ii 111 THE BIBLIOGKAPHY OF THACKERAY. THE Bibltograpij?^ of Cljatluraj? A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST ARRANGED IX CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS IN PROSE AND VERSE AND THE SKETCHES AND DRA WINGS OF WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY (from 1829 TO 1880) A COMPANION AND SUPPLEMENT TO THE EDITION DE LUXE LONDON: ELLIOT STOCK 62 PATERNOSTER ROW E.G. LIBRARY DNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA TO JOSIAH TEMPLE THIS LITTLE BIBLIOGRAPHY IS AFFECTIONATELY AND GRATEFULLY INSCRIBED PREFACE, A LAKGE proportion of this little Bibliography is necessarily occupied with the enumeration of Thacke- ray's contributions to Fraser's Magazine and to Punch, both ranging over periods of ten years. As many of these are not reprinted in any edition of his Collected Works, I have endeavoured to make the list as com- plete as possible ; and in the case of the contributions to Eraser, I have every reason to believe I have suc- ceeded. But in the case of Punch (where, indeed, one is almost overwhelmed with the embarras de richesses), I have preferred rather to omit some items of minor interest than to run the risk of including anything douljtful. For although the well-known and familiar signature of the spectacles at once identifies any illustration as Thackeray's, it does not necessarily follow that the letter-press accompanying it was always his. But I have included everything that is re- printed in his Collected Works, and much that is not reprinted there. As in my previous Bibliographies every article, Vlll PREFACE. without exception, has been described with the actual book, pamphlet, magazine, or newspaper lying before me. It should be added that the list of "Thackerayana" at the end makes no pretensions to be exhaustive. I shall be happy to acknowledge and shall be grateful for any suggestions or additions that corres- pondents may obligingly communicate to me. EiCHARD Herne Shepherd, Brameeton-street, King's-koad, Chelsea, November, 1880. THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THACKERAY. 1 The Snoe : A Literary and Scientific Journal, not "con- ducted hij Members of the Universlti/." Cambridge : Published by W. H. Smith, Eose-crescent. 1829, 12 mo, pp. 64. C'onsi.sting of eleven weekly numbers printed on paper of several different colours, commencing Thursday, April 9, and ending Thursday, June 18, 1829. Among the contributions probably to be attributed to Thackeray are the mock-poem on Timbuctoo, and the continua- tion of Mrs. Eamsbottom's Letters. Contributions in verse and prose to The National Standard and Journal of Literature, Science, Music, Theatricals and the Fine Arts. London : Thomas Plurst, Q,b, St. Paul's Churchyard. 1833, 4to. The contributions distinctly traceable as Thackeray's are as follows : — B THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1833- Vol. i. No. 18, May 4, 1833, p. 273. Louis Philippe {Verses and Sketch). No. 19, May 11, 1833, p. 289. Mr. Braham, [Mock] "Sonnet by W. Wordsworth," and Sketch. No. 20, May 18, 1833, p. 305. N. M. Eoths- child, Esq. (Verses and Sketch). No. 22, June 1, 1833, p. 345. A. Bunn (Verses and Sketch), No. 23, June 8, 1833, p. 362. Love in Fetters ; a Tgttenham-court-road Ditty (with Sketch). No. 24, June 15, 1833, pp. 380-381. Covent Garden (with Sketch). No. 25, June 22, 1833, p. 395. Petrus Laureus [Sir Peter Laurie], Verses and Sketch. No. 26, June 29, 1833, pp. 412-413. Paris Correspondence (with Sketch). Vol. ii. No. 27, July 6, 1833, pp. 10-11. Paris Cor- respondence (with Sketch). No. 28, July 13, 1833, pp. 28-29. Paris Cor- respondence (with Sketch). 183G.] OF THACKERAY. 3 No. 29, July 20, 1833, pp. 42-43. Paris Cor- respondence (with Sketch). No. 32, August 10, 183.3, pp. 85-86, and No. 34, August 24, 1833,* pp. 121-122. The Devil's Wager (with an Illustration). The DcrU's Waiier, with the sn.me ilhistration reproduced in a, somewhat altered form, is reprinted in Tlie Paris Sketch Booh (1840), vol. ii., pp. 83-101. There are some verbal alterations throughout, and the words of the incantation of Father Ignatius are omitted in the later version. 3 Flore et Zephyr. Ballet Myth'ologique par Theophile AVagstaff. — London : Published March 1st, 1836, by J. Mitchell, Library, 33, Old Bond-street. A Paris, chez Eittner & Goupil, Boulevard Montmartre. Folio. Eight plates, lithographed by Edward Morton, of which the following is the letterpress description : 1. La Danse fait ses offrandes sur I'autel de I'Harmonie. 