A A— ^ ^i — ^ 1 =i 1 ==? 6 i 6 ^^ 4 i 7 =^? 5 3 ^^-^ c .,._. V.-J »Ti s "%>. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A LIST of BOOKS for WOMEN CITIZENS Published for the NATIONAL UNION OF SOCIETIES FOR EQUAL CITIZENSHIP, EVELYN HOUSE, 62 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. By P. S. KING & SON, LTD. 2 & 4 GREAT SMITH STREET, WESTMINSTER. ONE SHILLING. Edward Wright & Cavendish Bentinck Lending Libraries. These two Libraries, containing some three thousand volumes on subjects of interest to women as citizens, are now under the same management, and are housed in the Offices of the National Union of Societies foi Equal Citizenship, Evelyn House, 62 Oxford Street, London, W.i. The Joint Library contains a most valuable and interesting historical section on feminism as well as sections on current political and social pro- blems. Great care is taken to keep these sections, which include pamphlets and Government publi- cations, up-to-date. I Boxes containing approximately 20 books are available for Study Circles, etc. SCALES OF CHARGES. For individuals, 10/6 per annum or 46.. per volume per week. For Societies of the N.U.S.E.C, 15/- per annum or 5/- per box of books. For Societies other than those of the N.U.S.E.C, 25/- per annum or 7/6 per box of books. Enquiries should be addressed to the Honorary Librarian. National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship EVELYN HOUSE, 62 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.I. A LIST OF BOOKS FOR WOMEN CITIZENS Published for the NATIONAL UNION OF SOCIETIES FOR EQUAL CITIZENSHIP EVELYN HOUSE, 62 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W, By P. S. KING & SON, LTD. 2 & 4 GREAT SMITH STREET, WESTMINSTER. INTRODUCTION. This Bibliography is intended for the use of women citizens who' wish a convenient, up-to-date and carefully selected list of the most important books, pamphlets and reports on subjects of special interest to women. All the books mentioned and many others, some of rare historical interest, are contained in the Edward Wright and Cavendish Bentinck Library in the offices of the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, Evelyn House, 62, Oxford Street, London, W.i. While this Library contains books of general political, economic and social interest, the sections relating to the various aspects of the Woman's Movement are more complete than those containing books on other subjects which can be more readily obtained at other libraries. Supplementary lists of new books will be issued periodically. February, 1922. • 2\ SUBJECTS INDEX. Administration of Justice Adolescence and Juvenile Employment . . Bibliography Biography . . Central and Local Government Citizenship Economics and Finance Education and Adult Education . . Eugenics, Heredity and Population Family Endowment Housing Industrial Organisation and Social Conditions Industrial and Social History International Relations and Foreign Countries League of Nations Marriage . . Maternity and Child Welfare Political History Political Science .... Poor Law . . Public Health . . Rural Conditions Sex Problems . . . . . . . . PAGE 5 6 7 7 10 II II 13-15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 28 28 30 31 32 34 ^98154 SUBJECTS INDEX. Temperance Reform Trade Unionism . . Women in Industry and in the Professions Woman and the Law . . Women's Movement, The PAGE 35 36 37 39 40 Biblioorapb^. * = Out of print. P.P. = Parliamentary Paper. S.O.P. = Official Publication issued by H.M. Stationery Office. The addresses of Societies whose work is connected with the subject is given at the end of each section. Administration of Justice. A Middlesex Magistrate. The justice of the peace and his functions. 191 1, Dent, 3/6. Annual reports of commissioners of prisons. 1913-1915, P.P. Barnett, Mary G. Young delinquents. A study of reforma- tory and industrial schools. 1913, Methuen, 5s. Claghorn, Kate H. Juvenile delinquency in rural New York. 1918, U.S. Dept. of Labor. Washington. Ellis, Havelock. The criminal. 1901, Walter Scott, 6s. English prisons to-day. Report of the Prison System Enquiry Committee. Edited by Stephen Hobhouse and A. Fenner Brockway. 1922, Longmans, 25s. Flexner, B., and Baldwin, R.N. Juvenile courts and pro- bation. 1915, Richards, 7/6. Goring, Charles. The English convict. 1913, S.O.P., 9s. Abridged Edition, 1919, S.O.P. , 3s. Hall, W. Clarke. The State and the child. 1918, Allen & Unwin, 2S. Healy, W. The individual delinquent. 1915, Heinemann, 21S. Hobhouse, Stephen. An English prison from within. Allen & Unwin, is. Home Ofhce report on the employment of women on police duties. 1920, S.O.P., 3d. HORSLEY, Canon. How criminals are made and prevented. 1913, T. Fisher Unwin, 7/6. Leeson, Cecil. The probation system. 1914, P. S. King, 4s. Lytton, Constance, and Jane Wharton. Prisons and prisoners. Some personal experiences. Heinemann, 3/6. Mason, E. W. Made free in prison. 1918, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. Mitchell, C. A. Science and the criminal. 1911, Pitman, 6s. OSBORN, T. MoTT. Society and prisons. 1916, Oxford Univer- sity Press, 6s. Within prison walls. 1915, Appleton, 10/6. QuiNTON, R. F. Crime and criminals. 1910, Longmans, 4/6. Modern prison curriculum. 1912, Macmillan, 5s. 5 Administration of Justice — continued. Ruggles-Brise, Sir E. The English prison system. 1921, Macmillan, 7/6. Russell, C. E. B. Some problems of juvenile crime. 1917, Oxford University Press, is. Young gaol birds. 1910, Macmillan, 3/6. and L. M. Rugby. The making of the criminal. 1906, Macmillan, 3/6.* Stone's Justices' Manual. Published yearly. 1918, Shaw. 35s. Webb, S. and B. English prisons under local government. 1922, Longmans, 15s. Wines, F. H. Punishment and reformation. 1919, Sonnen- schein. Women police. A summary of the principal recommendations of the Home Ofhce Committee. 1920, N. U.S. E.G., id. Women police and their employment. Little guides for women citizens. " The Englishwoman," yd. Justices of the Peace. N. U.S. E.G., 2d. The powers and duties of justices. An address delivered by Sir Edgar Sanders at the Women Justices' Gonference at the Mansion House, November 30, 1920. N. U.S. E.G., The woman juror. Shall I be wanted. Little guides for women citizens. " The Englishwoman," 7d. \\'omen as jurors. Women's local government society. National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, Evelyn House, 62 Oxford Street, London, W.i. Women's Local Government Society, 19 Tothill Street, S.W.i. The Borstal Association and Central Association for Discharged Con- victs, 15 Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C. The Howard Association and Penal Reform League, 43 Devonshire Chambers, E.C.2. Prison System Enquiry Committee of the Labour Research Department, 46 Marsham Street, Westminster, S.W.i. The National Council of Women of Great Britain and Ireland, Parlia- ment Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.i. Adolescence and Juvenile Employment. Addams, Jane. The spirit of youth in the city streets. 1920, Macmillan, 10/6. Alden, Margaret. Ghild life and labour. 1909, Allen Sc Unwin, is.* GoLLiER, D. J. The girl in industry. 1918, Bell, 9d. Dalth, F. G. The juvenile adult problem. 1916, Humphrey Milford, 4d. Dearle, N. B. Industrial training, with special reference to the conditions prevailing in London. 1914, P. S. King, 10/6. Adolescence and Juvenile Employment — continued. Dewar, Katharine. The girl. 1920, Ratan Tata Dept. of Social Science, Bell, 6s. Final report of departmental committee on juvenile education and employment after the war. P.P., gd. FiNDLAY, J. J- The young wage-earner and the problem of his education. 1918, Sidgwick & Jackson, 3/6. Freeman, Arnold. Boy life and labour. The manufacture of efficiency. 1914, P. S. King.* Hyde, Rev. R. R. The boy. 1921, Ratan Tata Dept. of Social Science. Bell, 6s. Keeling, Frederick. Child labour in the United Kingdom. 1914, P. S. King, 10/6. The labour exchanges in relation to boy and girl labour. P. S. King, is.* Leeson, Cecil. The child and the war. P. S. King, is.* McKeever, William. The industrial training of the girl. 1914, Macmillan, 5/6. Urwick, E. J. Studies of boy life in our cities. Webb, Beatrice. Health of working girls. 1917, Blackie, 3/6. Whitehouse, J. H. Problems of boy life. 1912, P. S. King.*^ Bibliography. What to read on social and economic subjects. 1920, Fabian Society, Allen & Unwin, 2s. Women in industry. A bibliography selected and arranged by Lucy Wyatt Pap worth and Dorothy M. Zimmern. 1915. Women's Industrial Council, is. Biography. Adam, Madame. By Winifred Stephens. 1917, Chapman & Hall, 10/6. Addams, Jane. Twenty years at Hull House. With Auto- biographical Notes. 1920, Macmillan, 17s. Baskirtseff, Marie. Journal of. Translated by Mathilde Blind. 1890, Cassell.* Besant, Annie. An Autobiography. 1920, Fisher Unwin, 8/6. Bess of Hardwick and Her Circle. By Madame Stepney Rawson. 1910, Hutchinson.* Breshkovsky, Catherine. The little grandmother of the Russian Revolution. By Alice Stone Blackwell. 1918, Fisher Unwin, 10/6. Bronte, Charlotte. By Mrs. Gaskell. 1908, Dent, 2s. BuRNEY, Fanny. At the court of Queen Charlotte. By Constance Hill. 1912, John Lane, i6s. Biography — -continued. Butler, Josephine. Autobiographical Memoir. 1912, Arrowsmitli, 3s. Carmen Sylva, Queen of Roumania. Translated from the German by Baroness Deichmann. 1890, Kegan Paul.* Catherine the Great of Russia. By E. A. Brayley. 