere medemungse ni^er on "Sone ealdan vvi^ig on setten pennes Isece ; "Sanon on hnottanford ; of "San forda on filican sljed ; andlang slsedes on "Sone ealdan wylle ; Sonon ut on headdandune slffid ; andlang slsedes o^ bradan weg ; of -San bradan wege andlang slades ut on higford, and senne hagan on Crocgelade ^e se cyncg ^£ert6 forgifen hsef'S. GROUP VIII. MANUSCRIPTS OF CENTURY XII-XIII. 393 Cott. Claud. B. vi. 105. A.D. 1015. K 1310. grants to the bishop of Sherborne, episcopo qui ab ipsis suse cunabulis infantiae Bearhtuuold nuneupatur vocitamine, some land at Cildatun (Chilton, Berks) which had been forfeited by AVulfgeat, a thane. For the career of this man see Freeman, N. C. i. 355. Hits nam confiniis prsedicta cingitur terra, ^rest of Waddune andlang weges to 'San grestune ; swa and- lang ^8es grestunes die to "San wege on eastanwyr^e fene tun ; swa andlang weges to ^sere dice hyrnan ; swa andlang die innon "Ssene aesc ; of 'Sane sesce innon ^ane ealdan msere ; of "Sane ealdan msere innon 'Sa braece ; of "San brsece andlang beces innon rodstubban ; swa of rodstybban to loddere j7orne ; swa of loddere J7orne to flecge stane ; of flecge stane to "San ferngaren ; of ^au ferngaran eft on Waddune to 'San ealdan bece. And •Sis sind "Ssere wudubaere landgemaru set Dseclege ^e herto hyra^. .^rest of "Sam haecce to Dudemaeres hele ; of Dudemeeres hele to merclege ; of merclege on stanlege ; of stanlege to ^2ere dunlege ; of ^ar dunlege swa eft innon ^ane hsecc. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 107. A.D. 1033. K751. Cnut rex et primicerius tocius Albionis, grants to abbot Siward and his brethren at Abingdon, aliquantulam ruris particulam tribus comparatam cassatis in a place called Mytun (Mitton, Wore. K.) with all legal exemptions. His metis prsefatum rus hinc inde gyratur. Dis sind •Sara .111. hida landgemaera aet Mytune. iErest on 394 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. leomenan a be healfon streame ; swa of leomanan on doddan Isew ; of 'Sam Isewe on "Sone haran ]?orn ; of "Sam ]7orne on "Sone bradan mere ; of 'Sam mere on tseceles broc ; a be healfon streame on Auene ; andlang Auene a be healfon streame eft on leomene. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 110. A.D. 1050. £792. Eadweard rex et primicerius totius Albionis regni, grants to the church at Abingdon eight mansse near the river Kennet, which Eadric quidam rusticus once had. See Coote, Romans of Britain y p. 372 sqq. IsTis terminis prsedicta terra circumgyrata esse ui- detur. iErest on Cynetan set Sceolles ealdeotan; "Saet up andlang stremes oS Eadgife gemsre ; swa nor'S in- nan Hyddene ; 'Sanon nor'S on lamburninga mserce ; swa est andlang mearce o^ ^Ifwiges m«re ; sw^a suS andlang gem^res on Hyddene ; swa suS be gemsere "Saet eft innan Cynetan strem. Cott. Claud. B. vi. 115. A.D. 1054. Cott. Claud. C. ix. 130. KSOO. Eadweard granting 3 mansse at Sandford to St. Mary of Abingdon; ' in communi terra/ a Latin term for folc land (F. Pollock, Land Laws, p. 194); here rendered in corrupt Saxon by ' on Sam gemannan lande.' Dis sind Sa landgemsera to Sandforda on -Sam ge- mannan lande. -^rest of stubbucwere ; swa norS aefter 'Ssere Temese be healfan streme into Sandfordes laece; swa andlang "Sffire lace into Sandforda ; of Sandforda GROUP IX. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 395 east andlang "Ssere lace up to fernniges lieafdon ; [of ferniges heafdon] up J7urh -Sone mor east into "Ssere strset ; and swa su^ andlang ^iere street into bealdan hema gemsere ; and swa west andlang gemaeres into niwanli^ma gemsere ; and swa andlang gemseres on suSewearde hochylle ; of hoehylle swa west on gerihte eft on stubbucwere. IX. The ninth group is from the Cotton manuscript Nero, D. i. ; a book of well-defined date. It was written at St. Alban's, most of it under the direction of Matthew Paris the historian, who died in 1259, and it has corrections by his hand. We learn from Mr. Luard (Matthew Paris, Chronica Majora, Rolls Series, vol. vi.) that this book contains the Lives of the two OfFas in its earlier part, and that the re- maining part was used by the historian for the insertion of any document, so that the volume became a kind of common- place book, and continued to be so used in the monastery after the historian's death, even down to the 15th century. His own title for the book was Liber Additamentorum. Kemble took 15 documents from it; they are all in Latin, mostly with a strong family likeness in certain features; particularly they are apt to be narrative and explanatory.. As to their form, they are transparent fabrications ; but it is a separate question, how far the claims which they advance are sound. Cott. Nero. D. i. f. 148. May 792. K 161*. Birch 264. Of fa granting to St. Alban's land in divers places. After exalting the merits of the saint, he proceeds : — Unde ego Offa gratia dei rex Merciorum^ cum filio 396 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. raeo Ecgfrido, pro amore omnipotentis dei et huius saiieti intercessione, terrain xxx. manensium in locis quorum subinferuntur nomina, domino meo Ihesu Christo ad aecclesiam sancti Albani, ubi ipse tyro pri- mus in passione uictima effectus est, iure perpetuo perdonabo. Eoque delectabilius banc donationem per- ficio, quia superna proteccio tarn nobile temporibus nos- tris thesauram quod diu fuit clausum et huius terrae indigenis abditum, reuelare dignata est. Haec itaque sunt supradictarum uocabula terrarum, aet Uuines- hauue xii. manensium cum terminis suis ; et Scelfdune, sine Baldinigcotum, trium manensium ; quorum scilicet trium manensium terminati sunt bee, Suanaburna, Heort- mere, Stretuuealebroc. Item uero x. manensium ubi di- citur Scuccanhlau, uel Fenntuun cum silua quae cogno- minatur Horwudu, cum terminis suis ; ^t Lygetune, V. manensium; quam uidelicet terram Alhmundus abbas, expeditionem subterfugiens, mihi reconciliationis gratia dabat . . . Perscripta est autem huius donationis cartula anno dominicae incarnacionis Dccxcv. indictione v. et regni Offanis xxxv. sub iiii. nonas Maias, in loco qui dicitur ^t beranforda. Cott. Nero. D. 1. 148. A.D. 793. K162*. Birch 267. Of fa founding the Abbey of St. Alban's. >I« Regnante domino nostro Ihesu Christo in perpe- tuum ! Decet igitur ut regal is benignitas omnipotentis dei et sanctorum martyrum quantum ualeat honori preuideat. Quia honor dei, et pia in Sanctis eius GEOUP IX. MANUSCEIPT OF CENTURY Xlll. 397 deuotio, stabilitas est regni terreni, et prosperitas lon- g-aeuae uitae et indubitata aeternae mercedis retributio. Unde ego Offa rex Merciorum, cum Egfrido filio meo, et omni consensu synodali, pro remedio et salute ani- marum uostrarum, terrain quinquaglnta mansionum in locis infra dictis, id est, ubi dicitur aet Caegesbo, man- siones xxxiiii., on daet Heanhamstede, vi. mansiones et Stanmere .x. mansiones, cum segitibus, pratis, paseuis et siluis, et omnibus rebus mobilibus uel fixis, ad ea prenominata loca rite pertinentibus, domino meo Ihesu et sancto Albano martyri, cuius reliquias, in spem prosperitatis praesentis et futurae beatitudinis diuina ostendit nobis gratia, in ius monasteriale tradens donabo ; quatinus perpetuo iure prefata terra, saneti martyris Albani ecclesiae deseruiat. Et per magnum omnipo- tentis dei nomen et terribile eius iudicium adiuro, immo et impero, quod nullus superuenientibus temporibus, seu rex seu episcopus aut aliqua magna uel parua persona, aliquid de his meis donis quae deo et sancto martyri eius dedicauero, immutare, seu auferre, seu imminuere prae- sumptuose audeat ; ne aliquam molestiam aut ecclesiae aut siluis ad cam pertinentibus inferre presumat, sed sit libera omnino ab omni tributo, et necessitate, seu regis, seu episcopi, ducis, iudicum, comitum, exactorum etiam, et operum quae indici solent, necnon et expedi- tion is et omni edicto publico, perpetuo cam libertate donabo. Sed obsecro quatinus studeant superuenientes reges auxiliare, defendere, et curam illius ecclesiae habere in omni bonitate, sicut et ego habeo : ut sit illis et regno eorum benediccio et proteccio a domino deo et sancto eius martyre in perpetuum. Si autem quisquam loci huius curam non habuerit uel eum malitiose tracta- uerit, sciat et sentiat saneti martyris seipsum benedic- 398 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. tione priuari et rationem ante tribunal Christi reddl- turum. Hoc uero monasterium cum his prefatis tern's Willigoda presbiter habeat et regat dies suos, et mona- chicam in eo uitam vivat doceat, et quantum ualeat erigat. Post dies autem illius, eligant sibi fratres cum consilio illius episcopi^ qui super eos erit, si habent dignum et monachicae uitae eruditum, ex semet ipsis quern uoluerint. Si autem, quod non opto, acciderit quod ibi dignus nequeat inueniri, preuideat ille episco- pus, cum consilio fratrum, qui illud monasterium digne secundum regulam monacbicae uitae gubernare sciat et uelit. lam iamque, iterum iterumque, in nomine domini pre- cipio et adiuro, quatinus in eo loco regula sancta Bene- dicti abbatis doceatur et exerceatur, quantum possibile est, perpetuo iure. Etsi ipsa elemosina oret ad dominum pro faciente, tamen obsecro ut assiduae intercessiones pro anima mea, et amicorum meorum, canonicis horis semper in ea ammoneantur ecclesia : quatinus omnipo- tentis dei dementia, quae tale thesaurum temporibus meis, gentibus et populis Anglorum aperire dignata est, mihi quoque aeternum coelis thesaurum cum Sanctis suis donare dignetur. Scripta est haec cartula anno domi- nicae incarnationis Dccxciii. indictione iii. anno uero OflPani regis Merciorum xxxvi. in loco celebri qui dicitur Celchythj praesente synodali conuentu, testibusque infra nominatis confirmata. Data die regnante domino nostro in perpetuum. >i< Ego Offa hanc donationem meam signo crucis Christo confirmo. >J< Ego Ecfridus similiter consentio et subscribo. ►{< Ego Ceoluulfus rex ad ipsum con- sentio. >I< Ego Cenuulfus rex consentio. >J< Ego Beornulfus rex. >I« Ego Ludecha rex. >it Ego GROUP IX. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 399 Uuilaf rex. >I« Ego Ecgbirhtus rex. >J< Ego Beor- tulfus rex. >J< Ego Burhredus rex. *^ Ego Aelfredus rex. >J< Ego Higberctus arehiepiseopus consensi et subscripsi. t^t Signum Ae)7elheardi archiepiscopi. >I< Signum Ceolwulfi episcopi. >i< Signum Hunwone episcopi. >J< Signum Ceolmundi episcopi. »J< Signum Ealcheardi episcopi. »I< Signum Aelfhuni episcopi. >I* Signum Heaberti episcopi. ^ Signum Heathoredi episcopi. ^ Signum Cyneheardi episcopi. >J< Signum Deneferdi episcopi. >^ Signum Cenwalchi episcopi. >J< Signum Wermundi episcopi. >I< Signum Wiht- liuni episcopi. >J< Signum Wynberhti episcopi. >^ Ego Wicga dux. >J< Ego Ae)7emundus dux. »J< Hearbertus dux. »{« Brorda dux. >J< Binna dux. >^ Esne dux. t^ Heaberht dux. >J< Cudberht dux. >J< Ceol. >^ Aemund dux. ►$< Ceolweordus dux. ^ The measure of respect and submission here accorded to the bishop may be a clue to the date of the composition. Cott. Nero. D. 1. 153. A.D. 1006. K 672*. -ffilthelred conveying land to St. Alban' s. This is a specimen of his- torical argument, with an archeeological tinge. I omit the preamble which is formulated upon the approaching end of the world, and only give the body of the piece. QuAPROPTER ego ^'Selredus, sceptrigera ditione An- glis, caeterisque sistentibus in circuitu gentibus, uoce habitu morumque uarietate distantibus rex subthroni- zatus, ob meae remedium animulae et ob stabilimen- tum regni coelitus mihimet concessi, atque etiam ob maximae pecuniae pretium mihimet pro hoc ipso col- 400 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. lato, condono ad sancti et eximii huius patriae pro- tomartyris Albani coenobium, quandam iuris mei portiunculam, cassatas equidem senas, binis in locis semotas, unam scilicet, ubi ab accob's usitato nomine dicitur Fleam stede, et quinque ubi noto uocitamine ob olim castellum iam pene dirutum Ausonica lingua dicebatur Uerulamium, quod nos uulgariter dicimus Waetlingaceaster, ubi et ipse sanctissimus Christi agonista uaria pro fide Christi sustulit tormentorum cruciamenta. Hoc sagaciter meo reuoluens animo iustius fore multo, locum in quo passus est, suo aeterna- liter mancipari coenobio almifico, quam diutius fisco regali uel cuilibet terreno audacter subiacere negotio. Decens est enim ut locus quem suo sacratissimo ago- nizans pro Christo aspersit et sacrauit cruore, ad ipsum perpetual! ter reuertatur locum, ubi et ipse martyrio expleto, capite truncato, brauium coeleste et immar- cessibilis uitae meruit coronam. Hoc nempe meae dapsilitatis emolumentum libens sub aeternali libertate liberum concedo, sicut abauus praedecessor mens Offa, scilicet, rex inclitus, omnia quae ipse ad ipsum coe- nobium contulit libertate ditauit. Eadem inquam libertate non solum banc possessiunculam libera m libens statuo, sed etiam quicquid a meipso uel a qualibet per- sona maiori sine minori ab heri et nudiustertius, et exin usque ad terminum istius transitorii regni, uitaeque labantis extrema datum fuerit ad supradicti martyris tumbam, sub hac libertatis et renouationis cartula aeternali libertate permaneat liberum. Et ne forte quis praesentium uel magis futurorum ambiget quae sit ilia libertas, qua ipsum coenobium rex beneuolus Offa ditauit, et egomet nunc confirmando renouaui, dicam plane, quod omnimodis cuncta illius monasterii pos- GROUP IX. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 401 sessio nuUis est obnoxia fiscis, scilicet, nee expeditionis, nee pontis et arcis aedificamine, nee iuris reg-alis frag- mine, nee furis apprehensione, et ut omnia simul com- prehendam, nil debet exsolui, uel regis praeposito, uel episcopi, uel ducis, uel uUius hominis, sed omne debitum exsoluant iugiter, qui in ipsa possessione faerint, ad praedicti martyris mausoleum, secundum quod ordinau- erit abbas, qui ipso praefuerit coenobio. Notum etiam uobis cupio fore quantum pretium pro hoc ipso abbas ipsius coenobii nomine Leofricus mihimet contulit, quando illud graue uectigal Danis exsoluebamus ; prae- stitit nempe mihi ducentas libras auri et argenti, ex appensione Danorum, et pro foenore ipsius pretii accepit a me uillam quae dicitur Eadulfinctun, quinquaginta quinque mansas habens, et has etiam sex mansas. Et nunc gratanter ipse mihimet mente beneuola reddit prae- dfctas quinquaginta quinque mansas, et contentus est in ipsis sex mansis, pro ducentis libris ; ideoque hanclibertatis et renouationis scedulam facilius adeptus est. Permaneat itaque praedicta possessio, cum omnibus utensilibus ad se rite pertinentibus, sub praedictae liber tatis chirogra- pho uoti compos. Et quisquis nostrae hoc liberali tatis donum augmentare mente maluerit iocunda, sentiet se donis per hoc locupletari diuinis. Si autem, quod absit, uspiam quis laruarico attactus instinctu mente hoc sub- dola machinatus fuerit adnullare, uel quippiam in peius quam constituimus transuertere, sua pro audacia a coetu in hac uita anathematizetur fidelium, et m tremendo dei examine astantibus coelorum agminibus hominumque turmis, necnon et horrendis Erebi uernulis palam cunctis damnetur cum haedis, auerni cruciamenta sine fine luiturus, ni ante obitum condigne emendauerit. Scripta est autem huius libertatis cartula decursis annis Dd 402 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. ab incarnatione Christi .Dcccc.xc. iiouenis terque binis in cursu millenario equidem sexto, his testibus fauenti- bus quorum hie dignitates cum onomate contemplari ualebis. Cott. Nero D. i. f. 148b. A.D. 996. Cott. Nero D. i. f. 152b. K696. ^^el red king of all Albion, &c., reendows the monastery of St. Alban's and appeals to an old charter given by Offa. ^ Omnipotentta diuinae maiestatis inefFabiliter uniuersa gubernante ! Licet regalium dignitatum de- creta, et antiqua priorum temporum priuilegia, per- manente integritatis signaculo fixa iugiter ac firma perseuerent ; attamen quia plerumque tempestates et turbines saeculi fragilem humanae uitae cursum puls- antes contra superna dominicae sanctionis iura illidunt, iccirco stili officio renouanda et cartarum suffragiis sunt roboranda, ne forte successura posterorum progenies, ignorato praecedentium patrum chirographo, inextrica- bilem horrendi barathri uoraginem incurrat ; nee inde libera exire queat, donee iuxta ueritatis sententiam cuncta usque ad nouissimum quadrantem debita plenis- sime reddat. Quapropter ego -^"Selredus, totius Albionis caeterarumque gentium in circuitu persisten- tium, munificente superno largitore basileus, incertum futurorum temporum considerans euentum, cunctisque succedentibus desiderans esse consultum, et ut ipse in tremendo magni iudicii die, sanctorum patrociniis suffragan ti bus haereditatis supernae cohaeres effici merear, dec omnipotenti, et sancto Albano gentis Anglorum GEOUP IX. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTUEY XIII. 403 profcomartyri, Christoque seruienti monachorum familiae celebri in loco qui solito set Uueatlingaceastre nuncu- patur uocabulo, octo mansarum portionem, duobus in locis aeqna dimensione sitam, .1111°'. uidelicet set Byrstane, similiter et .nii°'. aet Uuincelfelda, cum nouem praefatae ciuitatis habitaculis, quae patria lingua Hagan appellari Solent, octoque iugeribus set Westuuican, ad idem monasterium aeque pertinentibus, deuota mente secun- dum pristinum renouando restituo, et restituendo in nomine domini nostri Ihesu Christi praecipio, ut nullius altioris aut inferioris dignitatis persona, aut in nostris sine successorum nostrorum temporibus, banc quam praefatus sum portionem de praedicta sancti martyris aecclesia auferre uel minuere qualibet occasione prae- sumat ; sed hoc meae renouationis inuiolabili iugiter permanente, et contra omnia aemulorum machinamenta praeualente chirograpbo, praedictum monasterium ab omni mundanae seruitutis iugo, sicut continetur in ueteri cartula quam Offa rex Merciorum dictitando con- posuit, et fecit esse priuilegium ob monimentum omnium succedentium regum de omnibus rebus quas deo tradidit et sancto martyri Albano pro remedio animae suae. Iccirco, ego tali prouocatus exemplo, renouare cupiens, statuo ut quaecumque praedictus rex decreuit, inconcussa et firma perpetualiter perdurent ; et nostra auctoritate, omnia a nobis tradita, una cum omnibus quae ad sanctum ipsum locum pertinere dignoscuntur, campis, pascuis, pratis, siluis, eatenus sint libera, eadem libertate qua praediximus, ut inibi deo famulantes, tam pro meis quam pro omnium praedecessorum meorum deliquiis, sine ulla terreni potentatus molestia, cotidie saluberrima missarum solennia omnipotenti deo celebrent, et dul- cissimas psalmorum modulationes ore et corde decant- V d 2, 404 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. antes, armis spiritualibus contra uisibiles et inuisibiles hostes, pro nobis et pro omni populo cbristiano dimicare non cessent, quatenus eiusdem beati martyris inter- cedentibus meritis, sine in praesenti, sine in futura, sine in utraque uita, Christo pro nobis uirtutem faciente, uictoriam quandoque de inimicis nostris, uoti compotes adipisci mereamur. Si quis autem, maligno spiritu instigante, huic decreto repugnare temptauerit, sciat se alienum esse a consortio sanctae dei aecclesiae, et partici- patione sacrosancti corporis et sanguinis domini nostri Ihesu Christi ; et in nouissimo tremendi iudicii die, nouerit se in inferno inferiori, et in aeterna damnatione mergendum, et per auctoritatem praefati martyris, sciat se absque uUo termino sine fine cruciandum, nisi digna et congrua satisfactione citius emendauerit quod contra deum et sanctum martyrem eius delinquere non timuit. Anno dominicae incarnationis .dcccc.xcvi, indictione .VIII. scriptum et renouatum est huius libertatis chiro- graphum, his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina secundum uniuscuiusque dignitatem ordinata caraxantur. »J« Ego ^^elredus Anglorum basiieus banc reno- uationis et libertatis cartam scribere iussi. >J< Ego ^Ifricus Dorouernensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus huic scedulae signaculum sanctae crucis imposui. >^ Ego Ealdulfus Eboracensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus huic diffinitioni consentaneus extiti. >J< Ego -^Ifheah Uuin- toniensis aecclesiae episcopus huic chirographo similiter assensum praebui. >I< Ego Uulfstan episcopus consensi. >J< Ego ^Ifheah episcopus corroboraui. »J< Ego A'Sulf episcopus consignaui. >{< Ego Wulfsige episcopus con- solidaui. >i< Ego Ordbriht episcopus consigillaui. >J< Ego Goduuinus episcopus confirmaui. >J< Ego Ealdred GROUP IX. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 405 episcopus conclusi. >^ Ego ^IfSryS regina. >J< Ego jElfuueard abbas. >I< Ego ^Ifsige abbas. >J< Ego Uulfgar abbas. >J< Ego Leofric abbas. >J< Ego ^Ifhere abbas. »J< Ego iElfuuold abbas. >J< Ego ErihtncS abbas. >J< Ego Kenulf abbas. >{< Ego iE-Sel- weard dux. Ego ^Ifric >J< dux. Ego -^Iflielm >^ dux. Ego Leofsige >J< dux. Ego ^^elmaer >I< minister. Ego Ordulf 1^ minister. Ego Wulfricus >{< minister. Ego Wulfgeat >i< minister. Ego Wulfheah >I< minister. Ego Brihtmser >{< minister. Ego Leofwine >J< minister. Ego ^'Selweard >{< minister. *:ic* If this is a genuine document, or the representative of such, it is probably the source from which the two preceding have been derived. Cott. Nero D. i. f. 150 b. T.B.E. K 945. Oswulf and M^elgy^ arrange to enter into fraternity with abbot Leofstan and the monks of St. Alban s. This is one of those charters of fra- ternity which by the fourteenth century had become a mark for the satirist. See Piers P. (C) iv. 67 and Skeat's note. A much older example than this may be seen in K 226. The arrangement is that the estate is to be vested at once in the abbey, but the donors are to enjoy it for their time, paying a yearly acknowledgment to the abbey, which has it entirely after their death. As a seal of this covenant planted on the soil of the place, a church under the name of St. Alban is to be built in the village, and the abbot is to grant the timber for the structure. The witnesses are nob only certain persons by name, but also the whole congrega- tion that assembled to the dedication of this church and said Amen to the conveyance. >^ Haec est cartula quae demonstrat conuentionem 406 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. illam quam fecerunt Oswulfus et ^^ili'Sa uxor sua cum domino abbate Leofstano et monacbis aecclesiae sancti Albani, quando introierunt in fraternitatem illorum. Dederunt autem inprimis Oswulfus et JE'Seli^a uxor sua domino abbati Leofstano et monacbis aecclesiae sancti Albani ad introitum fraternitatis eorumdem propter caritatem .xx*\ solidos, obtuleruntque deo ac sancto eius martyri Albano cum magna deuotione illam terram quae dicitur set Stodbam sicuti ipsi illam ea die melius possiderent. Idque factum est cum consensu ac licentia regis Eadweardi atque reginae EadgySae, scilicet ut et ipsi participes essent istius doni et retributionis eiusdem consortes in regno coelorum. Ipsi autem, scilicet Oswulfus et j^'Seli'Sa, boc donum deo et sancto fecerunt Albano pro animabus eorum cunctorumque consanguineorum suorum, quatinus in futuro iudicio ueniam mereantur percipere peccatorum ; specialius tamen ilia nobi[li]s matrona, uidelicet ^'Seli'Sa, banc donationem fieri obtinuit a praesente domino suo, boc est Oswulfo, pro anima prioris domini sui Ulfi qui sibi illam tribuit uillam. Postea autem rogauerunt ambo dominum abbatem Leofstanum ut dedisset eis ligna ad aedificandam in eadem uilla aecclesiam in honore domini nostri Ihesu Christi et sancti Albani, ut et baec aecclesia sibi in specialissimum fieret proprietatis signum, et ut ex ilia die ob nullius euentum causae eam uUo modo amplius sanctus perdere posse Albanus ; ea tamen conditione, ut quamdiu illi uiuerent terram illam in suum usum haberent, cum licentia domini abbatis Leofstani simul et monacborum ; et hoc tali pacto, quod ob istius rei agnitionem unoquoque anno ad uictum proprie monacborum .xx. solidos darent quamdiu superstites ipsi fuissent. Huius rei testes sunt, GROUP IX. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 407 Wulfwius episcopus, Bondius stabulator, Burhredus, Eadwinus eiusdera filins, Godricus tribunus, ^Ifstanus uicecomes, Leofwinus de Cadendune, caeteraque innu- merabilis multitudo utriusque sexus ac diuersae aetatis qui ad dedicationem supradictae aecclesiae fuerunt, coram quibus omnibus utique dixerunt : ' Notum uobis cunctis omnibusque hominibus esse uolumus quod nos hodie, uidelicet ego Oswulfus et iE'Seli'Sa uxor mea, deo sane toque eius martyri Albano istam terram uidelicet Stodham, damus in perpetuam haereditatem, in prae- sentia domini Wulfwii episcopi et fratrum aecclesiae sancti Albani qui hie assunt modo nobiscum.' Ad quorum uocem, imposito silentio, coram omni populo episcopus Wulfwius alta uoce respondens dixit, * Qui- cunque hoc dono sanctum priuauerit Albanum sciat se in futuro dei iudicio cum luda saluatoris nostri proditore perpetualiter condemnaturum fore ; nosque ilium tamen tamque praesumptuosum ex auctoritate dei omnipotentis, patris et filii et spiritus sancti, et sanctorum canonum et nostri ministerii excommunicamus et a consortio tocius christianitatis et a liminibus sanctae aecclesiae sequestramus, donee terram sancto martyri reddat Albano.' Cui cuncti qui aderant ^ Amen ' responderunt. X. This group is from MS. Lambeth 1212, which is described by Kemble as 'an ancient Abstract from the registers of Christ Church, Canterbury.' It is in writing of the time of Edward I., perhaps near the close of the 13th century." With this group is joined (provisionally) a docu- ment on a separate sheet, Cott. Aug. ii. 67. 408 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 305. A.D. 687. K993*. Ceadwala of Wessex grants land to Christ Church at Canterbury. >J< Anno dominicae incarnationis .dc.lxxxvii. Ego Ceodwala rex cum coniuge mea Kenedri^a concedimus tibi pastor Theodore archiepiscope et familiae aecclesiae Christi in Dorobernia terram iuris nostri nomine Geddingge et Uudetun, scilicet terram iiii. aratrorum pro spe salutis aeternae, liberam ab omni saeculari seruitio, exceptis expeditione, pontis et arcis constructione. Si quis eas a iure praedictae aecclesiae auferre conatus fuerit, nisi deo et hominibus satisfaciat, perpetuo anathe- mate feriatur ; ad cumulum autem confirmationis ego Cenuualh cespitem praedictae terrae super sanctum altare saluatoris posui, et propria manu, pro ignorantia litterarum, signum sanctae crucis expressi et subscripsi. Ashburnham (Stowe), No. 1. July 697. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 305. K43. Birch 97. Wihtred king of the Cantware, grants land to the church of St. Mary at Lyminge. The ancient deed exists as above. >i< In nomine dni di nostri ihu xpi Ego uihtredus rex cantuariorum prouidens mihi in futuro decreui dare aliquid omnia mihi donanti et consilio accepto bonum uisum est conferre bassilicae beatae mariae genitricis di quae sita est in loco qui dicitur limingae terram .iiii. aratrorum quae dicitur Uuieghelmes . tun . cum ohmibus ad eandem terram pertinentibus iuxta notissimos termi- GROUP X. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 409 nos id est bereueg et meguines paed et stretleg- . quam donationem mea uolo firmam esse in perpetuum ut nee ego sen heredes mei aliquid minuere praesumant. Quod si aliter temptatum fuerit a qualibet persona sub anatbe- matis interdictione sciat se praeuaricari ad cuius con- firmationem pro ignorantia litterarum »{< signu scae crucis expressi et testes idoneos ut subscriberent rogaui id est berichtualdum arcbiepiseopu uirii uenerabile. >I< Ego berichtualdus episc rogatus consensi et sub- scribsi. >J< Signum manus uibtredi regis. >{< Signum manus aedilburgae reginae. >{< Signum manus enfridi. >I< Signum manus aedilfridi. i^ Signum manus hagana, >i« Signum manus botta. »{< Signum manus bern- haerdi. >}< Signum manus tbeabul. >I< Signum manus frodi. >}< Signum manus aebcha. >J< Signum manus aessica. >J< Signum manus adda. >I« Signum manus egisberichti. actum in mense iulio indictione . x ma. Endorsed : — " Daes landes boc set berdelhames wicum nunc wigel- mignctun/' and " Wichtredus rex Ca'. ad ecclesiam de Liming Wiel- mestun .iiii. arat'." Birch. MS. Lamb. 1212. p. 310. A.D. 747. K 1004*. Birch 173. Eadbert king of Kent granting to the abbot of Reculver the dues of one ship at Fordwich. >J< Anno dominicae incarnationis .dcc.xlvii. ego Eadbertus rex Cantiae cum consensu optimatum meo- rum, Bregowini arcbiepiscopi et caeterorum principum meorum, concedo aecclesiae quae est apud E-aculfe, et tibi Deneheah abba tuaeque familiae, pro salute ani- mae meae, uectigal et tributum unius nauis in portu 410 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. ac uilla quae dicitur Forduuic, ad opus, ut praefatus sum, familiae sanctae Mariae quae in iamnominata aecclesia deo seruiunt. Simulque praecipio in nomine omnipotentis dei praefectis, praepositis, et actionariis, et omnibus fidelibus qui in illo porfcu habent uel habituri sunt aliquam potestatem, ut haee mea donatio sit stabilis et firma imperpetuum. Quod si aliquis, quod absit, hoc meum donum uiolare praesumpserit_, a deo et Sanctis eius separatus, diabolo et angelis eius sit coniunctus. Quod si una nauis praedictae familiae perierit collisione, fractione, aut uetustate, iterum restituant aliam, et eadem conditione habeant, et sic in perpetuum. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 323. About 747. K1005. Birch 176. Eardulf king of Kent to Eadbert, abbot of Keculver, granting land at Perhamstede. »J< Ego Eardulfus rex Cantiae tibi uenerabilis Ead- berte abba, tuaequae familiae consistenti in loco qui dicitur Raculf, concedo terram unius aratri in loco qui nominatur Perhamstede, cum omnibus ad eam pertinentibus, liberam ab omnibus saecularibus ser- uitiis. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 310. A.D. 784. K1013. Birch 243. Ealhmund king of Kent to Wetred, abbot of Reculver, land at Scildwic. i^t Anno dominicae incarnationis .dcc.lxxxiiii. Eg-o Ealhmund us rex Cantiae do tibi Wetrede honorabili abbati tuaeque familiae degenti in loco qui dicitur GROUP X. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 411 Raculfcestre terrain duodecim aratrorum quae dicitur Seildwic, cum uniuersis ad earn rite pertinentibus, libe- ram ab omni saeculari seruitio et ab omni regali tribu- te, exceptis expeditione, pontis et arcis constructione. Si quis, quod absit, contra hoc donum meum facere temptauerit iram omnipotentis dei incurrat, et cum impiis et peccatoribus fiammis ultricibus sine fine damp- netur. 1^ Ego lambertus archiepiscopus Canciae banc regis donationem et excommunicationem consentiens et sub- scribens confirmo. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 310. A.D. 791. K 1014. Birch 263. Offa granting to Christ Church land of his right in the province of Kent. ^ Anno dominicae incarnationis .dcc.xci. Ego Ofia rex concedo aecclesiae Christi Cantuariae terram iuris mei quindecim aratrorum in prouincia Cantiae, in hiis postnominatis locis, id est, Socham, Perhamstede, Ro- cinga, et in saltu qui dicitur Andred ad pascua porcorum in hiis locis Dinuualingden, Sandhyrste, Suui'Selmingden, et in siluis quae dicuntur Bocholt et Blean Heanhric, et aliud inter torrentem nomine Nor'Sburnan et Hagena- treou, et pastum unius gregis iuxta Deningden, et .l. porcorum binnan Snsede. Hanc praedictam donationem uobis concedo, cum omnibus ad eam rite pertinentibus, quamdiu tibi uita comes fuerit, liberara ab omni regali tributo ; et post obitum cuicumque placuerit danda cum praedicta libertate. Si quis uero hoc donum meum infringere temptauerit^ perpetuo anathemate feriatur. 412 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 315. A.D. 809. K1025. Birch 329. Cenulf of Mercia conveying to Abp. "Wulfred land for a sum of money weighed ; and other land for the church. >J< Anno dominicae incarnationis .dccc.ix. Ego Cenulfus rex Cantiae concede Wlfredo archiepiscopo dilecto mihi terram iuris mei septem aratrorum quae dicitur Bereham, pro eius competenti pecunia, id est triginta libris denariorum. Item in alio loco in Cantia dedi eidem uenerabili uiro ad opus praefatae Christi aecclesiae et monachorum ibidem deo seruientium terram uiginti quinque iugerum nomine Ibbinetun liberas ab omnibus saecularibus anxietatibus, exceptis communi expeditione, pontis et arcis constructione. MS. Lamb. 1212. p. 320. A.D. 835. K 1043. Birch 414. Abbess Cyneuuara grants to Hunbert land at Wirksworth, for which he is to pay a yearly rent in lead for the church at Canterbury. >J< Anno dominicae incarnationis .dccc.xxxv. ego Cyneuuara abbatissa concede Hunberto duci terram iuris mei nomine Wyrcesuur"Se, ea conditione ut omni anno det aecclesiae Christi in Dorobernia pro gablo plumbum trecentorum solidorum ad opus aecclesiae eiusdem archiepiscopo Ceolno^o et successoribus eius. Hoc donum meum de praedicta uilla praefata aecclesia in perpetuum omni anno habeat. Si quis banc meam donationem Christi aecclesiae in Dorobernia abstulerit, perpetuo anathemate percussus, diabolus eum possideat in societate suorum. GEOUP X. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 413 MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 320. A.D. 844. K 1047. Birch 446. -ZE^elwulf confirming a grant of land by Osulf to Christ Church. »I< Anno dominicae incarnationis .dccc.xliiii. prae- sente ^'Seluulfo rege et ^^elstano filio eius, Ceolono'So quoque archiepiscopo, et Tatno^o presbytero tunc quidem electo ad episcopatum Dorobreui, id est ciuitas Rofi, confirmatura est donum Osuulfi ducis quod dedit aeccle- siae Christi in Dorobernia, hoc est Estre Stanhamstede, quam terram praefatus rex iE-Seluulfus proclamauit liberam ab omni saccular! seruitio, exceptis expeditione, pontis et arcis constructione. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 321. A.D. 895. K 1072. Birch 572. Plegmund the archbishop, granting land to Christ Church. »J< Anno dominicae incarnationis .Dccc.xcv. Ego Plegomundus, gratia dei, archiepiscopus concedo aec- clesiae Christi terram quae uocatur Wefingemerse, iuxta flumen quod uocatur Rumenea, liberam ab omni saeculari grauitate, exceptis expeditione, pontis et arcis constructione. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 321. A.D. 023. K1098. Birch 637. Wulfhelm archbishop ; his purchases of land. >I< Anno dominicae incarnationis .dcocc.xxiii. "Wlfel- mus archiepiscopus comparauit undecim agros mille 414 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. denariis puri argenti iuxta stratam quae dicitur Ealdan- strate, in occidente Haeuuiningland, in aqnilone Cingesdic. Item comparaui quosdam agros qui ab incolis nomi- nantur Wadland, et Wlfre^ingland, iuxta locum qui nominatur Ri'Serceap. Hiis terminis circumdatur prae- nominata terra. In oriente, publica strata ; in australi parte, terra Brihtulfi ; in occidente, ciuitas Doroberniae ; in acquilone, Burhuuare bocaceras. MS. Lamb. 1212, p. 323. A.D. 948. K 1160. Eadred grants to the Metropolitan Church the manor of Twickenham, >^ Anno dominicae incarnationis .dcccc.xlviii. Ego Eadredus rex, pro amore dei, ad profectum animae meae, oflPero munusculum sanctae metropolitanae aecclesiae in Dorobernia ciuitate, uillam scilicet nomine Tuuicaham, in prouincia Midlesaxonum, super fluuium Tamisiam sitam, cum omnibus ad earn rite pertinentibus, liberam ab omni saeculari grauitate et fiscali tributo, exceptis expeditione, pontis et arcis constructione. Si quis cuiuslibet sexus, ordinis, uel dignitatis, hoc memoriale meum corrumpere temptauerit, deleatur memoria eius de libro uitae, et robur eius sine refrigerio aeternaliter conteratur. Cott. Aug. ii. 67. Pentecost, 966. Canterbury Chart. C. 207. K:519*. T. p. 218. Eadgar granting to the monks of Canterbury the vill of Sandwich with all its liberties and royalties. This is a forgery, and yet it claims no more than actual right. Here we see the GROUP X. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 415 studious insertion of scraps of history which the artist had got up for the occasion. He had learnt that Acemanceaster had a famous Pentecost in the days of Eadgar ; and that Eadgar had been waited upon by subject kings at Chester ; and accordingly he brings in Kenneth king of Scots ; Maccus king of the Isle of Man and the Hebrides ; Dufnal king of Strathclyde ; and lukil king of Westmoreland : and he dates his composition, Whitsuntide, Bath. He has managed to avoid mistakes in the signatures of the bishops. »i< In nomine sanctae et indiuiduae Trinitatis ! Ego Eadgarus rex et basileus totius Angliae diuino instinc- tus admonitu, et sanctae Dorobernensis aecclesiae an- tistitis Dunstani precibus saepius exhortatus, reddo et concedo sanctae Dorobernensi aecclesiae et monachis ibi seruientibus deo, in puram elemosinam, portum et uillam de Sanduuic, eisdem monachis olim ablatam, cum omnibus libertatibus et consuetudinibus regiis ad Sanduuic pertinentibus, quae ego aliquando habui, uel aliquis antecessorum meorum, ex utraque parte aquae cuiuscumque terra hinc uel inde fuerit. Praeterea con- firmo eis omnes mansiones quas habent in uilla de Sanduuic, quae eis collatae sunt in puram elemosinam a fidelibus. Unde uolo quod nullus ibidem habeat aliquod ius nisi tantum monachi nostri de Dorobernia. Quicunque autem banc meam largifluam munificentiam interrumpere aut uiolare praesumpserit, indignationem domini nostri et sanctae Mariae et sanctorum omnium, qui in Dorobernensi aecclesia requiescunt, sentiant, nisi ante mortem emendati fuerint. Ego Eadgarus rex totius Angliae huic codicello meo signum sanctae crucis propria manu apposui >J<. Ego Kinath rex Scotorum subscripsi »^. Ego Maccus rex insularum uidi >J<. Ego Dunstanus Dorobernensis ar- chiepiscopus subscripsi >{<. Ego ^^elwoldus Uuin- 416 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. toniensis antistes consensi >I<. Ego Malcolm rex Cumbrorum subscripsi )^. Ego Dufnal uidi ►$<. Ego Oskitellus Eboracensis archiepiscopus subscripsi >^. Ego Osuualdus Uuigorniensis episcopus consensi i^. Ego Kineuuardus abbas Mideltunensis subscripsi >!<• Ego lacob subregulus signum apposui >J<. Ego lukil subregulus signum apposui i^. Ego Siferch subregulus signum sanctae crucis apposui in festo Pentecostes in ciuitate Acamanni >{<. dcccclxvi. XI. This group is from a roll in the British Museum, marked Cotton Eoll ii. ii ; it is nearly five feet long, and contains twenty-one documents, all relating to Crediton. The writing indicates the close of the thirteenth century, and the docu- ments here printed are the first five upon the roll. They are not in Kemble or Thorpe ; but the whole roll was com- mented upon in the Journal of the Archaeological Associa- tion, vol. xviii ; and later Mr. Davidson made these five the subject of a study in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association for 1878. It is from his pages that the text, translations, and notes are here reproduced, with alterations. 1. A.D. 938-9. A declaration by JE'^elgar, the second bishop of Crediton (934-953) ; of the pardons or indulgences which he had obtained for all benefactors of Crediton minster. The man- ner of his procuring them was remarkable ; and it happened in the days of king Athelstan (as so many other apocryphal benefactions did) ; and he was much assisted by pope Leo. There were two popes of that name during the reign of Athelstan. Hich^ egger bischob be bude^ alle mine afther co- mende to cridintones ministre . ]?at |7e geuenisse ^ ]>at aEOUP X. MANUSCEIPT OF CENTUKY XIII. 417 hich be het * afther J7at J^at hich for soc samte marie ministre for mire pride and to rome hy wende ^ . and ]?ar hich hontromede*^ sove yer and more an thar me bifore hylomp . ]>e reue quene on heuene marie . ad ne- dede me to scrifte go . to ]?an holiapopa leon and be his lore do. And he me radde anbidia ones similissamuis "^ on rome . and behithe ^ to giuenisse to bote mire mere leuedie ^ and to mire cherche. And "par hich be geth ^^ of souentine archebischobes to J^ousent dages to giuenesse of hure sinna . alle )?ane ministre criditones aginn^as an godieras of bute hende heuereche day to comde . and the worke bitrende and for ad)?elston synge ^^. And of o)7er bischopes on estende romes burg and on westende of ]7as mountes mougeus ^^ feour J?ousent dages , and Sonne dages . ? . of ho]7er archebischopes . l . bissopes on J^isser side J^as mountes on wale londes ]?e ich alle hi sogte ho]7er bi wise sende . so mi scrift was . J^ru ]7ousend dage . t . souene. Of "pvn archebischopes on bruthude . I . of hyre onderbischopes . on J;ousent dages . t . sixsti dages. Of feour archebischopes of hirlonde . t of hire ondersetele bischopes nunhenne honderd dages . ? .tin dages. And ]70 hich com hom to J^an gete on J^an cherchay . hich silf sinfol hi astahelede J^ar on hondred dage in helf |?an gete euemore wo so bith ^^ for wrecche edger. And )70 hich halgede 'pane cherichay at hechere ^* hurne at hondreid dage. And eft hich bus]7ide ^^ to rome for mire lacthere^^ to bote . ? . se holiapopa lion pay geuenisse iuasnede^"^ . "t morede hit mid on fousend dage . ? a wirgede alle J^aye J^e hit asj7ide . I . ]?ane ministr of cridiantone wi]? sette. Siima die^ xu cccc. Ixxx. Translation : — I, Egger (^thelgar), bishop, declare to all my suc- cessors at Crediton minster concerning the indulgence which 1 obtained after that I quitted St. Mary's minster {i. e. Crediton) for my pride. 418 SECONDABY DOCUMENTS. and went to Rome. And there I fell sick seven years and more, and there there appeared before me the compassionate queen in heaven, Mary, and bade me go to shrift to the holy Pope Leo, and act according to his direction. And he told me to continue one half year at Rome, and obtain indulgence for the mending of my great sickness and for my church. And there I obtained from seventeen archbishops two thousand days* indulgence of their sins for all the founders and bene- factors without end of Crediton minster, who should day by day come and aid the work ; and for King Athelstan. And from other bishops on the east of the city of Rome, and on the west of Mons Jovis, four thousand and seven days. And from other archbishops and bishops on this side of the mountains in foreign lands, whom I soiaght, or to whom I otherwise sent— so my shrift was — three thousand and seven days. From three archbishops in Bruttia (?), and from their under-bishops. one thousand and sixty days. From four archbishops of Ireland, and from their under-bishops, nine hundred and ten days. And when I came home to the gate of the church enclosure, I, my sinful self, established thei'e one hundred days for the benefit for evermore of him whosoever shall pray for the wretch (exile) Edger. And when I consecrated the church enclosure — at each corner, one hundred days. And again I journeyed to Rome for amends of my guilt; and the holy Pope Leo confirmed the indulgence, and increased it by one thousand days ; and cursed all those who should reject it, and oppose the church of Crediton. Total of the days, 12,480. *,(.* That this document is a forgery in its details, as in dating the indulgences from the time of Athelstan, there is no room to doubt ; but it does not follow that the minster had no title to the indulgences enumerated. Migne, Nouvelle Encyclopedie Theologique, vol. xxvii, gives A.D. ioo5 as the date of the first authentic document conveying indulgences as an endowment to a church. These were all partial, and limited in time, as in our documents ; the first plenary indulgence is that of Pope Urban to promote the first Crusade in 1095. ^ Ic. ^ bebeode. ' forgifennes. * begeat. * gewende. ^ untrumode. '' semissis annus ? * begitan. » PlefeSe. ^« begeat. ^» cynge. *^ mougeus. The Alps where Hannibal crossed are in Alfred's Orosius (in MS. Lauderdale only) called *Munt Jof,' and there is nothing answering to this in the original text. JE^elweard says that iElfgifu, daughter of King Athelstan, was married to a king *juxta Jupitereos montes,' i.e. near the Alps, ^2 bit. ^* aelcere. ^^ besi'Sode. ** leahtere. *' afsestuode. GROUP XT. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 419 2. After 1049. Grants of indulgence by nine bishops who are named. The last name seems to mean Lifing, who was bishop of Crediton 1027— 1046 ; and the confirming pope, Leo IX, who was elected in 1049. ^^ ^^^ document must be supposed later than 1049. u Hondret bischoc gief on hondred dage. Porte bischop on hondreid dage . t bi het J^rou hondreit dage. Leueger bischop bi het to hondreit dage. Eadb bischop bi get frou hondreit dage . and tin dage. Eansb bischop bi get Sonne hondreit dage. Ealnod bischop bi get and hondreit dage. Alger bischop bi het J7ru hondreit dage . I . souenti and )7ru dages. Eadluf bischop bi get sixsti dage. Luhing bischop to hondreit dage . and on o]7er leon popa hit ivasnede on echenisse ant aywilday. Siima die^. 11. d. xl. iij. Translation: — Bishop Hondret gave one hundi'ed days. Bishop Porte one hundi-ed days, and procured three hundi-ed days. Bishop Leveger procured two hundred days. Bishop Eadberht procured four hundred and ten days. Bishop Eansherht procured seven hundred days. Bishop Ealnod procured one hundred days. Bishop Alger procured three hundred and seventy- three days. Bishop Eadulf procured sixty days. Bishop Living two hundred days. And another Pope Leo con- firmed it for ever and aye. Total of the days, 2,543. *4.* Mr. Davidson said : — * The list reads like a random compilation, with the names of Eadulf and Lifing, the first and last bishops of Crediton, thrown in at the end to give an air of probability to the whole.' Of the previous names, the only identification he could suggest, was that of Leofgar, consecrated to Lichfield in 1020. It would be favourable to the bona fides of the document if the names had less of an English air, for people went to foreign bishops not uncommonly, when they wanted indulgences for churches. Lifing appears in this document as leaving Crediton for Exeter, and solacing the bereaved minster by confirmation of old and addition of new indulgences. As we know nothing B e 2, 420 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. of Lifing's quitting Crediton, and as the see was not trans- ferred until after Lifing's death, this document seems to approach very near to the character of a mere false invention. Her kied on J^ise iwrite ]7at hich luuig^ bischop at mine fuyrsi]7e ^ wram cditon hi ministre to ]7are cherche of examehestre for mine leue bro|?eren to h wreyrighe at mine out ganhes iuasnede J^ay geuenisse ]7at egger ]>e luf minetheude bischop bi tende into cdiam tones ministre and beg }?at alle o]7ere bischopes sidj^e of mine dages were igeue and bi gite ^ of o)?er bischopes hek * hich habbe out igadere ^ of bokes fale ^ . ? . ido "^ in on o])e masse boc at sainte marie ^ weuede to gadre hi broght ^ J7ar ma hit schel i su ^^. And in on o)?er boke ]7at hatte penitencialis bodde ^^ to hourde and ich hit itrimde mid on hondreit dages of bute ende and ich on cursie }7at hit o)?eruise isette . l . hek alle )?are churcha yvo. Summa tosci' venie xli ann' cc. dies . t . xvi dies. Et f>l hoc dns W Exon eps dedit ad colibj ^^ altare ecce xiii dies in re- missione pcco^. Translation : — Here is made known by this writing that I, Living, at my exit from Crediton minister to the church of Exeter, feeling at my departure compassion for my dear brethren, confirmed the indulgence which Egger (^thelgar), the bishop dear to my people, bestowed upon Crediton minster, and also (the indulgences) which were given by other bishops since, (and) of my day, and which were procured by other bishops ; also I have gathered out of many books, and have done (copied) into the mass book at St. Mary's altar, brought together, where it may be seen. And in another book that is called Penitentialis book. . . . And I confirmed it with one hundred days without end. And I invoke curses on those who shall otherwise appoint, and also on all the Church's foes. Total of the whole indulgence, forty-one years, two hundred and six- teen days. *^* Concerning the above three documents Mr, Davidson wrote as follows in 1878 :— 'The first question which arises is this : Irrespective of the subject-matter of these declarations, inasmuch as, if genuine, they must be renderings of real compositions of the dates ascertained, is it possible to believe that there ever existed Anglo-Saxon originals, GKOUP XI. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 421 whicli by repeated copying, or by having been written from dictation, could have become distorted into the singular forms which appear here ? This is a question upon which only experts are qualified to speak. Some have suggested that the peculiarities of this composition are due to a Devonshire dialect of Anglo-Saxon, or to the west-country mode of pronouncing the Old English tongue. Again, it has been noticed, and must be admitted, that some of the expressions which seem the strangest are not the most unaccountable. Nothing is at first sight more mon- strous than the phrase, " To than holiapopa leori." Yet this is not very far off in sound from the words. " Td tham halgan papan Leon." Worse distortions of spelling than this occur in the names in Domesday. •' Ad])elstan synge " again may have been written from the dictation of some one who, seeing '*cyng" in the charter, read it with a soft c, as we pronounce " cincture." Still, when every allowance has been made, the verdict is on the whole unfavourable. Professor Earle, though de- siring not to speak confidently on a matter of such obscurity, thinks it impossible there ever could have been genuine originals of which these sentences can have become perversions. This judgment, however, does not extend to the fourth — the land charter — which, in Mr. Earle's opinion, does show traces of having been derived from a genuine source.' Mr. Davidson has passed away (1885) since our last sheet was printed, and I cannot recall on what data my then opinion was founded. But now, after careful examination, I think it possible that they all (excepting perhaps No. 3) represent older writings. ^ Lining. ^ fortJsiSe. ^ begiten. * e^c. ^ utgegadrod. * feala. "^ geddn. * The dedication saint of Crediton minster was B. V. Mary, as may be seen above, p. 1 70, in a genuine charter. ^ gebroht. ^^ ])8er man hit sceal geseon. " 'bodde to hourde.' I cannot translate this, and I have not thought Mr. Davidson's translation probable enough to reprint. But one thing strikes me upon the manuscript view of bodde. The letters dd are not in the scribe's natural hand ; they look like half -imitation, as if the scribe was halting between the two notions, of either expressing some half -caught sense, or of drawing the characters after his obscure copy. It seems to me probable that what he had before his eyes was hoc, com- pleting the description of the book as ' Penitencialis hoc' For the rest I have nothing to suggest. This is important as bearing on the question of the original composition of these strangely corrupt pieces. ^^ adcolentibus. ? ^" A.D. 1018. Eadnoth, bp. Crediton (whose signature is found in deeds, A.D. 10 1 2-1 01 9), borrowed money of Beorhtnoth, and pledged to him certain land by the river Greedy. 422 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. In noTe dni nri ihu xpisti. Ich eadnod bischob kife on y\s writon ]?at ihc onborgede .xxx. marca goldes be lead wigte ^ to minre lond reddinge at beorhtno'Se . and ich ge sealde him ane gurde londes to underwedde bi cridia to ]?an foreword pat he habbe his deis . ou' his dels be que]7e }?ane . schuch Ipa, l^e him luuest bu ^ . J^e in ]7an londe stent . J^is his sint ]7alondes imeara . ]7are gurd bi cridia. Erest on schokebrokes ford . Jeanne east on J^an ■paipe . on ]?a litel gore . estward suS . on J7a dede lake on c'dia. Opon gen strem . on J7an elpenian aker ^ . |7anne est on pa. h'pa)7e eft on schokebroces ford . J^is her is towitnesse cnut ching wolstan archebischop . ? . luwing archebisehop . ? . britgloj? bischop, and gednod bischop, and burthlo]? bischop . ad ad]7elwine bischop and bris- tyne* bischop . and ad]?elword elj7erneman . and ad]?elwold abbot . and pat hyred of exancestre . and ]7at hired of cdihamton . and J?is i]?idde pe bischop J^ane borg ton to examcestre and to tottenesse . and to lidauorde . and to beardestaple. Pax sit hoc s'uantib^ . t . infii sit hoc frangentib^. And ]?isses iwrites idoua is on cridiamtone . mid hure elder boken. Translation : — In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I, Eadno??, hishop, make known by this writing that I borrowed thirty marks of gold, of public weight, for the management of my land, from BeorhtnoS ; and I delivered to him a tenement of land by the Greedy in pledge, on the understanding that he should have it for his day, (and) after his day bequeath it to whomsoever might be dearest to him so far as stands in the land. These are the boundaries of the land — of the tenement by the Greedy. First at Schokebrook ford; then east along the road to the little gore ; eastward south to the still lake on the Greedy ; up against the stream to the solitary oak ; thence east to the high road that (leads) back to Schokebrook ford. There are to witness : Gnut, king; Wolfstan, archbishop; Living, archbishop; Brihtwold, bishop ; EadnotJ, bishop ; Burhwold, bishop ; ^S'elwine, bishop ; Brihtwine, bishop ; ^Selweard, ealdorman ; and iE?Jelwold, abbot ; and the household (monastery) at Exeter ; and the household (monastery) at Grediton, And of this the bishop sent notice to the GKOUP XI. MANUSCEIPT OF CENTUKY XIII. 423 city of Exeter and to Totnes, and to Lidford and to Barnstaple. Peace be to those who maintain this, and hell be to those who break it. And of this writing there is a copy at Crediton amongst their old charters. *** A corrupt form of a genuine document ; the bounds are traced and illustrated with a map by Mr. Davidson in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1878. ^ Be leodgewihte; i.e. by national or common-law, as opposed to customary, weight. In a charter of Cnut, K745, mention is made of silver marks measured by ' hustings ' weight. ^ ])im ]}e him leofost beo. ^ aenlipigan sec. ? * bristyne = Brihtwine, bp. Sherborne. All these names occur, with others, in K728. 5. 21 Dec. 1236. Here we emerge into full historic light ; we have before us an unaltered original, of which the date is only about fifty years older than the manuscript ftom which we take it. It is a copy of a deed of confirmation, executed at Crediton, by William Brewer, bishop of Exeter, confirming to the church of Crediton the indulgences (presumably those of our Nos. 1-3) which, as is carefully stated, the bishop saw with his own eyes and caused to be read before him ; and which were transcribed upon the original parchment of this deed. Universis sanctae matris ecclesise filiis banc prsesentem paginam visuris vel audituris, Willelmus Briwer, misera- tione divina Exoniensis episcopus, seternam in Domino salutem. Noverit universitas uestra quod nos, divine caritatis intuitu, indulgentias suprascriptas per diligen- tiam prsedecessorum nostrorum episcoporum Credito- nensium et Exoniensium diversis temporibus ecclesise sanctae crucis et ipsius crucifixi genetricis semper virginis Marise de Crediton, ad piam et perpetuam consolationem fidelium adquisitas, quas oeulis pro- priis inspeximus, atque coram nobis reeitari fecimus, et sicut ex antiquis dictse ecclesise instrumentis veraciter suscepimus, ipsas a summis pontificibus misericorditer fuisse confirmatas, dictorum praedecessorum nostrorum 424 SECONDAEY DOCUMENTS. facta per omnia in hac parte illsesa conservare volentes, et perpetua permanente auctoritate nobis a Domino cre- dita, dictas indulgentias, necnon et sententiam quam memorati prsedeeessores nostri in perturbatores sen violatores earundem provide tulerunt — confirmavimus. Nos itaque, de Dei omnipotentis misericordia, et omnium sanctorum meritis confisi, gratiam gratise adcumulare cupientes, omnibus dictse ecclesise benefacfcoribus, sive pise devotionis causa illam quocunque tempore visitanti- bus, de injuncta sibi poenitentia quadraginta dies miseri- corditer relaxamus. Et, ne istud futuris temporibus aliquibus vertatur in dubium, prsesentem paginam, se- cundum consuetudinem temporis moderni, sigilli nostri impressione duximus roborandam. — Datum Criditonse, anno gratise m°cc°°xxx°vi°. xij°. kal. Januarii, scilicet die sancti Thomse apostoli. APPENDIX TO GKOUP XI. C. C. C. Oxf. No. 449. 2 June 1194. The following bull of Celestine Til supplies a good his- torical illustration to this section. It is here printed for the first time by the kind permission of the President and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, from their manu- script Cartulary of St. Frideswide ; and I am indebted for my acquaintance with it to the Eev. S. R. Wigram, who is en- gaged in editing that book for the Oxford Historical Society. Celestinus Episcopus servus servorum Dei universis Dei fidelibus per totam Angliam constitutis salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Quoniam ut ait apostolus omnes stabimus ante tribunal Christi recepturi prout gessimus in corpore sive bonum sive malum oportet nos diem messionis extreme misericordie operibus prevenire GROUP XII. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIII. 425 et etemorum intuitu semiuare in terris quod reddente ^ Domino cum multiplicato fructu recolligere valeamus in coelis;certam spem fiduciamque tenentes quoniam qui parce seminat parce et metet et qui seminat in benedictionibus de benedictionibus metet vitam eternam. Cum itaque dilecti filii nostri Canonici sancti Frideswide de Oxen- fordia Ecclesiam domos et oflScinalia necnon et orna- menta ecclesie vehementis ignis incendio combusta ^ in- ceperint reparare et ad consumraacionem ejusdem operis eis non proprie suppetant facultates universitatem ves- tram rogamus et exortamur in Domino et in remissionem vobis injungimus omnium peccatorum quatinus divini amoris intuitu et vestre salutis obtentu eisdem Canonicis vel eorum nunciis pias elemosinas conferatis ita ut ipsi vestra et aliorum fidelium subvencione adjuti inceptum opus feliciter consummare valeant vosque per bee et alia bona que feceritis Domino inspirante ad eterne felicitatis gaudia mereamini pervenire. Nos vero de Dei miseri- cordia confidentes omnibus elemosinam eis et ecclesie sue tribuentibus vere confessis et penitentibus de injuncta eis penitencia xx dies condonamus. Datum Laterano iiij Non. Junii pontificatus nostri anno quarto. •^ i. e. redeunte. ^ MCXC. Combusta est ecclesia sanctae Frideswidae cum maxim^ parte civitatis Oxenfordiae. Chronicon Thomce Wylces. Ann. Monast, Rolls Series, vol. iv. p. 43. XII. This small group of boundaries is offered as a specimen of a chartulary of the fourteenth century, Bodl. Wood i, a chartulary of Glastonbury, written about 1350, The terriers have all been collated, and the peculiarities of the writing (normalized by Kemble) have been studiously kept. 426 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Such are mis-spellings, and mis-joinings of words, which show that the scribe did not understand what he was copying. Bodl. Wood i. fol. 183. A.D. 681. K 20*. Birch 61. Baldred granting to abbot Hamgisl land at Pennard (Somerset). Of Obanleighe up end Lang brokes to catanLeighe )?aneii est endlang S lades of }7an slade on ]?on bourne so to collamburi and est to standelue ]7anen north endlang weies to J^ere stanene brugge on J7en olden pil and soa endlang mores out on bru. *5it* In S. ii, there is a facsimile of an older form of this deed on a single parchment, the property of the Marquis of Bath. It is a writing of (or, in imitation of) the early part of the ninth century. The boun- daries are thus given:— Of eobbanlege up anlang broces to totanlege . thonon east andlang slides , of tha slgde on thone burnan . sua to cullanbyrig . -} east to stangedelfe . thonon north anlang uueges to there stgnenan brycge . on thone aldan pyll . ~} sua andlang mores ut on briuu. Bodl. Wood 1. fol. 191. A.D. 725. K74*. Birch 143. Ini granting to Glastonbury Abbey xii manentes at Souuig (Sowey), Somerset. Erest of Wilbrittispathe on midde pedredistrem a doun endlangestremes on Bridweres mere |7anen northri^t endelang midmores on kari ]7anen up endlangkari on hamelondes mere on poholfce j^anen south bi line endlang- midward mores est on Wilbrithes pathes mores. *** F. H. Dickinson Esq. (of Kingweston, Somerset), says that this Sowey is a tract of land once surrounded with water, and comprising the modern parishes of Middlezoy, Weston Zoyland, and Othery. GROUP XIII. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XIV. 427 Bodl. Wood i. fol. 191 b. A.D. 963. K505. Eadgar granting to Wulfhelm land at Otheri. pis beth ]?e landmere Erest of ]7an welle ]7ar on Othere endlangstremes on pe rede cliue northward )7are op on ameput of ]?an putte on an withi of ]?an withi on austonberwe of J;an berwe est up on Ipe rigge on hothurne stanberwe ]7anen to J>an herpowe endelang herpothes on 'pe stanbrugge "pav up on landseherlake on holangcombe heued ]7anen up on dieli J7anen on midde pe doune endlangdonne on iffingknap medeward J^anen on iffeng- berlake of per lake on J>e dich of ]?an diche on ]>e if re northward eft on J>e welle endlangrewe ]?are eft on Otheri. %*■ In the manuscript this deed follows the previous one, and seems to be associated with it by the name Otheri. In the Marquis of Bath's Chartulary of Glastonbury, at Longleat, the two documents are like- wise in the same order. It is pretty clear that the Glastonbury archivist regarded this deed as one that concerned their property in Somerset- shire. But Mr. Dickinson points out that the bounds apply to Gittisham (Devon) by the river Otter, where Glastonbury abbey had never any land. XIII. This group is from a manuscript written early in the fifteenth century, which Kemble describes as 'a very ill- executed register of the Abbey of Shaftesbury.' The speci- mens of this text have been collated with the manuscript by the kindness of Mr. Walter de Gray Birch of the British Museum. MS. Harl. 61. fol. 12 b, 16 b. A.D. 955. K 435. Eadred grants land to his thane Wihtsige, quodam in loco priscorum uocabulo set Corf and aet Blechenhamwelle. There are two descriptions of the boundaries ; the briefer is here given. 428 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. Dis sand pa land i mare to Corf and to blechenenwelle pare .vii. hide. Arest of wikenforde. anlang- wiken of seylenford. of Scylenforde ] on richt wege. of panne weie on olle discan. panen: on blechene of panne welle. on pane hlinc. anlang hlinkes on anne dich ; panen one po ealde rode, onlang rode J onne po aide stodfald. of panen faldej on anne dich. suth anlang die on pare herepap ; of panne herepap suth anlang sawendune on anne dich onlang dich ] ope clif. panen ut on se. panen sant pis pat westrene landimare of se one pe stod die panen for'S be wertrumen on anne stanweal . of panne walle ]?weres ouer smalencumbe of pa }?orne upvvarde panen for'S be euisc one pat Northene stod dich. of pare dich ] on anne stanen wal nord on lang walles ] on stan wege ; an lang weies ] on anne die. pan norp anlang dich of pare diche ] on Wicean. of Wichen? on anne ]7orn 7 panen ^ on anne diche. of pare diche ^. on anne ]7orne ; 7 panen north on iricht wege. of pane i wege i on alfstanes pa^. pane for^ be eficlif on aueres broc ^ adune anlang brakes I op pane bige. of pane bige ? on anne j7orn. panne suth on irichte on anne mor a dune, anlang mores, on wicean. up anlang wicean ] eft on WichenforS i, ^ of = o]> ; or perhaps on, throuffh intermediate ou. ^ aueres broc. The other terrier contains, though not with identical connection, the expression 'on Auenes brdc' and perhaps we should correct * aueres ' to ' auenes/ MS. Harl. 61. fol. 13 b. A.D. 966. K 522. Eadgar grants to the nunnery of Shaftesbury certain land which his grandmother "Winfled had given long ago, but the deed of con- veyance had been lost, and therefore this new one is written. GROUP XIV. MANUSCRIPT OP CENTURY XV. 429 Dis sanden pe landimaren at uppidele. of pidelen streamed on hlosstedes crundles sup ecgel of pane crundle on pat mere sled, of pat mere slede on "Seo herepape. anlang herepapes ? on mearhhilde mere, of mearhhilde mere I on pane hapene berielese on midde pane punfald. of panne punfalde I on pidelenstream. of pidelenstreme anlang burnstowe on greten linkes. suth ecge of pane gretenlinke on chellenberghe f f eft on pidelen streame. and se made be frome pat to panne tune ibereth. *:^* The place Uppidele is one of the numerous places on the Piddle in Dorset, which are named after that river. It would be interesting to verify the spot more nearly, if only for the light which this deed might throw on the term ' crundel/ in case it signifies any permanent object. MS. HarL 61. fol. 2 b. A.D. 984. K641. -aS'Selred assures to the convent of nuns at Schaftesburi certain lands at Tissebiri (Tisbury, near Hindon, Wilts) which his pre- decessors had granted in ancient days, but which had been resumed by his grandfather Eadmund. He had given to the convent Bucticanlea (Butleigh, Somerset) in place of it, and then dowered his queen JEIfgifu with Tisbury. ^Ifgifu wanted to leave Tisbuiy also to the convent for her own part, but after the death of Aelfgifu king Eadwig 'jus mutavit, hoc ipsum sibi uidelicet Bucticanlea accipieiis, sanctoque coenobio prefatam terram set Tisseburi perpetualiter at- tribuens.' Rus uero praefatum hiis metis in circo rotatur. Dis sant pa landimare. pare twen tiwe hi we at tissebiri. arest pe cigel marc scheth on nodre andlang stremes od gofesdene. pannen i to pere twiehenen i of pere twicheneJ on Wilburge imare.* on pane grene wei on Wermundes trew. of Wermundes tre i a dun richt inne pe imade. of pane mipon f anlang stremes on pane ealde 430 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. Wdeforde ? on pare grene wei onne pe heued stokes, of panne heued stocken I forp be twelf aceron pat it comet to wealwege. panen I to hig wege. pannea I to Wdesfioda ; pannen i to suthames forde. Anlange hege reawe pat it comet to nodre. an lang Nodre, On semene. Anlang semene to rodelee. panen? on pere hwiten meres, pan- nen ? on mapeldere hille pannen I on pa stigele. pannen I on sapcumbe. pannen forder west on cures rigt. panne cyrder it north on poles leage ; pannen I on mane broc. panen i on wipig broch. panen ? on sidinic mor pannen for^S on cnugel lege and on hiclesham. "Saniien J on mearc wei of pane wege anlang hrigces to inpedeforde. an lang weges pat it cumet to fiint geal on pone herpo'S. pannen I to gificancumbe. an lang cumbe to stanweie. Anlang hryggesJ to "Sere litdenlege. pannen on leo- friches imare. forp be gemare I eft on funt al of f intes brigce. anlang hrigces to alfgares imare forder be his imare of heued stoccas panen I to cigel mere broke, an lang strcmes eft on nodre. *:ic* A neighbourhood of old celebrity, that of Wardour Castle. In the terrier we recognize Chilmark (cigel marc), and the river Nadder (nodre), and a stream that runs into it called by a name (semene) that accounts for Semley and Semwick. Another historical place, Fonthill Abbey, is also here (funt geal), and probably the local perambulator would make out a great deal more. XIV. This group, which is represented by one important docu- ment, is from the Liber Albus ii. of the Dean and Chapter of Wells. The codex contains documents of a date as low as 1493, besides transcripts of ancient things. It has been well explored by F. H. Dickinson, Esq., of Kingweston, Somerset ; and our text is printed from his article in the 1877 Pro- ceedings of the Somersetshire Arch geological and Natural GROUP XIV. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XV. 431 History Society ; vol. xxiii (New Series, vol. iii). The proof has been collated with the manuscript by the kindness of my friend Canon Church. Liber Albus ii. WeU. fol. 246 b. A.D. 1068. William tlie Conqueror confirms Banwell, and some other lands in Somerset, to Giso, bishop of Wells. Dis is dsere xxx hyda boc set Banawelle ]?e Willhelm cyng gebocade Sancto Andrea apostolo in to ]?am bis- coprice set welle a on ece yrfe. >I< Regnante imperpetuum domino nostro Jesu Christo Ego Willelmus dei gracia tocius Brittanie monarches antecessorum meorum catholice et apostoUce fidei inte- gritatem colencium imitatus vestigia earum rerum que in hac convalle lacrimarum possidere videor datorem meum Jesum Christum participem facere proposui et ex terrenis atque temporalibus celestia et eterna ab eo com- mutare. Pulsatus quoque piis precibus Gisonis episcopi xxx mansas in loco qui a solicolis Banawelle dicitur quos antecessor ejus Dodoco episcopus pro anima sua Deo contulerat. Haroldus vero rex cupiditate infiam- matus abstulerat. Sancto Andree Apostolo ad augendum ecclesiastice dignitatis commodum in proprium dominium episcopalis sedis et in sustentacionem fratrum Wellensis ecclesie in perpetuam libertatem restituo cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus id est silvis campis pratis piscuariis pro me et pro anima patris mei et pro antecessoris mei Edwardi Regis et pro omnibus mihi fideliter adheren- tibus. Hoc vero largitatis mee munus ab omni fiscali vectigalique jure absolvo tribus tantum exceptis expe- dicione pontis et arcis edificacione. Si quis hoc custodire 4B2 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. et augere volnerit augeat ei Dens presencia bona et celestia gaudia consequatur. Siquis vero quod non op to instigante Diabolo hoe frangere vel minuere ausus fuerit dispereat de terra memoria ejus et nomen ejus deleatur de libro vivencium. Termini vero predicte terre hi sunt. >J< Dis syndan ]7a land gemsero set Banawelle. iErest set hylsbrokes ea willme east on ]?one cumb eall abutan losa leh swa west on )7one cumb & swa west of dam cumbe to bibricge. of bibricge into ture broc. of ture broke into locxs of loxs into bridewell to pantes hyd ford, to fule welle ut on j7one msere of dam maere on ealden wrinn into catt widige up ford be cyng roda aest in fone wrinnsest streame ford. ]?at hyt cymd in J?one hyls broc up ]7at hyt cymd sest inne ]?a eaa willme. >I< Dis syndan ]?a land gemseru into Cumbtune ^rest on hryges torr of hrygestorre east on ]?one smalen weg &lang wseges on ealmes feald eastwearde swa &lang wseges on Jjone scyte swa on 'pone nordernna weg on pa. stygela & swa &lang weges on cearce rode of ]?8ere rode on ufe wearde calewen swa rihte nyder on pa. sand sea)7as J^one rihte on j7one holan weg &lang wseges on ceolc broc &lang broces ut on -reod rsewe on axa to wsede wser swa &lang eaa to wiht hyrste of dsere hyrste on ]:>a blindan ea. swa sest on axa &lang streames 6n loxan & lang loxan up on cyrces gemsero & on bertunes gemseru swa up ofer duna est on hricges torr. And set hiwisc ]?8era v hida c secere msede be sudan heawican & et ceoddor mynster viiii heordas & f gemena land uf bufen melc wsege & eall seo wyrd on sundran & se wudu of dam forde up andlang ceodder cumbes on hean nsess. of dam nsese on pa, gemser ac on eadbrihtes cumbe andlang cumbes sest f hyt cymd ut on ]7one feld. GROUP XIV. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XV. 433 Ut autem que agimus per posteritates sibi suc- cedentes rata et inviolata queant esse Anno dominice Incarnacionis Mill. Ix. vii. Indict, vi hac privilegii con- firmamus kartula que apocrifas quaslibet vel anteriores si que huie forte non consenserint irritas faciat esse et multorum testium quorum consilio hec sunt diffinita subter annectimus nomina. Si quis hoc mee parvitatis dono Deum sanctumque Andream spoliaverit inreme- diabili percussus anathemate eterne dampnacioni sub- jaceat >J< Ego Willhelmus rex Anglorum crucis titulo meam confirrao donacionem ►J* Ego Mathyld regina eodem signo adhibeo confirmaeionem >J< Ego Stigandus archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi 1^ Ego Aldrsedus archiepiscopus confirmavi ►!< Ego Odo episcopus frater Regis conroboravi >I< Ego Hugo episcopus consoHdavi >J< Ego GofFrid episcopus consignavi ►J* Ego Heremannus episcopus consensi ►J< Ego Leofricus episcopus non renui ►!< Ego Gilmser episcopus annui >I< Ego Willlielmus episcopus laudavi >I< Ego Egeh'icus episcopus confirmo >I< Ego Walterus episcopus favi >J< Ego Wulfsig episcopus confirmavi ►I* Ego Remigius episcopus consignavi >I< Ego ^j7ehiod abbas >J< Ego Leofweard abbas ^ Ego Wulfwold abbas ►!< Ego Wulfgeat abbas >J< Ego Will- helmus dux >i< Ego Wal}7eof dux »J< Ego Eadwine dux ►!< Ego Rotbertus frater regis >J< Ego Rotgerus prin- ceps >I< Ego Walterus Gefeheard ►!< Ego Hugo De muntforz >J< Ego Willhelm de curcello >I< Ego Serlo de burca >I< Ego Rotgerus Derundel >{< Ego Richard filius regis ►!« Ego Waldtere fleminc >I< Ego Rambriht Ff 434 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. flaeminc >J< Ego J^urstan >J< Ego Balduinus de warten beige i^ Ego Othelheard >{< Ego Heimericus >J< Ego Toug minister »J< Ego Dinni >^ Ego jEifge arde thorne ►J< Ego Willhelmde Walvile >J< Ego Bundi stallere >J< Ego Rotbert stallere i^ Ego Rotbert de ylie #J< Ego Rogerus pincerna i^i Ego Wulfweardus >J< Ego Herding >J< Ego Adzor »J< Ego Brixi >I< Ego Brihtric. *** In the Article already referred to may be seen Mr. Dickinson's tmnslation of the boundaries, together with his comments which are full of local knowledge. Mr. Freeman examined the signatures and came to the conclusion that the persons could all have met at one and only one particular time. * The meeting of these bishops and these earls, together with the Queen, is perfectly possible in the summer of 1068 ; it is not possible earlier or later/ The date given in the deed is right according to the Indiction, but wrong Anno Domini, and Mr. Freeman attributes this to an error of transcription. He finds traces of an English scribe in the title ' dux ' where a Norman would have used 'comes,' in the absence of a title from Kobert of Mortain who was a Count in Normandy, and in the descrip- tion of Robert of Montgomery as 'princeps.' Tofig, the sheriff of the shire concerned, signs as minister, i.e. ]>egn. The name of Walter Gifford is spelt in a very English way Gefeheard. The only suspicious expres- sion is * rex ' applied to Harold, who is so carefully described as ' comes ' by the compilers of Domesday ; yet even these have once let slip the word * regnavit ' of him. Or may this ' rex ' be due to the transcriber ? This piece represents the Court of William as being as yet more English than Norman. No English Earl or Bishop has yet been removed from his post. A crowd of Englishmen are still called to the Assembly and sign its acts. {Proceedings of Somerset. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. 23, part 2, pp. 49 sqq.) XV. In this group we have three specimens of that last stage in the descent of Saxon documents, in which they were cast into popular rhyme. GROUP XV. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XV. 435 1. MS. Lansd. 269. fol. 213. N. Mon. ii. p. 129. K:359*. T. p. 180. Carta Adelstani Regis Sancto Johanni Beuerlaci data anno domini dcccc. xxv. de Privilegiis. That witen alle that ever been, That this charter heren and seen, That I the king Adelstan Has yaten and given to seint lohn Of Beverlike, that sai I yow ; Tol and theam, that wit ye now, Sok and sake over al that land That es given into his hand. On ever ilke kinges dai, Be it all free than and ay ; Be it almousend, be all free Wit ilke man and eeke wit mie. That wil i (be him that me scop) Bot til an ercebiscop, And til the seuen minstre prestes That serves God ther saint John restes. That give i God and seint John Her befor you ever ilkan. All my herst corn ineldeeP To uphald his ministre weell : Tha fourj^reve (be heven kinge) Of ilka plough of estriding. If it swa betid, or swa gaas. That ani man her again taas^ Be he baron, be he erle, Clark, prest, parson or cherel; Ff ij 436 SECONDARY DOCUMENTS. Na be he ne that ilk Gome, I will forsaye that he come, (That wit ye weol or and or) Til saint John mynstre dor; And thar i will (swo Crist me red) That he bet his misded, Or he be cursed son on on Wit al that servis saint John. Yif 'hit swa betid and swa es, That the man in mansing es : ^ I sai yow ouer fourti daghes, (Swilke* than be sain John laghes) That the chapitel of Beverlike Til the scirif of Everwike Send thair writ son onan, That this mansedman^ be tan. The scirref than say i ye, Witouten any writ one me Sal nimen him (swo Crist me red) And into my prison lede, And hald him (that is my wilt) ' Til he bet his misgilt. If men reises newe laghes In any other kinges daghes, Be thay fromed, be thay yemed Wit yham of the mynstre demed, The mercy of ye misdeed, Gif i saint John, swo Crist me red. Yif man be cald of limes or lif Or men chalenges land in strif Wit my bodlaik/ wit writ of right, Y wil saint John have J?e might. That man tharfor noght fight in feeld, Nowther wit staf no wit sheeld : GROUP XY. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XV. 437 Bot twelve men wil i that it telle Swo sal it be swo heer ibelle. "^ And he that him swo werne may Overcomen be he ever and ay, Als he in feld war overcomen, The cravantise of him be nomen. That yat^ i God and saint John Her befor iow and ever ilkon. If man be founden slan idrunkend, ^ Sterved on sain John rike, ^^ His aghen men withouten swike His aghen bailiffs make ye sight, Nan other coroner have the might : Swa mikel fredom give i ye, Swa hert may think or eghe s^e. That have i thought and forbiseen, I will that ther euer been Samening and mynstre lif Last foUike'^ witouten strif, God help alle thas ilk men That helpes to the thowen. Amen. *** Printed after Kemble, who followed the Monasticon. The variations are those of the Lansdowne manuscript, a paper transcript of the 17th or i8th century. This I learn from Mr, de Gray Birch, who has kindly lent me his unpublished proofs of this and the two next pieces. The dialect is northern, but not so strong in this as in No. 3, where note especially the use of at as a conjunction Dr. Murray in the New English Dictionary regards this as ''at, a worn-down form of that; saying that it was very common in 14th- 15th c, that it is rare even in Scottish writers after 1500 ; but still in regular use in northern dialect speech, as, * I sed *at 1 wad, and I did.* ^ MS. best come and meldrel. ^ MS. saes. ^ MS. that the mansings is. * MS. whilke. ' MS. his manserman. ® MS. god lake. ^ MS. swa here well. « MS. hat. » MS. founden dronken. " MS. St. Johns rike. " MS. for euer. ^ 438 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. 2. N. Mon. ii. p. 133. K358*. T. p. 179. ^thelstan confirming to the Chapter of Kipon their liberties and customs. >I< In nomine sanctae et individuae i-rinitatis! Adel- STANUS rex dei gratia regni Angliae omnibus hominibus suis Eboraci, et per totam Angliam, salutem. Sciatis quod ego confirmo ecclesiae et capitulo Riponensi paeem suam ^, et omnes libertates et consuetudines suas, et con- cedo eis curiam suam de omnibus quaerelis et in omnibus curiis de hominibus S. Wilfridi, pro ipsis et homini- bus suis, vel contra ipsos, vel inter se ad invicem, vel quae fieri p et judicium suum pro Frodmortell ; et quod homines sint credendi per suum ya, et per suum na ; et omnes suas terras habitas et habendas, et homines suos ita liberos, quod nee rex Angliae, nee ministri eius, aliquid faciant vel habeant quod est ad terras suas vel ad socam capituli. Testibus G. archiepiscopo Eboracensi, et P. praeposito Beverlaci. ^ pacem suam. This seems to mean their right of sanctuary. Com- pare the next piece. Cf. Ducange v. Tax. 3. N. Mon. ii. p. 133. K 360*. T. p. 182. A popular version of the foregoing. Wyt all that es and es gan That ik King Adelstan As gyven als frelich as I may And to the capitell of seint Wilfrai, GROUP XV. MANUSCRIPT OF CENTURY XV. 439 Of my fr^e devotion, Thair pees at Rippon On ilke side the kyrke a mile, For all ill deedes and ylke agyle. And within thair kirke yate At the stan that Grith stole hate ; Within the kirke dore and the quare Thair have pees for les and mare. Ilkan of this stedes sal have pees Of frodmortell and il deedes That thair don is, tol [and] tem, With iren and with water deme ; And that the land of seint Wilfrai Of alkyn geld fre sal be ay. At na man at langes me to In thair Herpsac sal have at do; And for ik will at tha be save I will at thai alkyn freedom have; And in al thinges be als free As hert may thynke or eygh may se. At te power of a kinge Masts make free any thynge. And my seale have I sett therto, For I will at na man it undo. *^* Although these specimens are from writings which are (I imagine) no older than the sixteenth century ; yet the diction savours of a much higher antiquity, and I would not venture to assume that rhyming records were a very late invention. 4. The following quaint record concerning Forests in Essex was communicated by Mr. Alfred Wallis to the periodical ' Long Ago.' I am not clear whether he meant to say that he found it among Judge Hale's collections in Lincoln's Lm. Nota, Edward le Confessor graunt a un Raflfe Peper- 440 SECONDAKY DOCUMENTS. king I'office de garder de son Forest de hundred de Chelmer et Dauncing in Com. Essex in taile appiert per Record in Lescheker escrie modo sequente : — Iche Edward King Haue yeven of my Forest the keeping Of the hundred of Chelmer and Dauncing To Randolph Peperking, and to his kynlyng, With Hart & Hynde, Doe and Bucke, Hare & Foxe, Catt & Brocke, Wyldfowle with his flocke, Partrige, Fezant Hen, & Fezant Cocke. With greene & wilde stub and stocke To keepen^ & two yeomen by all their might, Both by day and eke by night. And Hounds for to hould Good, swift and bould. Four Greyhoundes, and sixe raches For Hare and Foxe & wylde Cattes: And therefore yche made him my booke — Wit n esse the Bishop of Wol stone And booke ylerned many one And Sweyne of Essex our brother And tekyn him many other. And our Steward Howelyne, That besought me for him. *»* Far as these records are removed from any genuine documentary form, they do in all probability preserve (as J. R. Green, Conquest of £ngland, p. 222 has said) the memory of actual grants. These rhymes can only have had vogue with the peasantry, and therefore they suggest a strong sense of attachment to the monastery under which they held their lands. I do not know whether it is possible that such rhymes could ever have had any sort of value as legal evidence in this country, tliough such a state of things is recorded of Ireland. Among the kinds of evidence admitted by the Brehon Law in disputes about land was * laidh (cantus) or history in the form of a poem publicly recited.' Encyclopaedia Britannica, ed. 9. v. Brehon Law. A discussion about rhyming records took place in Notes and Queries about October 1885. APPENDIX. After mucli hesitation as to whether K570 should be included in our selection or not, it was put aside. Had it been admitted, it would have been placed in the First Group of the Secondary Documents. Kemble stig- matized it, but Mr. Bond has passed it without remark ; and Mr. Macray, who kindly examined it at my request, saw nothing suspicious in the handwriting. It was the difficulty of classing it (added to its great length) that kept it out ; in the other scale were its many peculiar- ities, and its singular wealth of words. This last con- sideration has now prevailed. Much of Kemble's short Glossary was got from this one piece, and as we have embodied his words, we found in the revision of our Glossary that it would be better to print this piece than to make repeated references to a document which was not in the reader's hands. Cott. Aug. ii. 6. A.D. 972. N. Mon. ii. p. 416. K670*. B. iii. 30. Eadgar granting to the monks of Pershore perpetual freedom in the choice of their abbot. To this is appended a terrier of the monastic lands, and the sanction. After which follows, in a much smaller hand, a series of boundaries ; the larger hand is again resumed for the date and signatures. T Orthodoxorum uigoris aeclesiastici monitu creber- ^ rime instruimur . ut illi oppido subiecti suppedi- tantes famulemur . qui totius mundi fabricam miro in- 442 APPENDIX. efFabiliq • serie disponens micocrosmum adam uidelicet tandem quadriformi plasmatum materia . almo ad sui similitudinem instinctum spiramine . uniuersis qu^ in infimis formauerat uno proband [i] causa exeepto uetitoq • pr^ficiens . paradisiacae amo^e'nitatis ioeunditate conla- terana seua scilicet comite decentissime collocauit . larua- rica pro dolor seductus cauillatione . uersipellis suasibilisq • tergiuersatione uiraginis pellectus . anatbematis alogia ambro pomum momordit uetitum . et sibi ac posteris in hoc aerumnoso deiectus sseculo loetum promeruit per- petuum . Vaticinantibus siquidem profetis "^ et cselitus superni regis diuturna clandestino presagia dog- mate promentibus nitide orthodoxis . eulogium ex su- pernis deferens . non ut iudseorum seditiosa elingue fatetur loquacitas . sed priscorum atq • modernorum lepidissimam ambiens facundiam . arrianas sabellianasq • proterendo nenias anagogico infrustrans famine nosq * ab obtunsi cificitate umbraminis ad supernorum alacrimoniam patrimoniorum aduocans angelus supernis elapsus limi- nibus in aurem intemeratae uirginis ut euangelica pro- mulgant famina . Stupenda cecinisse uidetur carmina . Cui seclesia tota catbolica consona uoce altibobando proclamat . Beata es uirgo maria que credidisti per- ficientur in te quae dicta sunt tibi a dno . Mirum dictu incarnatur uerbum et incorporatur scilicet illud . de quo euangelista supereminens uniuersorum altitudine sen- suum inquit . In principio erat uerbum et uerbum erat apud deum et ds erat uerbum . et rt . Qua uidelicet sumpta de uirgine incarnatione antiquse uirginis facinus demitur et cunctis mulieribus nitidis prsecluens tauma- tibus decus irrogatur . Intacta igitur redolente xpi diuinitate passaq* ipsius humanitate libertas addictis clementer contigit seruulis . Hinc ego eadgar altithrono APPENDIX. 443 aminiculante anglorum ceteraruq* gentium in circuitu triuiatim persistentium basileus . ut huius libertatis altithroni moderatoris dementia merear optinere con- sortium . coenobio loco celebri qui ab huius prosapi^ sob'colis PEES^c'oEAN nobili nuncupatur uocabulo situm . genetriciq . dni nri semper uirgini marise . necnon beato petro apostolorum principi . eiusq* coapostolo paulo dedicatum habetur monachis regulariter degentibus monastici aeternam priuilegii concedo libertatem . qua- tenus post decessum poldbeihti abbatis egregii cuius temporibus hsec libertatis restauratio xpo suffragante concessa est . quem sibi universa prsefati coenobii con- gregatio apto elegerit consilio secundum regularia beati benedicti instituta abbate iuste ex eodem fratrum cuneo eligens constituat . Huius priuilegii libertas deinceps usu perpetuo a cunctis teneatur eatholicis . nee extra- neorum quispiam tyrannica fretus contumacia in prse- dicto monasterio ius arripiens exerceat potestatis . sed eiusdem coenobii collegium perpetuse ut prsedixi libertatis glorietur priuilegio . Sit autem prefatum monasterium omni terrsene seruitutis eodem tenore liberum quo a pr^cessore nro a rege uidelicet coenulfo orthodoxy fidei strenuissimo fuerat uti uetusto continetur priuilegio BEOENOTHO ducc optincnte solutum . agri equidem qui ad usus monacborum diio nro ihu xpo eiusq * genitrici mari^ priscis modernisq* [t]emporibus a regibus et religiosis utriusq * sexus bominibus et a me ipso restituendo iure uidelicet "^ mansi in CUMBEINCGTUNE . X . mansi . in pedneshamme . v . mansi . in eccyncgtune . xvi . mansi . in byelingahamme . x . mansi . in deo- PANFOEDA . X . mansi . in strengesho . x . in bettesfoeda . x . in CEOMBAN . ^ . in stoce . x . in pyritune 444 APPENDIX. . X . in UUADBEORHAN . iiii . in ciuincgtune . iii . in beoc- [tune] . iii . in piplincgtune . x . in snoddesbyri . x . in NiuuANTUNE . vii . in eadbrihtincgtune . iiii . in uuiht- lafestune . V . in f^l'^perth . v . in graftune . v . in deormodes ealdtune . V . in husanteeo . 7 on meretune . V . in BROCTUNE . iii . into ^h'leobyri . ii . [into] lang- andune . XXX . in poincguuic . vii . in beornothes leahe . iii . in actune . iii . in suthstoce . 7 on hil^l'eahe 7 on TRESHAM 7 on CYLLINCGCOTAN . 7 On EALDANBYRI . 7 dydimeretune . 7 badimyncgtun . 7 TJPTUN .xl. in DEORHAM . X . in LONGANEGE . V . On LIDANEGE . vi . in UUIGGANGEATE . vi . in BEOLEAHE . V . GYRDLEAHE . V . in STURE . X in BRADANUUEGE . XX . in COLTUNE . V . in uuiGUUENNAN . X . et ad usum conficiendi salis duobus in locis . xviii . doliorum situs on middelvvic . x . 7 on neodemestan wic . viii . et duarum fornacium statio on uuiCTUNE et uas quod dieitur westrinege cum uno manso et dimidium mansi in loco qui dieitur hortun eiusdem perpetualiter sint libertatis "^ Tempore siquidem quo rura quae dno deuoto concessi animo iniuste a sea di aeclesia ablata fuerant . perfidi quiq • nouas sibi hereditarias kartas usurpantes ediderunt* sed in patris et filii et sps sci nomine precipimus . ut catholicorum nemo easdem recipiat . sed a cunctis repudiate fidelibus in anathemate deputentur . ueteri iugiter uigente priuilegio . Si quis uero tam epilempticus phylargiri^ seductus amentia quod non optamus banc nrae munificentiae dapsilitatem ausu temerario infringere temptauerit . sit ipse alienatus a consortio scse di seclesi^ necnon et a [par]ticipatione sacrosci corporis et sanguinis ihu xpi filii di per quem totus terrarum orbis ab antique humani generis inimico liberatus est . et cum iuda xpi proditore sinistra in p[ar]te deputatus . ni prius hie APPENDIX. 445 digna satisfactione humilis penituerit quod contra scam di seclesiam rebellis agere pr^sumpsit . nee in uita hac practica ueniam nee in theorica requiem apostata ob- tineat ullam . sed seternis barathri incendiis trusus cu anania et saphyra iugiter miserrimus crucietur . Dis sindon pa lend gemsera {jsera tun londa pe into per- scoran belimpatS serest of piriforda on pa die andlang die on )?a pyrigan of J^sere pyrigan on f)one loiigan apuldre of f>ara apuldre on deap (?) morno (?) wyllan of (5aere [wyllan] to J^am hlsewe (?) [b]e 'Ssere h .... to baenineg[es byrig] of bsenin^c'ges byrig to wealh geate of wealh geate to mser cnolle of mser cnolle on lind hoh of lind ho on elottes mor of clottes more on mser pul on'd^'long pulles on afene of afene on caldan wyllan of caldan wyllan on wyrtS hlinc of w}T(5 hlinc [on lior] pyt of hor pytte on culfran mere of Jjsem mere on hag broc hrycg of broc hrycge on f>a ealdan die of tSsere die on swyne of swyne on reod die of Ssere die on weorces mere of J^sere mere on })a twycene of j^sere twycenan on pa liaesel rsewe endlong streames on hor wyllan of hor wyllan ondlong die on cymman leahe of "Saere leahe on seefern ondlong ssefern to ham stede of ham stede on ropleah geat of Jjsem geate ondlong die f on east mor f)8er on pa. rode of tSsere rode on heacSeburhe weortSyg of "Saem wor(5ige ondlong hrycges to bysceopes swyn hege ondlong heges on beartan weg of beartan wege on calfan leahe f ondlong die to haetS halan of haetS halan on pst ealdan die ondlang die on piddes meres weg of })3em wege on pa ealdan die of "Sasre die on wad beorgas of wad beorgan to f>a hlyp geate of "Saem geate on sealtan mere of fam mere on suS maeduan of (Ssere moede ondlong sices f on yrse ondlong yrse on hwitan dune of hwitan dune on lus(5or of lusSorne on fulan pyt of pa pytte on beomwynne dene ondlong dene f on hymel broc set wudu forda andlang broces on oxan ers andlang sices to ])an stan gedelfe of t5am stan gedelfe on J?a die ondlong die on hunig human 7lang burnan f on hymel broc ondlang broces to 446 APPENDIX. beccan leahe on ]?a ealdan die /lang maer weges on ceafor leahe of J?sere leahe on Ipa, heg stowe of tSsere heg stowe on hennuc a[ndl]ong hennuc f on f)a Sorn rsewe eastrihte f hit cyme to Ipan rah hege sefter ^J?a' hege a be J?am ofre f eft on fa die f on pidelan stream /lang streames on afene andlang afene f eft on piri ford . pis sind J?ara feower tuna lond gemsera wihtlafes tun 7 eadbrihtincg tun 7 niwan tun 7 aelflgede tun serest of pidelan on J^a ealdan die of J?9ere die /lang wura on J?a heafda to winter burnan of winter burnan on hina gemseran on ]:»one ealdan weg of J^an wege on tittan dune of tittan dune on byligan fen of byligan fenne on wdxena broc ondlang broces on pidelan /lang pidelan f eft on wihtlafes gemsera . Dis sind J?a lond ge[m8e]ra into flefertS serest of pa, ealdan slsede on winter burnan of faere burnan on J^ane swyn hege /lang heges on eomeres maeduan of Jja mseduan on hodes do of J^aere sec /lang heges to )?8em wege /lang weges on winter burnan /lang burnan on herefert5es maduan f>onan in f sic of f)8em sice in }?8ene cumb of J^a cumbe on pn ealdan die /lang dice in pidelan /lang pidelan to bradan hame abutan bradan hame eft in pidelan /lang pidelan eft to psem slaede. pis sind f)a lond gemsera to husan treo serest of J^sere strset /long die to bradan forde /lang burnan ^on^ scale weorpan ondlang scale weorpan to col forda of col forda /lang ]?sere miclan die on air broc /lang broces on Seornan mor of pa, more /lang die on feower gemsera of f>se gemseron to f)orn lehe of ]?orn lehe /lang die eft on pa. strset . Dis sind Jjses londes gemsera into langan dune serest of ssefern on wiferSes mseduan hege of })a he'ge' on Jjone hricg of f)a hricge on f)one wulf hagan midne of pa. wulf hagan to f>a tSr3Tn gem^ran . of pBem tSrym gemseran to pis brece of pis brece to tidbrihticg hame of J?an hame on pyrt broc /lang broces to pyrtan heale of peartan heal [to hajgan geate of hagan geate to twy forde of twy fyrde to luf beee of luf beee betweonan dune of f>sere dune on Vwitan cumb of )?a cumbe on swyn geat of swyn geate /lang ecge f on hsetS hricg of hsetJ ricge on senet ricg of senet ricge on sec APPENDIX. 447 mor of secg more on air of aire on orices pul of orices pulle eft on saefern . Dis sindan J^a lond gemsera into ceatewes leahe 7 to yldres felda 7 to stan tune 7 to wynburhe edisce serest of an burnan to cumbran weor'Se of cubran weorj^e to Ipsdre mseran aec of tJsere sec to stan hlincan of stan ^I/lincan to reade burnan of reade burnan to hValre mere of healre mere to })3ere sec of J^aere sec to hagan leabe of J^sere leahe on secg broc of secg broce to Ipsm hean dore of J^an dore to bryd broce 7lang broces f in glencincg 7lang glencincg f in ledene 7lang ledene to mser broce of mser broce to brycg geleagan of brycg geleagan on bradan ford on glencincg 7lang glencincg to blacan mores forda of blacan mores forda to ]?an halgan geate of psm halgan geate to rise heale of hrisc heale to psun. ho of fa ho 4 be wuda to J?a sesc of ]?am sesce to J?sere ecge of ... . to bradan leahe of bradan leahe to fseles grsefe of fseles grsefe to cram pulle to J>a mser hege of 'Ssem hege on ssefern of ssefern eft on in burnan . pis sindon )?a lond gemsera into poincg wican serest up of ssefern on beornwoldes ssetan of beorwoldes ssetan on hagan geat of hagan geate on secg lages strod of secg lahes strode on troh hrycg of troh hrycge on tecles mor of ]?§, more on baldan rycg of baldan rycge on flotan rycg of flotan rycgV on f)a smeSan ac of 'Ssere sec on lind rycg of lind rycge on abbandunes wican of abbandunes wican in baldan geat of baldan geate on cust leahe of cust leahe in eadwoldincg leahe middewearde of eadwolding leahe on steapan leahe of steapan leahe in tSa greatan lindan of tSsere lindan on cardan stigele of f sere stigele in wearman dene to hreod broc geate of fia geate on wsecSe burnan 7lang wsec5e burnan f witSutan f>one snsed hege f to scirhylt geate of scirhylt geate on codran ford ondlang codran on croma f to cSsere ealdan strset ondlong 'Ssere strset to maw pul 7lang pulles on temedan 7lang temedan eft in sse[fern .] Dis sind fa land gemsera into beornoSes leahe serest of eadwoldincg leahe dn secer of fsem sece hege 7long mer ... on sceanp[a]n hyl [of sceanjpan hylle on wsetSe burnan of fsere burnan on gundenling rycg of j?a rycge on codran of codran 448 APPENDIX. to syl beame of syl beame to crome of crome to hwitari wyllan of fsere wyllan to hagan geate of hagan geate to J^sere blacan sec of tSsere sec on f>a sand sea'Sas of ^a seatSan in temedel of temedel on J?a lytlan becas J^anan e of grindles bece swa f gemsere ligt5 in temedan of temedan onbutan eldres ege f eft in temedan andlang temedan f eft in maw pul . pis sind J>a lond gemsera into ac tune serest on horsa broc of horsa broce in heafoc rycg of heafoc rycge on bilincg broV of byling broce in at leahe geat of at leabe geate in pa, hlydan of J?8ere hlydan in bycera fald of bycera falde on sand ford of sand forda in scotta psetS of scottan pse'Se in gyslan ford of gislan forda on sond burnan of sond burnan on scead wsellan of scead wellan in lam sea}?an of lam seatJan in ledene of ledene in lin leahe of lin leahe in saltera weg of sealtera wege in hean ofer of hean ofre in su"5 broc of su^ broce in west broc of west broce in clseg wyllan of clseg wyllan in setSelstanes graf of seSelstanes graue on hengestes healh of hengestes heale eft in horsa broc . Dis sind fjara . vii . land gemsera into suS stoce serest of mseddene weste- weardre on beaduc hyl /lang dene on badan pyt of pa pytte on sesc wyllan broc /lang broces on afene /lang afene on broc hardes ford of J)am forda on swyn burnan of swyn burnan on funtnes burnan of funtnes burnan on bremer leah of bremer lea /lang dene on stan leah of stan lea on seonecan dene /lang dene on ehan feldes geat J^onne on gate wyllan of gate wyllan on cyncges crundlu of cyncges crundlan /lang dene on rise mere of rise mere on sesc dene of sesc dene on hord dene of hord dene on f>one holan weg on luliinc wudu on file's leahe of filet leahe on seSelan wyllan of p& wyllan adune on stream /lang streames up on hyrde wyllan of hyrde wyllan on cyninga crundel of cyninga crundele on rycg weg /lang weges on J?one stapol of ]?a stapole on f)a hlydan of f»3ere lilydan up andlang streames of Ssem streVme be heafdan f on mihan lea easteweardne on J^one garan up /lang weges of J?a wege be heafdan f eft on msed beorh . pia sind ]?a land gemsera into deor hame serest of sulan forda on APPEin)ix. 449 loddra wellan ^onon on bydyncel bi abban grafe to bryde wyllan f swa on eccan treo f)onon on miclan msedua f on byd ■Sonne on hygeredin c'g seceras 7 swa bi clop secere ufa in sulig cumb Jponon on mus beorh f swa to secSeredes wellan tSonon on clseg weg be ciric stede f swa bi sadol hongran on fearn beorh .... wuda on gemser broc f eft on sulan broc . >J< Dis sind pa, land gemsera into beo leabe serest of beo leahe on cundincg seceras of cundincg seceran on fearn healas of fearn healan on burh leahe of burh leahe on geahes ofer of geahes ofre on stan geat of stan geate on wulferes wyllan of jjaere wyllan on deawes broc of psem. broce on mapoldren geat of f)8em geate on beardyncg ford of bearding forda eft on beo leahe . pis sind 'Sa land gemsera into gyrd lea serest of gyrd lea on coUe of coUe on mser die of mser dice on blacan mearcan of blacan mearcan on f)one hse(5 garan on dagarding weg of dagarding wege on ac wyllan of ac wyllan on bradan apoldre of tSsere apoldre on mseres tSorn of tSan tSorne on smalan broc of smalan broce on cinctunes bro'c' of f>sem broce on dyrnan ford of dyrnan forda on brom balas of brom halan on hwitan leahe of hwitan leahe on leommannincg weg (Sonan on coUe of colle on meos mor of meos more on ciondan of ciondan on spel broc c5onan on bulan wyllan of bulan wyllan on J)a langan sec of tSsere langan sec [to] mundes dene of mundes dene on colle of colle eft on gyr d' leahe . Dis sind f^a land gemsera fses londes pe lymp'tS' to sture f is tSonne set serestan denewaldincg hommes ende scyt on sture ]?onne scyt se die f hit cym(5 foran to byrnan scylfe f>onne ponan /lang f)sere ealdan strsete f hit cym'S on mser broc /lang mser broces f hit cymcS to langan dune ende f>onon f hit cymt5 to pos hliwan f)onne of pos hliwan to sealt mere . of sealt mere on fugel mere of fugel mere on steapan hlinc of steapan hlince on bara broc of bara broce ymb wydan cumb of widan curabe to hset5 hylle f>onon on stan hlinces ende f>onon on rum beorgas f>onne tSonan to cealc sea(5an of cealc sea'San to tilt5egnes triowan ]?onan to meox beorhym f)onan to pehtunes triowan fra pehtunes triowan to pioles clifan f 450 APPENDIX. 7lai]g pioles clifes middeweardes to clop hyrste f»onne of clop hyrste on f)a die pe ligcS on sture . pis sind Jja land gemgera to bradan wege serest of mser ende on pes broc f)onon on J^a heafda set west mseduwan of west medwan on pa, heaf [dan] f on J)istel mere of fee mere /lang slsedes in pincan dene of pincan dene f up on f>eorna dune ufewearde J)onon on pone stapol of tSsem stapole ofer f)one ealdan feld f on fugel hlaew of f)8em blsewe on egsan mor of "San more up andlang dune f on bseddes wellan of bseddes wellan on brer hlaew of J^sem hlaewe on norS ham onbutan norcS ham /lang J^aere ealdan die f on sand broc of sand broce on bord ri'Sig of bord ri'Sig on hor pyttes ri})ig of hor pytte /lang fura f on cadan mynster f)onon on pa, ecge f on pa, sealt street /lang strset on pa ealdan die set nanes mannes lande of "Ssere die on asan wyllan of asan wyllan on J?ristlinga dene of Sristlinga dene ufeweardne f on fa ealdan die set wad beorhe /lang die eft o mser cumbe Anno dominicse incarnationis . dcccc . Ixxii . scripta est huius munificentise singrapha ^h'is testibus consen- tientibus quoru inferius nomina scdm uniuscuiusq . dignitatem utriusq . ordinis decusatim dno disponente caraxantur . Ego eadgar brittanni^ anglorii monarchus hoc tau- mate donii agie crucis roboraui Ego dunstan dorobernensis seclesie archieps eiusdem re^g'is beniuolentiam confirmaui Ego oswold eboracensis basilicaj primas huic regali done adsensum prebui Ego a'Selwold wintoniensis presul edis canonica sub- soriptione manu ppria depinxi Ego selfstan lundoniensis cathedre pontifex signum scse crucis Isetus impressi Ego alfwold scireburnensis cathedre antistes hoc in- tepidus donum corroboraui APPENDIX. 451 Ego brihtelm plebi di famulus huius regis dapsilitati Isetabundus aplausi Ego alfwold legis di catascopus testudinem agie crucis iussu regis impressi crucis agie hilaris imposui Ego eadelm commissarum plebium speculator hoc eulogium gaudens firmaui Ego kynsige di allubescente gratia spiritalis ouilis opilio banc largitione consolidaui Ego a^ulf dno codr . . amminiculante boc donum tropbeo see crucis confirmaui Ego alf^ryS prsefati regis conlaterana boc sintabma cum sigillo see crucis subscripsi Ego selfric abb subs Ego selfweard in Ego aescwig abb cons Ego selfsige m Ego osgar abb diet Ego SB'Selsige in Ego se'Selgar abb impr Ego wulfrie mi Ego cineweard abb dep Ego foldbriht abb desc Ego selfseh abb coni Ego sideman abb corr cons Ego brihteah abb imp Ego god wine abb cons Ego bribtncS abb ass Ego germ anus abb firih Ego selfere dux Ego oslac dux Ego se'Selwine dux Ego brihtno'S dux Ego se^elweard m Ego wulfstan in Ego self wine m Ego wulfgeat in Ego wulfstan in Ego ae^elmaer in Ego eanulf in Ego eadwine in Ego se^elweard in Ego selfric in Ego a^elwold m Ego alfwold in Ego wulfmser in Ego selfweard in Ego selfelm in Ego selfric in Ego leofwine m Gg 2 452 APPENDIX. Ego leofric m Ego aelfelm m Ego leofsige m Ego wulfric m Ego godwine m Ego selfric m Ego ealdred m Ego aelfeah m Ego leofstan fii Ego selfric m Ego se^elweard m Ego brihtric m Ego leofa m Ego brihtric m Prefata quo^q*' .... bis trium iugerorum quantitas et duo predia in famosa urbe quae ab accolis dicitur wygorne ceastre accidunt . quae sub eiusdem condicione libertatis perpetualiter in nomine dni nfi ihu xpi haberi precipio . * Erasures in the Charter. ADDITIONAL NOTES. 28in. UUERBURGEUUIC. This royal residence of the Mercian kings is mentioned again in K 2 1 7 thus : in uillo regali qui dicitiir wer- hurging wic. Both forms mean the same, the town of St. Werburg. Mr. Kerslake has maintained with great force that this place is ' Hoo St. Werburgh ' on the estuary of the Med way, and this identification contributes something considerable to a more important contention of his, that Clovesho is Cliffe at Hoo. Supremacy of Mercia, pp. 47, 53. Werburg was the daughter of Wulfhere, king of Mercia. 