A3 UC-NRLF ^B 3Dfl Ifl? ^ >wmu ^ CIRCULAR RELATING TO THE ENLISTMENT OF MEN FOR THE UNITED STATES NAVY WASHINGTON 1915 CIRCULAR RELATING TO THE ENLISTMENT OF MEN FOR THE UNITED STATES NAVY WASHINGTON 1915 {To supersede all previous issties.) As BUREAU OF NAVIGATION, NAVY DEPARTMENT. Washington, D. C, March 1, 1915. CIRCULAR RELATING TO THE ENLISTMENT OF MEN FOR THE UNITED STATES NAVY. {For the information and guidance of recruiting officers and applicants.) The term of enlistment of all enlisted men of the Navy shall be 4 years, except minors over 17 and under 18 years of age, who shall be enlisted for the period of minority. Minors under 17 can not enlist in the Navy. No enlistments for special service are allowed. No minor under the age of 18 years will be enlisted without the written consent of the partent who is his legal guardian; or, if both parents are dead, of a legally appointed guardian. Only such persons shall be enlisted as can reasonably be expected to remain in the service, and when enlisted must serve out the term of their enlistment, and cannot be discharged prior to that time, except for cause or as hereinafter provided. Every person before being enlisted must pass the physical exam- ination prescribed in the medical instructions, and no person shall be enlisted for the naval service unless pronounced fit by the com- manding and medical officers. Table of 'physical proportions for height, weighty and chest measurement of adults. Height Weight Chest, (bare- (without mean footed). clothes). circum- ference. Inches. Pounds. Inches. 64 128 33 65 130 33 66 132 33>^ 67 134 34 68 141 34H 69 148 34M 70 155 35M 71 162 36 72 169 36^ 73 176 36K The minimum height for acceptance of a man 21 years old or over is 64 inches barefooted. The minimum weight for acceptance of a man 21 years old is 128 pounds. A variation of 10 pounds, not to fall below 128 pounds in weight, or 2 inches in chest measurement below the standard given in the table for adults, is admissible when the applicant for enlistment is active, has firm muscles, and is evidently vigorous and healthy, except for enlistment in the rate of coal passer, for which rate full standard measurements will be required. Chest expansion of less than 2 inches in a minor or of less than 2 J^ inches in an adult is a sufficient cause for rejection of an appHcant. The tables are given to show what is regarded as a fair standard of physical proportions and not as an absolute guide to be followed in deciding upon the acceptance of recruits. i^4 For a minor enlisting as apprentice seaman: . Minimum height barefooted. Minimum weight without clothes. At 1 7 years of age At 18 years oi age At 1 9 years of age At 20 years of age Inches. 62 64 64 64 Pounds. 110 115 120 125 No underweight or unclerheight is allowed in minors. Marked disproportion of weight over height is not a cause for rejec- lion unless the applicant is positively obese. Any one cf the following conditions will be sufficient to cause the rejection of the applicant: 1. Feeble constitution^ general poor physique, or impaired general health. 2. Any disease or deformity, either congenital or accjuired, that vvould impair efficiency, such as: Weak or deranged intellect, cutan- eous disease not of a mild type, parasites of the skin or its append- ages, deformity of the skull, abnormal curvature of the spine, tor- ticolUs, inequality of upper or lower extremities, inefficiency of joints or limbs, deformity of joints or bones, either congenital or the result of disease or injury, flat feet, evidence of epilepsy or other convul- sions, defective vision (minimum ^f S. in either eye), disease of the eye, color-blindness, impaired hearing or disease of the ear, chronic nasal catarrh, ozsena, polypi, great enlargement of tonsils, impedi- ment of speech, disease of heart or lungs or predisposition to such disease, enlarged abdominal orgar.s or evidence of cirrhosis, tumors, hernia, undescended testicle, large varicocele, sarocele, hydrocele, stricture, fistula, hemorrhoids, large varicose veins, disease of the genito-urinary organs, chronic ulcers, ingrowing nails, bad corns, large bunions, deformity of toes, loss of many teeth or teeth generally unsound (teeth properly filled not to be considered unsound) . Every recruit must have at least 20 sound teeth, and of these not less than 4 opposed incisors and 4 opposed molars. 