THE MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES ENGINES KING ARCHITECTURE. HENRY MOSELET, I. A. F.R.S. , CHAPLAIN IN ORDINARY TO THE QUEEN, CANON OF BRISTOL, VICAR OF OLVESTON ; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF TUG INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, AND FORMERLY PROFESSOB OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ASTRONOMY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. Second American from Second London Edition WITH ADDITIONS BY D. H. M A H A N , LL.D. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. V.MTIJ ri, LUSTRATIONS ON WOOD. NEW YORK : JOHN WILEY & SON, 535 BROADWAY 1 ENTERFO according *o Act of Congress, the students of King's College in the department of engineering and architecture, during the years 1840, 1841, 1842.* In the first part I have treated of those portions of the science of STATICS, which have their application in the theory of machines and the theory of construction. In the second, of the science of DYNAMICS, and, under this head, particularly of that union of a continued pressure with a continued motion which has received from English writers the various names of "dynamical effect," "efficiency," "work done," "labouring force," "work," &c. ; and "moment d'activite"," "quantite d' action," "puissance mecanique," " travail," from French writers. Among the latter this variety of terms has at length given place to the most intelligible and the simplest of them,, * The first 170 pages of the work were printed for the use of my pupils in the- year 1840. Copies of them were about the same time in the possession of several of my friends in the Universities. Vlll PREFACE. " travail." The English word " work " is the obvious trans- lation of " travail," and the use of it appears to be recom- mended by the same considerations. The work of overcoming a pressure of one pound through a space of one foot has, in this country, been taken as the unit, in terms of which any other amount of work is estimated ; and in France, the work of overcoming a pressure of one kilogramme through a space of one metre. M. Dupiii has proposed the application of the term dyname to this unit. I have gladly sheltered myself from the charge of having contributed to increase the vocabulary of scientific words, by assuming the obvious term " unit of work " to represent concisely and conveniently enough the idea which is attached to it. The work of any pressure operating through any space is evidently measured in terms of such units, oy multiplying the number of pounds in the pressure by the number of feet in the space, if the direction of the pressure be continually that in which the space is described. If not, it follows, by a simple geometrical deduction, that it is measured by the product of the number of pounds in the pressure, by the number of feet in the projection of the space described,* upon the direction of the pressure ; that is, by the product of the pressure by its virtual velocity. Thus, then, we conclude at once, by the principle of virtual velocities, that if a machine work under a constant equilibrium of the pressures applied to. it, or if it work uniformly, then is the aggregate work of those pressures which tend to accelerate its motion equal to the aggregate work of those which tend to retard it ; and, by the principle of vis viva, that if the machine do not work under an equilibrium of the forces impressed upon it, then is the aggregate work of those which tend to accelerate the motion of the machine greater or less * If the direction of the pressure renfain always parallel to itself, the space described may be any finite space ; if it do not, the space is understood to be so small, that the direction of the pressure may be supposed to remain parallel to itself whilst that space is described. PREFACE. IX than the aggregate work of those which tend to retard its motion by one half the aggregate of the vires vivce acquired or lost by the moving parts of the system, whilst the work is being done upon it. In no respect have the labours of the illustrious president of the Academy of Sciences more con- tributed to the development of the theory of machines than in the application which he has so successfully made to it of this principle of vis viva.* In the elementary discussion of this principle, which is given by M. Poncelet, in the intro- duction to his Mecanique Industrielle, he has revived the term vis inertia (vis inertias, vis insita, Newton), and, associating with it the definitive idea of a force of resistance opposed to the acceleration or the retardation of a body's motion, he has shown (Arts. 66. and 122.) the work expended in overcoming this resistance through any space, to be measured by one half the vis viva accumulated through the space ; so that throwing into the consideration of the forces under which a machine works, the vires inerticB of its moving elements, and observing that one half of their aggregate vis viva is equal to the aggregate work of their vires inertice, it follows, by the principle of virtual velocities, that the differ- ence between the aggregate work of those forces impressed upon a machine, which tend to accelerate its motion, and the aggregate work of those which tend to retard the motion, is equal to the aggregate work of the vires inerticB of the moving parts of the machine : under which form the prin- ciple of vis viva resolves itself into the principle of virtual velocities. So many difficulties, however, oppose themselves to the introduction of the term vis inertice, associated with the definitive idea of a force, into the discussion of questions of mechanics, and especially of practical and elementary mechanics, that I have thought it desirable to avoid it. It is with this view that I have given a new interpretation to that function of the velocity of a moving body which is known as its vis viva. One half that function I have inter- preted to represent the number of units of work accumulated * See Poncelet, Mecanique Industrielle, troisieme partie. PREFACE. in the body so long as its motion is continued. This number of units of work it is capable of reproducing upon any resist- ance opposed to its motion. A very simple investigation (Art. 66.) establishes the truth of this interpretation, and gives to the principle of vis viva the following more simple enunciation : " The difference between the aggregate work done upon the machine, during any time, by those forces which tend to accelerate the motion, and the aggregate work, during the same time, of those which tend to retard the motion, is equal to the aggregate number of units of work accumulated in the moving parts of the machine during that time if the former aggregate exceed the latter, and lost from them during that time if the former aggregate fall short of the latter." Tims, then, if the aggregate work of the forces which tend to accelerate the motion of a machine exceeds that of the forces which tend to retard it, then is the surplus work (that done upon the driving points, above that expended upon the prejudicial resistances and upon the working points) continually accumulated in the moving elements of the machine, and their motion is thereby continually accelerated. And if the former aggregate be less than the latter, then is the deficiency supplied from the work already accumulated in the moving elements, so that their motion is in this case continually retarded. The moving power divides itself whilst it operates in a machine, first, into that which overcomes the prejudicial resistances of the machine, or those which are opposed by friction and other causes, uselessly absorbing the work in its transmission. Secondly, into that which accelerates the motion of the various moving parts of the machine, and which accumulates in them so long as the work done by the moving power upon it exceeds that expended upon the various resistances opposed to the motion of the machine. Thirdly, into that which overcomes the useful resistances, or those which are opposed to the motion of the machine at the working point, or points, by the useful work which is done by it. PREFACE. XI Between these three elements there obtains in every machine a mathematical relation, which I have called its MODULUS. The general form of this modulus I have discussed in a memoir on the " Theory of Machines " published in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1841. The deter- mination of the particular moduli of those elements of machinery which are most commonly in use, is the subject of the third part of the following work. From a combination of the moduli of any such elements there results at once the modulus of the machine compounded of them." "When a machine has acquired a state of uniform motion, work ceases to accumulate in its moving elements, and its modulus assumes the form of a direct relation between the work done by the motive power upon its driving point and that yielded at its working points. I have determined by a general method' 35 ' the modulus in this case, from that statical relation between the driving and working pressures upon the machine which obtains in the sfate bordering upon its motion, and which may be deduced from the known condi- tions of equilibrium and the established laws of friction. In making this deduction I have, in every case, availed myself of the following principle, first published in my paper on the theory of the arch, read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society in Dec. 1833, and printed in their Transactions of the following year: "In the state bordering upon motion of one body upon the surface of another, the resultant pressure upon their common surface of contact is inclined to the normal, at an angle whose tangent is equal to the coefficient of friction." This angle I have called the limiting angle of resistance. Its values calculated, in respect to a great variety of surfaces of contact, are given in a table at the conclusion of the second part, from the admirable experiments of M. Morin,f into the mechanical details of which precautions have been introduced hitherto unknown to experiments of this class, * Art. 152. See Phil. Trans., 1841, p. 290. f Nouvelles Experiences sur le Frottement, Paris, 1833. Xll PEEFACE. and which have given to our knowledge of the laws of friction a precision and a certainty hitherto unhoped for. Of the various elements of machinery those which rotate about cylindrical axes are of the most frequent occurrence and the most useful application; I have, therefore, in the first place sought to establish the general relation of the state bordering upon motion between the driving and the working pressures upon such a machine, reference being had to the weight of the machine.* This relation points out the existence 'of a particular direction in which the driving pressure should be applied to any such machine, that the amount of work expended upon the friction of the axis may be the least possible. This direction of the driving pressure always presents itself on the same side of the axis with that of the working pressure, and when the latter is vertical it becomes parallel to it ; a principle of the economy of power in machinery which has received its application in the parallel motion of the marine engines known as the Gorgon Engines. I have devoted a considerable space in this portion of my work to the determination of the modulus of a system of toothed wheels ; this determination I have, moreover, extended to bevil wheels, and have included in it, with the influence of the friction of the teeth of the wheels, that of their axes and their weights. An approximate form of this modulus applies to any shape of the teeth under which they may be made to work correctly ; and when in this approxi- mate form of the modulus the terms which represent the influence of the friction of the axis and the weight of the wheel are neglected, it resolves itself into a well known theorem of M. Poncelet, reproduced by M. ISTavier and the Rev. Dr. Whewell.f In respect to wheels having epicy- * In my memoir on the " Theory of Machines " (Phil. Trans. 1841), I have extended this relation to the case in which the number of the pressures and their directions are any whatever. The theorem which expresses it is given in the Appendix of this work. f In the discussion of the friction of the teeth of wheels, the direction of the mutual pressures of the teeth is determined by a method first applied by me to PREFACE. xiij cloidal and involute teeth, the modulus assumes a character of mathematical exactitude and precision, and at once establishes the conclusion (so often disputed) that the loss of power is greater before the teeth pass the line of centres than at corresponding points afterwards ; that the contact should, nevertheless, in all cases take place partly before and partly after the line of centres has been passed. In the case of involute teeth, the proportion in which the arc of contact should thus be divided by the line of centres is determined by a simple formula ; as also are the best dimensions of the base of the involute, with a view to the most perfect economy of power in the working of the wheels. The greater portion of the discussions in the third part of my work I believe to be new to science. In the fourth part I have treated of " the theory of the stability of structures," referring its conditions, so far as they are dependent upon the rotation of the parts of a structure upon one another, to the properties of a certain line which may be conceived to traverse every structure, passing through those points in it where its surfaces of contact are intersected by the resultant pressures upon them. To this line, whose properties I first discussed in a memoir upon " the Stability of a System of Bodies in Contact," printed in the sixth volume of the Carrib. Phil. Trans., I have given the name of the line of resist- ance ; it differs essentially in its properties from a line referred to by preceding writers under the name of the curve of equilibrium or the line of pressure. The distance of the line of resistance from the extrados of a structure, at the point where it most nearly approaches it, I have taken as a measure of the stability of a structure,* and that purpose in a popular treatise, entitled Mechanics applied to the Arts, published in 1834. * This idea was suggested to me by a rule for the stability of revetement walls attributed to Vauban, to the effect, that the resultant pressure should intersect the base of such a wall at a point whose distance from its extrados is iths the distance between the extrados at the base and the vertical through the centre of gravity. X1T PREFACE. have called it the modulus of stability; conceiving thia measure of the stability to be of more obvious and easier application than the coefficient of stability used by the French writers. That structure in respect to every independent element of which the modulus of stability is the same, is evidently the structure of the greatest stability having a given quantity of material employed in its construction ; or of the greatest economy of material having a given stability. The application of these principles of construction to the theory of piers, walls supported by counterforts and shores, buttresses, walls supporting the thrust of roofs, and the weights of the floors of dwellings, and Gothic structures, has suggested to me a class of problems never, I believe, before treated mathematically. I have applied the well known principle of Coulomb to the determination of the pressure of earth upon revetement walls, and a modification of that principle, suggested by M. Poncelet, to the determination of the resistance opposed to the overthrow of a wall backed by earth. This determina- tion has an obvious application to the theory of foundations. In the application of the principle of Coulomb I have availed myself, with great advantage, of the properties of the limiting angle of resistance. All my results have thus received a new and a simplified form. The theory of the arch I have discussed upon principles first laid down in my memoir on " the Theory of the Stability of a System of Bodies in Contact," before referred to, and subsequently in a memoir printed in the "Treatise on Bridges" by Professor Hosking and Mr. Hann.* They differ essentially from those on which the theory of Coulomb is founded ;f when, nevertheless, applied to the case treated * I have made extensive use of the memoir above referred to in the following work, by the obliging permission of the publisher, Mr. Weale. f The theory of Coulomb was unknown to me at the time of the publication of my memoirs printed in the Camb. Phil. Trans. For a comparison of the two methods see Mr. Hann's treatise. PKEFACE. XT by the French mathematicians, they lead, to identical results, I have inserted at the conclusion of my work the tables of the thrust of circular arches, calculated by M. Garidel from formulae founded on the theory of Coulomb. The fifth part of the work treats of the "strength of materials," and applies a new method to the determination of the deflexion of a beam under given pressures. In the case of a beam loaded uniformly over its whole length, and supported at four different points, I have deter^ mined the several pressures upon the points of support by a method applied by M. Navier to a similar determination in respect to a beam loaded at given points.* In treating of rupture by elongation I have been led to a discussion of the theory of the suspension bridge. This question, so complicated when reference is had to the weight of the roadway and the weights of the suspending rods, and : when the suspending chains are assumed to tte of uniform thickness, becomes comparatively easy when the section of the chain is assumed so to vary its dimensions as to be every where of the same strength. A suspension bridge thus constructed is obviously that which, being of a given strength, can be constructed with the least quantity of materials ; or, which is of the greatest strength having a given quantity of materials used in its construction.! The theory of rupture by transverse strain has suggested a new class of problems, having reference to the forms of girders having wide flanges connected by slender ribs or by open frame work : the consideration of their strongest forms leads to results of practical importance. In discussing the conditions of the strength of breast- summers, my attention has been directed to the best positions of the columns destined to support them, and to a comparison * As in fig. p. 487. of the following work. f That particular case of this problem, in which the weights of the suspending rods are neglected, has been treated by Mr. Hodgkinson in the fourth vol. of Manchester Transactions, with his usual ability. He has not, however, suc- ceeded in effecting its complete solution. XVI PREFACE. of the strength of a beam carrying a uniform load and sup- ported freely at its extremities, with that of a beam similarly loaded but having its extremities firmly imbedded in masonry. In treating of the strength of columns I have gladly replaced the mathematical speculations upon this subject, which are so obviously founded upon false data, by the invaluable experimental results of Mr. E. Hodgkinson, detailed in his well known paper in the Philosophical Transactions for 1840. The sixth and last part of my work treats on " impact ;" and the Appendix includes, together with tables of the mechanical properties of the materials of construction, the angles of rupture and the thrusts of arches, and complete elliptic functions, a demonstration of the admirable theorem of M. Poncelet for determining an approximate value of the square root of the sum or difference of two squares. In respect to the following articles of my work I have tc acknowledge my obligations to the work of M. Poncelet, entitled Mecanique Industrielle. The mode of demonstration is in some, perhaps, so far varied as that their origin might with difficulty be traced ; the principle, however, of each demonstration all that constitutes its novelty or its value belongs to that distinguished author. 30,* 38, 40, 45, 46, 47, 52, 58, 62, 75, 108,f 123, 202, 267,t 268, 269, 270, 349, 354, 365. * The enunciation only of this theorem is given in the Mec. Ind., 2me partie, Art. 38. f Some important elements of the demonstration of this theorem are taken from the Mec. Ind., Art. 79. 2me partie. The principle of the demonstration is not, however, the same as in that work. \ In this and the three following articles I have developed the theory of the 9y-wheel, under a different form from that adopted by M. Poncelet (Mec. Ind., Art. 56. 3me partie). The principle of the whole calculation is, however, taken from his work. It probably constitutes one of the most valuable of hia contributions to practical science. The idea of determining the work necessary to produce a given deflection of a beam from that expended the compression and the elongation of its com- ponent fibres was suggested by an observation in the Mec. Ind., Art. 75. 3me partie. CONTENTS. STATICS. 1*1 The Parallelogram of Pressures ........ g The Principle of the Equality of Moments ...... 6 The Polygon of Pressures ......... 10 The Parallelopipedon of Pressures ... ..... 14 Of Parallel Pressures .......... 16 The Centre of Gravity .......... 20 The Properties of Guldinus ......... 3$ PART II. DYNAMICS. Motion .............. 47 Velocity ............. 48 WORK ............. 48 Work of Pressures applied in different Directions to a Body moveable about a fixed Axis .......... 57 Accumulation of Work .......... 58 Angular Velocity ........... 65 The Moment of Inertia .......... 70 THE ACCELERATION OF MOTION BY GIVEN MOVING FORCES . . .79 The Descent of a Body upon a Curve ....... 83 The Simple Pendulum .......... 85 Impulsive Force ........... 86 The Parallelogram of Motion ......... 86 The Polygon of Motion .......... 88 The Principle of D'Alembert ......... 89 Motion of Translation .......... 90 Motion of Rotation about a fixed Axis ....... 91 The Centre of Percussion ....... . .96 The Centre of Oscillation .......... 96 Projectiles ............ 99 Centrifugal Force ........... 106 ft XV111 CONTENTS. Page The Principle of virtual Velocities 112 The Principle of Vis Viva 115 Dynamical Stability * 121 FRICTION 124 Summary of the Laws of Friction 130 The limiting Angle of Resistance 131 The Cone of Resistance 133 The two States bordering upon Motion 133 THE RIGIDITY OF CORDS . . . . 142 PART III. THE THEORY OP MACHINES. The Transmission of Work by Machines . 146 The Modulus of a Machine moving with a uniform or periodical Motion . 148 The Modulus of a Machine moving with an accelerated or a retarded Motion 150 The Velocity of a Machine moving with a variable Motion . . . 151 To determine the Co-efficients of the Modulus of a Machine . . .153 General Condition of the State bordering upon Motion in a Body acted upon by Pressures in the same Plane, and moveable about a cylindrical Axis 154 The Wheel and Axle 155 The Pulley 160 System of one fixed and one moveable Pulley . . . . . .161 A System of one fixed and any Number of moveable Pulleys . . .163 A Tackle of any Number of Sheaves 166 The Modulus of a compound Machine 169 The Capstan 194 The Chinese Capstan 199 The Horse Capstan, or the Whim Gin 202 The Friction of Cords 207 The Friction Break 213 The Band 215 The modulus of the Band 217 The Teeth of Wheels 227 Involute Teeth 234 Epicycloidal and Hypocycloidal Teeth 236 To set out the Teeth of Wheels 239 A Train of Wheels 241 The Strength of Teeth 243 To describe Epicycloidal Teeth 245 To describe involute Teeth 251 The Teeth of a Rack and Pinion . . 253 CONTENTS. XLX r Page The Teefh of a Wheel working with a Lantern or Trundle . . . 25 r < The driving and working Pressures on Spur Wheels 259 The Modulus of a System of two Spur Wheels . . . . . . 268 The Modulus of a Rack and Pinion 282 Conical or Bevil Wheels 284 The Modulus of a System of two Bevil Wheels 288 The Modulus of a Train of Wheels 301 The Train of least Resistance 310 The Inclined Plane 312 The Wedge driven by Pressure . 321 The Wedge driven by Impact 823 The mean Pressure of Impact 325 The Screw 326 Applications of the Screw 329 The Differential Screw 331 Hunter's Screw 332 The Theory of the Screw with a Square Thread in reference to the vari- able Inclination of the Thread at different Distances from the Axis . 333 The Beam of the Steam Engine 337 The Crank 341 The Dead Points in the Crank 845 The Double Crank 346 The Crank Guide 351 The Fly-wheel 353 The Friction of the Fly-wheel 362 The Modulus of the Crank and Fly-wheel 363 The Governor . 364 The Carriage-wheel 368 On the State of the accelerated or retarded Motion of a Machine . .373 PART IV. THE THEORY OF THE STABILITY OF STRUCTURES. General Conditions of the Stability of a Structure of Uncemented Stones 87 7 The Line of Resistance . 371 The Line of Pressure 37;) The Stability of a Solid Body 38 > The Stability of a Structure 381 The Wall or Pier . . . 382 The Line of Resistance in a Pier 383 The Stability of a Wall supported by Shores 387 The Gothic Buttress 396 The Stability of Walls sustaining Roofs ....... 397 The Plate Band 402 The sloping Buttress 40J XX CONTENTS. Page The Stability of a Wall sustaining the Pressure of a Fluid . . .408 Earth Works 412 Revetement Walls 416 The Arch 429 The Angle of Rupture 437 The Line of Resistance in a circular arch whose Voussoirs are equal, and whose Load is distributed over different Points of its Extrados . . 440 A segmental Arch whose Extrados is horizontal 441 A Gothic Arch, the Extrados of each Semi- Arch being a straight Line inclined at any given Angle to the Horizon, and the Material of the Loading different from that of the Arch 442 A circular Arch having equal Voussoirs and sustaining the Pressure of Water 444 The Equilibrium of an Arch, the Contact of whose Voussoirs is geometri- cally accurate 446 Applications of the Theory of the Arch 448 Tables of the Thrust of Arches .... .454 PART V. THE STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. Elasticity 458 Elongation $ 459 The Moduli of Resilience and Fragility 452 Deflection . 467 The Deflexion of Beams loaded uniformly .... .481 The Deflexion of Breast Summers . 486 Rupture 502 Tenacity 502 The Suspension Bridge 505 The Catenary 50g The Suspension Bridge of greatest Strength 510 - Rupture by Compression . . . * 618 The Section of Rupture in a Beam ..... 520 General Conditions of the Rupture of a Beam 521 The Beam of greatest Strength t 527 The Strength of Breast Summers < 540 The best Positions of their Points of Support .... 542 Formulas representing the absolute Strength of a Cylindrical Column to sustain a Pressure in the Direction of its Length 545 Torsion CONTENTS. XXI PART VI. IMPACT. Page The Impact of two Bodies whose centres of Gravity move in the same right Line 553 Greatest Compression of the Surface of the Bodies ... . 555 Velocity of two elastic Bodies after Impact ... . 556 The Pile Driver 534 ADDITIONS BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR .... .671 APPENDIX. Note A 631 Note B. Poncelet's Theorems 632 Note C. On the Rolling of Ships 637 Note D 653 Note E. On the Rolling Motion of a Cylinder 655 Note F. On the Descent upon an Inclined Plane of a Body subject to Variations of Temperature, and on the Motion of Glaciers . . . 675 Note G. The best Dimensions of a Buttress 683 Note H. Dimensions of the Teeth of Wheels 684 Note I. Experiments of M. Morin on the Traction of Carriages . . 685 N"ote K. On the Strength of Columns , 686 Table I. The Numerical Values of complete Elliptic Functions of the first and second Orders for Values of the Modulus Jc corresponding to each Degree of the Angle $in- l k 687 Table II. Showing the Angle of Rupture * of an Arch whose Loading is of the same Material with its Voussoirs, and whose Extrados is inclined at a given Angle to the Horizon 688 Table III. Showing the Horizontal Thrust of an Arch, the Radius of whose Intrados is Unity, and the Weight of each Cubic Foot of its Material and that of its Loading, Unity 691 Table IV. Mechanical Properties of the Materials of Construction . . 694 Table V. Useful Numbers . 698 THE MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES or CIVIL ENGINEERING. PA.RT I. STATICS, 1. FORCE is that which, tends to cause or to destroy motion, or which actually causes or destroys- it. The direction of a force is that straight line in which it tends to cause motion in the point to which it is applied, or in which it tends to destroy the motion in it.* When more forces than one are applied to a body, and their respective tendencies to communicate motion to it counteract one another, so that the body remains at rest, these forces are said to be in EQUILIBRIUM, and are called PRESSURES. It is found by experiment f that the effect of a pressure, when applied to a solid body, is the same at whatever point in the line of its direction it is applied ; so that the condi- tions of the equilibrium of that pressure, in respect to other pressures applied to the same body, are not altered, if, with out altering the direction of the pressure, we remove its. point of application, provided only the point to which we remove it be in the straight line in the direction of which it acts. The science of STATICS is that which treats of the equili- brium of pressures. When two pressures only are applied to * Note (a) Ed. Appendix. f Note (6) Ed. Appendix. THE UNIT OF PKESSURE. a body, and hold it at rest, it is found by experiment that these pressures act in opposite directions, and have their directions always in the same straight line. Two such pres- sures are said to be equal. If, instead of applying two pressures which are thus equal in opposite directions, we apply them both in the same direction, the single pressure which must be applied in a direction opposite to the two to sustain them, is said to be double of either of them. If we take a third pressure, equal to either of the two first, and apply the three in the same direction, the single pressure, which must be applied in a direction opposite to the three to sustain them, is said to be triple of either of them : and so of any number of pressures. Thus, fixing upon any one pressure, and ascertaining how many pressures equal to this are necessary, when applied in an opposite direction, to sustain any other greater pressure, we arrive at a true conception of the amount of that greater pressure in terms of the first. That single pressure, in terma of which the amount of any other greater pressure is thus ascertained, is called an UNIT of pressure. Pressures, the amount of which are determined in terms of some known unit of pressure, are said to be measured. Different pressures, the amounts of which can be deter- mined in terms of the same unit, are said to be commensur- able. The units of pressure which it is found most convenient to use, are the weights of certain portions of matter, or the pressures with which they tend towards the centre of the earth. The units of pressure are different in different coun- tries. With us, the unit of pressure from which all the rest are derived is the weight of 22-S15* cubic inches of distilled water. This w r eiglit is one pound troy ; being divided into 5760 equal parts, the weight of each is a grain troy, and TOGO such grains constitute the pound avoirdupois. If straight lines be taken in the directions of any number of pressures, and have their lengths proportional to the numbers of units in those pressures respectively, then these lines having to one another the same proportion in length that the pressures have in magnitude, and being moreover draw^n in the directions in which those pressures respectively act, are said to represent them in magnitude and direction. * This standard was fixed by Act of Parliament, in 1824. The temperature of the water is supposed to be 62 Fahrenheit, the weight to be taken in air, and the barometer to stand at 30 inches. THE PARALLELOGRAM OF PRESSURES. 3 A system of pressures being in equilibrium, let any num- ber of them be imagined to be taken away and replaced by a single pressure, and let this single pressure be such that the equilibrium which before existed may remain, then this single pressure, producing the same effect in respect to the equilibrium that the pressures which it replaces produced, is said to be the RESULTANT. The pressures which it replaces are said to be the COMPO- NENTS of this single pressure ; and the act of replacing them by such a single pressure, is called the COMPOSITION of pressures. If, a single pressure being removed from a system in equi- librium, it be replaced by any number of other pressures, such, that whatever effect was produced by that which they replace singly, the same effect (in respect to the conditions of the equilibrium) may be produced by those pressures con- jointly, then is that single pressure said to have been RE- SOLVED into these, and the act of making this substitution of two or more pressures for one, is called the RESOLUTION of pressures. THE PARALLELOGRAM OF PRESSURES. 2. The resultant of any two pressures applied to a point, is represented in direction by the diagonal of a paral- lelogram, whose adjacent sides represent those pressures in magnitude and direction* (Duchayla's Method.f) To the demonstration of this* proposition, after the excel- lent method of Duchayla, it is necessary in the first place to show, that if there be any two pressures P 2 and P 3 whose directions are in the same straight line, and a third pressure P x in any other direction, and if the proposition be true in respect to Pj and P 2 , and also in respect to P 1 and P 3 , then it will be true in respect to Pj and P 2 -f-P 3 Let P 15 P 2 , and P 3 , form part of any system of pressures in ? ? equilibrium, and let them be applied to the point ^;*C % ;Tr\ A; take AB and AC to represent, in magnitude \ x \;V^v, and direction, the pressures Y l and P Q , and CD >-."* fo Q p ressTire P 3? an d complete the parallelograms CB and DF. Suppose the proposition to be true with regard * This proposition constitutes the foundation of the entire science of Statics. f Note (c) Ed. App. 4: THE PAKALLELOGRAM to P, and P 2 , tlie resultant of 'P l and P 2 will then be in the direction of the diagonal AF of the parallelogram BO, whose adjacent sides AC and AB represent P, and P 2 in magnitude and direction. Let P, and P ? be replaced by this resultant. It matters not to the equilibrium where in the line AF it is applied ; let it then be applied at F. But thus applied at F it may, without affecting the conditions of the equilibrium, be in its turn replaced by (or resolved into) two other pressures acting in OF and BF, and these will manifestly be equal to P, and P 2 , of which P, may be transferred without altering the conditions to 0, and P 2 to E. Let this be done, and let P 3 be transferred from A to C, we shall then have Pj and !P 3 acting in the directions CF and CD at C and P 2 , in the direction FE at E, and the conditions of the equilibrium will not have been affected by the transfer of them to these points. .Now suppose that the proposition is also true in respect to P x and P 3 as well as P x and P 2 . Then since CF and CD represent t t l and P 3 in magnitude and direction, therefore their resultant is in the direction of the diagonal CE. Let them be replaced by this resultant, and let it be transferred to E, and let it then be resolved into two other pressures acting in the directions DE and FE ; these will evidently be P a and P 8 . We have now then transferred all the three pressures P 1? P 2 , P 3 , from A to E, an.d they act at E in directions parallel to the directions in which they acted at A, and this has been done without affecting the conditions of the equilibrium ; or, in other words, it has been shown that the pressures P 1? P 2 , P 3 , produce the same effect as it re- spects the conditions of the equilibrium, whether they be applied at A or E. The residtant of P 1? T 2 , P 3 , must there- fore produce the same effect as it regards the conditions of the equilibrium, whether it be applied at A or E. But in order that this resultant may thus produce the same effect when acting at A or E, it must act in the straight line AE, because a pressure produces the same effect when applied at two different points only when both those points are in the line of its direction. On the supposition made, therefore, the resultant of P,, P 2 , and P 3 , or of P, and P 2 + P 3 acts in the direction of the diagonal AE of the parallel- ogram BD, whose adjacent sides AD and AB represent P a + P 3 and P> in magnitude and direction ; and it has been shown, that if the proposition be true in respect to P t and P 2 , and also in respect to P, and P 3 , then it is true in respect to Pj and P a + P 3 . Now this being the case for all values f P P a , P 35 it is the case when P 1? P 2 , and P 8 , are equal OF PRESSURES* 5 to one another. But if P x be equal to P a their resultant will manifestly have its direction as much towards one of these pressures as the other ; that is, it will have its direc- tion midway between them, and it will bisect the angle BAG : but the diagonal AF in. this case also bisects the angle BAG, since P, being equal to P 2 , AC is equal to AB ; so that in this particular case the direction of the resultant is the direction of the diagonal, and the proposition is true, and similarly it is true of P t and P 3 , since these pressures are equal. Since then it is true of P l and P 2 when they are equal, and also of P x and P 3 , therefore it is true in this case of P, and P 2 + P s , that is of P 1 and 2 P r And since it is true of Pj and P 2 , and also of P 1 and 2 P n therefore it is true of _P 1 and P 2 + 2 P 15 that is of P, and 3 P, ; and so of P, and m P 15 if m be any w^hole number ; and similarly since it is true of m P x and P 1? therefore it is true of m P a and 2 P,, &c., and of m P t and n P 1 where n is any whole number. There- fore the proposition is true of any two pressures raP x and n P 1 which are commensurable. It is moreover true when the pressures are in- j,^.........^ cot)imensura ii e ^ y or i e t AC anc i AB represent |:;V:~\y/r:-::i? anv two such pressures P! and P 2 in magnitude and direction, and complete the parallelogram ABDC, then will the direction of the resultant of P, and P 2 be in AD ; for if not, let its direction be AE, and draw EG parallel to CD. Divide AB into equal parts, each less than GO, and set oif on AC parts equal to those from A towards C. One of the divisions of these will manifestly fall in GC. Let it be H, and complete the parallelogram AHFB. Then the pressure P 2 being conceived to be divided into as many equal units of pressure as there are equal parts in the line AB, AH may be taken to represent a pressure P 3 containing as many ot these units of pressure as there are equal parts in AH, and these pressures P 2 and P 3 will be commensurable, being measured in terms of the same unit. Their resultant is therefore in the direction AF, and this resultant of P 3 and P 2 has its direction nearer to AC than the resultant AE of P, and P 2 has ; which is absurd, since P a is greater than P 3 . Therefore AE is not in the direction of the resultant ot P and P a ; and in the same manner it may be shown that no other than AD is in that direction. Therefore, &c. THE PRINCIPLES OF THE 3. The resultant of two pressures applied in any directions to a point, is represented in magnitude as well as in direc- twnoy the diagonal of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides represent those pressures in magnitude and in direc- tion. Let BA and CA represent, in magnitude and %., direction, any two pressures applied to the point " A. Complete the parallelogram BC. Then by the last proposition AD will represent the result- ant of these pressures in direction. It will also represent it in magnitude ; for, produce DA to G, and con- ceive a pressure to be applied in GA equal to the resultant of BA and CA, and opposite to it, and let this pressure be represented in magnitude by the line GA. Then will the pressures represented by the lines BA, CA, and GA, mani- festly be pressures in equilibrium. Complete the parallelo- gram BG r then is the resultant of GA and BA in the direction FA; also since GA and BA are in equilibrium w T ith CA, therefore this resultant is in equilibrium, with CA, but when two pressures are in equilibrium, their directions are in the same straight line ; therefore FAC is a straight line. But AC is parallel to BD, therefore FA is parallel to BD, and FB is, by construction, parallel to GD, therefore AFBD is a parallelogram, and AD is equal to FB and therefore to AG. But AG represents the resultant of CA and BA in magnitude, AD therefore represents it in magni- tude. Therefore, &c* THE PRINCIPLE OF THE EQUALITY OF MOMENTS. 4. DEFINITION. If any number of pressures act in the same plane, and any point be taken in that plane, and per- pendiculars be drawn from it upon the directions of all these pressures, produced if necessary, and if the number of units in each pressure be then multiplied by the number of units in the corresponding perpendicular, then this product is called the moment of that pressure about the point from which the perpendiculars are drawn, and these moments are said to be measured from that point. * Note (d) Ed. App. EQUALITY OF MOMENTS. 5. If three pressures be in equilibrium, and their moments ~be taken about any point in the plane in which they act, then the sum of the moments of those two pressures which tend to turn the plane in one direction about the point from which the moments are measured, is equal to the moment of that pressure which tends to turn it in the opposite direction. . ..... *,c P 15 P a , P 3 , acting in the directions P A. P A p 3 0, be any three pressures in ~D,....-^>|--iB equilibrium. Take any point A in the plane '*-"' in which they act, and measure their moments from A, then will the sum of the moments of P 2 and P 8 , which tend to turn the plane in one direction about A, equal the moment of P 1? which tends to turn it in the opposite direction. Through A draw DAB parallel to OP 15 and produce OP, to meet it in D. Take OD to represent P 3 , and take DB such a length that OD may have the same proportion to DB that P 2 has to P,. Complete the parallelogram ODBC, then will OD and OC represent P 2 and P 1 in magnitude and direction. Therefore OB will represent P 3 in magnitude and direction. Draw AM, AN, AL, perpendiculars on OC, OD, OB, and join AO, AC. Now the triangle OBC is equal to the triangle OAC, since these triangles are upon the same base and between the same parallels. Also, A ODA+ AOAB = AOBD = AOBC, .-.A PDA -f AO AB= A OAC, AN + P 3 x AL=Px AM. Now Pj x AM, P 2 x AN, P 3 x AL, are the moments of P,, P 2 , P 3 , about A (Art. 4.) ..m t P 9 + m t P > = m t P 1 ...... (1). Therefore, &c. &c. 6. If E be the resultant of P 2 and P^then since E is equal to P 1 and acts in the same straight line, rr^E = mtPj, The sum of the moments therefore, about any point, of two pressures, P a and P 3 in the same plane, which tend to O THE PRINCIPLE OF THE turn it in the same direction about that point, is equal to the moment of their resultant about that point. If they had tended to turn it in opposite directions, then the difference of their moments would have equalled the moment of their resultant. For let R be the resultant of P t and P 3 , which tend to turn the plane in opposite direc- tions about A, &c. Then is R equal to P 2 , and in the same straight line with it, therefore moment R is equal to moment P 2 . But by equation (1) m. t P 1 m'P,, = m^ ; .-.mT, m t P 3 = m t R. Generally, therefore, m* P, 4- m* P 2 = m 1 R (2), the moment, therefore, of the resultant of any two pressures in the same plane is equal to the sum or difference of the moments of its components, according as they act to turn the plane in the same direction about the point from which the moments are measured, or in opposite directions.* 7. If any number of pressures in the same plane be in equi- librium* and any point be taken, in that plane, from which their moments are measured, then the sum of the moments of those pressures which tend to turn the plane in one direction about that point is equal to the sum of the moments of those which tend to turn it in the opposite direction. Let P 15 P a , P 3 P, be any number of pressures in the same plane which are in equi- librium, and A any point in the plane from which their moments are measured, then will the .sum of the moments of those pressures which tend to turn the plane in one direction about A equal the sum of the moments of those which tend to turn it in the opposite direction. Let R, be the resultant of P 1 and P 2 , R 2 R, and P 3 , R 3 R a and P 4 , &c &c. Therefore, by the last proposition, it being understood that the moments of those of the pressures r 1? P 2 , which ) to the left of A * Note (c) Ed. App. tend to turn the plane to the left of A, are to be taken nega- tively, we have EQUALITY OF MOMENTS. m* K, = m 4 P t + m* P 2 . m* E 2 = m* E! + m* P,, m 4 E 3 = m* K 2 + m' P 4 , &c. = &c. &c. m* E n _ = m* Adding these equations together, and striking out the terms common to both sides, we have m* P, + in* P 2 4- m 1 P 3 -f ..... .+ m* P n (3), where Rn_i is the resultant of all the pressures P 1? But these pressures are in equilibrium ; they have, there- fore, no resultant. .-.Kn-i = .-. m'En-! = 0, .-.m 4 P, + m* P 2 + m 1 P 3 , + ..... m* P n = . . . . (4). Now, in this equation the moments of those pressures which tend to turn the system to the left hand are to be taken negatively. Moreover, the sum of the negative terms must equal the sum of the positive terms, otherwise the whole sum could not equal zero. It follows, therefore, that the sum of the moments of those pressures which tend to turn the system to the right must equal the sum of the moments of those which tend to turn it to the left. Therefore, &c. &c. 8. If any number of pressures acting in the same plane fie in equilibrium, and they be imagined to be moved parallel^ to their existing directions, and all applied to the samepoint^ so as all to act upon that point ^n directions parallel to those in which they before acted upon different points, then will they he in equilibrium about that point. For (see the preceding figure) the pressure E, at whatever point in its direction it be conceived to be applied, may be resolved at that point into two pressures parallel and equal to Pj and P 2 : similarly, E 2 may be resolved, at any point in its direction, into two pressures parallel and equal to Ej and P 3 , of which E x may be resolved into two, parallel and equal to P, and P 2 , so that E 2 may be resolved at any point of its direction into three pressures parallel and equal to P n P 2 , P 8 : and, in like manner, E 3 may be resolved into two pressures parallel and equal to E 2 and P 4 , and therefore into four pres- sures parallel and equal to P 1? P 2 , P 3 , P 4 , and so of the rest. 10 THE POLYGON Therefore K_i may, at any point of its direction be resolved into n pressures parallel and equal to P n P 2 , P 3 , P n ; if, therefore, n such pressures were applied to that point, they would just be held in equilibrium by a pressure equal and opposite to R n _ i. But R_i = 0; these n pressures would, therefore, be in equilibrium with one another if applied to this point. Now it is evident, that if, being thus applied to this point, they would be in equilibrium, they would be in equilibrium if similarly applied to any other point. Therefore, &c. THE POLYGON OF PRESSURES. 9. The conditwns of the equilibrium of any number of pres- sures applied to a point. Let OP 15 OP 2 , OP 3 , &c., represent in mag- nitude and direction pressures P x , P 2 , &c., applied to the same point O. Complete the parallelogram OPj AP 2 , and draw its diago- nal OA ; then will OA represent in magni- tude and direction the resultant of Pj and P 2 . Complete the parallelogram OABP 3 , then will OB represent in magnitude and direction the resultant of OA and P 3 ; but OA is the resultant of P x and P 2 , therefore OB is the resultant of P 1? P 2 , P 3 ; similarly, if the parallelogram OBCP 4 be completed, its diagonal OC represents the result- ant of OB and P 4 , that is, of P,, P 2 , P 3 , P 4 , and in like manner OD, the diagonal of the parallelogram OCDP 5 , represents the resultant of P,, P 2 , P 3 , P 4 , P B . ISTow let it be observed, that AP X is equal and parallel to OP 2 , AB to OP 3 , BO to OP 4 , CD to OP., so that P,A, AB, BC, CD, represent P 2 , P 3 , P 4 , P 6 , respectively in magnitude, and are parallel to their directions. Moreover, OP X is in the direction of Pj and represents it in magnitude, so that the sides OP,, P,A, AB, BC, CD, of the polygon OP 1? ABCDO represent the pressures P a , P 2 , P 8 , P 4 , P 5 , respectively in magnitude, and are parallel to their directions ; whilst the side OD, which completes that polygon, represents the resultant of those pressures in magnitude and direction. If, therefore, the pressures P P 2 , P 8 , P 4 , P 5 , be in equili- brium, so that they have no resultant, then the side OD of the polygon must vanish, and the point D coincide with O. Thus, then, if any number of pressures be applied to a point OF PRESSURES. H and lines be drawn parallel to the directions of those pres- sures, and representing them in magnitude, so as to form sides of a polygon (care being taken to draw each line from the point where it unites with the preceding, towards the direction in which the corresponding pressure acts), then the line thus drawn parallel to the last pressure, and representing it in magnitude, will pass through the point from which the polygon commenced, and will just complete it if the pres- sures be in equilibrium ; and if they be not in equilibrium, then this last line will not complete the polygon, and if a line be drawn completing it, that line will represent the resultant of all the pressures in magnitude and direction. This principle is that of the POLYGON OF PRESSURES ; it obtains in respect to pressures applied to the same point, whether they be in the same plane or not. 10. If any number of pressures in the same plane "be in equi- librium, and each be resolved in directions parallel to any two rectangular axes, then the sum of all those resolved pressures, whose tendency is to communicate motion in one direction along either axis, is equal to the sum of those whose tendency is in the opposite direction. Let the polygon of pressures be formed in respect to any number of pressures, P n P Q , P 3 , P 4 , in the same plane and in equilibrium (Arts. 8, 9), and let the sides of ^" s Ptyg n be projected on any straight line Ax in the same plane. ]STow it is evident, that the sum of the projections of those sides & of the polygon which form that side of the figure which is nearest to Ax, is equal to the sum of the pro- jections of those sides which form the opposite side of the polygon : moreover, that the former are those sides of the polygon which represent pressures tending to communicate motion from A towards x, or from left to right in respect to the line Ax ; and the latter, those which tend to communi- cate motion in the opposite direction. Now each projection is equal to the corresponding side of the polygon, multiplied by the cosine of its inclination to Ax. The sum of all those sides of the polygon which represent pressures tending to communicate motion from A towards x, multiplied each by the cosine of its inclination to Ax, is equal, therefore, to the sum of all the sides representing pressures whose tendency is in the opposite direction, each being similarly multiplied by the cosine of its inclination to Ax. Now the sides of the 12 THE RESOLUTION polygon represent the pressures in magnitude, and are inclined at the same angles to Ax. Therefore, each pressure being multiplied by the cosine of its inclination to Aa?, the sum of all these products, in respect to those which tend to communicate motion in one direction, equals the sum simi- larly taken in respect to those which tend to communicate motion in the opposite direction ; or, if in taking this sum it be understood that each term into which there enters a pres- sure, whose tendency is from A towards a?, is to be taken positively, whilst each into which there enters a pressure which tends from x towards A is to be taken negatively, then the sum of all these terms will equal zero ; that is, calling the inclinations of the directions of P 15 P 2 , P 3 . . . P 4 to Aa?, 1? 2 , 3 . . . . a n respectively, P, cos. > -f P 2 cos. 2 + P 3 cos. 3 + + P n cos. a n =0 ... (5), in which expression all those terms are to be taken nega- tively which include pressures, whose tendency is from x towards A. This proposition being true in respect to any axis, Aa? is true in respect to another axis, to which the inclinations of the directions of the pressures are represented by /3 15 j3 2 , /3 3 , P n , so that, P, cos. ft + P 2 cos. ft + . . . . + P^cos. p n =0. Let this second axis be at right angles to the first : then ft = a x /. cos. ft = sin. o 1? j3 a = 2 , .% cos. ft = sin. a a , &c. = &c. /. P, sin. a x + P 2 sin. 2 + ....+ P w sin. a n = . . . . (6) ; those terms in this equation, involving pressures which tend to communicate motion in one direction, in respect to the axis Ay being taken with the positive sign, and those which tend in the opposite direction with the negative sign. If the pressures P 15 P 2 , &c. be each of them resolved into two others, one of which is parallel to the axis Aa?, and the other to the axis Ay, it is evident that the pressures thus resolved parallel to Aa?, will be represented by P, cos. a l5 P 2 cos. a,, &c., and those resolved parallel to Ay, by P! sin. a, P 2 sin. a a , &c. Thus then it follows, that if any system of pressures in equilibrium be thus resolved parallel to two rectangular axes, the sum of those resolved pressures, whose tendency is in one direction along either OF PRESSURES. 13 axis, is equal to the sum of those whose tendency is in the opposite direction.* This condition, and that pf the equality of moments, are necessary to the equilibrium of any number of pressures in the same plane, and they are together sufficient to that equi- librium. 11. To determine the resultant of any number of pressures in the same plane. If the pressures Pj P a .... P w be not in equilibrium, and have a resultant, then one side is wanting to complete the polygon of pressures, and that side represents the res- ultant of all the pressures in magnitude, and is parallel to its direction (Art. 9). Moreover it is evident, that in this case the sum of the pro- jections on Ax (Art. 10) of those lines which form one side of the polygon, will be deficient of the sum of those of the lines which form the other side of the polygon, by the projection of this last deficient side ; and therefore, that the sum of the resolved pressures acting in one direction along the line A#, will be less than the sum of the resolved pres- sures in the opposite direction, by the resolved part of the resultant along this line. Now if R represent this resultant, and 6 its inclination to AOJ, then R cos. is the resolved part of R in the direction of A.X. Therefore the signs of the terms being understood as before, we have R cos. 0=P a cos. OJ + PS cos. +.... +P w cos. an . . (7). And reasoning similarly in respect to the axis Ay, we have R sin. 0=P 1 sin. a. + P, sin. a 2 + .... +P n sin. a n . . . (8). Squaring these equations and adding them, and observing that R 2 sin. 2 0-f R 2 cos. 2 R a (sin. 2 0+cos. a 0) =R 2 , we have R 2 =(2P sin. ) 2 + (2P cos. a) 2 ........ (9), where 2P sin. a is taken to represent the sum P, sin. ^ -r P 2 sin. a a + P 3 sin. a s + &c., and 2p cos. a to represent the sum P x cos. o^+P,, cos. 2 + P 3 cos. a 3 + &c. Dividing equation (8) by equation (7), r, 2P sin. a / im tan. 0=-_ - ....... (10). SP cos. a Thus then by equation (9) the magnitude of the resultant Note(/)Ed. App. 14: TIIE PARALLELOPIPEDON K is known, and by equation (10) its inclination 6 to the axis Ax is known. In order completely to determine it, we have yet to find the perpendicular distance at which it acts from the given point A. For this w r e must have recourse to the condition of the equality of moments (Art. Y). If the sum of the moments of those of the pressures, P 1? P a . . . . P, , which tend to turn the system in one direc- tion about A, do not equal the sum of the moments of those which tend to turn it the other way, then a pressure being applied to the system, equal and opposite to the resultant R, will bring about the equality of these two sums, so that the moment of R must be equal to the difference of these sums. Let then p equal the perpendicular distance of the direction of E from A. Therefore a-f .... +m t P w . . . (11), in the second member of which equation the moments of those pressures are to be taken negatively, which tend to communicate motion round A towards the left. Dividing both sides by E- we have Thus then by equations (9), (10), (12), the magnitude of the resultant R, its inclination to the given axis Aa?, and the perpendicular distance of its direction from the point A, are known; and thus the resultant pressure is completely deter- mined in magnitude and direction. THE PARALLELOPIPEDON OF PRESSURES. 12. Three pressures, P l? P Q , P 3 , being applied to the same point A, in directions a?A, ^/A, 0A, which are not in the same plane, it is required to determine their resultant. Take the lines P, A, P 2 A, P 3 A, to represent the pressures Pj, P 2 , P 3 , in magnitude and direction. Complete the parallelopipedoii RP a P 8 P l5 of which APj, AP 2 , AP 3 , are adjacent edges, and draw its diagonal RA ; then will RA represent the resultant of P,, P 2 , P 3 , in direction and magnitude. For since PjSPjjA is a parallelogram, whose adjacent sides Pj A, P 2 A, represent the presurea P a and P a in magnitude and direction, therefore its diagonal OF THREE PRESSURES. 15 SA represents the resultant of these two pressures. And similarly KA, the diagonal of the parallelogram KSAP 3 , re- presents in magnitude and direction the resultant of SA and P 8 , that is, of F 15 P 2 and P 3 , since SA is the resultant of P, and P 9 . It is evident that the fourth pressure necessary to produce an equilibrium with P n P 9 , P 8 , being equal and opposite to their resultant, is represented in magnitude and direction by AR. 13. Three pressures, P,, P 2 , P 8 , "being in equilibrium, it is required to determine the third P 3 in terms of the other two, and their inclination to one another. Let APj and AP a represent the pressures P l and P 2 in magnitude and direction, and let the inclination P, AP, of JP 1 to P 2 be represented by A- Com- plete the parallelogram AP X RP 2 , and draw its diagonal AR. Then does AR represent the resultant of P, and P 2 in magnitude and direc- tion. But this resultant is in equilibrium with P 3 , since P, and P 2 are in equilibrium with P 3 . It acts, therefore, in the same straight line with P 3 , but in an opposite direction, and is equal to it. Since then AR represents this resultant in magnitude and direction, therefore RA represents P 3 in mag- nitude and direction. Now, A]?=AP> 2AF X . PJK . cos. also, AP.R^Tr ^AP^Tr A, P 1 R=AP,, and AP 15 AP 2) AR, represent P,, P 2 , P 3 , in magnitude. /. ?/ = ?,- 2?^. COB. (7T A) +P,-). NOW COS. (7T A) = COS. A, .'. P.'zrP^ + SP,?, COS. A (13). 14. If three pressures, P 1? P 2 , P 3 , he in equilibrium, any two of them are to one, another inversely as the sines of their inclinations to the third. Let the inclination of Pj to P 3 be represented by A> an( i that of P a to P, by A- rrrTT P.AP.rrzTA, " SlU. P.ARrzrsin. & ' P 1 RA=P,AR=^ P 2 AP 3 =rr A, /. sin. P 1 KA= S in. A- 16 OF PARALLEL PRESSURES. AF, AP, sin. P,KA Also, AP 2 ~~ P,R ~ sin. sn. That is, P, is to P 2 inversely, as the sine of the inclina- tion of PJ to P 3 is to the sine of the inclination of P 2 to P 3 . Therefore, &c. &c. [Q. E. D.] OF PARALLEL PRESSURES. 15. The principle of the equality of moments obtains in respect to pressures in the same plane whatever may be their inclinations to one another, and therefore if their inclinations be infinitely small, or if they he parallel. In this case of parallel pressures, the same line AB, which 3 is drawn from a given point A, perpendicular to one of these pressures, is also perpendicular to all the rest, so that the perpendiculars are here the parts of this line AM 1? AM 2 , &c. intercepted between the point A and the direc- tions of the pressures respectively. The principle is not how- ever in this case true only in respect to the intercepted parts of this perpendicular line AB, but in respect to the inter- cepted parts of any line AC, drawn through the point A across the directions of the pressures, since the intercepted parts Am x , Am 2 , Am 3 , &c. of this second line are proportional to those, AM 15 AM 2 , &c. of the first. Thus taking the case represented in the figure, since by the principle of the equality of moments we have, AM, . P, + AM 4 . P 4 =AM 2 . dividing both sides by AM 6 , . - , AM. ' r ' + AM 5 ' r *~~ AM 5 ' r '+ AM 5 ' AM, Am, AM 2 Am 2 Butbysimilartriangles, = ' Am. ' Am, ' 4 ~~Am B ' Am ' Therefore multiplying by Am 6 , Am, . P.+ Am t . P 4 =Am^ . P 3 + Am, . P 8 + Am~ . P 6 . Therefore, &c. [Q.B.D.] OF PARALLEL PRESSURES. 17 16. To find the resultant of any number of parallel pressures in the same plane. It is evident that if a pressure equal and opposite to the resultant were added to the system, the whole would be in equilibrium. And being in equilibrium it has been shown (Art. 8.), that if the pressures were all moved from their present points of application, so as to remain parallel to their existing directions, and applied to the same point, they are such as would be in equilibrium about that point. ' But being thus moved, these parallel pressures would all have their directions in the same straight line. Acting therefore all in the same straight line, and being in equilibrium, the sum of those pressures whose tendency is in one direction along that line must equal the sum of those whose tendency is in the opposite direction. Now one of these sums incluaes the resultant R. It is evident then that before R was introduced the two sums must have been unequal, and that R equals, the excess of the greater sum over the less ; and generally that if 2P represent the sum of any number of parallel pressures, . those whose tendency is in one direction being taken with: the positive sign, and those whose tendency is in the opposite direction, with the negative sign ; then R = 2P (15). the sign of R indicating whether it act in the direction of those pressures which are taken positively, or those which are taken negatively. Moreover since these pressures, including R, are in equi- librium, therefore the sum of the moments about any point, of those whose tendency is to communicate motion in one direction, must equal the sum of the moments of the rest these moments being measured on any line, as AC ; but one of these sums includes the moment of R ; these two sums must therefore, before the introduc- tion of R, have been unequal, and the moment of R must be equal to the excess of the greater sum over the less, so that, representing the sum of the moments of the pressures (R not being included) by 2 m* P, those whose tendency is to communicate motion in one direction, having the positive sign, and the rest the negative ; and representing by x the ^ distance from A, mea- sured along the line AC, at which R intersects that line, we have, since xR is the moment of R, xR = 2 m l P, where the 18 OF PARALLEL PKESSURES. sign of a?R indicates the direction in which R tends to turn the system about A, but E- = 2P, . (16). 2P Equations (15) and (16) determine completely the magni- tude and the direction of the resultant of a system of parallel pressures in the same plane. IT. To determine tlw resultant of any number of parallel pressures not in the same plane. Let Pj 'and P 2 be the points of application of any two of these pressures, and let the pressures themselves be represented by P 1 and P 2 . Also let their resultant Rj intersect the line joining the points PI and P 2 in the point Rj ; produce the line P 1? P a , to intersect any plane given in position, in the point L. Through the points P 15 P 2 , and R 15 draw P.Mj, P a M 2 , and Rj]^ perpendicularly to this plane: these lines will be in the same plane with one another and with Pj L ; let the intersection of this last mentioned plane with the first be LM,, then will PjMj, P 2 M 2 , and R^ be per- pendiculars to LM : ; moreover by the last proposition, But by similar triangles, LP_PM l LP 2 _P 2 1VI 2 Let now the resultant, R 2 , of R : and P s intersect the line joining the points R, and P 3 in the point R 2 , and similarly let the resultant, R 3 , of R 2 and P 4 intersect the me j mm g the points R 2 and P 4 in the point Rg, and so on : then by the last equa- tion. OF PARALLEL PRESSURES. Similarly, E, . R + P 3 . P.M. = E 2 &c. + &c. = &c. E 7i _ 2 Adding these equations, and striking out terms common to both sides, P, . P + P 2 P + . . . + P. ."P3L =R- 1 . P 2 M 2 + ..... +P W . P n M n ; . p N- -' > in which expression those of the parallel pressures P 15 P 2 , &c. which tend in one direction, are to be taken positively, whilst those which tend in the opposite direction are to be taken negatively. The line E n _i N_i represents the perpendicular distance from the given plane of a point through which the resultant of all the pressures P 1? P 2 . . . . P n , passes. In the same manner may be determined the distance of this point from any other plane. Let this distance be thus determined in respect to three given planes at right angles to one another. Its actual position in space will then be known. Thus then we shall know a point through which the resultant of all the pressures passes, also the direction of that resultant, for it is parallel to the common direction of all the pressures, and we shall know its amount, for it is equal to the sum of all the pressures with their proper signs. Thus then the resultant pressure will be completely known. The point E^i is called the CENTRE OF PARALLEL PRESSURES. 18. The product of any pressure by its perpendicular dis- tance from a plane (or rather the product of the number of units in the pressure by the number of units in the perpen- dicular), is called the moment of the pressure, in respect to that plane. Whence it follows from equation (17) that the sum of the moments of any number of parallel pressures in 20 THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. respect to a given plane is equal to the moment of their resultant in respect to that plane. 19. It is evident, from equation (18), that the distance ~N n i of the centre of pressure of any number of parallel pressures from a given plane, is independent of the directions of these parallel pressures, and is dependent wholly upon their amounts and the perpendicular distances PjM^ P 2 M 2 , &c. of their points of application from the given plane. So that if the directions of the pressures were changed, provided that their amounts and points of application remained the same, their centre of pressure, determined as above, would remain unchanged; that is, the resultant, although it would alter its direction with the directions of the component pressures, would, nevertheless, always pass through the same point. The weights of any number of different bodies or different parts of the same body, constitute a system of parallel pres- sures ; the direction, therefore, through this system of the resultant weight may be determined by the preceding pro- position ; their centre of pressure is their centre of gravity. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 20. The resultant of the weights of any number of bodies or parts of the same body unitea into a system of inva- riable form passes through the same point in it, into what- ever position it may be turned. For the effect of turning it into different positions is to cause the directions of the weights of its parts to traverse the heavy body or system in different directions, at one time lengthwise for instance, at another across, at another obliquely and the effect upon the direction of the resultant weight through the body, produced by thus turning it into different positions, and thereby changing the directions in which the weights of its component parts traverse its mass, is manifestly the same as would be produced, if without alter- ing the position of the body, the direction of gravity could be changed so as, for instance, to make it at one time tra- verse that body longitudinally, at another obliquely, at a third transversely. But by Article 19, this last mentioned change, altering the common direction of the parallel pres- THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 21 sures through the body without altering their amounts or their points of application, would not alter the position of their centre of pressure in the body ; therefore, neither would the first mentioned change. Whence it follows that the centre of pressure of the weights of the parts of a heavy body, or of a system of invariable form, does not alter its position in the body, whatever may be the position into which the body is turned; or in other words, that the resultant of the weights of its parts passes always through the same point in the body or system in whatever position it may be placed. This point, through which the resultant of the weights of the parts of a body, or system of bodies of invariable form, passes, in whatever position it is placed ; or, if it be a body or system of variable form, through which the resultant would pass, in whatever position it were placed, if it became rigid or invariable in its form, is called the CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 21. Since the weights of the parts of a body act in parallel directions, and all tend in the same direction, there- fore their resultant is equal to their sum. Now, the result- ant of the weights of the parts of the body would produce, singly, the same effect as it regards the conditions of the equilibrium of the body, that the weights of its parts actually do collectively, and this weight is equal to the sum of the weights of the parts, that is, to the whole weight of the body, and in every position it acts vertically downwards through the same point in the body, viz. the centre of gravity. Thus then it follows, that in every position of the body and under every circumstance, the weights of its parts produce the same effect in respect to the conditions of its equilibrium, as though they were all collected in and acted through that one point of it its centre of gravity* * That the resultant of the weights of all the parts of a rigid body passes in all the positions of that body through the same point in it is a property of many and most important uses in the mechanism of the universe, as well as in the practice of the arts ; another proof of it is therefore subjoined, which may be more satisfactory to some readers than that given in the text. The system being rigid, the distance PI, P 2 , of the points of application of any two of the pressures remains the same, into whatever position the body may be turned : the only difference produced in the circumstance under which they are applied is an alteration in the inclina- tions of these pressures to the line PI, P 2 : now being weights, the directions of these pressures always remain parallel to one another, whatever may be their inclina- tion ; thus then it follows by the principle of the equa- 22 THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 22. To determine the position jf the centre o gravity of two weights ', P x and reforming part of a rigid system. Let it be represented by G. Then since the resultant of T@ ^ Pj and P Q passes through G, we have by equa- P * tion (16), taking P t as the point from which the moments are measured, P 4-P P (1 P P P x^j-f jr t . r a vr 1 3 . JT jiT.,, P P P p r\ _ 2j_^_i^_ 2 . ilU -TVfPT whence the position of G is known. 23. It is required to determine the centre of gravity of three weights P 15 P 2 , P 3 , not in the same straight line, and form- ing part of a rigid system. Find the centre of gravity G 15 of P x and P 2 , as in the last proposition. Suppose the weights P 1 and P 2 to jft be collected in G 15 and find as before the com- ^^Jc, mon centre of gravity G 2 of this weight Pj + P,, r.*-- Vj so collected in G a , and the third weight P 3 . It Lg is evident that this point G 2 is the centre of gravity required. Since G 2 is the centre of gravity of P 3 and P^ P 2 collected in G 15 we have by the last proposition G?, . P., G.P..F. lity of moments (Art. 15), that Pi4-P 2 PiRi P 2 . PiP 2 , so that for every such inclination of the pressures to PI P 2 , the line PI HI is of the same length, and the point Rj therefore the same point ; therefore, the line P 3 Ri is always the same line in the body; and RI which equals P!-f-P 2 , is always the same pressure, as also is P 8 , and these pressures always remain parallel, therefore, for the same reason as before, R 2 is always the same point in the body in whatever position it may be turned, and so of R 3 , R4 and R.-I. That is, in every position of the body, the resultant of the weights of its parts passes through the same point R-i in it. Since the resultant of the weights of the parts of a body always passes through its centre of gravity, it is evident, 'that a single force applied at that point equal and opposite to this resultant, that is, equal in amount to the whole weight of the body, and in a direction vertically upwards, would in every position of the body sustain it. This property of the centre of gravity, viz. that it is a point in the body where a single force would support it is sometimes taken as the' definition of it. OF A TRIANGLE. 23 If P 15 P 2 , P 3 , be all equal, then % same plane. Let P 1? P 2 , P 3 , P 4 , represent these weights; find the centre of gravity G 2 of the weights P,, P 3 , y5_ P 3 , as in the last proposition ; suppose these /j\ three weights to he collected in G 2 , and then //I \ find the centre of gravity G 3 of the weight /iift... \ tnus collected in G- 2 and t\. G 3 will he the jgjSfc^ 3 ^ centre of gravity required, and since G 3 is the centre of gravity of P 4 acting at the point P 4 , and of P^Pa+P, collected at G 2 , If all these weights be equal, then by the above equation, also, _G 1 G ? =i_G 1 P 3 , and &?!=$ P.P.- 25. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF A TRIANGLE. Let the sides AB and EC of the triangular lamina ABC be bisected in E and D, and the lines CE and AD drawn to the opposite angles, then is the intersection G of these lines the centre of gravity of the triangle : for the triangle may be supposed to be made up of exceedingly narrow rectangular strips or bands, parallel to JBC, each of which will be bisected by the line AD; for by similar triangles PK : DB :: AE : AD :: KQ : DC, therefore, alternando, PK : KQ::DB : DC; but DB=DC; therefore PR=PvQ. Therefore, each of the elementary bands, or rectangles parallel to BC, which compose the triangle ABC, would separately balance on the line AD ; therefore, all of them 24 THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY joined together would balance on the line AD, therefore the centre of gravity of the triangle is in AD. In the same manner it may be shown that the centre of gravity of the triangle is in the line CE ; therefore, the cen- tre of gravity is at the intersection G of these lines. Now DG=J DA : for imagine the triangle to be without weight, and three equal weights to be placed at the angles A, 6, and C, then it is evident that these three weights will balance upon AD ; for AD being supported, the weight A will be supported, since it is in that line ; moreover, B and C will be supported since they are equidistant from that line. Since, then, all three of the weights will balance upon AD, their centre of gravity is in AD. In like manner it may be shown that the centre of gravity of all three weights is in CE ; therefore it is in G, and coincides with the centre of gravity of the triangle. ]N ow, suppose the weights B and C to be collected in their centre of gravity D, and suppose each weight to be repre- sented in amount by A, a weight equal to 2A will then be collected in D, and a weight equal to A at A, and the centre of gravity of these is in G ; therefore DA x A = DG x (2A + A), . . D A = 3 DG, or DG = DA.* [Q.E.D.] 26. THE CENTKE OF GRAVITY OF THE PYRAMID. Let ABC be a pyramid, and suppose it to be made up of elementary laminae l)cd, parallel to the base BCD. Take G, the centre of gravity of the base BCD, and join AG; then AG will pass through the centre of gravity g of the lamina Icd^ therefore each of the laminae will separately balance on the straight line AG ; therefore the laminae when combined will balance upon this line ; therefore the whole figure will balance on AG, and the centre of gravity of the whole is in AG. In like manner if the centre of gravity H of the face ABD be taken, and CH be joined, then it may be shown that the centre of gravity of the whole is in Cli ; * Note (g) Ed. App. f For produce the plane ABG- to intersect the plane ADC in AM, then by similar triangles DM : MC : : dm : me, but DM = MC ; therefore dm = me. Also by similar triangles GM : BM::#m : bm, but GM = i BM; therefore gm = $ bm. Since then dm = J dc and gm = $ bm, therefore g is the centre of gravity of the triangle bdc. OF A PYRAMID. 25 therefore the lines AGr and CII intersect, and the centre of gravity is at their intersection K. Now GK is one-fourth of GA ; for suppose equal weights to be placed at the angles A, B, C, and D of the pyramid (the pyramid itself being imagined without weight), then will these four ^ weights balance upon the line AG, for one of them, A, is in that line, and the line passes through the centre of gravity G of the other three. Since, then, the equal weights A, B, C, and D balance upon the line AG, their centre of gravity is in AG ; in the same manner it may be shown that the centre of gravity of the four weights is in CH, therefore it is in K, and coincides with the centre of gravity of the pyramid. Now let the number of units in each weight be repre- sented by A, and let the three weights B, C, and D be supposed to be collected in their centre of gravity G ; the four weights will then be reduced to two, viz. 3A at G, and A at A, whose common centre of gravity is K, /. GKx3A+A = GAxA, /. 4GK = GA or GK = J GA.* [Q.E.D.] 27. The centre of gravity of a pyramid with a polygonal lase is situated at a vertical height from the base, equal to one fourth the whole height of the pyramid. For any such pyramid ABCDEF may be supposed to be made up of triangular pyramids ABOF, A CDF, and ADEF, whose centres of gravity G, H, and K, are situated in lines AL, AM, and AN, drawn to the centres of gravity L, M, and N of their bases' ; LG being one-fourth of LA, Mil one-fourth of MA, and NK one-fourth of NA. The points G, H, and K, are therefore in a plane parallel to the base of the pyramid, and whose vertical dis- tance from the base equals one-fourth the vertical height of the pyramid. Since then the centres of gravity G, H, and K of the ele- mentary triangular pyramids which compose the whole poly- gonal pyramid are in this plane, therefore the centre of gravity of the whole is in this plane, i. e. the centre of gravity of the whole polygonal pyramid is situated at a vertical height from the base, equal to one fourth the vertical height of the whole * Note (h) Ed. App. 26 THE CENTEE OF GRAVITY pyramid, or at a vertical depth from the vertex, equal to three fourths of the whole. JSTow the above proportion is true, whatever be the number of the sides of the polygonal base, and therefore if they be infinite in number ; and therefore it is true of the cone, which may be considered a pyramid hav- ing a polygonal base, of an infinite number of sides ; and it is true whether the cone or pyramid be an oblique or a right cone or pyramid. 28. If a body be of a prismatic form, and symmetrical about a certain plane, then its whole weight may be sup- posed to be collected in the surface of that plane, and uni- formly distributed through it. For let ACBEFD represent such a prismatic body, and dbc a plane about which it is symmetrical : take m, an element of uni- form thickness whose sides are parallel to B the sides of the prism, and which is terminated by the faces ACB and DFE of the prism ; it is evident that this element m will be bisected by the plane abc, and that its centre of gravity will therefore lie in that plane, so that its whole weight nlay be sup- posed collected in that plane ; and this being true of every other similar element, and all these elements be- ing equal, it follows that the whole weight of the body may be supposed to be collected in and uniformly dis- tributed through that plane. It is in this sense only that we can speak with accuracy of the weight and the centre of gra- vity of a plane, whereas a plane being a surface only, and having no thickness, can have no weight, and therefore no centre of gravity. In like manner when we speak of the centre of gravity of a curved surface, we mean the centre of gravity of a body, the weights of all whose parts may be sup- posed to be collected and uniformly distributed throughout that curved surface. It is evident that this condition is approached to whenever the body being hollow, its material is exceedingly thin. Its whole weight may then be conceived to be collected in a surface equidistant from its two external surfaces. In like manner an exceedingly thin uniform curved rod may be imagined to have its weight collected uniformly in a line passing along the centre of its thickness, and in this sense we may speak of the centre of gravity of a line, although a line having no breadth or thickness can have no weight, and therefore no centre of gravity. OF ANY QUADRILATERAL FIGURE. 27 29. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF A TRAPEZOID. Let AD and BO be the parallel sides of the trapezoid, of B which AD is the less. Let AD be represented by 0, BC by 5, and the perpendicular distance ~ ' tlie tw sides b y ^* Draw DE parallel to AB. Let G x be the intersection of t ] le ^i a g 0na ls o f the parallelogram ABED, then will 4 G t be the centre of gravity of that parallelo- gram. Bisect OE in L, join DL, and take DG 2 =f DL, then will G 3 be the centre of gravity of the triangle DEC. Draw GjM, and G 2 M 2 perpendiculars to AD ; then since AG,=i AE, therefore G.M^i FE=4 h. And since DG 2 = f DL, therefore G 2 M 2 = | NL = f h. Suppose the whole parallelogram to be collected in its centre of gravity G 1? and the whole triangle in its centre of gravity G a . Let G be the centre of gravity of the whole trapezoid, and draw GM perpendicular to AD. Then would the whole be sup- ported by a single force equal to the weight of the trapezoid acting upwards at G. Therefore (Art. 17), MG . ABCD=~G^M 1 . ABED + G~M 2 . "CED Now, ABCD = i h (a + 5), ABED = ha, CED = i A (7,_a), G.M, = J A, G 2 M 2 = f A, .-. MG' . -J- h (a+~b} = % h . ha+% h . \ li(ba\ .-. MG (a+6) = Aa+| h (I a) = -J h (19). 30. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF ANY QUADRILATERAL FIGURE. Draw the diagonals AC and BD of any quadrilateral figure ABCD, and let them intersect in E, and from the greater of the two parts, BE and DE, of either diagonal BD set off a part BF equal to the less part. Bisect the other diagonal AC in H, join HF and take HG equal to one third of HF ; then w^ill G be the centre of gravity of the whole figure. For if not, let g be the centre of gravity, join HB and HD and take HG X \ HB and HG 2 = i HD, then will G x and G 2 be the centres of gravity of the triangles ABC and ADC 28 THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. respectively (Art. 25). Suppose these triangles to be col- lected in their centres of gravity G 15 G 2 ; it is evident that the centre of gravity ^, of the whole figure, will be in the straight line joining the points G x G 2 : let this line intersect AC in K ; then since a pressure equal to the weight of the whole figure acting upwards at / / a v a \a/ \af the integral being taken between the limits -JS and JS, because these are the values of s which correspond to the extreme points F and E of the arc. Now 2a sin. J ( ) = chord of EAF = C, /.Juarffl = 00, "Gi = lT ...... (23). The distance of the centre of gravity of a circular arc from the centre of the circle is therefore a fourth proportional to the length of the arc, the length of the chord, and the radius of the arc. *33. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF A CURVILINEAR AREA WHICH LIES WHOLLY IN THE SAME PLANE. 'Let BAG represent such an area. If x and y represent the perpendicular distances PN and PM of any point P in the- curve AB from planes AC and AD, perpendicular to the plane of the given area and to one another, and M represent the area PAM, then, considering this area to be made up of rectangles parallel to PM, the width of each of which is represented by the exceedingly small quantity Aa?, the area AM of each such rectangle will be -represented by yAaj, and its moment about AD by v-xy&x. j xydx Therefore by equation (20), G, = = -g . . (24). A similar expression determines the value o G 2 ; butane more convenient for calculation is obtained, if we consider the weight of each of the rectangles, whose length is y, to be collected in its centre of gravity, whose distance from AC 32 THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. is \y. The moment of the weight of each rectangle about AC will then be represented ^y*&x ; whence it follows that i tfdx ..... ( 25 ). - 2 M EXAMPLE. Suppose the curve APB to be a parabola, whose axis is AC. Dl B By the equation to the -parabola y 1 = 4##, if a ] be the distance of the focus from the vertex. Moreover, the limits between which the integral is to be taken are and aj t and and y 1? since at A, x 0, y = 0, and at C, x = a? 1? y y^ therefore Cxydx 2 \/ a /*x%dx~ \f ax 1 2 ; also, M = C yd C 2 051 4 3 = 2 ya Cx\dx g i/tf^f, therefore Gj^ ^^. o 1 1 ^,4 ,1 _ . t Also, jy^dx 4^ /xdx= %ax? =^ J J b< o Q therefore G 2 Q^. o If, then, G be the centre of gravity of the parabolic area ACB, then AH = ? AC, HG = - CB. 5 -8 * 34. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF A SURFACE OF REVOLUTION. Any surface of revolution BAC is evidently symmetrical about its axis of revolution AD, its centre of gravity is therefore in that axis. Let the mo- ments be measured from a plane passing through A and perpendicular to the axis AD, and let x and y be co-ordinates of any point P in the generating curve APB of the surface, and s the length of the curve AP. Then M being taken to represent the area of the surface, and being supposed to be made up of bands parallel to PQ, the area AM of each such band is represented (see Art. 40.)* by %ny&s, and its moment by * Church's Diff. Calculus, Art. 91. OF A SUKFACE. 33 s, 27T,/ (26> . EXAMPLE. To determine the centre of gravity of the face of any zone or segment of a sphere. B //\ 7 j^ j^ACj represent the surface of a sphere v :, D whose centre is D, and whose radius DP is repre- sented by #, and the arc AP by s. Then x = DM = DP cos. sn., =# sn. -, a a = %a? sin. - cos. - = a* sin. . a a a S, S, ./* /* 2^ .*. STT / xyds = TTO? I sin. ds s, s, = 4 j cos. ^i_ cos. ^1 = TO- icos. 3 ?? - cos. 3 il ..... (27). { J < where S 4 and S 2 are the values of s at the points 03 B, and B a , where the zone is supposed to ter- minate. Also, since = 27ry, /. M = tor = 27ra /*sin. 1 34: THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY ... .(28), if E be the bisection of EJE,. If S 2 = 0, or the zone commence from A, then G, = -a \ 1 + cos. 4 = cos. 2 -?i. . . . (29). 2 ( a ) 2a *35. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF A SOLID OF REVOLUTION. Any solid of revolution BAG is evidently symmetrical about its axis of revolution AD, its centre of gravity is therefore in that line ; and taking a plane passing through A and perpendicular to that axis as the plane from which the moments are measured, we have only to determine the distance AG of ^the centre of gravity, from that plane. Now, if x and y represent the co-ordinates of any point P in the generating curve, and M the volume of the portion PAQ of this solid, then, conceiving it to be made up of cylindrical laminse parallel to PQ, the thickness of each of which is A#, the volume of each is represented by iry*&x, and its moment by *pxy*&x. i *l xy*dx ^xy^x_^ ...... M M EXAMPLE. To determine the centre of gravity of any solid segment of a sphere. Let BjACj represent any such segment of a sphere whose centre is D and its radius a. Let x and y represent the co-ordinates AM and MP of any point P, x being measured from A ; then by the equation to the circle y*=2axx*, :. if fxy*dx= fx (2axx*) dx a? 2 o x, x, Also, M.=fydx = * f(2axx*) dx= OF THK SEGMENT OF AN AKCH. 35 (31). a x v JL A If the segment become a hemisphere, x t =a 9 /.G l =-|a. 36. The centre of gravity of the sector of a circle. Let CAB represent such a sector ; conceive the arc ADB to be a polygon of an infinite number of sides and lines, to be drawn from all the angles of the polygon to the centre C of the circle, these will divide the sector into as many triangles. Now /B the centre of gravity of each triangle will be at a distance from C equal to f- the line drawn from the vertex C of that triangle to the bisection of its base, that is equal to f the radius of the circle, so that the centres of gravity of all the triangles will lie in a circular arc FE, whose centre is C and its radius CF equal to fCA, and the weights of the triangles may be supposed to be collected in this arc FE, and to be uniformly distributed through it, so that the cen- tre of gravity G of the whole sector CAB is the centre of gravity of the circular arc FE. Therefore by equation (23), if S 1 , C 1 , and a\ represent the arc FE, its chord FE, and its radius CF, and S, C, &, the similar arc, chord, and radius of ADB, then CG ^ ; but since the arcs AB and FE are similar, and that a 1 = \a, :. C 1 = f C and S 1 = f S. Substi- tuting these values in the last equation, we have C*C* 2. ^ /QO\ =| -s- (32) " 37. The centre of gravity of any portion of a circular ring or of an arch of equal voussoirs. 2 represent any such portion of a circular ring whose centre is A. Let a l represent the radius, and C t the chord of the arc BA> and Sj its length, and let a C 2 similarly represent the radius and chord of the arc B 2 C 2 , and S a the length of that arc. Also let G, represent the centre of gravity of the sector ~ 15 G 2 that of the sector AB 2 C 2 , and Q- the centre of gravity of the ring. Then AG 2 x sect, AB 2 C 2 + AG x ring B 1 C 1 B 2 C 2 = AG; x sect. ABA ISTow (by equation 32), AG 1= -|i, AG 2 =f 8 36 THE PROPERTIES also sector AB 1 C I = ^8^, sector AB 2 C 2 = ^S 2 # 2 , .-. ring B 1 O l 1 B 1 =sect. AB.C, sect. AB 2 C 2 = JSA .-. AG . (SA ^,0=1 (OA* CA*), .-. AG = | ^ "" fy* a (33). 38. THE PROPERTIES OF GULDENUS. If NL represent any plane area, and AB be any axis, in the same plane, about which the area is made to revolve, so thai NL is by this revolution made to generate a solid of revolution, then is the volume of this solid equal to that of a prism whose base ^s NL, and whose height is equal to the length of the path which the centre of gravity G of the area NL is made to describe. For take any rectangular area PRSQ in NL, whose sides are respectively parallel and perpendicular to AB, and let MT be the mean distance of the points P and Q, or R and S, from AB. Now it is evident that in the revolution of NL about AB, PQ will describe a superficial ring. Suppose this to be represented by QFPK, let M be the centre of the ring, and let the arc subtended by the angle QMF at distance unity from M be repre- sented by d, then the area FQPK equals the sector FQM the sector ~ Now the solid ring generated by PRSQ is evidently equal to the superficial ring generated by PQ, multiplied by the distance PR. This solid ring equals therefore 6 (MT x PQ xPR) or dxMTxPRSQ. Now suppose the area PRSQ to be exceedingly small, and the whole area NL to be made up of such exceedingly small areas, and let them be repre- sented by # 15 a a 3 , &c. and their mean distances MT by x : , a? 2 , a? 3 , &c. then the solid annuli generated by these areas respectively will (as we have shown), be represented by &x z a z , &c. &c. ; and the sum of these annuli, OF GTJLDINTJS. 37 or the whole solid, will be represented by .^^ , . to,a, + &c., or by 6 (x^a, + x,a, + x,a 3 + &c.). Now if p repre- sent the weight of any superficial el'ement of the plane NX, x l a 1 ^=thQ moment of the weight of a, about the axis AB* 35,0^= that of the area therefore the whole solid =6 . Gl but 6 . GI equals the length of the circu- lar path described by G ; therefore the volume of the solid equals NL multi- plied by the length of the path de- scribed by G, i. e. it equals &^sm NM, whose base is NL, and whose height GH is the length of the path described by G ; which is the first property of GUL- DDTCJS. 39. The above proposition is applicable to finding the solid contents of the thread of a screw of variable diame- ter, or of the material in a spiral staircase: for it is evident that the thread of a screw may be supposed to be made up of an infinite number of small solids of revolution, arranged one above another like the steps of a staircase; all of which (contained in one turn of the thread) might be made to slide along the axis, so that their surfaces should all lie in the same plane ; in which case they would manifestly form one solid of revolution, such as that whose volume has been investigated. The principle is moreover applicable to determine the volume of any solid (however irregular may be its form otherwise), provided only that it may be con- ceived to be generated by the motion of a given plane area, perpendicular to a given curved line, which always passes through the same point in the plane. For it is evident that whatever point in this curved line the plane may at any instant be traver- sing, it may at that instant be conceived to be revolving about a certain fixed axis, passing through the centre of curvature of the curve at that point; and thus revolving about a fixed axis, it is generating for an instant a solid of revolution about that axis, the volume of which elementary solid of revolution is equal to the area of the plane miilti- 38 THE PEOPEETIES plied by the length of the path described by its centre of gravity ; and this being true of all such elementary solids. each being equal to the' product of the plane by the corres- ponding elementary path of the centre of gravity, it follows that the whole volume of the solid is equal to the product of the area by the whole length of the path. 40. If AB represent any curved line made to revolve about the axis AD so as to generate the sur- face of revolution BAG, and G l)e the centre of gravity of this curved line, then is the area of this surface equal to the product of the length of the curved line AB, by the length of the path described lyy thepoint G, during the revolution of the curve about AD. This is the second property of Guldinus. Let PQ be any small element of the generating curve, and PQFK a zone of the surface generated by this element, this zone may be considered as a portion of the surface of a cone whose apex is M, where the tangents to the curve at T and V, which are the middle points of PQ and FK, meet when produced. Let this band PQFK of the cone QMF be developed*, and let PQFK represent its develop- ment ; this figure PQFK will evidently be a circu- lar ring, whose centre is M ; since the develop- ment of the whole cone is evidently a circular sector MQF whose centre M corresponds to the apex of the cone, and its radius MQ to the side MQ of the cone. Now, as was shown in the last proposition, the area of this circular ring when thus developed, and therefore of the conical band before it was developed, is represented by 6 . MT . PQ, where represents the arc subtended by QMF at distance unity. Now the arc whose radius is MT is represented by & . MT ; but this arc, before it w r as developed from the cone, formed a complete circle whose radius was NT, and therefore its circumference 2^NT ; since then the circle has not altered its length by its development, we have * If the cone be supposed covered with a flexible sheet, and a band such as PQFK be imagined to be cut upon it, and then unwrapped from the cone and laid upon a plane, it is called the development of the band. OF GULDINUS. ^ J^lOTttT^^ <*OaUfr*ri*l Substituting this value of dMT in the expression for the area of the band we have area of zone PQFK=2* . NT . PQ. Let the surface be conceived to be divided into an infinite number of such elementary bands, and let the lengths of the corresponding elements of the curve AB be represented by s l9 $, $ 3 , &c. and the corresponding values of NT by y l5 2/2? 2/3? & c - Then will the areas of the corresponding zones b e represented by 2tf?/ 1 s 1 , 2tfy 2 s 2 , 2#y 3 s 3 , &c. and the area of the whole surface BAG by %*y 1 s l + 2tfy 2 s 2 + 2*y, 8 + .... or by 2-7r(y 1 s 1 + y 2 s 2 + y 3 $ 3 -f ....). But since G is the centre of gravity of the curved line AB, therefore AB . GHjx repre- sents the moment of the weight of a uniform thread or wire of the form of that line about AD, j* being the weight of each unit in the length of the line : moreover, this moment equals the sum of the moments of the weights s^, s^, $,, &c. of the elements of the line. /.AB . GH=y 1 1 __ Therefore area of surface BAC=2*AB . GH=AB But 2-rrGH equals the length of the circular path described by G in its revolution about AD. Therefore, &c. This proposition, like the last, is true not only in respect to a surface of revolution, but of any surface generated by a plane curve, which traverses perpendicularly another curve of any form whatever, and is always intersected by it in the same point. It is evident, indeed, that the same demonstra- tion applies to both propositions. It must, however, be ob- served, that neither proposition applies unless the motion of the generating plane or curve be such, that no two of its con- secutive positions intersect or cross one another. 41. The volume of any truncated prismatic or cylindrical lody ABCD, of which one extremity CD is perpendicular to the sides of the prism, and the other AB inclined to them, is equal to that of an upright jwism ABEF, having for its lose the plane AB, and for its height the perpen- dicular height GN of the centre of gravity G of the plane DC, above the plane of AB. For let i represent the inclination of the plane DC to AB ; 40 THE PROPERTIES OF GULDINUS. take m, any small element of the plane CD, and let mr be a prism whose base is m and whose sides are parallel to AD and BC ; of elementary prisms similar to which the whole solid ABCD may be supposed to be made up. Now the volume of this prism, whose base is m and its height mr, equals mr xm = sec. i x (mr . cos. i) xm = sec. x (mr . sin. mm) m = sec. * x mn x m. Therefore the whole solid equals the sum of all such pro- ducts as mn x m, each such product being multiplied by the constant quantity sec. i, or it is equal to the sum just spoken of, that sum being divided by cos. i. Let this sum be repre- sented by 2mn x m, therefore the volume of the solid is re- , 'Zmn xm AT ' ^ T . , presented by JNow suppose CD to represent a thin lamina of uniform thickness, the weight of each square unit of which is f*, then will the weight of the element m be represented by M* X m, and its moment about the plane ABIsT by M- x mn x m, and ^mn x m will represent the sum of the moments of all the elements of the lamina similar to m about that plane. Now by Art. 15. this sum equals the moment of the whole weight of the lamina f* x CD supposed to be col- lected in G, about that plane. Therefore I* x CD x ~NG=^mn x m, :. T)D x NG Zmn x m. Substituting this value of 2mn x n, we have volume of solid = sec. * x CD x NGL But the plane CD is the projection of AB, therefore CD = AB cos. i, .'. CD x sec. i = AB ; .-. vol. of solid ABCD = AB x SX5 = vol. of prism ABEF. Therefore, &c. [Q. E. D .] MOTION. 41 T II. DYNAMICS. 42. MOTION is change of place. The science of DYNAMICS is that which treats of the laws which govern the motions of material bodies, and of their relation to the forces whence those motions result. The SPACES described by a moving body are the distances between the positions which it occupies at different succes- sive periods of time. UNIFORM MOTION is that in which equal spaces are de- scribed in equal successive intervals of time. The VELOCITY of uniform motion is the space which a body moving uniformly describes in each second of time. Thus if a body move uniformly with a velocity represented by Y, and during a time represented in seconds by T, then the space S described by it in those T seconds is represented by TY, or S=TY. Whence it follows that Y = |-and T=L 5 so that if a body move uniformly, the space described by it is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time in seconds, the velocity is equal to the space divided by the time, and the time is equal to the space divided by the velocity. 43. It is a law of motion, established from constant obser- vation upon the motions of the planets, and by experiment upon the motions of the bodies around us, that when once communicated to a body, it remains in that body, unaffected by the lapse of time, carrying it forward for ever with the same velocity and in the same direction in which it first be- n to move, unless some force act afterwards in a contrary irection to destroy it.* * This is the first LAW OP MOTION. For numerous illustrations of this fun- damental law of motion, the reader is referred to the author's work, entitled, ILLUSTRATIONS OF MECHANICS, Art. 193. 42 VELOCITY. The velocity, at any instant, of a body moving with a VARIABLE MOTION, is the space which it would describe in one second of time if its motion were from that instant to become UNIFORM. An ACCELERATING FORCE is that which acting continually upon a body in the direction of its motion, produces in it a continually increasing velocity of motion. A RETARDING FORCE is that which acting upon a body in a direction opposite to that of its motion produces in it a continually diminishing velocity. An IMPULSIVE FORCE is that which having communicated motion to a body, ceases to act upon it after an exceedingly small time from the commencement of the motion. 44. A UNIFORMLY accelerating or retarding force is that which produces equal increments or decrements of velocity in equal successive intervals of time. If f represent the additional velocity communicated to a body by a uniformly accelerating force in each successive second of time, and T the number of seconds during which it moves, then since by the first law of motion it retains all these increments of velo- city (if its motion be unopposed), it follows that after T seconds, an additional velocity represented by f T, will have been communicated to it ; and if at the commencement of this T seconds its velocity in the same direction was Y, then this initial velocity having been retained (by the first law of motion), its whole velocity will have become Y+/T. If, on the contrary, f represents the velocity continually taken away from a body in each successive second of time, by a uniformly retarding force, and Y the velocity with which it began to move in a direction opposite to that in which this retarding force acts, then will its remaining velo- city after T seconds be represented by Y /T; so that gene- rally the velocity Y of a body acted upon by a uniformly accelerating or retarding force is represented, after T seconds, by the formula (34). The force of gravity is, in respect to the descent of bodies near the earth's surface, a constantly accelerating force, increasing the velocity of their descent by 32 j feet in each successive second, and if they be projected upwards it is a constantly retarding force, diminishing their velocity by that quantity in each second. The symbol g is commonly used to VELOCITY. 43 represent this number 32| ; so that in respect to gravity the above formula becomes v=V 0T, the sign being taken according as the body is projected downwards or upwards. A VARIABLE accelerating force is that which communicates unequal increments of velocity in equal successive intervals of time ; and a variable retarding force that which takes away unequal decrements of velocity.* 45. To DETERMINE THE RELATION BETWEEN THE VELOCITY AND THE SPACE, AND THE SPACE AND TIME OF A BODY'S MOTION. Let AM 1? M^, M 2 M 8 , &c. represent the exceeding small successive periods of a body's motion, and AP the velocity with which it began to move, MjPj the velocity at the expiration of the first interval of time, M 2 P 2 that at the expiration of the second, M 3 P 3 of the third interval of time, and so on; and instead of the body varying the velocity of its motion con- tinually throughout the period AM 1? suppose it to move through that interval with a velocity which is a mean between the velocity AP at A, and that M^ at M 15 or with a velocity equal to ^(AP + M.P,). Since on this supposition it moves with a uniform motion, the space it describes during the period AM 1 equals the product of that velocity by that period of time, or it equals KAP-fMjP^AMj. Now this product represents the area of the trapezoid AM^P. The space described then in the interval AM n on the supposition that the body moves during that interval with a velocity which is the mean between those actually acquired at the commencement and termi- nation of the interval, is represented by the trapezoidal areaAM^P. Similarly the areas P^,, P 2 M 3 , &c. represent the spaces the body is made to describe in the successive intervals MjM 2 , M 2 M 3 , &c. ; and therefore the whole polygonal area APCB represents the whole space the body is made to describe in the whole time AB, on the supposition that it moves in each successively exceeding small interval of time with the mean velocity of that interval. Now the less the intervals are, the more nearly does this mean velocity of each interval approach the actual velocity of that interval ; and if they be infinitely small, and therefore infinitely great in * Kote (i) Ed. App. Me MOTION UNIFORMLY number, then the mean velocity coincides with the actual velocity of each interval, and in this case the polygonal area passes into the curvilinear area APCB. Generally, therefore, if we represent by the abscissa of a curve the times through which a body has moved, and by the corresponding ordinates of that curve the velocities which it has acquired after those times, then the area of that curve will represent the space through which the body has moved ; or in other words, if a curve PC be taken such that the num- ber of equal parts in any one of its abscissae AM 9 being taken to represent the number of seconds during which a body has moved, the number of those equal parts in the corresponding ordinate M 3 P 3 will represent the number of feet in the velo- city then acquired; then the space which the body has described will be represented by the number of these equal parts squared which are contained in the area of that curve. 46. To DETERMINE THE SPACE DESCRIBED IN A GIVEN TIME BY A BODY WHICH IS PROJECTED WITH A GIVEN VELOCITY, AND WHOSE MOTION IS UND7ORMLY ACCELERATED, OR UNIFORMLY RETARDED. Take any straight line AB to represent the whole time T, in seconds, of the body's motion, and draw AD perpendicular to it, representing on the same scale its velocity at the commencement of its motion. Draw DE parallel to AB, and accord- ing as the motion is accelerated or retarded draw DC or DF inclined to DE, at an angle w T hose tangent equals/", the constant increment or decrement of the body's velocity. Then if any abscissa AM be taken to represent a number of seconds t during which the body has moved, the corresponding ordinate MP or MQ will represent the velocity then acquired by it, according as its motion is accelerated or retarded. For PR = EQ = DK tan. PDE= AM tan. PDE ; but AM = , and tan. PDE=/: therefore PR = KQ=/j{. Also BM=AD=V, therefore JdP==BM+PB==V-f/^, and MQ=EM RQ=V- -ft\ therefore by equation (34), MP or MQ represents the velocity after the time AM according as the motion is accelerated or retarded. The same being true of every other time, it follows, by the last proposition, that the whole space described in the time T or AB is represented by the area ABCD if the motion be accelerated, and by the area ABFD if it be retarded. ACCELEEATED OK RETARDED. 45 ISTow area ABCD=iAB(AD+BO), but AB=T, AD=Y BC=Y+/T, /. area ABOD=iT(V+V+/T)=YT+i/T'. Also area ABFD=JAB (AD + BF), where AB and AD have the same values as before, and BF=Y /T, /. area ABFD=iT(Y+Y-/T)^YT-i/T 2 . Therefore generally, if S represent the space described after T seconds, S-YTi/T a (35); in which formula the sign is to be taken according as the motion is accelerated or retarded. 47. To DETERMINE A RELATION BETWEEN THE SPACE DESCRD3ED AND THE VELOCITY ACQUIRED BY A BODY WHICH IS PROJECTED WITH A GIVEN VELOCITY, AND WHOSE MOTION IS UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED OR RETARDED. Let v be the velocity acquired after T seconds, then by equation (34), v = Y /T, .-. T = ^ p J*\ c ]Sr w area ABCI) = * AB ( AD + BC )> where E AB=T= ^' p f (v V} :. area ABCD= i^ 1 " ("V+ ^) = f area ABFD = JAB (AD+BF), where AB=T = - Therefore generally, if S represent the space through which the velocity v is acquired, then S=iJ- 3 4 (36); in which formula the sign is to be taken according as the motion is accelerated or retarded. If the body's motion be retarded, its velocity v will eventu- ally be destroyed. Let Sj be the space which will have been 4:6 THE UNIT OF WORK. described when v thus vanishes, then by the last equation 0-Y 2 = - 2/S,. A Y 2 -2/S 1 (37), where Y is the velocity with which the body is projected in a direction opposite to the force, and S t the whole space which by this velocity of projection it can be made to describe. If the body's motion be accelerated, and it fall from rest, or have no velocity of projection, then ir 2 - = +2/*S, (38). Let S 2 be the space through which it must in this case move to acquire a velocity V equal to that with which it was projected in the last case, therefore Y 2 = 2/*S a . Whence it follows that S 1 =S a , or that the whole space S t through which a body will move when projected with a given velo- city Y, and uniformly retarded by any force, is equal to the space S a , through which it must move to acquire that velo- city when uniformly accelerated by the same force. In the case of bodies moving freely, and acted upon by gravity, f equals 32| feet and is represented by g ; and the space S a , through which any given velocity Y is acquired, is then said to be that due to that velocity. WOBK. 48. WORK is the union of a continued pressure with a continued motion. And a mechanical agent is thus said to WORK when a pressure is continually overcome, and a point (to which that pressure is applied) continually moved by it. Neither pressure nor motion alone is sufficient to constitute work / so that a man who merely supports a load upon his shoulders, without moving it, no more works, in the sense in which that term is here used, than does a column which sus- tains a heavy weight upon its summit ; and a stone, as it falls freely in vacuo, no more works than do the planets as they wheel unresisted through space.* 49. THE UNIT OF WORK. The unit of work used in this country, in terms of which to estimate every other amount * Note (,; ) Ed. App. VARIABLE WORK. 47 of work, is the work necessary to overcome a pressure of one pound through a distance of one foot, in a direction opposite to that in which a pressure acts. Thus, for instance, if a pound weight be raised through a vertical height of one foot, one unit of work is done ; for a pressure of one pound is overcome through a distance of one foot, in a direction oppo- site to that in which the pressure acts. 50. The number of units of work necessary to overcome a pressure of M pounds through a distance of 1ST feet, is equal to the product MN. For since, to overcome a pressure of one pound through one foot requires one unit of work, it is evident that to over- come a pressure of M pounds through tho same distance of one foot, will require M units. Since, then, M units of work are required to overcome this pressure through one foot, it it evident that N" times as many units (i. e. KM) are required to overcome it through IN" feet. Thus, if we take U to repre- sent the number of units of work done in overcoming a con- stant pressure of M pounds through N feet, we have (39).* 51. To ESTIMATE THE WOEK DONE UNDER A VARIABLE PRESSURE. Let PC be a curved line and AB its axis, such that any one of its abscissae AM 3 , containing as many equal parts as there are units in the space through which any portion of the work has M M been done, the corresponding ordinate M S P 3 may contain as many of those equal parts, as there are in the pressure under which it is then being done. Divide AB into exceedingly small equal parts, AM 19 MjM 2 , &c., and draw the ordinates MjPj, M 2 P 2 , &c. ; then if we conceive the work done through the space AMj (which is in reality done under pressures varying from AP to M,?,), to be done uniformly under a pressure, which is the arith- metic mean between AP and M^, it is evident that the number of units in the work done through that small space will equal the number of square units in the trapezoid APPjM, (see Art. 45.), and similarly with the other trape- * Note (fc) Ed. App. 48 THE RESOLUTION zoids ; so that the number of units in the whole work done through the space AB will equal the number of square units in the whole polygonal area APPff^ &c., CB. But since AM,, M.M^ &c., are exceedingly small, 'this polygonal area passes into the curvilinear area APCB ; the whole work done is therefore represented by the number of square equal parts in this area. Now, generally, the area of any curve is represented by the integral I ydx, where y represents the ordinate, and x the corresponding abscissa. But in this case the variable pressure P is represented by the ordinate, and the space S described under this variable pressure by the abscissa. If therefore U represent the work done between the values S a and S a of S, we have. s (40). 8, Mean pressure is that under which the same work would be done over the same space, provided that pressure, instead of varying throughout that space, remained the same : thus, the mean pressure in re- spect to an amount of work represented by the curvilinear area AEFC, is that under which an amount of work would be done represented by the rectilineal area ABDC, the area ABDC being equal to the curvilinear area AEFC ; the mean pres- sure in this case is represented by AB. Thus, to determine the mean pressure in any case of variable pressure, we have only to find a curvilinear area representing the work done under that variable pressure, and then to describe a rectan- .gular parallelogram on the same base AC, which shall have an area equal to the curvilinear area. If S represent the space described under a variable pres- sure, U the work done, and p the mean pressure, then pS = U, therefore p = -^ .* 52. To estimate the work of a pressure, whose direction is not that in which its point of application is made to move. Hitherto the work of a force has been estimated only on * Note (I) Ed. App. OF WOBK. the supposition that the point of applica- - tion of that force is moved in the direction in which the force operates, or in the oppo- site direction. Let PQ be tfye direction of a pressure, whose point of application Q is made to move in the direction of the straight line AB. Suppose the pressure P to remain con- stant, and its direction to continue parallel to itself. It is required to estimate the work done, whilst the point of application has been moved from A to Q. Eesolve P into R and S, of which R is parallel and S per- pendicular to AB. Then since no motion takes place in the : direction of SQ, the pressure S does no work, and the whole.- work is done by R ; therefore the work = R . AQ. ]STow R=P . cos. PQR, therefore the work=:P . AQcos;. PQR. From the point A draw AM perpendicular to PQ> then AQ cos. PQR^QM ; therefore work^P . QM. There- fore the work of any pressure as above, not acting ia the direction of the motion of the point of application of that pressure, is the same as it would have been if the point of application had been made to move in the direction of the pressure, provided that the space through which it was so moved had been the projection of the space through which it actually moves. The product P . QM may be called the work of r resolved in the direction of P. The above proposition which has been proved, whatever may be the distance through which the point of application is moved, in that particular case only in which the pressure remains the same in amount and always parallel to itself, is evidently true for exceedingly small spaces of motion, even if the pressure be variable both in amount and direction ; since for such exceedingly small variations in the positions of the points of application, the variations of the pressures themselves, both in amount and direction, arising from these variations of position, must be exceedingly small, and there- fore the resulting variations in the work exceedingly small as compared with the whole work.* * Note (m) Ed. App. 50 THE WOKK OF 53. If any number of pressures P,, P 2 , P 3 , le applied to the same point A, and remain constant and parallel to them- selves, whilst the point A is made to move through the straight lirfe AB, then the whole work done is equal to the sum o the works of the different pressures resolved in the directions of those pressures, each being taken negatively whose point of application is made to move in an opposite to the pressure upon it. Let a i? a 25 a g? &c. represent the inclinations of the pres- sures P,, P 2 , &c. to the line AB, then will the resolved parts of these pressures in the direction of that line be Y l cos. a l? P 2 cos. 2 , P 3 cos. 3 , &c. and they will be equiva- lent to a single pressure in the direction of that line represented by P, cos. t -f P 2 cos. a 2 + P 3 cos. a 35 &c. in which sum all those terms are to be taken negatively which involve pres- sures whose direction is from B towards A (since the single pressure from A towards B is manifestly equal to the differ- ence between the sum of those resolved pressures which act in that direction, and those in the opposite direction). There- fore the whole work is equal to jPj cos. ^ + P 2 cos. 2 -f- P 3 cosv ..... }. AB = P, . AB cos, a, + P 2 . AB cos. a 2 + P 3 ABcos. a 3 + ... =P 1 ; in which expression the successive terms are the works of the different pressures resolved in the several directions of those pressures, each being taken positively or negatively, according as the direction of the corresponding pressure is towards the direction of the motion or opposite to it. Thus if U represent the whole work and Uj and U 2 the sums of those done in opposite directions, then U=U,-U, (41). 54. If any number of pressures applied to a point he in equi- librium, and their point of application he moved, the whole work done by these pressures in the direction of the motion will equal the whole work done in the opposite direction. For if the pressures P,, P 2 , P 3 , &c, (Art. 53) be in equi- librium, then the sums of their resolved pressures in opposite * Note (n) Ed. App. CENTRAL FORCES. 51 directions along AB will be equal (Art. 10) ; therefore the whole work U along AB, which by the last proposition is equal to the work of a pressure represented by the difference of these sums, will equal nothing, therefore = tJ, U 2 , therefore IT, U 2 , that is, the whole work done in one direc- tion along AB, by the pressures P,, P 2 , &c. is equal to the whole work done in the opposite direction. 55. If a body be acted upon by a force whose direction is always towards a certain point S, called a centre of force, and be made to describe any given curve PA in a direction opposed to the action of that force, and Sp be measured on SA equal to SP, then will the work done in moving the body through the curve PA be equal to that which would be necessary to move it in a straight line from p to A. For suppose the curve PA to be a portion of a polygon of an infinite number of sides, PP,, P,P 2 , &c. Through the points P, P,, P 2 , &c. describe circu- lar arcs with the radii SP, SP,, SP 2 , &c. and let them intersect S A in p, p^ p^ &c. Then since PP, is exceedingly small, the force may be consi- dered to act throughout this space always in a direction parallel to SP, ; therefore the work done through PP, is equal to the work which must be done to move the body through the distance raP, (Art. 52.), since mP, is the projection of PP, upon the direction SP, of the force. But mP l =pp l ; therefore the work done through PP, is equal to that which would be required to move the body along the line S A through the distance pp^ ; and simi- larly the work done through P,P 2 is equal to that which must be done to move the body through p^p so that the work through PP 2 is equal to that through pp^ and so of all other points in the curve. Therefore the work through PA is equal to that through pA.* Therefore, &c. [Q.E.D.] * Of course it is in this proposition supposed that the force, if it be not constant, is dependant for its amount only on the distance of the point at which it acts from the centre of force S ; so that the distances of p and P from S being the same, the force at p is equal to that at P ; similarly the force at pi is equal to that at P 1} the force at p* equal to that at P 2 , &c. 52 THE WOBK OF 56. If S ~be at an exceedingly great distance as compared with AJ?, then all the lines drawn from S to AP may ~be con- sidered parallel. This is the case with the force of gravity at the surface of the earth, which tends towards a point, the earth's centre, situated at an exceedingly great distance, as compared with any of the distances through which the work of mechanical agents is usually estimated. Thus then it follows that the work necessary to move a heavy body up any curve PA, or inclined plane, is the same as would be necessary to raise it in a vertical line pA. to the same height. The dimensions of the body are here supposed to be ex- ceeding small. If it be of considerable dimensions, then whatever be the height through which its centre of gravity is raised along the curve, the work expended is the same (Art 60.) as though the centre of gravity were raised verti- cally to that height.* 57. In the preceding^ propositions the work has been esti- mated on the supposition that the body is made to move so as to increase its distance from the centre S, or in a direction opposed to that of the force impelling it towards S. It is evident, nevertheless that the work would have been precisely the same, if instead of the body moving from P to A it had moved from A to P, provided only that in this last case there were applied to it at every point such a force as would prevent its motion from being accelerated by the force con- tinually impelling it towards S ; for it is evident that to pre- vent this acceleration, there must continually be applied to the body a force in a direction from S equal to that by which it is attracted towards it ; and the work of such a force is manifestly the same, provided the path be the same, whether the body move in one direction or the other along that path, being in the two cases the work of the same force over the same space, but in opposite directions. * The only force acting upon the body is in this proposition supposed to be that acting towards S. No account is taken of friction or any other forces "which oppose themselves to its motion. PARALLEL FORCES. 53 58. If there ~be any number of parallel pressures, P n P aJ P 3 , &c. whose points of application are transferred, each through any given distance from one position to another, then is the work which would he necessary to transfer their resultant through a space equal to that ~by which their centre of pressure is displaced in this change of position, equal to the difference between the aggregate work of those pressures whose points of application have been moved in the directions in which the pressures applied to them act, and those whose points of application have been moved in the opposite directions to their pressures. For (Art. IT.), if y 15 y a , ?/ 3 , &c. represent the distances of the points of application of these pressures from any given plane in their first position, and h the distance of their centre of pressure from that plane, and if Y t , Y 2 , Y 8 &c. and H re- present the corresponding distances in the second position, and if P 15 P 2 , P 3 , &c. be taken positively or negatively ac- cording as their directions are from or towards the given plane, h { , (Y 3 -y 2 ) '+P 3 (Y 3 -y 3 ) + ..... (42); in the second member of which equation the several terms are evidently positive or negative, according as the pressure P corresponding to each, arid the difference Y y of its dis- tances from the plane in its two positions, have the same or contrary signs. Now by supposition P is positive or negative according as it acts from or towards the plane ; also Y y is evidently positive or negative according as the point of appli- cation of P is moved from or towards the plane ; each term is therefore positive or negative, according as the correspond- ing point of application is transferred in a direction towards that in which its applied pressure acts, or in the opposite direction. Now the plane from which the distances of the points of application are measured may be any plane whatever. Let it be a plane perpendicular to the directions of the pressures. 54 THE WORK OF Let A.xy represent this plane, and let P P' represent the two positions of the point of application of the pressure P (the path described by it between these two positions having been any whatever). Let MP and M'P' represent the perpendicular dis- tances of the points P and P' from the plane, and draw Pm from P perpendicular to M'P'. Then P (Y y)=P(M'P'-MP)^P . mP'; but by Art. 55., P . mP' equals the work of P as its point of applica- tion is transferred from P to P'. Thus each term of the second member of equation (42) represents the work of the corre- sponding pressure, so that if 2-z^, represent the aggregate work of those pressures whose points of application are trans- ferred towards the directions in which the pressures act, and 2^ 2 the work of those whose points of application are moved opposite to the directions in which they severally act, then the second member of the equation is represented by 2^ 2-z/, a . Moreover the first member of the equation is evidently the work necessary to transfer the resultant pressure P 2 + P 2 -f P 3 &c. through the distance H A, which is that by which the centre of pressure is removed from or towards the given plane, so that if U represent the quantity of work necessary to make this transfer of the centre of pressure, 11=2^-2^ (43). t 59. If the sum of those parallel pressures whose tendency is in one direction equal the sum of those whose tendency is in the opposite direction, then Pj + Pg + Pg-j- =0. In this case, therefore, 11=0, therefore 2^2^0, there- fore 2^= 2^ 2 ; so that when in any system of parallel pres- sures the sum of those whose tendency is in one direction equals the sum of those whose tendency is in the opposite direc- tion, then the aggregate work of those whose points of appli- cation are moved in the directions of the pressure severally applied to them is equal to the aggregate work of those whose points of application are moved in the opposite directions. This case manifestly obtains when the parallel pressures are in EQUILIBRIUM, the sum of those whose tendency is in one direction then equalling the sum of those whose tendency is in the opposite direction, since otherwise, when applied to a point, these pressures could not be in equilibrium about that point (Art. 8.). PAEALLEL FORCES. 55 60. The preceding proposition is manifestly true in respect to a system of weights, these being pressures whose directions are always parallel, wherever their points of application may be moved. 'Now the centre of pressure of a system of weights is its centre of gravity (Art. 19). Thus then it fol- lows, that if the weights composing such a system be sepa- rately moved in any directions whatever, and through any distances whatever, then the difference between the aggre- gate work done upwards in making this change of relative position and that done downwards is equal to the work necessary to raise the sum of all the weights through a height equal to that through which their centre of gravity is raised or depressed.* Moreover that if .such a system of weights be supported in equilibrium by the resistance of any fixed point or points, and be put in motion, ttVn (since the work of the resistance of each such point is nothing) the aggregate * This proposition has numerous applications. If, for instance, it be required to determine the aggregate expenditure of work in raising the different ele- ments of a structure, its stone, cement, &c., to the different positions they occupy in it, we make this calculation by determining the work requisite to raise the whole weight of material at once^to the height of the centre of gra- vity of the structure. If these materials have been carried up by labourers, and we are desirous to include the whole of their labour in the calculation, we ascertain the probable amount of each load, and conceive the weight of a la- bourer to be added to each load, and then all these at once to be raised to the height of the centre of gravity. Ag:iin, if it be required to determine the expenditure of work made in rais- ing the material excavated from a well, or in pumping the water out of it, we know that (neglecting the effect of friction, and the weight and rigidity of the cord) this expenditure of work is the same as though the whole material had been raised at one lift from the centre of gravity of the shaft to the surface. Let us take another application of this principle which offers so many practical results. The material of a railway excavation of considerable length is to be removed so as to form an embankment across a valley at some distance, and it is required to determine the expenditure of work made in this transfer of th3 material. Here each load of material is made to traverse a different distance, a resistance from the friction, &c., of the road being continually opposed to its motion. These resistances on the different loads constitute a system of paral- lel pressures, each of whose points of application is separately transferred fro n one given point to another given point, tb.e directions of transfer being als > parallel. Now by the preceding proposition, the expenditure of work in all these separate transfers is the same as it would have been had a pressure equil to the sum of all these pressures been at once transferred from the centre of resistance of the excavation to the centre of resistance of the embankment. Now the resistances of the parts of the mass moved are the frictions of its ele- ments upon the road, and these frictions are proportional to the weights of the elements ; their centre of resistance coincides therefore with the centre of gra- vity of the mass, and it follows that the expenditure of work is the same as though all the material had been moved at once from the centre of gravity of the excavation to that of the embankment. To allow for the weight of the carriages, as many times the weight of a carriage must be added to the weight of the material as there are journeys made. 56 STABILITY OF THE CENTRE. work of those weights which are made to descend, is equal to that of those which are made to ascend. 61. If a plane ~be taken perpendicular to the directions of any number of parallel pressures and there he two different po- sitions ojr the points of application of certain of these pi^es- sures in which they are at different distances from the plane-, whilst the points of application of the rest of tJwse pressures remain at the same distance from that plane, and if in both positions the system be in equilibrium, then the centre of pressure of the first mentioned pressures will be at the same distance from the plane in both positions. For since in both positions the system is in equilibrium, therefore in both positions Pj + P 2 + P 8 + ... =0, Now let P w be any one of the pressures whose points ol appli- cation is at the same distance from the given plane in both positions, Y n =y n , and Y.-y. = 0, ..(Y 1 - 2 / 1 )P 1 + (Y 2 - .-. Y^+YJP, +. . . . Y 1 P 1 +Y 2 P 2 + . . . where H w _, represents the distance of the centre of pressure of P 15 P 2 . . . P n _,, from the given plane in the first position, and A n _ 1 its distance in the second position. Its distance in the first position is therefore the same as in the second, Therefore, &c. From this proposition, it follows that if a system of weights be supported by the resistances of one or more fixed points, and if there be any two positions whatever of the weights in both of which they are in equilibrium with the resistances of those points, then the height of the common centre of gravity of the weights is the same in both positions. And that if there be a series of positions in all of which the weights are in equilibrium about such a resisting point or points, then the centre of gravity remains continually at the same height as the system passes through this series of posi- tions. If all these positions of equilibrium be infinitely near to WORK OF PRESSURES. 57 one another, then it is only during an infinitely small motion of the points of application that the centre of gravity ceases to ascend or descend ; and, conversely, if for an infinitely small motion of the points of application the centre of gravity ceases to ascend or descend, then in two or more positions of the points of application of the system, infi- nitely near to one another, it is in equilibrium. WORK OF PRESSURES APPLIED IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS TO A BODY MOVEABLE ABOUT A FIXED AxiS. 62. The work of a pressure applied to a body moveable about a fixed axis is the same at whatever point in its proper direction that pressure may be applied. For let AB represent the direction of a pressure applied to a body moveable about a fixed axis O ; the work done by this pressure will be the same whether it be ap- plied at A or B. For conceive the body to revolve about O, through an exceedingly small angle AOC, or BOD, so that the points A and D may describe circular arcs AC and BD. Draw Cm, Dn, and OE, perpendiculars to AB, then if P represent the pressure applied to AB, P . Am will represent the work done by P when applied at A (Art. 52.), and P . l&n will represent the work done by P when applied at B ; therefore the work done by P at A is the same as that done by P at B, if Am is equal to B^. Now AC and BD being exceedingly small, they may be conceived to be straight lines. Since BD and BE are respectively perpendicular to OB and OE, therefore /DBE / BOE ;'* and because AC and AE are perpendicular to O A and OE, therefore / CAE = /_ AOE. Now Am = CA CA . cos. CAE = CA . cos. AOE = ^ . OA . cos. AOE PA = 7 . - x OE. Similarly B^ = DB cos. DBE = DB . cos. BOE = 55 OB cos. BOE = ^ x OE, i.e. Am = OE . * It is a well-known principle of Geometry, that if two lines be inclined at any angle, and any two others be drawn perpendicular to these, then the incli- nation of the last two to one another shall equal that of the first two. 58 THE ACCUMULATION OF WORK. CA n BD CA BD PT-T-, and tin= OE -^5. But 7 = 7 ^^ since the /_ AOC V/JTX \)JL> W-OL \JJ / BOD, therefore Am = ~Bn* 63. If any number of pressures oe ^n equilibrium about a fixed axis, then the whole work of those which tend to move the system in one direction about that axis is equal to the whole work of those which tend to move it in the opposite direction about the same axis. For let P be any one of such a system of pressures, and O a fixed axis, and OM perpen- dicular to the direction of P, then whatever may be the point of application of P, the work of that pressure is the same as though it were applied at M. Suppose the whole system to be moved through an exceeding small angle d about the point O, and let OM be repre- sented by Pi then will pQ represent the space described by the point M, which will be actually in the direction of the force P, therefore the work of P=P . p . 6. Now let P,, P 2 , P,, &c. represent those pressures which act in the direction of the motion, and P' x , P' 2 , &c. those which act in the opposite direction, and let Pupvpv &c. be the perpendiculars on the first, and j/ l5 p' n p ' &c. be the perpendiculars on the second ; therefore by the principle of the equality of moments Pj^ + P^ + ^^P* f &c. = P'^ + P' 2 y 2 + P' 8 y 3 + &c. ; therefore multiplying both sides by 0, P j>^ + Pj^ + P 3 ^ = P',^ + P'^pV -f P'^V + &c. ; but Pjj?^, P',^>'^, &c. are the works of the forces P 15 P' 15 &c. ; therefore the aggregate work of those which tend to move the system in one direction is equal to the aggregate of those which tend to move it in the opposite direction. 64. THE ACCUMULATION OF WOEK IN A MOVING BODY. In every moving bod^ there is accumulated, by the action of the forces whence its motion has resulted, a certain amount of power which it reproduces upon any resistance opposed to its motion, and which is measured by the work done by it upon that obstacle. Not to multiply terms, we shall speak of this accumulated power of working, thus measured by the work it is capable of producing, as ACCU- MULATED WOEK. It is in this sense that in a ball fired from * Note (o) Ed. App. THE ACCUMULATION OF WORK. 59 a cannon there is understood to be accumulated the work it reproduces upon the obstacles which it encounters in its flight ; that in the water which flows through the channel of a mill is accumulated the work which it yields up to the wheel ; * and that in the carriage which is allowed rapidly to descend a hill is accumulated the work which carries it a considerable distance up the next hill. It is when the pres- sure under which any work is done, exceeds the resistance opposed to it, that the work is thus accumulated in a moviftg body ; and it will subsequently be shown (Art. 69.) that in every case the work accumulated is precisely equal to the work done upon the body beyond that necessary to over- come the resistances opposed to its motion, a principle which might almost indeed be assumed as in itself evident. 65. The amount of work thus accumulated in a body moving with a given velocity, is evidently the same, what- ever may have been the circumstances under which its velocity has been acquired. Whether the velocity of a ball has been communicated by projection from a steam gun, or explosion from a cannon, or by being allowed to fall freely from a sufficient height, it matters not to the result ; pro- vided the same velocity be communicated to it in all three cases, and it be of the same weight, the work accumulated in it, estimated by the effect it is capable of producing, is evidently the same. In like manner, the whole amount of work which it is capable of yielding to overcome any resistance is the same, whatever may be the nature of that resistance. 66. To ESTIMATE THE NUMBER OF UNITS OF WORK ACCUMU- LATED IN A BODY MOVING WITH A GIVEN VELOCITY. Let w be the weight of the body in pounds, and v its velocity in feet. Now suppose the body to be projected with the velocity v in a direction opposite to gravity, it will ascend to the height h from which it must have fallen, to acquire that same velo- city v (Art. 47.); there must then at the instant of projection have been accumulated in it an amount of work sufficient to raise it to this height h ; but the number of units of work * This remark applies more particularly to the under-shot wheel, which is carried round by the rush of the water. 60 THE ACCUMULATION OF WORK. requisite to raise a weight w to a height A, is represented by wh ; this then is the number of units of work accumulated in the body at the instant of projection. But since h is the height through which the body must fall to acquire the velo- city v, therefore u 2 %gh (Art. 47.) ; therefore h=% ; whence it follows that if U represent the number of units of work accumulated, nn Moreover it appears by the last article that this expression represents the work accumulated in a body weighing w pounds, and moving with a velocity of v feet, whatever may have been the circumstances under which that velocity was accumulated. The product j'W 2 is called the vis VIVA of the body, so that the accumulated work is represented by half the vis viva, the quotient ( J is called the MASS of the body.* 67. To estimate the work accumulated in a body, or lost by it, as it passes from one velocity to another. In a body whose weight is w, and which moves with a velocity v there is accumulated a number of units of work w represented (Art. 66.) by the formula v\ After it has passed from this velocity to another V, there will be accumu- w lated in it a number of units of work, represented by ^ V 2 , so that if its last velocity be greater than the first, there will have been added to the work accumulated in it a num- ber of units represented by J Y 2 J v 2 ; or if the second velocity be less than the first, there will have been taken from the work accumulated in it a number of units repre- sented by i> 2 J V 2 . So that generally if U represent the work accumulated or lost by the body, in passing from the velocity v to the velocity Y, then * Note (p), Ed. App. THE ACCUMULATION OF WOKK. 61 U=i-{y-t^ ---- (45), where the sign is to be taken according as the motion is accelerated or retarded. 68. The work accumulated in a body, whose motion is accele- rated through any given space by given forces is equal to the work which it would he necessary to do upon the body to cause it to move hack again through the same space when acted upon by the same forces. For it is evident that if with the velocity which a body has acquired through any space AB by the action of any forces whose direction is from A towards B, it be projected back again from B towards A, then as it returns through each successive small part or element of its path, it will be retarded by precisely the same forces as those by which it was accelerated when it before passed through it ; so that it will, in returning through each such element, lose the same portion of its velocity as before it gained there ; and when at length it has traversed the whole distance BA, and reached the point A, it will have lost between B and A a velocity, and therefore an amount of work (Art. 67.), precisely equal to that which before it gained between A and B. Now the work lost between B and A is the work necessary to overcome the resistances opposed to the motion through 'B A. The work accumulated from A to B is there- fore equal to the work which would be necessary to over- come the resistances between B and A, or which would be necessary to move the body from a state of rest, and with a uniform motion, in opposition to these resistances, through BA. Let this work be represented by U ; also let v be the velocity with which the body started from A, and Y that which it has acquired at B. Then will J (Y 3 v*) repre- sent the work accumulated between A and B, If the body, instead of being accelerated, had been retarded, then the work lost being that expended in over- coming the retarding forces, is evidently that necessary to 62 THE ACCUMULATION OF WORK. move the body uniformly in opposition to these retarding forces through AB ; so that if this force be represented by w TJ, then, since -| (V 2 V 2 ) is in this case the work lost, we t/ shall have v* Y 2 =^-. Therefore, generally, (46), where the sign is to be taken according as the motion is accelerated or retarded. 69. The work accumulated in a body which has moved through any space acted upon by any force, is equal to the excess of the work which has been done upon it by those forces which tend to accelerate its motion above that which has been done upon it by those which tend to retard its motion. For let R be the single force which would at any point P (see last fig.) be necessary to move the body back again through an exceeding small element of the same path (the other forces impressed upon it remaining as before) ; then it follows by Art. 54:. that the work of R over this element of the path is equal to the excess of the work over that element of the forces which are impressed upon the body in the direction of its motion above the work of those impressed in the opposite direction. Now this is true at every point of the path ; therefore the whole work of the force II necessary to move the body back again from B to A is equal to the excess of the work done upon it, by the impressed forces in the direction of its motion, #bove the work done upon it by them in a direction opposed to its motion ; whence also it follows, by the last proposition, that the accumulated work is equal to this excess. There- fore, &c. *70. If P represent the force in the direction of the motion which at a given distance S, measured along the path, acts to accelerate the motion of the body, this force being understood not to be counteracted by any other, or to be the surplus force in the direction of the motion over and THE ACCUMULATION OF WORK. (>3 above any resistance opposed to it, then will f PdS be the o work which must be done in an opposite direction to over- s come this force through the space S, or U f o by equation (46), Y 2 -V:= - ...... (47). 71. If the force P tends at first towards the direction in which the body moves, so as to accelerate the motion, and if after a certain space has been described it changes its direction so as to retard the motion, and U 1 represent the value of U in respect to the former motion, and Y x the velocity acquired when that motion has terminated, whilst U 2 is the value of U in respect to the second or retarded motion, and if v be the initial and Y the ultimate or actual velocity, then V-V- " " W ' . ; . . . . (48). As U 2 increases, the actual velocity Y of the body con- tinually diminishes ; and when at length U^Uj, that is when the whole work done (above the resistances) in a direction opposite to the motion, comes to equal that done, before, in the direction of the motion, then Y=v, or the velocity of the body returns again to that which it had when the force P begjan to act upon it. This is that gene- ral case of reciprocating motion which is so frequently pre- sented in the combinations of machinery, and of which the crank motion is a remarkable example. If the force which accelerates the body's motion act always towards the same centre S, and SJ be taken equal to 64: THE ACCUMULATION OF WOKK. SB, it has been shown (Art 55.) that the work necessary to move the body along the curve from B to A, 'is equal to that which would be necessary to move it through the straight line &A. The accumulated work is therefore equal to that neces- sary to move the body through the difference 5A of the two distances SA and SB (Art. 68.). If these distances be represented by 3^ and R a , and P represent the pressure with which the body's motion along JA would be resisted at any distance R from the point S, RI then / ~PdH will represent this work. Moreover the work R<2 accumulated in the body between A and B is represented by -J (Y 2 v*), if Y represent the velocity at B and v that at A, 73. The work accumulated in the body while it descends the curve AB, is the same as that which it would acquire in falling directly towards S through the distance A5, for both of these are equal to the work which w^ould be necessary to raise the body from b to A. Since then the work accumu- lated by the body through AB is equal to that which it would accumulate if it fell through A5, it follows that velocity acquired by it in falling, from rest, through AB is equal to that which it would acquire in falling through AZ>. For if Y represent the velocity acquired in the one case, and Y t that in the other, then the accumulated work in the first case W W is represented by $ Y a , and that in the second case by -J- Y! a , W W therefore i Y a = J Y, 8 , therefore Y= V,. From this it follows, that if a body descend, being pro- jected obliquely into free space, or sliding from rest upon any curved surface or inclined plane, and be acted upon only by the force of gravity (that is, subject to no friction or resistance of the air or other retarding cause), then the velo- TIIE ACCUMULATION OF WORK. 65 city acquired by it in its descent is precisely the same as though it had fallen vertically through the same height. 74. DEFINITION. The ANGULAR VELOCITY of a body which rotates about a fixed axis is the arc which every particle of the body situated at a distance unity from the axis describes in a second of time, if the body revolves uniformly ; or, if the body moves with a variable motion, it is the arc which it would describe in a second of time if (from the instant when its angular velocity is measured) its revolution were to become uniform. 75. THE ACCUMULATION OF WORK IN A BODY WHICH, ROTATES ABOUT A FIXED AXIS. Propositions 68 and 69 apply to every case of the motion of a heavy body. In every such case the work accumulated or lost by the action of any moving force or pressure, whilst the body passes from any one position to another, is equal to the work which must be done in an opposite direction, to cause it to pass back from the second position into the first. Let us suppose U to represent this work in respect to a body of any given dimensions, which has rotated about a fixed axis from one given position into another, by the action of given forces. Let , be taken to represent the ANGULAR VELOCITY of the body after it has passed from one of these positions into another. Then since a is the actual velocity of a particle at distance unity from the axis, therefore the velocity of a par- ticle at any other distance p t from the axis is ap,. Let j* represent the weight of each unit of the volume of the body, and m t the volume of any particle whose distance from the axis is pj, then will the weight of that particle be pm l ; also its velocity has been shown to be ap 15 therefore the amount of work accumulated in that particle is represented by -^, or by ia 2 Similarly the different amounts of work accumulated in the other particles or elements of the body whose distances from the axis are represented by p 2 , p 3 , . . . and their i* volumes by m 2 , m a , ra< . . . ., are represented by i a2 -^ a p a a , y a 3 - 77^p 3 3 , &c. ; so that the whole work accumulated is repre- y 66 ANGULAR VELOCITY. U Ui ' ttt eented by the sum ia 2 -m 1 p 1 2 + -Ja 2 -m 2 p 2 2 +-|a 2 -m 3 p 8 s + . y . y ff , or by a 2 - {m 1 p 1 2 +m 2 p 2 2 +m 3 p 3 2 + }. The sum m 1 ?? + m 2 p 2 2 + m g p 3 2 + . . . ., or 2mp 2 taken in respect to all the particles or elements which compose the body, is called its MOMENT OF INERTIA in respect to the particular axis about which the rotation takes place. Let it be represented by I ; then will -Ja 2 . I J . I, represent the whole amount of work accumulated in the body whilst it has been made to acquire the angular velocity a from rest. If therefore U represent the work which must be done in an opposite direction to cause the body to pass back from its last position into its first, =# )? If instead of the body's first position being one of rest, it had in its first position been moving with an angular velocity x which had passed, in its second position, into a velocity a ; and if U represent, as before, the work which must be done in an opposite direction, to bring this body back from its second into its first position, then is -Ja 2 ( -j I %a* ( -j I, or J ( - ) (a 2 a x s ) I, the work accumulated between the first 9 and second positions ; therefore ('-<)!= TI, where the sign is to be taken according as the motion is accelerated or retarded between the first and second posi- tions, since in the one case the angular velocity increases during the motion, so that a 2 is greater than a^, whilst in the latter case it diminishes, so that a 2 is less than a^. 76. If during one part of the motion, the work of the ANGULAR VELOCITY. 67 impressed forces tends to accelerate, and during another to retard it, and the work in the former case be represented by Uj, and in the latter by U 9 , then From this equation it follows that when 112=11,, or when the work U 2 done by the forces which tend to resist the motion at length, equals that done by the forces which tend to accelerate the motion, then a a n or the revolving body then returns again to the angular velocity from which it set out. "Whilst, if UV * never becomes equal to U, in the course of a revolution, then the angular velocity a does not return to its original value, but is increased at each revolution ; and on the other hand, if U 2 becomes at each revolution greater than U^, then the angular velocity is at each revolu- tion diminished. The greater the moment of inertia I of the revolving mass, and the greater the weight f* of its unit of volume (that is, the heavier the material of which it is formed), the less is the variation produced in the angular velocity a by any given variation of II or U 1 U 2 at different periods of the same revolution, or from revolution to revolution ; that is, the more steady is the motion produced by any variable action of the impelling force. It is on this principle that the fly-wheel is used to equalize the motion of machinery under a variable operation of the moving power, or of the resistance. It is simply a contrivance for increasing the moment of inertia of the revolving mass, and thereby giving steadiness to its revolution, under the operation of variable impelling forces, 011 the principles stated above. This great moment of inertia is given to the fly-wheel, by collecting the greater part of its material on the rim, or about the circumference of the wheel, so that the distance p of each particle which composes it, from the axis about which it revolves, may be the greatest possible, and thus the sum 2mp 2 , or I, may be the greatest possible. ^ At the same time the greatest value is given to the quantity f*, by constructing the wheel of the heaviest material applicable to the purpose. What has here been said will best be understood in its application to the CRANK. 68 ANGULAH VELOCITY. 77. If we conceive a constant pressure Q to act upon the B arm CB of the crank ... "X^^^^P i n tne direction AB of / VVCi > ^ :: ^3jL ^6 cran k ro( ^? an ^ a I c @r j t '^ ^-^r~ constant resistance R /y* to be opposed to the revolution of the axis C always at the same perpendicular distance from that axis, it is evident that since the perpendicular distance at which Q acts from the axis is continually varying (being at one time nothing, and at another equal to the whole length CB of the arm of the crank), the effective pressure upon the arm CB must at certain periods of each revolution exceed the constant resistance opposed to the motion of that arm, and at other periods fall short of it ; so that the resultant of this pressure and this resistance, or the unbalanced pressure P upon the arm, must at one period of each revolution have its direction in the direction of the motion, and at another time opposite to it. Representing the work done upon the arm in the one case by tF,, and in the other by U 2 , it follows that if U^TJ, the arm will return in the course of each revolution, from the velocity which it had when the work Uj began to be done, to that velocity again when the work U 2 is completed. If on the contrary \J l exceed U a , then the velocity will increase at each revolution ; and if Uj be less than u 2 , it will diminish. It is evident from equation (52), that the greater the moment of inertia I of the body put in motion, and the greater the weight M- of its unit of volume, the less is the variation in the value of a, pro'duced by any given variation in the value of Uj U 2 ; the less therefore is the variation in the rotation of the arm of the crank, and of the machine to which it gives motion, pro- duced by the varying action of the forces impressed upon it. Now the fly-wheel being fixed upon the same axis with the crank arm, and revolving with it, adds its own moment of inertia to that of the rest of the revolving mass, thereby increasing greatly the value of I, and therefore, on the prin- ciples stated above, equalizing the motion, whilst it does not otherwise increase the resistance to be overcome, than by the friction of its axis, and the resistance which the air opposes to its revolution.* * We shall hereafter treat fully of the crank and fly-wheel ANGULAR VELOCITY. 69 78. The rotation of a T)ody about a fixed axis when acted upon ly no other moving force than its weight. Let U represent the work necessary to raise it from its second position into the first if it be descending, or from its first into its second position if it be ascending, and let x be its angular velocity in the first position, and a in the second ; fT>m-> ~V\-tr Ck/rna-f-i r\ri ('\~\\ then by equation (51), "Now it has been shown (Art. 60.), that the work necessary to raise the body from its second position into the first if it be descending, or from its first into its second if it be ascending (its weight being the only force to be overcome), is the same as would be necessary to raise its whole weight collected in its centre of gravity from the one position into the other position of its centre of gravity. Let CA repre- sent the one, and CA 1 the other position of the body, and G and G^ the two correspond- ing positions of the centre of gravity, then will the work necessary to raise the body from its position CA to its position CA 1? be equal to that which is necessary to raise its whole weight "W, supposed collected in G, from that point to Gj ; which by Article 56, is the same as that necessary to raise it through the vertical height GM. Let now CG=CG,=:A, let CD be a vertical line through C, let G.CD ^ and GCD=d, in the case in which the body descends, and conversely when it ascends; therefore GM=KN" 1 =CK CN^h cos. 4 h cos. ^ when the body descends, or =h cos. X h cos. 6 when it ascends from the position AC to AC 1? since in this last case GCD=^ and Q 1 GD=6. Therefore GM=A (cos. A cos. 6\ the sign being taken according as the body ascends or descends. U=W . GM=WA cos. 4 cos. .'. by equation (51) a*=ai,* + { 3\ (cos. 6 cos. ^). If M represent the volume of the revolving body Mf*= W, (cos. d-cos. ^) ..... (53). When the body has descended into the vertical position, TO MOMENT OF INEKTIA. 0=0, so that (cos. 6 cos. ^)=1 cos. ^=2 sin. 2 -^. When it has ascended into that position d=tf, so that (cos. 6 cos. *,)= (1 + cos. ^)= 2 cos. 2 ^. In the first case, therefore, In the second case, e.'tt ..... (55). When the body has descended or ascended into the hori- if zontal position d=~, so that ( cos - ^ cos - ^) cos - ^i- But it is to be observed, that if the body have descended into the horizontal position, 0, must have been greater than ^, 2 and therefore cos. 6 l must be negative and equal to cos. BCG, ; so that if we suppose 6 t to be measured from CB or CD, according as the body descends or ascends, then (cos. 6 cos. fl,)=cos. d 1? and we have for this case of descent or ascent to a horizontal position (56.) If the body descend from a state of rest, a l =0. .-. by equation (53) <*?=-$ (cos. d cos. d,) . . . (57). Thus the angular velocity acquired from rest is less as the moment of inertia I is greater as compared with the volume M, or as the mass of the body is collected farther from its axis. THE MOMENT OF INERTIA. 79. Having given the moment of inertia of a ~body, or system of bodies, about an axis passing through its centre of gravity, to find its moment of inertia about an axis, par- allel to the first, passing through any other point in the body or system. Let m, be any element of the body or system, 7 MOMENT OF INERTIA. 71 plane perpendicular to the axis, about which the moments are to be measured, A \ the point where this plane is intersected by that axis, and G the point where it is intersected by the parallel axis passing through the centre of gravity of the body. Join AG, A.m^ Gra,, and draw m 1 M 1 perpendicular to AG. Let JSTow (Euclid, 212.), Am' = AG^+G^'+aAG . GM^, if therefore the volume of the element be represented by m a and both sides of the above equation be multiplied by it, pj'mj = ffm^ + r 1 2 m 1 -f 2 Aa^m^ And if m 2 , m^ m 4 , &c. represent the volumes of any other elements, and p s , r 2 , a? 2 ; Pa , r 3 , a? 3 , &c. be similarly taken in respect to those elements, then, Adding these equations we have, p 1 9 m 1 + p 2 2 m 2 + p*m a + ,+ m 3 + or ~Now 2xm is the sum of the moments of all the elements of the body about a plane perpendicular to AG, and passing through the centre of gravity G of the body. Therefore (Art. IT.) Also 2pV& is the moment of inertia of the body about the given axis passing through A, and 2r 2 m is the moment of inertia about an axis parallel to this, passing through the centre of gravity of the body. Let the former moment be represented by X ; and the latter by I ; and let the volume of the body ^m be represented by M, .-. ];=A f M+I ..... (58). From which relation the moment of inertia (I,) about any axis may be found, that (I) about an axis parallel to it, and passing through the centre of gravity of the body being known. 80. THE RADIUS OF GYRATION. If we suppose ^ to be the distance from the axis passing through A, at which distance, 72 MOMENT OF INERTIA. if the whole mass of the body were collected, the moment of inertia would remain the same, so that & t *M=I,, then \ is called the RADIUS OF GYRATION, in respect to that axis. If k be the radius of gyration, similarly taken in respect to the axis passing through G 1? so that & a M=I, then, substi tuting in the preceding equation, and dividing by M, The following are examples of the determination of the moments of inertia of bodies of some of the more common geometrical forms, about the axes passing through their cen- tres of gravity : they may thence be found about any other axes parallel to these, by equation (58). 1. The moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod about an axis perpendicular to its length and passing through its middle point. Let m represent an element of the rod contained between two plane sections perpendicular to its faces, the area of each of which is , and whose distance from one another is Ap, I and let K and Ap be so small -that every point in this element may be considered to be at the same distance p from the axis A, about which the rod revolves. Then is the volume of the element represented by Ap ? and its moment of inertia about A by p 2 Ap. So that the whole moment of inertia I of the bar is represented by 2/cp a Ap, or, since K is the same throughout (the bar being uniform), by ;2p a Ap; or since Ap is infinitely small, it is represented by the definite integral KJ p 2 <#p, where I is the whole length \i of the bar, or I= T V^ 3 ..... (60). *82. The moment of inertia of a thin rectangular lamina about an axis, passing through its centre of gravity r , and parallel to one of its sides. It is evident that such a lamina may be conceived to be MOMENT OF INERTIA. made up of an infinite number of slendei rectangular rods of equal length, each of which will be bisected by the axis AB, and that the moment of inertia of the whole lamina is equal to the sum of the moments of inertia of these rods. Now if K be the section of any rod, and I the length of the lamina, then the moment of inertia of that rod is, by the last proposition, represented by T V/^ 3 ; so that if the section of each rod be the same, and they be n in number, then the whole moment of inertia of the lamina is -j?nicF. Now UK, is the area of the transverse section of the lamina, which may be represented by K, so that the moment of inertia of the lamina about the axis AB is represented by the formula (61). *83. The moment of inertia of a rectangular parallelopipe- don about an axis, passing through its centre of gravity, and parallel to either of its edges. Let CD be a rectangular parallelopipedon, and AB an axis passing through its centre of gravity and parallel to either of its edges ; also let ab be an axis parallel to the first, passing through the centre of gravity of a lamina contained by planes parallel to either of the faces of the parallelepiped. Let a, 5, c, represent the three edges ED, EF, EG, of the parallele- piped, then will the moment of inertia of the lamina about the axis ab be represented by T yK& 8 , where K is the trans- verse section of the lamina (equation 61). Now let the perpendicular distance between the two axes AB and ab be represented by x. Then (by equation 58) the moment of inertia of the lamina about the axis AB is represented by the formula o^M+y^KJ 3 , where M represents the volume of the lamina. Let the thickness of the lamina be represented by AX ; .*. M ab^x, K a&x ; .*. m* in a of lam a = dbx*&x + jijfl&'Aaj ; .-. whole m* in a of parallelepiped = ab'Zx'Ax + jJyd^'SAoj ; or taking &x infinitely small, and representing the moment of inertia of the parallelepiped by I. / + j-c /* +|o ! abj x*dx + j-sCtb'J dx ; ~\c |o MOMENT OF INEKTIA. or 1= (62). moment of inertia of an upright triangular 2^1 about a vertical axis passing through its centre of gravity. Let AB be a vertical axis passing through the centre of gravity of a prism, whose horizontal section is an isosceles triangle having the equal sides ED and EF. Let two planes be drawn parallel to the face DF of the prism, and containing between them a thin lamina pq of its volume. Let Cm, the perpendicular distance of an axis passing through the centre of gravity of this lamina from the axis AB, be represented by a? ; also let A# represent the thickness of the lamina. Let DF= #, DG = 5, and let the perpendicular from the vertex E to the base DF of the triangle DEF be represented :.pq = - (fc a?) ; also transverse section K of lamina = c .'.volume M of lamina = - (ftf oc)&oc. Therefore by equa- c tions (58) and (61), m* in a of lam a about AB=^(fc x)x'Ax+ 7 ^ 3 (%c-x)*Ax-, c c :. m* in a of prism about ob C -*c Performing the integrations here indicated, and represent- ing the inertia of the prism about AB by I, we have ...... (63). MOMENT OF LNEETIA. *85. The moment of inertia of a solid cylinder about its axis of symmetry. Let AB be the axis of such a cylinder, whose radius AC is represented by #, and its height by b. Con- ceive the cylinder to be made up of cylindrical rings having the same axis ; let AP p be the internal radius of one of these, and let its thick- ness PQ be represented by Ap, so that p+ Apis D the exteral radius AQ of the ring. Then will the volume of the ring be represented by tf(p-|-Ap) 2 p 2 , or by tf#[2pAp-|-(Ap) 2 ] ; or if Ap be taken exceedingly small,, so that (Ap) 2 may vanish as com- pared with 2pAp, then is the volume of the ring represented by 2 < n$pAp. Now this being the case, the ring may be considered as an element AM of the volume of the solid, every part of which element is at the same distance p from the axis AB, so that the whole moment of inertia 2p 2 AM of the cylinder = *86. The moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder about axis of symmetry. be the external radius AC, and # 2 the internal radius AP, and b the height of the cylinder ; then by the last proposition the moment of in- ertia of the cylinder CD, if it were solid, would be ^~ba* ; also the moment of inertia of the cylinder PK, which is taken from this solid to form the hollow cylinder, would be %*la*. Now let I represent the moment of inertia of the hol- low cylinder CP, therefore Let the thickness a, a, of the hollow cylinder be repre- sented by c, and its mean radius therefore 76 MOMENT OF INERTIA. , Substituting these values in the preceding equation, we ob tain (65). \1. The moment of inertia of a cylinder about an axis passing through ^ts centre of gravity, and perpendicular to its axis of symmetry. Let AB be such an axis, and let PQ represent a lamina contained between planes perpendicular to this axis, and exceedingly near to each other. Let CD, the axis of the cylinder, be repre- , sented by 5, its radius by tz, and let CM=a?. Take &x to represent the thickness of the lamina, and let MP=y. Now this lamina may be considered a rectangular parallelo piped traversed through its centre of gravity by the axis AB ; therefore by equation (62) its moment of inertia about that axis is represented by i-VC^O^O^) ft* + (^2/) 2 } =y& \b*y + ty*\ &x. Now the whole moment of inertia I of the cylinder about AB is evidently equal to the sum of the moments of inertia of all such laminae ; .'.1= Also, since x and y are the co-ordinates of a point in a circle from its centre, therefore y ($ 2 a? 2 )*. Substituting this value of y, and integrating according to the well known rules of the integral calculus,* we have *88. The moment of inertia of a cone about its axis of symmetry. The cone may be supposed to be made up of laminae, such as PQ, contained by planes perpendicular to the axis of symmetry AB, and each having its centre of gravity in that axis. Let BP #?, and let Aa? represent the thickness of the lamina, and y its radius PR. Then, since it may be considered a cylinder of very email height, its moment of inertia about AB (equation 64) is represented by fyty^x. Now the moment of Church's Diff. and Intcg. Calculus, Arts. 148, 149. MOMENT OF INEKTIA. 77 inertia I of the whole cone is equal to the sum of the mo- ments of all such elements, Let the radius of the base of the cone be represented by and its height by 5 ; therefore- =-, therefore Aa?= -Ay ; y a a (6T). 89. The moment of inertia of a sphere about one of its diameters. Let C be the centre of the sphere and AB the diameter about which its moment is to be determined. eLet PQ be any lamina contained by planes perpendicular to AB ; let CM=#, and let &x represent the thickness of the lamina, and y its radius ; also let CA=a ; then since this lamina, being exceedingly thin, may be considered a cylinder, its moment of inertia about the axis AB is (equa- tion 64) %*y*&x ; and the moment of inertia I of the whole sphere is the sum of the moments of all such laminae, Now by the equation to the circle y*=a* a? 2 , therefore 2/*=& 4 2V+# 4 . If this value be substituted for y 4 , and the integration be completed according to the common methods, we shall obtain the equation, (68). 90. The moment of inertia of a cone about an axis gassing through its centre of gravity and perpendicular to its axis of symmetry. Let CD be an axis passing through the centre of gravity 78 MOMENT OF INERTIA. G of the cone, and perpendicular to its axis of symmetry, and let GP the distance of the lamina from G, measured along the axis, be represented by x ; also let the thickness of the lamina be re- presented by &x. Now this lamina may be con- sidered a cylinder of exceedingly small thick- ness. If its radius be represented by y, its mo- ment of inertia about an axis parallel to CD passing through its centre, is therefore (equation 66) represented by J^y 2 jy Q +-J(Aa?) 2 }Aa? ? or if ACC be assumed exceedingly email, it is represented by fay*&x. Now this being the moment of the lamina about an axis parallel to CD, passing through its centre of gravity, and the distance of this axis from CD be- ing a?, and also the volume of the lamina being flry'Aaj, it fol- lows (equation 58), that the moment of the lamina about CD is represented by tfyVAoj+J^Aa? * jyV-f Jy 4 J A#. Now the moment I of the whole cone about CD equals the sum of the moments of all such elements, Now if a be the radius of the base of the cone and ~b its height, then since BG=f 5, j x 1} T> 91. The moment of inertia of a segment of a sphere about a diameter parallel to the plane of section. Let ADBE represent any such portion of a sphere, and T> AB a diameter parallel to the plane of section. /^JlX Let CD=tf, CE=5, and let PQ be any lamina p ^:::::::--'-^ contained by planes parallel to the plane of \ Z'-S- -"""/*" section : let the distance of the lamina from C=#, and let its thickness be &x and its radius , Then considering it a cylinder of exceeding small thick- MOVING FORCES. 79 ness, its moment of inertia about an axis passing through its centre of gravity and parallel to AB, is represented (equa- tion 66) by i^y 2 fy 2 + i( A a?) 2 ! AOJ, or (neglecting powers of A# above the first by %*y*&x. Hence, therefore, the moment of this lamina about the axis AB is represented (equation 58) by 7r?/ 2 (A2>),' 2 _|_ J-7ry 4 A# ) or by <7r 'ji?/V 2 4-J?/ 4 J A#?; now the whole moment I of inertia of ADBE about AB is evidently equal to the sum of the moments of all such laminae, .; = y -b *=a?x\ therefore ^V-f Jy 4 =Jj2&V 3^ 4 + ^ 4 j. Substituting this value in the integral and integrating, we have -95 5 J* (TO) THE ACCELERATION OF MOTION BY GIYEN MOVING FOECES. 92. IF the forces applied to a moving body in the direc- tion of its motion exceed those applied to it in the opposite direction (both sets of forces being resolved in the direction of a tangent to its path), the motion of the body will be ac- celerated ; if they fall short of those applied in the opposite direction, the motion will be retarded. In either case the excess of the one set 'of forces above the other is called the MOVING FORCE upon the body : it is measured by that single pressure which being applied to the body in a direction op- posite to the greater force, would just balance it ; or which, had it been applied to the body (together with the other forces impressed upon it) when in a state of rest, would have maintained it in that state ; and which, therefore, if applied when its motion had commenced, would have caused it to pass from a state of variable to one of uniform motion. Thus the moving force upon a body which descends freely by gra- vity, is measured by its weight, that is, by the single force which, being applied to the body before its motion had com- menced in a direction opposite to gravity, would just have supported it, and which being applied to it at any instant of * Note (q) Ed. App. 80 RELATIONS OF its descent, would have caused its motion at that instant to pass from a state of variable to a state of uniform motion. If the resistance of the air upon its descent be taken into account, then the moving force upon the body at any instant is measured by that single pressure which, being applied up- wards, would, together with the resistance of the air at that instant, just balance the weight of the body. A moving force being thus understood to be measured by & pressure* being in fact the unbalanced pressure upon the moving body, the following relations between the amount of a moving force thus measured, and the degree of acceleration produced by it will become intelligible. These are laws of motion which have become known by experiment upon the motions of the bodies immediately around us, and by obser- vation upon those of the planets. 93. "When the moving force upon a body remains con- stantly the same in amount (as measured by the equivalent pressure) throughout the motion, or is a uniform moving force, it communicates to it equal additions of velocity in equal successive intervals of time. Thus the moving force upon a body descending freely by gravity (measured by its weight) being constantly the same in amount throughout its descent (the resistance of the air being neglected), the body receives from it equal additions of velocity in equal succes- sive intervals of time, viz. 32 feet in each successive second of time (Art. 44.). 94. The increments of velocity communicated to equal todies by unequal moving forces (supposed uniform as above) are to one another as the amounts of those moving forces (measured by their equivalent pressures). Thus let P and P 1 be any two unequal moving forces upon two equal bodies, and let them act in the directions in which the bodies respectively move ; let them be the only forces tending to communicate motion to those bodies, and remain constantly the same in amount throughout the motion. Also let f and f t represent the additional velocities which these two forces respectively communicate to those two equal bodies in each successive second of time ; then it is a law of the motion of bodies, determined by observation and experi- ment, that P : P! ::/:/;. * Pressure and moving force are indeed but different modes of the operation of the same principle of force. PRESSURE AND MOTION. 81 if one of the moving forces, as for instance P n be the weight "W of the body moved, then the value /j of the increment of velocity per second corresponding to that moving force is 32 l (Art. 44.) represented by 7/>7/> &c - &c - * This cannot perhaps be correctly said, since work supposes resistance. MOTION OF ROTATION. 91 Now the forces P a , P 9 , P 8 , &c. are evidently parallel pres- sures. Let X be the distance of the centre (see Art. IT.) of these parallel pressures from any given plane ; and let a?,, # 3 , o? 8 , &c. be the perpendicular distances of the elements w w n w z , &c. that is, of the points of application of P a , P a , P 8 , &c. from the same plane. Therefore (by equation 18), But this is the expression (Art. 19.) for the distance of the centre of gravity from the given plane ; and this being true of any plane, it follows that the centre of the parallel pres- sures P 15 P a , P 3 , &c. which are the effective forces of the system, coincides with the centre of gravity of the system, and therefore that the resultant of the effective forces passes through the centre of gravity. Now the resultant of the effective pressures must coincide in direction with the result- ant of the impressed pressures, since the effective pressures when applied in an opposite direction are in equilibrium with the impressed pressures (by D'Alembert's principle). The resultant of the impressed pressures must therefore have its direction through the centre of gravity. Therefore, &c. MOTION OF ROTATION ABOUT A FIXED Axis. 106. Let a rigid body or system be capable of motion about the axis A. Let m 1? m a , w 3 , &c. represent the volumes of elements of this body, and ^ the weight of each unit of volume. Also let /,/,/, &c. represent the increments of velocity per second, communicated to these elements respectively by the action of the forces impressed upon the system. Let P,, P 2 , P 3 , &c. represent these impressed forces, and Pup*, &c. the perpendicular distances from the axis at which they are respectively applied. Now since pm^ M-m 2 , vody which revolves about a fixed axis. The resultant of the effective forces upon a body which revolves about a fixed axis, is evidently equal to that single force which would just be in equilibrium with these if there were no resistance of the axis. Let R, be that single force, then the moment of R about any point must equal the sum of the moments of the effective forces about that point. Take a point in the axis for the point about which the moments are measured, and let L be the perpendicular distance from A of the resultant R. Now, as in Art. 106. it appears that the sum of the moments of the effective forces about A is ii represented by f- o Now pa is the velocity of a point at distance p, therefore "Ppa is the work (Art. 50.) of the force P per second ; therefore / Ppadt is the work of P (equation 40) in the time t, which is represented by U, therefore ai* a a a =-f--^y- which corresponds with the result already obtained. See equation (51)7 * 94 MOTION OF KOTATION. if* (80). To determine the value of E let it be observed that the effective force -/m^ on any particle m a , acting in a direc- tion n^m^ perpendicular to the distance Am, from the axis A, may be resolved into two others, parallel to the two rectangular axes Ay and Aa?, each of which is equal to the product of this effective force, whose direction is n,m^ and the cosine of the inclination of n,m, to the corresponding axis. 'Now the inclination of mji, to Ax is the same as the inclination of Am, to Ay, since these two last lines are per- pendicular to the two former. The cosine of this inclination equals therefore - i or ^i, if AN. y.. Similarly the cosine Am, Pl of the inclination of n^m, to Ay equals - ! or ^1 , if AM. l = x.. Am, Pl The resolved parts in the directions of Ax and Ay of the effective force - fmj, are therefore - fm^, ^ and - fm^ 9 9 Pi 9 ?X or - fm.y, and - fm.x,. p, f g Similarly the resolved parts in the directions of Ax and Ay of the effective force upon m a are -/^ 2 y s and - fm^ ts t/ and so of the rest. The sums X and Y of the resolved forces in the directions of Ax and Ay respectively (Art. 11.) are therefore . . . =Y; g ^ ff and - / {m.x, + m^ + m 8 a? 3 -f ..... } = Y. Now let G x and G, represent the distances G 2 G and G : G of the centre of gravity of the body from Ay and Ax respec- tively, and let the whole volume of the body be represented byM, MOTION OF ROTATION. (equation 18), MG 2 m^ 95 Now if G be the distance AG of the centre of gravity from A, G= VGt* -f G a a , /.K=-/MG (82). y Substituting in equation (82) the value off from equation (78,) we have And substituting in equation (80) for. R its value from equation (82), /-MGL=/-L J g J g > I MG where L is the distance of the point of application of the resultant of the effective forces from the axis. Now let A be the inclination of the resultant R to the axis Aa?, /. (Art. 11.), R cos. d=X, R sin. d=Y, Y /.tan. &=x'<> but by equations (81), Y G .-.tan. 4=tan. AGG /J= The inclination of the resultant R to Ax is therefore equal to the angle AGG X , but the perpendicular to AG is evidently inclined to Ax at this same angle. Therefore the direction of the resultant R is perpendicular to the line AG, drawn from the axis to the centre of gravity. Moreover 96 THE CENTRE OF OSCILLATION. its magnitude and the distance of its point of application from A have been before determined by equations (83) and (84). THE CENTRE OF PERCUSSION. 109. It is evident, that if at a point of the body through which the resultant of the effective forces upon it passes, there be opposed an obstacle to its motion, then there will be produced upon that obstacle the same effect as though the whole of the effective forces were collected in that point, and made to act there upon the obstacle, so that the whole of these forces will take effect upon the obstacle, and there will be no effect of these forces produced else- where, and therefore no repercussion upon the axis. It is for this reason that the point O in the resultant, where it cuts the line AG drawn from the axis to the centre of gravity, is called the CENTRE OF PERCUSSION. Its distance L from A is determined by the equation I-=g- (85), which is obtained from equation (84) by writing MK 2 for I (Art. 80.), K being the radius of gyration. If at the centre of percussion the body receive an impulse when at rest, then since the resultant of the effective forces thereby pro- duced will have its direction through the point where the impulse is communicated, it follows that the whole impulse will take effect in the production of those effective forces, and no portion be expended on the axis. THE CENTRE OF OSCILLATION. 110. It has been shown (Art. 98.) that in the simple pen- dulum, supposed to be a single exceedingly small element of matter suspended by a thread without weight, the time of each oscillation is dependent upon the length of this thread, or the distance of the suspended element from the axis about which it oscillates. If therefore we imagine a number of such elements to be thus suspended at different distances from the same axis, and if we suppose them, after having been at first united into a continuous body, placed in an inclined position, all to be released at once from this THE CENTRE OF OSCILLATION. 97 union with one another, and allowed to oscillate freely, it is manifest that their oscillations will all be performed in different times. Now let all these elements again be con- ceived united in one oscillating mass. All being then com- pelled to perform these oscillations in the same time, whilst all tend to perform them in different times, the motions of some are manifestly retarded by their connexion with the rest, and those of others accelerated, the former being those which lie near to the axis, and the others those more remote ; so that between the two there must be some point in the body where the elements cease to be retarded and begin to be accelerated, and where therefore they are neither accele-- rated nor retarded by their connexion with the rest ;. an; elfe-- ment there performing its oscillations precisely in> the same time as it would do, if it were not connected, with the- rest,, but suspended freely from the* axis by at thread without: weight. This point in the body, at the distance of whieh from the axis a single particle, suspended freely, would per- form its oscillations precisely in the same time that the body- does, is called the CENTRE OF OSCILLATION. The centre of oscillation coincides with the centre of percussion. 111. For (by equation 79) the increment of angular velo- city per second f of a body revolving about an hori- zontal axis, the forces impressed upon it being the weights of its parts only, is represented by the for- mula ^-y-sin. d, where d is the inclination to the ver- tical of the line AG, drawn from the axis to its centre of gravity. But (by equation 84), L=v, where L is the distance AO of the centre of percussion from the axis, /. fL=g sin. 6 Now it has been shown (Art. 98.), that the impressed moving force on a particle whose weight is w, suspended from a thread without weight, inclined to the vertical at an angle d, is represented by w sin. 6 ; moreover if/" represent 7 98 THE CENTRE OF OSCILLATION. the increment of velocity per second on this particle, then f is the effective force upon it. Therefore by D'Alem- bert's principle, 7/1 w Bin. =/", :.f=g sin. t, .; f=fl. Now fL is the increment of velocity at the centre of percussion, andy is that upon a single particle suspended freely at any distance from the axis. If such a particle were therefore suspended at a distance from the axis equal to that of the centre of percussion, since it would receive, at the same distance from the axis, the same increments of velocity per second that the centre of percussion does, it would manifestly move exactly as that point does, and per- form its oscillations in the same time that the body does. Therefore, &c. 112. The centres of suspension and oscillation are reci- procal. Let O represent the centre of oscillation of a body when suspended from the axis A ; also let G be its centre of gravity. Let AO=L, AG G, OG^G, ; also let the radius of gyration about A be repre- sented by K 2 , and that about G by & 2 . Therefore (equation 59), K 2 =G 2 +& 2 ; G a + 1 & 2 (equation 85), L= =G + ..... (8Y), Now let the body be suspended from O instead of A ; when thus suspended it will have, as before, a centre of oscillation. Let the distance of this centre of oscillation from O be L 1? * .*. by equation (8T), L^ PROJECTILES. 99 /. by equation (88), L^^r + G^L. Since then the centre of oscillation in this second case is at the distance L from O, it is in A'; what was before the centre of suspension has now therefore become the centre of oscillation. Thus when the centre of oscillation is con- verted into the centre of suspension, the centre of suspen- sion is thereby converted into the centre of oscillation. This is what is meant, when it is said that the centres of oscillation and suspension are reciprocal. PROJECTILES. 113. To determine the path of a body projected obliquely in vacuo. Suppose the whole time, T seconds, of the flight of the body to any given point P ^--'''"| T of its path, to be divided M.-"'''^,.---'?* into equal exceedingly small *ir""^.,--\v'. i intervals, represented by '"* "^ "'"' : -j AT, and conceive the whole q \J B effect of gravity upon the projectile during each one of these intervals to be col- lected into a single impulse at the termination of that inter- val, so that there may be communicated to it at once, by that single impulse, all the additional velocity which is in reality communicated to it by gravity at the different periods of the small time AT. Let AB be the space which the projectile would describe, with its velocity of projection alone, in the first interval of time ; then will it be projected from B at the commence- ment of the second interval of time in the direction ABT with a velocity which would alone carry it through the dis- tance BK= AB in that interval of time ; whilst at the same time it receives from the impulse of gravity a velocity such as would alone carry it vertically through a space in that in- terval of time which may be represented by BF. By reason of these two impulses communicated together, the body will therefore describe in the second interval of time the diago- nal BC of the parallelogram of which BK and BF are adja- 100 PEOJECTILES. cent sides. At the commencement of the third interval it will therefore have arrived at C, and will be projected from thence in the direction BOX, with a velocity which would alone carry it through CX^BC in the third interval ; whilst at the same time it receives an impulse from gravity com- municating to it a velocity which would alone carry it through a distance represented by CG=BF in that interval of time. These two impulses together communicate there- fore to it a velocity which carries it through CD in the third interval, and thus it is made to describe all the sides of the polygon ABCD ... P in succession. Draw the vertical PT, and produce AB, BC, CD, &c. to meet it in T, N, O . . ., and produce GC, HD, &c. to meet BT in K, L, &c. Now, since BC is equal to CX, and CK is parallel to XL, therefore KL is equal to BK or to AB. Again, since CD is equal to DZ, and DL is parallel to ZM, therefore LM is equal to KL or to AB ; and so of the rest. If therefore there be n intervals of time equal to AT, so that there are n sides AB, BC, CD, &c. of the polygon, and n divisions AB, BK, &c. of the line AT, then AT,=7iAB and Similarly CET=(w-2)CX, therefore ]Sr6=(^-2)DX= (n 2)BF; and so of the remaining parts of TP. these parts of TP are (nT) in number, therefore -3)W+ ... \(nl) terms}; Therefore, summing the series to (nV) terms. TP={2(-l)-(-a)}=i . BF, Now g represents the additional velocity which gravity would communicate to the projectile in each second, if it acted upon it alone. g&T is therefore the velocity which it would communicate to it in each interval of AT seconds. X 2 sec. 2 a 4H .*. X=4H tan. a cos. 2 a=4H sin. a cos. a. ..X=2Hsin. 2 (94). If the body be projected at different angular elevations, but with th same velocity, the horizontal range will be the greatest when sin. 2a is the greatest, or when 2a=-, or a =j- 117. To find the greatest height which a projectile will attain in its flight if projected with a given velocity , and at a given inclination to the horizon. Multiplying both sides of equation (92) by 4H cos. 2 , we have 4H cos. 2 a . y^R cos. 2 a tan. a . x x?=2T3. (2 cos. a sin. a) xx*=2TL sin. 2a . xx*. Subtracting both sides of this equa- 2 sm - 2 2S we have H 8 sin 2 2a 4H cos. 2 a . y=W sin. 2 2a 2H sin. 2a . But sin. 2 2a=4: sin. 3 a cos. 2 a, /.4H cos. 2 a{H sin. 2 a -y} --= JH sin. 2a-^ 8 . . . . (95). E"ow the second member of this equation is always a positive quantity, being a square. The first member is therefore always positive ; therefore H sin. 2 a y is always positive. "Whence it follows that y can never exceed H sin. 2 a, so that it attains its greatest possible value when it equals H sin. 2 a, a value which it manifestly attains when 104 PROJECTILES. the first member of the above equation vanishes, or when a?z=H sin. 2, that is, when x becomes equal to half the greatest horizontal range, as is apparent from the last pro- position; so that the greatest height BD of the projectile is represented by H sin. a a, a height which it attains when AD equals half the horizontal range. 118. The path of a projectile in vacuo is a parabola. Let B be the highest point in the flight of the projectile, and BD its greatest height. Draw PM t perpen- dicular to BD. Let BM 1 =a? 1 , MJP .-. aj^BD M 1 D=BD PM=H sin. 2 a y, y 1 =DM=AM AD= - H sin. 2. Substituting these values in equation (95), y^-iH cos. 2 . x, ..... (96), which is the equation to a porabola whose vertex is in B, whose axis coincides with BD, and whose parameter is 4H cos. 2 . The path of a projectile in vacuo is therefore a parabola, whose vertex is at the highest point attained by the pro- jectile, and whose axis is vertical. 119. To find the range of a projectile upon an inclined plane. Let ~R represent the range AP of a projectile upon an inclined plane AB, whose inclination is i. Then H and a being taken to repre- , sent the same quantities as before, and " c x, y being the co-ordinates of P to the horizontal azis AC, we "have x=AM=AP cos. PAM=K cos. i, sin. PAM =R sin. . ^ Substituting these values of x and y in the general equa- tion (92) of the projectile we have PROJECTILES. 105 T, T-, R a cos. 3 i sec. 1 a R sin. i=R cos. i tan. a -- -== - . Dividing by R, multiplying by cos. , and transposing R cos. 8 * sec. a - JTJ -- =cos. i sin. a sm. cos. a=sm. (a i), (97). Now sin. (2a ) sin. =sin. {a + (a i)| sin. ja (a . i)j =2 sin. (a ) cos. a. Substituting this value of 2 sin. (a ) cos. a in the pre- ceding equation, we have ._. > j J^ow it is evident that if a be made to vary, < remaining the same, R will attain its greatest value when sin. (2a ) is greatest, that is when it equals unity, or when 2a 1= o, or when a=- + -. This, then, is the angle of elevation corresponding to the greatest range, with a given velocity upon an inclined plane whose inclination is . If in the preceding expression for the range we substitute ( * I ) o~( a ~') f f r a ? tne value of the expression will be found to remain the same as it was before ; for sin. (2 i) will, by this substitution, become sin. jtf 2(a ) } =sin. \t (2 1){ =sin. (2a i). The value of R remains therefore the "Tf same, whether the angle of elevation be a or s~( a ~')- And the projectile will range the same distance on the plane, whether it be projected at one of these angles of elevation or the other. Let BAG be the inclination of the plane on which the projectile ranges, and AT the direc- tion of projection. Take DAS equal to BAT. Then BAT=TAC-BAC =a-i. And SAC=:DAC-DAS= - BAT=~( ) The ran g e AP 2 a is therefore the same, whether TAG or SAO be the angle of 106 CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. elevation, and therefore whether AT or AS be the direction of projection. Draw AE bisecting the angle BAD, then the angle EAC The angle EAC is therefore that corresponding to the greatest range, and AE is the direction in which a body should be projected to range the greatest distance on the inclined plane AB. It is evident that the directions of projection AS and AT, which correspond to equal ranges, are equally inclined to the direction AE corresponding to the greatest range. 120. The velocity of a projectile at different points of its path. It has been shown (Art. 56.), that if a body move in any curve acted upon by gravity, the work accumulated or lost is the same as would be accumulated or lost, provided the body, instead of moving in a curve, had moved in the direction of gravity through a space equal to the vertical projection of its curvilinear path. thus a projectile moving from A to P will accumulate or lose a quantity of work, which is equal to that which it would accumulate or lose, had it moved vertically from M to P, or from P to M, PM being the projection of its path on the direction of gravity. 5" ow the work thus accumulated or lost equals one half the difference between the vires vivce at the commencement and termination of the motion. Let Y equal the velocity at A, and v equal the velocity at W "W P, therefore the work -J V a -J- v*. Moreover, the work 9 9 done through PM=W . PM, therefore V ^-v*= W . PM, therefore Y 2 v a =2^MP. Let PM=y, /. v 3 Y a %gy (99), which determines the velocity at any point of the curve. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. 121. Let a body of small dimensions move in any curvi- CENTRIFUGAL FOKCE. 1Q7 linear path AB, impelled continnally towards a given point S (called a centre of force) by a given force, whose amount, when the body has reached the point P in its path, is repre- sented by F.* Let PQ be an exceedingly small portion of the path of the body, and conceive the force F to remain constant and parallel to itself, whilst this portion of its path is being de- scribed. Then, if PR be a tangent at P, and QR be drawn parallel to SP, PR is the space which the body would have traversed in the time of describing PQ, if it had moved with its velocity of projection from P alone, and had not been attracted towards S, and RQ or PT (QT being drawn paral- lel to RP) is the space through which it would have fallen by its attraction towards S alone, or if it had not been pro- jected at all from P.f Let v represent the velocity which it would have acquired on this last supposition, when it reached the point T. Therefore (Art. 66.), if w represent the weight of the body, Now the velocity v, which the body would have acquired in falling through the distance PT by the action of the constant 1 orce F, is equal to double that which would cause it to de scribe the same distance uniformly in the same time4 Representing therefore by Y the actual velocity of the body in its path at P, we have V~PE' 'PE' 9 Substituting this value of v in the preceding equation, * The force here spoken of, and represented by F, is the moving force, or pressure on the body (see Art. 92.), and is therefore equal to that pressure which would just sustain its attraction towards S. f See Art. 113. (equations 89 and 90) ; what is proved there of a body acted upon by the force of gravity which is constant, and whose direction is con- stantly parallel to itself, is evidently true of any other constant force similarly retaining a direction parallel to itself. To apply the same demonstration to any such case, we have only indeed to assume g to represent another number than 32*. 1 If / represent the additional velocity per second which F would com- municate to the body, and t the time of describing PT, then (Art. 44.) =/*; but (Art. 46.) PT=^ 9 = *=|<; so that is the velocity with which PT would be described uniformly in the time t. 108 CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. Now let a circle PQY be described having a common tan gent with the curve AB in the point P, and passing through the point Q. Produce PS to intersect the circumference of this circle in Y, and join QY ; then are the triangles PQY and QPR similar, for the angle RQP is equal to the angle QPY (QE and YP being parallel), and the angle QPR is equal to the angle Q YP in the alternate segment of the cir- cle. Therefore = therefore QR=. Substi- tuting this value of QR in the last equation, we have QV Now this is true, however much PQ may be diminished. Let it be infinitely diminished, the supposed constant amount and parallel direction of F will then coincide with the actual case of a variable amount and inclination of that force, the PQ ratio ~~ will become a ratio of equality, and the circle PQY will become the circle of curvature at P, and PY that chord of the circle of curvature, which being drawn from P passes through S. Let this chord of the circle of curvature be represented by C, The force or pressure F thus determined is manifestly exactly equal to that force by which the body tends in its motion continually to fly from the centre S, and may there- fore be called its centrifugal force. This term is, however, generally limited in its application to the case of a body re- volving in a circle, and to the force with which it tends to recede from the centre of that circle ; or if applied to the case of motion in any other curve, then it means the force with which the body tends to recede from the centre of the circle of curvature to its path at the point through which it is, at any time, moving. When the body revolves in a cir- cular path, the circle of curvature to the path at any one point evidently coincides with it throughout, and the chord of curvature becomes one of its diameters. Let the radius of the circle which the body thus describes be represented by R, then C=2R ; CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. 109 > Since in whatever curve a body is moving, it may be con- ceived at any point of its path to be revolving in the circle of curvature to the curve at that point, the force F, with which it then tends to recede from the centre of the circle of curvature is represented by the above formula, B. being taken to represent the radius of curvature at the point of its path through which it is moving. If a be the angular velocity of the body's revolution about the centre of its circle of curvature, then V=R 5 /.F=-a'R ..... (102). 9 122. From equation (100) we obtain /y Now (Art. 94.) ^ represents the additional velocity per second f, which would be communicated to a body falling towards 6, if the body fell freely and the force F remained constant. Moreover, by Art. 47. it appears, that Y is the whole velocity which the body would on this supposition acquire, whilst it fell through a distance equal to JC, or to one quarter of the chord of curvature. Thus, then, the velo- city of a body revolving in any curve and attracted towards a centre of force is, at any point of that curve, equal to that which it would acquire in falling freely from that ppint to- wards the centre of force through one quarter of that chord of curvature which passes through the centre of force, if the force which acted upon it at that point in the curve re- mained constant during its descent. It is in this sense that the velocity of a body moving in any curve about a centre of force is said to be THAT DUE TO ONE .QUARTER THE CHORD OF CURVATRE. 123. The centrifugal force of a mass of finite dimensions. Let BC represent a thin lamina or slice of such a mass contained between two planes exceedingly near to one another, and both perpendicular to a given axis A, about which the mass is made to revolve. 110 CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. Through A draw any two rectangular axes Ax and Ay, let m 1 be any element of the lamina whose weight is w^ and let AM X and AN^ co-ordinates of m 1? be represented by x 1 and y y Then by equation (102), if a represent the angular velocity of the revolution of the body, the centrifugal force on the element m l is represented by w^Am^ Let now this J/ force, whose direction is Am 1 be resolved into two others, whose directions are Ax and Ay. The former will be repre- sentedby w^Am^ cos. xAm l7 or by wp^ and the latter g 2 g by w l Am l cos. yAm 1? or by w$ 1 ; and the centrifugal 9 the directions of their forces, so that 2^=0, if the values of u^ which compose this sum, be taken with the positive or negative sign, according to the last mentioned condition. Similarly , 2w 2 = and 2^ 3 = 0, /. Zfa -\~u^ + ?/ 3 ) 0. Now let U represent the actual work of that force P n the works of whose components parallel to the three axes are represented by u^ u^ u 3 ; then by the last proposition, (106); in which expression U is to be taken positively or negatively according to the same condition as u^ u u 3 ; that is, accord- ing as the work at each point is done in the direction of the corresponding force, or in a direction opposite to it. Hence therefore it follows, from the above equations, that the sum THE PRINCIPLE OF VIS YIVA. 115 of the works in one of these directions equals their sum in the opposite direction. Therefore, &c. The projection of the line described by the point of appli- cation of any force npon the direction of that 'force is called its VIRTUAL VELOCITY, so that the product of the force by its virtual velocity is in fact the work of that force ; hence therefore, representing any force of the system by P, and its virtual velocity by p, we have Pp=tl, and therefore, =iO, which is the principle of virtual velocities.* 128. If there be a system of forces such that their points of application being moved through certain consecutive posi- tions, those forces are in all such positions in equilibrium, then in respect to any finite motion of the points of appli- cation through that series of positions, the aggregate of the work of those forces, which act in the directions in which their several points of application are made to move, is equal to the aggregate of the work in the opposite direction. This principle has been proved in the preceding proposi- tion, only when the motions communicated to the several points of application are exceedingly small, so that the work done by each force is done only through an exceedingly small space. It extends, however, to the case in which each point of application is made to move, and the work of each force to be done, through any distance, however great, pro- vided only that in all the different positions which the points of application of the forces of the system are thus made to take up, these forces be in equilibrium with one another ; for it is evident that if there be a series of such positions immediately adjacent to one another, then the principle obtains in respect to each small motion from one of this set of positions into the adjacent one, and therefore in respect to the sum of all such small motions as may take place in the system in its passage from any one position into any other, that is, in respect to the whole motion of the system through the intervening series of positions. Therefore, &c. THE PRINCIPLE OF Yis YIVA. 129. If the forces of any system be not in equilibrium with one another, then the difference between the aggregate work * This proof of the principle of virtual velocities is given here for the first time. 116 THE PKINCTPLE OF VIS VIVA. of those whose tendency is in the direction of the motions of their several points of application, and those whose ten- dency is in the opposite direction, is equal to one half the aggregate vis viva of the system. In each of the consecutive positions which the bodies com- ring the system are made successively to take up, let there applied to each body a force equal to the effective force (Art. 103.) upon that body, but in an opposite direction; every position will then become one of equilibrium. Now, as the bodies which compose the system and the various points of application of the impressed forces move through any finite distances from one position into another, let 2^ represent the aggregate work of those impressed forces whose directions are towards the directions of the motions of their several points of application, and let 2^ 2 represent the work of those impressed forces which act in the opposite directions ; also let 2u 3 represent the aggregate work of forces applied to the system equal and opposite to the effective forces upon it ; the directions of these forces opposite to the effective forces are manifestly opposite also to the directions of the motions of their several points of application, so that on the whole 2^ is the aggregate work of those forces whose directions are towards the motions of their several points of application, and 2w a + 5to 8 the aggre- gate work opposed to them. Since therefore, by D'Alem- berf s principle, an equilibrium obtains in every consecutive position of the system, it follows by the last proposition, that (107). Now u s is taken to represent the work of a force equal and opposite to the effective force upon any body of the system ; but the work of such a force through any space is equal to the work which the effective force (being unopposed) accu- mulates in the body through that space (Art. 69.), or it is equal to one half the difference of the vires vivse of the body at the commencement and termination of the time during which that space is described (Art. 67.). Therefore 2^ 3 equals one half the aggregate difference of the vires vivce of the system at the two periods ; -O ..... (108). POSITION OF MAXIMUM OR MINIMUM VIS VIVA. 117" Thus then it follows, that the difference between the aggre gate work 2 u, of those forces, the tendency of each of which is towards the direction of the motion of its point of applica- tion, and that 2w 2 of those the direction of each of which is opposed to the motion of its point of application (or, in other words the difference between the aggregate work of the accelerating forces of the system and that of the retarding forces), is equal to one half the vis viva accumulated or lost in the system whilst the work is being done, which is the PRINCIPLE OF Yis VIVA. 130. One half the vis viva of the system measures its accumulated work ; the principle of vis viva amounts, therefore, to no more than this, that the entire difference between the work done by those forces which tend to accele- rate the motions of the parts of the system to which they are applied, and those which tend to retard them, is accu- mulated in the moving parts of the system, no work whatever being lost, but all that accumulated which is done upon it by the forces which* tend to accelerate its motion, above that which is expended upon the retarding forces. This principle has been proved generally of any mechani- cal system ; it is therefore true of the most complicate 1 machin^. The entire amount of work done by the moving power, whatever it may be, upon that machine, is yielde I partly at its working points in overcoming the resistancos opposed there to its motion (that is, in doing its useful work), it is partly expended in overcoming the friction and other prejudicial resistances opposed to the motion of the machine between its moving and its working points, and all the rest is accumulated in the moving parts of the machine, ready to be yielded up under any deficiency of the moving power, or to carry on the machine for a time, should the operation of that power be withdrawn. 131. When the forces of any system (not in equilibrium in every position which the parts of that system^ may be made to take up] pass through a position of equilibrium, the vis viva of the system 'becomes a maximum or a minimum. For, as in Art. 129., let the aggregate work done in the directions of the motions of the several parts of the system US POSITION OF MAXIMUM OK MINIMUM VIS VIVA. be represented by 2^ 15 and the aggregate work done in directions opposed to the motions of the several parts by 2u^ then (Art. 129.), one half the acquired vis viva of system =2^2^. E~ow as the system passes from any one position to any other, each of the quantities 2^ and 2?^ a is manifestly increased. If 2^ increases by a greater quan- tity than 2^ 2 , then the ms viva is increased in this change of position ; if, on the contrary, it is increased by a less quantity than 2^ 2 , then the vis viva is diminished. Thus if A2w l and A2?^ 2 represent the increments of 2^ and 2^ a in this change of position, then (2^ 1 + A2^ 1 ) (2u 9 + A2u 9 ), or (2^ x 2^ 2 ) -j- (A2u 1 A2t 2 ) 5 representing one half the vis viva after this change of position, it is manifest that the vis viva is increased or diminished by the change according a& A2^ is greater or less than A2^ 2 ; and that if AI;^ be equa) to A2^ 2 then no change takes place in the amount of the vis viva of the system as it passes from the one position to the other. Now from the principle of virtual velocities (Art. 127.), it appears, that precisely this case occurs as the system passes through a position of equilibrium, the aggregate work of those forces whose tendency is to accelerate the motions of their points of application then precisely equal- ling that of the forces whose tendency is opposed to these motions. For an exceeding small change of position there- fore, passing through a position of equilibrium, A2^=A2^ 3J an equality which does not, on the other hand, obtain, unless the body do thus pass through a position of equili- brium. Since then the sum 2^ 2^ 25 and therefore the aggregate vis viva of the system, continually increases or diminishes up to a position of equilibrium, and then ceases (for a cer- tain finite space at least) to increase or diminish, it follows, that it is in that position a maximum or a minimum. Therefore, &c. 132. When the forces of any system pass through a position of equilibrium, the vis viva "becomes a maximum or a minimum, according as that position is one of stable or unstable equilibrium. For it is clear that if the vis viva be a maximum in any position of the equilibrium of the system, so that after it Has passed out of that position into another at some finite STABLE AND UNSTABLE EQUILIBRIUM. distance from it, the acquired vis viva may have become less than it was before, then the aggregate work of the forces which tend to accelerate the ^notion between these two positions must have been less than that of the forces which tend to retard the motion (Art. 131.). Now suppose the body to have been placed at rest in this position of equilibrium, and a small impulse to have been communi- cated to it, whence has resulted an aggregate amount of vis viva represented by 2mY 2 . In the transition from the first to the second position, let this vis viva have become 2mv* ; also let the aggregate work of the forces which have tended to accelerate the motion, between the two positions, be represented by 2U,, and that of the forces which have tended to retard the motion by 2U 2 ; then, for the reasons assigned above, it appears that 2U ? is greater than 21^. Moreover, by the principle of vis viva, in which equation the quantity 2(2 TJ 2 2U,) is essentially positive, in respect to the particular range of positions through which the disturbance is supposed to take place.* For every one of these positions there must then be a certain. value of 2mV 2 , that is, a certain original impulse and disturbance of the system from its position of equili- brium, which will cause the second member of the above equation, and therefore its first member 2mv*, to vanish. Now every term of the sum ^mv z is essentially positive ; this sum cannot therefore vanish unless each term of it vanish, that is, unless the velocity of each body of the system vanishes, or the whole be brought to- rest. This repose of the system can, however, only be instantaneous ; for, by supposition, the position into which it has been dis- placed is not one of equilibrium. Moreover, the displace- ment of the system cannot be continued in the direction in which it has hitherto taken place, for the negative term in the second member of the above equation would yet fkrther be increased so as to exceed the positive term, and the first * The disturbance is of course to be limited to that particular range of positions to which the supposed position of equilibrium stands in the relation of a position of maximum vis viva. If there be other positions of equili- brium of the system, there will be other ranges of adjacent positions, in respect to each of which there obtains a similar relation of maximum or mini- mum vis viva. i20 STABLE AND UNSTABLE EQUILIBRIUM. member 2mv* would thus become negative, which ia impossible. The motion of the system can then only be continued by the directions of the motions of certain of the elements which compose it being changed, so that the corresponding quantities by which SU, and 2U 2 are respectively increased may change their signs, and the whole quantity ^Uj 2U 2 which before increased continually may now continually diminish. This being the case, 2mv* will increase again until, when st^ 2U 2 =0, it becomes again equal to %m V s ; that is, until the system acquires again the vis viva with which its disturbance commenced. Thus, then, it has been shown, that in respect to every one of the supposed positions of the system* there is a cer- tain impulse or amount of vis viva, which being communi- cated to the system when in equilibrium, will just cause it to oscillate as far as that position, remain for an instant at rest in it, then return again towards its position of equili- brium, and re-acquire the vis viva with which its displace- ment commenced. Now this being true of every position of the supposed range of positions, it follows that it is true of every disturbance or impulse which will not carry the system beyond this supposed range of positions ; so that, having been displaced by any such disturbance or impulse, the system will constantly return again towards the position of equilibrium from which it set out, and is STABLE in respect to that position. On the other hand, if the supposed position of equili- brium be one in which the vis viva is a minimum, then the aggregate work of the forces which tend to accelerate the motion must, after the system has passed through that posi- tion, exceed that of the forces which tend to retard the motion ; so that, adopting the same notation as before, 2U, must be greater than 2U 25 and the second member of the equation essentially positive. Whatever may have been the original impulse, and the communicated vis viva 2mY 2 , Sm^ 2 must therefore continually increase ; so that the whole system can never come to a position of instantaneous repose ;f but on the contrary, the motions of its parts must continu- ously increase, and it must deviate continually farther from its position of equilibrium, in which position it can never * That is, of that range of positions over which the supposed position of equilibrium holds the relation of a position of maximum vis viva. f Within that range of positions over which the supposed position of equilibrium holds the relation of minimum vis viva. DYNAMICAL 'STABILITY. 121 rest. The position is thus one of unstable equilibrium Therefore, &c. DYNAMICAL STABILITY.* If a body be made, by the action of certain disturbing forces, to pass from one position of equilibrium into another, and if in each of the intermediate positions these forces are in excess of the forces opposed to its motion, it is obvious that, by reason of this excess, the motion will be continually accelerated, and that the body will reach its second position with a certain finite velocity, whose eifect (measured under the form of vis viva) will be to carry it beyond that position. This however passed, the case will be reversed, the resist- ances will be in excess of the moving forces, and the body's velocity being continually diminished and eventually de- stroyed, it will, after resting for an instant, again return towards the position of equilibrium through which it had passed. It will not however finally rest in this position until it has completed other oscillations about it. Now the am- plitude of the first oscillation of the body beyond the posi- tion in which it is finally to rest, being its greatest ampli- tude of oscillation, involves practically an important condi- tion of its stability ; for it may be an amplitude sufficient to carry the body into its next adjacent position of equilibrium, which being, of necessity, a position of unstable equilibrium, the motion will be yet further continued and the body overturned. Different bodies requiring moreover different amounts of work to be done upon them to produce in all the same amplitude of oscillation, that is (relatively to that am- plitude) the most stable which requires the greatest amount of work to be so done upon it. It is this condition of stabi- lity, dependent upon dynamical considerations, to which, in the following paper, the name of dynamical, stability is given. * I cannot find that the question has before been considered in this point of view, but only in that which determines whether any given position be one of stable, unstable, or mixed equilibrium ; or which determines what pressure is necessary to retain the body at any given inclination from such a position. * Extracted from a paper " On Dynamical Stability, and on the Oscillations of Floating Bodies," by the author of this work, published in the Transactions of the Royal Society, Part. II. for 1850. The remainder of the paper will be found in the Appendix. 122 DYNAMICAL STABILITY. 1. To the discussion of the conditions of the dynamicaj stability of a body the principle of vis viva readily lends itself. That principle,* when translated into a language which the labours of M. PONCELET have made familiar to the uses of practical science, may be stated as follows : " When, being acted upon by given forces, a body or sys- tem of bodies has been moved from a state of rest, the differ- ence between the aggregate work of those forces whose tendencies are in the directions in which their points of application have been moved, and that of the forces whose tendencies are in the opposite direction, is equal to one-half the vis viva of the system." Thus, if 2^ be taken to represent the aggregate work of the forces by which a body has been displaced from a posi- tion in which it was at rest, and 2^ Q the aggregate work (during this displacement) of the other forces applied to it ; and if the terms which compose 2^ and 2^ 2 be understood to be taken positively or negatively, according as the ten- dencies of the corresponding forces are in the directions in which their points of application have been made to move or in the opposite directions ; then representing the aggre- gate vis viva of the body by - 2wv*. t/ 2^ + 2^ =^2^', (!'). Now 2i 2 representing the aggregate work of those forces which acted upon the body in the position from which it has been moved, may be supposed to the known ; 2^ may there- fore be determined in terms of the vis viva, or conversely. 2. In the extreme position into which the body is made to oscillate and from which it begins to return, it, for an instant, rests. In this position, therefore, its vis viva disappears, and we have 2^+2^=0 (2'). This equation, in which 2-^ and 2^ 2 are functions of the impressed forces and of the inclination, determines the ex- treme position into which the body is made to roll by the action of given disturbing forces ; or, conversely, it deter- mines the forces by which it may be made to roll into a given extreme position. * See Art. 129. DYNAMICAL STABILITY. 123 3. The position in. which it will finally rest is determined by the maximum value of 2^ + 2^ in equation (I/) ; for, by a well-known property, the vis viva of a system* attains a maximum value when it passes through a position of stable, and a minimum, when it passes through a position of unstable equilibrium. The extreme position into which the body oscillates is therefore essentially different from that in which it will finally rest. 4. Different bodies, requiring different amounts of work to be done upon them to bring them to the same given inclina- tion, that is (relatively to that inclination) the most stable which requires the greatest amount of work to be so done upon it, or in respect to which ^u { is the greatest. If, in- stead of all being, brought to the same given inclination, each is brought into a position of unstable equilibrium, the corre- sponding value of 2^ represents the amount of work which must be done upon it to overthrow it, and may be considered to measure its absolute, as the former value measures its relative dynamical stability, f The absolute dynamical sta- bility of a body thus measured I propose to represent by the symbol U, and its relative dynamical stability, as to the inclination 0, by U(0). The measure of the absolute dynamical stability of a body is the maximum value of its relative stability, or U the max- imum of U(d) ; for whilst the body is made to incline from its position of stable equilibrium, it continually tends to return to it until it passes through a position of unstable equilibrium, when it tends to recede from it ; the aggregate amount of work necessary to produce this inclination must therefore continually increase until it passes through that position and afterwards diminish. 5. The work opposed by the weight of a body to any change in its position is measured by the product of the vertical elevation of its centre of gravity by its weight.;): Kepresenting therefore by W the weight of the body, and by AH the vertical displacement of its centre of gravity when it is made to incline through an angle 0, and observ- ing that the displacement of this point is in a direction oppo- site to that in which the force applied to it acts, we have , and by equation (2'), * Art. 132. f It is obvious that the absolute dynamical stability of a body may be greater than that of another, whilst its stability, relatively to a given inclina- tion, is less ; less work being required to incline it than the other at that angle, but more, entirely to overthrow it. f Art. 60. FKICTION. (3). If therefore no other force than its weight be opposed to a body's being overthrown, its absolute dynamical stability, when resting on a rigid surface, is measured by the product of its weight hy the height through which its centre of gravity must he raised to bring it from a stable into an unstable position of equilibrium. 6. The Dynamical Stability of Floating Bodies. The action of gusts of wind upon a ship, or of blows of the sea, being measured in their 'eifects upon it by their work, that vessel is the most stable under the influence of these, or will roll and pitch the least' (other things being the same), which requires the greatest amount of work to be done upon it to bring it to a given inclination ; or, in respect to which the relative dynamical stability U (4) is the greatest for a given value of 0. In another sense, that ship may be said to be the most stable which would require the greatest amount of work to be done upon it to bring it into a position from which it would not again right itself, or whose absolute dynamical stability U is the greatest. Subject to the one condition, the ship will roll the least, and subject to the other, it will be the least likely to roll over. Thus the theory of dynamical stability involves a question of naval construction. It will be found discussed in its ap- plication to this question in the Appendix. FBICTIOK 133. It is a matter of constant experience, that a certain resistance is opposed to the motion of one body on the sur- face of another under any pressure, however smooth may be the surfaces of contact, not only at the first commencement, but at every subsequent period of the motion ; so that, not only is the exertion of a certain force necessary to cause the one body to pass at first from a state of rest to a state of mo- tion upon the surface of the other, but that a certain force is further requisite to keep up this state of motion. The resist- ance thus opposed to the motion of one body on the surface of another when the two are pressed together, is called fric- FRICTION. 125 tion ; that which opposes itself to the transition from a state of continued rest to a state of motion is called the friction of quiescence that which continually accompanies the state of motion is called the friction of motion. The principal experiments on friction have been made by Coulomb*, Vince, G. Kennief, K "Wood;):, and recently (at the expense of the French Government) by Morin. They have reference, first, to the relation of the friction of quiescence to the friction of motion ; secondly, to the variation of the friction of the same surfaces of contact under different pressures / thirdly, to the relation of the friction to the extent of the surface of contact ; fourthly, to the relation of the amount of the friction of motion to the velocity of the motion ; fifthly, to the influence of unguents on the laws of friction, and on its amount under the same circumstances of pressure and contact. The following are the principal facts which have resulted from these experiments ; they consti- tute the laws of friction. 1st. That the friction of motion is subject to the same laws with the friction of quiescence (about to be stated), but agrees with them more accurately. That, under the same circumstances of pressure and contact, it is nevertheless dif- ferent in amount. 2ndly. That, when no unguent is interposed, the friction of any two surfaces (whether of quiescence or of motion) is directly proportional to the force with which they are pressed perpendicularly together (up to a certain limit of that pres- sure per square inch), so that, for any two given surfaces of contact, there is a constant ratio of the friction to the per- pendicular pressure of the one surface upon the other, Whilst this ratio is thus the same for the same surfaces of contact, it is different for different surfaces of contact. The particular value of it in respect to any two given surfaces of contact is called the CO-EFFICIENT of friction in re- spect to those surfaces. The co-efficients of friction in respect to those surfaces of contact, which for the most part form the moving surfaces in machinery, are collected in a table, which will be found at the termination of Art. 140. 3rdly. That, when no unguent is interposed, the amount of the friction is, in every case, wholly independent of the extent of the surfaces of contact, so that the force with which two surfaces are pressed together being the same, and Mem. des Sav. Etrang. 1781. t Phil - Trans - 1829. A Practical Treatise on Rail-roads, 3d ed. chap. 76. Mem. de 1'Institut. 1833, 1834, 1838. 126 FRICTION. not exceeding a certain limit (per square inch), their friction is the same whatever may be the extent of their surfaces of contact. 4thly. That the friction of motion is wholly independent of the velocity of the motion.* Stilly. That where unguents are interposed, the co-efficient of friction depends upon the nature of the unguent, and upon the greater or less abundance of the supply. In respect to the supply of the ungent, there are two extreme cases, that in which the surfaces of contact are but slightly rubbed with the unctuous matterf , and that in which, by reason of the abudant supply of the unguent, its viscous consistency, and the extent of the surfaces of contact in relation to the insist- ent pressure, a continuous stratum of unguent remains con- tinually interposed between the moving surfaces, and the friction is thereby diminished, as far as it is capable of being diminished, by the interposition of the particular unguent used. In this state the amount of friction is found (as might be expected) to be dependent rather upon the nature of the unguent than upon that of the surfaces of contact ; accord- ingly M. Morin, from the comparison of a great number of results, has arrived at the following remarkable conclusion, easily fixing itself in the memory, and of great practical value : " that with unguents, hog's lard and olive oil, inter- posed in a continuous stratum between them, surfaces of wood on metal, wood on wood, metal on wood, and metal on metal (when in motion), have all of them very nearly the same co- efficient of friction, the value of that co-efficient being in all cases included between '07 and '08. " For the unguent tallow, the co-efficient is the same as for the other unguents in every case, except in that of metals upon metals. This unguent appears, from the experiments of Mo- rin, to be less suited to metallic substances than the others, and gives for the mean value of its co-efficient under the same circumstances -10." 134. Whilst there is a remarkable uniformity in the results thus obtained in respect to the friction of surfaces, between which a perfect separation is effected throughout their whole extent by the interposition of a continuous stratum of the * This result, of so much importance in the theory of machines, is fully esta- blished by the experiments of Morin. \ As, for instance, with an oiled or greasy cloth. FRICTION. 127 unguent, there is an infinite variety in respect to those states of unctuosity which occur between the extremes, of which we have spoken, of surfaces merely unctuous* and the most perfect state of lubrication attainable by the interposition of a given unguent. It is from this variety of states of the unctuosity of rubbing surfaces, that so great a discrepancy has been found in the experiments upon friction with ungu- ents, a discrepancy which has not probably resulted so much from a difference in the quantity of the unguent supplied to the rubbing surfaces in different experiments, as in a diffe- rence of the relation of the insistent pressures to the extent of rubbing surface. It is evident, that for every description of unguent there must correspond a certain pressure per square inch, under which pressure a perfect separation of two surfaces is made by the interposition of a continuous stratum of that unguent between them, and which pressure per square inch being exceeded, that perfect separation can- not be attained, however abundant may be the supply of the unguent. The ingenious experiments of Mr. Nicholas Woodf, con- firmed by those of Mr. G. Rennie^,. have fully established these important conditions of the friction of unctuous surfaces. It is much to be regretted that we are in possession of no experiments directed specially to the determination of that particular pressure per square inch, which corresponds in respect to each unguent to the state of perfect separation, and to the determination of the co-efficients of frictions in those different states of separation which correspond to pres- sures higher than this. It is evident, that where the extent of the surface sustain- ing a given pressure is so great as to make the pressure per square inch upon that surface less than that which corres- ponds to the state of perfect separation, this greater extent of surface tends to increase the friction by reason of that adhe- siveness of the unguent, dependent upon its greater or less viscosity, whose effect is proportional to the extent of the surfaces between w T hich it is interposed. The experiments of Mr. Wood exhibit the effects of this adhesiveness in a remarkable point of view. * Or slightly rubbed with the unguent. t Treatise on Rail-roads, 3rd ed. p. 399. i Trans. Royal Soc. 1829. 5 It is evident that, whilst by extending the unctuous surface which sustains any given pressure, we diminish the co-efficient of friction up to a certain limit, we at the same time increase that adhesion of the surfaces which results 128 FRICTION. It is perhaps deserving of enquiry, whether in respect to those considerable pressures under which the parts of the larger machines are accustomed to move upon one another, the adhesion of the unguent to the surfaces of contact, and the opposition presented to their motion by its viscidity, are causes whose influence may be altogether neglected as com- pared with the ordinary friction. In the case of lighter machinery, as for instance that of clocks and watches, these considerations evidently rise into importance. 135. The experiments of M. Morin show the friction of two surfaces which have been for a considerable time in con- tact, to be not only different in its amount from the friction of surfaces in continuous motion, but also, especially in this, that the laws of friction (as stated above) are, in respect to the friction of quiescence, subject to causes of variation and uncertainty from which the friction of motion is exempt. This variation does not appear to depend upon the extent of the surfaces of contact, in which case it might be referred to adhesion ; for with different pressures the co-efficient of the friction of quiescence was found, in certain cases, to vary exceedingly, although the surfaces of contact remained the same.* The uncertainty which would have been introduced into every question of construction by this consideration, is removed by a second very important fact developed in the course of the same experiments. It is this, that by the slightest jar or shock of two bodies in contact, their friction is made to pass from that state which accompanies quiescence from the viscosity of the unguent, so lhat there may be a point where the gain on the one hand begins to be exceeded by the loss on the other, and where the surface of minimum resistance under the given pressure is therefore attained. Mr. Wood considers the pressure per square inch, which corresponds to the minimum resistance, to be 90lbs. in the case of axles of wrought iron turning upon cast iron, with fine neat's foot oil. The experiments of Mr. Wood, whilst they place the general results stated above in full evidence, can scarcely how- ever be considered satisfactory as to the particular numerical values of the con- stants sought in this inquiry. In those experiments, and in others of the same class, the amount of friction is determined from the observed space or time through which a body projected with a given velocity moves before all its velocity is destroyed, that is, before its accumulated work is exhausted. This is an easy method of experiment, but liable to many inaccuracies. It is much to be regretted that the experiments of Morin were not extended to the fric- tion of unctuous surfaces, reference being had to the pressure per square inch. * Thus in the case of oak upon oak with parallel fibres, the co-efficient of the friction of quiescence varied, under different pressures upon the same sur- face, from -55 to '76. FRICTION. 129 to that which accompanies motion ; and as every machine or structure, of whatever kind, may be considered to be subject to such shocks or imperceptible motions of its surfaces of contact, it is evident that the state of friction to be made the basis on which all questions of statics are to be deter- mined, should be that which accompanies continuous motion. The laws stated above have been shown, by the experiments of Morin, to obtain, in respect to that friction which accom- panies motion, with a precision and uniformity never before assigned to them ; they have given to all our calculations in respect to the theory of machines (whose moving surfaces have attained their proper bearings and ; been worn to their natural polish) a new and unlooked-for certainty, and; may probably be ranked amongst the most accurate and:valuable- of the constants of practical science. It is, however, to be observed, that all these experiments; were made under comparatively small insistent pressures a& compared with the extent of the surface pressed (pressures, not exceeding from one to two kilogrammes per square- cen>- timeter, or from about 14*3 to 28*6 Ibs. per square 'inch:.} In adopting the results of M. Morin, it is of importance to bear this fact in mind, because the experiments of Coulomb, and particularly the excellent experiments of Mr. G\ Rennie, car- ried far beyond these limits of insistent pressure*, have fully shown the co-efficient of the friction of quiescence to increase rapidly, from some limit attained long before the surfaces abrade. In respect to some surfaces, as, for instance, wrought iron upon wrought iron, the co-efficient nearly tripled itself as the pressure advanced to the limits of abrasion. It is greatly to be regretted that no experiments have yet been directed to a determination of the precise limit about which this change in the value of the co-efficient begins to take place. It appears, indeed, in the experiments of Mr. Ren- nie in respect to some of the soft metals, as, for instance, tin upon tin, and tin upon cast iron ; but in respect to the harder metals, his experiments passing at once from a pressure of 32 Ibs. per square inch to a pressure of 1*66 cwt. per square inch, and the co-efficient (in the case of wrought iron for in- stance) from about -148 to '25, the limit which we seek is lost in the intervening chasm. The experiments of Mr. Ren- nie have reference, nowever, only to the friction of qui- escence. It seems probable that the co-efficient of the fric- * Mr. Rennie's experiments were carried, in some cases, to from 5 cwt. to 7 cwt. per square inch. 9 130 FRICTION. tion of motion remains constant tinder a wider range of pres- sure than that of quiescence. It is moreover certain, that the limits of pressure beyond which the surfaces of contact begin to destroy one another or to abrade, are sooner reached when one of them is in motion upon the other, than when they are at rest: it is also certain that these limits are not in- dependent of the velocity of the moving surface. The dis- cussion of this subject, as it connects itself especially with the friction of motion, is of great importance ; and it is to be regretted, that, with the means so munificently placed at his disposal by the French Government, M. Morin did not ex- tend his experiments to higher pressures, and direct them more particularly to the circumstances of pressure and velo- city under which a destruction of the rubbing surfaces first begins to show itself, and to the amount of the destruction of surface or wear of the material which corresponds to the same space traversed under different pressures and different velocities. Any accurate observer who should direct his attention to these subjects would greatly promote the inter- ests of practical science. SUMMARY OF THE LAWS OF FRICTION. 136. From what has here been stated it results, that if P represent the perpendicular or normal force by which one body is pressed upon the surface of another, F the friction of the two surfaces, or the force, which being applied parallel to their common surface of contact, would cause one of them to slip upon the surface of the other, and/* the co-efficient of friction, then, in the case in which no unguent is interposed, f represents a constant quantity, and (Art. 133.) F=/P (109); a relation which obtains accurately in respect to the friction of motion, and approximately in respect to the friction of quiescence. 137. The same relation obtains, moreover, in respect to unctuous surfaces when merely rubbed with the unguent, or where the presence of the unguent has no other influence than to increase the smoothness of the surfaces of contact without at all separating them from one another. In unctuous surf aces partially lubricated, or between which THE LIMITING ANGLE OF RESISTANCE. 131 a stratum of unguent is partially interposed, the co-efficient of friction/ 1 is dependent for its amount upon the relation of the insistent pressure to the extent of the surface pressed, or upon the pressure per square inch of surface. This amount, corresponding to each pressure per square inch in respect to the different unguents used in machines, has not yet been made the subject of satisfactory experiments. The amount of the resistance F opposed to the sliding of the surfaces upon one another is, moreover, as well in this case as in that of surfaces perfectly lubricated, influenced by the adhesiveness of the unguent, and is therefore dependent upon the extent of the adhering surface ; so that, if S repre- sent the number of square units in this surface, and a the adherence of each square unit, then aS represents the whole adherence opposed to the sliding of the surfaces, and (110); where f is a function of the pressure per square unit ^-, and a is an exceedingly small factor dependent on the viscosity of the unguent. THE LIMITING ANGLE OF RESISTANCE. We shall, for the present, suppose the parts of a solid body to cohere so firmly, as to be incapable of separation by the action of any force which may be impressed upon them. The limits within which this suposition is true will be dis- cusse,d hereafter. It is not to this resistance that our present inquiry has reference, but to that which results from the friction of the surface of bodies on one another, and especially to the direc- tion of that resistance. 138. Any pressure applied to the surface of an immoveable solid body by the intervention of another body moveable upon it, will be sustained by^ the resistance of t/ie surfaces of contact, whatever be its direction, provided only the an- gle which that direction makes with the perpendicular to the surfaces of contact do not exceed a certain angle called the LIMITING ANGLE OF RESISTANCE of those SURFACES. 132 THE LIMITING ANGLE OF RESISTANCE. This is true, however great the pressure may he. Also, if the inclination of the pressure to the perpendicular exceed the limiting angle of resistance, then this pressure will not he sustained by the resistance of the surfaces of contact y and this is true, however small the pressure may ~be. Let PQ represent the direction in which the surfaces of two bodies are pressed together at Q, and let QA be a perpendicular or normal to the sur- faces of contact at that point, then will the pres- sure PQ be sustained by the resistance of the surfaces, however great it may be, provided its direction lie within a certain given angle AQB, called the limiting angle of resistance ; and it will not be sus- tained, however small it may be, provided its direction lie without that angle. For let this pressure be represented by PQ, and let it be resolved into two others AQ and RQ, of which AQ is that by which it presses the surfaces together perpendicularly, and RQ that by which it tends to cause them to slide upon one another, if therefore the friction F produced by the first of these pressures exceed the second pressure RQ, then the one body will not be made to slip upon the other by this pressure PQ, however great it may be ; but if the friction F, produced by the perpendicular pressure AQ, be less than the pressure RQ, then the one body will be made to slip upon the other, however small PQ may be. Let the pressure in the direction PQ be repre- sented by P, and the angle AQP by 6, the perpendicular pressure in AQ is then represented by P cos. d, and therefore the friction of the surfaces of contact by/T cos. 0, f repre- senting the co-efficient of friction (Art. 136.). Moreover, the resolved pressure in the direction RQ is represented by P sin. &. The pressure P will therefore be sustained by the friction of the surfaces of contact or not, according as P sin. & is less or greater than fP cos. 6 ; or, dividing both sides of this inequality by P cos. d, ac cording as tan. 6 is less or greater than f. Let, now, the angle AQB equal that angle whose tangent is f, and let it be represented by 0, so that tan. 0=/". Substi- tuting this value of f in the last inequality, it appears that the pressure P will be sustained by the friction of the s^ faces of contact or not, according as THE TWO STATES BORDERING UPON MOTION. 133 tan. & is greater or less than tan. 0, that is, according as 6 is less or greater than 0, or according as AQP is less or greater than AQB. Therefore, &c. [Q. E. D.] THE CONE OF RESISTANCE. 139. If the angle AQB be conceived to revolve about the axis AQ, so that BQ may generate the surface of a cone BQC, then this cone is called the CONE OP RESISTANCE i it is evident, that any pressure, how- ever great, applied to the surfaces of contact at Q will be sustained by the resistance of the sur- faces of contact, provided its direction be any where within the surface of this cone ; and that it will not be sustained, however small it may be, if its direction lie any where without it. THE Two STATES BORDERING UPON MOTION. 140. If the direction of the pressure coincide with the sur- face of the cone, it will be sustained by the friction of the surfaces of contact, but the body to which it is applied will be upon the point of slipping upon the other. The state of the equilibrium of this body is then said to be that BORDER- ING UPON MOTION. If the pressure P admit of being applied in any direction about the point Q, there are evidently an infinity of such states of the equilibrium bordering upon mo- tion, corresponding to all the possible positions of P on the surface of the cone. If the pressure P admit of being applied only in the same plane, there are but two such states, corresponding to those directions of P, which coincide with the two intersections of this plane with the surface of the cone ; these are called the superior and inferior states bordering upon motion. In the case in which the direction of P is limited to the plane AQB, BQ and CQ represent its directions corresponding to the 134 THE TWO STATES BORDERING UPON MOTION. two states bordering on motion. Any direction of P within the angle BQC corresponds to a state of equilibrium ; any direction, without this angle, to a state of motion. 141. Since, when the direction of the pressure P coincides with the surface of the cone of resistance, the equilibrium is in the state bordering upon motion ; it follows, conversely, and for the same reasons, that this is the direction of the pressure sustained by the surfaces of contact of two bodies whenever the state of their equilibrium is that bordering upon motion. This being, moreover, the direction of the pressure of the one body upon the other is manifestly the direction of the resistance opposed by the second body to the pressure of the first at their surface of contact, for this single pressure and this single resistance are forces in equilibrium, and there- fore equal and opposite. All that has been said above of the single pressure and the single resistance sustained by two surfaces of contact, is manifestly true of the resultant of any number of such pressures, and of the resultant of any num- ber of such resistances. Thus then it follows, that when any number of pressures applied to a body movedble upon another which is fixed, are sustained by the resistance of the surfaces of contact of the two bodies, and are in the state of equilibrium bordering upon motion, then the direction of the resultant of these pressures coincides with the surface of the cone of resist- ance, as does that also of the resultant of the resistances of the different points of the surfaces of contact*, that is, they are both inclined to the perpendicular to the surfaces of contact (at the point where they intersect it), at an angle equal to the limiting angle of resistance. * The properties of the limiting angle of resistance and the ance, were first given by the author of this work in a paper published m the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, vol. v. FRICTION. 135 TABLE I. Friction of Plane Surfaces, when they have some time in Contact. Surfaces in Contact. Disposition of the Fibres. State of the Surfaces. Co-efficient of Friction. Limiting Angle of Resist- ance. EXPERIMENTS OF M. MORIN. parallel without unguent 0-62 31 48' ditto rubbed with dry soap 0-44 23 45 Oak noon oak perpendicu- lar ditto without ) unguent f with water 0-54 ' 0-71 28 22 35 23 endways of "] one upon | the flat V without ) 0'43 23 16 surface of unguent ) the other J Oak upon elm parallel ditto 0-38 20 49 C ditto ditto 0-69 34 37 Elm upon oak - < ditto rub tfed with dry soap 0'41 22 18 V perpendicu- without 0'57 29 41 \ lar unguent Ash, fir, beech, service- ) tree, upon oak \ parallel ditto 0-53 27 56 \ the leather flat ditto 0-61 31 23 Tanned leather upon oak^ the leather 1 length- 1 ditto 0-43 23 16 ' 1 ways, but f sideways J steeped in ) water j 0-79 38 19 , , fupon a plane B * ack . surface of - dressed Qak parallel j without ) unguent ) 0-74 36 30 leathe M upon a round- er strap ^ d gurface leather f , perpendicu- ) lar J ditto 0-47 25 11 1 oi oak Hemp matting upon oak -I parallel ditto ditto steeped in ) water J 0-50 0-87 26 34 41 2 Hemp cords upon oak - ditto without ) unguent ) 0-80 38 40 ditto 0-62 31 48 Iron upon oak ditto steeped in water 0-65 33 2 Cast-iron upon oak ditto ditto 0-65 33 2 Copper upon oak - ditto | without unguent 0-62 31 48 | steeped in 0-62 31 48 Ox-hide as a piston sheath ) flat or side-] water with oil, upon cast-iron ) ways tallow, or 0'12 6 51 hog's lard 136 FRICTION. Limiting Surfaces in Contact. Disposition of the Fibres. State of the Surfaces. Co-efficien of Friction Angle of Resist- ance. ['EXPERIMENTS OF M. MORIN. continued. Black dressed leather, or \ strap leather, upon a > cast-iron pulley ) flat ) without ) unguent ) steeped 0-28 0-38 15 39' 20 49 Cast-iron upon cast-iron - ditto -j without ) unguent j" 0-16 9 6 Iron upon cast-iron ditto ditto 0-19 10 46 Oak, elm, yoke elm, iron, "| cast-iron, and brass 1 sliding two and two, [ one upon another J ditto with tallow with oil, or ) hog's lard j" o-iof 0-15^: 5 43 8 32 Calcareous oolite stone ) upon calcareous oolite ) ditto without ) unguent j 0-74 36 30 Hard calcareous stone, ) called muschelkalk, > ditto ditto 0-75 36 52 upon calcareous oolite ) Brick upon calcareous ) oolite J ditto ditto 0-67 33 50 Oak upon calcareous j oolite ( wood end- ) ways f ditto 0-63 32 13 Iron upon calcareous oolite flat ditto 0-49 26 7 i Hard calcareous stone, or muschelkalk, upon ditto ditto 0'70 35 muschelkalk 'Calcareous oolite stone upon muschelkalk ditto ditto 0-75 36 52 Brick upon muschelkalk - ditto ditto 0-67 33 50 Iron upon muschelkalk ditto ditto 0-42 22 47 Oak upon muschelkalk - ditto ditto 0-64 32 38 with a coat- "1 ing of mor- Calcareous oolite stone ) upon calcareous oolite J" ditto tar,ofthree parts of fine V sand and 0'74 36 80 one part of slack lime J * The surfaces retaining some unctuousness. f When the contact has not lasted long enough to express the grease. \ When the contact has lasted long enough to express the grease and bring back the surfaces to an unctuous state. After a contact of from ten to fifteen minutes. FRICTION. 137 Nature of Bodies and Unguents. Co-efficient of Friction. Limiting Angle. Soft calcareous stone, well dressed, upon the same 0-74 36 30' Hard calcareous stone, ditto .... 0-75 36 52 Common brick, ditto - 0-67 33 50 Oak, endways, ditto ..... 0-63 32 13 Wrought iron, ditto ..... 0-49 26 7 Hard calcareous stone, well dressed, upon hard calcare- ous stone ...... 0-70 35 Soft, ditto ...... 0-75 36 52 Common brick, ditto ..... 0-67 83 50 Oak, endways, ditto 0-64 32 37 Wrought iron, ditto ..... 0-42 22 47 Soft calcareous stone upon soft calcareous stone, with fresh mortar of fine sand .... 0-74 36 30 EXPERIMENTS BY DIFFERENT OBSERVERS. Smooth free-stone upon smooth free-stone, dry (Rennie) 0-71 35 23 Ditto, with fresh mortar (Rennie) 0-66 33 26 Hard polished calcareous stone upon hard polished cal- careous stone - .... 0-58 30 7 Calcareous stone upon ditto, both surfaces being made rough with a chisel (Bonchardi) ... 0-78 37 58 Well dressed granite upon rough granite (Rennie) 0-66 33 26 Ditto, with fresh mortar, ditto (Rennie) - 0-49 26 7 Box of wood upon pavement (Regnier) - 0-58 30 7 Ditto upon beaten earth (Herbert) - 0-33 18 16 Libage stone upon a bed of dry clay - 0-51 27 2 Ditto, the clay being damp and soft ... 0-34 18 47 Ditto, the clay being equally damp, but covered with thick sand (Greve) - 0-40 21 48 138 FfilOTIOX. TABLE II. friction of Plane Surfaces, in Motion one upon the other. Surfaces in Contact. Disposition of the Fibres. State of the Surfaces. Co-efficient of Friction. Limiting Angle of Resist- ance. EXPERIMENTS OP M. MORIN. parallel without unguent 0-48 25 C 39' > ditto rubbed with j 0-16 9 6 dry soap perpendicu- lar without unguent 0-34 18 47 Oak upon oak ditto steeped in 0-25 14 3 water wood endO ways on wood j- length- without ) unguent J 0-19 10 46 ways J r parallel ditto 0-43 23 17 Ehn upon oak - < perpendicu- ) lar J ditto 0-45 24 14 [ parallel ditto 0-25 14 3 Ash, fir, beech, wild pear- } tree, and service-tree, V upon oak ) ditto ditto 0-36 to 0-40 ) 19 48 }21 49 ditto 0-62 31 48 with water 0-26 14 35 Iron upon oak ditto rubbed with dry soap 0-21 11 52 without unguent 0'49 26 7 with water 0-22 12 25 Cast-iron upon oak ditto rubbed with dry soap 0-19 10 46 Copper upon oak - ditto j without ' unguent 0-62 31 48 Iron upon elm ditto ditto 0-25 14 3 Cast-iron upon elm - ditto ditto 0-20 11 19 Black dressed leather ) upon oak ditto ditto 0-27 15 7 r flat, or 1 Tanned leather upon oak j ** u > v * length- 1 ways, and ( edgeways J ditto -j with water 3-30 to 0-35 0-29 16 42 19 18 16 11 ' without unguent 0-56 29 15 Tanned leather upon ) cast-iron and brass J ditto steeped in water greased and 0-36 19 48 steeped in 0-23 12 58 water . . with oil 0-15 8 32 FRICTION. 139 Surfaces in Contact. Disposition of the Fibres. State of the Surfaces. Coefficient of Friction. Limiting i Angle of i Resist- ance. EXPERIMENTS OF M. MORIN. continued. Hemp, in threads or in] parallel without unguent 0-52 2729' cord, upon oak perpendicu- lar i with water 0-33 18 16 Oak and elm upon cast- \ iron ) parallel without unguent 0-38 20 49 Wild pear-tree, ditto ditto ditto 0-44 23 45 Iron upon iron ditto ditto 0-44 23 45* Iron upon cast-iron and ) brass [ ditto ditto o-isf 10 13 Cast-iron, ditto ditto ditto 0-15 8 32 {upon brass - ditto ditto 0-20 11 19 upon cast-iron ditto ditto 0-22 12 25 upon iron - ditto ditto 0'16| 9 6 greased in ~ the usual Oak, elm, yoke elm, wild "1 pear, cast-iron, wrought iron, steel, and moving V ditto way with tallow, hog's lard, oil soft 0-07 to 0-08 U 1 14 35 one upon another, or on themselves gom slightly ; greasy to w 0-15 8 32 the touch Calcareous oolite stone upon calcareous oolite ^ without unguent : 0-64 82 37 Calcareous stone, called muschelkalk, upon cal- ditto ditto 0-67 33 50 careous oolite Common brick upon cal- ditto ditto 0-65 33 2 careous oolite Oak upon calcareous j oolite \ wood end- ways ditto 0-38 20 49 Wrought iron, ditto parallel ditto 0-69 34 37 Calcareous stone, called muschelkalk,upon mus- ditto ditto 0-38 20 49 chelkalk Calcareous oolite stone upon muschelkalk ditto ditto 0-65 33 2 Common brick, ditto ditto ditto 0'60 30 58 Oak upon muschelkalk \ wood end- ways \ ditto 0-38 20 49 i ditto 0-24 Iron upon muschelkalk - saturated with water 0-30 16 42 * The surfaces wear when there is no grease. jr The surfaces still retaining a little unctuousness. \ Ibid. When the grease is constantly renewed and uniformly distributed, thia proportion can be reduced to 0'05. 140 FEICTIOK. TABLE III. friction of Gudgeons or Axle-ends, in Motion, upon their Bearings. (From the experiments of Morin.) Surfaces in Contact. State of the Surfaces. Co-efficient of Friction when the Grease is renewed. Limiting Angle of Resistance. In the usual Way. Continuously. coated with oil of ( 4 0' olives, with hog's lard, tallow, anc 0-07 to 0-08 0-054 \ 4 35 ( 3 6 Cast-iron axles in cast-iron - bearings soft goin with the same, and water coated with as- 0-08 0-28 4 35 phaltum 0-054 0-19 3 6 greasy 0-14 . 7 58 greasy and wetted 0-14 7 58 coated with oil of ( 4 Cast-iron axles, ditto olives, with hog's lard, tallow, and soft gom 0-07 to 0-08 0-054 \ 4 35 ( 3 6 greasy 0-16 - 9 6 greasy and damped 0-16 * 9 6 scarcely greasy 0-19 10 46 without unguent 0-18 . 10 12 Cast-iron axles in lignum vit,ae< bearings with oil or hog's lard greasy with ditto greasy, with a mixture of hog's lard and molyb- o-io I 0-14 0-090 5 9 5 43 7 58 daena J Wrought-iron axles in cast-K iron bearings coated with oil of olives, tallow, hog's lard, or soft gom L 0-07 to 0-08 0-054 ( 4 \ 4 35 ( 3 6 ' coated with oil of ) i4 * v olives, hog's lard, [ 0-07 to 0-08 0-054 4 35 [ron axles in brass bearings " or tallow coated with hard gom ) [ 0-09 . 3 6 5 9 greasy and wetted 0-19 . 10 46 scarcely greasy 0-25 * 14 2 [ron axles in coated with oil, ) nil lignum vitae or hog's lard h O'll \ * - 6 17 bearings greasy 0-19 . 10 46 Brass axles in coated with oil o-io 5 43 brass bearings with hog's lard 0-09 m 5 9 Brass axles in cast-iron bear- ings coated with oil or tallow 0-045 to 0-052 j 2 35 { 2 59 * The surfaces beginning to wear. FRICTION. Co-efficient of Friction when Surfaces in Contact. State of the Surfaces. the Grease is renewed. Limiting Angle of In the usual Way. Continuously. Resistance. Lignum vitse j axles, ditto 1 coated with hog's lard greasy I 0-12 0-15 6051' 8 82 Lignum vitas "I axles in lig- I num vitas j coated with hog's lard 1- - 0-07 4 bearings J TABLE IV. Co-efficients of friction under Pressures increased continually up to the Limits of Abrasion. (From the experiments of Mr. G. Rennie.*) Co-efficients of Friction. Pressure per Square Inch. Wrought-iron upon Wrought-iron. Wrought-iron upon Cast-iron. Steel upon Cast-iron. Brass upon Cast-iron. 32- 51bs. 140 174 166 157 1-66 cwt. 250 275 300 225 2'00 271 292 333 219 2-33 285 321 340 214 2-66 297 329 344 211 3-00 312 333 347 215 3-33 350 351 351 206 3-66 376 353 353 205 4-00 376 365 354 208 4-33 395 366 356 221 4-66 403 366 357 223 5-00 409 367 358 233 5-33 367 359 234 5-66 367 367 235 6-00 376 408 283 6-33 484 234 6 -60 235 7-00 282 7-88 273 Phil. Trans. 1829, table 8. p. 159. 142 THE RIGIDITY OF COEDS. THE RIGIDITY OF COEDS. 142. It is evident that, by reason of that resistance to r~ , deflexion which constitutes the ri- gidity of a cord, a certain force or pressure must be called into action whenever it is made to change its rectilineal direction, so as to adapt itself to the form of any curved sur- face over which it is made to pass ; as, for instance, over the circumfe- rence of a pulley or wheel. Sup- pose such a cord to sustain tensions represented by P a and P 2 , of which P x is on the point of preponderating, and let the friction of the axis of the pulley be, for the present, neglected. It is manifest that, in order to supply the force necessary to overcome the rigidity of the cord and to pro- duce its deflection at B, the tension P 1 must exceed P 2 ; whereas, if there were no rigidity, P, would equal P 2 ; so that the effect of the rigidity in increasing the tension P, is the same as though it had, by a certain quantity, increased the tension P 2 . Now, from a very numerous series of experiments made by Coulomb upon this subject, it appears that the quantity by which the tension P 2 may thus be con- sidered to be increased by the rigidity, is partly constant and partly dependent on' the amount of P 2 ; so as to be represented by an algebraical formula of two terms, one of which is -i constant quantity, and the other the product of a constant quantity by P 2 . Thus if D represent the constant part of this formula, and E the constant factor of P 2 , then is the effect of the rigidity of the cord the same as though the tension P 2 were increased by the quantity D+E.P,. When the cord, instead of being bent, under different pressures, upon circular arcs of equal radii, was bent upon circular arcs of different radii, then this quantity D + E . P 2 ; by which the tension P 2 may be considered to be increased by the rigidity, was found to vary inversely as the radii of the arcs ; so that, on the whole, it may be represented by the formula THE EIGIDITY OF COKDS. 143 D+E . P, R (HI), where E represents the radius of the circular arc over which the rope is bent. Tims it appears that the yielding tension P 2 may be considered to have been increased by the rigidity of the rope, when in the state bordering upon motion, so as to become This formula applies only to the bending of the same cord under different tensions upon different circular arcs : for dif- ferent cords, the constants D and E vary (within certain limits to be specified) as the squares of the diameters or of the circumferences of the cords, in respect to new cords, wet or dry / 111 respect to old cords they vary nearly as the power f of the diameters or circumferences. Tables have been furnished by Coulomb of the values of the constants I) and E. These tables, reduced to English measures, are given on the next page.* * The rigidity of the cord exerts its influence to increase resistance^ only at that point where the cord winds upon the pulley ; at the point where it leaves the pulley its elasticity favours rather, and does not perceptibly affect, the conditions of the equilibrium. In all calculations of machines, in which the moving power is applied by the intervention of a rope passing over a pulley, one-half the diameter of rope is to be added to the radius of the pulley, or to the perpendicular on the direction of the rope from the point whence the moments are measured, the pressure applied to the rope producing the same effect as though it were all exerted along the axis of the rope. > 144 THE KIGIDITY OF CORDS. TABLE V. RIGIDITY OF ROPES. Table of the values of the constants D and E, according to the experiments of Coulomb (reduced to English measures}. The radius R of the pulley is to be taken in feet. No. 1. New dry cords. Rigidity proportional to the square of the circumference. Circumference of the Rope in Inches. Value of D in Ibs. Value of E in Ibs. 1 2 4 8 131528 526108 2-104451 8-413702 033533 023030 073175 368494 Squares of propor- tions of the in- termediate cir- cumferences to those of the table. No. 2. New ropes dipped in water. Rigidity proportional to the square of the circumference. Circumference of the Rope in Inches. Value of D in Ibs. Value of E in Ibs. 1 2 4 8 263053 1-052217 4-208902 16-835606 0057576 0230303 0731755 3684860 No. 3. Dry half-worn ropes. Rigidity proportional to the square root of the cube of the circumference. Circumference of the Rope in Inches. Value of D in Ibs. Value of E in Ibs. 1 2 4 8 146272 413656 1-169641 3-308787 0064033 0180827 0512115 1448238 . Square roots of the cubes of propor- tions of the in- termediate cir- cumferences to those of the table. No. 4. Wetted half-worn cords. Rigidity proportional to the square root of the cube of the circumference. Circumference of the Rope in Inches. Value of D in Ibs. Value of E in Ibs. 1 2 4 8 292541 827328 2-339675 6-616589 006401 018107 051212 144822 THE RIGIDITY OF COEDS. 1 No. 5. Tarred rope. Rigidity proportional to the number of strands. Number of Strands. Value of D in Ibs. Value of E in Ibs. 6 15 30 0-33390 0-17212 1-25294 0-009305 0-021713 0-044983 To determine the constants D and E for ropes whose circumferences are intermediate to those of the tables, find the ratio of the given circumference to that nearest to it in the tables, and seek this ratio or proportion in the first column of the auxiliary table to the right of the page. The corresponding number in the second column of this auxiliary table is a factor by which the values of D and E for the nearest circumference in the principal tables being multiplied, their values for the given circumference will be determined.* * Note (*) Ed. App. 10 146 THE THEOEY OF MACHINES. T III. THE THEOEY OF MACHINES. 143. THE parts of a machine are divisible into those which receive the operation of the moving power immediately, those which operate immediately upon the work to be performed, and those which communicate between the two, or which conduct the power or work from the moving to the working points of the machine. The first class may be called RECEIV- ERS, the second OPERATORS, and the third COMMUNICATORS of work. THE TRANSMISSION OF WORK BY MACHINES. 144. The moving power divides itself whilst it operates in a machine, first, Into that which overcomes the prejudicial resistances of the machine, or those which are opposed by friction and other causes uselessly absorbing the work in its transmission. Secondly, Into that which accelerates the motion of the various moving parts of the machine ; so long as the work done by the moving power upon it exceeds that expended upon the various resistances opposed to the motion of the machine (Art. 129.). Thirdly, Into that which over- comes the useful resistances, or those which are opposed to the motion of the machine at the working point or points by the useful work which is to be done by it. Thus, then, the work done by the moving power upon the moving points of the machine (as distinguished from the working points) divides itself in the act of transmission, first, Into the work expended uselessly upon the friction and other prejudicial resistances opposed to its transmission. Secondly, Into that accumulated in the various moving elements of the machine, and reproducible. Thirdly, Into the useful work, or that done by the operators, whence results immediately the useful products of the machine. THE THEORY OF MACHINES. 145. The aggregate number of units of useful works yielded ly any machine at its working points is less than the num- ber received upon the machine directly from the moving power, ly the number of units expended ujpon the prejudi- cial resistances and ~by the number of units accumulated in the moving parts of the machine whilst the work is being done.* For, by the principle of vis viva (Art. 129.), if 2U 1 repre- sent the number of units of work received upon the machine immediately from the operation of the moving power, %u the whole number of such units absorbed in overcoming the prejudicial resistances opposed to the working of the ma- chine, 2U 2 the whole useful work of the machine (or that done by its operators in producing the useful effect), and ^-Zw^v*) one half the aggregate difference of the vires vivae of the various moving parts of the machine at the commencement and termination of the period during which the work is estimated, then, by the principle of vis VIVA (equation 108), in which v l and v 9 represent the velocities at the commence- ment and termination of the period, during which the work is estimated, of that moving element of the machine whose weight is w. Now one-half the aggregate difference of the vires vivse of the moving elements represents the work accu- mulated in them during the period in repect to which the work is estimated (Art. 130.). Therefore, &c. 146. If the same velocity of every part of the machine re- turn after any period of time, or if the motion ~be periodical, then is the whole work received upon it from, the moving power during that time exactly equal to the sum of the useful work done, and the work expended upon the prejudicial resistances. For the velocity being in this case the same at the com- mencement and expiration of the period during which the work is estimated, 2w(v* -y 2 fl )=0, so that * Note (0 Ed. App. 148 THE MODULUS OF A MACHINE. (113). Therefore, &c. The converse of this proposition is evidently true. 147. If the prime mover in a machine be throughout the motion ^n equilibrium with the useful and the prejudicial resistances, then the motion of the machine is uniform. For in this case, by the principle of virtual velocities (Art. 127.), 2U, 2U 3 +2^; therefore (equation 112) 2w(v* v*)= 0; whence it follows that (in the case sup- posed) the velocities v l and v 2 of any moving element of the machine are the same at the commencement and termi- nation of any period of the motion however small, or that the motion of every such element is a uniform motion. Therefore, &c. The converse of this proposition is evidently true. THE MODULUS OF A MACHINE MOVING WITH A UNIFORM OR PERIODICAL MOTION. 148. The modulus of a machine, in the sense in which the term is used in this work, is the relation between the work constantly done upon it by the moving power ', and that con- stantly yielded at the working points, when it has attained a state of uniform motion if it admit of such a state of motion ; or if the nature of its motion be periodical, then is its modulus the relation between the work done at its moving and at its working points in the interval of time which it occupies in passing from any given velocity to the same velocity again. The modulus is thus, in respect to any machine, the parti- cular form applicable to that machine of equation (113), and being dependent for its amount upon the amount of work ^u expended upon the friction and other prejudicial resistances opposed to the motion of the various elements of the ma- chine, it measures in respect to each such machine the loss of work due to these causes, and therefore constitutes a true standard for comparing the expenditure of moving power ne- cessary to the production of the same effects by different ma- THE MODULUS OF A MACHINE. 14:9 chines: it is thus a measure of the working qualities of machines.* Whilst the particular modulus of every^ differently con- structed machine is thus different, there is nevertheless a general algebraical type or formula to which the moduli of machines are (for the most part and with certain modifica- tions) referable. That form is the following, U^A . U 2 +B . S (114), where U 1 is the work done at the moving point of the ma- chine through the space S, TJ 2 the work yielded at the work- ing points, and A and B constants dependent for their value upon the construction of the machine : that is to say, upon the dimensions and the combinations of its parts, their weights, and the co-efficients of friction at their various rub- bing surfaces. It would not be difficult to establish generally this form of the modulus under certain assumed conditions. As the mo- dulus of each particular machine must however, in this work, be discussed and determined independently, it will be better to refer the reader to the particular moduli investigated in the following pages. He will observe that they are for the most part comprised under the form above assumed; sub- ject to certain modifications which arise out of the discus- sion of each individual case, and which are treated at length. 149. There is, however, one important exception to this general form of the modulus : it occurs in the case of ma- chines, some of whose parts move immersed in fluids. It is only when the resistances opposed to the motion of the parts of the machine upon one another are, like those of friction, proportional to the pressures, or when they are constant re- sistances, that this form of the modulus obtains. If there^be resistances which, like those of fluids in which the moving parts are immersed (the air, for instance), vary with the velo- city of the motion, and these resistances be considerable, then must other terms be added to the modulus. This sub- ject will be further discussed when the resistances of fluids are treated of. It may here, however, be observed, that^if the machine move uniformly subject to the resistance of^a fluid during a given time T, and the resistance of the fluid * The properties of the modulus of a machine are here, for the first time, discussed. 150 THE MODULUS OF A MACHINE. be supposed to vary as the square of the velocity Y, then will the work expended on this resistance vary as Y 2 . S, or as Y 3 . T, since S= Y . T. If then II, and IT, represent the work done at the moving and working points during the time T, then does the modulus (equation 114) assume, in this case, the form TJ^A . U a +B . Y . T-f C . Y 3 /T (115). THE MODULUS OF A MACHINE MOVING WITH AN ACCELERATED OK RETARDED MOTION. 150. In the two last articles the work IT,, done upon the moving point or points of the machine, has been supposed to be just that necessary to overcome the useful and prejudi- cial resistances opposed to the motion of the machine, either continually or periodically ; so that all the work may be ex- pended upon these resistances, and none accumulated in the moving parts of the machine as the work proceeds, or else that the accumulated work may return to the same amount from period to period. Let us now suppose this equality to cease, and the work U 1 done by the moving power to exceed that necessary to overcome the useful and prejudicial resist- ances ; and to distinguish the work represented by U 1 in the one case from that in the other, let us suppose the former, (that which is in excess of the resistances) to be represented by U 1 ; also let U 2 be the useful work of the machine, done through a given space S a , and which is supposed the same whatever may be the velocity of the motion of the machine whilst that space is being described ; moreover, let Sj be the space described by the moving point, whilst the space S a is being described by the working point. Now since Uj is the work which must be done at the moving point just to overcome the resistances opposed to the motion of that point, and U 1 is the work actually done upon that point by the power, therefore U 1 U^ is the excess of the work done by the power over that expended on the resistances, and is therefore equal to the work accumulated in the machine (Art. 130.) ; that is, to one half of the increase of the vis viva through the space S t (Art. 129.) ; so that, if ^ represent the velocity of any element of the machine (whose weight is w) when the work U 1 began to be done, and v 9 its velocity when that work has been com- pleted, then (Art. 129.), THE VELOCITY OF A MACHINE. Now by equation (114) U^ .-. T?=A . If instead of the work I? done by the power exceeding that Uj expended on the resistances it had been less than it, then, instead of work being accumulated continually through the space S 1? it would continually have been lost, and we should have had the relation (Art. 129.), so that in this case, also, The equation (116) applies therefore to the case of a retarded motion of the machine as well as to that of an accelerated motion, and is the general expression for the modulus of a machine moving with a variable motion. Whilst the co-efficients A and B of the modulus are depen- dent wholly upon the friction and other direct resistances to the motion of the machine, the last term of it is wholly independent of all these resistances, its amount being deter- mined solely by the velocities of the various moving ele- ments of the machines and their respective weights. THE TELOCITY OF A MACHINE MOVING WITH A VARIABLE MOTION. 151. The velocities of the different parts or elements of every machine are evidently connected with one another by certain invariable relations, capable of being expressed by algebraical formulae, so that, although these relations are different for different machines, they are the same for ail circumstances of the motion of the same machine. In a great number of machines this relation is expressed by a constant ratio. Let the constant ratio of the velocity v, of any element to that V 1 of the moving point in such a 152 THE VELOCITY OF A MACHINE. machine be represented by X, so that v l =\'V l , and let v 9 and V, be any other values of v l and Yj ; then -y =XY a . Sub- stituting these values of v 1 and v a in equation (116), we have TJ'=A . TT,+B . S I+ (V a '- in which expression 2i0X a represents the sum of the weights of all the moving elements of the machine, each being mul- tiplied by the square of the ratio X of its velocity to that of the point where the machine receives the operation of its moving power. For the same machine this co-efficient 2i0X a is therefore a constant quantity. For different machines it is different. It is wholly independent of the useful or pre- judicial resistances opposed to the motion of the machine, and has its value determined solely by the weights and dimensions of the moving masses, and the manner in which they are connected with one another in the machine. transforming this equation and reducing, we have by which equation the velocity Y 2 of the moving point of the machine is determined, after a given amount of work IP has been done upon it by the moving power, and a given amount U 2 expended on the useful resistances ; the velocity of the moving point, when this work began to be done being given and represented by Y r It is evident that the motion of the machine is more equable as the quantity represented by 2wX 2 is greater. This quantity, which is the same for the same machine and different for different machines, and which distinguishes machines from one another in respect to the steadiness of their motion, independently of all considerations arising out of the nature of the resistances useful or prejudicial opposed to it, may with propriety be called the CO-EFFICIENT OF EQUABLE MOTION.* The actual motion of the machine is more equable as this co-efficient and as the co-efficients A and B (supposed positive) are greater. * The co-efficient of equable motion is here, for the first time, introduced into the consideration of the theory of machines. CO-EFFICIENTS OF THE MODULUS. 153 To DETERMINE THE Co-EFFICIENTS OF THE MODULUS OF A MACHINE. 152. Let that relation first be determined between the moving pressure P, upon the machine and its working pres- sure P 2 , which obtains in the state bordering upon motion by the preponderance of P,. This relation will, in all cases where the constant resistances to the motion of the machine independently of P 2 are small as compared with P 2 , be found to be represented by formulae of which the following is the general type or form : P,=P 3 .*,+*, ..... (119); where *, and $ 2 represent certain functions of the friction and other prejudicial resistances in the machine, of which the latter disappears when the resistances vanish and the former does not; so that if *j(> and * a () represent the values of these functions when the prejudicial resistances. vanish, then $>W=Q and * 1 ()= a given finite quantity - dependent for its amount on the composition of the machine... Let P/> represent that value of the pressure Pj which wxmlftj be in equilibrium with the given pressure P 2 , if there- ware no prejudicial resistances opposed to the motion off tbie machine. Then, by the last equation, P/)=P 2 . Qffi. But by the principle of virtual velocities (Art.,12T:),\if we suppose the motion of the machine to be unifdrm-j . so that Pj and P 2 are constantly in equilibrium upon it, and if we represent by S, any space described by the point of application of P,, or the projection of that space on . the direction of P, (Art. 52.), and by S 2 the corresponding space or projection of the space described by P 2 , then P/ ) . S 1 ^P 2 . S 2 . Therefore, dividing this, equation by the last, we have Multiplying this equation by equation (119), , 154: AXES. which is the modulus of the machine, so that the constant A in equation (114) is represented by j^, and the constant B by * r The above equation has been proved for any value of S 15 provided the values of P, and P 2 be constant, and the motion of the machine uniform ; it evidently obtains, there- fore, for an exceedingly small value of S 15 when the motion of the machine is variable. GENERAL CONDITION OF THE STATE BORDERING- UPON MOTION IN A BODY ACTED UPON BY PRESSURES IN THE SAME PLANE, AND MOVEABLE ABOUT A CYLINDRICAL AxiS. 153. If any number of pressures P,, P 2 , P 3 , <&c. applied in the same plane to a body moveable about a cylindrical axis, be in the state bordering upon motion, then is the direction of the resistance of the axis inclined to its radius, at the point where it intersects the circumference, at an angle equal to the limiting angle of resistance. For let R represent the resultant of P, P 2 , &c. Then, since these forces are supposed to be upon the 11 point of causing the axis of the body to turn upon its bearings, their resultant would, if made to replace them, be also on the point of causing the axis to turn on its bearings. Hence it fol- lows that the direction of this resultant R cannot be through the centre C of the axis ; for if it f were, then the axis would be pressed by it in the direction of a radius, that is, perpendicularly upon its bearings, and could not be made to turn upon them by that pressure, or to be upon the point of turning upon them. The direction of 11 must then be on one side of C, so as to press the axis upon its bearings in a direction RL, inclined to the normal CL (at the point L, where it inter- sects the circumference of the axis) at a certain angle RLC. Moreover, it is evident (Art. 141.), that since this force R pressing the axis upon its bearings at L is upon the point of causing it to -slip upon them, this inclination RLC of R to the perpendicular CL is equal to the limiting angle of THE WHEEL AND AXLE. 155 resistance of the axis and its bearings.* Now the resistance of the axis is evidently equal and opposite to the resultant R of all the forces P 1? P 2 , &c. impressed upon the body. This resistance acts, therefore, in the direction LR, and is inclined to CL at an angle equal to the limiting angle of resistance. Therefore, &c. THE WHEEL AND AXLE. 154. The pressures P, and P 2 applied ver- tically by means of parallel cords to a wheel and axle are in the state bordering upon motion by the preponderance of P 15 it is required to determine a relation between P, and P 2 . The direction LR of the resistance of the axis is on that side of the centre which is towards P 15 and is inclined to the perpendicular CL at the point L, where it intersects the axis at an angle CLR equal to the limiting angle of resist- ance. Let this angle be represented by 1 I 1 represents this sum in respect to the wheel, and -V 2 I 2 in respect to the axle. Now, Y 1 =a^ 1 , a. Y 3 ! lCt/l + r * a * "T Similarly 2^v 2 2 =Y a a Substituting in the general expression (equation 116), we have THE WHEEL AND AXLE. 159 TJ'=AU,+BS 1 +1(V,"-V,') which is the modulus of the machine in the state of variable motion, the co-efficients A and B being those already deter- mined (equation 124), whilst the co-efficient ig the co . efficient SwX , ( tion i 117) of equalle motion. If the wheel and axle be each of them a solid cylinder, and the thickness of the wheel be & and the length of the axle 5 2 , then (Art. 85.) I l =faeb l a\, I 2 =i^ 2 & 2 4 . Now if W l and W 2 represent the weights of the wheel and axle respectively, then W l =ifa l 9 b l ^ W 2 =tf# 2 2 & 2 M< 2 ; therefore M-Ji 2-W^x 2 , M- a I a =i'W' a a a *. Therefore the co-efficient of equable motion is represented by the equation or (137), 157. To determine the velocity acquired through a given space when the r elation o the weights P, and P 2 , suspended from a wheel and axle, is not that of the state bordering upon motion* Let Sj be the space through which the weight P a moves whilst its velocity passes from Y x to V 2 : observing that !?=?&, and that U a =P 2 S a =P 9 ^- 2 , substituting in equa- a l tion (126), and solving that question in respect to Y a , we have .0*); * Note (w) Ed. App. 160 THE PULLEY. making the same suppositions as in formula 127, and repre- senting the ratio by ra, we have THE PULLEY. 158. If the radius of the axle be taken equal to that of the wheel, the wheel and axle becomes a pul- ley. Assuming then in equation 122, of the state when the strings are parallel, ill ^* Assuming then in equation rfpk M Ir I 1 = 3 =,we obtain for the relation < I H Wk I moving pressures Y l and P 2 , in the rH C5 \ t) r( i erm g upon motion in the pulley, ..(129); and by equation 124 for the value of the modulus, p l + -sm. 9 a w) P sin. Ob I ? sn. 9 . . . (130); in which the sign is to be taken according as the pressures P t and P 2 act downwards, as in the first pulley of the pre- ceding figure ; or upwards, as in the second. Omitting p dimension of - sin 9, - sin. 9, and above the first, we have a a a by equations (123, 125) SYSTEM OF ONE FIXED ONE MOVEABLE PULLET. 161 E 2 P sin.< - + TT TT . , , U S =TT. 1+- + - +~ Also observing that ,=, and I,=0, the modulus of varia- ble motion (equation 126) becomes (133), ~ij and the velocity of variable motion (equations 118, 128) is determined by the equation in which two last equations the values of A and B are those of the modulus of equable motion (equation 125).. SYSTEM OF ONE FIXED AND ONE MQIOJABUE 159. In the last article (equation 131) it was shown that the relation between the tensions P! and P 2 upon the two parts of a string pass- ing over a pulley and parallel to one another, was, in the state bordering upon motion by the preponderance of P,, represented by an expres- sion of the form P l =aP 9 + l>, where a and b are constants dependent upon the dimensions of the pulley and its axis, its weight, and the rigidity of the cord, and determined in terms of these elements by equation 131 ; and in which ex- pression 5 has a different value according as the tension upon the cord passing over any pulley acts in the same direction with the weight of that pulley (as-. in the first pulley of the system shown in the figure), or in. the opposite direction (as in the second pulley) : let these different values of 5 be represented by I and J,. Now it is, evident that before the weight P 2 can be raised by means of a system such as that shown in the figure, composed of one fixed and one moveable pulley, the state of the equilibrium of both pulleys must be that bordering upon motion, which is described in the preceding article ; since both must be upon the point of turning upon their axes before the weight P a can begin to be raised. If then T and t represent the tensions upon the two parts of the string which pass round, the moveable pulley, we have 162 SYSTEM OF ONE FIXED AND ANY and T= Now the tensions T and t together support the weight P,, and also the weight of the moveable pulley, Adding aT to both sides of the second of the above equa- tions, and multiplying both sides by a, we have Also multiplying the first equation by (1 + a\ Now if there were no friction or rigidity, a would evi- dently become 1 (see equation 121), and = * would become-; the co-efficients of the modulus (Art. 148.) are / a? \ =2( 1 ), \l + ar . -^ therefore A=2( and B which is the modulus of uniform motion to the single move- able pulley.* If this system of two pulleys had been arranged thus, with a different string passing over each, instead of with a single string, as shown in the preceding figure, then, represent- ing by t the tension upon the second part of the string to which P 1 is attached, and by T that upon the first part of the string to which P 2 is attached, we have * The modulus may be determined directly from equation (135); for it is evident that if Si and S 2 represent the spaces described in the same time by PI and P 2 , then S 1 = 2S 2 . Multiplying both sides of equation (135) by this equation, we have, now P 1 S 1 ==U 1 , and P 2 S 2 = U2, therefore &c. NUMBER OF MOVEABLE PULLEYS. 163 Multiplying the last of these equations by #, and adding it to the first, we have Y l (I + a)+wa=Ta+b==a*'Pt + (l + ajb' 9 and for the modulus (equation 121), It is evident that, since the co-efficient of the second term of the modulus of this systen is less than that of the first system (equation 136) (the quantities a and b being essen- tially positive), a given amount of work U 2 may be done by a less expense of power TJ,, or a gived weight P 2 may be raised to a given height with less work, by means of this system than the other ; an advantage which is not due entirely to the circumstance that the weight of the move- able pulley in this case acts m favour of the power, whereas in the other it acts against it ; and which advantage would exist, in a less degree, were the pulleys without weight. A SYSTEM OF ONE FIXED AND ANY J^UMBEK OF MOVEABLE PULLEYS. 160. Let there be a system of n moveable pulleys and one fixed pulley combined as shown in the figure, a separate string passing over each moveable pulley ; and let the ten- sions on the two parts of the string which passes over the first moveable pulley be re- presented by Tj and those upon the two parts of the string which passes over the second by T 2 and ,, &c. Also, to simplify the calculation, let all the pulleys be sup- posed of equal dimensions and weights, and the cords of equal rigidity ; /.T^^ + fct, and T i +W=T 1 + * 1 ; /.eliminating, T = (139). Let the co-efficients of this equation be represented by and /3 SYSTEM OF ONE FIXED AND ANY 164 Similarly, T 3 =aT 8 +/3, T s =aT 4 +/3, T 4 =aT 6 +/3, & c .=&c.. Multiplying these equations successively, beginning from the second, by , a a , a 3 , &c., a**- 1 , adding them together, and striking out terms common to both sides of the resulting equation, we have .... -f a-l/3; or summing the geometrical progression in the second member, (140); Substituting for a and (3 their values from equation (139), and reducing \ j Whence observing, that, were there no friction, a would become unity, and(--^-j = (-) . We have (equation 121) for the modulus of this system, 161. If each cord, instead of having one of its extremities attached to a fixed obstacle, had been connected by one extremity to a move- able bar carrying the weight P 2 to be raised (an arrangement which is shown in the second figure), then, adopting the same notation as before, we have Adding these equations together, striking out terms common to both sides, and solving in respect to T 1? we have NUMBER OF MOVEABLE PULLEYS. 165 in which equation it is to be observed, that the symbol b does not appear ; that element of the resistance (which is constant), affecting the tensions t l and 2 equally, and there fore eliminating with T, and T 2 . Let ^ be represented by , then a^ -W. Similarly, ,=*, -W, (143). Eliminating between these equations precisely as between the similar equations in the preceding case (equation 140), observing only that here (3 is represented by oW, and that the equations (143) are n 1 in number intead of n, we have Also adding the preceding equations (143) together, we have aiW Now the pressure P, is sustained by the tensions &,, &c. of the different strings attached to the bar which carries it. Including P 2 , therefore, the weight of the bar, we have Substituting this value of t n in equation (144), n n ^W , i=(1 _ aK _ lps+a%+(w _ lf _w Transposing and reducing, 2 W( 2 166 TACKLE OF ANY NUMBER OF SHEAVES. = ,!+-; r-1 a n f\ - 8 ~ g-ip. Wj n j '""(l + a- 1 )*-! a \(l + a- l ) n -l ) * - -- al+b. . (145). a--i Whence observing that when a=l, ^l + a" 1 ) 7 * 1} = 2 W 1 ; we obtain for the modulus of uniform motion (equation 121), ' A TACKLE OF ANY XUMBER OF SHEAVES. 162. If an number of pulleys (called in this case sheaves) be made to turn on as many different centres in the same block A, and if in another block B there be simi- larly placed as many others, the diameter of each of the last being one half that of a correspond- ing pulley or sheave in the first ; and if the same cord attached to the first block be made to pass in succession over all the sheaves in the two blocks, as shown in the figure, it is evident that the parts of this cord 1, 2, 3, &c. passing between the two blocks, and as many in number as there are sheaves, will be parallel to each other, and will divide between them the pressure of a weight P 2 suspended from the lower block : moreover, that they would divide this pressure between them equally were it not for the friction of the ** sheaves upon their bearings and the rigidity of the rope ; so that in this case, if there were n sheaves, the tension upon each would be -P a ; and a pressure ^ l of that n TACKLE OF ANY NUMBER OF SHEAVES. 167 amount applied to the extremity of the cord would be suffi- cient to maintain the equilibrium of the state bordering upon motion. Let T 15 T 2 , T 3 , &c. represent the actual tensions upon the strings in the state bordering on motion by the pre- ponderance of Tj, beginning from that which passes from P t over the largest sheaf; then P^o.T.+S,, T,=a,T I+ J s , T,=a il T,+5, &c.=&c.,T lr _ 1 =a.T. + &.; where a^ # 2 , &c., 5,, & 2 , &c. represent certain constant co- efficients, dependent upon the dimensions of the sheaves and the rigidity of the rope, and determined by equation (131). Moreover, since the weight P 2 is supported by the parallel tensions of the different strings, we have P T 4-T -L 2 - -Lj-f- J. a 4-T -f i It will be observed that the above equations are one more in number than the quantities T,, T 2 , T 3 , &c. ; the latter may therefore be eliminated among them, and we shall thus ob- tain a relation between the weight P 2 to be raised and that Pj necessary to raise it, and from thence the modulus of the system. To simplify the calculation, and to adapt it to that form of the tackle which is com- monly in use, let us suppose another ar- rangement of the sheaves. Instead of their being of different diameters and placed all in the same plane, as shown in the last figure, let them be of equal diameter and placed side by side, as in the accompanying figure, which represents the common tackle. The inconvenience of this last mode of ar- rangement is, that the cord has to pass from the plane of a sheaf in one block to the plane of the corresponding sheaf in the other ob- liquely, so that the parts of the cords be- tween the blocks are not truly parallel to one another, and the sum of their tensions is not truly equal to the weight P 2 to be raised, but somewhat greater than it. So long, however, as the blocks are not very near to one an- other, this deflection of the cord is inconsiderable, and the error resulting from it in the calculation may be neglected. Supposing the different parts of the cord between the blocks then to be parallel, and the diameters of all the sheaves and 168 TACKLE OF ANY NUMBER OF SHEAVES. their axes to be equal, also neglecting the influence of the weight of each sheaf in increasing the friction of its axis, since these weights are in this case comparatively small, the co-efficients 15 a 9 , a z will manifestly all be equal ; as also .., . , 23 , . &c.=&c., T._ 1 =aT. + & f ' also P 2 =T 1 +T 2 +T 3 + ..... +T n . Multiplying equations (147) successively (beginning from the second) by 0, # 2 , 3 , and a n ~ l ; then adding them together, striking out the terms common to both sides, and summing the geometric series in the second member (as in equation 140), we have Cb - 1 Adding equations (147), and observing that . . . . +T n =P 3 , and that P 1 +T 1 +T a + .... +T ir _ 1 = 2 T w , we have Eliminating T n between this equation and the last, To determine the modulus let it be observed, that, neglect- ing friction and rigidity, a becomes unity ; and that for this ^(/r _ ~\\ value of 0, - - becomes a vanishing fraction, whose d 1 value is determined by a well known method to be -*. Hence (Art. 152.), * Dividing numerator and denominator of the fraction by (a 1) it becomes a -i + a v i -- :TI which evidently equals - when a=l. The modulus may readily be determined from equation (148). Let Si and S 2 represent the spaces described by P x and P 2 in any the same time ; then, since when the blocks are made to approach one another by the distance S a , each of the n por- tions of the cord intercepted between the two blocks is shortened by this dis- THE MODULUS OF A COMPOUND MACHINE. 169 nba n I Hitherto no account lias been taken of the work expended in raising the rope which ascends with the ascending weight. The correction is, however, readily made. By Art. 60. it appears that the work expended in raising this rope (diffe- rent parts of which are raised different heights) is precisely the same as though the whole quantity thus raised had been raised at one lift through a height equal to that through which its centre of gravity is actually raised. Now the cord raised is that which may be conceived to lie between two positions of P 2 distant from one another by the space S a , so that its whole length is represented by nS^ ; and if j* repre- sent the weight of each foot of it, its whole weight is repre- sented by fwS, : also its centre of gravity is evidently raised between the first and second positions of P 2 by the distance S 2 ; so that the whole work expended in raising it is repre- sented by JfwS a * or by i^-, since S 1 =7iS a . Adding this work expended in raising the rope to that which would be necessary to raise the weight P 2 , if the rope were without weight, we obtain* TT a (a 1) TT ( nba n u-^irr 11 ^ i ^i- which is the MODULUS of the tackle. THE MODULUS OF A COMPOUND MACHINE. 163. Let the work of a machine be transmitted from one to another of a series of moving elements forming a com- pound machine, until from the moving it reaches the working point of that machine. Let P be the pressure under which the work is done upon the moving point, or upon the first moving element of the machine ; Pj that under which it is tance S 2 , it is evident that the whole length of cord intercepted between the two blocks is shortened by wS 2 ; but the whole of this cord must have passed over the first sheaf, therefore Si=wS 2 . Multiplying equation (148) by this equation, and observing that TJ^PiS 1 and U 2 =P 2 S 2 , we obtain the modulus as given above. * A correction for the weight of the rope may be similarly applied to the modulus of each of the other systems of pulleys. The effect of the weight of the rope in increasing the expenditure of work on the friction of the pulleys if neglected as unimportant to the result. 170 MODULUS OF A COMPOUND MACHINE. F* elded from the first to the second element of the machine ; t from the second to the third element, &c. ; and P w the pressure under which it is yielded by the last element upon the useful product, or at the working point of the machine. Then, since each element of the compound machine is a sim- ple machine, the relation between the pressures applied to that element when in the state bordering on motion will be found to present itself under the form of equation (119) (Art. 152), in all cases where the pressure under which the work upon each element is done is great as compared with the weight of that element (see Art. 166.). Kepresenting, therefore, by 1? a^ a 3 . . . 5 15 5 2 , J 3 . . ., cer- tain constants, which are given in terms of the forms and dimensions of the several elements and the prejudicial resist- ances, we have &c.=&c., ?_!=?.+&. Eliminating the n 1 quantities P 1? P Q , P s . . ., P B _ 1 , between these n equations, we obtain an equation, of the form, P=P.+&' ..... (151); where a=^a^a z . . . a n , and If the only prejudicial resistance to which each element is subjected be conceived to be friction, and the limiting angle of resistance in respect to each be represented by

