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Once, bright Sylviola, in days not far, Once — in that nightmare-time which still doth haunt My dreams, a grim, unbidden visitant — Forlorn, and faint, and stark, I had endured through watches of the dark The abashless inquisition of each star, Yea, was the outcast mark Of all those heavenly passers' scrutiny ; Stood bound and helplessly For Time to shoot his barbed minutes at me ; Suffered the trampling hoof of every hour In night's slow-wheeled car ; Until the tardy dawn dragged me at length From under those dread wheels ; and, bled of strength. 36 SISTER SONGS I waited the inevitable last. Then there came past A child ; Hke thee, a spring-flower ; but a flower Fallen from the budded coronal of Spring, And through the city-streets blown withering. She passed, — O brave, sad, lovingest, tender thing ! And of her own scant pittance did she give, That I might cat and live : Then fled, a swift and trackless fugitive. Therefore I kissed in thee The heart of Childhood, so divine for me ; And her, through what sore ways, And what unchildish days, Borne from me now, as then, a trackless fugitive. Therefore I kissed in thee Her, child ! and innocency, And spring, and all things that have gone from me, And that shall never be ; All vanished hopes, and all most hopeless bliss, Came with thee to my kiss. And ah ! so long myself had strayed afar From child, and woman, and the boon earth's green, And all wherewith life's face is fair bcseen ; Journeying its journey bare Five suns, except of the all-kissing sun Unkissed of one ; Almost I had forgot The healing harms, And whitest witchery, a-lurk in that Authentic cestus of two girdling arms : And I remembered not 37 SISTER SONGS The subtle sanctities which dart From childish lips' unvalued precious brush, Nor how it makes the sudden lilies push Between the loosening fibres of the heart. Then, that thy little kiss Should be to me all this, Let workaday wisdom blink sage lids thereat ; Which towers a flight three hedgerows high, poor bat ! And straightway charts me out the empyreal air. Its chart I wing not by, its canon of worth Scorn not, nor reck though mine should breed it mirth : And howso thou and I may be disjoint, Yet still my falcon spirit makes her point Over the covert where Thou, sweetest quarry, hast put in from her ! {Soul, hush these sad numbers, too sad to upraise In hymning bright Sylvia, unlearn' d in such ways ! Our mourjiful moods lay we away, And prank our thoughts in holiday. For syllabling to Sylvia ; When all the birds on branches lave their mouths with May, To hear with us this burthen, For singing to Sylvia /) Then thus Spring, bounteous lady, made reply : ' O lover of me and all my progeny, For grace to you I take her ever to my retinue. Over thy form, dear child, alas ! my art Cannot prevail j but mine immortalizing 38 SISTER SONGS Touch I lay upon thy heart. Thy soul's fair shape In my unfading mantle's green I drape, And thy white mind shall rest by my devising A Gideon-fleece amid life's dusty drouth. If Even burst yon globed yellow grape (Which is the sun to mortals' sealed sight) Against her stained mouth ; Or if white-handed Hght Draw thee yet dripping from the quiet pools, Still lucencies and cools, Of sleep, which all night mirror constellate dreams ; Like to the sign which led the Israelite, Thy soul, through day or dark, A visible brightness on the chosen ark Of thy sweet body and pure. Shall it assure. With auspice large and tutelary gleams. Appointed solemn courts, and covenanted streams.* Ce/jse, Springes little children, now cense your lauds to raise ; That dream is past, and Sylvia, zvith her szvcct, feat ways. Our lovtd labour, laid away, Is smoothly ended ; said our say^ Our syllabling to Sylvia. Make sweet, you birds on branches ! make sweet your mouths with May ! But borne is this burthen^ Sung unto Sylvia. 39 SISTER SONGS PART THE SECOND And now, thou elder nursling of the nest ; Ere all the intertangled west Be one magnificence Of multitudinous blossoms that o'errun The flaming brazen bowl o' the burnished sun Which they do flower from, How shall I 'stablish thy memorial ? Nay, how or with what countenance shall I come To plead in my defence For loving thee at all ? I who can scarcely speak my fellows' speech, Love their love, or mine own love to them teach ; A bastard barred from their inheritance. Who seem, in this dim shape's uneasy nook. Some sun-flower's spirit which by luckless chance Has mournfully its tenement mistook ; When it were better in its right abode. Heartless and happy lackeying its god. How com'st thou, little tender thing of white. Whose very touch full scantly me beseems. How com'st thou resting on my vaporous dreams. Kindling a wraith there of earth's vernal green ? Even so as I have seen. In night's aerial sea with no wind blust'rous, A ribbed tract of cloudy malachite Curve a shored crescent wide ; And on its slope marge shelving to the night The stranded moon lay quivering like a lustrous Medusa newly washed up from the tide, Lay in an oozy pool of its own dehquious light. 40 SISTER SONGS Yet hear how my excuses may prevail, Nor, tender white orb, be thou opposite ! Life and life's beauty only hold their revels In the abysmal ocean's luminous levels. There, like the phantasms of a poet pale, The exquisite marvels sail : Clarified silver ; greens and azures frail As if the colours sighed themselves away, And blent in supersubtile interplay As if they swooned into each other's arms ; Repurcd vermilion. Like ear-tips 'gainst the sun ; And beings that, under night's swart pinion, Make every wave upon the harbour-bars A beaten yolk of stars. But where day's glance turns baffled from the deeps. Die out those lovely swarms ; Andin the immenseprofound no creature glides or creeps. Love and love's beauty only hold their revels In hfe's familiar, penetrable levels : What of its ocean-floor ? I dwell there evermore. From almost earliest youth I raised the lids o' the truth, And forced her bend on me her shrinking sight ; Ever I knew me Beauty's eremite. In autre of this lowly body set. Girt with a thirstv solitude of soul. Natheless I not forget Mow I have, even as the anchorite, 41 SISTER SONGS I too, imperishing essences that console. Under my ruined passions, fallen and sere, The wild dreams stir, like little radiant girls Whom in the moulted plumage of the year Their comrades sweet have buried to the curls. Yet, though their dedicated amorist, How often do I bid my visions hist. Deaf to them, pleading all their piteous fills ; Who weep, as weep the maidens of the mist Clinging the necks of the unheeding hills : And their tears wash them lovelier than before, That from grief's self our sad delight grows more. Fair are the soul's uncrisped calms, indeed, Endiapered with many a spiritual form Of blosmy-tindlured weed ; But scarce itself is conscious of the store Suckled by it, and only after storm Casts up its loosened thoughts upon the shore. To this end my deeps are stirred ; And I deem well why life unshared Was ordained me of yore. In pairing- time, we know, the bird Kindles to its deepmost splendour, And the tender Voice is tenderest in its throat : Were its love, for ever nigh it, Never by it. It might keep a vernal note, The crocean and amethystine In their pristine Lustre linger on its coat. 42 SISTER SONGS Therefore must my song-bower lone be, That my tone be Fresh with dewy pain alway ; She, who scorns my dearest care ta'en, An uncertain Shadow of the sprite of May. And is my song sweet, as they say ? 'Tis sweet for one whose voice has no reply, Save silence's sad cry : And are its plumes a burning bright array ? They burn for an unincarnated eye. A bubble, charioteered by the inward breath Which, ardorous for its own invisible lure, Urges me glittering to aerial death, I am rapt towards that bodiless paramour ; Blindly the uncomprehended tyranny Obeying of my heart's impetuous might. The earth and all its planetary kin, Starry buds tangled in the whirling hair That flames round the Phoebean wassailer, Speed no more ignorant, more predestined flight, Than I, her viewless tresses netted in. As some most beautiful one, with lovely taunting, Her eyes of guileless guile o'ercanopies. Does her hid visage bow. And miserly your covetous gaze allow, By inchmeal, coy degrees, Saying — * Can you see me now ? ' Yet from the mouth's reflex you guess the wanting Smile of the coming eyes In aU their upturned grievous witcheries, 43 SISTER SONGS Before that sunbreak rise ; And each still hidden feature view within Your mind, as eager scrutinies detail The moon's young rondure through the shamcfast veil Drawn to her gleaming chin : After this wise, From the enticing smile of earth and skies I dream my unknown Fair's refused gaze ; And guessingly her love's close traits devise, Which she with subtile coquetries Through little human glimpses slow displays, Cozening my mateiess days By sick, intolerable delays. And so I keep mine uncompanioned ways ; And so my touch, to golden poesies Turning love's bread, is bought at hunger's price. So, — in the inextinguishable wars Which roll song's Orient on the sullen night Whose ragged banners in their own despite Take on the tinges of the hated light, — So Sultan Phoebus has his Janizars. But if mine unappeased cicatrices Might get them lawful ease ; Were any gentle passion hallowed me. Who must none other breath of passion feel Save such as winnows to the fledged heel The tremulous Paradisal plumages ; The conscious sacramental trees Which ever be Shaken celestially. Consentient with enamoured wings, might know my love for thee. 44 SISTER SONGS Yet is there more, whereat none guesseth, love ! Upon the ending of my deadly night (Whereof thou hast not the surmise, and slight Is all that any mortal knows thereof), Thou wert to me that earnest of day's light, When, like the back of a gold-mailed saurian Heaving its slow length from Nilotic slime, The first long gleaming fissure runs Aurorian Athwart the yet dun firmament of prime. Stretched on the margin of the cruel sea Whence they had rescued me. With faint and painful pulses was I lying ; Not yet discerning well If I had 'scaped, or were an icicle, \^'hosc thawing is its dying. Like one who sweats before a despot's gate, Summoned by some presaging scroll of fate. And knows not whether kiss or dagger wait ; And all so sickened is his countenance. The courtiers buzz, ' Lo, doomed ! ' and look at him askance : — At Fate's dread portal then Even so stood I, I ken. Even so stood I, between a joy and fear. And said to mine own heart, ' Now if the end be here ! ' They say. Earth's beauty seems completcst To them that on their death-beds rest ; Gentle lady ! she smiles sweetest Just ere she clasps us to her breast. 45 SISTER SONGS And I, — now my Earth's countenance grev/ bright, Did she but smile me towards that nuptial-night ? But, whileas on such dubious bed I lay, One unforgotten day, As a sick child waking sees Wide-eyed daisies Gazing on it from its hand. Slipped there for its dear amazes ; So between thy father's knees I saw thee stand, And through my hazes Of pain and fear thine eyes' young wonder shone. Then, as flies scatter from a carrion, Or rooks in spreading gyres like broken smoke Wheel, when some sound their quietude has broke, Fled, at thy countenance, all that doubting spawn : The heart which I had questioned spoke, A cry impetuous from its depth was drawn, — ' I take the omen of this face of dawn ! ' And with the omen to my heart cam'st thou. Even with a spray of tears That one light draft was fixed there for the years. And now ? — The hours I tread ooze memories of thee. Sweet, Beneath my casual feet. With rainfall as the lea. The day is drenched with thee ; In little exquisite surprises Bubbling deliciousness of thee arises From sudden places. 46 SISTER SONGS Under the common traces Of my most Icthargied and customed paces. As an Arab journeyeth Through a sand of Ayaman, Lean Thirst, lolhng its cracked tongue, Lagging by his side along ; And a rusty-winged Death Grating its low flight before. Casting ribbed shadows o'er The blank desert, blank and tan : He hfts by hap toward where the morning's roots are His weary stare, — Sees, although they plashless mutes are, Set in a silver air Fountains of gehd shoots are, Making the daylight fairest fair ; Sees the palm and tamarind Tangle the tresses of a phantom wind ; — A sight like innocence when one has sinned ! A green and maiden freshness smiling there, \\'hile with unblinking glare The tawny-hided desert crouches watching her. 'Tis a vision : Yet the greeneries Elysian He has known in tra(5fs afar ; Thus the enamouring fountains flow, Those the very palms that grow, By rare-gummed Sava, or Herbalimar. — Such a watered dream has tarried 47 SISTER SONGS Trembling on my desert arid ; Even so Its lovely gleamings Seemings show Of things not seemings ; And I gaze, Knowing that, beyond my ways. Verily All these are^ for these are She. Eve no gentlier lays her cooling cheek On the burning brow of the sick earth. Sick with death, and sick with birth, Aeon to aeon, in secular fever twirled, Than thy shadow soothes this weak And distempered being of mine. In all I work, my hand includeth thine ; Thou rushest down in every stream Whose passion frets my spirit's deepening gorge ; Unhood'st mine eyas-heart, and fliest my dream ; Thou swing'st the hammers of my forge ; As the innocent moon, that nothing does but shine. Moves all the labouring surges of the world. Pierce where thou wilt the springing thought in me, And there thy piftured countenance lies enfurled. As in the cut fern lies the imaged tree. This poor song that sings of thee, This fragile song, is but a curled Shell outgathered from thy sea. And murmurous still of its nativity. Princess of Smiles, 48 SISTER SONGS Sorceress of most unlawful-lawful wiles, Cunning pit for gazers' senses, Overstrcwn with innocences ! Purities gleam white like statues In the fair lakes of thine eyes, And I watch the sparkles that use There to rise, Knowing these Are bubbles from the calyces Of the lovely thoughts that breathe Paving, like water-flowers, thy spirit's floor beneath. O thou most dear ! Who art thy sex's complex harmony God-set more facilely ; To thee may love draw near Without one blame or fear, Unchidden save by his humility : Thou Perseus' Shield wherein I view secure The mirrored Wcmian's fateful-fair allure ! Whom Heaven still leaves a twofold dignity. As girlhood gentle, and as boyhood free ; With whom no most diaphanous webs envvind The bared limbs of the rebukcless mind. Wild Dryad, all unconscious of thy tree. With which indissolubly The tyrannous time shall one day make thee whole ; Whose frank arms pass unfretted through its bole ; Who wear'st thy femineity Light as entrailcd blossoms, that shalt find It erelong silver shackles unto thee : 49 SISTER SONGS Thou whose young sex is yet but in thy goul ; — As hoarded in the vine Hang the gold skins of undelirious wine, As air sleeps, till it toss its limbs in breeze ; — In whom the mystery which lures and sunders, Grapples and thrusts apart, endears, estranges, — The dragon to its own Hesperides — Is gated under slow-revolving changes. Manifold doors of heavy-hinged years : — So once, ere Heaven's eyes were filled with wonders To see Laughter rise from Tears, Lay in beauty not yet mighty, Couched in translucencies. The antenatal Aphrodite, Caved magically under magic seas ; Caved dreamlessly beneath the dreamful seas. ' Whose sex is in thy soul ! ' What think we of thy soul ? Which has no parts, and cannot grow, Unfurled not from an embryo ; Born of full stature, lineal to control ; And yet a pigmy's yoke must undergo : Yet must keep pace and tarry, patient, kind. With its unwilHng scholar, the dull, tardy mind ; Must be obsequious to the body's powers. Whose low hands mete its paths, set ope and close its ways ; Must do obeisance to the days. And wait the little pleasure of the hours ; Yea, ripe for kingship, yet must be 50 SISTER SONGS Captive in statutcd minority ! So is all power fulfilled, as soul in thee. So still the ruler by the ruled takes rule, And wisdom weaves itself i' the loom o' the fool. The splendent sun no splendour can display Till on gross things he dash his broken ray, From cloud and tree and flower re-tossed in prismy spray. Did not obstru6lion's vessel hem it in. Force were not force, would spill itself in vain ; We know the Titan by his champed chain. Stay is heat's cradle, it is rocked therein. And by check's hand is burnished into light ; If hate were none, would love burn lowlier bright ? God's Fair were guessed scarce but for opposite sin ; Yea, and His Mercy, I do think it well, Is flashed back from the brazen gates of Hell. The heavens decree All power fulfil itself as soul in thee. For supreme Spirit subjeft was to clay. And Law from its own servants learned a law, And Light besought a lamp unto its way, And Awe was reined in awe, At one small house of Nazareth ; And Golgotha Saw Breath to breathlcssness resign its breath, And Life do homage for its crown to death. So is all power, as soul in thee, increased ! But, knowing this, in knowledge's despite I fret against the law severe that stains 51 £2 SISTER SONGS Thy spirit with eclipse ; When — as a nymph's carven head sweet water drips, For others oozing so the cool delight Which cannot steep her stiffened mouth of stone — Thy nescient lips repeat maternal strains. Memnonian lips ! Smitten with singing from thy mother's East, And murmurous with music not their own : Nay, the lips flexile, while the mind alone A passionless statue stands. Oh, pardon, innocent one ! Pardon at thine unconscious hands ! Murmurous with music not their own,' I say ? And in that saying how do I missay. When from the common sands Of poorest common speech of common day Thine accents sift the golden musics out ! And ah, we poets, I misdoubt, Are little more than thou ! We speak a lesson taught we know not how. And what it is that from us flows The hearer better than the utterer knows. Thou canst foreshape thy word ; The poet is not lord Of the next syllable may come With the returning pendulum ; And what he plans to-day in song, To-morrow sino-s it in another tongue. Where the last leaf fell from his bough, He knows not if a leaf shall grow ; 52 SISTER SONGS Where he sows he doth not reap, He reapcth where he did not sow ; He sleeps, and dreams forsake his sleep To meet him on his waking way. Vision will mate him not by law and vow : Disguised in Ufe's most hodden-grey, By the most beaten road of everyday She waits him, unsuspe6led and unknown. The hardest pang whereon He lays his mutinous head may be a Jacob's stone. In the most iron crag his foot can tread A Dream may strew her bed. And suddenly his limbs entwine, And draw him down through rock as sea-nymphs might through brine. But, unhke those feigned temptress-ladies who In guerdon of a niglit the lover slew, When the embrace has failed, the rapture fled, Not he, not he, the wild sweet witch is dead ! And though he cherisheth The babe most