CATALOGUE GIFT OF James Koeber UNIVERSITY FARM - >/? Copyrighted 1920, by The Deming Company HAND & POWER * PUMPS * FOR ALL USES Cistern and Force Pumps Well Rimps and Cylinders Spray Pumps and Nozzles Hydraulic Rams and PneumaticWater Sy terns Rotary, Centrifugal and Power DeepWell Pumps Triplex Fbwer Pumps Air Compressors and Pumps for Special Duties THE DEMING COMPANY SALEM, OHIO, U.S . A. ESTABLISHED 1880 JLi \\ BF 4X&LEGE :U Works No.l Hand and Power Pumps for all uses The "World's Best" Equipped Pump Factories The above bird's-eye views represent the plants of The Deming Company, where are produced the "World's Best" Hand and Power Pumps for all Uses. The upper view shows the Main Plant (Works No. 1), in which are made the Hand, Windmill and Power Pumps the large Triplex and Deep Well Power Pumps and Hydraulic Machinery are made in building at the right. The lower view, in oval panel, shows the department of Spray Pumps, Nozzles and Accessories (Works No. 2), in which also are produced brass goods entering into the Deming lines. ANNOUNCEMENT THIS edition of our General Catalogue is ready for distribution in the beginning of our forty-first year as Pump Manufacturers. In March, 1880, our first pump patterns were ready for the foundry a number two cistern and a pitcher spout pump, some millions of which have subsequently been turned out from our factory and shipped to all parts of the world. These two simple types were soon followed by set-length pumps and the. common types of well and windmill standards and cylinders. Each year the line was increased in variety and volume of product until now there is hardly a pump- ing condition that is not met by some one of the many pumps made in the Deming factory, embracing a great variety of types, and sizes, for various uses, from the smallest Hand Pump to the most ponderous Power Pump. Deming Pumps are designed for durability and efficiency by expert engineers and are made of the best materials by experienced mechanics. Modern Machine Tools of the best makes are used, the equipment in our various manufacturing departments being the best obtainable. For the convenience of dealers we issue, in addition to this General Catalogue, separate departmental catalogues, booklets and circulars; principally our Power Pump Bulletins, Spray Pump Catalogue, and Hydro-Pneumatic Water Supply Catalogue. The division into distinct chapters or sections, each embracing a class of Pumps, or Accessories, we believe will be appreciated, as this arrangement enables one by referring to the Table of Contents to easily and quickly find the page on which the Pump or other article is shown. In addition to this general Table of Contents and the division into classified chapters we have the usual Figure Index and the Alphabetical Index. The Engineering Tables and Infor- mation relating to Hydraulics, and the Telegraph Cipher Code are useful to the dealer in Pumps. In this Catalogue No. 26, we have eliminated certain pumps that are superseded by similar more recent productions. Every pumping requirement is, however, met by the articles shown herein. Read carefully and take note of the following EXPLANATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS CORRESPONDENCE In order to insure prompt replies to communications, all letters should be addressed to the Company and not to individuals. Orders should be specific mention of the Figure and Number or Size, and the Fitting only being neces- sary. Please do not mutilate this Catalogue. PRICES AND TERMS Prices are given to the trade in discount sheets with exception of Triplex and Deep Well Power Pumps which are quoted on application. Trade prices and special quotations are subject to change without notice. Parties not known to us commercially should accompany their orders with cash, or with satisfactory reference. Orders are accepted contingent upon unavoidable delays. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES EXPLANATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS Continued ORDERS AND SHIPMENTS Unless otherwise specified in the order, we will ship by freight, delivery being made F. O. B. cars at factory, except in cases where such shipment had best be made by express or parcel post; and unless specifically mentioned we will in such cases use our judgment. In ordering, the Figure and Number or Size should be specified. We pay particular attention to properly packing goods for exportation and we maintain an export office in New York City. ESTIMATES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Prospective purchasers will be given estimates on pumping outfits and recommendations as to what is adaptable. This applies particularly to Power Pumping Outfits, Hydro-Pneumatic Water Supply Systems, Hydraulic Rams and Power Spraying Outfits. Special designs and adaptations of power pumps will be made, under agreement, for certain purposes and to meet special require- ments. SOME POWER PUMPS NOT SHOWN Our line of Triplex and Deep Well Power Pumps is not complete in this catalogue; only the principal types being shown. The complete line is covered by individual Power Pump Bulletins. The list prices of many Power Pumps illustrated herein are omitted but will be quoted on application. RETURNED GOODS Pumps and other goods that are returned will not be accepted unless arrange- ments for their return have been previously made. Always mark your name and address distinctly on the package when returning goods, and send us by mail a memorandum of the same with bill of lading. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS All claims for corrections or deductions should be made within ten days after receipt of the goods. We are not responsible for breakages after goods are delivered to the transportation company in good condition. INSPECTION AND TESTING We take great care in inspecting Deming Pumps as to material and work- manship so that defects are very rare. All Power Pumps are tested in the factory. Charges for labor or expense required to repair defective goods will not be allowed. The amount of damage allowed in such case is only the price of the defective goods, which should be returned to us. ILLUSTRATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS As we are constantly making improvements in design and construction of Deming Pumps, the goods ordered, when received, may possibly not be exactly like the engravings in the catalogue. In our old catalogues are shown certain articles not illustrated in later editions. On receipt of specific description, the repairs for such goods may usually be procured from us. DISTRIBUTING AGENCIES In the principal cities we have Distributing Agencies for handling Deming Hand and Power Pumps and Water Systems. These agencies have been estab- lished for the convenience of dealers in the adjacent territory. IN CONCLUSION This catalogue is self-explanatory and is arranged to save unnecessary correspondence. It supersedes all former issues. of our General Catalogue. The List and Trade Prices are subject to change without notice. TABLE of CONTENTS Each Chapter or Classified Section embraces the Pumps or other articles which are related to each other in their most essential points. When the Figure number of an article is known the same may be found by referring to the Figure Index; and if the name of the article is known it may be found by referring to the Alphabetical Index; both contained in the last chapter of this catalogue. PAGES 9 to 28 29 to 48 TITLE OF SECTIONS HOUSE LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS Pitcher Spout and Cistern Lift Pumps for Shallow Wells and Cisterns. House Force Pumps for Hand Use in Domestic Water Supply. SET LENGTH LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS Non-Freezing Outdoor Pumps for Shallow Wells and Cisterns. Com- plete Lift and Force Pumps for Hand and Windmill Use with Three- Foot Set-Length between Standard and Cylinder. WELL AND WIND MILL PUMP STANDARDS 49 to 68 Lift and Force Pump Standards, Stuffing-box Heads, etc., for either Shallow or Deep Wells; the Cylinder or Working Barrel being separate and usually submerged. "STRAIGHT LINE" PUMPS AND WORKING HEADS 69 to 76 For Shallow or Deep Wells. May be Operated by Hand, Windmill, Gasoline Engine or Electric Motor; the Cylinder or Working Barrel in most cases being separate and usually submerged. CYLINDERS AND PUMP LEATHERS 77 to 94 Iron, Brass and Brass-lined Cylinders, Used with Hand and Windmill Lift and Force Standards, Power Working Heads, etc. For general water supply; the Cylinder being usually submerged. PIPE, SUPPLIES AND PUMP FIXTURES 95 to 110 Strainers, Float, Check and Foot Valves; Air Chambers, Pump Rod and Couplings, Drive Points, Pipe and Fittings, Sinks, Brass Goods, Hose, Pump Fitters' Tools, Oil and Grease Cups, etc. MISCELLANEOUS HAND AND POWER PUMPS Ill to 136 Pumps for the Farm and Factory, Garage, Plumbing Shop, etc., including Thresher Tank Pumps, Contractors' Pumps, Bilge Pumps, Plumbers' Pumps, Factory and Village Fire Pumps, Air Compressors, Hydraulic Rams, Test Pumps, Creamery Pumps, Pump Jacks, etc. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES TITLE OF SECTIONS (Continued) CENTRIFUGAL AND ROTARY PUMPS . . . . 137 to 150 Hand and Power Rotary Pumps for Use in Oil Refineries, Creameries, Breweries, Canning Factories, Paint and Chemical Works, etc., also Horizontal and Vertical Centrifugal Power Pumps for Contractors' Use, Draining and Irrigating, etc. TRIPLEX POWER PUMPS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE-ACTING 151 to 162 For Boiler Feeding, Mine Pumping, Water Works, Sewage Pumping, Brine Circulation, Paper Mill Pumping, Hydraulic Pressure Accumulators, Fire Protection Service, Railway Water Supply, Hydraulic Elevator Service, Private Water Supply, Irrigating, etc., for Operation by Electric or Other Power. HORIZONTAL DOUBLE-ACTING POWER PUMPS 163 to 174 Double-Acting Power Pumps for Various Duties Operated from any Power Source for Mine Pumping, Contractors' Use, Water Tank Service in Factories and Mills, Pneumatic Tank Service, etc. DEEP WELL WORKING HEADS 175 to 186 For Use with Brass Artesian Well and Other Types of Cylinders. For Operation by Electric Motor, Gas or Gasoline Engine, Steam Engine, Horse Power and Windmill; Using Belt, Gearing or Connecting Rod. HYDRO-PNEUMATIC WATER SYSTEMS 187 to 198 For Supplying Water to Farm Homes, Suburban Residences, Country Clubs, Summer Homes, Greenhouses, etc., the Tank Pressure in Many Cases being Automatically Controlled, and the Pump Operated by Electric Motor, Gasoline Engine or by Hand. SPRAY PUMPS AND ACCESSORIES 199 to 216 Bucket, Knapsack, Barrel, Tank, Compressed Air, and Cart Sprayers for the Garden, Greenhouse and Orchard; Independent Power Spray Pumps and Complete Power Spraying Outfits for Extensive Operations; Field Sprayers, Spray Nozzles, Spraying Attachments, etc. REPAIRS OR EXTRA PARTS . 217 to 238 Descriptive Tabulated Price Lists of Extra Parts for Deming Hand, Wind- mill and Power Pumps; Iron and Brass Cylinders, Spray Pumps and Accessories. TECHNICAL DATA AND ENGINEERING TABLES 239 to 248 Information for the Engineer, Architect and Manufacturer; Also for Dealers In and Users of Pumps in General; Such as Facts, Formulas and Rules Relating to Hydraulics and Pneumatics; Including Capacities, Power and Speed of Pumps, and Their Operating Factor. TELEGRAPH CIPHER CODE AND INDEXES 249 to 254 Embracing Figure Index Arranged by Figure Numbers, Consecutively; and Alphabetical Index Arranged by Name of Article. The Telegraph Cipher Code Defines Sentences Relating to Class of Goods, Inquiries and Prices, Terms and Shipments; Also to Orders and their Execution. MOUSE LIFT FORCE PUMPS FOR CISTERNS AND WELLS PITCHER SPOUT AND CISTERN LIFT PUMPS FOR SHALLOW WELLS AND CISTERNS. HOUSE FORCE PUMPS FOR HAND USE IN DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES A Typical Deming House Force Pump Fig. 508 LEVER BOLT CROSSHEAO DISCHARGE TUBE UNION NUT (Descriptive Illustration) The names of the various parts are indicated in the illustration to give dealers and users a general idea of the component parts of pumps shown in this section or chapter of the catalogue. These pumps are complete integral force pumps ready for attaching of suction and discharge tubing. The pumps designated as house force pumps will satisfactorily lift water by suction a vertical distance of 25 ft. calculated from the surface of the water to the pump cylinder. A reasonable horizontal distance from the water supply to the cylinder does not materially affect the working of the pump, but all pipe connections should be screwed up tight and the horizontal part of suction pipe should always incline a trifle upward toward the pump. This will prevent air pockets, which are troublesome. With a house force pump water can be lifted and forced to a point above the surface of supply, (called the total lift) from a cistern, well, spring, dam or creek, as given below for various dimensions of cylinder. Approximate Duty of House Force Pumps (The Leverage Being About 6 to 1) Diameter of Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Capacity per Stroke Gallons Will Lift and Force Feet 2 | zy 2 6 6 6 8 8 .0816 .1275 .1836 .3332 .4352 90 75 50 35 30 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 10 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES annni iiiimiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiinii i ninnim iiiiiiiiiui mniiniiiin iiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiu i HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiu mini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii How to Install Deming House Lift and Force Pumps Shown on the Following Pages Before placing the pump in working position, it is best to soak the stock in water for an hour or so. This will expand the cup leather and cause it to fit the walls of the cylinder more snugly. The pump should always rest firmly on the well curb or plat- form, and should not be supported by the suction pipe. The lower end of the suction pipe should never be permitted to touch the bottom of the well. The pump always works easier after a few days' use. If the plunger leathers should be thick, the pump may work hard and stiff at first. It is almost impossible to adjust leathers exactly right at the factory because of the difference in expansion and thickness of the leathers. All pipe joints should be well threaded and screwed together snugly so as to secure a perfect suction. The connecting rod in deep well pumps should be well threaded and screwed together jtightly to make good, strong joints. If a bucket of water is held to the spout and the handle is worked rapidly, the pump will prime itself. It is possible to draw water horizontally any reasonable distance, provided the vertical suction distance does not exceed 25 feet. This is illustrated by the "Typical Installation" in which the water is drawn vertically from the well, then horizontally to a point beneath the pump, and again vertically into the pump cylinder which is located in the stock or body of the pump. When the suction pipe is laid horizontally, it should be placed underground a distance of three feet to prevent freezing, and the pipe leading vertically to the pump should be carefully boxed in for the same reason. Where the water is more than 25 feet below the pump, Deming Set-Length Pumps, with additional pipe, or Deming Well Pump Standards should be used. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 11 Typical Installation showing well a horizontal distance from pump HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Close Top Pitcher Spout Pump With Adjustable Lever and Cut-Off Base For a Vertical Suction Lift of 25 Feet Fig. 125 This is our Fig. 125 improved pitcher spout pump with close top. It is in universal favor for house use, where a low priced but substantial cistern pump is required. Fig. 125 has a cut- off base so that a bucket or vessel when set under the spout, will catch the water. The cylinder is polished on a special machine which insures a smooth surface for the plunger and at the same time leaves intact the chilled face of the casting. All parts are made to exact gauges so that repairs will always fit. An iron valve seat is regularly furnished. Brass valve seat instead of iron, will be furnished if desired, but at extra cost. On the projecting hub at the bottom of the base, is screwed a coupling nut which is threaded for iron pipe. When so ordered, either a brass tube or a galvanized iron tube for solder- ing to lead pipe, will be furnished, but at extra charge. Fig. 125 is made with either iron or brass-lined cylinder as listed below. Furnished, when so ordered, with Brass Valve Seat at extra cost. Quantity, Dimensions and Weights of Fig. 125, Packed for Export Sizes No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No 5 Number in Case 25 24 16 12 Cubic Feet 16 2 18 4 15 17 1 Gross Weights, Pounds 685 775 570 I 570 Sizes and Prices No. Size Fitted Cylinder for Pipe Inches Inches Stroke Inches IRON BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Weight in Pounds Cipher Price Cipher Price 2 3 4 5 3 1^ 3H 1# 4 1 1 A 4H 2 4 4 4 5 ASSAYED $4 . 75 ASSENT 5 25 ASSIGN 6 25 ASSUAGE 9 . 50 ASTRAY $7 . 25 ASUNDER 8.00 ATONING 9 00 ATTAIN 12 5) 23 26 31 41 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 12 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES 'he Deming "Domestic" Kitchen Pump With Close Top For Vertical Suction Lift of 25 Feet Fig. 102 This is a splendid pump for kitchen use. The close top and large water chamber prevent the water from splashing out at the top. A spout of this type keeps the water from dripping back on the pump stand. The "horn" on the spout provides a means of supporting the bucket. By unscrewing the two bolts in the bearer, the lever can be swung around to the right or left as desired. The "Domestic" is very durable. It is not expensive and is a staunch and efficient pump for cistern use. The cylinder is iron. On the projecting hub at the bottom of the base, is screwed a coupling nut which is threaded for iron pipe. If specified, a brass or galvanised iron tube for soldering to lead pipe will be supplied at extra cost. All parts are made to exact gauges so repairs will always fit. Furnished, when so ordered, with Brass Valve Seat at extra cost. Sizes and Prices Size of Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches Stroke Inches Cipher Price Weight Pounds 3 IH 4^ ACCRUE $5.00 22 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 13 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Brass Cylinder Pitcher Spout Pumps With Close Top and Adjustable Lever For Vertical Suction Lift of 25 Feet Fig. 101 Fig. 115 These pumps have the cylinder or stock constructed of SEAMLESS BRASS TUBING which makes them extremely durable. On the projecting hub at the bottom of the base, is screwed a coupling nut which is threaded for iron pipe. If so ordered, a brass or galvanized iron tube for soldering to lead pipe will be supplied at extra cost. Fig. 101 can be furnished with either nickel plated or brass finished cylinder as listed below. Fig. 115 has all-brass plunger. The bearers may be set at any angle to the spout. The construction of the bases makes it possible to place a vessel directly beneath the spout. Wherever a cistern pump of neat appearance and high quality is desired, either Fig. 101 or Fig. 115 will fulfill the requirements in every respect. Brass Valve Seats are regularly furnished on these pumps. Figure Size Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches Cylinder Stroke Inches Weight Pounds Cipher Price ini 3 \\/. /Polished Brass\ \ Nickel Plated/ 4 17 ANTIPATHY ANTIGRAPH $7.00 8.00 115 3 \V Polished Brass 4 22 ASSAYER 8.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 14 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Revolving Top Cistern Pumps With Bolted Base and Polished Cylinder For Vertical Suction Lift of 25 Feet or Less Fig. 120 Detail View of Base Furnished on These Pumps Fig. 124, With Wall Brackets These pumps have the cylinder in the stock and are ready to use when connected to pipe. The cylinder is bolted to the base. The top is held in place by a set screw so that the lever may be swung around to any desired position. The cylinder is water polished up to the spout, which prevents wear on the pump leather and insures a good suction. The base on these pumps is tapped for iron pipe as listed below. When so ordered, tubes for soldering to lead pipe will be furnished at extra price. Fig. 124 is identical with Fig. 120 except that it is fitted with brackets for attaching to plank or wall. Sizes and Prices Fig. No. Size Cylinder Inches *Fitted for Pipe Stroke Inches Inches IRON BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Weight Pomids Cipher Price Cipher Price 120 2 2 \/ 1 1 A 5 ABBOT $4.50 AIDANT $ 6.50 23 120 3 2M 1M 6 ABBREVIATE 5 . 00 AIDER 7.25 26 120 4 3 1 1 A 7 ABDICATE 5.50 AIGRE 8.00 34 120 5 3M 1 1 A 7 ABDICATION 6.50 AIMER 9.50 42 120 6 3 1 A 2 8 ABDOMEN 8.00 AIMLESS 11.50 51 '120 8 4 2H 8 ABDUCE 10.00 AIRING 15.00 56 124 2 2^ 1M 5 ADJUTOR 4 . 50 ALBURN 6.50 25 124 3 2M 1M 6 ADJUTRIX 5.00 ALBURNUS 7.25 28 124 4 3 1^ 7 ADMONISH 5.50 ALCADE 8.00 37 124 5 3M 1^ 7 ADOBE 6 . 50 ALCAIC 9.50 48 124 6 3 1 A 2 8 ADONEAN 8 . 00 ALCANNA 11.50 53 124 8 4 2y 2 8 ADONIS 10.00 ALCEDO 15.50 58 *For export, when so ordered, we fit these pumps for English pipe thread. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 15 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Special Cistern Force Pumps With Brass Cylinder Will Lift and Force 50 Feet Fig. 518 Fig. 519 The above cuts represent a type of our more recent cistern force pumps with Brass cylinder. They will be found useful in elevating water to bathroom, tank or any part of the house by running pipes from the back outlet. We furnish this pump with either plain or cock Spout and with or without air chamber. The long swinging fulcrum (on Figs. 518 and 5 '9) reduces the wear on plunger rod and stuffing box to a minimum. These pumps can be fitted for lead or iron pipe, but always furnished for iron pipe unless otherwise specified. In ordering, always state style of spout. For Nickel-plated Cylinders add $1.00 to list. Brass Valve Seats are regularly furnished on these pumps. Sizes and Prices Suction Fig. Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe j nc hes Cipher Spout Price Weight in Pounds Inches 518 3 1M 6 ENDOGEN Plain $ 8.50 20 518 3 6 ENDOCARP Cock 1 1 . 00 20 519 3 1M 6 ENDODERM Plain 10.00 ' 25 519 3 IH 6 ENFILADE Cock 12.50 25 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 16 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "New Era" Double-Acting House Force Pumps With Differential Plunger Will Lift and Force from 35 to 50 Feet Fig. 540 Fig. 544 For house use these are very popular pumps to lift and force water from cisterns and shallow wells where the water is within easy vertical suction distance. If water is to be dis- charged into an elevated tank, Fig. 544 must be used, because it has a cock spout adapting it especially to this purpose. The suction plunger below the spout, and the differential plunger above the spout produce a double acting effect as the suction plunger is twice the area of the differential. On the projecting hub at the bottom of the base, is screwed a coupling nut which is threaded for iron pipe. When so ordered a brass tube or galvanized iron tube for soldering to lead pipe, will be furnished at additional cost. The spouts are threaded for %-inch hose coupling. The back outlet is tapped for 1-inch pipe. The bearers are adjustable so the levers can be turned at any angle with the spout. By removing the brass plug in the air chamber, Figs. 540 and 544 may be converted into lift pumps. Brass Valve Seats are regularly furnished on these pumps. Sizes and Prices Suction BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Weight Fig. No. Cylinder Pipe Inches Inches Cipher Price Pounds 540 540 544 544 4 6 4 6 3 ! 3H 1M 3^ O I/ 3H 3H EARLESS EARLOCK EAGLESS EARWIG $ 8.50 10.00 10.50 12.00 30 35 32 37 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 17 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Hand Force Pump on Base With Cock Spout and Air Chamber Will Lift and Force 35 to 75 Feet Fig. 508 This is an extremely popular pump. It has an air chamber and cock spout on the side discharge. The upward discharge is supplied with a union nut and galvanized malleable iron tube threaded for pipe as listed. Brass cased plunger rod is regularly furnished. The base is tapped for iron suction pipe. All parts are made to exact gauges and repairs will always fit. The bearer is adjustable to any angle with the spout. The bolt holes in the air chamber are so spaced that the spout can be turned 90 degrees in either direction. To prevent freezing, raise the lever to extreme height. If upward discharge ONLY is to be used, deduct $2.50 for cock spout from list price. Brass Valve Seat is regularly furnished on this pump. Sizes and Prices No. Size Cylinder Inches Suction and Discharge Fitted for Pipe, Inches Will Lift and Force Feet Stroke Inches IRON BRASS LINED Weight in Pounds Cipher Price Cipher Price 2 2 1 A 1 1 A 75 6 ELFISH $12.50 EMBREW $15.00 60 4 3 1M 50 6 ELICIT 14.50 EMBROGLIO 17.00 64 6 BH 1^ 35 8 ELICITED 21.50 EMBRYO 25.00 83 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 18 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Hand Force Pump on Plank With Cock Spout and Upward Discharge Will Lift and Force 35 to 75 Feet Fig. 509 The pump here illustrated is in every respect similar to Fig. 508, shown on opposite page, except that it is provided with brackets for attaching to plank or wall. The upward discharge is supplied with a union nut and galvanized malleable iron tube threaded for pipe as listed. Base is tapped for iron pipe as listed below. When so ordered, tubes for soldering to lead pipe will be furnished at extra price. The bolt holes in the air chamber are so spaced that the spout can be turned 90 degrees in either direction. Brass cased plunger rod is regularly furnished. All parts are made to exact gauges so that repairs will always fit. Should the plank not be desired, deduct $1.00 list. If cock spout is not desired, deduct $2.50 from list price. Sizes and Prices No. 2 4 6 Size Cylinder Inches | 3 Suction and Discharge Fitted for Pipe, Inches Will Lift and Force Feet Stroke Inches IRON BRASS LINED Weight in Pounds Cipher Price Cipher Price 1 1 A lYt VA 75 50 35 6 6 8 ELOPEMENT ELOQUENCE ELOQUENT $13.50 15.50 22.50 ENCHISEL ENCHASE ENCLOISTER S16.00 18.00 26.00 69 72 89 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 19 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Blue Special" House Force Pump With Brass Tube Cylinder Will Lift and Force 50 Feet Fig. 516 This is one of our latest and best designed pumps for house use. It has a long swinging fulcrum which puts on the base, all the strain of pumping. The suction pipe screws into the base. This type of bolted base is very convenient to install and makes the suction valve easy of access when the cylinder is removed from the base. Fig. 516 has brass tube cylinder and large air chamber, also compression bibb cock and a back outlet tapped for one inch pipe. The plunger rod is brass cased and operates through a brass stuffing box gland. Fig. 516 is painted blue and gold and presents a very neat appearance. The unusually long lever makes pumping easy. Brass Valve Seat is regularly furnished on this pump. Sizes and Prices Size Cylinder Inches Suction Fitted for Pipe Inches Back Outlet Fitted for Pipe Stroke Inches Cipher Price Weight in Pounds 3 IK 1 Inch 6 EXPLODE $10.00 40 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 20 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming House Force Pump on Plank With Fly- Wheel and Crank Will Lift and Force 35 to 75 Feet Fig. 523 This pump is firmly bolted to the wall plank. The spout can be set at different angles by re- moving the bolts in the base of the air chamber. The fly-wheel is 20 inches in diameter and will be found of great assistance in pumping large quantities of water. The plunger rod is brass cased and operates through a brass stuffing box gland. The upward discharge is supplied with a union nut and galvanized malleable iron tube threaded for pipe as listed. Base is tapped for iron pipe as listed below. When so ordered, tubes for soldering to lead pipe will be supplied at extra cost. The plank on which the pump is mounted is nicely finished in natural wood. Deduct $1.00 from list price if plank is not desired. If cock spout is not desired, deduct $2.50 from list price. Brass Valve Seat is regularly furnished on this pump. Sizes and Prices No. Diam. Cyl. Inches Stroke Inches Capacity per Stroke Gallons Will Lift and Force Feet Suc- tion Inches Up- ward Dis- charge Weight in Pounds IRON CYLINDER BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Cipher Price Cipher Price 2 4 6 gM 3^ 6 6 6 .127 .183 .249 75 50 35 1 \/ lj| 1 \/ 135 165 175 EROSE EROSIVE EROTEME $31.50 37.00 45.00 ENTREATY ENTREE ENTRENCH $34.00 40.50 49.50- Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 21 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming House Force Pump on Plank With Upward Discharge Will Lift and Force 35 to 75 Feet Fig. 520 Fig. 520 has a brass cased piston rod with pitman and rod guide, and long lever. The lever is furnished for either right or left hand, but is always arranged right handed, as illustrated, unless other- wise ordered. All parts are made to exact gauges so that repairs will always fit. The discharge of Fig. 520 is fitted with a galvanized malleable iron tube threaded for iron pipe, this tube being attached to the discharge funnel w r ith a coupling nut. Base is tapped for iron pipe as listed below. When so ordered, tubes for sol- dering to lead pipe will be supplied at extra cost. Fig. 520 is regularly mounted on a handsome plank and presents a very fine appearance. If this plank is not desired, deduct $1.00 list. Brass Valve Seat is regularly furnished on this pump. Sizes and Prices Size Suction and Will Lift IRON BRASS LINED Weight No. Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe, Inches Force, Feet Inches Cipher Price Cipher Price in Pounds 2 4 6 !* 3j^ IX 1M l^i 75 50 35 7 7 7 EPIDEMIC EPIDEMY EPIGRAM $15.50 16.50 22.00 ENTUNE $18.00 ENURE 20 . 00 ENVAULT 26 . 50 95 100 105 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 22 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming House Force Pump on Plank With Air Chamber and Cock Spout Will Lift and Force 35 to 75 Feet Fig. 524 In all respects this is the same pump as Fig. 520, except that an air chamber and cock spout have been added. The bolt holes in the air chamber are so spaced that the spout can be turned 90 degrees. The upward discharge is supplied with a union nut and galvanized malleable iron tube threaded for pipe as listed. Base is tapped for iron pipe as listed below. When so ordered, tubes for soldering to lead pipe will be supplied at extra cost. All parts are made to exact gauges so that repairs w r ill always fit. Should plank not be desired, deduct $1.00 list. Deduct $2.50 from list price if cock spout is not wanted. Brass Valve Seat is regularly furnished on this pump. Sizes and Prices Size Suction and Will Lift _ j IRON BRASS LINED No. Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe, Inches Inches Force. Feet Cipher Price Cipher Pi 2 4 6 2H 3^ 1M 1M 1H 7 7 75 50 35 ERECTED ERECTION- ERGOT $20.00 21.00 28.00 ENVY ENVYING ENVIER $2: 2-1 31 24.50 32 . 50 Weight in Pounds 100 114 115 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 23 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Ideal" Double- Acting Oscillating Force Pump With Brackets Will Lift and Force 20 to 90 Feet Fig. 570 Fig. 570 is well suited for pumping hot liquid, oils, wines, cider, etc., as it has no leather packing. To secure the best results, the vertical distance from the pump to the liquid should not exceed 20 feet. A foot valve on the end of the suction pipe may be used to advantage where freezing is not liable to occur. The pump lever may be worked from either a vertical or horizontal position. The construction of Fig. 570 is such as to cause a minimum of friction. All parts are made to exact gauges so that repairs will always fit. The following parts are regularly made of brass: Oscillating wing or piston, valves, which are brass swing type, suction valve deck and valves, stuffing-box gland. Following are the parts regularly made of iron, any or all of which will be made of brass when specified at extra cost: Shell, lid, stuffing-box nut and pipe flanges. The piston shaft is steel but will be made of brass if specified, but at extra cost. Lever is regularly malleable iron but can be furnished with an iron socket and wood lever if so specified. The interior view shown on opposite page will explain the construction, also method of operation. We can furnish air chamber with cock spout at additional list prices as on opposite page. Sizes and Prices No. Suction and Discharge Flanges Fitted for Pipe, Inches Outside Diameter of Cylinder Inches Inside Diameter of Cylinder Inches Capacity ^at 50 Strokes per Minute Gallons Will Lift and Force When Operated by One Man Weight in Pounds Iron (includes brass wing and valves; brass suction deck and valves; brass stuffing-box gland) Cipher Price 1 2 1 5 6 1 4 9 4 1 6% 4 5 6 9 13 19 90 72 60 40 27 20 17 17 23 27 39 50 58 67 GABLED GADDED GAINSAID GALLANTLY GALLED GALLERIES GALLOPED $18.00 19.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 38.00 44.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 24 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming " Ideal" Double-Acting Oscillating Force Pump Mounted on Base Will Lift and Force 20 to 90 Feet Fig. 670 DISCHARGE FLANGE FLANGE BOLTS - SHELL DISCHARGE VALVES OSCILLATING WING OR PISTON SUCTION VALVES SUCTION VALVE DECK BASE COUPLING NUT ' DETAIL OF FIGURE 670 We can furnish air chamber with cock spout at additional list as given below: Fig. 670 is same as Fig. 570 shown on oppo- site page, but mounted on a cast-iron base. No. 0. No. 1. Iron Air Chamber and Brass Bibb Cock .$6.50 No. 2 $6.50 No 5 .6.50 No. 3 8.00 No 6 No. 4 . . 8.00 .$9.00 . 9.00 Sizes and Prices No. Suction and Discharge Flanges Fitted for Pipe, Inches M i Outside Diameter of Cylinder Inches Inside Diameter of Cylinder Inches Approxi- mate Capacity per Minute Gallons Will Lift and Force, Feet Weight in Pounds Iron (includes brass wing and valves; brass suction deck and valves; brass stuffing-box gland) Cipher Price $20.00 21.00 22.50 27.50 33.00 41.50 48.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 4 5^ 6% 7M 8% 9% 4 5 6 9 13 19 22 90 72 60 40 27 20 17 25 30 35 51 60 70 76 GADFLY GAGGING GALIOT GAMUT GARBAGE GARDENER GAUFFER Alphabetical Index, . Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 25 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Climax" Double Acting House Force Pumps For Open Tank Water Systems Will Lift and Force 50 to 75 Feet Fig. 608 Fig. 600 These are two of our most popular pumps for elevating water to up- per floors and attic tanks. Access to the valves is ob- tained by removing the two bolts, one on each end of the pump. The air chamber and suction at- tachment can then each be separated from the valve chamber, leaving the valves exposed. As shown in the illustration, the valve chamber is cast on the side of the cylinder. Both cylinder heads are bolted on, mak- ing the plunger easily ac- cessible. Water is dis- charged on both strokes and a steady even stream is insured because of the large air chamber. Figs. 608 and 600 are especially suited to open tank water systems. For pumps to be used with the hydro-pneumatic (compressed air tank systems) see next page. All "Climax" pumps have bronze wing valves and bronze valve seats. Many thousand "Climax" pumps are now in use. Fig. 600 is fitted with cog lever. In this respect only does it differ from Fig. 608 which has plain lever. Sizes and Prices 6 1 2 "o c oi 1 "* |g Suction Inch JJ-S &a P V Cipher Price Cipher Price ^ Cipher Price Cipher j Price ; $ i IM 4 4 55 FABLE 61 FABRIC $16.00 18.00 FABULIST FABULIZE $18.00 21.00 60 FRANTIC 67 FRAP $18.00 20.00 FRAUD $20.00 FRAUDFUL 23.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 26 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Climax" Double Acting House Force Pumps For Hydro-Pneumatic Systems Will Lift and Force 50 to 75 Feet Fig. 608^ With Air Cock and Plain Lever Fig. 6003^ With Air Cock and Cog Lever Except that to each of these pumps is fitted a small check valve and air cock, they are identical with Figs. 608 and 600 shown on the opposite page. This air valve which is attached to the cylinder head, adapts these pumps for use with hydro-pneumatic systems of water supply (commonly known as compression tank water systems). The hydro-pneumatic systems are fully explained on pages 187 to 198. With the air cock just mentioned the amount of air to be pumped into the tank with the water, can be easily governed by adjusting the cock. If it is desired to pump water only, then the air cock can be shut off. Fig. 6003^ "Climax" is the Fig. "Climax" with cog lever instead of plain lever. Sizes and Prices Fig. 608^ w W M ~ &~* 3 *J 03 fig- UVUX2 MC 75 50 35 87 91 98 BOTHNIAN BOTTLING BOULLION $16.00 16.50 17.50 BREME BREN BREWIS $18.50 19.00 20.50 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 41 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES FULCRUM PIN FULCRUM TOP CLEVER AIR CHAMBER PIPE Deming "Peerless" Double-Acting Force Pumps A Brief Description of this Famous Complete Line of Pumps "Peerless" Pumps are made for either shallow, deep or drilled wells, and with or without three-way attach- ment with or without windmill top. Any of them may be had with cog lever top. We make the cog lever pumps WITH WINDMILL OR HAND TOP and we can furnish them either way at the same price, since the extra length of windmill rod is the only difference between the hand and wind- mill cog lever pumps. EASY To OPERATE: "Peerless" Pumps are so often found in country school yards and railway stations, \PUMP STANDARD because they are so easy to operate. Directly under the lever of every "Peerless" Pump is an air chamber pipe which compresses the supply of air and acts as an elastic cushion, keep- ing the same amount of water in the discharge pipe so that the water flows from the spout in a steady stream without spurting or splashing. THE DIFFERENTIAL CYLINDER EQUALIZES THE LOAD: On the up stroke of the plunger the water from the lower cylinder is lifted through the cylinder pipe and pump passages. One-half is forced through the spout and the other half follows the dif- ferential piston into the differential cylinder. On the downward stroke, the differential piston forces down and out through the spout the water that followed it on the up stroke. Thus the pump dis- charges half the water on the up stroke and half on the down stroke. Because of the differential cylinder, no stuffing boxes are used. There is nothing, there- fore, to hinder the passage of the plunger rod. When garden hose is attached to the spout, there will be no leakage at top of air chamber. When windmill power is to be applied to the "Peerless" windmill pumps, it is necessary to remove just one pin, and the handle drops down. When this operation is reversed, the pin will always FIT. The stock is a single casting. The pipes are held rigidly in place by an ingenious clamp which prevents them from swinging. THE DISCHARGE AND AIR CHAMBER PIPES ARE GALVANIZED. On the succeeding six pages the "Peerless" pumps are illustrated and further described. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 42 PLUNGER ROD END VALVE SCREW STUFFING BOX GLAND DISCHARGE SPOUT COUPLING NUT HOSE TUBE PUMP STANDARD CUT AWAY BELOW PIPE CLAMP DISCHARGE PIPE PLUNGER ROD DISCHARGE VALVE CASE DISCHARGE VALVE ROD DISCHARGE VALVE PIPE COUPLING COUPLING NUT DIFFERENTIAL CYLINDER MANIFOLD ATTACHMENT REDUCER Illustration (in Section) of Fig. 283 "Peerless" Force Pump. DIFFERENTIAL PLUNGER / ROD COUPLING PLUNGER ROD /LOWER CYLINDER HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Double-Acting "Peerless" Force Pumps Fig. 280 Hand Top For Shallow Wells Will Lift and Force 35 to 75 Feet Dealers will find that these pumps are a great convenience because the Shallow Well Pumps, Figs. 280 and 450, can readily be made into the Deep Well Pumps, Figs. 281 and 451, see page 44. This is ac- complished by simply detaching the lower cylinder and connecting to it the attach- ment "B" and to the lower pump casting the attachment "A." This feature of adjustability is an advantage that gives the dealer four styles of pumps by carry- ing two styles; together with the attach- ments. When fitted for deep wells these pumps may be used in wells up to 200 feet deep, if a smaller diameter cylinder is used than is listed below see table on page 30. Fig. 280 has ^-inch plunger rod fitted with y% x 3^-inch coupling. Fig. 450 has windmill rod 1 x ^ inch, welded to J^-inch steel rod, and connected to plunger rod with union coupling. Plunger stub rod is threaded % inch. Nos. 2 and 4 "Peerless" Pumps, Figs. 280 and 450, are the most popular size, as they will go in 5^-inch well casing. Attachments "A" and "B" to make "Peerless" shallow well pumps into deep well pumps, $1.00 per pair. A drip hole in the discharge pipe, three feet below base, allows the water to flow back into the well and prevents freezing. Brass Valve Seats are regularly furnished on these pumps. Sizes and Prices Fig. 450 Windmill Top Fig. No. Diameter Lower Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches Will Go In Drilled Wells Inches Will Lift and Force Feet Weight in Pounds WITH BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Cipher Price 280 280 280 450 450 450 2 4 6 2 4 6 3^ 3^ $ 3^ 6 6 6 6 6 6 \ 5% 6^1 5 5 A 5 5 /8 W/8 75 50 35 75 50 35 82 83 90 88 90 102 BANKRUPT BARBARIAN BARBECUE BARLEY BARNACLE BAROMETER $14.00 14.00 16.00 15.00 15.00 17.00 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 43 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Peerless" Double-Acting Force Pumps Fig. 281 Hand Top For Deep Wells Will Lift and Force 35 to 75 Feet Instead of having the cylinder attached to the set length as is the case in Figs. 280 and 450, de- scribed on the preceding page, Figs. 281 and 451 are furnished with the deep well attachments "A" and "B," and a separate brass-lined cylinder (Fig. 308) which can be dropped down into the well, thereby adapting the pump to wells 200 feet deep or less, if a smaller diameter cylinder is used than is listed below see table on page 30. Fig. 281 has 3/-inch plunger rod fitted with 3^ x ^g-inch coupling. Fig. 451 has windmill rod 1 x j^-inch, welded to J^-inch steel rod and connected to plunger rod with union coupling. Plunger stub rod is threaded % inch. If the lower cylinder is placed in the water, the pump will not require priming. A drip hole in the discharge pipe, three feet below the base, allows the water to flow back into the well and prevents freezing. Brass Valve Seats regularly furnished on these pumps. Fig. 451 Windmill Top Sizes and Prices Fig. No. Diameter Lower Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches Stroke Inches Will Go In Drilled Wells Inches Will Lift and Force Feet Weight in Pounds WITH BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Cipher Price 281 281 281 451 451 451 2 4 6 2 4 6 2X 3 3H 2J^ 3 3^ | 6 6 6 6 6 6 5^8 6/^ 75 50 35 75 50 35 83 86 90 89 92 96 BARRICADE BASTINADO BAYONET BEDLAM BEDOUIN BEGGAR $15.00 15.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 44 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Peerless" Double-Acting Force Pumps Fig. 282 Hand Top For Drilled Wells Will Lift and Force 50 to 75 Feet Since most drilled wells are of small diameter, we make this "Peerless" type with air chamber and suction pipe close together. The two cylinders are not connected by pipe, but are left separate so that the lower cylinder may be dropped down to any de- sired depth. Better results are usually ob- tained if the lower cylinder is placed in the water. These pumps may be used in wells up to 200 feet deep if a smaller diameter cylinder is used than is listed below see table on page 30. Fig. 282 has j^-inch galvanized steel pump rod and fitted with re x ^-inch coupling. Fig. 452 has windmill rod 1 x % inch, threaded ^ inch, and coupled to ^-inch plunger rod with compression coupling. Lower end of rod is furnished with y^ x %- inch coupling for cylinder rod. The lower cylinder furnished with this type of "Peerless" pump is our flush capped cylinder, Fig. 322. A drip hole in the discharge pipe, three feet below the base, allows the water to flow back into the well and prevents freezing. Brass Valve Seats are regularly furnished on these pumps. Sizes and Prices Fig. 452 Windmill Top Fig. No. Diameter Lower Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches Will Go In Drilled Wells Inches Will Lift and Force Feet Weight in Pounds WITH BRASS CYLINDER Cipher Price 282 282 452 452 2 4 2 4 * JH 6 6 6 6 18 J t* 75 50 75 50 85 92 91 98 BELAY $16.00 BEHOLDEN 16.00 BELAYING 17.00 BELLOWS 17.00 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 45 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Peerless" Double-Acting Force Pumps Fig. 283 Hand Top With Three- Way Valve for Underground Discharge Will Lift and Force 50 to 75 Feet Fig. 453 With this style of the "Peerless" pumps, the Windmill Top water may be discharged through the spout or through the underground discharge pipe by simply turning a hand-wheel at the top of the spout which operates the distributing valve in the dis- charge pipe. Well casing must come only to the UPPER cylinder attachment, 4 feet, 3 inches below the base of the pump, and a pit of that depth should be dug to accommodate the distributing valve. Our new distributing valve is the acme of per- fection. With it the water may be discharged through the underground discharge pipe, into a tank at house or barn, a considerable distance from the well. The lower cylinder furnished with this type of "Peerless" pump is our flush capped cylinder, Fig. 322. These pumps may be used in wells up to 200 feet deep, if a smaller diameter cylinder is used than is listed below see table on page 30. Fig. 283 has }/2-inch plunger rod fitted with 3/2 x 2^-inch coupling. Fig. 453 has windmill rod 1 x ^g-inch, welded to 3/2-inch steel rod and connected to plunger rod with union coupling. Plunger stub rod is threaded %, inch. A drip hole in the discharge pipe, 3 feet below the base, allows the water to flow back into the well and prevents freezing. Brass Valve Seals are regularly furnished on these pumps. Sizes and Prices Fig. No. Diameter Lower Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches Stroke Inches Under- ground Discharge Inches Diam.Well Lower Cyl. Goes In Inches Weight in Pounds WITH BRASS CYLINDER Cipher Price 283 283 453 453 2 4 2 4 1* 2^ 3 ig 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 3 I* 3^ 106 109 115 116 BELVEDERE $19.00 BENEFACTOR 19.00 BENGAL 20 . 