1914, Methuen.* Catherine of Siena. The mystic bride. By Mrs. A. Richard- son. 1911, Laurie, 12/6. Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. By Arthur Weigah. 1919, Blackwood, i6s.* Clough, Anne Jemima. By B. A. Clough. 1903, Edward Arnold, 6s. Cobbe, Frances Power. The life of, as told by Herself. 1904, Allen & Unwin, 7/6. Courtney, Lord. By G. P. Gooch. 1920, Macmillan, i8s. Curie, Madame;. By Marion Cunningham. 1917, Saint Catherine Press, is. Empress Dowager of China, The Great. By P. W. Sar- geant. 1910, Hutchinson. Fawcett, Henry. By Leslie Stephen. 1886, Smith, Elder.* Frederick, Empress. A Memoir. 1914, Dodd, Mead & Co. (New York). Fry, Elizabeth. Four Biographies from Blackwood. 1903, Blackwood, 5s.* Geoffrin, Madame. By Janet Aldis. 1905, Methuen.* Gladstone, Catherine. By Mary Drew. 1919, Nisbet, 12/6. Grand, Madame Sarah, and Others. Ed. by E. Hill and O. Fenton. Green away, Kate. By Spielmand & Layard. 1905, Black.* Hamilton, Lady, Nelson's legacy. By Frank Danby. 1915, Cassell, i6s. Hatshepsut. Life of. By Terence Gray. 1920, Heffer & Sons (Cambridge), 15s. Hill, Octavia. By C. Edmund Maurice. 1914, Macmillan, i6s. Inglis, Dr. Elsie. By Lady Frances Balfour. 1918, Hodder & Stoughton, 6s. Jex Blake, Sophia. By Dr. Margaret Todd. 191 8, Mac- miUan, i8s. Joan of Arc. By Grace James. 1910, Methuen.* Keller, Helen. Story of my life. 191 1, Hodder & Stough- ton, 10/6. Lehmann, Liza. Autobiography. 1919, Fisher Unwin, 10/6. Lespinasse, Julie de. By Camilla Jebb. Macdonald Margaret Ethel. By J. Ramsey Macdonald. 1920, Swarthmore Press, 7/6. Maria Theresa. By M. M, Moffat. 1911, Methuen.* Biography — continued. Marie Antoinette. By Clara Tschudi. 1907, Allen & Unwin, 7/6.* Marie de Medici. By Louis Battisfol. 1918, Chatto & Windus.* Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. 1877. Smith, Elder.* Melba. By Agnes C. Murphy. 1909, Chatto & Windus.* Montagu, Elizabeth. By Climenson. 2 vols. 1906, John Murray, 36s. More, Hannah. Four Biographies from Blackwood. 1903, Blackwood, 5s.* Nightingale, Florence. By Sir Edward Cook. 2 vols. 1913, Macmillan.* Norton, Mrs. By Jane Grey Perkins. 1910, Murray, 15s. Ormerod, Eleanor. Ed. Robert Wallis. 1904, Murray, 25s. Pankhurst, Emmeline. My own story. 1914, Nash. Place, Francis. By Graham Wallas. 1918, Allen & Unwin, 8/6. Quaker Women. By Mabel R. Brailsford. 1915, Duck- worth, 7/6. Queen Anne. By Herbert Paul. 1912, Hodder & Stoughton.* Queen Victoria. By Lytton Strachey. 1921, Chatto & Windus, 20s. Letters of. 3 vols. 191 1, Murray, 6s. Ranee of Sarawak. My hfe in Sarawak. 1913, Methuen, 12/6. Sand, Georges. By Doumie Rene. 1910, Chapman & Hall.* Santa Teresa. By Gabriela C. Graham. 1907, Nash, 10/6. Schlegel, Caroline. By Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick. 1889, Fisher Unwin, 7/6. Shareefa of Wazan, Emily. My life story. 191 1, Edward Arnold.* Shaw, Anna Howard. The story of a pioneer. 1915, Har- pers, 8s. Smyth, Dr. Ethel. Impressions that remained. 1920, Long- mans, 28s. Somerville, Mary. Four biographies from Blackwood. 1903, Blackwood, 5s.* Stanhope, Lady Hester. By the Duchess of Cleveland. 1914, Murray, i8s. SwANWiCK, Anna. By Mary L. Bruce. 1903, Fisher Unwin, 6s. Terry, Ellen. The story of my life. 1920, Hutchinson, 6s. Victorians, Eminent. Dr. Arnold of Rugby — General Gor- don — Cardinal Manning — Florence Nightingale. By Lytton Strachey. 1921, Chatto & Windus, 10/6. 10 Biography — continued. Washington, Booker T. Up from slavery. 1910, T. Nelson, * IS.' WiLLARD, Frances. By Ray Strachey. 1912, Fisher Unwin, 5s. WooLSTONECRAFT, Mary. By G. R. Stirling Taylor. 1911, Martin Seeker.* Central and Local Government. AsHFORD, E. Bright, and Edith Place. A handbook on local government. 1918, R. Bates, is. Ashley, Percy. Local and central government. 1906, Murray, 10/6.* Beard, Mary Ritter. Women's work in municipalities. 1916, National Municipal League Series, Appleton, New York, 12/6. Beveridge, Sir W. Public service in war and peace. 1921, Constable, 2S. Brownlow, J. M. E. Women's work in local government. 1911, Nutt, 2S. Clarke, John J. Outlines of central government. 1921, Pitman, 1/6. Outlines of local government. 1921, Pitman, 1/6. Cole, G. D. H., Sidney Webb and Others. Handbook for local government. 1920, Labour Party, 3s. and 5s. Gill, C. Government and people. 1920, Hodder & Stough- ton, 5s. Jenks, Edward. The government of the British empire. As at the end of the year 1917. 1920, Murray, 10/6. An outline of English local government. 192 1, Methuen, 5s. Lloyd, C. M. Reorganisation of local government. 1919, Allen & Unwin, is. Lloyd, J. Seymour. Municipal elections and how to fight them. 1909, Vacher, 3/6. Local government directory. Annual. 1919, Shaw, 15s. Low, Sidney. The governance of England. 1914, Fisher Unwin, 8/6. Lovn^ell, a. L. The government of England. 1920, Mac- millan, 24s. Masterman, Rt. Hon. C. F. G. How England is governed. 1921, Selwyn & Blount, 8/6. Odgers, W. Blake, and Edward J. Naldrett. Local govern- ment. The English citizen ; his rights and responsibilities. 1907, Macmillan, 3/6.* Redlich, J., and F. W. Hirst. Local government in England. 1903, Macmillan, 25s. II Central and Local Government — continued. Report on the machinery of government. 1918, Ministry of Reconstruction, P.P. Cd. 9230. 6d. Traill, H. D. Central government. 1908, Macmillan, 4s. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. English local government from the Revohition to the municipal corporations. The parish and the county. 1906, Longmans, i6s. English local government. The story of the king's highway. 1920, Longmans, 12s. National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, Evelyn House, 62 Oxford Street, W.i. Women's Local Government Society, 19 Tothill Street, S.W.i. Fabian Society, 25 Tothill Street, S.W.i. Citizenship. Attlee, C. R., M.A. The social worker. 1920, G. Bell, 6s. Eustace, Violet. Women Citizens' Association Handbook. 1915, N.U.S.E.C, 6d. MacCunn, John. Ethics of citizenship. 1921, Maclehose, 4/6. Mackinder, H. J. The modern British state. An introduc- tion to the study of civics. Philip, 2s. Matheson, M. Cecile. Citizenship. An introductory hand- book. 1917, Student Christian Movement, 1/9.* Mathew, E. J. The citizen and the state. Part L Repre- sentative government. 1914, Macmillan, 2/6. Sparkes, L. J. Civics. 1912, Allen & Unwin, is.* SwANN, Fred. A primer of citizenship. 1919, Longmans, 3/6. A primer of London citizenship. 1915, P. S. King, 2S. Worts, F. R. Citizenship, its meaning, privileges and duties. 1919, Hodder & Stoughton, 4/6. National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, Evelyn House, 62 Oxford Street, W.i. Civic Education League, 65 Belgrave Road, S.W.i. Economics and Finance. Atkinson, M., and M. McKillip. Economics. Descriptive and theoretical. 1911, Allman, 4/6. BowLEY, A. L. A division of the product of industry. An analysis of national income before the war. 1919, Claren- don Press, 2/6. The nature and purpose of the measurement of the social phenomena. 1915, P- S. King, 5s. 12 Economics and Finance — contiimed Cannan, Edwin. Wealth. A brief examination of the causes of economic welfare. 1922, P. S. King, 6s. Money. Its connection with rising and falling prices. 1921, P. S. King, 3/6. Clay, Henry. Economics for the general reader. 1920, Macmillan, 4/6. CuNNisoN, J. Economics. 1920, Methuen, 5s. - Fawcett, Mrs. Henry. Political economy for beginners. 1911, Macmillan, 3s. GouGH, G. W. Wealth and work. 1921, G. Philip, 2/6. HiGGS, Henry. National economy. An outline of public administration. 1917, Macmillan, 3/6. HoBSON, J. A. The science of wealth. 1919, Williams & Norgate, 2/6. Taxation in the new state. 1919, Methuen, 6s. Work and wealth. A human valuation. 1921, Macmillan, 14s. The industrial system. An enquiry into earned and unearned income. 1909, Longmans, 8s. Income tax, Reports of royal commission on the. 8 vols. Cd. 288-615. 1920-21, P.P., 20s. Jones, H. J. Social economics. 1920, Methuen, 6s. Jones, Robert. The nature and first principle of taxation. 1914, P. S. King, 8/6. Taxation : 5/esterday and to-morrow. 1921, P. S. King. 3/6. Lawrence, F. W. Pethick. A levy on capital. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 3/6 and 2s. Layton, W. Introduction to the study of prices. 1920, Macmillan, 7/6. Lever, E. A. A primer of taxation, an introduction to public finance. 1922, P. S. King, 2/6. Miller, J. G. High prices and the quantity theor}^ MiLNES, Alfred. Economics for to-day. 1920, J. M. Dent, 3/6. Money, Chiozza. Riches and poverty. 1914, Methuen, 5s. Nicholson, J. S. War finance. . 1918, P. S. King, 10/6. Inflation. 1918, P. S. King, 4s. Penson, Sir H. The economics of every-day life. Part I. 1920, Cambridge University Press, 4/6. Springer, Leonard. Some aspects of financial and com- mercial after-war conditions. 1918, P. S. King, 2/6. Tawney, R. H. The sickness of an acquisitive society. 192 1, Bell, 4/6. The case for the national minimum. 1913, National Council for the Prevention of Destitution.* Economics and Finance — continued. Veblen, Thorstein. The theory of the leisured class. 1899, Macmillan, 8/6.* Withers, Hartley. Poverty and waste. 1920, Murray, 6s. Our money and the state. 1917, Murray, 3/6. The case for capitalism. 1920, Nash, 7s. The meaning of money. 