p Miniflen cautioned againft the Occafions of Contempt. A S E R M O ]% Preached before the Minifters of the Province OF THE MASSACHUSETTS-BAY, i AT THEIR * Animal Convention, In BOSTON*, May 31. 1744. By CHARLES CHAUNCY, D. D. Paftor of the firft Church there. ^ _ _. ^. B. The Things pafled over for Want of Time, when the Sermon was preached, are inferted in their proper Places. , Printed by ROGERS and FOWLE, for SAMUEL ELIOT in Cornhill. i 7 4 4 '-'-- ,... ,,..,: .- : .... M jf** 1 * At the Annherfary Convention of Minifters erf" the Province of the MASSACHUSETTS-BAY, in NEW-ENGLAND, met at BOS- TON, May 31. 1744. y That Thanks be returned to the Reverend Dr. CHAUNCY for his Sermon preached before the Convention this Day 5 and that he be defired to content to the Publication of it. * PRINCE, Scriba. :&&^v'j&K?: : -%?'. -J". ,m &&& T^C , "^Mf" :: \:^ff.r*--^M;:-": -. ' Convention SERMON. TITUS II. 15, Let no Man defpife thee. Epiftle, out of which I have taken the Text, was ferit by Paul to Titus. It would take up too much of the Time allow *d me, to enter upon the Character of this eminent of SOD ; especially in his Capacity as an Of- the Church of CHRIST, under which Confide- and not as a private Chriftian, he is here wrote i Servant ficer in ration, to. I fhall only fay, he was one of Paul's Converts, a Fellow-Labourer with him in the Kingdom and Pati- ence of JESUS CHRIST, and his Companion in Travels. It was with Paul that he -tfent to Crete ; and by him he was left there to ferve the Ends of the Gofpel. Some fay, he was now conftituted Bi/hof of Crete ; but 'tis remarkable, he is not fpoken of as the Bijbopof this Place, by any of the Fathers within the three firft Centuries : Nor does the Scripture at all favour fuch 6 A Convention SERMON. a Notion. It rather reprefents him as tarrying here on fome temporary Occafion, than as a fat Officer, The Story is thus, Paul and Titus, upon their coming to Crete, found Things in a very unfettled State. For though confi- derable Numbers had embraced Chriftianity, they had too much neglected Order. They had few or no or- dained Elders among them ; and, perhaps, were not as yet formed into diftinct Churches : Or, if this was the Cafe, they had not got into a regular State, without which 'tis impofiible Societies fhould fubfift long with- out falling into Confufion. Now, for this Caufe it was, tiiat Titus was left in Crete, tbat he might fet in Order the Things that were wanting, and ordain Elders in eve- ry City : Which, when he had done, the more fpecial End of his Continuance in this Place was anfwered,and he might travel elfewhere, as in all Probability he did. But however this be, his being at Crete, in the Ser- vice of CHRIST, and under peculiar Circumftances of Difficulty, was the Occafion of Paul's writing this E- piftle to him ; in which, many are the Advices he gives him for the Direction of his Conduct, as one in- trufted with theManagement of the Affairs of CHRIST'S Kingdom. He is very particular in mifiding him of the necef~ fary Qualifications for the facred Office, that he might put none into it, who were not fit for fo important a Truft. And he the rather chofe to enlarge upon this Head, as many unruly and Fain-talkers and Deceivers were (battered up and down, fulverting whole Houfes, and teaching Things they ought not for filthy Lucr/s Sake. It may feem ftrange, that, in the Days of the Apoftles, there fhould be fuch Numbers of falfe Teachers : But fo it was in Fact j yea, and they were grown to fuch an . Convention SERMON. 7 an Height in Impudence, even in thofe primitive Times, that they could exalt themfelves above the very Apof- ties. And in Order to this, they were fo far Matters in the Art of Deceit, as to transform themj r elves into \Angels of Light : Nor did they ftick at any Thing, fo they could but leflen the Apoftolic Reputation, and wind themfelves into the Affedttons of the Populace. The Afoftk feems very follicitous, that the Church might be rid of thefe falfe and dangerous Teachers ; and, as the beft Expedient to this End, dire&s, that none might have committed to them the Difpenfation of the Gofpel, but well qualified Perfbns ; one efTen- tial Requifite in whofe Chara&er he has declared muft be that, able, by found Do ftrine, both to exhort and con- vince the Gainfayers. -HLV. Upon which it is natural to remark, if none are al- low'd to be intrufted with the Miniftry but thofe who have Ability to convince Gain-fayers, it mufl certainly be the Duty of fuch, when they are in the Miniftry, to makeUfe of this Ability