-■^v;s? MEIDICAL •SCHOOL ',is :5 ^ " ^ . •' ■'^.-';. , ^^. J/ts^. (Q:. ^/^'■i-^a^Aue'/^ EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. T. LAUDER BRUNTON, M.D., Sc.D., F.R.S. MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ; ASSISTANT-PHYSICIAN AND LECTURER ON MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS AT ST. Bartholomew's hospital. \Kepritited Jrom the British Medical Journal.] LONDON : J. & A CHy;RC;>13,Ll;, NEW BmiLiN(iTOis( STREET. \x EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. PART I. CIRCULATION. {Reprinted from tfte British Medical Journal, 1871.] if dci tj EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. I.— The Standard of Health. Modes of Investigation. — Pathology. — Pharmacology. — Life.— Condi- tions of Health and Disease. — Effect of Drugs. — Direct and Indirect Action. — Local and Remote Action. — Dose. — Modification of Dose. — Cumulative Action. — Effect of Habit , Climate^ Fasting. — Form of Administration. — Effect of Large and Small Doses. — Homoeopathy. — Constitution and Idiosyncrasy. — Explanation of these from Experi- ments on Animals. — Connection of Chemical Constitution and Physi- ological Action. Gentlemen, — The usual mode of investigating the action of a remedy is to give it to a patient during an illness and observe what changes occur in the symptoms after its administration. But it not unfrequently happens that medicines are given without any distinct change in the symptoms ensuing ; and, even when one does take place, we very often cannot be sure that it is due to the medicine, and not to the course of the disease or some other modifying cause. For, if the remedy and the disease are both at work together, it is obviously impossible for us to decide what part of the result is due to the one and what part to the other, if we neither know what the course of the disease would have been had the medicine been given, nor what action the medicine would have had if the disease had not been present. Any attempt to investi- gate the action of a remedy by giving it under such circumstances is like that of a rifleman to learn shooting by practising only at dusk, when he cannot see the butt, much less the bull's eye. He might go on practising for ever in this way without making any improvement \ for, when he missed, he would never know whether it was because he had not seen the mark properly or had not aimed steadily at it. If he wish to learn, he must practise by daylight, when he can clearly see the mark, and can thus be sure that every miss is due to unsteady aim. He will fire high or low, to one side or the other, as he finds neces- B sary, and, by gradually correcting every error, his aim will at last be sure. Should he then be called on to stand sentry on some dark night, and shoot at some suspicious object without hitting it, he would know that his failure was due to his not having seen the object distinctly, and having consequently aimed in a wrong direction. And just as the rifleman, before he stands sentry in the dark, must learn to shoot by daylight, when he can note the effect of each alteration in the position of his rifle on the course of the bullet, so ought we to investigate the action of our remedies in circumstances and under conditions which we know and can vary at will, marking the effect of each variation upon their action till we thoroughly and exactly understand what it is, before we proceed to give them in disease, when not only the conditions under which they operate are at present in a great measure unknown, but the effects they produce cannot be definitely ascertained from in- sufficient knowledge of what the result would have been had they been withheld. Of late years, it is true, vigorous efforts have been made to determine what course diseases run when not interfered with by medi- cines ; and, although it is often difficult to say what the sequence of symptoms will be in any particular case, depending as it does not only on the general course of the disease, but on individual peculiarities of the patient and on the varying circumstances in which he is placed, we may nevertheless ascertain with tolerable accuracy whether or not our treatment is beneficial in a general way, even when we cannot deter- mine its effects in detail. Very inexact and very unsatisfactory as such a knowledge of medi- cines as this necessarily is, it must for the present be our guide in prac- tice in a large number of instances ; and our treatment at present and for some time to come will be chiefly empirical, because our knowledge of pharmacology, and perhaps still more of pathology, is not yet suffi- ciently advanced. For there is hardly any disease in which we know the exact nature of the morbid changes which are occurring, or the precise organs or tissues which are their seats ; and, with some excep- tions, we are but very imperfectly acquainted with the structures ou which our remedies act, and the exact mode in which these are affected by them. Day by day, however, our ignorance is diminishing ; and we may hope that ere long rational treatment will to a great extent supersede blind empiricism. It not unfrequently happens at present that we meet with a case which bears a very close resemblance to others which we have treated successfully, and which nevertheless obstinately resists the remedies which we had previously found ser- viceable. Our failure astonishes and vexes us ; but we are ignorant of its cause, and we can only select some other drug by guess and try it : we cannot at once choose the one which will have the desired effect. Pathology. — In order to choose a drug which will have the effect that we desire to obtain, we must know where the morbid changes are taking place, and what their nature is ; and we must be sure that our medicine will act on the affected part, and in such a way as to counter- act the disease. We must trace every symptom which we see, back to its unseen source ; every flush on the cheek, every quickening of the pulse, back to the vaso-motor or cardiac nerves, which have allowed the capillaries to become dilated, and thus produced the redness, or have permitted the heart to beat more rapidly than its wont. We must then inquire what has produced this alteration in the nervous system, and so on, till at last we discover, if possible, the hidden cause of the mischief. We will then give that remedy which will act in the proper way* on the part which we believe to be the seat of the morbid process ; and, if the expected result does not ensue, we shall, at any rate, have discovered what the pathology of the disease is not ; and, by ti7ing a remedy which will act in a different way or on a different structure, we may find out what it really is. When I speak of the pathology of a disease, I do not mean those obvious alterations in the structure of an organ which we meet with in post mortetn examinations, but the so-called functional changes which precede and are the cause of both them and the symptoms. For ex- ample, the disorganisation of a man's liver by the presence of an abscess, or of his kidneys by fatty degeneration, is not the disease from which he suffered, any more than a field strewn with slain or crowded with heaps of wounded is a battle. The disease was the alteration in the nervous and vascular systems, and in the nutrition of tissues, which we call the inflammatory process, and which produced the abscess and degeneration, and the disturbance of the same systems to which these lesions in their turn give rise ; just as an army may not only lose the battle for want of the assistance which its slain and wounded would have given, but its retreat may be embarrassed by their presence. The insufficiency of present modes of treatment, and the urgent necessity which exists for an accurate knowledge of pathology and pharmacology, are shown by the manner in which any new remedy is seized upon and applied in all sorts of cases, even in those where a knowledge of the morbid processes going on, and of the action of the remedy itself would at once have indicated that harm, and not benefit, must ensue from its application. It is unnecessary to discuss here the manner in which pathology must be studied in order that an accurate knowledge of it may be obtained : I may merely indicate as examples the works of Cohnheim, Brown-Sequard, Sanderson, Stockvis, Strieker, and many others. Pharmacology. — In studying pharmacology, our first object is to find out on what structures a remedy acts. For this purpose, it is of no use to give it to a man either sick or well. We may do so in order to find out what general symptoms it produces ; and from these symp- toms we may guess at the structures affected ; but, in order to con- vert our hypothesis into certainty, we must apply it to these struc- tures or organs, and to them alone, and see whether the general result is the same ; or we may prevent it from reaching them while it is applied to all other parts of the body, and observe whether the effect is absent. For this purpose, we cut off from one or other parts of the body the supply of blood which carries the drug along with it, or we may so in- jure the part that its function is abolished, and no action exerted upon it can produce any effect. But it is impossible to do this in man, and so we must have recourse to the lower animals, in which we can pro- duce at will the conditions we desire. Although the administration of medicine to a patient is really an experiment, we vary the conditions in which it acts to so much greater extent in animals, that it is conve- nient to call the latter mode of investigation the experimental method^ and the former that of clinical observation. Now pathology and pharmacology may go on hand in hand both in teaching and study, but they must always be preceded by physiology ; for, unless we know the processes which take place in the healthy organism, it is impossible to understand the changes they undergo in disease, or the effect of drugs upon them. I will, therefore, here say a few words regarding the processes in which life consists, before pro- ceeding to speak of the mode in which they may be modified by the action of remedies. Life. — We meet with life only in certain bodies composed of carbon combined in a very complicated manner with oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen j and it may, generally speaking, be said to be the power which these bodies possess of assimilating to themselves other sub- stances, of decomposing them, and of evolving energy, which is shown in active motion, active growth, etc. Evolution of energy in this way is the distinguishing mark of life. When we look at a grain of wheat, an egg, or a dried wheel-animalcule, we are unable to say whether or s not it is alive; it is only when it begins to evolve energy, either by moulding other substances into conformity with its own constitution in active growth, as in the seed or egg, or by active motion, as in the ani- malcule, that we are able to decide the question. We cannot say how these bodies originally came to possess their complicated constitution and wonderful powers ; but the evolution of energy by which we re- cognise the continued presence of life seems to be more intimately asso- ciated with chemical affinity than with other forms of energy, such as light, heat, or electricity. All these forms of energy modify the pro- cesses which occur in living beings, both those which are chemical and those which we term vital, and apparently in much the same degree ; but whether they modify the vital only through the chemical, we are at present unable to say. Instances may readily be found in which life continues active, although one or other of the forces mentioned is not supplied to the living body from without, and is only secondarily present as a result of chemical changes going on within. Thus a seed in the earth, a fungus in a cellar, or a proteus in its dark cave, live and thrive without a ray of light; and the whale and walrus in the Arctic seas are independent of any external heat, their temperature being only maintained by combustion taking place within their own bodies. But there seems to be no instance of vitality alone continuing active when a stop has been put to the occurrence of chemical changes. Sometimes both chemical and vital processes are suspended together for a time, as in a grain of wheat or a rotifer when it is kept dry, or in an egg when kept cool and coated with varnish to exclude air. So long as chemical activity remains dormant, no other form of energy can awake the latent vitality. Only when the conditions necessary for chemical trans- formation of the proper kind and amount are supplied, does it again become manifest. Thus light or heat may be applied in any amount or any proportion to an egg, a seed, or a dried rotifer, and still they will not grow or move if the air be withheld from the former or the moisture from the two latter, which is essential for the production of chemical changes within them. Conditions of Health and Disease. — These changes of which I have been speaking consist in the assimilation of certain sub- stances, their decomposition within the organism, and the rejection of waste products. A due proportion between these constitutes health. Just as a fire can only be kept bright by raking out the ashes and sup- plying fresh fuel as that in the grate burns away, so an organism can only be kept healthy by removing the products of waste and supplying fresh nutriment as its tissues get decomposed during action. The con- ditions necessary for this purpose are secured in the simplest forms of life, such as the amoeba, by the little mass of protoplasm moving about in a fluid which can supply the oxygen to keep up combustion and evolve energy, and the nourishment necessary to replace the mate- rial thus used up, and can at the same time remove the products of waste. In higher organisms, the little masses of living material of which they are composed, and which are for the most part fixed, are nourished by a fluid in which they are bathed, fresh portions of it being supplied by its constantly flowing over them, instead of their moving like the amoeba through it. It will simplify our conception of this subject if we fix in our mind's eye one little mass of protoplasm or cell, and consider what changes will be produced in it by different conditions. Any alteration in the amount of the nutrient fluid, or in its composition, will necessarily pro- duce a change in the nutrition of the living matter to which it is supplied. If nutriment be withdrawn, the cell will begin to burn away. If oxygen be withheld, (i) or the products of waste be not re- moved, combustion will cease, and the cell will die. If nutriment or oxygen be supplied in insufficient quantity, or the products of waste only partially removed, the cell may adapt itself to the altered circum- stances, and its nutritive and functional processes go on in the same way, but to a less extent than before ; or they may become deranged — that is to say, the cell becomes diseased. The limits within which the cell can adapt itself to changes in nutrition are the limits of its health. The higher animals, however, are no mere aggregation of cells, each nourishing itself independently of the others ; for each cell has its own peculiar function, each its special kind and amount of nou- rishment ; and none must do either too much or too little work, none must have too much or too little nourishment, or the nutrition and functional activity of the body as a whole cannot be properly main- tained. This delicate adjustment of the several parts to one another is secured by means of the nervous system, which regulates at once the activity of any organ, the quantity of nutritive fluid supplied to it, and the amount of material it shall take up. The means by which it acts are, its direct influence on the nutrition of cells themselves, (2) as is seen in the salivary glands ;(3) or its indirect action through the circula- tion in slowing or quickening the heart, which propels the blood, in contracting or dilating the vessels which convey it to any part, or the capillaries which allow the actual nutritive fluid or lymph to filter out (4) and bathe the tissues. Besides thus regulating the supply, it also regu- lates the composition of the nutritive fluid by maintaining a due relation between the activity of the body, the supply of new material by diges- tion, and the separation of effete products by the excreting glands. On account of this mutual dependence of all the parts of the body on one another, if one gets wrong, it puts the others out of order. Thus a sudden chill may act on the vaso-motor nerves, and cause contraction of the vessels of the skin; and the blood they contain is thus thrown back on the internal vessels, (5) and congestion and inflammation of the kidneys ensue. In consequence of this, they no longer excrete as they ought the effete products, which then accumulate in the blood, react on the nervous system, and this again on the muscles ; and so the circle goes on. In the case supposed, the renal arteries have not had power to contract sufficiently to resist the increased pressure and prevent con- gestion ; while in another they might have done so, only allowing so much blood to pass as to increase secretion, and, by thus lessening the fluid in the blood-vessels, to counteract the effect of vascular contrac- tion in the skin, restore the normal pressure, and preserve health. When all the organs are able to accommodate their nutrition and func- tion to great alterations, we say the health is strong; but when they can only do so to slight ones, we say the health is weak ; and when this is the case with one organ alone, we say that it specially is weak. Effect of Drugs. — The nutrition of a cell may not only be altered by changes in its supplies of nutriment and oxygen ; but it may be modi- fied or destroyed by the addition of certain substances to the nutrient fluid. Thus a weak solution of alkali may increase or diminish the rapidity of the changes which it undergoes, by hastening the removal of waste products if they be acid, or retarding it if they be alkaline; while a weak acid will have an opposite effect. Certain metallic salts may stop them altogether by forming a firm compound with the substance of the cell, while other bodies may enter into combination with it for a time (possibly replacing some ordinary ingredient of its nutriment), again passing out and leaving it in its primitive condition, but altering during their stay its physical characters and functional properties. Such seems to be the case with curare, which, when injected into the blood, para- lyses the peripheral ends of motor nerves ; but, if life be preserved by artificial respiration, the poison is excreted, and its effect passes off. No change can be noticed in the nerve-fibres, either by the naked eye or microscopically, during the paralysis ; and this was supposed to show that great functional alterations may occur without any structural change. But this is not the case; for Kiihne (Strieker's Histology^ Power's translation, vol. i, p. 221) has ascertained that, when the ends of motor nerves in muscles are examined microscopically, their outline is found to be more distinct during the action of the poison. It is possible that the change in physical properties shown by this distinctness of out- line may be only the indication of sonie more important alteration in their chemical composition ; but, whether it be more chemical or phy- sical, a change at any rate takes place ; and to this, I believe, we must attribute the alteration in function. Whatever be the composition of protoplasm, the substances which are associated with it in the composition of different cells are at any rate different; and, although the same nutritive fluid is supplied to them, they do not all take out from it, or give out to it the same substances in the same proportions, but some take up more of one thing, and some more of another. And they do just the same with drugs added to the nutritive fluid. Thus lime-salts naturally exist in the blood, and are carried by it to every part of the body ; but, while the bone-cells take them up in large amount, nerve-cells assimilate an almost infinitesimal quantity. And if we feed an animal on madder, which has an affinity for lime- salts, the bones become deeply stained, while the nerves and fat retain their normal colour. (6) It is possible, too, though experiments on this point are wanting, that a substance added to the nutritive fluid may be taken up by two structures, but may have a very different effect on the one from what it has on the other ; just as a grain of sand, which would have no effect on the machinery of a loco- motive, may totally stop the movements of a watch. We do not know whether sulphocyanide of potassium and curare are taken up equally by nerves and muscles or not ; but the former salt will paralyse the muscles without affecting the nerves, while curare will paralyse the nerves, but leaves the muscles intact. (7) The cells composing one structure, then, take up and are acted on by some drugs, and not at all by others; while other structures are much affected by the very substances which had so little action on the first. Direct and Indirect Action. — When any drug is taken up by a structure and acts upon it as curare on the ends of motor nerves, we term this its direct action. But, as all parts of the body are dependent on one another, some other structure may be affected, not by the action of the drug upon it, but by that which it has exerted on the first part. This is its indirect action. Thus, when curare has been given to an animal, it occasionally happens that the nerves going to the respiratory muscles become paralysed before those which go to the extremities. (8) The muscles of respiration then cease to act, the blood is no longer arterialised, carbonic acid accumulates, and, by irritating the nerve- centres, produce