A^ =^<= A ^^ ■^_ o A = t/5 ^ ^= c ^ 33 = = JO ^=Z '^ 4 ~~ =^ o ^^ 2 9 ^ J> 5 — =^ !33 33 2 ^^ 5 ~~ i^^— -n 9 ™- -1 i^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF BOOKS With references to periodicals RELATING TO THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY AND TO LIMITATION OF WORKING HOURS IN GENERAL COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER liilili r ^•r.-...--:;.>^,r^^ .In '}' ■r\'-/_':W': -' > / ■■ V^: 'N.. .- - ^:\.: ....::■^y■■■ :?^ , v ■ ''^.^•,.•> ■■-, ;'^^ ■ ^^^ ■_;,.^*";^;;::^._ "--#!. Ol(.-^3l [Printed aH Manuscript.] LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF P>()()lvS With references to periodicals KELATING TO THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY AND TO LIMITATION OF WORKING HOURS IN GENERAL COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER » J .••...;';',•'; WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 . wUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, iLOS ANGELES. CALIF. L. C. card, 7-35012 • • « • • I . • • •/ • « * • 4 • .•• » • • • * • •' • • • ••• •••■ I l< (■ • • • • • LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCE TO PERIODICALS RELATING TO THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY AND TO LIMITATION OF WORK- ING HOURS IN GENERAL BOOKS Altg-eld, John P. The eight-hour movement. {In his Live quostions, pp. 122-14G. Chicago, 1890. 8°.) " An address before the Brotherhood of united labor, Cliicago, February 22, 1890." Annuaire de la legislation du travail de Belgique. 189T-1906. Bruxelles: J. Lehegue et cie., 1898-J907. 10 rols. 8°. Ansiaux, Maurice. Travail de nuit des ouvrieres de Tindustrie dans les pays etrangers (France, Suisse, Grande-Bretagne, Autriche, Allemagne) : Eapport presente a M. le ministre de I'industrie et du travail [de Belgique] . . . Bruxelles: J . Lehegue et cie. {etc.^Impr. Hayez\^ 1898. vii, 271 pp. 8°. {Royaume de Belgique. Ministere de Vin- diistrie et du travail. Office du travail.) Atkinson, Edward. The margin of profits: how it is now divided, what part of the present hours of labor can now be spared. New York c& London: G. P. Putnam'' s sons, 1887. 123 pp. 12°. " An address delivered before the Central Labor Lyceum, Bos- ton, on Sunday evening. May 1. 1887." Pp. 53-80, reply of E. M. Chamberlain ; pp. 81-108, rejoinder of E. Atkinson. Austria. Arheitsstatistisches Ami. Die Arbeitszeit in den Fa- briksbetrieben Osterreichs. Dargestellt vom K. K. Ar- beitsstatistischen Amte im Handelsministerium. Wien: A. Holder, 1907. xcvi, /^'59-[l] pp. Diagrams. F o Baudoin, Lionel. La teglementation legale du travail des femmes et des enf ants dans rrindustrie italienne. Pans: H. Paidin et cie., 1905. {If), 160 pp. 4°. Contents. — Texte de la loi du 19 juin 1902. Introduction. — I. ptie. I^ loi du 19 juin 1902. — 2. ptie. La Convention frainco-italienne du 15 avril 1904 at la reglementation legale du travail industriel en France il I'egard des femmes et des enfants italiens. 3 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Belgium. Laws, statutes, etc. Lois et reglements concernant la l^olice du travail et le regime cles etablissements classes. Bruxelles: Office de puhlicite, J. Lehegue et cie., 1906. S16 pp. 12°. {Royaiime cle Belgique. Ministere de Vindus- trie et du trarail. Office du travail.) O'ffi^'^ (^^' travail. Lois & regieiiients concernant le travail des femmes et des enfants, la police des etablissements classes, le pa^-ement des salaires aux oiivriers, les regle- ments d'atelier et Finspection du travail. Bruxelles: J. Lehegue et cie., [J. Goemaere, imp. du roi], 1898. 268 pp. 12°. {Royaume de Belgique. Ministere de Vindustrie et du travail. Office du travail.) Salaires et duree dn travail dans les industries textiles au mois d'octobre 1001. Bruxelles: P. Weissenh?"uch, 1905. xx, 4^27, 691 pp. 4°. {Royaume de Belgique. Ministere de Vindustrie et du tra- vail. Office du travail. . Section de la statistiqve.) Travail du dimanche. Bruxelles: J. Lehegue et cie., [Impr. Llayez'], 1896-1898. 5 vols. 8°. (Royaume de Belgique. Ministere de Vindus- trie et du travail. Office du travail.) Inspection du travail. Rapports annuels de I'in- spection du travail. I.-IO. annee, 189G-1904. Bruxelles, 1896-1905. 10 vols. Plates. Plans. Dia- grams. 8°. Bolen, George Lewis. Getting a living; the problem of wealth and poverty — of profits, wages, and trade unionism. Xew York, London: The Macmillan company, 1903. xii, 769 pp. 8°. " The shorter working day," pp. 401-445. Buxton, Sydney. A handbook to political (juestions of the day and the arguments on either side. With an introduction. Eleventh ed. L^ondon: John Murray, 1903. xx, 442 pp. 8°. ' I-egal limitation of hours," ])p. 1.