00 BETHEL 20 . 00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 46 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Fig. 450^, for Shallow Wells Peerless" Cog Lever Force Pumps For Shallow and Deep Wells Fl 'g- Will Lift and Force 50 to 75 Feet For Deep Wells These two pumps are fitted with the Deming Cog Lever Top, but otherwise they are the same as Figs. 450 and 451, pages 43 and 44, respectively. No. 2 can be used by hand in wells up to 75 feet deep; No. 4 in wells up to 50 feet deep; No. 6 in wells up to 35 feet deep or less, than the depth mentioned. Our Fig. 308 cylinder is furnished with these pumps. For deeper wells a smaller cylinder should be used than is listed below see table on page 30. Figs. 4503/2 and 4513/2 have windmill rod 1 x % mcn > threaded ^ inch and coupled to 3^-inch plunger rod with compression coupling. Lower end of rod is furnished with re x 3^-inch coupling for cylinder rod. The "Peerless" pumps with cog lever can be used either by hand or windmill. The gear guard ABSOLUTELY PRE- VENTS possibility of CHILDREN'S FINGERS becoming caught in the cogs. When used as a hand pump, a pin is inserted at the opening "C." When used as a windmill pump the pin is taken out, which allows the handle or lever "E" to drop down, and in addition a windmill slide rod is attached. Brass Valve Seats are regularly furnished on these pumps. Key to Engraving Detail Cut of Cog Lever A Wood rod of windmill. B -Hercules windmill connection. C Opening for steel pump pin used always with hand pumps. D Combination coupling for con- necting flat and round rod. E Lever, which hangs down when pin is removed from "C." F Gear guard, partly broken away to show cogs "G" on lever and rack. G Cog mechanism, a part of lever "E." H Actuating rack for hand use. When used by hand the pin MUST be inserted at "C. J Bolt for supporting air chamber pipe. Sizes and Prices Fig. ' No. Diameter Lower Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches Stroke Inches Will Go In Drilled Wells Inches Weight in Pounds WITH BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Cipher *Price 450^ 450 H 451>| 451 ^ 2 4 6 2 4 6 JM 1 | 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 99 101 103 91 103 105 BURIAL BURIER BURKE BURKED BURKING BURKER $16.50 16.50 18.50 17.50 17.50 19.50 *Extra list for Fig. 390 "Hercules" Windmill connection, $1.00. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 47 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Peerless" Cog Lever Windmill Force Pumps Fig. For Drilled Wells For Drilled Wells; and with Three -Way Distributing Valve Will Lift and Force 50 to 75 Feet Figs. 452}/ and 4533/2 are the same as pumps illustrated on pages 45 and 46, respectively, ex- cept that these pumps are fitted with cog lever tops instead of the plain windmill top. These cog lever " Peerless " pumps are made WITH WINDMILL OR HAND TOP and we can furnish them either way at the same price, since the extra length of windmill rod is the only difference between the hand and windmill cog lever pumps. They may be used in wells up to 200 feet deep, if smaller diameter cylinders are used than listed below see table on page 30. All "Peerless" pumps are furnished with hose tubes so that garden hose can be used. The lower cylinder furnished with this type of "Peerless" pump is our flush capped brass body cylinder, Fig. 322.! Figs. 4523^ and 4533/ have windmill rod 1 x ^g inch, threaded re inch and coupled to 3^-inch plunger rod with compression coupling. Lower end of rod is furnished with ^ x %-inch coupling for cylinder rod. A drip hole in the set length pipe, three feet below the base, allows the water to flow back into the well and prevents freezing. Brass Valve Seats are regularly furnished with these pumps. Sizes and Prices Fig. 453^ With Three -Way Discharge Valve Fie No Diameter Lower Fitted for Pipe Stroke Set Length and Lower Cylinder Weight WITH BRASS CYLINDER Cylinder Inches Inches Inches Will Go In Drilled Well Inches Pounds Cipher Price 452J4 452H iSg 2 4 2 4 3 2 i* & 6 6 6 6 4 2 Lower Cyl. Will Go In Drilled Wells, Inches 3 91 98 115 116 BURL BURLACE BURLY BURLESQUE $18.50 18.50 21.50 21.50 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 48 WELL PUMP STANDARDS FOR HAND AND WINDMILL LIFT AND FORCE PUMP STAND- ARDS, STUFFING-BOX HEADS, ETC., FOR EITHER SHALLOW OR DEEP WELLS; THE CYLINDER OR WORKING BARREL BEING SEPARATE AND USUALLY PLACED IN THE WATER HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Typical Deming Force Pump Standard (in Section) For Operation By Hand or Windmill FLAT ROD GUIDE OF FULCRUM TOP STUFFING BOX GLAND LEVER LINK BEARER OR FULCRUM AIR CHAMBER TUBE AIR CHAMBER SACK OUTLET PLUG ROD COUPLING LEVER FLAT ROD FLAT AND ROUND ROD COUPLING WITH SET SCREW PLUNGER ROD HEMP PACKING BEARER BOLT COCK HANDLE SCREW AND CAP HOSE TUBE SPOUT NUT DISCHARGE PIPE STANDARD WITH BASE AND AIR CHAMBER This illustration will serve to identify the parts entering into the construction of a pump standard. It portrays our Fig. 444 windmill force pump standard, which is a representative type of the classification to which this particular section of our Catalogue is devoted. The term "Standard," as applied to pumps, indicates a pump stock with bearer, lever and rod connection fitted for pipe and adapted for use with any ordinary independent cylinder when pipe and rod are added. "Standards" are classified as follows: Hand lift pump standard; Windmill lift pump standard; Hand force pump standard; Windmill force pump standard; Deep well force pump standard, also hand and windmill standards with underground discharge, all of which are described on the following pages of this section. The dealer can fit a pump for a well of any depth by securing the proper standard and cylinder and supplying the pipe and rod from his stock. Many dealers do this in preference to buying the complete set length pump. When standards are required for wells 75 feet deep or more, well pipe should be carried by independent supports in the well, so that the weight of the pipe will not be carried entirely by the thread in the standard. The cylinders should in no case be placed a greater distance than twenty feet above the water to secure good suction, and wherever possible they should be submerged. The size of cylinder to be used with each standard is determined by the depth of the well. (See table on page 30.) Deming standards with six inch stroke are fitted regularly for \}! 5 14.25 18.00 22.50 2 x!4 10 1 % .136 10 3 8.50 9.75 13.00 2J4 x!4 10 134 i 3K 10.25 11.75 16.25 3>i 14 8 JL JL .333 13>3 3K 12.25 14.75 21.00 4 15 8 o y& .435 20 4K 15.75 19.00 26.50 1^x16 10 1 % .104 6 2 13.75 2 x!6 10 1 % .136 7 2K 9-00 10.50 13.75 2^x 16 10 IK % .172 8 2Y Z 9.75 11.25 14.50 2^x16 10 IK % .213 9 2^ 10.25 11.75 16.00 2%x 16 10 1 \ % .257 10 3 10.75 12.25 16.50 3 x 16 10 IK % .306 11 3K 11-25 12.75 17.25 3> x 16 10 \\^ ft .417 14 3K 13.50 16.00 22.25 4 x!7 10 2 y* .544 27 4K 17.50 20.50 28.00 1^x18 12 1 H .092 4^ 1M 14.25 1^x18 12 1 % .125 6^ 2 14.25 2 x!8 12 1 a^ .163 8 2K 9.50 11.00 14.25 2Mxl8 12 % .206 9 2^ 10.50 12.00 15.25 2^x18 12 1 is % .255 10H 2K 11-25 12.75 17.00 2^x18 12 IK % .309 12 3 11.75 13.25 17.50 3 x 18 12 IK % .367 15 3K 12.25 13.75 18.25 3^x18 12 m ft .5 HYz 3K 14.75 17.25 23.50 4 x 19 12 2 % .653 22 4K 19.25 22.25 29.75 \Xx22 16 1 H .122 4>i 1M 15-25 1^x22 16 1 a/ .167 6\4 2 15.25 2 x22 16 1 y .218 8 2K 10.50 12.00 15.25 2Kx22 16 IK % .275 9 2^ 12.00 13.50 16.75 2^x22 16 % .34 10^ 2K 13.25 14.50 18.75 2^x22 16 IK 3xC .411 12 3 13.75 15.25 19.50 3 x22 16 IK % .49 15 3K 14.25 15.75 20.25 3j^x22 16 1 \^ A .67 17^ 3K 17.75 20.50 26.75 4 x23 16 2 % .87 22 4K 22.75 25.75 33.25 Fig. 322, with "J" Plunger Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 85 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES The Deming "Whitecap" Seamless Brass Body Cylinder With Inside Attachment and Iron "A" Plunger For Small Diameter Wells Fig. 314 2^x6 3x6 3 x 10 For the benefit of pump dealers, we have gotten up this special line of brass body cylinders designated as Fig. 314. These cylinders as will be seen by the specifications are made in the popular sizes 23^-inch, 2^-inch, 2%-inch and 3-inch, and in two lengths of stroke, 6-inch and 10-inch. The longer stroke cylinders are adapted for adjustable stroke windmill pumps, and as these cylinders are all made with inside attachments, they will give the greatest capacity for drilled wells of small diameters. As this is intended to be a popular line of cylinders, they are made only as listed and as shown in the engravings with iron parts excepting the brass tube shell. The cylinder attachments are all fitted for l)i-inch pipe. All details in connection with these cylinders have been carefully considered as to the convenience of the Dealer and the User. It is a thoroughly practical line of cylinders and embraces the sizes that are in most common use. To distinguish the Deming Special "Whitecap" Brass Body Cylinders from our standard line, the Caps of these Specials will be painted white. For our standard cylinders, made in varied sizes and lengths of stroke, see other pages in this section of the Catalogue. Price List with "A" Plunger (One Leather) Diameter Inches Stroke Inches Extreme Outside Diameter For Pipe Inches Pump Rod Inches Capacity per Stroke Gallons Approximate Weight Pounds Price (Cipher, CHINE) Inches 2K 6 2^ IK Z A -103 6^ $ 7.50 VA 6 2% IK *A -128 7 7.75 2M 6 3 1M *A -154 7^ 8.00 3 6 3K IK y 8 .184 sy 2 8.25 2^ 10 2^ iK y 8 .172 7y 2 9.00 2^ 10 2% IK y 8 .213 8^ 9.25 2M 10 3 IK y 8 .257 9^ 9.50 3 10 3K IK H .306 W 1 A 10.25 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 86 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Seamless All Brass Cylinder With Inside Caps and Brass Poppet Valves Fig. 1315 Price List with "J" Plunger (Two Leathers) Fig. 1315 is made of brass and has "J" (two leather) plunger. The plunger and lowex valve are constructed with single finger, metal faced, ground poppet valve. The lower valve has brass cage SCREWED onto bottom cap. Rods are fitted with lock nuts. Inside Diam. Of Cylinder Stroke Inches 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Length Over all Inches 24 26 27 27 28 30 31 31 29 29 30 32 32^ 34 35 35 36 38 39 39 Extreme Outside Diam. Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches 4M IK 4% 3 3 4 4 IX 3 3 4 4 IX Well Rod Inches 1 A 3 4 5 A % % Capacity per Stroke Gallons .163 .255 .367 .5 .653 .837 1.02 1.234 1.469 1.858 1.999 .218 .34 .49 .666 .87 1.12 1.36 1.646 1.958 2.479 2.666 .272 .425 .612 .833 1.088 1.394 1.7 2.057 2.448 3.098 3.332 .326 .51 .734 1. 1.306 1.673 2.04 2.468 2.938 3.716 3.998 Approx- imate Weight Pounds 8 10 15 20 25 31 37 45 58 73 77 9 11 27 33 39 48 60 77 81 10 12 18 23 29 36 42 51 81 85 11 13 31 38 45 54 67 85 89 Price All Brass (Cipher, CAMEL) $ 16.00 20.00 22.00 28.50 34.00 45.00 59.50 69.00 78.50 100.00 126.50 17.50 22.00 24.50 31.50 37.50 50.00 65.00 75.00 93.00 107.00 135.00 19.00 24.00 27.00 34.00 40.50 55.00 70.00 81.00 100.00 115.00 143.00 20.50 26.00 29.00 37.00 44.00 60.00 75.00 87.00 106.50 122.50 151.00 Fig. 1315 Made only with "J" Plunger Bottom Attachment for Fig. 1315. Brass Cage Screws onto Bottom Cap Engineering Tables and Information Felating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 87 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Special Artesian Well Brass Cylinder With Bronze Ball Valves Fig. 311 Fig. 311 Cylinder is made of seamless drawn brass tubing with cast bronze attachments, the top attachment being threaded for standard pipe of the next size larger than the inside diameter of the cylinder, to permit the withdraw- ing of the plunger and lower valve without the necessity of removing the pipe and cylinder. The bottom attachment is threaded for suction pipe or strainer. The plunger and lower valve are made of bronze, with bronze ball valves, and the plunger has two cup leather packings. The plunger is provided with a steel pin connection for wood rod coupling as listed unless ordered otherwise. These cylinders are somewhat lighter and shorter than Fig. 324 cylinders of the same diameter and stroke, though in every way equal in the high quality of material and workmanship. They are suitable for use in wells of medium depth with any power or steam-driven working head. NOTE. For convenience in shipping the plunger and lower valve are screwed together, and must be disconnected before cylinder is lowered in the well. Sizes, Capacities, Prices, Etc. Stem of Inside Diam. of Cyl. Inches Stroke Inches Capacity per Stroke Gallons Pipe for Top Attach- ment Inches Pipe for Bottom Attach- ment Inches Extreme Length of Cyl. Inches Extreme Outside Diam. Inches Plunger Fitted with Pin Connec- tion Approx- imate Weight Pounds CYLINDER COMPLETE Cipher Price Inches 1% 10 .11 2 2 24 2M H 13 CAPTIVITY $17.50 1% 16 .17 2 2 30 2M y* 15 CHAMPION 19.00 2 1 4 10 .17 % 1 A 2 25 3H % 17 CARESS 26.00 2M 16 .27 2 32y 2 2% % 12 COLLATOR 15.00 1% 10 .104 2 2 28 1 A 2% % 16 COLLATE 17.50 1% 16 .167 2 2 32^ 2% % 17 COLLEAGUE 19.00 2M 10 .172 2^ 2 31 3M H 21 COLLATING 26.00 23 16 .275 2*A 2 35 3^ H 23 COLLEGIAN 28.00 2M 10 .257 3 2 38 ^| Y% 32 COLLECT 34 . 00 2% 16 .411 3 2 42 ' Vfj 7^ 34 COLLIDE 36 . 00 2% 24 .617 3 2 59 ^ y% 37 COLLODION 38.00 2% 30 .771 3 2 56 <. y% 7 A 39 COLUMBINE 40.00 3X 10 .359 3M 2H 37 '. % l 43 COLIC 45.00 3M 16 .575 3H 2>i 43 l 45 COLLIERY 48.00 3M 24 .862 Z I A 2 1 A 51 ' % 1 48 COLLUDE 52.00 3/4 30 1.077 3)4 2 1 A 57 M l 50 COMATOSE 55 . 00 3tf 36 1.294 Z I A ^A 63 ' M l 52 COMEDY 58.00 3% 10 .478 4 3 41 5M 1J^ 59 COLLARING 65.00 3% 16 .765 4 3 45 $ 1 A 1M 62 COLLECTIVE 70.00 3% 24 1.147 4 3 53 5^ \y% 66 COLLUSION 75.00 3% 30 1.434 4 3 59 5H iy& 69 COMBAT 80.00 3M 36 1.722 4 3 65 5^ \y% 72 COMFORT 85.00 4}4 16 .982 4H 3 4GJi 6 IH 81 COLISEUM 90 . 00 4^ 24 1.473 1 A 3 54 y 6 \y* 87 COLOGNE 95 . 00 4M 30 1.842 4^ 3 60M 6 iy& 92 COMBINED 100.00 \y 36 2.210 4M 3 66M 6 \y % 97 COMICAL 105.00 4% 24 1.840 5 3 56M G 1 A 1J^ 105 COLONIAL 135.00 4% 30 2.300 5 3 62^ G 1 A \Y^ 110 COMBING 142.50 4% 36 2.760 5 3 68M VA \y% 115 COMMA 150.00 5*4 24 2.248 6 3 1 A 57M 7M iy 124 COLUMBIAN 160.00 5X 30 2.811 6 3 1 A 63 jj 1H 130 COMMANDING 170.00 5M 36 3.372 6 VA 69M TYz 1% 137 COMMUTING 180.00 5H 24 2.696 6 3 1 A 57M 7/^ iy& 148 COMBATANT 195.00 5% 30 3.372 6 , 3^ 63 X iy^ 156 COMEDIAN 207.50 5H 36 4.044 6 3^ 69 X 7M iy& 164 COMMANDER 217.50 6J4 24 3.186 7 60^ 8 7 A \y% 205 COMBINER 250.00 6*4 30 3.984 7 66M 8 7 /8 \y^ 212 COMMENTED 260.00 6M 36 4.780 7 72M 8% \y% 220 COMPARED 275.00 6% 24 3.716 7 61 X 8 7 A \y* 253 COMBINE 300 . 00 6M 30 4.645 7 67 M 8H \ 1 A 261 COMMENTING 320.00 6*4 36 5.576 7 73>i 8y s 1H ! 269 COMPARATIVE 335 . 00 7M 24 4.900 8 1 A 72 9% H 290 COMFORTED 450 . 00 7% 30 6.126 s y 78 H M 310 COMMITTED 480.00 7j^ 36 7.348 8 M 84 9 7 A i^ 330 CONSTRUED 500 . 00 8M 24 5.880 9 5 72 11 H 295 COMIC 725.00 8H 30 7.350 9 5 78 11 i^ 320 COMMON 775.00 8M 36 8.820 9 5 84 11 H 345 CONSTRUCTED 825 . 00 w 24 7.344 10 6 72 12 H 525 COMICALITY 915.00 9^ 30 9.180 10 j 6 78 12 540 COMMUNE 955 . 00 9J4 36 11.016 10 6 84 12 >i 555 CONSTRUCTING 1000.00 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 89 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Seamless Brass Tube Cylinder With Removable Lower Valve Fig. 1311 Fig. 1311 cylinder is made of seamless drawn brass tubing with cast-iron attachments, the top attachment being threaded for standard casing of the next size larger than the inside diameter of the cylinder, to permit the withdrawing of the plunger and lower valve without the necessity of remov- ing the pipe and cylinder. Bronze attachments furnished at extra cost. The bottom attachment is threaded for suction pipe or strainer. The plunger and lower valve are made of machine-finished, bronze castings and are designed with the largest possible waterway. The plunger has two cup leather packings and the lower valve one. The valves, valve seats and followers are interchangeable; valves are leather- faced. The lower valve is held securely in place by stiff springs which are so designed that they lock the lower valve seat and make it impossible for it to unscrew and drop off of the valve stem. To remove plunger and lower valve, simply draw out the plunger. The lower valve rod, which extends up through the plunger and is fitted with lock nuts, will, in turn, draw out the lower valve. This simple construction does away with the difficulty so often experi- enced in trying to screw the plunger down onto the lower valve cage, as it is necessary to do on nearly all other makes of cylinders. Sizes, Capacities, Etc. Inside Diam. of Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Capacity per Stroke Gallons Top Attach- ment Fitted for Casing I.D. Inches Bottom Attach- ment Fitted for Pipe Inches Extreme Length of Cylinder Inches Extreme Outside Diameter of Cylinder Inches Plunger Fitted with Iron Pipe Connec. Inches Approxi- mate Weight Pounds Price (Cipher, CHIME) 2K 12 .255 2M IK 23 K 4.1^ 1 14 $30.40 2K 16 .340 2/4 IK 27^ 4K 1 16 33.65 2K 20 .425 224 IK 31K 4K 1 18 38.25 2K 24 .510 2/4 IK 35K 4K 1 20 39.40 3 12 .367 3M 2 24^ 43^ 24 33.65 3 16 .489 3M 2 28 K 4^ 26 37.15 3 20 .612 2 32^ 4/^ 28 41.25 3 24 .734 3/4 2 36K 4% 30 43.95 3K 12 .499 3M 2 26 4J^ /4 32 42.75 3K 16 .666 3M 2 30 47^ M 34 45.75 3K 20 .833 3/4 2 34 4K 36 48.00 3K 24 1.000 Q3X 2 38 4J^ /4 38 50.65 4 16 .870 4/4 2K 31K 5K M 40 53.65 4 20 1.088 4/4 2K 35K 5K 1 8 42 56.25 4 24 1.306 4/4 2K 39^ 5K 44 59.25 5 16 1.360 &9i 3 33 7/ 1/4 62 77.65 5 20 1.700 5iNs 3 37 7/4 1/4 68 81.00 5 24 2.040 55/1 3 41 7M 1/4 74 84.40 6 20 2.448 55^ 4 38 K 8M 2 100 99.00 6 24 2.938 Q5^ 4 42^ 2 105 121.50 7 20 3.332 75^ 5^ ID 39 K 9K 2 112 153.00 7 24 3.998 7^ 5 5 A ID 43K 9K 2 117 168.65 8 24 5.222 ' 8M 6>Hi ID 45 IOK 2 127 219.40 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 90 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Windmill Irrigating Cylinders For Wells 100 Feet Deep or Less Plunger For Fig. 380 Fig. 380 For Spiral Riveted Pipe (Flange of Cylinder Fits Flange of Pipe) Lower Valve For Fig. 380 Fig. 1380 These cylinders may be operated by windmill or other power. They are intended for use in raising large quantities of water for irrigation or drainage purposes. Fig. 380 has suction and discharge fitted for wrought iron pipe as listed. The top flange is regularly drilled for Abendroth and Root Special Riveted pipe as listed below. Fig. 1380 has an extra heavy brass liner; all brass plunger; brass poppet lower valve and brass valve seat. The extended flange at top is drilled for supporting the cylinder on a framework to relieve the connecting pipe of the weight of the cylinder. Flanges on the 6 and 8-inch cylinders have i^-inch holes; the 10-inch and 12-inch cylinders have ^g-inch holes. Sizes and Prices, Fig. 380 Nom'l Inside Diam. Inches Actual Inside Diam. Inches Length of Stroke Inches Total Length Inches Flange for Iron Pipe Ex- treme Outside Diam. Inches Plunger Rod Fitted for Pipe Inches Nom'l Cap. per Stroke Gals. Weight Pounds IRON BRASS-LINED Cipher Price Cipher Price 5 4^ 16 26 2^ 8 1 IJi 100 CAZIC $19.00 CAWKY $25.00 6 5% 16 26 4 9 1 1* 125 CEDRY 22.50 CELT 30.00 8 7% 16 26 6 11 1 3^ 180 CELLA 31.00 CENSE 41.00 10 9H 16 26 8 14 1M 514 280 CHOWDER 45.00 CASSINO 57.00 12 HM 16 34 8 16 2 1% 400 CACHET 65.00 CADDICE 90.00 6 5y 24 34 4 9 1 3 150 CARPEL 25.00 CARRYALL 37.00 8 7 5 ^ 24 34 6 11 1 5 225 CARPOLITE 33.00 CARTILAGE 49.00 10 9% 24 34 8 14 1M 1% 375 CARPUS 53.00 CASCADE 71.00 12 113^ 24 42 8 16 2 UK 600 CARRACK 75.00 CASEMENT 112.50 Sizes and Prices, Fig. 1380 Diameter and Stroke (Inches) Capacity per Stroke (Gallons) Suction and Discharge Pipe (Inches) Plunger Connections Pipe (Inches) Lift and Force Feet 100 75 50 50 Approximate Weight Pounds BRASS LINED Cipher Price 6x 16 8x 16 10 x 16 12x16 1.958 3.482 5.44 7.833 3 4 5 6 1 1 J* 150 CERES 225 CUTTY 320 CYCAS 380 CYCLE $ 55.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 *Refers to the diameter of spiral riveted pipe, through which the plunger can be drawn. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 91 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Oak Tanned Pump Leathers Packed in Cartons of One Dozen Each Showing Carton of One Dozen Lower Valve Leathers Showing Carton of One Dozen Cup Plunger Leathers Good leathers are just as essential to the success of a cylinder as a good cylinder is essential to the success of a pump. By some manufacturers, very little attention is given to the matter of leathers, although it is a subject of supreme importance, since much depends upon the performance of the leathers. It is possible to buy pump leathers at a very low price, made up from scrap or clippings, but in the manufacture of Deming leathers, we use only the very highest grade of material. We buy the full sides from a tannery which makes a specialty of pump leather, and cut our own plungers and valve leathers, washers, etc. As the sides are especially treated for us, durability is assured, and by cutting them ourselves, we secure absolute accuracy. We have been cutting our own pump leathers for more than thirty years. Deming cup and valve leathers are packed in pasteboard cartons. Dealers find these cartons to be very convenient. The kind, quantity and size of leathers contained are printed plainly on the front of each box so that the leather inventory can be taken at a glance. Being square cornered, these cartons will not roll around on the shelves and can be stacked one above the other. Complete Price Lists are given on the opposite page for lower valve leathers, ring packings, flat plunger leathers and cup or crimped plunger leathers. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 92 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Oak Tanned Pump Leathers For Standard Deming Cylinders Flat Plunger Leather Lower Valve Leather Cup or Crimped Leather Price List Per 100 Inside Diameter of Pump Cylinder Inches Cupped Plunger Leathers (Fur- nished with Our Regular Iron, Brass Lined and Brass Tube Cylinders) Canvas Cups (For Spray and Special Fitted Pumps) Flat Plunger Leathers Lower Valve Leathers Ring Packing CUP LEATHERS FOR ARTESIAN WELL CYLINDERS FIGS. 311 AND 324 Inside Diameter of Pump Cylinder Inches Price Per 100 1 IK iK IK 2 2^ 2y 2 2% 3 3^ 3^ 4 4K 5 6 8 8^ 10 12 $ 2.45 3.15 4.15 5.55 6.25 6.95 9.00 10.50 11.50 12.85 17.00 21.85 27.75 34.00 50.00 115.00 130.00 175.00 255.00 W\CS\i-H\W\H\W\i-H\W\rH\W\fH\\W\ t-Ki-K fH\ t-\ i ti iC| 3 .765 3.5 7.57 8 3 4 3H .92 4.0 9.10 8 3H 4 3J 3 3 /| 4 1.09 4.5 10.79 8 4 5 j^jj 3*4 4^ 1.27 5.0 12.54 8 4^ e 31 3% 5 1.48 5.56 14.61 8 5 ek &A 6 1.92 6.62 18.97 8 6 3% 7 2.38 7.62 23.54 8 7 Q 13 4 8 2 . 88 8 . 62 28.55 8 8 9% 4 X STRONG PIPE Nom- inal Size Inches Price Per Foot Actual Outside Diameter Nominal Inside Diameter Nominal Weight Per Foot Pounds Nom- inal Size Inches Price Per Foot Actual Outside Diameter Nominal Inside Diameter Nominal Weight Per Foot Pounds H .12 .405 .215 .314 % 1 A .77 2.87 2.323 7.661 M .075 .54 .302 .535 3 1.03 3.5 2.90 10.252 H .075 .675 .423 .738 3 1 A 1.25 4.0 3.364 12.505 H .11 .84 .546 1.087 4 1.50 4.5 3.826 14.983 M .15 1.05 .742 1.473 4^ 1.80 5.0 4.29 17.611 i .22 1.315 .957 2.171 5 2.08 5.56 4.813 20.778 1M .30 1.66 1.278 2.996 6 2.86 6.62 5.761 28.573 1% .365 1.9 1.50 3.631 7 3.81 7.62 G.625 38.048 2 .505 2.37 1.939 5.022 8 4.34 8.62 7.625 43.388 The permissible variation in weight is 5 per cent, above and 5 per cent, below. Furnished with threads and couplings and in random lengths unless otherwise ordered. For cut lengths, an extra charge will be made above random lengths. For pipe smoothed on the inside, known as reamed and drifted, an extra charge will be made above standard pipe. For galvanized, or coated pipe, an extra charge will be made above black. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 96 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Revised Price List of Pipe Fittings Sizes, Inches M M M K 1 IK IM 2 2* 3 w 4 4* 5 6 Elbows, Malleable. 45. . . . Elbows, Galvanized, 45 . . . Elbows, Malleable Elbows, Galvanized . . . . . $.08 .12 .07 .09 $.10 .15 ! .08 .11 $.12 .20 | .10 .14 $.18 1 .25 .15 .20 $.26 .40 .22 .32 $.36 .50 .25 .40 $.54 $.82 1.25 .85 1.35 1.90 .35 .50 .90 .60 .901.50 2.50 3.75 1.50 2.60 3.25 4.75 2.25 3.75 4.50 6.75 3.00 5.00 5.25 6.00 9.00 7.50 11.00 Street Elbows, Malleable . . . Street Elbows, Galvanized . . .10 .12 .10 .12 .12 .15 .20 .28 .25 .35 .40 .55 .55 .80 .90 1.30 1.50 2.25 2.25 3.50 3.50 f Tees, Malleable Tees, Galvanized .08 .10 .09 .13 .11 .16 .15 .20 .25 .38 .30 .50 .45 .70 .60 1.00 1.05 1.90 1.70 3.00 2.50 4.25 3.40 5.75 f| Crosses, Malleable .09 .10 .16 .20 9q .30 45 .40 .60 .60 PO 1.00 1 50 1.75 ? 75 3.00 4 50 3.25 5.25 8.00 * .05 .06 .04 .06 .06 .07 .08 .10 .06 .08 .09 .10 1C ill .17 .13 .18 .16 .25 .17 .25 .25 .35 .21 .32 .36 .55 .28 .40 .52 .75 .40 .55 .... .60 .80 .80 1.05 1.00 1.40 1.50 2.00 1.65 2.25 2.40 3.25 o Couplings, Galvanized .... Couplings, Malleable, R. & L.. Couplings, Galvanized, R. & L. Nipples, Short Nipples, Long Nipples, Short, Galvanized . . Nipples, Long, Galvanized . . .04 .06 .06 .11 .04 .06 .06 .11 .05 .07 .06 .11 .06 .09 .08 .14 .08 .13 .11 .19 .11 .17 .17 .29 .13 .20 .21 .35 .18 .27 .27 .47 40 .59 .56 .86 .48 .72 .70 1.10 .75 1.05 1.20 1.70 .85 1.20 1.35 1.87 1.25 1.70 1.85 2.60 1.55 2.45 2.30 3.15 1.85 2.90 2.80 4.25 Bushings Plain . . . 04 04 05 06 .07 OP 14 .30 .60 .40 .80 .50 1.00 .75 .93 1.25 m 08 .08 .10 .12 .14 .18 .28 .42 Plugs Plain .... .02 .04 .02 .04 .02 .04 .03 .06 .04 .08 .05 .10 .07 .14 .10 .20 .18 .36 .25 .50 .38 .76 .42 .84 .65 .88 1.30 1.75 1.20 2.40 ft Plugs, Galvanized Reducers, Cast Reducers, Malleable Reducers, Galvanized .... L50 2.40 i.85 3.05 1.85 2.00 2.70 4 .05 .06 .07 .10 .10 .16 .25 .20 .35 .28 .45 .45 .75 .70 1.05 1.00 1.65 Caps Cast 1.05 1.20 1.55 Caps, Malleable .03 .04 .04 .05 .05 .08 .08 .12 .12 .17 .16 .24 .24 .38 .32 .52 .45 .76 .85 1.30 1.00 1.60 1.20 2.00 Caps, Galvanized Locknuts, Malleable Locknuts, Galvanized .... Locknuts, Cast .02 .03 .03 .04 .04 .05 .05 .07 .07 .10 .09 .14 .11 .20 .18 .30 .27 "34 '.47 ".64 '.85 '.90 1.30 Unions Malleable .18 .27 .20 .30 .22 .33 .27 .40 .33 .50 .46 .70 .58 .90 .75 1.15 1.55 2.35 2.10 3.15 3.65 5.50 4.35 B.50 t Unions, Galvanized Flanged Unions . . .... .40 .46 .52 .64 .78 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.70 3.15 3.95 * Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 97 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES niiuiBiH^^ Deming Steel Pump Rod and Couplings Steel Pump Rod Size Inches . ... % T6 y*. y% Weight Per Foot 6 Oz. 8 Oz 11 Oz 16 Oz $0 10 $0 10 $0 10 $0 10 Hexagon Malleable Iron Rod Coupling Rod Coupling for Heavy Duty Beaded Rod Coupling Combination Pipe and Rod Coupling Couplings for Steel Pump Rod HEXAGON MALLEABLE IRON ROD COUPLINGS Size, Inches V T6 TSX^g Yi y^y* 1 '') X }V Approx. No. Per Pound . . Threads to the Inch . . . Price, Black, Per Pound . Price, Galvanized, Per Pound 9 14 10.16 .20 7 12 $0.16 .20 7 12-14 $0.16 .20 6 12 $0.16 .20 6 12-14 $0.16 .20 6 12-12 $0.16 .20 These couplings are tapped yj-inch over size unless otherwise ordered. Heavy Duty Rod Coupling HEAVY DUTY ROD COUPLINGS Size, Inches Price Galvanized Per Pound Price Plain Per Pound y 5 /8*H %*& $0 . 22 $0 . 18 .22 .18 .22 .18 Beaded Rod Coupling Size Rods, Threads Galvanized Plain Brass Inches to the Inch Per Pound Per Pound Per Pound y% 14, regular $0.20 $0.16 $0.50 H 16, to order .20 .16 .50 %x^ 12x14 .20 .16 .50 A 12 .20 .16 .50 U 12 .20 .16 .50 HX& 12 .20 .16 .50 Combination Pipe and Rod Couplings PIPE AND ROD COUPLING FOR %-INCH IRON PIPE Size Rod, Inches . H y> T* Approximate Number in Pound . . 5 5 5 Price per Pound, Galvanized . . . . $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 98 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Wood Sucker Rods and Pin Connections Fig. 636 Wood Sucker Rods are made of the best material obtainable, octagon in shape, and are lighter than solid steel or pipe rods. Prices include rods with couplings attached, and are for standard lengths of from 18 to 20 feet each. Shorter lengths furnished at proportionate increase in price. When wanted, rods are furnished with galvanized couplings and copper rivets at extra price. Fig. 636 Rod Couplings are of forged wrought iron with threaded box and pin joints. Sizes and Prices of Fig. 636 Rods and Couplings Size of Octagon Wood Rods Inches II a; C* o^ Approximate Shipp'g Weighd per Foot Pounds RODS WITH COUPLINGS IN ABOUT 20-FooT LENGTHS COUPLINGS ONLY, PER PAIR Adapted for Work- ing Barrel Diameter Inches (Depending Upon the Depth of Well) Cipher Price per Foot Cipher Price With Plain Coupl 'g With Galv'd Coupl'g Plain Galv'd 2 3 1 12 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 1 2 * SACRED SADNESS SACREDLY SAFFRON SAGELY SABINE SAGENITE SACQUE SABOT $0.19 .28 .30 .50 .55 .85 .90 1.40 1.60 $0.25 .37 .40 .60 .80 1.05 1.25 1.85 2.05 SACRUM SAGGER SADDLE SAGGING SAGO SACKER SAGOIN SADLY SACKAGE $1.65 2.75 2.75 3.75 3.75 6.25 6.25 13.50 13.50 $2.25 3.75 3.75 3.45 3.45 9.25 9.25 16.50 16.50 From \y% to 2J4" From 2j| to 3*4 From 2M to 3% From 3 M to 4*4 From 3M to 5J4 From 4M to 5% From 4% to 6M From 5% to 7% From 6M to 9}4 Fig. 1637 (Cipher, "Sanity") Pin connections, or steel substitutes, are for making connection between Figs. 324 and 311 cylinder plungers and wood rod couplings. One end is threaded to fit the plunger and the other end threaded the same as pin on the coupling of Fig. 636 sucker rod, unless otherwise specified. Sizes and Prices of Fig. 1637 Steel Pin Connection Trade No. Size of Pin Threads per Inch Size of Pin Threads i per Price Inch Trade No. Size of Pin Threads Size per of Inch Pin Threads per Inch Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 12 10 10 10 10 10 1 12 $0.50 12 1.00 10 1.00 12 2.00 10 2.00 10 2.00 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 A I 1 H 8 l^i 8 IJi 8 1H 10 10 8 8 8 $2.50 2.50 2.50 4.00 4.00 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 99 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES IIIIIIIIIUilllllllllllllllllllllllllllDlllll Deming Suction Strainers for Pipe and Hose Fig. 338 Fig. 339 Fig. 340 Fig. 338 Suction strainer for iron pipe. Fastens to pipe with set screw. For use where pipe is not threaded. Fig. 339 Female thrhad. Screws on end of pipe. Fig. 340 Male thread. Screws into pipe coupling or into bottom of cylinder. Size Inches 1 1^ \y^ 2 2 1 A 3 f Plain $0 36 $0 40 $0 48 $0 72 $0 80 $1 00 Figs. 338, 339,340 ] Galvanized .44 48 52 80 (Galvanized and Gauze Covered . .56 .64 .72 1.00 *Two and one-half inch and 3-inch made only in Fig. 340 plain. Fig. 334 Suction strainer for hose. Stem is forced into hose and held therein by hose band. Fig. 334 is fur- nished regularly with capped end hose, but will be furnished for enlarged end hose when specified. Fig. 341 Extra heavy bell-shaped strainer for iron pipe. Female thread. Fig. 334 Strainer for Hose Fig. 341 Strainer for Pipe Size, Inches 1 IX IK 2 2K 3 3K 4 4K 5 6 7 8 Fig. 334, Plain . . . $0 20 $0 25 $0 35 $0 50 $0 75 $1 00 $1 50 Fig. 334, Galv. 25 30 45 60 1 00 1 50 2 50 Approx. Weight, Pounds . 2 2K 3 3^; 514 514; Fig. 341, Screwed, Plain Fig. 341, Screwed, Galvanized . . . Approx. Weight, Pounds .22 .32 m .29 .42 2 .40 .56 3 .54 .75 4 .80 1.10 6 1.05 1.60 7K 1.70 2.60 8 1.90 2.90 11 2.25 3.50 16M 2.40 3.80 13M 3.40 5.00 17M 5.00 7.25 27 6.60 9.75 33 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 100 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Strainers, Check and Foot Valves Vertical and Horizontal Check Valves Where the suction lift is high or the suction pipe long it is desirable to use a foot valve as this will insure quick starting of the pump by maintaining the suction pipe full of water. Size Inches :', 1 Di IM| 2 2H 3 3 1 A 4 FiK. 325 (Plain $1.50 $1.75; $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $4.25 $6.00 $7.50 $10.00 \Galv. 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 Fig. 326 /Plain 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.75 4.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 \Galv. 1.50 1.75 2.25 3.00 4.00 5.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 Fig. 326, Horizontal Fig. 328, Foot Valve and Strainer, 6-inch and Smaller, Screwed Foot Valves With Bolted Strainer It is well also to have a strainer at the end of the suction pipe to prevent the intake of the larger particles of foreign matter which would tend to clog the pump valve. Fig. 328 combined foot valve and strainer answers this purpose to very good advantage. We can furnish sizes larger than 2-inch in either the screwed or flanged type. Fig. 328, Foot Valve and Strainer, 7-inch and Larger, Flanged Size, Inches 1 IM 1 1 A 2 2*A 3 3M 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 Fig. 328 Will Go In Pipe, Inches. . . Screwed, Plain Screwed, Galvanized .... Flanged, Plain 5 $0.48 .75 5 $0.48 .75 6 $0.62 1.00 7 $0.82 1.45 8 $1.20 2.00 2.10 9 $1.70 2.70 2.25 10 $2.50 3.90 3.00 10 $2.75 4.25 3.60 10 $4.00 6.00 4.75 12 $4.25 6.50 5.00 12 $ 7.00 10.00 8.00 14 $16.00 30.00 16.50 14 $16.00 30.00 16.50 Foot Valves with Screwed Strainers These foot valves are for use in open wells and also in drilled wells of diameters given in table below. Size, Inches . . % 1 2 Will Go In Pipe . . Fig. 330/ Plain . . . I Galvanized 2M > 2^ 3 3^ 4 5 $1 . 50 $1 . 75 $2 . 00 $2 . 50 $3 . 00 $4 . 25 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 Fig. 336 Screwed for Pipe, Inches .... IM 1H 2 2H 3 4 Outside Diameter, Inches .... Will Go In Pipe, Inches Approximate Weight, Pounds . . . Price. Plain. Each . W* Ql/ 3 $2.25 i* 4 $2.50 \ $3.00 &A 7 $3.50 4M 11 $4.50 5M 17 $8.00 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 101 ;. :::.: ,..;,. : , HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Float Valves, Air Chambers, Water Conductors, Etc. Float and Outlet Valves and Floats Fig. 350 Fig. 1079 Fig. 1078 Fitted for Pipe Inches H 1 1M IK 2 2K 3 Fig. 350 Float Valve Each $0.80 1.25 $0.80 1.38 $1.00 1.50 Y.oo Fig. 1079 Enterprise Float and Outlet Valve 5.00 7.50$10.00 Fig 1078 Copper 9K x 2% Inches Each $1.25 1.75 1.50 Fig. 1078, Copper, 12 x 3 Inches Each Fig 1078 Galvanized Iron 12 x 3 Inches Each HYDRAULIC AIR CHAMBERS, FIG. 369 These Air Chambers are adapted for attaching to the conducting pipe where pumps are required to work against great pressure or force water through a long lead of pipe. Their use will greatly lessen the wear on the pumps. They are fitted with tee connection. SIZES AND PRICES M 1 1M IK 2 2U Price Each $3.00 $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $6.50 $12.00 Fig. 369 Fig. 389 ROLLER PISTON ROD GUIDES FIG. 389 Fig. 343 HANDLE BALLS FIG. 343 For Pipe, Inches 1 IK Price . . $2.50 $3.50 Weight, Lbs. 2% \ 4K 6 8 12 K Price, Each . $0.30 $0.45 $0.60 $0.80 $1.25 Fig. 344 Water Conductor WATER CONDUCTORS, FIG. 344 The Water Conductor is a great convenience for con- veying water from the spout of pumps to troughs and tanks situated at a distance. It is made to swivel and con- duct the water in any direc- tion desired. For 1)4 or 1^4- inch Conducting Pipe, as ordered . Price , each , $ 1 . 00 MALLEABLE HOSE CLEVIS, FIG. 368 FOR PUMP SPOUT Price, each, % or 1-in. $0 . 50 Fig. 368 Malleable Hose Clevis for Pump Spout Fig. 362 Goose Neck GOOSE NECK, FIG. 362 Size Inches Fitted for Hose Coupling Inches WITHOUT HOSE COUPLING WITH HOSE COUPLING Cipher Price Cipher Price i* 2 2 i* 1M COMPETENT COMPILER COMPLACENT COMPLEX COMPLEXITY $0.60 .60 .80 .90 1.00 COMPLIMENT COMPONENT COMPOSER COMPREHEND COMPULSION $0.90 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.50 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 102 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Pump Bracket and Cast Iron Sinks Pump Bracket for Flat and Roll Rim Sinks Will attach to the rim of an ordinary painted or enameled flat or roll rim sink for supporting a pump, and can be placed on either end. The shelf is substantial and neat in design. The combination consists of the pump shelf and bracket, and has a bead around the outer and inner edges, so that all waste water will drain into the sink. It can be quickly placed in position by means of the set screws, and it can also be adjusted to the proper level. A small piece of sheet rubber packing or leather should be placed between the shelf and the sink so as to prevent marr- ing the enamel. The suction pipe of the pump passes through opening of the shelf. Dimensions Weight Pounds PRICE PER DOZEN Aluminum Galvanized White Enameled Length, 9^ inches Top of Plate to Bottom of Bracket, 5}4 inches $18.00 $24.00 $36.00 Porcelain Enameled Iron Kitchen Sinks WITH FLAT RIM, NICKEL PLATED BRASS STRAINER AND COUPLINGS The sizes listed below are carried in stock for immediate shipment 16 x 24 x 6 inches 18 x 24 x 6 inches 18 x 30 x 6 inches 18 x 36 x 6 inches 20 x 30 x 6 inches 20 x 36 x 6 inches Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 103 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Brass Goods Cocks and Valves Fig. 900 Fig. 904 Fig. 913 Fig. 917 GLOBE VALVE, FIG. 900 Size, Inches H H H y 2 H 1 1 1 A Price, Each $0.72 $0.72 $0.77 $1.00 $1.26 11.80 $2.52 STRAIGHT-WAY DOUBLE-GATE VALVES, FIG. 908 Size, Inches .... 1 A H 1 IK IH 2 2^ 3 Price, Each .... $1.65 $2.05 $2.80 $3.70 $5.00 $7.30 $13.00 $19.00 HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVES, FIG. 904 Size, Inches. . . H M N 1 * 2 X 3 Price, Each . . . $0.65 $0.65 $0.70 $0.90 $1.15 $1.60 $2.25 $3.15 $4.75 $9.00 $13.00 LEVER HANDLE, ROUGH STOP, FIG. 913 Size, Inches H H 1 iM IK Rough Stops, Lever Handle, Per Dozen. . . . Rough Stops, Lever Handle, Check and Waste, Per Dozen. . . $21.00 21 60 $36.00 36 60 $52.80 54.00 $89.40 91.20 $149.40 152.40 LEVER HANDLE BIBB COCKS, FIG. 917 Size, Inches M H H K 1 IX IK 2 Finished Bibbs, Per Dozen $25.20 $25 . 80 $35.40 $45.00 $64 . 80 $107.40 $179.40 $300.00 Finished Bibbs for Hose, Per Dozen. 28.80 38.40 48.00 72.00 118.20 194.40 322.20 COMPRESSION BIBBS, FIG. 919 Size, Inches H H H H 1 Compression Bibbs, Finished, Per Dozen . . . Compression Bibbs, Finished, for Hose, Per $18.60 $19.80 22 80 $25.20 28 20 $33.00 36 00 $60.00 67.20 Fig. 919 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 104 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Fig. 1545 Pump Accessories - - Metal and Glass COMBINATION CHECK VALVE AND AIR COCK Fig. 1545 For Pumping Air and Water, for Use with Hydro-Pneumatic Water Systems Price, $1.00 Fig. 788 Tee Handle Air Cock Sizes for Iron Pipe, Inches i \ i J i Fig. 788, Air Cock, Tee Handle .1 $0 40 so 45 $0 50 $0 60 Glass Body with Set-Feed Glass Body with Sight-Feed, Set-Feed and Stop-Feed Blued Steel Grease Cup Sizes for Iron Pipe, Inches y% y M 3^ y& y* M Outside Diameter of Bodies, Inches Plain Brass, Price Outside Diameter of Glass, Inches With Set-Feed, Finished Brass, Price &, IJi $0.80 l SO. 40 1H $1.00 itf $0.60 IK $1.25 1H $0.90 2 $1.50 1M $1.25 2M $1:90 "3" $3.10 2 $1.75 fto With Set-Feed, Finished Nickel, Price 95 1 20 1 50 1 75 2 30 3 50 4 50 With Sight-Feed, Finished Brass, Price With Sight- Feed, Finished Nickel, Price . . ... 3.00 3 50 3.25 3 75 3.50 4 00 3.75 4 25 4.25 4 75 7.25 8 00 9.25 10.25 PRICE LIST OF "MOON" GREASE CUPS Number 1 2 3 4 5 Inside Diameter, Inches ...... Outside Diameter, Inches Height Over All, Plunger Raised, In. . Capacity, Ounces Shank Pipe Thread, Inches y* 1 1 2 * 2H A l/ 3 10 Finished Cast Brass, Each Finished Nickel, Each $1.50 1.75 $2.00 2.25 $2.50 2.80 $3.20 3.60 $4.30 5.00 $6.00 6.75 PRICE LIST OF BLUED STEEL GREASE CUPS 'Moon" Grease Cup Number 00 o 1 2 3 4 Inside Diameter, Inches. . Shank Pipe Thread, Inches Capacity, Ounces .... I M *%* i yt. i yjrn 2H XftX 3 , H Blued Steel, Each .... $0.90 $1.15 $1.40 $1.80 $2.60 $3.50 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 105 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Rubber Suction and Discharge Hose "Deco" H-inch Special High Pressure Hose for Spraying- Good for 250 Pounds Working Pressure Spiral Wire Suction Hose Red "CI" %-inch Tubing for Bucket and Knapsack Spray Pumps "DECO" K-INCH SPECIAL SPRAY HOSE FOR 250 POUNDS WORKING PRESSURE This is a high grade continuous web hose made up especially for us and according to our specifi- cations. It is used with hand and power sprayers and is guaranteed for 250 pounds working pressure to the square inch. We can furnish this hose in any desired lengths. Standard reel, 500 feet. List price per foot i^-inch $0.25 SPECIAL WIRE SUCTION HOSE We carry in stock spiral wire lined suction hose as follows: 1-inch and IM-inch hi 10-foot lengths. 2-inch in 15, 20 and 25-foot lengths. 2J^ -inch and 3-inch in 15-foot lengths. Size, Inches . . 1 1J i IX 2 2^ 3 Price per Foot . $0.75 $0 93 $1.13 $1.50 $3 10 $4 . 00 RED "CI" ^-INCH RUBBER TUBING For use with bucket and knapsack sprayers, etc. Furnished in lengths of 50 feet or less. List price per foot $0.15 Three-Ply Hydrant Hose THREE-PLY HYDRANT HOSE This is the very best quality of hose for hydrant and pump service where the pressure does not exceed 75 pounds. Size, Inches 1 1M 1^ 3-Ply Hydrant $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 FOR HOSE COUPLINGS AND BANDS, SEE PAGE 312 Fig. 948 Throwing Spray. Also throws solid stream "GEM" HOSE NOZZLE, FIG. 948 Size, Inches "Gem" Hose Nozzles, with graduating spray. Price, Dozen. $10.00 $15.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 106 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Pipe Pullers, Fitters' Tools, Etc. JACK SCREW PIPE PULLER, FIG. 861 Holds Pipe, Inches . . . 1 1M IK 2 2^ 3 No. 2, with 1, VA, 1 1 A or 2-in. Dies Extra Dies for No. 2 . . No. 3, with 2, 2Y 2 or 3-in. Dies $6 '.80 $6.75 $6 '.50 $2.75 .50 $5.00 Extra Dies for No 3 80 .75 .75 Holds Pipe, Inches . . . 3 3y 2 4 4^ 5 6 No. 4, with 3% or 4-in. Dies Extra Dies for No. 4 . . No. 5, with 4, 4% or 5-in. Dies Extra Dies for No. 5 . . No. 6, with 4, 4^, 5 or 6- in. Dies Extra Dies for No. 6 . . $2 '.25 '3'.25 $2 '.66 y.oo $8.50 $1.75 Y.75 $2 '.50 $10.00 2.00 $12.00 2.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 BABCOCK'S PIPE LIFTER AND HOLDER, FIG. 884 Price, complete for 1 and 1%-in. Pipe, $6 . 50 HANDY PIPE VISE, FIG. 858 Fig. 858, Capac- ity from %- inch Rod to 2-inch Pipe. Each . $3.00 STILLSON WRENCH, FIG. 844 BARNES' CUTTER, FIG. 855 Length, Open, . 6 In. 8 In. 10 In. 14 In. 18 In. 24 In. Takes Pipe, In.. Price. . .Each Extra Jaws, " Extra Nuts, " Ex. Frames " If $2.00 .75 .12 .38 If $2.25 .80 .15 .42 Kto $2.50 .85 .20 .50 #to IK $3.50 1.15 .30 .60 tfto 2 $5.00 1.75 .35 .75 Mto 2y 2 $7.25 2.25 .55 .95 Numbers . . .1 1 2 3 4 5 Cuts Pipe, In. . Hto *2 t0 iy 2 to 3 2y 2 to 4 4 to 6 Price . . . Each Ex. Wheels, " Wheel Pins, " $4.50 .25 .10 $6.00 .30 .10 $10.00 .40 .10 $20.00 .50 .20 $30.00 .75 .20 DIE STOCKS WITH SOLID DIES, FIG. 848 Number .... 1 \y^ \%. 3 Dies with Each Stock Y to H M to 1 M to 1M 1 to 1H 1M to 2 2*4 to 3 Dimensions of Dies 2 x J^ 2^xX 3x3/ 4 3xM 4xJS 5x1% Complete with Right-hand Dies. . .Each $8.00 Stocks without Dies or Guides . . . ' 3.00 Extra Dies, Right or Left " 1.40 Extra Guides ' .30 $10.50 3.50 1.60 .40 $9.50 4.00 2.00 .60 $9.50 4.00 2.00 60 $14.50 8.50 2.50 75 $35.00 20.00 9.00 2 00 Die Frames "' 30 40 40 50 60 No. 2 and larger have Leaded Screw. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 107 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Brass Jacket Drive Well Points FIG. 630 Trade No. Size Inches Length Feet Jacket Inches Holes PRICES BY THE DOZEN No. 60 Gauze No. 80 Gauze No. 90 Gauze No. 100 Gauze 74 2 18 70 $ 33.00 $ 46.00 $ 52.00 $ 62.00 76 VA 24 100 42.00 56.00 64.00 78.00 78 3 30 120 51.00 66 . 00 ! 76 . 00 94.00 80 3^ 36 140 60.00 76.00 88.00 120.00 82 4 42 160 69.00 86.00 100.00 136.00 84 4^ 48 190 78.00 96.00 112.00 152.00 86 \i 1% 14 80 30.00 42.00 50.00 64.00 90 M 2 18 100 36.00 52.00 60.00 80.00 94 M 2^2 24 125 46.00 64.00 75.00 100.00 98 / 3 30 150 56.00 76.00 90.00 120.00 100 M 3^ 36 175 66.00 88.00 105.00 140.00 102 I 4 42 200 76.00 100.00 120.00 160.00 106 1 \/ 4^ 48 225 86.00 112.00 135.00 180.00 110 1M 5 54 250 96.00 124 . 00 150.00 200.00 112 lj| . 5^ 60 275 106.00 136.00 165.00 220.00 136 m- 2 18 120 48.00 65.00 78.00 94.00 140 IH 2^ 24 160 60.00 80.00 96.00 118.00 144 1^2 3 30 200 72.00 95.00 ! 114.00 ! 142.00 146 l/^ 3^ 36 230 84.00 110.00 132.00 166.00 148 1^2 4 42 270 96.00 125.00 150.00 ! 180.00 150 l l A 4^ 48 310 108.00 140.00 168.00 204.00 152 ul 5 54 350 120.00 155.00 186 . 00 228.00 154 Hi 5^ 60 390 132.00 170.00 204.00 252 . 00 160 2 2 18 140 75.00 94.00 110.00 130.00 164 2 23^ 24 200 90.00 112.00 132.00 160.00 168 2 3 30 260 105.00 130.00 154.00 190.00 170 2 33^ 36 290 120.00 148.00 176.00 220 . 00 172 2 4 42 330 135.00 166.00 198.00 250.00 174 2 4^ 48 380 150.00 184 . 00 220.00 280.00 176 2 5 54 430 165.00 202 . 00 242 . 00 310.00 178 2 5^ 60 480 180.00 220.00 264.00 340.00 180 2 6 66 530 195.00 238.00 286.00 370.00 184 2^2 3 30 300 180.00 230.00 260.00 300.00 188 2Yz 4 42 360 230.00 300.00 340.00 400.00 192 2 1 A 5 54 420 280.00 370.00 420.00 500.00 196 2 1 A 6 66 480 330.00 440.00 500.00 600.00 200 3 3 30 300 240.00 310.00 340.00 410.00 204 3 4 42 420 300.00 390.00 430.00 520.00 208 3 5 54 540 360.00 470.00 520.00 630.00 212 3 6 66 660 - 420.00 550.00 610.00 740.00 216 4 4 36 360 480.00 560.00 600.00 700.00 220 4 6 60 600 630.00 760.00 840.00 1,000.00 224 4 8 84 840 780.00 960.00 1,080.00 1,300.00 228 4 10 108 1,080 930 . 00 1,160.00 1,320.00 1,600.00 MALLEABLE IRON DRIVE CAP, FIG. 898 These caps are made for driving well points. They are extra heavy and especially designed for driving pipe. They are much stronger than the ordinary cap. Size Inches . 1J 1M 2 Fig. 898, Malleable Drive Cap . . . $0.20 $0.24 $0.44 Fig. 898 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 108 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Gauges, Current Breakers, Automatic Switches, Etc. WATER RELIEF VALVES FIGS. 1526-A AND 1995 Fig. 1995 Relief Valve is designed especially for Pneumatic Water Supply Service. It is substantially made, having brass valve and brass seat. The Standard Brass Relief Valve, Fig. 1526-A, has brass body as well as brass valve seat. SIZES AND PRICES Size Inches .... M 1 1/4 Fig. 1995 $4.00 Fig 1526-A $11.00 $13.00 $16.00 Nickel Plated 12.00 14.00 18.00 Fig. 1526-A CURRENT BREAKER FOR GASOLINE ENGINE FIG. 1540 Automatically cuts out battery current when pressure in tank reaches a predetermined point. Simple Durable Reliable. Price, for %-in. pipe $6.00 WATER GAUGE, FIG. 1535 To fit ^-inch open- ings. Has ^-inch glass and hand-wheel. Should glass break, ball check valve closes and prevents air and water from escaping. Price. . . . .