2. Jeux Innocens de Zephyr et Flore. 3. Flore deplore I'absence de Zephyr. 4. Dans un pas-seid il exprime son extreme desespoir. 5. Triste et abattu, les seductions des Xymphes le tentent en vain. 6. Reconciliation de Flore et Zephyr. 7. La Retraite de Flore. 8. Les Delassements de Zephyr ; and vignette on wrappe; - title. * With this number Thackeray's contributions appear to have ceased, though the Journal itself continued to exist until February 1, 1834, completing a second volume and running un to a fragment (eighty pages) of a thii-d. B 2 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1837- The Yellowplush CoPvRespondence. I'asliionable Fax and Polite Annygoats, By Charles Yellow- plush, Esq. — Frascr's Magazine, November, 1837 (vol. xvi., pp. 641-G49). A review of a volume entitled " My Book, or the Anatomy of Conduct," by a Mr. John Henry Skelton. The Yellowplush Correspondence. No. II. Miss Shum's Husband.— January, 1838 (vol. xvii., pp. 39-49). The Yellowplush Correspondence. No. III. Dimond cut Dimond. — February, 1838 (vol. xvii., pp. 243-250). The Yellowplush Correspondence. No. IV. Skimmings from the Dairy of George IV. — March, 1838 (vol. xvii., pp. 353-359). The Yellowplush Correspondence. No. V. Foring Parts. — April, 1838 (vol. xvii., pp. 404- 408). The Yellowplush Correspondence. No. VI. Mr, Deuceace at Paris. — May, 1S38 (vol. xvii., pp. 61G-627), and June, 1838 (vol. xvii., pp. 734- 741). The Yellowplush Correspondence. The End of 1838.] OF THACKERAY. 5' Mr, Deuceace's History, — July, 1838 (vol, xviii., pp, 59-71). The YELLOwrLUSH Correspondence. Mr. Yellow- plush's Ajew, August, 1838 (vol. xviii., pp. 19."5- 200). Strictures on Pictures. A Letter from Michael Angelo Titmarsh, Esq. — Fraser's Magazine, June, 1838 (vol. xvii., pp. 758-7G4). With sketch by the author of " Titmarsh placing the laurel- wreath on the brows of Mulready." Twelve Plates illustrative of "]\Ien of Character. By Douglas JerrolJ. In three volumes. — London: Henry Colburn. 1838." List of Plates : Vol. I. Practical Philosophy of Adam Buff ; The Fall of Pippins ; Job Pippins a Murderer ; Jack Eunnymede's Dream. Vol. II. John Applejohn's Humane Intentions ; Maxi- milian Tape before the "Lords ;" Final Keward of John Apple- john. Vol. III. Barnaby Palms " feeling his way ;" Cheek's Introduction to a new subject ; The Ghost of Kemp ; Matthew- Clear not " seeing his way ;" Introduction of Titus Trumps to " Miss Wolfe." " The illustrations were by Mr. W. M. Thackeray, now the renowned novelist." — Life and liemains of Douglas Jerrold, hi/ his son, Blanchard Jerrold. London : 1859, p. 144. 6 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1838- 7 The " Whitey -Brown Paper Magazine." — Sug- gested to be issued in 1838-9, as a weekly publica- tion. A series of humorous sketches with brief descriptive letter- press, in prose and verse, representing the fortunes and mis- fortunes of Dionysius Diddler. Facsimiled in the first eight numbers of The Autographic Mirror, February 20 to June 1, 1864 (vol. i., pp. 6, 15, 28, 39, 40, 60, 68, 76). The Story of Mary Ancel. — Printed in The Neio Monthly Magazine. London : Colburn. October, 1838 (vol. liv., pp. 185-197). Reprinted in the Paris Sketch-Booh (vol, i., pp. 254-290). 9 Some Passages in the Life of Major Gahagan. — Printed in The New Monthly Magazine. London : Henry Colburn. February, March, November, December, 1838, and February, 1839 (vol. lii., pp. 174-182, 374-378; vol. liv., pp. 319-328,543-552; vol. Iv., pp. 26G-281). 1839] OF THACKERAY. 10 Stubbs's Calendar ; or, The Fatal Boots. With twelve illustrations by George Cruikshank. — Printed in The Comic Almanack for 1839. London : Charles Tilt. 11 Catherine : A Story. By Ikey Solomons, Esq., junior, — Frasefs Magazine^ May, June, July, August, November, 1839 ; and January and Feb- ruary, 1840. With four full-page illustrations by the author : Mrs. Catha- rine's Temptation ; The Interrupted Marriage ; Captain Brock ajipears at Court with my Lord Peterborough ; Catharine's Present to Mr, Hayes, 12 A Second Lecture on the Fine Arts, by Michael Angelo Titmarsh, Esq. — Fraser's MagarAue, June, 1839 (vol. xix,, pp. 743-750). 13 The French Plutarcli, No. 1. 1. Cartouche, 2. Poin- sinet. — Frasefs Magardne, October, 1839 (vol, xx., pp. 447-459). Reprinted in the Paris Sh'tch-BooJc, IS 10. THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1839- 14 On the French School of Painting — in a Letter from Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh to Mr. MacGilp of London. — Frasers Magazine, December, 1839 (vol. XX., pp. 679-G88). 