W*Xnr^C?C Columbia ftnitoergitp STUDIES IN EOMANCE PHILOLOGY AND LITERATUEE THE SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS SALES AGENTS NEW YORK: LEMCKE & BUECHNER 30-82 West 27th Street LONDON : HENRY FROWDE Amen Corner, KC. TORONTO : HENRY FROWDE 25 Richmond Street, West THE SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ZADIG BY WILLIAM RALEIGH PRICE Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements fob the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty of Philosophy, Columbia University NEW YORK 1911 Copyright, 1911 By The Columbia University Press Printed from type. Published September, 1911 Press of The new Era Printing company lancaster. pa si™ TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I Introduction 1 In which is shown where a lacuna exists in the study of Voltaire's novels, and how to fill it. CHAPTER II Voltaire's Symbolism 22 What it is. — Why he made use of it. — What its sources are. His method of composition. CHAPTER ni Zadig 39 The provenience and significance of the name. Probable sources and internal evidence from the novel. CHAPTER IV MOABDAR 87 Provenience and significance of the name. Vol- taire 's pseudonym in connection with his sym- bolism. CHAPTER V ASTARTE 114 Significance of Astarte for Voltaire's sym- bolism. v 227358 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER VI Abimazb 141 Significance of the name. Application to Vol- taire 'a personal enemies. CHAPTER VII Arbogad 165 Interpretation of the name and the episode. Identification of the character. Comparison with other similar episodes and creations of Voltaire. CHAPTER VIII Jesead 230 Interpretation of the character. The episodes of Itobad and Irax. Bibliographical Note 266 Vita 270 \ U\ The Symbolism of Voltaire's Novels With Special Reference to Zadig CHAPTEK I INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Introduction is to show, (1) where a real lacuna exists in the study of Voltaire's novels, and (2) how that lacuna is to be filled. In order to show this, I shall give a resume and an analysis of what has been done by my predecessors in the field. Resume of the Bibliography No less a scholar than Gaston Paris has treated the episode of t he Angel and the Hermit (La Poesie du moyen age, premiere serie, troisieme edition, Paris, 1895, p. 151 ff.) as it has ap- peared in literature from the earliest times down. If he had connected this episode with 1 1 • *< 2 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS Voltaire's life and informed us just what Vol- taire meant by it, there would be nothing more to be said on this topic; but, unfortunately, he neglected to do that. There is a dissertation on the Sources of Zadig, by Mr. W. Seele (Leipzig, 1891), which is largely an elaboration of hints thrown out by Dunlop and others. The author confines him- self strictly to his subject of the sources, giving nothing about Voltaire's purpose in writing the novel. In treating the general topic of the Orient in French, German and English literatures, the following authors have something to say about Zadig: (1) Pierre Martino (U Orient dans la litterature frangaise au XVII e et au XVIII 6 siecle, Paris, 1906) ; (2) A. J. F. Remy (The Influence of India and Persia on the poetry of Germany, New York, 1901) ; (3) Martha P. Conant (The Oriental Tale in England in the Eighteenth Century, New York, 1908). M. Pierre Martino gives the impression that he is not at all sure just what Zadig purports to be ; he dismisses the subject of its realism by saying that it is a capricious tale in the style of Crebil- Ion fils, in which allusions to modern life crop INTRODUCTION 3 up unexpectedly and by way of contrast (p. 277 f.). Dr. Eemy points out the immediate and the ultimate sources of the novel (p. 15), and calls attention to the meaning of the name of the hero as "Speaker of the truth" (follow- ZZsiJij ing, in this interpretation, Hammer, GeschicMe derschonenRedehunstePersiens). But neither Remy nor Hammer attempted to show whether Voltaire was familiar with this meaning, either by citing his possible authorities, or by internal evidence from the novel. Miss Conant says (p. 135) that Zadig is, "of course," Voltaire, but she offers no evidence to substantiate her asser- tion. She probably followed Parton's Life of Voltaire, in which the Duchess of Maine is quoted as authority for that application. Miss Conant also indicates her belief that the other characters, "with their fanciful Oriental names," are Voltaire's court friends and enemies. Desnoiresterres has little to say about Vol- taire's novels. He gives a paragraph of three lines to Candide, and calls attention, in a note, to the perfidious intention, the sly allusions, of Zadig. In his well-known Life of Voltaire, S. G. Tallentyre says that Candide is directed I SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS against Jean Jacques Kousseau, but fails to specify in what way and to what extent. The general histories of the novel are just as meagre, with the exception of Dunlop, for the sources of Zadig. Dunlop contrasts the successful in- vestigation of the sources of Zadig with the fail- ure to discover any literary sources for Candide. There are a few magazine articles about Vol- taire's novels, of which the following may be mentioned: (1) Blackwood's Magazine, IV (1819), p. 155 ff.; (2) Dublin University Magazine, LXVII (1866), p. 64 ff., p. 184 ff.; (3) Modern Language Notes, 10O6 (in which Mr. Leon Fraser points out the earliest source of the episode of the Dog and the Horse, in the Talmud) . Louis Moland (whose edition of Voltaire's works will be referred to as M., followed by the volume and the page number), gives excerpts of the more important utterances about Vol- taire's novels (in Vols. I and XXI, the latter of which contains the novels). They deal prin- cipally with the moral of the novels (i. e., the philosophic thesis, what the Germans call the Tendenz), or they are expressions of personal impressions. Moland's edition also reproduces INTRODUCTION 5 the footnotes of his predecessors, and offers some original ones. They give important indications of the purpose of Voltaire in writing his novels, but no general conclusions are drawn from them. Analysis of the Bibliography The above resume of the Bibliography shows that the three points of view in literary criti^ cism :. the historical, the. psychological, and the impressionistic, are all represented, but in very unequal proportions and by critics of widely different significance. I shall treat them suc- cessively under their proper headings. The Historical Criticisms The historical criticisms r deal, it will be noticed, exclusively with the literary sources. The problem that confronts us here is to deter- mine the significance of such investigations for the interpretation of Voltaire's novels. No attempt is made by me to belittle the im- portance of the investigation of sources' per se; the point is,, whether such investigations are im- portant for Voltaire's work. I shall attempt to show that they have little or no importance. In the first place, what have we accomplished 6 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS when we have shown that every episode in Zadig is imitated from this or that literary source ? We have, at the most, confirmed Fre- ron's charge (M. 21, p. 86, note 1), that Vol- taire was a common plagiarist, lacking in in- vention and devoid of imagination. That would be a remarkable conclusion about the work of a man like Voltaire, whose imagination re- ceived such unstinted praise from his contem- poraries, and which, even to us, sparkles and effervesces through the printed words. In the second place, if Zadig is a literary patch-work, how are we to explain Candide, for which no literary sources have been discovered ? Is it likely that Voltaire's imagination, verve, originality, invention were less in 1747 than in 1759 ? On the contrary, the conclusion is absurd. I consider it demonstrated that, the greater and the better founded the charges of imitation in Zadig seem, the less the significance of such charges is for the interpretation of Voltaire's work. Now, if the significance of Voltaire's novels is not in the sources, wherein does it consist? I shall show that it consists in his symbolism. INTRODUCTION 7 In the first place, what has Voltaire to do with Oriental fiction? or with fiction? or with the Orient ? Is it not clear that the Orient is, for him, but a symbol for the Occident, just as he speaks of the bonzes and the Magians as symbols of the priests of Trance ? We must never lose sight of the intensely practical char- acter of Voltaire's work; its very intimate con- nection with his own life and the life of his times. He was not the type of author who shut himself up in his study and thought out or sought out fine themes and situations for artistic remaniment. Even his dramas have an inti- mate connection with the thought, life, and social conditions in which he lived. He was probably inspired to compose (Edipe by the relations of the Regent and his daughter, the famous Duchess of Berry. He tells us that the persecutions which he suffered during the period of the Voltairomanie turned to tragic sentiments and inspired the composition of Zulime and Mahomet (M. 35, pp. 226-227). If that is true of his dramas, how much more must it be true of his novels! There is an edition of Zadig of the year 1756 (cf. Bengesco, I, p. 438, note) entitled: La destinee ou le theatre de la I 8 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS vie humaine, ouvrage historique de M. de Vol- taire. The publisher of that edition took liber- ties with Voltaire's title, but the character of Voltaire's work justifies them. Destiny is but the linking of cause and effect in a given en- vironment. If, in Zadig, the Orient is a symbol for the Occident, the characters, the scenes, the incidents and episodes of the novel are also sym- bolic, and the literary sources can have nothing to do with the interpretation of the work. Vol- taire seems to wish to indicate that the sig- nificance of Zadig lies in its symbolism, when he says, in the Epitre dedicatoire (M. 21, p. 32), that Vhistoire de Zadig (est un) ouvrage qui dit plus quil ne serrible dire. The conclusion which we have reached by an analysis of the historical criticisms is fortified by Voltaire's opinions about the novel in gen- eral, and about particular novels. It is obvious that one of the best indications as to what Vol- taire's novels are likely to be, as well as what they are likely not to be, is furnished by his criticisms of other novels. The following are the more important of these criticisms. INTRODUCTION 9 Voltaire's Criticisms of the Novel He praises Gulliver (M. 33, p. 165; Febr. 1727), which had appeared the preceding year. " C^estje _R^elaisjie t X4afiS§te^!§ 5 ma i s G ' es t un Rabelais sans fatras, et ce livre serait amu- sant par lui-meme, par les imaginations singu- lieres dont il est plein, par la legerete de son style, . . . quand il ne serait pas d'ailleurs la satire du genre humain." He does not understand the Esprit des Lois, but he praises the Lettres persanes: "bon ouv- rage que celui-la" (M. 1, p. 349). "Ces ouv- rages d'ordinaire ne reussissent qu'a. la faveur de Fair etranger; on met avec succes dans la bouche d'un Asiatique la satire de notre pays, qui serait bien moins accueillie dans la bouche d'un compatriote; ce qui est commun par soi- meme devient alors singulier" (M. 14, Cata- logue des grands ecrivains, article Montesquieu). Hej>rai§e8_the ..satire of contemporary events and personages by Crebillon fils (Tanzai et Neardane, ou V Ecumoire, histoire japonaise). "L'Histoire japonaise m'a fort rejoui dans ma solitude ; je ne sais rien de si fou que ce livre, et rien de si sot que d' avoir mis Fauteur a, la Bas- tille. Dans quel siecle vivons-nous done? On 10 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIEE'S NOVELS brulerait apparemment La Fontaine au- jourd'hui" (M. 33, p. 461, note; p. 472). They would have burned him (Voltaire), if he had been the author, is the sentiment of his friends. There are scores of references for his scorn J of the usual type of novel, with its imaginary | events and personages. They are lacking in imagination, full of portraits of people whom the author does not know (M. 21, p. 48), and spoil the taste of young people (M. 14, p. 142). There is more in four pages of Ariosto than in all these insipid writings which inundate France. He is never tired of praising Ariosto's \ admirable allegories, which make his poems im- mortal. The following letter to Marmontel, whose Contes moraux were so popular in the latter half of the 18th century, is a perfectly clear and definite indication of Voltaire's conception of the mission which fiction should fulfill (Janu- ary 28, 1764) ; " Vous devriez bien nous faire des contes philosophiques, ou vous rendriez ridicules certains sots et certaines sottises, cer- taines mechancetes et certains mechants; le tout avec discretion, en prenant bien votre INTRODUCTION 11 temps, et en rognant les griffes de la bete quand vous la trouverez un peu endormie." What better plan, and what plan more in harmony with all that we know of Voltaire, could be chosen by the author of Zadig and Candide, than the one indicated here: to draw his char- acters and scenes from reality, subordinated to\/ an anti-religious tendency ? It is significant for his realism that he wrote to the Marquis de Thibouville, author of love stories of Egypt and Syria, that Mme. Denis was more inter- ested in what was taking place in Germany dur- ing the Seven Years' War, than in what was going on at Memphis and Babylon (M. 39, p. 301). Frederick also shows that he was fully cognizant of the realistic bearing of Voltaire's works when he urges him to write an Ahakia to flay the fools of Europe and their follies (M. 39, p. 434). There is no doubt that Voltaire was following his advice when he composed Candide. Frederick also gives testimony to the presence of moral allegories in Zadig and Can- dide (M. 1, p. 139; Eloge de Voltaire par le roi de Prusse). Enough has been quoted to show, in connec- tion with the historical criticisms which we 12 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS have analysed, that the significance of Vol- taire's novels must consist in their relation to his life and the life of his times. This is really a problem in psychological criticism. The Psychological Criticisms The analysis of the Bibliography shows but few and scattered traces of psychological criti- cism. Where it appears is principally in con- nection with the moral of the novels. This is all well and good in the case of some of the novels, as Micromegas, for example; here the moral is everything. Take away the philo- sophic idea of the relativity of things and there would be nothing left. Likewise in ISIngenu, with its dearth of characters and incident, and its wealth of discussion and quotations, the tendency of the novel is of paramount impor- tance. But this is far from being the case in Zadig and Candide, with their great variety of characters and episodes. Here the moral does not play so great a role, nor is it so easy to de- termine just what that moral is. For example, how much further are we advanced, if, like Mo- land, we subscribe to Auger's explanation of the moral of Zadig and Candide? (M. 21, p. IV of INTBODUCTION 13 the Avertissement) : " Zadig a pour objet de demontrer que la Providence nous conduit par des voies dont le secret lui appartient et dont souvent s'indigne notre raison bornee et peu soumise. Candide, tableau epouvantablement gai des miseres de la vie humaine, est une refu- tation du systeme de l'optimisme, deja combattu par l'auteur dans son poeme du Desastre de Lis- bonne." We need to define our terms here, or Auger's words are either meaningless or mis- leading. We must know what Voltaire means by Providence in Zadig and by Optimism in Candide, Is it not rather strange that the author of the Essai sur les mceurs and of the Dictionnaire philosophique, through both of which the phrase, adorons la Providence et soumettons-nous, runs like a mocking refrain, should mean it seriously and literally, in the Christian sense, in Zadig? And is it not just as strange that Voltaire, who never changed his mind about Pope's Essay on Man, which he calls the finest didactic poem ever written, and who himself was a cause- finalier, should refute the system of Optimism, as a philosophic con- ception, in Candide? What is the secret of these and similar con- 14 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS tradictions in Voltaire? Why, for example, does the man of whom Marmontel truly said (Memoires, Vol. 2; quoted from M. 1, p. 38; Jugements sur Voltaire) : " Mais le plus grand des biens, le repos, lui fut inconnu," appear in the role of the Sybarite in the Mondainf Such contradictions are only apparent contradictions. Either the author takes only one phase of a given conception, or philosophic system, and uses it as a convenient thread on which he strings a number of episodes, or, on the other hand, it is not a bit different with his work than with his descriptions of the court, for ex- ample. At one time the court is the palais d'Alcine; at another it is the palais du vice. It all depends upon the author's personal experi- ences within a given period and the purpose he has in view in the composition of his works.* Any judgment of his literary productions apart from the experiences in which they are rooted is bound to be false and misleading. Thus Faguet charges him, from the title of one of his Epitres, with continually arguing the Pour and the Contre. There is a basis of truth in Faguet's charge; Voltaire does argue for and against, but he has good and sufficient reason for so INTRODUCTION 15 doing. The presentation of arguments for and against in the same work is a frequent device with him to keep the postern open when the main entrance is garnished by the emissaries of persecution; his enemies have mistaken the interlocutors ; his own ideas are those of A, not those of B. Voltaire alternately praises and lashes his century, but the progress of reason on the one hand, or the success of certain fools and their follies on the other hand, are sufficient explanation of his conduct. There have been two fallacies in the psycho- logical criticisms of Voltaire's novels. They both have to do with the moral, or tendency of the novels, and consist in its interpretation with- out due consideration, first, of the various mean- ings that may be attached to such words as Providence, Destiny, Optimism, and second, of the author's experiences in the period in which his work was conceived and composed. Thus the psychological point of view, as it has been applied to Voltaire's novels, has produced little more than impressionism. 16 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS The Impressionistic Criticisms It is axiomatic that the personal opinions of a cldtic have no more authority than we are will- ing, br than we are obliged by various con- siderations, to concede to them; yet they are often of value, in that they indicate a lacuna for historical and psychological criticism to fill. The very fact that the impressionist expresses an opinion without having maturely investi- gated the subject and without a show of evi- dence to support his conclusion, leaves the field open for confirmation or refutal. This is true, in a remarkable degree, of the criticisms of Voltaire's novels. The Lacuna The Duchess of Maine asserted, according to Parton, that Zadig was Voltaire, and that Moabdar was Louis XV. Such an expression of opinion can not be disposed of offhand. Many of Voltaire's novels were composed at Sceaux, and the Duchess was in a position to know intimately the character of these novels, and especially that of Zadig. A large problem is here suggested : the identification of the char- acters of the novel with their actual or probable INTBODUCTION 17 prototypes. That most of the personages of the novel are Voltaire's friends and enemies " under fanciful Oriental names," as suggested by Miss Conant, seems probable, first, in view of the statement of the Duchess of Maine, second, be- cause one character, Yebor, has long been iden- tified with Boyer, and third, because, in all VoK taire's novels, there are an infinity of allusions ^ to contemporary events and personages. The probabilities, then, are all in favor of the hy- pothesis that Cador, for example, is a particular friend of Voltaire, and that Arimaze is a par- ticular Envieux. What Desnoiresterres calls V intention perfide, Vallusion sournpise suggests an equally impor- tant lacuna ? intimately connected with the pre- ceding. What was this intention? What are these allusions? The opinion of the King of Prussia that Zadig and Candide contain moral allegories suggests a third problem of no less importance : the discovery and interpretation of these alle- gories. The opinion of Hammer and Remy that the name Zadig is from the Arabic and means " Speaker of the truth " suggests a fourth prob- 2 18 SYMBOLISM OF VOlVTAIRE'S NOVELS lem of equal significance: the interpretation of the proper names of the novels. That a real problem confronts us here is obvious, first, be- cause, if Zadig meant the " Truth-teller " for Voltaire, that meaning must have influenced the conception and execution of his novel; second, because one anagramme (Yebor for Boyer) has been discovered in the novel ; third, because we meet with such curious names in Voltaire's novels : Orcan, Ogul, Arbogad, Cacambo, Thun- der-ten-tronckh, among others, and it is hardly conceivable that they mean nothing. One of the most prominent traits of the litera- tures that Voltaire is imitating in Zadig is the I ready bestowal of epithets to commemorate cer- \ tain events. Numerous instances of this will \occur to any reader of the Bible. An Arab had I as many epithets as he had characteristics. Be- sides, Voltaire's chief argument that the wretched Hebrews borrowed their cult from the Egyptians, the Phoenicians, and the Babylon- ians, was drawn from a study of their proper names. They got their Adonai' from the Phce nicians, their angels and devils from the Chal- deans, their Enoch was the same as Janus, their Eloa was the same root as Helios, etc. Voltaire INTRODUCTION 19 simply imitated the scholarship of his time, wherever it suited his purpose. If it did not suit his purpose, he discarded it with scorn and irony. He then refers to it as the "demon of etymologizing." Bochart and Calmet continu- ally explained French words as derived from the Hebrew. Bochart considered that Chinese and German were the same language (M. 17, p. 516). He made the Celts a colony of the Egyptians (M. 18, p. 107). Voltaire charges the authors of the Dictionnaire de Trevoux with carrying this practice of etymologizing accord- ing to sound to an absurd excess (M. 17, p. 126). Dome, they say, is from Samaritan Doma, which means "better"; Phison is the same as the Guadalquivir, because, " de Phison on fait aisement Phaetis; de Phaetis on fait Baetis, qui est precisement le Guadalquivir" (M. 17, p. 275). In view of Voltaire's