^>8-1J)9. Cabouat, Jules. De la force probante des horaires de travail, (In Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence, n. s., vol. 35, April, lOOO, pp. 223-235.) THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY The Case for an eight-hour bill. London: Fuhlifihed for the Fahian society hy John Hey- wood^ 1891. 15 pp. 8°. (Fahian tracts, no. 23.) Danryid, liemuel. History and philosophy of the eight-hour move- ment. 2d ed. Washington : The A.merican federation of labor, 1899. lo pp. 8°. (Fiffht-hour series, no. 3.) Edwards, Alba M. The labor legislation of Connecticut. \_Neic Yorh: Published for the American economic associa- tion by the MacmUlan company., 1907.'] viii, 322 pp. 8°. {Publication.^ of the American economic association. Third series.^ vol. 8, no. 3) Hours of labor, and the economic effects of the restrictions on child iinil womnn labor. ])p. 74—00. Eight hours a day by law; a practical solution. London : The Fahian society. 1901. 15 pp. 8°. {Fabian tracts., no. 48) Published $)ec., 1893; reprinted .Tune, 1S0.5. and July, 1901. Fabian, Heinrich AVilhelm. Der gesetzliche. achtstiindige Xormal- arbeitstag. Mew York: '^Social science publishing co.,''^ 1886. {6), 21 pp. 8°. {Social-tcissenschaftliche Zeit-fragen, lift. 1.) France. Chambre d's deputes. Session ordinaire. Seance du 6 juillet 1005. Projet de loi portant ouverture cle credits supplementaires au titre de rexercice 1005 et ayant pour objot la reduction de la journee de travail dans les manufactures de I'etat, presentee par Pierre Merlou. (In France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemen- taires. Annexe no. 256(>, pp. 7G2-7G3.) — -2. seance du 11 jnillet 1005. liapport fait au nom de la commission (hi budget chargve d'examiner le projet de loi, . . . et ayant pour objet la reduction de la journee de travail dans les manufactures de Fetat, par Constant Dulau. (//( France, ('hanil)re des deputes. Documents parlemen- taires, Annexe no. 2617, pp. S01-S02.) 2. seance du 31 Janvier 1000. Rapport sur le projet de loi relatif au controle de la duree du travail dans les etablissements industriels, par M. Chambon. (//( France, t'hambre des deputes. Documents parlemeu- taires. Annexe no. 2950, pp. 39—42.) (3 LIBEAKY OF CONGEESS France. Chambre des deputes. Session ordinaire. Seance dii 12 juin 1906. Proposition de loi tendant a limiter a huit heiires an maximum la journee dii travail dans les mines, presentee par M. Basly. {In France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemen- taires, Annexe no. 32, pp. 486-487.) Seance du 6 juillet 1906. Rapport fait . . . au nom de la commission du travail, sur le projet de loi relatif au controle de la duree du travail dans les eta- blissements industriels, j)ar M. Chambon. (In France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemen- taires, Annexe no. 220, pp. 902-905.) Seance du 10 mars 1907. Rapport fait au nom de la commission des. mines chargee d'examiner la proposition de loi de M. Basly tendant a limiter a huit heures au maxi- mum la journee de travail dans les mines, par M. Leon Janet, dejjute. (/// France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemen- taires, Annexe no. 850, pp. 237-239.) - — Session extraordinaire. Seance du 5 novembre 1906. Proposition de loi ayant pour objet I'institution de la journee de huit heures et du salaire minimum pour tons les ouvriers et ouvrieres et pour tons les employes et em- 2)loyees. (//( France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemeu- taires, 1906, Annexe no. 374, pp. 58-61.) Proposition de loi tendant a I'etablisse- ment de la journee de huit heures et d'un salaire minimum pour tons les ouvriers. ouvrieres, employes et employees des travaux, emplois et services de I'Etat. {In France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemen- taires, 1906, Annexe no. 375, pp. 61-64.) Direction du travail. Salaries et duree du travail dans I'in- dustrie francaise. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1893-97. ^ vols. 8°. {Mi- nistere du co77i?nerce, de IHudustrie, des postes et des tele- graphes. Office du travail) Salaires et duree du travail dans I'industrie fran- caise. Album graphique. Par'is: Impr'tmerie nationale, 1893-97. 4 vols. 8°. {Mi- nistere du commerce, de I'industrie, de^ postes et des tele- graphes. Office du travail) Friese, Philip C. Statement for the consideration of workingnien (showing the necessity and mutual bearings of the 10 hour sj'stem, and a workingmau's tariff). Baltimore: Printed hy Wm. Wooddy <£■ son, 1851. 