STACK ANNEX 5 077 342 ISH MARIAN S. RIDLEY A POCKET GUIDE TO BRITISH FERNS BY MARIAN S. RIDLEY. LONDON : DAVID BOGUE, 3 ST. MARTIN'S PLACE, TRAFALGAR SQUARE. 1881. LONDOM: PRINTED BY STRANGEWAYS AHD SONS, Tower Street. Upper St. Martin's Lane. CONTENTS. PAOK PREFATORY REMARKS I GENERAL DIVISIONS OF FLOWERLESS PLANTS . . 5 THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF FERNS .... 8 TERMS APPLICABLE TO THE SHAPES, ETC., OF FRONDS 2O GROUPING OF FERNS 25 GENERA OF BRITISH FERNS 27 THE ADDER'S TONGUE GROUP OPHIOGLOSSACE^ . 30 SUMMARY AS TO PLAN OF THE TABLES ... 32 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS 34 TABLES . . . . . . . . .41 KEY TO THE GENERA OF FERNS . . . .86 LIST OF FERNS 89 CONTRACTIONS OF THE NAMES .... 90 INDEX 93 At end of volume a Set of Labels for the Herbarium. 2091 22C A POCKET GUIDE BRITISH FERNS. PREFATORY REMARKS. So much has already been written concerning the Ferns of Great Britain, that it may seem presumptuous on my part to add another book on the subject. In my own personal studies I have met with this difficulty, viz. to gather from the published volumes on Ferns what the decided special fea- tures, or characters are of each genus and species. For while writers mention many pecu- liarities in detail, some of greater and others of lesser importance, those alone which precisely mark the distinctions, whatever these may be, are either not sufficiently noted or so mingled with features of a general kind that the mind fails to grasp the essentials. I have found, moreover, mine to be no soli- tary case, for many persons have expressed to me their inability to overcome, or clearly appre- ciate, tJiat something distinguishing one Fern, or genus of Ferns, from another. B A Pocket Guide to 1 Tell me briefly what the peculiarities are to look for, before giving me the entire description of the Fern ?' is a question which has been often put to me. Puzzling myself for a while, I ultimately fell upon the plan of tabulating the characters some- what in the manner hereafter to be mentioned. I could then easily, and at a glance, carry to the mind's eye what of necessity was to be looked for, without being encumbered with non-essential particulars, however much those might apply in a general way. I have shown the method to several persons deeply interested in Ferns, and who, like myself, had early met with the difficulties above men- tioned, and I have been advised to compile the present small pocket-guide in the hope that it might meet a want, in spite of the many beautifully illustrated books on our native favourites. The system, therefore, of tabulating by words without figures such of the features as alone are absolutely necessary to identify a Fern, even if never previously seen, is the sole merit of this little guide-book. Of necessity I have been much indebted to previous writers, not altogether in following them as in their being beacons guiding towards the course and aim pursued by myself. From what has been said, it will readily be understood that these pages are intended solely for those commencing the study of Ferns, in so far as the determination of the different species and genera is concerned ; in other words, meant British Ferns. 3 to give aid to the speedy and easy identification of the British Ferns without figures of reference. This Pocket Guide is not put forward as a would-be rival to the many excellent books already published, but rather to lead on the uninitiated to a desire for further information. Without meaning to be invidious, I cannot help expressing how useful I have found Mr. Thomas Moore's British Ferns, and Popular History of British Ferns (Routledge) ; also the Synopsis Filicum of the late Sir VV. J. Hooker and Mr. J. Gilbert Baker (Bogue). I take the opportunity, likewise, of mention- ing that I am indebted for many kindnesses in connection with the compilation of this book, to Mr. Britten of the British Museum, to Mr. Moore of Chelsea, to Mr. Baker of Kew, to Mr. G. B. Wollaston of Chiselhurst, and to Dr. Murie and Mr. West at the Library of the Linnean Society. I wish here to impress upon all my readers, especially those unacquainted with technical or difficult terms, the necessity of constantly refer- ring to the explanation of each word, not allow- ing themselves to pass on from a single one the meaning of which they have not thoroughly mastered. To save time in searching for the explanations, I have added an Index at the end of the book which contains all the words that are the least out of the common way, by which easy reference will be found to the page on which the meaning has been given. Mr. John Smith of Kew, in his preface to Domestic Botany, has so well expressed the difficulties of technical terms, that I do not A Pocket Guide to hesitate to quote his words in full ; at the same time, I have endeavoured to avoid as much as possible any expressions or words not easily or generally understood : ' Many have said they would like to obtain a knowledge of the structure and classification of plants, and with that view have purchased books on that subject ; but they so abounded with technical terms and long names, difficult to pro- nounce, that they made no progress in the study, and therefore contented themselves with ad- miring their favourite plants and flowers as pretty objects. Many say they would more readily be induced to learn Botany if all plants had English names ; but when it is understood that there are 100,000 kinds of plants now known, the impossibility of giving English names to such a host must be obvious. Scientific words are consequently used, and it should be borne in mind that it is as impossible to study Botany, or any other science, without learning the meaning of the principal technical terms used, as it is to speak or read a language without a knowledge of its alphabet and grammar. By a little study, scientific terms and names of plants soon be- come familiar.' British Ferns. GENERAL DIVISIONS OF FLOWER- LESS PLANTS. THE vegetable kingdom is composed of every- thing that is a plant, from a tree to the tiny moss or fungi and common moulds meeting us everywhere. It is divided into two great sections or parts called P hanerogamia and Cryptogamia. The former, Phanerogamia, is composed of all the flowering plants ; the latter, Cryptogamia, of the so-called flowerless plants. The word Cryptogamia is taken from the Greek words signifying that the fruiting or fructification is concealed, as opposed to the Phanerogamia, where fructification is plainly manifest. Each of these great sections contains several orders. There are eleven in the Cryptogamia, among which is that of Ferns or Filices, the order more immediately to be treated of in these pages. By Order is meant a group of separate divi- sions, having some principal agreeing points. Later on will be found a fuller explanation. The eleven principal orders or classes of the section Cryptogamia are : Algae, which includes the sea-weeds. Fungi. The mushroom and toad-stool family. Lichens. The lichens, which are chiefly little grey silvery-looking plants, growing on the bark of trees, &c. A Pocket Guide to Charse. Stoneworts. Water-weeds found in ponds and rivers, growing in tangled masses of a dull green colour. Hepaticae. The Liverworts are plants usually of a bright green colour. Many of them have no leaves They are found in very moist places, particularly where there is a drip, and on flat surfaces have the appearance of a green carpet. They may become a nuisance if allowed to establish themselves on the surface of the soil in flower-pots. Musci. Mosses. This order contains a vast number of divisions, and well repays any one who enters thoroughly into their study, for their beautifully made parts are rich in colour and elegance. Filices. Ferns, which is the order we are going to examine, though in these pages I refer only to the portion of it that contains our British species. (Species means the separate forms of a small division called a genus?) Ophioglossaceae. The plants belonging to this order are sometimes placed in the order Filices ; but it is questionable if they should be so placed, as they are distinguished from ferns by the dif- ferent form of their spore-cases, or cover for the fruit. I shall give a full explanation of this order later on. Equisetaceae. The Horsetails. They are jointed plants, sometimes branched. The stem is hollow, like a pipe, it has rather the outward appearance of a small cane, and is roughened outside with silex (flint). Marsileaceae. They have been called Water- British Ferns. ferns, as their mode of life rather resembles that of ferns in some respects, though they float on the surface, or creep along the bottom of water, or on mud. Lycopodiacese. The Clubmoss family is a large order, having many divisions, among which is the Lycopodium, which contains the species called Stag's Horn Moss, Fir Club Moss, &c., which are such universal favourites. This order is very distinct from the moss class (order Musci), and must not be confounded with that order. A Pocket Guide to THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF FERNS. WE have seen that the reason why ferns belong to the section Cryptogamia, is chiefly because their organs of fructification, or propagation, are hid- den, and in this respect the ferns agree with the other orders of Cryptogamia. Why ferns have been formed into a separate order is on account of their possessing certain different parts which, so to speak, perform dif- ferent functions, or, as the parts are more gene- rally called, ' organs.' Other Cryptogamia, or Cryptogams, perform the same necessary functions ; but in ferns, the parts being somewhat more complicated, are dis- tinguished by a separate series of names or terms. Besides, their structure is more complicated, or as vegetable physiologists say, ' differentiated? In the following descriptions of the said parts, these are described from below upwards, or as the sap flows. It has also to be understood that with reference to organs these are referred to mainly as concerns their value as distinguishing features, and not as regards their functions and life-history. Roots. These hair-like appendages proceed from the lower part, called the Rhizome, or Cau- dex ; they do not differ sufficiently to form any distinguishing guide between the different kinds British Ferns. of ferns, but their existence must be remembered and care taken to avoid imagining that the rhi- zome, or caudex, is the root, as would naturally be inferred on comparison with many of the ordinary flowering plants. Caudex or Trunk. A caudex, which is the part whence the fronds (which is the name given to the leaves of ferns) arise upwards, and from which the roots are produced downwards. The word caudex signifies a trunk ; it is one of the means of distinguishing ferns, though not solely possessed by them. In certain cases this caudex, instead of being an upright body, very scaly and straight, sometimes creeps on the surface of the ground, at other times penetrates below it, and in still other cases it is only slightly scaly. It is called a rhizome when of a creeping form. It is very interesting and instructive to examine the caudex of a fern in the different divisions, just as the young fronds are beginning to come out of it. In many ferns this caudex rises up to some height above the ground when the plants are well grown ; this is the case with the division or genus Lastrea, and more decidedly with the genus Osmunda. The caudex is increased in size by the remaining ends of the decaying fronds, for as they die away their base is left. In some ferns the caudex is so small as hardly to be noticed, as is the case in the genus Gymno- gramma. In those ferns called Tree-ferns, of fre- quent growth in New Zealand and certain other foreign regions, the caudex attains a height of several feet, hence the term ' tree' applied to them. The Stipes and Racnis, which together form io A Pocket Guide to the stalk and branches of the frond, and, by the way, must always be gathered or cut close to the caudex. Inside the stipes there are closely packed a number of fibres, called veins, which remain altogether till the stipes reaches to where the leafy part of the frond begins. This same stipes, with its bundle of veins (fibres), now goes by the name of RacJiis ; that is, from where the leafy part of the frond begins. A bundle of these veins then branches off with each branch of the leafy part. In a branched fern this takes place as soon as the leafy part begins. This branch of the rachis which takes off its bundle of veins to each side, right and left, is called the Secondary rachis ; and the same thing from which it separated and which continues to the top of the frond, is called the Primary rachis (first rachis). This primary rachis continues to send out secondary rachides (the plural of rachis), each with a bundle of veins, right and left, at intervals, and becoming smaller and smaller to the top of the frond, till the top (or apex, as it is called) is finished off, usually in a point ; though in some of the British ferns the apex is of a rounded, and not of a pointed, form. Scales. There is one more essential point to be clearly settled, and that is with regard to the scales. If you notice the ferns when their young fronds are coming out of the caudex, you will plainly see that in many cases they are clothed with tiny brown things that look like small dead leaves ; these are the scales, the proper name for which is palea. They protect the young, tender British Ferns. 1 1 buds (so to speak) of the unrolled fronds from harm. As the stipes grows and the frond is de- veloped, the scales develope with it, and con- tinue to be formed all along it, or, in some cases, on the lower part only. They give the stipes a very shaggy, woolly appearance, which in some kinds of ferns is continued more or less on the rachis. In other divisions of ferns, these scales do not go on developing with the stipes, but re- main only near its base. In other kinds they are sparingly scattered along it ; but they are, as a rule, developed precisely in the same manner in the same species, so that they form a very important feature by which to distinguish ferns. Their shape and colour are different in different species. Scales, when present, form a much more important character for distinguishing species in the Filices than in any other order of the Cryptogarriia ; and this chiefly on account of their greater development, which thereby furnishes more clearly-marked characters. Vernation. Another peculiarity of the order Filices lies in their vernation, that is, the way in which the young leaves (called the fronds in ferns) are rolled up before they arise from what may be termed their nest, in the caudex. In all the British species the young undeveloped fronds are rolled up inwards, towards the centre of the caudex ; this peculiar form of vernation is called ' circinate,' that is, curled up. The curling or rolling up of the young fern- fronds is one of their chief distinguishing marks ; they all have this peculiar form of vernation, while the only other Cryptogams which have it 12 A Pocket Guide to are some of the Marsileaceae. The only other plants that have this circinate vernation are a foreign order called Cycadaceae, and the British genus Drosera, or Sundew. Both these belong to the Phanerogamia, so that with these three exceptions this peculiarity of vernation is not possessed by any other members of the vege- table kingdom. The Frond and Venation. The next peculiarity of the order Filices for consideration is \hzfrond and its different parts. The first of these parts is the stipes, which is the ' stalk,' so to speak, but is always spoken of as the stipes. This stipes is the beginning of the visible venation, which really begins in the caudex, and is carried up through each stipes to each frond. By venation (not to be confounded with vernation) is meant the arrangement of the veins in a frond. By veins is meant here, fibres, that look like lines on the leaves. The arrangement, or the way in which these fibres are placed, is a very important point by which to distinguish ferns. We must trace this venation from the base of the stipes where it has been broken from the caudex. Take any good large frond (the larger the better, but it must be freshly gathered) to ex- periment on. For this purpose some of the species of the genus Lastrea * or PolysticJntni f will be the best, or if these are not to be had, any fern with a divided frond will do. Branches or Pinnae. The branches or pinna, as they are called, would appear to have nothing to do with the primary rachis further than being * See table, page 57. t See table, page 49. British Ferns. 