9 =a,<> (1+aN ,=^>(l-fj$ t ), &c:=&c.; where a J5 ft, f , /3 f , & c ., each involving the factor aj . . . a^ Jl + a l+ a a + a 3 + ---- + a j ---- (153). Now the co-eficient of the first term of the modulus is represented (equation 121) by -, a representing the co- efficient of the first term of equation (119), also substituting the value of a from equation (153), and observing that a,(o) .... ^(o) ? we have -.= ..U={l-f.a 1 + a 4 + a 1 4- .... + ajU n + 5.S .... (154), which is the modulus of a compound machine of n elements, U representing the work done at the moving point, U w that at the working point, S the space described by the moving point, and 5 a constant determined by equation (152). 164. THE CONDITIONS OF THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ANY TWO PRES- SURES Pj AND P 2 APPLIED IN THE SAME PLANE TO A BODY MOVEABLE ABOUT A FIXED AXIS OF GIVEN DIMENSIONS. In. fig. 1. the pressure P 1 and P a are shown acting on oppo- site sides of the axis whose centre is C, and in fig. 2. upon the same side. Let the direc- tion of the resultant of P! and P a be repre- sented, in the first case, by IR, and in the second by El. It 172 AXES. is in the directions of these lines that the axis is, in the two cases, pressed upon its bearings. Suppose the relation between P 1 and P 2 to be such that the body is, in both cases, upon the point of turning in the direction in which Pj acts. This relation obtaining between P, and P 2 , it is evident that, if these pressures were replaced by their re- sultant, that resultant would also be upon the point of caus- ing the body to turn in the direction of P r The direction TR of the resultant, thus acting alone upon the body, lies, therefore, in the first case, upon the same side of the centre C of the axis as P l does, and in the second case it lies upon the opposite side ;* and in both cases, it is inclined to the radius CK at the point K, where it intersects the axis at an angle CKK, equal to the limiting angle of resistance (see Art. 153.). Now, the resistance of the axis acts evidently in both cases in a direction opposite to the resultant of P, and P 8 , and is equal to it ; let it be represented by R. Upon the directions of P 15 P 2 , and R, let fall the perpendiculars CA 15 CA 2 , and CL, and let them be represented by a l9 a and \ Then, by the principle of the equality of moments, since P 1? P 2 , and R are pressures in equilibrium, If Pj had been upon the point of yielding, or P 2 on the point of preponderating, then R would have had its direction (in both cases) on the other side of C ; so that the last equa- tion would have become According, therefore, as Pj is in the superior or inferior state bordering upon motion, And if we assume X to be taken with the sign -f or , ac- cording as P! is about to preponderate or to yield, then generally Now, since the resistance of the axis is equal to the resultant of P x and P 2 , if we represent the angle PJP 3 by if, we have (Art. 13.) * The arrows in the figure represent, not the directions of the resultants but of the resistances of the axis, which are opposite to the resultants. f Care must be taken to measure this angle, so that PI and P 2 may have AXES. 173 Substituting this value of R in the preceding equation, and squaring both sides, (P A -PA)r=x'(P 1 < +2P 1 P 1 cos. transposing and dividing by P 2 2 , W (a '~ x ' } ~ 2 (^) (aA+x ' cos-i)= ~ (a '~ xs) ; solving this quadratic in respect to ( -^ ) , \-t 2/ P 1 _fa^ a +^ a cos, i) 4/pA+ x2 cos. *)* fa 8 - 1 * 8 ) X a ) P." a/-* ; cos, i) X 4/(<^ 1 2 + 2^ 1 ^ 2 cos. + <% 2 a ) X a sin. a <. ISTow let the radius CK of the axis be represented by p, and the limiting angle of resistance CKR by 9 ; therefore X=CL=CK sin. CKR:=p sin. 9. Also draw a straight line from Aj to A 2 in both figures, and let it be represented by L ; :.a^^a^ cos. A l CA li -\-a^=lu. Now, since the angles at A x and A 2 are right angles, therefore the angles AJA, and AiCAj are together qqual to two right angles, or A^CAj + i =*; therefore AjCA a * , and cos. AjCA 2 = cos. ; therefore L 2 = 1 3 + 2 - P sn. U 2 . . . (157). If terms involving powers of | 1 sin.