convulsions, which cease when the action of the poison extends to other nerves. In this case neither the muscles, the blood, nor the nerve-centres, are acted on directly by the curare. The muscles will contract if stimulated, and, if the lungs be artificially supplied with air, the blood will be arterialised as usual, the convulsions will cease, and life may be preserved. The non-arterialisation of the blood, the occurrence of asphyxial convulsions, and death, are thus due to the indirect action of curare. Local and Remote Action. — Before curare could reach the nerves on which it acted directly, it was necessary for it to enter the circula- tion, but it had no marked action on the spot whence it was absorbed. Other substances, however, produce an effect on the spot to which they are applied, and this may be independent of any effect which they pro- duce after absorption. This is termed their local action. Thus strong sulphuric acid taken into the stomach combines with its tissues and forms a slough : this is its local action. But besides this, the irritation in the stomach produces through the nervous system a weakening effect on the heart, the circulation stops, and the person dies. It is not the sulphuric acid which has found its way into the circulation and acted on the heart, but the irritation in the stomach conveyed to it through its nerves. This is the remote effect of the acid. Dose. — The effect produced by any remedy depends on several con- ditions. The first of these is the amount existing in the blood at any given time, which we may call the actual dose, to distinguish it from the usual dose administered by the stomach or otherwise, a part of which may not be absorbed, but remain inert at the point of introduc- tion. The action which a drug has on the body is not dependent on its absolute amount, but on the proportion it bears to the body on which it is to act, so that an amount which is a small dose for one person is a very large one for another. (6) Thus if a grain of some active substance be injected at the same time into the veins of a full-grown man and into those of a boy of only half his weight, it will be distributed through twice as much blood in the man as in the boy, and each tissue will only re- ceive half so much of it. The dose of a drug must therefore be regu- lated by the weight of the patient ; and thus women, being lighter, re- quire a smaller amount than men, and children less than adults. Though C it would be more exact, it is not always convenient, to weigh patients ; but in experiments on animals the weight of the animal should always be carefully ascertained, as well as the amount of the drug administered. If a substance be injected into the veins, the whole of it mixes with the blood and becomes active immediately, and the maximum effect is thus at once obtained, and will again diminish as the substance is excreted. But the case is different if it be injected subcutaneously, and still more if it be given by the stomach or any other mucous cavity ; for as soon as some of it is absorbed excretion begins, and thus part of the drug is passing out of the blood while another part is being taken in. The amount in the blood is, then, only the difference between that absorbed and that excreted in a given time, and absorption may be so slow or excretion so quick that there is never a sufficient amount of the sub- stance in the blood to produce any effect. Thus Bernard found(7) that a dose of curare which would certainly paralyse an animal when injected into the veins or even subcutaneously, would have no effect when intro- duced into the stomach; and Hermann(8) showed that this was due to the kidneys excreting the poison as fast as it was absorbed from the stomach, by tying the ureters, when the animal became paralysed as surely as if the poison had been introduced at once into the veins, though not so quickly. The more rapid the absorption, or the slower the excretion, of any drug, the greater will be its effect. Thus the effect produced by the same dose of a medicine will be in proportion to the rapidity of its absorption from the different parts to which it has been applied, unless the differences be so slight or the excretion so slow that there has not been sufficient time for the removal of any considerable quantity from the blood. On this account we must diminish the dose of a medicine in order to obtain the same effect, according to the rapidity of absorption from the place to which we apply it. Absorp- tion is quickest from a serous membrane, then from intercellular tissue, and lastly from mucous membrane. The vascularity and rate of absorp- tion from intercellular tissue is greater on the temples, breast, and inner side of the arms and legs, than their outer surfaces orback.(9) Itshouldnot be forgotten that any drug introduced into the stomach but not absorbed into the blood is as much outside the body as if it were in the hand, for any effect it will have on the system, provided always it have no local effect on the gastric walls. By the differences between absorption and excretion under different circumstances or in different individuals, the cumulative action of drugs, the effect of idiosyncrasy, habit, climate, condition of body, as fasting, etc. , disease, and form of administration. can to a great extent, though not entirely, be explained ; but experi- ments on some of these points are deficient, and the explanations now given are to some extent theoretical. Cumulative Action. — If a substance be naturally so slowly ex- creted from the body that the whole of the dose in ordinary use is not excreted before another is given, the amount present in the body will gradually increase, just like the curare in Hermann's experiment, and will produce an increasing or cumulative effect. Examples of this are to be found in metallic preparations, such as those of mercury or lead, which are excreted very slowly, or in some of the organic alkaloids, such as digitaline, if given in sufficiently large and frequent doses. The size of the dose and the frequency with which it must be repeated in order to produce a cumulative effect will differ acccording to the rapidity with which the drug is excreted ; for, if excretion be rapid, a larger dose, or more frequent repetition, will be required. The long time which elapses before a dose of opium takes effect on some individuals is probably due to its being very slowly absorbed ; and the power of one man to take, without apparent effect, an amount of alcohol or opium which would intoxicate another, to its either being more slowly absorbed from the stomach or intestine, or more quickly excreted by the lungs, skin, or kidneys, so that the amount present in the blood at any one time is never sufficient to produce toxic effects. If excretion from the skin and lungs be stopped, as by going from a warm room into the cold air outside, while alcohol is still being absorbed from the stomach, the amount of it in the blood is increased just as with curare, (8) and intoxication ensues. Effect of Habit, Climate, Fasting, and Form of Adminis- tration. — The effect of habit in lessening the action of drugs may be due to increased power of excretion or diminished absorption ; and that of a warm climate in increasing the action of narcotics, such as hyos- cyamus, to their excretion being hindered by the diminution in the amount of urine consequent on the increased cutaneous transpiration. A medicine taken by a fasting person is generally more rapidly ab- sorbed and has a greater effect than if the stomach be full, as is well known in the case of alcohol. The form of administration has also an effect on the rapidity of absorption. When a drug is given in a soluble form in small bulk it is more quickly absorbed, and will have greater effect than when given in an insoluble form or much diluted. So a glass of brandy will have a greater and more rapid effect if taken raw than if diluted with a large amount of water; for if three times its bulk of water have been added to it, the stomach must absorb four times as much fluid before the same amount of alcohol could enter the blood- circulation : at the same time the greater amount of water in the blood increases excretion by the kidneys, and thus we have the actual dose of alcohol diminished both by slower absorption and by quickened excre- tion. It must not, however, be forgotten that the action of alcohol in the blood is complicated by its local effect on the stomach, and this is greater when it is given undiluted. Large and Small Doses. — The effect produced by a small dose of a drug is sometimes exactly the opposite of that produced by a large one. We cannot say exactly why it is so ; but we very generally find that any substance or any condition, whether it be acid or alkali, heat or electricity, of which a moderate amount increases the activity of cells, destroys it when excessive.(i) HoMCEOPATHY. — This opposite action of large and small doses seems to be the basis of truth on which the doctrine of homoeopathy has been founded. The irrational practice of giving infinitesimal doses has of course nothing to do with the principle of homoeopathy — similia similibus curantur : the only requisite is that mentioned by Hippocrates, when he recommended mandrake in mania ;(io) viz., that the dose be smaller than would be sufficient to produce in a healthy man symptoms similar to those of the disease. Now in the case of some drugs this may be exactly equivalent to giving a drug which produces symptoms opposite to those of the disease j and then we can readily see the possibility of the morbid changes being counteracted by the action of the drug and benefit resulting from the treatment. For example, large doses of digitalis render the pulse extremely rapid, but moderate ones slow it. In this instance its moderate administration when there is a rapid pulse is homoeopathic treatment, and this has sometimes been beneficial. But it is not proved that all drugs have an opposite action in large or small doses, and homoeopathy, therefore, cannot be accepted as an universal rule of practice. Constitution and Idiosyncrasy.— Variations in the action of a drug cannot be entirely explained, however, by the varying amount in which it may be actually present in the circulation and acting on the body. Another modifying element of great power is constitution. In animals generally, we have certain arrangements for producing motion, others for the regulation of these, and others, again, for supplying them with the material necessary for the performance of their functions. But the parts which enter into each of these are not equally developed in all 13 animals ; in some one part preponderates ; in others, another. Even in animals of different species, and in individuals of the same species where the relative size of organs seems the same, differences nevertheless exist ; and the presence of a few cells more or less in a ganglion, and a few fibres more or less in a nerve, may alter to a very great extent the action of any substance on the organism. When a medicine given to one person produces an effect slightly differing from that which it generally causes, the difference is said to be due to constitution ; when its difference is great, it is said to be due to idiosyncrasy. Now, these effects may be merely due to differences in absorption and excretion, as has been already explained, or to the different relative development of other parts, especially parts of the nervous system. It is easy to under- stand the altered effect which may be thus produced, and to perceive the ambiguity of such terms as "nervous stimulant", when we recollect that different parts of the nervous system act exactly in the opposite way to others ; and if anything should act on both of these, it will pro- duce an opposite effect according as one or other part is more de- veloped and more powerful. Thus the vagus nerve has the power of rendering the heart's action slow, and the sympathetic of quicken- ing it ; and any drug which irritates them both, will make the heart's action slow if the vagus be more developed, or quicken it if the sym- pathetic be stronger. Thus two horses of unequal strength, pulling in opposite directions, may counterbalance each other ; but if both be struck with a whip at the same moment, the power of the stronger becomes evident, and he pulls the weaker after him. A good example of this action is given by muscarin, an alkaloid obtained from a poisonous mushroom, Agaricus muscarius. Pro- fessor Schmiedeberg, of Dorpat,(ii) has shown that this alkaloid pro- duces great irritation of the vagus nerve, so that in frogs the heart will stand still for hours together. When given to dogs, it sometimes makes the pulse slow, but sometimes it quickens it ; and one might therefore be inclined to say that when it produces quickening it cannot be acting on the vagus. But the explanation of this phenomenon is, that muscarin does not act on the vagus alone, but has also an effect on the vaso- motor nerves, producing dilatation of the vessels and diminution of the blood -pressure in them. Now, lessened pressure acts as a stimulant to the sympathetic, and quickens the heart. In this way, muscarin stimu- lates both vagus and sympathetic, and the pulse is rendered quick or slow according as the power of the one or other is greater in the par- ticular dog to which it is given. In frogs, the blood -pressure has no u great action on the heart, and in them the effect of the vagus is not in- terfered with. Another instance may be given where an apparent difference in the effect of a drug on two animals may be removed by reducing their organs to the same condition. In most animals, the slowing action of the vagus on the heart is constantly exerted during health ; and when it is cut the heart beats much faster. But in the rabbit, its power is comparatively small, and the increased rapidity of the pulse after its division is but slight. In most dogs, on the contrary, its power is great, and, if it be cut, the heart beats very much quicker, and sends more blood into the arteries, so as to raise the pressure in them. If we measure the pressure of the blood in the arteries of a rabbit and of a dog, and then cause them to inhale nitrite of amyl, we find that the small vessels have become widened and allow the blood to pass easily out of the arterial system into the veins, so that the pressure sinks con- siderably in the rabbit, but it sinks only slightly in the dog. The effect seems at first sight different; but when we examine it more closely, we find that the heart of the dog is no longer beating slowly, but very quickly, so as to keep up the pressure, notwithstanding the rapid flow of blood through the widened vessels, while the heart of the rabbit was going so fast before that it could not go much more quickly. If we cut the vagi in the dog, so that the heart goes as quickly as in the rabbit before it begins to inhale, the blood-pressure sinks during the inhala- tion, just as it does in the rabbit. (12) I have given these examples at length, because of their important bear- ing on the question how far conclusions as to the action of medi- cines on man may be drawn from those which they exert on the lower animals. Now, the action of curare in paralysing the ends of motor nerves is one of the simplest and least complicated examples that we can take, as the very nature of its action prevents disturbances in other systems from showing themselves ; and we find that it is exactly the same in the Indian who accidentally wounds himself with his poisoned arrow, in the game which he shoots, or in the frog on which we experiment. Motor nerves, the structure on which curare acts, are alike present in all, and in all are its results the same. And as we have seen that, in the lower animals, differences in the action of drugs are produced by differences in the structure of the animal, and that the former disappear when the latter are removed, we are, I think, justified in concluding that, when the organs or structures on which a drug 15 acts are similar in man and the lower animals, the action will be alike, and that variations will be observed just in proportion to the difference between his structure and theirs. But as it may be difficult or im- possible to detect these differences except from their effects, we ought to test our conclusions as to the action of remedies by giving them to a healthy man, and observing whether their effects are such as we have been led, from our experiments on animals, to expect. Disease. — The different effects of a medicine in disease from those produced by it in health may be partly due to differences in the dose actually present in the blood from altered absorption and excretion, and partly to the alterations produced by disease in other organs, which may interfere with their direct, and probably to a much greater extent with their indirect, action. But what the alterations in each dis- ease, and the ways in which they will modify either the direct or indirect action of remedies, really are, can only be determined by an increased knowledge of pathology and by actual clinical observation. Chemical Constitution and Physiological Action. — I have spoken thus far only of the changes in the body and the various effects which they produce; but I must not leave this subject without mentioning the wide field of research which has been opened up by the remark- able discovery made by Drs. Crum Brown and Fraser,(i3) of the relation which exists between chemical constitution and physiological action. It was known before that one drug would act only on one part of the body, another on another part; but they have shown that changes in the chemical composition of a drug may not only alter its action, but transfer it to a different structure : so the addition of sulphate of methyl to strychnia, brucia, or thebaia, causes them to act on the terminal branches of motor nerves instead of on the spinal cord, while a similar addition to other alkaloids removes some of their actions but leaves others unchanged. Further researches of this kind may enable us to determine what parts will be acted on by a drug after a definite change has been effected in its chemical constitution ; and the progress of phy- siological chemistry in ascertaining the composition and properties of the tissues renders it not impossible that such knowledge may yet be acquired as that spoken of by Locke in the following words. ** Did we know the (mechanical) affections of the particles of rhubarb, hemlock, opium, and a man, as a watchmaker does those of a watch, whereby it performs its operations, and of a file, which by rubbing on them will alter the figure of any of the wheels, we should be able to tell before- hand that rhubarb will purge, hemlock kill, and opium make a man i6 sleep." And even though our knowledge should never reach this extent, the rapid advances which it has made of late years, the power of altering the chemical composition of the organic alkaloids, and along with it their physiological action, which we now possess, and the fact that one of them (conia) has already been made synthetically, (14) incline us to be- lieve that we may by and bye make substances which will produce the physiological effects which we desire, and that a future lies before thera- peutics of which at present we can hardly dream. 17 II. — Action of Drugs on Protoplasm : General Directions FOR Experimental Investigation. Modes of Experimenting. — Caution. — Action of Drugs on Protoplasm. — Action on Vibriones and Bacteria. — Contagium Vivum. — Action on Fungi; on Fermentatiott ; on Putrefaction ; on Oxidation ; on White Blood Corpuscles; on Inflammation. — Action of Gases. — Steps of an hivestigation. — Administration of Drugs. — Observation of Effects. — Interpretation of Results. — Minimum Fatal Dose. — Various Channels of Administration. — Excretion. — Mode of securing Animals. — Instru- ments required. — Mode of making Cannula: ^ T-tubes, and Pens. — Nar- cotising Animals. — Action of Narcotics. — Introduction of Cannulce into Vessels. — Injectioji of Fluids. — Division and Irritation of Nerves. — Artificial Respiration ; in Mammals ; in Frogs. — Administration of Gases or Vapours. Gentlemen, — In experimenting on the effect of drugs, our great ob- ject must be to localise their action — to be able to say with certainty, This is the organ on which this medicine acts, and such and such is the action which it exerts upon it. There are two ways in which this might be done. 1. We might give the medicine to animals of all kinds, from those consisting of one simple cell upwards to the highest forms of life, and mark how its action became modified as we advanced farther and farther from the simple mass of sarcode, and organ after organ became differ- entiated and developed. Unfortunately, however, the knowledge of comparative anatomy and physiology which is required to interpret the effects that we might thus obtain is so great, and possessed by so few, that this method is at present of little use. 2. We might take a highly organised animal, not very unlike man in its general structure, and, by operative procedures, allow the medicine to act now on one and now on another part of the body, but never on all at once, till we find out those parts for which it has a particular affinity. This second method is the one which we chiefly employ, but some- times we may very conveniently use them both, as in the case of pro- toplasm, the physical basis of life. D i8 Caution. — As I intend not only to describe the ways in which ex- periments on the action of medicines are to be performed, but also to give examples of the conclusions drawn by various observers from the experiments which they have made, ' and of the way in which these conclusions have been applied, I take this opportunity of strongly warning you, once for all, that you must distinguish very carefully be- tween the observations actually made by any one and the conclusions which he draws from them. Observations on the effect of a drug may be correct, and yet the theory of its mode of action be erroneous; and both of these may be right, and still the proposed application of it to a dis- ease may be valueless from ignorance of its real pathology. All ob- servations, too, are not to be taken as facts : they must be confirmed by frequent repetition either by the first observer himself or by others before they can lay claim to this title. Their value depends to a great extent on the observer, and is in proportion to his power of seeing cor- rectly what is before him, and the exactness of his description of what he he has seen. Perhaps erroneous statements are due in great measure to the results of experiments not being noted at the time when they were done, but written down from memory some time afterwards. When this is the case, they lose in a great measure their claim to the name of ob- servations, and they become merely thoughts or ideas of the observer. All experiments should be noted down at the time when they are performed ; and if they are not, the time which elapsed before they were written should be stated, that future workers may know what value to attach to the observation, and not be put to the unnecessary trouble of dis- proving it if it be erroneous. Before beginning an investigation, it is convenient to write out the questions which we propose to ourselves, and to note down what experiments will be necessary to answer them. We are thus less likely to make experiments at random, and to waste time without coming to any certain conclusion. Action on Protoplasm. — We may study the action of drugs on protoplasm either in unicellular organisms like the Infusoria, in cilia, in white blood- corpuscles, or in those minute bodies — bacteria and vibriones — to which attention has of late been so much directed, and which, de- spite their minuteness, possess so much importance from their power of producing fermentation and decomposition in dead organic matter, and not improbably of causing disease in living beings. For the purpose of studying it in Infusoria, we prepare an infusion of hay some days before we wish to experiment, and a solution in water of the drug which we wish to investigate. We then heat a piece of glass tubing in the middle. 