1 3 in some way fastened to it ; but if you gently tear a pinna (that is one of the pinnae), you will see that the secondary rachis, and in like manner all its veins, form a part of the primary rachis, and can be traced down clearly, in most in- stances ; but even if indistinct, the venation nevertheless is present in all down to the base of the stipes, as I mentioned above. If you hold a pinna up to the light, or better still, examine it with a magnifying glass, or pocket lens, you will see that the secondary rachis has little branches, or what are termed veins. When these veins branch they are called I'l'iinlcs, and when the venules branch again (as in some ferns is the case) the branches of the venules are called veinlets. Now it is on some part of these veins, but in the same division of ferns always on the same part, that the fruit- organs are borne, as we shall see hereafter ; this particular part of the vein, the venule, or the veinlet, which is always rather thickened, is called the receptacle, and on this receptacle the fruit-organs are placed. There is a genus of ferns called Scolopen- driuni, which has one species a native of our land ; this is commonly called the Hart's-tongue Fern, from the shape of the frond being some- what like the tongue of that animal ; it is named by botanists Scolopendriuni vtt/gare, because of its frequency. I allude particularly to it here be- cause it is one of the British ferns that bears what are called simple fronds, namely, those with- out branches going off, and consequently it does not have a secondary rachis, and the continua- 14 A Pocket Guide to tion of the stipes, instead of going by the name of rachis, is in this fern called the midvein or costa. The branches of the midvein are called veins, in the same way as the branches of the secondary rachis of divided or pinnate ferns are so named, as stated above ; in like manner the branches of the veins are called venules. In the case of a pinnate fern that is pinnatifid, as is the usual state of Lastrea cristata, there are two midveins, the first called the primary mid- vein, which takes the place of the secondary rachis, and proceeds from the rachis ; and the secondary midvein, which proceeds from the primary midvein into the leafy portion that takes the place of pinnules, viz. the smaller divisions of the pinnae. I have not given the above somewhat full explanation of venation because it is peculiar to ferns alone in the vegetable kingdom ; for though none of the other Cryptogams have it in such a complete form, yet in the Phanero- gamia it is the rule rather than the exception^ Ferns have one very great peculiarity or cha- racteristic connected with their venation, namely, the receptacle, which is a thickening of some part of the vein, venule, or veinlet, on which the fruc- tification is borne, as was explained above. In the explanation of the different ferns will be given descriptions of the distinctive venation of each, and of the position of the receptacle on the venation. Organs of Fructification. We come now to the most important differing points of the order Filices, namely, the organs of fructification, British Ferns. 1 5 which, in their peculiarities, divide ferns from the whole of the rest of the vegetable kingdom. The organs of fructification in the ferns are in most instances seated at the back of the fronds, but in some genera they are situated close to or beyond the margin ; in Osinnnda, their position is totally different to that of those of the other ferns, as will be hereafter explained. We have stated that, at some given place of the venation, either the vein, venule, or veinlet, is thickened. Upon this thickening, which is the receptacle, the so-called thectz, or spore-cases, are formed ; they also bear the name of sporangia. This beginning of the fructification does not appear till the frond is developing. Spore is the name given to the seed of ferns. Each bundle of thecae (spore- cases) is called a sorus. By bundle, I mean each separate mass or cluster of theca2 that is singly placed on the receptacle. When two or more such bundles are spoken of, they are called sort, the plural of sonis. The sori are called dorsal when they are situated on the under side of the frond, and marginal when they are placed at the edge of the frond or project beyond it. The thecae (spore-cases) are composed of brown cells of thin texture, and are usually of a roundish shape, but vary in dif- ferent divisions. It will not be necessary in this work to go further into their microscopic structure. About two dozen thecae are found in one bundle, that is, in each distinct sorus which is placed separately as a dot- like patch, for instance, in the genera Polypodium, Poly- sticJium, &c. ; but this number varies greatly. 1 6 A Pocket Guide to The greater number of the genera ot British Ferns have their thecae connected with the receptacle by a short band which passes round them in the form of a small elastic ring called an annnlns ; it is jointed, and usually rather darker in colour than the spore- case. This elastic ring splits asunder when the spores within the case are ripe. The way in which the spore-case splits must be carefully examined with a magnifying glass. In all but three genera this splitting or opening takes place about half- way down the spore- case, beginning with the bursting of the ring, and continuing more than half-way across the spore-case towards its opposite side. This elastic ring, which surrounds the spore-case (as it always does more or less completely), is termed vertical in contradistinction to oblique or hori- zontal, which is the position of the annulus of the spore-case in the two British genera, Hy- menophyllum and Trichomanes. In these two genera where the ring is hori- zontal (broadwise so to speak) instead of vertical, the splitting asunder to let out the ripe spores takes place from the apex of the spore-case down its centre, instead of across it, as in the other genera. One might be inclined at first to think that this splitting asunder regularly is really of casual occurrence, varying in different ferns ; but the long experience of our most eminent botanists has proved that these peculiarities are most constant. It is therefore one of the best means for grouping or arranging ferns. Reference has already been made to the British Ferns. 17 genus called Osmunda, which has organs of fructification different from those of any other. So different is this genus in many other respects, that some authors have thought fit to place it, together with a foreign genus called Todea, which agrees with it in several points, into a sub-order called Osmundaceae. Polypodiaceae is composed of those ferns which have thecae that split transversely. There are two exceptions, namely, the genera Hymeno- phyllum and TricJiomanes, whose thecae split verti- cally (from the top) ; but they have not generally been thought to differ sufficiently in other re- spects to merit their being placed in a different sub-order. The ring in Trichomanes and Hyme- nophyllum, as we have previously seen, has a horizontal position (that is, placed broad-wise) ; it does not surround the thecae lengthways, but forms a band round their breadth. It is very minute, as the spore-cases are particularly small in these two genera, and therefore requires mag- nifying power to be clearly seen. Though this ring is exceedingly minute and difficult of detection, nevertheless it is necessary to know of its existence ; for its presence sur- rounding the spore-case is the chief point wherein these two genera agree with the sub- order Polypodiaceae. Spores are minute bodies contained in the spore-cases ; they have to the eye the appear- ance of fine powder, but, magnified under the microscope, they exhibit many very curious and well-defined shapes, in most instances showing such regularity of outline, figures, and markings, C 1 8 A Pocket Guide to as to enable species or genera to be identified by them. The spores of ferns, in a certain sense, re- semble the seeds of flowering plants, inasmuch as new plants spring from them ; but they more specially resemble the bulbils of ordinary plants, which, as everyone knows, produce perfect plants without the necessity of fertilisation by pollen grains. In ferns, there is a peculiar de- velopment or intermediate form before the com- plete plant is reached. The first thing that is produced from the spore is a leaf-like expansion called a prothallium ; this bears certain bodies called antheridia and archegonia, that perform the same functions that stamens and pistils do in the Phanerogamia. The Indusium or Involucre. Besides the receptacle, the spore-case, and the spores, there is another important organ for distinguishing genera by its presence or absence, shape, &c., and also, in a few instances, for distinguishing species by its character, and that is the so-called Indusium, a sort of covering which is placed over the young thecae. If a frond of, for example, Lastrea Filix-mas, is noticed in the spring, soon after it has developed, there will be seen on its under-surface pale-coloured patches instead of brown spore-cases. These are the indusia (plural of indusium), thin membranes which are really the continuations of the outer skin of the frond. Their shape varies in different genera, but is perfectly constant in character in each genus As the young thecae arrive at maturity (ripe- ness), the indusium gradually is lifted up ; British Ferns. 19 sometimes it dies away quickly, but in other cases remains attached for some time after elevation. The special character of the indu- sium will be recorded under each notice of the genera and species. It is advisable for ascertain- ing the characters of the indusium thoroughly to examine the frond in various stages ; that is, first, when the indusium is forming, secondly, when it is formed, and, thirdly, when it begins to die away. In some instances this cover is not placed over the thecae only, but is seated beneath them, and partially or entirely covering them as well, in which case it is called the Involucre instead of the Indusium. 2O A Pocket Guide to TERMS APPLICABLE TO THE SHAPES, &c., OF FRONDS. FOR understanding the description of the shape (or outline) of fronds, we must first consider what are the forms they assume. Lanceolate is the most common shape ; it means that the frond gets smaller gradually at the apex and base of the leafy portions. Acuminate denotes that the frond tapers gradually to a point at the end. Linear means narrow ; that is, when the length is considerably longer than the breadth. Triangular is of the shape of a triangle, re- sembling the Greek letter delta (A), for which reason it is often called deltoid. Cordate is in the form of a heart. Ovate refers to the shape of an egg, broader at its base than at the point (much the same as oval}. Obovate is the same form as ovate, but with the broadest part above the middle. Oblong is much longer than broad, but broader than is implied by the term linear. Elongate is lengthened out, remarkable for its length. Flabelliform is fan-shaped. When two adjectives formed from words having different meanings are used together, the form to be understood is one between the two ; British Ferns. 2 1 for example, by ovate-lanceolate is understood that the outside is not so much the shape of an egg as ovate would be, nor quite so tapering to each end as lanceolate would be. Elongate-triangular means a form resembling a triangle, but more lengthened out. Linear-lanceolate is narrower than lanceolate, but more tapering to each end than linear would be, though broader altogether than linear. Another important point to be learnt is the separate name that is given for each division or branch of the frond. We have previously seen that the Hart's tongue fern Scolopendrium vulgare contains fronds that are called entire, that is, without any divisions or branches. Now when a frond is divided or notched on each side of the rachis, such notches not being so deeply cut as to reach the rachis, the frond is then called pinnatifid ; this is the case with Polypodium vulgare, When the notches or divisions of a frond are so deeply cut that the cutting reaches as far'as the rachis, the frond is then called pinnate (or once divided). The Asplenium Tricfiomanes is an example of this, its notches or cuttings being like tiny leaves on each side of the rachis. These little divided cuttings are the pinnae. These descriptions will be used in the ex- planation of each fern, so that it is very essential they should be thoroughly understood pre- viously. As mentioned when speaking of venation, the secondary rachis branches off right and left in 22 A Pocket Guide to divided or pinnate ferns. Now in some kinds of ferns this secondary rachis is very strongly marked. The leafy divisions of the pinnae, which are borne on the secondary rachis, are called pinnules, when the notching of the pinnae is cut down to the secondary rachis. Lastrea tzmula and Lastrea rigida are examples of this kind of dividing, which constitutes a bipinnate frond. If the leafy division of the pinna is not cut down to the secondary rachis, but is merely scalloped out, the pinnae are called pinnatifid ; the word pinnules not being applied to it, unless it is cut so deeply that the cutting reaches the secondary rachis, or is only joined to it by a portion of the venation which has the appear- ance of a minute stalk. Lastrea TJielypteris is an example of the above-mentioned division, and the correct description of its fronds is therefore ' Pinnate, pinnae pinnatifid ;' but the description of Lastrea cemula, on the contrary, ought to be ' Fronds bipinnate,' which implies that its pinnae are again divided into pinnules, the leafy portion of the secondary rachis being cut down to the said rachis, so that none of the leafy portion actually touches it. In some ferns the entire leafy portion is more than once pinnatifid, as in Trichomanes radicans, where it is tripinnatifid, or even qua- dripinnatifid or quadrifid (cut into four lobes or segments.) All these points are great helps for distin- guishing species. Lobes are the divisions of the pinnatifid frond ; the term segment is usually used to British Ferns. 23 denote a smaller part than a lobe. In Lastrea dilatata, which is one of our most divided (or compound) ferns when the frond is of luxuriant growth, the pinnules are pinnatifid, and so deeply so, as to be almost, and sometimes even quite, divided to the third rachis. This third rachis is formed by the principal vein of the pinnule, when there are distinct divisions of the pinnules. The frond then becomes tripinnate instead of bipin- nrate, and the divisions of the pinnules are called pinnulets ; but this state of things varies with different fronds, and is chiefly confined to the lower pinnae. Pteris aquilina becomes tripin- nate in the same way. In its ordinary growth it is bipinnate, with its pinnules deeply pin- natifid. In studying these explanations, it must be borne in mind that the true divisions which are stated to prevail in any fern cannot be found all over the frond, as with nearly all of them the upper part or termination, both of the frond and of the pinnae, is elongated or lengthened out ; so-*vhat is to be understood as characteristic is taken from the parts that are the largest and most conspicuous. The margins of the lobes or segments are usually not entire, but notched slightly into what are called teeth. If these teeth or divisions of the margin are regular and pointed like a saw, they are called serratures, or more commonly the margin is said to be serrated. If the margin is cut into rounded teeth, it is called crenate, and the teeth are termed crenatures 24 A Pocket Guide to When the teeth are stiff, hard, and sharp- pointed, they are spoken of as spines, and the frond called spinous. When the teeth are finer and more hair-like, they are called bristles. British Ferns. 25 GROUPING OF FERNS. I HAVE before mentioned, in speaking of the divisions of plants generally, that there is, first, tfce order ; secondly, the sub-order ; thirdly, the genus ; and lastly, the species. Altogether there are forty-two species of British Ferns, I am referring of course to those found wild in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. By Sub-order is understood a division wherein the structural characters belonging to it are less universally applicable than in the Order, but at the same time more prevalent than in what constitutes a genus. Sub-orders have been ar- ranged so as to contain genera agreeing in their principal points, as a help for determining their several marked differences. Thus we have seen that the order is Filices (ferns) ; there are only two sub-orders among the British Ferns, that is to say, none of the other sub-orders (three in number) of the whole of the ferns have genera containing British species. The sub-order Polypodiacece contains all the British genera except one, the genus Osmunda, which, as we have seen, is placed in the other sub-order, Osmundacea. There is sometimes another grouping of ferns, namely, into tribes, which division comes between 26 A Pocket Guide to the sub-order and the genus ; but I cannot help thinking that this subdivision, instead of pro- moting a knowledge of ferns, is more frequently only a hindrance, particularly to beginners, who find every name hard. A Genus is applicable to a group of plants which possess a certain community in the de- tails of their structure, such structural condi- tions belonging to few or many of what are regarded as species. Genera is the plural of genus. Species may be regarded as an assemblage of individual plants resembling each other in their general characters and able to propagate directly or indirectly individual plants which retain within certain definite limits the type of the parent plant. A Variety differs from a species in the trivial nature and inconstancy of its peculiarities, these being very apt to revert to the original parent form. The cultivated varieties of our British Ferns have great interest in the eyes of some amateurs, but our remarks are confined to the ordinary wild forms. Among those who have made ferns a study, there is so much difference of opinion with re- gard to naming and classifying them, that it is difficult to say which method is the best. It really matters little which is chosen, so that one system is pursued consistently. British Ferns. 27 GENERA OF BRITISH FERNS. I HAVE adopted in this work the plan gene- rally in use of arranging the genera, not alpha- betically, but according to their relations or points of resemblance with one another, be- ginning with Polypodium. The seventeen genera which include all the British species belong to two sub-orders, the Poly- podiaceae, which comprises sixteen genera dis- tinguished by the presence of a complete annulus (which is usually vertical, see page 16), and the Osmundaceae containing the Osmunda with an incomplete annulus seated on one valve only of the spore-case, and the sori usually in terminal clusters and not on the back of the frond. POLYPODIACE.E. 4. Polypodium ; this word is taken from the Greek, and means ' many-footed,' in allusion to the branching of the rhizome. It contains five species. 2. Allosorus ; this signifies 'different,' and 'a heap,' and probably has reference to the apparent fact of the sori being heaped up differently in various stages of their development. It contains one species. 3. Gymnogramma, from Greek words mean- ing ' naked ' and a ' line,' referring to the ab- 28 A Pocket Gtiide to sence of indusium to the thecae, which are arranged in lines, and not circularly, as in the Polypodium genus. 