known practice and that of his contemporaries, it would seem im- portant to determine the provenience of the names of his characters. Take the name of the angel Jesrad, for example. Can there be any adequate interpretation of the episode in which he appears, without an investigation of the name 20 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS of this enigmatical creature, who is man and angel, who speaks so wisely and acts so diabol- ically, and who finally flies back to the tenth sphere, which mythology has always assigned as the abode of the supreme being? Or, con- sider Arbogad, the robber. In Hebrew, gad means both "robber" and "God." How can a robber be God ? Or how can God be a robber ? And what has arbo to do with the name ? The names of the characters, the identifica- tion of the characters, the interpretation of the purpose of the author, of his allusions, of his allegories, are all phases of one and the same question, namely, Voltaire's symbolism. That is the lacuna* How this Lacuna is to be Filled The question that must be answered now, is : How is this lacuna to be filled ? I shall try to fill it by a careful study of Voltaire's method of composition. I do not refer here to Voltaire's style ; I am not concerned with the vivacity of his language, the rapidity of his action, the lightness of his touch, the precision of his comparisons. What I wish to ascertain is, how he came to create INTRODUCTION 21 certain characters ; what they actually are, why they are just what they are, i. e., what the au- thor meant them to be, and why. The problem is one of psychological analysis; the method is a painstaking search for data; the data are furnished by Voltaire's works in fifty large octavo volumes. CHAPTEK II VOLTAIRE'S SYMBOLISM Irr this chapter I shall examine, (1) what Voltaire's symbolism is; (2) what its sources are; (3) why he made use of it; and (4) his method of composition* What Voltaire's Symbolism Is I am not particularly concerned with symbol- ism, as such, but rather with a certain type of narrative, description, and characterization which I think that I have discovered in Voltaire and which, for want of a better name, I have termed Voltaire's symbolism. I mean by it simply his use of symbols. What is a symbol? I use it in the sense of anything which stands for another thing, or for other things. In order to stand for another thing, or for other things, a word, or term, or sign must be, by established convention or by individual use, a part of the idea or ideas for which it is used as the representative; as, for 22 VOLTAIRE'S SYMBOLISM 23 example, the cross, for Christianity. A symbol may be, therefore, by its significance and con- ventional use, or may be made, by an artificial association, the representative of a score of things, by virtue of certain similar or identical characteristics. In this respect symbolism dif- fers from the parable, which, by its etymology, is quite the same word. In a parable there are generally but two terms to the comparison, as: " The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a certain man," etc. The parable of the ewe lamb is in point, because it shows the second step in sym- bolism. When the High Priest says to David : " Thou art the man," he has changed his simile into a metaphor, into a simple equation. Sym- bolism is, therefore, the use, or the abuse, if you will, of a metaphor, and may itself be illus- trated symbolically, as follows : If A is like B, and B is like C, and C is like D, then, by virtue of the element common to them all, A = B = C = D. That is Voltaire's symbol- ism reduced to its lowest terms. The Sources of Voltaire's Symbolism The sources of Voltaire's symbolism are to be found ultimately in the names he gives to 24 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS things. Now, the names that one gives to things depend on the way one looks at things. It is obvious that the cross can not mean for Vol- taire what it meant for the Jansenists or the Jesuits, and that he can not look upon David with the eyes of the devout believer, as a man after God's own heart. What was the cross for him I It was in the same category as the sacred cat among the Egyptians. How does he tell the tragic story of the infamous martyrdom of the Chevalier de La Barre ? A young man, who failed to salute the sacred cat borne by the hierophant in solemn procession, was killed a coups de barre de fer. What was King David for him? An infamous brigand who collected a band of four hundred debauchees and usurped the crown of a little kingdom of barbarians, whose little tribal God was a man after the King's own heart (M. 27, p. 232). At best words are but symbols ; their meaning and application are varying, subtile, elusive. But how much so when an author plays with them! It is obvious that an author can make use of words in their etymological significance, in their meaning by extension, and with any connotations that they may have for him. How VOLTAIKE'S SYMBOLISM 25 can Voltaire make Jean Jacques Kousseau " un sauvage M ? First, because Kousseau loved to wander alone in the woods, and "sauvage" means, etymologically, "he who lives in the woods"; second, because he made himself the prophet of man in a state of nature. What is paradise for Voltaire? "Vivre eternellement dans les cieux avec l'Etre supreme, ou aller se promener dans le jardin, dans le paradis, fut la meme chose pour les hommes, qui parlent toujours sans s'entendre, et qui n'ont pu guere avoir encore d'idees nettes ni depressions justes" (M. 21, p. 392). These are simple il- lustrations, but it is obvious from them that we can know nothing of an author's symbolism without knowing what meanings he gives to words, how he associates them, how he makes them equivalent, and by what name, sign, or symbol in short, he calls this equivalence. An \ author can make his symbolism as unintelli- gible to us as a work in a foreign tongue, with whose vocabulary and syntax we are unfamiliar. But then he would be defeating his own pur- pose, which is, of course, to be read and to in- fluence his readers. Therefore the author of a symbolic work generally indicates enough of 26 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS his symbolism to half conceal, half reveal his meaning and his purpose. It sets one thinking, whets the curiosity, and finds everywhere appre- ciation, because each reader takes of it what appeals to him most. But this impressionistic, purely subjective interpretation is not the method of the serious literary student ; he must determine the plan of the whole work, as well as the reciprocal relation of all its parts. Why Voltaire made Use of Symbolism Why should Voltaire make use of symbolism, I he, the great apostle of enlightenment ? The reasons are both subjective and objective. The subjective reason is that he was an 18th century poet. The artificiality of this poetry is one of its most marked characteristics. ~No bet- ter indication of this can be found than Vol- taire's characterization of poetic imagery, in his letter to Frederick (M. 34, p. 359) : "Une idee poetique c'est, comme le sait Votre Altesse royale, une image brillante substitute a Fidee naturelle de la chose dont on veut parler; par exemple, je dirai en prose : il y a dans le monde un jeune prince vertueux et plein de talents, qui VOLTAIRE'S SYMBOLISM 27 deteste l'envie et le fanatisme. Je dirai en vers: " Minerve ! 6 divine Astree I Par vous sa jeunesse inspiree Suivit les arts et les vertus; L'Envie au coeur faux, a Poeil louche, Et le fanatisme farouche, Sous ses pieds tombent abattus." One seems to hear the maitre de philosophic of the Bourgeois gentilhomme explaining to M. Jour- dain the difference between prose and poetry. The idea that nothing which was natural conld be poetic seems strange to us, but it was not strange to Voltaire and his contemporaries. Everywhere we find this love of figures, of alle- gory, of brilliant imagery. It reminds one of the preciosity of the hotel de Kambouillet; and, by his education and training, although not by his active participation in the life of his century, Voltaire belongs to the Siecle de Louis XIV, which he so extolled. He tells us that one of the school exercises in his youth was the symbolic interpretation of pictures, such as that of an old man and a young girl (Essai sur les mceurs, Beuchot 15, p. 219) : "L'un disait, c'est Phiver et le printemps ; 1' autre, c'est la neige et le feu ; 28 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS un autre, c'est la rose et l'epine, ou bien, c'est la force et la f aiblesse : et celui qui avait trouve le sens le plus eloigne du sujet, 1' application la plus extraordinaire, gagnait le prix." As early as 17&2 (M. 33, p. 60), we find him writing to Jean Baptiste Rousseau, himself a notable writer of allegories in the style of Boi- leau, to explain the allegories in the Henriade: " Les fictions y sont toutes allegoriques ; nos pas- sions,, nos vertus, nos vices, y sont personnifies." He defends their use by quoting from Boileau (M. 8, p. 40). He explains the angel of light that appeared to Jacques Clement (M. 8, p. 366) : "!Ne voyez-vous pas que cette apparition poetique ne figure autre chose que l'imagination egaree d'un moine ? " His predilection for alle- gory in the novel has already been noted in the Introduction. He takes Racine fils to task for the omission of such figures in his poem on Re- ligion (M. 23, p. 173) : " Tantot je voudrais qu'il interrogeat la Sagesse eternelle, qui lui repondrait du haut des cieux; tantot que le Verbe lui-meme, descendu sur la terre, vint y confondre Mahomet, Confucius, Zoroastre." Even with such views, Voltaire was himself not always prolific enough in poetic figures to suit VOLTAIBE'S SYMBOLISM 29 his critics. Just as the Envieux and his wife say to Zadig that " he has not the good Oriental style, because he does not make the hills dance like lambs and the stars descend from the heav- ens," so Desfontaines and the poet Koi, among others, took Voltaire to task for the lack of brilliant images in his poem on the Battle of Fontenoy. These lovers of allegorical figures called his poem une froide gazette. Voltaire replied to them as follows (M. 8, p. 379) : " On peut, deux mille ans apres la guerre de Troie, faire apporter par Venus a Enee des armes que Vulcain a forgees, et qui rendent ce heros invul- nerable; on peut lui faire rendre son epee par une divinite, pour la plonger dans le sein de son ennemi ; tout le conseil des dieux peut s'assem- bler, tout l'enfer peut se dechainer; Alecton peut enivrer tous les esprits des venins de sa rage; mais ni notre siecle, ni un evenement si recent, ni un ouvrage si court, ne permettent guere ces peintures devenues les lieux communs de la poesie." Nevertheless this love of figures, of brilliant images substituted for natural ones, of allegory, of symbolism in short, pervades all Voltaire's work. One need only pick up any volume of his 30 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIEE'S NOVELS correspondence to convince oneself of this fact; his letters are replete with figures. It was only his good sound common-sense that kept him from abusing them "in the good Oriental style" mentioned above. Before proceeding further, we need to define allegory. The words means, at bottom, the same as symbolism; it is "speaking of one thing under the image of another." But you cannot speak of one thing under the image of another without comparing them, or without having compared them. The only differences between allegory and symbolism are conventional, or they consist in the number of terms compared. " I am the vine and ye are the branches " is an allegory but the vine is here the symbol of Christ, and the branches are symbolic of his disciples. Allegory has come, however, to be associated chiefly, if not exclusively, with the personification of abstractions, as Peace, War, Strife, etc. But if one were describing the war- god, and brought under the symbol the Old Testament Lord of Hosts, leading in person his chosen people in battle and breaking the ranks of their enemies, together with the militant Machiavellian Prince, Frederick the Great, the VOLTAIBE'S SYMBOLISM 31 imagery is symbolism. If we are to make a dis- tinction, then, it is this: allegory is the typic- ally abstract, symbolism is the typically con- crete. The one is out-of -nature, so to speak ; the other exists, or may be conceived of as existing, since it is typical without loss of individuality. The other reasons for Voltaire's use of sym- bolism are objective. In the first place, it furnished him with a relatively safe medium of carrying out his oft- reiterated definition of liberty : fari quae sentiat (M. 33, p. 381). This was no mean advantage in a country under the bondage of a literary in- quisition. Voltaire did not wish to spend his life in the Bastille, nor did he wish to languish in exile. Symbolism was his only recourse, un- less he were willing to give up the career of a man of letters. The latter alternative was not to be thought of, even if it had been possible for him to resist his dominant taste. At the time of the first persecution to which he was sub- jected, that for his verses about the Eegent and his daughter, he was urged, he says (Lettres sur (Edipe, M. 2, p. 13), to give up verse-writing. To all such admonitions in prose and verse he replied, he tells us, " par des vers." Much later 32 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS he inserted the following significant paragraph in his Lettres sur (Edipe: "Je me suis done apercu de bonne heure qu'on ne peut ni resister a son gout dominant ni vaincre sa destinee." He preferred his " slavery " in France, as he often calls his " malheurenx metier d'homme de lettres," to liberty in foreign lands. " Pourquoi faut-il," he sighs at the time of the persecution for the English Letters, " pourquoi f aut-il subir les rigueurs de l'esclavage dans le plus aimable pays de Funivers, que Ton ne peut quitter, et dans lequel il est si dangereux de vivre ! " Now, by its very nature, one can hide beneath symbol- ism as under a shield and deal out blows in all directions; or at least in as many directions as there are ideas of which the symbol forms a part. For example, admitting that Pangloss is a symbol for all the spoken and written nonsense in Europe (for the word means " all tongues"), he can range successively or in curious mixtures the nonsense of as many individuals as he chooses under this symbol. And who shall con- vict him of satire ? Which of his enemies would for a moment proclaim to the world that he thought Voltaire was caricaturing him? He possessed in a remarkable degree the gift of VOLTAIBE'S SYMBOLISM 33 seeing the ridiculous side of opinions, rather . than of characters, and that is one of the well- recognized reasons why he did not succeed in comedy. It is also one of the best reasons for his success in symbolism. It is by virtue of certain conformities between the opinions, be- liefs, and dogmas of the Christian religion and those of certain Oriental religions that Yoltaire can strike the bigots of France d'une main in- directe, as Frederick expresses it. He says of himself through one of his interlocutors (M. 27, p. 21) : "II semble que vous vouliez parler de nos moines sous le nom de bonzes. Vous auriez grand tort ; ne seriex-vous pas un peu malin ? " That is putting it weakly; he was the most malin of all men. Everything that he wrote ^ was looked upon with suspicion by his enemies, because of the subtile and insinuating power of suggestion oozing out of a thousand pores. Everybody knew in his day, and certainly everybody knows now, that he had the Christian religion, more than Mohammedanism, in mind, ^1 when he composed Mahomet. But what choice did the pope have, other than to accept his dedication of the tragedy? If he had refused it, Voltaire would have cried: "What! You 3 34 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS defend that fanatical religion and its infamous prophet ? Or do you acknowledge that there is no difference between that religion and its prophet on the one hand, and Christianity and its founder on the other?" How plainly he discloses his purpose in Mahomet, when he tells us (M. 17, p. 103), that Mohammed was more of a Jansenist than anything else. Therefore, if Mohammed was a Jansenist, the God of Mohammed was the God of the Jansenists. And what was the God of the Jansenists ? Voltaire tells us in his Discours en vers sur Vhomme (M. 9, p. 388) what kind of God the partisans of absolute fatality worshipped : " Les tristes partisans de ce dogme effroyable Diraient-ils rien de plus s'ils adoraient le diable f " One can easily see how far such association of ideas can lead, when the author of Zadig can mark here in a couplet the equivalence of God and the devil. \/ Voltaire's enemies were not deceived by his methods, but they had no proof against him. He often defied his enemies to find a single rep- rehensible proposition in his works. He could make his challenge with impunity. He was VOLTAIRE'S SYMBOLISM 35 past master in the choice and use of words. He does not deny the fall of man and the necessity of redemption; he simply says that hnman reason can not prove it. " What have I done," he exclaims, when the dogs of persecution bark at his heels, "what have I done, except to put revelation above reason ? " He can not ridicule openly the innocence of our first parents, but he can ridicule its allegorical meaning under the Androgynes of Plato, under the symbolism of Corisandre, Hermaphrodix, Conculix. He does not deny the existence of the soul inde- pendent of the body; he does not say that God has given the faculty of thought to matter in certain organizations; he simply says that hu- man reason cannot prove that God could not have done so. "What have I done," he cries again when persecuted, "except to give public confession of my belief in God's omnipotence ? " And in the Princesse de Bdbylone he symbolizes his conception under the form of the phoenix, and explains what resurrection is (M. 21, p. 392). Another reason, and not the least important, for Voltaire's use of symbolism, is its preval- ence in Oriental literatures, especially in the 36 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS Bible and in the thousand interpretations of the dogmas of the Christian religion. Every- thing in antiquity is allegorical, is symbolical, he cries ; it would seem that all antiquity spoke only in order not to be understood. He includes Grecian mythology in the same class; indeed, he makes the dreamings of Plato the very foun- dation of the Christian religion. How was Vol- taire to explain the double nature in man, the two natures and the one will of Christ, the Androgynes of Plato, except by the sodomy of monasticism, "man by day and woman by night?" How could Jesus be the son of his mother and his own father, except by incest, like that of (Edipus King ? How could Saturn devour his own children, except as a symbol for Time ? How could Rome be Babylon, except by symbolism? How could Peter be a porter, a fisherman, a rock, and the vicar of Christ, him- self the vicar of God, except by symbolism? How can all nations be blessed in the seed of Abraham, from whom they do not descend? How can the devil be a serpent? How can Balaam's ass talk? What is the origin of all metamorphoses, except the abuse of a metaphor ? Such questions might be multiplied ad in- finitum. VOLTAIEE'S SYMBOLISM 37 Voltaire's Method of Composition Voltaire's method of composition has already been indicated: it is the raising of individual experiences into the realm of the typical, with an anti-religious tendency. When he fights an individual persecutor, he fights him, not as his individual enemy, but as the enemy of man- kind; he becomes for Voltaire the symbol of persecution, but without losing his individual- ity. He may appear as a symbol for the devil, for the God of the Jansenists, for the inquisi- tion of Borne, or the inquisition of the garde des sceaux, as the personification of the fero- cious rapacity of the clergy; in short, in as many forms as Voltaire's imagination can create. Fundamentally Voltaire has but two sets of symbols: tolerance and intolerance: love and hate: wisdom and folly: generosity and envy: reason and religion: sense and nonsense; there is a sort of duality in his symbolism, like the duality of nature. He repeats over and over the allegory of the garden of Eden. He repre- sents himself, under the name of his chief char- acter, in a variety of paradisiacal situations, out of which he is kicked by some ambitious, envi- ous, rapacious, or tyrannical brigand. This 38 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS brigand is always Intolerance, under some form or other, always the Infdme, in some way or other ; and always, at the bottom of each episode, incident and character, there is some particular brigand whom the author has in mind especially. The general plan of both Zadig and Candide is this: Voltaire wants his definition of liberty: fori quae sentiat. That is his Astarte, his Cunegonde. Whoever interferes with that, the finest privilege of humanity, is ipso facto ranged under the symbol of the Infdme, without ceas- ing, however, as I have already said, to be an individual persecutor in a given situation. The only way to fathom Voltaire's symbolism is, therefore, to keep the type in mind and to trace the association of ideas by which certain indi- viduals, with whom he has come into close per- sonal relations, are subsumed un,der the type. CHAPTER III ZADIG The purpose of this chapter is to determine the provenience of the name of the hero and its significance, by citing Voltaire's probable au- thorities and by internal evidence from the novel. The Pkovenience and Significance of the Name " Hammer, apropos of the mystic love-story of Joseph and Zuleika, explains the name Zadig as the " Speaker of the truth," from the epithet given to Joseph when he had cleared himself of the accusation of Potiphar's wife. Joseph called upon a child in the cradle to testify for him. The child, which had never spoken be- fore, told Potiphar to see whether Joseph's coat was ripped in front or in back. The coat was found to be ripped from behind, and this fact was considered conclusive evidence of the truth 39 40 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS of Joseph's story. Hence, in the manner of the Orient, of which numerous examples will oc- cur to any reader of the Old Testament, Joseph received a new name: He-who-renders-true- witness, the Speaker-of-the-truth, or the Truth- teller, as Remy, following Hammer, translates it. But neither Remy nor Hammer assigned any reasons for thinking that Voltaire's hero was named in reminiscence of this episode. I consider it of great importance to determine whether this interpretation is correct; for, if it is, it is bound to have influenced Voltaire in the whole conduct of his novel. In the first place, was Voltaire acquainted with this episode? This question must be an- swered in the affirmative. We may take it for granted that he knew practically everything that had any connection with the Bible; that was his specialty. The story of Joseph and Zuleika, as treated by the Persian poets, is found, in considerable detail, in the Coran, and we know that Voltaire was well acquainted with the Mohammedan Bible. He would not have undertaken his tragedy of Mahomet without in- vestigating his prophet's Bible. This study goes back as far as the period preceding his ZADIG 41 trip to England. While at Kiviere-Bourdet Voltaire, Thieriot, and Mme. de Bernieres gave themselves up to historical dilettantism. Thie- riot undertook the compilation of a history of Mohammed. While in England Voltaire was asked by his friend to procure him certain books bearing on the subject. The hunt for one of them, which proved to be worthless (entitled Improvement of the Human Reason; M. 33, p. 167), gave to Voltaire an opportunity of show- ing how anglicized he had become. His letters to Thieriot are in English, and he speaks of that " damned book." It was during his stay in England that he became acquainted with the translation of the Coran by Sale; the translation which he ever afterward used, and which he frequently praises. He showed to some visitors at Ferney, long after- wards, this translation of the Coran, annotated marginally and with numerous slips of paper all through it for markings (M. 1, pp. 390-392 : Documents biographiques) . As early as 1734 he praised Sale's translation of the Coran (M. 27, p. 318). Therefore there is no reason for Seele, in his Sources of Zadig, to be uncertain whether Voltaire was acquainted with the whole Coran. 