19 draw it out and cut it across, so as to obtain two little pipettes, which will deliver drops of nearly equal size. From one of these we let fall a drop of infusion of hay on a glass slide, and examine it under a low power of the microscope without a covering glass. We then let fall a drop of the solution of our drug upon it, mix the two drops well with a glass rod, and again examine them microscopically to see whether or not the infusorial animalcules are still moving. If they be moving, and continue to do so for some time, we prepare a stronger solution of the drug ; but if they have completely stopped when we looked, we make a weaker one, and again mix a drop with one of hay-infusion, repeating the experiment till we have got a solution of such a strength that a slight movement of the animalcules can be observed just after mixing the drops, but ceases almost immediately, and cannot be brought back by adding water. We can then compare the action of different drugs by observing of what strength the solution of each must be, in order to pro- duce precisely this effect. ( 1 5) Professor Binz of Bonn has found in this way that certain substances, such as common salt, chlorate, chloride and bromide of potassium, alum, etc., appear to stop the movements of infusoria by altering the amount of water which they contain, as strong solutions cause them to shrivel at first, and then to swell up and become motionless. Weaker ones make them swell likewise ; but their effect at first is different, as they do not shrivel up the animals, but, on the contrary, render their move- ments more lively. Other substances kill them in a way which we do not understand, stopping the movements at once without producing any apparent change in the animal's body to account for it. The most active of these substances are chlorine, bromine, corrosive sublimate, iodine, per- manganate of potash, and creasote. After these comes quinine, less powerful than they, but far more so than other organic alkaloids. Even strychnia, so fatal to higher animals, has barely one-fourth the power over these lower organisms which is possessed by quinine, a substance which is dangerous to mammals only in such large doses that we are accustomed to look upon it as a remedy, but hardly at all as a poison. Action on Vibriones and Bacteria. — If a piece of boiled meat or white of egg be allowed to lie in water for a few days, or a little of Pasteur's solution be exposed in a glass, the fluid becomes milky, and vibriones and bacteria are formed in large numbers. Pasteur's solution is made by dissolving ten grammes of sugar, five decigrammes of tar- trate of ammonia, and one decigramme of yeast-ash, in one hundred cubic cmtimetres of water ; or a little white of egg may be added to the hay- infusion, when the infusoria soon disappear, and it remains full of bac- teria and vibriones.(i5) A drop may now be taken, diluted with another drop of water, and the action of drugs on vibriones examined in the same way as on infusoria. In this way it is found that the same substances which kill infu- soria also prove destructive to vibriones and bacteria : and if they kill these organisms when outside the animal body, they should do likewise when they are inside, and thus cure diseases which may be caused by their presence. Now, bacteria have been said to be the cause of malignant pustule, and they are at all events frequently pre- sent in large numbers in the blood of animals affected by it, and their destruction can hardly fail to be advantageous. We are, there- fore, not at all surprised to learn that Bouley and the French Com- mission found {Compt. Rend. Ixviii, 82) that, while all animals which they inoculated with this disease died when left to themselves, four recovered out of five to which they had given carbolic acid, and that other cases treated in the same way by others gave a like favour- able result. The striking correspondence between the effect actually produced on the disease and that which we would expect from its action on bacteria, which we suppose to be the cause of it, seems also to be an evidence of the truth of the hypothesis that bacteria are the cause of the disease, and that carbolic acid cures it by killing them. Before we accept this as a fact, however, we should test it by adding to one portion of the blood of a diseased animal, carbolic acid in the same proportion as it was likely to be present in the blood of the one cured, and comparing it with another portion to which none had been added, and see whether the amount was sufficient to have any action on the bacteria. If it were not sufficient, we should have to look for some other action of the acid to explain its effect. As cases of malignant pustule or other diseases in which bacteria and vibriones are found in the blood happily do not present themselves every day, Binz(i6) produced fever in dogs artificially by injecting infusion of hay or putrid animal matter into their veins, and then tested the action of quinine by injecting it either at the same time or shortly afterwards. The quinine diminished the effect of the infusion, but not to the extent which he expected ; and this he thinks due to the infusion not containing vibriones alone, but gases and other products of decomposition, whose action would not be affected by quinine. Whether this be so or not, must be decided by further experiments. He believes also that hay-fever 21 is due to vibriones; and he cured Helmholtz, who had suffered from it for several years, by injecting a solution of quinine into his nostrils. Action on Fungi. — When spores of the ordinary penicillium or mould -fungus are thrown into Pasteur's fluid or syrup, they grow and develope new spores. Two portions must be taken, and the drug to be tested added to one and none to the other, and the amount of it neces- sary to prevent the formation of spores must be noted. If carbolic acid, corrosive sublimate, or very strong solutions of quinine, be added to them, their growth is prevented. Action on Fermentation. — As butyric fermentation depends on the presence of vibriones( 1 7) and alcoholic on the yeast-fungus, we should expect that substances which kill these would prevent fermentation. To test this, two glass-tubes or flasks are filled with a mixture of milk- water, grape-sugar, and chalk (from which carbonic acid will be set free by the lactic acid formed), or with a solution of grape-sugar or yeast. To one of them a certain amount of the substance to be tested is added, and both are then inverted over mercury and kept in a warm place for several days. The amount of gas developed is then measured ; and, if the addition of the substance have hindered the production of gas, we know that it has hindered fermentation in the same proportion. It has thus been found that quinine, amounting to y^ot'^ V^^^ o^ ^^^ mixture, completely stopped the development of vibriones or the production of gas ; and other substances have a similar effect. As many cases of indigestion, acidity, flatulence, vomiting, and sum- mer diarrhoea, more especially in children fed by hand, are most pro- bably due to the fermentation of starchy and saccharine food caused by vibriones, (1 8) Binz thinks that creasote, quinine, etc., are serviceable in their treatment by stopping this. As it is the local action that is wanted, the longer the medicine remains in the intestine before being absorbed, so much the better will its effect bej and thus the greater benefit derived from bark than quinine in some such cases might be explained. Action on Putrefaction. — The antiputrescent action of drugs is tested by putting a square of boiled white of egg into each of two ves- sels containing water and setting them in the sun. To the liquid in one vessel the drug is added, and the rapidity with which the edges of the square of white of egg on it become decomposed and soft is noted and compared with that in the other vessel. Instead of white of egg, a piece of meat or bread may be used. The relative power of different drugs in stopping putrefaction does not always correspond to the ideas which we would be inclined to form ; for who would think that quinine would 22 be more powerful than such antiseptics as creasote, chloride of lime, or arsenic ? and yet such is said to be the case. So powerful is quinine, that a piece of meat placed in a solution of a per cent, of the sulphate, with a little dilute acid, remained in summer without decomposition till the fluid was dried up. (19) Action on Oxidation. — If fresh leaves of lettuce or dandelion are triturated with five or ten times their weight of water, with free access of air, the fluid filtered, and fresh guaiac tincture added to it, a blue colour is produced, showing that ozone is present in it. (20) To test the action of a drug on the formation of ozone, two portions of the filtered fluid are put in test-glasses, and the drug added to one. Both are allowed to stand for one or two hours, with occasional shaking, fresh guaiac tincture is dropped cautiously into both, and by the greater or less depth of blue produced in each fluid we judge of the amount of ozone present in each. In this way it is found that quinine diminishes or stops the formation of ozone in these fluids, and at the same time the little proto- plasma-granules with which they abound are rendered motionless and altered in appearance. There seems to be some connection between these protoplasma-granules and the formation of ozone, as the stoppage of the one runs parallel with the alteration in the other. Quinine seems to have the power of diminishing oxidation within the body as well as out of it, since when injected into the blood it lessens the excretion of urea and diminishes the temperature both in health and disease during life, and hinders its rise after death ;(2i) and this action is apparently not due to nervous centres regulating temperature, or to changes in the circulation allowing quicker cooling by the skin. Action on White Blood-Corpuscles. — To examine this, we take a drop of blood from the finger, put it on the under surface of a thin glass, and lay it over the opening in Strieker's warm stage (Strieker's Histology ; New Sydenham Society's Translation^ p. 13), and examine it with a high power of the microscope, such as Ross's -^-^ or Hartnack's No. 10, at a temperature of 98° F. After satisfying ourselves that the white corpuscles are in active motion, we take a solution of the drug in fresh serum, or in half per cent, solution of common salt ; mix a drop of it with the blood and examine again. Or we may use Max Schultze's warm stage, which consists of a flat piece of bi-ass covering the stage of the microscope, and having a long arm projecting at each side and a thermometer in front. When a lamp is placed under one or both arms, they conduct the heat to the middle part on which the object lies, and thus warm it to any desired temperature. The drop of blood must be 23 placed on a piece of glass three and a half inches long and two and a half broad, which is then laid on the warm stage. (22) The drop is next covered by a thin glass, and over all is put the lower part of a lamp- cylinder, through whose upper end the tube of the microscope slides, and round whose interior is put a piece of moist blotting-paper to prevent evaporation from the blood. The drug is applied as with Strieker's stage. Solutions of corrosive sublimate and veratria, even in very mi- nute quantity, stop the movements of the white blood-corpuscles, but neither is so active as quinine. Strychnia is rather less powerful than any of these, and many otljer alkaloids much less so. Action on Inflammation. — During inflammation, the white blood- corpuscles are very active, and crawl through the walls of the capillaries in much greater numbers than usual. It is, therefore, interesting to inquire what will be the effect on this of any drug that stops their mo- tions. For this purpose we curarise a frog and lay it on a large plate of cork with a hole at one side, (23) and another piece of cork half an inch high at the other. We fix the body of the frog to the raised piece, open its abdomen with a pair of scissors, draw out the intestines, and fasten the mesentery with very fine pins over the hole. In an hour and a half or two hours afterwards, white corpuscles come rapidly out of the vessels and wander over the field. We may then inject our drug into the circula- tion or apply it locally to the mesentery. Binz states that, when he injected quinine into the circulation, the number of corpuscles in the vessels became diminished, and they ceased to wander out, while those already out continued to wander further, so that, instead of being evenly distributed over the field, they left a clear space round the outside of the vessel, in which few were to be seen. If, on the other hand, it be applied locally, the corpuscles which are already out stop moving, while those in the vessel continue to migrate, and thus, instead of a clear space, a dense accumulation of corpuscles forms round the vessel. In order to produce this effect, 1^5 000 to Voooo^^ of the animal's weight of quinine is necessary ; and, if it were given to a man weighing 150 lbs., in order to stop the exit of corpuscles from the vessels in such a disease as peritonitis, three or four drachms of the medicine would require to be given within a short time. Binz's obser- vations as to the effect of quinine on the white corpuscles have been confirmed by Martin, (24) but have been denied by Schwalbe, (25) so that farther investigations on this point are very desirable. Action of Gases. — This is examined by putting the cells to be ex- amined on Strieker's warm stage, and bringing the gas into contact with 24 them in the manner described by him (Strieker's Histology, Sydenham Society's edition, p. 8). Steps of an Investigation.— The animals which we chiefly use in experiments are frogs, rabbits, guinea-pigs, and dogs. In investigating the action of a drug, we examine — 1. What the symptoms are which a large dose produces. 2. Taking the most prominent symptom, we inquire {a) On what organ does the production of this symptom depend ? ((5.) How has it been affected by the drug? ( is screwed down on its nose, and the strap i buckled behind its head, which is thus firmly fixed. It may be moved back or forward by sliding the rod d through the nut e, or up and down by moving e on y, which is a strong iron rod fastened to a table or board by the screw ^._ B. Brunton's holder for dogs or rabbits. A loop of cord is tied round the upper jaw, the bar / passed behind the canine teeth of the dog or cat or in- cisors of the rabbit, and the two jaws then tied together to prevent its slip- ping out. This mode of fastening animals has been long used, and my modi- cation simply consists in the addition of the forked bar X:. After i is fastened in the mouth, the forked ends of k are pushed through holes in /, and fastened by the screws m. k may then be fastened to an upright bar by means of a nut in the same way as Bernard's or Czermak's holder. with smooth points, blunt hooks, a small aneurism-needle, flattened sidewise and with a rounded point (fig. 3 g), ligatures, finder (a kind of probe set in a handle to open up the lumen of a divided vessel), syringe, cannulae, a piece of card, small whalebone-probe, and one or two swine's bristles. As these are very apt to be mislaid during an opera- tion, I find it convenient to have a small wooden tray about three-quar- ters of an inch deep, with thin upright sides, and divided into com- partments, one for each kind of instrument. It is advisable, also, to have an extra instrument or two of each sort. 29 Way of Making Cannul^e. — Cannul^e for injecting into vessels may be made of metal (fig. 3 c) or of glass. Glass ones can be easily made of any size required by heating a piece of glass-tubing over the flame of a blow-pij)e, and drawing it out in the middle, as represented by the dotted line (fig. 3D.) It is then heated at a and slightly drawn out, so that a bulging piece is left between a and c ; it may then be heated and very slightly drawn out at b, then cut with a three-cornered file at c, and the point ground obliquely off on a hone. If the point be at all sharp, its edges may be rounded in a gas-flame. When the cannula is introduced into a vessel, a ligature at a prevents it from coming out : it may be connected with a syringe or with any piece of apparatus by a piece of India-rubber slipped over the other end and tied at b. A cannula for connecting an artery with a kymographion may either be of this sort, or may be made of metal of the shape shown in fig. 3 A. As it is difficult to hold it with forceps, it should be put on a piece of wood or whalebone of the shape shown at B. This both holds it firmly, and the point entering the vessel allows the cannula to be more readily pushed on into the lumen. A few notches on the side of the cannula prevent the vessel and ligature with which it has been tied from slipping off the end. By means of the little ear at ^, it can be tied to the tube, on to which it is fitted. Mode of making Cannula, T-tubes, and Pens. — Cannuloe for the trachea are made by closing one end of a tube, directing a small blow-pipe flame against a point in its side till it is quite soft, and then suddenly blowing into it. The soft part expands into a thin bulb, which is scraped off, and a hole remains in the side of the tube. The object of this hole is to allow the air to escape during expiration. In- stead of a hole in the cannula, one may be cut in the side of the India- rubber tube to which it is connected ; but this is more apt to be acci- dentally closed. The tube is then drawn out into the form seen at Fig. 4 A, cut off at both ends, and one end ground obliquely off on a sandstone with some water. A knob may be made at the ends of other cannulse for various pur- poses, by heating the end and striking it against a piece of glass or iron, or by heating the end in a flame, continuing to blow steadily through the tube while you do so. T-tubes are made by blowing a hole in the side of one tube, in the same way as for a respiration-cannula ; and then putting the heated end of another tube over it while the first is still hot, so that the two stick together. The joint must then be annealed by heating it in an ordi- 30 nary gas-flame, reducing the size of the flame gradually, so that the glass may cool very slowly. Pens for use with a kymographion are made by drawing tubes to a point, as shown in Fig. 3, e and f ; and grinding the point on a fine hone, and rounding it, if necessary, in the flame. A is a metal cannula with an ear e, by which it can be fastened to any tube con- nected with its large end. b is an instrument for introducing a into a vessel. It consists of a piece of metal tubing, with a pointed piece of wood at one end, over which a is put. The point projects through the smaller opening in A, so as to enter the lumen of the vessel readily, c is a metal cannula which fits on the end of a syringe for injecting fluids into vessels. D is a glass cannula. The dotted line shows the original tube drawn out in the blowpipe- flame ; the darker line shows the finished cannula, e and f are two pieces of glass tubing drawn out to make pens. They may be attached by pieces of cork to any writing apparatus. G is an aneurism-needle. Narcotising Animals. — Narcotics cannot be given in all cases to animals on which we experiment, as their action must to a certain extent complicate that of the drug which we wish to investigate. We cannot use them when we are observing what are the general symptoms which a medicine produces. But, when we are investigating