$3.00 WATER PRESSURE GAUGE, FIG. 688 Imita- tion hard rubber. Price, including cock (33^- inch) $3.00 Fig. 688 Fig. 1535 Water Gauge THE HERCULES PATENTED WINDMILL CONNECTION, FIG. 390 Holds the pump rod firmly in position. The weighted wrench forces the set screw in hole of slide iron and clamps it firmly to the pump rod. Wrench cannot detach itself. Two complete turns to the left allows the pump rod to play freely in the slide iron, and the connection is made again by turning twice to the right. Fig. For Pump With Cipher Price 390 6 to 10-inch Stroke DEFEND $1.25 Fig. 390 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 109 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Automatic Pressure Regulators For Small D. C. and A. C. Motors Fig. 1508 List Price, $24.00 Fig. 1608 Designed for the automatic control of electric motors which drive pumps operating in connection with hydro-pneumatic water systems. Positive in operation and absolutely reliable. Suited for use with motors which may be thrown directly across the line and of capacities not to exceed the listing below. Connection with the pressure tank should be by an independent pipe from the tank and not from the discharge pipe from the pump. Fig. 1508 is fastened to the wall, or other vertical support, by screws, while Fig. 1608 is supported by the ^g-inch supply pipe and requires no other support. They are suitable for use with motors which may be thrown directly across the line, and of capacities not exceeding the following: The Fig. 1508 switch is regularly furnished on all of our electric-driven water systems except the "Marvel" outfits, Nos. 1685 and 2085, on which the Fig. 1608 switch is regularly supplied. ON A. C. ( CIRCUITS o N D. C. ClRCUI TS Horse Power Horse Power Fig. 1508 Fig. 1608 Fig. 1508 Fig. 160S 1 1 1 2-3 110 220 440-550 110 2 4 5 3 Yt Y* Y* 1 A 115 230 500 1 1 1 K i 2-3 220-550 5 Y2 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 110 MISCELLANEOUS HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR VARIOUS USES PUMPS FOR THE FARM AND FACTORY, GARAGE, PLUMBING SHOP, ETC., INCLUDING THRESH- ER TANK PUMPS, CONTRACTORS' PUMPS, BILGE PUMPS, PLUMB- ERS' PUMPS, FACTORY AND VILLAGE FIRE PUMPS, AIR COMPRESSORS, HYDRAULIC RAMS, TEST PUMPS, CREAMERY PUMPS, ETC. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES niiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Typical Deming Double-Acting Force Pump Fig. 601 (In Section) LEVER SOCKET STUFFING BOX HEAD ST. BOX GLAND PISTON ROD PIN FOR SOCKET & ROD STUFFING BOX STUDS BASE & LINK PIN SOCKET & LINK PIN LINK PISTON CUP IRONS CUP LEATHER PACKING OR CRIMPS PISTON CENTER AIR CHAMBER DISCHARGE VALVES DIS. VALVE SEATS CYLINDER /CYLINDER LINER PRIMING SCREW LANK CYL. HEAD DRIP SCREW BASE SUCftON VALVES SUCTION VALVE SEATS Detail of Triumph Pump The pumps in this section are so varied in their construction and use that it is impossible to show a sectional view of any one pump which will be representative of all. However, on this page we have illustrated Fig. 601 as being a typical double-acting force pump. It discharges water on both strokes of the lever and will lift and force from 60 to 75 feet, depending upon conditions. All of the pumps listed in this section have the cylinder or working parts located in the body of the pump so that no independent cylinder will be required. None of these pumps, therefore, are intended for a greater suction distance than 22 feet, and in the case of diaphragm pumps, not more than 20 feet. In most instances, when using pumps shown in this section, it will be found advisable to attach a strainer to the suction pipe or hose to keep particles of sand, gravel, etc., from being drawn into the pump. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 112 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Triumph" Double-Acting Force Pumps Fig. 601 Flat Air Chamber Fig. 601 is a heavy duty double-acting force pump, fitted with single malleable iron lever with wood handle, and is particularly well adapted for use in mines, factories, warehouses, for fire protection, and for use on vessels, in pumping either hot, cold, acid or salt water. The piston rod is brass, and works through a bolted stuffing box and gland. The piston is regularly fitted with leather crimps, but for hot water is furnished with canvas crimps. Valves and seats are of brass, and the cylinder is brass lined. All brass cylinder, or entire water end of brass, furnished as ordered. Standard air chamber is round, but flat air chamber is furnished to order without extra charge. All pumps are provided with brass vent plugs to prevent freezing. Fig. 602 is identical in construction with Fig. 601, except that it is provided with two malleable iron levers, and is made in the three larger sizes only. The No. 4, with 5-inch diameter cylinder, has a displacement somewhat in excess of 100 cubic inches, thereby more than meeting the requirements of the U. S. Steamboat Inspection Service, which calls for one pump of 100 cubic inches capacity on vessels of 200 tons or less, and two pumps on vessels of over 200 tons. These pumps are suitable for pressures up to 50 pounds. The suction and discharge of Figs. 601 and 602 are regularly fitted for iron pipe; fitted with brass hose couplings at extra price. Extreme suction lift should not exceed 25 feet. Net weights of these pumps are as follows: Fig. 601 No. 1, 94 Ibs.; No. 2, 96 Ibs.; No. 3, 115 Ibs.; No. 4, 175 Ibs.; No. 5, 220 Ibs.; Fig. 602 No. 3, 150 Ibs.; No. 4, 200 Ibs.; No. 5, 270 Ibs. Sizes and Prices Fig. No. 1 2 3 4 5 . c s Length Stroke.ln. 15 l JM | gs 03 . 53 * gs BRASS LINED BRASS CYLINDER *BRASS Extra for Brass Hose Coup- ling Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 601 601 601 601 601 602 602 602 f 5 6 A\/ 4^j A\/ 5H 5^ .190 .275 .490 .935 1.224 2 2H i ik' $ FACADE FACETIOUS FACIAL FACILITY FACIALLY $27.00 28.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 FACING FACTION FACULTY FADING FACIES $55.00 55.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 FACET FACETTE FACIENT FACILE FACTIVE $75.00 75.00 90.00 150.00 185.00 $2.00 2.00 3.00 4.20 7.50 3 4 5 4 5 6 A\S 5H C \S .490 .935 1.224 \* 2^ ifc J* FACINGLY FAGGING FAGOT 35.00 45.00 55.00 FACT FAILING FAINTED 65.00 95.00 125.00 FACTO FACTUM FACTUAL 95.00 155.00 190.00 3.00 4.25 7.50 *Brass pumps are made entirely of brass, except levers, links and bolts. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 113 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES .. :;; Deming "Giant" Double-Acting Thresher Tank Pumps Will Lift and Force 60 Feet Fig. 554 Fig. 5543^ with Cog Lever For the use of threshermen in filling their wagon tanks quickly with water for the purpose of supplying the steam engine boiler; for a contractor's ditch pump; for garden irrigat- ing, and for mine and tank service, the "Giant" is unexcelled. Discharge spout is fitted with hose tube for hose. For use with iron pipe, we will furnish when specified, tubes threaded for iron pipe, instead of spout and hose tubes, as illustrated. This gooseneck may be turned for discharge on either side of the pump. The capacity is from one to two barrels per minute, depending on the number of strokes. Valves are metal, faced with rubber. Cylinder is highly polished. The long wood lever insures easy operation. The polished steel piston rod operates through a brass stuffing-box gland. The caps over the discharge valves can be removed to examine or repair the discharge valves by inserting a stick or rod between the projections. No wrench is necessary. These pumps are double-acting and deliver water on every stroke. Figs. 554 and 554^ are identical except that Fig. 554J/2 has cog lever instead of plain lever. The cog lever makes it possible to operate the pump with a minimum degree of friction. Iron cylinder is regularly supplied on these pumps, but if specified brass-lined cylinder will be furnished at $5.00 extra list. For Fig. 554% add $2.00 to list prices below. Sizes and Prices, Fig. 554 Fig. 554 Cylinder Suction Discharge Stroke Pounds per^roke Cipher Price 5 in. Diam. 2 in. hose 1 in. hose 5 inch 90 Ys gal. Pump Only Includes suction strainer, suction and discharge hose tubes. FALCADE $18.00 Outfit A Pump complete, with 15 feet of 2-inch spiral- wire suction hose and strainer; 12> feet of 1 inch 3-ply discharge hose and nozzle. FALDAGE 40.00 Outfit A A Same as Outfit "A," less discharge hose and nozzle. FALLOW 35.00 Outfit B Pump complete, with 20 feet of 2-inch spiral-wire suction hose and strainer; 12^ feet of 1 inch discharge hose and nozzle. FALSEHOOD 45.00 Outfit B B Same as Outfit "B," less discharge hose and nozzle. FAMBLE 40.00 Outfit C Pump complete, with 25 feet of 2 -inch spiral-wire suction hose and strainer; 12^ feet of 1 inch 3-ply discharge hose and nozzle. FAMOUSLY 50.00 Outfit C C Same as Outfit "C," less discharge hose and nozzle. FANCYING 45.00 Outfit D Pump complete, with 25 feet of 2-inch spiral-wire suction hose and strainer; 25 feet of 1 inch 3-ply discharge hose and nozzle. FANGLE 54.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 114 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Marine" Bilge Pumps For Suction Lift of 20 Feet or Less Fig. 470 Bottom Suction Fig. 471 Side Suction These Pumps are adapted for raising large quantities of water by hand from the bilge well of vessels, from stone quarries and coal mines, cellars and ditches, and for irrigating pur- poses, where the water is not over 20 feet vertically below the pump. They are much used by contractors in removing water from excavations of various kinds. There are three fulcrums, as shown on the engraving, whereby the pump may be operated with the lever in any one of three positions. The lever is substantially constructed of wrought iron, bent, so that its position may be reversed in the socket and thus it becomes a vertical lever which, in some instances, will be found quite convenient. The Valves are rubber-faced, and are made large so as to give ample water way. They are easily removed for repairing. The Cylinder is brass lined. A flange, threaded for suction pipe, is bolted to the base of the pump. At a slight additional cost, we fit these pumps, when ordered, for suction hose. The Suction may be fitted for other sizes of pipe, but is always fitted as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Suction Hose Nipples furnished when ordered. Extra list for No. 2, $3.75; No. 4, $5.00. Sizes and Prices No. 2 4 Diam. of Cylinder Inches Suction Fitted for Pipe Inches Length of Stroke Inches 4 6 Capacity per Stroke Gals. .49 1.47 Fig. 470 Fig. 471 Weights Pounds Cipher Price Weights Pounds 1 Cipher Price 6 8^ 3 4 125 240 GRACING GRACEFULLY $23.00 145 30.00 280 GRADUATING GRACIOUSLY $26 . 00 35.00 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 115 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Diaphragm Suction Pumps Fig. 472, Bottom Suction Fig. 473, Side Suction Fig. 472 Bottom Suction Pump is made with diaphragm of the best quality of rubber; iron suction and discharge valves are rubber faced, both being easily removable. The water- ways are large and practically non-chokable. The suction is fitted for iron pipe. Fig. 473 Side Suction Pump is similar in construction to Fig. 472, but the suction con- nection is at the side, and is fitted with nipple for connecting iron pipe, which is also the thread generally used for hose coupling. " A strong wrought iron lever is furnished with each pump, the lever being bent so that it can be used in a vertical or horizontal position, and the pump operated from either side. For the use of contractors and others these pumps are invaluable for pumping out sewers, trenches, excavations, or places containing muddy or gritty water. Fig. 337 Galvanized Strainer furnished without hose at $1.90 list for 2*/-inch, and $2.65 for 3-inch. Hose couplings, extra diaphragms and gaskets furnished at reasonable prices. Figs. 472 and 473, Sizes and Prices Suc- Fig. 472 Fig. 473 Diam. of Dia- tion fitted Gals. Extra for 15 feet of Suction Hose No. phragm Inches for Pipe Inches per Stroke Cipher Price Pump only Approx. Weight Cipher Price Pump only Approx. Weight with Coupling and Galvanized Strainer 1 9 2H Z A GURGLE $36.00 70 GUZZLER $38.00 75 $24.00 2 12^ 3 1M GURNARD 42.00 150 GUSSET 45.00 165 30.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 116 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Power Diaphragm Pumping Outfit Fig. 1473 Fig. 1473 Power Diaphragm Pump is especially recommended for the use of contractors or others, when it is necessary to handle quickly and economically large quantities of muddy or gritty water. The diaphragm is 12^ inches in diameter of best quality of rubber and the valves are of metal, rubber faced, both being easily renewable. The waterways are large and practically non-chokable. Unless otherwise specified the side suction pump illustrated is furnished, and is fitted with nipple for connecting iron pipe, which is also the thread generally used for hose coupling. When ordered for bottom suction the list price is $3.00 less than given below. These outfits are furnished with either 1-H.P. or 1^-H.P. engines of the four-cycle type, with hit-and-miss governor and cooling hopper, these being very reliable and simple. The gears of the jack are machine cut from solid blanks to reduce friction and noise to a minimum. The pump and engine are mounted on substantial wooden skids, as shown, for easy handling. Fig. 1473, Prices, Etc. Outfit No. Pump Dia- phragm Inches Suction Inches Capacity per Hour Gallons Horse Power Engine Cipher Price Approx- imate Weight Pounds Extra for 15 feet of Suction Hose Including Coupling and Galvanized Strainer 1 2 12k 12^ 3 3 3500 3500 1 1J^ GUNNER GUNNERY $155.00 175.00 535 585 $30.00 30.00 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 117 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Siphon Force Pumps With Brass Cylinder and Brass Piston Rod Will Lift and Force 25 to 100 Feet Fig. 385 Fig. 386 Our Siphon Pumps are so constructed that the cylinder and valves are at all times submerged and consequently always primed. In Fig. 385 the outer case is provided with a hand -hole at the base, covered by a plate. To gain access to the lower valves, remove the hand- hole plate. Access to the plunger may be secured by removing the stuffing- box cap. Plunger may then be withdrawn. This construction makes possi- ble the removal of the plunger and lower valve without in any way dis- turbing the pipe connec- tions. Swing jointed rod coupling will be furnished when so ordered at extra list prices as follows: 3-inch and smaller, $1.00 extra; 3 ^ and 4-inch, $1.50 extra; 5 and 6-inch, $2.00 extra. Fig. 386 is in all respects identical with Fig. 385, except for the addition of a hand lever. Gooseneck spouts furnished at $1.00 extra list. Sizes and Prices c; 7fk Strnkf Fitted Fig. 385 Fig. 386 Cylinder Inches for Pipe Inches Weight in Lbs. Cipher Price Weight in Lbs. Cipher Price 2H 6 ly^ 155 DECRETION $28.50' 3 6 165 DECROWN 31.00 2U g j i/ 125 DENIZEN $25 00 3 8* f* 2^ 8 10 10 10 10 12 IH P 2 1% 130 130 135 205 215 135 DENTISTRY DEPRAVE DEPRAVITY DEPONENT DEPRIVING DESPOTIC 27.50 27.50 30.00 37.50 42.50 30.00 ' ' 165 ' ' 170 240 260 DACAPO DACOIT DECURY DEFECATE 31.00 33.50 42.50 47.50 3 12 140 DESTROYER 32 50 3^ 12 2 2 210 DELTOID 40.00 4 5 12 12 2 214 215 305 DATARY DECAGON 45.00 65 00 6 12 3 315 85 00 5 16 2 1 A 325 DECISORY 80 00 6 16 3 /2 340 DECOY 105.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 118 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Siphon Force Pumps With Submerged Cylinder Will Lift and Force 25 to 75 Feet Fig. 320 Fig. 321 Fig. 320, Submerged Cylinder Pump, for use in places where it can be located within twenty- five feet of the water, has been for years a favorite. It is always primed, therefore will draw water a longer distance than ordinary pumps. It must be protected from frost. The piston-rod is arranged for power, and a forked coupling for attaching to a wind mill wood-rod is also furnished. Fig. 321 is identical with Fig. 320, except that it has windmill top and lever for hand use. Goose neck spout will be furnished at an extra list price of $1.00 for Nos. 1 to 4. Sizes and Prices SPECIFICATION OF SIZES Fig. 320 BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Fig. 321 BRASS-LINED CYLINDER Size Cyl. Stroke Inches Inches Suction Discharge Pipe Inch Pipe Inch Weight in Lbs. Cipher Price Weight in Lbs. Cipher Price 2^ 8 3 8 3^ 10 4 10 5 12 6 12 iy 2 .* 2 JM 1^ I* 2 2M 3 80 88 113 135 194 212 DECKER DECLAIM DECLAIMER DECLARED DECLENSION DECLINABLE $20.00 110 22.00 118 30.00 148 34.00 170 52.00 229 70.00 247 DECREASE $23 . 50 DECREPIT 26.50 DECRIED 35.00 DEDICATE 39.00 DEDUCED 59.50 DEEDED 77 50 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pag*$ Z39 to 248 119 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Siphon Windmill Force Pump With Brass Cylinder Will Lift and Force 25 to 75 Feet Fig. 387 In this pump the brass working barrel is suspended in the iron case, thus forming a reservoir. This reservoir is always filled with water and the pump is therefore always primed. In freezing weather this water can be drained off by removing drip screw and operating pump until water is all out of cylinder. Near the top of the iron case the pump is tapped for suction pipe. The plunger rod is brass cased, and the plunger, suction valve cage and seat are all brass. The discharge pipe may be turned either to the right or to the left to suit conditions. All of the working parts may be removed by taking off the top cap which is fastened to the outer case by means of four bolts. The inner cylinder is of heavy seamless brass tubing. Add $1.00 to the list price if malleable forked rods are wanted instead of windmill slide. Sizes and Prices Suction and 8-lNCH STROKE 12-lNCH STROKE of Discharge Cylinder Inches Fitted for Pipe Inches Capacity per Stroke Gal. Approxi- mate wt. Lbs. Cipher Price Capacity per Stroke Gal. Approxi- mate wt. Lbs. Cipher Price 2X 1 \^ .17 70 DISTURB $18.50 .26 75 DITONE $20.00 3 l/^ .24 75 DISTURBER 21.00 .37 80 DITCHER 22.50 3J4 2 .33 110 DISTYLE 25.00 .50 115 DIVAN 27.50 4 2 .43 112 DlTATION 30.00 .65 120 DIVINE 32.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 120 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Fig. 430 Deming Windmill Force Pumps on Base With Air Chamber and Cock Spout Will Lift and Force 30 to 75 Feet Fig. 1430 Fig. 430 is a very heavy pump which may be used in connection with a windmill. It is also arranged for operation by hand. The base is tapped for iron suction pipe and is bolted to the stock. The air chamber is provided with an upward discharge. When used in cold climates, freezing may be prevented by raising the lever to its extreme height which trips the valves and allows the water to escape from the cylinder. The working barrel or cylinder is located in the stock. Fig. 430 has brass valve seat, brass cased piston rod and a cock spout threaded for hose. The bolt holes in the air chamber are so spaced that the spout can be turned 90 degrees either way. The bearer is also adjustable. Fig. 1430 is similar to Fig. 430 except that it has a hand-hole in the base, giving easy access to the suction valve for examination or repairs. Deduct $2.50 from list price if cap nut on side discharge is wanted instead of cock spout. Brass Valve Seats are regularly furnished on these pumps. Sizes and Prices Fig. No. Size Cylinder Inches Suction and Discharge Fitted for Pipe, Inches Will Lift and Force Feet Stroke Inches IRON BRASS LINED Weight in Pounds Cipher Price Cipher Price 430 430 430 430 1430 1430 1430 1430 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 JX 3H h 3^ ji/ 2 2suc.xlidis. 75 50 35 30 75 50 35 30 6 6 8 8 6 6 8 8 ENRAPTURE ENRICH ENRICHED ENROBE ENMESH ENMEW ENODE ENOMOTY $15.50 16.00 23.00 24.50 16.50 17.00 24.00 25.50 END ARK ENDIVE ENDOSS ENDURE ENOUNCE ENRIDGE ENROOT ENSAFE $18.00 18.50 26.50 29.50 19.00 19.50 27.50 30.50 78 78 100 105 78 78 100 105 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 121 aii'iii,, . .: ;:.:;,..;;; HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Little Giant" Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump With Detachable Lever For 800 Pounds Pressure Fig. 566 This pump is built for pressures up to 800 pounds per square inch. All parts coming in contact with the liquid are made of brass. Fig. 566 has an extra long and powerful forged steel lever. It is much used for testing boilers, pipe lines, castings or for steam gauges, in con- nection with a master gauge. Fig. 566 is regularly fitted for iron pipe but can be fitted with hose nipples at extra price when so ordered. Sizes and Prices Size of Piston Length of Stroke Length Suction Discharge Weight WITHOUT C rAUGE WITH 1,000-PouND PRESSURE GAUGE Inch Inches Inches Inch Inch in Pounds Cipher Price Cipher Price 3 24 H 1 A 26 HORSEMAN $25.00 HULLING $35.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 122 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Hydraulic Force Pump for Plumbers With Brass Valves For 400 Pounds Pressure Fig. 594 This pump is very convenient for plumbers to use for removing obstructions from drain pipes, etc. It is also well adapted for use as a reserve hand boiler feed pump on traction outfits. Should the injector refuse to work, then Fig. 594 would be available to pump water into the boiler and prevent an explosion. In certain localities the laws require an auxiliary feed pump, and Fig. 594 meets the requirements of these laws. It has an extra long and powerful lever which may be turned so as to operate from either side. The suction and discharge valves are screwed to the cylinder. Fig. 594 is very convenient for making a cold water test on boilers as a maximum pressure of 400 pounds can be obtained by its use. Price List Cylinder Inches Stroke Lever Inches Inches Suction Discharge Inches Inches Height Inches Weight Pounds Cipher Price IH 3 24 1 *A *A ii.H 17 HEDDLE $10.00 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 123 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Gasoline Plunger Pumps For Private Garages Will Lift and Force 50 Feet Figs. 725 and 726 To anyone desiring a low priced gaso- line pump of small and medium capacity, these two pumps will commend themselves. Fig. 725 will handle about 1% gallons of gasoline per minute when operated at 42 strokes. It has a special foot valve fitted for % -inch suction pipe. When furnished with- out cock, the discharge connection is adapted for i^-inch pipe or 2/g-inch and 3^-inch hose, The base is adjustable, and the pump is, with the exception of the handle, made al- most entirely of brass. The brass air cham- ber insures a steady stream. If a chain and padlock are used on the handle, thefts of gasoline will be prevented. It is fitted for 3^-inch bibb cock. When ordered with stop cock, the cock is threaded for hose. Fig. 726 has an all brass piston with cup packing. The stuffing-box is of the nut and gland type. The base is in two parts and is clamped to the cylinder so that pipe con- nections may be made without disturbing the pump. When ordered with stop cock, the cock is threaded for hose. Fig. 726 also has a safety locking device which prevents children and others from wasting the gasoline and thereby endangering the garage. It is fitted for 1-inch suction pipe. When the handle is pushed entirely down to locking position, the brass valve trips and the liquid flows back into the tank, leaving the pump entirely free. On page 149 is shown a typical installation of a gasoline pump for garage use. Fig. 725 Fig 726 Sizes and Prices Detail View of Fig. 726 Fig. Diameter Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Capacity per Stroke Gal. Capacity per Min. 40 Strokes Gal. Weight Pounds Without Cock With Cock Cipher Price Cipher Price 725 726 1 2 12 10 .0408 .136 1.632 5.44 10 15 GESTING GAUCHO $6.50 9.00 GESTIC GARRETT $8.00 11.50 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 124 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Fire Protector For Factories, Warehouses, Construction Camps, Etc. Fig. 1668 STUFFING BOX CAP BRASS PACKING-CANDLE WICK tose TUBE-BRASS BARREL-BRASS PLUNGER TUBE-BRASS BALL VALVES-BRASS Detail View of Pump This handy little fire protector affords an ever ready means for the" control of incipient blazes. Many thousands of these fire protectors have been supplied to the U. S. Government for use in camps and cantonments in this country and abroad; also on transports and other types of vessels. Filling the tank of Fig. 1668 with a brine solution (or plain water where there is no danger of freezing) provides an effective means of fire control. A chemical fire extinguisher may not work in time of need, but this Fig. 1668 outfit is always ready and will not fail. Specifications TANK Capacity 5 gallons; strongly and substantially built of galvanized iron and assem- bled with riveted joints. Ends of tank rolled over No. 9 wire. One-half of tank cover is hinged and provided with a catch. Bale is extra heavy and very rigid. Foot rest on tank keeps outfit immovable while pump is being operated. Tank is painted inside with two coats of "Insulite" and painted outside with one coat flat vermilion red and one coat bright red enamel. PUMP Is our "Prize" double-acting brass force pump with special air chamber; and "D" shaped handle. Has brass cylinder; brass ball valves; brass fittings and strainer and is securely fastened to the tank. May be easily removed from the tank by loosening three screws. PERFORMANCE Pump will throw solid stream 35 feet vertically. Three minutes of rapid pumping will empty the tank. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Diameter of tank, 9^ inches. Height of tank, 173^ inches. Height overall with plunger on extreme down stroke, 27 inches. Weight complete, 8% pounds; boxed for shipment, 25 pounds. EQUIPMENT Three feet of ^g-inch hose and brass fire nozzle for throwing solid stream only. Outfits Fig. 1668 With galvanized iron tank, as illustrated Cipher, KORET Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 125 - HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Southern Well Force Pump With Polished Cylinder in Stock Will Lift and Force 35 to 100 Feet Fig. 1274 Fig. 1274 is made with two fly-wheels; a crank shaft; babbitted bearings, and a guided rod. The air chamber is provided with an upward discharge fitted for the same size of pipe as the suction. For pumping large quantities of water, the fly- wheel and crank are preferred in some localities to the usual lever, because all strokes are of equal length, and the pump discharges the full capacity at each revolution. When equipped with either 2, 2^, 3 or 33/2-inch cylinder, Fig. 1274 will lift and force, respectively, 100, 75, 50 and 35 feet. For Fig. 1274 fitted with independent cylinders for deep wells, see list below. Where there is liability to danger from freezing, Fig. 1274 should not be used, except when in service as a deep well pump. If plain spout is wanted instead of cock spout, deduct $2.50 from list. Sizes and Prices Size Fitted for 9trr>lrp Cap. WITH Two FLY WHEELS WITH ONE FLY WHEEL ONLY No. Cyl. Inches Pipe Inches Inches Rev. Gals. Weight Lbs. Cipher Price Weight Lbs. Cipher Price 4 3 1M 6 .18 195 BELDAM $35.00 127 BENDING $32.00 6 3K iy* 6 .25 195 BENCH 40 . 00 130 BENDY 37.00 For Deep Wells (With Two Fly Wheels) (Complete With Independent Cylinder, but Without Pipe and Well Rod) IRON CYLINDER BRASS-LINED CYLINDER No. 4 No. 6 No 4 No. 6 Size Cylinder Inches Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 2 1* 3M BIAS BIASED BIASING BIBBER $35.00 36.00 36.50 38.00 BISE BICEPS BICKER BICOLOR $40.00 41.00 41.50 43.00 BICORN BIDDEN BIDE BIFOLD $37.00 BIGHT 38 . 50 BIGOT 39.00 BILBO 41.00 BILE $42.00 43.50 44.00 46.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 126 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming " Colonial" Quick Return Force Pump With Fly- Wheel and Compensating Lever Will Lift and Force 35 to 100 Feet Fig. 277 By the combination of the slotted yoke or lever, and roller crank pin, the leverage is greater on the up stroke than with the ordinary crank, which makes it very easy to operate the pump. The arrow on the face plate indicates the direction in which the crank shaft should be revolved. The cylinder and plunger are in the stock. If wanted for other than wrought iron suction pipe, the purchaser can easily arrange suction flanges to fit the bottom flange of the pump. The three-way discharge cock makes it possible to force water to an elevated tank or through the spout opening, as desired. For Fig. 277, fitted with independent cylinders for deep wells, see list below. When equipped with either 2, 2^, 3 or 3^-inch cylinder, Fig. 277 will lift and force, respectively, 100, 75, 50 and 35 feet. If plain spout is desired instead of cock spout, deduct $5.00 from list. Sizes and Prices Size Fitted No. Cylinder for Pipe Inches Inches Length Weight Stroke in Inches Pounds Cap. per Revolution Gallons Cipher Price 4 6 3 2 2 6 251 260 .18 .25 BONESET BONFIRE $35.00 40.00 For Deep Wells (Complete With Independent Cylinders, but Without Pipe and Well Rod) IRON CYLINDER BRASS-LINED CYLINDER No. 4 No. 6 No. 4 No . 6 Size Cylinder Inches Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 2 I 3K BILLOW BILLY BINARY BINATE $35.00 36.00 36.50 38.00 BINDER BINE BING BlNOCLE $40.00 41.00 41.50 43.00 BINOT BIOLOGY BIOTINE BIPOLAR $37.00 BIPONT 38.50 BIRCH 39.00 BIREME 41.00 BIRT $42.00 43.50 44.00 46.00 Engineering Tables and Infcrmaiion Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 127 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Century" Complete Whitewashing Outfit With Brass Working Parts Fig. 644 DISCHARGE PI PUMP ROD AGITATOR AND MECHANISM 8RA5.S CYLINDER FABRIC PACKED PLUNGER FOOT LUG M, > U1EJ7&AU VALVES 1L ;: STRAINER The better the light, the more work an employee will do, and "brightening up" with whitewash has therefore been found to bring very satisfactory results in factories where the light is not good. Artificial lighting bills have been very materially decreased; in some cases as much as 25 per cent., by the application of whitewash or cold water paint. When applied with a brush, the process is slow, laborious and often unsatisfactory. Using a Deming whitewashing outfit, the operation is simplified and is quickly completed. The "Cen- tury" is very much used in factories, mills, warehouses, abattoirs, stock farms, etc. The detail of the working parts (shown above) gives a very clear idea of the construction of the pump. A mechanical agitator keeps the mixture in suspension. Valves are brass balls. They will not clog nor corrode. Pump can be worked at 100 pounds pressure. Brass cylinder is 2% inches in diameter, and is always submerged. The long leverage and large air chamber capacity make the "Century" very easy to operate. The tank is a 50-gallon barrel, and the wheels are broad and strong. The caster at front end facilitates turning. Twenty-five feet of ^s-inch hose, 4-foot extension pipe, and our "Bor- deaux" nozzle (the best whitewashing nozzle) are furnished. *OUTFIT "A" same as above, but with two 25-ft. sections of ^-inch hose, each with 4-ft. pipe and "Bordeaux" nozzle. Price List Diameter Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Weight in Pounds Cipher Price *OUTFIT "A" Cipher Price 2M 4M 200 KAISER 135.00 KANAKA $41.50 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 128 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Adjustable Stroke Single-Acting Power Pump Fig. 582 Fig. 582, Sizes 5x5 and larger Fig. 582, Size 2J^ x2 to 4x4 with Type "B" Drive Fig. 582 is a single cylinder, outside packed plunger pump with adjustable stroke, and is designed especially for supplying jacket water for cooling gas engines or for other service where pressure does not exceed 50 pounds. MAIN STANDARD is of cast iron and includes babbitted main shaft bearing and base to which cylinder is bolted. Plunger is outside packed with bolted stuffing box gland. VALVES are of rubber on bronze grid seats and are quickly accessible. Type "B" Drive (Cipher, "TYPEB") includes cast iron sub-base, pump gear and rawhide motor pinion for connecting an electric motor, the speed of which should not exceed 900 R. P. M. Type "C" Drive (Cipher, " TYPEC") includes cast iron sub-base, short belt and spring belt tightener for connecting SLOW SPEED electric motor (not illustrated). Fig. 582, Sizes, Capacities, Prices, Etc. PLUNGERS CAPACITY DIAMETER OF PIPES Tight Pulley Cipher Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Gallons per Revolution Max. Stroke Usual Gallons Revs, per per Min. Min. Suction Inches Discharge Inches i* ZYz 5 6 2 3 4 4 5 5 .042 .091 .166 .217 .425 .612 70 2.94 65 5.91 60 9.96 60 13.02, 50 21.25 50 30.60 1 1& 2 1 2 2 14x3 18x3 18x4 20x4 28x5 30x6 HINDOO HILLOCK HILLY HlLTED HlNNY HINTED P.LUNGERS LIST PRICES Diam. Inches Stroke With Tight Inches Pulley Extra for Brass Cylinder, Plunger and Gland Extra for Tight and Loose Pulleys *Extra for Type "B" Drive *Extra for Type "C" Drive 2^ 2 $78. OQ 3 3 122.00 3^ 4 158.00 4 4 165.00 5 5 288.00 6 5 310.00 Price on Application $10.00 12.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 $75.00 88.00 110.00 110.00 142.00 145.00 $75.00 88.00 110.00 110.00 142.00 145.00 *When telegraphing with reference to Type " B " or " C" Drive, place cipher word "TYPEB" or "TYPEC." respec- tively, immediately following the cipher word for the standard pump. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 129 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Hand and Power Piston Pump With Crank Shaft, Pulley and Handle Will Lift and Force 75 Feet Fig. 585 This Pump is constructed with cylinder in the stock, the plunger being operated by a steel crank shaft and pitman, which are inclosed below the air chamber. Fig. 585 is well adap- ted for use in cheese factories and creameries. It is suitable for raising water from shallow wells, springs and cisterns, by hand or power, and will force it to any point desired; or for filling boiler supply tanks, etc. The cylinder is in a separate casting, and can be renewed when worn. Fig. 585 will be fitted with stub rod to connect with independent cylinders, for deep wells when specified, at same list price. Cylinders are extra. Fig. 585, when furnished with tight and loose pulleys for power only, is designated as Fig. 590. See list below. Sizes and Prices Fig. No. Size Cylinder Inches Suction Fitted for Pipe Inches Discharge Fitted for Pipe Inches Stroke Inches Pulleys Inches Weight Pounds Cipher Price 585 585 590 590 4 6 4 6 3 3^ 3 3H 1H 1 1 A V4 1M 1M 1M 1M 5 5 5 5 16x4 16 x 4 Tight and Loose 16 x 3 16x3 122 125 140 145 HADDOCK HAGGARD HAGGISH HAGGLING $27.00 30.00 32.00 35.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 130 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Power Piston Pump With Tight and Loose Pulleys Will Lift and Force 75 Feet Fig. 591 Fig. 591 is similar in design to our Fig. 590, but is constructed for more severe duty. The crank-shaft extends entirely through the body of the pump, with bearings on both sides, adding greatly to the durability. It is very generally used in creameries, cheese factories, cotton gins, shops and factories, for pumping water from wells for the boiler supply tank. For deep wells we supply it with an independent cylinder of suitable size for the additional cost of the cylinder. Sizes and Prices No. Suction Discharge Size Cylinder Fitted for Pipe Fitted for Pipe Stroke Inches Pulleys Weight Inches Pounds Cipher Price Inches Inches Inches 3 IH 1H 5 16x3 150 HABENDUM 137.00 3^ 1 \^* lH 5 16x3 155 HABITANT 40.00 3 l/^ 1H 5 24x3 160 HACKSTER 44.00 3 1 A 03 IX 5 24 x 3 165 HAIRBELL 47.00 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 131 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES The Deming Hydraulic Ram, Fig. 690 The Hydraulic Ram in Operation A DEMING HYDRAULIC RAM installed at a spring means a constant supply of fresh water in the home at practically no operating expense. Below is briefly explained the construction of the Hydraulic Ram; its method of operation; and the conditions under which it may be installed. It is impossible in a general catalogue like this to give exact specifications of the various conditions under which a Hydraulic Ram will operate successfully. The illustration above will give a general idea of the utility of this wonderful machine in supplying water to a suburban or country residence. IN A SEPARATE BULLETIN, THIS SUBJECT is MORE FULLY TREATED. Operation Deming Hydraulic Rams are used to elevate a part of the water supply to a point higher than the level of supply. The machine in its simple form consists of a body to which is attached an impetus or overflow valve, and an air chamber under which is a check valve. In operation the supply water flows into the ram body through a drive pipe leading from a spring to the ram; the water then passes out through the impetus valve until the column attains sufficient speed to raise the impetus valve to its seat. This stops the column of water in the drive pipe and the pressure produced by stopping this column forces a small quantity through the check valve into the air chamber compressing the air slightly, when the check valve closes and prevents it from returning to the drive pipe. The air, being now at a pressure greater than that due to the head in the discharge line, forces the small quantity into the supply tank. At the moment the check valve closes, the column of water in the drive pipe rebounds a short distance which removes the pressure from the impetus valve and permits it to open of its own weight. This completes one cycle. These movements continue automatically. Suggestions for Installing The LENGTH of the drive or supply pipe should be about five times the FALL. The Hydraulic Ram is MOST EFFICIENT when the VOLUME of the AIR CHAMBER is EQUAL to the VOLUME of the DISCHARGE PIPE. The upper end of the drive pipe should always be a foot or more below the surface of the water. It should be located six or more inches above the bottom of reservoir and a strainer placed on end of pipe. Pipes should be laid straight to reduce friction. Where turns are necessary, long bends are better than abrupt angles. Locate the Ram in a masonry-lined pit, and bolt it on a LEVEL FOUNDATION. Provide drainage for waste water from the bottom of pit. Place all pipes below the frost line. No two installations are alike; therefore we much prefer to make suggestions and give information covering each individual case. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 132 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES The Deming Hydraulic Ram, Fig. 690 Tables of Efficiency, Etc. Ideal Arrangement for Installing Hydraulic Ram where the fall is too great or the Reservoir located consid- erable distance from the Ram Information We Should Have Three Popular Sizes of the Seven Deming Rams FALL IN FEET vertically from surface of water in the supply reservoir to level of the Hydraulic Ram. NUMBER OF GALLONS of water per minute supplied to the Ram. ELEVATION OR HEIGHT in feet (vertically above level of Ram) at which water is to be discharged. QUANTITY OF WATER per day of 24 hours (in gallons) required to be discharged into storage tank. LENGTH OF DRIVE PIPE in feet. It should not be less than five times the fall to give best results. It may, however, be longer. LENGTH IN FEET OF DISCHARGE PIPE. ESTIMATE OF EFFICIENCY: To find the quantity of water a Deming Ram will deliver, multiply the fall in feet (from spring to Ram) by the number of gallons per minute supplied; divide the product by twice the height to which the water is to be forced; the result will be the quantity per minute discharged. EXAMPLE OF EFFICIENCY: With a fall of six feet to the Ram from a spring flowing ten gallons per minute, and a height of 40 feet from the Ram to the point of delivery, the estimate 6 x 10_60 is made as follows: 49 x 2~~80 or ^' being tne quantity (in gallons) per minute the Ram should deliver. This condition requires a No. 4 or 5 Ram. Sizes and Prices No. Quantity of Water supplied to the Ram Gals, per Minute | Length the Drive Pipe should be Feet DIAMETER OF PIPE Weights Pounds Cipher Price Drive Inches Discharge Inches 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l Ato 2 iy 2 to 4 3 to 7 6 to 14 12 to 25 20 to 60 30 to 120 12 to 50 12 to 50 12 to 50 25 to 100 25 to 100 25 to 125 25 to 150 i* J 2y 2 6 I I* 2y 2 28 37 50 74 142 350 615 HAUTBOY HAVOC HAVERSACK HAWSER HAZARD HAZARDOUS HEADLONG f 20.00 22.00 27.00 37.00 70.00 138.00 235.00 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 133 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES .:: Nil! Illlllllll I! ' Illlllllllllllllllimilllllllllllllll lllllll The Deming "Hydraeram" A Modern Hydraulic Ram Fig. 695 The apparatus represented by the annexed engraving is our new Automatic Hydraulic Pumping Engine, or Hydraulic Ram, which we designate as Fig. 695 and have given the name of "HYDRAERAM." This name has been registered at the patent office as a trade mark. We have been granted a design patent. THE HYDRAERAM is MORE EFFICIENT than other machines of the kind. It is new in design and construc- tion, as may be seen by the illustration. The air cham- ber, base, and impetus valve chamber are cast integral. The facility with which the Hydraeram may be adapted to various conditions surpasses everything in the line of automatic pumping apparatus. The Hydraeram can be regulated without detaching any of the parts, and under favorable conditions will discharge water to a height of fifteen times the amount of fall. THE AUTOMATIC AIR SUPPLY is attained by the valve construction, and is so regulated as to give the most efficient results. IN ORDERING A "HYDRAERAM," care should be exercised in giving us as near as possible the amount of WATER PER MINUTE that can be supplied to the machine; the amount of WATER REQUIRED every twenty-four hours; the NUMBER OF FEET FALL (vertically) that can be obtaned from the reservoir to the "Hydraeram," and the length of drive pipe; also the VERTICAL and horizontal DISTANCE the water must be DISCHARGED, i. e., height water is elevated, and length of discharge pipe. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING AND STARTING FURNISHED WITH EACH MACHINE. Sizes and Prices Quantity of Wa- SIZES OF PIPE ter Supplied per Approximate Diameter No. Minute to which Hydraeram is Adapted Gallons Length of Drive Pipe Feet Drive Inches Dis- charge Inches Height Inches of Base Inches Weights Pounds Cipher Price 10 1^ to 3 10 to 40 H H 12^ 5^ 16 HYDRUM $24.00 11 2 to 5 10 to 50 i L 17 8 40 HYDRIC 28.00 12 3 to 10 15 to 50 M 23 10 45 HYDRIDE 48.00 13 6 to 15 25 to 75 2 1 29 12 150 HYDROGEN 75.00 14 10 to 25 25 to 100 35 16 300 HYDROMEL 125.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 134 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Power Air Compressor or Vacuum Pump Fig. 680 Fig. 680 Single-Acting Power Air Compressor and Vacuum Pump is well adapted to pumping into receivers for starting gas or gasoline engines, for use in connection with dry pipe sprinkler systems, in garages, chemical works, potteries, hospitals, and by artists and dentists. This compressor is made in the best manner possible from the best of materials. The crank shaft is of steel, and the bearings are of large dimensions, lined with the best babbitt metal. The piston is of iron, packed with iron spring rings, and the valves are of steel, seating vertically on bronze seats, thereby insuring the least possible wear and minimum clearance. Oil cups are furnished. The cylinder is thoroughly water jacketed to enable the pump to be operated continuously at the maximum rated speed and pressure. For intermittent service these compressors may be operated at one-third higher speeds and pressures than listed. Fig. 680 standard construction includes heavy rim belt fly-wheel, as illustrated, but is also furnished with loose pulley at extra price as listed. Fig. 680 with Type "B" Drive (Cipher, " TYPEB ") consists of the standard compressor without pulley, but with sub-base and gearing connection for electric motor. Fig. 680 with Type "C" Drive (Cipher, "TYPEC") consists of the standard pump with fly-wheel pulley, and with sub-base, short belt and spring belt tightener for connecting electric motor. Motor is not included with Types "B" and "C" Drives, but can be furnished at extra price. Fig. 680, Sizes, Capacities, Prices, Etc. PISTON Cu. Ft. Displace- ment Free Air per Rev. Revs, per Minute Cu. Ft. Displace- ment Free Air per Min. Discharge Pressure Pounds Suction Pipe Inches Discharge Pipe Inches Water Jacket Piping Inches Belt Fly- Wheel H. P. Required at Rated Speeds Diam. Inches Stroke Inches 2K 4 .0137 200 2.74 125 y H H 18x3 .70 I/ 5 .0278 175 4.86 125 1 K Yt 24x4 1.15 4 6 .0436 150 6.54 125 1/4 i % 30x4 2.00 5 6 .0681 150 10.21 125 IK i X 36x5 2.90 PRICES AND WEIGHTS *Cipher With Flv- Approx- *With Tight Approx- tWith Approx- tWith Approx- Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Wheel Pulley Weight in Lbs. and Loose Pulleys Weight in Lbs. Drive Weight in Lbs. Drive Weight in Lbs. 2H 4 HUNGER $110.00 135 $120.00 160 $185.00 250 $185.00 290 3/^6 5 HUNTSMAN 145.00 260 180.00 325 245.00 400 245.00 425 4 6 HURDEN 190.00 370 235.00 450 320.00 525 320.00 550 *When telegraphing about compressor with tight and loose pulleys, place cipher word "LOOSPUL" immediately following cipher word for standard Fig. 680. tWhen telegraphing with reference to Type " B" or "C" Drive, place the cipher word "TYPEB" or "TYPEC," respectively, immediately following the cipher word for the standard Fig. 680. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 135 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Pumping Jacks For Operating Pump Standards Fig. 747 Pump Stand disconnected from Jack View of No. 1 size, con- nected to Deming Windmill Pump Standard, Fig. 440. View of No. 2 size connected to Standard of Fig. 453. In these jacks the rests bolt securely to platform and serve as a brace to help support the jack and brace the pump stand. The pump connection is designed to make quick change from jack to windmill or hand pumping without removing any bolts. When the pump is set directly under a windmill it can be operated by hand, by windmill or by gasoline engine. No. is not illustrated, but is in general appearance very much like No. 1, except that it is double geared. No. 1 is single geared. No. 2 is double geared, equally dividing the load. Has adjustable foot rest. Shafts are extra heavy. Sizes and Prices No. Adjustable Stroke Inches Gear Ratio Tight and Loose Pulleys Weight Pounds Cipher *Price 1 2 5, 7 or 10 5, 7 or 10 5, 7 or 10 4 to 1 4 to 1 5y 2 to i 13 x 2 13x2 13x2 90 95 155 HAAF 110.00 HAAK . 