2 2 + ^ 2 JP 2 2 + P 3 2 + 2P 2 P 3 cos. i,,} . If this quadratic equation be solved in respect to P and * In which expression it is to be understood that the inclination j 12 of the directions of any two forces is taken on the supposition that both the forces act from or both act towards the point in which they intersect, and not one towards and the other from that point; so that in the case represented in the accompanying figure, the inclina- tion t l2 of the two forces PI and P 2 represented by the arrows, is not the angle PiIP 2 , but the angle QlPi, since IQ and IPi are directions of these two forces, both tending from their point of intersection ; whilst the directions of P 2 I and I?! are one of them towards that point, and the other from it. 176 terms which involve powers of X above the first be omitted, we shall obtain the equation 2 cos.i w + O+P 3 V+2P 2 P A(> s cos.1,,4-^ cos. 23 ) ; or representing (as in Art. 164.) the line which joins the feet of the perpendiculars, a^ and & 3 by L, and the function #, ( 2 cos. *! + #! cos. i 33 ) by M, and substituting for X its value p sin. 9, p= ^Representing (as in Art. 152.) the value of P t when the prejudicial resistances vanish, or when 9=0, by P^ 0) , we haveP^ ^ I IP 2 . Also by the principle of virtual velo- \ d> l l cities P/> . 8,=?, . S,. Eliminating P/ ) between these equations, we have S t = I I S 3 . Multiplying equation (161) by Substituting U l for P^, U 2 for P 2 S 2 , and observing that }*.... (162.) which is the MODULUS of the system. If P 3 be so small as compared with P 2 that in the expan- sion of the binomial radical (equation 161), terms involving p powers of -p^ above the first may be neglected ; then, " * It will be shown in the appendix, that this equation is but a particular case of a more general relation, embracing the conditions of the equilibrium of any number of pressures applied to a body moveable about a cylindrical axis of given dimensions. AXES. which equation may be placed under the form "Whence observing that the direction of P 3 being always through the centre of the axis, the point of application of that force does not move, so that the force P 3 does not work as the body is made to revolve by the preponderance of P, ;. observing, moreover, that in this case the conditions of equation (119) (Art. 152.) are satisfied, we obtain for the? modulus 167. The conditions of the equilibrium of two pressures ~P l and P 2 applied to a body moveable about a cylindrical axis, taking into account the weight of the body and supposing it to be symmetrical about its axis. The body being symmetrical about its axis, its centre of gravity is in the centre of its axis, and its weight produces the same effect as though it acted continually through the centre of its axis. In equation (161.) let then P 2 be taken to represent the weight W of the body, and i ja , i aa the inclina- tions of the pressures P t and P 2 to the vertical. Then P,= (%,+ (P:) | P,'L'+2P,WM+WV \ *. - (165.) \ , we have Representing the whole weight of the cord sustained by the pulleys by w, and observing that pns^=w, we have ) ? sin. 9 | S, . . . (ITT.) In the above equations it has been supposed, that although the direction of the rope on either side of each pulley is so nearly horizontal that cos. < may be considered = 0, yet that it does so far lend itself over each pulley as to cause the surface of the rope to adapt itself to the circumference of the pulley, and thereby to produce the whole of that resist- ance which is due to the rigidity of the cord. If the tension were so great as to cause the cord to rest upon the pulley only as a rigid rod or bar would, then must we assume E=0 and D in the preceding equations. 174. If one part of the cord passing over a pulley have a horizontal, and the other a vertical direction, as, for instance, when it passes into the shaft of a mine over the sheaf or wheel which overhangs its mouth ; then one of the angles 13 or 23 (equation 173.) becomes -, and the other or or, according as the tension on the ver- tical cord is downwards or upwards, so that cos. 13 + cos. a8 =l, the sign being taken according as the tension upon the vertical cord is downwards or upwards. Moreover, in this case (Art. 169.) =- and cos. - ; therefore (equation 173.) 4 4/2 (W8), 186 THE PULLET. 174. The modulus of a system of any number of pulleys, over one of which the rope passes vertically, and over the rest horizontally. Let Uj repre- sent the work done upon the rope through the space S x be- fore it passes horizontally over the first pulley of the system, and let it pass horizon- tally over n such pulleys; and then, after having passed over another pulley of different dimensions, let it take a vertical direction, descending, for instance, into a shaft. Let U 2 be the work yielded by it through the space Sj immedi- ately that it has assumed this vertical direction : also let u^ represent the work done upon it in the horizontal direction immediately before it passed over this last pulley of the system. Then, by equation (179.), - + sm. 9 Also, by equation (177.) representing the radius of each of the pulleys which carry the rope horizontally by #, the radius of its axis by p,, and its weight by W 1? and obse ! is here the power and u : the work, we have observing that sn. Eliminating the value of u^ between these equations, and neglecting powers above the first in , &c., we have a THE PIVOT. 187 . . (180.) . ) 175. If the strings be parallel, and their common inclination to the vertical be represented by , so that i ia = i M = i; then, since in this case L=2#, we have (equation 172.), neglecting terms of more than one dimension in and^., a a in which equation * is to be taken greater or less than -, and 2i therefore the sign of cos. is to be taken (as before explained) positively or negatively, according as the tensions on the cords act downwards or upwards. If the tensions are verti- cal, =0 or *, according as they act upwards or downwards, so that cos. i 1. The above equations agree in this case, as they ought with equations (131.) and (132.). If the par- allel tensions are horizontal, then i=-, and the terms inyolr- ing cos. in the above equations vanish. 176. THE FKICTION OF A PIVOT. When an axis rests upon its bearings, not by its convex circumference, but by its extremity, as shown in the accompany- ing figure, it is called a pivot. Let W represent the pressure borne by such a pivot supposed to act in a direction per- pendicular to its surface, and to press 188 THE PIVOT. equally upon every part of it ; also let p x represent the radius of the pivot ; then will *?? represent the area of the W pivot, and - the pressure sustained by each unit of that "?! area. And if f represent the co-efficient of friction (Art. 133.), Z will represent the force which must be applied parallel to the surface of the pivot to overcome the friction of each such unit. JSTow let the dot- ted lines in the accompanying figure represent an exceedingly narrow ring of the area of the pivot, and let p and p+Ap represent the extreme radii of this ring; then will its area be represented by *(p -f- Ap) 2 tfp a , or by it j2p(Ap) -f (Ap) a j , or, since Ap is exceedingly small as compared with p, by 2tfpAp. Now the friction upon each unit of this area is W/ represented by ^ ; therefore the whole friction upon the *fc ring is represented by ^- . 2tfpAp ) or by ^-p^p, and the ^Pi 3 Pi 2 moment of that friction about the centre of the pivot by at . p a A, and the sums of the moments of the frictions of Pi 2 all such rings composing the whole area of the pivot by V 2W , 2W , 2W X , 2 f- . P 2 A P , or by ^-2p a A P , or by f- I P 2 4, or by Pi Pi Pi % i 3 , or by |W/ Pl ....... (183.); whence it appears that the friction of the pivot produces the same effect to oppose the revolution of the mass which rests upon it, as though the whole pressure which it sustains were collected over a point distant ~by two-thirds of its radius from its centre. If 6 represent the angle through which the pivot is made to revolve, then $-p/ will represent the space described by the point last spoken of ; so that the work expended upon the resistance Wf acting there, would be represented by "fWpi/^ which therefore represents the work expended upon the friction of the pivot, whilst it revolves through the angle 189 6 ; so that the work expended on each complete revolution of the pivot is represented by ITT. If the pivot be hollow, or its surface be an annular instead of a continuous circular area, then representing its internal radius by p a , and observing that its area is represented by <7r (pi a P 3 a )> an( i therefore the pressure upon each unit of it by . a _ a , and the fric- tion of each such unit by . a a , we obtain, as before, *\Pi ~Pa ) for the friction of each elementary annulus the expression r z-. pAp t and for the sum of the moments of the frictions Pi P 2 of all the elements of the pivot s- / ^ or Let r represent the mean radius of the pivot, i. e. let 7 l =i(p ] + p a ) ; and let I represent one half the breadth of the ring, i. e. let l=^ l 2 ); therefore p l =r+l and vj=.rl. These values of p t and p 2 being substituted in the above for- mula, it becomes or (185.); whence it follows that the friction of an annular pivot pro- duces the same effect as though the whole pressure were col- lected over a point in it distant ly T* | l+i(-j | from it* centre, where r represent its mean radius and I one half its fyreadth. From this it may be shown, as before, that the 190 AXES. whole work expended upon each complete revolution of the annular pivot is represented by the formula, 1Y8. To DETERMINE THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM OF TWO PRES- SURES APPLIED TO A BODY MOVEABLE ABOUT A FIXED AXIS, WHEN THE POINT OF APPLICATION OF ONE OF THESE PRES- SURES IS MADE TO REVOLVE WITH THE BODY, THE PERPEN- DICULAR DISTANCE OF ITS DIRECTION FROM THE CENTRE RE- MAINING CONSTANTLY THE SAME. Let the pressures Pj and P 2 , instead of retaining constantly T, (as we have hitherto supposed them to do) the same relative positions, be now conceived ^ continually to alter their relative positions by " the revolution of the point of application of P! with the body, that pressure nevertheless retaining constantly the same perpendicular distance a from the centre of the axis, whilst the direction of P 2 and its amount remain constantly the same. It is evident that as the point A 1 thus continually alters its position, the distance AjAjj or L will continually change, so that the value of P, (equation 158.) will continually change. ]N"ow the work done under this variable pressure during one revolution of P a is represented (Art. 51.) by the formula ^, if 6 represent the angle A X CA described at o any time about C, by the perpendicular QA,, and therefore aj, the space S described in the same time by the point of application A 1 of P l (see Art. 62.). Substituting, therefore, for ~P 1 its value from equation (158.), we have 27T AXES. Let now P s be assumed a constant quantity ; 27T 27T Now L=A 1 A^= {a'+Sa^ cos. 2;r 2;r o 27T neglecting powers of (-_|_^) ' above the first, since in all ' cases its value is less than unity. Integrating this quantity between the limits and 2* the second term disappears, so that 1 f\, 1 1 IV* J Ldd = - 3 +- J 2* nearly; .-.PA . 27T o since 2-au, is the space through which the point of applica- tion of the constant pressure r a is made to move in each re- AXES. volution. Therefore by equation (187), in the case in which P a is constant, U 1 =U 9 j 1+ (i+^ a )*P Bin. 9 } ..... (188). 179. If the pressure P, be supplied by the tension of a rope winding upon a drum whose radius is # (as in the cap- Btan), then is the effect of the rigidity of the rope (Art. 142.) the same as though P a were increased by it so as to become Now, assuming P a to be constant, and observing that U a =2tfP a a a , we have, by equation (1ST), Substituting in this equation the above value for P a , ( \ aj 2 ) 1 > AXES. 197 182. THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM OF THREE PRESSURES APPLIED TO A BODY MOVEABLE ABOUT A CYLINDRICAL AXIS, TWO OF THESE PRESSURES BEING GIVEN IN DIRECTION AND PARAL- LEL TO ONE ANOTHER, AND THE DIRECTION OF THE THIRD CONTINUALLY REVOLVING ABOUT THE AXIS AT THE SAME PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE FROM IT. Let P 3 and P 3 represent the parallel pressures of the sys- V^ tern, and 'P l the revolving pressure. /f'\ From the centre of the axis C, let fall /'/ v the perpendiculars CA^ CA 2 , CA 3 upon H/d the directions of the pressures, and let L-U. & represent the inclination of CA X to C A 3 -at any period of the revolution of t*. ai H ' PI- Let P x be the preponderating pressure, and let P 2 act to turn the system in the same direction as P 1? and P 3 in the opposite direction ; also let R represent the resultant of P 2 and P 3 , and r the perpendicular distance CA of its direction from C. Suppose the pressures P 2 and P 8 to be replaced by R ; the conditions of the equilibrium of P t throughout its revolu- tion, and therefore the work of P x will remain unaltered by this change, and the system will now be a system of two pressures P, and R instead of three ; of which pressures R is given in direction. The modulus of this system is there- fore represented (equation 187) by the formula (193); where U r represents the work of R, and L represents the dis- tance AA, between the feet of the perpendiculars r and a l9 so that Va^Zay cosJ-^-r t =(ar cos. d) 2 +7* a sin. 2 d ; /. R 2 L a =(R^-R^ cos. Now, R= [Now if 'the relations of a, to # 3 are such that | (P 3 + P a X_(P 3 a 3 -P 2 <) cos. 6 | 2 >(P 3 3 -P 2 <)sin. 9 4 then the value of R 2 L 2 will be represented by the sum of the 198 AXES. squares of two quantities the first of which is greater than the second. ED.] Therefore, extracting the square root by Poncelet's theorem, (see Appendix B.) RL=a}(P I + P 1 )a l _(P 1 l _p s 9 ) cos. &} +/3(P 3 a 9 -P 2 A 2 ) sin. 6 very nearly ; or, -/3smJ). . . .(194). \ - cos. - sn. o e 6 (a cos. d /3 sin. fy#. . . . (195). If P 2 and P 3 be constant, the integral in the second member of this equation becomes (~P a a 3 P 2 & 2 ) ( sin. 6 + /3 cos. 0) ; , . . -D P.a.d P,a,d TJ 3 U 3 whence observing that P s a 3 P 2 <^ 2 = 8 3 ^ 2-^-= L.- ?; also, that IJ r ==dEr==^P t fl^-r-*P 1 a t =IJ, TJ,, and substituting in equation (193), we have U.^TJ.-U^+p sin. 9 I (-+-') - ( \a 9 a z I (52\( s in. 4+/S cos. 6) \ . . . . (196) ; \ df I for complete revolution making 0=2*, we have n-u.-u. + ,-. reducing, which is the modulus of the system where a and j3 are to be de'ermined, as in Note B, (Appendix.) THE CHINESE CAPSTAN. 199 183. If the pressure P 3 be supplied by the tension of a cord which winds upon a cylinder or drum at the point A 3 , then allowance must be made for the rigidity of the cord, and a correction introduced into the preceding equation for that purpose. To make this correction let it be observed (Art. 142.) that the effect of the rigidity ^ of the cord at A 8 is the same as though it increased the tension there from D or (multiplying both sides of this inequality by a,, and inte- grating in respect to d,) as though it increased 27T 27T 27T dA to l-f- or,U 3 to(l+-)U \ & z i Thus the effect of the rigidity of the rope to which P 3 is ap- plied upon the work U a of that force is to increase it to (l + ) U 3 + 2*-D. Substituting this value for U 3 in equa- tion (197), and neglecting terms which involve products of ,, ,. .. ,, .... E P sin.