35t. JURIS MEI. This formula occurs again 133m, aliquam partem terre juris mei; and 41 il, and often. Kemble, Saxons, Book i.e. 11 explains it as * the king's common of pasture ' ; a right of common enjoyed by the king, ealdorman and gerefa in nearly every part of England ; which right they could alienate to others, p. 293. 36b. IN LOCO CELEBRi UBi NOMINATOR Clofeshos. In the synod of Hertford, which was presided over by Theodore in the year 670, as re- lated by Beda, H. E. iv. 5, it was ordained : Septimum, Ut his in anno synodus congregetur ; sed quia diverscn causes impediunt, placuit omnibus in commune, ut Kalendis Augusiis in loco qui appellatur Clofeshoch, semel in anno congregemur. Where this once famous place was, which is written Clofeshocli, Clofeshos, Clofeshoas, has been much questioned. The similarity of the name has led to its identification with Cliffe at Hooe in the angle between the Medway and the Thames, and this opinion has lately been revived and strenuously maintained by Mr. Kerslake in his pamphlet on The Supremacy of Mercia. His point is that a road out of the centre of England came to the north bank of the Thames opposite Cliffe, that the river was there crossed by a ferry, that it was a high- way out of Mercia to Canterbury, and hence the eligibility of the situation for a synod. After the two great synods under Theodore at Hertford and Hatfield, the synods were provincial and mostly under Mercian princes, and when not at Clovesho, were at CealchyS, which is generally supposed to be Chelsea, though Sunning has also been suggested (Hefele, Eccles. Councils). Thus it seems necessary to find 454 NOTES. Clovesho in Mercia, or somewhere convenient for Mercian kings. Somner suggested Abingdon, because Sheovesham was said to be the older name of that place, and he thought Sheovesham might be identified with Clovesho, c being put for s. But the time when c and s thus changed places was centuries later. However, Gibson adopted this view, in which the central position of Abingdon was perhaps of more weight than the etymology. Kemble said : ' I entertain little doubt that Cloveshoas was in the county of Gloucester and hundred of Westminster,' Saxons, ii. 15. In another place he suggests that it was not far from Deerhurst, Tewkesbury, and Bishop's Cleeve : per- haps at Tewkesbury itself, ii. 191. Stubbs says: 'Clovesho, a now forgotten place in the Mercian kingdom, probably near London,' Const. Sist. i. 231. 38I. EGO OFA PATRicius. This is an interesting signature, because of the obscurity and curiosity which attends on the antecedents of the great king of Mercia. Lappenberg, i. 223, 90I. AB AUSTEO SIGHEARDING MEDUUE OND EAC SUITHHUNING LOND ; on the south side Sigheard's meadow and also Suithun's land. Here the simple and first meaning of the termination -ing is plainly seen; it signifies not only son of, but anything of. The patronymic usage, as in Alfred ^Selwulfing, Alfred son of Ethelwulf, is only one special ap- plication of a form that differs little in its original sense from a genitive case. As a patronymic it occurs on p. 102, Eadwald Oshering, Eadwald son of Oshere. 95I. ])ANON EAST ANDLANG MEARCE, &c. : thetice eastwards along the bounds to duck pool. Here the mearc is plainly a line ; and so again 1 79m, })0NNE g^d sio mearc ford andlang bliban : now the boundary proceeds along the Blithe stream. Mearc (f.) signifies very much the same as our word marTc at present ; a sign, a line of division. Thus we have a verb mearcian, to make a mark, and from this an oak with some well-known marks upon it was called (355I) seo gemearcode d,c set Alerburnan=the marked oak at Alerbourne. Just above in the same context we find seo gemearcode aefse = the eaves of the wood where the mark is. The word signified a line of boundary, and also the belt of wild land around the cultivated area of a village, and thus it sometimes appears as if for a * march ' or width of neutral land between two communities. In this sense we have (21 oh), Bromleaginga mearc and Leofsnhsema = the march of the Bromley folk and the Lewisham folk. In this sense we have the compound mearc-lond, for the land lying in such a position. NOTES. 455 But that the word mearc ever signified the area of an organised community, and further the community itself, as Kemble represents {Saxons, i. c. 2), there appears to be no adequate evidence; and on this point I must agree with Schmid, Gesetze, Glos. v. mearc. Kemble calls the community a Mark, each competent member a Markman, and the place of meeting a Markcourt. He lays great stress upon the word mearcmdf, ' which can only mean the place where such a meet- ing was held.' The only place he refers to is K 568*, a document of very inferior character, which bears his stigma, and in which the word is written mereemdt. Another word is mearcheorh, which he renders Mark-hill, and considers too special a name to express some hill or other which happened to lie in the boundary, and accordingly he ex- plains it as the hill or mound which was the site of the Markcourt. Now these evidences are the whole (apart from continental analogies) that he produces of a documentary kind; and they are hardly 'ade- quate to justify his conclusions. For had the word Mark so widely signified the community and its territory, should we not have had evidences of the fact in some names of places compounded with -mark ? There are no names even on the continent in which marie bears this sense ; even ' Denmark ' originally signified only the frontier of the Danes. Mr. Kemble supports his theory of the Mark by a long list of local names containing the element -ing, a form used in patronymics, and so an evidence of the patriarchal organisation and family compact of the Marks. Had the existence of the Marks as organised communities been first demonstrated, this collection of names would have made a very striking and effective illustration of their tribal nature. But as the matter stands, the utmost they can be held to convey is this ; that fellow-tribesmen who had been neighbours in the old country grouped together in the new. Csesar says that the Germans occupied their lands secundum cognationes gentesque (B. G. vi. 22); and Tacitus says that they acted in war by familicB propinquifatesgue (Germ. vii.). Thus all inherited custom would tend to keep kinsfolk together ; and that this deep-seated characteristic is represented by many of our -ing place names, seems highly probable. Of such names Mr. Kemble reckoned up 1329, and he further ob- served that out of this number there were 190 which stood simply in the nominative plural, like Hasting as (Hastings, Suss.), Puningas (Poynings, Suss.), without addition of wic, ham, hurh, or any such termination. Of this 190, he found 140 on the eastern and southern coasts, and 22 more in parts accessible through navigable streams. 456 NOTES. therefore he thought the -ingas witnessed to the original seats of the Marks, while names in -ingaham, -ingaMn, &c. were due to filial settle- ments or colonies from the -ingas. These derivations have a substantial value of their own quite independent of the Mark-theory, and I am the more inclined to believe them real because they commend themselves to the historical judgment of my friend Mr. Boase of Exeter College. i03t. Nis Edelmode enig meghond neor bes cynnes danne Ead- WALD : — Ethelmod has not any natural heir nearer of kin than Eadwald, The term meghond has been written meiJiond just before. The first part is mceg (pi. magas) relation, and the second is simply the word * bond ' in that technical sense in which the Latin manus was used ; Maine, Ancient Law, p. 317. We have the word hand used by itself as an abstract term for party inheriting, as I48h, ' ac ic wille ofer hyra dseg Sset hit gange on Sa nyhstan hand me ' = but I will that after their day it go to the competent party who is nearest of kin to me. And lower on the same page we have hand for the patron and protector of a monastery. The Society at Domerham is to choose its own protector, swylce hand td cedsenne swylce him ledfast sy. On p. mm we read 'and se mann se to londe foe agefe hire erfe honda xiii pund pendinga ' = and the man who takes to the land is to give her natural successor 13 pound of pennies — in compensation, as I suppose, for what that heir loses through this bequest to the monastery. I imagine that this compound erfe honda (which Thorpe did not understand) is constructed on the same principle as meghond above. In Alfred's Will we have the compound wifhand : ' gif ic gesealde senigre wlfhanda ^set he gestrynde ' = if I have given to any female inheritor property which he acquired (148m). 105b. MINRA ERIONDA AND MEGA BE ME TO GODE GEFULTUMEDON = my friends and relatives who helped me in to the property; as also gefultemedan just above. io9h. ))E londes weorbe sie and land gehaldan cunne = as long as there is any one of ray family who is qualified and legally able to hold land. 109m. SUB TO faranne = to travel south ; i. e. go abroad, perhaps to Rome. See Vigfusson's Diet. v. Su'^r. not. GIF HIE NE GESTRIONEN OBBE HIM SYLFUM ^LLES HW^ET SiELE, &c. = if they (my brothers) do not beget heir or somewhat else happen to him when he is there ; i. e. or if they do beget heir who should die within a certain time. II 2 1. FORNACiBus PLUMBis. Anything to do with Chaucer's ' fomeys of a leed,' Prologue, 202 ? NOTES. 457 113111. Kemble thinks it probable that all estates of folcland were chargeable with payments to the ealdorman, and that these gifts to Sigred and Mucel were by way of indemnity for rights diminished by the privilege granted to Hanbury. Saxons, ii. 140. 122m. NIGEN HIGIDA LOND. Throughout the whole Saxon period the chief expression of quantity in land is hid, and yet the greatest diversity of statement is found in regard to the measure of the Hide, not only in the writings of modern scholars, but also in the ancient authorities. Some of the difficulties will disappear of themselves if we follow the subject in historical order. The word hid is purely insular ; it is not found in any of the kindred dialects. But the dialects offer a word which is a very close equivalent in sense, and perhaps near of kin too : — OHG. huoba, huopa, hdba, OS. hova ; German has the two forms. High Dutch huhe and Low Dutch hufe. This word signifies a lot of land equal to 30 acres, and Weigand connects it with hahen have, possess. A kindred idea lies at the root of our higid or hid, if it is related to hiw family, whence hiwisc adj. for a family, a family's lot of land, the G representing the W, as in the doublet forms hiwan, higan, the members of a fraternity. Perhaps hiw and hufe are but two forms of one word, and the Latin civ-is another cognate : — it has the rule-right Lautverschiebung. It may be some confirmation that in the Shaftesbury Eegister (Group xiii) the xx mansae at Tisbury are called the ' twentiwe hiwe.' Bede afibrds strong evidence for the connection of Md with hiw, insomuch as he uses familia in the same statistical manner in which Md is used, and Bede's familia was afterwards rendered Md, hiwscipe, hiwisc, by Alfred in all but a few of the instances. Thus in E. H. iii. 25 singulae (xii) possessiones decern erant familiarum = wses ]j3es landes ealles cxx hlda ; . . . possessio decern familiarum = tyn hlda landes; — iv. 13 donavit terram octoginta septem familiarum = sealde seafon and hundeahtig hlda landes ; — iv. 23 accepit locum unius fami- lise = onfeng anes hiwscipes stowe ; — v. 20 donavit terram decem famili- arum = sealde tyn hiwisca [v. 1. hlda] landes ; — . . . monasterium triginta familiarum = mynster xxx hiwisca [v.l. hlda]. He does also (exceptionally) use the word folc for familia ; iii. 24, speaking of the North Mercian kingdom, he says ; — qui sunt, ut dicunt, familiarum quinque millium = fif ])(isendo folces; — and of the South Mercians, quorum terra est familiarum septem millium = J>ara landa is seofon jjAsendo folces. When he in this form gives us the extent of entire districts by families, it is manifest that his numbers are not like those of a house to house census, but rather a statistical estimate based 458 NOTES. upon the land-tenure. Thus of Thanet in i. 25 : Tanatos insula non modica, id est, magnitudinis juxta consuetudinem sestimationis Anglo- rum, familiarum sexcentarum : and of the Isle of Wight in iv. 16 est autem mensura ejusdem insulse, juxta aestimationem Anglorum, mille ducentarum familiarum. "BesideB familia there are many Latin words which during the Saxon period represent Md, and all of the same aspect; such are casaius (from casa house) mostly written cassatus, mansa (seldom mansus), mansio, mansiuncula, manens, terra unius aratri. The expression terra tributarii, has been sometimes identified with the Md, as by Schmid v. Hid, but I think it belongs to a different species of tenure. There is extant a memorandum of the hidage of districts, in the form of a brief and so to say tabular statement in 34 items. There are five several copies of it, one in Saxon and four in Latin. They are all published by Mr. de Gray Birch in the Proceedings of the British Archseological Association, 1884. The Saxon copy is not only the oldest of the five, being of the loth or nth century, but it contains traces of archaism which suggest a much higher antiquity. I Myrcna landes is ])rittig j)usend hyda J)ser mon aerest myrcna haet. 2 Wocen SEetna is syfan J)usend hida. 3 Westerna eac swa. 4 Pec- saetna twelf hund hyda. 5 Elmed saetna syx hund hyda. 6 Lindes farona syfan })usend hyda mid haej)feldlande. 7 Sut" gyrwa syx hund hyda. 8 Nor^ gyrwa syx hund hyda. 9 East wixna ])riu hund hyda. 10 West wixna syx hund hyda. 1 1 Spalda syx hund hyda. 1 2 Wi- gesta nygan hund hyda. 13 Herefinna twelf hund hyda. 14 Sweord ora Jjryu hund hyda. 15 Gifla ])ryu hund hyda. 16 Hicca ])ry hund hyda. 17 Wihtgara syx hund hyda. 18 Noxgaga fif J)usend hyda. 19 Ohtgaga twa Jjusend hyda. J?aet is syx T syxtig J)usend hyda i an hund hyda. 20 Hwinca syfan ])usend hyda. 2 1 Ciltern saetna feower jjusend hyda. 22 Hendrica J>ryu J>usend hyda "j fif hund hyda. 23 Unecungga twelf hund hyda. 24 Avo saetna syx hund hyda. 25 Faerjjinga ])reo hund hyda ... is in middelenglu Ferjjinga. 26 Bilmiga ^ syx hund hyda. 27 Widerigga eacswa. 28 Eastwilla syx hund hyda. 29 Westwilla syx hund hyda. 30 East engle ])rittig ])usend hida. 31. East sexena syofon ]?usend hyda. 32 Cantwarena fiftene Jjusend hyda. 33 Su]) sexena syufan Jjusend hyda. 34 West sexena hund ])usend hida. D is ealles twa hund )jusend ^ twa ^ feowertig Jjusend hyda "j syuan hund hyda. ^ Or perhaps Bilunga (Birch). NOTES. 459 We have nothing to do with the numerous questions suggested by this most interesting document : but one remark is of importance here. The list consists partly of those great divisions which constitute the geography of history, and partly of a number of utterly obscure, and, so far as research has yet gone (we must say, even after reading Mr. Birch's dissertation), altogether untraceable names. This suggests that the core of the piece is of very high antiquity. Since all this was in type, I have received from Mr. Kerslake his pamphlet on Gifla (15), which he has in a masterly manner identified with the valley of the Yeo, conquered by the West Saxons in 658. The Gifle of Alfred's Will is the same. Under 1008 the Peterborough chronicle has a brief and unsatis- factory but still a most valuable notice of a great national effort at shipbuilding and arming, and the burden was distributed according to the Hidage. In the Domesday record (1086) the land is throughout described by a duplicate description. It is stated in hides, and it is stated in caru- cates and other terms which indicate present value. The hidage is matter of record only ; the carucates express the measurement of the time. Now for the first time the Md appears as an archaism. Hitherto we get no definition of the Md : it is spoken of as the best known thing in the world, too well known for anyone to think of explaining it. All the light we get from authorities of the Saxon period is incidental and undesigned. But now we draw near to a time when authors hardly mention the hide, without thinking an explana- tion necessary. Thus Henry of Huntingdon (the Latin historian of the 12 th century who had an archaeological turn) could not compile the history of 1008 already mentioned, without giving a definition of the Hide : Hida autem Anglice vocatur terra unius aratri culturae sufficiens per annum. This can hardly mean anything else but land enough for the yearly sustenance of a household. And if the explanations vary, we must not be astonished, nor too much perplexed thereby. If we had the most incompatible statements from different authors and we had reason to suppose that they all knew perfectly what they were discoursing of, it would be hopelessly per- plexing. But if we regard all the statements that we shall find as only so many efforts, more or less enlightened, to solve an antiquarian problem, the discrepancies will not disturb us. We may look for the cause why one man estimates the hide at a greater, and another at a smaller extent, and regard all the authorities as so many speakers in a discussion. 460 NOTES. In the second part of the 1 2th century, the Dialogus de Scaccario says concerning the Hide : Euricolse melius hoc norunt ; verum sicut ab ipsis accepimus, hida a primitiva iustitutione ex centum acris con- stat. Stubbs, Select Charters, p. 200. Spelman v. hida, quotes a Malmesbury codex which says : virgata terrae continet xxiv acras, et iv virgatae constituunt unam hidam, et v hidae constituunt feodum mili- tare. According to this the hide would be 96 acres, but this is peculiar, and the authority is not clear. The most prevalent statement in medieval writers makes the hide 120 acres. The conflicting statements led to the inference (expressed by Selden) that the hide was never a definite superficial area at all, but an estimate, varying with places and circumstances, of land enough for the subsistence of a family, or suitable to be the unit of taxation. Against this however Kemble set himself to prove that it was a definite quantity, which he fixed at 30-33 acres. He accounted for the great diversity of statement, by the supposition of a large and a small acre. Mr. Eyton (Dorset Domesday) has arrived at the conclusion that the average Hide in Dorset was between 200 and 300 statute acres. In certain instances where it is manifest that the Hide varied widely either way from this average, he treats it as anomalous and due to disturbing causes. He finds that in places where the land was more valuable or more desirable by reason of local advantages, such as water privileges or accessibility, a less quantity of land was assessed as a Hide, and this he calls superhidation, overstatement of hidage. The opposite extreme was when by royal favour towards an owner the extent of the land was rated at a nominal figure, which Mr. Eyton calls beneficial hidation, because it carried with it a relatively smaller taxation. Thus he quotes an instance in which the Domesday Hide is now represented by at least 4000 statute acres, and another in which it is represented by as little as 84 acres. Between these extremes there are great inequalities, but the area of the county yields a quotient of about 230 acres for the equivalent of the Hide in Domesday. These conclusions are not so incompatible as at first appears, because Kemble proceeded on the theory that the ' hide ' was only the arable, and that indefinite additions of pasture and wood were implied. Mr. Eyton on the other hand reckoned the whole area of the county, and divided it by the number of hides recorded in Domesday. Other ways of explaining hid have been and still are current. Kennet, followed by Ellis, associated it with hut, and the verb h^dan hide, shelter. Mr. de Gray Birch adheres to this derivation. This NOTES. 461 changes the root of the word but not the essential idea of the thing. It implies a form h-^d (not huV) and so does another derivation, that of Grimm, who referred the origin of the word to a different association of thought. He derived it from h^d corium, beast's hide ; on the ground that the land was meted out with leathern thongs. This derivation is approved by Mr. Seebohm, who finds further confirmation of this idea in the historical fact that the Frisians paid to the Franks a tribute in hides. 142m, AN ciNGES BOCHOLTE = in the king's heechwood. There are other places in which the beech is mentioned, e.g. 284I. As to Caesar's statement that there was no beech in Britain, see below, p. 473. It is remarkable that Dr. Daubeny in Trees of the Ancients, 1865, p. 7, thought that the beech ' was not known in Holland nor probably in England or Ireland at the time of the Norman Conquest ' ; an opinion which Caesar had probably helped to form, and which is corrected by our documents. The Welsh name for the beech is ffa, a, word apparently borrowed irorafagus, and dating from the time of the Koman occupation. ' Dwellers on or near the chalk districts of England are too familiar with the conspicuous and beautiful seedlings of the beech not to feel considerable doubt as to the acciiracy of Julius Caesar's statement that the tree, though present in Gaul, was wanting in Britain.' George Kolleston, Scientific Fapers, cf-c, edited by Dr. Turner, 1884; p. 324. 144m. WYT jEdeeed. An old idiom for ' I and -(^thelred ' ; literally < we-two ^thelred.' I48I. B^T MINRA MAG A NAN NE TRFEWEARDA NE GESWENCE NAN NiiNiG CTEELIF, &c. We may here notice as an interesting point in Grammar that the negatives are multiplied with a profusion hardly anywhere equalled except in Greek at the most perfect period of its prose. Moreover, what is rather a rarity, in ne geswenee nan we see the adverbial pronoun which enforces the negation written in all its natural fulness, and not yet reduced to nd. The whole passage is so remarkable as to demand translation. * And I pray in the name of God and his saints that no one of my kinsfolk or heirs disturb any eyre lif of those which I paid for, and the witan of Wessex warranted my right to leave them either free or unfree at my will ; but I, for God's love and my soul's need will that they be worthy of their freedom and their choice ; and I command in the name of the living God that no man molest them, neither in the way of property claim, nor in any way, so as to prevent their choosing what man soever they will.' 462 NOTES. Kemble says ' Cyrelif is a person who has a right of choice, or who has exercised a choice : these must have been poor men, free or unfree, who had attached themselves personally to Alfred, voluntarily or not.' He sees in their permission to choose what protector they will, a con- firmation of his view that the manumitted serf did not become fully free, but was obliged to find himself a lord. But 1 doubt about eyre lif being a person ; I think it must be a condition of life. The compound mynster lif, which ,in the tenth century meant simply a monastery in its concrete form (as in Danish munMiv) had earlier meant ' monastic life ' as we see it p. 109I, where hire mynster lifes geunnan means ' grant her admittance into the society and life of the minster.' So I think eyre lif here expresses the institution of a set of conditions, devised perhaps by Alfred himself (as the word occurs only here) whereby freedom should be either pro- moted or protected against the encroachments of powerful men. 148b. ON cwicuM CEAPE, lit. in live cattle ; which must mean in actual earnings, the year's produce, current income, as opposed to testamentary bequest, and corporate benefactions, which came afterwards to be called the dead hand. » 166I. OD HIT CIMED TO B^EE EFESE. DONNE A NOKB BE WYKTWALAN &c. : till it Cometh to the edge of the wood, and then continuously north hy the root-stumps till you come abreast of the great ash. We meet with wyrtwala repeatedly in the boundaries. It signifies not a single object, but a continuous bank of old tree-roots (often much exposed) along the edge of the wood. It is often a conspicuous feature dividing the wood from the open field. They who perambulate or botanize or go out to hear the birds, or in any way love the country, know it very well. The word is a compound of the rare word wal = Tod, stick, staff, which occurs once in Ulfilas, Lk 9, 3 in ace. pi. waluns from nom. waZtts = stafl*) with the well-known wyrt, a generic word for tree or plant. In Friesic the rare word occurs in a compound walubera = staffbearer, i.e. pilgrim. In the poetic fragment 'The Euin ' weall- walan are the upright tree-stocks in a timbern house. The same word indicates horizontally built timbers in a ship's gunwale. In S.E. Somerset there is a district in which the name ' Wales ' is very frequent as a designation of hamlets and obscure spots ; thus Castle Wales, HicknoU Wales, Shelf Wales, occur in the parish of S. Cad- bury. The name recurs in this way through many adjoining parishes in a district that may be defined as lying between Bruton and Milbome Port; and in the same district the word wales is also a NOTES. 463 common name for lynches, those natural terraces which appear in an oolite hill-side ; also the ridge of raked hay is called iveal or wheel. In Lydford the term tvhale (pron. wheel) means an irregular strip of ground. I am indebted for this local information to the Rev. James Arthur Bennett, rector of South Cadbury. In Beowulf 1031 in the description of the helmet is a most vexed place, commonly edited thus * walan utan heold ' ; where I would divide thus : * wal an utan ' = a rod or bar (of metal) on the outside. This sort of edge to a wood is not inaptly termed an eaves (efese), the eaves of the wood. The word occurs in this usage in the Saxon Chronicle A in a very conspicuous place, A.D. 894. In 166I we are led to the eaves of a wood, and continue along the wyrtwala. In 375h we pass along the wyrtwala of Bagley Wood. In 386I the line runs from a thorn-batch to the wyrtwala at the fir-trees. In 38 2h the path lies between a broad mere and the wyrtwala, where we should often be 'under an oak, whose antique root peeps out.' 1 73m. CUBAGULUS TOTius Bryttanni^. ' The oddest titles of all are Primicerius and Curagulus or Coregulus. Probably Curagulus meant caretaker, but with the idea of 7'ex or regulus floating in the mind of the scribe.' Freeman, N. C. i. 552. Primicerius seems to have originally meant chief legatee in a Will, heres in prima tabula scriptus ; prima cera being equivalent to prima tabula ; also prcecipua cera — 'praecipuam in tabulis ceram,' Juvenal iv. 19, and Heinrich's note. The phrase outlived the use of waxen tablets, and became generalised to any priority in any list or catalogue upon whatever writing material. 178b. ON ))ONE LYTLAN BEORG })^R SE STOC STOD. That Stoc meant the stock of a tree, is certain. The Word Lists give us * Truncus stoc ' repeatedly, and again ' Stipes stok.' And this sense will satisfy some of the places where the word occurs in the documents, as ' oj) J)one calewan stoc' to the bald stock, i74h. In 385h ' paSe stoc' looks like a guide-post. Here also perhaps we may add ' w6n stoc.' But there are places where the word evidently bears a developed sense, such as may perhaps guide us to find its meaning in local names. Thus in the text ' on to the little barrow (or hill) where the stock stood,' I apprehend the stock here was the basis of an old cross. See 294I, Note, In 290b a be hearpa'Se to heafod stoccum = continually along the high road to the head stocks ; farm-buildings seem likely. In K383 (vi. 230) occurs the late form heuedstoch, and this is now Headstock, a hamlet in the parish of Batcombe (Somerset). In these latter instances the word seems to mean a superior house, 464 NOTES. and one that is built on an artificial elevation, such as that which may- still be seen in the Castle Field west of the churchyard at Laughton- en-le-Morthen, Yorkshire. At first the word would designate only the timbern edifice, then the whole elevation would bear the honourable appellation of a stock. How honourable this name was is attested by the number of Stokes to which great family names became after- wards attached, as Stoke Courcy, Stoke Damerell (d' Albemarle), Stoke Gilford, Stoke Lacy, Stoke Mandeville. In Alfred's translation of Gregory's Dialogues, Casinum as the parent house of the Benedictines is called the 'stoc wic' Anglo-Saxon Literature, by J. Earle (1884) p. 200. In K 1053 the bounds come innan ]>a, heafodstoccas. This word as a name element had that privilege which ham had, but which tUn never attained, of being a prefix as well as a suflB.x ; thus we have not only Basingstoke, Halstock, Plymstock, Tavistock, Woodstock, but also Stockbury, Stockwell ; and Stockton is almost as frequent as Hamton. The Saxons adopted the word villa, and popu- larized it into wella, and so we have wella and ham as interchangeable terms. I think that stoc made a third, and that it is combined with wella in the name Stocwella (sBoh). Forstemann, whom I looked into after writing the above, gives the following illustration, and I may say confirmation. ' Ahd. stoch, nhd. stock truncus geht zwar moistens auf die stehen gebliebenen Wurzel- stocke gefallter Baume, doch ist in anderen Fallen, namentlich wo das Wort als Grundwort und im Singularis erscheint, eher an die Bedeutung von Berg zu denken (vgl. unter Gebirgstock).' From this it results, that I need not have been so careful to explain how a mound should be called a stoc, for it seems this figurative use was already established in the old homes before our people moved. These two views might easily be blended together, but I prefer to leave the investigation as it was written. I will only add the example of a stock of bees. I prefer to derive this from the figure of a house pitched on an elevation, rather than to adopt Weigand's explanation V. Blenenstock (mhd. binestock) ' urspr. hohler Holzklotz zur Aufnahme eines Bienenschwarmes, dann bevolkerter Bienenkorb.' And I must further add that in the Blickling Homilies, Simon Magus contending with SS. Peter and Paul before Nero, proves his divine mission by flying off a tower, but he falls * on ])one stocc be ]?8ere staenenan straete J)e is h^ten Sacra uia ' = on the stock by the stony street called Via sacra. ' Da genamon men eft J)one stoc on weg, and feower syllice stanas on Jjsere ilcan stowe alegdon ' = After- wards men took away the stock, and placed four huge stones on the IfOTES. 465 spot. Here the editor, Dr, Morris, translates stoc by ' scaffolding, ' but I do not see what this means. I cannot think of any individual structure by the side of the road that could be called * the stock ' ; and I suspect it must be the bonding masonry which held the road together, and of which our * curb-stones ' are a smaller example. Since all this was in type I have seen the following passage in the Chapter on Construction of Eoads in Mr. Middleton's Ancient Rome (1885) p. 478. 'The lava paving was bordered by a massive curb, usually of tufa, peperino, or travertine. The latter was used in the Forum Magnum along the Via Sacra.' In K569 occurs a feminine stoccen which Kemble glossed 'perhaps a place full of stocks or logs.' The passage runs thus : to ])aere ealdan stoccene Sancte Andreas cyricean — to the old stokken of St. Andrew's church. I cannot accept K's gloss. The stoccen may be the enclosure of palisades around the church ; but then the natural word was Mn or eyrctUn or lictUn ; I think however it was the terrace which had been raised, on which St. Andrew's had stood, but it had decayed, and only the embankment remained. This word also enters into place-names, Stokenchurch (Oxf.), Stokenham (Devon). The latter is pronounced locally Stokkenham. J 79m. ])ONNE G^©, &c. Now the boundary goes forward alonff the Blithe westward so far as tchere the lake shoots out into Blithe above the stone bridge ; then north along the lalce up to the dyke, and then along the dyJce, &c. Compare 2 661. It is important throughout these writings to observe that a * lake ' is not a pool, but a stream of running water. Thus a boundary often follows the course of a 'lake,' andlang lace, 382m, 386b, 394b, and such a stream is called a boundary stream, gemcerlacu 3871. The inland basin of water is at this stage of English si;, as it still continues in German to be See ; e. g. Scoffoces see, 95I. Another word for the same is mere, 38 2h. This 'lake' for running water is a genuine English word, and it is still widely current in the West of England, in Devon and Somerset, and probably Dorsetshire. If we are now more familiar with the word as meaning a pool, it is one of the thousand proofs of the deep tinge our language has taken from the Romanesque. Professor Skeat infers from a passage in the Peterborough Chronicle that the word was borrowed ' immediately ' from the Latin ; not through the French. The phrase occurs under a.d. 656 ' meres and laces ' (p. 31 of iny edition) ; in a passage which (as I have shown in the Introduction) was written in the twelfth century ; and though I do not think that Hh 466 .NOTES. * laces' in this place is either Latin or French, yet if it is either, it is surely French. I96ni. NiTiMBKE. The form ni- is a good and established form for niw in composition. In the Benedictine Eule, ed. Schroer, p. 96, a chapter is thus headed : — Be nicumenra (v. niscumenra) gebro^ra andfenge = Of the manner of receiving new-come brothers. 