42 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS Voltaire could also have got, and probably did get, knowledge of the episode of Joseph and Zuleika from Herbelot. We know that he bor- rowed the Bibliotheque orientate from d'Argen- son (M. 36, p. 182), and that he kept it during the period when we may suppose that he was writing, or gathering material for, his Siecle de Louis XIV, his Essai sur les mceurs, his tragedy 8 emir amis, and his novel Zadig. In the second place, what reasons are there for thinking that Voltaire had this epithet in mind, when he named his hero Zadig ? There are several reasons which might be adduced in support of this interpretation of the name: first, it would seem to be apt for Vol- taire's symbolism; second, there are evidences of it in the character of some of the episodes; third, the Providence which the story of Joseph illustrates seems to be the Providence of the novel. Let us consider these points in their order. The Aptness of the Epithet foe Voltaire's Symbolism Without giving Voltaire credit for a very profound knowledge of Oriental literatures, we ZADIG 43 must acknowledge that he grasped quickly the fundamental spirit of those literatures. " Every- thing is figurative," he says repeatedly, " every- thing is allegorical in the East." It would seem that these people spoke only in order not to be understood. This character of Oriental thought was to him the secret of the abuse of the Bible in later centuries: the figure was taken for the letter, and the letter for the figure, to suit the ambitious schemes of a few leaders of the new sect of Christianity. The Jews called a just man the son of God (M. 27, p. 90) ; in that sense Jesus was the son of God. But how that figure of speech has been perverted and made the instrument of the " most cowardly and most detestable of all superstitions " ! We can see, then, how such an epithet as the "Truth- teller " in a novel of the Orient would appeal to Voltaire. He aimed to be the " Truth-teller " par excellence. He was the ministre de la verite, as Frederick called him. He appeals to Venus Urania, verite sublime, as he apostro- phizes the goddess. All the persecutions to which he was subjected came from his message of truth, as he saw it. And yet he rarely spoke his message of truth except in symbolic words 44 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS and figures. He could not do otherwise. To tell his message of truth about the Bible in the plain straightforward French prose, which he could handle with such conciseness and clear- ness, would be paving the way to a funeral pyre ; to tell it in the manner of the Orient, in figures, in allegories, in allusions, in innuendos, in equivocal phraseology : what was that but the manner that Voltaire assumed in nearly all his publications, before his residence at the gates of Geneva ? f He had learned early in the school of experience to fight from covert, to bide his time, to strike swiftly and escape, to act the blind man and the deaf man on occasion. Internal Evidence from the Novel There are episodes in the novel that point to the meaning of Zadig as the "Truth-teller." At bottom, the episode of Joseph and Zuleika illustrates a Solomonic judgment. Joseph's in- nocence is established by a clever device. Sim- ilar devices are met with in the novel, such as the broken tablet, the love of two brothers for their father, the love of two Magians for a young girl, the debt, etc. The episode of the ZADIG 45 Ghien and the Cheval is also a case in point, and needs to be considered in detail. The Dog and the Horse This episode illustrates, among other things, the Oriental manner of telling the truth and the dangers attending it. The common proverb in the Orient, according to Herbelot (Vol. I, p. 581), used as an excuse by the people who are afraid of getting into trouble for knowing and for saying too much, is : Je riai vu ni le chameau ni le chamelier; ou bien, je n'ai vu ni le chameau ni son petit. The story which gave rise to this proverb must be considered the immediate source of Voltaire's episode. In his studies in the sciences, in history, in philosophy, Voltaire was afraid of saying too much. The premature publication of his materials for the Steele de Louis XIV aroused persecutions because of the author's remarks about the court of Rome (M. 35, p. 361). His Lettres philosophiques, espe- cially his remarks about Pascal and Locke, caused him to be excommunicated and burned, as he calls the decree of the Parliament against his publication. He was afraid of saying too much in his competitive essay for the prize 46 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS offered by the Academy of Sciences, because the philosophy of Descartes still ruled at Paris. Mirepoix especially persecuted Voltaire for say- ing, with Locke, that God could have given to organized matter the faculty of thought, just as matter is organized to have sensations. Vol- taire's aim was to account naturally for the fabulous being called the soul, just as he would account naturally for the fabulous being called the devil. These are two phases of one and the same question. The Christian religion posits the fall of man, into whose body the devil en- tered, as an allegory of the evil in the world and an explanation of the astonishing contradictions in man. Voltaire replied, in his remarks on Pascal, that one might just as well say that the dog that caresses and bites has a double nature, or that all horses were once in paradise until one of them ate some oats and caused the whole species to be condemned to a life of suffering. Thus Voltaire is persecuted, like Zadig, even by beings which do not exist. This episode of the griffon is similar to the one which we are considering. Everybody is speaking about the griffon, although nobody knows anything about it, not even whether it ZADIG 47 exists. Voltaire frequently refers to the Mosaic law prohibiting the eating of the griffon, the ixion (M. 25, p. 65 ; M. 18, p. 124, etc.). These animals must have disappeared from the face of the earth, if they ever existed. Voltaire else- where (M. 9, p. 427) uses the name griffon as celui qui griffonne, and Cador uses it here in the sense of celui qui a des griffes. Zadig has, he says, many griffons in his poultry yard, and does not eat them. He refers to the cock, as is evident from Voltaire's use of the word in his reply to the criticism of the Abbe Foucher (M. 27, p. 435) : Ne tuons jamais le coq, etc. It is simply one of Voltaire's numerous illustrations of the persecutions to which one is subjected in the name of beings which nobody understands, and the very existence of which can not be proven. The episode of the Dog and the Horse is, like that of the griffon, an outgrowth of Voltaire's English Letters. Mirepoix had persecuted him for saying that our faculties developed like those of the other animals, by use, by experi- ence. Voltaire's argument tended to insinuate that if man had an immortal soul, then a dog had one also, or a flea, if you will. There is 48 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS something divine about a flea, he says; it can jump fifty times its length. Thus this episode is, first of all, an allegory of the way we see: how we judge form, size, distance. Voltaire was the first to report in France the theories of light of Newton and the experiments of Chesel- don (M. 18, p. 402 ff.). The latter proved, by operating on a youth for cataract that the image formed on the retina by an object did not enable us, by itself, to see that object as it was. Reaumur, who seems to be ridiculed by Voltaire in the introductory paragraphs of this episode, performed a similar experiment in France, but the fruits of it were lost to science because the operator made no experiments and allowed no one else to make them. There are probably other allusions in the epi- sode, a few of which may be indicated here. In speaking of his studies for the Siecle de Louis XIV (M. 33, p. 513), Voltaire says that he is like a painter who looks at objects a little differently from other men, noticing lights and shades which escape inexperienced eyes. That is precisely the faculty that Zadig has acquired. Voltaire arrived at the knowledge of the Man with the Iron Mask during this period. The ZADIG 49 daughter of the Regent had secured from her father, b j what a price ! the secret, or what pur- ported to be the secret. Voltaire had, it would seem, been persecuted by the Regent for " what he had seen," namely, the incest and debauchery of the Regent. In view of the name of the King, Moabdar, reminiscent of the mere des Modbites of Voltaire's early satires, it is prob- able that the episode of the Dog and the Horse is symbolical of the Regent and his daughter. The episode of the escaped prisoner would then be explainable as a reference to the Man with the Iron Mask. Another allusion in the episode is Voltaire's characterization of the old arte de Mirepoix as a cheval. His accoutrements are also as precious as those of the cheval du roi des rois; he was in every sense un opulent fripon, and in every sense a cheval of the King. Voltaire arrived at his name by the following equations : Chiron == Preceptor of Achilles; Achilles = King ; Mire- poix = Preceptor of King; Mirepoix = Chiron. But Chiron was a horse with the head of a man, while Mirepoix had no head; therefore Mire- poix = cheval (cf. M. 36, p. 275). Voltaire refers in the same way to the poet 4 50 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIEE'S NOVELS Eoi, who was chevalier de Vordre de saint Michel, i. e., cheval. de saint Michel, i. e., cheval, not roi, but at most the cheval du roi. 1 1 There is much in the correspondence of Voltaire at this time about a chien and a chienne. Mile. Quinault had given to Voltaire the subject of the Enfant prodigue, which he composed, he tells us, to serve as a reply to the impertinent Epitres of Jean Baptiste Eousseau. It is, therefore, by a figure common to Voltaire, the child of the poet and the actress (M. 34, p. 54, 55, 183, 184). Great precautions are taken that there be no clique to prevent its success. Voltaire does not wish it to be known that he is the author; he has his reasons, he says, but he fails to disclose them. Voltaire refers to his comedy as his petit chien noir (M. 34, p. 142). He writes to Mile. Quinault (M. 34, p. 558') that his petits chiens noirs are called Zamore and Alzire (the names of the hero and the heroine of his tragedy of Alzire, and evidently re- garded as the offspring of the original chien, the Enfant prodigue). He carries out the figure (M. 35, p. 48): Zamore et Alzire vous saluent d quatre pattes. In his letter of October 19, 1736 (M. 34, p. 150 f.), he calls his two black dogs chien and chienne, brother and sister, who are to go on producing from incest to incest. Other refer- ences are (M. 35, p. 176) : " Alzire est grosse de Zamore. Voulez-vous que le premier-ne s'appelle Eamire ?" And (M. 35, p. 227): "J'aurai l'honneur de vous envoy er un Eamire et vous nous donnerez la merveille des chiens que vous promettez. ,, He feels that Zulime must be made better pour depayser le monde. He says (M. 35, p. 456) : "Nous avons d6ja nomine" les deux enfants de vos chiens noirs, 1 'un Eamire, et 1 'autre Zulime. Mais j 'ai peur que cela ne ressemble aux gentilshommes ruinSs de ce pays-ci (t. e. } Brussels), qui se font appeler Votre Altesse; ZADIG 51 >. Other Episodes which Illustrate Solo- monic Judgments The other episodes which illustrate Solomonic judgments come under the relations of Zadig to Moabdar's court or to the Arabian tribes of Setoc. The first one of this nature is the decis- ion of the question, to whom the prize of virtue belongs. Voltaire had already indicated in his Discours en vers sur Vhomme (M. 9, p. 388 f., p. 423), who was entitled to be called virtuous. That title belonged to Pucelle, who gave to his younger brother the fortune that his mother had il faut que l'on ait fait une grande fortune pour donner ainsi son nom." It is not easy to determine just what Voltaire meant by this sort of figure. As offspring of Voltaire's genius, his works were brother and sister, and if they kept on producing from incest to incest, the thought is analogous to the charge made by Rousseau against Voltaire (Epitre d Thalie, CEuvres de Jean Baptiste Rousseau, Nouvelle edition, Bruxelles, 1743, Vol. 3, p. 467) : ' ' Loin tout rimeur enfle de beaux passages Qui sur lui seul moulant ses personnages Veut qu'ils aient tous autant d 'esprit que lui, Et ne nous peint que soi-meme en autrui. " It is certain that there is some connection between Rous- seau and the chien or chienne of Voltaire's correspon- dence and the episode in Zadig; that is already obvious from the purpose Voltaire had in composing the Enfant prodigue. It is probable that Mile. Quinault immediately 52 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS deprived him of. This episode is found in Zadig, with slight modifications and with an obvious application to religion. It is a question of the love of two sons for their father. Zadig gives the prize to the one who has aided his sis- ter: Voltaire wished to decide the question over which the Jansenists and the Molinists wrangled, as to who loved God best. His de- cision establishes the superiority of good works over vain monuments, as an indication of one's love for the author of one's being. A similar question is decided by him in reference to the recognized Voltaire as the author of Zadig by means of this episode, for he alludes to the ' 'black dog" only in his letters to her. Voltaire wrote to d'Argental (M. 36, p. 534; Oct. 10, 1748), that he did not wish to pass for the author of Zadig ; why should people mention his name in that connection! "Quinault, Quinault-comique . . . ne cesse de dire que j'en suis l'auteur. Comme elle n'y voit rien ne mal, elle le dit sans croire me nuire; mais les coquins, qui veulent y voir du mal, en abusent. ' ' If Mile. Quinault saw no harm in the episode, she must have referred it to Voltaire 's Enfant prodigue. "When this comedy appeared in published form, it was so muti- lated by the publishers that Voltaire, by a figure common to him, says that it is lame, so lame that it can hardly walk (M. 34, p. 525, p. 531). In that respect it is like the chienne de la reine. As it has given birth to a numer- ous progeny it can also be compared to the chienne de la reine, qui a fait depuis pen des chiens. ZADIG 53 two Magians who claim a woman whom they have instructed in their mystic love ; she belongs to the one who will bring up her child in the duties of friendship and citizenship. Voltaire had given the title of virtuous to Pelisson, who defended Fouquet from the depths of his prison. This appears also in Zadig. The King had disgraced his prime min- ister, and Zadig alone speaks well of him. Voltaire gives the title of virtuous to Nor- mand, to Cochin, whose eloquence protected the orphan. He does not give it to" the indolent Germont, who fears to speak for his friend when Sejanus oppresses (reference to Thieriot, whose luke-warmness in the period of the Voltairo- manie Voltaire could hardly forgive) ; nor to the babbling Griffon, whose mercenary pen made an insipid libel instead of a jurist's brief (reference to Mannory, at the time of Voltaire's demeles with the poet Eoi and Desf ontaines) . Zadig proves, just as Voltaire proved in all his works, the puerility of religious dis- /• putes and the folly of attaching importance to religious ceremonies. Two parties had quarreled for 1500 years about the manner of entering the temple of Mithra. Voltaire 54 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS shows by the date here that he has Christianity in mind. He says (M. 27, p. 38), that Chris- tianity is the only religion in the world in which, for more than 1400 years, there has been an almost continuous series of persecutions on account of theological arguments. There is probably a reference here to Vol- taire's manner of entering the French Academy. One of the virulent satires current at this time was the Discours prononce a la porte de V Aca- demic, in which Voltaire was scurrilously treated. Voltaire had failed in several attempts to enter the Temple of the Sun, and he desired to enter now par la grande porte. In other words, he wanted to enter the French Academy like Zadig: a pieds joints. The other illustrations of the wisdom of Solo- mon are chiefly under the various episodes con- nected with Setoc. Because Zadig has slain a jealous fool, Cletofis, he is sold into slavery. This is allegorical for the servitude of a man of letters in France, of which Voltaire com- plains so often in his correspondence. The only way to break his chains is gradually to enlighten his master, who was ignorant rather than wicked. Zadig begins his work almost at once. ZADIG 55 His master has paid less for him than for his valet. When Setoc is obliged to apportion the burdens of a camel upon the backs of his slaves, he laughs to see them walk with body bent for- ward. Zadig informs him of the reason. He tells him about the simplest physical laws, such as the law of equilibrium, of specific gravity. The allusion is, of course, to Voltaire's Ele- ments de la philosophie de Newton, with the famous law of gravitation which the French were so slow in accepting. It is Voltaire in the bondage of the garde des sceaux, the famous d'Aguesseau, who refused his approbation for the Elements, and who refused to give permis- sion to print to the author of a novel in which there was a heretic, unless said heretic should be converted in the last chapter! It is quite possible that Voltaire is punning on his name (seau = sot) and on his function (garde des sceaux = garde des sots), in the name Setoc. Voltaire often laments that the simplest laws of science were unknown to his countrymen until the publication of his work. The following is a typical example (M. 27, p. 188) : " II y a cent mille ames dans Paris qui, en soufflant le feu de leurs cheminees, n'ont jamais seulement 56 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS pense a la mecanique par laquelle l'air entrant dans leur soufflet, ferme ensuite la soupape qui lui est attachee. . . . Le nombre est tres petit de ceux qui cherchent a s'instruire des ressorts \ de leur corps et de leur pensee. De la vient qu'ils mettent souvent Fun et l'autre entre les mains des charlatans." This is true of the Seigneur Ogul, whose slaves seek a basilisk which they intend to cook in rose water in order to cure him of an indigestion. The Seigneur Ogul has promised to marry the slave who shall first find him a basilisk. "Son medecin, qui n'a que peu de credit aupres de lui quand il digere bien, le gouverne despotiquement quand il a trop mange" (M. 21, p. 81). The allusion is probably to the King, whose illness at Metz caused so much excitement in court circles. The doctor-confessor of the King prevailed upon him to dismiss his mistress, Mme. de Chateauroux, in order to appease the wrath of heaven and thus be cured of his ailment. The name Ogul is probably an anagramme for Gulo (since the Seigneur Ogul is a glutton), with a reminis- cence of Mogul. Thus everything, even to the basilisk (the "little king" curer), points to the Seigneur Louis XV. Zadig teaches this ignor- ZADIG 57 ant gourmand the virtues of the medicine bag, i. e. y the value of exercise and sobriety, as the only king-curers. Voltaire had already treated this topic in his English Letters (M. 22, p. 50). He explains how the idea of miraculous cures arose. Sickness was observed to increase at the full moon ; therefore the moon was the cause of it. A sick man, who found himself better after having eaten lobsters, gave rise to the belief that they purified the blood because they were red when boiled ! One of the first things that Zadig teaches Setoc is how to recover a debt from a Hebrew, without having any proof of the indebtedness. The money had been counted out to the Hebrew on a large stone, and Zadig makes the stone tes- tify for him. Since the Hebrew knows where the stone is, the money must have been paid to him. He is condemned to be bound to the stone, without food or drink, until the money is paid. The Hebrew soon disgorges, and Zadig and the stone enjoy great renown in the desert. The Hebrew who receives loans on the stone and who appropriates everything he can as soon as there are no witnesses to the transaction is the Church, from the time of Pope Gregory down. Voltaire 58 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS was the first to raise his voice, he tells us (M. 18, p. 441), against the pretensions of the clergy. The way to make them disgorge is to bind them to the stone ; if the stone, Peter, is in the desert, they will pay rather than be bound to it ; if it is in heaven, they will pay with even greater celerity rather than be sent thither. Pope Gregory's canonization in the eighteenth century was fresh in Voltaire's mind at this time, when he was composing the Essai sur les mceurs (cf. Beuchot, 16, p. 89). The Pope, he notes {ibid., p. 84), had sent the following mes- sage to Eudolph, Duke of Suabia: Petra dedit, Petrus diadema Rodolpho. It is probable that there is some experience of Voltaire at the bottom of the episode. The Marquis de Luchet relates that Voltaire had lent some money to a man who refused to pay him because the poet had neglected to take the pre- caution of having witnesses to the transaction, and had nothing in writing to prove his claim. Many people are sueing him, he says (M. 34, p. 88), for debts long since paid, in the hope that he has lost his receipts in his numerous voyages. That is especially true of Jore, the libraire du clerge, publisher of the Lettres philosophiques ZADIG . 