Ht:J^t' /055 A A ^ ^■^ (^ Ag = c ^^^ — < = I ^ = ja 4 = — — ,--1 5 = 8 — OD 4 ^ ^^^ -< 9 = 6 = 7 British Museum Department of Prints and Drawings Guide to an Exhibition of Japanese Colour-prints Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES BRITISH MUSEUM. G U 1 1) E TO AN EXHIBITION T OF JAPANESE COLOUK-PRINTS PERIOD I. c. 1G80 c. 1780 a.d. (THE PRIMITIVES ; HARUNOBU ; KORIUSAI) TOGETHER WITH CONTEMPORARY PAINTINGS OF THE UKIYO-YE SCHOOL, PICTURE-BOOKS, AND A SELECTION OP CHINESE COLOUR-PRINTS. Pn INTEL) BY ORDER OF THE TliUSTEES. H)2I. Price Sixpence. Library 10^3 13778 EXHIBITION OF JAPANESE COLOUR-PRINTS {A Chronological Arrangement has hecn attempted ; the jyeriod covei'ed being, roughly, a hundred years.) 1. Samurai and Lady. Group within a wreath of leaves and flowers. By :Moroxobu (1625-1694). Hand-coloured. About 1680-1690. 2. (a). The Litter. By jMoronobu. Hand-coloured. (b). Saiuurai, page, and servant. By ^Moronobu. Hand-coloured. 3. The Head of the Ogre slain by Raiko. By Moroxobc. Hand- coloured. 4. A Beauty of the day. By Kwaigetsudo Anchi. Ink-print ; hrtke- viono-y^. About 1710. 5. Tvv^o actors, Danzo and Otani Hiroji, as Soga no Goro and Asahina. By Kiyomasu (1702-1763). Hand-coloured; tan-yv. The date of this print may be 1721, in which case it should come later ; but it is not certain. 6. Danzo and Takenojo in the Play called Saya-ate. By Kiyonori (1664-1729). Ink-proof ; uncoloured. 7. Sanjo Kantaro and Ichimura Kichigoro in the Oshichi play, 1718. By OKI MiKA M.\SAXOBi- (1615-176.'^). Hand-c>oloLU(>d. 8. An actor of the Iwai family as a girl, holding a flower. Bv Kiyomasu (1702-1763). Hand-colourod. 9. Sanjo Kantaro as a dancer. By Okumura Masanobi:. Hand- coloured ; iinixlii-yr. 10. Araslii Wakano as Ono no Komachi, dancing. I'.y Kiyomasi-. Hand-coloured : iinislii-i/i'. 11 Types of the Three Cities (Yedo, Kioto, Osaka). P.y Toshtnobi . Hand-coloured ; iinmhi-yi'. 12. Ogino Isaburo and Sanjo Kantaro as flower-seller and street musician. I'.y TosiiiNom . lland-colinu-od ; ii)iislii-i/>'. 13. A fair bookseller. By Kiyonobu. Hand-coloured ; Kinshi-yi'. 14. An actor, probably Sanjo Kantaro, as a girl dancing. By Okumura Masanobu. Hand-coloured; iiruslii-yt'. llemarkablo for the use, at so early a date, of a mica backKround. 15. The actor Sanjo Kantaro as a tea-seller. I'.y Siiioi naga (1697 1756). Ihind-colourt'd ; iiiushi-yi'. Hi. All after as Osliirhi at her toilet. I'.y Kiyotada. Hand-coloured. 17. Ogino Isaburo and Sodesaki Miono in u j)lay. I'.y Kiyomasi. Hand coloured; iiriishi-ii''. 18. Ogino Isaburo as a poet, holding ink-slab and writing-brush. By KiYOMAHU. Hand-coloured; uyushiyi'. 19. Danjuro (as donion-king) with Sadosliima Cliogoro in a HPone IVoni ii pluy. I'.y Siimm stjui . Hand luliiiiri'd ; mu.'^hi-yi'. Exhibition of Japanese Culuur-l^riiUs. 20. Sanjo Kantaro and. Sakata Ichigoro in a play. By Kivomasi;. Hand-coloured ; uruahi-yt'. 21 (a). A girl reading by a stove. By Slkjii^ouu (1071-1751'. Hand- coloured. , (Ij). Girl playing on a "Koto." By Sukknobu (1G74-1754). Hs.ud- coloured. Very rare prints. Sukenobu is best known by bis books. Cf. Nos. 190-192. 22. Hawk on a perch. By Tovonobu (1711-1715). Haud-colourcd ; HTUshi-ytK 23. Murasaki Shikibu in Ishiyama Temple on Lake Biwa. By Tanaka Masunoru ((1. 17-lU- 1770). Hand-coloured. Murasaki Shikibu was authoress of the classic romance Geuji Mouogatari ; she died a.d. 