4. Polystichum, from the Greek ' poly,' ' sti- chos' ('many,' 'row'), on account of the many regular lines in which the sori are placed. It contains three species. 5. Lastrea ; named after Delastre, an eminent French botanist. It contains eight species. 6. Athyrium ; from a Greek word meaning ' opened,' alluding to the turned back position into which the indusium is forced by the ripe thecse. It contains one species. 7. Asplenium ; so named in reference to its supposed medical qualities. Nine is the number of species in this genus which is the largest of the seventeen genera. 8. Scolopendrium is derived from the word ' Scolopendra,' signifying a genus of animals known as 'centipedes,' which are found most numerously in the tropical parts of the world. The sori are supposed to resemble the legs of the centipede. There is only one species. 9. Ceterach. This is a very old name, sup- posed to be taken from the word 'chetherak,' given to this plant by Oriental medical writers. It contains one species. 10. Blechnum, from a Greek word signifying ' a fern.' It has one species. 11. Pteris ; named from the feathery cha- racter of the fronds. It contains one species. 12. Adiantum, from a Greek word meaning 'dry,' from the fact that the fronds strongly resist water. It has one species. British Ferns, 29 1 3. Cystopteris ; in allusion to the peculiar indusium, which is bladder-like. It contains three species. 14. Woodsia, after a well-known English botanist called J. Woods. There are two species in this genus. 15. Trichomanes, from Greek words meaning ' hair ' and ' excess,' alluding to the character of the receptacle which stands out beyond 'the thecae like a bristle. It has one species. 1 6. Hymenophyllum^Q called in reference to the thin texture of the fronds. It contains two species. OSMUNDACE^:. 17. Osmunda; named, probably, from an old local tradition, according to which a man named Osmund hid his wife and child among the tall fronds of this fern to save them from the cruel Danes, who were ravaging the place. It con- tains one species only. Osmunda is placed in the sub-order Osmunda- ceae, as we have previously learnt. The reason that it is kept apart from the sub-order Poly- podiacese is that its sori are not placed either at th"e back or at the margin of the frond, as in the genera in that sub-order, but in clusters dis- tinct from its leafy portion ; also on account of the spore-case opening vertically and into two valves, and because the ring of the spore-case is an incomplete one and is seated on one valve only of the spore-case. The vernation is circi- nate, as in Poly pod iaceae. 30 A Pocket Guide to THE ADDER'S TONGUE GROUP, OPHIOGLOSSACE^:. LET us now proceed to examine the other order of the section Cryptogamia, which has been pre- viously noticed, under the head of Ophioglos- saceae, at page 6. This order contains only two genera that are British, OpJiioglossum and Botryckium. Ophio- glossum contains two species, Botrychium but one. Ophioglossum is derived from Greek words, that mean ' a serpent ' and a ' tongue,' a translation of the English name given to the species of this genus, namely, ' Adder's Tongue,' from their sup- posed likeness to a serpent's or adder's tongue. Botrychium is derived from a Greek word, botrys, ' a cluster,' in allusion to the masses of sori on the fertile portion of the plant, which are in clusters somewhat in the form of a bunch of grapes. The chief point of agreement in this order Ophioglossaceae,distinguishingthem from Filices, is their vernation being straight, not circinate : that is, the fronds before they are developed are not rolled up, but are folded flatly together. Their sori are formed on a spike, which is in reality a branch of the leaf, or the continuation of the leaf-stalk. British Ferns. 3 1 The chief distinguishing points between this order and that of the ferns, Filices, are the entire absence of any ring to the spore-case, which is two-valved, and formed on the upper portion of the branch of a leaf, not on the back of the leaf. In Ophioglossaceae the two-valved spore-case opens transversely, and the species in both genera bear only one leaf to a plant, or two at the most. The part that forms the caudex or rliizonie in Filices is quite different in this order, being somewhat bulb-like at its base, swollen, and juicy ; it is called the stem. 32 A Pocket Guide to SUMMARY AS TO PLAN OF THE TABLES. THE series of tables which I have given below, where each species is treated of separately, is according to the following plan : 1. First, there is the scientific title (of Latin or Greek origin), with the abridged or full name of the botanist who first gave this name, and after that the common name by which the fern is ordinarily known. 2. In each instance the special points of the genus are next given under the heading of generic characters. 3. Under distinctive specific characters are noted the special peculiarities, and the points of difference from which the fern is known from all others of the genus to which it belongs. 4. Whether the fern has a rhizome or caudex. 5. The characters of the stipes and rachis. 6. The scales of the stipes. 7. The shape of the frond, its average size the length and width being ascertained. With regard to the latter, the widest part only is re- corded, and the measurements given must be taken to mean inches, unless it is specially notified that it is feet ; thus 2-3 long 1-2 wide means that the height of the frond, in- cluding the stipes, is from 2 to 3 inches long, and British Ferns. 33 from i to 2 inches wide (that is in the widest part) and all other particulars of the frond be- sides are given. 8. The texture of the frond, some ferns being hard and leathery, others very soft, thin, and transparent. Some have both their surfaces smooth that is without hairs some have them on the under side only : these hairs also vary in different species, being sometimes hard, when they are more properly called spines, and in others more like down, when they are called pub- escence. Glands are also present in some of the species on the surface of the fronds and at their margins ; they are minute wart-like swellings, or tiny tumours, sometimes having stalks, sometimes being stalk-less ; when they are present the frond is spoken of as glandular. 9. Whether deciduous or not ; the former referring to the fern's shedding its fronds in the autumn, the latter that the fronds last through the winter or longer. 10. Venation, the full character of it. The expression found in the generic characters of Lastrea, Veins free, means that in this genus the veinUjts do not unite. It is the chief character distinguishing it from the foreign genus Nepkro- dium from which modern pteridologists (per- sons possessing a knowledge of ferns) have separated it ; in that genus the lower veinlets usually unite. This joining together of the veinlets, or of any portion of the veins, is called anastomosing, or the veins are said to anasto- mose. The network holes which this uniting to- gether forms, are called areoles. The network is D 34 A Pocket Guide to sometimes called the reticulation, or the veins are spoken of as being reticulated that is, resembling network. 1 1. Position of the receptacle. 1 2. Sort, shape of and usual quantity ; also whether they become confluent (that is, uniting together to form a mass), or whether they keep to their original shape. 13. Whether the sori are dorsal or marginal. 14. If there is an indusium or involucre, or neither ; when present, shape and character of such. 15. Locality or w/tere found. 1 6. Lastly come the General Remarks to each species. The tables themselves, instead of following here, will be found towards the end of the present little volume, and they are numbered consecutively. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. As this book is in reality intended for amateurs, I venture to add a few remarks upon the plan to be followed in collecting and mounting, and upon the use of the pocket magnifying- glass, &c. As to Forming an Herbarium. A capital plan has been lately started by the editor of the monthly journal called Science Gossip, which affords great help for obtaining the accurate British Ferns. 35 names of ferns, &c. In its pages are given the names and addresses of qualified persons who are willing to act, without any charge whatever, as Assisting Naturalists. Under their names are given the special branches of natural history in which they undertake to give help, by naming the specimens sent to them. Again, supposing you wish to have a larger collection of ferns than you have the opportunity of collecting yourselves, you will find it a good plan to advertise or answer advertisements in that useful newspaper called The Exchange and Mart, which has among its numerous advertisers some expe- rienced botanists who, at a reasonable rate, supply good and accurately-named fronds or complete collections. By whatever means ob- tained, it is, however, advisable that a small collection should be got together. The printed labels, with the names of all the British species, and the abbreviated name of the botanist after each who first gave it such name, thus Polypodium vulgare, L., are bound with the present work for cutting out and placing on the collector's specimens. Mounting Ferns. The ferns should be mounted on foose sheets for ready reference ; or if a book is preferred, the kind made for newspaper cut- tings is the most suitable, as it allows space to the fronds without causing difficulty in closing it, as is the case with ordinary bound leaves. The specimens should be fastened on the sheets by means of narrow slips of gummed paper. Care should be taken that none of the leafy portion is caught in when fastening the 36 A Pocket Guide to frond down. It is not advisable to gum down the whole frond ; but if wished to do so, use powdered Tragacanth gum moistened with water, as this does not leave disfiguring shining marks. Arrange each species on a page by itself; if two fronds of each are not possessed, then place the one so as to show the under side with its thecae. Be particular, when gathering fronds, to select one of each species with thecae. Most of the ferns have their thecae on some of the fronds only, though all the fronds are usually alike in general appearance ; the fertile (those that bear thecae) are, however, generally narrower in outline. Pocket Lens. The magnifying glass is an essential for acquiring a knowledge of ferns. A small pocket lens, with two or three glasses commonly called a triplet, can be obtained at any of the opticians from 2s. 6d. to $s., according to quality. In my own case, I have found the lens called a ' Coddington ' to be the most useful, affording pleasure by its clear defining power. The Coddington lens is, however, more expen- sive, ranging in price from IDS. to 14^. With regard to its use if out-of-doors, face the sun, holding the specimen steadily in your left hand, the magnifying glass in the right. Each person must judge for herself or himself how best to bring the rays of light upon the specimen while avoiding the glare, and also at what dis- tance to place the lens towards the eye. Gene- rally speaking, with the common hand lens, from about an inch to two inches between glass British Ferris. 37 and object, and the same between the eye and the glass, is necessary. With the Coddington, both eye and object must be placed much nearer it, and in most instances quite close to it. It is advisable not to shut the left eye in looking through the right, as the contraction of the lids and the knitting of the eyebrows tend rapidly to weary the observer. If this cannot be managed at first, begin with one eye, letting the other open gradually. If the lens is used in a room, stand near the window, and follow the above directions, which, if carefully carried out, will remove the diffi- culties so many persons experience in looking through a magnifying glass. What is a common fault, and therefore ought specially to be avoided, is the looking through a glass with one's back to the light ; or, again, stooping the head over the specimen in such a way as to obscure the rays of light. One great point is the throwing a flood of light on the object to be examined ; and another to use the lens according to fancy, but in such a way as to give least strain to the eyes. -The Compound Microscope I need only allude to by name ; for, although a most necessary in- strument in the study of the minute structure of ferns, it is not necessary in the ordinary determi- nation of species. Tabular Descriptions versus Drawings* I have purposely refrained from introducing in this work any drawings, because it is of such importance to consult the real fronds. Plates are a great 38 A Pocket Guide to help when it is impossible to procure the ferns themselves ; but they never do and never will, however beautifully and accurately printed, answer the same purpose. It may be useful, again, to notice, as has already been incidentally remarked in the matter of labelling, that there is placed after the Latin titles of ferns, as of other plants, the name in full, or, more often, a contraction of the name of the botanist who first gave this title. The great Swedish botanist, Linnaeus, has the distinction of being quoted by Z,., though Linn, is very often used. This is sufficient to serve as an example ; explanation of other con- tractions will be found at pages 90 and 91. Examination of Specimens, Supposing a beginner has been in the country and found some ferns, and naturally desires to ascertain their names, how ought he or she to set about finding out this from the accompanying tables ? i. Begin by examining the under surface of the fronds, in order to ascertain if the fern is in fruit ; in other words, is the plant in fructifica- tion or does it possess sori ? If not in fruit, then occasionally the beginner will find a difficulty ; for example, the Lady Fern and the Alpine Polypody in nearly all respects resemble each other, excepting in the form of their sori and the presence of an indusium in the former case. In only a few instances does it make no difference whether the plant be in fruit or not. British Ferns. 39 Thus, then, it is necessary on all occasions to obtain specimens in fruit, for leaves of certain other plants may be inadvertently mistaken by the inexperienced for those of ferns, but cannot be so if sori are present. 2. Note the forms of the sori. Supposing they are linear (or in lines), then the fern does not belong to either of the following genera, namely, Polypodium, Allosorus, Woodsia, Cysto- pteris, Polystichum, Lastrea, Athyrium, Tricho- manes, HymenopJiyllum, or Osmunda. This re- duces the number of genera to be compared to six. 3. Look at each of the characters of the genera that are not included in the above mentioned, namely, Gymnogramma, Blecknum, Pteris, Adiantum, Asplenium, Scolopendrium, and Ceterack, and endeavour to find out which of them corresponds or agrees with the principal features in the frond under examination. Take, for instance, the Common Spleenwort (Asplenium Trichomanes] ; on turning to page 86 for the Key of the Genera, it will be seen that in its generic characters the sori are stated to be linear, and singly placed on the side of the venation, and that,the indusium is of the same linear form, both the indusium and sori being straight, not curved. These characters give the clue as to which genus (namely, Asplenium} this fern belongs. 4. But supposing the sori not to be of linear form on the fern under consideration, then it is to be referred to the other group of genera first mentioned, namely, that commencing with Poly- podium. Space forbids my dwelling here on the particulars of each genus ; the reader should 4O British Ferns, study the different characters of the several genera by careful reference to the Key and Tables. 5. Having found the genus, it is next wanted to make out the species. To find the species, it is necessary again to compare with the other species of the said genus, and separate the fern from all its fellow species, as was done in searching for the genus to which it belongs. The chief points in which species differ are in the characters of their stipes and rachis, the form and colour of the scales, the shape, cutting, and hue of the fronds, and in their venation. In the Common Spleenwort (Asplenium Tric/iomanes}, the question at issue is, in what respects it differs from the other eight species of the genus. On examination, the specimen is found to have a dark brown stipes and rachis, also pinnate fronds, but not a bipinnate frond, wherein it differs from the Black Maiden-hair Spleenwort (A. A diantum-nigruvi). The Green Spleenwort (A. viride] has a green stipes and rachis and pinnate fronds, the former distinguish- ing it from the Common Spleenwort, and the latter from the Black Maiden-hair Spleenwort, which has bipinnate fronds. The Sea Spleenwort (A. marinum) is marked by its leathery texture and deep green colour of the fronds, while possessing other characters of the foregoing. So on each of the other five species of the genus is to be successively compared with the specimen under examination, A. Trichomanes. Above all, to make progress, strenuously endeavour to master the peculiarities of but one genus or one species at a time. 77/^ Common Polypody. 41 iaceae. Common Polypody. iwn scales, of the rachis. 1 .-: ; ~, 2 of it ; these veins first throw off one veinlets, each ending in a thick point ending in the middle of the pinnatifid 1 division. low round sori. Its favourite abode tft o o l-< o O O 1 Oi " ^' c " S ^ S "H. J| j Q, b IS o .e'- 1 a c >. x g (2! > S r^ * ! J | o young wi takes the 1 ed by sha ,'uls on eai >, three, 01 2~ "3 c ^ c a '5. M c .? ' -0 8 C] M ^ O ^"S w C Q M j Not deci ed when nid-vein 5 J; U2 1 t. o . u ^ c So-i .S:H 1 s _o 1 6 S ^ O i J 13 1^ |B o 121 o a 1 i ^ IS t) tf! 1. POLYPO round. No indusium. 1 a 1 'S. u 1 ,* zome thick and branching, i en, but yellow when dried ; j " a S 1 j ~ b V rt J deciduous, but fronds are f lid-vein from which veins br Miule, then go on and branc :ar the margin of the pinnat the apex of the first branch! vision. ind. sal ; situated at intervals in ie. versally distributed. s easily recognised by the i the stump of an old tree. % E o W e L. rt o 5 fc ^ 1 M 3 = > c = O B li M 000 & Q fc '.