ERKELEY 'BRARY I'VERSITY OF ALIFORNIA . LAYS OF HEARTH AND HOME jrM{/i^. L A \ S OF ARTH AND HOME E. BY T). (}. Head from some Iminble poet. Whose sonsis su^^i^J from Iiis lie.-u-t As showers from the clouds of siuiim Or tenrs from tlie eyi'-liils start : --■^v AMSTERDAM, C. M. VAN G O (; H. 1 8 C 2. I'riiitccl tiv BINLiKH liKuTHEKS, Aiiistunlnm. A F F E T I N A T E L Y D E D I C A T E D MY DEARLY-BELOVED FATHER THE CHERISHED MEMORY MY SAINTED MOTHER. 466 ^53 1 4a? P R E !•' A V K. In i)ul)lisliiii^ this little voluiup, I feci it necessary tu chiiiii the kind indulgence of the Reader for these unpretending poems whicli have so essentially been written for my own home-circle. I am well aware tliat they can, critically speaking, boast of no poetic merit, and only be of value to those kindred spirits that may have thrilled to the same emotions, and may find in these verses an echo of their own feelings and impressions. If a glance into my little book can brighten an hour of weariness, or soothe a moment of suffering; if but one fainting heart can find in its pages a word of comfort or encouragement, then indeed will my aim be attained, and God's blessing rest on these simple strains! In the sixth verse of the poem entitled » Graziella's Dying Farewell" (pag. 32) a mistake has occurred in the first four lines which I must beg the Reader to change thus : Thou fiast not been all that my heart had deemed thee, Thou hast not loved so faithfully as I ; Thou wouldst not then so lifjhtly have esteemed me. And left me thus in lonely grief to die. I have now only to entreat the Reader's indulgence for any eri'ors which may have escaped my attention in this little volume which has had the disadvantage of being ])rinted in a foreign language. Amsterdam, May ll^(i2. E. D. G. c o ^ T e: N T B. Pagf A Farewell to The Old Year and a Welcome to The New One 1 On a Mother's Birth-day 3 Thoughts on The Sufferings and Death of Our Lord Jesus Clirist 5 To a dear Friend on her Birth-day 7 The Breath of Spring ^ The Bird's Message 10 The Saddened Birth-day H The Old Man's Treasure 13 To a Child 16 The Forsaken One 18 Come Away 19 The Orphan's Call 20 Yellow Leaves 23 My Mother's Voice 25 To a Sister on her Wedding-day 28 The Struggles of Life 30 Graziella's Dying Farewell 32 Oh! Touch It Not' 3.5 The Mother's Death-bed 37 The Last Appeal 39 The Gathered Flower 41 Of What I Think' 42 Don Ramiro 44 X CO N T i; N r s. Page A Moilicr'> Agony •'>' An Ott-tuld Tiile 53 Cliildliood's Joys 55 Stanzas 56 Des])air 58 The Babe's Release 5