ii:i ! ::i:.ii'i;;i.!!'';'i:iii THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID (M ypt'}.Y-^t /^-^ CATALOGUE OF PICTURES AT WELBECK ABBEY, AND IN LONDON. No. 361. Kneller. WILLIAM BENTINCK, 1ST EARL OF PORTLAND. CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES BELONGING TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF PORTLAND, AT WELBECK ABBEY, AND IN LONDON M.D.CCC.LXXXXIIII. <»_ LONDON: PRINTED AT THE CHISWICK PRESS M.D.CCC.LXXXXIIII. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofpictuOOportrich TO THE BELOVED MEMORY OF LADY BOLSOVER THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED BY HER AFFECTIONATE STEPSON PORTLAND. ^ /y o;xT'i TO THE READER. 'HE minute descriptions I have appended to the pictures are given in the hope that they may facilitate the identification of rephcas and copies that may exist elsewhere, or engravings from the pictures. The terms "right" and "left," used in this catalogue, generally denote the spectator's right and left, but, in speaking of the movement of the figure, or position of the hands, the right and left of the personage represented is to be understood. To Bryan's "Dictionary of Painters and Engravers," edn. 1889, Redgrave's "Artists of the English School," Chavignerie and Auvray's " Dictionnaire des Artistes de I'Ecole Frangaise," to Bredius' " Catalogue des Peintures du Musde de I'Etat a Amsterdam," and such older authorities as Vasari, Ridolfi, and Baldinucci, I have been mainly indebted for the notices appended of the painters ; and to the invaluable work by Challoner-Smith on " British Mezzotinto Portraits," Didot's " Graveurs de Portraits en France," Burke's "Peerage," and the Catalogues of the National Gallery, the National Portrait Exhibitions of 1866-67 and 1868, and of the Stuart and Tudor Exhibitions of 1888-90 for much valuable information, as to dates, etc. September, 1894. C. FAIRFAX MURRAY. iw317607 INTRODUCTION. CATALOGUE of the Pictures at Welbeck was made as early as 1747 ; the name of the Author is not mentioned, but it is possibly by George Vertue, who is known to have catalogued the Collection of Miniatures. The Catalogue is apparently a complete one ; it includes, besides pictures, a number of drawings, both in pen and pencil, also guache drawings, 399 in all, of which 220 were portraits. The original MS. was probably destroyed in 1831, if not earlier, the copy of it in existence being in the same handwriting as the original catalogue of that year. The old Catalogues of 1 747, 1820 and 1831, being much thumbed, the late Duke caused fresh copies of all three to be made, for use in the house, about 1861. A Catalogue in MS. exists in the British Museum from the Collection of Sir William Musgrave (Additional MSS. 6391, f. 149) ; it is marked as a copy from one furnished by Mr. Levers in 1762, but supposed to have been made in 1755 o*" ^75^ > '^^ this the painters' names are omitted altogether. Two other Catalogues exist, made in 1820 and 1831 respectively, that are of little use, as many pictures are omitted that were " named ; " this may mean that they had their names written either on the pictures or the frames. The notable feature of the two later Catalogues, which are nearly identical, is the number of Dutch and Italian pictures not mentioned in the previous ones ; they may have been either purchased in the interval, or inherited, or it is possible that they came from Bulstrode. I have not been fortunate enough to meet with a catalogue of the Bulstrode pictures, but a list of 49 Historical Portraits there in the last century is in the British Museum, marked as communicated by Thomas Pennant, Esq., from his MS. notes of different tours (Additional MSS. 5726). In the same note-book is a list of 51 Portraits at Welbeck. When Henry, ist Duke of Portland, was leaving for Jamaica, where he died in 1726, he seems to have parted with some of the pictures ; two are mentioned by Horace Walpole in the Houghton Catalogue of 1 743 as having been purchased then ; these were the Jordaens " Family piece " and the " Old Woman reading" by Bol, both masterpieces of their respective artists ; they are now in the Hermitage Gallery at St. Petersburg. The second Duchess of Portland, who fully shared her father's taste for collecting, d INTRODUCTION. made the Collection of Miniatures one of the finest in the kingdom ; she was an artist herself, as we learn from Vertue's Dedication to her of his " Descriptive Catalogue of Hollar's Prints" of which she possessed a nearly complete collection. Vertue says of her : " Your early Inclination to the love of such arts guided your pencil to the producing several surprizing works." It is curious that not a single production of hers is registered in any of the Welbeck catalogues. Shortly after the succession of the 5th Duke of Portland, in 1854, he caused a careful Inventory to be made of all the pictures at Welbeck; this catalogue is dated 1861, but it was commenced in 1857, or earlier. In 1857, no less than 196 pictures and drawings were found stowed away in the Loft and Wardrobe, a large store-room over the coach- houses, and in a room by the (Steward's) office. In this year also a few pictures were removed from London to Welbeck, of which a list has been preserved. The 1861 Catalogue is-a valuable record of the condition of the pictures, many of which had suffered from long neglect. The Duke had a considerable number of the pictures relined and framed. It is noticeable, however, that nearly all the frames in the collection are old ones, mostly carved in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. No cleaning appears to have been done beyond the removal of dust and dirt from the surface. 653 pictures, drawings, and framed engravings are enumerated in the 1861 Inventory ; they were catalogued as found, without attempt at order ; it appears to have been made by a house painter on the estate named Taylor, though there is some uncertainty on this point. Its usefulness is much lessened by the difficulty of recognizing many pictures mentioned, as the name is not given of any personage represented unless it was inscribed on the canvas. In 1857, the Duke lent over sixty Pictures, besides Miniatures, to the Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition. From a careful list prepared of the pictures sent, and of the order in which they were returned from the Exhibition, it is evident that a portrait of James Butler, Duke of Ormond, Cat. No. 188, entered as belonging to the Duke of Portland, was not his property, and was a simple error in the preparation of the catalogue. This Collection owes its importance, mainly, at the present time, to the numerous Historical Portraits it contains, the earliest in date being that of Margaret Wootton, grand- mother of the ill-fated Lady Jane Grey, apparently a contemporary copy after Holbein ; this is followed by an admirably preserV^ed small full-length portrait of Edward VI.; an excellent example of the School of Holbein, it has been ascribed, conjecturally, to Gwillim Streetes. The small portrait of Queen Elizabeth is of importance, being signed with the initials of M. Gheeraedts ; it is also in excellent preservation. There is a picture of Robert Cecil, ist Earl of Salisbury, and of Edward Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, the poet ; of Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, the friend of Shakespeare ; of Lucy Harrington, Countess of Bedford ; and Mary Queen of Scots, a full-length posthumous portrait, similar to those belonging to the Queen and Lord Darnley. From Bulstrode there are portraits of James I., Prince Henry, Arabella Stuart, and the great Duke of Buckingham as a youth, the Countess of Essex and Somerset, remarkable for the INTRODUCTION. xi beauty of the costume, and the 6th Earl of Rutland, one of a series of full-length portraits, a few, of which still await identification. The next important group of portraits are those of the Cavendishes, beginning with Elizabeth (" Bess of Hardwick"), the ist and 2nd Earls of Devonshire, and Sir Charles Cavendish, the last by Mytens. ■ These are followed by Sir Charles Cavendish, the second of that name, and his brother William, afterwards Duke of Newcastle, a fine full length by Vandyke; Elizabeth Bassett, ist wife of the Duke, is by Daniel Mytens. The Earl of Strafford, in armour, and Charles II. as a boy, are both fine pictures by Vandyke : there is also a remarkable portrait of Sir Hugh Myddelton, the founder of the New River Company, attributed to Mierevelt. Lely is represented by two double portraits ; one of the 3rd Earl of Clarendon and his wife, the other of the 4th Earl of Southampton and his 3rd wife ; also a fine half length of the proud Duchess of Albemarle and Montagu. There are two portraits of Henrietta Cavendish Holies, Countess of Oxford, by Kneller ; one, a full length in a green and silver riding habit, being one of his most pleasing pictures. Amongst the earlier Harley portraits, the most remarkable is a quaint picture of Sir Robert Harley as a child ; another as a young man, attributed to Lely, is also a good picture, as are the portraits of the 1st Earl of Oxford by Riley, and the half length of the 2nd Earl by Dahl. There are four portraits of Margaret Cavendish Harley as a child, two of which are by Jervas and Dahl, the last, one of the best pictures of the time, and a very favourable example of this unequal artist. Of the four portraits of the ist Earl of Portland, perhaps the best is by Kneller, who lived long enough to paint the 2nd Earl as the ist Duke of Portland. The portraits of the ist Earl and his son Henry, when young, by Rigaud, are both fine pictures; Rigaud is also represented by portraits of Prior the poet, Louis XIV., and the Dauphin. The 2nd Duke of Portland and the Duchess are by Hudson ; the Duchess is one of his best pictures. The 3rd Duke when young, with his brother. Lord Edward Bentinck, is by West ; later, the Duke was painted by Reynolds, who also painted the 4th Duke as a boy, and Lord Richard Cavendish the Eastern traveller. Lawrence is represented by three portraits, all of his best. It will be seen by this brief summary that the collection covers the entire range of portrait-painting in England, from the time of Holbein to the beginning of the present century; Jansen, Mierevelt, Mytens, Vandyke, Dobson, Lely, Soest, Kneller, Riley, Jervas, Dahl, Richardson, Hudson, Reynolds, Cotes, Gainsborough, Ramsay, West, and Lawrence are all represented. If the Collection at Bulstrode contained anything of special interest except Historical Portraits, it is difficult to say, in the absence of any positive evidence. In 1 747 there were only a few Dutch pictures at Welbeck, and with the exception of three Vanderveldes, none of importance; but before 1820, we note that the fine early Vandyck called a "Senator of Antwerp," the " Portrait of a Boy," by Rembrandt, a sketch by Rubens, and the " Sta. Cecilia," by Carlo Dolci, had been added to the Collection. ^if^ xii INTRODUCTION. Some time before 1859, the last Duke appears to have purchased a number of valuable French portraits ; there is every probability that the collection was purchased entire ; many of them are marked at the back " for Harcourt House," and as they do not appear in the Welbeck Catalogue of 1861 they were probably removed there later. The sale of Lord North wick's Collection, in 1859, tempted the Duke to make some further purchases, and he then added the interesting portrait of Charles I. as a boy; the two excellent pictures by Jansen, of Ireton and Fletcher; the Duke of Cumberland, by Reynolds ; Sir Wm. Farmer of Easton Neston, and a few miniatures. The fine Gains- borough, Mrs. Elliott, was no doubt also purchased by the last Duke, possibly in France, as the lady died at Ville d'Avray and the picture may have belonged to her at her death. It is likely that the fine Lely of Lord Cornbury (afterwards Earl of Clarendon), and his wife, was also bought by him, as there is no record of it before 1857, when it was exhibited at Manchester. With the exception of the Lely above-mentioned, and a few other portraits, that have been exhibited of late years, all the later additions to the Collection are here described for the first time. CONTENTS. PICTURES AT WELBECK ABBEY. NTRANCE HALL Vestibule ........ DiNiNG-RooM Passage Dining- Room i • Music Room Red Drawing-Room Swan Drawing-Room Blue Library Library . . . , Ante- Room ... Horsemanship Bedchamber , Lobby Staircase to West Gallery North Bedroom . West Gallery Bedrooms . PAGE I 3 5 9 13 24 31 37 39 41 46 48 50 53 54 Oxford Wing. Boudoir Bedroom Dressing-Room . Staircase Landing Dining- Room Lobby . Lobby . . . . State Boudoir . State Bedroom . State Dressing-Room Bedroom 61 68 69 69 71 73 74 76 76 n xiv CONTENTS. PAGE Staircase "]•] Landing 78 Nursery Passage ............ 79 Nursery . ' 80 Yellow Bedroom ............ 80 Duke's Study 82 Billiard Room 82 Lobby 83 Passage to Underground Gallery 83 Underground Gallery, No. 2 90 Underground Gallery, No. 3 98 Lobby to Underground Gallery . . , 104 Library . ..... 106 Underground Gallery: South Wall ............ 106 West Wall 108 East Wall . ^ 109 South Wall •••......... no West Wall 113 North Wall 115 East Wall n^ West Wall . . . "116 North Wall ! 128 East Wall J - . North Wall ." .' 150 Grosvenor Place jcq PICTURES AT GROSVENOR SQUARE. "^^^ 153 Morning Room j-. Study ^^6 Red Dra wing-Room j -g Boudoir Biographical List of Painters j6i Index to the Collection of Portraits 211 LIST OF PLATES. CAT. NO. NAME OF PAINTER. 361. Wm. BenTINCK, 1ST Earl of Portland. Frontispiece . . . Knei/er. qffi Mary, Wife of Lord Wm. Henry Bentinck Lawrence. ^. Wm. Henry, 3RD Duke of Portland Reynolds. 2?. Margaret Lucas, 2nd Wife of Wm., ist Duke of Newcastle. ^. Margaret Cavendish Harley, 2Nd Duchess of Portland . . Hudson. ^. William, 2Nd Duke of Portland Hudson. ^. Wm. Henry, 4TH Duke of Portland Grant. 63f. Henrietta Cavendish Holles, Countess of Oxford . . . Kneller. 92. "Senator of Antwerp" Vandyck. ^. Thomas Wentworth, ist Earl of Strafford .... Vandyck. ^ William Cavendish, ist Duke of Newcastle Vandyck. ^. Charles H. as a Boy Vandyck. ^. Sir Hugh Myddelton Mierevelt. 122. Queen Elizabeth Gheerhaedts. C3- Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of Albemarle and Montagu . Lely. j^. Lord Richard Cavendish • . Reynolds. 149. Henry, ist Duke of Portland . . . ... . . . Rigaud. fSf). William HI. as Prince of Orange Vollevens. ^. Sir Edward Harley, as a Child. CSl. Catherine Cavendish, Countess of Thanet Huysman. i5&. William Cavendish, ist Earl of Devonshire. 216. Portrait of a Boy Rembrandt. XSl- Matthew Prior Rigaud. |^ in. H. x 25 In, W. 6. Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn. 1606 — 1669. Ascribed to Rembrandt. Bust, life size, to right; brown coat, red vest, yellow cap with white lining. Above the head is inscribed, " Rembrandt by Himself," in white letters. To the right is a signature, " Rembrandt f. 1665." The last numeral has been read as " o," but it has a long tail like a freely written " 5." Beneath this signature, as the author of the 1861 Catalogue observed, are traces of another signature, in an entirely different manner. Canvas, 30^^ in. H. x 24 in. W. ^ From Bulstrode, No. 16, MS, List in British Museum. 7. Portrait of a Gentleman, unknown. Bust, life size, to right, in an oval, with dark corners. Olive-red doublet, richly ENTRANCE HALL.T AT WELBECK ABBEY. VESTIRFTIIf J VESTIBULE. braided, gold buttons down the front. RufF edged with point lace, grey hair, moustache, and beard ; fair, fresh complexion ; dark background. Canvas, 29;^- in. H. x 26|^ in. W. Cat. 1747. South Dining-Room, No. 3? Sir Francis Drake? 1541 ? — 1595- Bust, life size, to right, in an oval. White doublet ornamented with gold braid, gorget damascened with gold in a reticulated pattern and lined with red, the scalloped edge braided with gold ; dark hair, pointed beard and moustache, turned up at the ends, ruff edged with point lace ; grey background. Inscribed " sr. fran. DRAKE " in yellow letters, in the left-hand lower corner. Canvas, 26 in. H. x 2of in. W. On the stretcher is pasted a note, to the effect that it came from the Northwick Collection, and on the stretcher itself is written, " This portrait of Sir F. Drake is from the Collection of the Speaker Lenthall at Burford Priory, & purchased by C. Wilson on 13 July 1833, of W. J. Lenthall Esqre." There is no trace of this picture in the Northwick Sale Catalogue. VESTIBULE. 9. Portrait of a Gentleman, unknown. Bust, life size, to right. Black doublet, plain ruff; brown hair, beardless ; dark background. Panel, ig^^ in. H. x i6| in. W. Cat. 1747. Alcove Dressing-Room, No. 16. "Young Man w"' a large high ruff, black doublet, his own hair. Head upon board. ? if Henry, eldest Son of S'. W. Cavendishe, who died 12 Oct^ 1616." 10. Portrait of a Gentleman, called "Sir Philip Sidney." Bust, less than life size, to right. Dove-coloured slashed doublet with a hio-h collar, a black ribbon round neck, to which is attached a black and gold enamelled locket, small ruff, brown hair cut short, small beard, and moustache ; dark background. Inscribed above, " aetatis suae 29. an. dnI 1575." Panel, i9|- in. H. x 16 in. W. Sir Philip Sidney was born in 1554, and would therefore have only been twenty-one years of age in 1575, the date on this picture. Cat. 1747. Alcove Dressing-Room, No. 13. "A Man w'\ a little high ruff & black ribbon round the neck, upon board. Adm. Cavendishe ?" 4 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [vestibule. 11. Orpheus and the Beasts. R. Savery, 1604. Orpheus is seated on a mound at some distance, in the centre of the picture, with a group of animals about him ; a grey elephant, a white horse, a white ass, an ostrich, a white dog, and other animals ; those in the rear appear to resent the intrusion of the furious women that are climbing the hill, brandishing sticks. From an archway, between some buildings on a lower hill beyond, other figures are seen running. In the near foreground to the right, at the foot of the trees, are grouped a number of animals and birds, a greyhound, a recumbent cow, a white horse, a bull, a mastiff lying down, turkeys, hen and chickens, and a peacock are conspicuous, amongst others too numerous to mention. On the water in the centre are swans, ducks, and other water-fowl, and to the left, deer, a dog, and a goat. Tall trees, with forest landscape beyond, seen through an opening, with a pool of water to the left. In the distance, a plain with a river winding through it, and houses on the banks, the sea and mountains in the far distance. Signed on a cartellino, to the left, immediately beneath two ducks pluming themselves, " Roelandt Savery fe. 1604." Panel, 26 in. H. x 45 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Ante-room to Little Drawing- Room. 12. Portrait of an Old Lady. Bust, life size, to left, seated, her hands joined before her. Black dress, wide frilled ruff tied with black ribbon, and black cap. Panel, 26 in. H. x 20 in. W. Cat. 1747. East Dressing- Room, No. 6. "Old Dutch Woman with a Ruff, upon Board." 13. Anne, Baroness Holles. 1640 — 1681. Bust, life size, to right ; white dress, the sleeves tied with jewels, pearl necklace and drop pendants, hair parted in centre, a long curl falls over each shoulder in front of the bust ; background dark crimson drapery ; in the left upper corner a crown with pearls. Inscribed " The Honourable/ The Baronettesse/ Anne Holles/ Wife OF S". Francis/ Holles Baronet the/ onely Sonne and heyre/ apparent of Denzell/ Baron Holles of Ifeild/ 1672." Canvas, 29!- in. H. x 25!- in. W. On the back of the canvas is a long note, " The Baronettesse Anne Holies aged two & thirty yeares five Kalender monthes and one & twenty days October 6. 1672. the wife of the Honourable Sr. Francis Holies of Wynterbourne St. Martyn in the County of Dorset Baronet and Knight the onely Sonne survivant and heyre apparent of Denzell Baron Holles of Ifeild second sonne onely Brother Survivant and Unkle of John the first of that name. John the Second and Gilbert, Earles of Clare successively which Baronettesse was the eldest daughter and Coeheyresse of Sr. Francis Pile the second of that name of Compton-Beauchampe in the County of VESTIBULE. ^ AT WELBECK ABBEY. DINING-ROOM PASSAGE.J Berks Baronet : which Barronettesse was by measure in cleare higth four foote and ten inches or thereabout who was afterwards Baronesse Holies of Ifeild and deceased at her house in Lyncolne Square in Lyncolne's Inne Feilds in Midlesex on Wednesday March 8. 1681 aged one and forty yeares ten moneths and one and twenty days and was In(terred in) the North Isle adjoyning unto the Church at Ifeild aforesaid on Thursday May 4. following, 1682." Beneath is written, "coppy 1683." This is a copy of the picture in the Gallery. 14. Portrait of a Young Beardless Man. V. C. ? Dutch School. Bust, life size, profile, to right ; wearing a gorget, green velvet mantle thrown over the right shoulder, slashed purple velvet cap, worn on the side of the head, long dark hair, no beard or moustache ; dark background. Signed with monogram, to left, the letters " V. C," or "V. G." interlaced, " 16 . ." The last numerals are now illegible, but the date is given as 1639 in the 1747 Catalogue. Panel, 21^ in. H. x 16^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Upper East Apartment, No. 5. DINING-ROOM PASSAGE. 15. Portrait of a Monk, in a Brown Habit. De Cany. Bust, life size, three-quarter face, to left, inscribed to left on background " De Cany f." Pastel on paper. Oval. 22 in. H. x 17^ in. W. 16. Lady Hawkins Whitshed, NfiE Bentinck, with her Eldest Son James. James Northcote, R.A. Full length figures, life size, in a landscape. Lady Whitshed in a white dress, embroidered with gold sprigs, white turban, pink and blue shot silk scarf. She kneels on her right knee, holding the child with both arms, who is standing at her left, in a white shirt ; round his neck a coral necklace, short flaxen hair parted in the centre. The child holds his mother's elbow with his right, and extends the left towards a butterfly hovering near ; dark trees to the left. Landscape to right, and blue sky. Canvas. Bequeathed to the Duke of Portland, with seven other portraits, by Lady Bentinck, Widow of General Sir Henry John William Bentinck, K.C.B. General Sir Henry Bentinck (i 796-1878) served with distinction in the Crimea, where he commanded a brigade of Guards. 6 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [dining-room passage. 17. Unknown Subject. Bolognese School. A young woman kneeling with upturned head to right, receives from a female attendant a dish with two decapitated male heads. A viol, bow, and a scroll on the ground to right. Canvas, 603^ in. H. x 44^^ in. W. 18. pRANgoiSE Ath£naYs de Rochechouart, Marquise de Montespan. 1641 — 1707. Henri Gascard. Three-quarter length, life size, reclining on a red cushion, head towards the right ; loose russet-coloured dress, open to waist, showing richly laced chemisette, her chin rests on her left hand, and in her right she holds a garland of flowers, one end of which trailsacross herarm. Long blue, loose sleeves, bordered with gold and silver lace ; white sleeves to chemisette, edged with lace, a string of pearls, rubies, and other gems, where the lace is joined to sleeve ; a pearl and ruby ornament loops up the blue sleeve on the shoulder ; hair parted in the centre, disposed in curls on either side of the head, two long curls hang over the right shoulder ; gold and silver brocaded curtain to right. To the left an opening, through which is seen the sky and trees ; a curly brown-haired Cupid is leaning forward out of the foliage, about to discharge an arrow. Canvas, oval. On the frame is inscribed "Madame de Montespan by H. Gascar./ Born 1641. Died May 28, 1707." 19. Charlotte Bentinck, Lady Milnes. Three-quarter length, life size, to left, leaning on a marble capital. Empire costume ; greenish-white and gold dress, right hand holding drapery, she is resting on her left elbow, the hand lightly touching cheek ; pale blonde hair, disposed in small curls, plain gold tiara ; fig tree to right, sea to left. Canvas. Bequeathed to the Duke of Portland by Lady Bentinck. 20. Count John Albert Bentinck, Captn. R.N., Grandfather of Lady Bentinck, as A Boy. 1737—1775- Half length, life size, to right, holding a grey squirrel with a red ribbon round its neck, on his extended right arm. Light grey fur-lined coat. Brown hair, brushed off the forehead. Canvas. Bequeathed by Lady Bentinck. DINING-ROOM PASSAGE.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 2 1. Countess Bentinck, n£e Renira, Baroness Van Tuyll van Serooskerken. John Hoppner, R.A. Bust, life size, to left, a light muslin scarf tied over the head and fastened under the chin in a bow ; black mantilla, edged with lace ; tree trunk to right, background of foliage ; landscape with blue hill, to left. Canvas. Renira, Baroness de Tuyll, married John Albert Bentinck, 1763. Bequeathed to the Duke of Portland by Lady Bentinck. 22. Lady Charlotte Greville, n£e Bentinck. 1775 — 1862. J, D. Mercier, 1849. Half length, life size, seated to left ; white widow's cap tied under her chin and a green shade over the right eye ; the left hand, gloved, rests on arm of chair holding muslin scarf round neck, a pale yellow Indian shawl thrown round the shoulders. Canvas, oval. Inscribed at back of frame, " The Rt. Honble. Lady Charlotte Greville BY J. D. Mercier. 1849." 23. William Bentinck, Esq., Vice-Admiral, R.N. 1764 — 1813. Mason Chamberlin, R.A., 1783. Half length, life size, seated to left, in blue naval uniform. His arms are crossed before him on a table ; beneath the left arm is a vellum document, on which the preamble, beginning " By virtue," is to be read. White open waistcoat, frilled shirt, and locket. He wears his own light brown hair, brushed off the forehead. White and red striped cushion to chair ; dark grey background. Inscribed " Chamberlin 1 783 " in lower left corner. Canvas. On the back of the canvas is written "William Bentinck Esqr. Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Vice Adml. R.N., Son of Count John Albert Bentinck, Capt. R.N., and Renira nee Bness de Tuyll, born 1764, died Feb. 21 1813, Married Sepff. 20, 1802, Lady Frances Pierrepoint, daughter of the Earl Manvers." Bequeathed by Lady Bentinck. 24. The Rev. John Bentinck, 2nd Son of John Albert, as a Boy. D. 1804. Mason Chamberlin, R.A., 1783. Three-quarter length, life size, to right. Seated on a bank, holding a brown and white spaniel with both hands, the left leg is drawn up beneath him ; light blue coat, buff waistcoat and knee breeches, white stockings, black shoes and paste buckles. Frilled shirt, and turn-down collar, long light hair, curling on to the shoulders. Land- 8 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [dining-room passage. scape background, sky and dark tree to left. In the lower right corner is inscribed " Chamberlin 1 783." Canvas. Bequeathed by Lady Bentlnck. 25. William John Arthur, Duke of Portland. John Pettie, R.A., 1889. Full length, life size, seated to left, nearly full face, in scarlet uniform as Master of the Horse. Signed in lower corner "J. Pettie 1889." Canvas. Presented to the Duchess of Portland on her marriage, by his Grace's Ayrshire tenants and other friends, nth January, 1889. 26. View of Antwerp. A view of the city and river, spanned on the left by a bridge of boats, houses on the foreshore and numerous figures in the foreground. Near the left centre is a Chapel, more to the right a waggon, drawn by two white horses, with a red-coated waggoner ; on the near side a woman, with a brass vase on her head, is passing in the opposite direction ; beyond is a street, continued to the foreground ; a barren tree near the right, and a straw fence ; on the far side are some figures, one in a red jacket, cutting cabbages. Linen is spread to dry on the ground. Numerous boats and vessels of various description on the water, firing salutes. Canvas, 54 in. H. x 103 1- in. W. Cat. 1820. Little Drawing-Room. 27. The Honble. Charles Ferdinand Bentinck. Half length, life size, seated to right, nearly in profile ; coffee-coloured coat and grey wig, the hands not shown ; dark background. Canvas. 28. Sir James Hawkins Whitshed, Baronet, G.C.B., Admiral of the Fleet, 3RD Son of James Hawkins, Bishop of Naphoe. Born 1762. Bust, life size, nearly full face, to left; in Admiral's uniform, bareheaded; wearing red ribbon of the Bath, a medal attached to a blue and white ribbon on the left side, and a brilliant star, in the centre of which is a Maltese Cross. Canvas. Bequeathed by Lady Bentinck. DINING-ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. DINING-ROOM. 29. John Holles, Duke of Newcastle. 1662 — 171 1. Full length, life size, to right, in Garter Robes and long wig ; right thumb in sword belt ; left by side, holding plumed hat ; dark architectural background, sky to right. Inscribed below, to right, "John Holles/ Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, 88|- in. H. x 50 J in. W. John Holies, 4th Earl of Clare, created 1694, Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne, in right of his wife, Lady Margaret Cavendish, 3rd daughter and co-heir of Henry Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Newcastle K.G. ; entertained King William HI. at Welbeck 1695, killed while hunting, 1711, aged 49. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 18. 30. Margaret Cavendish, Wife of John Holles, 4th Earl of Clare, afterwards Duke of Newcastle. 1661 — 1716? Full length, life size, seated, to left; loose blue dress, fastened with jewelled clasps and embroidered with gold flowers ; brown cloak, white undersleeves ; right arm folded across breast, left resting on drapery ; she holds in both hands some white flowers ; brown, crimson-lined curtain to right, orange tree in vase to left, another plant at her feet ; background of foliage and wall to right ; brown hair, with a string of pearls wound in it. Inscribed " Margaret Cavendishe,/ 3° Daughter of Henry Duke OF Newcastle,/ Married John Holles, Earl of Clare,/ Afterwards Created, Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, 86|- in. H. x 53 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Drawing-Room, No. 8. 31. Lt.-Genl. Lord William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, G.C.B., 2nd Son of 3RD Duke of Portland. 1774 — 1839. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left, the head turned to right ; brown coat, buttoned up ; white waistcoat and tie, brown breeches, below waistcoat hangs a red ribbon ; grey hair, face clean shaved ; the right arm rests on a stone pedestal, the left by his side ; column to left, low parapet and sky to right. Canvas. Unfinished. The coat and hands have been painted in later. Lord William Henry, Governor General of India 1 828-1 835 ;■ married 1803, Mary, 2nd daughter of ist Earl of Gosford. One of several pictures brought to Welbeck from London, Feb., 1861. c lo CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [dining-room. 32. Mary, 2nd Daughter of the ist Earl of Gosford, Wife of Lt.-Genl. Lord William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, G.C.B. D. 1843. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Half length, life size, seated to left ; brown curly hair, ruby ear-ring set in gold. There is a patch of blue round the head ; the remainder of the sky and landscape were added later, apparently by the same hand that completed the portrait of Lord William Henry ; in this case the dress was left unpainted. Canvas. Married 1803, died childless 1843. 33. William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3RD Duke of Portland, K.G. 1738 — 1809. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left ; crimson velvet coat, lace ruffles, knee-breeches and white stockings, small powdered wig, black tie ; holding paper in right hand, resting on table ; his left raised to chin ; he has the air of listening ; architectural background, with hemicycle ; trees seen through opening to left ; on the table are books, and two bronze statuettes, one representing Hercules. Canvas, 56|- in. H. x 45f in. W. William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland, K.G., born 1738, succeeded to Dukedom 1762. Viceroy of Ireland in 1782, Prime Minister under George 3rd, 1 783-1807. Married 1766, Dorothy, only Daughter of William, 4th Duke of Devonshire, who died in 1794. He died 30 October, 1809. Engraved in mezzotint by John Murphy, published 1785. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 51. Modern Masters. 34. Mary, youngest Daughter of William Henry, 3RD Duke of Portland. D. 1843. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Half length, life size, seated to right ; white dress, grey drapery on right shoulder, dark brown hair. She is seated sideways in the chair, the right arm resting along the back, her left by her side, bare to elbow. Background, grey parapet, sky to right, wall to left. Canvas. Unfinished. This lady died unmarried 1843. A copy of this picture (reduced to a bust) is in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. 35. Henrietta Cavendish Holles, Countess of Oxford. Sir G. Kneller. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to right, holding a basket of flowers ; DINING-ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. ii white satin dress and red cloak; architectural background, sky to right. Inscribed " The R'^ Hon'"/ the Lady Heneritta/ Cavendish Holles,/ Countess of Oxford," Canvas, 50 in. H. x 4010. W. A duplicate is in the Gallery, No. 454. 36. William Cavendish, ist Duke of Newcastle. 1592 — 1676. Full length, life size, to right, in Garter Robes ; curtain to left, column, and grey sky to right. Inscribed below "William Cavendish, ist Duke of Newcastle married 2 WIFES/ 1ST, ElIZABETH/ DAUGHTER & SOLE HEIR TO W" BaSSETT OF BlORE 2° Margaret Lucas Daughter to Tho'. Lucas of Colchester Esq"." Canvas, 88|^in. H. x 54 in. W. The head and hands are copied from the same original by Vandyck, as the half length in the Horsemanship Bedchamber. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 12. • 37. Margaret Lucas, 2nd Wife of William, ist Duke of Newcastle. D. 1673. Full length, life size, standing to left, in Court dress ; white satin petticoat, blue velvet bodice and train, crimson velvet mantle lined with ermine, the sleeves, bodice, and train, trimmed with silver ; lace under-sleeves, jewel in centre of bodice ; black head-dress with ostrich plumes ; right hand lightly touching table cloth to left, the left holding mantle. On the table, which is covered with a yellow cloth of gold brocade, is a vase containing orange flowers ; curtain above, fluted column to right, dark background, red and black carpet. Inscribed "Margaret, Daughter/ to THO^ Lucas Es'^^ of/ Essex 2° wife to W"./ Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, 87!- in. H. x 53 in. W. Margaret Lucas, was sister to Sir Charles Lucas who held Colchester for Charles I., and was executed 1648. She wrote many plays. Margaret Lucas died without issue 1673. V. Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors. Cat. 1747. Great Drawing- Room, No. 3. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 183. 38. Lord George Frederick Cavendish Bentinck, M.P., 3RD Son of the 4TH Duke OF Portland. 1802— 1848. After Lane, by Belli. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left, the head turned to right ; black morning coat, open velvet waistcoat, black stock, and orange silk scarf; thin gold chain with seals ; his right hand is placed on some papers that lie on the table to left, his left, gloved, hangs by his side ; dark brown hair and whiskers, chin and upper lip shaved ; red curtain, grey background. Canvas. 12 . CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [: DINIKG-ROOM. 39. Lt.-Genl. Arthur Cavendish Bentinck, 2nd Son of Lord Charles Bentinck. George Richmond, R.A. Bust, life size, nearly In profile, to right ; black coat with fur collar, short grey hair, beard, and moustache ; red curtain background, sky to right. Canvas. 40. Augusta Mary Elizabeth, 2nd Wife of Lt.-Genl. Arthur Cavendish Bentinck, Bness. Bolsover. D. 1893. James Sant, R.A. Bust, life size, nearly full face, to left ; in evening dress ; black bodice trimmed with lace, muslin sleeves, pearl ornament with three pear-shaped pendants, necklace a triple row of pearls, flower in black hair ; warm grey background. Canvas. 41. Margaret Cavendish Harley, Wife of William, 2nd Duke of Portland. D. 1785. Thomas Hudson. Full length, life size, standing to right ; crimson velvet and ermine bodice, skirt, and train ; white satin petticoat with deep gold border ; right hand by her side, left holding coronet, girdle and tassel of gold ; a marble table with gilt top to right, carved gilt chair to left, with train thrown over it ; grey background. Inscribed " Margaret Cavendishe Harley, daughter of Edward Harley,/ Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, and Henrietta Cavendishe/ Holles, married to William Bentinck, Duke of Portland." Canvas, 88 in. H. k 58 in. W. Married the 2nd Duke of Portland, 1734, d. 1785, Cat. 1747, Great Alcove Bedchamber, No. 2. 