3. Any acute disease. Each recruit shall be required to take the oath of allegiance. He will also be required to declare en oath, in the presence of the re- cruiting officer, that he makes a true statement as to the date and place of his birth, and his previous service, if any, in the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, or Revenue-Cutter Service; and also that he is not subject to fits, has no disease concealed or likely to be inherited, and has no stricture or internal piles. Free outfit of clothing, amounting to $60, is furnished every en- listed man of the Navy on first enhstment. Applicants for enlistment must be American citizens, native or naturalized, and must be able to read and write English. Every applicant for enlistm^ent in the ratings of seaman, ordinary seaman, and apprentice seaman must, if a minor, present a certifi- cate of birth^ or verified written statement by his parents or either of them, or m case of their death, a verified written statenient by his legal guardian, showing the applicant to be of age required by the Navy regulations, before he can be enlisted. He must also pro- duce satisfactory evidence of his United States citizenship, native or naturalized. No minor under the age of 17 years, no insane or intoxicated per- son, and no deserter from the naval or military service of the United States shall be enlisted in the naval service. No man convicted of any serious offense will be enlisted without special permission of the Bureau of Navigation. No one who has already been in the naval or military service or the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States shall be enlisted without showing his discharge therefrom. Should it be claimed that the discharge has been lost, the circumstances shall be reported to the Navy Department. Beneficiaries who have been admitted to the Naval Home and pensioners shall not be enlisted. Any person with a continuous-service certificate which is indorsed ^'discharged with a bad-conduct discharge," ' 'dishonorably dis- charged," or "not recommended for reenlistment," shall not be re- enhsted. Fraudulent enlistment, and the receipt of any pay or allowances thereunder, is an offense against naval discipline, and is punishable by general court-martial. (Act approved March 3, 1893.) First enlistment in the Navy shall be made only in the ratings of the following table and between the ages therein specified for the different ratings: Rating. Years of age. Rating. Years of age. 21 to 30 18 to 30 17 to 25 18 to 25 21 to 30 21 to 30 21 to 30 21 to 30 21 to 30 21 to 30 21 to 30 Shipfitters, second class Coppersmiths 21 to 30 Ordinary seamen 2 1 to 30 Apprentice seamen Firemen, first class 21 to 30 Landsmen (not for seamen branch) Firemen, second clas.s 21 to 30 Coal passers 21 to 30 Shipwrights Hospital apprentices Bakers, second class Mess attendants, third clans.. Ship]s cooks, fourth class .... Musicians, first class Musicians, second class Painters, third class 18 to 25 liiacksmiths 21 to 30 Plumbers and fitters Sailmakers' matea 18 to 30 18 to 30 Machinists* mates, first class. :}.Iachini3t3* mates, second class 21 to 30 2 1 to 30 21 to 30 Boilermakers Frequently enlistments are suspended in some of the ratings mentioned in this table; and an applicant should not take it for granted that enlistments are made in a given trade, but should in- quire before incurring expense of travel. Men possessing a mechanical trade not enumerated in the above table may be enlisted for duty in that trade, even if over 25, pro- vided they are under 30 years of age. No man shall be enlisted as a seaman, or ordinary seaman, without permission of the Bm'eau of Navigation, unless he shall have been discharged from the Navy with recommendation for reenlistment. Ordinary seamen receive $20.90 a month, and are advanced when qualified, and vacancies occur, to seamen, at $26.40 per month. Seamen are eligible, if qualified, to fill vacancies as petty officers. No man shall be enlisted as fireman, first class, unless he shall have had two years* experience at eea in a fireroom. In all cases appli- cants shall be required to pass a satisfactory examination. Apprentice seaman. — Pay, $17.60 per month. Applicants enlisted are sent to training stations and given such instruction as tends to make them eligible for promotion to the higher ratings in the seaman branch of the service. Special care should be taken in enlisting men for the artificer class to see that they have knowledge of the trade required. Coal passers. — Pay, $24.20 per month. Applicants for this rating must have had actual experience as coal passers in the Navy or on board a merchant vessel. The recruiting officer may use his dis- cretion in enlisting a man who is especially desirable, notwithstand- ing the fact that he has had no previous experience on board ship in the duties of this rating. 6 Firemen^ second ckss.