'JU2. Her diary has recently been trans- lated into English. 24. Interior of a theatre. By Oku:.iuku Masaxobu. Hand-coloured. 25. Interior of a theatre, 1740. By Okumuea Masaxobu. Hand- coloured. 26. Night rain on Karasaki. By Kiyomasu. Haud-coloured ; iiiushi-yi'. 27. Segawa Kikunojo and. Bando Hikosabviro in a play. Probably 1742. By KiYONOBU II. Hand-coloured. 28. A Beauty of the Shimabara of Kioto on a Spring Festival day. By KiYOHiRO (d. 1776). Hand-coloured. • 29. Carp and ■waterfall. By Toyonobu. Two-colour print ; Juinhirakakr . 30. Falcon on pine branch. By Hakunobu (d. 1770). Three-colour print ; Jtasliiraka/u'. 81. Daikoku, the god of wealth, on a rice-barrel. By Shigenaga. " Stone-print " ; from wood cut in imitation of Chinese rubbings. 32. Scene of magic, from play. By Kiyomasu. Two-colour print. 33. Scene in a play. After 1745. By Kiyonobu II. Two-colour print. 34. Scene in a play. By Kiyonobu II. Two-colour print. 35. Two actors representing two lilies on one stem. By Kiyohiko. Three-colour print. Presented by Sir Hickman Bacon, Bart. 36. New "Year's games of boys and girls. By Kiyomitsu (1735-1785). Two-colour print; undivided triptych. Presented by Sir Hickman Bacon, Bart. 37. Spring rain ; Summer rain ; Autumn rain. By Kiyohiko. Two- colour print ; undivided triptych. 38. Dancing-girls and fow^ls. By Okumuka Masanobu. Two-colour print; undivided triptych. Presented by Sir Hickman Bacon, Bart. 39. A girl in a shower. By Kiyohieo. Two-colour print. 40. Actor as Watonui killing a tiger. By Hakukobu. Very early print by the master, who later eschewed the theatre. 41. Shoki, the Demon-Queller. By Siiigenaga. Two-colour print. 42. Lovei's parting. About 1747. By Shigekaga. Two-colour print. 43. Woman diver for shell-fish. By Kiyohiko. 44. Geisha girls going to the Play. By Okumuka Masanobu. Two- colour print. 45. Actors in a scene from the tea-ceremony. By Kiyohiko. Two- colour print. Presented by the LU. Hon. Sir Ernest Satow, P.C. 46. Actors in the Play of Yawoya Oshichi, 1751. By Toyonobu. Two-colour print. Presented by the Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satoiv, P.C. 998738 Exhibition of Japanese Colour -Prints. 46* Children spinning tops. By Kiyohiro. Two-colour print. Pre- sented by tlie lit. Hon. Sir Ernest Satoio, P.C. 47. Girls drinking wine under autumn maple. By Okumuka jMasanobu. Two-colour print. Presented by the Bt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satow, P.C. 48. Girls playing the game called " Sugoroku." By Kiychiro. Two- colour print. Presented by the Bt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satow, P.C. 49. Boy dancing with a hobby-horse. By Toyonobu. Two-colour print. Presented by the Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satoio, P.C. 50. Actors as lovers in a play. By Kiyomitsu. Presented by the Bt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satoiv, P.C. 51. Young lady with battledore and shuttlecock. By Kiyomitsu. Three-colour print. Presented by the Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satow, P.C. 52. The actor Onoye Kikugoro as Sukenobu. By Kiyohiko. Two- colour print. 53. Two actors in a play. By Okumuka IMasaxobu. Two-colour print. Salting Bequest. 54. The evening walk. ByHAiiuNORU. Three-colour print. Hashirakake. 