42. William Bentinck, 2nd Duke of Portland. D. 1762. Thomas Hudson. Full length, life size, standing to left, in Garter Robes ; the right hand extended, the left by his side ; plumed hat on table to right ; grey background, stone step in the foreground. Signed" Hudson Pinxit." Inscribed on the step, " William Bentinck, Duke of Portland, married to Margaret Cavendishe Harley, daughter of Edward, Earl/ of Oxford, & Earl Mortimer, and Henrietta Cavendish Holles, Countess of Oxford and Mortimer." Canvas, 87 J in. H. x 57^ in. W. Cat. 1747, Grand Saloon, No. 19. 43. William Henry Cavendish Scott Bentinck, 4TH Duke of Portland, F.R.S., F.S.A. 1768— 1854. Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Full length, life size, seated, to left ; black riding coat with brass buttons, knee breeches and top boots, white necktie; holding a walking stick in his right hand, DisiNG-RooM.-i AT WELBECK ABBEY. 13 MUSIC ROOM. -■ "^ gloved ; left bare, holding glove ; both elbows rest on the arms of the green leather chair in which he is seated, his hat lies on the ground at his feet ; crimson curtain to right, a wall and landscape to left. Signed, " F. Grant Pinx\" Canvas, 77 in. H. x 56^ in. W. William Henry, 4th Duke of Portland, married Henrietta, Eldest Daughter and co-heir of Lieut-General John Scott of Balcomie, County Fife, who died 1844. This picture was presented to the Duke by his tenants, December 1852, in the 84* year of his age. Engraved by James Faed. 44. Robert Harley, ist Earl of Oxford. 1661 — 1724. Sir G. Kneller. Three-quarter length, life size, to right, in Speaker's Robes (black trimmed with gold lace), holding " Succession " Bill in his right hand, his left on his hip, long grey wig and plain cravat, table with dark cloth to right. Inscribed " Robert Harley Esq' in right lower corner, and on the paper, " Succession Bill." Canvas, 50^ in. H. x 40^ in. W. Cat. 1747. South Drawing- Room, No. 9. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 260. Guelph Exhibition, New Gallery, 1891. Cat. No. 7. RE " MUSIC ROOM. 45. A Roebuck pursued by Two Lion Cubs. Snyders ? The buck on its hind legs in the act of springing, turns towards its pursuers, who are also looking backwards with uplifted paws. Canvas, 63 in. H. x 92^^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. 46. Mrs. Scott and her Daughter Henrietta, afterwards 4TH Duchess of Portland. D. 1844. After CoswAY. By Louisa Starr Canziani, 1 880. Full length figures, life size. Mrs. Scott seated to left, in white dress, open ruff of point lace, blue mantle, and white satin shoes, one foot on a foot-stool. Her right hand is placed on her daughter's shoulder, in her left she holds an oval miniature which she is showing her. Her daughter is standing, full face, with her hands clasped in front of her, looking out of the picture. Pale yellow dress, light grey-blue sash, one end of which trails on the chair behind her, broad leghorn hat with pink strings, pink satin shoes with blue ties. Dark brown hair, arranged in long curls, a 14 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [music room. 47- brown and white spaniel playing at her feet, blue foot-stool with gilt claw feet; architectural background with columns, and dark curtain to left. Canvas. Henrietta, eldest daughter and co-heir of General John Scott, of Balcomie, Fife, married William Henry, 4th Duke of Portland, 4 Aug., 1795, died 28 April, 1844. Bequeathed to the Duke of Portland by Lady Ossington. The original picture is in the possession of the Earl of Clanricarde. Mater Dolorosa. Sassoferrato. Bust, to right, with her blue mantle thrown over her head, the hands clasped. Canvas, 20 in. H. x i8|^ in. W. 48. St. Mary Magdalene. ' After Titian. Bust, life size, to right, looking up. Unfinished. Paper stretched on canvas and panel, i8f in. H. x 14 in. W. This picture resembles the Barbarigo canvas at St. Petersburg. On the back of the panel is a long inscription in Italian, to the effect that it is a study from life by Titian, that served for thirteen pictures of the Magdalene, all different, but all famous ; that it was purchased by the Secretary to the Spanish Ambassador in Venice, by order of the Ambassador at the Papal Court and taken to Rome, 1680. Beneath the inscription is a coronet above the letters " D.G.H." (interlaced) burnt in ; the same monogram is on the picture of Christ bearing the Cross, formerly attributed to Raphael. No. 84. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 49. A Landscape, Afternoon. Ascribed to Claude Lorraine. On the bank of a stream, to left, a group of trees with thin foliage ; in the foreground, a youthful shepherd and shepherdess are driving a herd of goats down a slope, on the edge of the water, a little towards the right. In the foreground, to right, are tall trees. Canvas, 15!^ in. H. x 2i|- in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 50. A Landscape, Early Morning. Elsheimer. On a low hill to right, almost covered with foliage, is an archway, with a pillar at the entrance ; from the side of which issues a herd of cows, who are being driven to pasture ; the hill they are descending and the trees, hide the foremost of the herd ; lower down to right, near the centre of the picture, in the middle distance, a herdsman is driving MUSIC ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 15 51- his herd by the side of some water. In the distance is the slope of a hill covered with trees ; to right a group of three trees, and in the foreground a man in red is getting off a donkey. The distance is partially obscured by a rise in the foreground, which is thrown into strong relief by the distant plain beyond. Bright morning light, a gleam through the trees lighting up the ruins on the hill to right. Panel, 16^ in. H. x 23 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. The Building of the Ark. School of Bassano. The Ark is to right, approached by a sloping plane of wood ; Noah is seen near the door, a man behind is stooping to receive some planks from a woman, another female is carrying wood into the Ark, followed by a laden white horse. In the foreground, to left, a loaded donkey, and near by, a young girl. In the centre is a man in crimson and blue, working at a bench sawing wood ; to the extreme left, a man using the plane. In the middle distance, to right, a pair of brown oxen, and a girl stooping over a tub ; in the foreground to left is a brown and white spaniel, a hen coop, poultry, and a peacock ; to left, carpenters' tools, and various utensils ; wooded landscape background, with blue hills in the distance. Canvas, 26 in. H. x 34! in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 52. The Flood. School of Bassano. The porch of a house, crowded with figures ; to left is a woman seated in front of the steps, watching the rising of the water, a man standing beside her talking to her ; at the corner of the steps a man is wading in the water. On the roof of a house in the distance a number of people have taken refuge, a woman with outstretched arms is appealing to heaven. To the extreme right, in the foreground, a woman is seated with her back turned ; at her feet is an old man endeavouring to save a bundle of linen from the water, the surface of which is strewn with floating pans, tubs, chests, stools, and clothing ; to left a woman is seated weeping, with a child at her knees ; behind is a young man in a red cap and a girl with her hands clasped, near her three dogs, one of which is in the water. In the centre a woman in red and saffron drapery is helping a child out ; near by is a man floating on his back, apparently dead, a man on horseback, a pair of oxen swimming, and more to the right, a woman wading in haste. The Ark is to the right, dark sky and landscape. Canvas, 27 in. H. x 35 in. W. Cat. 1747. North Room, No. 25. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. i6 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [music-room. 53. Christ's Charge to Peter. After Raphael. 54. The Death of Ananias. 55. Paul preaching at Athens. 56. Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. 57. Elymas the Sorcerer struck with Blindness, 58. Peter and John healing the Lame Man at the Beautiful Gate. 59. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. The two last-mentioned pictures are hung in the Red Drawing-Room. Small copies in oil, from the Tapestry Cartoons, formerly in the Gallery at Hampton Court, now at South Kensington Museum. 60. The Virgin and Child in a Landscape, with Donor. Venetian School. The Virgin is seated under a canopy in the centre, with the child extended on her lap ; to the left, the donor kneeling ; behind him his wife in a white dress. Open landscape to right. Figures under life size. Canvas, 35 in. H. x 46^ in. W. A canvas in the style of the followers of Campagnola and Polidoro Veneziano formerly ascribed to Titian. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining-Room ? 61. Peter in Prison, delivered by an Angel. Steenwyck. The prison is a large vaulted chamber, Peter is seated at the top of a flight of steps, the Angel is approaching from the left; a man is asleep on a bench in deep shadow to left, other figures are in the background, lying on the floor ; a lamp is burning against a column to right. Canvas, 50J in. H. x 68|^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing-Room. 62. Henrietta Cavendish Holles, Countess of Oxford, in a Riding Habit. Sir Godfrey Kneller, 17 14. Full length, life size, standing, in a landscape. Olive green and white riding habit, braided with silver and ornamented with silver buttons, black hat with silver braid to match, blonde wig, lace cravat, white gloves and boots, she holds in her right a silver mounted whip, the left rests on her hip ; a little distance behind, to right, a groom holds her favourite dun mare, in red trappings, wooded landscape with tall MUSIC ROOM ] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 17 trees to the left, signed in lower corner, on a stone, " G. Kneller (the G. and K. interlaced) Eques 17 14." Canvas, 84 in. H. x 61 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Red Damask Dressing- Room ? Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 232. The Seven Works of Mercy. 63. I. Visiting the Sick. Sebastian Vrancks. In the principal apartment of a nearly roofless house, a crippled woman is seated by the fireplace to the left, one foot supported on a low stool, her crutch and a porringer beside her ; a boy with unkempt hair is blowing the fire with a pair of bellows ; a young girl in a blue jacket and petticoat and a white apron is running towards a man in a red cloak who is carrying a basket of provisions and a cup, he is followed by a boy with a pitcher. A dog is walking in at the door, through which is seen a landscape with houses and figures in the distance. Above the doorway is a gallery leading to a room approached by a wooden staircase, a woman is descending the stairs with some clothes on her arm. In the far corner of the room is an old man in bed, sheltered from the draught by a black cloth stretched over the window above. By the bedside on a three-legged stool are some provisions. Beside the bed stands a priest, and a monk is seated at the foot. To the extreme left, beyond the fireplace, in the corner at the foot of the bed, a Sister of Mercy is seated at table. In the fore- ground to the right stands a wooden tub with some clothes in it, a spade and some earthen pots ; the wall beyond the bed is partly broken down near the roof, and through the opening the walls are visible of the room beyond ; a rat is walking along the beam. Paved floor. Panel, 26 in. H. x 2o|^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Ante-room to Little Drawing- Room. 64. II. Feeding the Hungry. S. Vrancks. A Lady and Gentleman are distributing bread at the porch of a house to the right. A boy in a long blue shirt has cast away his hat and stick and is stretching out his hands eagerly for the loaf, which is handed to him by the gentleman, who wears a red gown and black cap ; a woman behind kneels to receive her loaf, holding a little girl with her right ; another woman, in red and black, who has a child slung at her back, approaches with clasped hands. To the left, a blind man, led by a black and white dog, is walking away with his loaf under his arm, holding the hand of a young girl carrying a basket : she is dressed in a patched red petticoat, dark blue apron, and blue jacket. The two houses in the foreground, facing one another, are connected by a vine trellis ; to left is a porch with a youthful beggar in rags, hastening to a door, at which stands a lady in black ; the houses are at the corner of a piazza. D i8 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [music room. On the opposite side is a house surrounded by a colonnade. In the distance a street, seen in perspective, with a church. Panel, 26 in. H. x 2o|^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Ante-room to Little Drawing- Room. 65. III. Visiting Prisoners. S. Vrancks. The prison is a heavy stone building surrounded by an open loggia with a paved court in front, railed off from the street by an iron railing. In the foreground is an archway, against the wall of which, to the left, is fastened a long iron chain ; a stick lies in the corner, and against a pillar is seated a man with a table before him, covered with a dark cloth ; on the table is a brass dish with an iron collar in it, of the kind used for securing prisoners, and some money ; some coins are also scattered on the table cloth ; the man seated is doubtless the jailer, he has a bunch of keys at his girdle, and is collecting alms for the poor prisoners. Surrounding the court are a series of grated windows at which the prisoners receive their friends, at each of the three windows shown in the picture stands a man conversing with some one inside ; one is reading a paper ; a soldier in red with a halberd is partially hidden by a column, to the right is a woman in blue, with a basket on her arm. In the middle of the court stands a woman looking up at one of the upper windows, from which a basket is suspended by a cord. In the centre of the foreground a gentleman is fondling a dog, behind him is a page, with a basket of clothes ; to the left is a street with a beggar before a house door, some chickens are feeding in the road ; the angle of the building opposite, with a pulley fastened outside, appears to be part of the prison, all the windows being heavily barred. On the pilaster in the foreground to right, is wafered a notice paper. Panel, 26 in. H. x 2o|^ in. W. 66. IV. Giving Drink to the Thirsty. S. Vrancks. In the centre of the foreground is an archway opening from a loggia, supported by dark marble columns; the spandrils between the arches are coloured red and ornamented with tablets. Beyond is an open square. A gentleman, standing between the columns to the right, is giving directions to his servants ; near the master of the house to the right, a man is drawing beer from a cask in a large wooden jack ; a couple of casks are supported on trestles ; a servant maid is seen at the back. In the centre to the left, a man (with a hatchet stuck in his belt) is drinking from an earthen pitcher ; behind him, a woman is seated on the ground, with a baby in swaddling clothes lying across her knees ; near her, an attendant is serving an old woman, who holds out a bowl. In the foreground is a cripple on his knees, crawling, supported by hand crutches. To the left, behind the man with the pitcher, is a woman giving drink to a boy in red ; a beggar is approaching behind with a bowl. In the distance, at the MUSIC ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. ^ 19 door of' a large house on the left, a woman and child are receiving alms, beyond is a house with a projecting tower and belfry. Panel, 25!- in. H. x 2o|- in. W. , Cat. 183 1. Ante-room. 67. V. Receiving Pilgrims. S. Vrancks. The House, or Hospital, has a paved portico with a wooden entrance porch supported by fluted columns, projecting from the main building, similar to those used in churches abroad ; it is decorated in a florid Flemish style with carved panels and festoons and has two doors ; above the cornice is seated a black and white cat. In the centre of the picture is a man in a long habit lined with fur, bareheaded, holding his cap in his left ; with his right he grasps the hand of a pilgrim, inviting him to enter ; the traveller wears a short cape ornamented with cockle shells and crossed staves ; in his left he holds his staff, to which a black handkerchief is attached, over his shoulder ; at his girdle is a gourd ; a dog in the doorway appears less disposed to hospitality than his master. A woman in black is receiving a female pilgrim at the opposite door of the porch. Beyond the open door is a large paved apartment where a man is washing the feet of a pilgrim ; in the background is a bed. To the left under the archway is a female pilgrim, in a red petticoat and black cloak, wearing a tall hat surrounded with cockle shells and staves, like the man by her side ; she holds her staff in her right. In the distance is a street leading to a bridge ; other pilgrims are on the road. Panel, 26 in. H. x 20;^ in. W. 68. VI. Clothing the Naked. S. Vrancks. In the foreground is a colonnade with Corinthian columns and carved frieze. To the left is a young woman seated on the step dressing, a red garment across her knees, beside her is a bundle of linen and her corset ; an old woman approaches from behind, supporting herself with a stick, some linen and clothes under her left arm. To the right, between the columns, is an old man, seated, distributing clothes to a child and an old woman from a wicker basket beside him, some shoes are on the ground. An old lady near is holding out a pair of stockings. In the foreground is a man wearing a battered helmet and cuirass, the point of his sword sticks out of the worn sheath ; he has a blanket wrapped round his loins, and a horn slung at his side ; behind him is a boy, in a tattered pair of trousers, with bare shoulders. Beyond the colonnade to the left, in the distance, is a handsome house with terraces, the porch is approached by a flight of steps; a woman is seated below, clothing a child, and a man is walking up the steps. A trellised archway is in the distance and a palm growing in a court, a house with a loggia in perspective to right. Signed with monogram " S.V." (interlaced) on pedestal to right. Panel, 25! in. H. x 20J in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Ante-room. 20 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [music room. 69. VII. The Burial of the Dead. S, Vrancks. The burial is taking place in the aisle of a large church. A priest to left of the grave is sprinkling the coffin, which has a gabled lid, as the three diggers shovel in the earth ; behind the priest is an acolyte, in red gown and white surplice, holding a cross with a long red staff; the mourners stand to right, the women in front, and the men behind. The grave-digger, in the foreground, is in a brown habit, grey breeches and stockings ; a bunch of keys at his girdle, a knife in a sheath and a leather bag ; by his side lies the cord used to lower the coffin. Through the open door to left, a peasant woman is entering with a dog, the holy water basin is fixed to the wall at the side of the door, and beneath lies the pall used to cover the coffin ; above the door is a pierced stone canopy, and a stained glass window with figures of St. Lawrence and St. Catherine. A funeral hatchment is fixed to the column to right, and memorial tablets are attached to most of the columns. The nave is spanned by a choir screen of the Flemish type, in black and white marble, with a large central arch, surmounted by a statue of the Virgin and Child, and two smaller openings at the sides ; on the right is an organ fixed to one of the columns. Through the door is seen a wide piazza with a large building on the far side, nearer are some trees, and a balustrade, close to which is a man digging. In the nave, in front of the choir, the end of the catafalque is seen, with two tall candles. The pavement is laid in a chequer pattern. One of the hatchments is dated 1618. Panel, 25! in. H. x 2o|^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Ante-room to Little Dining- Room. 70. Ruins with Figures. Marco Ricci. A Corinthian portico with figures ; at the entrance on semi-circular pedestals are two marble statues, Hercules to left, and a female figure to right ; in the foreground to left, is an equestrian statue, in front of which a beggar is seated on the ground, a woman talking to him ; seen through the archway in the distance is a statue of the " Fighting Gladiator " and a high terrace, with vases of flowers on the balustrade. To right is a woman with two children, one in her arms, the other following her ; on the steps behind her lies a figure asleep, a monk is conversing with a soldier under the archway, other figures in the background. Canvas, 54 in. H, x 70 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 71. Ruins with Figures. Marco Ricci. A ruined archway in the centre of the composition ; to left is a seated statue with a fountain below, the water fiows into a broken basin in the form of a Roman bath, the platform at the base is semi-circular in front, and approached by a flight of low steps. MUSIC ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 21 which a woman is ascending with a vase on her head ; a man is kneeling by the side of the basin of the fountain ; in the background are dark trees and a sculptured vase on a pedestal ; more to the right is a headless statue seen against the sky ; beyond the archway is an amphitheatre, above the arch a ladder is planted, and some workmen are engaged on it. To the right are broken columns, supporting an architrave in shadow, and a bas-relief; a man has climbed the pedestal of one of the columns, and a woman below holds out her apron to him. The foreground is encumbered with fragments of stone, amongst which is a fragment of a huge cornice ; near this are several figures, one bearing a ladder. Canvas, 54 in. H. x 702- in. W, 72. St. Cecilia playing the Organ. Carlo Dolci. The Saint is seated to right, in a white and yellow dress with wide, short sleeves ai)d purple bows, a blue rosette on the breast ; a grey scarf wrapped round the shoulders ; her hair falling to the shoulders is golden brown, neatly brushed back from the forehead, plaited and wound into a knot at the back of the head. A pearl and ruby ornament is attached to the rosette, in front of the bodice, which has a gold hem, and is edged with lace. The organ is placed on a green covered table, on the edge of which, to right, is a vellum-covered music book. St. Cecilia's hands are placed on the keys in front, her head turned towards the spectator ; she is seated in a red leather chair, studded with brass nails ; red curtain to right, above the organ, ..which has silver pipes. A halo floats above the head of the Saint. Brown back- ground. The figure is the size of life. Canvas, 47^^ in. H. x 40 in. W. Engraved by Baron. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. 73. Virgin and Child. , After Vandyck. The Virgin is seated to right, three-quarter length, holding the Child on her lap ; she is bending over it, her right hand placed on her breast ; the left lightly touching the shoulder of the Child, who is extended on her lap, with his right hand held out towards her. The Virgin is in a red dress, a warm blue cloak, and saffron scarf ; dark background, brown curtain to left, wall to right. The figures are the size of life. Canvas, 57^^ in. H. x 41^ in. W. The original picture is at Buckingham Palace. A " Virgin and Child," attributed to Vandyck, hung in the Dining- Room in 1831, V. Catalogue. 74. View of the Thames near Westminster. Ascribed to Scott. The river is gay with craft, some pleasure barges are conspicuous ; Whitehall is 22 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [music room. 75- seen to the right, beyond are the Abbey, Westminster Hall, and the adjoining buildings. Afternoon sky. Canvas. " EccE Homo." Carlo Dolci. Small bust, to right. Panel, loiin. H. x 8 in. W. 76. Mater Dolorosa. Bust, in profile, to left. Panel, io| in. H. x 8 in. W. On the back of the panel is a note in Italian that they cost seventy-five pieces (" settantacinque pezzi") each. Cat. 1831. Ante-room to Little Drawing- Room. IT. Portrait of a Young Man. After Calcar ? Small three-quarter length, to left, in black doublet, with purple slashed sleeves ; wearing sword ; red hair cut short, forked beard and moustache ; holding paper in his right, leaning on a pedestal of column, left on hip. Panel, 7^ in. H. x 5^^ in. W. This small copy is of some interest, in that the inscription on the back, as far as it relates to the individual represented, may be authentic. On the back of the oak panel is inscribed " Antoine de Leve/ Capitaine des/ gardes de/ l'Empereur/ Charles 5°/ TiTiEN F." The original picture is in the Louvre. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. 78. Landscape with Figures. Ferg. A shepherd with a staff stands to left, talking to a shepherdess, who is leaning on a block of stone. A bank of earth to left, and open country on the right ; cattle and figures in the distance. Copper, 51^ in. H, x 7 in. W. 79. Landscape with Figures. Ferg. In the centre of the composition is a tower, with outbuildings below, enclosed by a partly ruined stone wall. Near the base of the tower is a gateway, closed by a rough fence. A shed with a thatched roof is built against the wall to the right ; some blocks of stone are lying on the ground near the shed. In the foreground are two figures of a man and a boy, walking together, preceded by a dog. Landscape to left. Copper, 5|- in. H. x 6f in. W. MUSIC ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 23 80. Landscape with Figures. Brueghel, A rustic ale house, and country road ; a green covered waggon in the foreground to right ; in the rear, a group of women and children ; a man in red, on horseback, is waterino- his horse in a pond to the left ; a crowd of carts, and unharnessed horses, in the centre. On the high ground to the left, are other vehicles ; and on the left, shaded by trees, is a large house, or inn ; a woman is about to enter a shed, which is built against the wall. There is a rustic seat beneath the tree in front of the inn, near which are some figures in conversation ; beyond the road to right, is a group of houses. Near the green waggon, in the foreground, is a waggoner and another man in conversation, a white dog lying beside them ; to the left is a boy, holding a couple of horses, and a man in a red jerkin, and leather apron, followed by a dog. Copper, io| in. H. X 14^^ in. W. 81. Hunting Scene. Brueghel. The scene is laid in a forest glade ; to the left a stag is pulled down by the dogs. In the centre of the foreground is a group of tall trees near which some spectators have taken refuge ; a party are standing in the open to right. Copper. ' - 82. Flight into Egypt. Brueghel. Landscape with a sheet of water to left, blue wooded hills beyond ; the Holy Family have just crossed a small bridge ; in the middle distance is a group of trees. On either side in the foreground are dark trees with an opening to right, and blue distance. The centre of the composition is occupied with a grove of dark trees, with glades opening to the right and left. Copper, 7 in. H. x 9 in. W. 83. Village on the Banks of a River. Brueghel. A landing place near the centre of the composition. To the left is a man on horseback watering his horse, A number of people are congregated by the water's edge, and a party in a boat are about to land ; a number of boats are moored off the shore, in the shadow of a group of houses on the bank, in the middle distance. On a wooded hill to left, houses, and a church. Warm light in the sky, with deep blue clouds ; foreground, water ; tall trees to left. Copper, 8 in. H. X II in. W. 84. Christ bearing His Cross. Ferrarese School. Christ, directed to right, in blue and crimson drapery, bearing his cross ; left hand outstretched, head turned over shoulder. In the background to left is the doorway of a house, built on a hill. In the distance on the spur of the hill, a tower and trees, and a winding path to the valley below ; blue hills to right. 24 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [keTdraTn, RED DRAWING-ROOM. Panel, 14I in. H. x 12;^ in. W. On the back are the letters " D.G.H." (interlaced) surmounted by a coronet, burnt in, and various catalogue numbers. Below is written " Portland." This picture was formerly ascribed to Raphael. RED DRAWING-ROOM. 85. A Comedian of Antwerp. Three-quarter length, to left, life size ; black cloak, white frilled ruff; the right hand rests against the stone slab in front of him, on which the left elbow rests, his left hand gloved, holding the right glove, plain wristbands ; fair hair, slight beard and moustache ; sculptured stone tablet to left. Canvas, 49^ in. H. x 38^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 86. Moses in the Bulrushes. School of Vandyck. The child Moses to right, life size. Canvas, 34^^ in. H. x 35 in. W. This is a copy from an engraved picture, of the portion only representing the child. The mezzotint by Valentine Green is from a picture attributed to Vandyck. , Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 87. Portrait of a Lady. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to right ; yellow dress ; right arm extended by her side, holding a sprig of jessamine ; her left is placed on her breast, the elbow resting on a stone slab to right ; a landscape to right, and grey wall to left. Canvas. 88. A Woman reading by Candlelight. Dixon. Small half length figure, seated at a table, the cloth of which is pushed back, reading by the light of a small lamp, she is in a red dress, wide collar and cap ; on the table is a string of onions, and a brass-bound basket ; a lantern hangs on the wall, above the table, to right. Water-colour on vellum, stretched upon panel, and varnished, io|- in. H. x 8^ in. W. RED DRAWING-ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 25 89. A Woman sealing a Letter. Dixon. Small half length figure ; she is dressed in a red fur-lined jacket, holding the wax to a candle with her right, her left is on the letter ; a hood covers her head ; the table-cover lies in a heap to left, and a desk in the background. To right is a woman with a candle ; a boy is waiting for the letter. Water-colour on vellum, stretched upon panel, and varnished, 10^ in. H. x 8|- in. W. Copies after a Dutch Master. Cat. 1747. North Room, Nos. 19 and 22. Cat. 1831. Drawing-Room. 90. An Old Woman Reading. Greffier ? Small half length figure, seated to left, by a table covered by a striped table- cover, reading a paper ; she holds her spectacles to her nose with her right, and the paper in her left ; red jacket and petticoat, black bodice with blue edging, white cap, and frilled ruff. On the table to left, is a white handkerchief lying on an open box under the window ; the chair in which the old woman is seated has a semicircular back. In the background an open window. Panel, arched top, 13I in. H. x 11 in. W. Probably a copy after a Dutch Master. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 91. A Franciscan Monk Reading. Greffier? Small half length figure of an old, bearded man, seated to right, in a Franciscan habit, wearing spectacles, reading from a book held in both hands ; dark background. Panel, arched top, I2f in. H. x io|^ in. W. Companion to the preceding. 92. Portrait of a Gentleman, called a " Senator of Antwerp." Vandyck. ., ' J ^ Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left ; black doublet and cloak ; plain v.^^j2^^ -* i? linen collar ; his right hand hangs by his side, the left elbow, wrapped in his cloak, rests on the stone slab to right. » Canvas, 49 in. H. x 38^ in. W. An early picture by Vandyck, in what is usually called his Italian or Genoese manner. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing-Room. 93. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. 1593 — 1641. Vandyck. Full length, life size, standing to right, in black armour ; his right hand extended, holding baton in his left ; on a bank of earth in front of him is his helmet ; grey riding £ 26 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [ RED DRAWING-ROOM. boots to the knees, and spurs, plain linen collar ; short black hair, brown moustache and beard. The head is turned to the spectator. Background, an overhanging cliff to left, with foliage, sky to right and hilly landscape. Inscribed to right, in the lower corner, "An Original drawn by Vandike of Thomas/ Wentworth the i^'". Earl OF Strafford born the/ iq'^" of April 1593. Married first the Lady Margaret Clifford, Daughter of FRA^ Earl of/ Cumberland by whom he had no Issue and 2°'-7 THE Lady Arabella Daughter to John Holles i"./ Earl of Clare. This Earl of Strafford Sufferd/ Death on Tower Hill the 12™ of May 1641,/ King Charles in those times of Confusion/ being Forct to Submit to Sign the Bill for his/ Attainder. His only Son William Earl of/ Strafford was Restored to his Fathers/ Honours on the Restoration of King Charles/ the 2° & died y* 16™ of OcT^^ 1695." Canvas, 87 in. H. x 53 in. W. Engraved in Mezzotint by A. Browne ? as a half-length. Engraved by Hollar as a half-length. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. i. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. no. 94. William Cavendish, ist Duke of Newcastle. 1592 — 1676. Vandyck. Full length, life size, standing to left ; black doublet and short cloak, black stockings, shoes, and rosettes, wearing Garter and ribbon, a diamond star on his cloak, wide lace collar and cuffs ; he holds his hat in his right, hanging by his side ; his left, gloved, rests on his hip. Pale auburn curly hair, beard and moustache. Sky and column to right, curtain to left. Inscribed to right, in lower corner, " The first " (painted out), and "William Cavendish/ ist Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, 87|- in. H. x 503^ in. W. The Cavendish picture, engraved by Houbraken. The insignia of the Garter have been added later, by a poor painter who has not scrupled to alter the outline of the left elbow by adding to the cloak the better to display the star. A replica belongs to Earl Spencer, which was exhibited in 1887 at the Grosvenor Gallery, Cat. No. 130 ; that picture measures 83 in. x 49 in., if the measurement given in the Catalogue is correct. Other examples are at Burleigh and The Grove, and several miniatures exist taken from it. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 12. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 121. 95. Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, 3RD Son of William the Silent. After Vandyck. Three-quarter length, life size, to right, in armour ; wide collar edged with lace ; RED DRAWING-ROOM .] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 27 holding a baton in his right, the left on his hip ; his helmet, with dark red plumes, is on the table to right ; dark background. Canvas, 46 in. H. x 39I in. W. A similar picture is in the Amsterdam Gallery. This is not a copy of the picture engraved by Pontius, in which the right forearm, holding baton, is fore- shortened, and has a richly embroidered curtain, with a coat of arms, in the back- ground to left. From Bulstrode, No. 21, MS. List, British Museum. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 96. Portrait of a Young Lady. After Vandyck. Three-quarter length, life size, to left ; in a black dress, the arms folded in front of the bust, the left hand above. The sleeves are open from the shoulder, showing the white sleeves beneath, a black rosette in the centre of bodice ; hair cut short over forehead, pearl necklace. Canvas, 35!^ in. H. x 29^ in. W. 97. Charles I. on Horseback. 1600 — 1625 — 1649. After Vandyck. Small whole length, to left, on a brown horse, in a landscape. Canvas, 37^^ in. H. x 33^^ in. W. This is a copy from the picture formerly at Blenheim, now in the National Gallery. A portrait of Charles I. on horseback with his equerry, was at Bulstrode, No. 38, MS. List, British Museum. Cat. 1747. North Room, No, 33. - 98. Charles IL as a Boy, in Armour. 