— Pay, $33 per month. Must have had experience as firemen, preferably on board steamer; must under- stand the management of the fires, and must have some knowledge of the engines, different pumps, boilers and attachments thereto, and their uses. Firemen, first class, — Pay, $38.50 per month. Must have had two years' experience as fireman on board a steamer; must be familiar with marine engines and boilers and their attachments ; must thorough- ly understand the management of the fires, the use and regulation of the different valves on the boilers, and the different pumps; should know how to put on a soft patch, and to be able to wrap pipes to stop leak; must be able to pack the stuffing boxes around the engines, and to grind in valves, etc. ; also to oil the different parts of the engine. Shipwrights. — Pay, $27.50 per month. ^ Applicants for enlistment as shipwrights must be fairly familiar with the ordinary woodwork repairs generally required on board ship. Carpenters^ mateSy third class. — Pay, $33 per month. Applicants for enlistment in this rating will be enlisted as shipwrights (for carpenters' mates, third class), and upon qualifying as a result of examination on board a naval vessel will be promoted to carpenters' mates, third class. Carpenters' mates, second class. — ^Pay, $38.50 per month. Appli- cants for enlistment in this rating will be enlisted as shipwrignts (for carpenters' mates, second class), and upon qualifying as a result of examination on board a naval vessel will be promoted to carpen- ters' mates, second class. Carpenters' mates, first class. — Pay, $44 per month. This rating is obtained by promotion from carpenters' mates, second class. Chief carpenters' mates. — Pay, $55 per month. This rating is obtained by promotion from carpenters' mates, first class. Carpenters. — Pay, $1,500 to $2,400 per year. This grade is at- tained by promotion from the subordinate ratings in this branch after examination. A carpenter is a warrant officer. Machinists' mateSy second class. — Pay, $44 per month. Appli- cants for enlistment in this rating must be machinists by trade; must be familiar with the names and uses of the various parts of marine or stationary engines and boilers; must be able to perform work with the various tools in a machine shop, including bench work; must be able to write legibly and understand arithmetic; 'must be physically sound, and at the date of first enlistment must be not less than 21 nor more than 30 years of age. Machinists' mates, second class, are not required to have had experience at sea with marine engines; they may be assigned to duty as water tenders and oilers. The examination of candidates for enlistment as machinists' mates regarding their knowledge of engines and boilers will be made, if practicable, in the engine rooms of ships, and regarding their knowl- edge of machine work in the workshops of navy yards. Machinists' mates, first class. — Pay, $60.50 per month. Appli- cants for enlistment as machinists' mates, first class, must have had experience at sea for one year with marine engines, in addition to the qualifications for machinists' mates, second class. Machinists' mates, second class, are promoted to machinists' mates, first class, as soon as they prove their qualification on board a cruising vessel and vacancies exist. Machinists' mates, first class, will, if qualified, be given charge of an engine-room watch when there is not a sufficient number of chief machinists' mates on board to perform this duty. Chief machinists' mates. — Pay, $77 per month. Chief machinists^ mates will have charge of engine-room watches. No person will be enlisted as chief machinists' mate unless he holds a permanent ap- E ointment as such. The rating of chief machinists' mate is attained y promotion from the lower ratings in this branch. Machinists^ Warrant Officers. — Pay, $1,500 to $2,400 per year. This grade is obtained by promotion from the subordinate ratings in the machinist branch. Coppersmiths. — Pay, $60.50 per month. Applicants for enlist- ment in this rating must be competent coppersmiths by trade and preferably with previous sea experience. Boilermakers. — ^Pay, $71.50 per month. Applicants for enlist- ment in this rating must be competent boilermakers by trade and preferably with previous sea experience. Boilermakers are enlisted only to nil vacancies, and appHcants should first ascertain if men are needed in this rating before applying. Blacksmiths. — Pay, $55 per month. Applicants for enlistment in this rating must be competent blacksmiths by trade and prefer- ably with previous sea experience. ^ Blacksmiths are enlisted only by permission of the Bureau of Navigation. ShipfitterSj