1 +B .... (203). Multiplying the former of the above equations by adding them, transposing, dividing by (1 -h A), and neglect- ing terms of more than one dimension in A and B, Now U r in equation (193) represents the work of J;he resultant of p z and p z during n revolutions of the capstan, it therefore equals the difference between the work of p 3 and that of p z (see p. 198). 27T 2tt7T 9 p,) d6 2717T o { (1 + A) (W + P 2 ) 4- 2 Aw + 2B } (2 wa.) f observing that 2nrra 2 =:S 2 , and that P 2 S 2 =U 2 . Now, let it be observed that the pressures applied to the capstan are three in number ; two of them, p s and p^ being parallel and acting at equal distances a. 2 from its axis ; and the third, P 1? being made to revolve at the constant distance a t from the axis (P, representing the pressure of the horses, or the resultant of the pressures of the horses, if there be more than one, and a^ the distance at which it is applied) ; BO that equation 193 (Art. 182.) obtains in respect to the pressures P., p^ p z ; a 3 being assumed equal to a v Substituting^ and^? 8 for P 2 and P 8 in equation (194), a i (^ 8 -j-^ a )_ a 9 (p 3 p^) (a cos. p sin. 0) ; (a cos. 6 (3 sin. 6) dO. THE HORSE CAPSTAN. 205 Now, the terms of equation (180), represented in the above equations by A and B, are all of one dimension in the exceed- ingly small quantities D, E, sin. ,)(* cos. sin. fyZ0==00, =/ 3 a 2 ^+^ 2 (W-2fxS 2 ) ; observing that P 2 2717T Substituting this value, and also that of U r (equation 204) in equation (193), and assuming and C a = we have 00 / /* /* * For I 0cos. 0f?0=0sin. / sin. 0d0*=0sin.0 vers. 0; also I sin. 0d0 00 =0 cos. + /cos. 6dO*=6 cos. 0-f-sin. 0. Now, substituting 2w7r for 0, these integrals become respectively and 2mr. * Church's Diff. and Int. Cal. Art. 140. THE FRICTION OF CORDS. 207 + i- g _ a, I ' , which is the MODULUS of the machine, all the various ele- ments, whence a sacrifice of power may arise in the working of it, being taken into account. THE FRICTION OF CORDS. 186. Let the polygonal line ABC . . . YZ, of an infinite number of sides, be taken to represent , the curved portion of a cord embracing 1 any arc of a cylindrical surface (whe- ther circular or not), in a plane per- pendicular to the axis of the cylinder ; also let Aa, B5, Cc,- &c., be normals or perpendiculars to the curve, inclined to one another at equal angles, each represented by Ad. Imagine the surface of the cylinder to be removed between each two of the points A, B, &c., in succession, so that the cord may be supported by a small portion only of the surface remaining at each of those points, whilst in the intermediate space it assumes the direc- tion of a straight line joining them, and does not touch the surface of the^ cylinder. Let P, represent the tension upon the cord before "it has passed over the point A ; T 1 the ten- sion upon it after it has passed over that point, or before it passes over the point B ; T 2 the tension upon it after it has passed over the point B, or before it passes over C ; T 8 that after it has passed over C ; and let P 2 represent the tension upon the cord after it has passed over the nth or last point Z. Now, any point B of the cord is held at rest by the ten- sions T t and T 2 upon it at that point, in the directions BC and BA, and by the resistance K of the surface of the Cylin- der there ; and, if we conceive the cord to be there in the state bordering upon motion, then (Art, 138.) the direction of this resistance K is inclined to the perpendicular 5B to the surface of the cylinder at an angle RB& equal to the limiting angle of resistance C, &c., each of which equals Ad, to be exceedingly small, and therefore the points A, B, C, &c., to be exceedingly near to one another, and exceedingly numerous. By this supposition we shall mani- festly approach exceedingly near to the actual case of an in- finite number of such points and a continuous surface ; and THE FRICTION OF COEDS. 209 if we suppose Ad infinitely small, our supposition will coincide with that case. Now, on the supposition that Ad is exceed- Ad ingly small, tan. -^ . tan. 9 is exceedingly small, and may be neglected as compared with unity ; it may therefore be neglected in the denominator of the above fraction. More- over Ad being exceedingly small, tan. -^- = ,- S * Ta = tan. 9 . Ad* ; .-. T 1= T 3 (1 + tan. 9 . Ad). Now the number of the points A, B, C, &c. being repre- sented by 7i, and the whole angle AdZ between the extreme* normals at A and Z by d, it follows (Euclid, i. 32.) that 6n. Ad; therefore Ad =-; 7i n Similarly, P^T, (1 +-tan. 9) n T,=T, (l+tan. ? ), ^P, (1+tan. 9). Multiplying these equations together, and striking out fac- tors common to both sides of their product, we haye * If we consider the tension T as a function of 6, of which any consecutive values are represented by Tj and T 2 , and their difference or the increment of L * rn - AT* T by AT, then ^ = tan. 0. A0 ; therefore - . ^ = tan. ; therefore, passing to the limit - = tan. 0, and integrating between the limits and 6, observing that at the latter Limit T=P 2 , and that at the former it equals PI, we have log. ( 1 = - 6 tan. 0; therefore P 1 =P^ 6 tan " *. \TI/ H 210 THE FKICTION OF CORDS. ( or P 1 =P a \ 1 \ n In 26' \ - a -- r -tan.V + &c. f; ( !-; orP 1 =P a |l+4 tan. 9 + ^ a tan. a

t fixed and to have a rope pulled and made to slip over it, is U^-Q^tan.0 ____ (206). It is remarkable that these expressions are wholly inde- pendent of the form and dimensions of the surface sustain- ing the tension of the rope, and that they depend exclu- sively upon the inclination 6 or AeZ of the normals to the points A and Z, where the cord leaves the surface, and upon the co-efficient of friction (tan. 9), of the material of which the rope is composed and the material of which the surface is composed. It matters not, for instance, so far as ihefric- THE FKICTION OF CORDS. 211 t-ion of the rope or band is concerned, whether it passes over a large pulley or drum, or a small one, provided the angle subtended by the arc which it embraces is the same, and the materials of the pulley and rope the same. In the case in which a cord is made to pass m times round such a surface, G=9m7r ; T> p c2m TT tan. & **) x and C 2 P 2 ; of which pressures P 2 is the working or driven pressure. Fig 2 218 THE BA^D. or that which is upon the point of yielding by the prepon- derance of the other P,. In fig. 1. P 2 is seen applied on the same side of the centre of the drums as P 15 and in jig. 2. on the opposite side. Let T x and T 2 represent the tensions upon the two parts of the band, T x being that on the driving, and T 2 that on the driven side. ^=0^, 2 =C 2 P 2 , r= radius of each drum, W= weight of each drum, p= radius of axis of each drum, R! and R 2 = resistances of axes of drums,

. . (213), \a 1 p sin. 9; a t psm. 9 p p . (214) \a 1 + psm. 97 and therefore (by equation 121), for the moduli in the two cases a ! p sn. 9 sin. In all which equations the sign =F is to be taken according as P 2 is applied on the same side of the line OjC,, joining the axis as P 15 or on the opposite side. 193. To determine the initial tension*^ upon the land, so that it may not slip upon the surface of the drum when sub- jected to the given resistance opposed to its motion by the work. 220 THE BAND. Suppose the maximum resistance which may, during the action of the machine, be opposed to the motion of the drum to be represented by a pressure P applied at a given distance a from its centre C 2 . Suppose, moreover, that the band has received such an initial tension T as shall just cause it to be on the point of slipping when the motion of the drum is subjected to this maximum resist- ance ; and let ^ and t z be the tensions upon the two parts of the band when it is thus Just in the act of slipping and of overcoming the resistance r. Now, the two parts of the band being parallel, it em braces one half of the circumference of each drum ; the rela- tion between t l and 2 is therefore expressed (equation 205) by the equation TT tan. ^ t = t a e*-tan. 'whence we obtain - 1 J-=-- ~ . But . + ,= 1 * ' -r I / , - to^ A. * * 2T (equation 209), (TT tan. e ^ it tan. ^ e + I Also, the relation between the resistance P, opposed to the motion of the upper drum, and the tensions ^ and 2 upon the two parts of the band, when this resistance is on the point of being overcome, is expressed (equation 212) by the equation or substituting the value of R a (equation 211), and transpos- ing P+(2T=f P-f W)p sin. 9=)^ t^r ; whence, substituting the value of ^4, determined above, and transposing, we have {/e"-'\\ } P(aqFpsin. 9)H-"Wpsin. 9=2T^ | -^^-^ \r psin.9 j. ; e + I THE BAND. T _ - J P(a=Fp sin. 0) + Wpsin.0 ) * i / TT tan. \ I 8 1\ I -tS^ l^-psm. 221 (217). 194. The modulus of the band under its most general form, The accompanying figure represents an. elastic band pass- ing round drums of unequal radii, the line joining whose centres 0, and C 2 is inclined at any angle to the vertical, and which are acted upon by any given pressures P, and P 2 , P 1 being supposed to be upon the point of giv- ing motion to the system. Let T x and T a represent the tensions upon the two parts of the band, T x be- ing that on the driving side. # 15 # 2 perpendiculars upon the directions of P a and P a re- spectively. 1? 2 the inclinations of the directions of P, and P 2 to the line 0,0,. TV r 2 the radii of the drums. W j, W 2 the weights of the drums. the inclination of the line Cfl 9 to the vertical, and2 aj the inclination of the two parts of the band to one another, p! p 2 the radii of the axes of the drums. the limiting angle of resistance between the axis of the drum and its collar. K 15 R 2 the resistances of the collars in which the axes of the drums turn in the state bordering upon motion, or the resultants of the pressures upon these axes. The perpendi- cular distances at which these resistances act from the cen- tres of the axes are (Art. 153.) p : sin. and p 2 sin. 0. Since the pressures acting upon the lower drum are T 15 T 2 , P 1? W iy and Kj, and that these pressures are in equilibrium, W l act- ing through the centre of the axis, and T, and E t acting to turn the drum in one direction about the axis, and P x and T, to turn it in the opposite direction ; we have, by the princi- ple of the equality of moments (Art. 153.), PA+T^^T^ + K^sin. 9. And since T 1? T 2 , P 2 , W 2 , E a are similarly in equilibrium 222 THE BAND. on the upper drum, W 2 acting through the centre, and P 2 , R 2 , T 2 acting to turn it in one direction, whilst T l acts to turn it in the opposite direction, sin. 9= /.PA-^-T^K^sin.? ) p A _( Tl -T 2 K=-K 2 p 2 sin. 9 T Let Tj-T^B*, and T.+T^^T, ^^R^ sin. 9 ) ,01 c^ -2r f =- R 2 p, sin. 9 (' To determine the values of 1^ and R 2 let the pressures applied to each drum be resolved (Art. 11.) in directions parallel and perpendicular to the line CjC, ; tnose applied to the lower drum which, being thus resolved, are parallel to 00 are ! COS. 15 +T a COS. a i5 P! COS. ^, W l COS. I, those pressures being taken positively which tend to move the axis of the drum from G l towards 2 , and those nega- tively whose tendency is in the opposite direction. In like manner the pressures resolved perpendicular to 0,0, are T x sin. a l? -j-T 2 sin. a l? -f P 4 sin. ^, "W 1 sin. , those pressures being taken negatively whose tendency when thus resolved perpendicular to C^ is to bring that line nearer to a vertical direction, and those positively whose tendency is in the opposite direction. Observing that K 1 is the resultant of all these pressures, we have (Art. 11.) os - a i- p i cos - *i-Wi cos - '}* + |P X sin. ^-(T.-T^sin. a.-W, sin. i} 2 . Proceeding similarly in respect to the pressures applied to the upper drum, we shall obtain E a 3 = {(T.+T,) cos. , P, cos. ^ a +W 2 cos. i} f + |P 3 sin. ^+(T 1 T 3 ) sin. a, W 2 sin. J 3 : or substituting 2T for T^T,, and 2# for T, T 2 K^ |2T cos. , P, cos. *! W, cos. } 2 {P, sin. ^-2^ sin. ^-W, sin. { 3 R a 9 = J2T cos. ^-P, cos. ^ a + W 2 cos. 1} '+ ' }P a sin. d 2 + 2 sin. a, W 2 sin. 1} 2 THE BAND. By eliminating R 15 R 2 , and t between the four equations (218) and (219), a relation is determined between the three quantities P 15 P 2 , T. To simplify this elimination let us sup- pose that the preceding hypothesis in respect to the direc- tions in which the pressures are to be taken positively and negatively is so made, that the expressions enclosed within the brackets in the above equations (219) and squared may, each of them, represent a positive quantity. Let us, more- over, suppose t\iQ first of the two quantities squared in each equation to be considerably greater than the second, or the pressure upon the axis of each drum in the direction of the line C a C 2 joining their centres, greatly to exceed the pres- sure upon it in a direction perpendicular to that line ; an hypothesis which will in every practical case be realised. These suppositions being made, we obtain, with a sufficient degree of approximation, by Poncelet's Theorem*, R i: =aj2T cos. a x P t cos. 0,W, cos. i{ + /3 ? sin. 62t sin. a W sin. R 2 =a{2T cos. a l P 2 cos. 3 +W 3 cos. 1} /3 JP 2 sin. 2 +22 sin. a x W 2 sin. 1} . Substituting these values of Rj and R a in equation (218), and reducing, we have PA 2(r\ /3p l sin. a t sin. 9)= Pl |2T cos. ai -PA-W lTl l sin. 9 P 2 a 2 -2^ 2 -/3p 2 sin. ttl sin. 9)= -p 9 {2a T cos. a.-PA+'W^I sin. 9 where ft=(a cos. X ]8 sin. X ), ft=(. co, ^_sin *,), y 1= (a cos. i + P Sin. <), y 3 =(a cos. i sin. i). Eliminating # between these equations, and neglecting terms above the first dimension in p 1 sin. 9 and p 2 sin. 9, ( H-P^Xn p a sin. a x sin. 9) | _ ( P^r, p a sin. a, sin. 9) j " + Pl r,(2aT cos. ^-PA-W^) ) . T,) [ Sm ' + P2 rX2aT cos. a.- , being for the most part exceedingly small, the terms * See Appendix. 24 THE BAND. /3pj sin. ctj sin. 9 and /3p a sin. a z sin. 9 may be neglected ; we shall then obtain by transposition and reduction +2*T(p 1 r i H-p t r 1 )cos. a t -sin. 9 ... (222). If this equation be compared with equation (214), it will be found to agree with it, mutatis mutandis, except that the co-efficient 2a is in that equation 2. This difference manifestly results from the approximate character of the theorem of Poncelet. Substituting the latter co-efficient for the former, multiply- p (3 ing both sides of the equation by (1 f sin. 9), neglecting AI terms of more than two dimensions in f , , and sin. 9, and reducing, which is the relation between the moving and working pressures in the state bordering upon motion. From this relation we obtain for the MODULUS of the band (equation 121) ' If the angle a be conceived to increase until it exceed x, P, will pass to the opposite side of C,0 a , and (3 t will become negative; whence it is apparent, that equation THE BAND. 225 (224) agrees with equation (214) in other respects, and in the condition of the ambiguous sign. It is moreover appa- rent, from the form assumed by the modulus in this case and in that of the preceding article, that the greatest economy of power is obtained by applying the moving and the working pressures on the same side of the line C^ join- ing the axes of the drums. This is in fact but a particular case of the general principle established in Art. 168. 195. The initial tension T of the band may be deter- mined precisely as in the former case (equation 217). Representing by the angle sub- tended by the circumference which the band embraces on the second, or driven drum, by P the maxi-- mum resistance opposed to its mo** tion at the distance a, by $ t\& limiting angle of resistance between the band and the surface of the drum, and by ^ and t t the tensions upon the two parts of the band, when its maximum resistance being opposed, it is upon the point of slipping; observing, moreover, that in this case e tan. $ 2ft ,) or 2 is represented (Art. 193.) by 2T ^~ ^; then e +" 1 substituting in the second of equations (220) this value for 2, and P and a for P a and # and neglecting the exceed- ingly small term which involves the product sin. a, sin. 9, we have (0tan. $ ^ e -6^1T V a =-p 9 {2aTco8. ai -P/3 a +W 2 r a } sin 9. e + I/ Also, since a a represents the inclination of the two parts of the band to one another ; since, moreover, these touch the surfaces of the drums, and that 6 represents the inclination of the radii drawn from the centre of the lesser drum to the touching points, therefore O=TC a r Substituting this value of in the above equation, and solving it in respect to T, we have 15 226 raE BAND. P(<3 p 2 /3 2 sin. )-f W 2 p 2 7 2 sin. ((TT-OI) tan. 4>\ 7* a p a a COS, a sin. e - l ] (Tr-aO tan. <|> I (225), 196. The modulus of the hand when the two parts of it, which intervene between the drums, are made to cross one another. If the directions of the two parts of the band be made to cross, as shown in the accompanying figure, the moving pressure Tj upon the second drum is applied to it on the side opposite to that on which it is applied when the bands do not cross ; so that in this case, in order that the greatest eco- nomy of power may be attained (Art. 168.), the working pressure or resistance P 2 should be applied to it on the side opposite to that in which it was applied in the other case, and therefore on the side of the line CjCg, opposite to that on which the moving pressure P t upon the first drum is applied. This disposition of the moving and working pressures being supposed, and this case being inves- tigated by the same steps as the preceding, we shall arrive at precisely the same expressions (equations 223 and 224) for the relation of the moving and the working pressures, and for the modulus. In estimating the value of the initial tension T (equation 225) it will, however, be found, that the angle d, subtended at the centre C 2 of the second drum by the arc KML, which is embraced by the band, is no longer in this case repre- sented by if a, but by * + ,. This will be evident if we consider that the four angles of the quadrilateral figure C 2 KIL being equal to four right angles, and its angles at K and L being right angles, the remaining angles KIL and KC 2 L are equal to tw r o right angles, so that KC 2 L=tf a t ; but the angle subtended by KML equals 2^ KC 2 L; it equals therefore * + ,. If this value be substituted for ta t in equation (225) it becomes THE TEETH OF WHEELS. 227 If P(a-pA sin. i^ V + i/ (226.) Now the fraction in the denominator of this expression being essentially greater in value than that in the denomi- nator of the preceding (equation 225), it follows that the initial tension T, which must be given to the band in order that it may transmit the work from the one drum to the other under a given resistance P, is less when the two parts of the band cross than when they do not, and, therefore, that the modulus (equation 224) is less; so that the band is worked with the greatest economy of power (other things 'being the same) when the two parts of it which intervene between the drums are made to cross one another. Indeed it is evident, that since in this case the arc embraced by the band on each drum subtends a greater angle than in the other case, a less tension of the band in this case than in the other is required (Art. 185.) to prevent it from slipping under a given resistance, so that the friction upon the axis of the drums which results from the tension of the band is less in this case than the other, and therefore the work expended on that friction less in the same proportion. THE TEETH OF WHEELS. 197. Let A, B represent two circles in contact at D, and moveable about fixed centres at C, and C 2 . It is evident that if by reason of the friction of these two circles upon one another at D any motion of rotation given to A be communicated to B, the angles PC^D and QC 2 D described in the same time by these two circles, will be such as will make the arcs PD and QD which they subtend at the circumferences of the circles equal to one another. Let the angle PCjD* be represented by d,, and the angle QC 2 D by d 2 ; also let the radii C^D and C 2 D of the cir- cles be represented by ?\ and r 9 . Now, arc PD=r^^ arc r&; and since PD=QD, therefore ^A =/1 A j * Or rather the arc which this angle subtends to radius unity. 228 THE TEETH OF WHEELS. (227). The angles described, in the same time, by two circles which revolve in contact are therefore inversely proportional to the radii of the circles, so that their angular velocities (Art. 74.) bear a constant proportion to one another ; and if one revolves uniformly, then the other revolves uniformly ; if the angular revolution of the one varies in any proportion, then that of the other varies in like proportion. When the resistance opposed to the rotation of the driven circle or wheel B is considerable, it is no longer possible to give motion to that circle by the friction on its circum- ference of the driving circle. It becomes therefore neces- sary in the great majority of cases to cause the rotation of the driven wheel by some other means than the friction of the circumference of the driving wheel. One expedient is the band already described, by means of which the weels may be made to drive one another at any distances of their centres, and under a far greater resistance than they could by their mutual contact. When, however, the pressure is considerable, and the wheels may be brought into actual contact, the common and the more certain method is to transfer the motion from one to the other by means of projections on the one wneel called TEETH, which engage in similar pro- jections on the other. In the construction of these teeth the problem to be solved is, to give such shapes to their surfaces of mu- tual contact, as that the wheels shall be made to turn by the intervention of their teeth precisely as they would by the friction of their circumferences. 198. That it is possible to construct teeth which shall answer this condition may thus be shown. Let mn and m'n' be two curves, the one described on the plane of the circle A, and the other on. the plane of the circle B ; and let them be such that as the circle A re- volves, carrying round with it the circle B, by their mutual contact at D, these two curves mn and m'n' may continually touch THE TEETH OF WHEELS. 229 one another, altering of course, as they will do continually, their relative positions and their point of contact T. It is evident that the two circles would be made to revolve by the contact of teeth whose edges were of the forms of these two curves mn and m'n r precisely as they would by their friction upon the circumferences of one another at the point D; for in the former case a certain series of points of contact of the circles (infinitely near to one another) at D, brings about another given series of points of contact (infinitely near to one another) of the curves mn and m'n' at T ; and in the latter case the same series of points in the curves mn and m'n' brought into contact neces- sarily produces the contact of the same series of points in the two circumferences of the two circles at D. To construct teeth whose surfaces of contact shall possess the properties here assigned to the curves mn and m'n' is the problem to be solved. Of the solution of this problem the following is the fundamental principle : 199. In order that two circles A and B may "be made to revolve by the contact of the surfaces mn and m'n' of their teeth, precisely as they would ly the friction of their cir- cumferences, it is necessary, and it is suf- ficient, that a line drawn from the point of contact T of the teeth to the point of contact D of the circumferences should, in every position of the point T, he perpendi- cular to the surfaces in contact there, i. e., a normal to loth the curves mn and m'n'. To prove this principle, we must first establish the follow- ing LEMMA : If two circles M and N be made to revolve about the fixed centres E and F by their mu- tual contact at L, and if the planes of these circles be conceived to be carried round with them in this revolution, and a point P on the plane of M to trace out a curve PQ on the plane of N" whilst thus revolving, then is this curved line PQ precisely the same as would have been described on the plane of N by the same point P, if the latter plane, instead of revolving, had remained at rest, and the centre E of the circle M having been released 230 THE TEETH OF WHEELS. from its axis, that circle had been made to. roll (carrying its plane with it) on the circumference of N. For conceive O to represent a third plane on which the centres of E and F are fixed. It is evident that if, whilst the circles M and K are revolving by their mutual contact, the plane O, to which their centres are both fixed, be in any way moved, no change will thereby be produced in form of the curve PQ, which the point P in the plane of M is describing upon the plane of !N", such a motion being common to both the planes M and E".* Now let the direction in which the circle N is revolving be that shown by the arrow, and its angular velocity uniform ; and conceive the plane O to be made to revolve about F with an angular velocity (Art. 74) which is equal to that of N, but in an opposite direction, communicating this angular velocity to M and !N". these re- volving meantime in respect to one another, and by their mutual contact, precisely as they did before.f It is clear that the circle E" being carried round by its own proper motion in one direc- tion, and by the motion common to it and the plane O with the same angular velocity in the opposite direction, will, in reality rest in space ; whilst the centre E of the circle M, having no motion proper to itself, will revolve with the angular velocity of the plane O, and the various other points in that circle with angular velocities, compounded of their proper velocities, and those which they receive in common with the plane O, these velocities neutralising one another at the point L of the circle, by which point it is in contact with the circle N". So that whilst .M revolves round 1ST, the point L, by which the former circle at any time touches the other, is at rest ; this quiescent point of the circle M never- theless continually varying its position on the circumferences of both circles, and the circle M being in fact made to roll on the circle N at rest. Thus, then, it appears, that by communicating a certain common angular velocity to both the circles M and !N" about * Thus for instance, if the circles M and N continue to revolve, we may evidently place the whole machine in a ship under sail, in a moving carriage, or upon a revolving wheel, without in the least altering the form of the curve, which the point P, revolving with the plane of the circle M, is made to trace on the plane of N, because the motion we have communicated is common to both these circles. f M and N may be imagined to be placed upon a horizontal wheel 0, first at rest, and then made to revolve backwards in respect to the motion of N. THE TEETH OF WHEELS. 231 the centre F, the former circle is made to Toll upon the other at rest ; and, moreover, that this common angular velocity does not alter the form of the curve PQ, which a point P in the plane of the one circle is made to trace upon the plane of the other, or, in other words, that the curve traced under these circumstances is the same, whether the circles revolve round fixed centres by their mutual contact, or whether the centre of one circle be released, and it be made to roll upon the circumference of the other at rest. This lemma being established, the truth of the proposition stated at the head of this article becomes evident ; for if M roll on the circumference of N, it is evident that P will, at any instant, be describing a circle about their point of con- tact L.* Since then P is describing, at every instant, a circle about L when M rolls upon N, !N" being fixed, and since the curve described by P upon this supposition is precisely the same as would have been traced by it if the centres of both cir- cles had been fixed, and they had turned by their mutual contact, it follows that in this last case (when the circles revolve about fixed centres by their mutual contact) the point P is at any instant of the revolution describing, during that instant, an exceedingly small circular arc about the point L ; whence it follows that PL is always a perpendicu- lar to the cur,ve PQ at the point P, or a normal to it. ISTow let p be a point exceedingly near to T in the curve raW, which curve is fixed upon the plane of the circle A. It is evident that, as the point p passes through its contact with the curve mn at T (see Art. 195.), it will be made to describe, on the plane of the circle B, an exceedingly small portion of that curve TTiTi. But the curve which it is (under these circumstances) at any instant describing upon the plane of B has been shown to be always perpendicular to the line DT ; the curve mn is there- fore at the point T perpendicular to the line DT ; whence it follows that the curve m'n' is also perpendicular to that line, and that DT is a normal to ~both those curves at T. This is the characteristic property of the curves mn and raW, so that they may satisfy the condition of a continual contact with * For either circle may be imagined to be a polygon of an infinite number of sides, on one of the angles of which the rolling circle will, at any instant, be in the act of turning. 232 THE TEETH OF WHEELS. one another, whilst the circles revolve by the contact of their circumferences at D, and therefore conversely, so that these curves may, by their mutual contact, give to the cir- cles the same motion as they would receive from the contact of their circumferences. 200. To describe, ~by means of circular arcs, the form of a tooth on one wheel which shall work truly with a tooth of any given form on another wheel. Let the wheels be required to revolve by the action of their teeth, as they would by the contact of the circles ABE and ADF, called their primitive ov pitch circles. Let AB represent an arc of the pitch circle ABE, included between any two similar points A. and B of consecutive teeth, and let AD represent an arc of the pitch circle ADF equal to the arc AB, so that the points D and B may come simultaneously to A, when the cir- cles are made to revolve by their mutual contact. AB and AD are called the pitches of the teeth of the two wheels. Divide each of these pitches into the same number of equal parts in the points a, b, &c., a', b', &c. ; the points a and a', b and b', &c., will then be brought simultaneously to the point A. Let mn represent the form of the face of a tooth on the wheel, whose centre is C,, with which tooth a corresponding tooth on the other wheel is to work truly ; that is to say, the tooth on the other wheel, whose centre is C 2 , is to be cut, so that, driving the surface mn* or being driven by it, the wheels shall revolve precisely as they would by the con- tact of their pitch circles ABE and ADF at A. From A measure the least distance A to the curve mn, and with radius A and centre A describe a circular arc /3 on the plane of the circle whose centre is C a . From a measure, in like manner, the least distance a*', to the curve mn, and with this distance a*' and the centre a, describe a circular arc 7, intersecting the arc a/3 in ft. From the point b measure similarly the shortest distance W to mn, and with THE TEETH OF WHEELS. 233 the centre V and this distance W l describe a circular arc 7(?, intersecting 7 in 7, and so with the other points of division. A curve touching these circular arcs a/3, ^7, 7^ &c., will give the true surface or boundary of the tooth.* In order to prove this let it be observed, that the shortest distance afl! from a given point a to a given curve mn is a normal to the curve at the point a' in which it meets it ; and therefore, that if a circle be struck from this point a with this least distance as a radius, then this circle must touch the curve in the point ', and the curve and circle have a com- mon normal in that point. Now the points a and a will be brought by the revolution of the pitch circles simultaneously to the point of contact A, and the least distance of the curve mn from the point A will then be #a', so that the arc ^7 will then be an arc struck from the centre A, with this last distance for its radius. This circular arc ^7 will therefore touch the curve mn in the point a' and the line aa', which will then be a line drawn from the point of contact A of the two pitch circles to the point of contact ' of the two curves mn and m'n ', will also be a normal to both curves at that point. The circles will there- fore at that instant drive one another (Art. 196.) by the con- tact of the surfaces mn and m'n' , precisely as they would by the contact of their circumferences. And as every circular arc of the curve m'n similar to ^7 becomes in its turn the acting surface of the tooth, it will, in like manner, at one point work truly with a corresponding point of mn, so that the circles will thus drive one another truly at as many points of the surfaces of their teeth, as there have been taken points of division a, 5, &c. and arcs a/3, 7. &c.f * This method of describing, geometrically, the forms of teeth is given, without demonstration, by M. Poncelet in his Mecanique Industrielle, 3 me partie, Art. 60. f The greater the number of these points of division, the more accurate the form of the tooth. It appears, however, to be sufficient in most cases, to take three points of division, or even two, where no great accuracy is required. M. Poncelet (Mee. Indust. 3 me partie, Art. 60.) has given the following, yet easier, method by which the true form of the tooth may be approximated to with sufficient accuracy in most cases. Suppose the given tooth N upon the one wheel to be placed in the position in which it is first to engage or disengage from the required tooth on the other wheel, and let Aa and A6 be equal arcs of the pitch circles of the two wheels whose point of contact is A. Draw Aa the shortest distance between A and the face of the tooth N ; join aa; bisect that line in m, and draw mn perpendi- cular to aa intersecting the circumference Aa in n. If from the centre, n a circular arc be described passing through the points a and a, it will give the required form of the tooth nearly. 234: INVOLUTE TEETH. INVOLUTE TEETH. 201. The teeth of two wheels will work truly together if they he hounded hy curves of the form traced out hy the extremity of a flexible line, unwinding from the circumference of a circle, and called the involute of a circle, provided that the circles of which these are the involutes he concentric with the pitch circles of the wheels, and have their radii in the same proportion with the radii of the pitch circles. Let OE and OF represent the pitch circles of two wheels, AG and BH two circles concentric with them and having their radii C t A and C.,B in the same proportion with the radii C X O and C 2 O of the pitch circles. Also let mn and m'n' represent the edges of teeth on the two wheels struck by the extremities of flexi- ble lines unwinding from the circumferences of the circles AG and BH respectively. Let these teeth be in contact, in any position of the wheels, in the point T, and from the point T draw TA and TB tangents to the generating circles GA and BH in the points A and B. Then does AT evidently represent the position of the flexible line when its extremity was in the act of gene- rating the point T in the curve mn / w r hence it follows, that AT is a normal to the curve mn at the point T* ; and in like manner that BT is a normal to the curve m'n' at the same point T. Now the two curves have a common tangent at T; therefore their nor- mals TA and TB at that point are in the same straight line, being both perpendicular to their tangent there. Since then ATB is a straight line, and that the vertical angles at the point o where AB and CjC, intersect are equal, as also the right angles at A and B, it follows that the triangles AoC^and B n a (227); Therefore the radii of the pitch circles of the two wheels must be to one another as the numbers of teeth to be cut upon them respectively. Again, let m, represent the number of revolutions made by the first wheel, whilst m 2 revolutions are made by the second ; then will ^irr l m l represent the space described by A TKAIN OF WHEELS. 24:1 the circumference of the pitch circle of the first wheel while these revolutions are made, and 27rr 2 m 2 that described by the circumference of the pitch circle of the second; but the wheels revolve as though their pitch circles were in contact, therefore the circumferences of these circles revolve through equal spaces, therefore 27ir 1 m 1 =2'nT a m 2 ; (228). The radii of the pitch circles of the wheels are therefore inversely as the numbers of revolutions made in the same time by them. Equating the second members of equations (227) and; (223)) (229).. The numbers of revolutions made by the wheel's in the same time are therefore to one another inversely as the numbers of teeth. 205. In a train of wheels, to determine how many revolutions the last wheel makes whilst the first is making any given number of revolutions. When a wheel, driven by another, carries its axis round with it, on which axis a third wheel is fixed, engaging with and giving motion to ^fourth, which, in like manner, is fixed upon its axis, and carries round with it a fifth wheel fixed upon the same axis, which fifth wheel engages with a sixth upon another axis, and so on as shown in the above figure, the combination forms a train of wheels. Let n l9 n n . . . n^ represent the numbers of teeth in the successive wheels forming such a train of p pairs of wheels ; and whilst the first wheel is making m revolutions, let the second and third (which revolve together, being fixed on the same axis) make m^ revolutions ; the fourth and fifth (which, in like manner, revolve together) w 2 revolutions, the sixth and seventh m^ and so on ; and let the last or 2p th wheel thus be made to revolve m p times whilst 16 242 A TKAIN OF WHEELS. the first revolves m times. Then, since the first wheel which has n t teeth gives motion to the second which has n t teeth, and that whilst the former makes m revolutions the latter makes m, revolutions, therefore (equation 229), i = ; and since, while thfe third wheel (which revolves with the second, makes m a revolutions, the fourth makes ra 2 revolu- tions ; therefore, 2 = . Similarly, since while the fifth i m l n 4 wheel, which has n 6 teeth, makes m a revolutions (revolving with the fourth), the sixth, which has n 6 teeth, makes m, revo- lutions ; therefore - 3 = . In like manner 4 = , &c. &c. m a n 6 m z nj . Multiplying these equations together, and striking out factors common to the numerator and denomi- nator of the first member of the equation which results from their multiplication, we obtain m p n t . n z . n 6 . . . . n Zp -i f = .... (230). m n^ . n A . n 6 . . . . n^ p The factors in the numerator of this fraction represent the numbers of teeth in all the driving wheels of tfyis train, and those in the denominator the numbers of teeth in the driven wheels, or followers as they are more commonly called. If the numbers of teeth in the former be all equal and represented by n^ and the numbers of teeth in the latter also equal and represented by 7i a , then >- = . (231). m \n z / Having determined what should be the number of teeth in each of the wheels which enter into any mechanical combination, with a reference to that particular modification of the velocity of the revolving parts of the machine, which is to be produced by that wheel,* it remains next to consider, what must be the dimensions of each tooth of the wheel, so * The reader is referred for a more complete discussion of this subject (which belongs more particularly to descriptive mechanics) to Professor Willis's Prin- ciples of Mechanism, chap, vii., or to Camus on the Teeth of Wheels, by Haw- kins, p. 90. THE STRENGTH OF TEETH. 243 that it may be of sufficient strength to transmit the work which is destined to pass through it, under that velocity, or to bear the pressure which accompanies the transmission of that work at that particular velocity ; and it remains further to determine, what must be the dimensions of the wheel itself consequent upon these dimensions of each tooth, and this given number of its teeth. 206. To -determine the pitch of the teeth of a wheel, knowing the work to be transmitted by the wheel. Let U represent the number of units of work to be trans- mitted by the wheel per minute, m the number of revolutions to be made by it per minute, n the number of the teeth to be cut iri it, T the pitch of each tooth in feet, P the pressure upon each tooth in pounds. Therefore nT represents the circumference of the pitch circle of the wheel, and mnT represents the space in feet described by it per minute. Now U represents the work transmitted by it through this space per minute, therefore 1~ represents the mean pressure under which this work is trans- mitted (Art. 50.) ; The pitch T of the teeth would evidently equal twice the breadth of each tooth, if the spaces between the teeth were equal in width to the teeth. In order that the teeth of wheels which act together may engage with one another and extricate themselves, with facility, it is however necessary that the pitch should exceed twice the breadth of the tooth by a quantity which varies according to the accuracy of the construction of the wheel from T Vth to T V th of the breadth.* Since the pitch T of the tooth is dependant upon its breadth, and that the breadth of the tooth is dependant, by the theory of the strength of materials, upon the pressure P which it sustains, it is evident that the quantity P in the above equation is a function of T. This functionf may be assumed of the form * For a full discussion of this subject see Professor Willis's Principles of Mechanism, Arts. 107-112. f See Appendix, on the dimensions of wheels. 244 THE STRENGTH OF TEETH. T=c 4/P (233) ; where c is a constant dependant for its amount upon the nature of the material out of which the tooth is formed. Eliminating P between this equation and the last, and solving in respect to T, The number of units of work transmitted by any machine per minute is usually represented in horses' power, one horse's power being estimated at 33,000 units, so that the number of horses' power transmitted by the machine means the number of times 33,000 units of work are transmitted by it every minute, or the number of times 33,000 must be taken to equal the number of units of work transmitted by it every minute. If therefore H represent the number of horses' power transmitted by the wheel, then U=33,OOOH. Substituting this value in the preceding equation, and repre- senting the constant 33,000c 2 by C 8 , we have '. . (234). mn The values of the constant C for teeth of different mate- rials are given in the Appendix. 207. To determine the radius of the pitch circle of a wheel which shall contain n teeth of a given pitch. Let AB represent the pitch T of a tooth, and let it be supposed to coincide with its chord AMB. Let E represent the radius AC of the pitch circle, and n the number of teeth to be cut upon the wheel. Now there are as many pitches in the cir- cumference as teeth, therefore the angle ACB subtended by each pitch is represented by . Also T=2AM=2AC sin. ACB=2Esin. - ; n "" (235). TO DESCRIBE EPICYCLOIDAL TEETH. 245 208. To make the pattern of an epicycloidal tooth. Having determined, as above, the pitch of the teeth, and the radius of the pitch circle, strike an arc of the pitch circle on a thin piece of oak board or me- tal plate, and, with a fine saw, cut the board through along the circumference of this cir- cle, so as to divide it into two parts, one having a convex and the other a corresponding con- cave circular edge. Let EF represent one of these portions of the board, and GH another. Describe an arc of the pitch circle upon a second board or plate from which the pattern is to be cut. Let MN repre- sent this arc. Fix the piece GH upon this board, so that its circular edge may accurately coincide with the circumference of the arc SOT. Take, then, a circular plate D of wood or metal, of the dimensions which it is proposed to give to the generating circle of the epicycloid ; and let a small point of steel P be fixed in it, so that this point may project slightly from its inferior surface, and accurately coincide with its cir- cumference. Having set off the width AB of the toothj so that twice this width increased by from T Vth to T Vth of that width (according to the accuracy of workmanship to be attained) may equal the pitch, cause the circle D to roll upon the convex edge GK of the board GH, pressing it, at the same time, slightly upon the surface of the board on which the arc IVCST is described, and from which the pattern is to he cut, having caused the steel point in its circumference first of all to coincide with the point A ; an epicycloidal arc AP will thus be described by the point P upon the surface MN". Describe, similarly, an epicycloidal arc BE through the point B, and let them meet in E. Let the board GHnow be removed, and let EF be applied and fixed, so that its concave edge may accurately coincide with the circular arc MK With the same circular plate D pressed upon the concave edge of EF, and made to roll upon it, cause the point in its circumference to describe in like manner, upon the surface of the board from which the pat- tern is to be cut, a hypococloidal arc BH passing through the 246 TO DESCKIBE EPICYCLOIDAL TEETH. point B, and another AI passing through the point A. HEI will then represent the form of a tooth, which will work cor- rectly (Art. 202.) with the teeth similarly cut upon any other wheel ; provided that the pitch of the teeth so cut upon the other wheel be equal to the pitch of the teeth upon this, and provided that the same generating circle D l)e used to strike the curves upon the two wheels. 209. To determine the proper lengths of epicycloidal teeth. The general forms of the teeth of wheels being determined by tlie method explained in the preceding article, it remains to cut them off of such lengths as may cause them succes- sively to take up the work from one another, and transmit it under the circumstances most favourable to the economy of its transmission, and to the durability of the teeth. In respect to the economy of the power in its transmission, it is customary, for reasons to be assigned hereafter, to pro- vide that no tooth of the one wheel should come into action with a tooth of the other until both are in the act of passing through the line of centres. This condition may be satisfied in all cases where the numbers of teeth on neither of the wheels is exceedingly small, by properly adjusting the lengths of the teeth. Let two of the teeth of the wheels be in contact at the point A in the line CD, joining the centres of the two wheels ; and let the wheel whose centre is C be the driving wheel. Let AH be a portion of the circumfe- rence of the generating circle of the teeth, then will the points A and !>, where this circle intersects the edges of the /\ X f 1* \ ^==: Sit cf^ &". -:_ PI* H* v \ teeth O and K of the driving wheel, be points of contact TO DESCRIBE EPICYCLOIDAL TEETH. 24:? with the edges of the teeth M and L of the driven wheel (Art. 202.). JSTow, since each tooth is to come into action only when it comes into the line of centres, it is clear that the tooth L must have been driven by K from the time when their contact was in the line of centres, until they have come into the position shown in the figure, when the point of con- tact of the anterior face of the next tooth O of the driving wheel with the flank* of the next tooth M of the driven wheel has just passed into the line of centres ; and since the tooth O is now to take up the task of impelling the driven wheel, and the tooth K to yield it, all that portion of the last-mentioned tooth which lies beyond the point B may evi- dently be removed ; and if it ~be thus removed, then the tooth K, passing out of contact, will manifestly, at that period of the motion, yield all the driving strain to the tooth O, as it k required to do. In order to cut the pattern tooth of the proper length, so as to satisfy the proposed condition, we have only then to take A.a (see the accompanying figure) equal to the pitch of the tooth, and to bring the convex circumference of the generating circle, so as to touch the convex circumfe- rence of the arc MK in that point a ; the point of intersec- tion e of this circle with the N 8 face AE of the tooth will be the last acting point of the tooth ; and if a circle be struck from the centre of the pitch circle passing through that point, all that portion of the tooth which lies beyond this cir- cle may be cut off.f The length of the tooth on the wheel intended to act with this, may be determined in like manner. 210. In the preceding article we have supposed the same generating circle to be used in striking the entire surfaces of the teeth on both wheels. It is not however necessary to * That portion of the edge of the tooth which is without the pitch circle is called its face, that within it its flank. f The point e thus determined will, in some cases, fall beyond the extremity E of the tooth. In such cases it is therefore impossible to cut the tooth of such a length as to satisfy the required conditions, viz. that it shall drive only after it has passed the line of centres. A full discussion of these impossible cases will be found in Professor Willis's work (Arts. 102-104.). 24:8 TO DESCRIBE EPICYCLOIDAJL TEETH. the correct working of the teeth, that the same circle should thus be used in striking the entire surfaces of ttwo teeth which act together, but only that the generating circle of every two portions of the two teeth which come into actual contact should be the same. Thus the flank of the driving tooth and the face of the driven tooth being in contact at P in the accompanying figure,* this face of the one tooth and flank of the other must be respectively an epicycloid and a hypocycloid struck with the same generating circle. Again, the face of a driving tooth and the flank of a driven tooth being in contact at Q, these, too, must be struck by the same generating circle. But it is evidently unnecessary that the generating circle used in the second case should be the same as that used in the first. Any generating circle will satisfy the conditions in either case (Art. 202.), provided it be the same for the epicycloid as for the hypocycloid which is to act with it. According to a general (almost a universal) custom among mechanics, two different generating circles are thus used for striking the teeth on two wheels which are to act together, the diameter of the generating circle for striking the faces of the teeth on the one wheel being equal to the radius of the pitch circle of the other wheel. Thus if we call the wheels A and B, then the epicycloidal faces of the teeth on A, and the corresponding hypocycloidal flanks on B, are generated by a circle whose diameter is equal to the radius of the pitch circle of B. The hypocycloidal flanks of the teeth on B thus become straight lines (Art. 203.), whose directions are those of radii of that wheel. In like manner, * The upper wheel is here supposed to drive the lower. TO DESCRIBE EPICYCLOIDAL TEETH. e 249 the epicycloidal faces of the teeth on B, and the correspond- ing hypocycloidal flanks of the teeth on A, are struck by a circle whose diameter is equal to the radius of the pitch cir- cle of A ; so that the hypocycloidal flanks of the teeth of A become in like manner straight lines, whose directions are those of radii of the wheel A. By this expedient of using two different generating circles, the flanks of the teeth on both wheels become straight lines, and the faces only are curved. The teeth shown in the above figure are of this form. The motive for giving this particular value to the generating circle appears to be no other than that saving of trouble which is offered by the substitution of a straight for a curved flank of the tooth. A more careful consideration of the subject, however, shows that there is no real economy of labour in this. In the first place, it renders necessary the use of two different generating circles or templets for striking the teeth of any given wheel or pinion, the curved portions of the teeth of the wheel being struck with a circle whose diameter equals half the diameter of the pinion, and the curved portions of the teeth of the pinion with a circle whose diameter equals half that of the wheel. Now, one generating circle would have done for both, had the work- man been contented to make the flanks of his teeth of the hypocycloidal forms corresponding to it. But there is yet a greater practical inconvenience in this. method. A wheel and pinion thus constructed will only work with one another / neither will work truly any third wheel or pinion of a differ- ent number of teeth, although it have the same pitch. Thus the wheels A and B having each a given number of teeth, and being made to work with one another, will neither of them work truly with C of a different number of teeth of the same pitch. For that A may work truly with C, the face of its teeth must be struck with a generating circle, whose diameter is half that of C : but they are struck with a circle whose diameter is half that of B ; the condition of uniform action is not therefore satisfied. Now let us sup- pose that the epicycloidal faces, and the hypocycloidal flanks of all the teeth A, B, and C had been struck with the same generating circle, and that all three had been of the same pitch, it is clear that any one of them would then have worked truly with any other, and that this would have been equally true of any number of teeth of the same pitch. Thus, then, the machinist may, by the use of the same gen- erating circle, for all his pattern wheels of the same pitch, so construct them, as that any one wheel of that pitch shall 250 TO DESCRIBE EPICYCLOIDAL TEETH. work with any other. This offers, under many circumstances great advantages, especially in the very great reduction of the number of patterns which he will be required to keep. There are, moreover, many cases in which some arrange- ment similar to this is indispensable to the true working of the wheels, as when one wheel is required (which is often the case) to work with two or three others, of different num- bers of teeth, A for instance to turn B and C ; by the ordi- nary method of construction this combination would be impracticable, so that the wheels should work truly. Any generating circle common to a whole set of the same pitch, satisfying the above condition, it may be asked whether there is any other consideration determining the best dimen- sions of this circle. There is such a consideration arising out of a limitation of the dimensions of the generating circle of the hypocycloidal portion of the tooth to a diameter not greater than half that of its base. As long as it remains within these limits, the hypocycloidal generated by it is of that concave form by which the flank of the tooth is made to spread itself, and the base of the tooth to widen ; when it exceeds these limits, the flank of the tooth takes the con- vex form, the base of the tooth is thus contracted, and its strength diminished. Since then, the generating circle should not have a diameter greater than half that of any of the wheels of the set for which it is used, it will manifestly be the greatest which will satisfy this condition when its diameter is equal to half that of the least wheel of the set. Now no pinion should have less than twelve or fourteen teeth. Half the diameter of a wheel of the proposed pitch, which has twelve or fourteen teeth, is then the true diame- ter or the generating circle of the set. The above sugges- tions are due to Professor Willis.* * Professor Willis has suggested a new and very ingenious method of striking the teeth of wheels by means of circular arcs. A detailed description of this method has been given by him in the Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. ii., accompanied by tables, &c., which render its prac tical application exceedingly simple and easy. TO DESCEIBE INVOLUTE TEETH. 251 211. To DESCRIBE INVOLUTE TEETH. Let AD and AG represent the pitch circles of two wheels intended to work together. Draw a straight line FE through the point of contact A of the pitch circles and inclined to the line of centres CAB of these wheels at a certain angle FAG, the influence of the dimensions of which on the action of the teeth will hereafter be ex- plained, but which appears usually to be taken not less than 80.* Describe two circles eEK and /*FL from the centres B and C, each touching the straight line EF. These circles are to be taken as the bases from which the involute faces of the teeth are to be struck. It is evident (by the similar triangles ACF and AEB) that their radii CF and BE will be to one another as the radii CA and BA of the pitch circles, so that the condition neces- sary (Art. 201.) to the correct action of the teeth of the wheels will be satisfied, provided their faces be involutes to these two circles. Let AG and AH in the above figure represent arcs of the pitch circles of the wheels on an enlarged scale, and 0E, /X, corresponding portions of the circles eEK and yFL of the preceding figure. Also let A.a represent the pitch of one of the teeth of either wheel. Through the points A and a describe involutes ef and mn.\ * See Camus on the Teeth of Wheels, by Hawkins, p. 168. f Mr. Hawkins recommends the following as a convenient method of striking involute teeth, in his edition of " Camus on the Teeth of Wheels," p. 166. Take a thin board, or a plate of metal, and reduce its edge MX so as accurately to 252 TO DESCEIBE INVOLUTE TEETH. Let 5 be the point where the line EF intersects the involute mn ; then if the teeth on the two wheels are to be nearly of the same thickness at their bases, bisect the line AJb in c ; or if they are to be of different thicknesses, divide the line Ab in c in the same proportion*, and strike through the point c an involute curve hg, similar to ef, but inclined in the oppo- site direction. If the extremity^ of the tooth be then cut off so that it may just clear the circumference of the circle y*L, the true form of the pattern involute tooth will be obtained/ There are two remarkable properties of involute teeth, by the combination of which they are distinguished from teeth of all other forms, and cceteris paribus rendered greatly pre- ferable to all others. The lirst of these is, that any two wheels having teeth of the involute form, and of the same pitch,t will work correctly together, since the forms of the teeth on any one sucli wheel are entirely independent of those on the wheel which is destined to work with it (Art. 201.) Any two wheels with involute teeth so made to work together will revolve precisely as they would by the actual contact of two circles, whose radii may be found by divid- ing the line joining their centres in the proportion of the radii of the generating circles of the involutes. This pro- perty involute teeth possess, however, in common with the epicycloidal teeth of different wheels, all of which are struck with the same generating circle (Art. 210.) The second no less important property of involute teeth a property which distinguishes them from teeth of all other forms is this, that they work equally well, however far the centres of the coincide with the circular arc - JB eE, and let a piece of thin watch-spring OR, having two projecting points upon it as shown at P, and which is of a width equal to the thickness of the plate, be fixed upon its edge by means of a screw 0. Let the edge of the plate be then made to coincide with the arc eE in such a position that, when the spring is stretched, the point P in it may coincide with the point from which the tooth is to be struck ; and the spring being kept continually stretched, and wound or unwound from the circle, the involute arc is thus to be described by the point P upon the face of the board from which the pattern is to be cut. * This rule is given by Mr. Hawkins (p. 170.); it can only be an approxima- tion, but may be sufficiently near to the truth for practical purposes. It is to be observed that the teeth may have their bases in any other circles than those, /L and eE, from which the involutes are struck. f The teeth being also of equal thicknesses at their bases, the method of ensuring which condition has been explained above. THE TEETH OF A BACK AND PINION. 253 wheels are removed asunder from one another / so that the action of the teeth of two wheels is not impaired when their axes are displaced by that wearing of their brasses or collars, which soon results from a con- tinued and a considerable strain. The existence of this property will readily be admitted, if we conceive AG and BH to represent the generating circles o/bases of the teeth, and these to be placed with their centres Cj and C 2 any distance asunder, a band AB (p. 235., note) passing round both, and a point T in this band generating a curve mn, m' n' on the plane of each of the circles as they are made to revolve under it. It has been shown that these curves mn and m r n' will represent the faces of two teeth which will work truly with one another ; moreover, that these curves are respectively involutes of the two circles AG and BH, and are therefore wholly independent in respect to their forms of the distances of the centres of the circles from one another, depending only on the dimen- sions of the circles. Since then the circles would drive at any distance correctly by means of the band ; since, more- over, at every such distance they would be driven by the curves mn and m'n' precisely as by the band ; and since these curves would in every such position be the same curves, viz. involutes of the two circles, it follows that the same involute curves inn and m'n' would drive the circles correctly at whatever distances their centres were placed ; and, therefore, that involute teeth would drive these wheels correctly at whatever distances the axes of those wheels were placed. THE TEETH or A KAOK AND PINION. 212. To determine the pitch circle of the pinion. Let H represent the distance through which the rack is to be moved by each tooth of the pinion, and let these teeth be N in number ; then will the rack be moved through the space N . H during one complete revolution of the wheel. !N"ow the rack and pinion are to be driven by the action of their teeth, as they would by the contact of the circum- 254 THE TEETH OF A HACK AND PTNIOX. ference of the pitch circle of the pinion with the plane face of the rack, so that the space moved through by the rack during one complete revolution of the pinion must pre- cisely equal the circumference of the pitch circle of the pinion. If, there- fore we call R the radius of the pitch circle of the pinion, then 213. To describe the teeth of the pinion, those of the rack being straight. The properties which have been shown to belong to involute teeth (Art. 201.) manifestly obtain, however great may be the dimensions of the pitch circle of their wheels, or whatever disproportion may exist between them. Of two wheels OF and OE with involute teeth which work together, let then the radius of the pitch circle of one OF become infinite, its circumference will then become a straight line represented by the face of a rack. Whilst the radius C 2 O of the pitch circle OF thus becomes infinite, that C 2 B of the circle from which its involute teeth are struck (bearing a constant ratio to the first) will also become infinite, so that the invo- lute m'n' will become a straight line* perpendicular to the line AB given in position. The involute teeth on the wheel OF will thus become straight teeth (see fig. 1.), hav- ing their faces perpendicular to the line AB determined by drawing through the point O a tangent to the circle AC, from which the involute teeth of the pinion are struck. If the circle AC from which the involute teeth of the pinion are struck coincide with its pitch circle, the line AB becomes * For it is evident that the extremity of a line of infinite length unwinding itself from the circumference of a circle of infinite diameter will describe, through a finite space, a straight line perpendicular to the circumference of the circle. The idea of giving an oblique position to the straight faces of the teeth of a rack appears first to have occurred to Professor Willis. THE TEETH OF A RACK AND PINION. 255 parallel to the face of the rack, and the edges of the teeth of the rack perpendicular to its face (fig. 2.). Now, -the involute teeth of the one wheel have remained unaltered, and the truth of their action with teeth of the other wheel .has not been influenced by that change in the dimensions of the pitch circle of the last, which has con- verted it into a rack, and its curved into straight teeth. Thus, then, it follows, that straight teeth upon a rack, work truly with involute teeth upon a pinion. Indeed it is evi- ct-) (2.) dent, that if from the point of contact P (fig. 2.) of such an involute tooth of the pinion with the straight tooth of a rack we draw a straight line *PQ parallel to the face ab of the rack, that straight line will be perpendicular to the surfaces of both the teeth at their point of contact P, and that being perpendicular to the face of the involute tooth, it "will also touch the circle of which this tooth is the invo- lute in the point A, at which the face ab of the rack would touch that circle if they revolved by mutual contact. Thus, then, the condition shown in Art. 199. to be necessary and sufficient to the correct action of the teeth, namely, that a line drawn from their point of contact, at any time, to the point of contact of their pitch circles, is satisfied in respect to these teeth. Divide, then, the circumference of the pitch circle, determined as above (Art. 212.), into N equal 256 THE TEETH OF A BACK AND PINION. parts, and describe (Art. 211.) a pattern involute tooth from the circumference of the pitch circle, limiting the length of the face of the tooth to a little more than the length 5P of the involute curve generated by unwinding a length AP of the flexible line equal to the distance H through which the rack is to be moved by each tooth of the pinion. The straight teeth of the rack are to be cut of the same length, and the circumference of the pitch circle and the face ao of the rack placed apart from one another by a little more than this length. It is an objection to this last application of the involute form of tooth for a pinion working with a rack, that the point P of the straight tooth of the rack upon which it acts is always the same, being determined by its intersection with a line AP touching the pitch circle, and parallel to the face of the rack. The objection does not apply to the preceding, the case (fig. 1.) in which the straight faces of each tooth of the rack are inclined to one another. By the continual action upon a single point of the tooth of the rack, it is liable to an excessive wearing away of its surface. 214. To describe the teeth of the pinion, the teeth of the rack leing curved. This may be done by giving to the face of the tooth of the rack a cycloidal form, and making the face of the tooth of the pinion an epicycloid, as will be apparent if we con- K. ceive the diameter of the circle whose centre is C (see fig. p. 236.) to become infinite, the other two circles remain- ing unaltered. Any finite portion of the circumference of this infinite circle will then become a straight line. Let AE in the accompanying figure repre- THE TEETH OF A WHEEL WITH A LANTERN. 257 sent such a portion, and let PQ and PR represent, as before, curves generated by a point P in the circle whose centre is D, when all three circles revolve by their mutual contact at A. Then are PR and PQ the, true forms of the teeth which would drive the circles as they are driven by their mutual contact at A (Art. 202). Moreover, the curve PQ is the same (Art. 199.) as would be generated by the point P in the circumference of APH ; if that circle rolled upon the circumference AQF, it is therefore an epicycloid / and the curve PR is the same as would be generated by the point P, if the circle APH rolled upon the circumference or straight line AE, it is therefore a cycloid. Thus then it appears, that after the teeth have passed the line of centres, when the face of the tooth of the pinion is driving the flank of the tooth of the rack, the former must have an epicy- cloidal, and the latter a cycloidal form. In like manner, by transferring the circle APH to the opposite side of AE, it may be shown, that before the teeth have passed the line of centres when the flank of the tooth of the pinion is driving the face of the tooth of the wheel, the former must have a hypocycloidal, and the latter a cycloidal form, the cycloid having its curvature in opposite directions on the flank and the face of the tooth. The generating circle will be of the most convenient dimensions for the description of the teeth when its diameter equals the radius of the pitch circle of the pinion. The hypocycloidal flank of the tooth of the pinion will then pass into a straight flank. The radius of the pitch circle of the pinion is determined as in Art. 212., and the method of describing its teeth is explained in Art. 208. 15. THE TEETH OF A WHEEL WORKING WITH A LANTERN OR TRUNDLE. In some descriptions of mill work the ordinary form of the toothed wheel is replaced by a contrivance called a lan- tern or trundle, formed by two circular discs, which are con- nected with one another by cylindrical columns called staves, engaging, like the teeth of a pinion, with the teeth of a wheel which the lantern is intended to drive. This combination is shown in the following figure. It is evident that the teeth on the wheel which works with the lantern have their shape determined by the cylindrical 258 THE TEETH OF A WHEEL WITH A LANTEBN. shape of the staves. Their forms may readily be found by the method explained in Art. 200. Having determined npon the dimensions of the staves in reference to the strain they are to be subjected to, and upon the diameters of the pitch circles of the lantern and wheel, and also upon the pitch of the teeth ; strike arcs AB and AC of these circles, and set off upon them the pitches A.a and A5 from the point of contact A of the pitch circles (if the teeth are first to come into contact in the line of centres, if not, set them off from the points behind the line of centres where the teeth are first to come into contact). Describe a circle #! M 3 W 3 "Xpi sm. 9J + V m J* sm - ^ Substituting the values of m l and w a from equations (239) and (240), and neglecting the products of sin. 9, sin. 9 1 and sin. 9 9 , we obtain x sin. 9 -- sin. 9 3 \ n. 9+- sin. 9, = A / sn. PRESSURES UPON WHEELS. 265 (245.) M Now (Art. 166.) -=m l cos. 'js + flj cos. , where 13 repre- i eents the inclination W,FP 1 of "P l to the vertical, and < a3 the inclination ErF of E to the vertical.* Let the inclination W,BD of the perpendicular upon P x to the vertical be represented by a 1? that angle being so mea- sured that the pressure P x may tend to increase it ; let a, re- present, in like manner, the inclination EGG of CE to the vertical; and let (3 represent the inclination ABr of the line of centred to the vertical, .-. . Ii =W l FP l =W 1 BD-BDF= 1 - J i 23 =E7-F=BOE OBr=d+9 ft ; M V l =m l sin. aj+flj cos. (0+9 /3). a \ Similarly ?=ra a cos. P a GH+ 2 cos. E^.f Now ; and E^W^rf ErF, and ErF was before shown to be equal to (04-9 (3 M V -= w a sin. a a a cos. (4 + 9 p) Substituting the values of m : and w a , from equations (239) and (240), M =r l sin. (0+9) sin. a t +X sm. a! sin. 9 + a, M /*., sin. (0 + 9) sin. a a + A. sin. a a sin. 9 a, cos. (4+9 * See note, p. 172. j- It is to be observed that the direction of the arrow in the figure repre- sents that of the resistance opposed by the driven wheel to the motion of the driving wheel, so that the direction of the pressure of the driving upon the driven wheel is opposite to that of the arrow. 266 RELATION OF THE DRIVING AND WORKING Let it be supposed that the distances DM and EN", repre- sented by L, and L 2 , are of finite dimensions, the directions of neither of the pressures P 1 and P 2 approaching to coinci- dence with the direction of R, a supposition which has been virtually made in deducing equation (163) from equation (161), on the former of which equations, equations (243) de- pend. And let it be observed that the terms involving sin. 9 in the above expressions (equations 246) will be of two di- mensions in

will then become M, M, *=r. sin. c^-htfj sm. p, -= r 3 sm. a a a z sm. p. a, a, Substituting these values in the first factor of the second member of- equation (245), and representing that factor by Nr we have .rjs'j^r^ (/\ sin. a.-i-a, sin. (3) sin. 9, -L-i w -T-* ^iPafo sin. a a -f- a, sin. /3) sin. 9, ; ^2 and dividing by r^ lsr*=- p -i(sin. ,+- sin. /3)sin. 9,- i(sin.a,^^ sin. /3) sin. 9, . . . . ( 247). * If the direction of PI be that of a tangent at the point of contact A of the wheels, a case of frequent occurrence, the value of In ^vanishing, that of N would appear to become infinite in this expression. The difficulty will however be removed, if we consider that when aj becomes, as in this case, equal to r if and the point M is supposed to coincide with A, Lj becomes a chord of the pitch PRESSURES UPON WHEELS. 267 Substituting NT/, for the factor, which it represents in equation (245), we have PAto sin. (d+9) x sin. 9 L p a sin. 9,} PA K sin. X sin. 9 + sin. 9,} ='Nr 1 r. t sin. (6 +9) (248). Ob Solving this equation in respect to P 15 X sin. 9 H sin. 9 t 1 + X sin. 9 + sin. 9. a, 1 TV sin. (6 + 9) a, X sin. 9 H sin. 9 a Cb n * 2 sin. "Whence, performing actual division by the denominators of the fractions in the second member of the equation, and omitting terms of two dimensions in sin. 9 15 sin.

represent an exceedingly small increment of the angle 4>, through which the driven wheel is supposed to have revolved, after the point of contact P has passed the line of centres ; and let it be observed that the first member M /\-j. flf* of the above equation is equal to PA -f , and that A-^ r l A4 TI represents the angle described by the driving wheel (Art. 204.), whilst the driven wheel describes the angle A^; whence it follows (Art. 50.) that P^J A^l represents the W , / work AlJ l done by the driving pressure P 1? whilst this angle A^ is described by the driven wheel, cosec. Let now A-s^ be conceived infinitely small, so that the first member of the above equation may become the differential co-efficient of U,, in respect to 4^. Let the equation, then, be integrated between the limits and 4/ ; P a , L,, and L 2 . and therefore ]$" (equation 247) being conceived to remain OF TWO TOOTHED WHEELS. 269 constant, whilst the angle 4> is described; we shall then obtain the equation cosec. (6 +. If, therefore, we repre- sent the angle ACD by *j, so that CD CA cos. ACD=r a cos. *), then X=?" 2 4' cos - i- Substituting this value for X in equation (249), and observing that +

i9) sec. (^9)} ; . /. ^r =B sec. \v 9) sin. (*j 9) A sin. 9 sec. X 1 ? 9) {sin. ^ cos. (q 9) cos. 3 sin. (>) -9)} ; .'. j-=sec. '(*) 9){B sin. (>) j ; but this can never be the case in respect to the first factor, for the least value of the square of the secant of an arc is the square of the radius. If, therefore, the function u admit of THE INVOLUTE TOOTH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. 273 a minimum value, the second factor of the above equation vanishes when it attains that value ; and the corresponding value of y is determined by the equation, B sin. (ij 9) A sin. a 9=0 (256). or by sin. (*] which this value of v corresponds, provided that when, substituted in -3-5 this value of *} gives to that second differential co-effi- cient of u in respect to n & positive value.. Differentiating equation (255),, we have- 5=2 sec. "(q 9). tan-, (i 9){Bsin. (>) 9)- A sin., "9} +B;sec. a (*i ?) cos. (*j 9) But the proposed value- of i (equation 256) has been shown to be that which,, being substituted in the factor {B sin. (>) 9) A sin. a 9}> will cause it to vanish, and therefore, with it, the whole of the first term of the value of -y-j : it Ojf\ corresponds, therefore, to a minimum, if it gives to the second term B sec. \y 9) cos. (11 9) a positive value ; or, since sec. 3 (^--9) is essentially positive, and B does not involve *), if it gives to cos. fy 9) a positive value, or if if ~~ 1 /A \ if A i 9 < or i f sm - sin - a

j+9) + sec. (n 9)} -f 5 {sec. (*i + 9) sec. Oi j- . So that the condition of the greatest economy of power is satisfied in respect to involute teeth, when the teeth first come into contact before the line of centres at a point whose angular distance from it is less than one half the angle sub- tended by the pitch by that fractional part of the last-men- tioned angle, which is represented by the formula -Jjl-j I tan. TJ tan. 9, or substituting for J and a their values by the formula 1 2 " i , a^i ,^ ~/l 1\~~ r tan ' ^ tan * 9 ' ^ 260 )- tfi | icos.^ sin. That division of the angle of contact of any two teeth by the line of centres, which is consistent with the greatest economy of power, is always, therefore, an unequal division, the less portion being that which lies before the line of cen- tres ; and its fractional defect from one half the angle of con- tact, as also the fractional excess of the greater portion above one half that angle, is in every case represented by the above formula, and is therefore dependent upon the dimensions of the wheels, the forms and numbers of the teeth, and the cir- cumstances under which the driving and working pressures are applied to them.* * The division of the arc of contact which corresponds to the greatest eco- nomy of power in epicycloidal teeth, may be determined by precisely the same steps. THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM OF TWO WHEELS. 277 224. THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM OF TWO WHEELS DRIVEN BY EPIOYCLOIDAL TEETH. The locus of the point of contact P of any two such teeth is evidently the generating circle APH of the epicycloidal face of one of the teeth, and the hypocycloidal flank of the other (Art. 202.) ; for it has been shown (Art. 199.), that if the pitch circles of the wheel and the generating circle APH of the teeth be con- ceived to revolve about fixed centres B, C, D by their mutual contact at A, then will a point P in the circumference of the last-men- tioned circle move at the same time upon the surfaces of both the teeth which are in contact, and therefore always coincide with their point of contact, so that the distance AP of the point of contact P of the teeth from A, which distance is represented in equation (250) by X, is in this case the chord of the arc AP, which the generating circle, if it revolved by its contact with the pitch circles, would have described, whilst each of the pitch circles revolved through a certain angle measured from the line of centres. Let the angle which the driven wheel (whose centre is C) describes between the period when the point of contact P of the teeth passes the line of centres, and that when it reaches the position shown in the figure be represented as before by -^, the arc of the pitch circle of that wheel which passes over the point A during that period will then be represented by r^. ~N ow the generating circle APH having revolved in contact with this pitch circle, an equal arc of that circle will have passed over the point A ; whence it follows that the arc AP=r 2 4' ; and that if the radius of the generating circle be represented by r, then the angle M ADP subtended by the arc AP is represented by ^, or 7* by 2^, if 20 be taken to represent the ratio of the radius of the pi tcli circle of the driven wheel to the radius of the generating circle. Now the chord AP=2AD sin. ADP; /Y* therefore \=2r sin. e-^ sin. e^. Substituting this value C? of X in equation (250) ; observing, moreover, that the angle 278 THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM OF TWO WHEELS PAD represented by 6 in that equation is equal to -- -J 2 ADP, or to ^ e\, and that the whole angle 4- through which the driven wheel is made to revolve by the contact of each of its teeth is represented by , we have sn - sn.

sec, 11,=?^ j A / sec. (e-\> 0) f log. J 1 sin. (V-0) 2e e ' M 2e 6 , , v I 1, ( 1+sin. (eV-0) ) i_ 1 sin. (e^fy) \ -log. < - M e b e ( 1 sin. (ei/> 0) ) HAVING EPICYOLOIDAL TEETH. ^ 279 -log. tan. \ 7+ 4(^0) r > its definite integral between the 6 e ( * ) limits and has for its expression, ff) tan. (-- 27T s* 74 y 2 Also/ sec.(^ 9) &in.e^d^==/ sec.(^ 9) sin. {(^9) +9} d\> o o 27T ^^Ti^ =/sec. (e-^ 9) {sin. (6^9) cos. 9-f-cos. (e-^ 9) sin. o 27T /T2/2 jcos. 9 tan. (e-^ 9)+ sin. 9}^ o 27T "1 y^ ^*2 ' ^^ = -cos. 9/ tan. (^9) ^ (^4 / 9) + sin. 9. Now the general integral/ tan. (0^9) f j 2 * , i ^* ' ^4 -Ion. ( 2 sin. | j_i(^- J cos. | J 280 THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM OF TWO WHEELS Substituting these expressions in the modulus, representing - - by 9', and observing that if U a represent the work 4: 2 yielded by the driven wheel during the action of each tooth, then P a a a .?5=U a , so that P a a a =??2l?, we have '* cos. 9 . (261). cos. 9 OOS/^m^ ( 20* ) 26* JSTow log. __V?___/ = log. e ] l+tan.--tan.9 [ cos.--= e cos. 9 a 2 log. cos. +log. jl + tan. tan.9[=log. cos. + tan. -tan. 9 tan. a . tan. a 9 + &c. Substituting this expression in the preceding equation, and neglecting terms above the first dimension in tan. 9 and sin. 9, cos. lJ a + NS (262). 26* 225. If the radius r of the generating circle be equal to one half the radius r^ of the pitch circle of the driven wheel, according to the method generally adopted by mechanics (Art. 203.), then e=^ = J =1. n * r r In this case, therefore that is, where the flanks of the driven wheel are straight (Art. 210.) the modulus becomes . cos.- ^ 9 . 2* ( 6 * tan. 9 \ n (263). HAVING EPICYCLOIDAL TEETH. 281 226. Substituting (in equation 262.) for 9' its value - __ - 4: 2 lp g-. tn! ' =log '< *** tan.U-i If, therefore, we assume the teeth in the driven wheel to be so numerous, or n^ to be so great a number, that the third power and all higher powers of tan. I- -\ may be ne- \n^ 2/ glected as compared with its first power, and if we neglect powers of tan. - above the second, 2 which expression becomes if we suppose the two arcs which enter into it to be so small as to equal their respec- tive tangents. ! Again, log.g cos. = %\ J very nearly.* * For assume log.e cos. x=a l x*-}-a< i x*-\-a*x*-+- . . . . ; then differentiating, tan. z=2a 1 aH-4a 2 o; 3 4-6a 8 z 6 -}- ..... ; 2 but (Miller, Diff. Cal. p. 95.) tan. x= x $x* -x 6 ---- ; equating, therefore, the co-efficients of these identical series, we have , , 3 x* x* 2x ...l og . COS .* = _ T ______ 282 THE MODULUS OF THE BACK AND PINION. Substituting these values in equation (262), and perform- ing actual multiplication by the factor -- 2 -, we have -i + -)sin. 29 n l nj or substituting for A its value ; and assuming -J- sin. 2) [ U 3 + (. \W' 1 Gbfl*^ I JSTS . . (266). 3. For the modulus of the rack and pinion, with cycloidal and epicycloidal teeth respectively (equation 261), . tan. 9' 20j cos. 9 ) In each of which cases the value of N" is determined by making r* infinite in equation (24:7). 2 )I (z + ^ (! +i)4 (1 + l) = i., becau8e e is infinite. The friction of the rack upon its guides is not taken into account in the above equations. 284 CONICAL WHEELS. CONICAL OB BEVIL WHEELS. 228. These wheels are used to communicate a motion of rotation to any given axis from another, inclined to the first at any angle. Let AF be an axis to which a motion of rotation is to be communicated from another axis AE inclined to the first at any angle EAF, by means of bevil wheels. Divide the angle EAF by the straight line AD, so that DO and DN, perpen- diculars from any point D in AD upon AE and AF respectively, may be to one another as the numbers of teeth which it is required to place upon the two wheels.* Suppose a cone to be generated by the revolution of the line AD about AE, and another by the revolution of the line AD about AF. Then if these cones were made to revolve in contact about the fixed axes AE and AF, their surfaces would roll upon one another along their whole line of contact DA, so that no part of the surface of one would slide upon that of the other, and thus the whole surface of. the one cone, which passes in a given time over the line of contact AD, be equal to the whole surface of the other, which passes over that line in the same time. For it is evident that if n v times the circumference of the circle DP be equal to n^ times that of the circle DI and these circles be conceived to revolve in contact carrying the cones with them, whilst the cone DAP makes n^ revolutions, the cone * This division of the angle EAF may be made as follows : Draw ST and UW from any points S and U in the straight lines AE and AF at right angles to those lines respectively, and having their lengths in the ratio of the numbers of teeth which it is required to place upon the two wheels ; and through the extremities T and W of these lines draw TD and WD parallel to AE and AF respectively, and meeting in D. A straight line drawn from A through D will then make the required division of the angle ; for if DO and DN be drawn perpendicular to AE and AF, they will evidently be equal to UW and ST, and there- fore in the required proportion of the numbers of the teeth ; moreover, any other two lines drawn perpendicular to AE and AF from any other point in AD will manifestly be in the same proportion as F*0 and DN. CONICAL WHEELS. 285 DAI will make n^ revolutions; so that whilst any other circle GH of the one cone makes n^ revolutions, the corre- sponding circle HK of the other cone will make n^ revolu- tions: but n^ times the circumference of the circle GH is equal to n^ times that of the circle HK, for the diameters of these circles, and therefore their circumferences, are to one another (by similar triangles) in the same proportion as the diameters and the circumferences of the circles DP and DI. Since, then, whilst the cones make n v and n^ revolutions respectively, the circles HG and HK are carried through n l and n^ revolutions respectively, and that n^ times the circum- ference of HG is equal to n^ times that of HK, therefore the circles HG and HK roll in contact through the whole of that space, nowhere sliding upon one another. And the same is true of any other corresponding circles on the cones ; whence it follows that their whole surfaces are made to roll upon one another by their mutual contact, no two parts being made to slide upon one another by the rolling of the rest. The rotation of the one axis might therefore be communi- cated to the other by the rolling of two such cones in con- tact, the surface of the one cone carrying with it the surface of the other, along the line of contact AD, by reason of the mutual friction of their surfaces, supposing that they could be so pressed upon one another as to produce a friction equal to the pressure under which the motion is communicated, or the work transferred. In such a case, the angular velocities of the two axes would evidently be to one another (equation 227) inversely, as the circumferences of any two correspond- ing circles DP and DI upon the cones, or inversely as their radii ND and OD, that is (by construction) inversely as the numbers and teeth which it is supposed to cut upon the wheels. When, however, any considerable pressure accompanies the motion to be communicated, the friction of two such cones becomes insufficient, and it becomes necessary to transfer it by the intervention of bevil teeth. It is the cha- racteristic property of these teeth that they cause the motion to be transferred by their successive contact, precisely as it would by the continued contact of the surfaces of the cones. 286 CONICAL WIIICKLS. 229. To describe the teeth of bevil wheels.* From D let FDE be wrawn at right angles to AD, inter- secting the axes AE and AF of the two cones in E and F ; suppose conical surfaces to be generated by the revolution of the lines DE and DF about AE and AF respectively ; and let these conical surfaces be truncated by planes LM and XY respectively perpendicular to their axes AE and AF, leaving the distances DL and DY about equal to the depths which it is proposed to assign to the teeth. Let now the conical surface LDPM be conceived to be developed upon a plane perpendicular to AD, and passing through the point D, and let the conical surface XIDY be in like manner developed, and upon the same plane. When thus developed, these conical surfaces will have be- come the plane surfaces of two segmental annuli l&Ppm and IXa^f, whose centres are in the points E and F of the axes AE and AF, and which touch one another in the point D of the line of contact AD of the cones. Let now plane or spur teeth be struck upon the circles Pj? and K, such as would cause them * The method here given appears first to have been published by Mr. Tred- gold in his edition of Buchanan's Essay on Mill-work, 1823, p. 103. f The lines MP and pm in the development, coincided upon the cone, as also the lines IX and ix; the other letters upon the development in the above CONICAL WHEELS. 287 to drive one another as they would be driven by theii mutual contact ; that is, let these circles Yp and Ii be taken as the pitch circles of such teeth, and let the teeth be described, by any of the methods before explained, so that they may drive one another correctly. Let, moreover, their pitches be such, that there may be placed as many such teeth on the circumference P> as there are to be teeth upon the bevil wheel HP, and as many on Ii as upon the wheel III. Having struck upon a flexible surface as many of the first teeth as are necessary to constitute a pattern, apply it to the conical surface DLMP, and trace off the teetli from it upon tli at surface, and proceed in the same manner with the surface DIXY. Take DH equal to the proposed lengths of the teeth, draw ef through H perpendicular to AD, and terminate the wheels at their lesser extremities by concave surfaces HGmZ and HKxy described in the same way as the convex surfaces which form their greater extremities. Proceed, moreover, in the construction of pattern teeth precisely in the same way in respect to those surfaces as the other ; and trace out the teeth from these patterns on the lesser extremities as on the greater, taking care that any two similar points in the teetli traced upon the greater and lesser extremities shall lie in the same straight line passing through A. The pattern teeth thus traced upon the two extremities of the wheels are the extreme boundaries or edges of the teeth to be placed upon them, and are a sufficient guide to the workman in cutting them. 230. To prove that teeth thus constructed will work truly with one another. It is evident that if two exceedingly thin wheels had been taken in a plane perpendicular to AD (fig. p. 286.) passing figure represent points which are identical with those shown by the game let- ters in the preceding figure. In that figure the conical surfaces are shown, developed, not in a plane perpendicular to AD, but in the plane which contains that line and the lines AE and AF, and which is perpendicular to the last-men- tioned plane. It is evidently unnecessary, in the construction of the pattern teeth, actually to develope the conical extremities of the wheels as above described ; we have only to determine the lengths of the radii DE and DF by construction, and with them to describe two arcs, Pjo, It, for the pitch circles of the teeth, and to set off the pitches upon them of the same lengths as the pitches upon the circles DP and DI, which last are determined by the numbeifl of teeth required to be cut upon the wheels respectively. THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM through the point D, and having their centres in E and F, and if teeth had been cut upon these wheels according to the pattern above described, then would these wheels have worked truly with one another, and the ratio of their angu- lar velocities have been inversely tkat of ED to FD, or (by similar triangles) inversely that of ND to OD ; which is the ratio required to be given to the angular velocities of the bevil wheels. Now it is evident that that portion of each of the conical surfaces DPML and DIXY which is at any instant passing through the line LY is at that instant revolving in the plane perpendicular to AD which passes through the point D, the one surface revolving in that plane about the centre E, and the other about the centre F ; those portions of the teeth of the bevil wheels which lie in these two conical surfaces will therefore drive one another truly, at the instant when they are passing through the line LY, if they be cut of the forms which they must have had to drive one another truly (and with the required ratio of their angular velocities) had they acted entirely in the above-mentioned plane perpendicular to AD and round the centres E and F. Now this is pre- cisely the form in which they have been cut. Those por- tions of the bevil teeth which lie in the conical surfaces DPML and DIXY will therefore drive one another truly at the instant when they pass through the line LY ; and there- fore they will drive one another truly through an exceedingly small distance on either side of that line. Now it is only through an exceedingly small distance on either side of that line that any two given teeth remain in contact with one another. Thus, then, it follows that those portions of the teeth which lie in the conical surfaces DM and DX work truly with one another. Now conceive the faces of the teeth to be intersected by an infinity of conical surfaces parallel and similar to DM and DX ; precisely in the same way it may be shown that those portions of the teeth which lie in each of this infinite num- ber of conical surfaces work truly with one another; whence it follows that the whole surfaces of the teeth, constructed as above, work truly together. 231. THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM OF TWO CONICAL OB BEVIL WHEELS. Let the pressure P, and P a be applied to the conical OF TWO CONICAL WHEELS. 289 wheels represented in the accompanying figure at perpen- dicular distances a t and # 2 from their axes CB and CG ; let the length AF of their teeth be represented by & ; let the distance of any point in this line from F be represented by a?, and conceive it to be divided into an exceedingly great number of equal parts, each represented by A#. Through each of these points of division imagine planes to be drawn perpendicular to the axes CB and CG of the wheels, dividing the whole of each wheel into elements or laminae of equal thickness ; and let the pressures P, and P 2 be conceived to be equally distributed to these laminae. The pressure thus dis- p tributed to each will then be represented bv A# on the o p one wheel, and ?Aa? on the other. Let^ and^> 2 represent the two pressures thus applied to the extreme laminae AH and AK of the wheels, and let them be in equilibrium when thus applied to those sections separately and independently of the rest ; then if R, represent the pressure sustained along that narrow portion of the surface of contact of the teeth of the wheels which is included within these laminaa, and if R, and R 2 represent the resolved parts of the pressure R in the directions of the planes AH and AK of these laminae, the pressures^ and 3^ applied to the circle AH are pressures in equilibrium, as also the pressures p^ and R 2 applied to the circle AK. If, therefore, we represent as before (Art. 216.) by m l and m 2 , the perpendiculars from B and G upon the 19 290 THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM directions of K, and R 2 , and by L t and L 2 , the distances be- tween the feet of the perpendiculars & m t and , m a we have (equation 236, 237), neglecting the weights of the wheels, 1 f /Pi L i\ 1 l "&, + -- 1 sm. 0, Y R, ' p! and p a representing the radii of the axes of the two wheels, and 9, and 9 2 the corresponding limiting angles of resistance. Let 7j and y % represent the inclinations of the direction of E to the planes of AH and AK respectively ; then R!= R cos. 7 15 R 2 = R cos. y a . Now it has been shown in the preceding article, that the action of that part of the surface of contact of the teeth which is included in each of the laminse AH, AK, is identical with the action of teeth of the same form and pitch upon two cylindrical wheels AD and AL of the same small thickness, situated in a plane EAD perpendicular to AC, and having their centres in the intersections, l> and An=Abm = 2 DAR = ^ (d + ^1 / _ . 1 r^ Xsin. 9 cos. < 3 1-^ M sin. 9 a \ $ 2 / x . /P,LA 1 H sm. 9 cos. j+ - sin. 9. *i* 22 . ** 1 -- sin. 9 cos. - - sin. 9, r t \apj "Whence performing actual division by the denominator of the fraction, and neglecting terms involving dimensions above the first in sin. 9, sin. 9,, sin. 9 2 , Now if 4/ represent the angle described by the driven wheel or circle ELA, whilst any two teeth are in contact, since X is very nearly a chord of that circle subtending this small angle 4/ (Art. 220.) ; /. X = r^. Let * represent the 294: THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM. angle described by the conical wheel FK, whilst the circle ELA describes the angle ^ ; then, since the pitch circle of the thin wheel AK and the circle ELA revolve in contact at A, they describe equal arcs whilst they thus revolve, respec- tively, through the unequal angles 4< and *. Moreover, the radius Ag of the circle AL=AG sec. GA.g=r t sec. * a , there- fore 4^3 sec. i 3 =ir a ; .-.,),=* cos. i f (270). Substituting the above valves of 4' and X, and observing ?"o 0*0 that = , r, n. L.