206I. TO ])AM EALDAN STAPOLB. This word recurs again and again in the boundaries, where the course of perambulation comes to a stapol, and goes from the stapol. Thus on ^one stapol 306b ; to Ceotan stapole 353b. In K1053 the stapol is the point of outset and return; in K1131 (Group vi.) gsecges stapol seems to mean geaces, i.e. cuckoo's staple ; in K180 bican (? bitch) stapol. In a Stowe MS., A.D. 843, set stsenan steaple ; Sweet, p. 436 ; and in our 184I, as if the material were usually timber. The associations by which this term is accompanied are generally so vague that the frequent repetitions add little to our knowledge of it ; but there are two or three exceptions to this. In K209 we have sihbe stapol, the stapol of kin or peace ; in K592 ^Ifheres stapol ; and in K1177 we see that it is next the herpatJ ; in K543 it seems to be at the line of a dyke : on Sa ealdan die, andlang die on Saene stapol. Kemble in his glossary explained the word as an upright post or pillar, and there can be no doubt that the word does occur in that sense, in passages which may be seen in Grein. Also in -^Ifric's vocabulary we find ' patronus stapul,' which indicates the king- post of a timbem roof. A special interest surrounds this word from its occurrence in the Beowulf 926, in what is perhaps the most impressive scene of the whole poem ; where king Biro's gar * st6d on stapole ' = stood on the staple. This phrase has greatly exercised the editors and critics. Rask proposed an emendation sta]>ole, and then the phrase would mean ' he stood on the terrace, on the high bank which ran round the Hall.' He was supported by Grundtvig, but this emendation has not been generally approved ; the modern books keep the reading stapole of the manuscript. The renderings have been various : stund an der Stufe (Ettmuller) ; an der Schwelle stehend (Simrock) ; stand an der holzernen Mittelsaule Heorots (Heyne). The prudent Grein however, though he knew of no other signification of stapol than stipes, columna, yet indicated his suspicion that this sense will not do for the place in Beowulf. Nevertheless, the latter rendering is now in possession of the field, * stood by the pillar.' Strange, that NOTES. 467 anyone could ever have been contented with a rendering that agrees neither with the phrase ' on ' nor with the dramatic situation ! Problematical as this passage is, it is the passage out of which alone there is a chance of our getting at the meaning of stapol. The king ' stood on the Staple ' when he was about to utter solemn words in his patriarchal and regal character, giving thanks for the great and strange deliverance. I imagine that it was an erection in the open air, standing in the area in front of the Hall; upon which the king alone (or his representative) might stand, it being the platform of his sovereign jurisdiction. The word (if native) is from stapan to step, the stapol being ascended by steps, and being perhaps sometimes pitched at the head of the steps by which the terrace in front of the hall was ascended. In the twelfth century we find sto;pl used simply for step. We read of a flight of fifteen steps before the Temple ; * biforen j^e temple on ]>e steire of fiftene stoples.' Early English Homilies, ed. Morris, (E. E. T. S. MS., Trin. Coll. Camb.) p. 165b. The German analogue is Staflfel, which signifies step, rung of ladder, and easel. The German language has also adopted the Low German form, stapel, which is applied to the slips for ship-building ; so that both the High and Low forms indicate framed erections of timber. The French adopted this latter word too, but in a peculiar sense ; that namely of ' staple ' for a mart, or marketable commodity. The French forms are estaple, estape, etape. This suggests a scafiblding for the holding of a market, of which the surviving representative is the market cross, and market house. In the sense of judgment seat, seat of judicature, we see the stapol still surviving in the elevated seats of the judges in the Law Courts. Grimm, Eechtsalterthumer 804, quotes in three places from Lex Ripuaria * regis staplus (stapfolus) ' as a seat of judgment ; in one place it runs thus : — ' ad regis staplum, vel ad eum locum ubi mallus est,' The Frisian Asega book mentions in two places the * thingstapul ' as the block at which sentences were executed. And this staplus is connected with steps. Grimm quotes from Gudenus ' judicium in castro Lands- krone circa gradus.* Haltaus is quoted for ' staffel-gericht ' in Alsace, and ' grad-gericht ' in Saxony. When the word occurs in our documents there is perhaps the two meanings combined, that of a seat of judgment, and a place of market. Perhaps our crosses at the meeting of roads with a mass of masonry in the form of steps, may have some architectural affinity with the old stapol. Such a one may be seen in Cheddar, Somerset. This H h iZ 468 NOTES. would explain such local names as Staple, Stapleford, Staplegrove, Staplehurst, Stapleton. In Sussex there is the Hundred of Staple, which in Domesday 6b, is the Hundred of Stapleham, and in this Hundred there is a Four Cross roads called Staple Cross, perhaps the place of the old stapol. Upon the whole it seems that stajpol in our documents embraces the ideas of Market and Court. 2 lot. Bkomleaginga me arc and Leofsnh^ma. This phrase, * the march of the Bromley folk and the Lewisham folk,' is parenthetical ; an adjectival phrase descriptive of the ' lang leah ' just named. I cannot explain the n in Leofsnhsema ; below p. 289, in another copy of this perambulation, it stands Liofshema. 226I. AND JiJES MALSWTRDES j^E WlDAR AHTE = aWC? ^/le WOWWWeW^aZ sword that Withar owned. In the poetry mdl is a poetic and honour- able designation for a sword, and it is also used for the Cross, which is cristen mctl. It has been sometimes supposed that the term thus used had reference to inscriptions on swords, but this would not explain the transference of' it to the Cross. It seems rather to stand in its most elementary sense of token, emblem, and so monument, perhaps keep- sake : the present sword may have been regarded as an heirloom. 239m. LIN ACERAN. These lin aceras seem to be fields used for the growing of flax. In 385b we meet with JlexcBcyras, and in K1198 flexhammas. In 448h there is Unleah. If the crop could give name to the ground, it would seem that special areas were reserved for flax, which it is not hard to understand, as the crop is, I believe, one that requires special management. These lin aceras have left their name in the hamlet of Linacre, which is situated upon the Salewarp between Upper and Lower Tappenhall (Wore.) ; and although Johnstone's Gazetteer does not article it, yet it -may be found in the inch Ordnance Map (Sheet 54) ; an observation for which I am indebted to my friend Mr, Shadwell, of Oriel. And this local name should be interesting to Oxford men, for in it we may pretty safely recognize the origin of the honoured name of Thomas Linacre, M.D. (1460-15 2 4), after whom is named the Linacre Professorship of Anatomy at Oxford ; — one of those distin- guished men who made Oxford famous at the brightest moment in her history. 254b. ON PEOWER WEGAS. Manumission at four cross roads was a very ancient custom. Grimm, Bechstalterthiimer, p. 211, quotes Lex Eip. 72 : — * Manumissio in quadriviis : ducat servum in quadrivium . . . et dicat sic : de quatuor viis, ubi volueris ambulare, liberam habeas potestatem.' In our laws, Hen. I. 78, § i * Qui servum NOTES. 469 suum liberat in ecclesia, vel mercato, vel comitatu, vel hundreto, coram testibus et palam faciat, et liberas ei vias et portas conscribat apertas, et lanceam et gladium, vel quae liberorum anna sunt, in manibus ei ponat.' In the history of Ramsey 29, ^thelstan, son of Manni, * per omnes terras suas, de triginta hominibus numeratis, tre- decim manumisit, quemadmodum eum sors docuit, ut in quadrivio, posit, pergerent quocunque voluissent' (quoted by Kemble, Saxons i. 222). 275m. HEO NAM (T). Kemble reads it hednon, i.e. all those men who stooped their heads (to slavery) for their meat in the evil days. He believes this to be a solitary instance in our records ; but there is a like tale of the Britons in Gildas, Hist. BHt, xvii., and of the Franks in Gregory of Tours vii. 45. Marculfu. 28 gives the formulary by which, among the Franks, a debtor surrendered his freedom to his creditor. Saxons in ^England, i. c. 8. Freeman, N. C. iv. 293. 275I. J)iGEDE (T). Kemble reads l>ingede (which must be also the meaning of Thorpe's reading), and he explains thus : — When a criminal could not pay a legal fine, he was compelled to render himself to the plaintifi", or to some third party who (by agreement with the plaintiff) paid the sum for him, and this was called ]>ingian. Saxons i. 197. She had relieved Gospatric of them and had paid their debts to him. Mr, Freeman, N. C. iv. 294, thinks that this incident points to as late a date as 1070. 276m. HEOLD ©A GR^GAN SWTN. He Tcept the gray swine. 'I cannot explain the distinction intended.' Kemble, Ih. i. 226. In the same place he has some excellent remarks upon the pedigrees : — ' It is probable, nay even certain, that such records were preserved in all lordships : they were the original court-rolls, by copy of which the unfree tenants, perhaps also the poor freemen, held ; who were thus the ancient copyholders.' 286m. SE Biscop AND DARA HiNA wiOTAN = ^Ae hisJiop and the advo- cates of the monastic household. This Mna is a short and syncopated genitive plural, which writ long would be hiwena or higena. The nominative plural hiwan or higan signified the members of a family in a collective way of speaking, and by transference the expression is commonly used for the personality of a religious corporation. Com- pounded with sin, which means complete, perpetual, thorough, we have sinhiwan for a married couple. This usage of hiwan is of very high antiquity, and it is found in essentials the same in OHG. and in Icelandic. Another word of the same stock, hired, is used for the religious society and also for the society of the king's 470 NOTES. court, and this word is now represented in modem German by Heirafh = wedding. It appears due to the frequency of this shortened genitive plural Jiina that two popular substantives were formed from it, ht/ne and hind. In Devonshire the hyne is the superior servant of a farmer, who is placed over the labourers, a farm-bailiflP, foreman. In this sense hind (the d is excrescent) is used in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire ; — in the York Herald for 13 March, 1886, a hind advertises thus: * Hind. Wanted a situation as Hind, to manage a Farm.' Then it is applied to labourers in general as may be heard in the Lothians ; and the term is honourable, indicating that the men are members of the family. It has been in wide use, but appears to be despised and mis- understood in Norfolk, as Mr. Joseph Arch resented the application of it to his constituents, asking his antagonists how they would like to be called goats ! {N. and Q., 13 March and 3 April, 1886). At an early date it became a general word for ' man,' as in the York Mystery Play of the Resurrection 197 ; Of ilke a myscheue he is medicyne, and bote of all ; helpe and halde to ilke a hyne \)Skt on hym wolde call. Gawin Douglas has used it to translate coloni in -^neid i. 12, Tyrii tenuere coloni : Thair was ane anciant ciete hecht Cartage Quham hynes of Tyre held into heretage. See note on Md, p. 457. 292h. ON ]jA HLYDAN- })^T OF J)^r[e] hlydan. The [e] was origin- ally there, but it has quite disappeared by some strong abrasion to which the vellum has been exposed. The same phrase recurs 448h and b. The nominative would be seo hlyde, but what the word means I do not know. 294I. ]>ME. )iMT CKISTEL M^L STOD : where the Cross used to stand. This spot was identified by the memory of a Cross that once had stood there, and this is the general significance of ' Cross ' where it forms part of local names, although the historical fact is recorded only in a few instances, like Charing Cross. Every one who reads these boun- daries must be struck with the frequency of Crosses : we come to the red rood 29it ; the old rood 377t, 386m ; to San langan cyrstel maele 379m ; to a cristelmselbe^m, 385b, which seems to be a tree surmounted by a Cross : — unless indeed it means the * tree ' of a dismantled Cross, NOTES. 471 i. e. the upright shaft, which would have been just a tree (be^m). The Holy Kood must have been as frequent as it is now in Britanny or in a Catholic canton of Switzerland, Sometimes its presence is indicated by the word cruc, 2g6T, from the Latin crucem. 'At Addlestone near Chertsey, is an ancient and most venerable oak, called the Crouch (crux), that is Cross oak, which tradition declares to have been a boundary of Windsor Forest.' Kemble, Saxons, i. 53 note. These crosses were erected in prominent places as reminders of Christianity; they were perhaps placed on lines of boundary to render them sacred ; they were put where any tragic incident had occurred, or where goblins were reported to haunt; and above all they were erected as consecrating the place of assembly where there was as yet no churchhouse. These would be surrounded by an enclosure (lictdn) and within that enclosure a ring of yew-trees would surround the Cross, near enough to afford some shelter to the little band of worshippers. It was from the frequency of such places where prayer was wont to be made ad crucem, especially in the western counties (perhaps), that the word ' church ' originated. There are places in the boundaries where it may be doubted whether circ or ciric does not still mean a cross, e.g. be ciric stede, 449h. In Corn- wall such Cross-places have still their solemnities. At such Crosses the bearers of a coffin will halt to rest and to sing on their way from off-farms to the church. 327h. TO J)iEM M^GEN STANE. Perhaps this mcegen stan is a tauto- logical compound of the British maen with the English word of the same sense. 328b. PEONMTNET. This looks very much like the modern Welsh pen y mynydd top of the mountain. 329b. SCEOCA BROCES. See below, note on 396m. 353b. TO >0N CRUNDELE })E SE iGj) ONSTENT : to the crundel in which the island stands. Thorpe {Dipl. p. 654) says he can understand a crundel on an island, but not an island on or in a crundel. That was because Thorpe had a definite idea of his own what a crundel was, but for those who have no idea about it, the one arrangement will be as intelligible as the other. All Kemble could say was : — * This obscure word seems to denote a sort of water course, a meadow through which a stream flows.' Leo said : — ' A crundel (crund wel) is a spring or well, with its cistern, trough, or reservoir.' Thorpe tells us that there are above sixty crundles mentioned in the Codex Diplomaticus : some on hills, as, Crawan crundel on WereSan 472. NOTES. hylle (K698) Crow's crundel on Werethds Mil ; sometimes it is st^n crundel (30711) stone crundel : in one place we have a triangular crundel, on ]?one JJryseytan crundel (K1198) ; and from such examples he came to the conclusion that crundel was a British word signifying a tumulus or barrow, akin to the Welsh carnedd, a cairn or heap of stones. Thorpe's view seemed to get some support from words of Kemble in a paper on heathen interment. Kemble had said : * I think, when we bear in mind how very numerous and widely spread over all England were the Stone-beds, Circles, Dolmens, and the like, that the very rare notice of them in these documents (the Charters) is strange and unin- telligible.' So Thorpe asked whether the missing monuments are not our Crundels ? I have in my possession two tracings, made for me many years ago by my departed friend, Mr. Davidson, from a manuscript (I believe) in the Chapter Library at Exeter. These tracings both represent the same thing, namely ' Plym croundel ' ; and both drawings are so in- scribed in a hand of perhaps the 14th century. The croundel here seems to be a circular pond formed upon the course of the river, an artificial round lake, through which the river runs. Now if crundel was a round pond, Thorpe's diflficulty disappears, for a pond with an island in the middle was in early times a favourite device of landscape ornament. The descriptive expressions which we find with the numerous crundels do not help us much. The word stan would as well apply to a round pond, as to a mound, either might be or not be of stone. The adj. rough seems more fit for the heap : to San ruwan crundele (374t) ; and the same may be said of Lilian Isewes crundel (387r) because this might be the crundel of Lilla's tumulus. The ex- pression crundeles su'Secge, 427 (Group xiii), crundeVs south-edge, might pass for either, though for the mound it seems most fit ; but Fitelan slsedes crundel (357) certainly sounds like the tomb of a hero. But there is a singular adjunct in K1177 rinda crundel: is this bullocks' crundel ? Altogether, Leo's idea seems to have most plausibility ; only I do not think the last part is -wel, but rather -del = a hollow, a hole. In this way crundel would be much like what our people in Australia call a ' water-hole,' only that theirs would be always natural, ours mostly artificial. I figure to myself the crundel as like one of those puddled reservoirs of water for the sheep which we see here and there on Salis- bury plain. In one place a crundel is * deep,' and though it is in a charter of Group xiii, it may be worth quoting. In K392, the bounds NOTES. 473 run onlong ^ane herepa^Je on ?fene d^pe crundel = along the great high- road on to the deep crundel. What deep thing could they come to along the herepa'S but a pond ? There is a place (448I) which looks as if the crundels were in a water-course : * of gate wyllan on cyncges crundlu of cyncges crund- lan andlang dene on rise mere ' = from Goat- wells to King's crundels, from King's crundels along the hollow to Rush-mere. Lower down in the same page we have a cyninga crundel ; and this designation might suggest either a stew-pond to store fish for the royal progresses, or a * kings' cairn,' tumulus of kings. In 294I, })set crundel peer se haga litligej), I do not see what the description means. Since this was in type I have found the following in some Homilies of the Twelfth Century, E. E. T. S. ed. Morris, p. 139. It is there said of John the Baptist dwelling in the wilderness that he ' ches J)ere crundel to halle and eorShole to bure' = chose there a crundel for his hall, and an earth-hole for his bower. A recent novel en- titled ' John Herring ' describes a family housed in a Cromlech on Dartmoor. 358I. Bryt^n walda. Here the word is given as the equivalent of rector, 356t ; and on the next page we have Irytenwealda for rex, 357b. This title has been the subject of much discussion. Sir F. Palgrave saw in this title a trace of the continuance among the Saxons of the imperial idea and institution of the Romans ; against this Kemble, Saxons ii. 8ff., argued strenuously, maintaining that the first part of the word has nothing to do with Britannia, as the form Bret- walda in the Parker MS. of the Chronicle had led people to suppose. He maintained that the true form is that of the text before us and of the rest of the Chronicles, and that hryten here means extensive, and indicates merely the vague leadership which the strongest of the Saxon kings at any given moment would be able to exercise in relation to any of his fellow-kings. His argument is very strong, and seems to be clenched by the examples of this prefix hryten in poetic compounds, which may be seen in Grein ; besides once adjectivally in Cajdmon ii. 687, hreotone JoZ(^ = spacious mansions. Kemble injured the efi'ect of his reasoning by a certain wrathful heat in which he did not spare the very manuscript which contained the impugned form Bretwalda, but declared it the worst of the set, whereas it is the best by a great interval. This has confused some people's ideas about the relative value of the Chronicles, and it has weakened the effect of Kemble's argument upon those who knew how wrong he was about the manu- 474 NOTES. script. The whole question between Palgrave and Kemble has been revised by Mr. Freeman, N.C. i. 542ff., not without great enlarge- ment of its bearings. 37oh. J)ONNE FOR© ON DA FURH TO FuBCUMBE, This perhaps means then forward to the fir-tree at Fircomhe. Csesar in his description of Britain {B. G. v. 12) says 'Materia cuiusque generis ut in Gallia est, prseter fagum atque abietem.' The apparent sense of this is that Britain has every sort of timber which Gaul has, except beech and fir. That is to say, there was no beech nor fir in Britain at that time. But this is so contrary to all other grounds of evidence, that it has been doubted whether the Latin might not mean something else. It has been suggested that perhaps 'prater in this place might mean not except but besides ; and then the meaning would be that Britain has all the timber that Gaul has, besides (its well- known abundance of) beech and fir. I consulted a Latin scholar on the point, and he said that he could believe Csesar to have been mis- informed, rather than that he had expressed his meaning in such a manner. However, this explanation has satisfied many enquirers, and among others Dr. Eolleston, in the Essay on trees in his collected Scientific Papers and Addresses, by Dr. Turner and Dr. Tylor, p. 781. The authority of Csesar is so great that we need not wonder at the various efibrts made to justify his words. Mr. Isaac Taylor in ' Words and Places,' ed. 6, p. 249, says, ' In no single instance throughout the (Saxon) charters do we meet with a name implying the existence of any kind of pine or fir, a circumstance which curiously corroborates the asser- tion of Csesar, that there was no fir found in Britain.' If fir-trees and names from the fir are to be found they are certainly not frequent, and not conspicuous, and have never yet been noticed. As Kemble says * The trees most frequently named in these land-boundaries are the oak, ash, beech, thorn, elder, lime, and birch.' Saxons, i. 52n. But as Caesar's information about the beech is not corroborated by our records, so neither (I think) is that about the fir. In the text Fur- combe is, I think, so called from the fir-tree, and I identify it with the present Combe Farm in the parish of Farnborough, Berks. This is the only instance I can produce from these documents of a name from the fir-tree, but there are (I take it) other places where fir-trees are mentioned. What has tended to obscure this fact is the formal identity of the word for fir-tree (furh) with that for furrow (furh). But we may discriminate them in two ways. The furrow is oftener spoken of in the singular number, the fir-tree in the plural : NOTES. 475 thus the oblique singular fyrh always means furrow, as 'andlang fyrh to "Son Leaf don' 374b; the genitive plural /«ra almost though not quite as constantly means fir-trees. The most frequent expression is ' andlang fura' = along by the firs, 291b, 386I. But there is an example of ' andlang fura ' which seems to mean along the furrows, 38 7h. In 386I we have the firs in the dative plural 'to San furan,* The observations of science tend to the inference that the Scotch fir is indigenous to England as well as Scotland. There is record of fir- wood having been found in the soil beneath some of the Roman roads. The Eev. Leonard Blomefield read a paper before the Bath Field Club in December 1885 on this subject; and he pronounced the firs at Bournemouth to be natives, ofi'spring of a large forest which formerly existed on that coast. He also gave reasons for thinking that all the hills round Bath except Solsbury had at some distant period been clothed with a forest of Scotch firs. I understand Firle (Sussex), in Domesday Ferlega, to mean the lea of fin'-trees. 373t. ^REST OF CATBEORGE. In the same document we have a catmere ; the scene is in the Berkshire hills, where there are heathen burials, and forest, and generally tokens of wildness. In K1053 (v. 107) a perambulation proceeds 'of Sam wogan- hlince innan "Sa catthola ; of Sam cattholan innon ©one crundel,' &c. = from the tortuous slope into the cat-holes ; from the cat-holes into the crundel, &c. We know that such places could not have been named after the domestic cat (Felis domesticus), because that animal has not been known in this country more than about a thousand years. The laws of Howel Dda (t938) show by their curious provisions that domestic cats were held to need the protection of law as a valuable property. It is the Wild Cat (Felis Catus), the most formidable of all the in- habitants of British forests, that is indicated by these names. This native of Europe and N. Asia was once common in the woods of this island, and is still surviving or has recently been thought to survive in some Highland coverts. 376m. Fourteen cytweras on Severn, and two h^cweras on Wye. * The C3rtweras and hsecweras were weirs or places for taking fish, but I cannot distinguish their nature. The names would induce us to think the former were shaped like a modem eel-trap, the latter were foi-med with a slat or hatch.' KS. i. 320. An interesting comparison between this memorandum and the Domesday entry of Tidenham is made by Eev. C. S. Taylor, Analysis of the Domesday Survey of Gloucestershire (1887) : showing that the Conquest had made no /X^C-^l^ J-^i^oc^JX'KA 476 NOTES. change in the tenure, and that much remains now as it was in Edwy's time. The hamlets of Stroat, Middeltun, now called Tidenham, Cingestun, now known as Sedbury, Biscopestun or Bishton, still stretch across it in order from the Severn to the Wye, the course of OfFa's Dyke may still be traced, and Lancaut nestles as of old under the bank of wood from which it derives it name,' p. 39. 377b. GA HYT EFT, let it Qo bttcJc again to the minster. It never did go back again ; the church of Bath never recovered their land at Tidenham. For on Stigand's disgrace it went to W. Fitzosborn, and when his son Eoger rebelled in 1075, it escheated to the king, and it was king's land at the date of the Survey. 389m. rex ac prcedux. On the singularity of the title prcedux, and of the significance of this and other peculiar expressions in the royal style of these documents, see Mr, Freeman, JV. C. i. 552. 396m. ScuccAN HLAU ; goblin's, JiencCs low. This is the pure Saxon form of the name ' Scutchamfly ' which the rustics give to the great barrow over Wantage (KS. ii. 48), which we suppose to be identical with the Cwichelmes hlaew of the Chronicle 1006. Below, p. 42 ir, we ekschokebrok in Devon, a name which means scuccan broc = demon's brook. Does Shockerwick (Wilts) belong here? This word scucca was the native word for Satan in our early Christian literature, until it was superseded by deofol. It is still a name of dread in SuflFolk. Belated travellers see the dog Shock ; and it is told how he was once seen even in Beccles church. To Shakespeare it was a vague name of abomination — 'curs, shoughs.' Macbeth, iii. i. Ulfilas renders ^aijxoviov skbTisl. 409m. WiGELMiGNCTUN. This is only a rather abnormal orthography for Wigelming tun. And here we have an instance of the termination -ing in a merely genitival sense ; in the later endorsement the place is called Wielmes ttin, which is after the text, Uuieghelmes tdn. 4iot. actionariis. In the Parker Glossary of the eighth century there is * actionaris ( = actionariis) folcgeroebum ' and ' actionabatur scirde ' ; in ^Ifric's there is * actionator folcgerefa.' 41 3h. Dorohreui id est duitas Rofi. The old name of Rochester took several varieties of form. In the Itinerary it is Durobrovis ; in Tab. Peut. Eoihis. Bede, ii. 3 is careful to add and explain the English form of the name : ' in civitate Dorubrevi, quam gens Anglo- rum a primario quondam illius qui dicebatur Hrof, Hrofsescsestrse cognominat.' The Textus EofFensis gives the name as * ci vitas Hrofi ' 331m, and Hrofibreui 3b ; which latter is a remarkable compromise between the Latin and English forms. Camden made a suggestion : NOTES. 477 * process of time contracted this name so, that it came to be named Roibis and so by addition of ceaster was called Hrofeceaster, and now with us more short Rochester, and in Latin Roffa, of one Rhuffus as Bede guesseth : but it seemeth unto mee to retaine in it somewhat of that old name Burohrevis ' (tr. Holland, p. 332). Camden's sugges- tion goes against the personality of Hrof and supposes that his name has developed itself out of the closing sounds of the Latin name in its oftenest employed form of the locative case . 436I. bodlaik. This is the Yorkshire form of AS. Bodlac procla- mation, ordinance, decree. In the Chronicle of Peterborough a.d. 1129 (p. 258h in my edition) ne forstod noht ealle J)a bodlaces = all those ordinances went for nothing : — where the word has been missed and is not in the Glossarial Index. 442 1. micocrosmum adam. Perhaps the metathesis is of value as a mark of time, indicating that the term was a novelty. But anyhow we may ask ; Had the revival of letters in England got so far as fuKpoKocfios by Edgar s time ? Gervase of Tilbury spells it microscosmus, and he seems to introduce it as a sort of dviKdorov (to judge by the short extract in Du Cange), ' Et Grsecus hominem microscosmum, hoc est minorem mundum appellat.' Affectation of Greek manifestly plays a part in the portentous verbosity which follows. 444m. WESTEINCGE. I foUow Kemble and print this as one word ; it is true there is a chasm in the middle, thus ' west rincge ' (which Mr. Bond has faithfully reproduced in his printed text), but I venture to think it is not meant for a division, although I am quite ignorant of the meaning of the term. 449h. Jjis siND Sa land gem^ba into gtrd lea. The boundaries of Yardley on the eastern side of Birmingham. The line runs first to COLLE, i. e. the river Cole, which lower down in its course towards the Tame has given name to Coleshill ; and then in brom halas we may recognise Bromwich Hall, especially as the next step is on hwitan LEAHE, now represented by Whateley Hall close to Bromwich. From this we make for the Cole again by a way that has the striking name of leommanincg weg (? lover's way), and there is in the Ordnance Map, exactly in the right place, a stretch of road that arrests the eye, and is marked as ' The Green Lanes.' Then the line strikes the Cole and again leaves the Cole, but it is not apparent whether the river is crossed or not. But the next step is to MEos MOR, and on the opposite side of the Cole is an ancient site with the uncommon name of Maxstoke, in the precincts of which occurs Morewoods Bam. Enough has perhaps been said to indicate that there is here some 478 NOTES. attractive material for the scholars and archaeologists of the region ; and this remark applies not to this single perambulation only, but to a great deal else in this long and coUectaneous record. 449m. ON BULAN WTLLAN = at Bull-wells. This hwlan seems likely to be genitive of hula bull, a word not yet recognized by any glossarist except Leo. See Skeat v. Bull. If not from the bull, what else can have given name to these springs ? The Vocabularies give us hula for the Latin bulla, a trinket worn as a personal ornament. Springs of water might possibly be named after this object through mythical associations, as of the princess who lost her bulla in the spring and a frog brought it to her again, which frog turned out to be an enchanted prince. Such a ground of naming is not impossible, but its area must have been very limited. In K1247 there is ' bulan die ' ; and here it is hardly possible to think of anything but hull-dyke. In K133, a document which I regret to have omitted, if only because of that valu- able guidance of Latin mixed with Saxon ; — we have ' et sic in longum aggeris to bulcan pytte,' which I understand thus 'and so along the dyke to bullock's pit ' — (taking hulca for diminutive of hula, now hullocJc). See Bosworth-ToUer v. hulluca. May the hulcan pyt have been a rude amphitheatre for bull-baiting ? The literary word for bull w&sfearr. 449I. TO BYKNAN 3CYLFE, to Byma's shelf. This Byrna would seem to be a mythological personage, perhaps divine. For a shelf belongs to a Divinity; in the Edda Odin's exalted seat is a sJcidlf from which he overlooks the world, it is HliS-skijllf, hill-shelf. In K595 we find ' up to Hnsefes scylfe.' And hence the Swedish dynasty in the Beowulf are Scylfingas, which may be rendered shelfers, much as we say * benchers.' In the Mendips just over Axbridge there is a hill called Shute Shelf, and I believe there are other local names with Shelf. See Scelfdun, Scelfl^ah, in the Glossary. I. GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. The letters t, h, m, 1, b, indicate top, high, middle, low, bottom, in the page referred to. The letter r signifies that the word occurs repeatedly in the page. Small n refers to the notes appended to the several documents ; capital N (after a reference) to the Additional Notes. Roman Numerals refer to the Introduction. Village Commu- nity/, ed. 2. PL „ Land Laics by F. Pollock, ed. I. ST. „ Sweet's Oldest :Eng~ lish Texts. ^gf' » "Vigfusson's Jce?a»rftc Dictionary. rO. „ Lie deutschen Orts- namen., von Ernst Forstemann, 1863. ND. „ New English Dic- tionary edited by Dr. Murray. EP. „ English Philologyhy J. Earle. Clarendon Press, ed. 4; 1887. EB. ,, Beginners Book by J. Earle. Refer- ences to page and line of ed. 3. Latin and Greek words are in Italics. German words for comparison are in Gothic Type. = This sign when placed between Latin and English, is used to sig- nify that such words are equated in a document referred to. Local Names are sometimes rendered by a translation of their contents, and in this case the rendering has no capital initial. This plan is par- ticularly suited to names of a recurring kind. Further identifications may be sought in the Indices of Kemble, Thorpe, and Bond. Csh. signifies Cornish. Ksh. » Kentish. L. jj Local name. Nm. Name of person. R. )) River. Dd. j> Domesday Book. Vcb. Vocabularies. K. ?> Kemble's Codex Di- plomaticus. KS. » Kemble's Saxons in England. T. » Thorpe's Liploma- tarium. S. )i Ordnance Survey Fac- similes, ed. San- ders. B. )} British Museum Fac- similes, ed. Bond. BC. » Birch's Cartularium Saxonicum. CR. " Coote's Romans in Britain. FN. j> Freeman's Noi'man Conquest, ed. I. SO. j> Stubbs' Constitu- tional Sistory. ss. )j Select Charters. SV signifies Seebohm's English aa'8 ( = ^'S). oath. 286b. abaedde. pt. tolled. 42m, dbha, father. 25t. Abbandunes -wica. co. Wore. 447I. dbeodan. announce, introduce. ^bilhtJ. provokes. 350m. 480 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. dbredan. take away. 253h. absoluta. exempt. 317I. dc. f, oak. 1981. deana. g. pi. oaks. 309b. Acleah. Oakly, Kent. 51b. dclofen. cleft. 351m. actionarius. agent. 4iotN. acuman. 230b. adfini. limit, 354t. Du Cange v. Afllnis (CE.): ash-heap of bea- con (K). adle. d. sickness. 255h. adoptivus, adoptalivus. K1196.1197, ddranc. 203, EB. 17, 26. adrincan. to die by drowning. adune. down. 30ir. adwsescan. 230b. eebsere. manifest. K874. eec. Ksh. eke. Sol. Sih. eec. oaks. ace. pi. I98t. eec. dat. sing. igSt, 355I. secc. oaks. 309b. secer. m. field, ager ; acre. fiecerhseg. m, field-hedge. K549. eecersplottes. 364I. SBcer tyning. fencing. 377h. sedlean. Ksh. reward. 8oh. seflsc. 29it. SBfsan. d. sefse. 8Bfse. f. eaves, edge of wood, 355m. sefter. according to, Kardi., secundum, 363t. eeftergenga. m. successor. 