second class. — Pay, $44 per month. Applicants for en^ listment in this rating must have a good knowledge of the drainage systems, flooding systems,^ magazines and trimming-tank systems, ventilating systems, and similar construction and repair auxiliaries as fitted on naval vessels; a good knowledge of the care and opera- tion of the ventilating blowers (except electric motors) ; and knowl- edge of the methods of construction and ability to make repairs in steering engines, steering apparatus, windlass, and winches. He should be able to run simple machine tools and be a good ''bench or vise hand," as known in the trade. ShipfitterSf first class. — Pay, $60.50 per month. This rating is obtained by promotion from shipfitter, second class, after proving capabilities on board ship. Electricians. — Applicants for enlistment as electricians tnust be qualified either for general electricity or radio (wireless) operators. They must either know the names and uses of the various parts of a dyiiamo and dynamo engine, be familiar with the ordinary types of switchboards and methods of wiring, or they must be competent operators of the Morse telegraphic code or have sufficient knowl- edge of radio telegraphy to qualify as an operator. In either case they must be able to write legibly and understand elementary arith- metic. The age limit is 18 to 25. Men in this rating will be enlisted as landsman for electrician; pay, $17.60 per month. Electricians, third class. — Pay, $33 per month, having served the probationary period, must, in order to be rated electricians, second class ($44 per month), be qualified to stand a watch in charge of the dynamo room, send and receive wiieless messages, and make a dia- gram of the sending and receiving circuits of at least one system of wireless telegraphy. Electricians, second class, for both general electrical work and wireless telegraphy, having served the required probationary time under the regulations, to be eligible for promotion to the rate of electricians, f&st class, to fill vacancies in complement, must be well grounded in the construction and use of all electrical apparatus on board ship and possess a considerable skill in either branch. Electricians, first class. — Pay, $55 per month. This rating is ob- tained by promotion from electricians, second class. In addition to the qualifications for promotion from electrician, second class, to electrician, first class, knowledge of the care and use 8 of Htorage batteries and oil engines is required of electricians, first class, to be eligible for the rate of chief electrician. Chief electricians. — Pay, $66 per month, under acting appointment, and $77 per month, with permanent appointment. This rating is obtained by promotion from electricians, first class. Gunners, Warrant Officers.— Psiy, $1,500 to $2,400 a year. This grade is obtained by promotion from subordinate ratings in this branch. Yeomen (clerical force) . — Applicants for enlistment for yeomen must write a legible hand, be competent typewriters, and have had clerical experience. They will be enlisted as landsman (for yeomen, third class), and they will be rated yeomen, third class, after they qualify at the yeomen class. The pay of yeomen, third class, is $33 per month. Men who are competent stenographers and typewriters, and who have had previous clerical experience, will be enlisted for yeomen, second class, and will be so rated after qualifying at the yeomen class. Pay, $38.50 per month. Yeomen, second or third class, who have completed the course of instruction at the yeomen class, are transferred to cruising vessels as needed. Yeomen, first class. — Pay, $44 per month. This place is filled by the promotion of yeomen, seconcf class, who have served the proba- tionary period, and who are recommended by their commanding officers. Chief yeomen are chief petty officers, who receive $66 a month, and are selected from qualified yeomen, first class, preferably from those who have been honorably discharged and have reenlisted within four months. After one year's service as chief yeomen they may be examined, and if found qualified are given a permanent ap- pointment at $77 per month. Plumbers and fitters. — Pay, $49.50 per month. Must be competent plumbers and fitters by trade, preferably with previous sea experi- ence. Enlisted only by permission. Sailmakers^ mates. — Pay, $44 per month. Enlistments in this rating are only made as a result of examination at a navy yard, proving competency. Painters, third class. — Pay, $33 per month. Must be competent painters by trade, preferably with previous sea experience. Painters are enlisted only to fill vacancies. Painters, second class. — Pay, $38.50 per month. This rating is obtained by promotion from painters, third class. Painters, first c?ass.