1921, Murray, 6s. Why prices rise and fall. 1920, Oxford University Press, 2/6. Education. A guide to the Education Act, 1918. Revised and enlarged by K. E. T. Wilkinson, B.A., LL.B. The Athenaeum Literature Department, 3/6. ACLAND, Mrs. A. H. Child training. Suggestions for parents and teachers. 1916, Sidgwick & Jackson, 3/6. Adamson, J. W. A short history of education. 1919, Cam- bridge University Press, 12/6. Addams, Jane. The spirit of youth in the city streets. 1920, Macmillan, 10/6. Advance in co-education. Ed. by Alice Woods. 1919, Sidg- wick & Jackson, 3/6. Baden Powell, Sir R. Girl guiding. 192 1, Pearson, 2s. Badley, J. H. Education after the war. 1917, Blackwell, 3/6. Barlow, Sir M., and R. Holland. The Education Act, 1918. 1918, National Education Society, 1/6. Bray, R. The town child. 191 1, Fisher Unwin, 3/6. Bryant, Sophie. Moral and religious education. 1920, Arnold, 6s. Bulkley, M. E. Feeding of school children. 1914, Bell, 4/6. Cambridge Essays on Education. Ed. by A. C. Benson. 1919, Cambridge University Press, 8/6. Cates, Joseph. The welfare of the school child. 1919, Cassell, 5s. Clarke, John. The school and other educators. 1918, Longmans, 5s. Cook, Caldwell. The play way. 1917, Heinemann, 8/6. Cruikshank, Lewis D. School clinics at home and abroad. 1913, Nat. League for Health, Maternity and Child Welfare, 3/6. CuLVERWELL, E. P. The Montessori principle and practice. 1918, Bell, 6s. Dewey, John. Democracy and education. An introduction to the philosophy of education. 1916, Macmillan, 9s. Findlay, J. J. The school. An introduction to the study of education. 1911, Williams, 2s. * * H Education — continued. FiNDLAY Johnson J. K. The dramatic method of teaching. Nisbet, 3/6. Foster, L. G. The new needlecraft. 1917, P. S. King, 2s. GoLLANCz, Victor, and David Somervell. PoHtical educa- tion at a pubhc school. 1918, Colhns, 3/6. Grant, Rev. Cecil, and Norman Hodgson. The case for co-education. 1913, Grant Richards, 5s. Hall, G. Stanley. Youth ; its education, regimen and hygiene. 1907, Appleton, 6s. Hodgson, W. B. The education of girls, and the employment of women of the upper classes educationally considered. 1869, Kegan Paul.* Holmes, Edmond. In defence of what might be. 1914, Constable, 5s. What is and what might be. 1917, Constable, 1/6. The tragedy of education. 1921, Constable, 2/6. Hughes, M. L. V. Citizens to be. 1917, Constable, 5s. Macmillan, Margaret. The camp school. 1919, Allen & Unwin, 4/6. The nursery school. 1919, Dent, 7/6. Macmunn, Norman. The child's path to freedom. 1921, Bell, 2/6. MoNTESSORi, Maria. The Montessori method. 1919, Heine- mann, 8/6. Murray, E. R., and H. B. Smith. The child under eight, 1919, Edward Arnold, 6s. Newton, A. W. The EngHsh elementary school. 1919, Longmans, 6s. Owen, Grace. Nursery school education. 1920, Methuen, 5/6. Peplow, Douglas. Child and the parent (Care Committee). 1914, Constable, 2/6. Richmond, Kenneth. Education for liberty. 1918, Collins, 6s. ■ The curriculum. 1919, Constable, 5s. Slaughter, J. W. The adolescent. 1919, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. The new era in education. Ed. by E. Young. Philip, 2/6. The new teaching. Ed. by John Adams. 1920, Hodder & Stoughton, 12/6. Thomas, A. A. The Education Act, 1918. A handbook for the use of administrators. P. S. King, 6s. Whetham, C. D. The upbringing of daughters. 1917, Long- mans, 5s. Woods, Alice. Educational experiments in England. 1920, Methuen, 7/6. Yeaxlee, Basil A. An educated nation. 1920, Oxford University Press, 2/6. 15 Adult Education. Best, R. H., and C. K. Ogden. The problem of the continu- ation school and its successful solution in Germany. 1914, P. S. King, IS. Cambridge essays on adult education. Ed. by R. H. J. Parry. 1920, Cambridge University Press, 12/6. Continuation schools in England and elsewhere. Ed. by Sir M. Sadler. 1907, University of Manchester Press, 10/6 Dearle, N. B. Industrial training, with special reference to conditions prevailing in London. 1914, P. S. King, 10/6 Equipment of the workers. Enquiry by St. Philip's settle- ment. Ed. by Arnold Freeman. 1919, Allen & Unwin 10/6 and 6s. Gardner, A. A short history of Newnham College. 192 1 Bowes & Bowes, 7/6. Mansbridge, a. An adventure in working class education 1920, Longmans, 6s. University tutorial classes. 1913, Longmans, 6s.* Board of Education. Annual reports, 1919-1920. P.P., 1/2 Chief medical officer's annual reports, 1910-20. Board of Education, P.P., 6s. Final report of the Adult Education Committee, 1919. Ministry of Reconstruction. Cd. 321. S.O.P., P.P., 1/9. Final report of departmental committee on juvenile education and employment after the war. 1919, P.P., gd. Progress of education in India, 1912-17. 2 vols. 1919, P.P., 5/9- Suggestions for work of public elementary schools, for considera- tion of teachers. 1920, Board of Education, S.O.P., is. The cinema. Its present position and future possibilities. Being the report and chief evidence taken by the cinema commission of enquiry, instituted by the national council of public morals. 1917, Williams & Norgate, 12/6. The Education Consolidated Act, 1921. S.O.P., is. The Education Act, 1918. S.O.P., 4d. Training of teachers in elementary schools. Regulations. Board of Education, P.P., 6d. Montessori Societ3^ 11 Tavistock Square, W.C. Froebel Society and National Froebel Union, 4 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. National Union of Teachers, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, W.C. National Union of Women Teachers, 39 Gordon Square, W.C.i. National Education Association, Caxton House, Tothill Street, S.W.i. The Workers' Educational Association, i6 Harpur Street, W.C.i. The World Association for Adult Education, 13 John Street, Adelphi, W.C. Parents' National Education Union, 26 Victoria Street, S.W.i. National Adult School Union, 30 Bloomsbury Street, W.C.i. i6 Eugenics, Heredity and Population. Crackenthorpe, M. Population and birth control. 1917, Chapman & Hall.* Drysdale, C. V. The small family system. Is it injurious or immoral ? 1913, A. C. Fifield, 2s.* Drysdale, Ingman B. Labour troubles and birth control. 1920, Heinemann, 3/6. Ellis, Havelock. The problem of race regeneration. 1911, Cassell.* GoRST, Sir J. Education and race regeneration. 1913, Cassell.* Hecht, C. E. Rearing an imperial race. 1913, St. Catherine's Press, 7/6. Herbert, S. First principles of heredity. 1917, Black, 7/6. March, Norah H. Towards racial health. 1920, Routledge, More, Adelyn. Fecundity versus civilisation. 1917, Allen & Unwin.* Morgan, T. H. Physical basis of hcreditv. 1919, Lippincott, 10/6. Newsholme, Sir A. The dechning birth rate. 1911, Cassell, 6d. Problems in eugenics, ist international congress held at University of London, 1912. Eugenics Educational Societ}-, IS. Problems of population and parenthood. 2nd report of the national birth rate commission, 1918-20. 1920, Chapman, 25s. Punnett, R. C. Mendelism. 1919, Macmillan, 7/6. Reid, G. a. Laws of heredity. 1910, Methuen, 21s. Saleeby, G. W. Parenthood and race culture. 1909, Cas- sell.* The methods of race regeneration. 191 1, Cassell.* Schuster, E. Eugenics. 1913, Collins.* The declining birth rate. Its causes and effects, ist report of the national Birth rate commission, 1913-16. 1916, Chapman, 10/6. Watson, J. A. S. Heredity. 1919, Jack & Nelson, 1/3. Whetham, W. C. D., and C. D. Whetham. Introduction to eugenics. 1912, Macmillan, is.* Heredity and society. 1912, Longmans, 6s. Woodward, E. H. Men, women and progress. 1885, Dulau, 7/6.* Yule, G. N. Tlic fall of the l>irth rate. Paper read before Cam]:)ridgc University Eugenics Society, May 20, 1920. 1920, Caml)ridge University Press, 4s. Census, 1911, County of London. S.O.P., is. 17 Eugenics, Heredity and Population — continued. Census, 191 1, of England and Wales. General report with appendices. P.P., 4/6. Vol. VII. Ages and conditions as to marriage. P.P., 4/1 1. Vol. X. Occupation and industries. Parti. P.P., 8s. ; occupations and industries. Part II. P.P., 6/3 ; alphabetical list of occupations. P.P., 3s. Vol. XIII. Part I. Fertihty of marriage. P.P., 4s.; summary tables, P.P., 3/5. Census of Ireland, 1911. General report. P.P., 5/3. Census of Scotland, 1911. Vol. II. P.P., 6/2. Eugenics Education Society, 11 Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.2. Family Endowment. Eden, ^l. D. The endowment of motherhood. 1908, New Age Press, is. Equal pay for equal work. 1920, N.U.S.E.C, 2d. Harben, Henry D. The endowment of motherhood. 1910, Fabian Society, 3d. Laws relating to mothers' pensions in the United States, Den- mark and New Zealand. MiLNER, Denis. State bonus scheme. A business proposi- tion. 1920, State Bonus League, 3d. National family endowment. 1920, N.U.S.E.C, 2d. Piddington, a. B. The next step. A family basic income. 1921, Macmillan, is. Rathbone, E. F. Wages plus family ahowances. 1921, Family Endowment Committee, 2d. The problem of women's wages. 1912, Northern Publishing Co., Liverpool, 3d. and Others. Equal pay and the family. 1920, N.U.S.E.C, IS. Report of the Australian royal commission on the basic wage, 1920. Report of the war cabinet committee on women in industry. 1919, P.P., 1/6. Royden, a. Maud. National endowment of motherhood. 1919, Women's International League, 2d. Stocks, M. D. The meaning of family endowment. 192 1, Allen & Unwin, is. Survey of relief to widows. ^Ministry of Health. 1919- ^^'idows' pensions. 1920, N.U.S.E.C, 2d. Widows' pensions bill. N.U.S.E.C, 3d. Family Endowment Committee, Evelyn House, 62 Oxford Street, W.i. National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, Evel}ni House, 63 Oxford Street, W.i. Housing. Alden, Percy, and E. E. Hayward. Housing. 