12.00 HABLE 17.00 *List Prices do not include the pump shown with each of these Jacks. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 136 CENTRIFUGAL AND ROTARY PUMPS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES INCLUDING HAND AND POWER ROTARY PUMPS FOR USE IN OIL REFINERIES, SOAP FACTORIES, GARAGES, BREWERIES, CANNING FACTORIES, CREAMERIES, PAINT AND CHEMICAL WORKS, ETC. ALSO HORIZONTAL AND VERTI- CAL CENTRIFUGAL POWER PUMPS FOR CONTRACTORS' USE, DRAINING AND IRRIGATING, ETC. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Typical Deming Rotary Force Pump Fig. 577 (In Section) SPOUT NUT TIGHT PULLE> LOOSE PULUEY DRIP SCREW/ DRIVING CAM PIPE ATTACHMENT Deming Rotary Force Pumps are adapted for a suction lift of 12 to 15 feet. As a rule they may be used for a total lift and force of 60 feet, depending of course upon the conditions. Liquids can be drawn horizontally any reasonable distance. In such case, the suction pipe should incline upward a trifle. Deming Rotary Pumps are very easy to install; it being necessary only to attach the required lengths of suction and discharge pipe to the openings in the pump. As shown in the illustration, the working parts consist of a pair of toothed pinions, which when they revolve, mesh into each other and secure the required suction. The discharge from a rotary pump is uniform and constant. However, they are not adapted to very heavy duties. They are very much used for circulating cooling water for gasoline engines; pumping cider, vinegar, wine, milk, etc.; pumping oil, chemicals, gasoline, kerosene, etc. They are easy to clean and for that reason are often used where food products are handled in liquid form. If hot liquids are to be pumped, we should be advised, for the reason that vapor arising from a hot liquid will prevent the pump from forming a vacuum. For priming purposes, there is a hole in the top of the pump. There is also a drain plug at the bottom. Wherever aciduous liquids are to be handled, we recommend that bronze pumps be used. If a small quantity of oil is run through the pump before and after using, it will prevent rusting. In order that rotary pumps be operated with maximum efficiency, they have to be very accurately made. With our special machinery for manufacturing this type of pump, we are in position to make rotary pumps which will operate to the very best advantage, under the conditions for which they are recommended. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 138 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Rotary House Force Pumps Will Lift and Force 60 Feet Fig. 578 The base of this pump is flat and square, with a cast hub projecting below. Both suction and discharge are fitted for hose couplings but will be fitted for iron or lead pipe if so ordered. Fig. 578 has flat fly-wheel and is generally mounted on a table or bench. It is well adapted for pumping cider, vinegar, wine, milk, cream, water or oil. Fig. 578 Fig. 579 Rotary force pump, Fig. 579, is the same type as Fig. 578 except that it is made with a hand crank instead of fly-wheel. It is also provided with brackets for attaching to post or wall. The suction is regularly fitted for iron pipe, but will be arranged for lead pipe or hose, when so ordered, at a slight additional cost. If Fig. 579 is wanted with hand fly-wheel, add $2.00 to the list price. By removing cap on top of spout and attaching it to end of spout, Fig. 579 is adapted to upward discharge, as also is Fig. 578. Sizes and Prices Fig. 578 Fig. 579 No. Capacity Suction of ^f| Fitted 1* for Hose per Mi ' n> Inches Gallons Diam. Fly- Wheel Inches Dimen- sions of Base Inches Weight Pounds IRON BRONZE CASE AND CAMS BRONZE Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 1 2 3 | 10 2 14 14 14 10^x7 10^x7 14 x9 58 58 78 GARLAND GARLIC GARMENT $19.50 22.50 26.75 GAULISH GARRISON GARRULITY $41.50 46.50 51.75 GALBAN GALENIC GALIPOT $51.00 56.00 64.00 Fig. 579 No. Suction Fitted for Pipe Inches Dis- charge Fitted for Pipe Inches Capacity at 50 Revs, per Min. Gallons Weight Pounds IRON BRONZE CASE AND CAMS BRONZE Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 10 3 38 48 58 GRILLY GRIEVING GRIEVER $17.00 20.00 24.00 GRIEVOUS GRIFFON GRILLADE $39.00 44.00 49.00 GRIPE GRIMY GRIST $49.00 54.00 61.00 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 139 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Hand Rotary Force Pump With Fly- Wheel and Crank Will Lift and Force 60 Feet Fig. 575 This is one of our most popular types of hand rotary force pumps and is largely used by brewers, wine producers, distillers, gas companies, etc. Being metallic fitted, it is especially adapted for their requirements. As is explained at the beginning of this chapter, our rotary pumps are most accurately and carefully manufactured, the cases and cams of each size being made to exact gauges and templets. The peculiar construction of the rotary pump requires the utmost accuracy in fitting every part. When used for handling acids, the working parts should be made of bronze metal. In such event the pump is made all bronze except the fly-wheel and base, and extra price is charged for which see list below. For pumping oil or fermented and acetous liquids Fig. 575 is very efficient, and for pumping hot or cold water, it can be used in place of an ordinary piston pump. The fly-wheel is 20 inches in diameter. A 36-inch fly-wheel will be furnished on Nos. 4, 5 and 6 at $4.50 extra list, when specified. Fig. 575 is regularly fitted for iron pipe. Sizes and Prices Dis- Capacity buction charge at 50 No. Bitted Fitted Revs. for Pipe for Pioe per Min> Weight Pounds IRON BRONZE CASE AND CAMS *BRONZE incnes Inches Gallons Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 1 1M 1 5*4 70 GALLANTRY $20 . 00 GAMMON $42.00 GAUZY $ 52.00 2 1M 1 7^ 77 GALLERY 23 . 00 GANDER 47.00 GAVEL 57.00 3 ly? 1M 10 90 GALLOP 27 . 00 GANGRENE 52 . 00 GAWKY 64.00 4 2 2 12^ 123 GALLOWS 35 . 00 GANGWAY 65 . 00 GAYETY 87.00 5 2 2 18 139 GAMBOL 40.00 GARGLE 75.00 GECKO 105.00 6 3 2% 24 192 GAMESTER 50.00 GARGOYLE 100.00 | GEMINY 140.00 *A11 parts coming in contact with the liquid are made of bronze. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 140 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Improved Hand Rotary Force Pump With Barrel Attachment Will Lift and Force 60 Feet Fig. 576 Fig. 576 Usual method of operating Fig. 576 This is an ideal pump for dealers in oils and liquors. With it, the liquid can be transferred from the cellar to any part of the building. It is a positive suction and force pump simple in construction and easily operated. It is furnished with top discharge and spout, crank handle and iron suction pipe, the latter being fitted with a barrel attachment which will fit the bung- hole of steel drums when tapped for 1J^ or 2-inch pipe. This can also be used for bungholes of wooden barrels by simply screwing it into the wood. By forcing the tapered end into the bung- hole, the pump is held firmly in place. A hook for holding discharge hose on edge of tank is also included. Hose is not furnished regularly with the pump but we can supply it in any lengths at additional cost. List prices include hose couplings. Sizes and Prices No. Suction Fitted for Pipe Inches Dis- charge Fitted for Hose Inches Capacity at 50 Revs, per Min. Gallons Weight Pounds IRON BRONZE CASE AND CAMS BRONZE Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 1 2 3 1 1* 1 IX ft 10 43 50 60 GASEOUS GASOMETER GASPED $17.00 GASTRIC 20 . 00 GATHER 24 . 00 GATHERED $39 . 00 GENEVAN 44 . 00 GENTIAN 49 . 00 GENTILE $49.00 54.00 61.00 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 141 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Power Rotary Force Pumps With Bottom Suction Fig. 577 Fig. 577 with Tight and Loose Pulleys Fig. 577^ with Tight and Loose Pulleys Fig. 577 with Type "B"JOrive Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 142 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Power Rotary Force Pumps With Bottom Suction Will Lift and Force 60 Feet Figs. 577 and 577^ Fig. 577 Rotary Force Pump is used largely in oil refineries, distilleries, creameries, wine cellars, and wherever water or other liquids must be rapidly elevated by power. It is essential that the liquid being pumped is entirely free from gritty substances, and that the suction lift should not exceed 15 feet. Fig. 577% is the same as Fig. 577, except is furnished for upward discharge without spout. This pump is mounted on heavy cast iron base frame and furnished with tight and loose pulleys, while beyond the pulleys the drive shaft runs in a heavy babbitted bearing. Drip cock is provided to prevent freezing. Unless otherwise ordered, leather packed suction valve is provided. The case which receives the cams is carefully turned and bored, and is perfectly true and smooth, while the cams are accurately machined to the form which years of experience has demonstrated will produce the minimum of friction and wear, and at the same time give the best results in pumping. For vertical discharge with Fig. 577, the cap shown in the illustration should be placed on the spout and pipe connection made on top. This pump with Type "B" Drive (Cipher, "TYPEB") consists of the standard pump with- out pulleys, but with sub-base and gearing connection for electric motor HAVING SPEED OF 1200 REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE, OR LESS. Unless otherwise specified, the motor pinion is made of rawhide. Motor can be furnished, if desired, at extra price. Fig. 577, Sizes, Capacities, Prices, Etc. Number o-3 20 rt.S xS Gfc a* 3> i* 11 15 20 25 36 48 DlAM.OF PIPES Elevation above Supply, Feet Size Pulleys Approximate Weight in Pounds PRICES OF STANDARD FIG. 577 WITH PULLEYS tt Extra for Type Drive Approximate Weight With Type "B" Drive IRON BRONZE' CASE AND CAMS fBRONZE Suction Inches Discharge Inches Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 1M 2 3 2 3 1 1 J* 2 2^ 60 60 60 60 60 60 8x2H 8x2^ 8x2^ 12x3 12x3 16x4 70 75 85 130 145 200 GAZETTEER GELATINE GENDER GENERATE GENEROUS GENESIS $27.00 32.00 38.00 48.00 54.00 80.00 GENIAL GENITIVE GENIUS GENTEEL GENTILITY GENTLEMAN $49.00 56.00 63.00 78.00 90.00 135.00 GROPER GROTTO GROVEL GROWLER GROZZER GRUFFLY $60.00 67.00 75.00 100.00 120.00 175.00 $25.00 27.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 160 170 185 250 275 340 Fig. 577 y 2 , Sizes, Capacities, Prices, Etc. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 1 DlAM.OF PIPES Elevation above Supply, Feet Size Pulleys CO o 1> C 'x c PRICES OF STANDARD FIG. 577M WITH PULLEYS Extra for Type "B" Drive Approximate Weight With Type i "B" Drive IRON BRONZE CASE AND CAMS tBRONZE Suction Inches Discharge Inches Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 11 15 20 25 36 48 $ 2 3 11 2 2^ 60 60 60 60 60 60 8x2^ 8x2^ 12x3 2 12x3 16x4 65 70 80 120 130 180 GRADED GRADING GRADELY GRADIENT GRAFF GRAFT $26.00 31.00 37.00 46.00 52.00 77.50 GRAFTED GRAFTING GRAFTER GRAIL GRAINED GRAINING $48.00 55.00 62.00 76.00 88.00 132.50 GRAINAGE GRAINY GRAITH GRALLIC GRAM GRAMPLE $58.00 65.00 73.00 96.00 116.00 170.00 $25.00 27.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 155 165 180 240 260 320 *For pumping oil against head of 30 feet or less, these pumps may be operated at 150 revolutions per minute, tin the "Bronze" Pumps all parts which come in contact with the liquid are made of bronze. tfWhen telegraphing about Type "B" Drive, place cipher word "TYPEB" after cipher word for pump. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 143 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Power Rotary Force Pumps With Side Suction Fig. 532 with Tight and Loose Pulleys Fig. 531 with Tight and Loose Pulleys These pumps are identical in construction with Figs. 577 and 5773/2, illustrated and des- cribed on preceding two pages, except that they are fitted for side suction instead of bottom suction. Fig. 531 is threaded for suction and discharge pipe as listed. Fig. 532 is made with discharge spout. For types of drive, see Figs. 577 and 577^. Fig. 531, Sizes, Capacities, Prices, Etc. ' 1 T\TAA* ^O OF > .w Is PRICES OF STANDARD FIG. 531 WITH PULLEYS J3'C V PIPES 3 (JL, ln tt Extra S: U JD 3 fj %Z V J!:-' 3 Size Pulleys 'S d IRON BRONZE CASE AND CAMS t BRONZE for Type 1 ^ gu 3 3 S? Drive QH $* CO*" 1 n 1 " 1 w P^ * Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price <"5 * & ^ 1 11 1 1 60 10x2^ 75 GLEAN $30.00 GLOOMILY $52.00 GNOME $ 64.00 $25.00 165 ?, 15 1M 1 60 10x2^ 80 GLEANER 35.00 GLOSSIST 59.00 GNOMIC 71.00 27.00 175 3 20 \y<2, 60 10x2^ 90 GLEANING 41.00 GLOSSY 66.00 GNOMICAL 79.00 30.00 190 4 25 2 2 60 16x3 140 GLOOM 54.00 GLUTEN 84.00 GOPPISH 108.00 35.00 260 5 36 2 2 60 16x3 155 GLOOMED 60.00 GLUTENATE 96.00 GORGET 128.00 | 40.00 285 6 48 3 60 24x4 225 GLOOMING 90.00 GLUTINOUS 145.00 GORHEN 188.00 ! 45.00 365 *For pumping oil against head of 30 feet or less, these pumps may be operated at 150 revolutions per minute, tin the ''Bronze" Pumps all parts which come in contact with the liquid are made of bronze. ftWhen telegraphing about Type "B" Drive, place cipher word "TYPEB" after cipher word for pump. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 144 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Automobile Rotary Gasoline Pump With Tall Base Will Lift and Force 60 Feet Fig. 776 The "Typical Installation" below shows how Fig. 776 may be installed and connected, up to underground tank. The working parts of Fig. 776 consist of a set of cams enclosed in an iron case and mounted on a tall base. To operate, if a cock is on the spout, open the cock and turn the crank in the direction indicated by the arrows on the face of the pump. When through pump- ing, turn the crank in the opposite direction several revolutions, after which the cock should be closed, thus preventing the escape of gasoline and reducing fire risk to a considerable degree. For the price, no better pump is made. In this "Typical Installation" the tank is 24 inches in diameter, 36 inches long; has 1-inch suction pipe; J^-inch air vent pipe and air cock and 2-inch filling pipe. Typical Installation The tank should be buried outside the garage. This illustration is shown as a guide to those desiring to install such an outfit. Prices on storage tanks, fittings, etc., will be quoted on application. Sizes and Prices Suction Fitted for Pipe, Inches Discharge Fitted for Bibb Cock Inches Capacity at 50 Revolutions per Minute Gallons Weight Pounds Pump only. Iron Without Cock | With Cock Cipher Price Cipher Price 1 5H 78 GARAGE $22.50 GARUM $25.00 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 145 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Power Rotary Force Pump Will Lift and Force 100 Feet Fig. 595 Fig. 595 Fig. 595 with Type "B" Drive Fig. 595 Rotary Pump is designed to meet the demand for pumps for pumping small quantities of oil or gasoline. It is also recommended for pumping water for house supply or other purposes where power is available, and the liquid is entirely free from gritty substances. It is simple in construction, consisting of a pair of special machine-cut gears running together in a tight case. It is mounted on a substantial iron base frame with babbitted bearing for shaft. Suction connection at either side, and discharge at the top. Price includes tight pulley only, but loose pulley will be supplied to order. Fig. 595 with Type "B" Drive (Cipher, "TYPEB") is identical in construction with the Fig. 595, except that it is mounted on a substantial cast iron base with electric motor and connected to the motor by gearing. The motor speed should not exceed 1,800 revolutions per minute for the maximum pump speed of 200. Motor is not included in price, but will be furnished at extra charge. Fig. 595, Prices, Etc. No. Capacity at 200 Revs, per Min. Gallons Suction Inches Dis- charge Inches Pulley Maxi- mum Dis- charge Pressure Pounds IRON *BRONZE Extra for Loose Pulley fExtra for Type "B" Drive Cipher Price Cipher Price 1 10 1 1 10x2^ 50 GOURD $25.00 GOUT $55.00 $5.00 $25.00 *A11 parts which come in contact with the liquid are made of bronze. fWhen telegraphing with reference to Type "B" Drive, place the cipher word "TYPEB" immediately after the cipher word for the standard belt driven pump. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 . 146 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Special Power Rotary Oil Pump For Lubricating Machine Tools Will Lift and Force 60 Feet Fig. 580 With Pulley Fig. 580 is a Rotary Force Pump which has been designed to meet the requirements of machine tool manufacturers, for lubricating special screw threading and tapping tools. A bracket is attached to the pump, by means of which it may be bolted to the machine. This pump may also be used for pumping small quantities of water for house supply where it can be operated by electric motor or other power, such as small gas engine. It is com- pact and takes up but little space. The pump should not be set more than 10 to 15 feet above the liquid, preferably as near to it as possible. This little pump can be run with safety as high as 150 revolutions per minute, but 100 is about the proper speed. It is made in bronze only on special order. The diameter of shaft is % inch, and the length 2% inches from stuffing-box to outer end. A pulley of proper size should be attached to the shaft and the Pump Bracket fastened rigidly to the machine tool if thus used, or to a wall or upright timber if used for water supply as suggested above. Can be used as either a right or left hand pump. When fitted with l^x 4-inch flanged pulley, add $2.00 to the list price. Sizes and Prices Suction Fitted for Pipe Inches Discharge Fitted for Pipe Inches Capacity per Minute at 100 Rev. Gallons Weight Pounds IRON BRONZE Cipher Price Cipher Price X X 1 12 CARROT $15.00 GARROTER $25.00 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 147 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Standard Horizontal Centrifugal Pump 598 Fig. 598 Horizontal side suction centrifugal pump is the style most exten- sively used and, with the exception of the two smaller sizes, .is adapted for elevations up to 100 feet, or equivalent pressure. It is designed and constructed throughout on very liberal lines. The case or shell is of the solid type, and the runner is of large diameter, adapting the pump for slow speeds. The inside of the case is machine- finished and the runner machined and accurately fitted to it. The shaft is large and the bearings, which are self-oiling in sizes No. 1^2 and larger are generously proportioned. An ample stuffing-box and gland are provided. All parts are accur- ately interchangeable, and any part can be readily duplicated. The pumps are furnished for dis- charge at any angle desired, and, when so ordered, any of these pumps can be supplied with the discharge necks increased so that the discharge opening is the same size as the suction opening. NOTE The illustration on the opposite page shows Fig. 598 with hand suction primer. Fig. 598, Sizes and Capacities No. Pump SIZE OF PIPE INCHES Economical Capacity Gallons per Minute II. P. Required per Foot Elevation Diam. and Face Pulley Inches Shipping Weight Without Primer Pounds Shipping Weight With Primer Pounds Dis. Suet. H H 1 10 .010 3x2 27 i i V4 30 .025 4x3 40 \\i IK 2 70 .058 5x5 95 120 IK 2 2 1 A 90 .075 6x5 170 215 2 2 3 120 .10 6x6 245 310 2 1 A 2y 2 3^ 185 .15 7x6 300 370 3 3 4 265 .22 7x8 370 465 sy 2 3 1 A 4^ 360 .26 8x8 380 495 4 4 5 470 .30 10 x 8 505 665 5 5 6 735 .45 10 x 10 770 915 6 6 8 1060 .59 14 x 12 1150 1380 8 8 10 2000 1.00 20 x 12 1550 1790 10 10 12 3000 1.52 24 x 12 2400 2750 12 12 15 4300 2.00 30 x 14 2800 Fig. 598, Prices, Etc. PUMP WITHOUT PRIMER PUMP WITH PRIMER *Extra No for Pump Cipher Price Iron Cipher Price Iron Brass Fittings H GODWIT $25.00 $ 5.00 i GOBLET 30.00 6.00 i l A GOBBLE 45.00 GLITTER $60.00 15.00 m GODLY 60.00 GLOAMING 75.00 18.00 2 GOGGLE 75.00 GLOAT 95.00 22.00 2 1 A GOLDEN 90.00 GLOATED 110.00 27.00 3 GONDOLA 110.00 GLOBULAR 135.00 30.00 3J^ GONOPH 120.00 GLOPPEN 145 . 00 40.00 4 GONDOLIER 130.00 GLOBULE 160.00 48.00 5 GOODNESS 165.00 GLOOMY 200.00 72.00 6 GOODY 225 . 00 GLORIFY 270.00 108.00 8 GOPHER 310.00 GLORIOUS 375.00 130.00 10 GORDIAN 395 . 00 GLOSSARY 470.00 265 . 00 12 GORING 500.00 *Brass-fitted pumps have runner and shaft of brass. Prices of pumps with entire water end of brass are furnished on application. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 148 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Standard Horizontal Centrifugal Pump Fig. 598, With Hand Suction Primer Revolution Table Speeds at which Fig. 598 pumps should operate to raise water to various heights. Cap. N O- Gals. Pump Min- 5 Ft. 10 Ft. 15 Ft. 20 Ft. 25 Ft. 30 Ft. 35 Ft. 40 Ft. 50 Ft. 60 Ft. 70 Ft. SO Ft. 90 Ft. 100 Ft. i 10 1000 1275 1490 1690 1860 2020 1 30 963 1176 1357 1515 1625 1790 1911 2028 1J4 70 642 784 904 1010 1104 1193 1274 1352 1493 1622 1742 1864 1968 2069 124 90 473 570 651 724 790 850 906 959 1058 1147 1230 1317 1392 1461 Q 120 364 443 511 570 623 672 718 762 840 913 980 1054 1111 1167 2 1 A 185 389 448 500 547 590 630 667 703 770 830 886 949 1000 1048 3 265 286 35!) 419 i 475 517 559 599 636 704 766 824 888 939 986 3^ 360 352 413 455 513 555 595 632 667 733 793 847 911 961 1007 4 470 324 390 445 493 539 580 618 654 721 781 837 901 951 998 5 735 311 368 418 462 502 538 574 606 666 722 773 836 881 924 6 1060 247 300 345 385 421 433 484 513 566 615 658 712 751 789 8 2000 293 345 390 430 466 500 532 561 617 667 714 768 810 849 10 3000 160 226 278 320 358 392 424 456 506 555 603 650 696 741 12 4300 133 188 230 266 298 326 352 376 421 461 500 538 575 611 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 149 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Electric-Driven Horizontal Centrifugal Pump Fig. 599 Fig. 599 arranged for direct connected motor drive. The smaller sizes have both pump and motor mounted on a cast iron bed-plate, while the larger sizes are mounted on a steel frame instead. The pump is provided with a bracket bearing of the ring-oiling type, which is outside of and separate from the stuffing-box. Flexible couplings, connecting the pump and motor shafts, can be furnished at an extra price when so ordered. To adapt these pumps to the various motor speeds, special construction is always neces- sary; therefore, inquiries should always state the voltage and the kind of current used, amount of liquid to be pumped, the length and sizes of piping and the total height to which liquid is to be raised. Fig. 599, Sizes, Capacities, Prices, Etc. No. SIZE OF PIPE INCHES Economical Capacity Approximate Shipping STANDARD IRON PIPE *Extra for Pump Gallons Weight Brass Disch. Suction per Min. Pounds Cipher Price Fittings % H 1 5- 10 75 GABEL $60.00 $ 5.00 1 i 1^ 10- 30 100 GAB 70.00 6.00 i l A iy z 2 50- 70 150 GABBLED 80.00 15.00 IH 2 2^ 70- 90 250 GABBLER 110.00 18.00 2 2 3 100- 120 300 GABELLE 140.00 22.00 2 1 A 2 1 A 3^ 150- 185 400 GADDER 160.00 27.00 3 3 4 225- 265 500 CADDISH 180.00 30.00 3^ 3^ 4^ 300- 360 600 CALLOW 190.00 40.00 4 4 5 400- 470 750 GADORD 210.00 48.00 5 4 6 600- 735 1200 GAEL 250.00 72.00 6 6 8 900-1060 1500 GAFFLE 320.00 108.00 8 8 10 1800-2000 2000 GAINAGE 410.00 130.00 'Brass-fitted pumps have runner and shaft of brass. Prices are for pump complete with coupling and bedplate to receive motor, but do not include motor. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 150 TRIPLEX POWER PUMPS AND SINGLE DOUBLE-ACTING FOR BOILER FEEDING, MINE PUMPING, WATER WORKS, SEWAGE PUMPING, BRINE CIR- CULATION, PAPER MILL PUMP- ING, HYDRAULIC PRESSURE ACCUMULATORS, FIRE PROTEC- TION SERVICE, RAILWAY WATER SUPPLY, HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR SERVICE, PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY, IRRIGATING, ETC., FOR OPERATION BY ELECTRIC OR OTHER POWER SEPARATE BULLETINS Descriptive of our complete line of triplex power pumps and com- prising many different types and sizes, will be sent upon request. However, to give a general idea of the appearance and construction of these pumps, a few representative types are listed in this_section of the Catalogue. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Deming Triplex Power Pumps For Operation By Any Power Installation of Deming Triplex Power Pumps in the plant of the Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, New York Our complete line of triplex power pumps is covered by a number of individual Bulletins. However, to give a general idea of the construction of these pumps, we illustrate in this section a few of the most popular types. Deming Triplex Power Pumps are for operation by electric motors, gas, gasoline or steam engines, water wheels, etc., either belt driven or direct connected to the driver. They are very much more economical to operate than the direct acting steam pump and will show savings of two-thirds and often more when compared with costs of steam pumping. When electric driven, they can be installed in any convenient place without reference to the location of a central power plant. Deming Triplex Pumps embody the principle of the three-throw crank shaft, with the crank pins at an angle of 120 degrees with each other, by which arrangement the strokes follow and overlap one another. This results in a continuous and uniform action upon the fluid being pumped, and insures an easy flow through the delivery pipe, with a corresponding high degree of efficiency in the operation of the pump. They are regularly made with capacities from 300 gallons to 60,000 gallons per hour, and on special orders will be built in much larger sizes. A brief summary of the many different uses for Deming Triplex Pumps is given below: BELT DRIVEN: For waterworks, boiler feeding, paper and pulp mills, and for all kinds of factory pumping. ELECTRIC DRIVEN: For waterworks, compression and open tank pumping for private water supply, fire service, boiler feeding, brine circulating, hydraulic elevators, hydraulic pressure accumulators, mine pumping, irrigating, etc. GAS OR GASOLINE DRIVEN: For waterworks, railway tank service, private water supply, mine pumping, irrigating, etc. WATER WHEEL DRIVEN: For irrigating and other purposes. We invite correspondence with reference to special pumping equipment, and will gladly prepare and submit estimates on pumps to satisfactorily meet existing conditions. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 152 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Information We Should Have to Furnish an Intelligent Estimate on Deming Triplex Power Pumps It will greatly facilitate correspondence if our customers, in writing for quotations, will advise us fully of their requirements. In order that we may recommend and quote on the best pump to meet these requirements, IT is NECESSARY THAT WE KNOW: FIRST: For what purpose the pump is to be used. SECOND: The maximum quantity to be pumped per minute, per hour, or per day of twenty- four hours. THIRD: To what height the liquid is to be lifted by suction, and the diameter and length of the suction pipe. FOURTH: The height, or pressure, against which liquid is to be discharged, also diameter and length of discharge pipe. FIFTH: Whether the liquid to be pumped is hot or cold, salt or fresh, acid, clear, thick or gritty. SIXTH: Power available for driving the pump. IF THE PUMP IS TO BE DRIVEN BY ELECTRIC MOTOR, WE SHOULD KNOW: FIRST: Whether the current available is direct or alternating. If direct, state the volt- age, and if alternating, state voltage, number of cycles and phase. SECOND: Whether the pump is to be driven by belt from motor, or to have same direct connected by gearing, or otherwise. IF THE PUMP IS TO BE DRIVEN BY GAS OR GASOLINE ENGINE, WE SHOULD KNOW: FIRST: Whether it is to be driven by belt from engine, or direct connected by friction cut-off coupling. SECOND: If by friction coupling, whether pump and engine are each to be mounted on masonry foundations, or furnished with cast iron bed plate extending under both, also the speed of the engine. IF PUMP IS TO BE DRIVEN BY STEAM ENGINE, WE SHOULD KNOW: FIRST: The steam pressure available at the engine. SECOND: Whether vertical or horizontal engine is wanted. THIRD: Whether connection is to be made by flanged coupling or by friction coupling. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 153 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Single-Acting Triplex Plunger Pump Fig. 50, for General Service Fig. 50 Single-Acting Triplex Pump is designed for water works, hydraulic elevator service, boiler feeding, pulp grinders and for general water supply. Specifications FRAME consists of two standards, and includes crosshead guides and main crank shaft bearings, the latter being lined with best anti-friction metal. In sizes 4x4 and smaller the frame is cast in one piece with the cylinders. CRANK SHAFT is of best open hearth steel casting in one piece. GEARING is machine cut, and is double in 9 x 10 and 10 x 10 sizes, and in sizes 11 x 12 and larger. Other sizes made with double gearing at extra price. PINION SHAFT is of steel, running in boxes lined with best anti-friction metal, and bolted to the main housings. CONNECTING RODS, in sizes 4x6 and larger, have bronze boxes with wedge and screw adjustment at crosshead end, and marine type babbitted boxes at crank end. Smaller sizes have bronze bushings at crosshead ends. CROSSHEADS run in bored guides, sizes 4x6 and larger having adjustable bronze shoes. PLUNGERS are of hard, close-grained cast iron, finished true and smooth, and reciprocate through packing of ample depth. CYLINDERS AND BASE are in one casting in sizes 10 x 10 and smaller, and in larger sizes the cylinders are in three separate castings bolted to the base. VALVE CHAMBERS, in sizes 3^ x 4 and larger, are separate castings bolted to the cylinders. They are of liberal proportions, affording large valve area, and all valves are readily accessible. VALVES for cold water are rubber discs, protected on top from cylindrically wound springs by brass plates. For hot water, either special hard composition valves or bronze valves are furnished as ordered. VALVE SEATS are of bronze, screwed into decks, and are of the grid type. Iron seats and valves furnished when conditions require. AIR CHAMBER furnished when specified. Vacuum Chamber to order. GREASE CUPS, or Oil Cups if specified, and wrenches furnished with all pumps. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: Pumps furnished with brass cased or solid bronze plungers, and bronze lined stuffing boxes and glands, with rawhide pinions, or otherwise varied from standard construction, at extra price. For different Types of Drive for pumps direct connected with electric motor, gas engine, or other motive power, see pages 155 to 162, inclusive. Fig. 50, Standard Sizes, Capacities, Etc. PLUNGERS CAPACITY Maximum Working Pressure Pounds DIAM. OF PIPES Gear Ratio *Tight and Loose Pulleys Cipher Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Gallons per Rev. Usual Revs, per Min. Gallons per Min. Suction Inches Dischg. Inches 2 2 .081 70 5.67 150 1^ 1 5 tol 8x 2 OBESE 2^ 2 .127 70 8.89 150 \Yi 1 5 tol 10 x 2 OBELIZE 2V 3 .19 60 11.4 150 2 1% 5 to 1 12 x 3 OAKEN 3 3 .27 60 16.2 150 2 ji^ 5 tol 14 x 3 OATH 3H 3 .37 60 22. 150 2 1 L 5 tol 16 x 3 OAKLING 3$ 4 .50 60 30. 150 VA 2 5 to 1 16 x 4 OBELUS 4 4 .65 60 39. 150 iy* 2 5 tol 18 x 4 OAKUM 4 6 .98 60 59. 160 Ol/ 2 5 tol 20 x 5 OARSMAN *H 6 1.24 60 74. 150 3 2^ 5 tol 20 x 5 OAKY 5 6 1.53 60 91. 150 3 2V 5 tol 24 x 5 OASIS 5M 8 2.46 60 147. 150 4 3 5 tol 28 x 6 OATMEAL 6 8 2.94 55 161. 140 4 3 5 tol 30 x 6 OBDURATION 7 8 4.00 55 220. 150 5 4 5 tol 30 x 8 OBDURATE 8 8 5.22 55 287. 150 5 4 5 tol 36 x 8 OBITER 8 10 6.52 50 326. 140 6 5 5 to 1 36 x 8 OVERCOAT 9 10 8.26 50 413. 160 8 6 5 tol 42x10 OBLOQUY 10 10 10.20 45 459. 150 8 6 5 tol 42x12 OBSIGNATE 10 12 12.24 42 514. 140 8 8 5 tol 42x14 OBJURATION 11 12 14.81 42 622. 160 10 8 5 tol 48x14 OBDUCT 12 12 17.62 42 740. 150 10 8 5 tol 48x16 OBDUCTION 12 14 20.56 40 822. 150 12 10 5 to 1 48 x 18 OBSERVANCE 13 14 24.12 40 965. 140 12 10 5 to 1 48x20 OBSERVANT *Note. Sizes 9x10 and larger regularly furnished with tight pulley only. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 154 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES B Deming Single-Acting Triplex Plunger Pump Fig. 50, for General Service Fig. 50, Sizes 33^ x 3 and smaller Fig. 50. Sizes 4 x 6 to 5 x 6 Fig. 50, Sizes 5^ x 8 to 8 x 10 with Type "B" Drive Type "B" Drive (Cipher, TYPED) consists of intermediate pump gear, rawhide, or fibre, motor pinion, and bedplate under both pump and motor, except in the larger sizes, which have separate motor bedplate bolted to the pump base. Recommended where space for installation is limited and some noise due to high speed gearing is not objectionable. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 155 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Demiug Single-Acting Triplex Plunger Pump Fig. 40, for Medium Service Fig. 40 Single-Acting Triplex Pump is designed for medium heavy service, such as circulating brine, tank supply for factories, railway stations, etc. Specifications FRAME consists of two standards, and includes the crosshead guides and main crank shaft bearings, the latter being lined with best anti-friction metal. In sizes 5^ x 6 and smaller the frame is cast in one piece with the cylinders. CRANK SHAFT is of best open hearth steel casting in one piece. GEARING is machine cut, and is double in sizes 12 x 14 and larger. PINION SHAFT is of steel, running in boxes lined with best anti-friction metal and bolted to main housings. CONNECTING RODS, in sizes 7x8 and larger, have bronze boxes with wedge and screw adjustment at crosshead ends, and marine type babbitted boxes at the crank ends. Smaller sizes have bronze bushings at crosshead ends. PLUNGERS are of close-grained gray iron, turned and ground true and smooth, and have crossheads with bronze shoes adjustable for wear. CYLINDERS and base are in one casting, except in 12-inch stroke sizes which have cylin- ders in separate castings. VALVE CHAMBERS in all sizes except 5/4.X 8 and 6x8 are in separate castings bolted to cylinders. They have large valve area, and all valves are readily accessible. VALVES for cold water are rubber discs, protected on top from cylindrically wound springs by brass plates. For hot water, either special composition valves or bronze valves are furnished as ordered. VALVE SEATS are of bronze, grid type, screwed into the decks. Iron seats and valves furnished when conditions require. AIR CHAMBER furnished when specified. Vacuum Chamber to order. GREASE CUPS, or Oil Cups if specified, and wrenches furnished with all pumps. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: Pumps furnished with brass cased or solid bronze plungers, and bronze lined stuffing boxes and glands, with rawhide pinions, or otherwise varied from standard construction, at extra price. For different Types of Drive for pumps in connection with electric motor, or other motive power, see' pages 155 to 162, inclusive. Fig. 40, Standard Sizes, Capacities, Etc. PLUNGERS CAPACITY DIAM. OF PIPES Max. Working Pressure Pounds Gear Ratio *Tight and Loose Pul- leys Cipher Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Gallons per Rev. Usual Revs, per Min. Gallons per Min. Suction Inches Dischg. Inches 4 6 .98 60 59 100 2^ 2 5 to 16 x 4 OBCORDATE 4^ 6 1.24 60 74 95 3 2^ 5 to 18 x 4 OBTUSION 5 6 1.53 60 91 90 3 2^ 5 to 18 x 4 OBJECTOR 5 1 A 6 1.85 60 111 75 3^ 3 5 to 18 x 4 OBEYING 5H 8 2.46 60 147 85 4 3 5 to 20 x 5 OBITUARY 6 8 2.94 55 161 75 4 3 5 to 20 x 5 OBFIRM 7 8 4.00 55 220 100 5 4 5 to 28 x 6 OBLATION 8 8 5.22 55 287 100 5 4 5 to 30 x 6 OBTUND 8 10 6.52 50 326 90 6 5 5 to 30 x 6 OBSEQUENT 9 10 8.26 50 413 90 6 5 5 to 30 x 8 OBTRUSIVE 10 10 10.20 45 459 90 8 6 5 to 36 x 8 OBEAH 11 12 14.81 42 622 90 10 8 5 to 1 36 x 10 OBI 12 12 17.62 42 740 75 10 8 5 to 1 36x10 OBITUAL 12 14 20.56 40 822 100 12 10 5 to 1 44x10 OBJECT 13 14 24.12 40 965 85 12 10 5 to 1 44x10 OBJECTING 14 14 27.98 40 1119 75 12 10 5 to 1 46x10 OBJECTIVE *NOTE. Sizes 10 x 10 and larger furnished with tight pulley only. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 156 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Single-Acting Triplex Plunger Pump Fig. 40, for Medium Service - Fig. 40, Sizes 4 x 6 to 5^ x 6 Fig. 40, Sizes 5>^ x 8 and 6x8 Fig. 40, Sizes 7 x 8 to 9 x 10 with Type "B" Drive Type "B" Drive (Cipher, TYPES) consists of intermediate pump gear, rawhide, or fibre, motor pinion, and bedplate under both pump and motor, except in the larger sizes, which have separate motor bedplate bolted to the pump base. Recommended where space for installation is limited and some noise due to high speed gearing is not objectionable. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 157 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Single-Acting Triplex Plunger Pump Fig. 52, for Heavy Duty Fig. 52 Single-Acting Triplex Pump is designed for working pressures of from 200 to 400 pounds, or equivalent elevations. It is especially adapted for general water supply, boiler feeding, hydraulic elevators and mine pumping, where the pressures do not exceed the ratings given below. FRAME consists of two standards, and includes crosshead guides and main crank shaft bearings, the latter being lined with best anti-friction metal. CRANK SHAFT is of best open hearth steel casting in one piece. GEARING is machine cut, and is double in size 6x8 for 300 pounds pressure and larger sizes; smaller sizes made with double gearing at extra price. PINION SHAFT is of steel, running in boxes lined with best anti-friction metal and bolted to main housings. CONNECTING RODS have bronze boxes with wedge and screw adjustment at the crosshead end, and marine type babbitted boxes at the crank end. CROSSHEADS run in bored guides, and have bronze shoes adjustable for wear. PLUNGERS are of hard close-grained cast iron, finished true and smooth, and reciprocate through deep stuffing boxes. CYLINDERS and base are in one casting in sizes 8 x 10 and smaller, and in larger sizes are in three separate castings bolted to the base. VALVE CHAMBERS are separate from and bolted to the cylinders. They are of liberal pro- portion, affording large valve area, and all valves are readily accessible. VALVES for 300 pounds pressure or less are of special composition rubber with bronze seats of the grid type, unless specified otherwise. For higher pressure, valves are of bronze. AIR CHAMBER supplied with pumps. Vacuum Chamber to order. GREASE CUPS, or Oil Cups if specified, and wrenches furnished with pump. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: Solid bronze plungers, bronze lined stuffing boxes and glands rawhide pinions, or other variations from standard construction, at extra price. For different Types of Drive for pumps direct connected with electric motor, gas engine, or other motive power, see pages 155 to 162, inclusive. Fig. 52, Standard Sizes, Capacities, Etc. PLUNGERS CAPACITY DIAM. OF PIPES Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Gallons per Rev. Usual Revs, per Gallons per Min. Maximum Working Pressure Suction Inches Dischg. Inches Gear Ratio "Tight and Loose Pulleys Cipher Min. Pounds 3 6 .55 50 27.5 400 OT/ 2 5 to 1 24 x 5 OULONG 3H 6 .75 50 37.5 300 2Yz 2 5tol 24 x 5 OUPHE 4 6 .98 50 49.0 230 OT/ 2 5 to 1 24 x 5 OUPHEN 4 8 1.30 45 58.5 325 3 2^ 5tol 28 x 6 OURETIC 6 8 2.93 45 131. 250 5 4 5 tol 30 x 8 OUSEL 6 8 2.93 45 131. 300 5 4 5 tol 36 x 8 OUST 6H 8 3.44 45 155. 260 5 4 5 to 1 36 x 8 OUTLOOK 7 8 4.00 45 180. 220 5 4 5 to 1 36 x 8 OUSTED 7 10 5.00 42 210. 300 6 5 5 to 1 42x10 OUSTING 8 10 6.52 42 273. 220 6 5 5 tol 42x10 OUSTER 8 12 7.83 40 313. 340 8 7 5 tol 48x14 OUTING 9 12 9.91 40 396. 275 8 7 5 tol 48x14 OUTER 10 12 12.24 40 489. 225 8 7 5 to 1 48x14 OUTERLY *Sizes 7 x 10 and larger are furnished with tight pulley only. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 158 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Single-Acting Triplex Plunger Pump Fig. 52, for Heavy Duty Fig. 52, Size 4x8 Fig. 52, Size 6^x8 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 159 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Single-Acting Triplex Plunger Pump Fig. 48 Especially designed for pumping into open or compression tanks in apartment houses, residences, office buildings, or wherever quietness of operation is essential. These pumps have unusually large valve area, which permits operating at much higher speeds than is the usual practice with geared pumps, resulting in much greater capacity for the space occupied. FRAME consists of three standards, which include the crosshead guides and the main crank shaft bearings, the latter being lined with best anti-friction metal. CRANK SHAFT is of best open hearth steel in one piece, and extended to receive driving pulley. CONNECTING RODS, in sizes 4x 6 and larger, have bronze boxes with wedge and screw adjust- ment at the crosshead ends, and marine type babbitted boxes at the crank end. Smaller sizes have bronze bushings at crosshead end. CROSSHEADS run in bored guides, and sizes 4x6 and larger have bronze shoes adjustable for wear. PLUNGERS are of close grained cast iron, finished true and smooth, and reciprocate through packing of ample depth. CYLINDERS in sizes 5x6 and smaller are integral with the main guide frame. VALVE CHAMBERS in sizes 3^ x 4 and larger are separate castings bolted to the cylinders. All valves are readily accessible. VALVES for cold water are rubber discs protected on top from cylindrically wound springs by brass plates. Bronze or hard rubber valves furnished for hot water when specified. VALVE SEATS are of bronze, and in sizes 2x2 and larger are of grid type, screwed into the decks. GREASE CUPS, or Oil Cups if preferred, and wrenches furnished with all pumps, also air chamber if specified. Vacuum Chamber to order at extra price. SPECIALS: Pumps furnished with brass cased plungers, or solid bronze plungers, and bronze lined stuffing boxes and glands at extra price. For different Types of Drive for Fig. 48 pumps in connection with electric motor and gas engine, see opposite page. Fig. 48, Standard Sizes, Capacities, Etc. PLUNGERS CAPACITY Maximum DIAM. OF PIPES Working *Pulley Cipher Diam. Stroke Gallons Usual Gallons Pressure Suction Discharge Inches Inches per Rev. Revs. per Min. Pounds Inches Inches per Min. \\* 4X .19 40 7.6 100 m IK 3 to 1 16x4 31 3 4H .27 40 10.8 80 IK IX 3 to 1 16x4 31 1 A 4 4H .48 40 19.2 65 2 m 3 to 1 16x4 33 5 W .76 40 30.4 50 2H 2 3 to 1 16x4 34 y 2 List Prices of Standard Pump PISTONS BRASS LINED *BRONZE CYL. AND PISTON *ALL BRONZE tExtra for Type "B" Drive Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Cipher Price Cipher Price Cipher Price 2H 4^ FATE $185.00 FATHERLY $245.00 FATLING $275.00 $105.00 3 4^ FATAL 190.00 FATHOM 255.00 FATNER 300.00 105.00 4 4^ FATALITY 195.00 FATIGUE 275.00 FATNESS 330 00 115.00 5 4^ FATEFUL 200.00 FATTY 330.00 FATLY 390.00 115.00 *Pumps with "Brass Cylinder and Piston" also have brass cylinder and valve decks, while "All Brass" pumps have all parts which come in contact with the water made of brass. tWhen telegraphing with reference to Type "B" Drive, place cipher word "TYPEB" immediately following the cipher word for the standard pump. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 170 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Triumph" Double-Acting Piston Pump Fig. 609, for Medium Service Fig. 609, All Sizes Fig. 609 with Type "B" Drive Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 171 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES , Deming "Ajax" Double- Acting Piston Pump Fig. 716, for Medium Service Fig. 716 is especially recom- mended as a gathering pump and for other use in mines where the maximum discharge pressure does not exceed that for which it is rated. It is also a very desirable pump for brine circulation and for tank sup- ply for factories, railway water stations, etc. MAIN FRAME is of heavy box type, and includes bored crosshead guide and babbitt-lined shaft bear- ings. CYLINDER is of cast iron with cast bronze liner, and contains the valves which are readily accessible without disturbing pipe connections. CRANK SHAFT is of best open hearth annealed steel casting, accu- rately machined. GEARING is machine cut from the solid. CONNECTING ROD has babbitt-lined adjustable bearing at the crank end, and bronze bushing at the crosshead end. CROSSHEAD reciprocates through a bored guide, and has shoes adjustable for wear. PISTON is fibrous packed. PISTON ROD is of bronze working through deep stuffing box, with bolted gland. VALVES are of rubber, on bronze grid seats, which are screwed into the decks. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION includes tight and loose pulleys, grease cups, wrenches and com- panion pipe flanges of sizes listed. Modifications of standard construction furnished at extra price. TYPE "B" DRIVE (Cipher, "TYPEB") for connecting an electric motor includes a sub- stantial cast iron sub-base under pump and motor, with an intermediate gear and rawhide pinion for connecting motor to the pump as illustrated. NOTE. The 5 and 6-inch stroke pumps can also be furnished mounted on portable truck with motor. TYPE "BA" DRIVE (Cipher, "TYPEBA") includes an intermediate gear and rawhide pinion for connecting an electric motor, the main frame being altered on top to permit mounting the motor thereon. This drive is only furnished with 10-inch stroke sizes and only for motors having frames of comparatively small dimensions. Fig. 716, Sizes, Capacities, Etc. Fig. 716, All Sizes PISTONS Cap. Rev. Gal. Revol'ns per Minute Capacity per Minute at Maxi- mum Speed Gallons Maximum Working Pressure Pounds DIAM. OF PIPES Gear Ratio Height Tight with and Type Loose "B" Pulleys Drive Inches "Cipher Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Suc'n Inches Dis- charge Inches 4 5 5 6 (i 7 8 5 5 6 6 10 10 10 .534 .833 1.000 1.448 2.395 3.279 4.275 50 to 60 50 to 60 45 to 55 45 to 55 40 to 50 40 to 50 40 to 50 31.04 49.98 55.00 79.64 119.7o 163.95 213.75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 2 ^ 3 4 5 6 2 2 2^ * 4 5 6 to 6 to 6 to 6 to 6 to 6 to 6 to 14x3 35 16x4 3o l A 18x4 39 1 A 20x5 37 y 2 24 x 5 46 28x5 56 30 x 6 57 FLATIVE FLAILING FLATLY FLATNESS FLATT EN- FLATTERY FLATTERER *When telegraphing with reference to type "B" or "BA" Drive, place Cipher word "TYPES" or "TYPEBA," respectively, immediately following the cipher word for the standard belt-driven pump. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and S HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Ajax" Double- Acting Piston Pump Fig. 716, with Types "B" and "BA" Drives Fig. 71G with Type "B" Drive Fig. 716 with Type "BA" Drive Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 173 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Neptune" Double-Acting Piston Pump Fig. 696, for Medium Service Fig. 696, All Sizes Fig. 696 differs from our other types of horizontal piston pumps in that all valves are quickly accessible from the top by loosening two nuts. This is especially desirable in handling mine water where small particles of coal or other foreign substances are liable to clog the valves. This pump is also well suited for brine pumping and general water supply where pressure does not exceed 75 pounds. MAIN FRAME is of heavy box type, and includes bored crosshead guide and babbitt-lined shaft bearings. CYLINDER is of cast iron with cast bronze liner, and contains all valves. CRANK SHAFT is of best open hearth annealed steel casting, accurately machined. GEARING is machine cut from the solid. CONNECTING ROD has babbitt-lined, divided bearing at the crank end and bronze bushing at the crosshead end. CROSSHEAD reciprocates through a bored guide, and has shoes adjustable for wear. PISTON is fibrous packed. PISTON ROD is of bronze working through deep stuffing box, with bolted gland. VALVES are of rubber, on bronze grid seats, which are screwed into the decks. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION includes tight and loose pulleys, grease cups, wrenches and companion pipe flanges of sizes listed. Modifications of standard construction furnished at extra price. Types "B" and "BA" Drives Fig. 696 is furnished with Type "B" Drive in all sizes the same as Fig. 716, and with Type "BA" Drive in size 6 x 10 only. See illustration and description on pages 172 and 173. NOTE. The 5 and 6-inch stroke pumps can be furnished on portable truck with motor. Fig. 696, Sizes, Capacities, Etc. PISTONS Cap. per Rev. Inches Revol'ns per Minute Capacity per Min. at Maxi- mum Speed Gallons Maximum Working Pressure Pounds DIAM. OF PIPES Gear Ratio Tight and Loose Pulleys Height with Type "B" Drive Inches *Cipher Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Suction Inches Dis- charge Inches 5 5 .833 50 to 60 49.98 75 2 2 6tol 16x4 29 1 A FRILL 6 6 1.448 45 to 55 79.64 75 3 2 1 A 6 to 1 20x5 34 FRILLED 6 10 2.395 40 to 50 119.75 75 4 3 6 to 1 24x5 40 FRILLING *When telegraphing with reference to type "B" or "BA" Drive, place the cipher word "TYPEB" or "TYPEBA, respectively, immediately following the cipher word for the standard belt-driven pump. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 174 DEEP WELL WORKING HEADS FOR SPECIAL WATER SUPPLY EMBRACING VARIOUS TYPES OF POWER WORKING HEADS FOR USE WITH DEMING BRASS ARTE- SIAN WELL AND OTHER TYPES OF CYLINDERS; ADAPTED FOR OPERATION BY ELECTRIC MOTOR, GAS, OR GASOLINE EN- GINE, STEAM ENGINE AND WINDMILL; USING BELT, GEAR- ING OR CONNECTING ROD. SEPARATE BULLETINS Descriptive of our complete line of working heads and compris- ing many different types and sizes, will be sent upon request. However, to give a general idea of the appearance and construc- tion of these pumps, a few representative types are listed in this section of the Catalogue. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deep Well Pumping .Information Desired to Enable Us to Intelligently Recommend the Best Style of Deep Well Pump "A" Inside diameter of well casing inches. " B " Total depth of well feet. " C " Depth well is cased feet. Depth to surface of water Inside diameter of discharge pipe Length of discharge pipe Discharge head . . feet (or discharge pressure "D "E "F "G per square inch). .feet. . . inches. .feet. . pounds Does water level recede when well is pumped, and how much? What capacity in gallons per minute is wanted at dis- charge? What power is available to operate pump? If electric power is available, and price on electric motor is wanted, state whether current is direct or alter- nating, and if alternating, state phase and cycles. Suggestions Concerning the Installation of Deep Well Pumps The cylinder should be placed at such depth as to insure its being constantly submerged, and unless tests show that the water level does not recede materially it is advisable to place the cylinder near the bottom of the well. In placing the cylinder in the well special care should be taken to make all pipe and sucker rod joints tight. For convenience in shipping, cylinders are usually sent with the plunger and lower valve screwed together, and these must be disconnected before lowering the cylinder in the well. We are not liable for damage done or trouble caused by sand, gravel, chips or any substance other than clear water. The well is supposed to have a straight clear bore of the size specified so that the pump parts will go into it when reasonable clearance is allowed, and also to furnish sufficient clear water to supply the pump. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 17G HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Pump Heads With Double Rod Guides and Power Attachment For Wells 35 to 300 Feet Deep Fig. 439 Fig. 1439 These pump heads have crossheads with babbitted bearings working on double heavy steel rod guides. The stuffing-box gland is of brass. The power attachment is hinged to the crosshead and is designed to fit wood rod of windmill, although it can be altered for other style connection when desired. Fig. 439 has flanged base to bolt to platform or foundation, and the base is threaded for pipe that connects with cylinder. When so ordered, a separate flange threaded for drop pipe, will be furnished at additional cost. Fig. 1439 is exactly the same as Fig. 439, but with the addition of a large flanged air chamber. For use with Figs. 439 and 1439 pump heads, we recommend our Figs. 311 and 324 artesian well cylinders, listed elsewhere and connecting with pipe of larger diameterthan the cylinder, which will permit the withdrawal of the plunger and valve by the removal of the stuffing-box flange. Plunger rods are regularly threaded on lower end, %-inch U.S. Standard, but will be threaded otherwise if so specified. In ordering always specify size of suction and discharge pipe wanted. Sizes and Prices Figures Stroke Inches Threaded for Cylinder Pipe Inches Discharge Inches Weight in Pounds Cipher Price 439 439 439 1439 1439 1439 16 24 30 16 24 30 4K or less 4^2 or less 4J^ or less 4H or less 4H or less 43^ or less 2^ or less 2 1 A or less 23^ or less 2^ or less 2^ or less 2H or less 92 95 100 167 170 175 DEFACEMENT DEFIANCE DEFRAYING DEFT DEIFY DEIST $20.00 23.00 25.00 30.00 33.00 35.00 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 177 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Geared Deep Well Working Head Fig. 569 Fig. 569 illustrates our Pump Standard for wells of medium depth. It has adjustable stroke (6, 8 and 10-inch) and is furnished with machine cut gearing having a ratio of three to one, and with tight and loose pulleys for operating by power. Fly wheel pulley 36 inches diameter can be furnished, if desired, in place of the tight and loose pulleys. The illustration shows the No. 2 Pump with air chamber by which water can be forced upward through the top of the air chamber, or through the spout. In connection with this standard we recommend the use of our Fig. 311 cylinders, or any other type of brass, brass lined or iron deep well cylinder. In corresponding, give as fully as possible the particulars asked for on page 176, and if working head only is wanted, specify sizes of drop pipe and discharge pipe and also threads on sucker rod. Fig. 569 Fig. 569, Sizes, Prices, Etc. No. Stroke Inches 6, 8 and 10 6, 8 and 10 6, 8 and 10 'Suction Fitted for Pipe Inches to 3 to 3 to 3 Discharge With Flange for 1^ to 2-inch pipe With Double Discharge Air Chamber, as illustrated With Air Chamber and Cock Gear Ratio Tight and Loose Pulleys 3 to 1 3 to 1 3 to 1 20x5 20x5 20x5 fLift and Force 2^-inch cylinder, 175 feet ) 2% -inch cylinder, 120 feet j 3M-inch cylinder, 80 feet ) 3%-inch cylinder, 60 feet ) 4M-inch cylinder, 50 feet WITH PULLEYS Cipher BRAVO BRAWL BRAWLER Price WITH FLY WHEEL Cipher $140.00 145.00 150.00 BRAWNY BRAYER BRAZEN Price $140.00 145.00 150.00 *Unless otherwise specified, suction is fitted for IJ^-inch pipe and discharge for IJ^-inch pipe. fFrom lowest surface of water in well to highest point of delivery. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 178 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Geared Deep Well Power Working Head For Wells 375 Feet Deep or Less Fig. 66 This head is adapted especially for pumping water from deep wells for suburban homes and other places re- quiring a moderate water supply. All parts are readily accessible. The sucker rod and cylinder valves can be withdrawn without disturbing any pipe connections. The standard head includes cut gearing, tight and loose pulleys and oil cups. For hydro-pneumatic service an air compressor will be supplied at extra cost. When desired, an extended walking beam and counterweight, for equalizing the plunger load, will be furnished at extra cost as listed below. Our Figs. 311 or 324 cylinders are recommended for use with this head. TYPE "B" DRIVE (Cipher, TYPES) Fig. 66. with Tight and Loose Pulleys and Air Compressor consists of a cas t-iron bedplate, on which working head and electric motor are mounted, with motor direct-connected by gearing. TYPE "CS" DRIVE (Cipher, TYPECS) consists of a cast-iron shelf hinged to the back of working head frame, the motor being mounted on the shelf and belted to the working head. Quieter in operation than Type "B" Drive. On page 194 this head is shown in connection with a complete hydro-pneumatic water supply system. Specifications, Prices, Capacities, Etc. Stroke Inches MAXIMUM DIAMETER OF PIPES Suction Inches Discharge Inches Gear Ratio Tight and Loose Pulleys Maximum Height Inches Weight With Tight and Loose Pulleys Pounds *Cipher 6 to 1 12x3 25 215 ORRIS Diameter of Cylinder Inches CAPACITY Gallons per Rev. of Crank Shaft Usual Revs, per Minute Gallons per Minute t Maximum Lift, Feet 3M .063 .103 .154 .215 40 40 40 40 2.52 4.12 6.16 8.60 375 225 140 100 With Tight and Loose Pulleys $70.00 Without Tight and Loose Pulleys $65.00 Extra for Type 'B" Drive (Motor not included) $35.00 Extra for Type Extra for Extended Extra for Air 'CS" Drive in- cluding Belt (Motor not included) $20.00 Walking Beam and 100-Lb. Counterweight $15.00 Compressor Including Piping Connections $9.00 *VVhen telegraphing with reference to working head with Types "B" or "CS" Drive, place cipher word "TYPEB" or "TYPECS" respectively, immediately following cipher word "ORRIS." JRefers to vertical distance from surface of water to point of delivery or equivalent pressure. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 179 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Power Working Head Fig. 62, with Differential Plunger Fig. 62 is adapted especially for supplying water from deep wells for private estates, manufacturing plants, farms, etc. It is very substantially built, and the "low-down" design, as well as other features, make it the most accessible deep well pump on the market. By dis- connecting the differential plunger from the crosshead and the walking beam from the con- necting rod, and removing the stuffing box cap, the plunger can be readily withdrawn without disturbing the pipe connections. The stroke is adjustable, thereby permitting the easy regulation of the pump capacity to the flow of the water in the well. The main base is of cast iron, and carries the crank and pinion shaft bearings, which are lined with best babbitt metal. The gearing is machine cut, the main gear being bolted to a flange integral with the crank shaft. The crosshead is babbitt lined, and the guide rods are of polished steel. Each pump has a differential plunger which discharges part of the water on the down stroke, thus equalizing the load and giving a more uniform flow of water. The stuffing box is very easy of access for repacking, the gland being of the bolted type. Air chamber furnished at extra price. Fig. 62 with Type "B" Drive (Cipher, TYPEB) is the standard pump without pulleys, but with extended base and gearing connection for electric motor. Fig. 62 with Type "C" Drive (Cipher, TYPEC) is the standard pump mounted on sub-base for connection to electric motor, and including short belt and belt tightener. Adaptable to 10-inch stroke size only. On page 196, Fig. 62 is illustrated in connection with hydro-pneumatic System No. 2018. With these working heads we recommend using our Fig. 324 or Fig. 311 artesian well cylinders and Fig. 636 octagon wood sucker rod. Fig. 62, Sizes, Etc. Stroke Inches MAXIMUM DIAMKTKR OF PIPES Gear Ratio Tight and Loose Pulleys Maximum Height, Inches *ClPHER Standard Pump with Pulleys Suction Inches Discharge Inches 8, 9 and 10 12. 14 and 16 20, 22 and 24 ^ 8 1* 4 6 to 1 7 tol 6% tol 16x3 20x5 28x6 40^ 51 73 ODIN ODIUM ODIZE *When telegraphing with regard to the Type "B" or "C" Drive, place the cipher word representing the Type of Drive immediately following the cipher word for the standard pump. Fig. 62, Capacities Diam. and CAPACITY Stroke of fMaximum Cylinder Gallons per Rev. Maximum Revs. Gallons Lift, Feet of Crank Shaft per Min. per Min. 2%x 10 .257 40 10.2 300 2% x *6 .411 35 14.3 300 2%x24 .617 28 17.2 400 3%x 10 .478 40 19 1 175 3%xl6 .765 35 26.7 175 3^x24 1.147 28 32.1 215 4^x '0 .614 40 24.5 130 4% x!6 1.227 35 42.9 100 4^x24 1.841 28 51 5 135 5%x 16 1.798 35 62.9 70 5%x24 2.696 28 75.4 90 6%x24 3.716 28 104.0 70 7%x24 4.900 28 137.2 LO tFrom lowest surface of water in well to highest point of delivery. For the rated speeds it is recommended that the cylinder be located not more than 200 feet below the surface. When placed at greater depth, operate the working head at 20 per cent slower speed. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps , Pages 7 and 8 180 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Power Working Head Fig. 62, with Differential Plunger Fig. 62, 24-inch Stroke with Tight and Loose Pulleys Fig. 62, 10-inch Stroke with Fig. 63 Air Pumping Attachment Fig. 62, 16-inch Stroke with Type "B" Ddve Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 181 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Power Working Head Fig. 61 with Differential Plunger Fig. 61 Deep Well Working Head is of very rigid construction throughout, and its "low down" design, together with other features, make it one of the most desirable deep well pumps on the market for the work for which it is adapted. Access to the well for repairing cylinder or rod is quickly and easily made. The stroke is adjustable, permitting the regulation of the pump capacity to the supply of water in the well. MAIN FRAME is of cast iron of very heavy design, and contains both the crank and pinion shaft bearings which are lined with best anti-friction metal. GEARING is machine cut, the crank gear being bolted to a large flange integral with the crank shaft and located between the main bearings, thereby eliminating torsional strains. CRANK SHAFT, Connecting Rod, Link and Walking Beam are all of steel. CROSSHEAD is babbitt lined with provision tor lubrication, and the guide rods are of polished steel held in rigid alignment by stay rods extending to the main standard. DISCHARGE HEAD is located above the base and can be readily turned to discharge to the front as illustrated, or to the right or left as desired. DIFFERENTIAL PLUNGER works through an outside packed stuffing box with bolted gland. FIG. 61 WITH TYPE "B" DRIVE (Cipher, TYPEB) is furnished with extended cast iron bed plate and gearing connection for electric motor. Motor can be furnished at extra charge. FIG. 61 WITH TYPE "K" DRIVE (Cipher TYPEK) is furnished with friction cut-off coupling for direct connecting with gas or gasoline engine when speed of engine is not too great to permit this drive. When engine speed exceeds 200 R. P. M., provision is made for a double reduction of gearing and an extra bearing for a secondary shaft to which a higher speed engine can be con- nected by friction coupling. Prices for Type "K" Drive are quoted on application with statement of engine horse power and speed. In connection with Fig. 61 working head we recommend using our Fig. 324 Artesian Well Cylinder and Fig. 636 octagon wood sucker rod. In corresponding, give as fully as possible conditions under which working head is to be operated, and if working head only is required, specify size of cylinder in use and also threads on sucker rod. See page 176. Fig. 61, Sizes, Etc. Stroke Inches MAXIMUM DIAMETER OF PIPES Standard Gear Ratio Tight and Loose Pulleys Maximum Height Inches *Cipher Suction Inches Discharge Inches 20, 22 & 24 9 4 6.5tol 30x6 79 ODONTOID *When telegraphing with regard to Type "B" or "K" Drive, place the cipher word representing the" Type of Drive immediately following the cipher word for the standard pump. CAPACITY CAPACITY Stroke of Cylinder, Inches Gals, per Rev. of Cr. Shaft Max. Revs, per Min. Gallons per Min. fMaximum Lift, Feet Stroke of Cylinder, Inches Gals, per Rev. of Cr. Shaft Max. Revs, per Min. Gallons per Min. fMaximum Lift, Feet 3^x24 3^x24 4^x24 4^x24 5Jx24 .862 1.147 1.470 1.841 2.250 28 28 28 28 28 24 32 41 51 63 900 690 540 450 360 5^x24 6^x24 6% x24 7^x24 8>ix24 2.696 3.190 3.716 4.900 5.880 28 28 28 28 28 75 89 104 137 164 300 ^50 210 150 130 fFrom lowest surface of water in well to highest point of delivery. For the rated speeds it is recommended that the cylind :r be located not more than 200 feet below the surface. When placed at greater depth, operate the working head at 20 per cent slower speed. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 182 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Power Working Head Fig. 61, with Differential Plunger Fig. 61 with Pulleys Fig. 61 with Type "B" Drive Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 183 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Power Working Heads Figs. 80 and 82, with Differential Plunger Figs. 80 and 82 Deep Well Working Heads are designed for the operation of deep well cylinders, and have incorporated such desirable features as our extensive experience in this line of pumping machinery indicates as the best. Fig. 82 differs from Fig. 80 (illustrated on opposite page) in having double crank gears, and outboard bearing and stand. BEARINGS are lined with best anti-friction metal, the pinion shaft bearings being bolted to the main housings. GEARING is machine cut, the main gear (or gears) being bolted to a large flange (or flanges) integral with the crank shaft. CONNECTING ROD is of steel with marine type box at the crank end, and bronze bushing at the crosshead end. CROSSHEAD has bronze shoe adjustable for wear, and runs in polished guides. DIFFERENTIAL PLUNGER is furnished and equalizes the flow of water, with consequent greater economy and ease of operation. AIR CHAMBER is supplied; also Grease Cups, or Oil Cups if preferred, and wrenches furnished with all pumps. Discharge can be connected at either front or back of pump. When electric motor or steam engine is to be direct connected, we can furnish these work- ing heads with the different Types of Drive as described below and illustrated on pages 90 and 91. Type "B" Drive (Cipher, TYPEB) consists of connecting an electric motor by an inter- mediate gear and rawhide, or other quiet running pinion, the pump being provided with a heavy cast iron shelf at the back, on which shelf the motor is mounted. Motor for Type "B" Drive can be furnished, if wanted, at extra charge. Fig. 324 Single- Acting Cylinders with Fig. 636 Wood Sucker- Rod, with extra strong pipe sucker-rod, are recommended for use with Figs. 80 and 82. In corresponding, give the information asked for on page 176, and if working head only is wanted, specify sizes of drop pipe and discharge pipe and also threads on sucker rod. Figs. 80 and 82, Sizes, Etc. Stroke Inches MAXIMUM DIAM. OF PIPES Gear Ratio TIGHT AND LOOSE PULLEYS Height Inches * CIPHER Suction Inches Dis- charge Inches Fig. 80 Fig. 82 Fig. 80 Fig. 82 16 24 9 9 4 4 6 to 1 5K to 1 28x6 36x6 36x8 76 98^ ORIENT ORIENTAL ORNAMENTAL *When telegraphing with reference to Type "B" Drive, place the cipher word "TYPEB" immediately following the cipher word for the standard pump. MAXIMUM SPEED AND CAPACITY PER MINUTE WITH FIG. 324 SINGLE-ACTING CYLINDERS Diam. of Cylinder Inches 16-Inch Stroke 24-Inch Stroke tMAXIMUM LIFT, FEET Revs. Gallons Revs. Gallons 41 51 63 75 89 104 137 164 Fig. 80 540 450 360 300 250 210 150 130 Fig. 82 4Ji 4% 5M 5/4 6M QH 7% sy 2 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 34 42 52 62 74 86 114 137 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 725 600 485 400 335 285 215 170 fFrom lowest surface of water in well to highest point of delivery. For the rated speeds it is recommended that the cylinder be located not more than 200 feet below the surface. When placed at greater depth, operate the working head at 20 per cent slower speed. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 184 HAM) AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Power Working Head Figs. 80 and 82, with Differential Plunger Fig. 80, 24-inch Stroke Fig. 82, 24-inch Stroke Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 185 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Single-Acting Triplex Piston Pump For Deep Open Wells Fig. 710 Fig. 710 is designed for use in deep open wells where the water is too low to be reached by suction from the surface. The power end is mounted on "I" beams or other sup- ports at the surface and the cylinders are secured to the supports in the well, within suction distance of the water. When depth of well requires, the well rods should be guided by Fig. 389 double roller guides. See list below. Air chamber and discharge check valve; grease cups or oil cups, and wrenches, are included in the regu- lar equipment. Fig. 389 ROLLER PISTON ROD GUIDES FIG. 389 For Pipe, Inches . Price $2.50 13.50 Fig. 710, All Sizes Fig. 710, Sizes, Capacities, Etc. PISTONS CAPACITY *Max. Eleva- tion Feet DIAM. OF PIPES Gear Ratio Pulleys Outside Dimensions Water End Inches Cipher Diam. Inches Stroke Inches Gals, per Rev. Usual Revs, per Min. Gals, per Min. Suction Inches Dis- charge Inches 3 3M 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 .91 1.25 1.63 2.55 3.67 40 40 40 40 40 36.4 50.0 65.2 102.0 145.8 300 225 170 300 210 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 4 4 5 to 1 5 to 1 5 to 1 5 to 1 5tol 20x5 20x5 20x5 28x6 28x6 21x14 21x14 21x14 24x17 24x18^ ODORATE ODORLESS OFFERTORY OFFICIATE OFFSPRING *Elevation includes total lift from surface of supply to highest point of delivery. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 186 DE M I NG HYDRO-PNEUMATIC WATER SYSTEMS INCLUDING PUMP AND COMPLETE EQUIPMENT FOR SUPPLYING WATER TO FARM HOMES, SUBURBAN RESI- DENCES, COUNTRY CLUBS, SUM- MER HOMES, GREENHOUSES, ETC., THE TANK PRESSURE IN MANY CASES BEING AUTOMATI- CALLY CONTROLLED, AND THE PUMP OPERATED BY ELECTRIC MOTOR, GASOLINE ENGINE OR BY HAND A SEPARATE CATALOGUE Of our complete line of hydro-pneumatic water systems, com- prising many different types and sizes, will be sent upon request. However, to give a general idea of the appearance and construc- tion of these systems, a few representative types are listed in this section of the Catalogue. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES iiiiimiiiiiiuraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Deming Water Supply Systems A representative group of "Deming equipped" homes. Conclusive proof of the adaptability of Deming Systems of water supply to the needs of the modest house or the most elaborate establishment. No matter how small or how large the home, building or institution may be, there is a Deming system to exactly fit the requirements. Many thousands of Deming Water Systems are today giving dependable, satisfactory service, covering a range of conditions that is almost without limit. In the tiny bungalow, and in the magnificent country homes of some of the world's richest men, Deming systems are daily proving to the owners the wisdom of their choice. In the smallest Deming system, the pump has a capacity of 180 gallons per hour with a tank of 53 gallons capacity. The pump in the largest system will deliver 60,000 gallons per hour with a tank capacity 20,000 gallons. In very large installations several tanks are often used. Each Installation Is Handled As a Separate Proposition To secure the best results from any water supply system, it is necessary that each outfit be planned to suit the particular conditions under which it must give service. The size of pump, tank and power unit should be based upon the conditions actually prevailing in every case. Upon receipt of a statement of con- ditions we will be glad to have our experts tell you just which outfit will best do your work. This service is given absolutely without charge and is distinctly understood to place the prospective customer under no obligation whatever. Note Carefully WHEN QUOTING ON DEMING OUTFITS, THE SUCKER ROD, PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS, SUCH AS ELLS, TEES, UNIONS, ETC., ARE NOT INCLUDED, UNLESS so SPECIFIED, SINCE EACH INSTALLATION IS, AS A RULE, DIFFERENTLY SITUATED AND REQUIRES, THEREFORE, DIFFERENT FITTINGS AND VARY- ING LENGTHS OF PlPE. Hand-holes and man-holes in tank ARE FURNISHED ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED, but we recom- mend that a hand-hole at least be included. For prices see page on which tanks are listed. The water capacity of a tank is approximately two-thirds the total capacity. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 188 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Climax" Water System No. 2001 For Wells and Cisterns 25 Feet Deep or Less With the "Climax" System, sufficient water may be stored at one pumping to last a family of four or five about one day for ordinary requirements. The pump can be easily operated against a pressure of 40 pounds in the tank. The pump is provided with air valve so that air and water can be forced into the tank at the same time If water only is desired, the air valve on the cylinder head can be closed. We recommend that a foot-valve be placed on the end of the suction pipe. Should the supply be higher than the pump, we recommend the use of Fig. 606, described on page 28, instead of the Fig. 608^ pump, listed below. Equipment Specifications of System No. 2001 One 30-in. x 6-ft. vertical tank. One Fig. 608^ " Climax ' ' double- acting pump with brass-lined cylinder. One Fig. 904 1-in. check valve. One Fig. 900 1-in. globe valve. One Fig. 913 %-in. stop and waste valve. One Fig. 688 pressure gauge. One Fig. 917 >-in. hose bibb. One glass water gauge. Sizes, Capacities, Etc. PUMP TANK Complete Diameter of Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Capacity per Minute 30 Strokes Gallons Capacity of 30-in. x 6-ft. Tank Gallons Water 30-in. x 6-ft. Tank Gallons Weight of Tank Pounds Weight of Outfit Pounds Cipher 2^ 4 5 220 150 575 650 SERF Variations of the "Climax" Outfit System No. 2002, with 30-in. x 8-ft. HORIZONTAL tank (total capacity, 295 gallons), otherwise same as above (Cipher, SERGE) System No. 2003, with 30-in. x 6-ft. VERTICAL tank (total capacity, 220 gallons), and Fig. 606 pump, as described on page 28; otherwise the same as System No. 2001 (Cipher, SERIAL) System No. 2004, with 30-in. x 8-ft. HORIZONTAL tank (total capacity, 295 gallons), otherwise the same as System No. 2003 (Cipher, SERIES) Hand Hole in Tank, furnished at extra cost Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 189 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES PNEUMATIC T AUTOMATIC SWITC PRIMING PLUG Deming "Marvel" Electric House Pumping Outfit For Wells and Cisterns 25 Feet Deep or Less System No. 2085 The "Marvel" system is intend- ed for supplying the requirements of bathroom, laundry and kitchen, in farm and suburban homes, sum- mer cottages and other places where a moderate quantity of water is used. System No. 2085 is self-starting, self-stopping, self-oiling, self-priming self-operating in all respects. A complete set of instructions for in- stalling is furnished with every outfit. Fresh Drinking Water- Direct From the Well Every electric-driven "Marvel" outfit has a fresh water outlet which automatically shuts off the pressure from the tank when the faucet in the fresh water line is opened and starts up the pump, delivering cold water direct from the well. Equipment Specifications of System No. 2085 "Marvel" electric house pump with electric motor; automatic switch; pulley; spring belt tightener, flat belt; pressure gauge; water glass; relief valve; fresh water outlet; cast-iron sub-base or floor plate. When Pump is W T anted Without the Tank Frequently owners of hand-operated systems desire to replace their hand pump with a power-driven pump. For such installations' we have arranged to supply the "Marvel" pump only, without the tank, sub-base or piping connections, designated as Fig. 1685, and including the following equipment: Equipment Specifications of Fig. 1685 "Marvel" electric house pump with electric motor; automatic switch; pulley; spring belt tightener and belting; air-charging device; fresh water outlet and pump stand. Prices, Capacities, Etc. RESSURE GAUGE RELIEF VALVE SH WATER OUTLET STRAINER PLUG DIAMETER OF PRICE Max With D3 Fig. per Hour Gal. Suc'n Inches Disch. Inches of Galv. Tank Gal. W'k'g. Press. Lbs. Sh'pg. W'ght. Lbs. Dimen- . sions Cipher Inches Single- Phase 60-Cycle 1 10-Volt Furnished with A. C. Two or Three-Phase, 60-Cycle, 110 or 220- Volt, or D. C. 32 or A. C. Motor 110-Volt Motor at 31 high .Same Price. 1685 180 1 Yz 50 180 27 long SALIX 10 wide 140. 00 Other Frequency Motors at 53 high 2085 ISO 1 K 53 50 340 27 long SALTY $200.00 31 vide When desired, No. 2085 will be furnished with 120-gallon galvanized iron tank at extra cost. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 190 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Marvel" House Pumping Outfit Gasoline Engine Driven For Wells and Cisterns 25 Feet Deep or Less System No. 2086 Where electric current is not available, we recommend the use of our gasoline engine driven "Marvel" outfit. This consists of the same pump used in System No. 2085 (see opposite page), 1/2 H. P. engine, 30-inch x 6-foot black steel tank; spring belt tightener and belting ; air charging device ; pressure gauge; water glass; circuit breaker and relief valve. Pump and engine are mounted on a heavy plank base. The engine is provided with a foot lever for starting, which, when pressed down upon with the foot, spins the engine. After testing and experimenting with different makes of gasoline engines, we have found that this engine is not only the most economical in operation, but is so simply constructed that anyone can learn to run it in a minutes' time. The automatic circuit breaker supplied with this sys- tem stops the engine when the tank is pumped up to 40 pounds pressure. The steel tank in System No. 2086 is coated inside with a special anti-rust paint. A complete set of instruc- tions for installing and operating is furnished with every "Marvel" outfit. When the Pump is Wanted Without the Tank When desired, we will ship the "Marvel" pump and engine, without the tank, including equipment as below. This outfit is designated as Fig. 1686. Equipment Specifications of Fig. 1686 "Marvel" house pump; ]/2 H. P. air-cooled gasoline engine; spring belt tightener and belting; air-charging device; all mounted upon a heavy plank base. Prices, Capacities, Etc. few Fig. DlAME Pir Suet. Inches PER OF ES Disc. Inches Maximum Overall Working Dimensions Pressure Inches Pounds Fig. 1686 Only TANK Total Water \\Vht Capac. Capac. Shipping Weight Pounds Cipher Price 1686 2086 1 1 50 25 high 16 wide 50 43 long 220 150 575 240 825 SOPITE SOPOR S140.00 2s.j . 00 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 191 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Atlas" Water System No. 2009 With Gasoline Engine and "Atlas" Power Pump For Wells and Cisterns 25 Feet Deep or Less This system will store water under 75 pounds pressure or less. The pump has a capacity of 575 gallons per hour at 60 revolutions per minute, and is fully described on the preceding pages. The engine is of the hopper-cooled type; four cycle; has hit-and-miss governor; will not freeze; has machine-cut gears; jump spark ignition; operates at 600 revolutions per minute. Diameter of engine pulley, 10 inches; face, 3 inches. It is one of the very best engines on the market. Book of instructions for operating engine is included with each "Atlas" system. Amount of air to be pumped can be regulated by the air charging device on the pump. The usual maximum pressure maintained is 45 to 50 pounds. This makes a very good outfit for farms, suburban residences, factories, warehouses, etc. Equipment Specifications of System No. 2009 One 30-in. x 8-ft. horizontal pressure tank. One Fig. 691 "Atlas" double-acting power pump, 2J4 m - x 5 in.; with air charging device and brass-lined cylinder; also Type "CI" drive; 20-in. x 3-in. pulley. One l}/2 horse-power reliable vertical gaso- line engine with 10 feet of canvas belting. One Fig. 904 1-in. check valve. For complete details of the "Atlas" pump, see pages 164-167. Sizes, Capacities, Etc. One automatic gasoline engine stop or circuit breaker. One Fig. 900 1-in. globe valve. One Fig. 1 995 %-in. relief valve. One Fig. 688 pressure gauge. Two Fig. 917 ^-in. hose bibbs. One Fig. 913 %-in. stop and waste cock. One glass water gauge. PUMP TANK Diam. of Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Good for Maximum Pressure Lbs. Capacity per Min. at 60 Strokes Gallons Weight Lbs. Capacity of 30" x 8' Tank Gallons Water Capacity of 30" x 8' Tank Gallons Weight of Tank Lbs. Complete Weight of Outfit Lbs. Cipher VA 5 75 9.6 140 295 198 725 1175 SELION If automatic gasoline engine stop is not wanted, a reduction in price will be made. Hand Hole in Tank, furnished at extra cost. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 192 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Atlas" Water System No. 2012 With % Horse-power Electric Motor and "Atlas" Power Pump For Wells and Cisterns 25 Feet Deep or Less The pump is belted to the motor in this system, which practically eliminates all noise. System No. 2012 is, therefore, our most popular motor driven outfit. The automatic pressure regulator starts and stops the motor when the pressure falls or rises beyond a predetermined point. The "Atlas" pump has a capacity of 575 gallons per hour and is fully described on the preceding pages. Pump and motor are mounted upon a cast-iron sub-base, and are connected by a short belt. The cast-iron base insures permanent alignment of pump and motor. We should be fully informed regarding the kind of current and the voltage available. Equipment Specifications of System No. 2012 One 30-in. x 8-ft. horizontal tank. One Fig. 691, 2^ in. x 5 in. "Atlas" double- acting power pump with air charging device and brass-lined cylinder; with Type "C" drive (including cast-iron sub-base and 20-in. x 3-in. pulley). One % horse-power, A. C., single-phase, 60- cycle, 110-220 volt electric motor. Price will vary slightly, depending upon the kind of motor required. See list below. One Fig. 1508 automatic pressure regulator. One Fig. 904 1-in. check valve. One Fig. 900 1-in. globe valve. One Fig. 1995 %-in. relief valve. One Fig. 688 pressure gauge. Two Fig. 917 }4-in. hose bibbs. One Fig. 913 %-in. stop and waste cock. One glass water gauge. For complete details of the "Atlas" pump, see pages 164-167. Sizes, Capacities, Etc. PUMP Diam of Cylinder Inches Stroke Inches Capacity per Min. at 60 Strokes Weight Pounds Good for Maximum Pressure Capacity of 30" x 8' Tank Gallons Weight of Complete Outfit Pounds Cipher HP. A. C. Single-Phase, 60- Cycle 110-220 Volt Motor. When desired, D. C. Motor Gallons or A. C. Two or Three-Phase Motor can be furnished 2M 5 9.6 140 75 295 1100 SELVES Hand Hole in Tank, furnished at extra cost. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 193 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Water System No. 2016 With Electric Motor and Fig. 66 Power Working Head For Wells 75 Feet Deep or Less In this system the air is supplied to the tank by means of an air compressor, which is constructed as a part of the power working head, and which is operated from the pump crosshead. Should no air be desired while the head is operating, a pet cock may be opened which will permit the escape of the air. This system has a capacity of about 250 gallons per hour, when working against a tank pres- sure of 60 pounds, and using a 2j^-in. x 10-in. artesian well cylinder in a 75-foot well. We should be fully informed regarding the kind of current and the voltage available. Since conditions affecting deep well installations may vary greatly, different sizes of cylinders and motor are often required. It is best, therefore, to send us complete details before ordering a deep well outfit. However, for many installations, System No. 2016 will be satisfactory without alteration in equipment specified below. Equipment Specifications of System No. 2016 One 36-in. x 6-ft. vertical tank. One Fig. 66 deep well power working head with air compressor and "CS" drive. One 1^2 horse-power, A. C., single-phase, 60-cycle, 110- 220- volt electric motor. Price will vary slightly, depending upon the kind of motor required. See list below. One Fig. 1508 automatic pressure regulator. One Fig. 311 2^x10 in. special brass cylinder. One Fig. 1995 %-in. relief valve. One Fig. 688 pressure gauge. One Fig. 904 1-in. check valve. One Fig. 900 1-in. globe valve. Two Fig. 917 K-in. hose bibbs. One Fig. 913 %-in. stop and waste cock. One glass water gauge. For complete details of Fig. 66, see page 179. Sizes, Capacities, Etc. WORKING HEAD CYLINDER Capacity of 36" x 6' Tank Gallons Complete Weight of Outfit Pounds Cipher Furnished regularly with 1^ HP, A. C. Single-Phase 60- Cycle Motor. When desired, D. C. Motor or Two or Three-Phase A. C. Motor can be supplied. Stroke Inches Suction Fitted for Pipe Inches Discharge Fitted for Pipe Inches Diam. and Length Inches Gallons per Min. at 40 Revs. 6 2^ 1 2MxlO 4.12 315 1300 SERE Hand Hole in Tank, furnished at extra cost Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 194 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Straight Line" Water System No. 2020 With Gasoline Engine and Fig. 1717 Head For Wells 100 Feet Deep or Less In this system the air is supplied to the tank by means of an air compressor, which is located between the guide rods at top of the pump head, and is operated from the crosshead. Should no air be desired while the pump is running, a pet cock may be opened which will permit the air to escape. Operating our Fig. 311, 1% x 10-inch brass cylinder at a depth of 100 feet, System No. 2020, when driven by 1^ H. P. gasoline engine, will deliver 420 gallons of water per hour against 50 pounds pressure in the tank. An automatic gasoline engine stop cuts out battery switch when pressure reaches desired point. Should power fail, lever is provided for hand operation. In deep well outfits it is advisable to send us complete details, since a cylinder of larger capacity may be used in wells of lesser depths than 100 feet. For complete details of Fig. 1717, see page 73. Equipment Specifications of System No. 2020 One 30-inch x 8-foot vertical tank. One automatic engine stop or circuit breaker. One Fig. 1717 deep well working head, with One Fig. 1995 %-inch relief valve. tight pulley, 20 x 3 inches, and special air compressor. One Fig. 311, 2^ x 10-inch special brass cylinder. One 1^ horse-power, water-cooled, vertical gasoline engine. One 12-ft. belt. Sizes, Capacities, Etc. One Fig. 088 pressure gauge. One Fig. 900 1-inch globe valve. One Fig. 904 1-inch check valve. One Fig. 913 %-inch stop and waste cock. One Fig. 917 ^-inch hose bibb. One glass water gauge. Tight Pulley Inches Back Outlet Inches Working Head Stroke Inches CYLINDER Total Capacity Weight of of 30-Inch Complete x 8-Foot Outfit Tank Pounds Gallons 295 1400 Cipher Diameter and Length Inches Capacity per Minute at 40 Rev. Gallons 20 x 3 2 6, 8, 10 2^x 10 7 STAPES Hand Hole in Tank, furnished at extra cost. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 195 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Deep Well Water System No. 2018 With Electric Motor, and Fig. 62 Power Working Head For Wells 150 Feet Deep or Less In deep well installations the pump head is usually located some distance away from the tank, reason, the piping in the above illustration is shown disconnected from the head For this With a Fig. 311, 2%-in. x 10-in. cylinder at a depth of 150 feet below the surface, this system will supply 600 gallons of water per hour against 60 pounds pressure in the tank. When preferred, the connection between working head and motor is made by a short belt with tightener instead of gearing at the same price, this being designated as Type " C " drive. Air for the pneumatic tank is supplied by the Fig. 63 air pumping device in the discharge head when the well cylinder does not exceed 3M inches inside diameter, but when a cylinder larger than 3J4 inches diameter is used, Fig. 64 air compressor attachment is furnished. While the System No. 2018 as listed below will be satisfactory for most conditions where a capacity of not more than 600 gallons per hour is required (from a deep well), we nevertheless advise that full information as to the depth of the well, inside diameter of same and the dis- charge pressure required should be sent with the order. For complete details of Fig. 62, see pages 182-183. Equipment Specifications of System No. 2018 One 36-in. x 12-ft. horizontal tank. One Fig. 62 power working head, with Type "B" drive and Fig. 63 air pumping device. One Fig. 311, 2%-in. x 10-in. brass cylinder. One 3 H. P. A. C. single phase, 60 cycle, 110-220 volt motor. One Fig. 1508 automatic pressure regulator. One Fig. 1995 %-in. relief valve. One Fig. 688 pressure gauge. One Fig. 900 1^-in. globe valve. One Fig. 913 M-in. stop and waste cock. Two Fig. 917 ^-in. hose bibbs. One glass water gauge. Sizes, Capacities, Etc. WORKING HEAD CYLINDER Total Capacity of 36" x 12' Tank Weight of Complete Outfit Cipher Regularly furnished with 3 H. P., A. C. Single-Phase, 60-Cycle Motor. Stroke Diameter and Capacity per Minute Inches Length 40 Revs. Gallons Pounds When desired, D. C. Motor Inches Gallons or Two or Three-Phase A. C. Motor can be supplied. 8, 9 or 10 2^x10 10.2 635 2200 SERIN Hand Hole in Tank, furnished at extra cost Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 196 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Triplex Pumps for Hydro-Pneumatic Service For Use Where a Large Quantity of Water is Required Fig. 50, Sizes 5M x 8 to 8K x 8 with Type " B " Drive Capacity 5^ x 8 size, 8800 gallons per hour For installations where very large quantities of water are necessary, we recommend the use of our triplex pumps. These are made in capacities up to 60,000 gallons per hour. We also can supply hydro-pneumatic tanks with capacities of 20,000 gallons or less. When the source of supply is at a much lower elevation than the point where the water is to be used, and also a considerable distance away, our triplex pumps are preferred. We do not list any complete hydro-pneumatic outfits in which triplex pumps are used, for the reason that in large installations the conditions vary so very much that we prefer to handle such propositions as individual cases in order to determine the outfit best suited to exist- ing conditions. Such outfits usually consist of a Deming triplex pump, hydro-pneumatic tank, electric motor or gasoline engine, with the Deming air pumping device, and the necessary valves, gauges, etc. Deming triplex pumps are especially adapted for hydro-pneumatic service in hotels, country estates, etc. When electric current is available, they may be automatically controlled. They are made in a great many different styles and sizes for varying conditions. To quote intelligently we should know the quantity of water required per day; vertical distance from surface of water to the pump suction inlet and length of suction pipe; elevation from surface at well to point of delivery and length of discharge pipe. Give kind of motive power preferred; if electric current, state kind of current and voltage. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 197 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Standard Hydro-Pneumatic Steel Tanks With Convex and Concave Heads These tanks are made of best open hearth flange steel with double riveted longitudinal seams, and are all tested to 125 Ibs. air pressure. The prices below do not include water and pressure gauges or other accessories, but holes for pipe connections are tapped to suit conditions. All tanks are painted inside with a special anti-rust paint. Sizes, Capacities, Prices, Etc. Diam. Inches l! THICKNESS A M 1 Cap. m Gals. LIST PRICE Diam. Inches 5^ ^ ^ THICKNESS 1 1 Cap. in Gals. LIST PRICE Shell H'ds Shell H'ds 24 6 A H 425 140 $121.00 42 8 M A 1425 575 $364.00 24 8 ft y 535 190 155.00 42 10 M A 1625 720 406.00 24 10 ft Yi 645 235 178.00 42 12 M tV 1850 865 460.00 30 6 T 3 5 y 575 220 154.00 42 14 M A 2150 1000 543.00 30 8 & y 725 295 195.00 42 16 M A 2350 1150 605.00 30 10 I 3 * \i 840 365 227.00 48 12 M A 2200 1130 539.00 30 12 I 3 * M 960 440 259.00 48 14 M A 2500 1315 600.00 36 6 T 3 * M 735 315 199.00 48 16 M A 2800 1500 698.00 36 8 I 3 * M 900 420 249.00 48 18 M A 3100 1700 769.00 36 10 T 3 8 M 1050 525 284.00 48 20 M A 3400 1880 822.00 36 12 T 3 S M 1200 635 320.00 48 24 M A 4000 2260 951.00 EXTRAS Hand Holes, $6.25; Manhole in Shell, $45.00; Manhole in Head, $30.00. The water capacity is two-thirds of the capacities given above. An additional charge will be made for tappings other than standard. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 198 SPRAY PUMPS AND ACCESSORIES FOR ALL SPRAYING CONDITIONS INCLUDING BUCKET, KNAP- SACK, BARREL, TANK, COM- PRESSED AIR, AND CART SPRAYERS FOR THE GARDEN, GREENHOUSE AND ORCHARD; INDEPENDENT POWER SPRAY PUMPS AND POWER SPRAYING OUTFITS FOR EXTENSIVE OPER- ATIONS; FIELD SPRAYERS, SPRAY NOZZLES, SPRAYING ATTACHMENTS, ETC. A SEPARATE CATALOGUE Of our complete line of spray pumps, nozzles and accessories, com- prising many different types and sizes, will be sent upon request. However, to give a general idea of the appearance and construction of these pumps, a few representative types are listed in this section of the Catalogue. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES The "Prize" Bucket Sprayer, Fig. 669 For Garden and Greenhouse Spraying Without some type of bucket spray pump, no assortment of garden tools may be said to be complete, The "Prize" is much used for spraying small trees, garden truck, flowers and shrubbery; washing windows, porches, autos and buggies; applying whitewash and disinfectants in barns and poultry houses; applying cattle-fly oil, stock dip, etc. This is our lowest priced spray pump, but it is often referred to as "much in little." The "Prize" is double acting, discharging one- half the solution on both the up and down stroke, giving a continuous spray. It is light; easy to carry; and is "built for business;" will develop a good pressure; is easy to operate; is practically non-breakable and will last for years. Specifications PUMP: The working parts of the pump are brass, including cylinder, plunger tube, plunger, valve seats and valve cages. The valves are solid brass balls, a true sphere to one one-thousandth of an inch. Nothing to rust or corrode. The ball valves insure a free movement of the liquid, as they are practically non-chokable. AIR CHAMBER: The hollow plunger tube acts as an air chamber. The discharge chamber is brass. HANDLE: The handle is made of malleable iron similar to that used on the "Success" Pumps. HOZE AND NOZZLE: The "Acme" spray nozzle, our simplest, is used with 3 feet of %-inch hose. The "Bordeaux," our patented adjustable nozzle for all spraying conditions, is furnished at additional cost. FOOT REST is of malleable iron, 12 inches high, and clamps to the cylinder of pump. SHIPPING WEIGHT, crated, is about nine pounds. The pump is put up in a strawboard box, Outfit and Extras Fig. 669 "Prize" bucket pump, as illustrated Cipher, KAFIR Fig. 669 With "Bordeaux" nozzle instead of "Acme" Cipher, KINEMATIC Seven-foot section of %-in. hose with couplings and pole holder, for tree spraying . Cipher, KEDLACK AGITATOR Dash Disc, Fig. 759, ready to attach to "Prize" and "Success" Pumps. See illustration above Cipher, KINGLING Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 200 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Fig. 659 "Success" Fig. 689 "Perfect Success" Fig. 968 "Handy Success" Deming Bucket Spray Pumps Fig. 659 is without doubt the most popular bucket spray pump on the market. Hundreds of thousands are in use all over the civilized world. It is similar to the "Prize" (see opposite page), except that it has a large brass air chamber, which produces a more uniform stream. For spraying a small number of trees; for flower and vegetable gardens, greenhouses, etc.; for washing windows, porches, autos and buggies; for applying whitewash and disinfecting barns and poultry houses, it is very useful. HANDLE AND FOOT REST are malleable iron. Foot rest is clamped to cylinder and is 15 inches high sufficient for any tall bucket. HOSE AND NOZZLE Furnished with three feet of %-inch hose and "Bordeaux" nozzle. Hose is attached with a hose band and is not wired on. Shipping weight, crated, is about 10 pounds. Each pump is packed in a separate strawboard box. Fig. 659 "Success" Pump, as illustrated Cipher, KORAN Fig. 689 "Perfect Success," same as above, but with 4 feet of ^g-inch hose, also malleable iron bucket clamp for holding pump firmly in bucket (see illustration above] , so entire outfit may be carried from place to place by the bail when bucket is full of mixture Cipher, KELTER Fig. 968, "Handy Success," consists of the "Success" pump mounted in a four-gallon tank, which may be had in brass or galvanized iron. This is a very popular outfit among florists, gard- eners, stockmen and poulfrymen. HOSE AND NOZZLE: Four feet of %-inch hose and "Bordeaux" nozzle. Weight, boxed for shipment, is about 25 pounds. Fig. 968 With galvanized iron tank Cipher, KIVER Fig. 968 With brass tank Cipher, KRIS Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 201 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES The Deming Knapsack Sprayers, Figs. 675, 654 For Garden, Vineyard and Greenhouse FIG. 675 The "Success" Knapsack sprayer (the cut to the left) is a useful implement for the florist and grower of vegetables and small fruits. As a vineyard sprayer it is much used, but sprayers of large capacity are now more in use for this purpose. The brass tank is suitable for using lime-sulfur and bordeaux solutions. FIG. 654 "Prize" Knapsack sprayer (cut to the right) is similar to Fig. 675, except that the tank is of galvanized iron, and the "Prize" pump is used. Specifications PUMP: The working parts are same as the "Prize" and "Success" pumps shown on pre- ceding pages. The cylinder, plunger, valves and valve seats being brass, corrosion and rust are eliminated. The lever is wrought iron and with malleable iron link, steel rod and wood handle. TANKS are five gallons capacity. Fig. 675 has BRASS tank and dash disc agitator, operated from the pump lever. Fig. 654 may be fitted with agitator, when desired, at extra cost. Both outfits have drip cup for possible leakage; wide shoulder straps; and a gauze strainer under filling hole. Figs. 675 and 654 have carrying handles on top of tank and wide foot rest at bot- tom, for convenience when used like bucket pumps. When so used, lever may be detached and the extra handle affixed to the plunger rod. Fig. 654 has GALVANIZED IRON tank. HOSE AND NOZZLE: These outfits have 4 feet of %-inch hose with extension pipe 24 inches long; undersprayer, Fig. 962 (see page 215) and our "Bordeaux" nozzle (see page 214). SHIPPING WEIGHT: The weights boxed for shipment are about 40 pounds. Outfits Fig. 675 With brass tank, as described Cipher, KETTLE Fig. 654 With galvanized tank Cipher, KETCHUP Seven-foot section %-inch hose couplings and pole holder, for tree spraying . . Cipher, KEDLACK Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 202 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES The Deming "Aerospra," Fig. (Patented. Trade-Mark Registered) For Garden, Vineyard and Greenhouse 663 The "Aerospra" is the best and most durable compressed air hand sprayer on the market. It is convenient in all respects. // the plunger is removed from the cylinder, it can be replaced without interference with the crimped plunger leather by placing it in the recessed cap of tank until the cap is attached again ready for operations. The straps are for carrying it on the shoulders or it can be carried by the handle, when carrying lock is attached see the sectional view. The operator can pump up and spray at rest, until the reduced pressure requires pumping again. The tanks are tested up to 100 pounds pressure more than twice the pressure which is obtained by the average operator. The sprayer is patented and the NAME "AEROSPRA" is A REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. Specifications AIR PUMP: Brass tube cylinder, diameter 2 inches, stroke 12 inches. Top cap of tank attached to cylinder. A special rubber-packed flange tightens with the pressure. The locking and carrying clamp is of unique design. The cylinder valve is rubber and is very simple. The pump can be instantly removed for filling the tank. TANK: MADE EITHER OF THE BEST QUALITY OF GALVANIZED SHEET STEEL OR SHEET BRASS. The carrying straps are wide for ease in handling. The diameter is 73/6 inches and height 18^2 inches, with about 3J^ gallons capacity. The tank should be about two-thirds filled. HOZE AND NOZZLE: There is a 3-foot section of %-inch hose with shut-off cock and fine spray nozzle. SHIPPING WEIGHT: When boxed with all parts snugly packed ready for freight or express, the weight is about 20 pounds. Outfit and Extras Fig. 663 "Aerospra" with brass air pump and BRASS TANK, as illustrated and described, Cipher, KOORD Fig. 663 "Aerospra," as above, but with GALVANIZED STEEL TANK Cipher, KING For extension pipe see Fig. 1165, page 216. For nozzle with automatic shut-off we recommend a special size, Fig. 1152, as illustrated above, 24 inches long. For general description, see page 216 Cipher, KINIE Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 203 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES DISCHARGE NIPPLES. BASE AND AIR CHAMBER BRASS CYLINDER VALVE CHAMBERS The "Gardener's Choice" Sprayer, Fig. 651 For Garden and Field Work, Small Orchards, Etc. This is one of the most convenient spraying outfits for general use. As an all-round utility sprayer it cannot be beaten. It is particularly adapted for both the garden and greenhouse, also for orchard use, as well as for spraying livestock in the barn and livery stable. It is a splendid whitewashing outfit, as the pump is strong and durable and has a good agitator. The working parts, including agitator, are shown in the sectional view above. Specifications PUMP has 1%-inch brass cylinder, brass ball valves with brass seat and cage, brass plunger and our special plunger packing. The leverage is six to one; can be worked against pressure of 100 pounds. The air chamber is ample, the base adding considerably to the capacity of the pipe air chamber. AGITATOR: Twin paddle type, simple and effective; stirs the liquid thoroughly. TANK AND CART: Twenty-four-gallon wood tank with steel hoops and hinged wood top. Leg, tongue and handle of wrought pipe. Metal wheels, diameter 24 inches, with staggered spokes and 2-inch tires. Special axle of wrought iron pipe held by long through bolts. Hub-to- hub measurement, 33 inches. Height to top of tank, 30 inches. Height to top of pump, 42 inches. HOSE AND NOZZLE: Six feet of 3^-inch "Deco" discharge hose and our "Bordeaux" nozzle are furnished. See list below for extra section of hose. SHIPPING WEIGHT, including cart, when crated, is about 120 pounds. Outfits and Extras Fig. 651 "Gardener's Choice," with equipment as described above Cipher, KIDDER Section of ^-inch "Deco" sprayer hose 12^ feet long, with couplings and "Simplex" angle nozzle Cipher, KNAVISH Additional price for extra lengths of hose. For extension pipes, etc., see pages 215 and 216. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 204 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES REVERSIBLE TOP WITH L ADJUSTING PIPE CLAMPS The "Planter's Tractor" Sprayer, Fig. 822 (Patented) For Garden and Field Crops FOR SPRAYING GARDEN AND FIELD CROPS two rows at a time, this is a splendid machine. It is a"one-man power" outfit, in which the pump is automatically operated from the wheel. OPER- ATES UNDER 40 POUNDS PRESSURE WHEN PUSHED AT ORDINARY SPEED. When used for TREE SPRAYING ONLY the crosshead pin and connecting rod should be removed from the axle and pump lever, REVERSING THE PUMP AND TANK. This brings the pump lever convenient to the user, who can then attach an extra section of i^-inch hose and proceed to spray his trees and shrubbery. Specifications PUMP: 1^-inch brass tube cylinder, stroke is adjustable, 3^, 2% or l^j inches. Air chamber is augmented by hollow brass plunger tube. The plunger, valves and seats are brass. Lever is steel. The agitator is of dash-disc type operated from rod attached to plunger tube. TANK: GALVANIZED or BRASS, I()-GALLON; detachable. Iron top and lid; bottom reinforced. FRAME: Handles of steel pipe bent to shape, and attached to uprights, carrying the tank. Axle bearings clamped to ends of handles, forming the frame. Structure rigidly supported by steel braces, forming the legs. WHEEL: Diameter, 24 inches, with 3-inch tire. Hub is welded to axle. DISCHARGE EQUIPMENT: Two sections of %-inch hose 2 feet long; two %-inch stop cocks; two 34-inch hose pipes 18 inches long; two "Demorel" nozzles with angle discharge for rows up to 48 inches apart; forward or backward spray for shorter or taller plants. SHIPPING WEIGHT, when crated, about 150 pounds. Outfits and Extras Fig. 822 "Planter's Tractor," complete with galvanized tank Cipher, KINGCRAB Fig. 822 "Planter's Tractor," with brass tank Cipher, KIRKYARD For extension pipes, see page 216. Seven-foot section of %-inch hose with couplings and pole holder, for trees. . Cipher, KEDLACK Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 205 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES DISCHARGE PIPE CHAMBER CASTING \ UPPER VALVE (BRONZE BALI) BRASS CYLINDER f PLUNGER ROD I PLUNGER PACKING .DISCHARGE PORT LOWER VALVE !!^ (BRONZE BALL) - BRASS VALVE I CAGE AND SEAT| STRAINER CASTING BARREL ANCHOR V,. The ''Major" Barrel Sprayer, Fig. 832 For Spraying Small and Medium-Size Orchards For the farmer who has either a young or old family orchard, this is an excellent pump. It has a smaller diameter cylinder than the "Century" (see following page), and for this reason is adapted for use with one lead of hose and one nozzle only. The "Major" clamps to the chime of the barrel and is also firmly secured to the bottom of barrel by an anchor pin which fits into a recess in the pump. This device may be quickly and easily attached to any barrel. Other pumps of this type without this anchor device will not remain rigid and are very annoying to operate. The "Major" is also much used for disinfecting the farmyard, barns, poultry houses and stock pens; spraying stock dip and cattle-fly oil; for whitewashing buildings and fences; for deodor- izing and purifying cellars, vegetable bins, dairy rooms, etc. The "Major" will develop a powerful pressure; is practically proof against corrosion, as all working parts are brass; is easy to operate; and is the best pump on the market for the price. The barrel is not furnished ; any good barrel may be used. Specifications PUMP: Sets low in barrel. Fastens to chime of barrel by turning one clamp screw. Held rigid by anchor pin on bottom of barrel. CYLINDER: Removable 2-inch seamless drawn brass; always submerged and primed. PLUNGER has special fabric packing chemically treated. Will not require replacing for two or three seasons. VALVES: Solid bronze ball valves and bronze valve seats. By removing two bolts, both suction and discharge valves may be taken out for examination or repair. AIR CHAMBER: Two-inch heavy steel tubing. Ample capacity for one section hose. Reduces effort of pumping. AGITATOR: Twin paddle type. Simple and effective for stirring solution. FITTINGS: Brass gauze strainer; discharge connection fitted for one lead of ^-inch hose. SHIPPING WEIGHT: Pump only, about 50 pounds. Outfits and Extras Fig. 832 "Major" sprayer only; discharge fits regular j/2-inch female half hose coupling Cipher, KEEL Outfit "A" - - "Major" sprayer with one 12J^-foot section of 3^-inch hose, couplings, and "Simplex" angle nozzle Cipher, KEELING Additional price for extra lengths of hose. Extension pipes with stop cock, and other extras on pages 215 and 216 showing accessories. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 206 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES STRAINER The "Century" Barrel Sprayer, Fig. 645 The Premier of all Barrel Sprayers For more than twenty years, the "Century" has maintained its leadership among barrel sprayers. Thousands of "Centuries" are now in use all over the civilized world. Leading growers and horticultural experts all combine in pronouncing it the "best all-around barrel sprayer on the market." At the National Horticultural Congress, the "Century" was awarded first honors, winning out over six other well-known makes. It has a larger capacity than the "Major" (see preceding page), and will supply two leads of hose and two nozzles. In addition to spraying orchards, etc., it is widely used for disinfecting farmyards, barns, poultry houses and stock pens; spraying stock dip and cattle-fly oil; white- washing buildings and fences; disinfecting and purifying cellars, vegetable bins, dairy rooms, etc. The "Century" is proof against corrosion, as all working parts are brass; is so substantially constructed as to be practically exempt from breakage; is easy to operate and is absolutely the best barrel pump that money can buy. The barrel is not furnished. Specifications PUMP: Sets low in barrel. Universal iron base adjustable to any size or depth of barrel fits the flat head or curved side of barrel. This, with foot lug, keeps pump absolutely rigid during operation. Base fits 7 x 10-inch hole. Liquid is poured through a filling hole in base. Four hook bolts with large thumb nuts attach base to barrel head. Easy to remove pump from barrel. CYLINDER: Renewable 2^-inch seamless drawn brass. Four-inch stroke. Always sub- merged and primed. Plunger has special fabric packing, chemically treated. VALVES: Solid bronze ball valves and bronze valve seats. By removing four bolts, both suction and discharge valves may be taken out for examination or repair. AIR CHAMBER: 23^-inch heavy steel tubing, 32 inches long. Reduces effort in pumping. AGITATOR: Twin paddle type. Simple and effective for stirring solution. FITTINGS: Brass gauze strainer. Brass discharge "Y" for two leads of 3/-inch hose. SHIPPING WEIGHT: Pump only, carefully boxed, 75 pounds. Outfits and Extras Fig. 045 "Century" barrel sprayer only, with "Y" connection, Fig. 304 . . .Cipher, KINATE Outfit "A," as above, with one 122/6-foot section of j^-inch "Deco" hose, couplings and "Simplex" angle nozzle Cipher, KERNISH Outfit "B," with two 12^-foot sections of hose, nozzles, etc Cipher, KNIGHTLY Additional price for extra lengths of hose. For extension pipes, etc., see page 210. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 207 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES The "Farmer's Friend" Sprayer, Fig. 647 For Spraying Field Crops, Orchards, Etc. A most convenient outfit for either field, vineyard or orchard work. The U. S. Government is using- large numbers of these outfits at home and abroad for spraying, disinfecting and white- washing. No lifting of heavy barrels of mixture into and out of farm wagons. The "Farmer's Friend" is always ready for business as soon as barrel is filled. For spraying field crops, our four-row field sprayer, Fig. 653 (see opposite page) is recom- mended. Specifications PUMP: The "Century" barrel pump. For complete description of pump see page 207. AGITATOR: Twin paddle type. Keeps liquid well stirred. TANK AND FRAME: The tank is a 50-gallon barrel set lengthwise on strong steel supports. Thills and platform are of wood and well constructed. Shafts and platform are of hardwood with plenty of space for a man to stand on platform for driving and pumping. WHEELS AND AXLE: Wheels are steel; diameter, 44 inches; width of tire, 3 inches. Axle is 13^-inch steel shafting. Wheels are fitted for 56-inch tread. FITTINGS: A three-way stop cock is fitted to pump discharge so that two leads of hose may be used if necessary, although but one 12j/2-foot section of J^-inch "Deco" hose and "Simplex" angle nozzle are regularly supplied. We recommend the use of an extension pipe with this outfit when used for orchard spraying. See page 216. SHIPPING WEIGHT: Knocked down and crated, is about 500 pounds. Outfits and Extras Fig. 647 "Farmer's Friend" sprayer, complete with pump, hose, etc., as illustrated and described Cipher, KERNING Additional price for extra lengths of hose. Extension pipes, stop cocks, etc., on pages 215 and 216. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 208 HAND AND POWER PUMPS THREE WAY HOSE CONNECTION TO PUMP DISCHARGE) CONNECTING" DISCHARGE HOSE END NOZZLE- ATTACHMENT The Deming Four-Row Field Sprayer, Fig. 653 For Potato Plants and Other Field Crops For spraying potatoes, strawberries, small nursery stock, cotton fields, etc., this is a very convenient device, as it is easily and quickly attached to any wagon. The nozzle holders can be adjusted to rows of any width from 22 to 40 inches for forward or backward spraying. They may be raised or lowered and brought together to pass through gate. OUR "CENTURY" OR LARGER SPRAYERS CAN BE USED. Specifications ATTACHMENT: For any wagon or cart. Can be securely clamped on with set screws and bolts which are furnished. ADJUSTMENT: Height for spraying and width of rows can be easily arranged by the lock lever. Width of rows from 22 to 40 inches. HOSE AND NOZZLES: There are two sections of ^g-inch hose connecting to the outer nozzles and two sections of 3^-inch hose connecting to coupling in center, to which discharge hose of pump is attached. Four "Simplex" nozzles are used. SHIPPING WEIGHT: Partially crated to prevent breakage, is about 80 pounds. Outfits Fig. 653 With four "Simplex" nozzles and hose sections, also coupling for discharge hose connecting to^ pump as per detail engraving Cipher, KATYDID Section of ^-inch "Deco" sprayer hose, 8 feet long, with couplings for attaching field sprayer to discharge of spray pump Cipher, KANTRY Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 209 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Fig. 633 Fig. 933 "Samson" Double-Acting Sprayer, Fig. 633 and Outfit, Fig. 933 The next best outfit to a power machine, and the easiest working hand sprayer on the market. Will develop a pressure of 150 to 175 pounds while supplying two leads of hose, and at the same time, permit the operator to rest between strokes, because of the unusually large air chamber and extra long lever. Is proof against corrosion and practically exempt from breakage. Does speedy, thorough work. Thousands now in use. Positively the latest and best development in hand spraying, and a decided success from the start. Specifications Fig. 633 PUMP: Differential plunger, discharging equal amount of water at each stroke. Working parts accessible; brass cylinder linings and ball valves easily removed. Furnished with wood platform, 10 feet of 1-inch suction hose and strainer; pressure gauge and double discharge attach- ment. Discharge hose, nozzles, etc., extra; see pages showing accessories. CYLINDER: Differential; brass; solid bronze ball valves and seats; special fabric packing chemically treated to resist corrosion. AIR CHAMBER: Steel tube; seven gallons capacity; makes pumping easy. SHIPPING WEIGHT, crated, about 175 pounds. Specifications Fig. 933 PUMP on large platform with following additional equipment: 50-gallon barrel; 1-inch suction pipe (instead of hose) and strainer; agitator, operated from lever; 25 feet J^-inch "Deco" discharge hose with double spraying attachment and two "Simplex" nozzles; Fig. 751 bamboo extension, 10 feet long, with drip shield. A wrench is provided with which to loosen the suction pipe, thus preventing siphonage of the mixture from the pump. Outfits and Extras Fig. 633 As illustrated and described Cipher, KNOBED Fig. 933 Complete with equipment as illustrated and described Cipher, KECKLE Additional charge for extra hose Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages T and 8 210 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming Duplex Plunger Pump, Fig. 761 For Operation by Any Gasoline Engine This is the pump regularly supplied on our complete power sprayers. Many growers who al- ready have an engine prefer to assemble their own outfits and we, therefore, list this pump separately. The pulley may be changed to fit any engine speed. MAIN CASTINGS ARE SEPARATE. The base, columns and air chamber on Fig. 761 are separate castings. Should breakage occur because of acci- dent, this con- struction re- duces cost of repairs. CYLINDERS AND PLUNGERS: Deming cylinders are made of cast bronze, bored absolutely true. The plungers are of close-grained gray foundry iron. Plunger packing consists of a chemically-treated leather crimp which wipes the cylinder free from solution at every stroke. THE VALVES: Deming valves consist of solid bronze balls. The valve seats are cast bronze and will not break, chip, corrode, wear out or become loosened from the seat. THE SUCTION VALVE COVERS are not screwed in but are held in place by a yoke. This yoke can be removed by unscrew- ing one nut. The valve covers can then be lifted out, exposing the suction valves. The discharge valves are of the same con- struction. Nothing could be simpler. DRAINAGE: Suction and discharge ports are equipped with drainage plugs to prevent freezing. Equipment Furnished With Fig. 761 Belt tightener; pressure gauge; relief valve; double dis- charge cock; 10 feet of 1-inch suction hose and strainer. Sizes, Capacities, Etc. Maximum No. Revs, per Minute Diameter Cylinder and Stroke Inches Horse- power of Engine Recom- mended Capacity per Minute at 70 Revs. Gallons Shipping Weight Pounds Size Pulleys Cipher 1 70 2 70 2x2^ 2^ x zy 2 2 3 VA 9 225 310 12x3 14x4 KYAN KEYAGE For discharge hose, nozzles, extension pipe, etc., see pages 214 to 216. Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 211 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming " Victory Junior" Power Sprayer, Fig. 729 With 4^-gal. Pump, 2 H. P. Engine and 150-gal. Tank The Deming "Victory Junior' 1 View From Right Side For spraying orchards of 8 to 10 acres or more, a power rig is essential. Deming Power Sprayers may be mounted on any standard farm wagon truck, as they are furnished with adjust- able bolster pieces. In the construction of the "Victory Junior" we use the Fig. 761, No. 1 pump, described on preceding page; 2 H. P. Novo engine and 150-gallon tank. The pump is good for 250 pounds pressure more than is required for successful spraying. NOTE: The "Victory Junior" will supply two nozzles with large hole discs or four nozzles with small hole discs. Nozzles with large hole discs are regularly furnished. If it is desired to use two leads of hose, the small hole discs should be specified. We recommend the use of our "Comet" spray gun, with small hole disc, in connection with "Victory Junior." Equipment Regularly Supplied with the *' Victory Junior" Power Sprayer, Fig. 729 DUPLEX PUMP: Capacity, 4% gallons per minute at 70 revolutions. ENGINE: 2 H. P. Novo; batteries and wiring. TANK: 150 gallons with manhole and propeller agitator; a hinged cab encloses both the pump and engine. ACCESSORIES: Suction box and clean-out strainer; double discharge cock for two leads of hose; One 25-foot section of 3^-inch "Deco" high pressure discharge hose, with couplings, double spraying attachment and two "Simplex" angle nozzles; One Fig. 751 brass-lined bamboo extension pipe, 10 feet long, with leakless stop cock; Pressure regulator; pressure gauge; tool box containing oil can, monkey wrench and spanner for stuffing box of pump; hooks for coiling hose when not in use; holders on top of tank for extension pipes; foot rest; all complete as illustrated, ready to mount on any wagon truck and commence operations. Capacities, Etc., of Fig. 729 PUMP Diameter Cylinder and Stroke Inches Capacity Minute at 70 Revolut'ns Gallons Good for Maximum Pressure Pounds H.P. of Engine Net Weight of Outfit Pounds Shipping Weight of Outfit Pounds Cipher 2x2^ 4M 250 2 1000 1200 KNUR Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 212 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Deming "Victory" Power Sprayer, Fig. 730 With 8-Gallon Pump; 3-H. P. Engine and 200-Gallon Tank The Denting "Victory" View from Left Side In the "Victory," we have used Fig. 761, No. 2 (page 211) with 3 H. P. Novo engine and 200-gallon tank. This makes a larger and more powerful outfit than the "Victory Junior" and is especially adapted to large commercial orchards. Inspection and Test A rigid test and inspection of each Deming Power Sprayer is made before it is permitted to" leave the factory the pump being subjected to a high pressure that would inevitably disclose any flaws or weaknesses. Both the pump and engine are most carefully adjusted. Unless such precautions are taken, annoying delays are apt to be experienced the first few times the outfit is used. But Deming outfits will be found "ready for business" as soon as uncrated. Equipment Regularly Supplied with the "Victory," Fig. 730 DUPLEX PUMP: Capacity, 8 gallons per minute at 60 revolutions. ENGINE: 3 H. P. Novo; batteries and wiring. TANK: 200 gallons with manhole and propeller agitator; hinged cab enclosing pump and engine with roll curtains to further protect machinery. ACCESSORIES: Suction box and clean-out strainer; double discharge cock f or two leads of hose; Two 25-foot sections of ^-mch high pressure "Deco" discharge hose, with couplings, double spraying attachment and four "Simplex" angle nozzles; Two Fig. 751 brass-lined bamboo extension rods, 10 feet long, with leakless stop cock on each ; Pressure regulator; pressure gauge; tool box containing oil can, monkey wrench and spanner for stuffing box on pump; hooks for coiling hose when not in use; holders on top of tank for extension pipes; foot rest; all complete as illustrated, ready to mount on any wagon truck and commence operations. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: One 50-foot section of hose and fittings as above, and one Deming "Comet" spray gun. Capacities, Etc., of Fig. 730 PUMP H.P. of Engine Net Weight of Outfit Pounds Shipping Weight of Outfit Pounds Cipher Diameter Cylinder and Stroke Inches Capacity per Minute at 60 Revolutions Gallons Good for Maximum Pressure Pounds 2^x3^ 8 250 3 1400 1600 KlLLAS Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 213 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES ' .' ... .;-.-' < 766% 754 The Deming Spraying Nozzles THE MANUFACTURE OF SPRAY NOZZLES requires great care in the machine work. Special machinery and tools enable us to make perfect nozzles. Perfect brass castings only are used and EVERY NOZZLE is TESTED before it leaves our works. A SPRAYER'S EFFICIENCY is IN THE NOZZLE THE "BUSINESS END." Without a good nozzle any spraying outfit is inefficient. The Deming patent spray nozzles, shown above, are "The World's Best." They can be used with any spray pump. How DEMING NOZZLES ARE PUT UP: All the DEMING NOZZLES illustrated above are put up in individual paper boxes except Fig. 960, as listed below. Complete directions for using the nozzles are printed on each nozzle box. The "BORDEAUX" patent nozzle, when so ordered, is put up for dealers in cartons containing a dozen nozzles. Fig. 965 "Bordeaux" is furnished with many of our sprayers. It is the best general purpose spray nozzle ever produced. Throws a solid stream, coarse long- distance spray, or a fine mist; or it may be shut off. It is an excellent nozzle also for whitewashing, disinfecting, etc. Easily disgorged. THE NAME "BOR- DEAUX" is A REGISTERED TRADE-MARK Cipher, KEEPSAKE Fig. 766 "Simplex," light, durable and compact. Adapted for high pressure. Has two interchangeable steel spray discs, one coarse and one medium-fine spray. Does not waste liquid Cipher, KEMPT Y Fig. 766 ^-"Simplex" angle nozzle, similar to Fig. 766 Cipher, KILT Fig. 753 "Demorel," similar to "Vermorel," but somewhat lighter in weight, with caps for fine and coarse sprays. Steel caps, instead of brass, when ordered. (PAT- ENTED) Cipher, KERONA Fig. 963 "Vermorel," with caps for fine and coarse sprays. Obstructions readily forced out with spring disgorger. Steel caps, instead of brass, when specified. (PAT- ENTED) Cipher, KEFFEL Fig. 866 "Giant Simplex" nozzle, with strainer and arch spray disc, similar to Fig. 766, but larger, for extensive operations and high pressure Cipher, KNAGGLD Fig. 866}/-"Giant Simplex Angle" nozzle, with strainer, similar to Fig. 866 . .Cipher, KNOCK Fig. 754 "Eureka," throws conical-shaped spray; disgorges by pushing against fence or tree. A good whitewasher Cipher, KNITCH Fig. 960 "Acme," will throw a solid stream or a fine spray. Furnished on "Prize" bucket sprayers. Cipher, KELPIE Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 214 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES 364 384 366 Deming Spraying Accessories Fig. 966 Combination coupling, female end, standard 3^-inch hose thread; male end, M-inch iron pipe thread. Fits all %-inch nozzles Cipher, KEYHOLE Fig. 749 Nozzle coupling and hose stock, J^-inch male pipe thread; other end for either ^8-inch or 3^-inch hose, as specified Cipher, KEYNOTE Fig. 962 Underspraying Angle Attachment; fitted with %-inch iron pipe thread; male end fits all standard nozzles Cipher, KYANITE Fig. 980 Double Spraying Attachment; all connections are iron pipe threads; male ends take all standard nozzles Cipher, KREOSOTE Fig. 981 Angle Attachment; similar to Fig. 980 guides spray; helps sustain weight of pole Cipher, KNICKER Fig. 1150 Rubber Drip Shield Cipher, KARAGANE Fig. 1140 "Sure-grip" Hose Couplings for ^-inch hose. Used on all Deming barrel pumps and larger outfits. Hose stays clamped and cannot blow off . . Cipher, KNAPPY Fig. 955 Hose Clamp for J^-inch hose Cipher, KEENER Fig. 949 -standard Brass Hose Coupling {^ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;?$ Fig. 364 Brass Discharge "Y," without cock. Cap on one end. Double end for J^-i hose; single end for %-inch iron pipe Cipher, KRALL Fig. 733 Short combination coupling; large end, female 3/6-inch hose coupling; small end, %-inch pipe Cipher, KINGLESS Fig. 383 New Leakless Stop Cock with Ball Valves, %-inch pipe thread on both ends; used on spray extension pipes. Water-way opening full %-mch pipe size . . Cipher, KINDER Fig. 951 Brass Hose Nipples for %-inch male pipe, one end; other end, H-inch male hose thread Cipher, KANTIAN Fig. 384 Leakless Stop Cock with Ball Valves, %-inch pipe thread one end; J^-inch hose coupling male thread, other end Cipher KOBOB Fig. 366 New Leakless Double Discharge Stop Cock with Ball Valves (sure shut-off), single end, %-inch pipe; double end, %-inch male hose thread. . . .Cipher, KIND Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 215 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES 970 75! 1152 367 Deming Spraying Accessories Fig. Fig. 970 Galvanized Extension Pipe 8 feet long with leakless stop cock. . . . Cipher, KALAND 751 Bamboo Extension Pipe, 10 feet long, light and strong. Brass lined, with leakless stop cock; longer pipes extra Cipher, KALENDER Fig. 1165 Brass Spray Pipe, two feet long, ^ inch with 34-inch iron pipe connections, male one end, female other end. Male end fits all standard nozzles . Cipher, KALENDS Fig. 1165 Three feet long Cipher, KALEYARD Fig. 1165 Four feet long Cipher, KALI Fig. 972 The "Acme" brass Spray Lance with stop cock, strainer, handle and Acme nozzle, especially for ground crops, such as melons, cucumbers, etc. . Cipher, KIBED Fig. 1000 "COMET" Spray Gun Cipher, KUMISS Three steel spray discs are included with ^, 2/g an d ^-inch holes. Fig. 1152 "ADJUSTOP" Spray Pipe Extension, 6 feet long, with wood hand-hold, adjustable spray nozzle and automatic shut-off. The spray is adjustable in distance; throws coarse spray 25 feet: shortening distance broadens spray . Cipher, KNARLED Fig. 1152 Twenty-four inches long (as illustrated) Cipher, KINIE Fig. 1526-"B" "Special" Brass Adjustable Relief Valve for power sprayers . .Cipher, KYLOES Fig. 688 Pressure Gauge, used on power sprayers and largest hand sprayers. For M-inch pipe Cipher, KAMSIN 367 Galvanized Strainer with Brass Gauze, for 1-inch pipe Cipher, KANTIST 770 Filling Funnel (with removable brass gauze strainer), size, 10 x 6x 10 inches, Brass Funnel as above Cipher, KYMNEL Tin Funnel as above, Cipher, KYTHE 752 Seven-foot section %-inch hose with pole holder and couplings (not illus- trated) Cipher, KEDLACK 123^-foot section of ^-inch "Deco" sprayer hose, couplings and "Simplex" angle nozzle Cipher, KNAVISH 25-foot section of 3^-inch "Deco" hose, with couplings, double attachment and two "Simplex" angle nozzles Cipher, KESLOP 50-foot section of ^-inch "Deco" sprayer hose; couplings, double spraying attachment; two "Simplex" angle nozzles Cipher, KABOB WITHOUT I Deco" sprayer hose, J/6-inch, for 250 pounds pressure, any length. COUP- 1 Rubber tubing, %-inch, for Bucket and Knapsack sprayers, any length. LINGS Wire-lined suction hose, 1-inch, in 10-foot sections. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 216 Fig. Fig. Fig. DIS- CHARGE HOSE SECTIONS R EPA I RS OR EXTRA PARTS FOR HAND AND POWER PUMPS EMBRACING DESCRIPTIVE TABULATED PRICE LISTS OF EXTRA PARTS FOR DEMING HAND, WINDMILL AND POWER PUMPS, IRON AND BRASS CYLINDERS, SPRAY PUMPS, ETC. A CONVENIENCE TO DEALERS AND USERS. PRICES ON RE- PAIRS NOT LISTED FUR- NISHED ON REQUEST HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES REPAIRS OR EXTRA PARTS The repair parts listed in this section embrace our most popular hand and windmill pumps; iron and brass cylinders, hydraulic rams, power pumps, spray pumps, etc. If repairs are desired for a pump not given in this repair list, we should be informed concerning the symbol number which is cast on the pump part; and any other details such as descriptive diagram, weight, etc. The comprehensive figure index below will make it possible to quickly find the page on which the desired repairs are listed. FIGURE INDEX TO REPAIR PARTS FIGURE PAGE FIGURE PAGE FIGURE PAGE FIGURE PAGE 66. ... 101. . . . . 234 . . . 218 311. 312 . 228 . . 227 482. 494 . 221 . . 224 609 . 633 ... . 234 . . . 238 102 218 314 227 496 224 645 237 115. . . . . . . 218 320 . . 230 498 . . 224 651 ... . . 237 120 219 321 230 508 220 653 ... . . . 238 124 219 322 .. 227 509 . . 220 654 ... . . . 236 125. . . . 166 ... . . . 219 . . . 221 324 398 . . 228 . . 221 516 518 . . 220 . . 219 659 ... 669 ... . . . 236 . . . 236 182. . . . . . . 221 403. . . . . . . 224 519 . . 219 670 ... . . . 220 183. . . . 184. . . . 185 ... 222 . . . 222 221 415 415^. . . . 421 . . 225 . . 225 222 540 544 554 . . 219 . . 219 229 675 ... 689 ... 690 . . . 236 . 236 . 231 198 221 430 230 554^ 229 691 . . . . . 233 211. . . . 219. . . . 223. . . . 224 . 222 . . . 224 . . . 224 224 440 441 442 444 . . 224 . . 224 . . 224 224 570 575 576 577 . . 220 . . 232 . . 232 232 695 ... 761 ... 776 ... 832 . . . 231 . . . 238 . . . 232 237 229. . . . . . . 224 4443^. . . . . . 224 577^. . . . . . 232 1229 . . . . . 224 239. . . . . . . 224 445 . . 224 578 . 232 1239 . . . ... 224 258 225 450 223 579 232 1430 . . ... 230 259 225 450^ 223 585 230 1444 ... 224 260 225 451 223 590 230 1473 . . . ... 229 261. . . . 280. . . . 281 ... 225 . . . 222 222 451 J^. . . . 452 452^ . . 223 . . 223 223 591. . . . . 595 600 . . 230 . . 231 221 1685 . . . 1686 . . . 1717 ... 235 ... 235 . 226 282 222 453 223 6003^ 221 1718 . . 226 283 222 453K 223 601 228 1719 . 226 290 222 470 229 602 228 1720 ... 226 291 222 471 229 606 221 2085 ... 235 298. . . . 300. . . . 308. . . . . . . 221 ... 227 ... 227 472 473. . . . . . . 229 . . 229 608 608^. . . . . . 221 . . 221 2086 . . . ... 235 "DOMESTIC" KITCHEN PUMP, FIG. 102 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Cylinder $1 25 Plunger only $0.55 Bearer 40 Plunger Rod . . .10 Lever Base . . .40 65 Brass Tube for Lead Pipe Valve Weight and Screw .... .45 .06 Base Nut .20 BRASS CYLINDER PITCHER SPOUT PUMPS, FIGS. 101 AND 115 FIGURE NUMBER 101 115 FIGURE NUMBER 101 115 Cylinder, Brass Cylinder, Nickel Plated . . . Spout Section Bearer Lever Cylinder Ring $2.25 2.50 1.00 .40 .40 .30 $2.75 'iiio .40 .40 .30 Base Base Nut Plunger only Plunger Rod Valve Weight and Screw . . . * Brass. $0.75 .20 .55 .10 .06 $1.15 .20 * 2.00 .10 .06 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 218 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES PITCHER SPOUT PUMPS, FIG. 125 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 4 5 6 Cylinders Iron ... $1. 00 $1.10 $1.20 $1.60 $?, 00 $3.50 Cylinders Brass-lined Bearer Lever 2.00 .40 .30 2.25 .40 .30 2.75 .50 .40 3.00 .50 .40 4. 25 65 40 7.50 1.25 1.00 Base .60 .65 .80 .90 1 , 75 2.75 Base Nut 20 20 .20 .25 50 .75 Plunger only .45 .55 .65 .85 1 25 2.00 Plunger Rod . . . .10 .10 .10 .10 10 .10 Valve Weight and Screw . .06 .06 .07 .10 10 .20 CISTERN PUMPS, FIGS. 120 AND 124 SIZE NUMBER . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Cylinder, Fig. 120, Iron $1.75 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $4.50 Cylinder, Fig. 120, Brass-lined. . . Cylinder Fig 124 Iron . . . 2.75 2.25 2.75 2.25 3.25 2.50 4.00 2.75 5.00 3.00 6.00 3.50 8.00 5.00 Cylinder, Fig. 124, Brass-lined. . . Base, Fig. 120 Base, Fig. 124 Bearer Lever 3.25 .75 .50 .40 .50 3.25 .75 .50 .40 .50 3.75 .85 .50 .50 .50 4.50 1.00 .65 .60 .60 5.50 1.25 .75 .70 .70 6.75 1.50 .85 .85 .75 8.50 1.75 1.00 1.00 .75 Base Nut Brass Suction Tube for Iron Pipe . Galv. Suction Tube for Iron Pipe . Brass Tube for Lead Pipe .15 .60 .15 .25 .15 .75 .20 .35 .15 .75 .20 .35 .20 .95 .25 .45 .20 .95 .25 .45 .30 1.25 .35 .65 .40 2.00 .50 1.15 Galvanized Tube for Lead Pipe . . Plunger only Plunger Rod Valve Weight and Screw .15 .40 .12 .06 .15 .45 .12 .06 .15 .50 .12 .06 .20 .55 .15 .06 .20 .60 .15 .07 .25 .65 .15 .07 ".85 .20 .10 SPECIAL CISTERN FORCE PUMPS WITH BRASS CYLINDERS, FIGS. 518 AND 519 FIGURE NUMBER .... 518 519 FIGURE NUMBER 518 519 Cylinder Brass $2 25 $2 25 Spout for Fig. 518 $0 35 Top Section Air Chamber, Fig. 519. . . . Stuffing-box Gland Lever Fulcrum or Link Base .85 '^35 .40 .50 1.25 1.10 1.00 .35 .40 .50 1.25 Cock Spout for Fig. 519 ... Plunger Rod, Brass Cased . . Rod End or Cross Head . . . Plunger only Cylinder Ring Valve Weight and Screw . . . '!eo .15 .55 .30 .06 $2.00 .60 .15 .55 .30 .06 Base Nut .20 .20 NEW ERA" DOUBLE-ACTING HOUSE FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 540 AND 544 SIZE NUMBER 2 3 SIZE NUMBER 2 3 Cylinders $4.50 $5.25 Plain Spout, Fig. 540 .... $0.50 $0.50 Base Bearer 1.00 .30 1.25 .35 Cock Spout, Fig. 544 .... Hose Nut and Tube .... 2.50 .50 2.50 .50 Lever .50 .50 Rod Eye .25 .25 Link .10 .10 Cylinder Ring with Set Screws .50 .50 Plunger .60 .70 Rubber Valves (half ball) for Differential Plunger .40 .50 Spout .20 .20 Plunger Rod .10 .10 Wheel for Cock Spout . . . .15 Lower Valve .25 35 List Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 219 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES HAND FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 508 AND 509 SIZE NUMBER 2 4 6 8 Cylinder, Iron, Fig. 508 . . $3 00 $3 25 $3 75 $4 50 $5 25 Cylinder, Iron, Fig. 509 Cylinder, Brass-lined, Fig. 508 Cylinder, Brass-lined, Fig. 509 Air Chamber, Figs. 508 and 509 Stuffing-box Cap 3.75 4.00 4.75 2.50 35 4.00 4.50 5.25 2.50 35 4.50 5.50 6.25 2.50 40 5.25 7.00 7.75 3.00 50 6.00 8.25 9.00 3.00 50 Stuffing-box gland 50 50 50 50 50 Bearer 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 50 1 50 Lever Cross Head Links for Cross Head, per pair Base for Fig. 508 Bottom Flange, Fig. 509 Suction and Discharge Nuts, each Brass Tubes for Iron Pipe 1.00 .35 .15 1.00 .50 - .15 75 1.00 .35 .15 1.10 .50 .15 75 1.00 .35 .15 1.25 .55 .15 75 1.25 .35 .15 1.50 .65 .20 95 1.25 .35 15 1.75 .75 .30 2 00 Cock Spout with Coupling Nut 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 75 2 75 Coupling Nut for Cock Spout Plunger only .25 40 .25 45 .25 55 .35 65 .35 85 Plunger Rod, Brass Cased Valve Weight and Screw Plank for Fig. 509 .85 .06 1.25 .85 .06 1.25 .85 .06 1.25 1.00 .07 1.25 1.00 .10 1.25 "BLUE SPECIAL" HOUSE FORCE PUMP, FIG. 516 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Brass Cylinder Spout Section Air Chamber Air Chamber Gland $4.00 1.15 1.85 50 Base Cock Spout with Coupling Nut . . Coupling Nut for Cock Spout . . . Plunger $1.00 2.50 .25 .55 Lever 1 00 Plunger Rod, Brass Cased .... .85 Fulcrum Rod (Pipe), only .... Fulcrum Rod Cross Head, each .30 .15 Plunger Rod Cross Head Valve Weight and Screw .25 .06 Cvlinder Rine. .35 DOUBLE-ACTING OSCILLATING FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 570 AND 670 SIZE NUMBER o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shell Iron . $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 $ 9.00 $10.50 $12.00 $19.00 $30.00 Lid Iron 2 50 2.50 2 50 3 00 3.25 3 75 4.50 6.00 9.00 Pipe Flanges, Iron, each Suction Valve Seat ("A" Piece Complete with Valves) Valves, each . .15 3.00 .40 .15 4.00 .60 .15 4.50 .65 .20 5.00 .70 .20 5.50 .75 .20 7.50 .80 .20 9.50 .90 1.00 12.00 1.25 1.00 15.00 1.25 Wing Plunger (Steel Shaft), Complete with Valves Stuffing-box Nut Stuffing-box Gland Malleable Lever . 5.75 .75 .35 .35 6.75 1.00 .55 .50 7.50 1.00 .55 .50 8.50 1.00 .55 .50 10.00 1.25 .75 .60 13.00 1.25 .75 .60 16.00 1.25 .75 .60 20.00 2.00 .85 .75 24.00 2.00 .85 .75 Base for Fig 670 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 25 3 25 3.25 6.00 10.00 Air Chamber 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.50 4.50 4.75 4.75 6.50 7.00 Cock Snout . 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 220 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES DOUBLE-ACTING HOUSE FORCE PUMP, FIG. 606 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Base $1.30 Stuffing Box Gland $1.10 Crosshead 1 85 Stuffing Box Nut 40 Air Chamber 2.10 Plunger 95 Cylinder 5.00 Valve Seat .75 Crimp Iron .45 Valve .55 Funnel .85 Lever .... 2.75 Back Cylinder Head Front Cylinder Head 2.25 2.20 Air Chamber Packing Ring Packing .20 .05 Link .30 Wood Handle 30 Crimp Disc . . .15 Piston Rod 40 Lever Socket . .55 Cylinder Head Packing .15 Air Cylinder Follower 1.00 .30 Air Discharge Pipe Pipe Plug .50 .10 "CLIMAX" DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 600, 60034 608 AND 608^ SIZE NUMBER 1 2 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 Bearer for Figs. 600, 600^ - Cylinder with Valve Seats, Iron Cvlinder with Valve Seats, $3.50 4.00 $3.50 4.00 Crosshead for Plunger Rod . . Malleable Lever Wood Handle $0.25 1.25 25 $0.25 1.25 25 Brass Lined Stuffing Box Head Rear Head Base Suction Chamber with Valve 6.00 .50 .25 1.25 7.50 .75 .50 1.25 Lever Socket for Figs. 600, 600^ Lever Rack for Figs. 600, 600^ Link 1.50 .75 .25 1.50 .75 .25 Seats 1.50 1.50 Stuffing Box Gland .40 .40 Air Chamber Plunger with Crimps .... Air Cock for Figs. 600^,608^ Plunger Rod for Figs. 600, 600^ 1.50 .50 .75 2.25 1.75 .60 .75 2.25 Brass Valve Seats, each . . . Brass Valves, each Thumb Screw, each Lever Socket for Figs. 608, QQS^A .35 .40 .10 .50 .35 .40 .10 .50 Plunger Rod Complete for Figs. 608 and 608^ ... 1.50 1.50 SPECIAL ANTI-FREEZING WELL PUMPS, FIGS. 198, 298 AND 398 FIGURE NUMBER .... 198 298 398 FIGURE NUMBER .... 198 298 398 Stock or Standard Only . . Bearer Lever $3.00 .50 75 $3.00 1.50 1 00 $3.00 1.00 75 Plunger Rod Coupling . Rod Eye Brace $0.30 .15 25 $ .30 25 $0.75 25 Rack . . 25 Link 25 Gear Guard 0.45 ADJUSTABLE STANDARD LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 166, 182, 185 AND 482 FIGURE NUMBER . 166 182 185 482 FIGURE NUMBER . 