-— Pay, $44 per month. This rating is obtained by promotion from painters, second class. Ship's cooks, fourth class. — Pay, $27.50 per month. Must be com- petent plain cooks. Recruits will be enlisted as landsman (for ship's cook), pay $17.60 a month, and will be sent to the commissary school, where they will be required to qualify before given the rating of ship's cook. Ship's cooks, third class. — Pay, $33 per month. Applicants for this rating will be enlisted as landsmen (for ship's cook, third class). Applicants must be desirable and competent, and will be rated upon proving quaUfications on board ship. Ship's cooks, second class. — Pay $44 per month. Applicants for this rating will be enlisted as landsmen (for ship's cook, second class). Applicants must be specially desirable and competent, and will l)e rated upon proving qualifications on board ship. 9 Ship^s cook, first cZa^s.— Pay, $60.50 per month. This rating is obtained by promotion from the rating of ship's cook, second class. Co7nmissary stewards. — Pay, $66 per month. Must be qualified by examination and experience on board ship, and must have a thorough knowledge of keeping accounts, the purchase of supplies, and the supervision and control of a considerable number of cooks and messmen, and be competent to superintend the messing arrange- ment of messes for 150 to 300 men. First enlistments in this rating luive been discontinued. Applicants for commissary steward are limited to qualified ship's cooks, first class, and bakers, first class. Chief commissary steivards. — Pay, $77 per month. Men in this rating are promoted from commissary stewards after qualifying by the examination and experience on board ship. Qualifications are tlie same as for commissary steward, excepting that they must be competent to provide for and superintend the messing arrangement of messes of from 300 to 850 men. Cabin stewards. — Pay, $55 per month. Applicants for enlistment in this rating must present recommendations showing previous ex- perience and that they are competent to purchase the necessary supplies, keep the necessary accounts, and have sufficient force to superintend m all respects the cooks and mess attendants under their charge. Applicants will be enlisted as mesa attendants, third class, and then rated cabin steward. Wardroo7n stewards. — Pay, $55 per month. Applicants for enlist- ment in this rating must present recommendations showing pre- vious experience and that they are competent to purchase the nec- essary supplies, keep the necessary accounts, and have sufficient force to superintend in all respects the cooks and mess attendants under their charge, and to cater to from 12 to 30 persons. Applicants will be enlisted as mess attendant, third class, and then rated ward- room steward. Steerage stewards. — Pay, $38.50 per month. Applicants for enlist- ment in this rating must present recommendations showing previous experience and that they are competent to purchase the necessary supplies, keep the necessary accounts, and have sufficient force to superintend in all respects the cooks and mess attendants under their charge, and to cater to from 8 to 18 persons. Applicants will be enlisted as mess attendant, third 'class, and then rated steerage steward. Warrant officers^ stewards. — Pay, $38.50 per month. ^ Applicants for enlistment in this rating must present recommendations showing previous experience and that they are competent to purchase the necessary supplies, keep the necessary accounts, and have sufficient force to superintend in all respects the cooks and mess attendants under their charge, and to cater to from 6 to 12 persons. Applicants will be enlisted as mess attendant, third class, and then rated war- rant officers* steward. Cabin cooks. — Pay, $49.50 per month. Must be competent and first-class cooks and present recommendations showing reliability and ability. Applicants wuU be enlisted as mess attendant, third class, and then rated cabin cook. Wardroom cooks. — Pay, $49.50 per month. Must be competent and first-class cooks and present recommendations showing reli- ability and ability. Must be competent to cook for from 12 to 30 persons. Applicants will be enlisted as mess attendant, third class, and then rated wardroom cook. Steerage cooks. — Pay, $33 per month. Must be competent and first-class cooks and present recommendations showing reliability and ability. Must be competent to cook for from 8 to IS /persons. 