1907, Allen & Unwin, 1/6.* Annual Reports, 1917-18. Local Government Board, S.O.P., IS. Annual Reports, 1919-20. Ministry of Health, S.O.P., is. Conversion of houses into flats for the working classes. Minis- try of Health. 1919,5.0.?. IS. 42nd annual report of the Local Government Board. Part 2. Housing and town planning. Cd. 6981. 1913, P.P., 9d. FuRNiss, A. D. Sanderson, and Marion Phillips. The working woman's house. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 1/6. Geddes, Patrick. Cities in evolution. 1915, Williams & Norgate, 8/6. Harris, H. J. Maternity Benefit systems in certain foreign countries. 1919. U.S. Dept. of Labor, Washington. HiGGS, Mary, and Edward E. Hayward, M.A. Where shall she live ? The homelessness of the woman worker. 1910, P. S. King, 2/6.* Where shall she live ? The answer. 1914, Nat. Assoc, for Women's Lodging Homes, 6d. Housing. Powers and duties of local authorities. Ministry of Health. 1919, S.O.P., 2d. HuTTON, J. E. Welfare and housing. A practical record of war-time management. 1918, Longmans, 5s. Garden Cities and Town Planning Association, 3 Gray's Inn Place, W.C. National Housing and Town Planning Council, 41 Russell Square, W.C.i. Agricultural Organisation Society, 40, The Broadway, S.W.i. Interim and final report of the Advisory Council of the Women's Housing Sub-Committee. Ministry of Reconstruction. Cd. 9166, 9232, 2 pts., 1918-19, P.P., 6d. London County Council. Housing of the working classes in London, 1855-1912. 1913, P. S. King, is. Manual on the preparation of state-aided housing schemes. 1919, Local Government Board, S.O.P., 2/6. Reiss, Richard. The home I want. 1919, Hodder & Stough- ton, 2/6. Report of the Committee appointed by the President of the Local Government Board and the Secretary for Scotland to consider questions of building construction in connec- tion with the provision of dwellings for the working classes in England, Wales and Scotland. Cd. 9191. 1918, P.P., IS. Report of the proceedings of the National Conference on lodging-house accommodation for women. 191 1, P. S, King.* 19 Housing — continued . Robertson, John. Housing and the public health. Cassell, Savage, William G. Rural housing. 1915, Fisher Unwin, 7/6. SwANWiCK, H. M. The small town garden. 1907, Sherratt & Hughes, 3/6. Unfit houses and unhealthy areas. Policy and practice. Vol. I. 1919. Ministry of Health, S.O.P., is. Women and Housing. Labour saving in the home. 1920, Garden Cities and Town Planning Association, 6d. Industrial Organisation and Social Conditions. Abbott, Edward. The law and the poor. Appleton, W. a. What we want and where we are. 1921, Hodder & Stoughton, 6/- AvEBURY, Lord. Municipal and national trading. 1907, Macmillan, 2/6. Bell, Lady. At the works. 1907, Arnold, 6s.* Beveridge, Sir W. H. Unemployment. A problem of in- dustry. 1912, Longmans, 9s. Black, Clementina. Sweated industry and the minimum wage. Duckworth, 2/6. Booth, Charles. Life and labour of the people in London, 16 vols, ist series — Poverty, 4 vols. 7/6 each. 2nd series — Industry, 5 vols. 7/6 each. 3rd series — Religious influences, 7 vols. 12/6 each. 1904, Macmillan. Bosanquet, H. The strength of the people. 1903, Mac- millan.* BowLEY, A. L., and A. H. Hurst-Barnett. Livelihood and poverty. 1915, Ratan Tata Foundation, Bell, 4s. Bulkley, M. E. The establishment of legal minimum rates in the boxmaking industry under the Trade Boards Act of 1909. 1915, Bell, 1/6. Cadbury, Edward. Experiments in industrial organisation. 1912, Longmans, 5s.* Chapman, Sir S. J. Work and wages. Part 3. Social Betterment. 1914, Longmans, 9s. Cohen, J. L. Insurance against unemployment with special reference to British and American conditions. 1921, P. S. King, i8s. Cole, G. D. H. Chaos and order in industry. 1920, Methuen, 7/6. Labour in the Commonwealth. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 6s. The payment of wages. 1918, Allen & Unwin, 6s. 20 Industrial Organisation and Social Conditions^ — continued. Davies, a. Emil. The case for nationalisation. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 2/6. Fay, C. R. Co-operation at home and abroad. 1919, P. S. King, i8s. FuRNiss, H. Sanderson, John Hilton and J. J. Mallon. The State and industry during the war and after. Council of Ruskin College. 1918, P. S. King, is. GiDE, Charles. Consumers' Co-operative Societies. 1921. Fisher Unwin. 8/6. GoLDMARK, Josephine. Fatigue and efficiency. New York Survey Association. GoLLANCZ, Victor. Industrial ideals. 1920, Oxford Univer- sity Press, 2/6. Graham, William. Wages of labour. 1920, Cassell, 5s. HoARE, H. J. Old age pensions. Their actual working and ascertained results in the United Kingdom. 1916, P. S. King, 3/6. Hodges, Frank. Nationalisation of the mines. 1920, Par- sons, 4/6. Kerr, C. U. Guide to industrial welfare work. 1920, Co- operative Press Agency, 2s. Labour and industry in 1913. The Times series. 1913, Murray, is. Labour conditions in Soviet Russia. (Questionnaire and Bibliography prepared for the Mission of Enquiry in Russia.) 1920, Harrison, 7/6. Layton, W. Capital and labour. 1914, Collins, is. Marshall, Alfred. Industry and trade. 1920, Macmillan, i8s. Mess, H. A. Casual labour at the docks. Enquiry at Liver- pool docks. 1916, Bell, 2s.* Money, Chiozza. The triumph of nationalisation. 1920, Cassell, 7/6. Myers, C. S. Mind and work (the psychological factors in industry and commerce). 1921, University of London Press, 6s. The present-day application of psychology with special reference to industry, education and nervous breakdown. 1918, Methuen, is. Orton, a. W. a. Labour in transition. A survey of Briti.sh industrial history since 1914. 1921. Patterson, Alex. Across the bridges. 1918, Arnold, 2s. PiGOU, A. C. Unemployment. 1913, Williams & Norgate, 2/6. --- Proud, Dorothea. Welfare work. Employers' experiments for improving working conditions in factories. 1918, Bell, los. 21 Industrial Organisation and Social Conditions — continued. Reeves, Mrs. Pember. Round about a pound a week. 1913, Bell, 2/6.* Report of the Labour Commission to Ireland. 1921, Cale- donian Press, 2s. Rowntree, B. Seebohm. The human needs of labour. 1918, T. Nelson, 3/6. Poverty : a study of town life. 1906, Macmillan, IS.* and Bruno Lasker. Unemployment. A social study. 1911, Macmillan, 5s. Shadwell, Arthur. Industrial efficiency. A comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany and America. 1920, Longmans, 10/6. Snowden, Philip. Wages and prices. 1920, The Faith Press, 1/6. Tawney, R. H. The establishment of minimum rates in the chainmaking industry under the Trade Boards Act of 1909. 1914, Bell, 1/6. Webb, S. and B. The Consumers' Co-operative Movement. 1921, Longmans, i8s. Problems of Modern Industry. 1920, Longmans, 7/6. Williams, Aneurin. Copartnership and profit sharing. 1919, Williams & Norgate, 2/6. Willis. Trade boards at work. 1920, Nisbet, 4/6. Withers, Hartley. The case for capitalism. Murray, 6s. WooLF, L. S. Co-operation and the future of industry. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 5s. Abstract of labour statistics, 1913. P.P., 1/6.* Annual reports of the Registrar General, 1911, 1914, 1916, 1917. P.P. Enquiry by Board of Trade into cost of living of the working classes, 1913. P.P., 5/5. 1st Annual report of the Minister of Pensions, 1918. P.P., 6d. Industrial councils. The Whitley report together with the letter of the Ministry of Labour. 1918, S.O.P., 2d. Interim report on industrial fatigue. Report of commission of enquiry into industrial unrest. P.P., 1/3. Ditto. Final report, 1918. P.P., 2s. Labour Gazette. (Issued monthly by the Ministry of Labour.) S.O.P.. 6d. Report of select committee on Trade Boards Act Provisional Orders Bill. 1914, P.P., 1/7. Report on changes in rates, wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1919 with comparative statistics. Board of Trade. Cd. 7635. P.P., 2/6. 22 Industrial Organisation and Social Conditions — continued. The minority report of the Poor Law Commission. Part II. The unemployed. 1909, S.O.P., gd.* The report of the Trades Boards. 1913, P.P., 7d. Works Committees. Report of an enquiry made by the Ministry of Labour. Industrial Reports No. 2. 1918, S.0.P.;6d. Industrial and Social History. Allsopp, H. An introduction to English industrial history. 1920, Bell, 2/6. Ashley, Sir W. J. Introduction to economic history and theory. 2 vols. Part I. The middle ages. 1919, 7/6. Part II. The end of the middle ages. 1920, Longmans, 14s. Cannan, Edwin. The history of local rates in England. 191 1, P. S. King, 5s. Cressy, E. An outline of industrial history. 1920, Mac- millan, 4s. Cunningham, W. The growth of English industry and com- merce in modern times. Vol. II. Part I. Mercantile, system, 20s. ; Part II. Laissez faire, 15s. 1907, Cambridge University Press. Fay, C. R. Life and labour in the 19th century. 1920, Cambridge University Press, 20s. FuRNiss, H. Sanderson, J. J. Mallon, John Hilton. The State and industry during the war and after. Council of Ruskin College. 1918, P. S. King, is. Green, Alice S. Town life in the fifteenth century. 2 vols. 1907, Macmillan, 25s. Hammond, J. L. and Barbara. The town labourer, 1760- 1832. The new civilisation. 1920, Longmans, 10/6. The village labourer, 1760-1832. 1920, Longmans, los. The skilled labourer, 1760-1832. 