166 182 185 482 Spout Casting . . $1.50 $1.25 $3.25 $1.25 Base $1.25 $0 75 $075 $075 Bearer 1.00 .50 1.50 1.50 Stuffing Box Nut .50 Lever .75 .75 1.25 1.00 Stuffing Box Gland .50 Plunger Rod . . . Rod Eye .... .30 .20 .30 .15 .75 .30 Brace Brace Ring. . . . .25 .20 .40 .40 .25 .20 Crosshead .... .50 Bearing Pins each 15 Link .25 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 221 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES PIPE FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 183 AND 184 FIGURE NUMBER 183 184 FIGURE NUMBER 183 184 Acorns Air Chamber Bearer $0.20 1.50 .85 $1.65 Cylinder or Head Casting . . Differential Plunger Differential Tube $0.85 .25 2.50 Bearer Nut 20 Plunger Rod $0 60 75 Lever 1.25 1.25 Rod Connection .25 Base Brace Ring Brace 1.85 .25 .50 2.00 .25 .50 Rod Link Rod Eye Steel Pins with Cotters, each . .60 .10 ' .'l5 .10 ANTI-FREEZING WELL PUMPS, FIGS. 211 AND 421 FIGURE NUMBER 211 421 FIGURE NUMBER 211 421 Stock or Standard only . . . Bearer Bearer Link Lever Plunsrer Rod . $4.00 1.00 1.25 .35 $4.00 1.50 .25 1.00 .90 Crosshead for Rod Brace Malleable Crimp Pin .... Steel Pins with Cotters . . . $0.20 .25 $6.25 .10 .15 "PREMIUM" HAND FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 290 AND 291 FIGURE NUMBER. . . .. . 290 291 FIGURE NUMBER 290 291 Air Chamber Bearer with Bolt Rod Links, each Lever Links, each .... Cross Head Wood Lever $4.00 .60 .25 .30 .25 50 $6.00 .60 .25 .30 .25 50 Stuffing-box Gland .... Base Brace Brace Ring Cock Spout Plunger Rod $0.50 1.00 .35 .25 1 00 $0.50 2.00 .35 .50 2.50 1 00 Handle Ball .50 .50 Cross Head Pin .15 .15 "PEERLESS" DOUBLE-ACTING HAND PUMPS FIGURE NUMBER. . 280 and 281 282 283 SIZE NUMBER 2 4 6 2 4 2 4 Stock $5.00 1.00 .60 .15 .25 .05 .15 1.25 i'so .35 '^50 .20 .20 .15 $5.00 1.00 .60 .15 .25 .05 .15 L50 2.00 .40 '^50 .20 .20 .15 $5.00 1.00 1.00 .15 .30 .05 .15 2.00 $5.00 ! $5. 1.00 ! 1. .60 .15 .25 .05 .15 00 00 60 15 25 05 15 $5.00 1.00 1.00 .15 "05 .15 1.50 $5.00 1.00 1.00 .15 Lever Spout Spout Nut Union Coupling for Spout Hose Tube, Malleable Pipe Clamps in Base, per pair . . . Head or Cylinder Castings, Iron . . Head or Cylinder Casting (Mall.) . Differential Cylinder Tube .... Differential Cylinder Plunger . . . Differential Cylinder with Cap . . Plunger Rod Eye for Plunger Rod Cap for Air Chamber Pipe .... Steel Pins with Cotters, each . . . .05 .15 1.50 2.50 .60 '^50 .20 .20 .15 '.'35 7.00 7. .75 .20 .20 .15 40 50 75 20 20 15 1.50 .35 l.OQ .20 .20 .15 2.00 .40 LOO .20 .20 .15 Parts for Fi. 283 only SIZE NUMBER 2 4 SIZE NUMBER 2 4 Shut-off Rod Hand Wheel and Screw. Stuffing-box Gland . . . Lower Half of Three-way Upper Half of Three-way Brass Disc for Three-way Casting . Casting . Valve . . $1.00 .50 .50 2.00 1.35 .60 $1.00 .50 .50 2.00 1.35 .60 Rubber Gaskets for Three-way Valve, each Nut for Three-way Dis- charge Brass Discharge Three- way Tube $0.20 .20 .60 $0.20 .20 .60 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 222 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES "PEERLESS" DOUBLE-ACTING PUMPS WITH PLAIN WINDMILL TOP FIGURE NUMBER i 150 & 45 1 4, 52 4i 53 SIZE NUMBER 2 4 6 2 4 2 4 Stock Lever $5.50 75 $5.50 75 $5.50 75 $5.50 .75 $5.50 .75 $5.50 75 $5.50 .75 Bearer Link Spout Spout Nut Malleable Hose Tube Union Coupling for Spout Pipe Clamp in Base, per pair . . . Head or Cylinder Casting, Iron . . . Head or Cylinder Casting Malleable .25 .60 .15 .05 .25 .15 1.25 .25 .60 .15 .05 .25 .15 1 50 .25 1.00 .15 .05 .30 .15 2.00 .25 .60 .15 .05 .25 .15 .25 .60 .15 .05 .25 .15 .25 1.00 .15 .05 '.15 1.50 .25 1.00 .15 .05 ".15 1.50 Differential Cylinder Tube .... Plunger for Differential Cylinder. . Differential Cylinder with Cap. . . 1.50 .35 2.00 .40 2.50 .60 ''35 7.00 ''40 7.50 1.50 .35 2.00 .40 Upper Plunger Rod . . . . 85 85 85 .60 .60 .85 .85 Lower Plunger Rod Caps for Air Chamber Pipe .... Steel Pins with Cotters Malleable Pump Pins .25 .20 .15 .10 .25 .20 .15 .10 .25 .20 .15 .10 .50 .20 .15 .10 .50 .20 .15 .10 .25 .20 .15 .10 .25 .20 .15 .10 Shut-off Rod 1 00 1 00 Hand Wheel and Screw 50 50 Stuffing-box Gland 50 .50 Lower Half of Three-way Casting 2 00 2.00 Upper Half of Three-way Casting 1 35 1.35 Brass Disc for Three-way Valve .60 .60 *Rubber Gaskets for 3- way Valve, ea. .20 .20 *Nut for Three-way Discharge .20 .20 *BrassTube for Three- way Discharge .60 .60 "PEERLESS" WINDMILL PUMPS WITH COG LEVER TOPS FIGURE NUMBER 4503^, 451^ & 452% 453^ SIZE NUMBER 2 4 6 2&4 Stock $6 00 $6 00 $6 00 $6 00 Lever 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 Gear Guard 45 45 45 45 Rack on Plunger Rod 40 .40 .40 .45 Spout .... 60 60 1 00 1 00 Spout Nut .... 15 15 15 15 Malleable Hose Tube 05 05 05 05 Union Coupling for Spout 25 25 30 Pipe Clamp in Base, per pair . .15 .15 Head or Cylinder Casting, Iron 1 25 .15 2 00 .15 1 50 Head or Cylinder Casting, Malleable 1 . 50 Differential Cylinder Tube 1.50 2.00 Plunger for Differential Cylinder .35 .40 Differential Cylinder with Cap 7.00 7.50 Upper Plunger Rod 60 .60 2.50 .60 !eo '2.'00 .40 !eo Lower Plunger Rod 50 50 50 50 Caps for Air Chamber Pipe .20 .20 .20 .20 Steel Pins with Cotters . 15 15 15 15 Malleable Pump Pins .10 .10 Shut-off Rod .10 .10 1 00 Hand Wheel and Screw Stuffing-box Gland Lower Half of Three-way Casting .50 .50 2 00 Upper Half of Three-way Casting 1 35 Brass Disc for Three-way Valve 60 *Same prices as for Fig. 453. (See the last three items in table above this one.) Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 223 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES HAND AND WINDMILL STANDARDS, FIGS. 224 AND 403 FIGURE NUMBER 224 403 FIGURE NUMBER 224 403 SIZE NUMBER 4 4 SIZE NUMBER 4 4 Stock .... $4.00 $4 00 Lever 6" $1 00 1 00 Lever 10" 1 25 Bearer 6" 1 50 Plunger Rod $0 30 50 Bearer 10" 1 75 Cross Head for Rod 20 Bearer Link 6" .25 Brace .... 25 25 Bearer Link 10" 35 Malleable Pump Pin 10 Lever 1.25 Steel Pins with Cotters 15 HAND PUMP STANDARDS, FIGS. 219, 223, 229, 239, 1229 AND 1239 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Stock or Standard only $4 50 Stuffing Box Cap $1 00 Bearer Lever 1.25 1 25 Stuffing Box Gland Plain Spout .75 50 Lever Links, per pair Crosshead .25 50 Cock Spout for Figs. 223, 1229 and 1239 . . Brace 2.50 50 Piston Rod Air Chamber for Figs. 223, 239 and 1239 . . . .60 2.50 Spout Nut Hose Tube .25 .15 WINDMILL FORCE PUMP STANDARDS, FIGS. 441 AND 445 FIGURE NUMBER 441 445 FIGURE NUMBER 441 445 Base Bearer $1.70 2 40 2 40 Comb. Bushing R & F Rod Coup $6 is $0.40 15 Bush .10 .10 Pump Pin .10 .10 Brace 20 20 Pump Key 05 .05 Lever 1.00 1.00 Nut Ring .05 .05 Pipe Flange 2" 60 Link Pin . 10 .10 Link .35 .35 Flat Rod .80 .80 Retaining Ring Stock .10 5 50 .10 3 75 B. C. Rod Round Rod 2.00 50 Cock Spout Bearer Tube 2.50 50 2.50 50 Rod Coupling Pipe Plug .25 05 .25 05 Handle Ball 4^" .90 Eccentric Hd. Bolt . . . .20 .15 Gland 50 50 HOSP Tube . . 05 .05 Priming Screw .10 .10 WINDMILL PUMP STANDARDS, FIGS. 494, 496 AND 498 FIGURE NUMBER 4 4 49 6 48 8 SIZE 6" ADJ. 6" ADJ. 6" ADJ. Stock Bearer Complete Lever Base Connection for Fulcrum Fulcrum Link Pipe Connection for Fulcrum Pipe for Fulcrum . . $4.25 2.50 1.50 .35 .75 .40 .60 $4.25 2.75 2.00 .35 1.00 .40 .60 $6.00 2.50 1.50 .35 .75 .40 .60 $6.00 2.75 2.00 .35 1.00 .40 .60 $6.00 2.50 2.00 .35 1.25 .35 $6.00 2.75 2.50 .35 1.50 .35 Plain Spout . . .50 .50 .50 Steel Pin .20 .20 .20 .20 Cock Spout Spout Nut 25 25 2.50 .25 2.50 .25 Hose Tube Flat Rod Round Polished Rod Flat & Round Rod Coupling Stuffing-box Gland Bearer Ring Base Stand ' .75 75 .15 .60 .60 .50 .85 .15 .60 .60 .50 .85 .15 .60 .60 .50 .85 .25 .30 .15 .60 .60 .50 .85 .25 .30 WINDMILL PUMP STANDARDS, FIGS. 440, 442, 444, 444^ AND 1444* STROKE INCHES 6 ADJ. STROKE INCHES ; 6 ADJ. 6, 8 or 1C | 6, 8 or 10 Stock or Standard only Bearer $4.75 1 75 $4.75 2 00 and 1444 . j Spout Nut ! $2.50 20 $2.50 .20 Bearer Link 35 50 Malleable Hose Tube 05 05 Lever .... . . 1 00 1.50 Flat Rod .50 .60 Lever for Fig. 444> 1.25 Round Rod | .50 .60 Rack on Rod, Fig. 444}^ Gear Guard Fig 444^ .40 45 Solid Rod for 1444 Flat and Round Rod Couplings 3.25 25 "'25 Bearer Ring .25 .25 Malleable Pump Pin .10 .10 Bearer Tube 50 .50 Link Pin (Steel) each 15 .15 Gland 50 50 Brace i 25 25 Spout for Fig. 440 75 .75 Combination Bushing, 2 to 1J^ to Cock Spout for Figs. 442, 444, 444J-4 1M inches .] .50 .50 *Fig. 1444 repair parts same as 440 and Complete Table of Contents and 444, but made with adjustable stroke only General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 224 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES THREE-WAY WINDMILL FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 415 AND 415^ STROKE. INCHES i ADJUST 6, 8, 10 Standard Complete with Lever, Bearer, etc Stock or Standard only . . . Bearer Link Lever Brace Flat Rod Malleable Pump Pin Link Pins, each Bottom Section Complete with Hydrant Top . Bottom Section only .... Stuffing-box Cap Stuffing-box Gland Pipe Sleeve Valve Rod Guide. Brass Disc for Two-way Valve Rubber Valves for Two-way, each Pipe Sleeve Lock Nut .... Union Nut Ell Malleable Ell . 5 8.50 4.00 1.25 .25 1.00 .50 .50 .10 .15 15.00 1.25 .50 .40 .75. .60 .20 .15 .20 .25 $ 9.50 15.50 1.25 .50 .40 .75 .60 .20 .15 .20 .25 STROKE, INCHES Platform Base only Platform Guide Plate . . . . Hydrant Spout Spout Nut Malleable Hose Tube . . . . Valve Screw in Hydrant Top . Spout Gland Shut-off Rod Brass Cased Rod Center Rod Air Chamber Pipe, Fig. 415 . Discharge Pipe Wood Rod Coupling Union for Rod Differential Cylinder, Fig. .415^. Differential Cylinder Cap, .Fig. 415^ Differential Plunger and Rod, Fig. 415H Suction Pipe Flange $2.00 .15 1.00 .16 .05 .50 .50 2.00 .75 .45 1.25 1.50 .20 .20 ADJUST. 6,8, 10 $2.00 .15 1.00 .15 .05 .50 .50 .00 .00 .45 .25 .50 .20 .20 1.50 2.00 .50 .50 .50 .75 .55 .75 PIPE FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 258, 259, 260 AND 261 FIGURE NUMBER 258 259 260 261 Bearer $1 75 $1.75 $1.50 $1.50 Lever Link Rack 1.25 40 1.25 40 1.00 .25 1.00 .25 Gear Guard Spout Spout Nut .45 .60 15 .45 .60 15 "M 15 '.'60 15 Hose Tube 05 05 05 05 Shut-off Screw . . 20 .20 Shut-off Clamp . . .75 .75 Iron Shut-off Rod Brass Shut-off Rod with Coupling .... Base Piece, "AA-201" Base Piece, "BB-201" Three-way Casting 'i!46 1.60 .45 .75 1.40 1.60 2.25 i!4o 1.60 .45 .75 1.40 1.60 2.25 Three-way Discharge Plug Malleable Ell .85 25 .85 25 Malleable Ell Nut 20 20 Three-way Valve Disc . . 60 60 Three-way Valve Rubbers, each Three-way Valve Gland .20 50 .20 50 Bottom Casting Differential Cylinder Tube Differential Cylinder Plug Differential Plunger Complete Flat Plunger Rod 1.25 1.10 .60 .65 .60 1.25 1.10 .60 .65 .60 1.25 1.10 .60 .65 .60 1.25 1.10 .60 .65 .60 Round Plunger Rod 50 50 50 50 Flat and Round Rod Coupling 25 25 25 25 Union Coupling Spout 25 25 25 25 Malleable Pump Pin. ... . . 10 10 10 .10 Steel Pins, Each .15 .15 .15 .15 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 225 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES 'STRAIGHT LINE" WORKING HEADS, FIGS. 1717, 1718, 1719 AND 1720 FIGURE NUMBER 1717 1718 1719 1720 Base $15.25 $15.25 $15.25 $15.25 Bearer 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Crosshead 2.40 2 40 2 40 2 40 Pinion Shaft Collar Crank Disc Suction Flange .20 4.10 2 15 .20 4.10 2 15 .20 4.10 2 15 .20 4.10 2 15 Crank Gear 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 Gear Guard 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 Tight Pulley 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 Loose Pulley . 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 Crank Shaft 1.25 1 25 1.25 1 25 Crank Pin .70 .70 .35 70 Connecting Rod Complete Connecting Rod Pin 2.80 .40 2.50 .40 2.50 .40 2.80 .40 Pinion Shaft . 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Pinion 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 Plunger Rod 1 40 40 1 40 1 40 Guide Rod 85 85 85 85 Pump Pin 15 15 15 15 Pump Pin Key . 05 05 .05 .05 Air Chamber Pipe .60 3 00 2.20 .60 Air Chamber Lever . . 5.50 1.40 i'io 5.50 1.40 Link 1.00 1.00 1.00 Cock Spout Complete 3 75 3 75 Stuffing-box Gland 1 00 45 90 1 00 Stuffing-box Gland for Spout 40 Crank Disc Pin each 15 .15 Platform Plate 6 75 Three-way Casting Pipe Flange Plug Spout Shut-off Screw 7.25 1.85 1.25 2.75 .90 Tube or Rod Guide 1.85 Shut-off Rod and Valve Complete Brass Cased Rod 3.50 1 35 Discharge Pipe 3.25 Drop Pipe . ... 4.85 Bottom Attachment Plunger Complete Valve Complete 1.35 .90 .35 Spun Valve Seat .15 Cylinder Tube 7.90 Piston Rod 2.00 AIR PUMPING ATTACHMENT FOR FIGS. 1717, 1718, 1719 AND 1720 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Air Cylinder Attachment $3.15 Expansion Spring $0.10 Adjustable Sleeve Nut 1.10 Suction Valve .45 Plunger Cylinder Tube 1.70 1.85 Crimp Plunger Rod .20 .20 Valve Chamber Cap Piston Follower .70 .35 Guide Rod 1.20 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 226 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES CYLINDER REPAIRS, FIGS. 300, 308, 312 AND 322 SIZE, INC HES .... 'J? 1*A 2 2 1 A 2 1 A 2M 3 VA 4 5 6 CYLINDEI Fig. 300 CYLINDEI Fig. 308 CYLINDE Figs. 312 and 322 TOP ATT; Figs. 300 Figs. 312 BOTTOM i Figs. 300 Fig. 312, BOTTOM WITH 322, ] Attachm* Valve wit Cage, tw( BOTTOM WITH 322, Attachme Valve wit Cage, tw< PLUNGER "A" Sty] "J"Styl Plunger ( Plunger ( Plunger J Plunger J Plunger ] Plunger ] Plunger ] Plunger '. Plunger > Plunger > Suction ' Iron. i SHELLS, IRON 10 inches 10.90 1.00 1.15 1.40 2.00 2.35 2.70 3.00 4.00 4.65 5.30 5.95 6.65 7.25 .40 1.50 .60 1.75 .95 .75 .10 .10 2.50 1.75 .35 .40 .40 .85 1.00 .75 1.25 2.00 .10 .55 .08 .40 .12 .60 .05 .20 .05 .15 .05 .20 $1.00 1.10 1.25 1.50 2.25 2.60 2.95 3.35 4.40 5.10 5.80 6.50 7.20 7.90 .40 1.75 .60 2.00 .95 .75 .10 .10 3.00 2.25 .35 .40 .40 1.00 1.25 .75 1.50 2.25 .12 .65 .10 .50 .15 .65 .05 .25 .05 .18 .06 .25 $1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60 2.50 2.85 3.25 3.75 4.70 5.50 6.30 7.10 7.90 8.70 .40 2.00 .60 2.25 1.00 .75 .10 15 3.50 2.50 .40 .60 .45 1.25 1.50 .90 1.75 2.50 .12 .75 .13 .60 .20 .75 .05 .30 .05 .25 .06 .30 $1.20 1.40 1.60 1.85 2.75 3.10 3.50 4.00 5.10 6.00 6.90 7.80 8.70 9.60 .40 2.00 .60 2.25 1.05 .7-5 .15 .15 3.75 2.50 .50 .75 .50 1.50 1.75 1.00 2.00 2.75 .15 .80 .15 .70 .20 .85 .05 .40 .08 .30 .06 .40 $ 1.30 1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 3.35 3.80 4.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 9.50 10.50 .50 2.50 .75 2.75 1.30 .95 .15 .20 4.50 3.00 .60 .90 .55 1.75 2.00 1.15 2.25 3.00 .15 .90 .18 .75 .25 1.00 .07 .50 .10 .35 .06 .40 $ 1.60 1.90 2.20 2.50 3.50 4.00 4.75 5.50 6.50 7.65 8.80 10.00 11.25 12.40 .60 3.00 .90 3.50 1.65 1.15 .25 .25 5.50 3.75 .65 1.10 .65 2.00 2.50 1.50 3.00 4.00 .25 1.40 .25 1.15 .30 1.40 .12 .60 .12 .50 .07 .50 $ 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.80 9.20 10.60 12.00 13.40 15.00 .80 3.75 1.10 4.25 2.00 1.40 .30 .30 6.50 4.50 .75 1.25 .85 2.75 3.50 2.00 3.75 5.00 .30 1.80 .30 1.40 .45 1.85 .15 .75 .15 .65 .10 .60 12 inches 14 inches 16 inches SHELLS, BRASS LINED 10 inches 12 inches 14 inches 16 inches SHELLS, BRASS TUBE 10 inches 12 inches 14 inches 16 inches 5AO 6.00 6.50 .40 1.25 .60 1.50 .95 .75 .10 .10 2.50 1.75 .35 .40 'i 25 2 00 .05 .20 $21.50 25.00 27.50 2.00 5.00 3.50 6.00 5.25 4.25 .40 .40 9.25 6.50 1.25 1.50 2.00 $27.00 31.50 33.00 2.50 6.5U 4.00 8.00 6.50 5.00 .65 .65 12.75 9.00 1.75 2.00 18 inches 20 inches ^CHMENT OR CAPS FOR 308, 312, 322, Iron . . . 322 Brass ATTACHMENT OR CAP FOR 308, 312, Iron Brass ATTACHMENT COMPLETE VALVE AND CAGE, Fig. ron 'nt only, Iron h Leather, Iron > pieces, Iron ATTACHMENT COMPLETE VALVE AND CAGE, Fig. Brass ;nt only, Brass h Leather, Brass j pieces, Brass s ONLY, No RODS e, All Iron Brass Cage and Valve . All Brass "4.50 9.50 12.00 .80 4.00 "(L50 14.00 17.50 1.35 6.00 e, All Iron Brass Cage and Valve . All Brass Hage, Iron "age, Brass follower, "A" Style, Iron . follower, "A" Style, Brass follower, "J" Style, Iron . follower, "J" Style, Brass, ^ing, "J" Style, Iron . . . *ing, "J" Style, Brass, /alves, Iron "i!66 4.25 .25 1.00 .25 1.25 .15 1.00 "i!50 6.50 .45 1.50 .45 1.75 .20 1.25 /alves. Brass ^alve Weights and Screw, Suction ' Brass ^alve Weights and Screw, "WHITE CAP" BRASS BODY CYLINDER, FIG. 314 SIZE 2MxG 2^x10 2^x6 2^x10 2^x6 2^x10 3x6 3x10 Top Attachment Bottom Attachment Plunger Complete Valve Complete Cylinder Tube . . $0.40 .95 .45 .45 2 95 $0.40 .95 .45 .45 3 85 $0.40 1.00 .50 .45 3 25 $0.40 1.00 .50 .45 4 30 $0.40 1.05 .60 .45 3 55 $0.40 1.05 .60 .45 4 (55 $0.50 1.30 .60 .45 3 80 $0.50 1.30 .60 .45 5 00 Cylinder Ring Stub Rod .05 .15 .05 .15 .10 .15 .10 .15 .10 .15 .10 .15 .10 .15 .10 .15 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 227 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES BRASS ARTESIAN DEEP WELL CYLINDER, FIG. 324 INSIDE DIA. CYLINDER. INS. iy 8 1M 2M 2M 3M 3M 4M 4M 5M 5M 6M 6M Top Attachment $2.00 $2.00 $ 2.75 $ 3.50$ 5.25 $ 7.25 $9.00 $12. 00 $15. 75 $15.75 $22 . 00 $ 22.00 Bottom Attachment .... 2.75! 3.00 3.75 4.50; 7.00 9.50 12.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 27.00 27.00 Plunger Complete 8.00J 8.50 10.50 18.00 27.00 33.00 40.00 52.00 70.00 75.00; 90.00 100.00 Lower Valve Complete . . 3.50| 4.00 6.00! 10.00 14.00 18.00 26.00 35.00 45.00 50.00 70.00 80.00 Plunger Cage 2.00 2.25 2.50i 4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 23.00 30.00 Plunger Stock 1.75 2.00 2.50 4.25 6.50 8.00 10.00 13.00 16.00 18.00 23.00 30.00 Plunger Nut .75 .85 1.00 2.00 3.50 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 Plunger Rings, each . . . .60 .60 .80 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.75 Lower Valve Cage . . . 1.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 22.00 28.00 Lower Valve Seat or Stock . 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.75! 4.00 4.50 7.00 8.50 10.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 Brass Ball Valves .35 .45 .80 2.00 3.25 4.25 5.25 6.50 7.25 10.00 12.00 13.50 Steel Adapter or Wood Rod Coupling . ... .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 BRASS ARTESIAN DEEP WELL CYLINDER, FIG. 311 INSIDE DIAMETER CYLINDER, INCHES . 1M 2M 2% 3M 3^ Top Attachment $2 00 $2 75 $ 3 50 $ 5 25 $ 7 25 Bottom Attachment 3 00 3 75 4 50 7 00 9 50 Plunger Complete 6 00 8 00 11 00 15 00 22 00 Lower Valve Complete Plunger Cage Plunger Stock Plunger Nut Lower Valve Cage Lower Valve Seat or Stock Brass Ball Valve 4.00 2.00 1.50 .85 2.00 1.50 .45 6.00 2.50 2.00 1.00 2.50 2.00 .80 8.50 3.50 2.50 1.50 3.50 2.75 1.25 12.50 4.00 3.50 2.25 4.00 4.00 2.15 17.00 5.50 5.00 3.00 5.50 4.50 3 75 Steel Adapter or Wood Rod Coupling . .75 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.25 "TRIUMPH" DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 601 AND 602 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 Brass-lined Cylinders with Brass Valve Seats Base with Valve Seats Air Chamber . Stuffing-box Head Rear Head $11.50 6.25 5.00 1.00 65 $12.50 6.50 5.00 1.25 65 $14.50 6.75 5.00 1.50 65 $20.00 7.75 6.00 1.75 75 $28.00 15.00 8.00 2.50 1 75 Bolted Stuffing-box Gland Brass Valve Seats, each Brass Valves, each 1.50 .40 .40 1.50 .50 50 1.50 .60 .65 1.50 .75 .90 1.50 1.00 1.00 Piston with Leathers 65 75 1 10 1 50 2 50 Piston Rod 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 5 00 Lever Socket Lever Link Malleable Lever with Wood Handle, each. . Malleable Cross Bar Drip Screws 1.25 .35 1.50 .W 1.25 .35 1.50 10 1.25 .35 1.50 iio 1.75 .50 2.50 .60 .10 1.75 .90 2.50 .60 .10 Priming Screws 15 15 15 20 25 Steel Pins 15 15 15 15 15 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 228 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES GIANT" DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 554 AND 554^ \ AMI; OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Cylinder, Iron Brass-lined Cylinder Stuffing-box Head Rear Head Stuffing-box Gland S7.50 11.00 1.00 .75 .50 .25 .75 .40 .35 .40 .15 .20 .15 .60 Lever Socket for Fig. 554^ .... Wood Lever $1.35 .50 .60 .35 1 . 75- .20 .20 .75 .75 .15 .10 .50 4.00 Lever Rack for Fig. 5543/2 Socket Link Plunger with Crimps Plunger Center, Iron Plunger Follower Irons, each .... Piston Rod Complete Rod for Fig. 554^ Crosshead for Piston Rod Drip Screws, each Hose Nozzle, Iron Bearer for Fig. 554 1/2 Valve Caps, each Goose Neck Suction Nut Suction Tube Goose Neck Nut Hose Nut Hose Tube Valves, each Lever Socket "MARINE" BILGE PUMPS, FIGS. 470 AND 471 FIGURE NUMBER 4: r o 471 SIZE NUMBER . . . 2 4 2 4 Brass-lined Cylinder $24 00 $32 00 $24 00 $32 00 Base 8 75 10 50 14 00 22 00 Plunger Complete 8 00 13 00 8 00 13 00 Plunger Casting . . 6 50 10 50 6 50 10 50 Plunger Pin 40 40 40 40 Plunger Valve Suction Valve .75 80 1.50 1 25 .75 80 1.50 1 25 Rubber Facing for Valves, each 25 40 25 40 Flange 1 50 1 75 1 50 1 75 Lever 3 25 3 75 3.25 3.75 Lever Socket 1 75 2 00 1.75 2.00 Lever Pin with Cotters 40 50 40 50 Stop Pin for Valves .10 .10 .10 .10 DIAPHRAGM PUMPS, FIGS. 472, 473 and 1473 FIGURE NUMBER 4 72 4 73 1473 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 1 2 2 Base Spout Section Forged Levers Lever Socket Plunger Cage $7.50 6.50 1.75 .65 .50 $10.50 9.50 4.00 1.00 1.25 $8.00 6.50 1.75 .65 .50 $11.50 9.50 4.00 1.00 1 25 $11.50 9.50 4.00 1.00 1 25 Plunger Top Ring 40 50 40 50 50 Plunger Bottom Ring .50 1.00 .50 1.00 1 00 Rubber Diaphragm . . . 2 50 3 50 2 50 3 50 3 50 Plunger Valve 40 60 40 60 60 Suction Valve Valve Stop Pin Rubber Facing for Plunger Valve Rubber Facing for Suction Valve Steel Pins with Cotters .25 .05 .25 .20 20 .35 .10 .45 .35 25 .25 .05 .25 .20 20 .35 .10 .45 .35 25 .35 .10 .45 .35 25 Connecting Rod 1 25 Rod End 2 00 Lever for Fig. 1473 4 00 Crosshead Pin 20 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 229 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES IMPROVED "SYPHON" FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 320 AND 321 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 Air Chamber Air Chamber Gland Air Chamber Tube $6.00 1.00 .50 $6.00 1.00 .50 $9.00 1.25 1.00 $9.00 1.25 1.00 $10.00 1.50 1.50 $12.00 2.00 2.00 Check Valve Case only Check Valve Tube Check Valve Nut 1.00 1.00 50 1.00 1.25 50 1.25 1.50 75 1.25 2.00 .75 1.50 2.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 1 50 Suction Pipe Flange Outside Cylinder Base Plate .75 4.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.25 5.50 2.50 1.25 5.50 2.50 1.50 7.00 3.00 1.75 7.00 4.00 Inside Cylinder, Brass Lined . . Bottom Attachment for Inside Cyl. Brass Plunger ... 3.00 .75 2.50 3.50 .85 3.00 4.00 1.00 3.50 5.00 1.25 4.00 6.00 1.50 4.50 7.00 1.75 5.00 Brass Valve Seat .25 .30 .40 .50 .75 1.00 Piston Rod (only) Brass 4.80 1.25 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 WINDMILL FORCE PUMPS ON BASE, FIGS. 430 AND 1430 SIZE NUMBER 2 3 4 5 Cylinder $5.00 $5.00 $7.00 $8.00 Bearer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Lever 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 Lever Link 50 .50 .50 50 Flat Rod . 60 .60 .60 60 Round Rod 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Coupling for Connecting Rods Plunger . Stuffing-box Gland Base for Fig. 430 Air Chamber .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 .50 1.00 1.00 1.25 2.50 .50 1.50 1.00 1.50 3.00 .50 1.50 1.00 1.50 3.00 Cock Spout 2 00 2 00 2.50 2 50 Coupling Nut for Spout .35 .35 .50 .50 Discharge Nut 35 .35 .50 .50 Discharge Tube, Brass . .65 .65 .80 1.25 HAND AND POWER PISTON PUMPS, FIGS. 585, 590 AND 591 FIGURE NUMBER 5 55 5( )0 5< )1 SIZE NUMBER . 4 5 4 5 4 5 Cylinder . . $5 00 $5 50 $ 5 00 $ 5 50 $ 5 00 $ 5 50 Base Crank Case . . 3.25 6 50 3.25 6 50 3.25 6 50 3.25 6 50 3.25 11 50 3.25 11 50 Stuffing-box Lid 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 Outside Lid Stuffing-box Nut .... .50 50 .50 50 .50 50 .50 50 3.00 3.00 Stuffing-box Gland Air Chamber 1.00 4 00 1.00 4 00 1.00 4 00 1.00 4 00 1.25 4 00 1.25 4 00 Crank Shaft . . 5 00 5 00 5 50 5 50 10 00 10 00 Plunger Complete. . . 4 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 Connecting Rod 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 00 Discharge Flange Lower Valve Complete ..... Pulley only, 16x3 inches, each . . Pulley only, 24 x 3 inches, each . . .50 .85 .50 .85 .50 .85 7.00 11 00 .50 .85 7.00 11 00 .50 .85 7.00 11 00 .50 .85 7.00 11.00 Pulley only, 15x4 inches, each . 6.00 6 00 Handle .75 .75 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 230 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES HYDRAULIC RAM, FIG. 690 SIZE NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 00 7 00 $9 00 $11 00 $20 00 Brass only 3 00 3 50 5 00 7 00 11 00 Brass Impetus Valve only 1 10 1 50 2 00 2 50 5 00 Brass Nut on end of Valve . . . 30 30 35 35 75 $1.25 $1.75 Brass Adjusting Nut Brass Lock Nut Brass Screws each .50 .25 25 .60 .25 25 .65 .35 25 .65 .35 25 1.25 .75 3.50 .75 3.75 1.50 Base with Valve and Seats Complete except Nos. 7 and 8 3.00 3 50 4.00 8.00 14.00 21.00 50.00 Inside Valve Complete, each .... Air Chamber Cap Nut .80 4.00 15 .80 4.50 15 1.00 5.00 15 1.50 7.50 20 1.50 18.00 30 4.25 22.00 3.25 40.00 Discharge Nut 15 15 15 20 30 Brass Discharge Tube for Iron Pipe 50 50 55 60 75 Drive Nut 15 20 30 40 50 Brass Drive Tube for Iron Pipe 60 65 1 00 1 25 2 00 Rubber Bumper Ring Brass Impetus Valve Follower .05 .05 .05 .05 .10 .20 4 50 .20 8 50 Brass Impetus Valve Stem 6 00 8 25 Brass Binder Nut 75 1.25 Rubber Impetus Valve 1 50 3.50 Iron Washer for Impetus Valve . . 25 .30 Water Chamber with Valve Seats 19 25 34 75 Impetus Valve Case, Iron . . . 10 00 15 00 Cap for Impetus Valve Case with Brass Bush 9 00 12 50 Blank Flange 1 50 1 75 Discharge Flange 1 75 2 00 Drive Flange 3.50 7.00 DEMING HYDRAERAM, FIG. 695 SIZE NUMBER 10 11 12 13 14 Impetus Valve Complete Impetus Valve Cover with Seat Impetus Valve Arm $7.00 2.00 1 25 $ 7.50 3.00 1 00 $10.00 4.00 1 00 $12,00 4.50 1 25 $18.00 9.00 1 50 Impetus Valve Weight Impetus Valve and Stem Impetus Valve Adjusting Nut. ...... Impetus Valve Locking Screw Impetus Valve Fulcrum Pin Impetus Valve Seat and Ring .50 .75 .50 ".'l5 .15 1.00 .50 .25 .15 15 .15 1.50 .75 .25 .15 20 .20 2.00 .85 .50 .20 50 .30 3.00 1.00 .50 .30 50 Base 28 00 Air Chamber Discharge Cap Nut Discharge Coupling Nut Discharge Tube Brass Drive Coupling Nut 8.00 .10 .10 .50 .10 11.00 .15 .15 .50 20 23.00 .15 .15 .60 30 17.00 .20 .20 .65 40 75.00 .30 .30 .75 Drive Tube Brass 60 65 1 00 1 25 Discharge Valve (Leather and Weight) . . . .85 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.75 POWER ROTARY FORCE PUMP, FIG. 595 NAME OF PART PRICK NAME OF PART PRICE Base . ... $7 00 Shell $14 00 Main Bearing Cap 35 Lid Packing 05 Cams and Shafts, one set Cover 20.00 5 75 Gland Packing Cam Pin .05 05 Gland 75 Studs Shell to Base 15 Cap Nut 10 Gland Studs 20 Pullev 4.75 Main Bearine Studs .20 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 231 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES HAND ROTARY FORCE PUMPS, FIGS. 575, 576, 578 AND 579 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 Case only $5 00 $7 00 $8 50 $10 50 $13 00 $18 50 Lid or Cover 1.75 2 00 2 25 2 50 3 00 4 00 Cams with Short Shaft Cams with Long Shaft Stuffing-box Nut Cap Nuts for Bearings, each Spout with Cap Nut Base for Fig 575 4.00 4.25 .25 .10 1.00 4 00 4.50 4.75 .25 .10 1.00 4 00 4.75 5.00 .25 .10 1.25 4 25 5.25 5.50 .35 .15 2.00 11 00 6.50 ! 9.50 6.75 9.75 . 35 . 35 .15 .15 2.75 4.25 11 00 13 00 Base for Fig. 578 Fly-wheel, Fig. 575, with Handle .... Fly-wheel with Handle, Fig. 578 Drip Plug Priming Plug Barrel Attachment for Fig. 576 4.00 4.50 3.00 .20 .15 .50 4.00 4.50 3.00 .20 .15 .50 5.50 4.50 3.00 .20 .15 .75 5^00 "20 .15 s'oo o'oo '20 i 20 .15 .15 Goose Neck or Hook for Fig. 576 25 25 35 Suction Nut for Figs 576 and 579 35 35 40 Crank Complete for Figs. 576 and 579 . . Bracket for Fig. 579 .60 1.75 .60 1.75 .60 2.00 AUTOMOBILE ROTARY GASOLINE PUMP, FIG. 776 NAME OF PART . . PRICE NAME OF PA.RT PRICE Case only Lid or Cover Cams with Short Shaft $8.00 4.25 6.25 Cap Nuts for Bearings, each .... Spout with Cap Nut Base $0.10 .70 7.25 Cams with Long Shaft 6 50 Drip Plug 15 Stuffinsr-box Nut .60 Crank Comnlete . 1.00 POWER ROTARY PUMPS, FIGS. 577 AND 577^ SIZE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 Case, Cover, Cams and Shaft Complete . . Case only Lid or Cover $17.50 5.00 1 75 $20.50 7.00 2 00 $23.00 8.50 2 25 $27.50 10.50 2 50 $33.00 $46.00 13.00 18.50 3 00 4 00 Cam with Short Shaft 4.00 4.50 4.75 5.25 6.50 9.50 Cam with Long Shaft 4 50 5 00 5 25 5 75 7 00 10 00 Stuffing-box Nuts 25 25 25 35 35 .35 Cap Nuts for Bearings, each 10 10 10 15 15 .15 Spout with Cap Nut Small Base with Drip Screw Valve Seat with Drip Screw. . . 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 2.00 2^25 2.75 4.25 ' '2*25 ! 5^00 Metallic Valve 35 35 40 65 65 1.15 Bed Plate .... 2 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 7.50 Outboard Bearing Pulleys, each 1.00 2 00 1.00 2 00 1.00 2 00 1.00 4 00 1 . 00 2 . 00 4 00 6 . 25 Drip Plug . . 20 20 20 20 20 . 20 Priming Plug .15 .15 .15 .15 .15, .15 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 232 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES "ATLAS" DOUBLE-ACTING POWER PISTON PUMP, FIG. 691 SIZE, (DIAMETER AND STROKE), INCHES 2^x5 3x6 4x8 Brass-lined Cylinder with Valve Seats Brass Liner only for Cylinders, $20.00 3 00 $50.00 4 50 $75.00 8 00 Brass Ring for Cylinder Liner, each Suction Valve Seats Discharge Valve Seats Suction Valve Cap and Wing Discharge Valve Cap and Wing Suction Valve Rubber, each Discharge Valve Rubber, each "^O .60 .15 .20 .10 .15 1.25 .50 .75 .20 .20 .10 .20 1.35 .75 1.65 .20 .30 .20 .35 Valve Chamber Covers 25 40 1 75 Rear Cylinder Head and Bearing Stuffing-box Head . 70 5.75 2 50 7.25 3 00 Brass Stuffing-box Nut . . .85 1.00 Brass Stuffing-box Gland Piston or Plunger Complete Piston Followers, each Piston Center .35 2.50 .45 .25 .60 6.75 2.50 1.00 8.00 3.25 Piston Head Piston Rod 1.25 2 75 4.25 4 00 4.50 6 50 Main Gear 2 85 5 25 10 00 Pinion .... 1 00 3 50 4 25 Crank Shaft . . . 75 1 35 2 00 Pinion Shaft 60 1 40 1 50 Connecting Rods and Caps, each 1 25 2 25 4 75 Cross Head 1 50 4 75 8 00 Crank Disc 1 00 2 50 2 75 Crank Pins, each 25 1 20 1 60 Guide Rods, each 35 1 10 1 30 Gear Guard 75 3 75 4.25 Main Bearing Box Covers Pinion Bearing Box Covers Shaft Collars, each :::: i .20 .25 .20 .20 .25 .25 HAND ATTACHMENT FOR "ATLAS" FIG. 691 Cross Head 1 75 Long Link 50 Short Link 25 Lever Socket 50 Malleable Lever 1 25 Wood Handle Cross Head Pin AIR PUMPING ATTACHMENT FOR "ATLAS" FIG. 691 Air Chamber Attachment Cylinder Tube Guide Rods, each .25 .25 2.25 1.50 40 4.25 1.75 1 50 5.50 4.00 2 00 Piston Rod .... 10 10 10 Valve Cap ...... 85 85 85 Piston Follower Cross Head Nut .25 50 .25 50 .25 50 Suction Valve 25 25 25 Discharge Valve 30 30 30 Piston 90 90 90 Crimp Spring Air Cock . . . .05 75 .05 75 .05 75 BELT IDLER FOR "ATLAS" FIG. 691 Idler Complete 6 00 7 50 9 00 Idler Pulley 3 75 3 75 4 00 Idler Arm 85 95 1 25 Idler Cross Head 85 2 00 3 00 Shaft Collar, each .15 .15 .15 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 233 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES "TRIUMPH" DOUBLE-ACTING POWER FORCE PUMP, FIG. 609 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 Bed Plate with Caps $68.00 $68.00 11.25 11.25 2.50 2.50 20.00 20.00 7.00 7.00 4.75 4.75 11.50 11.50 16.00 16.00 22.75 28.50 8.75 9.25 8.50 9.00 3.75 3.75 .75 .85 5.85 5.85 1.50 1.50 1 . 75 1 . 75 1.10 1.10 .55 .65 .50 .65 72.00 75.00 $68.00 11.25 2.50 20.00 7.00 4.75 11.50 16.00 28.50 9.25 9.00 3.75 1.50 5.85 1.50 1.75 1.10 1.00 .75 75.00 $68.00 11.25 2.50 20.00 7.00 4.75 11.50 16.00 35.00 10.75 10.00 4.50 2.10 5.85 1.75 2.00 1.35 1.10 .80 84.00 Crank Shaft Pinion Shaft Gear Wheel Pinion Connection Rod with Caps Yoke Pulleys each Cylinder with Valve Seats Suction Chamber with Valve Seats Air Chamber Piston Rod Piston with Leathers Front Cylinder Head Rear Head Stuffing-box Cap Stuffing-box Gland Brass Valves Brass Valve Seats Water End Complete DEEP WELL POWER WORKING HEAD, FIG 66 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Base with Caps $40 . 00 Differential Plunger . . Walking Beam .... Guide Rods, eafch . . Cross Head Pin .... Rod Link $5.50 1.75 .75 .25 1.25 .15 2.50 6.00 .25 5.50 1.95 1.25 .60 .20 .75 .45 CrankShaft 6.50 Pinion Shaft 1 . 00 Main Gear 3 . 75 Pinion 1 65 Main or Plunger Cross Head ... 3 . 25 Crank Cross Head and Cap .... 6 . 75 Sliding Cross Head End of Beam . 2 . 25 Discharge Head 6 . 00 Stuffing-box 2.00 HAND ATTACHMENT Cross Head for Lever 4 . 25 Bearer ... 4 25 Rod Link Pin Gear Guard Pulleys, each CE AIR PUMPING DEVI Crosshead Attachment Bottom Attachment for Plunger Complete withe \ir Cylinder ut Rod . . Bearer Rack 40 Plunger Follower Lever Socket 1 . 25 Guide Rods, each 1 75 Air Valve, Complete . . Plunger Rod Y % " Air Cock Wood Handle 50 Stuffing-box Gland 1 75 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 234 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES "MARVEL" HOUSE PUMPING OUTFITS Nos. 1685, 2085, 1686 and 2086 FIGURE NUMBER 1685, 2085 1686, 2086 Cylinder, Brass Lined $8.50 $8 50 Air Chamber 2 75 2 75 Suction Chamber 2 50 2 50 Valve Seat 60 60 Rubber Valves .... .05 05 Valve Stem Valve Spring Steel Washers .15 .05 .10 .15 .05 .10 Piston 1 00 1 00 Piston Follower 50 50 Piston Rod ... .25 25 Piston Valve . ... .10 10 Piston Washer Leather Crimp .20 .15 .20 .15 Stuffing-box Head 1.50 1.50 Stuffing-box Gland 25 25 Stuffing-box Nut 50 50 Back Head . . 85 85 Bed Plate .... 11 50 11 50 Crank Cover Bed Plate Bushing : Crank Cover Bushing Eccentric and Shaft Crosshead Crosshead Pin Connecting Rod Complete 3.00 1.75 .90 4.00 2.15 .10 1.25 3.00 1.75 .90 4.00 2.15 .10 1.25 Vacuum Chamber 3 50 3 50 Strainer Cap 75 75 Strainer 40 40 Mai. Galv, Tube 40 40 Union Tube Nut Idler Complete .25 2 15 .25 2.55 Idler Arm 50 70 Idler Pulley 1 00 1 00 Idler Arm Pin 25 45 Idler Pulley Bolt . . 25 25 Idler Spring . . .15 15 Pulley Motor Pulley Endless Belt Motor Shelf 9.50 1.25 2.50 1.75 9.50 4^25 Motor Shelf Supports .20 Feet, each 75 75 Check Valve 2 00 2 00 Ball Check Air Cock 75 75 Drip Plug 05 05 Surface Packing Controller Disc or Plug Controller Shelf .... Sub Base for Fig. 2085 .50 .10 1.00 14 00 .50 Controller Tube, Brass Pipe Nipple Battery Box .40 ".25 2.25 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 235 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES BUCKET SPRAY PUMPS, FIGS. 669, 659 AND 689 FIGURE NUMBER . . 669 659 689 FIGURE NUMBER . . 669 659 689 Air Chamber .... Stuffing Cap .... Cylinder Tube . . . Plunger Tube .... Plunger Complete with Ball Valve. . . . Foot Valve and Strainer with Ball Valve $0.75 .25 1.50 1.00 .50 .75 .15 .05 .05 .25 $1.75 .25 1.50 1.00 .50 .75 .15 .05 .05 .35 $1.75 .25 1.50 1.00 .50 .75 .15 .05 .05 .35 Foot Rest Complete . Malleable Foot Rest . Malleable Foot Rest Clamp Thumb Screw. . . . Cylinder Clamp only. Clamping Hinge. . . Clamping Screw. . . Adjusting Screw. . . Hinge-screw .... Foot Rest with Ad- justing Rod . . . Bail Hook $0.65 .50 .10 .05 $0.65 .50 .10 .05 $1.15 ^50 .10 .10 .10 .10 .25 .05 Brass Ball Valves, each Plunger Packing . . . Stuffing-box Packing. Handle KNAPSACK SPRAY PUMP, FIG. 675 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Agitator Complete $0 85 Hose Coupling Tube $0.20 40 Plunger Tube 90 Extra Handle Hose Coupling Nut Pump Collar ". Crosshead Air Chamber Stuffing-box Gland Strap Link Plunger Complete .30 .15 55 .40 1.90 .25 .20 60 Cylinder Tube . . Brass Tank Carrying Handle Lever Link Shoulder Straps, Complete, one set . Lever Swinging Handle, Complete .... Lance 1.15 17.00 .60 .25 2.60 . 55 .45 90 Saddle 2 00 Foot Rest 1.10 Foot Valve, Seat and Strainer . . . .40 Gland Packing .10 KNAPSACK SPRAY PUMP, FIG. 654 NAME OF PART . PRICE Galv. Tank with Saddle, Strap Holders, etc., Complete . . . . . Drip Bowl Carrying Handle Lever Complete $7.50 1.00 .25 .50 NAME OF PART . Carrying Straps, each Malleable Wrench Lid for Tank (For Repair Parts for Pump, see Repair List of Fig. 669) PRICE $0.60 .15 1.00 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification' of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 236 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES THE "GARDENER'S CHOICE" SPRAYER, FIG. 651 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Base or Air Chamber Bottom Casting Complete with $4.00 Agitator Yoke Agitator Cross Head $0.30 25 Valves. Bottom Casting only 2.00 50 Agitator Clamp Complete .... Agitator Yoke Pin . . .30 10 Foot Valve and Strainer with Ball Valve Valve Seat and Ball Valve .... Ball Valves, each Lever .85 .65 .30 75 Agitator Paddles, per set (2) ... Plates for Base Bolts Half Barrel or Tank with Cover . . Wheels, each Axle Pipe .15 .10 10.00 3.00 50 Cylinder Tube, Brass Air Chamber Tube, Iron 1.50 .65 Cast Iron Handle Foot Casting .40 .15 Discharge Pipe Piston Rod .15 20 Barrel Support or Frame Casting, each 75 Piston Rod Cross Head .25 Axle Collar, each .25 Piston Complete with Crimps . . . Piston Center Casting Piston Follower Castings, each . . Agitator Complete .60 .10 .10 1.25 Axle Caps, each V-Bolt, Front of Barrel Bolts, Barrel to Axle Collar, each . .20 .40 .10 "MAJOR" BARREL SPRAY PUMP, FIG. 832 FIGURE NUMBER 832 FIGURE NUMBER 832 Bearer with Clamp $1 50 Piston Rod $0 25 Lever .75 Piston Rod Cross Head .25 Bottom Casting Complete with Valves Bottom Casting only 2.50 1.15 Plunger Complete with Crimps. . . . Plunger Center Casting 1.25 .25 Strainer 35 Plunger Follower Casting, each . . 35 Valve Cage Ball Valves, each Valve Seats, each Air Chamber Tubing Discharge Pipe .05 .30 .35 1.25 .25 Agitator Complete Agitator Yoke Agitator Cross Head Agitator Yoke Pin Agitator Paddles, per set 1.25 .30 .25 .10 .15 Brass Cvlinder Tube . 1.50 Adtator Pine Clamo Complete. .30 THE "CENTURY" BARREL SPRAYER, FIG. 645 NAME OF PART Bearer or Top Lever Air Chamber Tube Discharge Pipe Bottom Attach, for Air Chamber Bottom Casting only Strainer Valve Seats, each Ball Valves, each Cylinder Tube Plunger Complete with Crimps . Plunger Center Casting PRICE $0.75 1.00 1.75 .25 .50 .75 .35 .35 .35 2.50 1.00 .15 NAME OF PART Plunger Follower Casting, each Plunger Rod Plunger Rod Cross Head . . . Agitator Complete . ...... Pipe Clamp Agitator Yoke Agitator Link Agitator Cross Head Agitator Paddles, per set . . . Base for Barrel Complete . . . Filling Cap PRICE $0.20 .30 .25 1.50 .25 .25 .15 .15 .15 1.50 .10 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 2-19 to 254 237 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES FOUR-ROW FIELD SPRAYER, FIG. 653 NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART PRICE Locking Segment and Base $1.50 4.25 .25 .45 1.00 .50 .35 Three-way Hose Connection Sheath Pipe Adjusting Rods, each Center Nozzle Attachments, each . . End Nozzle Attachment, each .... Hose Spring, each $0.90 1.25 .10 1.10 .55 .35 Supporting Arm Supporting Clamp and Bolt "L" Bolts with Nuts, each Locking Lever Complete with Handle . Handle only Fulcrum Pin "SAMSON" DOUBLE-ACTING SPRAYER, FIG. 633. NAME OF PART PRICE NAME OF PART Air Chamber Tube Air Chamber Cap Air Chamber Rods, each Base, with Suction Valve Seat . . . Lower Cyl. Castings with Valve Seat Lower Cylinder Liner Upper Cylinder Liner Guide or Bearing Casting Brass Valve Seats, each Brass Ball Valves, each Lever Socket Crosshead . $7.50 1.00 .25 6.50 4.25 2.75 3.25 1.50 .60 1.00 1.50 .35 Crosshead Links, each Valve Chamber Covers, each . , Guide Rod Differential Plunger with Crimps Lower Plunger Complete . . . , Lower Plunger Cage Lower Plunger Follower Malleable Lever Wood Handle Suction Hose Tube Suction Hose Nut Cylinder Bolts, each DUPLEX PLUNGER POWER SPRAY PUMP, FIG. 761 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 SIZE NUMBER 1 2 Base with Valve Seats .... $14.00 $20.00 Cross Head Nuts, each . . . $0 60 Valve Seats only, each .... Brass Ball Valves, each . . . Right or Left Column with .50 .35 .60 1.00 Cross Head Pins Plungers and Connecting Rods Complete, each $8 00 .10 Caps Crank Shaft 6.50 7.50 7.50 10 00 Connecting Rod and Caps, each 4 00 Main Gear Pinion Pinion Shaft .... 2.75 1.25 65 5.00 1.65 1 00 Air Chamber Plunger Covers, per set . . . Belt Tightener Complete 4.25 6 00 6.50 .15 8 00 Gear Guard 85 2 25 Belt Tightener Pulley 2 50 3 75 Valve Covers, each .15 .20 Belt Tightener Yoke 1.00 1.25 Valve Cover Bars, each . . . Cylinders, each Stuffing-box Nuts, each . . . Stuffing-box Glands .20 1.50 .40 1.10 1.25 2.00 .50 1 35 Belt Tightener Arm Belt Tightener Collar .... Belt Tightener Oil Cup Collar Pump Pulley . . .90 .10 .25 6 50 1.15 .10 .25 7.50 Plungers only, each 7 50 Gaskets for Valve Caps each 10 10 Plunger Cross Heads, each . . 1.25 Gaskets for Cylinders, each . . .15 .20 SPECIAL NOTICE Repair Parts for Pumps and Accessories not listed in the foregoing section will be quoted on request, which should be accompanied by symbol number; or a dimension diagram, complete description and weight of the part. The figure number and size should be given, if known. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 238 VALUABLE TECHNICAL DATA AND ENGINEERING TABLES EMBRACING INFORMATION USEFUL TO THE ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND MANUFACTUR- ER; ALSO TO DEALERS IN AND USERS OF PUMPS IN GENERAL, SUCH AS FACTS, FORMULAS AND RULES RELATING TO HYDRAU- LICS AND PNEUMATICS, INCLUD- ING CAPACITIES, POWER, AND SPEED OF PUMPS AND THEIR OPERATING FACTOR HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Useful Technical Information THE AREAS OF CIRCLES are to each other as the square of their diameters. Doubling the diameter of a pipe or cylinder increases its capacity four times. Friction of liquids in pipes increases as the square of the velocity. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE at sea level is usually estimated at 14.7 pounds per square inch, and this pressure will maintain a column of water 33.9 feet high when the normal pressure in the column is relieved by the creation of a vacuum. This is the theoretical distance that water may be drawn by suction. In practice, however, pumps should not be placed over 20 to 25 feet above the water supply, and nearer if possible. EVERY FOOT OF HEIGHT in a column of water represents .434 pounds pressure to the square inch. It is common practice to estimate that every foot in height is equal to one-half pound pressure per square inch, as this allows for ordinary friction in pipes. A GALLON OF WATER WEIGHS 8.33 pounds, and contains 231 cubic inches. A cubic foot of water weighs 62.36 pounds, and contains 1,728 cubic inches, or 7.48 gallons. A MINER'S INCH OF WATER is approximately equal to 11^ U. S. gallons per minute. Rules to Determine the Size and Speed of Pulleys or Gears The Driving pulley is called the Driver, and the Driven pulley the Driven. If the number of teeth in gears is used instead of diameter in these calculations, number of teeth must be substituted wherever diameter occurs. To FIND THE DIAMETER OF THE DRIVER, the diameter of Driven and its revolutions, and also revolutions of Driver being given: Multiply the diameter of Driven by its revolutions, and divide the product by the revolutions of Driver; the quotient will give the diameter of Driver. To FIND THE DIAMETER OF THE DRIVEN, the revolutions of Driven, also diameter and revolutions of Driver being given: Multiply the diameter of Driver by its revolutions, and divide the product by the revolutions of Driven; the quotient will give the Diameter of the Driven. To FIND THE REVOLUTIONS OF THE DRIVER, the diameter and revolutions of the Driven. also diameter of the Driver being given: Multiply the diameter of Driven by its revolutions, and divide the product by the diameter of Driver; the quotient will give the revolutions of Driver, To FIND THE REVOLUTIONS OF THE DRIVEN, the diameter and revolutions of the Driver, also diameter of the Driven being given: Multiply the diameter of Driver by its revolutions, and divide the product by the diameter of Driven; the quotient will give the revolutions of Driven Data on Air Compression FRANK RICHARDS, M. E. AIR COMPRESSION FROM ONE ATMOSPHERE, HORSE POWER AT SEA LEVEL. 60 FAHRENHEIT (THEORETICAL) Mean pressure per To compress 1 cu. ft. Gauge Volume stroke Final temper. free air per minute Press. Air not Lbs. Air const. Air not Air const. Air not cooled Air const. Air not temper. cooled temper. cooled temper. cooled 1. 1. .0 .0 60 1 .936 .95 .96 .97 71. 2 .88 .91 1.87 1.91 80.4 3 .83 .87 2.72 2.80 88.9 4 .786 .84 3 . 53 3.67 98. 5 .746 .81 4.3 4.5 106. '"6i87" .0196 10 .595 .69 7.62 8.27 145. .0332 .0360 15 .495 .606 10.33 11.5 178. . 0450 . 0502 20 .423 .543 12.62 14.4 207. .0550 .0628 25 ' .370 .494 14.59 17.01 234. . 0636 . 0742 30 .328 .463 16.34 19.4 255. .0713 .0846 35 .295 .42 17.92 21.6 281. .0782 .0942 40 .268 .393 19.32 23.66 302. .0843 .1032 45 . 246 . 37 20.52 25.59 321. .0895 .1116 50 .227 .35 21.79 27.39 339. .0950 .1195 55 .210 .331 22.77 29.11 357. .0993 .1270 60 .196 .314 23.84 30.75 375. .1040 .1341 65 .184 .301 24.77 31.69 389. .1080 .1402 70 .173 .288 26.00 33.73 405. 1124 .1471 75 .163 .276 26.65 35.23 420. .1162 .1537 80 .155 .267 27.33 36.6 432. .1192 .1597 85 .147 .256 28.05 37.94 447. .1224 .1655 90 .140 .248 28.78 39.18 459. .1255 .1709 95 .134 .24 29.53 40.4 472. .1288 .1762 100 .128 .232 30.07 41.6 485. | .1312 .1815 NOTE. Losses by machine friction, heating the air, clearance, etc., reduce the efficiency to about 60 per cent, for single stage and 75 per cent, for two-stage compression. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 240 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Table Showing Capacity of Pumps per Stroke Figures are for One Single-Acting Cylinder LENGTH OF STROKE IN INCHES AND CAPACITY IN GALLONS Diam . of Area Cylinder Square Inches Inches 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24 30 36 H .307 .003 .004 .005 .008 .011 .013 .016 .019 .021 .027 .032 .040 .048 % .442 .004 .006 .008 .011 .015 .019 .023 .027 .031 .038 .046 .057 .068 J'i .601 .005 .008 .01 .016 .021 .026 .031 .036 .042 .052 .062 .078 .094 1 .785 .007 .01 .014 .02 .027 .034 .041 .048 .054 .068 .082 .102 .122 iH .994 .009 .013 .017 .026 .034 .043 .052 .06 .069 .086 .103 .129 .154 1M 1.227 .011 .016 .021 .032 .043 .053 .064 .074 .085 .106 .127 .159 .192 liMI 1.485 ! .013 .019 .026 .039 .051 .064 .077 .089 .103 . 128 . 154 .192 .232 l^ 1.767 ! .015 .023 .031 .046 .061 .077 .092 .107 .122 .153! .184 .231 .276 IX 2.405 .021 .031 .042 .063 .083 .104 .125 .146 .167 .208 .25 .312 .374 2 3.142 .027 .041 .054 .082 .109 .136 .163 .19 .218 .272 .326 .408 .49 2M 3.976 .034 .052 .069 .103 .138 .172 .206 .241 .275 .344 .413 .516 .62 2L 4.909 .043 .064 .085 .128 ".17 .213 .255 .298 .34 .425 .51 .639 .766 2M 5.94 .051 .077 .103 .154 .206 .257 .309 .36 .411 .514 .617 .771 .926 3 7.069 .061 .092 .122 .184 .245 .306 .367 .428 .49 .612 .734 .918 1.102 3Ji 8.296 .072 .108 .144 .215 .287 .359 .431 .503 .575 .718 .862 1.077 1.294 3H 9.621 ! .083 .125 .167 .25 .333 .417 5 .583 .666 .833 1. 