its action on particular organs, we may often use them, not only with safety, but with advantage, when they have no action on the particular organ which we are studying, or so little that its disturbing influence is more than compensated by the diminished muscular action, and consequent ease in performing the experiment, which narcotics produce. It is almost unnecessary to say that, in all cases which admit of it, narcotics should be used, as we have no right to inflict any unnecessary pain, although we may be justified in taking the lives of the lower animals in order to preserve the more valuable life of man, either by 31 supplying him with food by means of those killed in the slaughter- house, or by obtaining the knowledge which shall enable us to cure dis- ease by means of those killed in our experiments. The narcotics which we use are opium and chloral. Chloroform is inadmissible, as its adminis- tration generally seems to cause dogs more pain than the experiment itself, and rabbits are very easily killed by it. A convenient form of giving chloral is a solution containing half a grain in i minim or I gramme in two cubic centimetres of water. The dose for a frog is 2 to 5 centigrammes, or about i to 5 drops. The dose for guinea-pigs is about 1 2 minims of this solution for an animal half a pound weight; and more or less may be given, according to the weight of the animal, 18 minims being given to one weighing three- quarters of a pound, and 24 to one weighing a pound. About the same proportion of dose to weight may be employed for rabbits. Opium may be given in the form of laudanum, or of solution of acetate or hydrochlorate of morphia. Much as it is used, the proper dose for different animals has not been exactly determined. We do not often employ it to narcotise guinea-pigs or rabbits, but frequently for dogs. The dose for a medium sized dog is about 40 minims or 2^ cubic centimeti-es of laudanum, or 2 drachms of liquor morphise, which is equal to i grain or 5 centigrammes of morphia. This dose is for in- jection into a vein : when injected subcutaneously, rather more should be given. If the dog be above or below middle size, the dose must be proportionately increased or diminished. We must be careful not to give too much opium to old dogs, or they will die. Opium is pre- ferred by some to morphia, as producing more certain narcosis, and being less likely to produce the excitement and hypersesthesia which sometimes follow the administration of morphia. W^hen we wish to render the animal absolutely motionless, or to observe what effect any drug will produce after the motor nerves have been paralysed, we give curare. Small doses of this remarkable sub- stance paralyse the motor nerves of muscles, but leave the vagi and vaso-motor nerves unaffected. Large doses of it seem also to cause paralysis of the vagi. It affects the blood -pressure to a certain extent, moderate doses contracting the vessels and raising the pressure, while large ones lower it. The dose of curare for a frog is about i to 5 drops or more of a solution of i part in 1000. The dose varies with the size of the frog and the purpose for which we wish it. If we wish to observe the circulation microscopically, we must not give too large a dose, or the heart may stop. To rabbits, ^ to i cubic ccutiuietre or 8 32 to 15 minims, and to dogs, 4 to 6 cubic centimetres or i to 2 drachms, of such a solution, may be given,* Definite rules cannot be laid down as to the experiments in which narcotics may or may not be used. The experimenter himself must judge in each case whether their action is likely to disturb that of the drug to be experimented on or not. For this purpose, he must know the action which the narcotics themselves produce ; and I will, there- fore, mention in a few words what that of each is. Action of Narcotics. — Chloral acts on the brain, producing deep sleep, during which there is no sensation or voluntary motion. The reflex function of the spinal cord is first increased and then diminished in frogs ; in guinea-pigs and rabbits, it is diminished for thermal irrita- tions, but not for tactile ones — pinching producing reflex action, but burning or pricking none. It leaves the motor nerves, vagus, and muscles unaffected j but diminishes the activity of the respiratory nervous centre, rendering the breathing slow ; and of the cardiac gan- glia, somewhat weakening the heart. It lessens the blood-pressure and temperature, probably by dilating the vessels at the surface as the ear of a rabbit becomes hot and its vessels dilated, while the general tempera- ture is falling. (27) Opium is a mixture of several alkaloids, some of which are purely narcotic, while others produce tetanus, just like strychnia, and others partake of both characters. This is the case with morphia, in which, however, the narcotic qualities predominate. In small doses it first slightly increases, and then diminishes the irritability of motor and sensory nerves, and the reflex action of the cord, the irritability of the vagus (ends and central roots) and the musculo-motor apparatus of the heart, and the temperature. If the dose be large, those functions may be at once lessened. The blood-pressure varies, but is generally raised. (28) The advantage of giving either a narcotic or the drug to be investi- gated by injection into a vein rather than subcutaneously is, that the action is immediate, and we know that the whole of the dose has taken effect; whereas, after subcutaneous injection, a part may remain for some time in the cellular tissue before it enters the blood and becomes active. The most convenient vein is the external jugular. In dogs, however, it is sometimes more convenient to inject the narcotic into a vein which runs obliquely across the outside of the hind knee- * Curare may be obtained from Messrs. Hopkin and Williams, New Cavendish Street, London ; or from Bruckner and Lampe, Leipzig. 33 joint. Before injecting, we must introduce a cannula into the vein ; and the introduction of a cannula into a vessel is an operation on the proper performance of which the success of many an experiment depends. Introduction of Cannula into Vessels. — First, the hair must be cleanly clipped or shaved away, and loose hairs removed by a moist sponge. The skin, subcutaneous cellular tissue, and cutaneous muscles, are divided with a scalpel, and any bleeding vessels are twisted or liga- tured. If the vessel lie deep, the muscles are separated from each other by the finger of the operator, or by a blunt aneurism-needle, and any unyielding connective tissue may be cut by a pair of scissors. That surrounding the vessel itself should be separated from it by the aneurism needle. A closed pair of forceps may be pushed under the vessel and then opened. This both raises it from its bed, and lays bare a con- siderable part of its course. A couple of ligatures are now caught between the jaws of the forceps and drawn through. The proximal end of the exposed part of the vessel is now compressed by a pair of smooth-pointed bulldog-forceps, or a ligature laid in a simple slipknot; one ligature is firmly tied round the distal end, and the second ligature is tied in a loop round the middle, but is not drawn tight. A small piece of calling card, about an eighth of an inch broad, is then slipped under the vessel, so that it may rest on it and remain steady ; its walls are then snipped by a sharp-pointed pair of scissors just on the distal side of the loop. The finder, or aneurism-needle, may be introduced so as to make the opening more distinct, and, if necessaiy, this may be enlarged by the points of the forceps being introduced, and then sepa- rated. One lip of the divided vessel is seized by the forceps, the cannula introduced, and the loop drawn tight over it so as to tie it firmly into the vessel. The cannula is then filled by a small glass pipette with the fluid to be injected, the syringe is fitted on, the bull- dog forceps removed, and the requisite amount injected. The bulldogs are again put on, and the syringe removed. Injection of Fluids into Vessels. — First, we prepare the solu- tion to be injected in a test or a watch-glass, and see that the syringe is in working order. The most convenient is one for subcutaneous in- jection, with a glass barrel and a graduated piston. On the piston-rod a small nut screws up and down, so that it can be set to any figure on the rod, and thus prevents it from being any further pushed in, so as to allow the exact amount required to be given at once, but prevent the accidental injection of more than this amount. The end of the F 34 barrel must either fit directly into a cannula of the shape shown in fig. 3 C, or it may be adapted to a glass cannula by tying a small piece of India-rubber tubing to the cannula. The cannula is then intro- duced into the vessel as already described. A fine pipette must be at hand, made by drawing a piece of glass tubing to a point, and by this the cannula, or cannulse with the attached India-rubber tubing, must be carefully filled with the fluid, so that no air-bubbles remain. The syringe is then connected to it, the slip-knot of the ligature un- tied, or the bulldogs compressing the vessel in front of the cannula removed, and the necessary amount injected. The slip-knot is then re-tied, or the bulldogs replaced, if a second dose is to be given. If no more is to be injected, the vessel may be firmly ligatured. Division and Irritation of Nerves. — The nerve must be laid bare, and separated from the surrounding connective tissue in the same way as a vessel, especial care being taken never to seize the nerve itself with the forceps. Blood must be removed by a sponge squeezed quite dry, and the nerve must on no account be touched with water. If we wish to remove any adhering clot, or if the nerve hap- pen to get dry through long exposure, it may be moistened with a little saliva or serum. A director is then pushed under the nerve, or we raise it up by a ligature passed below it, so as to secure the adjoining vessels from injury, and we then divide it by a pair of scissors. Very often we wish to have the nerve prepared for section some time before we actually divide it. We then pass the ligature under it and tie the two ends together, so as to prevent the ligature from being pulled from below the nerve, and thus form a loose loop by which we can at any moment raise and divide the nerve. Nerves may be irritated by pinching, the application of strong saline solutions, or heat j but generally we use Pulvermacher's galvanic for- ceps, which are made of alternate wires of copper and zinc, and dipped in acetic acid, or, still oftener, the interrupted current from Du Bois Reymond's induction coil. The most convenient electrodes for this pur- pose consist of two wire points, about a quarter to half an inch long, and an eighth to a quarter of an inch apart. They may either be set in an ivory handle, or they may be simply fixed in a piece of glass tubing by means of cement or sealing-wax, or simply pushed through a piece of cork. Artificial Respiration in Mammals. — Artificial respiration is chiefly used to keep an animal alive after it has been poisoned with curare, for the purpose of rendering it perfectly still during an experi- 35 ment ; or after the thoracic cavity has been opened for observation or experiment on the viscera it contains. It is performed by introducing a cannula into the trachea, and inflating the lungs by means of a bel- lows connected with it by India-rubber tubing. A is a glass cannula for artificial respiration, large enough for a small dog. A hole for the exit of expired air is seen in the side. B a metal one for a rabbit. The hole for expiration is at the top, and not visible in the figure. The lower part of the cannula can be turned round upon the upper at a joint about one-third of the way from the top, not marked in the figure. The tube which conveys air can thus be brought from the side instead of the front. To introduce the cannula, an incision is made in the middle line below the cricoid cartilage through the skin and cutaneous muscles; the larger muscles lying along the side of the trachea are separated from it by an aneurism-needle or the handle of the knife, and a strong ligature is passed under it by an aneurism-needle or forceps, care being taken to avoid the veins which lie close to its posterior wall. A round or oval piece must then be cut out of the front of it by the scissors or knife, and the cannula introduced, and tied firmly in by the ligature. "When the knee-shaped metal cannula is used, it is advisable to push the heel of the cannula into the trachea, so that the tube lies quite in its lumen. After the cannula has been tied into the trachea, the ends of the ligature may be fastened round the upright bend of the knee, to ensure that it do not slip out. The bellows may be simply held in the hand, or fastened to the under side of a table by means of a piece of board screwed to its upper side and larger than the bellows itself, so that there is a rim of board all round. A few screws passed through this projecting rim into the under side of the table hold the bellows 36 fast. A small pulley (one used for window-blinds will do) is then screwed into the under side of the table, and a cord passed over it. One end of the cord is fastened to a piece of board a foot and a half or two feet long, which serves as a treadle ; and the other end to the under board of the bellows, so that it may be drawn up when the treadle is pressed down by the foot. A weight must be attached to the under board of the bellows, in order to draw it down again after it has been raised. The respiration is kept regular by depressing the treadle in accordance with the beat of a metronome set to beat the proper number in a minute. The apparatus may be rendered more complete by the introduction between the bellows and trachea of a valve which will allow the air to pass readily towards the trachea, but hinder its return. Such a valve may be readily made by passing two pieces of glass tubing through the cork of a wide-mouthed bottle, and partially filling it with mercury or water. The tube nearest the bellows must descend nearly to the bottom of the bottle, while the other just passes through the cork. The air from the bellows passes easily through the mercury or water in 37 which the end of one tube dips; but any attempt to return simply raises the mercury in the tube. If water be used, the tube must be longer, so that it may contain a column of water sufficiently high to afford the necessary resistance to the return of the air. This sort of valve is termed Muller's valve. (Fig. 5, v.) Artificial Respiration in the Frog. — Although the frog can live perfectly well for some time without breathing, it maybe desirable in some experiments to employ artificial respiration. A cannula for this purpose is best made by heating the end of a glass tube about one-eighth of an inch in diameter (more or less, according to the size of the frog), and then suddenly pressing it down on a metal plate, so that a broad rim is formed round the end. The sides of the larynx are seized by two artery forceps, the cannula introduced, and tied firmly in. A Richardson's spray-producer, from which the tubes have been removed, is then con- nected to it and used as a bellows. Introduction of Gases or Vapours into the Lungs. — Gases or vapours may be introduced into the lungs either by simple inhalation or by artificial respiration. For the inhalation of a gas, a conical bag of oilskin, India-rubber, or bladder, must be made to fit the snout of the animal, and connected with a bag, bladder, or gas-holder containing the gas. Or a tube may be put into the trachea and connected with the gas-holder. For the inhalation of a vapour, a cone of strong paper or cardboard may be used, the wide end being put over the muzzle, and the liquid, the vapour of which is to be inhaled, dropped on a piece of blotting-paper and put on the small end. Or the whole cone may be made of blot- ting-paper. Many different kinds of apparatus have been used for the artificial respiration of gases, among which may be mentioned the ingenious in- strument of Thiry(29) and the beautiful respiration-pump of Ludwig. The simplest method probably is to have the gas in a bag, connected by means of the bottle or Muller's valve with the tracheal cannula. The gas may then be forced into the lung at intervals, by alternately com- pressing and relaxing the bag. Air may be loaded with vapour of any kind of fluid before it is sent into the lungs, by either mixing the fluid with the water in the bottle- valve, or by emptying out the water and putting a little of the fluid alone on the bottom of the bottle. Pure air or air loaded with vapour may be sent into the lungs alternately by the arrangement shown in fig. 5. A stream of air is sent from the bellows through the India-rubber tube s, 38 and divided into two by the T-tube t'. When the clip x is removed, and x' put on, the air passes straight through to the tracheal cannula z. If X be now put on, and x' removed, the air passes through v, and be- comes loaded with the vapour of any fluid placed in the bottle. The alternation may be effected still more rapidly and conveniently by a stopcock which I have had made for this purpose. Two tubes, C and c', pass from its sides, and two others, D and d', from its bottom. The interior is perforated with three holes. Two of these, E and e', are L-shaped, and one (f) passes straight through from side to side. When the handle b is in a line with c and c', their lumen corresponds with that of the hole f, and air passes straight through. When B is transverse, the hole e corresponds with c and d, and e' with c or d', so that air passing in through c' passes down through d', and may pass up through D and out at c. When b is neither in a line with c nor yet transverse, but half-way between, the holes in the interior do not correspond with those on the exterior of the stopcock, and no air can pass at all, and it may thus be used for experiments on asphyxia. When such experiments are made, the hole in the tracheal cannula must be carefully stopped with white wax. By means of the screw G the stopcock may be fastened to the rod E of the rabbit-hold in fig. i. The tubes d and d' may either be attached by pieces of India-rubber tubing to tubes of a bottle such as v, or they may be themselves passed through the cork and a small piece of glass-tubing long enough to reach the bottom of the bottle attached to d'. By then simply turning the stopcock, pure air may be passed direct to the lungs through c', F, and C, or it may be loaded with vapour by passing it through d' into the bottle, and then up through D and C to the lungs. 39 III.— Artificial Circulation : Investigation of Blood- Pressure. Artificial Circulation of Blood. — Circulation of Warm and of Cold Blood. — Fever. — Mode of Conducting Artificial Circulation. — Appli- cation of this Method to Pharmacological Investigations. — Schema of the Circulation. — Circulation in the Living Body. — Importance of the Arterial Elasticity. — Arterial Tension or Blood-Pressure. — Oscilla- tions in it produced by the Heart and Respiration. — Causes of Varia- tion in the Blood-Pressure. — Influence of Nerves upon it. — Cardiac Ganglia. — Inhibitory Nerves of Heart. — Quickening Nerves of Heart. Vaso-motor Nerves. — Vaso-inhibitoty Nerves. — Action of Counter- irritants. — Tabular View of the Causes of altered Pulse-Rate and Blood-Pressure. — Application of this to Pathology. — Experimental Ex- amination of Blood-Pressure. — Forms of Manometer. — Kymogra- phion. — Mode of Using the Kymographion. — Reduction of the Kymo- graphion Tracings. — Mode of Recording Experiments. — Graphic Method of Representing Experiments. Artificial Circulation of Blood.