55. The actor lehimura Kamezo in character. By Kiyomitsu. Two- colour print. Presented by Sir Hiekman Bacon, Bart. 56. Miehizane holding the plum-blossom. By Kiyoshige. Hashirakaki'. Michizane was a great statesman of the 9th century, afterwards worshipped. His farewell poem to his pluni-tree is famous. 57. Types of courtesans of Kioto, Yedo, and Osaka. By Kiyomitsu. Four-colour print. 58. Girl closing umbrella. By Toyonobu. Three-colour print. Hashirakake. 59. Girl with New Year's oflterings. By Kiyomitsu. Three-colour print. Haslii raka kc'. 60. Arashi Sankatsu and Hanagawa Ichi-no-j6 in a play. By Kiyomitsu. 61. The actor Onoye Kikugoro Baiko holding a mirror. By Kiyomitsu. Three-colour print. 62. The actors Ichimatsu and Koshiro. By Kiyomasu. Three-colour print. 63. Scene from the "No" play " Hachi no Ki." About 17G5. By Hauunobu. From this number onwards the prints are all prints in full colour. 64. Courtesan giving a letter to her attendant. By Hauunobu. 65. A servant w^ith a bucket on lier head leading a child. By JIakunobu; Nos. 64 and 05 are |i,u'iillels from daily life to cpi.-odos in the life of the famous poetess Komaclii ('.Hh century). Jlotli prcsentid by Sir Hickman Bacon, Bart. 66. A shadow picture. By J'oyunoisl. 67. Festival of Beiiteii at Itsukushima. I'.y TuvoiiAici (17:i3 1811). 68. A maid I'emoving snow fi*om her mistress' clogs. 15y Kiyotsunk (11. ITiJl 1771). 69. Boys and girls blowing darts at a target. I'y IIauunobu. Diptych. J'rr.senird by It. N. Shaw, Esij. 70. The toy-archeiy seller. IJy IIauunobu. 71. The toilet. I'.y llAurNonL. 72. Autumn by the sou-uhoru. By IIauunobu. \ \ pjxhibilion of Japanese Colour-Prints. 5 73. The snow-rabbit. By Harunobu. Presented by Sir Hickman Bacon, Bart. 74. December; boys with snowball. By Hauu>'obu. 75. Farmer's boys wrestling. By Hahungbu. 76. Drying clothes in the garden. By Harunobu. 77. Mother and baby. By TrAuuNonu. 78. The poetess Ono no Komachi. By IIahungbu. 79. The seaweed-gatherer. By Harunobu. 80. The farewell. By Harunobu. 81. Group by a waterfall. By Harunobu, 82. The bowl of gold-fish. By Harunobu. 83. Travelling by the seashore. By Harunobu. 84. The broken shoe-string. J5y Harunobu. 85. Blowing soap-bubbles vmder the plum-blossom. By Harunobu. 86. The child's first visit to a temple. By Harunobu. 87. The Niken tea-house in the Yoshiwara. By Harunobu. 88. Fetching oil for the lamp. By Harunobu. Tlashirakake. 89. The robber Gompachi disguised as a "komviso." By Harunobu. Ilashirakakc. 90. Lovers in a garden. By Harunobu. 91. Girls reading a poem on an auttimn evening. By Harunobu. 92. Actor as the peasant girl Murasame. By BunchO (fl. 1765-75). 93. The sleeping maid. By Harunobu. 94. The pine-tree shadow on the paper shuttei\ By Harunobu. 95. Fishing in a river. By Harunobu. 96. Ichikawa Komazo in a scene from a play. By Buncho. 97. Gii'l on verandah. By Harunobu. HashirakaM. 98. The pet monkey. By Harunobu. Hashirakake. 99. Two actors in a play, 1769. By Shunsho (1726-1792). 100. Composing a poem for the plum-blossom. By Shunsho. 101. Girl tuning her samisen. By Harunobu. Hashirakake. 102. Beauty in the mirror. By Koriusai (fl. 1760-80). Hashirakake. 103. The girl Osen in Kagiya tea-house. By Harunobu. Oieu was famous for her beauty and a favourite model of Haruuobu's. 104. The love-letter. By Harunobu. 105. The summer hat. By Koriusai. Hashirakake. 103. Man talking to girl through a window. By Fujinobu. Hashirakake. Presented by E. N. Shaw, Esg^. 107. Girls playing "Kitsune Ken." By Harunobu. 