strangely born from out her death, Some tender trick of her it hath, maybe, — It is not she ! Yet, even as the air is rumorous of fray Before the first shafts of the sun's onslaught From gloom's black harness splinter. And Summer move on Winter With the trumpet of the March, and tlie pennon of the May; As gesture outstrips thought ; 53 SISTER SONGS So haply, toyer with ethereal strings, Are thy blind repetitions of high things The murmurous gnats whose aimless hoverings Reveal song's summer in the air ; The outstretched hand, which cannot thought declare, Yet is thought's harbinger. These strains the way for thine own strains prepare ; We feel the music moist upon this breeze, And hope the congregating poesies. Sundered yet by thee from us Wait, with wild eyes luminous, All thy winged things that are to be ; They flit against thee. Gate of Ivory ! They clamour on the portress Destiny, — ' Set her wide, so we may issue through. Our vans are quick for that they have to do ! ' Suffer still your young desire ; Your plumes but bicker at the tips with fire ; Tarry their kindling — they will beat the higher. And thou, bright girl, not long shalt thou repeat Idly the music from thy mother caught ; Not vainly has she wrought. Not vainly from the cloudward-jetting turret Of her aerial mind for thy weak feet Let down the silken ladder of her thought. She bare thee with a double pain, Of the body and the spirit ; Thou thy fleshly weeds hast ta'en. Thy diviner weeds inherit ! The precious streams which through thy young lips roll Shall leave their lovely delta in thy soul : 54 SISTER SONGS Where sprites of so essential kind Set their paces, Surely they shall leave behind The green traces Of their sportance in the mind ; And thou shalt, ere we well may know it, Turn that daintiness, a poet, — Elfin -ring Where sweet fancies foot and sing. So it may be, so it shall be, — Oh, take the prophecy from me ! What if the old fastidious sculptor. Time, This crescent marvel of his hands Carveth all too painfully. And I who prophesy shall never see ? What if the niche of its predestined rhyme. Its aching niche, too long expcdant stands f Yet shall he after sore delays On some exultant day of days The white enshrouding childhood raise From thy fair spirit, finished for our gaze ; While we (but 'mongst that happy ' we' The prophet cannot be !) — While we behold with no astonishments. With that serene fulfilment of delight Wherewith we view the sight When the stars pitch the golden tents Of their high campment on the plains of night. \\ hy should amazement be our satellite ? What wonder in such things ? If angels have hereditary wings, 55 SISTER SONGS If not by Salic law is handed down The poet's crown, To thee, born in the purple of the throne, The laurel must belong : Thou, in thy mother's right Descendant of Castalian-chrismed kings — Prince&s of the Blood of Song ! Peace ! Too impetuously have I been winging Toward vaporous heights which beckon and beguile. 1 sink back, saddened to my inmost mind ; Even as I list a-dream that mother singing The poesy of sweet tone, and sadden while Her voice is cast in troubled wake behind The keel of her keen spirit. Thou art enshrined In a too primal innocence for this eye — Intent on such untempered radiancy — Not to be pained ; my clay can scarce endure Ungrieved the effiuence near of essences so pure. Therefore, little tender maiden, Never be thou overshaden With a mind whose canopy Would shut out the sky from thee ; Whose tangled branches intercept Heaven's light : I will not feed my unpastured heart On thee, green pleasaunce as thou art, To lessen by one flower thy happy daisies white. The water-rat is earth-hued like the runlet Whereon he swims ; and how in me should lurk Thoughts apt to neighbour thine, thou creature sunlit ? If through long fret and irk 56 SISTER SONGS Thine eves within their browed recesses were \\ orn caves where thought lay couchant in its lair ; \\ ert thou a spark among dank leaves, ah ruth ! W ith age in all thy veins, while all thy heart was youth Our conta6l might run smooth. But life's Eoan dews still moist thy ringed hair ; Dian's chill finger-tips Thaw if at night they happen on thy lips ; The flying fringes of the sun's cloak frush The fragile leaves w hich on those warm lips blush ; And joy only lurks retired In the dim gloaming of thine irid. Then since my love drags this poor shadow, me, And one without the other may not be. From both I guard thee free. It still is much, yes, it is much. Only — my dream ! — to love my love of thee ; And it is much, yes, it is much, In hands which thou hast touched to feel thy touch, In voices which have mingled with thine own To hear a double tone. As anguish, for supreme expression prest, Borrows its saddest tongue from jest, Thou hast of absence so create A presence more importunate ; And thy voice pleads its sweetest suit When it is mute. I thank the once accursed star W hich did me teach To make of Silence my familiar, Who hath the rich reversion of thy speech, 57 SISTER SONGS Since the most charming sounds thy thought can wear, Cast off, fall to that pale attendant's share ; And thank the gift which made my mind A shadow-world, wherethrough the shadows wind Of all the loved and lovely of my kind. Like a maiden Saxon, folden, As she flits, in moon-drenched mist ; Whose curls streaming flaxen-golden, By the misted moonbeams kist, Dispread their filmy floating silk Like honey steeped in milk : So, vague goldenness remote, Through my thoughts I watch thee float. When the snake summer casts her blazoned skin We find it at the turn of autumn's path. And think it summer that rewinded hath, Joying therein ; And this enamouring slough of thee, mine elf, I take it for thyself ; Content. Content ? Yea, title it content. The very loves that belt thee must prevent My love, I know, with their legitimacy : As the metallic vapours, that are swept Athwart the sun, in his light intercept The very hues Which their conflagrant elements effuse. But, my love, my heart, my fair, That only I should see thee rare, Or tent to the hid core thy rarity, — This were a mournfulness more piercing far 58 SISTER SONGS Than that those other loves my own must bar, Or thine for others leave thee none for mc. But on a day whereof I think, One shall dip his hand to drink In that still water of thy soul, And its imaged tremors race Over thy joy-troubled face, As the intervolved reflexions roll From a shaken fountain's brink, With swift light wrinkling its alcove. From the hovering wing of Love The warm stain shall flit roseal on thy cheek. Then, sweet blushet ! whenas he, The destined paramount of thy universe. Who has no worlds to sigh for, ruling thee. Ascends his vermeil throne of empery. One grace alone I seek. Oh ! may this treasure-galleon of my verse, Fraught with its golden passion, oared with cadent rhyme. Set with a towering press of fantasies, Drop safely down the time, Leaving mine isled self behind it far Soon to be sunken in the abysm of seas (As down the years the splendour voyages From some long ruined and night-submerged star). And in thy subjcd sovereign's havening heart Anchor the freightage of its virgin ore ; Adding its wasteful more To his own overflowing treasury. 59 SISTER SONGS So through his river mine shall reach thy sea, Bearing its confluent part ; In his pulse mine shall thrill ; And the quick heart shall quicken from the heart that's still. Ah, help, my Dzemon that hast served me well ! Not at this last, oh, do not me disgrace ! I faint, I sicken, darkens all my sight, As, poised upon this unprevisioned height, I lift into its place The utmost aery traceried pinnacle. So ; it is builded, the high tenement, — God grant ! — to mine intent : Most hke a palace of the Occident, Up-thrusting, toppling maze on maze, Its mounded blaze, And washed by the sunset's rosy waves. Whose sea drinks rarer hue from those rare walls it laves. Yet wail, my spirits, wail ! So few therein to enter shall prevail. Scarce fewer could win way, if their desire A dragon baulked, with involuted spire. And writhen snout spattered with yeasty fire. For at the elfin portal hangs a horn Which none can wind aright Save the appointed knight Whose lids the fay-wings brushed when he was born. All others stray forlorn. Or glimpsing, through the blazoned windows scrolled, 60 SISTER SONGS Receding labyrinths lessening tortuously In half obscurity ; With mystic images, inhuman, cold, That flamelcss torches hold. But who can wind that horn of might (The horn of dead Heliades) aright, — Straight Open for him shall roll the conscious gate ; And hght leap up from all the torches there, And life leap up in every torchbearcr, And the stone faces kindle in the glow, And into the blank eyes the irids grow. And through the dawning irids ambushed meanings show. Illumined this wise on, He threads securely the far intricacies. With brede from Heaven's wrought vesture overstrewn ; Swift Tellus' purflcd tunic, girt upon With the blown chlamys of her fluttering seas ; And the freaked kirtle of the pearled moon : Until ho gain the structure's core, where stands — A toil of ma"ic hands — The unbodied spirit of the sorcerer, Most strangely rare. As is a vision remembered in the noon ; Unbodied, yet to mortal seeing clear, Like sighs exhaled in eager atmosphere. From human haps and mutabilities It rests exempt, beneath the edifice To which itself gave rise ; 6i SISTER SONGS Sustaining centre to the bubble of stone Which, breathed from it, exists by it alone. Yea, ere Saturnian earth her child consumes, And I lie down with outworn ossuaries. Ere death's grim tongue anticipates the tomb's Siste viator, in this storied urn My living heart is laid to throb and burn, Till end be ended, and till ceasing cease. And thou by whom this strain hath parentage ; Wantoner between the yet untreacherous claws Of newly-whelped existence ! ere he pause, What gift to thee can yield the archimage ? For coming seasons' frets What aids, what amulets, What softenings, or what brightenings ? As Thunder writhes the lash of his long lightnings About the growling heads of the brute main Foaming at mouth, until it wallow again In the scooped oozes of its bed of pain ; So all the gnashing jaws, the leaping heads Of hungry menaces, and of ravening dreads, Of pangs Twitch-lipped, with quivering nostrils and immitigate fangs, I scourge beneath the torment of my charms That their repentless nature fear to work thee harms. And as yon Apollonian harp-player. Yon wandering psalterist of the sky. With flickering strings which scatter melody, The silver-stoled damsels of the sea, 61 SISTER SONGS Or lake, or fount, or stream, Enchants from their ancestral heaven of waters To Naiad it through the unfrothing air ; IVIy song enchants so out of undulous dream The glimmering shapes of its dim-tressed daughters, And missions each to be thy minister, Saying : * O ye, The organ-stops of being's harmony ; The blushes on existence's pale face, Lending it sudden grace ; Without whom wc should but guess Heaven's worth By blank negations of this sordid earth (So haply to the blind may light Be but gloom's undetermined opposite) ; Ye who are thus as the rcfrafting air Whereby we see Heaven's stin before it rise Above the dull line of our mortal skies ; As breathing on the strained ear that sighs From comrades viewless unto strained eyes, Soothing our terrors in the lamplcss night ; Ye who can make this world, where all is deeming, What world ye list, being arbiters of seeming ; Attend upon her ways, benignant powers ! Unroll ye life a carpet for her feet, And cast ye down before them blossomy hours, Until her going shall be clogged with sweet ! All dear emotions whose new-bathed hair. Still streaming from the soul, in love's warm air Smokes with a mist of tender fantasies ; All these, 63 SISTER SONGS And all the heart's wild growths which, swiftly bright, Spring up the crimson agarics of a night, No pain in withering, yet a joy arisen ; And all thin shapes more exquisitely rare, More subtly fair, Than these weak ministering words have spell to prison Within the magic circle of this rhyme ; And all the fays who in our creedless clime Have sadly ceased, Bearing to other children childhood's proper feast ; Whose robes are fluent crystal, crocus-hued, Whose wings are wind a-fire, whose mantles wrought From spray that falling rainbows shake to air ; These, ye familiars to my wdzard thought, Make things of journal custom unto her ; With lucent feet imbrued, If young Day tread, a glorious vintager, The wine-press of the purple-foamed east ; Or round the nodding sun, flush-faced and sunken, His wild Bacchantes drunken Reel, with rent woofs a-flaunt, their westering rout.' — But lo ! at length the day is lingered out, At length my xA-riel lays his viol by ; We sing no more to thee, child, he and I ; The day is lingered out : In slow wreaths folden f Around yon censer, sphered, golden. Vague Vesper's fumes aspire ; And, glimmering to eclipse. 64 SISTER SONGS The long laburnum drips Its honey of wild flame, its jocund spilth of fire. Now pass your ways, fair bird, and pass your ways, If you will ; I have you through the days ! And flit or hold you still. And perch you where you list On what wrist, — Tou are mine through the times ! I have caught you fast for ever in a tangle of sweet rhymes. And in your young maiden morn Tou may scorn. But you must be Bound and sociate to me ; With this thread from out the tomb my dead hand shall tether thee ! Go, Sister-songs, to that sweet Sister-pair For whom I have your frail limbs fashioned, And framed feateously ; — For whom I have your frail limbs fashioned With how great shamefastncss and how great dread, Knowing you frail, but not if you be fair, Though framed feateously ; Go unto them from me. Go from my shadow to their sunshine sight, Made for all sights' delight ; Go like twin swans that oar the surgy storms To bate with pcnnoncd snows in candent air : 65 §ISTEk SONGS Nigh with abased head, Yourselves linked sisterly, that Sister-pair, And go in presence there ; Saying — ' Your young eyes cannot see our forms, Nor read the yearning of our looks aright ; But Time shall trail the veilings from our hair, And cleanse your seeing with his euphrasy (Yea, even your bright seeing make more bright, Which is all sights' delight), And ye shall know us for what things we be. * Whilom, within a poet's calyxed heart, A dewy love we trembled all apart ; Whence it took rise Beneath your radiant eyes, Which misted it to music. We must long, A floating haze of silver subtile song, Await love-laden Above each maiden The appointed hour that o'er the hearts of you — As vapours into dew Unweave, whence they were wove, — Shall turn our loosening musics back to love.' 66 SISTER SONGS iNSCRirrioN WHEN thelast stir of bubbling melodies Broke, as my chants sank underneath the wave Of dulcitude, but sank again to rise Where man's embaying mind those waters lave (For music hath its Oceanides Fleiuously floating through their parent seas. And such arc these), I saw a vision — or may it be The effluence of a dear desired reality ? I saw two spirits high, — Two spirits, dim within the silver smoke Which is for ever woke By snowing lights of fountaincd Poesy. Two shapes they were, familiar as love ; They w ere those souls, whereof One twines from finest gracious daily things, Strong, constant, noticclcss, as are heart-strings, The golden cage wherein this song-bird sings ; And the other's sun gives hue to all my flowers, \\'hich else pale flowers of Tartarus would grow, Where ghosts w atch ghosts of blooms in ghostly bowers ; — For we do know The hidden player by his harmonies, And by my thoughts I know what still hands thrill the keys. And to these twain — as from the mind's abysses All thoughts draw toward the awakening heart's sweet kisses, With proffer of their wreathen fantasies, — Even so to these 67 FS SISTER SONGS I saw how many brought their garlands fair, Whether of song, or simple love, they were, — Of simple love, that makes best garlands fair. But one I marked who lingered still behind, As for such souls no seemly gift had he : He was not of their strain. Nor worthy of so bright beings to entertain. Nor fit compeer for such high company. Yet was he, surely, born to them in mind, Their youngest nursling of the spirit's kind. Last stole this one. With timid glance, of watching eyes adread. And dropped his frightened flower when all were gone ; And where the frail flower fell, it withered. But yet methought those high souls smiled thereon ; As when a child, upstraining at your knees Some fond and fancied nothings, says, * I give yon these ! ' 68 1 LOVS IN DUN'S LA^P ! PROEMION i HEAR, my Muses, I demand J little labour at your hand. Ere quite is loosed our amity : A little husband out the sand That times the gasps of Poesy / beloved, O ye Two, When the Years last met, to you I sent a gift exultingly. My song's sands, like the Year's, are few ; But take this last weak gift from me. One year ago (one year, one year !) 1 had no prescience, no, nor fear ; I said to Oblivion : * Dread thou me ! ' What cared I for the mortal year f I was not of its company. Before mine own Eled stood I, And said to Death :* Not these shall die ! ' I issued mandate royally. I bade Decay : ' Avoid and fly. For I am fatal unto thee,' 7* LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP I sprinkled a few drops of verse. And said to Ruin : ' Quit thy hearse ; ' To my Loved : ' Pale not, come with me ; I will escort thee down the years, With me thou walk'st immortally.' -> Rhyme did I as a charmed cup give, That who I would might drink and live. * Enter,' I cried, ' Song's ark with me ! ' And knew not that a witch's sieve Were built somewhat more seamanly. I said unto my heart : * Be light ! Thy grain will soon for long delight Oppress the future's granary : ' Poor fool ! and did not hear — ' This night They shall demand thy song of thee.' Of God and you I pardon crave ; Who would save others, nor can save My own self from mortality : I throw my whole songs in the grave — They will not fill that pit for me. But thou, to whom I sing this last — The bitterest bitterness I taste Is that thy children have from me The best I had where all is waste. And but the crumbs were cast to thee. 72 PROEMION It may be I did little wronc^ ; Since no notes of thy lyre bclonj:^ To them ; thou leftest them for me ; And what didst thou want of my song, — Thou, thine own immortality ? Ah, I would that I had yet Given thy head one coronet With thine ivies to agree ! Ere thou restest where are set Wreaths but on the breast of thee. Though what avails ? — The ivies twined By thine own hand thou must unbind, When there thy temples laid shall be : 'Tis haply Death's prevision kind That ungirt brows lie easily. * Of all thy trees thou lovest so. None tvith thee to grave shall go. Save the abhorred cypress tree.