— A constant supply of arterial blood to all parts of the body is necessary to preserve their vitality ; and if the supply to any part be cut off by stopping its circulation, that part will die. Thus, if the circulation be stopped in an arm or leg by tying its arteries, or through their becoming plugged by emboli, morti- fication, or death of the part, ensues ; and if the heart cease to beat, and the circulation be thus stopped in all parts of the body, they all die. But, if we supply arterial blood artificially to any one part, we may keep it alive at least for a certain time after the rest of the animal is dead ; and the muscles may be made to contract, (30) the lungs to excrete carbonic acid,(3o) the lymphatics to pour forth lymph, (31) and the excised liver to secrete bile, (32) for hours after the rest of the animal has been consigned to the dust-bin. Circulation of Warm and Cold Blood. — For this purpose, blood may be used either at the temperature of the room or of the body ; but these have not exactly the same effect, and experiments made with blood at one temperature must not be compared indiscrimi- nately with those made with blood at another. Professor Ludwig, to 40 whom we owe this method, has discovered by its means the curious fact that the muscles of a warm-blooded animal may be artificially en- dowed with the properties of those of a cold-blooded one. (33^) Those of a frog or other cold-blooded animal retain their irritability, and contract, when stimulated, for a long time after they have been removed from the body ; while those of warm-blooded animals quickly lose theirs, and will no longer contract on the application of a stimulus, no matter how powerful it may be. But if the muscle of the warm-blooded animal be quickly cooled by passing a stream of cold blood through its vessels immediately after it has been excised from the body, and before it is stimulated, it will retain its irritability for a long time, and respond to stimuli applied again and again, like that of the cold-blooded frog. Fever. — In the same way, by supplying the heart of a mammal with cold blood, it may be made to resemble that of a frog or turtle ;(33) while, on the other hand, if the heart of a frog be supplied with warm blood, it will become like that of a mammal ; and, if the temperature be still further raised, the quick and weak beats of fever are produced. (34) Mode of Conducting Artificial Circulation. — When we wish to pass blood, at the ordinary temperature of the room in which we are working, through any organ, we defibrinate the blood of the animal itself from which the organ has been obtained, or the blood of an animal of the same species j dilute it somewhat with salt solution of I per cent. 5(35) and put it into a flask with two necks, one of which is near the bottom of the flask, as seen at A, Fig. 6. We then introduce a cannula into the principal artery of the organ, and ligature, if neces- sary, the smaller arteries and branches ; fill it carefully with blood by means of a fine pipette, so that no air-bubble remains in it, and connect it with the lower neck of the flask. By then simply raising the flask, the blood flows out of it through the cannula into the vessels, and out again by the veins, from which it may be collected, shaken with air, and used over again. As the lips of the divided veins are sometimes apt to fall together and hinder the exit of blood, it is advisable to put a cannula into them as well ; and great care must be paid to the adjustment of these, in order that they may be fairly in a line with the lumen of the vein, and not form an angle with it, which would present an obstruction to the flow of blood from it. For the purpose of passing a stream of blood at the temperature of the body, we use the same apparatus ; but the flask containing blood (e, Fig. 6) is then placed in a water-bath, kept constantly heated to 98 deg. F. As this prevents us from conveniently raising the flask 4t high enough to obtain the pressure required to carry on the circulation, we supply the want by compressing the air in the upper half of the flask, E, by means of two other bottles, A and C, containing mercury or water. On raising A, the fluid which it contains runs into C, and compresses the air in its upper half; and, as this communicates with E by an India-rubber tube, the pressure is freely transmitted to it, and exerted on the surface of the blood which it contains. Fiq, S. A and c. Bottles containing mercury or water, b. Wooden blocks, by which a may be raised to the required height. If water be used, it is easier to suspend it from a pulley in the ceiling, so as to get sufficient pressure, d is a mano- meter, to estimate the pressure in c and E. e is a bottle containing blood. F is a small stand to raise the bottle E from the bottom of G, as it is otherwise apt to become too warm, and the bottom of the bottle cracks, or the blood is de- composed. G. A tin water-bath. Atone side of it, is a trough with hollow sides, into which the warm water freely passes, and in which the organ to be experimented on may be laid, h is an iron stand supporting G. i is a Mitscher- lich's burner, k is a thermometer, by which the temperature of the water- bath is examined. L. Bunsen's gas regulator, as modified by Geissler. This apparatus consists of a wide glass tube w, divided into two parts by a sep- tum, from the middle of which a tube runs down nearly to the end of w. The upper part is filled with mercury, which, of course, runs down the inner tube, and fills the bottom of w, compressing the air in it. A perforated cork z is then put into the upper part of w, and the tube y pushed through the hole in its centre. Inside Y, and shorter than it, is a .second tube x, and the two are sealed to one another at their upper ends. The tube Y is then connected to a gas pipe, and x to Mitscherlich's burner, by India-rubber tubing. So long as Y is not pushed so deeply into w that the point of x dips into the mercury, the gas enters through y, passes down between y and x, comes up again through X, and goes to the burner. The apparatus is now set by dipping it into the water-bath, and heating the water to 98 deg , or any other tempera- ture desired, and then pushing Y down till the point of x is just covered by the mercury. The passage of gas through it is at once stopped, and the flame would go out, were it not that a very small hole in the side of x admits just enough gas to keep it alive. As the flame gets low, the temperature of the water-bath above it diminishes : the air and mercury in w contract and leave the end of x open, so that the gas again passes freely to the burner, and the flame becomes larger. The water-bath now regains its former tetnpera- ture, the air and mercury expand, the end of x is again closed, and again the flame becomes small. By this apparatus, a water-bath may be kept for a very long time without varying more than half a degree. Application of thls Method to Pharmacological Investi- gations. — Besides its use in the experiments of Ludwig and his pupils G 42 on the secretion of bile and the formation of lymph, this method has been used by Cyon to show that urea is formed in the liver ;(36) but, so far as I know, no experiments on the action of medicines have yet been made by its means. It may seem, then, a strange thing that I should mention, in a course of experimental pharmacology, a mode of research which as yet has only been tried in physiology ; but the good service it has already done the physiologist, and the splendid promise it gives to us, are, I think, a sufficient excuse. For we can thus take two similar organs, or two parts of the same organ, and supply them with the same blood, at the same temperature and the same pressure — in short, we may put them under exactly the same external conditions ; but to the blood supplying the one we may add any drug whose action on the organ we wish to test. We can analyse the blood flowing into, and that flowing from, the substance of the organs before and after the experiment, the lymph produced, or the secretion poured forth ; and by comparing the results when the drug was added with those obtained when it was withheld, we may, I think, gain such a knowledge of its action as could be got in no other way. Schema of the Circulation. — In the living body, a constant stream of blood is kept up in the vessels, in exactly the same way that a constant current of air is produced in Richardson's spray-apparatus. By removing the glass or metal tube from one of these, and attaching a nozzle wiih a small stopcock to the India-rubber tube in its stead, we obtain a very good schema of the circulation ; and, by imitating on it the changes which occur in the heart and vessels, we may form a much clearer idea of them than we could otherwise do. The India- rubber ball will represent the heart; the elastic bag, surrounded by netting, will represent the elastic aorta and larger arteries ; and the stopcock, which regulates the size of the aperture through which the air escapes, will represent the small arteries and capillaries, whose con- traction or dilatation regulates the flow of blood from the arteries into the veins. If we turn the stopcock so as to present some resistance to the escape of air, and then compress the India-rubber ball, very little air will issue from the stopcock even while we are squeezing the ball ; the greater part of it goes to distend the bag ; and, when we cease to compress the ball, no air at all comes out from the stopcock. At the next squeeze, the bag becomes a little more distended ; and a little air issues from the stopcock, not only while we are compressing the ball, but even when we relax our grasp. At each squeeze of the ball, the elastic bag becomes tighter, till it is so tense, and contracts so strongly 43 on the air inside, that it can press all the extra amount of air forced into it when the ball was compressed, out through the stopcock, during the time when the ball is relaxed. When this is the case, every time we squeeze the ball we see the bag become a little fuller, and air issue more quickly from the nozzle. At each relaxation, while the ball is re- filling, the bag gets a little slacker, and the air passes out of the nozzle a little more slowly, but never stops entirely. During the time the ball is filling, the valves between it and the bag and nozzle are closed, and cut it off from any connexion with them. All this time, then, the stream of air from the nozzle must be entirely independent of the ball; it is produced by the contraction of the elastic bag, and by it alone. The bag may be stretched, and the tension of its walls increased in consequence, in two ways : first, by working the ball more quickly ; second, by lessening the opening of the nozzle, and thus hindering the passage of air through it. One trial will, I think, be enough to show you how much easier it is to alter the pressure by changing the size of the nozzle than by any alteration in the working of the ball, and thus convince you that alterations in blood-pressure probably depend much more on alterations in the lumen of the small arteries than on changes in the action of the heart. But our schema, as it at present exists, is not a perfect representa- tion of the heart and vessels ; for it draws its air from an inexhaustible reservoir, the atmosphere, and is not obliged each time to use that amount alone which it had previously driven through the nozzle ; while the heart can only use the blood which has been forced by it through the capillaries and returned to it by the veins. In order to make our schema complete, we must connect its two ends by tying them into a bladder or large thin caoutchouc bag (such as is used, after inflation, as a toy for children), so that the air shall pass into it from the nozzle and be sucked out of it by the elastic ball. This will represent the veins. If we then repeat the experiment just described, we shall find that, when we begin to work the ball and stretch the elastic bag repre- senting the arteries, the bladder, representing the veins, becomes empty and collapsed ; and just in proportion as we fill the bag do we empty the bladder. If we now stop, the air will gradually escape from the bag to the bladder, till both are equally filled as they were at first. Circulation in the Living Body. — The phenomena of the cir- culation in the heart and vessels are very much the same as in the spray-producer. When the heart stands still (as when the vagus is strongly galvanised), the blood flows from the arteries into the veins 44 till they are nearly full and the pressure inside both is about the same. (37) If the heart now begin to beat, it forces blood into the elastic aorta and arteries at each systole, and distends them, just like the elastic bag of the spray-producer j while at the same time it takes blood from the veins, and they become empty in proportion as the arteries become full. At every diastole, the elasticity of the distended aorta causes it to contract on the blood it contains, and keeps it flowing on through the capillaries till another systole occurs. During the diastole, the heart is completely shut off from the aorta by the sigmoid valves (just as the ball of the schema was shut off from the elastic bag), and the blood is kept flowing during this time by the elastic contraction of the aorta and large arteries. In general, the diastole is longer than the systole ; so that for the greater part the circulation is carried on by the elasticity of the arteries, and not directly by the heart. The arteries become distended by the heart, just as the elastic bag was by the ball, and press more and more on the blood in them (so that it would spout higher and higher, if one of them were cut), till they are able during the diastole to press the same amount of blood through the capillaries into the veins as had been pumped into them during the systole. The more these are stretched, the greater is the pressure they exert on the blood they contain ; and the amount of this is termed the arterial ten- sion or blood-pressure. These two terms mean the same thing, and we . use one or other just as the fancy strikes us. At each systole, the fresh supply of blood pumped in by the heart stretches them more ; that is, the arterial tension rises. During each diastole, the blood escapes into the wide and dilatable veins, and the arteries become relaxed ; that is, the arterial tension falls. Besides the oscillations which take place in the blood-pressure at each beat of the heart, a rise and fall in the form of a long wave occurs at each respiration. The wave begins to rise just after inspiration has begun, reaches its maximum just after the beginning of expiration, and then begins to fall again till a new wave succeeds it. (38) The heart-beats are generally quicker during inspiration, and slower during expiration. The blood-pressure thus oscillates up and down at each heart-beat and rises and falls with each respiration, and the average between the highest and lowest points is called the mean arterial tension or mean blood-pressure. Causes of Variation in the Blood-Pressure. — The pressure of blood in the arteries depends on two circumstances: first, the amount of blood pumped into them in a given time ; and second, on 45 the amount that flows out of them into the veins in the same time. If more be pumped in, or if less flow out, it will rise ; if less be pumped in, or if more flow out, it will fall. It may, therefore, be raised — i. By the heart beating more quickly ; 2. By a larger amount of blood being sent into the aorta at each beat ; 3. By contraction of the small vessels. It may be lowered — i. By the heart beating more slowly; 2. By the heart sending out less blood at each beat ; 3. By dilatation of the small vessels, allowing the blood to flow more quickly into the veins ; 4. By contraction of the pulmonary vessels, or obstruction to the passage of blood through them. The influence on the pressure exerted by the amount of blood sent out by the heart at each beat, and by the number of beats, to a certain extent, though by no means completely, counteract each other ; for, when the heart is going quickly, it has not time to fill completely, and so sends out Kttle blood, at each beat ; but, when going slowly, it becomes quite full during each diastole, and sends out a larger quantity of blood at each contraction. It must be remembered that we measure the blood-pressure in the systemic arteries ; and, before the blood can get into them from the veins, it must come through the pulmonary vessels. Any contraction of the lumen of these vessels, by lessening the entrance of blood into the systemic arteries, will cause the pressure in them to fall. Influence of Nerves on Blood-Pressure. — Both the quick- ness of the heart's beat and the contraction of the arteries are regulated by the nervous system ; and it is generally by acting on different parts of it that drugs alter the blood-pressure, though they may also do so by acting on the muscular walls of the heart and arteries themselves. The parts of the nervous system chiefly concerned in regulating the circula- tion are : I. The cardiac ganglia which lie in the walls of the heart, and are, in all probability, the cause of its rhythmical action. II. Inhibitory nerves^ which render the heart's action slow, and, if irri- tated very strongly, may stop its beating altogether, and produce still-stand in diastole. The inhibitory fibres have their origin or roots in the medulla, and proceed in the vagi to the heart. In man and in dogs, they are normally in constant action; and, after they are cut or paralysed, the heart beats in the dog three or four times a§ quickly, and in man twice as quickly, as before. In rabbits and cats, they act less, and their division only makes the heart go one-half or one-fourth faster. (39) A drug may irritate them, and render the heart's action slow — 46 1. By acting directly on {a) their roots in the medulla, {b) their fibres, if) their ends in the heart ; 2. Indirectly, through its action on other parts, producing (a) in- creased blood-pressure, or {b) accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood, both of which act as irritants to the vagus-roots 5(40) 3. Reflexly, through irritation of sensory nerves, (41) irritation of the in- testines, (42) of the sympathetic nerve, (43) of the depressor, (44) or of the vagus of the other side. (45) Reflex irritation is only likely to be caused by drugs having a powerful local action. Drugs may also paralyse the inhibitory fibres, and thus quicken the heart. III. Quickening Nerves. These belong to the sympathetic system. They have their origin in the brain or medulla, pass down through the cervical part of the spinal cord to the last cervical and first dorsal ganglion (which are often united), and thence through the third branch of the ganglion to the heart. (46) Quickening fibres are said by some to run also in the cervical part of the sympathetic cord. (47) Unlike the vagus, the quickening nerves are not normally in constant action. (48) They may be irritated — 1. By the direct action of drugs upon them. 2. Indirectly by the drugs producing a diminished blood-pressure, which acts as a stimulus to them. (49) IV. VasO'tnotor Nerves^ which cause the smaller arteries, and pro- bably also the capillaries, to contract. These belong to the sympa- thetic system ; and the most important of them are the splanchnics, which produce contraction of the intestinal vessels. As these vessels can, under certain circumstances, hold all the blood in the body, the influence of the splanchnics over the blood- pressure is very great ;( 50) and division of these can lower it, or stimulation of them increase it very much. The centre of the whole vaso-motor system, however, seems to be in the medulla oblongata; (51) and it is generally in constant action, keeping up a certain amount of contraction or tone in these vessels. Its activity may be increased, and the vessels made to contract — 1. By direct irritation of the centre. 2. By reflex irritation through {a) the cervical sympathetic{52), {b) the vagus, when the brain is intact, and the animal not narcotised (53), («r) sensory nerves. (54) When the medulla is separated from the rest of the body by dividing the spinal cord at the atlas, it can, of course, no longer exert any influence over the vessels ; and they consequently become dilated throughout the whole body, and the blood-pressure sinks very low. If the lower end of the divided cord be then irritated. 47 the vaso- motor nerves which pass through it from the medulla to the body are stimulated, and the blood-pressure rises. V. Vaso-inhibitory nerves. Irritation of these nerves is conducted to the vaso-motor centres, and acts on them in such a way as to cause a reflex dilatation of the small vessels, either (i) throughout the whole body, or (2) in one particular part of it. 1. The chief nerve which causes dilatation throughout the whole body is one which runs from the heart to the medulla, and is called, from its power of diminishing blood-pressure, the depressor nerve. (55) Its fibres seem to be included in the vagus in the dog; but in the rabbit it generally runs separate from the heart to the level of the thyroid car- tilage ; here it divides into two so-called roots, one root going to the superior laryngeal, and the other to the vagus nerve. These are generally called roots, though, as the nerve conveys impressions from the heart to the brain, they are, physiologically, really branches. There seem to be also depressor fibres in the vagus itself ;(56) but this nerve con- tains fibres of many kinds, and, among others, some which cause con- traction of the vessels and rise of blood-pressure— hence called pressor- fibres.(57) The former seem to act on the vaso-motor system through the medulla itself, while the latter affect it through a centre in the brain, so that, when the brain is perfect, irritation of the central end of the vagus causes increased contraction of the vessels and raised blood - pressure ; but, when the brain is removed or its functions abolished by opium, it causes dilatation of vessels and diminished pressure. (58) 2. When a sensory nerve is irritated, the action of the vaso-motor centre is suspended in the part supplied by the nerve, and in those which immediately adjoin it, so that their vessels become dilated, while at the same time contraction of the vessels in other parts of the body is produced. The blood-pressure is thus increased generally, and pro- duces in the locally dilated vessels a very rapid stream of blood. This fact was first discovered, and its importance in therapeutics indicated, by Ludwig and Loven.(59) Action of Counterirritants. — The application of an irritant, whether mechanical, chemical, or thermal, injures the tissues of the part to which it is applied ; and what better means of removing the in- jury and restoring health could be imagined than a copious supply of blood, and the removal of every hindrance to its free flow which con- traction of the vessels might present ? Experiments are still wanting to decide how far the vascular dilata- tion will extend in the neighbourhood of the irritated part when more 48 or less powerful irritants are applied, or which the vessels are (if any) which especially contract, when certain others dilate ; so that at presenr, when we apply a mustard plaster to the chest to relieve bronchitis, we are unable to say with certainty whether the relief is due to a more full flow of blood through the vessels of the bronchi, or to contrac- tion of their lumen diminishing congestion, or (though this is unlikely) to some unknown action independent of the vessels altogether. The experiments of Sinitzin, however (detailed by a recent writer in the British Medical Journal, 187 i, p. 535), which show that ulcers of the cornea, eyelids, and lips, occurring after division of the fifth nerve, rapidly heal when dilatation of the vessels of these parts is produced by extirpation of the superior cervical ganglion, render it in the highest degree probable that it is to the increased flow of blood that healing is due. (60) As a general rule, too, the vascular dilatation seems to extend more widely the stronger the irritant applied ; and we may thus see how a strong irritant, or one applied over a large extent of surface, may prove beneficial in a deep-seated inflammation when a weak one or one applied to a small surface has no effect. For convenience of reference, I have put together the causes of alter- ation in the blood-pressure in the following table. •r -r: -r; o s- i» i: i: I: c -^ > > ° ."s I— I (—(I— II— iP-iP*K^U'LJ !3 2 pn PQ pq •psitsuiTuitp sq X-Eui 3.inss3jd-poo][g; 'pastjojoui 9q Xbut ajnss3id-poo|g; H so Application to Pathology.