15 Barber Cox, and the Cutting of his Comb, With twelve illustrations by George Cruikshauk. — Printed in The Comic Almanack for 1840. London : Charles Tilt. Afterwards entitled "Cox's Diary." 16 Epistles to the Literati. Ch-s Y-11-wpl-sh, Esq., to Sir Edward Lytton Biilwer, Bart. John Thomas Smith, Esq., to C — s Y — h, Esq. — Fraser's Magazine, January, 1840 (vol. xxi., pp. 71-80). 17 L'Abbaye de Penmarc'h, Melodrame en trois actes, par MM. Tournemlne et Thackeray. Musique de M. Eoger. Decors de M. Desmarets, reprcsente 1840.] OF THACKERAY. 9 pour la premiere fois a Paris, sur le Tiieatre de la Porte-Saint-Aatoine, le 1" fevrier, 1840. — Paris : Au Bureau Central, Eue d'Enghien, 1840, 8vo, pp. 21, in wrapper, printed in double columns. This forms No. 53 of the " Repertoire Dramatique des Auteurs Contemporains." 18 The Bedford-Kow Conspiracy. In two Parts. — Printed in The New Monthly Magazine, January, March and April, 1840 (vol. Iviii., pp. 99-111, 416-425, 547-557). 19 The Paris Sketch-Book. By Mr. Titmarsh. With numerous designs by the autnor, on copper and wood. In two volumes, pp. 304, 298. — London : John Macrone, 1840. CoxTEXT.s OF Vol. I. An Invasion of France. On some French Fashionable A Caution to Travellers. Novels. The Fetes of July. A Gambler's Death. On the French School of Napoleon and his System. Painting. The Story of Mary An eel. The Painter's Bargain. Eeati-ice Merger. Cartouche. 10 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1840. Contents of Vol. II. Caricatures and Lithography The Case of Peytel. in Paris. Imitations of Beranger. Little Poinsinet. French Dramas and Melo- The Devil's Wager. dramas. Madame Sand and the New Meditations at Versailles. Apocalypse. The Preface is dated " London, July 1, 1840." The Student's Quarter, or Paris Pi ve-and-Thirty Years Since, by the late William Makepeace Thackeray. Not included in his Collected Writings. With original coloured illustrations. London : John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly (n.iL), pp. 202. The eight chapters or letters of which this volume is com- posed were written by Thackeray during his residence in Paris in the year 1839. It is stated by the editor, who was also the publisher of the volume, that " they were originally addressed to a friend, the editor of a foreign journal, in whose publication they first appeared." Of the eight Letters seven were reprinted in substance in the Paris Skefch-Book in 1840, with here and there a slight omission or alteration, hardly of sufficient interest to note. The only letter, therefore, "not included in Thackeray's 'Collected Writings' is that which stands as the fifth, and is entitled ' More Aspects of Paris Life '" (pp. 113-132), and dated August 31. The signature " T. T.," which is appended by the author to all of these letters but the eighth and last, had already been used by him three years jjreviously in a series of letters of no perma- nent interest or value written by him from Paris as the corres- pondent of the Constitutional, a journal conducted by his step- father. The last letter is signed " M. A. T.," which may be sup- posed to stand for " Michael Angelo Titmarsh," the author's favourite nom-de-plume for many j-ears. The name of the "foreign journal" in which these letters appeared was not furnished by the editor ; but he seems to hint 1840.] OF THACKERAY. 11 in his memorial volume, " Thackeray the Humourist and the Man of Letters," that it was an American journal. It should be added that the coloured illustrations which figure in this volume were not executed to accompany the letter- press, even if, as seems probable, they are rightly attributed to Thackeray's pencil. 20 George Cruikshank. — Printed in The JFestminster llevieic, June, 1840 (vol. xxxiv., pp. 1-60). "With numerous illustrations, printed from the original plates, or transferred to stone. 21 A Pictorial Rhapsody, by Michael Angelo Titmarsh. AVith an Introductory Letter to Mr. Yorke.— Fraser's MagarAne, June 1840 (vol. xxi., pp. 720- 732). A Pictorial Rhapsody, concluded, and followed by a remarkable statement of facts by Mrs. Barbara. — Frusers Magazine, July, 1840 (vol. xxii., pp. 112- 126). Going to see a Man Hanged. Signed W. M. T. — Fraser's MagarJiie, August, 1840 (vol. xxii., pp. 150- 158. 