1630 — 1660 — 1685. Vandyck. Full length, life size, standing, full face ; in his right he holds a pistol, across his thigh ; his left on helmet with red and white plumes, placed on a block of stone, to right ; hair cut straight over forehead, and hanging to shoulders ; lace collar, grey leather riding boots. Near the block of stone in the foreground is a plant with large leaves ; blue curtain to left, dark grey background. Canvas, 49^^ in. H. x 40^^ in. W. The replica of this portrait at Windsor, on a wider canvas, is apparently a school copy. "k Cat. 1747. South Bedchamber, No. 5. 99. Sir Hugh Myddelton. 1555 — 1631. M. Mierevelt .^ Three-quarter length, life size, standing to right ; in a black and yellow doublet and black surcoat ; falling ruff, edged with lace, and cuffs to match ; a gold enamelled 28 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES^ [red drawing-room. chain round hi? neck, with jewel set with diamonds attached, representing a crowned female figure with long hair, in red enamelled drapery, holding a shield in both hands, with a red cross on a white ground, inscribed " urb./ lond : " Above the jewel is the monogram "H.L.M." in diamonds. Diamond buttons to coat, belt fastened with a gold clasp ; his right hand hangs by his side, his left rests on a shell, from which water drips ; there is a mound of earth to right, on which the shell rests. On the grey background is inscribed " Fontes Fodin^." To right in the upper corner, " S" Hugh Middleton," below is a coat of arms and the motto "virtus PALMA." Canvas, 48^^ in. H. x 39 in. W. Engraved by Vertue. A duplicate is at Goldsmiths' Hall, presented by Lady Myddelton in 1633. Cat. 1747. Dressing- Room, No. 4. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 104. 100. The Prince of Orange, as a Boy, with a Dog. Full length, life size, to right ; amber silk slashed dress, lined with white ; a black cap, set on the left side of the head, with rose-coloured feathers ; fair hair, rather spare, the right arm is folded across the breast, with the hand open ; the left hanging down; to left a black and white greyhound with a collar; red and yellow brocade curtain to right, sky to left, and a column. Canvas, 5o|- in. H. x 36 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. loi. Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to right in black dress ; hair brushed off forehead, pointed beard and moustache ; gold embroidered belt with tags and bows ; his right hand rests on the arm of the chair in which he is seated, he holds the string of his collar in his left ; ruff and cuffs of point lace ; his black hat with a gold band, rests on his left knee ; a jewel depends from a ribbon round his neck. Red chair with gilt nails, window to right, with green curtain across ; dark background, flat grey land- scape seen through the window. Inscribed " Philip Herbert Earl of Pembroke AND MoNTGOMERIE." Canvas, ^o^ in. H. x 40^ in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 34. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 99. It was ascribed to Vandyck, RED DRAWING-ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 29 102. The Virgin and Child in a Landscape. After Vandyck. The Virgin, a half-length figure, is seated to right, the Infant is naked, on her lap, the head resting on her left shoulder, covered with the Virgin's grey gauze scarf. The Virgin's dress is rose colour, the mantle pale blue. Sky to right, background of trees. Figures under life size. Canvas, 33 in. H. x 37^- in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 103. Portrait of an Officer. Dutch School. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left ; black and gold habit, with gold- embroidered waistcoat, and gold buttons ; a broad gold-embroidered belt crosses his breast ; white shirt sleeves, with frilled wristbands ; a heavy chain is wound several times round his neck, to which a large medal is attached ; black shoulder knot ; long brown hair, parted on forehead, and falling to shoulders ; wide lace collar ; in his right he holds a long pistol, resting the stock against his thigh, the left on his hip ; a crimson curtain drawn back, showing grey sky, and balustrade to left. Canvas. 104. A Man and Woman Singing. Dixon. Small figures. A young girl seated in a chair to the left, is singing from a paper she holds in both hands, turning to her companion, a young man, wearing a flat cap, whose right arm is round her neck ; he holds the lamp in his left by the light of which they are reading. On the table is an open book, a glass, and a pewter tankard. To the left, in the background, is a woman entering with a lantern. A curtain to right and a birdcage. Water-colour on vellum, stretched upon panel, and varnished, io| in. H. x S-J in. W. Cat. 1747. North Room, No. 17. 105. A Woman cleaning a Brass Vessel. Small figure of a woman, half length, to right, at a window, scouring the inside of a brass pot ; a close black cap on her head, black jacket with green sleeves ; she wears spectacles. The ledge of the window is partly covered with a white cloth which has a striped border ; on the ledge is a brass chamber candlestick with a long handle, a spoon, a broken potsherd, a lamp, and an iron cooking pot with a spoon. . A butterfly on the wall to right ; dark background. Canvas, lo^^in. H. x 9 in. W. There is no mention of the picture in the 1820 Catalogue, where many pictures , were omitted that had their names attached, thus, after naming five pictures on the • staircase, is a note "The other pictures named." The name of an unknown painter. 30 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [red drawing-room. " Tritton," is given only in the 1 83 1 Catalogue, which is full of inaccuracies. Like the preceding picture, it is probably a copy from a Dutch master. Cat. 1747. In the North Room, No. 23. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 106. Portrait of a Child. Full length, life size, to left, holding a switch in the right hand, left on hip, long black dress braided with gold down the front, and red petticoat ; a gold chain depends from a red shoulder knot on the left shoulder ; a jewel is suspended to it on the right side, white shirt open at the neck, and the wristbands turned back ; brown hair cut straight over forehead and long at the sides. Curtain to right, and landscape back- ground ; the foreground paved. Canvas. Said to be a portrait of Charles II. ; it was formerly attributed to Vandyck. 107. Archbishop Laud. 1573 — 1645. After Vandyck. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left ; the right arm resting on a stone pedestal, his left hangs by his side ; cassock and surplice, a flat cap on his head ; a black and gold brocade curtain, to left ; grey background. Canvas, 48^ in. H. x 37 in. W. The above is a good contemporary copy of a picture that has been often engraved ; another in the possession of the Archbishop of Canterbury is dated 1633. Horace Walpole in his catalogue of the Houghton Gallery, claimed the picture there as the original, and noted that the Uriiversity of Oxford offered the sum of ;if400 for it when it was in the Wharton Collection. It is certainly a copy. It is now in the Gallery of the Hermitage. Cat. 1747. South Bedchamber, No. 6. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 94. 108. Portrait of a Lady, Small three-quarter length, to left, holding a carnation in her right hand ; in her left a string of beads, to which is attached a gold tassel, covered with net work and small pearls ; black bodice with high open collar, brown and black sleeves, white linen cap with long lappets hanging over shoulders, gold embroidered hem to chemise, and gold chain round the neck; red leather girdle with gold ornaments, embroidered edges to cuffs ; green background. Left and right are coats of arms ; that to left bears a black lion rampant, on a gold ground, and a white cross on a black RED DRAWING-ROOM, l ^J WELBECK ABBEY. M SWAN DRAWING-ROOM ground ; that to the right, a plain white cross on a black ground, and two cockle shells on a red field. Panel, shaped at top, i8^ in. H. x 14 in. W. Formerly ascribed to Holbein. 109. Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. School of Vandyck. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left ; in white dress ; her right hand rests lightly on the table, on some roses in front of her ; left at her side holding dress ; pink knots and rosettes at waist, red rosette in dark hair ; the bodice is laced with a red silk lace ; black bracelet with ring attached, pebble bracelet on the left arm, pearls wound in the knot at back of head ; a jewelled crown on table to left, green curtain to right ; brown background. Canvas. The original picture is at Windsor; there are numerous repetitions, both as three-quarter and full length figures. SWAN DRAWING-ROOM. no. The Infant Christ, and St. John the Baptist. Guido Reni ? Two half length figures, under life size ; Christ is on the left, in profile, fondling the lamb held by St. John. Canvas, oval, oblong, 16 in. H. x 20 in. WT Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. 111. Study of a Head. School of Correggio. Head of a boy with bare shoulders, nearly life size, to right, looking up. Dark background. Canvas, 13 in. x lof in. W. 112. A Forest Road. Manner of Brueghel. To right, on the road through a forest, is a waggoner in red and blue, with a team of six oxen, and a waggon with a barrel ; to left, by the side of the wood, is a village. On rising ground to the left a group of houses and trees ; before the door of the nearer house is a cart, with some figures unloading it ; blue distance seen above the forest trees. Copper, 16 in. H, x 20J in. W. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [swan drawing-room. ' 113. Head of a Boy laughing. Dutch School. Full face, nearly life size ; grey cloak, shock of light brown hair. Warm grey background. Panel, 15^ in. H. x 10 J in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. It was formerly attributed to Murillo. 114. Landscape with Figures. J- Miel. A Herdsman is seated to right, playing a pipe, beneath a forked tree, nearly bare of leaves ; his dog is lying beside him, his nose to the ground ; to the right is a grey ox, seen nearly in front, a little beyond is another with its head turned away, and a donkey turned towards the left ; the herdsman wears a tall cap like a brewer's drayman. Distant hills and low grey river landscape to left. Panel, oval, oblong, io| in. H. x 13^^ in. W. 115. William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 2nd son of George II. 1721 — 1765. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Three-quarter length, life size, standing ; the figure is seen full front, the head turned to left ; in Garter Robes, wearing the George and collar of the S.S., the left leg crossed over right ; the right hand rests on his hip, the left on table, on which lies a crown. Dark background, sky to left, heavy crimson damask curtain to right. Canvas. Defeated at Fontenoy by Marshal Saxe. The victor of Culloden, 1746. From the Northwick Collection, 1859. Sale Cat. No. 407. 116. Marshal Biron ? Ascribed to Mignard. Three-quarter length, life size, to left, in half armour ; the armour plates ter- minate at the elbow, the wide shirt sleeves, tied with red ribbon, are visible beneath ; lace cravat, and red tie ; long dark wig, reaching below the shoulders ; he holds a baton in his right, pointing with left ; his helmet is in front of him, to left, on a stone pedestal. Dark crimson curtain, looped up, to left. Canvas. 117. Landscape, Misty Evening. Ascribed to Both. A tall thin tree in the foreground; a little to the right where the river forks, spreading right and left, near the opposite bank in the shadow of the trees, are three figures in the water, two on horseback. In the foreground to left is a shepherd seated, talking to a shepherdess, who is standing below the bank. More to the centre is a bull, and a black and white dog. The bank beyond is well wooded, I SWAN DRAWING-ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. o,> and throws a deep shadow on the water ; a hill above, and distant hills in the centre of the composition. Canvas, 49J in. H. x 69^^ in. W. Cat. 183 1. Little Drawing- Room. 118. River Landscape, Sunset, with Christ healing the Bund Man. Paul Brill. To the left, a river with houses on the bank in the middle distance and trees ; on the nearer bank to left is a group of figures ; the Blind Man is seated by the wayside, with his back to the river ; Christ in red, bends forward and touches him ; four of the apostles, one in blue and white, are near, and the others are following in twos ; the road is bordered on the left by a bank, with trees growing above it ; in the distance is a farmhouse. A group of tall trees divides the picture nearly in the centre ; the near bank is the higher ; the distance beyond the river is extremely blue, also the reflections in the water. Signed to the right, on a stone, " P.B. " Panel, 14! in. H. x 22 in. W. 119. A Church Interior, by Night. Steenwyck. A musical service is being held in a Chapel to the left ; the gates of the chapel are open, and a group of people are standing before the altar, singing ; others, seated on benches to left, or walking about in the nave. Against the central pillar a lamp is burning, and candles are placed above the railing at the entrance to the Chapel. Signed on a pillar " H.V.S." with the date " 1607" ? beneath. Copper, 13^^ in. H. x 21 in. W. 120. Landscape with Ruins. Padre Pozzi. A statue is seen between the columns to right ; two female figures are standing behind some fragments of a cornice ; on the left are two figures on horseback in classical costume, and two soldiers on foot ; a pool of water in the foreground. Canvas, 17 in. H. x 25 in. W, 121. Edward VL 1537 — 1547— 1553. School of Holbein. Small full length, standing to left; purple silk doublet, surcoat, and trunks, embroidered with gold ; white hose, purple shoes, hat and feather ; wearing Garter ; he holds his gloves in his right, the left thrust in his belt. Blue background, inscribed in gold letters, " edwardus sextus dey gratia anglie rex catholice fidei defensor." Panel, i6|^ in. H. x 10 in. W. Cat. 1747. North Room, No. 50. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 56. Tudor Exhibition, New Gallery, 1890. Cat. No. 180. F 34 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [swan drawing-room. 122. Queen Elizabeth. 1533 — 1558— 1603. M. Gheeraedts. Small full length, standing to left, nearly full face ; in a white dress embroidered with flowers, olive green mantle, embroidered like the dress ; round her neck is a gold collar, set with jewels and pearls, a pendant jewel attached ; she wears a gold tiara with pearls, and jewelled points ; the girdle is of pearls and coral-coloured stones, probably rubies ; a double row of pearls hangs round her neck, and is tucked aside beneath the girdle ; the front of the dress is ornamented with gold cord, in horizontal bands termi- nating in a frayed end ; the centre of the cross is set with a coral coloured jewel like the girdle stones, a jewel also depends from the front of the corset ; the edge of the cloak is turned up at the neck, showing the white lining, the ruff and cuffs cU"e edged with point lace. Her right hand rests on the arm of the scarlet chair against which she is standing, holding a branch of olive ; in her left she holds a rose-coloured feather fan and her gloves. The chair is ornamented with gold knobs and fringe, and the cushions are braided with gold ; the royal arms are embroidered on the back, and on the front of the cross-piece of the frame is the letter " E " surmounted by a crown. To the right is an opening, with a garden, and a cloister adjoining the wall, through a door in which an attendant is introducing two ladies. On the near side of the enclosure, which is laid out in square flower beds, a gentleman is conversing with a couple of ladies. On the carpet in front of the queen lies the sword of state in a red sheath, and a small, long haired, white terrier with brown ears, is to the right, looking up at its mistress; the carpet is green, red, and white, with yellow and black border lines. Signed beneath the chair, " M.G.F." Panel, 18 in. H. x 15 in. W. The house and garden are said by Walpole to be Wansted Place, where the Queen was entertained by Robert, Earl of Leicester in 1578. Cat. 1747. North Room, No. 44. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. No. 62. Tudor Exhibition, New Gallery, 1890. Cat. No. 465, 123. Elizabeth Cavendish, Wife of Christopher Monk, 2nd Duke of Albemarle, AFTERWARDS DuCHESS OF MoNTAGU. 1638 1734. LeLY. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left ; violet satin dress with wide sleeves ; blonde hair, falling in curls to her shoulders ; a string of pearls wound in the hair at the back of the head ; pearl necklace and pendant ear-rings ; with her right she touches the grey scarf wound round her shoulders, her left rests on her lap, holding a blue scarf, that trails behind her from her shoulder to the left side, where it lies beside her on the seat. To the left is a large grey vase, brown curtain to right ; dark background. Inscribed to left, " Eliz™ Cavendishe, i"/ Daughter to Henry, Duke/ OF Newcastle, Married to/ Christopher Monk, 2° Duke of Albemarle." Canvas, 49^^ in. H. x 40 in. W. swkN DRAWING-ROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 35 On the death of the Duke of Albemarle she married the Duke of Montagu, who courted and married her as Emperor of China. She died at the age of 96 in 1 734. Cat. 1747. Great Dining-Room, No. 20. 124. Fowls and Peacock. Melchior D'Hondekoeter. In the centre, a Spanish cock turns threateningly towards a peacock, who is screaming to the right ; a white hen, beside the cock, takes no notice of the intruder ; above is a female pheasant, roosting, and a crested fowl, with a brood of chickens. Architectural fragments in the background, and a pigeon in flight, above ; landscape to left. Canvas, 47|- in. H. x 59 in. W. 125. River Landscape, with Figures. Greffier. On the hillside, to the right, is a cottage with a wooden staircase, which a man is mounting ; on a small plateau, in front of the house, is a smoking party ; the ground below is broken and covered with herbage ; on an elevated knoll are a couple of trees. Near the shore are a number of covered boats ; the river is crossed by a bridge in the distance, and to the left is an extensive view over hill and plain, with a number of considerable buildings, and numerous figures, landing merchandise, and talking in groups. Signed " Griffier." Canvas, 19!^ in. H. x 24^^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining-Room. 126. River Landscape with a Hill. Greffier. In the middle distance is a Cathedral, with a tall tower and central transept ; the river shore at the back of the church extends to the right, forming an abrupt bend in the river ; on the high ground is a palace with a tall tower. On the opposite shore to the right is a quay, with a landing crane at the corner, and a gateway with a couple of round towers. On the foreshore to left is a pathway, and a bent tree growing beside it ; a boat full of people is about to put off from the shore, near by is a waggon, with the horses unharnessed ; high bank to left, with overhanging tree, a hill in the distance. Beyond the stream to the right is another reach of the river, with a distant hill, and landscape. Canvas, 19!^ in. H. x 24!^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining-Room. 127. The Rest in Egypt. Conca. The Virgin, seated in the centre, holds the Child, asleep on her lap ; above are a crowd of angels, illuminated by a ray of light from above ; an angel is kneeling, with 36 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [swan drawing-room. joined hands, to the right, and another is seen behind ; Joseph is asleep in the shadow to left ; in the distance a pyramid. Copper, 14^ in. H. x ii|- in. W. 128. The Infant Christ with St. John, in a Landscape. Simone da Pesaro. Christ extends his right hand to St. John, and places his left on his shoulder ; St. John advances, with his hands crossed on his breast ; Christ wears a pink scarf; a lamb is beside St. John ; grey landscape background. Copper, 14 in. H. x io|- in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 129 Landscape. Orizonti ? A rocky hillside, with a cascade ; the side of the hill on the right is scarped in the form of steps ; below in the foreground, is a broken tree ; the bank to left is in shadow, and covered with foliage. Canvas, 32|- in. H. x 21 in. W. 1 30. Mountain Landscape. Orizonti ? To the right in the foreground, a shepherd, in red and white, seated, with a shepherdess reclining at his feet ; on the hill above is a town, a waterfall to right, and distant hill to left, a tree grows on a little mound, to the left, near some broken stumps. Canvas, 32 in. H. x 2of in. W. 131. Winifred, Duchess of Portland. J. J. Shannon. Whole length, life size, seated, full-face, holding an ostrich-feather fan ; white satin and muslin dress, with pink ribbons ; wearing the pearl necklace that formerly belonged to Queen Mary, Wife of William of Orange ; pearl ornaments with pendants in the centre of the bodice ; sable cloak thrown over chair to left ; tapestry background. Canvas. Inscribed on the frame, " Winifred/ Duchess of Portland/ presented to the 6'^" Duke of Portland/ on his Marriage/ by his Grace's English/ Tenants/ June ii'^" 1889." 132. Napoleon I. 1769 — 1821. Paul Delaroche. Half length, rather larger than life, seated to left ; his right hand thrust in the bosom of his waistcoat ; grey overcoat ; crimson and gilt chair ; red background. Canvas, oval, 47 in. H. x 41 in. W. Said to be the original painted immediately after Delaroche saw the Emperor, from which all the numerous replicas were made. Removed from London to Welbeck, Feb. 1857. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 602. SWAN DRAWING-ROOM.-] j^j WELBECK ABBEY. 17 BLUE LIBRARY. -■ *" 133. Lord Richard Cavendish, 2Nd Son of William, 4TH Duke of Devonshire. 1752 — 1 781. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left ; dark red velvet coat, waistcoat, and knee breeches, white cravat and ruffles. His right hand clenched, rests on a rock, the left on his hip ; background, a stormy sea. Canvas, 55^ in. H. x 44^ in. W. This picture appears to be entirely by Sir Joshua's own hand. There is a mezzo- tint by J. R. Smith, published 1781, probably taken from the duplicate belonging to the Duke of Devonshire. The background altered to the Egyptian desert with the Sphinx. Lord Richard Cavendish, born 19 Jan., 1752; M.P. for Lancaster and Co. Derby; travelled in the East. Died of dysentery at Naples, 12 Sept., 1781. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. BLUE LIBRARY. 134. Lady Frances Spencer, Wife of Henry Howard, 4TH Earl of Carlisle. Degarde. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to right, as a shepherdess ; in a blue dress, low bodice and short sleeves, a jewelled girdle encircles the waist. She holds a crook in her right, and some daisies and other flowers in her left, that rests on a rock ; below is a lamb bleating, landscape background, with grey sky, a tree to right. Inscribed " Lady Frances/ Spencer, Daughter/ to Charles Earl of Sunderland &/ Grandaughter to Henry Cavendishe,/ Duke of Newcastle. Married Henry/ Howard Visct./ Morpeth afterwards/ Earl/ of Carlisle." Also " Lady Morpeth." Canvas, 49^ in. H. x 40 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Dining-Room, No. 8. 135. River Landscape, with a Round Tower. Paul Brill. A round tower, with battlements, in shadow to left, some out-buildings below, wall and gate adjoining ; on the rock below is a cottage, with a vine trellised enclosure ; on the extreme left in the foreground, a group of figures ; a little behind the bank, on which the tower is built, are some boats lying near the shore, the nearest a large barge with two planks for unloading. On the rocky shore to right, on the opposite side of the river, is a building with a tall tower, and a chapel adjoining. 38 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [blue library. I Beyond the bank, trees, blue distance, and a glow of warm light in the centre. Dark foreground ; blue sky, with heavy grey clouds to right. Canvas, 2 2|^ in. H. x 29! in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. _6. Landscape with Figures. Ruysdael? To the right are a couple of horsemen, and a pack-horse fording the stream, followed by a dog ; the foremost horseman, on the left, has a grey slouched hat, and a red coat ; he is leading the packhorse by the bridle ; on the bank to the left is a large oak tree with brown leaves ; on the bank behind the men is a sapling with dark foliage that nearly touches the water; both banks are thickly wooded. In the centre of the picture, a hill is seen above the low bushes that surround its base ; a gleam of light is reflected from the sky, in the water at the foot of the oak tree ; blue sky, with heavy grey clouds. Canvas, 23! in. H. x 30 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room, 137. Arabella Cavendish, Wife of Charles, Lord Spencer. Ascribed to Kneller. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to right; in a loose fawn-coloured dress and blue mantle ; pointing with her right, and leaning on left arm ; the mantle falls from the left shoulder across her lap, the right knee being raised. Dark landscape background. Inscribed "Arabella Cavendishe/ 5""" Daughter of Henry,/ Duke OF Newcastle/ married Charles,/ Lord Spencer." Canvas, 50^^ in. H. x 40^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Dining-Room, No. 7. i.-,8. Peacocks and Fowls. M. D'Hondekoeter. To left, a peacock, walking towards the right, followed by the hen, heedlessly treads on a chicken, imprisoning it by the leg ; near by is a yellow chicken, running in fright to the mother, who is to right, in an agitated and angry attitude ; two other chickens are prepared to show fight, undeterred by the weight and size of their adversary. On a low wall behind the peacock, are a couple of fantail pigeons ; a branch of vine trails above, and some roses, relieved against the dark foliage ; a blue pigeon is in flight above. Towards the left some low steps lead to a terrace garden, and fountain and a mansion, with a pediment in classical taste. In the middle distance to the right is a cassowary, and a group of fowls ; warm sky to right. Signed, on the wall, nearly in the centre of the picture, "M. D' Hondecoeter f." Canvas, 6o|^ in. H. x 73 in. W. Cat. 183 1. Dining-Room. 'J BLUE LIBRARY.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 39 139. A Peacock and Fowls. Melchoir D'Hondekoeter. A peacock is seated beside a peahen, on a low wall ; the male with its back turned to the hen, who is screaming ; a white hen with extended wings to left, and several chickens. Near the wall, below which are mushrooms growing, is a black chicken, running with outstretched wings. In the foreground to left, a bird with a ruff, beyond are some cocks and hens ; a lake in the distance to the left, with ducks on the shore, and low hills beyond ; above is a pigeon in flight. In the centre some masonry divides the picture, trees growing beyond, and to right in front of the wall. Canvas, 58!^ in. H. x 74!^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 140. Lady Down. Zeeman, the Younger, after Dahl. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left ; grey satin dress, blue mantle, that falls from left shoulder and covers the left knee ; white under-sleeves, turned back ; her right hand lies across her lap, the left arm resting on a bank to the right ; she holds in her hand a garland of orange flowers. Background a cave, with landscape opening to left. Inscribed " Lady Down/ Younger Zeeman." Canvas, 50 in. H. x 41 in. W. Cat. 1747. Bedchamber, No. 3. 141. Catherine, Empress of Russia. Bust, life size, to left, in an oval ; brown satin dress, embroidered with gold ; wearing blue ribbon, and two diamond stars ; the hair powdered, and surmounted by a crown. Inscribed "The Empress Catherine of Russia." Canvas. 142. Marie de' Medici. 1573 — 1642. After Vandyck. Half length, life size, seated to left, in a black dress. Inscribed above " Mary of Medicis/ Queen of France." Panel, 29 in. H. x 22f in. W. Marie de' Medici, second wife of Henry IV. of France and Navarre. From Bulstrode, No. 17, MS. List. 143. Dead Game. Jacob Van der Bilt. A grey hare and a bird, suspended above a stone slab, on which are some small birds and a duck ; a powder horn is seen to left ; column and curtain to right. Signed "BiLTius fect. 1655" to left. Canvas, 14 in. H. x iifin. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 40 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [i BLUE LIBRARY. 144. Dead Game. Jacob Van der Bilt. A pheasant and a snipe suspended above a slab ; partridges and other smaller birds are lying near the window to left; dark grey background. Signed to right, "BiLTius FECIT. 1670"? Canvas, 14 in. H. x iif in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining-Room. 145. Landscape with Figures. Ascribed to Poussin. A pool of water in the foreground ; a man seated to right, fishing ; a little to the left are two other figures, one in red standing, the other reclining on the bank ; overhanging foliage to the extreme left ; a church with a tiled roof, in the middle distance beyond some broken ground fringed with trees ; a flock of sheep and shepherd ; through a little opening by the side of the church, distant hills are seen. Canvas, 15!^ in. H. x i8f in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. 146. Landscape with Figures. Ascribed to Poussin. A waggon drawn by oxen on a mountain road ; to the left on a stone by the road side, where the road is sheltered by a low bank, is a man leaning back asleep ; he is scantily clothed, and has placed some drapery beneath his head, the right knee is crossed over the left ; high bank to right, with small trees ; a ravine to left, and a building beyond on the left of the road ; at the turn of the path is a high bank, covered with foliag;e. Canvas, i5:|^in. H. x 19!^ in. W. Cat. 183 1. Little Drawing- Room. 147. Elizabeth Cumberland, Wife of Lord Edward Cavendish Bentinck. 1782 — 1837. After Romney, by George Richmond, R.A., 1856. Half length, to right, three-quarter face ; white cloak with frilled edge, large white hat trimmed with blue ribbon, tied under the chin ; hands in a muff; grey background. Signed " G.R." in left lower corner. Canvas, 29 in. H. x 24 in. W. Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Richard Cumberland the celebrated writer ; married, 1782, Edward Charles, 2nd Son of the 2nd Duke of Portland. Purchased by the Duke of Portland from the Artist, 1893. The original picture is in the possession of Lord Hillingdon. Exhibited at the Grafton Gallery, 1894. Cat. No. 190. ante-room] at WELBECK abbey. 41 ANTE-ROOM. 148. William Bentinck, ist Earl of Portland. 1649 — 1709. Hyacinthe Rigaud. Three-quarter length, life size, to right, standing in black armour ; holding a baton in his right, the left rests on his helmet ; long light brown wig, wide red silk scarf round the loins, and blue ribbon over the left shoulder, to which is appended an order on the right side ; dark sky, and landscape background. Canvas, 54 in. H. x 41 in. W. A copy of this picture was in the Fountaine Collection, sold at Christie's, July 7, 1894. It was exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition, 1867. Cat. No. 5. 149. Henry Bentinck, ist Duke of Portland. D. 1726. Hyacinthe Rigaud. Three-quarter length, life size, to left, in armour, full face ; dark curly hair parted in the centre ; his right hand rests on a truncheon, the left on a helmet surmounted by a crest of blue ostrich feathers ; the black and gold armour is lined with blue velvet, the edges trimmed with gold lace ; orange-red scarf, with gold fringe round the waist, tied in a wide bow on the left side, beneath which appears the hilt of his sword, suspended from a blue velvet belt ; lace cravat. Grey architectural background, a fluted column to right, round which is wound a brown curtain ; in front is a stone ledge on which the helmet is placed, to left beneath is inscribed in white letters, " Henry Bentinck, Duke of Portland." Canvas, 55 in. H. x 42 in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 5. Cat. 1820 — 31. Gothic Hall ? The portrait that hung there may have been the picture by Kneller now in Morning Room, Grosvenor Square. 150. Margaret Cavendish Harley, afterwards Duchess of Portland, as a Child. Charles Jervas. Half length, life size, nearly full-face, to right. Blue riding habit, trimmed with silver lace, open to the waist ; her right hand is thrust in the breast of her habit, the left held in front of her ; a black hat, laced with silver, with a white feather, is placed on the left side of the head ; white frill, lace cravat and cuffs. Dark grey eyes and light hair; red background. In the left lower corner is inscribed "The Originall/ Pr. jARVACE"and in the right upper corner, in yellow letters, "The Honb"/ Miss Margaret/ Cavendishe Harley." G 42 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [ante-room. Canvas, 30^ in. H. x 25J in. W. Cat 1747, in the East Dressing- Room, No. 2. Half length. "Duchess of Portland when abt. 1 3 yrs. old in a blue habit, Jarvis." Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat, No. 4, Modern Masters. 151. William Bentinck, ist Earl of Portland. 1649 — 1709. CONSTANTINE NeTSCHER ? Small three-quarter length, in armour, standing to right ; his right hand rests on his hip, the left is placed on a helmet with white plumes, resting on a stone in front ; long curled wig, lace cravat ; background a dark overhanging cliff, open country to right, and warm sky. Inscribed on background to left, in white letters, " William Bentinck, Earl of Portland." Canvas, 14 in. H. x i2|^ in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 10. 152. Anne Villiers, ist Wife of William Bentinck, ist Earl of Portland. Constantine Netscher ? Small three-quarter length, standing to left ; red dress, low at the neck ; her right hand placed on her breast, retains a blue scarf wrapped round the right arm, and hanging over the left shoulder, she gathers up her dress with her left hand ; a grey gauze scarf crosses the bosom, and a string of pearls falls over the left shoulder ; the chemisette is edged with lace at the neck, and has full sleeves turned back and looped up with pearls at the elbow ; dark curly hair parted in the centre. Purple-grey curtain to right, fluted column and balustrade, leading to garden on the left ; open landscape beyond. Inscribed to left, in white letters on the pedestal of the column, "Anne Villiers, Madame Bentinck." Canvas, 14^^ in. H. x I2|^ in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 13. 153. Lady Mary Bentinck, afterwards Countess of Essex, as a Child. C. Netscher. Small whole length, seated, with bare feet, on a velvet cushion covered with crimson drapery ; lace cap with flower, flowers in her lap and right hand ; the steps are covered with a carpet, heavy curtain to right, column and sculptured pedestal in background ; sky and landscape to left. Signed on base of column, " C. Netscher 16 ." Inscribed "Lady Mary Bentinck, Countess of Essex." Canvas. ANTE.RooM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 43 Lady Mary Bentinck, Eldest daughter of William ist Earl of Portland, by his first wife, married Algernon, 2nd Earl of Essex, secondly Sir Conyers D'Arcy, brother of Robert, 3rd Earl of Holderness. From Bulstrode, No. 27. 154. Lady Rachel Noel, Duchess of Beaufort. Bust, life size, in an oval ; blue gown, fastened on the right shoulder by a string of pearls, white frilled chemisette, grey powdered hair, raised from the forehead, a long curl falls over the left shoulder; brown background. Inscribed in left upper corner " Lady Rachel Noel/ Dss. of Beaufort." Canvas, 3o|^ in. H. x 2$^ in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 12. ^ 155. Catherine Greville, Duchess of Buckingham. After Kneller. Half length, life size, in an oval, loose green gown with white edge of chemisette showing at the neck, the sleeves rolled back at the elbow ; in her left hand a garland of flowers, the right is not seen ; dark brown hair, and dark warm grey background. Inscribed in the left upper corner, " Catherine Grevile,/ Countess of/ Gainsborough,/ Afterwards/ Dss. of Buckingham." Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. This is a good contemporary copy of the original picture in the Gallery, No. 474. From Bulstrode, No. 8. 156. William III., as Prince of Orange. 