6 pp. 2A\ THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY 7 Germany. Reichsamt cles Innern. Die Beschliftignng verheirathe- ter Fraiien in Frabriken. Xach den Jahresberichten der Gewerbe-Aiifsichtsbeamten fiir das Jahr 1800 bearb. im Reichsamt des Innern. Mit einer tabellarischen Ueber- sicht. Be7'lin: K. r. Decker's Verlag, 1901. viii, 259, {!) pp. S°. Gompers, Samuel. The eight -hour work day: its inauguration, en- forcement and influences. Washington. D. C: The American federation of labor 11897^^. {2), 9 pjy. 4°. Reprinted from American Federationist, vol. 4. Great Britain. Board of trade. {Lahour department). Wages and hours of labour. Report on the changes in rates of wages and hours of laljour in the United Kingdom in 1906, Avith comparative statistics for 1807-1005. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. 1007. 170 pp. 8°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Ses- sional papers, 1907. Cd. 3713) Report made annually. Home department. Memorandum on the International con- ference on labour regulation held at Berne. September, 1906. "With the text of the documents signed at the con- ference. London: Printed for II. M. Stationery office, hy Darling <& sans, ltd., 190G. 21, {!) pp. F°. (Great Britain. Par- liament. Papers hy command. Cd. 3271) Documents siinied at the conference are accompanied by English translations, with titles: "International convention respectiui? the prohibition of night work for women in indus- trial employment " and " International convention on the subjwt of the prohibition of the use of white (yellow) phos- phorus in the manufacture of matches." Miners'^ eight hoar day committee. Reports of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners. London: Printed for II. M. Stationery office, hy Darling <& son, ltd., 1907. J rols. in 2. Map. Diagrams. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Papers hy command. Cd. 3>t2G-3Jt28, .3oOo-3oOG) First report is in ?> pts. and includes the minutes of evidence, Ist-llth days. Final report is in 12 pts. and includes minutes of evidence, 12th-27th days, and index. 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Parliament. Coal mines (eight hours). A bill to limit the hours of work below ground in coal mines. Presented by Mi-. Brunner. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 22 February 1906. (2), 2 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers., 1006. Bill 11.) Eiofht hours. A bill to restrict the horrs of labour in all trades and industries to eight per day. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 25 March 1907. 2 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional pa- pers, 1907. Bill 1S6.) - — • Hours of labour (bakehouses). A bill to restrict the hours of labour in bakehouses to forty-eight hours per week. Presented by Mr. AVilkie. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 11 April 1906. (2), 2 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers., 1906. Bill 172.) House of Lords. Select committee on early closing of shops. Eeport from the Select committee of the House of Lords on early closing of shops ; together with the pro- ceedings of the committee and minutes of evidence [and Index] Session 1901. London : Printed for H. M. Stationery office., hy Wyman and sons, limited, 1901-02. 2 vols, in 1. F°. {[Great Brit- ain. Parliament. 1901. House of Commons. Reports and papers 369.) Hadfield, R. A. and H. de B. Gibbins. A shorter working day. London: Methuen <& co., 1892. viii, ISJf pp. 12°. {Social questions of to-day.) InternatioiipJ conference on labor regulation. 2d, Bern, 1006. Actes de la Conference diplomatique pour la protection ouvriere reunie a Berne du 17 au 26 septembre 1906. Berne: Impr. Staempfli & cie., 1906. 165 pp. 8°. Contents. — Documents prelimiuaires. — Proces-verbaux des seances iileuieres et des seances de commission. — Textes adoptes par la Conference : Convention Internationale sur Fin- terdiction du travail de nuit des femmes employees dans I'industrie. Convention internationale sur I'interdiction du pbosphore blanc (jaune) dans Tindustrie des allumettes. For translation see under Great Britain, Home department in this List. THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY 9 Jeans, James Stephen. The eight hours' day in British engineering industries; an examination and criticism of recent ex- periments. London: Printed hy Bcdlantyne^ Hanson and co.