againft thofe, who teach Things which they ought not. How elfe will they anfwer one of the exprefs Ends of their being put into the facred Office ? And to what Purpofe is it, that this Ability muft be found in them, if 'tis not their Duty to make Ufe of it, as the Occafion of the Church mall render it needful ? But among all the Directions given to fittts, for his Conduct as a Minifter, there is no one of more Weight than that in the Text, Let no Man defpife thee. And *tis of common Obligation on all, whom it has pleafed God to put into the Miniftry. They fhould all behave fb as not to be defpifed, fo as to give no juft Occafion to be fo. That's the Meaning of the Words. O- therwife, Minifters would have a hard Tafk indeed. Their Duty would be an utter Impoffibility. For 'tis not in their Power, though they fhould be as wife as Serpents, 8 A Convention SERMON: Serpents, and harmlefs as Doves, to pafs through the World, and not be defpifed, They may, through the Supply of the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST, bghave fo circumipe&ly and inoffenfively, as that none may have Reafon to treat them with Contempt ; but they can't command the Wills of other Men, they have not the Government of their Pafllons, or Prejudices, or Lofts. The GREAT SAVIOUR himfelf, though a Prophet of unfpotted Innocence, was yet defpifed of Men. And Jhall the Dffciple be above his LORD ? Shall the World vilify the MASTER, and the Servant be better treated ? The Spirit of too many is fiich, that we may expedb, be we as cautious as we will, to be derided. And this indeed feems to be implied in the Text it felf. The Exhortation, Let no Man defpife thee^ plainly fuppofes a too great Pronenefs in People to treat Minifters with Contempt -, and their Duty lies, not in People's not clelpifing them, but in not deferving their Contempt, in doing nothing that may lay a juft Foundation For it. In further fpeaking to the Text, I fliall, I. Say fomething of that Difpofition there is in Peo- ple to defpife the Minifters of CHRIST. II. Show wherein they fliould take Care to avoid the Qccafions of Contempt. III. Reprefent the Obligations which lie upon them to fuch a Care. The whole will then be followed with fome futable Application. I. I am, in the firft Place, to fpeak of that Diffqfi- tion there is in People to defpife the Minifters of CHRIST, Not that I would infinuate, as if they were generally faulty in this Refpedt Many there are,GODhe ifcank- ed, who acknowledge the fpecial Relation they bear to JESUS CHRIST, and treat them as Stewards f fa Myjleries of GOD j Deeming them bigty fr Love, both for A Convention SERMON. 9 for their Office, and Wortfs Sake. And fome, it may be, think more highly of them than is meet. Thole, -to be fure, do fo, who have thtirPerfons in Admiration \ btindly receiving all they fay, as though it were infalli- ble Truth. This is doing them too much Honour ; yea, 'tis placing them in the Room of CHRIST, and calling them Mafter in Oppofition to the one Mafter in Heaven. Brethren, we renounce all claim to fuch un- due Reverence. We don't pretend to have Dominion ever your Faith, but only to be Helpers of your Joy. And inftead of an implicit Faith in our Dictates, we commend to you the Example of the noble Bereans, who fearched the Scriptures daily, to fee whether the Things taught them were the Truths of GOD, yea, or nay : Nor dare we advife you to hold faft what we de- liver to you, in the Courfe of our Preaching, only as . you perceive it to be good, upon full Proof from the Word of CHRIST. To the Law, and to theTeftimony : If what we fay does not agree herewith, there is no Light nor Truth in it. You may, perhaps, have conceiv'd fo high an Opi- nion of the uncommon Sanctity of fome particular Mi- nifters, in Diflinclion from others, and the divine Tea- chings they are under, as to fuppofe them to have got beyond all Danger of Miftakes. -, you may be ready to think it impoflible you mould err, while you follow the Inftru6tions of Men filled with fuch extraordinary Meafures of the HOLY GHOST : But you ought to remember, 'tis not always thofe who make the greatefl Pretences to the SPIRIT, who are mod favoured with his real Influences ; nor are any fmce the Days of In- fpiration, fo led by the SPIRIT as to be infallible. A- las ! the beft qualified Minifters are but Men -, Men of like Paffions with your felves : And of this they too often give Proof by the Errors they run into, in Prin- ciple as well as Practice. They may not therefore be depended on, as though you could not be mifguided by