1650— 1689 — 1702. After Vollevens the Elder. Three-quarter length, life size, to right, in black armour, holding a truncheon in his right hand, the left resting on his helmet; long dark hair, lace cravat. The head of a brown and white dog is seen to left. Background, a high bank of earth with herbage ; to the right, a landscape with a Church on the summit of a hill ; at the foot, and on the slope of which, a battle is raging. Inscribed below to left, "King William " in white letters. Canvas, 51 in. H. x 41 in. W. Given to the ist Earl of Portland by William III. The original picture in the Amsterdam Gallery, No. 1582, was formerly in the Mauritshuis at the Hague. From Bulstrode, No. 4, MS. List. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 214. 44 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [ ANTE-ROOM. 157. William Bentinck, 2ND Duke of Portland, as a Boy. D. 1762. Bust, life size, to left, in an oval. Red velvet coat trimmed with gold lace, black ribbon to cravat, the coat open to waist ; warm grey background. Inscribed " William Bentinck, 2nd Duke of Portland." Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 7. Cat. 1 83 1. Green Room. 158. Lord George Bentinck, as a Boy. 17 15 — 1759- Bust, life size, to right, in an oval. Blue velvet coat trimmed with silver lace, open to waist, black ribbon to cravat, brown hair; warm grey background. In- scribed in lower left corner, " Lord George Bentinck." Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 11. 159. St. Jerome in his Study. Henri van Steenwyck, 1624. In a stone apartment (wainscoted in the corner near the window), St. Jerome sits writing at a table, covered with a green cloth ; green cushions lie on the bench, some green edged books are on a shelf above, and an altar-piece with a green background hangs in the Chapel beyond, seen through a door in the wall at the back of the Saint. On the right is a fireplace, with a projecting roof to the chimney, on the left is a door leading to a flight of stone steps, beside which stands an armoire ; the floor is paved in chequers, and the lion is to the right, in the foreground. Signed to the left on the wall of the staircase, " Henri van Steinwic, 1624." Panel, S^ in. H. x 12 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. 160. Robert Harley, ist Earl of Oxford and Mortimer. 1661 — 1724. John Riley. Bust, life size, in an oval, to right. Loose purple silk dressing gown, lace cravat, long light brown curly hair ; dark background; inscribed above in the corners, " Robert Harley Esq''^ Afterwards Created E. of Oxford." Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25^^ in. W. Cat. 1747. In the Bedchamber, No. 2. 161. Mary Queen of Scots. 1542 — 1587. Small bust, to left, hair in a gold net, ornamented with triple pearl drop-pendant at the parting of the hair, high collar, black dress with gold braiding (coloured orange- red as is commonly done in portraits of the end of the sixteenth century), and pearls, small frilled ruff. Panel, 7f in. H. x 6| in. W. ANTE-ROOM .] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 45 A similar picture, attributed to the School of Clouet, is in the Czartoryski Collection, the above appears to be a copy of it. 162. Attack on a Baggage Waggon. Ascribed to J. Miel. The road, on which the encounter takes place, is at the side of a hill ; to the left, a man in red on a white horse, without his hat, whose back is turned to the spectator, is firing at a man on his right, galloping past him. In the distance, several figures are firing from the midst of some standing corn, near a wooden cross. A soldier lies dead on the road, with his sword beneath him ; there is a steep descent where the horses are seen struggling with their conductors, and on the lower ground in the middle distance a skirmish is raging round another waggon that has been attacked in front ; below the road to the right is a willow growing on the bank of a stream, into which plunges a man who is running away. In the distance, an undulating plain with low hills, and to the extreme right, a wooded bank on the opposite side of the stream ; warm sky, obscured by smoke. Canvas, 26f in. H. x 5i|^in. W. 163. Charles Cavendish, Lord Mansfield. After Lely? Bust, life size, to left, in an oval ; in armour ; profusion of dark curly hair, band with strings ; grey background. Inscribed above in corners " Charles Cavendishe, Ld. Mansfield, married Eliz™. Daughter to Richard Rogers of Brianstow in the county of Dorset Esq"." Canvas, 25!- in. H. x 21 in. W. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 6. 164. Elizabeth Rogers, Wife of Charles Cavendish, Lord Mansfield. Small bust, to left ; pink dress, with a single jewel in front fastened to ribbon, hair turned back and tied with a string of pearls in a knot at the back of the head, pearl necklace ; grey background. Inscribed to left " Eliz™ Rogers Daughter to R°. Rogers, of Brianstow in y' County of Dorset, EsQ^ Married Charles Cavendishe, Lord Mansfield." Canvas, 8f in. H. x 7f in. W. Cat. 1747. Alcove Dressing- Room, No. 17. 46 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [horsemanship bedchamber. HORSEMANSHIP BEDCHAMBER. 165. Catherine, Baroness Ogle, Wife of Sir Charles Cavendish. Bust, life size, to left ; black dress, fastened in front with four gold and jewelled brooches, short sleeves showing white under-sleeves, pearl necklace ; dark grey back- ground. Inscribed in gold "Catherine Baroness Ogle, of Ogle, 2° Daughter &/ Heir to Cuthbert, L°. Ogle, wife to S^ Cha'. Cavendishe,/ & mother to Wm. DUKE of Newcastle." Canvas, 29J in. H. x 24! in. W. Cat. 1747. Bedchamber, No. 8. 166. Charles I. 1600— 1625— 1649. After Vandyck. Bust, life size, to right, in black armour ; wearing chain and medal ; warm grey background. Canvas. A copy of the picture in the possession of the Duke of Norfolk. Cat. 1747. South Bedchamber, No. i. 167. Portrait of a Young Man. Bust, life size, to left, in black ; plain linen band, long fair hair, beardless ; land- scape background. Inscribed, "Cavendishe." Canvas, 30 in. H. x 24f in. W. Cat. 1747. East Dressing- Room, No. 11. Cat. 1 83 1. Chapel Staircase ? 168. William Cavendish, ist Duke of Newcastle. 1592— 1676. School of Vandyck. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to right ; black doublet and cloak ; wearing sword, wide lace collar and cuffs ; his right hand placed on his breast, touching the Garter ribbon ; his left hand is outstretched as if speaking. Wall to left, and parapet with sky above, to right. Inscribed to right in yellow letters, "Will". Cavendishe, i^'' Duke/ of Newcastle, married 2 wifes,/ ist, Eliz™. Daughter & heir to/ Will". Bassett of Blore,/ 2"°, Margaret Lucas,/ Daughter to THo^ Lucas of/ Colchester Es""." Canvas. From the red ribbon being altered to the blue Garter ribbon, this would seem to HORSEMANSHIP BEDCHAMBER.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 47 be a contemporary copy, and either this, or the original picture, served as the model for the full-length, in Garter Robes ; attributed to Lely, which hangs in the Dining- Room. Cat. 1747. Great Dining- Room, No. 12. 169. Henry Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Newcastle. Full length, life size, to left, in Garter Robes ; he holds his plumed hat in his right hand, the elbow resting on a pedestal, covered with a brown cloth ; his left rests on the arm of the chair, in front of which he is standing ; light blonde wig ; column to left, and sky; curtain to right. Inscribed "Henry Cavendishe, 2d/ Duke of Newcastle." Canvas. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 14. 170. Frances Pierrepoint, Wife of Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle. Ascribed to Huysman. Full length, life size, seated to left ; red dress, wide sleeves with scalloped edges, dark blue cloak lined with ermine ; she is seated in a carved chair, similar to that in the picture of the Duke ; the right arm rests on a ledge beside her, covered with the curtain drapery, her coronet is beside her hand, her left resting on her lap ; saffron curtain to right, sky and landscape to left ; steps in the foreground. Inscribed to left, " Frances, Eldest Daughter/ to Wm. Pierrepoint, Esqre./ Married to Henry Earle of Ogle,/ afterwards Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, 87 in. H. x 52 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Drawing- Room, No. 4. 171. Henry Cavendish, Lord Ogle. D. 1680. After Lely. Three-quarter length, life size, to left, in semi-classic costume ; the body is covered with a leather cuirass, white shirt sleeves seen below the shoulder; a red scarf fastened on the right shoulder with a circular boss ; right hand held out, as if speaking ; left on hip ; lace cravat ; dark olive curtain, trees and sky to left ; column to right. Inscribed " Lord Ogle" on pedestal, to right. Canvas, 50 in. H. x 40 in. W. 172. Lady Elizabeth Percy, Wife of Henry Cavendish, Lord Ogle. After Lely. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to right, the head turned to left; loose blue dress, fastened by three pearl buttons on right shoulder; red scarf over left shoulder, on which her right hand rests ; left pointing to orange tree in a sculptured vase to left, on which is perched a scarlet breasted parrot ; auburn hair, twisted into a knot, loose over left shoulder, with a string of pearls twined in it ; fluted column to 48 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [ HORSEMANSHIP BEDCHAMBER. LOBBY. right, sky to left. Inscribed " Lady Elizabeth Percy, Sole/ Daughter & Heir to Joceline/ Percy, the iith & last Earl of/ Northumberland, Married/ 2 Husbands, ist, Henry/ Cavendishe, Lord Ogle/ 2nd, Charles Seymour, Duke/ OF Somerset." Canvas, 50 in. H. x 40 in. W. The portrait of this Lady, exhibited at Manchester, Cat. No. 212, attributed by mistake to Kneller, was the duplicate now in Grosvenor Square. LOBBY. 173. Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. 1596 — 1662. Honthorst ? Bust, life size, to left ; black dress, the front of the bodice and the puffs of the sleeves richly embroidered in a striped pattern with spangles and gold and silver thread, the sleeves are tied with red ribbon, a red ribbon encircles the waist, and a rosette of the same colour is fixed in the centre of the breast to the wide lace border of the dress ; a triple row of pearls hangs from shoulder to shoulder, a single row round the neck and at the crown of the head ; an aigrette composed of ten large pearls is placed at the left side of the head, greyish-brown hair, cut short and straight over the forehead, but bushy and slighdy frizzed at the sides ; open ruff of the same pattern as the lace to the border of the dress. Dark background. Panel, 26^ in. H. x 23 in. W. Stuart Exhibition, New Gallery, 1889. Cat. No. 84. 174. Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour, temp. William III. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to right, in black armour ; holding a baton in his right hand, which is bare ; the left, gloved, rests on his hip ; crimson velvet sword-belt fringed with gold ; lace cravat, long hair parted in centre, and small moustache ; dark red curtain, with pendant tassel to right. The right hand rests against a table, covered with red drapery ; near the hand is a large gold medal with a coat of arms. In the distance to right, a naval engagement, the sky obscured by smoke. Canvas, 44^^ in. H. x 37 in. W. 175. Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. 1596 — 1662. Bust, life size, to left, in mourning habit ; black and white dress with particoloured rosette ; white muslin sleeves with black bands ; double ruff, edged with lace ; muslin neckerchief, collar with four rows of pearls, two strings of pearls meet the rosette from LOBBY.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 49 below the ruff; a string of pearls wound in the hair at the crown of the head, and an aigrette with six pendant pearls is placed on the left side. Panel, 25 J in. H. x 21 in. W. 176. Portrait of a Gentleman. Bust, life size, standing to left, in an oval ; blue velvet coat, ornamented with gold lace ; lace cravat and black wig. Canvas. A portrait of the same personage in a fawn-coloured coat hangs in the Great Gallery, No. 453 in this Catalogue. 177. Henry Bentinck, Lord Woodstock, afterwards ist Duke of Portland, as a Boy, with a Dog. Full length, life size, standing to right, in semi-classic costume ; his right hand is placed on his hip, holding the end of a red scarf thrown across the left shoulder, the left resting on a bank. Violet-grey coat with jewelled buttons, open at the waist, the sleeves turned up at the wrist, and fastened with a jewel, showing the full shirt sleeve beneath ; the skirt is edged with gold braid and fringe, white stockings, brown jewelled buskins, white cravat, edged with gold embroidery ; on the right shoulder is a large knot, the same colour as the scarf, fastened with a gold button ; a white hound at his feet, looking up in his master's face. On the brass collar is inscribed " (L)ord Woodstock." The barrel of a gun seen to right ; wooded landscape background, evening sky, hills and water to left. Canvas, 59 in. H. x 46 in. W. Cat. 1820-1831. Gothic Hall. 178. Sir Edward Harley, K.B., as a Child. Kennyman? Full length, life size, to left, standing, holding a lemon in his right hand, the left hangs by his side. Red dress, with gold stripes on the sleeve and round the hem, green and gold scarf, white apron, lace cap, collar and cuffs, a wisp of hair is turned back over the cap ; olive green curtain to the left ; warm grey background. Inscribed " Sr. Edwd. Harley," in the right upper corner. Panel, 35!^ in. H. x 2y^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Bedchamber, No. i, where it is ascribed to "Kennyman," an unknown painter. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 159. 179. William, Prince of Orange, afterwards William HI. 1650 — 1689 — 1702. Constantine Netscher, 1674. Small full length, standing to right, in black armour ; dark hair parted in the centre, lace cravat ; in his right a baton, pointing with left to opening beyond ; helmet H 50 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [f-^^^^ STAIRCASE TO WEST GALLERY. to left, on a table covered with a purple cloth ; brown curtain and wall behind ; land- scape opening to right. Signed " C. Netscher 1674." Canvas, 32 in. H. x 25^ in. W. Stuart Exhibition, New Gallery, 1889. Cat. No. 150. 180. William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. 1721 — 1765. Small full length, standing to left, in uniform ; scarlet coat with black facings and cuffs trimmed with broad gold lace ; a dark blue (or black) ribbon crosses the breast ; breastplate, crimson sash, star on left breast, plain cravat and lace ruffles, and top boots. Holding a marshal's baton in his right, resting on a table by his side, left on hip, holding sash ; door to right, a drill ground with soldiers exercising seen beyond. Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25^ in. W. This picture is very similar to one engraved in mezzotint by T. Burford, 1 747^ from a picture by Murray, then in the possession of General Onslow. STAIRCASE TO WEST GALLERY. 181. Portrait of an Old Lady. Bust, life size, to left ; black dress with white bands at the edge of the dress, white sleeves embroidered with black flowers, a gold and enamel mourning ring suspended on the breast by a black scarf, looped up in the centre and passing round the neck ; close white cap, plain frilled ruff with strings and tassels ; dark grey background. Inscribed above, "^tatis 58, anno 1575." Canvas, 23 in. H. x 19 in. W. A similar picture is at Hardwick, conjectured to be either Bess of Hardwick or her sister. Lady Carnaby, but the author of the Welbeck Catalogue, 1747, rejects this supposition; it hung in the Bedchamber, No. i. "Head. An old woman in a black & white habit w"' a little ruff." 182. Portrait of a Young Lady, Bust, life size, standing to right, in oval frame ; red silk dress, richly braided with silver cord, the upper sleeves lined with green silk, these sleeves are open, but have a row of buttons and loops of silver cord to fasten if desired, a narrow band of green silk at the base of the corset ; the dress is cut high on the shoulders, but open at the neck to the bosom in a V shape, where it is met by a double string of small pearls and green stones, fastened with a bow of green ribbon ; a high collar of broad open lace comes close up to the ears, and a lace edging covers the STAIRCASE TO WEST GALLERY.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 5I opening of the dress ; dark, straight hair, brushed back and ornamented with an aigrette of gold and enamelled flowers, a large pearl is set upright on the top of the head in a jewelled setting, pearl drop ear-rings ; grey background. Panel, 31 in. H. x 25 in. W. 183. Portrait of a Young Man. Half length, life size, to right, in red uniform ; waistcoat and coat edged with gold braid, black cocked hat with white fringe in his left hand, the right not shown, black handkerchief knotted loosely round the neck ; fair hair, brushed off the forehead and tied with a black ribbon, a lock of hair trails over the right shoulder ; lace ruffles and frill to shirt, plain turned down collar ; dark grey background. Canvas, 29 J in. H. x 2^^ in. W. 184. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. 1593 — 1641. After Vandyck. Bust, life size, to left, in armour, plain band, medal with George and Dragon suspended to a chain; brown background. Inscribed " Tho' Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, Married to his 2"° Wife, Arabella 2"° Daughter to John, Earl OF Clare." An earlier inscription, nearly effaced, " Earl of Strafford," is beneath the present one. Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. Cat. 1747. South Dressing- Room, No. 5. 185. A Group of Flowers in a Glass. Roses, larkspur, convolvulus, purple flag, daffodils, tiger lily, white clove, narcissus, nasturtium, and ox-eyed daisies, are grouped together in a glass vase, standing on a stone ledge, the clove falls over the edge of the slab to left. In the centre, on the edge of the marble, is a wasp. Dark background. Canvas, 2^^ in. H. x 2o| in. W. 186. Fruit and Flowers. To the left, a vine branch with a bunch of purple grapes against the sky. On a marble slab, peaches and plums, a blue convolvulus and other flowers, and a vase with a cactus in flower; a red and black butterfly has alighted on a spray of jessamine in the centre. Background, a garden landscape with close-trimmed hedges, trees above a statue in the centre of the court, and distant hills beyond. Canvas, 2^^ in. H. x 2o|^ in. W. Cat. 1747. In the Lady's Dressing- Room, Nos. 4 and 5. 187. A Young Lady at her Toilette, Half length, life size, standing to left; white dress, open to the waist, richly 52 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [staircase to west gallery. embroidered ; the pattern is spaced out with lines of gold thread, and the ground powdered over with flowers, leaves and insects, embroidered in coloured silks ; the sleeves are turned back below the elbow showing the white lining with insertion embroidery, turn down collar, the neck and shoulder pieces edged with embroidery of gold thread, the cuffs are finished with point lace ; a collar of the same and edging to the front of the dress, tied at the neck with a narrow black cord ; white apron without ornament, pearl pendants attached to gold rings in the ears, a bracelet on the right arm, set four-square, alternately, with pearls and jewels ; a ring on the third finger of the right hand ; on the little finger of the left is a plain red hoop ring. On the table to right, lies a mirror in a black frame, the open shutter decorated with a gold and black chequer pattern on the inside, a brush with a velvet and ^ gold embroidered centre, and an ivory double comb. She is occupied in plaiting her brown hair, which is brushed off the forehead and not parted, but is divided into two masses, one half (slightly waved) hangs over in front of the left shoulder. Green background ; a silver watch with a curious key is hung on the wall attached to a pin. Canvas. 1 88. Catherine Cavendish, Wife of Thomas Tufton, Earl of Thanet, as a Child. Jacob Huysman. Full length, life size, standing to right, in white silk dress faced with ermine, open in front, showing petticoat of white silk that reaches to the feet ; the sleeves arc turned back below the elbow and fastened with three jewels, another jewel fastening the facings of the skirt ; a large jewel on the right shoulder fastens a red silk ribbon, and a blue scarf passes over the left shoulder. In her right she holds a leafy bough that one of the lambs following her is nibbling at ; the left raised, pointing to the landscape ; head-dress of white ostrich plumes, the hair parted in the centre, with strings of pearls twined in it, pearl necklace and pendent ear-rings. Before her to the right, is a red-haired Cupid, shouldering her crook and looking back towards her, he has red wings, and an amber scarf across the loins. Behind the child's head is a pink light coming from above ; hilly landscape to right, morning sky ; in the distance a shepherd with a flock of sheep. Inscribed in yellow letters, in the left upper corner, "Cath"". Cavendishe,/ 4th Daugh""". of Henry,/ Duke of New- castle./ married to Tho\/ Tufton, Earle of/ Thanet." Canvas, 47|- in. H. x 38 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Drawing-Room, No. 7. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 348. 189. Portrait of a Lady. Bust, life size, to left, in an oval ; grey dress, trimmed with gold fringe, saffron STAIRCASE TO WEST GALLERY.-I ^T WELBECK ABBEY. S 1 NORTH BEDROOM. ■' •^•^ scarf over right shoulder, fastened to left by a band ; black hair, jewelled pendant in front of dress. Canvas. 190. William Cavendish, ist Earl of Devonshire. D. 1625. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left ; red doublet and trunks, laced with silver ; grey felt hat and white feather, spotted with red ; lace-edged collar and cuffs ; walking stick in his right, left on sword hilt ; grizzled hair, light beard, and moustache, turning grey ; brown background. Inscribed "Will" Cavendishe,/ Earl of Devonshire." Canvas, 49!- in. H. x 37 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Dining- Room, No. 5. It was ascribed to J ansen. 191. Alice Smith, or Parker, Wife of Thomas Cavendish, with Sir William Cavendish, as a Baby. Life size figures, the baby in the arms of the mother who is seated in a red leather chair, facing to left ; the mother is in black, and wears a close white cap, edged with lace, turned down in front over the forehead, and back at the ears ; ruff and white apron bordered with lace. The baby wears a long pale yellow dress, a cloak and wide lace-edged apron, red waistband with red spots, and close cap with border of stiff lace. Inscribed in yellow letters, in left corner at the top, " Alice, Daughter of John Parker of Cavendishe, married to Thos. Cavendishe ; Mother of Sr. Wm. Cavendishe of Chatsworth." Panel, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. In the 1747 Cat. this picture is described as " Alice, daughter of John Smith, of Podbrook Hall, & wife to Thomas Cavendishe of the Kings Exchequer. She died 1515. He dyed 1524. She has in her arms her child S'. W. Cavendishe." It hung in the Great Alcove Bedchamber, No. 3. NORTH BEDROOM. 192. Madonna and Child, with Saints, in a Landscape. Benedetto Diana. The Virgin in a rose-coloured tunic, is seated near the centre of the picture, almost entirely enveloped in her blue mantle ; she holds the Child Christ at her left side, looking towards the Donor in black, whose head and shoulders are visible to the right, his hands joined in prayer. A Saint to right, with an open book in his left, in a red mantle and grey dress, with a yellow, black, and red pattern ; behind is a female 54 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [north bedroom. •J^ '-..n.x.iiv^.^w v^x LWEST GALLERY BEDROOMS. Saint, wearing a dark dress and yellow hood ; the Virgin's head is covered with a grey cloth. Landscape and town to left, with dark hills ; two figures are seen on the road, in the distance. Panel, 24 J in. H. x 33 J in. W. 193. The Nativity. S. De Vos. The Virgin is seated, holding the Child, the Shepherds kneel to the left, a small boy being in front on the right, with his back turned ; a man in shepherd's dress, kneels holding a cloth to the fire, a boy in blue holds another cloth, and an Angel in amber drapery, whose head is turned towards the Virgin, is stirring some milk on the fire with a pair of long scissors ; a porringer and spoon lie by the side of the fire ; a ladder is placed against the pier of the dark arch in the background. Signed, near an earthen pitcher, "S. D. Vos." Panel, 19 in. H. x 27 in. W. Cat. 1747. In the Lady's Dressing- Room, No. 3. 194. St. Anthony Hermit. Half length, life size, to left, in a brown habit, the hood drawn over his head, reading a book held with both hands, a rosary hangs from the left wrist. Landscape seen through opening of cave to right, a rustic cross upright, to left. Canvas, 39 in. H. x 31 in. W. Cat. 1747. In the Lady's Dressing- Room, No. 2. 195. Landscape with Figures. Manner of Berghem. In the centre a peasant girl spinning, another with her back turned is on her knees milking a goat ; a cow, a donkey, and sheep in the centre of the foreground. To the right, a cow and a grey horse, beneath a wooded bank with ruins. Towards the centre in the middle distance the ruins of an aqueduct ; open landscape to left. Panel, i8f in. H. x 27J in. W. 196. Portrait of a Monk. Bust, life size, three-quarter face, to left, in a brown habit. Oval, with dark corners. Pastel on paper. WEST GALLERY BEDROOMS. 197. View of a Mansion with a Deer Park. The house is an extensive structure with wings, and has a dome in the centre. On i WEST GALLERY BEDROOMS.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 55 the first story is an open colonnade built on seventeen arches, the whole surmounted by a terrace, ornamented with statues. A group of tall trees to the right, and a herd of deer reposing in the centre of the foreground. Canvas, 3o|^ in. H. x 52 in. W. Above the cornice, at either end of the building, are the Portland arms ; the building resembles Worksop Manor House. 198. Landscape with Figures. J. Mytens. To the left, a group of eight figures on a hillock, close to a clump of trees, a lady in a red dress is offering a glass of wine to a gentleman with a musical instrument, a lady in a yellow dress seated, is turning over the pages of a music book, and another in a dark dress is looking over her shoulder, two others are seated on a slope, open wooded landscape to right. Signed, in left lower corner, " Joh. M." Panel, i6|- in. H. x 24 in. W. Cat. 1747. In the Lady's Dressing- Room, No. 9. 199. Abraham dismissing Hagar and Ishmael. J. Mytens. Hagar nearly in the centre, in a pale red dress, is weeping, she has a gourd- shaped bottle slung at her left side. Ishmael in a dark brown dress, holds her right in his, and clings to her skirts. Abraham is to the right, in a blue dress with pink sleeves, and yellow mantle ; two other figures are seen at his back a little distance behind ; some houses, and a tree on a bank, to the extreme right. To the left, a river with wooded banks. Signed to the right, on the earth-bank, " Joh. Mytens." Panel, i7|- in. H. x 24! in. W. There is little doubt that this is the " Hagar and Ishmael turn'd out by Abraham," No. 7 in the Lady's Dressing- Room, Cat. 1747, although the painter's name is not mentioned. A picture catalogued as a " Landskip with a Conversation in the Stile of Pasterro," No. 9, refers to the companion picture. 200. Margaret Cavendish Harley, afterwards Duchess of Portland, as a Child. D. 1785. Degarde ? Full length, life size, standing to right ; blue flowered-damask dress with silver lace round the skirt, embroidered white muslin apron, blue cap with white frilling, red and white shoes ; black and white dog before her to right ; architectural background, with a large flower vase in shadow to the left, and a smaller one to right, archway with court beyond, chequer pavement, high terrace, trees and sky. Canvas, 42|^in. H. x 30^^ in. W. There are four portraits of this lady as a child entered in the 1 747 Cat. ; this is the one mentioned as hanging in the third bedchamber : " No. i. Whole Length, Dss. 56 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [west gallery bedrooms. of Portland when a child, ab' 3 y'' old, in a blue coat by a French painter." Degarde is probably the artist ; there is a strong resemblance between this and the picture done about two years later that hangs in the State Dressing-Room. 201. Lady Elizabeth Noel, Wife of Henry, ist Duke of Portland, Lely? Bust, life size, three-quarter face, to left, in an oval. Amber dress, with wide sleeves and white chemisette, grey gauze scarf with yellow silk stripes across the breast, fastened with a large unset jewel to the left shoulder. A string of pearls form a knot in the centre of the bosom, pearl necklace, and large pearl drop pendants in the ears, dark hair curled on forehead, and gathered in clusters at the side of the head. Canvas. Lady Eliz. Noel was the eldest dau. of Wriothesley, 2nd E. of Gainsborough. From Bulstrode. Two portraits of this lady hung there, Nos. 6 and 9, MS. List. 202. Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour. Bust, life size, to left, in an oval ; armour damascened with gold, full wig, and cravat, collar with the Order of the Golden Fleece. Canvas, 30 in, H. x 25^^ in, W. 203. Landscape overlooking an extensive Plain, In the centre is an old tree, nearly leafless, beneath which is seated a gentleman with a dog. A man in a red coat is pointing with his whip to the landscape, and a black and white dog is behind him ; more to the left, a servant in blue livery is holding a brown horse by the bridle ; to the extreme left, a mounted groom with a led horse. On the slope of the hill behind, two men are seen leading their horses down hill. A baggage train is descending by the road, clumps of trees are on the summit and slopes, and a flock of sheep ; to the right is an extensive view over the low country with villages dotted about ; warm afternoon sky. Canvas, 24J in. H. x 42 in. W. The above landscape was probably painted for an over-door, and may be by Wootton. 204. Scotch Landscape. A. W. ? In the low ground to the left is an ornamental garden and deer enclosure. A group of deer is seen on the hill to the left of the foreground ; nearer the centre, a man is seated on a rocky ledge, drawing ; behind him is a man with a black and white dog. Numerous figures in the low ground to right with plaids, and to the right a group of pack horses. In the middle distance is a considerable hill, with fortified buildings on -I WEST GALLERY BEDROOMS.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 57 the highest crest to left ; a town is built on the slope overlooking the valley and river to right ; beyond the further bank, blue hills. Canvas, 24 in. H. x 43 in. W. The initials " A.W." joined together are on one of the packs. 205. View from Praja Los Santos, looking up the River. Canvas, 26 in. H. x 35^ in. W. 206. View of Belem Quay. Canvas, 26 in. H. x 35J in. W. 207. View from the Capuchin Convent of St. Antonio. Canvas, 26 in. H. x 35^^ in. W. 208. View of the Corn Market. Canvas, 26 in. H. x 35|- in. W. 209. View of the Jeronimo Convent, Belem. Canvas, 26 in. H. x 35!^ in. W. 210. View of the Quay Sudr£. Canvas, 25 in. H. x 33 in. W. 211. Porto Brandao from the South Side of the River. Canvas, 25^^ in. H. x 35!^ in. W. , The four last-mentioned pictures hang in Lord Henry Bentinck's Rooms. \ OXFORD WING. BOUDOIR. 212. IR Peter Paul Rubens. 1577 — 1640. After Rubens. Bust, life size, to right, in a black cloak, wide black hat, point lace collar, and gold chain. Canvas, 29^ in. H, x 25:^^ in. W. 213. Wooded Landscape, with Foxes and Hare. J. Schalch. A fox with a dead hare in his clutches, in the centre foreground ; another fox is breaking through the fence to the right ; open landscape with hedge, and willows to the right; on the left thickly wooded. Signed " Schalch fecit." Canvas, 19 in. H. x 24 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1, Dining-Room. 214. Landscape with Figures. A man in a slouched hat, on horseback, is riding away to the left, holding a dog in a leash, he is looking back towards a group of several dogs, one of which is held by a kneeling peasant, who is turning towards the open door of the cottage on the right, from which a boy is running. A pole from which hangs a cloth, extends from the house to a bare tree in the centre of the picture. Flat landscape background, and warm sky. Copper, i2f in. H. x 17 In. W. The shadows are darkened by varnish, and the whole is much blistered and scaled. Cat 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 115. Lady Southampton. 1565. Small half length, three-quarter face, to left, with her hands joined. Dull pink, silk and velvet puffed and slashed dress, cut square at the neck, she holds her fur gloves, decorated with gold buttons, in her left ; a chain round her neck is caught up in front of the bodice by a jewel. Below the edge of the corset on the left breast is a 62 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [boudoir. metal scroll, inscribed " The Earle of Southeampton." Black coif and a band of the same colour as the dress in front, ornamented with pearls. Rufif and frilled cuffs, with gold and white edging ; rings on two fingers of the right hand, and one on the left. Pale green background, inscribed, in upper right corner, " Aetatis 13. 1565." Panel, 17 in. H. x 13 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Red Damask Dressing-Room. 216. Portrait of a Boy. Rembrandt, 1634. Bust, life size, in an oval, three-quarter face, looking to the left, smiling, long reddish curly hair, black dress, and white shirt, grey background. Inscribed to the left, " Rembrandt f. 1634." Panel, 18 in. H. x i3|- in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing-Room. 217. Portrait of a Man in Black. Italian School. Bust, life size, leaning his head on his left hand, and looking towards the left. The canvas was once smaller and has been added to all round. It now measures 3o|^ in. H. X 25|- in. W. It originally measured about 22 in. H. x 16 in. W. Cat, 1820. Dining-Room. " Old man leaning on his elbow, Titian." In 1831 it was still in the same room. In 1747 the rooms were differently named, but it does not appear to have belonged to the collection of the Countess of Oxford. 218. Maurice, Prince of Nassau. 1557 — 1625. Miereveldt? Bust, life size, to right, in armour, bare headed, wearing a falling ruff, a silk scarf crosses the shoulder, dark blue ribbon round the neck, the scarf is a purple-red with yellow lights. Inscribed above the head on the dark background, " Maurice Prince of Orange." Panel, 24! in. H. x 20 in. W. Cat. 1747. South Dining-Room, No. 6. " Head upon board, Prince Maurice of Nassau in armour with an orange coloured sash and a blue ribbon round his neck." A picture of this Prince was at Bulstrode, No. 18, probably the one now hang- ing in Grosvenor Place. 219. Marie Fran^oise Perdrigeon, Madame Boucher, as a Vestal. 171 7 — 1734. After J. Raoux. Small whole length, facing to the left, in a white satin dress, standing on the step of a circular altar on which a fire is burning, the altar is inscribed "vesta, p. R. QUiRiTiv." With her right she is about to place a stick on the fire, and with the left lightly raised, touches the edge of her veil ; a flying love holds a flambeau to the BOUDOIR.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 6 o altar flame, his left raised as if speaking. On the altar step is a rose-water dish and ewer, twined with a garland of flowers ; loose flowers are also scattered over the step. Through an opening to the right is seen a garden with a statue and fountain. Curtain to right Canvas. Engraved by C. Dupuis, 1736. The original picture, life size, is at Versailles. Etienne Paul Boucher was Secretaire du Roy, the picture was designed to perpetuate the memory of his wife, who died at the early age of 1 7. Exhibited at the Grafton Gallery, 1894. Cat. No. 173. 220. Portrait of a Man. Flemish School. Bust, small life size, facing to the left, in profile, brown hair cut close, moustache, and pointed beard, grey cloak. Canvas, 19 in. H. x 15!^ in. W. Formerly attributed to Rubens, Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 221. Misty Afternoon Landscape. J. Sciialch, A winding stream occupies the centre of the picture, a peasant girl is crossino- a rustic bridge on the left, at the foot of a waterfall. A group of ruined buildings on the raised ground to left, in the middle distance. A large tree grows on the top of a bank to the extreme left, a group of goats and a sheep in the centre of the foreground ; the stream is spanned by a stone bridge in the distance, low hills on the horizon. Signed in the centre foreground " J. Schalch Fecit," Canvas, 30^^ in. H. x 41!