^* The abhorred ? — Ah, I know, I know, Thy dearest follower it would be ! Thou would'st sweetly he in death The dark southerner beneath : We should interpret, knowing thee, — * Here I rest ' (her symbol saith), ' And above me, Italy.' • The wordi of Horace^ 73 LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP But above thy English grave Who knows if a tree shall wave ? Save — when the far certainty Of thy fame fulfilled is — save The laurel that shall spring from thee. Very little carest thou If the world no laurel-bough Set in thy dead hand, ah me ! But my heart to grieve allow For the fame thou shalt not see ! Yet my heart to grieve allow, With the grief that grieves it now, Looking to futurity. With too sure presaging how Fools will blind blind eyes from thee : — Bitterly presaging how Sightless death must them endow With sight, who gladder blind would be. * Though our eyes be blind enow, Let us hide them, lest we see ! ' I would their hearts but hardened were In the way that I aver All men shall find this heart of me : Which is so hard, thy name cut there Never worn or blurred can be. 74 b PROEMION If my song as much might say ! But in all too late a day I use thy name for melody ; And with the sweet theme assay To hide my descant's poverty. When that last song gave I you, Ye and I, beloved Two, \\'ere each to each half mystery ! Now the tender veil is through ; Unafraid the whole we see. Small for you the danger was ! Statucd deity but thaws In you to warm divinity ; Some fair defect completion flaws With a completing grace to me. But when I my veiling raised — The Milonian less were crazed To talk with men incarnately : The poor goddess but appraised By her lacking arms would be. Though Pan may have delicious throat, 'Tis hard to tolerate the goat. What if Pan were suddenly To lore his sinking, every note ? — Then pity have of i'an, and me ! 75 LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP Love and Song together sing ; Song is weak and fain to cling About Love's shoulder wearily. Let her voice, poor fainting thing, In his strong voice drowned be ! In my soul's Temple seems a sound Of unfolding wings around The vacant shrine of poesy : Voices of parting songs resound : — ' Let us go hence ! ' A space let be ! A space, my Muses, — 1 demand This last of labours at your handy Ere quite is loosed our amity : A little stay the cruel sand That times the gasps of Poesy / 76 1 BEFORE HER PORTRAIT IN YOUTH As lovers, banished from their lady's face, And hopeless of her grace, . Fasliion a ghostly sweetness in its place, Fondly adore Some stealth-won cast attire she wore, A kerchief, or a glove : And at the lover's beck Into the glove there fleets the hand. Or at impetuous command Up from the kerchief floats the virgin neck : So I, in very lowlihead of love, — Too shyly reverencing To let one thought's light footfall smooth Tread near the living, consecrated thing, — Treasure me thy cast youth. This outworn vesture, tenantless of thee, Hath yet my knee, For that, with show and semblance fair Of the past Her Who once the beautiful, discarded raiment bare, It cheatcth me. As gale to gale drifts breath Of blossoms' death, So, dropping down the years from hour to hour, This dead youth's scent is wafted me to-day ; I sit, and from the fragrance dream the flower. 11 LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP So, then, she looked (I say) ; And so her front sank down Heavy beneath the poet's iron crown : On her mouth museful sweet (Even as the twin hps meet) Did thought and sadness greet : Sighs In those mournful eyes So put on visibilities ; As viewless ether turns, in deep on deep, to dyes. Thus, long ago, She kept her meditative paces slow Through maiden meads, with waved shadow and gleam Of locks half-lifted on the winds of dream. Till Love up-caught her to his chariot's glow. Yet, voluntary, happier Proserpine ! This drooping flower of youth thou lettest fall I, faring in the cockshut-light, astray, Find on my 'lated way, And stoop, and gather for memorial. And lay it on my bosom, and make it mine. To this, the all of love the stars allow me, I dedicate and vow me. I reach back through the days A trothed hand to the dead the last trump shall not raise. The water-wraith that cries From those eternal sorrows of thy pi6lured eyes Entwines and draws me down their soundless intricacies. 78 TO A POET BREAKING SILENCE Too wearily had \vc and song Been left to look and left to lon^;;. Yea, song and \vc to lon^j and look, Since thine acquainted feet forsook The mountain where the Muses hymn For Sinai and the Seraphim. Now in both the mountains' shine Dress thy countenance, twice divine ! From Moses and the Muses draw The Tables of thy double Law ! His rod-born fount and Castaly Let the one rock brinsj forth for thee, Renewing so from either spring The songs which both thy countries sing : Or we shall fear lest, heavened thus long, Thou should'st forget thy native song, And mar thy mortal melodies W'itli broken stammer of the skies. Ah ! let the sweet birds of the Lord With earth's waters make accord ; Teach how the crucifix may be Carvcn from tlic laurel.-trce, Fruit of the Ilcspcrides Burnish take on I-'dcn -trees, The Muses' sacred grove be wet With the red dew of Olivet, 79 LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP And Sappho lay her burning brows In white CeciHa's lap of snows ! Thy childhood must have felt the stings Of too divine o'ershadowings ; Its odorous heart have been a blossom That in darkness did unbosom, Those fire-flies of God to invite, Burning spirits, which by night Bear upon their laden wing To such hearts impregnating. For flowers that night-wings fertilize Mock down the stars' unsteady eyes, And with a happy, sleepless glance Gaze the moon out of countenance. I think thy girlhood's watchers must Have took thy folded songs on trust, And felt them, as one feels the stir Of still lightnings in the hair. When conscious hush expects the cloud To speak the golden secret loud Which tacit air is privy to ; Flasked in the grape the wine they knew. Ere thy poet-mouth was able For its first young starry babble. Keep'st thou not yet that subtle grace ? Yea, in this silent interspace, God sets His poems in thy face ! The loom which mortal verse affords, Out of weak and mortal words, 80 TO A POET BREAKING SILENCE Wovest thou thy singing-weed in, To a rune of thy far Eden. Vain arc all disguises ! Ah, Heavenly incognita ! Thy mien bewrayeth through that wrong The great Uranian House of Song ! As the vintages of earth Taste of the sun that ripcd their birth, We know what nevcr-cadent Sun Thy lamped clusters throbbed upon, What plumed feet the winepress trod ; Thy wine is flavorous of God. Whatever singing-robe thou wear Has the Paradisal air ; And some gold feather it has kept Shows what Floor it lately swept ! 8i (( III MANUS ANIMAM PINXIT" LADY who hold'st on me dominion ! Within your spirit's arms I stay me fast J Against the fell Immitigate ravening of the gates of hell ; And claim my right in you, most hardly won, Of chaste fidelity upon the chaste : Hold me and hold by me, lest both should fall (O in high escalade high companion !) Even in the breach of Heaven's assaulted wall, liike to a wind-sown sapling grow I from The cHft, Sweet, of your skyward-jetting soul, — Shook by all gusts that sweep it, overcome By all its clouds incumbent : O be true To your soul, dearest, as my life to you ! For if that soil grow sterile, then the whole Of me must shrivel, from the topmost shoot Of climbing poesy, and my life, killed through, Dry down and perish to the foodless root. Sweet Summer ! unto you this swallow drew, By secret instincts inappeasable, That did direct him well. Lured from his gehd North which wrought him wrong. Wintered of sunning song ; — By happy instinfts inappeasable. Ah yes ! that led him well. Lured to the untried regions and the ncv/ 82 " MANUS ANIMAM PINXIT » Climes of auspicious you ; To twitter there, and in his singing dwell. But ah ! if you, my Summer, should grow waste, With grieving skies o'ercast, For luch migration my poor wing was strong But once ; it has no power to fare again Forth o'er the heads of men, Nor other Summers for its Sanftuary : But from your mind's chilled sky It needs must drop, and lie with stiffened wings Among jour soul's forlornest things ; A speck upon your memory, alack ! A dead fly in a dusty window-crack. O therefore you who are What words, being to such mysteries As raiment to the body is, Should rather hide than tell ; Chaste and intelligential love : W hose form is as a grove Hushed with the cooing of an unseen dove ; Whose spirit to my touch thrills purer far Than is the tingling of a silver bell ; Whose body other ladies well might bear As soul, — yea, which it profanation were For all but you to take as fleshly woof, Being spirit truest proof ; Whose spirit sure is lineal to that Wliich sang Magnificat : Chastest, since such you are. Take this curbed spirit of mine, 83 C2 LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP Which your own eyes invest with light divine, For lofty love and high auxiliar In daily exalt emprise Which outsoars mortal eyes ; This soul which on your soul is laid, As maid's breast against breast of maid ; Beholding how your own I have engraved On it, and with what purging thoughts have laved This love of mine from all mortality. Indeed the copy is a painful one. And with long labour done ! O if you doubt the thing you are, lady, Come then, and look in me ; Your beauty, Dian, dress and contemplate Within a pool to Dian consecrate ! Unveil this spirit, lady, when you will, For unto all but you 'tis veiled still : Unveil, and fearless gaze there, you alone. And if you love the image — 'tis your own ! »4 A CARRIER SONG I SINCE you have waned from us, Fairest of women ! I am a darkened cage Song cannot hymn in. My songs have followed you, Like birds the summer ; Ah ! bring them back to me, Swiftly, dear comer ! Seraphim, Her to hymn, flight leave their portals : And at my feet 'earn The harping of mortals ! II Where wings to rustle use, But this poor tarrier — Searching my spirit's eaves — Find I for carrier. Ah ! bring them back to me Swiftly, sweet comer — Swrift, swift, and bring w ith you Song's Indian summer ! Seraphim, Her to hymn. Might leave their portals ; And at my feet learn The harping of mortals ! 85 Love in dian's lap III Whereso your angel is, My angel goeth ; I am left guardianless, Paradise knoweth ! I have no Heaven left To vpcep my wrongs to ; Heaven, when you went from us, Went with my songs too. Seraphim y Her to hymn. Might leave their portals ; And at my feet learn The harping oj mortals ! IV I have no angels left Now, Sweet, to pray to : Where you have made your shrine They are away to. They have struck Heaven's tent, And gone to cover you : Whereso you keep your state Heaven is pitched over you 1 Seraphim^ Her to hymn. Might leave their portals ; And at my feet learn *Ihe harping of mortals ! 86 A CARRIER SONG She that is Heaven's Queen Her title borrows, For that she, pitiful, Bearcth our sorrows. So thou, Rfgina mt, Spes infirmoTum ; With all our grieving crowned Mater dolorum ! Srrapkim, Hfr to hymn. Might leave their portals ; And at my feet learn The harping of mortals ! VI Yet, envious coveter Of others' grieving ! This lonely longing yet 'Scapcth your reaving. Cruel, to take from a Sinner his Heaven ! Think you with contrite smiles To be forgiven ? Seraphim, Her to hymn. Might leave their portals ; And at my feet learn The harping of mortals ! 87 LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP VII Penitent ! give me back Angels, and Heaven ; Render your stolen self, And be forgiven ! How frontier Heaven from you ? For my soul prays, Sweet, Still to your face in Heaven, Heaven in your face, Sweet ! Seraphim, Her to hymn, Might leave their portals ; And at my feet learn The harp ing of mortals ! 88 SCALA JACOBI PORTAQUE EBURNEA H ER soul from earth to Heaven lies, Like the ladder of the vision, Whereon go To and fro, In ascension and demission. Star-flecked feet of Paradise. Now she is drawn up from me, All my angels, wet-eyed, tristful, Gaze from great Heaven's gate Like pent children, very wistful. That below a playmate see. Dream-dispensing face of hers ! Ivory port which loosed upon me Wings, I wist, Whose amethyst Trepidations have forgone me, — Hesper's filmy traffickers ! 8g VI GILDED GOLD THOU dost to rich attire a grace, To let it deck itself with thee, And teachest pomp strange cunning ways To be thought simpHcity. But lilies, stolen from grassy mold, No more curled state unfold Translated to a vase of gold ; In burning throne though they keep still Serenities unthawed and chill. Therefore, albeit thou'rt stately so, In statcHer state thou us'dst to go. Though jewels should phosphoric burn Through those night-waters of thine hair, A flower from its translucid urn Poured silver flame more lunar-fair. These futile trappings but recall Degenerate worshippers who fall In purfled kirtle and brocade To 'parel the white Mother-Maid. For, as her image stood arrayed In vests of its self -substance wrought To measure of the sculptor's thought — Slurred by those added braveries ; So for thy spirit did devise Its Maker seemly garniture. Of its own essence parcel pure, — From grave simplicities a dress, 90 GILDED GOLD And reticent demurenesses, And love encincturcd with reserve ; Which the woven vesture should subserve. For outward robes in their ostents Should show the souTs habiliments. Therefore I say, — Thou'rt fair even so, But better Fair I use to know. The violet would thy dusk hair deck With graces like thine own unsought. Ah ! but such place would daze and wreck Its simple, lowly, rustic thought ; For so advanced, dear, to thee, It would unlearn humility ! Yet do not, with an altered look. In these weak numbers read rebuke ; Which are but jealous lest too much God's master-piece thou shouldst retouch. Where a sweetness is complete. Add not iweets unto the sweet ! Or, as thou wilt, for others jo In unfamiliar richness go ; But keep for mine acquainted eyes The fashions of thy Paradise. 9' vii HER PORTRAIT OH, but the heavenly grammar did I hold Of that high speech which angels'tongues turn gold ! So should her deathless beauty take no wrong, Praised in her own great kindred's fit and cognate tongue : Or if that language yet with us abode Which Adam in the garden talked with God ! But our untempered speech descends — poor heirs ! Grimy and rough-cast still from Babel's bricklayers : Curse on the brutish jargon we inherit. Strong but to damn, not memorize, a spirit ! A cheek, a lip, a limb, a bosom, they Move with light ease in speech of working-day ; And women we do use to praise even so. But here the gates we burst, and to the temple go. Their praise were her dispraise : who dare, who dare, Adulate the seraphim for their burning hair ? How, if with them I dared, here should I dare it ? How praise the woman, who but know the spirit ? How praise the colour of her eyes, uncaught While they were coloured with her varying thought ? How her mouth's shape, who only use to know What tender shape her speech will fit it to ? Or her lips' redness, when their joined veil Song's fervid hand has parted till it wore them pale ? If I would praise her soul (temerarious if !), All must be mystery and hieroglyph. 92 HER PORTRAIT Heaven, wliich not oft is prodigal of its more To singcr>, in their song too groat before (By which the hierarch of large poesy is Restrained to his one sacred benefice), Only for her the salutary awe Relaxes and stern canon of its law ; To her alone concedes pluralities, In her alone to reconcile agrees The Muse, the Graces, and the Charities ; To her, who can the trust so well conduct, To her it gives the use, to us the usufruct. What of the dear administress then may I utter, though I spoke her own carved perfedl way ? What of her daily gracious converse known, Whose heavenly despotism must needs dethrone And subjugate all sweetness but its own ? Deep in my heart subsides the infrequent word, And tliere dies slowly throbbing like a wounded bird. \\ hat of her silence, that outsweetens speech ? What of her thoughts, high marks for mine own thoughts to reach ? Yet, (Chaucer's antique sentence so to turn) Most gladly will she teach, and gladly learn ; And teaching her, by her enchanting art, The master threefold learns for all he can impart. Now all is said, and all being said, — aye me ! There yet remains unsaid the very She. Nay, to conclude (so to conclude I dare), If of her virtues you evade the snare. Then for her faults you'll fall in love; with her. 91 LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP Alas, and I have spoken of her Muse — Her Muse, that died with her auroral dews ! Learn, the wise cherubim from harps of gold Seduce a trcpidating music manifold ; But the superior seraphim do know None other music but to flame and glow. So she first hghted on our frosty earth, A sad musician, of cherubic birth. Playing to alien ears — which did not prize The uncomprehended music of the skies — The exiled airs of her far Paradise. But soon, from her own harpings taking fire, In love and light her melodies expire. Now Heaven affords her, for her silenced hymn, A double portion of the seraphim. At the rich odours from her heart that rise, My soul remembers its lost Paradise, And antenatal gales blow from Heaven's shores of spice ; I grow essential all, uncloaking me From this encumbering virility. And feel the primal sex of heaven and poetry : And, parting from her, in me linger on Vague snatches of Uranian antiphon. How to the petty prison could she shrink Of femineity ? — Nay, but I think In a dear courtesy her spirit would Woman assume, for grace to womanhood. Or, votaress to the virgin Sandlitude Of reticent withdrawal's sweet, courted pale. 94 HER PORTRAIT She took the cloistral flesh, the sexual veil, Of her sad, aboriginal sisterhood ; The habit of cloistral flesh which founding Eve indued. Thus do I know her. But for what men call Beauty — the loveliness corporeal, Its most just praise a thing unproper were To singer or to listener, me or her. She wears that body but as one indues A robe, half careless, for it is the use ; Although her soul and it so fair agree. We sure may, unattaint of heresy, Conceit it might the soul's begetter be. The immortal could we cease to contemplate. The mortal part suggests its every trait. God laid His fingers on the ivories Of her pure members as on smoothed keys, And there out-breathed her spirit's harmonics. I'll speak a little proudly : — I disdain To count the beauty worth my wish or gain, Which the dull daily fool can covet or obtain. I do confess the fairness of the spoil, But from such rivalry it takes a soil. For her I'll proudlicr speak : — how could it be That I should praise the gilding on the psaltery ? *Tis not for her to hold that prize a prize. Or praise much praise, tliough proudest in its wise, To which even hopes of merely women rise. Such strife would to the vanquished laurels yield, Against her suffered to have lost a field. Herself must with herself be sole compeer, 95 LOVE IN DIAN'S LAP Unless the people of her distant sphere Some gold migration send to melodize the year. But first our hearts must burn in larger guise, To reformate the uncharitable skies, And so the deathless plumage to acclimatize : Since this, their sole congener in our cHme, Droops her sad, ruffled thoughts for half the shivering time. Yet I have felt what terrors may consort In women's cheeks, the Graces' soft resort ; My hand hath shook at gentle hands' access, And trembled at the waving of a tress ; My blood known panic fear, and fled dismayed, Where ladies' eyes have set their ambuscade ; The rustle of a robe hath been to me The very rattle of love's musketry ; Although my heart hath beat the loud advance, I have recoiled before a challenging glance, Proved gay alarms where warlike ribbons dance. And from it all, this knowledge have I got, — The whole that others have, is less than they have not ; All which makes other women noted fair, Unnoted would remain and overshone in her. How should I gauge what beauty is her dole. Who cannot see her countenance for her soul, As birds see not the casement for the sky ? And, as 'tis check they prove its presence by, I know not of her body till I find My flight debarred the heaven of her mind. Hers is the face whence all should copied be. 96 HER PORTR^AIT Did God make replicas of such as she ; Its presence felt by what it does abate, Because the soul shines through tempered and mitigate : Where — as a figure labouring at night Beside the body of a splendid light — Dark Time works hidden by its luminousness ; And every line he labours to impress Turns added beauty, like the veins that run Athwart a leaf which hangs against the sun. There regent Melancholy wide controls ; There Earth- and Heaven-Love play for aureoles ; There Sweetness out of Sadness breaks at fits, Like bubbles on dark water, or as flits A sudden silver fin through its deep infinites ; There amorous Thought has sucked pale Fancy's breath, And Tenderness sits looking toward the lands of Death : There Feeling stills her breathing with her hand. And Dream from Melancholy part wrests the wand ; And on this lady's heart, looked you so deep, Poor Poetr)' has rocked himself to sleep : Upon the heavy blossom of her lips Hangs the bee Musing ; nigh her lids eclipse Each half-occulted star beneath that lies ; And, in the contemplation of those eyes, Passionless passion, wild tranquillities. 