12 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1840- 23 A Shabby Genteel Story. In Nine Chapters, — Fraser's Magazine, June, July, August, October, 184<\ When A Shahbi/ Genteel Story was reprinted in the fourth vohime of Thackeray's Miscellanies : Prose and Verse (pp. 221- 324), a brief note of fourteen lines was added at the end, signed, " W. M. T," and dated "London : Apiil 10, 1857." 24 Captain Eook and Mr. Pigeon. By "William Thacke- ray. With two illustrations by Kenny Meadows. — Printed in Heads of the People : or, Portraits of the English. Drauii hy Kenny Meadoirs. JFith Original Essays hy distinguished ivriters. London : Robert Tyas, 50, Cheapside, 1840, pp. 305-320. 25 The Fashionable Authoress. By William Thackeray. With an illustration by Kenny Meadows. — Printed in Heads of the People : or, Portraits of the English. Draum hy Kenny Meadows. JFith Original Essays hy distinguished vriters. London: Robert Tyas, 1841, pp. 73-84. 1841.] OF THACKERAY. 13 26 The Artist. B}'- Michael Aiigelo Titmarsh. "With an ilhistration by Kenny Meadows. — Printed in Kenny Meadows's Heads of the Feojjie. London : 1841, pp. 161-176. These three contributions to Kenny Meadows's Heads of the People were reprinted at the end of the second volume of Thackeray's collected Miscellanies (London, 1856), pp. 4-13-494. 27 Comic Tales and Sketches. Edited and Illus- trated BY Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh. In two volumes. London : Hugh Cunningham, 1841, 12mo (vol. i., pp. vii., 299 ; vol. ii., pp. 370). The Preface is dated "Paris, April 1, 1S41." Contents of Vol. I. : — The Yellowplush Papers. — 1. Miss Shum's Husband ; 2. The Amours of Mr. Deuceace — Dimond cut Dimond ; 3. Skimmings from the Dairj^ of George IV. ; 4. Poring Parts ; o. Mr. Deuceace at Paris, in ten chapters ; 6. Mr, Yellowjjlush's Ajew ; 7. Epistles to the Literati. Contents of Vol. II. : — Some Passages in the Life of Major Gahagan ; The Professor ; The Bedford-Pow Conspiracy ; Stubbs's Calendar, or the Fatal Boots. 28 The Second Funeral of Napoleon ; in Three Letters to ]Mi3S Smith, of London, and The 14 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1841- Chronicle of the Drum. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. London : Hugh Cunningham. 1841, pp. 122. With frontispiece of "Tomb in the Chapel of the Invalides," and vio;nette drawn by the author on the coloured wrapper. At the end of this little work is advertised, as " preparing for immediate publication, ' Dinner Reminiscences ; or, The Young Gormandiser's Guide at Paris.' By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh," to be issued by the same publisher. " The Second Funeral of Napoleon " was reprinted (with prefatory note), from the original manuscript, in the CorvJiill J/or/a2?Hr', January, 1866 (vol. xiii., pp. 48-80). A small portion of the manuscript is facsimiled in The Autorirapliic Mirror, Xo. 1, Saturday, February 20, 1864 (vol. i., p. 6). 29 Memorials of Gormandising. In a letter to Oliver Yorke, Esq., by M. A. Titmarsh. — Fraser's Magazine, June, 1841 (vol. xxiii., pp. 710-725). 30 On Men and Pictures, Apropos of a Walk in the Louvre. — Fraser's Magazine, July, 1841 (vol. xxiv., pp. 98-111). 31 Men and Coats. — Fraser's Magazine, August, 1841 (vol. xxiv., pp. 208-217). 1812.] OF THACKERAY. 15 32 The History of Sainiuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. Edited and illus- trated by Sam's Cousin, Michael Angelo. — Fraser's Magazine, September, Octobei', November and December, 1841 (vol. xxiv.), 33 Dickens in France (with two illustrations by the author). — Fruscr's Magazine, March, 1842 (vol. XXV., pp. 342-352). An account of a French dramatic version of " Nicholas Nickleby," performed at a Paris theatre. 34 Little Spitz. A Lenten Anecdote, from the German of Professor Spass. By JNIichael Angelo Titmarsh. With woodcut illustration by George Cruikshank.— Printed in George Cruikshavk's Omnibus, edited by Laman Blanchard. London : Tilt and Bosrue. 1S42, pp. 1G7-172. 35 The King of Brentford's Testament. By Michael Angelo Titmarsh. — Printed in George CruihhanL's Omnibus. 