^ in. W. 222. Battle Piece, Borgognone. A party of horsemen riding into action, with drawn swords, whose backs are turned to the spectator, occupy the left of the composition ; a partially destroyed tree is conspicuous in the foreground growing on a bank to the right, close to the margin of a stream, which is crossed in the middle distance by a rustic stone bridge ; low hills and a town in the distance, seen above the heads of the figures. Canvas, 29 in. H. x 38^^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining-Room. 223. Battle Piece. Borgognone. A fight on the bank of a stream with swords and pistols, to the left. In the fore- ground is a riderless horse galloping away ; in the middle distance to the left, a cavalier is plunging into the river ; in the centre a soldier on horseback is attacked 64 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [boudoir. by another on foot, to the right a stream with wooded banks, grey hills, and some buildings in the distance. The air is obscured by smoke. Canvas, 29 in. H. x 39|- in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 224. Sea Piece. ' William Van de Velde, the Younger. In the foreground, five men are pushing a boat off, a sixth figure with a long staff, whose back is turned, dressed in a brown jacket and trousers, is wading out to the help of the others. To the left a stranded fishing boat with the anchor up ; a little further off to the right is another boat conspicuous by a white sail with a darker piece of canvas added below, flying blue and white, and blue, red, and white pennants ; two men are engaged with a sail. A third boat is lying off a strip of land to the extreme left, and a man, basket on back, is walking towards it. To the right, in the offing, is a war vessel, flying a red and white flag, firing a salute, in the centre distance, a rowing boat and other vessels. The sky, with a great bank of rolling clouds, occupies about three-fourths of the entire canvas. Canvas, 14 in. H. x i6|^ in. W. Cat. 1747. In My Lady's Apartment. In the Lobby, No. 9. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 225. Sloop in a Gale. William Van de Velde, the Younger. The storm cloud dividing the sky, darkest to the left, overhangs almost in the form of an arch, the vessels driven before the wind ; the sloop is seen near ; beyond to the left, a vessel of war with sails close furled appears undisturbed by the gale, in the distance eight boats alternate, black, or white and ghostly, against the stormy sky. Canvas, 12^^ in. H. x 16 in. W. Cat. 1747. In My Lady's Apartment. In the Lobby, No. 11. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 226. Sea Piece, a Calm. William Van de Velde, the Younger. The composition is formed by a group of six boats, almost in a semicircle ; nearest in the centre is a small boat being pushed off by two men, one, standing up in the boat, is engaged with an oar punting it off, and the other standing in the water, is helping. To the left, two men in another small boat are engaged with the crew of a fishing boat ; another is seen beyond with its sails spread. To the right of the composition is a boat lying idle, two others are beached by a strip of sand in the middle distance. Clear blue morning sky. Signed, in the foreground, towards the right. "W.V.V." 1662? Canvas, 13 in. H. x i6|^ in. W. Cat. 1747. In My Lady's Apartment. In the Lobby, No. 10. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. BOUDOIR.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 65 227. Portrait of a Man. German School, Half length, half the size of life, standing to left ; in a brown habit and black cap ; holding a breviary in a bag in his right, and a palm in his left. Square grizzled beard. A red cross (said to be that of a Prior of Jerusalem) on the breast. Grey- blue background. Panel, 22|^ in. H. x 17 in. W. There is also a copy of this picture on canvas, not hung up, but described under No. 4 in the 1861 Catalogue. 228. William III., Prince of Orange, on Horseback. 1650 — 1689 — 1702. Small whole length, facing to the right, in black armour, holding a baton in his right ; dun coloured horse with a white tail ; a brown and white dog runs by his side. Landscape background, divided by a curtain. In the low ground a battle is being fought ; to the left the figure of a man with a halbert followed by two others, whose heads are seen behind, one carries an orange-red flag. Canvas, 28 in. H. x 22|- in. W. 229. Charles I. on Horseback. 1600— 1625 — 1649, After Vandyck. Small whole length, in black armour, on a white horse, resting his long marshal's baton on the saddle, he is bare-headed, his helmet is placed on a pedestal to the right, against which rests a shield with the Royal Arms of England, dark green curtain with gold fringe in the upper right hand corner. An archway through which the sky is seen occupies the background. Canvas, 25 in. H. x 15!^ in. W. " . ' Cat. 1747. North Room, No. 33 ? 230. Sacrifice to Saturn. Filippo Lauri. A statue of the God is seen in the centre of the composition. To the right the high priest dressed in white, with a veil covering his head, is about to plunge his knife into the struggling heifer, held by a man with bare shoulders, in pale blue ; the heads of three spectators are seen behind to the left, a priest and two other figures, one of whom rests his hand on the back of a ram ; the nearest figure in the foreground in shadow, holds a vase ; a tree to the extreme left, dark grey sky. Canvas, ii:|^ in. H, x g^ in. W. 231. Sacrifice to Flora, Filippo Lauri. The statue of the Goddess, crowned with a garland and holding two others in her hands, stands to the left ; two figures in shadow kneel in the foreground ; one, a young girl with her right shoulder bare, offers a nest of young birds ; behind is a girl with a tambourine ; nearer the base of the statue two other figures are seated, one of whom K 66 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [boudoir is arranging flowers. To the right the High Priest in white, with a garland on his head, offers a dove before a circular altar on which a fire is burning, six other figures kneel to the centre and right, with offerings of a bird's-nest and flowers ; bushes to left, and tall trees to the right, form the background ; blue sky. Canvas, 1 1 in. H. x 9 in. W. 232. Reaping, called " Ruth and Boaz." Filippo Lauri. Open landscape with cornfield, the principal group occupies the right of the composition, two reapers are cutting the corn with sickles, attended by two women, | gathering and carrying it, the youngest wears a broad straw hat. In shadow to the right a man is resting, drinking from a bottle ; at the edge of the field in the distance other figures are seen. A tree in shadow to the extreme left, cloudy sky. Canvas, 1 1 in. H. x 9 in. W. 233. SiLENUS WITH ATTENDANT FaUNS IN A LANDSCAPE. FiLIPPO LaURI ? To the left, half in the shadow of the trees, Silenus is seated in the lap of a faun, with his left on his shoulder, holding a large wine vase ; behind to the left is another figure holding a wine cup, to the right two young satyrs are gambolling on the ground near a heap of fruit. In the middle distance a faun who has climbed a tree is gathering fruit, two others, a male and female, are reclining at the foot ; through an opening in the trees, blue hills are seen. Canvas, 11 in. H. x 8f in. W. 234. Portrait of an Artist. Godfrey Schalken ? A young beardless man, with slight moustache and long hair, working at a window ; brown velvet cap, dark robe with loose sleeves, tight at the wrist, red vest, white handkerchief knotted round the neck ; he holds a book in his left, on which his paper rests, he is drawing the head of a lady in red chalk, the hand rests upon the paper as he looks up at his sitter. The balcony, from which hangs a bird cage, is decorated with a bas-relief of children struggling, and is more than half covered by an orange-brown velvet cloak, with a triple row of velvet buttons and deep fringe ; a tapestry curtain with a blue and red border, and dark leaves on a buff ground, is looped up to the right. Dark background, an easel and picture to right, an octagonal stone column and capital to the left. Against the wall hangs some object, distinguished by red stripes ; there would appear to have been a curtained window here, obliterated by the artist, and now visible from over cleaning. A signature on the stone to the left has been erased and another substituted. This in turn has been partially cleaned away, but the letters " KEN " appear to belong to the original signature. Panel, 1 1^ in. H. x 9 in. W. Cat. 1831. Drawing-Room. " Portrait of Greffier by Himself," BOUDOIR.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. " 67 235. The Farrier, or, " La Famille du Mar^chal." Philip Wouyermans. In the centre, a white horse, facing to left, whose head is held by a boy; the farrier, in a red cap, holds the near horse's fore-leg doubled across his knee. The head of the dismounted Cavalier is seen on the off-side ; more to the right, a countryman in a slouched hat, mounted on a brown horse, with a sack across his saddle, watches the scene ; a peasant woman with a bundle on her head is seen behind ; to the left, the farrier's assistant in leather apron, holding the red-hot shoe with a pair of pinchers, emerges from a cellar in which the forge is situated, beneath a vine-covered cottage. A woman nursing a child, with another at her side, is seated on the wall of the steps leading up to the door of the cottage. To the left, a boy and girl with their backs turned, stand in the near foreground, looking on, and in the centre, is a group of cocks and hens, one of the latter white. To the right a girl and boy, the boy is holding a goat by a string, who is rearing and butting at a brown dog ; distance of low grey hills to the extreme right, cloudy sky. Canvas, 13 in. x i6|^ in. W. This is probably the picture engraved by Moyreau in 1741, then in the collection of Mons. Porlier, Maitre des Comptes ; the engraving (reversed as usual) said to be the size of the picture, measures i2f in. H. x ijl in. W. Smith in his "Catalogue Raisonne" described it from the print, not knowing where the picture was. 236. The Departure for the Chase. Philip Wouvermans. A lady, facing to the right, mounted on a brown and grey horse, extends her right hand to a child in red, with cap and feather, who is seated on the low stone wall of the steps leading to the house ; the child is held by a nurse. In the background, his back turned to the spectator, is a man in a slouched hat, holding a long staff; a fawn-coloured dog reposes in the foreground, which is entirely in shadow ; a little to the right, in the centre of the group, a man on horseback winds a horn ; more to the right, a white horse is conspicuous, held by an attendant, whose legs only are seen ; a cavalier is about to mount, he has his back turned to the spectator, and is dressed in a buff coat, with a game bag slung over his shoulder ; other figures on foot and horseback are seen riding away, in the low ground to the right, attended by a dog. To the left is a vase of flowers on the wall of a garden, above which trees are seen, low dark hills to the right, cloudy sky. Signed with monogram in the lower left corner. Panel, 13 in. H. x 16 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing-Room. 237. Matthew Prior. 1664 — 1721. Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1699. Half length, life size, turned to the right, nearly in profile, he holds an upright book in his left, resting on a table ; the hand, forearm, and book being in deep shadow. The effect is that of candle-light, but no light is seen in the picture ; greyish-purple velvet coat open at the neck showing the shirt, a russet-coloured cloak across 68 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES pboudoir. Lbedroom the right shoulder, dark grey velvet bonnet with blue riband. Inscribed below in the left corner, " Prior." Canvas, 36 in. H. x 28| in. W. On the back of the canvas should be inscribed " Peint par Hyacinthe Rigaud 1699 A Paris," but it has been newly lined and the inscription covered. Engraved in the 1766 edition of Prior's " Poems on Several Occasions." Cat. 1747. Alcove Dressing- Room, No. 7. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 279. BEDROOM. 238. Judgment of Paris. Italian School, 17th century. Small whole length figures. Paris is seated to the left, leaning on his shepherd's staff, Venus is in the centre of the composition, attended by Cupid, Minerva to the right. Juno has already mounted her chariot and is about to depart, preceded by an amorino with a lighted torch, presaging the burning of Troy, above sits Jupiter on the clouds, Minerva holds a spear in her right, and the strap of her sandal with her left, an open book with an olive bough lies on the ground in front. Paris is in red, Venus in blue and white drapery, and Minerva in blue and violet. Canvas. 239. Jean Baptiste Poquelin de MoLifeRE. 1622 — 1673. Charles Lebrun .^ Three-quarter length, life size, facing to right, in a long black wig, holding a tablet ornamented with a wreath of flowers. Dark brown and gold brocade dressing-gown with blue lining ; lace cravat and rufiles ; he holds the tablet with his left hand and points to it with his right, which is resting on the table. The tablet is inscribed " Letourdi" " Les depit amoreux" " Les precieuses ridicules" "L'ecole DES Maris." Red table-cloth and fawn-coloured curtain. Canvas, oval. From the tablet not being inscribed wifh the title of Moliere's masterpiece, " Tartuffe," it may be supposed that this picture was painted before 1667. The comedy " L'ecole des Maris" was first played in Paris in 1661. 240. William Henry, Marquess of Titchfield, afterwards 4th Duke of Portland, AS a Boy. 1768 — 1854. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Small full length, in a landscape, standing to left, in red. Canvas, 12 in. H. x 10 in. W. Small copy from the original picture, which is in Grosverior Square. DRESSING-ROOM. i js^j WELBECK ABBEY. 60 STAIRCASE LANDING.-" "^ DRESSING-ROOM. 241. Head of an Old Man. Bust, life size, to right, three-quarter face, brown habit. Canvas. 242. St. Christopher carrying the Child Christ. David Teniers the younger. Moonlight, a pasticcio in the. Venetian manner. Canvas stretched on panel, ii|- in. x y-Jf in. Marked on the back "C.R." and " Portland." 243. Christ sleeping on the Cross. Bolognese School, 17th century. Small whole length figure, the head to the left. Landscape background. Canvas, 21 in. H. x 28 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. 244. After the Battle. The General on horseback with his sword drawn, preceded by a foot soldier with a pike, appears to be viewing the field. In the middle distance, several officers are giving directions to subordinates. Bodies of horses and men encumber the fore- ground ; a hill to the left with a bonfire at the foot ; a low undulating plain in the distance with numerous figures. Canvas. STAIRCASE LANDING. 245. General Ireton. 1610 — 165 1. Cornelius Jansen van Keulen. Bust, life size, to left, bare-headed, dark brown hair, parted in the centre, moustache, brushed up and turned back at the ends, and imperial, rather heavy eyebrows, the hair not curly, but turned a little at the ends ; black silk slashed doublet, showing white beneath, over which falls a wide collar edged with broad point lace ; an embroidered buff belt crosses the breast from the right shoulder; warm grey background. Panel, agf in. H. x 24 in. W. From the Northwick Collection, 1859. Sale Cat. No. 442. Purchased at the sale by Mr. Mathison for the 5th Duke of Portland. 70 ' CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [staircase landing. 246. William, i st Earl or Portland and his Wife, with two Attendants, i 649 — 1 709. Full lengths, half life size, walking on a terrace, overlooking a garden, with two female attendants. The Earl is in a semi-classic dark blue military costume, em- broidered with silver in the Venetian style of the end of the sixteenth century. Grey leggings, reaching below the knee and brown buskins ; an orange-coloured mantle is fastened to the left shoulder, gathered across the loins and covers the right arm, which is extended, with the palm of the hand open ; his long dark hair is curled, and parted in the centre, falling a little over the forehead and below the shoulders ; he takes the Countess by the right, with his left hand, leading her towards the steps on the extreme right. The Countess wears a rich robe of dark purple-brown, silver, and yellow brocade, open down the front showing an orange-red petticoat, the short sleeves open to the shoulder show the white ones of lawn underneath, edged with lace, the upper edge turned back and fastened with a brooch, and ornamented with a jewelled band between the lace edges. A grey scarf is folded across the bosom, pearl necklace and bracelets ; dark hair parted in the centre, and curled full at the ears, a long curl hangs over the left shoulder. With her left she gathers up her skirt, showing the toe of a jewelled slipper. The nearest attendant is in a dark dress, the other has a light veil head-covering. Two pedestals with stone vases to right, a recumbent sphinx at the top of the steps leading to the garden. A colonnade and a terrace with statues surrounds the garden court, in the centre is a fountain, flanked by two rows of Cyprus trees ; a group of buildings with a round tower, and blue hills seen beyond ; warm evening sky. On the terrace in the foreground, a white and tan spaniel to left. Chequered pavement. Canvas, 57^^ in. x 74! in. W. 247. John Fletcher the Dramatist. 1576 — 1625. Cornelius Jansen van Keulen. Bust, life size, to right, in oval frame. Dark grey doublet with black spots, falling ruff edged with point lace. Long curling brown hair, parted on the right side of the head and raised above the forehead, pointed beard and fair moustache. Grey background. Signed, outside the oval, in the right lower corner, " Cornelius Johnson, fecit. 1625." Panel, 27 in. H. x 20 in. W. From the Northwick Collection, 1859. Sale Cat. No. 431. Exhibited at the Shakespeare Centenary Exhibition, 1864. Cat. No. 47. DINING-ROOM LOBBY.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 71 DINING-ROOM LOBBY. 248. Marie THfiRfesE d'Autriche, Wife of Louis XIV. 1638 — 1683. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left, blue velvet dress and mantle, powdered with gold fleur-de-lis, the mantle lined with ermine, the bodice open in front and fastened with jewelled clasps, has an under vest of ermine, terminating in a trefoil-shaped point below the waist ; the half sleeves, slashed with ermine and looped with a jewelled clasp, in the same fashion as the bodice ; the white under-sleeves are ornamented with a string of pearls, and edged with lace ; the right arm rests on her lap, the left raised to a jewelled brooch, set in the centre of the broad lace which edges the low bodice, pearl necklace, pearl and diamond pendants ; a small gold and jewelled crown is set on the back of the head ; pale blonde hair, drawn back from the forehead, leaving a thin fringe with a single small curl in the centre. Chair covered with yellow watered silk ; a glimpse of dark sky and hills, seen above a balcony to right ; table in front, with cover of crimson and gold brocade. Canvas. 249. Marie Adelaide de Savoie, Duchesse de Bourgogne, Mother of Louis XV., WITH a Black Attendant. 1685 — 171 2. Three-quarter length, life size, facing to right, standing, her left thrown over the back of a white, long-haired spaniel, which is held in the arms of a young negress, with her right she holds a blue scarf, which is fastened to the left shoulder ; the upper skirt of her dress is pale crimson, and a scarf of the same colour is thrown across the bodice which is of cloth of gold ; a scarf and bow of the same at the waist, ornamented with two jewelled buttons ; the upper part of the bodice is white lawn, the same as the sleeves, which are looped up with a gold band, and edged with a narrow gold border, a garland of flowers encircles the neck of the dress. The junction of the upper and lower part of the bodice is concealed by a pink scarf thrown across ; the under skirt is a warm purple colour ; grey powdered hair, raised from the head with curls on the temples, roses and daisies with a few leaves, are set at the top and side of the head. The negress is dressed in red, with a purple and gold striped cloth, fastened in front with a gold button, red turban lined with gold cloth, red aigrette, and pearl necklace. She is looking up in the face of her mistress, holding the fore-paws of the dog with both hands. A wooded bank in the background to the left, sky and hills beyond ; to the right above the head of the attendant is seen a close cut hedge like a wall. Canvas. 72 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [dining-room lobby. 250. Anne Marie Louise d'Orl£ans, Duchessede Montpensier, Daughter of Gaston Duke of Orleans, Brother of Louis XI I L 1627 — 1693. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left, in white satin dress, the left hand raised. A red ribbon, terminating in a bow with a jewel, encircles the arm ; the front of the dress is decorated with pearls and jewels set alternately, descending to the point of the bodice, and branching towards the insertion of the sleeves, which are decorated in the same fashion. A band of pearls also divides the broad lace ruffles of the sleeve, pearl ear-pendants of four pear-shaped drops, and pearl necklace, the blonde hair is drawn back from the forehead, leaving a row of short curls in front, and fastened in a small closely-plaited chignon with bunches of side curls, above which is set a thin red silk cord ; a similar knot in the form of a bow, decorates the front of the light grey kerchief with gold stripes that drapes the shoulders, fastened with a jewelled octagonal brooch. On the table in front is a large basket of flowers, hiding the right hand and fore-arm ; gold brocade table cloth. Garden background, with distant blue hills. A laurel tree to the right, and yellow curtain. Canvas. 251. Fran?oise Ath£nais, Marquise de Montespan, and Madlle. de Blois? Three-quarter length figures, life size, Madame is seated to right, nearly full face ; her right hand placed on the shoulder of the child, who is standing by her side ; her left rests on a ledge of earth ; the child, seemingly a boy, holds a shield in the right hand, the left is extended towards a plumed helmet and short sword placed on the bank to left. The lady is in a loose blue robe fastened with a gold girdle ; grey powdered hair. The child's dress is dark grey-green, the sleeve looped up showing the yellow lining; pink floating scarf; dark landscape background, a ruined tower to right, on a hill washed by the sea ; ruddy light on the horizon. Canvas. If this picture represents the Marq. de Montespan, the child is likely to be one of her sons ; Louis Auguste, Due du Maine, or Louis Alexandre, Comte de Toulouse. 252. Madame de la VALLifeRE? Three-quarter length, life size, standing to right ; nearly full face ; white silk brocade dress, red velvet cloak, looped on the shoulder and lined with ermine, white sleeves to chemisette looped up at the elbow ; the bodice is looped with emeralds and rubies set in gold, emerald shoulder clasp, pearl pendent ear-rings, a sprig of jessamine in the hair, pale powdered hair; she holds a sprig of jessamine in her right hand, the left rests on a crown surmounted with orb and cross on a gold cushion ; green table cloth, dark curtain with gold border to left, garden to right with a terraced court above which trees are seen. Canvas. DINING-ROOM LOBEY.-| ^f WELBECK ABBEY. nx LOBBY. 253. Marie Anne de Mailly-Nesles, Duchesse de ChAteauroux ? as Diana, with Cupid, in a Landscape. 171 7 — 1744. Full length, life size, reclining, her right arm resting on a bank, a bow and sheaf of arrows by her side ; Cupid flying brings her his own quiver. She turns to the right to Cupid, who is flying towards her, her right on her bosom, and her left pointing to the sheaf of arrows by her side, to which a red ribbon is attached, that held by Cupid has a blue one. The Duchess is dressed in a loose saffron-coloured robe, lined with white silk, cut square at the neck and edged with lace ; the loose hanging sleeves of blue silk are looped up below the shoulder with gold brooches set with rubies, showing the lace-edged sleeves of the chemisette ; the gown sleeves have a broad border of open gold lace, the end of the left sleeve is drawn across the knees, and a bow with a crimson velvet handle is lying on the edge of the drapery, the white silk lining of the dress only shows at the hem ; the feet are encased in gold sandals set with carbuncles and pearls, the right knee is slightly drawn up, and the left leg rests upon the right foot. Her pale brownish hair is divided in the centre, and arranged in masses of short curls on either side of the head, one long lock falls over the right shoulder ; pearl pendant ear-rings and necklace. Cupid has dark hair, white wings, and a purple-crimson scarf passing over his right shoulder. Through an opening in the wood to the right are seen the banks of a river, a distant city, blue hills and sky, a warm light on the horizon, the foreground is studded with daisies. Canvas. 254. Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour. 1721 — 1764. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left, pale purple flowered-silk dress, cut square at the neck and edged with lace, the front of the bodice is covered with blue- green bows, set close together, similar bows fasten the lace ruffles. She holds a silk- winder in her left, and is winding the silk on a star-shaped card from an ivory winder covered with orange silk, fastened to the inlaid work-table in front of her. A lace handkerchief tied under the chin with dove-coloured ribbon covers the grey powdered hair, a miniature set in brilliants is attached to a dark ribbon on the left wrist. Chair with gilt frame ; warm grey background. Canvas. LOBBY. 255. Charles I. and his Queen, Henrietta Maria. After Vandyck. Half-lengths, life size, standing ; the King on the left, facing to right, nearly in profile, in a grey doublet embroidered with gold ; he takes a wreath from the Queen, 74. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [^"f^J- STATE BOUDOIR. who holds in her left a branch of olive, she is dressed in white with red bows and ribbons. Grey background and red curtain, looped up. The King wears a long lock of hair on the left side, falling over ruff to the shoulder ; he wears the Garter ribbon ; the left hand is not seen. Canvas, 36 in. H. x 6i|^ in. W. A copy of a picture that has been engraved ; another example on a smaller scale belongs to the Duke of Sutherland. STATE BOUDOIR. 256. Marie JosfePHE de Saxe, 2nd Wife of the Dauphin (1731 — 1767), with her Son, Louis Joseph Xavier. 1751 — 1761. TocQufi. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to right ; red and gold brocade dress, blue velvet mantle, embroidered with fleur-de-lis at the hem, and lined with ermine ; collar of pearls with brilliant pendant, a girdle of pearls at the waist ; red, yellow, and white flowers set in her dark hair, with her right she holds the hem of her mantle, on which is seated a white smooth -haired terrier ; with her left she caresses a brown and white spaniel held by her son, who is dressed in a brown velvet, fur-lined coat, and is looking up at his mother, holding the dog's fore-paw with his right. Gold brocade curtain background. Canvas. Marked on frame " Cabinet de Louis XV. par Louis TocQUfi en 1734." This date must be wrong, or the personage represented is wrongly named, 257. Marie Anne de Mailly-Nesles, Duchesse de Chateauroux. 1717 — 1744. Nattier ? Half length, small life size, to left, pale greenish-grey satin dress, embroidered with gold sprays, cut low in front and edged with fine lace, a garland of flowers passes round the back of the neck and falls over the right shoulder to the front of the dress, the left sleeve is looped up with a diamond band, showing the lace-edged lawn sleeve beneath, a tea-rose coloured scarf is thrown over the right shoulder and gathered in a knot at the left, where it is fastened by a jewel ; powdered hair, with yellow flowers on the left side of the head, background a warm-grey wall, with a pilaster to left. Canvas. 258. Sylvia, Actrice CfeLfeBRE. De Troy Fils. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to left ; pink and grey shot-silk dress, greenish-yellow floating scarf; blue kepi, embroidered with silver and pearls, in which STATE BOUDOIR.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 75 is struck a sprig of jessamine ; a garland of jessamine and other flowers encircles the waist ; the bodice is fastened with jewelled clasps, and similar buttons loop back the sleeves ; bodice and sleeves are trimmed with silver embroidery, and edged with silver fringe. She is gathering flowers with her right from a plant in a wooden tub, and holds the gathered flowers and leaves in the folds of her scarf with the left, dark purple curtain, and dark grey background, powdered hair and dark eyebrows. Canvas. Exhibited at the Grafton Gallery, 1894. Cat. No. 52. 259. Louis the Dauphin, Eldest Son of Louis XIV. 1661 — 1711. After Rigaud. Bust, life size, to right, three-quarter face in armour, within an oval, powdered wig, lace cravat and blue ribbon ; sky background. Canvas. Portraits of Louis the Dauphin, and Louis XIV., entered in the Catalogue of 1820, were in the Horsemanship Bedchamber and attributed to Rigaud. They were still there in 1 83 1, but whether these, or the two pictures now in the Nursery, it is difficult to say. 260. Louis XIV. 1638 — 1715. After Rigaud. Bust, life size, standing to left, within an oval, buff-coloured coat, laced with silver, breast plate ; dark wig, white lace cravat, red shoulder straps embroidered with gold and red belt ; a blue scarf crosses the breast, the right arm is extended, and the left hand, which is gloved, rests on the hip : sky background. Canvas. 261. Madame la Comtesse Du Barry. 1746 — 1793. Three-quarter length, life size, facing to left, standing. White dress of silver brocade, the lace -edged sleeves looped up at the elbow with a jewel, and ornamented with roses ; the front of the bodice and the skirt, are decorated with flowers and green leaves ; a blue floating scarf, the end of which is seen at her back, passes beneath the right arm, and encircles the figure ; in the folds lie the flowers which she is gathering with her right, from an orange tree set in a brass vase, to the left of the picture. She holds a scarf with her left. Dark eyes and eye-brows, grey powdered hair, set with a few flowers, dark grey background. Canvas. 262. Fran^oise Marie de Bourbon (Madlle. de Blois), Princesse de Cond£. 1677 — 1749. F. H. Drouais. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left, in a gold chariot, nearly full face ; white brocaded silk dress, lined with blue, low on the left shoulder showing the chemise ; the blue lining of the bodice crosses the bosom like a ribbon, a rose- coloured scarf nearly covers the left arm and passes under the right, which is 76 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [state boudoir - bedroom - ' Land DRF.ssiNr.-HnnM extended, holding a glass bottle, from which the water descends to earth ; her left hand is placed on the shoulder of Cupid, or Hymen, who holds a lighted torch, his lower limbs are enveloped in blue-green drapery. Sky background, with dun- coloured clouds. The hair of Madlle. de Blois is dark, two violets are placed on the left side near the top of the head. Canvas. STATE BEDROOM. 263. Princess of Wales. Desanges. Three-quarter length, life size, the hands clasped in front ; white dress and white lace shawl, plain gold bracelets and locket; background, a wall, sky to left, gauze curtains, lily to left. Canvas. Purchased from the artist by the 5th Duke of Portland. 264. Portrait of a Lady. Manner of Wissing. Three-quarter length, life size, seated, nearly full face, the head slightly inclined to the left ; dress, dull fawn-colour, open to the waist fastened with a brooch ; laced chemisette, ornamented with a string of pearls and gems, two clasps fasten the sleeve on the shoulder ; blue mantle with heavy gold fringe. She is seated on a stone bench holding a bunch of flowers in her right, the left elbow rests on a ledge. Garden background with a terrace, and row of plants in pots on the broad step beneath. Dark curtain and fluted column to left. Canvas. STATE DRESSING-ROOM. 265. Margaret Cavendish Harley, afterwards 2nd Duchess of Portland, as a Child. Degarde, 17 17. Full length, nearly life size, seen in front, the head slightly turned to the left ; white and gold flowered-silk dress, lace bodice, cuffs and apron, lace cap, ornamented with purple and white bows of silk ribbon ; she holds with both hands a blue ribbon to which is attached in the centre a garland of flowers, from which a few petals have fallen at her feet; to the right is a brown and white spaniel. Architectural background with STATE DRESSING-ROOM-, Af WELBECK ABBEY, 77 -BEDROOM-STAIRCASE.J ' ' column to left ; beyond the archway, to right, is a low terrace wall and trees. Inscribed at the foot of the canvas, " Miss Margaret Cavendishe Harley 17 17." Canvas, 49^ in. H. x 40 in. W. Margaret Cavendish Harley, only daughter and heir of Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford, married William, 2nd Duke of Portland in 1 734. Cat. 1747. In the 4th Bedchamber, No. 2. BEDROOM. 266. Portrait of a Child. English School. Small whole length, seated on the ground, on dove-coloured drapery ; white low- necked frock ; bare legs and feet, and light hair ; she extends her left hand to a white dove, perched high up on a blue cloth to the right. On the ground to left is another dove ; curtain background ; garden seen through opening to left. Canvas, 14 in. H. x 12 in. W. A portrait of the early part of this century, probably by the same hand as No. 283 in this Catalogue. 267. Venus and Cupid in a Landscape. ■ Bolognese School. Venus is seated on a bank, to the left, on some crimson drapery, wiping her feet with a cloth ; Cupid is at her feet looking up and extracting an arrow from his quiver. A pool of water in the foreground, a high wooded bank to the left, and open landscape with blue hills to the right. Canvas, 28 in. H. x 2 2|- in. W. The figure of Venus is imitated from a print after Raphael by Marc Antonio. STAIRCASE. 268. Birds in a Landscape. James Bogdani. A red macaw, and a green parrot, are perched on the branches of a tall tree to left, a pair of crested ducks are on the bank of a pond at the foot ; to the right in the foreground three ducklings are wading and swimming, a long-tailed duck on the bank to the right appears to be walking away from the parrot, who is objecting to his presence ; open landscape to right. Signed in the left lower corner " Bogdani." Canvas, 49!- in. H. x 4of in. W. Cat. 1747. Dressing- Room, Upper East Apartment, No. 4. "Ducks and Macaws." Bogdani. 78 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES tstatrcase ' i-T.ANnTvr. LANDING. 269. Birds in a Garden. Melchior D'Hondekoeter. The principal group consists of a pair of ducks and seven ducklings, in a tank to the left in the foreground ; five of the ducklings are in the water, and two are on the near bank to right, at the foot of a large tree near which sits a toad. On an upper branch are a pair of blue and purple doves near a bird in flight, another is perched on some broken timber below ; towards the centre of the composition is a stone pier, surmounted by a terra-cotta vase with figures in relief. Beyond the wall grow holly- hocks and roses, against a background of foliage. To the left is a garden court, with a high wall pierced by a door, above which is a duck in flight. In the centre of the court is a marble fountain composed of figures ; various species of ducks, a turkey, and other birds are walking about ; through an open door is seen the garden of the house that towers above the wall, a swallow in the sky. The signature, nearly erased, is on the wall of the tank, near the centre. Canvas, 67 in. H. x 53^^ in. W. There are two other Hondekoeters in the Library of " Peacocks," but this is probably the one entered in the 1747 Catalogue. " Upper East Apartment. In the Dressing-Room, No. 7. Fowls." Cat. 183 1. Ante-Room to Little Dining- Room. LANDING. 