^ 189 Jf. 60 pp. 12°. Kelley, Florence. The United States and the Utah eight-hour day. {In The American Journal of sociology, vol. 4, July, 1898, pp. 21-34.) I j Logan, "Walter Seth. An argument for an eight-hour law. NeiD York: The Knicherhocker press, 1894. ^4 VV' ^° ' An address before the Manhattan liberal club, Dec. 22, 1893. McNeill, George E. The eight hour primer. The fact, theory and the argument. 2d ed. ^Xasliington : American federation of labor, 1899. 19 pp. 12°. {Eight hour senes, no. 1.) McVey, Frank L. The economic effects of the eight hours day. (In Public policy, Chicago, Employers and employes, pp. 193- 200. Chicago, [1903?] 12°.) Massachusetts. The eight-hour day. {In Labor bulletin of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, no. 29, Jan., 1904, pp. 1-8. Boston, 1904. S°.) Maurice, A. La reglementation de la duree du travail des employes de chemins de fer. Paris: V. Giard d: E. Brieve, 1906. (4), U8 pp. 8°. Maxey, Edwin. The eight -hour day by legislation. {In his Some questions of larger politics, pp, 94-100. New York. 1901. 12°.) Reprinted from "The Arena, Sept., 1900." Mitchell, John. Organized labor. Its problems, piu'poses, and ideal, and the present and future of American wage- earners. American hook and Bihle house, Philadelphia. Pa. 8° . The day"s work, pp. 120-130. Munro, J. E. C. The economic effects of an eight hours' day for coal mines. {In National Liberal chib; political economy circle. Trans- actions, vol. 2, i)p. 1-14. L(nidon, 1895. S"".) 20612—08 2 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [National association of manufacturers.] Eight hours by act of CongTess. Arbitrary, needless, destructive, dangerous. l^New York: National association of manufacturers, 1904-^ I {£),n5, (i) pp. i2\ "New Jersey. The eight-hour movement. How reducing the hours of hibor has affected the cost of production. {In New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries. Twenty-eiglitli annual report, 1905, pp. 211-233. Trenton, N. J., 1905. 8°.) New York. Progress toward shorter hours of work : The Printers' strike for an eight-hour day; Foreign statistics on the hours of work. {In New York. State. Department of labor. Bulletin, vol. 8, Mar., 1906, pp. 31-58. Albany, 1906. 8°.) Parsons, Frank. The story of New Zealand. A history of New Zealand from the earliest times to the present. PUladelpMa: C. F. Taylor, 1901 8\ " The eight-hour day," pp. 305-309, Pieper, August. Die Herabsetzung der Arbeitszeit fiir Frauen und die Erhohung des Schutzalters fiir jugendliche Arbeiter in Fabriken; Referate, der I. Generalversammlung der Gessellschaft fiir soziale Reform in Koln am 22. Sept. 1902 erstattet von Dr. August Pieper . . . imd Helene Simon . . . Nebst einem Bericht iiber die Generalversammlung der Gesellschaft fiir soziale Reform in Koln. Jena: G. Fischer, 1902. 164 pp. 8°. {Schriften der Ges- ellschaft fiir soziale Reform, lift. 7-8.) Pierstorff, Julius. Frauenarbeit imd Frauenfrage. Jena: G.Fischer, 1900. {k),81pp. 8°. Separatabdruck aus dem " Haudworterbuch der Staatswissen- schaften." 2. Aufl., 3. Bd. Rae, John. Eight hours for work. London and New York: Macmillan aind co., 1891). xii, 3Ifi pp. /S°. Revue du travail. Publiee par I'Office du travail de Belgique. 11. annee, 1906. Bruxelles: Imp. F. V anhuggenhondt, 1906. 8°. Robertson, John M. The eight-hours question. London: Sivan Sonncnschien & co., 1893. vi, {£), 150 pp. THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY 11 Rogers, Edward IT. Eight liours a day's work. A lecture. Boston: Printed at the office of the " Weehly American ., workman,'' [1872]. 18 pp. 8°. Schultze, Eobert. Die Verkiirziing des indnstriellen Arbeitstages. * (III Die Nalioji, 2:!. .lalirfTiUi}.', Sept. I, IlKXi, pp. 755-759.) Shadwell, Arthur. Industrial efficiency: a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany, and America. London. New Yorh, and Bombay: Longmans, Green and CO., 1906. 2 vols. 8°. Hours, vol. 2, pp. SO-11.3. Smith, William Wolff. • An arbitrary workday? Shall the Ameri- can workingman be fettered, the triumphal progress of American arts and industries arrested, the manufacturing output diminished, and individual effort regulated — by law. Some of the opinions presented by manufacturers and mechanics who would be affected. Washington: [P^^ess of B. S. Adams, 190-3]. 85 pp. Illus- trations. Facsimiles. Plates. F°. Societe des industriels et des commercants de France. Enquete sur les effets de la loi du 30 mars 1900 reglementant la duree legale de la journee de travail. Paris: Lihrairie Guillaumin et cie., 1905. .