- a 01 o (C (fl . o 'o o a M 3 2 3 C c ^ i E a CO ^ (t (J o E 9 s 01 3 1-1 e i X u u O TJ 5 U-, ir o . 2 c 3 u _o ?| 1) C E C g _o 3 I* C o ,0 u H "3 *c t>. c V O l| Q S - CM ' K co y^ _0 "o o W o c u fa 3 1< '5 u Q s 1 o. o a u X a 'Z 111 When i4 u O 42 T/ie Beech Fern. PHEGOPTERIS, L. Beech Fern. into lobes ; the tapering point of the apex of the frond ; er pairs of divisions) being pinnate, and the lowest pair s. 1 | s 1 S B _0 *rt c. B "3 '-3 jj 1 ,Q V ; of the stipes, and very small ; also on the rachis, and if the frond, and also on a portion of the mid-vein. t. 6-20 long, 3-6 in widest part. Pinnatifid, except the the two lowest pairs, which are not joined to the rachis pinnae. All the pinnatifid divisions and the pinnae are achis into each of the pinnae or the pinnatifid divisions ; t portions (called lobes) a wavy vein (that is not straight, off, at intervals on each side, the venules, those tearing the sori ; the venules occasionally branch into largin of the lobe. and usually becoming confluent. are in Ireland, a continual drip, though not confined to it. 1-1 - -0 "3 a c . o >-" -3 ^ J3 c ^n H 2. POLYPODrUB Sori round. No indusium. Crowded pinnatifid divisions, deeply cu the lowest pair (sometimes the two lo of pinnaj being always bent downwar Rhizome very creeping, slender, dark-c rt j 3 a c ~n "rt a bo J CO 1 CO Few, buff-colouredj pointed, at the ba continued along it nearly to the apex Ovate-triangular, tapering to a long poi lowest pair of divisions, or sometime by the leafy portion, and are therefor deeply lobed. Thin ; very hairy on the under side. Deciduous. A stout mid-vein branches off from the from it runs into each of the deeply-c but undulating) ; from this branc farthest from the apex of the lobe veinlets. CJ 1 ~5 | * a a 1 Round, about ten to a lobe, but varyinj Almost marginal. l> 1 More common in Scotland and Wales ; Its favourite abode is a shady bank nei 01 E o X a w T) \ "rt " w o y V 3 C . -2 o O c a E rt CO . 2 !_, M B E a * Gj C ^ o >2 a O o E a rt 3 "3 . V, O 2 01 s 3 _o JU "o i w o t4 g 3 | o Q ' a 8 > c. (U o S ^ The Oak Fern. 43 CJ3 " y >-13 "S* Bs|-s|| 5 S 5*3 - = S.S^-5^;^ <2-S>SrS ^ rt rt f- H " S J3 c o _, v .2 : J5 c u 3 (V > *j *J" y CO g WH U 3 o *o a 0. ' _ 3 . a 'tn u "a V .- "> 3 V to ~ o ""3 9 X U C u ^ Q *O A C r -> u 5 w fa HQ > B t/3 Q KH > o 44 The Limestone Polypody. [ANUM, Hoffm. Limestone Polypody. :ion, in addition to that of the three branches ; the plete apex-like portions as in /'. Dryopteris ; the s, and frond. ryopteris. y glandular, as are also the rachides. pointed. the largest, and the apex elongated. Pinnate ; in he lowest pinnse have pinnules (a few) ; the rest of inatifid divisions are crenate, particularly the lower s. 5-13 long, 3-7 in widest part. landular, mostly on the under side ; a mealy appear- fore coming to the leafy portion, as in P. Dryopteris ; le and pinnatifid division of the pinna;, from which )innule and pinnatifid division ; this vein sends out ;xtending to the margin. a o .5 1 u i c o 1 a a. M c V 3 tn c V 8 J2 3 a 'o >> 'o 1 1 o bo es. Abundant in the Lake Country, composed of minute stalked wart-like swellings of a the frond, rachides, and stipes. A lens is necessary flat for examination, not upright as usually is best, freat care is required to master its specific characters. E rt P "-i z. *flj J- . ' ed 5=J r- 'ji > 3 rt wi o ^3 iT 4. POLTPODIUM ROBER' Sori round. No indusium. The separate rolling up of the pinna? in vern lowest pinna; not forming two such coi glandular pubescence of its stipes, rachil Rhizome, very creeping, thicker than in P. . Very long, rather stout, pale green. Minut A few at the base, of pale brown colour, mm Somewhat triangular, but lowest pinna? mu< strong fronds partially bipinnate, for then the frond is pinnatifid, the lobes of the r. portions. Darker green than P. Dryopte, Thin, but not so thin as in P. Dryopteris. ance being thus given to the whole frond. Deciduous. The secondary rachis branches off some way 1 it then sends out a mid-vein into each pini branches a wavy vein into each lobe of th< venules, which generally have two veinlet: On the apex of the venule ; when there are each side of it, as in P. Dryopteiis. Round, about eight in a lobe, varying accor Almost marginal. None. In the limestone districts of England and W The glandular pubescence, noticed above, i pale colour, giving a mealy appearance t to see them, and the frond should be he This fern much resembles P. Dryopteris, s< o (C X u ' _, o T3 . CK . " 00 o u 3 Jj fl .X 0. CO . a u C8 O " I c I* " ; I ; - hi n 2 i tn fa C "0 t*- y) u . 3 fl/ tj c ~ O 3 {3 "o u C O * o I 2 s A O O O o ol * 3 urt 'C o M d 3 "3 9 O, . (4 tfi l-i Ui O V g U u o C O o Q 5 S W CO 2 fa X u H 'u Q u u u "III > s >0 The Alpine Polypody. 45 1 V .5 4 t 1 E o c 1 -a , 3 8 is o "l I b E. a j a d a M '-3 c V 1 'S 15 S tj _o "rt g P is. ndary rachis throws off a mid-veii " the pinnatifid divisions of the pi vein two or sometimes three ven to the margin of each of the lobe venules of each pinnatifid divis he middle of the venules, and on about six on each pinnule ; they be Highlands of Scotland usually greatly resembles Athyrium Fit the son and absence of an indusi appears to come from the recepta( s not a true one. Sori roun 81 J 5 # D a J B | a L. to Lanceola c 1 il*i 3 v 5uJ3 D _r- U O Cj Q H I s -a -j g 2 c of o o o t* O fc Only in t This fern 5 i S|s C &J3 01 1C M Generic Character Distinctive Speci Characters. Rhizome or Caud a & a c a in . w Scales of ditto . o o Texture of Frond Deciduous or not Venation . . . . Receptacle . . . Sori Dorsal or Margin: Indusium . . . Where found . . General Remarks 46 Parsley Fern. S . .re i h M S.o fe^i =-= ^2 C >. *u o C O ^ S 'o o a K Z K - J I TE'S B> g a ^ a _'C-r-S . >J3 Oa . *> w u u o "E. B _0 "C E o o o 1 y round sori being concea ired when dry), slender ar though they appear to be s seen that there is no rca e stipes. Triangular or t one 3-10 long and 1^-3 w irtile one is contracted by i tifid than the barren one produces veins and venule is puzzling, but the abov ery pointed, vein of the lobe ; they be< id-veirh and is pale in colour ; it c up by llieir pressure, abundant in the Lake Di i frond much resembles th 5 I o 04! "3 c 1 " B ^2 \r "= j"5 c 1 I 8 "5 <" *o ^ IS '5 "" 5 J: >~ rt G i ri J t n * > c c a^-? o * J o n 3 B i ^ .5 S S."^-* o .s > I'sf "o-- "~ C 11 H JO c ^ "~ " - *rt '-^ r2 * j *S D rt V. V D *Tj ~. % ."2 o 1 o s 2 .. *j ^ y . o c S~S c - "" o - s o ' " " S *o t >vC t P-,'S ^'~ '- t "^ -^ ~ :M 2 p ~ ^ _o jg i- .If 1 i 'Z'o | J.2 = " S|s|1 :s are no lot very Ifl " -3 C IJ = to 3 0^ E.c |l T= S | 3.1 B 12 rt -S^ c U = 2 5 ^ = o S .S " >> ,& o2* e e C > ^ cc o o bfl o o J: of' 3 "S .2 W G W " J) _>< C c Sc o^; i si i ;s 055 fj V ga O -a"pi 3 1 * o 1.2 . . 5 ^ . . . "a . B . I as u o g s 'bi u W o* 5 * u a S o c 3 E u o >*j ! 11 1 ^ *s s s a c _o ' *0 l Cl CO g 2 01 S .20 o a .2 a "a u W 1 X V H Q B U o 'C Kii M 3 11 JS u The Slender Gymnogram. A, Desv. Slender Gymnogram. EL V s c I a .S J .2 and pinnatifid ; the next produced fronds iped ; the fertile fronds are 3-8, bipinnate e. ,* rimary rachis, sending a vein into every each division of the pinnule, the venules early to the apex of each of the divisions the venule ; it is situated on their surface. lal existence. It begins to grow from its rity the next summer, when it soon dies a li a _o a -a 3 8. B ^ V M 0. .c -S e 3 'o c || j rt e e OGRAMMA LEPTOPm i without an indusium. I ur in mature fronds, which co earliest are \ in. high, fan-sha :, with pinnae pinnatifid and fa ivate. All are from i to ii in. 1 4) C C Si W3 >: "5 O V B 'x O s goes off on each side of t :s twice so as to send a venule orked, and one veinlet procee ules are cut. of the veinlet, also on a portio ming confluent when mature. isually on moist banks. tish fern that is of yearly or in the autumn, arriving at r > spores for producing new plai i k O Q. ^ "o f a T3 H c c a g- 2 a c c '5. 8 M J3 m O 'M >< C "S JB e . a f, " z C * rt ^ In* S * w ^ T * o JJ" ; S M The linear foi Only one Brii r A caudex wh Of a dark brc rachis. None. Of three kind are 1-2 in., or tripinnat Thin. Deciduous ; ( V " JZ O H usually bee into which On the whole Linear, forkei Dorsal. None. In Jersey onl This is the < germinatinj away, scatt aracters , 1C PA 'C O _n Q o .205 Q tt 10 u . w Cj O U l-> co b 2 S X U t) (U H O c u 0. . " -c l "ra 2 Q S i m u V i u o The Holly Fern. E to the receptacle by on the rachis. 6-10 long, 1-2 wide. d a glossy surface. oing into each pinna ; lule, which is again x of the pinna, and nlets, one venule or a V V . .5 d 1 , 2! rt 1 D , < i c u V ~ Bi 3 ! o .5 o tain to the luxuriant plants. b u J2 t c 8 b53 8 -* a > O G 3 ' ^ rt S >> "o a c 8 15 J 'S. "> w T3 c '3, 'g rt J!2 2 So' 2 r". js 2 :- W) tC G O u 1 c 's i! " .5 1 OJ t) ft ^ g rt >, | P. ^ o J2 s| 1 2 > OJ3 rt '- >> 1 2 o o J3 r . = 'l Ert r moun S rt 8 t." 3 r H > | bo a o fi 3 o c V j: O o C w 1 8. POLYSTICHUM LONCHITK Sori round, with round indusium ; the indusium being at a tiny stalk ; leathery texture of the fronds. Being pinnate, and of very rigid texture. A thick caudex. ^ o "rt 1 f J3 | rt 9 i rt t Numerous ; usually lanceolate in shape, pale brown. A < Linear-lanceolate ; pinnate ; pinnae serrated with prickly Dark green in colour. Resembling holly in being rigid and leathery, and in havi Not deciduous. It is not very clearly visible, but is as follows : Amid-veii from it a vein goes into the ear-shaped lobe, and froi branched into veinlets ; the mid-vein then continues i sends out veins branching into venules, which gener; veinlet terminating at each tooth or spine of the frond. On the venules or veinlets nearest the mid-vein, also on t shaped lobe ; always on their surface, not at their side. Round ; about fifteen to each pinna. When mature tr. confined to the upper part of the frond. Dorsal. Round, dark brown in colour ; it does not fall away for of the sorus ; it opens by lifting itself up all round at it! In Scotland, near Loch Earn, on Ben Lomond, and o and in Ireland. Rare in England. This is not common anywhere in the United Kingdom, growth of specimens found in Norway, and seldom is it g H o X 1C 3 z, j fc skafll* rt .s fcfi-J tH 41 -C rt rv o s " f y ? H 8 h-S c rt ^i^S Q -as H O II 8-2 ) 0. ' 5 3 Ji of es he n 5 C O 6 O - o |1|. laP a! Q 7 o.s ti C * g^i^ SM 38'S cc s |sliji - r-- s^> "fSs.a>.S 23 g.5 u^g ili-ll?! PH E S ctiv ractc 1 II S .20 O Q 5.2 3 J3 ca q 5 0,3^ -. m B ' S W M -rt I 6,1. S ^ 'il o PK a A hd> c J2 '& * 'I 1 E S 3 u S| -2- .i u a O The Soft Prickly Shield Fern. xfc>-e >> T3 JS _>,_>, g _>, S-S '3 "5 8 ^d S 3 3 -88.51 1 *'i Is* ^ 1 ' s 'e is- % JTS . - t! s .*'* el. 3^-S.l o " - fa 1 2 b .5 3 o<: 3 o JTl .2-S ^ 2 rS |f g S -2 .as e t| s I *^$ a 3 fa fe S S S a o c 3 6^ 3 -s I . 62 |^S. < <*- ^oa"aS "a ^ 1S-SI1 8 rt 2 S S S ^ Sa- -| 'g.-gl 4 . 'S'l'S 'e-l Si S a ~ -O -*Xi 3 -S'^ls. * 1 ! j* - i J a S " "Sjnrt^j rt o"* 1 < *""3' U ' 4 'U f o. S' 5 - rt U - ~ f ^ 'e *** . 3 W3 C P. rt^go ^g"Sl c'J 6J fa (/; "X _C T5 '3JJ-S -S , . ^ Pi ill PI ANGULARE, /V/. The Soft P ; the indusium being attached in its < :exture of the fronds, se angle with the secondary rachis, th :ed from the secondary rachis than in t teeth or hair-like bristles. The pii ire densely scaly than in the other tw ther species ; very thickly clothed will e secondary rachis is also much clothe nceolate in shape, but much lengthen! ke scales. Both are found on the prii ing, 6-1 1 in. wide. The upper pinnu ly as large as in P. aculeatum ; the pi obtuse angle from the secondary rac f its name), but they have much the sa ther species, and not glossy. A few 1 pinnule ; from it branch about three i (except those that bear the recepta a greater number of venules in the eat the mid-vein, nule, forming a line on each side ol e ; sori are also present in the ear-sha e. When the sori are becoming mal the receptacle till after the sori have 1 her parts of the United Kingdom com are called shield ferns, from the si d. P. angulare has developed into 2 onstant to their deviation from the 1101 ). POLYSTICHUM 1, with round indusium utive stalk. Leathery I lies forming a very obtu is more widely separal of the fronds with sof ; the whole frond is me after the sori are ripe, which is thick. OJ3 rt|2 * 8 % |- .d2 S ^ . - 2 S "'s .2 rt j;.S"3 rt'bi'iS 3 Sft!.8 c C fill ill ;|ii S i: " J= c gJ-3 ^ S,i"T3 c ".S , J; >>S"5 c.o 2 '5.JB d 3-S fa "*l*l?fl1*li id-vein goes into each extending to the margil nearly so). There are venules that are nearest bout fourteen to a pin g confluent when matui is attached in its centi ut remains attached to ely in Scotland. In ot and its fellow species n to the shape of a shiel 'which keep tolerably c IlSlIifllllSllllllflll ffll-llj . s s I" 2 H O TJ V 3 II i 43 73 O tl 2 c HQ> 1l IS - .2 u >O The Marsh Buckler Fern. STREA THELYPTERIS, Bory. Marsh Buckler Fern. usium, which assumes that shape by having the notch at its base by which receptacle ; the thin texture of the fronds, which are mostly deciduous, inguish this genus from that of Polystichum. Veins free, ome and absence of a caudex ; the long stipes, which is almost if not quite the stipes and rachis being slender ; the indusium of not quite such a s, and the veinlets of all the venules bearing each a sorus. There being s or rachis. very creeping. longer, than the leafy portion in the fertile fronds, but shorter and slighter it is dark-coloured near the base, the rest and the rachis are yellowish 1 when dry. ightly narrowed at the base. Pinnate : pinnae deeply pinnatifid. 1-2 ft. Bright green in colour. The fertile fronds are the tallest, and their arrowed by the margin being revolute or rolled backwards. ewhat wavy vein goes into eack pinnatifid lobe from the mid-vein, and d veinlets which extend to the margin, each venule, near their base, where they branch into venules, ut twenty-two to each lobe of the pinna?. They often become confluent. dedly kidney-shaped as is usual in the genus. Small, whitish, torn, and s at the margin, it is soon pushed open by the sorus, and dies away early. his genus, the indusium opens by lifting up all round its margin, t places. Rather rare. Found in several places in England, North and Ireland, but very uncommon in Scotland, mbles L. Oreopteris; but besides its specific characters, the darker green distinguishes it from the yellowish green of those of L. Ortopteris. 13 D s c o ma. Hi Kl The kidney-shaped in it is attached to th These characters di The presence of a rh destitute of scales ; marked kidney sha no scales on the sti] Rhizome ; slender anc Slender, as long as, o in the barren ones green, straw-colour None. Lanceolate, but very long, 4-6 in. wide pinnatifid lobes are Thin ; smooth. Deciduous. A very prominent so sends out venules a On both the veinlets Somewhat round ; ab Almost marginal. Roundish ; not so dec furnished with glan In all the species o; On bogs or very mo South Wales, and i This species much re of the fronds at one E tc X . n rt o ' " o C . -2 Receptacl Sori . . Dorsal or Indusium Where fo General I 52 Tlie Lemon-scented Fern. emon-scented Fern. .ving the notch at its base by which onds, which are mostly deciduous. hum. Veins free. :nt of lemons ; the tapering at both rds the basal extremity ; and the (U 3 1 3 2 nae deeply pinnatifid. 1-3 ft. long, i small glands without stalks, which ly when the fronds are bruised. a rt "3 1 J2 C 2 .n o H c : apex of it ; in all the species of hings, not on their sides, sori to a lobe. kidney-shaped. It is smaller than ar streams in mountainous districts. at resembles L. Filix-mas, but its ond, which produces an odour like Ml 6 q Sf 4><~Q, ao,J 9 ^ a strong so :able towa' | , a few on t nnate ; pin lothed with , particular -3 'a u M o j=a s " s g S^ < 2"S s '- 1 -T? n O .2 y. j=<^-~ .S ^ rtJS l^'a 1 --f-gsli 1 12. LASTREA OREOPTERIS The kidney-shaped indusium, which assumes that s it is attached to the receptacle ; the thin textui These characters distinguish this genus from 'that The staikless glands on the fronds, which give out ends of the fronds, which is particularly notici yellowish-green colour of the fronds. Caudex rather thick ; not upright, but somewhat di Short, thick, glandular, as is also the rachis. Ovate-lanceolate in shape ; numerous on the stipes ; hairs) ; all are very pale in colour, almost white. Lanceolate, but much tapering at both ends. Pi 4-8 in. wide. Usually yellowish green ; thickly c give out a strong smell resembling that of lemons I 1 'Z _0 I 3 fl I e a a Deciduous. A wavy vein goes from the mid-vein into each lob sometimes veinlets in the larger lobes. On those venules or veinlets nearest to the vein, c Lastrea, it is situated on the surface of the vein i Somewhat round, but soon becoming confluent ; ab Almost marginal. It is not always present in this species, but when ex the sorus, jagged at its edges, and dies away earl Very abundantly in Scotland, where it attains a grea Much less common in England, Wales, and Irela This fern is often called montana by botanists, specific characters are very distinct, and the brui lemon, enables the youngest beginner easily to di u X B 1C in 3 D 'o a ' a c 4J c, 1 U 2 1 jq Ot 11 u o o a a c if ditto o M-i O C 2 C u . "o r: f 1 2 u. e o r: c CH u c v IS t>4 A O o at u o c 1 +* o 3 ."2 _O i : -log 888 a tr % C. *3 o X U e o 'C "- -a JS C V _U K W Q 5 53 h at its base by which ire mostly deciduous, free. _n a n o "o .S c : are also smaller ones : colour, but narrower o v a S'n 03 jj ."2 M S.I = *S a "u 5 b u > 1 c 3 i-s's .S g a > 2-^ i3 -c -S %& i outline. thed with scales lidden by the sc , pale brown ; th les also of the sa being always t the lower pinnae g, 6-12 in. wide. 5 * "g bi 1{ pinnule or pin iargin. mid-vein. division, but bei '3 o c V *l II s- 15 o . ?-T< 13. LASTREA FILIX-MAS, , indusium, which assumes that shape the receptacle ; the thin texture of distinguish this genus from that of Pa onate, as well as broadly lanceolate ir entire length of the frond densely clo e colour, particularly in the stipes, is 1 ipes, large, narrow lanceolate in shape On the primary rachis there are sea , partially bipinnate, the pinnae not dedly cut or pinnatifid ; usually only lae are narrow elongated. 