253h. segefsele = libera. K1070. segera. (Ksh.) gen. pi. eggs. Sob. ee^er. either, each, I45h. eeht, property. I45h, 276m, selc. each, every. EB. 52, 7. selces, gen, of eelc. 242m. ^lesford.Alresford, Essex. B. 366b. .ffilmham. Elmham, Norf. 241m. ..ffilrithe. d, eel-stream, 282b. JEnesford. Eynsford, Kent. 2i2h. senlsenan. lease. 353t. -aSpslea, Apsley, Bedf. 2o6h. aerbenumena. ^Ksh.)g. pi. of heirs. 106. eereafe. "detected." T. p 230. serende. n. errand, business. K1302. eern. n. dwelling, building. See be6d-erii, tigel-sernan. 8BSC. m. ash. 166I, I79h. ^scesburuh. Ashbury, Berks. 196m, ^scesdiin, Ashdown, Berks, 383h. ,^scmeres weorJ>. Ashmansworth, Hants, 356m, ^slingaham. Kent. 49I. cBt for et, and, 295m. est. at ; of or from (a person) 235b, 253m. setbr^dan. wrest, rob. 251b. 303h, set broden. pt. ibid. setd^man, refuse. 202m, setsacan. deny the charge, 164m, sewylm, m. river-head. 23m, 120b, 325b. agele. Ksh, pres. subj. neglect. 106. agiaban. Ksh. pay. 104b, dgif (cigeaf). gave back, 201b. dgiode (d,-eode). turned out, 297b, agon, they ought. 265h. EB. 29, 21, dgulde, should pay off. 223m. ahnung = calumnia proprietatis, claim, 212b. dhreddan. get rid of. 164m. dhredding, deliverance. 2 3oh. aio (agio), a-yio). holy. 312b. alsened. lent, 2i5h. alsetan. dismiss. 217I. alende (aleende). 353t. aldgeryhto. old rights, 286m. aldorman, superior officer. 2 861. dl^fde. would remit. 42t, almousend, in franc almoigne, 435. ND. V. Almoign. alolS. ale. Sob, 11 it, 311b. air. alder. 446I, 44 7 1. altrinsecus. in and out, promis- cuously. K1278. Du Cange : "qui a sese invicem longo separantur locorum intervallo." dlyfde (^l^fde). 42h. dlysde. redeemed, bought free. 253m. amansumian. excommunicate, 378. amber, m, f. measure of 4 bushels, pi. ambru, 3i2t. Vcb. situla, urna, cadus, lagena, amphora, amissa (admissa), transgression. 49I. amundie, protect, act as guardian to. 215b, 367t. an(ic~). I grant. 366h. EB. 29, 11. an(on). prep, T09m, 194I. auburge (onburge), for surety. 256m. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 481 andaga. appointed day. 163b, 201b. andagian. adjourn. 163b. andebernisse (ende - byrdnisse). rule, routine, 206m. andheafod. n. heading, head-piece ; unploughed head-land of a field. 37ot, 38oh. SV, 380. Andscohesbam. L. 33t. anfengre. more acceptable. 251b. Angemseriiigtun. Angmering, Suss. I47t. angild. n. " simple payment 'T. p. i3on. BC353. ann. he grants. 25 il. EB. 29, 11. Anninga dun. Annington, Suss. 193m. annuo = ic ge-an. K932. anstigo. path (uphill?). 166. anstigon. 166. ansyne. countenance. 341I. an"weald. m. sway, empire. 202m. anwed. pledge, security. K499. anxietates. burdens, worries. 41 2h. aparade. 164m. "discovered" T. apocrifas. unauthentic. 433t. Apsleainga. g. pi. Apsley, Bedf. apulder. apple-tree. 1 79I, 3 73h445h. &T. f. a large estate, "honour." 203, 224I, 2 26h, 349I. land £r. Ixxx. drsedan. read out loud. I45r. arseden. decided. 2 861. arati'um. land measure. 33t.SV. 395. archisacerdos. archbishop. 93t. dreecan. pronounce. 145I. drful. gracious. 42h. armariolum. cabinet. K816. armentum. ox. arpenna. BC785. ND. v. Arpent. asa. 1 ass. 45oh. ND. v. Ass. dsittan. apprehend. 2 3oh. astit?ude. came of age. K499. asweartode. turned livid. 298m. at {ad), to. I37h. dteon. to deal with, dispose of. aucupationes. rights of fowling. 5 81. auerian. a sort of corvee-work. 37 7^- ND. V. Average. Austan (set). 63I. Austin (aet). Aust. 12m. avernus. hell. 401b. awogode. wooed. dwnnige for d,wanige. 344I. Axa. R. Axe, Som. 21I. Axanmii^Ja. Axmouth, Dev. 146m. a^. m, oath. 2i3h, 286I. dpum. son-in-law. 264m. (Sibam. Bacegeat. Hants. 290I. Bacganledh. Bagley, nr. Oxford. 375h. Badalacing. Balking, Berks. Ki 1 65 . 1247. Baddanbyrig.Badby ,Nhants. 1 78h. Badimyncgtun. Badminton, Glou. 444h. bsec. m. beck, brook. 373I, 379b. Baeccesbora. 304m. bsed. requested. 201b, 21 7I. EB. 16, 12. Bseddeswella. nr. Broad way, Wore. 45oh. beeren. barn. 35 ih. ND. v. Bam. bserlice. adj. of barley. K1257. -bsero, -bero. n. pi. (?) swine-pasture in woods, bset, K118. ? error for BiEC. baldan hrycg. 447I. Banawel. Banwell, Som. 43oh. bara broc. 449I. hasileus. king. 293t. basilica, church. 333ra. bdt swegen. boat-swain. 254t. BaJ)uni (set). Bath. 5601. be. prep, about, by, on pain of. 230I. bedd. offered. 203. EB. 16, 8. Beaddingtun. Bedhampton, Hants, beah. ring, coil, bracelet, 365h. Bealdan hema. Baldon, Oxf. 395h. beam. tree. 2ioh. 289. Beansetum. ii3n. Beanstede. Banstead, Surr. 182I. Bunstead, Hants, 29oh. Beardestapl. Barnstaple, Dev. 42 il. beam. n. child, bairn, I45t, 212. bearnum. dat, pi. beam, bearo. m. wood, copse. Bearrucscyre, Berkshire. 342I. Beathum (set), Bath. 56h. Beber burne ( =Beferburne K). beaver-stream, been, beck, stream, 294b, (m.)448h. b^c. f. dat, beech. N, p. 461. b€c. dat. sg, boc. EB. 32, 25. beccan 16ah.. 446t. I 1 483 GLOSSAKIAL INDEX. becwelJan. bequeathe. 145I1, 147I, I48h. bed. n. plot, bed. See rise-bed, wiSig-bed. beden. pt. begged. 42 1. EB. 16, 12. Bederices wyrp. Bury St. Ed- munds, SufF. 215b. Bedewindan. Bed win, Wilts. I46h. be gd. attend to. I09h. Begcebyra. Bedgebury, Kent. 96I. begitan. acquire. 215I, 220t. BC529. 'heh.6fTe = utilior. K1070. beleac. settled. 21 2h. EB. 20, 3. belimpo'S. belongeth. 289I. bella. bells. 250I. b^n (synd) K1114. b6n. f. petition. 42 h. heneficium. beneficiary lease. 129I. benio'San. beneath. 121. BennarLhani. Benham, Brks. 196m. benuge. have full right of, 109I. EB, 29, 24. beocere. beemaster. 276h; a^ia- rius, Vcb. beod. table. 136b. beod ern. n. table-hall, refectory, beod land, land to supply the table. Beoleah. ?Beoley, Wore. 449t. Beohhsema. g. pi. Beckenham, Kent? 2iom. b^on. summoned. K499. EB. 16, 5. Beorchdmstede. K59. Beorcingas. Barking, Essex. 36 7I. Beorgau stede. Bersted, Sussex. 281b. beorh, beorg. m. hill, mount. 121, = tumulus, 284t, 383b, S3erg. beornena. g. pi. coats of mail. 222b. Beornwoldes seetan. 447m. Beowa. Nm. 166I. -bera. wood-pasturage. 96I. berascin. "bear-skins" (T). 250111. berde. d. beard. 257t. Bereiieg. Berwick, Kent. i8h. berewic. f. barley -yard, hamlet. 302I, 340m. ND. V. Berewick. beridan. seize, occupy. 297I. barn, barn, 377h. beswic. deceit. 338t. beteeht. part, committed, given up to. 230m, 244I. b^tau. amend. 230m, 23 ih. betechan (betaecan). commit, en- trust. 347t. ND. V. Beteach (and Betake). bet^on. dispose of. 240m. ND. v. Betee. beweddade. engaged. 2 861. bewiotige. Ksh. procure. logh. bewitan. see to, execute. 2i2t. bibliotheca. The Bible. 31 3t. ND. v. Bible. Bicanstapul. K180. bice, bitch (Vcb.). 197b, 383I. Bidelinga. g. pi. Bidlington in Bramber, Suss, 193I. bige, m. bend. 386I. bigleofa (bileofa), 249b. bilseua (bileofa). 341m. bilef a (bileofa). 34oh, bileofa, support, 249b, 302I. biling broc, 448h. binemned. declared, iiir. binnan. within. ~port, in town. 244t. binnan ea. between two streams : cf. Latin Interamna. 99h. biode. table, refection. Biohahema (Beohhsema). 289I. birigels. burial-place. 294I, 379b. bisceop ham. a bishop's residence. 365m. biscop stol. bishop's seat, See. 249 m, 286I. bituihn. between. 96 b. biwindla. 352m. Bladaen. R. Bladen, Wore. 20m. blsecpyt. naphtha pit (Vcb.). 383I. ND. V. Bleak, Bleach, bleed horn, blast horn. 225b. Blean Heanliric. Blean forest, Kent. 41 ol. bleda. 365h. Bleobyrigdun, Blewbury Down, Berks. 379h, 389I. bletsingboc. htnedictionale. 250I. Bli«e. R. I79t. bl6dwite. n. fine for drawing blood by violence. Bobingseata. K175, b6c. f, book, charter, conveyance. 177I, 25lt. bocaceras, chartered fields, 4i4h. Boccing. Booking, Ess. 215m. b6c h.oU. beech-wood. i4amN. 284I. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 483 bdcland. land held by written title. I34t, I46r, I48h, 149m, I50r, 158m, 2o8h. bocte (iDohte). bought. 253m. bodlaik. ordinance. 436IN. boee. Ksh. books. 127b. boega. Ksh. of both. 80I. Boerlingas. Byrling, Kent. 60m. bohscyld. 226I. bohte. bought. 253I, EB. 28, 7, bold. m. a building, bonda. man, " husband." 265t. bordriSig. 45oh. borh. m. security, debt, obligation. 223r, 228b, 24ih, 255. ND. v. Borrow. Borh steall. Bostal, Kent. B. Bosanhangra. K1136. Bosenhangra. K752. bot. amends. 42I; mending. iSpt. ND. V. Boot sb. botl. n. building, dwelKng. S3itttc(. box. box-tree. 355m. Boxora. Boxford, Berks. 196m. Bradan laeh. Maiden Bradley, Som. 26m. bradan stane (set), broad stone. 255h. brad ford. 447h. Brad ham. large farmstead. 446I. hradiola. K277. Brad leah. Bradley, Wore. 447h. Bradweg. Broadway, Wore. 45ot. breece. ? brake. 393h. braed (brsegd). guile. 337b. Bramcsestre. Brancaster, Norf.3431. Brancescumb. Branscombe, Dev. 146m. brand, sword. 225b. Bregent ford. Brentford, Midd. 56m. brember. bramble. 164, 184I. bremel. bramble. 166I. EP. § 316. bremerleah. bramble field. 448I. Bremes grafa. Bromsgrove, Wore. 69m. Breodun. Bredon,Woro. 56m. 313m. brer hlaew. briar low. 450I1. broc. m. brook. 182b, 296h, 446h. brocc. badger, 239I. Brocces ham. Brocksham, Kent. 210I, 289b. Brocces slsed. K660. Brochyl. Wore. K.? badger hilL 30I. brocian. molest, hurt. I45t, 148I. Brocnanbyrh. 306m. Brombrige, Hants. 290I. Bromgeard. Bromyard, Heref, I i8r. Bromgeheg. Kent. 54m. Bromleaginga. g. pi. of Bromley folk. 289. Bromleah. Bromley, Kent. 220m. brolJor raeden.f. confraternity. 264b. Bru. Brue R. Som. 426h. bryce. m. use, usufruct. 219I, 2 2 it. brycg. f. bridge. brycg geleagan. 447h. brydbroc. ? bird-brook. 447h. brydewyllan. 449t. bryn (Welsh), hill. 26 7t. Brynesfleot. 28 2I. brytsenwalda = rector Britannice. 358I. 3591- Bryt fordingea. Britford, Wilts. i85t. brytnian. distribute. 8 it. Bucganora. Bognor, Suss. 281b. Bucysheal. Buxhall, Suff. 36 7t. Bulan ham. nr. Higham, Kent. B. 51b. bule. m. 7 bulla. 221m. biirbserde. boor-bom. K1079. biirg hege. castle fence. BC. 630. Biirgwaramedum (on). 130I, 4i4h. burh brice. m. breaking into castle or house, burglary. bxirhgeard. castle court. 328b. burh-'Segn. m. thane of borough. K857, T361. Cf. scir-«egn. burh weal. K61. burhwella. K274. CR. 40n. bur land. 384I. burn stow. 373b. burna. m. small stream, bourn. 200. bume. f. the same. K. 549. Burne. Bourn, Kent, buruh, burh. f. fortified house or town : borough, burgh, -bury butan. besides. 287m. Buter mere. Buttermere, Wilts. i68b. I 1 2 484 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. but putt. K416. butta, butt, firkin. iiQt. Bydenheema. Beedon, Berks. 373I1. Byderices wyr^. Bury Abbey. 365I. Bydictun. loil. byge. m. bend, turn. 37it, 376I. byht. m, angle, bight. K308. byliganfen. 446h. -byras. m. pi. ? brakes, copses. BC339. Bjrrsetun. Layer Breton, Ess. B. 366b. byre, wood pasturage. 96I. 293I. byrigels. m. burial, grave, byrnan scylf. 449IN. byrst. n. burst, break in hill-side. K559. Byrstan. 402h. byr^en. f. load, charge, duty. K942. bysmor. disgrace, scandal. 164m. bytme. f. bottom. K136; where "by tine" is wrong, bytt. K571. ? target, "the butts." Byxlea. Bexley, Kent. 95h. Cadan mynster. 45oh. Ceeaf le. Cheveley, Camb. 368h. Cseges ho. Cashiobury, H^rts. 39 7h. Gaelic hyth. Chelsea, Midd. 47h. Cseorles weorj?. Chelsworlh, Suff. 200I. Cseresige. Kersey, Suff. 369h. Cserswyl. Cresswell. K442. Csert. Chart Sutton, Kent. 96I. csese. cheese. Sob. cald wyll. cold well. 445m. calewan. 95I. i74h. calu. caliceas. chalices. 25oh. calu. bald, bare, callow. Maf)l. 95I, i74h. camp (campus?), field, plain. i83t. candel-sticcan. candlesticks. 25orn. canter kseppa. 'chanter-copes' (T) 250m. canter stafas. ' chanter-staves ' (T) 250m. Cantuc. Quantock, Som. I46h. captura piscium. fishing rights. 12I. Cantwara biirh. Canterbury. 365h. caraxare. to write. 314m, 31 7t. Cam niU bran, in Cornwall. 296h. Carnwlicet. Csh. 296h. carraha. cart-load. 288h. Carrecwynn. Csh. white stone. 29611. cartula, land-charter. K177. Carumtiin. Carhampton, Som. I46h. casallis. 112m. cassatus. a hide of land. SV. 395. castellum. city, town. 6oh. casula. hut. 19b. Catmaeringa. Catmore, Berks.3701. Catringatiin. Catherington, Hants. 226I. Cattaneg. 294r. causes, things. Ital. cosa, Fr. chose: — causes pupUccB, the three neces- sary burdens. 48 h. Ceadelan wyrtJ. Chaddleworth, Berks. 196m. ceafor. cockchafer. 446t. Cealcmere. Chalk-mere. ?282b. cealc pyt. chalk-pit. K593. cealc seatJ. chalk-pit. 449 b. Cealcweallas. Chalkwells, Glou. 41I. cealf. calf. 294b. Cealf loca. Challock, Kent. iiih. ce^p. cattle. 148b; bargain. 247r. ceap street BC630. Gear wyl. Charwelton, Nhants. 179b. ceastel (L. castellum). village, huts. 1 66m. -ceaster (L. castrum). f. -caster, -Chester, -cester ; city. Geddanleah. 289I. Gelchyth. 6ib, 398h. celd. n, a copious spring, "Keld" (N. England) K. CXuelle. celia. ii9t. ale. Plin. xxii fin; Florus ii. 18 ; Oros. v. 7 ; =sela'S, Felix Vita S. Gudlaci. Prompt. Parv. pp. 9. 193. Cendefer. Candover, Hants. 146I. cennan. to declare, prove. 201. census, revenue. 315b. centurio. ?himdredes ealdor. 273I. Geodre. Cheddar, Som. I46h. Geolbolding tun. Chilbolton, Hants. 290m, 356h. Geolselden. ? Chiseldon, Wilts. 35 it. Geolsig. Cholsey, Berks, {pron. Choseley) 365h. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 485 ceorl. 22gh, 35 ih. Ixvff. Ceorlagrdf. Chal^rove, Oxon. 292h. Ceorlatun. Charlton. 281b. Ceorles wyrtJ. Chelsworth, SufF. 200I, 365I. Ceortesege. Chertsey, Sur. I50h. SC. i. i7in. cepe. purchase-money. 254h. cespes. turf, sod. 5ot. 66h, BC296. cessus {census). 56b. Du Cange in v. Cestel merit. Kestlemerris in S. Keveme, Cornwall. 29601. Cetwudu. Chetwood, Bucks. 37 im. Cifanleah. Chieveley, Berks. 196 m. 373h. Cigel marc. Chilmark, Wilts. 42 81. Cildatun. Chiltern, Berks. 393h. Cilia rilS. Childrey, Berks. Ciltacumb. Chilcomb, Hants. 349h. Cilte wudes gemsero. Chiltern Forest (K). 373h. CioUan den. Chillenden, Kent. io9h. cipa. 263m. chapman (T). circanldd. K530. circim. the North. 51b. Du Cange : "in iis [old deeds] Circius pro Borea seu Aquilone saepissime ac- cipiendus est." Old French Cier, cerce, cierce, ciers ; Koquefort. circianus. 282b. circ steal, church place. K559. ciric. ? cross. 449t. ciric sceat. church-due at Martin- mas (Nov. 11). See Schmid. ciric socn. church privilege, sanc- tuary, jurisdiction. cirographum. conveyance, 65b, I96t, 2 1 6b. xliii. Civitas Aeamani. Bath. 416. Cititas Scrobbensis. Shrewsbury. 160I. Ciwtun. Chewton, Som. I46h. Clsenefeld. Hants. 29ih. claenum legere. consecrated grave. 203. Cleara. Clere, Hants. 146I, 36ih. cleronomus. heir. 208. 293!!. clif. n. cliff. 45ot. Clifwara. Cliffe, Kent. 55r. clito. cild, seSeling 323h. K457. cliwen. skein, 277^- Clofeshoas. where ? 36bN, 63I, 65I, 68m, 72h, 286h, 453. clofenan beorh. cloven hill. 293I. Cloppaham. Clapham, Sur. (K). 149I. clop hyrst. 45ot. clot, clot-bur ; Arctium lappa, ^^s^m. clud. mass, lump, clod. K408. cniht. m. boy, page, 'knight.' 219b, 225I, 227t, 228b, 238I, 24it, 366 m, Mrwi}t. SC. i. 156. Ixxi. cnol. m. knoll. 248m, 267t, 381m. Cobbaham. Cobham, Kent. Coccham. Cookham, Berks. 66r. Cochanfeld. Cockfield, SufF. 367I. Cohlianfeld = Cochan feld. col. coal. 446I. Colanhomm. Colham, Midd. Coll. Cole R. Wore. 449m. collectaneum. 250I. Colles hyll. Coleshill, Wilts. Colling. Cooling, Kent. 51b. collpytt. coal-pit, Bedf. 206I. Colne. Earls Colne, Essex. 367m. ColumtTon. CoUumpton, Dev.1461. comes, 24t, 29m, 3ih, 33r, 47b, 50I, 83I, 96I, 285m, 291I, 295t. commodando commodant, of leasing land. BC648 ; not in Du Cange. communio. common. 134, 336b. communis terra, folc-land. 394I. concivis societas. BC905. congestio. collecting troops. 283. conlaterana. consort. 442h, 45 ih. conparatio. 284I. conprehensio. capture. 1 20m. Constahularius. 348t. contenditum. 64t. contra, in exchange for. BC536, 638. copped, polled, pollarded. 351b. Corf. Corfe Castle, Dor. 42 7t. corn. com. 31 2t. corographum (chirographam). 161I. Corsabxirna. in Wilts. (K). 15I. coruan. Csh. circle-place. 296h. Corviniensis. Eamsbury, Wilts. K737. costes. }>3es ~ 0e, on condition that. 217b. cot. n. cot, cottage. 388r, 394m. 486 GLOSS AKIAL INDEX. cotlif. n. hamlet. 302I, 34oh, cotstow. hamlet. 385b. cotu. pi. cot. K551. crsefede. demanded. 259m. creefinge. d. claim, demand. 259]. Craega. Cray, Kent. 21 2r. Craege, R. Cray, Kent. 95r. crampul. 447m. Crancfeldinga.Cranfield, Bedf. 206I. crauigge = crsefinge. 258m. cravantise. submission. 436b. Craweleainga. Crawley, Hants. 290I. cregsetna. 289. Cridia. R. Creedy, Dev. 42 it. Cridiamton, Crediton, Dev. 42 il. cristel meel. n. christian sign, cross. 294I. cristel meel bedm. 385b. Crochyrsta. 381I. croft, m. small field. 239m. BC. 954. Croglea. Crowle, Wore. 113I. Crombe. Croom d' Abitot, Wore. 444t. Croptun. Croftun, Kent. B. Crusern. Crewkerne, Som. 146m. cruc. Csh. ? hill or cross. 296r. Cruc wee's. Grugith, Cornw. 296m. crundel. 190b, 294I, 353bN. Crundelas. Crondall nr. Farnham, Hants. K595. Crymesham. Sussex. 281b. Cucesham. Cuxham, Ox. K311, 691. Cue olan Stan. 338m. Culeford. Culford, SuflP. K691. culfre. dove. 445m. Culinga Cowling, Kent. 55r. Culum. R. Culm, Devon. 327h. Culumstocc. Culmstock, Devon. 328h. cumb. m. a combe. Welsh cwm. i79r, 184I, 446m. cumb. a liquid measure. 311b. CumbhsBina. Combes, Suss. 129m. Cumbrincgtun. Comberton, Wore. 443b. cum feorm. f. entertainment for travellers. K2fii, T102. Cunden. Combden, Kent. 96I. cunnian. try. 163I. cup. m. (n.) ?a hollow. K149. cuppa, cup. 365h. curagulus. caretaker, chief, i73mN. curs, malediction, curse. 253!!. Curtis, f. court, mansion. 3i7r. custleah. 447I. Cupenes dian. Cuddesdon, Ox. 291!. K1053. c-wssb. quag, marsh.Fr. quab. K547. cwealmstow. f. killing-place. 290I. K1053. cwic. living. 148b, 149I. Cwicelmes hleew. Scutchamfly bar- row, over Wantage. 39 ih. cwide.m.will, testament. 212I, 2i7r, 222I, 365h. cwideleas. intestate. 212m. Cwyrnburna. R. mill bum. 200b. nr. Chelsworth, Suif. cyl. ? enclosure (K). 82I. cyld (cild). child, children. 254t. Cylfant-un. Chillingtcm, Som. (K). I46h. Cyllincg cote. Kilcot, Glou. 444h. Cymesinc. Kemsing, Kent. loih. cyneham. royal manor. 41I. cyne hlaford. royal lord. 221I. cyne rihta. g. pi. royal prerogatives. 202. cynescipe. royalty. 230I. Cynete. R. Kennet. 394m. Cynetan burh. Kintbury. 168I. Cynges byrig. Kingsbury, Mid. (K). 222b. Cynges steort. K556. Cynibre. Kinver, Staf. 29h. cyniges heiweg. ' The king's high- way,' 130I. Cyninges cua lond, king's cows' land. Kent. K201. Cyninges tiin. Kingston. Sur. ii9t. cynlic. fitting. 8ib. cyping. fair, market. 23 il. eyre, choice, 148I. cyrelif. 148IN. cyresceat. 'church-shot' (T.) 236t, cyric sceat. 2 36t. cyricstede. K571. 587. cyrstelmsel. cross. 379m, 380m. cysa. cheeses. 3i2t. Cysse Stan. Keston, Kent. K700. oyste. chest. 250I. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 487 Cyta sihtes ford, nr, Welford, Brks. 190I. Cystaninga, id. cytweras. 376r. cyfl. makes known. 256I. deed. deed. 298m. deegee. f. dairy-woman, deegfeorm. f. day's provision. 2 26t. Dsegles ford. Daylesford, Wore. 20m. deel. n. dell. 2351, K559. 595- deelan. distribute. 215I. deelneomencg. participation. 42m. daenberis. 50m, 59t. dapsilitas. profusion, bounty. I72h. datalicii (? dotalicii), dowry. K1305. Deccanhaam, Degenham, Ess. 13b. Deccet. Datchet, Buck. K693. decenouelis. 295b. decimatio. tithing. 336I. decusatim. becomingly, decently. 450m. Du Cange : ' honorabiliter, apte.' dei = d8eg. day. K238. del. valley. 290I, 448t. demandavit. gave orders. 8411. deme. ordeal. 439t. den. n. lair, swine-pasture. I76r, 210I, 289I, 381m. dienhexa, = pascwa porcorum, 126I, I34h, i74h. Dene (set). Dean, Hants. 146m. denepyt. K1177. ? danehole. DeniceswyitJ. Dencliworth, Berks, 196m. Denmearcon. Denmark. 23ot. denu. f. valley. 200I, 29111, 293I, 387m, 448I. Deopford. DefFord, Wore. 443b. Deone(8et). Downton. Wilts. 146m. Deoran treow. nr. Welford, Berks. 190I. Deorham. Dyrham, Glou. 449t. Deormodesealdtun. Dormston, Wore. 444h. deorwyrfSe. valuable. 250I. Derantun. Darenth, Kent.(K).i7il. Dertan, R. Dart. 266m. deu maen. Csh. ? two stones. 296!!. die. m. dyke, ditch. 1 20, 449I. — f. i66r, 449b. di'cfitare. to draft a deed. 283. Dictun. Fenny Ditton, Camb. 365I. dijHcultas. burden. 112m. 137I. Dilingttin. 5h. Dilingbroc. 5I. Dinrabeorh.. 383b. Diorente. R. Darent, Kent. loih, disc pegn. dish-thane, i. e. steward. seneschal, dapi/er, discifer. 2 2 61; KS. ii. 109. discretus. decisive. 60I. discus, dish. 313I. dispendium. loss. 65. diidse. boundaries. 330I. documenttim. deed, b6c. 681. Doddaford. Dodford, Nhants. Doddanford. id. I78h. Doddinchyrne. Rochester. 33 2I. dogor. day. Ksh, 109I. dohtig. competent, ' doughty.' 229h. EP. § 283. dolh. 35 7h. dolia. saltpans. 444m. dom. judgment, sentence. 202m, 212I. Domrahani. Damerham, Wilts 148I, 365^. d6r. n. gate, pass. %^ox. 447h. Dorhurst. Deerhurst, Glou. 34oh. Dornwarana ceaster. Dorchester, Dors. 120I. Do'Tohernia. Canterbury. 186I. TtoTohreui = civitas Rofi. 4i2hN. dotionem. endowment. 137m. Douorcort,Dovercourt,Essex.366b. dr^am. joy, happiness. 221I. dreogan. sustain, conduct. 243I. DucanseatJ. duck's pit. K308. Duclingtun. Ducklington, Oxf. 386h. Dumeltan. Dumbleton, Glou. (K). 2i9h. dion. m.f. down, hill, moor. 248 ; adv. 235t. dun. dun (colour). Ki 1 29 ; adv. 2 5 3t. Dunnincland. Donyland, Essex. 366ni. Diinh-dm. Downhara, Norf. 344h. Dun tun. Downton, Wilts. 184m. dux. ealdorman. 20t, 38b, 149m. SC. § 49, 66. Dyddanhim.Tidenham,Glou. 375b. 488 GLOSSAKIAL INDEX. Dydimere tun, Didmarton, Glou. dynestede. K535. Dyrnan ford. Wore. 449m, Dyrn geat. nr. Ham, Wilts, dyrnuncga. slyly. 297b. dyrstig. audacious. 230m, 23 ir, 378h. ed. f. river, stream, eaca. addition, 249b. Eadbrihtincg tun. ? Abberton, Wore. 444t. ealatS. ale. 35 ih. Ealdanbyri. Oldbury on the Hill, Glou. 444h. ealdefader. grandfather. 346r. ealdland. ?eSel. 327m. ealdor. governor. K563. ealdordom. chief authority. 219b. Vcb. dwcatus, primatus. ealdorman. 193b, 202I, 21 7m, 230m. SC. § 49. ealdumtiman(on-). 302b. ealh. m. edifice, temple. Ealhfleot. 90I. earn, uncle. 277t. D^eim. earace. watercourse. K1064. Earhi'S. Erith, Kent. 2i2h. earn, eagle. 184m, 2 89h. card, dwelling-place. 164I. ear'Se. d. "crop" (T). 149b. ear's lond. arable. 2o8h. BC608. Easterege. Eastry, Kent. 82h. Easterne. Easter-tide. 344m. eawa. g. pi. ewes. 109I. ea^modlice. humbly. 69I. Eccantreo. 449t. ecclesiasticum jus, ^T^th. Eccyncg tun. Eckington, Wore. 443b. 6ce. perpetual. 195m. ecg. m. edge. 389t, 447t. Ecgheanglond. 89b. ecnys. eternity. 253I. edesc, edisc. m. pasture, edish, etch. loil), 385t, 447t. SV. 377. edgift. restitution. K499. edis (cedes), church. 450I. edmeltid. K1088. ednywon. newly. 185. efese. edge of wood, eaves. 166I. -eg, -ig. f. island. ege. fear, awe. 145I. egeslic. dreadful. 217I. egsan mor. awful moor. 45ot. eige. d. island. 206. eihwelc. 106. Kentish for segli- wilc. eitum. eyots. 302b. elebeam. ? elder or privet, 379l« ellen. elder-tree. 386I. ellen stub, elder stump. 293b. ellen styb. 389t. emniht. equinox. 35 ih, 35 3t. ende. district, region. 230m. endemes. unanimously. 299t. Enede mere, duck pool (nr. Bex- ley). 95I. @nte. Enedford. Endford, Wilts. 356h. englisc. English. 250b. enta hleew. hill of the dwarfs. K75 2 . Eoccem. Ock R. Berks. 381b, 387I. Eofes ham, Eoues ham. Evesham Abbey, Wore. 235I. Eomer. Nm. 446m. eorl. 229I. Ixvff. Vgf. v. Jarl. eortS. earthen fort. 32 7h. burh. eor^byrg. earth-fort, 32 7h, 39 ih. eor^geberst. land-slip. 379b. Eowniglad. Evenlode, Wore. epactcB. Epacts. 295b. erecta fides, orthodoxy. BC410. erf es. heir-land. 149; PL192. erndian. send word. 69b. ers (Perse). 445b. erse. m. ? stubble-field. 282b, 290I. Esne. Nm. 120I. est. favour, grace. 223b, 33 7I. et (set), at. 102b, i26r, 130I, 286I, 3151- etelond. pasture. BC524. Exan mynster. Exminster, Dev. 146I. eyt. river-islet. 340m. faca«. BC630. facescunt. 173 ; not in Du Cange. fadian. dispose of. T522. feeles grsef. 447m. feesten die. fort-ditch. 95h. feestingmen. officers on King's errand (T). loob, 112m. fagan floran. K340. fah. spotted, dappled. 226I. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 489 fald. fold. 290b, 448h. faldwurtJi. 343b. faleratus. embossed, furnished. 31 3I. BC524. falod. m. fold, stable. 166I, 17 ah. familia = hired, the conventual family. fatJan. K1293 ; dative (bad form) of fatJu. maternal aunt. Fealuwes lea. Fawsley, Nhants. I79ra. Fearnbiorginga. Famborough, Kent. 289m. Fearnhdm. Farnham, Sur. 129. Fearnlege. Farleigh, Kent. 150b. fearnlesuue = pascua 'porcorum regis, K277 [?fearu-]. Feaxum. nr. Reculver, Kent. 188I. Febres bam. Faversham, Knt. 1 2 61. Fefres ham. id. 90m. fehta. 126m. feld land. K529. Felh ham. Felpham, Sus. I47t. fen, fsen. n. mud, dirt,/en. 24ir, 446h. feoh, feo. n. money. 220b. 2 23r. feorm. f. rent in kind, mm, 212I. f eorm fultum. aid of refection. 1 5oh. feormian. supply with food. i69r. feower-wegas(on). 254. 255. 256. ferd socn. 242m. ferdwite (fyrd wite). 343m. fertJwur'Se. fit for fyrd. 343b. festingmen. 313I. fetel. sheath. 215m. Fif ac. Five Oaks. 309h. fihtwite. n. penalty for fighting. 343m. filican. 389h ; IfuUca, coot, flndan. arrange. 244h. Fingringa ho. Fingringhoe, Essex. 367b. finie. limit. 354t, 355m, 363t. firdwsen. travelling carriage. 250I. firhde. n. 96b. Fiscesburna. 16I. Fiscnees. K179. Fitela. Nm. 35 7I. fixcB res. imm.ovsib\e property. 397h. fixno'5. fishing, fishery. K1097. fleescmangere. butcher. 364m. fleah. fled. 164m. Flefei«. Flyford, Wore. 446h. fleot. running stream, fleet. 121. flexacyras. flax-fields. 385b. flicce. flitch. Sob. flitgara 35 7I. flod. m. flood. Vcb. floda. m. flood. K535. flode. f flood. 120. flodhammas. K224. fl.ota. fleet, 2i7h. flotanrycg. 447I. fly'nia. banished man. 164I. flymena fyrmtS. f. runaway-har- bouring. 233t. Focginga byra. Hockenbury, Kent. 96I. folcland. public land. 126m (n), 150m. folcryht. common law. I4ih, 145I. Folcunining land. in Eastry, Kent. 82r. folgatS. following, followers. K557, fone. (pojvT], voice, 362b. fonnis. 8m. Not in Du Cange ; per- haps from fani before it was changed by umlaut to fen. EP. § 127. foran ongen. over against. 39 ih, 392t. forb6h. eluded. 201b. EB. 76, 10. forberstan. go by default. 201. ford. m. ford. 206, fordealf. delved. 120b. EB. 17, 15. for deman. prejudice. 145I. fore. for. 8oh. forealdod. decayed. 25 it. fore cyddon. made it known to. K1302. forespsec. f. advocacy. 274. forespeca.advocate.162b, 21 7r, 221. foresprsec. advocacy. K492. forestall. 340b, 343I. See Schmid, Gesetze v, forsteal. foreword. agreement, bargain, covenant. 220I, 22311, 228m. fore"wyrd. pi. conditions. 243m. forewyrdan. d. pi. 243b. forfang. m. cattle- rescue. T384. forgef. gave as a gift. 203, forgyldan. make good, indemnify, 148m, 2oib, 217b. forgylt. condemned. 223b. forleortan. surrendered, K313. 490 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. fornagean. fronting. 327m. forstandan. signify. 147b. forsteal. forstalling. 233!. forwyrcan. forfeit, undo. 164I, 219, 238b. EB. 76, 10. forwyrhtan. ruined persons. 341m. forwyrnan. refuse. 298b. foss. ditch, /bssa. K136. fosterland. n. land for sustenance of recipient. T227. fo«r. load. lost, 293b, 351m, 377I1. guber. ST641. fotmo:!. K461. franca, javelin. 215m. Frencisc. French. 270b. FreoUomund. Nm. nor. freodom. franchise, charter. 69I. freols. m. freedom. I4ih, 148I, 256I, 2 75h, 349r. freols boc. charter. 221b. freolsman. freedman. K694. freondredden. friendliness. I55r, Fresantun. Freston, Suff. 36711. friadom. Ksh. charter. BC536. Frigedsegestreow. Friday's tree. 387m. frigeliGe = lib ere. 342I. frodmortell. 438h, 439t. fruere {frui), enjoy. 96I. frylS socn. f. sanctuary. fugatus exile. 114I. fugelnolS. fowling. K715. fugelslsed. K556. Fugel mere, fowl-mere. 1 66b, 449b. ful. foul. 95r, 179m. Fule wyl. muddy well. K442. fulle. pi. full, complete. 250I. fulgere. Ksh. full well. iiih. fulliae. Ksh. I confirm. 8oh. fuUuht feeder, god-father. 349m. fazltum. help. 298I, 36or, 456I. Funtgeal. Fonthill, Wilts. i68m. fura. g. pl. furrows. 291b. fure. g. sg. furrow. 291b. furh. furrow, trench. 208I, 35 7r, 384t, 387b. furh. f. fir-tree, 37omN. 386I. furis comprehemio. thief-capture, 338I. furlang. n. furlong. 373I, 387h. fyhfang (feohfang). m. guilty money-taking. T411. fylstan. support. 230m. fyl«. falleth. 39 2I. fyrd. f. military levy. Vcb : castrum, expeditio, prceparatio exercitus. fyrdsocn. f. 242m. fyrd street. K449. fyrdwite. n. fine for default as to fyrd. T359. fyrh. d. gully. i79h, 35 7I. fyrhlSe. ? enclosed plantation. i5Sm. K595. fyrmdig. I46h. fyrs. m. furze. 266I. fyt. feet. I4ih. fyxandie. 120b. gahlum. rent. 41 2I. gafol. geersuma. treasure. 249I. gafelaj). renteth. 215I. gafol. rent. 244h, 298I, 337b, 35 3t. gafol beere. rent-barley, 35ih. gafolland. let for rent. 376r. gafol meed. 35 ih. gafol tining. hedging done as rent. 35iin- gafol wudu. firewood as rent. 351m. galhtreow. gallow-tree. K443. Gaing. East Ginge in Wantage Hd. Berks. (Gainj, Dd. 8a.) 387h. Gamelan -wyrtJ. Folkestone. i8ih. gangdagas. Rogation Days. 344m. gara. jutting gore of land. 23h, 208I, 352m, 448b. gare. wf. ? 215I. K61. KS. i. 319. gares cepinge = annuis nundinis 344m = 346t. gata. of goats. i88b. Gatatiin. Gatton, Sur. i6om. gauol tining. fencing for lord. 35im. gaziferus. lucrative. 3i5h. geafling lace. 382m. ge . . ge. both . . and. 242b. geeettred, envenomed. 242m. geahnian. to claim. 2i3t. geahsian. hear of, learn. 147b. EB. 76, 20. ge an (ic~). I grant. 365 r. geap. spreading, 310b. geard. m. enclosure, yard. Geardcylle. Yorkhill, Heref. 82I. gearhwamlice. annually, 226h. aLOSSAKIAL INDEX. 491 geat, n. gate, opening. 357b. geaii/or eo'w. 347h. gebdd. acquired. 299m. geb^cte. he booked. 202I. gebeon. lie summoned. 154m. EB. 16, 5. geb^tan. amend. 378m. gebidan. attain, get. 299r. gebirian. happen. 155I. gebocian. to book land. 2i2t & h. geboned. inlaid. 25oh. gebonger. Indiction. 154m, 161I. gebrocude. ruined. I45t. gebruce. enjoyed. 144b. EB. 16, 27. gebiir, boor. 2 76f, 377t. colonus, Vcb. ; ND. V. Boor. gebyht. bight. 95m. gebyrd. birth. 286t. geceapod ceap. stipulated bargain, 247h. gecor. n. decision. ST436. gecnsewe. cognisant, aware, con- scious. 217m, 229h, K874 ; noto- rious. 2I3t. gecnawen, acknowledged. 25oh. gecnawnis. acknowledgment. 265t. gecySan. declare. 2 861. gecwe'8an. agree, settle. I45t. geddlland. land in divided occu- pation. K1234. Ine's Laws, 42. gedelf. n. a digging, quarry, trench, canal, 299h. geed'Smedden (heo-). that they would condescend. 42h. geearnian. earn. 212, 236t. geedfreolsade. re-chartered. 197m. geerian. plough. 35 ih. gefadod. disposed of. 366b. gefera. companion. 42I. Ixii. geferrseden. fraternity. 377b. geferscipe. m. society. 264b. geflit. n. contention. i65t. gefor. died. I45h. gefreode. freed, manumitted. 355. gehseg. enclosure. i88b, 282b. gehsendre — vicinior. K1070. gehagian. impers. suit. i5oh. fce^ gebeald. guardian. T391. gehwearf = licissitudo, BC38 1 . geinnian. restore. 382b. geldd. passage, ferry. 385h. geleedde. conducted. 2 861. gelsBstan. fufil, obey. 1481. gelsetan. let (land). 377b. gelseto. outlets, cross-ways. 292t, 379b. geleaful. faithful. 42m. geleanian. repay. I48t. geleohtan. light with candles, ^isl. gelomlice. frequently. 4211. gelyfe. imperative, believe. 299m. gemaca. fellow, match. 368h. ^emsene. common. 22^t^:^6^t. / 2-2-' gemaBnelice. 256t. -- ^ / gemsere. n. boundary. 176m, 37or. gemeerhaga. 388h. gemserliege. ~hedge. 37 il* gemserlacu. boundary-stream. 387I. gemsero. boundaries. 369b, 38,s,t. gemeerwyl. boundary stream. K636. gemana. company. 8oh. gemane. wf. communion. 144I, 221I. gemearcod. marked. 355m. gemecca. consort. 8oh, io9t. gemede. n. approval, consent. 244h. gemedo. covenants. 202I. gemennisse (in~). K241. gemina. reiterations. i86h. gemot, meeting. 286h. Gemot biorb. moot-hill, nr. Canter- bury. 171b. gemynd. commemoration. K942. gemyndian. K1097. gemy^u. mouths, openings. 370m. geneat. tenant who works for lord. 377t. ©enc^C In Vcb. inqui- linus, fasellus (vasallus), para- situs. Ixvi. gerdd. n. condition. I46r, i64t, 2i9r, 251b, 353t. gersedde. took counsel. 298t. gerseden. f. stipulation. 144I. gersednyssa. 242m. ger^fa. reeve. 77t. KS. ii. 151, 177. gereafian. rob. 382b. gereehte. directed. 286m, T2oib. ger6f meed, public meadow. K559. geriden. seized. 298ni. EB. 76, 15. gerisan. be agreed on. 243I. EB. 20, 22. germanus. brother, 45m, 305m. BC524. 571. gerysnu. pi. dignities. 233!. 492 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. gerysne. fit, meet. I49t. gerythe (on~). straight forward. 121. gesseh, saw. 286b. gesahte. ? pleaded. 164I. gesaldnis. grant. 122I. gescarode. apportioned. 382I. gesceawade. beheld. 286b. gesceot. n. scot, payment, 265h. gescygean. to shoe. T616. geseted. pt. situate. 42 1. geset land, let to tenants. 376m. gesib. kin. 145b. gesomnuncg. assembly. 8oh. gestaSelian. found. 221b, 341I. gestod. stood,constitutum est. 366m. gesufl. 8 It, io5h. See sufol. gesyne. manifest. 298m. geteld. tent. 223m. getidde. it happened. 202. getilian. earn. 350m. getiUian. consent. 217b. gepeef. consenting. 69b. gef>afa. consenting party. 144b, 163I. gepafian. acquiesce, permit. 303h. gejjafung. consent, agreement. 42h, 353h. gepeaht. counsel, purpose. 238b, 298m. gepeahtung. advice. I44h. ge'Sian. iioh. ? gej^icgan (T). gepicgan (v.l), feed off, 286. gepingian. bargain. 337b. ge'8ristl8ecan. dare. 42m. gepywian. enslave. 253m. geunnan. x'^pK^^^^'- 227m. geupe. granted. 212m, 349m. ge flSe /or geutige. 340b, geutige. alienate. 303h. geuueoi^ise. honovu-. 8or. Geuuissi. I94h. K. i. xxiv, geweald. government. 2 36t. gewear^ . . eet. set to work. 299h. gewearp (me and ~). was agreed between me and -'. 349m. gewemmtan. pervert. 242. gewitnis. witness. 155I, 202I. gewoman. to obliterate. 151m. gewonian. diminish. 242I. gewrixl. exchange. I92t. gewrit. writing, writ. 255m. gewylde. adj. subject. 144, 25ot. gewyrda. times. 202h. ge 3rflade (hine~). was taken ill, he fell sick. 212I. gib. Ksh. if. 102b. gife'Be. granted. io9h, iioh. Gifle. Ivel valley, Som. 146m. gilda. guild -brother, 2651. gildreeden. guild-right. K942. gildscipe. m. guild-brotherhood, 265r. Glsestinga biirh. Glastonbury. 36511. Glencincg. tributary of Ledden, Wor. 447r. Gleppan feld. 289I. godcund. divine. 8or. goddohtor. goddaughter. 22] -n. Godelmingum, Godalming, 146b. godfeeder. godfather, 219. goes. Ksh. geese. 80b. gos fugl. goose-fowl. 1 1 ih- Gosig. Goosey, Berks. 387t, 87m. grseg. gray. I2it, 294b. greewan stane, grey stone. 121. gr^f, m, ? grove. 239h, 248r, 351b, 448m, 449t. grafet. n. 354r, 355h. Grafon eah. Graveney, Kent. 90I. Graf tiin. Grafton, Wore. 444h. graphium. register. 183b. grauet (grafet). n. 354t. gravida. 120m, 1261.= gravitas. burden on land. loob, 41 3I. gr^fan, grsefan, hole, quaiTy. 166b. gremium. lap. 84b. Grendles mere, near Ham, Wilts. i67t. grestTin (gaerstiin). grass enclosure. 393ti. grette, greeted, challenged 286b, Grimastun. Grimstone, Norf. 240I. Grimes die, K456. grindan broc. K1063. Grindel, K59, 570, Qrindelespytt, Wore. K59. Grindewyl. a stream. 389t, 39 2I. Grindles bece, 448t. gritSbryce. m. breach of the peace. 