^7 pp. 8°. " Extrait de la Revue Internationale tin commerce, de I'indus- trie et de la Banque." Thompson, Herbert ]M. The theoiy of wages and its application to the eight hours question and other labour problems. London and New York: Macmillan and co., 1892. xxiv, 140 pp. Diagrams. 12°. United States. Bureau of labor. The eight -hour law and en- forced labor contracts in the Panama Canal Zone. {In IT. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, no. 60, Sept., 1905, pp. G56-GG2. Washinsrton, 1905. S°.) Labor laAvs of the United States, Avith decisions of courts relating thereto. Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wright, conmiissioner of labor. Washington: Government printing offivc. 1901^. IJflS pp. 8°. {Tenth special report of the Commissioner of lahor.) 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Bureau of labor. Xineteenth annual report. 1904. Wages and hours of labor. Washinr/ton: Government printing office, 1905. 976 pp. 8°. {68th Congress, 3d session. House document Jf28.) "Wages and hours of labor in manufacturing indus- tries. 1890 to 1905. {In U. S. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin, vol. 1.3. July. 1906, pp. 1-170. Washington, 1900. S°.) Congress. Senate. Committee on education and lahor. Eight hours for laborers on government work. Hearings before the Committee on education and labor of the United States Senate. First session. Fifty-seventh Congress. Washington: Government printing. office, 1902. 829 pp. 8°. ■ Eight hours for laborers on govern- ment Avork. Hearings before the Committee on education and labor of the United States Senate. First session. Fifty-seventh Congress. Washington: Government pi'inting office, 1903. 834 pp- ^°- {57 th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 141-) Eiofht hours for laborers on gfovern- ment work. Arguments before the Committee on educa- tion and labor of the United States Senate. Second session, Fifty-eighth Congress. Washington: Government printing office, 190 Ji.. 233pp. 8°. At head of title : Senate bill 489. Eight hours for laborers on govern- ment work. Hearings l)efore the Committee on education and labor of the United States Senate, second session, Fifty-eighth Congress. Washington : Government Printing Oi^cc. 190',, /r. .i.f? pp. S-. House. Committee on interstate and foreign com- merce. Hearing befoi'e Committee on interstate and foreign commerce, House of representatives, on the bills H. R. -1438, H. R. 16676. and H. R. 186T1, to limit the hours of service of railroad employees. [April 20. May 1, 4, 11, 22, 1906.] Washington: Government printi/ig office, 1906. 108, 32, 16 pp. 8°. THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKTXd DAY 13 United States. Congress. House. Committee on Johor. Report of hearings before the committee . . . rehitive to . . . limiting the hours of daih'' services of laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed upon the public Avorks of or work done for the United States or any territory or the District of Columliia. Eeport of hearings, ^larch 8, 1892 . . , extracts from hearings before the subconmiittee on educa- tion and labor of the Senate, June 16, 1898, and report of Committee on labor. House of representatives, no. 957. on same subject. Fifty-fifth Congi'ess. second session. {Washington: Govemment printing office^ 1900.'] 512 pp. 8°. Eight hours for laborers on govern- ment work. Hearings before the Committee . . . [Feb- ruary 13, 1902] on the bill (H. R. 30TC)) limiting the hours of daily service of mechanics and laborers employed upon work done for the United States, or any territory, or the District of Columbia. [Washington: Government printing office.^ 1902.1 70 pp. 8°. Caption title. Eight hours for laborers on govern- ment work. Hearings before the Committee. [February 13, 20, 26, March 6, 13, 18, 1902, on the bill (H. R. 30T6) limiting the hours of daily service of mechanics and labor- ers employed upon work done for the United States, or any territory, or the District of Columbia]. Washington: Government printing office., 1902. 307 pp. Tables. 8°. Eight hours for laborers on govern- ment work. Hearings before the Committee on labor of the House of representatives, February 4, 11, IS, 25, Marcli 3, 4, 10, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26, 1904.' Washington: Government pHnting office.^ 1904. J!i73 pp. 8°. H. R. 11651 — Eight hours for laborers on government work. Hearings before the Committee on labor of the House of representatives. May 3, 16, 18. 