B them. io A Convention SERMON, them. Be their Gifts, or Graces, or Z0al, what they will j or let their Pretences to the immediate Conduct of the Divine SPIRIT be as peremptory as they will, you .mud not believe this,or the other Thing,to be the Truth, as it is in JESUS, upon their Authority : No, but you muft bring what they fay, with an unprejudic- ed Mind, to the HOLY BIBLE , clofing in with it, or rejecting it, as you find it, upon Trial,to agree or difa- gree with that one only I'eft of all religiousTruth : Nor will you otherwife be able to excufe your felves ano- ther Day. It won't then fuffice to plead, that you were told this,or that, by thofe you efteemed Men ex* traor dinar ily afTifled by the SPIRIT j for you had the Scriptures to repair to, and might have examined what they faid by that facred and unerring Rule : Which, if you neglected to do, believing Man rather than GOD, how will you hold up your Heads ? 'Twon't leflen, but aggravate your Fault, to pretend you fubmitted your Confciences to meer humane Dictates ; for it will then appear, that your embracing any Thing for a Truth of GOD, upon any Authority Ihort of his, was fetting up that Authority in his Throne, and paying that Honour to the Creature, which is due only to the Creator* But if there are fome, who rife too high in their Re- fpecls to Minifters, are there not others, on the con- trary Extreme, who fall as much too low ? And is not this the Spirit evidently prevailing at this Day ? Are there not many who vilify the Office it felf, treat- ing it with Sneer and Ridicule ? And what Wonder, if the Perfons of Minifters don't efcape the Scorn and Contempt of fiich ? They have indeed a pitiful Tho't- of all of this Profeflion , and fpare none, though of the moil fhining Accomplifhments. If they know no- thing more of a Man than that he is a Minifiber, 'tis enough with them to finifh his Character ; This alone will give them a low mean Opinion of him -, though without cither Candour Or Juftice, Not A Convention SERMON. 1 1 Not but that there have been, among the Clergy^ both weak and 'vicious Men. It would be a flrange Thing indeed if their hadn't. But why rnuft the \vhoie Order fuffer Reproach on this Account ? Is this fair? It is thought to be fo in other Profeflions ? If there arc any who make themfelves vile,let them bear all thelndignity they defrrve : But where is the Equity of blaming the Innocent with the Guilty ? Are there not Men of Worth in the facred Fundtion, as well as in other Em- ployments ? Men of Capacity and Integrity, yea, and of extenfive Uiefulnefs, through their abundant La- bours in the Caufe of GOD ? And mall they all, not- withftanding, be condemned, and by the Lump too, as a Parcel of fimple, or elfe crafty and defigning Men ? This, I know, has fometimes been fuggefted, if not plainly fpoken out, to the Prejudice of their Reputati- on ; and with all the Embellishments of Wit and Railery. But if Men, profefTedly of no Principles, are Enemies to thofe, whofe Bufinefs it is to plead the Caufe of Virtue and true Religion, what is it more than might be expedted ? Nor would they act up to their Character, if, rather than not afperfe them, they did not make a handle of any Thing -, and inftead of folid Argument exer: themfelves in prophane Banter, I may not impertinently add here, *Tis not only a- mong atheiftical vicious-Men that Minift.ers are treated with Contempt. They have appear'd flrangely prone to defpife one another, and to take all Occafions to do fov, .and this has been too much their Way, in all Places, and Ages of the World. If fome Minifies han't had Light to think, or fpeak, juft as fome others would haye them, how commonly have they been the Objects of their Contempt ? What Names of Igno- miny and Reproach have been can: upon them ? And how has die Spirit of Contempt been propagated from Mmifters to People, to the great Hindrance of the B * 12, A Convention SERMON. Gofpel ? Perhaps, forne of the Minifters of CHRIST, and it may be as faithful Minifters as any in theGofpel- Church, have fuffered more from their own Brethren, and fuch among the People as have been fet on Fire by them, than they ever have, even from foul-mouth'd Infidels. Says the excellent Mr. Baxter, fpeaking of the Sectaries of his Day, " They have quite out-ftrip- " ped the profane Scorners of the Miniftry. By ma- " ny Years Experience in converfmg with thefe Men, " I can fpeak it knowingly, that the chiefeft of their " Zeal is let out againft the faithful Minifters of " CHRIST. He is the ableft of their Preachers, that