1-2 ft. Ion iuous, though the fronds are usuall n on till the young ones appear in the IBS from the primary rachis into each venules, which extend nearly to the m e of those venules that are nearest the or more on a pinnule or pinnatifid on the mass, in patches. o "o sT c V i ind universally distributed. a noted botanist, Mr. Wollaston, di not thinking it necessary for this woi ; have developed from this species. The kidney-shaped it is attached to w These characters Being partially bipi A caudex large. About one-third the the rachis, but th A quantity on the st mixed with them, and more pointed Broadly lanceolate pinnules, but deci serrated ; the pini colour. Rather thin ; smoot Not regularly decil places they remai A wavy mid-vein gc branch veins and On about the middl Almost round. 4-8 indusium remains Dorsal. Kidney-shaped, mai It is very common, ; This species is by adopted his plan, beautiful varieties S o x S 1 CD !H a "o C J4 I .o CO ^ u eg *- 1 C u o f : S c 6 .C (U O 5 5 w th fa H > & 0} Q > O 54 The Remote Buckler Fern. s base by which sstly deciduous. and those of the I marking of the 1 V o II "o i- 1 >st divided into ong, about 6 in. out veins which o C ii V It soon shrivels none have since and appearance c - e v& .2 J3 ?. E "3 3 o * rt v I Jl ^ B j 'B, Vr c o '5 T3 <2 Z~ 85 IS V ^ $ . that shape by ha texture of the fi 5m that of Polysti being somewhat i ; the great variet; o 1 a" u T-o I. a ll & 8-8 rachis into each n, on both sides c ; they are presen argin is entire, ai as withered. :w plants were on was first made kr zs in general struc fern which it is m K which assumes acle ; the thin h this genus fr< : ; the pinnules distance apart igth of the fron If g 1 fi Ul V U 1" e, with pinna irrated and too the secondary ond the margin rest the mid-vei ix on a pinnule n colour ; its m ntil the frond h moreland ; a fe id abroad, and les L. Filix-mi cristata is the 4 Hi ill .! 3 *"'ZI 'TS flj w .'5 ate outlim g at some : of the ler V I J ; bipinnat obes are s< ;oes from spines bey veins nea: 3 O a le brown ii ittached u II 1M < > >^ (rt t/l Q .S " ^ S S" .- 1H The kidney-shaped it is attached to These characters The oblong lanceol lower pinnae bein scales. A caudex. About a fourth pan green in colour. Numerous and vai dark blotch at th pointed. Oblong lanceolate pinnules ; these I in width. Thin ; smooth. Deciduous. A wavy mid-vein g terminate in the < On the apex of the Nearly round ; lart Dorsal. Kidney-shapedj pa up, but remains ; Only at Winderme been discovered. This very rare spec: the variety spinn B o (B X n "a 'o 3 !c B ti tJ o. rt u o C ' bJ3 ;- rn O CD ^ u CD B a M u K fa a 1 i jq o O o 3 V M) V ^ u > 4- '5 HI 01 o i C ^ b . O E _3 ^ T u S 3 in u m V O c *- 3 2 3 '5 8* * 3 u u u 2o . "3 2 o s o Q 04 03 W fe H Q r> K 03 Q M > o 1 he Kigia Buckler Pern. 5 5 :s base by which ostly deciduous. ise of the stipes ; ithout spinulose o c i i o c brown. On the rt-stalked trans- Tated, the teeth g J3 4 1 M X! IB 3 c 'S. lonfluent. 1 o "o-S Z S u J.P X s JK JJ c 1" o 2~'3 d u v u .g 1| 6 3 1 1 , I l! JH * tjjs.i c.H 5 rt.s u a. "o El 1 i 1 1 J C G'-S " . HI "J 4)-g' > _O JJ o OT f V 5 s rt K fl ^^ . CH V- . O """^ a B J.s g u sg C at ^ - I ii &> o o IsJ .. M ^ 8 x; "3 ca ~j rt i:'~ t. J 'u " OS a H c*"' >2 15. LASTREA RIGID A, Presl. Rij The kidney-shaped indusium, which assumes that shape by 1 it is attached to the receptacle ; the thin texture of the These characters distinguish this genus from that of Poly si The reddish-brown colour of the scales, and their being so mi the narrow elongate-triangular outline of the fronds ; the serratures. A caudex which is somewhat thick. Rather stout, particularly at the base, one-third or more t densely covered with scales. Rachides green. Numerous ; long and pointed, but very broad near the bas primary rachis they are hair-like. On both the rachides parent glands. Narrow ; elongate-triangular. Bipinnate ; pinnules pinnatif soft and hair-like. 12-18 long, 4-6 wide. Colour rather dt Somewhat thin ; the upper surface t when young, is sprinkle give out a faint odour, hardly noticeable when dry. Deciduous. A mid-vein that bends in and out, goes from the. seconda branch veins and venules ; the venules end in the serrated 1 On the middle of the venules that are nearest the mid-vein, o Almost round ; rather large ; about six to ten on a pinnule. Dorsal. Kidney-shaped ; lead coloured ; sometimes pale brown wh small stalked glands ; on its surface also there are glands. In the limestone districts of Westmoreland, Lancashire, and The specific name rigida, would appear to have been givi growth which is rather rigid in appearance. It most rese on the rachides (which in every case must be looked for wit u X I 1C v> , . "3 , u 'o I n '2 u 1 ! C -a 1 g CO . O (8 o . 3 . -o of g a t> o h O 3 , 1 *- 1 to V . S c 3 u Ctf U S- tt " G *4-l 3 C "o h E -2 u % w O 1 .2 5 O 3 "3 'C c (3 o to W a '** & . *3 *cn i- B V 4) c 44 eo o> 01 "CJ ^ O. "3 2 X u o> C u O 0) ' o " ^ C U O Q K CO CO h Q ^ ft< co Q ^ $ O 56 The Narrow Prickly Buckler Fern. 1 its base by which mostly deciduous, e. he pinna, and the S" *rf 0-3 5: e-S IB A 1 O e o base. Not quite which are serrated :-8 long, 3-5 wide. o.S >>s o u o rf ** nd, about eight on become confluent. 3 a i" rt Nottinghamshire. C ** jt *> a S. " C! g u< o M gl a 3 T B o'" 1 Narrow Prickly Buck pe by having the notch of the fronds, which a Polystichitm. Veins 1 )road pinnatifid lobes o ions. ^ 2 T3 K ^3 >-< SU J= r r ; some are occasional lardly narrowed at tl oad lobes, the margins i p ery upright manner. lule) is as follows : A ' ut veins and venules, gin of the frond. ondary mid-vein. e upper portion of the 1 mle. They do not ofte o c o e "o k, Suffolk, Cheshire, a: and we are inclined inappropriate. One o "5 flail >! "o 5 at* SE u o'S. e E *! C * >- c ." c "" - u _D 2 * pa o _ _ = e eti "3 17. LASTREA DILATATA, Presl. Broad Buckler he kidney-shaped indusium, which assumes that shape by having the not it is attached to the receptacle ; the thin texture of the fronds, which These characters distinguish this genus from that of Fflfystichunt. Vein he dark colour of the centre of the scales ; the ovate-lanceolate outline o daWc brown colour towards the base of the stipes, and partially on the pr caudex which is stout. rom a third to half the length of the frond ; rather stout, particularly near except near the base, where very dark brown. On strong fronds the brc up the back of the stipes, and partially on the primary rachis, which is o quantity, near the base, not so many above ; lanceolate, but much tape particularly at the apex ; colour pale brown, except the centre, which is the primary rachis there are a few scales, which are usually of the same but these are much smaller and narrower. vate-lanceolate, as a rule, but it varies ; being occasionally triangular, tripinnate, the pinnules are so deeply pinnatifid as to be almost conver the margins are sharply toothed, ending in bristle-like points. 1-4 ft. 1 The fronds grow in a drooping manner. Pale green, when quite young when mature. ather stout, usually smooth, but sometimes glandular when young, more us nly partially deciduous, as the fronds do not always die away in autumn, distinct mid-vein goes from the secondary rachis into each pinnule, fro one into each lobe of the pinnules ; venules and veinlets develope froi thickened points near the margin, in the direction of each bristle-like poii _e E 'a X i I rt 5 z X ""3 's o ^ w = Ja Imost round ; about six to each pinnatifid lobe. They are on the wh frond, as in L. amula. They do not often become confluent, orsal. idney-shaped, of a very pale buff colour ; the margin has stalked glands, early. niversally distributed, his species somewhat resembles L. amula. H F i rt 1 c ' "& ~t 53 a a c a J3 u S o "3 <-. a . s g 5 O o r; o u o 2 E a CD "3 . 1 "o rt u o | I "C 0) CO O C a M o % C. . "fl ' " S O 4J e .20 1 '3 Q S X V o c rt >>rt g T3 C b n . E.S 1 c o "c o 6.4! i'^ El >. j: 581? &"= o-S u S % 'C M P.J3 J8 JS 3 ed Fern. e notch at its base t 'hich are mostly de Veins free. anceolate and usua achides. about half the lengt the stipes where stipes ; there are ai ess glands. The s< ng always much lar always larger than aly pinnatifid, and s ipinnate. The wh( inwards ; this is no es being more or les our pale green. 12 ch probably the hay h proceeds from the 2nd nearly to the m ulet. mle, according to t ond. a e c 3 o e rt 11 and Somerset are 7'. The name of to the shield or buc 18. LASTREA JEMULA, Brack. Hay-scent The kidney-shaped indusium, which assumes that shape by having th it is attached to the receptacle ; the thin texture of the fronds, u These characters distinguish this genus from that of Polystichum. The crisped appearance of the whole frond ; the scales being narrow i laciniated, or appearing as if torn. The shining appearance of the r A stout caudex. Rather thick, of an almost woody substance at the base, generally frond ; brownish purple ; the rachides are green and shining. Narrow-lanceolate in shape. They are numerous near the base o large ; they are less plentifully scattered on the upper part of the on the rachides, and on both of them there are many round stalk rust-coloured. Bipinnate ; broadly elongate-triangular, the lowest pair of pinna: bei the rest ; the pinnules on the lower side of the secondary rachis are the upper side. In most of the fronds the lowest pinnules are dee pinnulets (divisions of pinnules), so that the frond then becomes ti portion has a crisped appearance, from the margin being curled seen in the dried fronds. The margin is cut into short spines, besic tifid. The fronds, when dry, have a fragrance like new hay. Col 6-10 wide. Rather thin ; the under side is covered with stalkless glands, from whi fragrance comes. Not deciduous. That of a pinnulet ; consists of a clearly seen secondary mid-vein, whic mid-vein in the pinnules, and produces veins and venules which ext On the apex of the venules nearest the mid-vein of the pinnule or pinn Somewhat round ; about six or more on a pinnulet, more on a pim they often become confluent, and are usually situated all over the fr Dorsal. Kidney-shaped ; its margin has a few stalkless glands, and is jaggec It does not die away early. It is more plentiful in Ireland than elsewhere. In England, Cornwa counties. In Wales and Scotland it is rare. This plant is by some botanists called foenisecii, and by others recitr fern has been given to the several species of this genus in reference shape of their indusium. I* 3 w 05 The Common Lady Fern. 59 1 ength of the ddish brown nd narrower. >innae rather ed. Colour, a fragile and P 81 .- V B their centre, ewhat horse- ^bout twelve ts.s bo Mb ll 'C <" IP. P.D..S g *4 o 4) >- o " S.a 1 5 VI fl c h -2!.X * || c fe A a o ~ rt = c >>"rt 1 "S ?5 ^~ "1 " U 3 lx * :!! 'S '3 -a 3 4, .5 U | 1 B B -r z becomes s nd oblong, m ; it ope rond with< d I _j |il|.9 I3a es a? -8 4>'S << 2 ^S = S 3 * o-a 5'jj 1(1 .2^.2 F02MINA, Roth. C< situated on the upper c 1 & rt 9 :; of one-third to one-l the rachides. or linear ; varying in c his there are a few, but type, broadly lanceo >r pmnatifid, the lobes 1 ft. or more wide, bipinnate character, coi <~ x a g a il S.S .9 3 .a'? 1 2.E, &2 ^d-vein), on their inner : ~~. i > V .5 3 *1 shoe, but occasionally si influent. sh, becoming very pale h much turned back) till :r. Common ; most so i umber of varieties. B) >; its horse-shoe-shaped s when the indusium is : of the venules, not on i HE d-P c* * T3 aggi j _rt .- 4, a &" II 2 -- rt a o c g'S S S _= 1 a u i* li *- bo II! ..-its ~ ^ c c 3 o PE| J3 S2 *. 19. ATHYRirrM F The short sorus, with fringed indu almost always curved across it, so indusium being forced back by thi Only one species, British. A cau^ex, stout, and sometimes elor Stout, and thickened just above th frond ; green, in the normal type, Numerous on the lower part ; lane with a dark centre. On the prim; Variable in outline, &c. In the elongated ; pinnules more or less bright soft green. 1-5 ft. high, 6 Thin and soft ; resembling lace, fro flexible substance. Deciduous. A wavy mid-vein goes from the s< veins and venules ; these latter t of which they correspond. On the upper venules (those nearest When the sori are curved, the rec shoe-shaped. Usually rather resembling that of a on a pinnule, but varying ; somet Dorsal. Hprse-shoe-shaped or short oblong its inner side, remaining attached is much fringed with hair-like segi ^ 3 a 1 e c X c 1= 1 A 'c c: This fern has developed into a very in the Aspleniuiii genus, but othe it. It also resembles the Lastre genus this and the sori are on the tJ c III i i loll g Q nn K 3 I 3 rt -*- 1 .M W X U C H Q> 60 The Forked Spleenwort. IUM SEPTENTRIONALE, Hoffm. Forked Spleenwort. on the side of the veins, and linear indusium ; both straight, not curved, ts outer side, and opening at its inner side, .fy portion of the frond. Its pinnatifid state ; the tapering of its divisions he frond a forked appearance. i, dark green, except near the base, where it is dark purplish-brown ; ;ame colour as the frond. tion that it appears as if the rachis was merely branched into thickened but there is a leafy portion which, though but partially separated from eally developed into pinnatifid divisions of what is, correctly speaking, a lanceolate in shape. These pinnatifid divisions, which are usually three, her, taper much to a point ; and generally each is cut into three-pointed ong, i to \ an inch wide ; dark green in colour. r. Smooth. rincipal vein in the pinnatifid divisions ; but the rachis sends out into pal divisions veins which bear venules that extend to the margin, nules, extending for nearly their whole length and on their inner side. or four to each of the three pinnatifid divisions that take the place of me confluent, and then usually cover the under surface. >ale colour, its margin entire, opening towards the centre. It is pushed >rus, and dies away finally, though not for some time, north of England, and in Perthshire, N. B. Not in Ireland. A very some parts of Switzerland, always on rocks, as in our country. The '.wort, given to the species of this genus, is in allusion to their supposed rt being merely an old English name for an hsrb. B -spa rj o- v > W " T3 .'"' '** PH "H, u " "* x-g "o-g d ft PI 8 ijli 1 li ififpf Si; il j *\i i~ ^^^1 rs.i^ .j|:- *tf Si ^s-b'S-^ if 8 ,S ^ $*% i! HUM 51 8. a cj-5 c rt g ^2 i 3 H < tffccn rt^HOJP^w^ " O X 2 iC v 11 2 '? M c .S . 5 a S- ,5 S -; i o ' 8 c ' ' ' ? . S (* fe. 3*1 a u J3 u 5 o S s c B 0*0. fe .ft' M 3rV .> u B- oS-,-3 ^E K o o rt E 1 0. . OjOgrt-0 ' JH 2 U t-t 5 B S g w ?. -o 3 v 7 B> 9 "8 v fi S a S M 10301' S K G '? 2 1 " o x o c o j- ,3 j: e u w ja O K B Q E uuuooet> u w w fa HM r K H M 9> a The Alternate-leaved Spleenwort. 61 Weiss. Alternate-leaved Spleenwort. nd linear indusium ; both straight not curved, at its inner side. his at decided intervals. The wedge-shape of the pinnatifid divisions that take the place of 1 a X jz f ~S 1 1 i 3 B .2 e small wedge-shaped, and slightly notched. (. They are not placed opposite each other :s name). 2-3 long, J of an inch wide. Rather in | 5 'g -r _>, ~- Tr I " B - E :d from the rachis, going into each pinna, and There are also veins and venules in the side pinna, extending nearly their whole length, ic confluent as the frond advances to maturity. 5 entire and somewhat wavy, but not jagged ; sorus, but remains attached for some time. localities in Scotland, the North of England, It somewhat resembles A . septentrionale and i most like the latter, but the wedge-shaped nuraria, clearly distinguish it, as does its dif- . a tt J rt-o i 3x2 C3 ,O * t) g . 8 ho c = l '!!- 21. ASPLENITIM GERMANICUM inear sori singly placed on the side of the veins Inclusium attached by its outer side, and openi he pinna; being alternate, and attached to the the pinnae, and their not tapering to a point, as pinna: in A. septentrionale. small caudex. lender ; about half the length of the frond. Br< green as is the rachis. one. arrow linear-lanceolate. Pinnate. The pinna Two or three of the lower pinnae have a side 1 on the rachis, but alternately at intervals (Kenc pale green in colour, jmewhat leathery. Smooth. he fronds usually perish in the winter, though t here is no mid-vein, but three or four veins prc branch into venules which extend to the margir lobes of the pinnae. n two or three of the venules in the centre of ea inear elongate two or three to a pinna ; they bei orsal. inear-elongate; thin, pale in colour. Its margi it is pushed open and turned back by the ripeni etween rocks : almost entirely confined to a f and North Wales, but found very sparingly, is one of our rarest ferns, and is nowhere comm A. Ruta-inuraria in general appearance. I pinnae, not divided into pinnules, as in A. Rut ferent outline. * H o > % 62 T/ie Rue-leaved Spleenwort. RUTA-MURARIA, L. Rue-leaved Spleenwort or Wall Rue. n the side of the veins, and linear indusium ; both straight, not curved, outer side, and opening at its inner side. the apex of the frond not elongate ; its wedge-shaped pinnules, and " the frond. n half the length of the entire frond. Green, except near the base, Rachides green. innate ; in luxuriant growth almost tripinnate. 1-6 long, about i wide, coloured green, alternate on the primary rachis ; the pinnules are ed on the margin, or sometimes lobed. In small fronds Us bipinnate d. i series of veins branch from the primary rachis nto each pinnule, and hich extend to the margin. 