270. Landscape with View of a Plain. J. Wootton. In the middle distance, three horsemen are watering their horses at a stream, two on the near bank, the third on the opposite side ; above a mound to the left are two peasants with dogs ; in the foreground a pack-mule covered with a red cloth, followed by a white horse with a blue covering, a man and a dog ; another dog is trotting in front on the off" side of the mule ; in the centre of the composition rises a hillock over- looking the plain, which extends in horseshoe form to the right, bordered with low hills ; tall trees to left. Signed on a rock to right " J. Wootton." Canvas. In the 1747 Cat. several landscapes by Wootton are mentioned, two hung in the vestibule, Nos. 10 and 11, they are merely noted as " Landskips," and were probably pendants. There were three " Newmarket " Landscapes, all hanging in the same vestibule, and a fourth in the Dressing-Room. A " Landscape " also hung in the South Dining- Room, No. 2. There were five in the South Drawing- Room, one over the glass, two over the west doors, and two over the other doors. Views of " Richmond " and " Boxhill " in the second Bedchamber, a " Landskip " in the Dressing-Room, a "View of the seat of Lord Clinton in Cornwall," and the " Course at Newmarket with the crowd." LANDING. ] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 70 NURSERY PASSAGE.-* . /y NURSERY PASSAGE. 271. Mountainous Landscape. Rosa da Tivoli. A waterfall to the left; above the plateau in the middle distance rise blue mountains ; in the foreground a herd of goats with a bull and a brown calf, attended by a dog, lying on the ground to left. Canvas, 67 in. H. x 4i|- in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. 272. Landscape with Sheep and Cattle. Rosa da Tivoli. A town on a high hill to the left, and beyond a break in the hills to the right, distant blue hills. Canvas, 67^ in. H. x 41^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining- Room. NURSERY PASSAGE. 273. Landscape with Figures. In the foreground a man is seated on a stone altar, or pedestal, drawing; near him are grouped five other figures, one seated at a bench ; nearer to the right are two other figures, one standing, and the other in a red cloak, reclining near a fragment of an architectural cornice. Right and left, at a little distance, are two figures in a boat, and two others on the bank of a stream, that flows through the wood on the right beneath a hill in the centre of the picture ; on the hill stands a town, above this rises a bare rocky mountain. To the left, beyond a group of tall trees, is an open, undulating, richly-wooded country, closed in the distance by blue mountains. Canvas, 44 in. H. x 55 J in. W. 274. Brown and White Hunting Dog. Sawrey Gilpin. Running to left, tall trees and open landscape, a wood to the right. Signed to the left "S. Gilpin." 1773. Canvas, 61 in. H. x 71 J in. W. 275. A Brown Wolf. J. Wootton. Life size, seated to left, the head turned, looking over its shoulder, landscape background with hill to right. Canvas, 50 in. H. x 40^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Vestibule, No. 2. 8o CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [^^IIow\Idkoom7''''''^^''''~ 276. A Brown and White Antelope, in a Landscape. J. Wootton. Life size, to right, black twisted horns. Fir trees in background. Canvas, 49^ in. H. x 40 in. W. Cat. 1747. Vestibule, No. 5. NURSERY. 277. Jean Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Seignelay. 1619 — 1683. Champaigne? Three-quarter length, life size, seated to the left, with his right hand lying open on a table covered with a red cloth in front of him, on which are some folded papers and a brass bell. His left hand rests on the arm of the chair, which has a red leather back, ornamented with cup-shaped knobs and brass nails ; he wears a loose black robe trimmed with black lace, falling collar edged with deep lace, lace ruffles, full blonde wig, and small moustache. Dark background, curtain with bullion fringe. Canvas. 278. Louis the Dauphin. 1661— 1711. Hyacinthe Rigaud. Bust, life size, to right, in armour, powdered wig, lace cravat and blue ribbon. Inscribed on background to right " Louis Dauphin." Canvas, oval, 29 in. H. x 23!^ in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 3 ? 279. Louis XIV. in Armour. 1638 — 1715. Hyacinthe Rigaud. Bust, life size, to left, in armour, dark full wig, white lace cravat, red velvet lining to breast-plate, blue ribbon over right shoulder. " Louis XIV." is inscribed on the background to the left. Canvas, oval, 32 in. H. x 2^^ in. W. This appears to be an original picture, a " pentimento " is visible beneath the shoulder pieces where the scalloped edge of a buff coat has been painted. From Bulstrode, No. 2 ? YELLOW BEDROOM. 280. Lady Henrietta Cavendish Holles, Countess of Oxford, on Horseback. J. Wootton. Small whole length. The Countess in a scarlet and silver habit with white silk facings, and black hat, is seated on her favourite dun mare, riding to left ; the horse- YELLOW BEDROOM.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 8i trappings are red ; in her right she holds a silver-mounted whip, the reins with her left. By her side is a running footman bearing a cane, in blue and white livery, white hose and knee breeches, and a black jockey cap laced with silver cord ; the groom behind is in blue livery and mounted on a dark brown horse. Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. Cat. 1747. In the Lady's Dressing- Room. No. 8. " L'^''. Oxford on the Dun mare, w'** the running footman & groom, sm" fig^ Wootton." 281. The Dauphin, Louis XVIL ? in a Landscape. Duvivier ? Small full length standing, to right, an open book in his right hand ; red Hussar uniform embroidered with gold lace, blue and gold sash, short cloak with blue lining edged with fur, a scarlet cloth depends from fur cap, black hessian boots ; left arm resting on stone pedestal, that serves as a base for two busts ; on the nearer one is inscribed " L L Rousseau," and on the other can be read " C. Danta . . . ? " Near the busts lies a pile of open music books, and on the pedestal is engraved " Vixerunt Mira Concordia." Tall trees and rose-bush to right, open landscape with river to left, and a monument under some poplar trees on the further bank of the stream. The signature " Duvivier ? " to the right in the lower corner. Canvas. 282. A Man Singing. Half length, to left, life size, seated, beating time with his right hand raised, the left closed and resting on the table before him, on which lies an open music book supported by another, his lute lies across his knees, with the handle resting on a red cloak, which is thrown across his left arm ; grey slashed doublet, red cap, and white ruffles ; dark background. Canvas. This picture Is mentioned amongst the principal pictures at Welbeck in a county history of the early part of this century as a " Spanish Gypsey singing to the Guitar." 283. Children at Play. English School. Small whole length figures of five children at play ; one boy is mounted on the back of the other, who is on all fours to the right ; the three girls form a separate group to the left ; in the centre, one is standing holding a doll, another is seated with a basket of grapes on her lap, holding out a bunch to the youngest, who is running towards her ; all three are in white frocks. Couch and flower-stand with geraniums to the right, landscape seen through window to left, grape vine above. Canvas. Apparently by the same painter as No. 266 in this Catalogue. M 82 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES tdukes study. "•^ V- A l-BILLIARD ROOM. DUKE'S STUDY. 284. Madame la Comtesse du Barry. 1746 — 1793. Half length, life size, to left; white dress; a garland of artificial flowers in the hair, which is raised and powdered ; frilling round neck, and bows to sleeves are all white ; pearl bracelets and necklace ; she holds a garland of roses in both hands, the right elbow raised. Sky and landscape background. Inscribed "Comtesse du Barry A 16 ans." Canvas, oval. BILLIARD ROOM. 285. Portrait of a Gentleman, on a White Horse. George Stubbs, R.A. Small whole length, to right, coffee-coloured coat, leather knee breeches, and top boots, black cap ; standing, to right, is a groom in a green hunting coat, yellow waist- coat, top boots and black jockey cap, a whip under left arm ; a stable boy is leading a brown horse to the left ; a couple of dogs in the foreground ; background a view of the Welbeck Riding School to left, trees to right. Signed " Geo : Stubbs pinxit." Canvas, 40;|^ in. H. x 49^^ in. W. 286. William Henry, 3D D. of Portland and Lord Edward Bentinck, in a Landscape. George Stubbs, R.A. Small whole length figures ; in green coats, grey waistcoats, knee breeches, and top boots ; a groom in a blue and white striped waistcoat, knee breeches, white stockings, and black jockey cap, is leading by the bridle a chestnut horse towards a leaping bar ; one gentleman is resting on the rail of the bar, holding a stick in his right, he turns to the gentleman behind, pointing to the horse while speaking ; the second, who is the elder of the two, has a plain black hat ; the other's is laced with silver ; the elder whose right hand rests on his stick places his left on the shoulder of the young man in front ; round his arm are the reins ; both wear spurs. To left stands a black horse, saddled, a black and tan spaniel in foreground, near a saddle. Signed " George Stubbs" to right. Canvas, 40^^ in. H. x 5o|- in. W. BILLIARD ROOM-LOBBY-PASSAGEJ J^J WELBECK ABBEY. 8^ TO UNDERGROUND GALLERY. '' Charles II. as Prince of Wales. 1640. Francesco Fanelll Bronze bust, in armour ; to right, the head slightly raised, long hair, plain collar; the breast-plate and shoulder-pieces are richly engraved. Inscribed on the pedestal, "carolus princeps/ walliae/ 1640/ francus/ fanellius florent /inus, SCVLPTOR MAGNE BRi/ REGIS." There is a bronze bust of Charles I. by Fanelli in the National Portrait Gallery. Cat. 1747. Chapel Lobby. LOBBY. 287. The Starting Post, Newmarket. J. Wootton. Canvas, 37 in. H. x 58 in. W. 288. The Warren Hill. Canvas, 60 in. H. x 84^ in. W. 289. The Watering Place. Canvas, 38 in. H. x 61 in. W. Cat. 1747. Vestibule Nos. 3, 4, and 12. PASSAGE TO UNDERGROUND GALLERY. 290. A Bay Horse to left, light mane and long tail ; a white dog hunting a grey hare in the foreground ; to right, an attendant in black jerkin, trunks, and stockings ; grey square beard and short hair ; right hand gloved, holding a red cord, left in pocket, holding glove. In the background a gabled house (Welbeck) and park. Canvas, 74 in. H. x 91 in. W. 291. A Bay Horse to left, view of Welbeck Abbey in background, with numerous figures, landscape, and hills. Canvas. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 56, p. 209. It is catalogued, curiously enough, amongst the miniatures, but was hung in another gallery. 84 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [passage to underground gallery. 292. The Countess of Oxford's Dun Mare, with Thornton the Groom. j. wootton. The Dun Mare to right, held by Thomas Thornton, the groom, in blue livery ; a whip in his left. Landscape background, hill to left and tall tree. Canvas, 106 in. H. x 132 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Hall, No. i. 293. Arab Horse, with Attendant in a Landscape. J. Wootton, 1724. White Arab horse, with Eastern attendant in red, wearing a turban, leaning on a low wall to right ; a greyhound seated in the foreground, landscape background with architecture. Signed on wall to right, "J. Wootton fecit 1724." Canvas, 4of in. H. x 50J in. W. Cat. 1 747. Vestibule No. 8. " The Bloody Shoulder'd Arabian Horse, sent over f" Aleppo, by Mr. Nathaniel Harley, w"" the Turk & his Dog." Exhibited at Manchester. Cat No. 9. Modern Masters. 294. Dun Mare, with Attendant in a Landscape. J. Wootton. A Dun Arab to left, held by an Eastern attendant in blue, with red cap. In the foreground are lying a crimson saddle and stirrups, a blue bow, a quiver of arrows, and a scymitar. A Pyramid is to right, palm tree to left, and a view of the desert and pyramids in the background. Canvas, 84 in. H. x 68 in. W. Cat. 1747- Steward's Parlour, No. 2. 295. Landscape with the Countess of Oxford Hunting the Hare on Orwell Hill. J. Wootton. The Countess in a green and silver habit on a dun mare, and a gentleman in scarlet on a brown horse ; on the left hand of the Countess is a trumpeter and two huntsmen, two other figures riding behind. In the foreground is a boy in blue with a hare slung over his shoulders ; a shepherd to right, taking off his cap as the Countess passes. The hare is to the right. In the distance is a huntsman, who has lost control of his horse, and two running footmen ; the brow of a hill to left, the hounds in full cry ; view of a distant country. Canvas, 83 in. H. x 116 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Hall, No. 3. 296. Landscape with the Countess of Oxford Hawking in Wimpole Park. J. Wootton. The Countess in a scarlet and gold habit, attended by running footmen in blue and white livery. The central group consists of a falconer, a clergyman, and a PASSAGE TO UNDERGROUND GALLERY.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 85 gentleman, all on horseback ; two other figures in blue to right, and an attendant with a led horse. Below the hill are other falconers on horseback, and to the extreme left a horseman riding towards the others ; several spaniels are playing about in the foreground. An extensive view over the low country. Canvas, 85 in. H. x 120 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Hall, No. 2. 297. Marine View. The Island of St. Nicholas, (" Drake's Island,") Plymouth. A fortress by the sea shore, with vessels of war lying off. Canvas, 43!^ in. H. x 72^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Steward's Parlour, No. 3. 298. Greyhounds, and Game. Four dogs to right, and a young boar lying at the foot of a tree ; hanging to left are a fawn, a heron, and partridges. A hunter's bag hangs to a fork of the tree, and on the branches above are two chameleons. In the centre foreground, a couple of pheasants. Landscape background. False signature " Snyders f." Canvas, 51 in. H. x 94J in. W. The Duke of Newcastle's Managed Horses. 299. A Black Horse to right, prancing ; background, a torrent. 300. A Chestnut to left, lake with low hills in background. 301. A Dark Chestnut to right, view of Bolsover Castle in background to right. 302. A Chestnut to right, high hill to left, ravine in background with houses, to right. 303. A Dun to right, with light mane and tail, lake in background, a burning tower to left. 304. A Dark Brown, with heavy mane and tail, to right, marked on the haunches with a coat of arms, background of hills. 305. A Grey, with long mane, to left, ravine in background, capital of column to left. 306. A Chestnut to left, prancing, lake background, sunset sky, tower on an island to right. 307. A Dark Bay, with white nose, to left, ravine and waterfall in background. 86 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [passage to underground gallery. 308. A Black Horse to left, landscape background, with a lake. All are on canvas. Cat. 1747. Great Hall. 309. Henry de Vere, Earl of Oxford, D. 1625. Full length, life size, standing to right, purple doublet and trunks, closely braided with gold braid edged with silver, embroidered sword belt, falling ruff and cuffs edged with lace, white riding boots and spurs, the knees covered with plain linen stocks ; brown fair hair, pointed beard and moustache, holding his hat in his right hand, left on hip. Dark background, red eastern carpet with dark pattern. Inscribed " Henry de Vere,/ Earl of Oxford,/ Ld. High Chamberlain/ Ob. 1625. Married/ Diana the 2d Daughter/ to Wm. Cecil Earl of Exeter." Canvas, 85!- in. H, x 49!^ in. W. 310. Arabella Cavendish, Wife of Charles, Lord Spencer, as a Child, Full length, life size, seated to right, on a stone step ; loose blue robe with wide sleeves, looped up from the right shoulder, and white chemisette ; she is seated on I crimson drapery. By her side is a stone vase with flowers, from which she has gathered a flower she holds in her left, the right elbow rests on some drapery, hair loose, falling over left shoulder, a flower set in it on the right side. Garden, with fountain and statue to right, column and curtain to left. Inscribed below, " Arabella Cavendishe,/ 5th Daughter of Henry Duke of Newcastle,/ Married Charles Ld. Spencer." Canvas, 87 in. H. x 53 in. W. 311. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. 1593 — 1641. Full length, life size, standing to right, in Garter Robes ; holding blue velvet mantle in his right, the left outstretched towards table, covered with a crimson cloth, il on which lies his hat; dark background, and column to right. Inscribed " Thos. ■f - Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, married to his/ 2d wife Arabella, 2D Daughter TO John, Earl of Clare/ ob: 1641." Canvas, 85 in. H. x 49|- in. W. The head copied from Vandyck, 312. John Holles, ist Earl of Clare. 1564 — 1637. Maria Verelst. Full length, life size, standing to left, in Peer's Robes ; holding coronet in right, left on hip ; wall and fluted columns to left, sky seen between ; curtain to right. Inscribed " Jn°. Holles, ist Earl/ of Clare, married Ann, Daughter/ of S". Th". Stanhope of Shelford/ in the County of Nottingham." Canvas, 95 in. H. x 58^^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 15. Copy by Miss Verelst, i passage to underground gallery.] at welbeck abbey. %y 313. Gertrude Pierrepoint, Mrs. Cheney. Full length, life size, to left ; white satin dress, blue scarf, blue buskins, and gold sandals ; she holds in her hand a garland of flowers ; the blue scarf passes over left shoulder, and is gathered up at the waist by a gold band. Trees and sky to left, dark architectural background. Inscribed "Mrs. Gertrude Pierpont,/ married Mr. Cheney." Canvas, ?>•] in. H. x 53! in. W. There is a semi-classical air about this portrait ; it may be intended to represent " Flora." 314. Gilbert Holles, 3RD Earl of Clare. Maria Verelst. Full length, life size, standing to left, in Peer's Robes, long brown wig, and lace cravat ; his right hand on coronet which is placed on a table covered with a brown cloth, to left. Dark background, brown curtain to right. Inscribed "Gilbert Holles, 3° Earl/ of Clare, married Grace/ 4^" Daughter of William/ Pierepoint OF Thorsesby, Es'." Canvas, 93 in. H. x 58 in. W. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 17. Copy by Miss Verelst. 315. Horace, Lord Vere of Tilbury. 1565 — 1635. Full length, life size, standing to right, in armour; red leather sword belt, blue sash, pointed beard and moustache, plain falling ruff, truncheon in right hand, left on plumed helmet, placed on a pedestal to right ; landscape background with castle on a rock, dark crimson curtain to left, chequered pavement. Inscribed " Horace, Lord Vere, Baron of Tilbury, married Mary, daughter/ to Sr. Jno. Tracey of Todington in Gloustershire, and died An. 1635." Canvas, 84f in. H. x 48f in. W. 316. William Cavendish, ist Duke of Newcastle. 1592 — 1676. After Vandyck. Full length, life size, standing to right, wearing red ribbon, his left on his hip, right hanging down, holding his hat, base of column, and sky to right. Inscribed below, "William Cavendish, ist Duke of Newcastle," Canvas, 83!^ in. x 50 in. W. This picture is an old copy of the original in this collection, taken before the Duke obtained his Garter. Cat. 1747. Dressing- Room, No. i. 317. Gilbert Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury. Full length, life size, to right, in Peer's Robes ; beneath his red robes, black doublet and trunks, braided with crimson and gold stripes ; black stockings, white 88 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [passage to underground gallery. shoes with rose-coloured rosettes, black hair, moustache, and pointed beard ; wide falling ruff edged with lace ; in his right a black stick, coronet in left ; the hands are gloved, dark grey background, eastern carpet. Inscribed " Gilbert Talbot/ Erl. ll -OF Shrewsbury,/ married Mary Daughter of/ Sr. Wm. Cavendishe." Canvas, 83 in. H. x 53! in. W. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 7. 318. Elizabeth Vere, Wife of John, 2nd Earl of Clare. Full length, life size, seated to right, holding a black and white spaniel on her lap to drink at a fountain, white satin dress with scalloped edges, blue mantle, a grey gauze scarf with yellow stripes passes over the right shoulder; wide sleeves ornamented with pearls and jewels ; pearl necklace and ear-rings, a string of pearls round knot at back of hair, falling over left shoulder to lap. Dark rocky background to left ; sky to right, and fountain with boy blowing a horn and riding on a dolphin. Inscribed " Elizabeth, Eldest Daughter & one/ of the Coheirs to Horatio, Lord Vere/ of Tilbury married J no. 2D Earl of Clare." Canvas, 82 in. H. x 50 in. W. Cat. 1747. Turret Room, No. 3. 319. Elizabeth Cheney, Wife of Henry Monson, Esq. Full length, life size, standing to right ; dark blue satin dress, short wide sleeves with scalloped edges, showing white sleeves of chemisette ; pearl necklace, bands of pearls round knot at back of head, dark hair, curling to shoulders ; pearl ear-rings ; holding a striped tulip in her right, left touching dress; rock background, vase containing a red flower to left, warm sky. Inscribed " Elizabeth Cheney/ married TO Henry Monson, Esqr." Canvas, 86|^ in. H. x 54^ in. W. Cat, 1747. Turret Room, No. i. 320. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. 1593 — 1641. Full length, life size, standing to right, in Garter Robes ; his right doubled on his hip, holding hat in left ; plain linen band ; column to right, eastern carpet. Inscribed " Tho. Wentworth/ Earl of Strafford/ married to his 2" wife/ Arrabella ' 2° Daughter of/ John, Earl of Clare/ ob: 1641." i| Canvas, 96 in. H. x 57^^ in. W. The head copied from Vandyck, the picture has been painted for the Robes. 321. Frances Cavendish, Wife of John Campbell, Lord Glenorchy. Full length, life size, to left ; white dress, bodice, and sleeves, ornamented with I jewels and pearls ; blue velvet mantle lined with ermine ; right hand touching table ■r i PASSAGE TO UNDERGROUND GALLERY.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 89 covered with a yellow cloth, on which stands a vase, with a white flower ; left holding mantle; yellow curtain, brown background. Inscribed "Frances Cavendishe/ 2° Daughter OF Henry,/ Duke OF Newcastle,/ married] ohn Campbel/ L°. Glenorchv." Canvas, 85 in. H. x 51 in, W. Cat. 1747. Great Drawing-Room, No. 6. 322. Edmund Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave. D. 1646. Full length, life size, standing to right, in Garter Robes; a stick in his right hand, holding plumed hat in left ; long hair and pointed beard ; dark background, column to left, eastern carpet. Inscribed " Edmd. Shefield/ El. of Mulgrave/ married 2 WiFEs/ 1ST Ursula, JDaughter/ of Sr. Rort. Tirwhit/ 2D Maruna/ Daughter to Sr. Wm. Erwin. Kt." Canvas, 85 in. H. x 49!- in. W. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 8. 323. Gertrude Pierrepoint, Wife of George Savile, Marquis of Halifax. Full length, life size, to left ; loose grey and yellow gown, blue cloak ; flowers in right, cloak gathered up with left ; a string of pearls and jewels passes over the right shoulder, and under left arm ; long dark hair, hanging over left shoulder in clusters of curls ; landscape background, a low bank at the back of the figure ; red curtain above, sustained by the branch of an oak tree. Inscribed " Gertrude Pierpont,/ Youngest Daughter to y"/ Honble. William Pierpont/ of Thoresby, Married to/ Geo: Savile, Marquis of Halifax." Canvas. Cat. 1747. South Dressing- Room, No. 3. 324. Robert Harley, ist Earl of Oxford. 1661 — 1724. Full length, life size, standing to right, in Peer's Robes ; he wears the George and collar, holding a long wand in his right ; an Earl's coronet is on a table, covered with a green velvet cloth, to right ; dark background ; green curtain to left, column to right. Canvas. go CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, No. ; UNDERGROUND GALLERY, No. 2. 325. James I. 1566 — 1603 — 1625. Three-quarter length, life size, to right, white doublet and sleeves without ornament, except a row of jewelled buttons down the front ; the trunks, also white, are richly embroidered with pearls ; sword belt covered with pearls, jewelled hilt to sword ; short dark brown cloak, lined with fur; black hat and feather, ornamented with a brooch of rubies and pearls ; collar and cuffs, edged with point lace ; the George, enamelled in gold and set with diamonds, is suspended to a pearl and diamond collar ; brown gloves with red wristbands, small square beard, short whiskers and thin moustache ; the right elbow rests on a table at his side, which is covered with a green cloth ; his left hangs by his side, holding gloves. Patterned background. On oak, the panel is composed of several pieces varying in thickness. From Bulstrode, No. 44, MS. List, B. M. 326. Henry, Prince of Wales, Eldest Son of James L 1594 — 1612. Ascribed to Vansomer. Full length, small life size, standing, in Garter Robes, the doublet and trunks are white, the surcoat (gathered in at the waist) is of red velvet lined with white silk, and the cloak of purple velvet lined with white silk ; a long velvet band crosses the breast and reaches to the middle of the leg ; he wears the George and collar, composed of the Tudor rose in enamel, surrounded by a Garter, joined by gold knots ; the sword belt is embroidered with gold and fastened with a gold clasp ; the Garter edged with pearls, the motto in jewels, set in gold on a violet band ; the long cord and tassels, of purple and gold cord, belonging to cloak, are crossed in front and knotted below ; the tassels slung over the sword hilt. In his right he holds his gloves, which are edged with pink silk and studded with pearls; the left hand is placed on his hip. White stockings, gartered below the knee ; white shoes with rosettes and pearl centres. Straight flaxen hair, brushed off the forehead, a wide collar edged with lace falls over the shoulders. A table covered with a green cloth to left, on which is placed his black hat, decorated with a plume of white ostrich feathers, fastened by a jewelled ornament ; the sides are also ornamented with rubies, pearls, and diamonds ; an Eastern carpet beneath the feet. A dark green curtain, divided in the centre, hangs on either side in the background. Canvas, 62 in. H. x 42 in. W. From Bulstrode, No. 45. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 38. Stuart Exhibition, New Gallery. No. 63. underground gallery, no. 2.] at welbeck abbey. 9i 327. Lady Arabella Stuart, at the age of 13. 1575 — 1615. Full length, under life size, standing to left; white dress with full sleeves powdered with jewels, set in gold ; the hem of the dress and edge of the bodice are ornamented with similar jewels, eleven gold and red enamelled brooches are set in front of the petticoat ; embroidered cuffs edged with yellow lace, the corset is edged with black and white embroidery at the neck ; a girdle of pearls and jewels sewn on a band encircles the waist ; necklace of four rows of pearls, tied together with a narrow black ribbon at the breast, hanging below the girdle, double strings of pearls wound round the wrists ; long hair, hanging over the shoulders and below the waist ; a pearl is set at the top of the hair, in the centre, and she wears similar drop ear-rings. Her right hand is placed on the table to left, her left hangs by her side, holding the fan which is suspended from her waist by a red cord ; on the table, which is covered with a green cloth, are two books ; at her feet to left lies a small black and white dog. Red curtain to right, looped back, Eastern carpet. Inscribed in yellow letters on a tablet with a black ground, bordered with blue and surrounded by a red frame, to left in upper corner, "ARBELLA STUARTA/ COMITISSA LEVINI^/ yETATIS SU^, 1 3 ET |-/ ANNO DNL 1 5 89." Beneath is a later inscription, " Grandaughter to Sr. Wm./ Cavendishe & Elizth. Hardwick by Elizth./ their 2nd Daughter &/ her Husband/ Charles Stuart,/ Earl of Lenox." Canvas, 64 in. H. x 34^^ in. W. Lady Arabella Stuart, (gran'daughter of Sir William Cavendish and Elizabeth Hardwick, by their 2nd Daughter,) married Sir William Seymour, 2nd son of the Duke of Somerset, without consulting James ist, who committed her to the Tower, where she died in 1615. This portrait was attributed to Zucchero, who was not in England as late as 1589, the date of the picture. A copy of smaller size, 17 x 14^ in., belongs to the Duke of Devonshire. Cat. 1747. In the South Dressing-Room, No. 4. Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857. Cat. No. t,'j. Stuart Exhibition, New Gallery, 1889. Cat. No. 58. 328. Henry Wriothesley, 3RD Earl of Southampton. 1573 — 1624. Full length, life size, standing to left ; in a white satin peascod doublet, white and gold trunks and knee breeches ; red and gold-embroidered sword belt, decorated with two white bows ; white stockings, with purple garters tied below the knee and embroidered with silver thread, and black shoes. The gorget descends in a point to the middle of the breast, the edge of red leather is scalloped, and embroidered with silver; the hilt of rapier is ornamented with gold ; the body armour, the whole of which is richly damascened, lies on the ground to right ; it is decorated with interlaced serpents in a lozenge pattern, the interstices filled with flowers, birds, and snails ; broad collar edged 92 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, no. ,. with lace ; the hair is worn long, and brought over in front of the left shoulder, hanging below the arm pit ; slight beard and moustache. The right hand rests on a table, covered with a purple velvet cloth, embroidered with gold ; the left on his hip ; white gloves, embroidered with flowers ; dark background and tesselated pavement. Canvas, 8i in. H. x 47 in. W. Henry Wriothesley, 3rd E. of Southampton, born 1573, the friend and patron of Shakespeare. In 1599 as General of Horse accompanied Essex to Ireland. Joined Essex insurrection, accused of high treason, and sentenced to death, reprieved by Elizabeth, and attainder reversed in following reign. Took part in colonization of . America. In 1624 in the Netherlands, where he was seized with a fever and died November, 1624. From Bulstrode, No. 30, MS. List. Tudor Exhibition, New Gallery, 1890. Cat. No. 386. 329. Portrait of a Gentleman. Full length, life size, standing to right ; doublet of purple brocade embroidered with flowers in colours and gold, and braided with gold ; striped trunks, closely braided with gold braid edged with silver ; a short cloak of the same pattern is thrown over the left arm, lined like the doublet ; violet silk hose, gartered below the knee with ties of the same colour, embroidered, and edged with gold and silver lace ; white perforated shoes with rosettes of gold and silver lace ; ruff and cuffs edged with point lace ; frizzed hair, beardless ; his left hand on his sword hilt, the right by his side. Dark background with grey column to right, and pilaster to left. Canvas, 8o|- in. H. x 37^^ in. W. From Bulstrode ? 330. Frances Howard, Countess of Essex, and Countess of Somerset. D. 1632. Ascribed to Vansomer. Full length, life size, standing to right ; the bodice, sleeves, and petticoat are of purple satin, richly embroidered with flowers in coloured silk and gold, the edge scalloped and finished with gold lace and spangles ; two red bows fasten the front of the bodice which is cut very low at the neck, and like the cuffs, bordered with yellow lace relieved on a scarlet ground. The cufis are ornamented with triple bands of lace, and a wide point lace collar finishes the edge of the bodice ; the train, falling from the shoulders, is of apple green satin, one end is caught up and fastened to the waist, the edge is embroidered with scarlet flowers, green leaves, and gold thread ; scarlet stockings and white perforated shoes, with scarlet rosettes edged with gold lace ; fair hair, short and curled above the forehead, brushed from the face, and hanging loose to the shoulders ; it is waved, but without ornament ; necklace of rubies set in gold, with pearls at the points ; an ear-ring in the left ear with love lock attached to a heart, L UNDERGROUND GALLERY, No. ».] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 93 a plain cord (probably a hair chain), depends from the neck ; a ring on the little finger of the right hand is attached to a cord, which is wound three times round the wrist ; knotted and looped at short intervals, and attached to the cuff, where a ring hangs on one of the loops. In her right hand she holds a handkerchief, with a broad border of point lace ; her left is placed on the table, which is covered with a dark eastern cloth ; dark purple curtain, braided with gold, to right ; sky and landscape to left ; she stands on an eastern carpet. Canvas, 80 in. H. x 48 in. W. Frances, Daughter of Thos. Howard, ist Earl of Suffolk, by his 2nd wife Catherine Knevet; married ist Robt. Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex, from whom she obtained a divorce; and 2nd Robt. Carr, Earl of Somerset in 1613. She was implicated in the poisoning of Sir Thos. Overbury, and died in 1632. From Bulstrode, No. 39. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 24. 331. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, as a Youth. 1592 — 1628. Full length, life size, standing to right ; dark green flowered doublet and trunks, sword belt ornamented with bows and tags ; green stockings, gartered below the knee with crimson, gold embroidered ties ; falling ruff, edged with point lace ; lace cuffs, and slashings to sleeves ; white perforated shoes, with gold lace rosettes. His right hand rests on his hip, his left is placed on the table to right, covered with a crimson cloth, on which rests his black hat with a gold band ; heavy gold fringe to table cloth ; eastern carpet with red ground; dark background. He is represented young and beardless, with dark hair, both hands are gloved, a sword is slung at his belt. Inscribed " Mr. • George Villiers, afterwards/ Duke of Buckingham." Canvas. From Bulstrode, No. 28. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 44. It was attributed to Jansen. 332. Mary Cavendish, Wife of Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury. Three-quarter length, life size, to left ; black dress, ornamented with thin bands of velvet, covered with innumerable tags ; down the front of the bodice runs a strip of muslin, fastened by six gold and jewelled brooches, a seventh is below the point of the bodice, which is finished with a red bow, similar ornaments at the sleeves where they are fastened to the shoulder ; a jewel is pinned to the left breast by a red bow, and a watch is suspended to the waist at the right side ; black ruff, spotted with white, and edged with a broad border of white point lace ; pearl and ruby necklace, a collar of five strings of pearls terminating in a pendent pearl attached to a gold chain, a collar of five strings of pearls descends below the waist ; the hair is dressed in minute curls, brought to a point in the middle of the forehead. The right hand rests on the dress. 94 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, no.2. in the left she holds a closed fan. Inscribed to right, in upper comer, " Mary, 3RD Daughter/ to Sr. Wm. Cavendishe,/ married Gilbert, Earl/ of Shrewsbury." Canvas, 42 in. H. x 34 in. W. She was the Daughter of Elizabeth Hardwick, and wife of 7th Earl of Shrewsbury. Cat. 1747. Great Dining- Room, No. 15. 333. Francis Manners, 6th Earl of Rutland. D. 1632. Full length, life size, standing to left ; scarlet jerkin and trunks, the sleeves of the doublet embroidered with gold, the trunks are braided with crimson, and ornamented with rows of buttons ; the knees covered with stocks of gold cloth ; plain ruff and small gorget ; the George is suspended to his neck by a blue ribbon ; gold embroidered sword belt, riding boots turned down below the knee, and spurs. His right hand is placed on the table to left, covered with a dark green cloth, on which is placed his beaver with white ostrich plume, his left is on his hip ; body armour on the ground to right, eastern carpet ; dark brown background. Inscribed " Francis Manners, Earl of Rutland." Canvas, 80 in. H. x 48 in. W. Francis 6th Earl of Rutland, was the 2nd son of John 4th Earl, he succeeded to the Earldom on the death of his brother Roger in 161 2. Married ist Frances d. of Sir Henry Knyvett ; their only d. Katherine m. George Villiers D. of Buckingham. The Earl m. 2ndly Cecily d. of Sir Jas. Tufton of Hothfield. From Bulstrode, No. 33. 