97 EPILOGUE TO THE POET^S SITTEk Wherein he excuseth himself for the manner of the Portrait. ALAS ! now wilt thou chide, and say (I deem) My figured descant hides the simple theme : i^Or, in another wise reproving, say I ill observe thine own high reticent way. Oh, pardon, that I testify of thee What thou couldst never speak, nor others be ! Yet (for the book is not more innocent Of what the gazer's eyes makes so intent), She will but smile, perhaps, that I find my fair Sufficing scope in such strait theme as her. ' Bird of the sun ! the stars' wild honey-bee ! Is your gold browsing done so thoroughly ? Or sinks a singed wing to narrow nest in me ? * (Thus she might say : for not this lowly vein Out-deprecates her deprecating strain.) Oh, you mistake, dear lady, quite ; nor know Ether was strict as you, its loftiness as low ! The heavens do not advance their majesty Over their marge ; beyond his empery The ensigns of the wind are not unfurled. His reign is hooped in by the pale o' the world. 'Tis not the continent, but the contained. That pleasaunce makes or prison, loose or chained. Too much alike or little captives me, For all oppression is captivity. 98 EPILOGUE TO THE POET'S SITTER \Miat groweth to its height demands no higher ; The limit limits not, but the desire. Our minds make their own Termini, nor call The issuing circumscriptions great or small ; So high constructing Nature lessons to us all : Who optics gives accommodate to see Your countenance large as looks the sun to be, And distant greatness less than near humanity. We, therefore, with a sure instinctive mind, An equal spaciousness of bondage find In confines far or near, of air or our own kind. Our looks and longings, which affront the stars, Most richly bruised against their golden bars, Delighted captives of their flaming spears. Find a restraint restrainless which appears As that is, and so simply natural, In you ; — the fair detention freedom call, And overscroll with fancies the loved prison-wall. Such sweet captivity, and only such, In you, as in those golden bars, we touch 1 Our gazes for sufficing limits know The firmament above, your face below ; Our longings are contented with the skies, Contented with the heaven, and your eyes. My restless wings, that beat the whole world through, Flag on the confines of the sun and you ; And find the human pale remoter of the two. 99 H2 VIII DOMUS TUA A PERFECT woman— Thine be laud ! Her body is a Temple of God. At Doom-bar dare I make avows : I have loved the beauty of Thy house. 100 IX IN HER PATHS Ax D she has trod before me in these ways ! I think that she lias left here hcavenlicr days ; L And I do cuess her passage, as the skies Of hol\- Paradise Turn deeply holier, And, looking up with sudden new delight. One knows a seraph-wing has passed in flight. The air is purer for her breathing, sure 1 And all the fields do wear The beauty fallen from her ; The winds do brush me with her robe's allure. 'Tis she has taught the heavens to look sweet, And they do but repeat The heaven, heaven, heaven of her face ! The clouds have studied going from her grace ! The pools whose marges had forgot the tread Of Naiad, disenchanted, fled, A second time must mourn, Bereavcn and forlorn. Ah, foolish pools and meads ! You did not see Essence of old, essential pure as she. For this was even that Lady, and none other, The man in me calls * Love,' the child calls ' Mother.' lOI X AFTER HER GOING THE after-even ! Ah, did I walk. Indeed, in her or even ? For nothing of me or around But absent She did leaven, Felt in my body as its soul. And in my soul its heaven. ' Ah me ! my very flesh turns soul, Essenced,' I sighed, ' with bliss ! ' And the blackbird held his lutany, All fragrant-through with bhss ; And all things stilled were as a maid Sweet with a single kiss. For grief of perfect fairness, eve Could nothing do but smile ; The time was far too perfed fair, Being but for a while ; And ah, in me, too happy grief BHnded herself with smile ! The sunset at its radiant heart Had somewhat unconfest : The bird was loath of speech, its song Half -refluent on its breast, And made melodious toyings with A note or two at best. 102 AFTER HER GOING And she was gone, my sole, my Fair, Ah, sole ray Fair, was gone ! Methinks, throughout the world 'twere right I had been sad alone ; And yet, such sweet in all things' heart, And such sweet in my own ! 103 XI BENEATH A PHOTOGRAPH PHCEBUS, who taught me art divine. Here tried his hand where I did mine ; And his white fingers in this face Set my Fair's sigh-suggesting grace. O sweetness past profaning guess, Grievous with its own exquisiteness ! Vesper-Hke face, its shadows bright With meanings of sequestered Hght ; Drooped with shamefast sanftities She purely fears eyes cannot miss, Yet would blush to know she is. Ah, who can view with passionless glance This tear-compelling countenance ? He has cozened it to tell Almost its own miracle. Yet I, all-viewing though he be, Methinks saw further here than he ; And, Master gay, I swear I drew Something the better of the two ! 104 rue HOUND OF HSAVSN / THE MOUND OF HEAVEN 1FLED Him, down the nights and down the days ; I fled I lim, down the arches of the years ; I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways Of my own mind ; and in the mist of tears I hid from Him, and under running laughter. Up vistacd hopes I sped ; And shot, precipitated, Adown Titanic glooms of chasmed fears, From those strong Feet that followed, followed after. But with unhurrying chase, And unperturbed pace. Deliberate speed, majestic instancy, They beat — and a Voice beat IMore instant than the Feet — * All things betray thcc, w ho bctrayest Me.' I pleaded, outlaw-wise. By many a hearted casement, curtained red, Trellised with intertwining charities ; (For, thou^jh I knew Hi? love Who followed. Yet was I sore adread Lest, having Him, I must have naught beside.) But, if one little casement parted wide. The gust of His approach would clash it to : Fear wist not to evade, as Love wiat to purrue. Across the margcnt of the world I fled. And troubled the gold gatev^'ays of the stais, Smiting for shelter on their clanged bars ; 107 THE HOUND OF HEAVEN Fretted to dulcet jars And silvern chatter the pale ports o' the moon. I said to Dawn : Be sudden — to Eve : Be soon ; With thy young skiey blossoms heap me over From this tremendous Lover — Float thy vague veil about me, lest He see ! I tempted all His servitors, but to find My own betrayal in their constancy, In faith to Him their fickleness to me, Their traitorous trueness, and their loyal deceit. To all swift things for swiftness did I sue ; Clung to the whisthng mane of every wind. But whether they swept, smoothly fleet, The long savannahs of the blue ; Or whether. Thunder-driven, They clanged his chariot 'thwart a heaven, Flashy with flying lightnings round the spurn o' their feet : — Fear wist not to evade as Love wist to pursue. Still with unhurrying chase, And unperturbed pace. Deliberate speed, majestic instancy, Came on the following Feet, And a Voice above their beat — * Naught shelters thee, who wilt not shelter Me.' I sought no more that after which I strayed In face of man or maid ; But still within the little children's eyes Seems something, something that replies, Ihcy at least are for me, surely for me ! 108 THE HOUND OF HEAVEN I turned me to them very wistfully ; But just as their young eyes grew sudden fair With dawning answers there, Their angel plucked them from me by the hair. * Come then, ye other children, Nature's — share With me ' (said I) ' your delicate fellowship ; Let mc greet you lip to lip, Let me twine with you caresses, Wantoning With our Lady-Mother's vagrant tresses, Banqueting With her in her wind-wallcd palace, Underneath her azured dais. Quaffing, as your taintless way is, From a chalice Lucent-weeping out of the dayspring.' So it was done : I in their delicate fellowship was one — Drew the bolt of Nature's secrecies. / knew all the swift importings On the wilful face of skies ; I knew how the clouds arise Spumed of the wild sea-snorting? ; All that's born or dies Rose and drooped with ; made them shapcra Of mine own moods, or wailful or divine ; With them joyed and was bercaven. I was heavy with the even. When she lit her glimmering tapers Round the day's dead san6litics. I laughed in the morning's eyes. 109 THE HOUND OF HEAVEN I triumphed and I saddened with all weather, Heaven and I wept together, And its sweet tears were salt with mortal mine ; Against the red throb of its sunset-heart I laid my own to beat, And share commingling heat ; But not by that, by that, was eased my human smart. In vain my tears were wet on Heaven's grey cheek. For ah ! we know not what each other says. These things and I ; in sound / speak — Their sound is but their stir, they speak by silences. Nature, poor stepdame, cannot slake my drouth ; Let her, if she would owe me, Drop yon blue bosom-veil of sky, and show me The breasts o' her tenderness : Never did any milk of hers once bless My thirsting mouth. Nigh and nigh draws the chase, With unperturbed pace. Deliberate speed, majestic instancy ; And past those noised Feet A voice comes yet more fleet — ' Lo ! naught contents thee, who content'st not Me.' Naked I wait Thy love's uplifted stroke ! My harness piece by piece Thou hast hewn from me, And smitten me to my knee ; I am defenceless utterly. I slept, methinks, and woke. And, slowly gazing, find me stripped in sleep. no THE HOUND OF HEAVEN In the rash lustihead of my young powers, I shook the pillaring hours And pulled my life upon me ; grimed with smears, I stand amid the dust o' the mounded years — My mangled youth lies dead beneath the heap. My days have crackled and gone up in smoke, Have puffed and burst as sun-starts on a stream. Yea, faileth now even dream The dreamer, and the lute the lutanist ; Even the linked fantasies, in whose blossomy twist I swung the earth a trinket at my wrist. Are yielding ; cords of all too weak account For earth with heavy griefs so overplussed. Ah ! is Thy love indeed A weed, albeit an amaranthine weed, Suffering no flowers except its own to mount ? Ah ! must — Designer infinite ! — Ah ! must Thou char the wood ere Thou canst limn with it ? My freshness spent its wavering shower i' the dust ; And now my heart is as a broken fount. Wherein tear-drippings stagnate, spilt down ever From the dank thoughts that shiver Upon the sighful branches of my mind. Such is ; what is to be ? The pulp so bitter, how shall taste the rind ? I dimly guess what Time in mists confounds ; Yet ever and anon a trumpet sounds From the hid battlements of Eternity ; Those shaken mists a space unsettle, then III THE HOUND OF HEAVEN Round the half-glimpsed turrets slowly wash again. But not ere him who summoneth I first have seen, enwound With glooming robes purpureal, cypress-crowned ; His name I know, and what his trumpet saith. Whether man's heart or life it be which yields Thee harvest, must Thy harvest-fields Be dunged with rotten death ? Now of that long pursuit Comes on at hand the bruit ; That Voice is round me like a bursting sea : ' And is thy earth so marred, Shattered in shard on shard ? Lo, all things fly thee, for thou fliest Me ! Strange, piteous, futile thing ! Wherefore should any set thee love apart ? Seeing none but I makes much of naught ' (He said), ' And human love needs human meriting : How hast thou merited — Of all man's clotted clay the dingiest clot ? Alack, thou knowest not How little worthy of any love thou art ! Whom wilt thou find to love ignoble thee, Save Me, save only Me ? All which I took from thee I did but take, Not for thy harms. But just that thou might'st seek it in My arms. All which thy child's mistake Fancies as lost, I have stored for thee at home : Rise, clasp My hand, and come ! ' 112 THE HOUND OF HEAVEN Halts by me that footfall : Is my gloom, after all, Shade of His hand, outstretched caressingly ? ' Ah, fondest, blindest, weakest, I am He Whom thou seekest ! Thou dravest love from thee, who dravest Me.' 1 r ODE ro THS SSTTING SUN ODE TO THE SETTING SUN PRELUDE T HE wailful sweetness of the violin Floats down the hushed waters of the wind, The heart-strings of the throbbing harp begin To long in aching music. Spirit-pined, In wafts that poignant sweetness drifts, until The wounded soul ooze sadness. The red sun, A bubble of fire, drops slowly toward the hill, While one bird prattles that the day is done. O setting Sun, that as in reverent days Sinkest in music to thy smoothed sleep. Discrowned of homage, though yet crowned with rays, Hymned not at harvest more, though reapers reap : For thee this music wakes not. O deceived. If thou hear in these thoughtless harmonies A pious phantom of adorings reaved, And echo of fair ancient flatteries ! Yet, in tliis field where the Cross planted reigns, I know not what strange passion bows my head To thee, whose great command upon my veins Proves thcc a god for mc not dead, not dead ! 117 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN For worship it is too incredulous, For doubt — oh, too beheving-passionate ! What wild divinity makes my heart thus A fount of most baptismal tears ? — Thy straight Long beam lies steady on the Cross, Ah me ! What secret would thy radiant finger show ? Of thy bright mastership is this the key ? Is this thy secret, then ? And is it woe ? Fling from thine ear the burning curls, and hark A song thou hast not heard in Northern day ; For Rome too daring, and for Greece too dark. Sweet with wild wings that pass, that pass away ! ODE A LPHA and Omega, sadness and mirth, / \ The springing music, and its wasting breath — - -L *.The fairest things in life are Death and Birth, And of these two the fairer thing is Death. Mystical twins of Time inseparable. The younger hath the holier array. And hath the awfuller sway : It is the falling star that trails the light. It is the breaking wave that hath the might. The passing shower that rainbows maniple. Is it not so, O thou down-stricken Day, That draw'st thy splendours round thee in thy fall ? High was thine Eastern pomp inaugural ; ii8 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN But thou dost set in statelier pageantry, Lauded with tumults of a firmament : Thy visible music-blasts make deaf the sky, Thy cymbals clang to fire the Occident, Thou dost thy d\ing so triumphally : I see the crimson blaring of thy shawms ! Why do those lucent palms Strew thy feet's failing thicklier than their might, Who dost but haod thy glorious eyes with night. And vex the heels of all the yesterday's ? Lo ! this loud, lackeying praise Will stay behind to greet the usurping moon. When they have cloud-barred over thee the West. Oh, shake the bright dust from thy parting shoon ! The earth not pxans thcc, nor serves thy hest ; Be godded not by Heaven ! avert thy face. And leave to blank disgrace The oblivious world ! unsceptre thee of state and place ! Ha ! but bethink thee what thou gazedst on. Ere yet the snake Decay had venomed tooth ; The name thou bar'st in those vast seasons gone — Candid Hyperion, Clad in the light of thine immortal youth ! Ere Dionysus bled thy vines, Or Artemis drave her clamours through the wood, Thou saw'st how once against Olympus' height The brawny Titans stood, And shook the gods' world 'bout their ears, and how Enceladus (whom Etna cumbers now) Shouldt;rcd me Pclion with its swinging pines, 119 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN The river unrecked, that did its broken flood Spurt on his back : before the mountainous shock The ranked gods dislock, Scared to their skies ; wide o'er rout-trampled night Flew spurned the pebbled stars : those splendours then Had tempested on earth, star upon star Mounded in ruin, if a longer war Had quaked Olympus and cold-fearing men. Then did the ample marge And circuit of thy targe Sullenly redden all the vaward fight, Above the blusterous clash Wheeled thy swung falchion's flash, And hewed their forces into splintered flight. Yet ere Olympus thou wast, and a god ! Though we deny thy nod. We cannot spoil thee of thy divinity. What know we elder than thee ? When thou didst, bursting from the great void's husk, Leap like a Hon on the throat o' the dusk ; When the angels rose-chapleted Sang each to other. The vaulted blaze overhead Of their vast pinions spread, Hailing thee brother ; How chaos rolled back from the wonder, And the First Morn knelt down to thy visage of thunder ! Thou didst draw to thy side Thy young Auroral bride. 