22, 24, 28, and 29, 1906. Washington: Government printing office^ 1906. 216 pp. 8". 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. Constitutional amendment, giving Congress power to reg- ulate hours of employees in factories. Hearings before subcommittee no. 7 of the Committee on the judiciary of the House of representatives on H. J. res. 20. March 13- [27, 1902. Washington: Government pnnting office., 1902.1 60 fp. 8°. ^^d Congress. 2d session. Senate executive document no. 72. Letter from the Secretary of war, communicating state- ments from the commandants of the armories at Spring- field, Mass., and Rock Island, 111., showing the operation of the eight-hour law. May 13, 1872. 19 pp. 8°. 1479 4'Sd Congress., 1st session. House executive document no. 117. Eight-hour law. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, in reference to the operation of the eight-hour law. February 6. 1874. 2 pp. 8°. 1607 House report no. 390. Violation of the eight-houi law. Report from the Committee on public buildings and grounds. April 8, 1874. 40 pp. 8°. 16S4 JfJfth Congress., 2d session. House report no. 11. Eight-hour law. Report from the Committee on claims. December 8,1876. 3 pp. 8°. 1769 46th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 520. Eight- hour law. Report from the Committee on education and labor. March 8, 1880. 1 page. 8°. 1935 House report no. 1267. Eight-hour law. Report from the Committee on claims. April 27, 1880. 7 pp. 8°. 1937 SOth Co?igress, 1st session. House report no'. 365. Eight- hour law. Report from the Committee on labor. Febru- ary 9, 1888. 9 pp. 8°. 2599 51 st Congress, 1st session. House report no. 2649. Eight- hour law. Report from the Committee on labor. July 10,1890. 2 pp. 8°. 2814 52d Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 948. Report from the Committee on education and labor [on the bill relating to limitation of the hours of daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon the public works of the United States, etc.] July 16, 1892. 2 pp. 8°. 2915 THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY 15 United States. 5oth Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 318. Report of hearing before the Subcommittee on edu- cation and labor of the Senate relative to H. R. 7389, lim- iting the hours of daily services of laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed upon the public works of or work done for the United States or any territory or the District of Columbia. June 16, 1898. Presented by Mr. Kyle from the Committee on education and labor. 76 pp. 8°. 3615 House report no. 957, Hours of labor on public works of United States, etc. Report from the Committee on labor. April 4, 1898. 13 pp. 8°. 3720 55th Congress., 3d session. Senate document 127. Hours of labor for workmen, mechanics, etc., employed upon public works of the United States. Report from the Commit- tee on education and labor. Feb. 20, 1899. 178 pp. 8°. 3735 Senate report no. 1855. Eight-hour law. Report from the Committee on education and labor. Views of the minority. February 28, 1899. 4 pp. 8°. 3741 56th Congress., 1st session. Senate report no. 393. Adjust- ment and payment of accounts of laborers and mechanics, arising under the eight -hour law. Report from the Com- mittee on education and labor. February 14, 1900. 16 pp. 8°. 3887 House report no. 1272. Hours of laborers on public works of the United States. Report from the Committee on labor. May 8, 1900. 10 pp. 8°. 4025 57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1793. Hours of laborers on public works of the United States. Report from the Committee on labor. April 28, 1902. 10 pp. 8°. 4405 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 2321. Eight - hour law. Report from the Committee on education and labor. December 20, 1902. 22 pp. 8°. 4410 Senate document no. 189. Petition of certain citizens of Louisville, Ky., against the enactment of the eight-hour bill. February '27, 1903. 2 pp. 8°. 4430 IQ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. 59th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 4567. Limiting the hours of service of raih'oad employees. Re- port from the Committee on interstate and foreign com- merce. May 31, 1906. 10 pp. 8°. Department of commerce and lohor. Eight hours for labor- ers on government work. Eeport by the Hon. Victor H. Metcalf. Secretary Department of commerce and labor, on H. R. -1064) eight hour bill), submitted by resolution by the Committee on labor of the House of representatives, April 13, 1904. Washington: Government printing office, 1905. 