HD 803 UC-NRLF GIFT OF DOCUMENTS DEPT. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION RULES GOVERNING THE CLASSIFICATION OF TELEPHONE EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE AS CF JULY 1, 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION RULES GOVERNING THE CLASSIFICATION OF TELEPHONE EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE AS OF JULY 1, 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 -sr THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. HENRY C. HALL. EDGAR E. CLARK. JAMES S. HARLAX. CHARLES C. McCnoRD. BALTHASAR H. MEYER. WIXTHROP M. DANIELS. GEORGE B. McGiNTT, Secretary. (2) ORDER. At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 13th day of July, A. D. 1917. Ordered, That the rules entitled " Rules governing the classifica- tion of telephone employees'' be approved, effective as of July 1, 1917, and that all telephone companies within the scope of section 20 of the Act to Regulate Commerce as amended be governed by the said rules in the preparation and submission of their annual reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission. By the Commission. [SEAL.] GEORGE B. McGixir, Secretary. (3) 104475 17 3C8368 RULES GOVERNING THE CLASSIFICATION OF TELEPHONE EMPLOYEES. Effective as of Juli/ 1, 1917. 1. Definition of employees. For the purpose of statistical count and classification the word employees, as used herein, is intended to include all persons in the service of the reporting telephone company subject to its continuing authority to supervise and direct the manner of rendition of their service, regardless of the fact that certain of such persons may be devoting part time only to the service of the company; may be employed for temporary periods; or may be absent temporarily on leave (e. g.. vacation) or on account of disability due to accident or sickness. It is intended to exclude persons engaged to render only specifically defined service and not subject to the continuing authority of the company to supervise and control their acts, such as independent contractors performing specific work cr services for the company but not under its direct control and management: also persons who receive only a royalty or re- tainer from the company : pensioners not required to render service ; persons absent on definitely granted leave without pay and not sub- ject to call for duty - T and persons temporarily laid off from service. Persons on vacation, whether with or without pay, should be con- sidered employees if subject to call for duty. 2. Counting employees. Section 20 of the Act to Regulate Com- merce requires that telephone companies in their annual reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission shall state " the number of em- ployees and the salaries paid each class." The number of employees being likely to fluctuate, telephone companies are required to classify Mid count their employees, male and female separately, at two dif- ferent times each year; viz, as of the end of each of the months of June and December. The last day of the month shall be considered the end of the month, except when it falls on a Sunday or a holiday, in which case the count shall be made as of the last preceding business day. Every person sustaining to the telephone company the rela- tion of employee, as defined in section 1 above, shall be included in the count. (5) 6 3. Joint employees. Each, person (except as provided in the next succeeding paragraph) concurrently engaged under a joint ar- rangement in the service of two or more telephone companies, shall be considered a joint employee and shall be counted by each tele- phone company involved in such joint service arrangement and rep- resented in its return of the number of employees by a fraction based on the number of telephone companies served. For example, if such an employee is in the service of three telephone companies, each such company shall report him under the number of employees as one- third of an employee. If, however, the entire compensation of an employee concurrently engaged in the service of two or more tele- phone companies is borne by a single telephone company, he shall, for the purpose of these returns, be treated as an employee of that company and not as a " joint " employee. A person employed by and serving two or more telephone com- panies in the capacity of a general officer but acting independently for each company shall be counted and reported as one employee by each company. The term " general officer " as here used means an officer serving a company in such a capacity as that of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, general counsel, general solicitor, controller, general auditor, general manager, or chief engineer. 4. Classification of employees with respect to character of service. Employees shall be classified with respect to character of service rendered in accordance with the definitions of classes given below. Where an employee's duties are such as to make him includ- able in two or more classes he shall be counted under that classifica- tion indicated by the preponderating character of his work, and the return of his rate of compensation shall be assigned to the same classification. 