1920, Longmans, 12/6. Hodges, H. R. Economic conditions, 1815 and 1914. 1917, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. Hovell, Mark. The Chartist movement. 1918, Longmans, 7/6. Knowles, Lilian. The economic development of the 19th century. 192 1, Routledge, 6/6. Meredith, H. O. Outlines of the economic history of England. 1908, Pitman, 7/6. Orton, W. a. Labour in transition. A survey of Briti-sh industrial history since 1914. 1921, P. Allan, 10/6. 23 Industrial and Social History — continued. QuENNELL, M. A history of c very-day things in England. Part II. 1919, Batsford, 8/6. Rogers, J. E. Thorold. Six centuries of work and wages. 1890, Fisher Unwin, 10/6. Slater, Gilbert. The making of modern England. 1913, Constable, 7/6. Stocks, M. D. The industrial state, 1920, Collins, 4s. ToYNBEE, Arnold. The industrial revolution of the eight- eenth century in England. 1920, Longmans, 5s. Usher. Introduction to the industrial history of England. 1921, 15s. Warner, Townsend. Landmarks in English industrial his- tory. 1920, Blackie, 7/6. Wood, G. H. History of wages in the cotton trade during the past hundred years, 1910. 1916, Sherratt & Hughes, 3s. Worts, F. R. Modern industrial history. Hodder & Stough- ton, 4/6. International Relations and Foreign Countries. A revision of the treaty. 1921, Macmillan, 7/6. Addams, Jane. Newer ideals of peace. 191 1, Macmillan, I2S. Angell, Norman. The peace treaty and the economic chaos of Europe. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 3s. The foundations of international polity. Heine- mann, 5s. Brailsford, H. N. The war of steel and gold. 1917, Bell, 2/6. Across the blockade. 1919, Allen & Unwin, 2/6. The Russian workers' republic. 1921, Allen & Unwin, 6s. BuLOW, Prince von. Imperial Germany. 1914. Cassell, 2s. Burns, C. Delisle. International politics. 1920, Methuen, Buxton, Charles Roden and Dorothy Frances. The world after the war. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 7/6. Cocks, F. Seymour. The secret treaties. 1918, Union of Democratic Control, 2s. Creighton, Louise, and Others. The theory of the State. 1916, Oxford University Press, 5s. Dickinson, G. Lowes. After the war. 1917, Fifield, 6d.* Herbert, Sidney. Nationality and its problems. 1920, Methuen, 5s. Keynes, J. M. The economic consequences of the peace. 1920, Macmillan, 8/6. A revision of the Treaty. 1922. ^lacmillan, 7/6. 24 International Relations and Foreign Countries — continued. i\lARYiN, F. S. The unity of western civilisation. 1915, Oxford University Press, 7/6. MuiR, Ramsay. Nationalism and internationalism. 1919, Constable, 7/6. Problems of the international settlement. Introduction by G. Lowes Dickinson. 191 8, Allen & Unwin, 6s. Shaw, G. Bernard. Peace conference hints. 1919, Con- stable, 1/6. SiDGWiCK, E. M., and Others. The international crisis. 1916, Oxford University Press, 5s. vSnowden, Mrs. P. Through Bolshevik Russia. Cassell, 1920, 5s- The Treaty of Versailles. S.O.P., 1919, 2/6. Warren-Russell, R. G. New Zealand to-day. 1919. Watson, R. W. Seton. The Southern Slav question and the Hapsburg Monarchy. 1911, Constable, 12/6.* Wells, H. G. Russia in the shadows. 1920, Hodder & Stoughton, 6s. Roumania and the Great War. 1915. Constable, 2s. ZiMMERN, Alfred E. Nationality and government, \vith other war-time essays. 1919, Chatto & Windus, 6s. Great Britain and the European crisis, 1914. P.P., is. Statement exhibiting the moral and material progress and con- dition of India, 1919-20. P.P., 3/6. The famine in Europe. Report of the International Economic Conference, November, 1919. Fight the Famine Council, 2/6. The German \Miite Book. The English translation issued by the German Government, August, 1914. Oxford Univer- sity Press, 9d. League of Nations. Angell, Norman. Economic functions of the league. 1920, League of Nations Union, is. Brailsford, H. N. a league of nations. 1917, Allen & Unwin, 2s. Butler, Sir Geoffrey. A handbook to the league of nations. 1919, Longmans, 5s. Delavigne, Sir Malcolm. International regulations of labour under the peace treaty. 1920, Manchester University Press, IS. Dewarichet, Th. Report of the international financial com- mittee. Brussels, is. Harris, W. Wilson. What they did at Geneva. An account of the first assembly of the league of nations. 1921, Daily News, 6d. League of Nations — continued. Hetherington, H. J. W. International labour legislation. 1920, Methuen, 6s. Marburg, Theodore. League of nations. 1918, Macmillan, 5/6. Marvin, F. S. History of the league of nations. 1921, League of Nations Union, 2d. NiTOBE, L What the league of nations has done and is doing. 1920, Harrison, 6d. Pollock, Sir Frederick. League of nations and the coming rule of law. 1918, Oxford University Press, 3d. Smuts, General. The League of nations. A practical suggestion. 1918, Hodder & Stoughton.* The first assembly. Edited by O. Brett. 1921, Macmillan, 3/6. The league of nations starts : an outline by its organisers. 1920, Macmillan, 10/6. The nations and the league. Introduction by Sir G. Paish. 1920, Fisher Unwin, 7/6. The covenant explained. Introduction by Professor Gilbert Murray. 1919, Educational Publishing Company, is. Women's International League, 55 Gower Street, W.C. Friends' Emergency Relief Committee, 27 Chancery Lane, W.C. Marriage. Avebury, Lord. Marriage, totemism and religion. 191 1, Longmans, 4/6. Bremner, C. S. Divorce and morality. 1912, Palmer, is. Chapman, Cecil. Marriage and divorce. Some needed re- forms in Church and State. 1913, Nutt, 3/6. Chesser, E. S. Woman, marriage and motherhood. 1913, Cassell, 6s. Corin, James. Mating, marriage and the status of woman. 1910, Walter Scott, 2/6. Forester, F. W. Marriage and the sex problem. 1912, Wells Gardner, 5s. Forsyth, P. T., M.A., D.D. Marriage : its ethics and rehgion. 1912, Hodder & Stoughton, 2/6. Hall, W. Clarke. Maintenance orders. 1919, N.U.S.E.C, 4d. Hamilton, A. Marriage and divorce. 1913, Daily Chronicle, 3d. Hamilton, Cicely. Marriage as a trade. 1909, Chapman & Hall, 2s. Key, Ellen. Love and marriage. 1912, Putnam, 12s. Morrow, Dr. P. A. Social diseases and marriage. Lea Bros. Murray, Eunice G. Scottish law as it affects women. N.U.S.E.C. 1921, P. S. King, 3d. 26 Marriage — continued. NiSBET, J. F. Marriage and heredity. 1908, Grant, Edin- burgh.* Parsons, E. C. The family. An ethnographical and histori- cal outline. 1906, Putnams, 12/6.* Retourneau, Ch. Evolution of marriage and the family. 1891, Walter Scott, 5s. ScHARLiEB, Dr. Mary. What it means to marry, or, young women and marriage. 1914, Cassell 2/6.* Smith, Rosamond. Legal status of wives and mothers. N.U.S.E.C. 1921, P. S. King, 3d. Stephens, Margaret. Woman and Marriage. 1910, Unwin, 3/6. Stores, Marie. Married love. 1918, Fifield, 6s. Thicknesse, R. The Married Women's Property Acts. 1882, Maxwell, 7/6. Urlin, Ethel. A short history of marriage. 1913, Rider, 3/6. Westermarck, Ed. The history of human marriage. Mac- millan, 14s. Royal commission on divorce and matrimonial causes. Minutes of evidence. Vols, i, 2, 3. 1912, P.P., 14/2. Report. 1912, P.P., 1/9. Appendices to the minutes of evidence. Cd. 6482. 1912, P.P., i/io. The majority and minority reports summarised. 1912, P. S. King, IS. Maternity and Child Welfare. Ashby, Hugh T. Infant mortality. 1915, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 10/6. Chesser, Dr. E. S. Woman, marriage and motherhood. 1913, Cassell, 6s. EcKHARD, Edith. The mother and the infant. 1920, Bell, 6s. Freund, Ernst. Illegitimacy Laws of the United States, France, Germany and Switzerland. 1919- U.S. Dept. of Labor. Washington. Garnett, W. H. Stuart. Children and the law. 191 1, Mur- ray, 2/6.* Kamerer, Percy Gamble. The unmarried mother. A study of 500 cases. Criminal science monograph. 1918, Heine- mann, 12/6. Lane-Claypon, Dr. Janet E. The child welfare movement. 1920, Bell, 7s. Magnusson, Leifur. Norwegian Laws concerning illegitimate children. 1918. U.S. Dept. of Labor. Washington. Maternity. Letters from working women. Collected by the Women's Co-operative Guild. 1916, Bell, 3/6. 27 Maternity and Child Welfare— continued. MiLNES, NoRAH. Child welfare. 1920, Dent, 6s. Mothercraft. Parts i and 2. Lectures of Nat. Association for Prevention of Infant Mortality. 1915, 4s. Newman, George. Infant Mortality. 1906, Methuen, 7/6. Palmer, Mabel. Life saving in war-time. A campaign handbook. 1916, Pearson, is. Porter, Charles. The future citizen and his mother. 1918, Constable, 3/6. Robinson, W. E. Baby welfare. 1918, Fisher Unwin, 7/6. Scharlieb, Dr. Mary. Welfare of the expectant mother. 1919, Cassell, 5s. Scurfield, Harold. Infant and young child welfare. 1919, Cassell, 5s. Stores, Dr. Marie. Wise parenthood. 1921, Putnams, 3/6. Sumner and Merritt. Child labour legislation in the United States, Washington, 1915. The child she bare. By a Foundling. 1919, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. Child Mortality. Local Government Board, 1916. P.P., is. Departmental committee on juvenile education in relation to employment. 1919, P.P., 9d. Employment of Children Act. Minutes of evidence of depart- mental committee, with appendices and index. 2 parts. 1910, P.P., 4/10. Maternity and child welfare. Report of Local Government Board on the provision made by the public health authori- ties and voluntary agencies. 1917, S.O.P., is. Medical inspection and feeding of children attending elementary schools. Report of committee, with appendices. Vol. i. 1905, P.P., 1/3. Minutes of evidence. Vol. 2. 