5 B 'E. u "o B P. JU -: j i rt jf a J: "5 j o j ~ o J 5 | o a c i E o bo 1 rf B 1 a c o % e 8 I ho % f old stone walls. Commonly distributed throughout the United in Scotland than elsewhere. f this fern being confounded with A. gerntaniciim (its near ally) on y of the latter. It has been named Rue on account of its likeness to lame. o zi * \ N Linear sori singly placed Indusium attached by i Its triangular outline wit the bluish-green colour A small caudex. As long as, or longer, th where it is dark purple. j B o fc Triangular in outline. B Pinna: of a dark bluis wedge-shaped, and toot character is not so decit Leathery. Smooth. Not deciduous. There is no mid-vein, but send out many venules On the inner side of the v Linear, about four or five Dorsal. Narrow, linear, its margii quickly disappears. t! c o ju u '% .5 g" o bo-a c bfl la o There is not much fear account of the great rat the garden plant of ilia e (C "a 1 a u V 0. co . ta rt u I 2 1 . c a a 1 E Generic Ch Distinctive Charactei Rhizome o o CD CO u ~ CO "o M "5 U in Frond . . Texture of Deciduous Venation . Receptacle o Dorsal or N Indusium 3 General Re The Green Spleenwort. ENIUM VIRIDE, Huds. Green Spleenwort. e side of the veins, and linear indusium ; both straight, not curved, ter side, and opening at its inner side. green stipes. The position of the receptacle, which is not so near e as in A . Trichontanes. c I V 1 o | M i o a o V _c a V u 3 O a 1 1 u I o 5 | is into each pinna ; veins branch from it, and usually venules which the margin. The veins do not always branch into venules. :nule that is nearest the mid-vein, not near their apex. When sptacle commences at where the veins branch, and continues below I I I -_. 3 1 3 j B S B :; Jf L. 1 M m ks. More common in Scotland than elsewhere, but never frequent. Trichemanes, differing chiefly in the green rachis, brighter green i the fact of the pinnae not falling from the rachis, but decaying s *s i .s X 3 11 12 Id | S 2S tt) Wl > o tt C 3 '~ u d 1 ^ 1%>* 23. / ar sori singly placed dusium attached by green rachis and pai j apex of the vein 01 udex which is small :s usually about one ove, rachis also gree n 1 S*" . Smooth. deciduous. id-vein goes from th< d in thickened point "eg "U * D ||J ar. About six on a 1 r 1 i I illy among moisten fern much resemb lour of the fronds, th it in the usual wa ls v 8 .B-'rt B B = o eg g B j _ = 3 J 8'i* 5 H" * c/5 is 3 H * 6 13 Q a H to 1C X 01 "3 5 'o 3 !s a ' ^c 01 Ji Generic Charac Distinctive Spi Characters. Rhizome or Ca u A TJ ot 01 W Scales of ditto o o u o 3 H Deciduous or n Venation . . . Receptacle . . o w Dorsal or Marg Indusium . . 'Where found . General Remar The Common Spleenwort. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES, L. Common Spleenwort. y placed on the side of the veins and linear indusium ; both straight, not curved, ched by its outer side, and opening at its inner side. S* a c a t c 1 i o a J3 . ' _o .5 _0 cj M .= "is I 1 o ~z 15 ; pinnae slightly crenate. 6-12 long, J to i an in. broad. Not so bright a green he species. ; smooth. which proceeds a vein ; this vein sends out two venules, the upper one of which i into veinlets, the lower one bearing (in the case of the first pair of veins, that is he rachis) the sori. After the first pair of veins, the venation is simply a vein on e mid-vein, which branches into two venules, the lower one bearing the sori. est the mid-vein of that venule which is closest to the mid-vein, beginning from branches into venules ; it is continued nearly to the apex of the venule. ^ 1 p If E: B J 1 O a S '5. a ~r. extending nearly the whole length of the venule. It is of a pale colour and dies -3 W '-5 a B 4) i ter luxuriance on a hedge-bank than between stones. The pinnae, when old, fall leaving it bare amid the new fronds. i* 1 "33 > v *~ D =-5 - .~ - 8 rt a near sori sin Indusium at nnate fronds caudex, sma 1 o y 8 near ; pinna as in some o ightly leathe ot deciduous mid-vein fro branches ag; those ncares each side of i the side ne where the vt a B if ~ \ i 'linear shap away early. sually on sto grows to gr off the rachi 3 P* ^ > J X. "X * O 13 Q " M E I ~n Generic Characte Distinctive Spec Characters. Rhizome or Cam TJ o C i Ifl . Scales of ditto o o Texture of Fronc Deciduous or not Venation . . . Receptacle . . t W Dorsal or Margin Indusium . . ^A^here found . General Remarks Spleenwort. JM MARENUM, L. bea bpleenwort. iide of the veins and linear indusium ; both straight, not outer side and opening at its inner side. 9 * 5 B Oi a 1 B t; 1 o the lower part of the rachis, the rest of it is green and is stance. Cuo 3 'S i "a ?2 rt 1-1 S .si rt 'f >. " ** o 5f.S jl Is i from the rachis into each pinna, from it branch veins, and f which terminate in thickened points, a little way from the shaped lobe, on its upper side, near the rachis, there is more in that leaves the mid-vein bears venules and veinlets ; the : are nearest the mid-vein, at about their centre, not extending i two lines on both sides of the mid-vein, becoming confluent the whole under -side of the pinna. iched after the sorus is mature, but opens lengthways to let , and dies away when they become confluent ; its margin is of sea-cliffs. In the south-west of England, also in Wales, hed by the sea, it attains to luxuriant growth. for belonging to the sea), in allusion to its favourite abode, ay of the waves. u x 5 _^ "rt 3 !s 6 - rt J3 J5 | S-o ss .H"H. .5 0. ^ S7 PH $ Is 8 ~& 'o. * in coloul B c > .S i/rx" J 5Tc li^l *i 11 J-S-! gs remains ises proti een crev e caves s i 5* n ^ -: - rt rt B e C" *] V tt Cc fl j rt c j^ c 5 - o S."2 i c 'w'x o " i! .s p c r : 1 -. s I : - small caudex. ather short, dark bi slightly bordered w C " .S f .s s 4) ||i 4> B M a i -_r 1 9 -5" B 2 th E I ot deciduous. ^s g = 2c:x-&5 o O- S 4> ti E.S " .S -^ > i. S C c 5S^4)u 14 rt .ig >!:;c c>- a S.s-3 rt .= 2 .v," >< - 'ho C jr. u 4> t.' E _ fl!l!|ll!t inear, pale brown ; the ripening spore- entire. [most invariably bel Near Penzance, ins has been named m which is where it Ci a * M ^ * < o J Q A 2 ~ '-2 X jj (0 k v "3 4) 01 3 a o ^ I C. W .U CI CD S u u en o CI ^ u K *J fa c H /^ 3 o O "C * U-- C/l . 3 .JJ o u > u s d C 1 'o CJ u O 3 1 1 | | >s u 1! 41 a o to 4) s ^ 2 O O. rt rt 4> n '3 3 E C V Ti- S:s O. 13 o u w t< a B O ' j; 41 41 o o X S O CS B m CO fa H Q > Ctf W Q M > o 66 The Smooth Rock Spleenwort. k Spleenwort. both straight not curved ; (in this species all these more oblong than linear), lanceolate outline of the fvenules; the spines pro- ;er and less pointed than ish brown. The rachides s. pinnate. Pinnae oblong- :r ones only are distinctly :s and pinnatifid divisions d 3-6 long, i inch to i$ , from it branch as many :hese veins extend almost c o 3 T3 C ;oon becoming confluent, ivy. It does not always become confluent. ]-. ~ C3 j| S "ri J be found in spots difficult perienced botanists. 5 .._>> ^ u "E. o." 2 ^"3 o '5, - M B >> S 6^ ~a ~' 3 ^ .- O c u . ^ 3 1- ^; c > Z. .2 ^ v x ^ 5 JD 1 |]jjy | a ^ **" "--^ "-3J _4) 3 C c" _0 . ^ f S P > -Q ^ T3 U *^ dj ^ ^" *"* D< c"3 "3 o'S ^* S S5 4) C g "T^ < o > 4-t c 2 H c 'i V = c c H _C J ^1 5 ^ >" S.S 4-1 i . r- 2 B - r. D > rt-C g |8.|||l| x v u-o 1 ill! O ; C V C ftj 4) = S rt D .2 | I ^, C U " ^ C *j o '^ '^ 1* ^ O "" O O- Q JU J3 "^ '5 o w: (/: y.t "o *. .2 Q- p; T! U " 3.2 IS S t) '"^i ^= ^s B. u-5 1 u ^ 'J <- w " rt f Linear sori singly plac< indusium attached characters are not qu The leafy border to tl fronds ; the venation jecting from the pin in A. lanceolatum (l A small caudex. Short, rather slender, .L are green, with a lea A few narrow-pointed ; Narrow lanceolate ; th ovate, with pinnules stalked, the rest of tl have spines varying wide. Rather rigid and smoo Not deciduous. A mid-vein goes from t veins as the number to the apex of each s On two or three of th< inner side, and near Oblong short, from 2 when they usually cc Dorsal. Oblong, short, white ir entirely die away eai I C J It is just possible that to reach, and which ; o at 1C x S.2 *3 * S ' 3 !S TJ M " o n & rt o O M u o f. E rt 03 ti V. e 3 . H Q > O The Lanceolate Spleen/wort. lENTUM LANCEOEATUM, Huds. Lanceolate Spleenwort. ed on the side of the veins and linear indusium ; both straight, not curved : iy its outer side, and opening at its inner side. In this species all these :onsistent, as the sori and indusium are usually oblong, or when old the oundish in form, .te in outline ; having scales on the primary rachis, and the back of it being ler stout, i of the frond, or sometimes longer ; brown near the base, this colour being ss (varying in different fronds), through the stipes, and along the back of the rest of it is green. The older and larger the frond is, the darker, as a c. im brown in colour, scattered on the stipes and primary rachis at intervals ; 2 smaller, pinnate, excepting in young plants, when they are only pinnate with pin- etimes the lower pinnae bear pinnules near the rachis, the rest of the leafy ifid. All the pinnules and pinnatifid divisions are toothe i with spines, which i A.foHtannnt and more pointed. Frond 6-9 long, 2-4 wide; the pinnae, ot elongated, but somewhat round at their apex. Colour rather dark so when growing in a damp place. Smooth. from the secondary rachis into each pinnule or pinnatifid division ; from venules, the latter of which extend to the margin, and nearly all of them pex of the spines ; there are usually as many spines as there are venules. lie ends in a thickened point in the spine, wo, three, or four venules in each pinnule and pinnatifid lobe at about the s, extending nearly to the margin of the frond, s somewhat roundish when old : two, three, or four to a pinnule, but in time. wavy; portions of it often remain on after the sori are confluent. . Not common, except in the Channel Isles. Barmouth in Wales used to ies, but now it is scarce there, i A. fantanum in many points, A. Adiantwtt-nigrum in others; it differs ler in not having the leafy-bordered rachides. w b ra -a -av sj .-i c s c 2 D C V? T1 - s c >> y t iliitl.mfilbvifi Ills Mil jilfFlrfs ^ -s s I >g -J - e > 1 2 i S s ^ B |lllfJ^lMJJj2* HiiJcJiJ^ 3 4*iJJ ? -5 rt M p 3 3 a " "2 ' C j, 1311 U s ss^slg sas w c fr =a a v Ji "^ i c v g.6 ot deciduous. wavy mid-vein goe it branch veins ani terminate near the The apex cf the vei n the inner side of middle of the venul blong, but sometim becoming confluenl orsal. blong, white, margi n stone walls usuall produce it in quant bis species resembh chiefly from the for ' a ca < o < w % * O Q OO H ox- m 5 (U u, | 8 12 o g w c a u a % o ' o c '5 cti u 8 i. " S * u Pk ca . -a X S> OTJ -a . tn 4) . S 3 (5 O ^ tj M C **- o 3 Q y b C Q K o o i V b O 3 * O 2 v 5 S .S 3 3 S "5 3 TJ rt Q. . "5 " u B u C + -C .2 Q, "S n X 'u C y T* t- ~ 43 c V .20 x \p S3 g 41 t) V u O G M w w fc H G > tt co Q M > O 68 The Black Maidenhair Spleenwort. :k Maidenhair Spleenwort. 1 indusium ; both straight, not inner side. innate character. ark purplish brown ; the same only, the rest is green. E 1 ictimes partially or quite tripin- i sharp serratures. Frond 7-14 j much larger than the others ; lossy. es venules, branch from it. nd extending beyond where the ir apex. young, showing the sporangia , but remains on after the sori ind pinnae being elongati itinguish them. 28. ASPLENIUM ADIANTT Linear sori singly placed on the side curved ; indusium attached by its out< Its triangular outline combined with its A caudex rather stout. Usually as long, or sometimes longer t colour is continued some way up the p rt p c . rt o o ^ S (j O 1^ i E CO . & ** o E A u u i* o a * in V '. s 5 *-* c I~H 3 B o l_ c 6 K u rt ^ b H Q > K ta Q C > The Common Harfs Tongue Fern. 69 29. SCOLOPENDRroM VULQARE, Sm. Common Hart's Tongue Fern. The sori being arranged in two lines under one indusium ; the indusium bursting between them ; its being fixed to the lower venule of one vein, and the upper venule of the next vein. The fronds being simple, not pinnate or pinnatilid. Only one species, British. A caudex. LH J a -i 1 jj h T a d o B 9 ; J= a ' 4 I Very numerous, narrow, and pale brown ; a few on the mid-vein also. They are white and downy- looking when the young fronds are unrolling. Simple; entire (that is, not divided at all). Broadly linear, the apex elongate; it resembles a tongue in shape, except at the base of the leafy portion, which is rounded in the shape of a heart (called cordate). Margin entire. 6-18 long, 1-3 wide. Almost leathery ; less inclined to this texture when growing in damp situations. Not deciduous. The rachis, or mid-vein as this is called in a simple frond, sends out veins on either side, very close together ; these veins branch into venules, which again occasionally develope into veinlets, and in each case they extend nearly to the margin of the frond, and end in thickened points. On the upper venule of one vein, and also on the lower venule of the next vein below, in the middle of the frond. Linear, in two lines or rows, and are covered by one indusium ; when this dies away, the sori become confluent. There are usually about twelve sori on each side of the mid-vein of the frond. Dorsal. Linear shape, of a pale colour, situated on the lower venule of a vein, and on the upper venule of the next vein ; it bursts in the middle, and is rolled back on each line of sori, and finally dis- appears as the sori become mature. Usually on hedge-banks. Very generally distributed over the United Kingdom. This has developed into a great number of varieties ; but the student should well master the species in its normal (that is, original) form, before comparing it with them. neric Characters . stinctive Specific Iharacters. izbme or Caudex "j a O, ales of ditto . T) C c o o e s 3 K 2 3 nation ceptacle .... ri rsal or Marginal . lusium .... iere found . . . neral Remarks . o u u o O Q K w w fc H Q > K W O M > 70 The Scaly Spleenwort. : whole of the scales the back ; .5 TJ.8.S'!! *! .> cj rt ^ "* w (ao a ; <- u oj o o-O ^5 j= i2 w ule on the es ; about it and mix ed on the s presence favourite ut I agree c .0 dy Spleenwort. ice, of scales on tl the reticulations c d "o 13 c $ ~ c -a'S.E OUrt 1 "- C>0 3- J= - OT3 111*1 S!3 t, c B-a g i: >o> cuti - ^--5 | > J ; but the first ve i outside also. protrude themsel ;y become conflu* nd thin ; it is pla is supposed that t Stone walls are il \sj>lcmHtn trenus. & H ^ i ; S^.M^^ ^ c c ^ .~-~ Jwj at u ^ V u <2 ajvo""t> ^ ^""S > ~- "5 r. J) 1 "* u v ^ B."5 V "v |1 |"^s ! *!jr o jz 2* iBJ! ' u - 2 S X > rt - S o 3 3 "S"*" E^.S'^-2 -2 .c 1 !^ *s .2.2 " ^ - 1 C -2x sis-"?! o |-fj rt rt ." S u A 3 P3 i ndusium, omosing c 1 o c i "3 g ^ S li 3 a, t, b .y _>, ^'"^ ^ ^. >>j^ *^ a> ci ,Q . ^ ^ 'O " . t- P ^ y: w C 'rj, ^ '5 S^-e-S "" "^'""i " |B" "3 O -^3 il *j >-c if. "C'o 1 " 1 * a" c 1 S 1 "S-g 30. CETERACH OFFICl he oblong or linear sori, without a regular i the under side of the frond ; also the anast on the stipes being of a black colour. nly one species, British. small caudex. lort ; very dark brewri towards the base, the rest green, as is also the rachis. umerous ; ovate-lanceolate in shape, of a black reticulations (markings that look liki inear-lanceolate. Usually only deeply pirn to the rachis, when the frond becomes p pinnsE or lobes are of an ovate form, a Colour, deep green on the upper surface ; yellowish tint, like those on the stipes, but they are ovate-acuminate in outline, eathery ; smooth on the upper surface, den ot deciduous, o examine it, it is necessary to remove the knife. A wavy vein goes into each lobe o latter become joined more or less near the is called anastomosing; the net- work hole n the inner side of the venules, that is th upper side, and nearest the rachis, or mid- inear-oblong. They are at first hidden b eight to each pinna or lobe. Usually all t with the scales. "1 a o true ordinary indusium, but a kind of receptacle just behind the sorus, which is of the scales prevents its being of the usual retty generally distributed, except in Scot localities. his fern is thought by some botanists not t( with others in thinking it should be separa H u c. CD U o Si u CD E C o .2-BJi E Ex< continuous line on bo bO 1 a -.g ?!.= Jf K c u *J3 T3 " 5 ^ = US " S'l ICHNUM BOREALE, 5^. Com im, which are arranged on special ven >t close to the mat gin of the pinnatifid is continued nearly all through the r I short in the others, nd pointed, brown in colour. Jsl ll-- 8I-B t/j O 'C bo :3.i * ^ C o 1.2,2.2 B 'a S o c o a 1 i rt X 9 a 1 each pinna or pinnatifid division, and ot so distinctly visible as in the barren med as it were from the joint of one i e which runs the breadth of the pinnat ; venule is not present in the barren fl ;ilso in the one that is fertile. 1 .2 3 T3 13 c a| u c S 2 in V ,ch side near the mid-vein, when matt of the pinnatifid division. y developed, ilf way between the margin of the fron :arly, but forced up on its inner side by banks. Common all over the United :ed in the foreign genus Lomaria, b< enus ; but a more decided generic ch ees with that of the Bleclmum genus is is the case with that of Lomaria. H t. 3 a o c 5 c-- .. '/: "O J a J.jl P^ J^ S'S 5 2 " I". "^ be f.J e| .C **- i i 6 - *J T^ J3 V .EKg^HS M 8 3 U X U . u v 3 = v 5*9 OtJ o S " |ii Itlli CO C T3 IS Js iT j -5 u .. -3 "I S.S'S-S 'C V ~G ^ *.S c '"" S o :ar sori a jf the mi e species H Kjj III o *j 5;C'> a S'-'-s O .T3 C -SSJ! nd harsh liduous ; i. .S.-T3 c ^ "! U fc C OT3 =r S rt 's T f u o,"l S ^ 'i-a|||a 4-1 4J rt " S i - B 4> o u" 13 li |ij2 |l||j C (A 't.-i .r; X 5 j>> "5 ^ e S J5"3 rt 111 i'*i-s t. N e o s-aa rt u v il o J illlll > ^ U inear ; cover! I |s| II Iff P O < Q o a) a |a -i V U u (J Q S '5 o OT cn o u u H Q c u u ID K *c o ii o 5 C ^0 72 The Common Brakes or Bracken. \., L. Common Brakes or Bracken. sd line at the margin of the frond, and the indusium the inner one is not quite the same in character). d V tub ." 1 E o f ,0 rt 3 ^ c 5 o lly somewhat triangular ; the larger ones are much ase of large fronds, tripinnate ; the margin either :s greatly according to the soil, from ^ ft. to 8 or 10 ft. :e, hairy on the under. 