1]^}^. pp. 8°. {58th Congress, 3d session. House doc. 413.) " Laws relating to hours of labor in the United States :" pp. 315-133. Industrial commission. Final report. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. 8°. [Vol. XIX of the Commission'' s reports.) Hours of labor, pp. 763-793. See also General index to Vols. I— XVIII, pp. 1188-1189. Vandervelde, Emile. La Belgique ouvriere. Paris : E. Comely & cie, 1906. 192 pp. TaUes. Diagrams. 12°. {Bihliofheque socialiste, nos. 39-40.) " Les heures de travail ", pp. 31-39. Webb, Sidney and Harold Cox. The eight hours day. London: W. Scott, [1891]. viii, 280 pp. 12°. Weber, Adna F. The eight-hour movement. (In New Yorlv. Bureau of labor statistics. IStli annual report, 1900, pp. 1-243. Assembly documents, 1901, vol. 26, no. 77) Contents. — The shortening of the work-day in American in- dustries in the nineteenth century; The hours of labor in foreign countries ; France, Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Australasia ; Practicability of the eight-hour day; Methods of establishing the eight-hour day; Appendices and tables. Whittelsey, Sarah Scovill. Massachusetts labor legislation; an historical and critical study. Philadelphia: American academy of political and social science, 1900. 157 pp. 8°. {American academy of polit- ical and social science. Annals, vol. 17, Supplement, Jan., 1901) Hours of labor, pp. 12-16; The cost of short hours, pp. 36-49; Digest of the labor laws of Massachusetts : Hours of labor, pp. 113-116. THE EIGHT-HOUR WOKKING DAY : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 17 1868. The eight-hour strikes. Ilunfs merchants' magazine^ vol. 59 {Aug., 1868) : 91-91^. 1868. Legal interference with the hours of hibor. Amos "Walker. LifpiiicoW a magazine., vol. 2 {Nod.., 1868) : 527-533. 1872. Nine hours by statute. Bonamy Price. ConteTnyorary review., vol. 20 {July, 1872) : 181^.-20.'^. 1886. The eight-hour demand. Extent of the demands. Number of emj)loyees striking. Bradstreefs, vol. 13 {May i, 1886) : 27If. 1886. The short-day strikes. Bradstreefs vol. 13 {May 8, 1886) : 290. 1886. The short-hour totals. Bradstreefs, vol. 13 {May 15, 1886) : 306. 1886. The short-hour da3^ Results of the late movement. Bradstreefs, vol. 13 {June 12, 1886) : 391^. 1891. Some economic aspects of the eight-hour movement. J. E. Symes. Economic revieiv, vol. 1 {Jan., 1891) : 51-56. 1891. The eight hours day in Victoria. John Rae. The Economic journal, vol. 1 {Mar.. 1891) : 15-1^.2. 1891. Plight hours in England. Social economist, vol. 1 {Mar., 1891) : Jf8-5If. 1891. History of eight hours in Australia. Socicd economist, vol. 1 {May, 1891) : 16Jf-172. 1891. The balance sheet of short hours. John Rae. G onteni'porary review, vol. 60 {Oct., 1891) : 1^99-520. 1891. The i'pi^roaching eight-hoiir day. Social economist, vol. 1 {Oct., 1891) : 426-1^31. 1892. The origin of the eight hours system at the i^ntipodes. H. 11. Champion. Economic journal, vol. 2 {Mar., 1892) : 100-108. 1892. The eight hours movement in the United States. Robert Donald. Economic journal, vol. 2 {Sept., 1892) : 549-552. 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1893. The " Eight-hour law." James H. Hayden. Yale law journal, vol. 2 {May, 1893) : 197-205. 1893. The eight-hours day and the unemployed. John Rae. Contemporary review, vol. 63 {June, 1893) : 796-808. 1894. The eight-hours day and foreign competition. John Rae. Contemporary review, vol. 65 {Feb., 189^) : 189-206. 1894. An eight-hour experiment. Social economist, vol. 6 {J/ ay, 1894) • 262-268. 1894. Feasibility of an eight-hour work-day. George Gunton. American federationist, vol. 1 {July, 189^) ■ 91-92. 1895. The effect of an eight hours' day on wages and the unem- ployed. Charles Beardsley, jr. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 9 {Jidy, 1895) : 450-459. 1896. The eight-hour workday. Am,erican federationist, vol. 2 {Jan., 1896) : 204-205. 1897. The eight-hour workday. Samuel Gompers. American federationist, vol. 4 {Mar., 1897) : 1-2; {Apr., 1897) : 23-25; {May, 1897) : 47-49; {June, 1897) : 69-71; {July, 1897) : 87-88. 1898. Senators and Congressmen on the eight-hour workday. American federationist, vol. 5 {Mar., 1898) : 1-3. 1898. An eight-hour day legal as well as moral. P. J. Maas. American federationist, vol. 5 {Ajjr., 1898) : 23-25. 1898. Eight-hour bill. Report of Hon. J. J. Gardner, Apr. 4, 1898. American federationist, vol. 5 {May, 1898) : 56-59. 