108. Ofuji hears the evening bell from Asakusa temple. By Harunobu. _ Ofuji, daughter of a perfume-seller, was a rival of Osen (No. 106). 109. Lovers parting at dawn. By Harunobu. 110. Pheasants and peach-blossom. ]3y Harunobu. 111. Setting the clock by the temple's evening bell. By Kouiusai. 112 Actors' offerings at the Inari Shrine. By Bunciio. 113. A farewell. By Shigemasa (1730-1820). 114. The interrupted reading. By Koriusai. Hashirakake. 6 Exhibition of Japanese ColoiLr-Pnnis. 115. The toy sailing-boat. By Kobiusai. HasMralakc. 116. Silk-worm culture, (a) By Shosho; (b) by Shigemasa. 117. Onoye Matsusvike as Matsukaze. By Buxcho (fl. 1765-1775). 118. Boys feeding a stork. By Toyomasa (fl. 1770-1790). 119. WalkiDg in the snow. By Kokrtsai. 120. Scene at the great gate of the Yoshiwara. Bv SuLxsiio (1726-1792). Presented by Sir Hickman Bacon, Bart. 121. Wild geese. By Kokiusai. 122. Heron and crow^. By Kobiusai. 123. The telescope. Signed Hakl>obu : perhaps by Harushioe (Shiba KoKAN, who sometimes counterfeited his master's work). 124. The rainy afternoon. By Habushige. 125. Actor in female character. By Bu^cho. 126. An actor in the Chiushingura play. By BcxchO. 127. Actor in female part standing by a well. By BtNCHo. Presented by R. N. SJuitc, Es^. 128. The New Year's dress. By Kobiusai. 129. The three lucky things (Fuji, falcon, egg-plant). By Kobiusai. Double Jiashirakakr. 130. Fight betw^een tiger and dragon. By Kobiusai. Kakenwno-i/e. 131. Falcon on rock. By Kobiusai. Kakemono-ycK 132. The young poet by the sea. By Kobiusai. HaskirakakLK 133. The pet dog. By Kobiusai. 134. The battle of Yashima, 1185 A.D. Jiy Tovuhabu (1738 1811). 135. Yoshiaki trying to restrain his aged father from riding into battle. By Shl\nsho. [136 153.] ON SCREENS I AND II. 136. Atsumori parting from Tama-ori Hime. By Kobiusai. Hashi- ralidki'. 137. Hares, convolvulus and moon. By Kobiusai. Hashiralioki'. 138. Children and Ebisu. J'.y To/.ando 8riuo. 139. Shojo (mythical creatui'es) drinking. By lU nciio. 140. Brushing down the spider's w^eb. By Kobiusai. Jltishirakake. 141. The parrot. By Kobiusai. Presented by Sir Hickman Bacon, Bart. 142. Two girls meeting. By Kokiusai. 143. A dancer of the Sanibaso. By Kobiusai. Hasldrakaki'. 144. Kwan YU, the God of War. By Shunsho. 145. Tlie young warrior Atsumori riding through the water at the battle of Ichi-no-tani. Ky Siih.,i;masa. Hashnakuke. 146. Beading a letter. HyTovoUABU. Hasliirakahi'. 147. Tea-house scene. By Kobiusai. 148. Kosliikibu v/riting a poem. My Kokiusai. 149. Lovers adoring the sunrise. By Kobiusai. Hasliirakaki'. 150. Naoye of Okanaya ; one of a set of beauties. By Kobiusai. 151. Nanakoshi of Ogiya ; one of the same set. By KouifJsAi. 152. Girl driving mosquitoes from a bed. Hy Kobiusai. Uashl- rakak*'. 153. Saigio Hoshi attired as a wandering priest. By KuiuOsai, JIashirakaki'. Exhibition of Japanese Colour -Prints. [154-169.1 CHINESE WOODCUTS. ON SCREEN III. These printst show that the process of colour-printinq had been full y ilevehped in China before it was discovered in Japan. 154. Avalokitesvara. 9th or 10th century. Hand-coloured. One of the earliest woodcuts in the world. The original mount is colour-printed, ])lue on blue. From the Stein Collection. 155. Flowering plant and rock. 17th century? Hand-tinted. After Ykn Hui. " Stone-print." Cf. No. 31. 156. The leafless tree. 17th century? Hand-tinted. After Ohao Po-Cin"-. " Stone-print." 