2 S S o bo a _i 4) rt | ^ ^g S] J=r^ 15 T3 ^S E "- 1| |l -u rt v IS ie edge of the pinnulets. Largin of the pinnulets or pinnules as the case may be. he sori ; it opens by lifting up from its inner side ; ;o a kind of second indusium, but it is formed on the ish in colour, and torn or jagged into jointed hair- J3 3 E '3 1 E rt E 5 'o From its sori being placed in a line at the margin of :rn), and also from its bold and spreading habit. n J2 rt ".S B ! S The indusium and sori being in an exten being often made up of two layers (thoug Only one species, British. A rhizome, rather thick. Stout ; from 6 in. to i ft. or more long ; The rachides are also of the same green c V ', I 1 B _o I J V E fc Variable in outline, the smaller fronds usu more elongated. Bipinnate, or, in the pinnatifid or unevenly lobed. Its size var long, 1-2 ft. wide. Colour deep green. E 3 hi S 3 V . O 1 Jj rt 5 rt K Deciduous. That of a pinnulet is a rather stout mid- venules which extend to the margin, wl round the margin. On the special venule which extends along i u x -3 n 3 "3 B *^ 3 1 S 3 B 3 Marginal. Linear ; continuous ; of the same form as it does not die away early. There is a inner side of the receptacle ; both are wh like segments. In waste places, woods, &c. The commonf This is a very easy fern to distinguish, both the frond (not found in any other British I u S X u ' ft 'o 3 2 T) + c m E rt hi c. M rt .O u rt 05 " c h u rt 3 a g rt O Z X CJ 5 o "O 13 W-* [rt CJ fl 3 ?v O U CJ rt O a o C o TJ E 3 "rt 01 _c o CO CJ | o c 5 a B C, V "3 B 3 E V hi u a V a Q O'JS 5 c. w "5 W o E C X cj H 'o CJ Q C o CJ 'C W u o Q O C A C V O The Maiden-hair Fern. 73 g he pinnules, the es and rachides S rt 1 line ; the pinna their outer edge late ; the lowest tially tripinnate : same brownish dest part. he pinnules and lets. When the >s the indusium ; rgin, and end in under surface of venule, but very ere of a part of rm the cover for tire. s, but rare. -Vtntrit means L - ". c ST? u rt jj o D u o. " C o rt 2'Sh 6 v j; u i O C 3 * t> rt bright green. little stalks that proceed from the rachides ini ' veins which are branched into venules and v these branchings of the veins extend nearly ai tile, the venules are continued to the apex or j ju "3 c c 'S. o "3 c c '3. 0) 5 o 'E V on the inner surface of the indusium on ea< hen forming an oblong-shaped mass. k in colour, pale brown when old, formed as i nules and pinnulets, which is turned back to early, and opens at its inner margin, which is (.,,,.,,. ,11 11..,.,,, I,-,.| m,l -ill,) V ^* "i !1 : s ^ ; i \l : s -3 j'-S v !l ~> E = ,2 ADIANTUM e frond being co three or four oi 1 hair-like. IJritish. vnish-black cole | nally partially t: u alternate on thi eeply lobed ; in tinules, which ai the pinnules a the rachides, bi th ; the colour t! fc'm, but in the opes a series of nulets bear sori, that are not fer I, the venules at | 11 & O jljfjj m n 289 O 7;' e c S .2 o. S 1 J P_ rt | !|ir J snor OOUIS 3 |f Hi !l ^tao | ||-1|| be margi sorus bei being bl; 1 o >, "H U -"S bi 1 -S c S^-= | x -^S >2 .S'c ^.S 5J3 - ."2 O* 4) e"2 'S ,2 jiili B.S.1 J n most o the indu 5 rt - D, o >- E c be rt ui 3^ rt p* a u u c 6 b J=J= S rt J3 * * p J= H O P< K < a H^; H O 1-1 20 H H u x 2 u 'u |J 3 JS H o c .-5 u B rt o o g = * f '. z 1 O) . " K 4- ^- o 3 ja tJ j 73 "O V* Q] v 3 Q^ o > *- u c ^ 3 "o o E - ) k*t '*j ' J U O Q oi U *u " 2 i s J^ a i- 3 3 ^ | V .S d 03 n 3 i 2 c 4-J X 2 p. cd o " X *S a u *n >- -a J 3 B u H O jC -n v u V o o c Q a u V) E HQ > (t W Q ; o 74 The Brittle Bladder Fern. s P; "2 d, and being in outline broad at the base, and d underneath the sorus by its broad base only, which take the place of pinnules being ovate- ovate or oblong, the veinlets ending in the earing in succession, beginning in May. ider. 1 to one-half the length of the frond ; rachis ng much to a point. innate, with pinnae deeply pinnatifid ; once, or ike the place of pinnules are ovate-lanceolate, ave a few pointed teeth ; dull green in colour, h pinnatifid division that takes the place of a ie, and from it branch veinlets, which terminate in, e. ss become confluent. ver the sori, resembling a hood ; in outline it is 1 out to a point. It is attached underneath the up towards its lower end, the upper part curls at the apex ; it dies away early. nd is pretty generally distributed. of the Greek generic name which was given to is bladder-like. This species is called brittlt, very easily. o v & oo a. T? nJS P C CL V . "C O,"^ So y s 5 5 ,, _>> d -s_s 34. CYSTOPTERIS FRAGtt ium being not flat, but resembling a hi led out to a point, also its being attac brown stipes ; the pinnatifid divisioi te in shape, and their segments bei: ig point of the tooth, and the fronds a , that is spreading, hardly creeping, si d brittle, dark brown ; about one-thi he base, pale brown, narrow, and tap< inceolate ; strictly speaking, partially ten twice, pinnatifid. The lobes that ir segments are ovate or oblong ; they 12 long, i inch to i wide. o ;-'' 15 J rt ~ 6 rein goes from the mid-vein into e ; from it proceeds a venule into each 1 rejecting points of the teeth of the ma: rface of the veinlets, at about their cei , about four to each lobe ; they someti d very thin. It is not flat, but curved t its base, and usually rather lengthen L its broad base, and opens by liftinj ts margin is usually jagged, particular = o - H o a d | I ish name of bladder is the translatio] ms on account of the indusium, whii y on account of the stipes, which breal S a x-z 5 J3 i- O u C rt ~ *3 cj V aj O C tUO T3 L> " > N *- jlsllll H H < oo green. A few at t Oblong, h more of and the frond 6- Thin and Deciduou >~3 + ^ o 89 "5 O Ji 3 o * s u UM "C c S3 o w to *O 3 7 a "3 "w u E ft* .S 2 N ** CJ c at u si ^ a V g Zu $ O Q ft! w "3 Q W o fi X u H !J Q C o ^ 04 "C w u Q o c s: e O Alpine Bladder Fern. 75 S ALPINA, Desv. Alpine Bladder Fern. nbling a hood, and being in outline broad at tlie base, and icing attached underneath the sorus by its broad base only. ons that take the place of pinnules being bluntly or acutely linear-oblong, and the teeth being blunted. g J3 u rt u "3 0* i- I a o B te o c -o c o I t = 1 B I :: B .fragilis; pinnte usually biplnnatifid, the divisions that take acutely ovate, and their segments, which sometimes have a :ar-oblong ; frond 3.6 Jong, i-a wide. Colour bright green. e mid-vein into each plnnatifid division that takes the place : branches off to each lobe, and these vemilej. have veinlets in He frond, one of which terminates between each pair of the t their centre. ten confluent. ] r ^. -. | a X the only spot where it has been found is on an old wall at ), hence its name alpina. It much resembles C. fragilis ; characters, the terminating of the veinlets between the ig points of the teeth, and the vein being nearly straight, not H j- ^. *j g _ c _0 _S 35. CYSTOPTER indusium being not flat, but resi igthened out to a point ; also its short stipes ; the pinnatificl div^ ite, and their segments linear 01 ght and spreading rhizome. _: J^ U C U) "5 rt Ii o 1 o f >. - O >. 8 M V ( r -= :eolate, partially pinnate, as in i : place of pinnules are bluntly 01 v olunted teeth, are linear, or lii and delicate-looking ; smooth. B - ts Imost straight vein goes from t! a pinnule : from this vein a venu mber, according to the size of irginal teeth. 1 S "H "f E V 4 O - 1 ndish, small, crowded, but not c j te, of the same form as in C.fra 1 o bo C "S ^d "W .S.c b- C 22 ows in some localities in the A t besides its distinctive specifi ;ments, instead of in the project! .ved, readily distinguish it. c H~ u > 1 < I" 3 < CJ= V a *" - f y (5 <_ 3 5 c o c E C B M B P 1 J" 3 jsn n o X 10 "o -3 r- 2 r- M u Pi a 6 u A S * C" bi ft ^ c a Q i A V v o 'o kj _o * 3 s *" t> _J c ^ 5 "u b c 2 MI o a - i o o 3 _^ ~ 5 "3 o a ^ n CJ Cj a 4> 3 rt c. u X J u V B V C a Q X 8 u 8 -- W B i u O O P y. a> in H a > K w Q > The Mountain Bladder Fern. Bernh. Mountain Bladder Fern. , and being in outline broad at the base, and underneath the sorus by its broad base only. being triangular, and its margin more deeply T o -3 1 M 5 rt c M a o rf 1 2 in outline. with bipinnatifid or tripinnatifid pinnae ; the their segments also ovate and cut into coarse ach pinnatifid division that takes the place of ind a veinlet towards each tooth ; this latter > species. On the whole of the under side of luent. in the other two species. u _= i 5 9 S a p C/3 '-3 ^ o o E B 8 if MONTANA, :mbling a hood being attached ine of the frond species. 4> Ss .2-S2 ovate-lanceolati artially pinnate :s are ovate, and dark green. mid-vein into e into each lobe, i Jj u t; n the other twc i becoming confl o be round than n mountainous :fore the with Polypodiu 86. CTSTOPTERIS The indusium being not flat, but res< lengthened out to a point ; also its The very creeping rhizome, the outl tripinnatifid than in the other two : A slender rhizome. Slight, usually longer than the leafy sometimes streaked with purple. A few placed singly, pale brown and Triangular, 4-12 long, 3-4 wide. P lobes that take the place of pinnult linear teeth ; in colour it is rather Thin and fragile-looking, smooth. Deciduous. A nearly straight vein goes from the a pinnule, and sends out venules ends between the marginal teeth. On the surface of the veinlets, at abo Somewhat round, and larger than i the frond. Crowded, but not ofter Dorsal. 1 o 5 fc B V Usually on moist rocks among moss i If this species is not examined bt beginner especially) of confusing it u X * u V 'o o o 2 d .S .* u (0 1-1 cu (O . to 1 K 1 c b Q a e i g 10 O u u '5 2 o 1) a T) C (9 5 o V. 8 m S o u "o 03 B S h O S 3 c u tt > 12 c " & A tf .* "<3 Ic'S w" M a| |.3| 3 i 3 3 S S.J3 i= Jl I II^.s] m o JJ V N " Sf Q-15 u 3 -z c jfl r* 6 oi B V C 3 M u . rl a i 37. WOODSIA ILVENSIS, R. Br. (. The indusium (called the involucre in this genus) being place except in their very earliest stage, and not always then, bu splitting of almost the whole of it into hair-like segments, the fronds. The stipes being articulated, that is, it has a j fronds remain till quite old, they separate from, leaving caudex. Its more erect growth, and more firm and rigid texture than There are a greater number of scales on the frond, and it is is broader and the colour darker ; the pinnae are more elonj which are more oblong and more deeply cut or pinnatifid. A small caudex. Slender, 1-2 inches long ; colour, reddish-brown, which s so along the rachis, which is otherwise green. 5 ; p a '- a d 1 1 V _= = B i - i y. Lanceolate-oblong, pinnate. 2-6 long, about i inch wide ; pi pinnatifid into deep lobes, which are crenate. Rather thick ; both surfaces, and usually the margins, have c hairs, and on the under surface, especially on the veins, the colour, so that together with the hair-like segments of the Deciduous. A wavy, but not very distinct, secondary mid-vein goes from of the pinna, from which branch veins, the lowest of which tend almost to the margin and terminate in thickened point On the venules, or veins, near their apex, and on their surfao I & 1 I r; 8 V ' 1 9 5 K Dorsal. Called an involucre because it is seated underneath the sorus, very early, splitting into hair-like segments which surroi with the hairs. In the crevices of rocks in the mountains of Scotland, Wales, scarce fern and not found in Ireland at all. I The rarity of the Woodsias prevents their being commonly kn s S rt Sx; 2O a IB "3 o o u co b 5 5 ' 3 Alpine Woodsia. pine Woodsia. is an entire cover to the sori hed underneath them, and the resence of scales and hairs on lear its base, at which, if the er part of the stipes remaining and scaly. Its linear outline, s in J-K. ilvensis; the roundish d. his usually partially the same pinnatifid, their lobes roundish- inch wide. .s a a c B '3 S rt c~ c.? 'i.s 1^ aj r; S'> y become confluent. xir-like segments. , and on Snowdon, Wales. lore rare than W. ilvcnsis, and < -n a a ~ 1 >> S rt O d '> U 73 .e *c B WOODSIA HYPERBOREA, /?. Br. d the involucre in this genus) not being placei y earliest stage, and not always then, but att the whole of it into hair-like segments. The uipes being articulated (that is, it has a joint quite old, they separate from, leaving tne It :ture of the frond, which is also much less hai ly alternate on the rachis, instead of rarely so heir lobes, which are much less deeply pinnat o 3 o "5 c. c S , pointed in shape, also on the rachis. inns almost always alternate on the rachis, an and usually crenate. 1^-5 inches long, aboul 3th on the upper surface, on the under there hey are not so numerous as in that species. secondary, wavy mid-vein, which is not very ns and venules, the latter of which terminal e venules, close to their apex, in W. ilvensis, about four to a lobe, they usu see /F. ilvcnsis. Whitish, and splitting into oist rocks, but only in two counties in Scotlar n also sometimes called IV. alpina; it is still in Alpine districts. < > o? . jt*y o f iB.9 ^ o. 63 J. * 5 c <_ a - !> O ^ t r- "sT tt i-l aj * IK > ~ <* ja tn C o J= 3 The indusium ( except in the splitting of al the fronds, fronds remaii on the caude: The more tendt with pinna:, i obovate shapi A small caudex Slender, rather colour, other A few pale-colo Linear, pinnate obovate in sh Tender, almost W. ihiotsis, Deciduous. That of a lobe i branches int< thickened po On the surface Round, larger 1 Dorsal. Called an invol In the crevices This species ha not common . O X B . 1C v CO ~Z "5 "2 O *j z. QQ M *" e* ja a Ov-g 8 "5i5 -i, g.2 T3 " o E a Z2* !- (/" 0- RADICAN ids, with the Bristle of the 1 || d t is bordered chis. ly, dark hairs flj 4J ||g c-o c c-a tfgJS 3 &" rt T d the margin. if the same te the frond, es entire, smool Wales. Clii being dried, rachis. This 39. TRICHOMANES Very pinnatifid, large, transparent fror rachis and all veins. The hair-like 1 and not two-valved. Only one species British. 4 P e 8 a M 3 t 8 5 Rather long and stout ; dark green ; i this is also continued through the ra Instead of scales, there are a few brist Triangularrovate, occasionally lanceol times quadripinnatifid. Very dark part. Fertile fronds narrower than I "-. \ e B Not deciduous. The rachis sends out a mid-vein into e from it branch the distinct, visibl into the very numerous lobes of the bordered by a thin, leafy substance, the branches of the veinlets nearly e yond it when forming the receptacle The lowest outward branch of the ve forms the receptacle, the spore-case clinging to the column, which shs involucre, resembling a brown bris out with it ; they occasionally cover Column-shaped inside the involucre ; each pinnatifid division, which takes B B X 5 3 ~?. a B r^ I " M None : but instead of it an involucre c shaped, situated on the margin of i receptacle. The iips of the opening In Ireland ; formerly in Yorkshire and The fronds should be examined before shrinking of the leafy border to the : i* V u 'o o > ~ . ~a . CO u of u C. 1 f C c . | B l~ C/5 i? u b a a g i J3 c; o '"3 w- V S 3 CJ O > U 01 e "S 3 C "" It o 5 K a ^ 2 S rt CJ O o 2 3 M *c5 C C to w o 9 "5 ' o. "a ' t. E u tt (D V 3 W m c trt J- .^; a o X C o C u G V 'A " '5 o u r> V o r /v , o n " i^ V rh t* Q > 80 The Tunbridge Film Fern. O 3 i M-S "~a - > > 0.-P. O.Q *"*i .-. 3.5? 3 ''3 F "g-SS II 1 1 III M^i -y UM TUNBRIDGENSE, Sm. "\ nics in the involucre being nearly roi splitting right down instead of o nding beyond the involucre to form most flat, and its lips or margins be bes are not entirely confined to the i J3 3 1 _ rt J? IS g X i c o 2 a :, rather elongated. Bipinnatifid, tl :ing pinnate, though in some cases in colour. 1-3 long, ^-i broad. ' ihiefly on the upper side, m which fact called Film fern ; it i beautiful framework to examine. ito the pinnatifid divisions that tal side of the division a vein on which 3f the pinnatifid divisions bears twc After sending off a vein to form t .he lowest pinnatifid lobe ; before sc latifid lobe ; but the lobes are almos n lobed. The veins, &c., are all m the mid-vein ; it is short, not r< ed ; the spore-cases cling to it wi re ; the spore-cases are not stalked. A d 'M i B p T^richomanes genus, though it is moi ipe inside it, it splits right down, >s (not the sides), are always notche ommon in Ireland and Scotland thai w species look somewhat like a moss ion, pinnatifid fronds, and mode of ft a mistake. j * . *. n.2 1 S c y V 2 a 'c a" e.5--& c< ^ 3 ^ *$ .3.e -r c o C-Ifc 8 Er.i PH t*i J2 v ||a| ig round and ifid and theii d B k-coloured, 1 ? I fa,' 3 <"> 3 = fc 2 c"t> -si & S *r rt l|Jr|li|li -i 1 3 )lucre,asin t m the sorus argins of the c S ^ I his and its ft -coloured vei danger of su S & u D .- *j a rt b >> u g-fi M "co^h 4J '^-Si ^ 9 >x e _ -B o * ill h/i 5 ivolucre b( more pinn; me black j o 8? '? i-T ly ovate, c rachis, pre pinnate, sions are s ;t transpar ly seen wil eciduous. 11||allp||l "^ ; | "S 1 ; but an in us ; and w rt and the ts asunder. ~ r. ja r e beginner if their da e will be n DSb^ ^s 'v S a g -0 u .i c n J= U 5521 rt v g-S S'-S P S'S'O JSS <: K s'illll-'ii-'Bll H O rt a; c rt-_= - S K, 2- = x o tuo rt tfi WZ 1 C 53JS _o-- 1 a O ft! M 03 Wilson's Film Fern. 81 1 TJT3 |S n nt its lips or margins other species ; the the frond -structure erally begins soon visions, which are All the pinnae are :r side. 3-4 long, cells of the frond- **,0 n'rt 3 in, before reaching species. Column- :ight involucres to inged ; it does not :land. : on moisture. In ntly, forming large 1 :arly round, and 1 of opening only : n a bristle. 4) C j o ta Mg'c "si .s i - lowest pair of di is has higher up. fined to the uppi V J .8 o, > :en spoken of un> i ferns, when spe of their apparent mid-vein ; the ve stalk than in that 1 -3 -j Ji lips entire, not fi " England and Irt g-a T3 3 S b[3 w HI U *Q_ ~ tt> 8-si S-8 8 ^2" s * B 1 s-s 1 S t; ^~ V ^ jflfl < JJf R!3 - o u .2 ^ hft e J= rt e S3 .sts B '& a l? 6 Tj< This genus differs from Trichomanes in the involucre of two valves or parts ; by its splitting right down, by the receptacle not extending beyond the involuci The ovate shape of the involucre, which rises instea being entire, not fringed ; the fronds being not so i lobes being quite confined to the upper side of the c being larger. Rhizome black ; very creeping and wire-like. Slender, wiry, dark-coloured ; not usually bordered, after the rachis commences. None. Linear-lanceolate. Bipinnatifid, except with regard usually pinnae, not having the leafy border which 1 deeply pinnatifid and slightly serrated ; the lobinj 4-J in widest Dart. Almost transparent ; thin, but not so much so as i structure are larger, and are easily seen with a lens. Not deciduous. Much the same as in H, tunbridgense. The veins their separate names, 'venules,' &c. , but some auth species, regard their venation as a series of veins, on As in H. tunbridgense, on the vein which proceeds f the involucre which it supports, has more the chara shaped. Column-shaped, inside the involucre ; the spore-cases a frond. Extra-marginal. None but an involucre, which is ovate in shape, its m; split open so widely as in H. tttttbridgettse. On moist rocks in North and South Wales ; in severa More common than its fellow, species, and not quite Scotland, about Loch Long particularly, the* two g mats on dripping rocks. H. unilatcralc is sometim o x . . E S ^ co g 12 - O " c - "n c 01 u M U ~ 'Si CO o u ft S W U. M | r '-' g 1 . -o a CO u * >*> O e G JB u o ^j ^) '*' M u 3 O U .