59 who tried to make Voltaire pay what he would have gained if the edition had not been seized. He was thrown into the Bastille until he should give up the edition. It is possible that the Bas- tille is the famous stone to which the bad credi- tor was to be bound until he disgorged. Setoc adores the stars because they are so brilliant and so far away. Zadig lights a num- ber of candles and adores them in the presence of his master. Setoc penetrates the significance of the action of his slave and adores, from then on, the maker of the stars. Voltaire is alluding to the idolatrous practices of the Christians in the adoration of images, etc., as shown in the Dictionnaire philosophique (M. 17, p. 61, under Adorer) : "Dans d'autres pays, il faut a midi allumer des flambeaux de cire, qu'on avait en abomination dans les premiers temps," and a convent, in which this cult of candles should be abolished would cry out that the light of the faith was extinguished and that the world was coming to an end. Zadig also puts an end to the burning of widows on the funeral pyres of their husbands, an abuse which exists simply because it is 60 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS ancient. Voltaire makes the necessary rap- prochement between the devotes of Malabar and the devotes of France (M. 24, p. 247, also Precis du Steele de Louis XV, M. 15, p. 327, and Bs- sai sur les Mceurs, Beuchot, 15, p. 79), which explains this episode. The former destroy their bodies, the latter give up legitimate pleas- ures and subject themselves to needless priva- tions, and both act contrary to the purpose of nature; both are dominated by the vain idea that these bodies of theirs will arise more beau- tiful than before. Let us consider this episode in its relation to Voltaire's literary activity in France. The Episode of Almona This episode is directed first of all against the Jansenists, who would destroy all passions in man, except that of religious fanaticism. Every natural impulse towards the enjoyment of the senses was for the Jansenites a mortal sin (cf. M. 21, p. 275). In the second place, this same tendency was manifested in the monastic sys- tem, by which men and women dissociated themselves from the activities for which they were created, and buried themselves alive, so to speak. Voltaire had no patience with such ZADIG • 61 abuses. He continually raises his voice against them. Ever since his return from England he had directed his attacks against the Jansenists: in his English letters, in the Mondain, in the Discours en vers sur Vhomme. In his fifth Dis- cours {Sur la nature du plaisir), he uses a fig- ure quite similar to the destruction by fire in the episode of Almona. He admires, he says, and does not pity, a heart that chains its de- sires, " et s'arrache au genre humain pour Dieu qui nous fit naitre . . . et brulant pour son Dieu d'un amour devorant, fuit les plaisirs permis pour un plaisir plus grand." But he does protest against the intolerance of such people. JLet them burn themselves if they wish, \ but not make other people burn themselves, nor ; despise in their hearts those whom they leave behind* Such people are less the friends of J God than the enemies of mankind- This ridicu- lous master of the new stoics (i. e., Pascal), wishes to destroy one's being, deprive one of one's nature. Voltaire reminds him and his followers of the daughters of Pelias, who, think- ing to rejuvenate him, cut him up and boiled him, but could not bring him to life again. That is symbolic of the Jansenists, the poet 62 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS cries; they wish to change man, and they de- stroy him. Thus Almona represents the victim of this false conception of the Jansenists, who drew it, as all Christians have drawn it, from the prom- ises of Christ, that whoever should lose his life shall find it, and whoever would save his life shall lose it. It was this false conception of self-renunciation which sent so many Christians rejoicing to the funeral pyres of martyrdom and which filled the monasteries and the convents. Voltaire wished to belittle their motives, and, in general, he undoubtedly was not far wrong. They wished to attract attention to themselves, to show that they were better than other people. They wished to enjoy the consideration which attends the odor of sanctity. Mme. Dorfise, the Prude, in Voltaire's comedy of that name, acts from such motives. The same is true of Baba- bec and the fakirs (M. 21, p. 103) : "Bababec perdait son credit dans le peuple ; les femmes ne venaient plus le consulter: il quitta Omri, et reprit ses clous pour avoir de la consideration." The reason why the women of Malabar burn themselves is that it is the custom, and one would lose caste in not conforming to it (M. 18, ZADIG 63 p. 96; article on Suicide, published in 1739), just as it the custom in Japan for a man who has been insulted to open his own vitals, and his opponent must do likewise or be forever dishonored. The Christian renegade Pelle- grinus burned himself in public for the same reason that a fool among us sometimes dresses up as an Armenian, in order to attract attention to himself (M. 18, p. 37). But that is nothing, Voltaire adds, in comparison with the 100,000 Europeans who have been burned by the Inqui- sition for the greater glory of God and the sal- vation of their immortal souls, and all for dog- mas which nobody understands. Zadig convinces Setoc that it is ruinous to the state for widows to burn themselves ; they might better give useful citizens to it. This reason is one of the most frequent in Voltaire's works. The following is a typical reference (M. 23, p. 504) : " Dans nos climats il nait plus de males que de femelles, done il ne f aut pas f aire mourir les femelles: or il est clair que e'est les faire mourir pour la societe que de les enterrer dans nos cloitres, ou elles sont perdues pour la race presente, et ou elles aneantissent les races fu- tures." Note the equivocal use of faire mourir 44 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS and enterrer les files. The latter figure sug- gests to Voltaire the comparison of nuns to des terres incultes; il faut cultiver les unes et les autres is his advice {Dialogue entre un philo- sophe et un controleur general des finances, M. 23, p. 504). The particular allusion in this episode of Almona is probably to Voltaire's Epitre to the Marquise de Kupelmonde, the widow with whom he traveled to Holland in 1722 (M. 9, p. 357 ff.). Of her Duvernet says: "Elle joignait a une ame pleine de candeur et un penchant ex- treme pour la tendresse une grande incertitude sur ce qu'elle devait croire." She confided her doubts to Voltaire. To save her from the fate of the devotes of Malabar and the devotes of France, he composed the Epitre, successively known as the Epitre a Julie, Epitre a Uranie, and Le Pour et Le Contre. The Kehl editors speak of it as follows (M. 9, p. 357) : This work contains the principal reproaches against the Christian religion and a refutation of the argu- ments of the devots persuades et les devots po- litiques. The gist of the Epitre is this: there are no horrors beyond the grave for the just; God ZADIG 65 does not demand the sacrifice of our being, but the use of our talents. All homage is received by God, but he demands none, and none honors him. The pitiless Jansenist will find less clem- ency at his throne, despite his sacrifices, than the just man. There was the menace of great danger in the publication of this Epitre in 1732. Langlois, the secretary of the Chancellor d'Aguesseau, when asked his opinion of it, told his master that Voltaire ought to be put where he would never again have the opportunity to use pen and ink. M. de Vintimille, Archbishop of Paris, and famous for his gourmandise, complained strongly to H. Herault, lieutenant general de police. Voltaire jit le mort, as one editor ex- presses it ; he took no notice of the lenten refu- tations of his work. He denied to the Chancel- lor that he was the author of it; he had heard it recited, he said, by the Abbe de Chaulieu. The authorities were not deceived, but they had no case against him. In Zadig Voltaire seems to have connected this episode with all his other publications against the Jansenists, especially his Lettres philosophiques. The friends of Pascal were revolted that Voltaire 5 66 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS should make fun of their master's ideas about re- ligion and about poetry. Voltaire frequently laughs at Pascal's examples of poetic beauty : bel astre, merveille de nos jours, fatal laurier, etc. That expression of bel astre, and Voltaire's re- marks about Newton's law of gravitation, which Voltaire called attraction, and which the ignorant people of France took for the occult ideas of antiquity, are the sources of the form in which the accusation against Zadig is cast. He is ac- cused of horrible blasphemies against the heav- enly bodies, for which he must be burned, as well as for having diverted from the priestly coffers the spoils of the widows. So Voltaire's Lettres philosophiques were condemned to be lacerated and burned by the Parliaments of Paris and Rouen, but Voltaire does not report it that way ; he uses a figure of speech. It is he, the author, who has been excommunicated and burned at Paris and Rouen; if that continues he will be burned twelve times (M. 33, p. 442). He fled to Cirey, which he calls a desert ; in other words, he is in Arable deserte, which he will soon trans- form into Arable heureuse, the paradise of the Mondaln, the philosophic tendency of which is the same as that of the episode which we are ZADIG 67 considering. In this infdme persecution pour un livre he is sustained by the friendship of Mme. du Chatelet (M. 33, p. 426; May, 1734), which surpasses by far the rage of his enemies. He seems to have thought of her and of Mme. de Richelieu as his "Almonas," since they finally secured the cessation of this persecution. "Voila Mme. de Richelieu qui va enfin etre presentee. Elle ne quittera point votre garde des sceaux qu'elle n'ait obtenu la paix " (M. 33, p. 542). The manner in which Almona puts the persecutors to shame is simply a vicious dig at the clergy, with the Archbishop of Paris at their head. It is no more to be taken seri- ously than the titles which she gives to the Arch- bishop (M. 21, Fils aine de la grande Ourse, frere du Taureau, cousin du grand Chien). It is in the same style as the manner in which Zadig appeases the old Magian Yebor, by the gift of a maid of honor a laquelle il avait fait, un enfant. The old Bishop of Mirepoix had made his way in the world through the influenc^ of titled devotes, whose confessor he was. Such hypocrites, says Voltaire (M. 18, p. 350), al- ways had a little serail of six or seven old devotes, who had been discarded by their lov- / 68 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS ers. So here with the priests of the stars ; they are susceptible of no influence except that of carnal lust. My third reason for thinking that Voltaire had the epithet of the " Speaker-of-the-truth " in mind in naming his hero Zadig is drawn from the philosophic tendency of the novel. As applied to Joseph the epithet seems peculiarly appropriate for the bearer of Voltaire's message about Providence, whose ways are not our ways. The story of the Patriarch is, in fact, an epi- tome of the Providence of Christianity. It is the lover of individual men and particular na- tions, at the expense of other individual men and other nations. Joseph was sent into Egypt, according to the Biblical account, to prepare a place for his brethren, that is, he was sent there by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to enslave a whole nation (the Egyptians, who became, through Joseph, the slaves of the Pharao), and all for the sake of a "vagabond race, sullied with all the crimes known to the history of human folly." Joseph was sold into slavery by his brethren from envy; here appeared the role of the ftrir vieux, as it appears in Zadig, and as it appeared ZADIG 69 in Voltaire's life. The heroes experience sever- ally all its potentialities, even to the slavery motif, which is so often reflected in Voltaire's correspondence. Joseph was finally united to his Zuleika, Zadig to his Astarte, and Voltaire finally bowed to the Church in order to get into the French Academy. Each hero had emerged triumphantly from all his trials and tribula- tions. Rousseau and Desfontaines were in their graves, Roi was the execration of all honorable men, Mirepoix was sent into semi-exile, in order to relieve him of the danger of choosing badly among the servants of God for the posts of honor in the French capital (M. 36, p. 357), while Voltaire, covered with the aegis of the vicar of Christ, had become one of the Immortals, historiographer of France, and gentilhomme ordinaire de la chambre du roi, with the privi- lege of selling his patent (which brought him about 60,000 francs) and retaining the title. And how had he accomplished it all ? Not dif- ferently from the symbolism of Zadig, with the hero's submission to Providence, not differently from the Patriarch Joseph, with his riddles. The Princesse de Navarre and the favor of the Pompadour on the one hand, and Voltaire's 70 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS submission to the Church on the other, had ac- complished what all his serious work, his real services, had failed to accomplish. In Voltaire's first open letter to prove his orthodoxy (M. 36, p. 191), Voltaire proclaims his love of religion, "a religion which makes one great family of all men, and whose practices are founded on tolerance and good works." Zadig does the same thing at Bassora (M. 21, p. 61) : "II lui paraissait que l'univers etait une grande famille qui se rassemblait a Bassora." He convinces the representatives of all sects, all of whom are merchants, that they are, at bottom, of one faith; they adore the Maker of the Uni- verse, and not those who have constituted them- selves his prophets and instructed mankind in his name. Voltaire had already given expres- sion to a similar thought in Holland, whither he had gone with Mme. de Eupelmonde (M. 33, p. 74). The cities of Holland, like Bassora, were great commercial centers, and like the Bas- sora of Zadig all cults seemed to flourish side by side. " Je vois des ministres calvinistes, des arminiens, des sociniens, des rabbins, des ana- baptistes, qui parlent tous a merveille, et qui, en verite, ont tous raison." So Zadig speaks of ZADIG 71 the sects of Bassora; lie tells them that they are all agreed, all are right, without knowing it. This episode was probably suggested to Vol- V taire by his letter above mentioned and by his remarks while at The Hague. It is probable that Bassora is meant to be a linguistic equiva- lent for the Netherlands. Voltaire's idea of a religion which made one great family of all men was not the religion which could open the doors of the Academy to him. In order that the grace efficace should descend, to speak in the phraseology which he likes to use, he had to give evidence of his love of the Christian religion as understood and practiced in his day. That Voltaire accom- plished by dedicating Mahomet to the Pope and by a profession of faith and orthodoxy, in his open letter to the Jesuits. In addition to the reasons which have already been given in support of the interpretation of the name Zadig as the " Truth-teller," there are others of less significance, to which, however, attention might be called. He writes to Cide- ville about his poem on the Battle of Fontenoy, in reference to the Marechal de Noailles, who, having no command (although he ranked the 72 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS Marechal de Saxe, the commanding officer), was obliged to look on while others won imper- ishable glory (M. 36, p. 366) : "Les deux vers qui expriment qu'il n'est point jaloux et qu'il ne regarde que l'interet de la France sont un petit trait de politique, si ce n'en est pas un de poesie; et ce sont precisement ces verites qui donnent a penser a, un lecteur judicieux. Ces traits si eloignes des lieux communs, et ces allu- sions aux f aits qu'on ne doit pas dire hautement, mais qu'on doit f aire entendre ; ce sont la, dis-je, ces petites finesses qui plaisent aux hommes comme vous, et qui echappent a ceux qui ne sont que gens de lettres." Apropos of a problem which he has stated in the form of a riddle, as to which of the three princesses which the Queen of Poland has given to reigning houses of Europe is the most vir- tuous and brings the greatest happiness to her subjects, he says (M. 36, p. 495): "Kien ne prouve mieux combien il est difficile de savoir au juste la verite dans ce monde ; et puis, mon- sieur, les personnes qui la savent le mieux sont tou jours celles qui la disent le moins." Perhaps nowhere in Zadig does Voltaire show more clearly his method of attesting the truth ZADIG 73 in the form of equivocal phrases than in the address of the hero to the judges after the cheval du roi des wis et la chienne de la reine have been found. Zadig has been fined four hundred ounces of gold for having seen (with his judg- ment) what he had not seen (with his eyes). He propitiates his judges and satirizes the juris- prudence of France in the following speech, full of equivoques: "Etoiles de justice, abimes de science, miroirs de verite, qui avez la pesanteur du plomb, la durete du fer, l'eclat du diamant, et beaucoup d'affinite avec For," etc. The equi- voques are charming, and none the less doubly edged with satire. Voltaire had become dis- gusted with the jurisprudence of France in his early apprenticeship in a lawyer's office. He lauds Desbarreaux, who threw the documents of a lawsuit into the fire and paid the plaintiff the amount for which the suit was brought. He reproduces a similar episode in Zadig, He likewise lauded his friend and guardian angel d'Argental, who, disgusted with the absurd forms and barbarity of the law, gave up his charge of conseiller au parlement and retained only the title of conseiller d'honneur. It was fit- ting, Voltaire said, that he should bear the title of his estate ! 74 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS The epithet of the "Witness-bearer" or the " Truth-teller " was also given by the Arabs to Aboubecre, father-in-law of Mohammed, to Jesus Christ, to the Virgin Mary, and to Aicha, the only "virgin" wife of Mohammed. They all refer to the attestation of revealed truth. Aboubecre attested the truth of Mohammed's mission, of the divine origin of the Coran, of the Prophet's journey on his horse Borac through the heavens, etc. His daughter, the Pucelle, obtained the title by attesting the au- thenticity of various traditions regarding Mo- hammed, just as the Virgin Mary obtained it by attesting the divine birth and mission of Jesus Christ. So Zadig really gets the title, it would seem, from his interview with the angel Jesrad ; at least not until then is he able to com- pass his ends. It is a strong testimony to the power of revelation over the minds of his coun- trymen, as indeed over the whole human race. In all these applications of the name it is a question of a new cult. Voltaire could take the epithet seriously. His message to the world, or to be more explicit, to France, was in the inter- est of a new cult : the cult of reason. Voltaire likened himself to Jesus Christ, persecuted for ZADIG 75 truth and righteousness (in his letter to Mire- poix, M. 36, p. 193 if.). After such an example of submission to tribulation and death in the interests of truth, Voltaire can not complain. It it true, however, he adds, that one should defend oneself; not for the vain satisfaction of humbling and silencing an opponent, mais pour rendre gloire a la verite. These are some of the reasons for thinking that Voltaire had the epithet of the "Truth- teller " in mind in composing his novel. I will now consider some of the reasons for believing that this significance was not the only one in- tended by the author. Othee Connotations in the Name Zadig There are good reasons for believing that Vol- taire was not wholly concerned with the episode of Joseph and Zuleika in the creation of his novel and the name of his hero. In the first place, he is not likely to have chosen the name from any one source, for he would then have kept it in the form in which he found it. Her- belot (Vol. 1, p. 76) makes a clear distinction between Sadik and Seddik (or Siddik). The former means the "just" man, he says, while v 76 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS the latter means " temoin fidele et authentiquesL" There may have been a confusion between the two, due to the marking of the vowel points, but we must consider Herbelot as Voltaire's chief source. The first objection, therefore, to the interpretation of Remy and Hammer is based on linguistic grounds. There are also internal evidences from the novel which point to the connotation of the just man in the name, if not its significance as such. The author stresses that characteristic in his hero. At the very beginning of the novel Zadig practices charity, in accordance with the pre- cept of Zoroaster: "When you eat, give to eat to the dogs, though they bite you." The Mo- hammedans consider the giving of alms "une action de justice aussi bien que de charite" (Herbelot, description of the book " Sadik " or " Sadikat " of Abou-Haian, which treats of justice and alms-giving). Also, at the very end of the novel it is distinctly stated that the reign of Zadig and Astarte was the reign of " justice and love." Of course, one may object, there can be no reign of justice and love until the truth has been established on its throne. Fur- ther, what causes Zadig to murmur against ZADIG 77 Providence, after Itobad has stolen his white armor and made himself King of Babylon and husband of Astarte, is that all his " justice " has not only not brought him any reward, but has served only to his misfortune. Here again the reply is forthcoming: Zadig accomplishes his ends only after he has constituted himself a "temoin fidele et authentique." After he has joined the ranks of the faithful adorers and given witness to revealed religion persecution ceases, and, it would seem, also the epithet of "just," since the angel says that the just man is always persecuted. This connotation in the name is strengthened by the probable influence of the Hebrew Sadoc or Zadoc, which means the just man. As founder of the sect of the Sadducees, the rul- ing priestly class among the Jews, Sadoc would seem to stand for a philosophy which, in part, is reflected in the episode of the Angel and the Hermit. This sect believed, like the Jews under Moses, only in temporal rewards and punishments, Voltaire was greatly interested in the topic, both because of its connection with the mission of Christ, and because of Warbur- ton's book on the mission of Moses. Warburton 78 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS started with the premise that a nation could not exist without the