157. Sages in a mountain retreat. 17th century. 158. Fish in a stream. 17th century ? 159. All nations coming to court. 18th century? 160. Nightingale and pomegranate. 17th century. 161. Birds and bamboo in wind. 17th century. Nos. 162-169 are from a set of extremely rare prints produced in the late llth century. 162. Bird on guelder-rose. 163. Pomegranates and apples in a dish. 164. Plum, rose and tw^o birds. 165. Flower arrangement, with box of paintings. 166. Finches, plum and peony. 167. Flow^ers, books and paintings. 168. Pomegranate, fruit and flowers. 169. Peach bough and cicada. [170-183.] CONTEMPORARY UKIYO-Y:^ PAINTINGS. (FLOOR CASES VI-I.) 170. Dancei'. By Iwasa Matabei (1578-1650), or school. 171 Three boys, with a dog. School of Matabei. 172. Dancer. By Matabki, or school. 173. Picnic. By Moronoru. 174. Girl arranging her hair. By Jvwaigrtsudo Dohan. 175. The poetess Chiyo i-etreating tinder her mosquito net. By KWAICKTSUDO AndO (II. 17UO-15). 176. Girl dressing a young man's hair. By KwAiGETSuno Ando. 177. River festival at Nagoya. By Moroshige (c. 1700). 178. Scene ou.tside a house in rain. By Choshun (1082-1752). Choshun designed no prints, but originated the Katsukawa line of artists, headed later by Shunshu. 179. The Saint Saigio speaking to a girl. By Sukenobu. 180. Lovers hiding on the Musashi Moor. By Sukenobu. 181. Scene from a story. By Okumura Masanobu. 182. Youth and girl representing Choryo and Kosekiko. By Hahunobu. 183. Girl with dog. By Koriusai. Except Nos. 171, 174 and 177 the paintings are from the Arthur Morrison Collection. Presented by Sir IC. C!ytcinte-Eva)is, Bart, 1913. 8 [184-. The dated books arc the chief docuvients for dating single prints. The series here shotvn illustrates {in the first feiv mimbers) the rapid progress i?i skill made by the loood-engravers during the last part of the 11th centiiri/, and {in the last six numbers) the development of colour-printing. 184. Kyogen Ki ; No play farces. 16G0. Attributed to i\ronoNOBU. 185. Yamato no Hyakujo. By Moronobu. 186 Hishikawa Kogwa, By Moronoru. 187. Kakemono Yeznknshi. 1701. By j\Ioronop.u. 188. Hinagata Miyako Shonin. 1715. Anon. 189. Yukun Sennin. By Okumuea Masanobu. 190. Yehon Mino no gawa. 1733. By Sukenobu. 191. Yehon Tama Kagura. 1736. By Sukenobu. 192. Yehon Chitose Yama. By Sukenobu. 193. Nvikume Dori. By Okumuka Masanobu. 194. Kinryuzan Asakusa Sembonzakura. By Okumura IMasanobu. 195. Scenes and stories. By Toyonoru. 196. Kokinran. 1763. By Harunobu. 197. Yehon Komyo Kagami. By Jusui. 198. Iroha Uta Eisho. Vols. 1 and 2. 1775. By Jusui. The drawings are of an earlier date, about 1765. 199. Yehon Misao-gvisa. 1766. By Tsukioka Tanoe (Skttei). 200. Ochiku-bai. By Taciitbana ]\Iorikuni (and Sukenobu). 201. Itcho G'wafu. 1773. By Hanabusa Itcho. 202. Mincho Seido Gwayen. Vols. 1 and 2. 1746. By Shunbokl". The only known copy of this edition of the second earliest of Japanese books printed in colour. Presented by Arthur Morrison, Esq., 1920. 203. Kobi no Tsubo : Portraits of actors. 1770. By Shunsho and BUNCHO. 204. Yehon Haru no Nishiki. 1771. By Habunobu. 205. Seiro Bijin Aw^ase. By Harunobu. 206. The hundred poets. 1775. By Shunsho. 207. Seiro Bijin Awasc Sugatami. 1776. By Shiqkmasa and Shunsho. \ PAMPHLCT BINdH" Syracuse, N. Y. UCLA-Art Library ND 1053 B77g llllll II llllllllln I I :l L 006 224 213 6 UC SOUTHERN RtGIONAL LIBRARY fACILlTY llllll AA 000 458 496 7