— The brief sketch of the circulation which I have given, will enable you to understand and appreciate the meaning of the changes produced in our circulation by any drug, and to explain the facts we may meet with in the course of an investigation. I may remind you that the alterations in the pulse-rate and blood-pres- sure which we meet with in disease, as well as those produced by drugs, are due to some one or other of the causes mentioned in the previous table ; and whenever you meet with a quick, slow, weak, or irregular pulse, you must try to find out to which of these causes it is due, in order that you may be able to apply scientifically the proper remedy. Experimental Examination of Blood-Pressure : Forms of Manometer. — As the life and health of the body and of the organs comprising it depend on the supply of blood to them — and this, as we have already seen, is closely associated with the arterial pressure — the observation of the effects of drugs on it naturally forms one of the most important parts of an investigation into their action. The first to measure the blood -pressure was Hales, who simply connected a glass- tube with an artery, and noted the height to which the blood rose in it. Poiseuille improved upon this method by substituting a bent tube, par- tially filled with mercury, for the straight tube, and estimating the pres- sure from the difference in the level of the mercury in the two limbs. A solution of carbonate or bicarbonate of soda was introduced into the tube between the mercury and the blood in order to prevent its coagu- lation. The bent tube, partly filled with mercury, is called a haemady- namometer, or, more generally, a manometer. The height of the mer- cury is read off from a scale fixed behind the tube. Usually both limbs of the tube are of equal diameter, and the blood-pressure is then ascer- tained by doubling the height of the mercury in one limb above zero and subtracting a fraction, which varies with the specific gravity of the solution of soda used. The height must be doubled, because the mer- cury descends as much below zero in the one limb as it rises above it in the other ; and a fraction of the whole is subtracted for the additional weight of the column of soda solution, which enters one limb as the mercury rises in the other. A very simple manometer, which will show the mean blood-pressure as well as the maximum and minimum between which it oscillates, may be made by passing two straight glass-tubes about sixteen inches Jong through the cork or India-rubber stopper of a small wide-mouthed bottle, and fixing behind them a graduated cardboard scale. The lower end of one tube must be nearly closed in the blow-pipe flame, and both 51 pushed down till they almost touch the bottom of the bottle. A third bent tube is inserted into the stopper, reaching only to its under sur- face, and a piece of India-rubber tubing is attached to its upper end for the purpose of connecting it with the artery. Some mercury is then poured into the bottle, so as to stand a little above the ends of the tubes, and both it and the India-rubber tube are filled with a saturated solution of bicarbonate of soda and connected with the artery. The mercury rises and falls in the open tube with every pulsation ; but in the one with the constricted end the resistance to its movement is so great that it can only rise and fall slowly, so that, before its upward oscilla- tion has had time to show itself, its descent has begun, and vice versdb. The upward and downward oscillations thus balancing each other, the mean pressure only is shown. The oscillations in the unconstricted tube are so rapid that it is im- possible for the eye to follow them exactly; and this difficulty led Lud- wig to conceive the idea of making them register themselves by means of a slender rod swimming on the surface of the mercury, and bearing at its upper end a pen which moved up and down on a piece of paper fixed on a revolving cylinder. The vertical height of the tracing thus produced showed the blood-pressure, while the horizontal distance from one point to another on it indicated the time between them. This instrument is called a kymographion ; and in devising it, Ludwig introduced for the first time into physiology that method of self-regis- tration which is now generally applied to all kinds of vital pheno- mena, and has already done much to render our knowledge exact. That form of it which is used by Traube and made by Sauerwald of Berlin is shown in fig. 7. It consists of a metal cylinder (/) supported on a wooden frame (y), and caused to revolve at a steady rate by clock- work and pendulum (/ and u). The manometer is fixed to the wooden frame and connected with the artery by tubing of lead and India- rubber. On the mercury in one limb floats a rod or swimmer of glass, to whose upper end is attached a glass pen {g), which registers the movements of the mercury on the revolving cylinder. The disadvantage of the mercurial manometer is, that it does not give the true form or extent of the variations of blood-pressure, the inertia of the mercury causing it to oscillate above and below the true value. We may, however, obtain the true form of each oscillation along with the mean pressure by connecting the artery at the same time with the manometer and one of Marey's sphygmoscopes and levers (fig. 6, X and y) by means of a Y-tube, one end of which is connected to d and 52 A. Ludwig s Kymographion. «'. The manometer. Instead of one simple bent glass tube, it consists of two tubes fixed on a piece of wood, and joined by a piece of metal b, which may be unscrewed for cleaning the tubes. 7 brinated and warmed, into the innominate artery, while he allowed it to flow out by the vein. In atropia, we have an example of a drug which acts on more than one part at once, and whose action on one part completely neutralises the effect which its action on the other would produce. In the case of others, however, we have the action on the different parts strengthening each other, as in veratria, which, like atropia, stimulates the vagus- roots, (67) but, instead of paralysing the ends, increases their sensibility, and thus greatly augments the effect which the excited roots would have exercised over the heart, even had the ends remained unaltered. Are the Vagus-roots irritated directly by the Drug or INDIRECTLY THROUGH INCREASED BlOOD-PRESSURE ? — Along with the slow pulse, produced by the injection of atropia into the carotid, a rise occurs in the blood-pressure ; and how are we to determine whether the irritation of the vagus-roots is due to this increase, or to the direct action of the drug itself ? This is a question very difficult to solve in the case of atropia, on account of the rapidity with which the vagus- ends are paralysed and all influence of the root over the heart destroyed. In the case of other drugs, however, where time is allowed, the ques- tion might be settled by diminishing the blood -pressure and seeing whether or not the slow pulse returned to its normal rate, and then raising it again and observing whether the pulse again became slow. Mode of Lowering and Raising the Blood-pressure. — The blood-pressure may be lowered by opening a large artery, such as the carotid or crural, and allowing the blood to flow out into a vessel warmed to 98 deg. Fahrenheit, and again raised by injecting the warm blood back into the artery. Or we may adopt Ludwig and Asp's plan, (68) of inserting into the central end of the carotid a straight tube with a stopcock in its middle, and the moist bladder of a small animal, well emptied of air, tied to its free end. When the stopcock is opened, the blood rushes from the carotid into the bladder, and the tension in the arteries is diminished ; but, when we press the blood out of the bladder back into the arteries, the tension on them is again increased. Are the Vagus-roots Irritated Reflexly from some other part of the Nervous System ? — There are two ways of deciding this : the first is to inject the poison in such a manner that it shall reach the vagus-roots before it reaches the other nervous structures through which we suspect it to act reflexly ; the second is to remove these nervous structures themselves, or to destroy their function by means of some other poison. Thus, if we think that atropia, when injected 68 into the carotid, acts on the medulla through the cerebrum, we may either remove the latter, or abolish its function by opium or chloral. The application of irritating vapours, such as ammonia or tobacco-smoke, to the nasal mucous membrane of a rabbit, produces still-stand of the heart. We ascertain that this is due to irritation of the vagus by cut- ting it and finding that the vapour then has no effect ; and we next de- cide that the irritation is conducted to the nervous centres through the trigeminus and not through the olfactory nerve, by observing that section of the former likewise prevents the action of the vapour on the heart, while section of the latter does not affect it. (69) Are the Vagus-roots Irritated indirectly by the Drug IMPAIRING Respiration, and thus allowing Carbonic Acid to accumulate in the Blood ? — In the experiment just mentioned, we have ascertained that the vagus is irritated, and that irritation is con- ducted to the nerve-centres through the trigeminus, but we do not know that the irritation is directly reflected from the trigeminus to the vagus. It might be due to irritation of the vagus-roots by carbonic acid, which has accumulated in the blood from impeded respiration ; for the irritating vapour applied to its nose causes the rabbit to close its nos- trils and stop breathing for a while if the trigeminus be intact, but when it is cut no irritating impression can be conveyed to the brain, and so no closure of the nostrils takes place, either voluntarily or reflexly. The rabbit, therefore, continues to breathe freely ; no carbonic acid accu- mulates in the blood, and no irritation of the vagus occurs. Other drugs, such as strychnia and curare, etc., impede respiration — not by causing closure of the nostrils and consequent obstruction to the pas- sage of air to the lungs, but by acting on the muscles and nerves and diminishing the respiratory movements. Strychnia does this by pro- ducing tetanic contraction of the respiratory muscles, curare by para- lysing them, and chloral by diminishing the excitability of the respira- tory nervous centre. In all such cases, in order to ascertain that indirect irritation of the vagus from impeded respiration is not the cause of the slowing of the pulse, we insert a cannula into the trachea and begin artificial respiration ; we then note the rate of the pulse and blow the irritating vapour into the nostrils, or inject the drug into the veins, and see whether or not the pulse is rendered slow, taking care to keep up artificial respiration all the time. If the drug cause convulsive move- ments which interfere with the proper performance of artificial respira- tion, curare should be given so as to prevent their occurrence, and the experiment should be again repeated. 69 Are the Vagus-fibres Irritated ? — To ascertain this we apply the drug dissolved in an indifferent fluid, such as a solution of half per cent, of chloride of sodium, or serum, to the nerve, and notice whether any change occur in the heart-beats. Care must be taken that the solution of the drug be not applied in too concentrated a solution, as it might then have an irritant action, which it could not have if it reached the part through the circulation and became diluted by the blood be- fore reaching the nerve, and false conclusions might thus be arrived at. Is their Conducting Power Increased, so that the Roots CAN Act through them on the heart more readily and POWERFULLY ? — If their conducting power be increased, other stimuli as well as those from the roots will act more powerfully on the heart. We therefore divide the vagi and apply a stimulus to the peripheral end of one or both by irritating them with one of Du Bosi Reymond's in- duction-coils, and note at what distance from the primaiy coil the se- condary one must stand in order to produce stoppage or slowness of the heart; we then apply the drug to the nerve below it and again irritate. If the excitability of the nerve be increased, stoppage or slowness should be produced when the distance between the primary and secondary coils is greater — that is, when the current is weaker than before. It is gene- rally assumed that the fibres are not likely to be affected, and these experiments are rarely performed. Are the Vagus-ends Excited ?— We may test this in the same way as the action on the roots, by injecting the drug at one time into the jugular and at another into the carotid. If. it increase the excita- bility of the ends without affecting the roots, we should find it produce, when injected into the jugular vein, an immediate slowing of the pulse, which does not become greater in a quarter of a minute afterwards, when the drug has reached the roots. When injected into the carotid, no slow- ness should occur till sufficient time has elapsed for it to pass round to the heart. If it increase the excitability of both roots and ends, imme- diate slowness should occur, whether it be injected into the jugular or carotid, and this should become more marked after fifteen or twenty seconds. If, like physostigma, it increase not only the excitability of the vagus-ends, but that of the quickening centre in the head, injection into the jugular should be followed by immediate slowing, which would become less marked when the drug reached the head, and injection into the carotid by an immediate quickening, which would become less or give place to slowness when the drug reached the heart. At first sight one might think that, after time had been allowed for 70 the drug to pass round the circulation and be applied both to the vagus- roots and ends, its action on the heart would be the same whether it had been originally injected into the jugular or into the carotid ; but this is not the case, for that organ towards which the drug was injected gets a larger dose, and its action is more strongly excited than that of the other. Thus when physostigma is injected into the carotid, the quick- ening centres are stimulated and the pulse-rate rises ; and, although the pulse falls somewhat after the vagus-ends have also been acted on, it nevertheless continues above the normal, the stimulation of the vagus- ends not being able to counteract the still more excited quickening centres. When it is injected into the jugular, the vagus-ends get the largest dose j and, although the pulse, which is at first made very slow, may afterwards become quicker when the drug reaches the brain ; it nevertheless does not reach the normal rate, the quickening cen- tres being unable to counteract the more strongly excited vagus. I the vagus be then cut, however, the pulse becomes quicker than it would have done had no physostigma been given; or, if the vagi be first cut and the drug injected, the pulse is quickened at once. (70) One might think that, since the drug acts on the vagus-ends, its action should remain after the nerves themselves have been divided ; but since it is by increasing the excitability of the ends that it acts, if we separate these ends from the roots, and thus remove their normal stimulus, their increased excitability can have but little effect. In order to measure the amount of increase in the excitability of the nerves, we divide the vagi and irritate them by an induction-coil, noting the strength of current required to produce still-stand or slowness of the heart before and after injection of the drug into the veins. Is THE Sympathetic Paralysed ? — This is tested by cutting the vagi and dividing the spinal cord between the first and second cervical vertebrae, so as to exclude the action of those centres in the head which quicken the heart and raise the blood -pressure ; the drug is then in- jected, and the sympathetic irritated by an induced current and the pulse counted. If it be quickened by the irritation, the sympathetic is not paralysed. Are the Cardiac Ganglia Paralysed ? — To see whether or not the nervous structures contained in the heart itself are acted on by a drug, we must separate it from all other nerves passing to it from without, and prevent its being acted on by anything other than the drug, such as altered blood-pressure or temperature. This is done in mammals by dividing the vagi, the sympathetic cord, the depressor, and i 71 the spinal cord between the first and second cervical vertebrae. The heart is thus separated from the quickening and retarding centres, so that any alteration in its beats must be due to the nerves contained in its walls, or the muscular fibre of these walls themselves ; at the same time the vessels are separated from the vaso-motor centre, and the heart is thus protected from the effects of any change in the blood-pressure, except the generally unimportant ones produced by the action of the drug on the vascular walls. The number and amplitude of the heart's contractions are then registered by a needle placed in the ventricle, and the blood-pressure by the manometer ; poison is injected into the jugular, and the tracings taken afterwards are compared with those taken before. If we find that the heart-beats have become slower and weaker, while the pressure they have to overcome has not been increased, we may conclude that the motor nerves or the muscular substance of the heart have become paralysed. If the blood- pressure have risen, blood should be allowed to flow from an artery till it falls to its previous level, and then tracings should be taken with the needle for comparison with the previous ones. The action of drugs on the heart can be studied still better in the frog than in mammals, as the heart of the former can be completely separated from the body, so that the drug can be applied to it alone. After its removal it continues to pulsate just as before, and, conse- quently, any action of the drug on the rhythm or force of its beats can be very easily noticed. The usual way of making experiments on this subject formerly was to take out the heart and lay it in a solution of the poison, or, what was better, to take two glasses containing solution of chloride of sodium (half per cent.) and add a little of the drug to one of them. A frog's heart was then laid in each, and the beats of the poisoned compared with those of the unpoisoned one. Both of these plans are inferior to that of Ludwig, who supplies the heart with serum so as to keep it as nearly as possible in a normal condition, and at- taches to it a manometer, so that it may itself register the number and form of its beats, and give more exact indications than could be ob- tained by merely looking at it. The apparatus which he and Cyon first used, and which is figured in his Arbeiten for 1866, has been consi- derably modified by Dr. H. P. Bowditch, and is shown in fig. 10, It consists of a bent glass tube (c c' c"), which is supported by a glass plate (d). The frog's heart (a) is connected to the ends of this tube by means of India-rubber tubing and two glass cannula, one of which (b) is tied into the vena cava and the other (b') into the aortic bulb. The 72 tube has three openings, each of which is furnished with a three-way glass stopcock. By means of one of these (c) it can be filled with serum Fi^.lO. Fig. lo.— Dr. H. P. Bowditch's apparatus for experiments on the heart of the frog. A is the frog's heart, b is a cannula tied into the vena cava, and b' one into the aortic bulb, c, c', and c" are three glass stopcocks. By c fresh serum is supplied, by c' old serum is let out, and c'' allows the communication between the bent tube b c' b' and the manometer M to be opened or shut at will. D is a glass plate through which the bent tube b c' b' passes, e is a rod ending in a ring into which d is fitted, f is a nut by which the whole apparatus can be moved up and down on the stand G. h is a T-tube. j and j' ' are two clips to stop the flow of serum from K or k'. k and k' are two fountain -bottles for supply- ing serum to the heart. K contains pure, and k' poisoned serum. L and l' are bent tubes which convey the serum out of k and k'. m is a small manometer. N is the pen or point which swims on the mercury. The horizontal part is made of glass ; the vertical rod of esparto grass, with a small piece of sealing-wax at its lower end. The tracing may be made with ink, or with a dry point on smoked paper, p is a small weight which hangs by a piece of unspun silk from a bent wire, and keeps the pen resting on the paper, q is the revolving cylinder, r is the clockwork, which is provided with one of Foucault's regulators, s is a table, which can be raised or lowered at pleasure, and fixed at any height by the screw T. V is an India-rubber tube through which the serum is emptied from x. X is a graduated tube into which the serum is allowed to pass after it has circu- lated some time, y is an India-rubber tube, which is generally closed by a clip, but is opened when the apparatus is to be filled, or when we wish to let down the mercury to zero, in order to draw an abscissa, w is a glass vessel, which fits tightly to the under side of d, and protects the heart from external irritation. Into the two holes seen in d, tubes may be fitted air-tight, and the heart made to pulsate in an atmosphere of any sort of gas.