1842, pp. 244-24G. 16 ■ THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1842- 36 FiTZ-BooDLE's Confessions. — Fraser's Magazine, June, 1842 (vol. xxv., pp. 707-721). Professions by George Fitz-Boodle. Beimr appeals to the unemployed younger sons of the no- bility. — Fraw's 3Iaga:ine, Julj^, 1842 (vol. xxvi., pp. 4.3-GO). Fitz-Boodle's Confessions. Miss Lowe. — Fraser's Magazine, October, 1842 (vol. xxvi., pp. 395-405). Confessions of Ceorge Fitz-Boodle. Dorothea. — Fraser's Maga:ine, January, 1843 (vol. xxvii., pp. 76-84). Confessions of George Fitz-Boodle. Ottilia. — Fraser's Magazine, February, 1843 (vol. xxvii., pp. 214-224). Confessions of George Fitz-Boodle. Men's "Wives. Mv. and Mrs. Frank Berrj^ — Fj'aser's Magazine, March, 1843 (vol. xxvii., pp. 349-361). With an illustratir». Tho last chapter in dated at the end, "rarij), 28th June, 1855." 122 "Mr. Washington." To tho Editor of the Times. Letter dated "Athentpum, Nov. 22," and signed " W. 'M. Thackeray." — Tiiiy.^', AVednesday, Novem- l)er 23, ls:).3. In answer to some strictures of the New York Correspondent of the 'J'iTiirs (dated "New York, Nov. 8," and printed in the Timexoi Nov . 22, 185.3), resjxjcting a passage in the first number of 'J /if Neuxovies, which had given offence in the United States. 1 23 Lucy's Birthday, " Seventeen rosebuds in a riuir." Three stanzas of eight linos each, datetl " New York, April 15." Printed in The Kcqmike, \d>^^^ edited hij Miss Poircr. London : David Bogue. 1854, p. 18. 124 Leitkks fkom the East dy our o\vn Basiii- BozouK.— P«?ic/i, June 24, July 1, 1854 (vol. xxvi., pp. 257-258, 2G7-2G8) ; July 8 to 29, August 5, 1854 (vol. xxvii., pp. 1-2, 11-12, 21-22, 31-32, 41). With seven illustrations by the author. 1857.] OF THACKERAY. 45 125 Pictures of Life and Character. By Jolin Leech. — Quxirterhj Iievktr, December, 1854 (vol. xcvi., j)}), 75-86). 126 The Rose and the Eino ; or, the History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. A Fire-side Pantomime for Great and Small Children. By ^Ir. M. A. Titmarsh. London : Smith, Elder, and Co., G5, Cornhill. ISo.'), pp. iv. 128. With illustrations by the author, plain in all the copies The Preface, or "Prelude," is dated "December, 1854." 127 Iteminiscences of Weimar and Goethe, in a letter addressed to G. H. Lewes, dated " London, 28th April, 1855," and signed "AV. M. Thackeray."— Printed in Leices's Life and IForhs of Goethe, London : David Nutt. 1855, vol. ii., pp. 442-446. 128 Address to the Electors of Oxford, dated " Mitre, July 9, 1857," and signed " W. M. Thackeray." 46 THK r.ir.LiOGUAPHY [1857- 120 Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates, and the (larrick Club. The Correspondence and Facts. Stated by Edmund Yates. — Printed for Private CircuLation. 1859, pp. 15. Contains a letter to Mr. Edmund Yat^^-s, dated "36, Onslow- si|uare, June 14," and .signed "W. M. Thackeray ;" a letter to the Committee of the fJarrick Club, dated "W, Oiislow-square, June 19, IS.'iS," signed " W. M. Thackeray ;" a letter toCharlen Dickens, dated "36, <)nslo\v-sth signed " \V. M. Thackeray." 130 The Virginians : A Tale of the Last Century. By AV. M. Thackeray. "With illustrations on steel and wood by the Author. In Two Volumes (pp. viii. 382, viii. 37G). London : Bradbury and Evans. 1858-1859. Issued in twenty-four monthly numbers (in yellow illustrated \vrapper), commencing November, 1857, and ending October, 1859. 131 Nil Nisi Bonum. — Curnhill Magazine, February, 1860 (vol. i., pp. 129-134). 1861.] OF THACKERAY. 47 132 Tlie Last Sketch. (A short paper signed W. M. T., prefixed to " Emma, a Fragment of a Story by the late Charlotte Bronte.") — CornhUl Marja-Jne, April, 18G0 (vol. i., pp. 485-487). 133 Vanitas Vanitatum. (Sixteen stanzas of four lines each.) — CornhUl Magazine, July, 1800 (vol. ii.^ pp. 5i)-G0). 134 A Leaf out of a Sketch-Book. By AV. ]\L Thackeray. — Printed in The Victoria llegia, a Folium of Original Contributions in Foetry and Prose, edited bij Adelaide A. Procter. London : Emily Faithfull and Co. 1861, pp. 118-125. With two sketches by the author. 135 LovEL THE "Widower. By "W. M. Thackeray. With illustrations. London : Smith, Elder and Co. 1861, pp. 258. Originally published in monthly instalments in the fii-st six numbers of the CornhUl Mofjazinc (January to June, 1860). 48 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [18C0- " The WolvLB and the Laml)," the oripnal of the story of Lnnl the Will oirir (which was printed for the first time in the twenty- fourth and last vohnne of Thacl), was written for the stage, and refused by the management of the Olympic about 1854. 130 The Four Georof.s. By W. M. TiiArKERVY. With illustrations. Lomlnn : Siiiitli, T-'ldor, and Co. ISGl, pp. 220. Originally published in the ('onihill Mruinzhie, as follows : — George the First July, 1800. George the Second Aug. ISHO. George the Third Sei)t. 1860. George the Fourth Oct. ISfiO. Vol. ii., pp. 1-20, irn-lPl, 257-277, 385-406. 