1905, P.P., 3s. Report of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust on the physical welfare of mothers and children. Vol i. England and Wales. By E. W. Hope. Vol. 2. England and Wales. By Janet M. Campbell. Vol. 3. Scotland. By W. Leslie Mackenzie. Vol. 4. Ireland. By E. Coley Bigger. Report on maternal mortality in connection with childbearing and its relation to infant mortality, 1915. Cd. 8085. P.P., IS. The guardianship of infants. N.U.S.E.C, 4d. The mortalities of birth, infancy and childhood. National Health Insurance Medical Research Committee. Special report. Series No. 10, 1917. S.O.P., 1/6. Association of Maternity and Infant Welfare Centres, 117 Piccadilly, W. National Council of the Unmarried Mother and her Child, 117 Picca- dilly, W. 28 Political History. BowYER, E. A short history of modern England, 1714-1910. 1911, Methuen, 14s.* Buckle, H. T. History of civilisation in England. 1904, Routledge, 7/6. Bury, J. B. A history of the freedom of thought. 1920, Williams & Norgate, 2/6. Dalberg-Acton, J. E. E. The history of freedom and other essays. 1919, Macmillan, 12/6. Dawson, W. H. The evolution of modern Germany. 1919, Fisher Unwin, 21s. DuHAMEL, Georges. Civilisation, 1914-18. 1919, Allen & Unwin, 6s. Egerton, H. E. Origin and growth of the British dominions. 1920, Oxford Press, 3/6. GoocH, G. P. History of our time. 1916, Wilhams & Norgate, 2/6. Harrison, B., ex-President U.S.A. The constitution and administration of the United States of America, 1897. D. Nutt, 5s.* Howe, Sonia E. A thousand years of Russian history. 1917, Wilhams & Norgate, 8/6. Levett, E. Europe since Napoleon. 1914, Blackie, 3/6. Marvin, F. S. The century of hope. 1919, Clarendon Press, 6s. Marx, Karl. Revolution and counter-revolution, or Germany in 1848. 1920, 3/6. Masterman, J. H. B. A history of the British constitution. 1920, Macmillan, 4s. Rose, J. Holland. The development of the European nations, 1870-1900. 1919, Constable, 10/6. Seeley, Sir J. R. The expansion of England. 1920, Mac- millan, 6s. Slater, G. Making of modern England. 1921, Constable, 7/6. Political Science. Addams, Jane. Democracy and social ethics. 1920, Mac- millan, I2S. Bagehot, W. The English constitution. 1920, Kegan Paul, 5s. Beer, M. History of British socialism. 2 vols. Bell. 1919, Vol. L, 12/6. 1920, Vol. n., 15s. Belloc and Chesterton. The party sj/stem. 191 1, Swift, 3/6. Bentinck, Lord Hy. Tory democracy. 1918, Methuen 3/6. Beveridge, Sir W. Public service in war and peace. 1920, Constable, 2s. 29 Political Science — continued. Branford and Geddes. Our social inheritance. 1919, Williams & Norgate, 6s. Brown, Ivor. English political theory. 1920, Methuen, 5/6. • The meaning of democracy. 1920, Cobden- Sanderson, 6s. Cannan, Gilbert. Freedom. 1917, AHen & Unwin, 2/6. Cecil, Lord Hugh. Conservatism. 1912, WiUiams & Nor- gate, IS. Chesterton, G. K. What's wrong with the world. 1910, Cassell, 6s. Cole and Mellor. The meaning of industrial freedom. 1918, Allen & Unwin, is. Cole, G. D. H. Social theory. 1921, Methuen, 6s. Courtney, L. The working constitution of the United King- dom. J. M. Dent, 1/9. Dickinson, G. Lowes. Justice and liberty. 1908, Dent, 4/6. DiLKE, Sir C. W. Problems of Greater Britain. 1890, Mac- millan, 12/6. Glasier, J. Bruce. The meaning of socialism. 1921, National Labour Press, 4/6. Henderson, Rt. Hon. A. The aims of labour. 1918, Allen & Unwin, is. Hobhouse, L. T. Liberalism. 1911, Williams & Norgate, is. — • — Democracy and reaction. 1908, Fisher Unwin, IS. HoBSON, J. A. Democracy after the war. 1919, Allen & Unwin, 5s. A modern outlook. Studies of English and American tendencies. 1910, Herbert & Daniel, 5s. Imperialism. A study. Constable.* Humphrey, A. W. A history of labour representation. 1912, Constable, 2/6. lLBERT,.Sir Courtney. Parliament : its history, constitution and practice. 1911, Williams & Norgate, 2s. " Jason." Past and future. 1918, Chatto & Windus, 3/6. Jenks, E. The State and the nation. 1919, J. M. Dent, 4s. Kautsky, Karl. Terrorism and communism. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 6s. KiDD, B. The science of power. 1918, Methuen, 6s. KiRKUP, T. Primer of socialism. 1920, Black, 3/6. Kropotkin, Prince. Mutual aid. 1915, Heinemann, is. Lansbury, G. Your part in poverty. 1917, Allen & Unwin, IS. Lenin, N. The State and revolution. Allen & Unwin, is.* The proletarian revolution, Kautsky the renegade. 1919, British Socialist Party, 3s. 30 Political Science — continued. Macdonald, J. R. Socialist movement. 1920, Williams & Norgate, 2/6. Mackenzie, J. S. Outlines of social philosophy. 1918, Allen & Unwin, 10/6. Masterman, J. H. B. The new Liberalism. 1920, Parsons, 7/6. McDoUGALL, W. An introduction to social psychology. 1921, Methuen, 8/6. The group mind. 1920, Cambridge University Press, 21S. Mill, John Stuart. On liberty, representative government, the subjection of women. 1912, Oxford University Press, 2/6. MuiR, Ramsay. Liberalism and industry. 1920, Constable, 7/6. MuiRHEAD, J. A. The service of the State. 1908, Murray.* Murray, Gilbert. The way forward. Three articles^ on Liberal policy. 1917, Allen & Unwin, is. O'Hegerty, p. S. Sinn Fein. 1916, Maunsell, 2/6. Paul, Edgar and Cedar. . Communism. 192 1, Labour Pub- lishing Co., 6d. Raffety, R. W. Future of party politics. 1918, Allen & Unwin, 2/6. Raven, C. E. Christian socialism. 1920, Macmillan, 17s. Russell, Bertrand. Principles of social reconstruction. 1921, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. Roads to freedom. Socialism. 1921, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. Seeley, Sir J. R. Introduction to political science. 1920, Macmillan, 6s. Snowden, p. Socialism and syndicalism. 1913, Collins, is.* Trotter, W. Instincts of the herd. 1921, Fisher Unwin, 8/6. Urwick, E. J. Philosophy of social progress. 1920, Methuen, 7/6. Wallas, Graham. Human nature in politics. 1920, Con- stable, I2S. The great society. 1919, Macmillan, los. Our social heritage. Macmillan, 2s. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. Constitution for socialist commonwealth. 1920, Longmans, 12/6. Zimmern, a. E. Nationality and government. 1918, Chatto & Windus, 10/6. Poor Law. Bosanquet, H. The poor law report. 1909, Macmillan, 3/6 and IS. Lonsdale, Sophia. The English poor laws, their history, principles and administration. 1902, P. S. King, is. 31 Poor Law — continued. NiCHOLLS, Sir G. History of the English poor law. 3 vols. 1910, P. S. King, 21S. Sellers, Edith. The Danish poor relief system. An example for England. 1910, P. S. King, 2s.* Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. English poor law policy. 1913, Longmans, 7/6. Widows' pensions. N. U.S. E.G. 4d. Break up the poor law and abolish the workhouse. Minority report of the Poor Law Commission, 1909. Longmans. Part L The break-up of the poor law, 7s. 6d. Part IL The public organisation of the labour market, 5s. Report of the Royal Commission on the poor laws and relief of distress, 1909. 3 vols. P.P., 4s. Report on administration of the poor law, Unemployed Work- men's Act and Old Age Pensions Act, 1919-20, Ministry of Health, P.P., 2s. Public Health. Bannington, G. B. English public health administration. 1915, P. S. King. 8/6. Brend, W. a. Health and the State. 1917, Constable, 10/6. Firth, R. H. Theory and practice of hygiene. 1908, Churchill.* Greenwood, Arthur. The health and physique of school children. 1914, P. S. King, is. Health Promoting Institutions, Conference of, held at the Guildhall, London, Dec. 1910. P. S. King, is. Horsley, Sir Victor, and Mary Sturge. Alcohol and the human body. 1920, Macmillan, 3s. HuTCHiNS, B. L. Public health agitation, 1833-48. 1909, Fifield.* Lane-Claypon, Dr. Janet E. Milk and its hygienic rela- tions. 1916, Longmans, 7/6. March, Norah H. Towards racial health. 1920, Routledge, 5s. Medical examination of schools and scholars. Edited by T. N. Kelynack, M.D. 1910, P. S. King, 12/6. Morris, Sir Malcolm. The nation's health. 1917, Cassell, 3/6. The story of English public health. 1919, Cassell, 5s. Newman, Sir George. Health of the State. 1913, Allen & Unwin, is. Saleeby, C. W. The whole armour of man. 1919, Grant Richards, 7/6. 32 Public Health — continued. The mortahties of birth, infancy and childhood. National Health Insurance, Medical Research Committee. P.P., 1/6. The problem of the feeble-minded. An abstract of the report of the royal commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded. 1909, P. S. King, is. Wanklyn, W. Mc. London public health administration. 1913, Longmans, 2/6. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. The State and the doctor. 1910, Longmans, 6s. An outline of the practice of preventive medicine. By Sir George Newman, chief medical officer. Ministry of Health. 1919, P.P., 6d. Annual reports of Board of Control, 1914-17. P.P. Annual reports of Local Government Board, 1912-1918. P.P. Annual reports of Ministry of Health, 1919-20. P.P., 2/6. Final report of committee on production and distribution of milk, 1920. P.P., 1/6. Report on administration of National Health Insurance Act, 1917-20. Ministry of Health. P.P., 2/6. Reports of chief medical ofhcer. Local Government Board, Annual. P.P., 2s. Report of royal commission on care and control of the feeble- minded, 1908. P.P., 4/4. National Health Society, 53 Berners Street, W.i. National Clean Milk Society, 2 Soho Square, W.i. Rural Conditions. (a) Villages. Aronson, Hugh. Our viUage homes. 