120 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN And lift her veil of night and mystery ; Tellus with baby hands Shook off her swaddling-bands, And from the unswathed vapours laughed to thee. Thou twi-form deity, nurse at once and sire I Thou genitor that all things nourishest ! The earth was suckled at thy shining breast, And in her veins is quick thy milky fire. Who scarfed her with the morning ? and who set Upon her brow the day-fall's carcanct ? Who queened her front with the enrondured moon ? Who dug night's jewels from their vaulty mine To dower her, past an eastern wizard's dreams, When, hovering on him through his haschish-swoon. All the rained gems of the old Tartarian line Shiver in lustrous throbbings of tinged flame ? Whereof a moiety in the Paolis' seams Statelilv buildcd their Venetian name. Thou hast enwoofed her An empress of the air. And all her births are propertied by thee : Her teeming centuries Drew being from thine eyes : Thou fatt'st the marrow of all quality. Who lit the furnace of the mammoth's heart ? Who shagged him like Pilatus' ribbed flanks ? Who raised the columned ranks Of that old prc-diluvian forestry, Vvliich like a continent torn oppressed the sea, 121 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN When the ancient heavens did in rains depart, While the high-danced whirls Of the tossed scud made hiss thy drenched curls ? Thou rear'dst the enormous brood ; Who hast with life imbued The lion maned in tawny majesty. The tiger velvet-barred, The stealthy-stepping pard, And the lithe panther's fleiuous symmetry. How came the entombed tree a light-bearer. Though sunk in lightless lair ? Friend of the forgers of earth, Mate of the earthquake and thunders volcanic, Clasped in the arms of the forces Titanic Which rock like a cradle the girth Of the ether-hung world ; Swart son of the swarthy mine, When flame on the breath of his nostrils feeds How is his countenance half-divine. Like thee in thy sanguine weeds ? Thou gavest him his light, Though sepultured in night Beneath the dead bones of a perished world ; Over his prostrate form Though cold, and heat, and storm, The mountainous wrack of a creation hurled. Who made the splendid rose Saturate with purple glows ; Cupped to the marge with beauty ; a perfume-press 122 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN Whence the wind vintages Gushes of warmed fragrance richer far Than all the flavorous ooze of Cyprus' vats ? Lo, in yon gale which waves her green cymar, With dusk}- cheeks burnt red She sways her heavy head, Drunk with the must of her own odorousncss ; While in a moted trouble the vexed gnats Maze, and vibrate, and tease the noontide hush. Who girt dissolved lightnings in the grape ? Summered the opal with an Irised flush ? Is it not thou that dost the tulip drape, And huest the daffodilly, Yet who hast snowed the lily, And her frail sister, whom the waters name, Dost vestal-vesture 'mid the blaze of June, Cold as the new-sprung girlhood of the moon Ere Autumn's kiss sultry her cheek with flame ? Thou sway'st thy sceptred beam O'er all delight and dream. Beauty is beautiful but in thy glance : And like a jocund maid In garland-flowers arrayed, Before thy ark Earth keeps her sacred dance. And now, O shaken from thine antique throne. And sunken from thy ccerulc cmpery, Now that the red glare of thy fall is blown In smoke and flame about the windy sky, Where are the wailing voices that should meet Erom hill, stream, grove, and all of mortal shape 123 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN Who tread thy gifts, in vineyards as stray feet Pulp the globed weight of juiced Iberia's grape ? Where is the threne o' the sea ? And why not dirges thee The wind, that sings to himself as he makes stride Lonely and terrible on the Andean height ? Where is the Naiad 'mid her sworded sedge ? The Nymph wan-glimmering by her wan fount's verge ? The Dryad at timid gaze by the wood-side ? The Oread jutting light On one up-strained sole from the rock-ledge ? The Nereid tip-toe on the scud o' the surge. With whistling tresses dank athwart her face. And all her figure poised in lithe Circean grace ? Why withers their lament ? Their tresses tear-besprent. Have they sighed hence with trailing garment-hem ? sweet, O sad, O fair, 1 catch your flying hair. Draw your eyes down to me, and dream on them ! A space, and they fleet from me. Must ye fade — O old, essential candours, ye who made The earth a living and a radiant thing — And leave her corpse in our strained, cheated arms ? Lo ever thus, when Song with chorded charms Draws from dull death his lost Eurydice, Lo ever thus, even at consummating, Even in the swooning minute that claims her his, Even as he trembles to the impassioned kiss " 124 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN Of reincarnate Beauty, his control Clasps the cold body, and forgoes the soul ! W'hatso looks lovclily Is but the rainbow on hfe's weeping rain. \\ hy have we longings of immortal pain, And all we long for mortal ? Woe is me, And all our chants but chaplet some decay, As mine this vanishing — nay, vanished Day. The low sky-hne dusks to a leaden hue. No rift disturbs the heavy shade and ciiill, Save one, where the charred firmament lets through The scorching dazzle of Heaven ; 'gainst which the hill, Out-flattened sombrely, Stands black as Hfe against eternity. Against eternity ? A rifting hght in me Burns through the leaden broodings of the mind : O blessed Sun, thy state Uprisen or derogate Dafts me no more with doubt ; I seek and find. If with exultant tread Thou foot the Eastern sea. Or like a golden bee Sting the West to angry red, Thou dost image, thou dost follow That King-Maker of Creation, Who, ere I Icllas hailed Apollo, Gave thee, angel-god, thy station ; rhou art of Him a type memorial. 125 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN Like Him thou hang'st in dreadful pomp of blood Upon thy Western rood ; And His stained brow did vail like thine to night, Yet lift once more Its light, And, risen, again departed from our ball. But when It set on earth arose in Heaven. Thus hath He unto death His beauty given : And so of all which form inheriteth The fall doth pass the rise in worth ; For birth hath in itself the germ of death, But death hath in itself the germ of birth. It is the falling acorn buds the tree. The faUing rain that bears the greenery. The fern-plants moulder when the ferns arise. For there is nothing lives but something dies. And there is nothing dies but something lives. Till skies be fugitives. Till Time, the hidden root of change, updrics. Are Birth and Death inseparable on earth ; For they are twain yet one, and Death is Birth. AFTER-STRAIN NOW with wan ray that other sun of Song Sets in the Weakening waters of my soul : One step, and lo ! the Cross stands gaunt and long 'Twixt me and yet bright skies, a presaged dole. Even so, O Cross ! thine is the victory. Thy roots are fast within our fairest fields ; 126 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN Brightness may emanate in Heaven from thee, Here thy dread symbol only shadow yields. Of reaped joys thou art the heavy sheaf Which must be lifted, though the reaper groan ; Yea, we may cry till Heaven's great ear be deaf, But we must bear thee, and must bear alone. Vain were a Simon ; of the Antipodes Our night not borrows the superfluous day. Yet woe to him that from his burden flees, Crushed in the fall of what he cast away. Therefore, O tender Lady, Queen Mary, Thou gentleness that dost enmoss and drape The Cross's rigorous austerity. Wipe thou the blood from wounds that needs must gape. ' Lo, though suns rise and set, but crosses stay, I leave thee ever,' saith she, ' light of cheer.' 'Tis so : yon sky still thinks upon the Day, And showers aerial blossoms on his bier. Yon cloud with wrinkled fire is edged sharp ; And once more welling through the air, ah me ! How the sweet viol plains him to the harp. Whose panged sobbings throng tumultuously. Oh, this Medusa-pleasure with her stings ! This essence of all suffering, which is joy ! 127 ODE TO THE SETTING SUN I am not thankless for the spell it brings, Though tears must be told down for the charmed toy. No ; while soul, sky, and music bleed together, Let me give thanks even for those griefs in me, The restless windward stirrings of whose feather Prove them the brood of immortality. My soul is quitted of death-neighbouring swoon, Who shall not slake her immitigable scars Until she hear ' My sister ! ' from the moon, And take the kindred kisses of the stars. 12M TO THS T>£AD CAI^DI^N^AL OF ^'6STMI^ST6% {Henry Ed'u-ard Manning : Di^d January 1892) TO THE DEAD CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER I WILL not pcrturbate Thy Paradisal state With praise Of thy dead days ; To the new-heavened say, * Spirit, thou wert fine clay ' : This do. Thy praise who knew. Therefore my spirit clings Heaven's porter by the wings, And holds Its gated golds Apart, with thee to press A private business ; — Whence, Deign me audience. Anchorite, who didst dwell With all the world for celJ, My soul Round me doth roll A sequestration bare. Too far alike we were, Too far Dissimilar. 131 K2 TO THE DEAD CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER For its burning fruitage I Do climb the tree o' the sky ; Do prize Some human eyes. Tou smelt the Heaven-blossoms, And all the sweet embosoms The dear Uranian year. Those Eyes my weak gaze shuns, Which to the suns are Suns, Did Not affray your lid. The carpet was let down (With golden moultings strown) For you Of the angels' blue. But I, ex-Paradised, The shoulder of your Christ Find high To lean thereby. So flaps my helpless sail, Bellying with neither gale, Of Heaven Nor Orcus even. 132 TO THE DEAD CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER Life is a coquetry Of Death, which wearies me. Too sure Of the amour ; A tiring-room where I Death's divers garments try, TiUfit Some fashion sit. It seemeth me too much I do rehearse for such A mean And single scene. The sandy glass hence bear- Antique remembrancer : My veins Do spare its pains. With secret sympathy My thoughts repeat in me Infirm The turn o' the worm Beneath my appointed sod ; The grave is in my blood ; I shake To winds that take TO THE DEAD CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER Its grasses by the top ; The rains thereon that drop Perturb With drip acerb My subtly answering soul ; The feet across its knoll Do jar Me from afar. As sap foretastes the spring ; As Earth ere blossoming Thrills With far daflfodils, And feels her breast turn sweet With the unconceived wheat ; So doth My flesh foreloathe The abhorred spring of Dia, With seething presciences Affirm The preparate worm. I have no thought that I, When at the last I die, Shall reach To gain your speech. 134 TO THE DEAD CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER But you, should that be so, May very well, I know, May well To me in hell With recognizing eyes Look from your Paradise — ' God bless Thy hopelessness ! * Call, holy soul, O call The hosts angelical, And say, — * See, far away ' Lies one I saw on earth ; One stricken from his birth With curse Of destinate verse. * Whit place doth He ye serve For such sad spirit reserve, — Given, In dark lieu of Heaven, * The impitiable Daemon, Beauty, to adore and dream on. To be Perpetually 135 TO THE DEAD CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER * Hers, but she never his ? He reapeth miseries ; Foreknows His wages woes ; * He lives detached days ; He serveth not for praise ; For gold He is not sold ; * Deaf is he to world's tongue ; He scorneth for his song The loud Shouts of the crowd ; * He asketh not world's eyes ; Not to world's ears he cries ; Saith, — " These Shut, if ye please ! " * He measureth world's pleasure, World's ease, as Saints might measure ; For hire Just love entire * He asks, not grudging pain ; And knows his asking vain, And cries — " Love ! Love ! " and dies, 136 TO THE DEAD CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER * In guerdon of long duty, Unowned by Love or Beauty ; And goes — Tel], tell, who knows ! * Aliens from Heaven's worth. Fine beasts who nose i' the earth. Do there Reward prepare. ' But are kis great desires Food but tor nether fires ? Ah me, A mystery ! * Can it be his alone, To find when all is known, That what He solely sought * Is lost, and thereto lost All that its seeking cost ? That he Must finally, * Through sacrificial tears, And ancliorctic years, Tryst With the sensualist ? ' 137 TO THE DEAD CARDINAL OF WESTMINSTER So ask ; and if they tell The secret terrible, Good friend, I pray thee send Some high gold embassage To teach my unripe age. Tell! Lest my feet walk hell. 138 ^•/ CORYMB us FOR <^IUTUMN A CORYMBUS FOR AUTUMN HEARKEN my chant, 'tis As a Bacchante's, A grape-spurt, a vine-splash, a tossed tress, flown vaunt 'tis ! Suffer my singing, Gipsy of Seasons, ere thou go winging ; Ere Winter throws His slaidng snows In thy feasting-flagon's impurpurate glows ! The sopped sun — toper as ever drank hard — Stares foolish, hazed, Rubicund, dazed, Totty with thine October tankard. Tanned maiden ! with cheeks like apples russet, And breast a brown agaric faint-flushing at tip, And a mouth too red for the moon to buss it But her cheek unvow its vestalship ; Thy mists enchp Her steel-clear circuit illuminous, Until it crust Rubiginous With the glorious gules of a glowing rust. Far other saw we, other indeed. The crescent moon, in the May-day? dead, Fly up with its slender white wings spread Out of its nest in the sea's waved mead. 141 A CORYMBUS FOR AUTUMN How are the veins of thee, Autumn, laden ? Umbered juices, And pulped oozes Pappy out of the cherry-bruises, Froth the veins of thee, wild, wild maiden ! With hair that musters In globed clusters, In tumbhng clusters, like swarthy grapes, Round thy brow and thine ears o'ershaden ; With the burning darkness of eyes like pansies, Like velvet pansies Wherethrough escapes The splendid might of thy conflagrate fancies ; With robe gold-tawny not hiding the shapes Of the feet whereunto it faUeth down, Thy naked feet unsandalled ; With robe gold-tawny ihkt does not veil Feet where the red Is meshed in the brown, Like a rubied sun in a Venice-sail. The wassailous heart of the Year is thine ! His Bacchic fingers disentwine His coronal At thy festival ; His revelling fingers disentwine Leaf, flower, and all. And let them faU Blossom and all in thy wavering wine. The Summer looks out from her brazen tower, Through the flashing bars of July, 142 A CORYMBUS FOR AUTUMN Waiting thy ripened golden shower ; Whereof there cometh, with sandals fleet, The North-west flying viewlessly, With a sword to sheer, and untameable feet. And the gorgon-head of the Winter shown To stiffen the gazing earth as stone. In crystal Heaven's magic sphere Poised in the palm of thy fervid hand, Thou seest the enchanted shows appear That stain Favonian firmament ; Richer than ever the Occident Gave up to bygone Summer's wand. Day's dying dragon lies drooping his crest, Panting red pants into the West. Or the butterfly sunset claps its wings With flitter alit on the swinging blossom, The gusty blossom, that tosses and swings. Of the sea with its blown and ruffled bosom ; Its ruffled bosom wherethrough the wind sings Till the crisped petals are loosened and strewn Overblown, on the sand ; Shed, curling as dead Rose-leaves curl, on the flecked strand. Or higher, holier, saintlier when, as novir, All Nature sacerdotal seems, and thou. The calm hour strikes on yon golden gong, In tones of floating and mellow light A spreading summons to even-song : H3 ACORYMBUS FOR AUTUMN See how there The cowled Night Kneels on the Eastern sanftuary-stair. What is this feel of incense everywhere ? Chngs it round folds of the blanch-amiced clouds, Upwaf ted by the solemn thurifer, The mighty Spirit unknown, That swingeth the slow earth before the embannered Throne ? Or is't the Season under all these shrouds Of light, and sense, and silence, makes her known A presence everywhere. An inarticulate prayer, A hand on the soothed tresses of the air ? But there is one hour scant Of this Titanian, primal liturgy ; As there is but one hour for me and thee, Autumn, for thee and thine hierophant, Of this grave-ending chant. Round the earth still and stark Heaven's death-Hghts kindle, yellow spark by spark, Beneath the dreadful catafalque of the dark. And I had ended there : But a great wind blew all the stars to flare. And cried, ' I sweep the path before the moon ! Tarry ye now the coming of the moon. For she is coming soon ' ; Then died before the coming of the moon. And she came forth upon the trepidant air. In vesture unimagined-fair. 144 \ \ A CORYMBUS FOR AUTUMN Woven as woof of flag-lilies ; And curdled as of flag-lilies The vapour at the feet of her, And a haze about her tinged in fainter wise ; As if she had trodden the stars in press, Till the gold wine spurted over her dress, Till the gold wine gushed out round her feet ; Spouted over her stained wear, And bubbled in golden froth at her feet. And hung like a whirlpool's mist round her. Still, mighty Season, do I see't, Thy sway is still majcstical ! Thou hold'st of God, by title sure, Thine indefeasible investiture. And that right round thy locks are native to ; The heavens upon thy brow imperial, This huge terrene thy ball. And o'er thy shoulders thrown wide air's depending paU. What if thine earth be blear and bleak of hue ? Still, still the skies are sweet ! Still, Season, still thou hast thy triumphs there ! How have I, unaware. Forgetful of my strain inaugural. Cleft the great rondure of thy reign complete, Yielding thee half, who hast indeed the all ? I will not think thy sovereignty begun But with the shepherd Sun That washes in the sea the stars' gold fleeces ; Or that with Day it ceases, H5 A CORYMBUS FOR AUTUMISJ Who sets his burning lips to the salt brine, And purples it to wine ; While I behold how ermined Artemis Ordained weed must wear. And toil thy business ; Who witness am of her, Her too in autumn turned a vintager ; And, laden with its lamped clusters bright. The fiery-fruited vineyard of this night. 146 SCCLSSIASriCAL BALLADS [Of this series only two Ballads were completed : ' The Veteran of Heaven ' — in some sense a divine parody of Macaulay's ' On the Battle of Naseby ' ; and a prophetic apostrophe of the Church under the title of ' The Lily of the King.'] THE VETERAN OF HEAVEN O CAPTAIN of the wars, whence won Ye so great scars ? In what fight did Ye smite, and what manner was the foe ? Was it on a day of rout they compassed Thee about, Or gat Ye these adornings when Ye wrought their overthrow ? * HTwas on a day of rout they girded Me about, They wounded all My brow, and they smote Me through the side : My hand held no sword when I met their armed horde, And the conqueror fell down, and the Conquered bruised his pride.' What is this, unheard before, that the Unarmed makes war. And the Slain hath the gain, and the Victor hath the rout ? What wars, then, are these, and what the enemies. Strange Chief, witli the scars of Thy conquest trenched about ? 