334. Lucy Harrington, Wife of Edward, 3RD Earl of Bedford. D. 1627. Full length, life size, standing to left, in a Fancy dress ; the white tight-fitting jacket, open from the neck to the waist, is embroidered with flowers and edged with gold lace, the sleeves the same, the pattern of the embroidery is enriched with a multitude of silver spangles, and the red bands which encircle the close-fitting sleeves are covered with open lace, cut wider than the spaces they cover, so as to puff out, and arch them over. The wristbands are turned back and embroidered, with a cuff of point lace ; the bodice which shows at the opening of the jacket, is of red silk with gold stripes, pleated in front; the girdle of pearls and jewels, with a jewelled three- pointed aigrette in the centre at the point of the bodice ; the upper skirt is of red silk, the same as the bodice, with horizontal bands of gold, and square patches of grey (silver spangles ?) at intervals, the bands are probably formed of narrow gold braid : the edging is of gold lace, enriched with gold pendent spangles ; the petticoat is of blue silk, richly braided with nine bands of open gold braid, the bands of blue silk between, are covered with gold spangles ; red stockings with gold clocks, blue shoes, covered with lace, red rosettes with jewelled centres. Auburn hair, arranged in a mass of small curls, surmounted by a pearl and ruby, crown-shaped, head-dress. UNDERGROUND GALLERY, No. J.] AT WELBECK ABBEY." 95 somewhat narrow in front, with a diamond aigrette of five points in the centre, above this is a smaller aigrette of three points, with rings of pearls above, the whole topped by a large triangular diamond, with a pearl at the point ; on the left side of the head, is an aigrette of white feathers ; a long gauze veil is attached to the head-dress, ornamented with little tufts of red floss silk, the veil is striped ; a pearl bracelet is wound round the right wrist, and fastened with a jewel to the cuff; pearl necklace, with jewelled pendant, and ruby ear-rings ; the right hand by her side, the left, doubled under at her waist, holding gauze veil. The background is partly dark, with light breaking through, to the right ; a dark mass descends obliquely behind the figure, a pale light to the left divides it into two masses of cloudy shadow ; lower down to the right, where the light from the above is dimmer, it is crossed horizontally by a wavy band of light, and there are smaller patches of light below ; it is possible that the dark masses are intended for flying drapery ; the ground on which she stands is dark brown, without flowers, or shrub of any kind. Inscribed in the lower left hand corner " Lucy Harrington 0^ of Bedford." Canvas, 8o|^ in. H. x 48 in. W. Lucy, eldest daughter of John, ist Lord Harrington of Exton, married 1594, Edward, 3rd Earl of Bedford. She was the patroness of Ben Jonson, Drayton, Daniel, and Donne, all of whom wrote verses in praise of her accomplishments. A full length portrait of her in a black dress, attributed to Mark Garrard, was exhibited in 1866 at the National Portrait Exhibition, No. 440; a half length, attributed to Honthorst, belongs to the Duke of Devonshire, and was exhibited at the same time, and again at the Tudor Exhibition in 1 890. From Bulstrode, No. 46, MS. List. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 23. 335. Portrait of a Gentleman. Temp. James L 1603 — 25. Full length, life size, standing to left, wearing a gorget ; purple-grey jerkin and trunks ; the sleeves of the doublet are scarlet, embroidered with gold ; scarlet and gold embroidered sword belt, with red bows and gold tags ; brown gloves, the wrist pieces embroidered in red and gold, with gold fringe ; cloth of gold knee stocks ; ruff and cuffs edged with lace ; riding boots and gilt spurs ; moustache and pointed beard, love lock and ear-ring in Jeft ear ; stick in right hand, left by his side. Table to left, covered with dark cloth with bullion fringe, on which is placed a black hat with gold band, and a red cloak, braided like the jerkin. Brown background, chequer pavement. Canvas, 80 in. H. x 37^^ in. W. The braided ornaments of the dress are similar to those in the portrait of the 6th Earl of Rutland. From Bulstrode. 96 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, no. ,. 336. Richard, Duke of Gloucester, afterwards Richard III. 1452 — 1483 — 1485. Half length, small-life size, to right, putting ring on finger ; gold jewelled collar, three rings on right hand ; dark background. Inscribed, in left upper corner, " Ricardo." Panel, 21 in. H. x i6|^ in. W. 337. Henry VII. 1457— 1485— 1509. Bust, life size, to right. Dark background. Panel, 23 in. H. x 18 in. W. 338. Portrait of a King, Edward IV. .-• Half length, life size, to left, wearing a collar with cross attached, hands clasped. Panel, 19^^ in. H. x 11 in. W. 339. Portrait of a King, John ? Bust, life size, to left, wearing crown, dark background. Panel, 23 in. H. x 17 in. W. Cat. 1747. Staircase. Portraits of Kings of England from William the Conqueror to Henry VIII. 340. Portrait of a Lady. Three-quarter length, life size, to right ; black dress with slashed sleeves, white and gold-embroidered petticoat ; ruff and cuffs edged with lace ; brown frizzed hair with black head-dress at the crown ; black ear-rings, a pearl pendant is fastened to the dress on the left side, beneath which she wears a memorial token attached below the waist. A feather fan in her right hand, her left rests on the back of the chair ; russet-coloured curtain with gold fringe. Dark background with a partially erased inscription, " Elizabeth . . . . cy of P .■*" Panel, 44^ in. H. x 33 in. W. From Bulstrode ? 341. Portrait of a Gentleman. Temp. James I. 1603 — 25. Full length, life size, standing to left ; in a black doublet and dark blue hose ; sword belt embroidered with silver and ornamented with blue and silver tags, stockings gartered below the knee with blue and silver ties ; white perforated shoes, with blue and silver bows, edged with lace ; point lace ruff and cuffs ; dark hair, reddish brown moustache and beard ; right hand doubled on his hip, the left by his side. On UNDERGROUND GALLERY, No. a.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 97 a table to right, which is covered with a red cloth, a black hat with a silver band ; red curtain looped back to left ; dark background, eastern carpet. Canvas, 8o|- in. H. x 48 in. W. From Bulstrode. 342. Portrait of a Lady. Three-quarter length, life size, to right ; in a white dress, the shoulder pieces are decorated with scarlet rosettes with jewelled centres. The corset is edged at the neck with a border of lace, minute white buttons down the front ; the girdle is jewelled, and below the corset is a band braided with silver, to which the skirt is attached ; round the neck is a collar of the thinnest rolled and puffed out muslin, the cuffs are double, the upper of plain muslin, the lower of point lace; pearl necklace and pear-shaped pendants ; the hair is brushed off the forehead and plaited in innumerable small plaits, that are drawn up to meet the gold tiara with tall points set with jewels ; the ends of the plaits are tied with small red bows, that are seen above the tiara ; jewels with alternate red and white pear-shaped pendants are set in the hair, and a large pearl in the centre. She holds a brown fan in her right, the left rests on the edge of her hoop ; the table to right is covered with a crimson velvet cloth ; dark background. Canvas, 45^^ in. H. x 36 in. W. From Bulstrode. 343. Portrait of a Lady. Three-quarter length, life size, to left ; in a white dress, wide slashed sleeves covered with muslin puffs, the bodice is ornamented like the sleeves ; jewelled girdle and pearl necklace ; a collar of numerous rows of pearls hangs from the shoulders to below the waist ; a jewelled ornament in the shape of a palm, with a star shaped base, is set in the centre of the corset ; dark brown hair arranged in minute curls. The right hand rests on a red tablecloth, the left on dress ; dark background. Canvas, 47 in. H. x 37 in. W. From Bulstrode. 344. Portrait of a Gentleman. Full length, life size, standing to right ; white figured silk doublet, ornamented with bows and tags ; red silk sash, dark green knee breeches, and rose-coloured stockings gartered below the knee with cloth of silver, edged with lace ; yellow shoes, with large cloth of silver rosettes ; wide lace collar and cuffs ; short hair, pointed beard and moustache. He holds a stick in his right hand, the left doubled, rests on his hip, beside him to the left is a black and white dog. Curtain to left, opening to right, with the view of a garden. Pavement in the foreground. Canvas, 81 in. H. x 48|- in. W. / o 98 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, no. UNDERGROUND GALLERY, No. 3. 345. Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury, afterwards 3RD Earl of Clarendon, d. 1723, AND HIS Wife, Catherine O'Brien, Baroness Clifton. Sir Peter Lely. Three-quarter length figures, life size, both seated, Lord Cornbury to left, and his wife on the right. Lord Cornbury is in a dark purple-brown silk mantle, showing the full white sleeves of the shirt, his left hand crosses his breast, and gathers up the drapery on his right shoulder ; the right, open, points to his wife, who is seated a little more in front, to the right, in a loose amber-coloured silk dress, with wide sleeves ; a pale blue scarf is fixed to the left shoulder and looped up with jewels ; she holds the end of it in her right, which rests on the left knee ; in her left she holds a white flower, gathered from a vase standing near ; dark yellow curtain looped up behind her, a fountain surmounted by an amorino is in the centre of the background, dark trees beyond. Lady Cornbury has black hair disposed in thin ringlets over her forehead, descending to her shoulders, and wears a pearl necklace ; Lord Cornbury has long dark hair, parted in the centre. Inscribed on the base of the statue in the centre, " Edward Hyde Lord Cornbury," and on the flower vase " Lady Cornbury, Baroness Cliffton." Canvas, 62^^ in. H. x 6^^ in. W. Edward Hyde, only son of 2nd E. Clarendon, Master of the Horse to Prince George of Denmark, Governor of New York ; he is said to have assumed female attire to represent Q. Anne at New York, and a picture of him in a woman's dress belonging to Sir J. S. Pakington, Bart., M.P., was exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition in 1867. Cat. No. 130. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 207. 346. Rachael Ruvigny, Countess of Southampton. School of Vandyck. Full length, seated to left, on the clouds, with her foot on a skull ; the right hand rests on her knee, holding the end of a blue scarf that floats behind her, the left hand on a globe ; loose blue drapery, fastened on the right shoulder with a pearl orna- ment, pearl necklace and pendent ear-rings, a string of pearls wound round the back of the head ; white chemisette with wide sleeves rolled back to the elbow ; the hem of the dress has a scalloped edge. Canvas, 8o|- in. H. x 48 in. W. Engraved in mezzotint by McArdell. A fine replica is in the collection of Earl Cowper, K.G., another belongs to Earl Spencer, K.G., in which she holds a sceptre, a smaller copy is in the Duke of Devon- shire's collection. UNDERGROUND GALLERY, No. 3] AT WELBECK ABBEY. 99 Rachael Ruvigny, Css. of Southampton, the first wife of Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, grandmother to the first Duchess of Portland ; her 2nd daughter was the famous Lady Russell, whose husband was beheaded July, 1683. From Bulstrode, No. 40. 347. William Henry Cavendish, 3RD Duke of Portland, and his Brother, Lord Edward Bentinck. Sir Benjamin West, P.R.A., 1774. Full length figures, life size. The Duke is dressed in Peer's Robes, his right hand leaning on a pedestal, the left hanging beside him ; he stands cross legged ; on the pedestal is his coronet resting on velvet mantle ; silver-embroidered waistcoat and knee breeches and grey wig. His brother stands beside him in a gold-embroidered waist- coat and knee breeches and violet cloak with white silk lining ; brown hair gathered in a queue behind ; his right rests on his brother's shoulder, and his left on his hip, the right knee is bent. Green curtain, looped up with gold cord and tassel to left, stone vase with a rose bush to right ; sky background. Signed on the base of the pedestal, " B. West," and dated " 1774." Canvas. William Henry Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Portland, Viceroy of Ireland, 1782, twice Prime Minister during reign of George III., married Dorothy, only daughter of 4th Duke of Devonshire, died 1809. Lord Edward Bentinck died 18 19. Engraved in mezzotint by J. R. Smith. 348. Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel, K.G. 1721 — 1792. J. G. Ziesenis, 1763. Full length, life size, standing to left ; blue coat with yellow facings and small clothes, black and silver girdle with tassels ; wearing order on right breast. Garter and blue ribbon ; Court sword, powdered hair, white stockings and black shoes ; holding baton in his right, left on hip ; a dog with a red collar beside him near the table to left, looking up at his master ; dog's collar (with padlock attached) inscribed in gold letters, " F.D.B.L. ;" on the table lies a crimson velvet mantle lined with ermine, on which is placed a black hat laced with gold ; architectural background. Signed, "J. G. Ziesenis, Pinxt. 1763." Canvas, 95 in. H. x 60 in. W. Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick, the hero of Minden, fought against the French, 1st August, 1759. Born 12th January, 1721, entered Prussian service at age of 19, distinguished himself in the Seven Years' War, 1756-63. The Peace of Paris, 1763, terminated his military career, he died at Brunswick, 3rd July, 1792. 349. Charles, Duke of Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel. 1735 — 1806. J. G. Ziesenis, 1763. Full length, life size, standing to left, in a landscape ; dark blue uniform with loo CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, no. 3. yellow facings, lined with scarlet ; white small clothes, white and gold silk scarf, boots to knee, star of black eagle on left breast ; right arm extended, his left rests on his hat, placed on a rock to right; landscape background. Signed "J. G. Ziesenis, 1763." Canvas, 95 in. H. x 60 in. W. Charles William Ferdinand, Hereditary Prince of Brunswick and Lunenburg. Born 2nd Oct., 1735, married, 1764, Princess Augusta, daughter of Frederick, Prince of Wales ; served under his uncle. Prince Ferdinand. At the Battle of Auerstadt in 1806, he was wounded by a ball in the forehead, through which he lost his eyesight. Died loth Nov., 1806. A picture of the Prince by Ziesenis was several times engraved; in 1764 it belonged to General Conway. 350. Portrait of a Boy, in a Vandyck Suit. Bust, life size, to right, nearly full-face ; blue cloak thrown over left arm, blue doublet and baldric with silver embroidery, slashed sleeves, laced cuffs and collar; brown hair ; grey background. Pastel on paper. 351. Louis, Due D'Orl£ans, Son of the Regent. 1703 — 1752. C. Coypel, 1740. Bust, in armour, life size, to right, in an oval ; wearing the order of the Golden Fleece attached to a red ribbon, beneath is a broad blue ribbon over another red one. A scarf crosses the left shoulder, the end of which is seen in front of the bust ; grey wig. Pale blue background. Signed to the left, outside the oval, " C. Coypel, 1740." Pastel on paper. A similar portrait was engraved by Drevet. 352. Lady Sundon. D. 1742. George Knapton. Bust, life size, to right, nearly full face ; white satin dress, the corset laced with blue ribbon, a blue knot is fastened to the left side ; the shoulders are covered with a fine lace kerchief, a blue ribbon in her hair ; background grey-blue. Inscribed to right in the top corner, " The Rt. Honble. Lady Sundon." Pastel on paper, 24 in. H. x 18J in. W. Lady Sundon (Charlotte Dives), Mrs. Clayton, Queen Caroline's celebrated waiting woman, died 1742. Cat. 1747. East Dressing-room, No. 4. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 275. 353. Portrait of a Young Girl, as a Bacchante. Bust, life size, to right ; leopard skin over shoulder, and a wreath of ivy leaves, tied with red ribbon, on her head ; sky background. Pastel on paper. underground gallery. no. 3-] atwelbeckabbey. loi 354. Portrait of a Young Man. Bust, life size, to left ; in academical cap, black gown, and band ; dark blue-grey background. Pastel on paper. 355. Dorothy Cavendish, Wife of William Cavendish Bentinck, 3RD Duke of Portland. Francis Cotes, R.A., 1767. Bust, life size, to right ; black silk mantilla with lace edging, a frill of pink silk ribbon round the neck ; brown hair done up in a knot on the top of the head ; dark blue-grey background. Signed to the right, " F. Cotes, pxt. 1767." Pastel on paper. 356. Portrait of a Gentleman. Francis Cotes, R.A., 1767. Bust, life size, to left ; brown coat, violet waistcoat with a broad border of gold lace, light wig, laced cravat; blue-grey background. Signed to left, " F. Cotes 1767." Pastel on paper. 357. Portrait of a Gentleman. Francis Cotes, R.A,, 1767. Bust, life size, to left ; crimson velvet coat lined with white silk, lace cravat, dark ribbon round the neck ; dark eyebrows, powdered wig ; brown background. Signed to left, " F. Cotes, pxt. i 767.' Pastel on paper. 358. Sir Charles Cavendish. D. 161 7. D. Mytens. Full length, life size, standing to right ; black slashed doublet with lace in the openings ; his right hangs by his side holding a glove, hat with jewelled band in his gloved left ; point lace collar and cuffs, orange stockings gartered below the knee, gold and silver brocade ties, slashed shoes with rosettes of silver lace. Pale-auburn hair parted in the centre, hanging below the ears, moustache brushed up at the ends, small tuft on chin. Behind, to left, a table covered with a green velvet cloth ; dark back- ground. Inscribed below to right, "Sr. Charles Cavendishe." Canvas, 84 in. H. x 47^^ in. W. Sir Charles Cavendish, 3rd son of Sir William Cavendish and Elizabeth Hard- wick, married ist, Margaret, Daughter and Coheir of Sir Thomas Kitson of Hengrave, Suffolk, 2nd, Catherine Baroness Ogle; he was father of the ist Duke of Newcastle, and died 161 7. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 5. Cat. 1 83 1. Chapel Staircase. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 43. I02 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, no. 3. 359. The Garden of Love. After Rubens. A composition of numerous small figures, in a garden landscape. Canvas, 48 in. H. x 62 in. W. A good old copy of the picture at Madrid. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 360. Catherine, Baroness Ogle, Wife of the ist Sir Charles Cavendish. Full length, life size, standing to left ; dark blue velvet dress, low bodice, and ermine mantle ; her right rests on the corner of the table, with her left she gathers up the folds of her dress ; wide sleeves open below the shoulder, fastened with jewelled clasps, lawn sleeves edged with point lace ; pearl necklace, the bodice is ornamented with four pearl and diamond jewels down the front ; dark curled hair, disposed in masses on either side of the head, with curls on the temples. Dark green velvet table cover with broad gold border, three roses in a glass vase near her hand.* Archi- tectural background, a column against the sky, gold brocade curtain to left. Inscribed below to left, " Catherine, Baroness Ogle, of Ogle, 2nd daughter and Heiress TO Cuthbert, Lord Ogle, Wife to Sir Charles Cavendishe, and Mother to Wm. Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, 85 in. H. x 51 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Alcove Bedchamber, No. 4. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, Cat. No. 42. 361. William Bentinck, ist Earl of Portland. 1649 — 1709. Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1697. Full length, life size, standing to right, in Garter Robes ; wearing the George and collar, his coronet lies on a gilded pedestal to left, on the corner of which his right, hand rests ; the left on his hip. On the front of the pedestal, within a wreath, is inscribed "William Bentinck, Earl of Portland." Sky and terrace to left. Signed, to left, on step, "G. Kneller Eques. f. 1697," Canvas, 84 in. H. x 66|^ in. W, From Bulstrode, No. i. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 231 e. 362. Sir Charles Cavendish. D. 1653. Full length, life size, standing to right, in armour. Inscribed below to the right, "The second S". Charles Cavendishe." Canvas, 88:|- in. H. x 51^^ in. W. The figure and background copied from the portrait of Strafford by Vandyck in this collection. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 10. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 122. I UNDERGROUND GALLERY. No. 3.] AT WELBECK ABBEY. IO3 363. Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, and Frances Seymour, his 3RD Wife. Sir P. Lely. Three-quarter length figures, life size. The Earl holds his wand of Office and is seated to left, turning to spectator; black doublet and cloak, blue ribbon crossing breast, plain linen band ; right arm crossed in front of him, holding the edge of his cloak with his right hand ; the left, gloved, holds the right hand glove and his staff. Dark hair falling over collar ; he wears a large eight-pointed star, in the centre of which is the badge of the Garter. The Countess is standing on the left ; white dress, olive- brown scarf, descending from right shoulder in front of her ; her right hand is open, with the first finger extended, left holding scarf ; brown curled hair, large pendent ear- rings and pearl necklace. Landscape and sky to left, red curtain to right, looped up against a column. Inscribed above to right, "THO^ Earl of Southampton," and to left, " The CouNT^ of Southampton." Canvas. ' From Bulstrode, Nos. 14 and 15. 364. Elizabeth Bassett, of Blore, ist Wife of William, ist Duke of Newcastle. D. Mytens, 1624. Full length, life size, standing to left; black dress, with orange-red bows and rosette ; the right hand gloved, holding left-hand glove ; sleeves open below the shoulder, showing accordion-pleated white sleeve beneath, wide ruff and cuffs ; the neck is covered with pleated muslin. Below the ruff is suspended a jewel, a jewelled chain depends from the shoulders, passes round the edge of the dress, and is gathered in a long pendent loop in front of the bodice, where it is fastened by an orange rosette ; a love lock hangs from the left side of the head, fastened to a jewelled heart with a crown of pearls, a pendent pearl in right ear ; dark hair, brushed off the forehead. A white ostrich-feather fan lies on the table to left, which is covered with a crimson velvet cloth ; grey background, crimson curtains on either side, oriental carpet. Inscribed on the background, ".^tatis su^ 25, Anno 1624, D. Mytens feV and below to right, " Elizabeth Daughter and/ heir to W". Bassett of Blore/ Es'^^ married W". Lord Ogle/ AFT°^ Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, Sy^ in. H. x 54 in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Drawing- Room, No. 2. Cat. 1 83 1. Chapel Staircase. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 40. I04 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [gZL™ ''''°^''''''''"'"' LOBBY TO UNDERGROUND GALLERY. 365. William Henry Cavendish Scott Bentinck, 4th Duke of Portland. 1768 — 1854. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left ; holding a pen in his right, the left hand rests on the arm of the chair in which he is seated ; star on left breast. Canvas. William Henry, 4th Duke, F.R.S., F.S.A. Born 24th June, 1768, married 4th August, 1 795, Henrietta, eldest daughter and coheir of General John Scott of Balcomie co. Fife. Died 27th March, 1854. 366. William Ponsonby, 2nd Earl of Bessborough, 1704— 1793. Jean Etienne Liotard. Bust, life size, profile, to right. Coloured in imitation of a cameo, the head on a blue-grey ground. Pastel on paper, 24|- in. H. x 19I in. W. Presented by Lord William Bentinck to Madame Adelaide of France who, by her will, bequeathed it to the Duke of Portland. A duplicate of this pastel remained in the possession of Liotard's family, and was bequeathed by Madlle. Liotard to the Amsterdam Gallery, Cat. No. 858. William, 2nd Earl of Bessborough, a distinguished politician, filled several high offices. Lord of the Treasury, etc., married, 1739, Lady Caroline Cavendish, eldest daughter of William, 3rd Duke of Devonshire. Ld. Bessborough was a particular friend of Liotard's, and several pastels by him are still preserved by the family in Ireland, including a portrait of Frederick, 3rd Earl, when young. 367. Adelaide Kemble, Mrs. Sartoris, as Semiramis. Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Full length, life size, to left ; white dress embroidered with gold and jewels, scarlet cloak, crimson sash in which is stuck a dagger ; she points with her right out- stretched, and holds cloak with left. Architectural background; through principal opening to left is the view of an Egyptian temple. Canvas. 368. William John Cavendish Scott Bentinck, 5th Duke of Portland. 1800 — 1879. Ward. Full length, life size, seated in an arm chair, full face, looking down, a plan of Welbeck across his knees. With his right he holds the paper, the left hangs over the arm of the chair. Black morning coat, buttoned up, and white cravat ; he wears" LOBBY TO UNDERGROUND-] ^J WELBECK ABBEY. lO"; GALLERY. a wig, his hat and stick lie on the carpet to left ; a table covered with papers, and ink- stand to right. Architectural background, parapet and crimson curtain ; opening to right, sunset sky. Canvas. A posthumous portrait painted for Lady Ossington from a photograph, and the cast taken after the Duke's death, from which the marble bust in the Gallery was executed. 369. Portrait of a Young Man. Half length, life size, standing to left ; scarlet coat, embroidered waistcoat, short wig and black tie, black riband round the neck ; left hand outstretched pointing. Column to left, dark background. Canvas. 370. Belisarius. After Mierevelt ? by James Goupy. Composition of six figures and a dog. Belisarius is seated to the right receiving alms from a woman ; a soldier, with his hands joined, stands in front of him to the left ; behind are two women and a child. Coloured pastel, on paper, 22 in. H. x 28 in. W. The original picture, a canvas with life-sized figures, is at Chatsworth. Cat. 1 747. North Room, No. 6. 371. The Tower of Babel. In, the foreground, to right, the King, attended by numerous courtiers, is giving instructions to a man kneeling, who presents a plan to him ; some masons are busy, in the centre, below the steps. The tower rises, in the centre, on a vast platform, which is flanked to the left by a fortified wall, with a town built on it. The tower is built tier above tier, like an amphitheatre, until it is lost in the clouds. The ground in the middle distance, between the outer wall and the platform on which the tower rises, is crowded with figures, as busy as ants. Canvas, 372^ in. H. x 49! in. W. ' Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing-Room. • 372. Queen Anne. 1665— 1702— i 714. _ After Kneller. Bust, life size, profile, to left, in an oval, wearing crown ; gold brocade dress, ermine collar and facings, ermine cloak, collar with St. George, knot on left shoulder of gold cord ; a long curl descends over right shoulder. Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. Said to be a study for the coinage, and similar to a picture by Kneller at Blenheim. I06 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES llZ'^'^^vrnTJ^'''''''"' 373. Lord William Bentinck, G.C.B. 1774 — 1839. Bust, life size, to right ; in uniform, wearing an order and blue ribbon ; sky background. Canvas, oval, 32 in. H. x 25 in. W. Lord William Henry Bentinck, G.C.B., G.C.H., born 14th Sept. 1774, Governor- General of India, 1827-1835, married, 19th February, 1803, Mary, 2nd daughter of Arthur, ist Earl of Gosford. Exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition, 1868. Cat. No. 243. LIBRARY. 374. Sir Kenelm Digby (1603— 1655), his Wife, Lady Venetia (1600 — 1633), and Children. ' * After Vandyck. Half length figures, life size. Sir Kenelm is on the left, seated to right, in a silver and gold brocade doublet ; a purple velvet cloak covers the right arm, his left rests on the arm of the chair. Lady Digby is seated opposite, in a blue dress, pointing to her children with her right ; one child, in crimson, is leaning on her knee ; the other, in a white doublet and yellow cloak, stands to right ; Lady Digby 's left hand is placed on his shoulder. Her dress is edged at the neck with lace, a wide collar of point lace falling over the shoulders ; a purple rosette is fastened in the centre of the breast, and a knot of white ribbon at the back of her head. Sir Digby wears a wide lace collar and laced wristbands. On a table to left, covered with a yellow cloth, is an astrolabe. Canvas, 54 in. H. x 83!- in. W. The picture has been often copied. Miniatures of the two principal figures by Peter Oliver are in the possession of Wingfield Digby, Esq. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing-Room. UNDERGROUND GALLERY. SOUTH WALL. 375. Angel in Contemplation. Sir Joshua Reynolds. The Angel, in red drapery, is seated on clouds towards the right of the picture, leaning his head on his right hand, the left resting on the right arm ; looking upward at a vision of the cross, which appears in a glory filling nearly the whole of the sky above, dark clouds below ; from beneath the elbow depends a scroll with a Greek inscrip- UNDERGROUND GALLERY.J ^T WELBECK ABBEY. I07 SOUTH WALL. -■ ' tion. The design is in the form of a Gothic arch, the spandrils are filled with panels and rosettes on a ground of gold. Canvas, loi in. H. x ii8|^ in. W. One of the designs for the Oxford (New College Chapel) Window. This canvas is mainly the work of an assistant. The surface is much corroded from the use of bitumen. Bequeathed to the 3rd Duke of Portland by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Cat. 1 83 1. Gothic Hall. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 159, Modern Masters. 376. Charity. Full length figure, small-life size ; looking down at a child, who stands on tip-toe with outstretched arms to left ; she holds another child in her arms wrapt in cloak, which is of a pale red colour, the petticoat is of a deeper red. Canvas, 6'/^ in. H. x ^o^ in. W. This and the three companion pictures are by an English painter much under the influence of Guido Reni, they bear little or no resemblance to the works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, to whom they were ascribed. Cat. 1 83 1. Gothic Hall. 377. Faith. Full length figure, small-life size, to right ; looking down, holding a cup in her right, and cross in left ; dark yellow dress with short sleeves, girdled at the waist, and below the breast ; blue mantle. Background, a grey niche with arched top. Canvas, 67^ in. H. x 3o|- in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Gothic Hall. 378. Religion ? Full length figure, small-life size, standing to left ; looking down, her arms crossed over her breast ; she holds a lamb, and is entirely robed in white. Canvas, 67!^ in. H. x 30^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Gothic Hall. 379. Hope. ' Full length figure, small-life size, standing to left ; looking up, her hands are joined in prayer ; long, dark, loose hair ; dark blue dress, light scarf over shoulder, floating behind. Canvas, 6y^ in. H. x 30^^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Gothic Hall. io8 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, •-SOUTH WALL-WEST WALL. 380. Yew Tree at Lorton, near Cockermouth. George Barret, R.A. In the shadow of the great tree, cattle and horses reposing ; bridge to right, distant hills to left. Canvas, 53J in. H. x 76^ in. W. The views depicted in this set of pictures by Barret were identified by the 4th Duke of Portland, by whose order labels were attached. 381. Welbeck from the Deer Park. Sunset, a wooded slope in the foreground with deer. Canvas, 54^^ in. H. x 76!^ in. W. 382. " Seven Sisters " Oak Tree, Welbeck. The tree stands a little to the left, the trunk divided into seven forks a short distance above the ground; beneath the tree, mares and foals. Wooded distance, sheet of water to right. Canvas, 51 in. H. x 41 J in. W. 383. Greendale Oak, Welbeck. The venerable trunk has lost nearly all its foliage, only the stump of one of the arms bears a few small leafy branches ; the hollow trunk has been tunnelled through, Jlj and some sheep are lying within its shade. Wooded background. On the road to left is a boy with a flock of sheep and a goat. Canvas, 50 in. H. x 402- in. W. WEST WALL. 384. Hazel Gap Plantation. George Barret, R.A. A stream in the foreground with wooded banks ; nearly in the centre a boat, in which are two men, one fishing ; swans to left, and horses grazing on the bank to right. Canvas, 45 in. H. x 66 in. W. View taken about 1767 from the Reindeer Park on the south side of the Great Wood ; at that time Bulstrode Hill was about twenty years old and the Hazel Gap Plantation about ten. 385. View of Welbeck. A hill in the foreground, with trees and deer, a sheet of water beyond, a house in the distance, evening sky. Canvas, 39^^ in. H. x 50 in. W. UNDERGROUND GALLERY,-] ^T WELBECK ABBEY. lOQ west wall-east wall. -• "^ 386. Landscape, View in Welbeck Park. George Barret, R.A. A bridge crosses the stream in the middle distance, nearly in the centre of the picture ; beyond the bridge in the distance is a mansion, oak tree to right ; shepherds in the foreground and a mare and foals. Canvas, 54!^ in. H. x 76 in. W. This picture was painted in 1767. The bridge shown here fell during building in 1768. 387. Welbeck Park. A slope in the foreground with tall trees and deer, the river winding below ; on a point of land in the middle distance is a clump of trees and a group of deer, one standing by the water's edge. On the opposite bank of the river, which is well wooded, is a small chapel ; a hill in the distance. Canvas, 44|- in. H. x 66 in. W. EAST WALL, 388. AiREY Force. George Barret, R.A. Below the hill to the left is a wooden hut, a broken mill-wheel leaning against the wall ; the waterfall is crossed by a rustic bridge, three peasants to the right below the bank ; above the stream is a rainbow. Canvas, 45 in. H. x 66 in. W. 389. River Scene. The river winds through the distance on the left ; a shepherdess and two boys with a flock of sheep and two cows are on the near bank ; low hills beyond, a couple of trees in the foreground to left. Canvas, 45 in. H. x 66 in. W. 390. Roche Abbey, near Welbeck. A pool of water in the foreground to left ; on the bank are two boys and a dog ; nearer to the right are a man and a dog, and a woman with a child is seated on a stone by the side of the road. In a vaulted chamber of the ruin beyond, a cart is stabled, and some horses are grazing ; a gate in a low stone wall leads to a flight of stone steps ; the ruins are much overgrown with trees. Canvas, 45|- in. x 66 in. W. 391. Roche Abbey. The ruins are on the left of the picture ; in the centre is a path, leading through a gate in a low stone wall, that crosses the road and is partly built on a slope that rises to a I lo CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, "-EAST WALL-SOUTH WALL. rocky ridge on the right, a grass slope and trees below. In the foreground to the left a man and woman with a dog ; on the path, near a demolished wooden gate leading by the side of the ruins, the stones of the wall are scattered about ; boulders of rock, and dark foliage to right. Canvas, 45 J in. H. x 66 in. W. SOUTH WALL. 392. Zaccaria Contarini. Venetian School. Three-quarter length, life size, to right ; his right hand rests on a vellum-covered book which lies on the table, pointing with left. Black dress trimmed with fur, dark green curtain, looped up at back, red chair to right. Inscribed in upper left corner, " Sig"" Zacaria Contarini." Canvas, 47 in. H. x 38 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. 393. Sir Thomas Killigrew. 1611 — 1682. Sheppard or Shepherd. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to right, in an armchair, his head resting on his right hand ; in his left he holds the MS. of " Polidor, or the Dream." White satin doublet with gold buttons, lined with brown fur, fur cuffs and cap, a striped Venetian scarf round his waist, a blue cloak edged with gold lace has fallen from his shoulders. Long fair curly hair, moustache, and imperial. On his right wrist is a mourning bracelet tied with black ribbon, a miniature attached. On the wall at the back is an oval portrait of Charles I. in armour wearing the blue ribbon, inscribed "C.R.I.," surmounted by the Royal Crown. Red curtain, chair, and table-cloth, fastening at the corners, trimmed with gold braid, loops, and buttons. On the table are a number of books, inscribed with the names of Killigrew's plays ; in front a brown dog looking up at his master, on the dog's collar is engraved " Tho. Kill " Canvas. Engraved by Faithome as a frontispiece to Killigrew's plays, 1664. 