1913, Murby, 1/6. Bennett, E. A. Problems of village life. 1913, Williams & Norgate, 2/6. Davis, Maude. Life in an English village. An economic survey of the parish of Corsley in Wiltshire. 1909, Fisher Unwin, 10/6.* Fordham, Montagu. Mother earth. A proposal for the permanent reconstruction of our country life. 1908, Simpkin, 5s. Gill, H. The village church in the olden time. 1903, Saxton (Nottingham), 1/6. GoMME, G. L. The village community. 1902, Walter Scott, Hammond, J. L. and Barbara. The village labourer, 1760- 1832. 1920, Longmans, 6s. 33 Rural Conditions continued. Jefferies, Richard. The toilers of the field. Longmans, 6s. RowNTREE. Village life after the war. Sayle, a. Village libraries. 1919, Grant Richards, 5s. Weaver, Lawrence. Village clubs and halls. 1920, Newnes, 7/6. {b) History. Cox, J. C. How to write the history of a parish. 1909, Allen & Unwin, 4/6. CuRTLER, H. V/. R. Short history of agriculture. Oxford University Press, 9/6. Green, F. E. A history of the agricultural labourer, 1870- 1920. P. S. King, i6s. The awakening of England. 1918, Nelson, 3/6. Guest, George. An introduction to English rural history. 6d. Hasbach, W. a history of the English agricultural labourer to 1894. Translated by Ruth Kenyon. 1920, P. S. King, 12/6. Skeat, W. S. The past at our doors. 1913, Macmillan, 2/6. (c) Miscellaneous. Jebb, L. The small holdings of England. A survey of various existing systems. 1907, Murray, 10/6. Pratt, Edwin. Agricultural organisation : its rise, principles and home. 1913, P. S. King, is. Radford, George. The State as farmer ; or the future of agriculture in England. 1915, Smith, Elder, 2/6. Report of Land Inquiry Committee. Vol. i. Rural. 19 13, Hodder & Stoughton, is. Vol. 2. Urban. 1914. is. Robinson, M. F. The spirit of association. 1913, Murray, 6s. Rowntree, B. Seebohm, and Mary Kendall. How the labourer lives. A study of the rural labour problem. 1918, Nelson, 3/6. Rowntree, B. S. Land and labour. 1910, Macmillan, 10/6. Trower, a. Our homestead and its old-world garden. 1920, Sampson Low, 3/6. Wolff, Henry W. Co-operation in agriculture. 1911, P. S. King, 7/6. Agricultural education for women. Report of agricultural educational conference. 1915, S.O.P., 1/3. Conference between representatives of county authorities on women's labour on the land. 1917, S.O.P., 2d. Wages and conditions of employment. Vol. i. General, 1920, P.P., 1/9. Vol.. 2. Appendices and evidence. 1920. P.P., 4s. 34 Sex Problems. (a) General. Bewes, W. a. a manual of vigilance laws. National Vigilance Association. Ellis, Havelock. Man and woman. 1914, Walter Scott, 7/6. FiNOT, Jean. Problems of the sexes. 1913, David Nutt, 12/6.* FoREL, August. Sexual ethics. 1908, New Age Press, is. The sexual question. (English adaptation by C. F. Marshall.) Rebman. Geddes, Patrick, and J. A. Thompson. The evolution of sex. 1914, Walter Scott.* Problems of sex. 191 2, Cassell, 6d. Sex. 1914, Williams & Norgate, is. Oilman, C. P. This man-made world. 1911, Leipzic. KiscH, K. Sexual life of woman in its physiological, patho- logical and hygienic aspects. 1910, Rebman, 21s. Leffingwell, Albert. Illegitimacy and the influence of seasons upon conduct. 1892, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. RoYDEN, A. Maude. Sex and common sense. 192 1, Hurst & Blackett, 4/6. The State and sexual morality. 1920, Allen & Unwin, is. Thomas, W. Sex and society. 1907, Chicago Press.* Weininger. Sex and character. 1906, Heinemann, 17s. {b) Education. Blanchard, Phyllis. The care of the adolescent girl. 1921, Kegan Paul, 7/6. Chesser, Elizabeth Sloane. From girlhood to womanhood. 1914, Cassell, 2/6.* Gallichan, Walter. Text-book of sex education. 1920, T. Wernie Laurie, 7/6. Hall, Stanley. Adolescence. Its psychology and its relation to physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion and education. 2 vols. Appleton, 50s. N. J. How we are born. 1920, Daniel, 3s. Slaughter, J. W. The adolescent. 1919, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. Webb, Helen. Life and its beginnings. 1913, Cassell, 2/6. (c) Prostitution. Addams, Jane. A new conscience and an ancient evil. 1913, Macmillan, 8/6. Flexner, Abraham. Prostitution in Europe (Publications of the Bureau of Social Hygiene.) 1914, Grant Richards, 12/6. 1919 (abridged edition), 6s. Haggard, Sir H. Rider. Regeneration. An account of the social work of the Salvation Army. 1910, Longmans, 3s. 35 Sex Problems — continued. Kneesland, C. J. Commercialised prostitution in New York cit}^ 1915, Grant Richards, 12/6. M. F. and J. F. Prostitution. The moral bearings of the problem. A chapter on venereal disease. Catholic Social Guild Series. 1915, P. S. King, 2/6. RoYDEN, A. Maude. Downward paths. An inquiry into the causes which contribute to the making of the prostitute. 1916, Bell, 2/6. (d) Venereal Disease. Butler, Josephine E. Personal reminiscences of a great crusade. 1911, Marshall, 2s. Ellis, Havelock. The task of social hygiene. 1912, Con- stable, 8/6. GoTTO, Mrs. The changing moral standard. N.S.C.V.D., 3d. Harman, N. B. Staying the plague. 1917, Methuen, 2/6. Martindale, L. Under the surface. Southern Publishing Co., Brighton, 6d. Necessity for equal moral standard in combating venereal Disease. International Women's Suffrage Alliance. Pankhurst, Christabel. The great scourge, and how to end it. 1913, E. Pankhurst, Lincoln's Inn House, is. Report on the prevention of venereal disease, being the report of special committee of the national council for combating venereal disease. 1921, Williams & Norgate, 21s. Scharlieb, Dr. Mary. The hidden scourge. 1916, Constable, IS. Equal moral standard. 1919, N.U.S.E.C, 4d. Report of Joint Select Committee (1918) on Criminal Law Amendment Bill and Sexual Offences Bill. 1920, P.P., 2s. Report of Royal Commission on Venereal Disease, appendices, minutes and final report. 1914-15, P.P., 9/4. Venereal diseases. Report by the medical officer of health on the venereal diseases scheme. London County Council. 1921, P. S. King, 2s. National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases, Avenue Chambers, Southampton Row, W.C.i. Association for Moral and Social Hygiene, 2 and 4 Great Smith Street, S.W.I. Association for Protection of Girls and Women, 60 Haymarket, S.W.i. Temperance Reform. Carter, Henry. The control of the drink traffic. 1918, Longmans, 4/6 and 2/6. Greenwood, Arthur. Public ownership of the liquor trade. 1920, Parsons, 4/6. 36 Temperance Reform — continued. HoRSLEY, Sir Victor, and Mary D. Sturge. Alcohol and the human body. 1920, Macmillan, 3s. Keating, Rev. J. The drink question. Catholic studies in social reform. 1914, P. S. King, 6d. Newsholme, Dr. Sir A. Prohibition in America. 1921, P. S. King, 2/6. Rowntree, J., and A. Sherwell. State purchase of the liquor trade. 1919, Allen & Unwin, is. Webb, S. and B. History of liquor licensing in England, 1700-1830. 1903, Longmans, 2/6. Carlisle and District control area. The general manager's report for 1918. Cd. 137. 1920, P.P., 3d. Do. do. for 1919. Cd. 666. 1920, P.P., 2d. Central control board, liquor traffic, ist report. Cd. 81 17. P.P., 1915, id. 2nd report. Cd. 8243. 1916, P.P., 3|d. 3rd report. Cd. 8558. 1917, P.P., 3d. 4th Report. Cd. 9055. 1918- P-P- 3d. Report of Ministry of Health on prohibition in America. 192 1. State purchase of the licensed liquor trade, report of com- mittee on. Cd. 8423. 1916, P.P., 2d. State purchase of the licensed liquor trade (Scotland), report of Committee on. Cd. 8319. 1916, P.P., 2d. State purchase. Operation and administration of laws relat- ing to sale of intoxicating liquor. 1917, 9d. Temperance Legislation League, Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.I. United Kingdom Alliance, i Victoria Street, S.W.i. Temperance Council of the Christian Churches, Amberley House, 12, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. National Temperance League, 34 Paternoster Row, E.C.4. British Women's Temperance Association, 47 Victoria Street, S.W.i. Women's Total Abstinence Union, 4 Ludgate Hill, E.C. Trade Unionism. Appleton, W. Trade unions. Cole, G. D. H. An introduction to trade unionism. 1918, Allen & Unwin, 5s. The world of labour. 1915, Bell, 5s. Drake, Barbara. Women and trade unions. Labour Re- search Department, 6s. Greenwood, John. The theory and practice of trade union- ism. Fabian Socialist Series, is. and 6d. Lloyd, C. M. Trade unionism. 1921, Black, 5s. Seller, E. Village trade unions in two centuries. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 3s. 37 Trades Unionism— continued. The restoration of trade union conditions. Nisbet, i/6. Thomas, Rt. Hon. J. H., M.P. When labour rules. 1920, Collins, los. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. The history of trade unionism. 1920, Longmans, 21s. Industrial democracy. 1920, Longmans, 21s. Williams, Robert. The new labour outlook. 1921, Parsons, 4/6. Guild Socialism. Cole, G. D. H. Chaos and order in industry. 1920, Methuen, 7/6. Self government in industry. 1920, Bell, 5s. Field, G. C. Guild socialism. A critical examination. 1920, Wells, 5s. Guild socialism. 1920, Fabian Society, 2d. HoBSON, S. G. Guild principles in war and peace. 1918, Bell, 2/6. National guilds. An enquiry into the wage system and the way out. 1919, Bell, 6s. Women in Industry and in the Professions. A summary of eight papers and discussions of mothers as workers. Basnett, Isabel. The woman as worker. Bennett, A. H. English medical women. 