137 The Advrntures of Philip on his AVay through THE World; shewing who robbed him, who helped him, and who passed Hur by. By W. M. Thackeray. In Three Volumes, ])p. 320, 304, 301.— London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 65, Cornhill. 1802. Originally published in instalments, and with illustrations, in the Cornhill Magazine, commencing the third volume in January, 1861. and ending in August, 1862 (vol. vi., p. 240). The illustrations do not appear in the three-volume edition of the book, which has a Dedication to " M. J. Higgins," dated "Kensington, July, 1862." 1861.] OF THACKERAY. 49 138 Roundabout Papers, etc. These papers originally appeared in the Cornhill MaijazitiP, as follows : Xo. 1. On a Lazv, Idle Bov.— Januarv, 1860 (vol. i., pp. 124-128). No. 2. On Two Children in Black.— March, 1S60 (vol. i., i)p. 380-384). Xo. 3. On Ribbons.— May, 1860 (vol. i., pp. 631-640). No. 4. On some late Great Victories.— June, 1860 (vol. i., pp. 755-760). Xo. '). Thorns in the Cu.shion.— July, 1860 (vol. ii., pp. 122- 128). Xo. 6. On Screens in Dining-rooms. — August, 1860 (vol. ii. , pp. 252-256). Xo. 7. Tunbridge Toys. —September, 1860 (vol. ii., pp. 380- 384). Xo. 8. De Juventute.— October, 1860 (vol. ii., pp. 501-512). A Roundabout Journey ; Xotes of a Week's Holiday. — Xovember, 1860 (vol. ii., pp. 623-640). Xo. 9. On a Joke I once heard from the late Thomas Hood. — December, 1860 (vol. ii., pp. 752-760). X'o. 10. Round about the Christmas Tree. — Februarj-, 1861 (vol. iii., pp. 2.50-256). Xo. 11. On a Ch.alk-niark on the Door.— April, 1861 (vol. iii., pp. 504-512). Xo. 12. On Being Found Out. — May, 1861 (vol. iii., pp. 636-640). Xo. 13. On a Hundred Years Hence. — June, 1861 (vol. iii., pp. 755-760). X'o. 14. Small-Beer Chronicle.— July, 1861 (vol. iv., pp. 122- 128). Xo. 15. Ogres.— August, 1861 (vol. iv., pp. 251-256). X'o. 16. On Two Roundabout Papers which I intended to write. — September, 1861 (vol. iv., pp. 377-384), E oO TUR BIBLIOGRAPHY [1861- Xo. 17. A Missi.s.sii)|.i Bubble. — December, 1861 (vol. iv., pp. rr>r>-7G0). Xo. 18. On Lctts's Dian-.— Januarj', 1862 (vol. v., i)p. 1-22- 128). Xo. 19. On Half-a-Lo.if. A Letter to ^[Hs.sr^^. Hroaihvay, Batterj- and Co., of Xew York, Bankers. — Februarji 1862 (vol. V. pp. 2.'.0-2.'>6). Xos. 20 to 22. The Xotch on the Axe. A Story d la Moile. In Three Partx. — April,* May and June, 1862 (vol. v., pp. .'■)08-.11 2, 6.34-640, 7.".4-760). Xo. 23. De FinibuH.— Au>,Mwt, 1862 (vol. vi., pp. 282-288). Xo. 24. On a I'eal of BelK — Septeinlxjr, 1862 (vol, vi., pp. 42.^.-4:12). Xo. 2.'>. On a Pear-Tree. — Xoveinber, 1862 (vol. vi., pji. 715-720). Xo. 26. Pessein'a. — Deceinlwr, 1862 (vol. vi., pp. 771-779). Xo. 27. On Some Caq) at Sans Souci. — January, 1863 (vol. vii., pp. 126-1.31). Xo. 28. Autour de mon Chapeau. — February, 1863 (vol. vii., pp. 260-267). On Alexandrines. A Letter to some Coimtrj* Cousin.^. April, 1863 (vol. vii., pp. r.l6-.'io2). On a Medal of Oeorge the Fourth. — August, 1863 (vol. viii., pp. 2.50-2.'»6). " Strange to say, on Club paj)cr." — Xovember, 1 863 (vol . viii., pp. 636-640). 139 Denis Duval. By AV. :M, Tliackoray.— London : Smith, Elder, and Co. 1867, pp. 275. Dbxis DrvAL originally appeared in instalments in the CornhUl Maf/azhie, of March, April, May and June, 1864, with illus- trations (vol. ix., pp. 2.">7-291, 38.".-409, .513-.536, 641-660;. * On the reverse of the title of the numWr of the CnnihUl ^f^{/azine for April, 1862, is a valedictory adilress of the Editor " To Contributors and Correspondents," on re-itniing his post, dated "March 18, 1862," and signed " W. M. T." 1876.] OF THACKERAY. 51 Mrs, Katherine's Lantern. (Written by W. M. Thackeray in a Lady's Album). — Printed in the Cornhill Magaz'uie, January, 18G7 (vol. xv., pj). 117- 118). 141 The Anglers. By the late W. M, Thackeray, Esq. Seven stanzas of eight lines each. — Printed in The Princess Alexandra Gift }>uul:, edited by John Sherer. London : Hamilton, Adams, and Co. 18G8, pp. 02.03^ U2 Tin: Olll'IIAN OF PiMLICO, AND OtHKII SKETCHES, FRAfiMEXT.S AND DliAWINfiS. Ey WiLLIAM MAKE- PEACE Thackeray. AVith some Notes by Anne Isabella Thackeray. London : Smith, Elder, and Co. 1876 ; 4to, pages unnumbered. Prefixed is a portrait of the author, "copied by Mr. Thackeray from a dra^ving by D. Maclise about 1840." The Preface (signed "A. I. T.") is dated " London, November 20, 1875." 