233t, 343I. grtit. meal, 'grout.' 109b. Vcb. @ru^c. grundeliesa. bottomless. 35 2h. gundenling rycg. 4481. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 493 Gundes stige. K209. Gundwiue. Nm. K957. guts f ana. banner, 250m. gyltes. ^^^vci^forisfacturas. 345b. gyltwite (gyldwlte\ fine for un- paid tax. K514 (vi. 240). gyrd. f. ? yardland or landyard. 248h, 322b, SV92, 94. 351m, 364t, 376m. Gyrd leah. Yardley, Wore. 449m. gyrnde. begged. 2991. hac, hsec. hatch, half-gate. 393I. Hacapen. 328I, haccan broc. 38oh. hdd. order. 221b. EP. § 326. hsecweras. 376m. Haedleah. Hadleigh, Suff. 369t. hseg. m. hedge. K354. heegrsewe. hedgerow. K193. hserfsest. autumn. 353t. hsering. herring 378t. hseringc tima. herring season, 29 7I. heeslwride. hazel copse. 179I. hsesel rsewe. hazel row. 4451. haesl wrij>. m. hazel thicket. 354m. hsetS. m. heath. 2o6ni. — n. 184b. h-sepen. heathen. 294I, 379b. H8e]?feld. Hatfield, Herts. 276r. haetSgara. 449m. hsetS halan. 445b. bee's hyll. 449 b. bee's hricg. heath-ridge. 447t. baetJibt. heathy, 309h. Haflngseota. K175. baga, enclosure, 87m, 95r; town- house, 194I, 239I, 244t, 289h, 294I ; = villa, 336I, 364r, 447h ; = civitafis habitaculum, 402h. Hagena treou. L. 410I. bdl. hale, sound. 202I, 2i2h. balas. pi. HEALH. 449m. baligdom. ? chapel. 2i8h. Hallingas. Hailing, Kent. 58m. bam, bom. m. enclosure ; pi, ham- mas. 377m. 386b. 387I. KS. i. 320. bdm, baam. villa, home. Hama. Nm. 2 861. bdmettan. to 'home 'serfs. K1079. KS. i. c8 fin. Hamfleot. Hamfleet, Kent. i92h. Hamleas sceaga. homeless wood. 354I1. _ bamm. inclosure. 282I. Hamme (set). Ham, Kent. I42t. — Ham, Wilts. i66h. bammum. K1177. bdm socn. domus invasio. 233t, 3431- bdmsteal. homestead. K123. bam stede. homestead. 445I. bdmstede. homestead. K570. Ham tun. Southampton. 194I, 246m. ban. f. 'hone,' stone, I74t, 294b, 357h, 38ot. K1199. Vgf. Hein. Hancbemstede. in Essex. 14m. band, person as holder, taker; e.g. meghond, wsepned hand, wifhand. bandledon. handled. K929. bandlin. handcloths. 250m. bandseten. signature. I4ih, 145b, i63r, 353h. bangra. slope. 370I. bangra. hanger. 166I, 190, 363b. bangwite. penalty for miscarriage of justice, barstdn. hoarstone. 12 it. bassuc. m. coarse grass. K655. bassukesmore. K174. HatBatbum. Bath. 7h. batte. was named. 276. bawe. m, a look-out. K161. Headanscraf. 282b. beafoc. hawk. 448h. beafod. n. head, 206. bed,fod land, head-land, 208I, 291b. beafod stoccas. 290b, K442. beabdeor bund, staghound. K492. beabgerefa, 370b. beal. corner. 447h. Vcb. bealdan. hold, keep. bealb. m. hall. 95m. 206b, 386ra. bealb tun. 29211. bealic. superior, lordly. 376b. bealma. of helmets. 222b. Heanburg. Henbury, Glou. 1 2m, — Hanbury, Wor. 11 2t, 311m. bean ersc. low arrish. 282b. Heanbamstede. 397h. Hearg. Harrow, Midd. K220. bearm. harm, damage. 23or. 494 GLOSSAKIAL INDEX. Hearpden. 294b. heaseldic. hazle-ditch. 388h. hebban. raise. 21701. Hecenes hangra. K752. hecge. f. hedge, i67t. Hedham. Much Hadham, Herts. 365m. Hedleah, Hadleigh, Suff. 366h. hege. m. hedge. 447111. hegstow. 446 h. Hf gy"5e tJorn. ? Eythorne, Kent. 751- heht, commanded. 286b. EB. 18, 33. heiweg. highway. 130I, hel. m. K556. hela. Ksh. health. 8oh. helde. slope, K987. helle wite. hell-pains, 244I, 350m. hemed. marriage. 109m. hencgest. stallion. 221I. Hengestes ig. Hinksey,Berks. 384I. Henna leah. Henley, Wilts. 166I. hennfugl. hen-fowl. Sob. hennuc. m. 446h. heonon (v. 1.). they stooped. 275m. heorod. chapter, college. 161 1. heorotsol. hart-mire. 178I, K118. lieorS. hearth. 265r. heor^penig. Peter's penny. T432. Heorting tun. Hardington, Som. i46h. hera. mistress, lady, 361b. herdice. I94t. Heregeardingc hiwisc. Harden Huish, Wilts. K270. heregeat land. 220I. heregeatu, heriot. 217m, 223m, herepaS, m. military road. I2ih, 184m, 322I, 392t, herestreet. K569. heretoga, dux. K530, 557, 612, 680, 681, 682. ^evjcg. herewian. scorn, spit upon, 21 2I. herfest. autumn. 35 ih. hergse. d. fane. 47h. Hergeardes ham. Harrietsham, Kent. 247m. Hermodes porn. K174. BC279. herpa'8 ford, highway ford. 29 2h. herpsac. Pheritage. 439h. herwiS. herewith. 236m. hese. brushwood (K). 288m. hiabenlic. Ksh. heavenly. io6b. hic = ic. I. 2 26h. hid. f. hide of land. 457ff. Hideburninga. Headboume,Hants. 290b. Higeleah. Hants. 29ih. higen. fraternity. 286m. higid. hide. i2 2rN. BC524. higna (hina). the brethren. 226. higweg. 375h. hilcan. ilcan. 35 ih. Hildas dun. Hillersdon, Bucks. (K). 371m. Hildeshleew. ? Ilsley, Berks. 2 74h. himfeowrum. them four. I47h. hina. g. pi. of the brethren. 137m, 181I, 286mN. hincstes gr^fa. K597. hind. ? tenth. K538, KS. i. 113. Hindeslep. hind's leap. K530. hired, m. conventual household, chapter, 212b, 215m, 2 24h, 2 7ir, 299h. hired preost. collegiate priest, 255. hirmsed. K. 461. 1097. hiwe/or hida, hides. 42 81. hiwisc. hide. 35ih. = wian«a, K454. BC952. SV. 395. hlabard. Ksh. lord. 102I. hlsesting. toll on loading. T359. hleeu. 282I. = monticuhis, 3096. hlaf-brytta. bread-spenser. 255m. hlaf hvireet. bread-wheat. 35 ih. hlaford. lord. io9t, 215m, 22ih. hlau, hldw. m. mound, low. 206. 291b. Hleap-mere. 282b. Hleo byri, Cleobury, Salop. 444h. hlidgeat, 290I. hlinc. m. bank, link, linchet. 166I. hlincrsewe. turf balk. 37ot. SV. 382. hli'S. n. hill, eminence, hlilSweg. hill-way, 292h. hluttor. clear. 311b, hlyd. lid. K649. hlyde. f. 292hN, 448h. hlype. f. leap ? K813. hlypgeat. 445 b. Hneefledh, 373m. hneep. m. bowl. 250m. O^a^f. Hnuthyrst. 310m. GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. 495 Hnut scillinc. Nutshalling, Hants. 290m. ho, hoas. m. point of land. 447ni. Hodes ac. 446in. Hodes lileew. K1129, 1246. Hodes msere. K533. lioli. 37 il. hoi. adj. hollow. 246r. hoi. n. hole. K408. hola. m. hollow. K543. Holan beorges burna. hollow hill's rill. 288h. Holan horan fleot. 283m. Holan spie. 336t. holan weg. hollow way. 448I. Holapyll. K461. hold, gracious, loyal. 229I, 34oh. Holm. Hulme, Norf. 240I. holne. d, 12 it. holt. n. wood, holt. ^olj. Holunga burne. Hollingboume, Kent. 225m. homm. 449I. K1358. honolond. pasture enclosed. 2o8h. honeris {oneris). burden. I96h. hornas. horns. 250m. Hornemere. A hundred in Berks. 342m. Horninga msere. K556. hor pyt. mud-pit; Vcb. 445m, 45oh. horsa broc. horse-brook. 448h. Horsagehajg. horse-close. 282b. Horsa leh. Horsley, Sur. 149I. horte. whortle, vaccinium (Vcb.). 389h. hor wyl. muddy stream. 445I. hrsedlice. suddenly. 244I. hr6ac. 'reek,' rick. 35ira. hremn. raven. 26 yt. hreod broc. reed -brook, 447I. hreodpol, reedpool. I2ih. Hricgweg. Ridge Way. 32 7h, 379b, 383b. Hridraleah = campus armento- rum. 284I. hringinde (ringenne). 260m. hrisc. rush. 357m. hrfSer. ox. Sol, io5t, 109b. 9tinb. hritJru. horned cattle. 311b. Hrobi (castellum). Bochester. 336I. Hrofes ceastor. Rochester. Hrofi. Rochester. 331m. Hroflbreui. Rochester, 3b. hrulJeru. oxen. 25oh. hrycg. m. ridge. K308. Oiiitfett. hrycgweg. ridge way. 370m. HrytJerafeld. Rotherfield. i47t, 225m. Hry'Sera ford, ford of oxen. 291I. hueeten. wheaten. 80I. Hugabeorgum. 22b. Humbra. the Humber (K). 392t.(?) Hunbergefleot. L. 121m. hund. dog, hound. 183. ^unb. Hunddes ig. dog's island. 3Soh. hundred, political district. 253I. hundredes treow. KS. i. 75n. hundred penig. T432. hundred socn. T187. Hunes cnol. 381m. Hunstanes tian. Hunstanton. 240I. hunta. huntsman. 2 2 7t, 363t, 364t. Huntena tun. hunters' farm. 64I. Husan treo. Husingtree, Wore. 446I. hiiscarl. guardsman. KS. ii. 123. hiisting. house-court. K745. See Vgf. hus-ping. hweete den. wheat-valley. 293I. Hweetedun. Wotton, Sur. 150m. hwsetmundes stdn. 317m, 3180. hwer. kettle (Vcb.). 225m. hwerf. m. wharf, dam. 299t. hwelSre. nevertheless. 286b. Hwitan cyrican (eet). Whitchurch Canonicorurn, Dors. 146m. Hwitecelde. white well. 126I. hwyrfel. m. 328b. hyht. m. hope. 8oh. hyl. m. hill. K354. hyle. f. ? hollow. K354. ^o^Ic. Hylsan seohtra. 282I. hylt. holdeth. I46t. hylte. d. ? holt. 206b. hymel broc. 446t. hype. d. hip. 203t. Hyppeles fleot. Ebbsfleet, Kent, hyrne. wf. corner, angle. 4t, 322b, 393li- hyrst. m. scrub.ioi.i26,i72h. J^orji. hyrstgeard. K308. 496 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Hysseburne. 146T. hy^. f. shore, hithe. 42111. IbbinetTin. Kent. 41 ih. IccawTir^. Ick worth, Suff. K. Icene. R. Itchen, Hants. 29obis. Icenhilde weg. Berks. 379m, 383I. Ide, near Exeter; 25ot. EP. § 117. iecJem. looh. iehwerfed. exchanged. I28t. ifiht. ivied. K624. BC630. ig (f.). island. 182b. ignostici for gnostici. 32 2h. ig'S. m. ? islet 354t. Ulan leh. Monks Eleigh, SufF. 367I. ille, ilia, as def. art. 11 81, 309r. immunis. not liable. 209I, 234I, 293h. inbserU. home-born. K1079. inblawen. inflated. 242m. inbyrd. inborn, born on the estate. 2 76h. incerre. alter. I23t. ineessum i.e. vectigal. 27I. inclifa. chamber. K591. incontaminata. 1 96h. indeterminahiliter. without limit of time. 186b. indictio. Indiction. 286t. indolis. 38b, 307n, 323h. "Indolis vel Indoles, Adolescens." Du Cange. infangentheof. jurisdiction over thief taken on the estate. 233t, 343m. -ing, 90IN. EP. § 318. ing(in). i85h. ing. m. meadow. T, Ing pen. Inkpen, Berks. 168I. inland, domain. 16 ib, 376m. inlade. water-passage inland. 344h. inscriptiones. title-deeds. 66t. insigle. n, seal in a ring; writ. i64r; xl. SC. § 73 n. Intanbeorgas. Inkberrow, Wor. 62t, 681. Intebeorgas. Inkberrow, Wore. 681. interdicta. 196. inware. 235b. iocled. 82I. ST582. ioclet = J mansiuncula. 89b, 90b. iocleta. "yokelet" (S) i42t. SV. 396. lol. Yule, Christmas. 344m. iow (Ksh.). you. 8ib. fsen grd,fas. K 1 1 1 8. ? iron-mines. KS. ii. 70. iugiter. perpetually. 25h, 2 7h. iw. m yew. 362I, 376t. iwitnis (gewitnis). 258h. Jus ecclesiasticum. 30b, 53t. BC348' juris mei. 25t, 35t, 45m, 332m. katalectico versu. 31 3h. kinehelm. crown. 344m. Korstun. Corston, Som. 268m. kynescipe. royalty. 230m. kytS (cyU), makes known. 253. lacu. f. stream. i79mN', 306I, 322I, 376I, 38oh. lacum. ? Epiphany. 142m. lad. exculpation, purgation. 23 it, 237t. Idd, ladu. f. water-way, path. Isece. leech, doctor. 388m. Isecedom. healing. 42h. leedan. carry. 145m. ; beat the bounds. I55h. leefan. to leave. 215m. Isefel. m. spoon. 250m. Scffct- Iseg brycg. 374I. Iffin. i. = prcestitum. 164I, 2i2r, 2i4t, 353t. Vceb. commodum, depositum, commendatum, fenui. See Introd. Ixxxii, xc. Isenlond. 2o8h. 36ih. KS. i. 517. Ises. pasture. i88b. leeten. handed over. 203h. EB. 19, 27. leewede. lay folk. 244m. Lsexadyn. Lexden, Essex. 366b. Mf. f. relict, widow. 212m. lagu. law. 229I. Idh. lent. io9t. teil^ett. EB. 19, 34. lee's, n. lathe (Kent). K1258. KS. ii. 47. Idm sedtJ. loam-pit. 448h. land dr. landed estate. 217I, 22ih, 237m. land boc. land-charter. 199b, 243b. K648,8i6. landfeoh. KS. ii. 329. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 497 land hlaford. landlord. 376b. landscaru. portion of land. i85t, 266111, 2g6T, 301m. Idne. f. lane. 4t. K485, 549. Langafelda. Lingfield, Sur. 149I. Lang port, long town. 282m. Lantocal. loh. larvaricus. diabolic. 401I, 442!!. Idstweard, successor. 42m. laWic. hateful. 244I. Lauan ham. Lavenbam, Suff. 366t. Lauingtun. Barlavington, Suss. 23b. leac. v.l. 212b. 213. l^ad gedelf. lead-mine. 16af. permission. 2 2 7r. 16ah. m. lea, peaty (?) ground. 178m. 385b. - f. 445I. leahe geat. 448h. Leanaham. Lenbam, Kent. 126b. lecdome. v. 1. 136b. Lechdmstede. K208. Leden. Latin. 250b. Ledene. Leadon E,., Wore. 447h. leger. bed, grave. 202I, 203h. legerstow. burial-place. 109I. Lenbrunn. Csb. 296m. l€od biscop. sufiragan. 230m. leodscipe. 217I. leof. Sire. 162I, 164b, 232m. lieofsnhsema. Lewisham, Kent. 2IOt. lee's, song. 2 5 it. Ubellus for bdc. 66r. liber vitae. 308I. 41 4I. BC82, Zi6e7'a = eegefsele. K1070. liheraliter, seignem-iaUy. 64b, I96h, 2o8h, 315m, 371m. liberare. give. 63I. lihertas. privilege. 284b, 313b, 314I1, lie. body, corpse. 258b; miage, por- trait. 164I. licema. body. 42m. licode. was pleasing. 350b. licwur^. acceptable. 242 b. lictun. churchyard. BC605. Liminsea. R. Limene, Kent. 24b, 29b, 34b. Limingee. Ksb. Lyminge, Kent. i8h, 109I. lin aceran. flax-fields. 239m!N". lind. f. lime tree. 266b, 447I ; tilia Vcb, lind boh. lime-tree hill. 445m. linland. flax-land. K308. linleah. flax-ground. i66b. Linncum. Lincomb, Som. 268I, 269b. Liofshema, Lewisham, Kent. 289t. Liowsan den. 289m. lipperd. K559. Lissingtun. co. Essex. 36 81. \tX. mild, soft. 311b. lip. flows. 38oh. EB. 20, 2. Liwtun. ? Devon. 146b. loc. n. bargain, agreement. 23ot. Loddanbroc. 325b. Loddra wellan. 449t. lof. praise. 229b, 243I. lond dr. estate, honour. 69I. londceap. purchase money. 122I. lone (lane). K549. Longanleag. Langley, Kent. 96I. long on gerihte. straight along. 292t. Loxa. R. 282m. Loxan leah. 282m. lucrire (lucrari). 305L ludihundus. ridiculous, queer. 173m, i8it. Luf bee. 447t. lufe-an. love. i45ra. Lnlan treow. '282b. Lunden tun. London. 42m. Lundonia. London. 37I. lustfullice. heartily. 42h. Lyn cenin. Csh. 296m. lysde. released. 2,54t. lytel. little. 354h. machera. sword. 3i8h. madmum. d. pi. treasures. 25oh, msed. f. mead. 176I, 37 il. maed lacu. meadow-stream. I98h. msedwe. meadow. 445b. mseg. kinsman, brother, 144I, 147*' msegcild. 145I. meegen. valour, efficiency. i6ib. EP. §316. msegen stdn. 32 7hN. K1056. mse^. province. 42h. k 498 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. msel. n. sign, mark, esp. the Cross. K266. EP. § 437. maerbroc. boundary brook. 192m, 447h, 449I. mser cnol. boundary knoll. 445m. mser die. boundary dyke. 306b. meerhege. 447m. mserlacu. 388h. gemserlacu. mserpul, boundary pool. 445m. mser pyt, 192I, K442. mser Stan. 192m, K442. mser weg, boundary-road. 294I, 446h. meesene. 250m. "brasen" T. meessebec. missals, 25ot. meessereaf. pi. massrobes. 250m. msesten. mast for swine. 293b. msestenrseden. 155m, 377m. meets, dignity, merit, rate. 232m, 37711. magas. relatives. 277t. malswyrd. 226IN; 227t. mancus. i of a £. loot, 122I, 284I. manens. hide. 15m and passim. manerium. 201m. 7naws« = hid, 182I, 234I, 380b. mansiuncula. id. 89b. manung. claim. 148I. marc. ^ of a jT. materia, wood, timber. K236. mawpul. 447b, 448h. Maynbip. Csh. 296h. xneagl. munificent. 382b. mealmeht. sandy. K290. meare, f. boundary, marTc. 95IN, 152b, i53t, 179m, 1 881, 194I, 198m, 20or, 2ioh, 355I. mearcbeam. KS. i. 75. mearcbiorh. mark-hill. K364, 535, 624. KS. i. 56. xlv. mearc die. mark-dike. 293I. Meareella. R. 20 it. mearc ford. 38 2t. mearcian. mark. 38oh. meareland. moor, K633. raearc weg. mark-way. I9it, 351b. mearc will, mark-fountain. 293I. Mearseet ham. Merstham, Sur.i82l. m6d. meed, reward. K821. medemest. middle. T46I. medemung. f. 389h. mediam partem, half. 89, 90. meghond. natural heir. io3t. meihanda (Ksh.) i. e. meghond. 102I. See hand. Meldunensburg. Malmesbury. 15m. mele. m. cross. 225m. Melebroc. Millbrook, Hants. I94h, 246t. Melentun, Milton nr. Canterbury. 244t. memerinn. K663. Meoleen beorg. Hants. 29ih. Meoluc cumb. Hants. 29 ih. meolwes. of meal. 3i2t. Meone (aet). Meon, Hants. 146m. Meos dun. 283t. Meosgelegeo. ? Moseley, Wore. 45I. Meoshlinc. 166I. Meos mor. 449I. meox. 449b. meran. d. famous. 286h. mere. 250I "flag" T. mercemot. K568.KS. i. 55. Mercstuninga. Marston, Bedf. 206I. mere. m. lake, mere. 95I, 38 2h. mereswin. porpoise. 376b, 378t. mersc. m. marsh, K537. Mersetun. Merston, Kent. 51b. metsinc. K556. Micla mersc. Michelmarsh, Hants. 362h. microcosmus. man. 442tN. mid ealle. altogether. K1302. midreca. mattresses ? or caskets, Veb. 250m. minister, thane. I24t, I26t, I33h, 135m. See Intr. misellus. poor, unworthy. 47b. miskenning. wry pleading. 340I. T359. SS. 525. missurium. mass vessel. T2. But see Du Cange. mitta = 2 ambers. 35 ih. T460. mobiles res. movables. 39 7h. moddrige. maternal aunt. 276b. Modingahema. Mottingham, Kent. 289. m6r. m. moor. 37ih, 374I. morgen gifu. morning-gift. i63h, 212m. 217I, 368h. m6r sleed. moor slade. 388h. GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. 499 mar's, n. criminating thing. K591. mor^ crvmdel. K543. mos. n. moss. K588. mosten. they might. 286m, EB. 29, motare = mutare. disturb. 2 97t. mot gerefe = prsepositus. 342I. motwin^i.qualifiedformot. 343b(n). miul. mule. 374t. Mulan tun. Moulton, Norf. 241I. mund. f. guardianship, trust. 202b. mund. guardian. 219b, 221m. Mundan ham. Mundham, Suss. 282t. mundbyTdnesse. security, inde- pendence. 303m, 341 1. mundbora. protector, iiom. mundbryce. breach of WMwci. T332. mundes dene. 449I. miundgenne. to protect. 202b. mundiend. protector. 368m. Munecatun. Monkton, Dev. 329I. m.unuc regol. monastery. 2i9t. muscipula. cat. 183I. miitJa. m. estuary, harbour. mydrece. mattress. K1290. Mylenburne. Milbome Port, Som. 146I. mylen gear (geard). mill-yard. BC630. mylenham. m. mill-farm. K633. Mylen tun. Milton, Kent. 1 00m. mylen war. f. mill- weir. K479, 775. mylier. m. i79t. myln. f. n. mill. 192m, 241m. miyln steal, mill-place. K2.:;9. myngude. mentioned. 202b. mynster. monasterium. Myres ig. Mersea Island, Essex. 365I, 366h, 367m. Mytun. Mitton, Wore. 393b. myxan. K61. nees. m. promontory. K440. nage. let her not have power. 219. nah. has no right. 376b. nam on. they took. 253m. Nanes mannes land. No man's land. 45oh. nant (Csh.) valley. 296ra. Natangrafun. Notgrove, Glou. 40I. naturale. birthright. K601. nebb. n. nose. 164m. necessitas, obligation. 39 7t. n€dbdd. toll. 42r. nedbadere. toller, 42m. neodful. diligent. 230m. neor. Ksh. nearer, io3t. nettgern. knitting-yarn. 377m. newest, society. 42m. nican. ? Nick's. K1091. niht sang. m. complines, 250I, 25 it. Nitimbre. Newtimber, Sus. 196m, Niuuantun. Naunton, Wore. 444t. Niwantuninga. of the Newton people. BC784. Niwanliffima. Nuneham, Oxf. 395h. Nodre. Nadder R., Wilts. 429h. norlJgeard. K308, 538. N"oi«h6. 215I. Suf. K. (?) Nor^ mu)>a. nr. Eeculver, Kent. i88m. NoriS stok. Som. 268b. tiumen. sovereign right. K1136. nyd peowetling. bond-slave. 274. nygo'Sa. ninth. 349m. nyhst. last. 145b. nyt. beneficial. 136b. nytlicas. most useful. io3t. nytnessum. uses, conveniences. K1097. ob. Ksh. of. 104b. o6rm (auri). pure or alloyed? BC648. ohstaculum. obligation. I76h, 209I. ohtimates (optimates) 295m. ofaxode. learnt. 298b. ofer. m. bank, shore. 306I, 446t. ofer. prep, after, i48h. oferbdd. survived. 212. ofer braedelsas. 250m. 'coverlets' T. ofereca, surplus, oferhyda. 242m. oferricte. should convict. 155I. oteTSBSWTxes—pwna delicti. K514. Oflfandic. K1051. offensaculi. small offences. I96h. ofgan. obtain. 244h, 337b. of spring. 253m. oftalu. defence, counter-statement, offceah. withheld. 2i2h. EB. 22, 28. ollunc. along. 37ir. k2 '500 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. olluncges. K551. oUung. 234b. ombra. 80b, 3i2t. See amber. omerlond. K586. on byrg. 81, 82. oncnawennis. acknowledgment. 25oh. oncu'Se. would blame. 145I. ondeta. consenting. 69I, 286m. Ondred, Andred, Kent. loim. on efen. abreast of. 166I. onfeng. began. 392h. ongaegum, 28 7n. ongean. against, in exchange for. onn (an). I grant. 149m. EB. 29, 12. on spsec. f. imputation. 217I. onsting. claim. 303h, 340b. ontalu. claim. K929. onwendan. pervert. 42m. 6ra. m. shore, edge, bank. 1 74h. ora. -^-^ of £. 268m. ordel. n. ordeal. T432. oreste. K813. orf. cattle. 2 5 oh. orf kynnes. 25ot. Orheema. Oare, Berks. 389h. Orices pul. Wore. 447t. Orrices den. L. Kent. 126I. orthodoxus. 18'jt. orw^ne, despairing. 298h. 05=gemy'5an. 308b. Oterhola. otter hollow. K.(;43. ofSerhealf. one and half. 164m. crtJfaestan. entrust. 144I, 146m, 147b. 6"Sre. others, other ones. 250b. Pseccingas. Patching, Suss. 196m. peellen. costly stuff, silken or velvet. 250m. Vgf. V. pell; Leo p. 518. psen. ? head (British). 389^ psE^. m. path. 388t. psetJfeld. pathfield. Q5m. pagina. written deed, sot, 423I. paginaliter. documentarily. 27m. paginem. document. 35h. Pangan burne. Pangboum, Berks.^ 385I. pantorum. iravrajv. i6oh. parafrithus. posting-horse. T67. pastinatio. 60I. in Columella ground prepared for vines : not in Du- cange. patricius. lit, 31 7h. Paulus burh. St. Paul's, London. 365m. pausat. rests. 6oh. pax (ecclesise). sanctuary. 438t. pearroc. m. enclosure in the open country, park. 95I. BC778. Vcb. clatrum. Peatting tiin. prob. Shropsh. 159b. pecunia. cattle. K1089. pedesecus. i2 7h. pedes sessor 88b. Pefesig. Pewsey, Wilts. I46h. pellas. skins, furs or robes, or hang- ings. 36 5h. Vcb. purpurum. pen. n. cattle-pen. K485. Pencric. Penkridge, Staff. pending, penny, not. Pendyfig. Cornwall. i9oh, 1921. penig. m. penny. 265t. Pennhal. Csh. 296m. pennino. i8im. pensa = -w2idg. a wey of cheese. T467. Peon mynet. 328bN. perpes. 283I. perpetualiter. 29 il. Perscora. Pershore, Wore. 34oh, 445b. peril ca. perch. 3 2 61. pes broc. 45ot, Peuenisel. Pevensey. BC259. philargyria. covetousness. 361b. piddes meres weg. 445b. pietas. mercy, favour. lol (n) ; bene- faction. 3i4t. Pihtes lea. Pytchley, Nhants. K443. pincan denu. finch valley. 45ot. pincernus. butler. 35b, KS. ii. in. Pipan. R. Pipa. K118. pipe. pipe. 250m. pirie (pirige). wf. pear-tree. 322b. EB. 2, 25. Piriford. Wore. 445h. pis brece. 446b. piscntiones. rights of fishing. 58I. pistel b6c. Epistle-books. 250I. Pistelessec. L. I98t. pivj-inWa "i for biwindla. 352m. placabilis. acceptable. loim. Pleghelmes tiin. Kent. i8h. Plumwearding. of Plumweard. 95L GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 501 pocalege, K705. Poincg wic. Powick, Wore. 447m. pol. m, pool. 182b, 322b, 371I, 388h. Pollicerr, Polkerris in S. Keverne. 2961, 3oih. Polstede. Polstead, Suff. 368b. Popvd finige. poplar landmark. porcorum pastus = uuealdbaera. 60I. port. m. town. portger^fa. port-reeve. 247m, 273h. KS. iii. 173. portreua. port-reeve. 258h. port street. 391I1. portweg. 387b. pos lilivsran. 449I. prcedux. 389mN. prcsfedus. gerefa, reeve. 36t, 50I. KS.ii. 123. SC. p. 113. prcestare, grant as laen. 25t. prcesfatio. 25t. prcestitum. lmn. frcBuaricari. 333I, 409t. Prentsan lilaw. Kent. I72t. Prescora. Pershore, Wore. 238b. Prestatiin. Preston, Kent. I42r. pricpom. 291b. primicerius. of a king. 383t. primicherius. ' the Dean.' 67. princeps. ealdorman. 64I, I94t. SC. §49- privilegia. charters. K323, PL192. procuratio monasterii, 31I ; advo- catio mon. Ducange. prolixius. prolongedly. 319m. ptil, pull. m. 376. p6l. Puneceswur^i. Ponsworthy (Dart- moor), 267t. Puningas. Poynings, Suss. 196m. Pyddes geat. Wilts. i66m. pyrige (pirie). pear-tree. 445h. pyrt broc. 446b. pyrtanheale. 446b. Pysere. Wilts, S. of Salisbury, 184m. pyt, pytt. m. pit. 206I, 387b. pytted. diapered. 225b. Raculf cestre. 4iot. See E-eculf. rM. rode. 202, 286I. EB. 20, 21. rsecan. 377t. raed. counsel, rede. 227m, 298m. reedan. read. 145m, 2i8t. reedes man. adviser. 298t. rsevc^e. f. row. K776. r^h den. roe-vale. 306b. rdh hseg. 446h. rah. weg. 306I. Ramesege. Ramsey, Hunt. 343m. read. red. 294I. Keadabeorg. name of a tumulus. 284h. Beadingas. Reading, Berks. 365h. reatus. guilt. 2 5t. reconciliatio. Concordat. ii5r. Recuulf. Reculver, Kent. 8b, i88b. redan, to clear land, stub. 179m. FO.78. Weigand v. reute. relevatio. reWef. 31 7h. reod msedwe. reed-meadow. 306I. reogolward. 8ir. ricg r83gel. mantle. 250m. rim, counting, reckoning. 286t. rima. rim, verge. K550. rinda crundel. K1177. Ringstyde. Ringstead, Norf. 343I. rip. 181. ripel. K547. rise. m. rush. 179I. riscbed. rush-bed. 192I. Rise den. rush vale. 292h. rise healh.. 447m. riscmere. rushy pool. 282b. riscsleed. K441. riU. f. small stream. 95r, 193m. RitSer ceap. L. cattle-market. 41 3h, ri'Sig. n. streamlet. 291I, 306I, 45oh. roccas. rochets. 250m. 9tocf. rod (i). f. a clearing in the wild, road. I53t, 248m, K354, 1229. BC562. sealt rdd. rod (2). f. rood, cross. 25oh, 29it. r6d (3). a land-measure, rood. BC608. r6d stybban. 393m. rodetaen. sign of cross. I03h, i62t. rues, of rye. 31 2t. nab. rough. 357I, 371I, 374t, 379I. rum. space. 141m. rum beorgas. 449b. Rumenea. Romney R., Kent. 41 2I. Riimining seta. Kent. iSm. rumodlice. liberally. 38 2I. rune, read rime. 343I. 502 GLOSSAKIAL INDEX. rusce. f. ? rushy ground. K596. rura. manors, farms. 444!. rycweg (hrycgweg). 306b. ry^met. 38 2I. Sahrina. Severn. 21I. sacetes. 258h. sacu and socn. 2331, 343m. xxivf. sadol hongra. saddle hanger. 449b. see. f. lake, pool. 95I, I98t. seed. n. seed. 377b. Ssegham. Sobam, Suf. or Camb. ? 368h. sselen. gift. i4ih. ssema. arbitrator. CR. 303. ssemestre. 24it. Ssenget hric. Sundridge, Kent. 210I. ssetan. occupation. 447m. Safernoc. Savernake forest. Ki 109. sage. d. tale, report. 298m. salamander, 22t. sali coquenda. 107I. salpice. trumpet. i67h. salsilagene. 33b. ' Salina, ubi sal conficitur.' Du Cange. salsuges. salt-marsbes. 90b. salsugines. 87I. salteras. Psalters. 250I. Saluuerpe. Salwarp R., Wor. igr. 2391. 446I. samening. community. 43 7h. sanctimonialis. nun. 31m, sand. f. mission, deputation. 298h. sand broc. sandy brook. 45oh. Sandford. near Oxford. 385t. Sandhyrst (silva). 126]. Sandhurst, Kent. 410I. sandiht. sandy. 239m. sand sedlJ. sand-pit. 448h. sang bee. hymn books. 250I. sartago. fryingpan. 196I. Vcb. mtionalis. arable, iih, 16I. saulsceat. soul-scot. 222I. Saxonica lingua. 313I. BC636. Saxonice. 64b, 112m, K589. scsBceling secer. 38 2h, 384b. Scaga. name of a marisb. 54m. scalu, f . ? hovel ; Scot. ' sheal.' 306m. sceaddgenge. shad-season (T). 219. sceadda. of shads. 219m. scead wellan. 448h. sceaga. shaw, wood. \66\> = silva, 284t. K571. Vgf. skogr. sceala. dishes. 250m. @(i^atc. sceaphammas. sheep-closes. 373b. sceap weesce. sheep-washing. 38oh. sceardan svtryrdes. 226I, 2 2 7t. sceardan beorge. scarred hill. BC978. sc6at. he discharged, paid. 223b. sceat. money. 242h, 243m. sceatas. sheets, 250. sceawian. K755. sceawing. toll on showage of goods. K771. seed. 2ior, 289h. scedula. sheet. 117m, 134b, I96t. Scelf dun. Shelton, Beds. 396m. Seelfleah. Shelly, Suf. 368b. Sceocabroc. 329bN. sc^oldan. they owed. 223b. Sceon. Sheen, Sur. 2 2 it. sceopa (seipa). of ships. 42m. sceort. short. 375t. sceotaiS. they flow, 201 1. scidhrsee. a sort of rick. 351m. Scildwic. Sheldwick, Kent. 4iot. scipbryce. jetsam and flotsam (T). 3431- scipfylleU, scipsocn = ?iaMCM^Zefio. ship's outfit. Kvi. 240. SC. 105. Seip leah. Hants. 290I. seipwealas. 376I. 'Welsh naviga- tors,' KS. i. 320, seir ac. shire oak. KS. i. 75. sciran. shear. 35ira. seir gerefa. shire-reeve. KS. ii. 157. scirigman =J^^(^ex comitatus. 212b, 2i3h, 214], scirlett. 239m. scirpegnas. gentlemen of the coun- ty. K1337, SC. § 73. Scokebroc (Sceoca br6c). 330I. scolasticus. scholar. 283h. scole. school. 35ot. Scorham. Shoreham, Kent. loih. scottapeetJ. 448h. ScottariS. Shottery. "Warw .310m. scraef. n. cavern, hole. 282b. Sersewanleg. 32 7h. scrift boc. shrift-book. 250b. serin, pi. 25oh. GLOSSAllIAL INDEX. 503 scrippa. T495. Scrippan eg. Shripney, Suss. 281b. scriptura. writing, deed, bdc. 63b, 681. scrud. clothing, ' shroud.* 243I, 36or. Scuccan hlau. 396mN. scyd. ? twist on hill-side. K123. scyld wirhta. shield-wright. 253, 364m. scyldig. liable. 231m. scylf. ledge, shelf. 449IN. Scylf. in Kent? 212I. Scynes weorj?. L. i83t. scyp steal, place of ships. 293m. scyr. f. boundary. K597. scyrhylte, 286h ; KS. ii. Son. 447b. scyt. issues, runs, 200b, 353b, 39 ih, 449I. EB. 12, 20. scjrtta. shooter. 2 76h. scyttan. discharge, pay. 24ih. se. Ksh. (sy) sit. io5r. se. Ksh. (swa), so. io5r. sealh. sallow, willow. 354t. sealtera weg. salters' way. 448ni. sealtern. salt-house. I26h. sealtern steall = salts coquinaria. i34h. sealt mere. 445b, 449I. Sealt rod. K663. iSee rod (i). Sealt street. i79h, K399, 554. Searnseglesford. ? Chandler's Ford, Hants. 290I. Bed's, m. pit. 306I, 357h, 448h. secg broc. sedge-brook. 447b. Secglages strod. 447m. Secgmor. sedge-moor, Wor. 447*. Secgwselles heafod. 121. sede8 = s,Qi\. I37r. segelgerseda. sail-tackle. 222b. seges. BC380. e61. rather, in preference. 144I. seld synde. rare, extraordinary. 376b. sele. m. hall, dwelling. K354. sellaU. we give. 8oh. seman. reconcile. i63t. Seofen wyllas. Seven Springs, Gl. 41I. seohtra. drain-pipe (leo). 282I. seolforhammen. silver-set. 225b. seota. settlement? I42h. seoxslilitre. 2ioh, 289^ sester. m. sextarius. 377h. ses^Slar. 35 ih. 'sesters or horse- loads.' KS. i. 319. setl. m. seat, settlement ; = sedes. 139m. setl tirsBgel. seat-covering. 250m. seu. like^vise. 89b, 9it, I24t, 288b, seu etiam. as well as also. 87h, 90t. BC449. sibb. natural affection. 212. sic. n. runnel, gutter, sike. 192m, 208I, 371I, 445b. 446m. seohtra. sid. wide, roomy. 206b. sidling weg. K457. sigillum. sign of the Cross. 170b; seal. K816. Intr. xxxviii. siht. adj. 190b. silba (silva). wood. loih. sile. I give. 122m. silfren. adj. of silver. 250r. silfrenum. d. pi. ib. simle. continually, iiih. sin autem. BC638. singtdaris. standing alone by itself, detached. BC442. singulare prcetium. BC440, 557. sionotJlio. synodical. 286h. sit. sitteth, is settled. 276r, EB. 12, 20. si'Ke. scythe. K495. siui (sibi). 93h, I24h. sive. and. ' Occurrit passim.' Du Cange. slsed. n. slade. 179m, 192I, 294I, 446r, 45ot, FO78. slihtre. 2ioh. sl6. f. slough. 294I, 37^^* sloh. n. slough. 32 7h. smsBl. small. 120b, 38ot. smeh wrencan. intrigues. 297b. sme'Ke. smooth. 447I. smitse. f. ' slow greasy stream or pool.' K461, 618. sniii58e-an. smithy. 384t. sneed. m. piece, cutting. 96b, 266b. BC247, 442. snsedhseg. 447I. snsetJfeld. 50. snawa. K659. snoc. i79r. Kn82. ? nook. s6ca. 345m. 504 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. s6cn. f. jurisdiction. 220I, 242m, 302r, 346b, xxiv, Ixxx ; revenue, K563. soelest. Ksh. best. 8ih. sol. f. soil, mud. 178I, 362b. Wei- gand V. (Su|)(e. Solente. The Solent ; I. of Wight. K626. s6ni. f. arbitration. 163m. sona. immediately. 215m. Sonderstede,Sanderstead,Sur.i49l. sop cuppa, sop cup. 367t. sophia. wisdom. 295t. Souuig. Sowey, -zoy, Som. 426I. Spachrycg. L. 95I. speec. f. charge, suit. 203h, 217m, 224b. spec, bacon. io5t. See spic. spedum. T124. spelbroc. 449I. speld gisella. K207. spell boc. sermon-book. 250b. spelstow. 41I. speow. succeeded. 299h. EB. 21, 28. spere healfe. male side. I48h. speremon. 164m. spic. bacon. 105b, 109b. ©pcrf. spinlhealfe. female side. I48h. sponweg. K556. epor. track, footmark. 164m. ^)pVLX. sprasc. f. suit. K929. sprittan. train, educate. 349b. stahulator, 405b = stallere, 432b. staca. pin, stake. T230. Stseningas. Steyning, Sur. 146b. stse'S. river bank, wharf. 246m. stallere. marsball, master of horse, constable, stdn. m. stone. K61. stanbeorg. cairn. 354r. stanbricg. stone bridge. 292h. stdn ceastla. stone-castles. i66m. Stan ce8til = unm aeervus lapidum. K180. stdn crtmdel. 386t. N. K47iff. stdn cystlvm. 373I. Stdn den. stone vale. 373b. stdneht. stony. 126I, 174m, 373I. Btdn gedelf. stone quarry. 392t, 445b. Stdnhdmstede. Stanstead, Kent. Boh. Stan hlincas. 447h. Stan mere. Stanmere. Berks. 196m. stdnrsewe. stone-row. 376t. Stan scale. 306m. Stantun. Stanton, Som. 269t. Staimton, S. Wor. 44 7h. stdn-weal. stone-wall. K388. stapol. m. 206IN, 306b, 448b, 45oh. EP. § 316. sta'8. bank. 35 2I. steal, place, stall. (Stetlc steallere, Marshal. 302I, 378r. KS. ii. 3- steapan cnoUes scyd. K123. steapan hlinc. 449b. steapan leahe. 447I. steda. steed. 226r. stede. m. place, stead. 246m. stent, standeth. I4ih. EB. 12, 20. steort. m. spit of land. I79h. 357m. Steuecbeworde. K932. Steuiches wrtJe. K907. sticaj). 355t&l. Stific weg. 386m. K1164. Stiflncweg. K762. Stiflngehseme. K1253. styfycung. 248h. stig. T6i2b. stige. f. narrow path. K61. stigel. 2ioh, 351b, 447I. stipe stdn. BC905. Stiuecleia. K581. Stukeley, Hunt. stiward. steward. 24 it, 264m. stiClic. firm, decided. K1126. stoc. m. stock, log. i74h, i78bN, I79h, 188I, 290b. stoccen. f. K569. N. p. 465. stod. stud. 2 2 7t. stodfald. horse - paddock. 37oh, 37it. K1182. Stodham. Studham, Herts. 405h. Stodleah.. horse-field. Hants. 290I, 351b. Stodmerscli. horse-marsh. 11. stonistel. K392. storcylle. censer. 250m. stor sticca. incense-stand. 250m. stow. f. (sacred) place. 217b, 2i9r, 225I, 36 7r. street, f. street. i79h, 188I, 200b. Streetnedt, Stratton, Com. I46t. strand, strand. 340b. GLOSSAKIAL INDEX. 505 stream, m. stream. 306b, 32 2I. streones halh. K1358. Stretford. Stratford-on-Avon (K). 56h. Stratford Tony, Wilts. 184I. strod. 447I. str^ned. n. line of inheritance. 14811. stub, styb. m. stub, stump. 375h, 379r. ellenstub. ))omstyb. Btur. R. Stour, Kent. 99h. 88. 499I. Sttireminster. Sturminster, Dors, 146m. Sfuria. Sturry, Kent. 8b. Stuur, R. Stour. 29h, 305b, 368b. stycce. piece, portion. K209, 308. styria. sturgeon. 376b, 388h. Styvecled. T382. Suanabuma. Swanboume, Bucks. 396m. sudnger^fa. swineherd-reeve. 286r. suhjectio. liability. BC538. suhregulus. under-king. 318m. sucgangrdf. 375t. Sueordleage weelle. T2ih. Suerdhlincas. 89], 9 it. suesendo. luxuries, epulce lautiores, gaude. Sol, 8 it. sufol, sufl. ? milk-cake. 8ih. gesufl. suffragium. support. 281. sugerere. suggest. 281. suinhaga. swine-yard. I2ih. sulh. plough. K495, sulung. Ksh for 'hide.' 77m, 89b, 90I, i28t, i89t, 225m. SV. 54, 395. Du Cange v. Solinum. sunderfreols = privilegium. K715. sunderlond. sundered land. K586. sundorfeoh. separate property. 146m. sundron (on~). separately. 251m. Sunnan burh. Sunbury, Midd. 293t. Sunningawyl. Sunningwell,Berks, 374^- Su'Kbyrig. Sudbury, Suf. 215I, 368t. Sudregia. Surrey. Ii4t. Suuealuue. R. Swallow, Kent. 90I. swdf . . on. was down upon him. 164I. EB. 22, 21. swd,n-ger6fa. swineherd-reeve. 286h. Vcb. 'suhulcos sw^as.* swa^er. whichever, 1451 & b, I48r. swelgend. ? swallet. 210, 266b, 289m. Vcb, vorago. Sweoperla. R. Swepela. K550, 646. sweorrod. neck-rood. 223b. swinctJ. toileth. 299h, swines hedfod. K586. swin geat. 447t. swing^ (swine's). 299h. swinhege. 446m. swulung. ploughland. 8oh, I42t. See sulung. swurrodum, d. pi. neck-roods. 25oh. swutela35. shows, appears, 2i7r. swutelung. declaration, evidence, document, notice. 217b, 232m. swyllan healas, 386b. swyne. ? 445m. swyrdhwita. sword-furbisher. 2 27t. syle, f, d, 22 ih, sylen. f, gift, 42I, I4ih, 242111. sylferhilt, silverhilted, 2 26h. syrfe-an. service-tree, sorbiis. 37301. tacc = swinsceade, T263, Tademsertuu. Tadmarton, Oxf. 192m, tsecing, injunction, direction, 2 22t, 230I, Teeppeleah, Hants, 290I. Tame, E,, Thame, Oxf, 292h. Tamede, 308b, v, Temede. Tang mere, 282h. Tapen halan. Tappenhall, Wor. 239t. targe, f, target, small shield. 215m. 2 1 61. teage. a strip of land. Icel. teigr. T467. BC339. Teale burne, a stream running into Ock (Berks) at Goosey, 387I. team, m. vouching, K805. teampdl. breeding-pool. 32 2r. teaper, Ksh, taper, iiih. telga, pole, stock. 95I, telligraphium. conveyance. 661, 1151- teloniarii. toll-gatherers. 27b. t^m (team), 201, xxiv, t^mbyrst. evasion of voucher, 202t, Temede. R. Teme (Wore.) 447b. 506 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. Teme del. Teme vale. 448h. temerare. 346h. Tenid. Thanet. 8h. tenor, tenure. K308. teotJing. tithing, decania. 164b. teo^ung. tithe, decimce. 2 36t. Teowestorn. K174. BC279. terminaiio. honnd'Avy. 371m. terrenus. tei'ritorial. 