dogma of rewards and punish- ments after death, if it were not under a special Providence, i. e., led by God in person, and re- warded and punished immediately. Since the books of Moses do not contain this dogma, the Jews must have been guided by this special Providence. For this specious reasoning War- burton was made a peer of the realm, with an enormous pension, and Voltaire sighs : II n'y a quheur et malheur dans le monde. It will be noticed that there is no question of. rewards and punishments after death in the episode of the Angel Jesrad. Everything is temporal: either reward, or punishment, or trial, or foresight. The hero is exactly in the position of Job: he has been given over to the devil for trial of his faith, and he is rewarded when the caprice of his master is ended. Besides the influences which have already been noted in the name of Voltaire's hero, there is the probability of influence from the name of the Persian poet Sadi or Saadi, both as regards the name and the character. We know that Vol- taire was acquainted with the Persian poet. It is under his name that he masks himself in the ZADIG 79 Epitre dedicatoire of the novel. Voltaire men- tions a French translation of the Gulistan, and he himself translated a score of verses either from the original or from some Latin or Dutch transla- tion. Without ascribing to him any profound knowledge of Persian literature, we may safely assume that he knew about as much of Saadi as was to be found in published books in his time. If he had had no other source than Her- belot he would have been fairly familiar with the character and the contents of the works of the illustrious Persian, because Herbelot quotes copiously from him. There are a certain number of correspond- ences between the Persians and the French. Voltaire realized this in making Persepolis the symbol for Paris in his novel Babouc. The pun on Persans and Parisiens was too obvious for him not to make it, since he makes one on Paris (Parisis) and Isis, the Egyptian diety (M. 21, p. 417) . Montesquieu had already given promi- nence to this similarity in his Lettres persanes. There are also a number of correspondences between the Persian Saadi and Voltaire. Saadi hated injustice, violence, and fanaticism (cf. Introduction to translation of the Boustan by 80 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS A. C. Barbier de Meymard, Paris, 1880) ; he rails at the Envieux as does Voltaire; he is re- plete with moral allegories illustrating the ad- vantage of silence, or of speaking the truth as Saadi alone knows how, or pointed with allu- sions to the injustice of kings and the evils of religious fanaticism. The following are some of his maxims which find close parallels in Zadig or other works of Voltaire which show an Orientalizing tendency. As Zadig shows the King of Serendib that he has only one honest aspirant to the post of controleur general des -finances in seventy-four, so Saadi says to his sultan (cf. Boustan, op. cit, p. 18) : " Sur cent agents tu trouveras a peine un honnete homme. ,, As Arimaze is deficient in the divine spark which distinguishes man from the beast, so Saadi says (p. 51) : " Ce n'est pas le titre d'homme qui donne la superiorite sur la brute, puisque celle-ci vaut mieux que l'homme crimi- nel. Le sage seul est superieur aux betes fauves." Arimaze, le maTheureux, is contrasted with Zadig, Vheureux. Voltaire says, in reference to the persecutors whom he has known (M. 25, ZADIG 81 p. 466) : " Jai connu des hommes bien mechants, bien atroces; je n'en ai jamais vu un seul heureux." So Saadi says (p. 51): "Mais de ma vie, je n'ai vu la felicite veritable etre le partage des mechants." Voltaire's usual practice of biding his time until he could take his enemy off his guard and then striking swiftly and with the greatest ve- hemence, finds an admirable parallel in the ad- vice of Saadi (p. 71): "L'empire du monde appartient a l'habilete et a la ruse; 1 baise la main que tu ne peux mordre; prodigue les caresses a ton ennemi, comme tu le ferais a ton ami, en attendant Poccasion de l'ecorcher vif ! " How that would have appealed to Voltaire when he had to submit to men like Fleury, Herault, Maurepas, and Mirepoix! It is not different from the fate that Frederick foresaw for the old dne de Mirepoix in case Voltaire ever succeeded in getting into the Academy. He writes to Vol- taire (M. 36, p. 237) : " Malheur a Mirepoix si son panegyrique Se prononce jamais en style academique! Les arts qu'il offensa, pour venger leurs chagrins, 1 This conviction is repeated in a score of places in Voltaire's Essai sur les Mceurs. 6 82 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS Renverseront sa tombe avec leurs propres mains; Et la fade oraison que lui fera Neuville Aura meme en sa bouche un air de vaudeville." The fable that Saadi relates of the negro and the peri (p. 284) is a closer parallel to the episode of Missouf and Cletofis than the episode in Moliere (Le mariage force), which has been considered its source. When Saadi drives off the negro, the capricious beauty turns upon him like a fury and he barely escapes her claws. He draws this lesson from his adventure, which is an admirable statement of the lesson that Zadig draws from his adventure with Missouf: "De telles disgraces n'arrivent pas a qui s'occupe tranquillement de ses affaires. De ma mesa- venture j'ai tire une lecon: desormais je fer- merai les yeux sur les torts les plus averes d'autrui." The giant negro and the brilliant peri seemed like the embrace of night and dawn. Voltaire used this comparison also in the Prin- cesse de Babylone (M. 21, p. 431), where the King of Ethiopia, in the upper Egypt where the episode of Missouf takes place, is surprised by Amazan as he is about to ravish Formosante. Compare the following figure with the adven- ture of Zadig with Azora, who wished to " cut ZADIG 83 off his nose " : " Pourquoi la main d'une f emme, quand elle touche an fruit defendu, epargnerait- elle le visage de son epoux ? Si tu vois que ta compagne ne se resigne pas a la retraite, la raison et la prudence te defendent de vivre plus longtemps avec elle" (p. 297). The following is a good epitome of Voltaire's diatribes against the Envieux (p. 305): "Tel homme mene une vie retire: on lui reproche de dedaigner la societe de ses semblables, on Pac- cuse de f aussete et d'hypocrisie. i C'est un dive qui fuit le genre humani.' S'il est d'un carac- tere facile et sociable, on lui refuse Phonnetete des moeurs et la sagesse. Le riche est dechire a belles dents ; ' s'il y a un pharaon en ce monde, c'est lui.' Le pauvre, dont la vie se consume dans la misere, est un miserable, un vagabond ; le derviche aux prises avec le denuement, un etre vil et disgracie du sort. Qu'une grande fortune vienne a s'ecrouler, ils s'en rejouissent et disent : ' C'est un bienf ait du Ciel ; tant de f aste et d'orgueil ne pouvait durer ; les desastres suivent de pres la prosperite.' Qu'un homme pauvre et sans appui parvienne a un rang eleve, leurs dents noires de venin dechirent 'cet in- fame, ce parvenu objet/ As-tu produit une 84 SYMBOLISM OP VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS ceuvre utile et lucrative, tu es un ambitieux, un avare. Preferes-tu la meditation a la vie active, tu n'es plus qu'un mendiant, un parasite. Si tu paries, ils te comparent a un tambour sonore et creux ; si tu gardes le silence, a une de ces figures peintes sur les murs des bains. L'homme patient est a leurs yeux un lache, a qui la crainte fait courber la tete ; mais devant la hardiesse et l'energie, ils fuient en traitant le courage de folie." These envious detractors of Saadi, whom he lashes without pity, listen disdainfully to his poetry. A hundred delicate and charming traits leave them insensible, "mais vienne une de- faillance, ils poussent des cris d'horreur." The only source of their evil will is envy, he says, which conceals from them the perception of the beautiful. The episode in Zadig of the fisherman, while primarily the outcome of Voltaire's Epitre sur Vegalite des conditions (one of the Discours en vers sur l'homme), is in strict conformity with Saadi's views. The moral of one of his stories is that everybody has his misfortunes, irre- spective of temporal possessions. In the Gulistan occurs the story of the drop ZADIG 85 of water which became sad at the prospect of being lost in the immensity of the ocean. God took pity on it and made it a pearl which adorned the crown of the Great Mogul. This is, at bottom, the same apologue as the grain of sand in the episode of Arbogad in Zadig. Vol- taire elsewhere (M. 17, p. 570) makes use of this apologue of the drop of water in the same sense as the one of the grain of sand. Vol- taire never believed in the equality of earthly possessions, nor of physical and intellectual en- dowment. He tells us, first in the case of Abbe Linant, preceptor of the son of Mme. du Chate- let, and later in the case of Jean Jacques Rous- seau, what the proud exponent of the equality of man must do: either he must work, or beg, or rob, or die of hunger. If the Creator has not made him a pearl, or a diamond, and if He does not do so on request, let him be content to remain a grain of sand or a drop of water; he is in numerous company. It should also be noticed that Zadig is rep- resented as a poet, whose verses come easily, impromptu, and that his misfortune comes from an envious man who makes use of these verses to compass his ruin. That, and the parallels which 86 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS we have noted, together with the signature of the r Epitre dedicatoire, would seem to be conclusive evidence of some influence of the poet Saadi on the name and character of Zadig. As I have already- said, Zadig is probably not chosen from any one name, since it appears in exactly the form of none that we have been able to discover. It is undoubtedly made up from several, and the more important sources of it have undoubtedly been indicated here. As to the character Zadig, there can be no question that it is Voltaire. CHAPTER IV MOABDAR The purpose of this chapter is to determine the provenience and the significance of the name Moabdar, King of Babylon. In the first place, what is Babylon ? Does the author refer to the Babylon of the ancient Chal- deans, to the Egyptian Babylon, to the Babylon of the Mohammedan califs (i. e., Bagdad), or to the Babylon of Saint Peter (i. e., Rome) ? He may refer to them all, but if he does so it is by virtue of the significance of the name : the City of Baal, and the City of Babel. He uses Babylon in both senses, the one being the literal significance of the name, and the other the re- sult of a pun. Both meanings are closely allied, since most of the " babel " in the world is about the deity, under whatever name it be called. Voltaire might just as well have referred to Babylon as the " City where Pangloss is the preceptor of the human race." The King of Babylon may, therefore, be considered the King 87 88 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS of the Land of Pangloss, the King of the City of the Confusion of Tongues — God, in other words, either as God, or as represented by his vicars on earth : the Pope, on the one hand, and the vari- ous Kings, on the other. All of them are gods on earth, wielders of the thunder, authors of good and evil, and chiefly the latter. It would seem obvious that Moabdar has some connection with Voltaire's early satires on the Regent and his daughter, the modern Lot and his daughter, mere des Moabites. Herbe- lot gives the significance of dar as house, palace, residence, sojourn, place. The name Moabdar would then signify the " King-of-the-house-of- Moab," i. e., the descendant of Lot. The theme is one of incest, like that of Voltaire's satires on the Regent, like that of (Edipe, like that of the Pucelle, like that of Candide, and other works. There is, I think, no reason to doubt that Voltaire was inspired to compose (Edipe by the incestuous relations of the Regent and his daughter, nor is there any reason to doubt, I think, that the same theme appears in the Pu- celle. Voltaire seems to indicate this in the short-story of the Comte de Boursoufle (M. 32, p. 447). One of the reasons why the hero of MOABDAE 89 that story can not get into the French Academy is the fact that he has discovered why Jeanne d'Arc was called the Pucelle a" Orleans. He seems to mean that the Pucelle a" Orleans is the Pucelle du due d' Orleans, is the Pucelle of the New Testament. As in his narrative of the expulsion of the Jesuits from China, Voltaire wished to ridicule in the Pucelle the cult of virginity, the birth of a god who is his own father by his mother, who is thus father and son and husband all in one, and also, by virtue of the reconciliation of the genealogy of Jesus, was the brother of Mary. This god of love, who is to rule the world, is symbolized by the winged ass of Saint Denis, who finally gets the favors of the Pucelle. As a phallic animal the ass is the god of love, and was the symbol, in reality or by a vicious invention of the enemies of the new cult, of the early Christians of Constanti- nople and Rome. Voltaire seems to indicate the association with the Bible in those enigmat- ical verses of his about Joachim Prepucier, for which no explanation has ever been offered (M. 32, p. 386). While the hero who governs France (i. e., the Regent) , defender of the State and the King, is bringing back abundance into 90 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS the land, Joachim Prepucier also wishes to make two young hearts content. His prepara- tions to unite Daphnis and Cloe surprise the god of marriage; Joachim is not the person to unite a couple, but rather to separate them, tak- ing them both for himself. The only way in which Daphnis and Cloe can avoid dissatisfac- tion with the dangerous master who has united them is to be friends, after having been lovers. The genealogy of Christ was reconciled, Vol- taire says (M. 32, p. 590 f.), in the following way : Joachim is the father of the Virgin ; Elie is the father of Joseph; but Elie = Joachim, since (1), Elie is an abbreviation of Eliachim, and (2), from Eliachim you easily get Joachim. But Joachim Prepucier, as the name indicates, is the phallic god, who, like Hermaphrodix and Conculix, loves both sexes, and is a symbol for the Regent on the one hand, and the God of the Christians (as conceived by Voltaire) on the other. In the Pucelle Voltaire represents the Regent as giving the signal for debauchery : " Vous repondez a, ce signal, Jeune Daphne, bel astre de la cour; Vous repondez du sein du Luxembourg, MOABDAR 91 Vous que Bacchus et le Dieu de la table Menent au lit, escorte par Y Amour." The bel astre de la cour was the Regent's daughter, the famous Duchess of Berry. It was for satiric epigrammes against the Regent and his daughter that Voltaire was ex- iled May 4, 1716 (M. 1, p. 300), to Tulle, which was changed, at the request of his father, to Sully-sur-Loire. The order for this exile bore the significant words: "ou ses parents pourront corriger son imprudence et temperer sa vivacite." The following is the epigramme against the Regent : " Ce n'est point le fils, c'est le pere ; C'est la fille et non point la mere; A cela pres tout va des mieux. lis ont deja fait ^teocle; S'il vient a perdre les deux yeux, C'est le vrai sujet de Sophocle." The Regent was in fact, at this time, in dan- ger of becoming blind. The epigramme against the Duchess of Berry is as follows: a Enfin votre esprit est gueri Des craintes du vulgaire; 92 SYMBOLISM. OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS Belle duchesse de Berry, Achevez le mystere. Un nouveau Lot vous sert d'epoux, Mere des Moabites; Puisse bientot naitre de vous Un peuple d' Ammonites." If, as is probable, this episode was the inspi- ration of CEdipe, the poet did not let it appear in his tragedy. He was not the man to give in dramatic form an episode of dissolute morals; nor was he the man to treat the subject of Sopho- cles as all his predecessors had done. He made of it his first sermon against the Jansenists and the God of the Jansenists, in whose religion the future of every individual is established, like the interacting cogs of a huge machine which turns, forever hidden, except for the present moment, beneath the blackness of an impene- trable veil; the theory of predestination. CEdipe is inceste et parricide, et pourtant vertu- eux. Jocaste reminds him that, in the midst of the horrors of destiny which overwhelm them, she has made the gods blush for having forced them into crime. It is important to notice that Voltaire makes the God of the Jansenists evil raised to the infinite, and the author of all evil (cf. M. 17, p. 476, 577, 581). MOABDAE 93 After the ban of exile had been removed from him in 1716, Voltaire seems to have been under surveillance. While rehearsals of (Edipe were going on he was betrayed by the French officer and spy of the Regent, M. Solenne de Beaure- gard. He was arrested Jour de Pentecote, he says in his poem on the Bastille, but we can not, in view of his mania of connecting everything that happened to him with the Bible, be sure that he did not invent this trait in order to get in a bit of satire on the Holy Ghost. He had satirized the Father, in his epigrammes on the Regent; he had satirized the Son, in his Puero Regnante; it was now the turn of the Holy Ghost. His valet awakens him to tell him that the Saint Esprit is come. "Et moi de dire alors entre mes dents : gentil puine de l'essence supreme, Beau Paraclet, soyez le bienvenu; n'etes-vous pas celui qui fait qu'on aime ? " But instead of the gentle dove of the Holy Ghost, he finds twenty ravens who have come to take him off to one of the King's castles; the King has heard of his verses and bons mots, and de- sires to give him free board and lodging. The poet protests in vain that he is not a court poet, and that he does not wish to become one. He 94 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS is carried off, forsaken by everyone, even by his mistress. In a neatly turned epigramme, probably written at this time, Voltaire excused himself from the imputation of the authorship of the satires on the Regent, and invokes the testimony of the Duke of Brancas, through whose hands the verses on Joachim Prepucier also passed : "Non, monseigneur, en verite, Ma muse n'a jamais chante Ammonites ni Moabites. Brancas vous repondra de moi. Un rimeur sorti des Jesuites, Des peuples de Pancienne loi Ne connait que des Sodomites." No better indication of Voltaire's daring could be found ; for this apology was, in itself, a new satire on the morals of the Regent, who calls himself un Socrate a cheveux gris. Voltaire, in his Lettres sur (Edipe, tries to give the impression that the Regent was con- vinced of his innocence of the satires imputed to him. He knows better, and he shows it by saying that the Regent gave him a pension of 2000 livres, not so much to recompense him, as to induce him to merit his protection. How MOABDAR 95 could he merit that protection ? Only by drop- ping once for all the line of personal satire in which he had engaged. He tries, in his Lettres sur (Edipe, to give the impression that it was for the satire Les j'ai vu that he was persecuted. But the report of Beauregard (M. 1, p. 300) shows distinctly that the source of the watchful- ness of the Kegent was in the satires on his relations to his daughter. Voltaire hates the Regent for having exiled him in 1716 ; the Re- gent hates Voltaire for having shown que sa Messaline de fille etait une p. . . . In his references to Les j'ai vu Voltaire is, I think, simply playing on words. This satire was three years old, and Voltaire could hardly have been suspected of being its author, and less likely to have been persecuted for it at that late date. What he is really thinking of is the persecution for ce quil avait vu, namely, the incest of the Regent. I have already indicated my belief that it was in reminiscence of this persecution, which was unpleasantly recalled to his mind by the Voltairomanie of Desfontaines, that Voltaire in- cluded in his novel the episode of the Cheval du roi des rois etla chienne sacree de la reine. I think that this episode with the Regent has 96 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS much to do with Voltaire's name, and, as it is intimately connected with his symbolism, I will include here my theory of it. Voltaire's Name The last letter in which he signs himself Arouet is dated from Chatenay, April 15, and this letter is probably the first that the poet wrote after his release from the Bastille and on beginning his short exile. The next letter in the correspondence, if properly classified (since it is undated), is the first in which the new name Voltaire occurs. It is to the Eegent, and the name Voltaire occurs both in the body of the letter and at the end, and without the least word of explanation for the change. Since Vol- taire explained to Jean Baptiste Eousseau his reasons for adopting a new name, is it probable that he would have been silent on this topic to the Regent, especially since all his misfortunes, of which he complains to Eousseau, came from the Eegent? We may safely assume that he would not, and that he must have given to the Eegent, before being released from the Bastille, some assurance of his future conduct. He ad- mits, in this letter, that the Eegent has corrected . MOABDAE 97 him by a year in the Bastille; that is, that the purpose of the first exile, pour corriger son im- prudence et temperer sa vivacite, has been ac- complished by his imprisonment. I take it that this name, Voltaire, is to be for him an ever present reminder of this fact, especially since he was so volontaire by nature. He will be from now on, not M. de Volontaire, but M . de Voltaire, a man vowed to circumspection. This interpretation of the name is not at all far- fetched, in view of Voltaire's habit of punning on names. He notes similar names in his works. Tasso called himself Pentito, to mark his repentance for the years which he had wasted in the study of law. Scarron called his income from his books the rents from his terre de Quinet, that being the name of his publisher. D'Argental, as conseiller d'honneur au parle- ment, bears the name of his estate. Chabanon, because he composed an excellent exposition of a tragedy, which Voltaire calls a vestibule, is dubbed M. du Vestibule. Maupertuis is called M. le marquis du cercle polaire. In short, scores of such examples could be given. Voltaire tells Kousseau that he had two rea- sons for adopting another name: he had been 98 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS so unhappy under the name of Arouet that he wished to see if his fate would be more pro- pitious under a new name, and he wished to distinguish himself from the poet Roi. It seems that the name Roi was pronounced at that time quite the same as the last syllable of Arouet (cf. Nyrop). Thus Arouet is a king, but a king without a land. What does he do? He takes one, he steals one, not literally, like the other kings, but figuratively, like Scarron's terre de Quinet, and