149 ECCLESIASTICAL BALLADS *The Prince I drave forth held the Mount of the North, Girt with the guards of flame that roll round the pole. I drave him with My wars from all his fortress-stars, And the sea of death divided that My march might strike its goal. * In the keep of Northern Guard, many a great dae- monian sword Burns as it turns round the Mount occult, apart : There is given him power and place still for some cer- tain days. And his name would turn the Sun's blood back upon its heart.' What is Thy Name ? Oh, show ! — * My Name ye may not know ; 'Tis a going forth with banners, and a baring of much swords : But My titles that are high, are they not upon My thigh ? " King of Kings ! " are the words, " Lord of Lords ! " ; It is written " King of Kings, Lord of Lords." ' 150 n LILIUM REGIS OLILY of the King ! low lies thy silver wing, And long has been the hour of thine unqueening ; And thy scent of Paradise on the night-wind spills its sighs, Nor any take the secrets of its meaning. O Lily of the King ! I speak a heavy thing, patience, most sorrowful of daughters ! Lo, the hour is at hand for the troubling of the land, And red shaU be the breaking of the waters. Sit fast upon thy stalk, when the blast shall with thee talk, With the mercies of the King for thine awning ; And the just understand that thine hour is at hand, Thine hour at hand with power in the dawning. When the nations lie in blood, and their kings a broken brood, Look up, O most sorrowful of daughters ! Lift up thy head and hark what sounds are in the dark, For His feet are coming to thee on the waters ! O Lily of the King ! I shall not see, that sing, 1 shall not see the hour of thy queening ! But my Song shall see, and wake like a flower that dawn- winds shake, And sigh with joy the odours of its meaning. O Lily of the King, remember then the thing That this dead mouth sang ; and thy daughters. As they dance before His way, sing there on the Day What I sang when the Night was on the waters ! i5» TRANSLATIONS A SUNSET FROM Hugo's * feuilles d'automne * {LOVE the evenings, passionless and fair, I love the evens, Whether old manor-fronts their ray with golden fulgence leavens, In numerous leafage bosomed close ; Whether the mist in reefs of fire extend its reaches sheer, Or a hundred sunbeams splinter in an azure atmosphere On cloudy archipelagos. Oh gaze ye on the firmament ! a hundred clouds in motion. Up-piled in the immense sublime beneath the winds' commotion. Their unimagined shapes accord : Under their waves at intervals flames a pale levin through, As if some giant of the air amid the vapours drew A sudden elemental sword. The sun at bay with splendid thrusts still keeps the sullen fold ; And momently at distance sets, as a cupola of gold, The thatched roof of a cot a-glance ; Or on the blurred horizons joins his battle with the haze ; Or pools the glooming fields about with inter-isolate blaze, Great moveless meres of radiance. 155 TRANSLATIONS Then mark you how there hangs athwart the firma- ment's swept track, Yonder, a mighty crocodile with vast irradiant back, A triple row of pointed teeth f Under its burnished belly slips a ray of eventide, The flickerings of a hundred glowing clouds its tene- brous side With scales of golden mail ensheathe. Then mounts a palace, then the air vibrates — the vision flees. Confounded to its base, the fearful cloudy edifice Ruins immense in mounded wrack : Afar the fragments strew the sky, and each enver- meiled cooe Hangeth, peak downward, overhead, hke mountains overthrown When the earthquake heaves its hugy back. These vapours, with their leaden, golden, iron, bronzed glows. Where the hurricane, the waterspout, thunder, and hell repose. Muttering hoarse dreams of destined harms, — 'Tis God who hangs their multitude amid the skiey deep, As a warrior that suspendeth from the roof-tree of his keep His dreadful and resounding arms ! 156 A SUNSET All vanishes ! The sun, from topmost heaven precipitated, Like to a globe of iron which is tossed back fiery red Into the furnace stirred to fume, Shocking the cloudy surges, plashed from its impetuous ire, Even to the zenith spattereth in a flecking scud of fire The vaporous and inflamed spume. O contemplate the heavens ! Whenas the vein-drawn day dies pale, In every season, every place, gaze through their every veil, With love that has not speech for need ! Beneath their solemn beauty is a mystery infinite : If winter hue them like a pall, or if the summer night Fantasy them with starry brede. IS7 HEARD ON THE MOUNTAIN FROM Hugo's ' feuilles d'automne ' HAVE you sometimes, calm, silent, let your tread aspirant rise Up to the mountain's summit, in the presence of the skies ? Was't on the borders of the South ? or on the Bretagne coast ? And at the basis of the mount had you the Ocean tossed ? And there, leaned o'er the wave and o'er the im- measurableness. Calm, silent, have you hearkened what it says ? Lo, what it says ! One day at least, whereon my thought, enlicensed to muse. Had drooped its wing above the beached margent of the ooze. And, plunging from the mountain height into the im- mensity. Beheld upon one side the land, on the other side the sea. I hearkened, comprehended, — never, as from those abysses. No, never issued from a mouth, nor moved an ear such voice as this is ! A sound it was, at outset, immeasurable, confused. Vaguer than is the wind among the tufted trees effused. Full of magnificent accords, suave murmurs, sweet as is The evensong, and mighty as the shock of panoplies 158 HEARD ON THE MOUNTAIN When the hoarse meUe in its arms the closing squadrons grips, And pants, in furious breathings, from the clarions' brazen lips. Unutterable the harmony, unsearchable its deep. Whose fluid undulations round the world a girdle keep, And through the vasty heavens, which by its surges are washed young. Its infinite volutions roll, enlarging as they throng, Even to the profound arcane, whose ultimate chasms sombre Its shattered flood englut with time, with space and form and number. Like to another atmosphere, with thin o'erflowing robe, The hymn eternal covers all the inundated globe : And the world, swathed about with this investuring symphony. Even as it trepidates in the air, so trepidates in the har- mony. And pensive, I attended the ethereal lutany, . Lost within this containing voice as if within the sea. Soon I distinguished, yet as tone which veils confuse and smother, Amid this voice two voices, one commingled with the other. Which did from off the land and seas even to the heavens a«pirc ; Chanting the universal chant in simultaneous quire. 159 TRANSLATIONS And I distinguished them amid that deep and Tumor- ous sound, As who beholds two currents thwart amid the fluctuous profound. The one was of the waters ; a be-radiant hymnal speech ! That was the voice o' the surges, as they parleyed each with each. The other, which arose from our abode terranean, Was sorrowful ; and that, alack ! the murmur was of man ; And io this mighty quire, whose chantings day and night resound, Every wave had its utterance, and every man his sound. Now, the magnificent Ocean, as I said, unbannering A voice of joy, a voice of peace, did never stint to sing, Most like in Sion's temples to a psaltery psaltering. And to creation's beauty reared the great lauds of his song. Upon the gale, upon the squall, his clamour borne along Unpausingly arose to God in mere triumphal swell ; And every one among his waves, that God alone can quell, When the other of its song made end, into the singing pressed. Like that majestic lion whereof Daniel was the guest. At intervals the Ocean his tremendous murmur awed ; And, toward where the sunset fires fell shaggily and broad. Under his golden mane, methought that I saw pass the hand of God. 1 60 I HEARD ON THE MOUNTAIN Meanwhile, and side by side with that august fnnfaronnade 1"he other voice, Hke the sudden scream of a destrier affraved. Like an infernal door that grates ajar its rusty throat, Like to a bow of iron that gnarls upon an iron rote, Grinded ; and tears, and shriekings, the anathema, the lewd taunt, Refusal of viaticum, refusal of the font, And clamour, and maledidlion, and dread blasphemy, among That hurtling crowd of rumour from the diverse human tongue. Went by as who beholdeth, when the valleys thick t'ward night. The long drifts of the birds of dusk pass, blackening flight on flight. What was this sound whose thousand echoes vibrated unsleeping ? Alas ! the sound was earth's and man's, for earth and man were weeping. Brothers ! of these two voices strange, most unimagin- ably, Unceasingly regenerated, dying unceasingly. Hearkened of the Eternal throughout His Eternity, The one voice uttercth Nature, and the other voice Humanity. Then 1 alit in reverie ; for my ministering sprite. Alack ! had never yet deployed a pinion of an ampler (lii-ht, i6i M TRANSLATIONS Nor ever had my shadow endured so large a day to burn : And long I rested dreaming, contemplating turn by turn Now that abyss obscure which lurked beneath the water's roll, And now that other untemptable abyss which opened in my soul. And I made question of me, to what issues are we here, Whither should tend the thwarting threads of all this ravelled gear ; What doth the soul ; to be or live if better worth it is ; And why the Lord, Who, only, reads within that book of His, In fatal hymeneals hath eternally entwined The vintage-chant of nature with the dirging cry of humankind ? The metre of the second of these two translations is an experiment. The splendid fourteen syllable metre of Chapman I have treated after the manner of Drydenian rhyming heroics, with the occasional triplet, and even the occasional Alexandrine, a treatment which can well extend, I believe, the majestic resource* of the metre. 162 I AN ECHO OF VICTOR HUGO CE'S a veil the real has : All the shadows of our scene Are but shows of things that pass On the other side the screen. Time his glass sits nodding by ; 'Twiit its turn and turn a spawn Of universes buzz and die Like the ephemeris of the dawn. Turn again the wasted glass ! Kingly crown and warrior's crest Are not worth the blade of grass God fashions for the swallow's nest. Kings must lay gold circlets down In God's sepulchral ante-rooms, The wear of Heaven 's the thorny crown : He paves His temples with their tombs. O our towered altitudes ! O the lustres of our thrones ! What ! old Time shall have his moods Like Caesars and Napoleons ; Have his towers and conquerors forth, Till he, weary of the toys, Put back Ramcbes in the earth And break his Nincvehs and Troys. The fint two itaruat and the lait arc my own : the thoughts of the otLcri arc Victor 1 lugo'i. The mef.rc of the original it departed from. 163 MZ MISCSLLANSOUS POEMS T DREAM-TRYST HE breaths of kissing night and day Were mingled in the eastern Heaven : Throbbing with unheard melody Shook Lyra all its star-chord seven : When dnsk shrunk cold, and light trod shy, And dawn's grey eyes were troubled grey ; And souls went palely up the sky, And mine to Lucide. There was no change in her sweet eyes Since last I saw those sweet eyes shine ; There was no change in her deep heart Since last that deep heart knocked at mine. Her eyes were clear, her eyes were Hope's, Wherein did ever come and go The sparkle of the fountain-drops From her sweet soul below. The chambers in the house of dreams Are fed with so divine an air. That Time's hoar wings grow young therein, And they who walk there are most fair. I joyed for me, I joyed for her, Who with the Past meet girt about : Where our last kiss still warms the air, Nor can her eyes go out. 167 ARAB LOVE-SONG THE hunched camels of the night* Trouble the bright And silver waters of the moon. The Maiden of the Morn will soon Through Heaven stray and sing, Star gathering. Now while the dark about our loves is strewn, Light of my dark, blood of my heart, O come ! And night will catch her breath up, and be dumb. Leave thy father, leave thy mother And thy brother ; Leave the black tents of thy tribe apart ! Am I not thy father and thy brother. And thy mother ? And thou — what needest with thy tribe's black tents Who hast the red pavilion of my heart ? • Cloud-shapes obseived by travellers in the Ease. 1 68 BUONA NOTTE 'Jam Williams, in her last letter to Skelley, wrote : ' ff'kydoyou talk of never enjoy in gmoments like the fast? Are you going to join your friend Plato, or do you exfect 1 shall do so soon F Bvona Notte.^ This letter was dated July 6th,andSheUey was drowned on theSth. These verses are supposed to he addressed to Jane by the poet^s spirit while his body is tossing on the waters ofSpezzia. ARIEL to Miranda : — Hear This good-night the sea-winds bear ; I^And let thine unacquainted ear Take grief for their interpreter. Good-night ! I have risen so high Into slumber's rarity, Not a dream can beat its feather Through the unsustaining ether. Let the sea-winds make avouch How thunder summoned me to couch, Tempest curtained me about And turned the sun with his own hand out : And though I toss upon my bed My dream is not disquieted ; Nay, deep I sleep upon the deep, And my eyes are wet, but I do not weep ; And I fell to sleep so suddenly That my lips are moist yet — could'st thou see — With the good-night draught I have drunk to thee. Thou canst not wipe them ; for it was Death Damped my lips that has dried my breath. 169 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS A little while — it is not long — The salt shall dry on them like the song. Now know'st thou that voice desolate, — Mourning ruined joy's estate, — Reached thee through a closing gate. * Go'st thou to Plato ? ' Ah, girl, no ! It is to Pluto that I go. 170 1 THE PASSION OF MARY VERSES IN PASSION-TIDE OLADY Mary, thy bright crown Is no mere crown of majesty ; For with the reflex of His own Resplendent thorns Christ circled thee. The red rose of this Passion-tide Doth take a deeper hue from thee, In the five wounds of Jesus dyed, And in thy bleeding thoughts, Mary ! The soldier struck a triple stroke, That smote thy Jesus on the tree : He broke the Heart of Hearts, and broke The Saint's and Mother's hearts in thee. Thy Son went up the angels' ways, His passion ended ; but, ah me ! Ikou found'st the road of further days A longer way of Calvary : On the hard cross of hope deferred Thou hung'st in loving agony. Until the mortal-dreaded word Which chills our mirth, spake mirth to thee. The angel Death from this cold tomb Of life did roll the stone away ; And He thou barest in thy womb Caught thee at last into the day. Before the living throne of Whom The Lights oi Heavcu burning pray. «7« MISCELLANEOUS POEMS L'ENVOY O thou who dwellest in the day ! Behold, I pace amidst the gloom : Darkness is ever round my way With little space for sunbeam-room. Yet Christian sadness is divine Even as thy patient sadness was : The salt tears in our Hfe's dark wine Fell in it from the saving cross. Bitter the bread of our repast ; Yet doth a sweet the bitter leaven : Our sorrow is the shadow cast Around it by the hght of Heaven. O Hght in Light, shine down from Heaven ! 172 MESSAGES WHAT shall I your true-love tell, r'arth-forsaking maid ? What shall I your true-love tell, When life's spedre's laid ? ' Tell him that, our side the grave, Maid may not conceive Life should be so sad to have, That's so sad to leave ! ' ^j What shall I }our true-love tell. When I come to him ? What shall I your true-love tcU — Eyes growing dim ! ' Tell him this, when you shall part From a maiden pined ; That I see him with my heart, Now my eyes are blind.' What shall I your true-love tell ? Speaking-while is scant. \\'hat shall I your true-love tell, Death's white postulant ? * Tell him — love, with speech at strife. For last utterance saith : I, who loved with all my life. Love with all my death.' 173 AT LORD'S IT is little I repair to the matches of the Southron folk, Though my own red roses there may blow ; It is little I repair to the matches of the Southron folk, Though the red roses crest the caps, I know. For the field is fuU of shades as I near the shadowy coast, And a ghostly batsman plays to the bowling of a ghost, And I look through my tears on a soundless-clapping host As the run-stealers flicker to and fro, To and fro : — O my Hornby and my Barlow long ago ! 174 LOVE AND THE CHILD WHY do you so clasp me, And draw me to your knee ? Forsooth, you do but chafe me, I pray you let me be : I will be loved but now and then When it likcth me ! ' So I heard a young child, A thwart child, a young child Rebellious against love's arms. Make its peevish cry. To the tender God I turn : — ' Pardon, Love most High ! For I think those arms were even Thine, And that child was even I.' m DAPHNE THE river-god's daughter, — the sun-god sought her, Sleeping with never a zephyr by her. Under the noon he made his prey sure, Woofed in w^eeds of a woven azure, As down he shot in a whistle of fire. Slid off, fair daughter ! her vesturing water ; Like a cloud from the scourge of the winds fled she : With the breath in her hair of the keen Apollo, And feet less fleet than the feet that follow, She throes in his arms to a laurel-tree. Risen out of birth's waters the soul distraught errs, Nor whom nor whither she flieth knows she : With the breath in her hair of the keen Apollo, And fleet the beat of the feet that follow, She throes in his arms to a poet, woe's me ! You plucked the boughed verse the poet bears — It shudders and bleeds as it snaps from the tree. A love-banning love, did the god but know it, Which barks the man about with the poet. And muflies his heart of mortality ! Yet I translate — ward of song's gate ! — Perchance all ill this mystery. We both are struck with the self-same quarrel ; We grasp the maiden, and clasp the laurel — Do we weep or we laugh more, Phcebe mi F 176 DAPHNE * His own green lays, unwithering bays, Gird Keats' unwithering brow,' say ye ? O fools, that is only the empty crown ! The sacred head has laid it down With Hob, Dick, Marian, and Margery. >77 ABSENCE HEN music's fading 's faded, And the rose's death is dead, And my heart is fain of tears, because Mine eyes have none to shed ; I said. Whence shall faith be fed ? Canst thou be what thou hast been ? No, no more what thou hast ! Lo, all last things that I have known, And all that shall be last. Went past With the thing thou wast ! If the petal of this Spring be As of the Spring that 's flown, If the thought that now is sweet is As the sweet thought overblown ; Alone Canst thou be thy self gone. To yester-rose a richer The rose-spray may bear ; Thrice thousand fairer you may be, — But tears for the fair You were When you first were fair ! Know you where they have laid her. Maiden May that died — 178 ABSENCE With the loves that Hvcd not Strewing her soft side ? I cried, Where Has-been may hide ? To him that waiteth, all things ! Even death, if thou wait ! And they that part too early May meet again too late : — Ah, fate ' If meeting be too late ! And when the year new-launched Shall from its wake extend The blossomy foam of Summer, What shall I attend. My friend ! Flower of thee, my friend ? Sweet shall have its sorrow, The rainbow its rain, Loving have its leaving, And bliss is of pain So fain. Ah, is she bliss or pain ? 