10 Applicants will be enlisted as mess attendant, third class, and then rated steerage cook. Warrant officers^ cooks. — Pay, $33 per month. Must be first-class plain cooks and present recommendations showing reliability and ability. Must be competent to cook for froni 6 to 12 persons. Appli- cants will be enlisted as mess attendant, third class, and then rated warrant officers^ cook. When mess attendants who have been advanced to the rating of cook or steward have served one year in said ratings and are recom- mended by their commanding officers, they shall be given certificates of qualification from the Bureau of Navigation, and so long as they hold such certificates shall be reenlisted in the rating designated on the same. Certificates of qualification may be revoked for in- competency, undesirabihty, or bad conduct. All stewards and cooks in the messman branch, who are citizens of the United States, and who hold certificates of qualification as stewards or cooks- shall receive $5.50 per month additional to the pay of their rating while holding such certificate, such additional pay to be of a permanent character as regular pay. Mess attendants, third class. — Pay, $17.60 per month (if American citizens, pay is $22 per month). Only desirable appHcants who have had previous experience in hotels, clubs, restaurants, or private families will be enlisted in this rating, ana then only upon present- ing recommendations from previous employers. Mess attendants, second class. — Pay, $22 per month (if American citizens, pay is $27.50 per month). Vacancies in this rating are filled by promotion of competent mess attendants, third class, who have served satisfactorily in that rating. Mess attendants, first class. — Pay, $26.40 per month (if American citizens, $33 per month). Vacancies in this rating are filled by pro- motion of competent mess attendants, second class, who have served satisfactorily in the rating of mess attendant, second class. Mess attendants, third class, will not be rated mess attendants, second class, imtil they have served satisfactorily for one year as mess attendants, and mess attendants, second class, will not be rated mess attendants, first class, until they have served satisfactorily for two years as mess attendants. Well qualified and deserving mess attendants, second or third class, may, however, be advanced in rating earlier by special authority from the Bureau of Navigation. To be eligible for promotion, their standing in proficiency, sobriety, and obe- dience must not be less than 4- Bakers, second class. — Pay, $38.50 per month. Must be bakers by trade and must present recommendations showing qualifications and reliability. Bakers are enlisted as landsmen ^ (for baker) , pay $17.60 a month, and wiU be sent to the commissary school, where they will be required to qualify before given the rating of baker. Bakers, first class. — Pay, $49.50 per month. This rating is ob- tained by promotion from bakers, second class, after proving capa- bihties on board ship. Hospital apprentices. — Pay, $22 per month. Applicants for en- listment in or transfer to the rating of hospital apprentice will be examined in arithmetic, orthography, writing (legible and grammat- ical), geography, and history of the United States. Hospital train- ing and a knowledge of nursing will be considered to the advantage of the applicant. For the present enlistments in the Hospital Corps are made in the rating of hospital apprentice only. Hospital apprentices, first class. — Pay, $33 per month. Enlisted only by permission. Applicants for enlistment in and for duty as such, or promotion to the rating of hospital apprentice, first class, 11 will be examined on the following subjects, viz. : General Education. — Arithmetic, orthography, writing (legible and grammatical), geo- graphy, and history of the United States. Professional. — Clinical notes and preparation of temperature charts; doses of drugs in com- mon use; employment of remedies other than by mouth, as poul- tices, enemata, counter-irritants, hydrotherapeutic agents, etc.; names and uses of surgical instruments and those employed in clini- cal diagnosis; preparation of patients for operation, including methods of sterilizing instruments, dressing, etc.; preliminary treatment of the more common cases of poisoning; application of bandages and splints and treatment of hemorrhage; preparation of food for the sick; preparation of beds and adjustment of clothing of patients. Applicants for this rating from civil life should make application to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, stating age, citizenship, and experience, accompanied by testimonials. Hospital stewards. — Men who have held a permanent appoint- ment as hospital