143 Etchings by the late William Makepeace Thackeray while at Cambridge, illustrative of University Life, 52 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1878.] etc. Xow first published from the Original Plates. London : H. Sotheran and Co., Piccadilly. 1878. List of Subjects : 1. Departure for Cambridge ; 2. Arrival from Cambridge ; 3. Worldly Study ; 4. Imftosition ; 5. First Term ; 6. Second Term ; 7. Work Within ; 8. Pleasure With- out ; 9. Collera Morbus ; 10. Scene from the Deluge ; 11. Ah, Mr. (ioldfinch! OF THACKERAY. 53 Til A CKERA YA NA. SKETCHES A\D CAllICATURES. 1 Charles IX. firing at the Huguenots out of the windows of the Louvre. Sketched on the blank portion of the yellow paper cover of a French drama. — Facsimiled in Tlie, llecoUedions and Reflec- tions of J. 11. Planch';. London: Tinsley Brothers, 1872, vol. i., to face p. 171. Signor Balfi. Sketch made in Mr. Blanche's box during the performance of Balfe's opera, "The Siege of Eochelle," IGth November, 1835.— Fac- similed in Blanche's liecollect'wns and Eeflections, vol. i., p. 241. Note addressed to Blanche, and signed '* AV. M. Thackeray," dated " 13, Great Coram-street, Bruns- wick-square," with pen-and-ink sketch of the State visit of the Queen and Brince Albert to Covent 51 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY Garden Theatre, 1840. — Facsimiled in Planche's Recollections and liejleclions, vol. ii., p. 4(.>. 4 The Gamblers. A Sketch, — Facsimiled in The Atito- graphic Mirror, No. 3, March 15, 18G4 (vol. i., p. 27). Note dated " 3G, Onslow-square, iCth March, 185'.," and signed " W. M. Thackeray." — Facsimiled in The Antograjjhic Mirror, No. 3, March 15, 1864, p. 27. 6 Caricature Sketch of himself seated, writing on the banks of the Nile, sketched on the first page of a copy of '• Coruhill to Cairo," presented to his friend, William Bevan, and two letters, dated " 3G, Onslow- square, Brompton, February 21, 1855," — one com- mencing, " My dear "\V. B." [William Bevan], and the other, "My dear S."; both signed " W. M. Thackeray." — The sketch and the two letters fac- similed in The A utographic Mirror, No. 1 7 (October I, 1864), vol. ii., p. 139. OF TIIACKEIIAY. oa 7 Tl'ackeray's VCntings.— Edinburgh, Review, January, 1848 (vol. Ixxxvii., pp. 4G-G7). 8 "Esmond." Essays by the late George Brimley, M.A. Cambridge: Macmillan k Co., 1^58, pp. 258-269. Reprinted from the Spfdalor of November 6, 1852. 9 Essay on the Xewcomes.— Cz/wn^ ard C'lmhnihje Miujazlne. London: Bell & Daldy, 18.jG, pp. 50-01. Thackeray and Currer Bell.— ar/o;-(/ and Camhi'uhje Magazine, 1856, pp. 323-335. 10 The Modern Xovel.— Dickens, Bulwer, Thackeray. Essays in Biograjjhj and Criticism by Peter Baync, M.A. First Series. Boston : Gould and Lincohi, 1857, pp. 363-392. 56 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY 11 "William Makejicnce Thackeray. — Printed in Novels and Noreli.s/s from Eli:(ibrth to V'hitnhi. V>y J. Cordy JeafTrcson. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1858, vol. ii., pp. 202-281. Forming thu thirteenth chapter of the secoml volume. 12 British Novelists and tlioir Stylos : being a Critical Sketch of the History of British Prose Fiction. By David Masson, M.A. Cambridge: Macmillan and Co., 1859. Pages 233-253 are devoted to a consideration of Dickens and Thackeray. 13 Thackeray.— C(f/r!«//a Hcvien; December, 18G1 (vol. xxxvii., pp. 245-280). 14 "William Makepeace Thackeray. "With portrait from a photograph by Herbert "Watkins.— i//ws/ra/y Charles Kent, Barrister- at-law. London: Chapman and Hall, 1SG4. A chapter on " W. M. Thackeray, the Satiri.st-humourist," occupies pp. 370-407. 20 Hand Immemor : A Few Personal Recollections of Mr. Thackeray in Philadelphia. (Privately printed. ) William P. Kildare, 422, Walnut-street, 1SG4, 8vo, pp. :3L Contains six letters from W. M. Thackeray to W. B. Keed, dated — 1. Mr. Anderson's Music Store, Penn's Avenue, Friday. 2. Neufchatel, Switzerland, July 21, 18.^.3. 3. 36, Onslow-square, Brompton, November 8, 1854. 4. Baltimore, January 16, 1856. 5. April 24, 1856. 6. Maurigy's Hotel, 1, Regent-street, Waterloo-place, April 2, 1859. And a letter to Clement C. Biddle, dated Girard House (Phila- delphia), January 23, 1853, and signed " W. M. Thackeray." OF THACKERAY. 59 21 William Makepeace Thackeray, By one who knew him (Bayard Taylor).— Printed in The Atlantic Monthlij, March, 18G4 (vol. xiii., pp. 371-379). 22 A Brief Memoir of the late Mr. Thackeray. By James Hannay. (Reprinted from the Edinburgh Courant.) Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd ; London : Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 18G4, pp. 31. 23 Studies on Thackeray. By James Hannay. London : Routledge and Sons, n.d., pp. 107. With vignette portrait of Thackeray on title. The little work is divided into four chapters : " Thackeray as a Novelist," "Thackeray as a Humourist and Satirist," "Thackeray as a Critic and Essayist," "Thackeray as a Poet." 24 A Memorial of Thackeray's School-days. (Signed J. F. B.) — Cornhill Magazine, January, 18G5 (vol. xi., pp. 118-128). With five sketches by Thackeray. 60 THE BIBLICXJRAPHY Yesterdays with Authors. By James T. Fields. London : Sampson Low, 1872. Tho chapter on Thackeray uccupiea pp. 11-37. •20 The Dest of all (Jood Company. 15y Llanchard Jerrold. A Day with AV. 'SI Thackeray. With fac- simile page of e.xtract from MS. letter. London : Houlston and Sons, Paternoster-buildings, 1872, 8vo. (numbered pp. 315-392). Bric-a-Brac Series. — Anecdote Biographies of Thacke- ray and Dickens. Edited by Richard Henry Stod- dard. New York : Scribner, Armstrong and Co., 1S74. The biography of Thackeray occupies the first 196 pages of the volume. A facsimile is ^given of one of his letters, with Sketch. 28 Thackerayana : Notes and Anecdotes illustrated by nearly six hundred sketches. By William ^Lake- OF THACKERAY. Gl peace Thackeray, depicting humorous incidents in liis school life, and favourite scenes and characters in the books of his cvery-day reading. London : Chatto and "Windus, Piccadilly, 1875, pp. x.\'. 492. Compiled by Mr. Joseph Grego. 29 Thackeray and Leech. — Fuitij Years IlecoUedions of Life, Literature and Public J fairs, from 1830 to 1870. By Charles Mackay, L.L.] >. London : Chapman and Hall, 1877, vol. ii., pp. 294-304. 30 An Essay on the "Writings of ^V. M. Thackeray. By Leslie Stephen. Printed in the twenty-fourth and concluding volume of the Works of A\'. M. Thacke- ray. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1879, pp. 313-378. ^\'ith two leaves of facsimile of autograph letter of W. M. T. to Mr. Smith, dated "Sat. 29 Oct.," and Postscript to Round- about Paper, dated " Dec. 16 " (1S61). 31 Thackeray. By Anthony Trollope. London : Mac- millan and Co., 1879, pp. vi. 210. In Xine Chapters. One of the series of " English Men of Letters. Edited by John Morley." 62 TiiK nir.LioGRAPHY OF thackp:ray. 32 Studies of Encjlish Authors. I>y Petor Baynn, M.A., LL.D. — W. M. Thackeray. — Printed in The lAterartj Worhl 1879-1880. Commencinj,' in the number for September 12, 1879, and con- tinued weekly until March 19, 1880. 33 Great Novelists : Scott, Thackeray, Dickens, Lytton. By James Crahh Watt. Edinburgh : Macniven an\\ 97-159. 34 Stray Moments with Thackeray : his humour, satire, and characters. Being Selections from his Writ- ings, prefaced with a few Biographical Notes. By William H. Eideing. New York : D. Applcton and Co., 1880, pp. 192. This little book forms one of " Appletnns' New Handy- Volume Series." THE END. BILLING AND SONS, PRINTERS AND ELECTBOTYPEBS, GUILDFORD. Uniform with the Bibliography of Thackeray. hi French cjrey vn-apper^ 5s.; or in cloth Gi^., 2>ost free. CTr 15it)lio(impf)i) of DirKrnsi. A Bibliographical List of the Published Writings in Prose and Verse of CHAKLES DICKENS, from ls:U to 18S0, including his Letters and Speeches. (jPIXIOXS of Tilt: PliESS. " Another of tlie works of refereuce, so invaluable to the student and bookworm. The work bears evitleiice of the careful manner in which it has been compiled, and must be a necessary item in future of all admirers of our greatest modern English humourist." — 2'he Pen. " It will be of especial interest and value to at least three important classes — the ailniiring leadei-s of the great fictionist : the students who are anxious to trace the uufoldings of his genius and the growth of his power ; and the bibliographer proper or collector." — The iScotsmaii. " A most laboriously compiled and minute biblio- graphy." — Bookseller. " Complete and in many respects curious." — Daily yetL's " This little work will be prized by all who admire the genius of Dickens, and desire to be comprehensively acquainted with his books, magazine contributions, speeches and letters." — Literary WorlO. " Singularly exhaustive and lucidly arranged.'' — Illus- trated London iVeics. D 93" THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPEIlJBELCMi. FEB 19 1968 \^ 50m-l,'63(D4743s8)476