d'Argental's terre d'honneur, etc. His land is in the Republic of Letters. He will not give up the career of a man of letters, as he had been urged ; on the contrary, he will become king of it, by symbolism ! He was noble, on his mother's side; he was noble by sentiments and instincts ; he was noble by talents. He lived in the plus grand monde, as one author expresses it, and was enrage d'etre bourgeois. By the as- sumption of a place name he raised himself into the ranks of conventional nobility. He was better than his noble associates, for the entire nobility of Europe, from the greatest kings down, owed their titles, in extremo, to theft. This thought is repeated in a score of places in Voltaire's works ; even the kingdom of heaven MOABDAR 99 was not different from the kingdoms of the earth: violenti rapiunt illud. No better expo- sition of this can be found than in the episode of Arbogad. Voltaire made use of a variation on his name in the pseudonym under which he traveled in Holland : M. de Revol. He undoubtedly uses a combination of the name of Mme. de Rupel- monde, widow of M. de Recourt, and his name of Voltaire. He had been in Holland with her in 1722 ; he has to fly back there at the time of the persecution for the Mondain: he is M. de Revol, with a play on voler, to fly, and court, from courir, to run. The name Voltaire would be, then, a clever equivoque, like all the symbolic names of which he makes use. It marks the author's desire to be a noble, both in the conventional sense and in the Republic of Letters ; it marks his symbol- ism ; it marks his plan of eluding persecution. In connection with his satires on the Regent Voltaire took a characteristically bold attitude : he determined to dedicate his tragedy to the Regent, and actually did dedicate it to the wife of the Regent. This procedure is a genuine Voltaire-trait, exactly paralleled by his dedi- 100 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS cation of Mahomet to the Pope. Voltaire chose, in both cases, the protector whom he had really outraged, and the only one capable of protecting him. The opening of the novel falls, therefore, in the period of Voltaire's demeles with the Re- gent, whose debauchery was so famous. It is the same association of ideas with Lot, and Sodom and Gomorra, that is at the bottom of the symbolism of Babouc. The angel Ituriel sends Babouc to Persepolis to see if there are enough just men in it to warrant its preserva- tion. The idea is taken from the visit of the angels to the two cities of Palestine. Dealing, as Voltaire's novels do, with his enemies in the Republic of Letters, in religion, and in political despotism, no better or rather no more fitting theme could have been chosen by him, in view of the reputation of the Church that he assails, and that of such men as the Regent, Frederick, Desfontaines, Rousseau. It is probable, then, that Moabdar is the suc- cessor of Lot, i. e., Louis XV, the successor of the Regent. The chief point to be noticed in reference to Moabdar is that his madness and death lead to MOABDAE 101 a war of succession. This fact, if we keep in mind the timeliness of all Voltaire's work, points to the war of the Austrian succession, of which Voltaire was historiographer. Charles VI was the type of monarch that Voltaire holds up to the condemnation of the world. In his Ode sur la mort de VEmpereur Charles VI (M. 8, p. 447), Voltaire compares this roi des rois to a cedar whose head defied so long the tem- pests and whose branches overshadowed so many states ; his very name is now effaced, de- voured by the grave in which he is buried. If he had conducted his armies in person and by his valor strengthened the Empire, whose glory is expiring beneath the proud Ottoman; if he had been terrible to the Turks, instead of being terrible to his generals, whose death he sought for concluding peace ; or if, better still, he had caused the arts to flourish, like the second of the Caesars, then Voltaire, instead of holding him up as a warning to kings, would, as the herald of truth, have showered upon him the praises of immortal verse, whose light pierces the depths of the night of time. How could Voltaire associate Charles VI under the same symbol with Louis XV? He 102 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS makes many historical rapprochements, such as that of Frederick with Solomon, with the Em- peror Frederick III (cf. Annates de r Empire, Beauchot 23, p. 392), and with the Emperor Frederick II. That is but natural. In dis- cussing the sacrament of marriage and the inter- ference of the popes with the bed of kings, he naturally ranges all historical instances of this under one heading. It was but natural, in the war of 1741, that Voltaire should think of the wars of succession in France, two of which he had already treated poetically, one in the Hen- riade, the other in the Pucelle. In the canto of the Pucelle entitled the Capilotade, Voltaire has satirized many of his enemies under names which appear (in editions published in the life- time of the author) to be those of poets under the reign of Charles VI. His association of ideas seems plain: Charles VI, le bien-aime, is, by virtue of his epithet, Louis XV, le bien-aime. But the Emperor was also Charles VI, there- fore he is also Moabdar. When Louis XV fell ill at Metz and dismissed his mistress through the machinations of "un sot" (M. 9, p. 220), some other fool gave him the title of bien-aime. As soon as he became the bien-aime he became, MOABDAR 103 for Voltaire's symbolism, Charles VI, the mad King of France, and Charles VI, the Emperor, whose death had become the signal for the war of the Austrian Succession. This symbolism is quite obvious from the eposide of Missouf and Cletofis. As Zadig nears the first village of Egypt he sees a woman in tears, of touching beauty, somewhat like Astarte, being maltreated by a jealous brute. She calls upon Zadig to save her. Zadig remon- strates with the jealous lover, who, accusing him of being one of her favorites, turns upon him with blind and passionate vehemence. Za- dig is forced to kill him. Thereupon the ca- pricious lady breaks out in execrations upon him for killing her lover. Zadig is dumb- founded at her conduct. Shortly afterward the emissaries of Moabdar appear and take Missouf for Astarte, in pursuit of whom they had been despatched in all directions. Voltaire is here referring to the fool Fitz-James who caused the dismissal of Mme. de Chateauroux, and who was himself the instrument of Maurepas. The name of the brute, Cletofis, seems to be a hybrid formed from the following elements: -fis = fils = fitz (of FUz-James) ; CUto— (Para)- 104 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS diet, celui qui fait quon aime, as Voltaire inter- I prets it in his poem on the Bastille, and is a translated pun on the last component part of the name Fitz-James. Cletofis is, therefore, the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of the Clergy, I a spirit which Voltaire had attacked often enough, and in consequence of which he was reduced to a position of servitude in his own country. Missouf is carried to Babylon and has the good fortune to please the King, who makes her his wife. Then she shows the significance of her name : she is la telle capricieuse, who gives free rein to all her extravagant fancies. These consist principally in awarding positions of honor to those who are particularly unfit for them. She asked the High Priest, who was old and gouty, to dance before her, and, on his re- fusal, persecuted him violently. She ordered the Head Groom to make her a tart. It was in vain for him to protest that he was not a pastry- cook; he had to make the tart, and was dis- charged because it was burned. She gave his charge to the court fool, and the place of Chan- cellor to a page. Voltaire had been ambitious to play a role at MOABDAE 105 court. He had found in England men of letters honored with the highest offices in the gift of the crown. The Comte de Maurepas had aided him to win his cause against the Abbe Desfon- taines, and the poet counted on the protection of the Minister to get into the French Academy. At the time of the persecutions of Mirepoix Voltaire was designated by the King to visit the court of Frederick on a semi-diplomatic mission. Amelot was Minister of Foreign Af- fairs at this time, and Voltaire acted under his immediate instructions, although the correspond- ence passed through the hands of Mme. du Chatelet. It seems that Mme. de Chateauroux was jealous that the negotiations had not passed through her hands, and she caused Amelot to be dismissed. Voltaire had hoped to make his real services to France serve his ambition to get into the French Academy, but the disgrace of Amelot, and the discontent of the King's mis- tress, together with the enmity of Maurepas, wrecked his hopes. To Maurepas Voltaire had addressed an Epitre, now known as the Epitre a un ministre d'Etat sur V Encouragement des arts, in the hope of enlisting his support, but Maurepas hated even more than Fleury tout ce 106 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS qui selevait au-dessus des hommes ordinaires, says Condorcet, and Voltaire's hints seem to have produced a bad effect on him. On the death of Fleury Maurepas joined Mirepoix, ac- cording to Voltaire (Memoires pour servir a la vie de Voltaire), to prevent the poet's elec- tion to the place made vacant by the Cardinal's death. He is reported to have said to the poet : Je vous ecraserai. Now, in the Epitre of Vol- taire, the patronage of the court is compared to the casting of lots in the household of the Duke of Mazarin for the posts pf honor, just about as Missouf distributes them. " On compte que l'epoux de la celebre Hortense Signala plaisamment sa sainte extravagance: Craignant de f aire un choix par sa f aible raison, II tirait aux trois des les rangs de sa maison. Le sort, d'un postilion, faisait un secretaire; Son cocher etonne devint homme d' affaire; Un docteur hibernois, son tres-digne aumonier, Rendit grace au destin qui le fit euisinier." It was undoubtedly in reminiscence of this vain attempt to arouse in Maurepas a sense of duty towards men of letters and especially towards himself, that Voltaire created the char- acter of Missouf. Her name is probably either MOABDAR 107 an anagramme for Miss Fou, or it is from the Greek, meaning " She-who-hates-philosophy." Philosophy is the love of truth, therefore Mis- souf hates the Speaker-of-the-truth, i. e., Zadig and Voltaire. Her resemblance to Astarte is I explained in an episode of the Pucelle (M. 9, p. 270), where Voltaire describes the two kinds of imagination. Missouf is not the goddess, Venus Urania, who presides over immortal works, " Mais celle-la qui abjure le bon sens, Cette etourdie, effaree, insipide, Que tant d'auteurs approchent de si pres, Qui les inspire," etc. Her finest favors are showered on novels, new comic operas, on Scuderi, Lemoine, Desmarets, etc. All the characters of the Pucelle are in her domain, where a scene similar to that of Missouf takes place : " Comme ils couraient dans ce vaste pourpris, L'un se saignant, l'autre tout en larmes, Ils sont frappes des plus lugubres cris. Un jeune objet, touchant, rempli de charmes, Avec frayeur embrassait les genoux D'un chevalier qui, couvert de ses armes, I/allait bientot immoler sous ses coups." 108 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIEE'S NOVELS Here everybody is crazy ; they are just like the Sorbonne professors: lis sont tous fous quand Us sont sur les bancs. In short, the episode here, as in Zadig, deals with the capricious folly of literature, of religion, of politics. This episode has also a pendant in the Diable antique, nomme rinconstance (= caprice) of the Guerre civile de Geneve (M. 9, p. 527). It is possible that the name Missouf may have been influenced by the extravagance of the im- agination of the Abbe de Voisenon in his novel Le Sultan Misapouf et la princesse Grisemine, and Cletofis by the Don Cleofas of Le Sage's Diable boiteux. One can easily see how Voltaire rounds out his symbolism. Not only is Louis XV, as soon as he becomes le bien-aime, the mad King of France, Charles VI, but, as a mad king, he must necessarily be the lover of Miss Fou, of Folly, of Extravagance, of Wild Imaginings. It should be noticed that it is really Missouf who causes the war in the novel, and that Vol- taire ascribed the part of France in this war to Mme. de Chateauroux, as he ascribed the peace of 1748, and the beginning of European felic- ity, to Mme. de Pompadour. In each case it is MOABDAR 109 love, of different natures, but also similar, which produces these two effects. In the canto of the Pucelle, the Capilotade, Voltaire compares himself to Charles VII, be- cause the enemies of both were the faction of the parlementaires, the Jansenists, the convul- sionnaires of both epochs. That Voltaire always looked upon these people as his particular ene- mies is evident from his numerous publications against them. This seems to have been so from the earliest times that we have any knowledge of him. His designation for his elder brother, whom he certainly did not love, is son jansen- iste de frere. He frequently calls them crazy, mad, capable of the crimes of the wretched Seide. He writes to Fleury (M. 36, p. 148; August 22, 1742) : " C'est une fatalite pour moi que les seuls hommes qui aient voulu troubler votre heureux ministere soient les seuls qui m'aient persecute, jusque-la que la cabale des convulsionnaires, c'est-a-dire ce qu'il y a de plus abject dans le rebut du genre humain, a obtenu la suppression injurieuse d'un ouvrage honore de votre approbation, et represente de- vant les premiers magistrats de Paris." Vol- taire indicates the application of his satire in 110 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS the Pucelle to the Jansenists by making Saint Austin (or Augustin) the representative of the Parlement, of the friends of the mad King Charles, of the English usurpers, in the council of Heaven. He sings of the God of vengeance, of the exterminating angel, of twenty thousand Jews cut to pieces pour un veau, of Joaz killed by Josabad, son of Atrobad, et Athalie, si me- chamment mise a mort par J odd. Saint Denis, on the other hand, celebrates the God of clem- ency, of love, and wins the prize. The treat- ment that Saint Augustin receives is like the treatment to which Itobad is subjected in Zadig. " Austin rougit, il f uit en tapinois : Chacun en rit, le paradis le hue. Tel fut hue dans les murs de Paris Un pedant sec, a face de Thersite, Vil delateur, insolent hypocrite, Qui fut paye de haine et de mepris Quand il osa, dans ses phrases vulgaires, Fletrir les arts et condamner nos freres." There are some other correspondences between the reign of Charles VI and that of Louis XV to which attention should be called. During the early reign of Charles VI we meet with the ! MOABDAR 111 Duke of Orleans whose character is quite sim- ilar to that of the Regent. Both are reproached for their debauchery, both are accused of plot- ting against the reigning house. The question of succession was often raised in both periods. The mad King of Spain, Philip V, plotted to oust the Regent from the throne in the event of the death of Louis XV. During the madness of Charles VI the nation was plunged into the greatest misery. Two dauphins were dead, the third was only thirteen years old. Three par- ties formed in Paris, about like the three parties in Zadig, to dispute the throne. Charles VI formed suspicions of the fidelity of his wife, like those of Moabdar. In one of his lucid in- tervals he saw the Seigneur Boisbourdon com- ing out of the apartments of his wife. The King had him seized, put to torture, sewed up in a sack, in the manner of the typical Oriental despot, and thrown into the Seine. He did not attempt to poison the Queen, as Moabdar did; but he had her imprisoned, and it was her im- prisonment, like that of Astarte, which led to the most astonishing revolution since the days of Charlemagne (Essai sur les mceurs, Beuchot 16, p. 387 ff.). It placed the crown of Prance 112 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS on the head of the English King. Just as Moabdar's madness and the disorders attending it caused the people to believe him smitten of God, so the King of England proclaimed that the afflictions of the French marked the designs of Providence to place the crown on his head (Beuchot 16, p. 402). And if it is not the Queen, Isabelle of Bavaria, who marries the King of England, as Astarte marries Zadig, it is her daughter who brings to him France as a dowry; and who says daughter, in the House of Moab, says wife. Thus it is all one for Vol- taire's symbolism whether Marie Therese, of Bavaria, is the daughter or the wife of the Emperor Charles VI, just as it is all one in the case of the King Charles VI. The question at issue in the period of Charles VI, King of France, as in the case of Charles VI, Emperor, is the salic law on the one hand, and the Pragmatic Sanction on the other: the right of inheritance through the female line. The fact that the Dauphine, for whom Voltaire composed the Princesse de Navarre and Semi- ramis, was named Marie-Therese, like the daughter of Charles VI, must have aided Vol- MOABDAR 113 taire's imagination in making himself, under the name of Zadig, her humble adorer. Aside from the similarity of motives which we find in these two epochs, there is another and not unimportant reason for believing that Vol- taire associated these characters under one symbol. The Epitre dedicatoire of Zadig is meant for the Marquise de Pompadour, who always wished to be considered the Agnes Sorel of her century. She even dressed up as a musketeer and followed the King to Flanders, about as Agnes is represented in the Pucelle, donning Jeanne's armor over Chandos' panta- loons. Now, this Epitre bears the date of 837 of the Hegira. While Voltaire was not always exact in computing the corresponding dates of the Mohammedan and the Christian eras, he was never far wrong. He is not likely to have chosen this date without a good and sufficient reason. It would fall certainly in the period of the struggle of Charles VII for the throne of his ancestors, and would be, if Voltaire were exact in his computation, approximately the date of the triumphal entry of the King into Paris (1437). CHAPTEE V ASTARTE The purpose of the present chapter is to de- termine the significance of Astarte for Voltaire's symbolism. By virtue of the equations already made in the case of Moabdar, it is obvious that Astarte is the wife of Louis XV, the wife of Charles VI, King of France, and, as a result of the in- cest theme, the daughter of Charles VI, Em- peror. But what Astarte is for Moabdar does not explain what she is for Voltaire and for Zadig. Zadig had loved before, as had Voltaire, and neither has any patience with the tender pas- sion. Zadig' s first experience is with the beautiful Semire, who is carried off by Orcan, or rather, who deserts Zadig when he is sorely wounded by Orcan, and herself yields to the ravisher. There is a good deal of personal satire in the episode of Semire and Orcan. In the first place, 114 ASTABTE 115 Voltaire satirizes the ladies of the court, les hegueules titrees de la cour, as he calls them in his letter to Mme. de Bernieres (M. 33, p. 125), against whom Paris is inundated with chansons (M. 33, p. 89). That is the primary signifi- cance of the episode; Zadig suffers such a ter- rible caprice of a girl brought up at court. In the second place, Voltaire satirizes the noblemen. Orcan has neither the graces nor the wit of Zadig; he is vain, jealous and envious, persuaded that everything is permitted to him because he is the nephew of a minister. In the third place, he satirizes the doctors, Moliere's old hobby. Hermes could have cured Zadig if his wound had been in the right eye. The personal reference here is to Borelli, who claimed (M. 17, p. 224) that the left eye was much stronger than the right, although there were not wanting skillful physicians who took the part of the right eye against him. When the abscess breaks and heals of itself, Hermes writes a book to prove that Zadig ought not to have recovered. The elements of this satire are to be found in Voltaire's correspondence. At the time when he was trying to recover from his love for the Marechale de Villars by wrapping 116 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS himself in a mantel of philosophy, he wrote to the Marquise de Mimeure for a plaster for le bouton qui lui est verm sur Vceil. That is the starting point for the episode of Semire. Con- dorcet says that Voltaire always spoke of his love for the beautiful Marechale with regret, almost with remorse, because it took him from his work. It is her husband who writes to Vol- taire to be on his guard against Dr. Vinache (M. 33, p. 65), "quoique ses discours sedui- sants, Fart de reunir l'innuence des sept planetes avec les mineraux et les sept parties nobles du corps, et le besoin de trois ou quatre Javottes, donne de l'admiration." It is also at the house of her sister, in the Chateau de Maisons, that Voltaire is stricken with small-pox. It was in reference to this malady of his that a long letter to Mme. du Chatelet's father was printed in the Mercure of December, 1723 (M. 33, p. 100), in which Voltaire takes the doctors to task. They fail to realize that a man who recovers by taking a certain remedy may have recovered in spite of the remedy, in cases where the vital organs are not affected, since nature is the great restorer. They then treat all cases with the same remedy, failing to realize that every malady ASTAETB 117 must be as different in different individuals as les traits de nos visages, Zadig is beaten by the satellites of Orcan, and then forsaken by Semire on account of the danger he is in of becoming blind in one eye. So Voltaire, when he thought of the marks left on his face by his terrible malady, feared the desertion of his fair lady (M. 10, p. 256; M. 32, p. 399) : " Mais, Ciel ! quel souvenir vient iei me surprendre ! Cette aimable beaute qui m'a donne sa foi, Qui m'a jure toujours une amitie si tendre, Daignera-t-elle encor jeter les yeux sur moi? M'aurait-elle oublie? serait-elle volage? Que dis-je? malheureux! ou vais-je m'engager? Quand on porte sur le visage D'un mal si redoute le fatal temoignage, Est-ee a l'amour qu'il faut songer?" The poet calls upon the pitiless gods of the underworld not to cut short his days; they are devoted to his love, if she is constant. This trait suggests the interpretation of the name Orcan: he is the god of the under-world, who assailed Voltaire's life, and who took his love, Adrienne Lecouvreur. The personal applica- 118 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS tion then becomes obvious. Voltaire had been assaulted by the Chevalier de Eohan-Chabot after having said, it is reported, that "he did not bear as great a name as the Chevalier, but he honored the one he bore." Voltaire may have referred to the meaning of the name of the Chevalier. Chabot means the Ore, i. e., Cha- bot = Orcan. Whether the marks on