apprentice, first class, for 12 months or more may be examined for an acting appointment as hospital steward. Pay, $66 per month. Applicants from civil life will not be examined for this rating. Men who have held an acting appointment as hospital steward for one year and are recommended by tkeir commanding officers may receive a permanent appointment, the pay for which is $77 per month. Musicians. — An applicant for enlistment as musician, first or second class, must be able to read band music and must prove his ability to play some band instrument. Men for this rating are en- listed as musician, second class, $33 per month ; or, if specially well qualified as musician, first class, $35.20 per month. Enlistment made only to fill vacancies. First musician. — Pay, $39.60 per month. This rating is filled by promotion of musicians, first class. Bandmaster. — Pay, $57.20 per month. This rating is filled by the promotion of first musicians who are specially well qualified and recommended for the position. Promotions to this rating are made only to fill vacancies. Chief petty officers. — All chief petty officers who qualify by exami- nation and are given permanent appointments receive $77 per month and allowances. Additional pay for reenlistment. — To provide adequate compensa- tion for trained men the pay prescribed for each rating in the Navy is hereby increased $5.50 per month during the second period of service and a further sum of $3.30 per month during each and every subsequent period of service: Provided j That only enlisted men who are citizens of the United States and whose second and subsequent periods of service each follow next after service in the Navy that was terminated by reason of expiration of enlistment shall receive the benefits of the increased pay named herein: Provided further, That, in the cases of men who are or were finally discharged from the Navy by reason of expiration of enlistment, the first enhstment on or after the date of this order shall be considered the second Eeriod of service, which shall carry with it the increased pay provided y this order except that men discharged on recommendations of boards of medical survey shall, if they reenter the service, be given credit for any previous periods of service in the Navy which were terminated by reason of expiration of enlistment. Reenlistments. — A reenlistment in the Navy can be made in any one of the ratings shown in the table for first enlistments without 12 regard to age limits, provided the applicant is physically and other- wise qualified for enlistment in that rating. Should any person claim that his discharge has been lost, the case, with such means of identifying the person as can be obtained, shall be reported to the Navy Department for verification. Every person w^ho, upon the expiration of a four-year term of en- listment, holds an honorable discharge, an ordinary discharge bear- ing a recommendation for reenlistment, or a continuous-service certificate upon which there is endorsed ''honorable" or ''ordinary" discharge, shall, on presenting himself for reenhstment at any naval rendezvous or receiving ship, or on board any cruising ship not in the presence of a rendezvous or receiving ship, within four months from date of his discharge as shown thereon, be immediately reen- listed, regardless of complement, provided he is physically quahfied and answers to the descriptive list of his discharge. Should any person eligible for continuous service be found phy- sically disqualified for reenlistment, a copy of the record of his medi- cal examination shall be forwarded immediately to the Navy De- partment, with the recommendations of the commanding and medical officers. Pending a reply from the department, the discharge shall be held by the recruiting officer, and the owner may, if he so elect, remain during such time on board ship. Any enlisted man being honorably discharged who reenlists for four years within four months shall, on presenting his honorable discharge, or on accounting in a satisfactory manner for its loss, be entitled to pay during the said foiu: months equal to that to which he would have been entitled had he been employed in actual service; and any man who has received an honorable discharge from his last term of enlistment, or who has received a recommendation for reen- listment upon the expiration of his last term of service, w^ho reen- lists for a term of four years within four months from the date of his discharge, shall receive an increase of $1.50 per month to the pay prescribed for the rating in which he served for each consecutive reenlistment, besides the increase allowed in the Executive