179 »« TO W. M. OTREE of many branches ! One thou hast Thou barest not, but grafted'st on thee. Now, Should all men's thunders break on thee, and leave Thee reft of bough and blossom, that one branch Shall cHng to thee, my Father, Brother, Friend, Shall cling to thee, until the end of end. i6o I A FALLEN YEW T seemed corrival of the world's ^reat prime, Made to un-edge the scythe of Time, And last with stateliest rhyme. No tender Dryad ever did indue That rigid chiton of rough yew. To fret her white f^esh through : But some god like to those grim Asgard lords. Who walk the fables of the hordes From Scandinavian fjords, Upheaved its stubborn girth, and raised unriven, Against the whirl-blast and the levin. Defiant arms to Heaven. When doom puffed out the stars, we might have said, It would decline its heavy head. And see the world to bed. For this firm yew did from the vassal leas, And rain and air, its tributaries, Its revenues increase, And levy impost on the golden sun, Take the bhnd years as they might run, And no fate seek or shun. But now our yew is strook, is fallen — yea. Hacked like dull wood of every day To this and that, men say. i8i MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Never ! — To Hades' shadowy shipyards gone, Dim barge of Dis, down Acheron It drops, or Lethe wan. Stirred by its fall — poor destined bark of Dis ! — Along my soul a bruit there is Of echoing images, Reverberations of mortality : Spelt backward from its death, to me Its life reads saddenedly. Its breast was hollowed as the tooth of eld ; And boys, there creeping unbelield, A laughing moment dwelled. Yet they, within its very heart so crept, Reached not the heart that courage kept With vnnds and years beswept. And in its boughs did close and kindly nest The birds, as they within its breast, By all its leaves caressed. But bird nor child might touch by any art Each other's or the tree's hid heart, A whole God's breadth apart ; The breadth of God, the breadth of death and life ! Even so, even so, in undreamed strife With pulseless Law, the wife, — 182 A FALLEN YE\^^ The sweetest wife on sweetest marriage-day, — Their souls at grapple in mid-way, Sweet to her sweet may say : ' I take you to my inmost heart, my true ! ' Ah, fool ! but there is one heart you Shall never take him to ! The hold that falls not when the town is got, The heart's heart, whose immured plot Hath keys yourself keep not ! Its ports you cannot burst — you are withstood- For him that to your Hstening blood Sends precepts as he would. Its gates are deaf to Love, high summoner ; Yea, Love's great warrant runs not there : You are your prisoner. Yourself are with yourself the sole consortress In that unleaguerable fortress ; It knows you not for portress. Its keys are at the cinfture hung of God ; It; gates arc trepidant to His nod ; By Him its floors are trod. And if His feet shall rock those floors in wrath. Or blest aspersion sleek His path. Is only choice it hath. I. S3 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Yea, in that ultimate heart's occult abode To lie as in an oubliette of God, Or in a bower untrod, Built by a secret Lover for His Spouse ; — Sole choice is this your life allows, Sad tree, whose perishing boughs So few birds house ! 184 A JUDGEMENT IN HEAVEN ATHWART the sod which is treading for God* /\ the Poet paced with his splendid eyes ; 1 V Paradise-verdure he stately passes * to win to the Father of Paradise, Through the conscious and palpitant grasses * of inter- tangled relucent dyes. The angels a-play on its fields of Summer * (their wild wings rustled his guides' cymars) Looked up from disport at the passing comer,* as they pelted each other with handfuls of stars ; And the warden-spirits with startled feet rose,^'hand on sword, by their tethered cars. With plumes night-tindlured englobed and cindlured * of Saints, his guided steps held on To where on the far crystalline pale * of that transtcllar Heaven there shone The immutable crocean dawn • effusing from the Father's Throne. Through the reverberant Eden-ways * the bruit of his great advent driven. Back from the fulgent justle and press * with mighty echoing so was given. As when the surly thunder smites * upon the clanged gates of Heaven. I hare throughout thii poem used an aiteri'k to indicate the caeiura in the middle of the line, after the manner of the old Saxon lectioii-point. 185 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Over the bickering gonfalons, * far-ranged as for Tar- tarean wars, Went a waver of ribbed fire * — as night-seas on phos- phoric bars Like a fiame-plumed fan shake slowly out * their ridgy reach of crumbling stars. At length to where on His fretted Throne * sat in tlie heart of His aged dominions The great Triune, and Mary nigh, * lit round with spears of their hauberked minions. The Poet drew, in the thunderous blue * involved dread of those mounted pinions. As in a secret and tenebrous cloud * the watcher from the disquiet earth At momentary intervals * beholds from its ragged rifts break forth The flash of a golden perturbation, * the travelling threat of a witched birth ; Till heavily parts a sinister chasm, * a grisly jaw, whose verges soon, Slowly and ominously filled * by the on-coming plenilune, Supportlessly congest with fire, * and suddenly spit forth the moon : — With beauty, not terror, through tangled error * of night-dipt plumes so burned their charge ; 1 86 A JUDGEMF.XT T\ HF WF.X Swayed and parted the globing clusters * so, dis- closed from their kindling marge, Roseal-chapleted, splendent-vestured, * the Poet there where God's light lay large. Hu, hu ! a wonder ! a wonder ! see, * clasping the Poet'? glories clings A dingy creature, even to laughter * cloaked and clad in patchwork things. Shrinking close from the unused glows * of the seraphs' versicoloured wings. A Rhymer, rhyming a futile rhyme, * he had crept for convoy through Eden-ways Into the shade of the Poet's glory, * darkened under his prevalent rays, Fearfully hoping a distant welcome * as a poor kinsman of his lays. The angels laughed with a lovely scorning : * — ' Who has done this sorry deed in The garden of our Father, God ? * 'mid his blossoms to sow this weed in ? Never our fingers knew this stuff : * not so fashion the looms of Eden ! ' The Poet bowed his brow majestic,* searching that patchwork through and through, Feehng God's lucent gazes traverse * his singing-stoling and spirit too : 187 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS The hallowed harpers were fain to frown * on the strange thing come 'mid their sacred crew. Only the Poet that was earth * his fellow-earth and his own self knew. Then the Poet rent off robe and wreath, * so as a slough- ing serpent doth, Laid them at the Rhymer's feet,* shed down wreath and raiment both, Stood in a dim and shamed stole,* like the tattered wing of a musty moth. {The Poet addresses his Maker) ' Thou gav'st the weed and wreath of song, * the weed and wreath are solely Thine, And this dishonest vesture * is the only vesture that is mine ; The life / textured, Thou the song :* my handi- craft is not divine ! ' {The Poet addresses the Rhymer) He wrested o'er the Rhymer's head * that garmenting which wrought him wrong ; A flickering tissue argentine * down dripped its shiver- ing silvers long : — ' Better thou wov'st thy woof of life * than thou didst weave thy woof of song ! ' Never a chief in Saintdom was, * but turned him from the Poet then ; i88 A JUDGEMENT IN HEAVEN Never an eye looked mild on him * 'mid all the angel myriads ten, Save sinless Mary, and sinful Mary * — the Mary titled Magdalen. ' Turn yon robe,' spake Magdalen, * ' of torn bright song, and see and feel.' They turned the raiment, saw and felt * what their turning did reveal — All the inner surface piled * with bloodied hairs, like hairs of steel. ' Take, I pray, yon chaplet up, * thrown down ruddied from his head.' They took the roseal chaplet up,* and they stood astonished : Every leaf between their fingers,* as they bruised it, burst and bled. * See his torn flesh through those rents ; * see the punc- tures round his hair, As if the chaplet-flowers had driven * deep roots in to nourish there — Lord, who gav'st him robe and wreath,* what was this Thou gav'st for wear ? ' ' Fetch forth the Paradisal qarb ! ' * spake the Father, sweet and low ; Drew them both by the frightened hand * where Mary's throne made irised bow — ' Take, Princess Mary, of thy good grace,* two spirits greater th.in ihcy know.* 189 EPILOGUE TO ' A JUDGEMENT IN HEAVEN ' VIRTUE may unlock hell, or even A sin turn in the wards of Heaven, (As ethics of the text-book go,) So little men their ov^^n deeds know, Or through the intricate mele^ Guess witherward draws the battle-sway ; So little, if they know the deed, Discern what therefrom shall succeed. To wisest moralists 'tis but given To work rough border-law of Heaven, Within this narrow life of ours, These marches 'twixt delimitless Powers. Is it, if Heaven the future showed. Is it the all-severest mode To see ourselves with the eyes of God ? God rather grant, at His assize. He see us not with our own eyes ! Heaven, which man's generations draws, Nor deviates into replicas. Must of as deep diversity In judgement as creation be. There is no expeditious road To pack and label men for God, And save them by the barrel-load. Some may perchance, with strange surprise. Have blundered into Paradise. In vasty dusk of life abroad. 190 EPILOGUE They fondly thought to err from God, Nor knew the circle that they trod ; And, wandering all the nieht about, Found them at morn where they set out. Death dawned ; Heaven lay in prospect wide Lo ! they were standing by His side ! The Rhymer a life uncomplex, \\ ith just such cares as mortals vex, So simply felt as all men feel. Lived purely out to his soul's weal. A double Hfe the Poet Hved, And with a double burthen grieved ; The life of flesh and life of song, The pangs to both lives that belong ; Immortal knew and mortal pain. Who in two worlds could lose and gain, And found immortal fruits must be Mortal through hi? mortality. The life of flesh and hfe of song ! If one hfe worked the other wrong. What expiating agony May for him, damned to poesy, Shut in that little sentence be — What deep austerities of strife — ' He hved his life.' He hved kis life ! 191 THE SERE OF THE LEAF WINTER wore a flapping wind, and his beard, disentwined, Blew cloudy in the face of the Fall, When a poet-soul flew South, with a singing in her mouth. O'er the azure Irish parting-wall. * There stood one beneath a tree whose matted greenery Was fruited with the songs of birds ; By the melancholy water drooped the slender sedge, its daughter, Whose silence was a sadness passing words : He held him very still, And he heard the running rill. And the soul-voice singing blither than the birds. All Summer the sunbeams drew the curtains from the dreams Of the rose-fay, while the sweet South wind Lapped the silken swathing close round her virginal repose When night swathed folding slumbers round her mind. l^ow the elf of the flower had sickened in her bower, And fainted in a thrill of scent ; But her lover of the South, with a moan upon his mouth. Caught her spirit to his arms as it went : Then the storm.s of West and North Sent a gusty vaward forth. Sent a skirring desolation, and he went. * MiM Kathariae Tjnan'g vitit to London, 1889. 19s THE SERE OF THE LEAF And a troop of roving gales rent the lily's silver veils, And tore her from her trembling leaves ; And the Autumn's smitten face flushed to a red dis- grace, And she grieved as a captive grieves. Once the gold-barred cage of skies with the sunset's moulted dyes Was splendorously littered at the even ; Beauty-fraught o'er shining sea, once the sun's argosy To rich wreck on the Western reefs was driven ; Now the sun, in Indian pall, Treads the russet-amber fall From the ruined trees of Heaven. Too soon fails the light, and the swart boar, night, Gores to death the bleeding day ; And the dusk has no more a calm at its core, But is turbid with obscene array. For the cloud, a thing of ill dilating baleful o'er the hill, Spreads a bulk hke a huge Afreet Drifting in gigantic sloth, or a murky behemoth, For the moon to set her silver feet ; For the moon's white paces. And its nostril for her traces. As she urges it with wild witch feet. And the stars, forlornly fair, shiver keenly through the air, All an-aching till their watch be ceased ; And the hours like maimed flies lag on, ere night hatch her golden dragon '93 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS In the mold of the upheaved East. *As the cadent languor lingers after Music droops her fingers, Beauty still falls dying, dying through the days ; But ah ! ' said he who stood in that Autumn solitude, * Singing-soul, thou art 'lated with thy lays ! All things that on this globe err Fleet into dark Oftober, When day and night encounter, the nights war down the days. * For the song in thy mouth is all of the South, Though Winter wax in strength more and more, And at eve with breath of malice the stained windows of day's palace Pile in shatters on the Western floor.' But the song sank down his soul Hke a Naiad through her pool. He could not bid the visitant depart ; For he felt the melody make tune like a bee In the red rose of his heart : Like a Naiad in her pool It lay within his soul. Like a bee in the- red rose of his heart. She sang of the shrill East fled and bitterness sur- ceased : — * O the blue South wind is musical ! And the garden 's drenched with scent, and my soul hath its content. This eve or anv eve at all.' 194 I THE SERE OF THE LEAF On his form the blushing shames of her ruby-plumaged flames Flickered hotly, like a quivering crimson snow : *And hast thou thy content ? Were some rain of it besprent On the soil where I am drifted to and fro, My soul, blown o'er the ways Of these arid latter days. Would blossom like a rose of Jericho. * I know not equipoise, only purgatorial joys, Grief's singing to the soul's instrument. And forgetfulness which yet knoweth that it doth forget ; But content — what is content ? For a harp of singeing wire, and a goblet dripping fire, And desires that hunt down Beauty through the Heaven With unslackenable bounds, as the deep-mouthed thunder-hounds Bay at heel the fleeing levin, — The chaliccd lucencies From pure holy-wells of eyes, And the bliss unbarbed with pain I have given. * Is — O framed to suffer joys ! — thine the sweet without alloys Of the many, who art numbered with the few f And thy flashing breath of song, does it do thy lips no wrong, Nor sear them as the heats spill through ? When the welling musics rise, like tears from heart to eyes, 195 02 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS • Is there not a pang dissolved in them for thee ? Does not Song, Hke the Queen of radiant Love, Hellene, Float up dripping from a bitter sea ? No tuned metal known Unless stricken yields a tone, Be it silver, or sad iron like to me. * Yet the rhymes still roll from the bell-tower of thy soul, Though no tongued griefs give them vent ; If they ring to me no gladness, if my joy be sceptred sadness, I am glad, yet, for thy content. Not always does the lost, 'twixt the fires of heat and frost. Envy those whom the healing lustres bless ; But may sometimes, in the pain of a yearning past attain. Thank the angels for their happiness ; 'Twixt the fire and fiery ice. Looking up to Paradise, Thank the angels for their happiness. 'The heart, a censered fire whence fuming chants aspire. Is fed with oozed gums of precious pain ; And unrest swings denser, denser, the fragrance from that censer. With the heart-strings for its quivering chain. Yet 'tis vain to scale the turret of the cloud-uplifted spirit, And bar the immortal in, the mortal out ; 196 THE SERE OF THE LEAF For sometime unaware comes a footfall up the stair, And a soft knock under which no bolts are stout, And lo, there pleadeth sore The heart's voice at the door, " I am your child, you may not shut me out ! " * The breath of poetry in the mind's autumnal tree Shakes down the saddened thoughts in singing showers, But fallen from their stem, what part have we in them ? " Nay," pine the trces,"they were, but are not ours." Xot for the mind's delight these sered leaves alight, But, loosened by the breezes, fall they must. U hat ill if they decay ? yet some a little way IMay flit before deserted by the gust, May touch some spirit's hair, May cling one moment there, — She turns ; they tremble down. Drift o'er them, dust ! ' 197 TO STARS You, my unrest, and Night's tranquillity, Bringers of peace to it, and pang to me : You that on heaven and on my heart cast fire, To heaven a purging light, my heart unpurged desire ; Bright juts for foothold to the climbing sight Which else must slip from the steep infinite ; Reared standards which the sequent centuries Snatch, each from his forerunner's grasp who dies. To lead our forlorn hope upon the skies ; Bells that from night's great bell-tower hang in gold, Whereon God rings His changes manifold ; Meek guides and daughters to the blinded heaven In CEdipean, remitless wandering driven ; The burning rhetoric, quenchless oratory, Of the magniloquent and all-suasive sky ; I see and feel you — but to feel and see How two child-eyes have dulled a firmament for me. Once did I bring her, hurt upon her bed, Flowers we had loved together ; brought, and said : — * I plucked them ; yester-morn you liked them wild.' And then she laid them on my eyes, and smiled. And now, poor Stars, your fairness is not fair, Because I cannot gather it for her ; I cannot sheave you in my arms, and say : — * See, sweet, you liked these yester-eve ; like them for me to-day ! ' She has no care, my Stars, of you or me ; She has no care, we tire her speedily j 198 i TO STARS She has no care, because she cannot see — She cannot see, who sees not past her sight. We are set too high, we tire her with our height : Her years are small, and ill to strain above. She may not love us : wherefore keep we love To her who may not love us — you and I ? And yet you thrill down towards her, even as I, With all your golden eloquence held in mute. We may not plead, we may not plead our suit ; Our winged love must beat against its bars : For should she enter once within those guarding bars, Our love would do her hurt — oh, think of that, my Stars 199 LINES FOR A DRAWING OF OUR LADY OF THE NIGHT T HIS, could I paint my inward sight, This were Our Lady of the Night : She bears on her front's lucency The starhght of her purity : For as the white rays of that star The union of all colours are, She sums all virtues that may be In her sweet light of purity. The mantle which she holds on high Is the great mantle of the sky. Think, O sick toiler, when the night Comes on thee, sad and infinite, Think, sometimes, 'tis our own Lady Spreads her blue mantle over thee, And folds the earth, a wearied thing. Beneath its gentle shadowing ; Then rest a little ; and in sleep Forget to weep, forget to weep ! 