* * This apparatus is made by Geisler, Blume's Hof, Berlin. Mr. Hawksley, of Blenheim Street, Oxford Street, has adapted a bobbin and rollers to the revolving cylinder figured above, so that it will carry a continuous roll of paper, and may be conveniently used instead of the kymographion shown in Fig, 7. The instruments which I have already described as necessary for experiments, may be obtained from him or from Oswald Hornn, Schiller Strasse, Leipzig. 73 from a reservoir (k or k'), and the stopcock may be so turned as to allow serum to enter the part of the tube above it, the part below it, or both together, or the communication with K may be shut off while the lumen of the tube remains open. By c', the serum which has been already used is allowed to escape, when a fresh supply is given, and c" allows the tube to communicate with a manometer (m), on the mercury in which a fine pen floats and registers its oscillations on a revolving cylinder (q). Each time the heart contracts, it drives the serum with which it is filled out of the ventricle, round the tube, and back through the vena cava into the auricle, and at the same time raises the mercurial column in M. The height of the curve traced by the pen depends very much on the amount of serum which the heart contains, being very much higher when the heart is full ; and it must, therefore, be equally filled each time, or very different tracings will be obtained. For this purpose I use, as reservoirs for the serum, fountain-bottles, in the mouth of which it always stands at the same level, and, consequently, always fills the heart at the same pressure. One of them (k) is filled with pure serum, and the other (k' ) with serum to which a certain amount of the drug to be tested has been added. For the purpose of introducing the cannula into the heart, the brain and cord of the frog are destroyed by a piece of wire, and the animal fixed on its back to a board. A v-shaped incision, with its apex at the lower end of the sternum, and its limbs extending upwards and outwards towards the fore-arms, is then made in the skin, and the flap turned back or cut off. The sternum is then removed in a similar way. The pericardium is next opened, the cut being made while the heart is contracted, so as to avoid injuring it. The apex of the heart itself is then turned upwards, and two ligatures are passed underneath a small vein which runs from its posterior surface to the pericardium. The ligatures are tied, and the vein is cut between them. The pericardium must now be removed entirely from the heart, and the vena cava superior and the right branch of the aorta tied. The vena cava inferior is carefully isolated ; a ligature is passed under it ; a short and wide cannula tied into it, and another into the left branch of the aorta. The heart is then cut away from the body. Both cannulae are filled with serum, and connected by India-rubber tubing to the ends of the tube c c'c", care being taken to exclude air-bubbles. The end of the manometer nearest c is filled with serum by opening the clip at Y, and allowing all the air and a little serum to escape. The clip is then re- placed, and the heart allowed to beat once or twice, with the stopcock L 74 c and the clip j freely open, so that it may become full of fresh serum. The stopcock c is then turned so as to cut off the tube c c' c'' from all communication with k ; and tracings are then taken, an abscissa or zero-line being drawn under each. The heart is next supplied with poisoned serum from k', and the tracings which it gives are compared with the normal ones. By slightly turning the stopcock c, a greater or less resistance may be opposed to the circulation of fluid, and the effects thus imitated which contraction or relaxation of the vessels would produce in the living animal. Another apparatus has been invented by Ludwig, and used by Coats in his research on the vagus,(7i ) in which there is no circiJation, the serum being simply forced out of the ventricle at each systole, and falling back at each diastole. It gives, however, very good tracings of the number and form of the heart-beats, and is extremely well adapted for observations on the effects of drugs on the vagus. Its consists of a manometer, e, and a reservoir, a, with which the frog's heart is con- nected by two cannulse, D and D. The frog's heart is prepared by destroying the brain and spinal cord, removing the sternum and fore legs, but leaving a large flap of skin, S, to cover the heart with, and then introducing a cannula into the vena cava and aorta, as in the former experiment. Instead of then cutting out the heart, the liver and lungs are removed, and the stomach is cut through the middle ; and a glass tube, sealed at both ends, and as thick as the cesophagus will admit, is pushed through it till one end projects at the mouth and the other from the cut end of the stomach. The vagus is thus clearly dis- played ; and, in order to isolate it more perfectly, all other nerves should be cut away, as well as a part of the pharynx, so that no soft parts may touch it from its exit from the bone to the place where it crosses the aorta. From this point to the heart, it should be left un- touched ; and the jugular vein should not be tied, so as to leave it un- disturbed. The glass tube, j, is then fixed firmly in a holder, L, and the cannulse, D and d', connected with the reservoir, a, and the mano- meter, E. Instead of the reservoir a shown in the figure, it is perhaps better to use two fountain-bottles. The apparatus is used just like that shown in Fig. lo ; and the heart should in this case also be filled so full that a certain tension exists within it even during diastole. The amount of this is shown by the height of the diastolic curve above the zero-line. When the vagus is irritated, the tension during the diastole sinks ; but, if its inhibitory fibres be paralysed by atropia, which leaves its quickening ones unhurt, irritation has then the opposite effect, and Fig. II.— Ludwiff and Coats' frog-heart apparatus, a is a reservoir for senim. B. A stopcock to regulate the supply to the heart, c. A piece of caoutchouc 76 tubing connecting A and D. d. A glass cannula in the vena cava inferior. r>'. Another in the aorta, e. A manometer, f. A piece of tubing closed by a clip, to allow of the escape of serum, g. A fine pen, floating on the mercury in e. H. The frog's heart, j. A sealed glass tube passed through the oesophagus K, and firmly held by a holder l. m. A nut which allows l to be moved up and down. N. A second holder to support a. p. A stand with upright rod. Q. A flap of skin to cover the heart and prevent drying, v. The vagus. the tension during the diastole becomes greater and greater till the heart may stand still in firm contraction. (72) What Part of the Ganglionic Apparatus in the Heart is AFFECTED ? — In dealing with this part of the subject, we tread on very unstable ground, for here pharmacology has almost run ahead of phy- siology; and even with our physiological knowledge of the nervous structures of the heart a great deal of speculation is mixed. We know that the heart contains ganglia scattered through its substance, but found in the greatest numbers in the septum between the auricles and in the auriculo- ventricular groove of the frog's heart,(73) in which they have been chiefly investigated. As the heart, long after it has been separated from the body, or the apex after it has been cut off frona the ventricle, will still continue to beat rhythmically, the cause of the con- tractions must be contained in itself ; and we assume the cause in each part to be the cardiac ganglia, and suppose that they are connected by some apparatus which keeps them working harmoniously together, as the different parts of the heart all contract in a definite order so long as it is uninjured. Their action may be rendered slow or quick by nerves passing to them from without, both the retarding and the quick- ening nerves being contained in the vagus in the frog {74) ; while in mam- mals the retarding ones are found in the vagus, (75) and the quickening ones chiefly in the third branch of the ganglion stellatum (76) (or first dorsal generally joined to the last cervical), although some may also be found in the vagus. (77) Some physiologists consider that the function of all the ganglia is simply to keep up rhythmical movements in the heart. (78) Others hold that only some of them, found chiefly in the venous sinus and ventricle, have this function (79); while others are inhibitory, and restrain the action of the former. (80) These inhibitory ones exist chiefly in the septum be- tween the two auricles. (81 ) The reason of this supposition is that, when the venous sinus is separated from the rest of the heart, it conti- nues to pulsate ; but the auricles and ventricles stand still. When the ventricle is cut off from the auricles, it begins to beat again, but the auricles do not ; so that it would seem as if the motor apparatus in the venous sinus and ventricles together could overcome the inhibitory 71 apparatus in the auricles, and keep the heart going ; but that this is too strong for the motor ganglia in the ventricle alone, and will not let them go on till they are separated from it, or till it becomes exhausted, which it seems to do after a little, and then botli auricles and ventricles begin anew. The physiologists who hold the simpler view, say that this stoppage is only due to the irritation of the vagus-fibres which run along the venous sinus, and that the renewed cardiac contractions are simply due to the irritation passing off. (82) The pharmacologist, however, is not contented even with the more complicated of these mechanisms, but demands a still more elaborate nervous apparatus in order to explain the action of poisons on the heart. (83) The necessity for this has been clearly shown, and a plan of the nerves drawn up, by Professor Schmiedeberg. I have endeavoured to represent the supposed nature of this apparatus in the accompanying diagram. It consists of a ganglion, M, which keeps up a rhythmical contraction of those muscu- lar fibres of the heart to which it is connected by the fine nervous fila- ments, E. This ganglion is connected by an intermediate apparatus with an inhibitory ganglion, I, which can retard or stop the muscular contractions which M produces ; and by another apparatus, c, with another ganglion, Q, which quickens the contractions, i is connected by an intermediate apparatus. A, with the retarding fibres, v, of the vagus, and D with the quickening nerves, s, of the heart. Fig. 12. — Diagram of the hypothetical nervous apparatus in the heart. M. Motor ganglion, i. Inhibitory ganglion. Q. Quickening ganglia, v. Inhibitory fibres ; and s, quickening fibres from the head. A, a', b, and c, intermediate apparatus* E. Fibres passing from the motor ganglia E, to the mnscular substance F. For simplicity's sake, only one set of motor ganglia has been represented, but other similar ones are to be supposed to be present in other parts of the heart, and so connected with this set that they all work in unison. It must be remembered that this diagram is purely hypothetical : but if this be carefully borne in mind, the sketch will be found of service in remembering and comparing the action of different poisons on the heart. Inhibitory Ganglia of Heart.— We have hitherto included under the terms vagus-ends all the inhibitory apparatus in the heart j 78 but, when we begin to experiment with the heart alone, we find that poisons which such experiments as have already been described would lead us to class together, as acting on the vagus -ends, really act on very different parts of the cardiac nervous system. Thus nicotia, when in- jected into the blood after the vagi and cord have been divided, renders the pulse slow; but this soon gives way to quickening; or, if the dose be large, quickening may occur at once; and, if we then irritate the vagus, we find that we cannot render the heart beats slow any more than we can after poisoning by atropia.(84) We thus see that, after the irritation which nicotia first occasions in the vagus-ends has passed off, it para- lyses them ; and we might thus be inclined to think that they acted on the same structures. But, if we give nicotia to a frog, and instead of irritating the vagus, we irritate the venous sinus, still-stand of the heart is at once produced ; while, if atropia be given, and the venous sinus then be irritated, the pulsations are not slowed at all — showing us that there is some inhibitory apparatus in the venous sinus which has been paralysed by atropia, but left untouched by nicotia. We may substantiate this conclusion by another and extremely useful method of investigation — viz., by administering another poison, and seeing how its action is affected by each of the other two. If we allow a little mus- caria to reach a frog's heart, its beats become slower and slower, and at last cease altogether ; the ventricles remaining widely distended, just as they would do if the vagus were strongly galvanised. If nicotia be then injected into the frog or mixed with the serum supplying an excised heart, no alteration is observed ; and, if nicotia be injected before the muscaria, the latter poison stops the heart just as usual, although the nicotia may have so paralysed the vagus that no irritation whatever applied to its trunk could act on the heart. But, if atropia be used in- stead of nicotia, the effect of the muscaria is at once destroyed, and the heart, which was standing quite still, immediately begins to beat. (85) If the atropia be applied first, and muscaria given afterwards, it has no effect. Hence we see that nicotia has paralysed some part of the inhi- bitory apparatus farther away from the motor ganglia than that on which muscaria acts, while atropia has acted either on the same part as muscaria, or on some other one which lies between it and the motor ganglia. Now, as the inhibitory effect produced by muscaria is not developed all at once, but goes on slowly increasing till it makes the heart stand still in diastole, it seems probable that its stimulating action is exerted on a ganglion, rather than on a nerve-fibre ; and we therefore suppose that it acts on the inhibitory ganglion 1.(86) As the action of nicotia is 79 exerted on something farther from the heart than i, our first idea is, that it must be the nerve- fibres v. But, on applying nicotia to the trunk of the vagus, after fixing the heart in Coats' apparatus, we find, on irritating the nerve above the point, that it still conducts impressions and causes stoppage of the heart. We are thus led to suppose the exist- ence of an intermediate apparatus on which nicotia acts ; but, whether or not this intermediate part simply consist of nerve-fibres less protected from the poison than those in the trunk, we cannot say. As atropia de- stroys the action of muscaria, it may act like muscaria on I ; but the fact that muscaria does not destroy that of atropia would lead me to refer the action of the latter to a part between i and M, which is represented by B. Of what nature this part is, we know nothing; but that such a part exists, is rendered all the more probable by the mutual antagonism of atropia and physostigma. Although this latter poison renders the vagus very sensitive, so that the power of any irritation applied to its trunk to stop the heart is immensely increased, (87) yet it has not the extraordinary power of producing stillstand of the heart possessed by muscaria. Unlike muscaria, however, it has the power of removing the paralysis of the vagus produced by atropia ; and, though an additional dose of atropia will again cause paralysis, a second dose of physostigma will again remove it. (88) This difference of action between muscaria and physo- stigma seems to show that they act on different nervous structures ; while the mutual power that atropia and physostigma possess to neu- tralise each other's effects, indicates that atropia acts on the same structure as physostigma, and consequently on a different one from muscaria. Antagonism of Atropia and Physostigma. — Atropia and phy- sostigma are thus physiological antidotes to each other ; and Fraser has shown that a dose of physostigma large enough to kill an animal may be given to it with impunity, if atropia be administered along with it ; and that the animal may be afterwards destroyed by a small dose given alone. (89) It is true, they do not completely counteract each other's action, each one seeming to produce several effects, some of which, and these the most deadly, are neutralised by those of the other drug, while others are not so neutralised ; and, if enormous doses be ad- ministered, those active effects which are not neutralised may become so powerful as to cause death, although they are comparatively unim- portant when the dose is small. (90) Importance of this in Therapeutics.— Nevertheless, within cer- tain limits these poisons do antagonise each other most successfully ; 8o and this observation seems to me to have a most important bearing on the treatment of such diseases as have their origin in morbid matter in- troduced into the system, for it shows that it is not always necessary to eliminate a poison in order to remove its effects, but that it may be neutralised and rendered innocuous while still present in the organism ; and seems to indicate that, for the treatment of zymotic diseases, we should seek to discover such remedies as will counteract the effects of the poisons on which they depend, and not merely endeavour to quicken their elimination. Action of Various Drugs on the Inhibitory Apparatus. — From experiments which he has made on the excised hearts of frogs with Ludwig and Coats' apparatus, Boehm(9i)has come to the conclusion that conia paralyses the terminal filaments of the vagus ; nicotia the in- termediate structure between them and the inhibitory ganglia ; and that others, such as atropia, hyoscyamia, daturia, physostigmia, aconitia, del- phinia, and veratria, diminish or destroy the irritability of the inhibitory ganglia themselves. It is rather extraordinary to find physostigmia in this list ; and it would thus seem that the pure alkaloid which Boehm used had a different action from the tincture used by Von Bezold, un- less it be that the result depends simply on a difference in the amount of the poison used. Accelerating Ganglia in the Heart. — We infer the presence of quickening ganglia in the heart, from the effects produced by irri- tating the vagus after its inhibitory power has been destroyed by the administration of nicotia or atropia. When irritation is then applied to the nerve, it no longer produces retardation, but, on the contrary, a decided acceleration of the cardiac pulsations. This shows that the vagus contains fibres which quicken the heart, and that these are un- affected by the drugs which have paralysed the others. The quicken- ing, however, does not take place till some time after the application of the irritant ; and, if it be applied only for a short time, no accelera- tion may take place till after its removal ; but, after it does occur, it remains for a considerable time. If we irritate the heart directly, instead of irritating the nerve, its beats are quickened at once, and the acceleration does not last long after the irritation is discontinued. This shows that, when we stimulate the quickening nerves, we do not act directly on the motor ganglia M (Fig. 12), as we do when we irritate the heart itself, or as we should do if the quickening fibres ended directly in them ; and we therefore infer the existence of the accelerating ganglia Q between the quickening nerves s and the motor ganglia m. (92) The ac- celerating apparatus seems to be stimulated by veratria ; for we find that the cardiac pulsations are increased by its administration to mam- mals in which the spinal cord, vagi, sympathetics, and depressors, have all been divided, or when it is applied to the excised heart of a frog (93. ) Is Quickening of the Excised Heart due to Paralysis of Inhibitory OR Stimulation of Accelerating Ganglia? — It is' possible that the quickening may be due to paralysis of the inhibitory ganglia in the heart, and not to stimulation of the quickening ganglia. This can be decided by paralysing the inhibitory ganglia by means of atropia, before applying the poison to be tested — e.g:^ veratria. If the latter poison exercise a stimulating action on the quickening ganglia, it will quicken the heart after atropia has been applied. If it simply paralyse the inhibitory ganglia, it will have no further effect after their power has been destroyed by atropia. In the diagram, I have figured intermediate structures c and d between the quickening nerves and ganglia, so as to correspond with those of the inhibitory apparatus ; but whether they really exist or not, we cannot at present say. Is THE Co-ordinating Apparatus of the Cardiac Ganglia PARALYSED ? — Regarding this apparatus we know almost nothing. When the heart is dying, its rhythm is often disturbed, and two or three contractions of the auricles may occur for every contraction of the ventricle. When laudanum is poured into the heart, the rhythm is quite reversed ; for after each pause the ventricle contracts first, and con- traction of the auricle follows it (94). Digitalis and some other poisons cause peristaltic movements in the ventricle ; and occasionally some spots in the ventricle continue to pulsate while the rest of it remains firmly contracted and motionless (95). These effects are probably due to disturbance of the apparatus which connects the different motor ganglia in the heart and causes them to work in unison. Are the Muscular Fibres of the Heart paralysed ? — We test this by applying an irritant to them directly, and seeing whether or not they contract. If the motor ganglia be uninjured, the application of an irritant generally produces a rhythmic contraction of the whole heart ; but, if they be paralysed while the muscular fibre is healthy, the irritation only causes a local contraction of the part to which it is applied. Blood-Pressure. — The blood-pressure depends on two things — i, the activity with which the heart pumps the blood into one end of the arterial system ; 2, the rate at which it flows out at the other end into the veins. The rate is regulated by the small arteries and capillaries, M 82 which dilate and contract so as to quicken or slow it. The power of contraction is denied to the capillaries by many physiologists ; but Strieker has, I think, conclusively shown that they do possess it (96). The rapidity with which the blood flows through them does not depend entirely on the width of the capillaries, but also on the pressure on the arteries which is forcing the blood into them. The higher this is, the more rapidly does the blood flow ; and in proportion as it dimi- nishes, does the current become slower. From this circumstance we can judge of the force of the heart-beats from the form of the curve which we obtain with the sphygmoscope. When the heart contracts with great force, it drives the blood out of the ventricle into the arte- ries so quickly that there is no time for much to escape from the capil- laries while the systole lasts ; and so the tension rises high. This in- creased tension makes the blood run quickly out of the capillaries, and we have a fall of pressure, rapid at first, but gradually becoming slower as the tension diminishes. This is shown in Fig. 13. When the heart F^g- 13 contracts less forcibly, it sends in the blood more slowly, and there is time for a greater quantity to escape by the capillaries during the systole ; and the tension does not rise so high. From the tension being lower, th« outflow of blood is not so quick ; and the pressure therefore sinks more gradually than in the former case. This is represented in Fig. 14. Both of these figures were obtained by connecting a sphyg- Fig. 14. BHHJIHHH! ■ I^^I^SH^HB I BHHBHMI I moscope with a schema of the circulation such as I have already de- scribed, and compressing the India-rubber ball which represented the heart with greater or less force and suddenness ; care being taken, how- ever, to empty it completely each time, so that the amount of air sent out should always be alike. S3 As variations in the blood- pressure may be due to alterations in the activity of the heart or the size of the capillaries, or to both together, we cannot say when it is due to the one and when to the other, unless we can keep one of them constant while we allow the other to alter, or unless we examine them both separately. Elimination of the Action of the Heart.