order above quoted. Any person who, upon the expiration of a four-year enlistment, receives an honorable discharge, or a recommendation for reenlist- ment indorsed upon an ordinary discharge, shall, upon reenlistment for four years within four months from the date of his discharge, receive in exchange for said discharge a continuous-service certificate. A petty officer honorably discharged with a permanent appoint- ment, who presents himself for reenlistment within four months from the date of his discharge, shall, if physically qualified, be en- listed in the rating of the permanent appointment under which he was serving at the time of his discharge. Men holding certificates as seamen gunners are entitled to the pay prescribed for said rating, and are entitled to reenlist as such. Other persons can be reenlisted only in one of those ratings in which first enlistment is authorized on page 5. A man holding an acting appointment as petty officer who reen- lists within four months will be given an acting appointment in the same rating if his record and conduct warrant it. Ship^s cooks, 3d and 4th classes; bakers, 2d class, and mess attend- ants may, within four months from the date of honorable discharge, reenlist in the rating and class in which discharged. Officers' cooks and stewards holding certificates of qualification reenlisting within four months from date of honorable discharge are to be enlisted in the rating designated on the certificate. When an applicant has signed tlie shipping articles and taken the oath of allegiance the enlistment may be cancelled if he does not appear for transportation, provided the government has been put 13 to nb expense in his enlistment. If the government has incuiTeermanent appointments, $7 7 per month. 15 Artificer Branch — Continued. Chief petty officer s*^ — P»r month. Chief water tenders . 55 . 00 Chief carpenters' mates 55 . 00 Chief electricians 66 . 00 Chief machinists' mates 77 . 00 Special Branch: Landsmen 1 7 . 60 Hospital apprentices 22 . 00 Buglers 33 . 00 Musicians, second class 33 . 00 Musicians, first class 35 . 20 Petty officers, third class — Hospital apprentices, first class 33 . 00 Yeomen, third class 33 , 00 Petty officers, second class — Yeomen, second class 38.50 Petty officers, first class — Yeomen, first class 44 . 00 First musicians -. 39 . 60 Chief petty officers ^ — Bandmasters 57 . 20 Hospital stewards 66 . 00 Chief yeomen 66 . 00 Commissary Branch: Landsmen 17 . 60 Bakers, second class v 38 . 50 Bakers, first class 49 . 50 Ships* cooks, fourth class 27 . 50 Ships' cooks, third class 33 . 00 Ships* cooks, second class 44 . 00 Ships* cooks, first class 60 . 50 Commissary steward 66 . 00 Chief commissary steward 77 . 00 MsssMAN Branch: Mess attendants, third class (if American citizens) .... 22 .00 Mess attendants, second class (if American citizens) . . 27.50 Mess attendants, first class (if American citizens) 33 .00 Warrant officers' cooks 33 . 00 Warrant officers' stewards 38 . 50 / Steerage cooks 33 . 00 Steerage stewards 38 . 50 Wardroom cooks 49 . 50 Wardroom stewards 65 . 00 Cabin cooks 49 . 50 Cabin stewards 65 . 00 Cooks to commandants 65 . 00 Stewards to commandants 66 . 00 Cooks to commanders in chief 65 . 00 Stewards to commanders in chief 66 . 00 Any request made to the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Washington, D. C, or to the commanding officers of the following- named receiving ships and training stations, for information regard- ing enlistment in the naval service will receive prompt attention: Receiving ship at— Navy yard, Boston, Mass. Navy yard, New York, N. Y. Navy yard, Philadelphia, Pa. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Navy yard, Norfolk, Va. Navy yard, Charleston, S. C. Bremerton, Wash. *Pay of chief petty officers on receiving permanent appointments, $77 per month. 16 U. S. Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I. U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, North Chicago, 111. U. S. Naval Training Station, San Francisco, Cal. U. S. Navy yard, Portsmouth, N. H. U. S. Navy yard, Washington, D. C. Or at any Navy recruiting station. Recruiting parties make occasional visits to cities throughout the country. Those desiring to enter the service residing at a distance from a navy yard or recruiting station should communicate with tlie Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Victor Blue, Chief of Bureau. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DBSK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RenewedTotl^«l%«biectto^-«^^ "octWBa^ LD 2lA-60m-4 '64 (E4555sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley I ti M- '