1898. The eight-hour day in Australia. Andrew J. M'Elroy. American federationist, vol. 5 {June, 1898) : 67-68. 1898. Eight-hour constitutional amendment. American federationist, vol. 5 {Aug., 1898): 110-113. 1899. Utah and Colorado's eight-hour law. John H. Murphy. American federationist, vol. 6 {July, 1899) : 103-104- 1900. The eight-hour day by legislation. Edwin Maxey. Arena, vol. 24 {Sept., 1900) : 235-242. THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 19 1901. The Colorado eight-hour law. Henry Cohen. American federationist, vol. 8 {Jan., 1901) : 2-1^. 1901. Movement for a shorter working-day. W. Macarthur. Forum, vol. 31 {July, 1901) : .570-580. 1901. The eight-hour day. H.P.Willis. • Nation, vol. 73 {Dec. W, 1901) : ^68. 1902. The eight-hour bill. Iron age, vol. 69 {Feh. 20,1902) : 8-10. 1902. The eight-hour labor bill. Iron age, vol. 69 {Mar. 6, 1902) : 3-6. 1902-1903. A phase of the eight-hour (piestion. AA^illiam M. Salter. Ethical record, vol. J, {Dec-Jan., 1902-1903) : U-^0. 1903. The social effects of the eight-hour day. Frank L. McVev. American journal of sociology, vol. 8 {Jan., 1903) : o21-o30. 1904. An eight-hour bill hearing; the anti-boycott association op- poses the measure. Iron age, vol. 73 {Feh. 18, 190 4) : Jf-6. 1904. The eight-hour bill in Congress. Railway world, vol. 48 {Feh. 20, 190^) : 208. 1904. An eight-hour limit impossible; ]n-ominent manufacturers argue against pending bill. Iron age, vol. 73 {Mar. 3, 190 4) : 20-22. 1904. The eight-hour bill strongly opposed. Iron age, vol. 73 {Mar. 10, 1904) : 6^.. 1904. The eight-hour hearings limited: the pending bill criticised as unconstitutional. Iron age, vol. 73 {Mar. 17, 1904) : 14-15. 1904. Practical effects of the eight-hour system. Iron age, vol. 73 {Mar. 17, 1904): 26. 1904. The national eight-hour bill : arguments iK^fore Senate and House connnittees. Iron age, vol. 73 {Mar. 24, 1904) • 34->35. 1904. The national eight-hour bill : manufacturers seek its refer- ence to Department of commerce and labor. Iron age, vol. 73 {Mar. 31, 1904) • 10-11. 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Objections to the eight-hour bill. Railway world, vol. If8 {Mar. 5, 1904) ' ^65. 1904. Eight hours on government work: extracts from statement by Samuel Gompers before Committee on labor, Feb. 11, 1904. American federationist, col. 11 (Apr., 1904) ' 308—312. 1904. A. F. of L. legislative committee's report. Ameincan federationist., vol. 11 {Apr., 1904)-' 313—315. 1904. Anti-injunctioH and eight-hour bills. X. F, Thompson. ''Dixie,'' vol. 20 {Apr., 1904): 24- 1904. The eight-hour bill and the Navy: Bear- Admiral Bowles points out dangerous tendencies. Iron age. vol. 73 {Apr. 7, 1904) ■' 32. 1904. The national eight-hour bill: it is referred to the Depart- ment of commerce and labor. Iron age, vol. 73 {Apr. 21, 1904) ■' 7'. 1904. Eight-hour bill considered: argument of President Gompers before House Committee on labor. American federationist, vol. 11 {May, 1904) : 407-411- 1904. Validity of legislation limiting hours of labor. Central law journal, vol. 58 {May 6, 1904) •' 361-363. "Attacking the constitutionality of ' eiglit-honr " laws." 1904. Eight-hour bill considered: argument in favor of eight-hour bill. James O'Connell. Amencan federationist, vol. 11 {June, 1904) •' 4^^-49^- 1904. Argument in favor of eight-hour bill. James Duncan. American federationi'^f. vol. 11 {Jiinv. 1004) : 4^^—^04- 1904. Letter on the eight-hour bill. Daniel J. Keefe. American federationist, vol. 11 {June, 1904) : 504-505. 1904. Eight-hour bill considered. Arguments by James Duncan, James O'Connell, Samuel Gompers. Amencan federationist, ool. 11 {July, 1904) -' 589-601. 1904. The shorter work-day. F.W.Taussig. National civic federation monthly review, vol. 1 {Oct. 15, 1904) '• U' THE EIGHT-HOUR WORKING DAY : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 21 1904. A labor movement for an eight-hour day. Commercial and financial chronicle^ vol. 79 {Nov. 12, 190 Jf.) : 2119-2120. 1904. The eight-hour provision of the labor law held void. Albany law journal, vol. Of; (!)(<■.. WOJ^) : 377-384. 1905. Eiffht-hour legislation and contract ri{;hts. Chautauquan, vol. 40 {Feb., 1905) : 508-500. 1905. Report on eight-hour bill. Secretary of connnerce and labor presents findings. Iron age, vol. 75 {Feb. 10. 1905) : 563-565. 1905. Su):)reme Court of the United States. Lochner v. The People of Xew York. Decision regarding New York labor law restricting hours of labor. Albany law journal, vol. 07 {May, 1905) : 129, 143. 1905. The ei