-0 U C U- 3 _ u l_ <2 05 u t*2 E rt u o l-< 3 _O O .2 "a 'S C rt CJ a o (3 ft "S 01 >~ u C 'g;F- - o 1 rt c o 1 ? C u C S o -C Q .!2O .e -rj u CJ u CD o o V O Q p co W fi H Q > B! w Q 1-1 > O G The Royal Fern. B-ORDER : Osmundaceee. MUNDA REGALIS, L. Royal Fern. , "a o bo 'C > o u | o c <$ ja u 1-1 nfluent, and forming clusters or elongated spikes separate trom the eins ; no leafy portion exists with it. tty generally distributed in Ireland, where perhaps it is most iver England and sonic parts of Scotland. ering fertt, from the way the sori are placed, which gives the , The name of Royal fern, was given, no doubt, from the stately *-> CU CJ <- ~ ( ' ^N *j - G W frSKg ^ i- "-= |8Jg 5 >>"*** v art "-o ^ rt C ^-* w rt_c Soy C tfi ^ _ C 3 | "3 c c _ .= ' :: x J2 > *o y u o 5 i; ? <, O 3||J* a a " _^' C- ,* ^ o g^-a t o 2 art >>; !: ^ TH >- rt d : 'S. _e c _ = * o L. IS 'S 3 r3 jg * 8 S =,- The firm and rather le way down, and its h borne on portions of i _:j i v _x A caudex, very large : About as long as the does the primary ra of a dull red colour : V 3 S y< Broadly lanceolate, \ inches long, usually the margin is slighi have their leafy po where the sori are are also often found usually terminates t Rather stout, smooth. Deciduous. A stout mid-vein goes venules, the last pai ^c" > V X "_ 5 D- 5 o rtS h Nearly round, but bee leafy portion. Surrounding the rachi None. In wet or boggy pla abundant ; widely s< This is often called 1 appearance of a broi manner of its growtl u x / 01 en E S |j S J3 10 X c 2 . 2 o w w a u Gj U 8 c o CJ 2 a W 2^^ fc S M 'B 4) u o -d 3 "n o . " 3 ry > J X O O H < 3 2 u O i2 u o U a C 3 "ffl c (S O w 01 d I-" 3 3 T3 ' 0. 2 '3 u ^ V e a V 30 u C V. cjjS -3 "5 g x 'o c u "u w *r1 J3 g O Q K CO u W fi (-> Q > tt ra (X >S ^ o The Common Moonwort. 1 n Moonwort. the inner side of its branches, like pinnae, and the veins not ' the stipes. somewhat the form of a half inch in width. Sea-green in to venules, so that the whole d r c , but becomes golden brown, iches of the spike, the whole nch of grapes. -z | rescent-shape of the segments Lunar ia is merely the Latin ORDER : Ophioglossaceae (The Adder's Tongue Group.] TRYCHIUM LUNARIA, Sw. Commo ed, and the spore-cases being in two rows on ra : the leaves being divided into segments 1 veral times, beginning at about the middle o) ihape, with segments like pinnaa, that have gin usually crenate. 1-3 inches long, J an ment of the leaf and branches repeatedly in h them ; they do not extend quite to the mar V M 'H. '~ 1 -^ " ts transversely into two valves, at first green irranged in two rows on the face of the brai is called a. panicle, resembling in shape a bu 1 a o to /, jj i 3 _2 ' B >> s I ^ I ' was given in reference to the half moon or c: wort is an old English name for an herb. 1. BO The spike being branch not surrounding ther reticulated (netted). Only one British specie Small and bulb-like. Green and branched, se Lanceolate-deltoid in : moon, with their mar colour. Thick and smooth. Deciduous. 1 M B i B 'v m 4 \ V I On the face or inner sid Almost round. It burs The spore-cases are ; of them forming what Growing among grass. The name of Moonwori of the leafy portion ; for moon-like. 1-1 o "5 ' V a o A 4* C C ctf 2 (9 W . in <3 b O T3 o o .>3 g *o 3 ' 3 CO rt 3 tt t> g " j> o 2 u o "3 "C 3 CO S -' 2 a rt 0, QJ E o | t u 'o o a 3H Q^ 4) w J H o CH CO i o p 84 The Common Adder's Tongue. Ij L. Common Adder's tongue. 1 ng entire, not divided. The spore-cases ar- ; close to it as to appear as if the spike passed ind altogether much larger than its fellow- n the spike. Growth commencing in May, "o C & ^ '? d in colour yellowish green. 2-4 inches long, vein, which everywhere unite (anastomose) re venules dividing the areoles into smaller to discharge its spores ; it is at first yellowish crowded and opposite each other, in number elsewhere. em easy to distinguish from all other plants. 1 B *oJ rt a -T3 rt . . .M 'v b O ;* 13 nJ U5 *f 1 M | 3 o I i E 3 "o O OH _o ii .c a W u o 3 O 3 I c. u CJ E 2 u B tn u ~A 1 ^ 'o c o X c m\J .c O< o o o. I O Q H w M H Q > a (O > The Dwarf Adder's Tongue. 4 % I fj ^* V *"* .C "* .1 1 Is O ra C *j .22 U o uch smaller than in its fellow-species, res to a plant instead of one, as is the nd not yellowish-green, and the fact of of January and disappearing before the ti f an inch wide. veins without a mid-vein ; they branch :), the areoles being long and narrow and I I ^ 1 5 ^ 1 E 1 v . ol ^. ll II 'S "u ~a u M C :corded from Ireland, namely, the end iult of the different climate. O * " "O a u" E S t " h 9 8 J3 2 -C u f "5 reen in cole ** >. j )f uniform anastomos< J: J & O aj Hi l'i he plants r< y be the re: 1 3. OPHIOGLOSSUJW LUSIT^! The spike being simple, not branched, the 1< arranged in a line in each margin of the spik passed through them. Veins anastomosing. The leaf being lanceolate in outline and all as is also the spike. There being usual case with O. vulgatum. Its colour being its growing up in the winter, being mature summer. Small and flat. u J e I .5 7: 41 s -E 5 Lanceolate, and entire, bright green, 1-3 high, Thick and fleshy, smooth. Deciduous. It is not very distinct, but consists of a series < into venules, which here and there unite (or extending to the edge of the leaf. In each margin of the spike. V d .S Tn 2 B o o In meadow land. The Island of Guernsey locality for this species, but lately specimen which probably are identical with the Guern The time of year for its growth is dififerent in t of September they were mature, but this ma o (C V 'o " o o 1 o. * % fi * * S 2 1 CO . t t 3 w J J O g u u II E o 3 C "o ti K o o JJ O 3 o a u "3 *C V c O My Q W u H o '5. w a J a 'S Q 9 u c. u I c. W U 1 E o u o 86 A Pocket Guide to KEY TO THE GENERA OF FERNS. SUB-ORDER Polypodiacea Contains those genera that have the complete and usually vertical annulus and the spore-case splitting transversely, except in the case of Trichomanes and Hymenopliyllum. 1. Polypodium. Sori round ; no indusium. 2. Allosorus. Fronds of two distinct kinds ,* sori nearly round, concealed by the margin of the frond. 3. Grymnogramma. Sori linear, forked ; no indusium. 4. Polystichum. Sori round, with round in- dusium ; the indusium attached in its centre to the receptacle by a diminutive stalk. 5. Lastrea. Indusium kidney-shaped, at- tached to the receptacle by a notch at its base. 6. Athyrium. Short horseshoe-shaped sorus, with fringed indusium, which becomes much turned back. 7. Asplenium. Sori linear, singly placed on the side of the veins ; indusium linear, both straight, not curved. 8. Scolopendrium. Sori linear, arranged in two lines under one indusium ; fronds simple. British Ferns. 87 9. Ceterach. Sori oblong or linear, without a regular indusium ; scales on the whole of the under side of the frond. 10. Blechnum. Sori and indusium linear, ar- ranged on special venules in a continuous line on both sides of the mid-vein. n. Pteris. Sori and indusium linear, in an extended line at the margin of the frond. 12. Adiantum. Margin of the frond con- verted into an oblong indusium at the top of the pinnules ; sorus linear, on three or four of the veinlets, under one indusium ; stipes and rachis black and hair-like. 13. Cystopteris. Indusium resembling a hood, and attached beneath the nearly round sorus by its broad base only. s 14. Woodsia. Indusium (called the involucre) placed under and partly above the round sorus ; involucre splits into hair-like segments. 15. Trichomanes. Receptacle projecting be- yond the involucre, and has the appearance of a brown bristle; involucre not divided into valves; fronds very transparent and much pinnatifid. 16. Hymenophyllum. Involucre formed of two valves ; receptacle not extending beyond it. SUB-ORDER Osmundacece. The chief characters of this sub-order are that the spore-case opens vertically and the an- nulus is incomplete. 17. Osmunda. Fructification arranged in round clusters distinct from the leafy portion. 88 A Pocket Guide to ORDER Ophioglossacecz (Adder's-tongue Group). 1. BotrycMum. Spike branched ; spore-cases in two rows on the inner side of its branches, not surrounding them ; leaves divided into seg- ments, veins not anastomosing. 2. Ophioglossum. Spike simple (not branch- ed) ; leaves entire ; spore-cases arranged in a line in each margin of the spike, and as close to it as to appear as if the spike passed through them ; veins anastomosing. British Ferns. 89 LIST OF FERNS. ORDER Filices. SUB-ORDER Polypodiacea. Polypodium vulgare, L. Polypodium Phegopteris, L, Polypodium Dryopteris, L. Polypodium Robertianum, Hoffm. Polypodium alpestre, Hoppe. Allosorus crispus, Bernh. Gymnogramma leptophylla, Desv. Polystichum Lonchitis, Roth. Polystichum aculeatum, Roth. Polystichum angulare, Presl. Lastrea Thelypteris, Bory. Lastrea Oreopteris, Bory. Lastrea Filix-mas. Presl. Lastrea remota, Moore. Lastrea rigida, Presl. Lastrea cristata, Presl. Lastrea dilatata, Presl. Lastrea asmula, Brack. Athyrium Filix-fcemina, Roth. Asplenium septentrionale, Ho/m. Asplenium germanicum, Weiss. Asplenium Ruta-muraria, L. Asplenium viride, Huds. Asplenium Trichomanes, L. Asplenium marinum, L. Asplenium fontanum, Bernh. Asplenium lanceolatum, Huds. Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum. L. Scolopendrium vulgare, Sm. Ceterach omcinarum, Willd. Blechnum boreale, Sw. Pteris aquilina, L. Adiantum Capillus-Veneris, L. Cystopteris fragilis, Bernh. Cystopteris alpina, Desv. Cystopteris montana, Bernh. Woodsia ilvensis, R. Br. Woodsia hyperborea, R. Br. Trichomanes radicans, Sw. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense, Sm. Hymenophyllum unilaterale, Bory. SUB-ORDER Osmundacece. Osmunda regalis, L. ORDER Ophioglossacea* Botrychium Lunaria, Sw. Ophioglossum vulgatum, L. Ophioglossum lusitanicum, L. 9O A Pocket Guide to CONTRACTIONS OF THE NAMES. IT is usual not to write out the name of the botanist in full when putting it after the specific name of the plant, but to abridge it, as the following explains : L. or Linn. = Linnaeus, Carl (born in 1707, died in 1778), the great Swedish botanist. Huds. = Hudson, William (1730-1793), an English writer on British plants. Weiss Weiss, F. W., a German botanist, born in 1744; the date of his death is un- certain. Roth Roth, Albrecht W. (1757-1834), a German botanist. Sm. = Smith, Sir James Edward (1759- 1829), a British botanist. First President of the Linnean Society. Sw. or Swtz. Swartz, Olaf (1760-1818), a Professor of Botany in Stockholm. Hoppe = Hoppe, D. H. (1760-1846), a Ger- man botanist Hoffm. = Hoffmann, G. F. (1761-1826), a Professor of Botany in Gottingen. Wittd. = Willdenow, Karl Ludwig (1765- 1812), a Professor of Botany in Berlin. R. Br. = Brown, Robert (1773-1858), a dis- tinguished British Botanist, formerly President British Ferns. 91 Linn. Soc. and Keeper Botanical Depart. British Museum. Bernh. = Bernhardi, Johann J. (1774-1850), A Professor of Botany at Erfurt. Bory Bory, de Saint-Vincent, J. B. M. (1780-1846), a French botanist. Desv. = Desvaux, Augustin. N. (1784-1856), a French botanist. Presl= Presl, K. B. (1794-1852), Professor of Botany in Prague. Gray = Gray, J. E. (1800-1875), author of A Natural Arrangement of British Plants, but best known from his labours in Zoology ; late Keeper of the Zool. Depart. Brit. Mus. Brack. = Brackenridge, W. D., a botanist ap- pointed to the United States exploring expe- dition ; still living. N Moore = Moore, T., the present Curator of the Chelsea Botanic Garden ; author on British Ferns, &c. Index. 93 INDEX. Acuminate, 20 Adder's Tongue Group, 30 Adiantum, 28, 87 Capilhis-Veneris, L., 73 Algae, 5 Alternate-leaved Spleen wort, 6 1 Allosorus, 27, 86 crispus, Bernh., 46 Alpine Bladder Fern, 75 Polypody, 45 Woodsia, 78 Anastomose, 33 Anastomosing, 33 Annulus, 16 Antheridia, 18 Apex (plural, apices), IO Archegonia, 18 Areoles, 33 Asplentum, 28, 86 Adiantum-nigrum, L., 68 fontanum, Bernh., 66 germanicum, Weiss, 61 lanceolatum, Huds., 67 marinum, L., 65 Ruta-muraria, L., 62 septentrionale, Hoffm., 60 Trichomanes, L., 64 viride, Huds., 63 Athyrium, 28, 86 Filix-fcemina, Roth., $9 Beech Fern, 42 Bipinnate, 22 Black Maidenhair Spleenwort, 68 Blechnum, 28, 87 boreale, Sw., 71 Botrychium, 30, 88 Lunaria, Sw., 83 Branches, 12 Bristles, 24 Brittle Bladder Fern, 74 Broad Buckler Fern, 57 Caudex, 9 Ceterach, 28, 87 officinarum, Willd., 70 Charse, 6 Characteristic, 14 Circinate, II Classes, 5 Coddington lens, 36 Common Adder's Tongue, 84 Brakes or Bracken, 72 Hard Fern, 71 Hart's Tongue Fern, 69 Moonwort, 83 Polypody, 41 Prickly Siield Fern, 49 Spleenwort, 64 Concluding Observations, 34 Confluent, 34 Contractions of Names, 38, 90, 91 Cordate, 2O Costa, 14 94 Index. Crenate, 23 denatures, 23 Cryptogamia, 5 Cryptogams, 8 Cryptogramme crispa, 46 Cycadacese, 12 Cystopteris, 29, 87 alpina, Desv., 75 fragilis, Bernh., 74 montana, Bernh., 76 Deciduous, 33 Deltoid, 20 Differentiated, 8 Different parts of Ferns, 8 Distinctive specific characters, 32 Dorsal, 15 Drosera, 12 Dwarf Adder's Tongue, 85 Elongate, 20 Elongate-triangular, 21 Entire fronds, 21 Equisetaceae, 6 European Bristle Fern, 79 Examination of specimens, 38 Ferns, 6 Fertile fronds, 36 Filices, 6 Fir Club Moss, ^ Flabelliform, 20 Forked Spleenwort, 60 Frond, 9, 12 Fruit-organs, 13, 14 Fungi, 5 General Divisions of Flowerless Plants, 5 Generic characters, 32 Genera, 26 Genera of British Ferns, 27 Genus, 9, 25, 26 Glands, 33 Glandular, 33 Green Spleenwort, 63 Grouping of Ferns, 25 Gymnogramma, 27, 86 - leptophylla, Desv., 47 Hay-scented Fern, 58 Hepaticse, 6 Herbarium, how to form, 34 Holly Fern, 48 Horizontal, 17 Horsetail Family, 6 Hymenophyllum, 29, 87 - tunbridgense, Sm., 80 - unilaterale, Bory, 8 1 81 Indusia, 18 Indusium, 1 8 Involucre, 19 Key to the Genera of Ferns, 86 Labels for Herbarium, at end. Lady Fern, 59 Lanceolate, 20 Lanceolate Spleenwort, 67 Lastrea, 28, 86 - (Emilia, Brack., 58 - cristata, Presl., 56 - dilatata, Presl., 57 - Filix-mas, Presl., 53 - fcenisecii = csmula, Brack., 58 - montana=Oreopterts,'Roiy, 52 - Oreopteris, Bory, 52 - recurva = (zimda, Brack., 58 - remota, Moore, 54 - rigida, Presl., 55 - Thelypteris, Bory, 51 Lemon-scented Fern, 52 Lens, 36 Lichens, 5 Index. 95 Limestone Polypody, 44 Linear, 20 Linear-lanceolate, 21 List of Ferns, 89 Liverworts, 6 Lobes, 22 Lycopodiacese, 7 Lycopodium, 7 Magnifying glass, how to use, 36 Male Fern, 53 Marginal, 15 Mid-vein, 14 Mountain Bladder Fern, 76 Mounting ferns, 35 Mosses, 6 Mushroom Family, 5 Musci, 6 Narrow Prickly Buckler Fern, 56 Nephrodium, 33 Oak Fern, 43 Oblique, 16 Obtong, 20 Woodsia, 77 Obovate, 20 Ophioglossacese, 6, 3 Ophtoglossum, 30, 88 vulgatum, L., 84 lusilanicum, L., 85 Order, 5, 25 Organs, 8 of fructification, 14 Osmundaceae, 17, 25, 27, 87 Osmunda, 29, 87 regalis, L., 82 Outline of fronds, 20 Oval, 20 Ovate, 20 Ovate-lanceolate, 21 Palese, 10 Parsley Fern, 46 Phanerogamia, 5 Pinna, 13 Pinnae, 12, 21 Pinnule, 14, 22 * Pinnatifid, 21, 22 Pinnate, 21 Polypodiaceae, 17, 25, 27, 86 Polypodium, 27, 86 alpestre, Hoppe, 45 Dryopteris, L., 43 Phegopteris, L., 42 Robertianum, Hoffm., 44 vulgare, L., 41 Polystichitm, 28, 86 aculeatum, Roth., 49 angulare, Presl., 50 Lonchitis, Roth., 48 Prefatory remarks, I Primary mid-vein, 14 rachis, 10 Prothallium, 1 8 Pteridologist, 33 Pteris, 28, 87 aquilina, L., 7 2 Pubescence, 33 Quadripinnatifid, 22 Quadrifid, 22 Rachis, 9 Rachides, lo Receptacle, 13, 14 Reticulation, 33 Reticulated, 34 Remote Buckler Fern, 54 Rhizome, 9 Rigid Buckler Fern, 55 Ring of spore- case, 1 6, 17 Roots, 8 Royal Fern, 82 Rue-leaved Spleenwort, or Wall Rue, 62 Scales, 10 Scaly Spleenwort, 70 9 6 Index. Scolopendrium, 28, 86 vulgare, Sm., 69 Sea Spleenwort, 65 i Sea-weeds, 5 Section, 5 Secondary mid-vein, 14 rachis, 10, 21 Segment, 22 Serrated, 23 Serratures, 23 Shape, &c., of the frond, 32 Simple fronds, 13 Slender Gymnogram, 47 Smooth Rock Spleenwort, 66 Soft Prickly Shield Fern, 50 Sori, 15 Sorus, 15 Species, 13, 25, 26 Spike, 30 Spines, 24, 33 Spinous, 24 Splitting of the spore-case, 16 Sporangia, 15 Spore, 15, 17 Spore-case, 15 Stag's Horn Moss, 7 Stem, 31 Stipes, 9, 12 Stoneworts, 6 Sub-order, 17, 25 Summary as to plan of the Tables, 32 Tables, 41-85 Tabular Descriptions versus Drawings, 37 Teeth, 23 Texture of frond, 33 Terms applicable to the shapes, &c., of fronds, 20 Thecse, 15 Third rachis, 23 Toad -stool Family, 5 Todea, 17 Tree Ferns, 9 Triangular, 20 Tribes, 25 Trichomanes, 29, 87 radicans, Sw., 79 Tripinnate, 23 Tripinnatifid, 22 Tunbridge Film Fern, 80 Variety, 26 Vegetable kingdom, 5 Venation, 12, 33 Veins, 10, 12, 13 ' Veins free,' 33 Venules, 13 Veinlets, 13 Vernation, II Vertically, 17 Water ferns, 6 Wilson's Film Fern, 8l Woodsia alpina hyperborea, R. Br., 78 hyperborea, R. Br., 78 ilvensis, R. Br., 77 LONDON: Printed by STBIHOEWATS & Sons, Tower Street, Upper St. Martin's Lane. FOR THE HERBARIUM. ORDER : FILICES. SUB-ORDER : POLYPODIACE2E. Polypodium vulg-are, L. Polypodium Pheg-opteris, /.. Polypodium Dryopteris, /,. Polypodium Robertianum, Hofftn. Polypodium alpestre, Hoppe. Allosorus crispus, R. Br. Gymnogramma leptophylla, Desv. Polystichum Lonchitis, Roth. Polystichum aculeatum, Roth. Polystichum ang-ulare, Presl. Xiastrea Thelypteris, Bory. Xiastrea Oreopteris, Bory. Ziaatrea Filix-mas, Presl. Last re a remota, Moore. Xiastrea rigida, Presl. Xiastrea cristata, Presl. Xiastrea dilatata, PresL Xiastrea aemula, Brack. Athyrium Filix-foemina, Roth. Asplenium septentrionale, Hoffm. Asplenium germanicum, Weiss. Asplenium Ruta-muraria, L. Asplenium virlde, Huds. Asplenium Trichomanes, /.. Asplenium marinum, L. Asplenium fontanum, Bernh. Asplenium lanceolatum, Ihtds. Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum, L. Scolopendriun vulg-are, Sm. Ceterach officinarum, Willd. Blechnum boreale, Sw. PteriB aquilina, L. Adiantuxn Capillus-Venexis, L. Cystopteris frag-ilis, Bernh. Cystopteris alpina, Desv. Cystopteris montana, Bernh. Woodsia ilvensis, R. Br. Woodsia liyperborea, R. Br. Trichomanes radicans, Siu. Hymenophyllum tunbridg-ense, Sm. Hymenophyllum unilaterale, Bory. SUB-ORDER : OS1VIUNDACEJE. Osmunda reg-alis, L. ORDER : OFHZOOLOSSACEJE. Botrychium lunaria, Sw. Opliioglossum vulg-atum, /.. Ophiog-lossum lusitanicun, /'..