— We may keep the action of the heart tolerably constant, and thus ascertain with consider- able exactitude the action of any drug on the exit-tubes — whether they be arterioles or capillaries matters not — by separating the heart from the nerve-centres, and then injecting the drug into the circulation. Division of Cardiac Nerves. — This separation can be effected to a considerable extent by dividing the sympathetics, vagi, and de- pressors in the neck ; but it is done much more effectually by dividing the nerves near their entrance into the heart by a fine wire heated by means of a galvanic battery (97). As poisons generally produce their most marked effects on the heart of mammals through the nervous centres whose connexion with the heart we have thus severed, alterations in the blood-pressure will be due to changes in the vessels, except in so far as the drug may have affected the cardiac muscle or gangUa. But, just as we obtained the most exact results when we examined the heart altogether apart from the blood-vessels, so we shall probably come to the most satisfactory conclusions regarding the vessels by observing them apart from the heart. You will remember that, during the diastole, the circulation is carried on entirely independently of the heart by the pressure of the blood in the arteries ; and, if we can prolong the diastole sufficiently, we shall be able to tell whether the vessels are dilated or contracted by simply seeing whether the pressure sinks quickly or slowly. If we prevent any blood from being pumped into the aorta by the heart, the arterial system will come to resemble a bottle with a hole in it, from which the fluid which it contains is running. The larger the hole, the more quickly will it run out and the bottle become empty, and vice versd ; and, in the same way, the more dilated the capillaries are, the quicker will the blood run out of them into the vein, and the pressure sink in the arteries ; the more contracted the capillaries are, the more slowly will the blood flow through them, and the more gradual will be the fall of pressure. In the case of many poisons, we may do this by irritating the vagi before poisoning, and seeing how quickly the pressure falls while the heart is standing still ; and then repeating the experi- ment after injecting the poison. If the pressure fall more quickly in 84 the second case, we know that the vessels have become dilated ; and if more slowly, that they have contracted (98). Of course, only those parts of the tracings in which the pressure has been the same are to be com- pared with each other ; but, if we stop the heart long enough, we can always get parts in both which are capable of comparison. "When the poison paralyses the vagus, as atropia does, this method fails ; and then we must open the thorax, perform artificial respira- tion, and put a ligature round the aorta. Artificial Circulation in Mammals. — As an animal quickly dies when the aorta is ligatured, it is better to carry on artificial circulation by a syringe through a cannula inserted into the aorta, as Hering (99) has done in his researches on the connexion be- tween arterial movement and respiration. After the blood has cir- culated once, it may be defibrinated, shaken with air, warmed to 40 deg. Cent., and reinjected. Instead of using a syringe, the can- nula in the aorta may be connected with the nozzle M, Fig. 6, and the blood put in the flask 3. It can thus be kept at a constant Fij, 6, temperature more easily than when a syringe is employed. The pressure may be alternately increased and diminished so as to imitate the beats of the heart by raising and depressing the flask A. This may be done by passing a string over a pulley, and attaching one end to the flask and the other to a treadle worked by the foot. Warm blood has the disadvantage, that it undergoes change and becomes decomposed quickly; and cold blood may, therefore, be sometimes preferred. When cold blood is employed, only the flask which con- tains the blood is necessary ; and it may be raised or lowered in the same way as the other. 85 Artificial Circulation in Frogs.— Artificial circulation maybe kept up in frogs by simply inserting^ a cannula into the aorta, and allow- ing blood to flow into it from a raised reservoir, as done by Rollett (lOo). By using two, as in the experiments on the frog's heart, normal blood may be allowed first to circulate through the vessels; and, the web being put under the microscope, their diameter may be measured; and then poisoned blood may be allowed to flow through them, and any change in their diameter noticed. Observation of Vessels.— The parts best adapted for observing changes in the size of vessels in mammals are the ear in rabbits and the mesentery. When the mesentery is chosen for observation, the abdo- minal parietes should be divided ; but the peritoneum should not be opened, as changes in the diameter of the mesenteric vessels may be observed through it, and they are thus protected from the disturbing element which the irritation produced by the access of air to them would introduce into the experiment. The vessels in the rabbit's ear are readily measured by a micrometer used with one of Briicke's mag- nifiers, which is simply a telescope with an extremely short focus. The ear should be held up so as to allow the light to shine directly through it, and the magnifier placed horizontally. The area of the capillaries may be lessened, and the flow of blood through them retarded in two ways ; i, by contraction of their walls ; 2, by pressure exerted on them from without. They may be made to contract by irritation, i, of the vaso-motor centres, 2, of the vaso-motor nerves, or, 3, of their muscular walls ; and pressure may be exerted from without by the motions of muscles or of organs composed of involuntary mus- cular fibre such as the intestines. The movements of respiration also, as already mentioned, exercise an important influence on the pressure. Elimination of Respiration and Muscular Movement. — The influence both of respiration and of muscular movement may be eliminated by giving the animal curare, and keeping up artificial re- spiration, before beginning to experiment with the drug whose action we wish to examine. Elimination of Vaso-motor Centre.— For the purpose of ascer- taining w^hether the drug has acted on the vascular walls or on the vaso- motor centre, we divide the vaso-motor nerves going to a part before injecting it, and see whether it acts as it would have done had they been undivided. Thus, when we are observing the rabbit's ear, we divide the sympathetic in the neck ; and, when looking at the mesen- tery, we cut the splanchnics before the injection, and see whether the 86 vessels contract or dilate as we have previously seen them do under influence of the poison in animals in whom the nerves were intact. For the purpose of ascertaining whether the drug acts on all the ves- sels in the body in the same way that it does on those of the ear or mesentery, we first cut the vagi, sympathetics, and depressors ; and then divide the spinal cord between the occiput and atlas, or atlas and axis, so as to sever the connexion between the vaso-motor centre and vessels, and begin artificial respiration. We next note the blood- pressure, inject the poison, and see what alterations it produces. Expe- riments may also be made by irritating the vagvis or ligaturing the aorta. Action of Surrounding Parts.— It sometimes happens, as in the case of physostigma, that the drug produces no contraction in the vessels of the ear or mesentery when their nerves are cut — a fact which shows that it acts on them through the vaso-motor nerves, and not directly on their walls ; and nevertheless, when injected into a vein after the cord has been cut, it may cause the blood-pressure to rise very considerably. At first sight, this would seem to indicate that the drug acted on the walls of some vessels in the body, if not on those of the ear or mesentery, directly, and not through their vaso-motor nerves. On examination, however, it is found that the obstruction to the flow of blood through the capillaries does not depend on their contraction, but on the occlusion of a large number of them in the intestine by spas- modic contractionof the intestinal walls in which they are imbedded (loi). Influence of the Pulmonary Capillaries. — It has lately been pointed out by Holmes (102) that when a drug such as ergot, which acts on the walls of the vessels and causes them to contract, is injected into the jugular vein, it has to pass through the pulmonary capillaries before it reaches the systemic ones j and, by contracting them, it will lessen the amount of blood sent into the aorta from the left ventricle, and will at first produce a fall in the arterial pressure, succeeded by a great rise when time has elapsed for the drug to reach the systemic capillaries and cause them likewise to contract. Use of the Sphygmograph. — For a description of the sphygmo- graph and the mode of applying it, we must refer to the special works on that subject, such as those of Marey and Sanderson. The indica- tions which it gives are the following. I. The greater or less pressure which is requisite to compress an artery and stop its pulsations enables us to estimate approximately the amount of pressure within it. The amount of pressure and the rapidity of the pulse help us to form con- / 87 elusions regarding the motor and inhibitory apparatus of the heai^t, in the same way as in the experiments, already mentioned, though, of course, to a much more limited extent and with much less cer- tainty. 3. The form of the curve, like those in Figs. 13 and 14, shows, in the same way as those of the sphygmoscope, Figs. 13 and 14, the rapidity with which the pressure falls during the diastole ; and from this curve and the amount of blood-pressure we can judge of the size of the capillaries. APPENDIX. Artificial Circulation through Isolated Organs. — In order to study the effects of alterations in the blood, and the action of various poisons upon the walls of the vessels themselves, with entire exclusion of the nervous system, Ludwig and Mosso have Icept up artificial circulation in the kidney and the liver. In removing these organs great care is taken not to wound them, and the diaphragm is removed along with the liver. In experimenting on the kidney large dogs were employed. The carotids were first opened, and blood allowed to flow until convul- sions began. The artery was then closed for some time, during which the blood was defibrinated and part of it put into a flask, so as to be ready to wash out all the coagulable blood from the kidney. The carotids were now opened a second time, and as much blood as possible got from them by pressure on the abdomen, etc. As soon as the animal became insensible the abdomen was opened, the renal artery was then compressed just above its bification, so as to prevent any air getting into it, and a glass cannula was introduced into the main artery; another cannula was put into the renal vein. All the small vessels which communicate with adjacent parts were ligatured, and the kidney was then removed. Before connecting the cannula in the renal artery with the apparatus for artificial circulation, it was carefully filled by means of a fine pipette with defibrinated blood, and the utmost care em- ployed to prevent any air bubbles from getting into the vessel. After the communication between the renal artery and the flask has been opened, it sometimes happens that blood does not flow until a consider- able time has elapsed, owing apparently, to a tetanic contraction of the vessels in the kidney. After the blood has begun to flow it does not do so in an equable stream, as it would do through glass tubes, but its velocity is alternately greater and less, owing to periodic contractions of the walls of the renal vessels, independently of any nervous influence. If the circula- tion is arrested for some time and then allowed to go on, the rapidity is much greater after than before the stoppage, but it gradually falls again to normal. Blood containing much carbonic acid and little oxygen {erstickungsblut ), causes the vessels to contract, and the stream to be- come slow ; while blood containing much oxygen and little carbonic acid causes them to dilate. When different sorts of blood are allowed to circulate after each other through the kidney, and each successive kind contains less CO2 than the one preceding it, the rapidity of the flow from the vein goes on increasing ; or, as it might be expressed, each kind of blood in this series seems to diminish the amount of contraction of the vascular walls which the greater amount of COj in the preceding kind had occasioned. The order would be this — suffocation — blood — venous — arterial — apnceic, /. e., saturated with oxygen, by agitation with air. This dilatation, however, was only tem- porary. When nicotine was mixed with blood in the proportion of i to 10,000 it seemed, at first, to cause contraction of the vessels, for it produced a diminution in the flow of blood, and also in the size of the kidney ; but both soon return to the normal. One per cent, of nicotine, on the contrary, seems to cause immediate dilatation of these vessels, for it immediately causes an increase in the velocity of the current and the size of the kidney. The increased velocity is not to be entirely ascribed to contraction of the vessels, for a solution of nicotine of this strength alters the blood, and will diminish the friction in the vessels. Atropia has a powerful action, and different doses of it produce dif- ferent effects. In the proportion of I in 100,000 it causes diminished rapidity in the flow of blood and in the volume of the kidney, but both soon return to their normal. One in 10,000 causes diminished, followed by increased rapidity, but this soon disappears. One in 5,000 soon kills the kidney, but before doing so causes first, diminution, and then acceleration of the current through it. Chloral hydrate first causes diminished and then greatly increased velocity, but it also has a very peculiar action on the vessels, increasing the rhyth- mical contractions in them when they are present, and causing them to appear when they were previously absent. The shocks of an induction coil, or Faradaic currents, do not alter the velocity of the circulation, but constant currents do. During the time they are passing, both the rapidity of the current, and the size of the kidney increase, and after the irritation ceases they diminish. When the circulating blood contains a small quantity of chloral, this action is altered. At first, when the chloral has not altered the current much, it becomes slightly diminished during the irritation, and slightly increased after its removal. When the chloral has acted longer and increased the velocity of the current to five or six times its normal, no alteration is noticed during the application of the current, but a still further increase occurs after its removal. After the kidney has been removed from the body for twenty-four hours, and kept in a cool place, its vessels still retain their irritability, but small doses of chloral in such a kidney only cause contraction, and larger doses of 0.3 to 0.5 per cent, are requisite to induce dilatation. The effect is not due to the action of the chloral on the blood, for it is produced when the blood is replaced by serum. One of the most extraordinary things about the action of chloral is that, in the dead kidney, instead of increasing the rapidity of the current, or leaving it unaltered, chloral greatly diminishes it — exactly the opposite to its effect on the living organ. When the blood used in the artificial circulation is saturated with carbonic acid chloral no longer produces any effect on the vessels, so its action would seem to be abolished by this gas. Induction of Ancesthesia — At page 3 1 I have stated that chloro- form is inadmissible as a narcotic, as its administration seemed to cause dogs so much pain, but farther experience has shown me that this state- ment is incorrect. Chloroform can be readily administered to all animals by placing them under a glass bell jar, along with a sponge or piece of blotting-paper, saturated with the ansesthetic. The advantage of the glass jar is, that the movements of the animals can be distinctly seen, and they can be removed immediately on their becoming insen- sible, thus avoiding the danger to which they would be exposed by longer inhalation of air saturated with the vapour. The vapour being heavier than air sinks to the bottom of the jar, and when the animal falls unconscious, the air it then respires is much more heavily charged with the vapour than that which it breathed while still erect. On account of the density of chloroform vapour, anaesthesia is more quickly produced when the bell jar has an opening at the top which can be plugged with cotton wool saturated with chloroform, than when the sponge is laid at the bottom of the' jar ; as in the former case the vapour falling down is more rapidlyjdiffused through the air of the jar than in the latter. Instead of a bell jar a deep milk pan may be used, the rabbit or cat being placed in it, and the top covered by a towel stretched tightly over it. The chloroform is sprinkled on the toweL Ancesthesia is thus rapidly induced, but care must be taken not to allow the animal to remain too long in the vessel. For large dogs an inverted packing-case or box, without the lid, may be used instead of a bell jar. After the animals have been rendered insensible and the operation has been begun, the anaesthesia may be kept up by putting a piece of cloth round the animal's nose and pouring chloroform upon it, a drop or two at a time, as often as is necessary. In this way less chloroform is re- quired, and there is not so much danger of killing the animal by giving^ it the vapour in too concentrated a form. Instead of keeping up the anaesthesia by the continued administration of chloroform, it is often more convenient to open a vein and inject opium or chloral. In operations on the abdominal viscera in dogs, e.g.^ in making gas- tric fistulae, death sometimes occurs from shock, although the animals are completely under the influence of chloroform. For such operations ether is preferable, as it increases rather than diminishes the power of the heart. If given in the same way as chloroform, however, much time and a very large quantity of ether are required to produce anaesthesia. Professor SchifFhas found, however, that it can be readily done by pouring a quantity of ether into a bladder, and holding this tightly around the dog's muzzle so that it respires ether vapour almost pure. As dogs do not like to be tied down, the muzzle shown at Fig. II, p. 28, should be put on, and the operator sitting on a low stool should put the dog's fore paws on his knee, and hold them with one hand, while with the other arm passed round the dog's body he restrains its movements, and an assistant holds the bladder with ether over the dog's nose. c DATE DUE SLIP UOTVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW lOT-3,'28 l'«- M li. F^ '•T ' 1 ^■t diton, Sxr ".a 1 investi" he_action_ cPart 1 iCHOOL UBR^BV