7?= _^ ---- cos. 77. f ; T r, \rj \a/ r l ( a t a P. sn. 9. . ... p a sin.9 2 fL' p a sin.9 a ( L a 5 ) Similarly -^- / ? & = ^ \ - - $ - cos. r,, \ . Substituting these values in the modulus (equation 272), TT TT S -, / cos - 'i cos - ' 3 U, = U, ] 1+n - + - cos. i, sin. 9 + I \ 7l l 7l a P.sin.^/L, 5 ~ - - os - 298 THE MODULUS OF A SYSTEM Now let the angle BCG, or the inclination of the axes, from one to the other of which motion is transferred by the wheels, be represented by 2< ; therefore 1 -H a =2<. Also a Bin. ^=7*! and a sin. < a =r a , sin. i, T*! n t sin. a 7", 7i a ' sin. \ __ sin. \ ^ 1 cos. \ _ 1 cos. \ 1 1 cos.\^cos.%_ /cos. , cos. i a \ /cos.^ cos. i,\ (COS.*. COS. i a \ /I COS. I. 1\ 1 J \ ^-j- rf] COS. i a (COS. <. COS. l a \ W i ^a ^H M cos. i 3 = ^ ^ . n^ n^ 1 \_ cos. i t W, COS. a " ^ a ^ cos. i, cos. j'+iO, 01 1 tan. -|(..) tan. i JNow cos. ' 2 ~~ cos. i i(, 2 ) ~ l + tan.-J 3 )tan. J y^ sin. >, sin. {t + K'i 0} _ tan - ' + tan.-j-^ < 2 ) al80 n~ sin. i a ~ sin. j'-K',-',)} ~~ tan. i - tan. (,- a ) . cos.< cos, . yy-M, A JL ~r~ - tan. i 1 cos. ',1 1 / cos. i, \ ,". ---- a = : - 1 ^ -- n, ] = w-, cos. a n n^ \ 2 cos. a V 1 (n*nf) + (V yQtan^ _ OF TWO CONICAL WHEELS. 299 - 8ec - 1 .+!)_ (_1) tan.', A + M cos ,,_(!_!\ gin V n, nj \n, nj \V and the projection of the point a upon the third wheel, we have 11,= j 1+W-+-W 9+ ^ sin. 9,+ ( \n, nj a,r t ^ Bin. ? j ,+*. 8,. To determine, in like manner, the relation between u^ and u^ or the modulus of the third and fourth wheels, let it be observed that the work u^ which drives the third wheel has been considered to be done upon it at its point of contact b with the fourth ; so that in this case the distance between the point of contact of the driving and driven wheels and the foot of the perpendicular let fall upon the driving pressure from the centre of the driving wheel vanishes, and the term * See note p. 266. 302 THE MODULUS OF A TRAIN OF WHEELS. which involves the value of L representing that line disap- pears from the modulus, whilst the perpendicular upon the driving pressure from the centre of the driving wheel be- comes r s . Let it also be observed, that the work of the fourth wheel is done at the point of contact c of the fifth and sixth wheels, so that the perpendicular upon the direction of that work from the axis of the driven wheel is /,. We shall thus obtain for the modulus of the third and fourth wheels, In which expression L 3 represents the distance between the point G and the projection of the point & upon the fifth wheel. In like manner it may be shown, that the modulus of the fifth and sixth wheels, or the relation between u 3 and u# is s > ; and that of the seventh and eighth wheels, or the relation between u 4 and u# <= \ and that, if the whole number of wheels be represented by 2p. or the number of pairs of wheels in the train by p, then is the modulus of the last pair, In which expressions the symbols !N",, !N",, N 8 . . . "N p , are taken to represent, in respect to the successive pairs of wheels of the train, the values of that function (equation 247), which determines the friction due to the weights of those wheels ; and each of the symbols L,, L s , L 4 . . . 1^ , the dis- tance between the point of contact of a corresponding pair of wheels and the projection upon its plane of the point of contact of the next preceding pair in the train ; whilst the symbols n^ n^ n s . . . n^ p , represent the numbers of teeth in the wheels ; r^ r r^ . . . r^ P , the radii of their pitch circles ; and S 15 S a , S 8 . . . S p , the spaces described by their points ot THE MJDULTIS OF A TRAIN OF WHEELS. 303 contact a, 5, c, &c. whilst the work TJj is done upon the first wheel of the train. Let us suppose the co-efficients of i* a , u^ u . . . U a , in these moduli to be represented by (l+f\), (l+M- 2 )> (1+f*,) . . . . (1-f fly) ; they will then become Eliminating w a , w 8 , % 4 ...%,, between these equations, we shall obtain an equation of the form . S . . . (2TT), where p ..... (278). Now let it be observed, that the space described by the first wheel, at distance unity from its centre, whilst the space S x Q is described by its circumference, is represented by , and r, o that this same space is represented by if S represent the <*i space described in the same time by the foot of the per- pendicular 15 or the space through which the moving pressure may be conceived to work during that time ; so that = . Also let it be observed that the space de- fi a i scribed by the third wheel, at distance unity from its centre, is the same with that described at the same distance from S S its centre by the second wheel, so that = ; in like r s r, manner that the spaces described at distances unity from their centres by the fourth and fifth wheels are the same, so Q C Q Q that ; and similarly, that = , &c.=&c. ; and ^ r, r , r t ' finally, 304 THE MODULUS OF A TRAIN OF WHEELS. Multiplying the two first of these equations together, then the three first, the four first, &c., and transposing, \ve have , ., a, 0, . r, \aj \n,l , n, . m, g r..n.n.A g /M (!'8, 0, . r a . r 4 . T-. \V \ &c.=&c. Substituting these values of S,, S a , &c. in equation (278), and dividing by S, we have or if we observe that the quantities i^,, ^ 3 , f* 3 , are composed of terms all of which are of one dimension in sin. 9, sin.

If in like manner we neglect in equation (277) terms of more than one dimension in M- a , f* a , ^ 8 , &c. we have Now 1^= * ( j __ ) sin. 9 + ^ sin. 9, + 2^ si \n, nj a,r, r.r, a f = if I -- [_ ) sin. 9 + ^ sin. 9 \/i 8 nj r 4 r t . S. sin. THE MODULUS OF A TRAIN OF WHEELS. 305 /* = if ( + ) sin. 9 + ^ sin.

of the third and fourth wheels and the projection of -the point of contact a of the first and second upon the plane of those wheels, it follows that, generally, L 2 is least when the projection of a falls on the same side of the axis as the point 5 ;* and that it is least of all when this line falls on that side and in the line joining the axis with the point 5; whilst it is greatest of all when it falls in this line produced to the opposite side of the axis. In the former case its value is represented by /,/ and in the latter by ^ t +y a ; so that, generally, the maximum and minimum values of L a are represented by the expression y 3 y 2 , and the maximum and minimum values of ^- 2 - by ** JL | p 2 . And similarly it appears that the maximum and r rj minimum values of ^ are represented by( 1 ) P 3 ; and TV \T T I ' 4 ' 5 V/ 4 ' 6 ' so of the rest. So that the maximum and minimum values of the work lost by the friction of the axes are represented by the expression from which expression it is manifest, that in every case the expenditure of work due to the friction of the axes is less as the radii of the axes are less when compared with the radii of the wheels ; being wholly independent of actual dimensions of these radii, but only upon the ratio or proportion of the radius of each axis to that of its corresponding wheel : more- * Thte important condition is but a particular case of the general principle established in Art. 168. ; from which principle it follows, that the driving pressure on each wheel should be applied on the same side of the axis as the driven pressure. 308 THE WEIGHTS OF THE WHEELS. over, that this expenditure of work is the least when the wheels of the train are so arranged, that the projection of the point of contact of any pair upon the plane of the next following pair shall lie in the line of centres of this last pair, between their point of contact and the axis of the driving wheel of the pair ; whilst the expenditure is greatest when this projection falls in that line but on the other side of the axis. The difference of the expenditures of work on the friction of the axes under these two different arrangements of the train is represented by the formula A- sin. =?\=&c. The numbers of teeth in the followers being also equal, and also the radii of the followers n^n^n^&c., r^r^r^&c. If, moreover, to simplify the investigation, the driving work U 1 be supposed to be done upon the first wheel of the 9 train at a point situated in re- spect to the point of contact a of that wheel with its pinion pre- cisely as that point of contact is in respect to the point of contact I of the next pair of wheels of the train ; and if a similar sup- position be made in respect to the point at which the driven work U a is done upon the last- pinion of the train, then, evidently, L,=L 2 =:L 3 . . . =L P , and (see equation 247) 1^=^",= . . . =N P . The modulus (equation 280) will become, these substitu- tions being made in it, the axes being, moreover, supposed all to be of the same dimensions and material, and equally lubricated, and it being observed that the drivers and the followers are each p in number, ---- (284), which is the modulus required. % 310 THE TRAIN OF LEAST RESISTANCE. Moreover, the value of !N" (equation 27Y) will become by the like substitutions, THE TRAIN OF LEAST RESISTANCE. 240. A. train of equal driving wheels and equal followers being required to yield at the last wheel of the train a given amount of work U 2 , under a velocity m times greater or less than that under which the work U, which drives the train is done by the moving power upon the first wheel; it is required to determine what should be the number p of pairs of wheels in the train, so that the work TJ, expended through a given space S, in driving it, may be a minimum. Since the number of revolutions made by the last wheel of the train is required to be a given multiple or part of the number of revolutions made by the first wheel, which mul- tiple or part is represented by m, therefore (equation 231), _ :. = , and = ; ' * ' Substituting these values in the modulus (equation 284); substituting, moreover, for N its value from equation (285), we have THE TKAIN OF LEAST RESISTANCE. 311 (286X It is evident that the question is solved by that value of p which renders this function a minimum, or which satisfies the conditions -j- 2 = and -^ > 0. The first condition dp dp ' gives by the differentiation of equation (286), Iog. E (m This equation may be solved in respect to p, for any given values of the other quantities which enter into it, ly approxi- mation. If, being differentiated a second time, the above expression represents a positive quantity when the value of p (before determined) is substituted in it, then does that value satisfy both the conditions of a minimum, and sup- plies, therefore, its solution to the problem. If we suppose 9 1 =0 and'N^O, or, in other words, if we neglect the influence of the friction of the axes and of the weights of the wheels of the train upon the conditions of the question, we shall obtain , gin. 9 H sin. 9=0 ; p n^ 7i, whence by reduction, p = ^-' m i * ...... (288). * This formula was given by the late Mr. Davis Gilbert, in his paper on the " Progressive improvements made in the efficiency of steam engines in Corn- wall," published in the Transactions of the Royal Society for 1830. Towards the conclusion of that paper, Mr. Gilbert has treated of the methods best adapted for imparting great angular velocities, and, in connection with that subject, of the friction of toothed wheels ; having reference to the friction of the surfaces of their teeth alone, and neglecting all consideration of the influ- THE INCLINED PLANE. THE INCLINED PLANE. 241. Let AB represent the surface of an inclined plane on which is supported a body whose centre of gravity is C, and its weight W , by means of a pressure acting in any direction, and which may be supposed to be supplied by the tension of a cord passing over a pulley and carrying at its extremity a weight. Let OR represent the direction of the resultant of P and W. If the direction of this line be inclined to the perpen- dicular ST to the surface of the plane, at an angle OST equal to the limiting angle of resistance, on that side of ST which is farthest from the summit B of the plane (as in Jig. 1), the body will be upon the point of slipping upwards; and if it be inclined to the perpendicular at an angle OST, ence due to the weights of the wheels and to the friction of their axes. The author has in vain endeavoured to follow out the condensed reasoning by which Mr. Gilbert has arrived at this remarkable result ; it supplies another example of that rare sagacity which he was accustomed to bring to the discussion of questions of practical science. Mr. Gilbert has given the following examples of the solution of the formula by the method of approximation: If ra=120, or if the velocity is to be increased by the train 120 times, then the value of p given by the above formula, or the number of pairs of wheels which should c impose the train, so that it may work with a minimum resistance, reference being had only to the friction of the surfaces of the teeth, is 3-745 ; and the value U a HI i ^presents the work expended on the friction of the surfaces of the teeth, is in this case 17'9 ; whereas its value would, according to Mr. Gilbert, be 121 if the velocity were got up by a single pair of wheels. So that the work lost by the friction of the teeth in the one case would only be one seventh part of that in the other. In like manner Mr. Gilbert found, that if m=100, then p should equal 3*6 ; in which case the loss by friction of the teeth would amount to the sixth part only of the loss that would result from that cause if _p=l, or if the required velocity were got up by one pair of wheels. If m=40, then jt)=2'88, with a gain of one third over a single pair. If 7tt=3-69, thenjt>=l. If ra=12'85, then p=2. If ra=46'3, then jt>=3. If m=166'4, thenjo=4. It is evident that when p, in any of the above examples, appears under the form of a fraction, the nearest whole number to it, must be taken in practice. The influence of the weights of the wheels of the train, and that of the friction of the axes, so greatly however modify these results, that although they are fully sufficient to show the existence in every case of a certain number of wheels, which being assigned to a train destined to produce a given accelera- tion of motion shall cause that train to produce the required effect with the least expenditure of power, yet they do not in any case determine correctly what that number of wheels should be. THE INCLINED PLANE. 313 (i.) equal to the limiting angle of resistance, but on the side of ST nearest to the summit B (as in fig. 2.), then the body will be upon the point of slipping downwards (Art. 138.) ; the former condition corresponds to the superior and the latter to the inferior state bordering upon motion (Art. 140.). Now the resistance of the plane is equal and opposite to the resultant of P and "W ; let it be represented by K. There are then three pressures P, W, and K in equili- brium. sn. Let /BAC=i, ZOST=:lime. Z of resistance =9, let represent the inclination PQB of the direction of P to the surface of the plane, and draw OY perpendicular to AB ; then, mfig. 1, and POK in fig. 2., WOR=WOY-SOY=BAC-OST=i--9, and =PQB+-OST=^+*-9 ; 2 a and the upper or lower sign being taken according as the body is upon the point of sliding up the plane, as in fig. 1, or down the plane, as in fig. 2. Or if we suppose the angle 9 to be taken positively or negatively according as the body is on the point of slipping upwards or downwards ; then gene- rally WOK=+


Also P 9 QK 3 = I -K 3 QM= | - 9.. LetP.O be produced to Y; therefore P 1 OK l =*'-K 1 OY= ^-(I^OS-SOV)^- j g ~9,) -i, | = I + i, + 9,- Lastly K 2 QK 3 = OQM+MQK 3 '. Now, MQK 3 =9 3 ; also, OQM = *-(QOT+TOY)=*- j (9.) +',} =J-',+9 .% E 9 QE 3 =r i, +9,+9 8 = (',9, 9.). a sin. (s+'i + Pi) 8 ^ n - ] o ~( t *V*V*) f , __p sin. j(9 1 + 9 a ) + Qi Q} cos. 9 8 Whence we obtain for the modulus (Art. 152.), observing; that^<)= 8in - ( '~'' ) . COS. , COS. I, TT ^-rr sin. (9,+9,+^-Qcos.^cos. i cos.9, THE WEDGE DRIVEN BY PRESSURE. 321 THE WEDGE DRIVEN BY PRESSURE. 246. Let ACB represent an isosceles wedge, whose angle ACB is represented by 2*, and which is driven between the two resisting surfaces DE and DF, by the pressure P,. Let R, and R 2 represent the resistances of these surfaces upon the acting surfaces CA and CB of the wedge when it is upon the point of moving forwards. Then are the. directions of R, and R 2 inclined respec- tively to the perpendicular Gs and; R' to the faces C A and CB of the wedge^ at angles each equal to the limiting angle of resistance 9. The pressures R r and R a are therefore equally inclined to the axis of the wedge, and to the direction; of I\, whence it follows that R^E,,, and therefore (Art. 13;) that P 1 =2R 1 cos. GOR. Now, since CGOE is a quadrilateral figure, its four angles are equal to four right angles ; therefore GOR=2* GCR OGC ORC. But GCR=2i; OGC^ORC = +9 : a (303). Whence it follows (equation 121) that the modulus of the wedge is . (304). sn. i This equation may be placed under the form 11!= U 3 jcot. 9 -f- cot. i\ sin. 9. The work lost by reason of the friction of the wedge is greater, therefore, as the angle of the wedge is less; and infinite for a finite value of 9, and an infinitely small value of*. The angle of the wedge. 247. Let the pressure P instead of being that just suffi- 21 322 THE WEDGE DRIVEN BY PRESSURE. cient to drive tlie wedge, be now supposed to be that which is only just sufficient tc keep it in its place when driven. The two surfaces of the wedge being, under these circumstances, upon the point of sliding u backwards upon those between which the wedge is driven, at their points of contact G and R, it is evident that the directions of the resistances if* and i^R upon those points, must be inclined to the normals 6-G and tH at angles, each equal to the limiting angle of resistance, but measured on the sides of those normals opposite to those on which the resistances RjG and R 2 R are applied.* In order to adapt equation (303) to this case, we have only then to give to 9 a negative value in that equation. It will then become P l =2E 1 sin.( 9) (305). So long as i is greater than 9, or the angle C of the wedge greater than twice the limiting angle of resistance, P l is positive ; whence it follows that a certain pressure acting in the direction in which the wedge is driven, and represented in amount by the above formula, is, in this case, necessary to keep the wedge from receding from any position into which it has been driven. So that if, in this case, the pres- sure Pj be wholly removed, or if its value become less than that represented by the above formula, then the wedge will recede from any position into which it has been driven, or it will be started. If i be less than 9, or the angle C of the wedge less than twice the limiting angle of resistance, P, will become negative ; so that, in this case, a pressure, oppo- site in direction to that by which the wedge has been driven, will have become necessary to cause it to recede from the position into w T hich it has been driven ; whence it follows, that if the pressure P, be now wholly removed, the wedge will remain, fixed in that position ; and, moreover, that it will still remain fixed, although a certain pressure be applied to cause it to recede, provided that pressure do not exceed the negative value of P 1? determined by the formula. * This will at once be apparent, if we consider that the direction of the resultant pressure upon the wedge at G must, in the one case, be such, that if it acted alone, it would cause the surface of the wedge to slip downwards on the surface of the mass at that point, and in the other case upwards ; and that the resistance of the mass is in each case opposite to this resultant pressure. THE WEDGE DRIVEN BY IMPACT. 323 It is this property of remaining fixed in any position into which it is driven when the force which drives it is removed, that characterises the wedge, and renders it superior to every other implement driven by impact. It is evidently, therefore, a principle in the formation of a wedge to be thus used, that its angle should be less than twice the limiting angle of resistance between the material which forms its surface, and that of the mass into which it is to be driven. THE WEDGE DRIVEN BY IMPACT. 248. The wedge is usually driven by the impinging of a heavy body with a greater or less velocity upon its back, in the direction of its axis. Let W represent the weight of such a body, and V its velocity, every element of it being conceived to move with the same velocity. The work accumulated in this body, when it strikes the wedge, will then be represented (Art. 66.) by - V 2 . Now the whole of $ this work is done by it upon the wedge, and by the wedge upon the resistances of the surfaces opposed to its motion ; if the bodies are supposed to come to rest after the impact, and if the influence of the elasticity and mutual compression of the surfaces of the striking body and of the wedge are neglected, and if no permanent compression of their surfaces 1 W V 3 follows the impact.* .*. Uj = - - . 2 9 * The influence of these elements on the result may be deduced from the principles about to be laid down in the chapter upon impact. It results from these, that if the surfaces of the impinging body and the back of the wedge, by which the impact is given and received, be exceedingly hard, as compared with the surfaces between which the wedge is driven, then the mutual pressure of the impinging surfaces will be exceedingly great as compared with the resistance opposed to the motion of the wedge. Now, this latter being neglected, as compared with the former, the work received or gained by the wedge from the impact of the hammer will be shown in the chapter upon impact to be represented by * ~r~ e ' - 1 - - , where Wj represents the " weight of the hammer, W 2 the weight of the wedge, and e that measure of 'the elasticity whose value is unity when the elasticity is perfect. Equating this expression with the value of Ui (equation 304), and neglecting the effect of the elasticity and compression of the surfaces G and R, between which the wedge is driven, we shall obtain the approximation _ (l-f- g ) 3 W 1 a W a V a sin, i sin. 324 THE 'WEDGE DRIVEN BY IMPACT. Substituting this value of U l in equation 303, and solving in respect to U 2 , we have sn.. ..... 2 g sin. (* 4- 9) by which equation the work U 2 yielded upon the resistances opposed to the motion of the wedge by the impact of a given weight "W with a given velocity Y is determined ; or the weight "W necessary to yield a given amount of work when moving with a given velocity ; or, lastly, the velocity Y with which a body of given weight must impinge to yield a given amount of work. If the wedge, instead of being isosceles, be of the form of a right angled triangle, as shown in the accompanying figure, the relation between the work U, done upon its back, and that yielded upon the resistances opposed to its motion at either of its faces, is represented by equations (296) and (297). Supposing therefore this wedge, like the former, to be driven by impact, substituting as before for Uj its value 1"W - Y 2 , and solving in respect to U a , we have, in the c which the face AB of the wedge is its driving surface sn 2 g si when the base BC of the wedge is its driving surface, q. __1 WY 2 tan, i cos. 8 2 g ' 8in. From this expression it follows, that the useful work is the greatest, other things being the same, when the weight of the wedge is equal to the weight of the hammer, and when the striking surfaces are hard metals, so that the value of e may approach the nearest possible to unity. THE MEAN PBESStTEE OF IMPACT. 325 I 249. If the power of th6 wedge be applied by the intervention of an inclined plane moveable in a direction at right angles to the di- rection of the impact*, as shown in the accompanying figure, then sub- stituting for U, in equation (300) respect to U 2 , we have cos. (i -h 9 t +9,) tan. < cos. 9 a cos 9 8 half the vis viva of the impinging body, and solving, as befo ore, in sn. (309). If instead of the base of the plane being parallel to the direc- tion of impact, it be inclined to it, as shown in the accompanying figure, then, substituting as above in equation 302, we have a 9,) cos. sn. (t 1 3 2 g sin. fo i 2 cos. i, cos. * 2 eos.

or by ' .. Now this is evidently the pressure sustained by that elementary portion of the thread which passes through p, whose thickness is A/ 1 , and which may be conceived to be generated by the enwrapping of a thin plane, whose inclination is *, upon a cylinder whose ra- dius is r ; whence it follows (by equation 311) that the ele- mentary pressure AP 15 which must be applied to the arm of the screw to overcome this portion of the resistance P 2 , thus applied parallel to the axis upon an element of the thread, is represented by AP _ . r \ f sin. Q + 9Q cos. 9 3 P t \ . r ~ ( cos..+9+9 ~~V a 9 * i ' cos.(.+9 1 +9.) whence, passing to the limit and integrating, we have R+D sn. 'co S R-D Now sin. + 9,) cos. 9 3 tan. -f tan. 9, cos. (' + 9,+9s) 1 tan. 9. tan. 9, tan. (tan. 9, 4- tan. $} \ ' 1 T^ tan, t+tan. 9 t ) ___ ~(1 tan. 9, tan. 9,) {Itan. tan. (9^93) j " : an * Pi+ra 11 - ' 836 THE SCREW WITH A TRIANGULAR THREAD. +tan. fo-f p,, then! J >1 and a?<-|#; in this case, there- fore, the axis is to be placed nearer to the driving than to the working end of the beam. If p 2 ,+ { (324). Pl sn.

=v, K-^ 2 )sin. 9, ..... (328), which is the modulus of the crank in respect to a vertical 344 THE CRANK. direction of the driving pressure and of the resistance, the arm being supposed in each half revolution, first, to receive the action of the driving pressure when at an inclination of to the vertical, and to yield it when it has again attained the same inclination, so as to revolve under the action of the driving pressure through the angle if 2. In the double-acting engine, u^ u^=0 ; in the single-act- ing engine ^=0. The work expended by reason of the friction of the crank is therefore less in the latter engine than in the former, when the resistance P 2 is applied, as shown in the figure, on the side of the ascending arc. If the arm sustain the action of the driving pressure con- stantly, 9=0, and the modulus becomes, for the double-act- ing engine, or, dividing by the co-efficient of U, and neglecting dimen- sions above the first in sin. 9 1? sin.

P 2 -f-W evidently obtains in every other position of the crank arm, if it obtain in the horizontal position. Now, in this position, P 2 = P 15 if we neglect friction. The a i required condition obtains, therefore, if ?,>?! -f-W. To a * satisfy this condition, # 2 must be greater than #, or the resistance be applied at a perpendicular distance from the THE DEAD POINT IN THE CRANK. 345 axis greater than the length of crank arm, and so much greater, that P l (1 -- j may exceed "W. These conditions \ #2/ commonly obtain in the practical application of the crank. 261. Should it, however, be required to determine the mo- dulus in the case in which P x is not, in every position of the arm, greater than P,-f W, let it be observed, that this condi- tion does not affect the determination of the modulus (equa- tion 327) in respect to the descending, but only the ascend- ing stroke ; there being a certain position of the arm as it ascends in which the resultant pressure upon the axis repre- sented by the formula {P, (P 2 +W)j , passing through zero, is afterwards represented by |(P 2 -f- W) P^ ; and when the arm has still further ascended so as to be again inclined to the vertical at the same angle, passes again through zero, and is again represented by the same formula as before. The value of this angle may be determined by substituting P a for P a + W inequation (324), and solving that equation in re- spect to A. Let it be represented by ^ ; let equation (325) be integrated in respect to the ascending stroke from 0=0 to 0==^, the work of P 2 through this angle being represented by u l ; let the signs of all the terms involving p x sin. - (p a sin.

and neglecting terms above the first dimen- G> 9 ' Bion in sin. 9! and sin. 9 2 , 350 THE DOUBLE CRANK. - sin. 9l )- j p 2 sin.

2P, 0(|/2-l)-X 4/2-1) sin. 9l - Pa sin. 9, = p 1 sin. .=*Pi ..... (337). Eliminating from equation (336) the value of # 3 P 2 deter- mined by this equation, we obtain for the excess of the work done by the power (whilst the angle 6 is described by the crank arm), over that expended upon the resistance, the expression P^jvers. *-^j ..... (338). But this excess is equal to the whole work which has been accumulating in the different moving parts of the machine, whilst the angle 6 is described by the arm of the crank (Art. 145). Now, let the whole of this work be conceived to have been accumulated in the fly-wheel, that wheel being pro- posed to be constructed of such dimensions as sufficiently to equalise the motion, even if no work accumulated at the same time in other portions of the machinery (see Art. 150.), or if the weights of the other moving elements, or their velocities, were comparatively so small as to cause the work accumulated in them to be exceedingly small as compared with the work accumulated during the same period in the fly-wheel. Now, if I f represent the moment of inertia of the fly-wheel, ^ the weight of a cubic foot of its material, a 1 its angular velocity when the crank arm was in the position CA, and a its angular velocity when the crank arm has passed into the position CB ; then will % (a 2 a^) represent the work accumulated in it (Art. 75.) between these two positions of the crank arm, so that ..... (339). 266. The positions of greatest and least angular velocity of the fly-wheel. If we conceive the engine to have acquired its state of steady or uniform motion, the aggregate work done by the 356 THE FLY-WHEEL. power being equal to that expended upon the resistances, then will the angular velocity of the fly-wheel return to the same value whenever the wheel returns to the same position ; so that the value of OL I in equation (339) is a constant, and the value of a a function of 6 ; a assumes, therefore, its mini- mum and maximum values with this function of d, or it is a minimum when -- = 0, and ->0> and a maximum when da? A , d?a? _ -^-=0, and w < therefore -^-=0, when -r, , da? . But -=s . m sin. d . m , (Pa? . _ -, and w = cos. I, (340.) Now this equation is evidently satisfied by two values of d, one of which is the supplement of the other, so that if ^ represent the one, then will (*>]) represent the other; which two values of 9 give opposite signs to the value cos. 6 of the second differential co-efficient of a 2 , the one being positive or >0, and the latter negative or <0. The one value corresponds, therefore, to a minimum and the other to a maximum value of a. If, then, we take the angle ACB Wit in the preceding figure, such that its sine may equal (equation 340), then will the position CB of the crank arm be that which corresponds to the minimum angular velocity THE FLY-WHEEL. 357 of the fly-wheel ; and if we make the angle ACE equal to the supplement of ACB, then is CE the position of the crank arm, which corresponds to the maximum angular velocity of the fly-wheel. 267. The greatest variation of the angular velocity of the fly-wheel. Let a a be taken to represent the least angular velocity of the fly-wheel, corresponding to the position CB of the crank arm, and a a its greatest angular velocity, corresponding to the position CE ; then does ^- (a 3 8 a 2 2 ) represent the work accumulated in the fly-wheel between these positions, which accumulated work is equal to the excess of that done by the power over that expended upon the resistances whilst the crank arm revolves from the one position into the other, and is therefore represented by the difference of the values given to the formula (338) when the two values K ^ and i, determined by equation (340), are substituted in it for 0. Now this difference is represented by the formula _. ( m (TT 11 *}) ) P,# -j vers. (if ?]) vers. q - r, ( / 2>]\ ) or by Pjfl | 2 cos. v m 1 1 J p U.T ( / 2'i\ ) . /_. 2 a\ ~p A l a pn o y, ^,1 i I y . o V s a / ~~ i i ^v>to. ') //ti j. if) ^0' \ \ it i } /.a 3 2 a 2 2 = j^ i 2 cos. n--*n 7) | (341); in which equation *j is taken (equation 340) to represent that angle whose sine is . 268. The dimensions of the fly-wheel, such that its angular velocity may at no period of a revolution deviate beyond prescribed limits from the mean. Let $N be taken to represent the mean number of revo- u lutions made by the fly-wheel per minute; then will -J oU 358 THE FLY-WHEEL. represent the mean number of revolutions or parts of a N NV revolution made by it per second, and fcr^, or -^-, the mean space described per second by a point in the fly-wheel whose distance from the centre is unity, or the mean angular velocity of the fly-wheel. Now, let the dimensions of the fly wheel be supposed to be such as are sufficient to cause its angular velocity to deviate at no period of its revolution by more than -th from its mean value ; or such that the max- J n imum value a s of its angular velocity may equal -^r I 1 + - I and that its minimum value a 2 may equal -^H 1 - I ; then Substituting in equation (341), 2*] Let H be taken to represent the horses' power of the engine, estimated at its driving point or piston ; then will 33000H represent the number of units of work done per minute, upon the piston. But this number of units of work is also represented by %Nm . 2?^ ; since %Nm is the number of strokes made by the piston per minute, and 2P^ is the work done on the piston per stroke, TT :.&,a= 6600(%-. Era Substituting this value for 2P : a in the above equation, we obtain, by reduction, 66000.30V) - ^ f Let & be taken to represent the radius of gyration of the wheel, and M its volume; then (Art. 80.) MAf^I, therefore M-M.^ 2 =^I. But M-M represents the weight of the wheel in Ibs. ; let W represent its weight in tons ; therefore, aM=2240W. Substituting this value, and solving in respect to "W, THE FLY-WHEEL. 359 66000.30^) < /, to\\ H Substituting their values for * and g, and determining the numerical value of the co-efficient, W = 86491 { 1 cos. ,- (l - 5) [ g- ..... (343). If the influence of the work accumulated in the arms of the wheel be given in, for an increase of the equalising power beyond the prescribed limits, that accumulated in the heavy rim or ring which forms its periphery being alone taken into the account;* then (Art. 86.) H& 9 =I=2flrfaK (R 2 4~Jc 2 ), where b represents the thickness, c the depth, and R the mean radius of the rim. But by Guldiims's first property (Art. 38.), 2^K=M; therefore & 2 =(R 2 + ic 2 ). Substituting in equation (343) W=86491 ) 1 co, ,- If the depth c of the rim be (as it usually- is) small as compared with the mean radius of the wheel, Jc j2 may be neglected as compared with R 2 , the above equation then becomes i 2 / 2>)\ ) H?& W=86491 { - cos. ,-(l - -] | ^ . . . . (345) ; by which equation the weight "W in tons of a fly-wheel of a given mean radius R is determined, so that being applied to an engine of a given horse power H, making a given num- ber of revolutions per minute JN", it shall cause the angular velocity of that wheel not to vary by more than -th from its mean value. It is to be observed that the weight of the wheel varies inversely as the cube of the number of strokes made by the engine per minute, so that an engine making twice as many strokes as another of equal horse power, * If the section of each arm be supposed uniform and represented by /c, and the arms be p in number, it is easily shown from Arts. 79., 81., that the momentum of inertia of each arm about its extremity is very nearly repre- sented by i/c(R ic) 3 , where c represents the depth of the rim; so that the whole momentum of inertia of the arms is represented by ^/c(R jc 1 ) 3 , which o expression must be added to the momentum of the rim to determine the whole momentum I of the wheel. It appears, however, expedient to give the inertia of the arms to the equalising power of the wheeL 360 THE FLY-WHEEL. would receive an equal steadiness of motion from a fly- wheel of one eighth the weight; the mean radii of the wheels being the same. If, in equation (342), we substitute for I its value 2tffoR 3 , or 2tfKH 3 (representing by K the section be of the rim), and if we suppose the wheel to be formed of cast iron of mean quality, the weight of each cubic foot of which may be assumed to be 450 lb., we shall obtain by reduction R^= 68521 i- cos. ^-(l--)l^... .(346); ( m \ if I j N K by which equation is determined the mean radius R of a fly- wheel of cast iron of a given section K, which being applied to an engine of given horse power H, making a given num- ber of revolutions J-N" per minute, shall cause its angular velocity not to deviate more than th from the mean ; or conversely, the mean radius being given, the section K may be determined according to these conditions. 269. In the above equations, m is taken to represent the number of effective strokes made by the piston of the engine whilst the fly-wheel makes one revolution, and ?i to represent < 779 that angle whose sine is . Let now the axis of the fly-wheel be supposed to be a continuation of the axis of the crank, so that both turn with the same angular velocity, as is usually the case ; and let its application to the single-acting engine, the double-acting engine, and to the double crank engine, be considered sepa- rately. 1. In the single-acting engine, but one effective stroke of the piston is made whilst the fly-wheel makes each revolution. In this case, therefore, m=l, and sin. *)= =0-3183098 = sin. 18 33'; therefore, cos. ?] = -9480460, also - = it 103055 ; therefore, 1 = -793888. co* ,-- = THE FLY-WHEEL. 361 Substituting in equations (345) and (346), W= 95330-64 ^5, rr~ (347); by which equations are determined, according to the pro- posed conditions, the weight W in tons of a fly-wheel for a single-acting engine, its mean radius in feet R being given, and its material being any whatever; and also its mean radius R in feet, its section (in square feet) K being given, and its material being cast iron of mean quality ; and lastly, the section K of its rim in square feet, its mean radius K being given, and its material being, as before, cast iron. 2. In the double-acting engine, two effective strokes are made by the piston, whilst the fly-wheel makes one revolution. In this cases therefore, m = 2 and sin. ij=-= if 0-636619 = sin. 39 32'; therefore, cos. *] = -7712549 j = 39 O 0' / Oy, v = -21963 ; therefore ( 1 - -^ ) = '56074 ; - cos. *i - l - = -21051. m - (l - ) = \ * i Substituting in equations (345) and (346), 24-3593 'EM T E.n R= S V -, =14424^^- ..... (348); by which equations the weight of the fly-wheel in tons, the mean radius in feet, and the section of the rim in square feet are determined for the double-acting engine. 3. In the engine working with two cylinders and a double crank, it has been shown (Art. 263.) that the conditions of the working of the two arms of a double crank are precisely the same as though the aggregate pressure 2P t upon their extremities, were applied to the axis of the crank by the intervention of a single arm and a single connecting rod; 362 THE FKICTION OF THE FLY-WHEEL. the length of this arm being represented by = instead of #, 1/2 ' and its direction equally dividing the inclination of the arms of the double crank to one another. Now, equations (345) and (346) show the proper dimen sions of the fly-wheel to be wholly independent of the length of the crank arm ; whence it follows that the dimen- sion of a fly-wheel applicable to the double as well as a single crank, are determined by those equations as applied to the case of a double-acting engine, the pressure upon whose piston rod is represented by 2Pj. But in assuming Nm . ^P 1 =S3000H, we have assumed the pressure upon the piston rod to be represented by Pj ; to correct this error, and to adapt equations (345) and (346) to the case of a double crank engine, we must therefore substitute -JH for H in those equations. "We shall thus obtain 19-3339 by which equations the dimensions of a fly-wheel necessary to give the required steadiness of motion to a double crank engine are determined under the proposed conditions. THE FKICTION OF THE FLY-WHEEL. 270. "W representing the weight of the wheel and 9 the limiting angle of resistance between the surface of its axis and that of its bearings, sin.

3 , &c., the similar perpen- diculars upon the tangents to their common surfaces at the points where they drive those that follow them ; then, while the first driving point describes the small space AS 15 the point of contact of the p\h and p + 1th elements of the series will be made (Art. 234.) to describe a space repre- sented b **M ^ a^a^ ... ct>p so that the angular velocity of the ^?th element will be represented by . a p and the space described by a particle situated at distance f from the axis of that element by and the ratio X of this space to that described by the driving point of the machine will be represented by a. t The sum 2wX 2 w iH therefore be represented in respect to this one element by Or if Ip represent the moment of inertia of the element, and PP the weight of each cubic unit of its mass, that portion of the value of 2wX a which depends upon this element will be represented by OF THE MOTION OF A MACHINE. 375 And the same being true of every other element of the machine, we have which is a general expression for the coefficient of equable motion in the case supposed. The value of A in equation (3T1) is evidently represented by To determine the pressure upon the point of contact of any two elements of a machine moving with an accelerated or retarded motion. Let j? 4 be taken to represent the resistance upon the point of contact of the first element with the second, j9 2 that upon the point of contact of the second element of the machine with the third, and so on. Then by equation (3TO), observ- ing that, P! and p l representing pressures applied to the same element, ^w^ is to be taken in this case only in respect to that element, so that it is represented by p.,!^ whilst A is in this case represented by , we have, neglect- ing friction, Substituting the value of f from equation (371), and solving in respect to j?,, _! p _! / p _ A p \ j^L b, 1 "!>,[ l V 2wK where the value of A is determined by equation (373), and that of 2i0X a by equation (37^). Proceeding similarly in respect to the second element, and observing that the impressed pressures upon that element are jp l and p we have S76 ACCELERATED OR RETARDED MOTION. fi representing the additional velocity per second of the point of application of p which evidently equals /. Substituting, therefore, the value of/ from equation (3T1) as before, Substituting the value of ^ from equation (374), and solv- ing in respect tojp a , we have And proceeding similarly in respect to the other points of contact, the pressure upon each may be determined. It is evident, that by assuming values of A and B in equations (370) and (371) to represent the coefficients of the moduli in respect to the several elements of the machine, and to the whole machine, the influence of friction might, by similar steps, have been included in the result. PART IV. THEOEY OF THE STABILITY OF STKUCTUKES. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE STABILITY OF A STRUCTURE OF UNCEMETED STONES.* A STRUCTURE may yield, under the pressures to which it is subjected, either by the slipping of certain of its surfaces of contact upon one another, or by their turning over upon the edges of one another ; and these two conditions involve the whole question of its stability. THE LINE OF KESISTANCE. 283. Let a structure MNLK, composed of a single row of uncemented stones of any forms, s and placed under any given circum- f stances of pressure, be conceived to , be intersected by any geometrical surface 1 2, and let the resultant a A of all the pressures which act upon one of the parts MN21, into which this intersecting surface divides the structure, be imagined to be taken. Conceive, then, this intersecting surface" to change its form and posi- tion so as to coincide in succession with all the common surfaces of contact 8 4, 5 6, T 8, 9 10, of the stones which compose the structure : and let R, cO, dD, eE be the re- * Extracted from a memoir on the Theory of the Arch by the author of this work in the first volume of the " Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Bridges," by Professor Hosking and Mr. Hann of King's College, published by Mr. Weale. These general conditions of the equilibrium of a system of bodies in contact were first discussed by the author in the fifth and sixth volumes of the " Cam- bridge Philosophical Transactions." 871 378 THE LINE OF RESISTANCE. sultan ts, similarly taken with &A, which correspond to these several planes of intersection. In each such position of the intersecting surface, the result- ant spoken of having its direction produced, will intersect that surface either within the mass of the structure, or, when that surface is imagined to be produced, without it. If it intersect it without the mass of the structure, then the whole pressure upon one of the parts, acting in the direction of this resultant, will cause that part to turn over upon the edge of its common surface of contact with the other part ; if it intersect it within the mass of the structure, it will not. Thus, for instance, if the direction of the resultant of the forces acting upon the part NM 1 2 had been &'A', not inter- secting the surface of contact 1 2 within the mass of the structure, but when imagined to be produced beyond it to a' ; then the whole pressure upon this part acting in a' A! would have caused it to turn upon the edge 2 of the surface of con- tact 1 2 ; and similarly if the resultant had been in a" A", then it would have caused the mass to revolve upon the edge 1. The resultant having the direction #A, the mass will not be made to revolve on either edge of the surface of contact 1 2. Thus the condition that no two parts of the mass should be made, by the insistent pressures, to turn over upon the edge of their common surface of contact, is involved in this other, that the direction of the resultant, taken in respect to every position of the intersecting surface, shall intersect that sur- face actually within the mass of the structure. If the intersecting surface be imagined to take up an infi- nite number of different positions, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, &c., and the intersections with it, #, J, . This line can be completely determined by the methods of analysis, in respect to a structure of any given geometrical form, having its parts in contact by surfaces also of given geometrical forms. And, conversely, the form of this line being assumed, and the direction which it shall have through any proposed structure, the geometrical form of that struc- ture may be determined, subject to these conditions ; or lastly, certain conditions being assumed, both as it regards the form of the structure and its line of resistance, all that is THE LINE OF PRESSURE. 379 necessary to the existence of these assumed conditions may be found. Let the structure ABCD have for its line of re- sistance the line PQ. Now it is clear that if this line cut the surface MN of any section of the mass in a point n without the surface of the mass, then the resultant of the pressures upon the mass CMN will act through n, and cause this portion of the mass to revolve about the nearest point IS" of the in- tersection of the surface of secton K with the surface of the structure. Thus, then, it is a condition of the equilibrium that the line of resistance shall intersect the common surface of con- tact of each two contiguous portions of the structure actually within the mass of the structure / or, in other words, that it shall actually go through each joint of the structure, avoid- ing none : this condition being necessary, that no two po5> tions of the structure may revolve on the edges of their common surface of contact. THE LINE OF PRESSURE. 284. But besides the condition that no two parts of the structure should turn upon the edges of their common sur- faces of contact, which condition is involved in the determi- nation of the LINE OF RESISTANCE, there is a second condition necessary to the stability of the structure. Its surfaces of contact must no where slip upon one another. That this condition may obtain, the resultant corresponding to each surface of contact must have its direction within certain limits. These limits are denned by the surface of a right cone (Art. 1.39.), having the normal to the common surface of contact v at the above-mentioned point of intersection of the resultant) for its axis, and having for its vertical angle twice that whose tangent is the co-emcient of friction of the surfaces. If the direction of the resultant be within this cone, the surfaces of contact will not slip upon one another ; if it be without it, they will. Thus, then, the directions of the consecutive resultants in 380 * THE STABILITY OF A SOLID BODY. respect to the normal to the point, where each intersects its corresponding surface of contact, are to be considered as im- portant elements of the theory. Let then a line ABODE be taken, which is the locus of the consecutive intersections of the resultants # A, &B, cC, dD, &c. The direction of the resultant pressure upon every section is a tangent to this line ; it may therefore with pro- priety be called the LINE OF PRESSURE. Its geometrical form may be deter- mined under the same circumstances as that of the line of resistance. A straight line cC drawn from the point 0, where the LINE OF RESISTANCE abed intersects any joint 5 6 of the struc- ture, so as to touch the LINE OF PRES- SURE ABCD, will determine the direction of the resultant pressure upon that joint: if it lie within the cone spoken of, the structure will not slip upon that joint ; if it lie without it, it will. Thus the whole theory of the equilibrium of any structure is involved in the determination with respect to that struc- ture of these two lines the line of resistance, and the line of pressure : owe of these lines, the line of resistance, de- termining the point of application of the resultant of the pressures upon each of the surfaces of contact of the system ; and the other, the line of pressure, the direction of that resultant. The determination of both, under their most general forms, lies within the resources of analysis ; and general equations for their determination in that case, in which all the surfaces of contact, or joints, are planes the only case which offers itself as & practical case have been given by the author of this work in the sixth volume of the " Cambridge Philo- sophical Transactions." THE STABILITY OF A SOLID BODY. 285. The stability of a solid body may be considered to be greater or less, as a greater or less amount of work must be aone upon it to overthrow it ; or according as the amount THE STABILITY OF A STRUCTURE. 381 of work which must be done upon it to bring it into that position in which it will fall over of its own accord is greater or less. Thus the stability of the solid represented in fig. 1. resting on a horizontal Plg ^ Kjj 2 plane is greater or less, according as the work which must be clone upon it, to bring it into the position represented in^g. 2., where its cen- tre of gravity is in the vertical passing through its point of sup- port, is greater or less. Now this work is equal (Art. 60.) to that which would be necessary to raise its whole weight, verti- cally, through that height by which its centre of gravity is raised, in passing from the one position into the other. Whence it follows that the stability of a solid body resting upon a plane is greater or less, as the product of its weight by the vertical height through which its centre of gravity is raised, when the body is brought into a position in which it will fall over of its own accord, is greater or less. If the base of the body be a plane, and if the vertical height of its centre of gravity when it rests upon a horizontal plane be represented by A, and the distance of the point or the edge, upon which it is to be overthrown, from the point where its base is intersected by the vertical through its centre of gravity, by & ; then is the height through which its centre of gravity is raised, when the body is brought into a position in which it will fall over, evidently represented by (A 2 + #')* A; so that if "W represent its weight, and U the work necessary to overthrow it, then U=W \(V+lcJ-h\ .... (376). U is a true measure of the stability of the body. THE STABILITY OF A STRUCTURE. 286. It is evident that the degree of the stability of a * structure, composed of any number of separate but contigu- ous solid bodies, depends upon the less or greater degree of approach which the line of resistance makes to the extrados or external face of the structure ; for the structure cannot be thrown over until the line of resistance is so del. ected as to 332 rm<: WALL OK PIER. intersect the extrados : the more remote is its direction frora that surface, when free from any extraordinary pressure, the less is therefore the probability that any such pressure will overthrow it. The nearest distance to which the line of re- sistance approaches the extrados will, in the following pages, be represented by m, and will be called the MODULUS OF STABILITY of the structure. This shortest distance presents itself in the wall and but- tress commonly at the lowest section of the structure. It is evidently beneath that point where the line of resistance in- tersects the lowest section of the structure that the greatest resistance of the foundation should be opposed. If that point be firmly supported, no settlement of the structure can take place under the influence of the pressures to which it is ordi- narily subjected.* THE WALL OR PIER. 287. The stability of a wall. If the pressure upon a wall be uniformly distributed along its length,! and if we conceive it to be intersected by verti- cal planes, equidistant from one another and perpendicular to its face, dividing it into separate portions, then are the conditions of its stability, in respect to the pressures applied to its entire length, manifestly the same with the conditions the stability of each of the individual portions into which it is thus divided, in respect to the pressures sustained by that portion of the wall ; so that if every such columnar portion or pier into which the wall i,s thus divided be constructed so as to stand under its insistent pressures with any degree of firmness or stability, then will the whole structure stand with the like degree of firmness or stability ; and conversely. In the following discussion these equal divisions of the length of a wall or pier will be conceived to be made one foot apart ; so that in every case the question investigated will be that of the stability of a column of uniform or varia- * A practical rule of Vauban, generally adopted in fortifications, brings the point where the line of resistance intersects the base of the wall, to a distance from the vertical to its centre of gravity, of -|ths the distance from the latter to the external edge of the base. (See Poncelet, Memoire sur la Stabilite des Hevetemens, note, p. 8.) f In the wall of a building the pressure of the rafters of the roof is thua uniformly distributed by the intervention of the wall plates. THE LINE OF RESISTANCE IN A PIER. 383 ble thickness, whose width measured in the direction of the length of the wall is one foot. 288. When a wall is supported by buttresses placed at equal distances apart, the conditions of the stability will be made to resolve themselves into those of a continuous wall, if we conceive each buttress to be ex- tended laterally until it meets the adja- cent buttress, its material at the same time so diminishing its specific gravity that its weight when thus spread along the face of the wall may remain the same as before. There will thus be ob- tained a compound wall whose external and internal portions are of different specific gravities ; the conditions of whose equilibrium remain manifestly unchanged by the hypothesis which has been made in respect to it. THE LINE OF KESISTANCE IN A PIEK. 289. Let ABEF be taken to repre- /'' sent a column of uniform dimensions. / Let PS be the direction of any pres- ' & sure P sustained by it, intersecting its axis in O. Draw any horizontal sec- tion IK, and take ON to represent the weight of the portion AKIB of the column, and OS on the same scale to represent the pressure P, and com- plete the parallelogram ONES ; then will OK- evidently represent, in mag- nitude and direction, the resultant of the pressures upon the portion AKIB of the mass (Art. 3.), and its point of intersection Q with IK will represent a point in the line of resistance. Let PS intersect BA (produced if necessary) in G, and let ~ ~ " ~i\/r/^ "p/~\/"^ - * \-\4- P each cubic foot of the material of the mass. Draw RL per- pendicular to CD ; then, by similar triangles, // I IT lr n 1 : - tt~ 1 384: THE LINE OF KESISTANCE IN A PIEE. QM_EL OM""OL But QM=y, OM=CM-CO=z-& cot._o, EL=EN sin. ENL=P sin. , OL=ON+NL=ON+EN cos. ENL =; +P cos. a; y P sin. a "xk cot. a~>#a?H-P cos. a ' riB. .-* COB. . ..... cos. a which is the general equation of the line of resistance of a pier or wall. 290. The conditions necessary that the stones of the pier may not slip on one another. Since in the construction of the parallelogram ONES, whose diagonal OE determines the direction of the resultant pressure upon any section IK, the side OS, representing the pressure P in magnitude and direction, remains always the same, whatever may be the position of IK ; whilst the side ON, representing the weight of AKIB, increases as IK de- scends : the angle EOM continually diminishes as IK de- scends. Now, this angle is evidently equal to that made by OE with the perpendicular to IK at Q ; if, therefore, this angle be less than the limiting angle of resistance in the highest position of IK, then will it be less in every subjacent position. But in the highest position of IK, ON=0, so that in this position EOM=a. Now, so long as the inclination of OE to the perpendicular to IK is less than the limiting angle of resistance, the two portions of the pier separated by that section cannot slip upon one another (Art. 141.). It is therefore necessary', and sufficient to the condition that no two parts of the structure should slip upon their common surface of contact, that the inclination a of P to the vertical should be less than the limiting angle of resistance of the common surfaces of the stones. All the resultant pressures passing through the point O, it is evident that the line of pressure (Art. 284.) resolves itself into that point. THE LINE OF RESISTANCE IN A PIER. 3S5 291. The greatest height of the pier. At the point where the line of resistance intersects the external face or extrados of the pier, y=%a\ if, therefore, H represents the corresponding value of , it will manifestly represent the greatest height to which the pier can be built, so as to stand under the given insistent pressure P. Substi- tuting these values for a? and y in equation (377), and solving in respect to H, Psin. a If P sin. a -J-JX& 2 , H m/mYy y whence it follows that in this case the pier will stand under the- given pressure P how- ever great may be the height to which it is raised. 292. The line of resistance is an equilateral hyperbola. Multiplying both sides of equation ($77) by the don >mi- nator of the fraction in the second member, y(pax-\-P cos. a)=Px sin. a P& cos. a ; dividing by pa, transposing, and changing the signs of all the terms, Psin. a Pcos.a Pcos.a / cos.a\ cos.a T V I # H -- 1 = -- k : M N / M-a adding Psin.a/ ' Pcos.a\ / Pcos.a PcOS.a/ Psin.a / ' cos.a\ / cos.a\ PcOS.a/^ Psin.a\ \ pa I y \ fx / M-a \ pa r Psin. a Pcos.a Pcos.a Psin en equa o pa VQ=y,, TV=a),, Let Cil be taken equal to ifl nT= ; and let pa pa 25 386 - THE LINE OF RESISTANCE IN A PIER. Pcos.a/ 7 rsm.a\ /. x,y l = 1 k + 1 = a constant quantity. This is the equation of a rectangular hyperbola, whose asymtote is TX.* The line of resist- 'f / ance continually approaches TX therefore, but never meets it ; whence it follows, that if TX lie (as shown in the figure) within the surface of the mass, or if C H < C B or Psin.ct ., 013 . .. _ . <# or 2P sin. aT? pressure insistent upon it, be im- / agined to be collected in a single foot of the length of the wall ; tho conditions of the stability of tho wall evidently remain unchanged by this hypothesis. Let ABCD represent one of the columns or piers into which the wall will thus be divided, EF the corresponding shore, P the pressure sustained upon the summit of the wall, Q the thrust upon the shore EF, 2w its weight, x the point, where the line of resistance intersects the base of the wall, Csc=m, CJ?=b, FEC=: and let the same notation be taken in other respects as in 388 A WALL SUPPORTED BY SHORES. the preceding articles. Then, since a? is a point in the direc tion of the resultant of the resistances by which the base of the column is sustained, the sum of the moments about that point of the pressure P and half the weight of the shore, supposed to be placed at E*, is equal to the sum of the moments of the thrust Q, and the weight pah of the column; or drawing soM. and %N perpendiculars upon the directions of P and Q, P. Now #M = xs sin. a?*M=(HK Ht) sin. a ^ cot. a} sin. a=A sin. a (k+^a mj cos. a, %~N=(b+m) cos. m)cos. aj + wm=Q(b+m) cos. P + pahQa m) Solving this equation in respect to Q, and reducing, we obtain. +"* cos. This expression may be placed under the form Q=(P cos. a+pah+w) sec. (3 Pjfrcos. a A sin, a + (&+-|#) cos, a If the numerator of the fraction in the second member of this equation be a positive quantity (as in all practical cases it will probably be found to be) the value of Q manifestly diminishes with that of m. Now the least value of m, con- sistent with the stability of the wall, is zero, since the line of resistance no where intersects the extrados; the least value of Q (the shore being supposed necessary to the sup- port of the wall) corresponds, therefore, to the value zero of m ; moreover this least value of the thrust upon the shore consistent with the stability of the wall is manifestly that which it sustains when the wall simply rests upon it, the * The weight 2w of the shore may be conceived to be divided into two equal parts and collected at its extremities. } The expression (b-\-m) cos. ft may be placed under the form b cot ft sin. 3-if-m cos. 0=c sin. ft-\-m cos. 3, where c represents the height CE of the point against which the prop rests. WALL SUPPORTED BY SHORES. 389 shore not being driven so as to increase the thrust sustained by it Beyond that just necessary to support the wall.* This least thrust is represented by the formula rt __FjAsm.q " cos. a The thrust which must be given to the prop in order that there may be given to the wall any required stability, deter- mined by the arbitrary constant m, is determined by equa- tion (381). The stability will diminish as the value of m is increased beyond I ra-JPcos. a+M< \a l h l +-aji t ] \. . . .(388); / \ n V \ by which equation a relation is determined between the dimensions of a wall supported by piers, having a given stability m, and its insistent pressure P. Solving it in respect to & 2 , the thickness of the pier necessary to give any required stability to the wall will be determined. (See APPENDIX.) If # 2 be assumed to represent that width of the pier by which the wall would just be made to sustain the given pressure P without being overthrown; then taking ra=0, and solving in respect to # a , WALL SUPPORTED BY BUTTRESSES. 395 sin. -Z cos. )+ ( -1)) *.... (389). A a \ A a / 300. .7^0 stability of a pier or buttress swr* mounted by a pinnacle. Let "W represent the weight of the pinnacle, and e the distance of a vertical through its cen- tre of gravity from the edge of the pier : then assuming x to be the point where the line of resistance intersects the base of the pier, and tak- ing the same notation as before, equation (387) will evidently become P {k, sin. (lm) cos. *} = \a % + (em)W. Substituting for /x a its value-^ or , writing p for f^, and reducing, P(A! sin. a I cos. *)=if*|a 1 > A 1 -f2fl 1 o f A 1 -ht-a l 'A t j + If a 9 represent the thickness of that pier by which the wall will just be sustained under the pressure, taking m=0, and solving in respect to a a , a^=na l -^- + fP(A, Bin. .-I cos. .)_-W| + '-l ,' (391). 396 WATT. SUPPORTED BY GOTHIC BUTTRESSES. THE GOTHIC BUTTRESS. 301. In Gothic buildings the thickness of a buttress is not unfrequently made to vary at two or three different heights above its base. Such buttress is represented in the accompanying figure. The conditions by which any required sta- bility may be assigned to that portion of it whose base is ~be may evidently be determined by equation (390). To determine the condi- tions of the stability of the whole buttress upon CD, let the heights of the points Q, a, and b above CD be represented by A,, A 2 and 7* 3 ; let DE=^, DY=a FC=a 3 , Cx=m 1 ; then adopting, in other respects, the same notations as in Arts. 299 and 300. Since the distances from x of the verticals through the centres of gravity of those portions of the buttress whose bases are DE, DF, and FC respectively, are (a^ + a^^a.m^ (0,-fi0 a _ m ^ and ( : ka s 'm 1 ) we have, by the equality of moments, P {AJ sin. a (I m,) cos. a} =(^ + ^4-^ m,) AAM- + (^-m 1 ) (392). This equation establishes a relation between the dimen- sions of the buttress and its stability, by which any one of those dimensions which enter into it may be so determined as to give to m t any required value, and to the structure any required degree of stability. (See APPENDIX.) It is evident that, with a view to the greatest economy of the material consistent with the given stability of the but- tress, the stability of the portion which rests upon the base be should equal that of the whole buttress upon CE ; the value of m^ in the preceding equation should therefore equal that of m in equation (390) If m be eliminated between these two equations, it being observed that h l and A 2 in equa> tion (390) are represented by A, A 3 and A 2 A 3 in equation (392), a relation will be established between a 1? # a 3 A 1? A,, A 8 , which relation is necessary to the greatest economy of THE STABILITY OF WALLS SUSTAINING KOOFS. 397 material ; and therefore to the greatest stability of the struc- ture with a given quantity of material. THE STABILITY OF WALLS SUSTAINING ROOFS. 302. Thrust upon the feet of the rafters of a roof, the tie- beam not being suspended from the, ridge. If f^ be taken to represent the weight of each square foot of the roofing, 2L the span, i the inclination BAG of the rafters to the horizon, q the distance between each two principal rafters, and a h 1 the inclination to the vertical of the resultant pressure P on the foot of each rafter ; then will L sec. i represent the length of each rafter, and f^L^ sec. i the weight of roofing borne by each rafter. Let the weights thus borne by each of the rafters AB and BC be imagined to be collected in two equal weights at its extremities ; the conditions of the equilibrium will remain unchanged, and there will be collected at B the weight supported by one rafter and represented by f^L^ sec. t, and at A and C weights, each of which is represented by -J^L^ sec. i. Now, if Q be taken to represent the thrust produced in the direction of the length of either of the rafters AB and BC, then (Art. 13.) ^Lq sec. * = 2Q cos. |ABC: but ABC^tf 2t; therefore cos. JABC = sin. *; therefore 2Q sin. i=p 1 ~Lo i sec. i ; . o- T . 8ec '* M^Lg f^Lg ' ""^V^! sin. L ~~ 2 sin. i cos. i ~~ sin. 2*' The pressures applied to the foot A of the rafter are the thrust Q and the weight -J^L^ sec. i ; and the required pres- sure P is the resultant of these two pressures. Resolving Q vertically and horizontally, we obtain Q sin. i and Q cos. , or ^^Lq sec. L and j^L^ cosec. i. The whole pressure applied vertically at A is therefore represented by p^Lq sec. t, and the whole horizontal pressure by ^^Lq cosec. i ; whence it follows (Art. 11.) that P = V' sec. 1 *+Jf* I 'L cosec. '<= i t/l+icot. 2 * ..... (393). 398 RAFTERS OF A ROOF. (394) " If the inclination i of the roof be made to vary, the span remaining the same, P will attain a minimum value when tan. i = -, or when 4/2 =35 16' ..... (395). It is therefore at this inclination of the roof of a given span, whose trusses are of the simple form shown in the figure, that the least pressure will be produced upon the feet of the rafters. If

)* ..... (396). 303. The thrust upon the feet of the rafters of a roof in which the tie-beam is suspended from the ridge l>y a king-post. It will be shown in a subsequent portion of this work (see equation 558) that, in this case, the strain upon the king-post BD is equal to fths of the weight of the tie-beam with its load. Represent- ing, therefore, the weight of each foot in the length of the tie-beam by f* a , and proceeding exactly as in the last article, we shall obtain for the pressure P upon the feet of the rafters, and its inclination to the vertical, the expressions + 5 M' 2 ) 2 cot. 2 ^^ ---- (397). ' . .(398). - * If the surfaces of contact be oak, and thin slips of oak plank be fixed under the feet of the rafters, so that the surfaces of contact may present par- allel fibres of the wood to one another (by which arrangement the friction will be greatly increased), tan. =-48 (see p. 133.); whence it follows that the rafters will not slip, provided that their inclination exceed cot." 1 -96, or 46 10'. WALL SUSTAINING THE THRUST OF A KOOF. 399 304. The stability of a wall sustaining the thrust of a roof, having no tie-beam. Let it be observed, that in the equation to the line of resistance of a wall (equation 377), the terms P sin. a and P cos. a represent the horizontal and vertical pressures on each foot of the length of the summit of the wall ; arid that the former of these pressures is represented in the case of a roof (Art. 302.) by i^L cosec. , and the latter by M-jL sec. i ; whence, substitu- ting these values in equation (377), we obtain for the equation to the line of resistance in a wall sustaining the pressure of a roof, without a tie-beam I I H*!/ _ in which expression a represents the thickness of the wall, k the distance of the feet of the rafters from the centre of the summit of the wall, L the span of the roof, ^ the weight of a cubic foot of the wall, and /*, the weight of each square foot of the roofing. The thickness a of the wall, so that, being of a given height A, it may sustain the thrust of a roof of given dimensions with any given degree of stability, may be determined precisely, as in Art. 293, by substituting h for x in the above equation, and \a m for y, and solving the resulting quadratic equation in respect to a. If, on the other hand, it be required to determine what must be the inclination i of the rafters of the roof, so that being of a given span L it may be supported with a given degree of stability by w^alls of a given height h and thick- ness a/ then the same substitutions being made as before, the resulting equation must be solved in respect to i instead of a. The value of a admits of a minimum in respect to the variable i. The value of t, which determines such a mini- mum value of a, is that inclination of the rafters which is 4:00 STABILITY OF A WALL. consistent with the greatest economy in the material of the wall, its stability being given. 305. The stability of a wall supported ~by buttresses, and sustaining the pressure of a roof without a tie-beam. The conditions of the stability of such a wall, when sup- ported by buttresses of uniform thickness, will evidently be determined, if in equation (388) we substitute for P cos. a and P sin. a their values f^L sec. i and -J^L consec. i ; we shall thus obtain cosec. i I sec. *)=Jf* (0 1 i A 1 +2a l o 8 M a?h^m n fsL sec. I+P (#A + - <*A f (400). From which equation the thickness a z of the buttresses necessary to give any required stability m to the wall may b# determined. If the thickness of the buttresses be different at different heights, and they be surmounted by pinnacles, the con- ditions of the stability are similarly determined by substi- tuting for P sin. a and P cos. a the same values in equations (390) and (392). To determine the conditions of the stability of a Gothic building, whose nave, having a roof without a tie-beam, is supported by the rafters of its two aisles, or by flying but- tresses, which rest upon the summits of the walls of its aisles, a similar substitution must be made in equation (383). If the walls of the aisles be supported by buttresses, equation (383) must be replaced by a similar relation obtained by the methods laid down in Arts. 299 and 301 ; the same substitution for P sin. a and P cos. a must then be made. 306. The conditions of the stability of a wall supporting a shed roof. Let AB represent one of the rafters of such a roof, one ex- STABILITY OF A WALL. 401 tremity A resting against the face of the wall of a building contiguous to the shed, and the other B upon the r summit of the wall of the shed. It is evident that when the wall BH is upon the point of being over- thrown, the extremity A will be upon the point of slipping on the face of the wall DC ; so that in this state of the stability of the wall BH, the direc- tion of the resistance K of the wall DC on the extremity A of the rafter, will be inclined to the perpendicular AE to its surface at.ani angle equal to the limiting angle of resistance. Moreover;, this direction of the resistance R which corresponds to the- state bordering upon motion is common to every other state ; for by the principle of least resistance (see Theory of the Arch) of all the pressures which might be supplied by the resistance of the wall so as to support the extremity of the rafter, its actual resistance is the least.. Now this least re- sistance is evidently that whose direction is most nearly ver- tical ; for the pressure upon the rafter is wholly a vertical pressure. But the surface of the wall supplies no resistance whose direction is inclined farther from the horizontal line AE than AR ; AR is therefore the direction of the resist- ance. Resolving R vertically and horizontally, it becomes R sin. 9 and R cos. 9. Representing the span BF by L v the incli- nation ABE by i, the distance of the rafters by , and the weight of each square foot of roofing by f\ (Art. 10.), R sin. 9 + P cos. a,=t*< l Lq sec. i and Reos. 9 P sin. a=0 ; also the perpendiculars let fall from A on P and upon the vertical through the centre of AB, are represented by L cos. (a, + i) sec. i and -JL ; therefore (Art. 7). PL cos. (a + *)sec. i=^L . L^ q sec. t, and hence P cos. (a + i)=^'L^ l q. Eliminating between these equa- tions, we obtain cot. a=tan. 9 + 2 tan. t (401); sin.(9 + 0' cos. t( tan. 9 + tan. i) 26 402 THE PLATE BANDE. If the rafter, instead of resting at A against the face of the wall, be received into an aperture, as shown in the figure, so that the resistance of the wall may be applied upon its inferior suface instead of at its extremity: then drawing AE per- pendicular to the surface of the rafter, the direction AR of the resistance is evi- dently inclined to that line at the given limiting angle 9. Its inclination to the hori- zon is therefore represented by -^ Substituting this angle for 9 in equations (401) and (402), cot. a=cot. (* 9) + 2 tan. i (403). ,2 sec. i cos. (i . (i 9)tan. i ' cos.t{cot.(t-9)+tan.i . Substituting in equations (3 77) and (379) for Psin. a, P cos. a, their values determined above, all the conditions of the sta- bility of a wall supporting such a roof will be determined. 307. THE PLATE BANDE OR STRAIGHT ARCH. Let MN represent any joint of the plate bande ABCD, whose points of support are A and B ; PA the direction of the resistance at A, WQ a vertical through the centre of gravity of AMND, TR the direction of the resultant pres- sure upon M.'N ; the directions of TR, WQ, and PA intersect, therefore, in the same point O. Let OAD= a , AM=aj, MR=y, AD=H, AB=2L, weight of cubic foot of material of apca==^,, Draw ~Rm a perpen- dicular upon PA produced; then by the principle of the equality of moments, Em . P=MQ . (weight of DM). THE PLATE BANDE. 403 But Rm = x cos. a y sin. a, MQ = -Ja?, weight of DM = Hf^ ; also resolving P vertically, PcoB.*=LHf* I (405). Whence we obtain, by substitution in the preceding equa- tion, and reduction, L(x y tan. a) =' (406), which is the equation to the line of resistance, showing it to be a parabola. If, in this equation, L be substituted for a?, and the corresponding value of y be represented by Y, there will be obtained the equation Y tan. a = |L, whence it appears that a is less as Y is greater ; but by equation (405), P is less as a is less. P, therefore, is less as Y is greater ; but Y can never exceed H, since the line of resistance can- not intersect the extrados. The least value of P, consistent with the stability of the plate bande, is therefore that by which Y is made equal to H, and the line of resistance made to touch the upper surface of the plate bande in F. Now this least value of P is, by the principle of least resistance (see Theory of the Arch\ the actual value of the resistance at A, /.tan.a^ijj (40Y). Eliminating a between equations (405) and (407), (408). Multiplying equations (405) and (407) together, P sin. a^-JLX (409). Now P sin. a represents the horizontal thrust on the point of support A. From this equation it appears, therefore, that the horizontal thrust upon the abutments of a straight arch is wholly independent of the depth H of the arch, and that it varies as the square of the length L of the arch ; so that the stability of the abutments of such an arch is not at all diminished, but, on the contrary, increased, by increasing the depth of the arch. This increase of the stability of the abutment being the necessary result of an increase of the vertical pressure on the points of support, accompanied by no increase of the horizontal thrust upon them. 404 THE PLATE BANDE. 308. The loaded plate lande. It is evident that the effect of a loading, distributed uniformly over the extrados of the plate bande, upon its stability, is in every respect the same as would be produced if the load were removed, and the weight of the material of the bande increased so as to leave the entire weight of the structure unchanged. Let ^ 3 represent the weight of each cubic foot when thus increased, M- 2 the weight of each cubic foot of the load, and H x the height of the load ; then H (410). The conditions of the stability of the loaded plate bande are determined by the substitution of this value of ^ for ^ 1 in the preceding article. 309. Conditions necessary that the voussoirs of a plate lande may not slip upon one another. It is evident that the inclination of every other resultant pressure to the perpendicular to the surface of its corres- ponding joint, is less than the inclination of the resultant pressure or resistance P, to the perpendicular to the joint AD. If, therefore, the inclination be not greater than this limiting an- gle of resistance, then will every other corresponding inclination be less than it, and no voussoir will therefore slip upon the sur- face of its adjacent voussoir. Now the tangent of the incli- nation P to the perpendicular to AD is represented by cot. a 2H or by -j- (equation 40 7) ; the required condition is therefore determined by the inequality, ?5 tan. a, or |^j (equation 407), represent the distance AG (p. 383), or the value of Ic \a). Substituting for k in equa- tion (377) and also the values of P sin. a, P cos. a, from equations (409) and (405), we have (412); which is the equation to the line of resistance of the pier, a representing its thickness, 5 the height of its summit above the springing A of the arch, L the length of the arch, f* the weight of a cubic foot of the material of the arch or abut- ment (supposed the same). The conditions of the stability may be determined from this equation as in the preceding articles. If the arch be uniformly loaded, the value of ^ 3 given by equation (410) must be substituted for f. 311. THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF A BUTTRESS WHOSE FACES ARE INCLINED AT ANY ANGLE TO THE VERTICAL. Let the width AB of the buttress at its summit be repre- 406 THE SLOPING BUTTRESS. sented by #, its width CD at the base by lj its vertical height AF by . * The centre of pressure of a rectangular plane surface sustaining the pressure of a fluid is situated at two thirds the depth of its immersion. Hydrostatics, p. 26. f The pressure of a heavy fluid on any plane surface is equal to the weight of a prism of the fluid whose base is equal in area to the surface pressed, and its height to the depth of the centre of gravity of the surface pressed. Hydrostatics, Art. 31. PRESSURE OF A FLUID. 411 M, Let =0; then, if the fluid be water, a represents the specific gravity of the material of the wall ; and if not, it represents the ratio of the specific gravities of the fluid and wall. (x-ef ._ - tan. a* K"ow making a a =0 in equation (414), and substituting a for a a and x for 8 tan. 2 a + aw* tan. a + # 2 # x tan. a + 2# %OjX + a? 2 tan. a Adding this equation to the preceding, o-(aj e) 3 -}-^x s tan.V + ^a? 2 tan. a+ofte which is the equation to the line of resistance to the wall, the conditions of whose stability may be determined from it as before (see Arts. 291. 293.). 31T. The conditions necessary iJiat no course of stones com- posing the wall may slip upon the subjacent course. This condition is satisfied when the inclination of SQ to the perpendicular to the surface of contact at Q is less than the limiting angle of resistance 9 ; that is, when QSM <tan. QSM, or >, or > or tan. 9 > I- ISTo course of stones will be made by the pressure of the fluid to slip upon the subjacent course so long as this condi- tion is satisfied. It is easily shown that the expression forming the second member of the above inequality increases continually with 4:12 THE NATURAL SLOPE OF EARTH. a?, so that the obliquity of the resultant pressure upon each course, and the probability of its being made to slip upon the next subjacent course, is greater in respect to the lower than the upper courses, increasing with the depth of each course beneath the surface of the fluid. EARTH WORKS. 318. The natural slope of earth. It has been explained (Art. 241.) that a mass, placed upon an inclined plane and acted upon by no other forces than its weight and the resistance of the plane, will just be supported when the inclination of the plane to the horizon equals the limiting angle of resistance between the surface of the plane and that of the mass which it supports ; so that the limiting angle of resistance between the surfaces of the component parts of any mass of earth might be determined by varying continually the slope of its surface until a slope or inclination was attained, at which particular slope small masses of the same earth would only just be supported on its surface, or would just be upon the point of slipping down it. Now this process of experiment is very exactly imitated in the case of embankments, cuttings, and other earth-works, by natural causes. If a slope of earth be artificially constructed at an inclination greater than the particular inclination here spoken of, although, at first, the cohesion of the material may so bind its parts together as to prevent them from slid- ing upon one another, and its surface from assuming its natural slope, yet by the operation of moisture, penetrating its mass and afterwards drying, or under the influence of frost, congealing, and in the act of congelation expanding itself, this cohesion of the particles of the mass is continually in the process of being destroyed ; and thus the particles, so long as the slope exceeds the limiting angle of resistance, are continually in the act of sliding down, until, when that angle is at length reached, this descent ceases (except in so far as the particles continue to be washed down by the rain), and the surface retains permanently its natural slope. The limiting angle of resistance 9 is thus'detennined by observing what is the natural slope of each description of earth. THE PRESSURE OF EARTH. 4:13 The following table contains the results of some such observations * : NATURAL SLOPES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF EARTH. Nature of Earth. Natural Slope. Authority. Fine dry sand (a single experiment) Ditto Ditto Common earth pulverised and dry - Common earth slightly damp - Earth the most dense and compact - Loose shingle perfectly dry 21 34 29' 39 46 50' 54 55 39 Gadroy. Ron dele t. Barlow. Rondelet. Rondelet. Barlow. Pasley. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF EARTH. Nature of Earth. Specific Gravity. I ,A 1 .( Marl 1-9 1*7 Rubble masonry of calcareous earth or siliceous stones Rubble masonry of granite ..... Rubble masonry of basaltic stones .... 1-7 to 2-3 2-3 2-5 319. THE PRESSURE OF EARTH. Let BD represent the surface of a wall sustaining the pressure of a mass of earth whose surface AE is horizontal. Let P represent the resultant of the pressures sustained by any portion AX of the wall ; a*nd let the cohesion of the particles of the earth to one another be neglected, as also their friction on the surface of the wall. It is evident that * It is taken from the treatise of M. Navier, entitled Resume (Fun Cours ck Construction, p. 160. \ 414 THE PRESSURE OF EARTH. any results deduced in respect to the dimensions of the wall, these ._.* elements of the calculation being .*; neglected, will be in excess^ and err on the safe side. ? Now the mass of earth which presses upon AX may yield in the direction of any oblique section XY, made from X to the surface AE of the mass. Suppose YX to be the particular direction in which it actually tends to yield ; so that if AX were removed, rupture would first take place along this section, and AXY be the portion of the mass which would first fall. Then is the weight of the mass AYX supported by the resistances of the different elements of the surface AX of the wall, whose resultant is P, and by the resistance of the surface XY on which it tends to slide. Suppose, now, that the mass is upon the point of sliding down the plane XY, the pressure P being that only which is just sufficient to support it ; the resultant SE of the resistances of the different points of XY is therefore inclined (Art. 241.) to the normal ST, at an angle RST equal to the limiting angle of resistance 9 between any two contiguous surfaces of the earth. Now the pressure P, the weight "W of the mass AXY, and the resistance E, being pressures in equilibrium, any two of them are to one another inversely as the sines of their incli- nations to the third (Art. 14.). **w sin. WSE : sin. PSE sin. WSE sin. PSE ' But WSE=WST-EST=AYX-EST=^-<-

, it will not be overthrown by the pressure of the earth on AX. Moreover, if it supply any less resistance, it will be overthrown ; there not being a sufficient resistance supplied by it to prevent the earth from slipping at that inclination i which corresponds to the maximum value of P. To determine the actual pressure of the earth on AX, we have then only to determine the maximum value of P in re- spect to i. This maximum value is that which satisfies the conditions dP But differentiating equation (422) in respect to t, we obtain by reduction , . U cos. i sin. (1+9) Let the numerator and denominator of the fraction in the * The existence of this maximum will subsequently be shown : it is, how- ever, sufficiently evident, that, as the angle i is greater, the wedge-shaped mass to be supported is heavier; for which cause, if it operated alone, P would be- come greater as L increased. But as i increases, the plane XY becomes less inclined; for which cause, if it operated alone, P would become less as L in creased. These two causes thus operating to counteract one another, deter- mine a certain inclination in respect to which their neutralising influence is the least, and P therefore the greatest. f Church's Diff. and Int. Cal., Art. 41. 416 REVETEMENTS. second member of this equation be represented respectively by p and q ; therefore -^r=i^ 1 ar' . -, i^-q ~~-/p\ ; but when =- =0, p=0 ; in this case, therefore, -=-5-= J(* a? 8 --^ . Whence w> cLi di it follows, by substitution, that for every value of i by which the first condition of a maximum is satisfied, the second dif- ferential co-efficient becomes Now it is evident from equation (423) that the condition -y-=0 is satisfied by that value of t which makes 2(*-j-(p)=: (il * 2, or <=H w And if this value be substituted for i in equation (424), it becomes J 9\ ./*