1. GENERAL OFFICEES AND ASSISTANTS. Include under this head employees engaged in the general super- vision of the affairs of a company as a whole, together with their special staff assistants, and those engaged in the supervision of a general department of a company, such as president, assistants to president, vice presidents, assistants to vice presidents, secretary, as- sistant secretaries, treasurer, assistant treasurers, general counsel, general solicitor, controller, general auditor, general manager, or chief engineer. 2. OPERATING OFFICIALS AND ASSISTANTS. Include under this head employees engaged in, and responsible for, the administration of an entire operating department of a com- pany or a division or district thereof, and those engaged either in the supervision of certain phases of the work of an operating unit or in staff or research work incidental thereto, such as general, di- vision, and district commercial, plant and traffic superintendents, superintendents of construction, maintenance, and buildings and supplies, purchasing agents, supervisors of directories, and advertis- ing managers. XOTE. The general manager shall be included in Group 1. 3. ATTORNEYS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY AGEXTS. Include under this head employees regularly engaged in legal work on behalf of the company, those engaged in negotiations with official public bodies and individual or corporate property owners for the purpose of securing right-of-way privileges, tax attorneys, tax agents, etc. NOTE. The administrative head of the legal department shall be included in Group 1. 4. ENGINEERS. Include under this head employees engaged in the supervision of the engineering work of a departmental or territorial unit, and those who direct surveys or field work, prepare designs, plans, estimates or specifications, or make technical studies and investigations in con- nection with the development, construction, modification, mainte- nance, or operation of telephone plant : such as engineers of outside plant, engineers of inside plant, traffic engineers, building engineers, appraisal engineers, power and light engineers, fundamental plan engineers, division plant engineers, and district plant engineers. NOTE. The administrative head of the engineering department shall be in- cluded in Group 1. 5. DRAFTSMEN, SURVEYORS. AND STUDENT ENGINEERS. Include under this head employees engaged, in field or office, in elementary technical work in connection with the development, con- struction, modification, maintenance, or operation of telephone plant, such as chief draftsmen, draftsmen, fieldmen, surveyors, rodmen, ehainmen, and student engineers. 6. ACCOUNTANTS. Include under this head employees engaged in directing the dis- bursement or revenue accounting of an entire company or at an ac- counting center, and those engaged in directing or making audits or in special staff or research work in telephone accounting and statis- tics, such as auditors of disbursements, auditors of receipts, division auditors of receipts, division revenue supervisors, disbursement super- visors, chief traveling auditor, traveling auditors, statisticians, and other special accountants. NOTE A. The administrative head of the accounting department shall be in- cluded in Group 1. NOTE B. Employees whose duties are primarily those of a bookkeeper or clerk shall be included in Group 7. 8 7. CLEKICAL EMPLOYEES. Include under this head employees engaged in or supervising gen- eral or specialized office work (other than that performed by em- ployees incidentally to their principal duties as indicated by the other groups herein established), such as cashiers, paymasters, book- keepers, chief clerks, clerks, clerical students, stenographers, typists, messengers, and office boys, etc. NOTE. Helpers, apprentices, junior workmen, and other students undergoing specific training, should be classified in accordance with the character of the work for which they are being trained. 8. LOCAL MANAGERS. Include under this head employees engaged in the supervision of,- and responsible for, either the commercial or the entire work in the territory covered by a local office, such as managers, commercial managers, and nonfunctional or combination managers. 9. COMMERCIAL AGENTS. Include under this head employees engaged in soliciting, outside collections, and other commercial work of a similar character usually performed outside of the company's offices, such as chief commercial agents, commercial agents, chief contract agents, contract agents, soliciting agents, directory advertising agents, chief collectors, out- side collectors, and adjusters. 10. EXPERIENCED SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS. Include under this head all experienced employees engaged in oper- ating or supervising the operation of switchboards or similar auxiliary apparatus, and those in immediate charge of the training school for operators or engaged in giving instructions to students in operating methods, practices, and rules, such as chief operators, supervisors, operators, public telephone attendants, private branch exchange operators, chief instructors, and instructors. 