293h. territoria. bounds, terrier. 282m : title-deeds, K1307. Terstan. R. Test, Hants. 36 2I. thelbrycg. timber bridge. 282I. thelon. toll. 317I. Theodoice. Teutonically. BC442. Ticce burne. L. goat-stream. 196m. 29lt. Tices well. Titchwell, Norf. 240I. Ticnes feld. Hants, kid's field. 290I. tid. season, tide. 8ir. Tige. Marks Tey, Essex, 367m. tigel sernan. tile-kilns. K595. tigelleab. brickfield. K1137. tilde. 253m. tilian. provide. 223m. TiltSegn. Nm. 449b, K165. tiolo micel. pretty much. 286h. to (set), apud. 24ini. EB. 70, 8. toeranes. abreast of. 355t, 374I. toft. m. hillock (of old ruin).Ki92. tol. n. right of toll. 253m. tol and team. 236t, 340I, 343m. tolfreo. toll-free. 344ni. to licgan. part, divide. 32 7h. EB. 76, 22. toln. f. toll. 298t & b. Toric. R. Torridge, Devon. 325b. torr. m. tower, peak. 120I, 328b. torypte. scratched. 164m. to t6on. seize. 2i3h. Totham. Great and Little Totham, Essex. 367in. to twseman. 229b. toxicum. poison. 3i8h. trahere {tractare). gih. trames. path. i8it, 3i8h. transmotare. exchange. 83t. transmotatio. 83I. Trefdewig. Cornwall. 295I, 300I, Trefgrued. Cornwall. 295I, 300I. Trefwaloc. Trevallock in S. Ke- verne, Cornwall. 395I, 300I. Trefwurabo. Trerabo, a manor in S. Keverne, Cornwall. 295I, 300I. treowsteal, 380m. tresel. K650. trihunus. 405b. KS. ii. 117. trihutarius. 22b, 281b, 282h. Triconscir. Hd. of Trigg, Corn. I46r. SC. §45. trimoda for trinoda. 283t. troh.. m. trough. I98t. trohbyrcg. 447I. tropere. troparium. 250I. tropMcus. 318m. Trottes clib. Trottersclife, Kent. 6oh. trutina. scales, balance. 317m. Tucincgnaes. 55h. Tuican bom. Twickenham, Mid. i6m, 413m. TuUingtun. Tillington, Suss. 196m. tumulus. 284. tun. m. enclosure, farm. 366I. 3flUn. tiinlond. 445h. tiin steal. K636. tiin weg. 373b. tunge. tongue. 202I, 2i2h. Turcan den. Turkdean, Glou. 41I. Turcanwyl. Glou. 41I. turf hleo. turf-mound. K536. tw£ede. two thirds. 286m. twelfbynde. 229I. See Introd. 1. twisla. confluence. K1103. twisled. pt. split. K535. tv!risli(g)an. to fork. 37oh. twycene. f. meeting of roads. 445m. Twyfyrd. Dev. or Som. 146I. Glou. 376h. twyhynde. 229I. See Introd. 1. t^mde. vouched. 201I. Uedring mutha. 282r. Uerulamiwm. St. Albans. 40oh. ufer. adj. 244m. uillula. I37h. TJlanhyrst. Owl-hurst. K589. unbefliten. undisputed. 69b. unc. us two. 337b, EB. 46, 23. unoer. of us two. 8oh, 215I. uncula. 130I. undsed. crime. i62r. under, (swore) by. 298m. Undernbeorh. 198m. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 507 ungebett. uracquitted. 217m. ungeladod. uncleared. 217111. tingesseliglice. unhappily. 350111. univcrsitas. all flesh. 295I. unified. wretched, unfortunate. 164m. unlagu. abuse of law. 23701. unlednod. unpaid. I48t. unna. a grant. 251b. unne-an. consent, approval. 337b. unreed, plot, intrigue. 2i7h. unswfcende. unfailing, faithful. 229I. up warp, upcastings. 343I. uppahofen. puffed up. 242I. upp hangene. hung (bells). 250I. urna. a measure. 31 7I. usses. of our. 41b. BC636. utensiles res 5h = utilitates 5401 = USU8 9 it. utensilia. farm-stock. 2o8h. ute weor^an (of lands impropri- ated). 212. •fitlade. water-passage out. 344h. litlah. outlaw. 231m. utligep. 294I. utralihus. respective. 91I. utsciote'S. abuts on. I2ih. lit scyte. outfall, issue. 372I. utware. 235b. ulSe. granted. K799, EB. 29, 11. uuealdbaera = porcorum past us. 60I. TJueatlingaceaster. St. Alban's. ^o3t. uurtJig. m. withy. 389h. vasaUus. K214, 431, 462, 1080. vernula. imp. 401b. vicecomes = scirgerefa,, sheriff. 347h; SC. I. 269n. mcissitudo. exchange. 83I, 84m. vigilicB marincB. coastguard. 295I. villa = ttin, i 'j6 ; =haga. 336I. vindicta. demand. 48t. virgata. \ hide. w^c. weak, worn out, 25 it. ■Wseclinga street. Watling St. 1 78b. wad beorg. 445b, 450m. 'Waegeinu'Sa. mouth of Wye. 392t. wselcjrrie. wf. 23ih. ■Wsenric. Windrush R. Oxf. 386r. wsen wag. waggon road. 388t. waepned handa. male line. 148I. See hand, wserh rod. gallows. Ki 182. weesce-an. washingplace. 38oh. wseterdell. water-dell. K592. weeterpyt. well. K720. wseterslsed. 379h. weelJe burne. 447I. "Wsetlinga ceaster. St. Albans. 40oh, 402t. "wagnscilling. wain-shilling. T 138. "wahreft. wall-hanging. 250m. wake. pi. of w^c. 25 it. wal geweorc = arcis construcUo. K530. ■wallifereld. patrol of Welsh Marches. T114. BC488. wait, wieldeth. 236m. wandian. shrink. 145I, 229b. "Waneting. Wantage, Berks. I47h. waru. 1 88b. wase -an. ooze, fen. 388h, K154, 743. Vcb. coenum, lutum, luti vorago. waxan. wash. 351m. weada. Ksh. = wuda, of wood. I05t. "Weala wyrtS. Walworth, Sur. K7I5- weal. m. wall. 4t. "Weal cyn. The Welsh kin, i. e. the four western counties. 146I. weald, m. weald. SBalb. weald bsera. swine-pasture. 60I. "Wealdinga feld. Gr. and Lit. Wald- ingfield, Suf. 368t. wealh geat. 445m. wealbpalSa brycg. K626. Wealtliseniinga. Hants. 29 ih, "Wealura (on~). in Cornwall. I92t. "Wealweg. I2ih. "Weardora. Wardour, Wilts. 163m. weardwite. guard- penalty. T411. wearf. cast. 202m. lt)arf. wearm. warm. 447I. weax. n. wax. 8ih. webba. weaver. 259b. wedd. pledge. I45r, 23ih. wag. m. way. wage (w8Bga). f. way (of cheese). 80b lo^t, 109b. 508 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. wegegelseton. crossways. 379b.Vcb. com'pita. wel. adv. = iriol^t. K1302. "Weland. Wayland smith. 384^ weleg. m. willow. i79t, 375in. welesc. Sob. "Welewe. Wellow, Som. 146I. "Welkynes. of Welsh kin. 2 74I. wella. villa, farin.CR4on. 130I, 449t. wena (waegna). waggons. 142m. "Wenric. E. Windrush, Oxf. 386h. "WeodvaoT. Wedmore, Som. 341m. •weofod sceatas. altar-covers. 250m. ■weorces mere. 445ra. weorc reeden. corvee-work. 377^. weoroldcund. secular. 81I. weortJe. capable, competent.iophN. ■weortJlic. valuable. 376b. weorlSyg. 445I. w^r. m. a man's legal value. 202t, 203t. wer. m. weir. i6m. w^rgeldpeof. T411. wergild, n. life-price. 149b. werian. defend; this is the se de- fender e jpro of Domesday, 237m, 349I. w6rstede. weir-place. 240m. weruna (?). 130I. wesend hornas. bison horns.Ki 290. "Westburg. Westbury, Glou. 31 ir. vsrestrincge ? 444mN. West wudu. West wood, Hants. 363I. wetJeras. wethers. I05r, 31 ib. wlc. habitation. 69I ; enclosure, 220m. wican. d. ? copse. 363t. wiccea. witch. 23ih. WiclieBina mearc. 289ra. wicnere. bailiff. 233h, 346b, 347t. widan. from far. 217m, 2i8h. EB. 43, II- "Widecum. Widcomb, Som. 27oh. "Widian dun. Withington, Glou. 52b. wifhanda. female side. 148m. See hand, "wig. battle. K499. "wil. m. fountain. 266I. wilburge wella.Wilburh'svill.i 30I. Wilig. Wiley, Wilts. 360I "Willan (a3t-) Wells, Som. 341m. wilnade. desired. 69r. ■wilnede. petitioned. i55h. Wilrincga warp. Worlingworth, Suf. 240I. ■wimman. woman. 253m. Windlesoren. Windsor. 344I. "Winterburna. Winterburne, Wilts. 124I. "Winterburninga. of the Winter- bourn people. wioda. Ksh. wood. I28h. wiorth. price, purchase-money. 77h. wiotan. counsel. 286. ■Wirhalum. Wirral. Ches. 2i*9h. wirhangra. 379m. ■wise. f. manner, arrangement, testa- mentary disposition, 102b, 11 it, 151I, 25lt. •wissian. 225I. wistreet. highway. I4ih. ■wit. we two. 368h. EB. 46, 22. wita. councillor. 212I, 217m. "witefsest. penally enslaved. 223b. witerseden. penal business. K2 75, 1048, 1063. BC483, 485. EP. § 324- witejjeow. convict slave. K593, 1079. ■wip. cum gen. towards ; wi'B huitan stanes. 12 it ; dat. against ; prep, of price, like avri tov. 235b ; wi'S oUrum sue miclum lande, in exchange for an equal quantity of land. I28t; ace. against; witJ ]3one"wodan. 299n. wi'Sgdn. oppose. 42m. wilJercwide. dispute. i62t. wi^ig. m. withy. 198. wltJig bed. withy plot. 374b. wilSufan. above. 1 2 1 1. "Wipig lea. Widley, Hants. 199™. witun, 2 9 81. wixenabroc. 446m. w6. wrong, injustice. 145I, l64t. woh ceapung. illegal traffic. woman, to cancel. 151m. wombe. f. a hollow. K559. wonstoc. 2 lot, 289n, 373m. "Worgemynster. Warminster, Wilts. i65h. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 509 woi^ig. m. homestead. 328b. "Wotan hlinc. K543. wrsetStSe. wrath. 253h. wrang. wrdt. wrote. 255m. EB. 23, 34. ■WTa"8. angry, wroth. 253m. •wreclas. 164m. wride. thicket ?i79l. wrocenastyb. 379r. "Wrotaham, Wrotham, Kent. 60I. "Wudebvirg. Woodbury, Dev. 264b. "Wudotun. Wootton, Glou. I2 2h. wudu. m. wood. "Wudu ceaster. Woodchester. Glou. 154I. wudu croft. K59. "Wudu ham. Woodham Mortimer, Essex. 367I. wuduleswe. forest pasture. 286h. wudu rima, edge (rim) of wood. K550. "Wuldaham. Wouldhara, Kent. 2iib. wulf heega. 388m, 446b. wulfpyt. K752. wulfrusce. K596. wulfslsed. K485. "Wuncges dun. 355h. wura. Wyre Piddle, Wor, 446h. wurtwala. 336m = wyrtwala. wyceweorc. week-work. 377t. wyl. m. well, spring. K61. wyUe. f. K354, 650. wyndel. 32 2I. ■WjrrUe. Berks. 387I. "Wyrtingas. Worthing, Suss. 196m. wyrttruma. rooting-place. i79h. wyrtwala. row of stubs. 166IN, 38 2h. Yfingaho. nr. Eeculver, Kent. 1 88m. yfees drypee. Ksh. eaves-dropping. 141m. yfre. 166I. Ylig. Ely. 365m. Ylmeseeton (set-). Elmsett, Suff. 366h & b. ymneras. hymn books. 250I. yrfe. n. heritage. 195m, 36ih. yrfe geflit. dispute about inherit- ance. I45ra. yrfe gewrit. testament. I45r. yrfe weerd. executor. 2 1 2h. yrse. ? a stream. 445b. yrtJ. f. ploughing, arable land. jrriSland. arable. 38oh. BC524. pset. until. 2 861. pseti. that, ut. 42r. pane, consent, approval. K929. peafie. Ksh. I consent, nor. pegen. thane. 229h, 233h, 242h. Ixxi; =6aro, 342. ^egen. penian. to serve. 253h. Dening den. Thanington, Kent. 41 ol. pening man. serving man. 147I. pening manna gemot. K1258; KS. ii. 47; SC. i. 186. penisce. pi. divine services. 265h. peod herpatJ. main highway. 33oh. peodscipe. nation. 23it. peod weg. chief road. 23h. peof fang, thief-capture, peow bserde. slave-bom. K1079. peowdom. servitude. 219b. pigede. fed, sustained ? 275m. pingeras. intercessors. 42h. pingian. intercede. i47r. pingrseden. intercession. 231b. tJiowas. Ksh. servants. 8oh. •Sorn. m. thorn. i83t, 206. Dorn byrig. Thombury, Glou. 154b. porniht. thorny. 178I, 385b. porn raewe. thorn-row. 446t. porn styb. thorn-stub. 388r. priddehalf. two and a half. 2o8h. priex, n. 292h. pristlinga dene. 45oh. ^ruh. n. trough. K118. "Sryh. f. coffin. pryscyte. triangular. K1198. punres lea. Thunor's ley. 246m, 194I. pwyres. athwart. 184b, 352r. pyfel. m. copse, thicket. i83t, 355t. ^Jyrel stan. perforated stone. 1 20b. pyrne-an. thorn-scrub. 375t, 386I. pywian. serve. 35oh. GENERAL INDEX Abingdon, 197b, 223, 342, 374, 381, 384, 387 ; the church of St. Helen, 390- * Acton,' 444. ^Ifgifu, qu. Cnut, 232. ^Ifheah, bp. Winton, 171, '2i8t, 364. ^m»d (yEthelflsed), sr. Alfred, 148b, 159. ^Ifric, abp. Cant., 217m ; his Will, 222. ■ bp. Elmham, 241. bp. Ramsbury, 379. iElfsige, ab. Bath, 268f. -(Elfstan, bp. Elmham, 215. ^Jfthrith, qu. Eadgar, 389. ^Ifwerd, ab. Evesham, 235. ^Ifwig, abbot of Bath, 377. ^Ifwine, ab. Ramsay, 343. u^Elfwine, bp. Winton, 246. ^Imser Dyrling, 238. ./Ethelbald, Kg. Mercia, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 29, 36, 40, 42, 283. j^thelbert, Kg. Kent, 3 ; the Laws of, Ixviii. ii. Kg. Kent, 25, 34, 332. ■ Kg. Wessex, 133. ^thelflsed, qu. Eadmund, 365. ..^thelgar, bp. Crediton, 416. uSlthelhard, abp. Cant,, 65, 70, 73, 78. uEthelmaer, bp. Elmham, 343. .^thelnoth, abp. Cant., 232. iEthelred, Kg. Mercia, 12, 31. i, Kg. Wessex, 137. ii, 209, 39off. ' ealdorman of Mercia, 154, 159, 317- .(Ethelstan, Kg. i66fF, 320, 416, 438. — son of Kg. i3Ethelred, 225, 228. ^thelswyS, qu. Burhred, dr. ^thel- wulf, sr, Alfred, 3i6t. ^thelwine, minister, 198, 199, 201, 294; dux, 211, 296; 'amicus Dei ' (Flor.) FN. i. 289, -^thelwold, ab. Abingdon, 384, 385. .^thelwulf. Kg. Wessex, 116I, 123; his Donation, Ixxiii. bp. Sussex, 87. ' Albion,' 383h, 385. Alder trees, 355I, 446I, 447t. Aldhelm, 283 ; abbot of Malmes- bury, 15; bp, Sherborn, 281. Aldred, abp, York, 378, 433. Ale mentioned, Sob, 11 it. Alfred, 132b, i43h, 157, 162b, 165, 316, 319; his Will, 144, 456; his translation of Gregory's Dialogues, 464. Alfredian English, ciiiff. Alfreton (Derb.), 221. Alhun, bp. Wore, 315. Allen, Royal Prerogative, Ixiv. Almoigne tenure, 114m. Alresford (Hants), 291, 353. Amalarius, his book, 251I. Amesbury (Wilts), i3oh, 146. Andred, the forest, 107, 411. Angmering (Suss.), 147. Appleby (Derb.), 220. Apple-trees, 445h ; * the broad apple- tree,' 449m ; the hoary, 373h. Ashbury (Berks), 196m. Ashdown (Berks), 383. Ash-trees, 166I, i79h, 282I, 447m. Aspen-trees, 2o6h, 309h & b. Aston Blank (Glou.), 40. Aust (Glou.), 12. Avening (Glou.), 154. 'Avon,' I2ir, 319m, 363I, 445m, 446h, 448m. QENEEAL INDEX. 511 Axe E., 21. Axmouth (Dev.), 146. Badbey (Nhants), 178. Badgers, 239I, 445m. Badminton (Glou.), 444. Bagley (Berks), 374, 382h. Bagley Wood, 463. Baldon (Ox.), 395t. Baldred, Kg. Kent, 114m, iiSt. Bampton in the Bush (Oxon), 25ot. Banwell (Som.), 431. Barham, (Kent), 78h, 4iih. Batcombe (Som.), 463. Bath, 7, 56, 64, 268, 369, 476. ■ abbots of, 377. Bath Abbey, a Register of, 268. Beda, his books, 251m. Histm'ica Ecclesiastica, 453, 457. Bed win (Wilts), 146. Beech trees, 142m, 284I, 461. Bee-keeping, 276h. Bell-ringing, 260. Bells, 162I. Benedictine Eule, 221m, 222t, 398m. Bengworth (Wore), 319m. Benham (Berks), 196m. Beoley (Wore), 444, 449. Beorhtnoth, the hero of Maldon, 365^. Beorhtwulf, Kg. Mercia, 118, 122, 312. Beornwulf, Kg. Mercia, 285. Beowulf, illustrations of, 166, 448t, 463, 466. xcviii, c. Berkshire, 342, 378b. Bersted (Suss.), 281. Besford (Wore), 444t. Beverley (E. Riding), 435. Bexley (Kent), 94. Birch, Mr. de Gray, 437, 458. Bishopsbourne (Kent), 247. Bishton (Glou.), 476t. Bisley (Glou.), 154. Blast-horn, silver mounted, 225b. Blewbury (Berks), 379, 389. Blickling Homilies, 464. Blomefield, Rev. Leonard, on the Scotch fir, 475. Booking (Ess.), 215, 217. Bodmin (Cornw.), 320, 326. Bodmin Gospels, 271. Boetius, in English, 250b. in Latin, 25 ih. Bognor (Suss.), 281. Bond, E. A., British Museum Fac- similes, 283f, 287f, 320, 329, 333, 441. 477. Books, 250, 251, Bosworth-Toller, Anglo-Saxon Dic- tionary, xlvn. Botley (Berks), 385n. Boxford (Berks), 190111. Branscombe (Dev.), 146. Breadsall (Derb.), 220. Bredon Abbey, 312. Bregowine, abp. Cant., 335. Brehon Law, 346, 440. Brentford (Midd.), 57. Bridgenorth (Shr.), 388I. Bridges, of timber, 282I, 388b. of stone, 179m, 2926, 378m. Brihtwald, abp. Cant., 333I. Britford (Wilts), i85t. British dialects, 471, ex. Broadway (Wore), 444. Bromley (Kent), 209, 288, 454, 468. Bromsgrove (Wor.), 69. Bromyard (Heref.), 118. Broom {genista), 449m. Burgred, Kg. Mercia, 315. Burial places, I98h, 373h. Burnham (Som.), i46h. Burning, land cleared by, 210I. Burton on Trent (Staf.), 2i8flF. Bury St. Edmunds (SufF.), 215b, 240. Butleigh (Som.), 429. Butter, iiih. Buxhall (SufF.), 367t. Byrhteh, bp. Worcester, 2 38. Byrhtnoth, dux, 197, 198, 199, 207, 211, 294, 296, 369; the hero of Maldon. Byrnie, coat of mail, mentioned, 225I. Caedmon, 37 it, 390. Caesar, on the Germans, 455 ; on trees in Britain, 474. Calves, 249b, 512 GENEEAL INDEX. Camden, Wm., 476. Canterbury, 10, 51, 65, 78, 82, 86, 100, 104, 139, 185, 215, 217,247. Canterbury Cathedral, ' St. Savi- our's,' 87m, 89 ; ' Christ Church,' 244I. Carhampton (Som.), I46h. Ceadwalla, Kg. Wessex, 281. Cealchythe, 47b, 6ib, 453. Cenwulf, Kg. Wessex, 66. Ceolnoth, abp. Cant., 115b. Chaddleworth (Berks), 196m. Chalgrove (Oxf.) ? 29 2h. Chalk pits, 449b. Chart (Kent), 102, 243. Chartularies of Abingdon, 3y8b. Chaucer, a query, 456. Cheddar (Som.), I46h, 467. Cheese mentioned, Sol, io5t, 109b, 32lt. Chelmer Hundred (Ess.), 440. Chelsea (Midd.), 453.| Chertsey (Sur.), 150. Chewton (Som.), 146. Chichester, 22. Chieveley (Berks), 169m, 373. Chilmark (Wilts), 430. Chimney, a hamlet in Bampton-in- the-Bush (Oxf.) 25ot. Chilton (Berks), 393. Chippenham (Wilts), 146. Cholsey (Berks), 223. Church door, 273h, 436. Ciolnoth, abp. Cant., iiom. Cleobury (Salop), 444. Clere (Hants), 353. CUffe at Hoo (Kent), 453. Clist (Dev.), 249, 263, 322. Clovesho, 36, 63, 65, 71, 286. Cnut, Kg., 393. Coast-guard Service, 295I. Coats of mail, 222b, 225I. Cobham (Kent), I74h. Cockayne, Oswald, The Shrine, 388. Codex Exoniensis, 25 it, 257. Codex Wintoniensis, 348. Coenred, Kg. Mercia, I7t. Coenuulf, Kg. Mercia, 48, 65, 75, 86. Collingbourne (Wilts), i68m. Collinson, History of Somerset^ 271. CoUumpton (Dev.), 146. Common Land, 363I, 364t. Compton (Berks), 383. Concordat, ii4t. Confirmation, a strong tie, 162b. Conisborough (W. Rid.), 219. Conveyances, old ones repudiated and denounced, 362m. Cookham (Berks), 217m. CootOjH.C, The Bomans inBritain, 222, 394, xciv. Copford (Essex), 215. Corfe (Dors.), 428. Corn, rye, 3i2t. Cornish Local Names, 295I, 296. Dialect, 271. Corston (Som.), 268m. Court Baron, Ixiii, Ixxii. Court Leet, Ixiii. Cows, I09r, 2 2 81. Crawley (Hants), 290b. Crediton (Dev.), the bpric. of, 169, 416. Crewkeme (Som.), 146. Crosses, as landmarks, 294I, 363b; The Red Rood, 29it; The Old Rood, 386m. as decorations of house or person; worn on the neck, 223I; of silver, 51b. weight, 225m; of gold, 226h. Cuddesdon (Oxf.), 291I. Culm R. (Dev.), 327. Culmstock (Dev.), 249, 328. Cumnor (Berks), 381. Cumton (Berks), 383. Cuthberht, abp. Cant., 35, 37. CuSberht (St.), 275I. Cuthred, Kg. Kent, 75, 284. Cynethryth, Offa's queen, 52, 61, 82. Cynewulf, Kg. Wessex, 56. Damerham (Wilts), 148b, 456. Daniel, bp. Winton, 32. Danish thanes, 242 b. Darlaston (Staf.), 220. Dart R., 266m. Dartmoor (Devon), 266. Datchworth (Herts), 276. Davidson, J. B., 255f, 266f, 320, 326, 416, 419, 472. Dawlish (Devon), 250t. Daylesford (Wore), 20. GENERAL INDEX. 513 Dean (Hants), 146. Deer, wild, 1 78I ; the roe, 306I. Deerhurst (Glou.), 340. Denchworth (Berks), 196m. Deneberht, bp. Worcester, 68, 87. Denewulf, bp. Winton, 290, 352. Denford (Berks), 168. Dialogus de Scaccario, 460. Dicey, Professor, The Privy Council, Ixiv. Dickinson, F. H., 426b, 430b. Didmarton (Glou.), 444. Dionysius Exiguus, his era ' Anno Domini,' xxxf, xxxv. Diora, bp. Rochester, 332. Docking (Norf.), 240. Dodford (Nhants), 178. Dodoc, bp. Wells, 431. Domesday Book, 277, 459, Ix. Donation of ^thelwulf, Ixxiii. Doncaster (W. Rid.), 220. Doves, 445 m. Downton (Wilts), i84n. Drinking-horns, 2 25h. Droitwich (Wore), 19m. Ducklington (Ox.), 386, Duckmanton (Derb.), 2 2ot. Ducks, 35 7t. Dunstan, abp. Cant., 198, 202b, 210, 212I, 385m; 'Saint,' 217b, 232. Eadberht, bp. Selsey, 22m. Eadberht, Kg. Kent, 32, 54, 331. Eadgar, Kg., I97ff, 202m, 387. * Eadgar's law,' 23it. Eadgyth, qu. Eadweard, 378. Eadmund, Kg. English, 175, 379. Eadnoth, bp. Crediton, 421. Eadred, br. Eadmund, 176; Kg., 202h, 38off, 385n. Eadric, Kg. Kent, 10. ;^adweard i, i46t, 158, 162, 290. ii, 295, 389; 'Saint,' 225I iii, 378, 394. Eadwig, Kg., 202h, 291, 384, 385. Eagles, 184m, 289h, 387h. Ealdredjbp. Wore, 247; abp. York, 340. Ealhmund, Kg. Kent, 410. Ealhswith, qu. Alfred, I47r. Eanberht of the Hwiccas, 305. Eamnund ' rex ', 50b. Eardulf, Kg. Kent, 410. Earduulf, bp. Rochester, 49, 334. Earls Barton (N Hants), Ixxiv. Easthope (Salop), 159b. Eastry (Kent), 77t, 83b. Ebbesbourne (Wilts), 184I. Ecgberht, Kg. Kent, 83b. Ecgbert, Kg. Wessex, 287. Ecgfrith, son of OfFa, 311 ; Kg. Mercia, 64. Ecguald, subregulus, 282t. Eddi (Heddi), bp. Winton, 10. Egraere (Norf.), 241m. Elder trees, 293I, 363t, 375t, 386I, 389t. Elford (Staff.), 219. Elton, Origins of English History , xcii. Ely, 24it. Emendation of texts, i89h. English books, 250b. English College at Rome, 35ot. Ernulf, bp. Rochester, 330. Epic language, Ixxi, ciii. Epistolary form of grant, 25, 54. Essenden (Herts.), 276. Everdon (Nhants), 178. Evesham, 235,238, 242b. Ewes, 109m. Execution, places of, 290I. Exe R., 322. Exeter, 249, 321, 328. Exhall (Warw.), 221. Exminster (Dev.), 146. Exmouth (Devon), 226. Eyton, Mr., Dorset Domesday, 460. Farleigh (Hants), 363. Farleigh (Kent), 157. Farnborough (Berks), 370, 474. Farnham (Sur.), 129. Feoffment, xvii. Ferry with machinery (?), I98h. Fersfield (Norf.), 241. Fishing rights, 1 2I. Flax, 239mN, 385b. Fly ford (Wore), 444, 446m. Folkland, 122, 128. Fon thill (Wilts), 162, 164m, 430. Fordwich (Kent), 409. Forgery, 418I ; allegation of, 444I. Fraternization, 79. 1 514 GENERAL INDEX. Freeman, E, A., 434; History of the Norman Conquest, 195, 228, 261, 37i>393j463j 469? l^v, Ixxxvii, xc. Frithestan, bp. Winton, 290. Frome K. (Heref.), 11 81. Frome (Som.), 356. Furze, 2 661. Gallows, 290I. Garford (Berks), 196m. Garston (Wilts), 15. Gaudy, at Canterbury, 79 ; annually for three days at All Hallowtide, for the brethren of Holy Trinity, Winchester, 359t. Gawin Douglas, 470. Geese, Sol, 105 1, iiih. Gengberht (laenberht), abp. Cant., 471. Gibson, his view about Clovesho, 454- Gilds, 264f. Gisa, bp. Som., 341, 378, 431. Gittisham (Dev.), 427. Glastonbury, 10, 21, 425. Gloucester, 154m, 238. Gneist, History of the English Con- stitution, Ixiv. Goats, 188b. Godalming (Sur.), 146. Gold money, 203h, 2i2t, 215m, 2i8b, 247h, 313b, 377b. Gold ornaments, 372b. Goldsmiths; Wulfric, 225h. Grafton (Wore), 444. Graveney (Kent),. 88, 90^ Greek words used, 189b, 361b, 362t. Green, J. R , The Conquest of Eng- land, 316, 440. Greenstead (Ess.), 367 m. Gregory the Great ; Fast oa I Care and Dialogues, 2 5ih. Grimm, Bechtsaltar thiimer, 467, 468. Grymbaldus sacerdos, BC571. Guildford (Sur.), 146. Ham (?Faver8ham, Kent), 141. Ham (Wilts), 166. Hanbury (Wore), iii,, 311. Harleston (Staff.), 219. (Norf.), 226. Harold, eorl, 378 ; *rex,' 434. Harrietsham (Kent), 247. Harthacnut, Kg., 242. Hastings (Suss.), 455. Hatfield (Herts.), 276 ; synod of, 453- Hawks, wild, 448h, Hazel, 445I. Heaberht, Kg. Kent, 335. Heathen burial places, i79t, I98h, 294I. 375t, 379b. Heathored, bp. Worcester, 56, 61. Helmets, 222b. Hemgisl, first ab. Glaston., 21. Henbury (Glou.), 12. Henry II., 346. Henry of Huntingdon, 459. Hens, iiih. Hereman, bp. Ramsbury, 342. Heriots, 223m. Herrings, 378t. Hertford, synod of, 453. Hickes, Dr. G., his criticisms, 32 il. Higham (Kent), 51I. Hinksey (Berks), 384. Hlothari, Kg. Kent, 8, 11. Hoar Stones, 306I, 388m. Holcomb (Dors.), 25ot. Holme (Norf.), 24it. Honey, iiih, 377m. Hornemere Hundred, 342. Horn (instrument), iP9h, 372b. Horses, wild and tame, 221I, 2 2 7t, 2Z81. saddled, &c., 218b, 226I. as gift-horses, 225b. Horsham (Suss.), 381. Hoxney (Suff.), 241. Humber R., 117m. Hunstanton (Norf.), 240. Husingtree, (Wore), 444, 446I. Hussey, Dr., late Prof Eccl. Hist., 385n. Hygeberht, abp. Lichfield, 61, 63. laenberht, abp. Cant., 51, 61. lokenild Way, 379m, 383^ Ickleton Street, Berks, 374h. Ide (Devon), 250t. Indulsfences, history of, 418. Ine, Kg. Wessex, 21 ; the Laws of, Ixviiiff. GENERAL INDEX. 515 Inkpen (Berks), 168I, 1691. Isidore, his books, 251111. John de Villula, bp. Bath, 271. Kemble, J. M. Codex Diplomati- cus, 321, xxiv ; Saxons in Eng- land, 289, 453, 469, 473, XXXV, xlv, Ivi, Iviii, xciii, cix, and pas- sim ; his comment and transla- tion of newly found documents, 203, 232m ; his Glossary, 441 ; his notion of Clovesho, 454. Kennet R., 394. Kent, not. Kentish dialect, ciii. Kerslake, T., 318 ; Vestiges of the Supremacy of Mercia, 391, 453 ; Gifia, 459. Keston (Kent), 210, 289m. Kingston Bagpuze (Berks), 389. Kingston (Sur.), Ii4t. Kintbury (Berks), 168I, i69h. Lambhurst (Hants), 363. Lambourn (Berks), 394m. Lambs, 134m. * Lancashire,' 2 2 2h. Lancaut (Glou.), 376, 476t. Landlord's right in fish, 376. Latin books, a list of, 251. Laughton-en-Ie-Morthen (W. Rid- ing), 464, Ixxiv. Lead {'plumbum), 41 2I. Ledden or Leaden R. (Wor.), 447h. Leofgar, bp. Lichfield, 237. Leofric, bp. Exeter, 249, 433. Leofsige, bp. Worcester, 238I. Lewisham (Kent), 2iot, 454, 468. Lichfield, abpric. of, 72 ; Gospels of St. Chad, 237. Liddiard (Wilts), 164b. Lidford (Devon), 421. Lime trees, I98t, 445m; 'the great lime tree,' 266b, 447I ; ' the spreading lime,' 310b. Lincombe (Bath), 269b. Livery of Seisin, xvii. Loam-pits, 448h. Loaves mentioned, 109b, int. London, 27I, 42m, 86b, 316. Longdon (Wore), 444h. L 1 Longleat (Wilts), 427. Lord, respect for, 221I. Lyfing, ab. Chertsey, 217, 229. bp. Worcester, 239, 242. bp. Crediton, 41 9f. Lyminge (Kent), i8h, 333m, 408. Macray, Rev. W. D., 441. Maiden Bradley (Som.), 26. Maine, Sir H. S., 456, Ixxxix, xcii. Mailing (Kent), ii4r. Malmesbury, 15. Malt mentioned, io5r, 109b, 377m. Manumissions, 253fF, 268ff. bequeathed by will, 223b, 224I, 366I. by self-purchase, 268m, 2 74h. by purchase of friends and relatives, 268I, 2 73h. Maple trees, 449h. Marculf, his Formularies, 469. Marychurch (Devon), 249. Matilda, qu. Wilhelm, 433. Matthew Paris, the historian, 395. Mayhew, Rev, A. L., 378. Medway R., 338. Men, disposed of with land, 2 2ih, 223t, 235I, 282I, 35it, 367I, 368m. Meon (Hants), 146. Meopham (Kent), 60, 173. Mersey R., 219. Mersham (Kent), 126, 128, 134, Michelmarsh (Hants), 361. Middlezoy (Som.), 426. Milborne Port (Som,), 146, Milbrook (Hants), 246. Mile Stones, 3iot. Mills, mention of, I9it, 192m, 208b, 24ir, 288h, 302b, 340m. Milred, bp. Worcester, 42, 52, 305, 308. .... Monastic discipline, 94. Money denominations, mancus, 87h, 101 m, 122I, I42h, 203h, 2I2t. scilling, solidus, 48h, 122I. penny, denarius, denarius ar- genteus, 109I, not, 130I, I32h, I40t, i5oh. pound, 203h, 2i2h, 215I. pound (of pennies), 1 1 im. ora (Danish), 268m. 516 GENERAL INDEX. Mowiit, J. L. G., Pembroke College, 38511. Munden (Herts.), 276. Mundham, North (Suss), 282. Murray, Dr., New English Dic- tionary, 437, ix, li. Mynde, yearly, 80. Nadder R. (Wilts), 430. Naphtha (?), 383I. Newgate, 3i6h. Newgate Street, 31 81. Newtimber (Suss.), i96mN. Newton (Devon), 249. Norfolk, 343. Norton (Staff.), 219, (Devon), 249. Norwich, 241. Notgrove (Glou.), 40. Nothelm, abp. Cant., 31. Nuncupatory will, 166, 212I, 36ih. Nuneham (Ox.), 294, 395t. Nunna, Kg. Sussex, 22I, Nursling (Hants), 246. Oakley (Staif.), 219.^ Oaks, 'the holy oak,' 37 ir^ ' the mighty oak,' 447t. ' the smooth oak,' 447m. ' the black oak,' 448t. ' the tall oak,' 449m. ' Ship Oak,' 309!! & b. * Five Oaks,' 309h. ' the green oak,' 368I. * the foul oak,' 38 2h. ' the great oak,' 310b. Robin Hood's oak (?) 446m. Ock R. (Berks), 374, 381, 387. Oda, abp. Cant., 186, 384. Odo, bp. Bayeux, 433. Off A, Kg. Mercia, 26, 38, 47, 51, 56, 60, 63, 70, 308, 334, 411, 454. Offa's Dyke, 476. Offa of Essex, 311. Offham (Kent), 247. Oftfor, bp. Worcester, 12m. Oldbury (Glou.), 444. Oliver, Monasticon Dioceseos Exoni- ensis, 271. Ordgar, ealdorman, 256. Ordric, ab. Abingdon, 342. Oscytel, abp. York, 198. Oseney (Oxf.), 223. Oshere, sub-kg. Hwiccas, 31. Osric, Kg. Hwiccas, 6. Oswald, abp. York, 207. Othery (Som.), 426. Otters, 239I. Oxen, I09r, 2 23t, 228I. Oxford, 23it, 298t. Padstow (Coruw.), 274m. Pagan enemies, 83m, 88t, loit. Pagham (Suss.), 281. Pangbourn (Berks), 385. Parker Library, C. C. Coll., Cam- bridge, 269, 369. Patching (Suss.), 196m. Pauli, Prof. Reinhold, 130. Pear-trees mentioned, 445h. Peldon (Ess.), 367m, Pennard (Som.), 426. Pershore (Wore), 238, 340, 441, 443, 445- Persius, his book, 251m. Petrock, St., 2 73h. Pewsey (Wilts), 146. Piddle, R. (Wore), 446. Pirton (Wore), 443. Pollock, Prof., Land Laws, 394, li, Ivi, xc, xciii. Ponsworthy (Devon), 26 7t. Porphyry, 25 ih. Porpoises, 376b, 378t. Portrait in a seal (?), 164I. Powderham, 257m. Powick (Wore), 444, 447m. Poynings (Suss.), 196m, 455. Prosper, his book, 25ih. Prudentius, his books, 25 ih. Psalters, 250I. Quantock (Som.), 146. Raine, Rev. Canon, 232 1. Ramsbury (Wilts), bpric. of, 178. Ramsey (Hunts), 343. Ravens, 267t. Reculver (Kent), 8b, 186I, i88b,409i Redbridge (Hants), 246. Ribble R., 219. Rings, 223I. Ripon (W. Riding), 438. Risborough (Bucks), 222. GENERAL INDEX. 517 Rochester, 3, 27, 32, 49, 53, 57, 59, 152, 211, 338,476. Rod borne (Wilts), T5I. RoUeston (Staff.), 219. Rolleston, Dr., on beech and fir in Britain, 461, 474. Rome, St. Peter's, 149b. Ruckinge (Kent), 410I. Rule of St. Benedict, 398m. Salcombe (Devon), 249. Salt Library, 323. * Salt Street,' i79h, 45oh. Salt-works, 19I, 25t, 33h, 87I, 107I, ii2t, I34h, 444m. Salwarp R., 19, 239. Sanders, W, Basevi, Ordnance Survey Facsimiles, 292, 325. Sanderstead (Sur.), 149, 150. Sandford (Ox.), 394. Sand-pits, 448t. Sandwich (Kent), 297I, 415. Schmid, Gesetze der Angelsachsen, 455. Scotch firs, 475. Scrutton, Mr,, Law Quarterly Heview, lix. Seal-rings, 164I. Sebbi, Kg. E. Saxons, 13. Sedbury (Glou.), 476t. Sedulius, his book, 251m. Seebohm, English Village Com- munity, 2"]^], 352, 376, 378, 461, lixff, xci. Selden, 460. Selsey (Suss.), 22m. Semley (Wilts), 430. Semwick (Wilts), 430. Send (Sur.)^ 201, 203. Severn, R., 21, 376, 378, 445m, 447m. Sewold, ab. Bath, 2 7 it. Shaftesbury (Dors.), 428. Shakespeare, illustration from, 476. Sheen (Sur.), 221. Sheep mentioned, I05t, I09h, 283t. pasture for 300, 1 8m. meadows for, 389b. * wethers,' 311b. Ships and Ship-tackle, 222b, 223I. Shockerwick (Wilts), 476. Sidbury (Devon), 249. Sidmouth (Devon), 265. Sigered, Kg. half Kent, 49, 331. Sigeric, abp. Cant., 2i7h. Silver money, 377b. Silver plate, 313I, 367 1, 372b. Siward, ab. Abingdon, 393. Skeat, Prof, 11, 269, 369, 405. Slaves, penal, 233b. legally adjudged, 224b. ■ self-sold, 275m. Snodland (Kent), 288h. Snodsbury (Wore), 444. Sod, symbolical delivery of, 50t. Solsbury, near Bath, 475. Sonning (Berks), 453. Southa.mpton, 246m. ' Southstoke,' 444. Sowey (Som.), 426. Spelman, 460. Sponsors at Confinnation, 162b. Stag-hunting, 2 2 7t. Staines (Midd.), 302m. St. Albans, 395ff. Stanmore (Berks), 196m. Stanstead (Kent), 79. Statins, 251m. Staverton (Devon), 249. St. Augustine's, 10, 147. 244I, 245I, 247m. St. Chad, Gospels of, 237. Stealing of deeds, 31. Stedham (Suss.), 196m. Steyning (Suss.), 38 in. Stigand, abp. Cant., 343, 377, 433. St. Martin's (Canterbury), 137. Stoke Canon (Devon), 327. Stokenchurch (Oxf.), 465. Stokenham (Devon), 465. Stokes, Mr. Whitley, 272. Stone bridges, i79t & m, 188I, 292h, 387b. StourR. (Kent), ii, 98. (Staff.), 29. (Wore), 305, 310. Stratford Tony (Wilts), 184I, 38on. Stroat (Glou.), 476t. Stubbs, Dr., 231b; Constitutional History, 123, 342, Ixiii. Select Charters, 232t, 460. Registrum Sacrum Anglica- num, J24I, 353. Dunstan, 385. 518 GENEEAL INDEX. Sturminster (Dors.), 146m. Sturry (Kent), 8. Succession to land by customary law, 223I. Sueabrged, Kg. E. Saxons, i6h. Suffolk, 343. Suithulf, bp. Rochester, 152. Sunbury (Midd.), 201, 293. Sundridge (Kent), 210. Sunningwell (Berks), 374. Sussex, 28 if. Swegen, father of Cnut, 2 1 7h. SwiShun, bp. Winton, 128. Swine, pastures for, 60I, i72t. large herds of, 109I, 149b, 150, 293b. Swithulf, bp. Rochester, 338. Swords, bequeathed, not; silver- hilted, 2i8b, 225h, 226h; with gold scabbard, 2 25h; with pitted hilt, 225b; a sword with a hand marked on it, 2 2 7t. Tacitus, Germania, 455, Ixvi, Ixxxix. Tadmarton (Oxf.), 192. Tailifer, 263. Tamworth (Staff.), 219, 313I, 315. Tapers, iiih. Teme R. (Wore), 447b. Tents, 223m. Test R. (Hants), 246. Textus Roffensis, 53. Thame R., 292m. Thames R., 294b, 374, 382, 385, 388. Thanet, 8. Theddelthorp (Line), 22ot. Theobald, abp. Cant., 346. Theodore, abp. Cant., 453. Thombury (Glou.), 154. Thorns as landmarks, 379. 'wESelhun's thorn,' 373h. *the hoary thorn,' 370m. *the goblin's thorn,' 449m. * the great thorn,' 385 1. 'Eanulfs thorn,' 389m. • * thorn with seat,' 171b. * crow's thorn, 208b. Thorpe, Diplomatarium, 228, 471. Codex Exoniensis, 252. Thundersfield (Sur.), 146. Thunor, heathen god, 246m. Thurkil, ' eorl,' 229I, 230I, 232. Tidenham (Glou.), 375, 476t. Tisbury (Wilts), 165, 429. Titchbourne (Hants), 196m. Tithing, subdivision of the Hundred, 164b. Tofig, minister, 434. Topsham (Dev.), 249, 322. Torridge R. (Dev,), 326. Tostig, eorl, 378. Totnes (Dev.), 421. Tredington (Wore), 305. Trees, 'the tall tree,' 37oh. 'Friday's tree,' 387m. * Deora's tree,' 190I. * Ecghun's tree,' 19 it. * Cynulf's tree,' 199m. Tilthegn's tree, 449 b. Trigg (Corn.), I46r. Trottersclife (Kent), 60. Turkdean (Glou.), 41. Twickenham (Midd.), i7h, 414m. Twyford (Hants), 35 if. Upton (Wore), 444. Uuilfrid, bishop, 281. Vigfusson, Dr., Icelandic Dic- tionary, 456. Vigfusson and Powell, Corpus Poeticum Boreales, Ixv. ' Village Community ' Ixii. Villula, John de, 271. Walden (Herts), 276. Waldhere, bp. London, i6m. Walsingham (Norf), 241. Waltheof, dux, 433. Wantage (Berks), 147. Wardour (Wilts), 165, 430. Warminster (Wilts), 165. Warren, Leofric Missal, 253. Washington (Suss.), 38in. Watling Street, 178b. Watton (Herts), 276. Wayland's smithy, 384t. Wedmore (Som.), I46h, 341. Weirs for taking fish, 376m. Welford (Berks), 189. Wellow (Som.), 146. Wells (Som.), 341. Welwin (Herts), 276. GENERAL INDEX. 519 Wenlock Abbey (Shr.), 159b. Werburg, St., 435. Werferth, bp. Worcester, 154, i6t, 316, 319 Westbury (Glou.), 311. Westminster, 340. Weston Zoyland (Som ), 426. Westwood, Prof., Palceographia Sacra, 234. Wethers mentioned, iiih. Whitchurch Canonicorum (Dors.), 146m. Wick (Wore), 310. Widcombe (Bath), 27oh. Widdecomb-in- the- M oor ( De v.) , 2 6 7 . Wiglaf, Kg. Mercia, iiib. Wihtred, Kg. Kent, i8t, 333. Wilfrid, St., 438. Will, nuncupatory, 212I. William Conq., 431. Willows, i79t; ' the great willow,' 375m. Winchcombe (Glou.), 242b. Winchester, 128, 146, 184, 355. the Old Minster, i69h, 360I. some names of streets in, 364m. Windrush R. (Oxf.), 386. Windsor (Berks), 344. Wine mentioned, Sob. Wirrall (Chesh.), 219. Withington (Glou.), 31, 52. Withy ; the hoary withy, 198m. Wolves, 171b, 388m, 446b, K752. Woodchester (Glou.), 154. Wool, 134m. Worcester, 12, 19, 31, 40, 52, 55, 61, 63, 68, 154, 207, 238, 242, 452. Worf R. (Salop), 388. Worthing (Suss.), 196m. Wouldham (Kent), 211. Wulfgeat, minister, 211, 2i8h; his forfeiture, 393 ; Sax. Chron. E. 1006. Wulfhelm, abp. Cant., 170. Wulfhere, Kg. Mercia, 4, 453. Wulfred, abp. Cant., 77, 82, 86, 92. Wulfstan, abp. York, 232, 384. Wulfstan, bp. Wore, 340. Wye (Kent), 247. Wye R., 376m. Wymondley (Herts), 276, Ixxiv. Wytham (Berks), 384. Yardley (Wore), 444, 449, 477. Yeovil (Som.), 146. Yew trees, 362b. Yule, 344m. (ElarenDon ilress, ©xfotU* A SELECTION OF BOOKS PUBLISHED FOR THE UNIVERSITY BY HENRY PROWDE, AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AMEN CORNER, LONDON. ALSO TO BE HAD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS DEPOSITORY, OXFORD. [Every book is bound in cloth, unless otherwise described.'^ LEXICONS, GRAMMARS, ORIENTAL WORKS, &c. Anglo-Saxon. — An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary^ based on the MS. Collections of the late Joseph Bosworth, D.D., Professor of Anglo-Saxon, Oxford. Edited and enlarged by Prof. T. N. Toller, M.A. (To be completed in four parts.) Parts I-III. A— SAR. 4to. 15J. each. Arabic. — A Practical Arabic Grammar. Part I. Compiled by A. O. Green, Brigade Major, Royal Engineers, Author of ' Modern Arabic Stories ' Second Edition, Enlarged and Revised. Crown 8vo. "js. 6d. Chinese.—^ Handbook of the Chinese Language. By James Summers. 1863. Svo. half bound, i/. 8j. 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