1915, Pitman, 3/6. Blackwell, Elizabeth. Pioneer work for women (medical). 1914, J. M. Dent, 2s. Cadbury, Matheson and Shann. Women's work and wages. 191 1, Fisher Unwin, is. Careers for educated women. Central Bureau for Employment of Women. Drake, Barbara. Women in the engineering trades. Fabian Research Dept. 1918, Allen & Unwin, 2/6. Women in trade unions. Labour Research Dept. 1920, Allen & Unwin, 8/6. Eraser, Helen. Women and war work. 1918, G. Clissold Shaw, $1.50. GiLMAN, C. P. Women and economics. 1920, Putnam, 7/6. HuTCHiNS, B. L. Women in modern industry. 1915, Bell, 4/6. Lee, John. The Church and women. 1916, Longmans, 6d. Married women's work. Ed. by Clementina Black. 1915. Bell, 3s. MORLEY, E. J. Women workers in seven professions. 1914, Routledge, 6s. '^9Sim 38 Women in Industry and in the Professions — continued. Osborne, H. M. Women's work in war-time. 1918, T. Werner Laurie, is. Pawlowski. a Les Syndicats feminins et les syndicats mixtes en France. Paris, Felix Alcan, 2 fr. 50 c. Phillips, Mary E. Our industrial laws. Report on condition of women and children wage-earners in the United States. 19 vols. U.S.A. Government. RowNTREE, B. Seebohm, and Frank D. Stuart. The responsibility of women workers for dependants. 1921, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 4/6. ScHREiNER, Olive. Women and labour. 1911, Fisher Unwin, 8/6. Smith, Ellen. Wage-earning women and their dependants. Fabian Society, is. Streeter, Rev. B. H., and E. Picton Turbevill. Woman and the Church. 1917, Fisher Unwin, 3/6. The ministry of women. A report by a committee appointed by His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. 1919, S.P.C.K., 12/6. Turbevill, E. Picton. Musings of a laywoman. 1919, Murray, 3/6. Christ and woman power. 1920, Morgan & Scott, 3/6. Wilkins, Mrs. Roland. The work of educated women in horticulture and agriculture. 1915, Women's Farm and Garden Union, is. WoLSEY, Viscountess. Women and the land. 1916, Chatto & Windus, 5s. Women and the labour party. Ed. by Dr. Marion Phihps. 1918, Allen & Unwin, is. Women as barmaids. Published for the Joint Committee on the Employment of W^omen as Barmaids. With a preface by the Bishop of Southwark. 1906, P. S. King, is.* Women in industry. A bibliography. Selected and arranged by Lucy Wyatt Papworth and Dorothy M. Zimmern. 1915, Women's Industrial Council, is. Women in the printing trades. A sociological study. Ed. by Ramsay Macdonald. 1904, P. S. King.* Women's war work. 1916, S.O.P., is. Annual reports of Chief Inspector of Factories. P.P. Changes in the employment of women and girls. P.P. Collection of pamphlets on the substitution of women in indus- try for enlisted men, prepared by the Home Office and the Board of Trade. 1914-15, S.O.P., 2d. each. Equal pay for equal work. 2 parts. N.U.S.E.C, 6d. Expenditure of wage-earning women and girls, 191 1. P.P., 6d. 39 Women in Industry and in the Professions continued. Five reports of Royal Commission on the Civil Service, 1912- 1914. P.P., 5/3. Minutes of evidence, March 6-14, 1913. P.P., 20s. Handbook and report of the National Union of Women Workers of Great Britain and Ireland, 1911-1917. Notes on employment of women on munitions of war. S.O.P., IS. Report of Home Office on women in non-munition factories during the war. 1916, P.P., is. Report of Select Committee on Home Work, 1908. P.P., 2s. Report of the War Cabinet Committee on women in industry, 1919. Cd. 167. P.P., 1/6. Reports on earnings and hours enquiry, in textile clothing and various miscellaneous trades and in agriculture, 1909-10. 5 parts. P.P., 9s. Reports on health of women. Munition Workers' Committee, P.P., 1/3 and 2s. Report on the employment of women on police duties 1920. S.O.P., 3d. Report on the statistics of employment of women and girls. 1894, P.P., 8d. The women police service. A report of work accomplished during the year 1916-17. 1/6. Fabian Society, 25 Tothill Street, S.W.i. National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, Evelyn House, 62 Oxford Street, W.i. Central Bureau for the Employment of Women, 5 Prince's Street, Cavendish Square, W.i. London Society for Women's Service, 58 Victoria Street, S.W.i. Labour Party, 33, Eccleston Square, S.W.i. Woman and the Law. Caiifornian laws of interest to women and children. 1917, California State Library. Hooper, W. The Englishwoman's legal guide. 1913, D. Nutt, 2/6. Maclaren, Lady. The woman's charter of rights and liberties. 1914, Grant Richards, 6d. OsTROGORSKi, M. The rights of women. A comparative study in history and legislation. 1908, Allen & Unwin 3/6. Parry, Judge E. A. The Law and the woman. 1916, Pearson, 40 Woman and the Law — continued. Smith, Rosamond. Legal status of wives and mothers. N.U.S.E.C. 1920, P. S. King, 3d. Stopes, C. C. British freewomen. Their historical privileges. 1904, Allen & Unwin, 3/6. Thicknesse, Ralph. The rights and wrongs of women. Nelson. Wallis, a. B., and M. W. Chapman. The status of women under the English law. 1909, Routledge, 1/6 and 3/6. Wilson, Jennie L. The legal and political status of women in the United States. 1912. Women's Movement. {a) Women's Suffrage. Blackburn, Helen. Record of women's suffrage. 1902, Williams & Norgate, 6s. Blease, W. Lyon. The emancipation of Englishwomen. 1913, David Nutt, 3/6.* BuissoN, F. Le vote des femmes. Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. Women's suffrage. A short history of a great movement. 1912, Jacks, 6d. • The woman's victory and after. 1920, Sidgwick & Jackson, 3/6. Greig, T. B. The militant suffrage movement. F. Palmer. Hart, Heber. Woman suffrage : a national danger. With preface by Rt. Hon. Lewis Harcourt, M.P. 1912, P. S. King, 1/6.* Impartial inquiry into the effects of woman suffrage in Australia and New Zealand. Conservative and LInionist Women's Franchise Association, 6d.* Lawrence, F. Pethick. Women's fight for the vote. 1910, Woman's Press, 6d. Macmillan, Chrystal. And shall / have a parliamentary vote? N.U.S.E.C, 3d. Mason, Bertha. The story of the women's suffrage move- ment. 1912, Sherratt & Hughes, is. Mathew, a. H. Woman suffrage. 1907, Jack, is.* Metcalfe, A. E. Women's effort. 1917, Blackwell, 4/6. Pankhurst, Sylvia. The suffragette. 1911, Gay & Han- cock, 7/6. Smith, W. Sidney. Outlines of the women's franchise move- ment in New Zealand. The case for woman's suffrage. Ed. by Brougham Villiers. 1907, Fisher Unwin, 2/6. Woman suffrage in practice. 1913, International Women's Suffrage Alliance, 1/6. 41 Women's Movement — continued. (a) Women's Suffrage — continued. Wright, Sir Almroth E. The Unexpurg^ted case against woman suffrage. 1913, Constable, 2/6. (&) Feminism. Addams, Jane. The long road of woman's memory. 1917, Macmillan, 10/6. Antony, Katharine. Feminism in Germany and Scandi- navia. 1916, Constable, 4/6. Bebel, August. Woman : past, present and future. 1907, W. Reeves, 2S. CoBBE, Frances Power. The duties of women.* CoLQUHOUN, Mrs. A. C. The vocation of women. 1913, Macmillan, 4/6. Davies, Emily. Thoughts on some questions relating to women. 1910, Bowes & Bowes, Cambridge.* George, W. L. Woman and to-morrow. 1912, FI. Jenkins, 2/6. Hartley, Mrs. C. Gasquoine. The position of women in primitive society. A study in matriarchy. 1914, Nash, 3/6. Hutchins, Miss B. L. Conflicting ideals. Two sides of the woman's question. 1916, Murby, is. Key, Ellen. The woman movement. Trans, by M. B. Borthwick. 1913, Putnams, 6s. Mayreder, Rosa. A survey of the woman's problem. Trans. by H. Scheffaner. 1913, Heinemann, 5s. Meakin, Annette. Women in transition. 1906, Methuen, 6s.* Meikle, Wilma. Towards a sane feminism. 1916, Grant Richards, 3/6. Mill, John Stuart. The subjection of women [1869]. 1912, Oxford University Press, 2/6. RoYDEN, A. Maude. Women and the sovereign state. 1917, Allen & Unwin, 2s. Snowden, Ethel. The feminist movement. 1913, Collins, IS. Some aspects of the woman's movement. Ed. by Zoe Fair- field. 1915, Student Christian Movement, 1/6 and 2/6. SwANWiCK, H. M. The future of the women's movement. 1913, Bell, 2/6. WooLSTONECRAFT, Mary. A vindication of the rights of women [1791]. Fisher Unwin.* Yates, L. K. The woman's part. 1918, Hoddcr & Stovighton, 2/6. 42. The Englishwoman. 33 vols. 1909-1919. The religious aspect of the woman's movement. The Collegium. 6d. National Union' of Societies for Equal Citizenship, Evelyn House, 62 Oxford Street, W.i. Women's Freedom League, 144 High Holborn, W.C.i . The National Council of Women of Great Britain and Ireland, Parlia- ment Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.i. Printed in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner, Frome and London, irSIVERSITY OF CALIFORNUt AT LOS ANGELES p. S. KING & SON, LTD. WEALTH. A Brief Examination of the Causes of Economic Welfare. By Edwin Cannan, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Political Economy in the University of London. Second Edition, Eighth Impression. 6s. Postage 6d. " Mr. Cannan is probably the most trenchant, suggestive, and original of living economists." — Glasgow Herald. A PRIMER OF TAXATION. An Introduction to Public Finance. By E. A. Lever, B.Sc. Price 2s. 6d. Postage 3^. Chap. I. — Introductory — Public Expenditure. II. — Public Income. III. — The Theory of Taxation. IV.— Some Important Taxes. V. — Finance Accounts of the U.K. VI. — PubHc Credit. VII. — Local Taxation. S. 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