200 ORISON-TRYST SHE told me, in the morning her white thought Did beat to Godward, Hke a carrier-dove. My name beneath its wing. And I — how long ! — That, hke a bubble from a water-flower Released as it withdraws itself up-curled Into the nightly lake, her sighed name So loosened from my sleepward-sinking heart ; And in the morning did like Phosphor set it To lead the vanward of my orient soul \\ hen it storms Heaven ; and did all alone, Methought, upon the live coals of my love Those distillations of rich memory cast To feed the fumes of prayer : — oh ! I was then Like one who, dreaming soHtude, awakes In sobbing from his dream ; and, straining arms That ache for their own void, with sudden shock Takes a dear form beside him. Now, when light Pricks at my lids, I never rouse but think — ' Is 't orison-time with her ? ' — And then my hand Presses thy letters in my pulses shook ; Where, neighboured on my heart with those pure linc3 In amity of kindred purcness, lies Image of Her conceived Immaculate ; And on the purple inward, thine, — ah ! thine O' the purple-lined side. And I do set Tryst with thy soul in its own Paradise ; As lovers of an cart hly rate that use, In severance, for their sweet messages Some concave of a tree, and do their hearts 201 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Enharbour in its continent heart — I drop My message in the hollow breast of God. Thy name is known in Heaven ; yea, Heaven is weary With the reverberation of thy name ; I fill with it the gap between two sleeps, The inter-pause of dream : hell's gates have learned To shake in it ; and their fierce forayers Before the iterate echoing recoil, In armed watches when my preparate soul (A war-cry in the alarums of the Night) Conjoins thy name with Hers, Auxihatrix. 202 'whereto art thou COME ? ' ' 1 FRIEND, whereto art thou come ? ' Thus Verity ; r"^ Of each that to the world's sad Olivet 1. Comes with no multitude, but alone by night, Lit with the one torch of his lifted soul, Seeking her that he may lay hands on her ; Thus : and waits answer from the mouth of deed. Truth is a maid, whom men woo diversely ; This, as a spouse ; that, as a light-o'-love, To know, and having known, to make his brag. But woe to him that takes the immortal kiss, And not estates her in his housing life, Mother of all his seed ! So he betrays, Not Truth, the unbetrayable, but himself : And with his kiss's rated traitor-craft The Haceldama of a plot of days He buys, to consummate his Judasry Therein with Judas' guerdon of despair. 203 SONG OF THE HOURS SCENE : Before the Palace of the Sun, into which a god has just -passed as the guest of Hy-perion. Time : Dawn. The Hours of Night and Day advance on each other as the gates close. MORNING HOURS IN curbed expanses our wheeling dances Meet from the left and right ; Under this vaporous awning Tarrying awhile in our flight, Waiting the day's advances. We, the children of light, Clasp you on verge of the dawning, Sisters of Even and Night ! CHORUS We who lash from the way of the sun With the whip of the winds the thronging clouds, Who puff out the lights of the stars, or run To scare dreams back to their shrouds, Or tiar the temples of Heaven With a crystalline gleam of showers ; EVENING HOURS While to flit with the soft moth. Even, Round the lamp of the day is ours ; NIGHT HOURS And ours with her crescent argentine. To make Night's forehead fair, To wheel up her throne of the earth, and twine The daffodils in her hair ; 204 SONG OF THE HOURS ALL We, moulted as plumes are, From the wings whereon Time is borne ; MORNING HOURS We, buds who in blossoming foretell The date when our leaves shall be torn ; NIGHT HOURS We, knowing our dooms are to plunge with the gloom's car Down the steep ruin of morn ; ALL We hail thee. Immortal ! We robes of Life, mouldering while worn. NIGHT HOURS Sea-birds, winging o'er sea calm-strewn To the lure of the beacon-stars, are we. O'er the foamy wake of the white-sailed moon. Which to men is the Galaxy. MORNING HOURS Our eyes, through our pinions folJen, By the filtered flame are teased As we bow when the sun makes golden Earthquake in the East. 205 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS EVENING HOURS And we shake on the sky a dusted fire From the ripened sunset's anther, While the flecked main, drowsing in gorged desire, Purrs hke an outstretched panther. MORNING HOURS O'er the dead moon-maid We draw softly the day's white pall ; And our children the Moments we see as In drops of the dew they fall, Or on light plumes laid they shoot the cascade Of colours some Heaven's bow call ; ALL And we sing. Guest, to thee, as Thou pacest the crystal-paved hall ! We, while the sun with his hid chain swings Like a censer around him the blossom-sweet earth, Who dare the lark with our passionate wings. And its mirth with our masterless mirth ; Or — when that flying laughter Has sunk and died away Which beat against Heaven's rafter — Who vex the clear eyes of day. Who weave for the sky in the loom of the cloud A mantle of waving rain. We, whose hair is jewelled with joys, or bowed Under veilings of misty pain ; 206 SONG OF THE HOURS We hymn thee at leaving Who strew thy feet's coming, O Guest ! We, the Hnked cin6lure which girdles Mortality's feverous breast, Who heave in its heaving, who grieve in its grieving, Are restless in its unrest ; Our beings unstirred else Were it not for the bosom they pressed. We see the wind, like a light swift leopard Leap on the flocks of the cloud that flee, As we follow the feet of the radiant shepherd Whose bright sheep drink of the sea. When that drunken Titan the Thunder Stumbles through staggered Heaven, And spills on the scorched earth under The fiery wine of the levin, With our mystic measure of rhythmic motion We charm him in snorting sleep. While round him the sun enchants from ocean The walls of a cloudy keep. Beneath the deep umbers Of night as we watch and hark. The dim-winged dreams which feed on The blossoms of day we mark. As in murmurous numbers they swarm to the slumbers That cell the hive of the dark ; And life shakes, a reed on Our tide, in the death-wind stark. 207 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Time, Eternity's fountain, whose waters Fall back thither from whence they rose, Deweth with us, its showery daughters. The Life that is green in its flows. But whether in grief or mirth we shower, We make not the thing we breed, For what may come of the passing Hour Is what was hid in the seed. And now as wakes. Like love in its first bUnd guesses, Or a snake just stirring its coils, Sweet tune into half-caresses. Before the sun shakes the cHnging flakes Of gloom from his spouting tresses, Let winds have toils To catch at our fluttering dresses ! Winter, that numbeth the throstle and stilled wren, Has keen frost-edges our plumes to pare. Till we break, with the Summer's laughing children. Over the fields of air. While the winds in their tricksome courses The snowy steeds vault upon That are foaled of the white sea-horses And washed in the streams of the sun. Thaw, O thaw the enchanted throbbings Curdled at Music's heart ; Tread she her grapes till from their englobings The melodies spurt and smart ! We fleet as a rain. Nor yearn for the being men own. 208 SONG OF THE HOURS With whom is naught beginneth Or cndeth without some moan ; \Vc soar to our zenith And are panglcssly overblown. Yet, if the roots of the truth were bare, Our transience is only a mortal seeming ; Fond men, we are fixed as a still despair. And we fleet but in your dreaming. We are columns in Time's hall, mortals, Wherethrough Life hurricth ; You pass in at birth's wide portals, And out at the postern of death. As you chase down the vista your dream or your love The swift pillars race you by, And you think it is we who move, who move, — It is you who die, who die ! O firmament, even You pass, by whose fixture man voweth ; God breathes you forth as a bubble And shall suck you back into His mouth ! Through earth, sea, and heaven a doom shall be driven. And, sown in the furrows it plougheth. As fire bursts from stubble Shall spring the new wonders none troweth. The bowed East liftcth the dripping sun, A golden cup, to the lips of Night, Over whose check in flushes run The heats of the liquid light. 209 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS MORNING HOURS To our very pinions' ridge We tremble expeftantly ; — Is it ready, the burnished bridge We must cast for our King o'er the sea ? And who will kneel with sunbeam-slips To dry the flowers' sweet eyes ? Who touch with fire her finger-tips For the lamp of the grape, as she flies ? ALL List, list to the prances, his chariot advances, It comes in a dust of light ! From under our brightening awning We wheel in a diverse flight : Yet the hands we unclasp, as our dances Sweep off to the left and the right, Are but loosed on the verge of the dawning To join on the verge of the night. 210 p PASTORAL AN-imbucd Tempe wood, Pretty player's sporting-place ; Tcmpe wood's Solitude's Everywhere a courting-placc. Kiss me, sweet Gipsy fleet, Though a kissed maid hath her red ; Kisses grow — Trust me so — Faster than they're gathered ! I will flute a tunc On the pipes of ivory ; All long noon Piping of a melody ; A merry, merry, merry, merry, Merry, merry melody. Dance, ho ! foot it so ! Feat fleets the melody ! Let the wise Say, youth dies ; — 'Tis for pleasure's mending, Sweet ! Kisses arc Costlier far. That they have an ending, Sweet ! Half a kiss's Dainty bliss is From the day of kiss-no-more ; 211 r2 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS When we shall, Roseal Lass, do this and this no more ! And we pipe a tune On the pipes of ivory ; All long noon Fluting of a melody : — A merry, merry, merry, merry. Merry, merry melody. Dance, ho ! trip it so ! Feat fleets the melody ! My love must Be to trust, While you safely fold me close : Yours will smile A kissing-while, For the hours I hold you close. Maiden gold ! Clipping bold Here the truest mintage is : Lips will bear But, I swear. In the press their vintages ! I will flute a tune On the pipes of ivory ; All long noon Piping of a melody : — A merry, merry, merry, merry, Merry, merry melody. Dance, ho ! foot it so ! Feat fleets the melody ! 212 PAST THINKING OF SOLOMON Remember thy Creator in the days oj thy youth, he j ore the years draw nigh oj which thou shalt say : They -please me not ; hejore the sun, and the light, and the moon, and the stars be darkened, and the clouds return after the rain. ECCLESUSTES. W ISE-UNTO-HELL Ecclesiast, Who siev'dst life to the gritted last ! This thy sting, thy darkness, Mage — Cloud upon sun, upon youth age ? Now is come a darker thing, And is come a colder sting, Unto us, who find the womb Opes on the courtyard of the tomb. Now in this fuliginous City of flesh our sires for us Darkly built, the sun at prime Is liidden, and betwixt the time Of day and night is variance none, Who know not altern moon and sun ; 213 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Whose deposed heaven through dungeon-bars Looks down bhnded of its stars. Yea, in the days of youth, God wot, Kg -v we say : They please me not. 214 A DEAD ASTRONOMER STEPHEN PERRY, S.J. STARRY amorist, starward gone. Thou art — what thou didst gaze upon ! Passed through thy golden garden's bars. Thou seest the Gardener of the Stars. She, about whose mooned brows Seven stars make seven glows, Seven lights for seven woes ; She, like thine own Galaxy, All lustres in one purity : — What said'st thou, Astronomer, U'hen thou did'st discover i?)^r r* When thy hand its tube let fall, Thou found'st the fairest Star of all ! 21! CHEATED ELSIE ELSIE was a maiden fair As the sun Shone upon : Born to teach her swains despair By smihng on them every one ; Born to win all hearts to her Just because herself had none ; All the day she had no care, For she was a maiden fair As the sun Shone upon, Heartless as the brooks that run. All the maids, with envy tart, Sneering said, ' She has no heart.* All the youths, with bitter smart. Sighing said, ' She has no heart ! ' Could she care For their sneers or their despair When she was a maiden fair As the sun Shone upon, Heartless as the brooks that run ? But one day whenas she stood In a wood Haunted by the fairy brood. Did she view, or dream she viewed In a vision's Wild misprisions, 216 Fairies. Elsie. Pedlar. Elsie. CHEATED ELSIE How a pedlar, dry and rude As a crook'd branch taking flesh, Caught the spirit in a mesh, Singing of — ' What is't ye lack ? ' \\ izard-pack On twisted back, Still he sang, ' What is't ye lack ? * Lack ye land or lack ye gold. What I give, I give unsold ; Lack ye wisdom, lack ye beauty, To your suit he Gives unpaid, the pedlar old ! * Beware, beware ! the gifts he gives One pays for, sweetheart, while one Hves ! What is it the maidens say That I lack ? By this bright day, Can so fair a maiden lack ? Maid so sweet Should be complete. Yet a thing they say I lack. In thy pack, — Pedlar, tell— Hast thou ever a heart to sell ? 217 Pedlar. Elsie. Pedlar. Elsie. Fairies. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Yea, a heart I have, as tender As the mood of evening air. Elsie. Fairies. Name thy price ! The price, by Sorrow ! Only is, the heart to wear. Not great the price, as was my fear. So cheap a price was ne'er so dear. Beware, beware, O rash and fair ! The gifts he gives. Sweetheart, one pays for while one lives ! Scarce the present did she take. When the heart began to ache. Ah, what is this ? Take back thy gift ! I had not, and I knew no lack ; Now I have, I lack for ever ! The gifts he gives, he takes not back. 2l8 CHEATED ELSIE Elsie. Ah ! why the present did I take, And knew not that a heart would ache ? Fairies. Ache ! and is that all thy sorrow ? — Beware, beware — a heart will break ! 219 THE FAIR INCONSTANT DOST thou still hope thou shalt be fair, When no more fair to me ? Or those that by thee taken were Hold their captivity ? Is this thy confidence ? No, no ; Trust it not ; it can not be so. But thou too late, too late shalt find 'Twas I that made thee fair ; Thy beauties never from thy mind But from my loving were ; And those delights that did thee stole Confessed the vicinage of my soul. The rosy reflex of my heart Did thy pale cheek attire ; And what I was, not what thou art, Did gazers-on admire. Go, and too late thou shalt confess I looked thee into loveliness ! 220 THREATENED TEARS Do not loose those rains thy wet Eyes, my Fair, unsurely threat ; Do not, Sweet, do not so ! Thou canst not have a single woe, But this sad and doubtful weather Overcasts us both together. In the aspect of those known eyes My soul 's a captain weatherwise. Ah me ! what presages it sees In those watery Hyades. 221 THE HOUSE OF SORROWS* o F the white purity I They wrought my wedding-dress, Inwoven silverly — For tears, as I do guess. Oh, wJiy did they with tears inweave my marriage- dress ? A girl, I did espouse Destiny, grief, and fears ; The love of Austria's house And its ancestral years I learned ; and my salt eyes grew erudite in tears. Devote our tragic line — One to his rebel's aim, One to his ignorant brine. One to the eyeless flame : Who should be skilled to weep but I, O Christ's dear Dame ? [•in the opening (tanzas the Empress Elizabeth of Austria addresses first Our Lady, then the ' Dark Fool ' Death, and finally the Son of Sorrows, in allusion to the griefs of her own and her husband's line : the shooting of Maximilian of Mexico, her sister's burning at the Paris Bazar de la Charite, the drowning of the Archduke John and of the mad King of Bavaria, and the tragedy of the Crown Prince Rudolph. Her own assassination was the immediate occasion of these verses ; and the traditional offering of her wedding-wreath to a Madonna-shrine and the making of her wedding-gown into priestly vestments elucidate other references in the text.] 222 THE HOUSE OF SORROWS Give one more to the fire, One more for water keep : Death, wilt thou not tire ? Still Austria must thou reap ? Can I have plummetless tears, that still thou bidd'st ' Weep, weep 1 ' ? No — thou at length with me Too far, Dark Fool, hast gone ! One costly cruelty Voids thy dominion : I am drained to the uttermost tear : O Rudolph, O my son ! Take this woof of sorrows, Son of all Women's Tears ! 1 am not for the morrows, I am dead with the dead years. Lo, I vest Thee, Christ, with my woven tears ! My bridal wreath take thou, Mary ! Take Thou, O Christ, My bridal garment ! Now Is all my fate sufficed. And, robed and garlanded, the victim sacrificed. II The Son of Weeping heard, The gift benignly saw ; The Women's Pitier heard. 223 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Together, by hid law, The life-gashed heart, the assassin's healing poniard, draw. Too long that consummation The obdurate seasons thwart ; Too long were the sharp consolation And her breast apart ; — The remedy of steel has gone home to her sick heart. Her breast, dishabited, Revealed, her heart above, A little blot of red, — Death's reverent sign to approve He had sealed up that royal tomb of martyred love. Now, Death, if thou wouldst show Some ruth still left in store, Guide thou the armed blow To strike one bosom more, Where any blow were pity, to this it struck before ! 224 INSENTIENCE O SWEET is Love, and sweet is Lack ! But is there any charm When Lack from round the neck of Love Drops her languid arm ? \\^ear7, 1 no longer love, Weary, no more lack ; O for a pang, that listless Loss Might wake, and, with a playmate's voice. Call the tired Love back ! 225 ENVOY O, songs, for ended is our brief, sweet play ; ■w Go, children of swift joy and tardy sorrow : ■*■ And some are sung, and that was yesterday, And some unsung, and that may be to-morrow. Go forth ; and if it be o'er stony way, Old joy can lend what newer grief must borrow : And it was sweet, and that was yesterday, And sweet is sweet, though purchased with sorrow. Go, songs, and come not back from your far way : And if men ask you why ye smile and sorrow, Tell them ye grieve, for your hearts know To-day, Tell them ye smile, for your eyes know To-morrow. 226 i J . ^.s^- NOTE ' SISTER songs: This was first called 'Amphic7- pellon : Wrought and upbrimmed for Two Sisters, with an Inscription,' as may be seen in the Facsimile, which shows also the Cross with which the Poet was accustomed to crest his Manuscript. « . ' (1 L ^ WoCh/ OAV The original edition contained the following Preface : ' This poem, though new in the sense of being now (1895) for the first time printed, was written some four years ago, about the same date as the Hound of Heaven. . . . ' One image in the Proem was an unconscious plagiarism from the beautiful image in Mr Patmore's St Valentine's Day : O baby Spring, That fiutter'st sudden 'neath the breast of Earth, A month before the birth ! Finding I could not disengage it without injury to the passage in which it is embedded, I have preferred to leave it, with this acknowledgenient to a Poet rich enough to lend to the poor. — francis Thompson.' Printed in England at the Anchor Press. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles ^ This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 4iSL 3 1158 01072 96C A 000 150 782 1