**. \ 4: 4'A .";?=g?.; ftv,ugjs^ go ijj^ ^g pressure of a mass o^ earth upon a revetement wall (equation 427), when its, sur- face is horizontal (and when its horizontal surface extends,, as shown in the figure, to the very surface' of the wall)^is identical with that of an imaginary fluid whose specific gra vity is such as to cause each culic foot of it to have a weight M-j, represented in pounds by the formula Substituting this value far ^ in equations (416) and (419), we determine therefore, at once, the lines of resistance in revetement walls of uniform and variable thickness, under the conditions supposed, to be respectively tan. a I -_ | J(x e) a -h-^'tan.V + aa? a tan.a -f cfx 11-=. & O/v/vj I /vj2 4-^.-n ..(430); where a represents the ratio of the specific gravity of the material of the wall to that of the earth. The conditions of the equilibrium of the revetement wall may be determined from the equation to its line of resistance, as explained in the case of the ordinary wall. 27 Hydrostatics, Art. 31. 418 REVETEMENTS. 321. The conditions necessary that a revetement wall may not le overthrown ~by the slipping of the stones of any course upon those of the subjacent course. These are evidently determined from the inequality (420) by substituting /* (equation 428) for ^ in that inequality ; we thus obtain, representing the limiting angle of resistance of the stones composing the wall by From which equation it is apparent, that the pressure of the earth is, in this case, identical with that of a fluid, of such a density that the weight j* a , of each cubic foot of it, is repre- sented by the formula 1 + sin. 9 v 1+cot. cot. /3 (435). The conditions of the equilibrium of a revetement wall sustaining the pressure of such a mass of earth are therefore determined by the same conditions as those of the river wall (Arts. 313 and 316). 323. THE RESISTANCE or EAKTH. Let the wall BDEF be supported by the resistance of a mass of earth upon its sur- face AD, a pressure P, ap- plied to its opposite face, tending to overthrow it. Let the surface AH of the earth be horizontal ; and let Q represent the pressure which, being applied to AX, would just be sufficient to cause the mass of earth in contact with that portion of the wall to yield ; the prism AXY slipping backwards upon the surface XY. Adopting the same notation as in Art. 319, and proceeding in the same manner, but observing that US is to be measured here on the opposite side of TS (Art. 241), since the mass of earth is supposed to be upon the point of slipping upwards instead of downwards, we shall obtain ^-l^aj 8 tan. i cot. (49) (436). 420 WALLS BACKED BY EARTH. Now it is evident that XY is that plane along which rup- ture may be made to take place by the least value of Q ; / in the above expression is therefore that angle which gives to that expression its minimum value. Hence, observing that equation (436) differs from equation (422) only in the sign of and assuming -^- = 0, we -obtain by reduction (tan. i + tan. a a ) cos. ( 9) -f cos. (t-f (p)sin. (*+/3)sec. a *=0; or, (tan. i + tan. a a ) (1 + tan. (3 tan. (p) -f- (1 tan. i tan. (p) (tan. i+ tan. /3)=0 ; .'. tan. 3 1 + 2 tan. i tan. /3 tan. (3 cot. 9 + (cot. 9 + tan. /3) tan. a a = 0. Solving this quadratic in respect to tan. , neglecting the negative root, since tan. i is essentially positive, and reducing, tan. i (tan. /3 tan. a,)*(tan. + cot. 9)* tan. /3 . . . (442.) Now the value of t determined by this equation, when substituted in the second differential coefficient of P in respect to , gives to that coefficient a negative value ; it therefore corresponds to a maximum value of P, which maximum determines (Art. 319.) the thrust of the earth upon the portion AX of the wall. To obtain this maximum value of P by substitution in equation (441), let it be observed that cos. (* + ( By a comparison of this equation with equation (427) it is apparent, that the pressure of a mass of earth upon a revetement wall, under the supposed conditions, is identical with that which it would produce if it were perfectly fluid, provided that the weight of each cubic foot of that fluid had a value represented by the coefficient of -Jar 2 in the above equation ; so that the conditions of the stability of such a revetement wall are identical (this value being supposed) with the conditions of the stability of a wall sustaining the pressure of a fluid, except that the pressure of the earth is not exerted upon the wall in a direction perpendicular to its surface, as that of a fluid is, but in a direction inclined to the perpendicular at a given angle, namely, the limiting angle of resistance. 328. THE PRESSURE OF EARTH WHICH SURMOUNTS A REVETE- MENT WALL AND SLOPES TO ITS SUMMIT. Hitherto we have supposed the surface of the earth whose ippose vated above the summit of the wall, and to descend to it by the natural slope ; the wall is then said to be surcharged, or to carry a parapet. Let EF represent the natural slope of the earth, FY its horizontal sur- face, BX any portion of the internal face or intrados of the wall, P the horizontal pressure just necessary REVETEMENTS. 425 f to support the mass of earth HXYF, whose weight is W, upon the inclined plane XY. Produce XB and YF to meet in A, and let AX^a?, AH=, AXY=u, ^= weight of each cubic foot of the earth, 9 the natural slope of its surface FE. Now it may be shown, precisely by the same reason- ing as before, that the actual pressure of the earth upon the portion BX of the wall is represented by that value of P which is a maximuni in respect to the variable i ; moreover, that the relation of P and i is expressed by the function P = W cot. 0+9); where W^f^area HXYF)=^(AXY |-c a cot. 9); /.P ^(a? 8 tan. i =a?z (a? tan. 9+c a cot. 9). Substituting these values in the preceding expression for P, and reducing, j (?" tan. 9 + c 2 cot. 9) sec. '9 P=i^i \ z ^n. 9 - - - - l - -+ ..... (445). dl* ( (a; 8 tan. 9 + c a cot. 9) sec. *9 ) a -p- - \ , ^_ dP dPdz , d*P rfTP/&\ rfP /JT> fore -j- = -=- sec. 3 i; and for all values of i less than -, sec. 2 i has a finite dt dz 2' value, so that -3- = when =0. QOM, or tan. 9j > tan. QOM, or tan. 9, > T^> ^tnr-^ov*; or substituting OS weight of BZ* for P its value (equation 448), and fx(2#a?-fa? 2 tan. a) for the weight of BZ, it appears that the proposed conditions are determined by the inequality tan. tan. a 330. of resistance in a revetement wall carrying a parapet. Let OT be taken to represent the pressure P, and OS the weight of BZ. Complete the parallelogram ST, and pro- duce its diagonal OR to Q ; then will Q be a point in the line of resistance. Let AX=#, QX=/, AB=5, AP=X, =X, W = weight of BZf. By similar triangles, r?= g ; but QM=(y-X), OM=aj-X, KS=P, OS= y-X P Wx+Paj-PX ~ Now the value of X is determined from equation (414), by * The influence, upon the equilibrium of the wall, of 'the small portion of earth BHE is neglected in this and the subsequent computation. f The influence of the weight of the small mass of earth BEH which rests on the summit of the wall is here again neglected. 428 REVETEMENTS. substituting in that equation (x 1) for c: whence we obtain, observing that tan. a a =0, and substituting a for a 1? . _i(# &) a tan. a a + #(#) tan. a (a? 5)tan.aH-2# Also W=JKa-5){(a-&)tan.a + 2a{ ..... (451); /. WX= Jf*( &) $(o? &) a tan. 2 a + a(aj 5) tan. a It remains, therefore, only to determine the value of the term P . X. Now it is evident (Art. 16.) that the product P . X is equal to the sum of the moments of the pressures upon the elementary surfaces which compose the whole sur- face BX. But the pressure upon any such elementary sur- face, whose distance from A is a?, is evidently represented by -J-AX* ; its moment is therefore represented by -r-ajAo?, and the sum of the moments of all such elementary pressures by 2 -ccAaj, or when AX is infinitely small, by / -T-xdx ; therefore P . X= / b b But differentiating equation (448), 2

ux dx 1*2 volving powers of A# above the first, pressure on element = -j-A*. THE ABOH. 429 dx~ )(a e) ; /. p $(R 8 -r a X0-0) sin. 6+ Y sin. d-X cos. d+P cos. A] = which is the general equation to the line of resistance. THE ANGLE OF RUPTURE. 337. At the points of rupture the line of resistance meets the intrados, so that there p=r : if then Y be the correspond- ing value of d, r $(R 2 r*)(v ) sin. Y + Y sin. Y X cos. Y + P cos. Y} =- 3 /)(cos. cos.)+Y# Xy + P^? (455). See Note 1 at end of PART IV. ED. 438 THE ANGLE OF KUPTUKE Also at the points of rupture the line of resistance toucJws the intrados, so that there -1=-^= 5 assuming then, tu OJO U/a simplify the results, that the pressure of the load is wholly in a vertical direction, so that X=0, and that it is collected /7~V over a single point of the extrados, so that =0, and dif- ferentiating equation (454), and assuming -^=0, when d=Y and p=r, we obtain r {i(K 2 -r 2 ) (v 0) cos. Y + (E a r a ) sin. Y + Y cos. Y P sin. ^J =4(K 3 -O sin. Y ; hence, assuming R^T 1 (1+a), (456). Eliminating (Y 0) between equations (455) and (456), we have (457). Eliminating P between equations (455) and (456), and reducing. sin. Y {(+'+$') cos. (Ja'+a) cos.Yj gin.Y ..... (458). * This equation might have been obtained by differentiating equation (454) 7T> in respect to P and 6, and assuming - = when r and are substituted for p and 0; for if that equation be represented by w 0, u being a function of is therefore obtained, whether we assume- = 0, or- =0, which last supposi- dv da tion is that made in equation (456), whence equation (458) has resulted. The IN THE AKCH. 439 Let (1+X) cos. . value of , T ; therefore -= Substituting this cos. jl-(l+X) cos. cos. }(-- -1 =(ia a + a) . cos.)sin.Y I by which equation the angle of rupture Y is determined. If the arch be a continuous segment the joint AD is ver- tically above the centre, and CD coinciding with CE, =0; if it be a broken segment, as in the Gothic arch, has a given value determined by the character of the arch. In the pure or equilateral Gothic arch, = 30. Assuming 0=0, and reducing, (460.) It may easily be shown that as Y increases in this equa- tion, Y increases, and conversely ; so that as the load is increased, the points of rupture descend. When Y=0, or there is no load upon the extrados, ..... (461). 7T> hypotheses -=0, p = r, determine the minimum of the pressures P, which do being applied to a given point of the key-stone will prevent the semi-arch from turning on any of the successive joints of its voussoirs. 440 THE LINE OF RESISTANCE. When 05=0, or the load is placed on the crown of the arch, Y/ 1 2 \^-a -f ? r ~" Y l ' x "When - / ( tan. -^ cot. \ Y I = 0,-^- becomes infinite ; an infinite load is therefore required to give that value to the angle of rupture which is determined by this equation. Y Solved in respect to tan. , it gives, 2 tan 2 . . (463). No loading placed upon the arch can cause the angle of rup- ture to exceed that determined by this equation. THE LINE OF RESISTANCE IN A CIRCULAR ARCH WHOSE VOUSSOIRS ARE EQUAL, AND WHOSE LOAD IS DISTRIBUTED OVER DIFFERENT POINTS OF ITS EXTRADOS. 338. Let it be supposed that the pressure of the load is wholly vertical, and such that any portion FT of the extrados sustains the weight of a mass GFTY imme- diately superincumbent to it, and bounded by the straight line GY inclined to the horizon at the an- gle t; let, moreover, the weight of each cubical unit of the load be equal to that of the same unit of the material of the arch, multiplied by the constant factor ^ ; then, re- presenting AD by K/3, ACF by @, ACT by 0, and DZ by z, we have, area GFTY = /w. e dz: SEGMENTAL ARCH. 441 but TY= MZ-(MT+ YZ), and MZ = CD = E-hE/3, MT= E cos. 0, YZ = DZ tan. * = E sin. 6 tan. t. Therefore MT+ YZ E cos. 0+E sin. 6 tan. i = E {cos. 6 cos. *+sin. sin. 1} sec. t = E cos. (0i) sec. * ; /. TY= E{1 + /3-cos. (0-*) sec. 1} ; also, s=DZ=E sin. 0; .-. areaGFTY=y*TY . ^de=wJ*{l+(3- e cos. (0*) sec. *} cos. 0d0 ; e .-. Y=weight of mass GFTY=f*E a C{1 +/3 see.* cos.(0)f e cos. 0^0 = fxE 3 1 (1 +)8) (sin. sin. 0) i sec. * {sin. (2 Bi) sin.(20-t)} J(0-0) ... (464).* e = moment of GFTY= ^E 3 /* {(1 +13) sec. t cos. (0 sin. cos. 0^0=fxE 3 {i(l+/3)(cos. 3 0-cos. 2 0) J(cos. '0 cos. '0)- 1 tan. i (sin. 8 sin. 8 0) . . . 465).* A SEGMENTAL ARCH WHOSE EXTRADOS IS HORIZONTAL. -v a 339. As the simplest case, let us first 1 i || 1 1^| | ' i-H suppose DY horizontal, the material of '"' 'i ! I 'J^TfTTl A the loading similar to that of the arch, and the crown of the arch at A, so that i=0, f*=l, and 0=0. Substi- tuting the values of Y and Ya? (equa- tions 464, 465) which result from these suppositions, in equation (455), solving that equation in respect to _, and re- ducing, we have, = r. * See Note 2, at end of PART IY. ED. 442 THE GOTHIC A ECU. Assuming -= =0 (see note, page 438.), and X = a , and reducing, 1(1 -2a) cos. 3 T _ {(l_ a l + /3 + l+ a i_2 a cos. COS. In the case in which the line of resistance passes through the bottom of the key-stone, so that X 0, equation (466) becomes (l + cos. Y) cos. T ^Ycot. JY+J=0 ____ (468); whence assuming _4_ 0, we have Sill, i -a COS. =0. . . .(469.) GOTHIC AECH, THE EXTRADOS OF EACH SEMI-ARCH BEING- A STRAIGHT LINE INCLINED AT ANY GIVEN ANGLE TO THE HORIZON, AND THE MATERIAL OF THE LOADING DIFFERENT FROM THAT OF THE ARCH. 340. Proceeding in respect to this general case of the stability of the circular arch, by precisely the same steps as in the preceding simpler case, we obtain from equation (455), |cos.i--(l-|-A)co8.e} ...(470) THE GOTHIC ARCH. 44:3 in which equation the values of Y and Ya? are those deter- mined by substituting Y for 6 in equations (464) and (465). Differentiating it in respect to Y, assuming-^- =0 (note, p. 438.), and X a , we obtain '-ia 3 K) cos. sin. T_( a 2 + a ) sin. Y cos. * -(l+a) COS. COS. {(* 0) Y ~Yx }1 (1 + a) cos. ^ cos. }-^ + a sin. ^ + {cos. Y . j 1 d(Yx) sin. Y solving that equation in respect to and making =1+X, we have a_|_vers. * If, instead of supposing the pressure of the water to be borne by the extrados, we suppose it to take effect upon the intrados, tending to blow up the arch, and if /3 represent the __^^_ __ height of the water above the crown of the intrados, we shall obtain precisely the same expressions for X and Y as M before, except that r must be substituted m for (1 + aV, and X and Y must be taken Y X negatively ; in this case, therefore, -5- sin. Y ,- cos. = f*}(l + /3) vers. |T sin. Y} ; whence, by substitution in equation (455), and reduction, P (-ia' + a-f-^Ysin.Y j a _f- a 3 -f i a s -f fA(l_f-/3)}vers.Y , > . (4:70) Now by note, page 438, -^ =0 ; differentiating equa- tions (475) and (476), therefore, and reducing, we have, tan. Xcot.^ vers. Y+Ax=0 ..... (477); which equation applies to both the cases of the pressure of a fluid upon an arch with equal voussoirs ; that in which its pressure is borne by the extrados, and that in which it is borne by the intrados ; the constant A representing in the , ,., first case the quantity --- 1 3 ~7 v~7T~7 \* j an d in the 20. +a tjf^l-l-a) K + X + KH-/ 3 ) .1 r second case --* . If the line of resistance Ja +-f"t* pass through the summit of the key-stone, X must be taken =a, 446 EQUILIBRIUM OF AN ARCH. If it pass along the inferior edge of the key-stone, Y > ^=0. In this second case, tan. {Y sin. "} 0, therefore, 1=0; so that the point of rupture is at the crown of the arch. For this value of Y equations (475) and (476) become vanishing fractions, whose values are determined by known methods of the differential calculus to be, when the pressure is on the extrados, <*)'.... (4T8); when the pressure is on the intrados, =-f,'-ft ..... (479). It is evident that the line of resistance thus passes through the inferior edge of the key-stone, in that state of its equili- brium which precedes its rupture, by the ascent of its crown. The corresponding equation to the line of resistance is deter- , P mined by substituting the above values of in equation (454). In the case in which the pressure of the water is sustained by the intrados, we thus obtain, observing that X X sinJ -- 3 cos. &= (*|(1 +/3) vers. 6^6 sin. dj; _ a a + 2 a -/fy-( a 8 + a a + a )cos. 6 =r2 ----^ - '- * ' * ( '* If for any value of 6 in this equation, less than the angle of the semi-arch, the corresponding value of p exceed (l+ay, the line of resistance will intersect the extrados, c the arch will blow up. THE EQUILIBRIUM OF AN ARCH, THE CONTACT OF WHOSE VOUSSOIRS IS GEOMETRICALLY ACCURATE. 342. The equations (459) and (456) completely determine EQUILIBRIUM OF AN ARCH. 447 N| the value of P, subject to the first of the two conditions stated in Art. 333., viz. that the line of re- sistance passing through a given point in the key-stone, determined by a given value of \ shall have a point of geometrical contact with the intrados. It remains now to determine it subject to the second condition, viz. that its point of ap- plication P on the key-stone shall be such as to give it the least va- lue which it can receive subject to the first condition. It is evident that, subject to this first condition, every different value of X will give a different value of "V ; and that of these values of "Y that which gives the least value of P, and which corres- ponds to a positive value of X not greater than a, will be the true angle of rupture, on the hypothesis of a mathematical adjustment of the surfaces of the voussoirs to one another. To determine this minimum value of P, in respect to the va- riation of Y dependent on the variation of X or of p, let it be observed that X does not enter into equation (456) ; let that equation, therefore, be differentiated in respect to P and Y, and let -=- be assumed =0, and Y constant, we shall thence du * obtain the equation sec. * = whence, observing that sec. we obtain by elimination in equation (456) 4T sin. 2Y 2Y= : 20 (482), from which equation Y may be determined. Also by equa- tion (481) 448 APPLICATIONS OF THE THEORY OF THE ARCH. ---- (483); and by eliminating sec. Y between equations (457) and (481), and reducing, cos. e= ) |/ a ( a +2) { Yi ) .--prl >. . . (484). The value of X given b y this equation determines the actual direction of the line of resistance through the key-stone, on the hypothesis made, only in the case in which it is a positive quantity, and not greater than a ; if it be negative, the line of resistance passes through the bottom of the key-stone, or if it be greater than a, it passes through the top. Such a mathematical adjustment of the surfaces of contact of the voussoirs as is supposed in this article is, in fact, sup- plied by the cement of an arch. It may therefore be con- sidered to involve the theory of the cemented arch, the influ- ence on the conditions of its stability of the adhesion of its voussoirs to one another being neglected. In this settlement, an arch is liable to disruption in some of those directions in which this adhesion might be necessary to its stability. That old principle, then, which assigns to it such proportions as would cause it to stand firmly did no such adhesion exist, will always retain its authority with the judicious engineer. APPLICATIONS OF THE THEORY OF THE ARCH. 343. It will be observed that equation (459) or (472) determines the angle "f of rupture in terms of the load Y, and the horizontal distance x of its centre of gravity from the centre C of the arch, its radius r, and the depth &r of its voussoirs ; moreover, that this determination is wholly inde- pendent of the angle of the arch, and is the same whether its arc be the half or the third of a circle ; also, that if the angle of the semi-arch be less than that given by the above equation as the value of Y, there are no points of rupture, such as they have been defined, the line of resistance passing through the springing of the arch and cutting the iiitradoa there. THEORY OF THE ARCH. 449 The value of Y being known from this equation, P is determined from equation (456), and this value of P being substituted in equation (454), tne line of resistance is com- pletely determined ; and assigning to d the value ACB (p. 437.), the corresponding value of p gives us the position of the point Q, where the line of resistance intersects the lowest voussoir of the arch, or the summit of the pier. Moreover, P is evidently equal to the horizontal thrust on the top of the pier, and the vertical pressure upon it is the weight of the arch and load: thus all the elements are known, which determine the conditions of the stability of a pier or buttress (Arts. 293. and 312.) of given dimensions sustaining the proposed arch and its loading. Every element of the theory of the arch and its abutments. is involved, ultimately, in the solution in respect to- V of equation (459) or equation (472). Unfortunately this solu- tion presents great analytical difficulties.. In the- failure of any direct means of solution, there are, however, various methods by which the numerical 1 relation of Y and Y may be arrived at indirectly. Among thei% one of the simplest is this : Let it be observed that that equation is readily soluble in respect to Y ; instead, then, of determining the value of Y for an assumed value of Y, determine conversely the value of Y for a series of assumed values of Y. Knowing the dis- tribution of the load Y, the values of as will be known in respect to these values of Y, and thus the values of Y may be numerically determined, and may be tabulated. From such tables may be found, by inspection, values of Y corres- ponding to given values of i . The values of Y, P, and r are completely determined by equations (482, 483, 484), and all the circumstances of the equilibrium of the circular arch are thence known, on the hypothesis, there made, of a true mathematical adjustment of the surfaces of the voussoirs to one another ; and although this adjustment can have no existence in practice when, the voussoirs are put together without cement, yet may it obtain in the cemented arch. The cement, by reason of its yielding qualities when fresh, is made to enter into so intimate a contact with the surfaces of the stones between which it is interposed that it takes, when dry, in respect to each joint (abstraction being made of its adhesive proper- ties), the character of an exceedingly thin voussoir, having its surfaces mathematically adjusted to those of the adjacent v^ussoirs ; so that if we imagine, not the adhesive properties 29 450 APPLICATIONS OF THE of the cement of an arch, but only those which tend to tho more uniform diffusion of the pressures through its mass, to enter into the conditions of its equilibrium, these equations embrace the entire theory of the cemented arch. The hypo- thesis here made probably includes all that can be relied upon in the properties of cement as applied to large struc- tures. An arch may FALL either by the sinking or the rising of its crown. In the former case, the line of resistance passing through the top of the key-stone is made to cut the extrados beneath the points of rupture ; in the latter, passing through the bottom of the key-stone, it is made to cut the extrados between the points of rupture and the crown. In the first case the values of X, Y, and P, being deter- mined as before and substituted in equation (454), and p being assumed = (!+)?, the value of d, which corresponds to p=(l-f-a)r, will indicate the point at which the line of resistance cuts the extrados. If this value of d be less than the angle of the semi-arch, the intersection of the line of resistance with the extrados will take place above the springing, and the arch will fall. In the second case, in which the crown ascends, let the maximum value of p be determined from equation (454), p being assumed =r ; if this value of p be greater than R, and the corresponding value of & less than the angle of rupture, the line of resistance will cut the extrados, the arch will open at the intrados, and it will fall by the descent of the crown. If the load be collected over a single point of the arch, the intersection of the line of resistance with the extrados will take place between this point and the crown ; it is that portion only of the line of resistance which lies between these points which enters therefore into the discussion. Now if we refer to Art. 336., it will be apparent that in respect to this portion of the line, the values of X and Y in equations (453) and (454) are to be neglected ; the only influence of these quantities being found in the value of P. THEOKY OF THE ARCH. 451 Example 1. Let a circular arch of equal voussoirs have the depth of each voussoir equal to I T Vth the diameter of its intrados, so r that a=*2, and let the load rest upon _^ it by three points A, B, D of its J A extrados, of which A is at the crown and B D are each distant from it 45 ; and let it be so distributed that -fths of it may rest upon each of the points B and D, and the remaining J upon A ; or let it be so distributed within 60 on either side of the crown as to produce the same effect as though it rested upon these points. Then assigning one half of the load upon the crown to each semi-arch, and calling x the horizontal distance of the centre of gravity of the load upon either semi-arch from C, it may easily be calculated that - = sin. 45 = 5303301. Hence it appears from equation (463) that no loading can cause the angle of rupture to exceed 65. Assume it to equal 60; the amount of the load necessary to produce this angle of rupture, when distributed as above, will then be determined by assuming in equation (460), ^=60, and substituting a for X, -2 for a, and -5303301 for?. Y Y "We thus obtain -^=-0138. Substituting this value of -,, and also the given values of a and T in equation (457), and observing that in this equation - is to be taken =1+ a and r P P 0=0, we find -5 = -11832. Substituting this value of in the equation (454), we have for the final equation to the line of resistance beneath the point B 2426 vers.^H- -1493 0138 sin. & + -1183 cos. & + -22 & sin. 0* 452 APPLICATIONS OF THE If the arc of the -arch be a com- plete semicircle, the value of p in this equation corresponding to d = - will a determine the point Q, where the line of resistance intersects the abut- ment; this value is p=~L'Q9r. If the arc of the arch be the third o of a circle, the value of p at the abutment is that corresponding to & = - ; this will be found to be r, as o it manifestly ought to be, since the points of rupture are in this case at the springing. In the first case the volume of the semi-arch and load is represented by the formula 1 , ' l^[ /I !/ I / 1 ;1 i / 1 J- /I r 1 1 ! 1 and in the second case by Thus, supposing the pier to be of the same material as the arch, the volume of its material, which would have a weight equal to the vertical pressure upon its summit, would in the first case be *3594r 2 , and in the second case -2442^ 2 , whilst the horizontal pressures P would in both cases be the same, viz. -11832?' 2 ; substituting these values of the vertical and horizontal pressures on the summit of the pier, in equation (377), and for Ic writing -J- a (p r\ we have in the first case n [ _ _ -3594(0 and in the second case, H= -2442 ar* THEORY OF THE AECH. 453 where H is the greatest height to which a pier, whose width is a, can be built so as to support the arch. If \tf -11832^=0, or =-4864r, then in either case the pier may be built to any height whatever, without being overthrown. In this case the breadth of the pier will be nearly equal to Jth of the span. The height of the pier being given (as is commonly the case), its breadth, so that the arch may just stand firmly upon it, may readily be determined. As an example, let us suppose the height of the pier to equal the radius of the arch. Solving the above equations in respect to a, we shall then obtain in the first case en = 'SOTS/ 1 , and in the second a='3r. If the span of each arch be the same, and r l and r 2 repre- sent their radii respectively, then r l =r 9 sin. 60* ; supposing then the height of the pier in the second arch to be the same as that in the first, viz. r^ then in the second equation we must write for H, r^ sin. 60. We shall thus obtain for a the value "28/v The piers shown by the dark lines in the preceding figures are of such dimensions as just to be sufficient to sustain the arches which rest upon them, and their loads, both being of a height equal to the radius of the semicircular arch. It will be observed, that in both cases the load Y='0138r 2 , being that which corresponds to the supposed angle of rupture 60, is exceedingly small. Example 2. Let us next take the example of a Gothic arch, and let us suppose, as in the last examples, that the angle of rupture is 60, and that a='2; but let the load in this case be imagined to be collected wholly over the crown of the arch, so that - = sin. 30. Substituting in equa- tion (459), 30 for 0, and 60 for T, and -2 for a, and sin. 30 for -, we shall obtain the value *21015 for - ; whence bv T r* ' J p equation (457)-^- = -2405, and this value being substituted, 454 APPLICATIONS OF THE equation (454) gives 1*1457' foi the value of p when = _. "We 2 have thus all the data for deter- mining the width of a pier of given height which will just support the arch. Let the height of the pier be supposed, as before, to equal the radius of the intrados ; then, since the weight of the semi-arch and its load is 5556r 2 , and the horizon- tal thrust -24057 12 , the width a of the pier is found by equation (379) to be 4195r. The preceding figure represents this arch ; the square, formed by dotted lines over the crown, shows the dimensions of the load of the same materials as the arch which will cause the angle of the rupture to become 60 ; the piers are of the required width ^l&S/ 1 , such that when their height is equal to AB, as shown in the figure, and the arch bears this insist- ent pressure, they may be on the point of overturning. TABLES OF THE THRUST OF ARCHES. 344. It is not possible, within the limits necessarily assigned to a work like this, to enter further upon the dis- cussion of those questions whose solution is involved in the equations which have been given ; these can, after all, be- come accessible to the general reader, only when tables shall be formed from them. Such tables have been calculated with great accuracy by M. Garidel in respect to that case of a segmental arch* whose loading is of the same material as the voussoirs, and the ex- trados of each semi-arch a straight line inclined at any given angle to the horizon. These tables are printed in the Ap- pendix (Tables 2, 3). * The term segmental arch is used, here and elsewhere, to distinguish that form^of the circular arch in which the intrados is a contiguous segment from that in which it is composed of two segments struck from different centres, aa in the Gothic arch. THEORY OF THE ARCH. 455 Adopting the theory of Coulomb*, M. Garidel has arrived at an equationf which becomes identical with equation (472) in respect to that particular case of the more general condi- tions embraced by that equation, in which ^=1 and 0=0. By an ingenious method of approximation, for the details of which the reader is referred to his work, M. Garidel has determined the values of the angle of rupture Y, and the p quantity , in respect to a series of different values of a and (3. The results are contained in the tables which will be found at the end of this volume. p The value of -^ being known from the tables, and the values of Y and Ya? from eouations (464), (465), the line of resistance is determined by the substitution of these values in equation (454). The line of resistance determines the point of intersection of the resultant pressure with the sum- mit of pier ; the vertical and horizontal components of this resultant pressure are moreover known, the former being the weight of the semi-arch, and the other the horizontal thrust on the key. All the elements necessary to the determina- tion of the stability of the piers (Arts. 289 and 312) are therefore known. It will be observed that the amount of the horizontal thrust for each foot of the width of the soffit is determined p by multiplying the value of a , shown by the tables, by the square of the radius of the intrados in feet, and by the weight of a cubic foot of the material * See Mr. Hann's Theory of Bridges, Art. 16. ; also p. 24. of the Memoir on the Arch by the author of this work, contained in the same volume, f Tables des Poussees des Voutes, p. 44. Paris, 1837. Bachelier. 456 NOTES TO PAET IV. NOTE 1. PART IY. The length of an elementary arc ds of the intrados AS subtending the angle dd is expressed by rdd ; an elementary volume of the arch will therefore be expressed by rdftdr ; the perpendicular distance of the centre of gravity of this volume from the vertical line CE is r sin. ; the moment of this volume, with regard to CE, is therefore rdddr^r sin.0=rVr sin. 6d6; then from (Art. 31.) equation (20) there obtains R Wi=fr*drjlm. Odd. NOTE 2. PART IV. General integrals of equations 464, 465. ^Phe general integral, (equation 464) y{l-|__co8. (0-fr) sec. i } cos. 6dd=f(l+(3) cos. 6dff /sec. i (cos. cos. i+sin. 6 sin. i) cos. W0= /(l-f-0) cos. Odd j sec. i cos. i cos. 2 0oR9 / see. i sin. i sin. 6 cos. 0d0. But^y (l-f-/3) cos. 0o?0=(l-f-/?) sin. 0; /sec. t cos. t cos. *6dd= . t cos. i^y (- | OS 2 )c?0=sec. t cos.t(-0-f- sin. 20); /sec. t sin t /j j -sin. 20cf(20) = sec. i sin. t cos. 20; 4 4 ,-.J | 1+/3-COS. (0-t) sec. i j-cos. 0c?0=(l-j-/?) sin. 0-i sec. z (sin. 20 cos. t sin.t cos. 20)-^0=:(l+)8) sin. 0-^sec. tsin. (20- 4 )-^ The general integral, / {(1 -}-/?) sec. t cos. (0 t)} sin. cos. 0 / > Jl-f /3-cos. } sin. 0d0. e T V. THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. ELASTICITY. 345. From numerous experiments which have been made upon the elongation, flexure, and torsion of solid bodies under the action of given pressures, it appears that the displacement of their particles is subject to the following laws. 1st. That when this displacement does not extend beyond a certain distance, each particle tends to return to the place which it before occupied in the mass, with a force exactly proportional to the distance through which it has been displaced. 2dly. That if this displacement be carried beyond a certain distance, the particle remains passively in the new position which it has been made to take up, or passes finally into some other position different from that from which it was originally moved. The effect of the first of these laws, when exhibited in the joint tendency of the particles which compose any finite mass to return to any position in respect to the rest of the mass, or in respect to one another, from which they have been displaced, is called elasticity. There is every reason to believe that it exists in all bodies within the limits, more or less extensive, which are imposed by the second law stated above. The force with which each separate particle of a body tends to return to the position from which it has been displaced varying as the displacement, it follows that the force with which any aggregation of such particles, consti- tuting a finite portion of the body, when extended or compressed within the limits of elasticity, tends to recover its form, that is the force necessary to keep it extended or ELONGATION. 459 compressed, is proportional to the amount of the extension or compression ; so that each equal increment of the extend- ing or compressing force produces an equal increment of its extension or compression. This law, which constitutes perfect elasticity, and which obtains in respect to fluid and gaseous bodies as well as solids, appears first to have been established by the direct experiments of S. Gravesande on the elongation of thin wires.* It is, however, by its influence on the conditions of deflexion and torsion that it is most easily recognized as characterizing the elasticity of matter, under all its solid forms, f within certain limits of the displacement of its particles or elements, called its elastic limits. ELONGATION. 346. To determine tTie elongation or compression of a bar of a given section under a given strain. Let K be taken to represent the section of the bar in square inches, L its length in feet, I its elongation or com- pression in feet under a strain of P pounds, and E the strain or thrust in pounds which would be required to extend a bar of the same material to double its length, or to compress * For a description of the apparatus of S. Gravesande, see Illustrations of Mechanics, by the Author of this work, 2d edition, p. 30. In one of his experiments, Mr. Barlow subjected a bar of wrought iron, one square inch in section, to strains increasing successively from four to nine tons, and found the elongations corresponding to the successive additional strains, each of one ton, to be, in millionths of the whole length of the bar, 120, 110, 120, 120, 120. In a second experiment, made with a bar two square inches in section, under strains increasing from 10 tons to 30 tons, he found the additional elongations, produced by successive additional strains, each of two tons, to be, in millionths of the whole length, 110, 110, 110, 110, 100, 100, 100, 100, 95, 90. From an extensive series of similar results, obtained from iron of different qualities, he deduced the conclusion that a bar of iron of mean quality might be assumed to elongate by 100 millionth parts, or the 10,000th part, of its whole length, under every additional ton strain per square inch of its section. (Report to Directors of London and Birmingham Railway. Fellowes, 1835.) The French engineers of the Pont des Invalides assigned 82 millionth parts to this elongation, their experiments having probably been made upon iron of inferior quality. M. Vicat has assigned 91 millionth parts to the elongation of cables of iron wire (No. 18.) under the same circumstances, MM. Minard and Desormes, 1,176 millionth parts to the elongation of bars of oak. (lllust. Mech., p. 393.) f The experiments of Prof. Robison on torsion show the existence of this property in substances where it might little be expected; in pipe-clay, for instance. 460 THE WOEK EXPENDED ON ELONGATION. it to one half its length, if the elastic limit of the material were such as to allow it to be so far elongated or compressed. the law of elasticity remaining the same.* Now, suppose the bar, whose section is K square inches, to be made up of others of the same length L, each one inch in section ; these will evidently be K in number, and th'3 p strain or the thrust upon each will be represented by ^. Moreover, each bar will be elongated or compressed, by this strain or thrust, by I feet ; so that each foot of the length of it (being elongated or compressed by the same quantity as each other foot of its length) will be elongated or compressed by a quantity represented, in feet, by y. But to elongate or compress a foot of the length of one of these bars, by one foot, requires (by supposition) E pounds strain or thrust ; to elongate or compress it by - feet requires, therefore, j pounds. But the strain or thrust which actually produces P P I this elongation is =^ pounds. Therefore,^ = E^-. PT 347. To find the number of units of work expended upon the elongation ly a given quantity (I) of a bar whose section is K and its length L. If x represent any elongation of the bar (x being a part of l\ then is the strain P corresponding to that elongation KE represented (equation 485) by -y-#; therefore the work done in elongating the bar through the small additional KE space A#, is represented by -y-a?A# (considering the strain to remain the same through the small space Aa?) ; and the * The value of E in respect to any material is called the modulus of its elas- ticity. The value of the moduli of elasticity of the principal materials of con- struction have been determined by experiment, and will be found in a table at the end of the volume. THE WORK EXPENDED ON ELONGATION. 461 whole work U done is, on this supposition, represented by -= 2&A&, or (supposing A#J to be infinitely small) by KE / . KE 7 , -f-J d% or by ITT^ (486). TTT? 348. By equation (485) P=-pZ, therefore U = whence it follows that the work of elongating the bar is one half that which would have been required to elongate it by the same quantity, if the resistance opposed to its elongation had been, throughout, the same as its e'xtreme elongation I. If, therefore, the whole strain P corresponding to the elongation I had been put on at once, then, when the elonga- tion I had been attained, twice as much work would have been done upon the bar as had been expended upon its elasticity. This work would therefore have been accumu- lated in the bar, and in the body producing the strain under which it yields ; and if both had been free to move on (as, for instance, when the strain of the bar is produced by a weight suspended freely from its extremity), then would this accumulated work have been just sufficient yet further to elongate the bar by the same distance Z,* which whole elongation of 2Z coulcl not have remained; because the strain upon the bar is only that necessary to keep it elongated by I. The extremity of the bar would therefore, under these circumstances, have oscillated on either side of that point which corresponds to the elongation I. * The mechanical principle involved in this result has numerous applica- tions ; one of these is to the effect of a sudden variation of the pressure on a mercurial column. The pressure of such a column varying directly with its elevation or depression, follows the same law as the elasticity of a bar; whence it follows that if any pressure be thrown at once or instantaneously upon the surface of the mercury, the variation of the height of the column will be twice that which it would receive from an equal pressure gradually accumulated. Some singular errors appear to have resulted from a neglect of this principle in the discussion of experiments upon the pressure of steam, made with the mercurial column. No such pressure can of course be made to operate, in the mathematical sense of the term, instantaneously ; and the term gradually has a relative meaning. All that is meant is, that a certain relation must obtain between the rate of the increase of the pressure and the amplitude of the motion, so that when the pressure no longer increases the motion may cease. 462 RESILIENCE AND FRAGLITY. 349. Eliminating I between equations (485) and (486), we obtain U=ig (487); whence it appears that the work expended upon the elonga- tion of a bar under any strain varies directly as the square of the strain and the length of the bar, and inversely as the area of its section.* THE MODULI OF RESILIENCE AND FRAGILITY. (7 v a y 1 KL (equation 486), it is evident that the different amounts of work which must be done upon different bars of the same material to elongate them by equal fractional parts I y), are to one another as the product KL. Let now two such bars be supposed to have sustained that fractional elongation which corresponds to their elastic limit; let U represent the work which must have been done upon the one to bring it to this elongation, and M a that upon the other : and let the section of the latter bar be one square inch and its length one foot ; then evidently U e =M,KL ..... (488). M is in this case called the modulus of longitudinal resili- ence.^ It is evidently a measure of that resistance which the material of the bar opposes to a strain in the nature of an impact, tending to elongate it beyond its elastic limits. If M/be taken to represent the work which must be simi- larly done upon a bar one foot long and one square inch, in section to produce fracture, it will be a measure of that resistance which the bar opposes to fracture under the like circumstances, and which resistance is opposed to its fra- * From this formula may be determined the amount of work expended pre- judicially upon the elasticity of rods used for transmitting work in machinery, under a reciprocating motion pump rods, for instance. A midden effort of the pressure transmitted in the nature of an impact may make the loss of work double that represented by the formula ; the one limit being the minimum, and the other the maximum, of the possible loss. f The term "modulus of resilience" appears first to have been used by Mr. Tredgold in his work on " the Strength of Cast Iron," Art. 304. A BAR SUSPENDED VERTICALLY. 4:63 gility ; it may therefore be distinguished from the last men- tioned as the modulus of fragility. If TJ/ represent, the work which must be done upon a bar whose section is K square inches and its length L fee* to produce fracture; then, as before, U / =M / KL ..... (489). If P e and P/ represent respectively the strains which would elongate a bar, whose length is L feet and section^ K inches, to its elastic limits and to rupture ; then, equation (487), " M<=1 Similarly M r =i ..... (490). These equations serve to determine the values of the moduli M e and M/by experiment.* 351. The elongation of a lor suspended^ vertically, and sus- taining a given strain in the direction of its length, the influence of its own weight being taken into the account. Let x represent any length of the bar before its elonga- tion, &x an element of that length, L the whole length of the bar before elongation, w the weight of each foot of its length, and K its section. Also let the length x have become a? x when the bar is elongated, under the strain P and its own weight. The length of the bar, below the point whose dis- tance from the point of suspension was x before the elonga- tion, having then been L a?, and the weight of that portion of the bar remaining unchanged by its elongation, it is still represented by (L a?) w. Now this weight, increased by P, constitutes the strain upon the element AOJ; its elongation under this strain is therefore represented (equation 485) by -rr-n A #> and the length ^x l of the element when thus * The experiments required to this determination, in respect to the princi- pal materials of construction, have been made, and are to be found in the published papers of Mr. Hodgkinson and Mr. Barlow. A table of the moduli of resilience and fragility, collected from these valuable data, is a desideratunc in practical science. 464 THE VERTICAL OSCILLATIONS OF I elongated, by &x-\ T^- ^^5 whence dividing by A#, and passing to the limit, we obtain db 1 _ 1 P+(L-aQM dx~ KE Integrating between the limits and L, and representing by L x the length of the elongated rod, If the strain be converted into a thrust, P must be made to assume the negative sign; and if this thrust equal one half the weight of the bar, there will be no elongation at all. 352. THE VERTICAL OSCILLATIONS OF AN ELASTIC ROD OK COED SUSTAINING A GIVEN WEIGHT SUSPENDED FROM ITS EXTREMITY. Let A represent the point of suspension of the rod (fig. 1. on the next page), L its length AB before its elongation, and \l the elongation produced in it by a given weight "W sus- pended from its extremity, and C the corresponding position of the extremity of the rod. Let the rod be conceived to be elongated through an additional distance CD=e by the application of any other given strain, and then allowed to oscillate freely, carrying with it the weight "W; and let P be any position of its extremity during any one of the oscillations which it will thus be made to perform. If, then, CP be represented by a?, the corresponding elongation BP of the rod will be repre- sented by iZ-ho?, and the strain which would retain it perma- KE nently at this elongation (equation 485) by -(i^+a?); the unbalanced pressure or moving force (Art. 92.) upon the weight W, at the period of this elongation, will therefore be Trnn TT-p represented by -^-(%l+x) W, or by -y-; since W, being the strain which would retain the rod at the elongation -J-Z, is ~ represented by -y~JZ (equation 485). * Whewell's Analytical Statics, p. 113. A LOADED BAR. 4:65 The unbalanced pressure, or moving force, upon the mass "W varies, therefore, as the distance x of the point P from the given point ; whence it follows by the general principle established in Art 97., that the oscillations of the point P extend to equal distances on either side of the point C, as a centre, and are performed isochronously, the time T of each oscillation being represented by the formula T-/WLU \JBSt . (493). The distance from A of the centre C, about which th$> oscillations of the point P' take place, is represented b$- L+-JZ; so that, representing this distance by L and substi- tuting for %l its value, we have f i 353'. Let us now suppose that when in making its first oscillation about C (fig. 2.) the weight W has attained its highest position d^ and is therefore, for an instant, at rest in that position, a second weight w is added to it ; a second series of oscillations will then be com- menced about a new centre C 15 whose distance L 2 from A is evidently repre- sented by the formula So that the distance CO, of the two centres is ^ ; and the ixiij greatest distance CJ)^ beneath the centre 0,, attained in the second oscillation, equal to the distance, C^ at which the oscillation commenced above that point. Now C 1 D J = the second oscillation is therefore %c -f- 30 1 =o+ ; the amplitude df), of 4:66 THE OSCILLATIONS OF A LOADED BAR. Let the weight w be conceived to be removed when the lowest point ~D t of the second oscillation is attained, a third series of oscillations will then be commenced, the position of whose centre being determined by equation (494), is identical with that of the centre C, about which the first oscillation was performed. In its third oscillation the extremity of the rod will therefore ascend to a point <# 2 as far above the point C as D : is below it ; so that the amplitude of this third oscil- lation is represented by 2TCD,, or by 2CJD~T r CC ! , or by ^J). When the highest point d z of this third oscil- lation is attained, let the weight w be again added ; a fourth oscillation will then be commenced, the position of whose centre will be determined by equation (495,) and will there- fore be identical with the centre C,, about which the second oscillation was performed ; so that the greatest distance C,D ? beneath that point attained in this fourth oscillation will be equal to CA or to CC^ -f CDj ; and its amplitude will be represented by 2 I I = ~^r (equation 63), ) 364. For a beam or column with a circular ) section, whose radius is c (equation 66), j 365. To determine the moment of inertia I in respect to a A B beam whose transverse section is of the 1 n f - ' form represented in the accompanying figure, about an axis ab passing through its centre of gravity ; let the breadth of the rectangle AB be represented by b l and its depth by d^ and let & 2 and d z be simi- larly taken in respect to the rectangle EF, and b a and d 3 in respect to CD ; also let I t represent the moment of inertia of the section about the axis cd passing through the centre of CD, A 1? A,, A,, the areas of the rectangles respectively, and A the area of the whole section. Now the moments of inertia of the several rectangles, about axes passing through their centres of gravity, are represented by yV^A'i A^A 3 ? rV^AN an( ^ tne distances of these axes from the axis cd are respectively 0. Therefore (equation 58), but A,=M A,=M A S = Also if h represent the distance between the axes ab and cd, then (Art. 18) AA=i(d a + rf,)A a i^ + ^^o and (equation 58) Irnl.-A'A. If d l and d^ be exceedingly small as compared with <2 8 , 4T4 DEFLEXION OF A BEAM. neglecting their values in the two last terms of the equation and reducing, we obtain (503). If the areas AB and EF be equal in every respect, 1=1 {d* + *& + %)*} At + JsAj; ..... (504). 366. THE WORK EXPENDED UPON THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM TO WHICH GIVEN PRESSURES ARE APPLIED. If AP represent the pressure which must have operated to produce the elongation or compression which the ele- mentary fibre pq receives, by reason of the deflexion of the beam, AOJ the length of that fibre before the de- flexion of the beam, and &k its section; then the work which must have been done upon it, thus to elongate or compress it, is repre- sented, equation (487) by 498) Ap=&4jfc E Aft' pended upon the extension or compression of pq is there- fore represented by And the same being true of the work expended on the compression or extension of every other fibre composing the elementary solid VTPQ, it follows that the whole work expended upon the deflexion of that element of the beam is represented by J-^j- 2p 3 A&, or by i A # 5 for 2p 2 A& repre- sents the moment of inertia I of the section PT, about an axis perpendicular to the plane of ABCD, and passing through the point K. If, therefore, t be taken to represent the length of that portion of the beam which lies between D DEFLEXION OF A BEAM. 475 and M before its deflexion, and therefore the length of the portion ac of its neutral line after deflexion, then the whole work expended upon the deflexion of the part AM of the 01 1 1 beam is represented lyy % E2 ^- 2 Aa?. But (equation 500) ^= o-tv J*> yara" j whence, by substitution, the above expression P 2 2i# a becomes j~4r o y Aa? - Passing to the limit, and represent- ing the work expended upon the deflexion of the part AM of the beam by u^ P, a o 367. TA0 work expended upon the deflexion of a learn of uniform dimensions, when the deflecting pressures are nearly perpendicular to the surface of the beam. In this case I is constant, and ^=8?; whence we obtain by integrating (equation 505) be- tween the limits and a 1? u >=^if (506)> where u v represents the work ex- pended upon the deflexion of the portion AM of the beam. Simi- larly, if bc=a^ the work expended upon the deflexion of the portion BM of the beam is repre- sented by so that the whole work U s expended upon the deflexion of the beam is represented by P 2 // 8 \ a \ 6EI But by the principle of the equality of moments, if a represent the whole length of the beam, 476 DEFLEXION OF A BEAM. Eliminating P 1 and P a between these equations and the pre- ceding, we obtain by reduction (507). If the pressure P 3 be applied in the centre of the beam, 368. THE LINEAR DEFLEXION OF A BEAM WHEN THE DIRECTION OF THE DEFLECTING PRESSURE IS PERPENDICULAR TO ITS SURFACE. Let the section MK remain fixed, the deflexion taking place on either side of that section ; then u^ representing the work ex- pended upon the deflexion of the portion AM of the beam, and D 1 the deflexion of the point to which P! is applied, measured in a direc- tion perpendicular to the surface, we ( e( l uatio11 40 )> ^i du, du, dP* ' , therefore P. = -~r- But by equation (506), = l ; therefore P, - -jf^ 5 therefore -^- = ^ Wy ; whence we obtain by integration 3EI (509). If the whole work of deflecting the beam be done by the pressure P 3 , the points of application of P and P 2 having no motions in the directions of these pressures (Art. 52.), then proceeding in respect to equation (507) precisely as before in respect to equation (506), and representing the deflexion * Church's Diff. Cal. Art. 1Y. DEFLEXION OF A BEAM. 477 perpendicular to the surface of the beam at the point of application of P 3 by D 3 , we shall obtain If the pressure P 8 be applied at the centre of the beam Eliminating P, between equations (506) and (509), and P, between equations (507) and (510), we obtain by which equations the work expended upon the deflexion of a beam is determined in terms of the deflexion itself, as by equations (506) and (507) it was determined in terms of the deflecting pressures. 369. CONDITIONS OF THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM TO WHICH ARE APPLIED THREE PRESSURES, WHOSE DIRECTIONS ARE NEARLY PERPENDICULAR TO ITS SURFACE. Let AB represent any lamina of the beam parallel to its H plane of deflexion, and acb the neutral line of that lamina intersected by the direction of P 8 in the point c. Draw xx 1 parallel to the length of the beam before its deflexion, and take this line as the axis of the abscissae, and the point o as the origin ; then, representing by x and y the * This result is identical with that obtained by a different method of inves- tigation by M. Navier (Resume de Lemons de Construction, Art. 359.). 4:78 EQUATION TO THE NEUTRAL LINE. co-ordinates of any point in ac, and by ~R the radius of curva- ture of that point, we have * Now the deflexion of the beam being supposed exceed- ingly small, the inclination to ex of the tangent to the neutral line is, at all points, exceedingly small, so that I -^J may be neglected as compared with unity ; therefore ^ -^. Substituting this value in equation (501), and observing that in this casejp is represented by (a, a?) instead of #, (513). the direction of the pressure P a being supposed nearly per pendicular to the surface of the beam, and I constant. Let the above equation be integrated between the limits and a?, /3 being taken to represent the inclination of the tangent at c to B, so that the value of f at c may be represented by GuX tan. 13, -tan./SXo,-^ ...(514). Integrating a second time between the limits and a?, and observing that when a?=0, y=0, y=^ l \fatf-ia?}+a>teai.P .... (515). Proceeding similarly in respect to the portion ~bc of the neu- tral line, but observing that in respect to this curve the value of - at the point c is represented by tan. /3, we have dx*~~ El ./3 == ^M^-^} . . (516). jL Church's Diff. Cal. Art. 105. EQUATION TO THE NEUTRAL LINE. 479 If D l and D 2 be taken to represent the deflexions at the points a and , and ca and cb be assumed respectively equal to cd and ce, by equation (515), D 1 = l-A +g t tan. /3, P # 3 by equation (517), D 5 = ^~ 2 tan. . If the pressures P 1 and P 2 be supplied by the resistances of fixed surfaces, then T> l =T>, l . Subtracting the above equa- tion we obtain, on this supposition, tan. Now F A '-P A '= ''-~'=P 8 a.^( gl - a .) ; ob- serving that P 1 a=P,<*,, ?,=?, and ,+,:= a, If /3 15 /3 2 represent the inclinations of the neutral line to xx l at the points a and J, then by equations (514) and (516) tan./3,_tan./3=, tan. ^ Substituting for tan. /3 its value from equation (518), elimi- nating and reducing, _P i a.g,(g I + 2g.) . _P.g, 1D - ^ 1- a ' ^ 2 " To determine the point m where the tangent to the neutral line is parallel to cxx^ or to the undeflected position of the fii i beam, we must assume -/-=0 in equation (516)* ; if we fftx then substitute for tan. (3 its value from equation (518), substitute for P 2 its value in terms of P 3 , and solve the * Church's Diff. Cal. Art. 78. 480 LENGTH OF THE NEUTRAL LINE. resulting equation in respect to a?, we shall obtain for the distance of the point m from c the expression 370. THE LENGTH OF THE NEUTRAL LINE, THE BEAM BEING LOADED IN THE CENTRE. Let the directions of the resistances upon the extremities of the beam be supposed nearly perpendicular to its surface ; then if x and y be the co-ordinates of the neutral line from the point #, we have (equation 501), representing the hori- zontal distance AB by 20, and observing that in this case -=-5-5, and that the resistance at A or B = JP, Integrating between the limits x and 0, and observing that d/u at the latter limit - = O r Now if * represent the length of the curve ac, Church's Int. Cal. Art. 197. THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM. 481 the deflexion being small, -T-> is exceedingly small at every point of the neutral line. :.a = f | '.* = + 60ET-... (521). Eliminating P between this equation and equation (511), and representing the deflexion by D, D a * -. 371. A BEAM, ONE PORTION OF WHICH IS FIRMLY INSERTED IN MASONRY, AND WHICH SUSTAINS A LOAD UNIFORMLY DISTRI- BUTED OVER ITS REMAINING PORTION. Let the co-ordinates of the neutral line be measured from * The following experiments were made by Mr. Hatcher, superintendant of the work-shop at King's College, to-verify this result, which is identical with that obtained by M. Navier (Resume des Lemons, Art. 86.). Wrought iron rollers -7 inch in diameter were placed loosely on wrought iron bars, the sur- faces of contact being smoothed with the file and well oiled. The bar to be tested had a square section, whose side was '7 inch, and was supported on the two rollers, which were adjusted to 10 feet apart (centre to centre) when the deflecting weight had been put on the bar. On removing the weights-care- fully, the distance to which the rollers receded as the bar recovered its hori- zontal position was noted. Deflecting Weight Deflection in Inches. Distance through .which each Roller receded in inches. Distance through which each Roller would have receded by Formula. . 56 84 3-7 5-45 1 2 13 29 31 THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM the point B where the beam is inserted in the masonry, and let the length of the portion AD which sustains the load be represented by #, and the load upon each unit of its length by p ; then, representing by x and y the co-ordinates of any point P of the neutral line, and observing that the pres- sures applied to AP, and in equilibrium, are the load ^(ax) and the elastic forces developed upon the transverse section at P, we have by the principle of the equality of moments, taking P as the point from which the moments are measured, and observing that since the load p(ax) is uniformly distributed over AP it produces the same effect as though it were collected over the centre of that line, or at distance \(a x) from P ; observing, moreover, that the sum of the moments of the elastic forces upon the section at P, about that point, is represented (Art. 358.) by 5 or by El J (Art. 369.) ; Integrating twice between the limits and a?, and observing CM i V/ that when x=Q,-^-=Q and y=0, since the portion BC of the beam is rigid, we obtain which is the equation to the neutral line. Let, now, a be substituted for x in the above equation ; and let it be observed that the corresponding value of y represents the deflexion D at the extremity A of the beam ; we shall thus obtain by reduction LOADED UNIFORMLY. 483 Representing by P the inclination to the horizon of the tan- gent to the neutral line at A, substituting a for x in equation (523), and observing that when x=a, -/^= tan. /8, we obtain tan. /3=|^ . . . . (526). 372. A BEAM SUPPORTED AT ITS EXTREMITIES AND SUSTAINING A LOAD UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED OVER ITS LENGTH. Let the length of the beam be represented by 20, the load upon each unit of length by p ; take x and y as the co-ordinate of any point P of the neutral line, from the origin A; and let it be observed that the forces applied to AP, and in equilibrium, are the load px upon that portion of the beam, which may be supposed collected over its middle point, the resistance upon the point A, which is represented by pa, and the elastic forces developed upon the section atP; then by Art. 360., Integrating this equation between the limits x and #, and observing that at the latter limit -^ = 0, since y evidently dx attains its maximum value at the middle C of the beam, = ifx(^- 8 )-4K a - 9 ) ____ (528). Integrating a second time between the limits and a?, and observing that when oj*=0, y=0, 3 -a'x) ____ (529), which is the equation to the neutral line. Substituting a for THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM x in this equation, and observing that the corresponding value of y represents the deflexion D in the centre of the beam, we have by reduction Representing by /3 the inclination to the horizon of the tan- gent to the neutral line at A or B, and observing that when a?=0 in equation (528),^= tan. /3, ax = L ..... (531). Let it be observed that the length of the beam, which in equation (511) is represented by #, is here represented by 2w, and that equation (530) may be placed under the form D=j- . AQ-FT ? whence it is apparent that ihe deflexion of a beam, when uniformly loaded throughout, is the same as though -fths of that load (2^) were suspended from its middle point. 373. A BEAM IS SUPPORTED BY TWO STRUTS PLACED SYM- METRICALLY, AND IT IS LOADED UNIFORMLY THROUGHOUT ITS WHOLE LENGTH; TO DETERMINE ITS DEFLEXION. Let CD=2&, CA = a 1 , load upon each foot of the length of the beam^fx ; then load on each point of support =v-a. Take C as the origin of the co-ordinates ; then, observing that the forces impressed upon any portion CP of the beam, terminating between C and A, are the elastic forces upon the transverse section of the beam at P, and the weight of the load upon CP ; and observing that the weight M-CP of the load upon CP, produces the same effect as though it were collected over the centre of that portion of the beam, so that its moment about the point P is represented by p. CP. LOADED UNIFORMLY. 485 or by -|^CP a ; we obtain for the equation to the neutral line in respect to the part CA of the beam (Art. 360) (532). Since, moreover, the forces impressed upon any portion CQ of the beam, terminating between A and E, are the elastic forces developed upon the transverse section at Q, the resistance pa of the support at A, and the load upon CQ, whose moment about Q is represented by J-^CQ 2 , we have (equation 501), representing CQ by a?, EI =f(e-Ka'-0,) ..... (533). Representing the inclination to the horizon of the tangent to the neutral line at A by /3, dividing equation (532) by v*, integrating it between the limits x and a 15 and observing ffll that at the latter limit -^=tan. /3, we have, in respect to the portion CA of the beam, Integrating equation (533) between the limits x and , and observing that at the latter limit ^=sO, since the neutral line at E is parallel to the horizon, -7-= |# s \a(x a^ a*+%a(a a$ (535); |X (JUvu which equation having reference to the portion AE of the beam, it is evident that when #=#., -y-=tan. P. IJ dx 8-1 .... (536). Substituting, therefore, for tan. P in equation (534), and reducing, that equation becomes 486 THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM Integrating equation (535) between the limits a, and a?, and equation (537) between the limits and a?, and representing the deflexion at C, and therefore the value of y at A, by D El (y-DO (538); the former of which equations determines the neutral line of the portion AE, and the latter that of the portion CA of the beam. Substituting a t for x in the latter, and observing that y then becomes D : ; then substituting this value of D 1 in the former equation, and reducing, '-&-ad\ (539); El ay-c?}x ---- (540). f** The latter equation being that to the neutral line of the por- tion AE of the beam, if we substitute a in it for a?, and represent the ordinate of the neutral line at E by y^ we shall obtain by reduction <*-,)-3 s 5 .... (541). If a^O, or if the loading commence at the point A of the beam, the value of y^ will be found to be that already deter- mined for the deflexion in this case (equation 530). Now, representing the deflexion at E by D 2 , we have evi- dently D 2 D x y r (542). 374. THE CONDITIONS OF THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM LOADED UNIFORMLY THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH, AND SUPPORTED AT ITS EXTREMITIES A AND D, AND AT TWO POINTS B AND C SITUATED AT EQUAL DISTANCES FROM THEM, AND IN THE SAME HORIZONTAL STRAIGHT LINE. Let AB=^, AD =20. Let A be taken as the origin of the co-ordinates ; let the LOADED UNIFORMLY. 487 pressure upon that point be represented by P 15 and the pressure upon B by P 2 ; also the load upon each unit of the length of the beam by p. If F be any point in the neutral line to the portion AB of the beam, whose co-ordi- nates are x and y, the pres- sures applied to AP, and in equilibrium, are the pressure P 1 at A, the load px supported by AP, and producing the same effect as though it were collected over the centre of that portion of the beam, and the elastic forces developed upon the transverse section of the beam at P ; whence it follows (Art. 360.) by the principle of the equality of moments, taking P as the point from which the moments are measured, that =W-I> .... (6*8). Integrating this equation between the limits a^ and #, and representing the inclination to the horizon of the tangent to the neutral line at B by /3 2 , El(-tan. /3,) = -<) .... (544). Integrating again between the limits and a?, . (545), Whence observing that when x=a l , y= El tan. pa P 2 (546). Similarly observing, that if x and y be taken to represent the co-ordinates of a point Q in the beam between B and C, the pressures applied to AQ are the elastic forces upon the section at Q, the pressures P, and P a and the load ^x } we have Integrating this equation between the limits a l and a?, and fl'tl observing that at the former limit the value of -/- is repre- sented by tan. /3 a , we have 4:88 THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM Big-tan. 0.) =Hrf-O-ff.('*-< .... (548). Now it is evident that, since the props B and C are placed symmetrically, the lowest point of the beam, and therefore of the neutral line, is in the middle, between B and C ; so /m/M that -/ = 0, when x=a. Making this substitution in equa- tion (548), -El tan. p^ipW-afi-tPW-a^-lY^a-aJ . . (549). Since, moreover, the resistances at C and D are equal to those at B and A, and that the whole load upon the beam is sustained by these four resistances, we have P.+P^f** ..... (550). Assuming a i =na j and eliminating P 1? P a , tan. ft, between the equations (546), (549), and (550), we obtain -D pa ( 3 -f-127i a 24/1 + 8 8 24EI (5^ a 16^+8) ' 1 2*-8 "f Making a?=0 in equation (544); and observing that the cor- responding value of -y- is represented by tan. /3 1? we have El (tan. ft tan. ft)== |i*a 1 $ +iP 1 a 1 i . Substituting for tan. ^ 2 and P x their values from equations (553) and (551), and reducing, ) [....(554). Representing the greatest deflexions of the portions AB and LOADED UNIFORMLY. 489 BC of the beam, respectively, by D l and D 2 , and by a?, the distance from A at which the deflexion Dj is attained, we have, by equations (544) and (545), -El tan. /3 i= = jf* (x*-a*)-<, x a^tan. /3 2 )=- The value of Dj is determined by eliminating a?, between these equations, and substituting the values of P a and tan. J3 t from equations (551) and (553). Integrating equation (548) between the limits a t and 0, and observing that at the latter limit y=D 2 , we have ^EI^-^) tan. Substituting in this equation for the values of tan. )8 S , P,, P a , and reducing, we obtain (556). Representing BC by 2# t , and observing that ^ 2 = AE AB=a na=(l ri)a, ^ - Ua ~48EI ' 3-2ril-n 375. A BEAM, HAVING A UNIFORM LOAD, SUPPORTED AT EACH EXTREMITY, AND BY A SINGLE STRUT IN THE MIDDLE. If, in the preceding article, a^ be assumed equal to a, or w=l, the two props B and C will coincide in the centre ; and the pressure P 2 upon the single prop, resulting from their coincidence, win be represented by twice the corresponding value of P a in equation (552) ; we thus ob- tain 490 THE DEFLEXION OF A BEAM The distance x l of the point of greatest deflexion of either portion of the beam from its extremities A or D, and the amount D, of that greatest deflexion, are determined from equations. (555). Making tan. /3 2 =0 in those equations, substituting for P, its value, solving the former in respect to 0J, and the latter in respect to D we obtain 16 #=4215350 (559). 48EI 48EI (560). 376. A BEAM WHICH SUSTAINS A UNIFORM LOAD THROUGHOUT ITS WHOLE LENGTH. AND WHOSE EXTREMITIES ARE SO FIRMLY IMBEDDED RIGID. IN A SOLID MASS OF MASONRY AS TO BECOME Let the ratio of the lengths of the two portions AB and AE of a beam, supported by two props (p. 487), be assumed to be such as will satisfy the condition 5^ 2 16?i + 8=0 ; or, solving this equation, let n=- (561). The value of tan. (equation 553) will then become zero ; so that when this re- lation obtains, the neutral line will, at the point B, be parallel to the axis of the abscissae ; or, in other words, the tangent to the neutral line at the point B will retain, after the deflexion of the beam, the position which it had' before; i. e., its position will be that which it would have retained if the beam had been, at that point, rigid. Now this condition of rigidity is precisely that which results from the insertion of the beam at its extremities in a mass of masonry, as shown in the accompanying figure ; whence it follows that the deflexion in the middle of the beam is the same in the two cases. Taking, therefore, the negative sign in equation (561), and substituting for n its value f (4 1/6) or -6202041 in equation (557), and observing that, in that SUPPORTED AT ANY NUMBER OF POINTS. 491 equation, 2# a represents the distance BC in the accompany- ing figure, we obtain 2EI (562). By a comparison of this equation with equation (530), it appears that the deflexion of a learn sustaining a pressure uniformly distributed over its whole length, and having its extremities prolonged and firmly imbedded, is only one-fifth of that which it would exhibit if its extremities were free.* If the masonry which rests upon each inch of the portion AB of the beam be of the same weight as that which rests upon each inch of BC, the depth AB of the insertion of each end should equal '62 of AE, or about three ten.hs of the whole length of the beam. 1 , I 1 j f 1 , J. 4 a D 4 A J 1 i 1 I 1 1 [ 1 r~ 377. Conditions of the equilibrium of a beam supported at any number of points and deflected by given pressures. To simplify the investigation, let the points of support ABC be supposed to be three in number, and let the direc- tions of the pressures bisect the distances between them ; the same analysis which de- termines the conditions of the equilibrium in this case will be found applicable in the more general case. 'Let P 15 P 3 , P B , be taken to represent the resistances of the several points of support, a l and # 2 the distances between them, P Q P 4 the deflecting pressures, and x y the co-ordinates of any point in the neutral line from the origin B. Substituting in equation (500) for ^ its value -y^, and observing that in respect to the portion BD of the beam ^Pp=P 9 (^a l x) 'P 1 (a l x\ and that in respect to the portion DA of the beam, 2Pj9= ]?,(#, x\ we have for the differential equation to the neutral line between B and D * The following experiment was made by Mr. Hatcher to verify this result. A strip of deal y 3 ^- in. byy 7 g- in. was supported with its extremities resting loosely on rollers six feet apart, and was observed to deflect 1-2 inch in the middle by its own weight. The extremities were then made rigid by confining them between straight edges, and, the distance between the points of support remaining the same, the deflexion was observed to be '22 inch. The theory would have given it '24. 492 BEAM SUPPORTED AT AlfY NUMBER OF POINTS. =P,(K- a! )-P,( 1 - ! B) ---- (563), between D and A ^-P^-*) . . . (584). .Representing by the inclination of the tangent at B to the axis of the abscissae, and integrating the former of these equations twice between the limits and #, ii. ft .... (565); tan - - Substituting ^a l for x in these equations, and representing by D! the value of y, and by 7 the inclination to the horizon of the tangent at the point D, we obtain El tan. y=P 2 a 1 2 -fI ) A 2 +EItan./3 .... (567), Ero^APA'-APA'+iEL*, tan. . . . . (568). Integrating equation (564) between the limits -^ and x tan. Eliminating tan. y between this equation and equation (567) and reducing, EI^^-PX^-^+EI^-^+iPA 2 (569). Integrating again between the limits - and a?, and elimi- nating the value of D, from equation (568), ]S"ow it is evident that the equation to the neutral line in respect to the portion CE of the beam, will be determined by writing in the above equation P 5 and P 4 for P x and P, respectively. Making this substitution in equation (570), and writing -tan. /3 for +tan. (3 in the resulting equation ; then assum- BEAM SUPPORTED AT ANY NUMBER OF POINTS. 493 ing x=a 1 in equation (570), and a?=# a in the equation thus derived from it, and observing that y then becomes zero in both, we obtain 0=-iPA' + s PA'+EI^ tan. ft A 8 -EIa 2 tan. (3. Also, by the general conditions of the equilibrium of parallel pressures (Art. 15.), Eliminating between these equations and the preceding, as- suming a 1 + a. t =a^ and reducing, we obtain . 1600, By equation (568), D .=7 Similarly, -9I > A 1 ..... (5T5); 'By equation (567), ..... (577). If a, be substituted for x in equation (569), and for P, and tan. /3 their values from equations (571) and (576) ; and if the inclination of the tangent at A to the axis of x be repre- sented by p,j we shall obtain by reduction 494: BEAM SUPPORTED AT ANT NUMBER OF POINTS. ..... (578). Similarly, if /3 2 represent the inclination of the tangent at C to the axis of a?, ..... (579). 378. If the pressures P 2 and P 4 , and also the distances 0, tnd a a , be equal, P,=P 5 =AP 5 , P,= VPtan. 0=0, tan. ft=tan. 0.= 379. If the distances ^ and a 2 be equal, and P 4 =3P a , P,=iP,, P.=VP P.=tP tan. /3=-^fi, tan./3,=0.* 380. If ,=, and 3P,=13P a , P,=0, P ^ ', P,,.P 5 =fP,. * The following experiments were made by Mr. Hatcher to verify this result. The bar ACB, on which the experiment was to be tried, was supported on knife edges of wrought iron at A, C, and B, whose distances AC and CB were each five feet. The angles of the knife edges were 90, and the edges were oled previous to the experiments. The weights were suspended at points D and E intermediate between the points of support. In measuring the angles of deflexion the instrument (which was a common weighted index-hand turn- ing on a centre in front of a graduated arc) was placed so that the angle c of vhe parallelogram of wood carrying the arc was just over the knife-edge B, the side cd of the parallelogram resting on the deflected bar. This position gave the angle at the point of support. 1st Experiment. A bar of wrought iron half an inch square, being loaded at E with a weight of 18 Ib. 13 oz., and at D with 52 Ib. 3 oz., assumed a per- fectly horizontal position at B, as shown by the needle. The proportion of these weights is 2 - 77 : 1. 2d Experiment. A bar -7 inches square, being loaded at E with a weight of 87 '3 Ib., and at D with a weight of 112 Ib., assumed a perfectly horizontal position at B. The weights were in this experiment accurately in the propor- tion 3 : 1. 3d Experiment. A round bar, '75 inch in diameter, being loaded at E with 37 '3 Ib., and at D with 112 Ib., showed a deviation from the horizontal position at B amounting to not more than 20'. The weights were in the proportion of 8:1. The influence of the weight of the bar is not taken into account. A BEAM DEFLECTED BY PRESSURES. 495 381. CURVATURE OF A RECTANGULAR BEAM, THE DIRECTION OF THE DEFLECTING PRESSURE AND THE AMOUNT OF THE DE- FLEXION BEING ANY WHATEVER. The moment of inertia I (Art. 358.) is to be taken, about an axis perpendicular to the plane of deflexion, and passing through the neutral line, the distance h of which neutral line from the centre of gravity of the section is determined by equation (499). Now y^fo 3 representing (Art. 362.) the moment of inertia of the rectangular section of the beam about an axis pass- ing through its centre of gravity, it follows (Art. 79.) that the moment I about an axis parallel to this passing through a point at distance h from it is represented by Substituting, therefore, the value of h from equation (499), Substituting this value in equation (500), and reducing, 1_ 12P,E^ R~~12R f P 1 1 sin. 1 d + EW ' Draw ax parallel to the position of the beam be- fore deflexion; take this line as the axis of the abscissae and a as the origin ; then p l =Jlm=It,n +nm=MJR cos. aM. sin. -\-x sin. M&m. Let, now, the inclination DaP l of the direction of P! to the normal at a be represented by d,, and the inclination Mat of the tangent to the neutral line at a to a%, by f3 1 ; then ^ cos - :.p,=y sn. 1 +/ 1 -f cos. Substituting this value of p l in the preceding equation, 496 A BEAM DEFLECTED BY PRESSURES. . in. ft +ft)+a cos. (*.+,){ ._.. K~ 12RT 2 sin. 2 ^+E^V where represents (Art. 355.) the inclination Rqa of the normal at the point K to the direction of P,. 382. Case in which the deflexion of the beam is small. If the deflexion be small, and the inclination d,, of the direction of P t to the normal at its point of application, be not greater than j ; then y sin. (^+/3 a ) is exceedingly small, and may be neglected as compared with x cos. (^ 1 +/3 1 ); in this case, moreover, 6 is, for all positions of R, very nearly equal to 6 im Neglecting, therefore, , as exceedingly small, we have !._ .. R~12RT 1 2 sin. f ^+E'JV ' Solving this equation, of two dimensions, in respect to =p , and taking the greater root, 1 6P t . a ^ ic a sin. 2 ^} ---- (584). 383. THE WOKE: EXPENDED UPON THE DEFLEXION OF A UNI- FORM RECTANGULAR BEAM, WHEN THE DEFLECTING PRES- SURES ARE INCLINED AT ANY ANGLE GREATER THAN HALF A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE SURFACE OF THE BEAM. If u^ represent work expended on the deflexion of the portion AM of the beam, then (equation 505) but by equation (500)%s=p . -g A: BEAM DEFLECTED BY PRESSURES. 497 p, 6P ~ by equation (584), observing that the deflexion being small, p^x cos. 6 l very nearly. Now the value of ^ (equation 584) becomes impossible at the point where a? cos. ^becomes less than c sin. &. ; the curvature of the neutral line com- 1/3 mences therefore at that point, according to the hypotheses; on which that equation is founded. Assuming, then, the corresponding value 7=0 tan. d, of a? to be represented by x t> the integral (equation 585) must be taken between the limits a?, and a instead of and a t ; SP/cosX/! -7-i *z i i ** ) j /. uj= ^j 9 / \x cos. O.+x Vx cos. L wr sin. ",J o J J^y(? */ i P a cos 2 4/o i/ j \ / And a similar expression being evidently obtained for the work expended in the deflexion of the portion BM of the beam, it follows, neglecting the term involving o 3 as exceed- ingly small when compared with &, 3 , that the whole work TJ^ expended upon the deflexion is represented by the equation C08 ' '* i - tan. + But if ^ 3 be taken to represent the inclination of P 3 to the- normal to the surface of the beam, as 6 l and d a represent the similar inclinations of P l and P 2 , then, the deflexion being small, * Church's Int. Cal. Art. 149. 32 498 A BEAM DEFLECTED BY PRESSURES. ^ COS. =,a a COS. ,, 2 & COS. 2 = 3 1 COS. ,. Eliminating P t and P 2 between these equations and the preceding, (587). If the pressure P s be applied perpendicularly in the centre of the beam, and the pressures P x and P 2 be applied at its extremities in directions equally inclined to its surface ; then ^=(1^=^^ 6 l =6 t =6^ and d g =0. Substituting these values in the preceding equations, and reducing, .... (588). 384. THE LINEAR DEFLEXION OF A RECTANGULAR BEAM. Dj being taken as before (Art. 368.) to represent the de- flexion of the extremity A measured in a direction perpen- dicular to the surface of the beam, we have (Art. 52.) ^I cos. But by equation (586), neglecting the term involving c 8 , CC (/ Cv 1 -^ j_ , QAf ^./ Q 10, O*\"Oi a2 Dividing both sides by P 15 reducing, and integrating, 9P 2. D.^^cos^.j^ + K-ic'tan. 'O,) 2 } ---- (589) Proceeding similarly in respect to the deflection D 8 perpen INCLINED AT ANY ANGLE TO ITS SURFACE. 499 dicnlar to the surface of the beam at the point of application of P 3 , we obtain from equation (587) . . . . (590) In the case in which P, and P 3 are equally inclined to the extremities of the beam and the direction of P 3 bisects it, this equation becomes 385. The work expended upon the deflexion of a beam sub- jected p the action of pressures applied to its extremities, and to a single intervening point, and also to the action of a system of parallel pressures uniformly distributed over its length. Let - represent the aggregate amount of the parallel pressures distributed over each unit of the length of the beam, and a their common inclination to the perpendicular to the surface ; then will px represent the aggregate of those distributed uniformly over the surface DT, and these will manifestly produce the same effect as though they were collected in the centre of DT. Their moment about the point R is therefore represented by M-OJJOJ cos. a, or by ^x 3 cos. a ; and the sum of the moments of the pressures applied to AT is represented by (P^ cos. d a Jjxaj* cos. a). Substi- tuting this value of the sum of the moments for Pj? a in equation (505), we obtain _ 1 /*(?,# COS. tjjwi? COS. a) a ' ~~ ~ 500 DEFLEXION OF A BEAM BY PRESSURES. 386. If the pressures le all perpendicular to the surface of the ~beam, ^=0, a=0, and I is constant (equation 499); whence we obtain, by integration and reduction, (592). If the pressure P 3 be applied in the centre of the beam, P^-JP.+i^fl, and a 1 =^a j also the whole work U 3 of deflecting the beam is equal to 2^; whence, substituting and reducing, ( 593 )- 387. A RECTANGULAR BEAM IS SUPPORTED AT ITS EXTREMITIES BY TWO FIXED SURFACES, AND LOADED IN THE MIDDLE I IT IS REQUIRED TO DETERMINE THE DEFLEXION, THE FRICTION OF THE SURFACES ON WHICH THE EXTREMITD3S REST BEING TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. It is evident that the work which produces the deflexion of the beam is done upon it partly by the deflecting pressure P, and partly by the friction of the surface of the beam upon the fixed points A and B, over which it moves whilst in the act of deflecting. Representing by 9 the limiting angle of resistance between the surface of the beam and either of the surfaces upon which its extremity rests, the friction Q, or Q 2 upon either extremity will be represented by fP tan. 9 ;. and representing by s the length of the curve ca or cb, and by %a the horizontal distance between the points of support ; the space through which the surface of the beam would have moved over each of its points of support, if the point of support had been in the neutral line, is represented by s a, and therefore the whole work done upon the beam by the friction of each point of support by i tan.

representing the deflexion of THE SOLID OF THE STRONGEST FORM. 501 the beam under any pressure P, the whole work done by P is represented by /P^D. Substituting, therefore, for the work expended upon the elastic forces opposed to the deflexion of the beam its value from equation (588), and ob- serving that the directions of the resistances at A and B are inclined to the normals at those points at angles equal to the limiting angle of resistance, we have / But e( l uati011 Substituting these values in the above equation, and dif- ferentiating in respect to P, we have T>dD_P K + 2 |c a tan. a / ^ i*x\ =*?(/_.") Substituting this value for s in equation (600), and inte- grating between the limits and a?, ~~ +s _ 2 f* s _ s which is the equation to the catenary. 395. The tension (c) on the lowest point of the catenary. Let 2S represent the whole length of the chain, and 2a the horizontal distance between the points of attachment. Now when x=a, s=S ; therefore (equation 602), / f*a f*a\ s=| T ~l (so*); for which expression the value of c may be determined by approximation. 396. The tension at any point of the chain. The tension T at P is represented by TQ= Church's Int. Cal. Art. 144. 508 THE CATENARY. (605). Now the value of c has heen determined in the preceding article ; the tension upon any point of the chain whose dis- tance from its lowest point is s is therefore known. 397. The inclination of the curve to the vertical at any point. Cl ?/ Let i represent this inclination, then cot. i=-jr ( ~^ x \ c c ] (606). - / The inclination may be determined without having first determined the value of +<0*+fV>' y = -/ f^+tO'+lV' Tlie former of these equations may be rationalised by assuming (tf+tf^G + zu, and the latter by assuming u*y=z ; there will thus be obtained by reduction The latter equation may be placed under the form which expression being integrated and its value substituted for z, we obtain y=- The method of rational fractions (Church's y . Art. 135) being applied to the function under the integral sign in the former equation, it becomes The integral in the first term in this expression is repre- sented by i log. s (j- J, and that of the second term by 518 RUPTURE BY COMPRESSION. f*, i ng . -* 1 * 8 ' according as ^ is greater or less than M- 2 , or according as the weight of each foot in the length of the chains is greater or less than the weight of each foot in- the length of the road- way. Substituting for z its value, we obtain, therefore, in the two cases, _ e ( . fo-c)-H^+o a )* _ ^ ~Ji \ g>e KM-K+'')* W-fi (M-A*0*H-fr-Ai)* {(u'+c^-c] ) ' (M^i^-^-^i^iV-H 1 )*-*}" ) (638). g If the given values, ^ and H, of a? and y at the points of suspension, be substituted in equations (633) and (632), equations will be obtained, whence the value of the constant c and of u at the points of suspension may be determined by approximation. A series of values of w, diminishing from the value thus found to zero, being substituted in equations (633) and (632), as many corresponding values of x and y will then become known. The curve of the chains may thus be laid down with any required degree of accuracy. This common method of construction, which assigns a uniform section to the chains, is evidently false in principle ; the strength of a bridge, the section of whose chains* varied according to the law established in Art. 401. (equation 619), would be far greater, the same quantity of iron being employed in its construction. KTTPTURE BY COMPRESSION. 406. It results from the experiments of Mr. Eaton Hodg- kinson,* on the compression of short columns of different heights but of equal sections, first, that after a certain height is passed the crushing pressure remains the same, as the * Seventh Report of the British Association of Science. KUPTUKE BY COMPRESSION. 519 heights are increased, until another height is attained, when they begin to break ; not as they have done before, by the sliding of one portion upon a subjacent portion, but by bending. Secondly, that the plane of rupture is always inclined at the same constant angle to the base of the column, when its height is between these limits. These two facts explain one another ; for if K represent the transverse section of the column in square inches, and a the constant inclination of the plane of rupture to the base, then will K sec. a represent the area of the plane of rupture. So that if 7 represent the resistance opposed, by the coherence of the material, to the sliding of one square inch upon the sur- face of another,* then will 7K sec. a represent the resistance which is overcome in the rupture of the column, so long as its height lies between the supposed limits ; which resist- ance being constant, the pressure applied upon the summit of the column to overcome it must evidently be constant. Let this pressure be represented by P, and let CD be the plane of rupture. Now it is evident that the inclination of the direction of P to the perpen- dicular QK to the surface of the plane, or its equal, the inclination a of CD to the base of the column, must be greater than the limiting angle of resistance of the surfaces ; if it were not, then would no pressure applied in the direction of P be sufficient to cause the one surface to slide upon the other, even if a separation of the surfaces were produced along that plane. Let P be resolved into two other pressures, whose direc- tions are perpendicular and parallel to the plane of rupture ; the former will be represented by P cos. a, and the friction resulting from it by P cos. a tan. 9 ; and the latter, repre- sented by P sin. a, will, when rupture is about to take place, be precisely equal to the coherence K/ sec. a of the plane of rupture increased by its friction P cos. a tan. 9, or P sin. a=K/ sec. a + P cos. a tan. 9, whence by reduction p_ K? cos. 9 _ 2K/ cos. 9 sin. (a 9) cos. a sin. (2a 9) sin. 9 It is evident from this expression that if the coherence of the material were the same in all directions, or if the unit of * The force necessary to overcome a resistance, such as that here spoken of, has been appropriately called by Mr. Hodgkinson the force necessary to shear it across. THE PLANE OF RUPTURE. coherence 7 opposed to the sliding of one portion of the mass upon another were accurately the same in every direc- tion in which the plane CD may be imagined to intersect the mass, then would the plane of actual rupture be inclined to the base at an angle represented by the formula since the value of P would in this case be (equation 634) a minimum when sin. (2a $) is a maximum, or when If If 0) 2 a 9=-, or 0,=--}-- ; whence it follows that a plane in- 4: 2i clined to the base at that angle is that plane along which the rupture will first take place, as P is gradually increased be- yond the limits of resistance. The actual inclination of the plane of rupture was found in the experiments of Mr. Hodgkinson to vary with the ma- terial of the column. In cast iron, for instance, it varied according to the quality of the iron from 48 to 58*, and was different in different species. By this dependence of the angle of rupture upon the nature of the material, it is proved that the value of the modulus of sliding coherence 7 is not the same for every direction of the plane of rup- ture, or that the value of 9 varies greatly in different quali- ties of cast iron. Solving equation (634) in respect to 7 we obtain P 7=07- sin. (a 9) cos. a sec. 9 ..... (636) ; from which expression the value of the modulus 7 may be determined in respect to any material whose limiting angle of resistance 9 is known, the force P producing rupture, under the circumstances supposed, being observed, and also the angle of rupture. f THE SECTION OF RUPTURE IN A BEAM. 407. When a beam is deflected under a transverse strain, * Seventh Report of British Association, p. 349. f A detailed statement of the results obtained in the experiments of Mr. Hodgkmson on this subject is contained in the Appendix to the " Illustrations of Mechanics " by the author of this work. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF RUPTURE. 521 the material on that side of it on which it sustains the strain is compressed, and the material on the opposite side extended. That imaginary surface which separates the compressed from the extended portion of the material is called its neutral surface (Art. 354.), and its position has been determined under all the ordinary circumstances of flexure. That which constitutes the strength of a beam is the resistance of its material to compression on the one side of its neutral surface, and to extension on the other ; so that if either of these yield the beam will be broken. The section of rupture is that transverse section of the beam about which, in its state bordering upon rupture, it is the most extended, if it be about to yield by the extension of its material, or the most compressed if about to yield by the compression of its material. In a prismatic beam, or a beam of uniform dimensions, it is evidently that section which passes through the point of greatest curvature of the neutral line, or the point in respect to which the radius of curvature of the neutral line is the least, or its reciprocal the greatest. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE RUPTUKE OF A BEAM. 408. Let PQ be the section of rupture in a beam sustain- ing any given pressures, whose resultants are represented, if they be more in number than three, by the three pressures P 1? P 2 , P 3 . Let the beam be upon the point of breaking by the yielding of its material to exten- sion at the point of greatest ex- tension P ; and let R represent, in the state of the beam border- ing upon rupture, the intersection of the neutral surface with the section of rupture ; which intersection being in the case of rectangular beams a straight line, and being in fact the neutral axis, in that particular position which is assumed by it when the beam is brought into its state bor- dering upon rupture, may be called the axis of rupture ; AK the area in square inches of any element of the section of rupture, whose perpendicular distance from the axis of rupture R is .represented by p ; S the resistance in pounds 522 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF RUPTURE opposed to the rupture of each square inch of the section at P ; ^ and c a the distances PR and QR in inches. The forces opposed per square inch to the extension and compression of the material at different points of the sec- tion of rupture are to one another as their several perpen- dicular distances from the axis of rupture, if the elasticity of the material be supposed to remain perfect throughout the section of rupture, up to the period of rupture. Now at the distance c l the force thus opposed to the extension of the material is represented per square inch by S ; at the distance p the elastic force opposed to the exten- sion or compression of the material (according as that distance is measured on the extended or compressed side), is R therefore represented per square inch by p, and the elastic c i force thus developed upon the element AK of the section of S rupture by pAK, so that the moment of this elastic force G i o about R is represented by p a AK, and the sum of the mo- c i ments of all the elastic forces upon the section of rupture Q about the axis of rupture by 2p 2 AK ;* or representing the moment of inertia of the section of rupture about the axis of rupture by I, the sum of the moments of the elastic forces upon the section of rupture about its axis of rupture Q-r is represented, at the instant of rupture, by ,f Now the c i elastic forces developed upon PQ are in equilibrium with the pressures applied to either of the portions APQD or BPQC, into which the beam is divided by that section ; the sum of their moments about the point P is therefore equal to the moment of R> about that point. Representing, therefore, by p l the perpendicular let fall from the point B upon the direction of P n we have * It will be observed, as in Art. 358., that the elastic forces of extension and those of compression tend to turn the surface of rupture in the same direction about the axis of rupture. f This expression is called by the French writers the moment of rupture ; the beam is of greater or less strength under given circumstances according as it has a greater or less value. BY TKANSVEKSE STEAIN. 523 409. If the deflexion "be small in the state bordering upon rupture, and the directions of all the deflecting pressures be perpendicular to the surface of the beam, the axis of rupture passes through the centre of gravity of the section, and the value of o l is known. Where these conditions do not obtain, the value of c l might be determined by the principles laid down in Arts. 355. and 381. This determination would, however, leave the theory of the rupture of beams still in- complete in one important particular. The elasticity of the material has been supposed to remain perfect, at every point of the section of rupture, up to the instant when rupture is about to take place. Now it is to be observed, that by rea- son of its greater extension about the point P than at any other point of the section of rupture, the elastic limits are there passed before rupture takes place, and before they are attained at points nearer to the axis of rupture ; the forces opposed to the extension of the material cannot therefore be assumed to vary, at all points of PR, accurately as their dis- tances from the point R, in that state of the equilibrium of the beam which immediately precedes its rupture ; and the sum of their moments cannot therefore be assumed to be ac- QT curately represented by the expression . This remark af- fects, moreover, the determination of the values of h and R (Arts. 355. and 381.), and therefore the value of c l To determine the influence upon the conditions of rupture by transverse strain of that unknown direction of the insistent pressures, and that variation from the law of perfect elasti- city which belongs to the state bordering upon rupture, we must fall back upon experiment. From this it has resulted, in respect to rectangular beams, that the error produced by these different causes in equation (637) will be corrected if a value be assigned to c t bearing, for each given material, a constant ratio to the distance of the point P from the centre of gravity of the section of rupture ; so that c representing the depth of a rectangular beam, the error will be corrected, in respect to a beam of any material, by assigning to c l the value rajc, where m is a certain constant dependent upon the nature of the material. It is evident that this cor- rection is equivalent to assuming c,=ic, and assigning to S the value ^S instead of that which it has hitherto 524 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF KUPTTJKE 1 been supposed to represent, viz. the tenacity per square inch of the material of the beam. It is customary to make this assumption. The values of S corresponding to it have been determined, by experiment, in respect to the materials chiefly used in construction, and will be found in a table at the end of this work. It is to these tables that the values represented by S in all subse- quent formulae are to be referred. 410. From the remarks contained in the preceding article, it is not difficult to conceive the existence of some direct re- lation between the conditions of rupture by transverse and by longitudinal strain. Such a relation of the simplest kind ap- pears recently to have been discovered by the experiments of Mr. E. Hodgkinson*, extending to the conditions of rup- ture by compression, and common to all the different varie- ties of material included under each of the following great divisions timber, cast iron, stone, glass. The following tables contain the summary given by Mr. Hodgkinson of his results : Description of Material. Assumed Crushing Strength per Square Inch. Mean Tensile Strength per Square Inch. Mean Transverse Strength of a Bar 1 Inch Square and 1 Foot Long. Timber .... Cast-iron ... Stone, including marble - Glass (plate and crown) - 1000 1000 1000 1000 1900 158 100 123 85-1 19-8 9-8 10- The following table shows the uniformity of this ratio in respect to different varieties of the same material : Description of Material. Assumed Crushing Strength per Square Inch. Mean Tensile Strength per Square Inch. Mean Transverse Strength of a Bar 1 Inch Square arid 1 Foot Long. Black marble ... Italian marble Rochdale flagstone - High Moorstone - Yorkshire flag Stone from Little Hulton, near Bolton 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 I 1000 143 84 104 100 70 10-1 10-6 9-9 9-5 S, * This discovery was communicated to the British Association of Science at their meeting in 1842 ; it opens to us a new field of theoretical research. THE STRONGEST FORM OF SECTION. 525 411. THE STRONGEST FORM OF SECTION AT ANY GIVEN POINT IN THE LENGTH OF THE BEAM. Since the extension and the compression of the material are the greatest at those points which are most distant from the neutral axes of the section, it is evident that the mate- rial cannot be in the state bordering upon rupture at every point of the section at the same instant (Art. 388.), unless all the material of the compressed side be collected at the same distance from the neutral axis, and likewise all the material of the extended side, or unless the material of the extended side and the material of the compressed side be respectively collected into two geometrical lines parallel to the neutral axis : a distribution manifestly impossible, since it would produce an entire separation of the two sides of the beam. The nearest* practicable approach to this form of section is that represented in the accompanying figure, where the material is shown collected in two thin but wide flanges, united by a narrow rib. 13 That which constitutes the strength of the beam being the resistance of its material to com- pression on the one side of its neutral axis, and its resistance to extension on the other side, it is evidently (Art. 388.) a second condition of the 3 strongest form of any given section that when the beam is about to break across that section by extension on the one side, it may be about to break by com- pression on the other. So long, therefore, as the distribution of the material is not such as that the compressed and extended sides would yield together, the strongest form of section is not attained. Hence it is apparent that the strongest form of the section collects the greater quantity of the material on the compressed or the extended side of the beam, according as the resistance of the material to compression or to extension is the less. Where the material of the beam is cast iron*, whose resistance to extension is greatly less than its resistance to compression, it is evident that the greater portion of the material must be collected on the extended side. Thus, then, it follows, from the preceding condition and * It is only in cast iron beams that it is customary to seek an economy of the material in the strength of the section of the beam ; the same principle of economy is surely, however, applicable to beams of wood. 526 THE STRONGEST FORM OF SECTION. this, that the strongest form of section in a cast iron beam is that by which the material is collected into two unequal flanges joined by a rib, the greater flange being on the extended side ; and the proportion of this inequality of the flanges being just such as to make up for the inequality of the resistances of the material to rupture by extension and compression respectively. Mr. Hodgkinson, to whom this suggestion is due, has directed a series of experiments to the determination of that proportion of the flanges by which the strongest form of section is obtained.* The details of these experiments are found in the following table:- Number of Experiment. Ratio of the Sections of the Flanges. Area of whole Section in Square Inches. Strength per Square Inch of Section in Ibs. 1 1 to 1- 2-82 2368 2 1 to 2- 2-87 2567 3 1 to 4- 3-02 2737 4 1 to 4-5 3-37 3183 5 1 to 5-5 5-0 3346 6 1 to 6-1 6-4 4075 In the first five experiments each beam broke by the tear- ing asunder of the lower flange. The distribution by which both were about to yield together that is, the strongest distribution was not therefore up to that period reached. At length, however, in the last experiment, the beam yielded by the compression of the upper flange. In this experiment, therefore, the upper flange was the weakest ; in the one be- fore it, the lower flange was the weakest. For a form between the two, therefore, the flanges were of equal strength to resist extension- and compression respectively ; and this was the strongest form of section (Art. 388.). In this strongest form the lower flange had six times the material of the upper. It is represented in the accompany- ing figure. A In the best form of cast iron beam or girder used before these experiments, there was never attained a strength of more than 2885 Ibs. per square inch of section. There was, therefore, by this form, a gain of 1190 Ibs. per square inch of the section, or of fths the strength of the beam. * Memoirs of Manchester Philosophical Society, vol. iv. p. 453. tions of Mechanics, Art. 68. Illustro- THE BEAM OF GREATEST STRENGTH. 527 412. THE SECTION OF RUPTURE. The conditions of rupture being determined in respect to any section of the beam by equation (637), it is evident that the particular section across which rupture will actually take place is that in respect to which equation (637} is first satis- fied, as P, is continually increased ; or that section in respect to which the formula (638) ftft is the least. If the beam be loaded along its whole length, arid x repre- sent the distance of any section from the extremity at which the load commences, and f* the load on each foot of the length, then (Art. 371.) Pj?, is represented by 4*aj a . The section of rupture in this case is therefore that section in respect to which M- is first made to satisfy the equation. QT ; or in respect to which the formula is the least. If the section of the beam be uniform, is constant ; the G \ section of rupture is therefore evidently that which is most distant from the free extremity of the beam. 4:13. THE BEAM OF GREATEST STRENGTH. The beam of greatest strength being that (Art. 388.) which presents an equal liability to rupture across every section, or in respect to which every section is brought into the state bordering upon rupture by the same deflecting pressure, is evidently that by which a given value of Pis made to satisfy equation (637) for all the possible values of I, p l9 and c l9 or in respect to which the formula ^T ( 64 ) is constant. THE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. If the beam be uniformly loaded throughout (Art. 371.), this condition becomes or constant, for all points in the length of the beam. 414. ONE EXTREMITY OF A BEAM is FIRMLY IMBEDDED IN MASONRY, AND A PRESSURE IS APPLIED TO THE OTHER EXTREMITY IN A DIRECTION PERPENDICULAR TO ITS LENGTH! TO DETERMINE THE CONDITIONS OF THE RUPTURE. If x represent the distance of any section of the beam from the extremity A to which the load P is applied, and a its whole length, and if the section of the beam be everywhere the same, then the formula ( 638 ) is least at the point B, where x is greatest: at this point, therefore, the rupture of the beam will take place. Representing by P the pressure necessary to break the beam, and observing that in this case the perpendicular upon the direction of P from the section of rupture is represented by #, we have (equation 637) P=-|^ (642). If the section of the beam be a rec- tangle, whose breadth is & and its depth 0, j 1 T - "" ~ then 1= (643). If the beam be a solid cylinder, whose radius is 0, then (Art. 364.) I=frc\ c.c. G * . . (644). a If the beam be a hollow cylinder, whose radii are r l and r,, I=^f(r*r*) ; which expression may be put under the form fliw^-f ic*) (see Art. 86.), r representing the mean THE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. 529 radius of the hollow cylinder, and c its thickness. Also .-.P=rS (645). 415. The strongest form of beam under the conditions sup- posed in the last article. 1st. Let the section of the beam be a rectangle, and let y be the depth of this rectangle at a point whose distance- from its extremity A is represented by #, and let its breadth 5 be the same throughout. In this case I rV^V c l =^y: therefore (equation 637) P=. SI jf =Sb . If therefore, P be taken CjC X to represent the pressure which the beam is destined just to support, then the form of its* section ABC is deter- mined (Art. 413.) by the equation 6P it is therefore a parabola, whose vertex is at A.* If the portion DO of the beam: do not rest against masonry at every point, but only at its extremity D, its form; should; evidently be the same with that of ABC: 2d. Let the section, be a circle, and let y represent its radius at distance x from its extremity A, then I= y' c^=y\ therefore P=J*S~ so that the oc geometrical form of its longitudinal section is determined by the equa- tion * The portion of the beam imbedded in the masonry should have the form described in Art. 417. 34 530 THE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. (647), P representing the greatest pressure to which it is destined to be subjected- 416. THE CONDITIONS OF THE RUPTURE OF A BEAM SUPPORTED AT ONE EXTREMITY, AND LOADED THROUGHOUT ITS WHOLE LENGTH. Kepresenting the weight resting upon each inch of its length a by M., and observ- ing that the moment of the weight upon a length < of the beam from A, about the corresponding neutral axis, is represented (Art. 371.) by %we\ it is apparent (Art. 412.) that, if the beam be of uniform dimensions, its section of rupture is BD. Its strength is determined by substituting ^a? for P j^ in equation (637), and solving in respect to ^ ; we thus obtain 2SI (648); by which equation is determined the uniform load to which the beam may be subjected, on each inch of its length. For a rectangular beam, whose width is 5 and its depth c, this expression becomes 417. To determine the form of greatest strength (Art. 413.) in the case of a beam having a rectangular section of uni- form breadth ^a? 2 must be substituted for P J p 1 in equation (637), and reduction for I, and \y for c l ; whence we obtain by (650. THE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. 531 The form of greatest strength is therefore, in this case, the straight line joining the points A and B ; the distance DB being determined by substituting the distance AD for x in the above equation. That portion BED of the beam which is embedded in the masonry should evidently be of the same form with DBA.* 418. If, in addition to the uniform load upon the beam, a given weight "W" be suspended from A, Jf*aj*-|-"Waj must be substituted for P j>, in equation (637) ; we shall thus obtain lor the equation to the form of greatest strength which is the equation to an hyperbola having its vertex at A.f * It is obvious that in all cases the strength of a beam at each point of its length is dependent upon the dimensions of its cross section at that point, and that its general form may in any way be changed without impairing its strength provided those dimensions of the section be everywhere preserved. f Church's Anal. Geom. Art. 124. 532 THE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. 419. THE BEAM OF GREATEST STRENGTH IN REFERENCE TO THE FORM OF ITS SECTION AND TO THE VARIATION OF THE DIMENSIONS OF ITS SECTION, WHEN SUPPORTED AT ONE EXTREMITY IN A HORIZONTAL POSITION, AND LOADED UNI- FORMLY THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH, The general form of the section must evidently be that described in Art. 411. Let the same notation be taken as in Art. 365., ^xcept that the depth MQ of the plate or^ rib joining the two flanges is to be represented by 2/, and its thickness by c. therefore by equation (503), so that d z =y, and A 3 =cy ; Also representing by c l the distance of the centre of gravity of the whole section from the upper surface of the beam, we have c l (A J + A z + cy)=(jiy+d,)cy+(y + d,+%d 1 )A l +%dt A a . Substituting for I and c l in equation (637), and for l p l its value -J-fAa? 2 , x being taken to represent the distance AM, and M. the load on each inch of tliat length, we have (Art. 413.) 3f* f In = ) d, (y + Zdjoy + 2(y + d, 4- K) A, + A & ..... (652). Let the area cy of the section of the rib now be neglected, as exceedingly small when compared with the areas of the sections of the flanges, an hypothesis which assigns to the beam somewhat less than its actual strength ; let also the area of the section of the upper flange be assumed equal to n times that of the lower, or A a =^A 1 , (653). If the flanges be exceedingly thin, d l and d^ are exceed- ingly small and may be neglected. The equation will then THE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. 533 become that to a parabola whose vertex is at A and its axis vertical. This may therefore be assumed as a near approxi- mation to the true form of the curve AQC. Where the material is cast iron, it appears by Mr. Hodg- kinson's experiments (Art. 411.) that n is to be taken=6. 420. A BEAM OF UNIFORM SECTION IS SUPPORTED AT ITS EXTREMITIES AND LOADED AT ANY POINT BETWEEN THEM! IT IS REQUIRED TO DETERMINE THE CONDITIONS OF RUPTURE. The point of rupture in the case of a uniform section is evidently (Art. 412.) the point C, from which the load is sus- pended; representing AB, AC, EC, by a, a^ and # a ; and ob- serving that the pressure P t Wa upon the point B of the beam = -, so that the moment of Pj, in respect to the section of rupture C = *, we SI have, by equation (637), " ~ 1 ^ a = _ a G I (654). If the beam be rectangular , I =-^50*, c i%y- Substituting in the above equation and reducing, The curve AC is therefore a parabola, whose vertex is at A, and its axis horizontal. In like manner the curve EC is a parabola, whose equation is identical with the above, ex- cept that a l is to be substituted in it for a y 2d. Let the section of the beam be a circle. Represent- ing the radius of a section at distance x from A by y, we have I^Jtf^ 4 , c 1 =y. ) therefore by equation (660) (662 > 3d. Let the section of the beam be circular ; but let it be hollow, the thickness of its material being every where the same, and represented by o. If y= mean radius of cylinder at distance x from A, then I=<7r<3?/(y 2 -f Jc 2 ), c 1 = 422. THE BEAM OF GREATEST ABSOLUTE STRENGTH WHEN LOADED AT A GIVEN POINT AND SUPPORTED AT THE EXTRE- MITIES. Let the section of the beam be that of greatest strength rt. 411.). Substituting in equation (66 as before in equation (652), and reducing, (Art. 411.). Substituting in equation (660) the value of &. . (664). If the section cy of the rib be every where exceedingly small as compared with the sections of the flanges, and if j^ B= OH-9w + ^o+i*/ ( There is a value of x in this equation for which y becomes 536 THE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. impossible. For values less than this, the condition of uni- form strength cannot therefore obtain. It is only in respect to those parts of the beam which lie between the values of SB (measured from the two points of support) for which y thus becomes impossible, that the condition of greatest strength (Art. 388.) is possibly. If its proper value be assigned to n (Art. 411.), this may be assumed as an approxi- mation to the true form of beam of THE GREATEST ABSOLUTE STRENGTH. When the material is cast iron, it appears by the experiments of Mr. Hodgkinson (Art. 411.) that n=6. A 2 represents in all the above cases the section of the extended flange ; in this case, therefore, it represents the section of the lower flange. The depth CD at the point of suspension may be deter- mined by substituting a^ for x in equation (665) ; its value is thus found to be represented by the formula (666), 423. If instead of the depth of the beam being made to vary so as to adapt itself to the condition (Art. 388.) of uni- form strength, its breadth b be made thus to vary, the depth c remaining the same ; then, assuming the breadth of the upper flange at the distance x from the point of support A to be represented by y, and the section of the lower flange to be n times greater than that of the upper; observing, moreover, that in equation (503) A t = yd^ A z =nA. 1 =nyd 1 ; neglecting also A 3 as exceedingly small when compared with A, and A a , and writing c for <# 3 , we have by reduction, ftrr.l Also 9 a*=(P ' rjia iiv& 9 = M-X (^a P,)^a if^X (since P 1 + Therefore by equation (637) + I > i^=iS5c a ..... (684). Substituting for ~P l its value from equation (551), and solving in respect to ^ 2 , S6c' 271-3 , ( If the load be continually increased, the beam will break between A and B, or between B and C, according as f*, (equation 680) or f* a (equation 685) is the less. 428. THE BEST POSITIONS OF THE PROPS. It may be shown, as in Art. 426., that the positions in which the props must be placed so as to cause the beam to bear the greatest possible load distributed uniformly over its whole length, are those by which the values of f*, (equation 680) and ^ (equation 685) are made equal ; the former of these quantities representing the load per inch of the length, which being uniformly distributed over the whole beam would just produce rupture between A and B, if it did not before take place between B and C ; and the latter that which would, under the same circumstances, produce rup- ture between B and C if it had not before taken place between A and B. Let, then, na represent the distance at which the prop B must be placed from A to produce this equality ; and let the value of M-, given by equation (679) be substituted for (x a in equation (684) ; we shall thus obtain by reduction * 3(1-27*)- 9(1-27*) Solving this quadratic in respect to P,a, THE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. 54:3 The negative sign must be taken in this expression, since the positive would give P 1 =f* 1 a by equation (679), and cor- responds therefore to the case n=Q. Assuming the negative sign, and reducing, we have 3(2n l)P l a=Sbc*. Substitut- ing in this expression for P x its value from equation (681), and reducing, 1) (2n 3) ~ The three roots of this equation are 1-57087, '61078, and 26994. The first and last are inadmissible ; the one carry- ing the point B beyond E, and the other assigning to Pj a negative value.* the best position of the prop is therefore that which is determined by the value n= -61078 ..... (686). 429. THE CONDITIONS OF THE RUPTURE OF A RECTANGULAR BEAM LOADED UNIFORMLY THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH, AND HAVING ITS EXTREMITIES PROLONGED AND FIRMLY IMBEDDED IN MASONRY. It has been shown (Art. 376.) that the conditions of the deflexion of the beam are, in this case, the same as though its extremities, having been prolonged to a point A (see Jig. p. 540.), such that AB might equal '6202 AE, had been sup- ported by a prop at B, and by the resistance of any fixed surface at A. The load which would produce the rupture of the beam is therefore, in this case, the same as that which would produce the rupture of a beam supported by props (Art. 427.) between the props, and is determined by that value of f* a (equation 685) which is given by the value '6202 of n. It is, however, to be observed that the symbol a * We may, nevertheless, suppose the extremity A, instead of being sup ported from beneath, to be pinned down by a resistance or a pressure acting from above. This case may occur in practice, and the best position of the props corresponding to it is that whic^h is determined by the least root of the equation, viz. '26994. 544 THE STRENGTH OF COLUMNS. represents in that equation the distance AE (Jig. Art. 427.) ; and that if we take it to represent the distance BE in that or the accompa- nying figure, we must sub- stitute = -- for a in equa- 1n tion (685), since 0=BE=AE AB=(1 w)AE ; so that AE=:j -. This substitution being made, equation (685), becomes |Cj h- [ i i p_ 1 ^J 1 ' .- ~l i , C 1 K U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i \ 1 1 1 II i i \ J 1 1 _ II i \ \ _lJL__L__j and substituting the value *6202 for n, we obtain by reduc- tion (687), by which formula the load per inch of the length of the beam necessary to produce rupture is determined. If the beam had not been prolonged beyond the points of support B and C and imbedded in the masonry, then the load per inch of the length necessary to produce rupture would have been represented by equation (669) : eliminat- ing between that equation and equation (687), we obtain |x a =3fx ; so that the load per inch of the length necessary to produce rupture is 3 times as great, when the extremities of the beam are prolonged and firmly imbedded in the ma- sonry, as when they are free ; i. e. the strength of the beam is 3 times as great in the one case as in the other. 430. THE STRENGH OF COLUMNS. For all the knowledge of this subject on which any reli- ance .can be placed by the engineer he is endebted to expe- riment.* * The hypothesis upon which it has been customary to found tlfe theoretical discussion of it, is so obviously insufficient, and the results have been shown by Mr. Hodgkinson to be so little in accordance with those of practice, that the high sanction it has received from labours such as those of Euler, Lagrange, Poisson, and Navier, can no longer establish for it a claim to be admitted among the conclusions of science. (See* Appendix K.) THE STRENGTH OF COLUMNS. 545 The following are the principal results obtained in the valuable series of experimental inquiries recently instituted by Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson.* FORMULAE REPRESENTING THE ABSOLUTE STRENGTH OF A CYL- INDRICAL COLUMN TO SUSTAIN A. PRESSURE IN THE DIRECTION OF ITS LENGTH. D= external diameter or side of the square of the column in inches. D 1 =internal diameter of hollow cylinder in inches.. L length in feet. W= breaking weight in tons. Nature of the Column. Both Ends being rounded, the Length of the Column exceeding fifteen times its Diameter. Both Ends being flat,, the Length of, the Column exceeding- thirty times i.ts Diameter.. Solid cylindrical column of ) cast iron - - - - ) Hollow cylindrical column of ) W=U-9^ D""-^"" 7)3.68, ^=44-16^ T)3-SB_D 3.66 W 44-^4. cast iron - - - - ) Solid cylindrical column of ) L 1 ' 7 JJ3.78 w 42'fl 4 L" JJS.66 "W ll^'*?^ wrought iron - - ) Solid square pillar of Dantzic ) oak (dry) - - - - f Solid square pillar of red deal ) (dry) J L a W=10'95?j W=n7'81^ JL In all cases the strength of a column, one of whose ends was rounded and the other flat, was found to be an arith- metic mean between the strengths of two other columns of the same dimensions, one having both ends rounded and the other having both ends flat. The above results only apply to the case in which the length of the column is so great that its fracture is produced wholly by the bending of its material ; this limit is fixed by Mr. 'Hodgkinson in respect to columns of cast iron at about fifteen times the diameter when the extremities are rounded, * From a paper by Mr. Hodgkinson, published in the second part of the Transactions of the Royal Society for 1840, to which the royal medal of the Society was awarded. The experiments were made at the expense of Mr. Fairbairn of Manchester, by whose liberal encouragement the researches of practical science have been in other respects so greatly advanced. 35 546 TORSION. and thirty times ths diameter when they arc flat. In shorter columns fracture takes place partly by the crushing and partly by the bending of the material. To these shorter columns the following rule was found to apply with suf- ficient accuracy : " If W, represent the weight in tons which would break the column by bending alone (or if it did not crush) as given by the preceding formula, and W 2 the weight in tons which would break the column by crush- ing alone (or if it did not bend) as determined from the preceding table, then the actual breaking weight "W of the column is represented in tons by the formula Columns enlarged in the middle. It was found that the strengths of columns of cast iron, whose diameters were from one and a half times to twice as great in the middle as at the extremities, were stronger by one seventh than solid columns, containing the same quantity of iron and of the same length, when their extremities were rounded; and stronger by one eighth or one ninth when their extremities were flat and rendered immoveable by discs. 431. EELATIVE STRENGTH OF LONG COLUMNS OF CAST WROUGHT IRON, STEEL, AND TIMBER OF THE SAME DIMENSIONS. Calling the strength of the cast iron column 1000, the strength of the wrought iron column wi ll, according to these experiments, be 1745, that of the cast steel column 2518, of the column of Dantzic oak 108*8, and of the column of red deal 78-5. Effect of drying on the strength of columns of timber. It results from these experiments, that the strength of short columns of wet timber to resist crushing is not one half that of columns of the same dimensions of dry timber. TORSION. 432. The elasticity of torsion. Let ABCD represent a solid cylinder, ou of the distance x of the section ab from the fixed section AB, and let its radius be repre- sented by y ; and suppose the whole of the solid except this single element to become rigid, a supposition by which the conditions of the equilibrium of this particular element will remain unchanged, the pressure P re- maining the same, and being that which produces the torsion of this single element. Whence, representing by A& the angle of torsion of this element, and considering it a cylinder whose length is AOJ, we have by equation (689), substituting for I its value Passing to the limit, and integrating between the limits and L, observing that at the former limit 0=0, and at the latter 0=0. 2P0 r =-^ - . . (694.) If the sides AC and BD of the solid be straight lines, its form being that of a truncated cone, and if r v and r z repre- sent its diameters AB and CD respectively ; then Also, dx dy i ryt 1 'a .. TORSION. 551 4:34. THE RUPTURE OF A CYLINDER BY TORSION. It is evident that rupture will first take place in respect to those elements of the cylinder which are nearest to its surface, the displacement of each section upon its subjacent section being greatest about those points which are nearest to its circumference. If, therefore, we represent by T the pressure per square inch which will cause rupture by the sliding of any section of the mass upon its contiguous sec- tion,* then will T represent the resistance of torsion per square inch of the section, at the distance r from the axis, at the instant when rupture is upon the point of taking place, the radius of the cylinder being represented by r. Whence it follows that the displacement, and therefore the resistance to torsion per square inch of the section, at any other dis- tance p from the axis, will be represented at that distance by , the resistance upon any element AK, by - p^K, -and the r . r sum of the moments about the axis, of the resistances of all T T such elements, by - 2p 2 AK, or by - I, r substituting for I r r its value (equation 64) by -JTV. But these resistances are in equilibrium with the pressure P, which produces torsion, acting at the distance a from the axis ; /.Pa=JTW ____ (696). It results from the researches of M. Cauchy, before referred to, that in the case of a rectangular section whose sides are represented by ~b and cos - Integrating between the limits and , and observing that yy/v when tf=0, -77=0 ; the time being supposed to commence CM with the motion of the prism PQ, * Art. 96. Equations (72) and (74). f Church's Int. Cal. Art. 183. 568 IMPACT. sn - Integrating a second time between the same limits, * = vw ^ ~ 8in * 7f} + ~ cos * Now when the motion of the second prism ceases -^7=0 ; d/t whence, if the corresponding value of t be represented by T, A(l-cos. yT)+B8in. 7 T + 1- To determine the constants A and B, let it be observed that the motion of the prism QP cannot commence until the pressure Q of the impinging prism upon it, added to its own weight W 2 , is equal to the resistance r opposed to its motion. So that if c be taken to represent the value of x l (i. e. the aggregate compression of the two prisms) at that instant, then, substituting for Q its value from equation (725), - + X W,=P; .... (732). Now since the time t is supposed to commence at the instant when this compression is attained, and the prism PQ is upon the point of moving, substituting the above value of c for x l in equation (727), and observing that when x=c, t=Q, we obtain (P W a )X=:B+ 3 ^. ; whence by substitu- 7 "s tion from equation (728), and reduction, So long as the extremity P, of the prism impinged upon, is at rest, the whole motion of the point B arises from the compression of the two prisms, and is represented by -^. IMPACT. 569 The value of * ? when t=0, is represented therefore by v dt (equation 721). Differentiating, therefore, equation (727), assuming =0, and substituting v for-^- 1 ; we obtain v=yA; whence it appears that the value of A is determined by dividing the square root of the second number of equation (721) by r Substituting for A and B their values in equations (731-3) -lsin. r T+ Reducing, and dividing by the common factor of the two last terms, Substituting for A and B their values in equation (730), and representing by D the value of a? a , when =T, .... (735). The value of T determined by equation (734) being sub- stituted in equation (735), an expression is obtained for the whole space through which the second prism is driven by the impact of the first.* * The method of the above investigation is, from equation (726), nearly the same with that given by Dr. Whewell, in the last edition of his Mechanics*; the principle of the investigation appears to be due to Mr. Airey. If the value of y, as determined by equation (734), were not exceedingly great, then, since the value of T is in all practical cases exceedingly small, the value of yT would in all cases be exceedingly small, and we might approximate to the value of T in equation (735), by substituting for cos. yT and sin. yT, the two first terms of the expansions of those functions, in terms of yT. EDITORIAL APPENDIX. NOTE (a). BESIDES its direction defined (Art. 1), we have also to take into consideration, in estimating the effects of a force, its point of application, or the point of the body where it acts, either directly or through the medium of some other body, as a rigid bar, or an inextensible cord in its line of direction ; the point on its line of direction towards which the point of application has a tendency to move ; and finally the inten- sity, or magnitude of the force as expressed in terms of some settled unit of measure. NOTE (b\ This result of experiment also admits of the following proof: Let A be the point of appli- * * *> >