11. OPERATORS IN TRAINING. Include under this head all employees who are taking the school course for operators, also all operating-room employees engaged in operating switchboard or similar auxiliary apparatus, but who are not classed as experienced operators. 12. SERVICE INSPECTORS. Include under this head employees engaged in investigating and adjusting service criticisms and in making special service tests and inspections at subscribers' premises and at central offices, and those engaged in making and recording routine detailed service observa- tions, such as traffic inspectors and service observers. 13. SUPERVISING FOREMEN. Include under this head employees who have immediate charge of unit or gang foremen engaged in the construction, installation, modi- fication, or maintenance of telephone plant, such as general foremen^ chief equipment foremen, chief installation foremen, chief line fore- men, chief foremen of cablemen, chief foremen of cable splicers, and chief foremen of subway construction. 14. CENTRAL OFFICE INSTALLATION AND MAINTE- NANCE MEN. Include under this head employees engaged in installing or direct- ing installations of central office equipment, those engaged at cen- tral offices in making tests of plant and equipment or in the main- tenance of central office equipment, or in immediate charge of such test and maintenance forces, and those engaged in inspecting central office equipment^ such as central office installation foremen, central office installers, wire chiefs, test board men, equipment men, auto- matic and semiautomatic switchmen, central office repairmen, and central office inspectors. 15. LINE AND STATION CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, AND MAINTENANCE MEN. . Include under this head employees engaged in the construction, modification, and maintenance of aerial plant, including those in immediate charge of this work and those engaged in its inspection, those engaged in installing station or private branch exchange equip- ment or in immediate charge of this work, and those engaged in re- pairing station and private branch exchange equipment and the repair of aerial plant incidental thereto, together with employees at small exchanges who, in addition, repair central office equipment and in- ' stall station equipment, such as' line foremen, linemen, - climbers, groundmen, troublemen, line inspectors, station installation foremen, P. B. X and P. A. X. (private automatic exchange) foremen, station installers. P. B. X- and P. A. X. installers and installers' helpers. NOTE. Where an employee is assigned both to line and station work and to cable and conduit work, he should be classed in accordance with the prepon- derating character of his work. 16. CABLE AND CONDUIT CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTE- NANCE MEN. Include under this head employees engaged in the construction, modification, or maintenance of underground conduit, the placing, rearrangement, or removal of underground, house, block, or sub- marine cable, or the testing or splicing of cable, and those in immedi- ate charge of one or more phases of this work, such as conduit fore- men, masons, masons' helpers, tile layers, concretemen, conduit 10 laborers, paving foremen, pavers, cable foremen, cablemen, splicing foremen, splicers, and splicers' helpers. 17. ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES. Include under this head employees net provided for in other groups, such as nurses, matrons, teamsters, chauffeurs, yard, shop, and miscellaneous foremen, storekeepers, stable and garage men, shopmen, janitors, porters, watchmen, elevator operators, cooks, wait- resses, dishwashers, directory carriers, miscellaneous laborers, etc. Grouping of classes of einploijccs for atiuuttl reports of tel( filionc companies 1o Interstate I'ontiitcrce Commission. Group No. Class A Companies. Class B Companies. Class C Companies. Title. Title. Title. 1 General officers and assist- General officers and as- ants. sistants. Officers and operating 2 Operating officials and as- Operating officials and heads. sistants. assistants. 3 Attorneys and right-of- Attorneys and right-of- way agents. way agents. 4 Engineers. (Engineers, draftsmen, Attorneys, engineers, 5 Draftsmen, surveyors, surveyors, and stu- and accountants. and student engineers. dent engineers. 6 Accountants. Accountants. 7 Clerical employees. Clerical employees. Clerical employees. . 8 Local managers. Local managers. ILocal managers and '3 Commercial agents. Commercial agents. j commercial agents. 10 Experienced switchboard Experienced switch- operators. board operators. 'Operators and service 11 Operators in training. Operators in training. inspectors. 12 Service inspectors. Service inspectors. 13 Supervising foremen. 14 Central office installation and maintenance men. 15 Line and station construc- Plant construction and Plant construction and tion, installation, and maintenance men. maintenance men. maintenance men. 16 Cable and conduit con- struction and mainte- nance men. 17 All other employees. All other employees. All other employees. o ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V AN FINE > BE THIS BOOK E g E TO%o"cENTS ON THE FOURTH OVERDUE. LD 21-95m-7,'37 Gaylord Bros. 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