1.251 1.50 3% 11.045 .095 .143 .191 .287 .382 .478 .574 .669 .765 .956: 1.147 1.434 1.722 4 12.566 .109 .163 .218 .326 .435 .544 .653 .762 .87 .088 1.306 1.632 1.958 4^ 14.186 .123 .184 .246 .368 .491 .614 .737 .86 .982 .228 1.473 1.842' 2.21 4X 2 15.904 .138 .207 .275 .413 .551 .689 .826 .964 .102 .377 1.652 2.067i 2.478 4M 17.721 .153 .23 .307 .46 .614 .767 .92 1.073 .227 .534 1.84 2.301 2.76 5 19.635 .17 .255 .34 .51 .68 .85 1.02 1.19 .36 .7 2.04 2.55 3.06 5>i 21.648 .187 .281 .375 .562 . 75 . 937 1.124 1.311 .499 .874 2.248 2.811 3.372 5>i 23.758 .206 .309 .411 .617 .823 1.029 1.234 1.44 .646 2.057 2.468 3.087 3.702 5?4 25.967 225 .337 .45 .674 .899; 1.124 1.348 1.573 .798 2.248! 2.696 3.372 4.044 6 28.274 245 .367 .49 .734 .979 1.224 1.469 1.714 1.958 2.448 2.938 3.672 4.406 6M 30.68 .266 .398 .531 .797 1.062 1.328 1.593 1.859 2.124 2.656 3.186 3.984 4.78 6H 33.183 .287 .431 .574 .861 1.149 1.436 1.796 2.011 2.298 2.873 3.447 4.308 5.178 6% 35.785 .309 .465 .62 .929 1.239 1.549 1.858 2.16*8 2.479 3.098 3.716 4.647 5.576 38.485 .333 .5 .666 1. 1.333 1.666 1.999 2.332 2.666 3.332 3.998 4.998 5.998 7H 44.179 .383 .574 .7651.148 1.53 i 1.913 2.295 2.678 3.06 3.825 4.59 5.739 6.886 7?4 47.173 .408 .613 .817 1.225 1.633 2.042 2.45 2.858 3.266 4.084 4.9 6.126 7.348 8 50.266 .435 .653 .87 1.306 1.741 2.176 2.611 3.046 3.482 4.352 5.222 6.528 7.834 8H 56 745 49 .735 98 1 47 1 96 2 45 2 94 3 43 3 92 49 5 88 7 35 8 82 8% 60.132 .52 .78 1.04 1.56 2.08 2.6 3.12 3.64 4.16 5.2 6.24 7.8 9.36 9 63.617 .551 .826 1.101 1.652 2.203 2.754 3.305 3.856 4.406 5.508 6.61 8.262 9.91 3 1 A 70.882 .612 .918 1.224 1.83 2.448 3.06 3.672 4.284 4.896 6.12 7.344 9.18 11.02 9M 74 . 662 646 .97 1 293 1 939 2 586 3 232 3 878 4 525 5 171 6 464 7 757 9.696 11 636 10 78.54 .68 1.02 1.36 2.04 2.72 3.4 4.08 4.76 5.44 6.8 8.16 10.2 12.24 10 H 86.590 .750|1.125 1.500 2 . 250 3.000 3.750 4.500 5.250 6.000 7.500 9.000 11.250 13.50 11 95.033 .823 1.234 1.645 2.464 3.291 4.114 4.937 5.76 6.582 8.228 9.874 12.342 14.81 11^ 103.869 .90 1.351 1.80 2.701 3.60 4.505 5.406 6.30 7.2 9. 10.8 13.515 16.2 12 113.098 .979 1.468 1.958 2.938 3.917 4.896 5.875 6.854 7.833 9.792 11.75 14.688 17.626 12H 122.718 1.062 1.593 2.124 3.186 4.244 5.310: 6.372 7.434 8.488 10.620 12.744 15.930 19.116 13 132.733 1.149 1.723 2.297 3.445 4.596 5.745 6.894 8.042 9.192 11.49 13.78 17.23520.68 13H 143.139 1.238 1.857 2.4763.714 4.852 6.190 7.428 8.666 9.704 12.38 14.856 18.57 22.284 14 153.938 1.332 1.998 2.665 3.997 5.33 6.663 7.994 9.328 10.66 13.32 15.98 19.98923.98 14^ 165.13 1.43 2.1422.856 4.284 5.718 7.148 8.578 10.0 11.424 14.28 17.136 21.44425.704 15 176.715 1.529 2.2943.059 4.589 6.119 7.649 9.178 10.7 12.23 15.29 18.35 22.947 27.52 16 201.062 1.74 2.61 3.48 5.22 6.96 j 8.703 10.44 12.18 13.92 17.40 20.88 26.10931.32 18 254.47 2.202 3.303 4.404 6.606 8.80811.01 13.21 15.41 17.61 22.02 26.42 33.03 39.72 20 314.16 2.7204.08 5.44 8.16 10.88 13.6 16.32 19.04 21.76 27.2 32.64 40.8 48.96 Doubling the DIAMETER of a pice or cylinder increases its capacity four times. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 241 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Theoretical Horse Power Required to Raise Water to Different Heights Feet Elevation 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 Gallons per Min. 5 .006 .012 .019 .025 .031 .037 .044 .05 .06 .06 .07 10 .012 .025 .037 .050 .062 .075 .087 .10 .11 .12 .15 15 .019 .037 .056 .075 .094 .112 .131 .15 .17 .19 .22 20 .025 .050 .075 .100 .125 .150 .175 .20 .22 .25 .30 25 .031 .062 .093 .125 .156 .187 .219 .25 .28 .31 .37 30 .037 .075 .112 .150 .187 .225 .262 .30 .34 .37 .45 35 .043 .087 .131 .175 .219 .262 .306 .35 .39 .44 .52 40 .050 .100 .150 .200 .250 .300 .350 .40 .45 .50 .60 45 .056 .112 .168 .225 .281 .337 .394 .45 .51 .56 .67 50 .062 .125 .187 .250 .312 .375 .437 .50 .56 .62 .75 60 .075 .150 .225 .300 .375 .450 .525 .60 .67 .75 .90 75 .093 .187 .281 .375 .469 .562 .656 .75 .84 .94 1.12 90 .112 .225 .337 .450 .562 .675 .787 .90 1.01 1.12 1.35 100 .125 .250 .375 .500 .625 .750 .875 1.00 1.12 1.25 1.50 125 .156 .312 .469 .625 .781 .937 1.094 1.25 1.41 1.56 1.87 150 .187 .375 .562 .750 .937 1.125 1.312 1.50 1.69 1.87 2.25 175 .219 .437 .656 .875 1.093 1.312 1.531 1.75 1.97 2.19 2.62 200 .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 250 .312 .625 .937 1.250 1.562 1.875 2.187 2.50 2.81 3.12 3.75 300 .375 .750 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 2.625 3.00 3.37 3.75 4.50 350 .437 .875 1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 3.062 3.50 3.94 4.37 5.25 400 .500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 500 .625 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 3.750 4.375 5.00 5.62 6.25 7.50 Feet Elevation 75 90 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350 400 Gallons per Min. 5 .09 .11 .12 .16 .19 .22 .25 .31 .37 .44 .50 10 .19 .22 .25 .31 .37 .44 .50 .62 .75 .87 1.00 15 .28 .34 .37 .47 .56 .66 .75 .94 1.12 1.31 1.50 20 .37 .45 .50 .62 .75 .87 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 25 .47 .56 .62 .78 .94 1.09 1.25 1.56 1.87 2.19 2.50 30 .56 .67 .75 .94 1.12 1.31 1.50 1.87 2.25 2.62 3.00 35 .66 .79 .87 1.08 1.31 1.53 1.75 2.19 2.62 3.06 3.50 40 .75 ..90 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 45 .84 1.01 1.12 1.41 1.69 1.97 2.25 2.81 3.37 3.94 4.50 50 .94 1.12 1.25 1.56 1.87 2.19 2.50 3.12 3.75 4.37 5.00 60 1.12 1.35 1.50 1.87 2.25 2.62 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 75 1.40 1.69 1.87 2.34 2.81 3.28 3.75 4.69 5.62 6.56 7.50 90 1.68 2.02 2.25 2.81 3.37 3.94 4.50 5.62 6.75 7.87 9.00 100 1.87 2.25 2.50 3.12 3.75 4.37 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 125 2.34 2.81 3.12 3.91 4.69 5.47 6.25 7.81 9.37 10.94 12.50 150 2.81 3.37 3.75 4.69 5.62 6.56 7.50 9.37 11.25 13.12 15.00 175 3.28 3.94 4.37 5.47 6.56 7.66 8.75 10.94 13.12 15.31 17.50 200 3.75 4.50 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 250 4.69 5.62 6.25 7.81 9.37 10.94 12.50 15.72 18.75 21.87 25.00 300 5.62 6.75 7.50 9.37 11.25 13.12 15.00 18.75 22.50 26.25 30.00 350 6.56 7.87 8.75 10.94 13.12 15.31 17.50 21.87 26.25 30.62 35.00 400 7.50 9.00 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 500 9.37 11.25 12.50 15.62 18.75 21.87 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50.00 The theoretical horse power required to elevate water is found by multiplying the gallons pumped per minute by the total lift (including friction) in feet, and dividing by 4000. To get the actual horse power required, divide the theoretical power obtained from the table above by the efficiency of the pump expressed as a decimal. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 242 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Comparative Equivalents of Liquid Measures and Weights MEASURE AND WEIGHT EQUIVALENTS OF ITEMS IN FIRST COLUMN Measures and Weights for Comparison U. S. Gallon Imperial Gallon Cubic Inch Cubic Foot Cubic Metre Litre *Vedro *Pood Pound U. S. Gallon 1. .833 231. .1337 .00378 3.785 .308 .231 8.33 Imperial Gallon 1.20 1. 277.27 .1604 .00454 4.542 .369 .277 10. Cubic Inch . 0043 .00358 1. .00057 . 000016 .0163 .00132 .001 .0358 Cubic Foot 7.48 6.235 1728. 1. . 02827 28.312 2.304 1.728 62 . 355 Cubic Metre 264.17 220.05 61023. 35.319 1. 1000. 81.364 61.023 2200.54 Litre . 26417 .2200 1 61.0231 .0353 .001 1. .08136 .06102 2.2005 *j Vedro 3.249 2.706 750.1 .4344 .01228 12.29 1. .7501 27.06 1 Pood 4.328 3.607 1000. .578 .01636 16.381 1.333 1. 36.07 Pound .12 .1 27.72 .016 . 00045 .454 .0369 .0277 I. *Vedro and Pood are a Russian measure and weight respectively. (A common water pail holds 19 pounds, or 2.272 U. S. gallons. CONVENIENT TO KNOWX A miner's inch of water equals approximately (One metre equals 39.37 inches, or 3.281 feet. U. S. gallons per minute. Relative Quantities of Water Delivered in 24 Hours, in 1 Hour, and in 1 Minute. Gallons in 24 hours Gallons in 1 hour Gallons in 1 min. Gallons in 24 hours Gallons in 1 hour Gallons in 1 min. Gallons in 24 hours Gallons in 1 hour Gallons in 1 min. 2500000 104166.0 1736.0 650000 27083.3 451.3 150000 6250.0 104.1 2000000 83333.3 1388.0 600000 25000.0 416.7 100000 4166.6 69.4 1500000 62500.0 1041.7 550000 22916.6 381.9 75000 3125.0 52.9 1000000 41666.6 694.3 500000 20S33.3 347.2 60000 2500.0 41.6 950000 39583.3 659.7 450000 18750 312 5 50000 2083.3 34.7 900000 37500.0 625.0 400000 16666.6 277.7 25000 1041.6 17.3 850000 35416.6 590.2 350000 14583 . 3 243.0 20000 833.3 13.8 800000 33333.3 555.5 300000 12500.0 208.3 15000 625.0 10.4 750000 31250.0 520.8 250000 10416.7 173.6 10000 416.6 6.9 700000 29166.6 486.1 200000 8333.3 138.8 5000 208.3 3.4 Strokes for Piston Speed of 100 Feet per Minute Length of Stroke Inches Number of Strokes Length of Stroke Inches Number of Strokes Length of Stroke Inches Number of Strokes 4 5 6 7 8 10 300 240 200 172 150 120 12 14 16 18 20 22 100 86 75 67 60 55 24 26 28 30 36 40 50 46 43 40 33 30 Deep Well Pump Plunger Loads in Pounds Lift in Feet DIAMETER OF CYLINDERS AND LOAD IN POUNDS 2M 3M 3M 4M 4M 5% WA 1Y* 8H 9 9X 10 50 129 180 240 307 384 562 775 956 1228 1377 1535 1700 75 195 270 360 460 .576 845 1162 1435 1840 2065 2300 2550 100 260 360 480 615 770 1125 1550 1910 2455 2755 3070 3400 125 320 450 600 770 960 1405 1940 2390 3070 3440 3835 4250 150 385 540 720 920 1150 1685 2325 2870 3685 4130 4600 5100 200 515 720 960 1230 1535 2250 3100 3825 4910 5510 6135 6800 250 645 900 1200 1535 1920 2810 3875 4780 6140 6885 7670 8500 300 775 1080 1440 1840 2305 3370 4650 5740 7370 8260 9200 10200 350 900 1260 1680 2150 2690 3935 5425 6690 8600 9640 10740 11900 400 1030 1440 1920 2455 3075 4500 6200 7650 9825 11015 12270 13600 500 1290 1800 2400 3070 3840 5620 7750 9560 12280 13770 15340 17000 Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 243 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Table Showing Head in Feet and Pressure in Pounds HEAD OF WATER AND EQUIVALENT PRESSURE OF WATER AND EQUIVALENT PRESSURE HEAD Feet Lbs. Feet Lbs. Feet Lbs. Lbs. Feet Lbs. Feet Lbs. Feet Head Press. Head Press. Head Press. Press. Head Press. Head Press. Head 5 2.17 70 30.3 200 86.6 5 11.5 70 161.6 180 415.6 10 4.33 80 34.6 250 108.2 10 23.0 80 184.7 190 438.9 15 6.50 90 39.0 300 129.9 15 ^4.6 90 207.8 200 461.7 20 8.66 100 43.3 350 151.5 20 46.2 100 230.9 225 519.5 25 10.83 110 47.6 400 173.2 25 57.7 110 253.9 250 577.2 30 12.99 120 52.0 500 216.5 30 69.3 120 277.0 275 643.0 35 15.16 130 56.3 600 259.8 35 80.8 130 300.1 300 692.7 40 17.32 140 60.6 700 303.1 40 92.3 140 323.2 325 750.4 45 19.49 150 65.0 800 346.4 45 103.9 150 346.3 350 808.1 50 21.65 160 69.2 900 389.7 50 115.4 160 369.4 400 922.6 60 26.09 180 i 78.0 1000 433.0 60 138.5 170 392.5 500 1154.5 Table of Effective Fire Streams Using 100 feet of 2^ inch ordinary best quality Rubber-Lined Hose between Nozzle and Hydrant or Pump. J. R. FREEMAN, C. E. Smooth Nozzle, Size M Inch % Inch 1 Inch Pressure at Hydrant, Ibs. Pressure at Nozzle, Ibs. Press, lost in 100ft. 2>^in.hose Vertical Height, feet Horizontal Distance, feet Gallons Discharged per min. II 1 37 90 43j 54 40 50 3 4 60 67 44 50 104 116 65 75 60 70 5 5 72 76 54 58 127 137 86 80 6 79, 62 147 34! a 49 42 123 46 57 40 50 6 7, 62 71 49 55 142 159 69 60 9 77 61 174 80 91 70 80 10 11 81 85 66 70 188 201 371 50 30 40 7l 10 51' 64 47 55 161 186 62 75 50 60 12 15 73 79 61 67 208 228 87 100 70 80 17 20 85 89 72 76 246 263 Smooth Nozzle, Size iy 8 Inch 1M Inch l^s Inch Pressure at Hydrant, Ibs. Pressure at Nozzle, Ibs Press.lostin 100ft.2^in.hose Vertical Height, ft. Horizontal Distance, feet Gallons Discharged per min. 42 30 12 52 50 206 56 40 16 65 59 238 701 84 98 112 49 50 60 70 80 30 20 24; 28 32 9 75 83 88 92 53 66 72 77 81 54 266 291 314 336 2561 65 81| 97j 113 129 58 77 96 1161 1351 154 40 50 60 70 80 30 40 50 60 70 80 25 31j 37 43! 49 28 37 46 56 65 74 67 77 85 91! 95 55 69 79 87 92 97 63 70 76 81' 85' 56 66 73 79 84 88 2961 331 363 392 419 315 363 406 445 480 514 250 gallons per minute gives a good standard fire stream with 80 pounds pressure at the hydrant. Table for Open Weir Measurement Giving Cubic Feet of Water per minute that flows over an open Weir one inch wide and from PELTON W. W. Co. to 20 K inches deep. INCHES X M */s X H H H .00 .01 .05 .09 .14 .19 .26 .32 1 .40 .47 .55 .64 .73 .82 .92 1.02 2 1.13 1.23 1.35 1.46 1.58 1.70 1.82 1.95 3 2.07 2.21 2.34 2.48 2.61 2.76 2.90 3.05 4 3.20 3.35 3.50 3.66 3.81 3.97 4.14 4.30 5 4.47 4.64 4.81 4.98 5.15 5.33 5.51 5.69 6 5.87 6.06 6.25 6.44 6.62 6.82 7.01 7.21 7 7.40 7.60 7.80 8.01 8.21 8.42 8.63 8.83 8 9.05 9.26 9.47 9.69 9.91 10,13 10.35 10.57 9 10.80 11.02 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.17 12.41 10 12.64 12.88 13.12 13.36 13.60 13.85 14.09 14.34 11 14.59 14.84 15.09 15.34 15.59 15.85 16.11 16.36 12 16.62 16.88 17.15 17.41 17.67 17.94 18.21 18.47 13 18.74 19.01 19.29 19.56 19.84 20.11 20.39 20.67 14 20.95 21.23 21.51 21.80 22.08 22.37 22.65 22.94 15 23.23 23.52 23.82 24.11 24.40 24.70 25.00 25.30 16 25.60 25.90 26.20 26.50 26.80 27.11 27.42 27.72 17 28.03 28.34 28.65 28.97 29.28 29.59 29.91 30.22 18 30.54 30.86 31.18 31.50 31.82 32.15 32.47 32.80 19 33.12 33,45 33.78 34.11 34.44 34.77 35.10 35.44 20 35.77 36.11 36.45 36.78 37.12 37.46 37.80 38.15 In making Weir measurements, place a board or plank in the stream at the point so that a pond will form above it. A rectangular notch is cut in it large enough so that all the water will flow over the notch. The length of the notch should be from two to four times its depth. The edges should be beveled to slope outward in the direction of the How of the water. In the pond about six feet above the Weir a stake should be driven so that its top is precisely level with the bottom of the notch, and at some convenient point for measuring. The depth of the water flowing over th Weir may then be ascertained by an ordinary rule, placed on top of the stake, measuring to the surface of the water, and the quantity figured from the table above. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 244 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Friction of Water in Pipes Loss of head in feet due to Friction, per 100 feet of smooth, straight cast iron pipe Gallons Per Minute H-Inch Pipe M-Inch Pipe 1-Inch Pipe IM-Inch Pipe IH-Inch Pipe 2-Inch Pipe 2^-Inch Pipe 3- Inch Pipe 4-Inch Pipe Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 70 75 100 120 125 150 175 200 225 "250 270 275 300 350 400 450 470 475 500 2.10 3.16 4.21 5.26 10.52 5.30 11.30 19.20 29.00 105.00 1.20 1,80 2.41 3.01 6.02 9.02 12.03 1.40 2.90 5.00 7.50 27.10 57.00 97.00 1.12 1.49 1.86 3.72 6.13 7.44 9.30 11.15 13.02 14.88 0.90 1.52 2.32 8.40 18.90 30.10 45.50 64.00 85.00 109.00 0.86 1.07 2.14 3.92 4.29 5.36 6.43 7.51 8.58 9.68 10.72 0.40 0.60 2.18 4.65 7.90 11.90 16.90 22.30 28.50 35.20 43.20 81.00 0.63 0.79 1.57 2.72 3.15 4.56 4.72 5.51 6.30 7.08 7.87 11.02 11.80 15.74 0.187 0.283 1.02 2.25 3.70 5.60 7.80 10.30 13.30 16.60 20.20 37.60 42.70 73.00 .51 1.02 1.53 2.04 2.55 3.06 3.57 4.08 4.60 5.11 7.15 7.66 10.21 12.25 12.75 15.30 ' .09 .36 0.81 1.29 1.96 2.73 3.66 4.68 5.80 7.10 13.20 14.90 25.60 36.00 38.90 54.00 0.33 0.65 0.98 1.31 1.63 1.96 2.29 2.62 2.95 3.30 4.60 4.93 6.54 7.84 8.16 9.80 11.43 13.07 0.05 0.12 0.25 0.43 0.66 0.92 1.23 1.57 1.97 2.38 4.42 5.07 8.60 12.00 13.01 18.72 23.70 30.90 6.45 0.68 0.91 1.13 1.36 1.59 1.82 2.02 .227 3.18 3.41 4.54 5.45 5.68 6.80 7.92 9.08 10.42 11.28 12.45 12.70 13.62 '6.05 0.11 0.18 0.27 0.38 0.51 0.65 0.80 0.98 1.83 2.11 3.52 4.97 5.40 7.72 9.75 12.80 16.00 19.70 22.70 23.60 27.10 1.02 6.16 1.17 0.20 1.28 0.24 1.79 0.45 1.92 0.52 2.55 0.88 3.06 1.22 3.19 1.33 3.84 1.82 4.45 2.40 5.11 3.12 6.32 4.72 6.40 4.80 6.90, 5.50 7.03 5.71 7.66 6.70 8.901 8.80 10.20 11.30 11.50 14.10 12.16 16.00 12.30 16.40 12.77 17.20 15.01 Gallons Per Minute 70 100 120 125 150 175 200 225 250 270 275 300 350 400 450 470 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 5-Inch Pipe 6-Inch Pioe 8-Inch Pipe 10-Inch Pipe 12-Inch Pipe 16-Inch Pipe 20-Inch Pipe 24-Inch Pipe 30-Inch Pipe Vel. Fric. 0.15 0.29 0.41 0.46 0.63 0.84 1.06 1.33 1.60 1.86 1.94 2.25 2.99 3.81 4.75 5.30 5.80 6.90 8.10 9.40 10.80 12.30 Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. Vel. Fric. 1.14 1.63 1.96 2.04 2.45 2.86 3.27 3.67 4.08 4.42 4.50 4.90 5.72 6.54 7.35 7.78 8.17 8.99 9.80 10.62 11.44 12.26 1. 14 '6.10 1.42 0.18 1.48 0.20 1.71 0.23 2.00 0.34 2.28 0.44 2.57 0.53 2.80 0.66 3.03 0.81 3.06 0.82 3.40 0.92 3.98 1.21 4.54 1.58 5.12 1.96 5.49 2.23 5.60 2.33 6.16 2.81 6.72 3.36 7.28 3.93 7.84 4.56 8.50 5.00 9.08 5.64 9.58 6.25 10.30 7.22 10.72 7.65 11.32 8.60 12.50 10.22 13.52 11.92 . . . . : : : : : : : : : 1.60 6.16 1.70 0.18 1.73 0.19 1.90 0.26 2.20 0.29 2.60 0.40 2.92 0.46 3.07 0.55 3.20 0.58 3.52 0.70 3.84 0.83 4.16 0.96 4.46 1.10 4.80 1.24 5.12 1.41 5.48 1.63 5.75 1.76 6.06 2.05 6.40 2.16 7.03 2.51 7.67 3.04 9.60 4.48 12.70 7.65 .' ! '. ! 1.800.150 1.92 0.170 2.04 0.200 2.25 0.236 2.46 0.282 2.66 0.327 2.86 0.368 3.06 0.422 3.28 0.476 3.48 0.534 3.68 0.592 3.88 0.653 4.080.718 4.50 0.860 4. M] 1.040 6.\0 1.490 8.10 2.500 10.103.810 12.10 5.300 14.10 7.200 'i.42 1.57 1.71 1.85 2.00 2.13 2.27 2.41 2.56 2.70 2.84 3.13 3.41 4.20 5.60 7.00 8.40 9.80 11.35 14.20 0.08 0.098 0.106 0.134 0.154 0.170 0.196 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.295 0.35 0.41 0.61 1.02 1.56 2.42 2.80 3.80 5.82 '.'. '. '. :::::::: ::::j:'::: : : : : : 2.390.171 3.19 0.280! 3.99 0.397 4.79 0.568 5.59 0.745 6.38 0.956! 7.960.144 .... . . . . .... .... 3.08 0.191 3.59 0.251 4.10 0.323 5.13 0.488 3.550.199 2.27 0.067 When pipe is slightly rough, add 15 per cent. When very rough, add 30 per cent. Vel. Velocity feet per second. Fric. Friction head in feet. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 245 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Friction of Water in Elbows Loss of head in feet, due to friction in various sizes of smooth 90 elbows when discharging the given quantities of water. &l # 1-Inch IM-Inch IH-Inch 2-Inch 2%-lnch 3-Inch 4-Inch 5-Inch 6-Inch 8-Inch 10-Inch 12-Inch 2 2.04 4.08 6.12 8.16 10.20 12.24 14.28 16.32 o 'C fe 2 4 4 fc 1 _o 5 4 1 o 'C fc, 3 u c fc 8 > _o 1 4 fe ? 4 fe I? _o 13 t> .2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 70 100 120 150 175 200 250 270 300 350 400 450 470 500 750 1050 1250 1500 0.06 0.22 0.49 0.87 1.35 1.95 2.65 3.46 1.30 2.60 3.90 5.20 6.50 7.80 9.10 10.40 11.70 0.14 0.21 0.29 0.52 0.80 1.15 1.60 2.05 2.70 '2.73 6.09 3.64J0.16 4.55 0.25 5.46 0.36 6.37 0.50 7.280.64 8.190.81 9.100.99 12.74 1.98 ::: :!: '2.60 3.06 3.57 4.05 4.60 5.11 7.15 10.20 12.25 15.30 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.23 0.29 0.35 0.70 1.41 2.24 3.20 '2.29 2.62 2.95 3.30 4.60 6.54 7.84 9.80 11.43 13 07 6.09 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.34 0.74 1.17 1.58 2.16 2.96 2.02 2.27 3.18 4.54 5.45 6.80 7.92 9.08 11.28 12.45 13.62 0.06 008 0.19 0.29 0.46 0.66 0.90 1.18 1.84 2,35 2.63 1.79 2.55 3.06 3.84 4.45 5.11 6.40 6.90 7.66 8.90 10.20 11.50 12.16 12.77 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.22 0.30 0.40 0.62 0.70 0.89 1.24 1.59 2.01 2.26 2.47 6.04 0.07 0.14 0.20 0.29 1.60 1.70 1.90 2.20 2.60 2.92 3.07 3.20 4.80 7.04 8.00 9.60 6.64 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.10 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.36 0.76 1.00 1.44 1.96 2.45 2.86 3.27 4.08 4.42 4.90 5.72 6.54 7.35 7.78 8.17 12.26 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.25 0.25 0.36 0.50 0.63 0.81 0.90 1.01 2.24 '2.66 2.28 2.80 3.03 3.40 3.98 4.54 5.12 5.49 5.60 8.40 12.57 14.10 6.06 0.07 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.24 0.29 0.39 0.46 0.48 1.09 2.41 3.02 1.80 1.92 2.00 3.00 4.40 5.00 6.10 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.15 0.29 0.40 0.58 i.40 2.10 3.08 3.50 4.20 When pipe is slightly rough, add 15 per cent. When very rough, add 30 per cent. Vel. Velocity in feet per second. Fric. Friction head in feet. Table shows loss for one elbow, and is based on Weisbach's Formula for short radius bends. Water Required per Minute to Feed Boilers (Using the "Centennial Standard" 30 pounds or 3.6 gallons of water per horse power per hour, evaporated from 100 F. to 70 pounds steam pressure per square inch.) H. P. Boiler Feed Water Gallons H. P Boiler Feed Water Gallons H. P. Boiler Feed Water Gallons H. P. Boiler Feed Water Gallons H. P. Boiler Feed Water Gallons 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 100 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 6.0 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 6.6 7.2 7.8 8.4 9.0 9.6 10.2 10.8 190 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 11.4 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 24.0 27.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0 54.0 60.0 Sizes of Single-Acting Triplex Pumps Recommended to Feed Boilers While 30 pounds of water per horsepower per hour is the usual basis of estimate, this table pounds per hour, giving a reasonable amount of excess supply. based on 36.6 Horse Power of Boiler FEED WATER AT 212 Size of Pump Revolu- tions per Minute Horse Power of Boiler FEED WATER AT 212 Size of Pump Revolu- tions per Minute Pounds per Hour Gallons per Minute Pounds per Hour Gallons per Minute 50 1830 3.6 2^ 2 29 600 21960 43.8 4^ 6 35 75 2745 5.4 2Y 2 3 29 700 25620 51.3 5 6 34 100 3660 7.3 3 3 28 800 29280 58.5 5 [ A 8 24 150 5490 10.9 3^ 3 30 1000 36600 73.2 sy 2 8 30 200 7320 14.6 3^ 4 28 1200 43920 87.8 6 8 30 250 9150 18.3 3^ 4 37 1500 54900 109. 7 8 28 300 10980 21.9 4 4 34 1800 65880 131. 8 8 25 350 12810 25.6 4 6 27 2000 73200 146. 8 8 29 400 14640 29.3 4 6 30 2500 91500 183. 8 10 28 500 LS300 36.6 4^ 6 30 3000 109800 219. 9 10 26 Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 246 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Irrigation Quantity Tables Amount of water required to cover one acre to given depths. *Second Feet reduced to Gallons and Acre Feet. Gallons required to cover a given number of acres to a depth of one foot (Acre foot) Depth in Cubic jeet (or inches and second feet) feet (Acre contained in inches and L 01 *e acre to. acre feet) depths given in Gallons Second feet Gallons per minute Gallons per pumping day of 12 hours. Acre feet per pumping day of 12 hours Acres (or number of acre feet) Gallons first column ft. in. I 1 3630 27154 \i 112.2 80790 .2479 1 325851 2 7260 54309 1 'y, 224.4 161579 .4959 2 651703 3 10890 81463 H 336.6 242369 .7438 3 977554 4 14520 108617 1 448.8 323158 .9917 4 1303406 5 18150 135771 1M 561.0 403948 1.2397 5 1629257 6 21780 162926 1H 673.2 484738 1.4876 6 j 1955109 7 25410 190080 1M 785.5 565527 1.7355 7 2280960 8 29040 217234 2 897.7 646317 1.9835 8 2606812 9 32670 244389 2^ 1122.1 807896 2.4793 9 2932663 10 36300 271542 3 1346.5 969475 2.9752 10 3258515 11 39930 298697 4 1795.3 1292634 3 . 9669 15 4887772 00 43560 325851 5 2244.2 1615792 4.9586 20 6512029 2 50820 380160 6 2693.0 1938951 5.9503 25 8146286 4 58080 434469 7 3141.8 1 2262109 6.9421 30 9775544 6 65340 488777 8 3590.6 2585268 7.9338 40 13034058 8 72600 543086 9 4039.5 i 2908426 8.9255 60 19551087 10 79860 597394 10 4488.3 i 3231585 9.9173 80 26068116 2 00 87120 651703 20 8976.6 6463170 19.8345 160 52136232 *One cubic foot of water per second (exact 7.48052 gallons) constant flow is known as the The "Acre Foot" is the quantity of water required to cover one acre to a depth of one foot. Second Foot. Contents of Round Tanks in U. S. Gallons for Each Foot in Depth Inside Diameter Ft. In. Gallons One foot in depth Inside Diameter ! Ft. In. Gallons One foot in depth Inside Diameter Ft. In. Gallons one foot in depth Inside Diameter Ft. In. Gallons One foot in depth. 1 5.87 5 9 194.19 10 6 653 . 69 15 3 1365.96 1 3 9.17 6 211.44 10 9 678.88 15 6 1407.51 1 6 13.21 6 3 229.43 11 710.69 15 9 1457.00 1 9 17.98 6 6 248.15 11 3 743 . 36 16 1503.62 2 23.49 6 9 267.61 11 6 776.77 16 3 1550.97 2 3 29.73 7 287.80 11 9 810.91 16 6 1599.06 2 6 36.70 7 3 308.72 12 848.18 16 9 1647.89 2 9 44.41 7 6 330.38 12 3 881.39 17 1697.45 3 52.86 7 9 352.76 12 6 917.73 17 3 1747.74 3 3 62.03 8 375.90 12 9 954.81 17 6 1798.76 3 6 73.15 8 3 399.76 13 992.62 17 9 1850.53 3 9 82.59 8 6 424.36 13 3 1031.17 18 1903.02 4 93.97 8 9 449.21 13 6 1070.45 18 3 1956.25 4 3 103.03 9 475.80 13 9 1108.06 18 6 2010.21 4 6 118.93 9 3 502.65 14 1151.21 18 9 2064.91 4 9 132.52 9 6 530.18 14 3 1192.69 19 2121.58 5 146.83 9 9 558.45 14 6 1234.91 19 3 2176.68 5 3 161.88 10 587.47 14 9 1277.86 19 6 2233.52 5 6 177.67 10 3 617.17 15 1321.54 20 2349.46 Atmospheric Pressures, Equivalent Heads and Suction Lift ALTITUDE Barometric Pressure Per Sq. In. Pounds Equivalent Head of Water Feet Practical Suction Lift of Pumps Feet Sea Level 14 70 33 95 22 34 mile (1320 feet) above sea level 14 02 32 38 21 Yv mile (2640 feet) above sea level 13.33 30.79 20 % mile (3960 feet) above sea level 1 mile (5280 feet) above sea level 12.66 12 02 29.24 27 76 18 17 1 % miles (6600 feet) above sea level 11.42 26 38 16 1 Yv miles (7920 feet) above sea level 10 88 25 13 15 2 miles (10560 feet) above sea level 9.88 22.82 14 NOTE. Barometer in inches multiplied by 0.4908 equals pressure per square inch. Alphabetical Index, Figure Index and Telegraph Cipher Code, Pages 249 to 254 247 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Theoretical Discharge of Nozzles in U. S. Gallons Per Minute HEAD Velocity of Dis- charge Feet per Sec. DIAMETER OF NOZZLE IN INCHES Pounds Feet rV y* & H H 1 A H *A % 10 23.1 38.6 0.37 1.48 3.32 5.91 13.3 23.6 36.9 53.1 72.4 15 34.6 47.25 0.45 1.81 4.06 7.24 16.3 28.9 45.2 65.0 ! 88.5 20 46.2 54.55 0.52 2.09 4.69 8.35 18.8 33.4 52.2 75.1 102. 25 57.7 61.0 0.58 2.34 5.25 9.34 21.0 37.3 58.3 84.0 114. 30 69.3 66.85 0.64 2.56 5.75 10.2 23.0 40.9 63.9 92.0 125. 35 80.8 72.2 0.69 2.77 6.21 11.1 24.8 44.2 69.0 99.5 135. 40 92.4 77.2 0.74 2.96 6.64 11.8 26.6 47.3 73.8 106.' 145. 45 103.9 81.8 0.78 3.13 7.03 12.5 28.2 50.1 78.2 113. 153. 50 115.5 86.25 0.83 3.30 7.41 13.2 29.7 52.8 82.5 119. 162. 55 127.0 90.4 0.87 3.46 7.77 13.8 31.1 55.3 86.4 125. 169. 60 138.6 94.5 . 90 3 . 62 8.12 14.5 32.5 57.8 90.4 130. 177. 65 150.1 98.3 0.94 3.77 8.45 15.1 33.8 60.2 94.0 136. 184. 70 161.7 102.1 0.98 3.91 8.78 15.7 35.2 62.5 97.7 141. 191. 75 173.2 105.7 1.01 4.05 9.08 16.2 36.4 64.7 101. 146. 198. 80 184.8 109.1 1.05 4.18 9.39 16.7 37.6 66.8 104. 150. 205. 85 196.3 112.5 1.08 4.31 9.67 17.3 38.8 68.9 108. 155. 211. 90 207.9 115.8 1.11 4.43 9.95 17.7 39.9 70.8 111. 160. 217. 95 219.4 119.0 1.14 4.56 10.2 18.2 41.0 72.8 114. 164. 223. 100 230.9 122.0 1.17 4.67 10.5 18.7 42.1 74.7 117. 168. 229. 105 242.4 125.0 1.20 4.79 10.8 19.2 43.1 76.5 120. 172. 234. 110 254.0 128.0 1.23 4.90 11.0 19.6 44.1 78.4 122. 176. 240. 115 265.5 130.9 1.25 5.01 11.2 20.0 45.1 80.1 125. 180. 245. 120 277.1 133.7 1.28 5.12 11.5 20.5 46.0 81.8 128. 184. 251. 125 288.6 136.4 1.31 5.22 11.7 20.9 47.0 83.5 130. 188. 256. 130 300.2 139.1 1.33 5.33 12.0 21.3 48.0 85.2 133. 192. 261. 135 311.7 141.8 1.36 5.43 12.2 21.7 48.9 86.7 136. 195. 266. 140 323.3 144.3 1.38 5.53 12.4 22.1 49.8 88.4 138. 199. 271. 145 334.8 146.9 1.41 5.62 12.6 22.5 50.6 89.9 140. 202. 275. 150 346.4 149.5 1.43 5.72 12.9 22.9 51.5 91.5 143. 206. 280. 175 404.1 161.4 1.55 6.18 13.9 24.7 55.6 98.8 154. 222. 302. 200 461.9 172.6 1.65 6.61 14.8 26.4 59.5 106. 165. 238. 323. HEAD Velocity nf DIAMETER OF NOZZLE IN INCHES OI Discharge Pounds Feet Feet per Sec. 1 iy* i l A iH 1H IK 2 VA VA 10 15 23.1 34.6 38.6 47.25 94.5 116. 120 147 148 181 179 219 213 260 ' 289 354 378 463 479 i 591 585 ! 723 20 46.2 54.55 134. 169 209 253 301 409 535 676 835 25 57.7 61.0 149. 189 234 283 336 458 598 756 934 30 69.3 66.85 164. 207 256 309 368 501 655 828 1023 35 80.8 72.2 177. 224 277 334 398 541 708 895 1 106 40 92.4 77.2 189. 239 296 357 425 578 756 957 1182 45 103.9 81.8 200. 253 313 379 451 613 801 1015 1252 50 115.5 86.25 211. 267 330 399 475 647 845 1070 1320 55 127.0 90.4 221. 280 346 418 498 678 886 1121 1385 60 138.6 94.5 231. 293 362 438 521 708 926 1172 1447 65 150.1 98.3 241. 305 376 455 542 737 964 1220 1506 70 161.7 102.1 250. 317 391 473 563 765 1001 1267 1565 75 173.2 105.7 259. 327 404 489 582 792 1037 1310 1619 80 184.8 109.1 267. 338 418 505 602 818 1070 1354 1672 85 196.3 112.5 276. 349 431 521 620 844 1103 1395 1723 90 207.9 115.8 284. 359 443 536 638 868 1136 1436 1773 95 219.4 119.0 292. 369 456 551 656 892 1168 1476 1824 100 230.9 122.0 299. 378 467 565 672 915 1196 1512 1870 105 242.4 125.0 306. 388 479 579 689 937 1226 1550 1916 110 254.0 128.0 314. 397 490 593 705 960 1255 1588 1961 115 265.5 130.9 320. 406 501 606 720 980 1282 1621 2005 120 277.1 133.7 327. 414 512 619 736 I 1002 1310 1659 2050 125 288.6 136.4 334. 423 522 632 751 1022 1338 1690 2090 130 300.2 139.1 341. 432 533 645 767 1043 1365 1726 2132 135 311.7 141.8 347. 439 543 656 780 1063 1390 1759 2173 140 323.3 144.3 354. 448 553 668 795 1082 1415 1790 2212 145 334.8 146.9 360. 455 562 680 809 1100 1440 1820 2250 150 346.4 149.5 366. 463 572 692 824 1120 1466 1853 2290 175 404.1 161.4 395. 500 618 747 890 1210 1582 2000 2473 200 461 9 172.6 423. 535 660 799 950 1294 1691 2140 1 2645 NOTE. The actual quantities will vary from these figures, the amount of variation depending upon the shape of nozzle and size of pipe at the point where the pressure is determined. With smooth taper nozzles the actual dis- charge is about 94 per cent, of the figures given in the tables. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 248 TELEGRAPH CODES AND INDEXES FOR CONVENIENCE OF PATRONS EMBRACING FIGURE INDEX AR- RANGED BY FIGURE NUMBERS, CONSECUTIVELY; AND ALPHA- BETICAL INDEX ARRANGED BY NAME OF ARTICLE. THE TELE- GRAPH CIPHER CODE DEFINES SENTENCES RELATING TO EN- QUIRIES AND PRICES; ALSO ORDERS AND THEIR EXECUTION. HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Telegraph Cipher Code For the accommodation of those desirous of making inquiries, or placing orders by telegraph, we append the following code, the use of which will often save considerable expense. A great part of the articles listed in this catalogue are given cipher words by which they may be ordered by telegraph. OUR CABLE ADDRESS is "DEMING, Salem, Ohio." We also use Lieber's, Bentley's, the A. B. C. 4th and 5th Edition, and Western Union Telegraphic Codes. When using either of these special Codes, add to telegram the word "Lieber" for the Lieber Code; the word "Alphabet" for A. B. C. 4th and 5th Editions, and the word "Western" for Western Union Telegraphic Code, etc. 4 Concerning Orders, Quotations and Shipments PADDLING . . How soon could you ship if ordered at once? PADDLE . . We have in stock. PALENESS . .When will you ship? PASTORATE . Enter our order for .... specifica- tions for which follow by mail. PASSWORD . Do not ship our order of .... un- til advised by us. PASTRY . . . Ship what you have in stock, and let balance follow as soon as possible. PATHETIC . .Ship immediately by freight. PATHOS . . .Ship immediately by express. PEERDOM . . We can ship . . . PEEVISH . .We will ship.... PETULANT . .Answer by telegraph at our ex- pense. PINDAR . . . We have received no letter from you in regard to. ... PINAFORE . . We have no reply to our telegram of. PIPPIN . . .Have you received our letter of .... regarding .... PISTOLET . . We do not understand your tele- gram by cipher code, repeat it using regular language. PITCHING . . Write us fully in regard to matter in our letter of .... PITIABLE . .When you receive our letter of .... please telegraph reply. PROBATE . . Referring to your letter of .... PROBE . . . Referring to our letter of PROBOSCIS . Answer by telegraph. PROCLAIM . . Mail blue-print of .... PROCTOR . . Referring to your telegram of ... PRODDING . . Referring to our telegram of ... PROFFER . . Answer by mail. PACATION . .Pump fitted with bronze plung- ers and bronze-lined stuffing boxes and glands. PACING . . .Pump fitted with brass cased plungers and bronze-lined stuffing boxes and glands. PIMENT . . . Pump with all-bronze water end. PADRA . . .Complete with. .. .H. P. motor. PAGODA . . . For .... volt, direct current. PALING . . .For. . . .volt, alternating current. .... phase, .... cycles. PLATEN . . . Fitted for 1 -inch Suction Pipe. PLATONIC . . Fitted for 1 %-inch Suction Pipe. Concerning Classes of Goods PLATOON . .Fitted for 1^-inch Suction Pipe. PLATTER . . Fitted for 2-inch Suction Pipe. PLAUDIT . . Fitted for 2^4-mch Suction Pipe. PLAUSIBLE . Fitted for 3-inch Suction Pipe. PLAUSIVE . . Fitted for 1-inch Discharge Pipe PLASTRON . .Fitted for lJ4-inch Discharge Pipe. PLAYFUL . .Fitted for 13^-inch Discharge Pipe. PLAYING . . . Fitted for 2-inch Discharge Pipe. PLEADING . .Fitted for 2^-inch Discharge Pipe. PLEADER . . Fitted for 3-inch Discharge Pipe. Complete Table of Contents and General Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 250 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Alphabetical Index PAGE Accessories, Metal and Glass, for Pumps 105 Accessories, Spraying 213-215 Acid Pumps 139-147 "Acme" Spraying Nozzle 214 "Aerospra" Compressed Air Sprayer 203 Air Chambers for Discharge Pipe 102 Air Compressors 135 Air Cylinder for Deep Wells 80 "Ajax" Double Acting Piston Pump 172-173 Artesian Well Cylinders 88-89 Artesian Well Plungers and Valves 79,81 "Atlas" Double-Acting Power Pump 164-167 "Atlas" Hydro-Pneumatic Water Systems . . 192-193 Automobile Rotary Gasoline Pumps ....... 145 Automobile Plunger Gasoline Pumps 124 Bilge Pumps 115,116 "Blue Special" House Force Pump 20 Boiler Feed Pumps, Hand, Single Plunger 123 Boiler Feed Pumps, Power 154-155 Boiler Testing Pumps 122-123 "Bordeaux" Spraying Nozzle 214 Bottom Cylinder Cap with Valve 81 Brass and Brass-lined Cylinders 83-90 Brass Goods 104-105 Brass Valve Seat 79 Brine Circulating Pumps 142-144, 154-157, 160-161, 169-174 Centrifugal Pumps 148-150 "Century" Barrel Sprayer 207 "Century" Whitewashing Outfit 128 Cistern Pumps, Lift and Force 15-16 "Climax" Double-Acting House Force Pumps . . 26-27 "Climax" Water Systems 189 "Clock Pumps," with Wing Valves 24-25 Cocks and Valves, Brass 104 Cog Lever Pumps 33,47-48,61,66-67,114 "Colonial" Quick Return Force Pump 127 "Comet" Spray Gun 216 Compressed Air Sprayers 203 Contractors' Pumps 116-117,148-150 Creamery Pumps 130-131,142-144 Current Breakers 109,110 Cylinders and Accessories 78-94 Cylinders, Artesian Well, Brass 88-89 Cylinders, Brass-lined, Iron 83,91 Cylinders, Iron 82, 91 Cylinders, Irrigating 91, 94 Cylinders, Seamless Brass Body 84-90 "Deco" Special Spraying Hose 106,216 Deep Well Pump Standards 72-75,178 Deep Well Power Working Heads 177-185 Deep Well Pump Heads . 177 Deep Well Triplex Pumps 186 "Demorel" Spraying Nozzle 214 Diaphragm Suction Pumps for Hand and Power 116-117 Discharge Hose 106 "Domestic" Kitchen Pump 13 Double-Acting Belt-Driven Spray Pump 211 Double-Acting Hand Force Pumps . . 24-27, 113. 114 Double-Acting House Force Pumps 24-27 Double-Acting Power Pumps 164-174 Drives for Power Pumps, Types of . 155, 157, 161-162 Drive Cap, Malleable 108 PAGE Drive Well Points 108 Drive Well Pumps 32-41 "Duplex" Outside- Packed Plunger Spraying Pump 211 Electric Mine Pumps. . . Electric Driven Pumps . . Electric House Pumps . . Elevator Pumps "Eureka" Spraying Nozzle . . . 154-157,170-174 142-144, 154-162, 164-174 160-161,164-167,190-191 154-155 214 Factory Pumps, Miscellaneous Hand and Power . . 122, 125, 128-129, 154-155, 164-186 "Farmer's Friend" Sprayer 208 Field Sprayer, Four-Row 209 Fire Extinguishers 125 Fittings for Pipe 97 Foot and Float Valves 101-102 Force Pumps for Plumbers' Use 122-123 Force Pumps, Hand Rotary 139-141 Force Pumps, Hand and House 16-28 Force Pumps, Power Rotary .... 142-144, 146-147 Force Pump Standards, Hand and Windmill . . 50, 57-68 Force Pumps, Well, Hand 38-48 Garage Pumps, for Gasoline 124, 145 Garden Pumps, for Spraying 204-205 Garden Pumps, Hand, Irrigating. "Gardener's Choice" Sprayer . . Gas Engine Cooling Pumps . . . Gasoline Garage Pumps .... Gate Valves, Globe Valves and Check Valves Gauges, Water and Pressure "Gem" Hose Nozzle "Giant" Double-Acting Thresher Tank Pumps "Giant Simplex" Spraying Nozzle Goose Neck Spouts Grease and Oil Cups Greenhouse Pumps for Water Supply. Greenhouse Pumps, for Spraying. . . . Hand and House Force Pumps .... Hand and Power Pumps, Miscellaneous. Handle Balls "Handy Success" Bucket Sprayer . . . Heads, Power Working Horizontal Hand Force Pumps .... Horizontal Double-Acting Piston Pumps, Power Hose, "Deco" Special Spraying Hose Couplings Hose, Discharge and Suction House Force Pumps House Lift Pumps House Pumping Outfits How to Install Deming House Lift and Force Pumps Hydraeram Hydraulic Hand Pumps for Plumbers . Hydraulic Rams Hydro-Pneumatic Steel Tanks .... Hydro-Pneumatic Water Systems . . . "Ideal" Double-Acting Oscillating Pumps Iron Cylinders Irrigating Pumps Knapsack Sprayers Leathers for Plungers and Lower Valves . Lever Handle Bibbs and Stops .... Lift Pumps, Set-Length 26-27,113-116 204 . . . 142-144 . . . 124,145 104 109 106 114 214 102 105 164-167, 189-196 . . . 200-207 .... 16-28 . . . 113-136 102 201 . . . 177-185 . . 26-27,114 164-174 106,216 . . 215 . . 106 . 16-28 . 12-15 189-196 11 ... 134 . 122-123 . 132-133 ... 198 . 189-198 . . 24-25 . . 83,91 94, 148-150 ... 202 . . 92-93 ... 104 . 32-37 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 251 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Alphabetical Index Continued PAGE "Little Giant" Hydraulic Pressure Test Pump . . 122 Lower Valves and Valve Seats 81 "Major" Barrel Sprayer 206 Malleable Fittings 97 "Marine" Bilge Pumps 115 "Marine" Irrigating Pumps 94 "Marvel" Electric House Pump 190 "Marvel" Water Systems 190-191 "Mascot" Pipe Standard Lift Pumps 34 Mine Pumps 154-155, 164-174 "Neptune" Double-Acting Piston Pump 174 "New Era" Double-Acting House Force Pumps . . 17 Non-Freezing Hand and Windmill Pumps . . . 32-48 Nozzles, Spraying 214 Oil Pumps, Power Rotary, 147 Oil Pumps, Horizontal Power 169 Orchard Sprayers 206-213 Oscillating Force Pumps, with Wing Valves . . . 24-25 Outlet Valves 102 Paper Mill Pumps 154-159 "Peerless" Cog Lever Force Pumps 47-48 "Peerless" Windmill Force Pumps 43-48 "Peerless" Double-Acting Force Pumps .... 43-48 "Perfect Success" Bucket Sprayer 201 Pipe Fittings 97 Pipe Holders, Lifters and Pullers 107 Pipe Standard Lift and Force Pumps . 34-35, 38, 40, 66-67 Pipe, Spellerized Steel 96 Pipe Cutters and Die Stocks 107 Pipe Vises and Wrenches 107 Piston Pumps, Hand and Power 164-174 Piston Pumps, Horizontal Double-Acting . . . 164-174 Piston Rod Roller Guides 102, 186 Pitcher Spout Pumps 12, 14 "Planters' Tractor" Sprayer 205 Plungers for Cylinders 79 Plunger and Valve Leathers 92-93 Plunger Pump, Hand and Power 211 Pneumatic Pumps 135 Power Pumps, Single-Acting, Triplex .... 154-161 Power Pumps, Double-Acting, Horizontal . . 164-174 Power Spray Pumps -. . . 211-213 Power Spraying Outfits 212-213 Power Working Heads for Deep Wells . 72-75, 176-185 "Premium " Hand Force Pumps 40 Pressure Regulators for Electric Motor Circuits . . 110 "Prize" Bucket Sprayer 200 Pump Bracket, for Sinks 103 Pump Heads, Deep Well .' 177 Pumping Jacks 136 Pump Leathers, Oak Tanned 92-93 Pump Rods, Steel and Wood 98-99 Pump and Cylinder Valves 80-81 Railway Water Supply Pumps .... 154-159, 170-174 Rams, Hydraulic 132-133 Repairs or Extra Parts 217-238 Relief Valves 109,216 Rod Couplings and Steel Rod 98 Rods, Wood Sucker and Connections 99 Rotary Force Pumps, Hand and Power . . . 139-147 Rotary Gasoline Pumps, Automobile 145 Rotary Oil Pumps, for Lubricating Machine Tools . 147 Complete Table of Contents and General Rubber Hose and Tubing "Samson" Double-Acting Sprayer . . Set-Length Lift and Force Pumps . . Ship's Deck Pumps , "Simplex" Spraying Nozzle Single-Acting Triplex Plunger Pumps Sink Bracket for Pitcher Pumps . . . Sinks, Cast Iron, Enameled PAGE . . . 106,216 210 . . . . 32-48 26-27, 113-115 214 . . . 154-161 103 . 103 Siphon Force Pumps, Hand and Windmill . . 118-120 Southern Lift and Force Pump 126 Spout Hose Clevis 102 Sprayers, Barrel . 206-207,210 Sprayers, Bucket 200-201 Sprayers, Field 208-209 Sprayers, Compressed Air and Knapsack . . . 202-203 Sprayers, Power, and Outfits 211-213 Spraying Accessories 215-216 Spraying Nozzles 214 Stop Cocks, for Spraying Outfits 215 "Straight Line" Pumps and Working Heads . . 71-76 Strainers, Suction, for Pipe and Hose 100 "Success" Bucket and Tank Sprayers 201 Suction Strainers 100 Sucker Rod and Joints 99 Suction Hose 106 Sugar House Pumps 154-161, 170-174 Tanks for Hydro-Pneumatic Systems 198 Three-Way Force Pumps 46, 48, 65, 68 Thresher Tank Pumps 114 Triplex Mine Pumps 154-157 Triplex Power Pumps, Single Acting 154-161 Triplex Deep Well Power Pumps 186 Triplex Pumps for Hydro-Pneumatic Service . . . 197 "Triumph" Double-Acting Force Pump, Hand 112-113 "Triumph" Double-Acting Piston Pump, Power 170-171 Vacuum Pumps 135 Valves, Check, Foot and Float, Iron 101-102 "Vermorel" Spraying Nozzle 214 "Victory Junior" Power Sprayer . 212 "Victory" Power Sprayer 213 Vises, Pipe 107 Water Systems, "Marvel" 190-191 Water Systems, ''Climax" 189 Water Systems, Deep Well 194-196 Water Systems, Hydro-Pneumatic 189-196 Water Works Pumps 154-161 Well Lift and Force Pumps, for Hand 32-48 Well Force Pump Standards 53-55 Well Lift Pump Standards 51-52 Whitewashing Outfits 128 Windmill Connections 109 Windmill Force Pumps on Base 121 Windmill Force Pump Standards 57, 59-68 Windmill and Power Irrigating Cylinder 91 Windmill Lift Pump Standards 56, 58 Windmill Three- Way Force Pumps 65,67,68 Wing-Valve Pumps, Oscillating 24-25 Wood Sucker Rods and Pin Connections .... Working Heads, Deep Well, Geared . . 178-185,73-75 Working Heads, Deep Well, Triplex 186 Yard Pumps 32-48 "Y" Discharge Connection and Stop Cock .... 215 Classification of Pumps, Pages 7 and 8 252 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Index to Figures Articles in this Catalogue are generally designated by a Figure number. This Index should be used when the Figure number is known; otherwise, the Alphabetical Index , preceding, should be used to find description and list when the name is known. FIG. PAGE FIG. PAGE FIG. PAGE FIG. PAGE 40 . 156-157, 162 306 . . 80 415,^ . .... 68 566 122 48 . . . . . . 160,161 308 . . . 83 421 .... .... 37 569 . . . . .... 178 50 . . l. r >4-155, 162,198 311 ... 88 430 .... .... 121 570 . . . . .... 24 52 . .' . . . 158-159 312 . 84 439 177 575 . 140 61 .... 182-183 314 . . . 86 440 . . . . .... 60 576 . . . . .... 141 62 .... 180-181 320. . . 119 441 .... .... 63 577 . . . . 138, 142-143 63 . 181 321 119 442 .... 30,41 577K 142-143 66 . 179 322 . . . 85 444 .... . . . 50,60 578 . . . . .... 139 80 . . .... 184-185 324. . . 89 444^ - - - .... 61 579 . . . . .... 139 82 . . .... 184-185 325 . . . 101 445. ... .... 62 580 . . . . .... 147 101 14 326 . . . 101 450 .... .... 43 582 . . . . ... 129 102 13 328. . . 101 450H . . .... 47 585 . . . . .... 130 115 14 330 . . . 101 451 .... .... 44 590 . . . . .... 130 120 . 15 334. . . 100 4513^ . . . .... 47 591 . . . . .... 131 124 15 335. . . 80 452. ... .... 45 594 . . . . ... 123 125 12 336 . . . 101 452^ . . . .... 48 595. ... .... 146 166 35 338 . . . 100 453. ... .... 46 598 . . . . . . 148,149 182 34 339 . . . 100 453^ . . . .... 48 599. ... .... 150 183 . . 35 340 . . . . .... 100 470. ... .... 115 600. ... ... 26 184. 38 341 ... ...... 100 471 .... .... 115 600M .... 27 185 . . 38 343 . . . . . . f . 102 472 .... .... 116 601 . . . . . . 112,113 198. . 32 344. . . 102 473. ... .... 116 602 . . . . .... 113 211 . 36 350. . . 102 475 .... .... 94 606 . . . . .... 28 219 39 362 . '. . 102 476 .... .... 94 608. ... .... 26 223. . 39 364 . . . 215 482. ... .... 34 608^ . . . .... 27 224 . 51 366 . . . 215 484 .... .... 57 609 . . . . . . 170-171 229 54 367 . . . 216 494 . . . . .... 58 630 . . . . .... 108 230 52 368. . . 102 496 .... .... 59 633 . . . . .... 210 231 . . 53 369. . . 102 498 .... .... 59 636. ... .... 99 239 55 380 91 508 .... ... 10, 18 644 . . . . 128 258. . 66 383. . . 215 509 .... .... 19 645 ... .... 207 259 . . 67 384. . . 215 516 . .... 20 647 .... .... 208 260 66 385 . . . 118 518. ... .... 16 651 . .... 204 261 67 386. . . 118 519 .... .... 16 653. ... .... 209 277 . . 127 387 . . . 120 520 .... .... 22 654 .... 202 280. . 43 389 . . . . . 102,186 523 .... , . . . 21 659 ... .... 201 281 . . 44 390. . . . .... 109 524 . . . . .... 23 663 . . . . .... 203 282. . 45 394. . . 56 531 .... .... 144 669 .... .... 200 283. . 42,46 398 . . . 32 532. ... .... 144 670 .... .... 25 290 40 403 . . . 56 540. ... .... 17 675. ... .... 202 291 40 407 . . . 64 544 .... .... 17 680 ... .... 135 298. . 33 408 . . . 65 554 ... ... 114 688 .... . . 109,216 300 . 82 415 . . . ' 68 554H . ... 114 689 . . . . .... 201 Engineering Tables and Information Relating to Hydraulics, Pages 239 to 248 253 HAND AND POWER PUMPS FOR ALL USES Index to Figures Continued FIG. PAGE FIG. PAGE FIG. PAGE FIG. PAGE 690 132-133 844 .... ... 107 970 216 1540 109 691 . 164-167 848 107 972 216 1 545 105 695 ... 134 855 . . . ... 107 980 ... ... 215 ! 1608 . no 696 . . . 174 858 ... 107 981 ... . . . 215 1637 . . 99 708 . . . 168 861 ... 107 1000 . . . ... 216 1668 . . 125 710. . . 186 866 ... 214 1078 . . . ... 102 1685 . . 190 716 . . . . . . 172-173 866^ . . . . ... 214 1079 . . . ... 102 1686 . . 191 725 . 124 884 . 107 1140 215 1696 169 726. . . 124 898 ... 108 1150 . . . . . . 215 1700 . . 71 729 . . . 212 900 ... 104 1152 . . . ... 216 1716 . ..'.... 72 730 . . . 213 904 ... 104 1165 . . . ... 216 1717 . 73 733 . . . 215 908 ... 104 1229 . . . ... 54 1718 74 747. . . 136 913 ... 104 1231 . . . . ' . . 53 1719 75 749 . . . 215 917 . . . 104 1239 55 1720 76 751 . . . 216 919 . .. . 104 1274 . . . ... 126 1995 109 752 . . . 216 933 ... 210 1311 . . . . ... 90 2001 189 753 . . . . ' . . . .214 948 . . . 106 1315 87 2002 189 754. . . 214 949 ... 215 1380 . . . . ... 91 2003 . 189 759 . . . 200 951 ... 215 1430 . . . . ... 121 2004 189 761 . . . .... 211 955 ... 215 1439 . . . . ... 177 2009 192 766 . . . .... 214 960 ... 214 1444 . . . . .... 57 2012 193 766^. . .... 214 962 ... 215 1473 . . . . ... 117 2016 . . 194 770 . . . .... 216 963 ... 214 1508 . . . . ... 110 2018 . . 196 776 . . . .... 145 965 ... 214 1526-A . . . ... 109 2020 . . 195 788. . . .... 105 966 . . . ... 215 1526-B . . . ... 216 2085 . . 190 822 205 968 201 1535 109 ins*. 191 832 . . 206 254 THE CAXTON COMPANY CLEVELAND THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ' 5 FE25'56 2 J LIBRARY, BRANCH OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 5m-8,'37 (s) 24507 TJ902 Deuiin^ comp any. D4 Hand & po wer pumps for all use 3. JAN 20 '50 HOV 2 1 ' ; ^ ~D(Z ST) > S7&' LIBEAET, BKANOH OF THB COLLEGE OB 1 AGEIOTJLTUEB, DAVIS TINIVEESITY OF OALIFOENIA