: P :: S : S 1? therefore P=P X ^. Let the elementary portion of the path be denoted by <#S, then by multiplying the variable force by the elementary path there obtains P^S=P a |^S, b which may be termed the elementary work, or in other words, the work done whilst the variable pressure acts through the elementary path, during which period the vari- able pressure may be regarded as constant. To obtain the total work whilst the variable pressure acts from I to Cj or through the path S 2 S 1? there obtains S, 8, . 8 s,-io g . s,). s, s, k If instead of the exact work due to the expansive force of the steam, and which is given by the foregoing formula, an approximate value only was required, it could be obtained by a geometrical diagram as follows. Having set off to any scale a num- ber of units representing the path fo, calculate the pressures at the points , will be simply P 1 ; that at c, P,, and that at o, P, S > ' 2 S,) TO. X T-- or EDITOKIAL APPENDIX. 585 Having drawn perpendiculars to ~bc at &, c is divided and the corresponding pressures calculated, the nearer will the enclosed area approach to the true value of the work. The mean pressure, or. that force which, acting with a constant intensity along the same path as that described by the point of application of the variable pressure, would give the same work, is found either by dividing the result of the integration by 838^ or by dividing the area in tlie last method by ~bc. NOTE (m). As an example of the manner of obtaining the work done ^. A.. by a constant pressure acting always /''' ^\ in parallel directions whilst its inclina- p ^ tion to the path described by its point of application is continually varying, let the well known mechanism of the crank arm and connecting rod be taken. Let O be the centre around which the crank arm is made to revolve, by the application of a constant pressure P x , transmitted through a connecting rod CD, all of whose positions during the motion are parallel to the diameter AB. The path described by the point of ap- plication C will be the circumference of which OC is the radius, and the inclination of P a to this path will be the variable angle DCN, between its direction and the tangent to the circle at C, of which the variable angle AOC, that measures the inclination of the crank arm to the diameter AB, is the complement. Denote this last angle by a, and the length of the crank arm OC by ~b. Now decomposing P! into components in the direction of the tangent CN and the radius OC, we obtain for the first Pj sin. a, and for the second P 1 cos. a, of which P a sin. a is alone effective to pro- duce work, since Pj cos. a acts constantly towards the fixed point O without describing any path in the direction of its f/ 586 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. action. But the elementary path described by the point of application is evidently Ida, the infinitely small arc Cn of the circle. The elementary work of the variable component P, sin. a will therefore be expressed by Pj sin. a x Ma. The total work for any portion of the path, as AC, will therefore be .a \ sin. a bda=T > J>(lco8. a)=PJ) ver. sin. a. o and for O=TT, it becomes P a x25, orP,xAB; a result which might have been foreseen, since AB is the path described by the point of application of P, in its line of direction, whilst the actual path is the semi-circumfe- rence ACB. As Cn=bda, if through n a perpendicular nm is drawn to CD, the line of direction of P 1} the distance Cm is evidently the projection of the elementary path actually described on the line of direction of P,, and is therefore the corresponding elementary path of P x in its line of direction ; but Cm=C? sin. a=bda sin. a. Denoting AB by A, then Cm=dh ; and there obtains dh=bda sin. TT ; and P 1 dh=P 1 Ida sin. a ; and r J A result the same as is shown to obtain by the preceding proposition. To find the mean, or constant pressure which, acting in the direction of the circular path, would produce the same amount of work as the variable force does in acting through the semi-circumference ; call Q this mean force, its path being TT&, its work will be Q x tib ; and as this is to be equal to the work of P t sin. a, there obtains Q x n^=P l x 2ft, hence Q^P, - =0*6366 P, nearly, for the value of the force. EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 587 It may be well to observe here that the mean pressures have no farther relations to the actual pressures than as numerical results which are frequently used instead of the actual pressures to facilitate calculations; and also as a means of comparing results, or work actually obtained from a force of variable intensity, at different epochs of its action, with what would have been yielded at the same epochs by the equivalent mean force. To show the manner of making the comparison in this case, let us take the two expressions for the quantity of work due the mean force, and also to the variable component, for a portion of the path corresponding to any angle a. Since 2 Q^Pj-, its work corresponding to a will be The corresponding work of the variable component Y l sin. a will be P^CL-cos. a). The difference therefore between these two amounts of work will be . a). Now this difference will be for the following values of o, a=0, a= -, and a=7r. 2 The maximum value of this difference can be found by the usual method of differentiation and placing the first differ- ential coefficient equal to 0. Performing this operation, there obtains sin. a =-= 0-6366; (^-1-f-cos. a)=PJ> (2x0-21964-1-1/1-1) = - 0-21039 PA From these two expressions it is seen that the greatest excess of the work of the mean force over that of the other would be + 0-21039 P 1 &=+ 0-1052 xP,2J, or about T V of the total work of Pj corresponding to the path 25 ; whilst that of the work of P, over the mean force, represented by 0'21039P 1 , is the same in amount. If now we suppose the direction of the constant force P a to be changed, when its point of application reaches the point B, so as to act parallel to the direction BA until the point of application arrives at A, it is clear that the work r of P^ due to the path described from B to A will also be expressed by P t x 25, so that the work due to an entire revolution of the point of application will be P t x 45. As the mean force will evidently be the same for the entire revolution of the point of application, it follows that the greatest positive, or nega- tive excess, as stated above, will be 0-0526 xPj4J, or 2 1 of the work for one entire revolution. It is thus seen that although the work of the effective variable component P, sin. a of r l is not, like that of the mean force, uniform for equal paths, still it at no time falls short of nor exceeds the work of the mean force by more than about V of the entire work for each revolution. Were any mechanism, as that for pumping water for example, so arranged that either the constant force P 15 or a mean force equal to 0*6366 P 15 acting as above described, were applied to it, the quantity of water delivered by the one would at no time exceed, in any one revolution, that delivered by the other by more than V of the total quantity delivered by either during the entire revolution. NOTE (n). If P 2 , for example, were the resultant of the other pres- sures, its component P 3 cos. a a would be equal to the alge- EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 589 braic sum of the components P! cos. a l5 P 3 cos. 3 , &c., of the other pressures P 15 P 3 , &c. ; the work therefore of P a , esti- mated in the direction of the given path AB, and corres- ponding to any portion of this path, will be equal to the algebraic sum of the work of the other pressures P M P 3 , &c., corresponding to the same portion of the given path. NOTE (0). Since at the point E, taken as the point of application, the line of direction of the pressure becomes a tangent to the arc described with the radius OE, it follows that the infi- nitely small arc described with the radius OE may be taken for the infinitely small path described by the point of appli- cation in the direction of the tangent. Denoting by da the infinitely small angle described by the radius OE, then OE x da will express the infinitely small path, or arc ; and P x OE<^a will represent the elementary work of the pressure. ' If the pressure remains constant in intensity and direction during an entire revolution of the body about 0, then will the work of P for this revolution be represented by P x circum. OE. (p). The term living force is more generally used with us by writers on mechanics instead of its Latin equivalent vis vwa, to designate the numerical result arising from multiplying the quantity denominated the mass of a body by the square of the velocity with which the body is moving at any instant. It will be readily seen that this product does not represent a pressure, or force, but the numerical equivalent of the product of a certain number of units of pressure and a certain number of units of path. The one magnitude being of as totally a distinct order from the other as an area is different from a line, and therefore having no common unit of measure. Besides this expression, which serves no other really use- ful purposes than as a name to designate a certain numerical magnitude which is of constant occurrence in the subject of mechanics, there is another also of frequent use, termed 590 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. quantity of motion, wnich is the product of the mass and w the velocity, or v. This is also termed the dynamical measure of a force in contradistinction to pressure, as usually estimated, which is termed the statical measure of a force. In estimating the accumulated work in the pieces of a machine which have either a continuous or a reciprocating motion of rotation it is necessary to find expressions for the moments of inertia of these pieces with respect to their axis of rotation, and this may, in all cases, be done, within a cer- tain degree of approximation to the true valu, by calculat- ing separately the moment of inertia of each of the compo- nent parts of each piece and taking their sum for its total moment of inertia, on the principle that these moments may be added to or subtracted from each other in a manner similar to that in which volumes, or areas are found from their component parts. In making these approximate calculations, which in many cases are intricate and tedious, it will be well to keep in view the two or three leading points following, with the examples given in illustration ol some of the more usual forms of rotating pieces. 1st. The general form for the moment of inertia of a body rotating around an axis parallel to the one passing through its centre of gravity as given in equation 58, (Art. 79) is Now if the distances of the extreme elements of the body from the axis passing through its centre of gravity are small compared with that of A, the distance between the two axes, the second term I of the second member of this equation may be neglected with respect to the first, and A 2 M be taken as the approximate value of the required moment. This consideration will find its application in many of the cases referred to, as, for example, in that of finding the moment of inertia of the portion of a solid, like the exterior flanch of the beam of a steam-engine, the volume of which may be approx- imately obtained by the method of Guldinus (Art. 39.). In this case, A representing the area of the cross section of the EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 591 flanch, and s the path which its centre of gravity would describe in moving parallel to itself in the direction of the flanch around the beam, any elementary volume of the flanch between two parallel planes of section will be ex- pressed by Ads. Now the moment of inertia of this elemen- tary volume from equation 58 is in which the first term of the second member, which expresses the sum of the elementary volumes Ads into the squares of their respective distances r from the axis of rota- tion, may be taken as the approximate value required ; inas- much as I, the sum of their moments of inertia with respect to the parallel axes through their centres of gravity, may be neglected witn respect to the first term. The problem will therefore reduce to finding the moment of inertia of the line represented by s, which would be described by the centre of gravity of A, with respect to the assumed axis of rotation, and then multiplying the result by A. 2nd. As the line s is generally contained in a plane per- pendicular to the axis of rotation, and is given in kind, as well as in position with respect to this axis, being also gene- rally symmetrically placed with respect to it, its required moment of inertia may, in most cases, be most readily obtained by finding the moment of inertia of s separately, with respect to two rectangular axes contained in its plane, and taken through the point in which the given axis of rotation pierces this plane, and then adding these two moments. The moment of inertia of a line taken in this way with respect to a point in its plane has been called by some writers the polar moment of inertia. This method is also equally applicable to finding the mo- ment of inertia of a plane thin disk revolving around an axis perpendicular to its plane, and to solids which can be divided into equal laminae by planes passed perpendicular to the axis of rotation. (a 1 ) The moment of inertia of the arc of a parabola with respect to an axis perpendicular to the plane of the curve at a given point on the axis of the curve. Let BAG be the given arc ; A the vertex of the parabola 592 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. R the point on its axis at which the axis is taken. Through R draw the chord PQ. Represent the D chord BC of the given arc by 5; its corresponding abscissa AD by a\ and AR by c. Let y represent the ordinate pq, and x the correspond- ing abscissa of any element dz of the arc. From the preceding remarks, the moment of inertia of dz with respect to the axis AD will be expressed by y*dz ; and that of the entire arc BAG by as from the equation of the parabola, y*= ^ x. By integration f in which Z is the length of the arc BAG. In like manner the moment of inertia of dz with respect to the chord PQ is and for the entire arc BAG, i& *z = 2 ^-f A = .- which integrated as above, 6l?^ 9 / ^ Z U * Church's Int. Cal. Art. 199. f Ibid. Art. 150. EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 593 From the preceding remarks, the moment of inertia of Z, with respect to the axis at the point E perpendicular to the plane of Z, is 32 \ / " The value of Z in the above expressions is Each of the preceding expressions may be simplified, and an approximate value obtained, sufficiently near for practical applications, when the ratios of I and c to a are given* For example, when b /_ \a there obtains the terms omitted, being small fractions with respect to. unity, do not materially affect the result. Having found the moment of inertia of a parabolic curve, . that of a parabolic ring of uniform cross section, taken per- pendicular to the direction of the curve at any point, and having its centre of gravity at its point of intersection with the curve, can be obtained by simply multiplying Ij+I, by S the area of the given cross section. (A 1 ) The moment of inertia of the segment of a parabola with respect to an axis perpendicular to its plane at a given point of the axis of the curve. Let BAG be the given segment ; A the vertex ; AD the * Church's Int. Cal. Art. 199. 38 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. axis of the curve ; and D the point on the axis with respect to which the mo- ments of inertia are estimated. Denote the chord BC by 5; the abscissa AD by a. By (Art. 81) the moment of inertia of an elementary area pq with respect to AD is T ^ (pq)*dx= ' That of the segment therefore will be ~ In like manner the moment of inertia of an elementary area asps, with respect to the axis BC, is -J (ps) 3 dy= -J(a a?) 8 dy. That of the segment therefore will be 16 *& = f f (a - From this last expression we readily obtain the moment of inertia of a disk having the segment for its base and its thickness represented by c, with respect to an axis at D per- pendicular to its base by simply multiplying I x + 1 2 by c ; ft + 1.) c = A fo + T% 0'fo = I ^ in which f Zc = Y, the volume of the disk. or l ) The moment of inertia of a parabolic disk, or prism,, with respect to an axis parallel to the chords which termi- nate the upper and lower bases and midway between the chords. Let pq be an elementary volume of the disk contained between two planes parallel to the base BC of the disk. Adopting the same notation as in the preceding article, the volume pq is expressed by 2t/ . c . dx. The moment of inertia of this elemen- tary volume with respect to an axis through its centre of gravity and parallel to BC is (Art, 83) EDITORIAL APPENDIX. W . 2v . c . dx 595 and the moment of inertia of the same volume with respect to the axis, parallel to the one through its centre of gravity, taken on the base BC of the disk and midway between the upper and lower chords is (Art. 79 Eq. 58) . c . dx . c . dx (axf ; the moment of inertia of the entire disk with respect to the same axis is .-. I = T v C 2y . G . dx {c* + (dx)*\ + f Zy . c . dx (ax)\ Substituting for x and dx in terms of y, omitting the term containing (dx) 3 , and integrating as indicated, there obtains, a in which V= (d r ) The moments of inertia of a right prism with a trape* zoidal "base with respect to axes perpendicular and parallel to the base at the middle point oj the face terminated by the broader side of the trapezoid. Let AG-HC be the trapezoid forming the base of the prism. Represent the altitude EF of the trape- zoid by a ; AG by I ; CH by b 1 ; and the height GB of the prism by c. Let ^ be an elementary volume of the prism between two planes parallel to the face AB and at a distance Ee=x from the face CD. From C drawing Cc parallel to HG there obtains A /I pr= ==- . Ac = - (b EF a =pr V. 596 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. The elementary volume pq is therefore The moment of inertia of py with respect to an axis through its centre of gravity and perpendicular to the base of the prism is (Art. 83). and that of the entire prism with respect to an axis at F, the middle point of AGr, and parallel to the preceding axis, is = A f | - Q-V)+V [ c. / I # omitting the term containing (dx}\ and integrating, as indi- cated, there obtains in which F= By a like series of operations the moment of inertia of the entire prism, with respect to an axis perpendicular to the preceding one at its middle point between the upper and lower bases of the prism, will be EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 597 (e) The moment of inertia of a right prismoid with rectan- gular bases with respect to an axis XY through the centre o gravity of the tower base and parallel to one of its sides. Let AB = J, BC = c be the sides of the rectangle of the lower base ; ab = b\ be = c l the sides of the upper base. Let pqrs be any section of the prismoid parallel to the lower base and at a distance x from it* and let a be the altitude of the prismoid, or the distance between its upper and lower bases. From the relations between the dimensions of the prismoid there ob- tains (Art. f ') a x. x(c c l ) + ac l 2r=-(c-c l )+c l =- ^ ; and to express the elementary solid contained between two planes parallel to the base of the prismoid and at the height x above it, x(b b l ) + ab 1 x(c c l ) + ac 1 x * - . dx. The moment of inertia of this solid, with respect to an axis xy through its centre of gravity and parallel to XY, is (Art. 83) x (b b 1 ) + afr x(c c l }+atf -- -* The moment of inertia of the prismoid (Art. 79 Eq. 58) is \ (*c-^+ 593 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. o fxg>- J a omitting the term containing (d)* and integrating as indi cated, there obtains, By integrating the expression for the elementary volume between the same limits, there obtains to express the volume of the prisinoid which is the formula usually given in mensuration. In each of the preceding examples, the quantities I, I 15 &c. are expressed only in terms of certain linear dimensions ; to obtain therefore the moments of inertia proper these results must be multiplied by the quantity -, or the unit of mass corresponding to the unit of volume, in which ^ represents the weight of the unit of volume of the material and g = 32 feet. Each of the above values of I may be placed under more simple forms for the greater readiness of numerical calcula- tion by throwing out such terms as will visibly affect the result in only a slight degree. But as such omissions depend upon the numerical relations of the linear dimensions of the parts no rule for making them can be laid down which will be applicable to all cases. . (/"') The moment of inertia of a trip hammer. These hammers consist of a head of iron of which A repre- sents a side and A' a front elevation; of a handle of wood B, which is either of the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped, or of EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 599 two rectangular prismoids, having a common base at the axis of rotation C where the trunnions, upon which the hammer revolves, are connected firmly with the handle by an iron collar. Another iron collar is placed at the end of the handle, and is acted on by that piece of the mechanism which causes the hammer to rotate. To obtain the moment of inertia of the whole, that of each part with respect to the axis is separately estimated and the sum then taken. The head A, A' may be regarded as a parallelopiped of which the side A', reduced to its equivalent rectangle by drawing two lines parallel to the vertical line that bisects the figure, is the end, and the breadth of the side A is the length. If then from the moment of inertia of this parallel- opiped that of the void a, or eye of the -hammer, which is also a parallelopiped, be taken, the difference will be the moment of inertia of the solid portion of the head. The moments of inertia of these parallelepipeds may be calcu- lated, with respect to the axis C, by first estimating them with respect to the axes through their respective centres of gravities G and ^, parallel to C, by (Art. 83) and then witli respect to C by (Art. 79. Eq. 58). Or if the moments of inertia with respect to G and g are small with respect to the product of their volumes and the squares of the distances GO and ^C, then the difference of the latter products may be taken as the approximate value. The moment of inertia of the handle, if also a parallelo- piped, will be found with respect to C by (Arts. 79, 83). If it is composed of two rectangular prismoids, then the mo- ment of the parts on each side of the axis must be found by (') and their sum taken. The moment of inertia of the trunnions and the iron hoop to which they are attached may be found by (Arts. 85, 87) and their sum taken. But as this quantity will be generally small with respect to the others it may be omitted. That of the hoop at the end of the handle may be taken approximately as equal to the product of its volume and the square of the distance between the axis through its centre of gravity and that of rotation. (g f ) The moment of inertia of a cast iron wheel. These wheels usually consist of an exterior rim A A' of 600 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. uniform cross section con- nected with the boss, or nave C, C', which is a hollow cylinder, by radial pieces, or arms B, B', the cross section of which is in the form of a cross. Each arm having the same breadths at top and bottom in the direction of the axis of the wheel as those of the rim and nave which it connects; the thickness perpendicular to the axis being uniform. The projection or ribs on the side of each arm, and which give the cross form to the section, being of uni- form breadth and thickness ; or else of uniform thickness but tapering in -breadth from the nave to the rim. These ribs join another of the same thickness that projects from the inner surface of the rim. Eepresent by E the mean radius of the rim, estimated from the axis to the centre of gravity of its cross section ; J its breadth, and d its mean thickness ; V its volume, and I its moment of inertia with respect to the axis; ^ the weight of its unit of volume, and y=3%% feet ; then by (Art. 86) V=totW>d andl=^ FE 2 , V omitting J^ 2 as but a small fractional part of E 2 . Eepresenting by b l the breadth of the arm at the axis, supposing it prolonged to this line ; J 2 its breadth at the rim, supposing it prolonged also to the mean circle of the rim, d 1 its thickness ; V. its volume ; I, its moment of inertia, then 2 Eepresenting by a^ the breadth at bottom, 2 the breadth at top of the ribs, or projections on the sides of each arm, esti- mated also at the axis and mean circle of the rim ; d^ their thickness ; F 2 their volume ; I 2 their moment of inertia ; then by (a') F.=B* ?dp and !.= The sum I +1,4-1, will be the moment of inertia of the EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 601 entire wheel approximately, since the moment of inertia of the portions of the boss between the arms is omitted, this being compensated for by supposing the arms prolonged to the axis and to the mean circle of the rim. As the quanti- ties Fj, F" 2 , Ij and I 2 are taken but for one arm, they must be multiplied by the number of arms to have the entire moment. (h f ) The moment of inertia of a cast iron steam engine beam. These beams usually consist of two equal arms symmetri- cal with respect to a line a a' through the axis of rotation o. Each arm, a V a' and a 1) a', consists of a parabolic disk of uniform thickness ; b and V being the ver- tices of the exterior bounding curves, a a' their common chord, and ob, ob' their axes. The disk is terminated on the exterior by a flanch B of uniform breadth and thickness. A rib C, either of uniform breadth and thickness, or else of uniform thickness, and tapering in breadth from the centre o to the ends &, 5', projects from each face of the plane disk along the axis b b'. The beam is perforated at the centre, near the two extremities and at intermediate points, to receive the short shafts, or centres around which rotation takes place. Around each of these perforations, projections, or bosses D', D", &c., are' cast, to add strength and give a more secure fastening for the shafts. The beam being symmetrical with respect to a a', it will be only necessary to calculate the moments of inertia of the component parts of each arm with respect to the axis o and take double their sum for the total moment of inertia of the beam. These component parts are 1st, the parabolic flanch ; 2nd, the parabolic disk of uniform thickness enclosed by the flanch ; 3d, the rib on each side of the disk, running along the centralline bb f ; 4th, the projections, or bosses D' &c., around the centres. The moment of inertia of the flanch will be calculated by (') as its thickness is small compared with the other linear dimensions. That of the disk will be calculated by (&'). That of the rib by (d f ). Those of the projections may be obtained within a sufficient degree of approximation by 602 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. taking the product of their volumes and the squares of their respective distances from the axis o. The sum of these quantities being taken it must be multi- plied by - as in the preceding cases ; v> being the weight of the unit of volume of the material. NOTE (s). The increase of tension due to rigidity and which ig ex- pressed by - - - - may be placed under the following form, c m . a+c m . I . P a c m (a+l . F a ) K R by writing c m . a for D, and c m . ~b for E, in which c repre- sents the circumference of the rope, and m the power to which c is raised. The increase of tension of any other rope whose circumfer- ence is c l bent over the same pulley and subjected to the same tension P a is, in like manner, expressed by E Now representing by T and T l the two values above for the respective increase of tension for c and c l there obtains, by dividing the one by the other, which expresses the rule given above for using the tables in calculating the increase of rigidity due to a cord whose cir- cumference is different from those in the tables. NOTE (t). As one of the chief ends of every machine designed for industrial purposes is, under certain restrictions as to the EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 603 quality, to yield the greatest amount of its products for the motive power consumed, it becomes a subject of prime importance to see clearly in what way the work yielded by the motive power to the receiver, at its applied point, is diminished by the various prejudicial resistances, in its transmission through the material elements of the machine to the operator, or tool by which the products in question are formed. The most convenient method for doing this will be to place (equation 112, Art. 145) which expresses the relation between the work 2U 1 of the motive power at the applied point and that 2U 3 the work of the operator at the working point, with the portion 2U + - - 2w (v*v*) which repre- sents the work consumed by the prejudicial resistances and the inertia, under a form such that the work of each preju- dicial resistance shall be separately exhibited, for the pur- pose of deducing, from this new form of the equation, the influence which each of these has in diminishing the work yielded at the applied point and transmitted to the operator. To effect this change of form in (equation 112) designate by P! the motive power, and S x the path passed over by its point of application in its line of direction between any two intervals of time, during which Pj may be regarded as vari- able both in intensity and direction ; P 2 and S a the resistance and corresponding path at the working point ; R the various prejudicial resistances which, like friction, the stiffness of cordage, &c., act with a constant intensity, or are propor- tional to P 1? and S their path ; w l the weight of the parts the centre of gravity of which has changed its level during the period considered, and H its path ; and w (v.?v*)= %m 2<7 (v^v^) the half of the difference between the living forces or the accumulated work of the material elements in motion, of which m - - is the mass, during the same period, in which the velocity has changed from v 1 to v v Now for an elementary period dt of time, during which the forces P, &c., may be regarded as constant, and their points of application to have described the elementary paths dS l &c., in their lines of direction, (equation 112) will take the form, h, . . . (A), 604: EDITORIAL APPENDIX. in which the 1st member of the equation expresses the incre- ment of the living force, or the elementary accumulated work for the interval dt at any instant when the velocity of the mass m, is v\ and the 2nd member the corresponding algebraic sum of the elementary work of P n R, &c. This equation being integrated between the limits ^ and 2 in which v changes from v l to v^ there obtains, 2 lm - O = 2 fw.dh ..... (B). This equation (B) is the same as (equation 112). The symbol 2 designating the aggregate of the work of the various forces of the same kind ; and that as / P^Sj &c. the work of each force as P,, supposing it to be either con- stant or variable. In either case whenever P x &c., can be expressed in terms of B! the value of / Y 1 dS 1 can be found by one of the methods in (Notes I and m) ; and supposing P 1 &c., to represent their mean values, and S x &c., the paths described in their true directions during the interval con- sidered, equation (B) may be written under the following form for the convenience of discussion, . . . .(0). In this last equation 2 / w l dh = WH (Art. 60) represents the work of the total weight of the parts whose centre of gravity has changed its level during the interval considered, and it takes the double sign , as the path H may be described either in the same, or a contrary direction to that in which W always acts. Before proceeding to discuss the terms of (equation C), it may be well to remark that the term RS does not take into account the work expended by P, in overcoming the molecular forces brought into play by the deflection, torsion, extension, &c., of the parts of the machine ; for, owing to the rigidity of these parts, this forms but a very small .frac- tional part of the total work of the exterior forces whilst the machine operates continuously for some time; as, during EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 605 this time, the tension of the parts, or the molecular resist ances remain sensibly the same, and the molecular displace ments are for the most part inappreciable, or else very small compared with the paths described by the points of applica- tion of the other forces. This remark, however, does not apply to the expenditure of work by the motive power where the operation of the machine requires that some of the parts in motion shall be brought into contact with others which are either at rest, or moving with a slower velocity so as to produce a shock. In this case there may be a very appreciable amount of living force, or accumulated work destroyed by the shook, owing to the constitution of the material of which the parts are composed where the shock takes place ; and, if the shocks are frequent during the interval considered, and in which the other forces continue to act, the accumulated work destroyed during this interval may form a large portion of the work expended, or to be supplied by the motive power. In calculating this amount of accumulated work destroyed, we admit what is in fact frue in such machines, that the interval in which the shock takes place is infinitely small compared with the interval in which the other forces act continuously, and therefore, in estimating the accumulated work destroyed in each shock, that we can leave out of account the work of the other forces during this infinitely small interval. In this way, considering also that the parts where the shock takes place are usually formed of materials which undergo an almost inappreciable change of form from the shock, and that therefore the mechanical combinations of the machine are sensibly the same after the shock as before it, we readily see that, to obtain the total expenditure of work by the motive power, for any finite interval, we must calculate that which is consumed by all the other resistances during this interval, and add to this that destroyed by the shocks during the same interval, the latter being calculated irrespective of the work of the other forces during the short duration in which each shock occurs. We thus see that, except in some cases where the great velocity of the parts in motion may give rise to an appreci- able expenditure of work caused by the resistance of the medium in which these parts may be moving, as the air, &c., the forces which act upon any machine in motion are the motive power ; the resistances, such as friction, stiffness of cordage, &c., which act either with a constant intensity during the motion, or are proportional to the motive power , 606 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. the weight of the parts whose centres of gravity do not remain on the same level during this interval ; the useful^ resistance arising from the mechanical functions the machine is designed for ; and the forces of inertia which either give rise to accu- mulated work, or the reverse, as the velocity increases, or decreases during the interval considered. Eesuming equation (C) we obtain, by transposition, P&=P& I^WH-Jwv.' + iw^ 1 . That is the useful work, or that yielded at the working point and which it is generally the object of the machine to make as great as possible consistently with the quality of the required products, will be the greater as the terms in the second member of the equation affected with the negative sign are the smaller. Taking the term ES, it is apparent that all that can be done is to endeavor in the case of each machine to give such forms, dimensions and velocities to those parts where these resistances are developed as will make it the least possible. With respect to WH it will entirely disappear from the equation when H=o ; in which case the centre of gravity of the entire system will remain at the same level ; or else only that portion of this term will disappear which belongs to those parts of the machine whose centres of gravity either remain at rest, as in the case of wheels exactly centered, end- less bands and chains, &c. ; or in the case of those pieces which receive a motion simply in a horizontal direction. This term will also disappear in whole, or in part, in those cases where the centre of gravity ascends and descends exactly the same vertical distance in the interval correspond- ing to the work Pfi l ; for during the ascent, as the direction of the path H is opposite to that of the weight "W", the work consumed will be WH, whereas, in the descent, it will restore the same amount or -f-WH, and the sum of the two will therefore be 0. This takes places in the parts of many machines, for example in crank arms, and in wheels which are not, accurately centered; in both of which cases the centre of gravity ascends and descends the same distance vertically in the interval corresponding to each revolution of these parts whilst in motion ; also in those parts of a ma- chine, like the saw and its frame in the saw mill, which rise and fall alternately the same distance. In all of these cases then the useful work P 2 S a will not be EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 607 affected by the work due to the weight of the parts in question. It may be well to observe that the preceding remarks refer only to the direct influence of the weight of the parts on the amount of useful work ; but whilst directly it may produce no effect however great its amount, the weight, indirectly, may cause a considerable diminution of this work, by increasing the passive resistances and thus the term US. The same holds with regard to the accumulated work, repre- sented by the term %mv*, from which a considerable dimi- nution may be made in P 2 S 2 if this accumulated work cannot be converted into useful work, and thus be made to form a portion of P 2 S 2 , when the action of the motive power is either withdrawn, or ceases, by variations in its intensity, to yield an amount of work which shall suffice for the work consumed by the resistances. These last remarks naturally lead us to the consideration of the two terms fawv*, and -~ jmi> 2 2 , or half the living forces. or accumulated work at the commencement and end of the interval considered. As the machine necessarily starts from a state of rest under the action of the motive power P l5 it follows that fynv*, the accumulated work due to this action tends to increase P 2 S 2 , whilst that fynv* is so much accu- mulated in the moving parts by which P 2 S 2 is lessened. This diminution of P 2 S 2 is but inconsiderable in comparison with the total useful work when the interval in question, and during which the machine operates without intermission, is great ; also in cases where the velocity attained by the parts in motion is inconsiderable, as for example in machines em- ployed for raising heavy weights, in which &nv* will in most cases be but a small fraction of the useful work which is the product of the weight raised and the vertical height it passes through. In this last example we also see the incon- veniences which would result from allowing bodies raised by machinery to acquire any considerable amount of velocity ; or to quit the machine with any acquired velocity, as, in this case, the accumulated work generally would be entirely lost so far as the required useful effect is concerned. Except in the case where the accumulated work fynv* can be usefully employed in continuing the motion of the machine and gradually bringing it to a state of rest when the motive power P, has either ceased to act, or has so far decreased in intensity as to be incapable of overcoming the resistances, whatever tends to any augmentation of living force should be avoided, for the teim which represents this 608 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. being composed of two factors the one representing the mass of the parts in motion and the other the square of its velo- city, it is evident that the prejudicial resistances such as friction on the one hand and the resistance of the air on the other will increase as either of these factors is increased, and thus a very appreciable amount of this accumulated work may be consumed in useless work caused by the very in- crease in question. If, moreover, the machine from the nature of its operations is one that requires to be brought suddenly to a state of rest, any considerable amount of accumulated work might so increase the effects' of shocks at the points of articulation as to endanger the safety of the parts. The foregoing remarks apply only to those parts of a ma- chine where the direction of motion remains the same whilst the machine is in operation. Where any of the parts have a reciprocating motion, in which case whilst the part is moving in one direction the velocity increases from up to a certain limit and then decreases until it again becomes at the moment when the change in the direction of motion takes place, and so on for each period of change, it will be readily seen that where the velocity varies by insensible degrees, the accumulated work of these parts for each period of change will be and will therefore have no influence on the amount P 2 S 2 of useful work. The avoidance of abrupt changes of velocity in any of the parts of a machine is of great importance. The mechanism therefore should, as a general rule, be so contrived that there shall be the least play possible at the articulations of the various parts, and that the articulations shall receive such forms as to procure a continuous motion. In cases also where any of the parts have a reciprocating motion such mechanical contrivances should be used as will cause the variations of velocity in these parts, within the range of their paths, to take place in a very gradual manner ; such for examples as what obtains in the cranks and eccentrics which are mostly employed to convert the continuous circu- lar motion of one part into reciprocating motion in another, or the reverse. There are some industrial operations however which are performed by shocks, as in stamping machines, trip ham- mers, &c., and in these cases the useful work is due to the work developed by the motive power in raising the pestle of the stamping machine, or the head of the trip hammer through a certain vertical distance from which it again falls upon the matter to be acted on, having acquired in its EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 609 descent an amount of living force, or accumulated work due to the height through which it has been raised. In such cases it is to be noted that, independently of the work due to the motive power consumed by the resistances whilst the hammer or pestle is kept in motion by the other parts of the mechanism, and which is so much uselessly consumed so for as the useful work is concerned, there will be a portion of the accumulated work in the pestle, or hammer also uselessly consumed, arising from the want of perfect rigidity and elasticity in the material of which these two pieces are usually composed. Besides this, both the pestle and matter acted on may and generally do have relative velocities after the shock between them, which as they are foreign to the purpose of the operation, will also represent an amount o* accumulated work lost to the useful work. From this, w$- may infer that, as a general rule, other industrial modes, of operating a change of form in matter will be preferable; to- those by shocks, whenever they can be employed ; and that such modes are moreover advantageous, as they avoid those jars to the entire mechanism which accompany abrupt changes in the velocity of any of the parts, and which, by loosening the articulations more and more, increase the evil, and ultimately render the machine unfit for service. Having examined the influence of all the various hurtful resistances brought into action in the motion of machines upon the work PjS, expended by the motive power, and pointed out generally how the consumption of the work may be lessened, and the useful work to the same extent increased, we readily infer that like observations are applicable to the term P 2 S 2 the work of the resistance at the working point. As the prime object in all industrial operations performed by machinery is to produce the greatest result of a certain kind for the amount of work expended by the motive power, it will be necessary to this end that the velocity, the form, &c., of the operator, or tool by which the result sought is to be obtained, should be such as will not cause any useless expen- diture of work. On this point experiment has shown that for certain operators there is a certain velocity of motion by which the result produced will be the most advantageous both as to the quality and quantity. With respect to the work of the motive power itself repre- sented by the product PjS, it admits of a maximum value ; for when the receiver to which Pj is applied is at rest, 'P l will act with its greatest intensity, but the velocity then being the product P l S l will also be ; but as the velocity increases 39 610 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. after the receiver begins to move the intensity of the action of P x upon it decreases, until finally the velocity of the applied point may receive such a value Y that P 1 will become 0, and the product P^ in this case will then also he 0. As the work PjS, thus becomes in these two states of the velo- city, it is evident that there is a certain value of the velo- city which will make FjS, a .maximum. To attain this maximum the mode of action of the motive power selected on each form of receiver to which it is applicable will require to be studied, and such an arrangement of its mechanism adopted as will prevent any decompositions of the motive power that would tend in any manner to increase the hurt- ful resistances and thus diminish the useful work. It will be very easy to show that the laws of motion of all machines, that is the relations between the times, spaces and velocities of the motion of any one of the moving parts are implicitly contained in the general equation of living forces as applied to machines w T hich has just been discussed. Resuming (equation B) with this view, and representing by dm any elementary mass in motion whose velocity is v 9 at any instant w r hen it has described the path, or space s, if we take any other elementary mass dm in a given position and denote by u its velocity at tke same instant, we shall have i' a =M a (9,9), and v l =u l ($$ t ) ; in which 95 is a purely geome- trical function, since, from the connection of the parts of a machine, in which, any motion given to one part is trans- mitted in an invariable manner to the other, the space passed over by any one point can always be expressed in terms of that passed over by any other assumed at pleasure. From the relations v t =u t (95), and v^ dtds, we obtain v* and u^ d^ ^ (tt Substituting these values of v? and i> 2 dv t in (equations B and A), and letting m still represent the sum of the elementary masses as dm, there obtain the two equations tf^ /^P^S, 2 fudS - f P 2 d S 2 zfwdh. (B') EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 611 ds = sP^-sRdS - . (A'), the first showing the relations between any two states of the velocities u^ and u t for any definite interval, and the second for the infinitely small interval dt. ]STow as the relations between the quantities dS^ dS &c., or the elementary paths described by the points of application of P 15 P 2 , &c., and the elementary space ds, from the connection of the parts of the machine, can be expressed in functions of s and of the constants that determine the relative magnitudes and positions of those parts ; and as, moreover, P 15 P 2 , &c., are either constant, or vary according to certain laws by which they are given in functions of the paths S 1? S 2 , &c., we see that all the relations in question are implicitly contained in the two preceding equations. Let us examine the kinds of motion of which a machine is susceptible and the conditions attendant upon them. We observe, in the first place, supposing the machine to start from a state of rest, that the elementary work ^ l d^> l of the motive power must be greater than that of the resistances combined, or P^Sj R^S &c. >0, so long as the velocity is on the increase. The living force is thus increased at each instant by a quantity d (mv*)=2mvdv, or by an amount which is equal to twice the elementary work of the motive power and resistances combined ; and this increase will go on so long as the elementary work of the motive power is greater than that of the resistances. But, from the very nature of the question, this increase cannot go on indefinitely, for the point of application of the motive power would in the end acquire a velocity so great that P 1 would exert no effort on the receiver, whereas the resistances still act as at the commencement, and some of them even increase in intensity with the velocity. The living force therefore will, at some period of the motion, attain a limit beyond which it will not increase, a fact which the operation of all known machines confirms, and, having thus reached this state, it must either continue the same during the remainder of the time that the machine continues in motion, or else it must commence to decrease until the velocity attains some inferior limit from which it will again commence to increase, and so on for each successive period of motion, during which the action of the forces remains the same. 612 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. Supposing the machine to continue its motion with the velo- city it has attained at this maximum state of the living force, we shall then have and inasmuch as the motion being now uniform the difference between the living forces corresponding to any finite inter- val of time is 0. Considering the manner in which the parts of machines are combined to transmit motion from point to point, we infer that this condition with respect to the increase of living force, and which constitutes uniform motion, can only obtain when the velocities of all the differ- ent parts bear a constant ratio to each -other. Representing by t/, v", /", &c., these velocities which are respectively equal to , _, -, &c., we see that the ratios of ds, dt dt dt ds", ds'", &c., will also be constant when those of -y', v", &c., are so ; that is, this constancy of the ratio of the effective velo- cities and of the quantities ds', ds", &c., must subsist together for all positions of the parts of machines to which they refer ; but as the latter, which are the virtual velocities, or ele- mentary paths described, depend entirely on the geometrical laws that govern the motion of the parts, a little consideration of the various mechanical combinations by which motion is transmitted will show that, in order that their ratios shall respectively remain constant, no pieces having a reciprocat- ing motion can enter into the composition of the machine, as the velocities of such pieces evidently cannot be anade to bear a constant ratio to the others. This condition it will be seen refers exclusively to the mechanism of the machine, or the geometrical conditions by which the parts are connected, and has nothing to do with the action of the forces them- selves. But when the condition of uniform motion is satisfied there obtains also that is, according to the principle of virtual velocities, an equilibrium obtains between the forces which act on the machine irrespective of the inertia of the parts. As a gene- ral rule this condition requires that not only must the forces EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 613 P 15 11, &c., be constant both in intensity and direction and act continuously, but that the term Wc$tl must be sepa- rately equal to 0, or the centre of gravity of each part must preserve the same level during the motion ; for were this not so any piece whose weight is w would evidently impress an elementary work represented by wdh which would be variable in the different positions of the mechanism ; unless w, having itself a uniform velocity, formed, as might be the case, a part of the motive power P^ or of the useful resist- ance P 2 . It thus appears that to obtain uniform motion not only must the mechanism used for transmitting the motion con- tain no reciprocating pieces, and therefore consist solely of rotating parts, as wheels, &c., and parts moving continu- ously in the same direction, as endless bands, and chains, &c. ; but that the centres of gravity of these pieces shall remain at the same level during the motion, which will require that the wheels and other rotating pieces shall be accurately cen- tered so as to turn truly about their axes. The difficulty of obtaining a strictly uniform motion in machines is thus apparent, for it involves conditions in them- selves practically unattainable, that is, applied forces acting continuously and with a constant intensity and direction, and that the ratio of the virtual velocities of the different parts should be constant and independent of the positions of the mechanism, a condition which requires that the terms ($s) and I,d7n(s)' 2 in the preceding equations shall also be con. stant for all of these positions. But even were these condi- tions satisfied, it can be shown that rigorously speaking a machine starting from a state of rest will attain a uniform velocity only in a time infinitely great. This will appear from geometrical considerations of a very simple character, or from the form taken by equation. By the first method, _ let OT, OY be two co-ordinate axes, along the one set off the abscissas Qt'^ O", & c . ? to re- present the times elapsed from the commencement of the mo- tion, and the ordinates V, t"v', -f &c., the corresponding veloci- ties, the curve Qv'v", &c., will give the relation between the times and the velocities. Now, from the circumstances of the motion, the increments of the velocities will continually decrease, and the curve, from the law of continuity, will approach more nearly to a right line 614: EDITOEIAL APPENDIX. as the time increases ; having for its assymptote a right line parallel to OT, drawn at a distance Ov from it, which is the limit the velocity attains when the motion becomes uniform. We moreover see from the form the curve may assume that this limit will be approached more or less rapidly. From (equation B'), representing by c the quantity we obtain #* dv * - vT> ^L V-P ^ P ^ -~~ l ' * r ** Now, from the preceding discussion, the forces being sup- posed to act continuously, and with a constant intensity and 7Q 70 direction, and the quantities - 1 , -^- 2 being constant, the ds ' ds function expressed by the second member -of this equation has its greatest value when ^ 2 0, or when the machine is about to move, and that after motion begins it decreases more or less rapidly as the velocity increases, until it be- comes for a certain finite value of the velocity. Hence it follows that the function must be of the following, or some equivalent form, in which ~k is essentially positive and a function of t> 2 and certain constants, and V is the limit of the velocity in ques- tion. We shall therefore obtain from (equation B'), by sub- stituting this function for the second member, v dv z r cdv^ c ~dt ^v^Vty 5 an d t J kTVv Y ' The second member of this last equation, when integrated between the limits v 9 =Q, arid 9 = y. , must contain, according to the known rules applicable to it, at least one term of the form of a log. (Vv t ) if the exponent n is odd ; or a(Y / y 2 )~ w+1 , if n is even; either of which functions will become infinite for V v^= 0, or when v 2 attains its limit. From the conditions requisite to attain uniformity of mo- tion in a machine, the advantages attendant upon it, so far as it aifects the mechanism are self-apparent ; not only will there be none of that jarring which attends abrupt transi- tions in the velocity, but, from the manner in which the EDITOEIAL APPENDIX. 615 forces act, the strains on all the parts- will be equable, and the respective form and strength of each can thus be regu- lated in accordance with the strain to be brought upon it, thus reducing the bulk and weight of each to what is strictly requisite for the safety of the machine. But advantages not less important than these result from the use of mecnanism susceptible of uniform motion, owing to the fact that for each receiver and operator there is a velocity for the applied and working points with which the functions of the machine are best performed as respects the products ; and these respective velocities can be readily secured in uniform motion by a suitable arrangement of the mechanism inter- mediate between these two pieces. The advantages resulting from uniform motion in machines has led to the abandonment of mechanism that necessarily causes irregularity of motion, in many processes where the character of the operation admits of its being done ; and where, from the manner in which the motive power acts on the receiver and is transmitted to the operator, parts with a reciprocating motion have to be introduced, every possible care is taken to so regulate the action of these parts and to confine the working velocity within the narrowest limits that the character of the operation may seem to demand. Many ingenious contrivances have been resorted to for this pur- pose, but as they belong to the descriptive part of mechanism rather than to the object of this discussion, and, to be under- stood, would require diagrams and explanations beyond the limits of this work, they can only be here alluded to. There is one however of general application, the fly wheel, the general theory and application of which to one of the sim- plest cases of irregularity are given in (Arts. 75, 76, 265, &c.) The functions of this piece are to confine the change of velo- city, arising from irregularities caused either by the mechan- ism, or the mode of action of the motive power within certain limits ; absorbing, by the resistance offered by its inertia, or accumulating work whilst the motion is accelerated, and the work of the motive power is therefore greater than that of the other resistances, and then yielding it w^hen the reverse obtains ; thus performing in machinery like functions to those of regulating reservoirs in the distribution of water. It should however not be lost sight of that whatever resources the fly wheel may offer in this respect they are accompanied with drawbacks, inasmuch as the weight of the wheel, its bulk and the great velocity with which it is frequently required to revolve, add considerably to the prejudicial 616 EDITOKIAL APPENDIX. resistances, as friction and the resistance of the air, and thug cause a useless consumption of a portion of the work of the motive power. Whenever therefore, by a proper adjustment of the motive power and the resistances, and a suitable arrangement of the mechanism, a sufficient degree of regu- larity can be attained for the character of the operation, the use of a fly wheel would be injudicious. In cases also where, from the functions of the machine, its velocity is at times rapidly diminished, or sudden stoppages are requisite, the fly wheel might endanger the safety of the machine, or be liable itself to rupture, it should either be left out, or else the mass of the material should be concentrated as near as practicable around the axis of rotation ; thus supplying the requisite energy of the fly wheel by an augmentation of its mass. In all other cases the matter should be thrown as far from the axis as safety will permit, as the same end will be attained with less augmentation of the prejudicial resist- ances. From this general discussion some idea may be gathered of the relations between the work of the power and that of the resistances in machines, and of the means by which the latter may be so reduced as to secure the greatest amount of the former being converted into useful work. It must not however be concealed that the problem, as a practical one, presents considerable difficulty, and requires, for its satis- factory solution, a knowledge of the various operators and receivers of power, as to their forms and the best modes of their action. This knowledge it is hardly necessary to observe must, for the most part, be the result of experiment; theory serving to point out the best roads for the experi- menter to follow. Both of these have shown that the work of the motive power consumed by the resistances, caused by the parts through which motion is communicated from the receiver to the operator, is but a small fractional part of the total work uselessly consumed, whenever the mechanism has been arranged with proper attention to the functions required of it ; but that the principal loss takes place at the receiver and operator, and this is owing to the difficulty of so arrang- ing the receiver that the motive power shall expend upon it all its work without loss from any cause ; and in like manner of causing the operator to act in the most advantageous way upon the resistance opposed to it. Some of the general con- ditions to which these two pieces must be subjected, as to uniformity and continuity of action of the motive power and the resistances, and the avoidance of jarring and shocks have EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 617 been pointed out. as well as the fact that to each corresponds a certain velocity by which the greatest amount of useful effect will be attained. This discussion will make apparent that, comparatively speaking, but a small amount of the work due to the motive power is expended on the useful resistance, or the matter to be operated on. In some of the best contrived receivers, as the water wheel, for example, where the motive power can be made to act with the greatest regularity, and the receiver be brought to as near an approach to uniformity of motion as attainable, the quantity of work it is capable of yielding seldom exceeds eight tenths of that due to what the water expends upon it, under the most careful arrangement of the wheel and the velocity of its motion. As an example under this head (Art. 149) equation (115), and an illustration of the circumstances attending the attain- ment of uniformity of motion Note (t) in machines ; suppose the axle A carrying two arms B, B, to the extremities of which two thin rectangular disks C, C, are attached, their planes pass- ing through the axis of rotation, to be put in motion by the descent of a weight P, at- tached to a cord wound round the axle. In this case the resistances to the moving force during the acceleration will be that of the air acting against the disks and the two arms, the inertia of the parts in motion, and the friction on the gudgeons of the axle. Represent by A the sum of the areas of the two disks, a the distance of their centres from the axis, dm an elementary mass of the machine at the distance r from the axis, w the angular velocity of the system, a 1 the radius of the axle measured to the axis of the cord, p the radius of the gudgeon, 9 the limiting angle of resistance, l v the total length of the cord, I the length of the part unwound, w the weight of the unit in length of the cord, W the total weight of the machine excepting P r From experiment we have for the resistance of the air to the motion of the two discs cA-y 2 cAw 2 <2 2 , in which v=d)O> 618 EDITOEIAL APPENDIX. expresses the velocity of the centre of the disk and c a con- stant determined by experiment. The resistance offered by the inertia of dm during the acceleration of the motion is represented (Art. 95) equations (Y2) (73) by dmr ^-, in Cut which ^ is the acceleration of the angular velocity in the dt element of time dt, the resistances offered by the inertia of the weight P x and that of the pendant portion of the cord represented by wl are, in like manner, expressed -i" 1 "^ a l *** , g dt the total pressure upon the gudgeons will evidently be ex- pressed by Pj + W- l - 0,1 =-, since, during the accele- 9 dt ration of the motion, the resistance of the inertia of the weights Pj and wl act in an opposite direction to these weights. In the state bordering upon motion at each instant there obtains (-p . w r x 4- W dt g dt du \ a, --- I p sm. 9. g dt J Representing by n^ the coefficient of w a , by m 2 that of 1 dt and by (pl and R 2 Rj P -" S1 M-b are ver ^ sma ^ W ^ tn Aspect to unity, and may EDITORIAL APPENDIX. Gl'3 therefore be disregarded, and'the quantity K will differ but very little from unity also. From this it will be seen that w 2 will differ the less from 12 as M ? is greater than M^ But, as the mass of the cam shaft ordinarily very much exceeds that of the hammer, w r e can assume, without liability to any great error, that the mean angular velocity of the cam shaft. deduced from observing the number of revolutions made by it in a given time, is sensibly the arithmetical mean of 12 and w 2 . Designating this mean by 12, we have Q t = + G) \ From this relation and equation (D) there obtains _2a.(M.+gM.). dfc) 20.M. 2M,+KM, "'-2M.+ KM,- From these two relations the living force destroyed by the impact can be deduced as follows. Before the impact the living force of the cam shaft was 12 2 M 2 R Q ; after the impact, as the point of contact of the cam and band moved with the same velocity, the living force of the whole machine is The living force destroyed therefore is expressed by a'M.B.'-u.'I^OM.+M,); or, substituting for w 2 from equation (D), by finally, substituting for 12 and w a their values in 12,, there obtains It is now readily seen, from the form of this last expression for the loss of living force by the impact, that, since K may 624: EDITORIAL APPENDIX. be assumed as sensibly equal to unity, the numerical value of this expression will depend upon the ratio L. Taking M^M, the value of the expression becomes fC^MjB,*; and for M a =oo it becomes i2j 2 M,R 2 2 . Therefore between these limits the difference is | only of the living force lost under the supposition of M 2 =o> . In the ordinary arrangement of this machine it rarely occurs that M, is not less than T VM 2 . Assuming this as the limit, and substituting in the preceding expression IDIM^ for M 2 , there obtains for the required loss of living force O'OTT^VMjIV. It is therefore seen that, in all usual cases, M 2 may be assumed as infinite without causing any notice- able error in the result. To estimate the accumulated work expended by the cam shaft for each shock, fi, a> 2 and fi, being the same as in the preceding expression, this work is expressed by As the cam shaft expends this amount of accumulated work at each impact, a quantity of work equal to the half of this must be yielded by the motive power at each impact, or If therefore there are N cams on the shaft, and it makes n revolutions in one minute, then the work consumed by the number of shocks in one second will be expressed by Nn 2n i 2 MJVI 1 R 2 2 K 60 '' This then is the work consumed by the impact in one second fo v the first period of the play of the machine ; and it has been calculated according to what was laid down in Note (t) on the subject of shocks, by disregarding the work of the other forces as inappreciable during the short interval of the impact. To estimate now the work expended during the second period, or whilst the cam and band are in contact after the , let C 1 G 1 be any position of the line C,G, during this EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 625 period, making an angle G^G^a with its position when the hammer is at rest. Represent by Pj the normal pressure at the surface of contact of the cam and band which will balance all the resistances developed in the motion of the hammer, leaving out of consideration that of inertia, as the change of velocity between the end of the impact and when the cam disengages from the band is so small that the living force due to this interval may be neglected in comparison with the work of the other forces ; by W x the weight of the hammer, its handle, &c. When the line GC t is in the position G^, the line C t t will oe in that C^ making the angle 0^ a with its original position. The force Pj acting at ^ in this position and per- pendicular to the line t l C l since the surface of the band produced passes through the axis C n the surface of the cam being an epicycloid has for its vertical and horizontal com- ponents P, cos. a and P x sin. a. The pressure on the trun- nions of the hammer, which is the resultant of P l and W^ therefore will be expressed by , + P x cos. a) 2 + P t * sin. 2 a ; and since the first term of the radical is in all cases greater than the second, the value of the radical itself Haav, be expressed by (KOTE B) ! cos. a + 4 sn. a. The equation of equilibrium between ~P l and the other forces^ will therefore be PjB^WjGcos. (+)+ {/(W.+P^os.^H-^sin.^psin.^. The moment of the friction at the point 15 due.-to P x with respect to the point C 15 in this case from the form .of the cam and band, being 0. As the pressure P, varies with the angle a, we can -, only obtain its mean value by first finding its quantity of work for the angle OL=OL I described whilst the cam and band are an contact. Multiplying the last equation by da, and then integrating between a=0 and a ^ there obtains cos. a + m ?1 sn. 40 62G EDITORIAL APPENDIX. representing by P OT the mean value of P, or tne constant force applied vertically at tf, which multiplied by !, the path described by the point of application, will give the amount of work of the variable pressure R for the same path ; and introducing this mean value into the term of the preceding equation that represents the moment of the fric- tion on the trunnions, as this will not produce any sensible error in the results. Now observing that the quantity G jsin. (# + a) sin. aj is the vertical height through which the centre of gravity of the hammer, &c. is raised during the period in question, and that PmR^ is the work of the mean force ; calling this ver- tical height A, and substituting the work of the mean for that of the variable force in the last equation ; there obtains m sn. ai - m cos. a, Pl sin. , there obtains, P 2 ( ri + r *\ r ^L tan. 4> as the value of a mean or constant force which applied tangentially to the circumference having the radius r 2 will expend, whilst the point of application describes the arc r 2 i/>, the same quantity of work as that consumed by the fric- tion of the teeth in contact whilst this arc is described. In this expression the value of P 2 is less than the true value. The foregoing is the theorem of M. Poncelet referred to on page xii. Author's Preface. The direct manner of deducing it is found on page 192 Navier. Resume des Lefons^ &c. Troisieme Partie. Paris, 1838. 628 EDITORIAL APPENDIX. (F). R 3 -p 2 sm.