Voltaire's face are made by the canes of the "six coupe- j arrets du brave Chevalier de Rohan-Chabot," or by the malady of the god of the under-world is all one for Voltaire's symbolism; it is the devil in either case, Voltaire's first symbol of the author of evil in his novel. Orcan is a court devil, an aristocratic devil, protected by the noble house of Rohan, the head of which, Car- dinal Rohan, enjoyed the greatest distinction. Just what connection Adrienne Lecouvreur had with the episode is not known, but that she was involved in it is evident from the letter of the President Bouhier (M. 1, p. 304). The name Semire seems to have been chosen from Semiramis, the tragedy which Voltaire com- posed for the Dauphine. Voltaire often refers to actresses by the title roles of the plays in which they appear. At the time he was com- ASTABTE 119 posing Semiramis the Dauphine died, although Voltaire (as in the episode of Semire), had ex- pected to die himself (M. 36, p. 466). Voltaire seems to have made the equivalence of Orcan, Chabot, Dauphin, which is justifiable liguistic- ally. Thus Semire became the bride of Orcan in whichever way you take it. There is no doubt that Voltaire loved Adri- enne Lecouvreur, if only on account of her tal- ent. He had to yield to more illustrious rivals, as is evident from a passage in the short story of the Comte de Boursoufle (M. 32, p. 447), and from the following verses (M. 32, p. 404) : " Recevez dans vos bras mes illustres rivaux * C'est un mal necessaire et je vous le pardonne." The desperate atrocity to which Voltaire had been subjected by Rohan-Chabot is, if anything, even greater than the malady of the small-pox from which Voltaire suffered. He seems to in- dicate this in the wording of the episode : " ... sa douleur le mit au bord du tombeau; il fut longtemps malade, mais enfin la raison l'emporta sur son affliction ; et l'atrocite de ce qu'il eprou- vait servit meme a, le consoler." There is cer- tainly no atrocity in being abandoned by one's A 120 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS mistress, as was Zadig; but there is no greater atrocity than to be assassinated by a cowardly nobleman and abandoned by one's friends, as was Voltaire in this experience. Immediately after it Voltaire wrote to Mme. de Bernieres (M. 33, p. 156) that he had been a Vextremite, and was only awaiting his recovery to abandon forever the court. Thus Semire is a symbol for the caprice of the court, un si cruel caprice d'une fille elevee a la cour, as Zadig expresses it. After this experience Zadig has enough of the court. " Puisque j'ai essuye un si cruel caprice d'une fille elevee a la cour," he said to himself, " il faut que j'epouse une citoyenne." He picks out Azora, " la plus sage et la mieux nee de la ville." She proves, after a few weeks of do- mestic felicity, that she is quite willing to play the role of a second Matron of Ephesus. Cador, Zadig's dear friend, readily persuades her to cut off Zadig's nose in order to cure her new lover of a disorder of the spleen. Voltaire refers here, I think, to his experi- ence with Mile. Livry, a young actress who be- came his mistress, but soon transferred her pas- sion to his dear friend G-enonville. Her life is like the adventures of a novel. She had to AST ARTE 121 leave the Theatre-Francais for some reason, ac- companied a troupe of actors to England, and became stranded there. The Marquis de Gou- vernet heard about her grace and modesty, offered her his hand in marriage, and was re- fused because her union with him would be a mesalliance. Voltaire speaks of the fortune which she won from lottery tickets (M. 33, p. 135; Nov., 1724). That was a device of the Marquis to equalize their fortunes. He gave her the tickets and had a false drawing-list printed in which her tickets won a great sum. Voltaire often refers to her passion for his friend, as in the Pucelle, and in the following verses (M. 10, p. 245 f.) : " Toi, dont la delieatesse, Par un sentiment fort humain, Aima mieux ravir ma maitresse Que de la tenir de ma main." The conduct of his friend Genonville was re- peated by two other friends of Voltaire: Thie- riot, in the case of Mme. de Bernieres, and d'Argental, in the case of Mile. Lecouvreur. D'Argental even went so far as to wish to make the famous actress his wife. The name Cador 122 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS is probably formed from the name d'Argental, on the analogy of Castor; Voltaire calls the brothers d'Argental and Pont-de-Veyle Castor and Pollux. Cador is a "golden" friend, as were also the two brothers d'Argenson, whose name may come under the symbolism. The name Azora is probably taken from the cant of the stage: appeler azor, to hiss. Besides being symbolic of Voltaire's relations to Mile. Livry, the episode embodies Voltaire's ideas of love in the drama. He had no use for the tender pas- sion, as is well known. The next stage in Voltaire's relations to the fair sex is represented by his Temple de VAmitie, from which all have been driven except him and his amie. Friendship is the only passion of the sage, friendship and the love of letters. He writes to Cideville (M. 33, p. 403): "Les belles-lettres sont pour moi ce que les belles sont pour vous, elles sont ma consolation et le soulagement de mes douleurs." It is not love but friendship that retains him at the side of Mme. du Chatelet. Frederick has made fun of him for his attachment to her; he refused to believe that his relations were purely Platonic. Voltaire replies (M. 35, p. 564) : ASTAETE 123 " Un ridicule amour n'embrase point mon ame, Cythere n'est point mon sejour; Je n'ai point quitte votre adorable cour Pour soupirer en sot aux genoux d'une femme. ,, Voltaire paid a noble tribute to his muse in the verses which he added to his fifth Discours en vers sur Vhomme (Sur la nature du plaisir) : " Quand sur les bords du Mein deux ecumeurs bar- bares, Des lois des nations violateurs avares, Deux fripons a brevets, brigands accredites, ^puisaient contre moi leurs laches cruautes, Le travail occupait ma fermete tranquille; Des arts qu'ils ignoraient leur antre fut Pasile. Ainsi le dieu des bois enflait ses chalumeaux, Quand le voleur Cacus enlevait ses troupeaux: II n'interrompit point sa douce melodie. Heureux qui jusqu'au temps du terme de sa vie, Des beaux-arts amoureux, peut cultiver leurs fruits. II brave l'injustice, il ealme ses ennuis; II pardonne aux humains, il rit de leur delire, Et de sa main mourante il touche encor sa lyre." With this idea of his muse as the basis of his symbolism Voltaire can bring in allusions from a half dozen different personages. The Queen of Babylon is now Marie Leczinska, now Marie Therese, now Isabelle of Bavaria, now the Pompadour, who was Queen of Love in 124 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS very truth, now Mme. du Chatelet, who was Voltaire's divinity and the symbol of his muse, etc. It seems to be part of Voltaire's sly inten- tion to make a sort of Anne of Austria out of the devout Marie Leczinska. A brief resume of his life as a courtier and his relations to the Pompadour and to his divine Emilie will be necessary to show the realistic basis of the vari- ous episodes of the novel. Voltaire was something of a courtier before his atrocious experience with the Chevalier de Rohan-Chabot. He writes from Fontainebleau (Sept. 17, 1725 ; M. 33, p. 148) to Mme. de Bernieres that he has prepared a little Divertisse- ment for the marriage of Marie Leczinska, but he intends to wait until all the fracas is over in order to pay his court to her. He is going to dedicate (Edipe to her also (which would enable him to bring her under the incest theme of the house of Moab). A little later he writes (M. 33, p. 151) to Thieriot: " J'ai ete ici tres-bien recu de la reine. Elle a pleure a Marianne, elle a ri a Vlndiscret; elle me parle souvent; elle m'appelle mon pauvre Voltaire/' A fool would be content with that, he adds, but that is only a stepping stone for something more substantial. ASTAETE 125 In the dedicatory verses which he sent to the Queen with Marianne (M. 10, p. 259) he com- pares her to Pallas Athene, protectrice of the arts (i. e. } she is his muse). She has the bear- ing and the graces of the goddess. Voltaire apologizes for the seeming impropriety of send- ing to her a tragedy, the theme of which deals with the brutal jealousy of Herod, since she is the delight of the King's heart. Some charac- teristics of Herod and Marianne may well have found their way into the King and Queen of Babylon. In Voltaire's realistic comedy of the Envieux Cleon and Hortense are very similar to Herod and Marianne. It is well known that Voltaire, who had lived in the " plus grand monde " up to the time of his forced voyage to England, lived thereafter with only a few chosen friends. His life with Mme. du Chatelet at Cirey was one of profound seclusion, troubled only by the machinations of various envious persons, of whom Rousseau and Desfontaines were the chiefs. Cirey was for him the terrestrial paradise, Vasile des beaux- arts, as he expressed it in the verses which he had engraved over the portal. Then came the period of his residence at Brussels, his trip to 126 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS Berlin in the service of the French ministry of foreign affairs, his assistance to Frederick in the publication of the Anti-Machiavel. He is now the satellite of Venus (i. e., of Mme. du Chate- let). Frederick writes him (M. 36, p. 181) : "Vous circulez a 1'entour de cette planete et suivez le cours que cet astre decrit de Paris a Bruxelles, et de Bruxelles a Cirey." On the death of Fleury Voltaire entertained well-founded hopes of being elected to his place in the French Academy (M. 36, p. 187) : " Le roi m'a donne son agrement pour etre de PAcademie en cas qu'on veuille de moi. Je veux qu'on f asse succeder un pauvre diable au premier ministre." That Voltaire counted greatly on getting elected to the vacancy left by Fleury is evident from his letter to d'Argental (M. 36, p. 190), in which he says that his life depends upon it. He had enough "science," but not enough "religion," as he expresses it in the short story of the Comte de Boursoufle; Maurepas and Mirepoix, Lan- guet, Archbishop of Sens, and the Cardinal de Rohan, Archbishop of Strasburg, the griffon, and the cheval du roi des rois et la chienne de la reine prevented his election. Persecuted on all sides (M. 36, p. 195), he wishes at least to have ASTABTE 127 the public in his favor, i. e., by his numerous dramas which he composed in this period. Such triumphs as those of Alzire, Zaire, and espe- cially Merope, are symbolized in the Combats in Zadig; it is a joust with all claimants to the laurel crown. His enemies steal from him the reward which was his due, as does Itobad in the novel. Voltaire writes to d'Argental (M. 36, p. 196): "Deux hommes puissants se sont reunis pour m'arracher un agrement frivole, la seule recompense que je demandais apres trente annees de travail.'' The ignorant, opulent and rascally " cheval " de Mirepoix can not be paci- fied even by Voltaire's confession of orthodoxy ; he is as cruel as he is ambitious and avaricious (M. 36, p. 211) : "Le premier benifice qu'il a eu apres la mort du cardinal vaut pres de quatre- vingt mille livres de rente ; le premier apparte- ment qu'il a eu, a, Paris, est celui de la reine, et tout le monde s'attend a voir, au premier jour, sa tete, que votre Majeste appelle si bien une tete d'ane, ornee d'une calotte rouge apportee de Rome." Voltaire consoles himself, however; the Pope may give him a cardinal's hat, but he can not give him a head. In order to become an elu in the French Acad- 128 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS emy and in le saint paradis, equivalent terms for Voltaire, lie dedicates his tragedy of Ma- homet to the Pope, after having expressed his determination to dedicate it to Frederick; it was all the same thing, after all, as will be seen in the chapter on Arbogad. At the same time, after the forced resignation of Amelot (in 1744), through whom Voltaire had carried on his negotiations with Frederick, and who was succeeded by Voltaire's friend and protector, the Marquis d'Argenson, the poet intrigued at the French court as well as at the court of Rome. He considered himself, in fact, the favorite at three courts : at France, at Rome, and at Berlin. The King is content with him, Mirepoix can not harm him now about the griffon, and he is on such excellent terms with His Holiness, that he can say (M. 36, p. 357) : " C'est a present aux devots a me demander ma protection pour ce monde-ci et pour l'autre." In other words, he is le ministre, as in Zadig. He is over- whelmed with the bontees du roi (M. 36, p. 358; May 3, 1745). He pays assiduous court to the new Queen of Love, Mme. d'Etiolles, nee Poisson, whom the King had taken from her husband about as the Seigneur Orcan took the AST ARTE 129 wife of the fisherman in the novel. After the battle of Fontenoy Voltaire actually compares himself to a minister of State (M. 36, p. 366) : "La tete me tourne; je ne sais comment faire avec les dames, qui veulent que je loue leurs cousins et leurs greluchons. On me traite comme un ministre ; je fais des mecontents." There appeared at this time a number of at- tacks on Voltaire in prose and verse (M. 36, p. 372). He is particularly concerned about the rivalry of the poet Eoi, le cheval Eoi, as Vol- taire calls him. The Queen protects him, and is not well disposed to Voltaire, who had been paying too much court to the King's mistress, another chienne de la reine. The time is past when she called Voltaire mon pauvre Voltaire, and showed so markedly her disapproval of the claque against Marianne in the pre-English period. Voltaire feels that he must pay his court to her, at least indirectly. He uses the good offices of Moncrif , lecteur de la reine, whose enmity to Eoi was greater than his friendship to Voltaire. Through him Voltaire lets the Queen know (M. 36, p. 374), that the Temple de la Gloire and Voltaire's incense is worth more than the maussaderie of the Chevalier 9 130 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS de Saint-Michel, who has joined his voice to that of the Abbe de Bicetre (i. e., Desfontaines, author of Avis a M. de Voltaire, sur la sixieme edition de sa Bataille de Fontenoy). The medallions of the Pope, the impression of the Bataille de Fontenoy at the Louvre, and other marks of favor which Voltaire has received or is to receive, will be the best reply that Voltaire can make to such men as Desfontaines (M. 36, p. 390). Then came the final struggle to get into the French Academy. The first reference to it is probably the three lines to Mme. d'Argental (M. 36, p. 410; end of 1745): "Impossible, im- possible. Mais il faut absolument que 1' autre ange vienne dans mon enfer. Vraiment, j'ai de grandes choses a lui dire." The preliminaries of peace have just been signed at Turin (M. 36, p. 412), so that the historical event, presaging the close of the war, fits into the symbolism of the coming triumphs of Voltaire and of Zadig. The only enemy that he has now is Roi, for he has appeased all court and clerical hostility. Roi has taken on the appearance of virtue to insinuate himself into the good graces of the Queen (M. 36, p. 431) : C'est la seule maniere ASTARTE 131 de la tromper. Voltaire wishes to dislodge him from this favor by taking on the appearance of orthodoxy; that is the only way to deceive her. Eoi is a monster of hell (M. 36, p. 422), qui pretend quon lui a rendu la lyre, et qui fait imprinter le libelle diffamatoire le plus punis- sable contre VAcademie et contre moi. The ref- erence is to Roi's libellous Discours prononce a la porte de VAcademie frangaise and the Tri- omphe poetique, a sort of burlesque Odyssey of all Voltaire's trials and tribulations during his long career as a man of letters, including the beatings which he had received. Here is plainly the character of Itobad, who claims to be, not merely the poet Roi, but roi de Baby- lone, qui pretend quon lui a rendu la lyre, i. e., who claims to be the husband of Astarte. After Voltaire's triumph, his entrance into the Academy par la grande porte (i. e., by twenty-eight out of twenty-nine votes cast), he bends every effort to discover the publishers and distributors of the satires of Roi. That leads him back to his old enemy Desfontaines, from whom Louis Travenol had received them. Thus they become the echo of the V oltairomanie. By the very nature of these libels, with their 132 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS enumeration of all the evils that had befallen Voltaire during his chequered life and their ironical references to his poetic triumphs and his futile attempts to get into the Academy, Voltaire is led, it seems to me, to compose his version of his Triomphe poetique; that is, to compose his novel Zadig. Here it is not the satirist who presents the facts of his life, but the " Truth-teller," the "Witness-bearer." "le temoin fidele et authentique." But Voltaire does not compose with the crude art of his rivals ; it takes no art, in fact, to compose a libel. But it is the climax of art to give an actual, con- temporaneous historical background to his fic- tions, to make these fictions represent the actual experiences through which he had himself passed, and to raise the whole out of the domain of the personal, the individual, into the realm of the typical, the universal, and all in accord- ance with a philosophic tendency. Some features of Voltaire's experiences after his election to the Academy may have found their way into his novel. To put down this up- start, who threatened to eclipse all the court poets, jealous voices and mercenary pens were active as never before. In order to get him V ASTARTE 133 away from the court it was necessary to neutral- ize the favor of the Pompadour. The old poet Crebillon was put forward as the Sophocles of the century. Finally, towards the end of 1747, -Mme. du Chatelet, while playing cards at the Queen's table, lost an enormous sum. Voltaire's incon- siderate remark: Vous jouez avec des fripons, caused the poet and his Emilie to make a pre- cipitate retreat from Fontainebleau. Voltaire took refuge with the Duchess of Maine at Sceaux, where he remained in the strictest seclusion, cor- responding with Mme. du Chatelet only in a roundabout way, and by special courier, until her appearance one day relieved him of his en- forced confinement (cf. Desnoiresterres, Vol- taire a la cour, p. 137, 139, 141). Voltaire was often obliged to make sudden and hurried flights, in which he was separated from his divine Emilie, as at the time of the persecution for the Leitres philosophiques, and later for the Mondain, so that the scene de- scribed above could only favor his symbolism in Zadig. It is thought that Zadig was composed at Sceaux during Voltaire's confinement there. Desnoiresterres (op. cit., p. 146 f.) shows that 134 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS Zadig (or rather Memnon, the name under which the novel first appeared) could not have been published before 1748, as he did not leave Sceaux until the last days of December, 1747. If the first edition, that of Memnon, is dated 1747, it is not because it was put on sale in that year, but because it was composed in that year and sent, perhaps, to the publishers before the close of the year. It is not unusual for Voltaire to antedate his works in this manner. Long- champs tells a strange story about the publica- tion of Zadig. He says that the work was given, in two different sections, to two differ- ent publishers, and the printed copies then bound together by Voltaire in order to give the first copies to his friends, before the general public should receive them (cf . Desnoiresterres, op. cit., p. 146 f.). There seems to me to be a basis of truth in this story, to be accounted for by Voltaire's pun on the names. Memnon = meme nom, i. e., it is the same as Zadig. The com- mentators have dismissed the statement of Longchamps, on the ground that the first edi- tion of the work was not called Zadig, but Memnon, whereas Voltaire's secretary speaks of Zadig. When he says then, that Zadig was ASTABTE 135 printed in two different sections, he probably bad in mind the version Memnon and tbe ver- sion Zadig, which, by a pun, probably well known to him at the time but which he had later forgotten, were really the same work. In this connection it should be said that the little skit Memnon, ou la Sagesse, is misdated in all the editions of the novels. Beuchot thinks that it was composed in 1750, but the letter of Stanislas to Voltaire (M. 36, p. 569 ; Jan. 31, 1749) speaks of Memnon and of Zadig, and in terms which can not apply to Zadig under the title of Memnon. Besides, there would be no object in sending to Stanislas at that late date both the old Memnon (the first edition of Zadig) and the same work, with some additions, under the title of Zadig. The composition of Zadig as Sceaux is im- portant to bear in mind. It was the Duchess of Maine who induced Voltaire to treat the same subject as Crebillon le barbare, to avenge Cicero for the insults to which the old Tragique sub- jected him in making him le Mercure de sa fille. Voltaire could not forgive Crebillon for two things : first, for his refusal of an approbation to Mahomet, and second, his usurpation of the 136 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS favor of the Pompadour. That is why, in view of Voltaire's jousts with him in all the subjects which he had treated, Zadig is so appropriately dedicated to the Pompadour, and it accounts also for the burlesque form of approbation which prefaced the first editions of the novel: "Je soussigne, qui me suis fait passer pour savant, et meme pour homme d'esprit, ai lu ce manu- scrit, que j'ai trouve, malgre moi, curieux, amusant, moral, philosophique, digne de plaire a ceux meme qui haissent les romans. Ainsi je l'ai decrie, et j'ai assure M. le cadi-lesquier que c'est un ouvrage detestable." The cadi-lesquier is the commander-in-chief of half of the Turk- ish empire (there being one for European Tur- key and one for Asiatic Turkey). The refer- ence is probably to the garde des sceaux, and more particularly to the Chancellor d'Aguesseau (who was garde des sceaux), whose severity for the Elements de la philosophie de Newton (M. 1, p. 213) Voltaire could not easily forgive, and whose severity for novels with heretical person- ages could only arouse Voltaire's scorn and pity. The link of association between Mme. du Chatelet and Mme. de Pompadour, aside from ASTARTE 137 Voltaire's relations to both "divinities," is to be found, I think, in a pun. Astarte, as Vol- taire tells us in the Avertissement de Samson, was deesse de Syrie; Mme. du Chatelet was deesse de Cirey, and therefore equivalent to the Pompadour. The Syrians worshipped a pois- son; so did Voltaire, Louis XV, and all the courtiers, for the Pompadour was Mile. Pois- son. Voltaire's enemies, especially the Envieux, had attempted to get him into trouble with Mme. du Chatelet, as well as with the Queen and the Pompadour. The relations of the