394. Dutch Landscape. The foreground to the left is a plateau on the slope of a hill ; against the hill-side is built a rude stone house with a chimney and thatched roof ; near the entrance a man is shoeing a mule, a woman and child standing by, some cattle and a boy complete the group. On the road beyond is another lad with a dog, driving a mule ; to the extreme left a man and woman are asleep, with a dog at their feet ; a man seated on the back of a mule is talking to a shepherdess ; a mule, goats, and sheep, are reposing in the UNDERGROUND GALLERY,-! AT WELBECK ABBEY. TIT SOUTH WALL. -■ ' ' ' foreground ; more to the right, by a group of tall trees in the centre, a shepherd leans on his staff; below the hills to the right is the bed of a torrent crossed by a rustic bridge, wooded banks and hill-side, with ruins on the slope. Canvas, 19 in. H. x 28 in. W. 395. William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3RD Duke of Portland? 1738 — 1809. Half length, life size, to left ; plum-coloured coat and waistcoat, lace cravat and ruffles ; hair powdered, and tied with black ribbon, chin clean shaven ; the right hand thrust in breast of waistcoat. Earth bank to right, and grey sky. Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. 396. Dorothy Cavendish, Wife of William Hy. Cavendish Bentinck, 3RD Duke of Portland. Bust, life size, seated to left ; the left arm supported on a stone ledge, the head turned to the spectator, nearly full face ; dove-coloured dress with gold hem, orange scarf round her waist, the light brown hair is drawn up on the top of the head and tied with pink ribbon, two loose plaits hang down over either shoulder ; she is seated against a rock, landscape and sky to left. Canvas. Dorothy Cavendish, daughter of 4th Duke of Devonshire, born 1750, married William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland. 397. Charles I., as a Child, with a Greyhound. 1600 — 1625 — 1649. Full length, life size, standing to left, nearly full face ; green velvet dress braided with gold, red silk lining ; red scarf, by which hangs a sword, the left hand rests on the hilt ; in his right he holds a small gun, resting on his hip ; the sleeves are open and show the under vest with tight sleeves of white and gold brocade, ruff and wristbands edged with point lace ; a white and tan greyhound to left, with red velvet collar edged with gold. To right is a table covered with a red cloth braided at the corner, on which lies a grey felt hat with a white feather, the brim is looped up with a jewel, and has a plaited band of gold cord. The right foot is advanced ; white shoes with spurs ; light brown hair. Signed in the right lower corner, „ tvt >> Canvas. From the Northwick Collection, 1859. Sale Cat. No. 47. Stuart Exhibition, New Gallery, 1889. Cat. No. 66. 398. Dutch Interior. By a table to left, covered with cards and pipes, stands a bare-footed man, he points to the cards on the table with his left, while declaring a number with his right ; 112 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery. / LcnilTH WAIT SOUTH WALL. by his side another man is seated, with a glass in his right resting on the table ; he points with his left to a man drinking from a jug, on the opposite side of the table. To the right are some tubs, and various earthenware utensils ; three ducks are in the foreground. A boy is leaning on a barrel, with his arms folded, looking at the card players, a smaller child stands opposite with his hands on the edge ; above is a hay rack. In the inner apartment, a woman and boy are seated by the fire. Panel, 22f in. H. x 28^ in. W. 399. Elizabeth Vernon, Wife of Henry Wriotheslev, 3RD Earl of Southampton. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left ; black dress with white flowered pattern, the upper part of the bodice and puffs of sleeves slashed and lined with scarlet and embroidered with flowers ; the lower edge of the corset is finished with a chain of coloured stones set in gold, sewn on a band, fastened at the point of the bodice with a gold clasp. She wears a cap with a narrow lace border, the edging of pearls, arranged in points like lace, with three pear-shaped pearls of larger size on the points in front ; point lace ruff and cuffs ; gold collar, with a jewel attached to the front of the bodice, on the left side is pinned a medallion with a scarlet ribbon, two rings on the third finger of left hand, one of which is attached to the wrist by a cord, dark hair, ■pearl pendent ear-rings. The right hand rests on a red feather fan, the left on the arm of the chair, which is covered with green velvet and studded with round-headed brass nails, green curtain to left, dark background. Inscribed in the left lower corner, " Elizabeth Vernon,/ C^^- of Southampton." Canvas, 6i|- in. H. x 42 in. W. Elizabeth Vernon, called " The Fair Mrs. Vernon," daughter of J. Vernon of Hodnet, married Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton, the friend of Shakespeare. From Bulstrode, No. 49. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 32. 400. Mr. Cleaver. ^ Sir Joshua Reynolds. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left ; in a light grey suit ; his hands are clasped in front ; grizzled hair. A black wide-awake hat lies on the table, with his gloves in front of him. The table is covered with grreen cloth, similar in colour to the chair, which is studded with brass nails ; dark brown background, sky to left. Canvas, 50;^^ in. H. x 40 in. W. • Mr. Cleaver was for many years agent at Welbeck for the 3rd Duke of Portland. Cat. 183 1. Dining- Room. UNDERGROUND GALLERY,-] ^T WELBECK ABBEY. II, WEST WALL. -' * J WEST WALL. WEST WALL. 401. Frances Seymour, Wife of Thos., 4th Earl of Southampton. Full length, life size, seated, her left hand pressed to her breast ; holding a grey scarf which crosses the right shoulder, the end of which is held in her right White satin dress with full sleeves, looped up at the elbow and fastened with pearls ; pearl necklace, and large drop ear-rings ; a small curl in centre of forehead, two long ringlets fall to the shoulders. On a table to left, covered with a red cloth, is a coronet; landscape background, dark grey sky, column and red curtain to right. Inscribed below to the left, " Frances Seymour,/ O of Southampton." Canvas. Gran'daughter of Francis Devereux, Earl of Essex, daughter of William, 2nd Duke of Somerset, 3rd wife of Thomas, 4th Earl of Southampton, afterwards married Conyers, 2nd Earl of Holderness. From Bulstrode, No. 31. 402. William Wentworth, 2nd Earl of Strafford. Maria Verelst. Full length, life size, standing to left, in Garter Robes ; right on hip, left holding cloak ; hat on table to left, covered with brown cloth ; brown wig, lace cravat ; fluted column to right, sky to left; dark background. Inscribed "Will". Wentworth 2° Earl of Strafford Married 2 Wifes i" Lady Mary Stanley, Eldest/ Daughter to James Stanley, Earl of Derby, 2° Henrietta, Daughter to Frederick Charles du Roy." Canvas, 96 in. H. x 58 in. W. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 21. 403. Lady Frances Cranfield, Wife of Richard, 5TH Earl of Dorset. After Vandyck. Full length, life size, standing to left ; white satin dress, blue lining to upper sleeve ; right hand raised, holding thin grey scarf that passes across the left arm and floats behind her, the left arm outstretched ; dark hair worn off the forehead in clusters of curls on either side of the head, the knot at the back is ornamented with strings of pearls. Landscape background, tall trees to left, and rock to right Inscribed below to left, " Lady Frances Cranfield/ 0\ of Dorset." Canvas. Lady Fs. Cranfield, Daughter of Lionel Cranfield, E. of Middlesex, married about 1636, Richard 5th Earl of Dorset From Bulstrode, No. 43. There is a copy also at Windsor Castle. 404. Charles, Lord Viscount Mansfield, and his Brother, Lord Henry Cavendish, Sons of William, ist Duke of Newcastle. After Vandyck. Three-quarter length figures, life size. Lord Henry on the right, faces to left, and turns towards the spectator ; he is dressed in a white satin doublet, with small lace Q 114 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES punderground gallery, ~ l-WF.ST WAIT.. collar and blue cloak, his right on his breast, the left lightly touching bent leg, hilt of sword seen beneath cloak ; Ld. Mansfield fronts the spectator ; his left on his sword, the right hanging by his side ; dark green velvet doublet, and yellow cloak ; the doublet is fastened with gold rose-shaped buttons showing shirt beneath ; small lace collar and strings ; dark hair. Red curtain to left ; dark background. Canvas, 5i|^ in. H. x 51^^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Servants' Room, No. i. There is no doubt as to the personages here represented, but with the exception of the heads, the whole is copied from the well-known picture of Lord John and Lord Bernard Stuart, by Vandyck, belonging to Earl Cowper ; another example belongs to Earl Darnley. 405. Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle. Full length, life size, standing to left ; red doublet lined with white silk, blue mantle lined with white, doublet ornamented with lace and ribbons, white stockings, buff-coloured shoes with red heels, wearing George and collar ; right arm extended, the left on his hip covered by his blue mantle ; hair curling to shoulders, lace cravat. Dark background, red curtain to right. Inscribed " Henry 2" Duke of Newcastle, married/ Frances Eldest Daughter to W" Pierepont Esq"." Canvas, 87 in. H. x 53 in. W. Exhibited at Manchester. Cat. No. 187. 406. Stag Hunt. Snyders. A Stag to the right, pursued by seven dogs, the eighth has been tossed by . the stag, three others are barking in front, to right. A pool of water in the centre, open wooded landscape background, a willow tree on the bank, to the extreme left. Canvas, 70 in. H. x 136 in. W. Cat. 183 1. Dining-Room. 407. Bear Hunt. Snyders. Twelve dogs attacking a couple of brown bears ; to right, the bear standing upright, hugs a dog with his forepaws, while another seizes him by the ear, a third biting him in the leg in front, a fourth barking with his tail between his legs, a fifth dog (of which the hind quarters only are visible) is behind, apparently 'hors de combat,' the head of another is seen to the extreme right. The cub to left is closely pressed by three dogs, a fourth beneath him seizes him by the leg, another, badly hurt, is rolling on the ground, in the centre of the foreground, the head of a sixth is seen to the left, apparently hurt, but barking vigorously. Open landscape background, with tall trees to left. Canvas, 84! in. H. x 12,6^ in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining-Room. UNDERGROUND GALLERY, WKST-I y^-p WELBECK ABBEY. IM WALL-NORTH WALL-EAST WALL.-" J 408. Boar Hunt. Attributed to Snyders. The boar, nearly spent, stands with his shoulder against the trunk of an oak tree, attacked by four dogs ; a fifth, badly wounded, lies on his back in front of the boar, in the centre of the picture; a bank to the right, open wooded landscape to left, with low hills. Canvas, 83 in. H. x 138 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining-Room. NORTH WALL. 409. Boar Hunt. Snyders. A boar has been brought to bay at the foot of a tree and is attacked by twelve dogs. The boar appears to have a decided advantage, as the nearer dogs show some hesitation in attacking him, and five are either badly wounded or killedj only the nose of the twelfth dog is seen in the picture ; open landscape and thickly wooded bank to the left. Canvas, 8i|- in. H. x 137 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Hall. 410. Hawking. Snyders. Four dogs are rousing the grouse from the cover, and two hawks are seizing them on the wing ; one dog is to the right on a bank, another is scenting the ground in front, a third is looking at one of the hawks and barking, while the fourth, near the stump of a tree on a bank to right, is barking at the birds he has roused. Open land- scape background. Canvas, 70 in. H. x 135 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Dining-Room. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1855. EAST WALL. 411. Bull Baiting. Snyders. A dark brown bull is defending himself from seven dogs ; two lie behind him ' hors de combat,' he has just tossed the third in the air, and with his horns low on the ground he fronts the remaining four. Low landscape and trees to left. Canvas, 8o|- in. H. x I4i|- in. W. Cat. 1831. Hall. ,i6 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [-underground gallery. * "-EAST WALL — WEST WALL. 412. Boar Hunt. De Vos. A sow with a litter of young ones attacked by eight dogs ; the old boar has just repulsed the attack of a black and white dog who is falling backwards, another is rolling on the ground in the centre, three others are racing up the slope to left, and the head of the fourth appears on rising ground to the right ; two dogs have each a cub by the ear, and one is dragging his prey away. Open landscape, a river in the distance to left. Canvas, 81 in. H. x 94 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Hall. WEST WALL. 413. James II. 1633 — 1685 — 1701. Full length, life size, standing to right, in armour; blue velvet coat lined with ermine, fastened to right shoulder, long grey wig, lace cravat ; he wears the Garter and a Medallion of St. George attached to a blue ribbon on his right side ; he holds a sceptre in his right, his left on hip, the regalia on a pedestal to left. Background, wall and parapet, sky to right. Inscribed below in gold letters, "III. James : VII. 1685." Canvas. 414. Christopher Monk, 2nd Duke of Albemarle. D. 1687. Full length, standing, nearly full face ; in the robes of the Garter, wearing the George ; he points downwards with his right towards a plumed hat which is on the floor, and with the left gathers up the end of his blue velvet cloak; long, dark, curled wig, white stockings, grey shoes with red heels and jewelled ornaments ; the sleeves of the doublet are decorated with rows of pearls, looped up above the wrist showing the lace edged shirt beneath. Dark background and chequered pavement. Inscribed below to right, " Christopher Monk/ 2° Duke of Albemarle." Canvas, 87 in. H. x 54 in. W. Christopher Monk, 2nd Duke of Albemarle, son of General Monk, ist Duke, Governor of Jamaica, and Commander-in-Chief of all plantations belonging to England in the West Indies, died at Jamaica soon after his arrival in 1687. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Newcastle. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 190. 415. Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, Wife of Christopher Monk, 2nd Duke of Albemarle. Full length, life size, seated to left ; in an armchair, with her feet on a velvet cushion ; white and gold brocade dress, blue velvet mantle lined with ermine ; her right is placed on the arm of the chair, and the left elbow rests on the back, which is UNDERGROUND GALLERY.-I JS^J WELBECK ABBEY. 117 WEST WALL. -• / covered with the folds of her mantle ; dark background ; to left is a stone vase of antique shape, yellow curtain to right. Inscribed below in right corner, "Elizabeth Cavendishe, 1^7 Daughter to Henry, Duke/ of Newcastle, married/ to Chris- topher Monk,/ 2° Duke of Albemarle." Canvas, 87 in. H. x 52^ in. W. She married andly, Ralph, Earl, and afterwards Duke of Montagu. Cat. 1747. Great Dining- Room, No. 5. Exhibited at Manchester, 1875. Cat. No. 189. 416. Louis XV., AS A Child. 1710 — 1774. Vanloo ? Whole length, life size, seated on a throne ; blue velvet mantle, powdered with fleur-de-lis and lined with ermine, wearing collar and star ; gloved hands, lace ruffles and cravat, black wig ; his feet rest on a blue velvet cushion covered with fleur-de-lis, like the robe ; holding sceptre in right, which rests on the arm of the chair ; pointing with left ; table to right covered with crimson velvet cloth, the step of the throne is covered with a heavy gold and silver brocade, a similar curtain above ; fluted columns in the background, a garden to right, sphinxes at the base of the throne. Canvas. 417. Christopher Monk, 2nd Duke of Albemarle. D. 1687. Full length, life size, standing to right, in Garter Robes ; right on his hip, left resting on plumed hat, placed on saffron-coloured curtain drapery to right ; black wig and lace cravat; grey background, column to left. Inscribed " Christopher Monk, 2D Duke of Albemarle, married Elizabeth/ Cavendishe Eldest Daughter OF Henry Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, 95 in. H. x 59 in. W. Cat. 1747. Grand Saloon, No. 4. 418. A Wolf Hunt. De Vos. A wolf that has killed a fawn, whose carcass lies in the centre of the foreground, is attacked by six dogs ; the wolf has seized one dog by the hind quarters, and is seized in turn by the right forepaw by another, the heads of the other four dogs are seen right and left of the canvas ; a wood to right, and fallen trunk ; open landscape to left. Canvas, 54 in. H. x 81 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Hall. 419. Edward Harley, 2nd Earl of Oxford and Mortimer. Michael Dahl, 1728. Full length, life size, standing, in Peer's Robes ; holding coronet in right. Brown background, a niche with a shell dome to right. Signed " M. Dahl, pinx"" 1728." Canvas, 95 in. H. x 58 in. W. ii8 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery WEST WALL. Edward Harley, 2nd Lord Oxford, married Lady Henrietta Cavendish Holies, only child of John Holies, Duke of Newcastle, he was father of Lady Margaret Cavendish Harley, who married the 2nd Duke of Portland. Lord Oxford was the collector of the Harleian MSS. ; died 1741. Engraved by Vertue. From Bulstrode ? No. 22. 420. Denzil Holles, Baron of Ifield, afterwards Lord Holles. 1597 — 1680. Maria Verelst. Full length, life size, full face, in Peer's Robes ; his right rests on his hip, his left on the table to right, on which is placed a coronet ; long wig, lace cravat ; curtain and column to right, sky to left. Inscribed " Denzil Holles, Baron/ of Ifield married 3 wiFES, i^^ Dorothy & heir to S". Francis Ashley by whom he had 4/ Sons 2° Jane y^ Eldest Daughter & Coheir to S". John Shirley 3° Hesther the Second Daug'^"./ & Coheir to Gideon le Lou, Lord of the Mannor of Columbiers IN Normandy." Canvas, 96 in. H. x 59 in. W. Cat. 1747. Servant's Room, No. 2. 421. Francis Holles, Baron of Ifield. Full length, life size, standing to left, in Peer's Robes ; his right hand gloved, rests on the table, covered with green cloth, on which is placed a coronet, holding a stick in his left ; dark background, curtain looped up to right ; on the left, arms with motto, " Spes audaces adiuvat ; " eastern carpet. Inscribed " Francis Holles, Baron of Ifield, had 2 Wifes, 1" Lucy, the youngest Daughter to S". Robert/ Carr of Sleford, 2° Ann, the Eldest Daughter & Coheir to S*. Francis Pile, of Compton/ Beaucham in Berks." Canvas, 91 in. H. x 53^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Dressing- Room, No. 9. 422. The Countess of Oxford's Dun Mare. J. Wootton. Held by a groom in blue livery, to right ; landscape background, tall trees to left, a sheet of water in the middle distance. Canvas, 50 in. H. x 4o|^ in. W. Cat. 1747. Vestibule, No. 13. 423. Portrait of a General on Horseback. Small whole length, in steel armour, to left ; he wears a slouched hat with a grey feather, a yellow scarf with gold fringe round his waist, and is mounted on a grey horse. A page, in blue, holds his Master's helmet, which has plumes of orange UNDERGROUND GALLERY,-! Ji^J WELBECK ABBEY. IIO WEST WALL. ■' feathers. In the low ground, seen beneath the horse's belly, are tents and soldiers, horse and foot ; view of a town in the distance. Canvas. Cat. 1747. West Drawing- Room. " Prince Maurice of Nassau on Horseback in little." This entry of a picture, hitherto unrecognized, possibly refers to the above. 424. Portrait of a Lady. Small half length, to right ; red dress with white sleeves, and lace cloak ; holding a mirror in her right, the left resting on a green cushion ; the red table cloth in front of her is covered with an open lace cloth. Panel, 13I in. H. x lof in. W. 425. Landscape. J. Wootton. In the foreground to right, is a lady in an open carriage, drawn by six horses with an out-rider ; more to the right is a mounted groom with a led horse. In the background is a house and garden, flanked by long avenues of trees, with obelisks at the cross paths ; on the hill behind the house is a small circular building. A party of gentlemen in the foreground to the left, and a horse held by a groom near a tree. Signed "J. Wootton fecit." Canvas, 45 in. H. x 50 in. W. Cat. 1747. Upper East Apartment, Dressing- Room, No. 2. A view of the seat of Lord Clinton in Cornwall ? 426. A Fair, with the contrast between Carnival and Lent. Brueghel? The scene is an open square, with a church in the background to the right, the interior is seen through the open door ; from a side door issue a number of old women with black cloaks, and men in brown, some carrying their chairs on their heads ; a little to the left is a shop with eatables exposed for sale, and a boy seated on the window sill above, with his legs dangling below. In the street at the side, which is flanked with a row of houses and shops, is a procession of old people in brown cloaks, in the distance are peasants dancing in a ring ; at the corner of the street, to the left, a man is standing on a barrel drinking, while a man empties a bucket on his head from a window above, to the delight of the children who are standing round ; near by is a mock procession, headed by a man in a long robe bearing a sword, a little in front is a man with a cross bow, and other figures, who appear to belong to the party, are receiving gifts from the occupants of a house near ; two crooked staves project from the wall of the house above the porch. To the extreme left in the foreground is an inn, with a flaming beacon hanging out of the lower window, a sign with a boat painted on it above, hanging from a red painted bar. At the street corner are placed a couple of barrels with jugs and glasses, a procession is passing near, headed by a man playing I20 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [underground gallery, on a shovel, the procession is accompanied by a tented structure carried on long poles, and two figures dancing. In the square is a group of five cripples, beyond are two figures on their knees gambling, and a group of four, throwing pots and kettles to one another to catch, the shards of a broken pot lie on the ground. In the centre of the square is a fish-woman's stall and a well, with a woman drinking from a bucket, beyond are children playing with whipping tops ; near the well is a pig, a group of maskers whose backs are turned to the spectator and an old woman, seated, making gaufifre cakes. The foreground is occupied with two processions encountering, representing the battle between Carnival and Lent, or the Fat and the Lean ; a fat man is seated astride a barrel, drawn on a sledge, with his feet in cooking-pots, he holds a spit spear-wise on which are trussed a pig's head, a fowl, and other eatables, including a sausage dangling by a string ; on his head is a pie dish, with the legs of a pigeon protruding from the pie, a ham is fastened to the head of the barrel with a knife ; he is followed by a motley crew ; the man who is pushing the barrel has a string of egg- shells about him, another has a cooking-pot for a helmet, and is playing a musical instrument ; he is followed by a woman with a salt box, wearing a necklace of egg- shells, another bears a round tray with cakes, holding a candlestick in one hand, and a cup in the other; this company is encountered by another, in which an old woman with a cross on her forehead, and a basket on her head, is seated in a chair on a red trolley, drawn by a man and woman in white and brown dresses ; the man has a black hood, with a long point attached to the girdle at his back ; the old woman encounters the fat man with a shovel, on which are a couple of fishes. On the trolley is a pan of mussels and other Lenten fare, the car is followed by children, bearing what is probably a kind of rattle. To the right in the foreground, are cripples and people bestowing alms, and to the left, gamblers. Panel, 47 in. H. x 6^^ in. W. 427. The Dutch Fleet at Anchor. Wm. Vandevelde the elder, 1685. In the foreground are nine small boats full of men, five being near the principal vessel, two others are near a sloop to the right, another, in shadow, separate from the rest and nearer the spectator. Imitation of a pen-and-ink drawing, in black on a white ground. Signed in the left lower corner, "W. V. Velde 1685 . . hondt 74 Jaren." Canvas, 4oJin, H. x 58 in. W. 428. Holy Family with Angels. After Raphael. Known as the " Madonna of Francis I.," from the original picture in the Louvre, having been painted for that King. Canvas, 78^^ in. H. x 54 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Drawing- Room. UNDERGROUND GALLERY.-] ^T WELBECK ABBEY. 121 WEST WALL. ■■ 429. Sir Edward Harley, K.B. D. 1700. Lely ? Three-quarter length, Hfe size, standing to left ; in a buff coat and gorget, the sleeves of his doublet are embroidered with silver, a broad red silk scarf with a border of gold lace crosses his breast, plain band ; a staff in his right, the left rests on the hilt of his sword. Inscribed to left below, "S"- Edw°- Harley." Canvas, 48!^ in. H. x 39^^ in. W. Sir Edward Harley, K.B. of Brampton Bryan Castle in Hertfordshire, raised a regiment for Charles I. M.P. for Hertford in Restoration Parliament, father of ist Earl of Oxford, died 1700. His first wife was Mary Button, daughter of Sir William Button of Parkgate, Devonshire. Cat. 1747. In the South Drawing-Room, No. 8. 430. John Egerton, 2nd Earl of Bridgewater, and his Wife Elizabeth Cavendish. DOBSON. Three-quarter length figures, Hfe size, seated. The Earl is on the right, a fawn- coloured silk cloak wrapped round his shoulders ; wide shirt sleeves, left hand holding edge of mantle, plain linen collar fastened at the throat with a brooch ; long brown hair and thin moustache. His wife is seated to right, facing him, in a white satin dress, a blue scarf thrown over right shoulder ; low bodice showing the edge of the chemisette, wide sleeves turned back ; the right arm, bare, rests by her side ; she holds some grapes in her left hand which she is taking from a basket ; the front of the bodice is ornamented with jewels, and a jewelled band crosses the right shoulder, a string of pearls round the neck ; brown hair curled at the ends ; dark landscape background. Inscribed to the left, " Eliz'^" Cavendishe/ 3° Daughter to W" Duke of/ Newcastle married John/ Egerton 2" Earl of Bridgewater" and to right "John Egerton/ 2° Earl of Bridgewater/ married Elizabeth Cavendishe/ 3° Daughter to W" Duke of Newcastle." Canvas, 46^^ in. H. x 55 J in. W. Cat. 1747. Great Dining-Room, No. 4. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 209. 431. Elizabeth Wriothesley, Lady Noel, Countess of Gainsborough. School of Lely. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left. Amber-coloured satin dress, with full sleeves looped up to the elbow, showing the wide sleeves of the chemisette beneath ; her right is placed on her breast, and her left rests on the blue drapery of the cloak which falls from her left shoulder ; a grey scarf, looped up with jewels, crosses the bodice. R 122 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES punderground gallery, LWEST WAI T. WEST WALL. Dark yellow curtain background, drawn aside to left, sky and dark trees ; dark hair dis- posed in short thin curls on forehead, pearl necklace and drop ear-rings. Inscribed to left, " Ehiz™ Wriothesley/ Lady Noel." Canvas, 5o| in. H. x 4o|- in. W. Elizabeth Wriothesley, Lady Noel, afterwards Countess of Gainsborough. Daughter and Co-heir of Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of Southampton, Mother of Lady Elizabeth Noel, who Married Henry, ist Duke of Portland, died about 1685. From Bulstrode, No. 32. 432. Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour. Dutch School. Three-quarter length, life size, standing to right, in black armour ; he holds a long baton in his right, the left rests on his hip, a silver-hilted sword hangs by his side, and a red scarf, richly embroidered with silver and edged with silver lace, crosses his breast ; red velvet breeches with silver lace and buttons ; brown straight hair, parted in the centre, falling to the collar, which is edged with point lace, slight moustache. Purple velvet table cover on which rests his helmet and left gauntlet ; dark background. Canvas, 50^^ in. H. x 40 in. W. 433. Lady Jane Cavendish, Wife of Charles Cheney, ist Viscount Newhaven. School of Lelv. Bust, life size, to left; white dress fastened with gold buttons, wide sleeves, slashed and lined with blue, a blue scarf wound round the right arm ; brown hair, in clusters of curls at the side of the head ; pearl necklace. Dark background. Inscribed above "Jane Cavendishe, Eldest Daughter to W"7 Duke of Newcastle, married Charles Cheney/ of Chesham Boys, Esq"- this Lady kept Garris/ on FOR her Father at Welbeck against the/ Parliament/ Army." Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. Cat. 1747. East Dressing- Room, No. 9. Cat. 1 83 1. Horsemanship Bedchamber. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 150. 434. Portrait of a Young Lady. Dutch School. Bust, life size, to left ; black silk dress with high collar and ruff, edged with point lace ; straight hair, brushed off the forehead, hanging to the collar without ornament. Panel, 27 in. H. x 20J in. W. Cat. 1747. In the East Dressing- Room, No. 10. "Head upon board, Young Woman in black w* a ruff & loose hair." UNDERGROUND GALLERY.-] ^T WELBECK ABBEY. ' JOX WEST WALL. -^ .**0 435. Lady Lucy Percy, Countess of Carlisle. After Vandyck. Three-quarter length, life size, to left ; blue dress, wide sleeves showing the white sleeves of chemisette beneath ; the hem of the dress is scalloped and ornamented with pearls ; a gold-striped fawn-coloured scarf descends from the left shoulder, is gathered up in the left hand, with which she holds her dress, and passes over the right fore arm, which is folded across her body ; the end of the scarf is held in her right hand. A double string of pearls descends in a loop from the throat, and a pearl and jewelled girdle encircles the waist of her bodice ; brown hair in short curls, ornamented with pearls and coral beads at the crown of the head, pendent ear-rings. Warm grey- background. Inscribed to left in lower corner, " Sady Ducy Percy,/ Countess of Curlisie" (sic). Canvas, 5o|- in. H. x 40 in, W. Cat. 1 83 1. Little Drawing- Room. 436. Battle of the Boyne, July i, 1690. Wyck. On the near bank to right, a couple of horsemen are conspicuous, one in yellow, the other in a green coat ; more to the centre and a little behind, is another in red, beside him a man with a led horse ; another group behind with an ensign falling from his horse, just as he is landing on the high bank ; further to left is the single figure of a horseman in a dark coat, followed by others who are below the bank ; a large party are crossing the river in the distance ; a sharp engagement takes place to the extreme right near a group of trees, where a line of musketeers are stationed who are firing a volley ; there is a sharp bend in the river in the centre of the picture. Distance of blue hills, bright blue sky with long white clouds, trees to the extreme left Canvas. 437. General Lord Thomas Fairfax. 161 i — 1671. Small, three-quarter length, standing to right, in armour; pale crimson scarf; a truncheon in his right, pointing in front of him, the left hangs by his side ; his helmet is placed on a low wall to right ; plain linen band, straight hair parted over forehead, thin moustache and imperial. Dark yellow curtain to left; landscape background with battle in the distance. Canvas, S^ in. H. x 6f in. W. Lord Fairfax married Anne, Daughter and Co-heir to Horatio Lord Vere. Cat. 1747. North Room, No. 32. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 138. 438. Mary Beatrice d'Este, Wife of James IL? 1658 — 1718. Small bust in an oval, the head turned to right. Red dress fastened with jewels, chemisette showing at neck, wide sleeves. Dark hair. Grey background. Canvas. . ^ 124 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES [-underground gallery, WEST WALL. 439. James II. ? Small bust, to left, in an oval, the head turned to right ; star on left shoulder, red cloak, lace neck-cloth, long light brown wig ; grey background. Canvas. 440. Lady Frances Howard, Wife of Sir Edward Villiers. Sir Peter Lely. Three-quarter length, life size, seated to left ; blue velvet dress with short sleeves, fastened in front with jewelled buttons showing white skirt beneath, wide sleeves to chemisette ornamented with a band of pearls and diamonds ; the right hand rests on a pedestal, covered with a dark red velvet curtain ; the left rests on her knee ; pearl necklace and pendants, a curl falls over the left shoulder ; curtain background, sky and trees to left. Inscribed " Lady Frances Howard,/ wife to S" Edward Villiers." Canvas, 49|- in. H. x 40 in. W. Cat. 1 83 1. Horsemanship Bedchamber. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857. Cat. No. 219. 441. Lady Frances Cavendish, 2nd Daughter to William, ist Duke of Newcastle, Wife of Oliver St. John, Earl of Bolingbroke. Bust, life size, to left ; dark dress studded with jewels, the bust is nearly covered by a pale blue scarf, fastened across the left shoulder with a jewelled brooch, blonde hair, curled at the ends, pearl necklace ; dark background. Inscribed " Frances Cavendishe/ 2" Daughter to W" Duke/ of Newcastle married to/ Oliver S'" John Earl of/ - bolenbroke." Canvas, 30 in. H. x 25 in. W. Cat 1747. Dressing- Room to Great Alcove Bedroom, No. 4. 442. Brilliana Harley, Wife of James Stanley. Gerard Soest. Half length, life size, to left, as a shepherdess ; yellow dress, blue cloak thrown across the shoulders ; long brown hair, curled at the temples, descending to the shoulders ; the crown of the head is covered with a coif at the back, and wreathed with white dog roses ; a crook lies behind her, she holds a leaf in her right hand and the foot of a lamb, that is beside her, in her left. Background a bank of earth, sky and landscape to left. Inscribed in left upper corner, " Brilliana, ^Daughter/ to S^ Rob''. Harley,/ and Wife to/ James Stanley,/ Nephew to W"./ Earl of Darby." Canvas, 28 in. H. x 23!- in. W. She was the Eldest Daughter of Sir Robert Harley by his 3rd wife Brilliana, daughter of Viscount Conway. Cat. 1747. In the Bedchamber, No. 4, by "Zoust." UNDERGROUND GALLERY.-I ^T WELBECK ABBEY. 1 2 475- 478, 481, 493, 503- 505, 508, 533- 553- 222 INDEX TO THE COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS. V. Mdlle. de la VALLIERE (1644— 1710), 252 ?, 554. Edward VERE, 17th Earl of Oxford, v. Oxford. Sir Francis VERE {1554 — 1608), 470. Henry de VERE, Earl of Oxford, v. Oxford. Horace Lord VERE of Tilbury (1565 — 1635), 315, 513. Aubrey de VERE, 20th Earl of Oxford, v. Oxford. Elizabeth VERE, wife of John, 2nd Earl of Clare, v. Clare. Elizabeth VERNON, Countess of Southampton, v. Southampton. Madame VICTOIRE, daughter of Louis XV. (1733 — 1799), 549. Anne VILLIERS, ist wife of Wm. ist Earl of Portland, v. Portland. Frances Howard, wife of Sir Edward VILLIERS, 440. George VILLIERS, Duke of Buckingham, v. Buckingham. W. Henry, Prince of WALES, eldest son of James I. (1594 — 1612), 326. Princess of WALES, 263. Admiral Sir James Hawkins WHITSHED, G.C.B., 28. Lady Hawkins WHITSHED, 16. WILLIAM III. (1650— 1689— 1702), 156, 179, 228, 459. Lord WOODSTOCK (Henry, ist Duke of Portland ?), 177, v. Portland. Margaret WOOTTON, wife of Sir. Thos. Grey, v. Grey. Sir Christopher WREN ?, 473. Henry WRIOTHESLEY, v. Southampton. Thos. WRIOTHESLEY, v. Southampton. ■) CHISWICK PRESS : — CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. No. 92. Vandyck. "SENATOR OF ANTWERP." No. 122. GhEERAEDTS. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Jl •aNvixHOd Ao axna xsi 'AaNan •anvoiH ■6t'i OM •r No. 216. Rembrandt. PORTRAIT OF A BOY. No. 262. Drouais. MADLLE. DE BLOIS, PRINCESSE DE CONDfi. ^" ^ A No. 327. LADY ARABELLA STUART. No. 328. HENRY WRIOTHESLEY, 3RD EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON. No. 334- LUCY HARRINGTON, COUNTESS OF BEDFORD. 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