and, as the arc described on this circumference whilst the cam shaft and hammer are engaged is R 2 0j, that described whilst the hammer is down is -- a P RjCtj. Calling P p the power which acting at the distance R, will balance the friction arising from the weight W 2 of the cam shaft and fixtures and P 2 , the value of P p will be found according to the conditions stated as follows, The work of P p is W 2 p 2 sin. 9, trl 2 Ri a i) R,\ P I EDITORIAL APPENDIX. 629 as the path passed over by its point of application is evi- dentlythearc The work which the motive power must supply therefore per second during this last period is expressed by By taking the sum of the quantities expressed by the formulas (1), (2), and (3) there obtains K 3 to express the total work that the motive power must yield to the cam shaft per second to supply the work consumed by all the resistances. Tiiat consumed by the useful resistances, which consist of half the living force transmitted to the hammer and the work consumed in raising the centre of gravity of the ham- mer, &c., through the vertical height h is represented by o^MJV w . _2n i 2 M,M 1 R ' w , -(2M 8 + KM 1 ) + From the preceding expressions, it is easy to deduce the work which must be expended in producing a given depth of indentation by the hammer upon the metal when brought to a given state of heat. For this purpose, we observe that to half the living force acquired by the hammer there cor- responds a certain amount of work, estimated in terms of the weight of the hammer and a certain height h l to which its centre of gravity has been raised, and expressed by 0) a M, R, 2 TTT 7 2 the total work therefore expended by the hammer in indenting the metal is expressed by W^-fW^ ; since, from the state of the metal the molecules which are displaced by the impact acquire velocities which are not appreciable from their smallness ; the resistances therefore offered by the metal to indentation may be regarded as independent of the 630 EDITOEIAL APPENDIX. velocity and, from the laws of the penetration of solids into different media, proportional simply to the area of the inden- tation. Representing then by a and ~b the sides of the area of the indentation, supposed rectangular, at the surface of the metal impinged on, d the depth of the indentation, and C the constant ratio of the resistance and the area of the indentation, the following relation obtains between the work expended by the hammer in its fall and that offered by the resistance of the metal an equation from which C may be determined by experi- ment 'in any particular case. It will be readily seen that the preceding expressions will be rendered applicable to the cases where the cam catches the hammer on the same side of its axis of rotation as its centre of gravity, by writing ^L MG for + ^-MG, and at at moreover in this case when P 5_ L MG=0, there will be no dt shock on the trunnions (Arts. 108, 109), and there then obtains, to find the point where the cam should catch the hammer corresponding to this case, E= MG * Morin, Suite des Nouvelles Experiences sur le Frottenient, p. 67. Paris, 1836. APPENDIX. NOTE A. THEOBEM. The definite integral J fxdx is the limit of the sums of tht a values severally assumed by the product fx . Ax, as x is made to vary by successive equal increments of Ax, from a to b, and as each such equal increment is continually and infinitely diminished, and their number there- fore continually and infinitely increased. To prove this, let the general integral be represented by Fa; ; let us sup- pose that fx does not become infinite for any value of x between a and b, and let any two such values be x and x + Ax ; therefore, by Taylor's the- orem, F (x + Ace) = Fx + Axfx + (Ax) '+XM, where the exponent 1 + a, is given to the third term of the expansion instead of the exponent 2, that the case may be included in which the second differential coefficient of Fa;, -^ , dx is infinite, and in which the exponent of Aa; in that term is therefore a fraction less than 2. Let the difference between a and b be divided into n equal parts ; and let each be represented by Aa;, so that & a = Aa;. n Giving to a;, then, the successive values a, a+ Aa;, a + 2 A a; . . a+(n 1) A a;, and adding, .'. F& Ya=Ax% l *f{a + (n l)Ax} Now none of the values of M are infinite, since for none of these values is fx infinite. If, therefore, M be the greatest of these values, then is SM, less than riM. : and therefore F& _ Ya Aa;2 tf{a + (n 1) Aa;} < (oa) M (Aa;)X. The difference of the definite integral F5 Fa, and the sum JZi n (Ax)f{a-{' (n 1) Aa;} is always, therefore, less than (b a) M (A#)A. Now M is finite, and (& a) is given, and as n is increased Aa; is diminished continually ; and therefore (Aa;)x is diminished continually, a, being positive. Thus by increasing n indefinitely, the difference of the definite integral 32 APPENDIX. and the sum may be diminished indefinitely, and therefore, in the limit, the definite integral is equal to the sum (i. e.) FJF0 = limit 2 t B (Atf) ./{a + (n 1) Az} ; or, interpreting this formula, F5 F a*_ + V or - . =1- i^ may be the least possible in respect to all that range of values which this formula may be made to assume between two given extreme values of the ratio T. Let these extreme values of the ratio ^ be represented by cot. ifo and cot. ^ 2 , and any other value by cot. 4. Sub- d __ stituting cot. 4- for T in the preceding formula, and observing thaty a 2 -f& a = -v/& 2 cot.. 2 4/ + & 2 = & cosec. 4, also that a+|3& = a& cot. 4/+|3&=(a cos. sin. 4)& cosec. 4, the corresponding error is represented by a cos. 4-+ 18 sin. 41 ..... (1); which expression is evidently a maximum for that value whatever J 0-82840 0-82840 0-17160 or | 0-8284 (a + 6) a> b 1 0-96046 0-39783 0-03954 or J y 96046a + -397836 o> 26 a > 36 2 3 0-98592 0-99350 0-23270 0-16123 0-01408 or ~!_ 0-00650 or T j T 98592a+ -232706 99350a+ -161236 a> 46 4 0-99625 0-12260 0-00376 or ^ 996250 + -122606 a> 56 5 0-99757 0-09878 0-00243 or r } ? 997570 + -098786 a> 66 6 0-99826 0-08261 0-00174 or y] T 99826a + -082616 i> 76 7 0-99875 0-07098 0-00125 or ^ j^ 99875a + -070986 a> 86 8 0-99905 0-06220 0-00095 or T ^ 99905a+ -062206 a> 96 9 0-99930 0-05535 0-00070 or -j-^ 99930a+ -055356 a> 106 10 0-99935 0-04984 0-00065 or ^^ 99935a+ -049846 POWCELET'S SECOND THEOKEM. 635 PONCELET'S SECOND THEOEEM. To approximate to the value of Va? & 2 , let aa 35 be the formula of approximation, then will the relative error be represented by Now, let it be observed that a a being essentially greater than &*->!; let j, therefore, be represented by cosec. 4/, then will the relative error ba (a cosec. 4/ 3) represented by 1 - ~, or by V cosec. "4-1 1 asec.4/+3tan. 4/ ..... (12), which function attains its maximum when sin. 4 = -. Substituting this a value in the preceding formula, and observing that a sec. 4/ + 6 tan. 4/ = (-9 sec.4* (a 3 sin4)= . _= \^L.^ we obtain for the maximum 1- error the expression 1V3=& ..... (13), Assuming 4/, and 4/ 2 to represent the values of 4, corresponding to the greatest and least values of -, and observing that in this case, as in the preceding, the values of a and 3, which satisfy the conditions of the question, are those which render the values of the error corresponding to these limits equal, when taken with contrary signs, to the maximum error, we have 1 +a sec. 4, 3 tan. 4, = 1 tV 3 a ---- (14). 1 a sec. 4, + 3 tan. 4,,=! asec.4/,+3tan.4/, .... (15). The latter equation gives, by reduction, cos. i(4/. 4*) /-^ _ 2 ~ ' And a sec. , + /3 tan. //,= cot. i (^i + 2 ) + Vcos. />, cos. j 2 cos. i (?//, ^ 2 ) a := i cos. i (^, + 1^ 2 ) + r cos. i//i cos. ?//, The maximum error is represented by the formula 2 4/cos. T//J cos. t// 2 These formulaa will be adapted to logarithmic calculation, if we assume d (^t + ^)="^n and c . 08 ' ; ; = cosec. 2 ; we shall thus obtain from sin. % (j^i + t// 2 ) equations (16) and (17) a = j3 cosec. ^ 2 , Vo? j3 2 = j3 cot. ^ 2 , and a sec. ^ j3 tan. i//i = 3 cot. ^i ; therefore, by equation (14), 2 2 sin. ' cot. ^r l + cot. ^2 sin. (^ + a/ 2 cosec. ^ 2 2 sin. "SP", cot. ^, + cot. , = sin. ( V K 1 + ^ sn. , Max,mum errror = sn + _ _ _ _ The form under which this theorem has been given by M. Poncelet is different from the above. Assuming, as in the previous case, the limiting values of - to be represented by cot. ^, and cot. i/^ and proceeding by a & geometrical method of investigation, he has shown that if we assume tan. h = cos. tan. i// z = cos. 2 , ! + w 2 = 2y,, ! u> 2 = 25, and cos. y 8 = ; then cos. 5 2 COS. y, 2 COS. 2 y, sin. (y, y 2 ) a -. ^ &=-. -, - r-= - , maximum error = - -- ~. Sin. (y, + y 2 y Sin. (y, + y 2 ) COS. 8 Sin. (y , + y 2 ) If the least possible value of a be l T l o&? and its greatest possible value be infinite as compared with 5, M. Poncelet has shown the formula of approximation to become Va? & 8 = 1-13190 0-72636& (23), with a possible error of 0-1319 or | nearly. If the least possible value of a be 25, and its greatest possible valua infinite compared with 5 ; then 4/^Zy = 1-0186230 0-2T2944& (24), with a possible error of -0186 or ^d nearly. ON THE ROLLING OF SHIPS. 637 NOTE 0. ON THE ROLLING OF SHIPS. (First published ty the Author in the Transactions of the Royal Society for 1850, Part //.) Let a body be conceived to float, acted upon by no other forces than its weight "W, and the upward pressure of the water (equal to its weight) ; which forces may be conceived to be applied respectively to the centre of gravity of the body and to the centre of gravity of the displaced fluid ; and let it be supposed to be subjected to the action of a third force whose direction is parallel to the surface of the fluid. Let AHi represent the ver- tical displacement of the centre of gravity of the body thereby produced*, and AH, that of the centre of gravity of its immersed part. Let more- over the volume of the immersed part be conceived to remain unaltered f whilst the body is in the act of displacement. If each centre of gravity be assumed to ascend, the work of the weight of the body will be repre- sented by W.AH,, and that of the upward pressure of the fluid by + W.AH 2 , the negative sign being taken in the former case because the force acts in a direction opposite to that in which the point of application is moved, and the positive sign in the latter, because it acts in the same direc- tion, so that the aggregate work 2u 2 (see equation 1, p. 122.) of the forces which constituted the equilibrium of the body in the state from which it has been disturbed is represented by Moreover, the system put in motion includes, with the floating body, the particles of the fluid displaced by it as it changes its position, so that if the weight of any element of the floating body be represented by to,, and of the fluid by w z , and if their velocities be 0, and 2 , the whole vis viva is represented by * "When a floating body is so made to incline from any one position into any other as that the volume of fluid displaced by it may in the one position be equal to that in the other, its centre of gravity is also vertically displaced ; for if this be not the case, the perpendicular distance of the centre of gravity of the body from its plane of flotation must remain unchanged, and the form of that portion of its surface, which is subject to immersion, must be determined geometrically by this condition ; but by the supposition the form of the body is undetermined. It is remarkable what currency has been given to the error, that whilst a vessel is rolling or pitching, its centre of gravity remains at rest I should not otherwise have thought this note necessary. f This supposition is only approximately true. \ If the centre of gravity of the body or of the displaced fluid descends ( property which will be found to characterise a large class of vessels), AH, in the one case, and ^ILj in the other, will of course take the negative sign. t)38 APPENDIX. ~2w,f>? + -5Wi > and we have by equation 1 (p. 122), W(AH AH^=S I ! + Sw 1 ; .... (25). In the extreme position into which the body is made to roll and IE which Xw,flJ=0, or if the inertia of the displaced fluid be neglected, U(5)=W.(AH 1 AH 2 ) ..... (27). Whence it follows that the work necessary to incline a floating body through any given angle is equal to that necessary to raise it bodily through a height equal to the difference of the vertical displacements of its centre of gravity and of that of its immersed part ; so that other things being the same, that ship is the most stable the product of whose weight by this difference is the greatest. In the case in which the centre of gravity of the displaced fluid descends, the sum of the displacements is to be taken instead of the difference. This conclusion is nevertheless in error in the following respects : 1st. It supposes that throughout the motion the weight of the displaced fluid remains equal to that of the floating body, which equality cannot accurately have been preserved by reason of the inertia of the body and of the displaced fluid.* From this cause there cannot but result small vertical oscillations of the body about those positions which, whilst it is in the act of inclining, cor- respond to this equality, which oscillations are independent of its principal oscillation. 2ndly. It involves the hypothesis of absolute rigidity in the floating body, so that the motion of every part and its vis viva may cease at once when the principal oscillation terminates. The frame of a ship and its masts are, however, elastic, and by reason of this elasticity there cannot * The motion of the centre of gravity of the body being the same as though all the disturbing forces were applied directly to it, it follows, that no elevation of this point is caused in the beginning of the motion, by the application of a horizontal disturbing force, or by a horizontal displacement of the weight of the body, which, if it be a ship, may be effected by moving .its ballast. The motion of rotation thereby produced takes place therefore, in the first instance, about the centre of gravity, but it cannot so take place without destroying the equality of the weight of the displaced fluid to that of the body. From this inequality there results a vertical motion of the centre of gravity, and anothei axis of rotation. ON THE ROLLING OF SHIPS. 639 but result oscillations, which are independent of, and may not synchro- nise with, the principal oscillation of the ship as she rolls, so that the VIA viva of every part cannot be assumed to cease and determine at one and the same instant, as it has been supposed to do. 3rdly. No account has been taken of the work expended in communi- cating motion to the displaced fluid, measured by half its vis viva and represented by the term ^w^vl in equation 26. From a careful consideration of these causes of error, the author was led to conclude that they would not affect that practical application of the formula which he had principally in view in investigating it, especially as in certain respects they tended to neutralise one another. The question appeared, however, of sufficient importance to be subjected to the test of experiment, and on his application, the Lords Commissioners of the Admi- ralty were pleased to direct that such experiments should be made in Her Majesty's Dockyard at Portsmouth, and Mr. FINCHAM, the eminent Master Shipwright of that dockyard, and Mr. KAWSON, were kind enough to undertake them. These experiments extended beyond the object originally contemplated by him ; and they claim to rank as authentic and important contributions to the science of naval construction, whether regard be had to the prac- tical importance of the question under discussion, the care and labor bestowed upon them, or the many expedients by which these gentlemen succeeded in giving to them an accuracy hitherto unknown in experiments of this kind. That it might be determined experimentally whether the work which must be done upon a floating body to incline it through a given angle be that represented by equation 27, it was necessary to do upon such a body an amount of work which could be measured ; and it was further neces- sary to ascertain what were the elevations of the centres of gravity of the body and of its immersed part thus produced, and then to see whether the amount of work done upon the body equalled the difference of these elevations multiplied by its weight. To effect this, the author proposed that a vessel should be constructed of a simple geometrical form, such that the place of the centre of gravity of its immersed part might readily be determined in every position into which it might be inclined, that of its plane of flotation being supposed to be known ; and that a mast should be fixed to it, and a long yard to this mast, and that when the body floated in a vertical position a weight suspended from one extremity of the yard should suddenly be allowed to act upon it causing it to roll over; that the position into which it thus rolled should be ascertained, together with the corresponding elevations of its centre of gravity and the centre of gravity of its immersed part, and the vertical descent of the weight suspended from the extremity of its arm. The product of this vertical descent by the weight suspended 640 APPENDIX. from the arm ought then, by the formula, to be found nearly equal to the difference of the elevations of the two centres of gravity multiplied by the weight of the body ; and this was the test to which it was proposed that the formula should be subjected, with a view to its adoption by prac- tical men as a principle of naval construction. To give to the deflecting weight that instantaneous action on the ex- tremity of the arm which was necessary to the accuracy of the experiment, a string was in the first place to be affixed to it and attached to a point vertically above, in the ceiling. When the deflecting weight was first applied this string would sustain its pressure, but this might be thrown at once upon the extremity of the arm by cutting it. A transverse sec- tion of the vessel, with its mast and arm, was to be plotted on a large scale on a board, and the extreme position into which the vessel rolled being by some means observed, the water-line corresponding to this position was to be drawn. The position of the yard, in respect to the surface of the water in that position, would then be known, and the vertical descent of the deflecting weight could be measured, and also the vertical ascent of the centre of gravity of the immersed part or displacement. To determine the position of the centre of gravity of the vessel, it was to be allowed to rest in an inclined position under the action of the deflect- ing weight ; and the water-line corresponding to this position being drawn on the board, the corresponding position of the deflecting weight and of the centre of gravity of the immersion were thence to be determined. The determination of the position of the vertical passing through the centre of gravity of the body would thus become an elementary question of statics ; and the intersection of this line, with that about which the section was symmetrical, would mark the position of the centre of gravity. This determination might be verified by a second similar experiment with a different deflecting weight. These suggestions received a great development at the hands of Mr. RAWSON, and he adopted many new and ingenious expedients in carrying them out. Among these, that by which the position of the water-line was determined in the extreme position into which the vessel rolls, is specially worthy of observation. A strip of wood was fastened at right angles to that extremity of the yard to which the deflecting weight was attached, of sufficient length to dip into the water when the vessel rolled ; on this slip of wood, and also on the side of the vessel nearest to it, a strip of glazed paper was fixed. The highest points at which these strips of paper were wetted in the rolling of the vessel, were obviously points in the water line in its extreme position, and being plotted upon the board, a line drawn through them determined that position with a degree of accuracy which left nothing to be desired. Two forms of vessels were used ; one of them had a triangular and the other a semicircular section. The following table contains the general results of the experiments. ON THE ROLLING OF SHIPS. 641 'f 'f! II ft| * **4 IJ1J L * w si w *=jj *l ! u Form of thi- model ex- perimented No. of experi- Weieht of motlr! and loading. Disturb- &. i! : L ii ii< 3^ 1 IP L \\*& -'li* n in whir v rested wh I- action of ght. iSjfl g -.SB'S ji;ii ii Q l|ll III 1 % z nif ii wf sSi Pa! fill " 112 * l*s |lf*l Sill* fllj Ibs. Ibs. , , , 1 38-8626 5485 5161 5361 23 80 12 80 8961 Triangular 2. 36-8690 8450 4887 4951 15 30 8 98114 3 87-8568 5877 1-1724 1-4503 24 13 88512 4. 88-2911 5789 1-2678 1-8460 25 13 80 9380 Circular model. 1. 2. 8 - 19T-18 197-18 255-43 2-8225 1-9570 1-9570 7-8761 8-2486 1-7727 7-894 8-122 1-7667 26 17 10 24 20 16 22 10 18 9 4 30 In the experiments with the smaller triangular model the differences^ between the results and those given by the formula are much greater tba&i in the experiments with the heavier cylindrical vessel. In explanation of this difference, it will be observed, first, that t.he (A cos. 2 ^ + B sin. 2 ; + PA 2 ) sin 2 9 cos. + 9 ... (30). It has been shown by M. DUPIN* that when 6 is small the line in * Sur la Stabilite des Corps Flottarits, p. 32. In calculations having refer- ence to the stability of ships, it is not allowable to consider extremely small, except in so far as they have reference to the form of the ship immediately about the load-water line. The rolling of the ship often extends to 20 or 30, and is therefore largely influenced by the form of the vessel beyond these limits. Generally, therefore, equation 30. is to be taken as that applicable to the rolling of ships, those which follow being approximations only applicable to small oscillations, and not sufficiently near (excepting equation 37) for practical purposes APPENDIX. which the planes PQ or RS intersect passes through the centre of gravity of each ; in this case /. I = A cos. 2 q + B sin. 2 q ; therefore by equation (30), If e be so small that the spaces PrR and QsS are evanescent in compari- son with POr and QO, then, assuming = and cos. = 1, U (0, rj) = W (H, H 2 ) vers. e + - p (A cos. 2 n + B sin. 2 n } sin. 2 0, ... (3 1), which may be put under the form U (0, if ) = j W (H, H 2 ) + JK ( A cos. 2 n + B sin. 2 *?) j vers. 0. Again, since sin. = sin. flsin.j?, .... (32), and (A cos. 2 ^ + B sin. 2 17) sin. 2 = {A + (B A)sin. 8 ;}sm. 2 0, .-. (A cos. 2 n + B sin.'jf) sin. 2 = A sin. 2 e -f (B - A) sin. a C ; /.by equation 31, H 2 )vers.0-f >{Asin. 2 + (B A)sin. 2 ^}, ---- (33), ty which formula the dynamical stability of the ship is represented, loth as it regards a pitching and a rolling motion. If in equation 31. y = -, the line in which the plane PQ (parallel to the 2 deck of the ship) intersects its plane of flotation is at right angles to the length of the ship, and we have, since in this case = (see equation 32.), U(0 = W(H, HO vers+ I^Bsin^ ..... (34), which expression represents the dynamical stability, in regard to a pitch- ing motion alone, as the equation U(0) = W(H, H 2 ) vers 0+ ~p Asin 2 ..... (35), represents it in regard to a rolling motion alone. 16. If a given quantity of work represented by TJ() be supposed to be done upon the vessel, the angle through which it is thus made to roll may be determined by solving equation 35. with respect to sin.-. We thus obtain 2 2^ A.U(0). . . (36). ON THE ROLLING OF SHIPS. 617 17. If PR and QS be conceived to be straight lines, so that POR and QOS are triangles, then w. z, taken in respect to an element included between the section CAD, and another parallel to it and distant by the small space dx, is represented by or, since mg + nh=- y l sin.0, 3 by _ 12 .-.wz = p sin. 2 I y] 12 J and, equation 29 U(0,)= W(Hj H 2 ) vers.o + n&v.?e fy]y$x, . . . (37), 24 v which formula may be considered an approximate measure of the stability of the vessel under all circumstances. If, as in the case of the experiments of Messrs. FINCHAM and RAWSON, the vessel b| prismatic and the direction of the disturbance perpendicular to its axis, y = constant = a, and z = a ; 3 ..wz = a/w sin. 0, and 3 !ow> sinA 3 A rigid surface on which the vessel may ~be supposed to rest whilst in the act of rolling. If we imagine the position of the centre of gravity of a vessel afloat to be continually changed by altering the positions of some of its con- tained weights without altering the weight of the whole, so as to cause the vessel to incline into an infinite number of different positions dis- placing, in each, the same volume of water, then will the different planes of flotation, corresponding to these different positions, envelope a curve 1 surface, called the surface of the planes of flotation (surface des flotaisons), whose properties have been discussed at length by M. DUPIN in his ex- cellent memoir, Sur la Stabilite des Corps Flottants, which forms part of his Applications de Geometric.* So far as the properties of this surface concern the conditions of the vessel's equilibrium, they have been ex- hausted in that memoir, but the following property, which has reference * BACHBLIEB, Paris, 1822. 648 rather to the conditions of its dynamical stability than its equilibrium, is not stated by M. DUPIN : If we conceive the surface of the planes of flotation to become a rigid surface, and also the surface of the fluid to become a rigid plane without friction, so that the former surface may rest upon the latter and roll and slide upon it, the other parts of the vessel being imagined to be so far im- material as not to interfere with this motion, but not so as to take away their weight or to interfere with the application of the upward pressure of the fluid to them, then will the motion of the vessel, when resting by this curved surface upon this rigid but perfectly smooth horizontal plane, be the same as it was when, acted upon by the same force, it rolled and pitched in the fluid. In this general case of the motion of a body resting by a curved sur- face upon a horizontal plane, that motion may be, and generally will be, of a complicated character, including a sliding motion upon the plane, and simultaneous motions round two axes passing through the point of contact of the surface with the planes and corresponding with the rolling and pitching motion of a ship. It being however possible to determine these motions by the known laws of dynamics, when the form of the surface of the planes of flotation is known, the complete solution of the question is involved in the determination of the latter surface. The following property*, proved by M. DUPIN in the memoir before referred to (p. 32), effects this determination : " The intersection of any two planes of flotation, infinitely near to each other, passes through the centre of gravity of the area intercepted upon either of these planes by the external surface of the vessel." If, therefore, any plane of flotation be taken, and the centre of gravity of the area here spoken of be determined with reference to that plane of flotation, then that point will be one in the curved surface in question, called the surface of the planes of flotation, and by this means any number of such points may be found and the surface determined. The axis about which a vessel rolls may be determined, the direction in which it is rolling being given. If, after the vessel has been inclined through any angle, it be left to itself, the only forces acting upon it (the inertia of the fluid being neglected) will be its weight and the upward pressure of the fluid it displaces ; the motion of its centre of gravity will therefore, by a well-known principle of mechanics, be wholly in the same vertical line. Let HE represent this vertical line, PQ the surface of the fluid, and aMb the surface of the planes of flotation. As the centre of gravity G traverses the vertical HK, this surface will partly roll and partly slide by its point of contact M on the plane PQ. If we suppose, therefore, PRQ to be a section of the vessel through * This property appears to have been first given by EULBR. ON THE ROLLING OF SHIPS. 619 the point M, and perpendicular to the axis about which it is rolling, and if we draw a vertical line MO through the point M, and through G a horizontal line GO parallel to the plane PRQ, then the position of the axis will be determined by a line perpendicular to these, whose projection on the plane PRQ is O. For since the motion of the point G is in the verti- cal line HK, the axis about which the body is revolv- ing passes through GO, which is perpendicular to HK ; and since the point M of the vessel traverses the line PQ, the axis passes also through MO, which is perpendicular to PQ ; and GO is drawn parallel to, and MO in the plane PRQ, which, by supposition, is perpendicular to the axis, therefore the axis is perpendicular to GO and MO. If HK be in the plane PRQ, winch is the case whenever the motion is exclusively one of rolling or one of pitching, the point is determined by the intersection of GO and MO. The time of the rolling through a small angle of a vessel whose athwart sections are (in respect to the parts subject to immersion and emersion) circular, and have their centres in the same longitudinal axis. Let EDF (fig. 1. or fig. 2J> represent the midship section of such a vessel, in which section let the centre of gravity GI be supposed to be situ- ated, and let HK be the vertical line traversed by G, as the vessel rolls. Imagine it to have been inclined from its vertical position through a given angle QI and the forces which so inclined it then to have ceased to act upon it, so as to have allowed it to roll freely back again towards its posi- tion of equilibrium until it had attained the inclination OOD to the verti- cal, which suppose to be represented by 0. Referring to equation 1. page 123. let it be observed that in this case 2w 2 =0, so that the motion is determined by the condition Zu^ Zwv* (38). But the forces which have displaced it from the position in which it was, for an instant, at rest are its weight and the upward pressure of the 650 APPENDIX. water; and the work of these, U(0,) U(0), done between the inclinations 6 and 0, when the vessel was in the act of receding from the vertical, was shown to be represented by (W A =F Wz^j) (vers. vers. 0,) ; therefore the work, between the same inclinations, when the motion is in the opposite direction, is represented by the same expression with the sign changed ; (vers. 0, vers. 0), and since the axis about which the vessel is revolving is perpendicular to the plane EDF, and passes through the point O, if W,& 2 represents its moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the plane EDF, and passing through its centre of gravity G 1} Substituting in equation 38. and writing for OG, its value A, sin. e cos. 0j = vers. 0! vers. 0, Supposing, moreover, p to remain constant between the limits 0, and and integrating as in equation 39. iD ,, . . . (41). Since the value of sin.* ~ Q l is exceedingly small, the oscillations are A . nearly tautochronous, and the period of each is nearly represented by the formula .... (42.) EQUILIBRIUM OF PRESSURES. 653 The following method is given by M. DTJPIN for determining the value ofp*: " If the periphery of the plane of flotation be imagined to be loaded at every point with a weight represented by the tangent of the inclination of the sides of the vessel at that point to the vertical, then will the moments of inertia of that curve, so loaded, about its two principal axes, when divided by the area of the plane of flotation, represent the radii of greatest and least curvature of the envelope of the planes of flotation." If p be taken to represent the radius of greatest curvature, the formula 41. will represent the time of the vessel's rolling; if the radius of least curvature (B being also substituted for A), it will represent the time of pitching. NOTE D. On the conditions of the equilibrium of any number of pressures in the same plane, applied to a body movedble about a cylindrical axis in the state "bordering upon motion. (From a memoir on the Theory of Mechanics, printed in the second part of the Transactions of the Royal Society for 1841.) LET PI, P 2 , P 3 , &c. represent these pressures, and R their resultant. Also let a l: a 2 , 3 , represent the perpendiculars let fall upon them severally from the centre of the axis, those perpendiculars being token with the positive signs whose corresponding pressures tend to turn the system in the same direction as the pressure P,, and those negatively which tend to turn it in the opposite direction. Also let A, represent the perpendicular distance of the direction of the resultant R from the centre of the axis, then, since R is equal and opposite to the resistance of the axis, and that this resistance and the pressures P,, P 2 , P 3 , &c. are pressures in equilibrium, we have by the principle of the equality of moments, PII + P 2 2 + P^ 3 + &c. = *,R. Representing, therefore, the inclinations of the directions of the pressures PI, P 2 , P 3 , &c. to one another by < r2 , , . i 23 , f, &c., &c., and substituting for the value of R.J * Applications de Geometrie, p. 47. f The inclination i,. a of the directions of any two pressures in the above ex- pression is taken on the supposition that both the pressures act from, or both towards the point in which they intersect, and not one towards, and the other from, that point ; so that in the case represented in the figure in the note at p. 171., the inclination ,., of the pressures P, and P 2 , represented by the arrows, is not the angle P, IP 2 , but the angle P,IQ, since IQ and IP, are directions of these pressures, both tending from this point of intersection, whilst the direc- tions of P 2 T and IP, are one of them towards that point, and the other from it \ POISSON, Mecanique, Art. 33. APPENDIX. .p.= + 2 P,P 2 cos. t 1<2 + 2 PjPs cos. i,., + + 2 P 2 P 3 cos. i 2 . 3 + 2 P 2 P 4 cos. t2M + + &C. &C. f P, 2 + 2 P! (P 2 COS. ,., + P 3 COS. + &C. &C. If the value of P, involved in this equation be expanded by Lagrange's theorem *, in a series ascending by powers ofa,, and terms involving powers above the first be omitted, we shall obtain the following value of that quantity : P _ 1 * a, or reducing, P,= (P 2 COS.t,. 2 + 2 P a P 3 cos. i 2 . 3 + 2 P 2 P 4 cos. <2. 4 + 2P 3 P 4 cos. 3 . 4 + ---- . t r2 + a,, 2 ) P 2 2 (, 2 + &c. &c. + 2 P, P 3 {0 2 3 ,(, cos.t 2 . 3 + 2 cos. t,. 8 + 3 cos. i, 4-2P t P 4 {aa 4 + &C. &C. Now a 7 2,a 2 cos. ,. 2 + 2 represents the square of the line joining the feet of the perpendiculars above the first and reducing ; this method, however, is exceedingly laborious. ROLLING MOTION OF A CYLINDER. 655 BO of the rest. Let these lines be represented by L L2 , L t 3 , L,. 4 , &c., and let the different values of the function a l #, cos. be represented by M 2 . 3 , M 2 . 4 , M 3 . 4 , &c. NOTE E. ON THE KOLLING MOTION OF A CYLINDER. (From a memoir printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society for 1851, part II.) THE oscillatory motion of a heterogeneous cylinder rolling on a horizontal plane has been investigated by EULER.* He has determined the pressure of the cylinder on the plane at any period of the oscillation, and the time of completing an oscillation when the arcs of oscillation are small. The forms under which the cylinder enters into the composition of machinery are so various, and its uses so important, that I have thought it desirable to extend this inquiry, and in the following paper I have sought to include in the discussion the case of the continuous rolling of the cylin- der, and to determine 1st. The time occupied by a heterogeneous cylinder in rolling continu- ously through any given space. 2ndly. The time occupied in its oscillation through any given arc. Srdly. Its pressure, when thus rolling continuously, on the horizontal plane on which it rolls. Under the second and third heads this discussion has a practical appli- cation to the theory of the pendulum ; determining the time occupied in the oscillations of a pendulum through any given arc, whether it rests on a cylindrical axis or on knife-edges, and the circumstances under which it will jump or slip on its bearings ; and under the first and third, to the stability and the lateral oscillations of locomotive engines in rapid motion, whose driving-wheels are, by reason of their cranked axles, untruly balanced. * Nova Acta Acad. Petropol. 1788. " De motu oscillatorio circa axcm cylin- dricum piano horizontal! incumbentem." APPENDIX, Let AMB represent the section of a heterogeneous cylinder through its centre of gravity G and perpendicular to its axis ; and let M be its point of contact, at any time, with the hori- zontal plane BD on which it is rolling. Assume a = AC, h = CG, = ACM. W = weight of cylinder. W&* = momen- tum of inertia of the cylinder ahout an axis passing through G and parallel to the axis of the cylinder. w =- given value of the angular velocity ( ) when e has the given . \ dt / value 0j. y, = given value of 6 when the angular velocity has the given value . I = given value of GM corresponding to the value 0, of 9. Then W (#* + GM 2 ) = W(P + a? + h* 2ah cos. 0) = moment of inertia ahout M. Since moreover the cylinder may be considered to be in the act of revolving about the point M by which it is in contact with the plane, one-half of its vis viva is represented by the formula and one-half of the vis viva acquired by it in rolling through the angle 0, 0,by _ 2aA cos. + #)* But the vertical descent of the centre of gravity while the cylinder is passing from the one position into the other, is represented by h (cos. cos. 0j). Therefore, by the principle of vis viva,* I -j (V + a 9 2ah cos. e + F/ -) (F + 1 7 ) w 2 i = W (cos. e - cos. 0,), whence we obtain (cos. 6 cos. 0Q + (ff + P) co 8 & V _ dt/ ~ cos. e ( cos. 0, ^-1 w 2 fff\ V * 2gh \aj I (ft a h\ * POK60N, Dynamique, 2 me partie, 565. ; PONCELET, Mecanique Induatrielle, or Art. (129.) of this Work. ROLLING MOTION OF A CYLINDER. 657 ^ .3 where t represents the time of the body's passing from the inclination 0j to zero. Now let it be observed that in this function a>3 so long as a is less than g, since # + ?>_(# + p) M ? or ff + a* 2ah cos. 0, + #> and . . #* + a 2 + A 8 > 2A cos. (F + Z> 8 , a h and 1+a 1 a a COS. 1_0 cos.0 p Then when = 0, # 2 sec. 8 = 7 - = ?*, . ' . sec. = 1 and = 0. 1 p When 9 = 0! let = 0,, af Tfc4 _ a cos. 0i also . __ l-q_ = a cos. And since - t 2 cos. (a j8) ~cos.0 + ? (a + 3)(cos. 8 ^ + g 2 ) + (a J3)(C08.' 9f) -.2008.0 = (COS. 2 ^^ 2 ) 658 APPENDIX. 2 . (cos. 2 y + g*) 2 -(<* cos. 2 (cos.* + * a cos. 2 Now ^0 _ ~ sin. " ^ cos. $ ' ' " " ' *' Also by equation (6.), 2(aC03. 2 +j3^ 2 ) COS. ? >_2(a - 13)^008. ^ cos. $~~ (g* + cos. 2 . . by equations (7.) and (8.), ~ (1 j3*)*" ' ( (^4-cos. 2 ?.) (^ 2 +^> 2 cos. 8 0)j j 2(a p)g 2 j _ 1 _ | (1 (3 2 )J ' j^ + l-sin.^X^+p 2 ^ 2 sin. 2 ^)i j" 2(>-p)g' j _ 1 _ ) ~(1 3'O i (^ + ? 2 K 1 + ^)( (1 wsin. 2 ^)(l c 2 sin. 2 ^)i f and 1 +a ROLLING MOTION OF A CYLINDER. 950 0i y' /a cos. 0\*'< ( ~0~^T# ) " 2(a /,_ n sin. 2 0)(1 c 2 sin. 2 o 2(a % 2 where n( nc^) is that elliptic function of the third order whose par* meter is n and modulus c. 1 /T-^" # a . . by equations 11. and 4. where (9.) (2.) (3.) 1 cos. 0, * I cannot find that this function has before been integrated, except in the case in which is exceedingly small. APPENDIX, and (10.) (2.) (3.) .j (a/?) The value of n( TMJ^) being determinable by known methods DBE, Fonctions Elliptiques, vol. i. chap, xxxiii.), the time of rolling is given by equation 13. In the case in which the rolling motion is not continuous but oscillatory, we have w = ; and therefore (equation 5.) $, = - ; n ( nc . . . . (29). . . by equation (29.), = MA cos. ISta sin. ; by equation (28.), X= | | cos.eU (30). But by equation (1.), substituting and B l for and QQB.gQ + (y+P)o a 2a& cos. + A 2 ' * ; * 2afc(cos. cos. 0,) + (7c 2 + V} g_ 2ah cos. 9 + h 2 * k 2 + a? 2ah cos. + h 2 ' ~ ..(32). Observing that a 2 + ft 1 2ah cos. 0, = I 2 . Differentiating this equation and dividing Ibtfl \ Ism. _ (F + a 7 + 7?-2aA cos. 0) 2 C33X 664 APPENDIX. Substituting these values of M and N in equation (30.), and reducing, _. WAsm.0( (F + Z'X&' + A 2 ahcos.e)(g + au> T )> ~t~~ * * " Whia '- 2oA ooa. The rotation of a "body about a cylindrical axis of small diameter. Assuming a = in equations (31.), (33.), and 0!=0, we have 2gft(cos.0 1) 2 gr^ sin, e 2 = > Therefore, by equation (30.), WAjgr^ 3cos.e) X =Y \ The last equation may be placed under the form If --I , w 2 1 J be numerically less than unity, whether it be positive or negative, there will be some value of between and n for which this expression will be equalled, with an opposite sign, by cos. 0, and for which the first term under the bracket in the value of Y will vanish. This cor- responds to a minimum value of Y represented by the formula But if -/ w 2 1 J be numerically greater than nnity, then the minimum of Y will be attained when = *, and when ROLLING Ml/i'ION OF A CYLINDEE. G65 The Jump of an Axis. If Y be negative in any position of the body, the axis will obviously jump from its bearings, unless it be retained by some mechanical expe- dient not taken account of in this calculation. But if Y be negative in any position, it must be negative in that in which its value is a minimum. If a jump take place at all, therefore, it will take place when Y is a mini- mum; and whether it will take place or not, is determined by finding whether the minimum value of Y is negative. If therefore the expression (42.) or (43.) be negative, the axis will jump in the corresponding case. An axis of infinitely small diameter, such as we have here supposed, becomes a fixed axis; and the pressure upon a fixed axis, supposed to turn in cylindrical bearings without friction, is the same, whatever may be its diameter; equations (40.) and (41.) determine therefore that pres- sure, and equation (42.) or (43.) determines the vertical strain upon the collar when the tendency of the axis to jump from its bearings is the greatest. The Jump of a Rolling Cylinder. Whether a jump will or will not take place, has been shown to be deter- mined by finding whether the minimum value of Y be negative or not. Substituting a for-/ + - + f | and reducing, equation (35.) becomes Z\ah a hi y-W/1 *> WF + C+a* 8 cos. 2 e-2acos.0 + l Wl- .-.-^=0, Is ^ ^ ^ Srdly, when = 0. The first condition evidently yields a positive value of -r^-, since it 666 APPENDIX. causes the first term of the preceding equation to vanish ; and the second term is essentially positive, a being always greater than unity. If, therefore, the first condition be possible, or if there be any value of 6 which satisfies it, that value corresponds to a position of minimum pres- sure. Solving, in respect to cos. 0, we obtain The first condition will therefore yield a position of minimum pres- sure, if o i / ~rrz ^ . i or if or if or if J*\ ( iv ^ (i* _L 7-^ ^ il ^ t^a 1J ^AJ + I ) (a, I) a and or whence, substituting for a and reducing, we obtain finally, the conditions' \ {& 2 + (a + A)T Sg\ (g\ {#+( &)'}' f Q \ k^m^^-)^^ Of these inequalities the second always obtains, because whatever be the values of &, a and A. And the first is always possible, since {F + (a + )<}* >(&* + ?*) }# + (<, _&)}. ^ If the/rsi obtain, there are two corresponding positions of OA on either ide of the vertical, determined by equation (46.), in which the pressure Y of the cylinder upon the plane is a minimum. ROLLING MOTION OF A CYLINDER. 667 Substituting the other two values (rt and 0) of 6 which cause -j- to vanish in the value of ^-^ we obtain the values w < h a 2ga\* + 1) 2 la 2gd\a I) 2 or _ a . oa 2 I) 2 $'* which expressions are both negative if the inequalities (47.) obtain. The same conditions which yield minimum values of Y in two corresponding oblique positions of CA, yield, therefore, maximum values in the two ver- tical positions ; so that if the inequalities (48.) obtain, there are two posi- tions of maximum and two of minimum pressure. Substituting the values of cos. (equation 46.) in equation (44.), and reducing, we obtain for the minimum value of Y in the case in which the inequalities (48.) obtain, +3 If this expression be negative the cylinder will jump. In the case in which = 0, which is that of a, pendulum having a cylin- drical axis of finite diameter, it becomes Y 5 If the first of the inequalities (48.) do not obtain, no position of mini- mum pressure corresponds to equation (46.) ; and the inequalities (47.) do not obtain, so that the values (49.) of -=-5-, given respectively by the sub- stitution of rt and for 0, are no longer both negative, but the second only. In this case the value rt of is that, therefore, which corresponds to a posi- tion of minimum pressure, which minimum pressure is determined by substituting rt for in equation (35.), and is represented by * When the pendulum oscillates on knife-edges a=0, and this expression assumes the form of a vanishing fraction, whose value may be determined by the known rules. See the next article. 668 APPENDIX. . . . (51). g ' w + (a+h)* The cylinder will jump if this expression be negative, that is, if i or, substituting and reducing, if If the angular velocity be assumed to be that acquired in the highest position of the centre of gravity, 0i=rt, and cos. - 81 = 0. In this case, therefore (equation 61.) and there will be a jump if w ! > | . . . (53). The Pendulum oscillating on Knife-edges. In this case a is evanescent, and w=0. Equations (31.) and (33.) become, therefore, s. cos. 0,) __ - * + # Substituting these values of M and K" in equation (30.), _ ~Wh* r \ # + # ] 2 ( cos ' 9 cos ' ') sm ' cos - 9 sin ' 9 1 Y= W + F+A 7 | ( cos - 9 ~ cos ' e ^ cos ' ~ sin ' 20 } ? .". X = -^T^- 2 (2 cos. 0, 3 cos. 0) sin. ... (54). ROLLING MOTION OF A CYLINDER. 669 P\ . 2 2008.0008.0,+-! * ' ' (55) ' Y is a minimum when cos. 9 = -cos. 0,, in which case 3 There will therefore be a jump of the pendulum upon its b'earings at each oscillation if the amplitude 0, of the oscillation be such, that 1 Z* Q 1* icos. 2 0, > _, or cos. 2 0,>riL. 8 A 2 A 8 of the falsely -balanced Carriage-wheel. The theory of the falsely-balanced carriage- wheel differs from that of the rolling cylinder, 1st, in that the inertia of the carriage applied at its axle influences the acceleration produced by the weight of the wheel, as its centre of gravity descends or ascends in rolling; and, 2ndly, in that the wheel is retained in contact with the plane by the weight of the car- riage. The first cause may be neglected, because the displacement of the centre of gravity is always in the carriage-wheel very small, and because the angular velocity is, compared with it, very great. If W, represent that portion of the weight of the carriage which must be overcome in order that the wheel may jump (which weight is supposed to be borne by the plane), and if Y! be taken to represent the pressure upon the plane, then (equation 52.) Y 1 = W,+Y=W 1 + w(l ) (57). V ff ' In order that there may be a jump, this expression must be negative, or 670 APPENDIX. The Driving-Wheel of a Locomotive Engine. The attention of engineers was some years since directed to the effects which might result from the false balancing of a wheel by accidents on railways, which appeared to be occasioned by a tendency to jump in the driving-wheels of the engines. The cranked axle in all cases destroys the balance of the driving-wheel unless a counterpoise be applied ; at that time there was no counterpoise, and the axle was so cranked as to displace the centre of gravity more than it does now. Mr. GEOKGE HEATON, of Bir- mingham, appears to have been principally instrumental in causing the danger of this false-balancing of the driving-wheels to be understood. By means of an ingenious apparatus*, which enabled him to roll a falsely- balanced wheel round the circumference of a table with any given velocity, and to make any required displacement of the centre of gravity, he showed the tendency to jump, produced even by a very small displacement, to be so great, as to leave no doubt on the minds of practical men as to the danger of such displacement in the case of locomotive engines, and a coun- terpoise is now, I believe, always applied. To determine what is the degree of accuracy required in such a counterpoise, I have calculated from the preceding formulae that displacement of the centre of gravity of a driving-wheel of a locomotive-engine, which is necessary to cause it to jump at the high velocities not unfrequently attained at some parts of the journey of an express train ; from such information as I have been able to obtain as to the dimensions of such wheels, and their weights, and those of the engines f. The weight of a pair of driving-wheels, six feet in diameter, with a cranked axle, varies, I am told, from 2 to 3 tons ; and that of an engine on the London and Birmingham Kailway, when filled with water, from 20 to 25 tons. If n represent the number of miles per hour at which the engine is travelling, it may be shown by a simple calculation, that the angular velocity, in feet, of a six-feet wheel is represented by -=1 or by -n very nearly. In this case we have, therefore, since "W represents the weight of a single wheel and its portion of the axle, and "VV, represents the weight, exclusive of the driving-wheels, which must be raised that * This apparatus was exhibited by the late Professor Co WPEK to illustrate his Lectures on Machinery at King's College. It has also been placed by General MORIN among the apparatus of the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers at Paris. \ I have not included in this calculation the inertia of the crank rods, of the slide gearing, or of the piston and piston rods. The effect of these is to increase the tendency to jiimp produced by the displacement of the centre of gravity of the wheel ; and the like effect is due to the thrust upon the piston rod, The discussion of these subjects does not belong to my present paper. ROLLING MOTION OF A CYLINDER. G71 either side of the engine may jump*, that is, half the weight of the engine exclusive of the driving-wheels, W = ! to H tons, W, = 8f to Hi tons, w = -TO, ^ = 32-19084 whence I have made the following calculations from formula (59.). Height of the engine in tons, includ- ing the driv- ing wheels. Weight of a pair of wheels with cranted axle, in tons. Formula (59.) reduced. J2 ,re(,4') Displacement of the centre of gravity of a six-feet driving-wheel which will cause a jump of the wheel on the rail. Eate of travelling in miles per hour. .* 50. 60. 70. 20 2-5 3 1030-08 4128 3434 2867 2384 2106 , '1751 n* 858-4 .' 25 2-5 3 1287.6 5150 4292 3576 2908 2628 2189 n* 1073 ijiiS It appears, by formula (59.), that the displacement of the centre of gravity necessary to produce a jump at any given speed, is not dependent on the actual weight of the engine or the wheels, but on the ratio of their weights ; and, from the above table, that when the weight of the engine and wheels is 6$- times that of the driving-wheels, a displacement of 2f inches in the centre of gravity is enough to create a jump when the train is travelling at sixty miles an hour, or of two inches when it is travelling at seventy miles ; this displacement varying inversely as the square of the velocity is less, other things being the same, as the square of the diameter of the wheel is less ; for the radius of the wheel being represented by 0, the angular velocity is represented by = z-^ > and substituting this value, formula (59.) becomes * It will be observed, that the cranks being placed on the axle at right angles to one another, when the centre of gravity on the one side is in a favourable po- APPENDIX. If the weight "W of the wheel be supposed to vary as the square of its diameter and be represented by pd*, this formula will become h>( M still showing the displacement of the centre of gravity necessary to pro- duce a jump to diminish with the diameter of the wheel. These conclu- sions are opposed to the use of light engines and small driving-wheels; and they show the necessity of a careful attention to the true balancing of the wheels of the carriages as well as the driving-wheels of the engine. It does not follow that every jump of the wheel would be high enough to lift the edge of the flange off the rail ; the determination of the height of the jump involves an independent investigation. Every jump nevertheless creates an oscillation of the springs, which oscillation will not of necessity be completed when the jump returns ; but as the jumps are made alter- nately on opposite sides of the engine, it is probable that they may, and that after a time they will, so synchronise with the times of the oscillations, as that the amplitude of each oscillation shall be increased by every jump, and a rocking motion be communicated to the engine attended with danger. Whilst every jump does not necessarily cause the wheel to run off the rail, it nevertheless causes it to slip upon it, for before the wheel jumps it is clear that it must have ceased to have any hold upon the rail or any friction. The Slip of the Wheel. If /be taken to represent the coefficient of friction between the surface of the wheel and that of the rail, the actual friction in any position of the wheel will be represented by Y, /. But the friction which it is necessary the rail should supply, in order that the rolling of the whel maybe main- tained, is X. It is a condition therefore necessary to the wheel not slip- ping that If, therefore, taking the maximum value of in any revolution, we find that /exceeds it, it is certain that the wheel cannot have slipped in that revolution; whilst if, on the other hand, /falls short of it, it must have sition for jumping, it is in an unfavourable position on the other side, so that It can only jump on one side at once, and the efforts on the two sides alternate- EOLLING MOTION OF A CYLINDER. 673 slipped.* The positions between which the slipping will take place con- tinually, are determined by solving, in respect to cos. 0,, the equation /=?.... (61). The application of these principles to the slip of the carriage-wheel is rendered less difficult by the fact, that the value of h is always in that case so small, as compared with the values of Tc and a, that - may be neglected a in formulae (34.) and (35.), as compared with unity. Those equations then become 1 X. 2+ 7 l (62). and H I+ ^-[, = --cos. a+ (A whence we obtain X Assume /i + !L'W ( + wj^+cos. e d?u__{ j3 (jS + C03. 0) +2 (1 +|8 cos. &)} sin. ~ " d9 (3 + cos. 0) 2 ^ 2 ~ 03 + cos. e ) 3 Now if j3> 1, there will be some value of e for which ^ + cos. = 0, and therefore 1+3 cos. = 0; and since for this value of 0, _ = 0, and ^ ad ojr * Of course, the slipping, in the case of the driving-wheels of a locomotive, is diminished by the fact, that whilst one wheel IB not biting upon the rail the other is. 43 APPENDIX. = t M - 3 it follows that it corresponds to a maximum value of u, and therefore of 5. Y, But if (3 < 1, then there is some value of cos. for which |3 + cos. = 0, and therefore for which u infinity, which value corresponds therefore in this case to the maximum of 5 Y, Thus then it appears that according as the maximum value of = is attained when cos. 0= j3 or = ^ ; that is, when Y In the one case the maximum value of y will be infinity, .... (67). and in the other case it will be represented by the formula (68). < In the first case, i. e. when /3< 1, the wheel will slip every time that it revolves, whatever may be the value of f. In the second case, or when 3 > 1, it will slip if /do not exceed the number represented by formula (68.). The conditions (65.) are obviously the same with those (59.) which determine whether there be a jump or not, which agrees with an obser- vation in the preceding article, to the effect, that as the wheel must cease to bite upon the rail before it can jump, it must always slip before it can jump. "When the conditions of slipping obtain, one of the wheels always biting when the other is slipping, and the slips of the two wheels alternating, it is evident that the engine will be impelled forwards, at certain periods of each revolution, by one wheel only, and at others, by the other wheel only; and that this is true irrespective of the action of the two pistons on the crank, and would be true if the steam were thrown off. Such alternate propulsions on the two sides of the train cannot but DESCENT UPON INCLINED PLANE. 675 communicate alternate oscillations to the buffer-springs, the intervals between which will not be the same as those between the propulsions; but they may so synchronise with a series of propulsions as that the amplitude of each oscillation may be increased by them until the train attains that fish-tail motion with which railway travellers are familiar. It is obvious that the results shown here to follow from a displacement of the centres of gravity of the driving-wheels, cannot fail also to be pro- duced by the alternate action of the connecting rods at the most favorable driving points of the crank and at the dead points,* and that the operation of these two causes may tend to neutralize or may exaggerate one another. It is not the object of this paper to discuss the question under this point of view. NOTE F. ON THE DESCENT UPON AN INCLINED PLANE OF A BODY SUBJECT TO VARIA- TIONS OF TEMPERATURE, AND ON THE MOTION OF GLACIERS. IF we conceive two bodies of the same form and dimensions (cubes, for instance), and of the same material, to be placed upon a uniform horizon- tal plane and connected by a substance which alternately extends and contracts itself, as does a metallic rod when subjected to variations of temperature, it is evident that by the extension of the intervening rod each will be made to recede from the other by the same distance, and, by its contraction, to approach it by the same distance. But if they be placed on an inclined plane (one being lower than the other) then when by the increased temperature of the rod its tendency to extend becomes sufficient to push the lower of the two bodies downwards, it will not have become sufficient to push the higher upwards. The effect of its exten- sion will therefore be to cause the lower of the two bodies to descend whilst the higher remains at rest. The converse of this will result from contraction ; for when the contractile force becomes sufficient to pull the upper body down the plane it will not have become sufficient to pull the lower up it. Thus, in the contraction of the substance which inter- venes between the two bodies, the lower will remain at rest whilst the upper descends. As often, then, as the expansion and contraction is repeated the two bodies will descend the plane until, step by step, they reach the bottom. * A slip of the wheel may thus be, and probably is, produced at each revo- lution. C7G APPENDIX. Suppose the uniform bar AB placed on an inclined plane, and subject to extension from increase of temperature, a por- tion XB will descend, and the rest X A will ascend ; the point X where they separate being determined by the condition that the force requisite to push XA up the plane is equal to that required to push XB down it. Let AX = a?, AB = L, weight of each linear unit = /*, t = inclination of plane, $ = limiting angle of resistance. .-.(jix = weight of AX. Now, the force acting parallel to an inclined plane which is necessary to push a weight W up it, is represented by W li^JLyj and that ne- COS. eessary to push it down the plane by W . (Art. 241.) COS. ^. sin. (? Q COS. COS.

cos. , _ f = iL < ( tan. t tan. When contraction takes place, the converse of the above will be true. The separating point X will be such, that the force requisite to pull XB up __^________ the plane is equal to that required to pull AX down it. BX is obviously in this case equal to AX in the other. Let a. be the elongation per linear unit under any variation of tempera- ture; then the distance which the point B (fig. l.)will be made to descend by this elongation = x.BX DESCENT UPON INCLINED PLANE. 677 If we conceive the bar now to return to its former temperature, con- tracting by the same amount (X) per linear unit; then the point B (fig. 2.) will by this contraction be made to ascend through the space ~ Total descent I of B by elongation and contraction is therefore determined by the equation To determine the pressure upon a nail driven through the rod at any point P fastening it to the plane. It is evident, that in the act of extension the part BP of the rod will descend the plane and the part AP ascend; and conversely in the act of contraction ; and that in the former case the nail B will sustain a pressure upwards equal to that necessary to cause BP to descend, and a pressure downwards equal to that necessary to cause PA to ascend ; so that, as- suming the pressure to be downwards, and adopting the same notation as before, except that AP is represented by p, AB by a, and the pressure upon the nail (assumed to be downwards) by P, we have in the case of extension _ sin. (0 + e,) . sin. and in the case of contraction, p=, ( *-p) sin - Reducing, these formulae become respectively, p_ J 2p sin. cos. i a sin. (0 i) > (8). COS. ( j P = < a sin. (

cos. >.- ' (4). COS. ( J EXAMPLE OF THE DESCENT OF THE LEAD ON THE ROOF OF BEISTOL CATHEDEAL. My attention was first drawn to the influence of variations in tempera- ture to cause the descent of a lamina of metal resting on an inclined plane 678 APPENDIX. by observing, in the autumn of 1853, that a portion of the lead which covers the south side of the choir of Bristol Cathedral, which had been renewed in the year 1851, but had not been properly fastened to the ridgo beam, had descended bodily eighteen inches into the gutter; so that if plates of lead had not been inserted at the top, a strip of the roof of that length would have been left exposed to the weather. The sheet of lead which had so descended measured, from the ridge to the gutter, 19ft. 4in., and along the ridge 60ft. The descent had been continually going on from the time the lead had been laid down. An attempt made to stop it by driving nails through it into the rafters had failed. The force by which the lead had been made to descend, whatever it was, had been found sufficient to draw the nails.* As the pitch of the roof was only 164- it was sufficiently evident that the weight of the lead alone could not have caused it to descend. Sheet lead, whose surface is in the state of that used in roofing, will stand firmly upon a surface of planed deal when inclined at an angle of 30f, if no other force than its weight tends to cause it to descend. The considerations which I have stated in the pre- ceding articles, led me to the conclusion that the daily variations in the temperature of the lead, exposed as it was to the action of the sun by its southern aspect, could not but cause it to descend considerably, and the only question which remained on my mind was, whether this descent could be so great as was observed. To determine this I took the follow- ing data : Mean daily variation of temperature at Bristol in the month of August ; assumed to be the same as at Leith (Kcemtz Meteorology, by Walker, p. 18.) - - - 8 21' Cent. Linear expansion of lead through 100 Cent. - - - '0028436. Length of sheets of lead forming the roof from the ridge to the gutter - - 232 inches. Inclination of roof 16 32'. Limiting angle of resistance between sheet lead and deal - 80 Whence the mean daily descent of the lead, in inches, in the month of August, is determined by equation (2.) to be * The evil was remedied by placing a beam across the rafters, near the ridge, and doubling the sheets round it, and fixing their ends with spike-nails. j- This may easily be verified. I give it as the result of a rough experiment of my own. I am not acquainted with any experiments on the friction of lead made with sufficient care to be received as authority in this matter. The friction of copper on oak has, however, been determined by General MORIN (see a table in the preceding part of this work) to be 0'62, and its limiting angle of resistance 31 48' ; so that if the roof of Bristol Cathedral had been inclined at 31 instead of 16", and had been covered with sheets of copper resting on oak boards, instead of sheets of lead resting on deal, the sheeting would not have slipped by its weight only. DESCENT UPON INCLINED PLANE. 679 Z=-027848 inches. This average daily descent gives for the whole month of August a descent of -863288. If the average daily variation of temperature of the month of August had continued throughout the year, the lead would have descended 10-19148 inches every year. And in the two years from 1851 to 1853 it would have descended 20-38296 inches. But the daily variations of atmospheric temperature are less in the other months of the year than in the month of August. For this reason, therefore, the cal- culation is in excess. For the following reasons it is in defect: 1st., The daily variations in the temperature of the lead cannot but have been greater than those of the surrounding atmosphere. It must have been heated above the surrounding atmosphere by radiation from the sun in the day-time, or cooled below it by radiation into space at night. 2ndly., One variation of temperature only has been assumed to take place every twenty-four hours, viz. that from the extreme heat of the day to the extreme cold of the night; whereas such variations are notoriously of constant occurrence during the twenty-four hours. Each cannot but have caused a corresponding descent of the lead, and their aggregate result cannot but have been greater than though the temperature had passed uniformly (without oscillations backwards and forwards) from one extreme to the other. These considerations show, I think, that the causes I have assigned are sufficient to account for the fact observed. They suggest, moreover, the possibility that results of importance in meteorology may be obtained from observing with accuracy the descent of a metallic rod thus placed upon an inclined plane. That descent would be a measure of the aggre- gate of the changes of temperature to which the metal was subjected during the time of observation. As every such change of temperature is associated with a corresponding development of mechanical action under the form of work,* it would be a measure of the aggregate of such changes and of the work so developed during that period. And relations might be found between measurements so taken in different equal periods of time successive years for instance tending to the development of new meteorological laws. * Mr. JOULE has shown (Phil. Trans., 1850, Part I.) that the quantity of heat capable of raising a pound of water by 1 Fah. requires for its evolution 772 units of work. 680 APPENDIX. THE DESCENT OF GLAOIEES. The following are the results of recent experiments * on the expansion of ice : Linear Expansion of Ice for am, Interval of 100 of the Centigrade Thermometer. 0-00524 Schumacher. 0-00513 Pohrt. 0-00518 Moritz. Ice, therefore, has nearly twice the expansibility of lead ; so that a sheet of ice would, under similar circumstances, have descended a plane similarly inclined, twice the distance that the sheet of lead referred to in the preceding article descended. Glaciers are, on an increased scale, sheets of ice placed upon the slopes of mountains, and subjected to atmospheric variations of temperature throughout their masses by varia- tions in the quantity and the temperature of the water, which, flowing from the surface, everywhere percolates them. That they must from this cause descend into the valleys, is therefore certain. That portion of the Mer de Glace of Chamouni which extends from Montanvert to very near the origin of the Glacier de Lechaud has been accurately observed by Professor James Forbes.t Its length is 22,600 feet, and its inclination varies from 4 19' 22" to 5 5' 53". The Glacier du Geant, from the Tacul to the Col du Geant, Professor Forbes estimates (but not from his own observations, or with the same certainty) to be 24,700 feet in length, and to have a mean inclination of 8 46' 40". According to the observations of De Saussure, the mean daily range of Reaumur's thermometer in the month of July, at the Col du Geant, is 4 -257}, and at Chamouni 10 -09 2. The resistance opposed by the rugged channel of a glacier to its descent cannot but be different at dif- ferent points, and in respect to different glaciers. The following passage from Professor Forbes's work contains the most authentic information I am able to find on this subject. Speaking of the Glacier of la Brenva he says : u The ice removed, a layer of fine mud covered the rock, not composed, however, alone of the clayey limestone mud, but of sharp sand derived from the granitic moraines of the glacier, and brought down with it from the opposite side of the valley. Upon examining the face of the ice removed from contact with the rock, we found it set all over with sharp angular fragments, from the size of grains of sand to that of a cherry, or larger, of the same species of rook, and which were so firmly Vide Archir. , Wissenschaftl. Kunde v. Russland, Bd. vii s. 883. Travels through the Alps of Savoy. Edinburgh, 1853. Quoted by Professor FORBES, p. 231. DESCENT OF GLACIERS. 681 fixed in the ice as to demonstrate the impossibility of such a surface being forcibly urged forwards without sawing any comparatively soft body which might be below it. Accordingly, it was not difficult to discover in the limestone the very grooves and scratches which were in the act of being made at the time by the pressure of the ice and its contained frag- ments of stone." (Alps of the Savoy, pp. 203 4.) It is not difficult from this description to account for the fact that small glaciers are some- times seen to lie on a slope of 30 (p. 35.). The most probable supposition would indeed fix the limiting angle of resistance between the rock and the under surface of the ice set all over, as it is described to. be, with particles of sand and small fragments of stone, at about 30 ; that being nearly the slope at which smooth surfaces of calcareous stone will rest on one another. If we take then 30 to be the limiting angle of resistance between the under surface of the Mer de Glace and the rock on which it rests, and if we assume the same mean daily variation of temperature (4-257 Keaumur, or 5'321 Centigrade) to obtain throughout the length of the Glacier du Geant, which De Saussure observed in July, at the Col du Geant ; if, further, we take the linear expansion of ice at 100 Centigrade to be that ('00524) which was determined by the experiments of Schumacher, and, lastly, if we assume the Glacier de Geant to descend as it would if its descent were unopposed by its confluence with the Glacier de Lechaut; we shall obtain, by substitution in equation (2.) for the mean daily descent of the Glacier du Geant at the Tacul, the formula 1 = 24700 X 5-321 x '^24 tan- 8 46' 100 tan. 30 1= 1-8395 feet. The actual descent of the glacier in the centre was T5 feet. If the Glacier de Lechaut descended, at a mean slope of 5, singly in a sheet of uniform breadth to Montanvert without receiving the tributary glacier of the Talefre, or uniting with the Glacier du Geant, its diurnal descent would be given by the same formula, and would be found to be -95487 feet. Eeasoning similarly with reference to the Glacier du Geant ; supposing it to have continued its course singly from the Col du Geant to Montanvert without confluence with the Glacier de Lechaut, its length being 40,420 feet, and its mean inclination 6 53', its mean diurnal motion I at Montan- vert would, by formula (2.) have been 2'3564* feet. The actual mean daily motion of the united glaciers, between the 1st and the 28th July, was at Montanvert,f * On the 1st of July the centre of the actual motion of the Mer de Glace at Montanvert was 2*25 feet. f Forbes' " Alps of Savoy," p. 140. 682 APPENDIX. Near the side of the glacier - - 1-441 feet. Between the side and the centre - 1 '750 " Near the centre 2-141 " The motion of the Glacier de Lechaut was therefore accelerated by their confluence, and that of the Glacier du Geant retarded. The former is dragged down by the latter. I have had the less hesitation in offering this solution of the mechanical problem of the motion of glaciers, as those hitherto proposed are con- fessedly imperfect. That of De Saussure, which attributes the descent of the glacier simply to its weight, is contradicted by the fact that isolated fragments of the glacier stand firmly on the slope on which the whole nevertheless descends. It being obvious that if the parts would remain at rest separately on the bed of the glacier, they would also remain at rest when united. That of Professor J. Forbes, which supposes a viscous or semirfiuid structure of the glacier, is not consistent with the fact that no viscosity is to be traced in its parts when separated. They appear as solid fragments, and they cannot acquire in their union properties in this respect which individually they have not. Lastly, the theory of Oharpentier, which attributes the descent of the glacier to the daily congelation of the water which percolates it, and the expansion of its mass consequent thereon, whilst it assigns a cause which, so far as it operates, cannot, as I have shown, but cause the glacier to descend, appears to assign one inadequate to the result ; for the congelation of the water which percolates the glacier does not, according to the obser- vations of Professor Forbes,* take place at all in summer more than a few inches from the surface. Nevertheless, it is in the summer that the daily motion of the glacier is the greatest. The following remarkable experiment of Mr. Hopkins of Cambridge,! which is considered by him to be confirmatory of the sliding theory of De Saussure as opposed to De Oharpentier's dilatation theory, receives a ready explanation on the principles which I have laid down in this note. It is indeed a necessary result of them. Mr. Hopkins placed a mass of rough ice, confined by a square frame or bottomless box, upon a roughly chiselled flag-stone, which he then inclined at a small angle ; and found that a slow but uniform motion was produced, when even it was placed at an inconsiderable slope. This motion, which Mr. Hopkins attributed to the dissolution of the ice in contact with the stone, would, I apprehend, have taken place if the mass had been of lead instead of ice ; * "Travels in the Alps," J>. 413. f I have quoted the following account of it from Professor Forbes's book, p. 419. DIMENSIONS OF A BUTTRESS. (>S3 and it would have been but about half as fast, because the linear expan- sion of lead is only about half that of ice. NOTE G. THE BEST DIMENSIONS OF A BTJTTBESS. IF mi (Art. 299.) represent the modulus of stability of the portion AG of the wall, it may be shown, as before, that P{ (&, A 2 ) sin. a (I a 3 m,)cos. a} = (a, w,) (A, A 2 )a,^t ; . . P{(^i A 2 )sin. a (I a 2 )cos. a} == K&i ^2)^1 V w i{P C08 - + (^i A*X/*} If m l =m^ the stability of the portion AG of the structure is the same with that of the whole AC ; an arrangement by which the greatest strength is obtained with a given quantity of material (see Art. 388.). This supposition being made, and m eliminated between the above equa- tion and equation (392.), that relation between the dimensions of the buttress and those of the wall which is consistent with the greatest economy of the material used will be determined. The following is that relation : , + ~afh z } P (A, sin. a I cos. a) P cos. a + nt(a A + ~A) AsK* P{(Ai A) sin, a (I a,) cos, a} P cos. a + ^ (hi h 3 ) It is necessary to the greatest economy of the material of the Gothic buttress (Art. 301.) that the stability of the portions Qa and Q5, upon their respective bases ao and fo, should be same with that of the whole buttress on its base EC. If, in the preceding equation, h l h 3 be substituted for A,, and 7i 2 h 3 for A 2 , the resulting equation, together with that deduced as explained in the conclusion of Art. 301., will deter- mine this condition, and will establish those relations between the dimen- sions of the several portions of the buttress which are consistent with the greatest economy of the material, or which yield the greatest strength to the structure from the use of a given quantity of material. 684: APPENDIX. NOTE H. DIMENSIONS OP THE TEETH OF WHEELS. THE following rules are extracted from the work of M. Morin, entitled Aide Memoire de Mecanique Pratique : If we represent by a the width in parts of a foot of the tooth measured parallel to the axis of the wheel, and by I its breadth or thickness measure* parallel to the plane oi rotation upon the pitch circle ; then, the teeth being constantly greased, the relation of a and 5 should be expressed, when the velocity of the pitch circle does not exceed 5 feet per second, by a = 45 ; when it exceeds 5 feet per second, by a = 55 : if the wheels are constantly exposed to wet, by a=6&. These relations being established, the width or thickness of the tooth will be determined by the formulae contained in the columns of the follow- ing table: Material French measures, cents and kils. English measures, feet and pounds. Cast iron ... Brass ... Hard wood b=-I05V~P' 613H/F 6 = U5|/P b = '00231 9 V~? 6= -002894 f/F 6= -003203 4/F Assuming that when the teeth are carefully executed the space between the teeth should be T ^th greater than their thickness, and y'^th greater when the least labor is bestowed on them, the values of the pitch T will in these two cases be represented by 6(2 + T s) and 6(2 + T V), or by 2-0676 and 2 '15. Substituting in these expressions the values of 6 given by the formulas of the preceding table, then determining from the resulting values of c (see equation 233.) the corresponding values of the coefficient (see equation 234.), the following table is obtained : Material. Value of o (equation 238.). Value of C (equation 234.). For teeth of the best work- manship. For teeth of interior work- manship. For teeth of the hest work- manship. For teeth of inferior work- manship. Cast iron - Brass Hard wood 004795 005982 006621 004870 006077 006726 0-912 1-057 1-131 0-922 1 -068 1-143 TRACTION OF CARRIAGES. 685 The following are the pitches commonly in use among mechanics : in. in. in. in. in. in. in. 1, li, li, H, 2, 2i, 3. Prof. Willis considers the following to be sufficient below inch pitch : in. in. in. in. in. i, t, *, *, *- Having, therefore, determined the proper pitch to be given to the tooth from formula 234., the nearest pitch is to be taken from the above series to that thus determined. NOTE I. EXPERIMENTS OF M. MOKIN ON THE TRACTION OF OAEBIAGES. THE following are among the general results deduced by M. Morin from his experiments : 1. The traction is directly proportional to the load, and inversely pro- portional to the diameter of the wheel. 2. Upon a paved or a hard Macadamised road, the resistance is independ- ent of the width of the tire when it exceeds from 3 to 4 inches. 3. At a walking pace the traction is the same, under the same circum- stances, for carriages with springs and without them. 4. Upon hard Macadamised and upon paved roads the traction increases with the velocity ; the increments of traction being directly proportional to the increments of velocity above the velocity 3'28 feet per second, or about 2i miles per hour. The equal increment of traction thus due to each equal increment of velocity is less as the road is more smooth, and the carriage less rigid or better hung. 4. Upon soft roads of earth, or sand or turf, or roads fresh and thickly graveled, the traction is independent of the velocity. 5. Upon a well-made and compact pavement of hewn stones the traction at a walking pace is not more than three-fourths of that upon the beat Macadamised road under similar circumstances; at a trotting pace it is equal to it. 6. The destruction of the road is in all cases greater as the diameters of the wheels are less, and it is greater in carriages without than with springs. APPENDIX. NOTE K. ON THE STKENGTH OF COLUMNS. MB. HODGKINSON has obligingly communicated the following observations on Art. 430. : 1. The reader must be made to understand that the rounding of the ends of the pillars is to make them moveable there, as if they turned by means of a universal joint ; and the flat-ended pillars are conceived to be supported in every part of the ends by means of flat surfaces, or otherwise rendering the ends perfectly immoveable. 2. The coefficient (13) for hollow columns with rounded ends is deduced from the whole of the experiments first made, including some which were very defective on account of the difficulty experienced in the earlier attempts to cast good hollow columns so small as were wanted. The first castings were made lying on their side ; and this, notwithstanding every effort, prevented the core being in the middle ; some of the columns were reduced, too, in thickness, half way between the middle and the ends, and near to the ends, and this slightly reduced the strength. These causes of weakness existed much more among the pillars with rounded ends than those with flat ones ; they are alluded to in the paper (Art. 47.). Had it not been for them, the coefficient (13) would, I conceive, have been equal to that for solid pillars (or 14- 9). 3. The fact of long pillars with flat ends being about three times as strong as those of the same dimensions with rounded ends is, I conceive, well made out, in cast iron, wrought iron, and timber; you have, how- ever, omitted it, being perhaps led to do it through the low value of the coefficient (13) above mentioned. The same may be mentioned with respect to the near approach in strength of long pillars with flat ends, and those of half the length with rounded ends. It may be said that the law of the 1*7 power of the length would nearly indicate the latter ; but this last, and the other powers 3 '76 and 3'55, are only approximations, and not exactly constant, though nearly so, and I do not know whether the other equal quantities are not, with some slight modifications, physical facts. 4. The strength of pillars of similar form and of the same materials varies as the 1*865 power, or near as the square of their like linear dimensions, or as the area of their cross section. COMPLETE ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 687 TABLE I. The Numerical Values of COMPLETE Elliptic Functions of the FIRST and SECOND Orders for Values of the Modulus k corresponding to each Degree of the Angle sin. '&. Sin. 1 *. Fi. Ei. Sin. ik. F,. E,. 1 2 3 4 5 1-57079 1-57091 1-57127 1-57187 1-57271 1-57379 1-57079 1-57067 1-57031 1-56972 1-56888 1-56780 46 47 48 49 50 1-86914 1-88480 1-90108 1-91799 1-93558 1-34180 1-33286 1 -32384 1-31472 1-30553 51 52 53 54 55 1-95386 1-97288 1-99266 2-01326 2-03471 1-29627 1-28695 1-27757 1-26814 1-25867 6 7 8 9 10 1-57511 1-57667 1-57848 1-58054 1*58284 1-56649 1-56494 1-56316 1-56114 1-55888 56 67 58 59 60 2-05706 2-08035 2-10465 2-13002 2-15651 1-24918 1-23966 1-23012 1-22058 1-21105 11 12 13 14 15 1-58539 1-58819 1-59125 1-59456 1-59814 1-55639 1-55368 1-550>J8 1-54755 1-54415 61 62 63 64 65 2-18421 2-21319 2-24354 2-27537 2-30878 1-20153 1-19204 1-18258 1-17317 1-16382 16 17 18 19 20 1-60197 1-60608 1-61045 1-61510 1-62002 1-54052 1-53666 1-53259 1 -52830 1-52379 66 67 68 69 70 2-34390 2-38087 2-41984 2-46099 2-50455 1-15454 1-14534 1-13624 1-12724 1-11837 21 22 23 24 25 1-62523 1-63072 1-63651 1 -64260 1-64899 1-51907 1-51414 1-50900 1-50366 1-49811 71 72 73 74 75 2-55073 2-59981 2-65213 2-70806 2-76806 1-10964 1-10106 1 -09265 1 -08442 1-07640 26 27 28 29 30 1 -65569 1-66271 1-67005 1-67773 1-68575 1-49236 1-48642 1-48029 1-47396 1-46746 76 77 78 79 80 2*83267 2-90256 2-97856 3-06172 3-15338 1-06860 1-06105 1-05377 1-04678 1-04011 31 32 33 34 35 1-69411 1-70283 1-71192 1-72139 1-73124 1-46077 1-45390 1-44686 1-43966 1-43229 81 82 83 84 85 3-25530 3-36986 3-50042 3-65186 3-83174 1-03378 1-02784 1-02281 1-01723 1-01266 3''> 37 3S 39 40 1-74149 1-75216 1-76325 1-77478 I -7807 8 1-42476 1-41707 1-40923 1-40125 1-39314 88 87 88 89 4-05275 4-33865 4-74271 5-43490 1-00864 1-00525 1-00258 1-00075 41 42 43 44 45 1-79922 l-R121o 1-82500 1-83956 1-85407 1-38488 1-37650 1-36799 1-35937 1 -35064 4PPENDIX. THE TABLES OF M. GAEIDEL. TABLE II. Showing the Angle of Rupture of an Arch whose Loading is of the same Material with its Voussoirs, and whose Extrados is inclined at a given Angle to the Horizon. (See Art. 344.)' a = ratio of lengths of voussoirs to radius of intrados. c = ratio of depth of load over crown to radius of intrados, so thut e = /3(l+a). (Art. 838.) t = inclination of extrados to horizon. a c=0 o=0-l c=0-2 c=0-8 c=0-4 c=0-5 c=l-0 0-05 68-0 69-19 54-04 51-15 49-35 48-20 45-74 o-io 65-4 60-48 57-70 56-01 54-93 54-17 52-34 0-15 64-0 61-3 59-7 58-69 58-0 57-49 56-21 0-20 631 61-7 60-88 60-30 59-90 59-60 58-80 0-25 62-24 61-76 61-44 61-22 61-05 60-94 60-59 0-30 61-3 61-42 61-54 61-60 61-66 61-67 61-81 0-35 60-17 60-80 61-21 61-54 61-78 61-98 62-56 0-40 58-8 69-8 60-52 61-05 61-48 61-67 62-9 0-45 67-32 58-53 59-45 60-19 60-80 61-28 62-85 0-50 65-63 56-97 58-09 58-98 59-72 60-34 62-40 = T 30'. a c=0 c=0-l c=0-2 c=0-3 c=0-4 c=0-5| c=l-0 005 68-3 57-3 51-69 48-61 47-84 46-11 44-85 0-10 64-3 58-68 55-95 54-52 53-64 53-03 51-68 0-15 62-43 59-67 58-33 57-55 57-00 56-61 55-66 0-20 61-48 60-42 59-72 59-35 59-07 58-87 58-29 0-25 60-75 60-55 60-44 60-38 60-33 60-21 60-17 0-30 60-09 60-49 60-77 60-95 61-08 61-18 61-48 0-35 59-27 60-12 60-62 61-02 61-33 61-59 62-31 0-40 58-25 59-33 60-11 60-72 61-18 61-57 62-7 0-45 67-11 58-35 59-29 60-05 60-67 61-16 62-78 0-50 55-82 57-13 58-21 59-08 59-81 60-41 62-45 ANGLE OF RUPTURE OF AN AKCH, 689 = 15'. a 0=0 o=0-l c=0-3 c=0-8 c=0-4 c=0-5 o-l-O 0-05 64-8 50-5 46-95 45-69 45-03 44-67 43-9 O'lO 59-3 55-07 53-34 52-47 51-99 51-69 50-93 0-15 59-08 57-32 56-65 56-05 55-75 55-55 55-05 0-20 59-06 68-60 58-35 58-20 58-10 68-02 57-84 0-25 59-05 59-28 59-42 o9-53 59-60 59-65 59-79 0-30 58-90 59-57 59-98 60-26 60-48 60-66 61-15 0-35 58-53 59-41 60-09 60-57 60-93 61-17 62-0 0-40 57-99 59-08 59-87 60-48 60-95 61-36 62-6 0-45 67-26 58-43 59-34 60-06 60-67 61-15 62-7 0-50 56-38 57-61 58-58 59-36 60-06 60-64 62-5 = 22 30'. a c=0 c=0-l 0=0-2 c=0-8 c=0-4 o=0-5 0=1-0 0-05 36-1 41-2 42-0 42-3 42-6 42-7 42-9 o-io 50-5 50-3 50-19 5017 50-14 50-13 50-11 0-15 54-25 54-31 54-35 54-35 54-36 54-36 54-38 0-20 56-17 56-60 56-82 56-95 57-04 57-11 57-28 0-25 57-27 57-93 58-33 58-61 58-79 58-95 59-33 0-30 57-85 58-68 59-23 59-60 59-93 60-16 60-83 Q-35 68-07 59-01 59-70 60-21 60-61 60-91 61-85 0-40 58-02 59-02 69-79 60-38 60-87 61-25 62-2 0-45 57-74 58-78 69-60 60-26 60-82 61-27 62-7 0-50 57-30 58-31 59-16 5988 60-47 61-00 62-9 = 30. c=0 o=0-l 0=0-3 c=0-8 c=0-4 0=0-5 0=1-0 0-05 31-3 36-2 38-4 39-57 40-28 40-77 41-9 o-io 43-3 46-06 47-25 47-90 48-30 48-59 49-24 015 50-07 51-46 52-18 52-63 62-94 53-14 53-68 0-20 53-66 54-69 55-27 55-67 55-96 56-16 56-72 0-25 55-80 56-72 57-30 57-72 58-01 58-23 58-89 0-30 57-13 58-01 58-62 59-06 59-40 59-69 60-48 0-35 57-93 58-80 59-43 59-94 60-33 60-66 61-64 0-40 58-33 59-20 59-89 60-42 60-87 61-23 62-39 0-45 58-47 59-33 60-03 6061 61-08 61-48 62-87 0-50 58-38 59-22 59-93 60-53 61-03 61-47 63-0 44 690 APPENDIX. = 37 30'. a 0=0 0=01 e=0-2 o=0-3 c=0-4 0=0-5 0=1-0 0-05 3M 34-3 36-28 37-59 38-48 39-16 40-82 o-io 40-98 43-59 45-09 46-01 46-67 47-14 48-35 0-15 47-71 49-40 50-43 51-12 51-61 51-96 52-93 0-20 52-01 52-23 54-01 54-54 54-94 55-24 56-10 0-25 54-87 55-80 56-45 56-94 57-29 57-59 58-41 0-30 56-77 57-o8 58-16 58-62 58-98 59-26 60-16 0-35 58-04 58-78 59-34 59-81 60-17 60-47 61-45 0-40 58-89 59'58 60-13 60-60 60-97 61-30 63-2 0-45 59-38 60-06 60-62 61-07 61-47 61-83 63-0 0-50 56-69 -60-29 60-84 61-26 61-72 62-07 63-3 a c=0 c=01 0=0-2 0=0-8 o=0-4 c=0-5 c=l-0 0-05 31-3 33-68 35-46 36-36 37-22 38-0 39-9 o-io 40-6 42-4 43-7 44-64 45-35 45-92 47-45 0-15 46-77 48-20 49-18 49-93 60-47 50-92 52-15 0-20 51-23 52-27 53-05 63-64 54-07 54-42 55-47 0-25 54-42 55-22 55-84 56-31 56-70 57-01 57-97 0-30 56-72 57-38 57-90 58-30 58-65 58-94 59-85 0-35 58-35 58-94 59-40 59-79 60-11 60-38 61>30 0-40 69-56 60-09 60-52 60-89 61-19 61-46 62-4 0-45 60-40 60-89 61-29 61-67 61-97 62-24 63-2 0-50 60-99 61-43 61-8 62-2 62-5 62-8 63-8 HORIZONTAL THRUST OF AN ARCH. 691 THE TABLES OF M. GARIDEL. TABLE III. Showing the Horizontal Thrust of an Arch, the Radiw of whose Intrados is Unity, and the weight of each Cubic Foot of its Material and that of its Loading, Unity. (See Art. 344.) N.B. To find the horizontal thrust of any other arch, multiply that given in the table by the square of the radius of the intrados and by the weight of a cubic foot of the material. = 0. a c=0 P 72- c=0-l P r 2 c=0-2 P 75- c=0-3 P 7e* c=0-4 P 7T c=0-5 P r2 0=1-0 _P_ r* 0-05 0-08174 0-14797 0-21762 0-28877 0-36060 0-43277 0-79541 o-io 0-10279 0-16370 0-22588 0-28862 0-35164 0-41481 0-73161 0-15 0-11894 0-17480 0-23111 0-28764 0-34429 0-40100 0-68504 0-20 0-13073 0-18191 0-23322 0-28460 0-33603 0-38747 0-64488 0-25 0-13871 0-18553 0-23237 0-27922 0-32607 037293 0-60727 0-30 0-14333 0-18604 0-^*2874 0-27145 0-31416 0-35687 0-57041 0-35 0-14504 0-18379 0-22258 0-26140 0-30023 0-33907 0-53335 0-40 0-14422 0-17913 0-21415 0-24924 0-28437 0-31953 0-49560 0-45 0-14124 0-17240 0-20374 0-23520 0-26674 0-29835 0-45693 0'50 0-13649 0-16396 0-19168 0-21957 0-24760 0-27573 0-41728 < = 7 30'. i c=0 P r2 c=0-l P "JST c=0-2 P JS o=0-3 P r2 c=0-4 P Ta" c=0-5 P 7T c 1-0 P r 2 0-05 0-06180 0-12867 0-19937 0-27125 0-34356 0-41606 0-77944 o-io 0-08514 0-14666 0-20930 0-27237 0-33561 0-39895 0-71618 0-15 0-10380 0-16001 0-21657 0-27326 0-33003 0-38683 0-67110 0-20 0-11813 0-16948 0-22089 0-27237 0-32384 0-37533 0-63286 0-25 0-12870 0-17557 0-22244 0-26932 0-31619 0-36306 0-59743 030 0-13598 0-17866 0-22134 0-26403 0-80673 0-34943 0-56'295 0-35 0-14040 017909 0-21783 0-25661 0-29542 0-33424 0-52846 0-40 0-14234 0-17718 0-21215 0-24720 0-28230 0-31744 0-49344 0-45 0-14211 0-17323 20454 0-23598 0-26751 029910 0-45763 0-50 0-14003 0-16753 0-19528 0-22319 0-25124 0-27938 0-42096 1 692 APPENDIX. a c=0 P I5r c=0-l P "ft" ' c=0-2 P 7*" c=0-8 P r% c=0-4 P r2 c=0-5 P 7T c=l-0 P r2 0-05 0-05310 0-12265 0-19488 0-26748 0-34018 0-41293 0-77681 o-io 0-07903 0-14170 0-20493 0-26832 0-33176 0-39524 0-71277 0-15 '09990 0-15658 0-21336 0-27022 0-32708 0-38395 0-66840 0-20 0-11631 0-16781 0-21931 0-27083 0-32234 0-37386 0-63145 0-25 0-12894 0-17582 0-22268 0-26955 0-31643 0-36330 0-59767 0-30 0-13835 0-18096 0-23361 0-26627 0-30895 0-35163 0-56510 0-35 0-14494 0-18355 0-22224 0-26098 0-29976 0-33855 0-53271 0-40 0-14905 0-18384 0-21878 0-25380 0-28888 0-32399 0-49995 G'45 0-15097 0-18212 0-21344 0-24488 0*27641 0-30800 046652 0-50 0-15099 0-17860 0-20642 0-23439 0-26247 0-29065 0-43232 = 22 30'. a c=0 P 7-2 c=0-l P Te' c=0-2 P r& c=0-3 P r c=0-4 P ~r* c=0-5 P r- c=l-0 P 7T 0-05 0-06102 0-13346 0-20621 0-27899 0-35178 0-42458 0-78857 o-io 0-08700 0-15053 0-21407 0-27760 0-34113 0'4"466 0-72233 0-15 0-10877 0-16567 0-22257 0-27947 0-33638 0-39328 0-67778 0-20 0-12635 0-17785 0-22936 0-28087 0-33239 0-38391 0-64150 0-25 0-14037 0-18716 0-23399 0-28082 0-32767 0-37453 0-60886 0-30 0-15129 0-19381 0-23640 0-27902 0-32166 0-36432 0-57773 0-35 0-15948 0-19804 0-23669 0-27540 0-31415 0-35292 0-54700 0-40 0-16525 0-20005 0-23497 0-26999 0-30506 0-34017 0-51608 0-45 0-16883 0-20005 0-23141 0-26289 0-29444 0-32604 0-48460 0-50 0-17047 0-19824 0-22617 0-25423 0-28238 0-31060 0-45241 a o=0 P ~r% c=0-l P r2 c=0-2 P r c=0-8 P 75" c=0-4 P rB c=0-5 P r o 1-0 p 72~ 0-05 0-09355 0-16408 0-23605 0-30845 0-38101 0-45365 0-81731 o-io 0-11297 0-17592 0-23922 0-30263 0-36609 0-42957 0-74711 0-15 0-13295 0-18962 0-24640 0-30323 0-36009 0-41696 0-70138 ' 0-20 0-15038 0-20172 0-25314 0-30459 0-35606 0-40755 0-66506 0-25 0-16493 0-21160 0-25834 0-30513 0-35193 0-39876 0-63299 0-30 0-17673 0-21917 0-26170 0-S0427 0-34688 0-38951 0-60282 0-35 0-18599 0-22452 0-26314 0-30182 0-34055 0-37930 0-57332 0-40 0-19293 0-22777 0-26271 0-29773 0-33280 Q -367 91 0-54380 0-45 0-19774 0-22906 0-26050 0-29202 0-32361 0-35524 0-51385 0-50 0-20060 0-22854 0-25661 0-28476 0-31299 0-34128 0-48327 HORIZONTAL THRUST OF AN ARCH. ,=370 30'. 693 c=0 c=0-l 0=0-2 c=0-3 o=0-4 c=0-5 c=l-0 a F P P P P P P re re re re T* r2 re 0-05 0-14749 0-21733 0-28854 0-36038 t)-48255 0-50490 0-86784 o-io 0-15949 0-22174 0-28457 0-34768 0-41093 0-47426 0-79141 0-15 0-17605 0-23233 0-28886 0-34553 0-40226 0-45904 9-74322 0-20 0-19209 0-24321 0-29448 0-34583 0-39722 0-44865 0-70598 0-25 0-20627 0-25282 0-29948 0-34619 0-39294 0-43972 0-67382 0-30 0-21827 0-26066 0-30314 0-34568 0-38825 0-43085 0-64406 0-35 0-22805 0-26659 0-30521 0-34388 0-38259 042133 0-61529 0-40 0-23570 0-27060 0-30558 0-34062 0-37571 0-41088 0-58673 0-45 0-24130 0-27275 0-30427 0-33586 0-36749 0-39916 0-55787 0-50 0-24499 0-27312 0-30132 0-32958 0-35789 0-38625 0-52845 45. c=0 c=0-l c=0.2 c=0-8 c=0-4 c=0-5 c=l-0 a P P P P P P P re re ? r2 re r2 r2 0-05 0-23105 0-30081 0-37162 0-44305 0-51485 0-58688 0-94881 o-io 0-23318 0-29507 0-35754 0-42034 0-48333 0-54646 0-86300 0-15 0-24478 0-30079 0-35708 0-41355 0-47013 0-62678 0-81059 0-20 0-25819 0-30915 0-36028 0-41151 0-46281 0-51416 0-77124 0-25 0-27104 0-31752 0-36410 0-41074 0-45744 0-50417 0-73809 0-30 0-28248 0-32486 0-36731 0-40981 045235 0-49493 0-70803 0-35 0-29216 0-33073 0-36935 0-40803 0-44674 0-48547 0-67939 0-40 0-29997 0-33494 0-36998 0-40506 0-44016 0-47530 0-65123 0-46 0-30589 0-33745 0-36907 0-40072 0-43240 0-46412 0-62294 0-50 0-30996 0-33824 0-36657 0-39494 0-42334 0-45177 0-59419 1 ! 691 APPENDIX. TABLE IY. Mechanical Properties of the Materials of Construction. 2fote.The capitals affixed to the numbers In B. Barlow, Report to the Commissioners of the Navy, &c. Be. Be van. Br. Belidor, Arch, ffydr. Bru. Brunei. C. Couch. D. W. Daniell and Wheatstone, Report on the Stone for the Houses of Parliament. F. Fairbairn. H. Hodgkinson, Report to the British As- sociation of Science. &c. K. Kirwan. this table refer to the following authorities: La. Lame. M. Muschenbroek, Inirod. ad Phil. Nat. i. Mi. Mitis. Mt. Mushct. Pa. Colonel Pasley. R. Eondelet, VArt de Eatir, iv. Re. Rennie, Phil. Trans. &e. T. Thomson, Chemistry. Te. Telford. Tr. Tredgold, Essay on the Strength oj Cast Iron. W. Watson. Names of Material!. Specific gravity. Weight of 1 cubic foot in Ibi. Tenacity per -TnT 1 Crushing force p-r square in,:h in DM. Modulus of elasticity . Modulu.1 of rupture S. Acacia (Eng. growth) 710 B. 4487 16000 Be. 1152000 B 11202 B. Air (atmospheric) . . 001228 0-0768 Alabaster (yel. Malta) 2-699 168-68 Do. (stained brown) 2-744 171-50 Do. (oriental white) 2-780 17062 j Alder .... 800 M. 50-00 14186 M. 6895 H. Antimony (cast) 4-500 M. 281-25 1066 M. Apple-tree 798 M. 49-56 19500 Be. Ash . . . j 690 to -845 48-12 58-81 j- 17207 B. j 8688 H. \ 9868 H. j- 1644800 B 12156 B. Bay-tree . 882 M. 51-87 12396 7158 H. Bean (Tonquin) 1-080 67-50 2601600 B. 20886 B. Beech . J 854 5887 15784 B.' 7733 H. ' 1 Q^QAAA "D OQQA T? to -690 4312 17S50 B. 9863 dry H. / loOoOUU 15. yooo x>. Birch (common) 792 B. 4950 15000 | 4538 H. 6402 dryH. j- 1562400 B. 10920 B. Do. (American) 648 B. 40-50 . 11663 H. 1257600 B. 9624 B. Bismuth (cast) . 9-810 M. 61887 ' 3250 M. Bone of an ox 1-656 M. 103-50 5265 Box (dry) . 960 B. 6000 19891 B. 1C299 H. Brass (cast) 8-899 52500 17968 Re. 10804 Re. 8930000 T>o. (wire-drawn) . 8-544 584-00 Brick (red) 2-168 Re. 135-50 280 807 Re. Do. (pale red) 2-085 Re. 130 81 800 562 Re. Brick-work 1'800 112'50 Bullet-tree (Berbice). 1 C29 B. 6431 . . 2610600 B. 15686 B. Cane .... 0-400 2500 6800 Be. Cedar (Canadian,fresh) 0-909 0. 5681 11400 Be' 5674 H. Do. (seasoned) 0-758 47-06 4912 H. Chalk . . 2-784 to 1-869 17400 116-81 \- ' 884 Re. Chestnut . 0-657 R 41 -06 -lOOflA T> Clay (common) . 1-919 Br. 119-98 looUU XV. Coal (Welsh furnace). 1-887 Mt. 88-56 Do. (coke) . 1-OOOMt 62-50 Do. (Alfreton) . 1-285 Mt. 77-18 Do. (Butterly) . 1 264 Mt. 79-00 Do. (coke) 1-100 Mt. 6875 Do. (Welsh stone) . 1-368 Mt. 85-50 1 Do. (coke). 1-890 Mt. 8687 Do. (Welsh slaty) . Do. (Derby, cannel) . 1 409 Mt. 1-278 Mt. 88-06 79-87 Do. (Kilkenny) 1-6C2 Mt. 100-12 Do. (coke). 1-657 Mt. 108-56 Do. (slaty). 1-448 Mt. 90-18 I PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. 695 Tenacity Crushing Specific We ght of per force per Modulu* of Modulus of Names of Material*. gravity. 1 cubic foo in Ibs. square inch in Ibs. square inch in Ibs. elasticity K. rupture S. Coal (Bonlavooneen) . Do. (coke) . 1-436 Mt 1-596 Mt. 89-75 99-75 Do. (Corgee) 1-403 Mt 87-68 Do. (coke) . 1-656 Mt. 108-50 Do. (Staffordshire) . Do. (Swansea) . 1-240 1-357 K. 78-12 84-81 Do. (Wigan) 1-268 K. 79-25 Do. (Glasgow) . 1-290 80-62 Do. (Newcastle) 1-257 K. 78-56 Do. (common cannel) 1-282 K. 77-00 Do. (slaty cannel) 1-426 K. 89-12 Copper (cast) 8-607 587-93 19072 Do. (sheet) 8-785 549-06 Do. (wiredrawn) 8-878 560-00 61228 Do. (in bolts) . 48000 Crab-tree . 0-765 '47-80 6499 H. Deal (Christiana mid- dle) . 0-698 B. 48-62 12400 1672000 B 9864 B. Do. (Memel middle) . 0-590 B. 86-87 < 1535200 B 10886 B. Do. (Norway spruce) Do. (English) . 0-340 0-470 21-25 29-37 ' 17600 7000 Earth (rammed) 1-584 Pa. 99-00 Elder .... 0-695 M. 48-43 10230 * 8467 H. Elm (seasoned) . 0-588 C. 86-75 18489 M. 10831. H. 699840,B, 6078 B< Fir (New England) . 0-553 B. 84-56 . 2191200- B. 6612 B. Do. (Riga) . . . 0-753 B. 47-06 1 ' 11549 B. to 12857 B. 5748 H. o 688ft H.. 1328800 B. 869600 B. 6648 B. 7572 B. Do. (Mar Forest) 0-693 B. 48-31 Flint .... 2-630 T. 164-87 Glass (plate) 2453 158-81 9420 Gravel 1'920 120-00 Granite (Aberdeen) . 2'526 164-00 Do. (Cornish) . 2-662 16680 Do. (red Egyptian) . 2-654 165-80 Hawthorn . 0-91 Be. 88-12 10500 Be. Hazel .... 0-86 Be. 53-75 18000 Be. Holly .... 0-76 Be. 47-5 16000 Be. Horn of an ox . 1-689 M. 105-56 8949 Hornbeam (dry) 0-760 R. 47-50 20240 Be. 7289 H. Iron (wrought Eng.) . 7-700 481-20 25itons, La. Do. (in bars) j -7600 1 to7-800 475-50 487-00 25itons, La. Do. (hammered) 30 tons, Bru. Do (Russian) in bars m 27 tons, La. Do (Swedish) in bars . 12 tons, R. Do. (English) in wfre l j 36 to 43 l-10th inch diameter 1 * ; tons, Te. Do. (Russian) in wire l-20th to 1-SOth inch diameter . | 1 . I 60 to 91 tons, La. Do. rolled in sheets and cut lengthwise . Do. cut crosswise 14 tons, Mi. 18 tons, Mi. Do. in chains, oval links, 6 inches clear, iron ^ inch diam. . 4 2Htons,Br. Do. (Brunton's) with stay across link Iron, cast (old Park) 25 tons, B. 18014400 T. 48240 T Do. (Adelphi) 18858600 T. 5860 T. Do (Alfreton) 17686400 T. 4046 T. Do. (scrap) 18082000 T. 5828 T! Do. (Carron, No. 2 cold blast) Do. (hot blast) . 7-066 H. 7-046 H. 441-62 440-87 16683 H. 18505 II. 06875 H. 08540 H. 17270500 H. 16085000 H. J8556 H .*! 7508 H.*! The numbers marked thus * are calculated from the experiments of Messrs. Hodgkinson & Fairbairn, 600 APPENDIX. 1 N*met of Material.. Specific gravity. Weight of 1 cubic foot in Ibs. Tenacity per square inch in Ib.. Crushing force per )uare inch in Ib, Modulus of elasticity E. Modunii of rupture 8. Iron, cast (do. No. 8, Carron cold blast . 7-094 F. 443-37 14200 H. 115442 H. 16246966 F. 35980 F.* Do. (hot blast) . 7-056 F. 441-00 17755 H. 183440 H. 17873100 F. 42120 F.* Do. Devon. No. 8, cold blast) 7-295 H. 455-93 22907700 H. 86288 H.* Do. (hot blast) . 7-229 H. 451-81 29107 H. 145485 H. 22473650 H. 43497 H." Do (Buflery, No. 1, cold blast) 7-079 H. 442-48 17466 H. 93366 H. 15381200 H 37503 H.* Do. (hot blast) . 6 998 H. 487-37 18434 H. 86397 H. 18730500 H. 85316 H.* Do. (Coed Talon, No. 2, cold blast) . 6-955 F. 484-06 18855 H. 81770 H. 14813500 F. 33104 F * Do. (hot blast) . 6-968 F. 435-50 16676 H. 82739 H. 14822500 F. 83145 F.* Do. (Coed Talon, No. 8, cold blast) . 7-I94F. 449-62 . 17102000 F. 43541 F* Do. (hot blast) . 6-970 F. 435-62 > t 14707900 F. 40159 F.* Do. (Elsicar, No. 1, cold blast) . . 7-080 F. 489-87 13981000 F. 84862 F.* Do (Milton, No. 1, hot blast). . 6-976 F. 486-00 t t 11974500 F. 28552 F.* Do. (Muirkirk, No. 1, cold blast) 7-118 F. 444-56 t t 14003550 F. 85923 F.* Do. (hot blast) . 6-953 F. 434-56 m 13294400 F. 33850 F.* Ivory .... 1-826 P. 114-12 16-626 Laburnum . 0-92 Be. 57-50 10500 Be. Lance-wood 1-022 63-87 24696 Larch .... 0-522 B. 32-62 10220 E. 8201 H. (green) 897600 B. 4992 B. Do. (second specimen) 0-560 B. 85-00 8900 B. 5568 H. (dry) 1052800 B. 6894 B. Lead (cast English) . 11-446 M. 717-45 1824 Ee. V>"V ) 720000 Tr. Do. (milled sheet) . 11-407 T. 712-93 3328 Tr. Do. (wire) . 11-317 T. 705-12 2581 M. Lignum vitae [ous) 1-220 76-25 11800 M. Limestone (arenace- 2-742 171-37 Do. (foliated) . 2-887 177-81 Do. (white fluor) . 8-156 197-25 Do. (green) . 3-182 198-87 Lime-tree . 0-760 47-50 23500 Be. Lime (quick) 0-488 Br. 52-68 Mahogany (Spanish) . Maple (Norway) 0-800 0-793 50-00 49-56 16500 10584 8198 H. Marble (white Italian) Do. (black Galway) . Mercury (at 82) 2-638 H. 2-695 H. 13-619 16487 168-25 851-18 . 2520000 T. 1062 2664 Do. (at 60) . 13-580 848-75 Marl . . -j 1-600 100-00 to 2-877 T. 118-81 Mortar . . ' 1 751 Br. 107-18 50 Oak (English) . 0-934 B. 58-87 17-800 M.-! 4684 H. 9509 H. [ 1451200 B. 0082 B. Do. (Canadian). 0-872 B 54-50 I 1 0-253 M.j (dry) 4231 H. 9509 H. Ul48800B. 0596 B. Do. (Dantzic) . Do. (Adriatic) . Do. (African middle). 0-756 B. 0-993 B. 0-972 B. 47-24 62-06 6075 12-780 (dry) 1191200 B. 974400 B. 2283200 B. 8742 B. 8298 B. 18566 B. Pear-tree . Pine (pitch. 0-661 M. 0-660 B. 41-81 4125 '7818M 7518 H. 1225600 B. 9792 B. Do. (red) . . ] Do. (Amer. yellow) . Plane-tree . 0-657 B. 0-461 C. 0-64 Be. 4106 28-81 40-00 11700 Be. 5375 H. ' 5445 H. 1840000 B. 1600000 Tr. 8946 B. Plum-tree . 0-785 M. 49-06 11-851- 9367 H. 8657 H. (wet) Poplar. . . . 0-388 M. 23-98 7200 Be.- 8107 H. 5124 H. Pozzolano . 2-677 K. 169-87 (dry) Sand (river) 1*886 117-R7 Serpentine (green) 2-574 K. 11 i Ol 168-87 PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. 097 1 Names of mat. r al>. Specific grav.ty. Weight of 1 cubic foot in iha. Tenacity ^JTU Crushing /ua're'hich Modulu. of ehuticity E. Modnlu. of rupture 8. Shingle - - - 1 424 Pa. 89-00 Silver (standard) - 10'812 T. 644-50 40902 M. Slate (Welsh) - - 2'888 do. (Westmoreland) - 2-791 W. 180-50 12800 - 15800000 Tr 1 OQAAAAA m_ 11766 Re. do. (Valontia) - - 2-880 Re'. 180*00 iiyuvuUu AJ KOOA "PA 9600 1r7fWWWA T 0/^0 IwO. Steel (soft) - - 7-780 486-25 120000 UOOOO Tr do. (razor-tempered) - 7-840 Stone (Ancaster) - 2'182 D.W 490-00 186-37 150000 29000000 T. do. Barnack - - 2*090 D.W 18062 do. Binnie - - 2-194 D.W 187*12 do. Bolsover - - 2-316 D.W 144-75 do. Box - - 1-889 D.W 114-98 do. Bramham Moor - 2-008 D.W 125-50 do. Brodsworth - 2-093 D.W 130*81 do. Cadeby - - 1-951 D.W do. Oslthncss - - *2*764 R; i.-ms of such a height as to allow the rupture to take place by the sliding of the upper portion freely olf. along its plane of separation from the lower (see Art. 406). The experiments of Mr. Hodgkinson have shown that all results obtained without reference to this circumstance are erroneous. (Se ^castrations of Mechanics, p. 402.) APPENDIX. TABLE V. Useful Numbers. it . Log.* Log. rt 1 ft x* . . 1_ *'_' 4/* 4^ 4/2 =3-1415927 =0-4971499 :1-1447299 =0-3183099 =9-8696044 =0-1013212 =1-7724538 =0-5641896 :1-4142136 1 V5 71 Vi V! =0-7071068 =4-4428829 =2-2214415 =0-4501582 =1-2533141 =0-7978846 . =2-7182818 Log. c . . . =0-4342945 Modulus of common logarithms =-434294482 Log. of ditto =9-6377843 g =32-19084 4/0 =5-67363 Log. g =1-5077222 Inches in a French m^tre =39*37079 Log. of ditto =1-5951741 Feet in ditto =3-2808992 Log. of ditto =0-5159929 Square feet in the square metre =10*764297 Acres in the Are =0-024711 Lbs. in a kilogramme =2-20548 Log. of ditto =0-3435031 Imperial gallons in a litre =0-2200967 Lbs. per square inch in 1 kilogramme per square millimetre =1422 Owts. ditto, ditto =12'7 Volume of a sphere whose diameter is 1 ... =0-5235988 Arc of 1 to rad. 1 =0-017453293 Arc of 1' to rad. 1 =0-000290888 Arc of 1" to rad. 1 =0-000004848 Degree in an arc whose length is 1 =57-295780 Grains in 1 oz. avoirdupois =437i USEFUL NUMBERS. 699 Grains in 1 Ib. ditto =7000 Grains in a cubic inch of distilled water, Bar. 30 in., Th. 62 =252-458 Cubic inches in an ounce of water =1*73298 Cubic inches in the imperial gallon =277'276 Feet in a geographical mile =6075*6 Log. of ditto =3-7835892 Feet in a statute mile =5280 Log. of ditto =3-7226339 Length of seconds' pendulum in inches ..... =39-19084 Cubic inches in 1 cwt. of cast iron =430-25 Bar iron . . . . . =397'60 . Cast brass .... =368-88 Cast copper .... =352'41 Cast lead =272-80 Cubic feet in 1 ton of paving stone ..... =14-835 Granite =13'505 Marble =13-070 Chalk =12-874 Limestone ..... =11-273 Elm =64-460 Honduras mahogany . . . =64-000 Mar Forest fir .... =51-650 Beech =51-494 Kigafir =47'762 Ash and Dantzic oak . . . =47'158 Spanish mahogany . . . =42*066 English oak =36-205 To find the weight in Ibs. of 1 foot of common rope, multi- ply the square of its circumference in inches by . *044 to -04C Ditto for a cable -027 Note. The numerical values of the function of * in this table were calcu- lated by Mr. Goodwin. These, together with the numbers of cubic inches and feet per cwt. or ton of different materials, are taken from the late Dr. Gregory's excellent treatise, entitled Mechanics for Practical Men. The other numbers of the table are principally taken from Mr. Babbage's Tables of Logarithm* and the Aide Memoire of M. Morin. THE END. 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