poet to Mme. du Chatelet are symbolized in the comedy of the Envieux about as they appear in the novel for Zadig and Astarte. Ariston, who figures Voltaire, is the friend of Hortense, who figures Mme. du Chatelet. Cleon, representing M. du Chatelet, is provincial governor, of a tyrannical and brutally jealous disposition, like Moabdar in Zadig. The Envieux takes advan- tage of this situation to arouse in Cleon sus- picions like those of Moabdar. Ariston is warned to flee, and is about to be seized, when a fortunate confession of the accomplice of the Envieux clears the atmosphere. The publica- tion of the Mondain, with its reference to the 138 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS terrestrial paradise at Cirey, the dedication of Alzire to Mme. du Chatelet, and the aspersions of Desfontaines (who had made similar accu- sations against Voltaire in reference to Mme. de Bernieres), as indeed the mere residence of Voltaire with the amiable Marquise, gave rise to suspicions of a relation quite different from an innocent Platonic friendship. The situation must not, however, be taken too literally ; Voltaire simply wished to give a dra- matic presentation of the malignant activity of the Envieux, whose attacks did not spare per- sonal honor. The same situation reappears in Zadig: it is Itobad who steals Zadig's white armor, and puts his green armor in its place. In his earliest satire, Le Bourbier, Voltaire had represented these brigands of the forest of Par- nassus throwing mud at the great men of let- ters, i. e.j besmirching their reputation. Astarte then is primarily Voltaire's muse. His love for her is his love for the belles-lettres. He first makes her acquaintance at the time of the Kegency. Although she is Queen, she is at the same time the slave of a despot. The desire to possess her favors in full, i. e., the desire for liberty of speech for the man of ASTARTE 139 letters, brings disaster upon her and her lover: cest V avilissement des beaux-arts et le servi- tude de Vhomme de lettres of which Voltaire so often complains. The type of literature repre- sented by the inspiration of Missouf takes her place. The folly and madness of war, droit des brigands que nous nommons heros, complete her degradation, whether it is caused by the warring of kings or of literary men. But there is no doubt about her final triumph and her union with one of the Immortals, i. e., not merely a member of the French Academy, but an author whose works will live for aeons of time. We meet with precisely the same symbolism in Candide. Voltaire sought at Frederick's court the freedom of thought which was refused him in France. The burning of the AJcakia was enough to cause him to flee that country for ever. Cunegonde is comparable in every re- spect to Astarte ; it is the satire and the personal application that account for any differences in the two characters. When Voltaire arrived on the shores of Lake Leman he would have pre- ferred to live the quiet life of a country gentle- man; he did not want Cunegonde any more. He took her only to spite the young baron 140 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS Thunder-ten-tronckh. So Voltaire continued his attacks, or rather redoubled them, against the symbol of intolerance, less from love of letters than from hatred of persecution. CHAPTEE VI AEIMAZE Arimaze, the Envious, is one of the charac- ters of Zadig which shows prima facie evidence that Voltaire had his own life and its experi- ences as the basis of his novel. There is no epithet in his correspondence with which he is so prodigal ; all his enemies are des envieux et des ingrats. His comedy of the Envieux, his Ode sur V Ingratitude, as well as his Discours sur VEnvie (one of the Discours en vers sur rhomme), are sufficient evidence of a personal application of the episode of Zadig to his envi- ous detractors in general, and to Desfontaines, Rousseau, and Roi in particular. What is the meaning of the symbol? Ari- maze is the Arimane of the Magians, the evil principle, the devil. The devil is represented as a fallen angel, who rebelled against God from envy. Arimaze is described under the traits of the evil one. " Vis-a-vis de sa maison demeurait Arimaze, personnage dont la mechante 141 142 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS ame etait Deinte sux sa^grossiere physionomie. II etait ronge de'M et bouffi d'orgueil, et pour comble, c'etait un bel esprit ennuyeux." He is represented as distorting and perverting every- thing that Zadig does. Besides, Voltaire could not well lay his scene among the ancient Magians without some such character. It afforded him an excellent opportunity to show the parallelism between the Zoroastrian cult and Christianity, and to explain, by the creation of a symbolic character, all such allegories as the good and the evil principle, God and the devil, good angel and bad, etc. Apart from these considerations Voltaire was persecuted by people whose God was more like our conception of the devil than anything else. This persecution began after Voltaire's re- turn from England with the publication of the Lettres philosophiques, in one of which he attacked Pascal on the subject of the fall of man. Voltaire's attack on the Jansenists is due to his occupation with the philosophy of the English Optimists. Voltaire embraced this philosophy in its great features; he says that Pope's Essay on Man is a poetic repre- sentation of his Thoughts on Pascal. In so ARIMAZE 143 far as this philosophy did not include the fall of man and did not lead people to believe that things were all right for man in a state of so- ciety and not only need not but could not be changed, Voltaire embraced it heartily. Let me outline the main features of this philosophy as Voltaire conceived them. In the first place, it proved that man is as he always has been, a creature subject to death, like every other created thing; for an immortal man, except in a symbolic sense, was a contra- diction in terms. It was the height of folly, absurdity and madness to imagine that man was a beautiful creature once, in a place where there was no evil, until he ate an apple, whereupon God kicked him out of paradise. Pascal con- tended that the Biblical narrative of the fall of man must be true, because it alone explained the astonishing contradictions in man. Voltaire replied that the Androgynes of Plato, the good and evil principle of the Magians, Osiris and {Typhon among the Egyptians, Prometheus and Pandora among the Greeks, etc., offered similar explanations. That was no proof of the verity of religion. It was just as foolish to offer these explanations for the evil in the world as it 144 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIEE'S NOVELS would be to say of horses, for example, that they were beautiful and good and had no work to do until one of them took it into his head to eat some oats, whereupon all horses were con- demned to a life of suffering and torment. If man is necessarily mortal, it is but natural that he should be crushed if a boulder should fall upon him, that he should be killed if the light- ning struck him, that he should be drowned if he fell into the water and could not swim and there were no one to aid him. For God, then, there was no mat physique. There was physical suffering, to be sure, but that was a different thing, a necessary consequence of man's state- of-being-man, exactly comparable to the phys- ical suffering of all the other animals from the flea to the mammoth. In the second place, man is endowed, like all the other animals, with needs, and hence with passions. Passion means, etymologically, suffering, because there is no feeling-of-the- lack-of-a-thing without the suffering occa- sioned by that lack, the absence, of the thing desired. Thus man, without passions, as depicted in the paradisiacal state, is a con- tradiction in terms, and must always have been AEIMAZE so. Man is endowed of necessity wit otherwise he would be not-man, wol entirely different order of creation, given us two fine main-springs of oul ^emg passions to make us act, and reason to control our passions; self-love to enable us to conserve our being and strive for our well-being, and pity, " bienveillance," to keep us from inflicting needless injury on our fellow beings and to in- cline us to aid them. Thus there is for God no mal moral; man could not be made on 'a better plan. There is moral suffering, to be sure, just as there is physical suffering, but that is an inevitable consequence of man's being-man. Voltaire's opponents, the Jansenists, with Racine fils and Rousseau and his associate Des- fontaines at their head, together with the old Bishop of Mirepoix, seemed to consider that Voltaire was the apologist of chance, "le has- ard." Voltaire was not, however; the word is senseless, he says (M. 23, p. 177). Certainly, a man who falls into the river because he ven- tured out on a broken bridge did not fall "by chance," any more than a man who threw him- self from the top of a tower would be killed " by 10 146 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS chance." There is no such thing as " chance " ; everything is in accordance with eternal laws. The difference between Voltaire's philosophy on the one hand, and that of the Jansenists, and, in general, of the Christians, on the other, is the assigning of motives-of-the-divinity to all that is. The man who aims at the heart of an innocent fellow-being does so, to be sure, in ac- cordance with, because not contrary to, divine laws; but to say with the partisans of absolute fatality, whether among the Jansenists or among the Mohammedans, that it is God who strikes by their hands, who pillages, burns, kills, steals, rapes, through their humble ministry, what is that but worshipping the devil ? And Voltaire does not hesitate to speak the word in his Dis- cours en vers mr I'homme: " Les tristes partisans de ce dogme effroyable Diraient-ils rien de plus s'ils adoraient le diable? " This exposition belongs more properly under the chapter on the Angel Jesrad, but it is neces- sary here in order to show why Voltaire em- bodied his characterization of his persecutors under the symbol of the devil of the ancient Magians. AEIMAZE 147 Now, for Voltaire's enemies, the man who proved the existence of God but denied the fall of man was an atheist; he sapped the founda- tions of Christianity, for, if there was no fall of man, there was no necessity for redemption, and the mission of Jesus Christ was an impos- ture born of madness and stupidity. To combat Pascal, with his premise of a man-without-pas- sions, into whose body the devil entered and who goes about the world like a raging lion seeking whom he may devour, was to confess oneself an atheist. To write the Mondain, proving that the terrestrial paradise was in the present siecle de fer rather than in the fabled age d'or, was to advocate atheism. To say, as did Voltaire, that God could have given the faculty of thought to matter in certain organization, just as matter is organized to have sensations, was to deny the existence of the soul independent of the body, and hence to confess oneself an atheist. For, be it always remembered, the religious fanatics of all times and of all lands, have been blinded by this fallacious belief : If you do not believe in my God, you do not believe in any God. Now what does Voltaire do in Zadig? He gives us, in his own way, the various conceptions 148 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS of the devil: he is Orcan, Arimaze, the Prince d'Hyrcanie, Cletofis, Arbogad, Itobad, and finally, the Angel Jesrad. Each devil has his particular characteristics, his particular field of activity, like the characterization by Calmet (M. Sjl P* 434), or that of Le Sage, in the Diable ^oileiix. "Orcan is the court devil; Arimaze is the devil of Parnassus ; the Prince d'Hyrcanie is either the Prince of the Hyrcinian forests, i. e., the Prince of darkness, or he is the north- wind, the typhoon; Cletofis is Asmodeus. By what association of ideas did Voltaire make Arimaze the devil of the Republic of Let- ters? It is my theory that he read into the name Arimane the significance of un dne qui rime, a poetaster, and that Arimaze is its equiva- lent, i. e., that -aze, from asinus, represents -ane, for dne. My purpose is to show, (1), the readi- ness of Voltaire to see the connotation of dne in any syllable fairly like it, and (2), the same significance for -aze. Then I shall show in what way he applied the epithet to Rousseau, Desfontaines, and Roi. One of the earliest illustrations of the conno- tation of dne in a similar syllable is found in a letter to Thieriot (M. 33, p. 87 ; early in 1723) : AEIMAZE 149 " Je m'en retourne ce soir a la Riviere (i. e., Riviere-Bourdet, residence of Mme. la presi- dente de Bernieres, near Rouen), pour partager mes soins entre une dnesse et Marianne/' Vol- taire seems to be punning on the final syllable of Marianne. Boyer signed himself anc. (for ancien) eveque de Mirepoix, which gave Voltaire his dne de Mirepoix. Freron, author of the Annee litteraire, is dubbed the dne litteraire. The Bescrit de VEmpereur de la Chine, a satire on Jean Jacques Rousseau and Mauper- tuis, is dated the first day of the month of Hi Han (i. e., the bray of the ass, equivalent to April Tool). The Extrait de la sacree congregation de Vin- quisition de Borne (M. 23, p. 464) is signed: Coglione-Coglionaccio, cardinal-president. Et plus has (these words appear in the signature to indicate the obscene allusion in the names) Cazzo-Qulo, secretaire du Saint-Office. Voltaire's Lettre de Demad (M. 24, p. 91), like the Bescrit de VEmpereur de la Chine, is dated April 1, but the Hi Han of the latter is replaced by Zastrou. 150 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIKE'S NOVELS The allusions are evidently to the dne and asinus as a phallic animal. The Pucelle is ade- quate illustration of this. Besides the dne aile of Saint Denis we have the muleteer, metamor- phosed into an ass, and serving, (1) to trans- form the passionateless "virgin" Corisandre into a voluptuous matron, and (2) to minister to the lust of Hermaphrodix in his double qual- ity of man and woman. That Voltaire should see the connotation of rimer, rimailler in Arimaze is not surprising to one who notes his fondness for a pun. Some illustrations of this habit may well be in place here. The French Eesident at Geneva, M. Hennin, was involved in the dissensions of the little Re- public. Voltaire refers to the civil war of Geneva as la guerre a" Hennin, i. e., la guerre des nains. Vade, the name of a writer of short-stories, is one of the names assumed by Voltaire. He puns on it as though it were Latin : vade retro; vade mecum. He entitles his work published under that name, from a pun on it: Fadaises. A fellow by the name of Coge, who, with Ri- ballier, headed the opposition against Harmon- AEIMAZE 151 tel's Belisaire, in which the author dared to assert that the great and noble men of antiquity were not burning in hell, is apostrophized as Coge pecus: Collect your flock (*. e., your horde of persecutors, your herd of sheep, asses, swine, etc.). Freron is a frelon. French frelon = English wasp. He appears under the latter name in the Ecossaise. Morellet, one of the staunch defenders of the philosophical party, is urged on to more vigor- ous attacks by a pun on his name: Mords-les! Clement, successor of Desfontaines, is not Clement Marot, but Clement Maraud. Omer Joly de Fleury, who assailed the En- cyclopedic and its authors, is neither Homere, nor joli, nor fleuri. The next step in Voltaire's association of ideas is that he is a thorn without the flower, just as Mirepoix is a cheval without a head. He is therefore called Acanthos: flos espinosa, a thorny shrub. The last illustration is similar to the Ahahia. I have never seen it mentioned that Haupertuis himself gave occasion to Voltaire to form this name. In his Lettres sur les progres des sci- ences, Maupertuis said that he was willing to 152 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS publish these reveries provided the reader took them sans malice. He evidently did not know Voltaire. Because Maupertuis had said some foolish things about doctors, Voltaire makes a doctor take up the cudgels for his profession. How appropriate to take the name of a doctor of Frangois I er ! (i. e., Voltaire's doctor, as Fran- Qois Arouet). But sans malice is not the only connotation in the name. The Ahahia is like the Acanthos: it is of the prickly species, from which is extracted something like the poix resine by which Maupertuis would arrive at the age of the Biblical patriarchs, or that of the inhabitants of Eldorado. It is also a word like that applied to the philosophers: Cacouacs, the "bad" peo- ple ; Ahakia is " against bad people," " against badness," a remedy for evil humors, then, by ex- tension, the good doctor who purges Maupertuis of his evil humours, like Diafoirus of the Malade imaginaire. How did Voltaire associate Rousseau, Des- fontaines, and the poet Roi under the symbol of Arimaze ? The obvious association is their character as Envieux, but there are other reasons. It was Voltaire's uniform practice to get the inspira- AEIMAZE 153 tion for his satire from the writings of his ene- mies. " I avenged myself on Rousseau by quot- ing his verses," he says. That he studied the works of Rousseau is evident from a number of references throughout his correspondence and some parallels which I shall point out. Refer- ring to the Enfant prodigue he writes to Cide- ville (M. 34, p. 183 f.) : " J'ai fait cet enfant pour repondre a une partie des impertinentes epitres de Rousseau, ou cet auteur des A'ieux chimeriques et des plus mauvaises pieces de theatre que nous ayons, ose donner des regies sur la comedie. J'ai voulu faire voir a ce doc- teur flamand que la comedie pouvait tres-bien reunir Finteret et le plaisant." The A'ieux chimeriques of Rousseau is based on the associa- tion of names by similarity in sound. Galba- non, one of the characters, is explained as c'est comme qui dirait nom de Galba. The Comtesse de Critognac traces her ancestry back to a noble Auvergnac, mentioned in Caesar's Commen- taries. The Jew Esdras blossoms out as the noble Adramon. Dorante traces his ancestry back to Dorus, son of Doris and Jupiter, King of the Dorians (CEuvres de Jean-Baptiste Rous- seau, Nouvelle edition, 1743, Vol. 3, p. 7 fl\). 154 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS What more natural than that the " malin" Voltaire should trace Rousseau's ancestry back to the devil ? Rousseau defends his comedy against the Abbe d'Olivet (op. cit., p. 361), who had criti- cised his play on names as contrary to reality. He expresses surprise that the Abbe has not found the original of the Comtesse de Critognac in Paris, as it the most common thing in the world for people to seek their origin in the simi- larity of names more far-fetched than those of his comedy seem to be. " C'est de quoi M. Le Laboureur, qu'on vient de reimprimer, se plaint en une infinite d'endroits de ses additions, et pour peu qu'on ait lu de livres de genealogies, on y trouvera des originaux d' extravagance plus extraordinaires que tout ce que j'ai pu imaginer dans ma copie. Cela est si vrai que la plus grande partie des bons mots de la piece que vous avez lue, sont pris de contes que j'ai oui' faire autre- fois a la cour, de la feue Marechale de . . . , de la vieille Marquise de . . . , et d'autres ; et si vous en doutez, vous n'avez qu'a mettre votre amie Mad. de Castelnau sur le chapitre de cette premiere, vous en reconnaitrez plusieurs, et vous verrez que ce n'est point par le defaut d'origi- naux que la piece peche." AEIMAZE 155 It would seem that Voltaire chose the names of his Enfant prodigue in allusion to the char- acters of Rousseau's comedy. To an audience thoroughly familiar with the demeles of the two authors, Fierenfat, president de Cognac, and Mme. la baronne de Croupillac, must have recalled the noble Auvergnac and Mme. la com- tesse de Critognac. Voltaire realized the insinu- ating effect of allusion as did no other author; his satires are inexhaustible in them. In view of his reasons for composing the Enfant pro- digue, it would seem to me to be very likely that his names are chosen to resemble those of Rousseau's comedie sifflee. Another imitation from Rousseau's works at this time lends color to the foregoing. In an Epitre to Mile. Gaussin (M. 10, p. 512), who played the role of Alzire, Voltaire writes : " Ce n'est pas moi qu'on applaudit, C'est vous qu'on aime et qu'on admire; Et vous damnez, charmante Alzire, Tous ceux que Guzman convertit." It is significant for Voltaire's occupation with Rousseau's works at this time (the date of the Epitre is 1736), that these verses are imitated 156 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIRE'S NOVELS from Rousseau's "Vers envoyes a. une De- moiselle le jour de St. Denis sa fete" ((Euvres de Rousseau, op. cit, Vol. 2, p. 220) : "Vous eussiez fait donner aux Diables Tous ceux qu'il fit donner a, Dieu." It was Rousseau himself who gave Voltaire the idea of associating him with the devil. In his allegory L' Opera de Naples Rousseau had represented a hypocritical devil as theater poet, driving away all lovers of the drama. It must have seemed to Voltaire that Rousseau had painted himself, the author of several comedies sifflees. I think that Voltaire's scathing satire on Rousseau, the Crepinade, is the result of this comparison, and an imitation of the Opera de Naples. Rousseau represents the Lord as dissatisfied with the attraction of the opera in Naples, as it took the people from his worship. He resolved to make use of the devil to put a stop to it. He puts the devil into the body of an Abbe and sends him to Manchine, the di- rector of the Opera. He is engaged as theater poet, and his bad versification soon drives away all the habitues. Voltaire uses the same idea: he is formed by the devil, possessed by his spirit, ABIMAZE 157 and commanded to rimailler, just as Rousseau's devil is commanded to versifier. It will not be necessary for me to go deeply into the relations of Voltaire and Rousseau. I need only point out the references to him which prove him to be for Voltaire a diabolical poet- aster, i. e., (1) a devil, (2) an ass, and (3) a rhymester. Voltaire's earliest reference to Rousseau (M. 33, p. 46; 1716) emphasizes the fact that he is possessed of the devil and that his arguments are false: "Ce qui m'indigne, c'est le mauvais coeur qui perce a chaque ligne . . . je crois y voir plutot un enrage qu'un poete. II n'est pas inspire, il est possede . . . teint de la bile qui le devore . . . Son epitre a Marot . . . roule sur un raisonnement faux. II veut prouver que tout homme d'esprit est honnete homme et que tout sot est fripon." As early as 1723 (M. 33, p. 85) Voltaire re- ferred to him as the devil qui se fait ermite. Voltaire composed a life of Rousseau in which he is represented as having denied his father. Then the devil takes possession of him. " Aussitot entra dans son corps Le diable nonime Couplegor; 158 SYMBOLISM OF VOLTAIBE'S NOVELS Son poil devint roux, son